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Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, February 28, 2009. |
![]() A vineyard in Gush Etzion in early spring. This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: Look closely and you may be able to count more than 30 stripes of varying colors running across the frame of this photograph. For some unknown reason, it reminded me of a Neapolitan ice cream bar three perfect pieces of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. I followed the evolution of this view over a period of weeks last Spring as I shuttled my son to and from a Judo class on the outskirts of Efrat, in Gush Etzion. What began as a uniformly brown terrain emerged about a month later as this candy-striped scene. This small valley lies below the road, so I had a good view each time
I drove the carpool. I waited out the grass until it reached a height
that added significant color to the shot. I'm not sure why it varies
in color, but I'm guessing the fields were plowed at different times
or perhaps there are different types of grasses or nutrients in the
soil which affect the color. I love it when I capture something
beautiful so close to my home. Often we take for granted or become
blind to the things we see every day. Yet in the backdrop of our
routines lie many hidden treasures, not just the kind that hang on the
wall in frames, but those more important blessings in our lives.
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by Janet Lehr, February 28, 2009. |
1> 25 Principles of Sharia Law. What does the Shariah law actually state? Here are some examples of Shariah law In a step toward total governance under Shariah Law, most countries of the Middle East and North Africa maintain a dual system of secular courts and religious courts, in which the religious courts mainly regulate marriage and inheritance. Saudi Arabia and Iran maintain religious courts for all aspects of jurisprudence, and religious police assert social compliance. Laws derived from sharia are also applied in Afghanistan, Libya and Sudan. Some states in northern Nigeria have reintroduced Sharia courts. In practice the new Sharia courts in Nigeria have most often meant the re-introduction of harsh punishments without respecting the much tougher rules of evidence and testimony. The punishments include amputation of one/both hands for theft, stoning for adultery and apostasy. Though Islamic law is interpreted differently across times, places and scholars, most Muslim fundamentalists following the literal and traditional interpretations believe it should legally be binding on all people of the Muslim faith and even on all people who come under their control. This is the position of Muslim fundamentalists today. There are four schools of Islamic Sacred law; Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali, but on the following 25 points, there is no disagreement 1. Offensive, military jihad against non-Muslims is a communal, religious obligation It is personally obligatory for everyone. The objectives of the caliph is to make war on Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians, provided he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice. If they will not, to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya). 2> CAIRO DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN ISLAM (CDHRI) Wikipedia
Discussion [followed by the complete declaration itself] The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI) is a declaration of the member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, which provides an overview on the Islamic perspective on human rights, and affirms Islamic Shari'ah as its sole source. CDHRI declares its purpose to be "general guidance for Member States [of the OIC] in the Field of human rights". This declaration is usually seen as an Islamic counterpart of and a response to the post-World War II United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948. Predominantly Muslim countries, such as Sudan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, frequently criticized the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for its perceived failure to take into account the cultural and religious context of non-Western countries. In 1981, the post-revolutionary Iranian representative to the United Nations Said Rajaie-Khorassani articulated the position of his country regarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by saying that the UDHR was "a secular understanding of the Judeo-Christian tradition", which could not be implemented by Muslims without trespassing the Islamic law.[1] The CDHRI was adopted on August 5, 1990 by 45 foreign ministers of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to serve as a guidance for the member states in the matters of human rights. Contents The Declaration starts by forbidding "any discrimination on the basis of race, colour, language, belief, sex, religion, political affiliation, social status or other considerations". It continues on to proclaim the sanctity of life, and declares the "preservation of human life" as "a duty prescribed by the Shariah". In addition the CDHRI guarantees "non-belligerents such as old men, women and children", "wounded and the sick" and "prisoners of war", the right to be fed, sheltered and access to safety and medical treatment in times of war. If affirmed, this would indicate that acts of terrorism are violations of human rights. The CDHRI gives men and women the "right to marriage" regardless of their race, colour or nationality, but not religion. In addition women are given "equal human dignity", "own rights to enjoy", "duties to perform", "own civil entity", "financial independence", and the "right to retain her name and lineage", though not equal rights in general. The Declaration makes the husband responsible for the social and financial protection of the family. The Declaration gives both parents the rights over their children, and makes it incumbent upon both of them to protect the child, before and after birth. The Declaration also entitles every family the "right to privacy". It also forbids the demolition, confiscation and eviction of any family from their residence. Furthermore, should the family get separated in times of war, it is the responsibility of the State to "arrange visits or reunions of families". The Declaration prohibits to force anybody "to change his religion to another religion or to atheism". The Declaration protects each individual from arbitrary arrest, torture, maltreatment and/or indignity. Furthermore, no individual is to be used for medical or scientific experiments. It also prohibits the taking of hostages of any individual "for any purpose" whatsoever. Moreover, the CDHRI guarantees the presumption of innocence; guilt is only to be proven through a trial in "which he [the defendant] shall be given all the guarantees of defence". The Declaration also forbids the promulgation of "emergency laws that would provide executive authority for such actions". Art. 19 stipulates that there are no other crimes or punishments than those mentioned in the Sharia, which include corporal punishment (whippings, amputations) and capital punishment.[2] The right to hold public office can only be exercised in accordance with the Sharia,[3] which forbids muslims to submit to the rule of non-muslims. The Declaration also emphasizes the "full right to freedom and self-determination", and its opposition to enslavement, oppression, exploitation and colonialism. The CDHRI declares the rule of law, establishing equality and justice for all. The CDHRI also guarantees all individuals the "right to participate, directly or indirectly in the administration of his country's public affairs". The CDHRI also forbids any abuse of authority 'subject to the Islamic Shari'ah.' The Declaration grants individuals the right to express their opinion freely. It encourages them to propagate that which is right and good. However, it forbids the misuse of this right in order to "violate sanctities and the dignity of Prophets", "undermine moral and ethical values or disintegrate", "arouse nationalistic or doctrinal hatred" or commit an "incitement to any form of racial discrimination". The CDHRI concludes in article 24 and 25 that all rights and freedoms mentioned are subject to the Islamic Shariah, which is the declaration's sole source[4]. The CDHRI declares "true religion" to be the "guarantee for enhancing such dignity along the path to human integrity". It also places the responsibility for defending those rights upon the entire Ummah. The CDHRI has been criticized for falling short of international human rights standards by not upholding the fundamentality of equality of rights for all. Whereas the Universal declaration states 'Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.' CDHRI does not guarantee equal rights, but merely equal dignity: 'All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities, without any discrimination on the basis of race, colour, language, belief, sex, religion, political affiliation, social status or other considerations.' In particular, CDHRI has been criticised for failing to guarantee freedom of religion.[5] In a joint written statement submitted by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), a non-governmental organization in special consultative status, the Association for World Education (AWE) and the Association of World Citizens (AWC): a number of concerns were raised, that the CDHRI limits Human Rights, Religious Freedom and Freedom of Expression. It concludes: "The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam is clearly an attempt to limit the rights enshrined in the UDHR and the International Covenants. It can in no sense be seen as complementary to the Universal Declaration."[6] The Centre for Inquiry in September 2008 in an article to the United Nations writes that the CDHRI: "undermines equality of persons and freedom of expression and religion by imposing restrictions on nearly every human right based on Islamic Sharia law."[7] Article 5 prohibits imposing any restrictions on marriage stemming from "race, colour or nationality", notably excluding religion from the list, so that men and women may be prevented from marrying on the basis of their religion. Similarly, CDHRI is criticized as not endorsing equality between men and women; moreover, it is accused of asserting the superiority of men.[8] In the Article 6, women are guaranteed equal dignity, in contrast to the Universal declaration which offers equal rights. The significance of this distinction is unclear. Finally, it makes no mention of the practice of having multiple wives in some Islamic countries, but whether this automatically creates a human rights concern in the absence of abuses is debatable. Adama Dieng, a member of the International Commission of Jurists, criticized the CDHRI. He argued that the declaration gravely threatens the inter-cultural consensus, on which the international human rights instruments are based; that it introduces intolerable discrimination against non-Muslims and women. He further argued that the CDHRI reveals a deliberately restrictive character in regard to certain fundamental rights and freedoms, to the point that certain essential provisions are below the legal standards in effect in a number of Muslim countries; it uses the cover of the "Islamic Shari'a (Law)" to justify the legitimacy of practices, such as corporal punishment, which attack the integrity and dignity of the human being.[9] References
1. "Universal Human Rights and 'Human Rights in Islam'".
2. There shall be no crime or punishment except as provided for in the Schari'a. 3. Smith (2003), p.195 4. Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam,Aug. 5, 1990, U.N. GAOR, World Conf. on Hum. Rts., 4th Sess., Agenda Item 5, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.157/PC/62/Add.18 (1993) 5. Kazemi, Farouh. "Perspectives on Islam and Civil Society" in Islamic Political Ethics: Civil Society, Pluralism and Conflict, Sohail H. Hashmi, ed. Princeton University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-691-11310-6, p.50 6. "The Cairo Declaration and the Universality of Human
7. "CFI Defends Freedom of Expression at the U.N. Human Rights
8. Rhona, Smith. "Textbook on International Human Rights", Oxford University Press, 2003, ISBN 1-84174-301-1, p.195 9. "Universal Human Rights and 'Human Rights in Islam'". 'Midstream'.
THE LAW Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam,Aug. 5, 1990, U.N. GAOR,
The Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (Session of Peace, Interdependence and Development), held in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt, from 9-14 Muharram 1411H (31 July to 5 August 1990), Keenly aware of the place of mankind in Islam as vicegerent of Allah on Earth; Recognizing the importance of issuing a Document on Human Rights in Islam that will serve as a guide for Member states in all aspects of life; Having examined the stages through which the preparation of this draft Document has so far, passed and the relevant report of the Secretary General; Having examined the Report of the Meeting of the Committee of Legal Experts held in Tehran from 26 to 28 December, 1989; Agrees to issue the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam that will serve as a general guidance for Member States in the Field of human rights. Reaffirming the civilizing and historical role of the Islamic Ummah which Allah made as the best community and which gave humanity a universal and well-balanced civilization, in which harmony is established between hereunder and the hereafter, knowledge is combined with faith, and to fulfill the expectations from this community to guide all humanity which is confused because of different and conflicting beliefs and ideologies and to provide solutions for all chronic problems of this materialistic civilization. In contribution to the efforts of mankind to assert human rights, to protect man from exploitation and persecution, and to affirm his freedom and right to a dignified life in accordance with the Islamic Shari'ah. Convinced that mankind which has reached an advanced stage in materialistic science is still, and shall remain, in dire need of faith to support its civilization as well as a self motivating force to guard its rights; Believing that fundamental rights and freedoms according to Islam are an integral part of the Islamic religion and that no one shall have the right as a matter of principle to abolish them either in whole or in part or to violate or ignore them in as much as they are binding divine commands, which are contained in the Revealed Books of Allah and which were sent through the last of His Prophets to complete the preceding divine messages and that safeguarding those fundamental rights and freedoms is an act of worship whereas the neglect or violation thereof is an abominable sin, and that the safeguarding of those fundamental rights and freedom is an individual responsibility of every person and a collective responsibility of the entire Ummah; Do hereby and on the basis of the above-mentioned principles declare as follows: ARTICLE 1: (a) All human beings form one family whose members are united by their subordination to Allah and descent from Adam. All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities, without any discrimination on the basis of race, colour, language, belief, sex, religion, political affiliation, social status or other considerations. The true religion is the guarantee for enhancing such dignity along the path to human integrity. (b) All human beings are Allah's subjects, and the most loved by Him are those who are most beneficial to His subjects, and no one has superiority over another except on the basis of piety and good deeds. ARTICLE 2: (a) Life is a God-given gift and the right to life is guaranteed to every human being. It is the duty of individuals, societies and states to safeguard this right against any violation, and it is prohibited to take away life except for a shari'ah prescribed reason. (b) It is forbidden to resort to any means which could result in the genocidal annihilation of mankind. (c) The preservation of human life throughout the term of time willed by Allah is a duty prescribed by Shari'ah. (d) Safety from bodily harm is a guaranteed right. It is the duty of the state to safeguard it, and it is prohibited to breach it without a Shari'ah-prescribed reason. ARTICLE 3: (a) In the event of the use of force and in case of armed conflict, it is not permissible to kill non-belligerents such as old men, women and children. The wounded and the sick shall have the right to medical treatment; and prisoners of war shall have the right to be fed, sheltered and clothed. It is prohibited to mutilate or dismember dead bodies. It is required to exchange prisoners of war and to arrange visits or reunions of families separated by circumstances of war. (b) It is prohibited to cut down trees, to destroy crops or livestock, to destroy the enemy's civilian buildings and installations by shelling, blasting or any other means. ARTICLE 4: Every human being is entitled to human sanctity and the protection of one's good name and honour during one's life and after one's death. The state and the society shall protect one's body and burial place from desecration. ARTICLE 5: (a) The family is the foundation of society, and marriage is the basis of making a family. Men and women have the right to marriage, and no restrictions stemming from race, colour or nationality shall prevent them from exercising this right. (b) The society and the State shall remove all obstacles to marriage and facilitate it, and shall protect the family and safeguard its welfare. ARTICLE 6: (a) Woman is equal to man in human dignity, and has her own rights to enjoy as well as duties to perform, and has her own civil entity and financial independence, and the right to retain her name and lineage. (b) The husband is responsible for the maintenance and welfare of the family. ARTICLE 7: (a) As of the moment of birth, every child has rights due from the parents, the society and the state to be accorded proper nursing, education and material, hygienic and moral care. Both the fetus and the mother must be safeguarded and accorded special care. (b) Parents and those in such like capacity have the right to choose the type of education they desire for their children, provided they take into consideration the interest and future of the children in accordance with ethical values and the principles of the Shari'ah. (c) Both parents are entitled to certain rights from their children, and relatives are entitled to rights from their kin, in accordance with the tenets of the shari'ah. ARTICLE 8: Every human being has the right to enjoy a legitimate eligibility with all its prerogatives and obligations in case such eligibility is lost or impaired, the person shall have the right to be represented by his/her guardian. ARTICLE 9: (a) The seeking of knowledge is an obligation and provision of education is the duty of the society and the State. The State shall ensure the availability of ways and means to acquire education and shall guarantee its diversity in the interest of the society so as to enable man to be acquainted with the religion of Islam and uncover the secrets of the Universe for the benefit of mankind. (b) Every human being has a right to receive both religious and worldly education from the various institutions of teaching, education and guidance, including the family, the school, the university, the media, etc., and in such an integrated and balanced manner that would develop human personality, strengthen man's faith in Allah and promote man's respect to and defense of both rights and obligations. ARTICLE 10: Islam is the religion of true unspoiled nature. It is prohibited to exercise any form of pressure on man or to exploit his poverty or ignorance in order to force him to change his religion to another religion or to atheism. ARTICLE 11: (a) Human beings are born free, and no one has the right to enslave, humiliate, oppress or exploit them, and there can be no subjugation but to Allah the Almighty. (b) Colonialism of all types being one of the most evil forms of enslavement is totally prohibited. Peoples suffering from colonialism have the full right to freedom and self-determination. It is the duty of all States peoples to support the struggle of colonized peoples for the liquidation of all forms of and occupation, and all States and peoples have the right to preserve their independent identity and control over their wealth and natural resources. ARTICLE 12: Every man shall have the right, within the framework of the Shari'ah, to free movement and to select his place of residence whether within or outside his country and if persecuted, is entitled to seek asylum in another country. The country of refuge shall be obliged to provide protection to the asylum-seeker until his safety has been attained, unless asylum is motivated by committing an act regarded by the Shari'ah as a crime. ARTICLE 13: Work is a right guaranteed by the State and the Society for each person with capability to work. Everyone shall be free to choose the work that suits him best and which serves his interests as well as those of the society. The employee shall have the right to enjoy safety and security as well as all other social guarantees. He may not be assigned work beyond his capacity nor shall he be subjected to compulsion or exploited or harmed in any way. He shall be entitled without any discrimination between males and females to fair wages for his work without delay, as well as to the holidays allowances and promotions which he deserves. On his part, he shall be required to be dedicated and meticulous in his work. Should workers and employers disagree on any matter, the State shall intervene to settle the dispute and have the grievances redressed, the rights confirmed and justice enforced without bias. ARTICLE 14: Everyone shall have the right to earn a legitimate living without monopolization, deceit or causing harm to oneself or to others. Usury (riba) is explicitly prohibited. [Ed note: Though Sharia Law prohibits interest, it provides for a mandatory payment of 10% to Muslim directed use.] ARTICLE 15: (a) Everyone shall have the right to own property acquired in a legitimate way, and shall be entitled to the rights of ownership without prejudice to oneself, others or the society in general. Expropriation is not permissible except for requirements of public interest and upon payment of prompt and fair compensation. (b) Confiscation and seizure of property is prohibited except for a necessity dictated by law. ARTICLE 16: Everyone shall have the right to enjoy the fruits of his scientific, literary, artistic or technical labour of which he is the author; and he shall have the right to the protection of his moral and material interests stemming there from, provided it is not contrary to the principles of the Shari'ah. ARTICLE 17: (a) Everyone shall have the right to live in a clean environment, away from vice and moral corruption, that would favour a healthy ethical development of his person and it is incumbent upon the State and society in general to afford that right. (b) Everyone shall have the right to medical and social care, and to all public amenities provided by society and the State within the limits of their available resources. (c) The States shall ensure the right of the individual to a decent living that may enable him to meet his requirements and those of his dependents, including food, clothing, housing, education, medical care and all other basic needs. ARTICLE 18: (a) Everyone shall have the right to live in security for himself, his religion, his dependents, his honour and his property. (b) Everyone shall have the right to privacy in the conduct of his private affairs, in his home, among his family, with regard to his property and his relationships. It is not permitted to spy on him, to place him under surveillance or to besmirch his good name. The State shall protect him from arbitrary interference. (c) A private residence is inviolable in all cases. It will not be entered without permission from its inhabitants or in any unlawful manner, nor shall it be demolished or confiscated and its dwellers evicted. ARTICLE 19: (a) All individuals are equal before the law, without distinction between the ruler and the ruled. (b) The right to resort to justice is guaranteed to everyone. (c) Liability is in essence personal. (d) There shall be no crime or punishment except as provided for in the Shari'ah. (e) A defendant is innocent until his guilt is proven in a fast trial in which he shall be given all the guarantees of defence. ARTICLE 20: It is not permitted without legitimate reason to arrest an individual, or restrict his freedom, to exile or to punish him. It is not permitted to subject him to physical or psychological torture or to any form of maltreatment, cruelty or indignity. Nor is it permitted to subject an individual to medical or scientific experiments without his consent or at the risk of his health or of his life. Nor is it permitted to promulgate emergency laws that would provide executive authority for such actions. ARTICLE 21: Taking hostages under any form or for any purpose is expressly forbidden. ARTICLE 22: (a) Everyone shall have the right to express his opinion freely in such manner as would not be contrary to the principles of the Shari'ah. 1.. Everyone shall have the right to advocate what is right, and propagate what is good, and warn against what is wrong and evil according to the norms of Islamic Shari'ah. (c) Information is a vital necessity to society. It may not be exploited or misused in such a way as may violate sanctities and the dignity of Prophets, undermine moral and ethical Values or disintegrate, corrupt or harm society or weaken its faith. (d) It is not permitted to excite nationalistic or doctrinal hatred or to do anything that may be an incitement to any form or racial discrimination. ARTICLE 23: (a) Authority is a trust; and abuse or malicious exploitation thereof is explicitly prohibited, in order to guarantee fundamental human rights. (b) Everyone shall have the right to participate, directly or indirectly in the administration of his country's public affairs. He shall also have the right to assume public office in accordance with the provisions of Shari'ah. ARTICLE 24: All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari'ah. ARTICLE 25: The Islamic Shari'ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration. 3>THE LEFT AND A WOMAN'S SEVERED HEAD Phyllis Chesler FrontPageMagazine.com 2/25/2009 Within hours of the news of Aasiya Z. Hassan's February 12th beheading, allegedly by her husband, Muzzamil Hassan, in Buffalo, American-Muslim organizations and individuals began a dirge bemoaning the existence of domestic violence. But thanks be to Allah, they affirmed, such violence exists among all faiths and ethnicities. Such family violence, they insisted, had nothing to do with Islam. Muslim leaders emphasized that honor killings were "anti-Islamic" or "un-Islamic," a holdover from "pre-Islamic times." They vowed to preach against it in the mosque. All well and good. That Mr. Hassan beheaded his wife well, that simply wasn't dwelled upon. Muslim religious feminist, Asra Nomani, and Irshad Manjie, both referred to the Buffalo beheading as an "honor killing" and despaired of the silence which still surrounded this form of domestic violence against Muslim girls and women. As Muslim women, they were not as squeamish about condemning violence against Muslim women by Muslim men and by Islamic culture. Zarqa Abid, a soulful-sounding religious Muslim woman claimed that
her cousin was once married to this same Hassan, and she denounced
Hassan as a "monster." Abid also criticized the Islamic community for
having refused to listen to her when she attempted to alert them to
Hassan's criminal nature and deeds. Instead, they shunned her
Saleemah Abdul-Ghafur, a Muslim author and activist, said Imam Mohamed Hagmagid Ali,
Nevertheless, Muslim organizations are relatively silent about this atrocity, given how vocal they usually are when Islam or Muslims are involved. A Google search of CAIR and beheadings only revealed that CAIR Alright, some Muslims are calling it an honor killing, most are insisting that it is not an honor killing and that it has nothing to do with Islam; some Muslims are admitting that, like other groups, Muslims also have a serious problem with violence against women. Progress, of sorts.
What did American feminists have to say? Well, I'm certainly one On February 13, 2009, Marcia Pappas, the President of NOW-New York State, hit the ground running. She was quoted world-wide, even as far away as India. Pappas bravely asserted that the Buffalo beheading was a domestic violence murder that smacked of terrorism and jihad. The February 16, 2009 NOW-New York State press release And why is this horrendous story not all over the news? Is a Muslim woman's life not worth a five-minute report? This was, apparently, a terroristic version of "honor killing," a murder rooted in cultural notions about women's subordination to men. Are we now so respectful of the Muslim's religion that we soft-peddle atrocities committed in its name?...What is this deafening silence?
And exactly what do orders of protection do? Was Aasiya desperately waving the order of protection in Muzzamil's face when he slashed at her throat? Was it still clutched in her hand when her head hit the floor? You of the press, please shine a light on this most dreadful of murders. In a bizarre twist of fate it comes out that Muzzamil Hassan is founder of a television network called Bridges TV, whose purpose it was to portray Muslims in a positive light. This is a huge story. Please tell it!
Alas, other than Pappas, and the feminists who supported her privately, most feminist leaders either attacked Pappas or remained silent.
News of the beheading became public the evening of February 12, 2009. Eight days later, on February 20, 2009, more than a week after NOW-NY State President Pappas began talking to the media, and four days after Pappas released a press release, President of the National Organization for Women, Kim Gandy, finally published a column Gandy joins many of the Muslim groups in failing to differentiate the difference between a terrible, humiliating beating, (Rihanna), and being stabbed many times and then beheaded while you are, quite possibly, still alive, perhaps even conscious.
Yes, I agree, and I share Gandy's concern: Domestic violence
against women is an epidemic. Although we have laws against it, police
officers and judges ready to arrest and prosecute, as well as (too
few) shelters available for those intended victims who manage to
escape still, we have not managed to abolish the scourge of domestic violence. Gandy is, understandably, frustrated.
Many women, (the statistics vary), are killed by their intimate
partners. Amy Siskind,
Yes, I agree. However, Gandy and her supporters still refuse to consider that Muslim women and immigrant women in general probably face much greater danger, both in terms of being beaten and being killed than do non-Muslim women; that Muslim women in Muslim countries are prey, targets, human sacrifices, every single day; and that if we do not stop the forces of jihad that are headed our way that many more women will be beaten, veiled,and killed both at home and on the street.
Feminist women. Educated women. Christian and Jewish women. Yes, even me and Kim Gandy.
Gandy rejects focusing on Aasiya Z. Hassan's beheading because it might play into the hands of conservative "racists;" it might lead to "profiling." Wait a minute. NOW has conducted a serious campaign against religion, mainly against Christianity and Judaism. Why the sudden respect for Islam, a religion which is, in reality, not a religion at all but is rather, a totalitarian political ideology which has undergone no evolution for 1400 years and which is dangerous to women and other living beings?
Gandy fears that we might only focus on Aasiya's beheading or even on Rihanna's beating as entertainment, escape, lured by such sensational or celebrity cases. It's possible, but, perhaps it is equally possible to learn from such cases precisely because they've grabbed our restless attention spans.
Let me repeat: Apples are not oranges. Domestic violence is not femicide. Let's be careful not to mix the two up. And, western-style domestic violence/femicide does not often end with an Islamic-style beheading. I am saying that we must make these distinctions, not be blinded by political correctness.
For those American feminists and Muslim-Americans who still insist that beheadings and domestic violence/femicide against Muslim girls and women has absolutely, definitely, positively, nothing to do with Islam or Muslims: I dunno. Ask Nonie Darwish, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, Robert Spencer, Geert Wilders, read Nonie's recent book Cruel and Usual Punishment, about the nature of Sharia law and Muslim women. My God, talk to Muslim feminist dissident-activists like UK-based Maryam Namazie, or the group "Muslims against Sharia Law" which I have now joined.
Kim Gandy: Please, I implore you, read what I've written about
Islamic gender apartheid and its penetration of the West in The Death
of Feminism. Read what I've written about this Buffalo case,
and HERE.
Yes, domestic violence exists everywhere, both in America and on
every other continent. But it is not normalized nor is it glorified
everywhere. In the West, it is now criminalized and increasingly
prosecuted, with imperfect but increasing success. In Pakistan, where
Mr. Hassan comes from, it rarely is. In Pakistan, girls and women are
still decapitated by the Arabized Taliban, buried alive, routinely
beaten in childhood and in marriage, (yes, and while they are
pregnant); women are gang-raped and when they legally protest,
threatened with death. Women who want a divorce are shot, even in
their feminist lawyer's offices.
Muzzamil "Mo" Hassan's heart and mind remains in the East, in
Pakistan. His body remains in custody in Buffalo, charged with second
degree murder. Until or unless "torture" can be proved, he is eligible
to be tried only for second-degree murder. In my article, "A
"Cultural" Offense/Defense But For the Prosecution. Some Thoughts for
the Prosecutor of the Buffalo Beheading," at
Pajamas Media, I have suggested that the prosecutor consider that Mo
Hassan was completely in control.
Hassan selected the weapon or weapons. He planned this beheading. He was not out of control when he stabbed and beheaded his wife. He was controlling the situation in a Pakistani male Muslim kind of way: By decapitating the woman, who had once been his wife, who had turned uppity enough to dare to eject him from his own home and who planned to keep his children. Hassan may have been living in America for more than thirty years but he still remains a Pakistani Muslim male through and through. Beating a wife is the "normal" way to relate to her. Killing her for being disobedient, in his mind, was what she deserved.
a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (10 December 1948 at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris). The Guinness Book of Records describes the UDHR as the "Most Translated Document"[1] in the world. The Declaration arose directly from the experience of the Second World War and represents the first global expression of rights to which all human beings are inherently entitled. It consists of 30 articles which have been elaborated
in subsequent international treaties, regional human rights
instruments, national constitutions and laws. The International Bill of Human Rights consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its two Optional Protocols. In 1966 the General Assembly adopted the two detailed Covenants, which complete the International Bill of Human Rights; and in 1976, after the Covenants had been ratified by a sufficient number of individual nations, the Bill took on the force of international law.[2]
It is important to read The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in conjunction with Cairo Declaration Of Human Rights In Islam. We live in one world, aggressively being divided in two.
The ideas and values of human rights can be traced through history and in religious beliefs and cultures around the world. European philosophers of the enlightenment period developed theories of natural law that influenced the adoption of documents such as the Bill of Rights of England, the Bill of Rights in the United States, and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in France.
During the World War II, the Allies adopted the Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom from fear and freedom from want, as their basic war aims. The United Nations Charter "reaffirmed faith in fundamental human rights, and dignity and worth of the human person" and committed all member states to promote "universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion".[3]
When the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany became apparent after the World War II, the consensus within the world community was that the United Nations Charter did not sufficiently define the rights it referenced.[4][5] A universal declaration that specified the rights of individuals was necessary to give effect to the Charter's provisions on human rights.[6] Such a declaration was proposed by Cuban diplomats Guy Pérez Cisneros and Ernesto Dihigo.
The following reproduces the articles of the Declaration which set out the specific human rights that are recognized in the Declaration.
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 3
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 4
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article 5
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 7
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 8
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
Article 9
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Article 10
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
Article 11
1. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.
Article 12
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Article 13
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including their own, and to return to their country.
Article 14
1. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
2. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Article 15
1. Everyone has the right to a nationality.
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
Article 16
1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.
Article 17
1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 20
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
Article 21
1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of their country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
2. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in their country.
3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
Article 22
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
Article 23
1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
Article 24
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
Article 25
1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
Article 26
1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
Article 27
1. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
Article 28
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Article 29
1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Article 30
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
Janet Lehr is editor/publisher of a daily e-mail called "Israel Lives." She can be contacted at janetlehr@israellives.org |
Posted by Saul Goldman, February 28, 2009. |
This was written by Nidra Poller and is entitled "Europe's
Woes America's Warning." and it appeared on the IsraPundit website:
Nidra Poller is an American who moved to France in 1972 and is a journalist, novelist, and translator. |
It is difficult to imagine how European nations could find the will and the ways to counter the subversive forces they have invited upon themselves and allowed to flourish for more than three decades. The current phase of global jihad, already underway in the much vaunted decolonization process, coalesced with the seizure of power in Iran by Ayatollah Khomenei (who had been living as a pampered refugee in France). But the American reader should be wary of concluding that Europe is lost...and the United States is standing firm. On the contrary, all of Western civilization is under fire. As promised during the campaign, Barack Hussein Obama is making a radical change in American policy. Not of course the glorious change his worshippers promised themselves, but a troubling shift toward dhimmitude. The newly elected president lost no time in pleading guilty as charged by Muslim authorities and promising to refrain from further rebellion in order to receive their benevolent indulgence. Similar methods produce similar results. Jihad forces in Europe and in the United States used Israel's Cast Lead operation in Gaza as a pretext to organize virulent, violent pro-Hamas demonstrations. Because Europe is further down the path to surrender, the enraged pro-Hamas mobs were more violent, destructive, and physically threatening here than in the United States. But in both cases they advanced their dominion. This should be recognized as authentic conquest of territory by enraged mobs bearing down on hapless victims in an ominous show of force and not, as claimed and widely accepted, citizen demonstrators exercising their right to free speech. If you can carry signs equating the Magen David with the swastika, if you can scream "Jews to the ovens" in the face of Zionists in Ft. Lauderdale Florida, if you can storm into a synagogue in Caracas, Venezuela and terrorize the congregation, if you can bully the police in England, smash up the Place de l'Opéra in Paris, burn Israeli and American flags, shout Allahu Akbar without meeting resolute opposition, it means you can keep going and ultimately fulfill those murderous promises. Do American Jews understand what was acquired by these phony demonstrations that are really paramilitary operations? Wherever those enraged mobs set foot they transformed the streets into de facto waqf territory. Each successive crisis is an opportunity to ratchet up Jew hatred and the concomitant assault on Western civilization, achieving, step by step, tacit acceptance of the unspeakable. Here is how it works: first, the provocation. Jihadist attacks thousands of rockets launched against Israel, a few airplanes flown into the WTC, capture and beheading of hostages, roadside bombs, inhuman pizzeria bombers, nuclear weapons programs finally provoke a riposte. Bingo! The Muslim wailing machine goes into action. It is immediately picked up by complicit Western media and transmitted, with a Good Journalism stamp of approval, to public opinion. Israel, the United States and anyone else who dares to fight back is accused of war crimes, peace crimes, and original sin. This justifies subsequent acts of subversion and aggression against the free world. When the United States used its formidable military force and assumed its international responsibilities, European nations, with rare exceptions, exploited opposition to "the war in Iraq" to undermine the American superpower. This agitation was exploited in turn by jihad interests to advance the Islamization of Europe...and by ricochet to influence domestic politics in the United States as Obamamania surfed on the theme of repairing America's battered image. The European Union, with France in the lead, vaunting its diplomatic savoir faire, competes with the U.S. for influence in the Middle East, and always seems to pull in the Arab direction. French ceasefire diplomacy restrained Israel's capacity to defeat Iranian proxies Hizbullah in 2006, Hamas today. The harsh criticism of Israel and the U.S. that underlies this self-righteous peacemaking fuels domestic pro-jihad protest marches that end in attacks against police and property, further undermining government authority in Europe and endangering local Jewish populations. All of this subversive activity is advanced by what I call "lethal narratives." These are stories of what is happening generated by global jihad and relayed by Western media and officialdom. Unlike propaganda, which is used in conjunction with military activity aimed at defeating an enemy in battle, lethal narratives are used in lieu of military action. Promotion of enemy propaganda in past conflicts was limited to a small minority of traitors and fellow travelers; today, lethal narratives are swallowed by all but a minority of résistants, who are marginalized, labeled extremists, persecuted and prosecuted. Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers who stormed through European cities screaming "death to Israel, death to the Jews" go scot free but Dutch politician Geert Wilders is prosecuted for "hate speech" for showing the connection between these same declarations, from Qur'anic verses to contemporary sermons, and murderous acts such as 9/11. The lethal narrative, a tissue of lies made credible by a superficial journalistic veneer, becomes the accepted version of what is happening. G.W. Bush lied about Saddam's WMDs, the neocons wanted a war in Iraq, torture at Guantanamo, hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, an unbeatable insurgency, the war spawned a thousand terrorists for every one that was killed, etc. Another tissue of lies was issued during the Cast Lead operation: the homemade rockets were harmless; Gaza is an open prison; the Gaza population suffered a humanitarian crisis, no food, water, electricity, medicine; Israel engaged in intentional massacre of civilians, bombing mosques, UN schools, babes in arms and, the last straw, deliberately killed the daughters of the good-hearted doctor who practices in both Gaza and Tel Aviv. In less than a decade life has become problematic for European Jews. It started with the al Dura blood libel on September 30, 2000 and has steadily worsened since. During periods of relative calm, we tell ourselves that the nightmare is over. When the tension exacerbates, as happened during the Gaza operation, it becomes obvious that we have no future anywhere in Europe and Europe has no future anyway! France, with the largest Muslim and Jewish populations and the greatest diplomatic ambition, is emblematic of the Western European condition. The Sarkozy government is sincerely troubled by the upsurge of anti-Semitism approximately 150 incidents reported since the start of Cast Lead. The president promises to put an end to this unacceptable behavior but declares, in the next breath, that "Islamophobia" will be punished as severely as anti-Semitism, falsely implying that Jews are attacking Muslims, and effectively blocking an honest investigation of the Islamic sources of Jew hatred On another level, the "Obama effect" works against Jews in France and more generally in Europe. Thrilled by the multicultural chic of a black president in the powerful U.S., Europeans vow to give more than equal opportunity to their own "visible minorities" in the hopes of getting themselves a YesWeCan president in the near future. Unfortunately, the integration of law-abiding Muslims into European society also serves as cover for infiltration by subversive Muslims. Political enfranchisement of European Muslims in the absence of genuine acceptance of Western values is another destabilizing factor. Instead of promoting a peaceful climate of mutual respect, the rise of Muslims into executive positions in public and private sectors may lead to ethnic favoritism that will be prejudicial to Jewish colleagues and candidates, rebuffed to get even for an alleged previous supremacy or punished whenever there is a flare-up in the Middle East. Serious problems in public education, up to the university level, further compromise the future of Europe and more precisely of European Jews. The far left, unashamedly aligned with European jihad movements, proudly marched with pro-Hamas mobs that systematically ended their "demonstrations" with attacks against property and the police. Fearful of losing ground, the parliamentary left also sidles toward this constituency, hiding its perfidy behind dubious humanitarian concerns. CID [Centre d'information et de documentation de démocratie et de Moyen Orient] reports from Brussels that all political parties except the droite libérale marched along with the keffieh-wrapped mobs that shouted "death to Israel, death to the Jews." Another aggravating factor is the economic crisis, exploited by the left to mobilize and channel discontent into increasingly aggressive demonstrations, strikes and civil disobedience, while the right, hungry for capital, welcomes sharia finance with open arms. In 2003, when Jewish boys from Hashomer Hazair were beaten up by anti-war protestors, I described the incident as a "peace march verging on pogrom." Alain Finkielkraut applied the term to the 2005 banlieue riots, then withdrew it as inappropriate. Was it an exaggeration? Or foresight? There can be no doubt that the enraged mobs storming through European and American cities will go further. No longer content to throw fire bombs or ram burning cars into synagogues, they now want to break in during services. Thirty men traveled from Mulhouse to Strasbourg for that purpose. Their plan failed...that time. Carjackers in a Parisian suburb, discovering their victim was Jewish, slashed his neck four times with exquisite cruelty until the blood flowed. That crime was denounced as anti-Semitic but the culprits have not been found, and other incidents are left hanging with question marks, as if to calm the populace. A Jewish doctor was shot dead in another Parisian suburb, the warehouse of the biggest kosher food distributor in still another was burned down. Europeans who do cherish their freedom try to organize, speak out, influence their governments. They see or saw America as a refuge, a haven, a beacon of liberty. Many see Israel as a sterling example of résistance against global jihad. Though life looks quite normal on the surface, we are living in a perilous, highly volatile situation in which, precisely, normal life is a battlefield. As these lines are written, Iran announces the launch of a satellite that could leave southern European cities no less vulnerable than Sderot. The news landed like a monster walking into a bustling café. The excited chatter about peace talks and negotiation and friendly outreached hands falls silent. If existential fear has finally stricken the heart of European governments, all is not lost. Contact Saul Goldman at gold710@bellsouth.net |
Posted by Marc Samberg, February 28, 2009. |
This is astounding and infuriating. Why isn't this in the papers? Please read and pass it on. WHY ARE WE BANKRUPT? Informative and mind boggling! |
You think the war in Iraq is costing us too much? Read this: Boy,
was I confused. I have been hammered with the propaganda that it is
the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us. I now find
that to be RIDICULOUS. I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded
over and over again until they are read so many times that the readers
gets sick of reading them. I also have included the URL's for
verification of all of the following facts.
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each
year by state governments.
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs
such as
food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school
education for children here illegally, and they cannot speak a word of
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born
children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare and
Social Services by the American taxpayers.
9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by
the illegal aliens.
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's
two and
a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their
children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US.
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal
aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500
illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs,
cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S. From the
Southern border.
12. The National Policy Institute, estimated that the total cost of mass
deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of
between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.'
13. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their
countries of origin.
14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly one million sex crimes
Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States.'
The total cost is a whopping $ 338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR; AND IF
If this doesn't bother you then just delete the message. If, on the other
hand, it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, I hope you
forward it
to every legal resident in the country including every elected
representative in Washington , D.C. - five times a week for as long as it
takes to restore some semblance of intelligence in our government policies
and enforcements....
Contact Marc Samberg at mechelsamberg@gmail.com
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 28, 2009. |
Motzei Shabbat (After Shabbat) Today's good news today is that the Obama administration has decided not to participate in the Durban Conference because of its anti-Israel, anti-Semitic tone. The news came via a conference call between White House aides and leaders of the Jewish community. This must be celebrated. It would be unreasonable to say otherwise. But celebrated with a proviso. ~~~~~~~~~~ The conduct of the Obama administration most specifically with regard to decisions that impact Israel made by Obama himself has been exceedingly troublesome in several regards. And, in trying to understand what is going on, I have found myself fluctuating between various interpretations of what Obama's motivations are. Is he, as I originally concluded, simply enormously naive? Is he willing to sell out Israel in order to court the Arab/Muslim world? Or, as I have come to think more recently, is he inherently and deeply anti-Israel?. It is very difficult to swallow Obama's original reason for sending a delegation to participate in the planning sessions in Geneva for the Durban 2 conference: To try to improve the tone of the planning document. The evidence from knowledgeable persons close to the happenings at those planning sessions made it clear that the US could not have had an effect on the proceedings. The American delegation went to sit on a committee with the likes of Libya, Iran, Pakistan and Cuba; it was outnumbered seriously by Arab/Muslim and Third World nations that have an anti-Israel agenda. What is more, the Durban 2 conference is being held "to foster the implementation of the [original] Durban Declaration and Program of Action." This means the focus of the upcoming conference was set in stone and not amenable to a shift in tone. That original declaration was viciously anti-Israel. Could Obama really have believed that the group he sent to participate in Geneva had any chance of changing matters? To further muddy the waters, we have the evidence of Anne Bayesfsky's report, that the US delegation sat quietly during anti-Israel proceedings. This cast serious doubt upon the claim that the delegation was there to try to improve the situation. ~~~~~~~~~~ I tend to believe, along with others, that it is the fact that this whole Durban situation was being so closely watched and received so much publicity that ultimately made the difference. This is a lesson here, for Obama, and for all of us. The diligence I last wrote about is as necessary as ever. For the Durban incident has to be considered in a broader context, which includes Obama appointments such as Chas Freeman, who actually blamed 9/11 on Israel, and Samantha Power, who came out at one point in favor of a major international force to protect the Palestinians from Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~ Even if Obama's motivation was truly sincere, and he did send the delegation to try to change the tenor of the proceedings, I don't think what he did was OK. I don't have a "you have to give him credit for trying no harm done" attitude. Quite the contrary. I think innocent misjudgments can have serious consequences. In particular do I think of Iran, with whom Obama would like to "dialogue;" the problem is that the Iranians will take advantage of this as a stalling tactic. A US president who doesn't perceive this is a danger to the Western world. ~~~~~~~~~~ I think it is highly appropriate to tell President Obama how pleased we are with this decision. We have to take in from there and continue to monitor. There will be more to say on this and related issues... Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Arny Barnie, February 28, 2009. | |
On January 27, 2009 United States president Barack Obama signed an executive order [presidential determination] that effective immediately, Palestinian refugees would be allowed to come to the United States. An Obama fund is set aside to the tune of $20.3 million for 'humanitarian needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.' It was first posted to the Federal Register February 9, 2009
[NOW is the time that we must pray as never before] Pray that none of these new Palestinian 'refugees" will become terrorists among U.S. In other incredible news the Obama administration is set to pledge $900 million of your hard earned money to rebuild Gaza for the Palestinians after the Hamas terrorists in Gaza caused the destruction of their own neighborhoods by firing missiles into northern Israel. Querry why the U.S. should help rebuild this hotbed of terror when the terrorist leaders and the people of Gaza cheered and celebrated on 9/11/2001 when the Twin Towers were destroyed by Al Qaeda? Let the Palestinians go begging elsewhere.They will only use our money to re build their tunnels to smuggle in more weapons to destroy Israel and to attack U.S. Their leaders will skim as much as they can for themselves off the top and the ignorant masses of Palestinians will be left holding the (empty) bag one more time! The $900 million would be better spent if we gave it to Israel to help protect itself and U.S. from the Palestinians who are threatening peace and safety in the region. |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 28, 2009. |
This was written by Rachel Ehrenfeld and it appeared in Forbes
Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld is director of the American Center for Democracy and author of Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It. |
"The fight against drugs is actually the fight for Afghanistan," said Afghan President Hamid Karzai when he took office in 2002. Judging by the current situation, Afghanistan is losing. To win, the link between narcotics and terrorism must be severed. That is the necessary condition for a successful strategy to undermine the growing influence of al-Qaida, the Taliban and radical Muslim groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is all about money more precisely, drug money. The huge revenues from the heroin trade fill the coffers of the terrorists and thwart any attempt to stabilize the region. Though not traded on any stock exchange, heroin is one of the most valuable commodities in the world today. While a ton of crude oil costs less than $290, a ton of heroin costs $67 million in Europe and between $360 million and $900 million in New York, according to estimates based on recent Drug Enforcement Administration figures. Since its liberation from Taliban rule, Afghanistan's opium production has gone from 640 tons in 2001 to 8,200 tons in 2007. Afghanistan now supplies over 93% of the global opiate market. "This is a source of income for the warlords and regional factions to pay their soldiers," warned former Afghan Interior Minister Ali Ahmad Jalili in a May 2005 interview with Reuters. "The terrorists are funding their operations through illicit drug trade, so they are all interlinked." In 2004, the G-8 designated Britain to lead counter-narcotics efforts in Afghanistan. Its three-year eradication policy was designed specifically not to alienate the local population. It dictated the crop eradication be done "by hand." Moreover, the British entrusted the provincial governors with the eradication process, even though Afghan provincial governors, many of whom are powerful warlords, have been engaged in the drug trade for decades. Not surprisingly, the eradication effort failed miserably. The exponential growth in narcoterrorism in Afghanistan led to a well-entrenched narco-economy, strengthening the power of tribal warlords, the Taliban and al-Qaida. The growing violence led NATO leaders, who met in Budapest in October 2008, to agree to allow their military forces to strike the drug traffickers. However, NATO troops were not ordered to attack; in fact, NATO's European allies are "averse" to drug eradication programs for fear of alienating the local population and because of the risks associated with such operations. Though Afghan opium production shrank a little to 7,200 tons in 2008, it still accounts for 97% of the country's per-capita annual GDP, or $303 of $310. Yet Afghan heroin is worth $3.6 billion to $6.4 billion on the streets of most Western nations. According to the latest report of the International Narcotics Control Board, the Taliban's income for 2007 from morphine base and heroin production is estimated between $259 million and $518 million, up from just $28 million in 2005. This provides more than enough to fund the most sophisticated weapons, training camps, operational and even public relations funds, and plenty of bribes to local tribes' chieftains and politicians. While no one expects Afghanistan to become a peaceful, self-sustaining democracy overnight, there is a better solution for stabilizing the country than adding 17,000 American soldiers to the 38,000 already there. Without an effective strategy to turn the situation around, the surge is likely to result in the unnecessary loss of human lives and billions of dollars, while failing to remove the major reason for the instability in the region the heroin trade. There is, however, a strategy that could reduce the cost of fighting terrorists and drug traffickers alike, while helping to establish a self-sustaining economy in Afghanistan and defusing the tensions in the region. It would also cut down on the social and economic cost of heroin use in the U.S. The Obama Administration should implement an innovative and safe poppy eradication method that previous U.S. governments spent billions of dollars developing. Mycoherbicides are naturally occurring fungi that are used to control such illicit pest plants as the opium poppy and other noxious weeds. Unlike chemical controls now in use, mycoherbicides assail only the targeted plant, rendering its cultivation uneconomical. These fungi continue to live in the soil, preventing the future growth of the opium poppy plant, but are harmless to other crops, to humans and to the environment. On Dec. 29, 2006, then-President George W. Bush signed Public Law 109/469, of which section 1111 requires the Department of State to fund a concluding study of the effectiveness of mycoherbicides on the opium poppy and the coca shrub. Yet the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy failed to conduct the one-year study, apparently because it prefers to use pesticides for eradication. Concluding these studies should become a priority for the Obama administration. The use of mycoherbicides in Afghanistan, combined with adequate enforcement by the military, will mitigate the production of heroin and cut off the terrorists' major money supply. This would free up the $150 to $200 billion now used to fight the drug trade and its byproducts crime, addiction, diseases, accidents, etc. in the U.S., and make these funds available to help fight terrorism directly. Implementing this new strategy, while subsidizing the Afghan economy until other crops and industries can replace the illegal heroin trade, which leaves most Afghans poor, seems a better way for America to succeed in fighting terrorism and endemic corruption. It would also free up resources for an array of social and governmental reforms, which should be clearly defined and strictly supervised. With no heroin to fund terrorism and subvert the economies and political systems of Afghanistan and Pakistan, the American agenda could take a huge leap forward. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Ted Belman, February 28, 2009. |
This was written by Matthew M. Hausman and it appeared today in IsraPundit. |
Recent news reports suggest that the Obama administration intends to solicit the help of American Jewish leaders to sell its prescription for Middle East peace to their constituents. The strategy is to shore up Jewish support in order to lend credibility to President Obama's foreign policy, regardless of how ill-advised or detrimental for Israel. That this White House is seen in the Arab world as either weak or willing to undercut Israeli sovereignty and security is of no moment. Most of the putative leaders who will be courted are already slaves to a political confederation known as much for what it rejects as what it promotes and leaves little room for original thought or dissent. Moreover, they are committed to political consorts who expect Israel to bow, bend and break to accommodate enemies who deny her history and are committed to maintaining the state of conflict. Unfortunately, these figureheads tend to ignore left-wing or liberal antipathy for Israel in the mistaken belief that antisemitism is the exclusive province of the political right. Antisemitism has indeed been a political force in right-wing politics, particularly when associated with reactionary governments and churches, radical groups and demagogues, but it historically has been no less potent in leftist or liberal circles. As the ghetto walls came down in 19th Century Europe, many Jews flocked to the nascent liberal movements in the belief that anything opposing the forces that had oppressed them was good. Yet, they were so enamored of their apparent enfranchisement, and so eager to assimilate into a new European society, they could not fathom that the movements that seemingly afforded these opportunities were no more tolerant of Jews and Judaism than the old regimes had been. And this false affinity carried over to New World shores where it persists to this day. Many American Jews truly believe that antisemitism does not exist in leftist circles because of the idealized history they associate with the birth and growth of European liberalism. But this history has been sanitized of its sordid reality and of the Faustian bargain required of Jews seeking membership. Most Jewish liberals are unaware that some of their most cherished philosophical icons were as virulently antisemitic as the systems of government they were rejecting. Voltaire, for example, was well-known for his hatred of Jews as were Diderot, Holbach and the later fathers of European socialism. Georg Ritter von Schonerer led the vocal left-wing antisemitic movement in Austria, while Wilhelm Marr, a German socialist, actually coined the term "antisemitism" in two pamphlets published in 1873 and 1880, in which he promoted hatred of Jews on political, economic and racial grounds. Perhaps most famous was the hatred and self-loathing of Karl Marx who, with Friedrich Engels, wrote the Communist Manifesto. Most left-leaning Jews are unfamiliar with early socialist history and are unaware that Marx and Engels learned the theory of dialectical materialism and Hegelian philosophy from Moses Hess, a traditionally educated Jew who had become radicalized in his youth. Hess was considered one of the early pillars of European socialist thought and was highly regarded as such until Marx and Engels determined that all nationality was evil and that the Jews represented the most pernicious of all national spirits. It was then that Hess realized that the Jews' salvation lay not with socialism but rather with Jewish nationalism and self-determination. His epiphany prompted him to write "Rome and Jerusalem," which presaged Herzl's "Der Judenstaat" by more than a quarter century. Unfortunately, Hess's national stirrings did not similarly move his political brethren, and the sad reality was that Jews could be accepted into leftist society only if they were willing to cease identifying religiously, nationally and intellectually as Jews. The requisite disaffiliation was often expressed by outright rejection of traditional values. And this rejection was a common thread binding Jews who rose to prominence on the left, whether those of the old Komintern who bowed without question to Soviet authority, or the radical leftists of our day, epitomized by the likes of George Soros, Noam Chomsky, and Norman Finkelstein, who disingenuously advocate for enemies of Israel and the Jewish people. These modern demagogues engage in pathological conduct rivaling the calumny of those medieval Jews who joined the Dominicans and instigated the burning of the Talmud and other holy writ. Now clearly, not all liberals today are ardent, self-rejecting leftists, and in fact most consider themselves part of the non-extremist mainstream. And for the most part that's probably a fair assessment. Where they go wrong, however, is in their failure to view their political bedfellows critically and hold them accountable for moral inconsistency or to condemn behavior that is clearly antisemitic. If liberal criticism is leveled at Israel for her response to terrorist aggression but not at those who foment the aggression that sparks the response, if the United Nations condemns Israel's right to defend herself, or if Human Rights Watch falsely accuses Israel perpetrating "massacres" that never occurred and then refuses to retract, these Jews become complicit by their silence. In extreme ideological circles, such silence implies agreement with the accusations no matter how absurd. Where left-leaning Jews also go wrong is in their willingness to abandon the religious, cultural and philosophical precepts that kept the Jewish people intact during two millennia of exile, and to replace them with secular ideals that are not necessarily or automatically compatible with the Jewish historical experience. Those who knowingly reject their values are only slightly worse than those who are completely ignorant of their heritage and who, because of their ignorance, cannot honestly distinguish transient political concerns from authentic Jewish priorities. The knowing rejectionists are like the wicked child spoken of at the Seder table who rebels despite his knowledge, while the benignly ignorant are like the child who does not know how to ask and risks moral darkness and spiritual decline. The risk in being the child who does not know how to ask is that it renders one susceptible to the blandishments of those who misrepresent history for the sake of political agenda. Those lacking in Jewish self-awareness can be manipulated into believing that support for Israel is not an absolute and is antithetical to humanist values. Supporting Israel, however, should not be a conservative versus liberal issue. Rather, objective knowledge of world history should a priori engender support for Israel despite political affiliation. The late Ronald Reagan is a case in point. During his first administration, his relationship with Israel had a rocky start under the guiding influence of James Baker, George Schultz and Caspar Weinberger, none of whom were friends of Israel and all of whom had ties to the Arab world. Shortly after Israel's annexation of Golan in 1981, the administration secretly negotiated with the Arab countries a "peace plan" calling for a ceding of the Heights and a retreat to indefensible borders. Israel was not informed of these talks, but was presented with the "final plan" as a fait accompli, which Israel nonetheless rejected. That same year, the administration also condemned Israel's bombing of Iraq's nuclear reactor and weapons plant. Menachem Begin rose to these challenges, publicly rebuking the administration through its ambassador and endeavoring to educate President Reagan regarding Jewish and Israeli history and Middle East politics. Although they would not always agree, President Reagan thereafter became for the most part a trusted friend. The point is that the Republican administration in the 1980s was neither inherently supportive nor opposed to Israel based on philosophy or doctrine. The relationship between the two countries eased only after the president's education about the realities of the Middle East and Israel's historic rights. If President Obama now wishes to call upon his Jewish political allies to promote his Middle East policy in order to lend it credence, it is up to the constituents of those allies to say "enough" and to reject their stewardship. Their support for a toxic foreign policy that first spawned Oslo and now presumes an unworkable two-state solution must be met with vocal resistance, grounded in history and informed by the knowledge that left-wing antipathy and liberal discomfort for Israel is often tinged with antisemitism. Although Menachem Begin is no longer with us, we need to channel his resolve and character in the hope that the current administration can be similarly educated. The effort may not succeed, but silence will be taken as acquiescence. Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer and editor of the IsraPundit.com website, an activist pro-Israel website. Contact him at tedbel@rogers.com |
Posted by Steven Shamrak, February 27, 2009. |
President Obama's policy of direct diplomacy with Iran may buy Tehran enough time to produce nuclear weapons, Shabtai Shavit, former chief of the Mossad intelligence agency, warned: "I don't believe there is a political solution which can be achieved through negotiations with Iran." "My concern is that until Obama finishes his learning curve of the subject, the Iranians are going to have maybe the first or even more nuclear bombs." United Nations officials acknowledged on Thursday that Iran has built up a stockpile of enough enriched uranium for one nuclear bomb. The new figures come in a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog. Iran is Developing A-bomb Delivery Systems. Iranian Deputy Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the country has built an unmanned surveillance aircraft, which can reach Israel. Syria's Chemical and Nuclear Weapons Program. Syria has been conducting extensive construction work on a chemical weapons facility in the country's northwest. The images of a chemical weapons facility identified as al-Safir were taken by several sources from 2005. According to UN nuclear agency, samples taken from a Syrian site have revealed new traces of processed uranium. What is "Really Matter" for Kadima? "Tonight's meeting did not get me closer to sitting in the government or give me the answers I was looking for on the issues that really matter," Livni said after the meeting with Netanyahu. Why is creation of another Islamic terror state on Jewish land more important for Kadima, party was formed by self-serving political traitors from Labor and Likud, than the national inspiration and security of Jewish people? Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak We are ALL in Range Now: An Iranian satellite was launched into space not long ago. Some spin-masters immediately stated: "This test tells us they have not yet mastered long-range multistage rocket technology". The technology Iran is using can be easily changed into long-range ballistic missile systems. This is the message the Iranians have sent. Must Israel be the only country that worries about nuclear Iran? Lame Apology of the Delusional President. "Whatever will happen in the future, we shall not repeat the mistakes we made in leaving Gaza ," Peres said in a question and answer session with a group of American Jewish leaders. "It should have been done otherwise. I was for leaving Gaza . I consider myself as one of the persons mistaken." (At the same time he still advocates the two-state solution. I am sure that he will make the same lame and meaningless apology when rockets, G-d forbid, fall on Jerusalem from the West Bank.) Another Smear Campaign has Failed. At the request of the Royal Court a Jordanian parliamentary delegation has indefinitely postponed a planned trip to Hague meant to launch legal proceedings against Israeli leaders for alleged war crimes during Operation Cast Lead. UN Helps Hamas to Arm. Hamas took possession of seven tons of unexploded ordnance that the UN had collected in Gaza for safe disposal since the end of the war. The ordnance included three 2,000-pound bombs and eight 500-pound bombs as well as many artillery shells. (By its presence and interference the UN only helps anti-Israel terror flourish!) Livni: Give up "Half of Land of Israel" for Peace. Tzipi Livni, who hopes to be appointed Israel's prime minister-designate, told a convention of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Organizations, "we need to give up half of the Land of Israel," (Israeli forces forcibly evicted 8,500 Israelis living in the Gaza communities many of whom remain homeless to this day and opened the way for Hamas' takeover.) using a term that refers to biblical borders that include today's Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. (...and Trans-Jordan, 82% of Eretz-Israel, the land Jews were robbed of in 1922! Did it bring peace? Israel needs people in leadership who are prepared to reunite Eretz-Israel, not traitors who are proposing the national sell-off!) Quote of the Week: "For the first time in many years, definitely since the Oslo peace process started in 1993, a significant majority of the Knesset does not believe in Oslo, and does not believe in the disengagement from Gaza in 2005-in short, does not believe that peace with the Palestinians can be achieved..." Natan Sharansky Will the Israeli political elite be able to transform this epiphany into a change of direction in implementing the plan which will end Arab terror and reunify all Jewish land? It Should be an Official Statement! The IDF says the remarks made about Turkey by army commander General Avi Mizrahi were personal. "This is not the position of the army," said the IDF spokeswoman, after General Mizrahi called on Turkish PM Erdogan to examine his country's history concerning the Armenians, the Kurds and northern Cypriots, before criticizing Israel . Mizrahi was referring to Erdogan's verbal clash on stage at the Davos Economic Forum. (The anti-Israel outburst by Erdogan was official. Why was the criticism of Turkish genocidal behaviour not ?) Demand for Shalit is Blackmail? Senior PA negotiator Saeb Erekat accused outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of "blackmail" after Olmert had stated that Israel would not agree to a temporary truce with Hamas prior to the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. (but keeping Gilad imprisoned by Hamas is not blackmail?) Trade that Never Was. Egypt suspended quarterly talks on commercial cooperation with Israel on Thursday, after Israel 's cabinet decision on Wednesday not to open its border crossings with the Gaza Strip until Hamas agrees to release abducted Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit. (Since the Camp David agreement Egypt never has been true partner in peace with Israel . It was all just a game in order to get Sinai back and receive US aid for nothing!) Hypocrisy of the 'Loaded' Headlines: "Israel set down tough conditions for a proposed ceasefire with Hamas" International Herald Tribune Israel's desire for the release of a captured Israeli soldier in exchange for hundreds of PA terrorists is the "tough condition", but are continuous rocket attacks having a positive effect on any proposed ceasefire? Red Cross is Fostering anti-Jewish Discrimination. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) this week started to transfer 8,000 tons of apples between the Golan Heights and Syria . (Apples grown by Druze farmers only are sent to Syria , excluding 'Jewish' apples. Please, think twice before donating your Jewish money to this organization!) Please, not Another self-Hating 'Jew'? Khazali, son of Ayatollah Abu Al-Kassam Khazali, says that Ahmadinejad changed his Jewish name on his ID card in order to hide his roots and is hiding his Jewish roots by attacking Israel and the Jews, and by expressing strong Muslim religious beliefs. (According to a rumour, Libyan President Muammar Qaddafi had a Jewish mother. Now an anti-Semitic card is used in the Iranian internal political fight. Jewish anti-Semites are never good news for Jews and Israel!) Let Them All Go. Thousands of Druze residents of the Golan took part in a pro-Syrian march a week ago. The march commemorated the Knesset's 1981 decision to reunite the Golan with Israel . Syrian protesters joined from the other side. Protesters in the Golan waved Syrian flags and called for the Golan to be given to Syria. (The truth is there is no loyalty to Israel among Israeli Arabs or Druze. All of them must be returned to their ancestral lands!) A German's View on Islam
A man whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism. "Very few people were true Nazis "he said, "but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, we had lost control and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories." We are told again and again by "experts" and "talking heads" that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam. The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or who are honour killers. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard quantifiable fact is that the "peaceful majority", the "silent majority" is cowed and extraneous. ...Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because, like my friend from Germany , they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them and the end of their world will have begun. Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghanis, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. As for us who watch it all unfold; we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life. Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has been publishing an Internet editorial letter about the Arab-Israel conflict since August 2001 and has a website www.shamrak.com. He can be reached by email at StevenShamrak.e@gmail.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 27, 2009. |
This was written by Melanie Phillips
and it appeared yesterday in the Spectator
On Harry's Place, Dave Rich makes some good points about the now common analogy that is drawn between Israel and the Nazis, or Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto, as used by such Israel-haters as George Galloway, Jenny Tonge, the British Muslim Initiative and others. Its import, as he says, lies in far more than its mere offensiveness and demonstrable barmyness. It is used for very specific political purposes. Since Nazism is totally beyond the pale and since the Israel-haters believe, falsely, that Israel's legitimacy rests upon the Holocaust tarring it as a Nazi state delegitimises it and thus advances the agenda of its destruction. But Rich points out a further consequence of demonising Israel in this way: If Israel is a Nazi state, then anybody who does not oppose Israel is morally no better than a Nazi. There is only one place this train of thought can end: with the demonisation and social isolation of the vast majority of ordinary British Jews. Precisely so. And that is why so many British Jews now feel under siege in a country that to their horror and astonishment has now turned against them which they feel every time they switch on the BBC or read the newspapers or go to the office or stand around over drinks with people they once thought were friends but who now force them to make a choice: renounce Israel and be accepted, or support Israel and be a pariah. I would also make a further point that Rich does not make. Calling Israel a Nazi state retrospectively sanitises the Holocaust and lets complicit Europe off the hook Britain too. After all, Britain was partly responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews to whom it refused entry to Palestine in order to appease the Arabs of Palestine who were in league with the Nazis and who perished in the Holocaust as a result. If the Jews have become Nazis, then their victimisation at the hands of the Nazis stops being the crime of crimes. It also allows people safely to hate the Jews once again. As I was told to my face by a prominent man of impeccable liberal views, the enormity of the Holocaust had meant that it was no longer possible to disdain or loathe the Jews as before, at least not in public. But with Israel painted as a Nazi state, it can be open season on the Jews once again. As the thinker Paul Berman points out in an interview on Z Word, the problem of Jew-hatred today lies principally with people just like this. The idea that it is reserved for knuckle-dragging right-wingers is simply wrong. Throughout history, it has been people pursuing the mostly high-minded visions who have wanted the Jews out of humanity's hair once and for all. As Berman notes: The unstated assumption is always the same. To wit: the universal system for man's happiness has already arrived (namely, Christianity, or else Enlightenment anti-Christianity; the Westphalian state system, or else the post-modern system of international institutions; racial theory, or else the anti-racist doctrine in a certain interpretation). And the universal system for man's happiness would right now have achieved perfection were it not for the Jews. The Jews are always standing in the way. The higher one's opinion of oneself, the more one detests the Jews. Having stated these truths, Berman then flinches from the contemporary political application, refusing to agree that the human rights movement is intrinsically a vehicle for Jew-hatred. But it is. It is very noticeable that hatred of Israel and the Jews today goes hand in hand with higher social class and education, and high-minded progressive ideals such as human rights, the replacement of war by law, post-nation universal values and the forcible eradication of any views that challenge this agenda. It is, in short as the title of Jonah Goldberg's excellent book proclaims liberal fascism. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by LEL, February 27, 2009. |
This was written by Dave Gaubatz
and it appeared in Family Security Matters
Dave Gaubatz spent 20 years as an active duty USAF (Special Agent/OSI), 3.5 years as a civilian 1811 Federal Agent, trained by the U.S. State Department in Arabic, and was the first U.S. Federal Agent to enter Iraq in 2003. He is also a counterterrorism counterintelligence officer. Gaubatz currently owns "Wahhabi CT Publications" and conducts CT Research on behalf of high profile non-profit organizations. His website is here, and he can be reached at davegaubatz@gmail.com. |
I believe Americans are extremely frustrated about a number of things, including the sad state of our national security and the declining economic situation. They are rightly concerned about their children's future. They are losing interest in socialism taking over the news media. Many I have talked with no longer want to listen, read, or watch people ranting about how our country is secure. They are annoyed with the news headlines that focus on ladies who have eight babies and the multi-year "Aruba case." Americans have little patience and want people who "allegedly" know the situation our country is currently in to come to the point and fix the problem, not respond to incidents after they have happened. A good example of this is the manhunt[1] for the former student of a high school in Georgia who allegedly has a gun. This is a legitimate concern, but the threat is 100 times higher within just a few miles of many schools throughout America. (A hint to law enforcement: Go to any inner city school in the U.S. and within a mile in any direction, there are gang members with guns.) Instead of locking down the school, it would be safer for the children to immediately be removed and allow their parents to protect them. The last tactic that should be tried is to have hundreds of students in a school surrounded by hundreds of armed law enforcement officers and possibly a student with a gun. There is more chance of students being harmed in crossfire by staying than if they left the school. There is another danger in Georgia that few people are talking about. I have conducted first-hand research in Islamic Centers throughout Georgia. The Imams in many centers are telling the children to hate America, hate Israel, and to kill anyone who does not adhere to "pure Islam." During the last two weeks I have conducted first-hand research at many Islamic Centers in Tennessee. It's a very, very, dangerous situation. Muslim children are being encouraged by their Islamic leaders (trained in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan) to follow Islamic terrorists like Ali Al Timimi (convicted[2] and currently in U.S. prison for advocating terrorism against the U.S.) The Muslim children throughout the U.S. are being encouraged to learn how to use guns, bombs, and other weapons for the sole purpose of being utilized in Jihad Qital (physical Jihad) against their enemies in America. In Blacksburg, Virginia, there is an Islamic scholar advocating to the students at Virginia Tech to commit treason against the U.S., instill Sharia Law, and to study the works of Islamic terrorists in order to meet these objectives. How much do Fox, CBS, NBC, or other news (and I say this laughingly) outlets report on these incidents which threaten every child of every race, culture, and religion? Do the law enforcement officers who are our "first-line" defenders respond in force to Islamic Centers who are advocating "sedition" against our country? No. Why not? Simply because if an Islamic scholar tells a Muslim child to kill other students who do not follow "pure Islam," or if the scholar tells husbands to beat their wife, or if the scholar informs Islamic Jihadists in America how to stay current on new weapons technology (such as biological and radioactive weapons) it is considered religious freedom. As an American I do not believe that when anyone tells a child to kill others and to commit treason against our country it is covered under any religion (even if told to the child in an Islamic school). God help Islam if the best examples they can use as role models are Ahmad Sakr, Siraj Wahhaj, Ali Al Timimi, and Abul Mawdudi. The following is a statement being streamed through the Internet to Muslims in America: "You Islam heroes: America is falling down behind the mirage, so hit it with an iron hand so it wakes up from its dream. At last we ask Allah to grant success to the Mujahedeen, to enable them, to grant mercy on their martyrs, to cure their injured, to release their captives, to unify their efforts and enable them to defeat their enemies, Ameen." Footnotes [1] http://www.examiner.com/a-1870628~ Atlanta_area_high_school_put_on_lockdown.html [2] http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,154635,00.html Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 27, 2009. |
UNREALISTIC HUMAN RIGHTS DEMAND The Palestinian Center for Human Rights demands investigation into who tortured a Gaza Arab to death and that the authorities punish them (IMRA, 2/8). So unrealistic, those demands are amusing. Who does the Center suppose authorized and0 committed the murder? The Hamas authorities, as usual. Expect Hamas to investigate fairly? Same goes for similar incidents in the other part of the P.A.. The Center may be concerned about rights of Palestinian Arabs under P.A. jurisdiction. When it comes to Israel, however, it engages in jihadist propaganda. Everything Israel does it finds wrong and culpable. It does not denounce P.A. authorities like that. The lesson here is that Arab Muslims generally believe that they have rights and that non-believers do not. TERRITORIAL JEWS TO VIDEOTAPE ASSAULTS ON JEWS Up to now, the Left trained Arabs to videotape ethnic conflict. The Arabs then doctored the tapes to make Jews seem the aggressors. Now, Jews in Samaria are taking classes in videotaping and other forms of propaganda. They will photograph Arab stoning of their cars, police abuse, and other assaults on Jews. The other side no longer will be able to get away with its crimes (Arutz-7, 2/8). Passers-by will be able to film police seizing cameras that photographed their abuse. BRITAIN BARS DUTCH WHISTLE BLOWER ON ISLAM Britain forced Dutch M.P. Geert Wilders onto a return flight, contending that his presence endangered public safety. A Pakistani Member of the British Parliament, Lord Ahmed, had lobbied the government for the ban. He said that Wilders would provoke "violence and hatred" against Muslims, the great majority of whom renounce terrorism. Britain has let visit Muslims who advocated terrorism and repression of women and homosexuals, but has barred some, more recently (John F. Burns, NY Times, 2/13, A8). Anti-Muslim violence is rare, outside of India. Geert has not urged violence nor suggested hating. He does point out that Muslims do and threaten to conquer Europe. If Muslims became violent upon hearing his criticism of their intolerance, they'd prove him right. They constantly commit religious violence in Britain and elsewhere, a real threat to public safety. Maybe they renounced terrorism. Were they sincere? They admit wanting to replace native cultures. They demand privileges that foster that goal? Can't cite that goal in Britain? SHIITE-SUNNI RIFT The Gaza offensive is in the context of the Shiite-Sunni rivalry. Iran heads the Shiite campaign; Egypt and S. Arabia head the Sunni campaign. Iran ordered its [Sunni] protégé, Hamas, to attack Israel, leading to the Israeli offensive. Iran wants its protégés to attack Israel. Egypt and S. Arabia want Arabs to make peace agreements with Israel. They claim Arabs [including Sunnis] are working with Iran not in the Arab interest Iran wants to re-establish its former empire over the region as well as subordinate the Sunnis to Shia (IMRA, 2/9). If Egypt bordered Iran, its rift with Iran might provoke mutual war. Let us not confuse peace agreements with peace. The proposed agreements would eviscerate Israel and therefore foster its conquest. As far as Israel is concerned, the Shiites and Sunnis are vying over how to conquer Israel. IN A WIDER WAR... In a wider war, the Israeli Air Force could not lend as close support to ground troops as it did in Gaza. It would have other missions, too (IMRA, 2/9). Would Israel use artillery for such support, though it means more civilian casualties and, worse in my opinion, more "friendly fire" casualties? Has the IDF learned from Gaza how to reduce casualties from "friendly fire?" ANTI-ZIONIST EDUCATION PROGRAM IN ISRAEL Min. of Education Tamar, of the Labor Party, plans to indoctrinate Israelis in the Arab point of view. The Arabs do not deem Israel a legitimate state. They think that Arabs have as much right to immigrate to the country as Jews (IMRA, 2/10). Considering that Israel is being warred on by jihad, the Arab view is treason. Labor's self-defeating multi-culturalism would confuse Jewish youth about their own country's legitimcy. How come any Jews in Israel vote for the Labor Party? AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL (A.I.) FINALLY SPEAKS OUT A.I. finally reports on Hamas purges of rivals in Gaza. Hamas forces are the only ones allowed to go about with unconcealed arms. They break into houses and hospitals, to shoot former P.A. police, Fatah members, or Arabs accused of cooperating with Israel against terrorism. The drawback and signifier of A.I. bias is to introduce this internecine war within the context of the Israeli offensive, which it falsely claims killed more civilians than troops (IMRA, 2/14). UNIVERSITY'S POLITICAL GOAL Bard College in New York State is collaborating with Al Quds U. in Jerusalem and Abu Dis. The venture aims at "injecting American educational values and expertise into Palestinian society, in hopes of contributing to a future democratic State of Palestine." One of the educational goals is to teach students to raise questions instead of accepting all their information and views from teachers. "Bard anticipates complaints from some American Jews unhappy because Al Quds is a Palestinian institution partly in Jerusalem which many Jews consider the indivisible capital of Israel and because Al Quds is no stranger to radical Palestinian politics. [Note the deceitful understatement, as will be shown below!] The initial financing is coming from George Soros..." The head of Al Quds U. is Sari Nusseibeh. "Mr. Nusseibeh is the scion of one of the most distinguished Palestinian families, one filled with judges, scholars and politicians, and whose history in Jerusalem goes back 1,300 years..." He has been arrested and jailed. The Pres. of Bard, Leon Botsein said, "It is also clear that being a Zionist and favoring the security and healthy future of the State of Israel is absolutely compatible with creating a Palestinian state. That's why we're very proud of what we are doing." (Ethan Bronner, NY Times, 2/15, A14.) "Al Quds is no stranger to radical" Islamic politics? The university student body long has been solidly Islamist. Students get further indoctrinated there in violent intolerance. That is the opposite of democracy. Al Quds classes train them in technology used for terrorism, such as making explosives. Mr. Nusseibeh supported the anti-democratic, jihadist culture there, and was subversive in Jerusalem. Mr. Bronner has so understated the university and Nusseibeh positions as to thoroughly mislead readers. His description of Nusseibeh is designed to make that pro-terrorist respectable. Such treatment the Times never gives Jewish nationalists. Most Arabs there are of recent immigrant families. If the Bard program were sincere, it would work against the P.A. culture. It would re-educate students to accept Israel as a legitimate Jewish state, whereas the P.A. does not. (Nusseibeh would be executed for that.) It falsely assumes, without justification or attempted explanation (except to claim it is "clear") that a state for those Arabs would end the conflict. No, the P.A. claims all of Israel, because the conflict is religious. Tolerance is not said to be in the curriculum. Mr. Soros is pro-Arab. Mr. Botstein misstates Zionism. Zionism is not turning parts of the Jewish homeland over to gentiles, and ones who want to expel the Jews. Israel doesn't gain security from ceding secure borders to a sovereign power that could import arms and armies against Israel, without interference from Israel. Bard's venture into interference with Israel is intrusive. Who are Botstein and the Times to suggest dividing Jerusalem from Israel? Anti-Zionists. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Justice For Jonathan Pollard, February 27, 2009. |
This was written by Kenneth Lasson and it appeared today in the Baltimore Jewish Times. Kenneth Lasson is a law professor at the University of Baltimore. |
The worldwide Jewish community waits, at varying degrees anxious and rueful, to see how President Obama will treat Israel. Anxious, because no one knows what audacious aspirations he can realistically harbor for a Mideast foreign policy that has been challenged by intractable hatreds and hopes for more than half a century. Rueful, because a lot of us felt that George W. Bush, while a bad president for America, was a good one for the Jewish state. Not so fast. Even for many of those inclined toward the latter view, Mr. Bush turned out to be a great disappointment in handling the needlessly festering case of the imprisoned Jonathan J. Pollard. In his two terms, fervent appeals were made quietly to the president from people as diverse as U.S. senators and members of the Knesset, American law professors and the chief rabbi of Israel, and thousands of common citizens worldwide. To many of them, Mr. Bush appeared to be receptive and respectful, and he promised a thoughtful response. A petition for clemency was on his desk the day he left office. He did nothing. Is there any chance that Mr. Obama will be any more enlightened, honest and just? The plight of the former U.S. naval intelligence analyst, convicted in 1985 of passing classified information to Israel and sentenced to life in prison, is a sorry stain on the moral fabric of two great countries. Pollard has been used and abused by both America and Israel treated unjustly by our generally fair-minded system of justice, and forsaken by a Jewish state founded on humanitarian values and ennobled by the single-minded pursuit of its enemies and the redemptions of those held captive for its sake. Why is Jonathan Pollard still in prison? Never mind the legal arguments that he was convicted on trumped-up evidence that he's never had the chance to challenge, that the U.S. Justice Department violated an honest plea agreement and that his life sentence is grossly disproportionate to any other punishment of similar offenders. The hard facts remain that he was never charged with treason, never caused Americans any great harm, and has suffered mightily for the confessed sins of others. On the other hand, there is a good case to be made that Pollard is being punished for a crime he did not commit the one to which the convicted traitor Aldrich Ames has openly confessed; nor was he ever charged with treason. In fact, the "victim impact statement" offered by prosecutors did not impute to him any damage to American interests or harm to intelligence personnel. The life sentence handed out to Pollard for an offense that normally nets a four-year term amounts to a gross miscarriage of justice. So does the fact that the government of Israel abandoned one of its loyal agents, Applying for parole is not an option for Pollard, because of a severe and wholly unique impediment placed in his way by the Department of Justice: His current attorneys both of whom have been given top secret security clearances have never been permitted to see the documents submitted to the judge before Pollard's sentencing in 1987. Without access to that file, persons opposed to parole have free rein to say anything about Pollard they wish, with no risk of being contradicted by the documents. Thus, Mr. Obama should show clemency for clear, straight-forward reasons: He'd be correcting a longstanding miscarriage of justice. Pollard's life sentence by far the harshest ever meted out for a similar offense continues to make "equal justice under law" seem like little more than a palsied proverb. Of the dozens of Americans convicted of the same crime, many more perfidious spies have received lesser or no punishment. He'd be acting the way other countries have acted toward us. Few know the mirror-image cases that make Pollard's plight all the more sadly ironic: In the 1990s, Israel caught at least two Americans and one Mossad agent spying for the U.S. The Americans were noiselessly expelled, the Israeli pardoned. He'd be making an important gesture of America's appreciation for Israel's abiding friendship, acknowledging the Jewish state's willingness to accede to much of our Middle East strategy. In short, the president should act now to reflect the time-honored values of fairness and decency to which the nation he leads has always aspired. Here's a change he could implement without spending a penny a moral stimulus every bit as necessary as an economic one. Jonathan Pollard has already served 24 years in prison. Grant him clemency. Reach Justice for Jonathan Pollard by sending an email to
justice4jp@gmail.com and visit their website:
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 27, 2009. |
Before Shabbat, and with great brevity, first the good: Livni will not be sitting in the government. What is also good, is that the reason she won't is because she "saw no sign of Bibi's commitment to the issues." Which means he refused to commit to a "two-state solution." Baruch Hashem. Now we'll watch as the coalition takes shape. ~~~~~~~~~~ The bad is that Chas Freeman's appointment is official. I was waiting for official word and it has come. Found it in The Washington Times: an announcement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. "Ambassador Freeman is a distinguished public servant who brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in defense, diplomacy and intelligence that are absolutely critical to understanding today's threats and how to address them," said the director, Dennis Blair. "The country is fortunate that Ambassador Freeman has agreed to return to public service and contribute his remarkable skills toward further strengthening the Intelligence Community's analytical process." If his expertise is critical for the US, the US is now going down a very different road and the world is a different place. There is no way, here and now, for me to say all I wish to say on this subject. But it's time for the supporters of Israel in the US to wake up and realize they have a government that is going to work against us and to stand strong against those efforts. We cannot rest for a moment (except on Shabbat). ~~~~~~~~~~ Another blessing, among the many that are ours: It is pouring torrentially. How we need this! Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 26, 2009. |
This was written by Spengler and it appeare February 3, 2009
in Asia Times
"My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives," United States President Barack Obama told an Arabic television channel on January 26. Really? What are their names? Word has come to the West of no extraordinary Muslim thinker since the 12th century. There is one first-rank Arab writer working today who tries to explain why there are no extraordinary Muslims but on that more below. By "extraordinary", to be sure, Obama means no more than Garrison Keillor meant in saying that the children of Lake Wobegon all are above average. There is no "there" in Obama's "patchwork", as he characterized America in his inaugural address. America is all patches and no quilt, arranged in no particular order, as in his remark in the same interview that America is "a country of Muslims, Jews, Christians, non-believers". Everyone is ordinary, or maybe extraordinary whatever. If Obama had said that "the Muslim world is filled with ordinary people, etc", his meaning would have been clearer. It's worth holding Obama to his words, though. In the real world, the ordinary depends on the extraordinary, for it is the extraordinary citizens of a nation who set a mark for the aspirations of ordinary people. Cultures that can't produce extraordinary individuals can't survive. That bears on the other half of the president's assertion. It is true that most Muslims simply want a better life, and the two or three million American Muslims mostly are well-educated economic immigrants who value prosperity over tradition. But it also is true that among the 1.4 billion Muslims in the world there are tens of millions who would rather kill and die than endure what they perceive as an intolerable humiliation. The majority of Muslims will be content to eat crumbs from the table of the West and conform to the misery of their circumstances. It is the substantial minority that will not be content that should worry Obama. The failsafe definition of an "extraordinary person" is what an ambitious mother will tell her feckless children, "Work hard and you might grow up to be like him (or her)." Successful cultures produce people whose contributions resonate through the world scientists, poets, musicians, entrepreneurs, or philosophers. Just one great individual can transform a nation, by setting an example for ambitious youth. Thanks to the composer Jan Sibelius, Finland with just 5 million people became a force in the world of classical music. But woe unto cultures whence comes no contribution to the rest of humanity. Where are the Muslim scientists, novelists, entrepreneurs, athletes and musicians? Apart from political leaders, a reasonably diligent reader of a quality newspaper in the West will not be able to name a single Muslim distinguished in any field of human endeavor. Excluding the politically awarded Peace Prize, Muslims have won only three Nobel prizes since their inception more than a century ago, or one for every 450 million Muslims alive today. By contrast, there have been 169 Jewish Nobel Laureates (excluding the Peace Prize), or about one for every 89,000 Jews alive today. During the past century, a Jew was 5,000 times more likely to win the Nobel than a Muslim. The last native of a Muslim country to receive the Nobel was the Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk, a secular critic of his native country now living in New York City in virtual exile, unable to return to Istanbul in safety. I favorably reviewed his last novel Snow. Only one Muslim writer today is mentioned as a frontrunner for the literature prize today: the Syrian poet Adonis (the pen-name of Ali Ahmad Sa'id), whom I profiled (Are the Arabs already extinct? Asia Times Online, May 8, 2007). Adonis is a man whom the world should know better. Almost singlehanded, he created a modernist poetic style in Arabic that vividly conveys the terror of the Muslim encounter with the modern world. Adonis calls his work an obituary for the Arabs. "We have become extinct," he told Dubai television on March 11, 2007. "We have the masses of people, but a people becomes extinct when it no longer has a creative capacity, and the capacity to change its world ... The great Sumerians became extinct, the great Greeks became extinct, and the Pharaohs became extinct." Islam itself destroys the creative of Muslims, Adonis argues: "Because Islam the last message sent by God to mankind has placed the final seal on the Divine Word, successive words are incapable of bringing humankind anything new. A new message would imply that the Islamic message did not say everything, that it is imperfect." The most melancholy Slav sounds like Jerry Seinfeld next to this poet of despair. The blame for Islamic backwardness, Adonis claims, lies in the concept of "oneness," or tawhid, of Allah. "Oneness" conveys not just monotheism, but exclusionary comprehensiveness; it refers more to totality than to unity. As the leading European Islamist Tariq Ramadan explains tawhid, for a right-thinking Muslim, it is literally inconceivable to raise doubts about God. A Muslim, Ramadan explains, might forget, but he cannot doubt. The trouble with a religion that permits no doubt unlike Christianity, of which Pope Benedict XVI said that "doubt is the handmaiden of faith" is that it becomes an all-or-nothing proposition. Either Islam regulates the totality of life and thought, such that questioning may intrude within its magic circle, or it becomes nothing. Islam is inseparable from the traditional life of subject peoples; it cannot find roots in the thin soil of modernity. Measuring modernity is difficult, especially because its onset in the Muslim world is sudden, but there is one unerring gauge of social transformation that shows how quickly Muslim societies are changing. That is population. Thrust into the modern world, Muslims are overtaking the West only in one dimension: they are aging, and aging faster than any other part of the world. Iran is the fastest-aging country on the globe. The developed world today has a median age of almost 40, the sad result of two generations of demographic decline, while the largest Muslim countries have a median age of 25. But by the middle of the century, according to United Nations projections, the average age of the largest Muslim countries will be 47, converging on the aging industrial world. ![]() Only with extreme difficulty will the developed countries manage the burden of a rapidly aging population. It is hard to envisage how the much-poorer Muslim world will manage it at all. The potential for civil as well as regional instability will continue to rise. Increasingly, the Muslims find themselves with the worst of both worlds, that is, with the same dependency profile as the populations of the West, but without the wealth or the capacity to generate wealth that gives the West some wiggle room. Japan may have a declining population, but it is a wealthy land with enormous inventiveness and the capacity to substitute capital for labor. Excepting Turkey, no Muslim country has a single industrial company that can compete on world markets. The Muslim world thus far has failed to produce the sort of extraordinary men and women who can innovate and adapt. Shrinking resources and growing need are a formula for social and regional instability. Iran's insistence on acquiring nuclear weapons stems from more than a paranoid antipathy to the state of Israel. Iran looks wistfully towards the far shore of the Persian Gulf where Saudi Shi'ites dominate the monarchy's main oil-producing regions. Fifty million aging Persians, for that matter, might be more concerned about 175 million young Pakistanis to their east than about Israel. Most Muslims want to better their lives, as Obama said, but their lives are getting worse rather than better, and nothing they know can make things better. In theory, there might be a future state of the world in which the Islamic world could live in peace and prosperity, but today's Muslims cannot get there from here. In dozens of essays during the past five years, I excoriated former president George W Bush for imaging that he could fix the problems of the Muslim world by promoting American-style democracy. If Obama spends more time reassuring, and less time trying to fix the Muslim world, he will do better, by default. America's policy towards the incurables should be to live and let die.
Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 26, 2009. |
MUSLIM "MODERATION" TACTIC Muslim leaders who purport to be moderate act as intermediaries between Western governments and Islamists. They advise those governments to accede to some of the Islamist demands or suffer attack by the Islamists. The advice sounds to me like a partnership in blackmail between the purported moderates and the Islamists. The Islamists carry guns and the purported moderates speak for them. The purported moderates don't denounce the Islamists as violent, undemocratic bigots. They don't rally their masses against the Islamists. Nor do they urge Western governments to resist. The urge what would advance the program of Islam. TONE OF THE TIMES The NY Times has been criticizing Pres. Obama freely. Quite a shift in mood! The editors no longer think he is walking salvation. Now they notice his clay feet. They praised, however, one of his most foolish moves. That was his offer to work out a cooperative relationship with Iran. The President of Iran replied favorably. Iran may exploit Obama's naivete as an opportunity to gain the last, critical months needed for developing nuclear weapons, after which Iran can start blackmailing or destroying other countries, by itself or via proxy. EUROPEANS & DEMOCRATS OWE BUSH AN APOLOGY Buried in a long article was a statement that China "...is the world's leading emitter of greenhouse gases" (Marc Landler, NY Times, 2/11, A8). Europeans and Democrats had pressed only the US to reduce greenhouse gases. They condemned Bush for not signing the Kyoto pact. Pres. Bush had argued that Kyoto unfairly let some developing countries pollute considerably. He was right. To be fair, the issue was murky. Both those who set national policy and those who criticize it owed the people an explanation of their stances in sufficient clarity and detail to be understood. Neither side did. CHUTZPAH When the worst criminals believe their claims can be accepted, their temerity reflects a low state of public ethics. Thus the P.A. is striving to have Israel put on trial for war crimes in Gaza. Israel didn't commit war crimes then and there, but acted in exemplary fashion. The P.A. committed war crimes every day then and there, and there is no public demand to put Hamas on trial. This isn't about war crimes or morality. This is about immorality and ganging up on the Jews. CONSUMER FRAUD BY ALLEGED HUMAN RIGHTS GROUP The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is not a human rights group but an Islamist rights group. It almost always supports, as if a right, terrorist efforts to import arms, smear, and commit terrorism. ACRI has attempted a consumer fraud against Israel's legal lights. It informed 37 leading lawyers that it would put their names on a petition accusing Israel of war crimes in Gaza, unless they specifically rejectied the petition. The lawyers all replied to withhold their names. It was a new low for ACRI. Unethical. Nervy! For examples, ACRI claimed that Israel was occupying Gaza, so Arabs in Gaza had a right to fight against Israelis. [They had a peace accord, could have negotiated, have no right to resort to terrorism banned under all conditions, and Israel no longer had troops in Gaza, just didn't want the non-sovereign Hamas to import weapons for making war, as it did.] An ACRI report claims that Israel was racist against Arabs. It did not investigate Muslim prejudice against Jews. Its findings of Jewish racism were not or were not proved to be. It alleged an increase in "anti-Arab incidents," but did not show they were from prejudice. It states that Jewish hatred of Arabs doubled, but did not explain how it concluded that. From media reports, one may surmise that its standard is that Israelis want to continue veterans' benefits. Many countries offer veterans' benefits. Nothing prevents Arabs from joining the military or performing other national service. [ACRI wants the Arabs to declare themselves enemies of their country and enjoy veterans' benefits. Ultra-Orthodox have other reasons for not performing national service, and aren't entitled to veterans' benefits.]] ACRI almost never supports the rights of victims of terrorism or attempts to repress the speech of opponents of terrorism. For example, Prof. Steven Plaut was sued for criticizing a leftist professor. The criticism was truthful. The purpose of the suit was to impose costs on Plaut that might shut him up. Plaut asked ACRI to support his free speech. It refused (Plaut, 2/5). Israel abounds in discrimination against Jews, as by curbing their dissent and framing them, but ACRI and B'Tselem do not protest against those real examples, only against false ones in favor of the country's Arab enemies. THE LEBANESE ARMY IN REALITY The head of the Lebanese Army said that his Army and the Syrian Army have the same ideology. He said that the Lebanese Army's first priority is defense from Israel, in conjunction with Hizbullah (IMRA, 2/7). There you have it, the Lebanese Army is an ally of terrorists and Syria, which are taking over Lebanon. Why is the US arming it? To harm Israel? DEEPER TUNNELS The Arabs claim that newer arms smuggling tunnels are too deep to be detected or bombed. This means that airplane attack, alone, does not suffice. It takes troops on the ground. It always does. Even military brass forgets that in any big military operation, the air force is auxiliary. They like to imagine an easy aerial bombing can do the whole job. ISRAEL NOW IN THE TRANS-SHIPPING BUSINESS? Since Israel let some ships through the blockade, now many ships try to get through. Israel now sending their cargoes through, by land. This shows the problem with settling each instance separately, as Israel admitted it had done. It is wiser to think through the matter and establish a useful policy at the outset. U.S. FLOUNDERING The Obama regime is floundering. I get no satisfaction from evidence of his inexperience. He didn't just have less experience than his rival, he has insufficient experience. This has cost him much of his prestige and adoration. It impedes US economic recovery. It will not improve his policy towards Israel. Usually, US Presidents seeking to regain respect imagine that they can solve the Arab-Israel conflict and will do so on the backs of Jews. This distracts them from more pressing issues. In their conceit, they don't realize that they have no more magnetic a personality than their predecessors, who have failed at that quest for half a century. The quest isn't fulfilled by personality. How can charm inveigle the most hardened fanatics in the world? Muslims use charm on us. They have done so before. They pretend to be cooperating, as per lran-Contra. Problems can be solved by policy. The earlier policy of land-for-peace has not changed. How can the same policy work now? The Arabs are more vengeful and jihadi than before. Yes, the Democrats imagined that their man has a new policy, but they were wrong. He's got the same diplomats and the same theory that they merely have to negotiate, based on the lie that the prior regime did not negotiate. And what about the prior, Democratic Carter and Clinton regimes? LUNATICS Not all lunatics are antisemites, but most antisemites are deranged. Deranged people used to be locked up. We progressed from that era. Now they either become head of government i.g., Castro, Putin, Sarkozy, Assad or they are given personal computers and keep out of trouble by sitting at home and venting. The insane asylum might substitute PCs for mood altering drugs. Perhaps they already do. The wardens coach them: blame everything on Israel and the Jews. Get a jump start on your taxes. Find a tax professional in your neighborhood today. IRAN NEARER TO NUCLEAR WAR Two phases in starting nuclear war: (1) Develop the weapons; (2) Deliver them. One, flexible means of delivery is by long-range missile. Iran has just demonstrated its ability to launch such missiles, when it sent a satellite into space. There hardly was a ripple from the governments and media of Europe, which Iranian missiles now can reach, and from the US. Israel had warned Europe that it could be targeted, too. The UNO has issued a resolution against Iranian shipment of arms. The US inspected such a ship, but claimed, as if the resolution were just an exercise in words, that it lacked authority to seize the ship. The US also insisted that Israel not seize the ship, to prevent its cargo from getting smuggled into Gaza. Apparently the US is appeasing Iran, to facilitate smooth negotiations, but Obama does not insist that the purpose of the negotiations is to prevent Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons. Lieberman joined the Olmert Cabinet when he said Iran is too dangerous for Israel to lose time in new elections. He did not do anything about Iran, but for two years he kept in power the Cabinet that procrastinated. Livni said that one must negotiate with Iran, but she didn't. Instead of criticizing foreign appeasement of Iran, she praised their toothless resolutions. Defense Min. Barak failed to lobby among Israel's friends in the US government for the equipment it would need to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. Netanyahu, not in the government, persuaded many American state pension systems to divest from companies doing business with Iran. He backed efforts to try the President of Iran for the crime of inciting to genocide. Those efforts brought the nuclear issue onto the American agenda. His three rival politicians, Lieberman, Livni, and Olmert disparaged him for it, instead of supporting him. He is the only one with credibility on this issue (Caroline Glick in IMRA, 2/7). I suppose Obama's emissaries will be negotiating peace with Iran on the day of Iran's sneak attack, just as FDR's emissaries were negotiating peace with Japan on the day of Japan's sneak attack in 1941. Obama will be thought wise on the day before, and most foolish on the day after. ISRAELI RETALIATION EXAGGERATED In response to attacks from the Gaza fence and to aerial bombardment, the IDF bombed some tunnels and arms depots (IMRA, 2/7). Israel ended the offensive, but when Israel is attacked, it finds targets to bomb. I suspect that it withheld attacking those targets before, so it can do so when Israel is attacked again, as if its response were significant. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Daisy Stern, February 26, 2009. |
This was written by Edwin Black and it appeared in The
Jerusalem Post The writer is The New York Times best-selling investigative author of IBM and the Holocaust, Internal Combustion and the just released The Plan: How to Save America When the Oil Stops or the Day Before (Dialog Press). And visit his website at www.edwinblack.com |
In recent days, four key developments have clicked in to edge Iran and Israel much closer to a military denouement with profound consequences for American oil that the nation is not prepared to meet. What has happened?
Israeli countermeasures to date have included a massive international covert program of equipment sabotage, assassination of key nuclear personnel and a vibrant diplomatic offensive. But all these efforts combined amount to nothing more than delaying tactics, as Iran is irrevocably determined to achieve a nuclear weapon as fast as possible. Many believe such a weapon will be used to fulfill its prediction that Israel will soon be wiped off the map.
THE CONSEQUENCES for this confrontation are apocalyptic because Iran's full partner in this enterprise is Russia. The Russian company Atomstroiexport has provided most if not all of the nuclear material for the 1,000 megawatt Bushehr reactor, along with thousands of technicians to service and operate it. Following its invasion of Georgia, Moscow forged ahead with final delivery plans for the S-300 advanced air defense system which can track scores of IAF airborne intruders simultaneously, whether low-level drones or high-altitude missiles, and shoot them down. But the S-300, the linchpin of Iran's defense against Israel, will not be fully operational for several months, creating a narrow window for Israel to act. Indeed, Russia has just announced a pause in missile deliveries for the system in fear that it will accelerate an Israeli response. Iran, of course, has repeatedly threatened to counter any such attack by closing the Strait of Hormuz, as well as launching missiles against the Ras Tanura Gulf oil terminal and bombarding the indispensable Saudi oil facility at Abqaiq which is responsible for some 65 percent of Saudi production. Any one of these military options, let alone all three, would immediately shut off 40% of all seaborne oil, 18% of global oil, and some 20% of America's daily consumption. America's oil vulnerability has been back-burnered due to the economic crisis and the plunge in gasoline prices. However, the price of gasoline will not mitigate an interruption of oil flow. The price of oil does not impact its ability to flow through blocked or destroyed facilities. Indeed, an interruption would not restore prices to those of last summer which Russian and Saudi oil officials say is needed but probably zoom the pump cost to $20 per gallon. American oil vulnerability in recent months has escalated precisely because of oil's precipitous drop to $35 to $40 a barrel. At that price, America's number one supplier, Canada, which supplies some 2 million out of 20 million barrels of oil a day, cannot afford to produce. Canadian oil sand petroleum is not viable below $70 a barrel. Much of Canada's supply has already been cancelled or indefinitely postponed. America's strategic petroleum reserve can only keep that country moving for approximately 57 days.
THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, like the Bush administration before it, has developed no plan or contingency legislation for an oil interruption, such as a surge in retrofitting America's 250 million gas guzzling cars and trucks each with a 10-year life or a stimulus of the alternate fuel production needed to rapidly get off oil. Ironically, Iran has undertaken such a crash program converting some 20% of its gasoline fleet yearly to compressed natural gas (CNG) as a countermeasure to Western nuclear sanctions against the Teheran regime that could completely block the flow of gasoline to Iran. Iran has no refining capability. The question of when and how this endgame will play out is not known by anyone. Israeli leaders wish to avoid military preemption at all costs if possible. But many feel the military moment must come; and when that moment does come, it will be swift, highly technologic and in the twinkling of an eye. But as one informed official quipped, "Those who know, don't talk. Those who talk, don't know." Contact Daisy Stern by email at daisystern1@gmail.com |
Posted by Marc Samberg, February 26, 2009. |
This was a news item in Asia News
Jeddah, gang-raped woman sentenced to prison, one hundred lashes According to the judge, the woman is guilty of adultery and of accepting a ride from a stranger. Following her rape, she became pregnant, and will finish her pregnancy in prison. The one hundred lashes will be given after her baby is born. Jeddah (AsiaNews/Agencies) The victim of sexual violence after which she became pregnant, a 23-year-old Saudi woman has been condemned to one year in prison, and 100 lashes. The news has been reported by the Saudi newspaper Saudi Gazette, which says that the judge punished the woman because she is guilty of "adultery," having accepted "a ride from a stranger." The man and his friends abused her the entire night. The court of the district of Jeddah handed down the sentence after the unmarried woman "confessed to having forced intercourse with a man who offered her a ride." According to the young woman's testimony, he took her to a house east of Jeddah, and, together with four friends, abused her the entire night. Following the rape, the woman became pregnant; she was eight weeks pregnant when she went to the military King Fahd Hospital. According to the judge, the woman is guilty of "adultery" simply because she is not married, and she has been sentenced to a year in prison. The hundred lashes will be given after she delivers the baby; the child will take his mother's last name. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive, and can ride in a car only if they are accompanied by a husband or relative. In recent days, Saudi princess Amira al-Tawil, wife of prince Al Walid Bin Talal, had defended the right to drive for all women in the country. Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 26, 2009. |
This was on the Gateway Pundit website
![]() In this photo released by the Kenyan Prime Minister's Press Service, Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, left, is seen with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right, during their meeting at the Laico Regency hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009.(AP/Kenyan Prime Minister's Press Services) Ahmadinejad declared that relations between the regime in Iran and Kenya are improving after the meetings. In 2006 Barack Obama took a trip to Kenya at US taxpayer's expense. While visiting Kenya as a guest of the government Obama campaigned with opposition leader socialist Raila Odinga, who also happens to be his cousin (says Odinga): Odinga's party lost the 2007 election in Kenya. His party claimed the election was rigged in favour of President Mwai Kibaki. ![]() Odinga's thugs then went on a rampage killing hundreds of Kenyans and burning churches.
At least 600 people died in rioting after the election and 250,000 were displaced. Odinga was accused of ethnic cleansing during the clashes.
Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com
Posted by FSM, February 26, 2009. |
This was written by Douglas Farah and it appeared today in
Family Security Matters (FSM).
Douglas Farah is an award-winning investigative journalist and Senior Fellow in Financial Investigations and Transparency at the International Assessment and Strategy Center. E-mail him at doug@douglasfarah.com. |
In recent days, two high-level assessments of the threats facing the United States have come out, and both are striking for their stark omissions of the same central theme: the criminal/terrorist nexus that is driving so much of what we see around the world. The first assessment is the Annual Threat Assessment presented by Dennis Cl Blair, the Director of National Intelligence, presented as Congressional testimony. The second is FBI Director Robert Mueller to the Council on Foreign Relations. Both are interesting reading, and it's heartening to see the Horn of Africa move far up the priority scale in both discussions. The DNI report also focuses some passing (but more than any other public statement) attention on Latin America, particularly Venezuela. Director Mueller correctly states that: The world in which we live has changed markedly in recent years, from the integration of global markets and the ease of international travel to the rise and the reach of the Internet. But our perception of the world and our place in it also has changed...The universe of crime and terrorism stretches out infinitely before us, and we, too, are working to find what we believe to be out there, but cannot always see. What has changed less, it seems, is the ability to integrate into out thinking and assessments changes as they occur. The paradigm shift in terrorist financing from states and large donors to crime and quasi-state institutions is a clear trend that is accelerating. While the Taliban use of drug money is mentioned in the DNI statement, and there is a passing reference to the FARC's drug revenue, organized crime receives a small, separate section in the report, and no overlap with terrorist activity is noted. Given the shared information that likely shaped both presentations, it seems the conventional thinking in the intelligence and law enforcement communities (with the notable exception of the DEA) is that organized criminal groups and terrorist groups remain separate entities, with little overlap. The objective reality is that this is no longer true. The Taliban, FARC, AQIM, Hezbollah, HAMAS, ETA and others all rely on significant organized crime ties to survive. Hezbollah has perfected the ability to work with established networks of Lebanese diaspora entrepreneurs, legal and not, to collect funds totaling tens-if not hundreds-of millions of dollars a year (see the West Africa diamond trade and Tri-Border region). AQIM participates in and collects taxes on cigarette smuggling and human trafficking, etc., etc. These activities are not tangential to the terrorist operations, but fundamental. That is why the failure to grasp this nexus is so important. If the mutually-beneficial ties are not understood, tackling the threat will be impossible. Contact Family Security Matters (FSM) at info@ familysecuritymatters.org |
Posted by Steven Plaut, February 26, 2009. |
Avraham Burg is without a question one of the worst Israelis in the world and also a despicable person. A one-time Knesset Member from the Labor Party and a speaker of the Knesset, and later Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Burg is openly seeking to put an end to Israel's existence as a Jewish state. He is a leader in the "Post-Zionist" movement of ultra-leftists, Israelis and ex-Israelis seeking Israel's annihilation. But now he is also up to his ears in financial scandal. It turns out he is one of the central figures involved in the collapse of the Pri Hagalil company, a collapse that has dominated the economic news in recent weeks in Israel. Let's back up a little. Avraham "Avrum" Burg has been a far-leftist for decades. He is the son of the great Joseph Burg, a Holocaust survivor and one of Israel's founders. Father Burg was a leader of the National Religious Party and sat in Israeli cabinets for so many years that there were many jokes about him having sat in a cabinet with Pharaoh. Mother Burg had grown up in Hebron and survived the 1929 Arab pogroms against Jews there. Junior Avraham had been a leader in "Peace Now," and supposedly was
standing near the favorite martyr saint of the Israeli Left, Emil
Grunsweig, when the latter was killed by a grenade tossed at the
demonstrators by a rightist. (The perp, by the way, is NOT on the list
of people Olmert wants to release as part of the general release of
terrorists.) Avraham is religious, sort of, showing his ambivalence
about that by wearing a yarmulke smaller than many postage stamps. In
recent years he has been making headlines for his demands that Israel
stop being a Jewish state, that the Law of Return for Jews be revoked,
and that Jewish symbols of the state be junked. He is a founder of the
new anti-Israel lobby in the US, "J Street." He has lived in recent
years in France. His current "thinking" can be read here: As speaker of the Knesset, "Avrum" defied Israeli law and illegally
went to speak before the PLO's "parliament" in Ramallah in 2002. Since
then he has morphed into one of Israel's most extremist
"Post-Zionists" (http://www.arabworldbooks.com/arab/avraham.htm). He has denounced Israel as an evil entity
Burg demands that Israel desist altogether from defining itself as a "Jewish state". His take on suicide bombers? "Having ceased to care about the children of the Palestinians, [Israel] should not be surprised when they come full of hatred and blow themselves up in the centers of Israeli escapism." He has published an anti-Israel 'book', one that ruminates about Israel and Zionism, compares Israel and Germany, harshly criticizes Eichmann's hanging by Israel, reflects on Judaism in the age of globalization and remembers his father's house. In 2007 the media reported that Burg junior had left Israel altogether to do "business" in France. We will see in a minute what sort of "business." Meanwhile, back to Pri Hagalil. It is a fruit canning and processing company located in the impoverished Israeli "development town" of Hatzor, not far from Kiryat Shmona, close enough to be on the receiving end of many a Hezbollah rocket. It is the main employer in the town, and it is broke. The background to this is that the company was once one of so many
mismanaged enterprises owned by Israel's Histadrut Trade Union
Federation. The Histadrut is essentially Israel's leading organized
crime family. Pri Hagalil had been managed by the Histadrut's own
industrial holding company Koor, before the latter was privatized. Pri
Hagalil was sold by Koor in the 1990s to two dubious characters, an
Israeli business man named Aviv Algor, and a British investor named
Ian Davis. I say they are dubious, but I mean they are crooks. A month
ago the two were convicted of serious fraud in a separate affair
involving the Mediterranean Pipes Company (Maariv Feb 25) and had
other previous fraud convictions
The two crooks had purchased Pro Hagalil and at the same time purchased the "Vita" company, which makes soups and other processed foods, and merged it with Pri Hagalil to make a new company. The merged enterprise was owned by "Kedem," their own holding company, which also bought up other failing Israeli companies from different industries. At that point they struck a deal with .. (drumroll) . our own Avrum
Burg! He came in as a partner in their corporation and was appointed
chairman of the board of directors of Pri Hagalil. The company kept
losing money (if you are interested and read Hebrew, you can check its
books out at
In any case, Pri Hagalil went bust, and is now insolvent. The two large Israeli banks that are its largest creditors began preparations to foreclose and liquidate the company. That has serious implications because it is the lifeline of the large portion of the population of Hatzor. Shutting down the factory would make Hatzor look like Oklahoma in a John Steinbeck book. So in the past few weeks, the business news in Israel has been revolving around the prospective shutting down of the factory. Its workers are striking on and off, and holding noisy demonstrations. The banks are demanding that the court put the company into receivership, and that a "rehabilitation plan" be negotiated. Everyone is pretty clearly trying to pressure the government to bail out the company Obama-style. But the new Minister of Finance will likely be Bibi and he is opposed to corporate welfare. Burg and his buddies are accusing the banks of insensitivity in trying to get repaid the money owed to them by the Pri Hagalil company. The banks themselves are in the red even without writing off their investments in Pri Hagalil, because of the financial crisis and recession. They are accusing Burg of mismanaging the company and its finances. The bottom line is that the mainstay source of sustenance for an entire impoverished development town in Israel was destroyed under the stewardship of dear old Avraham Burg And then to top it all off, Maariv Feb 25, 09 is reporting that the Israeli banks are accusing Burg of being involved in the disappearance of funds plowed into the factory. They claim they invested 270 million shekels in keeping the factory operational and that these funds simply "disappeared." Whither did they disappear? The media are not saying and neither is Burg. As of this morning, the court gave the company a brief reprieve before putting it into receivership, so that its owners can try to negotiate with its creditors. My guess is that the Israeli government will bail it out, forcing taxpayers to pony up the cash to cover Burg's incompetence. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, February 25, 2009. |
![]() Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at
freify@netvision.net.il and visit |
Posted by Aliza Karp, February 25, 2009. |
To My Daughter's Dear Friend Mushka, The other evening you asked me if it was not irresponsible for a father to leave his family and go to war. I do not like the way I answered you. I answered about danger. If the definition of danger is the odds one out of one hundred or one out of one million of getting hurt, then there is a greater chance of being hurt in traffic accidents in Eretz Yisroel than going to war, and yet every day we willingly go into traffic. My answer may have made sense, but I find it heartless. We are emotional beings not computers with and on and off switch. On our way to the hillside restaurant where you asked me the question, just before we made our final left turn towards Bat Ayin, there was a sign to Rosh Tzurim. Rosh Tzurim is a town in the Gush Etzion Bloc south of Yerushalaim, not far from Efrat, half way to Hevron. It is home to a few hundred religious families. It is attractive and well kept. In Rosh Tzurim is an excellent school for special needs children and young adults. They even have horses for the students to care for and ride. The morning after you and I and Huvi had dinner on the hillside under Bat Ayin I came back to Rosh Tzurim with Chaya, a friend of mine from the nearby town of Alon Shvut. Although she is the one who lives in the area, I showed her something she had not known about. I took her to the highest point in Rosh Tzurim. From there we could see Yerushalaim in the north and Ashdod and even Ashkelon to the southwest. The country is so small! There is a war in Ashkelon. From our restaurant, had we been gazing out windows at the back, instead of the side, we would have been able to see the war zone. There is a little park where Chaya and I were standing. It is called Mitzpeh Tzachi. Mitzpeh means a lookout. Tzachi is a nickname for Yitzchok. The park was established and beautifully designed for Tzachi Sasson. When Chaya and I walked into Mitzpeh Tzachi we saw a group of young men landscaping and gardening. At first glance the group looked unusual I was on my guard for something suspicious. But as we get got closer I realized it was a group of special needs teenage boys with their counselors. The park was made for Tzachi after he was murdered by a terrorist who shot him in the head when he was driving between visiting his parents in French Hill, Yerushalaim and going home to his wife and sons in Rosh Tzurim. He was one of the earlier casualties of the 2001 Intifada. Tzachi was gem. I walked with Chaya to show her the stone memorial the family had made for Tzachi. On it is engraved the words of a letter he sent to his younger brother when his brother was entering the army. It is a long letter telling his brother in loving detail to Daven and study Torah regularly, to carry out his army duty with excellence and to be a good example to others. I remember Tzachi as a good looking, fun loving teenager who was respectful, kind and generous. This letter showed me a depth to him that I would not have doubted but wound never have known about. Tzachi's mother's name is Aliza, like mine. When I was neighbors with Aliza, we did not have a common language but I knew her well. When I first read the news about Tzachi on the internet, I knew Aliza would be devastated beyond comparison. Even though he did not die in battle, his death was at the hands of those who want to destroy us, in a different form of warfare. So I think we can learn from his death, the impact of a father going to battle and not returning home. Hashem should avenge Tzachi's blood and all those who have lost their lives Al Kiddush Hashem, for the sanctification of G-d's name. The Sasson family built the beautiful park atop Rosh Tzurim. Other projects were also done in his memory. I donated a full Chitas to each family in Rosh Tzurim so they could put it in their car as a safety precaution. The Sassons have other children and they have grandchildren, including Tzachi's children Bli Aiyn Hara. His wife did what Tzachi would have wanted her to do. She pulled herself together and re-married. Tzachi's sons are taken care of, and they know their father died Al Kiddush Hashem. They have a loving mother, step-father and loving grandparents but no one and nothing will replace their father. If I still feel pain when I think of Tzachi I cannot come close to fathom how his family still suffers. Mushka, my answer to your question was about statistics. Jewish lives are not statistics. Every victim of war and terror is one hundred percent someone's Jewish son, husband, father, brother, cousin, friend, classmate... There is pain because there is love. The Lubavitcher Rebbe repeatedly stressed the section in Shulchan Orach that when we have an enemy we have to make a pre-emptive strike. We have to got to war. Who is more qualified to fight to protect his children, than a father? As the fathers battle alongside young men who do not yet have families, the younger men are encouraged and empowered by the unique energy of fathers fighting to protect their children. If there were no imminent danger, fathers would not go to war. But when there is danger. Real danger. Fathers go to war. I showed Chaya the memorial for Tzachi and told stories about him. We also spoke about the three soldiers who had been killed the night before, at the war in Aza, and the trauma their families were now feeling. Chaya's twenty six year old daughter knows someone in each of the families of the fallen soldiers. I did not know yet that I also was connected, through my work, to one of them. I was in a sad, pensive mood as we walked back to the car. We passed the group from the special school who were now sitting by the walkway, taking a break from their landscaping. Chaya asked one of the counselors to take a picture of the two of us. As she was showing him how to use the camera, one of the students came towards me. A counselor called to him using the name Eitan. I guessed Eitan had Downs Syndrome but I was not sure. He ignored the call to return and I said to him, "Eitan, are you coming to give me a hug?" He did not speak but continued to approach. As he hugged me, I hugged him back. I like to think that Eitan could sense I would be accepting of him and that I would appreciate the hug. It was just what I needed. Ahavat Chinum, love without ulterior motives. I insisted Eitan be in the picture with me and Chaya. Eitan will not be a father and he will not go to war. Eitan senses when his hugs are needed and he is not afraid to do what he does best. I think Eitan's hugs make the world a better place. Who can understand the ways of Hashem? There is pain and there is love and the only definitive answer is Moshiach Now, With love,
Aliza Karp, the Administrator of the Friends of Families of Hebron fund, writes about issues of concern to the Jewish world, including the Lubavitcher Rebbe's perspective on defending Israel. Contact her by email at basmenachem@gmail.com |
Posted by , February , 2009. |
At the moment it looks as if, please G-d, we will have a right wing coalition government. In theory, Netanyahu is still supposed to meet with Livni one more time on Friday, but coalition negotiations which will determine ministry assignments and platform details have begun, starting with Shas, Yisrael Beitenu and United Torah Judaism. The assumption, then, is that Netanyahu has no further expectations of Kadima in the government. He is expected to build a sizeable cabinet of some 22 ministers. Negotiations are being handling by a committee headed by MK Gideon Sa'ar, Likud faction chair; he says he intends to build a strong coalition that will last until 2013, when the next elections are scheduled by law (barring collapse of a gov't). ~~~~~~~~~~ A prime reason Netanyahu gave for wanting Livni in the coalition is to show solidarity with regard to Iran. But she has assured him that from the opposition she will totally support him on this issue and lend whatever assistance is necessary. ~~~~~~~~~~ The 18th Knesset was sworn in yesterday, and includes 31 new MKs. ~~~~~~~~~~ I have learned that appointment to the chairmanship of the National Intelligence Council can be done automatically by the president. And so, Chas W. Freeman Jr. apparently would not have to be confirmed by the Senate Select Intelligence Committee. However, I have picked up no word that the appointment is final, and as long as that is the case, I encourage communication with the Senators of the Committee any way. It is all together appropriate to express your outrage as an American citizen and request that all possible leverage be brought to bear to prevent this appointment from taking place. ~~~~~~~~~~ Fatah and Hamas have held some preliminary meetings mediated by Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman prior to major negotiations aimed at forging a unity government. The animosity between the two groups is enormous and there are deep ideological differences. But there is also motivation now to come together for purely pragmatic reasons: they need to present a united front to arrange the authority for rebuilding in Gaza, and to attempt to secure the opening of the crossings. I will note here, and will continue to note, that there is no demand being placed on Hamas with regard to relinquishing terrorism or recognizing Israel's right to exist. And yet, as far as the international community is concerned, this unity government, which also would provide one address for negotiations, is seen as a necessary precursor to advancing the "peace process." Don't look for logic. Yesterday, Hamas strongman Mahmoud Zahar told Reuters that, "It's our right to bring in everything money and arms. We will not give anyone any commitment on this subject." ~~~~~~~~~~ Recently the Begin-Sadat Center at Bar Ilan University released a study, that had been headed by Prof. Ephraim Inbar, that indicates that a "two state solution" is not viable: Says Inbar, the Palestinians have too many internal rifts; neither Fatah nor Hamas really wants peace with Israel (many continue to assume Fatah, which pretends it does, really wants peace); and neither the PA nor Hamas would be capable of governing a state. Who's listening? ~~~~~~~~~~ And just a month ago, Khaled Mashaal, political chief of Hamas in Damascus, announced a campaign against the PLO, which is dominated by Fatah. Declaring that it was Hamas's goal to replace the PLO with a new organization that would serve an agenda of "resistance," Mashaal said: "At this moment, the PLO is no longer a unifying point of reference, but has become impotent and a tool for deepening Palestinian divisions." What this means is Hamas wishes to be in charge, and to change the rules by which the PLO represents Palestinians world-wide. ~~~~~~~~~~ Obama has committed $900 million for reconstruction in Gaza, to be channeled primarily through UNRWA. This is presumably to keep it out of the hands of Hamas, but anyone who know how UNRWA conducted itself during the recent war in Gaza knows what a joke this is. UNRWA persistently echoed Hamas's fallacious charges of "war crimes" against Israel. Most blatant was the UNRWA charge that we had hit one of its schools and killed 40 civilians, when it turned out we hadn't hit the school at all and only 12 people were killed, none of them terrorists. Yesterday a senior Israeli government official charged that UNRWA provides political cover for Hamas: UNRWA Commissioner-General Karen AbuZayd passed a letter, on behalf of Hamas, to Senator John Kerry, Chair of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, when he was in Gaza last week. Said the official: Unfortunately, there is a pattern here. "That no one finds it strange that UNRWA, whose mandate is humanitarian, is the vehicle through which Hamas passes messages on to the US, just shows where UNRWA is at." For insight into how UNRWA functions, see my report at:
~~~~~~~~~~ Barry Rubin's new piece, "American, look behind you! Turn around! Turn around!" merits a serious read: "America: A freight train is heading your way and you're standing right on the tracks, looking in the wrong direction. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1235410694225&pagename= JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, February 25, 2009. |
This was written by Richard Z. Chesnoff and it appeared today in Jewish World Review. Vveteran journalist Richard Z. Chesnoff was Senior Correspondent at US News & World Report, and is now a columnist at the NY Daily News and the Huffington Post. The paperback edition of his book, Pack of Thieves: How Hitler & Europe Plundered the Jews & Committed the Greatest Theft in History is now available. |
Ever notice how often the reputedly astute prove amazingly naive if not downright dumb? Take the New York Times' much lauded op-ed columnist Roger Cohen. In a long rambling piece datelined Esfahan, Iran, wandering analyst Cohen recently told his global readers that the remnant of Iran's once thriving Jewish community is doing just fine in fact, it's actually living the life of Reza side by side with Islamists, enjoying freedom of worship, business and family life and just dying to join other patriotic Iranians in angry anti-Israel street demonstrations. To back up his contentions, Mr Cohen quotes that esteemed expert Morris Motamed, the man who once served as the mullah endorsed Jewish stooge in Tehran's rubber stamp parliament. It all reminded me of my 1990 Baghdad visit to the remnant of Iraqi Jewry a Diaspora community older and once larger than even Iran's. Like most Iranian Jews, the vast majority of Iraq's 150,000 Musawi or ""Mosaics" wisely fled for Israel and the West in the early 1950s. Of course, they had to leave behind everything they owned. By the time I visited Baghdad, there were less than 300 Jews left in a city where Jews once comprised 25% of the urban population. These Jews also prayed in their synagogue on the Sabbath where their community president told me with great flourish (while Saddam Hussein's omnipresent agents listened to every word) that he and his fellow worshippers were "proud to be both faithful Jews and loyal Iraqi patriots". The truth was very different as it is in Iran where the Jewish community is under constant surveillance, where teaching Hebrew is prohibited, where Jewish women are forced to follow the same modesty laws their Muslim sisters do, where Jews are barred from certain jobs and some imprisoned or hung on trumped up charges of contact with "Zionists". Another journalistic sin of Mr Cohen's piece was his insistence to use Iran's supposed tolerant treatment of its remaining Jews as an excuse to take another of his nasty jabs at Israel. After all, Cohen tells us, perhaps Iran's threats to destroy the Jewish state are merely a "provocation to focus people on Israel's bomb, its 41 year occupation of the West Bank, its Hamas denial, its repetitive use of overwhelming force." He then goes on to ignore the hard fact that Iran is behind Hamas as well as Hezbollah and most of the terrorism that currently confronts Israel , the very terrorism that frequently obliges Jerusalem to invoke its "overwhelming force". Mr. Cohen also attacks "some American Jewish circles" for their "misleading and dangerous...'Mad Mullah' caricature of Iran". In other words we really shouldn't worry about Iran's race to obtain a nuclear weapon even though such a weapon would not only threaten Israel, but the rest of the world including the United States. And as if to underscore its increasingly perverted sense of journalistic balance, today's NY Times runs a second Iran focused op-ed piece alongside that of Cohen's. This one by Iranian born journalist Ali Reza Esraghi is oddly entitled "Our Friend in Tehran" and urges President Barack Obama to stop wasting time and "seize the opportunity to shake the Iranian President (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's) outstretched hand". Lord protect us from the reputedly astute! Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 25, 2009. |
HOW HAMAS RECRUITS FEMALE SUICIDE BOMBERS Muslim rape victims are shamed more than rapists. Hamas arranges for young women to be raped. A female Hamas agent then persuades the victims that they can erase their shame by becoming suicide bombers. An agent admitted this to police and reporters (IMRA, 2/4). But the world' indignation is against Israel as inhumane. HAMAS STEALS MORE HUMANITARIAN AID Hamas gunmen raided an UNRWA warehouse. They made off with thousands of blankets and hundreds of food parcels. (IMRA, 2/4). The NY Times is full of biased UNO accusations about Israel blocking the flow of goods into its enemy, Gaza, but sparse about the facts on Hamas stealing and selling UNRWA goods meant to be given to the people, free. BAD SAMARITANS Rustling by Arabs has been rising. There were 2200 incidents of it in 2008. Arabs from Samaria made off with a prize herd of 200 goats owned by Israelis in the Galilee. Police recovered them (Arutz-7, 2/4). GUNS BEFORE WATER Syria is suffering from drought. Most of its water flows into agriculture and industry. Damascus has periods without water. Residents buy it on the black market. Syria is depending on Japan buying water for it (IMRA, 2/5). Syria need's Japan's charity because it won't adopt birth control, as Japan did, and it spends its billions of dollars on armaments. Japan's charity is vital to Syrian imperialism and aggression. Not so humanitarian. Why don't these so-called humanitarians help decent people? NEW KIND OF TERRORISM Islamist videos circulate on the Internet urging murder of US groups and giving their addresses. The videos are more than just a rant, for they exhibit signs of being carefully crafted not to break the wording of US statute (Arutz-7, 2/5). We must counteract radical Islamic ideology and eradicate its activists. We should not allow masses of Muslims in Western countries, where they establish a reign of terror. They are abusing our tolerance to stifle our freedom. OBAMA BETRAYS ISRAEL, & DURBAN II The Obama administration refuses to join Canada and Israel in boycotting the Durban II Conference. Its rationale is that US participation may keep the Conference from becoming the antisemitic diatribe that Durban I was. The rationale is false. The purpose of Durban II is to implement Durban I. Durban I was primarily anti-Israel. It denounced Israel as a racist state and its law of return as racist. In other words, Jews may not have national self-determination and may be killed with impunity. Durban II inevitably will be the same. The UNO still is controlled by the Islamic bloc and allies, among whom Iran, Cuba, Libya, and Pakistan were prominent in setting Durban II's agenda. "And that agenda includes multiple assertions of the basic illegitimacy of the Jewish people's right to self-determination. The... agenda also largely adopted the language of the 2001 NGO conference that called for the criminalization of critical discussion of Islam as a form of hate speech and racism. That is, the 2009 conference's agenda is not only openly anti-Israel, it is also openly pro-tyranny, and so seemingly antithetical to US interests." Durban II is stacked, and the US cannot alter it. "Since it came into office a month ago, every single Middle East policy the Obama administration has announced has been antithetical to Israel's national security interests. From...Obama's intense desire to appease Iran's mullahs in open discussions; to his stated commitment to establish a Palestinian state as quickly as possible despite the Palestinians' (Arafat's Arabs') open rejection of Israel's right to exist and support for terrorism; to his expressed support for the so-called Saudi peace plan, which would require Israel to commit national suicide by contracting to within indefensible borders and accepting millions of hostile, foreign-born Arabs as citizens...to his decision to end US sanctions against Syria...to his plan to withdraw US forces from Iraq and so give Iran an arc of uninterrupted control extending from Iran to Lebanon, every single concrete policy Obama has enunciated harms Israel." [He also is pledging significant subsidy of Gaza.] Those policies may not have been intended to harm Israel. [They don't help the US, except the one about Iraq, if Iraq can defend itself.] They may result from conceit and naivete. Attendance at Durban II, however, is so intended, since the purpose is to gang up on Israel. US attendance there legitimizes it and discourages European states from boycotting it. Worse, at a planning session, the P.A. proposed adding to Durban's agenda by endorsing the Intl. Court of Justice opinion against Israel's security fence, that calling for "the international protection of Palestinian people throughout the occupied Palestinian territory." That means that Israel has no right to self-defense. The US did not object. Neither did the US demur when Iran objected to mention of the Holocaust. Thus the Obama rationale for attending is a lie. It is not even attempting to head off the evil that Durban II represents. In 2001, the US walked out of Durban I (Caroline Glick in IMRA, 2/21). In foreign policy decency, courage, and intelligence, Obama makes Bush look good. Perhaps Obama is a secret Islamist, after all. U.S. PROMOTING HAMAS-FATAH UNITY REGIME The US approves of unity negotiations (IMRA, 2/21). In addition to above! A unity regime would give the US an excuse to pretend that it now can deal with all of the P.A. and give it money as if that money would not go to terrorism. The papered-over unity would enable the US to pretend that Israel now has an entity to which to concede territory. Actually, Hamas would be given the opportunity to organize in Judea-Samaria. It soon would take over the whole P.A.. It would acquire, as it said it would, the arms that the US and Israel gave Abbas "to strengthen" him against Hamas. It would turn those arms on Israel and import more. It also would help Iran and the Islamists take over more countries, developing a more powerful anti-US axis. We need a patriot with at least half a brain in the White House. OBAMA DONATES TO FOREIGN ENEMIES Sec. of State Clinton attended a donor conference on rebuilding war-torn parts of Gaza. The US will donate $900 million to Gaza, not thru Hamas (IMRA, 2/24). The NY Times implicitly defends the aid by remarking great exaggeration that Gaza was "devastated" by the battle. Some of the money would go through UNRWA (NY Times, 2/24, A7) staffed by terrorists. The US also claims that its funds for Abbas' P.A. don't go for terrorism. Abbas then pays the Hamas regime's salaries, and Hamas gives priority to terrorism. Abbas' regime trains troops for the same purpose, they commit terrorism, his media promote it, he praises it, and his diplomacy advances it. He threatens war unless Israel accedes to conditions that would render it indefensible. The US claim is phony, like most of its diplomacy. The people of Gaza may not like Hamas anymore, but they picked Hamas for its non-corruption and harsher line against Israel. They would not now choose otherwise, if they could. They cooperated with the war they started and still goes on. They want Islam to conquer the world, including the US. They are not innocent people. They should not be helped financially. They should be ruined. Part of the way to save the world from Islamist domination is to bring down Islamist regimes and let their suffering be a lesson to others. That $900 million would be in addition to about half a billion each for Abbas and Jordan and $2 billion for Egypt. Almost all of it prepares anti-Americans to make war on Israel. Egypt's is for: (1) Stability, though airplanes and warships don't make stability; (2) In the secretive hope that Egypt would be a proxy for the US. Arab beneficiaries of US aid keep dashing that hope. They have different and irreconcilable interests from ours, and are incompetent; and (3) To bolster regimes against terrorism, but they favor terrorism and the P.A. is terrorist! Abbas' P.A. steals most foreign aid. Therefore, the aid helps the regime not to become popular but unpopular. Eliminate subsidy of the Arabs and the US could end subsidy of Israel. The US should cancel Israel's debt, as it did for Egypt, and discontinue further aid. If we must give foreign aid, give it to the genocidal victims of Sudanese radical Muslim Arabs, from whom jihad took everything. Better to withhold foreign aid until we learn how to give effectively. Most of it, including funds for the UNO, is wasted or spent on evil. Best to suspend foreign aid, for we really are out of money. Obama, stupidly enough before the economic crash, to double foreign aid. He's crazy now to increase it when our own people don't have enough to live on. He's counter-productive in giving it to the Arabs. How perverse! We are trying to avoid a depression. Cant do so by misguided business as usual. By the time our rulers get through with us, we won't have a great country. JERUSALEM WATCH Israeli police broke up a gathering in Jerusalem called by the PLO. PLO events are banned in Israel (IMRA, 2/21). If the regime relaxes the ban, it would signify intent to cede parts of Jerusalem. AMNESTY INTL. (A.i.) A.I. accused Israel and Hamas of recently misusing foreign-supplied weapons to attack civilians. It demands an embargo on both sides and suspension of US military aid to Israel. Israel responded that the its "military never intentionally attacked civilians," but Hamas used civilians as human shields (Isabel Kershner, NY Times, 2/24, A7). What is behind those claims and how they are reported? The news brief sounds neutral and even-handed. If balanced, then it is pro-Islamist. The demand for embargoing arms for both sides would be fair if the premises were fair and if an embargo would be fair. Consider the embargo. Hamas already is supposed to be under an arms embargo. It doesn't abide by it. It smuggles arms in. Likewise, Hizbullah is under an arms embargo, but the evil axis doesn't heed UNO resolutions and sends Hizbullah arms. In the 1930s, FDR embargoed both sides in Spain, but the Axis supplied the fascist side. In 1948, Pres. Truman embargoed both sides, but Britain armed Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt. The US embargoes harmed just the victims of aggression. The Spanish republic lost and Israel almost lost to the invaders. I accuse A.I. of knowingly trying to put Israel into that position, again. Perhaps its excuse is stupidity. Considering its constant bias against Israel casualty statistics based on false numbers and sophistry in defining civilians, biased eyewitnesses, unverified testimony, and failure to include Israel's case surely the unfairness here is just as intentional as usual. Israel's response is poorly put, the Times manages, as usual. The Times, if not Israel, should have stated that the IDF never intentionally attacked civilians whereas Hamas mostly does. Then should have come the explanation that Hamas used civilians as human shields, which, under international law, makes them and not Israel responsible for civilian casualties. Israel must be well armed, because Hamas commits aggression and self-declared genocide. A.I. doesn't know that if Israel were more poorly armed, other enemies would attack it? Both A.I. and the Times again are accomplices of attempted genocide. Adding insult to injury, those auxiliaries of Islamistm pretend to be objective and humanitarian. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Jonathan Schanzer, February 25, 2009. |
The Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip that began in late December has focused the world's attention on the conflict between the Jewish state and the armed cadres of the Palestinian terror faction Hamas. Yet the media coverage has, for the most part, failed to provide an accurate picture of the larger geopolitical confrontation in Gaza. The conflict is viewed as simply another battle in the ongoing war between Israel and the Palestinians. But in fact, the Israelis found it necessary to move against Hamas in part due to the machinations of an outside player that has long fomented discord and civil war within the Palestinian population for its own ends. That outside actor is Iran. The predicate of Jerusalem's decision to move against Hamas targets was the decisive outcome of the 2007 Palestinian civil war that left the Islamist group in control of Gaza, one of the two territories under Palestinian management. The other territory, the West Bank, is under the shaky authority of Fatah, the faction directed by Yasser Arafat for 30 years before his death in 2004. Now under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah is the dominant force within the Palestinian Authority, the official governing body of the aspirational Palestinian state. But Abbas has no power or authority in Gaza, which is now a Hamas fiefdom. The Palestinians in Gaza are the chief victims of Hamas's decision in December to provoke more bloodshed by raining rockets on southern Israel following a loosely observed six-month ceasefire. The Israeli retaliation has reinforced Hamas's status as the primary voice of "resistance" to Israel (the same Israel that disengaged itself from Gaza in 2005 and is, therefore, no longer an occupying force requiring "resistance"). Accordingly, the Arab world and its sympathizers in the West have railed against the Israelis for their targeting of Hamas fighters and arms supplies. But the real fear of Abbas, and of the surrounding Arab countries, is actually the same as Israel's that Hamas, and, by extension, its Iranian sponsors, will, in the end, be able to declare the Gaza action a victory for their cause. Such an outcome would be the flowering fruit of an Iranian intervention in Palestinian politics that dates back decades. The internecine Palestinian struggle began in 1988, in the early days of the first intifada, when the upstart Hamas organization began brazenly to circulate bayanat, or leaflets, in direct competition with Arafat's Fatah for leadership of the struggle against Israel. The tension between Hamas and Fatah grew steadily, until it reached its zenith with the June 2007 Gaza coup, during which Hamas took control of buildings, roads, and the media. Public discussion of the Hamas-Fatah struggle for domination of the Palestinian cause has been flaccid. Academic analysis has been virtually non-existent. It should therefore come as no surprise that Iran's significant role in exacerbating the conflict is all but unknown. _____________ In 1979, when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini succeeded in ousting the Shah from power and launched Iran's Islamic Revolution, Khomeini had Fatah leader Yasir Arafat to thank, at least in part. While Khomeini was still in exile in France, Arafat's Lebanon-based guerrilla network, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), aided his cause by providing military training and weapons. Indeed, the first members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which is now the elite military force under whose auspices the country's nuclear program is being managed, were recipients of Arafat's largesse. In a show of appreciation for Arafat's support, Khomeini closed the Israeli embassy in Tehran, handed the keys over to Arafat, and flew a Palestinian flag overhead. The building became an official PLO entity, complete with an ambassador. The honeymoon did not last long. During the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq War, the Palestinians threw their support behind Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, and Khomeini rejected Arafat's attempts to mediate between the two countries. But it was Arafat's 1988 decision at the United Nations to call for peace talks with Israel that ultimately led to the total unraveling of the relationship. In 1989, Khomeini's successor, supreme leader Ali Khame-nei, denounced Arafat as "a traitor and an idiot." One of the factors contributing to Arafat's decision to embrace negotiations after decades of launching terrorist attacks against the Jewish state was the outbreak in 1987 of the first intifada, the violent Palestinian resistance effort in the territories held by the Jewish state. At the time, Arafat was based in Tunisia, to which he had been exiled after being ousted from his perch in Lebanon in 1982. As the uprising spread, he ordered Palestinians loyalists in the territories to take control of the broad spectrum of groups comprising the Unified National Leadership of the Uprising. But he found himself unable to manage the situation from a distance of 1,500 miles. Members of the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood created a breakaway organization called Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (Islamic Resistance Movement), whose acronym was Hamas. By February 1988, Hamas began dropping its leaflets challenging Arafat's authority. Thereafter, the two groups engaged in a propaganda war for the loyalty of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians. Each offered competing guidance, and sought to claim credit for inspiring and leading the uprising. In an effort to retake the initiative during an emergency meeting of the Palestine National Council later in 1988, Arafat recognized General Assembly resolution 181, passed in 1947, which mandated the partition of Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. He soon called for peace talks based on other UN resolutions. The West rushed to begin a direct "peace process" between Israel and the Palestinians. Almost overnight, the PLO and Fatah were treated as though they constituted a makeshift government. At the same time, Hamas took the place of Fatah as the leading edge of the openly violent, openly rejectionist resistance, with its primary, indeed its only, stated aim being the destruction of Israel and Israel's replacement with a rigidly Islamic Palestine. Hamas's intransigent approach was clearly more in synch with Iran. The mullahs quickly understood this and reached out to the new group. In December 1990, Hamas leaders paid an official visit to Iran, along with other rejectionist groups, for a conference in support of the ongoing intifada. Once U.S.-sponsored peace negotiations enshrined Arafat as the West's only interlocutor in the Palestinian camp, Iran steadily increased its support for Hamas. As early as 1992, Arafat complained that Iran had provided some $30 million to the rival group, in effect corroborating a report in the Lebanese magazine Al-Shira that Iran had been doling out some $10 million a year to Hamas in funds from oil sales. After Arafat became a party to the 1993 Oslo accords, signed on the White House lawn with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, his relations with Iran worsened further. In December 1994, hundreds of Iranian demonstrators occupied the PLO embassy in Tehran, destroying property and condemning Arafat as the "biggest collaborator with Israel and the United States." The mullahs were careful to distance themselves from the incident. But around the same time, Iran began openly to offer support to PLO members still in exile in Tunisia, from which Arafat had returned in glory to the West Bank, if they would maintain their opposition to Arafat. A 1995 report in the Independent, a British newspaper, claimed Iran had backed an attempt to assassinate Arafat. Other hazy reports from the region said Iran was training Hamas members in redoubts in Sudane, Lebanon, and elsewhere. The Clinton administration recognized the threat that Iran posed to the peace process through its support for Hamas and other terrorist groups, including Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Hizballah. International financial aid, weapons, and military training were lavished upon the PA in an attempt to strengthen it, and Iran came under increased sanctions. Indeed, the 1995 U.S. trade embargo on Iran and the 1996 Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA) were designed in part to weaken Iranian support for Arafat's enemies. In an effort to humiliate Arafat and disrupt the Oslo process, Hamas had inaugurated a wave of suicide bombings inside Israel in 1994 a form of terrorism perfected by the Iranian-backed Hizballah, which had used car bombs as an effective terror weapon in Lebanon in the 1980s. There is evidence that Hamas adopted the technique as a result of Hizballah training. Mohammed Hafez of the United States Institute of Peace says that when Israel deported 415 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad activists to Lebanon in 1992, these Palestinian exiles received support and training from Hizballah. In the words of Michael Horowitz, a scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, "Hizballah was the hub from which suicide tactics spread to the Palestinians and other groups." Suicide bombing quickly became Hamas's preferred tactic of terrorizing Israel. Moreover, every time Hamas carried out an attack on Israeli soil, it sent a signal that the Fatah-run Palestinian Authority at best did not speak for all Palestinians, and at worst had no ability to exert control over its own people. Prompted and armed by Washington and Jerusalem, the PA cracked down on Hamas and PIJ, carrying out mass arrests of their activists (though many would quickly be released). The two factions continued to fight for the hearts and minds of the West Bank and Gaza Palestinians. Support for the PA dwindled rapidly on the streets of the West Bank and Gaza during the late 1990's, as Palestinians grew frustrated with the fact that billions of dollars in international aid were disappearing into the pockets of Arafat and his cronies. All the while, Hamas improved its standing by maintaining its steadfast opposition to the Oslo peace process, and by waging its savage campaign of violence against the Jewish state. More and more Palestinians came to believe that, in contrast to Fatah, Hamas was fighting for the Palestinian cause. That it was doing so with Iranian money did not appear to be a concern to the majority of Palestinians. _____________ In the late summer of 2000, the Camp David II talks, designed to bridge the gap on several thorny outstanding issues dividing the Palestinians and Israelis, broke down when Arafat rejected a dramatically generous Israeli land-for-peace offer that went far beyond any previous concessions. Rather than continuing to negotiate, Arafat elected to launch the war against Israel that he called the "al-Aqsa intifada." The fact that he chose violence over continued negotiations is likely a reflection of the fact that by this point, the Hamas approach to the conflict had begun resonating far more powerfully among Palestinians. By his own admission, Arafat a secular Marxist-Leninist by training and inclination finally surrendered to the Islamist agenda. As he said to Iranian President Mohammed Khatami: "We chose the way that . . . Muslims have entrusted to us." He named his violent assault on Israel after the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Islam's third holiest site, and exhorted Hamas and Islamic Jihad to join forces with Fatah's manifold paramilitary groups. Those groups included the newly formed al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades an Islamist subsidiary of Fatah that had clearly been modeled on Hamas. Iran supported Arafat's decision. According to U.S. intelligence, Iran provided funding to the Brigades, "mostly through Hizballah." Zakariya Zubeidi, one of the Brigades' West Bank leaders, confirmed the connection: Without the help of our brothers in Hizballah, we could not have continued our struggle. They give us money and weapons. We coordinate our military operations. Unambiguous proof of Iran's new alliance with Arafat came in early 2002, when Israel captured the Karine A, a Hizballah ship in the Red Sea bearing 50 tons of Iranian-supplied weapons on its way to Gaza. Israeli sources suggested that the shipment was the work of Imad Mughniyeh, Hizballah's operations chief, who coordinated closely with the Iranians. Though Iranian funding for Arafat's paramilitary operations appeared to indicate an overall thaw in ties between Fatah and Iran, Fatah continued to lose ground to Hamas in the court of Palestinian public opinion. Amidst the gruesome cycle of Palestinian terrorist attacks and Israeli reprisals, Hamas found that its attacks against Israel had the ancillary benefit of weakening Arafat. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon punished the Palestinian Authority for nearly every Palestinian attack on Israel, even when Arafat's men were not responsible for the specific assault. The more Hamas bloodied Israel, the harder the Israelis pounded the Palestinian Authority. Within months, Arafat found himself trapped in his Ramallah presidential compound surrounded by Israeli tanks while the rest of his Palestinian Authority infrastructure was reduced to rubble. With the PA in shambles, Arafat's Fatah could no longer provide what few government services it had dribbled out to the disgusted masses in Gaza and the West Bank. Hamas's dawa, or outreach network, picked up the slack by providing food, education, and other vital services. At the same time, Hamas began to encroach on territory once unquestionably controlled by the Palestinian Authority. Tribes, families, and clans loyal to Hamas fought openly with those loyal to Fatah. As the mainstream media filed story after tired story about Israeli-Palestinian violence, internecine Palestinian skirmishes grew increasingly common and went mostly unnoticed. When Arafat died in November 2004, he left a yawning vacuum. The territories were in disarray. None of the Fatah leaders and especially Abbas, the heir apparent seemed to know how to assert leadership. Hamas itself was also in flux. The Israelis had launched a campaign of targeted assassination that forced many of the group's leaders underground. Hamas's political office, based in Syria, assumed increased prominence, while the group's infrastructure in the West Bank and Gaza shrank. Hamas increasingly appeared to be run from abroad, and the close relationship between Iran and Syria suggested that Hamas had become entirely dependent on Iran for its succor. At around this time, Saudi Arabian funding for Hamas dried up. A rash of domestic terror incidents inside the kingdom had forced the ruling family to reconsider its monetary support for Islamist terrorist infrastructure. This was painful for the Islamist group. While the exact figures are difficult, if not impossible, to find, Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs estimated that in 2003 Hamas received $12 million annually from Saudi Arabia about one quarter of its total annual budget. The Saudi cutoff provided Iran with an opportunity to increase its hold. Iranian funding increased over the next two years while Hamas continued to fill the void left by Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. According to an article on the website of al-Jazeera, "Iran is known to have given $120 million to Hamas" over the past three years. After Israel completed its disengagement from Gaza in the summer of 2005, local elections were held in January 2006, and Hamas stunned Fatah by scoring a landslide victory. In response, the United States imposed sanctions to ensure that no Western aid dollars for Palestinians would be run through Hamas's hands. As the West, following the American lead, threw its support behind Fatah, a Hamas spokesman confirmed that Iran "was prepared to cover" the group's "entire deficit." During a 2006 visit to Tehran by Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh, Iran pledged $250 million in aid to compensate for the Western boycott. The standoff between Hamas and Fatah continued through June 2007, when Hamas launched the brutal military offensive that toppled Fatah in Gaza. Within weeks, Fatah intelligence sources were openly accusing Iran of funding the coup and training the fighters. "It was," according to Tawfiq Tirawi, "a joint program with Iran." _____________ While the stated goal put forward by Israel's leaders for their incursion into Gaza in the first week of 2009 was merely to make it more difficult for Hamas to fire missiles at Israel, the fate of the Palestinian Authority was clearly on their minds as well. So long as Hamas rules Gaza and can use it as a base for anti-Israel violence, it will have an effective veto over any peace initiative. The tacit support the Israeli offensive received from Egypt, which views Hamas and Iran as a threat to regional stability, illustrates as well how the internecine Palestinian conflict has mushroomed into an international crisis. Hamas's reckless decision to risk a new confrontation with Israel cannot be understood without taking the full measure of Iran's role in nurturing, training, sustaining, financing, and perhaps directing the group's actions. As the Obama administration begins its tenure with the intention of bringing new energy and determination to Middle East diplomacy, it would be folly for the new President and his team to assume that restraining Israel from measures of self-defense like the recent incursion into Gaza will aid their efforts. Until there is some resolution of the conflict within the Palestinian body politic, there will be nothing to discuss, primarily because there is and will be no legitimate interlocutor on the Palestinian side. And if Hamas, with the backing of Iran, finally emerges victorious in its twenty-year effort to be the defining force of Palestinian nationalism, it will have no interest in serving as that interlocutor, no matter what Obama and the West might do or say or promise. If the past two decades are any indication, a Hamas-led Palestinian Authority will, instead, openly act as the vanguard for Iran's dogged determination to see Israel (in the phrase of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) "wiped off the face of the earth." Jonathan Schanzer, a former intelligence analyst at the U.S. Treasury, is deputy director of the Jewish Policy Center and the author of Hamas vs. Fatah: The Struggle for Palestine.
