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wildcard expressions or find every possibility. It does do limited
booleans using AND or OR. If a and b are searchwords:
* a AND b finds files that include both searchwords. a OR b accepts any file with either or both searchwords. * A set of searchwords separated by spaces is an AND search. A phrase in quotes is a single searchword. This search engine searches the Think-Israel site only |
We are told that there is a difference between extremist Islam and
peaceloving normal Islam.
Judging by their behavior, Muslims are anti-West, anti-Democracy, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-Buddhist, and anti-Hindu. Muslims are involved in 25 of some 30 conflicts going on in the world: in Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Cyprus, East Timor, India, Indonesia (2 provinces), Kashmir, Kazakastan, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Macedonia, the Middle East, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia, Sudan, Russia-Chechnya, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uganda and Uzbekistan. Doesn't this mean that extremist Islam is the norm and normal Islam is extremely rare? |
"The Palestinian people does not
exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for
continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab
unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians,
Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical
reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people,
since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a
distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism.
"For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." (PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, March 31, 1977, interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw.) The Palestinian leadership, including Ahmed Shukar and Yasir Arafat, has openly admitted Palestinian "peoplehood" is a fraud; Read This |
"It should be remembered that in 1918, with the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France were handed more than 5,000,000 square miles to divvy up and 99+% was given to the Arabs to create countries that did not exist previously. Less than 1% was given as a Mandate for the re-establishment of a state for the Jews on both banks of the Jordan River. In 1921, to appease the Arabs once again, another three quarters of that less than 1% was given to a fictitious state called Trans-Jordan." (Jack Berger, May 31, 2004.) |
The total for all the 22 Arab League
countries is 6,145,389 square miles (SM). By comparison, all 50 states of
the United States have a total of 3,787,318 SM. Israel has
8,463 SM, about one-sixth of that of the State of Michigan.
Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan are Muslim but not Arab and are
not included.
World Arab population: 300 million; World Jewish population: 13.6 million; Israel's Jewish population: 5.4 million. |
"... during the late 1940s, more than 40 million refuges around the world were resettled, except for one people. They [Palestinian arabs] remain defined as refugees, wallowing 60 years later in 59 UNRWA refugee camps, financed by $400 million contributed annually by nations of the world to nurture the promise of the "right of return" to Arab neighborhoods and Arab villages from 1948 that no longer exist." |
Some 900,000 Jews left behind $300 billion in assets when they were forced to flee for their lives from the Arab countries in the 1940s. They hold deeds for five times Israel's size. |
Re Israel's irrevocable ownership of Israel, Golan, Samaria, Judea and Gaza: "Nothing that Israel's legal system says can change the facts that: (1) the legal binding document is the Mandate of the League of Nations and (2) the obligations of the Mandate are valid in perpetuity." (Professor Julius Stone) |
"By 1920 the Ottoman Empire had exercised undisputed sovereignty over Palestine for 400 years. In Article 95 of the treaty of Sevres, that sovereignty was transferred to England in trust for a national homeland for the jews. The local Arabs had never exercised sovereignty over Palestine and so they lost nothing. Their rights were fully protected by a provisio in the grant: '...it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...' The proviso has been fully observed by the Israelis. Since 1950 the Arabs have built some 261 new settlements in Judea and Samaria more than twice as many as the Jews, but you never hear of them. They fill them with Arabs from Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan and by the grace of God they become Palestinians. Allahu Akbar! The Arabs call Judea "the West Bank' because they would look silly claiming that Jews are illegally living in Judea." |
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Mark Steyn tells us how important Geert Wilders is in the fight for
all of us in the West to retain
our freedom of speech and thought. Wilders was put on trial for committing the sin of
describing Islam accurately in its own words. Unfortunately, in
Europe, "[t]hose who seek to analyze Islam outside the very narrow bounds of Eutopian political discourse wind up either banned (Belgium’s Vlaams Blok), forced into exile (Ayaan Hirsi Ali), or killed (Fortuyn, van Gogh)."
"In 21st-century Amsterdam, you’re free to smoke marijuana and pick
out a half-naked sex partner from the front window of her shop. But
you can be put on trial for holding the wrong opinion about a bloke who died in the
seventh century." Fear of Islamic intolerant reactions to what they
call Islamophobia -- i.e., any criticism of Islam -- has made European
officialdom intolerant of those of their citizens who question Islam's assessment of itself.
Mr. bin Hookah is foreign correspondent and roving reporter for
The Gaza Gajeera. In this column, he recounts his experience
as an unwilling resident in an Israeli jail these past few years.
Ephraim Asculai provides the basic facts about Iran's ability to produce nuclear weaponry. We are certain of these facts or, at the very least, can make educated guesses about them. He concludes "Iran has the technical know-how and the facilities to enrich its LEU (3.5 and 20 percent uranium) to high enriched uranium (HEU) of about 90 percent enrichment." "the Iranians can, If the technicians receive the order to do so, quite quickly produce HEU for the first core of a nuclear explosive device." Brett Stephens in a March 19, 2012 Wall Street Journal article entitled "The Bogus Iran Intelligence Debate" uses a less technical way to make the same point: given that the Iranians have the components, focusing on when they will be ready to produce bombs is bogus. He explains the actual core issue (no pun intended) this way: "You may not be able to divine whether a drinker, holding a bottle of Johnnie Walker in one hand and a glass tinkling with ice in the other, actually intends to pour himself a drink. And perhaps he doesn't. But the important thing, at least when it comes to intervention, is not to present him with the opportunity in the first place. [...] To have sufficient quantities of enriched uranium is, so to speak, the whiskey of a nuclear-weapons program. By contrast, 'weaponization'—the vessel into which you pour and through which you can deliver the enriched uranium cocktail—is merely the glass." READ MORE
On Mount Ebal, where the Jews entered the Land of Canaan some three
thousand years, Adam Zertal, an archaeologist, has been excavating
what likely is Joshua's Altar, the first altar built in the Promised
Land for service to HaShem, in accordance with the instructions recorded in the Bible.
Dror Eydar tells an exciting story on two levels. There is
the awesome story the excavation is disclosing. The specific objects
found, the evidence provided by the debris, the topology of the area
-- all these say that the rules for
sacrifice and kashruth were in place at the beginning of Nationhood.
The architecture of the altar, itself, amazingly enough, mirrors the
structure of the altar of the Second Temple but precedes it
by a thousand years. And there is the less salutory story -- this is
yet another example where new data are denigrated because they don't
support the belief system of the establishment,
the established religion in this case being the belief by
establishment archaeologists that the Bible isn't history.
March-April 2012 BLOG-EDS This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds page for the month is updated every few days. There is a separate file that is the index for the articles on the Blog-Ed page. You can access an article immediately from this index by clicking on the item in the index. To access the Index, click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page. March 2012 BLOG-EDS READ MOREApril 2012 BLOG-EDS |
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In this article, Jerry Kaufman sums up what Newt Gringrich said. In actuality, the
Palestinians are a fake people. They had not developed into a people
over the centuries. Those we called Palestinians have no identity
distinct from the general Arab population. The 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia
Britannica lists half a hundred groups living in Mandated
Palestine -- Beduins, Circassians, Jews, Christians, Arabs, etc. There
was no group called Palestinian or one that called itself Palestinian.
Michael Curtis of the BESA Center puts it this way:
"...no independent Palestinian state has ever existed, let alone one that manifested a "Palestinian identity."
Newt Gingrich said forthrightly that there was no such thing as a Palestinian people and they had never owned the land. Bernice Lipkin examines one aspect of the aftermath: the response of the media. In that most of the media have been more or less pro-Palestinian, one would expect they would be shocked and ask for proof. Instead the general response could be summed up as: we know but so what. Let's get on with the peace process. Now why is that?
Robert Reilly asks a critical question: why were the Palestinian people
invented? The short answer is they serve as a political ploy, as
visual aids to keep us focused on the unfairness of a nascent Israel
surviving invasion by her neighbors. Their suffering becomes
justification for the Arab doing any loathsome deed to drive the Jews
The assertions that
How do you return to what you hardly knew? David Solway recounts his all-of-a-sudden start of a journey to the religion of his birth, Judaism, when 9/11 shocked him out of the accretion of anti-Zionist hate propaganda that had coated him and cocooned him. He realized he had "acted out of mere rote behavior and fortuitous conjecture, out of an unexamined desire to think in accordance with the inferences and presuppositions of my friends and colleagues,..." He realized he'd made the Jew the repository of all he disliked; reacting against himself, he had expelled "himself from his own community." As he travels forward in time, he has shaken off opinions and attitudes he now sees as puerile and/or malignant. A fascinating odyssey.
Lyn Julius writes that Israel's pointing out its significant contributions to the advancement of humanity "in technology, science, agriculture, ecology, immigrant absorption" doesn't rebut the negative opinion of Israel held by "grassroots" Europeans. To achieve that, Israel needs to "explode the misconception, commonly held on the Left, that Israel is an outpost of western colonialism and imperialism. Jews were indigenous to the region 1,000 years before the Islamic conquest" in the 7th Century. They lived everywhere in the Middle East without interruption for over two millenia world until the Arabs "ethnically cleansed" the Jews from their ancestral homes in 1948. More Jews than Arabs were made refugees when the Arabs invaded Israel in their attempt to nullify Israel's rebirth. "Jews 'stealing Arab land' is an offensive inversion of reality." Ironically, the Liberal's disregard of Jewish rights while supporting Muslim rights will have the effect of reinstating the Muslims as dominant and the Jews and Christians as inferior dhimmi -- which was the relationship of the religious groups imposed by the Muslims when they conquered the Middle East.
When this article appeared on Frontpage Magazine, the editor, Jamie Glazov, wrote that he'd invited the author, Eric Allen Bell, to tell his story. "Bell [is] a filmmaker who was recently banned from blogging at the Daily Kos because he wrote three articles that ran afoul of the mindset there, specifically naming 'Loonwatch.com' as a 'terrorist spin control network.'" It started innocently enough when Bell heard that the local folk in Murfreesboro Tennessee -- where he was living -- were attempting to deny Muslims the right to build a mosque. Anyone even vaguely aware of stealth jihad would know immediately that giving the few local Muslims a place to pray wasn't why the Muslims wanted to put up a huge mosque plonk in the heart of the Bible Belt. It was, in fact, a typical Muslim in-your-face challenge. It is putting up a command center. It is announcing that from now on the Muslims will be pushing for special privileges, intimidating the natives, restructuring the environment for their own convenience and expanding their control of the region. Bell had to find it out the hard way, from first seeing the drama simply as bigotry on the part of the Christians and then slowly discovering there was more to the story. Islam really does pose real life threats to our way of life. Their Koran-based attitude towards women, homosexuals, Jews and infidels -- actually, to the entire non-Muslim world -- simply can not be aligned with ours, no matter how glib the Muslim presentation, no matter how untrue the accusation that all critics are Islamophobic. Bell's simplistic view has crumpled. As he says, "I support human rights and oppose anything which I perceive to be in violation of human rights." It's been a painful journey, refusing the pablum and opting for strong meat. Discombobulating. And I doubt it is over.
Howard Grief sets forth the firm legal foundation of Israel being the exclusive owner of the land designated as Jewish by the League of Nations. The Land of Israel -- current Israel, Samaria and Judea (aka West Bank), the Golan and Gaza -- was given to the Jewish people as a perpetual trust and handed in that condition to the successor to the League of the Nations, the United Nations. This is a clear presentation of the documents that preceded the document of ownership and some of the history of the time. Any whittling away of this trust is illegal, whether it is attempted by a foreign country, the Israeli government or the U.N. itself. The question that remains is why have successive Israeli governments not asserted their claim. For that matter, why would a Jewish government allow control of the Temple Mount, its most holy site, by the Arabs? READ MORE
This a sister paper to Howard Grief's article on the San Remo conference. It was produced by the Canadians for Israel's Legal Rights (CILF) and summarizes the pertinents points. READ MORE
The case for annexing Samaria and Judea -- the parts of the Land of Israel that Jordan grabbed as soon as Modern Israel was born -- is brilliantly presented by Matthew Hausman. We have reached the point that Israel has this choice: "Either she can continue participating in a farcical 'peace process' that is heavily weighted against her national interests, or she can proactively seize the day and craft a solution that makes sense historically, geographically and legally." I can only add that in reading Hausman's essay I had this thought: when Israel regained control in 1967, she didn't annex Samaria and Judea, fearing the large number of resident Arabs that would be incorporated into Israel. Solving the problem by annexing the land and relocating the Arabs was rejected -- it wouldn't be a nice thing to do. Consequently, Israel is now confronted with pressure to give the land to the Arabs, the Arabs they call Palestinian. And should that happen, Jews will not be allowed to live there. Jews will not be allowed in Biblical Israel or in parts of Jerusalem! The Jews living there now will be forced out and will become refugees in what is left of Israel. As they say, be kind to the cruel and you'll end up being cruel to the kind. Your own kind. READ MORE
Are the Palestinian Arabs ready for statehood? David Weinberg points out they are on the dole and have almost no self-generated income. "Over the past 10 years, the Palestinians have received more than $25 billion in international assistance, and the PA itself pulled in more than $4 billion per year in 2009 and 2010." Yet "the PA has a billion dollar budget deficit." They squander water given them by Israel as if they were living in a rain forest and are polluting the common water supply by dumping their untreated waste. They have few organizational, administrative or governmental skills, nor are they eager to acquire them. They think in terms of death and destruction, not building and living in peace. Quel resumé!
Barry Shaw paints a picture of the Palestinians that is right on the mark: their illogic, their viciousness, their skill at becoming the world's pet victims. As Shaw writes: "They are trapped in their negative stew of victimhood and brutality. It finds expression in the nonsensical statements of people like Zahar, or those who accuse Israel of being an Apartheid state. Their nonsense, to them, makes sense. Sad tales have their impact. The emotional tale of victimhood is their power."
Barbara Lerner writes about the Muslim ambition to become top dog globally, with Islam the supreme religion and all other religions treated as inferior. Destroying Israel seems to be a necessary step. When invading Israel didn't work, Israel's Arab neighbors began waging a stealth war. Their weapons were oil money, taqqiya (creative lying, approved by the Koran, whereby a Muslim could do and say anything and not feel honor-bound to keep his word) and the newly-invented Palestinians would invert reality and become the quintessential victim. They are succeeding in discrediting Israel -- which was out of its league at playing their propaganda game -- and winning the overwhelming support of the Europeans. Lerner points out that our acceptance of Muslim's assertions and our denigration of our own Jewish and Christian Biblical values earn the West contempt and make the Muslims more confident they will win. "To change their minds, and our future, we need to reject the Palestinian Taqqiya and embrace Biblical Israel."
UNHCR, an agency of the United Nations, has helped millions of refugees since WW2 to find new homes in a timely fashion. Refugeehood isn't transferrable to the next generation. UNHRCR handles all refugees except the Arabs refugees, who have an agency, UNRWA, dedicated to them and their children and (great)grandchildren, with no termination point in sight. Unlike all other refugee groups, they have been preserved as refugees until they can return to their homes in Israel. UNRWA feeds them and provides them with education and medical services. It also allows them to be inculcated with hate toward Israel and trained as terrorists. Elliott Abrams makes the case that "Palestinian refugees should be handled by UNHCR with the intention of resettling them. That process should begin with a redefinition of who is a refugee entitled to benefits, so that benefits are based on need rather than on status." It would improve life for them. It might even improve the chances of peace in the Middle East. (For additional material on UNWRA and how it keeps the refugee problem from being resolved, see this.)
Martin Sherman has long suggested
(See his article
that the best way to eliminate the Arab refugee
problem is to eliminate UNRWA as an intermediary between the refugees
and the outside world. He would provide "doweries" directly to
individual Arab families to give them the means to find new homes in
Arab countries or elsewhere. His latest articles on this are:
Raymond Ibrahim has previously written classic papers on taqiyya, the lying to the infidel that is permitted by Koranic law (e.g., see here). In this essay, he writes about tawriya, a Muslim "doctrine that allows lying in virtually all circumstances including to fellow Muslims and by swearing to Allah provided the liar is creative enough to articulate his deceit in a way that is true to him." It needs also to be differentiated from concept words that mean one thing in Arabic and another in English. For example, as Andrew McCarthy writes in his essay on the Moderate Muslim, "hurriya, Arabic for 'freedom,' connotes "perfect slavery" or absolute submission to Allah, very nearly the opposite of the Western concept."
The Salafists are less well known than the Muslim Brotherhood,(MB) but share with them a mission to put Islam in control of the world. Roughly, the Salafists are more fundamentalist than the MB and less willing to cloak their ideology in a modern style in the political arena. They are more likely to speak openly of suppporting violent jihad. In this essay, Raymond Ibrahim writes about Sheikh al-Burhami, a Salafist leader who says clearly "that all notions of peace with non-Muslims are based on circumstance. When Muslims are weak, they should be peaceful; when strong, they should go on the offensive." The model for dealing with infidels is how Mohammad dealt with the Jews of Medina. Initially, when he was weak he spoke peace. When he was strong, he attacked them. Similarly, "Muslims may be tolerant of Egypt's Copts now, and not collect jizya and place them in dhimmitude, until they are more capable just like Palestinians may make peace with Israel now, till they are more capable of waging an offensive." The Supremist goal in Islam doesn't change.
The Salafists are less well known than the Muslim Brotherhood,(MB) but share with them a mission to put Islam in control of the world. Roughly, the Salafists are more fundamentalist than the MB and less willing to cloak their ideology in a modern style in the political arena. They are more likely to speak openly of suppporting violent jihad. In this essay, Raymond Ibrahim writes about Sheikh al-Burhami, a Salafist leader who says clearly "that all notions of peace with non-Muslims are based on circumstance. When Muslims are weak, they should be peaceful; when strong, they should go on the offensive." The model for dealing with infidels is how Mohammad dealt with the Jews of Medina. Initially, when he was weak he spoke peace. When he was strong, he attacked them. Similarly, "Muslims may be tolerant of Egypt's Copts now, and not collect jizya and place them in dhimmitude, until they are more capable just like Palestinians may make peace with Israel now, till they are more capable of waging an offensive." The Supremist goal in Islam doesn't change.
Gail Winston wrote about this article, "If the Western world could mentally and emotionally absorb the historical facts well catalogued by Yoram Ettinger, we might be able to understand why the Muslim world hates us in the West. Then, therefore, we might be able to live and thrive in our own countries by being strong enough to thwart the Muslim world's main goal and desire in their lives to create a Global Caliphate for and of Islam. "They would require that we all follow their Shariah Law (strict Islam) or they would simply kill us. It says so very precisely in their Koran. Without this understanding of this basic bestial mode of death cult which they have literally "cultivated", we have little chance of surviving the storms caused by their conflicts which they intend to spread in order to conquer the Western way of life."
Speaking about the "Peace Process", Caroline Glick notes that in recent speeches by Gingrich and Perry, "the Republicans have generated ... useful contributions to America's collective understanding of current events in the Middle East." The Democratic Admistration, however, continues policies that are not responsive to the turbulent restructurings in that region. Iran continues to be run by an extremely repressive set of strict interpreters of Islam. And under P.M. Erdogan, Turkey is rapidly regressing to fundamentalist Islam, and the anti-Americanism typical of strongly-Muslim countries. Yet Obama's administration continues to support Turkey, which has an indirect alliance with Iran in mutual sponsorship of Hamas. In effect, Washington is acting as Hamas's protector. So Hamas is reinforced in its determination to destroy the Jewish state. The Administration also continues to maintain its support of Fatah, which more and more openly refuses to accept Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state. "Fatah has no reason to compromise since the US will blame Israel no matter what. And Israel has no reason to make concessions since the US will deem them insufficient." Glick concludes that "[f]or the US to secure its interests in the Middle East, it requires leaders who are willing to reassess what passes for common wisdom on both sides of the aisle."
In January 2012, the Muslim Brotherhood won two fifth of the seat in the Egypt Parliamentary election. This surprised the believers in the advent of an Arab springtime of democracy. This also surprised the pessimists who knew the MB would eventually take over, but expected it to take longer. The biggest surprise was the strong showing by the Salafists, who are as -- if not more -- devoted to implementing Sharia in all aspects of civil and political life as the MB. Together, the MB and the Salafists now control the Lower House of Parliament, making the notion of a democratic Egypt an impossibility, while they will see to it that Egypt joins the number of Muslim countries hostile to the West and Israel. We've been fairly well-educated about the Muslim Brotherhood and how it intends to overturn the West and establish a Caliphate. The Salafists groups are less known. J. Millard Burr brings us up to snuff on the Salafist groups: who they are and what we can expect.
Avi Jorisch writes about one of the smaller groups of loosely-affiliated terrorists that infest the Middle East and north Africa. The Salafist al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is an affiliate of al Qaeda, and is primarily to be found in Algeria and Mauritania. Its particular goal is to overthrow the Algerian government, but it is expanding its aims as well as the territory it covers.