This article appeared in Commentary Magazine
February 2009. It is archived at
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 25, 2009. | ||
This was written by Judy Siegel-Itzkovich and it appeared in
the Jerusalem Post
| ||
The editors of the BMJ (British Medical Journal)'s widely read print and Internet editions have declared that they will "ignore" all "orchestrated e-mail campaigns" related to politics, and have just published an article strongly criticizing the "pro-Israel lobby" for using this weapon in the form of "pornographic," "abusive" and "obscene" attacks many by people "who have never read the original articles" they comment on. Fiona Godlee and Tony Delamothe of the London-based general medical journal (www.bmj.com) write in an editorial that appears on Wednesday that such nasty e-mail messages and letters will be regarded as "not worth the paper they're written on" and suggesting that "authors, editors, publishers, advertisers and shareholders do the same." Five articles appear in the latest issue; one is by Karl Sabbagh, who describes himself as "the British son of a Palestinian father [who] has been the target of pressure from supporters of Israel's policies against the Palestinians." He writes about nearly 2,000 "hostile e-mails" about an 2004 BMJ article criticizing the "systematic violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention by the Israeli army in Gaza," by Derek Summerfield, an honorary senior lecturer at London's Institute of Psychiatry and a teaching associate at Oxford University. Sabbagh says that most of the pro-Israel e-mails were generated by HonestReporting, a Web site that "claims to be the largest Israel media advocacy group in the world." Yet there was no evidence that any of the authors of these e-mails had actually read the BMJ article they were criticizing, Sabbagh maintains. In his analysis of the e-mails nearly five years after the Summerfield article appeared, Sabbagh concluded "that the BMJ was the target of an orchestrated campaign to silence criticism of Israel. "There is nothing intrinsically wrong with organizing an effective lobby group," writes Sabbagh, "but the ultimate goal of some of the groups that lobby for Israel or against Palestine is apparently the suppression of views they disagree with." Sabbagh also charged that as a result of another pro-Israel campaign, the International Diabetes Foundation recently apologized for an article on the difficulties faced by diabetic Palestinians in Gaza, and the editor of the foundation's Diabetes Voice on-line journal resigned. He also describes a similar experience in 1981 when World Medicine, a popular medical magazine, published an article criticizing then-prime minister Menachem Begin, and says the pro-Israel campaign "led to the dismissal of Michael O'Donnell as editor and the closure of the magazine." "Such campaigns cannot be allowed to succeed not so much because they are wrong about the issues but because their ultimate aim is censorship and suppression by means of intimidation," Sabbagh concludes. Writer and broadcaster O'Donnell, who was editor of World Medicine for 15 years, writes in the new BMJ issue that the British journal should be "applauded" for publishing Sabbagh's analysis. "The best way to blunt the effectiveness of this type of bullying is to expose it to public scrutiny," he wrote. He added that some of the hostile and even disgusting letters he received were addressed to his children. O'Donnell, who identifies himself as being in a family "linked harmoniously by marriage to an Israeli Jewish family that has contributed to the political and cultural development of Israel," says most of the messages came from the US. British journalist Jonathan Freedland, who describes himself as "a trustee of Index on Censorship, which campaigns for freedom of expression" and whose "mother was born in Palestine in 1936," suggests the BMJ "grow a thicker skin. In today's wired world, he says, wading into any topic of controversy triggers a deluge of e-mails. "It simply comes with the territory... The harsh reality is that what Sabbagh described as a rare, exceptional event is increasingly common and clearly not confined to the Israel-Palestine conflict." Freedland, who is Jewish, added that "there is a strong desire to see the pressure from pro-Israel activists as somehow unique. But each of the elements Sabbagh cites demands for resignations, the enlisting of non-readers of the publication involved have been present in these other cases. "True, Israel-Palestine probably generates more venom than most topics, but that is hardly one-way traffic. In January 2009, anti-Israel activists forced their way into the offices of the pro-Israel lobby group, the British Israel Communications and Research Center (BICOM), damaging computer equipment, cutting phone lines and throwing documents out of the window. "True, BICOM is a partisan lobbying organization, not an independent medical journal like the BMJ. But that episode surely represents a rather more direct attempt at silencing a point of view than sending nasty e-mails," Freeland says. Prof. Elihu Richter, a public health expert and head of the Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Public Health and Community Medicine's Genocide Prevention Program, told The Jerusalem Post: "My own direct personal experience with the BMJ is that it does have a bias against things Jewish and Israeli." By contrast with the "repetitive opinion pieces the BMJ has published by Summerfield and others, it has rejected quality papers from Israeli researchers, including one on the fine trauma care Hadassah provides for all, including Palestinians, for the flimsiest of pretexts," he says. "The problems seen with the BMJ are also seen in Britain's other leading general medical journal, The Lancet, whose editor, Richard Horton, published a report on Gaza years ago that was full of misinformation and distortions based hearsay... and invokes double standards, includes mis- and disinformation, and implicitly accepts a lower standard for the value of human life of Israelis than it does for his own," Richter continues. He called Horton and Godlee "the Ferdinand and Isabella of medical journals" (these Spanish rulers in 1492 banished the Jews from the country). The new BMJ issue also published an article by Prof. Mark Clarfield, chief of geriatrics at Soroka University Medical Center and Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba, who was invited to publish four postings from his own blog about the Second Lebanon War in the BMJ. "Despite my attempts to concentrate in the blog on medical matters, a number of responses actually had little or nothing to do with the content of my postings. Some were vituperative, blaming Israel for all kinds of purported war crimes and misdemeanors. "Curiously, these authors never seemed to address the fact that Israel was responding to the breaking of a cease-fire that had just preceded eight years of unprovoked missile attacks on its southern and sovereign territory," Clarfield says. EDITOR'S NOTE: Some trenchant comments by readers.
Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 25, 2009. |
This was written by
Herb Keinon and Tovah Lazaroff, and it appeared today in The
Jerusalem Post
The UN Relief and Works Agency is systematically providing political cover to Hamas, a senior government official told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday, lashing out at the agency for passing a Hamas letter to US Sen. John Kerry when he visited Gaza last week. UNRWA head Karen AbuZayd gave the letter to Kerry, along with other material, during his brief visit Thursday to the Gaza Strip. The letter, written by a Hamas Foreign Ministry adviser and later disavowed by the Islamist group, was addressed to US President Barack Obama. Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, handed the unopened letter to the US Consulate in Jerusalem. Kerry told Fox News that he never read the letter because it was sandwiched among other promotional papers the UN had given him. "Unfortunately, there is a pattern here," the senior Israeli official said. "That no one finds it strange that UNRWA, whose mandate is humanitarian, is the vehicle through which Hamas passes messages on to the US, just shows where UNRWA is at." Furthermore, the official said, UNRWA was lobbying around the world for governments to drop the international community's three preconditions to talking with Hamas that it recognize Israel, disavow terrorism and accept previous Palestinian-Israeli agreements. It is not clear how this, or calls by UNRWA for an "independent international investigation" into alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza, fell within the organization's mandate, the official added. UNRWA spokesman Sammy Mshasha denied the allegations, saying the Israeli official should first check his facts. It was UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon himself, during his visit to Gaza, who called an investigation into IDF actions in Gaza, Mshasha said. As to the overall charge that UNRWA was speaking to international governments on behalf of Hamas, Mshasha said, "We are not in the business of supporting one side over the other. We are in the business of supporting Palestinian refugees and helping them." He denied UNRWA was lobbying on any party's behalf, saying the organization "is a specialized agency of the UN, mandated to aid and assist the Palestinian refugees in its five areas of operation." Regarding the Hamas letter given to Kerry, Mshasha said it was dropped at the gate of UNRWA's office and had the seal of the Palestinian Authority. "We just delivered it to the intended party. We did not open it. We are not in the business of opening other people's mail. We did not know the content," he said. UNRWA has also come under criticism from Israeli officials who say it is parroting the Hamas line. The senior Israeli official said that during Operation Cast Lead, UNRWA adopted Hamas's position of calling for a cease-fire without any preconditions, such as an end to the weapons smuggling and the missile fire on Israel. "They just echoed Hamas's positions," the official said. Likewise, the official said that the organization was very critical of Israel's actions during the war. At one point, UNRWA spokesmen indicated that at least 40 refuge-seeking civilians were killed on January 6 in a UNRWA school facility in Jabalya. Christopher Gunness, the UNRWA spokesman, said on January 7 in an interview on the Democracy Now radio program, "Well, first of all, for the attack at Jabalya, we said yesterday 30 confirmed fatalities and 55 injured, including 15 critically. Very sadly, overnight, 10 people passed away. "The fatality figure has now risen from 30 to 40," he said then. "The people in the compound, over 1,300 people by the way, some of those, many of them had been told by the Israeli army to leave their houses and move to a safe place. Of course, Gaza is unique in being a war with a fence around it. "But they nonetheless came frightened, terrified, vulnerable to our center. They were coming to what they thought was a neutral United Nations shelter, and then the rest is history 40 people killed." According to the Israeli official, this was an example of how UNRWA routinely and uncritically adopted Hamas' narrative and claims of casualties. According to the IDF, only three civilians and eight to 10 Hamas gunmen were killed near the school. The IDF said that an IDF unit that came under fire from a Hamas cell near the school returned fire. No shell hit the school. The UN issued a revised report earlier this month admitting that as the result of a "clerical error," it was mistaken when it reported that the compound itself was shelled. Gunness has told the Post in the past that UNRWA never stated that the shell hit the school, but rather always spoke in more general terms of the casualties in the area. Mshasha said the charges leveled by the Israeli official "undermines our work and makes it that much more difficult." This type of criticism "creates the impression among the public at large that UNRWA will take sides. UNRWA does not take sides. It delivers humanitarian aid. It will be a beautiful day in Gaza when we turn our attention away from immediate humanitarian aid to human development," Mshasha said. UNRWA provides 900,000 Palestinian refugees with basic food supplies. "We do not support terrorism. We do not condone it," Mshasha said, adding that UNRWA has spoken out against the Palestinian rocket attacks on civilians living in southern Israel. "It is in the same breath that we condemn the Israeli army actions that violate international law," he said. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Steven Plaut, February 25, 2009. |
This appeared in the Jewish Press
Freedom of speech in Israel just took another bullet. The Leftist First Amendment, under which anti-Israel leftists and Arabs are entitled to the protection of freedom of speech for everything they say but know one else is, made a comeback this week. The Israeli dual court system also struck back. Neria Ofan was convicted this week of racism by a Jerusalem Magistrate's Court. He was convicted of driving with an insensitive bumper sticker on his car. This is not a spoof. It really happened. Ofan's felony? Ofan, who lives in the West Bank, had a bumper sticker on his car that reads, "Where there are No Arabs, there is No Terror." That, fatwa-ed the court's judge Shulamit Dotan, constitutes racism. Another Jew was similarly convicted in criminal court six months back for wearing a Tee shirt containing the same slogan. You can see the bumper sticker in Hebrew just below here, but if you do not hear from me again for several years, it is because my posting it here was also deemed "racism" and I was sent off to prison to learn sensitivity. Now what does NOT constitute racism or incitement in post-democratic Israel? Arab students chanting "Death to the Jews" does not. Waving PLO and Hamas banners on campuses does not. We know that merely calling for Jews to be exterminated and for Israel to be annihilated also does not. The Supreme Court ruled just before the last election that two Arab parties whose platforms call for Israel's annihilation should be allowed to run and to sit in Israel's parliament. We know that Holocaust revisionism is protected speech, or at least that is what an Arab woman judge in Nazareth court wrote in one of her better known verdicts. We know that cheering on terrorist murders of Jewish children is not racist. After all, there are scores of leftist faculty members at Israeli universities who do THAT all the time. Dotan was one of the judges who had earlier "convicted" Moshe Feiglin of "sedition" because he had blocked a traffic intersection in the 1990s with a group of protesters against Oslo. Blocking traffic intersections for other things, such as for the demands of the Histadrut or when students want lower tuition, is democratic and permitted. Among Dotan's more notorious acts of bias was this: she was the lead judge in the trial over the indictment of Israel's ex-President Moshe Katsav, accused of sexual molestation and rape. Except that it is looking more and more like Katsav is innocent and the prosecutor is right now proposing that the case be thrown out (see this). It seems that Judge Shula held deliberations on the punishment sentence to be handed to Katsav even before his trial began!! See this. As for that slogan, "Where there are no Arabs, there is no Terror," it is very close to being an empirically verifiable statement. One can, I suppose, find terror here and there in places where there are no Arabs, like in Sri Lanka. But racism? I mean, if the court had accused the driver of perpetrating a drive-by slight empirical exaggeration, perhaps it might have a case. It actually turns out that the slogan and bumper stickers were first the invention of an operator of a bed and breakfast on the Golan Heights, who handed them out during the 2000 intifada violence in the Galilee. Its point was that the Galilee is dangerous, but the Golan, where there are virtually no Arabs, is safe, so come on up for the weekend. The sticker was then picked up by others, perhaps with a different agenda. I personally prefer the bumper sticker that reads, "Where there are No Leftists there is no Treason," and I am prepared to go to prison for having one on my car if anyone can get one printed up and sent to me. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Hands Fiasco, February 24, 2009. |
This was written by Stan Goodenough who is a "Mayflower descendant; an 18-year resident of the State of Israel; husband to a wonderful wife; father to five extra-ordinary children; a journalist by profession; and a Bible-believer by God's mercy and grace." He is editor of Jerusalem Watchman. Read him on www.jnewswire.com This article was published January 12, 2009 in
Jerusalem Watchman
More than any other Israeli, State President Shimon Peres has promoted and cajoled and bullied his countrymen into following what he insists is the route to peace: a "peace process" that has served only to dangerously weaken his country territorially and divide it internally in the face of its ever-stronger and more determined Muslim foe. Joint Nobel Peace Prize winner with the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the thankfully-now-dead PLO terror chieftain Yasser Arafat, Peres has doggedly refused ever to countenance the possibility that his pathway to peace is delusional. He has furiously, almost violently, brushed aside arguments and the reasoning of those of his countrymen who cannot support his approach to the conflict with the Arabs. Ever since "Oslo" in 1993 the agreement spawned by illegal meetings held under Peres' direction the evidence of its weakness and failure has been glaringly and painfully evident: Israel has no partner for peace. Surrendering territory to the Arabs only leads to more terrorism and more violence. Islam is at the heart of the problem. Its adherents believe they are destined to eradicate the Jewish state and wipe out its people once and for all. Dismissing all these concerns with a wave of his hand, Peres has plowed ahead and continues to pour his influence and his resources into trying to secure a lasting peace, against all the glaring evidence and proof. Over the years I have grown accustomed to seeing and hearing the arrogant self-assurance with which he routinely disparages his critics. He even told a Jewish woman who demonstrated against Oslo that she should leave Israel and "go back to where [she] came from." But the Peres I watched give 17 minutes of his time for an interview on Sky News in the middle of last week was, by contrast, anything but his normally cocky self. Though he made some really strong and good points. Repeatedly wringing his hands as he discussed the ongoing Gaza operation and the toll it was exacting on human life, the president stressed that this was "the first time in history that a war of this nature is taking place. "A nation under siege" is standing "against a group of terrorists that don't respect any norms, any laws." What Israel has had to experience during these past years, Peres said, was "very hard" to show on television. "I can tell you, for example, that we have to keep almost a million people in shelters. You don't see it on television that we have had to stop our schools; children are not going to study; that during this morning, already, we have close to eight or ten missiles over our heads." Sounding incredulous, almost bewildered, Peres said that Israel "can hardly understand what are those people fighting [for]; why are they shooting." From Israel's standpoint "we left Gaza completely. Not only that; we made a supreme effort to withdraw our settlements by force, and handed over an independent Gaza with all the passages open, with all the commerce..." So, "what do they want? Why are they shooting? Why are they firing?" It's not clear where Peres was when right-thinking Israelis were warning, before the "disengagement," that the Arabs would only use the abandoned territory to attack Israel. Sounding helpless, the eloquent elder-statesman said "there are many things I would like to see differently: But simply, I never heard from anybody any suggestion how to stop it. It's very easy to criticize; but what can a nation do to stop when you find yourself under such an unusual, terrifying attack?" "You know about the children. It's unheard of to use children as a shelter for arms; to use mosques as an arsenal for missiles; to disguise terrorists as sick people in the hospital. And we have concrete information from this particular school they shot mortars against us. I mean, we have to stop them; and we warned them; We say: "Don't do it." Before we bomb any place that there may be civilians, we phone them personally, and we say "leave the home." "Now what is our choice? To surrender?" Peres bemoaned the way Israel is accused of being "disproportionate" in its response to eight years of missile fire. "[T]o Israel you cannot talk about proportions. They don't have any proportions; they don't have any measurements, and nobody can explain what are their aims; what is their outlook. So I mean, no nation has ever had such a confrontation; you can't compare it with anyone else." Asked whether a ceasefire was one of Israel's aims, Peres said, "It's not a ceasefire, but shall I say a cease of terror" that we need. "It's not that we started to fire against the Palestinians and they fired against us. The problem is to end the terror. We never started it; we shall never start to shoot. We don't need any urge." "I want to tell you sincerely," the veteran peacenik stressed, again clasping his hands. "We don't want to extend the war. We don't want to prolong the war. We don't have any territorial ambitions. We're interested to bring an end to it. But to bring an end not only to the present situation but to bring an end to terror. ... They force us to reply. It's not our choice. It's the lack of choice that guides our lives." Interviewer Eamonn Holmes tried to squeeze an apology out of Peres for the deaths of Arab non-combatants in the IDF operation: "People want you to say sorry for the deaths of those innocent civilians and children yesterday." "I am sorry for all innocent death. There are innocent deaths all over the place. It's also an innocent impossible situation. A country cannot live like this. Let me say, really: If it would happen in London, you wouldn't wait a minute. ... We are the same human beings. But from far away you can serve as judges, I don't complain. We are not judges. We are victims. And we have to stop it and nobody [has] suggested [another solution]." Peres made some more strong points: Asked why Israel did not use diplomacy to deal with the Gaza issue, he explained that it takes two to tango or to talk. "For diplomacy you need that the other side will accept diplomacy. They don't accept diplomacy. ... But just by diplomacy unfortunately it cannot be solved." Hitting at the bizarre and telling global viewpoint that charges Israel a nation that has made unprecedented overtures and gestures for peace with its enemies with warmongering and expansionist ambitions, Peres said cuttingly: "We are not so trigger-happy. We are not so enthusiastic to see our soldiers, in the winter days and nights, in Gaza. They don't have any purpose which is of a territorial or political need [to be in there]. No." He also made it perfectly clear that his country understood that it needs to use force, and that force works: "You know there was another gentleman in the north by the name of Nasrallah [Hizb'allah's leader]. He also started by firing bombs and missiles against us and a war broke out [in 2006], at the cost of the lives of a thousand people. And then he stood up and said: If I had known that Israel would react so seriously I would not have started this. "We want the Hamas people to understand that there is a cost to what they are doing. And they can save each of their children, all of their women, by not shooting. The interviewer then came close to the very heart of the matter. "But, Mr President, surely it is not as simple as that. Hamas is not just an army of force. Hamas is an ideology. How do you bomb ...?" Peres drove in hard and fast: "What is their ideology? What is their ideology? Would you know?" Holmes squirmed to avoid the question: "But it is harder for you to tackle...." Peres pressed him: "No, no. What is their ideology? They cannot say that we occupy Gaza because we stopped the occupation. We left it completely. So what is their ideology?" SKY: "Well..." PERES: "I am not arguing with you..." SKY: "Yes." PERES: "I am trying to understand." Bang! Bang! There it was. The journalist could not answer. And Peres himself could not, or would not, say it. For Hamas' ideology is pure antisemitism and the total eradication of Israel and of all Jews. And this is not some deeply hidden secret whispered behind closed Arab doors. Hamas and all Muslims who agree with their Koran-centered worldview, shout it from the rooftops. Literally. As do their supporters including those Floridians who chanted "Nuke, nuke Israel" at a rally last week. But neither the leftist Israeli president nor the leftist British interviewer could bring themselves to spit it out. Tacking for a more comfortable issue, Holmes aired the widely-punted notion that Israel is afraid of the incoming Obama administration: "What is your time scale in this? You've got Barack Obama waiting to become the president of America. People say ... you only listen to America; you only listen to the Bush administration. Is it important for you to finish whatever you are going to do before President Obama is inaugurated?" But the Israeli ducked the question, choosing to rather spell out how his nation has approached the conflict with the Arabs. "The ideology of Israel is peace with the Palestinians, and ready to pay the price for it, as we paid the Jordanians and the Egyptians. That is our ideology." For Peres, this price has included great chunks of his tiny historic homeland and promises of a whole lot more, including parts of its ancient capital and its holiest site the Temple Mount. Israel has also paid in the blood of so many of its people who have been killed as a direct result of what can be called the Peres Process. And Israel has paid by weakening itself geographically and by driving deep piles into its national unity. As far as the Arab side was concerned, he continued, "they can stop endangering their children and women. It doesn't make sense. To put rockets in the kindergarten. To put shells in the rooms of the children. It never happened [that others would use human shields in this way]! Sky scurrilously accused Israel of doing the same, then tried to rapidly move on: "But Mr President you're doing the same. People are seeing it the same way. Do you see an end to...?" Peres struck: "Just a minute. No! What are we doing in the same way? Sorry. We never do it. We never did it!" Holmes tried again. "In the UN..." But Peres wouldn't let him. "No, no, please. Be careful. We never put children as shields. Did we ever put arms in kindergartens? NEVER!" Homes fell into his own trap, coming to the defense of the heinous Arab practice and accusing Israel of deliberately targeting civilians. Others wouldn't he strongly implied: "But the fact that they are using children as a shelter ... maybe there are other people who wouldn't attack because the children are there." Then he added, lamely, "I am just portraying to you the image that is going around the world." Peres didn't flinch. "Our problem is how to put an end to the firing against civilian life in Israel for no reason, day in, day out. If you have a good answer to it, it's okay. While Israel has "due respect for public opinion ... we have to give an answer to the security of our people, and we don't want to hurt anybody in Gaza. We don't have any ambitions there, you must understand this. Our ambitions are not in Gaza." And then this man who refuses to recognize and acknowledge the reality facing his nation waxed poetic. "Our ambitions are in Israel. To see a blue sky; a safe day; without rockets and without missiles. "To this simple answer one must give either an alternative or suggest something else." Well, that's the same thing. For years, Peres and Israel's other leftist leaders have refused to hear another alternative to consider something else: That Israel's enemies hate her because she exists. That the enemies of the Jews hate them because they exist. That their hatred cannot be negotiated away or talked away or bartered away. It can only be blown away. This is the brutal reality. And it is dictated by the Arab side. Is this finally breaking through, for Peres? SKY: "Mr President ... Can you offer us any hope, any lifeline, that things will get better?" His answer: "If the terrorists will win, none of you and none of us will know a peaceful day. If they will learn the lesson, all of us and all of them will be ... victorious. "I suggest to every free person to give a hand to bring an end to the most brutal, unbelievable, bloody craziness. I think it would be a victory for you and for me and for the Arabs and for everybody." It would be a victory for reality, and for truth, is for sure. FOLLOWUP: "PERES PLEADS FOR PALESTINE". February 24, 2009. hasn't this man done enough damage to Yisrael, already? Israeli President Shimon Peres appealed Tuesday to the new Israeli Parliament to use its term to finalize the creation of Palestine in the historical heartland of the Jewish state. Speaking at the ceremonial opening of the 18th Knesset, the leftist elder-statesman who more than any other Israeli official has facilitated the land-for-peace process that has so damaged Israel's security, urged Israel's lawmakers to 'complete negotiations with Palestinians during this term.' "Distinguished Arab leaders" had assured him, he said, that a peace accord with the Palestinian Arabs would be regarded as a regional peace agreement in which Israel would be included. Israel's president is a ceremonial figure and not part of the three-tiered Israeli government structure, which is comprised of Prime Minister and his government, the Knesset or Parliament, and the Supreme Court. Contact HandsFiasco at handsfiasco@webtv.net |
Posted by Paul Lademain, February 24, 2009. |
This is from Molly at pelago2000@gmail.com |
Re [Road 90] Does Israel have a right to exist? (see below) Israelis should not ask this question ever again because it unnecessarily begs a negative answer from those who covet your lands. So stop begging for a beating. Unless, of course, you have a masochistic need to be bullied and reviled. If you don't stop re-opening this Pandora's Box, you will cut yourselves off at the knees. You must therefore approach such issues from a new direction. Instead, you SHOULD be asking whether Saudi Arabia has any right to exist. So get up off your knees, stiffen your backs, and present the world with a new and different image of Israelis and Jews. Practice this question: Does Saudi Arabia have any right to exist? Then argue NO! We like the sound of this question. Because it forces people to examine the means by which Saudi Arabia came into existence in 1932. Or, are you too young to consider asking such questions? If so, hit your history books! And not the ones written by self-soiling Jewish/Israeli seditionists. OK, here's the answer: The tribal chief (Abdullah, of the Saud) who eventually persuaded the Brits to recognize him in 1932 as "monarch" of the new islamic state to be known as Saudi Arabia, used the same tactics against the native peoples of the Arabian Peninsula as were used by the thankfully-dead Egyptian terrorist, Yasser Arafat: terrorism; random attacks by masked and armed forces against entire villages. Women and children, those who were not fit for breeding and slavery, were butchered. Men were beheaded and tortured. Entire villages were sacked, much as is now the case in Africa. That's how Abdullah "The First" conquered the Arabian Peninsula. Abdullah persuaded the Brits that they were obliged to recognize his conquered lands as a "theocratic Islamic monarchy to be ruled in perpetuity by himself as king" with the argument that the Brits owed him this recognition because the British government had earlier ruled that Palestine would become a Jewish Homeland. Remove your noses from your own navels and look up around you. There are plenty of facts for you people to use against those who enjoy bullying Jews. Now it's up to you people to stop asking silly questions about yourselves, and go after your tormenters. Learn history. Use it to your advantage! Viva Israel Molly Contact Paul Lademain by email at lademain@verizon.net |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 24, 2009. |
First things first: mea culpa. In an atmosphere of pressure, longing to share to the maximum, I have made a handful of typos and small errors: perhaps four or five in the course of the past week. Most are quite minor, but even so, not consistent with my own professional standards. And so I apologize and thank those who caught errors, and also those who read past them. I must also ask your indulgence should this happen again. Only one typo must be mentioned here. The e-mail addresses I provided yesterday for the two Congressional aides were incorrect. They are, properly: firstname.lastname@mail.house.gov. Working from habit, I inadvertently typed "org" in place of "gov." ~~~~~~~~~~ Now, to the very problematic issues at hand, which seem to be coming "without end." News has broken of the impending appointment of Chas W. Freeman Jr. to the chairmanship of the National Intelligence Council. Freeman, who was U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1989-1992, has an alarmingly, I will say viciously, negative and distorted attitude towards Israel. In a speech for the Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs in 2007, he said; "American identification with Israeli policy has also become total. Those in the region and beyond it who detest Israeli behavior, which is to say almost everyone, now naturally extend their loathing to Americans. This has had the effect of universalizing anti-Americanism, legitimizing radical Islamism, and gaining Iran a foothold among Sunni as well as Shiite Arabs. For its part, Israel no longer even pretends to seek peace with the Palestinians; it strives instead to pacify them. Palestinian retaliation against this policy is as likely to be directed against Israel's American backers as against Israel itself...This makes the long-term escalation of terrorism against the United States a certainty, not a matter of conjecture." (emphasis added) Elsewhere he said, "...We abandoned the role of Middle East peacemaker to back Israel's efforts to pacify its captive and increasingly ghettoized Arab populations. We wring our hands while sitting on them as the Jewish state continues to seize ever more Arab land for its colonists." (emphasis added) On yet another occasion, he said: "There will be no acceptance of Israel, by the Arabs or by the Muslims including the Iranians, and the Indonesians, and others, if Israel does not find a way of coexisting peacefully with the other inhabitants of the land in which it has established itself... Demonstrably, Israel excels at war; sadly, it has shown no talent for peace... (emphasis added) ~~~~~~~~~~ Commentator Melanie Phillips points out that Freeman even blamed Israel for 9/11. In 2006, he said: "We have paid heavily and often in treasure in the past for our unflinching support and unstinting subsidies of Israel's approach to managing its relations with the Arabs. Five years ago we began to pay with the blood of our citizens here at home." (emphasis added) She further cites Ed Lasky, an editor at The American Thinker, who terms Freeman "a de facto Saudi Ambassador to America" because of his promotion of the interests of Saudi Arabia. "He shares Board membership with executives from major multinationals with major markets in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world..." ~~~~~~~~~~ As chairman of the National Intelligence Council, Freeman would have the major influence on the intelligence briefings presented to the president (remember the damage caused by the National Intelligence Estimate, the NIE, in 2007, which erroneously downplayed the dangers of Iran), and would be called upon often to give direct briefings to the President. This is a matter of enormous gravity. And I see two reasons for concern. One is with regard to the damage Freeman can do. But the other is what is implied by the appointment of Freeman. A president who seeks to maintain an Israel policy that is even passively benign (not out to hurt Israel) simply does not select someone like Freeman to the top intelligence post someone like Freeman to depend upon for securing intelligence information. Obama has exposed his true intentions to Israel here, and they are seriously malicious. As Phillips concludes: "....can anyone...doubt that the appointment by America's 44th President of Chas W Freeman as chairman of the NIC would be a stunning coup as a weapon in the armoury of the enemies of the Jewish people and the free world?" ~~~~~~~~~~ It is not too late to stop this. The appointment has not yet been made. I want to urge everyone reading this to act, and to pass the word so others will as well. This is an instance where you can make a critical difference. Freeman's appointment is not automatic, but must be passed by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Members of that committee must hear about the outrage and fear American citizens are feeling at the prospect of Freedman as Chair of the National Intelligence Council. Below you find names and contact information for key members of the committee. Please, address them with courtesty, as they are not responsible for Obama's choice, and indeed, have the power to block that choice. Some of them are warmly predisposed to Israel. Explain that this appointment would be detrimental to the true interests of the US and the Western world. Some of the reasons you can give: * Freeman would seriously undermine support for the only democracy, and the bastion of Western values, in the Middle East. As appropriate, you might use small portions of the quotes I provide above in making your case. Please, take the time to reach out to all of them. And remember that, when possible, fax or phone is more effective. ~~~~~~~~~~ Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Chair of the Committee
Christopher (Kit) Bond (R-MO) Vice Chair (important to reach)
Others who are friends, and should hear from us: Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Evan Bayh (D-IN)
Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
With thanks to Jeff D. of ZOA, here. ~~~~~~~~~~ More to follow tomorrow. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by LS, February 24, 2009. |
I think you will enjoy this read. It is from the San Diego TEAM Group and was sent to one of the professed professors in the Ethnic Studies Program at UCSD, Jose Fustes. As usual the Ethnic Studies Dept is condemning Israel. It hasn't an unkind word to say about Arab behavior. It was also posted on the Ethnic Studies Department blog. In case
you don't see it there. You may find some arguments to use (for those
who will be attending their "panel" tomorrow night)." See
Jose, All the sources that you rely on are indeed very biased and therefore unreliable by themselves, allocating as they do the majority of their time and resources to the Israel-Arab conflict, to the detriment of all the others. Additionally, their reliability regarding the facts has been proven time and again to be driven by their political agenda rather their declared mission (be it the protection and defense of Human Rights or Humanitarian Law). It is symptomatic that there are legions of organizations who all have "human rights", "peace" and "justice" in their name, when in fact they make a mockery of these lofty concepts by harping almost exclusively on Israel while ignoring the considerably worse offenses committed by every Arab country (to name only small portion of offenders worldwide). They follow the same logic you do: Israel must, by your definition, be a model student that is expected to respect all the rules, while all the others are allowed to literally get away with murder. Your double standard is sickening, and so is the way these unreliable organizations behave. But being the astute if hopelessly biased academic researcher that you are, you will of course ask for proof of what I'm saying, and that's easy: read their reports and draw a chart of their resource allocation to the Israeli-Arab conflict as opposed to the rest, and then add another chart on top of all the conflicts going on in the world at any given time, and you'll see the grotesque disproportion of resources obsessively allocated to the Middle East, while many areas in dire need of assistance remain wide empty spaces. It is beyond shameful, but your myopic obsession with Israel prevents you from seeing that dreadful big picture. Yes, the United Nations and the European Union are equally partial and unreliable sources because they have abandoned a long time ago the neutrality and objectivity that the citizens of the world are entitled to expect from them. These organizations were not created for the sole benefit of the Palestinian people and for the exclusive bashing of Israel. By the content of their lopsided number of anti-Israel resolutions and the huge amount of subsidies given away without supervision to the Palestinian thugocracy, they have and are still indeed proving that they have long ago decided to side with the aggressor and blame the victim, instead of the other way around. Don't distort what I wrote: I said that the Israeli Government (incl. the IDF), the Jerusalem Post, and Daniel Pipes are indeed more trustworthy sources than B'Tselem, Human Rights Watch, Haaretz, the Guardian, and all the other notoriously biased sources you listed as the ones you rely on, but I don't claim that they should be the only ones. Contrary to you who demonize the ones I mention above, I think that an objective researcher and analyst, which clearly you are not, would use all sources available, use his head and proceed with analytical precision to find the truth, not just rely on the worn-out propaganda clichés of the pro-Palestinian mythical and unsubstantiated "history". As for Palestinian sources themselves, they are notoriously unreliable, having shown time and again that facts are of no relevance when opposed to a good sloganeering opportunity (as illustrated in the famous Jenin hoax, followed later by the Mohammed Al Dura one). If you rely on these sources exclusively, you open yourself to blatant manipulation and lies. If you chose to be a willing dupe (i.e. you think you're smart, but you clearly are not), that is your privilege, but don't you dare demand of us that we do the same. Now look who's using logical leaps and somersaults to make me say what I never said. I am not in the least interested in assessing whether every other department at UCSD is guilty of racism because that is not the issue. Nice try at obfuscating my point, José, but no cigar. What is troubling here is your pathological obsession with Palestinian "victims" and your blatant ignorance of far worse, and lethal, treatment of far larger segments of population, if only in Africa alone. You and your department claim to address the scourge of racism in the world, but in fact all you do is relentlessly bash Israel. You ignore real racism everywhere else under the excuse that you need to focus on an inexistent Israeli racism. You are the racist, on two counts: you couldn't care less about the fate of black Africans, and you loathe anything Israeli in a way that any bona fide racist would envy. You are misappropriating time and resources to satisfy your personal agenda/vendetta/pathology. I believe the department of Ethnic Studies would be well inspired to remove you from your bully pulpit and take measures against such blatant abuse. Then you say that "all these conflicts in Africa deserve as much media attention and action as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict". No, they don't. You completely missed my point: they don't deserve as much media attention, they deserve FAR MORE media attention. The Israeli-Arab conflict is, in terms of casualties, a tiny coda on the landscape of world human suffering, but your myopia makes it the most important one. You should be at the forefront of that fight, but instead you are betraying it. As for it being "unfortunate that Obama didn't appoint several African envoys as well", what would that achieve? So you can easily get off the hook because it's not your problem any more, and you can go back to your favorite occupation of ranting and foaming at the mouth against Israel? That's a copout if I've ever seen once. As for Mr. Pal Ahluwalia, the Department's "specialist on African studies who has written extensively about all the conflicts you mention", how nice to hear that he exists. How utterly strange then that the Department's blog is filled with your ranting and we haven't heard anything about Arab racism in Darfur or African racism in the Congo. You say that "other faculty members do research on matters of race and state violence in other parts of the world", but (sadly) "of which nothing has been written in terms of departmental statements". What a fascinating admission. So by default, even though you claim that research is being made in other areas, our luck (or rather misfortune) is that you're the only one we are condemned to hear from? There may be some very respectable research made within the E.S. department, but since the only public one we hear about is the incredibly flawed and biased one you are producing, one is entitled to wonder if the rest of the department produces equally shoddy work. The department's blog should indeed be the window to the world of ALL research accomplished there. There is no valid reason why it should be confiscated by one graduate student who uses it as his personal tribune. I hope someone in the E.S. Department is paying attention. Then you go on with a long string of absurd statements that prove how limited, and therefore partial, your understanding of the whole conflict is: "1) Palestinians are the longest suffering and largest refugee population in the world today (4.25 million people registered with the UN and an estimated million more unregistered)." "What I'm saying is that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is no small matter yet I do agree with you that there are others that are equally important." So nice to hear you finally admit that, even though you are wrong again when you say there are other matters that are "equally" important. No, they are not "equally" important, they are considerably more important, for the simple reason that large numbers of people are not just inconvenienced, displaced, arrested or what have you, but are just plain massacred in other places. These are not abstractions. These are human beings wiped out because they happen to belong to the wrong group du jour. So, be consistent then: stop whining about the Israeli conflict, stop putting all the blame on the Israelis, start upbraiding the Palestinians into behaving like adults and responsible members of the world community, and last but not least, focus on places where racism is violently in effect. Then, maybe, the work done at the Ethnic Studies Department will start having some relevance. |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 24, 2009. |
IS ISRAEL GAINING ARAB ALLIES? Foreign Min. Livni thinks so. She gave as an argument for land-for-peace the notion that countries neighboring Israel are with Israel against Iran (IMRA, 2/1). She doesn't understand. Egypt is annoyed with Iran. But it continues to let arms be smuggled to Iran's proxy in Gaza, because Hamas fights Israel. NEGOTIATIONS WITH IRAN IS NOTHING NEW For 30 years, the US has been negotiating with Iran and making concessions. Iranian officials made false promises. They like to talk for concessions, not make peace with us (Prof. Steven Plaut, 2/3). BARAK'S SOLUTION He favors giving the P.A. a state in the Territories and connecting them beneath Israel by a tunnel whose traffic the P.A. would control (IMRA, 2/2). Is that tunnel safe for Israel? WHY IT IS UNETHICAL TO REBUILD GAZA Israel blockaded and then bombarded Gaza, partly to show that Hamas brought suffering upon its people, whereas Abbas did not. Now, out of misguided sentimentality, the world wants to rebuild Gaza. Then Gaza would not contrast unfavorably with Abbas, after all. That is not the lesson that the world supposedly wants the Arabs to learn. The lesson would be that Hamas can make big mistakes and take grave risks. It can keep shooting at Israel, because the world would restore Gaza to pre-war condition. The world would rebuild Iran's base there or Gazans would steal the foreign aid, as usual. Most of it would go to Hamas and followers. The people of Gaza overwhelmingly support Hamas' struggle against Israel. Why help Gazans to live better? (Prof. Efriam Inbar in IMRA, 2/2). I am suspicious of an uncaring world being so solicitous of jihadists against Israel. What is their real motive? GRADUATES OF GUANTANAMO S. Arabia listed 85 suspects in an attempt to revive al-Qaida there. 11 were released from Guantanamo and passed through S. Arabia's touted rehabilitation plan (IMRA, 2/8). Released too soon from prison and from rehabilitation. ASSESSING THE 2-STATE SCHEME [NOTE: I think that the Jews deserve the land, the Muslims don't, and giving the Muslims another Palestinian Arab state merely boosts jihad.] The West, including Israel, gave the PLO billions of dollars and trained 75,000 of its troops. The PLO enjoys international support whatever it does. It could have built a state in all but name. That would show responsibility. It could have taught its people democracy and peace. Instead it made its autonomy gangster-ridden and indoctrinates the people in endless jihad. John Bolton, Daniel Pipes, and Efraim Inbar find the two-state scheme proved unworkable. They assume that Israel doesn't want to control the Territories. Actually, Israelis don't want to relinquish Judea-Samaria. The three suggest that Egypt reassert control over Gaza and Jordan reassert control over Judea-Samaria. They know that Egypt and Jordan both reject that idea, because Hamas and the PLO would endanger national security in Egypt and Jordan. It is a well founded fear. Also, it would leave Israel with indefensible borders. Another problem with the suggestion is that although all those Arab parties are rivals, they or at least their people overwhelmingly share the same jihadist ideology: hate the Jews and destroy Israel. Arafat cracked down on Hamas only when it threatened his rule, not when it raided Israel. How is Egyptian control over Gaza going to protect Israel from terrorist raids [like those from Hamas which obtains arms because Egypt lets arms it and from raids that Egypt and used to sponsor when it controlled Gaza before?] How long would Egypt control Hamas, before Hamas and Egypt's Muslim brotherhood control Egypt? If Israel intervened against terrorists in territory controlled by Egypt or Jordan, those Arabs states could be incited into war on Israel. Caroline Glick seemed to suggest that Israel retain control over the Jewish Territories until the Muslim Arabs civilize (IMRA, 2/9). That is unjust for Israel. Also, it could take a hundred Years. The Jewish people have a better claim to the Territories, under the Mandate and under international law permitting the taking of land for security against another attack from that land. I wrote about that to Caroline Glick. She replied that she agreed with me. UNRWA THREAT WORKED Armed men hijacked truckloads of relief goods that UNRWA had intended to give the people of Gaza free. UNRWA announced that it suspended aid to Gaza until the goods were returned. The goods were returned! (IMRA, 2/9.) NUISANCE SUITS DON'T RESOLVE ISSUES The Palestinian Center For Human Rights accuses the IDF of perpetrating "systematic war crimes" against Palestinian Arab civilians. It represents a family that claims that the IDF shot a member wantonly. It asked the IDF to investigate and compensate. The IDF replied that it needed the bullets extracted from the cadaver, so it could attempt to trace them to an Israeli soldier's weapon. The family refused the request. It said, let the IDF accept P.A. medical records. The IDF said that is insufficient forensics. There it stood. After several years, the IDF decided to end the suit, by offering limited compensation, which was accepted. The offer did not resolve who, in or out of the IDF, was responsible (IMRA, 2/10). Were I running Israel, I would not have given the Center, which is a propaganda organization, any satisfaction or foothold. P.A. hospitals collude with their regime. The P.A. blames Israel for deaths it causes. There is no evidence against any soldier. OIL PRICE COLLAPSE ENDS ARAB "OIL THREAT" An article acknowledges that markets change, but counts on Arab oil exporters being out of money, implying that they couldn't boycott the US. When the recession ends, they will be back in the money! We lack a program to reduce oil dependency and the related pollution and over-consumption of resources. Arb threat not ended. Arab budget deficits are illusory. When prices rose, they boosted budgets. Prices fell, they post deficits. All they have to do is reduce their inflated budgets. Iran still has funds for nuclear weapons development and for financing terrorism. Oil is fungible. If demand got tight, again, and the Arabs withheld oil, rather than just refusing to sell it to us, we couldn't just buy more from other suppliers. Other customers would have taken up those suppliers' product. Prices would rise. I think we are dependent upon imports and profligate with tax revenues. We need a major program to return to practicality and to sensible values. ELECTION PROVES LACK OF DEMOCRACY IN ISRAEL Umm El-Fahm has a high population, all Arabs. It is notorious for counting more ballots than are eligible. Arabs at the city's entrance barred possible election monitors, threatened to riot if activist Marzel came, so the Attorney-General barred him, and threatened riots unless another left (Arutz-7, 2/10). TURKISH PREMIER'S RANT At Davos, the Prime Minister of Turkey lost his temper and made strong but false accusations against Israel. Turkey has perpetrated actual brutality and crimes, worse than the ones fabricated against Israel (Prof. Steven Plaut, 2/4). WHAT "ZIONIST PROPAGANDA MACHINE?" The Arab European media are making Israel seem illegitimate. Europeans don't know enough about Israel to identify with it. British campuses are leading an effort to submerge Israel under Arab rule. They call it the "one state solution" [but it would put the Jews' fate in bloodthirsty Muslim Arab hands]. Israel needs to mount public relations campaigns of its own. Israel has no satellite broadcasting in Arabic or in English, to match al-Jazeera. Nor does it have a media department for doing so. The government was inclined to set up one, but the Finance Dept. said it lacked the funds for it IMRA, 2/4). Those facts contradict the impression that anti-Zionists try to give, expressed with indignation and unwarranted suspicion, that there is a Zionist propaganda machine. The claim is ludicrous. That is especially true of the anti-Zionist or appeasement-minded ruling class in Israel. U.S. VENGEANCE AGAINST POLLARD Jonathan Pollard gets a lot of mail. He considers it his lifeline. However, when he attempts to write back, those who check it for unauthorized information discard it all. All! (IMRA, 2/4). That petty vindictiveness by the US government is disgraceful. THE IDF SHOOTING OF DR. EL-EISH'S DAUGHTERS The IDF was engaged in heavy and close combat with Hamas for three days in Sajaia. The IDF had warned inhabitants of the area to evacuate temporarily, for their own safety. Israel telephoned Dr. El-Eish several times, urging him to evacuate his house, as others had done from theirs. The IDF found tunnels for ambushing troops and identified booby-trapped houses. Under heavy fire, the troops saw which house most of it was emanating from. They also noticed figures in the next house acting suspiciously like people spotting for artillery strikes. The IDF fired at those figures. Later they found they had killed Dr. El-Eish's daughters. They were criticized for harming civilians (IMRA, 2/4). I think that Hamas and Dr. El-Eish deserve that criticism. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Family Security Matters (FSM), February 24, 2009. |
FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor Douglas Farah is an award-winning investigative journalist and Senior Fellow in Financial Investigations and Transparency at the International Assessment and Strategy Center. E-mail him at doug@douglasfarah.com. This article appeared in today's Family Security Matters (FSM).
It is archived at
My colleague Zachary Abuza wrote an interesting look at the Tamil Tigers (LTTE), now in demise. As he notes, the LTTE pioneered many innovations in the use of terrorism that spread to other terrorist groups around the world. Among the strategies the LTTE innovated are the use of suicide bombings and fund raising outside of state sponsorship. One of the most adaptive groups using some the LTTE model has been the FARC in Colombia, while suicide bombing have been taken up by Islamist groups around the globe. This is, to me, one of the biggest changes that the new world order has brought in the past 15 years among non-state armed groups the ability to rapidly exchange "best practices" and experiences across the globe. In years past, Marxists would train Marxists, (the Cubans, Sandinistas and FMLN for example, in the Central American conflicts) and U.S.-sponsored groups would receive instruction, but there was no real way except direct meetings in camps and under state sponsorship to exchange experiences. The Internet has changed that, and the end of the Cold War has helped erase many of the lines that once existed in who will deal with whom. At the same time, state sponsorship for many organizations was being reined in or cut off. The shifting lines was largely lost on the intelligence community looking at radical Islamist groups, who believed Sunni groups like al Qaeda would not deal with Shiite groups like Hezbollah, although the documented cross-training between the two groups began at least in the early 1990s, while bin Laden was in Sudan. As LTTE pioneered certain tactics, so did ETA in Spain (the use of explosives and LNG bombs), the IRA and IRA-P in Ireland (also explosives and cell structures) and others. The FARC, in turn, picked them up, improved on them, and taught new techniques. The sharing is not new. But the Internet and lack of ideological constraints have greatly accelerated the ability to share knowledge among terrorist groups. Manuals can be found on the internet, the FARC and other groups regularly exchanged ideas with both non-state actors and state actors (Cuban and Venezuelan intelligence) and the lag time has shortened. Those using IEDs in Iraq were quickly able to transfer the technology to the Islamists in Afghanistan, in matters of hours or days, rather than weeks or months. Money transfer mechanisms, pioneered by the drug cartels and other groups around the world (the Black Market Peso Exchange, a perennial favorite in the drug world, has been adapted by terrorist and organized crime groups around the world, with regional adaptations.) My point is that the cross-pollination among terrorist groups, secular and religious, has greatly accelerated and now any group will deal with almost any other group in the mix if the situation is mutually advantageous to do so. We can no longer compartmentalize among them and pretend they don't deal with each other. They do, and often it does not have to be face to face at all. Chat rooms, electronic bulletin boards and virtual classrooms make that unnecessary. The Tigers, FARC and others are far ahead in information sharing than the law enforcement and intelligence community is. Contact Family Security Matters (FSM) at info@ familysecuritymatters.org |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, February 24, 2009. |
This comes from Jane Curtis. Jew Watch is a hate-filled site. It hates Jews. It distorts and lies. It is a disgrace. |
Subject:Fwd: Antisemitic website- PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS AND TO DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO....NOW! PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO YOUR LISTS, AND SIGN THE PETITION. A website named "jewwatch" is available on Google.
If we each do nothing to make a difference, then the world will never change. Thanks FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS AND DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.
AND PLEASE FORWARD THIS ON TO ALL YOUR CONTACTS. Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il and
visit |
Posted by Moshe Phillips, February 24, 2009. |
Rabbi Brad Hirschfield can be counted among the foolish people who thought that they knew Muzzammil Hassan and what he stood for. "Mo" Hassan is the Islamic TV executive who confessed to murdering his wife and leaving her decapitated body in the offices of the Bridges TV network they created together. Rabbi Hirschfield was fooled by Hassan into believing he was interested "fostering understanding between cultures and diverse populations." Rabbi Brad Hirschfield is a foolish rabbi. Rabbi Brad is the president of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL) and wrote the foolish book You Don't Have to Be Wrong for Me to Be Right: Finding Faith Without Fanaticism. In that 2008 masterwork Rabbi Brad attempted to overturn thousands of years of Jewish Thought and proclaim that there is no absolute truth. Foolish book. Foolish Rabbi Brad. Rabbi Brad foolishly decided he wanted to be a TV star. His foolish show is called Building Bridges: Abrahamic Perspectives on the World Today, which began airing on an American Islamic TV network called Bridges TV in 2006. The foolish show is described as "Rabbi Hirschfield is joined by Christian and Muslim leaders to look at world events from their common Abrahemic Roots." Foolish Rabbi Brad thought that he was working with "moderate" Muslims. On February 12, 2009 Muzzammil Hassan, the founder of the pro-Islamic Bridges TV network, beheaded his estranged wife Aasiya Zubair Hassan. "Mo" Hassan had violently abused his wife when they lived together. The controversial Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) organization presented Muzzammil Hassan with an award at the first banquet of their Pennsylvania chapter on April 7, 2007. CAIR National Chairman Parvez Ahmed posed with Hassan for pictures at the Hilton Hotel in Philadelphia. Investor's Business Daily in a March 6, 2007 editorial declared CAIR to be "the PR machine of militant Islam." A second TV series called, American Pilgrimage, was created by Foolish Rabbi Brad in 2008 for Bridges TV. It was described as "bringing viewers into the homes and mosques of Muslim leaders across the country..." Rabbi Brad most not have cared about CAIR. One wonders what Foolish Rabbi Brad thought of the abuse in the Hassan family's home. Foolishly Newsweek magazine declared Rabbi Brad to be "one of the nation's 50 most influential rabbis." The media loves foolish rabbis. Rabbi Brad has a weekly radio show and has been on PBS many times. On PBS Foolish Rabbi Brad criticized the "extremist" Jewish Settlers in Judea and Samaria (that he foolishly referred to as the "West Bank"). PBS spoke to Foolish Rabbi Brad for their Frontline pogrom, er program, about the September 11th Islamic terrorist attacks. For PBS Foolish Rabbi Brad stated: "It's just that when I look at those terrorists, I don't see something wholly "other," because I know from my own life experience what it means to allow your most deeply felt beliefs to motivate you to do violent things to other people. Now, it's true, I haven't done anything even approaching that. I don't even think that Jewish terrorists have done and there are Jewish terrorists who are using the traditions I hold most dear to justify and to motivate their terror have done anything approaching that. But I'm not going to sit here and pretend it's wholly other, because it's not. When I look in their faces, I do see the shadow side of what were once some of my dreams and aspirations, and continue to be for some of my teachers from that time." Foolish Rabbi Brad compared the 9/11 hijackers to fellow Jews. Now that's not just foolish; that's what our forefathers used to call beyond the pale. FOXNews.com reported on Feb 17, 2009 that Foolish Rabbi Brad stated the following on the day of Aasiya Zubair Hassan's funeral "I will only say to those who leap to the conclusion that this kind of thing is intrinsic to Islam, ask yourselves if you think that drunkenness is intrinsic to Irish Catholics, or cheating in business is to Jews?" The statement came from Rabbi Brad's foolish "Windows & Doors" blog on beliefnet.com. How can one even begin to respond to such foolishness? Jews in America have a choice. Be foolish and allow Rabbi Brad to participate in organized Jewish life or shun him as the fool he is and hope that he finds a real job more suited to his intellect. Perhaps as a stable boy cleaning horse manure from barns? And now let us join in prayer: May G-d bless and keep Foolish Rabbi Brad far, far away from us. Moshe Phillips is a member of the Executive Committee of the Philadelphia Chapter of Americans For a Safe Israel AFSI. The chapter's new website is at: www.phillyafsi.com. |
Posted by American, February 23, 2009. |
MUSLIMS' FACSIST GANG ATTACK ON ILAN HALIMI The Shocking unimaginable Torture for weeks (to the sound of reciting the Quran...) and murder by a gang of (about) 30 Muslims called the "Barbarians" [with additional "drop in" Muslim friends that happily participated in the torture] of the young french Jew Ilan Halimi (seduced by a Muslim prostitute sent by the gang to get into a trap). French authorities admit: RACISM played a "role" in barbarian act.
Murder of Targeted French Jew: "They acted with indescribable cruelty," the judiciary police chief leading the investigation said. "They kept him naked and tied up for weeks. They cut him and in the end poured flammable liquid on him and set him alight."
The Murder of Ilan Halimi
...Little by little, information emerged about the crime. There were at least fifteen thugs, maybe more. They had used a girl to seduce Halimi into the trap where he was captured. They knew he was a Jew and they had chosen him for that reason. In his pocket they found the phone number of a rabbi and he was the first person they called, telling him: "We have a Jew. The family has to pay. If the family cannot pay, it will be the synagogue." In succeeding days, they called the rabbi again, howling sentences full of hatred. Later, they called the family, asking for $600,000, before lowering the price to $5,000. They spoke to the mother, to Halimi's sisters, uncle, and father. When they were not asking for money, they were reciting suras from the Quran. In some of the conversations it was possible to hear Halimi screaming in the background. The thugs sent a videotape showing the young man naked, humiliated, handcuffed, just like on a Zarqawi videos from Iraq. .. During the last ten weeks, the people who tortured and killed Ilan Halimi had tried unsuccessfully to kidnap four other Jews..
... Barbarians seemed an appropriate name. The shocking cruelty inflicted on Halimi seemed to have little to do with efforts to extract money from his anguished family. It evoked the sadistic moral universe of A Clockwork Orange, the novel by Anthony Burgess, with a dose of anti-semitism thrown in. Thanks to Yalda's charms, Halimi was imprisoned and tortured with acid and cigarette burns for more than three weeks in the heart of a council estate. More than 30 neighbours in the building knew what was happening but said nothing about the crime, part of a worrying wave of attacks against Jews all over the country. Besides Yalda, several women have been arrested in an investigation into their role in botched efforts to lure other Jewish men into "honey traps". "He wanted a Jew," a girl called Audrey told police, referring to Youssouf Fofana, the charismatic leader of the Barbarians, who was listed by the girls in their telephone directories as "Youssouf the barbarian". His choice of victims was based on two anti-semitic myths: that Jews are all rich and that they stick together. "They're a big community," Fofana told Audrey. "United and willing to pay."
Brutal murder was anti-Semitic crime, says Sarkozy | World news ...Feb 22, 2006 ... Mr Sarkozy told the French parliament that the gang sought for the murder of Ilan Halimi, 23, whose naked body was found by railway tracks ...
Tale of Torture and Murder Horrifies the Whole of France ...Feb 22, 2006 ... The murder of a 23-year-old cell-phone salesman, Ilan Halimi, took place over three weeks, during which he was tortured while his captors ...
The murder of Ilan Halimi Commentary
As if the kidnap, torture and murder of Ilan Halimi near Paris wasn't bad enough, the way it has been dealt with and reported has graphically illustrated what can only be described as a pathological refusal within Europe to acknowledge the fact that French Jews are being attacked and murdered by Muslims in a kind of rolling pogrom. Ilan Halami was a Jew. He was... kidnapped and murdered because he was singled out as a Jew for this fate. A number of recent kidnappings have taken place of which the vast majority of victims have been Jews and their kidnappers Muslims. As Nidra Poller has reported in the Wall Street Journal [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB114064452021880485.html]: ... the gang phoned the family on several occasions and made them listen to the recitation of verses from the Quran, while Ilan's tortured screams could be heard in the background. The family has publicly criticized the police for deliberately ignoring the explicit anti-Semitic motives, which were repeatedly expressed and should have dictated an entirely different approach to the case from the start. Police searches have now revealed the presence of Islamist literature in the home of at least one of the gang members. The highest echelons of the French government are now preoccupied with the murder of Ilan Halimi. Paris is well aware that the case threatens France's international reputation, but far more than that is at stake. Once again, as in the suburban riots of 2005, the country is forced to come face to face with the criminalized, alienated and racist Muslim youth and their adult enablers in its midst. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin declared, in a long speech delivered at the annual dinner of the CRIF, that this heinous crime was anti-Semitic, and that anti-Semitism is not acceptable in France
according to reports in the French press, some of the suspects in police custody said that they tortured Ilan with particular cruelty simply because he was Jewish. No longer able to deny or play down the racial motive, the investigation is entering a new phase. One of the most troubling aspects of this affair is the probable involvement of relatives and neighbors, beyond the immediate circle of the gang, who were told about the Jewish hostage and dropped in to participate in the torture. Ilan's uncle Rafi Halimi told reporters that the gang phoned the family on several occasions and made them listen to the recitation of verses from the Koran, while Ilan's tortured screams could be heard in the background. The family has publicly criticized the police for deliberately ignoring the explicit anti-Semitic motives, which were repeatedly expressed and should have dictated an entirely different approach to the case from the start. Police searches have now revealed the presence of Islamist literature in the home of at least one of the gang members.
Halimi suspect Extradited
Mideast Dispatch Archive: Ilan Halimi: Tortured and killed in ...Feb 23, 2006 ... ILAN HALIMI A VICTIM OF "ISLAMO-FASCISM" ....
Gang of Barbarians
French suburban 'barbarians' (mainly Arab Muslims) target Jews
Mark Steyn on the murder of Ilan Halimi
May his memory be a democratic blessing
Halimi died because he was Jewish
Halimi's recent murder is only now being recognized in France as a racist hate crime. While the delay in such recognition needs to be addressed, the French are finally beginning to acknowledge that such offences are being perpetrated in France and must not be explained away or ignored for the good of the country as a whole.
NY Memorial for Ilan
Remembering Ilan Halimi
French leaders pay tribute to Ilan Halimi at Paris synagogue
Mother of murdered French Jew
Father of Ilan Halimi describes kidnapping ordeal
The story of Ilan Halimi's murder at the hands of a terrorist gang of French Muslims brings to the surface the various pathologies now converging to make the prospect of annihilating all Jews seem possible to our enemies. First, there are the murderers who took such apparent pleasure and felt such pride in the fact that for 20 days they tortured their Jewish hostage to death. This makes sense. Anti-Semitism in the Muslim dominated suburbs of Paris and other French cities is all-encompassing. As Nidra Poller related in Thursday's Wall Street Journal, "One of the most troubling aspects of this affair is the probable involvement of relatives and neighbors, beyond the immediate circle of the gang [of kidnappers], who were told about the Jewish hostage and dropped in to participate in the torture." It appears that Ilan Halimi's murderers had some connection to Hamas. Tuesday, French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy said that police found propaganda published by the Palestinian Charity Committee or the CBSP at the home of one of the suspects. The European Jewish Press reported this week that Israel has alleged that the organization is a front group for Palestinian terrorists and that in August 2003 the US government froze the organization's US bank accounts, accusing it of links with Hamas.
Ottawa memorial service recalls murdered/tortured Jew
There you have it, Quran-ic Torture, Islamic Fascistic hatred, "Palestinian charity" & Propaganda all in one case, involving around 30 Muslims, plus "ordinary" 30+ Muslims (neighbours) that knew and said nothing! ______ A FOLLOW-UP ATTACK? "Jewish teen tortured in French town where Ilan Halimi was killed"
The incident of brutal abuse began at 10 A.M. on February 22. Mathieu Roumi, 19, whose father is Jewish, was strolling through his neighborhood in the Paris suburb of Bagneux, which has been the site of violent riots by immigrants in the past two years. The suburb became notorious as the scene of Ilan Halimi's 2006 murder, which horrified France. ...after which they beat him and, with the help of a third friend, dragged him to a dark basement. The three assailants were joined by three other youths, all neighborhood residents and neighbors of Roumi. For two hours the attackers tortured the young man. One shoved cigarette butts into his mouth, another took issue with Roumi's Jewish origin, grabbed correction fluid and scrawled "dirty Jew" on his forehead. The six men proceeded to scream at him and threaten that he would die the way Halimi did. They identified themselves as members of the "Barbarians," the same gang that kidnapped Halimi from his store, demanded ransom for his release, and when that was not forthcoming, tortured the 23-year-old over the course of three weeks. Moments after he was dumped on the street, Halimi died. ... "We admire Youssouf Fofana!" they shouted at him, referring to the leader of the gang that murdered Halimi. Fofana and 29 other suspects are on trial for abduction, torture and murder. If convicted, they can expect a life sentence. ...the six assailants were arrested. Most are in their 20s, two come from Muslim homes...
Contact American at american1627@yahoo.com |
Posted by Carol Flatto, February 23, 2009. |
We toured this excavation on our last AFSI mission Last November. This articles was written by Stephen Gabriel Rosenberg and it appeared in the Jerusalem Post www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1233304824152&pagename= JPost%2FJPArticle%2FPrinter Stephen Gabriel Rosenberg is a senior fellow of the W.F. Albright Institute of Archeological Research in Jerusalem. |
The Golan remains a mystery for many of us. Before the Six Day War, little was known about it in literature and even less on the ground. Only after its conquest by the IDF in 1967 could historians and archeologists begin to reveal its rich history. ![]() They began to find and document dozens of synagogues from the Byzantine period, towns of the Jewish revolt against the Romans, early Christian sites of the time of Jesus, a city of the Hellenistic period, major Iron Age settlements, Early Bronze Age tombs and even one of the most mysterious constructions of Chalcolithic times, 6,000 years ago, when men and women worked in copper and stone to form remarkable monuments. But even today, a little more than 40 years after the end of the Six Day War (and 40 years is a significant figure in our ancient history), the Golan is still off the beaten track and its impressive historical remains are not as well known as those of Galilee and the Negev. Today on the Golan, the greatest Jewish interest centers on the synagogues, which number as many as 25. Some have been largely renovated, like that of Katzrin, but one of the most fascinating stands in ruins at Umm el-Kanatir, and is now being carefully reconstructed stone by stone by engineer Yeshu Drei and archeologist Haim Ben-David of the Kinneret Academic College and Bar-Ilan University. Drei has erected a giant mobile crane on the site and plans to lift all the remaining black basalt stones, which have been carefully numbered from one to more than 2,000, into position within the next two years. The work has been going on apace for some five years and, when complete, it will be a fine monument to the skill of the original builders of the fifth and sixth centuries CE and the meticulous reconstructors of today. It already gives us today an impressive picture of what the synagogue must have been like in the past. The name of the site, Umm el-Kanatir, is Arabic for "mother of the arches," as it is situated just 200 meters from a natural spring that issues from the cliff and has been directed into three basins originally surmounted by three monumental basalt arches. They are the work of a Roman settlement, of the time of Rabbi Judah Hanassi, that venerated the natural water source and had seemingly worshiped cultic statues in the niches between the arches. Only one arch remains intact, but the water basins are still running with their natural supply, and it looks as if the early Jewish inhabitants used the abundant water for the washing and whitening of flax, a local product. The process would have made it into fine clothing material for the rich and prosperous citizens of the local Jewish and pagan population of the adjoining cities like Sussita and Beit Saida, called Hippos and Julia by the Romans. But flax was also used for run-of-the-mill peasants' clothing and thus this center would have supplied many surrounding villages with their cloth. Umm el-Kanatir seems to be relatively difficult to get to, there is no clear track or pathway, but to have reached it by donkey would not have been a problem. Besides the growing of flax, the land was suitable for small-scale husbandry, olives and herding, but too steep for large-scale crops and there is little evidence of terracing. After the Roman period, Jews settled here and became wealthy enough, probably from the flax industry, to build their fine synagogue in the fifth century. To the surprise of the archeologists, they found another floor level and column bases below the main floor, and there is a suspicion that the structure was started 100 or 200 years earlier on a lower base. The synagogue we see today would have been the remains of a sixth-century embellishment made 100 years or so later than the main phase. The Jews lived on in the village for several hundred years after the completion of the synagogue, but their buildings, including the synagogue, were largely destroyed by the major earthquake of 749, which also destroyed the Christian monastery of Kursi and most of the buildings in Sussita, both fine constructions near the shores of Lake Kinneret. The ruined buildings of Umm el-Kanatir survived in poor state and were used by local shepherds for many years and, as late as the 1950s, Syrian herders moved in and built their primitive houses from the stones of the ruined synagogue. So the site was to some degree in continual habitation and in fact it was not completely unknown to scholars before 1967. In the late 19th century, Gottlieb Schumacher, a German Templer engineer, surveyed the area of the Golan for the Hejaz railway line and its branch to Haifa, and he found the synagogue ruins, as did Sir Laurence Oliphant, an eccentric British diplomat who had worked in China and Japan. Oliphant became an ardent Zionist and lived for some years near Haifa. He had travelled extensively in Russia and Nepal before turning his attention to the then-desolate Golan, which interested him because of his fascination with the mysterious and the occult. They both recorded their observation of the ruins but could do little except to identify them as a synagogue. This was fairly clear because of two column capitals with the figure of a menora and shofar, and a pronounced bima, four meters high, in front of the ark, the only such feature among the synagogues of the Golan and Galilee. The bima, which is being restored, was approached by a short flight of stairs, still in position. The size of the structure, 18 meters long by 13 meters wide and calculated to have been 12 meters high, makes it one of the biggest of ancient synagogues and indicates the relative wealth of the village community. It will have served as a community center, as most synagogues did, with learning facilities and accommodation for travelers. It had an upper story but this was not necessarily for women, rather it was an overflow for days of greater attendance, for town meetings as well as services. Whether women attended the synagogue is still a matter of debate. If and when they did, they would have sat in a separate section, probably on the ground floor, either in a side room, of which there is evidence in some synagogues, or in a roped-off section of the main hall. Most ancient synagogues were single-story structures with benches around three sides of the hall, and without provision for the women, and it is indeed doubtful if, at this earlydate, the women ever left the home to attend services. Besides the capitals crowned with the menora and shofar, already mentioned, there are a few strange carvings that have still to be interpreted. There is a column base showing one animal attacking another and being watched by a chicken, whose meaning is obscure. Another shows the face of a grotesque man sticking his tongue out at the beholder. The researchers think these pieces were stolen from nearby pagan sites and just used as infill stones, their carvings hidden from view. Another panel is inscribed with a nine-branched candelabra on a plain background, which may have been carved so as not to imitate the seven-branched menora of the Temple, which the rabbis said should not be copied outside of it. But it may indicate that a hanukkia was already in use at this early date, as there are at least two other carvings of nine-branched menorot, from early Golan synagogues, both of which are now in the local archeological museum at Katzrin. The site of the synagogue is on the hillside overlooking the beautiful valley of Nahal Samak, and two kilometers west of Natur. It can be approached by car from Route 808, taking the turn to Natur and then following along the gravel and sign-posted track that leads to a sizable car park. From here, there is now a well-paved path (laid with the help of the yeshiva boys of Haspin) with basalt steps down to the synagogue, and a pathway to the left (south) to the remains of the village and the triple-arched water basins. After the traumas of the Jewish Revolt and the Bar Kochba Revolt, Jews moved north from Judah and settled in the Golan and lived here in peace and quiet until the time of the short-lived Persian invasion of 614 and the later Arab conquest of 638. In this relative backwater they continued their unfettered rural life, and it was not till the earthquake of 749, which affected a large area of the Golan, that the inhabitants left to settle elsewhere. They left behind them the ruins of a beautiful synagogue that
modern-day researchers and engineers are rebuilding with the use of
new technology, and which they believe will one day bring the ruins
back into use to become one of the oldest working synagogues in the
Contact Carol Flatto by email at plypress@juno.com
Posted by Seth J. Frantzman, February 23, 2009. |
1) And you thought it would end: Racism and black history month and Eric Holder:
Some people were under the mistaken impression that with a 'black' President the obsession with race, the whining, the endless calls of 'racism' would finally end. But Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the U.S came out during 'Black History Month' and declared on February 18th, 2009 that "we are a nation of cowards." A nation of cowards? The full text of his comments dealt with his concern that despite priding ourselves on being a melting pot Americans "simply do not talk enough with each other about race... if we are to make progress in this area we must feel comfortable enough with one another, and tolerant enough of each other, to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us... hasten the day when the dream of individual, character based, acceptance can actually be realized... the history of black America and the history of this nation are inextricably tied to each other. It is for this reason that the study of black history is important to everyone black or white... Separate public facilities, separate entrances, poll taxes, legal discrimination, forced labor, in essence an American apartheid, all were part of an America that the movement [Civil Rights] destroyed... In law, culture, science, athletics, industry and other fields, knowledge of the roles played by blacks is critical to an understanding of the American experiment. For too long we have been too willing to segregate the study of black history... an unstudied, not discussed and ultimately misunderstood diversity can become a divisive force. An appreciation of the unique black past." It is hard to understand Holder's comments until one realizes that his comments are part of the problem and that his contradictions are the essential portion of what makes race such an inseparable and unsolvable problem. Let us begin from the beginning. Holder calls us, Americans at least, cowards for not speaking frankly about race. But let's really think about this. Anyone who speaks frankly about race is condemned as a racist. In the shallow, skin deep, ignorant society that pervades one finds that condemnations of 'racist' are thrown on those who have not even discussed race, let alone those who do. Someone using the word 'niggardly' in a public broadcast as asked to apologize for being 'racist' and fired. But niggardly does not come from Nigger, no matter how much ignorant uneducated people want it to. If niggardly (the act of being cheap, miserly or stingy or covetous or parsimonious) came from nigger than it would be hard to explain why people are called 'nigger-rich' (spendthrift or profligate). Niggardly, which is to say covetous, is a quality often applied derisively, to Jews whose financial habits are not usually associated with those of blacks. But that would be racist to mention, for both groups. So let's be honest. We can't talk 'frankly' about race because to do so is actually to be racist. It's obvious the degree to which this is true when one considers the recent cartoon controversy over a cartoon in the New York Post. The cartoon showed a dead chimp shot by two policeman. One is saying to the other "I guess we will have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill." Immediately the racial mafia of wealthy white leftists, whining sniveling leftist students and 'black activists' such as the ever-present and honest Al Sharpton were calling for blood at the Post. Why? Because of the past sensitivity of people comparing blacks to monkeys. The cartoon supposedly insinuated that Obama was a monkey, or something of that nature. It couldn't be that the cartoon implied that the Stimulus Bill was written by monkeys. In a climate of racial fascism where a few off-hand comments, like Don Imus' "nappy headed hoes", lead to his being publically lynched how can we be expected to speak 'frankly' about race. Things that aren't frank or aren't even about race are interpreted to be so. God forbid someone might actually talk about it. If we can't use the word niggardly, don't ask us to talk about the word 'nigger'. And don't call us cowards when the very people who call us cowards for not being 'frank' are the same one wagging the 'racist' finger. But Holder went further than whining about a 'nation of cowards'. He spoke of a nation that should judge people on their "character" and not their race. But M. Holder spins his quadroon race as much as possible. He is the 'first black attorney general'. But if we count the blacks in Holder's family tree we certainly will not find as many as we find whites. We would need another three or four Mr. Holders in order to get one fully black attorney general. It's a lot like the joke about Cherokee Indians told by other Indians. "What do you call forty Cherokees in one room? A full blooded Indian." That is because of the propensity of white people to 'discover' their Cherokee heritage and because of the Cherokee tendency in the 19th century to marry Scottish immigrants who lived among them in Georgia. But if Holder exploits his race he must be kidding about judging people on their 'character'. The fellow travelers of Holder, the oped writers at the Times, all told us Americans we had to vote for Obama because he was black in order to cancel the sin of slavery and 'make history.' So which is it? Are we supposed to judge based on character or on skin color? Too often it seems those who use skin color as currency are those who then pretend that money is colorless. Holder tells us about the mythical segregated entrances and toilets and buses and eating facilities and even speaks of an American Apartheid. But let's be honest. All this talk of slavery and segregation attempts to link to American history in totality. But a majority of American states never had slavery and never had segregation. That point is often forgotten among Americans and among non-Americans who have been led to believe, by people like Holder, that segregation and slavery was the 'American way'. But it was not. It was not the way of most Americans, ever. To compare it to Apartheid shows the ignorance of Holder more than it insults America. If Apartheid had existed in Northern South Africa, say in the Free State and Transvaal but not in the Cape Town area, would we have thought about it the same way? People need to believe that states like Maine and Massachusetts were the same as Virginia in order to perpetuate the idea that we need to all be knee deep in the racial guilt about slavery and segregation. Guilt for not ending it sooner at the point of a rifle, but certainly no guilt over it actually for most Americans have no connection to it. But Holder becomes even more contradictory when he tries to tell us that we need to recognize the unique roles of blacks and at the same time integrate 'black history' into that of America. But it is Mr. Holder, speaking on the occasion of Black History Month, who contradicts this. If he wants to integrate the important contribution of blacks then he should stop recalling them all as black and start treating them like people. This cannot be stressed enough. It is the liberal good intentions that took all the blacks out of American history and placed them all in the context of their 'blackness'. So Jackie Robinson and Joe Louis and Tiger Woods and Barak Obama and others are all recognized first as blacks and as being 'the first'. Its problematic. Is Jesse Owens only famous for being black? Or Mohammed Ali? Apparently not. We want it both ways. We want Black History Month and we want photos of the first black man in space and first black at the North Pole and first black to go down in a Submarine injected into our history books alongside stories about the North Pole and the Moon and we then want the same pictures in the section that is specially devoted to 'Black History.' The truth is hard to speak. If people like Mr. Holder were not segregated as 'the first black attorney general' then they would probably disappear into the morass of attorney generals who are mostly forgettable. How many do we really recall? Bobby Kennedy. That's about all. Who was the guy that Bush hired that was supposedly a neo-fascist and restricted our Civil Liberties and was so controversial? Mullgren? Ashcroft? Some white guy. Oh well. But Mr. Eric Holder? He's pretty famous. He's very important. He accomplished a lot in life? He's controversial? No. No. No. He's just black. That's why we should remember him. But he wants us to integrate him. Well then he will be pretty unmemorable probably. He's no Bobby Kennedy. And we only remember him because of his last name. Eric Holder embodies all the problems of the very racism he claims to understand. He yearns for equality and frank discussions and yet at the same time he wants to celebrate the uniqueness of black history. He wants blacks who succeed to be recognize for their success and their character, not their race, but yet he glories in the blackness of his heroes, not just heroes such as Martin Luther King, but Jackie Robinson. The same problem confronts so many people such as Colin Powell, Tiger Woods and Barak Obama. The desire to succeed irrespective of race and to live in a color blind society and yet the secret knowledge that in modern society being 'black' is an asset in certain situations. It is enough to remind people of Nadine Gordimer's book Beethoven was One Sixteenth Black. Her short story isn't actually about Beethoven, but if it did turn out that the composer was 1/16th black we should wonder, would he be called the "greatest black composer" or the "first black composer to play at such and such a place"? Would his name be enshrined during Black History Month. Maybe it should. Him an Shakespeare and George Washington and Jesus. I mean, maybe they were black. Maybe we all are. And if we all are then maybe can get to the post-racial society that people all preach about. The truth is that we can't escape our racialized history, not because we are unable to, but because we glory in the simplified and wrongheaded simplicity of a 'black and white' society. Simon Schama's recent television documentary on America entitled The American Future creates new myths about race out of the modern need to separate everything based on race. In speaking about the history of Texas he speaks of 'white illegal immigrants' coming to Texas and looking down on the 'indigenous Mexicans'. What is he talking about? He imagines that the Mexicans of 1830s Texas were like the Mexican immigrants of 2009. But he projects a false racial consciousness back into the past. The 'Mexicans' of 1930s Texas were Spaniards who had colonized and settled Texas. They were Vecinos. Their society was heavily segregated into Castas, Mestizos, Coyotes, mulatos, criados, nixoras and Sonorenses and nortenos. We can't expect Schama, a white man from England, to tell the difference between all these shades apparently. But in those days people knew and the 'Mexicans' were not only a stratified society but most of the ones encountered by the Americans moving to Texas were as white as the Americans. Santa Ana wasn't some half Indian brown 'Mexican' as Schama imagines him. But Schama needs 'white racism' to pervade Texas history. So he needs 'black' Mexicans to fight the 'white' racist Americans. He couldn't imagine anything different. But no one can imagine something different because in 2009 we are more racially conscious than in 1839. In Susan Faludi's new book The Terror Dream she speaks of how America has a history of imagining "traumatizing assaults by non-white 'barbarians'." Really? This is because Faludi, whose last name seems to reek of low-class Italian ancestry but is apparently Hungarian-Jewish, imagines a past of whiteness and blackness. She wants to link King Philip's Wompanog natives to the 9/11 terrorist hijackers in one large 'non-white' morass. She wants them all to be lumped in with the Japanese of 1941 and apparently the Germans and Russians too. They are all 'non-white', a catch all phrase for everything in the world apparently. People like Faludi need 'non-white' myths of blackness in order to juxtapose them with her hated 'white America'. The same 'white America' that took in her Holocaust survivor ancestors. It's odd that old Europe, that wonderful ivory tower of actual white people, killed off her ancestors but she so hates America that she imagines an evil America always lashing out at fake enemies because of a supposed traumatic past of Indian attacks on a few isolated Anglo settlements in the 17th century. The truth is that the Faludis and Schamas and Holders and others need racism. It doesn't matter how colorful America is, the entire country is always cleansed in history and bleached to make it into a 'white' man fighting and suppressing some mythical blacks. Those 'blacks' can be lily white Mexicans or white Japanese who were fighting their own race war in Asia, or anyone else. Define them as 'non-white', so that America can continue to be 'white' because white is evil and America must be seen as 'racist' and evil. So define the Russians as 'non-white'. Define the Arab terrorists as 'non-white'. Define some white blond woman from England who converts to Islam as 'non-white'. Whatever it takes. In the case of 1/16th black people, define them as black. Create a myth of whiteness to go alongside a myth of blackness. Make Mexican colonists who had just finished exterminating the Indians of Texas into 'blacks' so that Americans can be 'white'. Then turn those Mexicans into 'whites' so that the blacks in Arizona can still be the 'largest minority' group. Whatever it takes. Play the race game. Change the race, lie about race, talk about race, then call people racist, mistake the word niggard for nigger and whine and cry and complain. That's America. Holder's 'nation of cowards' was a disgusting and disgraceful comment. One wonders if he would have had the chagrin to say it to the half a million Union soldiers who died in the Civil War fighting to end slavery. It would be interesting to know if he would have called them cowards. Maybe he should have given the speech at Arlington or Gettysburg. He could have given it at Appomattox. Or maybe at the theatre where Lincoln was murdered. Or Harpers Ferry where John Brown led his raiders. Mr. Holder is the coward for he so easily dismisses so many who fought and wrote and died to end the evil institution of slavery. If we are cowards it is because of people like Holder and his friends, gangs of half black men and women whose white ancestry is as deep as their black one and who have chosen to emphasize their 'blackness' and use it to their advantage to make themselves appear more interesting and more 'colourful' in a society that they have told to value 'color'. It is they who have endlessly shamed and complained and spit on people calling other racists wherever they go, spreading racial discord and calling cowardly those who care not about race and do not wish to join their extremist worldview where everything is 'black and white' and one suffocates under the self righteous racial idiocy of endless whining and complaining and shrill comments.
2) The worst of both worlds: The financial crises and environmentalism:
A year ago we were living large. The banks were secure. Al Gore's prophecies about "extreme weather" seemed to be coming true. Flush with cash our time could be spent buying 'green'. Everything was going green. From the organic food craze to Harper-Collins books, there was not an item that wasn't fashionably environmental. Cars too were going electric, even if they had to be charged every few hours and could only go 30 mph. Carbon offsets were the rage and guilt conscious air travelers were 'doing their part' by offsetting their travel. There were few things in life that one couldn't check a special box and have that thing be 'environmentally friendly.' Then the economic crises came. People are tightening their belts. The government is spending like a drunken sailor in order to shore up everything from banks to bankrupt state governments. People are giving tomatoes to their girlfriends on Valentines Day instead of roses to save money. People aren't taking vacations. The beaches lie empty in the Bahamas. But one news item hasn't disappeared. Environmentalism is at an all time high. One part of the Stimulus bill passed by Congress and signed by President Obama stipulated that tens of millions must go to making the federal office buildings 'energy efficient', which is to say environementally friendly. With England in the throes of a terrible economic crises the government is going forward with a plan, set to begin in February of 2009, to tax airlines based on their carbon emissions. According to reports "the tax increase will save the equivalent of three quarters of a million tonnes of carbon every year by 2011." A British treasury spokesman claimed that "the Treasury took all relevant factors into account before deciding to increase Air Passenger Duty to better reflect the environmental costs of air travel." In addition "the revenues raised from the increase will secure extra resources in the coming spending round for our priorities such as public transport and the environment." In total each passenger will pay an extra $7 for economy class and an extra $30 for first class to offset their carbon output through the tax. Advocates such as Ryan Nabil, note that "in the context of world's financial situation, it'd be very unwise to impose the tax on airline companies... Airline passengers should pay for the harm they are causing to the environment and the proper way to do that is to pay a carbon emissions tax... If airline passengers can buy airport novels for $10, it would not hurt them to pay $3.75 to recompense for what they are doing to the environment. " They claim that the money will be spent on "subsidizing biofuel or other green-tech energy sources if found." This is quite brilliant. Cash strapped passengers will be charged more money as a tax that will be placed in the hands of the government and supposedly spent to help offset carbon emissions. But like the money raised by governments from cigarette taxes or lawsuits against cigarette companies there is no guarantee that any money will be spent to 'offset' the carbon even if there was a way to offset it, which there isn't. But the dream world of the environmentalists, whose jobs and livelihoods and ability to fund their never ending extreme activism has not been damaged by the economic crises, is unchanged. Just at the time when states and people have little money environmentalists are putting the last nails in the coffin. In California a new plan for a Powerlink (apparently meaning lots of electric lines) from San Diego to Imperial Valley is a case study in environmental extremism. It was only approved so long as it twists "around a state park, an Indian reservation and much of a forest. Its builders would be banned from harming burrowing owls or rattlesnakes." But that wasn't enough for other environmentalists who have sued the state anyway not to build it. As The Economist notes " Barack Obama wants to create green jobs, but he needs to create jobs above all, and quickly. Environmentalists, who know how to hold up big projects better than anybody, will not be bounced so easily." But this state of affairs should only remind us of the insanity that has confronted anyone who wants to build windmills to create 'green' electricity. For years environmentalists campaigned to close coal power stations and then their alternative, nuclear ones. Left with little choice they proposed wind power as an alternative. But when people actually wanted to build wind power generators every attempt was prevented by the same environmentalists who now argued the "wind turbines' would harm birds. There is a silver lining. The destruction of the economy may yet dent the pocketbooks of the environmentalists and those who fund them. Whole Foods and Trader Joes may yet be cut low, even though they themselves merely profited off of the environmental extremism, their products were not truly 'organic'. But it seems for now we are living in the worst of both worlds. Environmental extremism forcing us to pay more in taxes and for 'green' products while we have less and less money and the government is 'stimulating' the economy by hiring more and more hippie-environmental consultants on how to spend taxpayers money on creating 'green' jobs, which means more jobs for the environmental elite and less jobs for people who are actually out of work. Contact Seth J. Frantzman at sfrantzman@hotmail.com and visit his website: http://journalterraincognita.blogspot.com These essays appeared on his website. |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 23, 2009. |
The state of the world, that is. Events have been so overwhelming and deeply distressing that it is difficult to know what to deal with first. (And without question some issues will have to be tabled for another day.) But what I would like to start with today is the visitation of two Congressmen Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Brian Baird (D-WA) to this part of the world. They visited Gaza the end of last week, and yesterday made their inimitable statement regarding Israel's decision not to open crossings except for humanitarian supplies until Shalit is released. Their position: Banning lentils and pasta from Gaza does not help the cause of peace. "When have lentil bombs been going off lately?" asked Congressman Baird. "Is someone going to kill you with a piece of macaroni?" Cute, huh? Is he simply foolish and lacking basic knowledge, or is he being exceedingly coy and disingenuous here? Opined Ellison, "Israel's policy is not designed for success or to win the release of Gilad Shalit." He knows this? ~~~~~~~~~~ It's disturbing when US elected legislators are as clueless or off-base as these guys are. Disturbing, but not surprising. Some time ago, Congressman Ellison (Congress's only Muslim representative) was part of a Democratic Congressional mission to this area. When the group called a press conference, I attended. And so was present when a journalist asked Ellison what his take was on the (very old and very serious) Shi'ite-Sunni rift in the Muslim world a rift that, for example, puts Egypt and Iran at odds. Well, he intoned, everyone wants the same things: good education for their kids, decent housing, and pensions for their old age. And if we can see that they have these things, we won't have to sweat the rest of it. My jaw dropped, and I knew we were in a lot of trouble. ~~~~~~~~~~ We should, therefore, never miss an opportunity to do education of such Congresspersons. Either we will truly be alerting them to information they were lacking and giving them a broader perspective, or we will be letting them know that their nonsense doesn't play with us. Either way, a good thing. In a word: I cannot speak for pasta and lentils in particular, but food as part of the humanitarian supplies goes into Gaza. The people are fed. This is not remotely the issue. Hamas wants the crossings opened for commercial reasons (to bring in furniture and machinery and whatever else) to promote their economic viability, and to bring in supplies that can be used for making weapons and building terrorist infrastructure. That includes fertilizer ostensibly for farming but which becomes an ingredient in manufacturing explosives, and concrete ostensibly for building homes and schools but which is used in making bunkers for weapons. And so, keeping the crossings closed hurts Hamas and has a great deal to do with what is going on. More to the point is why these two Congressmen didn't vociferously and publicly criticize Hamas for holding Shalit and not even allowing the Red Cross to see him, as mandated by international law. Why is the focus on what Israel is doing "wrong" and not what Hamas could do to bring the entire issue to closure? ~~~~~~~~~~ You might want to communicate with these two Congresspersons or, more accurately, their offices. If so: Congressman Keith Ellison Phone: 202-225-4755 Fax: 202-225-4886
Congressman Brian Baird Phone: 202-225-3536 Fax: 202-225-3478
~~~~~~~~~~ Returning just briefly to the Durban 2 issue: According to Roni Leshno Yaar, the Israel Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva (where the Durban meetings are being held), the draft document is problematic for not only Israel but for Western democracies in general. Besides dealing with Israel (the only nation criticized by name), it also deals with issues of free speech (which it would inhibit), discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and defamation of religion. He does not see any opportunity for the American presence to improve the document. "In fact," said Leshno Yaar, "I expect the text to get only worse on all issues that are important for Western democracy." ~~~~~~~~~~ Amos Herman, head of the Jewish Agency Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism, says, "As far as we believe, Durban II is going to be the anti-Semitic event of 2009. It looks worse than we expected, even though it's not clear what the end results will be... "Operation Cast Lead [in Gaza] is going to take center state at Durban II and we have to be ready for that." The Task Force members are doubtful that the US presence will change the conference's direction, and some are dubious, as well, as to whether the US delegation will walk out, no matter what transpires. Among the things anticipated in Geneva at the Durban 2 conference: use of Holocaust imagery with regard to Israel's military actions in Gaza, the possibility of demonstrations, and an all-out "hate-fest" on the part of NGOs present. (It was the NGO Forum that was the most vociferously anti-Israel last time.) ~~~~~~~~~~ Please! Raise your voice on this issue. Contact info. is provided again at the bottom of this posting. ~~~~~~~~~~ A tiny ray of light. According to The Jewish Chronicle of Britain, Britain and Italy are considering withdrawing from participation in Durban 2. "Britain's Foreign Office Minister Lord Malloch-Brown said on Tuesday: 'If we can't go forward now, we will withdraw. I was at the first conference. I have never seen such a disgraceful event in quite a long international life.' And there we have the rub, and the reason why the ray of light is so tiny: These nations are looking to the US to take the lead. ~~~~~~~~~~ Relevant to the issue of the delegitimization of Israel, please see the piece by Irwin Cotler, former Minister of Justice of Canada and professor of law with considerable human rights expertise. "Making the world 'Judestaatrein' [i.e., devoid of a Jewish state]" Writes Cotler: "...The new anti-Jewishness overlaps with classical anti-Semitism but is distinguishable from it. It found early juridical, and even institutional, expression in the UN's 'Zionism is racism' resolution which the late US senator Daniel Moynihan said 'gave the abomination of anti-Semitism the appearance of international legal sanction' but has gone dramatically beyond it. This new anti-Semitism almost needs a new vocabulary to define it; however, it can best be identified using a rights-based juridical perspective. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1233304849224&pagename= JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull ~~~~~~~~~~ And on Iran (the greatest worry of all): A report unveiled in Vienna last week by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency suggests that the 1,010 kg. of low-enriched uranium already produced by Iran is sufficient for building a bomb. The low-enriched uranium would have to undergo additional enrichment before it could be used for a nuclear weapon. But a US Iranian analyst suggests that Iran my be "one step before the nuclear stage" and is operating a shadow nuclear program in tandem with its public program. Additionally there has been a report from Teheran that the preliminary phase of operations for the first Iranian nuclear power plant a 1,000 megawatt light-water reactor in the southern port city of Busehr will begin this week. ~~~~~~~~~~ Be that as it may, the Obama administration is said to be at least two months away from establishing policies on the issue of a nuclear Iran. There is widespread speculation that Obama is waiting until after the Iranian presidential election, scheduled for June 12, in which former president Mohammad Khatami who is considered somewhat more Western oriented will be challenging Ahmadinejad. But that would be a long time for the US to go without a firm and coherent Iranian policy. And if Khatami wins, that is still no guarantee that Iran won't go nuclear or that it's not the mullahs who will insist on this. And so, there is also troublesome speculation that the Obama administration may be resigned to a nuclear Iran. ~~~~~~~~~~ The International Atomic Energy Agency has just released a report indicating that new traces of uranium have been found at the site presumed to be a nuclear reactor where Israel bombed in September 2007. The particles "are of a type not included in Syria's declared inventory of nuclear material" and that "there is a low probability that the uranium was introduced by the use of missiles." According to the IAEA report, Syria must provide additional information and documentation about "the use and nature" of the building that was bombed. And Syria "needs to be transparent by providing access to other locations alleged to be related" to the site. Right... ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, recently Obama decided to appoint the first US ambassador to Syria since 2005, when Bush without drew the American ambassador after the assassination of Harari in Lebanon. Obama's choice, Frederic Hof, a member of the National Advisory Committee of the Middle East Policy Council, is said to be a close to George Mitchell. Obama is also preparing to lift sanctions against Syria, in particular the Syrian Accountability Act. Syria has been listed as a State Sponsor of Terrorism since 1979. The US has now agreed to sell Syria spare parts for two Boeing 747 jets. ~~~~~~~~~~ It is the issue of security, more than any other, that seems to be driving Binyamin Netanyahu right now as he pushes to put together a broad-based coalition. After meeting with Tzipi Livni again last night, she walked away echoing the same refrain: Her voters expect her to honor the principles she ran on principles of a "two-state solution." She said the differences between Kadima and Likud were just too great. And yet Netanyahu is persisting, and says there can be a means of achieving conciliation for cooperation in a coalition. Livni has agreed to meet again. ~~~~~~~~~~ Do I understand Netanyahu's persistence? I most certainly do not. His partners-in-the-making to the right, most notably National Union, will not sit still for a coalition with Kadima that makes compromises on the issue of negotiating with the Palestinians. The NU had sought assurances from Netanyahu that there would be no mention of a Palestinian state in the coalition guidelines, and, according to MK Aryeh Eldad, "he replied that we will be able to live with the coalition guidelines." From the perspective of NU, Netanyahu has given his word on this. The principles of Kadima and the nationalist parties are simply too far apart to reconcile. Even Likud and Kadima are far apart, as Likud ran on a platform of no dividing Jerusalem, and certainly Livni would hope to do so. A coalition that encompasses everything stands for nothing. Will Netanyahu turn out to be a purely political animal devoid of all principles (which is how many see him), who tilted right and courted the right, for his purposes, and then will move left because it gives him more numbers in a coalition? In a way, this is a time of reckoning for him. But in the end, it may be the persistence of Livni and her party, in refusing to join, that wins the day for the nation. Right now the majority of Kadima is said to agree with her. It is the presence of the nationalist parties at the right flank of his coalition that would keep Netanyahu honest. Absent that, who knows. ~~~~~~~~~~ As to needing a broad-based coalition for security reasons, it is possible to assemble one for a brief time. When there is serious action to be taken, or confronted, a temporary unity government can be formed so the world understands that there is no division where acting for Israel's sake is concerned. I do not minimize in the slightest the need to stand strong for Israel's security most especially with regard to Iran. It is here that Netanyahu has maximum credibility, as he has been raising the issue of confronting Iran for a long time. ~~~~~~~~~~ Typo correction: Ron Prosper is the ambassador to the UK, not the UN. (Thanks Ora and Barbara.) ~~~~~~~~~~ President Barack Obama:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:
To locate your representatives in Congress, see:
To locate your senator:
You can often secure best contact info. by logging on to the website of the representative or senator. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Ari Bussel, February 23, 2009. |
Two years ago today, following my attending a three session, 16 hour LA Unified School District (LAUSD) Salary Point Workshop titled "Teaching about the Arab World," I wrote about my experiences of this anti-Israel brainwashing scheme. I came open minded, knowing there is much to learn about the Arab World from culture to language, geography, archeology, history, mathematics and calligraphy, to name just a few areas of personal interest. Like me, teachers came interested in the subject matter, expecting to broaden their horizons and learn something new. Attendance, participation and follow up projects would entitle the participants to a professional staff credit, which eventually translates into a salary bonus. I did not know, but was soon to learn, that everything throughout the Arab world is somehow connected to the very existence of Israel the Jewish Homeland in an area so small relative to the vast lands of the Arab World that one immediately realizes this is not a territorial conflict. When the Workshop ended I was in a dire need for an outlet: How can I help the poor palestinian children in the occupied territories and throughout their homeland? What can I do to stop the imperialist Zionist war machine? Training a Christian AudienceThe content of the workshop described Israel, at least in one instance, as the new Nazi regime. Interestingly, the stories presented were about Bethlehem, a "Ghetto" in present day palestine. It was by design not coincidence, that Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ, was chosen. A very calculated move to address the local Christian audience who does not know that Christians cannot survive under Muslim rule, as is evident in Lebanon, under the PA rule in Bethlehem, and elsewhere throughout the world. I took the time on Christmas Eve, 2008, to visit Bethlehem. I can attest that Israel Ministry of Tourism's effort in welcoming both local and foreign pilgrims were so successful that I could not discover, despite my persistent efforts, the connection between the stories told to the teachers and reality. Sadly, the following day, the Archdiocese in New Zealand published an article about Christmas in Bethlehem 2008. It explained my inability to substantiate the stories of the Workshop: "a result of 'extraordinarily efficient' propaganda from Israel, the message going out internationally from Israel is very biased and does not represent what is happening on the ground." Since I was personally in Bethlehem the night before, I realized a total eclipse must have occurred, causing me to become "momentarily" blind for the duration of my visit. Thus, unbeknownst to me until the following day's article, some three quarters of a million "refugees," mostly Muslim, have become as a direct result of Israel's 60 years of occupation intermingled in Christmas Day, 2008. This extraordinary chain of events was successfully captured by the article's author and presented to worshipers of Christianity on their most spiritual day of the year. The Power of a Picture in the Context of Israel-BashingBack in LA a year and a half earlier, the world seemed to be full of like miracles. If the story does not match reality, tell it anyway. If anyone dares to contest the information, discredit and attack the person rather than the merits, and when all else fails, change the subject. The presenters know that the most effective instrument of delivery is a visual. How many of us, when asked what are the most famous pictures of the Holocaust, will not think about the young boy with his arms up in the air and a German storm trooper pointing a gun at him? My father was a young boy at that time, possibly not much younger than the boy in the picture. He managed to escape the Warsaw Ghetto, where the picture was taken, before the uprising. This picture became an icon, as did the spirit of the fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto, whose brave stance against the Nazi war machine astonished even the Nazis themselves. Today, the picture serves as another source of inspiration: associating the Jewish Homeland with the very same acts carried out by the Nazis. Interestingly, some deranged individuals claim the Holocaust was only a hoax to legitimize the Jews' claim for the small piece of land in the Middle East. They have no problem to make this claim then use falsified images that force us to make the parallelism to that era. One of the magazines given to all participants of the Workshop depicted a very similar picture on its outer cover: An Israeli soldier pointing a gun at a palestinian boy. The boy, his hands raised, was looking intensely at the soldier. There is a complete series of such pictures and one-to-one comparisons now circulating the internet. The organizers of the Workshop were very well aware of the different observers and other participants in the Workshop, so the specific word "Nazi" was not used. If the description and references were not crystallized in one's memory, the word "Ghettoization," for instance, appeared vividly in one of handouts given out and in at least one of the websites to which the teachers were referred. One must not belittle the usage of descriptions within a certain context. Both were so clear that it was no surprise to find the actual words in the written material. Evaluating the Workshop SeriesThe main purpose, it seems, of this workshop was not to educate teachers about the Arab World. Rather, it was to try and utilize our own system of education and freedoms to push sanity one step backward, until it trips and eventually succumbs. If, along the way, one or two innocent bystanders (teacher) are actually moved to do something for and on behalf of the palestinian people, it would be considered a fringe benefit, but not the real purpose. The success of the series starts by the fact it was held in the first place, continues in the fact that it was allowed to be held repeatedly year after year, and culminates now in the quest to attain even great heights: pushing the frontier to a point of no return. The failure of different advocacy organizations, like the Anti Defamation League and Stand With Us, to effect meaningful change and prevent the series from taking place is a result of the same organizations holding workshops of their own. Thus, decisive action was mellowed down, diluted to a written protest, to be "on file" so to speak. If there is no place in the curriculum for workshops about the Holocaust, Fighting Hate or Israel Past and Present, then they should not be allowed as part of the program. However, to admit a program which is an anti-Israel scheme disguised as an educational tool about the Arab World should not be tolerated. Bias and trickery, deceit and hatred should be banned from the LAUSD playing grounds and its headquarters building should not be a host to this Workshop. Imagine the public outcry if a workshop titled Fighting Hate would teach that the all the faults of a crumbling economy are related to People of Color. An outrage could not be contained, riots may break and the workshop scrapped in an instance. Doing the same but exchanging the labels to target Israel is apparently permissible. A Tour of Palestine (Jordan and Israel)Two years have past. The workshop continues and is apparently quite successful. A sixteen day study tour of Jordan and Palestine including Israel is proposed to all past participants, almost free. Touted as "the occasion to probe further and deeper into the many topics covered in the 'Arab World' workshops and to experience these directly and personally," this unusual opportunity is subsidized by the generous will of a teacher and curriculum specialist who visited the Middle East, became fascinated by Arab history, culture and contemporary problems, and apparently had left in her will funds for educational projects. To commemorate the enthusiasm of that person, LAUSD teachers who participated and completed one of the "Arab World" workshops are urged to join. An experience of a lifetime awaits them, including a preparatory background reading and an orientation session prior to departure and follow-up projects they will need to complete. What an ingenious way to penetrate the very fabric of society that is most impressionable and to shape and mold attitudes of teachers who influence young minds in their classrooms with hatred toward Israel. This is not a workshop about the Arab World, for there is much more in the Arab World than cartoons for children in which every symbol of the West is satanic. This is an attempt at using a system that should focus on algebra and arithmetic, music and physical education, science, English and languages and not on planting the seeds of hatred. The organizers must be congratulated. The trip to Israel promises not to end with the return to Los Angeles. Each participant will have to present "lesson plans, reports to colleagues and students, articles for community groups and assisting with future 'Arab World' workshops." Is our tax money going to be used also to pay for additional bonuses to these teachers? The phenomenon of using our own system and the vast freedoms it affords against the West must be stopped. Let us go back to basics before we turn the LAUSD and other school districts across the country into battlegrounds much like the universities are today. Contact Ari Bussel at busselari@gmail.com
Posted by Marcia Leal, February 23, 2009. | |
The first essay below is from Sammy Benoit, editor of the Yid with Lid Blogspot http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2009/02/ mayflower-muslims-what-obamas-proposed.html The second is the Email Letter sent by William J. Bennetta to Stuart Elliott of Wichita, Kansas. | |
1. From Yid with Lid website: Do you know that when the British explorers came to the "New World" they met "Iroquois and Algonquin chiefs with names like Abdul-Rahim and Abdallah Ibn Malik?" That is just one of the "facts" in the textbook Arab World Studies Notebook, published by Middle East Policy Council (MPEC). The President of the organization, Chas Freeman Jr. has had his name "floated" in the media as President Obama's selection for Chairman of the National Intelligence Council. In 2005 the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA), a Jewish News organization, investigated what American Students are being taught about Israel, America and Islam. One part of the series (called Tainted Teachings) gives an overview of what Ambassador Freeman is teaching American Children. Arab World Studies Notebook , a joint project of Freeman's MEPC Berkeley, Calif.-based Arab World and Islamic Resources, or AWAIR, (www.awaironline.org) who gets a major part of its funding from Saudi Aramco, the Saudi government-owned oil company. Below is a selection from that study. (Source JTA.) "Some of the references are subtle [in Arab World Studies Notebook] critics say, making them all the more harmful. For example, the manual:
Sandra Stotsky, a former senior associate commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Education, is one of a growing number of critics of the Arab World Studies Notebook. It is one of the examples she cites in a study, "The Stealth Curriculum: Manipulating America's History Teachers," in which she examines supplemental teaching materials. In an interview with JTA, Stotsky called the notebook "a piece of propaganda" rather than scholarly work. Another review of the book was conducted by the Textbook League. The league is a resource for middle-school and high-school educators. It provides commentaries on over 200 items, including textbooks, curriculum manuals, videos and reference books. (You can read the analysis in Bennetta's email see below.) In his analysis of Arab World Studies Notebook, Textbook League's president, William J. Bennetta details some concerns with Freeman's Text, not the least of which is that it claims to have the be "Highly Regarded" by the California Board of Education. The Board denied this claim. Mr. Bennetta's report points to the inaccuracy of much of the information contained in the workbook: "The Notebook is a vehicle for disseminating disinformation, including a multitude of false, distorted or utterly absurd claims that are presented as historical facts. I infer that the Notebook has three principal purposes: inducing teachers to embrace Islamic religious beliefs; inducing teachers to embrace political views that are favored by the MEPC and AWAIR; and impelling teachers to disseminate those religious beliefs and political views in schools." He points to the subtle ways the notebook "exploits" Jesus, talking about how the book teaches "Jesus is an important figure" in Islam but omits that "Koran 9:30 i.e., sura 9, verse 30 we read that Muhammad wanted Christians to be damned because they said that Jesus was the son of God." Perhaps the most stunning of Chas Freeman's History errors involves the history of North America. Again, from William J. Bennetta: "....article [in the Notebook] in which Shabbas and someone called Abdallah Hakim Quick disclose that Muslims reached the New World in pre-Columbian times and spread throughout the Caribbean, Central America, South America and even Canada. By the time when Columbus arrived, it seems, the New World was fairly crawling with Muslims and English explorers met "Iroquois and Algonquin chiefs with names like Abdul-Rahim and Abdallah Ibn Malik." Do Quick and Shabbas cite any sources to support such claims? No, they don't. They don't even tell the names of the English explorers, let alone the titles and dates of the documents in which those explorers reported their encounters with Amerindian Muslims." Ambassador Chas Freeman Jr. is being considered for the position of Chairman of the National Intelligence Council. In that job he will evaluate the information coming in from the many U.S. intelligence organizations and decide which information is important enough to move "up the ladder." It would be a troubling development if that position is filled by someone who can't even figure out who discovered America. 2. "Arab World Studies Notebook lobs Muslim propaganda at teachers." e-mail letter of 8 October 2003 from The Textbook League's president, William J. Bennetta, to Stuart Elliott, of Wichita, Kansas http://www.textbookleague.org/spwich.htm
Contact Marcia Leal at marcia.leal.eejh@gmail.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 23, 2009. |
This was written by Ruth King
and it appeared in OUTPOST
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." (Marcus Tullius Cicero, in a speech to the Roman Senate, 42 BC) In 1929 Zeev Jabotinsky warned the Jews of Europe to get out in face of a coming cataclysm. Absorbed in their daily lives, most Jews ignored the escalating anti-Jewish rhetoric in the newspapers and the academies; the boycotts of Jews among Polish factory workers and trade groups; the ritual murder libels in Lublin and Vilna; the mounting attacks and beatings; the riots and desecrations of synagogues; the discriminatory laws and taxations; and the staggering failure by host nations to protect their Jewish populations. Yes, the tragic Jews of Europe just tried to get on with their lives. Who could fault them? Who could have foreseen Auschwitz? But what about today? After many decades of Jewish renewal and enhanced prestige brought about by the advent of Israel, Jews are threatened by the recrudescence of world-wide vicious anti-Semitism, all couched as "anti-Israel not anti-Semitic." Even here in the United States trade and religious and academic institutions boycott and "disengage" from Israel, synagogues are vandalized and the mainstream media, at fever pitch to condemn Israel, gives scant attention to the threat against Jews. Why has the American public lost sight of the fact that Jihad threatens the entire Western world and not Israel alone? Why did conservative Jews, even those who stood firm against Oslo become so besotted with President Bush that they swallowed whole the "road map" and the ensuing departure from Gaza without understanding or pressing the fact that Israel is in the front line of the war against Islamic terror? The sad fact is that Jews themselves have contributed to the morass in which we find ourselves. First, let's examine those whom Cicero calls the fools and the ambitious. Women of Hadassah: Your work in the ingathering when you provided rescue to millions of wretched survivors of the Nazis and those expelled from Arab states is the stuff of legend. When did abortion rights, gay rights and assorted trendy environmental crusades become more important than Jewish survival and Israel? Listen up, ADL: You had a distinguished history in defending Jews against defamation. How did you get into the business of defaming our Christian evangelical supporters? Do you really think that Mel Gibson and a crackpot Catholic Bishop threaten Jews more than Arabs and Jihad? And, speaking of Holocaust deniers what say you about Abbas, whose doctoral thesis was devoted to that topic? Esteemed grandees of the Conference of Presidents: There was a time that you were an instant deployment group, your clout felt in the corridors of American power when there was serious offense to Israel and Jews. What have you accomplished in the past ten years? Your major "achievements" were to insult Sarah Palin and elevate Mahmoud Abbas to the role of "peace partner." Even now, faced with the disastrous results of leaving Gaza from which you egged Israel on to withdraw you prod Israel to accept its dissolution with the "two state plan." Can you not see that your servility contributes to the climate of blaming Israel? Now let's discuss The Filth Column.....the traitors within. Jews who defame Israel are the most pernicious tools in the war against Israel and Jewry, those who, to paraphrase Cicero, move among us freely, teaching our young, their sly moral equivalence, which equates Israel with its tormentors, heard in the halls of government itself. They preen and strut as supposed devotees of "peace" and "justice." They besmirch Israel with vile comparisons to the Nazis. They pepper their talk with Yiddish, indulge in Holocaust metaphor and willfully and maliciously provide fodder for the cannons of those who would extinguish us. They are in a league of their own. Here is a baker's dozen list of The Filth Column: Not in Our Name Coalition, Jewish Voice for Peace, Jews Against the Occupation, Jewish Peace Fellowship, Gush Shalom, Jews Not Zionists, Truth Justice and Human Rights in the Middle East, Rabbis for Human Rights, Visions for Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine, Students for Justice in Palestine, Jews Against the Occupation, Jewish Women for Peace and Justice in Israel/Palestine, Jewish Social Justice Network. JATO (Jews against the Occupation) recently hung banners calling for "Free Palestine" from bridges and highways. Its spokesman Ethan Heitner states: "Even if foreclosures and unemployment weren't decimating our neighborhoods, surely there are better uses for $3 billion a year than helping the Israeli government commit war crimes." Students for Justice in Palestine has groups on many campuses. Matan Cohen of Hampshire College in Massachusetts works among them to get "total international disinvestment from Israel." Then there are the "independents" such as Norton Mezvinsky, who runs the Middle Eastern Studies Program at Central Connecticut State University who recently invited Norman Finkelstein, another pillar of the Jewish Filth Column, to bash Israel. They have rotted the soul of the Jewish nation and undermined the pillars of Israel. Yet they proliferate in the media, the academies and the arts. They deserve the obloquy of all self respecting Jews and a corner in hell. It is 1928 again, but unlike the unsuspecting and tragic Jews of Europe we cannot remain in denial. A strong Israel is our only guarantor of survival. In spite of those who have unwittingly contributed to the present climate and those who are active accomplices of our enemies, we cannot give up or fail. To do so will mean the end of the Jewish people. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Yoram Ettinger, February 23, 2009. |
Demography has been a critical national security issue, and it is incumbent upon the new government of the Jewish State to adopt a comprehensive demographic policy. Enclosed you'll find my latest OpEd "Let's Leverage the Good
Demographic News" which was published today, February 23, 2009 by
the Jerusalem Post
The bubble of demographic fatalism is bursting, according to the most recent data, published by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS). The data should be leveraged by the new government to formulate a demographic policy aimed at increasing the current 67 percent Jewish majority west of the Jordan River (without Gaza). The policy would uproot demographic fatalism and advance demographic optimism, thus energizing Aliya, the economy, overseas investments, diplomacy, national security, posture of deterrence and minimizing Jewish-Arab tension, which is fed by demographic fear. According to the ICBS, the country's Jewish population is getting younger and the Arab population getting older. The number of annual Jewish births increased by 45% between 1995 (80,400) and 2008 (117,000), as a result of Aliya from the USSR, the shift by the Soviet Olim from a typical Russian rate of one birth per woman to a typical Israeli rate of two-three births, the rising secular Jewish rate and the sustained high Orthodox and haredi rate. The number of annual Arab births has stabilized since 1995 at around 39,000, reflecting a most successful integration by Arabs into the country's infrastructures of education, health, human services, commerce, finance, culture, sports and politics. The fertility gap is down from six births per woman in 1969 to 0.7 in 2009, and the proportion of Jewish births has grown from 69% (of total births) in 1995 and 74% in 2007 to 75% in 2008. The downward trend typifies, also, the Arabs in Judea and Samaria due to large scale emigration, entrenched family planning, reduction of teen pregnancy, rapid urbanization, expanded education especially among women, record divorce rate and higher median marriage age. The Westernization of Arab fertility rate (3.5 births per woman in pre-1967 Israel and four in Judea and Samaria) is apparent throughout most of the Arab and Muslim world. For instance, the 2008 map of the UN Population Division documents an average fertility rate of two-four births, compared with over four births 30 years ago. Even Yemen, the flagship of robust Arab demography, is adopting family planning. This month it approved a new law setting the minimum age for marriage at 17 for boys and girls, prohibiting marriage without the consent of the woman and benefiting divorced women.
THE JEWISH DEMOGRAPHIC tailwind behooves the new government to introduce a demogra phic road map, which would increase the Jewish majority, while respecting the rights of the Arab minority: 1. Placing Aliya at the top of the order of national priorities, as expected from the Jewish state and as required by economic and security challenges. The global economic meltdown, and the rise in anti-Semitism should be leveraged to increase Aliya from the former USSR, US, Europe, Latin America and South Africa. 2. The conversion of some 250,000 Olim from the former USSR in accordance with Jewish laws should be expedited. 3. Jewish immigration to instead of emigration from Jerusalem would be facilitated by the availability of jobs and lower-cost housing, created through entrepreneurs attracted by a drastic enhancement of the city's infrastructure (airport, fast railroad, Loop, additional freeway, industrial and residential zones). 4. Enticing the return of expatriates and reducing the number of quality emigrants by improving education and research and development infrastructures. 5. Expanding high school and academic programs for prospective Olim. 6. Significant development of infrastructure in the Galilee and in the Negev, triggering emigration from the Greater Tel Aviv area, which would yield economic, environmental and demographic benefits. 7. Synchronizing industrial and educational 9-5 schedule, which would facilitate raising children and obtaining employment. 8. The establishment of a global Jewish foundation, which would support Jewish fertility worldwide, in view of high assimilation, low fertility rates among non-Israeli Jews and Holocaust-driven demographic challenges. In 1949, David Ben-Gurion considered demography a top priority to salvage the Jewish state, thus transferring to his successors a foundation for a long-term robust Jewish majority. In 2009, the new government will enjoy an impressive critical mass of demography, military, economy and technology. Will it resurrect the Ben-Gurion legacy and buttress the future of the Jewish state by reinforcing Jewish majority? Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is a consultant on US-Israel relations as well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem Cloakroom series of reports. Contact him at yoramtex@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 23, 2009. |
IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE A HUMAN SHIELD Gaza residents told the official P.A. daily that Hamas used their farms and houses for firing rockets, digging tunnels, and storing arms. Objectors got shot in the legs. One farm was turned into a fortress that Israeli forces ruined. Now the family is waiting for Hamas to compensate it (IMRA, 1/30). One family opposed Hamas because it belonged to Fatah. How many oppose Hamas for committing war crimes or just making war? How many because they want to preserve their own property, but wouldn't mind sacrifices by others? DO DONORS TO NEW ISRAEL FUND (NIF) KNOW THIS? Donors have given NIF about $200 million. Some money goes to good purpose. Much of it, however, goes to organizations having wholesome titles and statements of purpose, but conducting anti-Israel campaigns in the UNO and media. They describe the Arab-Israel conflict as if the Arabs were the victims, terrorism were justified, and Israeli self-defense were not. "For example, Adalah, which is listed in NIF's annual report under the entirely legitimate heading of a 'legal center for Arab minority rights in Israel' (receiving $105,396 in 2007), joined militant Palestinian (sic) NGOs such as Badil, Al-Haq, and Al-Mezan in referring to the Israeli military operation as 'collective punishment,' 'war crimes' and 'willful killing... not justified by military necessity and... carried out unlawfully and wantonly.' In this statement, there is no call for Hamas to stop its deadly rocket fire. If this is NIF's concept of 'Arab minority rights, which precludes the existence of the State of Israel..." what good is NIF? Adalah urges an end to Jewish sovereignty. It and related groups intend to prosecute Israelis in European courts for alleged war crimes. NIF donates to the same groups as does the [anti-Zionist] EU. "Were NIF donors told outright that they were supporting organizations which demonize Israel using terms such as 'apartheid' and 'racism,' that campaign for and not against anti-Israel boycotts, they would surely demand an end to such funding..." If it denounced such organizations, the EU would find it difficult to subsidize them. NIF donors think they are improving Israel, not helping to destroy it (IMRA, 1/30). STILL THINK BUSH WAS A FRIEND OF ISRAEL? Bush failed in eight years to grant clemency to Jonathan Pollard, Israel's agent. Pollard has spent 24 years under very harsh prison conditions for a crime that usually runs 2-4 years. His main antagonist admitted it was exaggerated. His original lawyers' incompetence precluded parole (IMRA, 1/30). OBAMA DEFAMED U.S. He said "to the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect." He said we needed to restore the relationship we had with Muslim world 20 years ago. He is wrong. "In these most recent 20 years...America did not just respect Muslims, it bled for them. It engaged in five military campaigns, every one of which involved and resulted in the liberation of a Muslim people: Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq. We also tried to save them from starving in Somalia. Some of those efforts were entirely out of decency, others out of self-interest. [Muslims not involved gave the US no credit for it. In behalf of Bosnia, the US targeted civilians; Bill Clinton should be tried for war crimes.] What did the Muslim world do, more than 20 years ago? It executed our Sudan ambassador, imposed an oil embargo, held hostage the people in our Teheran embassy, blew up the Marine barracks in Lebanon, and attacked other US installations. Nevertheless, six days after 9/11, Pres. Bush went to the Islamic Center in Washington and said publicly, "Islam is peace," to extend fellowship and friendship to Muslims, to insist that Americans treat them with respect and generosity of spirit. And America listened." Obama is slandering America (IMRA, 1/30). He is missing the problem with Islam. He'd better grow up fast and throw off his radicalism and gain some patriotism. Otherwise, he will make things worse. ANOTHER MITCHELLISM He suggests opening the Gaza-Egypt border, under Fatah control, to end an incentive to smuggle (Arutz-7, 1/30). Fatah before and smugglers now import illegal arms. Mitchell is not logical. SPAIN TO PROSECUTE ISRAELI A Spanish judge approved prosecution of an Israeli official who ordered the assassination of the head of Hamas forces. The target was responsible for murdering hundreds of Israelis [and had not retired from that activity]. Spain has a law permitting prosecution for terrorism committed outside of Spain and not against Spaniards. The judge based his decision on the fact that the target's house was in a civilian area and some civilians were killed (Arutz-7, 1/30). He decided before receiving case documents. Therefore, his decision was political, not judicial (IMRA, 1/31). That standard is not based on international law. It is abused to stifle self-defense, to grant immunity to terrorist bases, and to guarantee more innocent victims of terrorists. It absurdly assumes that war is waged with perfection. NONSENSE ON RECONCILIATION WITH SYRIA Candidate Livni would cede the Golan Heights to Syria, to change the Mideast balance between moderates and extremists (IMRA, 1/31). One day, Syria is extremist, allied to Iran. Next day, having signed a treaty with Israel that fulfills part of its imperialist goals, Syria instantly would turn moderate? Life and religion are not like that. More likely, Syria would feel encouraged, influential as it has resumed being in Lebanon, and having gotten the Golan from which it could harass Israel without Israeli artillery being able to reach Damascus, to continue on the jihadist offensive. What kind of fools are Western leaders, still to believe in the transformative power of agreements with adversaries who don't honor agreements? God may make miracles, but treaties don't. Who are our leaders, to decide how much would satisfy our enemies, when our enemies demand much more, including our heads? With Arabs, once Israel cedes territory, more demands for territory spring up. Suppose the miracle occurred. Would the Syrian regime's Alawite minority be sure to retain power, or lose it to the Muslim Brotherhood, Sunni terrorists who certainly would exploit the Israeli withdrawal for religious imperialism? The notion of moderates who can make genuine peace with Israel and extremists who cannot is a diplomatic or journalistic fabrication. Before the rise of Islamists, neighboring Muslims resorted to terrorism, and it had nothing to do with the territory Israel gained in a war that those "moderates" started. NONSENSE ON FUNDING GAZA & RECONCILIATION US policy is to withhold funds from Gaza, because terrorist Hamas is in charge The Prime Minister of Turkey suggests that Israel end its blockade of Gaza, to permit reconciliation with the Arabs there (NY Times, 2/10, A). Instead, the US gives funds to terrorist Fatah, which passes them on to Gaza. What kind of ethical rectitude and practicality is US policy based on? Tricks? Reconciliation? Hamas and Fatah were set up to destroy Israel. Their attempts to do so led to the blockade. They have no wish to reconcile with Israel. The Prime Minister is making it seem as if Israeli self-defense is the cause of Muslim aggression. Logic is, first comes aggression, then self-defense. FBI SEVERS TIES WITH ISLAMISTS One of the last acts by the Bush administration was to sever its relationship with the Council On American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Saudi-financed lobby. The FBI used to consult CAIR about issues involving Islam. No reason was given for the change (Jewish Press, 2/6, p.3). The reason should be that CAIR is Islamist, rather than moderate. Why didn't the FBI give its reason? Still afraid of Islamist opinion? Or embarrassed over having depended on CAIR? The relationship was a shameful one for the administration, but very few objected to it. One would think that the NY Times, which likes to differentiate moderates from extremists, would have fussed over it. I don't think that the distinction is fully valid. Basic Islam is imperialist, but there are some Muslim societies in which the faithful are not interested in persecuting others. However, Islamists are trying to energize them. NOTION THAT FUNDAMENTALISTS ARE IGNORANT The elite likes to imagine that religious fundamentalists are uneducated and uninformed. The liberal, secularist elite reads the NY Times or Washington Post and listens to NPR. The elite is uninformed (Mark Gold, Jewish Press, 2/6, p.4). ABBAS' ORGANIZATION FIRES AT ISRAELIS Fatah's militia took responsibility for opening fire on the Jewish town of Itamar, in Judea-Samaria. It called Itamar an "illegal settlement." "How is it that gunmen from the illegal militia under 'moderate' Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah openly take credit for a terrorist attack?" "Simple: Because all the people involved in the international project to arm and train 'moderate' Fatah and the amen chorus backing them refuse to allow reality to interfere with their program." "The whole enterprise of arming and creating an [another] independent Palestinian state to 'bring peace' isn't because it is logical that it will bring peace but instead that it is an article of faith that it will bring peace." (IMRA, 2/1.) Sec. Rice kept calling Abbas' people "moderate." Westerners who calls Israeli towns in Judea-Samaria illegal give terrorists the brass to attack them. EVALUATING THE GAZA OFFENSIVE Daily attacks from Gaza prove that the IDF offensive was incomplete. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 22, 2009. |
February 22, 2009 My postings go out to many people in the US, and it is to all of you in particular that I speak now. That Israel has friends in the US is incontrovertible. This is the case notably within right wing segments of the Jewish community, and within certain segments of the Christian community. But there is the sense here in Jerusalem today that as a nation we stand alone among the nations of the world as perhaps never before. (The one exception at the moment being Canada, which I note with gratitude.) This is how Jerusalem Post editor David Horovitz puts it: "Israel is the only sovereign state whose destruction international society will excuse." Horovitz wrote this in the context of talking about the state of politics in Britain today, where, according to British journalist Nick Cohen, the modern Left, "succors and indulges...the clerical fascists of radical Islam": "From the broadcasters, through the liberal press, the Civil Service, the Metropolitan Police, the bench of bishops and the judiciary, anti-Semitism is no longer an unthinkable mental deformation. As long as the conspiracy theories of the counter-enlightenment come from the ideologues with the dark rather than white skins, nominally liberal men and women will not speak out." ~~~~~~~~~~ Why do I address this to you, in America? Because Horovitz also tells us that Israel's Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor warned, during a talk at the recent Herzliya Conference, that: "...where Britain is today, America will be in a few years time." Exaggeration? I think not. I am watching as a president with Muslim identifications and connections actively courts the Muslim world, while a good portion of the American populace still thinks he's great and deigns not to criticize him. As I face this truth, an icy chill grips my heart. ~~~~~~~~~~ I know that there is precious little that I can do to stop Obama, except to sound alarms such as this one via my writing, and to consistently provide pertinent information. And that is why I address each of you. I hope you won't find the picture of the finger pointing, below, offensive. I most certainly don't mean it to be: I intend it, rather, to emphasize the significance of having each of you take this message personally. For the unvarnished truth, the painful reality, is that the future of Western society, with the US at its core, depends on people like you. And it's time for each of you to take this charge seriously. A simple silent agreement with what I write won't cut it. "Tch tch" or "Oy!" is useless, even if most sincerely intended useless, unless it is accompanied by action. How does that saying go? "All that is required for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing." ~~~~~~~~~~ Action: Work hard to convince others relatives and friends of the dangers the US faces. Write (brief, unemotional, fact-filled) letters to the editor. Contact foreign desk editors, registering complaints (nicely nasty doesn't work) when the news reflects an anti-Israel bias. Of great significance, contact elected and appointed officials and register protests, clearly and frequently. The White House, the State Department, and members of both Houses of Congress must hear what you have to say. I will follow with specific names of greatest import. Garner groups of local activists to do all of these things with you. Get out contact information of Congresspeople (information on this follows below), and provide talking points for important issues (which I will always help with). Be a catalyst. Be brave and determined. Form a list. If you are a member of a major Jewish establishment organization American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Hadassah, Emunah, ORT, B'nai B'rith, AMIT, etc. etc. raise your voice within those circles and insist that they be involved officially in making protest. The majority of these organizations have been all too quiet, and they need to hear from their members and financial supporters on this issues. No more passivity. Act as if the lives of your children and grandchildren will depend on this. For they will. ~~~~~~~~~~ To those on my list already doing these things and some of you have been in contact with me I say thank you, and please don't stop. (Bunny S., you're great!) ~~~~~~~~~~ There will many issues to be addressed that I will raise over time. Here I want to return once again to the Durban 2 preparatory committee and the issue of US participation. This participation is the single most alarming decision Obama has made yet. It not only has serious repercussions, it points in an exceedingly dangerous direction. That is why the Obama administration must get the message immediate and vociferous that this is not acceptable. The US is headed down a very slippery slope. ~~~~~~~~~~ Today I begin with the most recent column of Caroline Glick. In part she reviews material covered the other day by Anne Bayefsky of Eye on the UN (whom I cited last week). Ostensibly, the US delegation sent by Obama to participate in the preparatory committee along with the likes of Libya, Cuba, Iran and Pakistan is only there to try to make things better. The US says it still holds out the option of refusing to attend the actual sessions in Geneva in April if improvements aren't made in the document that will set the agenda of the conference. But, says Bayefsky, this is exceedingly disingenuous for several reasons:
As Glick puts it, as the original Durban Declaration "include[s] the anti-Israel assertion that Israel is a racist state, it is clear that the Durban II conference is inherently, and necessarily, anti-Israel." ~~~~~~~~~~ But Glick now carries this further: "The second reason that both the State Department and the White House must realize that they are powerless to affect the conference's agenda is because that agenda was already set in previous planning sessions... and that agenda includes multiple assertions of the basic illegitimacy of the Jewish people's right to self-determination. "Beyond all that, assuming that the Obama administration truly wishes to change the agenda, the fact is that the US is powerless to do so. As was the case in 2001, so too, today, the Islamic bloc, supported by the Third World bloc, has an automatic voting majority." Writes Glick: "SINCE IT came into office a month ago, every single Middle East policy the Obama administration has announced has been antithetical to Israel's national security interests. From President Barack Obama's intense desire to appease Iran's mullahs in open discussions; to his stated commitment to establish a Palestinian state as quickly as possible...; to his expressed support for the so-called Saudi peace plan...; to his decision to end US sanctions against Syria and return the US ambassador to Damascus; to his plan to withdraw US forces from Iraq and so give Iran an arc of uninterrupted control extending from Iran to Lebanon, every single concrete policy Obama has enunciated harms Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~ Glick goes on to describe what happened at a committee session last Thursday, when the Palestinian delegation proposed that a paragraph be added to the conference's agenda, which "calls for implementation of... the advisory opinion of the ICJ [International Court of Justice] on the wall, [i.e., Israel's security fence], and the international protection of Palestinian people throughout the occupied Palestinian territory." "The American delegation raised no objection to the Palestinian draft. (emphasis added) ~~~~~~~~~~ Glick's conclusion: "...through its behavior at the Geneva planning sessions this week, the US has demonstrated that State Department protestations aside, the administration has no interest in changing the agenda in any serious way. The US delegation's decision not to object to the Palestinian draft, as well its silence in the face of Iran's rejection of a clause in the conference declaration that mentioned the Holocaust, show the US did not join the planning session to change the tenor of the conference. The US is participating in the planning sessions because it wishes to participate in the conference. (emphasis added) "The Durban II conference, like its predecessor, is part and parcel of a campaign to coordinate the diplomatic and legal war against the Jewish state...~~~~~~~~~~ Now, as the alarm gets louder, I add information from one more very recent article by Anne Bayefsky. This is what she says: "The Feb. 20 State Department press release says the U.S. delegation in Geneva 'outline[d] our concerns with the current outcome document' and in particular 'our strong reservations about the direction of the conference, as the draft document singles out Israel for criticism.' One member of the delegation told The Washington Post: 'The administration is pushing back against efforts to brand Israel as racist in this conference.' In fact, tucked away in a Geneva hall with few observers, the U.S. had done just the opposite. The U.S. delegates had made no objection to a new proposal to nail Israel in an anti-racism manifesto that makes no other country-specific claims. (emphasis added) ~~~~~~~~~~ Contact the White House, the State Department, and your elected Senators and Congresspersons on this issue. Be strong and clear in your demand that the US pull out of Durban planning sessions. Use the information provided above to make your case succinctly: The US cannot change the anti-Israel direction of the proceedings and is instead legitimizing the process of undermining Israel. Phone calls and faxes are most effective. Use e-mail if that is what is possible for you. An important hint when contacting Senators and Congresspersons: Call their respective offices and ask for the staffer who is responsible for foreign affairs or Middle East affairs. Either speak to that individual directly, fax in care of that individual, or secure an e-mail address for him or her for sending a direct message. Members of Congress do not have the time or energy to read all messages, or consider all facts. They depend upon key staffers to advise them. You reach the members of Congress most effectively by reaching the appropriate high level staffer. President Barack Obama:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:
To locate your representatives in Congress, see:
To locate your senator:
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by LEL, February 22, 2009. |
This was written by Mark Steyn
and it appeared in the National Review Online
Mark Steyn, a National Review columnist, is author of America Alone. |
'It is hard to understand this deal," said Richard Holbrooke, President Obama's special envoy. And, if the special envoy of the so-called smartest and most impressive administration in living memory can't understand it, what chance do the rest of us have? Nevertheless, let's try. In the Swat Valley, where a young Winston Churchill once served with the Malakand Field Force battling Muslim insurgents, his successors have concluded the game isn't worth the candle. In return for a temporary ceasefire, the Pakistani government agreed to let the local franchise of the Taliban impose its industrial strength version of sharia across the whole of Malakand Region. If "region" sounds a bit of an imprecise term, Malakand has over five million people, all of whom are now living under a murderous theocracy. Still, peace rallies have broken out all over the Swat Valley, and, at a Swat peace rally, it helps to stand well back: As one headline put it, "Journalist Killed While Covering Peace Rally." But don't worry about Pakistani nukes falling into the hands of "extremists": The Swat Valley is a good hundred miles from the "nation"'s capital, Islamabad or about as far as Northern Vermont is from Southern Vermont. And, of course, Islamabad is safely under the control of the famously moderate Ali Zardari. A few days before the Swat deal, Mr. Zardari marked the dawn of the Obama era by releasing from house arrest A. Q. Khan, the celebrated scientist and one-stop shop for all your Islamic nuclear needs, for whose generosity North Korea and Iran are especially grateful. From Islamabad, let us zip a world away to London. Actually, it's nearer than you think. The flight routes between Pakistan and the United Kingdom are some of the busiest in the world. Can you get a direct flight from your local airport to, say, Bradford? Where? Bradford, Yorkshire. There are four flights a week from Islamabad to Bradford, a town where 75 percent of Pakistani Britons are married to their first cousins. But don't worry, in the country as a whole, only 57 percent of Pakistani Britons are married to first cousins. Among that growing population of Yorkshire Pakistanis is a fellow called Lord Ahmed, a Muslim member of Parliament. He was in the news the other day for threatening (as the columnist Melanie Phillips put it) "to bring a force of 10,000 Muslims to lay siege to the House of Lords" if it went ahead with an event at which the Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders would have introduced a screening of his controversial film Fitna. Britain's Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, reacted to this by declaring Minheer Wilders persona non grata and having him arrested at Heathrow and returned to the Netherlands. The Home Secretary is best known for an inspired change of terminology: Last year she announced that henceforth Muslim terrorism (an unhelpful phrase) would be reclassified as "anti-Islamic activity." Seriously. The logic being that Muslims blowing stuff up tends not to do much for Islam's reputation i.e., it's an "anti-Islamic activity" in the same sense that Pearl Harbor was an anti-Japanese activity. Anyway, Geert Wilders's short film is basically a compilation video of footage from various recent Muslim terrorist atrocities whoops, sorry, "anti-Islamic activities" accompanied by the relevant chapter and verse from the Koran. Jacqui Smith banned the filmmaker on "public order" grounds in other words, the government's fear that Lord Ahmed meant what he said about a 10,000-strong mob besieging the Palace of Westminster. You might conceivably get the impression from Wilders's movie that many Muslims are irrational and violent types it's best to steer well clear of. But, if you didn't, Jacqui Smith pretty much confirmed it: We can't have chaps walking around saying Muslims are violent because they'll go bananas and smash the place up. So, confronted by blackmail, the British government caved. So did the Pakistani government in Swat. But, in fairness to Islamabad, they waited until the shooting was well underway before throwing in the towel. In London, you no longer have to go that far. You just give the impression your more excitable chums might not be able to restrain themselves. "Nice little G7 advanced western democracy you got here. Shame if anything were to happen to it." Twenty years ago this month, Margaret Thatcher's Conservative ministry defended the right of a left-wing author Salman Rushdie to publish a book in the face of Muslim riots and the Ayatollah Khomeini's attempted mob hit. Two decades on, a supposedly progressive government surrenders to the mob before it's even taken to the streets. In his first TV interview as president, Barack Obama told viewers of al-Arabiya TV that he wanted to restore the "same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago." I'm not sure quite what golden age he's looking back to there the Beirut barracks slaughter? the embassy hostages? but the point is, it's very hard to turn back the clock. Because the facts on the ground change, and change remorselessly. Even in 30 years. Between 1970 and 2000, the developed world declined from just under 30 percent of the global population to just over 20 percent, while the Muslim world increased from 15 percent to 20 percent. And in 2030, it won't even be possible to re-take that survey, because by that point half the "developed world" will itself be Muslim: In Bradford as in London, Amsterdam, Brussels, and almost every other western European city from Malmo to Marseilles the principal population growth comes from Islam. Thirty years ago, in the Obama golden age, a British documentary-maker was so horrified by the "honor killing" of a teenage member of the House of Saud at the behest of her father, the king's brother, that he made a famous TV film about it, Death Of A Princess. The furious Saudis threatened a trade boycott with Britain over this unwanted exposure. Today, we have honor killings not just in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, but in Germany, Scandinavia, Britain, Toronto, Dallas, and Buffalo. And they barely raise an eyebrow. Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com |
Posted by Daisy Stern, February 22, 2009. |
![]() This is a picture of the water I collected last night: here are some. In only one night, this is what fell. I could have collected a lot more, but didn't feel like it; maybe next time.
![]() We also have a little man-made pond that my son dug out with his own hands which only fills up a couple of times a year. Today is one of those days. I hope you follow my example and start collecting the rain water that is legitimately yours: it fell on your roof, didn't it? Where will it be going if YOU don't keep it? Who will eventually either take it for themselves (Arabs digging illegal wells into the aquifers, or USAID in Bani Naim), or sell it to you at a profit (Mekorot from the Kinneret, etc)? Don't give our enemies a chance to deprive you of your deserved greenery , fruits and vegetables. The slogan always seems to be "WATER RATIONING" these days: WHO SAID IT HAS TO BE SO? Why cooperate with people who don't have your best interest at heart? So keep the water, use it for your gardening needs, indoor plants, or whatever purposes brackish water can be used for, and ENJOY! THIS WATER is staying RIGHT HERE, in Kiryat Arba, and will be used to water my GARDEN: Yes, you read it. It will water EVERYTHING in this garden, from the fruit trees, to the shade trees, to the flowers. G-d gave it to me, right here, and I sure hope EVERY GOOD JEW FOLLOWS MY EXAMPLE AND KEEPS THE WATER G-D GAVE HIM OR HER, right where he or she lives. Enough with this water tyranny: the government supplies it to the Arabs more than to us, whether in Jordan or in Yesha, and they steal it themselves anyway, if not for the Americans giving it to them via USAID. Don't you see it is another assault on our sovereignty? They'll do everything they can to deprive the Jews of anything good; first it was Gush Katif, now it is water rationing. If we distributed the water equitably to the Jews, and forgot the Arabs, there would be enough for everybody. But no, they have to supply our enemies first, and let US , the JEWS, suffer. I am NOT buying it. Better I use is than the Arabs. Or that I should have to pay Mekorot to sell it to me at outrageous prices. Tough luck if you don't like it. When the fruits and the fragrant flowers come, I have to give maaser one tenth to the Cohen. And since there is no Cohen to give it to, it does go to some form of charity (you are not allowed to even taste the fruit until to give maaser; did you know that?). So YES, the water stays here, but NO, the product is NOT all mine. And if a THIRSTY JEW comes along, believe me, he or she gets his/her drink. Whenever I have guests, they always get the very best water, even my workers: never tap water, always spring water, so I am NOT selfish when it comes to that. But there is no way I'll let the b.......s get the benefit of all the water flowing back into the aquifer... and then they take it illegally anyway. Also, did you know that the arabs all have water collecting systems on their roofs, to collect rain water? If they do it, WE certainly should. Do you really believe , knowing that they want us dead, that they care if we suffer from lack of water? On the contrary, they are delighted. I won't give them this pleasure, and you shouldn't either. Just to make my point: today, as I was driving through BEIT UMAR, a HOTBED OF TERROR, I slowed down enough to take a good picture of the green grassy football field I had told you about. Mind you, while there had been a drought for two straight months, and our grass was all yellow and dried out.... And grass uses the most water of all plants here. So I am asking you, WHERE DOES that water come from? WHO gave it to them? From WHOM did they steal it? And HOW THIRSTY CAN THEY BE, if they can afford to water their fields like this in the middle of a drought? If you read their sites, they don't stop complaining about how we
steal their water. Now you can see first hand the TRUTH OF THE MATTER.
Contact Daisy Stern by email at daisystern1@gmail.com
Posted by Joseph R. Black, Jr., February 22, 2009. |
Having read all op-ed columns in The Florida Times-Union and The Columbus Dispatch as they appear today, I would like to report that I am no less depressed than I was yesterday. Please send a team of psychiatrists to my apartment at your earliest convenience. My topic for today is the foreign policy of the U.S. as it relates to Mexico and North Korea. If that topic doesn't depress you, I don't know what will. The U.S. borders only two nations. One good, and one evil. I'll let you decide which is which. The U.S. does not border North Korea. If it did, its evil-border batting average would rise from .500 to .666. Sounds almost biblical, doesn't it? Anyway, U.S. foreign policy as it relates to Mexico and North Korea has been, by any sane reckoning, an abysmal failure. We're so dumb we can't seem to recognize that there are some nations we can't trust. North Korea and Mexico are among them. Make a deal with North Korea, and it will renege. Make another, and it will do the same. North Korea is once again engaged in saber rattling, this time with its Taepodong 2 missile. But don't worry about a thing. All the U.S. needs to do is make another deal with North Korea. Perhaps Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should negotiate the latest deal, thereby providing her the prospect of winning the Nobel Peace Prize a la President Carter. Contact Joseph Black at plasma12@bellsouth.net |
Posted by George Iversen, February 22, 2009. |
If you are visiting Israel and have the time to perform a mitzvah, volunteers are needed to help alleviate the difficult plight of many survivors of the Shoah in Israel. There are a number of organizations working to improve and enhance the lives of survivors. However, Israeli and international law concerning the rights of survivors has changed, and much needs to be done to educate survivors and their families about these changes. Volunteers will attend a 10-hour training seminar and then either staff a telephone hotline or visit the homes of survivors to help them fill out forms and to explain changes in the law with respect to their rights and benefits. Fluency in Hebrew, Yiddish, or an East European language is required. For information on this project or other volunteer opportunities in Israel, please contact: In the United States: George Iversen at george.iversen@israelvolunteer.org
In Israel: Adi Liran, the International Volunteer Coordinator of Ruach Tova, at adi@ruachtova.org.il Thank you
Contact George Iversen at georgeivers@yahoo.com |
Posted by Naomi Ragen, February 22, 2009. |
[Background: The 2001 UN World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban quickly became a disgusting display of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel Propaganda. No other country was singled out. It was clear the attack had been carefully-planned and cleverly-executed. Israel had been blind-sided.] The Bush Administration was going to boycott Durban II, whose whole purpose is to implement the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic resolutions of the Durban I hate-fest. But the present U.S. administration has decided to "engage." The result will shows what "changes" are in store of us. This is by Caroline Glick and it appeared February 20, 2009 in the Jerusalem Post. Contact her at caroline@carolineglick.com |
While most Americans were busy celebrating Valentine's Day, last Saturday the Obama administration announced that it would send a delegation to Geneva to participate in planning the UN's so-called Durban II conference, scheduled to take place in late April. Although largely overlooked in the US, the announcement sent shock waves through Jerusalem. The Durban II conference was announced in the summer of 2007. Its stated purpose is to review the implementation of the declaration adopted at the UN's anti-Israel hate-fest that took place in Durban, South Africa, the week before the September 11, 2001, attacks against America. At Durban, both the UN-sponsored NGO conclave and the UN's governmental conference passed declarations denouncing Israel as a racist state. The NGO conference called for a coordinated international campaign aimed at delegitimizing Israel and the right of the Jewish people to self-determination, and belittling the Holocaust. The NGO conference also called for curbs on freedom of expression throughout the world in order to prevent critical discussion of Islam. As far as the world's leading NGOs including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch were concerned, critical discussions of Islam are inherently racist. In defending US participation in the Durban II planning sessions, Gordon Duguid, the State Department's spokesman, argued, "If you are not engaged, you don't have a voice." He continued, "We wanted to put forward our view and see if there is some
way we can make the document [which sets the agenda and dictates the outcome
of the Durban II conference] a better document than it appears it is going
to be."
WHILE THIS seems like a noble goal, both the State Department and the Obama White House ought to know that there is absolutely no chance that they can accomplish it. This is the case for two reasons. First, since the stated purpose of the Durban II conference is to oversee the implementation of the first Durban conference's decisions, and since those decisions include the anti-Israel assertion that Israel is a racist state, it is clear that the Durban II conference is inherently, and necessarily, anti-Israel. The second reason that both the State Department and the White House must realize that they are powerless to affect the conference's agenda is because that agenda was already set in previous planning sessions chaired by the likes of Libya, Cuba, Iran and Pakistan. And that agenda includes multiple assertions of the basic illegitimacy of the Jewish people's right to self-determination. The conference agenda also largely adopted the language of the 2001 NGO conference that called for the criminalization of critical discussion of Islam as a form of hate speech and racism. That is, the 2009 conference's agenda is not only openly anti-Israel, it is also openly pro-tyranny, and so seemingly antithetical to US interests. Beyond all that, assuming that the Obama administration truly wishes to
change the agenda, the fact is that the US is powerless to do so. As was the
case in 2001, so too, today, the Islamic bloc, supported by the Third World
bloc, has an automatic voting majority. Beyond chipping away at the margins,
the US has no ability whatsoever to change the conference's agenda or
expected outcome.
SINCE IT came into office a month ago, every single Middle East policy the Obama administration has announced has been antithetical to Israel's national security interests. From President Barack Obama's intense desire to appease Iran's mullahs in open discussions; to his stated commitment to establish a Palestinian state as quickly as possible despite the Palestinians' open rejection of Israel's right to exist and support for terrorism; to his expressed support for the so-called Saudi peace plan, which would require Israel to commit national suicide by contracting to within indefensible borders and accepting millions of hostile, foreign-born Arabs as citizens and residents of the rump Jewish state; to his decision to end US sanctions against Syria and return the US ambassador to Damascus; to his plan to withdraw US forces from Iraq and so give Iran an arc of uninterrupted control extending from Iran to Lebanon, every single concrete policy Obama has enunciated harms Israel. At the same time, none of the policies that Obama has adopted can be construed as directed against Israel. In and of themselves, none can be viewed as expressing specific hostility toward Israel. Rather, they are expressions of naiveté, or ignorance, or at worst deliberate denial of the nature of the problems of the Arab and Islamic world on the part of Obama and his advisers. The same cannot be said of the administration's decision to send its delegation to the Durban II planning session this past week in Geneva. Unlike every other Obama policy, this is a hostile act against Israel. This is true first of all because the decision was announced in the face of repeated Israeli requests that the US join Israel and Canada in boycotting the Durban II conference. Some could chalk up the US's rejection of Israel's urgent entreaties as an honest difference of opinion. But what lies behind Israel's requests for a US boycott is not a partisan agenda, but a clearheaded acknowledgement that the Durban II conference is inherently devoted to the delegitimization and destruction of the Jewish state. And by joining in the planning sessions, the US has become a full participant in legitimizing and so advancing this overtly anti-Jewish agenda. On Thursday, Prof. Anne Bayefsky, the senior editor of the EyeontheUN Web site, demonstrated that by participating in the planning sessions the US is accepting the conference's anti-Israel agenda. Bayefsky reported that at the planning session in Geneva on Thursday, the Palestinian delegation proposed that a paragraph be added to the conference's agenda. Their draft "calls for implementation of... the advisory opinion of the ICJ [International Court of Justice] on the wall, [i.e., Israel's security fence], and the international protection of Palestinian people throughout the occupied Palestinian territory." The American delegation raised no objection to the Palestinian draft. Issued in 2004, the ICJ's advisory opinion on the security fence claimed that Israel has no right to self-defense against Palestinian terrorism. At the time, both the US and Israel rejected the ICJ's authority to issue an opinion on the subject. On Thursday, by not objecting to this Palestinian draft, not only did the US effectively accept the ICJ's authority, for practical purposes it granted the anti-Israel claim that Jews may be murdered with impunity. This assertion aligns naturally with the language already in the Durban II
agenda, which calls Israel's Law of Return racist. This law, which grants
automatic citizenship to any Jew who wishes to live here, is the embodiment
of Jewish peoplehood and the vehicle through which the Jewish people has
built our nation-state. In alleging that the Law of Return is racist, the
Durban II conference asserts that the Jews are not a people and we have no
right to self-determination in our homeland. And Thursday, by participating
in the process of demonizing Israel and its people, the US lent its own
credibility to this bigoted campaign.