Barry Rubin lays the broad outlines of the Sunni and Shia conflict as it plays out in the various Arab states. As Rubin points out, the tension had been between religious states and more or less secular states. "Once there are Islamist regimes, theology becomes central again, as it was centuries ago." He points out the negative impact on the Palestinian Authority and predicts a possible alliance of Sunni states, independent of both Iran and Turkey. What is to become of the Arab Spring towards democracy and a 'tolerate your neighbor' attitude? Rubin suspects "the hope for moderation is minimal. In a region when regimes and movements are competing to prove their militancy and loyalty to a radical interpretation of Islam, nobody is going to want to make peace with Israel." So what else is new?
With regard to Iran, "the only question is when can Iran produce a nuclear weapon, and the reality is, it is in a position to do so whenever it chooses." As Mark Silverberg notes, "... the policy of the Obama Administration continues to be based on the carrot and stick approach diplomatic engagement with the mullahs coupled with international sanctions and the build-up of a large military and naval presence in and around the Persian Gulf all aimed at compelling the Iranians to abstain from building a nuclear weapon. ... "Israeli military strategists are concerned that the U.S. may be unwilling to undertake ... a [military] strike regardless of how many 'red lines' are crossed by Iran." Iran says it wants to destroy Israel. If Iran is bluffing, the bluff is not about using its bombs but what it targets first: the little Satan, Israel, or the Big Satan, the U.S.A. Even if Iran holds off on its genocidal intentions, it will have the means to control the Middle East. We may dismiss them as a bunch of religious fanatics, but Iran's leaders have a mission that they intend to fulfill, regardless of the cost in human lives, including the lives of a sizable part of Iran's citizenry. As Silverberg says, "We are confronted with a fanatical theological Islamist movement that will accept nothing less than the submission of Western civilization to Sharia law."
Bruce Thornton notes that "Iran has been killing Americans for 30 years with impunity, from the 241 military personnel killed in Beirut by a suicide bomber, to the hundreds more soldiers murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan by Iranian proxy terrorist outfits trained and armed by Tehran." The American President's weak responses to her growing nuclear capability doesn't signal a change in American's policy of appeasement and weak or empty threats. Moreover, Iran is led by fanatical believers so that ordinary deterrence techniques are not effective. Like it or not, we need to accept that military "force is the 'strong magic' that compels fanatical believers to abandon their murderous ideologies or keep them within their own borders."
American spokespeople seem to believe it's a comfort for Israel to know that if Iran strikes, America will then strike Iran. Thatcartoon where the children are gathering sticks for a bonfire and reassure the girl that she can play Joan of Arc. American pyrotechnics after the fact of first strike would only add to the horror. In this essay, Caroline Glick makes clear that President Obama is unwilling to jeopardize his reelection whatever the future costs to Israel and to America. He has intimidated Israel, threatened her and spoken false reassurances to the assembled Jews and Christians at AIPAC. Israel with less resources must strike before Iran makes much more progress. Or sit and wait for whatever happens. America can afford to wait longer before acting. "When one recognizes Israel's short timeline for attacking, one realizes that when Obama demands that Israel give several more months for sanctions to work, what he is actually demanding is for Israel to place its survival in his hands." "Israel will be completely at h Brotherhood, Iran's proxy takeover of Lebanon and Iran's most effective gofer, the Syrian government, Obama "...has adopted policies and taken actions that have endangered Israel militarily on all fronts and in fundamental ways." Naturally, he'd expect Israel to take him on faith.
Let's suppose that America really does have a workable plan to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power before it's too late. Suppose we muff the timing. Or suppose -- as is more likely -- we have no such plan but are hoping for the best. Bernice Lipkin pursues some of the possible scenarios that could be the consequences of ignoring the problem. And other implications.
The strife that was to usher in a flowering of democracy brought the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) into power "in Egypt, the Gaza Strip, Tunisia, and very probably Libya, where its branches will control the governments. In Jordan, the brotherhood leads the opposition; in Syria, it plays an important role in the revolutionary upheaval." The region is "now overwhelmingly controlled by radical Islamists." Despite the American President certifying to its moderation, the support of its members for violence, its open anti-Semitism and the speeches of this members say otherwise. Barry Rubin offers sensible suggestions on how Israel can best "respond to the brotherhood's new power and threat."
Ryan Mauro makes clear how misleading it is to assume that the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is moderate because it is cautious, does long-term planning and constant re-assessment. Its single-minded mission is to reestablish Muslim dominance. If we don't understand this, it is not because the MB has kept it secret. It is us who are deaf, dumb and blind. They keep telling us. They call it gradualism. Of course, they also describe it as their form of "democracy" and "freedom," which, even their spokesmen admit, is a tad different than our concepts. In the West, to those who listen, it's better known as 'stealth jihad.' The basic MB strategy, called The Project, was discovered back in 1982 (See Poole, "The Muslim Brotherhood Project" here for a complete description of The Project.) The MB now has the White House reassuring us that the MB is moderate, but all objective signs suggest it would be injurious to our health to believe in the MB's good will.
How much plainer can it be said than how Isi Leibler phrases it: "What those attempting to embrace the Muslim Brotherhood fail to comprehend is that this organization represents one of the most fanatical and dangerous of the radical Islamist groups in the region, with a dark record of violence and terrorism imbedded in its DNA. It is rabidly anti-Western, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic, is committed to imposing sharia law and a global caliphate — and willing to employ any means to further its objectives." If this exaggerates, explain the pressures exerted against the West to accept Sharia law since 9/11. Explain the MB fronts that the MB has started. Consider its alliances with terrorists around the world. Explain the Muslim fingerprints that are everywhere: in insulting us by wanting to build a mosque where they destroyed our financial center; in infiltrating the FBI and Homeland Security and the White House, itself; in instructing our Military; in co-opting banks to make Sharia banking acceptable. Do you really think that the MB has abandoned its mission to conquer the West? Do you really think appeasement will stop them?
ISLAM IS ISLAM, AND THAT'S IT Some months ago, Andrew McCarthy wrote that he wasn't sure that was such a thing as a moderate Muslim, but he gave them the benefit of the doubt and wrote as if there were such an animal. Many of us essayists were doing the same. In this essay, he is no longer ambiguous. Nor can we be. A pious Muslim can not be moderate. He can not follow the dictates of the Koran -- especially when they are backed and reiterated by respected Mullahs and Muslim theologicians -- and at the same time agree that everyone can peaceably practice whatever religion to which he adheres.
In the Hunting Of The Snark, Lewis Carroll wrote of the travails of a
sea captain and his crew who hunted that hard-to-imagine and
harder-to-capture beast, the Snark.
In similar fashion, so many who purport to know the
crags and crannies of the Middle Easterner's temperment believe there
exists a subgenre of devout believers in the Koran who are pious yet
who are 'just like us' -- involved in normal hopes and ambitions for
themselves and their family. Unfortunately as the contours become
we are beginning accurately to define the Moderate Muslim. He is
simply an impious Muslim (ADDENDUM: When I finished this introduction, somewhat uneasy that I had drifted too far from a peshat exegesis of Carroll's boojum, I googled snark boojun and to my delight chanced upon "The Snark was a Boojum" at http://jostamon.blogspot.com/2008/05/snark-was-boojum.html. Read it and enjoy.)
What can one say about this essay except maybe "Wow!" We've learned much about different genres of Arab in the U.S.A.: Arabs who are called moderate because they are indifferent to Islam; quiet-appearing Arabs who are easily made rabid by their leaders; lone-wolf Arab terrorists; organized Arab terrorists; Arabs with grievances; Arabs who push the envelop for special privileges; fanatic Arabs dedicated to destroying American culture and taking over our country; and moles who pretend to believe in democracy but who are actually Muhammad groupies. This essay is by a most unusual Arab. Lee Habeeb is unusual because he is a very ordinary American. He comes with his own baggage and a family history partially rooted in Arab mores but his identity is American. He's another amalgam in the American melting pot of diverse cultures. He suggests an simple test for determining where an Arab's basic loyalty lies: how does he feel about Jews -- the regular run-of-the-mill Jew? It doesn't count that he accepts the New York Times Jews who can justify any bad deed done by a minority, unless it was committed by a Jew. It is no test that he is friendly with the traitor Jews who loathe Israel because its very existence makes them aware of their identity problems. How does he feel about the ordinary Jew? And Israeli?
As Steven Plaut writes, "... in a few days it [Harvard] will be restoring a great Harvard tradition dating back to the 1930s: the tradition of hosting Nazis and violent anti-Semites on campus seeking the mass murder of Jews." The show will feature academics whose poorly-substantiated assertions (lies and Quasimodo-like distortions to us common folk) have been deservedly discredited. Unhappily for Harvard's reputation, Jew-hate rain dances are less acceptable than in the 1930's -- and this despite the huge sums of money the Muslims has spent to create a climate where Jew-Hate can thrive.
Bruce Thornton examines a basic tactic used to delegitimize Israel: the world is called on to help the poor Palestinian deprived of his land by the evil Jews. This inverts reality but it gets a good response, usually from the ignorant. Surprisingly, this theme will serve to structure a conference held at the Kennedy Center at Harvard. The Center is a feeder at the well-filled Saudi trough and apparently it takes its commitment to its patron seriously, seriously enough to ignore academic standards and a truthful exploration of the facts. The conference is billed as a look at Israel, Palestine and the One State. The thrust is to promote the One-State solution, which -- when the spin slows down -- will be seen to be an Arab state, with the Jews in dhimmi status -- if they are allowed to remain, at all. As Thornton concludes, "The Kennedy School conference, then, is a propaganda exercise the effect of which is to further the Palestinian Arab "phases" strategy for destroying Israel."
Richard Baehr makes the point that the insidious anti-Israel poison coming from Harvard isn't unique. Unfortunately, Jew-hate in the form of anti-Israelism is showing up at many of the elite schools, to a greater or lesser degree. When asked why they allow these exercises in hate, the administrators at these schools fall back on the "free speech" defense, That would be fair, if it were applied in the same manner to all hate confabs. But it is hardly likely that "free speech" would be the important issue if the Klu Klux Klan wanted to hold a Day At The Racists.Or if a group of minorities held in fear and servitude in Muslim countries asked to have a Down with the Slave Masters powwow to examine conditions in Saudi Arabia. A cursory examination of the academics invited to speak at Harvard makes clear the organizers aren't aiming at a high level of academic quality. They just need to have the conference, so that later they can cite its findings as authority for anything they want believed by the hoi polloi. Do we really need to let this obscene show of hate run its course?