OBAMA'S SPOKESMEN and defenders claim that by participating in the planning sessions in Geneva, the administration is doing nothing more than attempting to prevent the conference from being the anti-Jewish diplomatic pogrom it was in 2001. If they are unsuccessful, they will boycott the conference. No harm done. But this claim rings hollow. As Bayefsky and others argued this week, by entering into the Durban preparatory process, the US has done two things. First, it has made it all but impossible for European states like France, Britain, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, which were all considering boycotting the conference, to do so. They cannot afford to be seen as more opposed to its anti-Israel and anti-freedom agenda than Israel's closest ally and the world's greatest democracy. So just by participating in the planning sessions the US has legitimized a clearly bigoted, morally illegitimate process, making it impossible for Europe to disengage. Second, through its behavior at the Geneva planning sessions this week, the US has demonstrated that State Department protestations aside, the administration has no interest in changing the agenda in any serious way. The US delegation's decision not to object to the Palestinian draft, as well its silence in the face of Iran's rejection of a clause in the conference declaration that mentioned the Holocaust, show the US did not join the planning session to change the tenor of the conference. The US is participating in the planning sessions because it wishes to participate in the conference. The Durban II conference, like its predecessor, is part and parcel of a campaign to coordinate the diplomatic and legal war against the Jewish state. By walking out of the 2001 Durban conference, and refusing to participate, support or finance any aspect of this UN-sponsored campaign until last Saturday, for seven years the US made clear that it opposed this war and believed its aim of destroying Israel is unacceptable. By embracing the Durban campaign now, it is possible that the Obama administration will water down some of the most noxious language in conference's draft declaration. But this doesn't balance out the harm US participation will cause to Israel, or to the Jewish people. By participating in the conference, the US today is effectively giving American support to the war against the Jewish state. The open hostility toward Israel expressed by the Obama
administration's decision to participate in the Durban process should
be a red flag for both the Israeli government and for Israel's
supporters in the US. Both Israel and its Jewish and non-Jewish
supporters must openly condemn the administration's move and demand
that it reverse its decision immediately.
FOR THE past two years, the American Jewish Committee has been instrumental in convincing the American Jewish community to reject repeated Israeli requests that they call for a US boycott of Durban II. To secure US participation over Israel's objections, the AJC even went so far as to sign a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking her not to boycott the conference. In return for the AJC's labors, its senior operative Felice Gaer is now a member of the US delegation in Geneva. Happily ensconced in the Swiss conference room where the Holocaust is denied, the Jewish people's right to self-determination is reviled, and Israel's right to defend itself is rejected, Gaer now sits silently, all the while using the fact of her membership in the US delegation as proof that the Obama administration is serious about protecting Israel at Durban II. Whatever the AJC may have gained for its support for Durban II, Israel and its supporters have clearly been harmed. Some might argue that no Israeli interest is served by openly condemning the White House. But when the White House is participating in a process that legitimizes and so advances the war against the Jewish state, such condemnation is not only richly deserved but required. It is the administration, not Israel that threw down the gauntlet. If Israel and its supporters refrain from vigorously criticizing this move, we guarantee its repetition. EDITOR'S NOTE: Update February 27, 2009: From Newsdesk@jta.org U.S. pulling out of Durban II conference But he sent people to participate in the "Planning Session" that wrote the language that will be used to demonize Israel in Durban 2. What kind of schizophrenic game is this? Naomi Ragen is an American-born novelist and journalist who lives in Jerusalem. She can be contacted at www.naomiragen.com, where you can subscribe to her newsletter. |
Posted by Dr. Richard L. Benkin, February 22, 2009. |
Dhaka, Bangladesh At 10am today, local time, internationally-acclaimed journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, was attacked as he was working in the office of his newspaper, Weekly Blitz, by "a gang of thugs" claiming to be from Bangladesh's ruling Awami League. I spoke by telephone with Choudhury as he awaited medical treatment for eye, neck, and other injuries suffered in the attack. The renewed violence marks the first against him since he was abducted by Bangladesh's dreaded Rapid Action Battalion a year ago. A large group stormed Blitz premises and attacked newspaper staff until they found Choudhury. At that point, he said, "they dragged me [and two staff] into the street" where they beat them "in broad daylight...They looted my office and stole my laptop" with "all my sensitive information. As of this writing, the attackers continue to occupy the Blitz office. According to Choudhury, the police were impassive and seemed intimidated when the attackers emphasized their party membership and accused him of being an agent of the Israeli Mossad. They later threatened to attack his home should Choudhury go to the police again. Choudhury was arrested in 2003 by government agents, in cooperation with Islamist forces, because of his advocacy of relations with Israel and religious equality, and his articles exposing the rise of radical Islam in Bangladesh. He was tortured and held for seventeen months and only released after strong pressure by human rights activist Dr. Richard Benkin and US Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL). In 2007, the US Congress passed a Kirk-introduced resolution 409-1 calling on Bangladesh to stop harassing Choudhury and drop capital charges against him after extensive evidence confirmed them to be false, contrary to Bangladeshi law, and as admitted by successive Bangladeshi officials, maintained only to appease Islamists. The Bangladeshi government continues to remain in defiance of that resolution and its provisions. For further information, contact Richard Benkin at drrbenkin@comcast.net |
Posted by Sultan Knish, February , 2009. |
The Muslim oversensitivity to any perceived insult is in directly inverse proportion to how much hate Muslims themselves are willing to display for others. If you go by Muslim standards, removing a man wearing a t-shirt with Arabic words off a plane is an unacceptable display of Islamophobia, but banning an Israeli tennis player from Dubai is completely legitimate. ![]() Drawing cartoons of Mohammed as a terrorist is not acceptable, but calling for the deaths of the cartoonists is. Writing a book parodying Islam is unacceptable, but murdering the book's translators around the world is reasonable. Israeli checkpoints on the Gaza border are unacceptable examples of apartheid, but Saudi Arabia barring all non-Muslims from entering the city of Mecca or from holding Saudi citizenship is their right. A protest against Hamas and Al Queda that desecrates their flags, which have verses from the Koran on them, is unacceptable offensive to Muslims but Muslim student associations waving those same flags is something that no one may question. A Muslim "refugee" who is arrested for illegally entering a European country is being imprisoned solely out of "Islamophobia", as are the terrorists held in Guantanamo Bay but Westerners who enter a Muslim country lose all rights and may be imprisoned, tortured and flogged on the flimsiest of allegations from a Muslim. Western countries expecting that a Muslim woman remove her Hijab for an ID photo is Islamophobia. However Muslim countries have the right to demand that even the House Speaker and First Lady cover up their hair when visiting a Muslim country. When a Muslim man has woman's underwear put on his head, while detaining for trying to kill American soldiers, that is the vilest crime against humanity. However when Muslim men hang and flog women for adultery... that is their culture and we have no right to judge. Not unless we're Islamophobes, that is. Muslim paranoid fears of Western culture can legitimately express themselves in banning magazines, Valentine's day celebrations and movies. However any Western resistance to the Koran or Arabic is a clear sign of Islamophobia. A Koran in a toilet is a hate crime. However burning the contents of the Library of Alexandria because "if it's not in the Koran, it's superfluous", is a legitimate expression of Muslim views on non-Muslim literature. Prejudice against Muslims is unacceptable. But Muslim prejudices against women, Jews, Christians, gays, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Atheists, and just about everyone else are part of their culture. And who are we to judge if they feel they have a right to hate and kill anyone who isn't a Muslim male. The problem with all of these examples is that Muslims want to have it both ways. On the one hand they want a blank check that allows them to treat any negative feedback as Islamophobia. On the other hand they want to be able to express any degree and form of hatred for others and support for terrorism in public forums without any repercussions. What Muslims really want is Political Correctness for us, and none for them. They want a chain around our necks with the leash in their hand, while the other hand waves a Hizbollah flag. And that can't work. If Danish cartoonist can't draw Mohammed, then Muslim protesters should at the very least be unable to call for the murder of their political opponents. If Christian pastors are to be censored for denouncing Islam, then the Finsbury Park Mosque rabble should be too. Neither hate nor tolerance can be a one way street, yet Muslims have exploited charges of Islamophobia to do just that. Saudi backed organizations such as CAIR or the MSU routinely spread hate, and then are outraged when anyone calls them to account for it. Canada's largest group, the Canadian Arab Federation, had no problem being part of rallies featuring Hamas and Hezbollah flags. They did have a problem when Canada's Immigration Minister Jason Kenney criticized them for it, so naturally the President of the CAF called him a "professional whore". Kenney in turn responded by saying, "We should not be rewarding those who express views that are contrary to Canada's best liberal values of tolerance and mutual respect" and announced plans to pull the CAF's funding. Naturally the CAF's response was to cry Islamophobia. The Canadian Arab Federation decided to host pro-Hamas articles on its site, to push for airing Al Jazeera in Canada, to participate in openly terrorist rallies and then respond to criticism by insulting the Immigration Minister. But naturally the consequences of all that only came due because of Islamophobia. Muslims have gotten too comfortable sweeping a lot under the rug by crying Islamophobia. But that implies that they actually wish to be part of a tolerant multicultural society, where everyone's rights are respected. By their actions and agendas however, that is not the society they wish to be a part of. Neither in Ridyah, Tehran, Gaza, Karachi or London, Paris and Detroit. It is up to Muslims themselves to decide what role they wish to play abroad and in the global culture. They can be intolerant fanatics who stay at home and expect everyone else to stay at home too. Or they can be open and tolerant enough to live side by side with others. But they can't be intolerant fanatics who expect us to be tolerant and open toward their fanatical intolerance. Not on our dime. That is the problem, and it is a Gordian Knot that Muslims can
either try to untie themselves, or someone will wind up cutting
through it for them.
Contact Sultan Knish at sultanknish@yahoo.com
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 22, 2009. |
These people are traitors and should be deported ...Sadly the death penalty for treason is not applied any more.... Truth is while they remain on British soil they are a clear and present danger. ..... Further .... we need to think NOW if British Passports should start to be constrained and have VISAS to travel This was posted by Raymond yesterday from the Jihad Watch site
![]() Electronic devices such as "mobile phones filled with explosives, which could kill or seriously injure British soldiers patrolling on foot, and more sophisticated devices that can be used against military vehicles." Quite ingenious these British Muslims; combining their Western heritage (e.g.., technology) with their jihadi blood-lust, they can sure be quite creative. "British Muslims 'providing Taliban with electronic devices for roadside bombs,'" by Con Coughlin for the Telegraph, February 21: British Muslims are providing the Taliban with electronic devices to make roadside bombs for use in attacks against British forces serving in southern Afghanistan, The Telegraph can disclose. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 22, 2009. |
This is from Sana, the Syrian Arab News Agency and is archived at
http://www.sana.sy/eng/22/2009/02/21/213885.htm It was written by Fadi Allafi/Ghosoun. |
Cairo, (SANA) The Arab League started today the legal procedures to guarantee that none of the Israeli war criminals will escape punishment for the crimes they had committed against the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip. In a statement to reporters, Head of the League Secretary General's Office Ambassador Hisham Yousef said that two committees were held today at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Arab League presided by the Secreatry General, Amr Mousa. The first committee consists of international jurists headed by the French international jurist Jean Dugrd. This committee is going to study the situation in Gaza Strip and the Israeli crimes committed against the Palestinian people and the role of the international law in dealing with those crimes. This committee also includes the Arab League and will be aided by a Palestinian human rights organization. "The second committee held today presided by the Arab League Secretay General is for the Arab originations. This committee is going to discuss the role of the establishments of the joint Arab action to rebuild Gaza, and it consists of agriculture and industry organizations to discuss the Palestinian people's needs and the means with which they can help within a framework of organized Arab effort for the rebuilding process", Yousef added. The legal committee, yousef mentioned, is going to make a report about the human and international law violations and discuss details of the war crimes carried out by the isareli army against the Palestinian people in Gaza paving the way for international law steps in this domain. Yousef also mentioned that it should be taken into consideration that such issues take long time and that this is the beginning. He also pointed out that the committee will present its report to the Secretary General. "The international law committee may pay other visits, and experts and technicians may share". Yousef added. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Bryna Berch, February 22, 2009. |
When Obama was a candidate, it was racist to say Obama was Muslim. When he became president, he made being a Muslim sound like a job requirement, and boasted about his Muslim roots. When he was candidate, many Jews reassured us that he'd fired his troupe of anti-semitic policy advisors. With Samantha, Susan and Z Big Bryzezinski the Ancient Anti-Semite, he had almost a full house of people who hate Jews. He's apparently ready to complete the crew with an Saudi Arabian slave the dishonourable Charles Freeman. This was written by Steve Rosen
And it appeared on the Middel East Forum website.
Chas Freeman, reportedly nominated to head the National Intelligence Council preparing finished National Intelligence Estimates for President Obama, acknowledged in 2006 that the $1 million donation to his Middle East Policy Council that he received from "the generosity of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia" was for public relations in the United States. He said in an interview with the Saudi-U.S. Relations Information Service, "Frankly, I'm delighted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has, after a long delay, begun to make serious public relations efforts. ...I am hopeful that we can put this effort on a sustainable long-term basis." Below are excerpts of his interview. Saudi-U.S. Relations Information Service |
Posted by Ted Belman, February 21, 2009. |
Elliot Abrams advises there are "two alternatives: realism and failure." He ought to know. According to Tom Barry's "Elliot Abrams: Neocon's Neocon"
"Elliott Abrams embodies neoconservatism. Perhaps more than any other neoconservative, Abrams has integrated the various influences that have shaped today's neoconservative agenda. A creature of the neoconservative incubator, Abrams is a political intellectual and operative who has advanced the neoconservative agenda with chutzpah and considerable success. He was also tasked by Bush to bring about the downfall of Hamas after their coup. He just published an article in the Weekly Standard titled "The Path of Realism or the Path of Failure: Laying a foundation for peace in Palestine." He states, As an official of the Bush administration I made three dozen visits to the Middle East in the last eight years, and in February, as Israelis voted, I made my first visit as a private citizen in nearly a decade. After lengthy discussions with Israelis and Palestinians, it seems to me obvious that it is time to face certain facts, facts that President Bush actually saw clearly during his first term: We are not on the verge of Israeli-Palestinian peace; a Palestinian state cannot come into being in the near future; and the focus should be on building the institutions that will allow for real Palestinian progress in the medium or longer term. He follows this up with a review of Bush's historic vision speech in 2002 which essentially said he same thing as did the performance based Roadmap. Annapolis was an attempt to leapfrog to final status discussions. It failed. I am unaware of the achievement of any actual agreement on any important issue on either track. Netanyahu has long been associated with the Neocons so it is no surprise that he too chooses realism instead of failure. He wants to work from the bottom up. On the toughest issues, such as Jerusalem and refugees, there was, unsurprisingly, no meeting of the minds. It is unlikely negotiators will do better this year. It has been true for decades that the most Israel can offer the Palestinians is quite evidently less than any Palestinian politician is prepared to accept. Those who say "the outlines of an agreement are well known" and thereby suggest that an agreement is close are precisely wrong: Is it not evident that to the extent that such outlines are "well known," they are unacceptable to both sides or they would have led to a deal long ago? After reviewing all the standard reasons why it is a no-go now, he comes to grips with the goal itself. It is also time to rethink the recent commitment to leaping all at once to full independence for the Palestinians, and even to break the taboo and rethink that ultimate goal itself. Immediate and total independence was not the plan when the Roadmap was written in 2002 and released in 2003. Then, it was understood that "an independent Palestinian state with provisional borders and attributes of sovereignty" was a necessary way-station. Given Hamas control over Gaza, which makes a united independent Palestine impossible for now anyway, a West Bank-only state with provisional borders and only some of the attributes of sovereignty makes far more sense as a medium-term goal. It might also allow postponing compromises on Jerusalem and refugee claims that no Palestinian politician could now make, for those issues could be left aside for another day, while the delays are blamed on Hamas and its rebellion in Gaza. This last part is extremely important as it places the onus on the Palestinians to make the necessary compromises. I haven't seen an official say that before. How that episode will end is entirely unclear, given Israel's reluctance to reoccupy and rule Gaza, and Egypt's reluctance to enforce strict controls on the smuggling of weapons. One Israeli official told me that Egypt had agreed to stop the smuggling through the tunnels. But will they really do it? I asked him. Oh, he replied, "now you are asking if we can get an agreement to implement the agreement. That's different." While Iran is able to sustain the Hamas terrorist regime in Gaza, negotiations over a full final status agreement are little more than staking territorial claims to a mirage. He leaves the best for the last. But one is free to wonder as well whether Palestinian "statehood" is the best and most sensible goal for Palestinians. When I served under Secretary of State George Shultz in the Reagan administration, we were expressly opposed to that outcome and favored some links to Egypt and Jordan. On security and economic grounds, such links are no less reasonable now; indeed, given Hamas control of Gaza and the Iranian threat to moderate Arab states as well as to Israel, they may be even more compelling. As we've seen, President Bush in 2002 stated that the Palestinians should "reach agreement with Israel and Egypt and Jordan on security and other arrangements for independence." Take note of the highlighted sentence and remind yourself what Mitchell recently said about striving for peace, "..coordinated strategy that will take into account regional leaders concerns regarding Iran." Mitchell also said that there needs to be both economic development and diplomatic efforts. Perhaps the reference to diplomatic efforts is just talking the talk. They seem on the same page. Now, even the mention of Egyptian and Jordanian involvement will evoke loud protests, not least in Amman and Ramallah, and perhaps U.S. policymakers should think but not speak about such an outcome. There are many and varied possible relationships between a Palestinian entity in the West Bank and the Hashemite monarchy, and if none can be embraced today, none should be discarded either. One Arab statesman told me when I asked him about a Jordanian role that there "must absolutely be an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank if only for 15 minutes," and then they could decide on some form of federation or at least a Jordanian security role for the area. If the greatest Israeli, Jordanian, and Egyptian fears are of terrorism, disorder, and Iranian inroads in a Palestinian West Bank state, a Jordanian role is a practical means of addressing those fears. He ends on a hopeful note Israel's next government, which Israel's president has asked Benjamin Netanyahu to form, must soon take up these matters with the Palestinians, Arab neighbors, the EU, and above all with the United States. The new Obama administration has not yet worked out a policy toward Iran or toward the Israel-Palestinian conflict, but that may be a hopeful sign. Thinking is better than assuming or reacting or misjudging. As the new team reviews the playing field, it would be well advised to look not only at what its predecessors did in the second Bush term, but also at what they did in the first term when a gritty realism prevailed over visions, dreams, and endless conferences. For, again, it seems to me there are at present only two paths forward the path of realism and the path of failure. The Palestinians will never have full sovereignty. They cannot be in charge of their airspace r borders or be allowed to militarize their territory, all for obvious reasons. Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer and editor of the IsraPundit.com website, an activist pro-Israel website. Contact him at tedbel@rogers.com |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, February 21, 2009. |
If there is one thing that characterizes America apart from pop and pizza, it's pornography. Pornography in the United States is a multi-billion dollar business. It's an engine that corrupts youth. Pornography graphically reduces the human to the subhuman. It transforms love into lust. It undermines marriage and the family. It lowers not only the moral but also the intellectual level of a society. Pornography therefore undermines a nation's security. A ruling of former Supreme Court president Aharon Barak indicates he does not know this. But then he does not know that phonograph fosters self-indulgence, hence undermines public spiritedness or dedication to the common good and therefore erodes Israel's ability to withstand her enemies Similarly, pornography corrodes the sense of shame, hence of honor. A nation without honor cannot long endure. The flood of pornography or "porn" in the United States began in the late 1950s as a direct consequence of its Supreme Court's libertarian interpretation of the First Amendment of the Constitution, which states, in part, "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." (Unfortunately, Israel's Supreme Court has adopted American jurisprudence on this issue, and with the same predictable consequences: pornography is thriving in the Holy Land. Let's pause and open our eyes. The First Amendment prohibits only the Congress, not the States, from abridging freedom of speech and press. In fact, the first eight amendments of the Constitution, which comprise the Bill of Rights, were meant to limit the powers of the national government, not those of the state governments. This was the ruling of Chief Justice Marshall in the case of Barron v. Baltimore, decided in 1833. The ruling was affirmed even after the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868. Thus, in Hurtado v. California decided in 1884, the Supreme Court rejected the contention that the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to the States the restrictions the first eight amendments applied to the national government. This ruling was reaffirmed as late as Twining v. New Jersey in 1908. Not until Gitlow v. New York in 1925 did the Court hold that, "For present purposes we may and do assume that freedom of speech and of the press ... are among the fundamental personal rights and 'liberties' protected by he due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment from impairment by the States." The original Constitution must be understood before the amendments to the Constitution can be properly interpreted. Thus, the constitutional principle of federalism, affirmed by the first ten amendments, stands on the distinction that the Constitution imposes different restrictions on the powers of the national and state governments. For example, whereas only the States are constitutionally prohibited from impairing the obligation of contracts, only Congress is constitutionally prohibited from abridging freedom of speech and press (leaving open the possibility of such action, under emergency conditions, by the Executive). Besides, the First Amendment ought not be interpreted in abstraction from the Constitution as a whole. An amendment may alter, but it does not nullify, the Constitution. Accordingly, the words "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press" may not be construed in such a way as to nullify Congress's authority "To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers [enumerated in Article I, Section 8]." Virtually any one of these powers may necessitate certain limitations on freedom of speech and press. Consider, for example, the power of Congress "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." Or consider the power of Congress to "provide for the common Defense." Contrary to prevailing opinion, there can never be a simple opposition between the common defense and freedom of expression. For to defend the nation is to preserve its way of life, a most important aspect of which is freedom of expression. Conversely, if certain kinds of expression endanger national defense, then they also endanger freedom of expression. Thus, by virtue of its power "To provide for ... disciplining the Militia," Congress may establish a code of military law making punishable any speech or publication causing insubordination in the armed services (and in peacetime no less than in times of national emergency). This illustrates the organic principle of political life, one formulation of which may be stated as follows: Absolutizing the value of any part of a whole is destructive of the whole, hence of the part as well. If, therefore, the First Amendment is to function as a part of an organic whole whose parts reinforce and not obstruct each other, the injunction "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press" must be construed in such a way as to protect this freedom without undermining other constitutional values on which that freedom ultimately depends. Two general alternatives are possible. Either certain kinds of expression must not be included under the category of freedom of speech and press, or, certain kinds of restraints on freedom of speech and press must not be included under the category of an abridgment thereof. I shall discuss these two alternatives in the next article. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Bruce S. Ticker, February 21, 2009. |
Doubtful that Israel's Security Cabinet acted independently of the election outcome when it hardened its stance on Cpl. Gilad Shalit. Hamas may not recognize how much it lucked out when the Cabinet decided to demand Shalit's release in exchange for opening borders to allow reconstruction of Gaza. They automatically griped that the Shalit matter should not be linked to a longterm truce for the 22-day war that left much of Gaza in ruins. The Security Cabinet's vote could have been far harsher, and perhaps should have been harsher. A week earlier, more Israelis voted for candidates who vow to take a harder line against the Arabs, so the timing makes it suspect that the Kadima-controlled Security Cabinet was not influenced by the election. The relative silence over Shalit's captivity has been eerie since he was seized by Hamas-linked terrorists on sovereign Israeli ground on June 25, 2006, with no provocation whatsoever. Shalit's kidnapping incited the 2006 war with Gaza and subsequently the capture of Sgts. Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser in Lebanon touched off the war with Hezbollah. There have been extensive efforts among American Jews to clamor for the release of Shalit and the Lebanon captives, but those efforts were loosely coordinated and not strong enough. Obviously, these activities have not been effective. Hamas has consistently demanded that Shalit be exchanged for hundreds of prisoners in Israeli jails, but the Security Cabinet stipulated during its Feb. 18 meeting that Shalit must be released before the borders are opened to start rebuilding Gaza. Israel only permits humanitarian supplies to pass through the border at this time. I have always believed that Israel should never have consented to a truce in 2006 without resolving the captive issue. Hamas and Hezbollah committed acts of war when they seized and detained the soldiers, leaving Israel the right to respond any way it thought necessary to retrieve the soldiers. It turned out later that Regev and Goldwasser had died. It should not be lost on anyone that the Security Cabinet voted for this position one week after Israeli voters moved somewhat to the right. Likud Party leader and now-prime minister designate Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly urged eliminating Hamas. Israelis made it official with their vote that more than a majority were tired of Arab aggression, which no doubt emboldened the Israeli government. In addition, Kadima Party leaders probably hoped that their harder line might influence President Shimon Peres to choose Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni of the Kadima Party as the next prime minister, if she can form a government. Two days later, Peres appointed Likud Party leader Netanyahu. Predictably, two Hamas representatives balked over the new conditions set by the Security Cabinet. Fawzi Barhoum complained to The New York Times that it "imposes new conditions at the last minute" and called it "blackmail." Ali Baraka told the Associated Press that "this position is one of obstinacy." These guys do not know how fortunate they are. They do not know what "obstinacy" is. First, Israel can shut the borders completely, meaning absolutely no humanitarian supplies or anything else can be sent to Gaza. If Netanyahu establishes a government, I wonder if he will do more about it. I can imagine him proposing to Hamas: If you release Cpl. Shalit, we will not finish the job. Bruce Ticker lives in Philadelphia and can be contacted at bticker@comcast.net. He blogs at http://JewishConcerns.blogspot.com/. |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 21, 2009. |
Motzei Shabbat (After Shabbat) President Peres, unable to convince Kadima head Tzipi Livni to join a unity government, yesterday afternoon officially handed a letter to Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu charging him with forming a government. Netanyahu says he will meet with Livni tomorrow in a final effort to convince her to join his government, citing again the need for unity because of the major threats facing us. He has six weeks to form his government, but I am expecting him to proceed much more promptly than this. He is well aware that it is very much in the interests of our nation that he do so. What must be formally done now is to assign ministries, but it is almost a certainty that a great deal of this bargaining has already been done. ~~~~~~~~~~ It was inevitable, considering the last US election, that ultimately we would as incredible as this seems find we missed Condoleezza Rice. And, sadly, that time is already upon us. The Bush/Rice policy with regard to the Palestinians was to ostracize Hamas, a terrorist organization, and to attempt, maddeningly, to build the PA as a "peace partner." The rule of operation which ignored many harsh realities was that if Hamas was bad, Fatah must be good. But what we're going to see now is worse with even harsher realities ignored. US Envoy for the Middle East, George Mitchell, has now voiced support for establishment of a Fatah-Hamas unity government. Of course, Mitchell qualified his support for this option, saying that Hamas had to recognize Israel and stop violence first. But wait... we'll see dancing around these conditions. Violence? What violence? Hamas is quiet it's those other groups launching rockets. And recognizing Israel? Hey, the members of Hamas admit Israel exists isn't that sufficient? So, they don't recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, but over time that will come, as long as we talk with them. ~~~~~~~~~~ Why would the Obama administration be promoting this? Because they are convinced they have it within their capacity to "make peace" here, but the fact of two different Palestinian entities gets in the way. This is considered a step in the right direction. Mitchell, in a public statement last week, said that the US was "unwaveringly committed" to Israel's safety, and that the two-state solution "coincides" with its commitment. It's so nice that he knows what's best for us. If in the process of advancing our security he happens to give legitimacy to a terrorist organization sworn to our destruction, hey, that's just the way it is. ~~~~~~~~~~ Today, Khaled Abu Toameh, writing in the Post, reports that according to the PA they have now received a "green light" to negotiate a unity government with Hamas. According to a PA official in Ramallah, "The administration of President Barack Obama believes that a Hamas-Fatah government is good for stability." President Mubarak of Egypt has received essentially the same message, and is now moving ahead with regard to negotiating that unity government. Invitations have been sent to Fatah, Hamas, and several other Palestinian groups to attend reconciliation talks in Cairo starting on February 25. If talks proceed, five joint committees will be established to work out various issues, such as formation of a government and control of the border crossings. ~~~~~~~~~~ It is highly unlikely that such a unity government, even should it be formed, would have stability over a period of time. But what is fairly predictable is that, in the course of working towards that unity, the party that would be the most conciliatory, and make the most concessions would be Fatah. The unity government, that is, would ultimately be more radicalized than Fatah is now. We have a precedent for this from the last time a Fatah-Hamas unity government was briefly established in 2007: Fatah made almost all of the concessions. And now Fatah is considerably weaker than it was then, before the Hamas take-over of Gaza. What is more, Fatah is worried about being cut out of the rebuilding of Gaza, which may give Hamas more credibility. Thus has Abbas declared himself ready to work with Hamas. ~~~~~~~~~~ Recently President Obama signed an executive order for the release of $20 million to aid Palestinian refugees in Gaza. I have received much material on this, either charging that Obama was intending to bring those refugees (who might well be Hamas-supporters) into the US, or questioning whether this was this case. When I examined the text of the executive order, I saw that it was altogether unclear that bringing refugees to the US was its intention. Now Aaron Lerner of IMRA has written that: "Previous presidential orders using almost identical language directed U.S. funds to international agencies helping refugees in other parts of the world. "The assistance for Gaza refugees has absolutely nothing to do with aiding the immigration of refugees to the U.S. If anything, the criticism of the UN body dealing with Palestinian refugees is that it seeks perpetuate their refugee status." You can see this comment and the executive order itself at:
~~~~~~~~~~ Obtuse left-leaning thinking is not restricted to the US. We know this. And today I stumbled upon an instance here in Israel so blatant that I felt moved to share it. I am alluding to a statement by Naomi Chazan, in her column in Friday's Post magazine. Chazan believes that Israel should follow the US lead and participate in the preparatory meetings for Durban. Specifically, she said this: "...although Israeli hesitations regarding the composition of the 20-member steering committee (under the aegis of Libya and including Iran and Cuba) cannot be summarily dismissed, if [Israel] does not participate in the preparations, it forfeits any chance of shaping the agenda..." Can she be serious? Can she possibly believe that Israel has even the remotest, the tiniest, chance of shaping the agenda sitting on a committee chaired by Libya and including Iran and Cuba and when the goal of that committee is the vilification of Israel?? Then Chazan concludes that "...if Israel is not part of the proceedings, it can hardly deplore the results." And on this score she is absolutely wrong. She seems devoid of any notion that Israel would be demeaned sitting on that committee and would, by virtue of doing so, proffer legitimacy to its proceedings. Naomi Chazan, I note here, is president of the New Israel Fund. ~~~~~~~~~~ In the very same magazine, however, there is a marvelous piece, "Next year in Des Moines?" by Eli Kavon, an American Jew. This I share eagerly for the most positive of reasons. Writes Kavon: "In July 2006, when the IDF was struggling to defeat Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen referred to the State of Israel as an honest mistake. He argued that the creation of a Jewish State in the Arab and Islamic Middle East had produced 'a century of warfare and terrorism.' In the wake of the recent Israeli war of self-defense in Gaza, more and more American Jews seem to be agreeing with Cohen's assessment. "While many American Jews remain supporters of Israel, Jews [in the US] are starting to abandon hope that Israel will be able to survive. They argue that the Jewish state is surrounded by enemies, that Israel's Jews are a house divided, and that, perhaps, the creation of a modern Jewish state in the Land of Israel was not meant to be. They are starting to say that 'Israel is a mistake' and that Judaism and the Jewish people would survive even if Israel were to be obliterated by Iranian nuclear weapons. Many years ago, a student in an adult education class that I taught at a local community college proposed that the Jewish state should not be in the Middle East, but in America's Midwest. Would not a Jewish state in Iowa, located in a region far, far away from the hostile Arab and Islamic world of the Middle East, be the best location for a homeland for the Jewish people? "Perhaps, at the Passover Seder this year, I should conclude the festive meal with the cry of 'Next Year in Des Moines!' Perhaps those who do not recognize the centrality and importance of Israel to the future of world Jewry are right. Perhaps we, as Jews, can go on even if Israel no longer exists. Perhaps we should forget who we are, the descendants of men and women who sacrificed in the Temple in Jerusalem, studied in the academies of Yavne and Tiberias, fought for independence in Modi'in and Betar against the Hellenists and the Romans. Perhaps we should discard the Hebrew Bible as our deed to the Land of Israel. Perhaps we should ignore all the archeological evidence proving that the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel dates back 3,000 years. Let us forget the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Bar Kochba letters, the Western Wall, Masada. "Let us forget that Jews have yearned for millennia in the Diaspora to be redeemed in the Promised Land. Let us abandon Hebrew as a living language, relegating it only to sacred texts that we do not understand except through English translation. Perhaps this form of mass amnesia is the answer. Forgetting who we are, where we came from, and forgetting 60 years of sacrifice, backbreaking work, heroism on the battlefield, Nobel Prize winners, economic success, the revival of Judaism in a Jewish homeland for some Jews, this sort of amnesia seems to be the answer. "WORLD JEWRY WILL NOT survive the destruction of the State of Israel. The Jewish state is the religious, political and cultural center of all Jews. The hope of the Jewish future is the hope of Israel, the people and the nation. Some American Jews argue that Jews have lived in the Diaspora for more than 2,000 years and will continue to do so whether Israel exists or not. At best, this argument is misguided. At worst, it is defeatist. With each passing day, we resemble more and more the spies in the Bible who demoralized the Israelites by claiming that the Land of Canaan could not be conquered. "...Jewish identity is both religious and national. Whether it was Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel in ancient times or Jewish self-government in Germany and Spain in the medieval period, Jewish identity was never based solely on religion. We, as a people, cannot survive if we forfeit either crucial element of our identity. "American Jews fool themselves if they truly believe that Judaism could survive another destruction and another exile from the Jewish homeland. There will be no more genocide of the Jews. There will be no more exile of the Jewish nation from the Land of Israel. This time, history will not repeat itself. The year 2009 is not the year 586 BCE or the year 70. Jews and Judaism in the 21st century would never recover from the destruction of the State of Israel."
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME), February 20, 2009. |
We hope you will join 10 Nobel Laureates Eric Kandel, Roald Hoffman, Kenneth Arrow, Sir Harry Walter Kroto,Walter Kohn, Eric Maskin, Steven Weinberg, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Andrew V. Schally, Vitaly Ginzburg and 2700 of your colleagues worldwide in signing and circulating the SPME Statement on Discrimination Against Israeli Academics and Academic Instutions as we try to amass 10,000 signatures. SPME Statement on Discrimination Against Israeli Academics and Institutions Adopted by the SPME Board of Directors, January 28, 2009 We the undersigned members of the academic community, are no longer able to tolerate the lies being told by various academic groups to justify their proposals to boycott Israeli academics and academic institutions and to divest from Israel and/or companies doing business in Israel. Israel has been falsely accused of deliberately targeting civilians, schools, hospitals, and administrative buildings. The reality is that Israel has always made heroic efforts to avoid harming civilians. In the recent Cast Lead campaign, Israel did target the Islamic University, which Fatah and the New York Times had previously identified as a Hamas bomb factory. However, Israel avoided targeting other schools and universities, even when Hamas fighters used them as hideouts and launching pads. Hamas fighters have repeatedly targeted Israeli civilians, schools, and children, and in the past 8 years have murdered more than 1000. In the past few years, Hamas had targeted Sapir College in Sderot and Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, and had deliberately timed Qassam and Katyusha rocket attacks to occur at times of day when Israeli children would be on their way to and from school. Despite the use of the Islamic University for both rocket and mortar attacks as well as for the manufacture of weapons, we are not calling for a boycott of Palestinian academics. Israel has no interest in undermining education or health care in Gaza. On the contrary, a healthy and well educated population in a prospering Palestinian state is Israel's best hope for peace in the years to come. The people of Gaza know perfectly well that Israel is not trying to massacre them. Whenever possible, they come to Israel for health care and education because they have confidence in Israeli facilities and in the people who work there. And Israeli institutions serve them both out of simple humanity and in order to build bridges to peace. Most important, singling out Israeli academics and institutions for boycott is discriminatory. No other nation's academics or institutions are being subjected to such action, whether or not their governments are in a state of war. Excusing Israeli academics from the boycott only if they denounce the policies of their government does not mitigate the offense but combines it with an assault on freedom of speech. We urge rejection of all such discriminatory and oppressive initiatives. Sincerely,
To sign the petition, please click here. Contact: Peter Haas, SPME VP for External Relations at peter.haas@case.edu or Judith Jacobson, SPME VP for Internal Relations at jsj4@columbia.edu or Edward S. Beck, SPME President Emeritus at ScholarsforPeace@aol.com ( phone: 717.576.5038) |
Posted by Marcia Leal, February 20, 2009. |
A nuclear-armed Iran under the mullahs is near. Failure to comprehend their intentions will have grave consequences. Posted today by Reza Kahlili in Pajamas Media.
"Reza Kahlili" is a pseudonym for an ex-CIA spy whose code name is "Wally." Currently residing in the United States, he is writing a book about his experiences as a CIA agent in Iran's Revolutionary Guard. |
Three decades after the Islamic revolution, the West still fails to understand the political structure of Iran and the mentality behind it. That ignorance endangers the world, for the madmen who rule Iran in their iron grip are bent upon launching Armageddon. Several U.S. presidents underestimated the crazed policies that the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini forced on the Iranian people beginning in 1979. If Barack Obama doesn't take this nightmarish threat seriously, Israel could very well be destroyed and that destruction could expand to Europe and America. We only have to look at history to see all too clearly Washington's folly at trying to appease Tehran. President Carter and his national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, began America's misguided policy toward radical Islam, Carter by calling Khomeini "a man of God" and Brzezinski with his plan to help Islamic militants confront the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, that policy of negotiation and hope for a moderate leader in Iran who would open the doors to the West continued under President Reagan. While I was writing coded messages under dimmed light in the middle of the night informing the CIA about the mullahs' terrorist activities and the Revolutionary Guards' expansion in Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East, the U.S. government was meeting in private with the Revolutionary Guards in Geneva, Brussels, Frankfort, and Mainz during the mid-1980s. The Guards negotiators at these meetings, close associates of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, were assigned the names "the Engine" and "the Relative" and had met with U.S. negotiators several times, including Oliver North. The CIA facilitated a trip for "the Relative" to Washington, D.C., where he was even given a tour of the White House. At the time, the CIA knew that the barracks bombing in Lebanon, which killed 241 American servicemen, was the work of the Guards under Rafsanjani, then the speaker of parliament; Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the president at the time; and Imam Khomeini, the supreme leader. The CIA was aware of all the kidnappings, torture, and killing of hostages, such as CIA agent William Buckley, who was executed by Islamic Jihad a front name for the Guards and their activity in Lebanon. But despite Iran's treachery, the U.S. government entertained a long list of demands by the Guards to clear the way for improved relations. Washington's efforts resulted in securing the release of only a few hostages, and in return the Guards received many shipments of American weapons, some of which ended up in the hands of the terrorist group Hezbollah, based in Lebanon. Later, many more hostages were taken and more demands made. Kazem, my then-commander in the Guards, had told me, "The dumb cowboys think we will help release their hostages in Lebanon and improve our relationship with them. They are giving us arms, lots of arms. Haj Agha Rafsanjani knows how to play with these bastards and how to milk them." This shortsightedness continued with President George H.W. Bush, who ignored the Iranian involvement in the Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie (as I had reported to the CIA) in his secret negotiations with Rafsanjani, the Iranian president at the time, who had promised better relations. That effort also failed, just as President Clinton (who looked the other way at Iran's involvement in the Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia) failed in negotiating with Mohammad Khatami, the next Iranian president, with another promise of cooperation while secretly purchasing parts for Iran's nuclear project. The Revolutionary Guards recently performed multiple tests on surface-to-surface missiles fired from a ship. One needs to ask what the purpose is for such tests. Could it be that they intend to launch missiles against an enemy far from Iran, perhaps from a ship closer to that enemy's border? With the help of North Korea, the Guards are working on long-range ballistic missiles in tests that are concealed by their space project. Other tests include expanding the reach of their Shahab-3 missiles to cover Europe, which currently are capable of targeting Tel Aviv, Riyadh, U.S. bases in Iraq, and the Fifth Fleet headquarters in Bahrain. The Guards now have more than 100 Shahab-3 missiles in stock while working to develop a nuclear warhead. At the same time, the Iranians are increasing the number of centrifuges (over 5,000 as of November 2008) for the enrichment of uranium while enough nuclear material has already been produced to make a nuclear bomb. A nuclear-armed Iran under the thugocracy of the mullahs is near, maybe in a matter of months, and any misconception about their intentions will have grave consequences. Several hadiths (statements by Prophet Mohammed and his successors/descendants) compiled by Islamic scholars form the ideology of radicals most faithful to Mahdaviat. This belief currently rules every aspect of the Iranian government, and its members believe that it is their sacred duty to prepare for the reappearance of Mahdi, the 12th Shi'ite imam. The coming of Mahdi only awaits the last sign, as all of the following events have already taken place:
It is hard for the West to understand this ideology or to even consider such a ridiculous belief. However, one needs only to look back at 9/11 and think of why they did what they did. Was it just hatred for what America stands for or what the West has done to them? Or is it a belief a self-sacrifice to bring glory to Islam? Barack Obama and his administration must not fall prey to another Iranian tactic of mixed signals in negotiations. He must realize what every administration before his has failed to understand: the ideology of the mullahs is deeply rooted in a fanatical belief and time is running out. Radical Islamists are earnest in their dedication to their cause. I know. I spent years in the foxholes with them. "Jihad on infidels, killing them until there are no more sinners on Earth and all are believers of Allah." (Quran: Sura 2:192) Can President Obama dissuade Iran from destabilizing the world and prevent it from launching Armageddon? I pray for his success. Contact Marcia Leal at marcia.leal.eejh@gmail.com |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, February 20, 2009. |
This comes from the Geostrategy Direct website
Imagery from DigitalGlobe's WorldView-1 satellite and GeoEye's IKONOS satellite has shown the construction of what appears to be a CW facility in northwestern Syria, Jane's Intelligence Review reported. The facility is located next to a missile site that deploys the medium-range Scud D ballistic missile. "The site contains not only a number of the defining features of a chemical weapons facility, but also that significant levels of construction have taken place at the facility's production plant and adjacent missile base," Jane's reports. In a Feb. 18 statement, Jane's said it had analyzed the imagery to track the construction of the Syrian CW site from 2005 through 2008. The magazine said it was certain that the facility in Al Safir was a military rather than a pharmaceutical plant. "One of the clearest indicators that Al Safir is a military facility as opposed to a civilian industrial complex is the level of defenses protecting the site," Jane's said. "The facility is accessed only through a military checkpoint and each element within the facility has an additional security point." Syria has long wielded a CW arsenal as well as a biological warfare capability. But analysts said Al Safir marked the largest CW facility in Syria and appeared meant to deter any Israeli strike. "Construction at the Al Safir facility appears to be the most significant chemical weapons production, storage and weaponization site in Syria," Christian Le Miere, editor of Jane's Intelligence Review, said. "Its presence indicates Syria's desire to develop unconventional weapons either to act as a deterrent to conflict with Israel or as a force enhancer should any conflict ensue." Le Miere said the satellite imagery suggests that Damascus has sought to expand Al Safir and its chemical weapons arsenal. He said he did not expect an Israeli effort to destroy the facility as it bombed the suspected nuclear weapons center in northeastern Syria in 2007. "Further expansion of Al Safir is likely to antagonize Israel and highlight mutual mistrust, even as peace talks between the two neighbors progress intermittently," Le Miere said. "Although an Israeli air strike on the facility may not yet be likely, such developments only serve to underline and exacerbate regional tensions." This is from the Associated Press and appeared yesterday in Haaretz
Samples taken from a Syrian site suspected of being a covert nuclear reactor have revealed new traces of processed uranium, the United Nations nuclear watchdog reported Thursday. A separate report by the same organization the International Atomic Energy Agency noted a significant slowdown in Iran's efforts to expand its uranium enrichment program. The UN Security Council has slapped sanctions on Iran for not freezing enrichment, which can be used to make both nuclear fuel and the core of warheads. The report did not suggest any reason for the slowdown. But agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei said earlier this week that the reason appeared to be political indicating that Iran may be waiting for conciliatory signals from the new U.S. administration, which has said it is ready to break with past American policy and talk directly with Iran on nuclear and other disputes. Both reports meant for restricted release Thursday only to the 35 nations of the IAEA board were obtained by The Associated Press ahead of a board meeting scheduled to begin March 2 that will discuss the nuclear activities of the two Mideast nations. The two documents painted a generally disheartening picture of the nuclear agency's efforts to probe the Iranian and Syrian nuclear programs. Tehran says its nuclear activities are peaceful, while Damascus denies hiding any nuclear program. On Iran, the report regrettably noted Tehran's continued lack of cooperation in agency efforts to investigate suspicions the Islamic Republic had at least planned to make nuclear weapons. It also said Iran continued both uranium enrichment and building a heavy water reactor that will produce plutonium like enriched uranium, a possible component of nuclear warheads. The Syria report noted Syria's refusal to allow agency inspectors to make follow-up visits to sites suspected of harboring a secret nuclear program despite repeated requests from top agency officials. The brevity of the reports the one on Iran ran five pages, the one on Syria was just three reflected the lack of progress in the separate agency probes. Still, a senior UN official who asked to remain anonymous in exchange for commenting on the restricted reports, described as significant the find of new uranium traces from samples taken during a one-off visit in June to the Al Kibar site bombed in 2007 by Israeli jets. The first minute traces of processed uranium from those samples were found late last year. The official said additional analysis had found 40 more uranium particles, for a total of 80 particles. Additionally, the official said, experts were analyzing minute traces of graphite and stainless steel found at and near the site, although he cautioned it was too early to say whether they were related to nuclear activity. Inspectors at the Al Kibar site were known to be looking for graphite, an element in the type of North Korean prototype that the United States says the Syrians were trying to build with help from Pyongyang. On Iran, the agency said that Tehran was now fully operating 3,936 centrifuges to enrich uranium at its cavernous underground facility at Natanz, a city about 300 miles (500 kilometers) south of Tehran only 164 more than at the time of its last report in November. But it continued building hundreds more centrifuges and linking them into the configurations used for enrichment, said the IAEA. Tehran has announced a target of 9,000 centrifuges by the end of this for what it says is a large-scale nuclear program meant solely to power reactors. However, independent experts have noted that the Islamic Republic may be running out of the raw uranium it imported decades ago needed to create the feedstock for enrichment something diplomats have confirmed to The Associated Press. With uranium imports banned under Security Council sanctions on Tehran and its domestic mining possibilities limited, the diplomats have warned that it may try in the near future to undercut the sanctions and import the material illegally. The diplomats demanded anonymity in exchange for discussing the sensitive topic. A senior Iranian envoy, however, disputed suggestions that Iranian uranium mines were inadequate. "We have the capacity of producing our own yellowcake," said Ali Ashgar Soltanieh, chief Iranian delegate to the IAEA, using the common term for raw uranium. He declined to discuss why Iran was expanding its enrichment program at a slower than expected pace but repeated that his country would not suspend the process, despite Security Council demands. To date, Iran had enriched more than 1,600 pounds (over 800 kilograms) of low-enriched uranium suitable for nuclear fuel, the report said. UN officials have said that Tehran would have to produce less than twice that to begin enriching it to the weapons-grade level needed to produce a warhead while other experts have given even lower amounts. The report on Iran, which also went to the Security Council, complained both about Iran's stonewalling on its alleged nuclear weapons plans and experiments and its general refusal to give the IAEA greater inspecting rights.
"A number of outstanding issues ... give rise to concern and ... need
to be clarified to exclude the existence of possible military
dimensions to Iran's nuclear program," it said. "For the agency to be
able to address these concerns and make progress in its efforts to
provide assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and
activities in Iran, it is essential that Iran ... provide the
information and access requested by the agency."
Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His
articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the
Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For
Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm).
Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 20, 2009. |
EUROPEAN REACTION TO ISRAELI ASSAULT Germany, Italy, and the Czechs approved of Israeli self-defense and condemned Hamas aggression. Italy: Hamas attacks violated the land-for-peace principle. The Czech noted his voice is a minority, because he tells the truth. France condemned Israel for alleged "disproportionate force" and demanded a ceasefire. Ireland called Israel's attacks indiscriminate and devastating. Sweden denounced the invasion as escalation and claimed that Israel's embargo on Gaza encouraged smuggling. Spain denies that violence can solve the problem. Criticized, the Czechs muted their statement but did not reverse it (IMRA, 1/30). Criticized officials sometimes lash back unfairly. When criticism is unfair, antisemitic, or appeasement minded, fight back. Don't give an apology, demand one. Defy political correctness! Don't be a coward. Hamas did commit aggression. That did not violate the land-for-peace principle so much as show its lack of realism. European claims of "indiscriminate," "devastating," "escalation," "disproportionate," and violence not solving anything are0 specious. When a fanatical enemy fires thousands of rockets, one should escalate until violence suffices to eradicate the enemy's capability of doing further damage. That is how one attains national security. Israel fired only at identified enemy forces and provisions, not indiscriminately. The damage was small in proportion to number of buildings, so to call it "devastating" exaggerates. Actually, it was inadequate. The blockade wouldn't encourage smuggling if Israel had disregarded foreign critics and retained control over the border. Let Israel regain control!. European critics have distorted international law and fabricated impractical standards for protecting civilians. Filled with hatred for Jews and no compassion for Arabs harmed by Islamists, those Europeans are no humanitarians. All this is an excuse for making common cause with Islam against the Jews they both hate. OUR FALSE HOPE PRESIDENT I'm absolutely confident that the U.S. working in tandem with the E.U., with Russia, with all the Arab states in the region...can make significant progress." (Pres. Obama in IMRA, 1/28.) All four parties are either fanatical aggressors or aid and abet them. Can't get all the Arab states to be cooperative and constructive; is he crazy? The US cannot make progress with a State Dept. that tries to bring Israel down. HOW TO REPORT WHAT HAPPENED IN GAZA Ethan Bronner and Sabrina Tavernise describe the two peoples as being pulled apart, among other causes, by "mutual demonization." (NY Times, 2/4, A1.) I think that this report is unusually accurate and fair, for that newspaper, except for two things. One is that quoted term and the other is reliance upon Arab testimony. No evidence or examples are given to back up that term. The term equates the two sides' reaction. But the two sides' reactions are not similar at all. Before the recent combat, the whole P.A. society media, schools, mosques, and camps whether run by Fatah or Hamas, defamed Israel and Jews to the point of demanding genocide and conquest. That is "demonization." Israeli society primarily preaches peace. Israel's appeasement-minded regimes rarely point out what an evil society the P.A. is. It does not take drastic measures against it, though sometimes it postures. Individual Jews used to have more relations with Arabs, until terrorists severed them. When reporters interview Arabs about their experience during combat, they may get all sorts of tall tales, official propaganda, or statements reflecting misconceptions about war. The reporters don't sort this out or verify much. It should be discounted as hearsay, having been discredited so often. They rarely will blame destruction on their terrorists, and the newspaper readily accepts false accusations against Israel, that being the Times' stock in trade. LIMITS TO BOMBING TUNNELS The IDF bombed houses concealing tunnel exits. The tunnel, being much longer than its exit, can readily be put back into commission by building another exit. Aerial bombing is not adequate (IMRA, 1/28). Ground troops are needed, as usual. A JEWISH ENVOY'S MEMOIR Martin Indyk's auto-biography claims that supposed nationalist leader Lieberman negotiated with the PLO and accepted PM Barak's extensive territorial concessions to the Arabs (Arutz-7, 1/29). Most Israeli leaders are phony. So are most State Dept. officials. Where are our supposedly sophisticated intellectuals? WAR ON ISRAEL BY FOREIGN LAWSUIT The Palestinian Center for Human Rights told the Durban Conference that it intended to wage "lawfare against Israel. Citizens of certain European countries have begun bringing lawsuits for alleged war crimes, against Israeli officials. Israeli reactions have been slow and slight. It should consider pressing [or forbidding] Europe not to subsidize the Center and other NGOs that work to bring down Israel. It should stop welcoming as mediators European officials, such as Spain's Prime Minister, whose country allows such lawsuits (IMRA, 1/30). COST IMPERILS DEFENSE Israel had planned to buy certain number of US planes at an estimated price of $50-60 million. The price has been raised by $30 million (IMRA, 2/7). The cost of defense is becoming prohibitive. Now how wise was Israel to have discontinued its Lavie fighter and its airplane manufacturing capability? ISRAEL'S DILEMMA Turkey wants to buy the US drones, but the deal may not go through. Turkey's alternative was to buy Israel's drone. Should Israel have sold them to Turkey? Turkey's regime is Islamist. Can't trust it. Turkey's military, however, is secularist and friendly to Israel. If Israel sells to Turkey, the weapons may be turned against it. If Israel bars sales to Turkey, the Islamist Prime Minister is sure to make much of it and solidify his hold over the country. U.S. DECEPTION Egypt has been installing sensors along its border with Gaza. The US provided the technology. The expressed hope is to detect arms smuggling tunnels. What hope is there? Egypt has enough officers to place one every 60 feet all day, but they ignore the trucks along the few roads to the border and unloading. Egypt has protected terrorist attrition against Israel. It has shut a few tunnels for show, but has not moved against the masses of tunnels. The smugglers bribe Egyptian police; the Bedouin intimidate them. The sensors are for show. The US is deceiving people. So is Egypt. Must our media fall for it? WHO DARES LOOK AHEAD? People know that Islam is trying to overthrow civilization. They do not visualize what may happen. Either the world submits and devolves, or it resists and wins or loses. I can foresee some European country getting fed up with its creeping Islamization and the Islamic crime wave and reign of terror. It bars Muslim immigration and starts to deport those who did immigrate. The Muslims riot. This time, the police neither stand aside nor are able to arrest hundreds of thousands. Instead, they open fire. They kill tends of thousands. Muslims rise up throughout Europe, and are put down the same way. Encouraged by example, Israel does the same. In Russia, it might be different. A fourth of Russian troops are Muslim, now. Russia might, reluctantly, grant independent to Muslim-populated republics. Don't expect the UNO to help out. Gradual deportation might work, but total, mass-deportation would be resisted. European countries would deport some, imprison some, and kill many. Europe cannot regain freedom and security without ridding itself of the Muslim presence. In exchange, Muslim countries would deport some but murder most of their Christians. African countries of mixed population would break into civil war. Pakistan might choose a nuclear confrontation with India rather than negotiate a mass-migration of Indian Muslims into Pakistan. The US would hope its Muslims assimilated enough to avoid civil strife, but they are separatist. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Walter Bingham, February 20, 2009. |
This was written by Rami Kaminski, MD, who is Director and Founder of the Institute for Integrative Psychiatry in New York. He holds an academic position as Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University. Dr. Kaminski's research explores neuropsychiatric aspects of brain disorders, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease and movement disorders, as well as psychopharmacology of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. He was for many years Director of The Schizophrenia research Unit at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. |
For centuries, we lived in Berdichev. In the brutal Ukrainian winter of 1941, SS soldiers arrived there and rounded up eighty-seven members of my family babies, young adults, octogenarians stripped them naked, marched them to a nearby ditch, and executed them. Their lifeless bodies fell silently into a mass grave. Like most Jews in Europe, my family "cooperated" with the Final Solution. They did not resist or fight back. Six million Jews were slaughtered in a period of four years. They received little sympathy while they were still alive and hunted down like animals. There was no public outcry because the Holocaust fit the world's narrative for Jews during the past 2000 years: a people destined to be persecuted and slaughtered. During their two millennia in the Diaspora, Jews were not known to resist. There are few recorded instances in which Jews turned against their host nations or retaliated against their murderers. Instead, the survivors if there were any were expelled or left for another place. The murdered were regarded as "good" Jews. They accepted their fate helplessly, without resistance. This narrative of the Jews has played out on the historical stage with boring monotony: Jews get killed because they are Jews. Nothing novel about it. After the Holocaust, however, the world, disgusted by this particularly ghoulish period of history, accorded some sympathy for the Jews. Media commentary about the ongoing Gaza War reveals the world has now reverted to its pre-Holocaust perspective. Today, the only good Jew is a powerless Jew willing to become a dead one. The Zionist Revolution is to blame. It changed everything. Jews re-created their own country. The Arabs attacked the new Jewish state the day after independence and promised to complete Hitler's genocide. In succeeding decades, the Arabs attacked again and again. Strangely, the Jews, many of them refugees from Arab nations, adopted a surprising, new tactic: they fought back. With Zionism, the Jews stubbornly refused to follow the centuries-old script. They refuse to be killed without resistance. As a result, the world has become increasingly enraged at their impertinence. The recent events in Gaza and Mumbai make this plain. In 2005, Israel eliminated all Jewish presence in Gaza making it "Judenrein," and handed it over to the Palestinians. Left behind were synagogues and thriving green houses. The Arabs looted and destroyed them literally the day after Israel's withdrawal was complete. Where these structures once stood, the Palestinians built military bases and installed rocket launchers to shell Israeli civilians. To date, some 7,000 missiles have fallen on Israeli cities and towns, killing and maiming dozens, and sowing widespread terror. Medical studies reveal nearly all Jewish children in the communities bordering Gaza suffer from serious, trauma-induced illness. The Gazan Palestinians then elected Hamas to lead them. Hamas proceeded to kill or imprison their political rivals, and its leaders, true to the Hamas charter, were unabashed in clearly stating their aims: they will not stop until they achieve their Final Solution, kill all the Jews, take over the land of Israel, and establish a theocracy governed by Islamic law. As killing Jews for being Jews has been a national sport for centuries, Islamic militants are justified in believing they are merely fulfilling historical tradition in Argentina, India and Gaza. Surely the Jews in Mumbai did not occupy Gaza. They were tortured and killed just for being Jews. And predictably, in the eyes of the world, they immediately became good Jews, just like my murdered family in Bertishev. Good Jews would wait until Hamas has weapons enabling its members to achieve their ultimate goal of absolute mass murder. Those enraged by Israel's defensive military action insist Hamas uses only "crude" rockets, as if Qassams were BB guns, and military inferiority were somehow equivalent with moral superiority. In fact, Hamas now has Iranian-supplied Grad missiles which have landed on Be'er Sheva and the outskirts of Tel Aviv. Westerners have had only sporadic exposure to the indiscriminant killing in the name of "holy war" which Israel has lived with for years. Memories of 9-11, Madrid, and London have dimmed. This is not because the Islamic militants made a careful choice of weapons. They simply have not yet acquired nuclear bombs. Once they do, the West will develop a less detached view about the Islamists' professed intentions for the "infidels." The only enlightened people in the civilized world who actually get it are the Israelis. They've not had time for detached philosophical ponderings. They've been too busy confronting the reality of Islamic fundamentalism. Soon, Iran will have nuclear weapons. It will give them to Hezbollah and Hamas. Today, Jews must take a position: either be "good" Jews willing to be slaughtered without resistance, or be "bad" Jews who defend themselves at the cost of being pariahs of our enlightened world. Good Jews would wait for another six million to be murdered, and pick up to leave for another country to start the cycle again. The bad ones refuse to go calmly into the ditch. I confess: I'm a bad Jew. Walter Bingham has a talk show on Israel National Radio. Contact him at walter1@israelnationalradio.com |
Posted by Mrla, February 20, 2009. |
This is from the Mere Rhetoric website:
Former Ambassador To Saudi Arabia Chas Freeman To Be Appointed To Top Intelligence Post, Join Obama's Anti-Israel Intel Team (Plus: He Blames US-Israel Ties For 9/11) Intelligence First James Jones was plucked out of his Middle East State Department job where he was creating a paper trail blaming Israel for Palestinian intransigence and appointed National Security Adviser. Since then he's been very efficiently making sure that the President only hears what he wants the President to hear: General Jones, Obama's National Security Adviser, is making an effort to assert sweeping authority over the national security decisionmaing process... "Jones, a retired Marine general, made it clear that he will run the process and be the primary conduit of national security advice to Obama, eliminating the 'back channels'...Directorates inside Jones's NSC staff [such as the Near East section headed by Dan Shapiro] will oversee implementation of decisions. 'It doesn't mean that we micromanage or supervise,' he said. 'But you have to make sure, . . . particularly if it's a presidential decision, that the president is kept abreast of how things are going. That it doesn't just fall off the end of the table and disappear into outer space.'" Samantha Power was drawn away from her public rants about "a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import" and installed as the director of the NSC's multilateral affairs section. Once there she immediately to the US involved in Durban II. Now Chas Freeman who quite literally made a career out of being cozy with the Saudis and channeling their anti-Israel ravings to Washington... Freeman, the former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, [said], "As long as the United States continues unconditionally to provide the subsidies and political protection that make the Israeli occupation and the high-handed and self-defeating policies it engenders possible, there is little, if any, reason to hope that anything resembling the former peace process can be resurrected" and decrying the consequences of "Israeli violence against Palestinians." ... is set to become chair of the National Intelligence Council. He'll be in charge of filtering the bulk of the US's intelligence output: Sources tell The Cable that Chas W. Freeman, Jr., the former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, will become chairman of the National Intelligence Council, the intelligence community's primary big-think shop and the lead body in producing national intelligence estimates... Associates say that at a recent board meeting of the Middle East Policy Council, of which he has been president, Freeman said that he was resigning to take a job in the administration. He said his post was not in the State Department and did not require confirmation, but did not specify what the job was. The appointment has been confirmed by a second source, prompting Steve Rosen to write a followup post to his first writeup about how deep in the anti-Israel camp Freeman really is. From a 2006 speech that Freeman gave: For the past half decade Israel has enjoyed carte blanche from the United States to experiment with any policy it favored to stabilize its relations with the Palestinians and its other Arab neighbors, including most recently its efforts to bomb Lebanon into peaceful coexistence with it and to smother Palestinian democracy in its cradle. The suspension of the independent exercise of American judgment about what best serves our interests as well as those of Israelis and Arabs has caused the Arabs to lose confidence in the United States as a peace partner... Americans need to be clear about the consequences of continuing our current counterproductive approaches to security in the Middle East. We have paid heavily and often in treasure in the past for our unflinching support and unstinting subsidies of Israel's approach to managing its relations with the Arabs. Five years ago we began to pay with the blood of our citizens here at home. It's hard to overestimate the kind of access and influence that the NIC chair wields. He personally and regularly sits in on the President's daily intelligence briefings. The rest of the time he's in charge of filtering the intelligence products that the President sees. Among those products are the NIEs that the intelligence community produces. Those, you'll recall, have been kind of a thing lately. Oh and none of these positions require Congressional approval. Jones, Power, and Freeman are all handpicked, institutionally anti-Israel appointees. I wonder if being suspicious about that qualifies as the kind of "Obama paranoia" the Jeffrey Goldberg sneered about during the election (h/t: Soccer Dad). Contact the poster at mrla26@aol.com |
Posted by Israel Academia Monitor, February 20, 2009. |
Dear Sirs, Literally thousands of people all over the world are working very hard to demonize and delegitimize Israel. An especially strident and persuasive voice is that of Omar Barghouti, whose devastating accusations against Israel can be found on dozens of internet sites, newspapers all over the world and even at international conferences. What makes his work especially repugnant is his wide use of half-truth, selective omission and outright lie. He is clearly an enemy of Israel. We recently learned that he is a doctoral student at the Tel Aviv University. If this is indeed true, it is quite incredible because Omar Barghouti is a founding member of The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel and has personally called on countless occasions, for an international boycott of all Israeli universities as well as trade and cultural ties. About Tel Aviv University itself, he has written (in Counterpunch): "Tel Aviv University refuses to date to acknowledge the fact that it sits on top of an ethnically cleansed Palestinian village (Sheikh Muwannis). Some of TAU's departments are also organically linked to the military and intelligence establishment." We can't help wondering at the logic of Tel Aviv University according this enemy of Israel with the means to obtain a doctorate in Ethics. Can this indeed be true? Ethics!!! As Israeli citizens we also deeply dismayed that an academic institution, which gets part of our hard-earned taxes to keep it going, is enabling such a person to use its facilities. We are sure a lot of Jews around the world who donate generously to academic institutions in Israel would be quite devastated to learn how their monies are used. There could be three solutions to this incredible situation: 1. Properly knowledgeable and motivated staff members could engage Omar Barghouti in a sincere debate on the whole Israel-Arab conflict in order to persuade him to rethink his position. Surely ethics (if that's what he's studying) should be based on intellectual honesty. 2. Find a way to sue him for libel and false pretences and anything else. 3. Simply disassociate from him (and any others of his ilk who cramp the corridors of your university). Sincerely, Please go to http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?expelOB Sign this petition Contact Israel Academia Monitor at e-mail@israel-academia-monitor.com |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, February 19, 2009. |
Is Stupidity in a President an impeachable offense and, if not, it should be. Jimmy Carter groveled to Breschnev, George Herbert Walker Bush, crawled to the KIng of Saudi Arabia. George W. Bush looked into the eyes of Vladimir Putin and saw his "good soul". Obama virtually apologized for America treating Muslims badly and promises to make amends. Clearly, Obama is a colossal mistake and letters of impeachment should be assembled for the grave danger into which he is putting these United States. Have you heard reports of how Obama is to cancel all prior sanctions on Iran so they may freely import dual use equipment to accelerate their race to become nuclear capable? And Obama has authorized a Saudi project to supply aerospace systems to Syria in what was seen as the suspension of U.S. sanctions as well as parts to repair Syria's planes. Is Obama coming out of the closet and displaying a mind-set many suspected but, was wonderfully clouded over by a glib language and a charming smile. I would really like to think Obama is merely naive rather than having secret agenda which evolved even before he began his run for President. This was written by Jeff Jacoby, a columnist for the Boston Globe
The original article has live links to additional material. |
EARLY IN HIS presidency, Jimmy Carter set about to a letter US policy toward the Soviet Union. Six days after his inauguration he sent a letter to Soviet ruler Leonid Brezhnev, hailing the two countries' "common efforts towards formation of a more peaceful, just, and humane world" and saluting Brezhnev's supposed "aspiration for strengthening and preserving. . . peace." In a commencement address at Notre Dame, he declared that Americans had shed their "inordinate fear of communism." In the months that followed, Carter slashed the defense budget, scrapped the B-1 bomber, welcomed the Sandinista coup in Nicaragua, and launched diplomatic relations with Cuba's dictator, Fidel Castro. It wasn't until the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 that Carter finally woke up to his naiveté. Moscow's brutal aggression "made a more dramatic change in my opinion of what the Soviets' ultimate goals are," he admitted, "than anything they've done in the previous time that I've been in office." Carter's failure to understand the threat posed by the Soviet Empire had costly consequences for America and the world. Will that pattern now be repeated with Barack Obama and the threat from radical Islam? Ever since taking office two weeks ago, Obama has been at pains to proclaim a change in US-Muslim relations. In his inaugural address he invited "the Muslim world" to embark on "a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect." Six days later he gave Al-Arabiya, an Arabic-language satellite channel, his first televised interview as president. This week he continued his charm offensive with a friendly letter to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. He has promised to deliver a major address in an Islamic capital by spring. The president cannot be faulted for using his bully pulpit to reach out to the world's Muslims, especially given his Muslim roots and family ties. But running through his words is a disconcerting theme: that US-Muslim tensions are a recent phenomenon brought on largely by American provincialism, heavy-handedness, and disrespect. Missing is any sense that the United States has long been the target of jihadist fanatics who enjoy widespread support in the Muslim world. "My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy," Obama said, although "we sometimes make mistakes" and "have not been perfect," and even though "too often the United States starts by dictating" and fails to use "the language of respect." Such apologetic pandering is inexcusable. For decades, as commentator Charles Krauthammer noted last week, "America did not just respect Muslims, it bled for them." To liberate oppressed Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq, hundreds of thousands of Americans risked and in some cases lost their lives. Respect? Not even the Islamist atrocities of 9/11 provoked American leaders to treat Islam with disdain. "We respect your faith," George W. Bush earnestly told the world's Muslims on Sept. 20, 2001. "Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah." Even more troubling is Obama's seeming cluelessness about US-Muslim history. "The same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago there's no reason why we can't restore that," he said on Al-Arabiya. Well, let's see. Twenty years ago, American hostages were being tortured by their Hezbollah captors in Beirut and hundreds of grief-stricken families were in mourning for their loved ones, murdered by Libyan terrorists as they flew home for Christmas on Pan Am Flight 103. Thirty years ago, the Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran, proclaimed America "the Great Satan," and inspired his acolytes to storm the US embassy and hold scores of Americans hostage. That same year Islamist mobs destroyed the US embassies in Pakistan and Libya, and staged anti-American riots in other countries. Radical Islam's hatred of the United States is not a recent phenomenon, it has nothing to do with "respect," and it isn't going to be extinguished by sweet words not even those of so sweet a speaker as our new president. Sooner or later, Obama must confront an implacable reality: The global jihad, like the Cold War, will end only when our enemies lose their will to fight or when we do. Let us hope he's a quicker study than Jimmy Carter. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, February 19, 2009. |
How is it that the American people honor and respect little Israel for defying the pagan Islamists but, some of our leaders learn to dance to pagan Islamists? Why do our leaders and bureaucrats genuflect to Muslims Arabs even as they show their hatred to America? How did our leaders learn to dance to Muslim Arab oil Sheiks and their demands to undercut Israel? Why must all Americans pay the price put upon us by Big OIl and the elite thugs of Arabia who run and ruin our collapsing economy? Israel is in the process of having completed a democratic vote and now waiting for the corrupt system to subvert that Democracy and twist the results to suit the Leftists in Israel. Behind the scenes American leaders are in backroom conferences with the Left Wing Kadima government, insisting that Livni and Kadima be part of a Unity Government. Why? For some reason there has assembled both within government and influential power brokers' advisors to government self-tasked to fulfill the dreams of Arab Muslim Oil nations which has always been to destroy the Jewish State and the Jewish people. They not only have adopted the Muslim Arab goals but, clearly, they too have a deep personal animus against both the Jewish State and Jews generally. The Arab Muslims have evolved a testicle-driven, macho society that thrives on both their warrior prowess and their next-life status to fulfill the Koranic injunction to subjugate or kill the "infidels" (non-believers in Islam). Israel dared to confront them on both front and beat them in 7 full-out wars, plus continual low-intensity conflict called "Terrorism". This was intolerable to the Muslims, to be beaten by those Jews, whom they considered "lowly and weak". To them this insult to their Pride and their resulting Shame was a challenge to their raison d'etre (reason for being). After Israel was partitioned in 1948, the Arabs issued proclamations which were echoed from the Muezzin and further discussed in the coffee houses that the Jews would now have to be massacred to every man, woman and child. This would be a repeat of the 1929 Massacre that the Muslims perpetrated in four Israeli cities. In Hevron 69 Jews were massacred by their Arab Muslim neighbors while the British looked on, doing nothing. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin Al-Husseini caused these massacres by inciting the Muslims that the Jews were attacking Al Aksa Mosque. Today, the Muslims still issue flowery declarations of war: "We will dance in the blood of the Jews." For them such an attack would be a glorious slaughter and would re-establish their long lost warrior status as achieved in the 12th Century by the Kurd Saladin. They tasted victory and great personal honor along with a chance to meet Allah should they die in battle against the Jewish "infidel". But, victory was denied them. In spite of having been beaten in 7 wars and although well-equipped the Arab Muslim armies in 1948 were defeated when they attacked a small number of ill-trained Jews, many straight from the death camps of Europe. The Arab Muslim defeat was humiliating as they were driven from the field of battle. Their defeat destroyed the myth of their warrior status. The Muslim Arabs perpetrated more wars, intended to eliminate the Jews and they lost those wars. Not being able to tolerate defeat, they invented propaganda stories that it was American troops who defeated them. Finally, they resorted to Terror on a smaller scale. The nations, such as Egypt, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia who were enraged by the defeat of Islam began to fund Terrorists to recover their lost vision of emasculated manhood. When they couldn't succeed with Terror, they enlisted countries in Europe who had aided Hitler's Genocide, knowing they would gladly participate in another Genocide. The one nation that was not expected to adopt the thwarted rage of the Arab Muslim Oil nations was America. There were very hostile anti-Semitism elements at the power level in Washington that were easy to recruit. For instance, the U.S. State Department, who tried mightily to stop the U.N. vote to partition Israel. They were natural subversive allies to the Arab Muslims, particularly those with oil. Much of their Jew Hatred stemmed from its earliest days when Jesuit missionaries were recruited to be representatives in nations where Jesuits had established themselves and used as our diplomats. Eventually, those Jesuit missionaries cycled back to America and deeply influenced the State Department, insuring that Jew-hatred would become endemic within the core. American oil men, through their multi-national oil companies adopted the hatred of the Arabs against the Jewish State simply because it was good business. Soon it became a passion and, like the diplomats of the State Department, they could lobby Congress and the government-elected officials all the way up to the President to do what they could to subvert Israel. This had to be done under cover because the American people supported Israel, especially in its fight against the Muslim nations and their Terrorists. The U.S. government had to show support for Israel at this political level but, not so at a deeper level among the Arabists and anti-Semites. We observed Condoleezza Rice, at the behest of the Bush government and the State Department, do everything possible to establish a hostile State of Palestine under the false rubric of "peace in our time". Peace never came but, that didn't stop the ARabists from subverting Israel in many ways which were hidden from public view. The Jew-haters flocked to this cause, both in America, Europe and even the Left in Israel. Recruiting Leftist Jews was a prime goal because they were the perfect cover. They were "Liberal" and, therefore, acceptable to the Media and government of most countries, including Israel. Thus, the result was Oslo 1 and 2, Wye, Gush Katif/Gaza, et al, with Leftist Jews acting as point men to their own destruction. Now, with the Bush family and his allies seemingly out of the picture, the next team has arrived in the form of President Obama and his hand-picked team of Arabists whose prior recorded history meets the criteria acceptable to Muslims and the hatred the Arab Muslims have for the Jewish State. Hillary is presently in Indonesia, the most populace Muslim State (after Indonesia), massaging their hurt feelings at seeing Israel still alive and well. Their goal is the Arab goal, namely, to re-partition the already minuscule Jewish State into a fragmented splinter, easily attacked, defeated and eliminated. The plan to put another hostile, irresponsible State of Palestinian Muslim Arabs next to and inside of Israel's heartland is the ultimate goal so all of Israel will be exposed to Rockets, Missiles, Mortars and Suicide Martyrs. As one looks around the world, anyone can see that when the Muslims reach a "critical mass" in each of their chosen host countries, Islam, the "peaceful" religion, will not remain peaceful in any country they are in or next to. The Jew-haters of governments yet insist that Israel put into Israel's ancestral heartland, their most dedicated enemies who are driven by radical religious death-cult beliefs. The macho Muslim society truly believes that they must always attack those who are weaker even if they are your own people. We see them attacking all over the planet to establish Global Caliphate of Muslims with all living under Sharia Law (strictest Islam). It is a great embarrassment to America to have U.S. institutions and power brokers in government, assembling and plotting to carry out an execution on behalf of Arab Muslims. They have already seen that, when the Muslims reach "critical mass", they attack their host country as is happening now throughout what has been accurately called Eurabia. America, too, is slowly become a victim to the parasitic action of a Muslim people who follow a pagan, desert god once known as Zin, the Moon god but who is now known as Allah. Clearly, our national immune system is failing as we see our new President Obama, reaching out to debase the American nation as he tries to appease Iran and Syria. Regrettably, America will suffer greatly as it assists in the growth of Islam even as it eats away at our very body. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 19, 2009. |
We're not home free, on any score. But this is how matters stand on some major issues as I return to my computer: It appears that President Peres indeed will select Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu to form the new government. At this point, the entire right wing block (totaling 65 mandates) has chosen him. This now includes Lieberman of Yisrael Beitenu, who had held out to the last minute. Likud has been more than a little put out by Lieberman because of excessive demands. In the end, Lieberman's ability to make those demands was diminished by the fact that it had become clear that there was no way that Livni could form a coalition, as 77 MKs have indicated they wouldn't support Livni. I.e., some not for Netanyahu specifically the Arabs parties, Labor and Meretz were also saying they wouldn't join a Kadima-headed coalition either and were opting to be in the opposition no matter what). Likud did agree in the end to several Lieberman stipulations, such as seeking ways for those who are not halachically Jewish to have civil marriage, toppling Hamas, and reforming the electoral system. But I have not seen anything that stipulates what ministries would go to Yisrael Beitenu if that has been agreed upon at all. ~~~~~~~~~~ Lieberman has indicated he would like to see a broader-based unity government, and reports are that Peres will be calling in Netanyahu and Livni, perhaps even tomorrow, to discuss this. But Livni is adamant that she will not sit in an "right wing extremist" government. Allow me to define "right wing extremist": A government that doesn't want to give away our country. Said Livni: "We need to provide an alternative of hope from the opposition. Kadima will continue to fight for its beliefs and its path an agenda based on two states for two peoples." If I should live to be 120, I would never understand this thinking, because it's so very clear to all those who will open their eyes that there is no partner on the other side. How Kadima members imagine they might pursue this effectively is a mystery. ~~~~~~~~~~ But sometimes, people on the left actually do wake up, at least a little. Yesterday, at a gathering here in Jerusalem of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, President Shimon Peres said: "What will happen in the future, we shall not repeat the wrongs we did in leaving Gaza. It should have been done otherwise. I was for leaving Gaza. I feel myself as one of the persons mistaken." Will wonders never cease? ~~~~~~~~~~ The matters of seeking the release of Gilad Shalit and negotiating a ceasefire with Hamas have taken some interesting turns. The Security Cabinet yesterday voted to keep crossings into Gaza closed, except for humanitarian supplies, until Shalit is returned. And, what is more, the decision was made not to enter into a formal ceasefire with Hamas. According to one official source cited by the Post, "Israel is not interested in any deal with Hamas above and beyond getting Shalit...If there is quiet, we will respond with quiet. But if Hamas acts to destroy the quiet, if it shoots rockets at Israel, or engages in arms smuggling, or in any other aggression, we reserve the right to respond." ~~~~~~~~~~ I only wonder why all of this wasn't stipulated at the start. In many respects this is excellent. We should not be in a position of being restrained by an agreement in terms of how we respond to Hamas. There is a note of great concern, however. And that is the sort of deal that would be made for Shalit with the projected release of terrorists responsible for many Jewish deaths, terrorists who should never, ever again be free. With regard to this, please read "An open letter to the prime minister," by Rabbi Stuart Weiss, who lost his son Ari, a member of Sayeret Nahal anti-terrorist unit, in a battle against Hamas in 2002. "...But now we are on the brink of what I fear will be a catastrophic moment in Israeli and Jewish history. The freeing of hundreds of terrorist murderers in particular, the two Barghouti butchers who, between them, murdered hundreds of pure Jewish souls and perpetrated the terror massacres at Sbarro, Moment Cafe and the Park Hotel will be a terrible blow to law and order in Israel, setting a precedent that will certainly result in many, many more tragedies. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1233304819977&pagename= JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull ~~~~~~~~~~ The decisions described above are causing a bit of commotion. Egypt officials have their noses very much out of joint, as they wanted to successfully conclude cease-fire negotiations. And, amazingly, Amos Gilad, of the Defense Department, who was doing the negotiations with the Egyptians on behalf of Barak, has taken Egypt's side: "I don't understand what they are trying to do. Insult the Egyptians? Some harsh words ensued between Olmert and Gilad, because of Gilad's public criticism of the government's position. ~~~~~~~~~~ There are rumors (stomach-turning rumors that I pray are wrong, but are cited by Khaled Abu Toameh) that we may release Marwan Barghouti as a "gesture" to Abbas, instead of as part of a deal with Hamas to secure Shalit. Remember, Abbas was worried that if Hamas was able to bring Barghouti out of prison, when Fatah never could, it would diminish Fatah. How crazy can things get? The point here is that Barghouti should never be released to anyone. Then we wouldn't have to worry about how his release affects one faction or another. ~~~~~~~~~~ Just days ago I wrote about the naiveté of Obama in thinking a US delegation, by participating in the plans for Durban 2, can change matters. Anne Bayefsky has now written a major piece on this for National Review, called, "Obama Naiveté at the U.N." It is dated February 16. "In a major foreign-policy decision taken over the weekend, President Obama has decided to legitimize the United Nations's 'anti-racism' forum known as Durban II. State Department officials announced in a press release buried on Saturday, that starting today the United States will attend for the first time the preparatory meetings of this controversial U.N. conference... "The searing images of the demonization of America and Jews on the U.N.'s global stage...should have made joining this revived forum for U.N.-driven hate inconceivable. But President Obama seems intent on learning the lessons of history and the relationship between hatemongering and violence the hard way. "The State Department announcement claims that participating in Durban II preparations still leaves open the possibility of refusing to attend the April conference itself. The claim is completely disingenuous...It is the decision to attend at all which represents a huge shift in American principles and priorities. For the past seven and a half years, the United States has boycotted Durban follow-up activities and voted against every Durban-related U.N. resolution. "Moreover, the very objective of Durban II is 'to foster the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action.' This is non-negotiable and cannot be changed by U.S. participation, period. In addition, all U.N. states attending these preparatory sessions have already agreed to 'reaffirm the Durban Declaration.' Since the U.S. walked out of Durban I in disgust (along with Israel) and rejected the Durban I Declaration, joining negotiations now means agreeing to its provisions for the first time. "...In truth, this Obama trip to the U.N. represents an abandonment of Israel. All his campaign promises to the contrary, sacrificing Israel for the sake of currying favor with others demagogues included is clearly at the top of the new president's agenda. Israel asked Obama not to attend. Canada also pulled out of Durban II and expected American support. Instead, today's American foreign policy leaves America's closest ally and its biggest trading partner out in the cold. "The speed at which President Obama is selling off American assets is breathtaking. The speed at which he is selling them out is even faster." Read the entire alarming piece, please. If you still think what Obama is doing is OK, think again! And if you're alarmed, start screaming loud and long, before it is truly too late for America.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by GWY, February 19, 2009. |
This is called "Jewish Picture du Jour" by Ed Stein, and it was published in The Rocky Mountain News, Colorado, January 13, 2009. |
On the sixth day, G~d turned to the angel Gabriel.... "On this day, I shall create a magic land. It shall be called 'Israel'. It will stand as holy. Its magnificence will be known all over the world. I will choose to send to this land special people of goodness, intelligence and conviction, so the land shall prosper. I shall call these inhabitants Jews." "Pardon me, Lord," asked Gabriel, "but aren't you being too generous to these Jews?" "Not really. Wait and see the neighbors I'm giving them." Contact GWY at gwy123@aol.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 19, 2009. |
WILD CHARGE AGAINST ISRAEL The Palestinian Center for Human Rights accuses Israel of having used Arabs as human shields. An IDF unit assembled civilians mostly of military age and held them out of the way and under guard, feeding them and giving them blankets. Leaving the detainees guarded, the unit entered combat. That is not using Arabs as human shields, for they were not put in front of Israeli troops (IMRA, 1/29). The guiltier the Arabs are, the more they accuse Israel of going what Arabs do. SHIPS TO GAZA A ship from Lebanon attempted to bring humanitarian supplies to Gaza, contrary to its stated intentions and to warnings from Israel. The Israeli Navy intercepted it, and searched for arms. None found. On board was former archbishop of Jerusalem, Msgr. Hilarion Capucci, "who was convicted of smuggling guns from Lebanon to Israel in 19785 and spent two years in an Israeli prison. An Al Jazeera reporter accused the crew of assaulting passengers. Israel said the goods would be sent on to Gaza [didn't say by whom or in what carrier]. UNRWA claimed that Israel's blockade chokes off basic humanitarian supplies. He cited as an example that UNRWA teachers had worked during the combat on a new human rights curriculum against extremism, but couldn't get supplies for making books. He also criticized Hamas for letting its police force attack a distribution center and seize the supplies. The Arab League called the ship-boarding "piracy." (Ethan Bronner and Isabel Kershner, NY Times, 2/6, A8). Hamas committed acts of piracy, whereas Israel passed on the humanitarian goods and lets through trucks carrying such supplies. Why didn't UNRWA acknowledge that, add in the smuggling through tunnels, and come up with the difference between estimated needs and supplies. Its condemnation is too general and too political. It doesn't discuss the legality of a standard blockade, not objected to when done by other countries. In this case, it is done to genocidal aggressors. The accusation by Al Jazeera may be as politically motivated and as false as the Arab League's, which hardly merits reporting. Since the Arabs do try to smuggle arms in innocuous cargos, and since a convicted terrorist was aboard, it made particular sense to search that ship. UNRWA shows no understanding of the circumstances of the blockade. What credibility does it have, after letting terrorists control its facilities and its teachers affiliate with Hamas? Do you believe that UNRWA developed a human rights curriculum against extremism or against Israel which it probably mislabels "extremist" rather than Hamas, which is? Why didn't UNRWA give examples from the manuscripts? Humanitarian? Send supplies to Darfur, where people are victims of Arab genocide! JERUSALEM & ISRAELI ELECTION Candidate Livni said that Jerusalem ought not be a campaign topic. She said, "It has national, historical value that needs to be important for every one of us." When should the subject come up, after the election? Why shouldn't voters know where the candidates stand on its status? (IMRA, 1/28). After all, the Arabs maintain that Israeli negotiators offered to divide it again. NATIONAL UNITY BY ISRAELIS, DISUNITY BY REGIME Israeli combat in Gaza was supported by the preponderant majority of Jews in Israel. Some Far Leftists abandoned their dwindling ranks and told off those who remained behind. Those who remain behind have become anti-Zionist. Anti-Zionism has become Nazified, in that Jewish lives mean nothing to them, so they think that Israel must not complain about being attacked. Their antisemitism extends to cheering on the enemy attacking their own country. Prof. Steven Plaut observes, "At my own University of Haifa, left-wing faculty members exploded in a wave of outraged protests when the campus heads decided to fly Israeli flags as a gesture of solidarity with the embattled residents of the Negev towns. The leftists claimed this would be insensitive because it would offend the pro-jihad Arab students who fill the campus." After a brief foray in Gaza, he regime reverted to the failed old policies: ending the invasion prematurely, proposing to release terrorists, and proposing land for peace. The regime did not learn that yielding land brings war. It underestimates the extent and depth of antisemitism. TV showed an Arab mourning the destruction of his house. An Israeli youth exclaimed, then why fire rockets at my house? IMRA reported a recent poll showing that more than half the P.A. Arabs support suicide bombing against Israel. They favor terrorist methods (1/28). Imagine their goals! Holocaust Memorials now substitute for fighting contemporary antisemitism. Europeans are self-righteous commemorators who are helping the Arabs prepare another holocaust. The head of the General Assembly embraced the President of Iran after his antisemitic speech, but was going to preside over the UNO Holocaust memorial, until Israel objected. It was to be his cover for antisemitism. "The resistance to Hitler and his kind," "is getting stronger the more the Third Reich recedes into the past." "Never again" is a shallow slogan, now that vow new genocides occur. Time to end phony memorials (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/28). MITCHELL BETTER ENVOY THAN JEWISH ONES Mitchell is pretty bad for Israel. He thinks that Israel should honor the "spirit" of Oslo [which is whatever he'd like it to mean], while he doesn't insist that the Arabs honor the letter of it. Thus Oslo does not restrict Jewish building in the Territories, but Mitchell wanted them to restrict it in the name of the nebulous "spirit." Sine the Arabs agreed to Oslo without restrictions on Jewish building, it is not an honest argument by Mitchell. If Israel makes other agreements, will it be held to what some foreign claims is the spirit of the agreement, while not holding the Arabs to the actual agreement. But the Jewish officials in the State Dept. profess to take umbrage when someone claims they are imposing too great a risk upon Israel. After all, they, themselves, are Jewish, they would say (Dr. Aaron Lerner, IMRA, 1/29). BLAMING THE MESSENGER, HOUNDING THE INNOCENT MP Wilders told Israelis they are in the front lines defending not territory but civilization. Unfortunately, Israel has to take measures to protect its officers from laymen lawsuits for trumped up war crimes, Wilders has to be in protective custody, and the British House of Lords was intimidated by the threat of Muslim riots to cancel a showing of Wilder's truthful film. Europe is in a state of denial. Muslims and then legal authorities blame the messenger and hound the innocent. British Muslims enter Jewish owned businesses to threaten them [as in Nazi Germany.] US Muslims have urged their followers to harass people entering synagogues. Neo-Nazis and multi-culturalists do not object. The media obscures the identity of the perpetrators of attacks on Jews. Israel offers legal aid to its officer. Lawyers won't help in show trials! Wilder's trial won't be based on evidence, for the case is sham, political, based on fear and appeasement. Israel would be better advised to issue travel advisories against, or break relations with, countries that seeks to persecute Israeli soldiers (Caroline Glick in IMRA, 1/26). SYRIA & THE GOLAN Before Syria was given independence, the Jewish National Fund acquired title to 20,000 acres in the Golan and in nearby Syria. The JNF, however, treats this as a secret, won't show the deed, which would give Israel a stronger hand in dealing with Syria (Barry Chamish, 1/29). Apparently the government pressures JNF not to make its case, which would make the Zionist case stronger. The government wants to cede land to Syria. NOW THAT THE ELECTION IS OVER more During the campaign, Pres. Bush proposed bilateral trade agreements that would help both countries and gain closer relations with Latin American countries. Candidate McCain pointed out their overriding advantages for the US. Democrats opposed the trade agreements for irrelevant ideological reasons. They penalize many countries for such reasons, but criticized Pres. Bush for not working closer with other countries. Now that the election is over, Pres. Obama submitted a bill in the hope it would stimulate the economy. Congress inserted some protectionist trade provisions. The NY Times now is chiding Congress for protectionism, which, in concert with similar measures by other countries, can damage trade and exacerbate recession. Who needs to learn about the danger of protectionism and about not working with other countries? Not Pres. Bush and not Sen. McCain, in those instances. People assume that when the US disagrees with other countries, we must be wrong. Why? Some of the international agreements they propose would be unfair to us. For example, one on the environment lets other countries increase their pollution. One such country is China, with a huge economy and effect, especially as it was expanding fast, before the recession. That was not fair and not that beneficial, but it would have put the US at a disadvantage. Pres. Bush's fault was in not being able to explain that well. In any case, now that the election is over, the Times takes positions that it criticized Bush and McCain for. Hypocrisy. "HARDLINERS & PRAGMATISTS" The NY Times refers to Hamas' foreign and domestic leaders as "hardliners and pragmatists," in discussing whether the US can woo the "pragmatists" away from alliance with Iran. I think that discussion is based on misunderstanding. Apparently the Times reads more into such labels than exists. Hamas leaders in Gaza want to retain power; Hamas leaders in Syria want to make trouble non-stop. That does not make domestic Hamas leaders less dangerous but more so. Those in Syria think they always can face down the West. Those in Gaza see the difficulties, and want to build up power before chancing another and stronger Israeli incursion. Both sets are jihadist. The US cannot win them away from jihad. It didn't even win the PLO away from jihad. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 18, 2009. |
Clintons are back US privately backs Pakistan's 'Sharia law for peace' deal with Taliban (Australia also agrees its a good idea) The US privately backs Pakistan's 'Sharia law for peace' deal with Taliban. American officials have privately backed Pakistan's "Sharia law for peace" deal with Taliban militants in the Swat Valley despite publicly criticising it as a "negative development". |
By Dean Nelson,
The deal, under which Sharia law will be introduced in the Malakhand and Kohistan districts of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province if Taliban militants end their armed campaign in the Swat Valley, has been met with alarm by Nato chiefs and British and American officials. Nato fears the deal would create a new "safe haven" for extremists, said a spokesman on Tuesday night, while a statement from Britain's High Commission in Islamabad said: "Previous peace deals have not provided a comprehensive and long-term solution to Swat's problems. We need to be confident that they will end violence, not create space for further violence." President Barack Obama's special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan voiced the greatest concern about the strength of Taliban militants in Swat as he ended his first visit to the region since taking up his post. "I talked to people from Swat and they were, frankly, quite terrified. Swat has really deeply affected the people of Pakistan, not just in Peshawar but in Lahore and Islamabad," he said, while a Defence Department official described the deal as a "negative development". On Tuesday night however, US officials in Islamabad privately backed the deal as an attempt to drive a wedge between Swat's Taliban, which is focused on its demand for Sharia law, and the al-Qaeda-linked Taliban led by Baitullah Mehsud, the notorious commander who controls much of North and South Waziristan and other tribal areas along the Afghan border. While they expressed fears that the deal might yet be sabotaged by some Swat Taliban militants who support al-Qaeda, they said that if successful, the deal would break up the alliance between the two groups, which has caused alarm throughout Pakistan and in Washington. Of the two Taliban groups, Mehsud's is the most feared he has been accused of masterminding the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and trained Osama bin Laden's son as one of his commanders but it is the alliance with Swat Taliban leader Maulana Fazlullah which alarmed Pakistanis in the country's main metropolitan centres. Swat is less than 100 miles from Islamabad, just a few hours from where Fazlullah's men have bombed girls' schools and murdered opponents and those who have defied its fatwas against "immoral behaviour". They included a popular dancing girl whose body was dumped in the main square of the valley's largest city, Mingora, last month. Fazlullah, who is known as "Maulana Radio" for the illegal FM stations he uses to broadcast his latest fatwas and justify recent Taliban murders, is the son-in-law of Maulana Sufi Muhammad, the leader of Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM), who once led thousands of militants to fight US forces in Afghanistan. Mr Muhammad has negotiated the Sharia law deal with local government officials and was on Tuesday night meeting Maulana Fazlullah to finalise their ceasefire. Some senior Pakistan People's Party leaders have privately condemned the deal as "surrender", but government sources last night said it needed to bring peace to the valley, so that girls could return to school and business return to normal. The valley had a long history of Sharia law, and its introduction was a popular measure among Swat's long-suffering people, they said. American officials in Islamabad said they hoped it would divide Fazlullah's Swat Taliban and his father-in-law's TNSM from Baitullah Mehsud's Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). "The strategy has to be to divide the two groups. The TNSM and Baitullah's TTP found some common cause briefly, but a peace deal will separate them," said one US official, who explained that while Mehsud's TTP is part of the global jihad, Maulana Radio is regarded as more focused on local issues and the campaign for Sharia law. One source suggested it reflected the "smart power" thinking outlined by Hillary Clinton in her Senate confirmation hearing as secretary of state. Mehsud's Taliban on Tuesday night appeared unruffled by the prospect of a peace deal in Swat. "If a true Sharia was enforced, we shall fully support it," said Maulvi Omar, a spokesman, adding that the group backed the involvement of TNSM chief Maulana Sufi Muhammad in any deal. "Pakistan cuts 'dangerous' deal with Taliban"
The Swat Valley, in Pakistan's north-west, was once a popular tourist destination. But for more than a year, Taliban militants and Pakistani forces have been battling it out there. Hundreds of people have been killed and thousands have fled. And despite being greatly outnumbered, the militants have succeeded in gaining control of most of the area, about 160 kilometres north of the capital, Islamabad. In return for a ceasefire, authorities have now agreed to a deal which will allow the introduction of Sharia law in the Malakand region, which includes Swat. It will mean legal appeals can now be heard locally and the chief minister of the North West Frontier Province, Amir Haider Khan, has defended the deal. "This agreement, this is not under pressure because there was a militant movement in Swat, but this is for the whole of Malakand division," he said. "Realising this was something which was badly needed, realising that ... we needed to provide speedy justice and of course, to some extent, justice which can be afforded by the local people." 'Appalling appeasement' But human rights campaigners have described the deal as an appalling concession to terrorists. Iqbal Haider from the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan says it is essentially the Government surrendering to the Taliban. "We are appalled by such an appeasement of extremist and militant forces who are hell-bent upon destroying Pakistan and conquering Pakistan," he said. Christopher Snedden, a senior lecturer in international relations at Deakin University, said the imposition of Sharia law was likely done to placate the Taliban in the short term while the Pakistani Government regroups. "I think it is a dangerous strategy," he said. "It may have lost this battle, but the war is not yet won or lost, and this would be its latest move, I think, while it regathers, because the Pakistan army is a bit stretched." Mr Snedden says the deal also has the potential to strengthen the Taliban's grip in Afghanistan. "The Taliban, apparently, are in control of or have a presence in about 70 per cent of Afghanistan, and this will only give them further impetus to continue to try to improve their presence throughout the rest of Afghanistan," he said. "Secondly, if this area is essentially a no-go area now to mainstream Pakistani army, police and administrators, then that will be a further area for sanctuary for these people." During his visit to Pakistan, Australia's Foreign Minister Stephen Smith gave a cautious response to news of the deal, saying he hoped what had occurred would be a positive development. But Mr Smith pointed out that the result of a similar agreement in the past had not been favourable. EDITOR'S NOTE: Update: Under Obama's watch Pakistan took steps for Sharia Law in 7 states this week. But, that wasn't enough for the Islamists, who have announced they want Islamic rule for the entire world not just in the Swat Region. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Louis René Beres, February 19, 2009. |
Israel has elected a new prime minister. From the start and even before he begins to consider assorted specific issues for negotiation with other governments and organizations he will have to determine whether any form of diplomacy is actually indicated. Although, on the surface, such advice may appear distinctly odd or foolish at best, there will be clear benefits to Israel of proceeding diplomatically only after first cultivating genuine understanding. From the very start, from its imperiled beginnings in May 1948 and indeed, even beforestatehood Israel sought heroically to negotiate with its enemies. Always, always Jerusalem has preferred peace to war. Nonetheless, challenged by relentless and interminable Arab aggressions, diplomacy has almost always failed Israel. Significantly, this lamentable conclusion is pretty much incontestable. So, the new prime minister is now obligated to ask: What real chance is there that, somehow, things might be different? Although ultimately settling upon Operation Cast Lead, a manifestly correct policy choice, previous Prime Minister Olmert, of course, had determined to seek Israel's basic security in diplomacy. Although there was assuredly nothing inherently wrong with such a conciliatory posture, especially as Israel had remained under constant pressure from Washington to negotiate, there was also very good reason for skepticism. From Oslo to the so-called "Road Map," diplomacy over Israel's rights and obligations has always been a determinably asymmetrical process. "Land for nothing!" In essence, this unspoken mantra has been Israel's persistent "marching order" from the "civilized world." Ironically, Israel's principal enemies remain candid. On some things they actually do not lie. On their irremediable intention to annihilate the Jewish state, for example, they are utterly sworn to truth. Israel's new prime minister should listen to them. The key disputing Palestinian factions (Fatah or Hamas, it makes little effective difference) and Iran will never accept anything less than Israel's destruction. This is obvious to anyone who cares to pay attention. They say this every day, either openly or obliquely. Moreover, in a corroborating bit of cartography, every "official" PA or Iranian map of "Palestine" already includes all of Israel. Toward the end of his corrupted and ill-fated regime, then Prime Minister Olmert had released several hundred Palestinian terrorists as a "goodwill gesture." Together with then U.S. President George W. Bush, he had aided Fatah against Hamas with outright transfers of weapons and information. Soon after (surprise, surprise) the American and Israeli guns were turned against Israel. As for Mr. Olmert's graciously extended "goodwill," it only served to elicit the next round of rocket fire. Matters were not helped at all by Washington's corollary support for a Palestinian state, thoroughly misconceived support now extended by new U.S. President Barack Obama. Let Prime Minister Netanyahu take note. Regarding formal diplomacy, the more things change, the more they remain the same. Rooted deeply in Jihadist interpretations of Islam, there is an obvious and enduring inequality of objectives between Israel and its principal enemies. For both Palestinian insurgents and Iran's president, conflict with Israel is always an all or nothing proposition. In this starkly polarizing view of incessant strife between "the world of war" and "the world of Islam," there can be no place for authentic treaties or settlements with the Jewish State, save as a temporary tactical expedient. For Israel, on the other hand, a negotiated peace with its Arab "neighbors" and Iran persists as an elusive but desperate hope. This is true even when the prospect of Islamic reciprocity is plainly preposterous and historically unimaginable. A truly fundamental inequality is evident in all expressions of the Middle East Peace Process. On the Palestinian and Iranian side, Oslo and "Road Map" expectations have never been seen as anything more than a cost-effective method of dismantling Israel. On the Israeli side, these expectations have generally been taken, quite differently, as a presumably indispensable way of averting further war and terror.
ISRAEL'S NEW PRIME MINISTER SHOULD TAKE NOTE: The core problem of Israel's life or death vulnerability lies in the Jewish State's ongoing assumptions on war and peace. While certain of Israel's regional enemies, state and nonstate, believe that any power gains for Israel represent a power loss for them that is, that they coexist with Israel in a condition of pure conflict Israel assumes something else. For Mr. Netanyahu's several immediate predecessors, relations with certain Arab states, the Palestinian Authority/Hamas and Iran were not taken to be pure "zero-sum," but rather a mutual-dependence connection. In this view, conflict is always mixed with cooperation. For no identifiable reason, it would seem, Israel may still believe that certain of its Arab enemies and Iran reject zero-sum assumptions about the strategy of conflict. Israel's enemies, however, do not make such erroneous judgments about conformance with Israeli calculations. These enemies know further, that Israel is wrong in its belief that certain Arab states, Iran and the Palestinians also reject the zero-sum assumption, but they shrewdly pretend otherwise. There has remained, therefore, a dramatic and consequential strategic disparity between Israel and certain of its frontline Islamic enemies. Israel's strategy of conflict has, at least in part, been founded upon multiple theoretical miscalculations and upon an indifference to certain primary and flagrant enemy manipulations. The barbarous policies of Israel's enemies, on the other hand, have been and remain founded (a) upon correct calculations and assumptions; and (b) upon an astute awareness of Israel's strategic naiveté. This means that Israel's new prime minister should now make certain far-reaching changes in the way that Israel conceptualizes the continuum of cooperation and conflict. A "new Israel," ridding itself of injurious wishful thinking, should finally acknowledge the zero-sum calculations of its enemies, and thus begin to acceptthat the constant struggle must still be fought largely at the conflict end of the spectrum. Right now, this means, especially (and somewhat belatedly, in the particular case of Iran) attention to several preemption imperatives. Left unchallenged by its new prime minister, Israel's mistaken assumptions, and the combining of these assumptions with correct premises of its enemies, could undermine Israel's very survival. These still-remediable Israeli errors have had the additional effect of creating an odd "alliance" between Israel and its enemies. This is surely not the sort of coalition that can ever help the Jewish State, but is rather a one-sided and unreciprocated "pact" in which Israel actively and ironically serves its enemies. To be sure, the new prime minister should not become the best ally that Israel's Arab enemies and Iran could hope to have. Instead, he should now seek to serve Israel's long-term survival with real wisdom, supplanting the false assumptions that stem from misguided hopes with correct premises based upon sound reasoning. In the end, it is all about logic. What does this really mean? In the language of formal logic, invalid forms of argument are fallacies. The basic problem with Israel's continuous search for "peace" through negotiated surrenders (Land for nothing!) has been its persistent commission of fallacies. Unlike simple instances of falsity, these particular arguments are especially insidious because they could involve a devastating policy outcome. Distinguishable from singular mistakes, these deviations from correct thinking ensure that all subsequent calculations will also result in error. This means that it is in the very process of strategic thinking, and not in the assessment of particular facts and issues, that Israeli policy changes are now most sorely needed. Mr. Netanyahu, please take heed. Louis René Beres, Professor of International Law at Purdue, was educated at Princeton (Ph.D., 1971). Strategic and Military Affairs columnist for The Jewish Press, he has lectured and published widely in Israel, Europe and the United States on war, terrorism and strategies of conflict. This article appeared today in the Jewish Press
Posted by Steven Plaut, February 18, 2009. |
Well, no sooner do we recover from our bout of laughter over Turkey criticizing Israel for its behavior in Gaza than an even more Orwellistic event takes place. Jordan has decided to file a criminal lawsuit against Israeli officials for alleged war crimes in. German and Arab media have been reporting that Jordanian Parliament members at the behest of their king plan to file a petition to the International Criminal Court in the Hague to prosecute Israeli officials for "war crimes" committed during Operation Cast Lead, fought against the genocidal Hamas terrorists. Israeli Internal Security Minister Dichter reacted: 'No greater hypocrisy than when the country that murdered 10,000 Palestinians deals with international crimes.' So let us put this into perspective. Jordan itself is a pseudo-country sitting on land that properly belongs to the Jews. There is no Jordanian people at all. Jordan is a country composed of Palestinian Arabs with no political rights at all, controlled by a Bedouin ruling elite, which has hegemony over the government and army. Jordan is as much an apartheid regime as any on earth. Official discrimination against non-Bedouin Arabs is state policy. Jews may not own land in Jordan, and tracts of land once legally purchased by Jews have been stolen from them by the Jordanian government. When Jordan controlled the Old City of Jerusalem it destroyed every single Jewish shrine there and used their stones to build latrines. It tore up gravestones from the Mount of Olives, which has been a respected cemetery for 4000 years, and used them also as building materials. Jordan came into existence as a country when the young Winston Churchill quite literally drew its boundaries on the back of an envelope, drawn so as to accommodate two British petroleum pipelines, in land promised to the Jews under the Balfour Declaration. Instead of Wilsonian national self-determination dictating the emergence of countries, pipeline geography did in the case of Jordan. Jordan is one of the few countries on earth still ruled by a king, and not a make-pretend ceremonial one, but rather one whose every whim must be obeyed. Moreover, the previous king of Jordan decided to show his devotion to the human rights of Palestinians by massacring tens of thousands of them in the infamous "Black September" of 1970. No one exactly knows how many Palestinian civilians were massacred by the Jordanian ruling class and army, although Yassir Arafat said it was 25,000. The Palestinian terror group "Black September," which carried out the Munich massacre and other atrocities, named itself in memory of this massacre of Palestinians by the Jordanian army. At the time, hundreds of Palestinian terrorists entered Israel and begged to be allowed to be put in Israeli prisons, rather than be returned to Jordan where they faced certain death. Jordan does not only shoot Palestinians when they ally with Syria and try to topple the Bedouin regime there, as they did in 1970. Palestinian students in Jordan participating in demonstrations against ISRAEL have been mowed down by the Jordanian soldiers. In fact the only country in the Middle East in which students can conduct a spontaneous anti-Israel demonstration against Israel is Israel. Amnesty International and many others speak out against human rights abuses in Jordan. The treatment of women there is about as bad as it gets anywhere and there are many "honor killings" of women. There is no freedom of the press. Torture is routinely used. One of the more ironic matters is the treatment of homosexuals. Jordanian gays, who face violent persecution, often apply for asylum in Israel. Jordan of course has a long history of military aggression. It began with the Jordanian invasion of Western Palestine in 1948, when Jordan attempted to annex all of the territory that the UN had tried to partition into Israel and an Arab Palestinian state. Jordan, not Israel, prevented the creation of that Arab Palestinian state. Jordan illegally invaded and held East Jerusalem, including the Old City, starting in 1948 and lasting for nineteen years. It participated in the military aggressions against Israel in 1967 and 1973. The West Bank was taken from Jordan by Israel the same way that Germany lost Alsace and Lorraine, thanks to its losing its own war of aggression. Jordan's Queen Rania this week issued a call for donations to UNRWA, the agency that funnels money into the Gaza Strip, much of it requisitioned by the Hamas and some of it used for weapons. "We are in very dire need of much more assistance and without which I think UNRWA won't be able to operate," she told a meeting of UNRWA in Amman. Rania, who quite literally has a queen's fortune, evidently donated nothing at all herself, although she earlier claimed to have donated blood to help the Gazans while Israel was attacking the terrorists. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
This article was published in Front Page Magazine
Posted by Mrla, February 18, 2009. |
Dear Ms. Trine Lilleng, You were an unknown Norwegian diplomat till this month. No longer. As first secretary in the Norwegian Embassy in Saudi Arabia, you recently sent out an email on your office account in which you declared: "The grandchildren of Holocaust survivors from World War II are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them by Nazi Germany." Accompanying your text were photos, with an emphasis on children, seeking to juxtapose the Holocaust with the recent Israeli military operation in Gaza. Clearly, you are miscast in your role as a diplomat, all the more so of a nation that has sought to play a mediating role in the Arab-Israeli conflict. In fact, you're desperately in need of some education. Let's begin with your current posting. You've been in Riyadh since 2007. If you're so anguished by human rights violations, perhaps you could have begun by devoting some of your attention and email blasts to what surrounds you. Or were your eyes diplomatically shut? Have you failed to notice the many legal executions, including beheadings, going on in your assigned country? Have you ignored the often abysmal treatment of foreign workers, many from Asia, who also happen to be disproportionately counted among the victims of Saudi capital punishment? Have you neglected the gender apartheid that surrounds you? Did you ever look out of your car to notice that Saudi women are proscribed from driving, and that's hardly the worst of it? Have you checked the skyline of Riyadh or Jeddah lately to count the number of church spires or other non-Muslim houses of worship? Have you bothered to inquire about the fate of homosexuals? Okay, you were AWOL on those issues. Maybe you just didn't want to offend your hosts by speaking the truth, or maybe you're suffering from that diplomatic disease known as "localitis" or "clientitis." But surely a woman like you, with such capacity for empathy for those in far-away places, and especially for children in danger, couldn't remain silent about other human rights transgressions, could she? After all, could an individual so deeply moved by the plight of Palestinians in Gaza remain silent about what a New York Times columnist earlier this month described as "hell on earth" Zimbabwe? Could a person so anguished by the fate of Palestinian children stay mum about a country where a girl's life expectancy at birth is 34, much less than half that of her Norwegian counterpart, and where the health care sector has vaporized, all thanks to the one-man rule of Robert Mugabe? Could such a dedicated humanist possibly avert her eyes from the deadliest conflict since the Second World War, which has killed over five million people, many of them children, in the Congo in the past decade not to mention the documented and widespread use of torture, rape, and arbitrary detention? An observer of such acute sensitivity could hardly hold her tongue while Afghan girls attempting to go to school have been doused with acid by those who wish to deny young women access to education, reminiscent of the five years of Taliban rule, could she? In neighboring Pakistan, where you served in the Norwegian embassy for three years, the beleaguered human rights community must have been fortunate to have such an impassioned voice for all that's wrong in this failing state. Or was that voice, perhaps, on mute? The children of Sderot, the Israeli town near the Gaza border, have been in desperate need of just such a spokesperson as you for the past eight years. After all, their town has been in the crosshairs of literally thousands of missiles and mortars fired from Gaza. Those Israeli children live with all the signs of trauma, knowing that, with only 15 seconds warning, they could be hit at any time in their schools, their parks, or their beds. Yet, during my visit there last week, for some reason, those children and their parents had yet to hear you speak out for them. What a pity! And the children of Iran could use your help as well. According to human rights groups, Iran has no compunction about executing children or those who were children when their crimes were allegedly committed. Oh, and by the way, your compassionate help would also undoubtedly be welcomed by others under the gun in Iran, including women's rights activists, union organizers, student protesters, independent journalists, reformist politicians, and religious minorities. And let's not forget, once again, the children of Israel, who, according to the Iranian president, don't have a right to live. But wait! A Google search about you reveals nothing, not a single word, regarding your views on Zimbabwe, Congo, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sderot, or Iran. Or, for that matter, Burma, Darfur, Syria. Shall I go on? Only Israel, faced with those who wish to destroy it, manages to prompt your impassioned correspondence and righteous indignation. Why? No less, your stunning lack of education extends beyond the contemporary world to 20th century history, specifically the Holocaust. Your invocation of the Holocaust to describe what's taken place in Gaza is, frankly, nothing short of obscene. Your claim that the grandchildren of the survivors are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them goes beyond any norm of decency, much less honesty. Approve or disapprove of the Israeli military operation, but there is no basis whatsoever for such a comparison. When Israel entered Gaza in a war of self-defense in 1967, the population was 360,000. After Israel withdrew totally from Gaza in 2005, it was estimated at 1.4 million. Would that the Jewish population under Nazi rule had quadrupled! When Israel entered Gaza in 1967, life expectancy for women was 46. When it left Gaza, it was 73. Shall we even bother to discuss life expectancy for Jews under Nazi occupation? The Second World War in Europe lasted from September 1, 1939 to May 8, 1945 68 months in all. That means an average monthly extermination rate of nearly 90,000 Jews. Compare that to the total number of victims in Gaza over three weeks roughly guesstimated at more or less 1,000 and recall that the majority were armed fighters committed to Israel's destruction, who used civilians, including children, as human shields, mosques as arms depots, and hospitals as sanctuaries. Believe me, Ms. Lilleng, if the "grandchildren of the Holocaust survivors" had wanted to do exactly what the Nazis did to their grandparents, they would have unleashed their full air, land, and sea power. They would have thrown the Israel Defense Forces' ethical guidelines to the wind, kicked out the UN and Red Cross personnel on the ground, stopped humanitarian transports of food, fuel, and medicine, prevented media reporting, and left absolutely nothing and no one standing. Unless, of course, they needed slave labor, in which case they would have carted off the able-bodied to work in Auschwitz replicas until they dropped. Or material for ghoulish medical experimentation, in which case, in the spirit of Mengele, they would have kept Palestinian twins alive temporarily. But Israel didn't do any of these things. It's a peace-seeking democracy dedicated to the rule of law unlike so many of the countries whose horrific sins you blithely choose to overlook. What are we to make of your selective moral outrage and rank hypocrisy? You ought to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why Israel, and only Israel, makes your blood boil and leads you to speak out, even at the risk of grossly distorting both reality and history. The answer, Ms. Lilleng, should be painfully obvious.
Contact the poster at mrla26@aol.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 18, 2009. |
This was written by Melanie Phillips and it appeared yesterday
in the Spectator
http://www.spectator.co.uk/melaniephillips/3366311/the-durban-demarche.thtml |
I wrote below about the dismaying decision by the Obama administration to participate in the planning of 'Durban 2', the looming repeat of the UN anti-Jew hate-fest masquerading grotesquely as a human rights conference that took place in Durban a few days before 9/11, and whose singling out of Israel for vilification is likely to be exceeded in both the depth and scope of such defamatory incitement by the anti-west, anti-Israel and anti-Jew Declaration being prepared for 'Durban 2' in Geneva in a couple of months' time. By deciding to take part in its planning process in the professed hope that it can mitigate its most obnoxious elements, the American government has bestowed upon it a legitimacy that this intrinsically wicked meeting most certainly does not merit. America's involvement also runs the risk that if they are smart and they are the Iranians and other enemies of the west who are running this UN 'human rights' circus will simply remove one or two of the most egregious canards from the Declaration, thus enabling Obama to grand-stand as a global reformer while doing nothing to stop the UN producing a Declaration which will still be viscerally anti-west, anti-Israel and anti-Jew. At today's London Conference on Combating Antisemitism, which has been highlighting the shocking connection between the misreporting of Israel's military action in Gaza and the global pandemic of Jew-hatred, the Foreign Office minister Lord Malloch-Brown himself a former UN official made a very careful statement about Britain's involvement in this process. Unlike Canada and the Netherlands, Britain is still shamefully 'engaging' with 'Durban 2' on the similarly absurd grounds that it might ameliorate it. Today, Malloch-Brown who said he had been horrified by Durban 1 said that Italy was 'close to withdrawing' and that Britain had come very close to doing so. But Britain was 'not there yet', and would co-ordinate very closely with the Obama administration in trying to get a good deal out of 'Durban 2'. The British government was very clear, he said, that it would be intolerable if one country, Israel, was alone singled out for censure. If Britain did not secure a 'good deal' in the Declaration, it would withdraw. I am told, however, that behind Lord Malloch-Brown's diplomatic phrasing lies fury in Whitehall that the Obama administration has pulled the rug from under Britain's feet. It appears that the British government had finally arrived at a decision not before time to pull out of 'Durban 2' on the grounds that its vile agenda was now incontrovertible. But then the Obama administration announced it was going to get involved; and so Britain, marching as ever in public lockstep with Washington, had no choice but to abandon its walk-out to the dismay in particular, it seems, of the Czechs who were looking for a bit of moral leadership in Europe. I must say that I am a little sceptical that the Brits were really about to pull out, having shown so little spine until now. But maybe they had indeed decided that enough was enough. And now look at why the Americans did this. According to this story in the Middle East Times, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who wanted to boycott the conference, was bounced into participating by Susan Rice, America's ambassador to the UN whose previous claim to fame was her apparent wish to place domestic political considerations above the need to prevent genocide in the Sudan and Samantha Powers, Obama's Israel-loathing guru and now an official at the National Security Council. The paper reports: Israeli Foreign Ministry officials had previously sought to block efforts by senior American administration officials to change Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's decision to boycott the conference. One of these officials included Susan Rice, the new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and Obama's former campaign adviser. Rice is also pushing for the U.S. to join the U.N. Human Rights Council, which is based in Geneva. The body had been boycotted by the U.S., partly because of Washington's view that it is one-sided in its criticism of Israel. Samantha Power, another Obama adviser at the National Security Council, is the other official pushing for American participation in Durban 2. Power participated in the initial Durban conference as the representative of a non-government organization and is known for her strong criticism of Israel. In the past, she expressed support for cutting U.S. military assistance to Israel and transferring the funds as aid to build a Palestinian state. The U.S. will later make a decision on whether to attend the conference in Geneva. I have said before that Obama has effectively made Hillary the prisoner of a range of officials made up almost entirely of new realist appeasers, trans-national progressives and Israel/Jew-haters who have between them appropriated many of the powers of her office, leaving her as little more than a fig-leaf and fall-guy while the Obama administration prosecutes its agenda of flirting with the mortal enemies of the west while hanging Israel out to dry. The decision to engage with 'Durban 2' looks like the first scalping of Hillary. It is a horrible omen. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by American, February 18, 2009. |
Made in Israel CREATIVITY IN ISRAEL Let's see, what we got in the Israel "Palestine' region. You are probably aware of some of Israel's great achievements, not only in amazing efforts of seeking to minimize civilian casualties in anti-terror operations inventing low range precision missiles targeting terrorists only, but in agriculture for example as well, where many countries around the world come to see how this young re-established democracy has managed to advance. Or in medical fields, in which with Israelis' kindness and compassion many poor/less advantaged foreigners (including Arabs, Muslims) enjoy free treatment. Or in technology, two highlights one can point out are instant messaging on AOL, or, Did you know that the first PC was developed in Israel's microsoft?, and yes, that little device that you use so much and so often, cellular telephone was actually developed first in Israel... _____________ INNOVATIVE ISRAEL Good News from Israel... The cell phone was developed in Israel by Motorola-Israel. ...
The USB computer-memory chip, voice mail technology and AOL Instant Messenger ICQ all were invented in Israel. More than 90% of Israeli adults read a ...
Israel @60 : Tech Innovations that Changed the Industry ...May 8, 2008 ... ICQ: I couldn't do my job without instant messaging today. ... of different individuals 'claim' to have invented/pioneered the firewall, ...
A TIME TO SPEAK... Do they know that the cell-phone was invented in Israel? Do they use the Instant Message e-mail program? Do they know that it was invented in Israel? ...
Israel is the Silicon Valley of the Mediterranean « The Real Israel I just heard that Israel invented the cell phone, instant messaging, the firewall, and has the highest number of university degrees per capita in the world ...
Israel's Technology Creates an Investment Goliath Israel, with less than 7 million people, has become a Goliath in the world of technology and medicine. It is third only to America and Canada in the number ...
Amazon.com: Israel in the World: Changing Lives Through Innovation ...This beautifully illustrated book shows some of the important contributions Israel is doing in several areas, from technology to medicine right now. ...
Focus on Israel: Israel's Agriculture in the 21st Century As such,
it is the primary driving force be hind Israel's internationally-acclaimed agricultural achievements. The ARO incorporates seven institutes on its ...
Israel Agricultural Tourism, Israel can't help but be proud of its agricultural achievements, considering its small dimensions, minimal water resources and other challenges. ...
Israel Advances in Medicine Sars, There is virtually no area of medicine to which Israeli devices have not made ... a few of the medical sciences benefiting from advanced Israeli technology. ...
IsraCast: Israeli Medicine Medical Articles. IsraCast is proud to announce a unique ... A new Israeli technology makes use of genetic engineering...
____________ EXTRA EFFORTS IN MINIMIZING CIVILIAN CASUALTIES But we can be grateful that in this war, the IDF with new leaders at its helm ... unprecedented lengths undertaken to minimize non combatant casualties. They pointed to the precision targeting which was far superior to the U.S.and allied ... current crisis which led to over 6500 missiles being launched into Israel. ...
Jan 14, 2009 ... Various Methods Used by the IDF to Diminish Civilian Casualties ... The IDF uses Guided Precision Munitions (GPM) to target terrorist ... and operatives and minimize collateral damage to the civilian population ...
Reuters AlertNet Israel: IDF Operating a Moral War in Gaza? Jan 18, 2009 ... I have no doubt the IDF is a moral army, strict as much as it can with ethical ... how in such different war conditions, it can minimize harm within civilians. ... as well as the moral element of reducing civilian casualties. But just like the introduction of PGMs (Precision Guided Munitions) two ...
Challenge upon Challenge by Victor Davis Hanson on National Review ...And precision weapons allowed us to minimize civilian casualties and avoid the ... best chance of reining in the IDF is not through a cascade of missiles, ...
The precision of IDF operations is impressive... The problem is, the government is telling the IDF to minimize casualties as it loses ...
IDF- Limiting Harm to Civilians SlideBoomVarious Methods Used by the IDF to Diminish Civilian Casualties ... Pinpoint Operations and Precision Striking The IDF uses Guided Precision Munitions ... and operatives and minimize collateral damage to the civilian population...
_________________ HUMANE COMPASSIONATE ISRAEL Israeli doctors treat Palestinian children in 'Saving Children
...Another 350-400 children have undergone free diagnostic testing...
[PDF] Save A Child's Heart Israel Humanitarian Program Helps Rwanda ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat View as HTML The SACH Israel humanitarian medical team visited the King Faisel Hospital in ... as part of its long-standing humanitarian activities that has brought over ... http://www.saveachildsheart.org/sip_storage/FILES/9/939.pdf How Israel coordinates humanitarian supplies for Gaza | JTA ...An office in the Israeli Defense Ministry created after the 1967 Six-Day War is responsible for the coordination of humanitarian activities in the West Bank ...
The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid Rotary Israel's Humanitarian Activities Around The World Rotary Israel assisting people around the world in Turkey, Kosovo, Costa Rica and more. ...
Israel Humanitarian Aid Disaster Response Israeli Flying Aid (IFA) organization was established in 2005 by Gal Lousky, after many years of humanitarian activities and reach experience. ...
Since the outburst of the latest round of violence on September hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians have needed medical care at Hadassah. Hadassah Medical Organization have not experienced any changes in Clientele represented in the emergency rooms or elsewhere. Hadassah employees, Muslim, Christian and Jewish continue to work together in a model of coexistence. Hadssah continues to receive inquiries from American Red Cross about treating Palestinian children from the Westbank and Gaza Strip. If the parents agree to treatement, HMO will arrange for transportation and provide treatement. HMO has collaborated with Arab leaders and institutions in some of the most critical areas for emergency medical relief as is needed in times of conflict.Hadassah has trained many Arab doctors. In the last days emergency services have increased and the conditions under which those services are rendered have intensified. http ://www.hadassah.at/austria-dat/!news-archiv.htm ...to report on Israel's merciful treatment of Palestinian children. Hadassah reports that during the last six months over 40 Palestinian youngsters with severe heart problems were treated at the Hadassah Hospital, Ein Karem, outside Jerusalem, through the Peres Peace Center/Hadassah project. These youngsters would not have had access to free heart surgery otherwise, or anywhere else. It is difficult to escape the irony here: While Israeli children are being blown up in buses, pizzerias, riding a car with their parents, Palestinian children are receiving state-of-the-art medical treatment at a world-renowned Israeli hospital... http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/23631/ edition_id/469/format/html/displaystory.html Israeli doctors continue to treat Palestinian children ISRAEL21c Prior to the Oslo Accord all Palestinian children automatically received free treatment in Israeli hospitals. However, on receiving their autonomy the ...
Israeli Hospital Offers Free Treatment to Young Lebanese ... hospital are said to be children from abroad, including the Palestinian Authority. ...
PA cuts transfer of sick Palestinians to Israeli hospitals ...Feb 16, 2009 ... "We have given such life-and-death treatments free or solicited ... Palestinian patients and the PA are charged Israeli treatment rates not the ... that refers sick 1000 Palestinian children to Israeli hospitals...
Made in "Palestine" CREATIVITY OF THE ARAB "PALESTINIANS" But What about the 'other side', the Arabs [who immigrated to the holy-land mainly in the late 1800s early 1900s and call themselves since the 1960s as] "Palestinians"? You might be surprised to hear that this group of Arab-Muslims have some very mighty original invention, though not in improvement for their own people much less for anybody else, not in "kindness", nor in "compassion", but rather the opposite, the opposite of humane and humanity. "wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge" (Jeremiah 4:22). How to create self victim-hood, at any cost, they will go to great length to make sure that their civilians, preferably their women and kids, die, so they can portray Israel as "bad". These self orchestrated "massacres" are essential in their death cult "culture" of Palestinainism [that (1) glorifies death over life, killing one self if it can bring down an infidel as well, or even just (2) bringing down the image of the non Muslim entity there, AKA Israel, (3) distorts history and (4) incites to genocide] in order to keep the "Palestinian" drama alive, each time so often they "have" to create some atrocities that they can pin on Israel (Iran's Hezbollah thugs have picked up on that very successfully in 2006). Their "original" ideas what to use for terror, range from putting their kids in front machine guns to use of ambulances, UN vehicles, pregnant women, you name it. A European has once told me: '"The Palestinians are the only ones that are the aggressors, yet, manage to play "victim"' so successfully. When not creating 'massacres', the policy of keeping their people in shambles is very strong, robbing aid intended to its poor is nothing but a manifestation of its leadership's routine abuse, so they can have both, the "cake" of appearing on world stage as victim and "eat it too", the billions of course. In fact, self destruction was always their legacy. Fair to say that since racist "Palestinianism" in its core, historically or present is never about "pro" themselves, but (more) about "anti" the other, anti-Israel or anti Jews, the well being of their people is not desired, but the opposite is true. _______________ ISLAMIC PALESTINIANS' "CREATIVITY" FOR EVIL Totally original... What inhumane abuse of humanity have they not yet used for their murderous crimes? The Palestinian use of ambulances and medical materials for terror
The ambulances-for-terrorists scandal ... Palestinian gunmen used the UNRWA emergency vehicle as getaway transportation after ... to using his official U.N. vehicle to bypass security and smuggle arms, explosives, ...
...photo dated May 11, 2004 that shows armed Palestinians jumping
into a UN ambulance.
Hamas operatives use various methods to implement their ideology of jihad and anti-Israel terrorism, including disguising themselves as civilians, even women, in order to avoid detection and carry out their attacks. In September 2007, while conducting operations against the terrorist infrastructure in the Ein Beit Ilma refugee camp in Nablus, Israel security forces discovered a fugitive hiding beneath a bed upon which a pregnant woman lay, objecting to the search. The fugitive, Ahmed Yussuf Aya Abd-el Iz, one of the heads of the Hamas infrastructure in the camp, was arrested. In another incident, an Israeli force arrested Ahmed Yussuf Abd El Abu Shehada, another Hamas operative, who disguised himself in women's clothing in an attempt to dupe IDF forces searching for him. Three other Hamas operatives, Haled Nuri, Yussuf Nadi and Mustafa Nuri, were arrested in the same operation. They admitted during questioning to the planning of attacks against Israeli targets as well as to Mustafa Nuri's desire to commit a suicide attack.
Reut Cohen: UN School Used by Palestinian Terrorists as Weapons ...Jan 6, 2009 ... The IDF issued a statement saying the school grounds were used by terrorists to fire mortar shells at the troops. ...
Gaza Strip mosque used by Palestinian rocket cells targeting Israeli communities; several people ...
IAF bombs Gaza mosque being used as weapons storehouse | The ...Dec
31, 2008 ...officials said that over the last few days, Palestinian militants...
Palestinian missile hits kindergarten; toddler dead
Jerusalem: Stepping up attacks in the Middle East, Palestinian militants fired home-made rockets which landed at a kindergarten in Southern Israel, killing two people, including a three-year-old child... Israel launched two separate missile strikes at metal workshops in Gaza City early today morning saying they were being used by Hamas and other militant groups to make weapons, including home-made rockets.
Weapons Workshops in Refugee Camps The weapons workshops were situated in refugee camps to camouflage their activity. They were set up in the heart of densely populated civilian areas, sometimes in an apartment near a school, or next to a kindergarten, or by a crowded commercial area.
Arab terrorist's wife used boy to hide grenade
Nov 22, 2006 ... On November 8th, at a mosque in Beit Hanoun, Gaza, the Palestinians used about fifty heavily-shrouded women as "human shields" to provide ...
Mar 15, 2008 ... Palestinians Admit Using Human Shields. by Carlos .... "Hamas MP Fathi Hammad: We Used Women and Children as Human Shields. ...
United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Chief John Holmes blasted Hamas Tuesday for its "cynical" use of civilian facilities during recent hostilities in the Gaza Strip.
"The reckless and cynical use of civilian installations by Hamas and indiscriminate firing of rockets against civilian populations are clear violations of international humanitarian law," Holmes told the UN Security Council.
(Jan. 28, 2009)
4 PALESTINIAN TERRORISTS USE WOMAN AND BABY AS HUMAN SHIELD watch! uk.youtube.com Four Palestinian terrorists hid behind a woman and her baby, then when Israeli soldiers approached the woman to offer help, the terrorists emerged and shot dead the Israelis. This story shows how yet again, Palestinians managed to ambush and kill young Israelis, by using a woman and her baby as a HUMAN SHIELD
Hamas threw 'medicine grenades' at IDF
Medicine bottles transferred to the Gaza Strip as humanitarian aid by Israel, were used by Hamas as grenades against IDF troops during Operation Cast Lead
Palestinian Women Asked to Sacrifice Their Children
Exploitation of Israel's humanitarian policies to carry out terrorist activity The buffer zone in the Gaza Strip, in addition to security checks and preventative measures carried out by security forces, present major obstacles for terror organizations attempting to bring terrorists into Israel from Gaza. In recent years, a trend has developed in which Palestinian terror elements have attempted to overcome these obstacles by bringing in terrorists and terror activists through the existing crossing points into Israel, presenting them as sick individuals in need of medical treatment and thus exploiting Israel's humanitarian policy of providing medical treatment to all those in need.
PALESTINIANISM ...Bat Ye'or, who he describes as the world's foremost historian of "dhimmitude" the status of non-Muslim peoples under Islam. He describes Bat Ye'or's forthcoming book Eurabia as applying the theme (dimmitude)to contemporary developments in Europe. Today she previews the theme in the context of Arafat's death: "Arafat's legacy for Europe." Her thesis is that Europe has submitted to "the cult of Palestinianism": Palestinianism condenses jihadist values. It promotes the destruction of Israel, the denial of Hebrew biblical history and hence Christianity. It preaches Islamic replacement theology and the Arabization and Islamization of the Holy Land's biblical archeology. Arafat, its leader, was the bin Laden of a seduced Europe, which applauded his policy of spectacular terrorism. It is Arafat who initiated in 1968 air piracy against Jews, hostage ransoming, suicide bombings, random killings of civilians and the destruction of urban areas as in Lebanon. In short, the current global terror campaign was successfully introduced first by Arafat against Jews and Israelis, as well as Lebanese Christians. The Big Trunk also speaks of Bat Ye'or, who he describes as the world's foremost historian of "dhimmitude" the status of non-Muslim peoples under Islam. He describes Bat Ye'or's forthcoming book Eurabia as applying the theme (dimmitude)to contemporary developments in Europe. Today she previews the theme in the context of Arafat's death: "Arafat's legacy for Europe." Her thesis is that Europe has submitted to "the cult of Palestinianism": Palestinianism condenses jihadist values. It promotes the destruction of Israel, the denial of Hebrew biblical history and hence Christianity. It preaches Islamic replacement theology and the Arabization and Islamization of the Holy Land's biblical archeology. Arafat, its leader, was the bin Laden of a seduced Europe, which applauded his policy of spectacular terrorism. It is Arafat who initiated in 1968 air piracy against Jews, hostage ransoming, suicide bombings, random killings of civilians and the destruction of urban areas as in Lebanon. In short, the current global terror campaign was successfully introduced first by Arafat against Jews and Israelis, as well as Lebanese Christians.
Palestinianism is the new European salvific theology created to help the Arabs destroy Israel, but which in fact is eating away at the roots ...
LEADERSHIP ROBBING ITS POOR PEOPLE Palestinian Authority Corruption With GDP down nearly 70 percent, Palestinians have seen their collective national net worth ... They kill people who they believe have provided the Israeli army with ... out valuable contracts without oversight and create their own monopolies, ... involved in stealing the $160 million Gaza Employees Pension Fund, ...
[Their] corruption: the source of Palestinian suffering... Mar 15, 2001 ...Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) ... Never having to account for the billions he had stolen, ...
Arafat's Billions
Yasser Arafat's Treacherous Legacy By many investigative news accounts, Arafat stole billions of dollars in aid ... The poor Palestinians have been and remain nothing more than useful dupes ...
Mideast Dispatch Archive: Suha Arafat, TVs for the World Cup, and ...Jun 13, 2006 ... With all this Palestinian money squandered and stolen by one of their own, ... world opinion to recover the money Arafat stole from them. ...
...By all accounts Arafat has stolen billions of dollars in aid money meant for ... The poor Palestinians have been and remain nothing more than useful dupes ...
Gaza Crisis: Hamas steal aid as Israel prepares for forthcoming ...The UN has accused Hamas police officers of stealing blankets and food ... Elsewhere on the aid front, the Palestinian Authority has pledged $600m for the ...
Israeli News: Palestinians steal international aid before it ...Palestinians steal aid before it arrives. As Arab countries promised more than $2 billion to finance Gaza reconstruction, Fatah officials quickly registered ...
Palestinian straw firms said aiming to 'steal' Gaza funds | Middle ...Jan 26, 2009 ... The Palestinian Authority on Monday promised to look into claims that a ... the other of stealing aid convoys dispatched to the Gaza Strip.
Hamas seizes UN food aid in Gaza International Herald ...Feb 4, 2009 ... Israeli officials say the incident vindicated their long-standing claims that Hamas routinely confiscates aid meant for needy Gazans. "We have said in the past that we know Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid and donations from international .... UN says Hamas seized Gaza food aid and blankets ...
UNRWA suspends aid to Gaza after Hamas again seizes supplies ...Feb
6, 2009 ... UNRWA informed the IDF on Friday it is suspending
humanitarian aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip after Hamas stole
supplies it had ... Did aid flow to the Palestinian people? Only those who could buy it on the black ... to steal food from the mouths of starving children for their own fundraisers. ..... And a people that will martyr their own children are capable of anything. ... (Call back when you figure out a way to blame Israel for this too.) ...
SELF INFLICTED SELF DESTRUCTIVE Negating the Nakba Narrative May 30, 2008 ... . The self-destructive errors first made in 1947 ...
Nakba Crapka...The Arab nakba was a catastrophe which didn't have to be. Arabs were mainly victims of self-inflicted wounds which occurred due to their own subjugating, ...
Nakba (2006)... the Palestinians celebrated Nakba (the "look at us, ... Since they spend all their time blaming others for their self-inflicted ...
Palestine's Self-Inflicted Wound May 17, 2007 ... The Nakba was indeed a catastrophe, but it was a self-inflicted wound. The Palestinian Nakba was a direct result of the refusal of the ...
Contact American at american1627@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 18, 2009. |
"MITCHELLISMS" Certain politicians become great fools, failures, or fanatics. Their statements are so absurd, as to be a source of amusement. If they have a following, however, as do Shimon Peres, Jimmie Carter, and George Mitchell, their sayings pose danger. Books have been written about Peres' statements. Sen. Mitchell has one, "there is no such thing as a conflict that can't be ended." He means, all conflicts can be ended peacefully and without one side dominating the other. How did he attain adulthood without learning that evil is too entrenched in certain, violent ideologies to enable adherents to end the very basis for those ideologies, which is warfare against other ideologies? No Mitchell is back in the Mideast, where he will try to get Hamas to end its war on Israel. He stated, too, "Israel will never get sustainable security if the Palestinians [sic] don't have a state." To the contrary, since they want to conquer Israel, Israel never will have security if those Arabs do get a state. TURKEY, ISRAEL, & GAZA Sabrina Tavernese and Ethan Bronner headline the Gaza War as having "Strained the Relationship Between Israel and Turkey," "Israel's Closest Ally." By contrast, "Israel's Arab allies stood behind it in the war..." Previously, Turkish PM Erdogan made friendly overtures to Israel, but he walked out of a meeting in protest against Israel's action in Gaza. Israel "views" Hamas as a terrorist group and focuses on its doctrinal commitment to destroy the Zionist state. Erdogan sees Hamas as having begun as a grassroots Islamic movement, "democratically elected against overwhelming odds," like his own party. Israel went into Gaza to stop rocket fire, but Erdogan thinks the incursion disrespects Hamas' democratic election. A Turkish official said that since both sides in the Gaza battle are here to stay, they need to negotiate. Israel no longer considers Erdogan a neutral mediator (NY Times, 2/5, A6). I think that the Times misunderstands the basic issues involved. It perceives issues from the narrow perspective of the Arab-Israel conflict. The broader conflict is jihad against civilization. If the Times acknowledged that threat, it would have to admit that Pres. Bush had the right idea about jihad and that he was wrong not to extend his adversarial position on jihad to the P.A.. Being anti-Zionist, the paper does not want to admit that Israel is in the right about Turkey. Turkey is not as described. The paper falls in with Turkey's exploitation of Western sentiments about democracy to make democracy an excuse to expect Israel not to defend itself against aggression if committed by a democracy. Gaza is no democracy, however its rulers gained office. Nor were they elected to power, which they seized in a coup, nor was the election free, it was a contest between terrorist groups. The danger with Islamist parties is that once elected, they may not relinquish power. The Times fails in its journalistic duty by failing to let readers understand that Erdogan had toned down his Islamism, in order to gain power. Hence friendly overtures to Israel. Now he is imposing the restraints of dictatorship. As has Hamas. Other sources do report all that. Turkey and Israel are not allies. When Turkey faced down Syria, PM Netanyahu made clear Israel would not stand with Turkey. The Turkish Army, which is secularist, buys arms from Israel. There are other ties, but no alliance. Calling some Arab states that welcomed Israel doing their dirty work in Gaza, "allies" of Israel, is asinine. S. Arabia did not stand behind Israel, it just kept silent about Gaza, but still proposes a plan for the destruction of Israel. The Times may deliberately be misleading readers into imagining there is no Arab-Israel conflict, Israel being the underdog, just an "Israeli-Palestinian conflict." The Islamists believe they can win that conflict, not that Israel is permanent! VIOLENT ISLAM IN BRITAIN For years, Britain has defamed Israel. Its media portrayed the Gaza assault as a barbaric attack on innocent civilians. The result is visceral hatred for Israel. Mobs besiege the Israeli Embassy, and rampage through the streets. They throw things at police and engage in the most antisemitic displays. Police indulge the rioters, instead of stopping them. The media, there and here, fail to identify the mobs as Muslim, even though the mobs shout "Allahu akbar" as they repeatedly attack stores that are or were owned by Jews. In Parliament, representatives condemn Israel as if reciting false Arab propaganda, about killing hundreds of children and "disproportionate" combat [they don't know what "disproportionate" means]. They ignored Israel's efforts to minimize civilian casualties and Hamas' holding of its own people as human shield/hostages. Britain helped draft the UNO resolution that made demands of Israel but not of Hamas. It did not acknowledge Israel's right to self-defense. Britain refuses to acknowledge [like many New York liberals I know] that we are facing a global jihad. Britain pretends that each Islamic battleground is separate from the others, instead of part of a general movement. Separate? Britain's Muslims threaten the government with more violence unless the government denounces Israel. The more the government tries to placate its Muslims, the more those Muslims sense official timidity and feel encouraged to press their offensive behavior and demands. Britain acts this way because it is easier to blame the Jews than the Muslim offenders (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/26). ARABS COMMEMORATE THE HOLOCAUST In Bethlehem, hundreds of Arabs did not deny the Holocaust but commemorated it on Holocaust Memorial Day. However, they claim that they are suffering as a result of it and that the Holocaust should not justify Israel's crimes in Gaza. They also take credit for saving Jews during the Holocaust (IMRA, 1/28). Israel did not commit crimes in Gaza. Hamas did. Western Palestinian Arabs suffer because of corrupt and oppressive leadership and because they prefer jihad to living in peace. Some Arabs did protect Jews during the Holocaust, but others advanced the Holocaust. One of the latter was the head of the Palestinian Arabs, the Grand Mufti. He formed two SS divisions to hunt Jews in Europe, and urged Hitler to kill more Jews. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 18, 2009. |
This is from USA Today
PARIS (AP) The lucrative Dubai tournament risks being struck from the women's tennis calendar after the United Arab Emirates refused a visa to Israeli player Shahar Peer, the head of the WTA tour said Monday. Larry Scott said barring entry to Peer could have ramifications beyond tennis because it threatens the principle that sports and politics should not mix. Speaking in a telephone interview, he said the WTA will consider "what types of sanctions are going to be deemed to be appropriate in light of what has happened, including whether or not the tournament has a slot on the calendar next year." Asked if there is a risk that the tournament could be dropped if Peer does not get redress, Scott replied: "You could say that, yes." "There's two things we need to consider: what's the future fate of the Dubai tournament and what sanctions apply and the second thing is how does Shahar get treated fairly, how does her situation get redressed?" Scott, the WTA tour's chairman and CEO, told The Associated Press. In Israel, in a statement to the AP, Peer said: "I am very disappointed that I have been prevented from playing in the Dubai tournament. I think a red line has been crossed here that could harm the purity of the sport and other sports. I have always believed that politics and sports should not be mixed." The UAE rejected Peer's visa request a day before she was to arrive for the $2 million Dubai Tennis Championships, which includes all the top-10 women's players. Peer, 21, ranked 45th, had qualified and was already placed in the woman's draw. She was scheduled to play Monday against 15th-seeded Russian Anna Chakvetadze. Organizers gave Peer no reason for the rejection, but it appeared to be due to anti-Israel sentiments in the Gulf state, particularly after last month's three-week war between Israel and Islamic militants in Gaza. "There are some very important principles at stake here," Scott said. "Sports and politics should not mix and the fundamental principles upon which the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour are founded include open and fair competition to all, regardless of nationality, creed, race, religion, etc. "That's not just a principle that our Tour is founded upon but I think it is the underlying spirit of international sports in general and therefore I think the ramifications of what happened here ripple well beyond tennis." "We will think deeply about this in making our decision on what our final response is," he said. Scott said the WTA decided to continue with the tournament to avoid hurting the other players who are already in Dubai. That decision was taken in consultation with Peer, he said. "She didn't want to see her fellow players harmed the same way she was being harmed," Scott told the AP. He said UAE officials did not give an exact reason why the visa was refused, "but it can really only be related to her nationality and political and security-related issues." Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Steven Plaut, February 18, 2009. |
You will be very disappointed. Those rumors that Sports Illustrated was planning to remove Israeli supermodel Bar Rafaeli from its swimsuit edition and replace her with photos of me in my undershirt are not true. |
"Jewish Self-Hatred for Dummies"
...the heirs of Hasmoneans lay with trembling knees concealed and cowering the sons of the Maccabees ...crammed by scores in all the santuaries of their shame. Chaim Nachman Bialik, The City of Slaughter As what Israelis call the matzav, the "situation," continues to darken and both Jews in general and Israelis in particular confront the growing storm of antisemitism throughout the world, the question must be posed: Why are Jews not all, of course, but a truly disconcerting number so prone to turn against themselves and make common cause with those who, given the chance, would delight in their extermination? Why suppress the core of their identity, their defining essence, and encrust it over with a self-simulacrum that falsifies their nature? As if one could indemnify oneself against oneself. As if, to quote Horace Kallen, one could change one's grandfather. Are they not cowering in "the sanctuaries of their shame" while at the same time strutting at the podium of their adversaries? Have they interiorized the antisemite's evaluation of their presumed unworthiness? Is this the real meaning of "assimilation," the absorption into the plasm of Jewish cultural and intellectual life of a microbial pathogen? Most such Jews, of course, profess not to be anti-Jewish but "only" anti-Zionist, unaware that so facile a distinction puts them squarely in the camp of those who are anti-Jewish and would like nothing better than to see the Jewish community either deprivileged or rendered desolate. These are Jews who have used whatever means at their disposal to attack the very country that was founded to provide them with shelter in adversity, believing instead that Israel is the greatest obstacle to their dream of seamless assimilation. It is Israel, they feel, that stands in the way of their desire for acceptance by provoking the world's undiluted animosity, and it is Israel, therefore, that must be resisted, denounced, contained and defeated. The sequel would then presumably lead to harmony and perfect integration into their host societies. Mired in illusion, they are unaware that History is not on their side. Let us call these perjurious specimens Theobald-Jews. According to the Benedictine monk Thomas of Monmouth in his The Life and Miracles of St. William of Norwich (1173), it was an apostate Jew, a certain Theobald, who, swore that Jews had killed twelve-year old William, a tanner's apprentice, to fulfill their "Passover blood ritual" in the fateful year of 1144 the first recorded such episode in a long line of murderous defamations. As a matter of interest, the paradigm of ritual-murder accusation goes back at least to 40 B.C.E. when, as we read in the Contra Apion of Flavius Josephus, the antisemitic grammarian Apion accused the Jews of Alexandria of slaughtering a Greek man, "lying upon a bed in the temple," for the purposes of ritual cannibalism. "How is it possible," Josephus asks, "that the entrails of one man should be sufficient for so many thousands of Jews to taste, as Apion pretends?" But antisemitic logic has never been especially profound or intelligible. "It is a great shame," Josephus concludes, "for a grammarian not to be able to write a true history." But the shame is shared by many. The blood libel as such, however, seems to be a medieval Christian invention, fostered with the help of those who were, or were once, part of the Jewish community itself. Apostate Jews were at the source of many of the blood libels in the medieval period and, mutatis mutandis, they are still with us today. Witness Italian-Jewish historian Ariel Toaff who, in Bloody Passover: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders, speculates that there might have been some truth to the accusations that the Italian Jews of Trent committed acts of human butchery in 1475 in order to make their passover matzot with the blood of Christian children. In effectively offering their own up to sacrifice, this lurid sept of anti-Zionist Jews are only participating in the latest form the ancient blood libel has taken. We see this metaphorical transfer at work today in Gaza where, from the grotesque standpoint of the Theobald-Jew, Israel is indiscriminately shedding blood to feed its appetite for conquest and spoliation. Indeed, aligning his sense of canting outrage with the greater anti-Zionist polemic, "Theobald" has convinced himself that Israel, as it were, bakes Palestinian blood into its daily diet. If we were only dealing with a mere scattering of Jews who have adopted so invidious a position, the situation would be manageable. But the world is brimming with Theobald-Jews ready to betray their own people to serve what they regard as their advantage, or the need for acceptance, or as an expression of their own self-loathing, and in the process cater to the ammoniac hatred of the current brood of crypto-antisemites posing as anti-Zionists. "These words observe, the words of a converted Jew we reckon to be all the truer," wrote Thomas of Monmouth, "in that we received them as uttered by one who was a converted enemy." In today's world, of course, conversion is no longer necessary; compliance will do. The value of the turncoat is well understood by the anti-Israel organizations which co-opt him or her. A timely example has just been afforded by the pro-boycott, anti-Zionist University and College Union in the U.K., which has created a Facebook page in order to build, according to its spokesman Mike Cushman, an international network of "anti-Zionist Jews to support Palestinian resistance and seed new Jewish anti-Zionist organizing." The apostate Jew, the apikoros or "wicked son," who confers legitimacy on the vengeful campaign against Jewish interests or the state of Israel, is the antisemite's most effective weapon. Even the word "antisemitism" was coined by an apostate, the half-Jew William Marr whose 1879 pamphlet, The Victory of Judaism over Germanism, launched the modern antisemitic movement in the West. An act of psychic displacement has taken hold in the Jewish soul, variously leading it to shrink in self-abasement, to retire into the shell of subdued anonymity, to do everything in its power not to call attention to itself, to suffer indignities quietly, to suspect its own motivations and to accept the scriptures of a demonic inquisition. The culmination of these prodigies of self-denial is the well-attested tendency of the insecure and self-doubting Jewish soul to turn about and attack itself, like an immune system gone awry. Millennia of social and cultural quarantine must have their effect on the sensibility of a people, producing a creature who is always in danger of becoming reflexively disenchanted or of contracting that wasting disease which Ruth Wisse in Jews and Power has called "the veneration of political weakness." Only the strong survive themselves. One thinks of that memorable scene in novelist Paul Scott's Raj series, in which a scorpion, trapped in a ring of fire, coils up with the heat and appears to sting itself with its own lethal tail. Analogously, surrounded by the flames of enmity, misprision and commination, the self-reviling Jew shrivels back upon himself, the autonomic convulsion of an ailing and enervated soul. But he goes even further, anticipating his own demise by self-administering the piqûre de grâce, doing the work of his tormentors as if in agreement with their salvos of defilement and vilification. He may even delude himself into believing that the high conception of justice inherent in the Jewish faith requires him to decry the Zionist enterprise which is its flickering and terrestrial embodiment, if not to renounce that very faith itself. By a bizarre act of metaphysical commutation, the self-despising Jew becomes the antisemite's loyal deputy, assuming liability for the world's mortal caricature of him and willing his own eclipse. It's a kind of solution, after all. David Solway is the award-winning author of over twenty-five books of poetry, criticism, educational theory, and travel. He is a contributor to magazines as varied as the Atlantic, the Sewanee Review, Books in Canada, and the Partisan Review. His most recent book is The Big Lie: On Terror, Antisemitism, and Identity. 2. Following up on the previous post on Jordan, the queen of Jordan has issued a call for donations to UNRWA, which finances the Gazans, including the Hamas, because they are supposedly short of wampum needed for "humanitarian needs." Evidently, the Queen herself, who sits on a queen's fortune, has not donated any money, although claims she donated blood to the Gazans during the recent campaign there against the Hamas. 3. The silence of the feminists over the beheading in Buffalo: From the Wall St Journal
Don't Look NOW Man allegedly beheads wife. Feminists shrug. Last week the National Organization for Women issued a press release on an important topic: The recent arrest of R&B star Chris Brown, who reportedly assaulted and threatened singer Rihanna, preventing her participation in the Grammys, has brought the ever-present issue of violence against women into the public spotlight once again."Everyone is talking about this case because it involves two popular recording artists, but the sad reality is that domestic violence and dating violence happen every day, even among young teens, and the impact is both far-reaching and under-reported," said Gandy.We actually had not heard of Chris Brown or Rihanna, but we're willing to take NOW's word for it that they're popular. Gandy certainly has a point, though: Domestic violence is a big problem, and one that affects not only celebrity-Americans. Just surveying recent news articles, one can find lots of shocking cases involving the less well known. Here's an example from suburban Buffalo, N.Y., reported in the Buffalo News: Orchard Park police are investigating a particularly gruesome killing, the beheading of a woman, after her husband an influential member of the local Muslim community reported her death to police Thursday.Police identified the victim as Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37. Detectives have charged her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, with second-degree murder."He came to the police station at 6:20 p.m. [Thursday] and told us that she was dead," Orchard Park Police Chief Andrew Benz said late this morning. . . ."Obviously, this is the worst form of domestic violence possible," Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita III said today. CNN reported yesterday that police say Mr. Hassan has confessed. NOW's statement on Mrs. Hassan's beheading was short and to the point: The president of the New York state chapter of the National Organization for Women said ....: "This was apparently a terroristic version of honor killing, a murder rooted in cultural notions about women's subordination to men." James Taranto on NOW and domestic violence. There is an irony to this story that goes unremarked by NOW: As the Buffalo News explains, "Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light." The Associated Press reports from Murietta, Calif., on another shocking domestic-violence case: A self-proclaimed polygamist was sentenced Friday to seven consecutive life prison terms for torturing seven of his 19 children, abusing four others and imprisoning two of his three wives.Mansa Musa Muhummed, 55, also was sentenced to additional terms totaling 16 years and eight months by Riverside County Superior Court Judge F. Paul Dickerson III, who said Muhummed's treatment of his family amounted to "a reign of terror over defenseless children." This report from New York's Daily News is appalling too: Mohammed Fagirad, 30, a vice consul at the Afghanistan Consulate, brutalized his wife inside their Flushing home from about 8:30 a.m. Wednesday until nearly midnight, Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said. During the attack, Fagirad bit, slapped, choked and beat the 22-year-old woman with a belt, pushed her down a flight of stairs and sat on her chest, prosecutors said. At one point, prosecutors said, Fagirad threw his wife up against a wall, held her there by the neck and then let her drop to the floor, where he beat her with a belt. Fagirad told police his "wife was a dog and he was going to treat her like a dog," prosecutors said. Here are NOW's statements on the Muhummed and Fagirad cases, in their entirety and edited only for spelling and punctuation: Hey, come to think of it, when Gandy complains that people don't care about domestic violence when it doesn't involve celebrities, she speaks from direct knowledge. 4. The first casualty of war: Truth Feb. 16, 2009
Which is the greater factor in getting consumers of news to believe that "1,300 Palestinians, most of them civilians" were killed during Operation Cast Lead? Intrinsic anti-Israel bias or a high degree of gullibility to manipulative international media coverage? Put another way, do you have to be anti-Israel to believe Palestinian lies, or is Palestinian mendacity so well-constructed, so plausible, and so well disseminated by collaborative media outlets like Al Jazeera that even well-meaning people can't help but believe the worst of Israel? These questions are prompted by some significant reporting in Monday's Jerusalem Post ("Int'l community was duped by Hamas's false civilian death toll figures, IDF claims"). Even well-regarded Palestinian pressure groups have been claiming that Israel killed 895 civilians in the Gaza fighting. Operating on the basis of such "data," coupled with a poisoned wellspring of antipathy against the Jewish state, Mahmoud Abbas has been making the case for indicting Israeli cabinet ministers and military officers for international war crimes. Pro-Palestinian campaigners allege that two-thirds of the Arab fatalities were civilian. The IDF insists that no more than a third of the dead were civilians and not a one was targeted intentionally. So instead of "1,300 killed, most of them civilians," we now have reason to believe, based on the IDF's methodical analysis of 1,200 of the Palestinian fatalities thus far identified by name, that 580 were combatants and 300 non-combatants. Of these 300, two were female suicide bombers, and some others were related to terrorists such as Nizar Rayyan, a top Hamas gunman who insisted that his family join him in the hereafter. "The first casualty when war comes is truth," said US senator Hiram Warren Johnson. Take, for instance, Arab eyewitness accounts of the number killed at the Jabalya UN School on January 6 some 40 dead, maybe 15 of them women and children. The IDF says the actual figure is 12 killed, nine of them Hamas operatives. With time, perhaps, the names and true identities of each and every one of the Gaza dead including the 320 as yet unclassified will be determined. One point is indisputable: Despite the best efforts of both sides, the IDF wound up killing more Palestinians unintentionally than the Palestinians killed Israeli civilians on purpose. This is known as "disproportionality." Israeli officials, given bitter experiences such as Jenin in 2002, when a grossly false narrative of massacre and massed killing was disseminated by Palestinian officials, should have long since internalized the imperative to try to ascertain the number and nature of Palestinian dead in real time. But while the figure "1,300 Palestinians killed, most/many of them civilians" is now embedded in the public consciousness, it is emphatically not too late to try to set the record straight. Atrocity stories are nothing new. The British have been charged with using them to create popular outrage during the Boer War. The allies used them against Germany during World War I which, incidentally, allowed the real Nazi atrocities during WWII to be dismissed long into the Holocaust. Nowadays, it matters what masses of uninformed or ill-informed people far removed from the Arab-Israel conflict think. Dry statistics released so belatedly will win Israel no PR credit in a world of 24/7 satellite news channels and real-time blogging. Nevertheless, the fact that an Israeli narrative is finally out there is significant. Perhaps responsible news outlets will want to reexamine some of their original reporting, along with the assumption that "most" of the dead were non-combatants. Palestinian propaganda is insidious because those being manipulated are oblivious to what is happening. Chaotic images of casualties being hurried to hospitals, gut-wrenching funerals and swaths of shattered buildings create an overarching "reality." Against this, Israel's pleadings that the Palestinians are culpable for the destruction, and that the above images lack context, scarcely resonate. Despite six decades of intransigence and a virtual copyright on airline hijackings and suicide bombings, the Palestinians have created a popular "brand" for themselves by parlaying their self-inflicted victimization into a battering ram against Israel. Disseminators of news should have learned better than to take Palestinian death-toll claims at face value, least of all when sourced directly or indirectly from the Hamas-run government of Gaza.
Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Daniel Mandel, February 18, 2009. |
As hostilities in Gaza wind down for who knows how long, a postmortem on the world's response and its effect on terrorism globally becomes pertinent. The ratio of combatant to civilian deaths in Gaza about 3 to 1 (900 combatants out of an approximate 1,200 fatalities), compares favorably to even less exacting interventions: NATO's 1999 air offensive against Serbia killed 670, of which 500 were civilians, a ratio of about 1 to 3. Few would argue that NATO was reckless or malign in its operations against the Milosevic regime. Nonetheless, much criticism was directed Israel's way on the morally inverted basis that, as Israel was retaliating against incessant Hamas rocket attacks, Israel, rather than Hamas, was responsible for the deaths of civilians among whom Hamas deliberately embedded its forces. That single fact points to the growth of an alarming international development the successful use of civilians as human shields by terror organizations. This tactic has become routine and in terms of public relations successful, because recent years have witnessed indulgence of its practitioners and sharp censure for those confronting them. In 2002, Palestinian terrorists screened themselves with nuns and priests by holing up in Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity to elude Israeli forces which they knew to be loath to enter after them. The terrorists were evacuated after a stand-off and lived to fight another day, while the Israelis received much opprobrium for besieging a church. The Lebanese terror group Hezbollah took the strategy one step further in its 2006 war with Israel by embedding a large proportion of its army in densely populated civilian areas. Bombs and ammunition were stored in mosques, rockets fired from civilian homes, rocket launchers set up beside hospitals, gunmen operated from behind U.N. posts, and so on. Errant Israeli shells that killed civilians in a building brought enormous criticism upon Jerusalem, yet comparatively little for the terrorists who had deliberately chosen this spot to launch missiles into Israel. The effectiveness of this strategy emboldened others to use it. In October 2006, NATO units were involved in urban fighting by Taliban forces holed up in civilian houses in Afghanistan's Panjwayi district. The result was as many as 80 civilians killed and widespread regional criticism for NATO. In November 2007, Hamas introduced a further innovation: the use of willing human shields. When its gunmen were cornered at a mosque in Gaza's Beit Hanoun by Israeli special forces, Hamas used radio to call upon local women to flood the scene of the armed stand-off so as to enable the gunmen to escape, which they did. No government or international organ condemned Hamas for the use of this tactic while apologists applauded it. This scenario was repeated in all particulars only weeks later when an American priest and a nun become voluntary human shields within the house of Mohammed Baroud, leader of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), one of the terror groups firing rockets and shells into Israel from Gaza. Indeed, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni testified, indirectly, to the success of the use of human shields at the time: "We prefer to attack an empty building which is being used to manufacture rockets, even taking into consideration that the terrorists will leave the place." When a nation prefers missing its targets rather than inadvertently hitting civilians, it has lost the ability to defeat terrorists who use human shields. That of course, was always the terrorists' aim to make the specter of civilian losses so terrible that those equipped with a conscience and rule book would give up the fight. Jamila Shanti, who pioneered the successful human shield campaign in Beit Hanoun two years ago said at the time, "We consider it a new kind of resistance, highly successful, one that will serve us well against the Israeli enemy." New it may be; highly successful it certainly has been, until now; and it may indeed serve Hamas and others well enough to enable them to fight another day. But it was unlikely that the Israelis would be permanently deterred from preferring the preservation of Palestinian civilians lives to that of their own. In entering Gaza three weeks ago, Israel sought to alter this malign calculus, using surprise, detailed intelligence and precision to redress the balance, but its success is far from assured since its withdrawal. Guns rule in Gaza, and only their replacement by bigger guns can break Hamas' hold on the population. There is little to suggest that Israel is working to eliminate Hamas as a regime and if it is its outgoing government is not saying so. Three things in combination can defeat the successful use of human shields the elimination as fighting forces of the groups that use it; utter condemnation by foreign governments, international organizations and publics for this practice; and international support for lawful forces opposing the terrorists. One instance in which this rare combination did occur came in July 2007, when Pakistani Islamists took cover inside the Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. They refused to surrender, resulting in the death of 173 people in battle with the Pakistani security forces. However, as those fighting the terrorists were neither Christians nor Jews but themselves Muslim, international Muslim opinion was notably indulgent towards then-Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf and non-Muslim nations followed their lead. In short, where human shields are concerned, the world generally bows to Muslim reflexive anger at non-Muslim forces combating other Muslims, whoever these Muslims might be. As a result, who knows how many more civilians will yet die in future conflicts with conscienceless terrorists because the use of human shields is being shown to be a paying proposition?
Daniel Mandel is a Fellow in History at
Melbourne University and author of H. V. Evatt and the Establishment
of Israel: The Undercover Zionist (Routledge, London, 2004). His blog
can be found on the History News Network.
This article appeared today in the Spectator
Posted by David Meir-Levi, February 18, 2009. |
Re my earlier email about Obama signing an executive order to give $20.3 million to Gaza for refugee relief, Snopes says that that is true, but that there is nothing in the order to have Gazans enter the USA as refugees. That's a relief. However, more bad news keeps cropping up. Charles Krauthammer (see below) critiques Obama for making the same mistakes with Iran that Carter made 30 years ago....mistakes that today will merely allow Iran to play for more time to build its WMDs, and will likely reduce American influence in the middle east. Steven Rosen takes a much rosier view of Obama's middle east team and plans; but he too cautions against obsequiousness and undue forebearance with Iran. It looks more and more like Obama is forgetting Churchill's admonition to Chamberlain's "peace in our time" speech: Appeasement emboldens the aggressor and makes war more likely. This is called "Assessing the Obama Mideast team" and was written by Steven J. Rosen. It appeared in the Jerusalem Post February 12, 2009 and is archived at http://www.meforum.org/article/2064. Rosen was AIPAC's director of executive branch relations for 23 years. He chronicles the new administration on Obama Mideast Monitor, which is hosted at the Middle East Forum website. He is a defendant in the AIPAC case. |
We now have most of the nominees for the key Mideast positions in the Obama White House and the State and Defense departments, including Puneet Talwar and Dan Shapiro at the National Security Council; George Mitchell and his deputy Fred Hof, Dennis Ross, Bill Burns and Jeffrey Feltman at the State Department; Tony Blinken in Vice President Joseph Biden's office; and Michele Flournoy and Sandy Vershbow at Defense. It is possible to make the first assessment of where Barack Obama is going from what we know about these people. The Left is not happy with most of Obama's core Mideast team, with the possible exception of Mitchell. None of the people announced or reliably reported up to now is known to bring a pronounced "Arabist" perspective, nor to be a consistent critic of Israel, nor to be an apologist for Iran, Syria, Hizbullah or Hamas. There is no one with a history of participation in ideological organizations of the Left, as Sandy Berger had with Peace Now before joining the Clinton White House. Semantha Power has been appointed to the NSC's multilateral institutions office, and has a disturbing record of stridently anti-Israel statements, but the position to which she has been appointed does not normally have a great impact on Mideast policy. For those of us who feared that an inexperienced president so enthusiastically embraced by the left wing of the Democratic Party might fill the roster with its favorites, there is scant evidence so far that our worst fears are being realized. Instead, Obama is assembling a team of intelligent centrists with a realistic, pragmatic approach. Many of them have experience in the tough environment of the Middle East, where the use of force is sometimes required. None is starry-eyed and romantic about the Arabs. Many have extensive experience with Israel and some understanding of its strategic position. On the other hand, nowhere on the list so far is there a true hawk either, an Elliot Abrams or a Doug Feith or a John Bolton or a Paul Wolfowitz. Fred Hof is tough on Hizbullah ("Hassan Nasrallah... and his inner circle do what they do first and foremost to defend and project the existence and power of the Islamic Republic of Iran... If [they] come to a violent end in the current crisis you will not find me among the mourners"). Dan Shapiro was one of the authors of the 2003 Syria Accountability Act. And Jeffrey Feltman was admirably outspoken as ambassador to Lebanon. Broadly, it is a team that represents the thinking in the center of the Democratic Party. In a situation of real duress, like an imminent Iranian breakthrough to nuclear weapons, it is not clear who among them will ring the alarm and rally the others to consider measures beyond the ordinary. There could also be a tendency toward magical thinking about the transformative potential of diplomacy. Among those who believe most fervently that George W. Bush missed key diplomatic opportunities and failed to work with allies, there may be a tendency toward undue confidence that the problems in the Middle East will shrink steadily as Obama's new envoys get to work. The Bush administration held more than 28 direct meetings with the Iranians and got poor results, but the Obama team remembers it as a failure to engage. WISHFUL THINKING could be a particular problem on the issue of Iran, because the time remaining to stop its relentless drive for nuclear weapons is so short. The new administration believes it can get more cooperation on Iran from Russia and China, and induce changes in Iranian policy by putting together a package of bigger carrots and bigger sticks. What if Iran exploits America's eagerness for diplomacy, and uses dilatory tactics to "run out the clock" during its final sprint? What if Obama's diplomatic initiative fails, and Iran calls his bluff about nuclear weapons being "unacceptable"? The president said, "I will do everything in my power everything" to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, but will he? If he is faced, in the end, with a stark choice between a nuclear Iran or the use of force, will the president have the strength of will necessary to overcome domestic resistance to the tougher options, including objections at the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Or will he veto, not just the use of American forces, but also Israel's? If the United States capitulates to a nuclear Iran, and tries to fall back on deterrent threats to contain it, will these deterrent threats be credible, the issuer having just accepted something he said repeatedly would be "unacceptable"? There are other issues that may cause stress in the US-Israel relationship. Settlements, always a sore point, take on greater importance when American diplomats believe a diplomatic breakthrough with the Palestinians is achievable. There is little support in Israel today for relinquishing control of the West Bank, given its bitter experience after removing all soldiers and settlers from Gaza. Israelis no longer believe that territorial concessions on their part will bring peace with the Palestinians. Most believe that the real issue blocking "peace" with Hamas and its allies is Israel's existence, not its settlements. With Hamas in firm control of Gaza and growing in strength on the West Bank, it stretches credulity to believe that the Israeli public can be persuaded to entrust its security to agreements signed with Palestinian leaders who can't or won't honor commitments. THE MOOD IN THE US is quite different. The theory among many here is that George Mitchell achieved peace between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, and now can work his magic between the Israelis and the Palestinians, if only Obama is willing to use a little "tough love" with both sides. They want more public criticism of Israel by American officials. Some of the enthusiasts in the "peace camp" are urging Obama to produce an American plan for the solution, one that by their definition would diverge from the terms Israel considers vital to its national interests, lest we are seen as "Israel's lawyer." If Obama takes all this bad advice, it won't bring peace to the Middle East, but it will bring tension between Israel and its most important ally. The "peace camp" is also urging Obama to take a more "even-handed" approach in the Middle East. But the effect of even-handedness is not even. The Arab League has 22 members and a lot of oil; there are 56 Muslim countries in the Islamic Conference; and much of the rest of the world automatically supports Arab positions. Israel depends uniquely on its close relations with one main ally, the United States. When the US is neutral, there is a huge imbalance, and the scale automatically tilts the other way. The new administration may also have a lower tolerance for the civilian casualties and diplomatic stresses that arise when Israel is compelled to take military action in its own defense. Even in quiet times, there is likely to be heartburn about checkpoints and other security measures necessary in the struggle against terror. Obama could cut back on US vetoes to prevent anti-Israel resolutions at the UN Security Council. It is too soon to know whether the new administration will make any of these or other mistakes. We had plenty of reasons to be anxious about George Bush the day he took over, influenced as he was by big oil, the Saudis and some of his father's bad advisers. The fears many of us had about Obama during the campaign as to the people he might appoint to run Mideast policy are not being realized. Maybe the potential mistakes listed above also won't happen. David Meir-Levi is an American-born Israeli, currently living in Palo Alto. His expertise is in Near Eastern studies and the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He is Director of Peace and Education at Israel Peace Initiative (www.ipi-usa.org). Contact him at david_meirlevi@hotmail.com |
Posted by Blue Truthe, February 17, 2009. |
This is Amazing! This is from World Tribune
WASHINGTON President Barack Obama has authorized a Saudi project to supply aerospace systems to Syria, in what was seen as the suspension of U.S. sanctions. Government sources said Obama directed the Commerce Department to approve the export of U.S. components for Syria's fleet of Boeing 747 aircraft. The sources said a Saudi defense company would supply and install the components in the aging Syrian dual-use aircraft. The Commerce Department has not confirmed the approval. Boeing, however, acknowledged that Commerce approved an export license for Syria on Feb. 2. The sources said the approval by Commerce marked a departure from nearly five years of sanctions by the outgoing Bush administration. Under the Syrian Accountability Act, Syria was to be denied all but food and humanitarian supplies from the United States. Bush aides had said Syria used passenger jets to ferry weapons from Iran to Hizbullah in Lebanon, Middle East Newsline reported. "This was an issue that has been on the back-burner for a long time," a government source said. The decision would allow Boeing to overhaul two 747s for the state-owned Syrian Arab Airlines. Boeing has contracted its Saudi-based venture, Alsalam Aircraft Co., to conduct the overhaul. Commerce, however, argued that the repair of the Boeing 747s would prevent air accidents. The sources said the department said this would come within the definition of U.S. humanitarian exports to Damascus. Syria has reported several U.S. measures to improve relations under the Obama administration. On Feb. 15, Syrian ambassador to the United States, Imad Mustafa, said the U.S. Treasury Department approved the transfer of $500,000 to a Syrian charity. Mustafa's announcement came on the eve of the visit by a U.S. Senate delegation to Damascus. The delegation was headed by Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Sen. John Kerry, scheduled to meet President Bashir Assad. Contact Blue Truthe by email bluetruthe@aol.com |
Posted by Avodah, February 17, 2009. |
From editorial@chofetzchaimusa.org. |
Three young Satmar Chassidim, on a promise of a free trip to daven in Lejensk, delivered a package to Japan NOT KNOWING that a seemingly frum man would put their lives in danger by making them the transporters of illegal merchandise. And were caught and imprisoned. Japan punish their prisoners in a most harsh manner. The boys sit in separate, tiny cells, with no beds, no sunlight, no human interaction, no connection to the world for a day, another day of solitude, another 24 hours of loneliness, on and on and on... It's been 11 MONTHS with no end in sight. Yoel Zev ben Mirel Rissa Chava NEED OUR TEFILLOS!! ( Prayers ) Don't forget them! Don't forget about Yossi, the youngest, who was not even eighteen when he arrived in Japan. Alone in his cell, without nary a chair, without enough room to stretch his legs, the thin blanket to sleep on taken away every morning. Yossi, who looks forward desperately to his haircut every 2 weeks so he can see another human being, whose skin is shriveling, whom those involved declare that it's a miracle that he is still sane, who hasn't seen his family in half a year. Yossi, who doesn't know if he has any hope for a future... It is up to us, to Klal Yisrael's tefillos, ( up to the Prayers of the Jewish people ) to save them! NOW is the time to start being more careful in Shmiras Halashon as a Zchus for our suffering brothers. ( This means appropriate speech , for thos unfamiliar with the terms) And don't forget to keep davening for their yeshua every day!!!!!! ( Praying for their rescue) Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Mrla, February 17, 2009. |
This is from the Joshua Pundit website.
![]() Timothy Spall as Fagin: "Never trust the goyim." Gotta check the Cliff notes. I must have missed a few subtle literary points in college when I was taking a Charles Dickens seminar. I missed the spot where Fagin, in Oliver Twist, is wearing a gigoondo yarmulke. Also, blasting right by yours truly alas, never the best of students is the part where Fagin abstains from eating pork chops because they're not kosher. Who knew that Fagin was an observant Jew? And I must have skipped the part where Fagin going all bi-polar talks to himself in fractured Hebrew and intones: "Never trust the goyim." Last night I was flipping through my 150 channels you can get obese watching all the cooking shows when I stumbled on this new adaptation of Oliver Twist. I had no idea I had access to Al Jazeera. It was kind of scary, I mean I know the Arab world with its state controlled TV and film industries is a sewer of Jew-hatred, but this Fagin is pretty darn close to the image of the evil Jew pushed by the Nazi propaganda machine. He's not just the Jew, he's the devil. This Fagin is such a leering, salivating monster that I wouldn't be surprised if, in next week's exciting installment, he molests a few doe-eyed kids then slaughters them so he can use their blood to bake matzo. Believe me, the Blood Libel is alive and well in the Arab world, and fast making headway in oh-so-civilized Europe. Imagine my surprise when the station ID popped up and I learned that this was not Al Jazeera, but PBS. Okay, I really wasn't surprised. And I wasn't surprised that this grotesquely anti-Semitic Oliver Twist is a British production. Most sane people recognize that Britain, in about 25 years, will be ruled by Sharia and cheerily Judenrein. Say hello to the happy-go-lucky 7th century. European Jew-hatred is so common, so darn fashionable that Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist is now part of the arsenal to make Jew-hatred acceptable. Director Coky Giedroyc and writer Sarah Phelps are the chief criminals in this repulsive exercise in sophisticated Jew-hatred. They will, no doubt, argue that they are restoring a fresh perspective to Fagin's Jewishness. This is the corrupt academic language of deconstruction, where "texts" have no real meaning, where all interpretations are equally valid. Naturally, it's a one-way deconstructionist street. You can bet your bottom dollar that no Muslim would ever appear in such a dark light in a BBC production. Because the Islamists would issue a fatwa and Giedroyc and Phelps would be living under 24/7 protection. No doubt, this dynamic Jew-hating duo would hunker down with The Koran and deconstruct it in order to prove that beheading is not terribly sporting. ![]() Question: What Happens When You Leave Islam? Answer is in this video: Valentines Day Al Shabab Style (Beheading) Jawa
Lotsa luck. But it's open season on Jews because, well, what are we going to do but protest in print, be dismissed as right wing nut jobs, or y'know, pushy Jooz. Question: why does PBS exist? Oh right, desperately needed government support for people and by people I mean losers who can't make a living in the business like yours truly. Your tax dollars at work.
Contact the poster at mrla26@aol.com
Posted by LB, February 17, 2009. |
Please distribute this fact sheet. Israel needs a Central Brain to control and coordinate simultaneous activities as the Islamists are so successfully doing. |
Cease-Fire": 7,000 Deadly Hamas Rockets and Mortars fired Threatening 1 million Israeli Civilians since Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza. Hamas fires rockets during Israeli Childrens' Schooltime. The kids have Bomb Shelters on their Playgrounds! Disproportionate: 300 Million Arab Muslims in Arab Countries surround only 5 1/2 million Jews in Israel. Israel Has Obligation To Protect Its Citizens: President Obama said, "I think that's a basic principle of any country is that they've got to protect their citizens." No country would have behaved differently had it been subject to the rocket attacks on civilians faced by Israel. Hamas Endangers Its Own Civilians: Senior Hamas officials hide in hospital basement, while Hamas fires rockets at Israel from UN schools, humanitarian facilities, mosques, booby-trapped civilian private homes then lies about 'civilian' casualties 'caused by Israel'. Hamas Booby-Trapped the Gaza Zoo. Hamas Uses Mosques, schools, private homes as Weapons Storage Facilities. Few Israeli casualties in comparison with the Palestinian death toll: Israel 's first priority is the safety of its citizens shelters, warning systems, Hamas openly brags it uses women and children as human shields while its leaders rush into hiding. Remember World War II more Germans were killed than British and Americans combined, but there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the war was caused by Germany's aggression. Hamas Is A War Crimes "Case Study": Hamas deliberatly targets civilians, attacks from within civilian areas and civilian structures, abuses and misuses humanitarian symbols to launch attacks, publicly incites genocide, attacks civilians, recruits children into armed conflict all of which upgrades Hamas violations to Crimes Against Humanity. Israel Is A Democracy the Only Democracy in the MidEast. Israel is a Multi-Cultural society. In Israel you can see Africans in their native dress, Christians, Muslims, Bahaii, Jews and Non-Jews from many countries. You will not see this multi-culturalism in any of the surrounding arab countries. Hamas Steeps the Most Innocent In A Culture of Death. Hamas Teaches Tots Terror. Hamas TV Promotes Culture of Death for Palestinian Children. Hamas' TV channel perverts children's programming. The death rate for childrens Jew-Hating mascots is stomach-turning all 'killed' by Jews and Israelis. Hamas has a new genocidal mascot on their children's TV show, Pioneers of Tomorrow, replacing Assud the giant Jew-eating rabbit who was killed in Operation Cast Lead Nassur, the Terrorist Teddy Bear 'Judenrein': Hamas wants the entire area 'Judenrein' as did the Nazis. Hamas Prefers War as an Alternative to Progress Amnesty International Accuses: "...Hamas "Responsible for Grave Human Rights Abuses". Hamas is killing and maiming scores of Palestinian opponents and critics in Gaza Strip. "incontrovertible evidence" of abductions, torture and death threats, "scores of others" Shot in the Legs, Kneecaps or Beaten. Who Are These People? Let's not forget that the Palestinians elected the terrorist organization Hamas to govern them. Observers describe the culture in the Gaza Strip as a culture of hate and a breeding ground for terrorism. Videos show Palestinian children training to be terrorists and being used as human shields. Videos Available on YouTube |
Posted by Steven Plaut, February 17, 2009. |
1. Remember how the moonbats could not control their ecstasy when
that Iraqi tossed a show at President Bush? Well, how come not a
single one of the same moonbats has had a single word to say in
support of this heroic Palestinian who threw HIS shoe at a terrorist
and then was arrested by the Palestinian Authority?: And junior is only 15! A Palestinian boy who threw a shoe at the car of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salaam Fayad has been arrested by the PA security forces. The incident, the first of its kind in the West Bank, is seen by Palestinians as an attempt to imitate Iraqi journalist Montadar al-Zeidi, who tossed his shoes at US President George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad. Al-Zeidi has since become a hero of the Arab and Muslim masses. The boy was identified as Saher Ahmed Muhaisen, 15, from the Dehaishe refugee camp near Bethlehem. 2. And ladies, he is now single and available! Or at least that should be the message we all send to the pro-terror "Women in Black," those gyno-terrorists who stand on street corners and demand that Israel be destroyed! I am referring to the news that a gentleman after their own
persuasion is no longer married. He is Muzzammil Hassan, 44, of
Buffalo, New York. He hat been operating a web site and TV channel
devoted to painting Moslems in a positive light, as peace-loving
people. He is available for dating again because he beheaded his wife.
[Editor's Note: See also "Plight of Islamic Women." in this issue.] 3. Open Letter to the Next Prime Minister of Israel about Gilad Shalid Well, there is news that a new mass appeasement and capitulation to get kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit released may be near. Before it is imposed on the country, I sent out this new To: The Next Prime Minister of IsraelFrom: Steven Plaut
Dear Sir or Madam: I have been doing some research into ways in which Gilad Shalit might be released WITHOUT the necessity of releasing hundreds of genocidal terrorists who will immediately return to their murderous activities, and after which scores, if not hundreds, of Jews will be murdered as a direct result of their release. I have found a solution. It is called the Ninth Plague solution. I actually am not the originator of the proposal. It comes from Moses. To remind you, the ninth plague against Egypt and Pharaoh consisted of condemning them to sit in absolute darkness until the time that Pharaoh agreed to let the blokes go free. I think that is what should be done. Gaza should be cut off from all electric power and the Gazans should sit in the dark until our bloke is set free. No terrorists at all should be released to buy his freedom. When the world whines about our cutting off the Gazan power, we can just say we are following Biblical advice. We are also concerned about global warming and the environment and so insist that no power produced with fossil fuels be consumed in Gaza. This of course makes Gaza a more environmentally sustainable society. They can try to power their rockets with wind energy or solar cells. In fact, I think there are other negotiating lessons we can learn from Moses. When Moses was negotiating with Pharaoh, every time the latter said NO, Moses raised his demands. When Pharoah refused to let the menfolk go, Moses demanded the whole population. When Pharoah said NO, Moses added all the farm animals. When Pharoah said No, Moses demanded that Pharaoh himself provide the Israelites with Egyptian farm stock and animals to take with them. We know how it all ended. Now the Hamas has been increasing its demands from Israel, even every time Israel capitulate and says YES. So let's give Moses' technique a try. But first and foremost, let us recreate the Ninth Plague. Let's do it yesterday! Peacefully yours,
Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 17, 2009. |
LIMITS TO MILITARY INTELLIGENCE Israeli military intelligence believed that Hamas would not soon re-initiate hostilities (IMRA, 1/23). A few days later, my list of e-mails informs me, Hamas did. I think it was a mistake to let any Hamas members live. ISRAEL CAVES IN TO EGYPTIAN DEMANDS Egypt denies any arms smuggling into Gaza, yet claims it needs to triple the number of border police to stop arms smuggling. [You figure out the contradiction.] When Israel wanted to show films of the smuggling to Congress, Egypt threatened diplomatic rupture with Israel, if it did. It claims the film is fake. Egypt may claim it needs the troops to check a Hamas break-out from Gaza into Egypt. [That may be true, but if Israel destroyed Hamas and regained control of the border, it would spare Egypt the need for more troops.] Indicating bad faith, Egypt's previous increase in border police turned out to be troops. Israel accepted Egypt's proposed additional police in principle, no details available. Dr. Aaron Lerner considers this agreement a mistake, watering down the treaty that de-militarized the Sinai so Israeli could withdraw from the Sinai without greatly another and fast-moving Egyptian invasion (IMRA, 1/23). "DEMOCRACY," ISRAELI STYLE In 2005, police officers were investigating someone for protesting the expulsion of Jews from Gaza. They knocked on his door, in Rehovot. His wife asked for a search warrant. They had none. They broke down the door. They threatened her with arrest if she kept asking for a warrant. They dragged her husband out in his pajamas. Noticing that a relative was videotaping the arrest, they confiscated the camera. They forgot to turn it off. The family is suing police for illegal break-in, illegal arrest, assault, abuse of authority, illegal confiscation of property, etc.. Police commanders demand for their men immunity from prosecution by virtue of being public servants. [That's what fascist and Communist police claim, too.] The court rejected that claim. The judge criticized the police for their illegal and malicious violations of privacy. The family suggests that police acted against them in retaliation for their having complained against the police the day before, demanding that police return cell phones confiscated in a prior, legal arrest. That time, the suspicion that the family might be involved in arson was found groundless (Arutz-7, 1/23). TRUCE VIOLATIONS & NEGOTIATION Pres. Obama has kept the same incompetent, subversive, wasteful State Dept. and its failed policies of appeasement. He thinks he has discovered the value of negotiation over war. Is he too young to know, didn't read about, and failed to see the futility of negotiation with fanatics that we suffered from during the Hitler, Stalin, and Muslim eras. He, Sec. Clinton, and that State Dept. auxiliary, the NY Times, thought Pres. Obama's conciliatory letter to Iran was an opportunity for Iran to mellow. Religious fanatics who want to conquer and destroy civilization don't mellow and make friends with the "great Satan" because of a friendly letter. Iran may exploit the letter; it is wiser than the sender of it. Negotiations wouldn't be too dangerous for democracies, if they planned the implementation better, had a national discussion before signing anything, and were more willing to admit that negotiation or implementation failed. Unfortunately, politicians make poor deals and then won't admit their mistake. One reason for poor negotiations, aside from lack of realistic goal and definitive measures of compliance, is ambiguity. The Arabs exploit the ambiguity. When the State Dept. cajoles Israel into signing some disadvantageous pact, it later interprets the pact contrary to what the Israelis thought they had achieved. Israel has made many truces with Arabs. The Arabs often break them. Hamas and Fatah do habitually. Violation is what Arafat would have been known for, if the media had been frank about him instead of covering for him so as to bring Israel low. Arab truce violations may multiply from poor wording of the truce. Israel usually goes into a truce without some of the major points determined. Then it finds itself committed to a ceasefire while the State Dept. and UNO deny it major demands that were reasonable and that its military success should have secured. It should have continued fighting until its demands were met. Israel is defeatist (leftist} and too timid to tell off the US and UNO. Another problem with truces is that not all the Arab protagonists agree to them. Hamas agrees, but then it lets Islamic Jihad, which didn't sign it, attack Israel, while Hamas, which controls Gaza, pretends it has clean hands in this. Still another problem arises when none of the Arab protagonists really agrees to a pact. Israel doesn't negotiate directly with Hamas. It doesn't get a signed agreement. Later, Hamas may say it didn't agree to certain points. This shows the great confusion and problem with modern diplomacy. We still haven't learned to differentiate between recognition as approval and recognition as de facto ruler. If we did, we could negotiate with terrorists without approving. In the end, however, the Islamists will break their agreements, because they feel that anything that advances their religious supremacy is honorable. They offer excuses, they distort meanings, they deal in bad faith. HOW REALISTIC ARE PROPOSALS? Israeli Prof. Inbar suggested that Egypt patrol Gaza, and that Jordan control the Judea-Samaria portion of the P.A.. Dr. Aaron Lerner asked what would happen if Egypt or Jordan were taken over by Islamists, and had half an army alongside Israeli cities. Prof. Inbar admitted that his plan would collapse (IMRA, 1/27). Egypt and Jordan did control the Territories until June, 1967. The Territories and the Sinai were the bases for their planned invasion of Israel. In the meantime, they have not grown to love the Jews. TREASON IN ISRAEL Some Israeli campus leftists published on Internet the photographs and names and addresses of senior Israeli officers. The purpose is to identify whom the leftists would like Europeans to prosecute for [non-existent] war crimes and possibly who should be targeted by assassins (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/27). TERRIBLE IF FATAH DID TAKE OVER GAZA Abbas' rule is characterized by warlords and gangsters. Only a small proportion of the P.A. troops are professionals. It would be a tragic mistake for Abbas to take over Gaza, leading to another coup against him. After all, Fatah has no credibility left. Indeed, Abbas is afraid to visit most P.A. cities. Abbas continues to transfer foreign aid to pay the salaries of thousands of his men in Gaza but also to pay the salaries of thousands of Hamas gunmen. The State Dept. favors letting former "strongman" Muhammad Dahlan rule there for the P.A.. He is known for torturing opponents. The CIA knew of his plan to kill some Israelis, but did not stop him. He used foreign aid and smuggling from Egypt to amass a fortune of about $120 million. That smuggler inspired the arrangement for Fatah to monitor the Gaza border. Hamas then knocked over his forces and took over Gaza and the smuggling tunnels. He's a bad bet. But he flatters US officials (IMRA, 1/27). COINCIDENTAL TIMING OF POLICE INVESTIGATIONS Avigdor Lieberman, head of a political party polling about third and expected to help Netanyahu become Prime Minister, is being investigated by police for accepting illegal campaign funds. The police usually investigate supposed right-win politicians just before elections (IMRA, 1/27) to reduce their vote. It's Israel's fascistic corruption. NON-SCHOLARS BOUGHT TO COLLEGE FOR ANTISEMITISM Dalit Baum has a doctorate in math, but never has produced an article in a math journal nor written a math book. American colleges invite her to lecture on her homosexual views and her hatred of her country, Israel. [Other Jew-hating, non-scholars are hired, too.] Baum belongs to ISM, a terrorist auxiliary organization. She organizes homosexuals to claim Israel oppresses them, although Israel tolerates them whereas its Arab enemies execute homosexuals. Hence she never preaches in Arab domains. In the US, she teaches "peace studies," a euphemism for "Marxist indoctrination programs against capitalism, against Western and Israeli self-defense against terrorism, and in favor of terrorist groups." Thus she defines violence by example as Israel building a security fence to keep violent offenders out. Her ISM organization opposes the security fence by force, attacking the troops and construction workers. Her syllabus cites only anti-Israel activists and affords no information about terrorist that harms Israelis. They falsely call Israel an aggressor state, and ignore the many Arab acts of aggression against Israel. She tells students that because corporations build houses for Jews in the Territories, the Jewish presence there is just a moneymaking scheme. The "scholar" then suggests sabotaging the corporations. She encourages Arab "resistance," i.e., terrorism (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/23). THOMAS FRIEDMAN ADDS TO THE CONFUSION Thomas Friedman explains that the P.A. is split between a fundamentalist Hamas and a secular Fatah. He notes tht the western Palestinian have tried various ideologies, but none have delivered statehood or prosperity. Their rising birth rate threatens to drown Israel. Unilateral Israeli pullouts have proved counter-productive and the "two-state solution," unworkable (NY Times, 2/4). All observant Muslims believe in their faith's fundamentals. Both P.A. terrorist groups are Islamist. Fatah is not secular; that is a Western media label. Fatah has made Islam the official religion of the P.A.. It persecutes Christians. Westerners think statehood and prosperity important to the Arabs, or claim they do, as a pretext for demanding Israeli sacrifice. The Muslim Arabs, however, put religion first. Jihad is important to them. Prosperity is less important, but whatever their ideology, their rulers steal and keep them poor. The Arab birth rate is not rising but fallen greatly. He's right about failed solutions, so try Zionism! Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Beth Gilinsky, February 17, 2009. |
ACTION ALERT Note that President Barak Hussein Obama is now connecting the Palestinian Arabs to a Biblical relationship with the land of Israel. This is of enormous concern. Beth Gilinsky
This was written by Aaron Klein and it appeared yesterday in World Net Daily
Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief, is known for his regular interviews with Mideast terror leaders and his popular segments on America's top radio programs. His newly released book is Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal their Global Plans to a Jew! |
JERUSALEM The Obama administration has pledged to the Palestinian Authority it will closely monitor Jewish construction in the West Bank and will protest any new housing developments in the biblical territory, a top PA negotiator told WND. "They told us the White House will watch for any Jewish construction," said the PA negotiator, speaking on condition of anonymity. "Obama knows that if [Likud Chairman Benjamin] Netanyahu is the next prime minister, he will try to expand the settlements. They pledged to us this will be strongly protested," the negotiator said. Although Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni's Kadima party captured one more seat than Likud in last week's elections, Netanyahu is considered most likely to form the next government, since he is reportedly able to forge the most stable coalition with other parties in the 120-seat Knesset. Earlier this month, WND quoted top PA officials stating they received a guarantee from Obama's administration that understandings reached with Israel during U.S.-backed negotiations while President Bush was in office would be utilized as starting points for current and future talks with the Jewish state. The PA officials said they were enthusiastic about the new tone of the White House and about recent meetings with Obama's Mideast envoy, former Democratic Sen. George Mitchell. They said they believe that under Obama the Palestinians can extract from Israel concessions reaching "much further" than during talks held under the previous administration. "Regarding all understandings achieved between the parties, the Obama administration told us they will give guarantees to carry them out," said a top PA official. "With Obama, the number of settlers to be removed from the West Bank will much be more important than 60,000," said the PA official, referring to previous negotiations in which Israel expressed a willingness to withdraw from up to 94 percent of the West Bank and move about 60,000 settlers into central settlement blocks closer to Jerusalem. WND reported exclusively in November that then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice collected notes and documents from Israeli and Palestinian negotiating teams to ensure the incoming U.S. administration would not need to start negotiations from scratch. PA sources said Rice's notes are being used by Obama's team as the starting points for new Israeli-Palestinian talks. Documents noting agreements during previous Israeli-Palestinian negotiations have been used in subsequent talks, sometimes as starting points. According to both Israeli and PA sources, American officials took detailed notes of talks at U.S.-brokered negotiations at Camp David in 2000 and then used points of agreement on key issues, such as borders, during recent rounds of intense Israeli-Palestinian talks. Israeli and PA sources said Rice's notes document agreements that would seek an eventual major West Bank withdrawal and would grant the PA permission to open official institutions in Jerusalem. A top source said the PA requested that the Obama administration threaten sanctions against Israel for any new Jewish construction in the West Bank. The source told WND that Obama is said to favor Israel withdrawing from nearly the entire West Bank. Israel recaptured the West Bank in the 1967 Six Day War. The territory, in which about 200,000 Jews live, is tied to Judaism throughout the Torah and is often referred to as the biblical heartland of Israel. The book of Genesis says Abraham entered Israel at the West Bank city of Shechem (Nablus) and received God's promise of land for his offspring. He was later buried with the rest of the biblical patriarchs and matriarchs, except for Rachel, in Hebron's Tomb of the Patriarchs. The West Bank's Hebron was site of the first Jewish capital. The nearby West Bank town of Beit El anciently called Bethel, meaning "house of God" is where Scripture says the patriarch Jacob slept on a stone pillow and dreamed of angels ascending and descending a stairway to heaven. In the dream, God spoke directly to Jacob and reaffirmed the promise of territory. Earlier, God had promised the land of Israel to Abraham at Beit El. In Exodus, the holy tabernacle rested just north of Beit El in Shiloh, believed to be the first area the ancient Israelites settled after fleeing Egypt. Contact Beth Gilinsky at actionalliance1@yahoo.com |
Posted by Hillel Fendel, February 16, 2009. |
![]() A year later: The baby son of the hero who killed the perpetrator of the Merkaz HaRav slaughter was ritually circumcised on Monday by the father of one of the victims at the very site where the murders occurred. A video was filmed by Arutz Sheva Hebrew's Chezki Ezra and is
available at ![]() Yitzchak Dadon, 41, is the father of the new baby, and the ritual mohel [circumciser] was Rabbi Tzemach Hirschfeld, whose son Yonadav Chaim, 19, was among the eight victims. Dadon, who studies in the yeshiva in the evenings, was the first to shoot the terrorist, and was helped out by another former student of the yeshiva, former paratrooper David Shapira. The poignancy of the convergence of factors just a week before the first anniversary of the slaughter, the same location, and the main participants was not lost on the many dozens of people who crowded into the Merkaz HaRav library where the eight young students were gunned down over their books. The sandak the man granted the high honor of holding the baby during the circumcision was Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Israel's Chief Sephardic Rabbi. Emotions ran high as Rabbi Aryeh Stern head of the Halakhah Brurah [Elucidated Jewish La Institute, located two floors below the main study hall in Merkaz HaRav recited this prayer over the baby: "May his name in Israel be called Elkanah ben [son o Rabbi Yitzchak. May the father rejoice in his offspring, and may the woman delight in the fruit of her womb... And I [G will say:" at which point, the congregation joined in, reciting aloud and with great feeling, "With your blood you shall live, with your blood you shall live." Rabbi Hirschfeld appeared happy and calm after the festive and dramatic occasion, and said, "Yes, this is definitely the closing of a circle. But it's not the first time; I also circumcised the son of Dudi Shapira, who also took part in killing the terrorist. But here, of course, it is even more poignant, given the timing and the location..." "As we say at the brit," he continued, "and also at the Passover seder, 'With your blood you shall live' the blood that was spilled here is not the end of the story; there is life after death. Life goes on, babies are born, and thank G-d I deal with this, I am always involved with people who have just had babies, and life continues." Rabbi Hirschfeld shied away from calling today's event as a type of revenge: "It's true that our grandparents said that every baby born is a revenge against Hitler, but I don't live with that sensation. I could say it is a victory of sorts. We're not giving up, we have babies; I too had grandchildren this year..." Eight Torah Scrolls, and More Next Tuesday, Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav and the adjoining Yeshiva LaTze'irim High School where seven of the victims studied will host a special memorial. The final letters of eight new Torah scrolls will be written, and the scrolls will be brought into the study hall amidst singing and dancing. Each of the families will then receive one scroll, all donated by a man who prefers to remain anonymous. The memorial occasion will also be marked by the worldwide conclusion of the study of the 2,700-page Babylonian Talmud, sponsored by B'lev Echad (With One Heart) and Merkaz HaRav. Over the course of this past year, those who wished to study a two-sided page, or several of them, in memory of the slain students, signed up via an internet site designated for the purpose, specifying the pages they planned to study. The entire Talmud was completed more than three times in this manner, and the festive conclusion ceremony will be featured at next Tuesday's memorial, in the presence of Torah scholars from around Israel.
Hillel Fendel is Senior News Editor for Arutz-Sheva (www.Israel National News.com).
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 16, 2009. |
This will be my last posting until Thursday. We can call it a brief respite, which is not a bad thing. The rumors regarding the outcome of the election are flying fast and furious. I do not consider it productive to repeat them all here. ~~~~~~~~~~ Although the results of the tally of the votes of soldiers, diplomats, etc. had been informally announced days ago, it is only on Wednesday that they will be formally recorded. And only after that will President Peres start meeting with heads of all the parties to determine whom they recommend to form the next government. Peres, who promised today to play it straight, won't announce his decision for at least another couple of days after that. ~~~~~~~~~~ The betting is still on Netanyahu as prime minister. The parameters and possibilities we're looking at are these:
~~~~~~~~~~ PM Olmert announced yesterday that in acknowledgement of "new political realities," he would be discussing any major moves of the government with Netanyahu from this point on. That's a considerable nod. Olmert's dislike of Livni seems to me so visceral that it's actually not hard to imagine his not being upset that she is not likely to be the head of government. Olmert says he hopes a new government forms quickly. That means a Netanyahu government. ~~~~~~~~~~ Since the end of the fighting in Gaza, the IDF Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA) has been documenting information on the Palestinian fatalities during the fighting. The CLA now has a list of names, ID numbers, occupation/affiliation and circumstances of death for some 1,200 of the 1,338 Palestinians killed in the course of Operation Cast Lead. And no surprise! the data compiled puts the lie to the Hamas charge that most of those we killed were civilians. In point of fact, just the opposite is true. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights had reported that 895 Gaza civilians were killed in the fighting, amounting to more than two-thirds of the fatalities. The IDF now puts the civilian death toll at no higher than a third of the total. In some instances, women who were classified as civilians were, in fact, terrorists in two cases they tried to blow themselves up adjacent to IDF soldiers. Some listed as medics by the Palestinians were also terrorists. The incident that is most glaring in terms of its contradiction of Palestinian claims is this: There was a charge that, on January 6, in the course of an incident at a school in the UNRWA refugee camp of Jabaliya, we killed 42 Palestinians, many of these women and children who were hiding in the school. The CLA, having completed its investigation, is now able to definitively report that our troops did not shoot at the school at all, but rather returned fire against Hamas gunmen outside the school. There were 12 fatalities, and nine of these were Hamas gunmen, not civilians. Says Col. Moshe Levi, head of the CLA, of this incident: "...we could see from our surveillance that only a few stretchers were brought in to evacuate people." The frustration here is that because the CLA insists on securing accurate information before releasing data, the damage has already been done and the world believes the lies. The IDF is considering setting up a response team to operate in future conflicts, gathering information on the scene to immediately combat these lies. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mahmoud Abbas, in Russia for meetings, has declared that he won't "start from scratch" in holding negotiations with a new Israeli government. This, he has declared, would be out of the question. What is more, "If the settlements don't stop, all negotiations will be futile and useless." He full well knows the negotiations are useless in any event, but is seeking to put the onus on us. The talk is that Russia will be holding a summit on Middle East negotiations later this year. ~~~~~~~~~~ Arab nations have promised $1.5 billion to reconstruct Gaza, but the details are extremely fuzzy as there is no unified mechanism for overseeing this reconstruction. There is, rather, enormous PA-Hamas tension with regard to who has control. ~~~~~~~~~~ I share here an article in the Post by Esther Pollard, wife of Jonathan Pollard. For those still perhaps unclear on the details of the case, what she outlines is significant: "My husband, Jonathan Pollard, was never accused, indicted or convicted of treason in a court of law. However, Jonathan has been repeatedly defamed in the media, falsely accused of treason and wrongly branded a 'traitor' by those who, incredibly, claim to have no hostile agenda... Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Ted Belman, February 16, 2009. |
Jewish groups pulling back from campaign against UNWRA-does not want to upset new administration This was written by Nathan Guttman |
American Jewish Leaders Ease Up Campaign Against UN Groups Seeking To Avoid Conflict With the Obama Administration Over Palestinian Aid National Jewish leaders have pulled back on their long-standing campaign against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which provides humanitarian services for Palestinian refugees an early sign of caution in confronting a new administration, and of Congress's determination reshape the country's stance toward the U.N. more favorably. The Jewish leaders' push to reform UNWRA was once seen as a key component of their Middle East lobbying agenda. But last month, a congressional resolution calling for reforming the agency though toned down from previous years received a lukewarm welcome from Jewish organizations. The administration, meanwhile, has sent out clear signals that it is supporting the agency, and that it views it as the central channel for providing aid to Palestinians. Last month, UNRWA received a $13.5 million cash boost from the Obama administration in order to help Gaza refugees rebuild after the devastation left by Operation Cast Lead, Israel's recent military onslaught in Gaza. More recently, UNWRA's humanitarian efforts in Gaza came to a brief halt for reasons that seemed to undercut, at least partially, the Jewish establishment's claim that the agency condones extremism. On February 6, UNRWA announced that it was suspending its Gaza work because Hamas the Islamist group that rules the district and opposes Israel's very existence had seized 10 truckloads of aid that were to be distributed by the aid agency. The aid work was resumed February 9, after Hamas returned the stolen supplies. The agency and its practices in the West Bank and Gaza have been a subject of continuous criticism in the Jewish community, which had widely supported In the past, AIPAC hosted a presentation on the issue and supported efforts to take the debate over UNRWA'S work to Capitol Hill. This year, a congressional proposal on the issue is taking a more moderate approach, yet the community remains wary.previous legislative efforts to curb UNRWA's actions and enforce stricter scrutiny on its operations. On January 28, New Jersey Democrat Steven Rothman introduced a nonbinding resolution calling for better accountability in UNRWA and ensuring that the agency does not serve terrorists either as employees or beneficiaries. As of February 10, the resolution had 11 co-sponsors, a relatively small number. The resolution calls on the secretary of state to ensure that American funding for UNRWA does not pay salaries for terrorists. It stops short of threatening to halt American funding for the agency. A recent study of UNRWA that is sponsored by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank generally perceived as sympathetic to Israel, found no evidence of direct involvement of employees in terrorist activity, but it criticized its screening process for such people. In 2006, Illinois Republican Mark Kirk introduced similar legislation that not only used much harsher language, but also attempted to condition American support to UNRWA on an annual report that would examine the group's work. That bill had 20 co-sponsors, but it did not make it to a vote on the House floor. The current, more moderate approach reflects a change in attitude toward the organization in Washington. Indeed, a January 28 letter, signed by more than 60 members, urged Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to provide post-conflict emergency funds for Gaza via UNRWA. The letter came after meetings held on Capitol Hill with Israeli human rights groups and with John Ging, director of UNRWA's Gaza operation. The Obama administration's decision to grant $13.5 million to UNWRA also influenced the agency's critics in Congress and among Jewish groups to move more cautiously. In a January 30 conference call with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Rothman acknowledged, according to participants, that the time is not ripe for threatening to cut aid to UNRWA altogether, since members of Congress feel there are already "too many hurdles" that limit aid to Palestinians. The Presidents Conference did not issue an official endorsement of the resolution. Still, a letter from Rothman's office that circulated in the House, seeking support for the resolution, stressed, "This measure is endorsed by AIPAC and ZOA," referring to the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee and to the hawkish Zionist Organization of America. But according to a congressional staff member, AIPAC's lobbyists "are not very active on this." The staffer said he had not seen "any kind of pressure" from AIPAC to co-sponsor or approve the resolution. The ZOA's national president, Morton Klein, said he understood the political constraints and that he supported "a moderate language" compared with that of past years. "Politics is the art of compromise," said Klein, who speculated that the Jewish groups are trying to avoid a conflict with the administration over this issue. Nevertheless, the detailed report on UNWRA that was published last month by James Lindsay, general counsel of the group from 2000 to 2007, showed that debate is far from dead. Lindsay, who wrote the paper as a fellow at the Washington Institute, blasted UNRWA's practices and questioned the scope of its operations. The 67-page report revisits some of the issues that have been the focal point of American criticism of UNRWA. Most significant is the claim that UNRWA's employment practices do not effectively screen members of terror groups. Lindsay found claims of prevalent terror activity conducted by local UNRWA employees to be inaccurate, but argued, "[T]he agency makes no effort to discourage supporters or members of Hamas from joining its staff." The report further claimed that UNRWA did not conduct proper pre-employment security checks. Christopher Gunness, UNRWA's spokesman in Jerusalem, said Lindsay's report "misrepresents" the group's work with Palestinian refugees. Gunness pointed to UNWRA's practice of checking each applicant's name against a U.N.-issued list of terror activists, and of requiring a signed affidavit from each employee to ensure that he or she has no affiliation with a terror group. UNRWA began operating in 1950, with a mandate to provide relief to Palestinian refugees who were displaced following the 1948 war that accompanied Israel's establishment as an independent state. The initial number of Palestinians treated by UNRWA was fewer than 1 million, but with the arrival of succeeding generations of Palestinians, this has ballooned over the years to 4.6 million. And the scope of the agency's work, which was providing humanitarian aid, broadened, to UNRWA becoming the major supplier of education, health care, development and micro-financing for Palestinian refugees. Lindsay's report argues that instead of expanding, UNRWA should be seeking to end its own mission. "There should be a gradual and orderly transfer of responsibilities to the local authorities," Lindsay told the Forward. "Eventually, UNRWA needs to work itself out of its job." He added that the process should start with Jordan, where Palestinian refugees have full citizenship. Lindsay debated his report at the Washington Institute with a senior UNRWA official during a February 3 public dialogue that at times became testy. "When I finished reading the paper," said Andrew Whitley, director of UNRWA's representation office, at the presentation, "I came to an unhappy reminder of the ladies of Place Pigalle in Paris." This was a reference to the prostitutes known to work the Paris neighborhood. Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer and editor of the IsraPundit.com website, an activist pro-Israel website. Contact him at tedbel@rogers.com |
Posted by Sultan Knish, February 16, 2009. |
The United States of America is a unique entity because it remains the ultimate global embodiment of that intersection of politics and economics that makes for a free market democracy, a system based around individual freedoms rather than collective obligations. That also is why America remains the ultimate target. America is not the only free market democracy in the world, but it is the largest, and its insistence that its way of life is reproducible by other nations makes it a threat. And while other nations may experience economic booms, as recent events demonstrate, the rest of the global economy is very much dependent on the American economy. Subsidiary nations such as China or the UAE or for that matter Russia, have experienced parasitic economic booms that came from supplying products to America and Europe. When the American and European economies suffered setbacks, their crumbled. This should be a reminder that Lenin's quote "the capitalists will sell us the very rope that we will hang them with", is now more relevant than ever. The countries that pose the greatest threat to us, are also economically intertwined with us. Our dollars represent their prosperity. ![]() This has shifted the nature of the war away from military campaigns, and toward political ones. The dictatorships of the world have long realized that they cannot defeat first world countries in all out wars, even when they have overwhelming numbers on their side. The Israeli-Arab wars were an extensive and extremely expensive laboratory experiment by the great powers that demonstrated just that. Nor were they the only such example. Korea and Nambia are just two of the more obvious examples. The Russian bear did not refrain from sweeping through Germany and across Western Europe out of fear of American nukes. The Soviet Union had never worried overmuch about absorbing civilian casualties, and it is doubtful that the United States would have been willing to touch off a chain of events leading to the deaths of tens of millions of Americans to defend Western Europe, unless the USSR were to launch first. The bear stayed home because Russia did not believe its armies could defeat NATO. No more than it could have defeated Germany in a straightforward invasion, had Germany not first bled all across Eastern Europe in a prolonged effort to seize and hold territory too vast for it. The most potent Soviet weapon was not in the Red Army or any particular piece of equipment. Those were barely good enough to beat back an overextended Wehrmacht, and to crush what was left of the resistance across an already crushed Eastern Europe. The most powerful means of attack the USSR had at its disposal was not military assault, but political subversion. The ideology of Communism gained the Soviet Union fanatical adherents and fight columns all across the world, spies in the heartland of the enemy, and allies and sympathizers in the highest spheres of its cultural and political elites. Islam too knows quite well it cannot defeat America. Still stuck in its early revolutionary stages and waiting around to seize a nation to use as a base for its Caliphate, Islam's most powerful weapon is political subversion. Relying on cobbled together alliances of new Marxists, and post-Communist oligarchies, Muslim terrorist groups have revived the old radical networks that spread subversion across the free world. Or rather they hitched a free ride on them in a cynical marriage of convenience between left wing radicals and right wing fascist theocracts. But what does political subversion really mean? Beyond the campus and newsprint radicals who spread dissatisfaction in specific circles, without really managing to achieve much, politics has to be grounded in a daily reality accessible to the average person. And the fundamental daily realities are underpinned by economics. The power of Communism lay in its economic agenda. It promised a reordering of society away from the individual and toward the collective. That idea predated Communism and it never truly died. Instead the words changed, code words like "Community-centered" replaced "Communism", "Act Locally, Think Globally" replaced "Revolutionary imperative". The idea was to rebrand those same radical collectivist ideas under the guise of a more "individualistic" radicalism. Call it "YouCommunism". (The great efforts of late 20th century marketing endeavors have one thing in common, an attempt to convince the individual to identify with something greater than himself, by scaling it down to his level and personalizing it. It makes no real difference whether the product being sold is a lifestyle that involves drinking Coca Cola or a radical commitment to ending human freedom. As the Obama campaign proved, they can both be marketed the same way.) ![]() Islam, like Communism preaches the collectivist response to human inequities. The solution to human abuses of freedom, is to end freedom. In Egypt, Gaza, Lebanon, Pakistan and across the Muslim world a major draw for Islam is social justice, with a dictatorship of "incorruptible clerics" governing by Islamic law replacing the Commissars of the People's Republics. The ideologies are different but the framework is the same. That is why Marxist terrorist groups could turn Islamist so fluidly. They were simply replacing one set of titles with another. The Commissar becomes the Imam. Das Kapital becomes the Koran. The aim however remains the same, revolutionary social justice for everyone. For those who wonder how Western intellectuals can accede to Sharia law seeing the horrors it has produced in countries such as Iran and Pakistan, should remember that Western intellectuals were praising Communism in the 30's, even as the Commissars had filled mass graves with millions of dead. Atrocities do not harm the image of revolutionary social justice movements, they give them credibility. Do you imagine that Che would be worn on a single T-shirt if he had not been a bloody butcher? Would Arafat have his own state to play with, and would Bin Laden have instant airtime for his latest videotape if they were not accomplished terrorists? Ever since the French Revolution, mass murder has been the biggest legitimizer of social revolutions. Islam is not revered by Western intellectuals despite its bloody nature. It is revered BECAUSE of its bloody nature. Atrocities demonstrate revolutionary commitment. This is something that Osama Bin Laden, Noam Chomsky and Jeremiah Wright understand and it is something that escapes the average decent American who seriously believes that most people want the same things he does. The American experiment created an oasis of decency, a sphere of human freedoms, an island in a dark sea. It is the American strength and the American weakness. It is a strength because it has enabled a society capable of achieving great things. But it is also a weakness because it has created a populace incapable of understanding the sheer hatred directed at them from without, and from within. The American revolution was a revolution of individualism, casting off the shackles of collectivism and class, and replacing it with the monarchy of the common man as an individual. It was what Lafayette admired about Americans, and what the French Revolution, a collectivist class rampage of bloody mobs and bloodier intellectuals, utterly failed to achieve. From that contrast between the two revolutions, the eternal enmity between the free American model, and the revolutionary collectivist tyranny model emerged. In the aftermath of WW2 that conflict went global. Today it has gone viral. It is a war being fought everywhere and nowhere at once. And it is also a war that we are losing. The drive toward a global Islamic revolution has absorbed both the lessons of Communism and Nazism, it may be most obvious in its violence, but most dangerous in its demographic, political, cultural and economic expansions. 9/11 may have been a wake up call, but it was an atrocity staged more for the benefit of the Muslim world, than for us. The goal is an Islamic revolution first in the Muslim world, followed by the conquest of the Western world from within. And just as when confronting Communism, we have no idea how to fight back. The free market economics that buried Communism are no longer as simple a solution because Muslims can and do move to the West, partaking of our standard of living, while planning their Jihads. Muslim countries benefit from our economies by proving slave labor, as in the case of Malaysia, or oil, as in the case of Saudi Arabia, parasitically leeching off our economies. All the while a great mass movement of Muslim immigrants streams into Europe and America, an invading army positioning themselves on our shores as guest laborers to do the jobs that we won't do. If Communism confronted free market capitalism with an iron wall, Islamism serves as the rat in the wall of the free market, gnawing its way through, feeding itself off our leavings, and prepearing for the day when it can bring the wall crashing down... to make way for Sharia finance instead. The new agitators do not deliver speeches to the "Farmers and Workers" in public parks. Instead they speak in mosques and distribute tapes to their followers. They quietly kill those who fall out of line. Occasionally they practice acts of terrorism to intimidate or recruit, but mostly they prepeare and wait. Converts trickle in. Their numbers grow and little by little, they gain more power. The conflict underway is one taking place between two very different political and economic systems. For Islam to win, the American experiment must be conclusively destroyed at the economic level. The followers of a collectivist system can only serve as the tail in a free market economy. Only by transforming a free market economy into a collectivist system, by suppressing individual initiative and individual freedom, can the stars and stripes make way for the sickle and the crescent. Only by bringing us down to their level of slavery, can the submission-based ideology of Islam hope to triumph over us.
Contact Sultan Knish at sultanknish@yahoo.com
This from the Sultan Knish website
Posted by Barbara Sommer, February 16, 2009. |
This was written by
Yaakov Katz, and it appeared in yesterday's The Jerusalem Post
An American refusal to permit the installation of Israeli-made defense systems in the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) may postpone the planned delivery of the fifth-generation stealth jet beyond the target date of 2014, senior defense officials told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday. According to the officials, defense industries such as Rafael, Elbit and Israel Aerospace Industries subsidiary Elta have protested the decision with Defense Ministry Dir.-Gen. Pinchas Buhris who last month made a lightning visit to Washington DC to discuss the issue with the Pentagon. The officials said that the new Obama administration would likely make a decision on the issue in the coming months. Israel and the US are scheduled to sign a Letter of Agreement by the end of the year. Negotiations on the integration of Israeli technology began several years ago after Israel paid $20 million to receive the low-level status of a Security Cooperation Participant in the JSF program. Nine countries including the US, Britain, Turkey and Australia are full members of the JSF program. Last week, in an interview with Aviation Week, Maj.-Gen. Charles Davis, executive officer of the JSF program, said that Israel would not be allowed to put its own systems in the JSF, also known as the F-35.[IMRA: Article below] "They [Israel] are going to buy aircraft that have basically the same capability as all the others," Davis told Aviation Week. "They are trying to do a requirements analyses for future missions. That [customization] is doable through software. It is not doable by Israelis sticking boxes in the airplane. [Elbit and Elta being involved] is not an option," he says. Israel has asked for the right to install its own electronic warfare, radar, munitions and command and control systems into the aircraft while citing special IAF operational requirements. In the past, officials said, before announcing a decision to purchase an aircraft the MOD first negotiated the installation of Israeli-made systems and then announced that it had made a decision. This, officials said, was the case with the F-15I and the F-16I. However in the case of the JSF, the US refused to conduct the negotiations with the MOD until an announcement that it would procure the plane had been made. The announcement was made in October in an official request to the Pentagon. A defense industry source familiar with the negotiations between Israel and the US said that the talks were "tough" but predicted that a deal would be reached in the coming months and that Israel would finally place an official order. Last week, the Post reported that each plane would cost Israel over $100 million and not the estimated $50-$60 million that Lockheed Martin had initially claimed it would cost. Defense sources said that the cost would make it very difficult for Israel to see through with its initial intention to purchase 75 aircraft. He said that if not for operational considerations, the IDF would have preferred to wait several years before ordering the aircraft and once the price goes down. JSF Secrets to Stay Secret
www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defense/index.jsp?plckController= Blog&plckScript=blogScript&plckElementId=blogDe&plckBlogPage= BlogViewPost&plckPostId=Blog%3A27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post% 3A843ee212-2ba2-411a-b1dd-0a12263cb171 Nobody is going to be allowed to play around with the software that controls the F-35's electronic warfare package. After a long period of obtuse answers about whether foreign customers would be able to put their own systems in F-35 or customize the software themselves, the issue has been clarified. "No," says Maj. Gen. Charles Davis, program executive officers of the Joint Strike Fighter program. The super-classified software allows electronic surveillance, detection, identification, self-defense and attack. A software-run techniques generator also will be able to send algorithm data streams carrying false information into enemy sensors and antennas. The Israeli firms of Elbit and Elta had been disappointed at their lack of participation in the F-35 program and saw the EW system as perhaps their last chance to be involved. Their argument is that Israel has a completely different set of threat priorities than the U.S. "They are going to buy aircraft that have basically the same capability as all the others," Davis says. "They are trying to do a requirements analyses for future missions. Those mission [refinements] would be submitted through Lockheed Martin [and other contractors]. That [customization] is doable through software. It is not doable by Israelis sticking boxes in the airplane. [Elbit and Elta being involved] is not an option," he says. Israel Defense Forces are looking at an initial buy of 25-50 F-35As. They abandoned the idea of a STOVL force when they saw the price, weight, range and payload penalties associated with the design compared to a conventional takeoff aircraft. In the U.S., among the various services, there has been an open question given that the design can be modified to carry an electronic warfare officer about whether some future variant of the F-35 would be transformed into a specialized electronic warfare/attack specialty aircraft. It is under study but the likelihood seems to be diminishing. "I think electronic [warfare] will simply be a mission area [each] airplane performs," says Heinz. "I do not believe I'm [moving toward] special variant type airplanes. Holistically, the requirements guys are looking at how can they can meet the [EW/A] requirement within the number of aircraft that will be available jointly. I will be able to cover some bands in the spectrum [due to electronic techniques amplified through the advanced radar]. "There will be podded additions [like Next Generation Jammer] that can go on the aircraft," he says. "But, we're surmising a technical solution without knowing the requirement. Today, we have a pretty good understanding of the bands that need to be recovered. I think NGJ as it grows will have several applications including boxes that go inside an airplane or small pods that can go on the exterior of a number of platforms. "I'm going to build to the gap that the requirements people believe exists today," Heinz says. "It may be a multi-platform solution and not one dedicated to an individual platform for a specific mission. We're still going through that. Specialists are also still ironing out the threat and target set for F-35s. By 2014 the F-35 community will begin establishing its relationship with the Air Armament Center at Eglin where the service develops it new kinetic and non-kinetic weapons and studies the introduction of new missions. For example, all the initial F-35 Block 0.5 aircraft, because of their advanced electronically scanned array radars, will arrive capable of training for cruise missile defense. But, "It's not just weapons threats," Davis says. "You have to decide where you're going to attack that kill chain at with electronic warfare. We're ready to penetrate and do electronic warfare, we need a program to go do it and people need to tell us their requirements. We're not there yet." Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, February 16, 2009. |
This was written by Michael Crowley and it appeared in Reader's Digest. |
At the peak of the Iraq war, with billions of U.S. dollars pouring into their country, a group of Iraqi men saw a way to get rich quick. They put up $2,000 in cash, formed a company named Al-Aian Al-Jareya, and used their connections at Iraq's defense ministry to win an $850 million military equipment contract. Their company was a joke. But there was nothing funny about what happened next. Al-Aian Al-Jareya bilked the U.S.-funded Iraqi army out of millions by peddling old equipment at outrageously inflated prices. In just one example, Al-Aian Al-Jareya charged $4.5 million each for 64 Mi-8 military helicopters-three times the amount that they should have cost. Almost everything the company delivered was dangerously faulty. According to Salam Adhoob, a former Iraqi corruption watchdog, an inspection of the merchandise found "four repainted defective helicopters that were more than 25 years old." He also recently told a Senate investigative committee that weapons and bulletproof vests provided by Al-Aian Al-Jareya were damaged goods. "And yet not one of these criminals has been held accountable by the U.S. or Iraqi government," he testified, not even the Iraqi defense ministry officials who allegedly skimmed millions off the top for themselves. Six years after the war began, we're still learning about the great looting of American tax dollars in Iraq. Tens of billions have been stolen, wasted, or simply lost with almost no oversight or accountability. Now that Iraq is running an oil-fueled surplus of its own as America spirals into an economic crisis it's time to demand some money back. Getting it won't be easy. Corruption in Iraq is a familiar tale. One 2005 report found that up to $8.8 billion in U.S. dollars meant to help rebuild the country had simply gone missing. But that revelation apparently did nothing to stop the rip-offs: A May 2008 government audit showed that $15 billion in Pentagon payments to contractors could not be accounted for. To hear Adhoob tell it, that's just the tip of the iceberg. He told the Senate committee about scores of "ghost projects" that had been funded, including a $24.4 million electricity venture in Iraq's northern Nineveh province that had been paid for but never built. It gets worse. A former senior U.S. adviser to the Iraqi government testified that top Iraqi officials have collaborated with al Qaeda to steal Iraqi oil, selling it both for personal profit and to fund al Qaeda terrorists attacks. Said Adhoob, "I am convinced that American soldiers died because of this corruption." Billions more of your money is on its way to Baghdad. And late last year, several top fraud monitors within the Iraqi government were fired, apparently for political reasons making it easier for some people to help themselves. (Adhoob was not one of them; he had already fled the country, fearing for his life.) So what can be done? Some cynics insist that corruption is now too deeply entrenched to root out. Still, the United States can hardly expect to leave behind a functioning Iraqi government if profiteering isn't exposed. The Obama administration should demand the reinstatement of fraud monitors in Baghdad. It should then push for a high-profile crackdown on those responsible for the looting of government coffers. Back home, Congress should freeze the assets of those prosecuted for wrongdoing. And it should grant more resources to investigators like Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, who has exposed and prosecuted several big corruption cases. The severity of the situation calls for a special congressional panel to investigate this plague as well. Apart from tough laws and severe penalties, there needs to be adequate follow-up to make certain that perpetrators pay. Of the tiny number of officials in Iraq who have been prosecuted so far, many have quickly landed back on the street thanks to bribery and political connections. Some have even established cushy lives outside Iraq, funded with the money they stole. In one case, a former electricity minister accused of taking huge kickbacks and misspending millions hired private contractors to break him out of jail and help him flee the country. His new home? Chicago. Maybe if Iraq had more of its own money in its treasury, officials in Baghdad would be less inclined to condone theft. In the past six years, Americans have spent $48 billion on reconstruction projects. Between 2005 and 2007, Iraq earned a whopping $90 billion in oil revenues, according to an August report by the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office. And yet Iraq has spent a mere 10 percent of this money on reconstruction (while U.S. billions have rolled in unabated). What's more, in 2007, the U.S. Treasury shelled out $435.6 million in interest payments to the Iraqi government for the $10 billion in surplus oil revenues it has stashed at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. As a stunned Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) put it at one hearing last year, "What kind of an absurdity is it that we are paying for the reconstruction of Iraq if Iraqi oil sales ... are going into foreign banks and not being used for reconstruction?" It's time to demand Iraq spend more of their own cash on rebuilding and begin reimbursing us for out-and-out theft. It's time they stopped playing us for suckers. Do More Stay informed. The special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, Stuart Bowen, posts his audits, reports, and investigations. Be a watchdog. If you are aware of any Iraq-related corruption involving U.S. companies, you can report it anonymously to the Project on Government Oversight. Keep the pressure on. Call your congressional representatives and tell them not to let our tax dollars go to waste in Iraq. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 16, 2009. |
HAMAS RUINING OWN CHILDREN During the combat, Hamas broadcast images of corpses. Child viewers suffered psychological distress. Complaints arose. Hamas resumed regular broadcasts (IMRA, 1/25). The regular broadcasts are full of jihad propaganda, too. This was no way to produce willing martyrs. WHEN IRAN NOT SUBTLE Iran criticizes Hollywood for producing movies whose theme is terrorism. Iran considers such movies as evidence that Hollywood is pro-Israel (IMRA, 1/25). Some recent movies about terrorism were sympathetic towards terrorism and anti-Israel. They did it by subtle distortion. The most recent one is about the earlier Lebanon war. Others show that terrorism was suspected, but more ordinary motives were involved. The rulers of Iran may have less subtlety or understanding of the West than we thought they do. Muslim Arabs and Iranians have a tendency to see anyone not wholly with them as much their enemy as those wholly against them. They suppose that studios and producers of Jewish origin necessarily favor Israel. Hollywood and American Jews are not like that. Many are appeasement-minded if not anti-Israel. HOW IRAN EXPLOITED THE GAZA COMBAT According to an ex-patriate visiting home, the clerical regime exploited the combat in Gaza to rouse the rabble against Israel, in order to divert their attention from their crumbling economy. That is how the regime got thousands more than usual to sign up for suicide bombing (that does not take place). The propaganda was so effective, that the regime had to cool down the people (IMRA, 1/25). GAZA NOT SO DENSELY POPULATED About my piece showing Gaza not so densely populated, an Israeli pointed out that Bnei Brak in Israel, 1.5 sq. miles, 150,000 people, is more dense. ISRAELI ARAB SHIFT The Arabs of Israel seem to be turning from electoral politics to Islamist organizations (Arutz-7, 2/1). It's ominous. Rabbi Meir Kahan foretold it. That would eliminate enough Knesset seats from them so they no longer could tip the balance between Zionist and anti-Zionists. OBAMA HAD HIS CHANCE The great reformer didn't rescind nominations from tax-evaders, he tried to wait out the criticism. He let them withdraw themselves, forfeiting an opportunity to set a higher standard. He acted like a regular politician or ordinary standards. HOW TO GAUGE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY They claim new ways to conserve fossil fuels. Do those ways conserve? Corn ethanol didn't. Its creation consumed gasoline. Nevertheless, without verifying its efficacy, lobbyists got Congress to subsidize it. By diverting farm production to it, food has become scarcer and more expensive. The new method claimed to conserve fossil fuels is hybrid cars. Does it? I don't know. But I do know how one could gauge whether it does. The gauge is to compare the consumption of non-renewable fuels in its manufacture and operation, with the consumption of non-renewable fuels in ordinary cars. A big difference means success. A small difference, failure. Why don't the media make such comparisons? Give us the facts. Don't just assert hybrids are better. REVIEWING POLICY TOWARDS RUSSIA The US and Israel had more than one major difference with Russia. The main one was its support for Iran's nuclear plant. Hoping that Russia would be accommodating with that issue, the US and Israel restrained themselves over other issues. What happened? Russia continued on its adverse paths. Western diplomats didn't try to bargain. They thought that perhaps Russia would be understanding. Crazy dictatorships are not so understanding. The policy failed. HAS RECESSION STRUCK THE EU? The EU keeps spending money on the ungrateful and belligerent Palestinian Arabs. The EU must have plenty of money. Has the EU made a comparison of the various needy and worthy areas? Probably not. If they did, they would find needier and worthier areas than the P.A.. But this way hurts Jews. WHAT WAS POINT OF ENTERING GAZA? Hamas has renewed its arms smuggling tunnel and bombardment of Israel. Doesn't that show the folly of premature withdrawal? Will the public see that the invasion was just part of the election campaign? Or will they confuse incomplete war with the erroneous notion that war can't solve problems. It solved WWII. OBAMA RETURNS TO FAILED POLICY His envoy to Israel and the P.A. is former Sen. Mitchell. Mitchell was there, before. He blamed Israel equally with the Arabs for Arab terrorism against Israel. To do so, he equated Jewish construction in the Territories with terrorism, and demanded that Jewish construction be stopped but the Arabs just had to make an "effort," not succeed. What does an "effort" solve? Who judges "effort?" The US praised the P.A. effort, as if it had accomplished something, though it kept supporting terrorism. Obama is adopted Bush's counter-productivegoal of a P.A. state. The result was that the Arabs raised their demands (IMRA) Obama doesn't understand Middle East bazaar bargaining. Why stop just Jewish construction? That gives the Arabs an advantage, pre-judges the issue, and does not letting Israel negotiate. NETANYAHU Says he would allow for natural growth of Israeli towns in Judea-Samaria, but would not build new ones (IMRA, 1/26). He'll say anything. KADIMA OFFICIAL'S PEACE PLAN Meir Shetreet suggests giving the Golan to Syria, leasing it from them for 25 years, and then if there is peace, buying it from them (IMRA, 1/25). He is proposing that Israel give its sovereign, homeland territory to the jihadist enemy that previously used it for bombarding and invading Israel, then suppose that it can pay them for using it. Sounds hare-brained to me. BBC ON NOTICE Shurat HaDin, a pro-Israel law organization, warned the BBC against accepting ads for raising funds to rebuild Gaza. Shurat HaDin pointed out that much of the money entering Gaza fosters terrorism. If BBC helped get funds to Hamas, ShuratHaDin would sue it in behalf of victims of Hamas terrorism (IMRA, 1/26). LEFTISTS TRY TO KEEP OFFICERS OFF STAFF Leftist professors at Tel Aviv U. are trying to keep an officer off the staff for ruling during combat that Israel may bomb military targets in which there are civilians. Apparently they do not believe that other people have a right to defend their country as they see fit, only as the leftists see fit (IMRA, 1/26). The IDF acted within international law. The Left would let Arabs get away with terrorism. HOW ISRAELI SOLDIERS ACTED IN GAZA A brigade commander said that some of his troops in Gaza tended to hungry pets tied up in yards (IMRA, 1/23). QADAFFI'S INTERESTING ARGUMENT FOR "ONE STATE" Libya's dictator, fomenter of terrorism, wrote a piece ostensibly sympathetic towards the Jews. They are his Arab people's "cousins." They did not forcibly expel Arabs from Israel; Arabs fled out of a fear of violence that did not happen. Israeli Arabs now have integrated. That shows Arabs and Jews can live together. Israel and the Territories, he says, constitute "historical Palestine," and belong to both peoples. The Arab refugee families can't be settled just in the Territories. His solution: both peoples in a single country (IMRA, 1/22). His credentials: "At the time of Colonel Qaddafi's coup in 1969, some 500 Jews remained in Libya. Qaddafi subsequently confiscated all Jewish property and cancelled all debts owed to Jews. By 1974 there were no more than 20 Jews..." (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/23), Calling Arabs and Jews "cousins" is sentimental make-believe to cover a weak argument. p>The admission that Zionism did not expel Arabs from Israel is significant. So is his finding that the two peoples have assimilated. That finding is mostly wrong. Thousands of Arabs march to the chant of "slaughter the Jews." Palestine of the Mandate includes Jordan. Qadaffi does not mention Jordan. Everyone pretends that Jordan is not an Arab Palestinian state. Jordan has much empty land, but has no water or other resources for refugee families. I deny that Israel and the Territories belong to both peoples. Read the Palestine Mandate, the Bible, and history books. If the Arab refugee descendants can't all go to the Territories, he implies they should enter Israel. Israel, too, cannot take in millions. It already has to ration water, is running short of green spaces, and can't afford millions more. Letting two peoples rule Israel contradicts Judaism and Zionism and flouts common sense. The refugee descendants have been indoctrinated to hate Jews. They would hope to dispossess and murder the Jews. They would have sufficient numbers to do so by civil war or democratically. If they don't commit genocide against the Jews, then once they paralyze the IDF, foreign Arab armies would. Qadaffi's plan is a dangerous scam. It advocates a plan that would take the country away from the Jews and probably take the Jews' lives away, too. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Daisy Stern, February 16, 2009. |
This is by Gil Ronen and it appeared in Arutz-7 (www.israel.national.news.com) |
![]() Professor Mandel (IsraelNN.com) A Jerusalem professor of chemistry was arrested and released on bail after he was caught red-handed cutting the eruv that surrounds Jerusalem, according to reports in the hareidi religious daily HaMevaser and Ladaat.net, which identified the professor as Hebrew University's Danny Mandler, a resident of the Malcha area of Jerusalem. According to the reports, religious Jews had been conducting a stakeout in order to find the people who have been vandalizing the Jerusalem eruv a boundary marker which delineates the area in which religious Jerusalemites may carry things during the Sabbath. The religious men apprehended the secularists as they cut the eruv in the capital's Bayit Vegan area. Ladaat described Professor Mandler as, "a leading opponent of the eruv and a member of the committee of rabbonim [rabbis ed.] and secularists that have been meeting in the hope of using dialogue as a means to resolve the controversy." The HaMevaser report, which is based on a conversation with Rav Dovid Eisenstein, is quoted on Yeshiva World News. "As a result of repeated incidents in which the eruv was rendered posul [unfit ed.] by secularists in recent months, HaGaon Rav Yehoshua Neuwirth Shlita turned to rabbonim involved with the Mehadrin Eruv in Eretz Yisrael organization, Rav Dovid Eisenstein and Rav Yaakov Yitzchak Ruchman, offering them to remain in Bayit Vegan for Shabbos in the hope of apprehending the culprits." Afte the rabbis arrived, they saw two people approaching the eruv, and one of them cut it with a knife. The apprehended him and said they were "shocked" when they realized he was university chemistry professor Mandler. Police arrived, immediately arrested Mandler and an accomplice but then ordered rabbis Eisenstein and Ruchman to accompany them to the police station to give their version of the events. Police insisted that they get into the police car despite the day being the Sabbath, when riding is prohibited. The report quotes an eyewitness, "The rabbonim [rabbis ed.] explained this was not possible, at which time police began hitting them and using unjustifiable force, calling for backup units. The reinforcements came and a scuffle ensued as the bochrim [young men] tried to defend the rabbonim against what they describe as police brutality." The rabbis were arrested and taken to the police Russian Compound detention center. They were asked to sign papers, also a violation of the Sabbath, but refused to do so until the end of the Sabbath Saturday evening, at which time they signed the papers and were released without bail. "The professor and his accomplice were released on bail and ordered to distance themselves from the eruv for 30 days." Gilo Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Schlesinger explained that efforts have been made for the past months to enter into dialogue with secularists opposed to the eruv, "but there was no one to talk to." He added that Rabbi Avraham Moshe Katzenelbogen, who is responsible for the eruv as a member of the Jerusalem Religious Council, recently took community center leaders on a tour of the eruv, showing them it was not in the way and did not pose an obstacle to anyone. A number of hours later, activists again tried to destroy it. Immediately after the Sabbath, hareidi religious city councilmen reportedly turned to Mayor Nir Barkat, exclaiming while they had halted work on new eruvs and continue dialogue in the hope of finding a solution, the secularists are not true to their word and continue their attacks. Barkat responded with concern, promising to convene the eruv
committee Sunday in urgent session, condemning the attack and
questioning the actions of the secularists at a time when dialogue is
Contact Daisy Stern by email at daisystern1@gmail.com
Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, February 16, 2009. |
![]() This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: Part of my training as a journalist was to report the big picture while also uncovering details of an event that make the story unique and compelling. That experience spilled over into my work as a photographer as I always keep an eye out for the smaller details that often remain hidden to the casual observer. It takes a little time and acute concentration to see your way through the jungle of opportunities, but with practice and patience, you'll at least know where to begin looking. The first place is always the light. Once you locate good light,
you've increased your chances of making an interesting photo
exponentially. The next step is finding the right subject/background
combination. When these two conditions are satisfied, you can,
literally, point and shoot. This shot of a peach blossom was taken on
the same day I captured the bigger picture of this idyllic setting in
Gush Etzion. (
Click here to see the shot.) Since the advent of photography, one
way cameras have earned their merit is through an ability to show us
aspects of our world that remain hidden from the naked eye. Moving in
close and focusing on this blossom with a macro lens, a special lens
used for close-up photography, I was able to capture this shot in
sharp detail, remove it from the surrounding visual distractions, and
enlarge it for greater study and appreciation.
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by Bryna Berch, February 16, 2009. |
Why does Israel bother showing how scrupulous she is? The media will make her into mincemeat if she kills even one civilian, even if that "civilian" is shooting a machine gun at the Jews. In fact, Israel can make lemonade out of this lemon. If the world will scream whether Israel kills many or just one, she can blast away at even one militant (i.e., terrorist) surrounded by his 6 wives, 25 children and 14 aunts and uncles. The world won't scream any louder than it does anyway. This was written by Yaakov Katz and it appeared in the
Jerusalem Post
Four weeks after the cessation of Operation Cast Lead, the IDF finally opened its dossier on Palestinian fatalities on Sunday for the first time, and presented to The Jerusalem Post an overview utterly at odds with the Palestinian figures that have hitherto formed the basis for assessing the conflict. ![]() Anas Naim, a nephew of Hamas Health Minister Bassem Naim, who was killed on Jan. 4 in Gaza City, was described in Palestinian reports as a 'medic.' While the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, whose death toll figures have been widely cited, reports that 895 Gaza civilians were killed in the fighting, amounting to more than two-thirds of all fatalities, the IDF figures shown to the Post on Sunday put the civilian death toll at no higher than a third of the total. The international community had been given a vastly distorted impression of the death toll because of "false reporting" by Hamas, said Col. Moshe Levi, the head of the IDF's Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration (CLA), which compiled the IDF figures. As an example of such distortion, he cited the incident near a UN school in Jabalya on January 6, in which initial Palestinian reports falsely claimed IDF shells had hit the school and killed 40 or more people, many of them civilians. In fact, he said, 12 Palestinians were killed in the incident nine Hamas operatives and three noncombatants. Furthermore, as had since been acknowledged by the UN, the IDF was returning fire after coming under attack, and its shells did not hit the school compound. "From the beginning, Hamas claimed that 42 people were killed, but we could see from our surveillance that only a few stretchers were brought in to evacuate people," said Levi, adding that the CLA contacted the PA Health Ministry and asked for the names of the dead. "We were told that Hamas was hiding the number of dead." As a consequence of the false information, he added, the IDF was considering setting up a "response team" for future conflicts whose job would be to collect information, analyze it and issue reports as rapidly as possible that refuted Hamas fabrications. Basing its work on the official Palestinian death toll of 1,338, Levi said the CLA had now identified more than 1,200 of the Palestinian fatalities. Its 200-page report lists their names, their official Palestinian Authority identity numbers, the circumstances in which they were killed and, where appropriate, the terrorist group with which they were affiliated. The CLA said 580 of these 1,200 had been conclusively "incriminated" as members of Hamas and other terrorist groups. Another 300 of the 1,200 women, children aged 15 and younger and men over the age of 65 had been categorized as noncombatants, the CLA said. Counted among the women, however, were female terrorists, including at least two women who tried to blow themselves up next to forces from the Givati and Paratroopers' Brigades. Also classed as noncombatants were the wives and children of Nizar Rayyan, a Hamas military commander who refused to allow his family to leave his home even after he was warned by Israel that it would be bombed. The 320 names yet to be classified are all men; the IDF has yet complete its identification work in these cases, but estimates that two-thirds of them were terror operatives. The CLA gave the Post the names of several fatalities who it said had been classified by the Palestinians as "medics," but who it stated were Hamas fighters, including Anas Naim, the nephew of Hamas Health Minister Bassem Naim, who was killed during clashes with the IDF on January 4 in the Sheikh Ajlin neighborhood of Gaza City. Following the clashes, the Palestinian press reported that Naim was killed and that he was a medic with the Palestinian Red Crescent. The Gaza CLA, however, produced photographs of Naim posing holding a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and a Kalashnikov assault rifle that had been posted on a Hamas Web site. Levi stressed that on no occasion were civilians deliberately targeted, and that every effort was made to minimize civilian casualties. Work on the death toll list was started during Operation Cast Lead under Levi's direction. A special team was set up and led by an officer in the CLA who coordinated efforts with the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and worked from statistics and information on the dead from the Hamas Health Ministry, the media in Gaza, and other Palestinian and Israeli intelligence sources. Much controversy and confusion has surrounded the number of Palestinian noncombatants killed during Israel's three-week campaign against Hamas, with the IDF and the Shin Bet refusing to release official numbers to refute Hamas allegations. Israeli estimates were intermittently leaked to the press but not published in official press statements. |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, February 15, 2009. |
For those who don't know, Dennis Miller is a comedian who has a show called Dennis Miller Live on HBO. He is not Jewish. He recently said the following about the Modest situation: |
"A brief overview of the situation is always valuable, so as a service to all Americans who still don't get it, I now offer you the story of the Middle East in just a few paragraphs, which is all you really need. Here we go: The Palestinians want their own country. There's just one thing about that: There are no Palestinians. It's a made up word. Israel was called Palestine for two thousand years. Like "Wiccan," "Palestinian" sounds ancient but is really a modern invention Before the Israelis won the land in the 1967 war, Gaza was owned by Egypt, the West Bank was owned by Jordan, and there were no "Palestinians." As soon as the Jews took over and started growing oranges as big as basketballs, what do you know, say hello to the "Palestinians," weeping for their deep bond with their lost "land" and "nation." So for the sake of honesty, let's not use the word "Palestinian" anymore to describe these delightful folks, who dance for joy at our deaths, until someone points out they're being taped. Instead, let's call them what they are:
I know that's a bit unwieldy to expect to see on CNN. How about this, then: "Adjacent Jew-Haters." Okay, so the Adjacent Jew-Haters want their own country. Oops, just one more thing. No, they don't. They could've had their own country any time in the last thirty years, especially two years ago at Camp David but if you have your own country, you have to have traffic lights and garbage trucks and Chambers of Commerce, and, worse, you actually have to figure out some way to make a living. That's no fun. No, they want what all the other Jew-Haters in the region want: Israel. They also want a big pile of dead Jews, of course that's where the real fun is but mostly they want Israel. Why? For one thing, trying to destroy Israel or "The Zionist Entity" as their textbooks call it for the last fifty years has allowed the rulers of Arab countries to divert the attention of their own people away from the fact that they're the blue-ribbon most illiterate, poorest, and tribally backward on God's Earth, and if you've ever been around God's Earth . . . you know that's really saying something. It makes me roll my eyes every time one of our pundits waxes poetic about the great history and culture of the Muslim Midleast. Unless I'm missing something, the Arabs haven't given anything to the world since Algebra, and, by the way, thanks a hell of a lot for that one. Chew this around & spit it out: 500 million Arabs; 5 million Jews. Think of all the Arab countries as a football field, and Israel as a pack of matches sitting in the middle of it. And now these same folks swear that, if Israel gives them half of that pack of matches, everyone will be pals.. Really? Wow, what neat news. Hey, but what about the string of wars to obliterate the tiny country and the constant din of rabid blood oaths to drive every Jew into the sea? Oh, that? We were just kidding. My friend Kevin Rooney made a gorgeous point the other day: Just reverse the Numbers. Imagine 500 million Jews and 5 million Arabs. I was stunned at the simple brilliance of it . Can anyone picture the Jews strapping belts of razor blades and dynamite to themselves? Of course not. Or marshaling every fiber and force at their disposal for generations to drive a tiny Arab State into the sea? Nonsense. Or dancing for joy at the murder of innocents? Impossible. Or spreading and believing horrible lies about the Arabs baking their bread with the blood of children? Disgusting. No, as you know, left to themselves in a world of peace, the worst Jews would ever do to people is debate them to death. Mr. Bush, God bless him, is walking a tightrope. I understand that, with vital operations in Iraq and others, it's in our interest, as Americans, to try to stabilize our Arab allies as much as possible, and, after all, that can't be much harder than stabilizing a roomful of super models who've just had their drugs taken away. However, in any big-picture strategy, there's always a danger of losing moral weight. We've already lost some. After September 11th, our president told us and the world he was going to root out all terrorists and the countries that supported them. Beautiful. Then the Israelis, after months and months of having the equivalent of an Oklahoma City every week (and then every day), start to do the same thing we did, and we tell them to show restraint. If America were being attacked with an Oklahoma City every day, we would all very shortly be screaming for the administration to just be done with it and kill everything south of the Mediterranean and east of the Jordan. Please feel free to pass this along to your friends
Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il and
visit |
Posted by Chuck Brooks, February 15, 2009. |
This article was published today in American Thinker
It's very difficult to gauge the accuracy of this piece in Geostrategy Direct an open source intel newsletter that Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit believes has a good track record. (Hoft's reporting on Iran and the Middle East has been exemplary.) But the fact that there are several sources saying the same thing that the US will either seek to remove sanctions from Iran or not enforce them is extremely troubling. This from Hoft's site quoting from the "subscribers only" edition of GD: The United States has abandoned its policy of sanctioning companies that aid Iran's nuclear and missile program, they said. This comes on the heels of Obama's new National Intelligence Director Admiral Dennis Blair's bleak assessment that nothing can be done to stop the Iranians from getting the bomb which is another reason to believe some of this report. If the Obama Administration has quietly determined that the opening to Iran is more important than trying to stop them from developing the capability to build a bomb, then it makes sense that they would shelve sanctions (which really weren't hurting Iran much anyway) in favor of dialogue. The problem, as I mention in that AT piece linked above, is that Obama is giving away the store and getting absolutely nothing in return. These unilateral gestures may play well with the blame America first crowd but are useless diplomatically. Does Obama actually expect the mullahs to do something in return? I suppose the Iranians agreeing to talk with us would be seen as a huge victory rather than a meaningless first step. Such is the workings of left wing ideology rather than an adherence to hard headed diplomatic negotiations. Giving the Iranians exactly what they want without any reciprocity would have seemed unbelievable a few short weeks ago. But the Obama Administration is doing just that and it is more likely to backfire in their face than accomplish anything useful. Contact Chuck Brooks at chetz18@aol.com |
Posted by Sacha Stawski, February 15, 2009. |
This was written by Arno Lustiger and it appeared in today's
Jerusalem Post Internet Edition
Arno Lustiger was, born in 1924 and is a survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. He isi a leading historian (The Red Book: Stalin and the Jews) who lives in Frankfurt. |
Is criticism of Israel anti-Semitic? The Six Day War sparked a wave of anti-Zionistic reactions, triggering the Left's denial of solidarity with Israel, a stance that holds until today. In August 1967, Martin Luther King wrote in Letters to an Anti-Zionistic Friend: "You declare, my friend, that you do not hate the Jews, you are merely 'anti-Zionist'... When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews this is God's own truth. Anti-Semitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of mankind." Jean Améry criticized the elitist anti-Zionism of the Left as being nothing more than run-of-the-mill anti-Semitism. In a speech in 1969, Améry stated, "Anti-Semitism was once the socialism of the stupid guys. Today it is about to become an integrating ingredient of socialism as such, and thereby every socialist turns himself, by his free will, into a stupid guy. Anti-Semitism has become respectable again, but there is no such thing as respectable anti-Semitism!" In 1975, well-known literary scholar and dedicated leftist Hans Mayer wrote, "Whoever attacks Zionism, but by no means wishes to say anything against the Jews, is fooling himself and others. The State of Israel is a Jewish state. Whoever wants to destroy it, openly or through policies that can effect nothing else but such destruction, is practicing the Jew hatred of yesterday and time immemorial." Unfortunately, these 30-year-old texts still hold true today.
THE ENTIRE Middle East would have become a Jew-free German protectorate called "Greater Arabia" had Rommel's Afrikakorps not been defeated at el-Alamein 66 years ago on November 4, 1942. The "Einsatzkommando Ägypten" (SS Task Force Egypt), a subgroup of the Afrikakorps, was under the command of SS Obersturmbannführer Walter Rauff, infamous for his large trucks converted into mobile gas chambers which murdered hundreds of thousands in an excruciatingly painful manner in Russia and Serbia the previous year. Rauff was given the authority to carry out "executive measures on the civilian population," which was the Nazi euphemism for the mass murder of the Palestinian Jews. The move was agreed upon with Grand Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, a friend of Hitler and Himmler, and the Arab population was supposed to actively participate. Rauff's extermination unit followed Rommel's army to Tunisia, but the allied Italian army prevented the mass murder of the country's 80,000 Jews. To this day, the war criminal Husseini remains the ardently cherished idol of the Arab people. During the war, he was the supreme field chaplain of all the Muslim SS divisions and a relentless enemy of the Jews, not just in Palestine. He is also the ideologue behind the genocidal hatred of the Jews of all Islamists today, including Hamas and Hizbullah.
IN LIGHT of this Arab collaboration with the mass murderers of the Shoah, the comparison of the lives of Palestinians in the occupied areas with the starvation and murder of Jews in the ghettos of Europe living under a death sentence is impudent and the product of possible deliberate ignorance. These claims pain and insult us, the survivors of the Shoah, in particular. The war in the Middle East will end when the Palestinians lay down their weapons. If the Israelis were to do the same thing, Israel would no longer exist. This is something that Norbert Blüm, the bishops Gregor Maria Hanke and Walter Mixa, and the others who compare the lives of the Palestinians with the Jewish ghettos should ponder. They should worry about the insidious de-Christianization of the Holy Land from their fellow Christians fleeing the Middle East instead. They might also examine more closely the accusation of Islamophobia. Arab propaganda invented this term, designed to create an association with the persecution of the Jews. The millions of Muslims living in Europe are in no way subjected to persecution. Quite the opposite, they enjoy the Western freedoms denied the Christians, Baha'i and Jews living in their countries of origin. Media outlets contribute to disinformation with their exaggerated criticism of Israel. Unfathomable genocidal hatred of the West and the Jews streams from the antennas of the Arabic TV stations Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya and Al-Manar, even into homes in Germany. Its effect can be seen in the attacks on those in Germany who are recognizable as Jews. Islamic anti-Semitism should not be a worry solely for the Jews, because there are forces at work in Europe that want to bomb our civilization back into the Middle Ages. Islamic scientist Bassam Tibi explained, "Not until the German people have fought against this threat in an appropriate manner will we be able to say that they have really understood the lessons of the German past." Anti-Semitism in Germany gives us reason to worry even today. There appears to be an increased acceptance of right-wing populist propaganda that argues anti-Semitic beliefs. The hate, the violence against Jews and their institutions, fill me with pain and anger. In this year alone there have already been more than 800 violent and other criminal acts, but not a single arrest. I myself am a witness to the permissiveness of our judicial and constitutional bodies. On November 1, 2007, Vanity Fair reprinted a 10-page interview with Nazi ideologue Horst Mahler and also published the entire text of over 20 pages on its Web site. Much of what Mahler said there, such as his denial of the existence of Auschwitz, was a punishable crime. I filed a request for his prosecution, but the public prosecutor's office refused.
ALLOW ME to make a personal reflection here. When I co-founded the Jewish community in Frankfurt over 50 years ago, I never would have dreamed that today, many years later, our kindergartens, schools, synagogues and meeting halls would have to be guarded by the police. Thank God, Jesus and Muhammad that mosques and churches do not need this protection. Isn't it time that the German Constitutional Court judges started playing hardball when dealing with enemies of our constitution and democracy? I don't just mean the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD), but also the Islamofascist centers, such as the one in the city of Neu-Ulm, which disseminates anti-Semitic and anti-constitutional propaganda under the cloak of multiculturalism. What will happen next? The UN's third World Conference against Racism was held in Durban, South Africa, in September 2001. It turned into a festival of anti-Western extremism and hatred of the Jews. Zionism was condemned there as a contemporary form of Nazism and apartheid. The next conference will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on April 20-24 of this year. The scandal in Durban will be aggravated there even more, as anti-racism degenerates into the ideology of the totalitarian movements. The dictators and despots of countries such as Libya, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Cuba and Venezuela, with their automatic majority, have taken over UN institutions. They have started a new inquisition, called "the denigration of religion," which of course only applies to Islam. They are misusing anti-racism for obscurantism and Islamism that will only result in the further suppression of religious minorities and women. Several countries, such as Canada and Israel, will not be attending the planned betrayal of human values in Geneva. How will the German government respond? We can hardly wait. Sacha Stawski is editor of Honestly Concerned. Contact him at sstawski@honestly-concerned.org |
Posted by Avodah, February 15, 2009. |
This was on the Discover the Network website:
First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles (which erupted after police had used batons to subdue a black man suspected of drunk driving), Cloward and Piven published an article titled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty" in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called "crisis strategy" or "Cloward-Piven Strategy," as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect. In their 1966 article, Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when "the rest of society is afraid of them," Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would "the rest of society" accept their demands. The key to sparking this rebellion would be to expose the inadequacy of the welfare state. Cloward-Piven's early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. "Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules," Alinsky wrote in his 1972 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judaeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system's failure to "live up" to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist "rule book" with a socialist one. The authors noted that the number of Americans subsisting on welfare about 8 million, at the time probably represented less than half the number who were technically eligible for full benefits. They proposed a "massive drive to recruit the poor onto the welfare rolls." Cloward and Piven calculated that persuading even a fraction of potential welfare recipients to demand their entitlements would bankrupt the system. The result, they predicted, would be "a profound financial and political crisis" that would unleash "powerful forces ... for major economic reform at the national level." Their article called for "cadres of aggressive organizers" to use "demonstrations to create a climate of militancy." Intimidated by threats of black violence, politicians would appeal to the federal government for help. Carefully orchestrated media campaigns, carried out by friendly, leftwing journalists, would float the idea of "a federal program of income redistribution," in the form of a guaranteed living income for all working and non-working people alike. Local officials would clutch at this idea like drowning men to a lifeline. They would apply pressure on Washington to implement it. With every major city erupting into chaos, Washington would have to act. This was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse movements mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. The flood of demands was calculated to break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down. Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change. That was the theory. Cloward and Piven recruited a militant black organizer named George Wiley to lead their new movement. In the summer of 1967, Wiley founded the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). His tactics closely followed the recommendations set out in Cloward and Piven's article. His followers invaded welfare offices across the United States often violently bullying social workers and loudly demanding every penny to which the law "entitled" them. By 1969, NWRO claimed a dues-paying membership of 22,500 families, with 523 chapters across the nation. Regarding Wiley's tactics, The New York Times commented on September 27, 1970, "There have been sit-ins in legislative chambers, including a United States Senate committee hearing, mass demonstrations of several thousand welfare recipients, school boycotts, picket lines, mounted police, tear gas, arrests and, on occasion, rock-throwing, smashed glass doors, overturned desks, scattered papers and ripped-out phones."These methods proved effective. "The flooding succeeded beyond Wiley's wildest dreams," writes Sol Stern in the City Journal. "From 1965 to 1974, the number of single-parent households on welfare soared from 4.3 million to 10.8 million, despite mostly flush economic times. By the early 1970s, one person was on the welfare rolls in New York City for every two working in the city's private economy."As a direct result of its massive welfare spending, New York City was forced to declare bankruptcy in 1975. The entire state of New York nearly went down with it. The Cloward-Piven strategy had proved its effectiveness. The Cloward-Piven strategy depended on surprise. Once society recovered from the initial shock, the backlash began. New York's welfare crisis horrified America, giving rise to a reform movement which culminated in "the end of welfare as we know it" the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which imposed time limits on federal welfare, along with strict eligibility and work requirements. Both Cloward and Piven attended the White House signing of the bill as guests of President Clinton. Most Americans to this day have never heard of Cloward and Piven. But New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani attempted to expose them in the late 1990s. As his drive for welfare reform gained momentum, Giuliani accused the militant scholars by name, citing their 1966 manifesto as evidence that they had engaged in deliberate economic sabotage. "This wasn't an accident," Giuliani charged in a 1997 speech. "It wasn't an atmospheric thing, it wasn't supernatural. This is the result of policies and programs designed to have the maximum number of people get on welfare." Cloward and Piven never again revealed their intentions as candidly as they had in their 1966 article. Even so, their activism in subsequent years continued to rely on the tactic of overloading the system. When the public caught on to their welfare scheme, Cloward and Piven simply moved on, applying pressure to other sectors of the bureaucracy, wherever they detected weakness. In 1982, partisans of the Cloward-Piven strategy founded a new "voting rights movement," which purported to take up the unfinished work of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Like ACORN, the organization that spear-headed this campaign, the new "voting rights" movement was led by veterans of George Wiley's welfare rights crusade. Its flagship organizations were Project Vote and Human SERVE, both founded in 1982. Project Vote is an ACORN front group, launched by former NWRO organizer and ACORN co-founder Zach Polett. Human SERVE was founded by Richard A. Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, along with a former NWRO organizer named Hulbert James. All three of these organizations ACORN, Project Vote and Human SERVE set to work lobbying energetically for the so-called Motor-Voter law, which Bill Clinton ultimately signed in 1993. The Motor-Voter bill is largely responsible for swamping the voter rolls with "dead wood" invalid registrations signed in the name of deceased, ineligible or non-existent people thus opening the door to the unprecedented levels of voter fraud and "voter disenfranchisement" claims that followed in subsequent elections. The new "voting rights" coalition combines mass voter registration drives typically featuring high levels of fraud with systematic intimidation of election officials in the form of frivolous lawsuits, unfounded charges of "racism" and "disenfranchisement," and "direct action" (street protests, violent or otherwise). Just as they swamped America's welfare offices in the 1960s, Cloward-Piven devotees now seek to overwhelm the nation's understaffed and poorly policed electoral system. Their tactics set the stage for the Florida recount crisis of 2000, and have introduced a level of fear, tension and foreboding to U.S. elections heretofore encountered mainly in Third World countries. Both the Living Wage and Voting Rights movements depend heavily on financial support from George Soros's Open Society Institute and his "Shadow Party," through whose support the Cloward-Piven strategy continues to provide a blueprint for some of the Left's most ambitious campaigns. EDITOR'S NOTE: For an example of how the Cloward-Piven
strategy was used in actual practice, see the Think-Israel editorial:
"Obama and Odinga" at Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 15, 2009. |
This is likely just one of many incredible decision that will be made by the Obama government. "Incredible" not in the sense of amazing, but, literally, "hard to believe." It has been announced that next week the State Department will be sending "diplomats" to participate in the planning of the UN-sponsored World Conference Against Racism, known as Durban 2. This is a conference that is widely expected to be as virulently anti-Israel as the first conference in 2001 was. The announcement states that the decision on whether the US will actually participate in the conference, to be held in April, would be made following the planning discussions. But participation in the planning sessions is truly a pointless and, worse, a destructive exercise. ~~~~~~~~~~ A statement from the State Department said: "This will be the first opportunity the [Obama] administration has had to engage in the negotiations for the Durban Review, and in line with our commitment to diplomacy the U.S. has decided to send a delegation to engage in the negotiations on the text of the conference document. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Commitment to diplomacy..." This is breathtaking in its naiveté. Do President Obama and Secretary Clinton truly believe they can shift the tenor of the conference, which has been determined by a Muslim/Arab majority? US Participation isn't benign: It runs the risk of lending the proceedings an air of legitimacy, and encouraging other nations that are still on the fence to participate. Israel will not be participating. Canada has already announced its decision not to participate as well. And President Bush had declared that the US would not be participating either, short of a guarantee that the conference would not repeat its one-sided attacks on Israel. In recent months our Foreign Ministry has sought to encourage other nations notably within the EU to refrain from participation. A wide-scale Western boycott of the conference would speak volumes. Now the US decision upsets matters and puts Israel on a collision course with the State Department. Our Foreign Ministry is working to keep the US from participating. ~~~~~~~~~~ The NGO Forum statement from the first Durban Conference accused Israel of "apartheid," "crimes against humanity," "war crimes," "acts of genocide," and "ethnic cleansing." (Did they leave anything out?) The delegations from both Israel and the US walked out of that conference in protest. ~~~~~~~~~~ Much the same is anticipated the second time around. What we see now is this, from the draft of the outcome document: "Expresses deep concern at the practices of racial discrimination against the Palestinian people... "Reiterates that the Palestinian people have an inalienable right to self-determination, and that, in order to consolidate the occupation, they have been subjected to unlawful subjective punishment, torture, economic blockade, severe restriction of movement and arbitrary closing of their territories. Also notes that illegal settlements continue to be built in the occupied territories..." "Reaffirms that a foreign occupation founded on settlements, laws based on racial discrimination with the aim of continuing domination...contradicts the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations... "Reiterates deep concern about the Palestinian people under occupation... "Re-emphasizes the responsibility of the international community to provide international protection...for civilian populations under occupation..." ~~~~~~~~~~ What must be understood for starters is that what is written here is exclusive to the Palestinians. There are no comments about the right of the Kurdish people to self-determination, or of the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the need for Tibetans to have protection. This is aimed exclusively at Israel. This is a highly politicized document designed with an agenda of delegitimizing Israel. The final clause, above, raises particular concern, as it suggests international meddling in our affairs. The US delegation will change none of this. One might hope that the difficulty that will be encountered here by the US delegation might open Obama's eyes to world realities, but this is not likely to be the case. ~~~~~~~~~~ According to news reports, pressure has been put on Sec. Clinton to announce US participation in the conference and that this pressure has come in part from Susan Rice, now US ambassador to the UN, and Samantha Powers, now at the National Security Council. Reports from credible journalistic sources (which I cannot independently confirm) indicate that Powers was actually at the first Durban conference as the representative of an NGO. What is clearly on the record is that she has recommended cutting assistance to Israel, providing the Palestinians with billions of dollars, and putting into place "a mammoth protection force" to protect the Palestinians from the "major human rights abuses" committed by Israel. So we're in trouble here, folks. ~~~~~~~~~~ Please, if you are a US citizen, contact the White House and the State Department and urge that the United States not participate in the Durban 2 Conference. In your own words, simply, say that a boycott of the conference which will be virulently anti-Israel sends a potent message, while participation confers legitimacy. Note that e-mail is the least effective way to get the message across and fax or phone call the best: President Barack Obama
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Then, please, forward this to everyone else you can think of who will be willing to leave a message as well. ~~~~~~~~~~ Also on Obama there is this: While the president appointed envoys to the Middle East and Afghanistan almost immediately after his inauguration, he has not done so with Iran. This procrastination is troubling to Israel, as well as to several nations within the EU. According to Haaretz, at a recent meeting of senior diplomats from the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, representatives of the European nations were "severely disappointed" by the report provided by Under Secretary of State William Burns. Burns said it would take a couple more months before a final US policy on Iran was formulated. The French, German and British delegates said "the process must be hurried along," and the French suggested a "one-shot option " for talks with Iran, rather than long-draw out negotiations. Israeli officials are currently putting together a position paper with regard to Iran, which will be submitted to the US government. ~~~~~~~~~~ Is anyone (except those totally afloat in la-la land) surprised at this? Both Shin Bet Director Yuval Diskin and Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter reported to the Cabinet today regarding Egypt's attempts to stop smuggling of weapons, and both criticized those efforts as insufficient. Said Dichter: "The Egyptians' activities are too little and too low, and the proof is that rockets continue to be infiltrated from Egypt to Gaza. The government must define an appropriate, harsh and tough policy to the IDF in order to create deterrence against Hamas once and for all." While Diskin said, "we see an effort exerted by Hamas to rebuild its tunnels, and we have spotted several incidents of weapon smuggling since the cease-fire began." ~~~~~~~~~~ And this? It's so very typical: Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan, in Lebanon, told Al Jazeera TV that the Israeli demand that Shalit be included in a cease-fire deal is "a programmed operation to make the deal fail," "a procrastination." It couldn't be, you see, because we want Shalit back. We're just making trouble. This reminds me of what Abbas says about rocket fire from Gaza: It's a mistake because it gives us a "pretext" for hitting in Gaza. They are never, ever responsible for anything. ~~~~~~~~~~ A brief mention of the election process: No done deal, nothing certain. But it is appearing that Livni may well opt to be in the opposition rather than joining a unity coalition led by Netanyahu, on his terms. The thinking within Kadima is that Livni has time, and will be there to win the next election when Netanyahu falls on his face. This, it is reported, has been Olmert's advice to Livni. Knesset Speaker (outgoing) Dalia Itzhik supports going into opposition, as well, and Security Minister Avi Dichter says, "Kadima will not join a government that is not headed by Tzipi Livni." Livni herself is said to have privately stated: "I will either be Prime Minister or head of the opposition." ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, MK Gideon Saar, who is number 2 on the Likud list, says forthrightly that "The new government will be based on our natural partners in the nationalist camp...The voters have voted nationalist, and we have said many times that the new government will be built along these lines, and will not be a unity government that leans to the left." ~~~~~~~~~~ A great deal depends on whether Netanyahu will now be true to the principles he espoused during the election: "Keep the Golan"
These are simply not principles Kadima can accept. ~~~~~~~~~~ I close today by recommending a thought-provoking article by Gil Troy, "A Yom Kippur for the Left": "As Israel's critics around and at home mourn this "rightward shift" and the rise of the "ultra-nationalist" Lieberman, as they fret about dimming prospects for a two-state solution, instead of further demonizing the country they should apologize, in the true spirit of Yom Kippur. The rightward shift resulted from the failure of the Left's ideas at home and the betrayal by liberals from around the world. (Emphasis added) "Israelis have turned rightward because the failure of territorial concessions has been compounded by a broken covenant with the world. For decades liberal critics pounded two ideas into Israelis' heads. The first was that if the country withdrew from the territories it conquered in 1967, Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world would make peace. The second, related, assumption was an implicit compact that whatever security risks Israel took by ceding territory would be compensated for by the world's friendship. (Emphasis added) "TRAGICALLY, NEITHER the Oslo peace process nor the Gaza disengagement produced the desired results. In fact, many Israelis feel that the more they risked for peace, the more they suffered from those risks, the greater was the world's disapproval. Of course, Israel is not blameless. But whatever missteps it made pale in comparison to the three tragic truisms now dominating the political consciousness: Oslo's concessions resulted in terrorists murdering more than 1,000 people; disengaging from Gaza resulted in thousands of missiles raining on the South; and both times, when the country finally defended itself, the worldwide chorus of denunciation was so intense it fanned the flames of anti-Semitism." (Emphasis added) http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1233304754348&pagename= JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Naomi Ragen, February 15, 2009. |
Nick Cohen has written for the Observer newspaper
(The Guardian's Sunday paper). In light of that, those of you
familiar with that anti-Israel rag will no doubt be surprised at what
Mr. Cohen has to say
Nick Cohen is a columnist for The Observer. His latest collection of essays, Waiting for the Etonians: Reports from the Sickbed of Liberal England, is published this week. |
The more the British Left indulges antisemitism, the more kosher I feel My name is Nick Cohen, and I think I'm turning into a Jew. Despite being called "Cohen", I've never been Jewish before. It's not simply that I am an atheist. My Jewish friends tell me that it is hard to find an educated London Jew who is not an atheist, but that I have no connection with Jewish culture. The Jewish side of my family is my father's (which is not a help, I gather). My great grandparents fled from the Tsarist Empire at the time of the pogroms, but their son, my grandfather, revolted. He became a Communist and married outside the faith. My father was brought up with no connection to Judaism and, inevitably, so was I. My sole interest in Jewish concerns came from being a left-wing opponent of the far Right, and the blood-soaked antisemitic superstitions which turned Europe into a graveyard. When I was young, such attitudes seemed unproblematic. You did not have to be a Jew to oppose fascism; everyone I knew did that regardless of colour or creed. Today the old certainties have gone because there are two far-right movements: the white neo-Nazi parties that the Left still opposes; and the clerical fascists of radical Islam which, extraordinarily, the modern Left succours and indulges. I am not only talking about Ken Livingstone, George Galloway and their gruesome accomplices in the intelligentsia. Wider liberal society is almost as complicit. It does not applaud the Islamist far Right, but it will not condemn it either. From the broadcasters, through the liberal press, the Civil Service, the Metropolitan Police, the bench of bishops and the judiciary, antisemitism is no longer an unthinkable mental deformation. As long as the conspiracy theories of the counter-enlightenment come from ideologues with dark rather than white skins, nominally liberal men and women will not speak out. Fight back and you become a Jew, whether you are or not. Mark Lawson recently described an argument at the BBC over the corporation's decision not to screen the charity appeal for Gaza. His furious colleague declared that the only reason Lawson supported the ban was because he was Jewish. Lawson had to tell him that he was, in fact, raised a Catholic. A furious Labour MP was no different when he told a colleague of mine that I had gone off the rails when I married a "hard-right" Jewish woman from North London. My friend replied that this would be news to my wife, a liberal Catholic from Stoke-on-Trent. It was kind of him to point that out, but I would no longer protest that I wasn't Jewish, and I don't think Lawson should either. It is cowardly to stammer that you are not a Jew because you concede the racist's main point that there is something suspect about being Jewish as you do it. In any case, my experience of left-wing antisemitism has changed the way I think and made me, if you like, more Jewish. Although I want to see every Israeli settlement on the West Bank dismantled, it was clear to me that when Hamas fired thousands of rockets into Israel it had declared war and had to accept the consequences. I would not have thought that five years ago. You do not need me to add that mine is a minority point of view among liberals, and that British Jews are living through a very dangerous period. They are the only ethnic minority whose slaughter official society will excuse. If a mass murderer bombed a mosque or black Pentecostal church, no respectable person would say that the "root cause" of the crime was an understandable repulsion at the deeds of al-Qaeda or a legitimate opposition to mass immigration. Rightly, they would blame the criminal for the crime. If a synagogue is attacked, I guarantee that within minutes the airwaves will be filled with insinuating voices insisting that the "root cause" of the crime was a rational anger at the behaviour of Israel or the Jewish diaspora. Put like this, the position of British Jewry sounds grim. Remember, however, that the first aim of radical Islam is to subjugate Muslims. When brave feminists, gays, democrats and liberals in the Muslim world and in Britain's Muslim communities make a stand, they, too, are accused of being the tools of Zionists. As the struggle between theocracy and liberalism intensifies, I can see some being pushed into taking the same journey I have taken and finding their views towards Judaism and Israel softening as they realise that antisemitism helps drive the fascistic ideologies of the 21st century just as it drove the Nazism of the 20th. I will tell them that the opponents of totalitarianism must never be frightened. If their enemies say they are Jews, they should shrug and say: "All right, I am." As long as readers of the Jewish Chronicle don't object, of course. Naomi Ragen is an American-born novelist and journalist who lives in Jerusalem. She can be contacted at www.naomiragen.com, where you can subscribe to her newsletter. |
Posted by Steven Plaut, February 15, 2009. |
The following are the basic principles upon which all public debate must be conducted if you wish to be a true progressive and leftist person who cares:
Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Robert Spencer, February 15, 2009. |
![]() Happy Valentine's Day! We have one Muslim woman beheaded [see below], another set on fire [see below], a third stabbed 23 times by her brother, and now plural wives imprisoned and children tortured. Who will stand up for these Muslim women and call upon Muslim leaders to act against the Islamic texts and teachings that lead to these abuses? Spousal abuse is cross-cultural and universal, but only in Islam does it have divine sanction (see Qur'an 4:34). "Calif. polygamist gets life term for family abuses,"
MURRIETA, Calif. A self-proclaimed polygamist was sentenced Friday to seven consecutive life prison terms for torturing seven of his 19 children, abusing four others and imprisoning two of his three wives. French court gives Muslim 20 years for setting ex-girlfriend on fire
Her face burned, his honor restored "Prosecutor Camille Palluel said Butt had meticulously planned his attack 'to end the life' of his former girlfriend in an attempt 'to restore his honour.'" Love Is In The Air Update: "Jilted man jailed for fire attack," from the BBC, February 13 (thanks to Kapil): A Pakistani man has been sentenced to 20 years in prison by a French court for setting fire to an ex-girlfriend who had refused to marry him. Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife
Orchard Park police are investigating a particularly gruesome killing, the beheading of a woman, after her husband an influential member of the local Muslim community reported her death to police Thursday. EDITOR'S NOTE: He was frequently lauded as a "moderate Muslim," who taught that Muslims are a peaceful people. He described his TV station, Bridges TV, as a multicultural bridge but it spewed the usual Islamist 'hate America, hate Jews, hate infidels' message. ![]() Police identified the victim as Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37. Detectives have charged her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, with second-degree murder. "He came to the police station at 6:20 p.m. [Thursday] and told us that she was dead," Orchard Park Police Chief Andrew Benz said late this morning. Muzzammil Hassan told police that his wife was at his business, Bridges TV, on Thorn Avenue in the village. Officers went to that location and discovered her body. Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light. The killing apparently occurred some time late Thursday afternoon. Detectives still are looking for the murder weapon. "Obviously, this is the worst form of domestic violence possible," Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita III said today. Authorities say Aasiya Hassan recently had filed for divorce from her husband. "She had an order of protection that had him out of the home as of Friday the 6th [of February]," Benz said. Muzzammil Hassan was arraigned before Village Justice Deborah Chimes and sent to the Erie County Holding Center.
Robert Spencer is director of Jihad Watch is a scholar of Islamic
history, theology, and law an. His latest book is called "Stealth
Posted by American, February 15, 2009. |
Prince Alwaleed ibn Talal, chief executive of S. Arabia's Kingdom Holding Company Control on US (& other) media Who owns CNN? The answers might surprise you (or maybe not). Ever wonder why CNN and Time are so blatantly pro-islamic. Ever wonder why these weasels want are tooo eager to toe liberal / islamic propaganda?? A good chunk of AOL Time Warner is owned by Prince Alwaleed Ibn
Talal the Saudi billionaire. It is well known that Prince AlWaleed is
a front for the Saudi royal family. All of the oil money that is
swindled from Aramco the Saudi oil company is "invested" by Prince Al
Waleed and his company.
From the 'Saudi Online' page: RIYADH, 12 March Prince Alwaleed ibn Talal announced yesterday that he has spent $1 billion on stocks over the last six months, including another $500 million on Citigroup. "Already the world's largest shareholder in Citigroup, the prince's shareholding in the world's most profitable bank is now around $10 billion," said a press release from his Kingdom Holding group. "At about $43, Citi's share price was at too attractive a price," the prince said in the statement. And he added $450 million to existing shares in AOL Time Warner. "The price was very cheap at around $23," the prince said. "I believe in the power of the AOL brand and I am already a shareholder in this global media giant. Therefore, when the price reached lucrative levels, we decided to increase our stake. The weakness in AOL's stock price is temporary as it reflects the temporary weakness in several areas in which it is involved," Alwaleed said. He also increased his stake in priceline.com to $100 million, or 5.4 percent of the company.
AOL BIAS This is a growing guide to AOL political and religious bias seen by AOL subscribers as demanded by its Arab owners. AOL shows political and religious bias in its news coverage. The bias is also seen in the use of AOL message board censorship policies. Poster's messages are deleted by AOL monitors violating AOL's own Terms of Service, TOS. Time Warner has taken no action to stop the bias but has looked into it. They did nothing. AOL is owned by Arab money. Alwaleed spent $1 billion on stocks recently RIYADH, 12 March Prince Alwaleed ibn Talal announced yesterday
that he added $450 million to existing shares in AOL Time Warner. "The
price was very cheap at around $23," the prince said.
Is CNN International Really ANN or the Arab News Network ??
CAIR, WAMY to launch massive propaganda campaign"We are planning to meet Prince Alwaleed ibn Talal for his financial support to our project ....
Georgetown's Capitulation to Radical Islam
Georgetown University was built with a Catholic and Jesuit identity. This bit of information is proudly displayed on the school's website. But like Bethlehem in Israel, that identity is quickly being lost to a radical strain of Islam, as a counter-terror symposium has been abandoned and a pro-terror conference has been confirmed. Indeed, one of America's most prestigious universities appears to be under siege. Fearing violent reprisal from militant Muslim members of their student body, the school's conference center rejected an educational symposium being hosted by America's Truth Forum (formerly the People's Truth Forum), a non-partisan, fact-based organization whose sole mission is to educate the American people on topics of national security. In this case, the subject matter to be discussed involved the "Underlying Roots of Terrorism: The Radical Islamist Threat to World Peace and National Security."... While the counter-terror symposium was shunned, an organization associated with violence has been awarded a forum. From February 17 19, the Palestine Solidarity Movement (PSM), an activist group that has expressed its willingness to work with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, will be holding its "Fifth Annual Divestment Conference" on Georgetown University's campus. At past events, shouts of "Kill the Jews" and "Death to Israel" could be heard amongst the crowd. And according to a news report, during PSM's last conference, when a resolution to condemn terrorism was voted down, "the delegates erupted in cheers." When PSM announced its event, it's interesting to see who they sent a press release to. A site that devotes a page to the release, Palestine Monitor, is said by one source to be a "PRO-TERRORIST SITE." This is easy to understand, as the website contains numerous pages glorifying the Intifada (uprising) against Israel. Another location that prominently displays the press release is Ramallah Online, a hate site that equates the Jewish Star (Star of David) with the Nazi Swastika. Not wanting to anger its on-campus insurgency, the university has
remained hush about the event. The consideration of a small matter of
money may also be on Georgetown's mind. The PSM conference is coming
on the heels of a $20 million donation to the school, given by a
fairly effluent Saudi sheikh, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. This is the
same sheikh who had previously donated $27 million to a telethon that
raised money for the families of suicide bombers. Hamas.... at least $50 million from wealthy Saudis like Prince Alwaleed ibn Talal, ...
Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal hoster of telethons for suicide bomber families buys large share of Fox News
Saudis Buying Shares of Fox lets freakin take over the oil fields
already in saudi arabia... Prince al-Waleed ibnTalal already owned
stock. ...
New Islamic satellite channel launched
Prince Alwaleed ibn Talal, the chief executive of Saudi Arabia's
Kingdom Holding Company, has officially launched an Islamic satellite
channel seeking to project Islam as a religion of moderation, the Arab
News online daily reports. Al-Resalah (The Message) has been
broadcasting informally since last Wednesday. At a press conference on
Monday, Prince Alwaleed said the 24-hour channel would target an Arab
audience, especially young people, by projecting 'our Arab heritage
through a modern medium.'. Al-Resalah will be the forerunner of a
future English-language Islamic channel for Western audiences. The
prince said the new Islamic network would provide a platform for a
dialogue on religious, social and economic issues affecting everyday
life, but its priority would be to counteract the misconceptions of
Islam in other societies. Tarek Alsuwaidan, the channel?s general
manager, said that 40 per cent of the programmes would be youth
oriented, 30 per cent would target women and families, and 10 per cent
would focus on children, Arab News reports. (AKI,March 08, 2006) Saudi Prince Alwaleed Ibn Talal Owns 5.46 Percent Of Rupert
Murdoch's Media Conglomerate News Corp.