Jew-hate lectures, some paid for by Arabs, some stemming from present-day Marxist theory, some the residual of centuries of hate preached by the Church, have been reported. At the Friends Seminary in New York, a day school established by the peace-seeking Quakers, the invited speaker to celebrate Martin Luther King day this year was Gilad Atzmon. Atzmon's reputation as a Jewish Jew-hater is so solid that when John Mearsheimer wrote an endorsement for Atzmon's new book, it was irrefutable evidence that John Mearscheimer is just another run of the mill anti-Semite. He's not the sincere seeker of the truth about the Jew's influence on American Policy he's claimed to be. Allen Dershowitz apparently doesn't know the Quakers have always favored those they see as underdogs -- from the Indians who collected scalps when raiding white-man villages to bomb-carrying Arabs, knifing Jewish babies. He was surprised that when he made the headmaster, Robert Lauder, aware of how unsavory Atzmon is, Lauder chose to do absolutely nothing. (January 18, 2012, http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/2756/friends-seminary-anti-semitism). Dershowitz doesn't say if the student body or their parents complained. Local Muslims often give free talks in schools about Islam. They paint a glowing picture of Islam, that owes little to history or to actual practices. They teach children to pray Muslim-style. They usually focus on promoting Islam, rather than making a inter-religious tolerance speil. [video jewish boy] Often parents are unaware that their children are being inculcated. When parents learned the speaker at a public school in Tampa
Florida was a man from CAIR, they were much annoyed and let the
School Board know it. CAIR is an Islamic Association of
Palestine (IAP) spinoff. The IAP is an arm of the Muslim
Brotherhood and a fundraiser for Hamas, as is CAIR.
The Board in its superior wisdom ignored the parents. But
they aren't giving up or giving in. (See Jack Minor,
"Parents won't quit fight over CAIR indoctrination,"
February 16, 2012
Students can be exposed to distorted views of the Arab-Israeli conflict by their regular teachers in school. History teachers who use the Arab World Notebook as source material quickly begin to sound like Arab propagandists, praising women terrorists and blaming Israel for everything. In this essay Janet Tassel reports such a situation in a Newton Mass high school. When a student's father confronted the teacher, she was surprised at his attitude. "After all, the head of the history department had gotten this material at an outreach workshop of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard!" It came from Harvard. How could it not be reliable? If you thought suggesting that academics have become fancy foot soldiers for introducing Sharia law into this country was over-the-hill alarmist, consider this consequence of various divisions of Harvard University working to convince the country that it isn't the Muslims who are the enemy, it's the Jooz. Janet Tassel presents anecdotes that reveal the pernicious connection between groups at Harvard who are exploiting Harvard's prestigious reputation to promote their political ideology and the Islamic propaganda being mouthed by duped school marms. That they are even able to get away with this: "Muslims from Europe were the first to sail across the Atlantic and land in the New World, starting in 889... [and that]West African Muslims had not only spread throughout South and Central America, but had also reached Canada, intermarrying with the Iroquois and Algonquin nations so that, much later, early English explorers were to meet Iroquois and Algonquin chiefs with names like Abdul-Rahim and Abdallah Ibn Malik." says much of the level of education and gullibility of our teachers. It is also important to note that the Harvard Administration has done zilch to stop this tripe being distributed in their name. What will it take to make them start saying, "I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you."
Alyssa Lappen provides us with a general survey of how Islam and sharia law are being taught in American schoolrooms. "In the last two decades, sanitized Islamic history and dogma [has] crept into broad use in U.S. public school books..." Fortunately, there has been some efforts at countering this misinformation. For example, a Texas Board of Education forced textbook publishers to rectify their half-truths and inaccurate portrayals of Islam. Lappen notes that "Islamic forces spent decades stealthily cultivating influence over our nation's public schools and curricula through 'minority' channels afforded by 'textbook adoption.' Other 'adoption state' authorities should perhaps now add teeth to their own Texas-like counter-efforts.'
This article was written by Yochanan Visser and discusses an article written by a Dutch reporter, Lisa van Heusden, who was living in Israel during her pregnancy. Laura, who sent in this article, is obviously indignant about a mother who complained because she received excellent pre-natal care in Israel. Laura writes: "This is unbelievable. So Israel's committment to providing the best medical care possible is spun to be some nazi-like desire to produce a master race. What's wrong with these people? Instead of this woman being grateful for the high quality prenatal care she received in Israel and writing a positive article about it, this is the sick way she twists her experience. Whatever Israel does is spun by the media to be something sinister. If it helps earthquake victims in Haiti, Israel is accused of stealing organs. If it provides high quality prenatal care for its citizens, it is attacked for wanting perfection for the chosen people rather than being seen as an example of a modern, progressive society. And "critics" of Israel feign surprise when they are accused of antisemitism, yet we are constantly bombarded by hostile, ugly trash about Israel such as this." It does seem incredible that a mother -- especially one with a viral infection that can interfere with the development of a healthy baby -- wouldn't be grateful her child was born healthy. Instead, she complained her baby was born perfect, when he could have had problems from the virus she carried. She was delighted that her son was born with a toe that was too small. As she put it "His personal revenge on the Israeli health system." The mother is a media person. So it must be hard for her to break old habits. She's learned how to make Israel look bad no matter what the circumstances. Until Lisa came along, there was an iconic joke that best described Israel's always receiving bad press. The joke goes like this:
I have to admit, Lisa's take on Israel wins by a mile.
As Phyllis Chesler writes, "On a single day, the New York Times has been known to publish anywhere from two to six anti-Israel articles, editorials, op-ed pieces, and letters. Today, I see a new danger arising in their pages... After spending a year proclaiming the triumph of democracy and the miracle of the Arab Spring and, as PM Netanyahu has just noted, refusing to document the existential danger in which Israel finds herself, the Newspaper of Record has now begun the process of normalizing Islam in North America and Europe. Its pro-Muslim "multicultural" agenda is, paradoxically, another form of racism." What can account for their obsessive concern with the protecting rights for Muslim religion. Perhaps the answer is: cherchez la moneé.
This essay by John Hinderker makes an astute observation about a New York Times practice. It also provides us with yet another indicator to alert us when the Gray Lady speaketh false and/or ignores truth.
This is an impressive exploration by Sol Stern of the character and ideology of Hannah Arendt, perhaps best known for her exclaiming how banal evil was, when she saw the very ordinary looking Adolf Eichmann, who was responsible for the killing of thousands of Jews. She was raised as an assimilated German Jew and socialist. After the Nazis rose to power, she became a Zionist. Fleeing to the USA, she still considered herself a Zionist but was soon attacking outstanding heros such as Vladimir Jabotinsky, Peter Bergson and Ben Hecht, calling them fascists and charlatans. They saw clearly the coming Holocaust and were desperately trying to save the European Jews. She didn't help in the rescue effort. Stalin was her hero. She abhorred the idea of an independent Jewish state in Palestine and urged the Jews to establish a binational state controlled by the Arabs, ignoring that the Arabs wanted none of it. In sum, she behaved as a Marxist and a dhimmi, blaming the Jew for the Arab's recalcitrance. She became a confirmed anti-Zionist, supplying many of the criticisms that would become standard accusations for the next generations of Jewish haters of the Jewish state.
Uzi Silber describes Jewish self-hatred as Jewish flu, implying it is so varied and involves so many germ types, it is impossible to wipe out entirely. But it can be kept as a low level. Currently, "its modern symptoms are a rejection of Israel's identity as a Jewish state and a dismissal of its right to defend itself militarily, while embracing the goals of its nihilistic Arab enemies." Its adherents, both on the Left and on the Right, broadcast their anti-Jewish messages openly. Read a 'blame the Jews' article which ignores appalling behavior by Arabs, and you can be sure you'd nailed another victim of the Jew Flu.
Here be words of wisdom on how to designate areas, places and people, when labels are sensitized political statements. Paul Lademain provides us with simple rules that allow us to fight Israel's fight when we speak of events in the Middle East. Lademain's instructions have the added bonus that we will be speaking accurately and won't have adopted the meretricious language used by Israel's enemies. You will find ways to add to the list. I, for one, was alerted when a well-meaning supposed advocate for Israel said, "He is a Hamas activist." I corrected him, pointing out that the correct term is Hamas terrorist. As Lademain says, "Be ye not fools, O Israel." Master his examples. You'll be surprised how soon they become automatic, and other people repeat your language choices.
Isi Leibler presents another horror story about Israel's incompetence in presenting its case. What is there about the management of ideas that attracts those least able to produce information in a timely and understandable fashion? If only Israel's information officers could handle truthful information as adeptly as the Arabs and their buddies manipulate lies! When they eventually do get around to responding, it's We did not or We did, too. How about going on the offense? It's still the best defense. We understand that the brainy guys are busy elsewhere, but can't they filter the bottom layer a bit better? And oh yes, for the sake of accuracy, stones in this article should be changed to rocks or sharpened stones, depending on which was used -- Arab children are well-versed in a variety of weapons.
David Ha'ivri writes in particular about distributing information about the Jewish citizens who live in Biblical Israel. But his advise is of general value to improve Israel's ability to communicate. As he says, "The problem is mainly that Israel's advocates are not addressing the particular issues for which Israel is under attack. By avoiding and not responding to the accusatory claims, it appears that Israel doesn't have a good answer." The comments in the original Ynet article serendipitously illustrate how to provide right answers. Someone pushes the incorrect but frequently-used "Israel is violating international law in occupying the West Bank." Knowledgeable readers respond appropriately. New points are raised and answered. A reader, "Gee" from Zikron Yaakov, puts Israel's ownership of Samaria and Judea succinctly this way:
A Forgotten Chapter Of Jewish History
Frank Loewenberg writes of a little known story -- the conquest of Jerusalem by the Persian King Khosrau II in 614 C.E., with thousands of Jewish soldiers as part of his army. At the time, Jerusalem was the capital of the province of Palaestina Prima of the Byzantine Roman Empire, and its Jewish and Christian subjects were "the victims of heavy taxes, confiscation of property and even forced conversions." When Persia began its rule in Jerusalem, sacrificial service on the Temple Mount was reestablished and Nehemiah ben Hushiel became Jewish governor of Jerusalem. But some three years later, Nehemiah was removed from office and Jews were banned from the city. By 628 C.E., the Byzantine Emperor had regained his lost provinces of Syria, Egypt and Palestine and the Jews of Jerusalem were massacred. A decade later, the Muslims invaded. And began another chapter in Jerusalem's history.
In the second World War, the German General Rommel was winning the War in the Middle East. He was stopped at Tobruk in Libya by a delaying action that gave the British Army time to revamp and re-equip, so that it was able later to win at El Alamein, which was "the beginning of the end for the Germans and their Italian allies in North Africa." As Jerry Klinger writes, a chief factor in holding the Germans from moving forward at Tobruk was the incredible fighting by the outnumbered soldiers of the Palestine Brigade, a group of some 400 Jews, "a battalion of mine layers, poorly armed and provisioned, without heavy weapons, or anti-aircraft equipment but with a grim, teeth clenched determination." They withstood the continous attacks by the Germans and in the end, battered and reduced to a quarter of their original number, they were victorious.
Avraham 'Ya'ir' Stern was a most unusual terrorist. He was a poet, knowledgeable in Torah and a student of classic Greek and Latin. In the 1930s, he had persuaded the Polish government to help train Jews to wrench Palestine from the control of the British colonial government, but this ended when Poland was invaded by the Germans. He was a man desperate to save European Jewry in spite of the English Government's refusal to let more than a few Jews immigrate to Palestine. (It is bitter irony that the British were in Palestine because they had been entrusted by the League of Nations to help the Jews create a homeland.) On February 12, 1942, he was caught by the English and shot dead when found. During his life as commander of the Lehi, he was revered by a few and "widely detested by the majority of Jews in Palestine." As the years have passed, more and more people have come to his memorial service. Mitch Ginsburg describes Stern's 'rehabilitation.'
In September 1982, Arabs living in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian Arab refugee camps in Lebanon were massacred. The Lebanese Forces (LF), a Christian militia, was said to have avenged the assassination by the Muslim Lebanese of the Christian Lebanese leader, Bashir Gemayel. The LF and Israel were allies. In the aftermath of the massacre, much of the blame was levied on Israel, which was accused of not having the foresight to realize that allowing the LF to enter the camp hunting for terrorists hiding there would lead to a massacre. The massacre put an end to the possibility of reconciliation between the Lebanese Muslims and Christians. Franck Salameh suggests that Syria had most to gain from the massacre. "[I]t scuttled the prospects of peace with Israel, it extended the Lebanese war for another decade, it maintained Syria's occupation of the country for another twenty-three years, it tightened its grip over the functioning of the Lebanese state, it continued using Lebanon as a launching pad for Syria's regional settling of scores, and it provided the Alawites with a bottomless private piggy-bank bankrolling their wars-by-proxy."
JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 BLOG-EDS This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds page for the month is updated every few days. There is a separate file that is the index for the articles on the Blog-Ed page. You can access an article immediately from this index by clicking on the item in the index. To access the Index, click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page. January 2012 BLOG-EDS
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David Meir-Levi recounts some of the history of the region called
Palestine, emphasizing a fact often overlooked: in Ottoman times, the
area was part of the Syrian Province; there was no Syrian state. And
even after the British began calling the area Palestine, the local
Arabs considered themselves inhabitants of Syria; they were not Palestinian. After
the Six-Day War, Yasir Arafat declared that the Arabs in Samaria and
Judea (aka the West Bank) as well as the Arabs who lived in Israel -- or who had
lived in Israel --
were a
people, and the machinery for creating a history for this "people"
went into action. Now, some 40 years later, they have come to believe
their own lies. And they've done an brilliant job selling this fiction to the world.
When Newt Gingrich said out loud what every political leader knows,
namely, "Palestians are an invented people," there was immediate damage
control by the dhimmi media. Has v halila the elaborate
structure of lies
supporting the Palestinian People Hoax should crack! Suppose people
learned that most of the so-called Palestinians
are ordinary Arabs, who didn't start coming into
"Palestine" until the 20th Century? What would happen to the belief that
Palestine belongs to an ancient people, the Palestinians -- the best
weapon the Arabs have to attack Israel? Daniel Greenfield disposes of
some of the myth of the Po' Palestinians.
Caroline Glick writes of the current types of damage control by those who have
been using the claims of the pretended
people as an excuse to kill off Israel or for their own purposes. Their doubletalk doesn't make for very compelling
arguments, so I wonder:
Will more politicians and opinion makers now come out of
the woodwork and indicate that they knew all along the Palestinians
were just a bunch of Arabs, much less entitled to their own state than
an actual people such as the Kurds. If the trend continues, soon
everyone will acknowledge that the Jews are occupying their own
land, not someone else's; leaving only the brainwashed Arabs and a
hardcore of Jew-haters to continue to believe nonsense.
With the connivance of the United Nations, the Palestinian Arabs have had
free reign to attempt "to rob Israel of its history, heritage, and homeland." As
Jerold S. Auerbach points out, "Plundering Jewish history and claiming
Israeli land is, of course, the raison d'être of
Palestinian existence." They have claimed Abraham was a Muslim, as was
Jesus and presumably all the Jews living in Israel at the time of the
Second Temple. They have claimed they have been in Palestine for eons,
ignoring that most of the "Palestinians" came to what is now Israel
and the Territories after 1900. The latest outrage is claiming "the
Dead Sea as Palestine's own 'heritage site.'" While attempting to steal
Israel's identity and history, they go well beyond the usual identity
theft. They also claim Israelis have no
history; Jews never had a Temple; they never had sovereignty in Israel.
This article is a joining of two essays by
Fjordman that reject the myth
that the Muslims preserved Greek-Roman culture and that is what
kindled the development of European science and technology. As he points out,
"Muslims have spent 1400 years trying to eradicate Greek societies all
over the Eastern Mediterranean. Now they want to take the credit for
saving the Greek cultural heritage." As an interesting sideline, note
that the first essay was refused publication by Norway's
largest newspaper, VG. It is dangerous in Norway to be critical
of Islam -- outraged Muslims will try to kill you and/or firebomb your offices. Norway, however, is
a strong contender for being the most antisemitic country in the West.
Norwegian newspapers are as fearless in publishing antisemitic
cartoons and stories as they are fearful of publishing anything
negative about Islam. Rather like our own New York Times.
Alyssa A. Lappen reviews a book called Silenced. As she points out,
had the authors written of the origins of the apostasy and blasphemy
laws and how the requirement for punishment by death is permanently
anchored in the immutable Koran, it could have been a "landmark
study". Instead they leave the job to three Islamic clerics, who do a
deft job of whitewashing the subject. But the book does serve to
"catalog myriad effects of current legal codes for eight Muslim
nations and regions, mostly penalties for allegedly criticizing or
rejecting Islam." And it presents dozens of actual cases and the
atrocious punishments that were imposed. Part 3 is important because
it indicates how Islamic law could potentially affect non-Islamic
countries. There have been "... efforts at the United Nations to
globally bar 'defamation of religion,' a thinly veiled attempt to
shield Islam alone from criticism." That gets close to home. It won't
be just the FBI and Homeland Security that are barred from using
negative descriptors when talking about the Religion of Peace.
To understand matter, computer
modeling and simulation depend on what data we have on quarks and
hadrons and such. In
politics, predictions depend on a deep understanding
of the character of the players. Despite the fact that Iran used its
own children to find bombs in a field by stepping on them, it is
difficult, perhaps impossible, for a westerner to believe that any
human society would be willing to sacrifice a large part of its
population to kill off another society, hence its predictions of
Iran's future actions will suffer. Aaron Lerner asks whether the
Palestinian Arabs want a state that incorporates Israel or one that
exists next to it. We don't need sophisticated techniques to know the answer. The
Arab street and the Arab leaders have always said they wish to
eliminate the present Jewish state and there is nothing in their
actions that alters their voiced intent.
Lerner lays out the
social engineering the Palestinian Arabs -- or their handlers --
might practice to destroy Israel after they have a state.
Lerner incorporates into his
analysis an assessment of the future activity of some other Arab countries, which -- in the
face of reality -- were presumed stable.
In sum, Lerner suggests that after acquiring a state neighboring
Israel, the continuing plans to destroy Israel are likely
to be brilliant and definitely not based on the
comforting notions that everyone is civilized and everyone wants only
to see their children have a good life.
It follows that if the notion of an authentic Palestinian people is fallacious,
then they are not the owners of "Palestine" and
the thrust to deprive Israel of its rightfully-owned land becomes
nonsensical, if not downright hostile.
Nevertheless, there are
the so-called Arab refugees,
individuals from different clans and their descendants, who have been kept in a state of suspended
animation for some 60 years. There are also
the local Arabs, most of whom immigrated into the Territories in the
20th century. Martin Sherman does a masterful
job in laying out a comprehensive plan to
relocate these people to a suitable milieu
in an Arab country or Arab countries, where they could live as
citizens and be responsible for their own lives. The plan would also benefit
the economy of the countries that would play host.
There is no way that Israel can allow the return of the 1948 Arab refugees
and their multiple descendents and camp followers and remain a viable
state. Gennadiy Baruch Faybyshenko suggests an alternative way of giving the
Palestinian Arabs their own place and at the same time letting Saudi
express its concern for the Palestinian Arabs in a practical way. Saudi
Arabia is wealthy, very large and sparsely populated. It is an ideal
place to put a Palestinian state, a state that would be located in an
environment that is
Arab in religion,
culture and lifestyle, a state where other countries, concerned with the
welfare of the Palestinians, can come help develop. Concerned Jews
could help by lobbying their congressmen to help implement a
Palestinian state in Saudi Arabia.
From the point of view of self-interest, the surge in anti-semitism in
Europe seems illogical. The Muslims are pushing forward to impose
their culture over the native mores. Instead of resisting and making
common cause with Jews, who are under Islamic attack worldwide,
Europeans are allowing Muslims to encroach, while throwing their Jewish citizens to
these present-day marauders.
Bruce Bawer describes the situation in Norway; but he could be
describing the prevailing conditions over much of Europe.
Melanie Phillips clearly and factually rejects some assertions by
Muslims about antisemitism; namely, that Muslims are
not anti-Jewish, that factual criticism of Islam (Islamophobia)
is the same as inventive fabrications against Judaism and that Jews
and Muslim should be fighting Islamophobia together. She speaks
specifically of these notions coming from Baroness Warsi, but many
Muslim leaders say the same. The chutzpa of Muslims -- major
distributors of antisemitic literature -- encouraging Jews to help
Muslims demolish Israel and demote Jews to dhimmi status!
Daniel Greenfield notes that were Muslims told they were responsible for
Muslim terrorism, "world opinion" would be in an uproar. Yet
Jews are
told they are responsible for the Muslim violence against them and the expectation is
they will accept the rebuke -- they might even take it to heart.
Greenfield points out that in one sense Israel is to blame for Muslim
violence because Israel tolerates it. It threatens meaningless threats of
retaliation. It eventually shoots up empty Arab houses. It is
understanding of
Arab justifications. Israelis act like
saps so they're treated that way.
Governments are often portrayed as acting coolly and sensibly, backed
by objective appraisals and in accordance with the country's best
interests. But in this essay, Alex Rose demonstrates that Obsessional
Anti-Semitism disproportionately governed the activities of Nazi
Germany and its soulmates, the Arab countries, who should have been
worrying how to escape out of medievalism into modern times. The Arabs
were aided and abetted and in some cases incited by the the British,
who had undertaken to help the Jews develop their homeland into a State, but
who found undermining the eventual and then the newly-born Jewish
state irresistible. From the 1930s on,
England illegally declared Jewish immigration to Palestine illegal. The
Brits then devoted much of their time and effort to make sure the Jews
didn't escape from the Nazis.