The Failure of Western Universities [incls. Middle East studies, MESA, Saudi funding at Georgetown and Harvard, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, John Esposito, Martin Kramer, Daniel Pipes] Kari Vogt, historian of religion at the University of Oslo, has stated that Ibn Warraq's book Why I am Not a Muslim is just as irrelevant to the study of Islam as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are to the study of Judaism. She is widely considered as one of the leading expert on Islam in Norway, and is frequently quoted in national media on matters related to Islam and Muslim immigration. People who get most of their information from the mainstream media, which goes for the majority of the population, will thus be systematically fed biased information and half-truths about Islam from our universities, which have largely failed to uphold the ideal of free inquiry. Unfortunately, this situation is pretty similar at universities and colleges throughout the West. London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), scene to a growing number of anti-Semitic incidents from an increasingly pro-Islamic campus, issued a threat to one of its Jewish students to cease his protests against anti-Semitism at the University. Gavin Gross, an American, had been leading a campaign against the deterioration of conditions for Jewish students at SOAS, which is part of the University of London. SOAS had witnessed an escalation of anti-Jewish activity, in both severity and frequency. At the beginning of the year, the Islamic Society screened a video which compared Judaism with Satanism. Meanwhile, in a move to "promote understanding between Islam and the West," Saudi Arabia donated about SR13 million to a leading British museum. The officials said the money from Prince Sultan would pay for a new Saudi and Islamic gallery, which would help to portray Islamic culture and civilization in right perspectives. It would also help fund scholarships for Saudi students at Oxford University. The Saudis and other oil-rich Arabs are busy buying influence over what Westerners hear about Islam. Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, a member of the Saudi Royal Family, is an international investor currently ranked among the ten richest persons in the world. He is known in the USA for a $10 million check he offered to New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani in October 2001 for the Twin Towers Fund. Mayor Giuliani returned the gift when he learned that the prince had called for the United States to "re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause." Prince Talal is also creating a TV channel, Al-Resalah, to target American Muslims. He already broadcasts in Saudi Arabia. In 2005, Bin Talal bought 5.46% of voting shares in News Corp, the parent of Fox News. In December 2005 he boasted to Middle East Online about his ability to change what viewers see on Fox News. Covering the riots in France that fall, Fox ran a banner saying: "Muslim riots." Bin Talal was not happy. "I picked up the phone and called Murdoch [...] [and told him] these are not Muslim riots, these are riots out of poverty," he said. "Within 30 minutes, the title was changed from Muslim riots to civil riots." http://www.campus-watch.org/article/id/4257 Contact American at american1627@yahoo.com |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 15, 2009. |
This comes from the Associaed press and appeared in the
Jerusalem Post
The Foreign Ministry said on Sunday it will take a "wait and see" attitude after learning the Obama administration will participate in planning for a UN conference on racism dubbed "Durban II," despite concerns that the meeting will be used by Arab nations and others to demonize Israel. Anti-Zionist Jews and pro... Anti-Zionist Jews and pro-Palestinian supporters participate in a protest march in Durban to coincide with the opening of the 2001 UN Racism Conference [archive]. ![]() While the US has said it would decide at a later date whether to participate in the conference, the State Department on Saturday said that it would send diplomats to participate in preparatory meetings being held next week for the 2009 World Conference Against Racism, which is set to be held in Geneva on April 20-24 and which Israel and Canada have already decided to boycott. Officials in the Foreign Ministry, however, played down the development, telling The Jerusalem Post they had faith in the decisions of the US administration. "I think that we see eye to eye with the Americans on the subject of Durban II, and given statements made both by President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the matter, it doesn't appear that they would continue taking part in the conference if they see outright anti-Semitism or the singling out of Israel by other members of the forum," said Eitan Levon, the Foreign Ministry's coordinator for the conference. "If you look at the State Department's official statement, it says that their intent is to try to 'change the direction in which the review conference is heading,' and that their involvement now does not indicate that they will participate in April in the World Conference Against Racism itself, so I think that it's quite clear that they will walk away if they see the same kind of hate-fest developing as was the case in the previous forum," Levon said. During the Bush administration in 2001, the United States and Israel walked out of the first UN conference on racism in Durban, South Africa, over efforts to pass a resolution equating Zionism to racism. Those efforts failed, but there are signs the resolution may be reintroduced at the so-called "Durban II" meeting in Geneva and Israel has been actively lobbying the United States and European countries to stay away from this year's meeting. Nonetheless, the apparent departure from the Bush administration's outright rejection of the conference has fueled speculation that Obama administration officials are at odds with one another over how to proceed. One official who is reportedly pressuring Secretary of State Clinton to take part in Durban II is the new American Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, who was Obama's close campaign adviser and has pushed for the US to join the UN Human Rights Council, which was boycotted by the Bush administration, partly because of its one-sided criticism of Israel. The other official reportedly pushing for American involvement in "Durban II" is Samantha Power, an Obama adviser at the National Security Council who participated in the initial Durban conference as the representative of an NGO and has a history of making controversial statements about Israel. In the past, Power expressed support for cutting US military assistance to Israel and using the funds as aid to build a Palestinian state. Power resigned from the Obama campaign in March 2008, after a statement attributed to her appeared in The Scotsman newspaper, in which she called Hillary Clinton "a monster." Power retracted the statement in the wake of public reaction, and was brought into Obama's transition team after the elections. "The secretary of state has clearly said in the past that the US should not take part in the conference," said Prof. Gerald Steinberg, executive director of the Jerusalem-based watchdog NGO Monitor. "So apparently there are different points of view being exchanged within the administration." Steinberg said the move was "troubling." "The Obama administration has taken a very bold and risky plunge by attempting to change the hate-filled agenda," he said. "It's a strong litmus test for the administration. Success [in changing the agenda] or an American-led walkout will restore moral leadership and US influence. But a failure which reinforces the first Durban attack on human rights will do long-term damage throughout the world." There were no indications that Durban II would be any different than its predecessor, Steinberg said. "This time around it could be even worse," he said. "In 2001, there were two parallel sessions, a governmental forum and then an NGO forum. It was the latter that used the wording of 'apartheid' and 'racism' against Israel, but now it seems that, even though it's unlikely that the NGOs will have a strong showing because of a lack of funding, the governments of Iran and Libya who are heading the governmental forum have adopted the same language as used by the NGOs in 2001." Based on that, the Americans were facing an uphill battle, Steinberg said. "The Europeans haven't succeeded in changing the language, and there have been negotiations going since October," he said. "But the real question is, has the Obama administration really thought this through? I'm concerned that going into this blindly will cause a lot of damage, and could even have a negative impact on the peace process. It will be hard for any Israeli government to accept a proposal by Senator [George] Mitchell if the US is involved in this, because if the same Arab countries that are part of the Saudi peace plan are the ones leading this demonization of Israel, and the rest of the world is part of the process, it's incompatible. You can't say that Israel is an apartheid state, apply the South Africa model which basically aims to annihilate Israel as a Jewish state, and then continue with peace negotiations." "If the US has not changed the language or the direction of the forum
in two to three weeks," Steinberg said, "they will need to lead a
walk-out for it to have any significance. After that, it will be too
Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 13, 2009. |
DIFFICULTY IN GETTING CASUALTY FIGURES A European found so many empty beds in Gaza, that he thinks the casualty figures over-estimated. Civilians were too afraid of Hamas to tell much. His mortality figure is too low, being lower than the dead Arabs whom Israel named. Hamas pretends that it lost few men. It stores many cadavers in hospitals, out of sight and not counted. Most of its dead did not wear uniforms, so the UNO counts them as civilians (IMRA, 1/22 and denounces Israel for killing civilians. HALF-BAKED POLLS A Geneva Institute poll found that 55% of Israelis want their government to negotiate with the P.A.. The poll failed to ask why. Some possible motives: (1) They "...want to reach the kind of deal the Geneva Initiative is pushing." [The pollsters imply that.] (2) They"...think that going through the motions of negotiations will keep everyone off our backs for a while." (3) They "...give a PC response to the pollster who called them on the phone" (IMRA, 1/22). Sometimes Israelis give self-contradictory responses. RUSSIA GIVES LEBANON 10 JETS Russia seeks influence there. Israel is said not to object, because it prefers the Lebanese Army, rather than Hizbullah, to control the border (IMRA, 1/22). Russian influence for what? Not for good. Waste of Russian taxes. Hizbullah, with veto power over the government, controls the Lebanese Army. Those jets are liable to challenge Israeli reconnaissance flights made to monitor Syrian arming of Hizbullah, which the Lebanese Army allows. JORDAN WANTED TO GIVE GAZANS GOODS Jordanians drove 11 trucks of "humanitarian" goods to Gaza, where they were transferred to UNRWA-rented trucks, then driven to Gaza City. There the goods were to be given free to the populace. Instead, unidentified armed men hijacked them. Later, they sold the goods to people (IMRA, 1/22). Since Hamas controls Gaza tightly, I guess that Hamas hijacked the trucks, as it has done, before. Wait and watch for international protest, and wait and wait. Unless the story is fake. WHAT UNRWA DOESN'T ADMIT ABOUT GAZA SCHOOLS "Just six months after Hamas' general election victory, it won a clear victory in the UNRWA workers committee elections... Suhil el-Hindi, head of the teachers sector at UNRWA schools, operates openly as Hamas' representative. He controls the curriculum in UNRWA schools, the employment of teachers in those schools, and the summer camps." "...in June 2007, parents of students in UNRWA schools wrote to the head of UNRWA charging that scores of teachers at the schools belonged to...the military wing of Hamas, and requested an urgent investigation. In another example, Awad el-Kik, the principal of an UNRWA school in Rafiah, was also head of weapons and rocket manufacturing for Islamic Jihad in Gaza..." "It seems very likely that contributions by Western nations to UNRWA pay the salaries of Hamas...Jihad terrorists who are educating the next generation of Palestinians in jihad against Israel and all non-Muslims. Western nations should demand that terror group activists be removed from UN institutions as a condition of continued funding." (IMRA, 1/22 from Jer. Center for Research." Why doesn't the NY Times report this? It is full of UNRWA denials of terrorist affiliation of its schools and full of UNRWA indignation against Israel when if fires back at UNRWA schools? THE IRONY OF PROSECUTION OF DUTCH FILM MAKER Contending that immigration of Muslims erodes Dutch freedom, MP Wilders made a film of Muslim preaching of hatred and murder. A Dutch appeals court ordered him [and not the Muslims filmed] prosecuted for incitement to hatred. The Court seems to be using Muslim standards on speech. That vindicates him
WILL ISRAELI VOTERS REMEMBER BETRAYAL OF POLLARD? Foreign Min. Livni had what were called good relations with the Bush administration. She came to see its high officials during their last few days in office. That was when the President was deciding whom to pardon. Apparently, she did not demand that he release Pollard. Jonathan Pollard calls her neglect of his cause a death sentence, for he is in poor health (IMRA, 1/22). Peres, Barak, and Sharon had conflicts of interest, so they failed pointedly to try to get Pollard released. What is Livni's excuse? She, like they, claims to have worked quietly. That means no public pressure on Bush. Hence no action. MEGALOMANIA STRIKES OBAMA EARLY What egotism to suppose that one conciliatory letter from him would turn Iran's fanatical rulers away from a lifetime of using any means to conquer other religions! Don't blame Obama's inexperience. The more experienced Hillary Clinton shared his naivete. The NY Times took it seriously. The Obama campaign emphasized that kind of failed diplomacy. Add to naivete a blind ideology and megalomania. Who does he think he is? The supposed great reformer is appointing tax evaders and lobbyists one after the other. The NY Times suggests that Sen. Daschle withdraw his Cabinet nomination. That would make it too easy for the President. Obama should withdraw the nomination with a ringing affirmation of his being a different President. Instead, he "stands behind" his nominee. As if that nominee and the others are indispensable. I suspect the problem is that the megalomaniac President will not admit to having made a mistake or having been deceived, and he insists on getting his way. Probably his nominees would perform as well as any replacement, but that's not the point. The point is that Obama should take a stand for the principles that got him elected. Otherwise, I think, his star will fade. His voters may feel cruelly used. He will get his way less. At least it will be good for race relations. Americans will realize that a black can be just as incompetent as a white. Hereafter they may vote without reverse racial preference. No lobbyists, he had campaigned. We heard that before. This time, however, Americans thought they had a real reformer. Now we have to regard his stimulus package more skeptically. Is he piggybacking onto the economic crisis his big spending notions for giving government more discretion over our lives? He may get away with it, because people don't understand how the economy works and doesn't. "People" includes half the economists. An economist is someone who tells you what went wrong, not how to prevent it from going wrong. People think the sole problem is greed and lack of regulation. Much of the problem was due to regulation, to regulators, and to human nature. The S.E.C. let Madoff swindle. Officials lacked initiative. Regulation must be petinent! GAZA BACK TO WAR Remember the anti-Israel indignation about Gaza? "Stop the fighting,!" they said. A ceasefire was arranged. Israel stopped. Hamas did not. Hamas is firing rockets and shooting across the border, again. Clearly, the Islamists are the aggressors. Israel will have to finish the war. This time, will the EU realize that Islamists endanger civilization, and let Israel do the job? WHAT MAKES A FACTION LEGITIMATE? The PLO is an umbrella organization. It is recognized by the UNO (as an official observer) and is dominated by Fatah. Hamas challenges the PLO, into which Arafat once invited it but it refused to join. Hamas suggests forming a new umbrella organization for the western Palestinian Arabs. The suggestion led to a rare, emergency meeting by the Palestinian National Council. The Council defended its "legitimacy" and called itself the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" (IMRA, 2/3). Once "sole legitimate representative," always sole legitimate representative? Why a sole representative? What about the millions of eastern Palestinian Arabs in Jordan, not part of the PLO? Why legitimate, because Arafat murdered dissenters? How much do the people want the PLO to represent them? The people in the P.A. want rulers who don't steal foreign aid but divide it equitably between municipal services and murdering Jews. How legitimate are the genocide-favoring Palestinian Arab people? The problem with the western Palestinian Arabs is that when they should have been absorbed by fellow Arabs, the Arab states kept them separate, as a wedge against Israel. Then when Arab states Jordan, Lebanon, and Kuwait did welcome them, they tried to take over those states or help Saddam conquer. They may have burned their bridges. The Palestinian Arabs are popular among Western elites who want them to find a place for themselves by displacing the Jews. No wonder the West still finds the PLO legitimate. Don't call that antisemitism, we are told. Antisemitism is not legitimate unless called by another name. It all is a matter of labels. Consider the label, "scholar." In Israel, anti-Zionist Jews lacking academic credentials get tenure at universities on the basis of exhorting the most violent Palestinian Arabs. Others get sought out by American universities, where they propagandize and lie instead of researching. They pervert American values. The US will find those professors as inimical as the Kuwaitis found their Palestinian Arab guests. Their masses migrate to escape their horrible culture, but then seek to impose that horrible culture upon their hosts. RESULTS OF GAZA COMBAT, NOW Hamas' continued use of tunnels for smuggling arms and its resumption of attacks on Israel disproved Israel's claim to have regained deterrence and to have accomplished much. Israel is hoping that Egypt produces a truce, so it won't have to go back to combat. Absent combat, Hamas remains a menace. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Jonathan Schanzer, February 13, 2009. |
Innocence Abroad: An Intimate Account of American Peace Diplomacy in the Middle East
What happens when a new US president makes Middle East diplomacy his top foreign policy objective? Former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk, a key player in the failed bid for Middle East peace in the 1990s, takes us back to the future to find out. Innocent Abroad is a page-turner. It is a remarkably well-written account of the Oslo peace process during the administration of Bill Clinton. With a strong command of Middle East history, the former diplomat of Australian origin provides a fast-paced insider's view of senior decision-making during this fascinating yet dangerous era of US diplomacy. The saga begins when Indyk tells Clinton it would be possible to broker four Arab-Israeli peace deals during the president's first term. Indyk recalls that Clinton, then a diplomatic neophyte, looked him in the eye and said, "I want to do that." Five weeks into Clinton's presidency, Indyk recalls, "Middle Eastern peacemaking was the only item on the agenda" in the first National Security Council meeting on March 3, 1993. As Indyk notes, Clinton had a "strong interest in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict to stabilize a region of vital concern." What Indyk neglects to note is that five days earlier, on February 26, Islamist radicals detonated a large bomb at the World Trade Center in Manhattan, killing six. Thus began the pattern whereby the quest for Middle East peace trumped national security. Holding fast to the belief that it would be possible to reverse decades of Arab hatred toward Israel, "Syria first" was Indyk's conviction. This approach won out over that of fellow peace warriors Daniel Kurtzer and Aaron David Miller, who insisted that the "core" issue of Palestinian-Israeli animus needed to be tackled first. As events unfolded, Indyk's plans were overtaken by events. The Kurtzer-Miller approach prevailed due to unexpected progress via the Oslo peace process. Thus, Clinton became "the adopted parent of a newborn agreement conceived in a Norwegian test tube." Indyk, however, recalls with admirable honesty that there were numerous "warning signs" that raised doubts about "the sincerity of [Palestinian leader Yasser] Arafat's commitment to renounce terrorism." PLO maps made no reference to the existence of the State of Israel, for example. Arafat also insisted upon donning battle fatigues at the White House when he shook hands with prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1993. With Palestinian-Israeli talks under way, the Clinton administration resumed its efforts to bring Syria to the table. Again, Indyk was derailed. This time, King Hussein of Jordan reached out to Rabin, culminating in a signing ceremony on the Arava border crossing between the two countries. As Indyk recounts, Jordan was the only peace partner during this era that did not require cajoling. Perhaps not surprisingly, it was the only agreement to endure. This underscores a concept lost on the Clinton administration's peace team. One does not make peace with enemies. One makes peace with former enemies. This is why the Palestinian track ultimately failed. As Indyk notes, although Arafat was offered 91 percent of the West Bank, 100% of the Gaza Strip and control over Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem an offer that exceeded the Clinton administration's expectations he could not embrace peace with Israel. Arafat made this crystal clear when he brazenly rejected Israel's historic and religious claim to Jerusalem. As Indyk recalls, "The ruins of the Temple were not there, [Arafat] insisted, and the demand for Jewish prayer there was nothing but a plot to steal Palestinian rights." Given this intransigent position, it is unclear why the US diplomats pressed for continued talks. Yet, continue they did, ultimately pushing Arafat to choose war over continued negotiation in the fall of 2000. What is perhaps most baffling about this book is the title. The Clinton peace team in the 1990s was anything but innocent. While it may have been naïve about certain things, it pursued peace ruthlessly. Countless times, Indyk recalls that "Clinton exploded" with rage when Arab actors refused to compromise. Yet, Clinton continued to insist peace was possible. When the Israeli population lost confidence in the peace process and revoked the mandate of prime minister Ehud Barak, Clinton prodded Barak forward anyway. Clinton even sent political consultants to the Holy Land in an attempt to manipulate public opinion. The possibility of peace was contrived in its final stages. But as Indyk recalls, the president was "thinking about his legacy" and sought to "wipe away the Monica Lewinsky stigma." So, what began as a well-intentioned effort to end the senseless violence in the region seems to have ended as a ruthless quest for personal glory. Through all of the drama, Indyk's book is written in a largely dispassionate tone. However, the former ambassador does himself a disservice when he forgoes diplomacy to take gratuitous shots at former president George W. Bush. He charges that Bush chose to "forsake peacemaking for war-making." At best, this is an unfair characterization of the Bush Doctrine. Indyk himself notes that upon leaving the White House, Clinton warned Bush, "Don't ever trust that son of a bitch [Arafat]. He lied to me, and he'll lie to you." Bush heeded the words of his predecessor and wisely called for Palestinian political reform before attempting to reengage in peace diplomacy. Still, unlike many lengthy memoirs written by other former US officials who attempt to embellish their record, Indyk's book is refreshingly straightforward. He states explicitly where the Clinton administration erred, and where signs of danger were ignored. Indyk notes a sense of "personal responsibility" for the failures of the peace process, noting that the "journey has been a difficult and humbling one." He might do well to convey these sentiments to the new US administration that now signals an eagerness to pick up where Clinton left off. Jonathan Schanzer, a former US Treasury intelligence analyst, is deputy executive director for the Jewish Policy Center and author of Hamas vs. Fatah: The Struggle for Palestine. |
Posted by Daniel Pereg, February 13, 2009. |
These days, we see a united Arab and world opinion that is anti-Israel which traces back to Yasser Arafat delivering his address to the UN and blatantly lying to the world. Arafat led "Palestinians" for most of their modern history while he was Egyptian. He was born and educated in Cairo and had an Egyptian accent. This fiendish arch-terrorist first worked with the extremist Muslim Brotherhood against Israel's independence and smuggled arms. He succeeded his relative, the anti-Semite Amin al-Husayni who worked with Hitler. You would think he was a saint when world leaders such as Jimmy Carter, Vladimir Putin, Kofi Annan, and Ban Ki-moon, and prominent politicians from the UK, Italy, and Canada lay elegant wreaths of flowers on Arafat's grave. Jimmy Carter glorifies the "fighter for just causes" and writes a book furthering his ideology. Jewish far-leftists like Neturei Karta and Gush Shalom visit his grave and "show respect to the Palestinians." He was very similar to Saddam Hussein, whom he embraced and enjoyed mutual support from. Time, a popular weekly magazine, featured him on their cover nine times, and labeled him as one of four "men of the year." He was unjustly awarded the Noble Peace Prize and the Nobel Prize website practically praises him while leaving out his most important aspects. A legendary symbol of his violent struggle, he is signaled out for his checkered keffiyeh which took the symbolic triangular shape of all of Eretz Yisrael to show his claim to all of the land. The keffiyeh has become a popular symbol passing down Arafat's signature look. Suicide bombers, stone throwers, demonstrators, and misled Western youths sport it or wave it like a flag to show solidarity to terrorists. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and fedayeen Fatah under his leadership were known for their terrorist attacks on random Israelis which evolved into suicide bombings and massacres. He took command of the PLO which was founded to destroy Israel through armed struggle shortly after its formation after Fatah became the dominant faction. Long before the Six-Day War, he founded the violent terrorist organization Fatah with Mahmoud Abbas, Abu Iyad, and Abu Jihad who would later be assassinated after supervising countless killings of Israeli civilians. Fatah and its current leader Mahmoud Abbas have been viewed as moderate in comparison to others but are also extremist. The symbol of Fatah today includes a map showing all of Eretz Yisrael, two guns with one including a bayonet, and a grenade. Fatah holds the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and Fatah Hawks as its armed factions. He never really recognized Israel's right to exist. The PLO and all major Arab organizations affiliated with the "struggle" have all of Eretz Yisrael on their symbol, not just Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Forget condemning violence and terrorism, he was the leader and escalator of the Intifada (accused of pre-planning) and referred to violent stone throwers as new "generals." Arafat was supposed to condemn terror and crack down on perpetrators when he praised these "martyrs" and influenced them to carry out attacks. His followers, many who were members of his different organizations, carried out guerrilla and terrorist actions with his approval. He and his PLO fighters launched a civil war in Jordan that resulted in the deaths of thousands. However, King Hussein did what Israel would never dare doing Jordan killed the bloodthirsty PLO fighters and expelled the troublemakers without fear of world or even Arab opinion. Only Israel was foolish enough not to expel him like Jordan and Lebanon. Israel had absolute right and should have killed him yet neither happened. After meeting with Israelis like Shimon Peres when it was illegal by Israeli law and "accepting" UN resolutions 242 and 338 which favored his goals, he fooled Israel into the constantly violated Oslo Accords giving him control over Arab population centers. His PLO formed into the Palestinian Authority (PA) after the Oslo Accords which taught and still teaches hate. Arafat and other senior PA associates tried smuggling illegal weapons through the Karine A ship which would have led to deaths only imaginable. PA television broadcasts brainwash through encouraging and glorifying violence which led to it becoming widespread. Soon, Israel had its last straw and labeled Arafat illegitimate, prompting Mahmoud Abbas to take an early step as his successor. Abbas denied the Holocaust and funded the Munich massacre and families of terrorists just like Arafat. Abbas has been viewed wrongly to further negotiations besides not having enough support because he is too "soft." He referred to Arab terrorists who serve in Israeli jails as "our heroes." Abbas is the successor as head of the PLO, PA, and Fatah and has promised to follow in Arafat's path. Not all Arabs in Israel are terrorists yet they are represented by the terrorist PLO. Their symbol and flag is that of the PLO. The PLO flag is flown by demonstrators who wish to condemn Israeli and Zionist "atrocities" and show their solidarity with the "brutally oppressed." Their democratically elected PA or "government" is made up of terrorist organizations like Hamas, Fatah, and PFLP . Their recognized "liberator" and national hero is Arafat. His tomb has become a decorated shrine which should be dismantled. Arafat and the Palestinian movement resemble a new anti-Semitism which allows anti-Semites around the world to hide under the banner of ideological differences. However, just like the Nazis were more dangerous than Hitler, Arafat's followers who follow his path are the obstacle to peace. Instead of scapegoating Arafat for causing Israel's problems, we must go after those who carry out his orders. Children are taught about their great liberator who fought the Zionists and won! Similar outlooks prevail in major "resistance" fronts that have used even more radical outlooks. Perhaps he was teaching peace when in front of large crowds, he chanted, "Jihad, Jihad, Jihad." So much for ending the hate, incitement, and violence. End his legacy, or so much for peace. Daniel Pereg is a 15-year old student at Beverly Hills High School. He helps run the LA chapter of the Eretz Yisrael Committee. His future plans are for Aliyah, joining the Israeli Army, residing in Kiryat Arba, and becoming a Knesset Member for a strong Jewish Israel. He can be reached at religiouszionist@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Yoram Ettinger, February 13, 2009. |
Straight from the Jerusalem Boardroom #133, February 13, 2009 |
1. Irrespective of the global economic meltdown, the war on Palestinian terrorism, the Iranian threat, regional instability and political uncertainty, Standard & Poor (S&P) has left Israel's credit rating unchanged at A and the country forecast rating [has been sustained] as "stable." The rating was approved in all three criteria: Shekel debt, foreign currency debt and transfer and convertibility assessment, which remains at AA (Globes, January 20, 2009). 2. Israel's private debt-private income ratio is 55% (private Israeli debt amounts to half of private income), compared with 170% in the US, 180% in Britain and almost 200% in Ireland. While the ratio of government debt-gross domestic product is a critical element of national economy, the private debt/income ratio has gained in importance since private consumption has become a crucial engine catapulting or devastating national economy (Yediot Achronot, Sever Plocker, Feb. 6). 3. $500MN raised via an 11 year bond issue led by J.P. Morgan and Citigroup by the Israel Electric Company, reflecting confidence in Israel's long-term economy (Globes, Jan. 26). 4. The New Mexico-based $34BN Thornburg Investment Management and Canada's PAW Capital have increased their holding in Israel's Amdocs and Radware from 4.5% to 10.1% (which amounts to $400MN in Amdocs) and from 5.1% to 7.3% ($8.2MN in Radware) respectively (Globes, Jan. 19). Britain's Axell Wireless acquired Israel's DekoLink for a few million dollars (Globes, Jan. 28). 5. Microsoft led a $24MN round by Israel's N-Trig (Globes, Jan. 13). EMC led a $15MN round of private placement by Israel's Varonis. EMC was joined by Accel Partners and other investors (Globes Jan. 23). Mexico's Arancia (food additive) participated in an $11MN round by Israel's Enzymotec (Globes, Feb. 4). Qualcomm is investing $7MN in Israel's Modu (Globes, Jan. 27). Germany's Hasso Plattner Ventures led a $6MN first round by Israel's BrightView (Globes, Jan. 28). Samson Ventures invested $2MN in Israel's SteadyMed (Globes, Jan. 29). Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is a consultant on US-Israel relations as well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem Cloakroom series of reports. Contact him at yoramtex@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Rachel Kapen, February 13, 2009. |
Following closely and with great trepidation the results of Israel's elections to the 18th Knesset, with the paper ballots carrying the different Hebrew alphabet letter signifying the various parties, I couldn't but remember the first elections in the history of the state. The first elections took place in Jan. 25, 1949 with the active participation of half a million citizens who voted for 12 parties. Then, on Feb. 14, the forerunner of the current Knesset which was called the Steering Assembly, convened and after the singing of Hatikvah the 120 members were sworn in. Two days hence the name Knesset became official and the following day the first president, the famous Zionist leadet and scientist Dr. Cham Weizmann was sworn in as the first president of the Jewish State. Later, in March 18, Prime Minister David Ben Gurion presented his cabinet to the Knesset comprising 12 ministers. Moshe Sharet was the country's first foreign minister and Ben Gurion retained the defense portfolio for himself. However, what I remember mostly were the elections themselves. No, I wasn't eligible to vote myself, I was only ten years old then, but my mother and father were, and how proud and emotional they were to be participating in the first elections of the state they helped create. It was a holiday from school and work so my parents, Chalutzim (pioneers) who came in the Third Aliyah(wave of immigration) of the early 1920's, wanted my sister Shula and myself to take part in the momentous event. We all walked to the school which became a polling place for the day and stood in the long line of very noisy and excited people waiting for their turn to vote. We were not the only children in line, some other parents wanted to take the children in order for them to witness this historical once in a lifetime event. And then when their turn came, they went in and disappeared behind the curtain, voted, and we went back home as my father explained to us as best as he could what was it all about and how significant. Now there are more than seven times the number of Israeli citizens and just as many pieces of paper to signify the parties yet the parties are very different. But one thing didn't change. Voting is the most important manifestation of a democratic country and although for Israeli-born citizens it may be taken for granted, it isn't for the many who immigrated from the former Soviet Union where they were unable to do so. Since coming to the U.S. year back I had the chance to vote in the Israeli elections when they happen to be in a summer where I visited the country as I did almost every year with the children when my dear parents were alive. I still had my identity card and made sure I am still registered and I was so proud to go to the polling place, then in Bat Yam together with my mother. My father, Yosef, the greatest patriot I knew, wasn't with us any more so I remember my mother saying that she has to vote for him too, something he was always so proud doing. Whether in the United States or Israel, two great democracies, voting should not be taken for granted. Rachel Kapen lives in West Bloomfield, MI. Contact her at skapen285466mi@comcast.net |
Posted by Simon McIlwaine, February 13, 2009. |
House of Lords debates
My Lord, I recently heard a speech by President Peres of Israel. He said that if we look back 50 years, who would have imagined then that the Soviet Empire would have ended, that the South African system of apartheid would have been dismantled and Mandela would have become president, that the Berlin Wall would have come down and that there would be a black president of America? He said that we should look forward 50 years from now in the same spirit. I want to start on that optimistic note because I believe that if we wait that long no doubt beyond our lifetimes there will be change for the better. I want to emphasise that because inevitably much of my speech will be rather gloomy. No one can accuse this House of not focusing on the distressing situation in Gaza. In the past 12 months, there have been 161 Questions and Statements about Israel, Gaza and the Palestinians compared with, for example, 33 on Sri Lanka and 24 on Tibet. I mention Sri Lanka in particular because noble Lords will be aware that recently there was a well attended protest in Parliament Square about the terrible attacks on the Tamils, the hospitals under siege, the killing of 70,000 people and the many more thousands who are trapped and displaced from their homes. This has attracted little opprobrium and no calls for the obliteration of Sri Lanka or talk of its brutalisation. I raise that because I am interested in the particular focus on the Middle East that is expressed in this country. Part of the reason is that the war in Gaza has not been seen in perspective, but only as a minute fragment of what is, in truth, a larger picture. There is a wider war, of which Israel and Gaza are figureheads, and there is also a civil war. The talk about what is proportionate I prefer the word "necessary" has to be seen in the context of a response to an attack from Hamas designed not just to launch rockets at Israel 5,000 rockets deliberately aimed at Israeli civilians and schoolchildren at 7.45 in the morning but to end the state of Israel. Hamas has vowed to have an Islamic state over Gaza, the West Bank and Israel as part of a wider Islamic empire. Israel has a 20 per cent Arab population, but not one Jew is to be allowed to live in this Islamic state. We can well imagine the fate planned for the millions of Israelis were this to come about. The response from Israel was, if anything, as restrained as it possibly could be. We should recall the detailed precautions taken by the Israeli army to avoid wherever possible harm to civilians, bearing in mind the use of mosques, schools and hospitals, as has been referred to earlier today. The charges of "disproportionate" were not made in relation to other wars that we have recently experienced; Kosovo, Georgia, Iraq or even Afghanistan, where people have died in their thousands. In fact, there has been some praise for the restraint that Israel has shown in trying to avoid civilian casualties. There is also a civil war in Gaza, which makes the prospects of peace unrealistic. The military dictatorship there did nothing to protect its own subjects, but took the opportunity of war to eliminate many of its Fatah political opponents. Other noble Lords have referred to the very cruel details of this. Even the Palestinian Authority's President Abbas said: "Hamas has taken risks with the blood of Palestinians, with their fate and dreams and aspirations for an independent Palestinian state". The wider war is one of destruction of Israel, and those who criticise Israel's attack on Gaza must realise that they are unwittingly giving succour to that plan. Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas all share that same aim of destroying Israel entirely and, indeed, Hamas has thanked Iran for its support in the Gaza war. As others have mentioned, the result has been that Jews all over the world have suffered for this. The attacks on Jews that have taken place here in the UK and elsewhere illustrate my theme of a wider war. It is Jews and synagogues in London and Venezuela, in universities, to their shame, and streets, that are attacked, with Gaza as the excuse, not Israelis. It is not Jews who see all criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism; it is some of the critics of Israel who vent their displeasure on Jews in general. The hatred of Israel, and sometimes Jews, is almost unique in international politics. Then there is the propaganda war. I urge noble Lords not to believe all that they read in the newspapers about damage and killings in Gaza. We do not have the evidence. I cite just one case. The tragic killing of the three daughters of the respected Gazan doctor Izzeldin Abuelaish now seems to have been by Gazan rockets, not Israeli fire, according to the post-mortem examination of the fragments of their bodies. On the humanitarian front, of course, it is exacerbated, because Hamas wanted civilian deaths to increase its worldwide exposure and sympathy. Humanitarian aid is another area where the wrong and pessimistic view has been taken. I noted with interest and approval that the BBC refused to screen the advertisement for aid and that it was backed by its own NUJ branch of journalists. It is not so good to hear talk of a Zionist lobby and Jews mugging protests and stemming disquiet in the United States, when you consider the very small numbers that there are. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency has a huge budget. We do not yet know what happened to the millions that Arafat salted away and took to his death. We note the failure of other Arab countries to come to the aid of their brothers. The oil revenue of the Gulf states in 2008 was $562 billion; in Saudi Arabia it was $260 billion one day's oil revenue would work a miracle for the West Bank and Gaza, but this is not forthcoming. On the humanitarian front, Israel's Supreme Court in the past few days, a court known for its robustness, has examined the application of the Geneva conventions on humanitarian law and found them not to have been breached. Other Arab countries have not only not helped but have literally turned their backs on the Palestinians, as one can read regarding Syria in the report in the Times today. What of the future? Gaza could have had a future. Every Israeli soldier and civilian was removed from there. Everything was ready for the Gazans a few years ago to start a new period of economic development. There was no blockade, and it remains true that Egypt could open its crossing if it wanted to. It does not, of course, because it no more wants an Iranian state on its borders than Israel does. Instead the rockets and the tunnels came, and the sad destruction of the very greenhouses where flowers and fruit were grown and could have continued to be grown. What can the UK do? It can support Egypt, which is acting very well in this crisis, albeit for its own reasons of survival. It can help block Hamas from smuggling more arms by sea. It can press for the release of Gilad Shalit, who has been a hostage in Gaza for two and a half years with no access to the Red Cross or any other international agency. It can persuade Hamas to change the charter and remove mention of destruction. Above all, your Lordships should lend your voices to the end of the demonisation of Israel and to calm down the surging anti-Semitism. Your Lordships should recognise the need of Israel to exist and its legitimacy. It is no more arriviste in the Middle East than the other 22 Arab states to be found there. There can be no further removal of six million Jews from the Middle East. We must do nothing to feed the hatred that surrounds this issue and we must do everything to look to the future. Simon McIlwaine is with Anglican Friends of Israel (www.anglicanfriendsofisrael.com). Contact him at Simon.McIlwaine@ormerods.co.uk |
Posted by Daily Alert, February 13, 2009. |
Medicine bottles, transferred to the Gaza Strip as humanitarian aid by Israel, were used by Hamas as grenades against IDF troops during Operation Cast Lead. Pictures of the grenades were obtained exclusively by The Jerusalem Post. ![]() The medicine bottles were manufactured by the Jerusalem Pharmaceutical Company, which is based in el-Bireh, a town adjacent to Ramallah, and the global pharmaceutical company Shire. The medicine bottles were filled with explosives, holes were drilled in the caps, and fuses were installed. Once Hamas fighters lit the fuses, they had several seconds to throw the grenades at soldiers. The IDF also found small explosive devices that used medical syringes to hold their fuses. The medical grenades were discovered in northern Gaza by troops during last month's three-week battle against Hamas. The grenades were taken to military explosives experts, and then disassembled and studied. One bottle turned into a grenade originally contained a drug called Equetro, which is used by people who suffer from episodes associated with bipolar disorder. Another bottle had contained a vitamin supplement called Super-Vit. "This is another example of Hamas's cynical use of humanitarian supplies to attack Israel," a Defense Ministry official said Thursday. "Israel facilitates the transfer of the supplies to the Gaza Strip, and Hamas uses the supplies to create weapons." During the offensive, the IDF encountered a variety of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that were manufactured by Hamas and Islamic Jihad inside the Gaza Strip. Some were anti-personnel bombs and others were planted on the sides of roads or underground to be activated against IDF tanks and armored personnel carriers. Some of the IEDs were fitted with advanced wireless detonators and others were attached to a wire. In one instance, a Merkava tank from Brigade 401 rolled over a large explosive device that lifted the tank in the air but did not cause any serious damage, due to a plate of reinforced steel that was installed on the tank before the operation.
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Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 13, 2009. |
The system is lousy and many of the people functioning within it are not exactly fantastic either. Those of us who are watching this closely find ourselves doing an enormous amount of speculating. There are so many potential scenarios, so many motivations to ascribe to the players. It ultimately does wear one down. I will review here briefly what is going on: Yesterday, Netanyahu invited Livni to join a unity government, with him in charge as PM, but Kadima awarded a couple of major ministries, such as foreign affairs and defense. Enough to cause apoplexy. So then the questions were why did he do this, did he offer sincerely (or expecting her to refuse), and would she accept. Different answers from different analysts. ~~~~~~~~~~ Livni is in a bind. First, if she does join, the ministries of foreign affairs and defense would be operated under the policies of Likud and be untenable for Kadima E.g., Likud has in its platform no dividing Jerusalem, while Kadima would want to. This bind is why some people think that Netanyahu offered knowing she couldn't accept. Then there is another problem for Livni. She believes she has "won" because her party has one more mandate than Likud. She sees herself as PM. It would be humiliating for her, another source from the inside told me, to accept with Netanyahu running the government, and this she will not do it although this source thinks Netanyahu wasn't factoring this in when he made his offer. Kadima MK Meir Sheetrit has made a fairly definitive statement to the Post: "We are not going to be a fig leaf to an extreme right-wing government. We are not afraid to be in the opposition." Although he doesn't necessarily speak for Livni or the majority of the party, it is to be hoped that this is the way it plays out. There is a faction within Kadima, including Shaul Mofaz, pushing for that unity government. They say at last? that they will consider leaving Kadima if Livni doesn't join Likud. But "consider" is still just talk. At any rate, Livni's only public declaration to date has been to say that she owes it to those who voted for her to keep trying to put together a coalition, and if she cannot then she'll decide. ~~~~~~~~~~ Can she put together a coalition? My best guess is still no. As I wrote previously, she has been courting Lieberman, who was playing it very coy. I know exactly who I'll recommend to Peres, he announced, but I'm not telling. ~~~~~~~~~~ Turns out he wasn't that sure at all, because today the news is that he'll go with Likud if Likud backs civil marriages and easier conversions. Lieberman represents a Russian constituency that has many people who are not halachically Jewish, i.e., according to Jewish law. The law of Israel permits people who have one Jewish grandparent to become Israeli citizens. But if Netanyahu agrees to this which he is indicating he will he will have trouble with his right wing religious and ultra-religious parties. Already Shas has joined with United Torah Judaism, and possibly The Jewish Home, in opposition to certain policies. Likud is confident that there are ways to negotiate compromises that will work. Former MK Yaakov Ne'eman, who has a history of negotiating tough compromises, has been brought in for this purpose. And from what I am reading, such compromises are possible. (More to follow on this as relevant.) ~~~~~~~~~~ Likud, you see, cannot attain its needed majority without Lieberman, but also needs those religious parties. That is, if Livni is not on board. This is how difficult this system is when election results are not clear-cut. And this might just a speculation explain why Netanyahu would have considered a unity government: he would avoid all of this horse-trading. It should be mentioned that Ichud Leumi (National Union) has not yet endorsed Netanyahu. They will not if Livni is in the coalition. ~~~~~~~~~~ The fact that Livni would readily promise Lieberman the things he is seeking, but he still is trying to get Likud to concede on these matters, means that Lieberman's first choice really is Likud but that he sees himself with the power to demand the maximum. ~~~~~~~~~~ I was astonished yesterday to learn that the soldiers' votes have been counted and there were no changes in the order of parties as a result of this. Usually there are. But I spoke to someone trustworthy who was present during counting who assures me that these are the results this time. Many soldiers wrote in Gilad Shalit as a protest, which may be why there are no changes. ~~~~~~~~~~ So, this is where we are as we approach Shabbat. There is a good deal I want to write about the PA and Abbas, but after Shabbat, just as updates on the election scenario will continue then. At the beginning of next week Peres will start to meet with the heads of all parties, and ask them who they recommend to form the coalition. Netanyahu has to have his act in place by then if he is to garner the recommendations he needs. ~~~~~~~~~~ In theory, the president is supposed to select the person who has the best chance of forming a coalition to go ahead and try to do so. He is broadly expected to do this, and select Likud. If Netanyahu has his act together, and if Peres plays it straight, then a government would be formed quickly, as all of the legwork will have been done already. There is some fear, however, that Peres might select Livni, ostensibly because she has one more mandate, even though a majority of the Knesset would not be with her. Livni's politics are much more in line with his than are Netanyahu's. This would be a horror, for she would drag it out for the full month and more given for forming a coalition, during which time Olmert would still be PM and she would still be foreign minister, and Barak defense minister, and opportunities for them to do further damage would be awaiting them. ~~~~~~~~~~ With all of this, the possibility for things to work out well are still quite viable. So we have to hold our collective breath, and continue to pray. ~~~~~~~~~~ See analyst Hillel Frisch writing for the BESA Center, who sees the emergence of a right-of-center dominant bloc in Israel. This is excellent news transcending the current mess as it means the people of Israel have finally begun to awake from the mythology of Oslo and land-for-peace, two-state-solution politics. Maybe we'll have a school system that teaches Zionism again, and an awakening of our pride and our integrity.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Phyllis Chesler, February 13, 2009. |
This appeared February 11, 2009 on Pajamasmedia
Western liberals and in the past I have been a very good one still refuse to describe any culture other than their own as "barbaric" lest they be maligned as "racists." Now, America's first (half) African-American president, whose first order of business was to reach out to the Muslim world on Al-Arabiya, has said he will actively negotiate with the Iranians, Afghans, Pakistanis, and Saudis. I wish him well. But I also fear for him and hope he reads what I have to say. He must understand that he will be dealing with barbarians. Like all good liberals, he may not understand what that means. But what word other than "barbaric" describes the systematic incitement to violence that takes place in mosques and on television and which has led to mob rampages and episodes of "wilding" against Muslim girls and women who are group-groped, gang raped, kidnapped into sexual slavery, set on fire, buried alive, blinded by acid for daring to go to school, work as a newscaster, a hairdresser, or for a foreign company, refuse to wear a shroud, or choose to marry someone of their own choice. Few Muslim clerics and even fewer fabled Muslim "moderates" have loudly and perilously condemned such behavior towards their sisters or towards Christians, Jews, and other infidels who routinely fall prey to such mobs. President Obama is in favor of women's rights as is his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. How in God's name do they think they can persuade barbarians who behave in such ways to change their behaviors? If I were Obama and Clinton, I'd hold these diplomatic meetings with lots of American security guards and in neutral countries. What word other than "barbaric" can even begin to characterize the 2002 kidnapping and video-ed beheading of Jewish-American Wall Street Journal reporter, Daniel Pearl, in Pakistan and the 2006 three week-long torture of French citizen, Ilan Halimi, in Paris by African Muslims, ostensibly for ransom money? Many North African Muslim neighbors dropped in to watch or even to take a hand in Halimi's torture and murder. The presumably civilized and non-"barbaric" western media was reluctant to describe either Pearl's or Halimi's murder-torture as an act of Muslim "racism." How can it be "racist" when both the perpetrator and the victim are Semites? Or Africans? The western liberal media is not so much reluctant as it is terrified to further offend the rampaging Muslims whose religion is, presumably, one of peace. But not telling the truth, keeping one's head deep in the sand, does not abolish the barbarism. It only makes it more difficult for us to name it and to defend ourselves against it. For example, despite all the liberal media cautiousness, in 2009, a Polish engineer, Piotr Stanczak, was kidnapped, then beheaded on video in Pakistan, near the border with Afghanistan. And, the "barbarism" is hardly confined to Muslim countries. In Scotland there is an alarming pattern of Muslim or "Asian" murderous attacks upon young white boys. In the infamous 2004 case of 15 year-old Kriss Donald: "The court had heard that Kriss was jumped on as he walked down a street near his home with a friend. As he was bundled into a car, he screamed: "Why me? I'm only 15." His mutilated body was found the next day on a walkway in the east end of the city. The slightly built boy had been beaten, held down and stabbed 13 times, then set on fire while he was still alive. Bleeding to death and burning, he tried to crawl towards the river Clyde but died in a ditch. A passerby who found his body the following day thought he had stumbled across the carcass of a dead animal." The British media was and still is reluctant to describe the killers as "Muslims;" they prefer the more neutral "Asians." More serious is the fact that just yesterday, the heroic Muslim MK, Mohammed Sarwar, (Britain's first Muslim in Parliament), announced his retirement from Parliament due to the many death threats he has received. Sarwar was instrumental in negotiating the return of Donald's three Muslim-Asian killers from Pakistan. Once again, squeamishness has not won the day. Just this month, a second Muslim racist attack upon white boys took place on Kriss Donald's street. Mercifully, this time only bones were broken. Let me be clear. "Barbarism" is not only a mob or youth-gang phenomena. It defines the very nature of Muslim religious law. For example, on February 11, 2009, a Saudi judge ordered that a young woman who was gang raped and impregnated be imprisoned for one year. He also ordered that she be given 100 lashes after she gives birth, (which is often a death sentence), because she talked with and followed a man who was not her relative and who turned out to have planned the attack. What can President Obama do? Refuse to talk, talk anyway, dare to craft an economic deal that is pegged to the abolition of Sharia law? And according to the British Telegraph, early in 2009, a Pakistani Muslim cleric blinded a young boy with acid because he spurned the cleric's sexual advances. Is America imperfect? Absolutely. Is murder committed on our shores? Do people abuse their power in such a way that others suffer and die? Absolutely. But we do not lynch people in the streets, our clerics do not provoke such acts and when injustice is called to our attention, sometimes sometimes the rule of law prevails. In the Muslim Bad Lands, there is no rule of law, or rather, the law itself demands "cruel and usual punishment" as my good friend Nonie Darwish has said in her latest book which bears this exact title. Folks: Beginning with President Obama, and including the American and western media, we had better start connecting the dots. We are not only facing "barbarians," but, as I wrote yesterday, we are facing barbarians who brilliantly and viciously employ non-conventional, asymmetrical, non-proportionate, and terrorist means of warfare which unbelievably, our own media finds....thrilling, romantic. Dr. Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies at City University of New York. She is an author and lecturer and co-founder of the still ongoing Association for Women in Psychology (1969). Visit her website at http://pajamasmedia.com/xpress/phyllischesler/ |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 12, 2009. |
Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who is being prosecuted over anti-Islam remarks, has been prevented from entering Britain. He was arrested at London's Heathrow airport after being warned. See the video: /www.euronews.net dutch-anti-islam-politician-held-at-heathrow Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who is being prosecuted over anti-Islam remarks, has been prevented from entering Britain. He was arrested at London's Heathrow airport after being warned by authorities against trying to enter. Wilders was en route for the House of Lords where he had been invited to show his controversial film that links the Koran with extremist violence. Malcolm Pearson of the UK Independence Party that invited him said: "I do think he has a right to say what he is saying and particularly in the mother of parliaments, so we are coming at this from the angle of free speech. This man must be allowed to say what he wants and he must answer questions on it and then everyone can make up their minds." But leading Muslims supported the government's action. Labour's Lord Nazir Ahmed said: "If you are doing it to provoke and incite hatred and if you are doing it to provoke violence, surely that should not be allowed. In our country, we have banned people like (controversial Muslim cleric) Sheikh (Yusuf) Qaradawi, and many, many dozens of other people, who we thought that might be a threat to national security." Wilder's film, which was released on the internet, sparked protests around the Muslim world for linking Koranic verses with footage of terrorist attacks. After its release, and in the wake of other comments, a court in Amsterdam ordered him to be prosecuted for hate speech. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 12, 2009. |
HAMAS WORKING THOSE ARMS TUNNELS Israel is not stopping Hamas. It is waiting for negotiations with the US and Egypt to stop the arms smuggling. Israel will not assassinate top Hamas leaders who come out of hiding, not even during Hamas ceasefire violations (IMRA, 1/19). If Israel destroyed more tunnels, the US and Egypt would have some incentive to stop the arms smuggling. Otherwise, they will have lulled the IDF into inactivity, again, on the basis of false assurances. If Hamas leaders knew they would be killed over ceasefire violations, they either would order no violations, would be killed, or would stay in hiding. If hiding or dead, Hamas would be less effective. If no violations, Israel would be safer. Israel's constant reduction of proper defensive measures is self-defeating. That is the product of the regime's defeatist ideology. IRAN WORKING TO RESTORE HAMAS STANDING Iran is trying to smuggle longer-range rockets into Gaza. It also is professionally assessing why Hamas' rockets and the defensive underground forts, roadside bombs, and booby-trapped houses it had Hamas set up didn't take a greater death toll, permit capture of Israeli troops, and destroy any tanks (IMRA, 1/20). As against that news, the Olmert regime's claim to have achieved its objectives doesn't say much about its understanding of its unwisely limited objectives or their failed implementation. DALAI LAMA AGAINST ISLAMO-TERRORISM He has spent his life opposing violence. However, he admits that non-violence does not work with the closed minds of Islamo-fascist terrorists. He said they are brilliant, educated, close-minded but not madmen (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/21). WAR CRIMES ACCUSATIONS Russia killed tens of thousands of Chechen civilians. Many countries murder masses of civilians, such as Sudan and Rwanda. Israel killed fewer than 500 human shields, incidental to combat in self-defense against war-criminals, but it is Israelis that the Far Left demands be tried for war crimes. It is Israel against which thousands of people rally in many places, expressing hatred. There is no international law standard behind the cry against Israel. The hatred is pre-existing. The accusations are a phony pretext for getting after Jews (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/21). PECULIAR REASSURANCE TO ISRAEL Israel is concerned about rumors that Russia intends selling Iran the S-300 anti-aircraft missile, hard to deflect. Who would be able, then, to knock out Iran's nuclear factories, defended by the S-300? S-300 Installation would take a year. The manufacturer of the F-35 warplane on order by Israel assures Israel that it need not worry. Computer simulations show the F-35 destroying the S-300. The F-35 would take 2-3 years to deliver and install (IMRA, 1/21). Don't worry? For one or two years, Iran would have the S-300 and complete its bomb-making, while Israel would be waiting for the F-35. Then Israel, if not destroyed by nuclear bombs, would have to hope that the manufacturer's computer simulations are valid. I'd worry. I'd not wait. Outraged by Bush's attack on Saddam, a friend called it "pre-emptive." So? He'd wait for Iran to destroy his city, New York, and/or Israel. Millions murdered before the US or Israel's submarines would retaliate on Iran. Would he feel good then, about his principle of not attacking the enemy first? HOLLAND OPPRESSES THE TRUTH Dutch MP Wilders opposes the process of turning the Netherlands Islamics. After checking the law, he produced and distributed [where censors didn't ban it] a 14-minute film showing the Islamist danger to Western civilization. Scenes showed Muslim hate sermons, Islamists demanding that they behead Jews, praise for Hitler, and demonstrations vowing another Holocaust. The Dutch Muslim umbrella organization said that the film does not insult their religion. Amsterdam's chief prosecutor declined to prosecute Wilders for discrimination or incitement to hatred. Then, however, numerous Dutch groups protested. A Dutch appeals court ruled that Wilders must be prosecuted for "allegedly inciting hatred, discrimination and insulting language in the film." Wilder's political party accused the court of attacking freedom of expression (IMRA, 1/21). The film showed others inciting hatred. Not only did the court attack freedom of expression. It sided with the Islamists, for it allows them to insult other religions, only bans attempts like Wilders to expose those insults and the oppression they foretell. It tends to prevent a country from defending its liberty and its culture. The lights of freedom are going out all over Western Europe. This was said during the Holocaust. The new fascistes don't call themselves Nazis, now, they call themselves Muslim Brotherhood and multi-culturalists. U.S. ARMY WAR COLLEGE'S DEFENSE OF HAMAS The US Army War College published two official monographs by its Islamic studies professor, Sherifa Zufur, that take up the Hamas line against Israel. The first monograph is a glossary that criticizes opposition to Islamofascism as making core Islamic beliefs and practices seem pathological. [Well, they are.] "Prof. Zufur's definitions invariably deny any link between Islam and terrorism..." She ignores the Hamas Covenant that clearly states, as does the rest of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, "Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model to be followed, the Koran its constitution, Jihad its way, and death for the sake of Allah its loftiest desire," and that cites a religious duty to destroy the Jews. The author claims that Hamas long ago abandoned that line, but in 2007 in reaffirmed it [and continues to act accordingly]. Claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood is a social organization and denying religious premises of Hamas, Zufur fails to cite religious authorities in her support. A US court introduced as evidence of its war on civilization the Brotherhood's own document, "Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America: The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands." She omitted that [although that would show our soldiers what we are up against]. Calling Hamas moderate, she omitted the fact that the "Hamas parliament voted in December 2008 to legalize Shari'a hudud punishments like amputation, flogging, and crucifixion." [its war crimes, including using human shields, firing from schools and hospitals, and firing rockets into Israeli cities are extremist.] The second monograph treats sympathetically Hamas' "resistance" to Israel without explaining why Hamas should "resist" a departed army and populace. [A better point is that it "resists" by terrorism, it is violating Arab peace agreements, and it could have negotiated instead. It resists with antisemitism.] Zufur claims that Israel prevents peace by having "settlements" [war preceded them, so jihad is the cause of war not settlement]. She accuses Israel of rejecting all comprehensive Arab peace offers. [They don't offer peace, they demand concessions that would render Israel indefensible.] Steven Emerson commented, "Statements like these betray the actual purpose of this monograph: to criticize Israel for exercising its sovereign right to self-defense while giving Hamas a free pass for terrorist assaults that deliberately target Israel's civilian population." (IMRA, 1/21.) The Defense Dept. has no business sponsoring pro-terrorist monographs and professors. What are they teaching our soldiers! JUDAISM & PEACE Some people cite Judaism in support of efforts for peace via appeasement. They claim that Israel contradicts Jewish tradition by retaliating against Hamas barbarism instead of negotiating. They think that Judaism unqualifiedly supports efforts. It opposes them. In Judaism, peace is not to be confused with pacifism. The Bible ranks peace as a great goal, but not an overriding one. Bible stories commend eradicating evil, repelling injustice, and not making peace by injustice. Examples from it show a firm hand, not negotiating with hardened evildoers. Eliminating evil brings justice and peace. Think of Sodom and Gomorrah. Saith "the Prophet Joel (3:9-10): '... Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears.'" There is a time for peace and a time for war. Appeasement actually fosters war. That Judaism forbids. The Bible has examples of the death penalty for antisemitic aggressors Book of Esther. The Torah commends capital punishment of murderers in order to sanctify life. The Bible rejects shared sovereignty in the Land of Israel (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/21). The Sanhedrin had very high standards for exacting capital punishment. ISRAEL DID NOT WAR AS REPORTED Turns out, an IDF reforms after the Lebanon war was not to report many tactical details to the media. The media then made up its own reports. The media reported [to my dismay] that Israeli ground troops penetrated far into Gaza and fought fierce battles in urban areas. They mostly didn't enter those areas. Aerial and naval gunfire did. That held down Israeli casualties. David Bedein says "that the PA has over 30 manuals on how to distort facts for the news and how to present their case to America's congress, the European Union and other political officials." For one thing, they present pictures of corpses who, when the photographer leaves, get up (Arutz-7, 1/21.) ISRAELI NATIONALIST PARTIES ON WHICH IS NATIONALIST Likud urges voters to favor it, as leader of the nationalist camp, rather than to rely on smaller parties. The smaller parties protest that Likud has the least objection to P.A. statehood. A P.A. state would enable terrorists in Judea-Samria to fire rockets into Israel (Arutz-7, 1/21). EGYPT DISCOVERS THAT TUNNELS RUN TWO WAYS Hamas could attack Egypt from tunnels, an official of Egypt mused (IMRA, 1/21). It still lets arms into Hamas' hands, however. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Don Feder, February 12, 2009. |
This commentary originally appeared at GrassTopsUSA.com |
On the verge of swooning over Hillary Clinton's performance at her Senate confirmation hearing, The New York Times said the Secretary of State-designate "outlined a muscular view of American foreign policy." Regarding the alleged foreign policy of her husband (which we're told Hillary helped to shape), the word that comes to mind isn't muscular but flaccid. He refused a Sudanese offer to turn over Osama bin Laden twice. When it came to meeting international challenges, William Jefferson Clinton threatened to make Jimmy Carter look like Teddy Roosevelt. Discussing coming budget cuts at the state and federal levels, an advocate for public education urged us "not to take it out on the kids" by which she meant, don't take it out on the teachers unions and education bureaucrats. Providing less feed for the little edu-piggies running our government illiteracy factories would be a tragedy of unparalleled proportions. This is a variation of "we're doing it for the children" the motto of striking teachers everywhere trying to extort more money from taxpayers. Presumably, if they don't get what they want, they'll "take it out on the kids." The foregoing got me thinking about lib-speak, and how we'll be hearing a lot more of it in the Age of Obama. Catch phrases old and new will pile up like a compost heap of political correctness. Here are a few of my favorites:
Don Feder was an opinion writer for the Boston Herald and a syndicated columnist. He is currently a political/media consultant. |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 12, 2009. |
This was written by
Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent. It appeared in Haaretz
Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas has conducted an international campaign in recent weeks aimed at the diplomatic isolation of a right-wing government headed by Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu. Abbas has been trying to convince the international community that such an Israeli government must face conditions similar to those faced by the Hamas government. A senior political source in Jerusalem said Wednesday that the leaders of France, Britain and Italy have promised Abbas that they would not allow any new Israeli government delay or freeze the peace process. The same source said that Netanyahu's statements on continuing the peace process and on "economic peace" are perceived by Abbas and his aides as "empty promises." As such the Palestinian Authority prepared a plan for "diplomatic resistance" to Israel. The purpose of the plan is to offer an alternative to the "military resistance" of Hamas and preserve Fatah as a relevant force, even in the absence of a peace process. Making the rounds Abbas met last week with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and discussed with them his deep concerns about the establishment in Israel of a right-wing government headed by Netanyahu. Abbas stressed that such a development means a death blow to the peace process. He also expressed concern that Netanyahu's leadership would result in renewed expansion of settlements in the West Bank. During all his meetings, Abbas compared a right-wing government in Israel to the Palestinian unity government of Fatah and Hamas, which followed the Mecca Accords in 2007. "You refused to fully cooperate with such a government because Hamas did not meet the Quartet's conditions on ending terrorism and recognizing Israel," Abbas told the European leaders. "You will have to adopt a similar stance toward an Israeli government that will oppose the creation of a Palestinian state and genuine negotiations over the core issues of a permanent settlement," he added. Abbas demanded that the three leaders adopt the Quartet's clear conditions for a right-wing government in Israel, including the agreement on a vision for two states, the Annapolis process which was backed by UN Security Council resolution 1850, and a freezing of construction in the settlements. Seeking sanctions The Palestinian leader added that if the new government in Israel does not meet these conditions it should be isolated, and sanctions should be imposed on it similar to those imposed on the Hamas government or the apartheid regime of South Africa. Sarkozy, Brown and Berlusconi told Abbas that they will not accept a freeze in the peace process and an abandonment of the vision for the establishment of a Palestinian state. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and his British counterpart David Miliband stressed that "we will not allow Israel to perpetuate the occupation in the West Bank under the guise of economic gestures of good will." Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Simon McIlwaine, February 12, 2009. |
This was written by Ron Rosenbaum
and it appeared February 9, 2009 in Slate Magazine
We don't need another "redemptive" Holocaust movie. If I hadn't used the locution so recently, I would be certain to call The Reader "The Worst Holocaust Film Ever Made." Somebody has to say it. I haven't seen others do so in print. And if I'm not the perfect person to do so, I do have some expertise. And so I will: This is a film whose essential metaphorical thrust is to exculpate Nazi-era Germans from knowing complicity in the Final Solution. The fact that it was recently nominated for a best picture Oscar offers stunning proof that Hollywood seems to believe that if it's a "Holocaust film," it must be worthy of approbation, end of story. And so a film that asks us to empathize with an unrepentant mass murderer and intimates that "ordinary Germans" were ignorant of the extermination until after the war, now stands a good chance of getting a golden statuette. A deeply depressing indication of how the film misreads the Holocaust can be found in a recent New York Times report on the state of the Oscar race. The paper gave disproportionate attention to The Reader by featuring a wistful-looking still of Kate Winslet above the headline "Films About Personal Triumphs Resonate With Viewers During Awards Season." What, exactly, was the Kate Winslet character's "personal triumph"? While in prison for participation in an act of mass murder that was particularly gruesome and personal, given the generally impersonal extermination process as a death camp guard, she helped ensure 300 Jewish women locked in a burning church would die in the fire she taught herself to read! What a heartwarming fable about the wonders of literacy and its ability to improve the life of an Auschwitz mass murderer! True, she's unrepentant for the most part about allowing those women and children to burn to death. (Although we do see one scene in which it turns out she's saved some pennies in prison that she wants to be given to the children of the women she murdered thanks!) But most of what we see of her prison experience is her excitement at her growing literacy skills. Get a load of those pages turning! Reading is fun! It's been argued that no fictional film can do justice to the events of 1939-45, that only documentaries like Alan Resnais' Night and Fog or Claude Lanzmann's nine-plus-hour-long Shoah can begin to convey the reality of the evil. And there certainly have been execrable failures (example: Life Is Beautiful). I've argued that most of the fictionalized efforts either exhibit a false redemptiveness or an offensive sexual exploitiveness what some critics have called "Nazi porn." But in recent years, a new mode of misconstrual has prevailed the desire to exculpate the German people of guilt for the crimes of the Hitler era. I spoke recently with Mark Weitzman, the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center's New York office, who went so far as to say that The Reader was a symptom of a kind of "Holocaust revisionism," which used to be the euphemistic term for Holocaust denial. Weitzman mentioned three films in particular: In addition to The Reader, there was Tom Cruise's Valkyrie, which gave the impression that the Wehrmacht, the German army, was full of good men and true (identifiable in the film by their British accents) who had always opposed that lout Hitler with his whole silly Jewish obsession, when in fact the more we learn about the Wehrmacht's role, the more disgracefully complicit it turns out to have been with the mass murderers of the SS. Yes, a few Wehrmacht officers did plot against Hitler, but they waited to take action until the successful Normandy invasion, when it seemed Hitler would lose the war. "The Valkyrie conspiracy took place in 1944," Weitzman told me. "If it had been 1941, it might have made a difference." And then there was Cruise's character, Claus von Stauffenberg, very brave, it's true, in 1944. But back during the brutal war crime that was the 1939 invasion of Poland (the British magazine History Today reminds us), he was describing the Polish civilians his army was slaughtering as "an unbelievable rabble" made up of "Jews and mongrels." With friends like these ... Moral: Don't go looking for heroes in the largely mythical "German resistance" to Hitler. The German resistance was not much more real or effectual than the French Resistance its legend outgrew its deeds after the war. (Although it is worth seeking out the two movies about the tiny, brave-but-doomed, Munich-based "White Rose" resistance, The White Rose and Sophie Scholl: The Last Days, which tell the story of a few students who didn't like the Valkyrie conspirators believe the goal was to help Germany win the war more efficiently than Hitler, but to bear moral witness against the exterminators. For which they were brutally guillotined in Munich in 1943.) The third film Weitzman mentions as an example of this soft revisionism is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, one I haven't been able to bring myself to see but that features a young German boy, son of Nazi parents, who lives near a concentration camp and befriends a young death camp "boy in striped pajamas." The tale is not dissimilar in saccharine sentiment to the recently revealed, Oprah-fied fraud about the girl who gave the death camp boy apples, although it avoids the happy ending of that treacly sham. But at least they didn't give these two films Oscar nominations or awards like the disgraceful one given to Life Is Beautiful. Still, cumulatively, Weitzman believes they achieve a sinister effect: "Where overt Holocaust denial has failed in America," Weitzman said, "the way it has not elsewhere, these films represent a kind of Holocaust revisionism that misconstrues the German role in it, which extended far beyond Hitler's circle." (Which reminds me of another example, The Reader's partner in exculpatory shame: Downfall, which did exactly that make it seem as though Hitler and Goebbels and a few others were the source of all evil in Germany while the poor, unknowing German people were victims, too. It's revolting.) In this repellent form of revisionism, most Germans (you know, the ones who helped bring Hitler to power, who enthusiastically joined in his hysterical Jew-hatred and his pogroms, who supported his mass deportations "to the East") were somehow ignorant of the extermination of the Jews going on "in the East." They presumably noticed the disappearance of the Jews from their midst (since they eagerly stole their apartments and everything valuable the Jews were forced to leave behind). I once confronted a spokesman for the German Consulate on a panel in New York who was pushing a version of this line; he'd referred to a recent poll that purported to show that the majority of Germans alive at the time of the extermination had surprise! no knowledge of it. "What did they think?" I asked him. "The Jews all decided to go on vacation and forgot to come home?" Please, let's not allow films like The Reader to misrepresent history by pretending the Germans even those too young to fight didn't know what was going on until (as The Reader would have it) after the war, when they learned about all the troubling things that some of their fellow citizens did "in the East." Only then, the film asks us to believe, did these ordinary Germans find themselves shocked, shocked at the mass murder, the gassing, the industrialized killing. Germans had actually participated? So hard to believe! So few clues! In fact, one of the most damning documents I uncovered in researching my book Explaining Hitler was a revelation that appeared in a Munich anti-Hitler newspaper, the Münchener Post, on Dec. 9, 1931. It had been lost to history until I found it in the basement of a state archive. The courageous reporters of the social-democratic paper had gotten hold of a secret Nazi Party plan for the disposition of the Jews that first used what was to become the widespread euphemism for extermination: "Final Solution" (Endlössung), a word that left little doubt over the mass murder it euphemized. I've written about the difficulties I met with in trying to make their story into a film: Hollywood resists Hitler-related movies when they lack "a happy ending." But it's clear Germans could have known as early as 1931 (or 1926 if they'd bothered to read Mein Kampf). They could have known if they'd read about the legal dehumanization of Jews in the Nuremberg laws of 1935 or the state-sponsored pogroms after Kristallnacht in 1938. And if they happened to be illiterate as in The Reader (something Cynthia Ozick dispatches as a fraudulent red-herring metaphoric excuse in an essay that examined the book), they could have heard it from Hitler's mouth in his infamous 1939 radio broadcast to Germany and the world, threatening extermination of the Jews if war started. You had to be deaf, dumb, and blind, not merely illiterate, to miss what Kate Winslet's character seems to have missed (while serving as a guard at Auschwitz!). You'd have to be exceedingly stupid. As dumb as the Oscar voters who nominated The Reader because it was a "Holocaust film." But that's what The Reader is about: the supposedly difficult struggle with this slowly dawning postwar awareness. As Cynthia Ozick put it in her essay: "After the war, when she is brought to trial, the narrator ['Michael Berg'] acknowledges that she is guilty of despicable crimes but he also believes that her illiteracy must mitigate her guilt. Had she been able to read, she would have been a factory worker, not an agent of murder. Her crimes are illiteracy's accident. Illiteracy is her exculpation." Indeed, so much is made of the deep, deep exculpatory shame of illiteracy despite the fact that burning 300 people to death doesn't require reading skills that some worshipful accounts of the novel (by those who buy into its ludicrous premise, perhaps because it's been declared "classic" and "profound") actually seem to affirm that illiteracy is something more to be ashamed of than participating in mass murder. From the Barnes & Noble Web site summary of the novel: "Michael recognizes his former lover on the stand, accused of a hideous crime. And as he watches Hanna refuse to defend herself against the charges, Michael gradually realizes that she may be guarding a secret more shameful than murder." Yes, more shameful than murder! Lack of reading skills is more disgraceful than listening in bovine silence to the screams of 300 people as they are burned to death behind the locked doors of a church you're guarding to prevent them from escaping the flames. Which is what Hanna did, although, of course, it's not shown in the film. As I learned from the director at a screening of The Reader, the scene was omitted because it might have "unbalanced" our view of Hanna, given too much weight to the mass murder she committed, as opposed to her lack of reading skills. Made it more difficult to develop empathy for her, although it's never explained why it's important that we should. And so the film never really questions the presumption that nobody could know and thus register moral witness against mass murder while it was going on. Who could have imagined it? That's the metaphoric thrust of the Kate Winslet character's "illiteracy": She's a stand-in for the German people and their supposed inability to "read" the signs that mass murder was being done in their name, by their fellow citizens. To which one can only say: What a crock! Or if Hollywood has its way: Here's your Oscar. Hard to believe, but it's almost unfair to say it's the fault of ignorant West Coast types. I witnessed a shocking moment of this sort of deferential ignorance in an audience of supposedly sophisticated New Yorkers, many of them Jewish. It was a relatively small early screening for "opinion-makers," hosted by a high-profile public-relations person. Harvey Weinstein, a producer of the film, stopped by to wave at the well-connected crowd (don't ask me why I was invited, probably because I wrote Explaining Hitler) before catching a flight to London, we were told. There was already some inside-Hollywood controversy over the film since Weinstein's co-producer Scott Rudin had his name removed from it officially because of a dispute over the release date and whether the film was "ready," although once I saw it, I wondered whether there was more to it than that. The word was this screening was part of a multipronged Weinstein Oscar offensive on behalf of poor Oscar-less Kate Winslet, who was up for nomination for two pictures, Revolutionary Road (a non-Weinstein production) and The Reader. Which was why I got an angry call from the publicist the next morning after the scene I (indirectly) caused at a Q&A with the director, Stephen Daldry, held after the screening. Since my girlfriend was out of town, I brought a friend who turned out to be both outraged and outspoken about the film (and he wasn't even Jewish). Most of the questions to the British director were polite and deferential to the point of insipidness. After all, he was a British director and the screenplay was by a famous British playwright, David Hare. Still, there was one question that turned up something interesting that few reviewers seemed to have noticed. Daldry said he'd had a big fight with the author of The Reader, Bernhard Schlink. In the novel, when Kate's mass murderer learns to read, one of the things she reads about is guess what? the Holocaust. We're led to believe that she's learning about it, or at least the extent of it, for the first time, from reading Primo Levi, Elie Wiesel, and Hannah Arendt, and is suitably horrified. You get the idea: Reading can develop a moral sense, a path toward redemption. (This candy-coated moral is probably what attracted Oprah when she selected The Reader for her book club and made the otherwise obscure German novel an American best-seller a decade ago.) But Daldry said he and Hare eliminated the Holocaust education aspect of the novel (over the strong objections of Schlink) because he didn't want the film to seem to be about redemption; too many Holocaust films offer a kind of false redemptiveness, he said. Well, good for him, but without that, he's made a film in which all the techniques of Hollywood are used to evoke empathy for an unrepentant mass murderer of Jews. The elimination of the Primo Levi reading list in the novel however meretricious a gambit it is deprives the literacy she achieves of any relationship to the Holocaust, which eliminates the fraudulent moral redemptiveness but also makes the film incoherent as a response to the Holocaust. Why should we care that she can read Chekhov's "Lady With Lapdog"? Meanwhile, I could tell my friend was fuming. I was in a kind of state of numbed disbelief and rarely like to attract attention to myself by asking questions in forums such as these. My friend had no such qualms. He was outraged by the film, not just by its exculpatory thrust but by the way it achieved its end of evoking empathy for Kate Winslet with what he called "manipulative" nudity. (If you haven't seen the film, the first half-hour is devoted to Kate in the postwar years before her arrest seducing a teenage boy, whom she persuades to read to her before sex. There's a lot more sex than reading and a fairly shocking amount of nude close-ups of Kate's body. The teenager later becomes a law student who watches her eventual prosecution and helps her learn to read in prison. Literacy is sexy! Or something.) The nudity, which I've had cause to reference before in a column on the irresistible (to culture-makers) attraction between Nazis and sex, gives new meaning to the word gratuitous. To my friend, it was a manipulative tool used to create intimacy with and thus empathy for an unrepentant mass murderer. And what's more to shocked gasps, he said exactly that to the director in the Q&A session. And didn't stop there, calling The Reader a "dishonest and mediocre" film that used nudity to disguise its thematic nakedness. There was consternation in the room, especially among the publicists, whose minions made sure to take our names after the screening. This resulted in a high-decibel call to me the next morning from the chief publicist, telling me she'd gotten "50 calls" from people at the screening saying how "rude" my outspoken friend was, upbraiding me for bringing an impolite interloper into the screening, telling me how important it was to "the industry" that films like this succeed in the hard times we were going through, and accusing me of everything but putting a horse's head in Harvey Weinstein's bed. "You mean you're saying I could be the death of Hollywood?" I said, incredulously unaware of my secret superpowers. I tried to explain to her my view: that it wasn't me or my friend who was the problem, it was the movie. (She later called back somewhat contritely.) In any case, I had thought that those voting for Oscar nominations would see the problems in this incoherent, exculpatory film. But I was wrong. Kate got her Oscar nomination for Harvey's film, not the other one. The Reader got one, too. Please, Hollywood, don't compound the error by giving the Oscar to The Reader. Simon McIlwaine is with Anglican Friends of Israel (www.anglicanfriendsofisrael.com). Contact him at Simon.McIlwaine@ormerods.co.uk |
Posted by M. Steve Kramer, February 12, 2009. |
Bernard Lewis, Professor Emeritus of Islamic Studies (Princeton) recently came to the Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies at Tel Aviv University for the 30th year running. Despite the ongoing war in Gaza, no one called to see if the lecture had been canceled. That's the measure of Bernard Lewis, nonagenarian dean of Middle East scholars. I was intrigued by the title of Lewis' lecture (that of this article), insofar as I've recently been attending a class about the "Writings" segment of the Bible. According to the Book of Esther, the Persian Grand Vizier Haman interacted with Queen Esther and her uncle Mordecai, after which he persuaded King Ahasuerus to order the massacre of all the Jews in the kingdom. But Haman and his family eventually suffered horrible deaths in lieu of those he sought for the Jews. Persian emperor Cyrus the Great, on the other hand, was a great benefactor of the Jews. He allowed a portion of the Babylonian exiles to return to Jerusalem in early 6th century BCE to build the Second Temple on Mt. Moriah, the site of the destroyed First Temple. Professor Lewis emphasized that Iran, unlike the Arab nations of the Middle East, is not a 20th century European invention. Its history dates back thousands of years and its inhabitants, which include many minorities, share a common Iranian patriotism, more akin to Western patriotism than the Islamic-dominated identity of the Arabs. In fact, Iranians are not Arabs. Their ancestry is Aryan and their language is Indo-European, unlike Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, and other Semitic tongues. Their ancestry is shared with Indians and Europeans, not the nomadic tribes of the Middle East. The name "Iran" comes from the word "Aryan" while the name "Persia" is derived from "Fars", a province of the Iranian empire. Europeans called the empire Persia, while Iran is the name that Iranians use themselves. The 7th century Arab conquest of the Persian Empire wiped out the knowledge of (non-Jewish) Middle Easterners' history, substituting Islam in its place. This included the Iranians, but they managed to retain their language and identity, unlike the other conquered peoples, probably resulting from their cohesion and history of independence. Deprived of their formal history, the Iranians filled this vacuum with a wonderful tradition of narrative poetry. In contemporary Iran, many look back admiringly to their pre-Islamic history, which included heroes like Cyrus the Great. In the 16th century, the Persian Safavid dynasty became dominant and remained in power for more than two centuries. Unlike the Arab or Turkish dynasties, under the Safavids the national and territorial heritage of their subjects wasn't quashed. The Shia stream of Islam became predominant then and a unified Iranian state was created in many areas of the Caucasus and West Asia, in addition to Iran itself. Zoroastrianism, Iran's ancient religion, was decimated by the rise of Islam but it has never been totally eradicated. A non-pagan, dualistic religion, Zoroastrianism vied with Judaism before the time of Mohammed. Briefly, it is a monotheistic religion that believed in both God and Satan (both aspects of one God) vying to win men's souls. This cosmic struggle of good vs. evil has never left the Iranian psyche, hence its use today by Iran's leadership: America is the Big Satan, Israel is the Little Satan. Zoroastrianism had considerable impact on Judaism and its offshoot, Christianity, including the notions of messianism and the apocalypse. The Orientalists, 19th century European academic specialists on the Middle East, restored to the Iranians their glorious past, as they did for the Egyptians and other Middle Eastern peoples. This appreciation was put to spectacular use by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who became the second shah of the Pahlevi line in 1941. Professor Lewis attended the 1971 celebratory bash by which the Shah celebrated 2,500 years of continuous Persian monarchy, inviting the world's aristocracy to Persepolis, Persia's ancient capital. But in less than a decade, Reza Shah, who held the imperial titles of Shahanshah (King of Kings), and Aryamehr (Light of the Aryans), was ousted with the help of the CIA. It was a genuine revolution, on the order of the French Revolution. The revolutionary government, which installed Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as supreme leader, was welcomed by America as a progressive republic which replaced a corrupt monarchy. Professor Lewis admitted to the audience that he hadn't known who Khomeini was until the overthrow of the Shah. Lewis educated himself about Khomeini by finding and reading a slim volume in the Princeton University library, Ayatollah Khomeini's' Mein Kampf: "Islamic Government". Recognizing the great danger that the Islamic revolution would bring to the region, Professor Lewis wrote an article about Khomeini and sought to have it published by a colleague who had a connection to the New York Times. When that failed, he successfully tried a similar tactic with the Washington Post. Professor Lewis then related, with a straight face, that the article was chastised and refuted by the President Jimmy Carter's oddly-named "intelligence" team. Ever since the presidency of Jimmy Carter, the Iranian revolution has spread itself across the Arab world, as Lewis predicted and the American government ignored. It now commands a "Shiite Crescent" which includes Syria, Lebanon, (possibly) Iraq by the northern route, and Gaza by the southern. This is increasingly worrying not only in the obvious case of Israel, but also for the (Sunni) Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, all of whom are possible allies of Israel, albeit unfriendly, severely limited ones. The Iranian revolution is doubly dangerous. First, the Shia minorities who have been suppressed by Sunni majorities are being radicalized. Second, the relatively moderate Sunni governments are being undermined and replaced. For Khomeini's followers, the deterrent that defined the Cold War between Russia and America MAD (mutually assured destruction from nuclear weapons) is actually an inducement for the apocalyptic leaders of Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas. You love life; we love death, as Hamas says. The Iranian leaders, who represent Haman to us Jews, use the terms Great and Little Satan from their Zoroastrian past to focus their followers on destruction and to promote Iran as the world leader of Islam. Cyrus the Great, who the ancient Jews called "God's Anointed" because he allowed them freedom to reconstruct the Temple, is an example of an enlightened Persian ruler. When Cyrus defeated the Babylonians during the 6th century BCE, he enabled the "Golden Age of the Jews" to flourish in Mesopotamia. About a thousand years later, the Persians usurped the Arabs when they conquered Jerusalem and the Jews welcomed them. As the Byzantines (Orthodox Christians) gained strength in Palestine, the Jews became a fifth column for the Persians, their allies. Eventually the Persians were displaced by the Byzantines, their power diminished, and their empire shrunk. Today, according to Professor Lewis, the symbol of the Persians that's most prevalent is Haman, not Cyrus. But if the West applies appropriate pressure and formulates a winning strategy against Iran's corrupt regime, the mullahs could be displaced and a great leader could arise again in Iran. In his own words Professor Lewis said, "It seems to me that, for the moment, one should aim at disruption rather than a military act, but I must, in concluding, admit the possibility that one may, at some time, reach a situation when there is no other option available." Steve Kramer lives in Alfe Menashe. He has written a weekly opinion column for the Jewish Times of southern New Jersey (www.jewishtimes-sj.com) for the last ten years. He writes, "They're about history, politics, touring, or whatever excites me." |
Posted by Mrla, February 11, 2009. |
This was written by Paul Revoir and was published today in the
Daily Mail (UK)
A campaigner trying to force the BBC to publish an internal report on alleged bias in its Middle East coverage won the latest round of a legal battle yesterday. The Law Lords held by a 3-2 majority that a case brought by London lawyer Steven Sugar under the Freedom of Information Act was wrongly blocked by legal rulings at earlier hearings. The BBC is understood to have spent £200,000 on the case which has been through the Information Tribunal, the High Court and the Court of Appeal. It now returns to the High Court for further argument. Mr Sugar insists that a 20,000-word report by BBC executive Malcolm Balen should be published as part of a debate about alleged anti-Israeli bias. The BBC contends that, under the Freedom of Information Act, it is exempt from disclosing information held for the purposes of 'journalism, art or literature'. Mr Sugar said yesterday: 'I hope the BBC will now stop the legal argument and publish the report.' If not, I am confident that my superb legal team will win the whole case in the end. 'The Balen report remains of great public interest. It has recently been claimed that the report concluded that its Middle-East coverage had been biased against Israel and that the BBC decision not to broadcast the charity aid appeal for Gaza was influenced by this.' Mr Sugar has previously said he is prepared to take the case all the way to Europe. A BBC spokesman said the Law Lords had merely clarified the law around the jurisdiction of the Information Tribunal and it was now a matter for the High Court. Over the years BBC bosses have faced repeated claims that their reporting of the Arab-Israeli conflict has been skewed. One particularly controversial incident came when Middle East correspondent Barbara Plett revealed she had cried as Yasser Arafat was close to death. In 2004 the Israeli government wrote to the BBC accusing reporter Orla Guerin of anti-Semitism and identifying with Palestinian terror groups. It has been suggested the BBC's recent refusal to show a charity appeal for Gaza, sparking thousands of complaints, was a reaction to these accusations. Politicians have previously branded the corporation's refusal to reveal the report as 'absolutely indefensible' as it is in the public interest. The corporation has also employed top barristers to fight its case over the years that the legal battle has rumbled on. Contact the poster at mrla26@aol.com |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 11, 2009. |
My report today, of necessity, will reflect a certain amount of confusion. That, right now, is built into the system. So many mixed messages, confusing parameters, and varied possibilities. ~~~~~~~~~~ The election numbers I provided at 2 AM this morning are holding, with most votes counted: Kadima, 28; Likud, 27. Right wing/nationalist bloc 65, left wing bloc 55. It will take a couple of days yet until the full count is in. This includes not only members of the IDF, but diplomatic corps overseas, people stationed on ships, and people in hospitals. All of these votes have to be cross-referenced against voter lists. The likelihood that the bulk of IDF votes will go to the right wing parties is considered great. ~~~~~~~~~~ Additionally, there is the matter of a vote sharing system that some parties have, so that votes aren't lost. (A simplified explanation: If, for example, each 30,000 votes equals one seat, a party that gets 110,000 votes will be awarded three seats, but have 20,000 wasted votes. If there is a formal agreement with another party that has more than 10,000 wasted votes, the wasted votes will be combined and an additional seat will be given to one of the parties according to a formula.) Likud and Yisrael Beitenu (Lieberman) have such an agreement. Kadima had an agreement with the Green Party, which hasn't made the minimum cutoff, and so is out of luck. This means Likud might still gain a seat by virtue of this arrangement, while Kadima cannot. ~~~~~~~~~~ What all of the above signifies is that the numbers are not absolutely final yet. It would be marvelous if Likud could advance one seat beyond what Kadima has achieved which would certainly make it very difficult indeed for Peres to select Livni first to attempt to shape a coalition. Even a tie would be good. ~~~~~~~~~~ Lieberman, whom I referred as the spoiler, in that he drew many votes from Likud, is now something of a king-maker. Both parties are courting him. Today he met first with Livni, who did her utmost to draw him into her camp, holding out promise of what they could accomplish. While it was said that matters were left "open-ended" and that he might meet with her again my gut sense after this meeting was that he's not likely to go with her. His preference, he says, is for a right wing coalition. What is more, MK Stas Meseznikov, the head of Yisrael Beitenu's coalition negotiation team, has said that the priorities of the party will include resolving terror (whatever that actually means), toppling Hamas control, and advancing an Israeli citizenship law (which means requiring pledges of loyalty from Arab citizens). This does not sound like a Kadima program. Lieberman also indicated he'd sit with Shas, in spite of enormous tensions during the campaign (when Rav Ovadiah called Yisrael Beitenu "Satan"). Netanyahu has met with Shas: Party head Eli Yishai has committed to recommending to Peres that Netanyahu build the coalition, and has reciprocally indicated that he would sit with Lieberman. Seemed to me that this unfolding of events told us where this was probably going. ~~~~~~~~~~ What strengthened my conviction was the announcement by Likud MK Danny Danon that he was forming a coalition of MKs loyal to the land of Israel. He said he intends to meet with Uzi Landau of Yisrael Beitenu, Yaakov "Ketzaleh" Katz, head of the National Union, Ruby Rivlin from the Likud, and Professor Daniel Hershkovitz of the Jewish Home. The coalition would fight for the land of Israel to remain whole and in Jewish hands. ~~~~~~~~~~ Later today Lieberman met with Netanyahu, and came out of that meeting declaring that a decision has not been made as to whom they will recommend to Peres: "We have not ruled out any Zionist party." It sounds to me as if he's playing this for all he can get. And I wonder what number two on the list, Uzi Landau, who came out of Likud, has to say about it all. ~~~~~~~~~~ Frankly, I remain a bit bewildered by the talk about which way Lieberman will go. For the numbers, as I calculate them, tell me that Livni would fall just short (at 59 seats) even with Lieberman, and even if Labor which finds Yisrael Beitenu offensive because of its anti-Arab positions agreed to sit with this party. No Arab party would ever sit with Lieberman. And late last night, head of Labor, Ehud Barak, said, "We won't serve in a government that isn't established by the specifications of our path, and we won't hesitate to go to the opposition and serve the people from there." From where could she draw an additional coalition partner and establish a government even remotely stable? What's being suggested inside of Kadima is United Torah Judaism, which is pretty counter-intuitive. (UTJ has met with Netanyahu already, but there is no word on this meeting.) It rather seems that, barring something unforeseen and unpredictable, Livni is likely to be out of luck. Fervently is it to be hoped that this is the case. ~~~~~~~~~~ Humor for the day: Livni has declared that the people have decided for her party (never mind that the people decided for the right/nationalist wing). She has invited Netanyahu to join a unity government with her at its helm. I really don't think so. Similarly has any notion of sharing the premiership been rejected out of hand. ~~~~~~~~~~ A very excellent reason for Netanyahu to be prime minister. The Washington Post wrote today that key members of the current administration "have long and difficult memories of dealing with Binyamin Netanyahu, the Likud leader, when he was prime minister during the Clinton administration. It is no secret that U.S. officials would prefer to deal with Livni..." ~~~~~~~~~~ On the subject of negotiations: European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana told the press today in Russia that, "It [the coalition formed in Israel] will have to be a government ready to continue...a very serious process of negotiation." Will have to be? This does not sit well. ~~~~~~~~~~ Aides from the office of Mahmoud Abbas, uneasy about Netanyahu's commitment to permit development in communities in Judea and Samaria to allow for natural growth, have declared that the condition for re-starting negotiations is the freezing of all settlement activity. This is their bottom line? I think we need one too: No talks what-so-ever unless the PA recognizes publicly and openly our right to exist as a Jewish state. This is something they consistently balk at doing. Israel? Maybe. But not a Jewish Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~ I had alluded yesterday to additional reasons why our current governing coalition must go as soon as possible: I have written about the fact that what is being negotiated with Hamas regarding release of Shalit would strengthen Hamas, and that this is of great concern to the PA. Well, it turns out that Barak was sensitive to this concern. But he didn't decide to offer less to Hamas for this reason. Instead he decided he had to do something further to strengthen the PA. Of course! What eminently sound reasoning! Once you get on that "concession" merry-go-round, there's no getting off. There are simply more and more concessions without red lines. One possibility being considered is the transfer of security control of a city such as Tulkarem to the PA. The IDF is opposed because there would then be no operational freedom in the city for security purposes. But it can't be helped, said officials in Barak's office. This had to be done to prevent the "weakening" of the PA. As one official explained: "A prisoner swap could undermine the PA...and just strengthen Hamas. Israel will likely have to make a simultaneous gesture to the PA to prevent that from happening." Have to?? Have to?? In this instance the "have to" is from inside our own government. This unbearable perspective is mitigated only by the fervent hope and expectation that the guys establishing these policies will be gone very soon. ~~~~~~~~~~ Then we have this even more unbearable news from Aaron Lerner, citing Haaretz: "Minister Of Education Yuli Tamir (Labor) has decided to approve a program proposed by a panel she appointed that would familiarize Jewish and Arab Israeli students from nursery school through 12th grade with 'the culture of their counterparts, their narrative, and its legitimacy.' "It should be noted that the 'narrative' of the Israeli Arabs is that creation of the State of Israel was a 'disaster' and that there is no legitimacy to its current existence... "Should the next minister of education opt not to revoke this decision, the end result would be that the Israeli school system would strive to convince Israeli Jews that the arguments rejecting Israel's very existence are legitimate." I think at some point it would be appropriate to ask some very hard questions about how Jewish Israelis could have arrived at this self-hating place. Another plus for Netanyahu, who promotes re-vamping of the school system and the teaching of Zionism. ~~~~~~~~~~ Some weeks ago there was a report about a huge natural gas pocket discovered off the coast of Haifa that was sufficient to provide all of Israel's needs for 15 years. It has now been announced that the find is actually 60% larger than had been anticipated. The implications are enormous. ~~~~~~~~~~ Yesterday, at long last, we had some real winter weather with torrential rain and wind. This is a blessing and it is to be hoped a harbinger of more blessings to come. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 11, 2009. |
COMBAT RULES UNDER CEASEFIRE The Israeli government explains that during the offensive, IDF forces fired at enemy gun crews, regardless of whether they were aiming at troops or at civilians and regardless of whether they were amidst human shields. During the so-called ceasefire, IDF forces would not fire at enemy gun crews about to fire on Israeli civilians, if those enemy crews were sheltering amongst human shields. The IDF troops would fire only in their own self-defense. The news anchor asked the IDF representative why the troops are not allowed to fire at enemy gun crews targeting Israeli civilians (IMRA, 1/18) in violation of the ceasefire. I'd like to know the answer, but the government usually stonewalls or prevaricates. SO-CALLED HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS The more than 200 press releases by 35 NGOs by 1/18, mostly denounced Israel. They "accused Israel of 'unlawful attacks,'" demand an arms embargo [against Israel, victim of Arab aggression],"called for Israeli officials to be prosecuted for 'war crimes,'" accused "Israel of 'indiscriminate' attacks which they claim are against the 'rules of law,' and claim that "Israeli leaders have committed 'massive and disproportionate violence...in violation of international law.'" [The accusations are without evidence or substance.] None demanded that Hamas abide by humanitarian law and permit the Red Cross to visit Hamas' Israeli prisoner. NGO Monitor suggests those ostensible humanr organizations make the demand and be less one-sided (IMRA, 1/18). PM OLMERT MISREADS EUROPEANS European leaders came to visit Olmert. He cited their presence as support for the offensive into Gaza. No, they gave lip service to Israel's right to self-defense, while failing to suggest an effort to wipe out Hamas. Instead, they criticized Israel's methods of self-defense and declared there is no military solution to Gaza. They also failed to denounce openly antisemitic rallies in their countries. Sarkozy called it inter-communal violence, but the violence was by Muslims, not Jews. The Europeans really came to advance a defeatist agenda of opening the Gaza borders [to arms] and to lavish funds upon Hamas to rebuild and erase Israel's gains in about three months. The political photo-ops substitute for victory destroying the terrorists and barring new arms (Caroline Glick in IMRA, 1/19). I feel ashamed when Israeli leaders act mendacious towards European enemies. HAMAS REPUTATION DAMAGED Foreign Arabs are displeased with Hamas' war conduct. Hamas' whole leadership hid. Many troops deserted, while the others caused civilian buildings to be damaged, hijacked humanitarian aid, used ambulances as taxis and people as shields, and barbarously punished Fatah rivals. In Gaza, the people lost faith in its cowardly leadership. Many residents deplored their casualties, but some would have approved of Hamas attacks on Israel if they had caued higher Israeli casualties (IMRA, 1/19). Nice? TUNNELS STILL OPERATING Israel believes it destroyed at least three-fifths of the smuggling tunnels. The remainder continued to be used during the battle. Some were too deep for bombs to penetrate (IMRA, 1/19). What about the bunker tunnels that Israeli troops approached and could have planted explosives in? JEWISH QUISLINGS Some Jews wrote a letter to the Guardian, denouncing Israel by falsely likening its actions in Gaza to the Nazi attack on the Warsaw Ghetto. They identified themselves as Jews, as if that makes those psychotic signatories any less antisemitic. One's ethnic origin or religion does not make one rational or informed. They identified their origin is shield gentile antisemites, who'd rationalize they merely are agreeing with some Jews, and are not antisemitic. Three hundred British academics, including a couple born in Israel, also wrote a letter, this one accusing Israel of massacring Gazans and contending that the offensive aimed to crush resistance to Israeli appropriation of "Arab" resources (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/19). Israeli evacuated its Gaza towns and relinquished natural gas rights off the coast of Gaza. How is that appropriating Arab resources? EVEN IF EGYPT WANTED TO STOP THE SMUGGLING The independent-minded Bedouin there traditionally are smugglers. When the government presses them to stop smuggling women, drugs, or arms, they stage a terrorist attack in Egypt, to get the government to relent. They fight Egyptian border police, and so far, have won. Another tradition is bribery, higher than police salaries. Still another is bureaucracy, which pares down Mubarak's decisions. Mubarak does not want any other foreign influence in Gaza, as a point of honor (IMRA, 1/19). ANOTHER MISTAKEN CONDEMNATION OF ISRAEL An Israeli video-taped an al-Arabiya reporter unwittingly confirming that Hamas had fired rockets near a TV station. Israeli return-fire struck the TV station and drew journalists' condemnation, as if Israeli fire were wanton (IMRA, 1/20). The journalists did not know that Hamas' war crime justified IDF return-fire. Their protests to Israel contain equal parts of ignorance, paranoia, and bias. NEW CEASEFIRE ALREADY VIOLATED Hamas violated the new ceasefire. It fired at Israel and at IDF patrols, including one within Israel. The IDF returned fire and bombed a munitions plant. This tit-for-tat retaliation does not fulfill the regime's promise to react to Hamas truce violations much harder than the violations (IMRA, 1/20). Israeli government vows and assurances are not meant to be kept. They are meant to cover its weakness, as when it withdraws or fails to secure objectives that protect the country. The vows are a form of deception. ANOTHER ISRAELI GOVERNMENT DECEPTION? Based on observation of years of leftist Israeli government psychological warfare against the people of Israel, Barry Chamish supposes that the Israeli tank shelling of an Arab doctor's house, killing three daughters, was sinister. He thinks that the purpose was to turn public opinion against the Gaza offensive. After all, the purpose of the offensive was to gain time and votes before the election, not to solve much (Chamish, 1/20). I don't see it that way. A faked tragedy, turning public opinion, would cost the regime voter support. Leftist regimes went in for dirty tricks and psychological warfare. Question is how much and does it include particular incidents. HAMAS CASUALTY FIGURES greatly exaggerated A Hamas spokesman "conservatively estimated" that Hamas had killed 80 Israeli troops, captured several, destroyed 47 tanks and bulldozers, and hit four helicopters, at a cost of 48 Hamas men. Israel had to pull out. Hizbullah claimed that Hamas killed 203 Israeli troops, based on hospital records. Hamas children's TV depicts Israeli troops as afraid to enter Gaza, whereas Hamas leaders and many troops were afraid to fight (Arutz-7, 1/20.) The Arabs pretend to have won other wars militarily, that they lost. HAMAS HAD TIME TO TORTURE? During the IDF offensive, Fatah complained to the Jerusalem Post, Hamas rounded up and tortured hundreds of Fatah men. It picked them up at funerals or if they smiled in public, interpreted as being pleased at Israel's offensive against Hamas. Fatah may be exaggerating the number, but there seems to be evidence of some of this. Why doesn't Hamas utilize the practice of rendition. Send the Fatah men to Guantanamo, and let the CIA torture them. Oh, I forgot, Fatah are "our" terrorists. They are okay, now. I remember, however, when they tortured and murdered Israelis. In fact, they still attempt murder. Ironic that they complain to a Jewish newspaper. ENGENDERING UNWARRANTED SYMPATHY A NY Times explanation beneath a picture of a Gaza fisherman: "The Palestinian [Gaza] fishing industry has struggled in the embargo on Gaza." (1/29, A14.) From that presentation, one is supposed to feel sorry for the Arabs and feel annoyed at Israel for imposing an embargo. The presentation, however, is misleading. It omits the purpose of the embargo, especially as it affects fishing boats. Many boats are not the innocent vessels one is directed to imagine. They are used to meet bigger ships further out at sea, and smuggle arms in against Israel. Hence Israel limits how far out the fishing boats may go. In addition, the boats recklessly approach close to Israeli patrol boats, as if preparing to ram them with explosives, as happened to the USS Cole, elsewhere. The patrol boats warn the fishing boats off. I'd sink them, so they stop menacing the patrol boats. The fishing boats might attack Israeli beaches. The real culprit here is Hamas and the supportive people of Gaza, who chose a religious war over building an economy and negotiating a permanent settlement. ISRAEL BACK TO IDLE THREATS For years, Israel threatened Hamas if it attacked Israel. It attacked Israel during most of that time. Israel did next to nothing. Finally, an election loomed. Israel made a partial attack. Then it removed its forces, threatening harsh retaliation if it were attacked again. It was attacked again. It retaliated mildly. Hamas continued to restock its arms. For that, no attacks by Israel. Imagine what Hamas must be thinking about Israel. It must suppose that Israel lacks staying power. Its threats are mostly idle or for show. Hamas has practiced in a war with Israel, and now has a year to rearm and do better. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Saul Goldman, February 11, 2009. |
This is an excellent analysis of Obama's predicament. It
was written by Caroline B. Glick and it appeared
yesterday in Jewish World Review
As Israel goes to the polls today, the world around us is quickly changing in new and distressing ways. The challenges the international system will present the government The Jewish state elects will be harsher, more complicated and more dangerous than the ones its predecessors have faced. Bluntly stated, the world that will challenge the next government will be one characterized by the end of US global predominance. In just a few short weeks, the new administration of President Barack Obama has managed to weaken the perception of American power and embolden US adversaries throughout the world. In the late stages of the presidential race, now Vice President Joseph Biden warned us that this would happen. In a speech before supporters he said, "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama... [We're] gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy... They may emanate from the Middle East. They may emanate from the subcontinent. They may emanate from Russia's newly emboldened position." As it happens, Biden's warning had two inaccuracies. Rather than six months, America's adversaries began testing Obama's mettle within weeks. And instead of one crisis from Russia, the Middle East or the Indian subcontinent, Obama has faced and failed to meet "generated crises" from all three.
TAKE RUSSIA for example. Since coming into office, Obama has repeatedly tried to build an alliance with the "newly emboldened" Russian bear. A week after entering office, he announced that he hoped to negotiate a nuclear disarmament agreement with Russia that would reduce the US's nuclear stockpiles by 80 percent. At a security conference in Munich last weekend, Biden stated that the administration wishes to push the "reset button" on its relationship with Russia and be friends. Responding to these American signals, the Russians proceeded to humiliate Washington. Last week President Dmitry Medvedev hosted Kyrgyzstan's President Kurmanbak Bakiyev in Moscow. After their meeting the two announced that Russia will give the former Soviet republic $2 billion in loans and assistance and that Kyrgyzstan will close the US Air Force base at Manas which serves American forces in Afghanistan. After cutting off one of the US's major supply routes for its forces in Afghanistan, Russia agreed to permit the US to resume its shipment of nonlethal military supplies for Afghanistan through Russian territory. Those shipments were suspended last summer by NATO in retaliation for Russia's invasion of Georgia. And now they are being resumed on Moscow's terms. The US, for its part, couldn't be more grateful to Moscow for lending a helping hand.
THE US ITSELF WOULDN'T have found itself needing Russian supply lines had the situation in nuclear-armed Pakistan not deteriorated as it has in recent months. Much of the situation in Pakistan today is due to the Bush administration's incompetent bungling of US relations with the failed state. For years the US gave tens of billions of dollars to the military government of Gen. Pervez Musharraf. Musharraf in turn used the money to build up Pakistan's military presence along the border with India, while allowing al-Qaida and the Taliban to relocate their headquarters in Pakistan after being ousted from Afghanistan by US forces. Vigilant in maintaining his power, for years Musharraf repressed all voices calling for democratic transformation. For their part democrats in places like Pakistan's Supreme Court were not friends of the West. They did not oppose the Taliban and al-Qaida. Rather their enemies were Musharraf and the US which kept him in power. Responding to a sudden urge to encourage the forces of democracy in Pakistan, while advocating their abandonment throughout the Arab world, secretary of state Condoleezza Rice compelled Musharraf first to resign as head of the Pakistani military thus ending his control over the country's jihadist ISI intelligence services and over the pro-jihadist military. Then she forced him to accept open elections, which unsurprisingly, he lost. The democrats who replaced him had absolutely no influence over either the ISI or the military and realized that their power and their very lives were in the Taliban's hands. Consequently, since Pakistan's elections last year, the new government has surrendered larger and larger areas of the country to the Taliban. Indeed, today the Taliban either directly control or are fighting for control over the majority of Pakistani territory. Moreover, the Taliban and al-Qaida have intensified their war in Afghanistan and are making significant gains in that country as well. This would have been a difficult situation for the US to contend with no matter who replaced George W. Bush in the Oval Office. Unfortunately, due to Obama's stridently anti-Pakistani rhetoric throughout the campaign rhetoric untethered to any coherent strategy for dealing with Pakistan the Pakistanis no doubt felt the need to test his mettle as quickly as possible. For his part, Obama gave them good reason to believe he could be intimidated. By letting it be known that he intended for his special envoy to the region Richard Holbrook's job to include responsibility for pressuring US ally India to reach a peace agreement with Pakistan over the disputed Jammu and Kashmir province in spite of clear proof that Pakistani intelligence was the mastermind of the December terror attacks in Mumbai, Obama showed that he was willing to defend Pakistan's "honor" and so accept its continued bad behavior.
LAST FRIDAY, the Pakistanis tested Obama. The Supreme Court freed Pakistan's Dr. Strangelove A.Q. Khan from the house arrest he had been under since his nuclear proliferation racket was exposed by the Libyans in 2004. Through his nuclear proliferation activities, Khan is not only the father of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal but of North Korea's and Iran's as well. Khan's release casts a dark shadow on Obama's plan to dismantle much of America's nuclear arsenal, because with him free, the prospect that Pakistan is back in the proliferation business becomes quite real. Already on Sunday Khan announced his plan to travel abroad immediately. For its part, the court in Islamabad specifically stated that Khan is free to resume his "scientific research." Pakistan's open contempt for the US and its weakness in the face of the Taliban's takeover of the country has direct consequences for the US's mission in Afghanistan and for its new dependence on Russia. This week the Taliban bombed a bridge on the Khyber Pass along the Pakistani border with Afghanistan that served as a supply line to US forces in Afghanistan. As US Brig.-Gen. James McConville stated in Kabul, the latest attack simply underlines how important it was for the US to resume its shipments through Russia.
MANY HAVE POINTED to Pakistan as an example of why Israel and the West have no reason to be concerned about Iran acquiring nuclear arms. To date, they claim, Pakistan has not used its nuclear arms, and indeed has been deterred by both India and the West from doing so. While it is true that Pakistan has yet to use its nuclear arsenal, it is also true that since its initial nuclear test in 1998, Pakistan has twice brought the subcontinent to the brink of nuclear war. In both 1999 and 2002, Pakistan provoked India into a nuclear standoff. Moreover, due to its nuclear arsenal, Pakistan successfully deterred the US from taking action against it after the September 11 attacks showed that al-Qaida and the Taliban owed their existence to Pakistan's ISI. Although Pakistan's government is not an Islamic revolutionary one like Iran's, the fact is that since it became a nuclear power, Pakistan has moved away from the West, not toward it. Indeed, its nuclear deterrent against India and the West has empowered and strengthened the jihadists and brought them ever closer to taking over the regime in a seamless power grab. Far from arguing against preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, the Pakistani precedent argues for taking every possible action to prevent Iran from acquiring them. After all, unlike the situation in Pakistan, Iran's regime is already controlled by jihadist revolutionaries. And like their counterparts in Pakistan, these forces will be strengthened, not weakened in the event that Iran acquires nuclear weapons. Indeed, since Obama came into office waving an enormous olive branch in Teheran's direction, the regime has become more outspoken in its hostility toward the US. It has humiliated Washington by refusing visas to America's women's badminton team to play their Iranian counterparts. It has announced it will only agree to direct talks with Washington if it pulls US forces out of the Middle East, abandons Israel and does nothing to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. It has rudely blackballed US representatives who are Jewish, like House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Howard Berman, at international conclaves. And it has announced that it will refuse to deal with Obama's suggested envoy to Iran, Dennis Ross, who is also a Jew. In all of its actions, Iran has gone out of its way to embarrass Obama and humiliate America. And Obama, for his part, has continued to embrace Teheran as his most sought-after negotiating partner.
MOVING AHEAD, the question of how our next government should handle America's apparent decision to turn its back on its traditional role as freedom's global defender becomes the most pressing concern. It is clear that we will need to embrace the burden of our own defense and stop expecting to receive much from our alliance with the US. But it is also clear that we will need a new strategy for dealing with the US itself. In formulating that policy, the next government should draw lessons from fellow US-ally India. Once it became clear to the Indians that the Obama administration intended to treat them as the strategic and moral equivalent of Pakistan, they struck back hard. When the administration signaled that it would agree to Pakistan's assertion that its problems with the Taliban were linked to India's refusal to cede Jammu and Kashmir to Islamabad, New Delhi essentially told Washington to get lost. In an interview on Indian television last week, ahead of Holbrook's first visit to the area this week, India's National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan said that Obama would be "barking up the wrong tree" if he were to subscribe to such views. He added that India would be unwilling to discuss the issue of Jammu and Kashmir with Holbrook and so compelled Obama to remove the issue from Holbrook's portfolio. At the same time, the Indian government released a dossier substantiating its claim that the December attacks on Mumbai were planned in jihadist terror training camps in Pakistan and enjoyed the support of the ISI. Moreover, in response to Khan's release from house arrest on Friday, India called for the international community to list Pakistan as a terror state. In acting as it has, India has made two things clear to the Obama administration. First, it will not allow Washington to appease Pakistan at its expense. Second, it will do whatever it believes is necessary to secure its own interests both diplomatically and militarily. A sound example for the next government to follow. Contact Saul Goldman at gold710@bellsouth.net |
Posted by Michael Freund, February 11, 2009. |
Down a narrow, cobblestone lane in the heart of the northern Portuguese city of Porto stands a centuries-old monument to Jewish valor and ingenuity. Several years ago, workmen renovating a four-story medieval structure at 9 Sao Miguel street in the old Jewish quarter discovered a false wall on the ground floor. Upon removing it, they entered a large and dusty room containing an unusual recess carved into the facade. Local historians and experts were quickly called in, and they identified it as the holy ark of a secret synagogue, one that had served Portugal's "hidden Jews" after the forced conversions to Catholicism of 1497. That was the year when the Portuguese monarch, King Manuel I, had cruelly ordered the Jews of his realm to be dragged to the baptismal font. Despite the trauma they endured, many of the Anousim (Hebrew for "those who were coerced"), as they came to be called, continued to practice Judaism covertly, while outwardly professing to be Catholics. At great risk to themselves and their families, they struggled to preserve the faith of their forefathers down through the centuries. For a visitor to Porto, the ark is a tangible sign of the Jewish presence which once flourished here and throughout the rest of the country. Indeed, as I gazed at the niche in the wall and ran my hand slowly over the smooth stone, I marveled at the courage that it took to defy the Inquisition and its henchmen. Yet that is precisely what untold numbers of Anousim (whom historians often refer to by the derogatory term "Marranos") in Portugal and elsewhere chose to do. In 1506, thousands of them were murdered in the streets of the capital in what came to be known as the Lisbon Massacre. Then, in 1536, the Portuguese Inquisition was established, and it went to work hunting down those suspected of being crypto-Jews. From 1540 through the late 18th century, tens of thousands of Anousim were hauled before church tribunals, which did not hesitate to burn at the stake those whom it found guilty of following the Laws of Moses. But even in the face of such ruthless persecution, the Anousim stubbornly clung to their Judaism. What a tribute it is to their determination that they went to the trouble of building clandestine houses of worship to remain faithful to the God of Israel.
BUT SECRET SYNAGOGUES are not the only tangible relics of Portugal's Jewish past that are being uncovered these days. Even more intriguing, and exciting, is the process of discovery that is under way as increasing numbers of Portuguese Anousim are seeking to reconnect with their Jewish heritage. Last Wednesday, on the top floor of Porto's grand Mekor Haim synagogue, I sat in a room with some 60 Portuguese Anousim, a number of whom have formally returned to Judaism. They sang Hebrew songs, recited traditional blessings before and after eating, and spoke movingly about their personal stories. One, whom I will call Miriam, is a researcher at the local university. She recalled how her grandmother clandestinely lit candles every Friday evening in a hidden corner of their home, far away from the prying eyes of neighbors. And despite growing up in an overwhelmingly Catholic society, neither she nor her siblings had ever been baptized, carrying on a tradition dating back generations in her mother's family. "Here, in the synagogue, I truly feel at home," she told me. A few months ago, Porto's small Jewish community held elections to pick a new president. And while such balloting is commonplace throughout the Jewish world, the outcome in Porto was anything but. For the first time, one of the local Anousim, Prof. Jose Filipe Ferrao, was selected to head the community. As a child, he remembers, his parents warned him never to count stars in the sky, lest the neighbors suspect them of practicing Judaism. That, after all, was how Portugal's crypto-Jews would determine when the Sabbath had concluded. Twenty-three years ago, while a graduate student in Paris, Ferrao went to a synagogue for the Friday night service welcoming the Sabbath and had a transformative experience. "I will never forget it. I felt as if I had known the songs and the prayers all my life, as if it was an intrinsic part of me," he said. He spent the next two decades learning more about Judaism and drawing closer to the faith that the Inquisition had tried, yet failed, to snuff out.
JUST TWO YEARS ago, Ferrao, along with 15 other Anousim from Porto, came to Jerusalem and underwent a formal return to Judaism before a rabbinical court with the help of Shavei Israel, the organization that I chair. They are now at the core of Porto's Jewish revival. Indeed, throughout the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking world, there are hundreds of thousands of Anousim, and possibly more, who still carry the Jewish spark within them, longing to come back. Israel and the Jewish people owe it to them and to their ancestors to recognize the anguish and suffering they have endured and to facilitate their return. Specifically, there are a number of steps that can and should be taken to help the Anousim, including publishing more material on Jewish topics in Spanish and Portuguese, sending teachers and rabbis to reach out to them and raising awareness about their existence to smooth their reintegration into the Jewish community. From Spain and Portugal to Brazil to the southwestern United States, the number of Anousim coming out into the open is surging, even as so many young Jews are sadly leaving the fold. Now, more than ever, we must swing open our collective door and enable them to come back home. Michael Freund is chairman of Shavei Israel (www.shavei.org), a Jerusalem-based group that assists "Lost Jews" seeking to return to the Jewish people. |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 10, 2009. |
The date of February 10 is accurate for the US, but here in Israel it is actually the early morning of February 11. This will be brief, because the situation is so tentative yet, but I didn't want to end my day at 2:00 AM without some explanation regarding the elections that were held today. It has been an evening of stress and anxiety, but there is reasonable hope that when the fog clears we will be all right. All tallies from all polling places are not yet in, but as I write, with more than half the votes counted, Likud has 27 mandates (seats) and Kadima 28. Yikes! However, the right wing/nationalist/religious bloc has 65 mandates and the left wing bloc including Arab parties has 55. This is of enormous importance. When the votes are all counted, it is the job of President Peres to consult with the head of every party and ask who he or she would want to lead the nation. Only then does he give the nod to the person either Netanyahu or Livni who will do this. Even if Likud does not tie Kadima or pull ahead, if it's obvious that Livni cannot put together a coalition (which requires an absolute minimum of 61 seats and is not stable without more than that), then Peres might well select Netanyahu. And even if he picks Livni, if Netanyahu manages to maintain discipline within the right wing bloc so that all those parties hold tight and refuse to join Livni then she will not be able to form a government and it will go to Netanyahu. ~~~~~~~~~~ Most votes will be counted within the next few hours, but there are some specialty votes, such as the IDF votes, that take longer to be tallied. Because of the tightness of the election, the absolute final vote carries greater significance than would otherwise be the case. Commentators are saying tonight that soldiers vote further to the right than the population at large, and that vote might bring Likud ahead or even with Kadima. There are other factors at play as well that might cause this to happen. We'll see. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ironically, tonight both Netanyahu and Livni have claimed victory. Netanyahu was clear: The people have spoken. The right wing bloc is far greater than the left wing bloc. I will be the next prime minister. And you had better believe that Netanyahu and associates are already working hard to build the necessary right wing bloc discipline. As one commentator put it, with regard to Livni's statement, she needs to be prime minister because it is necessary for Israel to be a vassal state of the US. Obviously, she put it that only she can get along with Obama, but I think that commentator was on the mark. That there is a greater likelihood that Netanyahu would stand strong against Mitchell and Clinton and Obama than that Livni would is actually something very much in his favor. ~~~~~~~~~~ Could the entire situation change by morning? Yes... We have to look at the final numbers. And after that, see how the whole process I've just described plays out. There will be several other factors to watch as this plays out: Will Netanyahu, if he is successful, hold to a purely right wing coalition, or might Labor be brought in? He might bring in Labor to make his coalition stronger, but unless I'm very much mistaken (which is certainly possible), if he's seeking right wing bloc discipline in order to block Livni, then he will have to give precedence to those right wing parties as he builds his government. Plus, there is some resistance within the Labor party to sitting with Lieberman. How Lieberman, the spoiler who drew votes from Likud, will play his role is also significant. And then there is still the remote possibility that those Kadima rebels would return to Likud, as it has been so often said they would. If Netanyahu succeeds, and has the ruling coalition, but a narrow coalition, that is when they might decide to join him, providing additional strength to the government. ~~~~~~~~~~ Perhaps tomorrow I will write more about why it is so essential for this nation that Livni lose. Even after all I've written, there is more to say, as more hair-raising policy decisions are advanced. If Netanyahu's projection is wrong, and he cannot control a majority right wing bloc, prevent Livni from forming a coalition, and become prime minister, I will grieve deeply for the situation. And so...tentatively...with a hope and a prayer. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, February 10, 2009. |
This was written by Moshe Arens and published February 3, 2009 in Haaretz. Terror Has To Be Wiped Out. |
As if expressing some extremely wise adage, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni pronounced after the Israel Defense Forces' withdrawal from the Gaza Strip: "You have to know when to go in, and you have to know when to go out." As a matter of fact, the IDF was ordered into Gaza far too late, after hundreds of rockets launched from the Gaza Strip had already fallen on Israeli towns and villages in the south. And the IDF was ordered to leave the Gaza Strip before the mission had been completed. It was a missed opportunity. When Livni threatened that the IDF would be ordered back into the Strip if there were renewed rocket fire on the south, she demonstrated her lack of experience in these matters, thinking that an operation like Cast Lead could be launched every other week. But it was our defense minister, Ehud Barak, who should have known better, who announced before the order to withdraw was given, that the operation had been completed and there was no reason to maintain the IDF's presence in the Gaza Strip. He and Livni were of one mind they claimed that Hamas had been taught a lesson. A price tag had been set for their past acts of terror, and that price tag would intimidate them from repeating the rocket attacks against Israel. As it turned out, the Hamas leaders had learned arithmetic from a different book than Barak and Livni and their acts of terror against Israel were not based on considerations of price tags. It was Barak and Livni who had to learn a lesson. Namely, that whereas you can deter a nation-state from taking hostile action, deterring terrorists is quite another matter. And another lesson had to be relearned. When dealing with enemies you may be able to assess their capabilities to harm you, but guessing what their intentions are is frequently next to impossible. This is the traditional conundrum of military intelligence. Israel found this out during the Yom Kippur War, when the capabilities of Egypt and Syria were well known but their intentions were completely misread by Israeli intelligence. Such a mistake is all the more serious when the enemy broadcasts its intentions, as the Egyptians did when Sadat repeatedly announced that he was preparing for war against Israel, and yet you decide not to take their threats seriously. And again with Hamas. They do not hide the fact that their aim is to destroy Israel, and their rocket capabilities are known, but rather than ordering the IDF to destroy that capability, Livni and Barak led themselves to believe that the incomplete IDF operation in Gaza would affect their intentions and lead them to abstain from any future acts of terror against Israel. It looks like rather than Hamas being taught a lesson, it is Israel that is being taught a lesson it should already have learned in the past. The IDF operation was late to get started, proceeded at a leisurely pace, and then halted before the objective of eliminating the Hamas capability to rocket Israel had been accomplished. It is obvious that the Olmert government formulated the goal of Operation Cast Lead primarily out of political considerations. Ambiguously phrased as "changing the security situation in the south," the cabinet ministers thought that they had cleverly hit on a formula that would allow them to assert after completing the operation that the goal had been accomplished. After all, there was bound to be a change in the security situation in the south as a result of the operation. And there was, no doubt, such a change. But not having destroyed the Hamas capability to launch rockets against Israel, the population in the south remains at the mercy of Hamas terrorists even after the IDF's withdrawal. The IDF should have been given the task of destroying Hamas' rocket capability and accomplishing that task within a short time, something that the IDF easily had the ability to do. As things stand, the basic situation in the south has not changed, and will not change as a result of another cease-fire with Hamas. Like the previous cease-fire with Hamas, it will be a period giving Hamas a respite for rearming and preparing for the next round while Israeli citizens in the south will have to keep listening for the sound of rocket alerts. So here is another lesson for Livni and Barak: No cease-fire with terrorists. Terror has to be wiped out. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 10, 2009. |
WHERE DO MIDEASTERN CHRISTIANS STAND ON ISRAEL? Throughout the Mideast, Muslims have been persecuting Christians, a majority before the Muslim conquest. One would suppose that this bitter experience would render the remaining Christians pro-Israel. I corresponded with a western Coptic organization, which expressed support for Israel. The head of Egypt's Coptic Christians, however, stands with Egypt on the Arab-Israel conquest. Typically, Christian clergy in the Mideast issue statements against Israel in concert with their Islamic governments. When explaining their declining presence in the P.A., Christian clergy are likely to blame Israel, although Israel does not affect them in the P.A., which includes Bethlehem, where Muslims, protected by the P.A., rob and beat them. Why the counter-intuitive and unfair response? I've given these explanations: (1) If the Christians defy their Muslim rulers, their persecution likely would become more murderous; (2) Christians were among the early leaders of Arab nationalism and terrorism, seeking national unity with Muslim Arabs, so as to deflect Muslim persecution from them; (3) The Christians have been beaten down and have a dhimmi attitude of subservience; and (4) Christian missionaries taught antisemitism. There is more. A century ago or so, Christian Arabs went to Western Europe for education. They acquired antisemitic notions. They also have become influenced by Islamic culture. Even the Copts, who are not Arabs, speak Arabic and identify with them to some extent. What does a persecuted minority do? When there is another, even more persecuted minority around, gang up on it. The question is, what attitude do Christians who fled from the Middle East have, once safe in the West? HOW OLMERT CLAIMS VICTORY PM Olmert claims to have achieved Israel's goals by acquiring a Memorandum Of Understanding from Sec. of State Rice. [Rice was obsessed for the P.A..] Likud's campaign praises the military operation in Gaza, but points out that the job is not finished and the Army didn't have to fight extra weeks just so the government would make a non-tangible deal with the US. A memo is a piece of paper. The State Dept. usually words its promises vaguely and ambiguously, to make it easier to renege later. In leaving Israeli security in the hands of those who failed to safeguard it before, just getting insincere promises to try harder, Olmert forfeited the military gains. ISRAEL ASSISTED UNRWA Israel shelled the UNRWA compound in Gaza C., settiing it afire. Five Israeli fire trucks entered the city to fight the blaze (IMRA, 1/15). UNRWA accuses Israel of firing on its facilities unprovoked. Israel showed itself humanitarian towards the UNO. WOMEN'S RIGHTS Switzerland appointed a female ambassador to Iran. This was considered an advance for women's rights. On reaching Iran, she donned a hijab (IMRA, 1/15). This is a difficult issue. Is adopting local customs goodwill or kowtowing? Gentiles at bar mitzvahs may don yarmulkes, for goodwill. Muslim women's garb, however, demeans and oppresses women. For a Western woman to don it kowtows. could she do her job, otherwise? I don't know. What do you say? ISRAELI COMPLAINTS AGAINST OFFENSIVE Several activist groups, including Gisha, petitioned the Supreme Court over the IDF offensive in Gaza. They accused the IDF of striking civilian targets such as ambulances, UNO buildings, and water and electric facilities, and barring wounded Arabs from medical treatment. The judges rejected many of the complaints. They ruled that civilian casualties do not mean that civilians were targeted. The troops sometimes find armed men in ambulances [a war crime] and in UNO buildings. They'd have to be crazy to fire on ambulances and UNO buildings without cause. Troops also make mistakes, as by their firing on their own troops. The judges also explained that battlefield conditions do not always allow for treating wounded. Nevertheless, the Court ordered the state to make an official reply (IMRA, 1/15). HOW TO PREVENT MORE ROCKET ATTACKS FROM GAZA? Foreign Min. Livni reserves Israel's right to take action, but depends on foreign powers to prevent rocket attacks. That approach has problems: 1. Why expect smuggling to be stopped by the same foreigners who failed to stop it before?; 2. The foreign powers will deny that smuggling occurred, rather than admit failure; 3. Exposing their failure would be called insulting [Egypt feigns insult over criticism for failure to act, so Israel shuts up]; 4. Documenting the failure may expose and sacrifice Israeli intelligence sources in Gaza; 5. If Israel acts only after the failure, Hamas will have attacked it with longer-range rockets (IMRA, 1/15). BILLIONS DONATED TO HAMAS The West, the UNO, the Arabs, and Israel funnel billions of dollars a year into Gaza, i.e., to Hamas. Some of it goes through the smuggling tunnels. If Israel did not turn funds over to the P.A. for transfer to Gaza, Israel would be criticized as inhumane. Does this money promote prosperity? No, it is mostly diverted to jihad [which is inhumane]. If is ridiculous to expect Israel to subsidize its executioners! (IMRA, 1/15). PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF SMUGGLING Egypt denied that arms had been smuggled into Gaza before the IDF offensive. Therefore, one may expect that, during the ceasefire, Egypt will deny that arms have been smuggled in since the ceasefire started. One may expect Hamas to cooperate to the extent of not bragging that it has continued smuggling. If Hamas does show sample arms smuggled in, the Israeli regime may well claim they were smuggled earlier. If someone else shows photographs of smuggled arms, the regime may contend that they are old photographs. Suppose Hamas fires several rockets. The regime probably would respond to each salvo individually, rather than resume the offensive and finish the job. If Hamas fires a heavy barrage, the regime would take a poll to find out how widespread and intense is public demand for strong action. If the present coalition is ahead in the polls, the regime would excuse lack of action as not being strategically necessary now (IMRA, 1/17). WHEN HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH ET AL FELL SILENT Human Rights Watch fabricated the slander that Israel fires white phosphorus shells at civilians, harming them illegally. By the time the International Red Cross had determined that Israel did not, and uses such shells properly for illumination or smoke, other so-called human rights organizations had spread the slander and the media took it up. Two of those organizations, which use humanitarian propaganda as a dirty weapon against Israel are financed by the EU. One of them is called B'Tselem. Then Hamas fired a white phosphorus shell into Israel, as part of its regular attacks on civilians there. About that, the organizations fell silent (IMRA, 1/18). The EU finances subversive as well as slanderous organizations. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Janet Lehr, February 10, 2009. |
1> Still thinking Tu B'shvat, Israel's New Years for Trees celebrated Feb 9 [15 Sh'vat]: In 1959, Ben Eliyahu and Hagai Porat decided that they wanted to found a community at Ein Yahav in the Central Arava desert. Various government agencies refused to support them, demanding a letter of intent from someone official. Ben Gurion, over the objection of many including a chief agricultural scientist, OK'd the project and JNF funded it. Ten families arrived at Ein Yahav in the Arava. Simha Blatt, the "Herzl" of water research in Israel, invented drip irrigation, and harvest yields increased dramatically. Today, over 6,000 people live in the Arava and supply 60% of Israel's fresh vegetables and more for export. Hi-tech is yesterday's Science Fiction!! One development that could be of special interest to Arava farmers are genetically engineered plants that signal when they are thirsty, causing a light to turn on, which sets a watering apparatus in motion, thereby saving water. We already have maximized yields and receive a very high return on capital investment. Agricultural markets are very dynamic today. According to Professor Yedidya Gafni, "what once seemed like science fiction is today commonplace thanks to genetic engineering. A vaccination against malaria has been successfully introduced into bananas in third world countries. Here, in Israel, farmers are growing crops that will provide insulin for diabetics. "After 50 years of living in the Arava Desert Science fiction becomes reality"
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Israeli settlement in the Arava desert, a one-day conference was held on Wednesday, 4th February at the Arava's Sapir Center in the framework of the annual Arava Open Day. The conference was organized by the Yair Northern & Central Arava Research & Development Station, which is funded by KKL-JNF worldwide and by government organizations. Yigal Elad, scientific director of the R&D station, invited speakers to address issues or challenges facing Arava residents today. Development of Settlement and Agriculture in the Central Arava Genetic Engineering Implications for Arava Agriculture According to Professor Yedidya Gafni, "what once seemed like science fiction is today commonplace thanks to genetic engineering. There are over 250 million acres of farmland in the world today that are being engineered genetically, even though there is some controversy about it, particularly in Europe. It is really amazing to see what can be done with this technology. It is now possible to take the DNA of one plant and transfer it to another but not simply from plant to plant. It is now also possible, for example, to isolate the gene that makes a particular insect light up at night and to implant it into a flower, which then becomes iridescent and an amazing new market attraction. The genes that make scorpion stings toxic can now be injected into plants thus making them resistant to pests and thus cutting the need for pesticides. Here, in Israel, farmers are growing crops that will provide insulin for diabetics. Dr. Arik Heilig summed up life in the Arava: "I often host groups of researchers from abroad. I tell them, 'You are about to see the magic of the Arava.' After seeing what has been accomplished here, they couldn't agree more." 2> Samantha Power, a Harvard University genocide expert and former Obama campaign adviser, has been appointed to the the National Security Council's multilateral institutions office. She has been criticized in the past for making statements critical of Israel and its treatment of the Palestinians. As you will hear in the 2002 interview by Harry Kreisler, Executive Director of the Institute of International Studies at the University of California at Berkeley Power argues that the US should stop financially supporting Israel's military and instead invest in a Palestinian state, with US forces on the ground to protect it from genocide by Israel. Hear the interview, it isn't long. It is freightening that she now be National Security advisor to President Obama on Middle East Affairs ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "We look with deep misgivings on the nomination of two profoundly anti-Israel advisers to senior foreign policy positions in the incoming Administration. We are very concerned that the appointment of either or both Power and Rice will have a deleterious effect on the U.S.-Israel relationship, to the detriment of both countries. Someone who believes that Israel carries out genocide, or that a Palestinian state should be founded by force of U.S. arms against Israel, or that the most hostile anti-Israel American public officials should be placed in key positions regarding Middle East policy, should not be appointed to high office. We believe these nominations will be detrimental to President-elect Obama's campaign commitment to uphold and strengthen the American-Israeli relationship. We also believe that the policies these two nominees have promoted can only lead to greater Arab hostility towards Israel and make the attainment of peace even less likely."
The ZOA has also expressed concern at the presence on the Obama team of Susan E. Rice, who has now been nominated by President-elect Obama for the post of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, a Cabinet-rank position (Peter Baker, 'Appointments begin new phase for Obama,' New York Times, December 2, 2008). Susan Rice served as John Kerry's senior foreign policy advisor in his 2004 presidential campaign, during which she persuaded him to promise to appoint former Secretary of State James Baker and former president Jimmy Carter, both hostile as envoys on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Senator Kerry later rejected this advice as "unbalanced" (Marc Zell, 'Obama and the Jews,' Jerusalem Post, February 21, 2008). Rice was also an Assistant Secretary of State working for Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who considered Yasser Arafat to be a genuine peace partner and transformed him into the most frequent foreign visitor to the White House during the Clinton years. 3>Kurtzer becomes Obama Special Envoy to the Middle East, to report not to Sec of State Clinton but directly to Barack Hussein Obama himself. During a period of intense terrorism against Israel in 1988, it was Kurtzer, as an official in the State Department, who argued that the U.S. must reach out to the PLO, which he characterized as moving in a "moderate" direction. Though he is an Orthodox Jew, Kurtzer has a long-standing antipathy toward Israel. In his 1976 Ph.D. dissertation at Columbia University, Kurtzer blamed Israeli responses to terrorist strikes for "the radicalization of those Palestinians to violence." Interestingly, Kurtzer never characterized as "terrorists" those who carried out massacres of civilians. In his thesis, they were called "guerrillas." "Obama To Appoint James Baker's Anti-Israel "Jewboy" As Mid-East Envoy'
Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz is reporting that President-elect Obama is about to appoint Daniel Kurtzer as his special envoy reporting directly to him. Obama's decision to appoint a special envoy reporting to him directly, rather than to the secretary of state, indicates that the president-elect attaches special importance to the regional peace process. Reportedly, several of Obama's advisers recommended the appointment. The special envoy job could infringe on the prestige of Hillary Clinton, who was appointed secretary of state yesterday. On the other hand, it could ease any apparent conflict because of Bill Clinton's close ties with the Gulf States. Kurtzer is another gift given to Israel from that 78% of Jews who voted for BOH. When Daniel Kurtzer was part of the George HW Bush's administration he was known as one of Secretary of State James Baker's team of "Jew Boys." Kurtzer, Dennis Ross, and Aaron Miller. They were Baker's closest advisers and the designers of the Bush's policy to reach out to the PLO, appease terrorism and blame Israel for everything. You remember Jim Baker he was the Secretary of State said, "F**K the Jews, they didn't vote for us anyway" Baker was also the one who during the first Gulf war told Israel to simply suck it up for the greater good and take Iraq's Scud attacks without responding. When Baker ran the state department under the first President Bush, he was famous for his disdain of Israel and tilting American Foreign Policy toward the Palestinians. Baker repeatedly blamed the government of Yitzhak Shamir, rather than intransigence of the Arab world, for the absence of a negotiated settlement. Appearing before the House Foreign Affairs committee in June 1990, Baker listed the phone number of the White House's switchboard and angrily retorted, in reference to Israel, "When you are serious about peace, call us!" Baker also denounced Israel's refusal to deal with alleged Palestinian "moderates," stating, "with such an approach there would never be a dialogue on peace." Heedless of the political realities, Baker organized a conference on the Arab-Israeli conflict in July of 1991, citing the participation of Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia as evidence that the Arab world truly desired peace this even as the Palestinians, with the vocal approval of neighboring Arab states, escalated their intifada to unprecedented levels of violence. (FrontPage October 11, 06) That was the policy orchestrated by the latest member of Barack Obama's anti-Jew crew. But just so you don't think that Kurtzer is being bashed because he is working for Obama, I invite you to read the article below, written by conservative Joseph Farah when Kurtzer was appointed to be appointed ambassad or to Israel in 2001 by President Bush: "Kurtzer is wrong for Israel"
The man the Bush administration is seriously eyeing for the post of U.S. ambassador to Israel is not only the architect of President Clinton's failed Middle East peace initiative, he is also the brains behind earlier failed peace efforts by Bush's father. Daniel Kurtzer, now serving as U.S. ambassador to Egypt, was the key figure in the process of formulating the U.S. decision to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization and Yasser Arafat as the legitimate and sole representatives of the Palestinian people. During a period of intense terrorism against Israel in 1988, it was Kurtzer, as an official in the State Department, who argued that the U.S. must reach out to the PLO, which he characterized as moving in a "moderate" direction. That critical change in U.S. policy not only ended in disaster in 1990, when the first Bush administration broke off dealings with Arafat because of continued terrorist activity, it also set the stage for failed efforts during the Clinton administration to hand over much of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, to the Palestinian Authority. Though he is an Orthodox Jew, Kurtzer has a long-standing antipathy toward Israel. In his 1976 Ph.D. dissertation at Columbia University, Kurtzer blamed Israeli responses to terrorist strikes for "the radicalization of those Palestinians to violence." Interestingly, Kurtzer never characterized as "terrorists" those who carried out massacres of civilians. In his thesis, they were called "guerrillas." Kurtzer, perhaps more than any other diplomatic policymaker of the last 12 years, is responsible for the new U.S. "even-handedness" in Middle East affairs. To Kurtzer, there are no aggressors in the Middle East and no victims. The two sides are equally to blame for the conflict. Further, he accepts a false premise that the Palestinian problem is the core of the conflict in the Middle East, rather than a much-manipulated symbol to ensure Israelis are forever perceived as aggressors and the Arabs as aggrieved. Kurtzer was the principal author of one of the most important statements of U.S. policy in the Middle East, a speech by Secretary of State George Shultz to a conference at the Wye Plantation in Maryland in 1988: "The legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including political rights" must be recognized and addressed, said Shultz. "Palestinian participation is required at every stage of the negotiations." That's the box in which Israel has been forced to operate ever since. Probably more than any other State Department official, Kurtzer has been instrumental in promoting the goals of the Palestinians and in raising their grievances to the center of the U.S. policymaking agenda. It was Kurtzer who, as a speechwriter for former Secretary of State James Baker, coined the term "land for peace." Kurtzer has never been a popular figure in Israel. Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir referred to Kurtzer and two colleagues as "Baker's little Jews." Though, today, officials in Jerusalem are being careful about making any comments that might be perceived as interference in U.S. foreign policy decisions. Once confronted in a synagogue by a man armed with harsh rhetoric by PLO officials in stark contrast to their public commitment to peace, Kurtzer responded, "The United States can't and will not base its peace process policy on public statements made by either side. We don't support statements by either side that are excessive. We don't support public statements by either side that are designed not to advance the peace process, and we don't react to those kinds of public statements." Interesting. Because it was a public statement alone by Yasser Arafat repudiating terrorism that won him a place at the bargaining table word and words alone. And the point man in bringing Arafat to the table as far back as 13 years ago was Daniel Kurtzer. This is not a man who should be rewarded for his good work and great results with the plum assignment of ambassador to Israel. No way. If the Bush administration does decide to choose Kurtzer, it will be making a big mistake. He will not be well-received. He will not be a goodwill ambassador. Kurtzer is smart. He has diplomatic skills. He is multi-lingual and well-educated. But his track record in charting the course to peace in the Middle East is nothing short of disastrous. It's time for a change. It's not time to repeat the mistakes of the past three administrations. Janet Lehr is editor/publisher of a daily e-mail called "Israel Lives." She can be contacted at janetlehr@israellives.org |
Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, February 10, 2009. |
![]() This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: Nothing like a little geological upheaval to play the artist's muse. Unlike some of my other posts, this shot is fresh out of the can, having managed to start my week with a half-day journey to the heart of the Negev Desert. Overall, I was disappointed with what I found. Israel is suffering terribly from a lack of rain and the desert, normally a-blossom with spring wildflowers this time of year, was brown, dusty and dull. Still, I can always say about the desert that no trip is wasted as there is no comparison to the solitude and quiet found there. I had never been to the Machtesh Katan, or Small Crater, and
driving down in the pre-dawn darkness, had no idea where to stop.
Following my instincts, I headed for high ground and a spot facing
west, so that my subject would be opposite the rising sun and in
position to catch the first rays of morning light. I composed this
shot while standing on the edge of the crater, a few feet back from
the edge of a precipice overlooking a 300-foot drop. Although
translated as "crater," a machtesh is formed primarily by erosion and
not by volcanic activity or impact with a celestial object. I chose to
isolate this particular mountain, situated within the crater about a
half mile from where I stood, because I liked the form of its jagged
spine recessed with shadow. I also included a foreground section of
darker rocks lying near the crater bottom, which give a sense of the
dramatic range of colors in this region.
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by Kenneth R. Timmerman, February 9, 2009. |
The Treasury Department has blacklisted an Iranian Kurdish opposition group based in northern Iraq, a move that was greeted enthusiastically in Iran's state-run media as part of a initiative by the Obama administration to forge better U.S.-Iranian relations. The Party of Free Life of Iranian Kurdistan, known by its Kurdish acronym, PJAK, was created in 2004 and has never engaged in international terrorism or in military activity outside of Iran. But its guerilla fighters have clashed frequently with Iranian Revolutionary Guards units in Iranian Kurdish towns and villages, making it a primary target of the Iranian regime. In November, for example, the provincial police commander in Iran's West Azerbaijan province, Brigadier Hassan Karami, told the state-owned Iran Press TV that his troops had clashed with PJAK units 65 times since March, killing 13 PJAK fighters and wounding 24 others. Iran has complained frequently about PJAK's activities, and has launched repeated artillery attacks and even airstrikes against PJAK bases in the Qandil mountains of northern Iraq. But until now, Iran's efforts to get PJAK branded as a terrorist organization both in Europe and the United States have failed. "With today's action, we are exposing PJAK's terrorist ties to the KGK and supporting Turkey's efforts to protect its citizens from attack," said the Treasury Department news release announcing the designation. The Treasury statement claimed that PJAK was "controlled by the terrorist group Kongra-Gel (KGK, aka the Kurdistan Workers Party or PKK)." But the KGK is a pan-Kurdish political Congress, separate from PJAK and from the PKK, which officially dissolved itself in 2000, said Nilufer Kok, a KGK vice-president. PJAK officials say that, although PJAK takes part in the sessions of the Kongra-Gel, it is controlled by its own party Congress that convenes in northern Iraq, not by the KGK. The Treasury Department statement claims that the "KGK formally institutionalized PJAK in 2004 and selected five KGK members to serve as PJAK leaders, including Hajji Ahmadi, a KGK affiliate who became PJAK's General Secretary." In interviews with Newsmax in Washington, D.C., and in Europe, Rahman Haji Ahmadi repeatedly has denied any affiliation with the PKK. "We are an Iranian party, fighting the Iranian regime. We have nothing to do with Turkey," he said. "But the Iranians know they can't make trouble for us directly because they have bad relations with the U.S. and Europe. So they go through Turkey. It's the Iranians who are saying that PJAK and the PKK are the same." The Turkish government has been pressuring the United States to put PJAK on the terrorism list for the past eighteen months, and welcomed last week's move by the Treasury Department. "PJAK is a terrorist organization, and we see the US putting it on its terror list as a positive development," Brig. Gen. Metin Gürak, head of the General Staff's communications department, told reporters in Ankara Thursday. The Turkish foreign ministry also issued a congratulatory statement praising the U.S. move. "PJAK and PKK are not two separate organizations," a Turkish official told Newsmax. "They are one and the same. That's just a fact." But when pressed, the official could not provide any evidence of cooperation between PJAK and PKK, and acknowledged that the two groups were based in different parts of the Qandil mountain range of northern Iraq. Independent observers traveling to the region have found no PKK presence at PJAK bases, and no political, military or strategic cooperation between the two groups. In mid-2007, Iran and Turkey established a joint operational headquarters in Ourmieh, Turkey, to plan combined military operations against PKK and PJAK bases in northern Iraq. The Iranian and Turkish military began shelling Kurdish camps inside Iraq that spring. Iran is a self-avowed U.S. enemy, while Turkey is a U.S. ally and founding member of NATO. In November 2007, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to Washington, seeking a green-light from President George W. Bush to launch a ground invasion against PKK bases in northern Iraq. While the U.S. turned down his request at the time, Turkish troops moved into northern Iraq several months later. Since that time, the United States and Turkey have exchanged intelligence information on terrorism "on a real time basis," knowledgeable sources tell Newsmax. According to an August 29, 2008, report from the Congressional Research Service, the Bush administration "has been wary of Turkey's warming of relations with Iran." When Turkey announced it was planning to finalize a deal to invest in Iran's South Pars natural gas field during Ahmadinejad's official visit to Ankara last August, the State Department issued a sharp warning. Such a deal "would send the wrong message at a time when the Iranian regime has repeatedly failed to comply with its U.N. Security Council and IAEA obligations," a State Department official said. "This is not a time to do business with Iran. It is a time for the international community, including our ally Turkey, to begin considering additional measures to pressure Iran." PJAK leaders told Newsmax during a reporting tour of rebel bases in northern Iraq in October 2007 that their fighters frequently engage Iranian Revolutionary Guards troops inside Iran's Kurdish region, primarily in response to Rev. Guards attacks on Kurdish civilians or PJAK political workers. In the July 2005, for example, a Kurdish human rights activist was brutally murdered by regime agents and his body dragged through the streets of the Iranian Kurdish town of Mahabad behind a jeep. When local Kurds protested massively and the regime cracked down, killing dozens of Kurds and arresting hundreds more, PJAK guerillas attacked Revolutionary Guards troops in 10 different places. The PJAK counterstrikes were meant as a warning to the regime that such actions "would no longer go unpunished," a PJAK guerilla said. [Editor's Note: Read Ken Timmerman's eyewitness reporting from a PJAK guerrilla base in northern Iraq Go there now. ] PJAK officials tell Newsmax they believe the Treasury Department action was primarily motivated by a desire to win Iranian cooperation in reducing terrorism inside Iraq. "When the U.S. signed the Status of Forces agreement with the Maliki government, they were hoping to get Iran to reduce its support of Ansar al Islam and other terrorist organizations in Iraq," said Shamal Bishir, a PJAK representative who spoke to Newsmax on Monday by telephone from Europe. "In exchange, the United States allowed Iran to have greater influence in the Kurdish areas." Bishir said the group intended to launch legal action against the Treasury Department to get the designation removed. Kenneth Katzman, a Middle East analyst at the Congressional Research Service, told Newsmax that the Treasury Designation does not mean the group has been put on the State Department's list of Foreign Terrorist organizations. "The designation under Executive Order 13224 is not as wide-ranging or as politically significant as an FTO designation," he said. "There are lots of entities designated under 13224 that never wind up on the FTO list." Under the Executive Order, the U.S. will freeze the group's assets and prohibit American citizens from doing business with it, the Treasury Department statement said. PJAK leader Rahman Haji Ahmadi warned that if Turkey is successful in dislodging PJAK fighters from Iraq's border with Iran, this could have dire consequences for Iraq's security. "Turkey wants to control the Qandil mountains with Iran. When they do, they will open the border and allow al Qaeda and Ansar al Isslam fighters to come in. And this will make Erbil [the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan] like Fallujah used to be," he told Newsmax. U.S. military commanders have credited PJAK with protecting Iraq's border with Iran from terrorist infiltration, but have shied short of any cooperation with the group. Roughly one-third of PJAK guerilla fighters are women. Haji Ahmadi called this part of his project to reduce the influence of the Islamists ruling Iran. "When you give a gun to a woman, she doesn't have to wear hijab. She can sit down with a man on an equal basis. This is a big blow to the Islamists," he said. A State Department official noted that while PJAK was not yet on its list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, "we condemn the group's violent activities." Neither the Treasury Department or the White House responded to requests for comment. Kenneth R. Timmerman is President, Middle East Data Project, Inc. He authored "Countdown to Crisis: The Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran" and is a contributing editor to Newsmax. His latest non-fiction books is a thriller called Honor Killing, available at www.kentimmerman.com. Contact him by email at timmerman.road@verizon.net |
Posted by Steven Shamrak, February 9, 2009. |
Alternative is Suicidal! I just hope that during and after this election common sense and true political integrity will prevail and parties like Likud, Yisrael Beiteinu, Habayit Hayehudi, Ichud Leumi and Shas will set aside their differences and focus on the achievement of the Jewish National goal, Eretz-Israel. I agree that Israeli voters should have a better choice, but at the moment voters must realise that the alternative is suicidal! Pretence War. Division General Ido Nehushtan, an Israeli air force commander, said that bombing the tunnels in southern Gaza is not the solution to shutting down the smuggling of weapons to the Hamas. (The present Kadima/Labor government is conducting a war with no indention of winning it. The main focus is to fool Israeli voters!) Back to Ugly 'Normality'. The sounding of the Colour Red alert in Sderot last week, just before 7 p.m. last Monday caused a break for students taking a matriculation exam in history at a Sderot school. Hamas has Clear Objective. A Hamas political advisor, Ahmad Yussuf, said: "the Hamas intends to take power in all of Palestine, not only in Gaza." (This includes Jordan! I wish that Israel had been as lucid and confident in achieving the Jewish national objective.) Deliberately Deceitful Logic. Newly-appointed American Middle East envoy George Mitchell said: "To be successful in preventing the illicit traffic of arms into Gaza, there must be a mechanism to allow the flow of legal goods. And that should be with the participation of the [Fatah-controlled] Palestinian Authority." (Logically speaking, wouldn't the flow of the goods over land increase the 'tunnel time' for weapons and rockets smuggling into Gaza? And what is the chance for Fatah, another terrorist organization, to be in "control" of Gaza and end Islamic terrorism? It seems that the Middle East has got another official anti-Israel stooge, one of many!) 'Humane' Enemy! Hamas terrorists seized three hospitals and expelled entire medical teams from the facilities on Saturday. A statement issued by the PA ministry in Ramallah said that Hamas terrorists had taken over the medical centers and "converting them into centers for interrogation, torture and imprisonment." Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak Our enemies are talking openly about creating yet another Muslim state on Jewish land, free from Jews. It is time for Israel to remove this hostile population and reunite all Jewish land! This will end terrorist attacks from minor players in the Middle-Eastern conflict game like Hamas and Fatah. Demand of Loyalty is "Legitimate". Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu says the campaign against Israeli Arabs by extreme right wing Israel Beitenou head Avigdor Lieberman is "legitimate." Netanyahu said, "it is legitimate to ask citizens of a state to be loyal." (Time to understand that Israeli Arabs never had and never will have loyalty toward Israel.) Kadima is Willing to Sell Israel off. Kadima party head and foreign minister Tzipi Livni said that for Israel to be a Jewish and democratic state, "we must give up a piece of the country." (Giving up Jewish land will not bring peace. Removing enemies from Jewish land will!) Thuggery which Even UN couldn't Ignore. Christopher Gunness, a spokesperson for the UN Relief and Works Agency [UNRWA], said that Hamas policemen broke into a warehouse in Gaza City and confiscated more than 3,500 blankets and 400 packages of food that the UN planned to distribute to 500 families in the Gaza Strip. Dear Readers, this independent publication needs your Support! Quote of the Week: "How many crimes are committed simply because their authors could not endure being wrong." This applies to Israel's ruling elites. Thirteen years of Arab terror and 6,000 Jewish casualties have cowed and stupefied these elites. Ehud Olmert (and Tzipi Livni) is committed to the policy of his comatose predecessor. Brainless and heartless, he promises more territorial retreat on the one hand, and the deportation of more Jews on the other." Albert Camus We do Have Choice. Binyamin Netanyahu said that Israel did not finish the job in Gaza. "The next government will have no choice but to finish the job and eradicate the Iranian terrorist base next to Ashkelon" (Israel must free Jewish land of enemy population. This is the only way to end terror from Gaza!) Even Hamas Called Blair's Stupidity. Hamas insulted Blair, calling his suggestion that the group be involved in negotiations "utterly foolish and useless." Blair's call for dialogue would "grant the Zionist enemies the excuse to commit their crimes," and the message "testifies to Blair's stupidity," said Hamas official Mushir al-Masri. (When it is come to their objectives Hamas does not lie and does not worry about politeness. It is also time for Israel to call Tony Blair, Jimmy Carter and other international anti-Semites by their true name!) The White House in Pollard Spin. The White House confirmed that President Bush did not reject Jonathan Pollard's petition for a pardon as he left office and left it active. The Committee for Pollard's release explained that Bush's decision means that Pollard can still be released at any time. (President Bush just passed the buck to President Obama. It is easy to release drug dealers, tax cheats etc... But not a Zionist Jew!) West Bank: Torturers Financed by the British taxpayer. The horrific torture of hundreds of people by Palestinian security forces in the West Bank is being funded by British taxpayers. An investigation by The Mail on Sunday has found that the forces responsible get £20million a year from the UK. The victims some left maimed are rounded up for alleged involvement with the militant Islamic group Hamas. (At the same time in Gaza Hamas tortures and kills Fatah supporters. Well done 'humane' Westerners! But it is Israel you have 'problem' with.) Unsafe at Home: Three Arabs stabbed a young Jew who got lost on his way to Hebrew University at Mount Scopus on Sunday morning. Hypocrisy of the 'Loaded' Headlines: "Turkey probes IDF 'war crimes' in Gaza" An international probe for crimes against humanity committed by Turkey against Armenians and Kurds is long overdue. Why is this headline missing? They Don't Talk to Each Other, but Israel Must? 1) The Hamas declared it does not want to engage in talks with Mahmoud Abbas as long as the PA President states that the Palestine Liberation Organization is in charge. 2) PA President Mahmoud Abbas rejects reconciliation with the Hamas. Faking Justice. A Pakistan court declared disgraced nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan a "free citizen" on Friday after years of de facto house arrest (not prison) because of his alleged role in leaking atomic weapons technology to countries including Iran, North Korea and Libya. Welcome to Islamostan. Iranian police raided more than 300 hair salons in the Ispahan region, and closed nine of them because "western and feminine styles violate Islamic law for men". Time for UNRWA to Say Sorry to Israel. One of the most highly publicized incidents in the recent Cast Lead operation in Gaza was an alleged Israeli strike on a United Nations school. Now, the UN's Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has apparently changed its story, and now says there was no Israeli strike on the school, but rather a mortar shell incident near the school that did not cause any deaths within the building. ( Do you remember the 'Jenin Massacre', which never happened? Fatah dug up corpses to boost the number of 'civilian' casualties. In the end, the UN cancelled its investigation in order to avoid embarrassment, and not in order to prove Israel right?) Staged Outburst Look Who is Talking. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan stormed out of the World Economic Forum after a war of words with Israel's President Shimon Peres over the Gaza conflict. "A new era has begun. Turkey is not just any country. Turkey is large and important. Anyone who looks into history will see that," Erdogan said. (The aim was to promote how 'important' Turkey is, not the conflict in Gaza. Israel could easily walk out because Turkey still has not admitted the genocide of up to 1.5 million Armenians and has been killing Kurds in Turkey and Iraq! Erdogan demanded respect for Turkey but had only contempt toward Israel and other participants, who remained mute about his despicable outburst.) Similar Conflict NO 'Outrage'! Humanitarian groups have said a major crisis is looming for 250,000 civilians with reports of hundreds killed during ongoing offensive against the Tamil Tigers by the Sri Lankan army. ( No humanitarian corridors, No ceasefire! The Sri Lankan government uses artillery in populated areas, but there is No 'emergency' for UN resolutions! Just because it is Sri Lanka not Israel, or should I say because Jews are not involved! Note: Tamils are a non-indigenous Hindu minority of Sri Lanka. They are fighting for independence from the native Ceylonese, Buddhist majority.) Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has been publishing an Internet editorial letter about the Arab-Israel conflict since August 2001 and has a website www.shamrak.com. He can be reached by email at StevenShamrak.e@gmail.com |
Posted by Seth Frantzman, February 9, 2009. |
1) He armed the Hmong but he couldn't save them from liberalism
He armed the Hmong but he couldn't save them from liberalism: They moved like the wind through the jungle. They hated the Communists. They were natural marksmen. And all they wanted was one thing: guns. That was the message CIA agent Bill Lair received from the Hmong, a traditional people living in the hills of Laos who wanted support in their fight against the suppression they saw was coming from a Communist regime, repression experienced by their indigenous brothers in Vietnam. Bill Lair gave them guns. But no amount of sharpshooting could save them from history. They were crushed under the boot of the Reds and became refugees. Now history blames Lair for their 'fate'. But no one deserves the fate that befell them. They were expert marksmen almost instinctually it seemed. They could "walk through the mountains like the wind." And they hated Communism. As tribal indigenous people, simple peasants living in the hill country of Laos the Hmong understand the threats that Communism posed to their natural lifestyle. They understood that despite talk about 'land' for peasants, Communism represented the evils of modernity and the city and that it would should remove them. Communism in all its forms has presented native and diverse people with the destructive power of the state in its worst form, harnessing technology and liberalism together to bring extremism to rural areas, crushing any forms of individual freedom before it. The Hmong were but one of many small peoples whose were destroyed by Communism. The Baltic states, Crimean Jews, Tartars, Cossacks, Ethiopian Jewry, Tibetans, all the decent people of the world that once lived decent individual lives in their own manner were crushed under the boot of liberalizing utopian New York Times appeasing Communism. Washed away in the 20th century, most of these people are no longer with us. The ones that survived were brutally removed, crushed, beaten, raped, put on trains, sent to distant environments unlike their original ones, re-educated, murdered, slaughter, massacred, genocided, and then left to rot in cities, mixed in with other victims of evil and left to die. When Bill Lair first met the Hmong they told him all they needed was guns and they would fight the scourge of Communism in southeast Asia. For them Communism was not the liberation movement fighting the French and then the Americans in Vietnam, for them it was a new colonialism, one that seeked to Vietnamize their lives, deport and murder them. Their indigenous cousins in Vietnam, the Mountagnards, had already seen hundreds of their villages slaughtered by the Vietnamese communists and their leftist western Jane Fonda collaborators. They knew that in Cambodia the genocide was coming with the rise of Khmer Rouge and extremism. They alone understood that they would have to fight. Like the Apache who were confronted by the encroachment of modernity in the 19th century the Hmong understood that they would have to use their natural skills to their advantage. Like the Mujahaden in Afghanistan who only desired guns to fight, the Hmong seemed like a Godsend to he spooks of the CIA and other Americans lurking in Southeast Asia charged with recruiting locals to fight the Communists. Earlier experts at counterinsurgency in Malaysia and Phillipines had defeated rural Communists insurgencies during the Malay emergency (See Col. John Nagl's Learning to eat Soup with a Knife) and the Hukbalahap rebellion (1946-54, see Stanley Karnow's In our Image: America's Empire in the Phillipines). The Americans and French seemingly forgot those lessons in Vietnam. Bill Lair decided to expand upon them in Laos. In 1961 he met with Vang Pao, a general in the Laotian army. Pao agreed to help recruit the Hmong. Pao, born in 1931, had been a farmer until he joined the nascent resistance against the Japanese occupation of French Indochina. Because he was not a French European, and thus not a natural appeaser and collaborator with fascism, he and other Hmong joined the Meo Maquis, an Hmong resistance unit. After the war he stayed on in the French army fighting the Viet Minh in Vietnam, rising through the ranks to become a general in the free Royal Laotian Army. When Lair asked him to help recruit the Hmong to fight the Communists, known as Pathet Lao, he was excited about the idea. However by 1968, with the 'secret war' gone public Lair realized his time as a CIA operator in Loas was at an end. He disagreed with overt U.S policy to fight in Laos, preferring to simply arm locals to do defend themselves. By 1975 the U.S war in Laos had gone wrong, as Lair thought it might, and the country was overrun by Communists, who overthrew the local monarchy. Hundreds of thousands of Hmong were forced to flee the country as the Communist regime targeted their villagers for destruction. The international Community, ever on the side of decency, 'helped' them by ordering them to return and trying to repatriate them. Many died. The United States, feeling a responsibility for the refugees much as she did for the people fleeing Castro, and much as Israel has felt for Bedouins in Gaza or veterans of the Southern Lebanese Army who helped her, opened he doors to the Hmong. Hundreds of thousands were resettled in the U.S. But their tragedy did not end their. After they had been brutalized, beaten and smashed under the boot of Communism their history had to be twisted by intellectuals so that they could be destroyed once again. According to a New York Times article by Seth Mydans, published on February 3rd, 2009 and entitled 'Ex CIA spy defiant on Hmong fates in Laos', "his mission nearly destroyed a culture and a way of life...[Lair] who recruited primitive hill tribesman to fight a proxy war...when the war was lost and the Americans withdrew in 1975, the Hmong tribesmen he had recruited were left behind to face retribution from the Communist victors and a near collapse of their tribal way of life....the last of the Americans withdrew, leaving most of their allies to their fates." The article implies that when people resist Communism, or other tings, they 'deserve' their 'fate'. This is part of the new leftist intellectual dialectic of 'retributive genocide' where some genocides are positive because people 'deserve' to be destroyed for daring to resist. Its interesting that this leftist Orwellian babble doesn't apply everywhere. The existence of Muslim terrorists in Spain, India, Israel, Bosnia, Chechnya or the U.S hasn't made the New York Times decide that the entire Muslim community in those places deserves retribution and its 'fate'. When Iran sponsors Hizbullah in a proxy war against Israel the leftist intellectual doesn't excuse Israel's war against them by saying Hizbullah receives its 'fate'. On the contrary liberalism informs us that we should never blame all Muslims for the acts of the few who "don't represent Islam, a religion of peace and tolerance." So why the two stories. When Communists recruit people no one says that all the people deserve to be slaughtered. After all no one excused the 'death squads' in Guatemala for killing people and no one said those Indians there deserved their 'fate' because some of them opposed the government. Men like Bill Lair never understood that the fight for the Hmong was more than a fight against Communism. It was also a fight against the greater forces of intellectualism and the post-humanistic intellectual's excusing of genocide and mass slaughter. The Hmong might have been natural fighters who 'moved like the wind', but no amount of marksmenship and fighting could ever have defeated their real enemies. They could have killed all the Communists to no end. They deserved their 'fate', so we are told. The question is, when will other people one day deserve their 'fate'. When will the Mydans of the world and those wealthy people in the West who stock the ivory tower with their terrorism of the mind, their hate based on language and twisting history receive their 'fate'. When they have supported the wrong regime there has been no retribution. This is what the Hmong can never understand: why were they murdered twice, first by brutal Communism and then by the West who excuses their murder? We see it again and again. Whether it is the excuse for the destruction of the Serbs of Krajina in Croatia, in which 200,000 Serbs were forced from their homes by Nato, EU and UN supported Croatian Operation Storm (an operation, by the way, that used disproportionate force but which no Europeans with their expensive glasses and scarves protested against), or whether it is the deportation of the Jews of Arab countries (some 800,000 between 1948 and 1967), or the expulsion of the Germans of Poland (1949) or the destruction of the Assyrians and Pontic Greeks (1915-1921) in Turkey and Iraq or the Rwandan genocide, one can see that intellectuals and academics have provided us always with an excuse about why these people 'deserved' to be destroyed. "Retributive Genocide" is the essence of the liberal post-human destruction of history. Liberalism defines it as a genocide "undertaken to eliminate a real or potential threat. It is most likely to occur when one group dominates another group and fears its rebellion or when the other group actually rebels." But the liberalization or Orwellization of this word and discussions about it by 'scholars' have presented it as an excuse where there is a need to 'retribution'. But we must never forget that no people deserve genocide. No people deserve such things. The Hmong didn't deserve it. Perhaps their terrible hardships are part of history, one of those things that happens. But there is no excuse to present what happened to them as 'their fate', as if they legitimately faced retribution. And if liberalism believes the Hmong had it coming to them for daring to rebel then it would be nice for liberalism to explain why the Palestinian Hamas in Gaza or other Islamic terrorists don't 'deserve' what happens to them. 2) Wither Jesus? Where are the Obama miracles?