Rose shows us how often frank antisemitism, however
irrational, is the real determinant of what nations do.
The Muslims are trying on the UN and European Union level and on the
Federal level in individual countries, to make it a crime to criticize
Islam, where criticism is a crime whether the information is factual
or not. In this essay, Nicolai Sennels elucidates some likely reasons
why people deny the reality of Islamic infiltration into the West in
order to remain politically correct. To his list, may I add one: for
far too many "educated" people, a "heretical" opinion -- or even a
conclusion easily derived from known facts -- is not accepted in
polite society until it has been blessed by spilled coffee on the pages of the New York Times. This article is important in understanding how the Political Correctness Muzzle Effect can override reality. And why historians wonder years later, why people didn't see the obvious.
In this essay, Martin Sherman makes the point
that political liberalism, a major achievement
of the West, is destroying itself by attempting to apply its values
and expectations to societies that do not have the environment in which it
can thrive. As a major inconsistency, one can not praise
diversity and then act as if diverse cultures all have the
same set of values. It would be more
intelligent, when dealing with a totalitarian society
based on Islamic teachings, if we factored in the belief system and
acceptable practices of that alien society instead of assuming we are all
reading from the same page in a book written in American English.
This essay by Waller Newell gives a different twist to the examination
of why people act against their own self-interest: different selves
have different interests. He explores what
happens when people make a extraordinary attempt at bettering their
lives, increasing their choices and their freedom to make choices.
Using the recent uprising in Egypt and the hopes by many for an 'Arab
spring', he throws cold water on the belief that their revolution will
lead to democratic reform. He also counters the bland assertions of
the American administration that the Muslim Brotherhood -- which will
eventually gain power -- is moderate. Revolutions for
the most part follow a script: "The initial reformist phase ...
focusing on individual rights and opportunity is swept aside by
radicals who want an egalitarian and collectivist political order."
Hope turns to dust; bright beginnings rust. And the objectives of the
dictatorship that finally takes over
negate the good intentions of the original "good guys".
Antisemitism is on the increase. Some 70% of the anti-religion hate crimes in America are against Jews. And what are the Biggie Jewish organizations doing? They are busy, busy, busy. Abe Foxman of the ADL is defending the penetration of Muslim Sharia law into our academic and financial institutions and law courts. He is attacking Jews for worrying. Silly us, we must be suffering from Islamophobia. He suggests, as corrective action, we should help pay to build Mosques In America. MIA. An acryonym that also describes where his brain is -- it's Missing In Action. Hillel? Hillel at Penn State is helping the Muslims denounce Israelis who are defending themselves against Muslim rockets. AJC? It's encouraging the political parties to keep Israel out of their political agendas. We wouldn't want Jews to find out what Obama has in store for Israel -- that would be awful. They might not vote for him again. AIPAC? AIPAC is still out there with lighted lantern looking for an Arab who will accept a big chunk of Israel. The sign on the lantern reads: "Wanted: an Arab who can play peace partner for a limited engagement." Private
individuals have taken on themselves the jobs the Biggies have abdicated.
Bill Narvey has compiled information on the situation at University of
California. The Amcha Initiative
has been doing the work the major Jewish organizations should be
doing: attempting to get the U. of California to stop the Muslim
harassment of Jewish students.
The major item is a letter to
Mark Yudof, President, University of California, from Tammi
Rossman-Benjamin and Leila Beckwith of the Amcha Initiative.
John Mearsheimer has done damage to Jews by putting a veneer of
scholarship on the gutter lie that Jews
control America's foreign policy. While not everyone saw this as
evidence of anti-Semitism, he proved it was by endorsing a frank
anti-semitic book.
He has done damage to his profession by
his sloppy scholarship. And most of all
he has helped enable suppressed anti-Semitism to be voiced openly as it was
prior to World War 2.
Students at the U of Chicago, in a well-written and well-stated brief,
call for his retirement.
Seth Frantzman examines the issue of
academics who
publically insult the ethnicity, politics or religion of others --
especially when the "others" may be students who can't answer back -- yet
they enjoy "the presumption that their work with students remains unbiased
and uninformed by their sometimes radical views." Should academics enjoy a special type of free speech that no other
occupation enjoys? How do inappropriate remarks by
faculty members impact the environment at
their universities? Should they should be
allowed to behave and to speak in a manner considered unacceptable in
the general society? Considering the number of academics who preach
rather than teach,
these questions are seriously in need of resolution.
That noted linguist, Dr Yasser DasMaBebi, has graciously offered to help us understand the meaning of words and phrases used in stories and news coming from the Middle East. He makes the meaning so clear he has inspired others to add to our understanding. He also provides us with memorable examples of exquisite Arab poetry.
Using a recent book of essays on Islam as a political religion as
anchor, Bruce Bawer notes that
"while Islamic Studies professors have continued to whitewash the
religion of peace, responsible-minded men and women outside of the
Islamic Studies racket have taken up the job of truth-telling,
publishing a number of substantial, and in some cases encyclopedic,
volumes about Islam." Nevertheless,
"ignorance and outright duplicity about the basic facts of Islam still
reign supreme throughout the West." And too many of the next
generation of leaders, now at college, are being inculcated with an
inaccurate picture of Islam.
As Alex Maistrovoy writes, "Political commentaries about the events in
the Middle East resemble mythological plots written by an experienced
censor." One is the narrative that it was all Israel's fault that she
lost Turkey's support because she was too rigid, she was unaccepting of Arab
demands for dignity, etc., etc., etc. Maistrovoy points out that Recep
Erdogan began
hostilities against Israel well before any incident that could be claimed
to have contributed to a change of relations.
In looking for the culprit that created friction between Turkey and
Israel, it would be better to look at Erdogan's goals: "the creation
of the Islamic state, rejection of Kemal Atatürk's secular heritage
and revival of the Ottoman Empire." With the press fixating on what
Israel did wrong, it will a
big surprise to them
when Erdogen's hostility toward Greece and Cyprus as well as to Israel
become more obvious.
Syed Kamran Mirza explains the particular hatred Muslims have toward
Jews. At the beginning of the establishment of Islam, Mohammad praised
the Jews, hoping they would certify him as
a legitimate Biblical prophet but the
Jews rejected his claims. Hell hath no fury like a self-proclaimed
prophet scorned. As his megalomania grew, he demonized the Jews and
then massacred them. His hate of Judaism is accurately reflected in
the later verses of the Koran and hadith. And that is what Muslim
children are taught.
David Isaac writes of two errors that should be rectified.
Field Marshal Edmund Allenby has been honored by having a major
thoroughfare named after him in Tel-Aviv. As Isaac points out,
Allenby's hostility to Jews "set the precedent and the tone for all
subsequent administrations..." Contrariwise, Israel's debt to
Col. John Henry Patterson has not been acknowledged.
Perhaps reversing the commission and the omission will help teach
Israelis who their friends are and who are
not their friends.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds page for the month is updated every few days. There is a separate file that is the index for the articles on the Blog-Ed page. You can access an article immediately from this index by clicking on the item in the index. To access the Index, click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page. November 2011 BLOG-EDS
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See also: Pat Condell, "American Islamophobia,"
This article provides us with some of the history of the invention of
the term Islamophobia and its usefulness as a club for
frightening ordinary people as well as the news media into downplaying
or ignoring Islamic
As the old joke goes, "who are you going to believe? Me or your lying
eyes." If fear of being labeled an Islamophobe succeeds, Islamic
terrorism won't be a crime; saying unkind things about
Islam will.
Muslims pressuring the U.N. to declare criticism of religion (i.e.,
Islam) a hate crime have a peculiar definition of what constitutes a
hate crime: any slur on Islam made publicly. Since Islam is perfect and
without flaw, then clearly any criticism is a slur and is completely
unwarranted. To use a recent neologism that betrays an ignorance of root
words, the critic is considered islamophobic, (irrationally
afraid of Islam) though his actual emotions are anger and disgust at --
and loathing of -- Muslim behavior and these feelings are entirely
rational and reality-based. P. David Hornik makes the point subtly and
humorously in this essay.
An important strategy in war is to keep the enemy off balance and defensive and timid about reacting strongly. Islam is waging war against the USA and Israel and is using psychological tools effectively. This isn't a good time for us to be politically correct. When you are fighting a war, knowing the identity of the enemy
usually is not a problem. But, as Caroline Glick writes, we have identified the enemy
only timidly and peripherally, not smack on. And even when, as in the case of Major
Hasan, who murdered fourteen of his fellow soldiers, it was obvious
he was
a jihadist or a jihad-groupie, yet the army ignored the problem.
It is a most unusual, and in many ways, ineffective war in that the American
administration encourages friendly contact with the Muslim
Brotherhood, a motherlode of terrorist activities, takes timid measures
against Iran and ignores the
terrorism emanating from much of the Muslim world, notably from the
Arab sector of that world.
James Zumwalt points out that Muslim organizations, "by playing the
Islamophobia card" seek to shift the focus away from where it should
be: on dangers to our freedoms. Instead they claim bias when concerns
are raised about such
dangers. Sharia law, which is already being cited to a sizable degree
in ordinary courts and on the appellate level, reinforces practices that are alien
to the West and unacceptable under our law system.
In child custody cases Sharia law automatically favors the father. Multiple wives are allowed. Sex with minors
is allowed. Judging from experience in other countries: as
Sharia law becomes institutionalized, individual freedoms
religions other than Islam suffer, groups such as homosexuals and all
women end up
with restricted rights or no rights.
Countries that encourage the application of Islamic law to show they are tolerant, end up
being intolerant to their own people and institutions.
Jerry Gordon writes about the differences between Sharia Law and
Superficially, Sharia Law sounds much like Halacha, Jewish Law. Both
are prescriptive for how the individual is to behave in all aspects of
his life. In practice they differ widely. A person is both himself
and a member of his group. The Torah is ground and
guide for shaping and sharpening
a reasonable adjustment between the individual and the
allowing the individual free will and the space in which to grow
in morality and intellect, while ensuring group survival and functionality. This
can take many forms and variations, subject to changing conditions and
environments. Jewish Law will reformulate expressions of its way of
life in accordance with the laws of the host country; it strives to
maintain halachic integrity within the scope of the larger society.
Muslim Law is
static by design, being modeled on the behavior and commands of Muhammad; it sees
no reason to adjust to any one else's set of laws, which by definition are
inferior to its own. Strictures alien to the Muslim include the USA's Constitution and the laws
that are given life by it.
Richard Shulman analyzes point by point an essay by Professor Aziz Huq, who argued against a law that would prohibit courts from using foreign laws, including Sharia. The case for using Sharia law in American courts and as an alternative to American law is presented as a courtesy to and a sign of tolerance of the Muslim community. It is claimed there would be little impact on American society. Shulman suggests the proper context is this: Islam declared war on us. We need to ask how does the establishment of Sharia courts aid them in their war effort? There would be little point in letting Sharia law have legal power and then not allow its decisions to be carried out. Thus, adherence to Sharia would contribute to the subjugation of Muslim women. Would we be forced to allow everything from wife beatings to honor killer? Or would Sharia-determined decisions require review -- creating a large burden on our courts. If Sharia were given status, the next push would be to make criticism of Islam a hate crime, even if the specific allegation was accurate and objective. Were that to happen, the impact would be huge. It would in practice deprive us of the freedom to voice any criticism of Islam. Besides minimizing
the importance of the request and acting as victim, there is the
implied threat. The Professor warns that rejecting the installing of
Sharia would chill Muslim cooperation against terrorism. It would be
difficult to see how they could cooperate less than they do. Is he
threatening overt terrorism if they don't get their way?
As I start to write the intro to this article by Martin Sherman on Bill
Clinton's Judeophobic attitude, the ticker tape reads: "3 rockets
explode in Gan Yavne; morter shells fired from Gaza land in Ashdod, Gan
Yavne; Egyptian Brotherhood makes first visit to Hamas-led Gaza; Islamic
Jihad takes responsibility for grad rocket fire; female suicide bomber
kills 3 wounds 20 in S.E. Turkey."<29oct11.> The Muslims of the Arab World
continue to work at destroying Israel, when they are not killing their own
countrymen. But according to our affable ex-prez, it's Netanyahu and the
Jooz who are withholding peace from the world. Clinton's made a boodle speaking in
the Democratic-party climate of many synagogues, but apparently the Saudis pay better.
Israel is accused of apartheid because that
worked so well to demonize South Africa. Never mind that the Arabs in
Israel are a minority, not a majority. Never mind that Israeli Arabs
have more freedom of expression than in any Arab state. Similarly
Marxist Leftists call Israel 'racist' not because it's true but because it's been an
effective way to shut up someone for a very long time. The need to
destroy Israel is so strong, facts don't
seem to matter. Paul Murphy uses a novel tactic to make this point -- he
provides us with Leftist conspiracy-style retorts to actual facts,
facts the Marxist Left has no problem ignoring.
For HRW the more things change ... doesn't apply. They don't even
seem to change. This article deals with HRW fixed focus on Israel in the
Lebanon War in 2006 and, now, in 2011, when Syrian abuses against human
rights are rightly labeled as atrocities, HRW's coverage is scanty. One
reader suggested HRW change its name. "Maybe a name like Deny Jewish
Human Rights would be more appropriate."
Nidra Poller writes on one of the most successful hoaxes ever perpetrated -- it's right up there with the fabricated bayoneting of Belgian babies in World War 1. At the start of the second Intifada, a 12-year old was supposedly killed by Israeli soldiers. The image of the boy, Muhammad al-Dura, cowering behind his father went around the world, creating sympathy for the Palestinian cause. It was later determined that the bullet that killed the boy couldn't have come from where the IDF was positioned. The boy was in direct line with an Arab sharpshooter, who was standing near the Arab cameraman who was paid by France 2, which refused to release the 44-minutes of film that was omitted from the film distributed to the public. We now know that even the supposed IDF attack was staged in that a distraction crew of Arabs "attacked the Israeli outpost with rocks, firebombs, and burning tires, [while] fake battle scenes were filmed in another part of the junction, out of range of the Israel Defence Forces outpost." It's not even certain that the boy was killed. The dramatic description of the scene by the French commentator, Charles Enderlin, was not eye-witness; it was dubbed in later. Enderlin has stonewalled, he has sued critics, he's written endless self-justifications; he's done everything but own up to having perpetrated a hoax, and not a very well-constructed hoax at that. Poller then
asks and answers a more significant question: what were the factors
that made Al-Dura a
media "success", while a
real massacre of a Jewish family by Arabs -- where an infant was almost completely
decapitated and the murderers readily confessed and were proud of
what they did
- is soft-pedaled by the media as just another news
item. Why indeed are news people sometimes intelligently
sceptical of planted stories and at other times why do they act like lobotomized
sheep? Her answer has relevance to so much that we are fed by a
supposedly neutral
Mainstream Media.
Westerners often mistakenly believe that democracy is democracy is
democracy, so if the Arabs proclaim themselves democratic, they must be
our kind of people. But, as Daniel Greenfield points out, "[t]he Muslim
world is so enthusiastic about democracy because it allows the majority
to slap around the minority -- at least more so than it's already doing."
The people haven't changed. They haven't become kinder or more mature;
they just have more freedom to be nasty. In consequence,
minorities such as Egypt's Christian Copts are safer under a tyrannical
dictator. "In the final analysis," Greenfield points out, "the
trouble with Muslim democracy is the Muslims."
Samuel Helfont reviews a book by
Katerina Dalacoura that casts doubt
on the belief that "democracy is an 'antidote' to terrorism.
From her studies, Dalacoura concluded that
"there is no necessary causal link between authoritarianism in
the Middle East and Islamist terrorism." This means that a
democratized Egypt, should that ever occur, would no more stamp out
terrorism than giving terrorists their own country to govern will
dissolve their impulse towards waging jihad.
President Obama's way of playing Nero playing the fiddle while Rome
burned is to focus our military might on Libya and our political ire on
Israel for building homes in the Territories or even in Jerusalem. As Ray Takeyh points out,
the real problem is Iran and it needs to be dealt with. Sanctions have not and will not work
and we can't afford to just let things happen. "Neither the turbulent order of the Middle East nor the
partisan politics of Washington can afford an Islamic Republic armed
with nuclear weapons." If this reality doesn't make the politicians
understand what actions are urgently needed, try this: "An Iranian bomb
is likely to unleash the most divisive partisan discord in this country
since the 1949 debate about who lost China."
Since President Obama and NATO picked Libya's Gaddafi as the Muslim
dictator most urgently in need of downfall, there have been several
disquieting and unintended results -- at least I hope they were
unintended. As Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi writes, there has been an
increase of instability that is spreading south. Several Libyan arms
depots that we didn't strike were looted and arms and missiles are
missing -- they could end up with an al Qaeda group, AQIM. The
disgruntled Touareg "might forge ties with AQIM." Nigeria is
already appeasing the Boko Haram, which wants Nigeria to become an
Islamic state. And of course the new rulers of Libya are in favor of
creating an Islamic state. Had we known that the Libyan caper would
result in more hard line Islamic theocracies, we might have left bad
enough alone.
A few short years ago, President Obama spoke of a new American
policy in the Middle East based on diplomacy and cooperation with moderate regimes.
Eytan Gilboa writes about the collapse of the two anchors of
this policy.
"Turkey, once an exemplar moderate Islamic democracy, and Egypt, once
an exemplar stable and moderate Arab power, have become increasingly
unreliable allies." "With all the whisperings over America's weakness,
it is unsurprising that players like Iran and Turkey are looking to
fill the vacuum left in its place to become regional powers with
global influence." Obama didn't understand the region then, and he
doesn't know what to do now. Except to
blame Israel, of course.
Giulio Meotti explores the issue of the proposed Arab state that would
be carved out from much of Biblical Israel (Samaria and Judea --
AKA the West Bank). Some of the land is held by
Jews, dedicated, productive Jews, civilized people who have taken the
brunt of the Arab attacks on Israeli civilians. Perhaps because they
represent a key element in maintaining a country that is both strong
and civilized, they have been demonized by the media, pro-Palestinian
NGOs and groups such as Peace Now that are Jewish in name only. In
striking contrast to their actual character, they are "portrayed by
the media, by entertainment icons, by governmental advisers as blood-crazed zealots, 'parasites', as the single largest danger to Israel's
well-being." These present-day Jewish settlers as well as every other
Jew in the world would not be permitted to live in the
projected Palestinian State. They would not be allowed on land
where the Jewish people became a nation; where they shaped the moral
code that is the foundation of Western morality; where the first
Jewish settlers of Israel were able to practice their religion according to Torah.
This is an amazing report by Elder of Ziyon. The State that the
Palestinians Arabs are asking the U.N. to grant them -- the State that
is to be carved out of the land that is Biblical Israel and which they
claim is the Palestinian Homeland -- will not be granting citizenship
to the Palestinian refugees, even those living right now in Gaza,
Samaria and Judea. Yes, the very same refugees
that roused the sympathy of the world to help them regain land they
had left voluntarily at the behest of the Arab invaders of Israel in 1948.
In effect, the Palestinian Authority will continue to collect millions
of dollars from the USA and the European Union, but the UN will
continue to feed, clothe, medicate and education the "refugees" and
Israel will continue to supply them with electricity and water.
The only difference will be that Jews will not be allowed to live in
Biblical Israel. What a deal!
We know that yet another Arab state will not allow Jews to live in it.
We've learned that Palestinian Arab refugees -- the root reason the
"world" is anxious to set up the new state -- will not be allowed to
become citizens of this state, not even if they are already living
there. Giulio Meotti suggests what the new state will be like -- it
will be just like what the old one was. We might add that if it moves
steadily towards what a good Muslim state strives for, it will be a
Sharia-driven theocracy that prides itself on family purity (but
practices homosexuality quietly); a male-oriented society where women
are chattel and slavery exists; a death-cult society that has the mentality of the 7th century culture of Mohammed and uses 21st century weaponry to ensure the world bows down to Islam and practices Sharia law.
This essay says volumes about the character of the U.N. Where else would an invented people announce it wanted someone else's land and know it has a good chance of getting it? Joseph Klein
recounts the history of a disgraceful series of conference sponsored
by the United Nations. The first of
these in 2001, Durban 1,
supposedly designed to examine racism worldwide,
turned into a racist hatefest
against the Jewish state, ignoring all actual racist states. "It was
marked by vitriolic displays of anti-Semitism." Durban 2 didn't have
the shock value of Durban 1, but again, UN members showed an
unusually high degree of cooperation in ambushing and attacking Israel.
Durban 3, this September, saw the same inversion of morality, where
dictators and terrorists and wholesale murderers accused Israel of
being evil. Klein also tells us about a
counter-Durban 3 Conference, which showed real concern for human
rights. One speakers had been a slave.
"[He is] a living demonstration of the 'emerging forms of slavery such as human trafficking,' perpetrated within Sudan by the racist Arab government and population, which Sudan's undersecretary so piously condemned at the Durban III conference."