If passing a bloated un-stimulating stimulus bill through Congress was the bar for performing a miracle then we might be able to feel the hope. But if it is not then we must wake up to realization that the great 'change' we were supposed to experience has no happened. Where are the Obama miracles. It seems like business as usual at foggy bottom. We will have to explain to future generations the orgasmic idiocy, the banality of our politics and small countries that were deforested to make the dozens of books on Obama. The only thing historic about the 2008 election was the illusions of the people, particularly the white ones who believed they were undoing the wrongs of the past and the black ones who believed that the future would be brighter by simply casting a vote. Everything was supposed to change. We had a black man in the White House. Everything was supposed to be different. Government was supposed to change. The miracle of the 'historic inauguration' was supposed to pave the road to a Golden Age of perfection and tolerance. That is what the media told us. The media told us about his 'sculpted pectorals' that 'gleam with sweat' when he plays basketball. The told us about his 'perfect' first family. They told us about how he channeled FDR and Lincoln and JFK all in one. They told us about his wife's clothing and where she bought it and about what his children ate at school. They shared us the feelings of the Americans on the Mall who cried and wept and threw themselves on the floor and convulsed and spoke in tongues and screamed and writhed in orgasmic displays of hope. "We have an African American in the white house, all our dreams of come true..." But then the media woke up. The dream, the long drunkenness seemed to fade. And now we are experiencing, not exactly a hangover, but perhaps the realization of the evil and sickening idiocy, the corrupting fallacy of the liberal-leftist belief that man must be judged by race and that by voting for the color of a man's skin we can 'change' things. The great lie, the greatest lie that the 20th century and modernity ever told, that race is a factor in human endeavor seems to be have been proven wrong by the fact that it is business as usual at foggy bottom. But there is no self-critique on behalf of the media. There is no soul searching for all the lies we had to weather about 'historic' elections. There is no self-examination. There is just ignorance and the return to the dullness, the banality of politics. No one is angry. No one cares anymore. The Obama thongs, the Obama mania, the 'I have a crush on Obama' Youtube girl. They are all gone. The Obama covers of every magazine. They are gone. The 'change we can believe in'? It is gone. The American demagoguery of the Obamamania that the media whipped up, akin to the idiocy of the media supporting so many demagouges in the past, the love and obsession, the cult of personality, it is all gone. And yet if we were born today, say born again with the Obama administration, we would never have known it existed. A child born on the day Obama was sworn in will be told about how 'historic' and 'important' that day was but the child, when exploring the public record, will not be able to figure out why. The child will realize that it is skin color that makes it historic and the child may wonder "Daddy, is it true you used to vote for people and judge them based on their skin color? Is it true you felt that a man's skin color could solve your problems? Is that really how people thought in 2009? Is it true that you couldn't judge people back then based on the content of their character and that you were blinded by something so simple?" But mommy will explain that "we had to shatter the barrier of our racist past and make up for it. You will never understand how it made us feel to finally have an African-American in the White House. We brought change through our votes." But the child may wonder "but there was no change. Nothing changed. All those problems from 2008, they were still there in 2009." Our future generations have been spared the plague of having to read about another 'first' for African Americans in the realm of politics. They can be spared it so that the next time a person runs for president who, by the accident of his birth has off-white skin tones (as one journalist described Obama "a mixed race, multi-cultural African-American"), they can judge him based on the content of their character. But not to worry. There are dragons to be slain yet. Women presidents must come next. Then gay presidents. Then Asians. Then Mexicans. Then Mormons. Then Jews. Then Muslims. We must spend a lot of time breaking glass ceilings in order to make sure that in every election until the year 2100 will be decided on race or religion or sex or sexual orientation. The evils of the 20th century and its racist killings and race laws and discrimination must be visited on the 21st century in the form of the opposite, the adoration for all things that are viewed as being 'firsts'. Such is the banality of politics. They can all be compared to Lincoln and FDR and JFK. But Lincoln, FDR and JFK fought succession, Nazism and Communism. Our current problem is that we are only fighting our need to feel good, our inner demons, our petty racism and our history. Or perhaps Obama just needs more time to perform his miracles. 3) Tragedy twice over: How liberalism and the French betrayed Africa and dominate the history of their betrayal Westerners care little about writing about Africa outside of writing advertisements to feed its supposed starving millions. Africa is a seemingly Hobbesian world of savagery and darkness. Nothing is more dark, foreboding and chaotic than the Congo, the massive country that dominates central Africa. Between 1993 and 2009 millions of people have died in the Congo in an ongoing war that has been termed Africa's 'First World War.' The conflict however remains obscured from view by the fact that the media does not care, the battles and parties to the conflict are not clearly delineated and the fighters usually only speak French and their own tribal languages. The Congolese war finds its way into our living rooms only when its stories are simple and cut and dry. Thus the Rwandan genocide, the toppling of Mubuto Sese Seko and the arrest of General Nkunda are some of the few stories to have escaped the Congo. Like a heart of darkness that sucks in all around it, the Congo conflict acts a black hole for the news media and information. All the darkness seemed to be coming to an end when the Economist reviewed two new books on the Congolese war; Rene LeMarchand's The Dynamics of Violence in Central Africa and Gerard Prunier's Africa's World War: Congo, the Rwandan Genocide and the making of a continental Catastrophe. These aren't the only books on the war, there is an edited volume by John Clark entitled The African Stakes of the Congo War published in 2004. Unfortunately Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja's The Congo: From Leopold to Kabila published in 2002 is almost useless in describing events after 1997, when Laurent Kabila came to power. So we are left with the former two books, both by French speakers describing a country that is the heart of the Francophone Africa. The Economist review points out that both books were "written to disprove fashionable hypotheses about the war and its causes." What fashionable hypothesis is not clear since few people are even familiar with the war in the Congo, let alone its causes. But apparently what the review refers to is the causes that have been dreamed up by French speakers. In this the authors are supposedly breaking down well healed myths by challenging the French belief that the war is a 'conspiracy' by English speaking Africans and the English speaking world, led by the U.S and the U.K to pry the Congo away from France. But this 'fashionable' explanation was never known in the English speaking world so disproving it doesn't really help those who were never aware of it in the first place. It's like 'disproving' that Asians are dumb and lazy when most in the West are under the impression that Asians are usually smart and hard working. So although the authors may be fighting a straw man in their 'original' thesis, a typical way in which intellectuals and academics try to make their work seem important, the authors don't deviate from the general French line of reasoning about the Rwandan genocide. The Economist explains that "Neither author believes that Rwanda's interventions in eastern Congo can be justified in terms of preventing genocide, particularly since the war there has killed nearly five times the number who were murdered in Rwanda in 1994." A review on Amazon.com is more clear; "The author carefully untangles these complexities while offering unsparing assessments of the participants, including a vigorous indictment of Rwanda's Tutsi leaders for using the 1994 genocide as an excuse for their own atrocities. Lucid, meticulously researched and incisive, Prunier's will likely become the standard account of this under-reported tragedy." Among other things the authors also swallow, hook-line-and-sinker, the idea that the cause is that "throughout this region the basis of the exclusion is the division between Hutu and Tutsi. Technically the same people they speak the same language and belong to the same culture their differences, occupational and physical, were deepened and manipulated by the German and Belgian colonists. After independence, governments in Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, backed by Europe and America, rewrote the histories of these divisions and cynically used them to stay in power." This is typical of the western-anthropological model for examining what happens in other places. The way it works is simple. There is some savage conflict. The opponents happily declare to all that will listen that they hate their enemies based on race, ethnicity and religion. Westerners object to this 'cynical' explanation and want to find a 'deeper' cause. Then westerners take the people involved in the conflict and label them with new labels. Tribes become 'kin groups'. Ethnicities become 'races'. Whatever. Then the 'truth' is presented where some conflict is not 'really' about ethnicity but 'actually' about resources or global warming or some other obscure 'competition' that is either economic or is based on some 'cynical' manipulation by the former colonial power. Thus the genocide in Sudan isn't about race because, as the anthropologist tells us "Arab and African are misleading labels", it's really about resource competition between herders and agriculturalists. Oddly all the 'herders' are tribes, or kin groups, that trace their history to Arabia and the 'agriculturalists' are people who trace their origins, to well, Sudan. Same in Rwanda. According to the myth of liberalism it was the white man who 'created' the Hutu and Tutsi. But the white man did as much to create them as he did to invent the Apache and the Navajo. After all the lies about the Hutu and the Tutsi that are passed around in the West would seem all the more ridiculous if applies to the Mohicans and the Cree "technically the same people they speak the same language and belong to the same culture their differences, occupational and physical, were deepened and manipulated by the German and Belgian colonists..." But they aren't the same people, neither in the Americas, no in Africa. Despite the fact that academics and intellectuals can't find tribes among the millions of diverse people in Africa, and despite the common mentality among intellectuals that "well they are all black to me, I can't tell them apart", doesn't mean it's true. What is true is that the stereotypes offered by the Hutus and Tutsis of each other may not always be accurate, just as those offered of Jews by Europeans in the 1930s were not accurate. But just because the Nazi depiction of the 'hunchbacked eastern Jew' were incorrect it doesn't mean the Jew and the German are identical. Thus the Belgian 'manipulation' of the Hutu and Tutsi didn't create them, it just didn't help a situation that was already divisive. The degree to which this 'caused' the Rwandan genocide isn't clear, and we can't really know that without the Belgian colonial identity card system that there would have been no genocide. What we do know is that the ethnic manipulation that did take place in Rwanda and Burundi was not the norm in the Congo, where the Hutu and Tutsi are tiny minorities who mattered little before the 1990s. What did happen in Africa is that the French did arm the Hutus before the genocide in Rwanda. The U.S and others did back or at least ignore the excesses of Mobuto Sese Seko, the dictator of the Congo from the 1960s to 1997. What did happen is that there was a genocide in Rwanda which was ignored until the bodies clogged lake Victoria and then the U.S secretary of State, Madeline 'intervention' Albright spoke of 'acts of genocide' but refused to call it a genocide. What did happen is that the UN intervened at the last moment, when the Tutsi victims of the genocide had miraculously been able, through their rebel movement the Rwandan Patriotic Front, to take over half the country as the blood soaked, machete wielding, genociadaires fled towards the Congolese border. What did happen is that the French UN troops intervened on behalf of the Hutu genocidaires and the UN built camps for the former murderers in the Congo. The UN then helped create safe havens for the killers and allowed them to walk around armed and use the camps to raise a new generation of Hutu extremists. The UN apparently learned this method of refugee camp-cum-extremist training camp from what they had done among the Palestinians for sixty years. The initial Rwandan incursion into the Congo was in support of Laurent Kabila, a French educated former communist who had known Che Guevara, turned businessman who was leading a rebel movement in eastern Congo. Rwanda hoped Kabila might help them destroy the Hutu camp infrastructure that threatened continued ethnic war and genocide and which was now sending cadres rampaging throughout eastern Congo hunting down the Tutsi tribesmen who lived there. Uganda joined Rwanda to help Kabila overthrow Mobutu. Then six other African countries joined in opposing the proxy war. Peace seemed to come in 1997 but a variety of new rounds of fighting took place. The Eastern Congo became a wasteland. The UN send tens of thousands of troops to the area, many of whome, mostly Muslim UN troops from Pakistan, were subsequently accused of trading guns for sex and raping young girls, something the native Africans responded to by turning on the UN. Western leftists and child rapists also arrived, including at least one American embassy employee who made porn videos of himself having sex with 13 year old African girls. The Congo was the world's playground for evil. Meanwhile the war in the eastern Congo got worse and a middle aged tall lanky man name General Nkunda became the new 'bad person' according to the UN who, alone among all the people in eastern Congo, was a 'warlord' wreaking havoc. Nkunda's crime was that he opposed the UN's refugee camp and the UN supported genocide of his Tutsi tribesman. Nkunda was eventually arrested by his Rwandan supporters in January of 2009, apparently realizing that Nkunda might have become more trouble than he was worth. The Europeans want Nkunda to be put on trial at their 'International' Criminal Court. He will join other Africans dragged off by Europeans to be put on trial by European courts, like Charles Taylor and Rose Kabuye, incidentally another Tutsi black African now being put on trial in France. Oddly Europeans have never put on trial one of the Hutu genocidaires that the French armed and supported. The French speakers who have written books on the Congo crises have used the old European view of conflict that 'those who suffer genocide have no excuse to cause others to suffer.' This is a common argument used by Europeans to condemn Serbia and Israel, as well as Rwanda. Europeans have a common view that those who suffer genocide are thus 'naturally' inclined to commit hardships against others and the European corollary is that 'genocide is no excuse' to be angry. This is part of the liberal worldview where no one is allowed to 'judge' or get revenge. It is an interesting problem that unfairly burdens the victims of genocide. If Israel just occupied the Palestinians, the way Turkey does Cyprus or Morocco does Western Sahara, without the Jews having suffered the Holocaust, then no one would say "the Jews cynically use their victimization in the Holocaust to justify their treatment of the Palestinians." In fact no one would care. Had the Tutsis not suffered the genocide and simply invaded the Congo the way Uganda did then no one would say that "their genocide does not justify their invasion of the Congo." Had the Serbs not been slaughtered by the Nazis and the Bosnians and Croats or colonized by the Ottomans, then no one would say "the Serbs play their victim card to justify their assaults on the Bosnians", instead the Serbs would have been loved by the west along with the former Nazi Croats. Liberalism and Europeanism have a way of polluting the mind and killing the soul, leaving the human incapable of judgment. All we have to do is let the writer speak for himself. Lemarchand spends no time discussing the actual genocide in Rwanda but instead spends his time trying to explain why the victims are really the aggressors and while not all the perpetrators are bad. Let liberalism and post-humanism speak for itself: "the absence of attention to the history and politics of the country creates a portrait of genocide that is insensitive to the complexity of its circumstances...reduces the butchery to a tale of bad guys and good guys, innocent victims and avatars of hate. The frame of reference is the Holocaust...the other side of the genocidal coin-the human rights abuses, killings and other abuses committed by the Tutsis during and after the genocide...there is a temptation in writing about genocide to tell a story of good and evil....but there is more to the story than Hutu guilt and Tutsi victimhood...if it's true that 10 percent of the Hutu population participated in the killings...that leaves 90 percent of the population who did not...whose hands are clean...in Rwanda today, guilt and innocence are increasingly becoming ethnisized; because the Tutsi were so thoroughly victimized, they are now beyond reproach...genocide exonerates its victim of all subsequent sins. This is true not only in Rwanda but in Yugoslavia...the tendancy of Bosnian Serbs to invoke earlier 'genocides' they suffered as a pretext for retaliating...'genocide' is no longer a horror but a form of immunity...Rwanda is not Germany...the Rwandan genocide can best be described as retributive...in Rwanda the Tutsi dominated RPF initiated a civil war four years before the genocide...the Rwandan genocide is better seen as the by product of the mortal threats posed to the revolutionary Hutu dominated state." It should all be read again in order to be understood. Think of the implications should the Lemarchand theory be applied to the Holocaust. Most Germans didn't engage in the Holocaust thus making them innocent. There is a temptation to describe one side as good and evil but we should try to understand that the Jews might have been perceived as posing a mortal threat to the Nazis. So perhaps the Holocaust was a 'retributive' genocide. After all, didn't the Jews boycott Nazi Germany and wasn't Bolshevism partly a Jewish conspiracy against the German nation? Only liberalism, only Europeans could twist around a genocide, in which 800,000 Tutsis were butchered with machetes, so that the killers become the victims and the victims become the aggressors who deserved to die. It is quite brilliant the way modernity turns the victim into the aggressor and those who commit genocide always become the victims. In the name of not wanting 'label' anything as 'good an evil', the evil must always be excused. This is how liberal post-humanism operates. It claims that people label something 'good and evil' so that it can play 'devil's advocate' and 'show' that the evil is not all evil. But why doesn't this consistently apply? Let the post-human tell us more "nor is this meant to ignore the anxieties inspired by Nazi allegations of a Judeo-Bolshevik plot...Jews did not invade Germany...nor did they once rule Germany as the political instrument of an absolute monarchy; nor were they identified with a ruling ethnocracy; nor did Jewish elements commit a partial genocide of non-Jews in a neighbouring state 22 years before the Holocaust...Jews did not stand accused of murdering the head of state." The insinuation is clear: had the Jews done some of these things then the Holocaust would have been understandable. This is what liberalism says about the Rwandan genocide, that it is 'retributive' which is to say 'explainable' and acceptable and even good. But those Germans did have 'anxiety' about the Jews. So maybe the Holocaust is understandable. Whats more, the Jews are no clean victims because there is no good and evil, and 99% of all Germans didn't actually run the camps, so we can say that in fact the Germans didn't commit a genocide. If the Jews had been part of or could be "identified with a ruling ethnocracy" perhaps they would have deserved genocide? This is what a liberal says about the Rwandan genocide. Let another post-human, Bill Berkeley, try to make more excuses for why the Rwandan genocide was explainable; "the Tutsi's experience of genocide [is different from the Jews because] the Jews of Europe were never armed. There was no Jewish conspiracy to dominate Europe. There had been no Jewish tyranny in Germany, as there were Tutsi tyranny's in Rwanda." So if there had been a Jewish, or perceived Jewish tyranny then the Holocaust would be acceptable? And where is the evidence for the Tutsi 'conspiracy' to dominate Africa? What is the white European leftist genocide denier and excuser talking about? Its truly amazing how intellectualism works, how 'progressive modernity' and the academy produce the intellectual who excuses the genocide and explains it. What is amazing is that the same rules that the intellectual creates in order to excuse the genocide don't even apply to everyone equally. Whereas we are told 90% of the Hutus are innocent and the word genocide is placed in quotation marks sometimes when it happens to some people, there is no discussion of what percentage of the Tutsis were armed or joined the RPF or were part of this supposed 'ethnocracy'. So we see how it works. When Tutsis do something they all do it and thus are all guilty. But when Hutus do it then the leftist intellectual must do whatever it takes to excuse it. Why? Why can't genocide just be genocide. Why can't it just be condemned. Why must the victim always be labeled the aggressor and the genocide become 'retributive'. What is a retributive genocide anyway? When Tutsi Rwanda invaded the Congo to flush out the Hutu murderers the liberals didn't call that 'retributive' and there was no excuse for it. Why? Why is there always an excuse for one side and not the other. There is an excuse for Palestinian hate and terror, or for Kosovo Albanian massacres, or Hutu 'retribution', but when it's the Jews, the Serbs and the Tutsis, they are all guilty, they are guilty twice, first they must die by genocide and then they must be said to be 'far from innocent' and then their genocide becomes a 'genocide' and then they are said to 'cynically manipulate' it and then people say "'genocide' is no excuse." Prunier and Lemarchand's books merely prove once again why it is always better to genocide than be genocided. Thus the Armenians who killed Turks as part of the Armenian Secret Army in the 1970s were also condemned as "the Armenian genocide cannot be used as an excuse for terror." Right. The only excuse for terror is simply to be a Muslim extremist or Communist 'freedom fighter'. The tragedy of the Congolese war is that it was first ignored and then the tragedy was compounded by the fact that those who write on it turn the victims into the aggressors and misinterpret it for an English speaking audience. 4) Give up on the Holocaust, give up on Europe
There are two things one can count on every year; Christmas will be used by leftists to remind us of the 'Palestinian Jesus' and Bethlehem 'swaddled' in barbed wire by the Jews and that Holocaust Memorial day will be debased and abused and first compared to the 'situation in Palestine' and then made to include other 'genocides' such as those of the Mbghtudas in Jackmanistan. People should give up on the Holocaust. It is so misused and abused that the word holocaust has become almost meaningless. Whether it is some Norwegian politician in Saudi Arabia wearing her Burka by day and blogging about the comparison of the Warsaw Ghetto to Gaza by night or Robert Fisks discussion of 'the first holocaust, the Armenian holocaust' it is neverending. Abolish the day, it was only created by Europeans a few years ago, we have had enough of it. As for the Jews, they should use the word 'Shoah' because it will take another decade for that word to be debased. The European hatred and American Jewish degradation of the Holocaust and attempts to compare all things to the Holocaust never ends. Whether it is a Norwegian diplomat in Saudi Arabia emailing pictures of dead Jews from the Holocaust juxtaposed with pictures of dead Gazans or Jewish Prof. Richard Falk of the UN comparing Gaza to the Warsaw ghetto, or Rosanne Bar, who is Jewish, comparing the Israeli operation in Gaza to the Holocaust the need for leftist American Jews and white Europeans to mention the Holocaust in comparison to every event, especially those in Israel, is clear. They are not alone of course, Chavez of Venezuela and Ahmadinjed of Iran have also claimed Israel is a 'Nazi' state, at the same time that both have denied the Holocaust. What is also clear is the degree to which Holocaust memorial day has become a joke. In Berlin the Council of Jews boycotts the day because they did not receive proper treatment and respect in the past. At the UN the General Secretary Ban Ki Moon and Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann, president of the General assembly, did not come to the UN ceremony commemorating the Holocaust. American Jewish organizations had threatened to walk out because Brockmann has often accused Israel of being an 'Apartheid' state or comparing it to Nazism. In the Netherlands Moroccan organizations agreed to attend a memorial to the Holocaust and Dutch Integration Minister noted that "Muslims should understand that what al-Nakba is for Muslims, the Shoah is to Jews and vice-versa." So the Dutch have equated the creation of 700,000 Palestinian refugees with the death of 6 million Jews and the creation of a few million Jewish refugees. England is not much better. In England the Muslim Council of Britian has boycotted the day since its creation in 2001. This year the Muslims will come but partly because Karen Pollack, the director of the memorial, has assured them that the memorial is for "all genocides", including that of the Bosnian Muslims. Perhaps the Palestinians will be on the list next year. Its Holocaust memorial day so long as the Holocaust isn't mentioned. Rather than wasting time, every year boycotting events where anti-semites are invited to host Holocaust memorial day or where anti-racism conferences are racist, or where Holocaust memorial day is used not to commemorate the Holocaust but to compare it to everything else, especially the Palestinians. It would be better if the Holocaust had never happened or could have been forgotten soon after it happened instead of being abused so often. This seems like an extraordinary statement, but it is tragically true. Europeans are incapable of memorializing the Holocaust in a decent and respectful way. During the Holocaust those European and international organizations such as the International Criminal Court, the Red Cross, the UN, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch either didn't exist or didn't care about the actual Holocaust. Yet since the Holocaust Europeans have been only able to compare everything that happens to it and accuse Jews of being Nazis. Europeans need, instead of recognizing their criminal history and involvement, to turn the Holocaust into a universal phenomenon so that the Jews sooner or later become the 'real Nazis' and the Palestinians become the 'Jews' and every people in the world are said to be 'committing a Holocaust'. Without the memory of the Holocaust what would the Europeans compare Palestinian suffering to? Without the memory of Nazism what would Europeans accuse Israel of being. How would intellectual artists and academics in Europe, especially the Jewish ones, become 'controversial' if they could'nt speak of "parrellels between Israel and the Nazi regime, Gaza and a giant concentration camp, the siege of Beirut and the Warsaw ghetto. Without the Holocaust what would 'the brilliant and controverisal' Portuguese writer Jose Saramago, who compared the situation in the territories to the extermination camps in Nazi Germany. There was always something silly about watching Europeans, the very people who caused the Holocaust, crying crocodile tears over it in memorials. There was always something strange about watching Europeans bumble about trying to build memorials to an event they themselves did. There was always something funny about watching how collaborationist governments in Europe, whether Austria, Croatia or France were able to re-write history in order to become 'victims' of Nazism, when in fact they were some of the leading elements in the Nazi evil. So now the Europeans want to prosecute Israelis for 'war crimes' using an 'international tribunal'. They haven't charged Bin Laden with war crimes, and they seem only capable of arresting black Africans for 'war crimes', such as Nkunda or Charles Taylor, but Europeans proved inept at prosecuting their own war criminals, not only Nazis who were mostly released due to 'old age', but also their own commanders who prosecuted brutal colonial wars and occupations in places such as Algeria and Northern Ireland. But while people with names such as Charles or Pierre don't get placed on trial, and neither do Mohammed or Ahmed, the Europeans seem quite good at getting arrest warrants for men named Shlomo or Amos. Throughout Europe and other places in the world Synagouges and Jewish schools were attacked recently by leftist white people carrying placards declaring 'stop the Holocaust in Gaza.' Muslims were provided with similar signs by leftist organizations who have helped Muslims learn that equating Israel's actions with Nazism is the best tool to make white Europeans understand the Muslim Palestinian cause. It's a waste of time to commemorate the Holocaust. Europeans created the Holocaust, they indulged in it, they loved doing it. They let the Genocidaires run free after the Holocaust, had it not been for the U.S run court at Nuremburg and the Russian firing squads, all of the Nazis would have been released. Even after the Holocaust when the British army liberated the camps in Germany they placed the German and Italian Jews back in prison camps as 'enemy non-combatants.' European countries refused to take responsibility for the Holocaust, playing victim instead. In some cases Europeans joined terrorist groups such as the Red Army Faction and after hijacking an Air France flight they spoke in German and separated the Jewish passengers from the non-Jews, much as their parents' generation had done during the 1940s. Of course these Europeans in the 1970s did so under the auspices of 'justice' and 'peace activism' and 'human rights'. When the Europeans were done experimenting in hijacking planes they then decided in the 1990s and after 2000 that they could assuage their guilt over the Holocaust by simply declaring that every even today is a 'Holocaust' and the 'real Nazis today' are the Jews in Israel. While white Europeans did not protest the Mumbai terror attacks or refer to its perpetrators as war criminals, they began protesting the Gaza operation on its first day, already calling it a 'holocaust'. They threw rocks and spray painted Jewish places. In New Zealand a Christian priest spilled 'blood' on a memorial to Yitzhak Rabin. In other places the European joined his Muslim friends in chanting "Hamas, Hamas, send the Jews to the Gas.' The European and his Muslim collaborator and the Venezuelan dictator need the Holocaust in order to demonize Israel. In Venezuela Palestinian supporters spray painted swastikas on synagogues even while Chavez called the Gaza operation a 'Holocaust'. In other places spray paint noted "Jew dogs" and "stop Gaza Holocaust." Jews must forget about the Holocaust. It is a word that has no meaning. Neither does Nazi. There is nothing to memorialize. The Holocaust doesn't mean six million dead Jews, it means 1,300 dead Palestinians. That is fine. Jews should commemorate the Hebrew word for the Holocaust, Shoah and they should stop expecting outsiders to commemorate the Shoah. On Tuesday, January 27th Ahmadinjed declared at Tehran University that the Holocaust is "the West's sacred lie." He want on to claim that Israel was committing a 'genocide' in Gaza and that the Holocaust was used as an excuse to get money for Jews and to take Palestinian land and that the "lock on the Holocaust box must be broken." Ahmadinjed is correct in a way. The Holocaust isn't part of a western lie used to create Israel, rather the Holocaust is central to the West's worldview, primarily in the context of labeling Jews as the 'real Nazis' and comparing the Holocaust to everything in order to make it seem less unique. The Holocaust is a sacred lie in the sense that Europeans lie about the Holocaust in comparing it to other things. Breaking the Holocaust box however is impossible. Europe needs the Holocaust in order to excuse its own creation of the Holocaust by comparing everything to it. Without the Holocaust and the Nazis what would the Europeans and their Muslim friends accuse Israel of? Without the Holocaust and the Nazis the Palestinians cannot be Jews and the Israelis cannot be Nazis and liberals will be deprived of their need to always claim that Gaza or Beirut or Jenin is 'the Warsaw Ghetto.' There was no Warsaw ghetto. There was no Holocaust. There were no Nazis. If the result of the Ghetto and the Holocaust and the Nazis is only to give Europeans tools to hate Israel and Jews today and give Europeans a way to support terror against the living Jews, the few who got away from the clutches of the European in the 1940s and survived, then we should forget the Holocaust. Do away with the fake memorials in Europe to the Jews who once lived there. Bulldoze the ugly memorial in Germany, after all the Germans have a Holocaust memorial day where Jews don't even feel welcome. Give up on these memorials so we don't have to listen to Dutch ministers claim that the Holocaust is the same as al-Nakhba. By stripping the European of his crocodile tears shed at Holocaust memorials we can finally see the European for what he is. He speaks the Holocaust only in the context of condemning Israel. He never calls his own state a 'nazi' state. He never uses the word for other things. He reserves it for Israel. He doesn't speak of the Chinese 'Holocaust' of Tibet or the Tamil 'Holocaust'. The Jews must take other words for their great tragedy that they suffered at the hands of the European. The European court today, through funding of 'human rights' NGOs by countries like Norway, brings war crimes charges against Jewish Israelis. It never brought war crimes charges against its own, for their numerous crimes whether during colonialism or in Northern Ireland or during the Shoah. Call the tragedy of the European Jews the Nakhba. Take the Palestinian world. Who cares. The Europeans murdered six million. That is all that is worth remembering. The Europeans. The French. The Croats. The Germans. The Austrians. There is not a piece of land in those countries that is not soaked with the blood of the Jews and today it is the offices of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International and the ICC that grow over that land. Contact Seth J. Frantzman at sfrantzman@hotmail.com and visit his website: http://journalterraincognita.blogspot.com These essays appeared on his website. |
Posted by Moshe Dann, February 9, 2009. |
Critics of Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip may have a point: was it necessary? Civilian casualties were high, the IDF lost some fine soldiers, it cost billions, and Israel took a PR hit. Was the incursion worth it? That some wars are necessary and moral, however, especially when civilians are deliberately targeted by terrorists, does not mean that armed force is a last resort. In the case of Gaza, could it have been avoided? And who is at fault? Without the supply of weapons, Hamas could not sustain a military confrontation, or fire rockets into Israel. Hundreds of tunnels under the little town of Rafah that straddles the border between Egypt and Gaza could easily have been closed by Egypt. Enabling the smugglers, Egyptian President Mubarak allows Hamas to attack Israel without incurring any blame, portrays himself as helping Palestinians, and keeps the radical Moslem Brotherhood (with which Hamas is allied) off his back; the kickbacks are also nice. Rafah includes an UNRWA "refugee camp," which provides cover for the tunnels. Six more UNRWA-sponsored "camps" (actually towns) throughout the Gaza Strip are hotbeds of terrorism. As long as UNRWA is in business, so are terrorists. UNRWA is an accomplice; it is part of the problem, not the solution. Support for Hamas (and of course the more "moderate" Fatah) financially and politically is a clear message: terrorism and incitement against Jews is acceptable. Despite warnings from military and security experts three years ago, Israel's political echelon headed by then-PM Ariel Sharon, Vice-PM Ehud Olmert, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, Foreign Minister Tzippi Livini and the Kadima and Labour parties abandoned the border area with Egypt (called The Philadelphia Corridor) virtually unconditionally and without any reasonable security precautions. Applauded by American and European diplomats, the reasons for this blunder have never been fully explained. What did the recent war in Gaza accomplish? Those who launched it claim victory; so does Hamas, who continue to fire rockets and launch terrorist attacks and, in their free time, kill "collaborators" and maim critics. Smuggling tunnels are being rapidly rebuilt and most will soon be operational. Iran and other countries continue to funnel arms to Hamas. Israel's efforts to protect its citizens are condemned as "human rights violations" and "war crimes." Anti-Semitic incidents around the world are increasing. Lessons learned? Forced to make cosmetic touches, Egypt refuses to stop its Bedouin smugglers in Sinai. The tunnels are still active. Hamas receives support from around the world. Families of the bereaved and wounded mourn. Israeli elections will be held in a few days and a new regime will inherit the mistakes of those past. Soon-to-be-ousted Tzippi Livni, Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak best known for his catastrophic leadership during the retreat from Lebanon and terrorist attacks in 2001 all claim success, as usual. The whereabouts and condition of captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit are still unknown after more than 2 years in Hamas captivity. Reportedly offered a thousand Palestinian prisoners, most of them convicted murderers, in exchange, Hamas remains undecided. What led Israel into battle was, to be sure, the desire to protect its citizens but the heroes were those who fought and fell bravely, not the politicians who should have known better. Despite Obamian interventions, the struggle isn't over, nor will it be anytime soon. Sen George Mitchell's job, it seems, will be to focus away from Jihad and Terrorism and attack Jewish settlements. Such efforts obscure what this struggle is about. Military victories over well-funded terrorists and tyrants who enjoy popular support cannot be final, but they are a step forward in the struggle for civilization. Threatened by a virulent form of Islam, Jihadism, the world cannot afford to ignore that message. "My greatest hope," said a Hamas supporter interviewed on CNN last week, "is that my son will become a shahid (martyr/homicide bomber)," as a young boy standing next to him smiled obediently. For those who believe that negotiations with Hamas will bring peace and that diplomatic agreements are substantial, these words should teach an unforgettable lesson. Moshe Dann is a writer and journalist living in Jerusalem. He can be reached at moshedan@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 9, 2009. |
Today the 15 of the month of Sh'vat is the New Year of trees. There is significance to this in Jewish law, from the Mishnah, regarding how the age of a tree is counted and when its fruits can be eaten. Today it is also celebrated with the planting of trees, and the eating of dried fruits and nuts. The almond trees the earliest to bloom are in full blossom here. There is one directly outside my window; as I type, I lift my eyes and see it. It feels very much like spring, which is strange, as we haven't really had a winter. But there is so much that is heavy, so much we're struggling with here, it's important, I think, to celebrate this thing of beauty. This blessing. ~~~~~~~~~~ Yesterday UNRWA announced that it would not be bringing any more supplies into Gaza because of Hamas thefts. Today Hamas returned all that it had taken from the UNRWA warehouses, so that suspension of aid has been lifted. Now, however, UNRWA is speaking of another problem: According to spokesman Christopher Gunness, they have run out of the plastic bags they need for distribution of the supplies in Gaza. And guess whose fault this is, according to their version of matters. Ours, of course. That's because they wanted to bring pellets into Gaza for manufacturing the plastic bags, and we wouldn't permit it because the plastic pellets, if they fell into the hands of Hamas (a very real possibility), could be used for other things. IDF spokesman Peter Lerner noted that UNRWA would have been permitted to bring in plastic bags. In fact, plastic bags go into Gaza almost every day for other organizations. "If they want to solve the problem and not be part of the problem they could produce plastic bags in the West Bank and bring them in." Gunness then protested that pellets are easier to transport in it would require more trucks to bring in plastic bags and be more costly. Better, according to UNRWA calculations, to stop distributing food to the people who need it 900,000 people says UNRWA than to acknowledge that Israel has a reason for prohibiting the pellets and cooperate by utilizing an alternative solution. I hope by now everyone who reads my posts has gotten a good sense of what UNRWA is like. Unfortunately, there are still many in the West who perceive this agency to be benign and apolitical. ~~~~~~~~~~ This blunder, exposed a few days ago, merits mention here: Three years ago, the United States Consulate in Jerusalem held an auction of some file cabinets they no longer needed. One woman bought some 24 cabinets and only very recently discovered that buried in one of the cabinets were official documents that hadn't been removed before the sale took place. The woman decided to let the press in on the story before returning the documents, because she knew otherwise the incident would have just been hushed-up. Israel National News, which saw documents, reports that "USIA documents reveal hundreds of scholarships, programs and lectures aimed at bolstering the Palestinian Authority, which then was headed by Yasser Arafat." One of the stranger things promoted was a meeting between youth leaders from Likud and Fatah, in July 1988. Israel National News notes what it refers to as the casual acceptance of terrorist attacks by the US Information Service, which reported, "A follow-up [Likud-Fatah youth] meeting in Ramallah...had to be cancelled because of the [suicide] bombing in Jerusalem." Concern seems limited to the cancellation of the meeting. That was then, from our friend, the US. Imagine what's coming down the road for us now. ~~~~~~~~~~ Reports from the Arab side continue to indicate that a cease-fire may be "close." From Egypt the word is next week... maybe. I will not further belabor details here, but will wait and see what transpires, if anything. What continues to distress me are reports I'm receiving regarding concessions the "triumvirate" is according Hamas in order to bring the cease-fire before there is transition to a new government. For example, Barak has apparently signed off on letting Hamas leader Mahmoud A-Zahar come out of hiding and may give the nod to others as well. This is before a deal has been struck and while rockets are still being fired at us. ~~~~~~~~~~ As to the possibility of Shalit being released in a deal, I'm picking up several things. It is being said that with all of the terrorists and members of Hamas (1,200 in total?) Israel would agree to release, the government has balked at a handful: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Secretary-General Ahmad Saadat, who was responsible for the assassination of Minister Rehavam Ze'evi, and three other prisoners. ~~~~~~~~~~ But far more interesting is this: Fatah is very worried about a deal with Hamas to bring home Shalit, as this would seriously weaken Fatah and might bring down Abbas. Several reasons for this are given. Marwan Barghouti is one of the people being mentioned in the Arab press as on the list for release in the trade. Barghouti is Fatah, but would have a hard time, it is said, standing against Hamas if it succeeded in securing his release. But that's just the beginning. Several Hamas members of the Palestinian legislature have been in Israeli prison since Shalit's abduction. They would now be released, and sitting in parliamentary session as the majority could take legal action to declare Salaam Fayyad's position as prime minister illegal and with this, the government of Fayyad also illegal and Mahmoud Abbas's term as president terminated. [Note: since the take-over of Gaza, there are two Palestinian prime ministers Ismail Haniyeh, who had been holding the position for the PA, and Salaam Fayyad, who Abbas appointed in his stead, illegally, according to Hamas. As to Abbas's term being terminated, this has been a source of contention between him and Hamas for a month now.] Hamas, it is said, would then call for elections, including for a new president, and win a large majority in the legislature as well as the presidency. All speculation at this point, but this would bring Hamas into electoral control in Judea and Samaria. Haaretz reports that the latest poll by the pro-Palestinian Jerusalem Media and Communication Centre shows Hamas as more popular than Fatah. ~~~~~~~~~~ Please, let's all serve as witnesses here. Defense Minister Barak, doing campaigning today, said, "I cannot, and do not want to be defense minister [in a new government] if the Labor party does not receive close to 20 mandates." Netanyahu had made noises not well received in many quarters about a unity government with Barak as his defense minister. But Barak's point is that he would not have the leverage to command such a position in a coalition without a good Labor showing. And the simple fact is that polls do not show Labor getting anything remotely near 20 mandates. Dr. Aaron Lerner, of IMRA, made this significant comment today about the situation, which should not be discounted: "When Netanyahu repeated today that he would seek to form a broad national unity government he didn't drop the condition that he has repeatedly set, namely that those joining the coalition would have to agree to guidelines that reflect the Likud's position regarding the Golan, Jerusalem, etc." This would definitely leave Barak out. ~~~~~~~~~~ Speculation on who might be defense minister: If Likud is strong enough, Moshe Ya'alon, from inside Likud. But then there is another rumor that continues to have currency. It is said that after the election, if Likud wins, those members of Kadima who came from the Likud in the first place and lean to the right (and have been thoroughly disenchanted with Kadima) would bolt Kadima and return to Likud. Among those who it is said would definitely participate is Shaul Mofaz, who was defense minister previously under Sharon. This move, which has been discussed for a long time, would likely leave Livni really high and dry. We'll see how it plays out soon enough... ~~~~~~~~~~ Please, pray for Israel tonight. Not for specific leaders, nor for specific partisan interests. Pray for the good of our nation and for the wisdom of our voters to bring us where we need to go. ~~~~~~~~~~ Charles Krauthammer has written a marvelous piece called, "The Age of Obama": "'A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe.' President Obama, Feb. 4. "Catastrophe, mind you. So much for the president who in his inaugural address two weeks earlier declared 'we have chosen hope over fear.' Until, that is, you need fear to pass a bill. "And so much for the promise to banish the money changers and influence peddlers from the temple. An ostentatious executive order banning lobbyists was immediately followed by the nomination of at least a dozen current or former lobbyists to high position. Followed by a Treasury secretary who allegedly couldn't understand the payroll tax provisions in his 1040. "Followed by Tom Daschle, who had to fall on his sword according to the new Washington rule that no Cabinet can have more than one tax delinquent. "...AND YET more damaging to Obama's image than all the hypocrisies in the appointment process is his signature bill: the stimulus package. He inexplicably delegated the writing to Nancy Pelosi and the barons of the House. The product, which inevitably carries Obama's name, was not just bad, not just flawed, but a legislative abomination. "It's not just pages and pages of special-interest tax breaks, giveaways and protections, one of which would set off a ruinous Smoot-Hawley trade war. It's not just the waste, such as the $88.6 million for new construction for Milwaukee Public Schools, which, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, have shrinking enrollment, 15 vacant schools and, quite logically, no plans for new construction. "It's the essential fraud of rushing through a bill in which the normal rules (committee hearings, finding revenue to pay for the programs) are suspended on the grounds that a national emergency requires an immediate job-creating stimulus and then throwing into it hundreds of billions that have nothing to do with stimulus, that Congress' own budget office says won't be spent until 2011 and beyond, and that are little more than the back-scratching, special-interest, lobby-driven parochialism that Obama came to Washington to abolish. He said. "Not just to abolish but to create something new a new politics where the moneyed pork-barreling and corrupt logrolling of the past would give way to a bottom-up, grass-roots participatory democracy. That is what made Obama so dazzling and new. Turns out the 'fierce urgency of now' includes $150 million for livestock insurance. "The Age of Obama begins with perhaps the greatest frenzy of old-politics influence peddling ever seen in Washington... "After Obama's miraculous 2008 presidential campaign, it was clear that at some point the magical mystery tour would have to end. The nation would rub its eyes and begin to emerge from its reverie. The hallucinatory Obama would give way to the mere mortal. The great ethical transformations promised would be seen as a fairy tale that all presidents tell and that this president told better than anyone. "I thought the awakening would take six months. It took two and a half weeks."
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Barry Rubin, February 9, 2009. |
Message to New York Times: Read your own op-ed page. The Times and other American media and educational institutions are giving increasing amounts of space to people from the Moslem-majority and Arabic-speaking states in the apparent hope of understanding better their world view. Sometimes, however, they have a hard time hearing what is being said. Here is what the newspaper's editorial for February 8 claims and urges: "We don't know if there is any mixture of incentives or sanctions
that can wean Iran of its nuclear ambitions. But we are certain that
the Bush administration never tried to find it. This means not only
direct talks, but also far more persuasive diplomatic incentives,
including a credible offer of improved relations and security
And this, of course, is what the Obama administration is going to do with Iran and Syria. Others urge the same techniques are applies to Hamas, Hizballah, and even though this is rarer the Taliban and al-Qaida. But to understand why this belief is so misguided one merely need read...the Times of February 8, within inches of the above-quoted editorial. I'm referring here to the truly shocking op-ed by Alaa al Aswany
entitled, "Why the Muslim World Can't Hear Obama."
The piece is overlong, convoluted, and not particularly well written. It should be noted that the author, a novelist among other things, is considered a moderate. Alas, for moderation in the Arab world. There are two themes: the one against Israel and the one against Arab governments. Because these have not been resolved, the author says, all of President Obama's apologies and efforts are a big yawn. So what would the author and presumably all the Arabs and Muslims want Obama and America to do? Well, to put it briefly, help overthrow all the Arab governments and help wipe Israel off the map. I wrote the above sentence in a particularly blunt way but it really does not exaggerate the message here. First of all, Egypt and other Arab states are dictatorships: "Here in Egypt, we don't have previous or future presidents, only the present head of state who seized power through sham elections and keeps it by force, and who will probably remain in power until the end of his days." Wait a minute, though! Remember the last president of the United States, the one who pushed for democracy and criticized the governmental systems? The Arab world didn't seem too thrilled about him. Egyptian intellectuals screamed this was imperialist interference in internal affairs and so on. So after all those years of bashing Bush for rightly or wrongly proposing dictatorships be replaced with democracy are we to believe that they will now bash Obama for proposing to work with the existing regimes? This, of course, is an unsolvable problem. Whatever the United States does here is going to be wrong. There is no way America can please Iran. Well, I take that back. If America helps it overthrow all those bad Arab dictatorships and replace them with Islamist regimes then Iran will probably be happy. And Alaa al Aswany will be able to read the Times more easily, as a political refugee living in New York. Then there's point two: "We expected him to address the reports that the Israeli military illegally used white phosphorus against the people of Gaza. We also wanted Mr. Obama, who studied law and political science at the greatest American universities, to recognize what we see as a simple, essential truth: the right of people in an occupied territory to resist military occupation." Regarding "essential truth," isn't the Times supposed to publish things that are factually correct? Israel has already been cleared of the phony white phosphorus charge. So why is this article allowed to repeat it? Here is indeed a lesson: people in the Arab world often lie about you. No matter what you do, how much aid you give, how many concessions you offer or implement, it will be said: you didn't do anything. Give more. Pay more. Apologize more. Change more. But perhaps the most important and chilling sentence of the op-ed is this, and if people were paying attention to such things nowadays they would be thoroughly shocked: "We also wanted Mr. Obama, who studied law and political science at the greatest American universities, to recognize what we see as a simple, essential truth: the right of people in an occupied territory to resist military occupation." What are the implications of this sentence: that the United States should endorse terrorism and violence in at least three conflicts. According to the terrorist forces, Afghanistan and Iraq are under foreign occupation. If Obama was to do as suggested, he would be backing attacks not only on civilians and governments there but also the killing of American soldiers. As for the Israel-Palestinian conflict, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip, south Lebanon, and much of the West Bank and still faces attacks. In 2000, Israel proposed to make peace based on a two-state solution with a Palestinian state having its capital in Jerusalem. The Palestinian side turned it down. Since Hamas and other radical forces assert that Israel is an occupying power, attacking it which includes firing rockets at civilian targets is legitimate. Moreover, if there is any occupation left, it is due to the political strategy of the Palestinian Authority in rejecting a political solution. Yet that is far from the entire problem here. For much or most of the Muslim and Arab world views all of Israel as "occupied territory." The only way for occupation to end is for Israel to end. The author here does not make clear what land is being discussed, though the op-ed easily could have limited the territory in question to the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and east Jerusalem. Have no doubt how most Muslims and Arabs read the phrase about occupied territory: Obama must abandon Israel altogether. So how can Obama appease or please the Muslim-majority world? We are told by this moderate: by backing the right of Hamas and Hizballah to attack Israel. This, then, is the supposed moderate position, the minimum way by which Obama can make friends in the region. Clearly, the author here doesn't speak for everyone. Certainly the relatively moderate Arab regimes and their supporters want more U.S. support for themselves. Yet there is much truth in this article's stance. The only way for America to "win over" this public opinion and the radical groups is to surrender to them or join them. President Obama and editors of the Times, please hear what you are being told here, and despair of ever satisfying such enormous and dangerous demands by some combination of charm and concessions. Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), with Walter Laqueur (Viking-Penguin); the paperback edition of The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan); A Chronological History of Terrorism, with Judy Colp Rubin, (Sharpe); and The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley). To read and subscribe to MERIA and other GLORIA Center publications or to order books, write me at profbarryrubin@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Olivier Guitta, February 9, 2009. |
On Jan. 22, four European tourists two Swiss, one Briton and one German were kidnapped at the border of Mali and Niger. The major terrorist group in the region, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), is very likely behind this operation. This should not come as a surprise. In an article for this publication in March 2008 ("AQIM's new kidnapping strategy"), I had warned about this worrisome new strategy. In fact, North Africa has become in the past two years a major front in the war against radical Islam. While Algeria has witnessed regular attacks and has been in the news a lot, its neighbors have also not been spared by Islamist terrorism. Indeed, Morocco, Tunisia and more recently Mauritania have suffered terror attacks. AQIM's original intention was to federate all the Islamist terror groups of the region. In fact by putting together resources and attacking what they call "infidel" regimes, AQIM thinks it can recreate a portion of the Caliphate. AQIM is using this to its advantage the porous and virtually uncontrollable borders in the region. The group is actually following the advice given in the early 2000s by a Yemeni representative of Osama bin Laden to GSPC's (AQIM's former name) then leader, Amir Hassan Hattab, to use the Sahara as its fallback base. Since then, the Sahel has become a haven for jihadist groups more or less linked to AQIM. The West knows about it and tries to do something about it. For example a French Breguet Atlantique airplane, based in Dakar, flies over the area regularly, an operation that is tantamount to finding a needle in a sand dune. The United States has a training center in Gao, in Northern Mali, where it trains Malian military in anti-terror combat. In fact, in 2005, after the AQIM-led attack against Mauritanian soldiers that killed 15 and injured 17, the FBI dispatched a team to Nouakchott, the Mauritanian capital. Since then, the Americans, like the French, make incursions in the north of the country and train the Mauritanian police. During his visit to Nouakchott in February 2008, Bernard Kouchner, France's foreign minister, hinted that France helps the authorities to monitor their long border with Mali. But this has changed since the bloodless military coup of August 6 in Mauritania. In fact, most countries in the region and in the West decided to more or less cut-off ties with the new regime. For instance both the United States and France suspended their non-humanitarian help that actually included financial support to fight the war against radical Islam. Interestingly enough, one of the reasons behind the coup was to unseat President Sheikh Sidi Ould Abdallahi who was viewed as weak against the Islamists. Overall cooperation on counterterrorism between the West and North Africa is quite good (behind the scenes), even with countries such as Libya. But a few clouds are hanging in this sky. After the Austrian government paid 5 million euros (about $6.5 million) for the release in November of its nationals who had been kidnapped by AQIM in February, the Algerian minister for Maghrebi and African affairs, Abdel Kader Messahel harshly criticized Austria. Indeed he said that by giving in to blackmail and to the demands of hostage takers, the governments in question encouraged terrorist organizations to continue these tactics and implicitly financed terrorism. He added, "The payment of ransoms to terrorist groups to obtain the release of hostages is an act condemned by international bodies." But that is not all: cooperation between the countries of that region is at best poor. The animosity between most countries makes it sometimes difficult to sustain a real cooperative relationship. For instance, Morocco and Algeria have had a very rocky relationship in the past 30 years and this does not favor the exchange of information between the two countries. On the opposite, each country has a tendency to accuse the other one of being too lax on terrorism, letting dangerous fighters cross into the border of the other one. There is also the competition aspect: none of the countries in the region want to recognize they have a terrorism problem, because of the impact such a perception could have on both tourism and foreign investment. So, for example when the two Austrian tourists were kidnapped in February in Tunisia by AQIM, the Tunisian authorities claimed that they had been abducted in Algeria and not in their "very safe" country. National interest is still the priority for each nation, notwithstanding the war against common enemies. As long as this will last, terror groups such as AQIM will thrive. Olivier Guitta is an Adjunct Fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a foreign affairs and counterterrorism consultant. You can read his latest work at www.thecroissant.com/about.html |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 9, 2009. |
SEC. CLINTON DOESN'T GET IT She said that Hamas cannot be recognized unless it recognizes Israel's right to exist (Arutz-7, 1/14). I think that the State Dept. will be careless on purpose, with the language it asks of Hamas. Hamas will be able to recognize Israel sufficiently to satisfy the State Dept., which is easily satisfied by the Arabs. But like Arafat and Abbas, Hamas will not recognize the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish state. Therefore, it would maintain the struggle, but from a position of greater strength gained for it by the State Dept.. IDF LOGIC [Israel and Israelis have proposed simple measures whereby Egypt could block arms smuggling without US technology. Instead,] Egypt asked that the 750 troops it has assigned to the 9-mile Gaza border be increased to several thousand. An Israeli negotiator refused the request. Israeli defense officials said, why not grant Egypt's request (IMRA, 1/14). Here is why not. The Egypt-Israel treaty bans more Egyptian troops from the Sinai. The Sinai was demilitarized as the basis for letting Egypt have the Sinai, which it formerly used to mass troops for invading Israel. Egypt remains the enemy of Israel, preparing its army for another invasion, leading the diplomatic struggle against Israel, protecting terrorists from Israel, and letting them smuggle in arms. The request is not sincere but a pretext for remilitarizing the Sinai. A few thousand selected Egyptian troops could race through Gaza and wreak havoc on unsuspecting Israelis trying to mobilize against another Egyptian invasion. Why honor a dishonorable Egyptian request and jeopardize national security? IDF PREPARED FOR LAWSUITS & SLANDER Every IDF platoon has a cameraman/fighter. After military intelligence reviews film taken of combat, a legal team reviews it. The lawyers are preparing to defend the troops from lawsuits expected after combat (IMRA, 1/14). As for Hamas, it committed other war crimes besides attacks on civilians and fighting from civilian areas. Those other war crimes include: "using an ambulance to transport fighters or weapons or disguising oneself as a doctor in a hospital, or using a UN logo or flag, direct and public incitement to genocide, and recruitment of children into combat. Being systematic, attacks on civilians were not only war crimes, they are classed as crimes against humanity (IMRA, 1/14). EGYPT PROPOSES TRUCE Egypt told Hamas that it must accept a one-year ceasefire (IMRA, 1/14). Since it started, Hamas already violated it. Question: Isn't a year sufficient time for Hamas to import enough arms to resume combat? IDF SUCCESS IN GAZA The IDF proved that it learned the lessons from the Lebanon combat. The IDF trained, mobilized, and deployed its troops and commanded them well. Despite a Supreme Court ruling to the contrary, it kept journalists out, thereby preventing them from giving away IDF positions, creating confusion, and informing families of soldiers' deaths over the media, before the military could inform them in person. In minutes, it destabilized Hamas' command center. Using clear battle plans, it worked with precision and from fine intelligence. It used weapons that minimized civilian casualties and they drew attention to it [though the media denied it]. Its spokesmen were effective. They exposed Hamas war crimes and were not apologetic, didn't declare premature victory, and were not bombastic. It was brilliant. The politicians did not much interfere with the battles, but they did make competing political statements serving their campaigns. Foreign Min. Livni let the UNO devise a hostile resolution without being there to tone it down. The regime indicated that it would settle for terms that would not mean victory (IMRA, 1/13). And so it did, spoiling the military victory. HOW HAMAS USES CHILDREN IN COMBAT It uses them as scouts, couriers, and suppliers (IMRA, 1/13). [The use of children in war is a war crime.] The UNO finally denounced Hamas for using human shields (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/15). POLLS OF ISRAELI VIEW OF THE GAZA COMBAT More than 90% of Israelis support the expedition into Gaza and support continuing until Hamas releases its prisoner. The Israeli mass media, however, ignored the polls. Their leftist ideology is to oppose Israeli defense (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/14). Such a poll finally was published on 1/15 in Jerusalem Post (Plaut, 1/15). T. FRIEDMAN RECYCLES PEACE FRAUD Thomas Friedman prompted the first Saudi initiative. He now suggests revisions on account of the world's aversion to Hamas and disrespect for Abbas. He proposes Saudi financing of the P.A. and of Egyptian and Jordanian patrols in the P.A.. The P.A. would expand to include part of Jerusalem and part of Israel exchanged for blocs of Jewish towns in Judea-Samaria. Israel would withdraw from the rest in five years. Hamas and Fatah would form a unity government for nation-building. Egypt and Jordan, peace signatories with Israel, would guarantee P.A. non-aggression. The two sides would arrange security, of whose success the US would be sole judge (NY Times, 1/28). Why should Israel give up its land for land to which the Arabs have no title and Israel has the best claim? This is a new sales pitch for an old con. He would submit Israel's fate to three enemies: Egypt, Jordan, and the US. The excuse for Egypt and Jordan is that they signed treaties. Arafat, Stalin, and Hitler signed peace pacts. They broke them. Islam does not consider its word to infidels permanently binding. Egypt lets arms go to Hamas. Strong Islamist movements make take over Egypt and Jordan. If those regimes survive, who can honestly expect them to smash terrorist attacks on Israel? After just five years, they wouldn't even be asked to. The State Dept. is so anti-Zionist, that it tried to rescind Israeli independence. It violated its agreements with Israel repeatedly and has betrayed other countries. It has closed its eyes to P.A., Egyptian, Jordanian, and Lebanese violations of truces and treaties with Israel. Friedman is radically anti-Zionist, so no wonder he'd transfer responsibility for judging P.A. anti-terrorism to the State Dept.! Friedman omitted from his prior version's proposal a provision that all Arab states recognize Israel. S. Arabia originally worded the recognition vaguely and not coincide with Israeli acceptance of the plan but be the last step. After Israel would have retreated to indefensible borders, the Arab world probably would fall upon Israel. Is S. Arabia, which generates and subsidizes terrorism peaceable? A unity government of fanatical terrorists would not make peace. This isn't about peace, however. It is about taking strategic territory from Israel and giving it to its worse enemies, incidentally enemies of the US. Since Friedman admits that the P.A. people are not a nation, i.e., they need nation-building, why a state for them? The plan not only ignores Jewish claims to the land, it ignores Jewish concerns about the P.A. indoctrination in murderous bigotry and the terrorist organizations and police. Then this is no plan for peace! In fact, the P.A. people prefer conquest of Israel to peace with it. The whole P.A. society is geared for religious war. How absurd is a plan to give that society territory for making war! The plan ignores modern history of Islamic aggression, including by Jordan when it divided Jerusalem before. No wonder Friedman did not mention terrorist indoctrination and organizations, except for a vague reference to security! If he mentioned those concerns, the absurdity of his proposal would become apparent. He is vague about security also because the "game" he and the Saudis and the State Dept. play is to get Israel to commit to a vague plan, and then fill in and misinterpret the details to Israel's disadvantage later. It works with Israelis, sad to say.
Let's take this further. Friedman proposed an obvious fraud. Will the major media question it? They don't question much. Will Israel question it? The leftist Israeli ruling class has difficulty representing Israel's long-term national security needs. FINDING THEIR JEWISH WAY BACK A rabbi recalled into the Golani Brigade just before the offensive, got the surprise and memory of his life. By no means were they all observant, but this Sabbath, they tried hard not to smoke. They all demanded the fringed shirt and phylacteries required of observant Jews. So many joined in the prayers, that the rabbi could imagine himself back in synagogue. They started battle with a prayer and his blowing the shofar, immediately after which, the planes dropped their bombs. The rabbi thought, this is the way a Jewish army should enter battle (Arutz-7, 1/15). The story moved me to sobs. There still are Jews in Israel, despite all the efforts of the Left to discourage it, from breaking the Moroccan Jews of their faith to making army life unacceptable for the Ultra-Orthodox. The story gave me hope that if the country can survive its treasonous regime (and America's perfidious ones) for another couple of years, the people may yet overturn the ruling class and preserve the Jewish patrimony. WHY IDF CASUALTIES ARE LOW more Besides the military explanations, Dr. Aaron Lerner offers a procedural one. This time, IDF lawyers revised the rules of combat to serve primarily the soldiers, without neglecting enemy civilians (IMRA, 1/15). Previous rules of combat required the troops to take all sorts of needless and foolish risks and to delay responding to opportunities to strike targets appearing suddenly. (Or was it the religious observance that minimized casualties?) EUROPE REVERTING TO ANTISEMITIC VIOLENCE Violence against Jews spread in Germany [and in other parts of Europe]. A radical Islamic organization drew 10,000 protestors in Dusseldorf. The crowd cheered when police forcibly removed Israeli flags from a private balcony, above. Police later apologized to the Jews whose flags those were. Police had hastened to remove the flags as a likely target of mob violence (IMRA, 1/15). Once again, Muslims threaten violence and police impose restrictions on the Jewish victims. I say, if a crowd turns into a violent mob, arrest or shoot them. Maintain law and order, or become hostage to Islamic violence and blackmailing threats of Islamic violence. Punish the guilty, not the innocent. Germany should be working on deporting the Islamists, and ending civil strife. Imagine, importing the most violent and vicious people, turning one's own country upside down! Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Robert Spencer, February 9, 2009. |
![]() A few weeks ago I posted video of German police breaking into an apartment to oblige an Allahu-akbaring Muslim mob by removing two Israeli flags from an apartment window and balcony. Now one of the New Breed of German politicians steps up to tell us that it was all the fault of "anti-Germans" i.e., Jews and Americans. "German head of the Constitution criminalizes pro-Israel protesters," from Allah's Willing Executioners, February 7: The head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution of the German federal state North Rhine Westphalia, Hartwig Möller...has criminalized pro-Israel and pro-USA protesters. In an interview with the newspaper Ruhr Nachrichten, he described the presentation of an Israel Flag in a violent Islamists rally in Duisburg as "targeted provocation". The flag was removed by the police (as reported). Mr Möller blames so-called anti-Germans for the hanging of the Israeli flag. In the interview Möller said: Center of the political objectives of the anti-Germans is the unconditional support of Israel and thus Israel's protective power USA. The video of the removal of the flags has (surprise, surprise) been removed by YouTube. However, Beate Klein from the German weblog pi-news.net has kindly alerted me to the fact that you can see it here, on pi-news.net. And now the story has also reached German television see here.
Robert Spencer is director of Jihad Watch is a scholar of Islamic
history, theology, and law an. His latest book is called "Stealth
Posted by Mrla, February 8, 2009. | |
British media watchdog Just Journalism has produced a comprehensive report on the British media's coverage of Operation Cast Lead. It can be downloaded as a PDF file (1688_Q4Report_04.pdf) at http://www.justjournalism.com/. Click the left button marked "Gaza Conflict: A Media Analysis." The verdict: Biased against Israel as usual.
None of this should be surprising to anyone who looks at the British media. As a rule, the only British print media in which Israel stands a chance of getting a fair shake are the Telegraph and the Times of London. Occasionally we get treated fairly by the Financial Times. Almost never by Al-Guardian or the Independent (on Sunday it's known as the Observer). Al-Beeb rarely treats Israel fairly either. The inability to distinguish fact from opinion is endemic to British and European media coverage. It's a problem in Israel as well. The US used to be much more meticulous about the distinction but has become much less so in recent years. To read articles in the media critically you must be attuned to these nuances. For example, every time you see a reference to 'illegal Israeli settlements,' that's opinion, not fact. But those references crop up thousands of times in articles you probably read every day. While the media is no longer careful about that distinction, we must be careful in order to evaluate what the media is feeding us. What's most important about this report is that it illustrates how
systemic the media bias problem is in the UK and how it is allowing
the enemy to define the terms of the media battle. From what I could
gather from their web site, Just Journalism is quite new. We hope to
hear more from them in the future.
Contact the poster at mrla26@aol.com
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 8, 2009. |
And the election draws near. I had hoped that my Friday posting would have sufficed. But, in response to some communications I've received, I'll make some brief additional comments. The electoral contest is not between Likud and National Union. It is not a question of which one better represents the aspirations and values of citizens who are Zionists and nationalists. The contest is between Likud and Kadima, and anyone who imagines otherwise is perhaps evading the hard, cold reality of the situation. As my friend and colleague Jeff. D. put it: this can be seen as a situation of ideology vs. realpolitik (politics based on practical and not theoretical considerations). Strengthening the "right wing" (clearly a sound thing to do from an ideological perspective) is pointless if Likud does not secure more mandates than Kadima and receive the nod from President Peres to form a coalition. ~~~~~~~~~~ For those who perceive Netanyahu and Livni as being equally undesirable, I must respond that I most vociferously disagree. Netanyahu certainly has flaws, but so does he have considerable strengths not the least of which is his strong credibility with regard to countering the Iranian threat. A man of considerable intelligence, he demonstrates a clear understanding of the terrorist threat we face, and our need to stand strong for ourselves. I heard him pledge in very public forum to keep Jerusalem united under Israeli sovereignty. And I know he can make our case stunningly well in the international community. Across the board, I see Livni as a disaster for the nation. Most of you, undoubtedly, have never been present for a talk she has given, in which she has explained why we must give our nation away. I have. She is so convoluted in her thinking, so lacking in Zionist dedication, so taken with pleasing the international community, so fuzzy-headed in the case she makes, that I find I am not able to tolerate her words and flee from the room lest I scream. ~~~~~~~~~~ Charges leveled at me that accuse me of selling out, or not being true to my values, or having no faith, I reject out of hand. It is precisely because I am passionately Zionist and want to see my nation strong that I have taken the position I have. I grieve that the electoral system of my nation makes it all so difficult, but I make no apologies for my position. ~~~~~~~~~~ One last point (with thanks to Jack G.), and hopefully this will be the end of discussion until after the election. It is Lieberman of Yisrael Beitenu who is the spoiler. Those who plan to vote for him in the expectation that he is truly right wing and nationalist are in for a bitter surprise. A vote for Yisrael Beitenu is better cast for Likud. ~~~~~~~~~~ How telling this is: The Post reports that "government officials" say that Olmert and Livni are now ready to release more and "higher quality" (an obscene description) prisoners in exchange for Gilad Shalit than they were willing to release before the operation in Gaza. How perverse this is. Our military operation should have and probably would have, had it not be terminated prematurely made it possible to secure Shalit for fewer prisoners, or, in my opinion none. We should not have stopped fighting until Hamas caved, or at very least, we should now be refusing to open crossing until he is home. That we would give more now than before the operation puts the lie to any notion that we "won." The winning party in a war does not have to deal this way. Officials are saying that the war created this "window of opportunity" for securing Shalit, but I am not seeing it this way. I am seeing that they want him home before the new government comes to power so that they can go down in history as the ones who saved our kidnapped soldier. Originally they clearly had expectations of making this happen even before the election, in the hopes of affecting that election. But as we're talking about a very short time frame now, it seems less likely. Should it happen before Tuesday, I would hope that our citizens, while rejoicing at Shalit's release, would be far too savvy to be taken in by this ploy. Understand, Hamas is looking for the release of some 1,000 to 1,500 prisoners, many who were directly involved in attacking Jews. How many innocents would suffer as the result of such a release? ~~~~~~~~~~ After a very extended period of silence, Olmert today two days before the election announced that he endorsed Livni as prime minister. The Labor party, pegging it properly, called this "the...most bizarre announcement made in this election campaign. "The fact that it took Olmert, a member of the same party as Livni who was his deputy the three years of his term and a lengthy campaign in order to announce after many deliberations that he is endorsing her indicates more than anything else the contempt he harbors towards her." ~~~~~~~~~~ It's time to take another look at our "moderate" "partners for peace" in Fatah: PA Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad said yesterday that, "I know of no Israeli politician willing to offer a reasonable solution to the conflict. They're all interested in a partial solution..." Translation: No Israeli politician is willing to surrender everything we demand, and we don't compromise. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, according to the Palestinian news agency Maan, PA President Mahmoud Abbas, speaking to the press in Turkey, said, with regard to a unity government, "We are not asking Hamas to recognize Israel..." This is worth repeating: Fatah is not demanding that Hamas recognize Israel before a unity government is formed. What Abbas is seeking is a "coalition government that recognizes international legitimacy," which strikes me as a bit of word play. Abbas wants to secure the end of the siege on Gaza with the unspoken goal of having increased legitimacy for Fatah via supervision at the crossings. ~~~~~~~~~~ For the second time in short order, Hamas has stolen UNRWA supplies in Gaza. This latest incident took place Thursday night, when Hamas seized a very sizeable 200 tons of supplies, including flour and other staples. I have no information on exactly how Hamas accomplished this. As a result, UNRWA has suspended its aid to Gaza; the movement into Gaza of 40 truckloads (800 tons) of supplies scheduled for today was cancelled. UNRWA's ire not withstanding, this strikes me as grandstanding. For UNRWA is the agency always lamenting about the needs of the people. ~~~~~~~~~~ Vice President Joe Biden, in a talk delivered yesterday at a security conference in Munich, said that the US was prepared to open talks with Iran, but was also ready to act preemptively if Teheran didn't abandon its nuclear ambitions. I would like to believe that he truly speaks for the administration and means what he says, and that action would come before the small remaining window of opportunity closed. The talk, which is supposed to come first, can, and very likely would, be used by Iran as a stalling technique. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Robert Spencer, February 8, 2009. |
The House of Lords recovers its spine. Wilders had been invited to screen Fitna before the House of Lords, but was then disinvited. In "The intimidation of the House of Lords," February 3, the incomparable Melanie Phillips (thanks to Pamela, who has more on Lord Ahmed) explains why, and what happened next: But various representatives of the British Muslim community protested; and Lord Ahmed issued a threat that he would personally mobilise 10,000 Muslims to prevent Wilders from entering the Upper House and would take the peer organising the event to court. In the face of such threats, the meeting was cancelled. Robert Spencer is director of Jihad Watch is a scholar of Islamic history, theology, and law an. His latest book is called "Stealth Jihad". |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 8, 2009. |
This was written by Dexter Van Zile
and it appeared in the American Thinker
Dexter Van Zile is the Christian Media Analyst for the Committee for the Accuracy of Middle East Reporting In America (www.camera.org). |
The IDF has withdrawn its troops from the Gaza Strip but the debate over who bears responsibility for the Palestinian deaths caused by Israel's attack on Hamas will continue for the foreseeable future probably until the next round of fighting. On an international level, commentators as Christopher Gunness, spokesperson for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians in the Near East (UNWRA), will maintain that "any military commander would know" that attacks on Hamas in a densely populated area like the Gaza Strip would invariably cause civilian casualties and as a consequence, Israel bears the moral responsibility for the carnage that took place during the fighting. For Gunness, the knowledge that civilian casualties would result from an attack on Hamas is somehow enough to prevent them. Under this rubric, Israel is expected to either come up with another way to stop the rocket attacks, or tolerate them. Sadly, finesse and forbearance can only get a sovereign state so far. Sometimes countries have to use force to protect their citizens. It is a tragic fact of international politics. If Israel were contending with Smurfs and Teletubbies, finesse and forbearance would work just fine. But sadly, Israel is dealing with Hamas, a terror group whose idea of wholesome children's programming is detailing the exploits a Jew-hating knock-off of Mickey Mouse, and a Jew-eating rabbit. On the other side of the debate are those who acknowledge that no sovereign state can tolerate incessant rocket attacks into its territory indefinitely. These people place the blame at the feet of Hamas, an organization that denies Israel's right to exists and which allowed the Gaza Strip to be used as a launching pad for rocket attacks against Israel during the past three years. Most people will understand that Israel tried to avoid harming civilians during the recent fighting while Hamas fought in such a manner so as to cause and invite civilian casualties. Hamas made its strategic and moral choices and Palestinian civilians who voted Hamas into power in 2006 suffered the consequences. The problem is not with Israel, but with Hamas. For a while it looked like Louis Michel, the chief of development and humanitarian aid for the European Union, understood this after seeing the carnage in the Gaza Strip, telling reporters that "Hamas has an enormous responsibility for what happened here in Gaza" and that Hamas is a terrorist organization. Predictably, after Hamas leader, Mushir al-Masri, complained about Michel's condemnation asserting that his organization was engaged in legitimate resistance against the "Zionist enemy." Michel later added the obligatory condemnation of Israel. Still, even after Michel's efforts to mollify Hamas, the cat was out of the bag. An EU official departed, however briefly, from the party line and said the truth about Hamas. Criticism of Hamas in the U.S. is much less circumspect. For the many Americans, the math is pretty simple. Leaders who want to promote the well-being of the people they lead do not launch rockets into neighboring territory from densely populated civilian neighborhoods and people who merely want a state of their own do not go about screaming incessantly about destroying somebody else's. Poll data gathered on behalf of the Israel Project by Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research indicates that 56 percent of Americans blame the Palestinians for the violence and 66 percent hold Hamas responsible for the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. This message was made pretty clear in a resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Jan. 9, 2009. The resolution calls on all nations to "to lay blame both for the breaking of the 'calm' and for subsequent civilian casualties in Gaza precisely where blame belongs, that is, on Hamas." No equivocation here. Defying Reality Still, there are some in the U.S. who disagree, especially the people who called for Jews to go back to the ovens, lauded Hitler, accused Israel of perpetrating a "genocide" in the Gaza Strip, and equated the Star of David with the Nazi Swastika during the "peace" protests that took place in late December and early January. These folks, who can politely be called "anti-Zionists" (although "bigots" might be a better word) blame Israel for Hamas' policy of using the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip as human shields. While these protests have helped legitimize public expressions of anti-Semitism in American society, the anti-Zionist's assessments of Israel's guilt and Hamas' innocence are not likely to get much traction in the U.S. (as they have in Europe). One place, however, where they will get hearing and in some instances, logistical and financial support, is in the Christian "peacemaking" community comprised of liberal ("mainline") Protestant and Catholic activists and pacifist groups such as the Mennonites and the Quakers. To be sure, not all of these Christian peacemakers are explicitly anti-Zionist, but some are. And many of those who do accept Israel's right to exist do so only in the abstract. When confronted with Arab and Muslim hostility toward Jews and Israel, many of these peacemakers regard Israel's existence as a Jewish state too much trouble, too inconvenient and ultimately not worth the bother to continue supporting. They express their frustration over the continued existence of the Arab-Israeli conflict by condemning Israel every time it moves to defend its citizens. This tendency was particularly obvious during and after the Second Intifada, when Christian peacemakers excoriated Israel for building a security barrier to stop terror attacks from the West Bank in the first half of this decade. On this score, it was Israeli efforts to protect its civilians and not terrorist efforts to murder them that prompted the criticism. The result of this selective outrage, whether Christian peacemakers want to admit or not, is to put the destiny of the Jewish people into the hands of groups that have sworn their destruction. The narrative offered by Christian peacemakers is that Israel's occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (from which Israel withdrew in 2005) is the cause of Palestinian violence. Given the fact that Israel has been attacked from nearly every bit of territory from which it has withdrawn since the 1990s, one is reminded of the warning Protestant Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr offered in 1940 to Christian pacifists who had hoped to keep the U.S. out of World War II: "No religious faith can maintain itself in defiance of the experience which it supposedly interprets."[1] In 1940, Christian pacifists were, in Niebuhr's words, exhibiting a "preference for tyranny" by regarding it as a lesser evil to the force needed to confront it and by embracing illusions about how Nazi Germany could be defeated through the magical application of nonviolent resistance. And so it is with the Christian peacemaker's response to Hamas and Hezbollah. The average person knows full-well that more than a decade's worth of Israeli peace offers, concessions and withdrawals have not led to peace, and yet Christian peacemakers and church leaders continue to defy reality by asserting that the Arab-Israeli conflict will come to an end through Jewish (and Western) concessions and self-reform. It is one thing to ask Christians to accept on faith the reality of the Empty Tomb and the presence of Christ in their midst, but another thing altogether to ask them to accept as a verifiable fact the benign and limited national goals of groups Hamas and Hezbollah. The leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah say they want to destroy Israel, and yet Christian peacemakers propound with religious fervor and fundamentalist certainty the notion that Arab and Muslim extremists can be mollified through more benign behavior on the part of the Israelis. When church leaders defy reality by propounding such an obvious falsehood, they undermine their ability profess the religious realities they are ordained to teach. And yet, they continue. A Comforting Story In order to further the false notion that Jewish self-reform will lead to an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the leaders and peace activists of these churches need raw material stories of Palestinian suffering to offer to their audiences. Like any preacher, they must have stories to tell to get their message across. Sadly enough, the latest round of fighting provides much of this raw material. But for Christian peacemakers in the U.S., whose audiences are likely to regard Hamas as a terror organization, images of dead Palestinian children are not enough because many Americans will hold Hamas and not Israel responsible for these deaths. Christian peace activists intent on pointing the finger of blame at Israel need a compelling story to tell to convince church-goers to believe that up is down, and that down is up. And if history is any predictor, pastors and officials from mainline Protestant churches in the United States will look to Palestinian Christians Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek and Jean Zaru for this story. Through their work with Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, Ateek, an Anglican priest, and Zaru, presiding clerk of the Friends meeting house in Ramallah, have been at the forefront of the Palestinian Christian effort to enlist the time, energy, and money of Christian in the U.S. to broadcast a distorted narrative about the Arab-Israeli conflict to the American people. The story Ateek and Zaru offer is similar to what Christian peacemakers in the U.S. have been offering for years: Israel is in control of the violence and hostility directed at it by extremists in the Middle East and can therefore bring a unilateral end to the Arab-Israeli conflict through some combination of negotiations, peace offers, concessions and withdrawals. The fact that this narrative has been debunked by Arafat's failure to make a counter-offer at Camp David in 2000 and an increase in rocket attacks after Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005 is not a problem for these authors. They do not rely on factual historical analysis but identity politics to make their case. Luckily enough for Christian peacemakers in the U.S., Ateek and Zaru, have recently authored books that, in the aftermath of the fighting in the Gaza Strip, will surely be included in reading lists for Christian "peacemaking" delegations to "Palestine-Israel." Seminary professors will include them in their syllabi. The texts will be described by denominational presidents as "invaluable" and "important" in helping people "move beyond the headlines." The irony is these books do no such thing. Instead of helping would-be peacemakers get beyond the headlines, Ateek and Zaru give their readers pretext to ignore them. Zaru begins her text, Occupied with Nonviolence: A Palestinian Woman Speaks (FortressPress, 2008), by invoking her identity as a Christian pacifist to establish her credibility to the reader. Zaru affirms that she is "A Palestinian, a Palestinian woman, a Palestinian Christian woman, and also ... a Quaker and a pacifist. Identity is always complex." Zaru's personal identity may be "complex" but it is also largely irrelevant. Yes, Zaru is a Christian pacifist who renounces violence. So what? Many of Zaru's fellow Palestinians, most notably the members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al-Aska Martyrs Brigade have been quite willing to kill people in their ongoing war against Israel. These groups killed more than 1,000 Israelis during the Second Intifada and helped destroy the credibility of the Israeli peace movement in the process. Honest commentators would address the ideology that motivates these groups, but Zaru does not. Instead, she characterizes terrorism perpetrated against Israel as "freelance" acts of violence motivated by despair and hopelessness. Who are we to believe? Zaru the Christian pacifist, or the Palestinian terrorists who state quite openly they want to kill Jews and destroy Israel because their ideology demands it? Can Zaru at least give members of Hamas the right of self-definition that she demands for herself from Western audiences? In his text, A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation (Orbis, 2008), Ateek offers a similar explanation for Palestinian violence hopelessness, despair and anger over Israeli oppression. Such arguments are child's play for Ateek, whose real charism is to portray the Israeli Jews as unable to make peace with the Palestinians because of their insistence on remaining a sovereign people which he argues is rooted in both a hostile interpretation of their own scripture and a overwrought reaction to the Holocaust. Ateek writes that "Israel must transform Zionism" and if Zionism cannot be transformed, "it must be abandoned" because "its 'ingredients' of violence, war, conflict, deception, terrorism, and expulsion can never add up to peacemaking." The extent Ateek is willing to go to demonize Israel becomes evident when he tells his readers that the "belief that Palestinians are worth less than Jews, hidden in the hearts of some Zionists, began to be put into practice over time. It has been a slow and creeping genocide." Ateek's assertion that Israel has perpetrated a "slow and creeping genocide" is libelous, contemptible and chimerical. The population of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip has quadrupled over the past 60 years. The modifiers "slow and creeping" do not make Ateek's accusation any less dishonest. The only evidence Ateek can muster to prove the existence of this "genocide" is a photo of a dog attacking a Palestinian woman that appeared in the front page of Al-Quds newspaper in March 2007. Ateek writes, "For many years, Israel refused to use trained dogs against the Palestinians because it brought to mind the Nazis. Now Israel uses dogs to attack Palestinians." Such is the basis for Ateek's accusation of genocide the modern-day equivalent of the blood libel Israel's use of attack dogs. By way of comparison, Ateek portrays the Palestinian cause as if it is motivated only by a desire for statehood and liberation. This may be true for many even a majority of Palestinians but what about Hamas which tried to derail the Oslo Accords with numerous terror attacks, murdered hundreds of Israelis during the Second Intifada and failed to stop rocket attacks against Israel after taking control of the Gaza Strip in 2006? Has Ateek stood up to the leaders of Hamas for thwarting the will of the Palestinian people? Hardly. Yes, Ateek does condemn suicide bombing, in English, to audiences of Congregationalists, Presbyterians and Episcopalians in the U.S. groups not known for their propensity to launch terror attacks in the Middle East, but his influence on Palestinians who perpetrate acts of violence against Israel is nil. That Ateek and Zaru call themselves peacemakers should not distract readers from an unpleasant reality. Their books will not encourage Palestinians to stop killing Israelis (and each other), but will instead justify, to Western audiences, the next round of Arab and Muslim violence against Israel all in the language of human rights and liberation theology. On this score, Ateek and Zaru's books are not unique, but part of a long line of texts, produced for and by Christian peacemakers in the U.S., that portray Jewish sovereignty as the cause of the violence in the Middle East and Jewish self-reform and abasement as a way to bringing it to an end. Someday, when Christian leaders and intellectuals recover their senses, they will regard with shame the number of authors who have profited from this genre. The appeal of Ateek and Zaru's books is rooted in the comforting narrative they offer. Given the circumstances of Arab and Israeli societies, predicating the end of the Arab-Israeli conflict on Jewish self-reform is the much more "hopeful" narrative than expecting Israel's adversaries to come to their senses. Sadly, under current conditions, feeding the unreasonable hopes for peace in the Middle East requires starving readers of the truth. If peace could come through Jewish self-reform and abasement, peace would have arrived a long time ago. But alas, history has shown the limits to what Jewish self-reform can accomplish, revealing that the problem resides not with the Jews, but in the hearts and of those who would kill them. Ateek and Zaru, like the audience of Christian peacemakers they serve, have no stomach for discerning the habits of Muslim and Arab hearts in the Middle East, where genocidal, anti-Semitic images are broadcast regularly on state television and in official newspapers. On this score, Christian peacemakers are doing what pacifists have always done avert their eyes from those aspects of reality would force them to come to grips with human sin in a meaningful manner. Progressive peace activists averted their eyes before and during World War II by downplaying Hitler's misdeeds, exaggerating the evils of Western society, and responding to Jewish fears over threats to their safety with disdain and contempt all in the hopes of promoting "peace." Ultimately, Ateek and Zaru's texts underscore a sad truth about Christian peacemaking in reference to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Combine the one-sided narrative about the conflict offered by Israel's critics in the Middle East with notions of peacemaking and pacifism formulated in the comfort and safety of North America and you have a weapon to de-legitimize and disarm the Jewish state. Footnote [1] Niebuhr, Reinhold, "Why the Church Is Not Pacifist, "Christianity and Power Politics. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1940, reprinted in Loconte, Joseph (ed.), The End of Illusions: Religious Leaders Confront Hitler's Gathering Storm. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2004. 17 Comments on "Deluded Are the Peacemakers" Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, February 8, 2009. |
Hi Everybody The following letter has been sent by Mr. Tom Pauk to Mr. Jeremy Bowen at BBC. Regarding the middle east, Israel and the neighbors. Makes interesting reading, |
Tom Pauk
Jeremy Bowen
14 January, 2009 Dear Mr Bowen, For as many years as I remember, I have been reading and listening to your reports from the Middle East. And I'll put my cards on the table straight away; you and your BBC colleagues' perspective on Israel and its conflicts with its neighbours is (and always has been in my view) equivalent to the propaganda that comes from the Hamas information office or from the desk of President Ahmadinejad. You (by which I mean the BBC) are no more objective than say Fox News on US domestic matters, although unlike self-proclaimed partisan agencies, the BBC masquerades as an impartial voice. Jews in this country are not fooled, neither do we especially care. I am of your generation (two years younger than you), a British jew born to Hungarian parents, a generation which by and large survived the Holocaust but whose parents' generation did not. You are not a jew and have no emotional concept of anti-semitism. And I don't mean the Neo-Nazi variety of skinheads and Hitler moustaches, but the more subtle, middle class prejudices which blighted my university days in the early 80s and which sits on a continuum of centuries of persecution, banishment and exodus wherever and whenever jews have tried to live in peace with other people. Nor do you have the emotional capacity to understand why and where Israel came from (I don't mean the historical background which is self-evident). While I was at university on anti-apartheid marches in the early 80s, most of the campus population was on pro-Palestinian rallies wearing the trendy Arafat kafiyeh and subscribing to that peculiarly British notion that the underdog must somehow be the righteous party in any conflict. (By the way, I recall that Arafat was an Egyptian not a Palestinian and that he chose the name Yasser as he felt himself to be an Arab victim of the British mandate in Palestine, lest we get overly hypocritical about Britain's history). If you could understand the WHY of Israel, you would know that Israel does not care what the rest of the world thinks about it, ie whether you merely hate Israel a little in the fashionable way of the middle classes, hate it very much as most of the world does, or hate it with the full venom of President Ahmadinejad; these are all merely shades of hate. In essence, Israel being the embodiment of jewishness is ubiquitously despised, anti-Zionism and anti-semitism in my book being largely synonymous. As you know, Israel has only one true ally in the world, being the US, a largely jewish-led nation. Israel does not care or need to care about the rest of world opinion. Not should it; the rest of world opinion is and always has been hostile. If Ahmadinejad's dream of removing Israel from the map of the world came to fruition, very few people (including at the BBC) would mourn. I think that the analogy you make in your latest diary on the current crisis between Britain and the IRA during the Troubles is weak; I would have thought that the Falklands War was a better exemplum of British attitudes to "defence" of the nation. And you'll be aware that this country has been fighting its own wars in the Middle East for some years now, although we have no obvious connection with either Iraq or Afghanistan. I recall also that Russia has had some not inconsiderable involvement in Chechnya and two Georgian breakaway regions, that China has had a hint of recent interference in Tibet, and that France's conduct in Rwanda has not been entirely meritorious etc. You get the picture. In other words, the recent pronouncements of the UN Security Council members to the latest Israel conflict is, shall we say, just a tad hypocritical. No change there: was it a couple of decades ago that the UN passed a resolution that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination? And now Israel is supposed to heed the words of an organisation which bemoans its very right to exist? I don't think so... Of course it's not fashionable to be objective about Israel (sorry, I don't recall the BBC's report on the death of a friend of mine's twin girls aged 11 a few years ago in a bomb explosion on a bus in Israel; perhaps there were no BBC reporters around at the time). Mr Bowen, Palestinians do not have the monopoly on suffering. In summary, Israel does not care whether the BBC reports the facts or not. For the reasons mentioned above, Israel is not trying to court the favour of world opinion; this was a cause lost several centuries back. To put it bluntly, the fact that Israel exists as a highly successful nation state is two fingers up at you, at the BBC and at the rest of the world. Israel will be around whatever you write or say, diligently keeping its population (Israel also has women and children, by the way), safe from Hamas bombardment. Or to put it in the context of the defining historical event of the 20th century, Israel means: "Never again." So you can write what you want. Kind regards, Yours sincerely,
Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, February 8, 2009. |
This was written by Helen Zegerman Schwimmer and it appeared
December 31, 2008 in the Jewish Press
Helen Zegerman Schwimmer is the author of Like The Stars of The Heavens. To contact her please visit: helenschwimmer.com. |
![]() Lilly Friedman doesn't remember the last name of the woman who designed and sewed the wedding gown she wore when she walked down the aisle over 60 years ago. But the grandmother of seven does recall that when she first told her fiancé Ludwig that she had always dreamed of being married in a white gown he realized he had his work cut out for him. For the tall, lanky 21-year-old who had survived hunger, disease and torture this was a different kind of challenge. How was he ever going to find such a dress in the Bergen Belsen Displaced Person's camp where they felt grateful for the clothes on their backs? Fate would intervene in the guise of a former German pilot who walked into the food distribution center where Ludwig worked, eager to make a trade for his worthless parachute. In exchange for two pounds of coffee beans and a couple of packs of cigarettes Lilly would have her wedding gown For two weeks Miriam the seamstress worked under the curious eyes of her fellow DPs, carefully fashioning the six parachute panels into a simple, long sleeved gown with a rolled collar and a fitted waist that tied in the back with a bow. When the dress was completed she sewed the leftover material into a matching shirt for the groom. A white wedding gown may have seemed like a frivolous request in the surreal environment of the camps, but for Lilly the dress symbolized the innocent, normal life she and her family had once led before the world descended into madness. Lilly and her siblings were raised in a Torah observant home in the small town of Zarica, Czechoslovakia where her father was a melamed, respected and well liked by the young yeshiva students he taught in nearby Irsheva. He and his two sons were marked for extermination immediately upon arriving at Auschwitz. For Lilly and her sisters it was only their first stop on their long journey of persecution, which included Plashof, Neustadt, Gross Rosen and finally Bergen Belsen. Four hundred people marched 15 miles in the snow to the town of Celle on January 27, 1946 to attend Lilly and Ludwig's wedding. The town synagogue, damaged and desecrated, had been lovingly renovated by the DPs with the meager materials available to them. When a Sefer Torah arrived from England they converted an old kitchen cabinet into a makeshift Aron Kodesh. "My sisters and I lost everything our parents, our two brothers, our homes. The most important thing was to build a new home." Six months later, Lilly's sister Ilona wore the dress when she married Max Traeger. After that came Cousin Rosie. How many brides wore Lilly's dress? "I stopped counting after 17." With the camps experiencing the highest marriage rate in the world, Lilly's gown was in great demand. In 1948 when President Harry Truman finally permitted the 100,000 Jews who had been languishing in DP camps since the end of the war to emigrate, the gown accompanied Lilly across the ocean to America. Unable to part with her dress, it lay at the bottom of her bedroom closet for the next 50 years, "not even good enough for a garage sale. I was happy when it found such a good home." Home was the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. When Lily's niece, a volunteer, told museum officials about her aunt's dress, they immediately recognized its historical significance and displayed the gown in a specially designed showcase, guaranteed to preserve it for 500 years. But Lilly Friedman's dress had one more journey to make. Bergen Belsen, the museum, opened its doors on October 28, 2007. The German government invited Lilly and her sisters to be their guests for the grand opening. They initially declined, but finally traveled to Hanover the following year with their children, their grandchildren and extended families to view the extraordinary exhibit created for the wedding dress made from a parachute. Lilly's family, who were all familiar with the stories about the wedding in Celle, were eager to visit the synagogue. They found the building had been completely renovated and modernized. But when they pulled aside the handsome curtain they were astounded to find that the Aron Kodesh, made from a kitchen cabinet, had remained untouched as a testament to the profound faith of the survivors. As Lilly stood on the bimah once again she beckoned to her granddaughter, Jackie, to stand beside her where she was once a kallah. "It was an emotional trip. We cried a lot." Two weeks later, the woman who had once stood trembling before the selective eyes of the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele returned home and witnessed the marriage of her granddaughter. The three Lax sisters Lilly, Ilona and Eva, who together survived Auschwitz, a forced labor camp, a death march and Bergen Belsen have remained close and today live within walking distance of each other in Brooklyn. As mere teenagers, they managed to outwit and outlive a monstrous killing machine, then went on to marry, have children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and were ultimately honored by the country that had earmarked them for extinction. As young brides, they had stood underneath the chuppah and recited the blessings that their ancestors had been saying for thousands of years. In doing so, they chose to honor the legacy of those who had perished by choosing life.
Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il
Posted by Marc Samberg, February 8, 2009. |
Jeninitis is Islamic Palestinian Pallywood's syndrome of lying, 1) inflating numbers of casualties, collateral by-standers in Israel's anti terrorists operation (heck, they even had the audacity to add dead bodies dug out of graves), In Jenin 2002, the Arab Palestinians have been exposed as inflating the numbers of casualties on Israel's operation, Saeb Erekat initially claimed on CNN that there were more than 500 dead, at the end it turned out that there were no more than (around) 50, mostly combatants. When confronted on CNN on the 'numbers', he stuttered, spun, and changed subject. So was the case in Dec. Jan. 2009, at operation 'Cast Lead' against Palestinian Islamic terrorists Hamas (who openly seeks annihilation of all Jews in the area) rockets targeting of Israeli southern zone, where about a Million civilians were under their range, fear of terror, and using Arab civilians to mingle with them and as shields to cause as many civilian casualties, the world TV have been broadcasting constantly from Jihadists' Hamas hospitals with invented exaggerated numbers up to 1,200 and up. Later on it turned out that no more than 500-600 have died, and of course, 90% were Hamas terror combatants. Point is, that a death cult "people" that are willing to murder (directly or indirectly) its own civilians for the sake of gaining sympathy to its fake victimhood, there is never a shred of logic to take seriously anything coming from their "source", unless it's the part when they declare they want to 'kill you'. Jenin Redux: Casualty Figures Reconsidered
'Maximum 600 Palestinians died in Gaza', (Jan 22, 2009) Israel
Cremonesi interviewed Gazans who echoed Israel's insistence of how
Hamas gunmen used civilians as human shields. One Gazan recalled
civilians in Gaza ...
Gazan doctor says death toll inflated Ynetnews
Gaza doctor: Hamas exaggerated Gaza death toll 500 to 600 killed,
mostly fighters, not 1,250
* Italy's leading newspaper, after a thorough investigation in Gaza, reports that the Gaza death toll was 500 to 600, mostly fighters, not 1,250 as other media have claimed. Other media relying on thoroughly impartial, bigoted UN sources [This is a further dispatch on this month's Israel-Hamas mini-war.
This dispatch contains various notes and comments, mainly by myself.
Another dispatch with articles by others on the war's outcome,
provisionally titled "Israel refuses to win," will follow over the
weekend. (Previous dispatches can be read here.)
IMRA Saturday, April 27, 2002 The Palestinians in the Jenin ...
investigate the happenings in the Jenin refugee camp, Palestinians are
... bodies recently added, those from the hospital cemetery, bring the
number up ..
The Truth About Jenin [PPT]
The Big Jenin Lie
Jenin Lie
Anatomy of Anti-Israel Incitement:Jenin, World Opinion and the
Massacre That Wasn't. International organizations, non-governmental
agencies and many foreign ...
Jenin: Massacring Truth
Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 8, 2009. |
This is by Robert Spencer and it was posted yesterday on Jihad Watch.
CIA: "The British Pakistani community is recognised as probably al-Qaeda's best mechanism for launching an attack against North America" The chickens of Eurabia could well come home to roost in the United States. "CIA warns Barack Obama that British terrorists are the biggest threat to the US," by Tim Shipman in the Telegraph, February 7 American spy chiefs have told the President that the CIA has launched a vast spying operation in the UK to prevent a repeat of the 9/11 attacks being launched from Britain. A Jihad Watch reader, sanman, commented: The special Anglo-American relationship needs to be dissolved, as the increasingly leftward shift of British politics will only make the threat from Londonistan grow worse. There should no longer be any special visa waiver for British citizens to travel to the US. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Israel Academia Monitor, February 8, 2009. |
This article is an amalgamation of three articles written in Hebrew by the journalist Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi, as they appeared in http://www.news1.co.il/Home/L02-S-00281-00.html, and edited to give it wholeness as an article in itself. My compliments to the accurate, courageous journalist Dahoah-Halevi. Go, Jonathan, go! |
B'Tselem and Its True Colors Extreme Leftist Israeli Group disguised as "Keeper of the Gate of Universal Human Rights" About B'Tselem, from "NGO Monitor"
"Analysts have shown that B'Tselem's methodology is problematic, often inconsistent, and reflects the organization's political agenda. The organization identifies casualties according to their supposed activity at the moment of death, and therefore those "killed while not engaged in hostilities" including terrorists, terror leaders and organizers, and rioters are occasionally mislabeled "civilians." Relies on statistics and reports of other NGOs, despite the political agendas and credibility problems of these other groups." Mr. Dahoah-Halevi and B'Tselem In an act of true journalism, Dahoah-Halevi sent queries to B'Tselem regarding all the issues detailed here, queries which were left unanswered time after time. In one instance though, the infamous Ba'alusha family massacre of Dec. 2008, committed by fellow Palestinian rivals, act that went by without any mention from B'Tselem, contrary to what B'Tselem falsely claims, when all the main media venues mentioned it the organization, in a defiant and arrogant act of condescension so characteristic of such elitist, patronizing and snobbish Leftist organizations, chose to react to Dahoah-Halevi's article about this lamentable lack of re/action on its part, employing the means of last resort: falsehoods, lies and utterly ridiculous accusations directed against Mr. Dahoah-Halevi. I condemn strongly B'Tselem's dilettante, childish reaction. From an organization claiming what it claims, more, and truth, is expected. B'Tselem has some problematic postulates. First among them, is the premise that it does not have a political agenda. Let's see. Is this true, correct, accurate and faithful to the organization's statement? I think not! Mr. Dahoah-Halevi has investigated for two years (2006-2008; DB) and published part of the results on www.news1.co.il. Beside other important and interesting things, the investigation shows its political goals. Prof. Anat Biletzki, (anatbi@post.tau.ac.il) a principal figure in B'Tselem high-ranking management member and past chairwoman (2001-2006), is herself exposing the connection between the organization's activity in the field of human rights and its political goals. According to it, B'Tselem supports the implementation of the Palestinian "right of return" to what is now Israel and the final goal according to Biletzki, is the annulment of the State of Israel and the establishment of "one state" that will include also the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. B'Tselem's CEO, Jessica Montel, claims adamantly that the organization does not take any political stance that is connected to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Is that so? Prof. Anat Biletzki, who, apparently, is the ideological life and soul of the organization and the main influence in it, is supplying the key that explains the connection between B'Tselem's 'innocent' activity in the field of human rights and its conspicuous political aspect. In an interview to the bulletin Precis (MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Winter 2007 issue), Biletzki stated and detailed broadly the objectives of B'Tselem, and, among other things, she remarked that the placing of a delegation of the organization in Washington, DC, is intended to influence the politics and the politicians in the USA: "What I say, is that our political conversation needs to be a conversation on human rights and activity [in the field of] the human rights needs to see itself not only as its envelope but as the real essence of the politics. "All these things that I've not spoken about and that I've spoken about are literally human rights means doing politics because how else could or should one do politics?... How else if we are not worried about human right can we talk about working for peace? Because talking about work for peace has to be talk about work for a just peace and a just peace cannot ignore in any sense human rights violations. So what I'm saying is that our political conversation has to become a human rights conversation but a human rights work has to take upon itself not just the cloak but the real substance of politics." To understand from where those things come, one has only to point to a self-definition by Biletzki on herself: [She is] non-Zionist [and is seeing herself both as leftist], Communist and Marxist, and [as] humanistic. This, by the way, for anyone who is acquainted with the Communist ideology and philosophy, is an oxymoron, because the whole Communist edifice is based on the Leninist conception of the totalitarian Dictatorship of the Proletariat, which, in turn, makes use, as a directive, of brute, unrestrained ultimate violence and terror aimed at the elimination of all other societal classes from the frame of the governing of the state, and installing by sheer force and coercion the Proletariat class as sole and absolute ruler of it. Adding, she says, "Observing the matter from a political point of view, we understand that the issues are very complex. "What has happened now... it is impossible physically [the two state solution] you travel the ground you travel the land and you see that there is no way getting physically the two states solution.... I'm afraid that we'll go another way, deeply it will be apartheid, I think that Abbas [Mahmoud Abbas "Abu Mazen" chairman of the Palestinian Authority] and many Palestinians are so tired and so demolished that they might sign onto something which will be called a Palestinian State. The world will wave the flags of hurray, they will say that we have two states and then we will have to try to persuade the world that that is not a just solution. That is hard if the Palestinians or some of the Palestinians will accept that...So we are looking politically... it will be very, very complicated, it will be our job to tell them that this is now apartheid, it will be a much harder fight after the world said that they had taken on the two states solution." So, Prof. Biletzki does not think that the solution of two states is unattainable, but sees it as her duty to fight resolutely against the implementation of a political arrangement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority consisting of two states living side by side in the territory of the State of Israel and Palestine. She adopts a patronizing approach towards the Palestinians and claims, actually, that the Palestinian leadership does not have any authority to concede parts of the Palestine area to Israel as a Jewish state or as a state for all its residents. As far as she is concerned, the single solution is to be found in the establishment of "one state" that will annul the State of Israel and will establish in its stead another, multinational, state, in the boundaries of current Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Biletzki: "So, sadly, we have to be patronizing and tell him that he has no right to agree to it... I once took part in a discussion with Sari Nusseibeh. He said he was willing to forgo the right of return for the sake of his freedom, and he asked who was I to tell him he couldn't do that. After all, he said, the right of return is his own, so it's also his right to forgo it in exchange for freedom. I was nonplussed when he said this, but I slept on it, and the next day I told him he's naïve if he thinks that yielding up his right of return will give him his freedom. But more important, I said that I fight for the right of return not for him, but for my own society: that it should become a just society. In order to transform ourselves into non-occupiers, we must recognize the rights of the Palestinians." Under the banner of human rights, of course, B'Tselem supports unwaveringly the implementation of the right of return of Palestinian refugees to the State of Israel and it decided to engage itself in this matter. For this, Biletzki is willing to employ a transparent manipulation: "I think that the only way to allay the Israeli fears is to talk about 'the rights of the refugees'. Even when you talk to Leftists, everyone will agree that the refugees have rights, but when you talk about 'the right of return', oh no, heaven forbid!" B'Tselem, unwaveringly also, supports the initiative of the infamous spying-for-Hizb'allah MK Bishara to change the constitutional structure of Israel; one can make a successful guess in what direction. Apropos Bishara, she signed a petition which she distributed (May 13, 2007) among Israeli academicians in which she expresses her absolute faith in Bishara's version of the spying affair and refutes that of the GSS (General Security Services). As another political act, because this has nothing to do with human rights, Biletzki demands the evacuation of all the settlements in the West Bank and the return to the pre-67 lines. As chairman of the B'Tselem directorate, in an interview with the magazine Challenge, she refutes the Gaza disengagement efforts at the time as traps and not the real thing (and even betted on it with some of her friends! Some sense of humor, she has, the lady, and her entourage...). If the government really means it, she says, it has to tell the settlers that after a certain date they are on their own, including their physical protection. Biletzki: "What we see on the ground are just the trappings of disengagement, not the real thing. The case is clear. If they really wanted to evacuate 7000 people, they'd say: 'Friends, here's your chance. On August 15 your cell phones, electricity and water will be disconnected, the army will leave, and you'll need to fend for yourselves.' That's what they did in Algeria, remember, where the number was much larger, 150,000." The horror probable scenario in which thousands of Jewish settlers will be murdered by the terror organizations in such a case, doesn't seem to bother Ms. Biletzki, the chairman of B'Tselem, the "apolitical" human rights organization. Truly a heart of gold. Now, here is a very good question that Mr. Dahoah-Halevi presents: If B'Tselem supports the establishment of one state that will comprise the territory of Israel, the West bank and Gaza, as some of its high-ranking members say, then why is B'Tselem demanding the dismantling of all the settlements in the West Bank (amounting to an ethnic cleansing of Jews), including property that there's no question that it is under Jewish ownership or was purchased legally? Second in our perusal of B'Tselem's "apolitical" gems, is the premise that killing soldiers is "legitimate". Of course, killing IS a human rights issue, but because THIS kind of killing cannot but be perceived as part and parcel of the highly politically charged conflict between the Jewish Nation, the lawful owners of the Land of Israel in their absolutely lawful State, that of Israel, and the unlawful occupiers of it, the Palestinian Arabs, I state that this point is yet another smoke screen, to enable the "good souls" to be in peace with it, toward the envisioned dream of B'Tselem to see an additional Arab state, this of the Palestinian brand, as if there is a difference between it and all the others, all twenty two of them. Prof. Anat Biletzki sees the Palestinian violence as "a legitimate revolt against the colonialist occupation" and claims that the killing of soldiers guarding settlements is "a legitimate action" and is not to be considered "terror"; B'Tselem refrains from condemning attacks against soldiers even if they "didn't participate in fighting". On the other hand, B'Tselem blames Israel frequently of killing Palestinian civilians that "didn't participate in fighting", though such persons are terror operatives or, simply, terrorists, and even heads of terror organizations. For B'Tselem, the travel of such terror operative in a car from place to place, even while being armed, is not to be considered "participating in fighting" but considered at that time a "civilian"; in other words, he is a "terrorist on vacation" not to be attacked. Such an attack, in B'Tselem's opinion, is a war crime. Moreover, B'Tselem does not see "stone throwing" as an act of "participating in fighting". Bear in mind, many times in the past, "stone throwing" caused death fatalities and injuries, sometimes serious ones; also, bear in mind that a stone is considered lethal weapon, for ex. in the US (DB). Third in our line of issues with B'Tselem, is the doubtful, dubious and questionable subject of the veracity of their data and statements. Doubtful, as witnessed by the main criticism against it, the lack of accuracy and its inconsistency (see preliminary remarks by Israel Academia Monitor above). Dubious and questionable, because, after all, it is designed to uncover the actions of what it defines as an oppressing and occupying force, the State of Israel, against the population which it claims to watch. Now, as detailed above, the State of Israel is the very entity which B'Tselem seeks to dismember and replace, at least partially, with the watched entity, so the notion that its actions do not reflect its political agenda is ridiculous, to say the least, and, by definition, it is in a permanent state of conflict of interests. B'Tselem's data on the Palestinian deaths is deficient by being partial, inaccurate and biased, as Dahoah-Halevi showed in his research on the number of deaths of 2007 and his series of articles about what B'Tselem's spokeswoman calls "death circumstances". An example. Two years passed from he time that Sarit Mikhaeli, B'Tselem's spokeswoman, wrote her article in which she blamed him, Dahoah-Halevi, of "cynical exploitation" of the Ba'alusha family tragedy and boasted that "the investigative work of B'Tselem is famous as accurate, credible, and courageous". Two years passed, and B'Tselem's investigators did not see it fit to include in the list of the "Palestinian deaths perpetrated by Palestinians" the murdered children of the Ba'alusha family and their father's companion. The murder was a news item at the time, but, apparently, B'Tselem didn't hear about it. So, the demagoguery of B'Tselem is all the more striking. How can it claim that its work is accurate and credible? How could they blame Dahoah-Halevi of cynicism and exploitation of a human tragedy? No answer to that. But why am I not surprised? I'll tell you why. When I read and hear all the lies that are thrown and heaped on the Jewish people and their country, the State of Israel, by the Fascist Left with its Israeli Fifth Column comprised by many academicians beside other "good souls" among us, and the inhuman Communist Biletzki among them in the lead, I am not surprised. Contact Israel Academia Monitor at e-mail@israel-academia-monitor.com |
Posted by Justice 4 Jonathan Pollard, February 8, 2009. |
Jonathan Pollard reports that he is receiving a significantly increased volume of mail from people all over the world since President Bush left office on January 20th without acting on Jonathan's petition for clemency. [Bush did not deny clemency; he simply failed to act, leaving the Pollard petition for response by President Barak Obama, sometime within the next 4 to 8 years...] The letters that Jonathan is receiving, are his lifeline, his reassurance that people on the outside care very deeply. Jonathan told his wife, Esther, how very much he is enjoying the letters and how varied they are. They run the gamut, he said, from one end of the spectrum to the other in terms of stories, anecdotes, prayers, and personal life experiences. Some people write of how they much are praying for Jonathan, others recount personal problems so severe that Jonathan is now praying for them (along with all of his prayers for Am Yisrael). Most people express the hope that Jonathan will write back, but he simply is not able to. Why not? Because all of his out-going mail is routed via NSA in Washington where it is supposedly "vetted" to ensure that it does not contain classified information. In the process of being "vetted" somehow all of his out-going mail gets lost or destroyed. It does not reach its destination. This is an age-old vengeful technique that is intended to demoralize a prisoner. Fortunately, Jonathan does receive all of his incoming mail. Incoming mail goes directly to the prison mailroom where it is checked to ensure that the letter is in English and does not contain any contraband. (No bubble gum, stamps, glitter, stickers, money etc permitted). Only letters and photos are permitted (Photos in modest quantity: up to 5). Letters in Hebrew are shown to Jonathan very briefly and then discarded. As soon as the mailroom staff checks the mail, it is distributed and Jonathan receives all of his letters, without exception. Please keep writing! Please know that all of your letters reach Jonathan as long as they are correctly addressed and contain no forbidden enclosures. Please know, as well, how very much these letters mean to him. Here is Jonathan's address: Jonathan Pollard #09185-016
Feel free to send a copy of your letters to justice4jp@gmail.com With your permission we will share copies of some of the letters with our readers. ----------- See Also: OpEd: Bush's unforgivable failure
Reach Justice for Jonathan Pollard by sending an email to
justice4jp@gmail.com and visit their website:
Posted by Avodah, February 7, 2009. |
This is by Ruthie Blum Leibowitz. It appeared today in the
Jerusalem Post
John Bolton makes no bones about his bleak forecasts. Rather than leaving his listener in a state of despair, however, his straight talk is surprisingly comforting, especially under the circumstances. On the heels of a war likely to be resumed any minute now, and on the last stretch of an election campaign that has been heavier on slogans than on substance, having someone in the know "tell it like it is" is refreshing, to put it mildly. Not everyone feels this way about the former US ambassador to the UN and current senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, in Israel this week to attend the ninth annual Herzliya Conference. In fact, his unflinching assessments of where the world is headed in general, and what Iran is up to in particular, have some seeing him as an alarmist and others bracing for inevitable doom and gloom. But the 60-year-old Bolton, a lawyer with a long list of public service positions under his belt (prior to his 16-month stint as US permanent representative to the UN, he served as undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, senior vice president of AEI, assistant secretary for international organization affairs at the State Department, assistant attorney-general at the Justice Department and assistant administrator for program and policy coordination and general counsel at the US Agency for International Development), sounds as calm about his convictions as he is undeterred by his critics. During an hour-long interview before leaving Herzliya's Daniel Hotel and heading to the first panel-packed day at the campus of the Interdisciplinary Center, Bolton gave his take on Gaza, Iran, Turkey and, of course, on the outgoing and incoming American administrations. Operation Cast Lead was timed to end immediately before US President Barack Obama's inauguration. Since then, rockets have continued to be fired on Israel from Gaza, with limited retaliation, and preparations for a possible second round. Had Israel not pulled out, would that have put an automatic strain on Jerusalem-Washington relations? I do think the Obama administration will be less friendly to Israel than the Bush administration. And I understand why the leadership in Israel might have wanted the operation finished by January 20. There may have been other reasons to stop, as well, although with the renewed launching of rockets, those reasons are less apparent. Military operations like Cast Lead should be carried through to their own logical conclusions, and I think Israel has to calibrate its military actions based on its own self-interest. Trying to judge what it should do based on American politics is a perilous venture. But doesn't Israel rely on the US? Can Israel "go it alone," without American approval? Well, it has done so in the past. For example, it undertook the very important operation, in September 2007, to destroy the North Korean nuclear reactor in Syria. That was done, if not over US opposition, certainly without US approval. Personally, I think that US policy was wrong. I think Israel's destroying of that nuclear facility was beneficial to international peace and security. You're saying the US was actually against that operation? Secretary of state Condoleezza Rice wanted very much to avoid that strike. In fact, when Israel came to the US and first proposed it in the spring of 2007, she urged that it be postponed indefinitely. The Israeli response was, "We'll postpone it, but not past the end of the summer." And that's exactly what happened. Speaking of Rice, she seemed to have shifted to the left over the course of the Bush administration, particularly in its second term, when she became secretary of state. Does it really make a difference, then, whether it's Bush running the show or Obama? Sadly from my perspective, there will be a lot of continuity between the Obama and Bush administrations where Middle East policy is concerned generally on Iran, and specifically on a range of other issues. That doesn't warm my heart. It shows that mistakes were being made, especially during the second term of the Bush administration, many of which were made at secretary Rice's behest. Was this because Bush came to rely on her so heavily, or did he actually hold with her views? He did trust and rely on her very extensively in the second term, when a number of major voices of the first term left the government in one way or another and others, like vice president Cheney, had a much lower profile. I believe historians will judge that Rice was the dominant in fact, nearly exclusive voice advising the president on foreign policy in his second term. Was he personally under her spell in some way, or did he change his mind about his own doctrine? I can't explain it, quite frankly. It was a big disappointment to see the changes that were made in a variety of policy areas. It was one reason for my not seeking another appointment at the UN, and I thought it appropriate to leave in December 2006, because the administration had shifted on too many important foreign policy issues. At last year's Herzliya Conference, you responded cynically to the suggestion that Bush might bomb Iran before the end of his presidency. Why, at the time, were you so certain he wouldn't do it? Well, I had changed my view on that subject. I originally thought that president Bush was prepared to use military force. He had said repeatedly during his first term that an Iran with nuclear weapons was unacceptable. And, being a man of his word, I thought that his use of the word "unacceptable" meant it was not acceptable, and therefore if diplomacy failed which I was sure it would that left the robust response as the only option. I think what happened was that the president was persuaded by secretary Rice that a military answer to the Iranian nuclear threat would have provoked Iran to respond in Iraq, by increasing its destabilizing activities. I happen to think that analysis is incorrect that Iran, if it retaliated at all, would retaliate by having Hizbullah launch attacks on Israel. But I think that secretary Rice persuaded the president that his biggest legacy in Iraq could be threatened and undermined if Iran stepped up its destabilizing activities. From what you know of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, do you think she will take a similar view, or is it possible that she, ironically, might take a more hard-line position on Iran? Bill and Hillary were a year ahead of me at Yale law school. I've known them for a long time not that we were close buddies. And my recollection of Hillary was that she was one of the most radical leftists among the students there. She has gone through a lot of changes since then, among them in her political awareness, but I think fundamentally her views have not changed. I would worry that she will fit right in to an Obama administration, whose views are very European when it comes to a wide variety of foreign policy issues. The danger of a nuclear Iran is an issue around which there is consensus across the Israeli political spectrum. In the event that it becomes necessary, would it be legitimate for Israel to take military action alone, if doing so were technically feasible? Absolutely. With the end of the Bush administration, the possibility of US use of military force against Iran's nuclear program has dropped essentially to zero. The diplomatic effort failed years ago, and I don't think any renewed American effort is fundamentally going to make any difference. Iran has all the scientific and technological knowledge it needs right now to create a nuclear weapon. We can tell from publicly available information from the International Atomic Energy Agency that Iran has enough low-enriched uranium which, if enriched to weapons-grade levels, would allow it one nuclear weapon now, and possibly another one or two this year. Let me stress here: That's what we know publicly from the IAEA no James Bond involved in that calculation and there may well be additional activities we don't know about, which would make Iran's capability even more substantial. So, if the diplomatic option has failed, that leaves only regime change or the use of force. And with no likelihood of American use of force, that leaves Israel. Of course, the military option is a very unattractive one. It's risky. You could end up with the worst of both worlds: taking action without breaking Iran's control over the nuclear fuel cycles, and yet incurring the disapproval of governments all over the world. But you have to have the military option front and center, because the alternative is far more unattractive. Now, there are people who will say that Israel can't do it without American approval, or that it's not possible technically. I don't believe any of that is accurate, though I don't mean to downplay the risk involved. But there's another thing that you have to keep in mind: The military option is declining over time. This is because Iran will undoubtedly take steps to disperse and harden its facilities even further. It will increase its air defense capabilities by purchases from Russia. It will do many things to make it even more difficult for the US or Israel to take military action in the future. So there's a very narrow window. If it closes, then you have to contemplate what to do with a nuclear Iran. I've tried to stay away from theorizing about how you deal with a nuclear Iran, because once you start theorizing about it, in a way you're accepting it. But if the reality is that Iran is now unimpeded except for the possibility of a military strike then you have to start thinking about it. That's why regime change starts coming back into the picture. The only long-range way to deal with this problem is regime change. You can't contain a regime of religious fanatics. Their calculus on the value of human life is very different from ours. If you prize life in the hereafter more than life on earth, the deterrent value of retaliation isn't very persuasive. Look at the people who carried out 9/11. What threat of retaliation would have deterred them from the suicide attack? The answer is none. So, we're at a very grave point here. There's not much time left to deal with Iran if you want to keep in non-nuclear. And once it becomes nuclear, the entire balance of power in the region shifts not just for Israel, but for the Arab states in the Persian Gulf as a whole. It will be a dramatically different region, because of the substantial increase of influence that nuclear capability will give the Iranians. What good can changing this or that specific radical regime do, when the forces of jihad are global and exceed borders? By regime change in Iran, I don't mean switching a few figures at the top; I mean the elimination of the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The few cases of countries' having given up their nuclear weapons programs have come at a time of regime change. For example, when South Africa moved away from apartheid toward a true democracy, that's when it gave up its nuclear weapons program. When the Soviet Union broke up, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus gave Russia back the nuclear weapons that had been left on their territory, because they wanted a non-nuclear future. There's no guarantee that regime change in Iran would achieve the same objective, but if there's any chance for that to happen, it's when a new government says it doesn't want nuclear weapons, and does want peace and stability. If that doesn't work, then the options are even more unattractive. That's why this is such a critical point, without much time remaining before we find out what happens when Iran does get nuclear weapons. It has been said that Iran's nuclear program is being set back by the global financial crisis and sanctions. Is that not true? The fall in the price of oil globally has had a dramatic impact on Iran. There's little doubt about that. And Iran's economy is in very bad shape. There's little doubt about that, as well. But neither of these two factors has anything to do with sanctions. Iran's economy is in trouble because of nearly 30 years of misrule since the Islamic Revolution. The lesson is: Don't put religious leaders in charge of an economy. They have misinvested in Iran's oil infrastructure. They have subsidized fuel prices to the point where they're now dependant on importing refined petroleum products. You can see evidence of economic dissatisfaction all around the country. But, again, that's not because of the sanctions that have been imposed by the US or the Security Council. Those sanctions have had a very limited impact. The fall in the price of oil has made it difficult to keep up the popularity of the Ahmadinejad government, and at the same time, keep up the military programs. But it's not Ahmadinejad who is really calling the shots anyway. It's the top clerics and the Revolutionary Guards. And those elements will still be in power, no matter what happens in the elections. Voting him out of office would not constitute regime change. Furthermore, the reason many Iranians are unhappy with Ahmadinejad is not because of what he is saying about wiping Israel or America off the face of the earth. They don't disagree with him; they just think he shouldn't say it publicly. Much better to think and act on it privately than draw attention to it. Their disagreement with him, then, is tactical, not philosophical. Can the US hesitation about using military force against Iran be attributed to the negative perception of the Iraq endeavor? Iraq was a strategic success the moment Saddam Hussein was overthrown, because it eliminated a regime which itself was a threat to international security. And let's not forget the collateral benefit of Libya's Muammar Gaddafi deciding he was prepared to give up his nuclear weapons program in order to stay in power and, in turn, the unraveling of the A.Q. Khan nuclear proliferation network. The controversy over Iraq I believe historians will say was not over the decision to overthrow Saddam, because that decision has been vindicated. The controversy is over what happened after that, and obviously it was unhappy for a substantial period of time. But better late than never, the surge policy has proven successful. Al-Qaida in Iraq has been all but eliminated. And now, with the most recent example of the provincial elections, we can see that nationalist forces in Iraq have begun to emerge, even in the Shi'ite areas, to begin to counterbalance some of the Iranian influence. This is a story whose final chapter has not been written, but by and large at a great cost, I concede it is moving in the right direction. The issue about using military force in Iran is very different from the considerations that led to the use of military force to overthrow Saddam. We're talking about a very limited operation, targeting only Iran's nuclear program, not the Iranian people or even the government. Nor is it an operation that would necessarily involve ground forces, but rather special operations forces and air strikes, that should be accompanied by an information campaign to lay the basis for regime change. Because the military option really only changes the calculus, and puts time on our side, rather than on Iran's. Time is normally to the benefit of the would-be proliferators. The advantage of a military strike would be breaking Iran's hold over the nuclear fuel cycle, and giving us two, three, five years to find another hopefully more permanent resolution to the threat Iran poses. The point is that it's a very different situation from that of Iraq. You don't have to destroy all of Iran's nuclear-related facilities. You have to break its ability to go from uranium in the ground to highly enriched uranium in nuclear weapons. And if you can break it in one or more key points, then you create the time-out that gives you the possibility of looking for other, more durable, solutions. If, as you claim, things are moving in the right direction in Iraq, and there is general agreement that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable and since, until the very recent Wall Street crash, Americans were prospering financially how do you explain the mass hysteria surrounding Obama? Well, I don't think there really is mass hysteria in the US, though there may be in Europe and other parts of the world. He didn't win by an overwhelming majority. He won clearly and unmistakably, but it was not a landslide. And you can already see some dimming of Obama-mania. We have a very complex political system, and a very complex set of beliefs on the part of the people. Former senator Paul Laxalt, Ronald Reagan's best friend, used to talk about what he called the "fickle factor" in American politics which, every eight years, lets somebody else in. Americans, as they often do, said, "OK, we've had enough of this crew; let's see what the others can do." When you add that to the impact of the financial crisis, it was essentially impossible for Senator John McCain to win this election. Let's talk about Turkey. Always spoken of as a Muslim democracy, it nevertheless keeps exhibiting anti-Western behavior. Is Turkey moving closer to the Islamist world? One of the first indications of difficulty was the failure of the Turkish parliament to grant access for the US Army's 4th Infantry Division through Turkey into northern Iraq at the time of the 2003 attack on Saddam Hussein. And, yes, I think there's clear evidence of political Islam gaining support in Turkey. It's a kind of paradox, because the institution that most embodies the Kemalist secularist state ideal is the army. So, for those who value democratic government and civil rights, the idea that the army would be the guarantor is almost a contradiction in terms. And yet, in fact, it's the army that has carried through Kemal Ataturk's legacy from the end of the Ottoman Empire to the establishment of the modern Turkish state. It's a dilemma, and Turkish voters are going to have to make up their minds whether to continue the pattern of the secular state, which I certainly hope they do, or whether they're prepared to give it up. Do you think that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's response to Operation Cast Lead is an indication of what's going on among the Turkish people? The rhetoric is certainly consistent with the idea that he sees this as being a politically advantageous direction for him to go in. As the saying goes: "There go my people, I'd better follow them." If that's true, it's bad news for the future of a secular Turkey. Speaking of bad news, does the UN which has been anti-Western in general and anti-Israel in particular have any legitimate reason for existing altogether, let alone housed comfortably in New York City? [Former US ambassador to the UN] Jeane Kirkpatrick was once asked whether the US should withdraw from the UN. She paused for a moment and said, "No, I don't think it would be worth the trouble." The UN is a vast organization parts of which do good and legitimate work. The World Food Program, for example, and the High Commissioner for Refugees, or some of the specialized agencies that don't get a lot of attention, because they just do their job, rather than get into politics. The main problem with the UN is its political decision-making structure the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Human Rights Council, and so on that over the years have become less and less able to make clear political choices, and when they do, they tend to be anti-Western, anti-American and anti-Israel. That obviously means they're not conducive to effectively implementing some of the ideals that are written into the UN Charter or into their own foundational documents. But, for many American allies, the UN is important. Many of the troops that have remained in Iraq for years did so on the basis of Security Council authorization. Those from Japan and Denmark, for example. So, we have allies who see more political benefit in the UN than perhaps we do, and that's something that we have to take into account. Still, there is a huge range of things we could and should do to improve the UN, starting with the way in which it is financed. We should move from a system of mandatory or assessed contributions and more toward voluntary contributions. The agencies in the UN system now that are most effective, most transparent and most responsive are those that are funded by voluntary contributions: UNICEF, for example. What about UNRWA? UNRWA is an example of an organization that should have ceased to exist long ago, because its functions were transformed over time from humanitarian to largely political. The idea that refugee status can pass down through the generations is contrary to the principles of international humanitarian law that the High Commissioner for Refugees operates on elsewhere. And it shows why single-purpose organizations like this often are self-defeating. Apropos the passing down of refugee status through the generations, if Hamas and Hizbullah are proxies of Iran, how can Israel eliminate the threats they pose with this or that territorial compromise, or this or that military operation? It is a mistake to think that you can deal with the problem of Hamas, Hizbullah or even the regime in Syria separately from the problem of Iran. And neither of those three is disconnected from the threat of Iranian nuclear weapons. Nor am I sure that you can deal with all at once, without regime change in Teheran. This is not to say that you have to have a macro solution to everything before you can have a micro solution to anything. It is to say that as you approach these threats and problems, you have to understand the linkages between them. This is why I think and just wrote recently in The Washington Post ["The three-state option," January 5] why I think the two-state solution in dealing with the Palestinians is dead. And why, due to the Iranian funding of Hamas, that there's any possibility of a Palestinian state that would be acceptable to Israel or the US. So, keeping security and the humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people in mind, I think it would be better to turn Gaza back over to Egyptian control, and in some configuration to be negotiated for the Palestinians in the West Bank to have a relationship with Jordan. How could Egypt and Jordan possibly agree to this, when both King Abdullah II and President Hosni Mubarak have their own regimes threatened from within, particularly the latter, who has the Muslim Brotherhood to contend with? This is the irony. Nobody wants the Palestinian problem, and so it's left to Israel, that tries to ensure its own safety and gets criticized for it. But the best way to control the Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood threat which emanates from Iran and to police the tunnels, is for Egypt to have control on both sides of the border. According to polls Binyamin Netanyahu like you, a former ambassador to the UN is going to win Tuesday's election. Is it true, as his opponents have been claiming, that Obama will not be able to relate to him or his worldview? I don't want to put myself in the middle of an Israeli election, but it's a mistake to think that Obama won't deal with whomever becomes prime minister of Israel, as he would deal with the leader of any country, from whatever side of the political spectrum. I do think, however, that how Israel should deal with the Obama administration is to appoint a counterpart to George Mitchell as the Israeli "special envoy" handling the Middle East peace process. I think it's a mistake for the prime minister to deal directly with Mitchell. He or she should deal with President Obama; the next foreign minister should deal with Secretary of State Clinton; and Mr. or Ms. X should deal with George Mitchell. Mitchell has said that all conflicts can be solved, pointing to Northern Ireland as his prime example.. What can Israel expect from his efforts on this front? The Good Friday Agreement did not solve the Northern Ireland conflict, which, after all, in one form or another, had been going on for 500 years. It was solved by the British army thrashing the IRA. What was negotiated in the Good Friday Agreement were the terms of surrender. That hasn't happened in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, which in any case is a very different environment. As for what to expect, well, this is probably the last major assignment of Mitchell's career, so he has a strong incentive to reach a deal and do it quickly. This means that its substance will be less important than the deal itself, and that if reaching it drags out too long, it will be seen as a failure on his part. This should be of particular concern to Israel. Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, February 7, 2009. |
This is by Debbie Lee of MoveAmericaForward.org (MAF). |
Another Sign President Obama Does Not Understand the War against Islamic Terrorism Families of the 17 sailors killed when al-Qaida suicide bombers steered an explosive-filled boat into the U.S.S. Cole were shocked today to learn President Barack Obama has dropped charges against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the mastermind of the attack. This is part of his pledge to close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center, but is a frightening pattern by Obama that he does not understand the stakes in America's war against terrorism. ![]() ![]()
Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri
I know the stakes. My son, Marc Alan Lee, was the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq. He died fighting the same terrorists who attacked the Cole, killing 17 Navy Heroes. I share the pain these families feel. It is outrageous that Obama would take a risky legal maneuver with unknown consequences. In his effort to placate his left-wing supporters at Code Pink and MoveOn, he is putting our country in further danger from terrorist attacks, as Vice-President Dick Cheney said so eloquently yesterday. To fight back against his flawed policy, Move America Forward has produced a television commercial we want to run nationwide to alert the American people. It has NOT been released publicly, but we wanted you to see it first before it is publicly announced on Tuesday in Washington, DC. You can watch it now via this YouTube link:
If you agree that we have to stop these dangerous policies coming from President Obama that affect our national security, please help by making a contribution to our TV fund so we can get this television ad on the air as quickly as possible. MAF is working hard to mobilize the public to keep Gitmo open, and we must strike hard since so many people are concerned with the Stimulus Bill that they have not noticed what Obama has done to affect our national security. I am leaving my home here outside of Phoenix and heading east to hold a press conference in Washington DC on Tuesday to release the commercial. But national television ads are expensive, and we need everyone to contribute something so we can get this critical message out to the American people. As an example, here are a few of the rates we are facing to get the TV spot on the air: One 30-second ad on the O'Reilly Factor costs $32,261
A recent poll shows that most Americans don't want the terrorists put in American prisons. We can stop the chaos and danger that will come with moving Gitmo prisoners to the United States or freeing them in other countries, but we have to act now and be bold. OBAMA'S RECORD IS DANGEROUS TO OUR SAFETY Just think about what Obama has done in only two weeks:
And this is only a partial list! Please join me in standing up to President Obama and say, "Enough is enough." Preserving American lives and protecting our homeland is more important than giving constitutional rights to unlawful foreign enemy combatants. Let's get real! KEEP THESE DANGEROUS, MURDEROUS TERRORISTS UNDER LOCK AND KEY |
Posted by Kenneth R. Timmerman, February 7, 2009. | |
This appeared today in Newsmax
| |
Joe Biden made his first official overseas trip as vice president on Saturday, pledging at a security conference in Munich, Germany, that the new administration intends to hold official talks with Iran. "We will be willing to talk to Iran and to offer a very clear choice: Continue down your current course and there will be pressure and isolation; abandon the illicit nuclear program and your support for terrorism and there will be meaningful incentives," Biden said. But White House officials dismissed rumors that Biden planned to have quiet meetings with Iranian officials who were attending the Munich conference. "The vice president has no plans to meet with any Iranian officials while in Munich," an administration official told Newsmax. Speaking in Tehran at a press conference with Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal last week, Iranian foreign minister Manoucher Mottaki said that Iran would "make our views known" at the Munich conference, but had no intention of holding direct talks with Biden at that time. "Resumption of relations with the U.S. under the new circumstances is of prime importance and we are now studying the change of attitude and U.S. policies to make our views known, but we have no plan to do so at the upcoming Munich security conference," Mottaki said, as the Hamas leader looked on. Iran's leaders have been holding back from direct talks with the U.S. as officials and advisers to the Obama administration "negotiate with themselves in public," said Sardar Haddad, a U.S.-based Iranian dissident. "Why should they agree to anything when they can sit back and watch the U.S. negotiate a better deal for them on television?" he told Newsmax. On Friday, Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani took a hard line, reiterating the demands put forward last week by president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. [Read Ahmadinejad's chilly response to Obama's offer of direct talks in box below.] "In the last year, the U.S. has burned many bridges," Larijani told the Munich conference, shortly before Biden arrived. "A new White House can rebuild them, but this requires new pragmatic strategies based on respect and fair play: the carrot-and-stick approach must be discarded." But Biden and outside analysts sympathetic to the new U.S. administration's view that Washington should conduct direct talks with Tehran continue to use the carrot-and-stick analogy. At a conference sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute in Washington this week, former Clinton administration official Kenneth Pollock said that engagement with Iran is "not a 'kill them with love' policy." Instead, he was urging the new administration to open direct talks with Iran "as part of a larger carrot and stick policy to move the Iranians in the right direction ... because all the other options are worse." Pollock said he believed the Iranian leadership has "made a decision to meet with the United States ... But I do not believe they have made a decision yet to make concessions to the United States, even in return for our concessions to them." Because they appeared to be seeking to buy time through negotiations to continue work on their nuclear program, talks with Iran "do not make sense as a strategy, but as a tactic," he added. While such an approach might make sense in Washington, leaders in Iran have so far rejected any efforts to get them to slow down their nuclear program, or to agree to reduce their support for terrorist groups such as Hamas. Instead, every fresh statement from Washington about the Obama administration's willingness to talk seems to be taken as a sign of weakness in Tehran, where Iran's leaders just keep on upping the ante. A senior Iranian cleric blasted the Obama administration in a speech in Tehran on Friday. "As long as America sees itself as the ruler of the world the slogan of change is a lie," Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami told worshipers in a sermon at Friday prayers. "Obama's remarks over the past two weeks show that his promise of change is a lie because he is repeating [former President George W.) Bush's mistakes by saying that the U.S. is committed to the security of Israel and that sanctions against Iran still exist. "America should know that the world will not be deceived by these gestures." Instead, the Obama White House "should bring a real change to its policies," he said. Khatami is the brother of former President Mohammad Khatami, touted as a "moderate" in the West. The Iranian regime could go even further in its demands on the U.S. in the coming weeks, according to IRNA, the official news agency. IRNA led its coverage of Biden's Munich speech by singling out the pledge of the new administration to end the use of torture against suspected terrorist detainees. "America will not torture," Biden said. "We will uphold the rights of those who we bring to justice. And we will close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay." But then he added that the U.S. "will ask others to take responsibility for some of those now in Guantanamo, as we determine to close it. Our security is shared." IRNA commented that Biden's remarks on torture "followed recent statements by the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak, who urged the indictment of former U.S. president George W. Bush and his secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld for their role in the torture and abuse of prisoners in the notorious Guantanamo prison camp." Citing an interview Nowak gave to Germany's ZDF television on January 20, IRNA reiterated the U.N. official's claims that "President Barack Obama is legally obligated to prosecute Bush and Rumsfeld because the U.S. has ratified the U.N. Convention on Torture and has recognized it as legally binding." "Therefore they must do everything they can that persons who are accused of torture, are put on trial," IRNA cited Nowak as telling German television. In an English-language translation of Nowak's comments in German, available from ZDF, the U.N. official stated that because Bush's immunity as president of the United States was now over, the Obama administration "was obligated by international law to commence a criminal investigation into Bush's torture practices." "The evidence is sitting on the table," Nowak said. "There is no avoiding the fact that this was torture." Obama has stated publicly that he agrees with that assessment, just as Biden did Saturday in Munich. During their Senate confirmation hearings recently, incoming Attorney General Eric Holder and CIA Director Leon Panetta also stated that they believed the United States engaged in torture against suspected terrorist detainees. AEI scholar Danielle Pletka acknowledged that the new administration has the authority to carry out its pledge to talk to the Iranian regime. "OK, we're going to sit down with the Iranians," she said. "But we haven't really talked seriously or debated the issues at hand, what the end game is, what our expectations are, and what we hope will happen along the way." For example, she said, Tehran "wants a dominant regional role. Do we really want to see that? Do we really want Iran to have a seat at the table of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks?" Then she warned that talking to Iran also had its price, and that Iranian preconditions to talks could be so exorbitant that the U.S. would "lose all the ground" it had gained with the European allies over the past five years in crafting a common front to oppose Iran's nuclear weapons program. "Everybody here recognizes there is a time line," she said. "There is an urgency to sitting down and discussing with the Iranians because there is an urgency to moving them away from the final movement when they cross the threshold and actually have nuclear weapons in hand." The real question, she said, was "how long the Obama administration is willing to sit down and talk with the Iranians while they continue to move forward with their program? It's not an unreasonable question to ask." And one that the Obama administration has pointedly refrained from answering until now.
Kenneth R. Timmerman is President, Middle East Data Project, Inc. He authored "Countdown to Crisis: The Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran" and is a contributing editor to Newsmax.com His latest non-fiction books is a thriller called Honor Killing, available at www.kentimmerman.com. Contact him by email at timmerman.road@verizon.net |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 7, 2009. |
This is a news item from Ma'an News Agency
Ramallah Ma'an The Palestinian Authority's Health Ministry accused the Hamas-run de facto government's security services of turning medical centers into virtual prisonso n Saturday. According to a statement from the Health Ministry, Hamas has used hospitals and clinics in Gaza as interrogation and detention centers, where medical staffers have been expelled. "After Israel ended its aggression in the Gaza Strip, the Health Ministry was surprised that Hamas militants returned to their old behavior, expelling medical staff and using medical centers as detention centers, and for torture and interrogation," the statement said. Hospitals affiliated with the PA that were taken over include Al-Quds Hospital in Tal Al-Hawa, a Red Crescent initiative, parts of the Ash-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, the upper and lower floors of the An-Nasser Hospital, as well as the Psychiatric Hospital, according to the statement. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Gerald A. Honigman, February 7, 2009. |
R. Khalidi is Obama's buddy at whose dinner the L.A.Times refused to release Obama's comments. This article was written by Cinnamon Stillwell and it appeared in
Campus Watch
Rashid Khalidi, Columbia University Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies, has been caught in a lie. Khalidi concluded a January 8, 2009, op-ed that appeared in the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune with the following quote ascribed to former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon: The Palestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated people. The problem is Ya'alon never made this statement and both publications have since had to excise it from the op-ed and issue corrections. Here's the New York Times: An Op-Ed article on Jan. 8, on misperceptions of Gaza, included an unverified quotation. A former Israeli Defense Forces chief of staff, Moshe Yaalon, was quoted as saying in 2002 that "the Palestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated people." This quotation, while cited widely, does not appear in the Israeli newspaper interview to which it is usually attributed. Its original source has not been found, and thus it should not have appeared in the article. The bogus quote originated with a 2002 Haaretz interview in which Ya'alon, when asked to define victory, responded: I defined it from the beginning of the confrontation: the very deep internalization by the Palestinians that terrorism and violence will not defeat us, will not make us fold. If that deep internalization does not exist at the end of the confrontation, we will have a strategic problem with an existential threat to Israel. If that [lesson] is not burned into the Palestinian and Arab consciousness, there will be no end to their demands of us. The distorted version of Ya'alon's words has since become a staple of anti-Israel rhetoric, leading Khalidi to employ it on more than one occasion. Before the current op-ed, Khalidi used the quote in a May 22, 2003, column in The Nation, as well as in his 2005 book Resurrecting Empire. Khalidi spouted propaganda as a PLO spokesman in the 1980s. It's inexcusable that, as a Columbia professor, he hasn't changed his tactics. (See the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
Gerald A. Honigman, a Florida educator, has created and conducted counter-Arab propaganda programs for college youth, has lectured on numerous campuses and other platforms, and has publicly debated Arab spokesmen. His articles and op-eds have been published in both the print media and on websites. Contact him at honigman6@msn.com or go to his website: http://geraldahonigman.com/blog.php |
Posted by Barry Rubin, February 7, 2009. |
What direction is the Turkish regime heading? A pessimistic view goes like this: The ruling AK party is pushing toward an Islamist agenda both at home and abroad. It is moving closer to Iran, Syria, and Hamas. In some ways, Turkey might become part of the Iran-led alignment in the region. Anti-American, anti-Western, and anti-Israel feeling is growing. The government is making a sharp break with the past, based on structural changes in the country. It is gradually capturing institutions: buying up or intimidating the media; allied with a rising, more traditionally oriented new business class and village migrants to the city; naming judges; and neutralizing the army. The hopeful view sounds like this: The Turkish people haven't changed. A lot of this is temporary, problems stemming from friction with the previous U.S. government in Iraq as well anger at Israel's military operation in the Gaza Strip. National interests hope of getting into the European Union; need for U.S. backing; high levels of trade, tourism, and military cooperation with Israel will pull the government and country back onto its usual course. Both courses are still open to Ankara's rulers. But at the moment the more pessimistic analysis seems the likelier outcome. It is true that the key factor is Turkey's people: but will they speak out and do so effectively? Before considering this, it should be understood that the policy changes in Turkey do not just include criticism of Israel or some highly publicized events. Rather, there is a systematic shift going on. Internationally, the developments include closer relations between Turkey and such countries as Iran, Syria, and Sudan. Internally, the focal point is the AK's introduction of more Islamic or Islamist norms, the placing of its people in key positions in the civil service and social institutions, the rising pressure in daily life for conformity with Islamist-dictated behavior, and so on. The intensity of such changes can be seen also in rarely reported details. Take, for example, the behavior of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in attacking Israeli President Shimon Peres in an insulting fashion, then walking out of their session in the Davos conference. Erdogan used, in Turkish, a derogatory form of address toward Peres, and then referred to the one-sided confrontation as a new Gallipoli. Gallipoli was the World War One battle in which the Ottoman Empire defeated a British invasion attempt. To equate this verbal exchange with a bloody battle in which Turks defended their country from invasion was about the most inflammatory patriotic language the prime minister could use to stir Turk passions. While Turkish officials issue some soothing public statements, emphasizing their opposition to antisemitism, those who know Turkish or are in the country are getting a different picture. Turkish officials are investigating the possibility of initiating war crimes' charges against Israeli leaders as they welcome top Sudanese officials who are engaged in mass murder in their own country. Educated, modernist, moderate Turks have not wanted to face what is happening in their country and up until recently have been able to believe the AK is a moderate center-right reformist party with a slight pious tinge. This is becoming more difficult to sustain. Some months ago I sat around a table with a dozen Turkish professors near Istanbul, people who fit the profile of what would be expected to be strongly anti-AK types. Unanimously they agreed the party was no threat. One of them, added, however that his sister-in-law told him he was crazy and that the government was leading the country into a disastrous transformation. He then told me that their young nanny had to wear a headscarf and "Islamic-style" clothing, not because she wanted to but because otherwise she might be harassed or even attacked in her neighborhood. But this was all anecdotal information that could be disregarded in favor of heeding what top AK leaders promised. For me, the most dangerous sign was that while the AK promised not to pick the hardline Abdullah Gul as president, to occupy the post once held by Kemal Ataturk, before the last election, the moment it won by a big margin it did so any way. Gul made an extremely arrogant speech saying, in essence, we won and can do whatever we want. Now we are seeing the result of that confidence. Believing it can win any election, knowing that there will not be strong international condemnation or pressure, aware that the political opposition is divided and poorly led, and not too worried about an army intervention, the AK is marching faster and more visibly down the road a more Islamicized Turkey at home and abroad. The next, local elections will tell the tale. If the AK loses in Istanbul and Izmir then it might become more cautious. If not things are going to get worse, much worse. Right now, the situation of Turkey's Jews is perilous. There has been no violence and the government might well prevent that from happening. But the signs are dangerous. The Ankara branch of the AKP put up a terribly antisemitic item as an apparent official statement. It said that Hitler was Jewish and the Holocaust was a plot to force Jews to emigrate to Palestine. It came down only after the newspaper Radikal protested. The branch's leader denied all knowledge of the article. I append below a letter from Istanbul by a very good friend of mine, a Turkish Jew who is 100 percent reliable and the most moderate, mild-mannered, apolitical person you can imagine. He writes:
He ends: I personally thank you for your support to the Turkish Jews hopefully not Jews from Turkey, soon. On reading this, a non-Jewish Turk from another city wrote me: "This brought tears to my eyes. I feel the pain for a tree dying in the orchard where I spent my childhood." As someone who has spent 35 years working on Turkish history and politics; as the first Israeli exchange professor to teach there; and as someone with scores of close friends, I hope that moderate prevails. Many Turks are horrified by what they are seeing. Some say these concerns are alarmist and exaggerated. It is the Turkish people alone who will decide their direction and future. But the stakes are high. Not only is their liberty and society in question but also there are wider implications. For if Turkey cannot sustain itself as a tolerant, secular, moderate republic, what hope is there for any other Muslim-majority country to do so? Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), with Walter Laqueur (Viking-Penguin); the paperback edition of The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan); A Chronological History of Terrorism, with Judy Colp Rubin, (Sharpe); and The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley). To read and subscribe to MERIA and other GLORIA Center publications or to order books, write me at profbarryrubin@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, February 7, 2009. |
This was written by Robert Spencer and was posted yesterday on
Jihad Watch
Where are the "moderate Palestinians"? New poll shows 55% support suicide bombings Ever since Hamas won the Gaza elections it has become fashionable to refer to the vast majority of peace-loving Palestinians who want to forsake the jihad and coexist with Israel, but who just can't manage to elect leaders who reflect their deepest desires. The facts, unfortunately, are otherwise. "New Poll: Palestinians Support Suicide Bombings By 55% To 37%," from the ZOA, February 6: A new poll has shown that Palestinians support continued suicide bombings against Israel by 55.4 percent as compared to 37.6 percent who oppose it. The poll, conducted by Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, also found: Read it all. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 6, 2009. |
This was written by Daniel Tauber. It appeared today in the
American Thinker
On the eve of former U.S. Senator George Mitchell's mission to Israel as U.S. envoy in the aftermath of Israel's recent anti-terror Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, a Palestinian Authority military court in Hebron sentenced a former member of the Palestinian Authority presidential security service, Force 17, to death for the crime of collaborating with Israel in anti-terror operations. In two other instances, in April and July of 2008, a Palestinian Authority court in Jenin sentenced three other Palestinian-Arabs to death for collaborating with Israel as well. According to Human Rights Watch, Palestinian Authority courts have sentenced at least 11 Palestinian-Arabs to death in 2008 alone. Thus, far from fulfilling its obligations to fight terror of its own accord or by cooperating with Israel, the Palestinian Authority punishes, in the worst way possible, those who do. The courts' verdicts recall the extremist policies of the Palestinian Authority once practiced under terror-chief Yasser Arafat. Between 1994 and 2005 (Arafat died in November of 2004), the Palestinian Authority issued 74 death sentences. And this is aside from the numerous other human rights violations under his rule. The issuing of the verdicts by courts of the supposedly moderate Fatah-run side of the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank") also parallel those currently practiced by the Hamas-run side of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza. In July, a Hamas-run Palestinian Authority court in Gaza sentenced a Palestinian-Arab to death for informing Israel of the whereabouts of Palestinian terrorists, later killed by the I.D.F. In fact, during Israel's recent operation in Gaza, Hamas executed over 19 Palestinians and brutally tortured and maimed over 60 others whom Hamas suspected of collaboration with Israel. Just as Israel ceased its operations in Gaza and withdrew its forces Hamas said that its first order of business would be to round up collaborators. In order to be carried-out, death sentences issued by Palestinian Authority courts must be approved by the Palestinian Authority President, currently Mahmaoud Abbas. The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel, an Israeli civil rights and government reform group, wrote to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday, urging them to pressure Abbas not to give his approval. "It is your moral obligation," Legal Forum Director Nachi Eyal wrote, "to clarify to [Abbas] that approving the sentence will have a grave meaning from Israel's point of view." The section of the penal code of the Palestinian Authority which contains the death penalty dates back to 1979, when the Authority was still the Palestinian Liberation Organization, a recognized terrorist group led by Arafat which hijacked airplanes, threw a wheelchair-bound American citizen off the side of a boat into the ocean, killed Israeli athletes in Munich and committed scores of other horrific and murderous acts. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, in a press release regarding the death sentence, argued that the Palestinian Authority's use of the death penalty constituted a violation of international law and called on the Palestinian Authority to enact a "penal code that conforms to the spirit of international human rights instruments." Before newly appointed President Barak Obama and his envoy Senator Mitchell even consider asking Israel to make security concessions which will undoubtedly enable terrorists to attack Israeli civilians and use rockets to shut down entire Israeli cities, they must demand an end to the obvious cause of violence the official approval of terrorism and anti-Israelism and corresponding condemnation of helping Israel fight terrorism. More than asking Abbas to merely not approve death sentences, the U.S. must demand that Abbas pardon the men and remove sections of the Palestinian Authority penal code which criminalize fighting terror in collaboration with Israel. Anything less would leave those convicted with a court approved stigma of evil for doing what the United States has been demanding for years and would serve as a deterrent to those who would otherwise assist Israel in the future. Over the last 8 years, U.S. aid to the Palestinians totaled almost $2.3 billion, hundreds of millions of which went directly to the Palestinian Authority. Ultimately, and more to the root of the problem, the U.S. must seriously reconsider its funding of an organization which executes people for fighting terror in "collaboration" with Israel, names stadiums after homicide bombers or riflemen who target women and children, uses textbooks to promote anti-Semitism to school children, and whose constituency fired rifles in the air in celebration of the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. As former Republican Presidential Candidate Senator John McCain said over and over during the presidential campaign, its time we stopped sending billions of dollars to people who don't like us very much. This includes perhaps more than any other entity which currently receives U.S. aid the Palestinian Authority. Eyal made a similar point in his letter to Olmert and Barak: not only does the execution of collaborators with Israel symbolize a "return to the uncivilized norms that typified the rule of Yasser Arafat," but it "shows that whoever trusts the PA and gives it weapons and armored cars is behaving irresponsibly." Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Jonathan Schanzer, February 6, 2009. |
This was published today as "The Devil We Still Don't Know"
by Jonathan Schanzer in the Jerusalem Post
A Book Review of:
Iran is waging bloody proxy wars throughout the Middle East. The fighting in the Gaza Strip was only the latest example. Yet, a former CIA officer is calling for the US to "take its medicine and sit down at the negotiating table with Iran" and to treat the Islamic Republic "like the power it has become." The problem is not that Robert Baer fails to see that Iran is an aggressor. He knows that Iran seeks to "wear down the United States to the point that it will not want to confront Iran anywhere in the Middle East." He also understands that the US has two options: "either fight in a new 30-year war or come to terms." It's his conclusion, that Iran is "unconquerable even with nukes," that makes Baer look like a washed-up ex-spy who has forgotten which side he's fighting for. He appears comfortable with defeat. The author's conclusions seem to be based on some deadly analytical blunders. The Devil We Know is filled with misleading and apologetic assertions about Iran. Notably, it starts off with the ludicrous claim that Iran has "abandoned both terrorism and [Ayatollah Ruhollah] Khomeini's revolution." Perhaps he does not consider the Iran-funded Hamas's indiscriminate rocket fire into Israel a terrorist tactic. Or maybe he doesn't think it is terrorism when Iranian-funded groups in Iraq detonate bombs to kill and maim Americans. That's not all. The author also claims that the pragmatic and rational Iranians are "trying to convince the Palestinians to abandon pointless suicide attacks against civilians." He states that the rocket attacks are the fruit of this new strategy. Baer could not be further from the truth. The steep drop in suicide bombings is a testament to the security fence erected after the outbreak of the 2000 intifada. Iran's clients, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, in their unquenchable thirst to attack Israel, are now forced to fire rockets from behind the fence. Similarly, Baer claims that the West "needs to realize the Iranians are potentially partners in a Palestinian settlement." He ignores the fact that Iran continued to supply Hamas and Islamic Jihad with rockets, guns and military training during the Oslo peace process of the 1990s. In fact, they were and still are among the deadliest hindrances to regional peace. The next bit of asininity is Baer's claim that the mullahs are a "driving force behind Iran's modernization." In truth, the mullahs' track record of terror and their sponsorship of Hamas and Hizbullah have earned Iran painful economic sanctions from countries around the globe. These well-earned sanctions, in addition to Iran's pariah diplomatic status, have set the country back decades. A frustrating theme throughout the book is supposed "American ignorance." Baer asserts that ignorant Americans "find it nearly impossible to get a grip on Iran... because it's so damned complicated." True, there are nuances to learn about this country. It takes time to learn the complexities of any country. But it's not so "damned complicated" to understand that Iran is an enemy of the United States. Speeches by Iranian leaders inevitably include the mantra "Death to America." And even if you (mistakenly) ignore the 1979 hostage crisis, or the 1995 bombing of the US military barracks in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, there is no ignoring the fact that Iran is undeniably responsible for much of the insurgent violence against US forces that has sent so many of America's youth home without limbs or in caskets. Another theme throughout the book is that Iran is now a "hydrocarbon empire," and that its "dominance in the Middle East is a fait accompli." However, Baer wrote his book when oil was $135 a barrel. Now, oil is in a tailspin at less than $50. The author's argument seems even sillier when he admits that Iran is experiencing an oil shortage and has "half the reserves it claims." More recently, upon the prompting of the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the US Congress, India's Reliance Industries Limited ceased gasoline sales to Iran. There are now only a handful of suppliers remaining who will even work with the mullahs. This doesn't sound like much of a hydrocarbon superpower. There are also factual errors. For example, Baer cites the existence of an al-Qaida affiliate group in Lebanon called "Usbat al-Islam." There is no such group in existence. There's Usbat al-Ansar and there's Fatah al-Islam. Incidentally, Baer wrote about the supposed existence of this group in a May 2007 piece for Time magazine, so this is not just an overlooked fact-check. To give some credit, Baer's grasp of Iranian history, culture, and Shi'a Islam is relatively good. It better be, after running around the Middle East for the CIA. He should also be commended for sketching out some worst-case scenarios of Iranian aggression in the Persian Gulf, Kurdish territories, the Levant and elsewhere. Finally, Baer should be lauded for his criticism of pundits who lump Iran into the same "Islamofacism" camp as al-Qaida. He's right. Iran does approach its war against the West quite differently than the Salafi jihadists. Indeed, there are vast differences between Shi'a and Sunni fundamentalists. Our strategies to counter these two dangerous foes should differ accordingly. Baer's strengths, however, cannot make up for the myriad problems in this book. The Devil We Know falls far short of establishing Baer as "one of the world's foremost authorities in the Middle East," as his book jacket boasts. Baer muses that sometimes spying is simply "a windshield tour of someplace the average American would never dare go." This particular windshield is splattered with bugs. . Jonathan Schanzer, a former US Treasury intelligence analyst, is deputy executive director for the Jewish Policy Center and author of the new book Hamas vs Fatah: The Struggle for Palestine (Palgrave Macmillan) Contact him at jschanzer@jewishpolicycenter.org |
Posted by Richard A. Shulman, February 6, 2009. |
U.S. FAILURE TO STOP TERRORIST FUNDING In two years, the Alavi Foundation donated $50,000-80,000 to the Clinton Library. It generally donates to educational institutions. The second donation came as the heads of the Foundation were indicted for obstruction of justice by destroying documents in a case against their affiliation with the Bank of Iran. The Foundation works closely with Bank Melli, officially designated by the US as financiers of Iran's nuclear program, etc.. However, the courts did not rule strongly against the Alavi Foundation because, although its directors are appointed by the Iranian regime, the prosecution did not prove that they take orders from that regime. The courts' loose interpretation about the Foundation's affiliation allows it to continue financing terrorism directly (Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of How Terrorism Is Financed, in IMRA, 1/13) and also the educational underpinning of Islamism among Muslims and defeatism or appeasement among Americans. We need a careful review of how to stop the financing of Islamism/ AMNESTY INTL. (A.i.) FALSE CAMPAIGN AGAINST IDF White Phosphorus is a legal type of ordnance, used as flares and as smoke screens. A.I. claims that Israel is using it illegally, in civilian areas. It depicts white phosphorus as if napalm. A.I. is pursuing a relentless campaign over this. The IDF denies having used it in Gaza. [The IDF does not target civilians.] On what does A.I. base its claims? On unnamed "researchers" of unstated expertise, on unnamed witnesses, and on innuendo [as it usually does against Israel, some charges having been proved false, as in the Lebanon war]. A.I. did not specify the location of its "observers" and did not make its photos available for independent checking. Observers saw "apparent" flares, but to claim that their use is illegal is itself, unethical. CNN interviewed the head of a US burn center, who explained that from looking at the photos of people who suffered burns, he could determine the cause of the burns. Other so-called humanitarian organizations copy unconfirmed A.I. charges and do not cite sources. [This is a pile-on-the-Jew type of rabble rousing.] Those charges serve to distract attention from the several, definite, deliberate, systematic types of war crimes by which Hamas does most of its fighting. A.I. and the other organizations hardly object to those war crimes (IMRA, 1/13). One can understand Islamo-fascists setting up fake human rights organizations to make antisemitic propaganda. What excuse do western groups have? THE TIMES CAMPAIGNS AGAINST ISRAEL Isabel Kershner starts out with a fact. A fact! She observes that the Israeli politicians gaining voter support from the popularity of combat in Gaza are not the ones who conducted the offensive. The next sentence, however is suggestive and misleading. It largely is editorial: "This is not because Israelis have regrets or have become faint-hearted about the casualties and destruction in Gaza. To the contrary, there appears to have been a shift further to the Right, reflecting a feeling among many voters that an even tougher approach may be required." Sounds logical and innocent. It isn't. It assumes and insinuates. How so? One assumption is that casualties and destruction are bad. False! Casualties of genocidal aggressors are good. Destruction of their military infrastructure is good. What do journalists suppose is the purpose of self-defense, making noise? A related assumption is sympathy for the civilian population. Misguided! This population has been indoctrinated in bigotry. It supports aggression and by terrorism as well as by diplomacy (i.e., deceit). Much of the population is involved in it, in various support roles. It also voted for terrorists, hoping they would destroy Israel. The population cheers the terrorists on when they succeed in killing some Jews. Of all the populations in the world, the western Palestinian Arabs are among the least deserving of sympathy. The NY Times and the other anti-Zionists have been exaggerating the destruction and casualties caused by Israel. That is typical of the media. The destruction is spotty. The Arab deaths, 1,200-1,300, are too few to be called a war. If the newspaper were fair, it would exclaim how low was the casualty rate, thanks to risky Israeli measures to keep it low. It should be chiding Israel for losing innocent Israeli lives to protect Islamo-fascists' lives. All the destruction and casualties are Hamas' responsibility for attacking Israeli civilians, fortifying Gaza civilian areas, and using civilians as human shields, all war crimes. Note that those systematic war crimes received little indignation and attention from the Times, despite the paper's supposed concern for Arab civilians and property. Ostensible humanitarian concern vanishes, when the culprits clearly are Arabs and not Israelis. The concern is a mask for antisemitism. Much of the property damage was caused by Hamas, which stored explosives in many buildings and which planted explosive booby-traps in others. Ms. Kershner imputes it all to Israel and implies it is wrongful. The justice in self-defense eludes her, because she views the conflict through a prism of anti-Zionism. Why should Israelis rue the deaths of Islamo-fascists whose initial goal is genocide? Rather, the Times should have pangs of conscience over facilitating a second genocide, as it did the first Holocaust, by false and misleading reporting. Yes, Israeli voters are shifting to the Right. But they may not be picking right-wing candidates. That is because labels of who is Right, Center, and Left are misapplied. I think the misapplication is deliberate by the media and ignorant by everyone else. The labels are misapplied to Netanyahu and Lieberman. They do talk tough. Sure, they are out of office, wanting in. Rabin, Netanyahu, Barak, and Sharon also talked tough enough to become Prime Minister, then became weak and appeasement-minded. In this campaign, Netanyahu talks about making "practical arrangements" with the P.A. and building up the P.A. economy, preparatory to ceding territory to it. That is no solution. It means greater war. What else could come of giving land and sovereignty to Muslims whose purpose is to conquer Israel? That is not nationalist and not right-wing. Lieberman talks about exchanging territory with the P.A., as if it were entitled to anything. Calling him "hawkish" is just another of the media's misuse of labels and epithets. Genuine nationalist policy would complete the population exchange, begun with an Arab flight from Israel and Arab states' expulsion of their Jews. Nationalism would be to keep the Land without the Arabs. More misleading labels refer to the leaders of the P.A. in Judea-Samaria as "viewed as more moderate and pragmatic than Hamas." Viewed by whom? Viewed by ideological critics of Israel. Why is pragmatism treated here as a virtue, when practiced by people who commit terrorism? I would prefer that they not be practical. If really pragmatic, then Abbas and his Fatah would be all the more dangerous, having more poisoned arrows in their quiver. But are they practical? They let themselves be overthrown easily, in Gaza, because they can't agree, can't plan, can't lead, and can't use foreign aid honestly. "Moderate?" No. They pretend to us to be moderate, all the while riling up their people to an extreme hatred of Israel. Yes, they negotiate. Negotiation by totalitarians and fanatics means seeking extremist military ends by negotiation. The article states that "the government was clear in setting limited goals for the war stopping Palestinian (Arab) militants from launching rockets against Israel...," but the people wanted Hamas destroyed The statement isn't clear. What does "stopping" from launching rockets mean? The government is settling for a promise to stop. Since Islamists lie as much as did the Communists and Nazis, and since Islam praises deceit of the infidels, what good is their promise? The Gaza combat ensued because the Muslims broke their agreement, as they have been doing all along. Therefore, the only way to stop rocket-launching is by destroying Hamas, Fatah, and the other terrorist organizations there and by controlling the Territories and borders so they cannot reorganize and import more rockets. In the long run, the nationalist solution, by getting the Arabs out of there, permanently would prevent rocket-launching from the Territories. According to Kershner, Foreign Min. Livni "took a hard line on Hamas." That's just politics and temporary. One of my sources described Livni and Defense Min. Barak as taking opposite lines in Gaza from their stance on the recent war in Lebanon, for political reasons. Did Kershner not realize that this combat was limited because the regime doesn't want to really protect Israel but to plead for foreigners to protect it? It sent the IDF into Gaza after years of procrastination, in order to curry favor with the irate public, tired of Hamas bombardment. Foreign Min. Livni is campaigning on the idea that any Israeli government that fails to continue negotiating with the P.A. for a "two-state solution" "will find itself in conflict with the new administration in the US." So it might. So what! Let Israel tell the US to stop meddling in Israeli affairs, perpetuating the Arab ability to renew aggression and helping the common jihadist enemy! Unfortunately Netanyahu and Lieberman do want to negotiate. Unfortunately, Netanyahu would strengthen the P.A. first. That would displease the State Dept., impatient for Israel to make fatal concessions to the Arabs. Too bad, but Israelis should govern Israel for Israelis, not for their enemies. There is very little to commend in the Times' reporting on the Arab-Israel conflict. It sides with the enemies of our country and its ally, Israel. For that purpose, it perverts its news columns. Thus it omits half the story and misleads with the rest. Absent much enlightened competition, it gets away with it. We think we have freedom of the press, but it is difficult to get non-Establishment views widely disseminated. Superficiality and prejudice dominate. HOW TO TELL WHETHER ROCKETS SMUGGLED INTO GAZA The Israeli Defense Ministry's of anti-smuggling executive said that once can tell whether rockets were smuggled into Gaza [since the ceasefire] when they are fired. In other words, don't criticize his arrangement for big loopholes in anti-smuggling rules, wait until rockets crash into Haifa. How stupid! (IMRA, 1/10.) Still think that the Israeli government runs intelligently? PM OLMERT ADMITS NOT TARGETING SOME LAUNCHERS He told NATO's Secretary-General that Israel's air force refrained from bombing some rocket launchers because some unidentified people stood nearby. The IDF did not want to chance striking civilians (IMRA, 1/11). The laws of human warfare do not require such restraint. The laws of war require not deliberately striking at civilians; it permits striking at military targets that contribute to the enemy war effort. By withholding fire, the IDF allows Hamas to get away with using human shields and to fire at Israeli civilians, which is inhumane. Even if it fired at Israeli forces, it is unethical of Israel to let it. I think this shows Israeli politicians worried more about public relations and their reputations than the lives of their own people. ABUSE HUMANITARIAN SHIPMENTS Israel approved letting 120 trucks of humanitarian goods go into Gaza. Searching for contraband, Israelis found four trucks to contain military goods such as night surveillance cameras. It turned those trucks back (IMRA, 1/12). Before the recent combat, the media complained that trucks and people were delayed by Israeli inspection, even as those inspections discovered terrorist attempts to smuggle weapons through into Israel. Whatever Israel does, critics complain, regardless of Israeli justification. Critics' indignation is inhumane. RICE'S INCOMPETENCE HELPED HAMAS GET POWER Hamas did not call for elections. Sec. Rice did. She got the US secretly to help finance Fatah's campaign. Hamas won, and got a boost for taking over Gaza. She supported Fatah leader Dahlan, who extorted money from people. She got foreign support for Israel's blockade of Gaza, now denounced internationally. Maybe the US isn't wise enough to interfere effectively (Arutz-7, 1/12). Want one word to describe US foreign policy? "Hubris." CRITICISM OF BAN OF ISRAELI ARAB PARTIES The (leftist, subversive) Abraham Fund criticized the Israeli ban of its major Arab parties. It said the ban would erode "shared living," remove the Arabs from the democratic process, play into the hands of those [Arabs?] who call for boycotting the election, deepen Arab alienation towards the State, and is interpreted as collective punishment. The Fund hopes that the Supreme Court would overturn the ban. The Fund did not discuss the reason for the ban. It supposes that the Arab parties must be immune from accountability for what they may have done to bring the ban upon it (IMRA, 1/13). What they did was subversion. The Court did overturn the ban. The Court is leftist and so is the Fund. The Arabs already are alienated, which is why they pick subversive parties. GOT A JOB IN DUBAI? Dubai employers are canceling a couple of thousand jobs a day. The government cancels the fired workers' visas. Fired workers don't always get the last pay. They are filling up local courts with complaints (IMRA, 1/14). ABBAS NOT POPULAR IN Kuwait At loggerheads, the reigning sheikh and the parliament of Kuwait are at a stalemate. Out of 51 members of parliament, 21 declared Abbas unwelcome, because he did not support Hamas against Israel in Gaza. The 21 are Islamist (IMRA, 1/14). Uh oh! (Not that Abbas is anti-Islamist.) HOW DID COMBAT AFFECT HAMAS' STANDING? It lost much of its infrastructure but not all the bunker tunnels and not all the smuggling tunnels. It lost a fraction of its troops; other terrorist groups lost troops. Hamas remains in charge of Gaza. The population there seems to have lost respect for Hamas leaders, supposedly defiant of death but known to have hidden from Israeli troops. The people, however, think more highly of Hamas, now (IMRA, 1/14). So the Palestinian Arabs of Gaza like Hamas more now that it fought against Israel by means of war crimes that deliberately got more civilians killed and their houses destroyed (on both sides) without having a cause for the war! Not such "innocent civilians," they. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Sulant Knish, February 6, 2009. |
"We know too that whatever our differences, there is one law that binds all great religions together... In Islam, there is a hadith that reads "None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself."
Here is the Hadith in full and uncensored. "Abu Hamzah Anas bin Maalik who was the servant of the Messenger of Allaah reported that the Prophet said: "None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." While Obama might try to pass this off as the Golden Rule, the Hadith mentions "Brother", which means fellow Muslim. Infidels not included. This alternative phrasing of the quote makes that quite clear. Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said "In order to be a Muslim, wish for your fellow Muslims that which you wish for yourself."That's nice for the Muslims, but not so nice for everyone else. But then Muslims have a habit of robbing, raping and killing "everyone else", which is what Obama's National Prayer Breakfast taqia was meant to cover up. Mohammed's remarks as contained in this Hadith is limited strictly to Muslims. Shaykh Abu 'Amr ibn as-Salaah said : And this appears to be something which is difficult/unobtainable, but this is not the case, because its meaning is that the eemaan of one of you is not completed/perfected until he loves for his brother in Islam that which he loves for himself. Key phrase, "his brother in Islam", what Obama is quoting only applies to Muslims. Obama's attempt to pass of an Islamic doctrine commanding loyalty to other Muslims... as some sort of statement of universal brotherhood is disingenuous at best. Or alternatively this interpretation of the Hadith which emphasizes the supremacy of Islamic unity, a lead in to the Caliphate. And some of the 'Ulamaa have said based upon this Hadith that the believer with another believer is like a single soul, That however only scratches the very tip of the iceberg over what the Hadith that Obama used really means. And the intended meaning of "loves for his brother" is those things which are from obedience to Allah, and the permissible matters, as opposed to the evil or Haram matters, The phrasing is naturally clumsy, but the meaning is clear. The Hadith that Obama is citing as the Islamic Golden Rule actually means that showing love for "your brother" means that he should be a good Muslim and follow the Koran. And the Koran has a great deal to say about what should be done to non-Muslims or anyone who defies Islam. It does not mean wishing for his general welfare. It certainly does not mean wishing for the general welfare of non-Muslims, except perhaps that they become Muslims. Consider the following, None of you truly believes unless he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.Do not envy one another; do not inflate prices one to another; do not hate one another; do not turn away from one another; do not undercut one another, but be you, oh servants of Allah, brothers. This all sounds noble and good, except when you consider that the inverse implication of the final sentence, is that the blood, property and honor of non-Muslims is entirely open for the taking to Muslims. And indeed that has been Islamic law and practice. Which makes Obama's misrepresentation of Islamic doctrine that applies only to Muslims all the more pernicious. The entire War on Terror is the product of Muslims viewing non-Muslims or non-believing Muslims as valid targets for murder. The Hadith that Obama quotes inversely reinforces that prejudice by limiting its focus only to Muslims. This sort of deceptive Islamic promotion looks good on billboards, so long as no one pulls back the veil to see what it all really means. Islam is not about peace for all mankind. When Obama insists, "let us remember that there is no religion whose central tenet is hate", he naturally forgets the religion he learned back when his last name was Soetoro. It is a religion built and cemented not only on hate and intolerance for non-Muslims, but on a drive to kill or convert them all across the world. More ominously with his inauguration Obama has been slowly bringing his Muslim background into the open. The National Prayer Breakfast remarks include a description of his father as a Muslim. This parallels Obama's references to his Muslim background in his Al Arabiya outing. The common denominator is that Obama is slowly bringing his Muslim background "out of the closet", and getting people used to it step by step. Contact Sultan Knish at sultanknish@yahoo.com |
Posted by Steven Plaut, February 6, 2009. |
The Jewish Press
Israel is plagued by a leftist "civil rights" organization named the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. It is a far-left anti-Israel advocacy group. Like most "civil rights" groups these days, it is terribly concerned about the human rights of genocidal Islamist terrorists but not very concerned about the human rights of the children of Sderot and Ashdod. Anyway, the ACRI is in the news today because it tried to pull an underhanded dirty trick on 37 prominent law professors, including deans of law schools, in Israel. Haaretz Feb 6, 09 reports that the ACRI approached 37 law dons and announced that it was planning to add their names to a statement denouncing Israel for its "war crimes" in Gaza and its murdering innocent Palestinian civilians. UNLESS the law professor explicitly requested that his or her name NOT be included. In other words, the ACRI has sunk to the level of those junk email spammers who claim they have the right to flood you with spam and use your name UNLESS you have explicitly told them not to. According to the news story in Haaretz, which is not on their web site (yet?), evidently all of the 37 deans and professors who got the "invitation/announcement" from the ACRI asked that their names be removed from the anti-Israel statement. The "invitation" was the initiative of ACRI's own house shyster, one Dan Yakir, and a second shysterette, one Debby Giller-Chio, who heads the ACRI's department on legislation. The statement these two people wrote, and upon which they added the names of the 37 others without bothering to get their permission, called for an investigation into Israeli war crimes against Gazan civilians in the recent Cast Lead operation. In a letter to the 37, the ACRI's lawyers pontificated that "You have the moral and legal responsibility to demand an investigation of these events that led to the developments (deaths of civilians)." This is a bit like demanding an official investigation into the violation of the human rights of Germans by anti-Nazi partisans in World War II. How would the shysters of ACRI like it if someone added their names to petitions to support Avigdor Lieberman, or to impose capital punishment on traitors and terrorists, or to expel Arab politicians from Israel, unless the lawyers explicitly ask not to have their names added to the list? Among those going public in demanding that their names be removed from the bash-Israel letter were Prof. Yoav Dotan, Dean of Law at the Hebrew University, the Dean of Law from Bar Ilan University Arie Reich, and the Dean of Law from the Academic College of Kiryat Ono Dodi Schwartz. Dotan complained that ACRI has a long track record of falsely claiming to be the automatic representative of academic legal opinion. Lest anyone be misled by its harmless sounding name, the ACRI is a pro-terror anti-Israel extremist group. Here are some older postings about the ACRI: Bias at the "Association for Civil Rights in Israel"
INN today carries a news report on yet another one-sided biased "report" coming out of the misnamed Association for Civil Rights in Israel or ACRI. The "Association" is for Civil Rights for everyone except Jews. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is an anti-democratic extremist group that does not endorse free speech. ACRI, like B'tselem, Physicians for Human Rights and many other assorted splinter far-left, anti-Israel, pro-PLO groups in Israel, pretends it is nothing more than a neutral human rights watchdog but this is an Orwellian lie. (B'tselem by the way distributed a special brochure this week via Haaretz in which it claims to prove that Gaza is still "occupied" by Israel because Israel refuses to let the Hamas import weapons freely at the entrance points into the Gaza Strip. Importing explosives now THERE is a human right B'tselem can get all indignant over.) Its latest "report" is a one-sided attack on the Jews in Hebron. As usual. the ACRI just can't seem to locate any acts of violence against Jews by Arabs. And self-defense is definitely not a civil right of Jews in the eyes of ACRI. ACRI is an extremist anti-Israel group that only cares about "human rights" when "defending them" is part of delegitimizing Israel (such as in this case). It has never heard of a human right for Jews not to be murdered by terrorists. Think I am exaggerating? The president of ACRI, Sami Michael, best known for romanticizing communism, was cited in Haaretz (Oct 21, 2004) as justifying Palestinian terror attacks against Jewish Israelis. Here are his words as quoted by Haaretz: Michael understands the Hamas members who are fighting these Jews, who stuck a wedge down their throats. In an interview published in the latest issue of New Horizons, a monthly on society and the state published by the Berl Katznelson Foundation, Michael rejects the definition of Hamas fighters as "terrorists." "Imagine the feeling if I woke up tomorrow and saw this neighborhood, which we inhabit, forcibly conquered by the Syrians, and they established settlements here, and in order to go to the bus station, I needed permission from the Syrian army. How would I feel?" the author from Haifa asked. "If I fight them, I will be considered a terrorist. Why am I a terrorist? Why do we call Hezbollah or Hamasniks terrorists? Why? Because he fights on his own territory? Suddenly, aliens, occupiers, land on him and tell him: "Your house is ours. It's his land, he and his forefathers were born here, and the settlers say: We will never leave ... How would you respond to this?" A few years back, I approached ACRI and offered them an opportunity to defend free speech in Israel and prove they support human rights for all, even for those who might disagree with their leftist extremist ideology. As you may know, I am being sued in a harassment SLAPP** "libel suit" by a leftist extremist lecturer at Ben-Gurion University because I dared to criticize his political opinions and his public political behavior. The lecturer in question (Neve Gordon) served, for example, as a human shield for Yasser Arafat while Arafat was hiding in his offices the murderers of an Israeli cabinet minister and other terrorists, all this in order to interfere illegally with an Israeli anti-terror military operation. The suit is clearly nothing more than an anti-democratic assault on free speech by a leftist extremist who thinks it is a crime to criticize him. So, I contacted ACRI and asked them to take up my case and denounce the Ben-Gurion extremists' tactic of trying to use SLAPP litigation as a bludgeon to suppress free speech for non-leftists. There can be no clearer opportunity for those who value free speech as a human right to denounce such misuse of the courts as this case. I invited ACRI to help defeat this cynical move by the leftist extremist in question, Neve Gordon of the political science department at Ben-Gurion University. The liberal Prof. Alan Dershowitz that "Neve Gordon has gotten into bed with neo-Nazis, Holocaust justice deniers, and anti-Semites. He is a despicable example of a self-hating Jew and a self-hating Israeli." In response, I got a peremptory refusal from a spokesperson for ACRI. They are not interested in defending free speech for Zionists. ** SLAPP stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. SLAPP suits are anti-democratic libel suits designed to suppress the free speech of one's critics. "Association for Civil Rights in Israel Isn't"
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is an anti-democratic extremist group that does not endorse free speech. ACRI, like B'tselem, Physicians for Human Rights and many other assorted splinter far-left, anti-Israel, pro-PLO groups in Israel, pretends it is nothing more than a neutral human rights watchdog. This is an Orwellian lie. ACRI is an extremist anti-Israel group that only cares about "human rights" when "defending them" is part of delegitimizing Israel (such as in this case). It has never heard of a human right for Jews it wishes to defend, such as their right not to be murdered by terrorists. Think I am exaggerating? A few months back, I approached ACRI and offered them an opportunity to defend free speech in Israel and prove they support human rights for all, even for those who might disagree with their leftist extremist ideology. As you know, I am being sued in a harassment SLAPP* "libel suit" by a leftist extremist lecturer at Ben-Gurion University because I dared to criticize his political opinions and his public political behavior. The lecturer in question served, for example, as a human shield for Yasser Arafat while Arafat was hiding in his offices the murderers of an Israeli cabinet minister and other terrorists, all this to illegally interfere with an Israeli military operation. The suit is clearly nothing more than an anti-democratic assault on free speech by a leftist extremist who thinks it is a crime to criticize him. So, I contacted ACRI and asked them to take up my case and denounce the Ben-Gurion extremists' tactic of trying to use SLAPP litigation as a bludgeon to suppress free speech for non-leftists. There can be no clearer opportunity for those who value free speech as a human right to denounce such misuse of the courts as this case. I invited ACRI to help defeat this cynical move by the leftist extremist in question, Neve Gordon of the political science department at Ben-Gurion University. In response, I got a peremptory refusal from a spokesperson for ACRI. So when exactly does ACRI protect free speech? Well, I will tell you when. This past November saw a quiet but significant victory in Israel over the treasonous far-left. Some Israeli extremists were operating an Israeli branch of the "Indymedia" web network, which is a network of dozens of Marxist-anarchist web sites all over the world who devote their days to the singing of praises for communism, terrorism, the International Solidarity Movement, violence and anti-Semitism. The one operating out of Israel was famous for its posting messages praising suicide bombers, denying the Holocaust, posting messages mocking Judaism and the Bible and otherwise anti-Semitic harangues, not mere anti-Israel pieces. Its managers claimed they did not pick the pieces and that it is open web publishing where anyone can post trash; but the fact of the matter is that they regularly censored anything on the site that was pro-Israel and deleted it, leaving up the Nazi screeds (at www.indymedia.org.il). In November they ran, alongside their other filth, a cartoon showing Ariel Sharon French-kissing Hitler. Some people were outraged and filed a petition with the Attorney General to shut the site down. It has been successfully shut down ever since, evidently thanks to a court order; although recently, a new substitute site just opened at israel.indymedia.org (you might want to stop in to post some pro-Israel material there to annoy them). For months, ever since the original Israel Indymedia web site was shut down, its URL carried a message in English and Hebrew from this same ACRI protesting the shutting down of this suicide-bombing-cheerleader web site. I guess ACRI supports free speech only for leftist traitors... * SLAPP stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. SLAPP suits are anti-democratic libel suits designed to suppress the free speech of one's critics. "Far Left Group 'Documents' Israeli Racism"
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) is a far leftist propaganda group that has just released a report allegedly documenting a skyrocketing rate of "racism" among Israeli Jews against Arabs, in addition to discovering that Israel is a generally oppressive society. The first point to be made is that nothing coming from ACRI is credible and everything from it should be dismissed as misleading and skewed. ACRI is not a reliable source about anything. The second point is that the same survey supposedly collected for ACRI asked no questions about Arab racism against Jews. How curious. The third point is that none of the questions supposedly indicating growing Jewish "racism" have anything at all to do with racism or bigotry. ACRI claims to discern an increase of 26% in anti-Arab "incidents" in Israel, although it offers no evidence that any of these "incidents" are really racist. It claims a 100% increase in anti-Arab "hatred" among Jews but does not say how it measures this "hatred." From the mediareports about the study, ACRI evidently measures this alleged racism based on the proportion of Jews who want to condition welfare benefits, social perks (like tuition vouchers), and income subsidies on army service. This is racist, insists the ACRI. Never mind that every other nation on earth gives its army vets such benefits, or that no one is stopping any Arabs from serving in the Israeli army and getting the same veteran benefits, or that in any case such a policy would "penalize" Orthodox yeshiva students no less than Arabs. Many of the indicators of "oppression" used in the ACRI study are meaningless, political biased, and have even less to do with ethnic disparities. For example, the report bewails a drop in the number of hospital beds in Israel per 1,000 population (still among the world's highest rates), a drop having nothing to do with racism and everything to do with fiscal cuts and budgetary constraints. ACRI also finds evidence of "oppression" in the structural reforms that Israel's minister of justice is pursuing. It would be "repressive," believes ACRI, for an elected cabinet minister to prevent unelected judges from just making up laws and "rights" as they go along in court. The report cries crocodile tears about the hiring of workers via employment agencies rather than as direct employees of companies and business. But there is nothing at all "oppressive" in this; in fact, it's downright beneficial, as thousands of unemployed people are able to find jobs through manpower agencies. The ACRI study finds that fully half the Jewish public takes a negative view of exact equality between Jews and Arabs. This is amusing, of course, because the left opposes exact equality for Arabs when it comes to things like conscription or national service for Arabs. In any case, the wording of the question could be interpreted to mean not legal equality or equal opportunity but equality of results (such as in income homogeneity), a cause beloved by the left and opposed by everyone else. Fifty-five percent of Jews endorse subsidizing Arabs who want to emigrate from Israel, finds the ACRI report, which labels such sentiment racist. Except that 100% of the Israeli Labor Party and the left supports subsidizing Jews to move out of the West Bank, which evidently is not racist. Here's yet another example of Jewish anti-Arab racism in the ACRI report: It turns out Arabs are searched for weapons and explosives at airports more so than Jews. ACRI would prefer a "non-racist non-discriminator" set of security procedures. In short, the ACRI report is a very useful tool for identifying what is not racism, though it will be picked up by every anti-Semitic organization and website on earth to prove that Israel is an "apartheid entity."> The ACRI also has a track record of rallying to support Neo-Nazi Norman Finkelstein: http://frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID= 94D46D9E-C1E5-4CE9-99BF-7C1EF803CADA See the reports on the ACRI carried on the NGO Monitor web site: http://www.ngo-monitor.org/article/association_for_civil_rights_in_israel_acri_ The ACRI has never spoken out against Israel's arbitrary "anti-racist" laws, that criminalize speech for far-Right Kahanist groups but have never been used against Arab or Far Leftist anti-Semitic groups or individuals. The ACRI represents routinely participate in anti-Israel pro-jihad conferences and demonstrations. For details, see NGO Monitor. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 6, 2009. |
In Hebrew this means "no choice." Of course, in electoral terms, there is a choice that is what elections in a democratic state are all about. But it feels very much like "ein breira." And so I needed to follow yesterday's posting with this observation. Israeli law does not permit poll results to be posted in the last days before election. Today the last polls we will see in the media before Tuesday's election appeared. Many show Likud only 2 or 3 mandates ahead of Kadima. This is frightening: altogether too close for comfort. As I said yesterday, if a vote for a small party to the right helps Livni into power, the effort will have been counterproductive. Were Livni to head this nation it would be destructive to a strong and proud Israel. We would have a government of massive confusion and eagerness to make concessions to the PA, a government that ran to please the Obama administration and relinquished our sovereignty for international involvement. Many people I'm speaking to, who were struggling with the issue of which party to vote for, have now stopped struggling. They see this as do I as a "no choice" issue, understanding that Likud must be supported. ~~~~~~~~~~ Last night Likud ran a major rally in Jerusalem. I was not able to attend but have communicated with several savvy people who were there. What I have learned is that the very issues I addressed yesterday were also addressed at that rally. Caroline Glick, who was master of ceremonies at the event, said, very boldly, that she would like to wake up and learn that Netanyahu was president and Moshe Ya'alon Defense Minister. Netanyahu addressed this in his talk: If this is what you want, he said, vote Likud. This is not a guarantee (and I ask, please, no e-mails telling me how you can't trust Bibi), but it may imply that his courting of Barak was more an issue of strengthening the coalition than opting for a unity government. Or, put differently, it may suggest that the fact that this issue was addressed head-on (Glick's statement surely not coming out of the blue) means that Netanyahu has gotten the message: If he wants support, he has to be clearer in what he represents and stop proposing a broadbased government that encompasses the left. That, in fact, was his theme last night: clarity. He used that word repeatedly. I am telling you what I stand for, he was declaring: No dividing Jerusalem, no giving away the Golan, defensible borders, strong Zionist education in the schools, etc. etc. No, he doesn't say no Palestinian state, but if he adheres to these parameters, he is making such a state impossible. He is also very strong on preventing Iran from going nuclear. ~~~~~~~~~~ Commentator Isi Liebler, writing in the Post about why he is supporting Likud, said, "...I would like to believe that like other great politicians who failed in their early efforts at leadership, an older more mature Netanyahu will rise to the occasion and reunite the nation, introduce long overdue social and economic reforms and take steps in concert with other nations to deal with the existential threat from a nuclear Iran. However to achieve this, Likud must obtain sufficient seats in order to minimize the leverage of one dimensional sectoral parties primarily concerned with promoting their own benefits rather than the national interest. This will be determined by the votes we are about to cast." ~~~~~~~~~~ Whatever unease remains, whatever my sadness at not having the opportunity to strengthen the electoral position of the good people of National Union, I remain convinced that Binyamin Netanyahu stands heads and shoulders over Tzipi Livni, and that he understands the essential issues of Zionism and security. As I vote I will pray that Netanyahu honors his positions, and forges a government on the right, and starts to move us in the direction that our nation cries out for. ~~~~~~~~~~ Clarification: Polls show that all the right wing parties combined will pull in about 10 more seats than the left wing parties combined. The longing of the nation is clear. But if the votes on the right are too split primarily because of Lieberman's new strength and Kadima standing alone pulls in more mandates than Likud alone, and if the president asks Livni to attempt to form the new government, and is she is able to lure Shas and Lieberman into her coalition and establish a government, then the longing of the nation will not be heard. This is the weakness of our system. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, February 6, 2009. |
![]() ![]() Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at
freify@netvision.net.il and visit
http://fred343-fredfoolswithfotos.blogspot.com/ |
Posted by Emanuel A., February 6, 2009. |
Those who seek to accuse Israel of "war crimes" for trying to defend herself against various kinds of aggression and acts of terror, are abusing the legal system in order to advocate Genocide against the Jewish people. By trying to make it impossible for Israel to conduct any sort of war in self-defense they: 1. Invite aggressive forces to attack, damage and seek to destroy Israel while Israel is forced to not respond adequately. 2. Make the clear statement that the Jews are not allowed to defend themselves when attacked and must then allow themselves to be killed. This phenomena has been going on for some time and it has already limited Israel's response to terror and missile attack. This has resulted in a large number of Israelis being killed and grievously wounded. Death and maiming could have been avoided had Israel been allowed to respond properly. The absurd behavior of Israel going to outlandish lengths in the present Gaza war is a classic example. Israel has been forced to adopt an unheard of standard of conducting war that guarantees an increase in Israeli casualties. For example: 1. By warning of Israeli air-strikes on Hamas strongholds and weapons depots, they allow Hamas combatants to escape to fight again. 2. By using insufficient artillery and air strikes against enemy positions prior to ground assault, they increase the likelihood of Israeli casualties. "Civilians" in Gaza, Lebanon and other Muslim Arab population centers advocate the destruction of Israel, teach this to their children, and support fighting forces in various ways, so it is not even clear if they are genuinely classified as non-combatants. Those who are calling for investigation of supposed Israeli "war-crimes" should themselves be investigated. They must be arrested, brought to justice, and have their assets seized to limit their ability to lay the groundwork for their Genocidal efforts. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Sultan Knish, February 6, 2009. |
No one does something for no reason, that includes terrorists. An enemy force will use a tactic because it's successful. Which is why there's only way to stop them from reusing that tactic, render it a failure. Terrorists use human shields because the strategy pays off. The enemy has identified a particular weakness in us, we have difficulty causing the deaths of civilians. That is because we're moral and value human life, and they don't. This is a strategic strength when it comes to intelligently deploying troops in a way that spare lives and reduce casualties. The use of Human Shields by terrorists however turns this strength into a weakness, when it protects the terrorists directly through hesitation allowing them to escape, or indirectly through media and public outrage when the human shields are wounded or killed. Each time that happens, and the use of human shields is successful we're insuring that human shields will be used again. It's like paying ransom every time pirates seize your boats. It turns an individual crime into a profitable venture, and creates an entire industry built around it. So too when civilized countries directly or indirectly reward the use of Human Shields, it increases in scope and becomes a vast problem. In Lebanon and Gaza, Hamas and Hizbullah built much of their defensive strategy around placing high priority targets and weapons embedded around facilities such as schools or hospitals, betting that either they would not be bombed, or that bombing them would enable them to pull off a media blitz that would force Israel to withdraw and sign an agreement. Both times their bet paid off. Such tactics were not unprecedented, but nevertheless Hamas and Hizbullah used Human Shields as a defensive strategy on a scope and scale that demonstrated just how vital it had become. Hamas and Hizbullah understood that they could not defeat Israel on the battlefield. The one ace in their deck was the civilian population they could employ both offensively and defensively. While the US had disregarded Saddam's use of Human Shields, rendering it a virtual non-factor by Baathist forces and terrorists Israel failed to do so, and was rewarded with a more extensive use of Human Shields than ever. The problem is that rewarding Human Shields strategies quickly lets terrorists know that they can use entire populations as Human Shields. The more you allow it to succeed, the larger the use of Human Shield grows, as terrorists begin using thousands to protect high value targets. The end result of failing to suppress the use of Human Shields is that soon you're dealing with entire populations turned into Human Shields. And the only real way to put a stop to it, is to cut the Gordian Knot by never allowing Human Shields to be used as a successful strategy in the first place. Once it's already in use, only ruthlessly demonstrating that it is futile, will end it. This will unquestionably carry a severe toll in the lives of non-combatants, but in the end it spares more lives by terminating the Human Shields strategy. Only by demonstrating that the use of Human Shields will not stay our hand, will terrorists stop employing Human Shields in the first place. President Jefferson understood that the cycle of ransom and kidnapping could only be broken by cutting through the pirate's premise, that kidnapping would result in rich rewards, rather than death. Terrorist groups who use Human Shields must get the same message, that this tactic will no longer grant them any special protection. That media outrage will make no difference and that soldiers will do their job regardless of Human Shields. Only then will terrorists begin to see Human Shields as a useless handicap, rather than as a handy defense. And only then will the use of Human Shields and the civilian death toll that results from their use, finally come to an end. Contact Sultan Knish at sultanknish@yahoo.com |
Posted by Mrla, February 6, 2009. |
This is from Carl in Jerusalem on the IsraelMatzav website
and is archived at
There's an astounding article by Philippe Karsenty, the man who exposed the Mohamed al-Dura 'killing' as being (at best) falsely blamed on Israel, in which he rips the covers off his own battle with the Israeli government to expose the al-Dura affair. No, that's not a mistake. I know that Karsenty's court battle was with France 2, but he is still battling the Israeli establishment to try to make it fight media bias (Hat Tip: Ashan). In 2002, when it was still possible to do something immediate, Nissim Zvili was the Israeli ambassador to Paris. He listened courteously but explained to me that he was a friend of Charles Enderlin, the French journalist who narrated the al Dura hoax. [That's actually not surprising. Zvili was chairman of the Labor party and was an old-style Labor politician who believed that the State = the Party. CiJ] In 2006, Zvili was replaced by Daniel Shek, who refused to shake my hand, and later commented on a Jewish radio that I was defending "conspiracy theories." When I asked his colleague in charge of communication at the embassy in Paris, Daniel Halevy Goitschel, why he never returned my phone calls, he responded: "the phone doesn't work at the embassy". We are not even dealing with a lack of support here. On the contrary, I was being sabotaged. When I won the case in May 2008, Yigal Palmor, the spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, said: "Karsenty is a private individual and no one in the Israeli government asked him to take on his battle against France 2. Karsenty had no right to demand that Israel come to his aid. All calls on the Israeli government to come and 'save' him are out of place. He was summoned to court because of a complaint of the French television channel. I don't see where there is room for the Israeli government to get involved." Last December, I went over the evidence with Aviv Shir-On, who now claims to have helped me, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). After two hours he repeated the old MFA refrain, "I'm not convinced". Let's say, for the sake of generosity, that Shir-On is just one more timid defender of Israel, so afraid of what "others" might say, that even the judgment of an independent (and hardly well-disposed) French court in favor of his own country, does not give him the courage to speak. So even though I won the case, and the new evidence from France 2 sharpens our argument, I could not count on Israeli officials to help move into a counter-attack. Enderlin, humiliated by the court decision, was allowed to bluff his way back to prominence, and recently, in the Gaza war, lead the journalists' attack on the Israeli government. [Please follow " that link and then come back here. CiJ] You would at least think that maybe the Israeli foreign ministry would now appreciate what Karsenty did for us. Sadly indeed stunningly they don't. On January 2009, I met Tsipi Livni, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and asked her about the al Dura story and the lack of reaction of the Israeli officials. Why didn't the State of Israel demand that France 2 admit their blood libel following the court decision? I was stunned by her answer: "Well, it happens that we kill kids sometimes. So, it's not good for Israel to raise the subject again". Keep in mind that's the woman who would become Prime Minister next week. What astounding stupidity! Oh, and for those of you who think we 'won' the media war during Operation Cast Lead, we did better than the last time, but we definitely did not win the media war. Let's return to the Gaza war. Israelis did much better in the media than they did in earlier crises. They were less quick to apologize; much faster to challenge... but only the Palestinians. Heaven forbid, they should challenge a news media that consistently attacked Israeli representatives even as they allowed Palestinian spokesmen to claim anything they wanted, and then repeated those claims to their audiences. Karsenty is correct. If you go to the Fox link above (here it is again), you will see that it's not Israel's foreign ministry that is challenging the France 2 footage in question. Like many Israeli bloggers, last week I signed up for a joint program of the foreign ministry and the absorption ministry that would try to use bloggers as front-line warriors in the country's public relations battle. Approximately 1,000 bloggers signed up. So far, all that has happened is that they have asked us to download a notification mechanism from Giyus.org, which lets us know every time something 'important' happens. But during the war, we weren't getting our information from the foreign ministry. The best and timeliest information I got during the war came from the IDF spokesperson's office, which contacted me directly (not through the media) and asked me to get the word out. Why does the foreign ministry behave like it does? I'm not sure the foreign ministry is interested in winning the media war. For most of the last ten years, the foreign ministry has been under the Left's control, and has often worked at cross-purposes with the government in power and with the interests of the Jewish state. Then again, considering that our current prime minister and foreign minister consider Israel's most important goal to be the creation of a 'Palestinian' state reichlet, maybe the foreign ministry is carrying out the government's orders after all. Contact the poster at mrla26@aol.com |
TRYING TO KILL AN IMPERISHABLE BEAUTY: The Grotesque Joy Of Jihadist Violence Against Israel
Posted by Louis René Beres, February 6, 2009. |
To be sure, it is time to call all things by their correct names. Just as Israel seeks to bring great beauty into the world, its sanguinary Islamist enemies thrive reciprocally upon violence and horror. Contrary to what is generally reported in the media, there is absolutely nothing basically political or purposeful about their fevered campaign of Jihadist war, cowardice and brutality. Their true objective is plain for all to see. It is for the sheer and ecstatic joy of bringing incommunicable pain and utter extermination to Jews. Significantly, for these murderers masquerading as "militants," the means and ends of Jewish bloodletting are entirely indistinguishable. Why is this so difficult to understand at BBC, CNN and other disingenuous purveyors of falsity and contrivance? In Iran, as in Gaza, undisguised threats to annihilate Israel are even a perverse balm for manipulated majorities. Were it not for that country's determined capacity to inflict existential harms, these genocidal threats would not be all that serious. But Tehran's ascent to full membership in the Nuclear Club is now less than two years away, and such membership will likely coincide with an Iranian leadership belief in the Shiite apocalypse. This suggests that Jerusalem may soon have to face not only Palestinian suicide-bombers, but also the suicide bomber in macrocosm. The true goal of Israel's myriad Islamist enemies, not only the goal expressed so openly by Iran, is always extermination. Even in a world that has now grown comfortable with every conceivable form of slaughter, Israel remains the object of glaringly new kinds of crimes against humanity. In the bitterest of ironies, an ancient nation that was ingathered to prevent another Holocaust has now become the dominant focus of yet another "final solution." Even more ironic, the rest of the world is not merely indifferent to newly impending crimes against humanity directed at Jews, but at least in large numbers shamelessly sympathetic to the prospective exterminators. So, what else is new? For us Jews, it must seem, yet again, that there is nothing new under the sun. Looked at more broadly, the goal of Israel's enemies, especially Iran and the nascent Palestinian state, is to be left standing while Israel is made to disappear. For these irremediable enemies of a Jewish state, there can be no coexistence of any kind. Never. This is because their own enjoyment of the world, and also their own survival, presumably require Israel's extinction. Soon, the new president of the United States, Barack Obama, will soberly and seriously extol the virtues of the same old twisted cartography that is, the so-called "Road Map" to peace in the Middle East. Yet, like the Oslo Agreements that preceded it, this stillborn plan is premised on Israel's acceptance of land for nothing. Asymmetrical international agreements always miss an important point: International law is not a suicide pact. Under the longstanding customary rule of "anticipatory self-defense," Israel still has every right to strike first at developing Iranian nuclear infrastructures. Further, to undertake such a preemption could become more than a legal right. It could even become a distinct obligation, not only to the imperiled people of Israel, but also to the most elementary expectations of civilized international relations. If anticipatory self-defense remains operationally possible (a problematic determination at this point), Jerusalem should not be inhibited by smug assurances of alternative protections from the "international community." Here, for Israel to decline an operationally plausible preemption, could be nothing less than an implicit acknowledgment that international law may expressly defile international justice. It must surely be a fatal mistake for Israel to believe that Reason and Justice govern the world. It must be an unforgivable error for Israel to project its own Western, rational and humane sentiments upon its most relentless and barbarous foes. As I have pointed out so often here in The Jewish Press, it would be a life risk for Israel to seek to remain standing by clinging foolishly to glaringly false promises and manifestly false hopes. It is always an error for Israel to fashion policies upon deeply unwarranted assumptions. Whether in Gaza, West Bank (Judea/Samaria) or Tehran, Israel's Jihadist enemies wish to kill Jews primarily because such murder is felt to be a deeply sacred obligation. For these enemies, killing Jews is an authentic expression of religious sacrifice, and one that will confer precious immunity from personal death. Could there be any greater incentive to plan the next genocide of Jews? This idea of death as a zero-sum commodity "I kill you; I therefore remain alive forever" has been explained in some of the finest psychology literature. For example, it is captured perfectly in Ernest Becker's paraphrase of Nobel Laureate Elias Canetti: "Each organism raises its head over a field of corpses, smiles into the sun, and declares life good." Shouldn't this idea be especially obvious to us, to the Jewish People? Isn't it time that Israel finally understand what Otto Rank had revealed so courageously in Will Therapy and Truth and Reality: "The death fear of the ego is lessened by the killing, the Sacrifice, of the other; through the death of the other one buys oneself free from the penalty of dying, of being killed." Israel's enemies, in order to remain standing and to prevent Israel from standing up seek tosacrifice the Jewish State on a bloodstained altar of war and terrorism. The idea ofsacrifice, therefore, is absolutely central to understanding what is now happening in the Middle East. The planned genocidal destruction of Israel is integrally part of a system of religious worship that is oriented toward the conquest of personal death. Present-day Israel should not glibly ignore 4,000 years of Jewish history and world politics. The true source of global influence is always power, and the greatest expression of raw power is always the conquest of death. For the president of Iran, and for the proposed criminal government of executioners now battling each other for control in some future Palestinian state, killing Jews indeed, killing Israel itself offers an incomparable fusion of private ecstasy and personal survival. These sworn enemies of Israel are much more than dimly aware that in killing Jews and in killing Israel, theywill have killed their own death. For the Islamist "martyr," whether as a terrorist individual or as a murderous individual writ large (i.e. the state of Iran), killing Jews and the constituted Jewish State is the optimal way of affirming life. For this hideous "lover of death," nothing can be more important than overcoming personal mortality. Only when Israel learns to acknowledge and appreciate this particular enemy perception will that country finally understand its overriding obligation to stay alive. To fulfill this sacred obligation, Israel should combine a determined willingness to preemptively destroy Iran's now nearly complete engines of atomic annihilation (a willingness spawned in part by the persistent refusal of the United States to itself exercise this expression of anticipatory self-defense) with a clear and parallel determination to resist any further territorial withdrawals from Judea/Samaria. The People of Israel are entitled to live securely on this land without constant threats of intimidation and also of dispossession issued by their own leaders. The intolerable security costs to Israel of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Gaza "disengagement" are now visible for all to see. To the extent that Hamas in Gaza, continues to closely collaborate with al-Qaeda (a portentous collaboration that has been all but ignored during Israel's ongoing Gaza operation), these costs will soon also have to be borne by citizens of the United States. Although still largely unreported, Hamas has already begun to allow al-Qaeda elements to fashion certain WMD terror weapons for strategic use in New York, London, Washington, and against other selected "crusader" targets in the West. Israel can bring great and unparalleled beauty into the world, but only if the so-called "community of nations" can first understand the following: Israel is the canary in the mine; it is the civilized world's first line of defense against the Jihadist flood of medieval barbarism and voluptuous carnage. To continue to believe that suicide bombers and suicide states somehow have a proper place in our world would only repre Louis René Beres lectures and publishes widely on Israeli security matters. His work is well known in both the Israeli and American political, military and intelligence communities. Professor Beres was Chair of "Project Daniel," and is the author of ten major books on international relations and international law. He is Strategic and Military Affairs columnist for The Jewish Press. |
Posted by Avodah, February 06, 2009. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This was written by Paul L. Williams, Bos Smith and Michael Travis.
It appeared in New Media Journal
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By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza. The "presidential determination" which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February More.. 4. President Obama's decision, according to the Register, was necessitated by "the urgent refugee and migration needs" of the "victims." Few on Capital Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006. The charter for Hamas calls for the replacement of the nation of Israel with a Palestinian Islamic state. Since its formation in 1994, Hamas has been responsible for hundreds of terrorist attacks, including the 2002 Passover suicide bombing. The leaders of the movement signed the World Islamic Statement of 1998 a document, penned by Osama bin Laden, which declared war on America and Israel. President Obama's executive order is expected to bring hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, many with ties to radical Islam, to our shores, furthering a process that was inaugurated in 1995 by Senator Ted Kennedy and the Cedar-Hart bill. THE OPEN GATE In 1965, Allah in His mercy raised up Senators Ted Kennedy and Edward Celler to initiate changes in the immigration law that made it possible for millions of Muslims to make their way to the New World as the Christian Europeans had done in the early years of the 20th Century. The Cedar-Hart bill, which was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on October 3, 1965, abolished the national-origin quotas that had been in effect since 1924. In the spirit of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it barred discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion, or national origin. America, by fiat of liberal secular humanists, was to be become a multicultural country a country severed from its Judeo-Christian roots. Remaining cognizant of the common roots as the American people, our legislative had enacted stringent laws pertaining to immigration and naturalization. The Naturalization Act of 1790 stipulated that "any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States" The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prohibited Chinese families from immigrating to the United States. The Immigration Act of 1907 reorganized the states bordering Mexico (Arizona, New Mexico and a large part of Texas) into Mexican Border District to stem the flow of immigrants into the U.S. The Immigration Act of 1924 further limited the number of new immigrants by the establishment of a stringent quota system. The number of newcomers was now limited to 2 percent of each nationality who lived in the country not in 1924 but in 1890. The reliance of this legislation on the ethnic composition of the country before the turn of the century guaranteed that the majority of new arrivals would be from Northern Europe. Since few Italians and Eastern Europeans lived in the U. S. in 1890, the quotas for these nationalities became fixed at marginal rates and the number of new immigrants from "undesirable" regions greatly reduced. The following chart shows the effects of this legislation:
It is hard to conceive of an act of Congress that could be more culturally biased than the Immigration Act of 1954 and yet it received nearly unchallenged bipartisan support. Yet The New York Times editorialized: "The country has a right to say who shall and who shall not come in. . . . The basis of restriction must be chosen with a view not to the interest of any group or groups in this country . . . but rather with a view to the country's best interests as a whole."1 In 1952, The McCarran Walter Immigration Act affirmed the national-origins quota system of 1924 and limited total annual immigration to one-sixth of one percent of the population of the continental United States in 1920, or 175,455. The act exempted spouses and children of U.S. citizens and people born in the Western Hemisphere from the quota. THE KENNEDY PROMISE But, in 1965, Kennedy and company viewed such legislation as pig-headed and prejudicial. Few elected officials, Senator Sam Ervin of North Carolina being one of the exceptions, dared to disagree with them. Championing the Celler-Hart bill, which called for the abolished all quotas, Kennedy, being far from prescient, said: "Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any other country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia. . . The charges I have mentioned are highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the obligation of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage."2 Forty years after Senator Kennedy made this pledge, Dean Steven Gillon of the Honors College at Oklahoma University assessed the results of the 1965 Immigration Act by noting: "The U. S. added at least 40 million immigrants after 1965. Before 1965, 95 percent of the new immigrants had come from Europe. After 1965, 95 percent came from the Third World. The 1965 act has transformed American society and had consequences exactly the opposite of what we were promised."3 In his speech before Congress, Senator Kennedy had said; "Our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually." The level of immigration, he swore, would remain substantially same as it was in 1965 156,700. This, too, proved to be woefully incorrect. The present immigrant rate exceeds 1.5 million annually. Noting this, Pat Buchanan writes: The 1965 Cedar-Hart bill was the greatest bait-and-switch in history. Americans were promised one result, and got the opposite result that they had been promised would never happen. They were misled. They were deceived. They were swindled. They were told immigration levels would remain roughly the same and the ethnic composition of their country would not change. What they got was a Third World invasion that is converting America into another country.4 From 1965 to the present, more than half of all the immigrants to America from the Middle East and Asia have been Muslim with radical ideologies.5 Malcolm is surely smiling in his grave, for he had written: As the Christian Crusade once went East, now the Islamic Crusade is going West. With the East Asia closed to Christianity, with Africa rapidly becoming converted to Islam, with Europe rapidly becoming un-Christian, generally today it is accepted that the 'Christian' civilization of America which is propping up the white race around the world is Christianity's remaining strongest bastion. Well, if this is so if the so called 'Christianity' now being practiced in America displays the best that the world Christianity has to offer no one in his right mind should need any much greater proof that very close at hand is the end of Christianity. Are you aware that some Protestant theologians, in their writings, are using the phrase "post-Christian" era and they mean now? Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Mrla, February 6, 2009. |
From "The One-State Solution"
By Muammar Qaddafi Tripoli, Libya www.nytimes.com/2009/01/22/opinion/22qaddafi.html?_r= 1&em=&pagewanted=print "Although it's hard to realize after the horrors we've just witnessed, the state of war between the Jews and Palestinians has not always existed. In fact, many of the divisions between Jews and Palestinians are recent ones. The very name "Palestine" was commonly used to describe the whole area, even by the Jews who lived there, until 1948, when the name "Israel" came into use." This comes from the Elders of Ziyon website and is archived at
Arab and Muslim attacks against Jews, 1907-1915 I recently posted events from the American Jewish Yearbook of 1914-15 showing that the frequent claim that Jews and Arabs lived together in peace before Israel is a lie. It turns out that the American Jewish Committee has all their yearbooks archived on-line, and they are an exceptional resource for historical research. Here are the major events I found in those yearbooks of the friction between Arabs/Muslims and Jews in the years before the Balfour Declaration. 1907: The Kabyles near Casablanca, Morocco, revolted,because the harbor works were in the hands of the French and because a Frenchman was appointed Director of Customs. A French battleship bombarded the town to oppose the attacks of the Moors upon the town, and the Arab tribes in turn attacked the 6000 Jews in the Mellah, killing 30, wounding 60, violating many women, carrying off 250 young women and girls. The Jewish quarter was ruined, and more than half the Jewish population fled to Tangier, Ceuta, Gibraltar, and elsewhere. 1908: On the representation of the Consistory of Jerusalem the Grand Vizier of Turkey promised the Jews of Sanaa, in Yemen, full protection against attacks by Arabs to which they were subjected. 1909: February: In Hebron, where out of a total population of 18,000 about 2000 are Jews, the Arabs decide to boycott Jewish merchants. 1910: Community fearing attack by Arabs, telegraphs to Chief Rabbi in Constantinople, who makes representations to Minister of Interior. Latter sends energetic instructions to Governor at Haifa to prevent any disorders. June 10: Jewish community, Haifa, brings action against editor of Arab newspaper El Carmel for continued anti-Semitic attacks. Defendant acquitted. September 22: Jews forced to leave Yemen (Arabia) to avoid conversion to Mohammedanism. 1911: April 28: Bedouins set fire to synagogue at Tschebel (Tripoli, Barbary), entirely destroying building, which contained valuable old manuscripts and books. June 2: "Blood accusation" agitation in Turkey. Damascus paper El Muktaber charges abduction of Mohammedan child and publishes alleged confession by Jews. Chief Rabbi appeals to Government, which institutes criminal proceedings against editor of that paper. June 4: Chief Rabbi, Turkey, receives telegrams from several places in Arabia and Syria, giving particulars of attacks made on Jews. Government takes precaution. June 9: Report of attack by Bedouins on Jewish colonies, in vicinity of Nazareth and elsewhere; Chief Rabbi complains to Grand Vizier and Minister of Interior. September 23: Arabs assault about sixty worshippers at religious service on Rosh Hashanah at Wailing Wall. September 25: Forty-two Jews flee from Tripoli to Malta. 1912: Feb. 2: Serious conflict between Jewish colonists in Palestine and the Arabs reported. Three colonists said to have been killed and seven wounded. May 3: Anti-Jewish disturbances in Yemen. Several Jews murdered. 1913: December: At Smyrna, two young Jewesses of seventeen and nineteen years abducted from their homes, to be converted to Mohammedan faith. Authorities refuse to restore them despite protests of Haham Bashi. AUGUST (Yemen): Government permits organization of judicial tribunals exclusively of Arabs; this action victimizes Jews who may be falsely accused, as testimony of two Arab witnesses suffices to secure condemnation. Jew ill-treated and left half dead in roadway because he submitted successful bid when invited to exchange large sum of money for Government. Complaint of Jew unavailing. Heads of Jewish community imprisoned for disobeying edict ordering them to clean streets, no matter what their social status. October (Yemen): Further cruelties of the Imam, spiritual head of Yemen, toward Jews reported. Jews denounced for alleged trading in intoxicating drinks promptly punished without investigation of the charges. August. Bedouins attack colony of Rehobot, killing one colonist and wounding several others. Rehobot vineyards penetrated by villagers from Zernuka, who kill Jewish student. November. At colony of Kinneret two Jewish watchmen murdered by Arabs. December. Near Tiberias, two colonists killed and several injured by Arabs. 1914: January. At Hebron, Jewish storekeepers are boycotted by Mohammedan women. April. Minister of Interior removes Governor of Tiberias on complaint of Chief Rabbi of his laxity in protecting the Jews against Arab attacks. May. Minister of Interior orders officiais in Palestine to repress all anti-Jewish manifestations. Chief Rabbi waits on Minister of Interior and reads to him two violent articles in Arab journal Palestine, and warns him that any disorders that might result therefrom would create bad impression abroad. 1915: April: Merchavia, colony near Tiberias: Conflict between Jews and Arabs; two Jews killed. Athlit: Klein, an American Jew, killed. It should be noted that the Ottoman leaders generally took Jewish complaints seriously and would, for example, close down anti-semitic newspapers (temporarily) or arrest people who were inciting against Jews. But the Arabs throughout their lands were always antipathetic towards their Jewish neighbors. It is also important to note that the Arab attacks against Jews, while numerous, did not come close to those happening in Europe at this time. (Also, for those who want to check it out themselves: a Yearbook is for the previous year, so the events of the 1914-1915 yearbook are from 1913-1914. I think I got them all right but might be off by a year in some of the events listed above.) Contact the poster at mrla26@aol.com |
Posted by Boris Celser, February 6, 2009. |
This was posted yesterday by Bill Levinson on IsraPundit
The British National Party came to our (favorable) attention via "The Stoning," which was posted by rockchickhoney at YouTube. Love and support a free Iran, love, support and respect the troops, love and support Israel, vote BNP if you are British. Islamic extremists and illegals should be deported. Our great countries are being contaminated with filth and we are all in danger of losing our freedom. Fight this menace!! Check out my video exposing CAIR and click on the link provided. If you're a Jew hater, get the **** off my channel. Jews are our friends, Islam is the enemy!! The British National Party was once a racist and anti-Semitic organization that, at least according to Wikipedia, engaged in Holocaust denial. Under the leadership of Nick Griffin, however, its focus has changed to support of Israel and opposition to Islamic supremacy. In "Nationalism and Israel," the BNP acknowledges its past promotion of anti-Semitism, recognizes it as a self-destructive mistake, and identifies the real enemy in no uncertain terms. The BNP has moved on in recent years, casting off the leg-irons of conspiracy theories and the thinly veiled anti-Semitism which has held this party back for two decades. The real enemies of the British people are home grown Anglo-Saxon Celtic liberal-leftists who seek to destroy the family as the building blocks of society and impose multiculturalism on a reluctant indigenous population and the Crescent Horde the endless wave of Islamics who are flocking to our shores to bring our island nations into the embrace of their barbaric desert religion. In addition, a Google search on site:bnp.org.uk and "Jews" does not produce vicious anti-Semitic material, in contrast to searches on site:moveon.org and "Jews" (in 2006) and site:my.barackobama.com and "Jews" (2008). The searches on site:bnp.org.uk and "Jews" often turn up unequivocal condemnations of anti-Semitism instead, along with condemnations of Israel's enemies that make Likudniks look like Kumbaya-singers. This at least opens the possibility of collaboration with the BNP against the common enemy of Civilization, and positive influence to remove the last vestiges of racialism from the BNP. We can appeal to the writings of Rudyard Kipling for the latter objective. The BNP and Anti-Semitism: A Response to the Board of Deputies adds unequivocal condemnation of anti-Semitism: The BNP has made its position clear many times. We are not 'Zionists', our overall concern is to look after the interests of our own country, and not to bother ourselves with or interfere in the affairs of other nations. But we have repeatedly denounced the neo-Nazi cranks who infest the fringes of British politics, and we reject anti-Semitism as part of a dangerous and outdated cycle of last-century hostility between Jews and Gentiles a hostility that can only benefit our mutual enemy, Islamic imperialism. Loyal British Jews are our natural allies in the fight against the Islamic fundamentalists who want to destroy the Western civilisation so many of whose core values we hold in common. We do not agree with the BNP's opposition to interracial marriage, but it is hard to condemn the BNP while many Jews oppose intermarriage with Gentiles: When the Chief Rabbi a few years ago wrote a book entitled "Will Our Grandchildren Be Jewish?" he articulated precisely the same concern that we have for the future of our people in the same overcrowded multi-cult nightmare that threatens traditional Jewish and British identities alike. Just because a Jew wants to preserve and celebrate his ancestral culture and identity doesn't make him a 'hater' of Gentiles, and nor does our wanting to preserve and celebrate our ancestral culture and identity make us 'haters' of Jews, or any other ethnic group for that matter. Furthermore, it seems that British anti-Semitism is to be found elsewhere than the BNP: In London there is a particular problem 'Red Ken'. One Jewish BNP supporter puts it like this:- The BNP also shares our view of the Third World, as shown by The Muslim march the BBC didn't let you see The violence broke out as the largely Third World mob marched to the Israeli embassy, burned Israeli flags and hurled missiles including signs, crowd control barriers and fireworks at police officers. Note that this piece does not even attempt to morally equate Israel and Palestinians; instead, it denounces non-assimilable Third World immigrants as the human refuse they are. Here, meanwhile, is what "Nationalism and Israel" has to say about Hezbollah terrorists. These so called 'Nationalists' that attack Israel at the whim of the media can also be found standing shoulder to shoulder with Far Left activists, Communists, the United Nations and various repugnant Islamic terrorist groups, and yet never seem to think about the logic of them doing so. Any ' alliance' that involves nationalists agreeing with the media and communists etc is based either on stupidity or a misunderstanding of the nature of the issue. They should start understanding the future, instead of navel gazing into the past. The BNP not only does not say that Jews control the media, it denounces this statement as "lunatic fringe" material. On the other hand, MoveOn.org's disgraced Action Forum and my.barackobama.com both contained numerous Web pages about Jewish control of the media. The article continues to support (in the future, as it was written in 2006), Israel's recent Gaza campaign. As a Nationalist I can say that I support Israel 100 % in their dispute with Hezbollah. In fact, I hope they wipe Hezbollah off the Lebanese map and bomb them until they leave large greasy craters in the cities where their Islamic extremist cantons of terror once stood. The 21st Century is the Islamic Century. Unless we start to resist the threat of Islamic extremism then within 100 years the West will have become Eurabia. We have made the same argument here, and we added Sir Arthur Harris' observation that, as the Nazis sowed the wind with their own terror bombing campaign, they had to reap the whirlwind. We therefore contend that it is worthwhile to at least approach the British National Party with an alliance that would include the deployment of military-grade propaganda to expose the menace of militant "Islam." We would also propose to the BNP an idea that would move it into the political mainstream while eliminating all vestiges of racial politics. The basic idea is that a person's merit is defined by his or her culture as opposed to race or ethnicity. A person of Euro-American culture, such as a Hindu, Sikh, African-American, or Japanese, is "one of us" while a person of Islamic supremacist culture is "one of them." This was clearly recognized by Rudyard Kipling, in an era when it was socially acceptable to be racist: With 'is mussick on 'is back, Kipling's protagonist therefore acknowledges that it is Gunga Din's behavior (tending the wounded under fire) and not his race (dark-skinned Asian Indian) that defines him as a man, and in fact a better one than the light-skinned British soldier who often abused him. The same idea comes through in Ballad of East and West: OH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, In other words, it doesn't matter where you were born, or whether you are white, black, or something in between; your behavioral choices define you. Were the BNP to adopt this position, we think its political fortunes would improve very rapidly. Boris Celser is a Canadian. Contact him at celser@telusplanet.net |
Posted by Emmanuel A. Winston, February 6, 2009. |
President Obama's earlier years were spent learning the mandates of Islam from the Koran in a Muslim Madrassa. Despite his being a Christian, these tenets are starting to emerge. Whether deliberate, subconscious, subliminal or merely biased judgement, Obama seems to believe that Americans and, perhaps, all non-Muslims, have treated the world of Islam unfairly. Charles Krauthammer speaks to this matter. If Obama believes what he just said, then he came to the office of America's President under false pretenses. This article appeared January 30, 2006 in the Wall Street Journal Contact Charles Krauthammer at letters@charleskrauthammer.com |
Every new president flatters himself that he, kinder and gentler, is beginning the world anew. Yet, when Barack Obama in his inaugural address reached out to Muslims by saying "to the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect," his formulation was needlessly defensive and apologetic. Is it "new" to acknowledge Muslim interests and show respect to the Muslim world? Obama doesn't just think so, he said so again to millions in his al-Arabiya interview, insisting on the need to "restore" the "same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago." Astonishing. In these most recent 20 years the alleged winter of our disrespect of the Islamic world America did not just respect Muslims, it bled for them. It engaged in five military campaigns, every one of which involved and resulted in the liberation of a Muslim people: Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq. The two Balkan interventions as well as the failed 1992-93 Somalia intervention to feed starving African Muslims (43 Americans were killed) were humanitarian exercises of the highest order, there being no significant U.S. strategic interest at stake. In these 20 years, this nation has done more for suffering and oppressed Muslims than any nation, Muslim or non-Muslim, anywhere on Earth. Why are we apologizing? And what of that happy U.S.-Muslim relationship that Obama imagines existed "as recently as 20 or 30 years ago" that he has now come to restore? Thirty years ago, 1979, saw the greatest U.S.-Muslim rupture in our 233-year history: Iran's radical Islamic revolution, the seizure of the U.S. Embassy, the 14 months of America held hostage. Which came just a few years after the Arab oil embargo that sent the United States into a long and punishing recession. Which, in turn, was preceded by the kidnapping and cold-blooded execution by Arab terrorists of the U.S. ambassador in Sudan and his chargé d'affaires. This is to say nothing of the Marine barracks massacre of 1983, and the innumerable attacks on U.S. embassies and installations around the world during what Obama now characterizes as the halcyon days of U.S.-Islamic relations. Look. If Barack Obama wants to say, as he said to al-Arabiya, I have Muslim roots, Muslim family members, have lived in a Muslim country implying a special affinity that uniquely positions him to establish good relations that's fine. But it is both false and deeply injurious to this country to draw a historical line dividing America under Obama from a benighted past when Islam was supposedly disrespected and demonized. As in Obama's grand admonition: "We cannot paint with a broad brush a faith as a consequence of the violence that is done in that faith's name." Have "we" been doing that, smearing Islam because of a small minority? George W. Bush went to the Islamic Center in Washington six days after the Sept. 11 attacks, when the fires of Ground Zero were still smoldering, to declare "Islam is peace," to extend fellowship and friendship to Muslims, to insist that Americans treat them with respect and generosity of spirit. And America listened. In these seven years since Sept. 11 seven years during which thousands of Muslims rioted all over the world (resulting in the death of more than 100) to avenge a bunch of cartoons there's not been a single anti-Muslim riot in the United States to avenge the massacre of 3,000 innocents. On the contrary. In its aftermath, we elected our first Muslim member of Congress and our first president of Muslim parentage. "My job," says Obama, "is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives." That's his job? Do the American people think otherwise? Does he think he is bravely breaking new ground? George Bush, Condoleezza Rice and countless other leaders offered myriad expressions of that same universalist sentiment. Every president has the right to portray himself as ushering in a new era of this or that. Obama wants to pursue new ties with Muslim nations, drawing on his own identity and associations. Good. But when his self-inflation as redeemer of U.S.-Muslim relations leads him to suggest that pre-Obama America was disrespectful or insensitive or uncaring of Muslims, he is engaging not just in fiction but in gratuitous disparagement of the country he is now privileged to lead. Iran has already responded to the Obama overture. In perfect tune with Obama's defensiveness, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that better relations might be possible after America apologized for 60 years of crimes against Iran. Note the 60 years. The mullahs are as mystified by Obama's pre-1979 (or 1989) good old days as I am. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, February 5, 2009. |
This was written by Alan Dershowitz and it appeared
yesterday in the Jerusalem Post |
Bill Moyers holds himself out to be a moral arbiter, based in large part on his commitment to Christian principles. Cardinal Renato Martino is a prince of the Catholic church and President of the Council for Justice and Peace. Former President Jimmy Carter preaches peace, based on the teachings of Jesus. Yet when it comes to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, all three are morally blind. In a widely watched television assessment of the recent conflict in Gaza, here is what Moyers said: "By killing indiscriminately the elderly, kids, entire families, by destroying schools and hospitals, Israel did exactly what terrorists do..." (emphasis added) Of course he also included the obligatory hedge that: "Every nation has the right to defend its people." Cardinal Martino went even further, making an obscene and historically ignorant, comparison between Israel's self-defense actions against rockets fired by Hamas at Israeli children, and the Nazi genocide against the Jews during the Holocaust. He said that the conditions in Gaza "resemble a big concentration camp." Concentration camps, of course, were places where Jews were held until they could be processed through the machinery of death, as part of a massive genocidal program that willfully murdered 6 million Jews. Any comparison between Israel's action in Gaza and those of Nazis during the Holocaust is not only obscene, it is blatantly anti-Semitic, which is supposed to be a sin under Vatican law. (It is apparently not, however, a sin for a Catholic bishop to deny that the Holocaust occurred at all, since Bishop Richard Williamson of Great Britain was welcomed back into the Catholic church after claiming that there were no gas chambers and that the Jews are lying when they say that 6 million of them were killed, when according to that bigot in robes, a mere 300,000 Jews died during the entire Holocaust. The batty bishop who, like the Taliban, opposes higher education for women also believes that no airplanes were involved in the 9/11 attack and that the buildings were blown up by explosives and rockets, presumably set and fired by the United States and Israel.) An essential aspect of Christian teaching, and especially of Catholic teaching, is the important principle that distinguishes between intentionally killing an innocent person, and unintentionally killing an innocent person in the process of legitimately trying to prevent harm to one's self or others. This concept, known as the principle of double effect, is central to Catholic theology. It traces its roots to Thomas Aquinas and has had enormous influence on moral thinking not only within the Catholic Church, but throughout Christianity and indeed in the secular world as well. Understanding and complying with this principle may literally mean the difference between eternal damnation and eternal salvation. That's how important it is. Except, apparently, when it comes to the Jewish state of Israel. Then suddenly moral blindness makes it impossible for church authorities to see, understand or apply this principle. Cardinal Martino is not the first church leader to try to create moral equivalence between the actions of Hamas in willfully and proudly trying to kill as many Jewish children, women and other civilians as possible, and the actions of the Israeli Defense Forces in trying to stop them from killing Jewish children, while inadvertently killing some Palestinian civilians who are used as human shields by Hamas. The Pope himself has been guilty of invoking such moral equivalence between these very different actions. Indeed it is fair to say that the Vatican's entire approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict has been to suggest a false moral equivalence. Church leaders know better. They understand precisely what they are doing. They are making utilitarian, pragmatic and very anti-Catholic cynical judgments calculated to bolster the influence of The Church in the Middle East. It might be understandable for secular nations to act in so amoral, if not immoral, a manner, but it is entirely unacceptable for the Catholic Church, which eschews utilitarianism and preaches moral consistency and absolutism to act in so cynical a way. This is especially troubling, because the church tends to forget its own teachings primarily when it deals with the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Its long history of discrimination and bigotry against Jews slaughtering entire Jewish communities on the way to the Crusades, murdering entire Jewish communities during the inquisitions, fomenting pogroms, and allegedly signing a pact with Hitler during the Holocaust should make it even more concerned about applying a double standard of morality to the Jewish state. But that's exactly what it does. And then it complains when critics point to this obvious double standard. This abuse of great Christian teaching is not limited to the Catholic church. Bill Moyers and Jimmy Carter both hold themselves out as exemplary Protestants, whose morality drives from the teachings of Jesus. Yet they too create false moral equivalence between willful murder, and self-defense that sometimes results in accidental killings because Hamas deliberately uses human shields in order to make it impossible for Israel to defend its own civilians without occasionally killing Palestinian civilians. How else could one read Moyers statement that what Israel did "was exactly what terrorists do." Exactly? Well not exactly! Not even close. As different as anything could be based on principles that Moyers' espouses in other contexts. Listen to a leading military expert retired British Colonel Richard Kemp who concluded, based on his extensive experience, that there has been "no time in the history of warfare when an Army has made more efforts to reduce civilian casualties. ... than [the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza]." Is that "exactly what terrorists do," Mr. Moyers? Jimmy Carter is even worse. He doesn't even see moral equivalence. He blames everything on Israel. Jimmy Carter should look in the mirror more often and he will see that he himself bears much of the blame for the death and destruction that he deplores. In his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, he says it would have been "suicidal" for Yasser Arafat to accept the generous offer made by Bill Clinton and Ehud Barak at Camp David in Taba. Remember that that offer included independent statehood for the Palestinian people on all of the Gaza and 97% of the West Bank, an end to all Jewish settlements, no checkpoints, a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem and a $35 billion refugee reparation package. Think for a moment of what Carter is saying when he warns that any Palestinian leader who might accept such an offer would be assassinated. What is he saying about the Palestinian people? That they will never accept peace without violence? That they will always kill their leaders wh o make peace with Israel, as the Muslim brotherhood murdered Anwar Sadat of Egypt, and as Muslim extremists killed the first King Abdullah of Jordan. Whether he advised Yasser Arafat before the fact to reject the Camp David offer, which the evidence strongly suggests, or whether he is merely making that suggestions to future Palestinian leaders, he has clearly become a barrier to peace. If he in fact told Arafat to reject the offer, then he is an important contributing cause to the current crisis. The sad reality is that religious doctrines are as easily manipulated by cynical churchmen as anything Thomas Bentham ever proposed in the name of utilitarianism. Bill Moyers ended a letter to the New York Times in which he defended his moral equivalency statement by saying that to be indifferent to suffering is "to be as blind as Sampson in Gaza." No, Mr. Moyers, to be indifferent to the crucial difference between what terrorists do, namely try to kill as many civilians as possible from behind human shields, and what democracies such as Israel and the United States do, namely try to stop terrorists from killing with the minimum possible injury to civilians, is truly to be "eyeless in Gaza." Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 5, 2009. |
HAMAS CONDITIONS FOR RECONCILIATION WITH FATAH Hamas' chief demand before joining a coalition with Abbas is that he cease peace negotiations with Israel (IMRA, 1/25). Ordinarily, I ignore what appear to be preliminary negotiations. The Arabs typically make excessive demands and offer insincere mediation. This is different. This is core Hamas. This is the crux of the difference between Hamas and Fatah. Fatah negotiates surrender, but Hamas simply demands surrender. The Bible considers it cruel to yoke an ox and a horse together, because the burden would fall harder on one. To yoke those Islamist rivals together would be more perilous than putting Communists into a popular front government. One set of bandits would wrest power from the other. The Communists usually were better organized and energized, so they dominated such coalitions, except in France and Italy, though it was a close call. In the P.A., few doubt that Hamas would dominate. They, who mistakenly think Hamas worse and Fatah better for peace, pretend, however, that a unity government there would be good. They pretend it, anything, to make a façade of negotiation that could get Israel to cede strategic borders to its enemies. The differences between Hamas and Fatah are less important than their similarities. Their similarities are that both want to conquer Israel. The West deludes itself that Fatah doesn't. Facts about that get in the way, so they are rarely reported by the major media. MAKING THE IDF SEEM TO BE MURDERERS Sheik Ahmed Yassin is described as "the spiritual leader of Hamas who was killed by Israel in 2004." (Ethan Bronner, NY Times, 1/25, A6) "Spiritual leader?" He was its boss. He authorized suicide bombing. The Times euphemism for him both sanitizes a terrorist and makes Israel seem a wanton assassin of religious figures. As if the Times didn't know that Islam does not separate religion from war! Its readers may not know it, they aren't told it. Surely, the editors know. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps the editors themselves are as uninformed as their readers. Uh oh! But if I know these things, why not the editors? Why don't the editors draw on my sources, at least for balance? WRONG LIVES TO SPARE Israel warned Arab residents of areas it intends to bomb about that intent, so they can save themselves. This includes those who store ammo (IMRA, 1/8). Why save those who store explosives. They are with the terrorists! THE LONDON ECONOMIST A January Economist article, "Peace now,?" has the usual motive of using every war as an excuse to propose the very anti-Israel policies that helped lead to that war. The policies fail because they mis-identify the cause of war. They support the warmongering side, the Arabs. I suspect that the British haven't gotten over having been expelled from Israel by the resistance movement they arrogantly called terrorist during a time when Britain collaborated with terrorists and aggressors against the Jews and themselves ran a fascist Mandatory regime. The author has the temerity to review history and lament, "The Jewish settlements there should never have been built." Looking back, eh? How about lamenting that the British sponsored pogroms in Palestine? Lament that Britain armed the Egyptian, Jordanian, and Iraqi Arab forces that invaded Israel in 1948. A few years earlier, Britain kept the Jews from escaping the Nazis and entering Palestine, though the Mandate and minimum decency required Britain to let them in! A couple of million more Jews then, and the odds would have shifted so much in favor of the Jews that the Arabs might not have attacked! Unfortunately, Britain was complicit with the Holocaust. There might not have been a Holocaust also but for British policies. Britain imposed the division of Czechoslovakia, that let Hitler conquer it, encourage German imperialism, and gravely weaken the Allies. Before that, Britain intimidated France into letting Germany re-militarize the Rhineland, the first public step in the Nazi military revival. The article urges a peace conference. It wants all sorts of people and countries should be consulted, except Israel. Prejudiced! The article seems written to impress Pres. Obama's aides. Trouble is, by constantly interfering with Israel and rebuilding defeated Arab armies, the US has helped keep the wars coming. I'd advise the US to review its own prejudices and foibles, before interfering with other countries and getting war. The Economist claims not to like wars. But it takes the Arab side, which means war. The world no longer can afford that. It attributes Pres. Clinton's failure at peacemaking to lack of preparation. Absent explanation, one wonders what it means. Clinton was prepared to sacrifice Israeli security and territory, thank you. But Arafat wanted it all, not 1% of compromise on his initial demands. Thus the call for a peace conference suffers from not understanding who wants peace Israel and who doesn't the Arabs. Arabs want to conquer. Alternatively, the Economist knows that and wants Israel conquered, but pretends it wants peace. The article refers to pro-American Arab regimes, citing Egypt. Labels they slap on, but evidence they spare. What do they mean, pro-American? Journalists use labels and epithets falsely or at least loosely, to create a knee-jerk reaction in us. Where are these journalists when those regimes denounce the US or their governments support terrorists, or their people become more Islamist? Naivete or duplicity, again I'm not sure which, is reflected in the statement that Arafat "...said he accepted the permanence of Israel." He "said" so, did he? He broke every one of his 300-plus agreements, with Arabs as well as with Israel, upon whom, exploiting the peace accords, he made war. He made false and even preposterous claims, such as that the Jews never had the Temples on the Mount and that Jesus was a Palestinian. Would you trust diplomatic efforts or impulses from those such as the Economist, who took Arafat at his word? The article's key false assumption is that agreements make peace. Agreements also make war, when they strengthen aggressors such as Fatah and Hamas, whose Covenants, somebody please tell the Economist, vow to destroy Israel. Yes, a so-called peace agreement can't be made by Fatah without Hamas' signature. Accordingly, the writer urges Fatah and Hamas to form a coalition government. This prospect would be sweetened for Hamas by Israel opening the Gaza borders and by the chance to win the next election and becoming sole ruler. Do the journalist and editor not realize their self-contradiction here? (1) Hamas admits its wants war and for immutable religious reasons; (2) Get it to sign a peace agreement, although deception of the infidels over peace is an Islamic virtue; (3) The process would put Hamas in position to take over the P.A.. Upon taking over, presumably getting sovereignty, and having absorbed Israeli concessions, its Islamic ethics would free it from any peace agreement. Now it would be in a stronger position to make war! The opening of the borders (which sovereignty would make irreversible) would enable it to import more of the heavy weapons it would need to wreak such havoc upon Israel that other Arabs are more likely to gang up on Israel. Thus another lure the journalist dangles for Hamas is the prospect of statehood. Isn't it about time for the Economist to study Hamas, what it is and what it wants? Hamas doesn't care about solutions with a country it wants to conquer for religious reasons, it sole purpose of existence! Hamas is a wing of the Moslem Brotherhood. The Brotherhood wants a caliphate to rule the world, not separate state governments. Its sole allegiance being to Islam, it does not recognize nationality. Not caring about statehood, per se, it would use statehood the better to achieve its goal of conquering Israel. Is the Economist so ignorant that it supposes that gaining statehood would appease its Islamic drive to conquer Israel? Is the Economist blind to Hamas statements that it wants to conquer it, and blind to Fatah maps that show Israel belonging to it? The article follows the counter-productive plea for such statehood with, "To that end, Mr. Obama needs to make it clear, preferably before Israel's election next month, that American will no longer countenance Israel's colonisation of the W. Bank. The Jewish settlements there should never have been built, and Israel has promised to freeze them. This has become a test. If Mr. Obama cannot hold Israel to its promise, his chances of restoring American' standing as the indispensable mediator in this conflict are nil." More arrogance and false assumptions, including that the President of the United States has a right to influence Israeli elections. One would infer from the article that its is appropriate for Arabs to move from other areas into the unallocated Territories of the Jewish homeland, as most of their families did, and then to spread throughout them, as they are doing, but not for Jews to do so, even though it is their own homeland and the Mandate for those Territories requires that they do. When the Arabs, who had one of the world's biggest empires, spread over still more area, it is okay. When Jews do, it is colonization. Gentiles' double standards work against the Jews. Hmm. Jews should never have built towns in Judea-Samaria? What makes building on the other side of a mere armistice line so important? It's just a pretext for harming the Jews. The Economist won't admit that, claiming it's for peace. As I've shown, it is more likely to bring war. Yet the article expresses its lamentation about Jewish development in the Territories with indignation. Indignation ought to be against those who want war and with those who help them. I think that as soon as the Jewish people recovered those Territories, they should have started developing them, instead of waiting some years. They should have built much more in them. However, I think it would have been wiser to build more in blocs connected to Israel, and to have annexed those blocs years ago. They also should have enforced the law against Arabs squatting on state land, that expansion being illegal. Not that Israel's critics notice illegal Arab aggrandizement. Their eyes are open only to legal Jewish aggrandizement. As if conscientious, the article cites an Israeli promise not to expand the Jewish communities in Judea-Samaria. Israel must keep its promise, the author intones. The promise was not in binding form. Coerced, it should be repudiated. It was folly. If foreigners insist on such a promise from Israel, why doesn't it insist that the Arabs keep their many broken promises to Israel? Does the new US President know that his predecessors broke promises to Israel? The article, that so righteously demands Israel keep its promise and that the US insist on it, ends on a note of dishonesty. It describes the US as the "essential mediator" in the Arab-Israel conflict. What does that really mean? Based on the Economist's pro-Arab position and the State Department's anti-Zionism, the US is asked to mediate in order to make useless and false promises to reassure Israel and to extract dangerous concessions from Israel. That is not the basis for peace. There can be no peace until Islam reforms. There can be an absence of warfare if Israel is strengthened enough so that attacking it becomes too risky. What the Economist proposes would weaken Israel. NY TIMES MALIGNS ISRAEL DAILY 1. Israeli politics delays letting building materials into Gaza. 2. "Gaza's deficits began long before the war, with an economic embargo imposed by Israel after Hamas seized power from Fatah..." The embargo was hoped to erode Hamas' power. 3. "Hamas is an Islamist group that is doctrinally committed to Israel's destruction..." (Sabrina Tavernese, NY Times, 1/26, A6.) Calling it Israeli "politics" makes Israel seem callous about humanitarian needs in that most inhumane society, Gaza. This takes the blame off Hamas, where it belongs, and places it on Israel, where it does not belong. It isn't politics, it is military. As I've explained before, Hamas imported large quantities of cement and the like, before the combat, as if for civilian construction. Actual use was for tunnel fortifications. Likewise, Hamas steals from humanitarian shipments of food and medicine, when it isn't blocking them in an attempt to manufacture a humanitarian crisis blamed on Israel. The media is complicit with that fraud, by not exposing Hamas' deception. So much for contemporary journalistic ethics and humanitarian concerns! Israel has a reasonable security interest in making sure that Hamas does not divert new shipments to restoring its military capability. Israel is under no obligation to let anything through. In a sane world, it wouldn't, only population out. Ms. Tavernese is both wrong and unfair about when the Gaza economy started declining. That economy was moribund, under Egyptian control. Israeli administration boosted it greatly. P.A. administration depressed it, again. The article, as does the newspaper in general and daily, makes it seem as if the Arabs' problems are all Israel's fault. The newspaper almost never points out how much of Israel's problems are the Arabs' fault. The Times' milk of human kindness runs dry after suckling the Arabs. The paper unfairly attributes the embargo solely to Israeli opposition to Hamas rule. The Western world wanted to isolate Hamas for being terrorist. Since the Times doesn't criticize the Western world, why criticize only Israel? Also, why not recognize that Hamas declared war against Israel? An embargo is a wartime measure. The US had statutes prohibiting "trading with the enemy." Yes, Hamas is doctrinally committed to destroying Israel. So is the PLO and Fatah see their Covenants. See their maps, TV, and Abbas' demands to take over Israel's secure borders and flood Israel with vengeance-seeking Arabs. The Times' propaganda techniques in this article are to lie, misstate, omit, and to select time periods and falsely make Israel seem to have started Arab troubles. HOW BRITAIN FOUGHT TERRORISM IN JENIN In the 1930s, the Arabs of Mandatory Palestine rebelled against British rule. Britain responded more harshly against its Arab rebels than Israel does against the deadlier terrorists, today. Britain routinely blew up a house in a village from which terrorists were thought to be operating. Sometimes it blew up all the houses. It used local Arabs to test the safety of potentially mined roads, by walking before the British troops. It shot a handcuffed prisoner. Much of this was documented in 1938, declassified in 1989, and published in the NY Times (IMRA, 1/9). Israel sometimes blows up one house, just the one in which the terrorist lives. It does not use Arabs as human shields. A security agent once did execute a terrorist just captured, but the country raised an outcry over it. The West denounces Israel for demolition of illegal Arab houses and terrorists' houses, which it mostly has been inhibited from doing. The West encourages Israeli demolition of Jews' houses that are called, often falsely so, illegal. NO EXCUSE FOR ALLOWING ARMS SMUGGLING The length of that border is nine (9) miles (IMRA, 1/9). Only nine miles of open desert with very few roads, and Egypt can't have its 750 policemen block trucks bearing contraband to be sent through the tunnels? Egypt needs US technical support to detect the tunnels? Absurd! THE LONGER THE GAZA COMBAT LASTED The longer Israel's offensive in Gaza lasted, the more European public opinion turned against Israel (IMRA, 1/9). Didn't have far to turn was prejudiced. Apparently, European public opinion realized that Israel had the right to initiate an offensive in self-defense, but not to complete the job of eradicating terrorist potential from Gaza. Not very bright nor fair, those Europeans. FUNDING OF HAMAS It works this way. Abbas gets funds (almost entirely from Israel and foreign sources) to pay P.A. staff in Gaza. The P.A deposits the funds in Gaza banks. Hamas seizes the funds from the bank (Arutz-7, 1/9). Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, February 5, 2009. |
This was written by Jonathan Rosenblum and it appeared today in Jewish World Review. |
"The older I get the more I see how overrated brains are," an older friend said to me recently. Even in Talmudic learning on its face an intellectual exercise pure intellectual firepower is an unreliable predictor of long-range achievement. So when I see the The New York Times becoming all hot and bothered by the multiplicity of Ivy League degrees in the new administration, I get nervous. There are many good reasons for Israelis to be concerned about a shift in American policy towards Israel. One is the appointment of Harvard professor Samantha Powers, who has called for the stationing of a "mammoth [American] force" in Israel to protect Palestinians from genocide, to a senior position in the National Security Council. A second is President Obama's Alice in Wonderland portrayal on Al Arabiya of some halcyon era of "respect and partnership" between America and the Muslim world "as recently as twenty or thirty years ago." That period includes: the seizure of the American embassy in Teheran, Hizbullah's bombing of a U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, the Lockerbie bombing, and a ruinous Arab oil embargo, just for starters. No one begrudges the President a few rhetorical flourishes and outreach towards the Moslem world, as long as we know he doesn't really believe what he is saying. But of no less concern is the misplaced confidence in their ability to solve all the world's problems of all those high IQ types in the new administration. Nobel Laureate in Economics, Professor Robert Lucas declared in 1996 that economists now possess sufficient knowledge and tools to end the threat of another worldwide depression forever a boast that appears less and less well-founded by the day. The U.S. Congress issued the economic wizards of the Treasury a blank check to free up credit markets, but so far more than 350 billion dollars have been spent to no effect. Hints of similar hubris with respect to forging a Arab-Israeli peace are flying fast and furious from Washington D.C. President Obama's first phone call was to Mahmoud Abbas, the present or former head of the Palestinian Authority, depending on whom you ask, and one of his first newsworthy acts in office was the appointment of former Senator George Mitchell as his special envoy to the region. The President has pronounced the Palestinian-Israeli conflict "ripe" for resolution, and even allowed on Al Arabiya that "there are Israelis who think that it is important to achieve peace." But wherefore the ripening of hopes? Has there been an end to anti-Israel incitement in the Palestinian Authority media? Some new polls showing a growing Palestinian rejection of terrorism? Has Fatah shown itself capable of running a state? Someone should send the President the collected news reports of Khaled Abu Toameh on the Palestinian Authority. Abu Toameh told an audience in Philadelphia this week that Americans have no idea with whom they are dealing if they think peace is to be had with either Fatah or Hamas. Peace will only come, he said, when the Palestinians and Israel are forced to deal with one another alone, without the former looking for an outside savior. The main lessons learned by Israelis since the last bout of hyperactive American peacemaking, in the dying days of the Clinton administration, are that territorial withdrawals lead to missile fire and only an IDF ground presence can protect against missiles and terrorist attacks. Senator Mitchell's denial that there is such a thing "as a conflict without end," prior to leaving for the Middle East reflects the same dangerous belief that to every problem there is a solution. The successful peace negotiations in which Mitchell participated in Northern Ireland did not bring about a dramatic shift in attitudes between Catholics and Protestants. Rather those negotiations followed the emergence of a Protestant leader, David Trimble, eager to put aside old hatreds, and a radical shift in attitudes by the leadership of the IRA on the Catholic side. No such shift of attitudes has taken place among Palestinians nor has a Palestinian civil society begun to emerge that can underpin a stable, democratic state as Israel's neighbor. As long as the Palestinian-Israel conflict remains one over Israel's legitimacy i.e., essentially theological in nature there can be no permanent peace. But smart technocrats are notoriously thick when it comes to apprehending the force of religion, either for good or bad, because it so rarely plays a role in their own lives. Those who entreat Hamas to recognize Israel's right to exist, for instance, fail to comprehend that they are asking Hamas to dissolve itself and to renounce its fundamental religious belief that all land which was ever under Moslem sovereignty must remain so forever. A COROLLARY of the smarties' overconfidence in their own problem-solving ability is the tendency to reframe every situation as a technical problem. Thus after the first World Trade Center bombing, the Clinton administration did not awaken to the threat of Islamic terrorism, but rather treated the matter as a simple law enforcement issue of rounding up the relevant miscreants. New York Times columnist Roger Cohen repeated the mistake last week when he waxed ecstatic about President Obama's declaration, albeit sotto voce, of an end to the war on terror. From now on, no more talk of Islamic terrorism, only of defeating particular terrorist organizations. And that, declared Cohen, is "not a war, [but] a strategic challenge." Dangerous talk of civilizational clash can now be canned, writes Cohen. Apart from a few Moslems who wish to violently destroy America (and who hopefully don't include the Iranian leadership), most Moslems, Cohen declares, "merely dislike, differ from or have been disappointed by America." In other words, they have a series of local grievances, many of which can be healed by ceasing to embrace "an Israel-can-do-no-wrong-policy." Pattern recognition is one of the key indicia of intelligence, but apparently not when it cuts against the cherished belief that all problems are merely technical in nature. But some patterns cannot be safely ignored e.g., the unique propensity of Moslems to react to grievances with murderous rage. Or the findings of a U.N. study written by Moslem scholars of high rates of illiteracy, scant scientific achievement, low democratic indicators, and suppression of women, in almost every Moslem country and every Arab one. In the Arab-Israeli context, we continually witness attempts to frame the issues as technical ones, essentially no different than negotiations over a new union contract. Each side is portrayed as seeking a slightly larger slice of the pie, and the general contours of the final solution are said to be known in advance. That picture, however, is predicated on a false equation of incommensurate items as the subject of trade-offs e.g., recognition of Israel's right to exist versus Israeli settlements. To attempt to impose solutions without first eradicating a culture of Palestinian hatred, which has only intensified since the outset of Oslo, reflects not intelligence but a flight from reality. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, February 5, 2009. |
This the third of a series by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu for Arutz-7. |
An inside look at the documents that the United States Consulate in Jerusalem accidentally included in the auction sale of file cabinets to a Jerusalem woman reveals two decades of American efforts to create a setting for a new Arab country in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Paula (last name withheld from publication) discovered the documents after she bought approximately two dozen file cabinets three years ago for NIS 166 ($42) plus tax. She returned the documents to the American government but only after making sure that the blunder was reported in American media in an effort to prevent it from happening again. A first-hand look by Israel National News at some of the thousands of documents reveals that as far back as 1985, the U.S. government openly tried to win over Palestinian Authority Arabs as part of covert and overt efforts to undermine the Israeli development of Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. A June, 1985 letter from the U.S. Information Services (USIS) to the late U.S. Information Agency (USIA) chief Charles Wick, includes the statement, "The United States does enjoy extraordinary close relations with Israel but there are real differences between our countries on issues concerning the occupied territories and Jerusalem." The American government pumped millions of dollars into cultural exchange programs, Fulbright scholarships and even promoted overseas meetings between the Likud and Fatah party youth movements to try to pave the way to meet Arab demands that the Jewish State return to the 1949 Armistice Line, also known as the Green Line. The single-minded aim of the USIS and the casual acceptance of terrorist attacks that literally blew up the Oslo peace process were clear in a memo that noted, "A bright spot in the otherwise downhill side of the peace process was an unusual meeting between Likud and Fatah youth leaders in Israel in mid-July [1998]. A follow-up meeting in Ramallah...had to be cancelled because of the [suicide] bombing in Jerusalem." Worries over Netanyahu Many of the documents were dated in the late 1990s, during the Oslo II talks, and they expose the American worry over Binyamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister following the general elections in 1996. One of hundreds of programs to promote Arab activities was a $298,531 proposal by the Harvard University in 1996 for a "joint working group on Israel-Palestinian relations [to] help the official process." Harvard justified the proposal to a receptive USIA by stating, "Despite the breakthrough characters of the mutual recognition that led to the Oslo agreements...there is no certainty that the process will fulfill itself as Israel's election results will make clear. The Likud party won on a platform that clearly reversed policies adopted by the previous Labor government." USIA documents reveal hundreds of scholarships, programs and lectures aimed at bolstering the Palestinian Authority, which then was headed by Yasser Arafat. One document from the USIS includes a raving commendation to help PA security official Haj Ismail Jabber, "who has played and will continue to play a key political and security role in the West Bank" and was commander of the Palestinian Authority police in Jericho in 1996. It continued, "He has an "unwavering commitment to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)'s agreements with Israel. Haj Ismail ranks as one of those most trusted if not the most trusted by Yasir [sic] Arafat." However, five years ago, Jabber, who then was the commander of all PA national security forces, was caught pocketing monthly salaries of 7,000 fictitious troops, netting him about $2 million a month. Many of the USIA documents disclose programs to arrange PA-controlled television interviews with visiting American university academics in an effort to promote popular support for the Arafat regime. The U.S. government also scheduled a gala event for 100 invitees to attend an American-sponsored performance by classical guitarist Jose Passalacqua in 1995. Other programs included a United States-Palestinian Legal export Exchange program in Gaza City and Ramallah in 1996 "to strengthen the Palestinian Authority legal system." An example of the pro-Arab groups that received aid is the pro-Arab Quaker Information and Legal Aid Center in Jerusalem. Fulbright scholarships also were plentiful for Arab teachers and professors as well as for teaching seminars in European vacation spots. Hevron College assistant professor Dr. Ibrahim Alamasri was granted $25,500 for a stay at Indiana University and then requested airfare for his 11-year-old daughter. An American university assistant professor won an award worth $37,520 for a stay at the Bir Zeit University in Ramallah along with a $5,300 a month stipend. Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Barry Rubin, February 5, 2009. |
Ali Ahmad Said Asbar is a name almost no one knows but everyone recognizes him by his penname Adonis. He is probably the greatest poet in the contemporary Arab world. On October 13, 2008, he gave a lecture at the National Library of Algeria. A Syrian who now lives in Paris focusing on two themes: the radical Islamist attempt to impose its interpretation of the religion is wrong and also that religion should not dominate society.
It isn't surprising that Islamists objected strongly and even accused Adonis of being an "apostate" a statement that is tantamount to calling for his murder. But Algeria's minister of culture denounced him for,"ideological deterioration" and fired the library's director for having invited him.
This incident will be presented and rightly so as an example of the denial of freedom of speech in the Arab world. But there is something else arguably even more important that won't be mentioned: the ban on the freedom to seek solutions to the Arab world's problems.
While the MEMRI article on the event (Special Dispatch 2226, February 4, 2009) identifies Adonis as a liberal, I don't think that's true though I understand why they said it. I would call him a militant Arab nationalist though he wants more freedom and human rights at home who opposes any peace whatsoever with Israel and hates the United States.
But that's what makes this situation even more ironic. Adonis is not seeking to replace the existing regimes with pro-Western democracies; he's largely on the side of the current rulers. The Algerian government fought and won a war against radical Islamists which cost tens of thousands of lives (and by the way, the world was indifferent to dreadful atrocities on both sides) and yet it cannot and will not fight the ideological war against radical Islamism.
To put it another way, the nationalists refuse to act in the way that their counterparts did in Europe, for example, in past centuries when they took on church domination. They fear Islam's strength; they want to exploit it in a demagogic fashion.
The terrible truth is that the Muslim-majority Middle East is not
yet, for most practical purposes, even at the starting point of
social, political, and intellectual modernity. Indeed, this region is
sunk so deeply into that syndrome that one of Adonis's critics accused
him of ignoring the alleged religious domination of everywhere else in
the world by, "The Jewish rabbis in Israel, the religious people in
the White House, or the pope in the Vatican, who heads a theocracy in
the middle of Europe...."
This is partly the old accusation that any critic in the Arab world is part of the imperialist-Zionist conspiracy coupled with the fact that such people simply don't comprehend what the rest of the world is like.
Western intellectuals are obsessed with self-criticism alone of their societies; Middle Eastern intellectuals either shun it or are forced to do so or lose their access to money and institutions. In understanding the battle that is raging, too much of the West is, so to speak, still playing with marbles while the Islamists are playing for all the marbles.
If the nationalists not only don't counter the arguments of their Islamist enemies but use them even against their own allies, this system is doomed, at least in the long run. Adonis pointed out the irony of the fact that Algeria's minister of culture is a woman who, if the Islamists and even mainstream clerics had their way, wouldn't be in her post in the first place.
Again, though, as important as is the individual right to freedom of speech, the big loser here is Arab societies which cannot discuss openly how to escape from the morass of dictatorships, intransigence, violence, terrorism, and hatred.
What is equally said is that a large portion of the West ironically, the left; the would-be peace lovers, and those who pride themselves on their morality are joining in to defend the Islamists and exaggerate their moderation whenever possible. They, too, attribute criticism of the existing system and its real atrocities to Israel and the Jews, or to conservatives, or to (though the word isn't used much) imperialist forces in their own countries.
It's as if the supposed forces of progress had sided with the silencing of Galileo, for saying that the earth went around the sun, by the church. Well, actually most of the professors of the time did support it. Indeed, even in the West the ban on criticizing Islam has been extended. Many in the West make Israel and the Jews the scapegoats for the failures of the Arab-Islamic world just as their ancestors made the children of Israel the scapegoats for their own problems of modernization in Europe.
Arab intellectuals have started an online petition drive to defend freedom of speech and the freedom at least to advocate secularism. They cite a long list of intellectuals and cultural figures persecuted or even murdered by Islamists, and often their own nationalist governments, for speaking out. They ask for international support.
And yet we know what the protestors are busy doing displaying their alleged love for Arabs and Muslims by supporting the Hamas Islamist dictatorship in Gaza and such things. They make up fictitious "war crimes" while ignoring tens of thousands of deliberate murders of civilians and of individual dissidents in Afghanistan, Algeria, Sudan, Lebanon, Iraq, and elsewhere; the repression of Iran; the imprisonments and torture in Syria.
The Arab advocates of freedom and progress, the counterparts of what the Western left claims to be, will wait in vain. The world as a whole will pay the price.
Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs
(GLORIA) Center and co-author of "Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography" and
"Hating America: A History" (Oxford University Press).
His latest book is The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan).
Prof. Rubin's columns can now be read online at
Contact him at profbarryrubin@yahoo.com
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, February 5, 2009. |
This piece comes from the Atlas Shrugs website:
Why am I not surprised? David adds, "It will be interesting to see if we ever find out WHO was paying the hotel bill and his living expenses". This is called "Reports: Most-wanted Nazi died in Cairo in 1992" and is by David Rising and Maggie Michael. CAIRO (AP) Documents have surfaced in Egypt showing the world's most-wanted Nazi war criminal, concentration camp doctor Aribert Heim, died in Cairo in 1992, Germany's ZDF television and The New York Times reported Wednesday. |
CAIRO (AP) Documents have surfaced in Egypt showing the world's most-wanted Nazi war criminal, concentration camp doctor Aribert Heim, died in Cairo in 1992, Germany's ZDF television and The New York Times reported Wednesday. The report said Heim was living under a pseudonym and had converted to Islam by the time of his death from intestinal cancer. ZDF said that in a joint effort with the New York Times, it located a passport, application for a residence permit, bank slips, personal letters and medical papers in all more than 100 documents left behind by Heim in a briefcase in the hotel room where he lived under the name Tarek Hussein Farid. Though he did not know Heim's real identity, Egyptian dentist Tarek Abdelmoneim el Rifai said he knew him through his father, Abdelmoneim el Rifai, 88, who was Heim's dentist in Cairo. He told the AP on Wednesday that he only met Heim a few times, 20 years ago, but confirmed that he knew of his death. "He died in 1992. I didn't know that he was a doctor and that he is the most wanted Nazi war criminal. I am surprised," he said in a telephone interview. "He introduced himself to my father as a German and I know that he converted to Islam and changed his name." When he met Heim two decades ago at his father's clinic, el Rifai said he had the impression he was on the run. "The only thing I knew about him is that he fled from the Jews," el Rifai said. ZDF quoted Heim's son Ruediger Heim as confirming the pseudonym Tarek Hussein Farid as his father's assumed name and the documents as belonging to him. Heim said he visited his father regularly in Cairo and had taken care of him after an operation related to his cancer in 1990. Simon Wiesenthal Center head Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff said he has not seen the documents and that while it seems that there is "definitely a strong possibility" they point to Heim's death in Cairo 16 years ago, they need to be examined by experts. If it turns out to be true, however, he said that "the German police have a very important investigation on their hands in terms of prosecuting people who helped Aribert Heim escape justice." He pointed out that Ruediger Heim has previously said that the only contact he had since his father went into hiding in 1962 were two notes that appeared in his family's mailbox, and that he had no idea if he was alive or dead. "Ruediger has been lying," Zuroff told The Associated Press in an interview from Jerusalem. "Either he is lying now or he was lying before, and he has a vested interest in this so anything he says has to be taken with a certain amount of skepticism and suspicion and the most important thing is missing: the body. There's no grave, there's no corpse, there's no DNA tests." Ruediger Heim refused to comment on the discrepancies in what he has said, or on the assertion that his father had died in 1992, when contacted at his home by the AP. "The whole story is very emotional, and I'm not able to say anything at this time," he said. ZDF reported that Heim was buried in a cemetery for the poor in Cairo, where graves are reused after several years "so that the chance of finding remains is unlikely." Born June 28, 1914 in Radkersburg, Austria, Heim joined the local Nazi party in 1935, three years before Austria was bloodlessly annexed by Germany. He later joined the Waffen SS and was assigned to Mauthausen, a concentration camp near Linz, Austria, as a camp doctor in October and November 1941. While there, witnesses told investigators, he worked closely with SS pharmacist Erich Wasicky on such gruesome experiments as injecting various solutions into Jewish prisoners' hearts to see which killed them the fastest. In 1961, German authorities were alerted that Heim was living in Baden-Baden and began an investigation, but when they finally went to arrest him in September 1962, they just missed him he apparently had been tipped off. Heim would be 94 today if still alive. Heim fled through France and Spain before crossing into Morocco, and eventually settling in Egypt, ZDF and the Times reported, citing Ruediger Heim. He lived in Cairo at the Kasr el Madina hotel for the 10 years leading up to his death, the report said. Ruediger Heim told ZDF that he first visited his father in 1976, organizing the visit through his aunt and arranging to meet with him in a hotel. "He recognized me right away," Heim recalled. "It was a meeting of worlds. I was there for 14 days." But, he said, he did not talk with his father about the allegations against him largely because he said he wasn't fully aware of them himself. "I didn't ask him 'how many people did you kill' because I didn't know, I didn't know any concrete details," he told ZDF. "Later, on other visits, I got to know his life better."
"Most-wanted Nazi, now dead, found haven in Cairo,"
by Souad Mekhennet and Nicholas Kulish,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Posted by Simon McIlwaine, February 5, 2009. |
This was written by Hana Levi Julian and it appeared in Arutz-7 Thanks to Zalmi for sending us this. '770' Chabad-Lubavitch World HQ Targeted in Jihad Videos |
(IsraelNN.com) Barely two months after a rabbi, his wife and four other Jews were brutally murdered in a Chabad House in Mumbai, India, the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn has been targeted in a series of jihadist videos posted on the internet. The English-language videos and posts singled out Orthodox Jews, and especially the Chabad-Lubavitch community in the Crown Heights neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, for attack. The source of the thinly-veiled threats, a group called Revolution Muslim, is domestic to the United States, and the English-language threats are carefully tailored in an attempt to avoid breaking any American laws. Nonetheless, the intent is clear, according to the Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center (TAM-C) of the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response (ITRR), a U.S. and Israel-based organization with offices in the United Kingdom as well. 'Do Not Let Orthodox Judaism Get Away With Murder in Ghaza' Headlining a propaganda video of a rally by a far-left organization were the words, "Do Not Let Orthodox Judaism Get Away From Murder in Ghaza [Gaza]." Underneath the video was the statement, "Make EVERY attempt to reach these people and teach them the message of Islam or leave them a message from Islam." A subsequent video and accompanying text clarified the "message" the Islamist blogger had in mind and how to "reach these people." The video first denies that any threats against Orthodox Jews were made on their website, but then switches to a montage of images of dead Arab children apparently from Gaza interspersed with repeated images of "770" the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters and a blood-spattered Jewish prayer book from a terrorist attack in the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem. The video concludes with the sound of gunshots. The text under the video adds the following P.S.: "NYPD It was me (Yousef al-Khattab) that made the Chabad Islamic propagation (sic) post and appeal. Do have your search warrants in order. The gunshots at the end in NO WAY are meant for the NYPD (since they asked me about it)." Other Locations Targeted As Well The videos followed the posting on the same jihadist site of photos of the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters and its main synagogue, its address at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, and details of the times when the synagogue is filled with worshippers. The third and final video in a series of three aiming at the Chabad-Lubavitch community is narrated entirely by Al-Khattab, who appears to either be completely exhausted, or possibly even under the influence of a sedating substance of some kind. He is leaning back, with his eyes almost completely closed, his voice drawling. He begins with what is apparently meant as disclaimer, saying his group is "not here to fight with Jewish people" and explaining that the bullet sounds are just a "sound wave" used for the videos. The threats begin, however, a moment later: "An atrocity is done and an act of terrorist [sic] is done like what was done in Ghaza, when they indiscriminately bombed women and children, and just... I don't even know what to say... and we know where the source is, and the source is definitely 770 Eastern Parkway is one of those sources that funds it, and gives their spiritual support as well. and definitely Yeshiva University in Washington Heights, is another place that prepares students, religious Orthodox rabbinical Jewish students to be in the hesder yeshiva, which is the officer corps of the religious Jews, so yes, these are definitely the sources, and the Jewish Federation buildings, all over the United States, they fund it." Al-Khattab continues: "In the eyes of the Muslim world... even the thinking Christian populace would agree that Israel is a war crime. We think it's imperative to bring to the forefront, hold these people responsible... find out who is the head of the Jewish Federation... give them the Islamic message... leave them the message of Islam. Let them know, that maybe they drew up those borders that they occupy, but our borders as Muslims are all over the place. Okay? That's not a threat, that's what it is, that's what it's gonna be. "And wal-LAH hee, (Arabic for "truthfully" ed.) New York City Police Department, CIA and FBI, you can put me in jail for the rest of my life, as long as I got that information out there for people to know what to do, I did something," Al-Khattab asserts. 'Tears of Today, Weapons of Future' A new video posted this week, entitled "An Arabic Boy Threatens America For What It Did To." shows an Arab boy who becomes increasingly upset and angry as he is interviewed during an apparent demonstration, ending his short diatribe in tears. The video is preceded by the headline "Don't Wait for Obama's Change (Warning: External Links Are NOT Necessarily the Views of RevolutionMuslim.com)". This is followed immediately by the exhortation to Stand Up Against American and 'Israeli' Aggression (sic) and a media player with the YouTube video, uploaded by "EgyptianAnger." At one point the boy bursts into tears and then shouts out loud, "We came here today to make them pay, those who attacked us, not to just talk. we will grow up, And Grap (sic) You From Your Land, America!!" The video ends with the words, "Tears of Today, Weapons of Future." Risk Management is Key, Warns Security Group Al-Khattab is listed as one of three top leaders of the Revolution Muslim group, headed by Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal. Al-Khattab claims to be Jewish by birth, and has allegedly switched lifestyles numerous times. The self-styled Islamist says in a personal blog that he was born a Morrocan Jew named Joseph Cohen, then traveled to the United States where he became a member of the anti-Zionist Satmar Chassidic sect in Brooklyn. From there, he writes in a personal blog, he moved to the Jewish region of Gush Katif in Gaza, before finally converting to Islam in Morocco. He presently is allegedly a cab driver in New York City. According to TAM-C, lone-wolf terrorist attacks on Jewish assets and individuals are a growing phenomenon worldwide, running the gamut from vandalism to shootings and car bombings. The organization has recommended that security personnel for Israeli and other Jewish people and properties "increase their situational awareness, enhance general protective measures for fixed assets and review emergency recovery procedures." Simon McIlwaine is with Anglican Friends of Israel (www.anglicanfriendsofisrael.com). Contact him at Simon.McIlwaine@ormerods.co.uk |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 4, 2009. |
DISTORTING THE HUMANE LAWS OF WAR Marc D. Stern, General Counsel of American Jewish Congress [whom I met and respect] said that Amnesty International [A.I.] evaluates Israel's actions in Gaza by distorting international law regulating war to make it seem that it bans war. A.I. fabricated a standard that military force is prohibited unless "strictly necessary." A.I. implies that the incursion into Gaza wasn't "strictly necessary." Inference: "Israel could live with ongoing rocket attacks or simply accept whatever terms Hamas dictates as a condition for stopping its rocket fire." [How inhumane towards Israelis!] Israel need not submit to constant rocket fire. A.I. has issued many statements during the incursion about the need for "combatants to do their best to distinguish between civilians and combatants." Nevertheless, A.I."manages to not once mention Hamas' plain duty under that principle to avoid placing its military assets amongst civilians in civilian neighborhoods. If one wants to protect civilians, that is the place to start." A.I. also fails to note that Israel has a right to attack those sites, even though civilian bystanders may get hurt. The presence of civilians does not negate Israel's right to defend itself. Nor does A.I. condemn Hamas for letting its troops wear civilian clothes, making it more difficult to distinguish them from real civilians. "These human shield tactics, used as well by Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Taliban in Afghanistan, are what put civilians in harm's way, not Israel's attacks. "...insisting that Israel may not attack such sites because they endanger civilians, is to confer on Hamas de facto immunity from military action..." ...those nations which ratified the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols did not intend for international law to be a terrorist's most impenetrable shield." Although A.I. "repeatedly denounces Israel's attacks as 'disproportionate,' it never explains to what the attacks are disproportionate." Apparently it thinks proportionality means too many Arab "...casualties, an irrelevant figure in calculating proportionality. But even on this made-up test of proportionality, Israel's actions pass muster. By Amnesty's own figures, the overwhelming number of persons killed are not civilians, but Hamas personnel. Hamas has so admitted, boasting of its 'martyrs.'" Israeli estimates dead combatants at 75%. "More importantly, the actual texts of the Geneva Conventions use an entirely different proportionality calculus. The texts talk of civilian casualties disproportionate to the expected military advantage, not casualties disproportionately on one side or the other." A.I. acts as if "...every individual attack (bullet) must be analyzed. The history of the relevant treaties established that what is relevant is whether the individual attack makes a measurable contribution to the overall military objective. In Amnesty's view, destroying a small missile depot or a single rocket launcher, insufficient in itself to change the strategic or tactual balance, can never justify harm to civilians. The law however is otherwise, so long as the attack has more than a trivial effect on the overall war effort. Wars are typically won by cumulating small actions, not by a few decisive blows." A.I. "criticizes Israel for warning civilians that attacks are planned. If Israel does not warn civilians, its attacks are, for Amnesty, indiscriminate; if it warns civilians (thereby often alerting legitimate targets as well, so that they too can flee), it is guilty of fear-mongering." Avi Bell, Director, Global Law Forum, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs writes that A.I. "purports to be 'deeply concerned about the escalation of human rights abuses following the series of Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip that began on December 27th,' but it fails to mention nearly all of them. Newspapers report that Hamas executed Arabs accused of 'collaborating' with Israel, forces children and other civilians to shield gunmen from attack, hides "weapons and combatants in mosques and hospitals, and dressed its combatants in civilian dress in illegal acts of perfidy. Hamas has targeted and murdered Israeli Jews in the service of an explicitly genocidal ideology. Hamas has denied wounded Palestinian civilians permission to cross the border to waiting Egyptian ambulances in Sinai. Hamas has sought to preempt challenges to its post-coup d'etat rule in Gaza by preemptively detaining, maiming and murdering rivals in the Fatah terror group/militia. And, of course, Hamas itself is a terrorist organization to which states must deny material support and safe haven under Security Council Resolution 1373 and various international conventions. Other than a pro forma reference to Hamas' indiscriminate rocket attacks, Amnesty's letter mentions none of these facts, nor any of the other human rights abuses Hamas has inflicted upon the Palestinian population under its control in Gaza, such as restrictions on religious practice, speech and due process." "Instead, Amnesty bristles at imaginary Israeli wrongdoing. Amnesty writes that 'aid agencies and residents of Gaza have long ago run out of provision reserves due to the Israeli blockade' just two days after the UN's World Food Program informed the Israel Defense Forces that it would not be resuming shipment of food commodities to Gaza through Israeli crossings because WFP warehouses were already at full capacity. In service of its indefensible claim that Israel is not acting in 'legitimate self-defense,' Amnesty carefully omits the material fact that the current round of fighting began when Hamas, on December 19, announced an end to the cease-fire and attacked Israeli cities with the declared aim of bringing thousands of Israeli civilians 'under fire.' In contrast, Israel's air strikes on Gaza were only commenced 8 days later, in response to the more than 100 Hamas attacks in the preceding week. Amnesty falsely insinuates that Hamas has done no wrong in hiding its combatants within the civilian population, and falsely insinuates that Israel has no legal right to strike at Hamas combat targets in urban areas due to the expected collateral damage. Amnesty falsely insinuates that Israel is not allowing Palestinians passage for medical treatment even as Israel treats Palestinian wounded in Israeli hospitals at Israeli expense. [Israel does not have to let enemy forces or civilians into Israel for medical treatment.] Amnesty accuses Israel of failing to meet the legal requirements of necessity, proportionality and distinction in its combat operations, despite all the evidence to date that Israel is complying fully by solely targeting Hamas positions. And Amnesty implies that because Hamas has thus far failed in its mission of slaughtering mass numbers of Israeli Jews, the rule of proportionality grants Hamas forces near-total immunity from defensive Israeli measures. This perverse interpretation of the rule of proportionality has never been accepted or even proffered in any other conflict in the world, and legal scholars commenting on the fighting thus far, from traditional opponents of Israel to supporters (Kevin Jon Heller, Eric Posner, Alan Dershowitz, Marko Milanovic ad Dapo Akande, so far), have universally rejected it." Human Rights Watch similarly lies and misleads. These groups' betrayal and distortion of human rights indicates to terrorists that they can violate human rights with impunity, and Israel can take extra humanitarian steps and be accused of violating human rights, and that international law can be turned against compliant forces in favor of abusers anywhere. DAILY ILLOGIC & NON-FACT Reports are coming out that Hamas persecuted Fatah men under cover of war. Denying it, a Hamas sympathizer asked, "Does the Fatah have anything to do with the war? No. So why would Hamas go after them." (From NY Times, 1/23, A8.) Which to tackle first, the illogic or the lie? The lie is that Fatah had nothing to do with the war. One of the armed wings of Fatah engaged in combat with Israeli forces. This is not the first time. It doesn't draw much notice. The fact of it is not convenient for diplomats, who pretend that Fatah is moderate and ready for peace with Israel. On the other hand, Abbas, head of Fatah, urged Fatah men to move into position to take over, when, as he thought [and I wished], Israel were to destroy Hamas. Abbas thus tipped off Hamas that Fatah would exploit its weakness after combat. Imagine how the leaders of Hamas felt about that, as they hid from Israeli bombardment! Hamas is totalitarian. It brooks no rivals. Hence it would be more logical to suppose that Hamas continues to purge Fatah from Gaza. The newspaper scoops up quotations from local Arabs without screening or commentary, regardless of how absurd. Wrong in fact, poor in logic, the Times finds it fit to print. What does the Times think its readers will emerge believing? If the readers put their intelligence to work, they'd find their newspaper nutty. They would wonder whether the journalists and editors check facts, know facts, and can reason. They might demand that the journalists not simply let lies and misconceptions in without comment. What standard does the paper have? LACK OF STANDARDS IN FOREIGN MEDIA A Norwegian Communist official, Dr. Mads Gilbert, had approved of the 9/11 attack on the US. The Norwegian Aid Committee sent him to al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. There he accused Israel of deliberately targeting civilians. He did not mention evidence that the hospital was used for military purposes. His testimony has been reported by the BBC, U.K. Times, Sky Press, and the Norwegian Press. NGO Monitor urges the media to be cautious about airing Dr. Gilbert's notions (IMRA, 1/7). Hamas deliberately puts its targets near civilians. I think that when it comes to smearing Israel, most of the media have a most relaxed standard. They give Communists and terrorists the benefit of the doubt. U.S. SPYING ON ISRAEL The US spies intensely on Israeli government decision making and non-conventional warfare capability, according to a book by the Israel Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center (IMRA, 1/8). Then isn't the US outrage over Pollard transferring secret intelligence about the Mideast from the US to Israel hypocritical? I think his life sentence was excessive, making him our Prisoner of Zion, but on what basis would the US object if Israel caught some US spies and sentenced them to life in prison? Wonder whether the new President will end the US double standard on how it treats other countries, one of the sore points against the previous Administration and with voters who elected Obama. THOSE SCHOOLS WHOSE BOMBING UNRWA PROTESTS Aside from the IDF having films and witnesses showing that Hamas gunmen fired at it from within or adjoining to UNRWA schools, secondary explosions after the IDF fired or bombed back proved that Hamas had used them to store explosives. The schools were made into legitimate targets. According to Israeli nationalist politicians, UNRWA schools prepare those dear children to become terrorists. These critics demand that UNRWA be disbanded and the regular UNO agency for refugees take over, instead of treating the Arabs differently (Arutz-7, 1/8) in order to give refugee descendants aid, and keep them as a wedge against Israel. If the accusation about UNRWA schools preparing children to become terrorists is correct, Israel should be making propaganda about it against UNRWA and explaining that supposed humanitarian services to Palestinian Arabs may serve inhumane purposes. UNRWA mistakenly calls Israel self-defense against its schools illegal. What was not illegal was Hamas turning civilian facilities into military outposts and therefore military targets. Is UNRWA complicit or a silent partner in that illegality? How dare UNRWA maintain schools perverted to benefit terrorism! UNRWA has some gall to protest the bombing of its facilities and the injuries to its personnel! I haven't heard UNRWA express any sympathy for Israeli schools under Hamas bombardment, although Israeli schools have no military usage and advocate peace. This is another case of hypocrisy. Against Israel, indignation is almost entirely hypocrisy, knowing or inadvertent. BEN-GURION U. ADMIN. STILL DOESN'T GET IT The president of Ben Gurion U., Prof. Rivka Carmi, considers anti-Zionists entitled to express fifth column views on campus [although Israel is at war] and she agrees with them. She treats their propaganda as if scholarship, lowering academic standards to hire and promote. She regretted having to shut down campus, because rockets were fired at it. Her support for Far Leftist propaganda helped put Hamas in position to bomb Beer Sheba (Prof. Steven Plaut, 1/8). This is happening all over Israel. Oddly, Meretz, a political party that supports appeasement of genocidal terrorists, urged that Gaza be cleared of its terrorists. DENIAL BUILT INTO NY TIMES AFFIRMATION January 25 added to the Times' stream of lamentation over destruction in Gaza. Where are articles about destruction in Israel, unjustified destruction, unlike Israel's counter-attack against Hamas? Since critics keep accusing Israel of callousness, why so little reported about how Israel minimized enemy civilian casualties? Why few explanations of how Hamas kept its own civilian casualties and destruction up, as by booby-trapping their buildings? The paper's one-sided human interest makes Israel seem brutish rather than the brutes of jihad. Buried within the article, is its denial: "Much of Gaza, especially the capital, Gaza City, remains largely intact. This is not Grozny after the Chechen war or Dresden after WWII. The hospitals are coping; stores are reopening, traffic... Israel has tripled the amount of good flowing in here since before the war." Even that admission is misleading, since it omits the large quantities flowing in through tunnels. This is part of the pretense of a humanitarian crisis caused by Israel. Hamas did cause some shortages, though, to reap propaganda, like this article. A UNO official said, "We need to fix the water and sanitation networks as quickly as we can." "That means importation of construction materials on a big scale. It has not happened for the last 18 months. The Israelis don't say no, but they say we need to have assurances it will not be misused by Hamas." What impression does that official give? That the water and sanitation system problems were caused by Israel. That leaves out a big part of the story. Omitted is the part about Hamas neglecting government for its war of aggression, meaning it is responsible for all its problems. The recent combat took about a month. During the other 17 months, Gaza did import a lot of cement for construction. Could have worked on water and sewage. Instead, it used those materials to build underground bunkers. The purpose of Hamas is religious war (Ethan Bronner, 1/25, A6). Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Janet Lehr, February 4, 2009. |
7:19 AM IL: SIRENS SOUNDING, GRAD GATYUSHA ROCKETS LAND IN THE CENTER OF ASHKELON-ISRAEL'S THIRD LARGEST CITY, POPULATION 120,000. This is the Hamas definition of cease fire!! http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=29811 [Monday's 3 Kassams and 3 to 5 mortars to the Negev did not receive an Israeli reaction] 090303 IRAN LAUNCHES HOME-MADE OMID SATELLITE AND HOME-MADE LONG
Iran is in the midst of a 10-day celebration of the 1979 revolution, replete with full military displays on and above the streets of Tehran. Omid, which means "hope" in Persian. Long-range ballistic technology used to put satellites into orbit can also be used for launching weapons. The television broadcast said the Omid would return to earth after orbiting for one to three months, with data that would help experts send an "operational satellite" into space. Iran already had a satellite in orbit but the Sina-1 was launched by a Russian rocket in 2005, said the television New US President Barack Obama has said he sees Iran as a threat but
is also offering direct dialogue with its leaders. Ahmadinejad has
set tough terms for any talks with Obama's administration, saying it
must change policy not just tactics toward Tehran and apologize for
past "crimes" against Iran
WEST BANK We all understand the meaning of the word 'contiguous',
that's grade school stuff. But consider the implication At a meeting
with students at Ben-Gurion University, Barak said, Israel could pay
for the privilege of being terrorism's enabler by building for the
'reasonable sum' (Barak's words) of $2-3 billion, a tunnel between
Beit Hanoun and a village near Hebron. This plan might be further
along than the public is lead to believe, as the dimension of the
tunnel is given as 157.5 feet (wide I presume) sufficient for military
usage I presume!!!
090201 "JEWS GET OUT", "DEATH TO JEWS" AND "JEWS NOT WANTED" scrawling over the walls of a Caracas synagogue. The 11,000 Jews living in Caracas have been threatened since the events in Gaza 'when the Venezuelan government adopted an aggressive and dangerous tone never previously heard clearly inciting against the Jewish Community. In "The Threat Closer to Home: Hugo Chavez and the War Against America," authors Douglas Schoen and Michael Rowan write that through his support of terror organizations and by providing safe refuge for terrorists, Chavez constitutes a real, concrete threat to the United States and to Venezuela's Jewish population. Venezeula earlier this month cut ties with Israel to protest its military offensive in the Gaza Strip. FATAH PUBLISHES NAMES OF 181 CLAIMED KILLED, SHOT OR MAIMED BY DE
FACTO GOVERNMENT FORCES IN GAZA Date: 02/ 02/2009 Ramallah Ma'an
A senior leader within Fatah slammed what he called "Hamas crimes
against patriotic people" in the Gaza Strip
UPDATE ON DAVOS AND THE TURKISH PRIME MINISTER ERDOGAN who stormed off the stage after shouting, "You are killing people!" at President Shimon Peres; who enjoyed a hero's welcome when he arrived at Ben Gurion airport as "The Conqueror of Davos." Imagine Israeli tourists over 500,000 in 2008 are staying away! But, The 25,000-member Turkish Jewish community doesn't have that luxury and are suffering. Anti-Jewish prejudice is endemic. The Izmir synagogue has been vandalized; anti-Jewish posters in Istanbul urge patrons to boycott Jewish shops. Jewish schoolchildren felt compelled to stand during a nationwide moment of silence for the Palestinian dead in Gaza. SO Israelis have good reason to think Turkey has chosen Hamas over Israel, and Iran over the West. ANNOUNCED IN THE JORNAL DO FUNDAO today about ten women over 100 years old, in the general area of Belmonte (though not right in the town). There was a Costa, a Mendes and a Silva among them...if anyone really wants to read it (in Portuguese) I saved a copy. judithc@yorku.ca saudades-sefarad@yahoogroups.com You don't have to be Sephardic or a Portugese linguist. Many of their posts are fascinating slices of historic Jewish life. CHARLOTTE KNOBLOCH, HEAD OF THE CENTRAL COUNCIL OF JEWS IN GERMANY, said on Thursday that she was severing contact with the Catholic Church. Her move stems from the pope's decision to void the excommunication of Holocaust denier Bishop Richard Williamson. VUS HOLY BASIN Likud party chairman and Knesset Opposition leader MK Binyamin Netanyahu warned at the Jerusalem Conference Wednesday that the Obama administration and leftist Israeli politicians will try to internationalize holy sites in Jerusalem and he vowed to fight the move. "We have demonstrated in the past, and will continue to demonstrate our commitment to a complete, undivided Jerusalem," Netanyahu assured a packed hall at the Jerusalem Regency Hotel, where he opened the final day of the Jerusalem Conference. NSA HELPED UNCOVER 1973 NYC BOMBING PLOT (AP) It was the National
Security Agency that uncovered a 1973 plot to bomb New York City, a
scheme since linked to a terrorist who is nearing release from prison,
according to government documents and interviews. Khalid Al-Jawary, a
Black September terrorist, placed two car bombs along Fifth Avenue and
one near Kennedy Airport. The attack was meant to coincide with
Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir's arrival in the city. The bombs
failed to detonate, and Al-Jawary quickly fled the country before
being arrested nearly 20 years later. The case has gained increased
attention since an Associated Press investigation provided new details
about Al-Jawary's shadowy background. He's scheduled to be released
Feb. 19 after serving only about half his 30-year prison sentence. But
until now, it has been unclear how the authorities knew where to look
for the cars. Shortly after Al-Jawary planted the bombs around March
4, the NSA intercepted a message revealing the location of them.
ONE IN 10 INMATES BEHIND BARS IN WASHINGTON STATE TURNS TO ISLAM (HeraldNet WA) The announcement rang out across the open courtyards of the Monroe Correctional Complex. "Movement is now open." Men wearing baggy navy-blue sweatshirts and loose-fitting pants or jeans drifted from one building to the next. They ambled along, laughing with one another and gulping in fresh air. It's free time, when prisoners who are being held for rape, burglary, murder and other crimes can attend classes or read in the library. A small group of men, many wearing crocheted skullcaps, filed into a windowless room. Prison is a tomb or a womb, they say. Either a man wastes his years on the inside and allows bitterness to rot his soul, or he uses the time to quiet the rage or fear or desperation that landed him in prison. Anthony Waller, like many Muslims at Twin Rivers, converted to the faith while behind bars. That changed everything, he said. "If I wasn't a Muslim I'd still be in closed custody," Waller, 31, said, referring to prison facilities that strictly control prisoners with violent pasts. "Or, I'd be dead," he said. http://www.investigativeproject.org/ext/2421 BOSTON CARDINAL DEFENDS POPE Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of
Boston says he supports Pope Benedict VXI's decision to lift the
excommunication of a bishop who denied the Holocaust. In comments
posted to his blog, O'Malley defended the pope but also apologized to
the Jewish community for Bishop Richard Williamson's "outrageous"
remarks, The Boston Globe reported Sunday. O'Malley's comments Friday
night were seen as the latest in damage control from Roman Catholic
Church officials worldwide, the Globe reported.
1>OBAMA GOES UNILATERAL Dealing with Iran is not for amateurs. Is Obama up to the task? Amir Taheri Jan 28, 2009
PRESIDENT Obama spent his first week in office dismantling a number of Bush policies. Demanding reports on a faster Iraq withdrawal or closing Gitmo amount to no more than political sleight of hand. But Obama's actions on the Middle East may substantially alter US strategy. The first such move is the appointment of ex-Sen. George Mitchell as special Middle East peace envoy, a position he held briefly in 2000. The move has two notable implications. First: The new president isn't interested in the so-called Quartet created by the Bush administration. This exercise in multilateral diplomacy sought a common front among the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia in Mideast peace talks. Its dismantling would give America greater control over future negotiations but would also leave it solely responsible for any failure. Second: By appointing Mitchell without informing (let alone consulting) the Quartet partners, Obama has in effect called for the resignation of the Quartet's peace envoy, British ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair. Obama clearly thinks that he can succeed in finding a solution to the Arab-Israel problem, where 10 presidents before him have failed over six decades. Obama's second move is to appoint a special envoy to Iran. Said to be Dennis Ross, a seasoned diplomat, the envoy would open a channel to Tehran as soon as possible. Some Obama advisers had argued that it would be better to wait until after the Iranian presidential election in June, in hopes that someone less controversial than President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might emerge as their key interlocutor. But Obama dismissed that advice, partly out of concern that Tehran might use delay to speed up its nuclear program. Unconfirmed reports say that the first informal contacts have already taken place, via two Iranian-American intermediaries in contact with Tehran's UN legation in New York. Here, too, Obama is dismantling his predecessor's multilateral scheme. By seeking unconditional talks with Tehran, he is also setting aside three unanimous, mandatory UN Security Council resolutions. The move also means the effective dissolution of the "5+1 Group," created three years ago to deal with Iran. Apart from America, the group includes Russia, China, Britain and France (the four other veto-holding Security Council members), plus Germany. 2>ICC TO LOOK INTO ISRAELI 'WAR CRIMES' Feb. 1, 2009
In what is likely to only add to the diplomatic storm which erupted after a Spanish judge announced last week that he was launching a "war crimes" probe into the actions of a number of Israeli officials and IDF officers, a prosecutor at the International Criminal Court at the Hague has now made a similar announcement, the Times newspaper reported on Monday. Livni has eased out of the Spanish situation, but now this. Obama has said that he would commit American forces to review by the ICC. ICC is an erosion of the rights of nations in a move towards global governance. Is the free world ready for this move? In what is likely to only add to the diplomatic storm which erupted after a Spanish judge announced last week that he was launching a "war crimes" probe into the actions of a number of Israeli officials and IDF officers, a prosecutor at the International Criminal Court at the Hague has now made a similar announcement, the Times newspaper reported on Monday. According to the British newspaper, Luis Moreno-Ocampo told the paper that he intended to look into petitions brought by Palestinian groups which alleged that Israel committed war crimes during Operation Cast Lead by using white phosphorous in densely populated areas. The prosecutor went on to say that his examination of the facts of the case was not a confirmation that Israel did indeed commit war crimes, but rather an analysis to determine whether the court had any jurisdiction in prosecuting Israel, the paper reported. "It is the territorial state that has to make a reference to the court," Mr. Moreno-Ocampo said of the Palestinian territories. "They [the petitioners] are making an argument that the Palestinian Authority is, in reality, that state." "They are quoting jurisprudence," he told the paper. "It's very complicated. It's a different kind of analysis I am doing. It may take a long time but I will make a decision according to law." Meanwhile, Spanish media outlets reported on Sunday that despite the recent decision by Spanish investigative judge Fernando Andreu to probe Israeli officials and IDF officers in connection with the 2002 assassination of Hamas kingpin Salah Shehadeh, Spain's current status as a favorite state for the application of universal jurisdiction may soon be limited. According to Cadena Ser radio and El Pais newspaper, a law is in the works that would limit the National Court to trying cases with links to Spain. Israeli officials, meanwhile, continued to hammer away at the legitimacy of the Spanish case against members of the defense and political establishment. "This is a subversion of the Spanish legal system for populist purposes. It is not based on any investigation of the facts, but on media reports. Was there an authoritative investigation before the launching of a court proceeding? This makes a mockery of the Spanish justice system," said one Foreign Ministry official. "The Spanish courts don't bother with Chechnya, for example, or Darfur, Uganda and the genocide in Congo," the official went on. "Israel is an easy target, a popular whipping boy. [Attacking Israel] is kind of a fun consensus. We don't even have facts we can argue with. The entire legal proceeding is based on media reports and public opinion." During the weekly cabinet meeting, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told the cabinet that the Foreign Ministry was working to change the legislation and procedures in each country to prevent such lawsuits and the damage they caused to diplomatic relations. She added that similar laws in Belgium and Switzerland had already been changed and that Israel was working "with Holland, France and other countries, and even through the United Nations, to prevent the manipulative misuse of the principle of universal jurisdiction." Anti-Defamation League chairman Abe Foxman took another tack Sunday, attacking instead what he described as "the shameful record of Spain's own judiciary." He added that "Spain is in no position to hold itself out as an example on terror and the law. It would be better served addressing its own glaring deficiencies rather than trying to tarnish Israel's independent and highly respected judiciary." Foxman offered a list of examples, including the January Spanish Supreme Court decision to order the release of Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas aka Abu Dahdah, an al-Qaida terrorist convicted of helping finance the September 11 attacks and a November 2008 decision to halt an investigation into the killings of more than 100,000 Spanish citizens during the Franco dictatorship. Over the weekend, the Justice Ministry announced that the ministry had sent out piles of documents to Spain detailing legal steps it had taken in connection with the attack on Shehadeh. "We hope that now that they've received the documents, the Spanish judge's decision will be canceled as soon as possible," said Justice Ministry officials but over two days after the documents reached Madrid, no such action had been taken. 3>BLATANT, CONSTANT ABUSES BY THE UN RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINIAN ARAB REFUGEES UNITED STATES APPROACH TO HAMAS Ileana Ros-Lehtinen,Ranking Republican
U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today commented on a report that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) fails to properly screen staff members and humanitarian aid recipients for links to Foreign Terrorist Organizations. (WASHINGTON) U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today commented on a report that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) fails to properly screen staff members and humanitarian aid recipients for links to Foreign Terrorist Organizations. The report, authored by UNRWA's former general counsel James Lindsay, also claims that top UNRWA officials frequently make biased statements in support of Hamas and against Israel, advance policies that only expand the ranks of refugees, and have failed to implement effective standards to prevent abuses. Lindsay concludes that while the U.S. is the agency's largest donor, UNRWA has "often clashed with U.S. policies" and that "changes will not occur unless the United States compels the agency to enact reforms." Ros-Lehtinen is the author of The United Nations Transparency, Accountability and Reform Act (H.R. 557), which conditions U.S. aid to UNRWA on that agency taking a number of steps to prevent its resources from supporting Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Statement of Ros-Lehtinen: "For years, American assistance to UNRWA has undermined U.S. interests. These allegations, coming from a former UNRWA senior official, reinforce long-standing concerns that hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used to support violent Palestinian groups. Ros-Lehtinen comments on new European Union Policy towards Hamas (WASHINGTON) U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today commented on remarks by EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana which softened the EU's approach towards the Islamist militant group Hamas. Solana's remarks proposed including Hamas in Middle East peace talks as a legitimate segment of the Palestinian Authority without first requiring that Hamas renounce violence and dismantle its militant infrastructure, accept existing peace accords, and recognize Israel's right to exist. Statement by Ros-Lehtinen: "Any appeasement of Hamas while it embraces violence against civilians and denies Israel's right to exist emboldens those whose goals of destroying Israel and imposing authoritarian rule are irreconcilable with peace." Janet Lehr is editor/publisher of a daily e-mail called "Israel Lives." She can be contacted at janetlehr@israellives.org |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, February 4, 2009. |
![]() Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il and
visit |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, February 4, 2009. |
This was written by Nat Hentoff and it appeared in Jewish World Review. |
On Jan. 21, an appeals court in the Netherlands ordered filmmaker Geert Wilders (who is also a member of that nation's own parliament) to stand trial on a charge of "insulting" and "spreading hatred" against Muslims. His 2008 short film, "Fitna," showed verses from the Quran over actual scenes of violence by Islamic terrorists. The court, reported Fox News (Jan. 22), ruled that these insults to Islam were so egregious that the defense of free speech did not apply, and it is in the public interest to prosecute him. If convicted, Wilders faces a maximum sentence of two years in prison. Said the defendant: "I lost my freedom already four and a half years ago in October 2004, when my 24-hour police protection started because of threats by Muslims in Holland and abroad to kill me." What awaits Wilders in the Netherlands may be a harbinger of what will happen if a non-binding Dec. 18 U.N. resolution, passed by a strong majority in the General Assembly, becomes international law. The resolution urges U.N. members to take state action (punishment) against "defamation of religion" and "incitement to religious hatred" caused by defamation. The main force behind this resolution, which was sponsored on its behalf, is the 57-nation/members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. This organization, after the combustible cartoons of Prophet Muhammad were published in Denmark in September 2005, had a key role in expanding the violent protests against those cartoons in a number of countries. On Feb. 9, 2006, I received a copy of a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan from a longtime source of mine acting against Sudan's National Islamic Front government's killing, raping and enslaving of black Christians and animists in southern Sudan. He was John Eibner, director of Christian Solidarity International, which was instrumental in rescuing many of those captives from slavery in the north of Sudan. Said Eibner to Annan (as I reported at the time in the Feb. 14, 2006, Village Voice): "The role of the Saudi-based Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), representing 57 Muslim states, in creating a climate for violent confrontation over the cartoons (was shown when) the OIC set the stage for anti-free speech demonstrations at its extraordinary summit in Mecca in December 2005. "The Muslim states," Eibner continued, "resolved through these many demonstrations to pressure, through a program of joint Islamic action, international institutions, including the U.N., to criminalize insults of Islam and its prophet. ... On the 4th of February the day the mob violence commenced the Organization of Islamic Conference described publication of the caricatures as acts of 'blasphemy.' Blasphemy is punishable by death, according to Sharia law." Revealingly, although there was outrage when on Oct. 17, 2005 the Egyptian newspaper Al Fagr published the cartoons on its front page, there was nothing like the furious demonstrations elsewhere until after the Organization of the Islamic Conference summit meeting in December 2005. After the OIC's focus on the cartoons at the Mecca summit, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon and Qatar went on to carry the inflammatory message of blasphemy. And the OIC's grand plan to get international institutions to criminalize insults of Islam began to work. On Feb. 9, 2006, the European Union asked for a voluntary code of conduct to prevent offending Muslims. And on the same day, Annan concurred with an OIC proposal that the U.N. Human Rights Council "prevent instances of intolerance, discrimination, incitement of hatred and violence...against religions, prophets and beliefs." By Dec. 18, 2008, the OIC triumphed when the U.N. General Assembly passed the nonbinding but rousing "defamation of religion" resolution on behalf of the OIC and emphasized only Muslims and Islam by name as the forbidden targets of such "defamation." Pressure may well continue to enshrine this resolution into international law. The OIC in its New York Times ad on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, "An Invitation to a New Partnership," addressed to President Barack Obama wrote: "Throughout the globe, Muslims hunger for a new era of peace. We firmly believe that America, with your guidance, can help foster that peace, though real peace can only be shared never imposed." The OIC, however, was at the time fresh from its U.N. victory to actually impose silence on critics of Islamic jihadists, who have long been working to hijack the true Muslim religion. And why has the press, particularly the American press, continued to be so silent on this U.N. attack on individuals' right of conscience throughout the world to call jihadist terrorism for what it is? You might want to ask your news sources why they have ignored this global gag rule on free expression. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Olivier Guitta, February 4, 2009. |
This coming week, for an umpteenth time the P-5 plus one the U.N. permanent five members plus Germany will meet to talk about Iran and try to adopt a common position. It will be the first time the U.S. Barack Obama administration will take part in the discussions. With an affirmed will of breaking from the precedent administration, the Obama team has a lot at stake. At this point, with Iran inching so much closer to acquiring a nuclear weapon, the next few weeks might be the last chance for a diplomatic solution. Obama's opening to the Tehran regime has been received quite coldly. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad replied by demanding apologies for the crimes the United States has allegedly committed. He also asked for the U.S. withdrawal from both Iraq and Afghanistan. But that is not all, when it comes to the core issue of Iran's military nuclear program, Aliakbar Javanfekr, a senior aide to Ahmadinejad, stated that Iran had no intention of stopping it. That sounds pretty definitive. A non-starter, really. Interestingly, the White House muscled up its tone when it warned Iran that military action is still one of the options on the table. But at the same time the very dovish German foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier reiterated his view that only diplomacy should be used, therefore removing a large stick from the negotiating table. Indeed, if Iran thinks there will be no major repercussions for defying the international community, then what incentive has Iran to stop? And that is the crux of the matter: the international community has very different views about how to tackle the Iranian issue. Russia and China are more than lenient with Iran, to say the least, and are going to block real hard sanctions on Tehran one way or another. At this point it is really "divided we stand," and the Iranians could not be happier. Furthermore, the past six years negotiating with Iran have led nowhere except buying time for Tehran. Former French President Jacques Chirac explained how pointless it is to discuss with the mullahs, "These people don't think like us, we will always have problems understanding each other: when one thinks that an agreement has been reached, then boom they will make you start negotiating from scratch with a new team. They always try to lead you astray." Maybe that's why France and the United Kingdom have been very active in the past months to increase the pressure on Tehran by working on having the European Union adopt tougher sanctions on Iran. But the 27 members of the EU are divided at this time. Spain, Greece and Cyprus want to continue dialogue without further sanctions. Sweden wants to leave the sanctions process to the United Nations. Austria and Luxembourg are totally against upsetting their Iranian trading partner, especially since Austrian oil firm OMV has a large contract with Iran and Luxembourg financial institutions are not favorable of dumping their Iran business. When it comes to Germany the Chancellor Angela Merkel's camp is for new sanctions while foreign minister Steinmeier is against. The French and British plan is to target Iran's energy and banking sector. It consists in curtailing European businesses to provide equipment for Iran's oil industry, therefore choking 85 percent of Iran's revenues. Also, they want the EU to ban the two Iranian banks Saderat and Melli that have already been sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury. Interestingly France, the United Kingdom and Italy have since December been advising companies in the banking, insurance and energy sector to stop contracting with Tehran. But one thing that the 27 agreed on, was announced last week: the largest anti-mullah Iranian group, the Mojahedin-e-Khalq, was removed from the EU terrorist list. That sends a message loud and clear to Tehran. Will the United States follow suit? That remains to be seen. Actually, some Europeans are concerned that they are strongly pushing for sanctions while they have no idea about Washington's new intentions. Also European diplomats are concerned that they might be left at the station and that Washington might decide to negotiate directly with Tehran. Several credible reports are pointing to Iran's possibly going nuclear this year. That means the international community has to find quickly ways to get Iran to give in. A sanctions route that specifically targets energy is the most straightforward and efficient option. But if not, why not follow the French example? After France got proof of Iran's involvement, through its proxy Hezbollah, in the wave of terror bombings in France in 1985-1986, plus the kidnapping of its citizens in Lebanon, France played hardball. Then president Chirac decided to humiliate Tehran: "Like all peoples, Iranians hate losing face. They have their dignity. So if you treat them like chimpanzees?" The best method according to Chirac was to cut off diplomatic relations. "As long as you will behave like animals, we will not have diplomatic relations with you." France did just that in 1987 and restored them in mid-1988 only after the last French hostages in Lebanon were freed. It looks like Tehran could not bear its new image as a pariah on the international scene. Regaining its honor enticed Iran to compromise on some aspects. Maybe if some major countries were just threatening Iran of cutting diplomatic relations then possibly an agreement could be reached. Lessons need to be learned from the past negotiations with Iran: carrots do not work. So since Israel cannot afford a nuclear Iran and will not sit on her hands, the world has to come up with bigger sticks. Interestingly enough, when former U.S. President George W. Bush asked Chirac after Sept. 11, 2001 what he thought about a rapprochement with Iran, Chirac replied, "Don't even think about it. These people are lunatics! Don't think there are moderates with whom you can negotiate." That's advice from the former president of France that Obama might want to consider. Olivier Guitta, an adjunct fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a foreign affairs and counterterrorism consultant, is the founder of the newsletter The Croissant (www.thecroissant.com), which is available at $99/year. This article appeared in Middle East Times
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 4, 2009. |
US Envoy George Mitchell was back in Washington yesterday, but will be coming our way again by the end of this month. He has now indicated that he wants an office with a small staff in Jerusalem, so that he can monitor events here closely. Forgive my sarcasm, but I feel that, were we to breathe the wrong way, it would be his inclination to report this to his bosses in Washington, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton. "I plan to establish a regular and sustained presence in the region," he told reporters. But I have a suggestion: I think his office should be in Ramallah. The prospect of Mitchell insinuating himself into our internal affairs does not sit well with me at all. ~~~~~~~~~~ Sec. Clinton, at the event welcoming Mitchell back, explained: "We are looking to work with all of the parties to try to help them make progress toward a negotiated agreement that would end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, create an independent and viable Palestinian state in both the West Bank and Gaza, and provide Israel with the peace and security that it has sought." Just that, huh? What is it about these people these high level government officials with grandiose schemes that they have no perception of the impossibility of the task and imagine that they can pull off what numerous processors could not. ~~~~~~~~~~ UNRWA, which has consistently worked against us in recent weeks, via charges and actions, had the Israeli office of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories really irked earlier this week. "Regretful provocation," is what UNRWA's behavior was called, and with good reason: The UN agency asked for permission to bring paper and plastic bags into Gaza and was told by Israeli officials that the request would be considered. The next day the Kerem Shalom crossing was opened for the delivery of humanitarian supplies, which included 50 trucks belonging to UNRWA. Along with the humanitarian supplies, however, were a few trucks carrying paper and plastic bags. UNRWA officials had coordinated the arrival of the trucks with several media outlets, which filmed the trucks being turned away. Spokesman Maj. Peter Lerner said that while the request may ultimately be granted, at present the focus is on humanitarian supplies. "UNRWA receives preferential treatment at the crossings..." he said. "What was done was wrong and not in accordance with the working relationship that Israel has with UNRWA." ~~~~~~~~~~ UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness protested that the paper was needed for their schools, and "therefore it is really strange that anybody should be surprised that we raised this issue." His statement doesn't explain the need for plastic bags, but let's leave this aside for a moment. I have a distinct recollection of a discussion with Lerner's predecessor, Shlomo Dror, in a similar situation. He explained to me Israeli reluctance to grant UNRWA's requests to bring in large quantities of paper, because there was strong suspicion that some of that paper would end up in Hamas hands, thus facilitating their operations. Hamas is attempting to rebuild and recoup now. Surely, they, as well as UNRWA school children, have a need for paper. ~~~~~~~~~~ On the subject of UNRWA, I recommend this JINSA Report, "Israel did NOT hit an UNRWA school in Gaza."
~~~~~~~~~~ But on the flip side, we are seeing, perhaps for the first time, overt criticism of Hamas by UNRWA: The same spokesman mentioned above, Chris Gunness, has revealed that when UNRWA refused to voluntarily hand over humanitarian relief to the Hamas-run Ministry of Social Affairs, Hamas policemen forced their way into an UNRWA warehouse in Gaza City last night and confiscated 3,500 blankets and over 400 food parcels. Indicating that the situation was "absolutely unacceptable," he said, "they were armed, they seized this, they took it by force." ~~~~~~~~~~ Since we're working from a theme of irksome happenings, I turn next to our election campaign. Nothing uplifting about such campaigns in general, but this one really leaves a good deal to be desired. Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu has been saying that he will negotiate with the PA if he is prime minister, but on economic issues, because a state cannot be founded unless it has a solid infrastructure and economic base. While he happens to be absolutely correct, I have assumed this was his way of sliding out of the issue sideway. Instead of refusing to negotiate and facing off against the international community, he would do this. Kadima head Tzipi Livni, making the very same assumption, I would guess, asked, regarding Netanyahu's statement: "What is this drivel?" The solution, she declared, is not to make the PA economically stronger, but to create a Palestinian state. A very very good reason not to vote for her. ~~~~~~~~~~ But according to Ari Shavit, writing a startling and explosive piece in Haaretz, there are a host of other reasons not to consider Livni as prime minister. Shavit took "statements from about a dozen people who know Tzipi Livni quite well. None of them is close to either Benjamin Netanyahu or Ehud Barak. Most support Kadima or parties on the left. Nevertheless, all are concerned. The portrait they paint of Livni is a disturbing one." What Shavit heard is that Livni is short-tempered, and has an attention deficit so that she cannot delve into the details of an issue. "She finds it very hard to make decisions." "She neither understands nor likes people...she is thought of as lacking leadership." "All these issues, however, are dwarfed by the question of all questions that Livni evokes: Who is she and what is her inner core? A few of the people I spoke to this week had a disturbing response to this question: Tzipi Livni is hollow. They argued that Livni lacks the cultural baggage, historic vision, emotional tools and personal abilities of a leader. She has never shown civil courage, has no achievements to her name and has never gone against the tide." Why did Shavit do this? "We went to the last elections not dealing with Ehud Olmert's corrupt nature even though we [the media] knew it and Amir Peretz's lack of strength in military-diplomatic affairs even though we knew it and we suffered the consequences. We cannot allow this to happen again." He wanted the public to know, and decide.
~~~~~~~~~~ OK, then it becomes all the more apparent that Livni must be defeated. And there is only one alternative: Netanyahu. He has pledged to keep Jerusalem united, defeat Hamas, and (his very first priority) prevent Iran from going nuclear. He is hinting at an autonomy for the Palestinians that is short of a state: "The Palestinians should have all the powers to govern themselves, but none to threaten the security and existence of the State of Israel." But wait! He is now apparently suggesting that he would keep Ehud Barak as his defense minister. It is being reported that in closed conversation he said he wanted Barak. In public he has said, "In the face of all the security challenges Israel is facing...we need the best, most experienced and most responsible people possible." Uh oh. Barak as the best to face security challenges? Barak who pulled out of Lebanon precipitously in 2000 and who stalled the longest on going into Gaza now? Is there something wrong with selecting as defense minister Lt.-Gen. Moshe Ya'alon who's on the Likud ticket? Ya'alon who was Chief of Staff from 2002 to 2005, and headed the successful military action against the Palestinian terror war in Judea and Samaria. Is there a deal Netanyahu may be cooking up with Barak? Or is the rumor wrong? Netanyahu's charge, at the major security conference currently taking place in Herzliya, that we didn't stay in Gaza long enough is implicitly a criticism of Barak. However, he also said that he wanted to "express my appreciation to the chief of staff and defense minister for their preparation work, and to the IDF soldiers." ~~~~~~~~~~ Not a good sign: The general secretary of the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union has said that in support of the "historic and heroic struggle of the Palestinian people for self-determination," they will refuse to unload any Israeli goods coming into the port at Durban. "If it's an Israeli product, we're going to boycott it, plain and simple." ~~~~~~~~~~ Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit has told reporters that a firm cease-fire may not be achieved in the next few days, although efforts to this end will continue until it is achieved. ~~~~~~~~~~ You might want to see a report on the work towards the cease-fire and Palestinian unity from the perspective of the Arab news agency Maan. Among the things Hamas leader Salah Bardawil, speaking from Cairo, is reported to have said is that, "Hamas won't agree on stopping smuggling weapons into Gaza because that would mean the end of resistance." Israel is reported to have offered to allow in 75% of the goods currently banned (the other 25% being material that could be used in making weapons) in return for Shalit's release. While Hamas essentially wants everything let into Gaza, and will agree to negotiations on Shalit in tandem with these arrangements. Hamas, you see, would be ready for a prisoner exchange tomorrow. Hamas would, in the context of a cease-fire, stop firing projectiles, but would need "Egypt's help in convincing other factions to restrain themselves." If this is accurate, it's going to be a long day indeed before there is agreement that makes a cease-fire possible.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Simon McIlwaine, February 4, 2009. |
This was written by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu and it appeared in
(IsraelNN.com) The Take-a-Pen activist movement has launched a petition demanding that the United Nations place Hamas on trial for war crimes. Go to http://www.petitiononline.com/tap12009/petition.html. Please sign. The move, which already has gained more than
The petition charges Hamas with "shooting rockets and grenades purposely on civilian targets in Israel [and] from within Palestinian civilian compounds, such as schools or in close proximity of hospitals or residential buildings." Among other charges are "storing weapons and ammunition in schools, mosques, public offices and buildings and... regularly using their own civilians as human shields, particularly children, often forced to be in the most dangerous spots." The appeal also reminds U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that Hamas has not respected international law by refusing to provide information or allow the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to have contact with kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. It warns that failing to prosecute Hamas will "lead to their war crimes growing to become normative behavior, and to more of the same humanitarian catastrophes, to millions of victims of oppression and killings undefended by the U.N." Take-A-Pen, founded by Endre Mozes, describes itself as a "group of European and Israeli citizens concerned with the increasingly anti-Israel dominated media." It adds, "We are not part of any religious or political organization," and that its goal is "to educate at all levels, balance the media, improve public relations for Israel and perfect our Christian-Jewish alliance." The group claims success in forcing several media outlets to apologize for slanderous articles and in deterring several anti-Israel movements. The petition states, "In the recent years and in the present ongoing military conflict, the Hamas terrorist organization ruling in Gaza has committed a large number of diverse war crimes, as defined by International Law*. Go to http://www.petitiononline.com/tap12009/petition.html. Please sign. Simon McIlwaine is with Anglican Friends of Israel (www.anglicanfriendsofisrael.com). Contact him at Simon.McIlwaine@ormerods.co.uk |
Posted by Seth Frantzen, February 3, 2009. |
1) Erdogan, Israel and the ghost of Ataturk: The anger that the Turkish Prime Minister has displayed recently towards Israel should not be viewed as simply stemming from his genuine anger about the Gaza war. His tradition as an Islamist in secular Turkey also shapes his thinking. At a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos on January 29th, 2009 Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyib Erdogan stormed off stage in the wake of a heated discussion between himself, Amr Mousa of the Arab League, Israeli President Shimon Peres of Israel and Secretary General of the U.N Ban Ki Moon. According to reports the heated exchange and outburst was a rarity at the usually dignified gathering. The audience, which consists of the world's elite, was "stunned". Yet Erdogan's anger should not have been a surprise. With the rise of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey, the number of condemnations uttered by Ankara regarding Israeli actions have grown and the relationship between the two countries has become increasingly strained. However Erdogan's distaste for Israel may have less to do with his own feelings about Gaza than with the history of Ataturk's Turkey. When Mustafa Kemal Ataturk became the first president of modern Turkey in 1923, a post he held until his death in 1938, he ushered in an era of radical secularization. His secularism had roots in the previous Young Turk regime which had championed Ottomanism and then Turkishness over the empire's traditional role as a multi-ethnic and extremely heterogeneous state. With the carving up of the Ottoman Empire in 1918 Turkey became a state dominated by the Turkish Muslim majority. With the advent of Ataturkism it became increasingly a Secular Turkish state, with minority Kurdish groups, Greeks, Assyrians, Armenians and others increasingly pushed aside. However Jews retained a great deal of tolerance in the new state which refused to join forces with Hitler. In March of 1949 Turkey became one of the first countries to recognize Israel and the first Muslim country to do so. In the 1950s as Turkey positioned it on the Nato side of the Cold War it found Israel a useful military ally in the region. Israel also saw Turkey as an essential part of its 'periphery' strategy of alliances with Muslim and non-Muslim non-Arab states such as the Shah's Iran and Ethiopia. Turkey refused to call Israel an "aggressor" in the 1967 Six Day War and disagreed with disagreed with a 1969 decision of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to break relations with Israel. The 1990s saw a rise in military cooperation and visits by Israeli heads of state. Israel celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Ottoman empire's welcoming of Jewish refugees from Spain in 1492. Jewish lobbyists such as Moris Amitay were hired by Turkey to help prevent condemnations of the Armenian genocide by the U.S Congress. Israel supported Turkey's greater ascension into the EU. Both countries recognized the threat of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism. The rise of the AK party on the ashes of the banned Islamic-inspired Welfare party and the swearing in as Erdogan as Prime Minister in 2003 marked a break with the Ataturk past. As a descendant of Georgian Muslims Erdogan sees himself as connected to a Muslim world more than the secular Turkish milieu. His outburst during the recent Gaza war were not unique, other Turkish leaders have had harsh criticism for Israel. But his break with Shimon Peres is unique. As foreign minister Peres visited Turkey twice in the 1990s and was outspoken in his support of Turkey's increased role in the EU. Peres' visits to Turkey in the 1990s and the blossoming of the military relationship came under the auspices of the rule of Prime Minister Tansu Ciller, Turkey's first female prime minister who was praised the nationalism and secularism of the army and encouraged targeted assassinations of the Kurdistan Workers Party's Abdullah Ocalan. The rise of the AKP comes in the face of Turkey's longtime secular tradition, one often guaranteed through the intervention of the army in politics to prevent Islamic inspired governments. For Erdogan however the secular tradition of Turkey represents only one path. In 1997 he read a poem that noted "mosques are our barracks...minarets are our bayonets...the end is martyrdom." David Ignatius of the Washington Post, who hosted the Davos discussion of Gaza claimed that the discussion between Peres and Erdogan would, "I hope put a little more substance to that [peace process], where we go now, how we put the pieces back to together." Erdogan's outburst was not merely aimed at Israel, but rather reflects his Islamic view of events, his sympathy for Hamas, an Islamist party, and his own internal struggle against the secular state put in place by Ataturk. Soft Antisemitism: Hypocrisy, international Jurisdiction and Israel
2) Soft Racism: Hypocrisy, international Jurisdiction and Israel: The very idea of an 'international' court is fraught with problems. Who gives one court the right to excersize 'international' jurisdiction. What if all countries allowed their legal systems to do so. The recent attempt by Europeans to prosecute selective international 'crimes' based on their European conception of 'justice' is hyper problematic. Why don't Spanish courts prosecute their own Franco era criminals or U.K courts prosecute IRA terrorists or British officers involved in Bloody Sunday? Why don't the Europeans even prosecute aging Nazi criminals? Why don't they ever indict Muslim terrorists, such as Bin Laden? In the end the court system in Europe is decidedly racist, directed only at selective weak countries by bullying leftist arrogant Europeans. The U.S threatened to use military force should Europe dare try to arrest its soldiers. The world should do the same in fighting the leftist European scourge. Sometimes it is the softest racism that is the worst. It can take the form of the racism of low expectations or the soft racism of neo-colonialism as practiced so often by foreign, usually western, UN workers in places like Haiti. But there is another more tragic form of soft racism that has increasingly become the norm throughout the European legal system; the doctrine of universal jurisdiction. The most recent manifestation of this has been Spanish judge Fernando Andreu to allow for a probe of 'war crimes' charges against seven Israeli politicians and former military officers for the targeted assassination of a Hamas activist in 2002. It's not the first time universal jurisdiction of European courts has been used against Israel. In 2005 an arrest warrant was issued in the U.K against Israeli general Doron Almog. He was accused by the court of breaching the Fourth Geneva convention as commander of Israeli forces in Gaza between 2000 and 2003. In 2003 a Belgian court also decided that Israeli Prime Minister Arial Sharon could be tried for war crimes in Belgium over his role in the Sabra and Shatilla massacre in Lebanon in 1982. The doctrine of Universal Jurisdiction is a European legal phenomenon. No other country's courts claim the right top prosecute foreign nationals from other countries for crimes committed in their countries. Universal jurisdiction by European courts have not only been directed at Israelis. Africans also fall afoul of the long arm of the European legal system. In November of 2008 German police, on instructions from France, arrested Rose Kabuye, one of Africa's most successful female politicians and a member of Rwandan president Paul Kagame's inner circle. She taken to France in handcuffs while on a Rwandan governmental mission to Germany. Ironically she was one of the Tutsi minority who had fought against the Rwandan genocide, a genocide that France has been implicated in supporting. France had charged her as being a 'terrorist'. But in contrast to Israeli generals and African female politicians, European heads of state are able to roam the globe free of charges over their countries' role in colonialism or other actions. European Nato officers who ordered the bombing of Serbia and whose planes accidentally killed hundreds of civilians have not been probed for 'war crimes'. No French officer has ever been charged for their participation in the massacres associated with the Algerian war of independence. No British soldier has been charged over their role in Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland where civilians were gunned down. It seems the law is one way for non-Europeans, particularly Jews and blacks, and another way for Europeans. The idea of universal jurisdiction is unique because it represents a racist view of the world that claims that only European courts can arrest people from every country in the world while courts in other countries may not issue arrest warrants for Europeans. Thus Rwandan courts cannot probe the French role in supplying the Hutu genocidaires of 1994 and order French politicians arrested. Those warrants would not be respected in France or any European country. No Serbian court may attempt to put on trial Europeans for bombing Serbia. Furthermore no court in India may investigate British soldiers for their role in 'war crimes' in Northern Ireland during the troubles. The U.K would scoff at the idea that an Indian court might put them on trial. Herein lies the racism, the idea that only Europeans may put anyone in the world on trial. Thus type of belief in the superiority of Europeans is reminiscent of the dark days of colonial rule, and yet much of the world accepts the idea of universal jurisdiction without retaliating in kind. The hypocrisy of universal jurisdiction is revealed to a greater degree when one considers how selective it is. Elderly Nazis roam free in Europe, freed by European prisons for being of 'old age'. Robert Mugabe and other nasty world leaders, such as those in Darfur, roam free. Terrorists and their leaders from Pakistan to Hamas are not charged. The Spanish courts' participation in investigating Israeli 'war crimes' is astonishing considering the fact that those same Spanish courts do not investigate Spaniards for their role in the crimes of Francoism. It seems one rule applies to EU citizens and another applies to the rest of the world. This is the reason the U.S has refused to sign on to the International Criminal Court, the U.S has realized, correctly, that it is primarily an attempt to extend European power throughout the world, without applying similar rules to Europeans themselves. Universal jurisdiction is a form of soft racism as long as it is not respected and allowed for all. Only when a Rwandan court may prosecute a French politician or an Indian court my issue a warrant that is respected in the EU for former British officers will it stop being an extreme hypocrisy. But rather than creating a web of courts all claiming jurisdiction over eachother, it would be better to do away with the arrogance of universal jurisdiction altogether. Its time for European courts to focus on the crimes within their own countries and stop trying to legislate and police the world. 'Proving' the Bible
3) 'Proving' the Bible: There was a time when native tales carved on wood or stone were dismissed as myth. Now the Bible is dismissed as myth and tales about the Mayan kings are accepted as truth. Science has recently returned, through numerous television programs, to 'prove' the Bible. But this seemingly attempt to bring the Bible back does not help. By using science to 'prove' the Bible the actions of God are pushed aside. Science goes even further, creating its own theories and myths about Jesus' sex life and ridiculous theories about how the 'flood' might have happened. When science enters the realm of religion it becomes corrupted by the same passions that corrupt religion. In the recently published book Shadows at Dawn the history of Tahono O'ohdam people is related as a backstory to events that took place in 19th century Arizona. The O'ohdam are a tribe that spans much of southern Arizona. Early anthropologists noticed in the 19th and early 20th centuries that some O'ohdam villages contained elders who kept sticks on which they carved important events from year to year. These important sources of tribal history, so the book tells us, were originally felt to be primarily myths. Today however scholars accept them at face value as histories of the tribe. The opposite has, of course, taken place with the Bible. The Bible was widely thought, in the 19th century, to be accurate. However over time it has come to be viewed widely as a myth. The process by which the Bible, a central text of western civilization, has become 'myth' while all the central texts of other civilizations are accepted as 'true', especially if those civilizations are long dead is one of the natural processes of moral relativism and post-humanism. In the leftist-post-modern world of intellectualism the other is always correct and his history is 'genuine' whereas the history of the self is always suspect and is always 'cynical' and racist and 'centric'. So whereas the history-sticks of the O'ohdam don't represent some racist 'O'ohdam centric worldview', the Bible of course represents only reactions to things around it. Thus when people in the Bible set down laws for themselves they are not legislating unique laws but only reacting against others, such as the Egyptians are Canaanites. The Canaanite or Egyptian laws and dietary habits are, of course, pure and are not reactions since they received them directly from the gods. The other is genuine. The Self, even though the people who hate the Bible the most do not really view it as the self, is suspect. Archeology pursues the same agenda. Some Mayan tablets which record the history of some king are said, according to National Geographic, to accurately depict that kingdoms rise and fall. Similar tablets inscribed with stories from the Bible describing King Solomon however must just be some conspiracy written down hundreds of years later to glorify some fake lineage. Thus equal evidence does not lead to equal interpretation. Because there is so little record of civilizations in the Americas people latch on to the smallest dynastic histories and accept them. Recently another layer has been added to this contradiction and hypocrisy; the attempt to 'prove' the Bible through science. On the one hand this could be seen as a reaction against those who see the Bible as myth. Perhaps the Flood and Noah's Ark and the parting of the Dead Sea can be 'proved'. With all the fanciful and 'end of days' descriptions of the affect of global warming this may be no surprise. We are used to tales of global ice ages appearing overnight and sea levels rising. So perhaps there was a 'Flood'. Science can 'explain' it or at least 'explain' how people 'perceived' it as a giant Flood. Noahs Ark? Lets build one and see if it works. Parting of the Red Sea? Perhaps there was an earth quake. The sun stood still at Jericho? Perhaps there was an eclipse. In this way all sorts of natural phenomena find their way into the Bible. Did Jesus have visions? He was an epileptic, along with Mohammed. All the prophets were in fact. People brought back from the dead? Maybe they had some obscure form of Arthurfimbrosis? Did the spear pierce the side of Jesus and he did not cry out? He had some gland problem that must explain it. On the face of it this all seems well and good. It takes the myth out of the Bible and brings truth back in. But it does something else as well. It removes God. Because all of the Bible can now be 'proved' by 'science' there is no longer a need of God. The Bible itself requires many of the miracles in order to explain the existence of God. When the events become natural phenomena then God is no longer needed. So the attempt to 'prove' the bible through science doesn't so much refute those that called it myth it merely removes God entirely. Both refute God equally, one by dismissing it, the other by verifying it. But there is another layer of oddity that takes place among those who want to 'prove' the Bible. Once they delve into science they suddenly want to create new myths where old ones once existed. They want to find families for Jesus. They want to find all sorts of things that don't exist at all. They want to 'prove' that the Israelites are really Canaanites. They want to create whole new stories that don't appear in the Bible. Once science is loosed onto the field of religion it becomes a kind of religion. Archeology of the Bible becomes enthused with extremism and corrupted by modern politics to the extent that people 'believe' in it. All semblance of scientific principle is lost. A perfect example of the use of modern idiocy to corrupt ancient texts is the Bible Code. Here we have a book that claims to use 'computers' to 'prove' that the Bible has a 'code' and that the code predicts the future. Let's reason with this according to its own claims. Here is the Bible. It is a myth. But if we use a computer to decipher it then we can find patterns. These patterns predict the future. Predicting the future is not a myth because we have proved that the Bible predicted the assassinations of presidents and 9/11. We even warned Yitzhak Rabin he would be assassinated and loe and behold he was. There is nothing more amazing than watching people take a book, declare the book a myth, then apply modern 'science' to the book and declare new myths based on the very thing they call a myth. Nothing is more unique to the idiocy of modernity than this. Nothing is more unique to the West. It points to the heart of the lie that is modernity. We have 'Human Rights' in a world where humans have less and less rights. We have 'peace' in a world that is not peaceful. We have justice in a world that is not just. We have anti-racism conferences where the participants are racists. We assault Chinese Olympic athletes and beat them in the street because we accuse the Chinese of 'human rights abuses' in Tibet. We cowardly burn and ransack synagogues and write 'We hate the Jews' because we claim the Jews commit 'war crimes'. We call the Muslims violent and in response they say "kill those who insult Islam." And we think that these two things are logically consistent and we thus apologize for 'offending Islam.' Science should keep itself to exploring the realm of science. There are already enough myths and unexplained problems in the scientific realm, we don't need science 'proving' the Bible. Science can't even prove global warming. Instead it gets Biblical in its descriptions of what global warming will produce; "rising sea levels, ice storms, extreme weather, a second ice age, vast deserts..." Thank you science for this ridiculous description but the Bible has already given us descriptions like this. The stupidity of man is that in his quest for answers he invariably needs the lie, he seeks it using science in much the same way that ancient man ascribed all sorts of powers and influence to things around him. The Prophets in the Bible describe ancient man chopping down trees and bowing down to them; "I created an idol...part of it I made into a fire...part of it I make into a god." Science only seems to be doing a slight bit better, the more it keeps itself away from 'explaining' religion the better it will be at not being corrupted by the passions of religion. Contact Seth J. Frantzman at sfrantzman@hotmail.com and visit his website: http://journalterraincognita.blogspot.com These essays appeared on his website. |
Posted by Boris Celser, February 3, 2009. |
This comes from correspondents in Baghdad. The article is from Agence France-Presse . |
'Mum' had 80 women raped for suicide mission ![]() See the video at
A WOMAN suspected of recruiting more than 80 female suicide bombers has confessed to organising their rapes so she could later convince them that martyrdom was the only way to escape the shame. Samira Jassam, 51, was arrested by Iraqi police and confessed to recruiting the women and orchestrating dozens of attacks. In a video confession, she explained how she had mentally prepared the women for martyrdom operations, passed them on to terrorists who provided explosives, and then took the bombers to their targets. "We arrested Samira Jassim, known as 'Um al-Mumenin', the mother of the believers, who was responsible for recruiting 80 women", Major General Qassim Atta said. "She confessed her responsibility for these actions, and she confirmed that 28 attempts had been made in one of the terrorists' strongholds," he said. Samira Jassim was arrested on January 21. She is allegedly linked to the Ansar al-Sunnah insurgent group. Two of the attacks for which Samira Jassim admitted responsibility in the video confession took place in Diyala province, in central Iraq, which is considered one of the most dangerous areas of the country. The Associated Press reports US military figures indicate at least 36 female suicide bombers attempted or carried out 32 attacks last year. Women are often allowed through military checkpoints without being searched, making it easier for them to hide explosives under their traditional robes. EDITOR'S NOTE: See also "Raping Men as a Terrorist Recruiting Tool" by Phyllis Chesler. She writes: Fancy that! Al Qaeda does not discriminate on the basis of gender or religion. They not only kill both men and women, Muslim and infidel alike, they also recruit men and women by raping them! Read the rest of the article at
Boris Celser is a Canadian. Contact him at celser@telusplanet.net
Posted by LEL, February 3, 2009. |
This was written by Asaf Romirowsky, who is an adjunct
scholar for Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum, and
manager of Israel and Middle East affairs for the Jewish Federation of
Greater Philadelphia. This article appeared yesterday in Jerusalem
Post |
What can be done to reverse the failures of Middle East studies in North America? Students today are subjected to radical views of the Middle East by professors who seldom brook dissent. Georgetown's Program for Jewish Civilization (PJC) offers an alternative for students seeking to avoid the academic weaknesses that have so infected Middle East studies. These analytical shortcomings are well documented: politicized curricula, agit prop substituting for solid teaching, and an unwillingness to ask difficult questions about Middle Eastern cultures are only some of many faults to plague the field in recent decades. Georgetown University presents a case-study of this failure. Awash in Saudi money and heavily influenced by the late Edward Said's ideology of ubiquitous Orientalism, Georgetown is perhaps the most Wahhabi- friendly university in America. Although school administrators and many in the media consider donations from Saudis and other Arab nations to American universities as generous support to schools that have educated their elites, these gifts in fact support work that often turns a blind eye to the region's systemic problems in favor of skewering American and Israeli interests. Major Arab donations to US universities began in the 1960s and '70s, with Muslim donors funneling millions of dollars to support Islamic studies, hire faculty specialists in Middle East studies, and fund scholarships and conferences. But this largesse only exacerbated extant problems in Middle East studies, so that today politicized scholarship, some of it backed by petrodollars, is commonplace throughout the field. Critics of Middle East studies in North America point frequently to widespread anti-Israel, anti-American bias in scholarship and teaching on the Arab-Israeli conflict as evidence of the field's politicization and decline. Given this pedagogical and epistemological decline, Georgetown's decision to establish the Program for Jewish Civilization (PJC) in 2003 is a significant milestone along the path to reforming the scholarship and teaching of the region. Beyond the more common subjects of religion and literature, faculty study the economic, cultural, political, historical, philosophical, and scientific accomplishments of the Jewish people. Michael Oren, author of two bestselling books on Middle Eastern history, specializes in diplomatic and military history at the Shalem Center, a Jerusalem-based research institute. This year he is a visiting professor at PJC, and in conversation with me he gave PJC high marks: PJC is today America's leading institute for teaching and research on Israel and an integral part of Georgetown's prestigious School of Foreign Service. Enrolling dozens of students Jews and non-Jews and hosting an average of one public lecture per week on subjects relating to Israel and the Jewish people, the PJC is unique among university programs. And its location in the country's premier foreign affairs school, situated in the nation's capital, affords PJC a special role in influencing current and future American policy. Similarly, Robert Lieber, a driving force behind the program, explained to me that PJC's home in Washington, close to America's foreign policy leaders, makes it stand out. There is a clear corollary, Lieber says, between teaching in Washington and having the ability to put theory into practice. Its location also helps it attract Middle East scholars of the caliber of Oren and Ambassador Dennis Ross. Lieber also highlighted the program's ability to draw students from across the academic spectrum along with members of Washington's Jewish Community. Such widespread enthusiasm demonstrates the need for PJC at Georgetown. Through its rigorous classes and public lectures, the greater university community can learn about the richness of Jewish civilization along with the Arab-Israeli conflict free from the bias that too often colors academic interpretations of the contemporary Middle East. That bias figures in what is perhaps the most important mission of PJC: to balance the influence of two other centers at Georgetown. The Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS) advocates for a "one- state" solution between Israelis and Palestinians a "solution" that would destroy Israel as a Jewish state. CCAS has provided a podium for such scholars as Virginia Tilley of Hobart and William Smith College, an advocate for the one-state solution who couches the radicalism of her position in academic cant. Even more problematic is the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, named for the Saudi prince whose $20 million donation in 2005 gave the Center's leader, John Esposito, a much louder voice in the Middle East studies community. Since then, the Alwaleed Center has become the locus of academic apologetics for Wahhabism in America. Along with his colleagues Yvonne Haddad, John Voll, and others, Esposito and the newly rejuvenated center are now in a position to proliferate a glossy vision of Wahhabi Islam to Americans. Save $30 instantly on McAfee Total Protection and Internet Security! The Alwaleed Center isn't shy about forging ties to radical-Islamist groups with links to those who have launched attacks against Jews and Americans world-wide. A prime example of such collaboration is a joint conference held by the Alwaleed Center with the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR) in July 2000. UASR was by then known as the political command for Hamas in the United States, and Esposito's co-chair for the conference was then-UASR executive director, Ahmed Yousef, who fled the country in 2005 to avoid prosecution and consequently served as a Hamas spokesman in Gaza. Given this hostile environment, PJC's launch proves that determined administrators and committed professors can confront the anti-Israel scholarship of Middle East studies departments. But they must have the courage and independence to buck powerful, well-funded interests on their own campuses. Other universities should follow Georgetown's bold lead and create centers and programs such as the Program for Jewish Civilization. By ensuring that Jewish history and culture receive the research and teaching they deserve, we can offer an alternative voice to the monolithic, one-sided agenda that has dominated so many campuses where, for far too long, the loudest voices have supported a decidedly anti-Israel perspective. Contact LEL by email at LEL817@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 3, 2009. |
REPORTS OUT OF GAZA Hamas hijacked relief trucks. It took for itself some food supposed to be distributed to the general population. Sometimes it sells the rest to the people. There also are reports of people fleeing combat areas, only to be herded back by Hamas gunmen, to serve as human shields. [There was the case of a leading terrorist who, when warned by the IDF that it was going to bomb his tenement, in which he stored ammunition, he not only kept his family there, he had more civilians come as human shields. It didn't deter the IDF. Nevertheless, there was a lot of clucking against the IDF for killing civilians, even though the building was an arms depot.] Hamas buries bodies swiftly, before it can be determined how many were Hamas men among, say, the casualties at an UNRWA school. Gunmen hid in UNRWA ambulances as well as in schools, mosques, and apartment houses. They pull along a child by the ear, as shields. As for shortages, much of that results from the chaos, as Hamas devotes itself to war and not to government. The people there are victims of Hamas indifference to mundane concerns, such as food and electricity. So long as Hamas has food and enough electricity to manufacture weapons. [Those people got what they wanted and deserve.] Hamas makes and exaggerates a humanitarian crisis (IMRA, 1/6). Israel could end that practice by warning publicly and then shooting until the practice stops. Problem is, this is such an immoral world reserving its indignation for antisemitic purposes that it might not much agree that Israel's warning sufficed, and might not damn Hamas for risking children's lives. There has been little indignation against Hamas for numerous war crimes that endanger civilians on both sides. Can you imagine the UNO condemning Hamas? HAARETZ CATCHES UP TO CHAMISH Years ago, Barry Chamish revealed that the supposedly competent Gen. Barak ordered a religious unit into a Syrian ambush in Lebanon. Chamish suspected that he did so knowingly. Now, Haaretz, apparently sensing national anger over Barak for his regime letting matters come to the point of needing a Gaza offensive, has voiced the same suspicion, that Barak was anti-religious about it (Barry Chamish, 1/6) i.e., anti-Jewish religion. Turns out, the pre-expulsion presence of "settlers" in Gaza legitimized IDF presence and kept Israel safe! Hamish's conspiracy theories about the obviously anti-Zionist and anti-Judaism regime in Israel make more and more sense. UNRWA SCHOOL UNRWA denies that one of its schools, fired upon by the IDF, harbored terrorists. A news agency spoke with two witnesses who feared to give their names. They said that some terrorists fired upon the IDF from within the school, then the IDF shot back. The IDF reported that its shots set off secondary explosions from booby-traps in the school. Terrorists next to, or in, the school had initiated hostilities by firing rockets and mortars. The media de-emphasized terrorist use of the school and emphasized Israeli attack upon the school (IMRA, 1/7). Imagine, they set booby-traps in a school, a building in which residents took refuge. Not that one should feel sorry for a populace that voted for terrorists, whether Hamas or PLO. But UNRWA should stop pretending that terrorists respect only UNRWA buildings, for they sure don't respect mosques, hospitals, and residences. Why should anyone believe that although Hamas fights almost entirely by means of war crimes, it refrains from doing so at UNRWA schools, most of whose staff are its members or sympathizers? HOUSING TERRORISTS The family of the Jerusalem Arab terrorist who slew eight yeshiva students lived in an illegally-built house and had Israeli ID. They celebrated his martyrdom with flags of Hamas and Hizbullah. The Supreme Court issued a final ruling that their house should be demolished as punishment. Baruch Marzel, activist from Judea-Samaria, who had brought the case, said there are thousands more illegal Arab houses warranting the same treatment (Arutz-7, 1/7). ID permits travel in Israel and confers insurance benefits. How about rescinding Israeli ID from alien Jerusalem Arabs? Ironically, Mr. Marzel has himself been the victim of dozens of false arrests by police who seek to repress his Jewish nationalism. He studied law, but the government tried to prevent him from practicing. He wins his own cases. WAQF SUED TO CEASE DESTROYING JEWISH ARTIFACTS During illegal building, the Jerusalem Waqf has been destroying ancient Jewish artifacts, and then denying an ancient Jewish presence on the Temple Mount. Shurat HaDin sued the Waqf in behalf of some Israeli citizens. The Attorney-General declared the issue too broad for a private citizen suit. On the other hand, he refused to allow his office to prosecute, either. Shurat HaDin accused him of kowtowing to foreign opinion, and petitioned the court either to order him to prosecute or to let the private suit proceed (IMRA, 1/7). WHERE THE MORAL OUTRAGE BELONGS "Prof. Gerald Steinberg, Executive Director of NGO Monitor, called today for the immediate resignation of the heads of powerful human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and B'tselem. He highlighted their direct moral responsibility for the deaths of both Palestinian and Israeli civilians, noting in particular their silence on the central issue of human shields used by Hamas in Gaza." [I consider it indirect moral responsibility.] "Hamas' preparations for the current war, including the storage of weapons in civilian neighborhoods and schools are violations of fundamental moral and legal principles which are now resulting in numerous tragic deaths. Although these plans have been visible for a long time, human rights organizations which claim a moral mandate, have instead used their considerable resources to promote political bias and double standards. They have chosen to distort international law, falsely accusing Israel of 'collective punishment' rather than focus on the core human rights violations of Hamas." "While the Hamas leadership was smuggling and manufacturing the thousands of rockets, mortars, and other weapons, declaring their intention to use them to terrorize Israel, these organizations turned a blind eye. Through the illegal use of human shields Hamas has exposed thousands of Palestinians [Arabs] to danger. Mosques, schools, hospitals and houses in densely crowded neighborhoods are used to manufacture, store and to launch weapons, and the sad results are now evident. Yet as these highly visible preparations for war were made in Gaza, the leaders of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B'tselem and similar organizations focused instead on biased political campaigns condemning Israeli efforts to prevent the current humanitarian disaster." (IMRA, 1/7.) ISRAEL DID IT DELIBERATELY Hamas had prepared defenses for war. Israel's Cabinet approved greater force to overcome those defenses, than in prior wars, so as to keep its own casualties low. Politics played a role. The regime did not want high troop casualty lists before an election in which anti-regime parties might denounce it for letting develop the situation that claimed many Israeli lives (IMRA, 1/7). It didn't risk as many of its own troops' lives, this time. This is an instance when politics reflects democracy reflects common sense. Treasure the moment! Question of those so-called humanitarian organizations: Why should Israel do anything not specifically required to spare enemy civilians, when those organizations proved they really do not care about those civilians nor about Israel's? Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Norma Ragen, February 3, 2009. |
Frriends, This op-ed (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123362422088941893.html) by Daniel Pearl's father Judea Pearl hits the nail on the head. Evil is now an acceptable means to an end. With supporters of barbarism like Jimmy Carter, a former President of the free world, airing his opinions freely and shamelessly, every decent human being must be vigilant. Do not quietly acquiesce to this new order that is taking over the world, as it did in the Nazi era. They said "they didn't know." But we know, don't we? Now is the time for all good men and women to take a public stand. Mr. Pearl, a professor of computer science at UCLA, is president of the Daniel Pearl Foundation, founded in memory of his son to promote cross-cultural understanding. |
When will our luminaries stop making excuses for terror? This week marks the seventh anniversary of the murder of our son, former Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. My wife Ruth and I wonder: Would Danny have believed that today's world emerged after his tragedy? The answer does not come easily. Danny was an optimist, a true believer in the goodness of mankind. Yet he was also a realist, and would not let idealism bend the harshness of facts. Neither he, nor the millions who were shocked by his murder, could have possibly predicted that seven years later his abductor, Omar Saeed Sheikh, according to several South Asian reports, would be planning terror acts from the safety of a Pakistani jail. Or that his murderer, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, now in Guantanamo, would proudly boast of his murder in a military tribunal in March 2007 to the cheers of sympathetic jihadi supporters. Or that this ideology of barbarism would be celebrated in European and American universities, fueling rally after rally for Hamas, Hezbollah and other heroes of "the resistance." Or that another kidnapped young man, Israeli Gilad Shalit, would spend his 950th day of captivity with no Red Cross visitation while world leaders seriously debate whether his kidnappers deserve international recognition. No. Those around the world who mourned for Danny in 2002 genuinely hoped that Danny's murder would be a turning point in the history of man's inhumanity to man, and that the targeting of innocents to transmit political messages would quickly become, like slavery and human sacrifice, an embarrassing relic of a bygone era. But somehow, barbarism, often cloaked in the language of "resistance," has gained acceptance in the most elite circles of our society. The words "war on terror" cannot be uttered today without fear of offense. Civilized society, so it seems, is so numbed by violence that it has lost its gift to be disgusted by evil. I believe it all started with well-meaning analysts, who in their zeal to find creative solutions to terror decided that terror is not a real enemy, but a tactic. Thus the basic engine that propels acts of terrorism the ideological license to elevate one's grievances above the norms of civilized society was wished away in favor of seemingly more manageable "tactical" considerations. This mentality of surrender then worked its way through politicians like the former mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. In July 2005 he told Sky News that suicide bombing is almost man's second nature. "In an unfair balance, that's what people use," explained Mr. Livingstone. But the clearest endorsement of terror as a legitimate instrument of political bargaining came from former President Jimmy Carter. In his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid," Mr. Carter appeals to the sponsors of suicide bombing. "It is imperative that the general Arab community and all significant Palestinian groups make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the Road-map for Peace are accepted by Israel." Acts of terror, according to Mr. Carter, are no longer taboo, but effective tools for terrorists to address perceived injustices. Mr. Carter's logic has become the dominant paradigm in rationalizing terror. When asked what Israel should do to stop Hamas's rockets aimed at innocent civilians, the Syrian first lady, Asma Al-Assad, did not hesitate for a moment in her response: "They should end the occupation." In other words, terror must earn a dividend before it is stopped. The media have played a major role in handing terrorism this victory of acceptability. Qatari-based Al Jazeera television, for example, is still providing Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi hours of free air time each week to spew his hateful interpretation of the Koran, authorize suicide bombing, and call for jihad against Jews and Americans. Then came the August 2008 birthday of Samir Kuntar, the unrepentant killer who, in 1979, smashed the head of a four-year-old Israeli girl with his rifle after killing her father before her eyes. Al Jazeera elevated Kuntar to heroic heights with orchestras, fireworks and sword dances, presenting him to 50 million viewers as Arab society's role model. No mainstream Western media outlet dared to expose Al Jazeera efforts to warp its young viewers into the likes of Kuntar. Al Jazeera's management continues to receive royal treatment in all major press clubs. Some American pundits and TV anchors didn't seem much different from Al Jazeera in their analysis of the recent war in Gaza. Bill Moyers was quick to lend Hamas legitimacy as a "resistance" movement, together with honorary membership in PBS's imaginary "cycle of violence." In his Jan. 9 TV show, Mr. Moyers explained to his viewers that "each [side] greases the cycle of violence, as one man's terrorism becomes another's resistance to oppression." He then stated without blushing that for readers of the Hebrew Bible "God-soaked violence became genetically coded." The "cycle of violence" platitude allows analysts to empower terror with the guise of reciprocity, and, amazingly, indict terror's victims for violence as immutable as DNA. When we ask ourselves what it is about the American psyche that enables genocidal organizations like Hamas the charter of which would offend every neuron in our brains to become tolerated in public discourse, we should take a hard look at our universities and the way they are currently being manipulated by terrorist sympathizers. At my own university, UCLA, a symposium last week on human rights turned into a Hamas recruitment rally by a clever academic gimmick. The director of the Center for Near East Studies carefully selected only Israel bashers for the panel, each of whom concluded that the Jewish state is the greatest criminal in human history. The primary purpose of the event was evident the morning after, when unsuspecting, uninvolved students read an article in the campus newspaper titled, "Scholars say: Israel is in violation of human rights in Gaza," to which the good name of the University of California was attached. This is where Hamas scored its main triumph another inch of academic respectability, another inroad into Western minds. Danny's picture is hanging just in front of me, his warm smile as reassuring as ever. But I find it hard to look him straight in the eyes and say: You did not die in vain. Naomi Ragen is an American-born novelist and journalist who lives in Jerusalem. She can be contacted at www.naomiragen.com, where you can subscribe to her newsletter. |
Posted by Irwin N. Graulich, February 3, 2009. |
Of course there is a direct link between Gaza and The Holocaust. Both have been used to destroy Jews. Those clever little men with the headscarves. First they deny The Holocaust, after which they say that Jews are treating the Gazans like Nazis treated the Jews during The Holocaust (which of course never happened). Well, you cannot have it both ways boys. Just lies, pure lies and more lies. And what are the three biggest lies being told today? 1) The dog ate my homework. 2) I won't "come" in your mouth. 3) Gaza is a giant concentration camp and Gaza City is the Warsaw Ghetto. Why have Muslims stolen Nazi terminology, which had always been associated with the persecution and genocide of Jews during WWII, turning the rhetoric completely around to describe Jewish behavior? Extermination, Nazi, SS, gas chambers, ethnic cleansing, boycott Jews, swastikas, mass murder, etc. etc., are all Hitler's terms that we currently see featured in those despicable anti-Israel demonstrations worldwide. Just listen to the politicians and media in the 48 Muslim dominated countries. Hey, their strategy is working. The proof being that the Arabs have already successfully stolen the "Palestinian" brand which once belonged exclusively to the Jews. Now "Palestine" the word, the concept, the identity and the brand which Jews owned, now belongs to Arabs giving them an adopted history and instant credibility. Check out all of Herzl's works and the early pre-1948 documentation about this Jewish State called "Palestine." When idiotic Jews allowed this big Arafat rip off to occur in 1964 calling himself a Palestinian, the Arab and Muslim world wisely concluded, "Why should we stop here? Next, we can steal The Holocaust terminology and use it against Israel and the Jews." How brilliant is that and the world thought Jews were smart? This all becomes crystal clear if we analyze one of the greatest lies in history, which coincidentally also involved Jews. It concerns the "blood libel," found in a book that is a bestseller today in virtually every Arab and Muslim country "The Protocols of The Elders of Zion" an infamous forgery, fraud and hoax made up by an anti-Semitic Russian writer, Matvei Golovinski. These false accusations which actually originated 2000 years ago, should have been helpful to Jews and anyone else seeking historical truth. When you are hated and despised by so many people throughout history, you begin to question your own moral integrity in the same way that many Americans are questioning the misplaced hatred for America throughout the world today. And yet America continues to be the most moral force in the history of the world, despite the number of American flags that are being burned in Muslim streets. So Jews actually started to question their own moral authority in the same way that President Obama and many other Americans question America's incredible integrity over the past 8 years. The Jewish blood libel accuses Jews of killing non-Jews to bake their blood into matzos, while the American blood libel accuses this great country of being colonialists, torturers, occupiers, murderers of innocent civilians and going into Iraq for oil. Along with the anti-American media, they embellish stories about Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan and Iraq so you begin to wonder, "Perhaps there is some truth to your own mass murdering, blood lust and purposeful killing of innocent babies." I mean, can a billion people who hated Jews throughout history be wrong and can a billion Muslims throughout the world be wrong about America. Yes, they most certainly can. Since when is morality judged by the number of people who hate you? Both Jews and Americans should have learned from the infamous blood libel, that the enemies of decency and high moral standards will use the most vicious lies to bring them down. The truth is that the Old Testament (The Torah) is quite specific in terms of forbidding Jews to eat/drink blood, even the blood of an animal. Part of the koshering process involves salting which removes the blood. Drinking blood is specifically forbidden in the Jewish Bible, which should have been a wake up call for Jews and non Jews who had any doubts about this false accusation. The Arab and Muslim world has learned from Joseph Geobbels and other classic antisemites that when a lie is repeated often enough, it is believed. No wonder The Protocols are found in schools, hotels and bookstores throughout the Muslim world. Therefore, accusations about the blood libel are actually a blessing for Jews, because it proves to everyone that there is no way possible for a Jew to murder a Christian or Muslim child and drink its blood. It is one of the biggest taboos in Judaism, and everyone knows it which invalidates that entire book. There is another reason that the Muslim world has felt the need to hurt and destroy Jews with Holocaust denial and Holocaust-like accusations. Simply because those once great Arab and Muslim armies, which began their conquests in the 7th century and overran the entire Middle East, North Africa, Southern France and Spain, are today considered the weaklings of the world. And who, pray tell, has devastated those mighty Muslim nations like no one else, totally demolishing their armies, navies, air forces and cities? Well, those weak little Jews in Israel who stand with their prayer shawls on tanks during a war, swaying in reverence to the God of Israel. Talk about being dishonored physically, emotionally and spiritually. My God no wonder they hate Jews so much. Honor is the greatest value in the Arab/Muslim world and it was Jews who totally dishonored and humiliated those macho fighters in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006 and 2009. 5 million Jews in Israel against a billion Muslims and they cannot do a thing to Israel except spew off at the mouth. Therefore, angry Muslims have resorted to spinning every loss into a victory. I mean, did you see the remnants of Beirut in 2006. Gaza today looks worse than Dresden, yet Iran and Maaschal of Hamas have declared "A great victory for the Palestinians." What do you say? Imagine the Nazis or Japanese declaring victory in 1945. I mean, do you believe your eyes or do you believe Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah? In 1948, a tiny Jewish army with almost no weapons and 10 fixed wing crop dusters roundly defeated the great armies of 6 Arab countries, allowing Jews to return to their historic homeland and create a state once again. No wonder they all call Israel's founding "Nakba," The Disaster. Iran, with all its oil revenues and weaponry, talks a big game the scruffy little midget with the grey windbreaker keeps repeating, "We will come to the aid of the Palestinians. We will fight for them." That is truly laughable. Has Iran once launched a missile, shipped a soldier or sent an airplane to help their fellow Muslims against Israel? Of course not, because they realize the devastating consequences that would befall them. One Syrian soldier recently fired his AK 47 rifle into Israel hitting an Israeli jeep. The Syrian soldier was immediately arrested by Syrian authorities, taken away, put into solitary confinement and tortured. Mr. Macho Assad was frightened about the potential consequences of that incident and let every Syrian soldier on the border know that a mistake along those lines will not be tolerated. After all, Assad is interested in living a few more years. He also realizes that had it not been for Henry Kissinger's ill given orders to stop the Israelis from going any further in 1967, Damascus would now be part of Israel along with the Golan Heights. Having lost the recent battle so overwhelmingly to Israel, Hamas and its backers have turned Gaza into a propaganda war. Israel's enemies have found its true weak spot public relations including photos of wounded women and children. It's all over tv and the Internet. And what has become of the native populations in England, France, Spain, Italy and the Scandanavian countries who have joined hands with the evil Muslim forces that have invaded their countries? The bulk of their citizenry are just plain frightened, preferring instead, to sit in coffee shops, looking at the women passing by and reading the daily newspaper; rather than dealing with those angry anti-Israel mobs. It is the Stockholm Syndrome on a grand scale. Muslims living in Western countries feel totally humiliated by Israel. They read every week in their Koran how Allah has made them great warriors in order to dominate the world and Israel continues to show that the Koran is absolutely wrong. No wonder they are screaming in the streets to "put Jews back into the ovens." Get rid of Jews and eliminate all doubts about the validity of the Koran. One of the most important lessons to be learned from The Holocaust is that Jews are a lightning rod for evil. Throughout history, those who hated Jews have been the most despicable forces in the world. However, these groups will initially focus and obsess on the Jews, but they never end with the Jews. 9/11 came from a place that first hated Jews and Israel. The Allies had to fight WWII against the Nazis, because Nazism grew quickly from being "only" a Jewish problem. The Arab Oil embargo in 1973 was originally blamed on Israel and the Jews. Virtually all of worldwide terrorism today comes to us courtesy of Muslim countries where Israel is reviled and Jews were thrown out. The large percentage of the Arab and Muslim world that hates Israel and Jews also considers women to be chattel. They murder their daughters in honor killings, if they do not marry the man that the father selects. They blow each other up using suicide bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Write something against the government or criticize a Muslim religious leader and all that will be left at your desk is your computer. They do not allow anyone from another country to wear a crucifix or star of David. Try bringing a Bible into any of the 48 Muslim dominated countries to pray privately in your hotel room. The Europeans, Scandanavians and South Americans who join these demonstrations for the most part enjoy using Nazi terminology to describe Israel so that it vindicates their parents and grandparents who did not battle the Nazis. After all, if Jews are shown to be as bad as the Nazis, then our relatives were not quite so bad for allowing The Holocaust to occur. Throughout recorded history, from Pharoah to the ancient Romans; from the Crusaders to Chemelnitzke to the Nazis to the present Arab/ Muslim World those who hated Israel and Jews are the dark forces of evil. And those who join the Jew Haters in their demonstrations, or even keep quiet and ignore them, will be their next victims. Hey world when they hate Jews ... you better watch out yourselves, because you guys are next!!!!!! This article appeared in Jewish Indy
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 3, 2009. |
Finally, thanks to Arutz 7, I have a link to a video of the talk (in English) that Rachel Saperstein, formerly a spokesperson for Gush Katif, delivered at the Jerusalem Conference last week. It was particularly informative and moving. And it is pertinent now, both because we have an obligation to be mindful of the situation of those who were expelled from Gush Katif, and because it provides signal lessons about wrong-minded decisions by an Israel government promoting "peace." I encourage you to watch this, and to share it broadly.
~~~~~~~~~~ For the first time since the end of our military operation in Gaza, a Grad Katyusha was launched at Ashkelon early this morning. There were no casualties, but there was property damage. Yesterday, a Hamas spokesman had charged that we were "torpedoing" the cease-fire negotiations with our demands. He said Hamas was looking for more time to convince us. My assumption now is that this is how Hamas seeks to "convince": It will be difficult for us unless we cave and agree to what they are seeking. We'd better not cave! ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas, who seems more vile with every passing day, if that is possible, has charged that Israeli "military operations" and "bombardments" are endangering the "fragile" cease-fire. As we have noted, Abbas is now in his "suck up to Hamas" mode in order to find himself included in whatever deal is eventually struck with regard to control in Gaza. I would like to think that those who are vigorously promoting that "two-state solution" would take note of this, but I know that is expecting too much. Abbas was in Paris yesterday and met with French President Sarkozy in order to garner support for a Palestinian unity government. He is seeking a "solution with Hamas in the framework of a government of national unity," but rejects ideas of restructuring what is referred to as the Palestinian political structure. I take this as referring to a Hamas push for more involvement in the PLO. ~~~~~~~~~~ Some important explanations here: The PLO, founded in 1964, is said to be the sole representative of the Palestinian people wherever they are. It is extensively dominated by Fatah was controlled for many years by Arafat. While presumably Abbas inherited Arafat's mantle, inside of the PLO are many Fatah obstructionists who do not approve of peace negotiations (this is one more reason why Abbas's peace negotiations can't succeed). At least in theory, all negotiations are to be done with the PLO. Hamas has been working for some time to have greater influence within the PLO, aiming ultimately to secure control. There has just been a push in that direction it's part of what Hamas is seeking within a new unity agreement. ~~~~~~~~~~ The Palestinian Authority (PA), an administrative entity, was established in the framework of Oslo, in 1994, and was envisioned for a five-year interim, pending final arrangements. All Rabin planned was the establishment of autonomous regions for the Palestinians. The officials of the PA, at the time of its establishment, were simply higher-ups in the PLO, wearing new hats. With the electoral legitimacy of Hamas established and its achievement of victory in the PA legislative elections in 2006, Hamas acquired a dominant role in the PA political structure. But because of the illegitimate Hamas takeover of Gaza in 2007, the nature of that political structure is currently being contested. The PA in Judea and Samaria is operating with officials appointed by Abbas, notably with Fayyad as prime minister. Hamas involvement is excluded. While Hamas has held meetings of the legislature in Gaza that exclude Fatah legislative members, and has its own prime minister, Haniyeh. As Haniyeh was the PA prime minister before the Hamas takeover, Hamas claims he is legitimate and Fayyad is not. The PA is essentially restricted now to Judea and Samaria. Abbas claims it also includes Gaza, but Hamas says it does not. That the PA is paying a good number of Hamas salaries in Gaza as a function of the Mecca agreement gives Abbas leverage in saying Gaza is still part of the PA. This is a fascinating state of affairs: the unity agreement of Mecca fell apart quickly and was followed by the Hamas takeover. Yet Abbas still "honors" the Mecca agreement for political reasons. At this point Fatah has no power or significant physical presence in Gaza. ~~~~~~~~~~ If all of this seems convoluted and complicated, it is because the situation is convoluted and complicated. A clear grasp of this background helps in understanding the various postures and machinations that are now taking place. ~~~~~~~~~~ Netanyahu toured the Old City of Jerusalem yesterday, with press accompaniment, in order to promote Likud's commitment to keep Jerusalem united. In the main, from what I've read, he reiterated the position he advanced last week at the Jerusalem Conference. I like one particular catch phrase of his, which was new to me: "A sane country does not give its capital to its enemies." Indeed. ~~~~~~~~~~ Following the Grad rocket attack today, Netanyahu also pledged that his government would bring down Hamas. ~~~~~~~~~~ Efraim Inbar's piece from Besa, "No to the Reconstruction of Gaza," that I cited yesterday, has been put up by the Post. (Thanks Debbie B.) You can find it at:
~~~~~~~~~~ I hope to take a look soon at issues of Iranian ships carrying weapons for Gaza, and the possibilities for stopping them. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Hands Fiasco, February 3, 2009. |
This is by Caroline Glick and it appeared in the Jerusalem Post. Contact her at caroline@carolineglick.com |
Operation Cast Lead caused many people to reassess the viability of the sacrosanct "two-state solution." A growing number of observers have pointed out that Hamas's Iranian-sponsored jihadist regime in Gaza is proof that Israel has no way to ensure that land it transfers to the PLO-Fatah will remain under PLO-Fatah control. This reassessment has also provoked a discussion of the PLO-Fatah's own failures since it formed the Palestinian Authority in 1994. Despite the billions of dollars it received from Israel and the West, its Western trained armed forces numbering more than 75,000 and the bottomless reserve of international political support it enjoys, the PLO-Fatah regime did not build a state, but a kleptocratic thugocracy where the rule of law was replaced by the rule of the jackboot. Instead of teaching its people to embrace peace, freedom and democracy, the PLO-Fatah-led PA indoctrinated them to wage jihad against Israel in a never-ending war. These reassessments have led three leading conservative thinkers former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton, Middle East Forum president Daniel Pipes, and Efraim Inbar, director of Bar-Ilan University's Begin-Sadat (BESA) Center for Strategic Studies to all publish articles over the past month rejecting the two-state solution. Bolton, Pipes and Inbar not only agree that the two-state paradigm has failed, they also agree on what must be done now to "solve" the Palestinian conflict. In their view the failed "two-state solution" should be replaced with what Bolton refers to as the "three-state solution." All three analysts begin their analyses with the assertion that Israel is uninterested in controlling Gaza, Judea and Samaria. Since the Palestinians have shown they cannot be trusted with sovereignty, the three argue that the best thing to do is to return the situation to what it was from 1949 to 1967: Egypt should reassert its control over Gaza and Jordan should reassert its control over Judea and Samaria. Bolton, Pipes and Inbar acknowledge that Egypt and Jordan have both rejected the idea but argue that they should be pressured to reconsider. They explain that Egypt fears that Hamas a sister organization of its own Muslim Brotherhood will destabilize it. Jordan for its part has two reasons for refusing their plan. The Hashemite kingdom is a minority regime. A large majority of Jordanians are ethnic Palestinians. Adding another 1.2 million from Judea and Samaria could destabilize the kingdom. Then too, both the PLO and Hamas are themselves threats to the regime. The Hashemites still remember how with Syrian support, the PLO in 1970 attempted to overthrow them. As for Hamas, its popularity has grown in Jordan in tandem with its
empowerment in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. By integrating the west and east
banks of the Jordan River, the chance that Hamas would challenge the
regime increases dramatically. If we add to the mix Syrian subversion
and sponsorship of Hamas, and al-Qaida penetration of Jordan through
Iraq particularly in the event of a US withdrawal the danger that
merging the west and east bank populations would manifest to the
Hashemite regime becomes apparent.
IT IS OFTEN NOTED that Hamas's popularity among Palestinians owes in part to the corruption of the PLO-Fatah-controlled PA. It has also been noted that due to the PLO-Fatah-controlled PA's jihadist indoctrination of Palestinian society, the population's transfer of political loyalty from PLO-Fatah to Hamas was ideologically seamless. What has been little noted is the strategic significance of the nature of Hamas's relations with the PLO-Fatah from the establishment of the PA in1994 until Hamas ousted it from Gaza in 2007. When the PA was established in 1994, then prime minister Yitzhak Rabin argued that the PLO-Fatah shared Israel's interest in fighting Hamas because Hamas constituted a threat to its authority. What Rabin failed to recognize was that Hamas's threat to PLO-Fatah was
and remains qualitatively different from the threat it poses to Israel.
PLO-Fatah never had a problem with Hamas attacks against Israel, or with
its annihilationist ideology as regards Israel. This ideology is shared
by PLO-Fatah and is widely popular among the Palestinians. Consequently
not only did the PLO-Fatah never prevent Hamas from attacking Israel, it
collaborated with Hamas in attacking Israel and did so while
disseminating Hamas's genocidal ideology throughout the PA. PLO-Fatah
did crack down on Hamas when it felt that Hamas was threatening its grip
on power, but in all other respects, it supported Hamas and continues
to do so.
THE SAME UNFORTUNATELY is the situation in both Egypt and Jordan. Hamas's Nazi-like Jew hatred is shared by the vast majority of Jordanians and Egyptians. Islamist calls for the extermination of the Jewish people and the destruction of Israel dominate the mosques, seminaries, universities and media outlets in both countries. Popular opposition to the peace treaties that Egypt and Jordan signed with Israel stands consistently at more than 90 percent in both countries. In spite of repeated Israeli demands for action, PLO-Fatah never ended its support for jihadist anti-Semitism. The PLO-Fatah never believed as Israel hoped it would that its best chance for remaining in power was by teaching Palestinians to reject hatred, embrace freedom, democracy and the blessings that peace would afford them. So too, neither the Hashemites in Jordan nor President Hosni Mubarak's regime in Egypt have ever believed that the best way to stabilize or strengthen their own regimes is by preaching openness and peace and rejecting jihadist anti-Semitism. To the contrary, in recent years, Egypt has become the center for jihadist anti-Semitism in the Arab world and Jordan has one of the highest rates of Jew hatred in the world. The situation on the ground in Jordan, Egypt, Gaza and Judea and Samaria make two things clear. First, a Jordanian reassertion of control over Judea and Samaria and an Egyptian reassertion of control over Gaza would likely increase the chances that the moderate regimes in both countries would be weakened and perhaps overthrown. Second, like Fatah-PLO, neither Egypt nor Jordan would have any interest in protecting Israel from Palestinian terrorists. Bolton, Inbar and Pipes take for granted that Israel is uninterested in
asserting or retaining control over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. This is
reasonable given the positions of recent governments on the issue.
However, the question is not whether Israel is interested or
uninterested in asserting control over the areas and most Israelis are
uninterested in giving up control over Judea and Samaria in light of
what happened after Israel withdrew its forces and civilians from Gaza.
THE SALIENT QUESTION is now that it is clear that the two-state solution has failed, what is the best option for managing the conflict? Not only would Israel be unable to trust that its security situation would improve if the areas were to revert to Jordanian and Egyptian control, Israel could trust that its security situation would rapidly deteriorate as the prospect of regional war increased. With a retrocession of Gaza, Judea and Samaria to Egyptian and Jordanian rule, Israel would find itself situated within indefensible borders, and facing the likely prospect that the Egyptian and Jordanian regimes would be destabilized. Today Israel has the ability to enter Gaza without concern that doing so would provoke war with Egypt. It has minimized the terror threat from Judea and Samaria by controlling the areas with the massive help of the strong Israeli civilian presence in the areas which ensures control over the roads and the heights. IDF forces can operate freely within the areas without risking war with Jordan. The IDF controls the long border with Jordan and can prevent terrorist infiltration from the east. If the current situation is preferable to the "three-state solution" and if the current situation itself is unsustainable, the question again arises, what should be done? What new policy paradigm should replace the failed two-state solution? The best way to move forward is to reject the calls for a solution and concentrate instead on stabilization. With rockets and mortars launched from Gaza continuing to pummel the South despite Operation Cast Lead, and with the international community's refusal to enforce UN Security Council resolutions barring Iran from exporting weapons, it is clear that Gaza will remain an Iranian-sponsored, Hamas-controlled area for as long as Hamas retains control over the international border with Egypt. So Israel must reassert control over the border. It is also clear that Hamas and its terrorist partners in Fatah and
Islamic Jihad will continue to target the South for as long as they can.
So Israel needs to establish a security zone inside of Gaza wide enough
to remove the South from rocket and mortar range.
>From an economic perspective, it is clear that in the long run, Gaza's
only prospect for development is an economic union of sorts with the
largely depopulated northern Sinai. For years, Egypt has rejected calls
for economic integration with Gaza. Cairo should be pressured to
reassess its position as Israel stabilizes the security situation in
Gaza itself.
AS FOR JUDEA and Samaria, Israel should continue its military control over the areas in order to ensure its national security. It should also apply its law to the areas of Judea and Samaria that are within the domestic consensus. These areas include the Etzion, Adumim, Adam, Ofra and Ariel settlement blocs and the Jordan Valley. Israel should end its support for the PLO-Fatah-led PA, and support the empowerment of non-jihadist elements of Palestinian society to lead a new autonomous authority in the areas. These new leaders, who may be the traditional leaders of local clans, should be encouraged to either integrate within Israel or seek civil confederation with Jordan. Jordan could take a larger role in the civil affairs of the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, by for instance reinstating their Jordanian citizenship which it illegally revoked in 1988. At the same time, Israel should end its freeze on building for Israeli communities in the areas. It is obvious today that for the Palestinians to develop into a society that may be capable of statehood in the long term, they require a period of a generation or two to rebuild their society in a peaceful way. They will not do this in environments where terrorists are ideologically aligned with unpopular, repressive regimes. The option of continued and enhanced Israeli control is unattractive to many. But it is the only option that will provide an environment conducive to such a long-term reorganization of Palestinian society that will also safeguard Israel's own security and national well-being. While it is vital to recognize that the failed two-state solution must be abandoned, it is equally important that it not be replaced with another failed proposition. The best way to move forward is by adopting a stabilization policy that enables Israel to secure itself while providing an opportunity for Palestinians to integrate gradually and peacefully with their Israeli, Egyptian and Jordanian neighbors. Contact HandsFiasco at handsfiasco@webtv.net |
Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, February 3, 2009. |
![]() This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: Having lived much of my life in a four-season climate, I am still amazed by the emergence of spring blossoms during months when ice and snow are supposed to rule. But in Israel, if it's the month of Shvat, the almond trees will be in bloom, no matter which secular month coincides with Tu Bishvat, the New Year for Trees, celebrated this year on February 9. Almond trees, like those pictured here, appear in two forms across Israel. Single trees dot hillsides from north to south. Extensive commercial orchards have been cultivated across the country as well and are a treat to the eyes, nose and heart at the height of their blossoming. Trying to capture the beauty of the shakedia tree in bloom challenges
the photographer to merge a broad sensual experience into a
two-dimensional, solely visual media. I've tried shooting from within
the groves, but have not yet succeeded in doing justice to God's work.
I've had more luck around the edges, and that's the approach I took
here, drawn first by the emerald green of new growth in a meadow in
the Ela Valley, not far from Beit Shemesh. The variegated and textured
greens complement the blossoms, also shown in varying hues of pink.
While my main purpose here was to record the flowering trees, the
meadow grasses take up more than two-thirds of the frame. In the end,
I chose this composition because I was looking for an original way to
represent an over-photographed subject. Throwing it off balance in the
composition seemed like one way to achieve that.
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by Steve Plaut, February 2, 2009. |
She was in the philosophy department, expert in hermeneutics whatever
that is, and active in the Israel-is-Nakba
destroy Israel movement
Other expressions of her leftism:
Most of her academic work was on the philosophy of photography. I think it should better be called Kodakeutics than hermeneutics, which sounds like a naked middle aged guy named herman. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, February 2, 2009. |
Though I was aware of these killings, I never realized how widespread they were & how many victims they created. This articles upset me to the pt of shaking. However, it seems I ought anyway to forward this. This is by Maria Danilova and Randy Herschaft, Associated Press Writers Maria Danilova And Randy Herschaft, Associated Press Writers |
KIEV, Ukraine The Holocaust has a landscape engraved in the mind's eye: barbed-wire fences, gas chambers, furnaces. Less known is the "Holocaust by Bullets," in which over 2 million Jews were gunned down in towns and villages across Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Their part in the Nazis' Final Solution has been under-researched, their bodies left unidentified in unmarked mass graves. "Shoah," French filmmaker Claude Lanzmann's documentary, stands as the 20th century's epic visual record of the Holocaust. Now another Frenchman, a Catholic priest named Patrick Desbois, is filling in a different part of the picture. Desbois says he has interviewed more than 800 eyewitnesses and pinpointed hundreds of mass graves strewn around dusty fields in the former Soviet Union. The result is a book, "The Holocaust by Bullets," and an exhibition through March 15 at New York's Museum of Jewish Heritage. Brought to Ukraine by a twist of fate, Desbois has spent seven years trying to document the truth, honor the dead, relieve witnesses of their pain and guilt and prevent future acts of genocide. Some 1.4 million of Soviet Ukraine's 2.4 million Jews were executed, starved to death or died of disease during the war. Another 550,000-650,000 Soviet Jews were killed in Belarus and up to 140,000 in Russia, according to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Most of the victims were women, children and the elderly. Begun after Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, the slaughter by bullets was the opening phase of what became the Nazis' Final Solution with its factories of death operating in Auschwitz and other camps, all in Nazi-occupied Poland. Desbois devotes his 233-page book, published by Palgrave Macmillan in August, to his work in Ukraine, where he says he has uncovered over 800 mass extermination sites, more than two-thirds of them previously unknown. Since the book was written, he has expanded his search for mass graves into Belarus and plans to look early this year in areas of Russia that were occupied by the Germans. Sometimes bursting into tears, old men and women from poor Ukrainian villages recount to Desbois how women, children and elders were marched or carted in from neighboring towns to be shot, burned to death or buried alive by German troops, Romanian forces, squads of local Ukrainian collaborators and local ethnic German volunteers. Even then, it was methodical, Desbois' research shows. First, Germans would arrive in a town or village and gather intelligence on how best to transport the victims to extermination sites, where to execute them and how to dispose of their bodies. "It was done as systematically as it was done elsewhere," said John Paul Himka, an expert on the Holocaust and Ukraine at the University of Alberta in Canada, who is not connected to Desbois' work. "You can read as they're figuring out best way to do this, the best way to shoot ... it's absolutely systematic, no accident here." Desbois' interviews and grave-hunting tie in to millions of pages of Soviet archives, heightening their credibility, says Paul Shapiro, of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum who wrote the foreword to Desbois' book. Father Desbois' work is also having an impact on efforts to preserve Holocaust sites. In December, the 26-nation International Task Force on the Holocaust called on European governments to ensure the protection of locations such as the mass graves Desbois is uncovering, according to Shapiro, who helped draft the resolution. Among Desbois' key findings is the widespread use of local children to help bury the dead, wait on the German soldiers during meals and remove gold teeth and other valuables from the bodies. His work has also yielded evidence that the killings were most frequently carried out in the open, in daylight and in a variety of ways shooting victims, throwing them alive into bonfires, walling up a group of Jews in a cellar that wasn't opened until 12 years later. Desbois' witnesses are mostly Orthodox Christian, and he comes to them as a priest, dressed in black and wearing a clerical collar, taking in their pain and trying to ease their suffering. Many have never before talked about their experiences. In the village of Ternivka, some 200 miles south of Kiev where 2,300 Jews were killed, a frail, elderly woman, who identified herself only as Petrivna, revealed the unbearable task the Nazis imposed on her. The young schoolgirl saw her Jewish neighbors thrown into a large pit, many still alive and convulsing in agony. Her task was to trample on them barefoot to make space for more. One of those she had to tread on was a classmate. "You know, we were very poor, we didn't have shoes," Petrivna told Desbois in a single breath, her body twitching in pain, Desbois writes in his book. "You see, it is not easy to walk on bodies." Desbois, 53, a short, soft-spoken man with dark, thinning hair, says the stories give him nightmares. The most difficult is "to bear the horrors that the witnesses tell me, because often the people are simple, very kind and want to tell me everything," Desbois said in a phone interview while on a trip to western Ukraine. "You have to be able to listen, to accept, to bear this horror," said Desbois. "I am not here to judge the people's guilt, we are here to know what happened." Desbois' small team includes a translator, a researcher, a mapping expert, a ballistics specialist and a video and photo crew. He often joins his witnesses in their homes, leaving his shoes outside. He tends to a peasant's cow while the man tells his story. Desbois has deep personal roots in his project, dating to 2002, when he first visited Ukraine to see the place where his grandfather was interned as a French prisoner in World War II. When he arrived, the locals told him of a stream of blood that had run from the site where the Jews were executed and of a dismembered woman hanging from a tree after the Nazis threw a grenade in a pit full of people. When he was offered a visit to more villages, he did not hesitate. "I am in a hurry to find all the bones, to establish the truth and justice so that the world can know what happened and that the Germans never left a tiny village in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia without killing Jews there." 0A The Holocaust is a divisive topic here because some Ukrainians collaborated with the Nazis. Jewish groups are grateful for Desbois' efforts and lament the lack of government support for his and other Holocaust research and education programs. "As a Ukrainian citizen and a Ukrainian historian it pains me ... that there is no policy of national remembrance," said Anatoly Podolsky, head of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies. "We are not responsible for the past but we are responsible for remembering." Desbois leads a French association, Yahad-In Unum (the Hebrew and Latin words for "together"), which was founded by Catholics and Jews to heal the wounds between the two faiths. He believes that as a Catholic priest talking to Orthodox believers about the killing of their Jewish neighbors his work advances that healing mission. "The book is meant so that people know ... that a genocide is simply people killing people," Desbois said. "My book is also an act of prevention of future acts of genocide." See also On the Net: The Holocaust by Bullets book site:
Posted by Prof. Paul Eidelberg, February 2, 2009. |
Unknown to learned as well as unlearned Israelis, David Ben-Gurion's rationale for the Law of Return provides a logical justification for limiting those who vote and hold office in Israel to Jews! Here is what Ben-Gurion said in introducing the Law of Return in the Knesset in 1950: This law does not provide for the State to bestow the right to settle in Israel upon the Jew living abroad; it affirms that this right is INHERENT in him from the very fact of his being a Jew; the State does not grant the right of return to the Jews of the Diaspora. This right preceded the State; this right built the State; its source is to be found in the historic and never-broken connection between the Jewish people and their homeland. Since only Jews have an inherent right to settle in Israel a right that transcends the State the logic of this right prohibits the Knesset from passing any law or acting on any principle that could demographically deprive Jews of that right. Nevertheless, this is exactly what happened in 1952 when the Knesset passed the Citizenship Law also called the "Nationality Law." While affirming that only Jews have an inherent right to Israeli citizenship, the Citizenship Law contradicts the logic of that right by making it possible for non-Jews to obtain citizenship, hence to vote, hold office, and shape the laws of the so-called Jewish State. Israel was thereby made a state for Jews and non-Jews alike the case of any multicultural democracy. The Citizenship Law thus provides the ground for de-nationalizing Judaism or for de-Judaizing Israel. Inasmuch as Judaism, unlike Christianity, is a nationality and not merely a religion, only members of that nationality, i.e. Jews, should make the laws of the Jewish State (while securing the personal, civil, and religious rights of non-Jews.) It follows that only Jews may rightly be citizens of Israel, just as only ethnic Japanese can be citizens of Japan. Doctrinaire democrats or moral egalitarians may call the Law of Return racist, even though, contrary to racism, any non-Jew can become Jewish through conversion. However, at stake here in Israel is the religious and cultural self-preservation of the Jewish people. The Citizenship Law of 1952 avoids this issue. By making it possible for non-Jews to become citizens of Israel, hence, to eventually transform Israel into a non-Jewish entity, the Citizenship Law negates the only justification of Israel's re-establishment in 1948. The Citizenship Law therefore violates, in principle, the November 1947 UN Resolution recognizing the establishment of a Jewish State in "Palestine"! The drafters of the law were either ignorant of its implications, or fearful of being accused of racism. It logically follows that any Israeli government based on the premise that Israel is the "state of its citizens," rather than the state of the Jews, stands in violation of international law and must be deemed illegitimate! This fact places in question many rulings of Israel's Supreme Court. Turning from rigorous logic to ethnic considerations, it is will be evident to any sensible and candid person that granting citizenship to ethnic groups having the most antagonistic beliefs and values makes nonsense of the concept of citizenship and of nationality. It strips citizenship of any dignity and citizens of national identity. When the felt differences among various groups are more significant than what they have in common, nationhood is impossible. Democracies that attempt to erase such differences become despotic. Conversely, a democracy that ignores such differences deprives itself of any rationality, to say nothing of domestic tranquility. This is precisely the tendency of Contemporary Democracy as opposed to Classical Democracy. In contrast to the multicultural disarray of Contemporary Democracy, Classical Democracy involves the rule of an ethnically distinct people, a people united not only by language, but by endogamous patterns of marriage and by shared beliefs and values rooted in a common past the basis of national loyalty. Clearly, the Jews and Muslims of Israel do not constitute a single people; indeed, they belong to antagonistic civilizations. Making Muslims citizens of a Jewish state is even more absurd than making Jews citizens of a Muslim state, considering only the disparity in their respective birthrates. Muslim states bar Jews from citizenship, and reasonably so. For just as only Jews are qualified to make the laws of a Jewish State think of the knowledge and reverence required to preserve the Jewish heritage, its religious precepts and practices, its education, the memory of its great teachers so only Muslims are qualified to make the laws of any Muslim state. Now, it is a fact that the vast majority of Israel's Muslim citizens openly identify themselves as "Palestinians," and that their Arab representatives in the Knesset are openly committed to Israel's demise as a Jewish state. That these Arabs should nonetheless be granted the equal political rights of Jews is absurd, a travesty of justice. Since the Jewish State justly belongs exclusively to the Jewish people, the fundamental law of this state must institutionalize Jewish governance as its paramount and permanent national principle. Otherwise, the Law of Return is meaningless. Of course, there are multiculturalists in Israel, such as Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit, who propose to rescind the Law of Return. "Israel," he said, "should become like every other country" (Jerusalem Post, October 31, 2007, p. 1.) This is tantamount to saying Israel should cease being a Jewish state. In other words, Sheetrit advocates a non-violent alternative to Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's vow to "wipe Israel off the map." With Israelis like Sheetrit, Israel does not need external enemies. In any event, the Jewish essence of the Law of Return the foundational law of the State was virtually nullified in March 1992 when a small minority of the Knesset enacted Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom. According to former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, Basic Law Human Dignity and Freedom is not only the supreme law of the State, it also endows the Supreme Court with the power of judicial review. This means, in the language of Judge Barak, "everything is justiciable." If everything is justiciable, the Supreme Court is a super- legislature that can nullify the Law of Return and transform Israel into a "state of its citizens." This happens to be on the Court's agenda, which is dominated by ultra-secularists. Therefore, those who enacted Basic Law: Human Dignity wittingly or unwittingly have empowered the Court to erase Judaism in the land of Israel, just as it was erased from the Soldiers Code of Ethics. In fact, by its false ruling that Judea, Samaria, and Gaza constitute "belligerent occupied territory." sanctioned the government's expulsion of 8,000 Jews from Gush Katif. The same ruling may lead to the expulsion of far more Jews from Judea and Samaria. Basic Law; Human Dignity is rooted indiscriminate egalitarianism. Hence, no distinction whatever can be made between Jews and Arabs even though most Arabs oppose Israel's existence as a sovereign state. Which means no distinction can be made between loyal and disloyal citizens. True, the Citizenship Law stipulates loyalty as an essential element of citizenship and nationality. Part I, section 5(c) states that prior to the grant of citizenship by naturalization, the applicant must make the following declaration: "I declare that I will be a loyal national of the State of Israel." And Part II, section 11(a)3 stipulates that the citizenship of any Israel national may be revoked if he "has committed an act involving disloyalty to the State." It does not say the Jewish State, and, this loyalty provision has never been enforced against any Arab citizen of Israel, even though many have engaged in terrorist attacks. Evident here is the indiscriminate egalitarianism of Contemporary Democracy, which lacks backbone to stand up before its enemies. The enemy is not only Hamas or Iran or Hezbollah or disloyal Arab citizens of Israel. These enemies are quite visible. There is also the invisible enemy of indiscriminate egalitarianism that dominates Contemporary Democracy, which no one dares speak about. Professor Paul Eidelberg is the founder and president of The
Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, a Jerusalem-based think tank
for improving Israel's system of governance. Contact him at
This article appeared on the IsraPundit website:
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 2, 2009. |
This is by Max Socol, and it appeared yesterday in The Jerusalem Post
One of the populations most severely hit by the worldwide rise in anti-Semitism that's followed Operation Cast Lead has been one of the easiest to overlook: the minuscule Jewish community of Iceland. "In Icelandic, 'Zionist' is a derogatory term," said Dr. Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson, a Danish professor who has studied the history of Iceland's Jews. "It's a criminal emblem." Now, a bicycle repair shop owner in Reykjavik has refused to serve Jews, despite condemnation from the Icelandic government. The shop owner's stance may reflect a coming shift in the public face of anti-Israel feeling in the country. In the midst of a recession that has all but destroyed the Icelandic economy, a new far-left government has been carried to power. "I am afraid because the members of the cabinet we're going to see created today have expressed in recent weeks and in the past that they want to cut ties with Israel," said Vilhjálmsson. A local Jewish resident, who was reluctant to give his name due to safety concerns, agreed. "I'm trying to see if there will be any consequences for Jews [because of the new government]," he said. "I imagine they might cut diplomatic ties with Israel." Originally from the United States, the Iceland resident has made his home and raised his family in Iceland, and he is candid about the challenge. "Being Jewish in Iceland is very difficult," he said. "Is it a contradiction for me to try to be religious and live here? Maybe." He cited the lack of a synagogue, rabbi, or any organized community. Vilhjálmsson, who is also Jewish, has roots in Iceland and visits at least once or twice a year. He has been alarmed by a sudden rise in anti-Semitic activity in the past few years, especially in light of the Gaza war. "Every time there's a conflict between Israel and Palestine, things get inflamed," said Vilhjálmsson. "But it's not only a matter of the conflict we also have a society where anti-Semitism was not criticized after [World War II], in the same way it was in a place like Germany." Anti-Semitism in Iceland in some ways resembles a time-capsule of the popular thought of the 1930s. Iceland never came under German occupation, and therefore did not have the same reckoning with the ugly fruits of bigotry as the Axis countries did after the war a phenomenon that Vilhjálmsson has documented in his writing. Now, anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment have blurred in a country that, according to Vilhjálmsson, rarely receives balanced coverage of the Middle East conflict. He pointed to a Gallup poll released Sunday in which, of 2,000 Icelanders surveyed, only 3 percent had a positive attitude toward Israel, compared to 70% with positive feeling toward the Palestinians. The poll suggests that Jews and Israelis have not gained the public trust in Iceland, despite president Ölafur Ragnar Grímsson's 2003 marriage to Dorrit Mussaieff, an Israeli citizen and at the time the only Jewish first lady outside of Israel. "When the bankruptcy came, you could see people expressing a new view [about Mussaieff]," said Vilhjálmsson. "Even though she was very good for Iceland, people said that 'an Icelandic person should never have married a Jewish woman. She is part of a Jewish conspiracy.'" However, despite the popular sentiment, the local source said he did not feel that Jews in Iceland were in any imminent danger. He also dismissed the headline-making bike shop owner. "Of the few Jews that are here, how many have bikes? How many are visiting his shop?" he asked. "It's just a publicity stunt. And anyway, there's 10 inches of snow on the ground." Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 2, 2009. |
This was written by
Rabbi Gerald Skolnik, Forest Hills Jewish Center. It appeared in
In a move that stunned the Jewish world and significant parts of the Catholic world as well, Pope Benedict XVI moved last week to revoke the excommunication of four bishops, one of whom, Richard Williamson, has denied the historicity of the Holocaust. The four are all members of the St. Pius X Society, a far-right wing schismatic group that argues generally against the modernization of the church, and more specifically against the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960's. In explaining his decision, the Pope said that he saw this as an "internal Church matter," and that it was born of his desire to sow seeds of reconciliation within the Catholic world. And as recently as today, he issued a strong condemnation of the Holocaust, a stern reminder of its status as historical fact, and also a renewed commitment to teaching future generations the lessons of senseless hatred and violence. As a rabbi who has engaged in serious interfaith work for almost thirty years, and who has warm and respectful relationships with the Catholic priests in my neighborhood, I find the Pope's actions to be almost incomprehensible. I say "almost" because, as a political gesture, I understand that a pope would want to mend fences with those on the fringes of his church. With all the political posturing that goes on during a presidential campaign in this country, and politicians cozying up to religious elements that they disagree with on almost everything just for the sake of winning votes, none of us can be so naïve as to think that the same thing does not go on in other arenas. The church is nothing if not a political arena. And the Pope, a conservative himself (although far less so than the members of the St. Pius x Society), would like to solidify his "right flank" by making peace with the renegade bishops. But I must ask, at what price? At what point is someone so far beyond the pale that reconciliation is simply not an option to be considered? Were Bishop Williamson's Holocaust denial not to be an issue, there would be more than enough reason to be troubled by the Pope's move. The reforms of the Second Vatican Council have been key to improved Catholic-Jewish relations, and Nostra Aetate, whose 40th anniversary was marked last year, is a remarkable document that must not be repudiated. But forget all that. Bishop Williamson's Holocaust denial is very much the issue here. How can it be altogether that someone would wear the collar as a bishop of the Catholic church and deny that Jews were gassed in concentration camps? And more to the point how can it be that if a previous pope had the courage to excommunicate him, the current pope, a German, would revoke his excommunication in the name of Christian reconciliation and forgiveness? Is Holocaust denial another "sin" that requires forgiveness? Is a bishop, a leader of the Catholic Church who denies the Holocaust, just another sinner? I can't see it that way. The Holocaust as an historical event was sui generis, and Holocaust denial as a "sin," or moral failing, is sui generis as well. It's not like breaking a vow of celibacy, or sharing what one hears in confession. It's about hatred, and anti-Semitism of the grossest and most unmistakable nature. I'm sorry. You don't bring people like Bishop Williamson back into your fold. You don't reconcile with Nazi sympathizers. As a German, Pope Benedict must surely understand this. But obviously, the symbolic significance of his action is lost on him. It is surely not lost on Jews. And its implications are unspeakably sad. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, February 2, 2009. |
HAMAS USES P.A. WEAPONS When Hamas conquered Gaza from Abbas, it seized stores of arms and that Israel and the US had given the P.A.. Hamas had warned that it would acquire those weapons. Hamas says that it used such weapons against incoming Israeli forces (IMRA, 1/5). Jewish nationalists, you know, the so-called right-wing "extremists," agreed that those weapons would end up being used against Israelis. Yet again, the Right predicted accurately. Time to listen to them? Or shall we continue listenin to the Left, that keeps being proved short-sighted? WHAT DOES HAMAS' POPULARITY MEAN? Since Hamas sets its goal frankly as conquering Israel, its popularity means that its people have no interest in peace. Therefore, the "peace process" is a fraud (Caroline Glick in IMRA, 1/5) as it is for other reasons, too. ADVICE FOR OBAMA His Mideast advisors, including Richard Haas, Aaron Miller, Dan Kurtzer, and Martin Indyk, are Clinton-era people who don't understand the Mideast [or do, and just hate Israel]. Their failed policies are responsible for thousands of deaths. Obama should sack the lot of them and hire realistic people. The US should be encouraging Israel to be firm with the terrorists in Gaza (Op. Cit.). ISRAELI RATIONALIZES POOR POLICY, IGNORES GOOD ONE Israel kept making excuses for Egypt, that this time, Egypt would destroy the arms smuggling tunnels. But Egypt didn't. The volume of tunnel traffic was so enormous, that it is obvious that Egypt made just a token effort. Whenever Israel complains to Egypt, Egypt says it is sensitive to criticism [from infidels], which could rupture relations. Israel backs off. A third party [even if, as is not likely, it were sincere] couldn't be expected to stop the smuggling from within Egypt. For instance, Egypt would tell the US it is too sensitive to bear criticism, and the US would back off. [Arrogant, isn't it? How stupid to put oneself into that position and falling for Egypt's line!] Nevertheless, Israeli still requests foreign border monitoring and won't consider having its own forces at the border, sure to stop smuggling! (IMRA, 1/6.) HAMAS' WAR GOAL Everybody asks what Israel's war aim was. It remains a good question even at this date, because it wasn't stated clearly before the war, it keeps getting changed, and it is described vaguely so the rulers can pretend the goal was met. By not discussing the goal in advance of combat, the government avoided what it most fears, judging by its censorial or secretive attitude: a national discussion. A national discussion with genuine debate, rather than the leftist media claque promoting government rationalizations, would have shown regime goals untenable and unwise. Nobody is asking the other question. What was Hamas' war goal? After all, Hamas started the war. Islamist movements exist for war. [Don't tell that to US policy makers. They don't want to know. They are too multi-cultural.] If that question were asked, perhaps Israel would know how to thwart enemy goals. It seems that terrorist movements consider it victory to damage Israel and survive to repair their military machines and regain the ability to damage Israel again. They feel that, maintain pressure on Israel, and Israel will collapse of its own accord. Considering how anti-Zionist Israel's regime is, they may be right. HOW DARE THEY REBUILD GAZA! Hamas booby-trapped its own people's buildings. Bombed buildings erupted in secondary explosions from munitions stored within The Israeli assault was brought about by Hamas aggression, and it was directed at urban areas, where Hamas placed its forces. Such foreign aid as the P.A. has gotten largely has been stolen. What are the foreign powers planning to do? They plan to finance the rebuilding of areas damaged thanks to Hamas! They will waste their money, our money. They will provide Hamas with offices, again. They will enable Hamas to say that it has not permanently damaged Gaza. They will indicate a belief that the people there are not beyond the Pale, as I think they are. War will come from there and to there, again. The foreign powers will help the jihadists at the expense of their own, out-of-work people. Foreign governments will think they are doing the right thing. Nobody thinks to compensate Israel for the gratuitous damage Hamas inflicted upon it, thanks to appeasement partly brought about by demands from those foreign governments, such as for a ceasefire rather than root out the terrorists. If foreign governments reassured the Israeli regime that they understood that thorough de-Nazification was the practical and ethical thing to do, at least Israel would have had a chance to do the right thing. Stay up to date on the latest news from sports scores to stocks and so much more. LAND TITLE & ILLEGAL BUILDING The NY Times illustrated its claim that Jews built many communities in Judea-Samaria on land owned by Arabs or without permits, with of a big photograph of a hilltop Jewish community. [Ironically, he photo showed how little land that hilltop took up.] The claim derives from newspaper publication of classified Israeli government data. An Israeli group is encouraging Arabs to sue for deprivation of property rights and income. The article explains, "Much of the world views" Jewish settlements in the territories as illegal." US envoy Mitchell once said that Israel should evacuate the Territories in return for Arab "efforts to rein in violence." [Nothing justifies terrorism. Mitchell would have Israel reward terrorism. "Much of the world" ignores international law and historical injustice in order to appease the Arabs or punish the Jews for not adopting other religions. Law is not a popularity contest.] "Israel argues that the settlement enterprise does not violate the law against transferring populations into occupied territories, but that it represents a voluntary return of individuals to places where they or their ancestors used to live." [The Times puts Israel's counter-argument incompletely. The Territories do not have the status of "occupied territories" but of unallocated parts of the Palestine Mandate, to which Israel has foremost claim. Israel's enemies label them "occupied" in order to diminish its claim.] [Israel also has the right to annex areas used for committing aggression against it, as the Territories were, if they still threaten national security, as they do.] [The Times distorts the meaning and purpose of international law, pretending that there is a Palestinian nationality, and insinuating that the Arabs living there are all of indigenous families and that they ruled the Territories until Israel took over. Actually, when the Turkish Empire was dismembered, the Territories did not come under any country's sovereignty.] One difficulty with the figures is that many Arabs who claim land [or are recruited by Israeli leftists] lack title documents. Another is that they won't admit having sold the land. They rebuff leftist agitation, "for fear of being labeled collaborators." (Isabel Kershner, 1/31, A10.) Translation: the intolerant, barbaric P.A. executes Arabs who sell land to Jews. How come those who profess concern for human rights ignore P.A. bigotry against Jews and Arabs murdered for being not so bigoted and disregarding the Times policy of divesting Jews of land? Ideology before humanitarianism? Then the humanitarianism is just a tactic against Jews, and is anti-humane. Another difficulty with the figures is that most Arab claims have been proved false, starting from Mandatory times. Still another is that an Israeli leftist organization was found guilty of slander over this. It accused certain Jewish communities of having been built almost entirely on Arab land. Almost none was. Another difficulty is more complex. Israel reposes much more, I say, excessive, discretion in government. Individuals are left dependent and insecure. Thus the government requires a series of building applications. When the government approves a new town in principle, the other steps then becomes details easily met. For most of the towns in Judea-Samaria, many of the applications were approved for more than one step. The government, due to politics or bureaucracy, delayed further approval. Based on these technicalities, the Times fulminates that many of the towns are "illegal" and that their inhabitants are unethical about it. By contrast, when Israeli negotiators approve in principle a concession to the Arabs, the Times interprets that as a binding commitment. The Israeli government submitted to US demands that the "settlements" not expand. "Expand" was not defined. The Times makes up its own interpretation, and condemns Israel for not agreeing. The US demand was outside meddling. Young Jews built atop hills, many within existing municipal boundaries. They sought to keep Arabs from usurping the hills and shooting down into the municipalities below. The brave and idealistic Zionist youth were condemned by the Times. Condemned for building in their own towns, because the US, 6,000 miles away, doesn't want Jews to do that. Is the Times sincere about this? Judge by its reaction to Arabs who seize hilltops, build on them illegally, and shoot into the Jewish buildings below! Almost no reports on Arab squatting, compared to hundreds on "settlements." Very few Times reports about shooting from hilltops. Little reaction to illegal Arab building. It reacts to massive illegal Arab building in the Territories and in Israel when the government occasionally demolishes a few such buildings. That reaction was to side with the Arabs and to call the demolition inhumane. The public knows little about this. One infers that for the Times, State Dept., the Israeli regime, and other leftists, the standard often is: (1) Ignore Arab attacks on Israeli "settlers," but denounce Israelis who shoot back at Arab "settlers;" (2) Ignore Arab squatters, but demand that Jews who own land abandon it to Arabs; (3) Ignore Arab lack of title deeds and ignore Jews' title deeds; (4) Ignore Arab illegal building, but when the government procrastinates in final approval steps, denounce Jewish builders as reprobates; and (5) Ignore the underlying Muslim Arab motive, jihad, but pretend Jewish land concessions promote peace, whereas assisting jihad promotes war. The issue is more complicated than the newspaper admits. It needs honest study. Some compensation may be due a few Arabs. The Jewish people must defend its survival by land policy as well as by arms. Without holding strategic heights, arms won't suffice. Hence the State Dept. and Times press the issue of land possession. Stay up to date on the latest news from sports scores to stocks and so much more. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, February 1, 2009. |
It has become common wisdom, with tortured logic, that the stated goals of Terrorists carry equal weight with the actions of its victims in their own self-defense. I will limit this article to the conflict between the Muslim/Arab nations and the Jewish State of Israel. The reason for this limitation is that other nations do not subject themselves to the rules mandated for the Jewish State and by the Jewish State for herself and her people. Presently, President Barack Hussein Obama has sent former Senator George J. Mitchell to 'supposedly' listen to Israel's present government and President Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen) of the 'Palestinian Authority' who is also leader of the supposedly moderate 'Fatah' (also a Terror organization). The prevailing words, which do not meet any sense of reality, is that somehow Obama, Mitchell and Hillary Clinton, among others, will induce the Muslim Arab Palestinians (both Fatah and Hamas) to live in their own state, side-by-side with Israel in peace and security. However, the words "Peace" and "Security" have lost their relevance in the world although they continue to be used. Two other useless words are "moderate" or "secular" when they apply to Fatah. For example, today's news (February 1st) headlines: "Al-Aqsa Brigades claim responsibility for firing on Nablus area settlement." (1) [See below] Is this "moderate"? Al-Aqsa is the military part of Fatah. When America or Europe uses the word "moderate", we infuse it with our own sense of Western civilization's "give-and-take" during negotiations. We think in terms of concessions to reach an agreement which is then put down as a binding contract and is signed by both parties. Regrettably, in the Muslim Arab culture, as guided by the Koran and Muhammed's Hadith (oral teachings), there is no agreement to be maintained. In fact, during the 20th century, more than 350 agreements were concluded between Muslim Arab countries all of which were broken. Apply that paradigm to the Muslim Arab and Jewish Israeli agreements. All of them were abrogated by the Muslim Arabs. According to Islamic law, especially the most strict Shari'a law, Muslims may agree to and sign anything that benefits Islam and then may break that agreement when it is convenient to do so. The day after Yassir Arafat signed the Oslo Accords with President Clinton and then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, September 13, 1993, he spoke in Arabic, saying that Muhammed's Hudaibiya Treaty was the model to be followed in relation to the Oslo Accords. The Hudaibiya Treaty was a ten year peace treaty that Mohammed signed with the Jewish Koreish Tribe of Mecca. Two years later when he was stronger militarily, Mohammed broke the Hudaibiya Treaty, led his army back, slaughtered the Koreishi Jews and conquered Mecca. This important story appears in the Koran and has been used as the symbol of the Islamic principle that agreements and treaties with non-Muslims may be violated at will (and with Muslims). This applies to Muslim business, personal life and politics. (2) The western civilizations and Israel have yet to understand this as the bed-rock of dealing with Muslims and/or Arabs. Nothing one can say or do will change these fundamentals of Islam. The idea of two States (Israel and 'Palestine') living together side-by-side in peace and security simply does NOT exist except in words used by Western diplomats and peace negotiators who are uneducated in the laws of Islam. One side (Israel) has a western-oriented credo that relies on negotiations and keeping their signed contracts. The other side the Muslim/Arab/Islamists start their negotiations as null and void with their very first word. They will keep an agreement (according to Mohammed's Hadith) only long enough to re-arm, regain strength and then attack to fulfill the diktats of the Koran. Words of agreement are only useful when both parties puts the same value on the words. To Islamists, words are merely a temporary necessity to be discarded at the earliest opportunity. If Barack Obama is as intellectually competent as he poses to be then he is either missing the reality of his proposed two-state solution or he is perfectly aware that there is no common ground between Islam and Israel. Palestinians cannot live next to Israel and be expected to keep the peace. Just on the grounds of a productive society, there is no match. The Jews are industrious, always in motion, building, developing, inventing things for the benefit of mankind. While within the Muslim Arab world, there is a certain anchoring to the 7th or 12th Century where their energy goes into their practice of Islam and war. Can you name one Arab Muslim country were there is a zealousness or work ethic to build, research or achieve anything other than developing their war-making capabilities? Even in the super-rich oil countries, except for a thin layer of the very rich elites, there is very little inventive development. Imagine a badly-run Palestinian nation, living next to a thriving Jewish nation in peace. It would be just a matter of a brief time before jealousy and envy led to the Muslims' urges to conquer and confiscate what the industrious Jews have built. You must know that Islam could not even bear to see the Jewish nation exist let alone thrive and succeed. Sometimes a people who have an inferiority complex are, indeed, really inferior. ### 1. Al-Aqsa Brigades claim responsibility for firing on Nablus area settlement
2. "Words Are Not Binding" by Emanuel A. Winston
Bethlehem Ma'an The Al-Aqsa Brigades, the armed wing of Fatah, claimed responsibility opening fire on the illegal Israeli settlement Itamar, near the West Bank city of Nablus on Saturday evening. The Al-Aqsa Brigades claimed that an Israeli soldier was injured by the shooting. The Israeli military reports that Palestinians opened fire towards a hilltop adjacent to the settlement, and that no one was injured. Israeli forces are reportedly searching the area for the shooters. -------------------- [Dr. Aaron Lerner IMRA: How is it that gunmen from the illegal militia under "moderate" Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah openly take credit for a terrorist attack? Simple: Because all the people involved in the international project to arm and train "moderate" Fatah and the amen chorus backing them refuse to allow reality to interfere with their program. The whole enterprise of arming and creating an independent Palestinian state to "bring peace" isn't because it is logical that it will bring peace but instead that it is an article of faith that it will bring peace. I can throw pennies in a fountain because I believe it will grant me a wish. I can say a prayer before the plane takes off in the hopes that it will help prevent a crash. I can do all kinds of things because of faith. When does it become dangerous? If I say a prayer as I jump out of a plane without a parachute counting on Divine intervention to prevent me from ending up being splattered on the ground. The Jewish tradition has a clear stand on this: "one doesn't rely on a miracle". And it would take nothing less than a miracle for an independent Palestinian state to "bring peace".] Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by GWY, February 1, 2009. |
I've been lobbying for ages to get those of you who write about the residents of (the former British protectorate) Palestine to change the name of the the Arabs who are still in this region to "Pals" (as in "Serbs" or "Turks"), or "Palans" (as in "Afgans"), or "Palis" (as in "Ausis" or "Saudis"), or goodness-knows-what. I had a little success. Now I received a good essay (below) on the subject that I ask you to peruse. I will remind you that the Palestinian Jews who fought in Italy alongside the Brits in WW2 had that name (of their home region) embroidered on their shoulder patches. My request to you is that you will change the "Palestinian" moniker to something else. Respectfully,
Milton Franks-Lhermann,
The essay below is by Sharon Nader Sloan and Beth Kennedy and it appeared in Israelinsider. It is entitled "We have all been had". |
Did you know that there was never any country called Palestine? Did you know that there is no such thing as a Palestinian people? The ideas that the West Bank and Gaza are occupied Palestinian land, and that the Palestinian people are fighting for their land, have been accepted by most of the governments of the world and by most of the media in the world. But if you read on, you will see that these claims are among the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on concerned citizens, world-wide. Check out any map of the Middle East and see for yourself. You will find Palestine listed as a region as it always has been, but definitely not a country. We can locate the Mojave Desert on the map, but we still do not recognize it as our 51st state, let alone a country. Similarly, the region of Siberia is a region not a state. The Sahara is a region not a state, etc. Neither is Palestine a state. It never was a country, just a region. Jews and non-Jews were in Palestine all the time, often in towns. Generally, the Bedouin tribes were nomadic. The region was primarily deserts and swamps with some oases and grazing land. Only about 120,000 Arabs resided in an area that covered the Sinai, the west bank and the present states of Israel and Jordan. When Mark Twain (of blessed memory) visited the area he wrote that he found nothing but a wasteland. For 19 years, after the six day war, the territories, including Gaza and part of Jerusalem were occupied by Egypt and the Kingdom of Jordan. No-one talked about a Palestinian state, including the Arab countries and the United Nations. Nobody asked Jordan or Egypt to renounce their occupation and give the land to the "Palestinians". Actually, the "Palestinians" themselves said nothing about a Palestinian state or a Palestinian people, because nobody heard of a Palestinian people. It never existed. The fact simply is that there are no "Palestinians". These people are Arabs like all other Arabs, and they happen to live in a region that was called Palestine. They are not a separate people. What makes a separate people? Religion, language, culture, garb, cuisine, etc., etc. The Arabs in Palestine speak the same language, practice the same religion, have the same culture, etc., etc., as all the other Arabs. The few minor differences that exist between them are like the minor differences that exist between the Welsh, the Scots, and the Londoners. They are still all Britons. Yankees and Southerners have the same minor differences, but they are still all Americans. People in the south of France are quite different from the people in the north, but they are still all French. These inconsequential differences do not make a people. The Arabs living in Syria or Jordan, etc., are also the same Arabs, but they each have a separate country as defined by the League of Nations. The "Palestinians" want a separate country because they claim to be a separate nation. They are not. They were never a separate people, neither before nor after the State of Israel was created. How do they become one now? Because of their distortions, the "Palestinians" feel justified in sending suicide bombers to kill noncombatant citizens: women, children, anyone. Accepting their argument, the United Nations and the media of the world are condemning Israel, which is acting less harshly than any other country would act in retaliation for such heinous attacks. What is the United States doing in Afghanistan, a well-defined nation? Killing Afghanis. Why? Because the Taliban opened fire. That is easy to understand. So why is it hard to understand that that is exactly what Israel is doing, only on a much smaller scale? Ask yourself this: Should the use of terror ever be rewarded? When is the use of terrorism justified as a military tactic? As a political tactic? As an economic tactic? What implications does this hold for future conflicts? Let us examine the truths here:
The belief that giving the Palestinians a state will bring peace is a delusion. The truth is that they want all the territory. The short-term goal is a state consisting of the West Bank and Gaza. The long-term goal is a state that includes all of "historical Palestine," possibly including Jordan. How can one support this conclusion? You can find out from Google. The late Faisal Husseini, Arafat's Jerusalem representative, a man who was cultured, sophisticated and considered to be moderate, expressed shortly before his death on May 31, 2001 his true feelings in an interview with the popular Egyptian newspaper el Arav. Husseini said: "We must distinguish the strategies and long-term goals from the political-phased goals which we are compelled to accept due to international pressures." But the "ultimate goal is the liberation of all of historical Palestine." Explicitly he said: "Oslo has to be viewed as a Trojan Horse." He even added and clarified that it is the obligation of all the Arab forces and factions to see the Oslo Accords as "temporary" steps, as "gradual" goals, because in this way, "We are setting an ambush for the Israelis and cheating them." He also differentiated between "strategic," long-term, "higher" goals, and "political" short-term goals dependent on "the current international establishment, balance of power, etc." All historical Palestine? Does not this include all of Israel and all of Jordan? Finally, unless the Arabs recognize and accept the historical facts, even if they are given a state of their own, and no matter how many agreements and treaties they sign, they will always feel wronged, cheated, and forced into giving up what they now claim is theirs. They will continue to try to invalidate or destroy Israel in order to take back "their nation", especially the younger generation that has been brainwashed to hate the "occupying enemy." Whether there is a new Arab state or not, there will be no peace. ss Only a massive and ongoing reeducation of the Arab people to these truths will enable meaningful negotiations to begin, followed by a lasting peace between Arabs and Jews. It is therefore critical that everyone who has an audience, whether in print or other media, use the forum they have available to repeat these truths again and again until they reach the consciousness of those waging war in the Middle East. Contact GWY at gwy123@aol.com |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, February 1, 2009. |
Yesterday morning, a Grad Katyusha rocket was launched near Ashkelon. Early this morning, three Kassams were launched into the south; one landed between two kindergartens in the Eshkol Regional Council. Shortly after, shots were fired at IDF soldiers near the Kissufim Crossing. And then, four mortar shells were fired at the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council area, wounding three. Following this, a Kassam landed in Sderot. ~~~~~~~~~~ Olmert's response: "We've said that if there is rocket fire against the south of the country, there will be a disproportionate Israeli response to the fire on the citizens of Israel and its security forces." ~~~~~~~~~~ There were reports earlier coming from the Rafah and Khan Younis region in southern Gaza that residents had been warned to move away from tunnels and areas where weapons are stored. As I write, there are preliminary reports of an air strike in the Rafah/Khan Younis region with no specifics yet as to what has been hit or how seriously. ~~~~~~~~~~ The assessment of chief of Military Intelligence, Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin, in the report he gave to the Cabinet earlier today is worth noting: "Hamas has internalized the extent of the physical and moral blow inflicted upon it. Unlike arrogant statements sounded in the media, the organization is conducting serious soul-searching on its strategic mistakes and operational failures. "Two weeks after the cease-fire began, terrorists not belonging to Hamas are challenging the organization and carrying out attacks in order to bring on another escalation. Hamas is deterred and respecting the cease-fire, but not doing enough to discourage the others." ~~~~~~~~~~ Interesting... I don't remember how many times I've read statements by Barak and Olmert claiming that it doesn't matter who is actually launching the rockets Hamas is in charge of Gaza and we hold Hamas responsible for what happens there. We have to see how significant the air strike turns out to be I'm guessing it won't be major. For I fear that ever so subtly the government may be in the process of cutting Hamas some slack: Look, it's not them, they've learned their lesson. In fact I even read some commentary claiming that the response shouldn't be disproportionate, since it's not Hamas that is responsible. And so, I have a vague unease about which way the wind is blowing. Is this the mark of a government that is reluctant to escalate significantly right before an election? There will be no deterrence if we go easy now. Especially am I uneasy in light of the statements by Defense Minister Barak reported in Arutz 7: "...the time may come for a new confrontation with Hamas but that time has not yet arrived." As to ministers calling for a strong IDF reaction, he declared, "Leave it to the Chief of Staff, to the OC [Southern] Command and with all modesty, to me as well. We know better what to do and when." When is the last time Barak was modest? A watch and see situation... ~~~~~~~~~~ I will note the obvious here (and this has such a strong sense of deja vu): It doesn't matter if it is Hamas or another group launching the rockets, there can be no cease fire unless all launchings will stop. Saying that Hamas wants a cease fire but other renegade groups are shooting does not a cease fire make, and we must not pretend that it does. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile according to the Arabic Al-Arabiya TV station, Hamas has agreed to a one-year truce in return for the opening of the Rafah crossing into Egypt. Mark Regev, spokesman for PM Olmert, has categorically denied this. "This is Hamas disinformation," he said. He does not expect Rafah to be opened any time soon. ~~~~~~~~~~ With regard to the above, PA maybe-president Mahmoud Abbas, according to the Palestinian news agency Maan, cancelled plans to go to Europe and quickly traveled to Cairo when he heard there might be progress on a ceasefire agreement that involved the opening of crossings. Analysts were quick to note that this is because Abbas wants to be part of the action involved in planning and participating in the outcome as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. There is considerable Palestinian backbiting with regard to the issue of precisely who does represent the Palestinians and what groups should be a constituent part of the PLO. ~~~~~~~~~~ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent the Spanish government a set of documents related to the lawsuit against named Israelis with regard to the assassination of terrorist Shehadeh; it was it was hoped this would end the issue. Foreign Minister Livni let her Spanish counterpart know that she was disturbed that a court decision had been made before the documents were in hand. But the last I heard on the matter (which may not be the end of the matter at all) Spain while saying it would seek to change the rules for the future is declining to get involved in "a legal matter." Theirs is a nation of the rule of law, they say. Diplomatic efforts continue to be pursued. ~~~~~~~~~~ And now Mohammed ElBaradei, the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, has weighed in with charges that we "violated the rules of international law." This is because we bombed an alleged Syrian nuclear reactor in September 2007. What we should have done, you see, is notify his agency and allow him to check on the situation. This makes perfect sense, since he's done such a splendid job handling Iran. I've indicated previously that he is close to worthless in my book. But now I'll say he's not worthless, he's dangerous. In the course of an interview with the Washington Post, he said he believed that Iran didn't want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, but only wanted a one-state solution. Never mind that this is blatantly not when Iran has been calling for, when his interviewer noted that a one-state solution would end Israel's status as a Jewish state, he responded, "I'm not taking sides on that." ~~~~~~~~~~ Diplomatic relations between Israel and Turkey have fallen to a new low after an incident at the Davos World Economic Forum last Thursday, when Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to the podium and attacked Israel vociferously with regard to our operation in Gaza. Cannot say this was totally unexpected, in light of statements he had made earlier in defense of Hamas. But his attack in this forum as Israeli President Shimon Peres was sitting on the podium with him as part of a panel was reported to be most disrespectful and undiplomatic in tone and blatantly distorted the truth of what had gone on. He charged Israel, among other things, with "barbaric acts." Peres then rose to defend Israel. When Erdogan tried to respond again, his remarks were curtailed by the moderator and he stormed off the stage. Now our foreign ministry officials are saying that as long as Erdogan is prime minister Turkey cannot play the role of mediator in indirect talks with Syria. They are indicating that this represents a blow to those indirect talks. That's bit of good news, especially as Syria is putting out feelers about picking up on those talks. ~~~~~~~~~~ There is no end of things to report during this enormously crazy time here. Tomorrow is another day... Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Jacob Richman, February 1, 2009. |
Hi Everyone! Tu B'Shvat, the New Year for Trees, falls on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Shvat, February 9 this year (5769 / 2009). This Jewish mini-holiday is of major importance to our appreciation of Nature and our relationship to it. The J Site Jewish Education and Entertainment http://www.j.co.il has several entertaining features to celebrate Tu B'Shvat: Jewish Trivia Quiz: Tu B'Shvat Which fruit is used to make wine ? When did Kabbalists originate the Tu B'shvat Seder ? How many glasses of wine are drunk at the Tu B'Shvat seder ? What branch of a tree did the dove bring back after the flood ? How many days does the Hebrew month of Shvat have ? What is associated with both Chanukah and Tu B'Shvat ? In Israel, what happens to trees starting on the 15th of Shvat ? Since 1901, how many trees has the Jewish National Fund planted in Israel ? According to the Torah, which fruits did the spies bring to the children of Israel in the wilderness ? The above questions are examples from the multiple choice Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings. Both kids and adults will find it enjoyable. Tu B'Shvat Clipart Whether you need a picture for your child's class project, a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Tu B'Shvat announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in three different sizes. Multilingual Word Search Game: Tu B'Shvat Enter the Multilingual Word Search game and choose the language you would like to play in: English, Hebrew or Russian. There is an easy mode for the kids and a hardermode for us big kids. Each game is randomly generated. You can even print out a blank game (and the solution page) for offline playing. Hebrew Hangman Tu B'Shvat It's the classic Hangman game recreated in an online Flash version. If you expect your simple "hang the man by the rope" drawing then you are in for a surprise. My Hebrew Song Book Tu B'Shvat Hebrew songs (with vowels) for viewing and printing. All songs are in graphic format so you do not need Hebrew installed to view or print them. The J site has something for everyone, but if that is not enough, I posted on my website 50 links about Tu B'Shvat, from history and customs to graphics and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and German All 50 links have been reviewed/checked this week. The web address is:
Please forward this message to relatives and friends, so they may benefit from these holiday resources. Enjoy!
Contact Jacob Richman at jrichman@jr.co.il and visit his website http://www.j.co.il |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, February 1, 2009. |
This is entitled "Susan RIch plays to the crowd in Sold Out Debut"
and it
was posted January 30, 2009 in American Thinker,
Our newly minted UN Ambassador Susan Rice made her debut at the UN yesterday, giving a speech that brought down the house made up of the usual anti-American, anti-Israeli crowds and wowed liberal critics in the MSM. Her performance bodes well for the future if you support Palestinian terrorists. For Ambassador Rice, her speech dripping with platitudes, it was a maiden speech that set out a new. more evenhanded approach to Israel. Call out your own ally on possible war crimes thus putting them on the same moral plane with their deadly enemy: Israel must investigate allegations that its army violated international law during its three-week war against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, the new U.S. envoy to the United Nations said on Thursday. Ed Lasky adds: Well, two ways to look at this speech; she gains "credit" at the discreditable institution known as the United Nations for her balanced approach or she is announcing a new policy to Israel where that nation's actions won't be trusted as they have by past administrations Democrat and Republican. Her maiden speech maybe we will have change after all. In any case, this is a shot across the bow and somewhat insulting to an ally, beleaguered by adversaries that surround her and desire her destruction. Yes, but it plays well in Paris, Berlin, The Hague, and other places where the truth gets a rough ride from governments who routinely blame Israel for defending themselves. While the reviews of her speech from those capitols probably means that the Susan Rice Show will run for years and even make it off Broadway, it no doubt laid an egg in Tel Aviv. |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, February 1, 2009. |
This was written by Melanie Phillips
and it appeared in the Spectator.
The common front between the Jew-haters of the Arab and Muslim world and the Jew-haters of the west is now gathering momentum. On 26 January the Simon Wiesenthal Centre (sorry no link) put out this statement: In a letter to Swedish Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre's Director for International Relations, Dr Shimon Samuels, reported on 'a most alarming situation yesterday in Malmö, as witnessed by one of our Centre's Swedish members.' Samuels noted that 'apparently, a small number of Swedish Jews had received the necessary permit for a silent demonstration for peace, to be held in the centre of Malmö'. He continued: 'Following the first speech, electric wires to the microphone were cut as a large crowd of Arab counter-demonstrators surrounded your Jewish citizens, screaming antisemitic abuse and brandishing swastika posters', adding that the official demonstration organizers requested the police officers present, to keep the peace and prevent a riot. The law enforcement response was that "The Jews should leave!" Jewish children and elderly were forced to run from the gathering as young Arabs pursued them, threatening physical violence. The Centre pointed out that 'Malmö has become a Gaza nest in Scandinavia, with an increasingly Jihadist presence, especially galvanized by the European Social Forum calls from Malmö for assaults upon Israel, last September, BEFORE the Gaza operation.' On the same day that this letter was sent, the day before Holocaust Remembrance Day, Egyptian cleric Amin al Ansari appeared on an Egyptian TV channel to announce that Europe had had no choice but to exterminate the Jews in the Holocaust because of their innate evil. You can see the footage and read the transcript at Memri (http://www.memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD221509). Starting off by examining 'the civil strife the Jews have caused throughout the world,' Al-Ansari explained that because of the Jews' deeds during and after World War I, 'it got to the point that the rulers themselves had no solution but to annihilate them.' Al-Ansari showed viewers how 'the holocausts of the Jews in Germany were because of their own deeds they were killing Germans, kindling civil strife, inciting the people against their rulers, and corrupting the peoples,' underlining his points with World War II footage of the bombing of Berlin, which he compared to present-day Gaza. Then, saying, 'Let's watch what Germany did to Israel or rather, to the Jews,' he screened footage of torture and killing of Jews in Dachau, Mauthausen, and Belsen, providing running commentary, and stating, 'This is what we hope will happen, but, Allah willing, at the hand of the Muslims.' He adds that the Jews 'have even turned [the Holocaust] it into a holiday, which will be marked in a few days. They call it the Holocaust Holiday, in which they rekindle what happened to them, for the whole world to see, so that people will feel sorry for them... so that they can continue to extort people politically and financially forever. They like money.' Egypt, you may recall, is the country which the west is expecting to ensure that no more weapons to annihilate Israel are smuggled through the tunnels under its border into Gaza. Small chance of this support for the genocide of the Jews being viewed with abhorrence in Norway, where Trine Lilleng, that country's First Secretary at its embassy in Riyadh, recently sent out an email on her office account (excoriated here by David Harris, Executive Director of the American Jewish committee) in which she declared: The grandchildren of Holocaust survivors from World War II are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them by Nazi Germany. Accompanying the text were photos, with an emphasis on children, seeking to juxtapose the Holocaust with the recent Israeli military operation in Gaza. Amin al Ansari would doubtless approve. Having been incited by such obscene remarks to believe that the Israelis are indeed Nazis with all the Holocaust-denial that such a monstrously inverted view necessarily entails) the Norwegians clearly think it's time for a pogrom against their supporters. The Jerusalem Post reports that Siv Jensen, chairwoman of the main opposition Progress Party, has been receiving death threats after she spoke at a pro-Israel rally and is now under 24-hour security guard. 'I have never experienced this kind of hatred in Norway,' said Toje, who was present at the demonstration. 'There were people throwing stones at and spitting on rally-goers. Afterward, people carrying Israeli flags were randomly attacked in the streets.' Along with expressions of support for Israel, speakers at the rally, including Jensen, called for aid to be distributed in Gaza and for a cease-fire agreement to be signed. 'It was a peaceful rally,' said Toje. 'Jensen was calling for the same things as Barack Obama. The difference is that she was doing it in Norway. The environment here is different.' The Socialist Left Party (Sosialistisk Venstreparti), which is part of the current coalition, has proposed a number of boycotts against Israel since the government was formed in 2005. 'The first was a general boycott,' said Toje. 'Next came an academic boycott and then a boycott on arms.' The boycotts, though not implemented, have exacerbated an already hostile atmosphere. As they do everywhere. And now as Ha'aretz reports American academics are also leaping on the pogrom bandwagon. The surreal nature of this twisted and unique hatred was encapsulated in this exchange with one of the boycotters, David Lloyd, a professor of English at the University of Southern California: Lloyd wrote that to the best of his knowledge, all supporters of the anti-Israel boycott were also opposed to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Asked if logic wouldn't dictate that he and his colleagues boycott themselves, he responded, 'Self-boycott is a difficult concept to realize. But speaking for myself, I would have supported and honored such a boycott had it been proposed by my colleagues overseas.' Lloyd and his colleagues are not of course similarly exercised to boycott Iran, openly committed to genocide and sponsors of Hamas and Hezbollah. The Jerusalem Postreports: Israeli intelligence agencies recently succeeded in thwarting a major Hizbullah terror attack against an Israeli target in Europe, Channel 2 reported Wednesday, citing security officials. The attack was reportedly thwarted by Israel in conjunction with a European intelligence agency. Hizbullah planned the attack to avenge the February 2008 assassination of arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus, the report said. But now look: in Europe the madness created by 'human rights' has now reached such a point that European jurists think killing terrorists is a war crime. Forget the attempt to hunt down and kill bin Laden; forget the al Qaeda terrorists killed by the western alliance; forget the thousands of Taleban the west has killed in Afghanistan. When Israel kills a man responsible for planning and implementing mass atrocities against both its own citizens and those in the west, this alone is a war crime. And thanks to the globalisation ofwww.jpost.com/servlet/Satellitethrough international 'human rights' law, Israel is now being persecuted through legal action for defending its own citizens against mass murder. Thus in Spain a judge agreed yesterday to an investigation of seven former top Israeli security officials for alleged war crimes in the 2002 bombing in Gaza that killed top Hamas terrorist Salah Shehadeh and 14 other people. As the then defence minister Binyamin ben Eliezer said: 'The decision of the Spanish court is delusional, ridiculous, and more than that, outrageous,' Ben-Eliezer told Channel 2. 'They are using the courts of the free world to fight those who fight terror. I am not sorry about the decision that I made when I was defense minister to assassinate him. Shehadeh was an arch-murderer. If we hadn't done this, hundreds of others would have died,' he said. This jihad of the law being mounted against Israel is now, as this analysis by theIntelligence and Terrorism Information Centre sets out, a psy-ops strategy by Hamas to win the propaganda war against Israel: 1. As soon as Operation Cast Lead ended, Ismail Haniya, prime minister of the Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip, called for international teams to investigate the so-called 'war crimes' carried out by Israel. He also demanded that the Israeli leadership (what he calls 'the occupation leadership') be tried in an international court (Al-Jazeera TV, January 18, 2009 ). These tactics are used to strengthen Hamas's defamatory allegations that Israel acted solely against civilians and to represent the IDF operation as a 'holocaust' for the Gazans. [1] And also by anti-Israel elements in Spain, and in Britain where for years now Israeli military top brass have been unable to set foot without the threat of just such a law suit. As the lies and libels about Israel continue to circulate in the west western 'progressives' helping incite this gathering pogrom and who appear to be wholly impervious to facts, truth or reason are in an obscene alliance with those bent upon genocide to delegitimise Israel, neutralise its capacity to defend its own people against slaughter and prepare the ground for its eventual destruction. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Dov, February 1, 2009. |
To the Honorable Senator George Mitchell, Representative of the President of the United States of America, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. Welcome to Eretz Yisrael and to the State of Israel! As you are well aware, our country the State of Israel is the sole democracy in the Middle East. In the elections that are scheduled to take place in another 12 days, our nation will express its desire as well as its duty to insure the sovereignty of the people of Israel and her state over the entire Land of Israel. It is to this land that we return after an exile of 2,000 years, and it is this land that we redeem by possessing it, building it, and protecting it. It is an eternal inheritance for the eternal people; it was bequeathed to our people by the Holy One, blessed be He. This inheritance has also been recognized by international law, beginning with the San Remo conference on April 25, 1920, and followed by the Mandate of the League of Nations on July 24, 1922. In all probability you will not hear this truth mentioned during your meetings with members of our current government, thus we publicly bring these matters to your attention. Perhaps your intention now, or at some other time is to convince us that peace in the Middle East and the cessation of evil and terror in your country and worldwide will come about only as a result of taking away parts of our land, cleansing these areas of Jews, and transferring these areas to our enemies (as was done in 1938 at the Munich conference with Czechoslovakia and the Sudetenland). In that case, when you return to your country tell President Obama: Foisting borders of Auschwitz on the Land of Israel will bring neither life nor peace....neither for Israel, nor for America, and we will not agree to return to that experiment again. We have had our fill of all the attempts to trick us into accepting these "Auschwitz Borders" for the State of Israel, and we will not be fooled again. We know perfectly well what hides behind slogans like: "Palestinian State" in western Eretz Yisrael, "Right of Return for 1948 Refugees" or any "freeze" on "natural growth," i.e., restrictions placed on the birth of Jewish children in "settlements" and the housing needs of their families. We will not fall into these traps. However if you will stand by our side indeed, perhaps by leading efforts to advance regional peace talks efforts by which the Arabs of Eretz Yisrael can be reestablished in the places of their origins through this, you will advance the cause of world peace by giant steps. For it is only a peace that will be based on justice, truth and the ethical values of Israel's Bible and the words of her prophets, that will have the strength to stand. Not only this: Only such a peace will bring about prospertity for all humanity. The ultimate test of justice and truth in our time will be determined here in the Land of Israel, through the return of the Jewish people to Zion, through the building of the land by the nation of Israel and by the exercise of her national sovereignty over the entire land. We affix our signatures, the undersigned organizations that are true to the Land of Israel: 1. Our Eretz Yisrael
Contact Dov at dbtc@bezeqint.net |
Posted by Various Readers, February, 2009. |
UNRWA, Lords of Misery
Excellent information on UNRWA, which takes care of Palestinian refugees and is complicit in Arab terrorism. UNRWA keeps the problem alive so they can keep their paychecks. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ecb_1233787272 Proof of Truth
Dear friends, I am back from our trip to South America which culminated with the spectacular Carnaval in Rio. If you have not been there for the Carnaval you owe it to youself. This is the greatest most exhilarating show on earth, bar none. Many of you, my dear readers, love to hate George Bush and anything to do with his administration. I prefer to judge his presidency subject by subject and give due where it belongs. What caused the current economic crisis? The mortgage situation is the universal agreement. What did the Bush administration do about it? Sent clear strong warnings to the Senate as early as 2002. I was made aware of the following video clip by my friend Paul. You should see it too. There is nothing sweeter than the proof of truth. This video shows that George Bush tried to warn Congress in 2002 that this economic crisis was coming, if something was not done. But congress refused to listen, along with Barney Franks. This video says it all .
Also, the liberal AMERICAN media20 did not want this video on YouTube, so they had Time Warner threaten a law suit (proprietary rights) if it was not taken off.
This link is of the same video but is routed through Canada. Everyone in America needs to see this!
Mercaz Yeshiva Slaughter Remembered
Over 5,000 people were expected to be at Mercaz Feb 24th . It is a 45 minute broadcast. An anonymous family is giving each of the eight families a sefer torah as a gift in memory of their son. [Full story #1 below] See the celebration at www.blevechad.com and www.IsraelNationalTV.com. You can also listen to Ari and Jeremy's interview of Blev Echad recorded this past December. The ceremony took place yesterday at Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav. One can not watch these utubes without crying. Last night was the yahrzeit of the massacre of the Kedoshim part1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIqY7kD4vbI part2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwd8p5fq-I4&feature=channel_page A transcription of Rav Weiss's interview can be found on Alan Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist
http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=89612 Does Israel have a right to exist?
Shalom Everyone, Does Israel have a right to exist? Should it even be a question? Certainly not for you or for me... But it becomes more and more of a question for many people around the world today. Israel is not only the name of a state, Israel is the name of a people, and this is what we want to share with you... - Shalom Aleichem (just splendid)
- Binyamin Netanyahu on the USA
- Does Israel have a right to exist?
- (FUN?) Miracle: Hamas terrorist come back to life
- Israeli Tennis Player Barred from Arab Tournament
- Rachem (mercy...)
Islam's Claim to Jerusalem; Walid Shoebat
Islam's Claim to Jerusalem
A Palestinian's Journey to Zionism Walid Shoebat Walid Shoebat vividly remembers the tumultuous days of June, 1967, when Israel and its Arab neighbours were at war. For six days and six nights, Walid and his family hid in the bathroom of their home in Jericho, as fighting raged outside. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=516_1177450504&p=1 Islam: What the West Needs to Know Walid Shoebat
A Palestinian Myth; UNRWA: Lords of Misery
A PALESTINIAN MYTH According to Palestinians, they were expelled from Israel by the Jewish armies in 1948. A large documentation, and many testimonies from Arab leaders and historians intend to prove that, actually, they fled the zone of conflict because of Arab propaganda, spreading the fake news of massacres... Deir Yassin, among those so said massacres, became a legend. Such as Jenin, and Gaza will be decades later. Pallywood, pallywood... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn4r7ZjG9Nc&feature=channel_page ----- UNRWA : LORDS OF MISERY According to UNRWA, a Palestinian " refugee " is someone who was living in the region of Palestine... two years before the state of Israel was born. This definition doesn't fit with international law. The grand son of a "refugee", born in another country, cannot be called "a refugee" himself. So, what is UNRWA's interest making sure Palestinians are not resettled ? That may be the key to this middle east conflict ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxyPBQirBH0&NR=1 Marking One Year Since the Mercaz Harav Massacre
It has been one year since that terrible night. One year since a gunman burst into the yeshiva library and opened fire on the best and brightest of our boys sitting there and learning. One year since the heart and soul of the Jewish nation was pierced by the screams of the students and drenched with the blood of the murdered as they sat studying the words of our nation's greatest sages. It has been a year of heroic strength necessary to overcome the awful tragedy that took place. And it has been a year of the deepest sorrow as we have come to grips with the terrible loss that was inflicted that night. To mark the first anniversary of the Mercaz Harav massacre, the OneFamily Fund and Shira Chadasha Boys Choir in Jerusalem have produced a very powerful video based on the memorial prayer recited most Shabbat mornings in synagogue. Please take six minutes and join us in remembering and honoring those whose pure souls have been taken, and in demonstrating that we are all OneFamily. To view the video
To donate to OneFamily in memory of the eight victims, and to help
those wounded and bereaved in this and other terrorist attacks in
Israel, go to
Alan Keys on Hussein Obama
The 3rd Jihad exposes the war the media is not tellng you about.
compulsive viewing. Dr. Jasser is the narrator. The Third Jihad exposes the war the media is not telling you about.
Moishe after the Mumbai tragedy
For those who are interested, a video of Moishe after the Mumbai tragedy:
Russian Prime Minister Vkadanur Putin Warns US Democrats Against Socialism
"We must not revert to isolationism and unrestrained economic egotism... Excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state's omnipotence is another possible mistake. True, the state's increased role in times of crisis is a natural reaction to market setbacks. Instead of streamlining market mechanisms, some are tempted to expand state economic intervention to the greatest possible extent... In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state's role absolute. In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated." http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/~/putin-lectures-american-democrats.html Home Grown Jihad
http://www.youtube.com/~://www.christianaction.org/homegrownjihad.aspx Israel, feel part of it
We'll try to take some distance in this email from politics and the conflict to focus more on Am Israel, the People of Israel. There is no doubt that again we are in a period in which we have to be and stand together. The best way is to get to know each other. Israeli Air Force Flying over Auschwitz
SEE THIS AND CRY: A visit to the holy gravesite of Deborah the Prophetess
How to make a Hamas Hero?
Two American fighters learn Israel Self Defense: not easy
The Hope (Hatikvah)
Jerusalem: moments of life
So you want to boycott Israel?
This is an ironic piece. To seriously boycott Israel, you'd have to do with a lot of indispensables. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7O61c71Fuo Interviews with Hamas members serving life sentences who may be freed by Israel
Last year, the Center for Near East Policy Research commissioned two reporters to interview Hamas members who are serving life sentences for multiple murders. These interviews are now newsworthy, since these are the Hamas convicts who may be freed in the near future by the government of Israel Any agency or organization that would like to purchase rights to use this material may contact the Center for Near East Policy Research at PolicyResearch1@yahoo.com or call tel. 02 623 6368 in Jerusalem. Another 27 hours of raw material is available, if any agency would like to invest in a documentary on the subject Hebrew Translation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBBeNB4se1U&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRxFsslngcc&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-inRgjGN76c&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8lKE1xRcz0&feature=channel_page English Translation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZxcaS-ujLs&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr3GIUrOqwo&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19NDqRCZw_s&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK2RuUR_HCo&feature=channel_page VERY INSPIRING VIDEO ABOUT YERUSHALAYIM!!!
Music and lyrics by Abie Rotenberg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGRfnaDL Listen also to the Shira Chadasha Boys Choir Music Video from Yerushalayim http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDjdAmG2hrM&feature=related See & understand British police chased by radical muslims in London
German Mother, Jewish Son
The War on Britain's Jews? watch UK finishing existence...vanishing....UK brought it to her self.
Video is in 3 parts. Islamist Video
This comes from MEMRI, The Middle East Media Research Institute Special Dispatch No. 2238, February 10, 2009, No. 2238 In Islamist Video, Mujahedeen Sing of Martyrs' Funerals: 'Form a Procession for the Martyr, With His Wound, His Blood and His Garments; Perfume His Forehead and Do Not Remove the Dust From His Body' A video posted on multiple websites, titled "Procession of the Martyrs," shows mujahedeen gathered with their weapons singing about funeral and burial rites for "martyrs." In their song, the lyrics of which appear in English translation in
subtitles, they call to "form a procession for the martyr to his
second house in Paradise," for the martyr's mother to "be patient"
knowing that her dead son is in Paradise "beside the glamorous fairies
and enjoying," and for processions for individual "martyrs" whom they
Why does Israel need a strong government?
The answer is simple... to fight this: UNRWA: Lords of Misery
Palestinian children trained to kill
Silent Exodus of Jewish Refugees
Hamas Execution of Fatah Members in Gaza (Banned on YouTube)
GAZA JENIN: same lies?
Change your mind: Ahmed & Salim Ep. 3
Must Seen: Herod's Lost Tomb
No peace at Israeli consul's talk
ultimedia/Video.No.Peace.At.Israeli.Consuls.Talk-3619371.shtml Akiva Tor, consul general of Israel for the Pacific Northwest came to San Jose State University for a discussion on Thursday, Feb 5, 2009. What was billed as a question and answer session quickly turned into a confrontation, with audience members chanting, "Free Palestine" and accusing Tor of lying. VEnezuela Protest Against Jewish Pogroms, Anti Chavez Rally
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buDAQ-liK5w&sdig=1 Nintendo's Islamic message
Fischer Price Toys and Nintendo are saying "Islam is the Light." You may want to distribute this to Fox News, newspapers, etc. RTGAM.20090205.wvnintendoislam0205/VideoStory/VideoLineup It's time for the U.N. to declare itself a wholly owned subsidiary of Islamic terror.
The first is called
"UNRWA: Lords of Misery, Plus Radical Belgium."
The second "Look at what's going on in Belgium."
They are both on the Seraphic Secret website.
Solutions against terror in Israel
Shalom Everyone, There can be different types of reactions against terror: hiding, suffering, fighting, laughing... Here on Road 90, we prefer to fight it and to laugh about it. As you will see in the different videos below (the first one is especially good, banned everywhere on internet) there are solutions, and it's sometimes possible to laugh too... Enjoy this selection, and do not hesitate to come back regularly, as you'll find, updated special selections of videos on our Home Page. Fundamentally right, and... clean (Banned on Youtube)
Letter to the World from Jerusalem
(A MUST) Ahmed & Salim
Part1: http://www.road90.com/watch.php?id=LkljsxvYIb
http://www.road90.com/watch.php?id=OrfFEfyK5F http://www.road90.com/watch.php?id=IxZYY7jk5B Scarlett Johansson speaks about her being Jewish
Manhattan, NY Protestors Speak Out Against Synagogue Vandals
Manhattan, NY Protestors gathered outside the Venezuelan Consulate in Manhattan on Monday to speak out against the desecration of a synagogue. Members of the city's Jewish community came out to condemn the vandalism by an armed group that shattered religious objects and spray-painted walls in Caracas' oldest synagogue. Venezuela has been among the countries criticizing Israel for its military offensive in Gaza. Protestors say they wanted to show their support to those affected by the acts of vandalism. "It's very important that we speak out against hate anywhere and everywhere when it rears its ugly head and we're here united in New York City with people of different religions and backgrounds to protest this anti semitic act," said Queens Councilman David Weprin. "We wanted to send a clear message to the Venezuelan-Jewish community. We wanted to let them know that they're not alone," said Ruben Kliksberg, a protest organizer. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has since condemned the vandalism. www.vosizneias.com/~protestors-speak-out-against-synagogue-vandals/ Finally, America Wakiing Up To Moslem Infiltration
http://noiri.blogspot.com/~/finally-america-waking-up-to-moslem.html Pierre Rehove's Video: "How To Make A Hamas Hero"
Dear friends, Since we have been submerged lately by false infos regarding the middle east crisis, I thought it would be a good idea to expose Hamas as it really is, with a little clip which is already taking off on youtube. Please, take a few minutes to watch it... and perhaps to spread it around you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfbYtpviai0 Sorry if this email reached you by mistake.
Anti-Semitic Incidents 2009
In case you don't have this, see text below and video from a Palestinian Arab website.
Please take a moment and watch this video about the Arab youths in France and what they did for Gaza during this large protest. After the seventh minute, you will see how this form of protest could shake Europe and makes their government shiver. Talk about radical: "The Zionist entity is going to come down on its knees like no one has ever seen. They are going to pay big-time!!!" http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ycql_gaza-manif-paris_news Samia LA Times did a Video about SWU-ANSWER Rallies
LA Times did a video about Stand With us (SWU) Rallies
Our message goes from the muslims' one ear to the other; they are on one course only: blame Israel for everything that is happening in the Middle East and totally ignore the actual culprits the terrorists, whether it is Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah or other muslim terror groups or gangs. As saying goes: Hamas No Mas! With kind regards,
![]() ![]() Every Day of Freedom Is Like an Act of Faith DIVIDED WE FALL-UNITED WE STAND AND WIN! "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create them." Albert Einstein Militant Islam Monitor
http://www.militantislammonitor.org/docs?type=2 Boris Celser
http://www.minnesotansagainstterrorism.org/ Fatah in Free Fall
My Right Word How Hamas rehabilitates its Fatah rivals: http://myrightword.blogspot.com/2009/02/fatah-in-free-fall.htm The linked video should be sent to all the HROs and bleeding hearts who are quick to condemn Israel, while overlooking human rights "infractions" such as these. "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" rules when it comes to the Palestinians, but these pictures are worth a thousand words. Perhaps our world leaders who advocate "talking to" Hamas might want to also talk about how this quaint practice is out of line. |
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