In his own inimitable way, Steven Plaut points out that there are many
separatist groups with better credentials for having a state of
their own. The Kurds, for example, are a legitimate people yet they are split among
several Arab countries, none of whom is willing to give them their own
place. What makes the Palestinians so special? Plaut suggests that,
should the UN Security Council vote for a Palestinian State, Israel
should recognize the particular separatist groups plaguing the
particular countries that voted for a Palestinian Arab state.
During the 400 years in which the Ottomans ruled what later was known as Mandated Palestine, there was no Palestinian state, no Palestinian people and no Palestinian Arab nationalist movement
among the local Arabs and other Muslims and non-Muslims. Yet some 40 years later, Yasir Arafat
proclaimed there was a Palestinian people and Palestine had always
been their
land. Wallace Edward Brand examines whether there is evidence of a nationalist
movement in the period between the end of Ottoman rule after World War 1 and the
artificial creation of Palestinian peoplehood, during the time that
the Jews were building the infrastructure of a State and redeeming
their ancient homeland.
Martin Sherman provides evidence out of the mouths and writings of Arab
leaders that their intent has always been to destroy Israel itself.
Complaining about settlements and Israel's 'occupation' of the West
Bank are red herrings -- diversionary tactics -- that should be
ignored. For them 'Palestine' extends "from the Jordan River to the
Mediterranean Sea," mapping right on and over Israel. Israel needs to realize that the root cause
of Arab enmity is "not about borders but about existence" and
respond appropriately.
Michael Duke writes about the legal foundation stone of Israel's right
to Israel and the Territories -- including all of Jerusalem -- and about a lawyer who
spent a quarter of a century determining precisely that the Jews are
the legal owners of all of Jerusalem. The document is the San Remo
Resolution of 1920; the lawyer is Jacques Gauthier, an expert in
international law. San Remo did not just set the future for Mandated
Palestine -- which the Jews have redeemed and partially reconstituted
-- but it also mandated the future Arab states of Iraq, Lebanon and
Syria. Later, other modern Arab states were carved out of the vast expanse
of the Middle East by the same authority. That trust passed to the U.N. when the League
of Nations was dissolved. The U.N. has not gained respect for its
embarrassing embrace of the Arab attempt to delegitimize Israel but
even the U.N. must realize it can not break an irrevocable trust with
Israel as beneficiary by giving away Biblical Israel to the
Palestinian Arabs without simultaneously destroying the basis for
the Arab Middle East.
This is an excellent reference article. Matthew M. Hausman lays out
the reasons why another Arab state in Israel's heartland would be a very bad
idea. As he points out, "No amount of subterfuge can change the fact
that Palestinian nationalism is an artificial construct or that Judea
and Samaria were never lawfully part of any sovereign Arab nation."
Were Israel to annex Samaria and Judea, she would be reclaiming land that is hers
"historically, geographically and legally" by international law.
"Israel can rely only on herself to craft a solution that makes legal, historical and moral sense, and which assures her security and continuity as a democratic, Jewish state."
This essay points out that after the Jews were defeated by the Romans and through the thousands of years of the diaspora, there was always a Jewish presence in Israel. William Rabinowitz seems to specialize in humor-coated history,
wrapping little-known historic facts in whimsy. In this essay, he
writes about the Jews of Pek'in, Israel, a community where Jews have
been in continual residence for the last 2 and 1/2 millenia. It is a
fact that has been obscured as attention is usually focused on the
immigration of Jews starting in the 19th century to redeem their
ancient homeland. He also paints an searing
picture of a not-too-bright
current-day Jewish college student, who has absorbed a pro-Palestinian
attitude from his teachers, the local Muslim students and the TV and
newspapers. Rabinowitz responds with very different answers to someone who
had been indoctrinated to believe that the Palestinians are indigenous
to Israel and own the land.
Rabbi Meir Kahane was dismissed by many as a radical, a racist, a
bigot, an ultranationalist.
When the fashion was to believe in the similarity and basic goodness of everyone's goals
and aspirations, his diagnosis of an implacable enemy utterly at odds
with Judaism was unsettling.
We were angered by his message; so we threw stones at the
messenger and ignored the message.
Now, twenty-one years after his murder, as events catch up to
his analyses and predictions, we are beginning to appreciate the
clarity of his thoughts and are beginning to agree with his solutions.
Yom Kippur is a good time to reflect on his essay on the
consequences of ignoring the danger we are in.
As in the previous article, Brandon Marlon warns that Israeli's weak reactive
responses to Arab aggression
may be politically palatable, but eventually they will damage Israel.
To make the point, he recounts the story of
King Saul who was merciful to the Amalek when the situation dictated
that he destroy them.
Eventually this "almost resulted in the eradication of his own people."
The bottom line is: "in dealing with an implacable, fanatical enemy -
say, terrorists - the alternatives are neatly narrowed down to four:
offer surrender, accept surrender, strike or be struck ...
Harsh as it may seem, war is no time for mildness. One must be in it to win it."
Caroline Glick asks why the Israeli Government doesn't change its
course of action - hoary with age and covered with disappointments -- in dealing
with the Palestinian Arabs, who promise to abide by
mutually-agreed-upon rules and then do whatever they damn well please, secure
in the knowledge that no matter what they do, they will suffer no
permanent injury and will, almost certainly, gain new support and
material benefits. A major overhaul would include redefining
their connection to the Land of Israel.
As Glick puts it, "[w]hile Israel has been defending its right to security, the Palestinians have been on the offensive arguing that all the land that Israel took control over from Jordan in 1967 belongs to them by ancestral right."
Israel's emphasis on security needs is
real and necessary but emotionally unappealing.
Stupidly, her spokespeople neutrally refer to Samaria and Judea -- Biblical
Israel -- as 'disputed territory.'
The Arabs
weep dramatically about their lost land -- that's much more appealing
to an outsider. It's time Israel spoke out and told the truth: the land is hers
and belongs only to her.
David Ramati's essay is on perspective. We tend to think that our
present problems with specific groups of Arab terrorists began on 9/11.
Ramati points out that in actuality Islam as an ideology has been at war
with Western civilization since Mohammad invented it; Muslims often
complaining they are the victims of attack. In an amazingly
short amount of time, Islam attacked and conquered the neighboring lands,
attacked and conquered Christian Spain and immediately began a campaign
against Europe. Meantime, they created various ways to denigrate
Christians and Jews and other non-Muslims, so that they would always be
conscious of the fact that they were dhimmi, beings inferior to Muslims.
Dhimmis paid a poll tax; they were pressured to convert to Islam; they
wore identification badges, a yellow badge for Jews, an image of a pig
for Christians. Then as now, there were no limits to Muslim ruthlessness
and deception in aid of Islam becoming the dominant religion in the
world. It was in Europe that their conquest was stopped. But, again
characteristic of Islam, they tried again, successfully, some 700 years
later. Again they went into a decline. Or should we say hibernation.
Now, they are at war with us again, strengthened by oil money, a strong belief in
the value of their ideology and a blood-thirsty desire for revenge for defeats.
Jerrold Sobel writes about one of the pogroms against the Jews of
Safad, Israel, then part of the Ottoman Empire. In 1834 the local Arabs revolted
against Egyptian domination and were ruthlessly savaged. The
rebels then scapegoated the Jews, and for 33 days devastated the Jewish
community, dismembering children, raping men and women, beating them,
plundering their money and slaughtering them.
As Sobel writes,
"...the fact that this pogrom occurred at all flies in the face of
modern Arab propagandists and their sympathizers which claim, if not
for Zionism and the re-creation of the state of Israel, native Jews
and Palestinians existed in harmony for hundreds of years; a
prevarication proven to be without merit." The Jews lived as dhimmis,
"stateless in their own homeland ... easy prey to the whims of local populaces and their leaders."
This article at FresnoZionism reviews how differently the establishment Jewish organizations and the
newly-formed innovative Bergson group worked to save the
lives of European Jews during the Holocaust. The established organizations headed by Rabbi
Stephen S. Wise ignored that Roosevelt was part of the problem
blocking rescue operations and were concerned about protecting
Roosevelt's reputation. Even the news of the ongoing concentration camp
extermination of Jews did not make them change their traditional ways of
dealing with a crisis. FresnoZionism makes the point that these days
too many Jews -- those who support J Street and/or New Israel Fund are an egregious example
-- are more protective of their standing as good liberals than of
Israel's urgent need for all-out support, not lip-service and not
J-Street-style sabotage.
Jerrold Sobel writes about an inmate of the Bergen-Belsen
concentration camp, who took upon herself the responsibility of
keeping alive half a hundred children tossed outside the barracks into
the freezing cold, their parents dead in the gas chamber. She kept
them alive, scraping together food for them and stealing medicine
until the war ended and rescue came.
This is Mitchell Bard's account of the massacre of Israeli athletes at
the Munich Olympics of 1972 by the PLO "Black September" terrorists
sent on their mission by Yasir Arafat. My own recollection was driving
the car while listening to Peter Jennings and some other newsmen
reporting. The negotiations were finally over and the terrorists and
their Israeli hostages were on their way to the airfield. Things had
calmed down. The reporters could start treating Israel as they usually
did. When talking about Israel and/or the Israeli team, Jennings' tone was supercilious,
pseudo-analytic. In contrast, the terrorists were treated as human
beings; in warmer tones, he absolved them, implying 'the debbil (Israel)
made them do it.' Then came the news that when the German
sharpshooters attacked, the terrorists killed the Jewish athletes. That silenced
Peter Jennings. For a while.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds page for the month is updated every few days. There is a separate file that is the index for the articles on the Blog-Ed page. You can access an article immediately from this index by clicking on the item in the index. To access the Index, click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page. September 2011 BLOG-EDS
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This essay discusses a subject ignored when Islam is declared a peaceful
religion: the appalling way the ordinary Muslim -- even a Muslim living
in modern countries -- is conditioned to treat women by the tenets of
Islam. Declaring the man as the supreme arbiter of his household with
unquestioned power to compel obedience may sound something between
quaint and ludicrous, but it isn't funny when we finally understand this
is how the Koran constructed and authorized fundamental relationships in
the Muslim home. Muslim clerics continue to reinforce the idea
that in a well-regulated household men are all-powerful and women
totally subservient. Given that it is an integral part of Islam,
"the position of women is fixed, and rulings, such as the beating of a
wife, must remain in place as specified by the Quran", without hope of
change within the confines of the religion.
Thanks to Mohammad's example, child marriages to older, even elderly,
men is not unusual in Moslem countries.
More than half the girls in Afghanistan are married by 16, many of them
as young as 9 or 10 and their husbands are old enough to be their
grandfathers. In Nepal, 40% are married by age 15.
Raymond Ibrahim provides us with an excellent example of how to try to
turn a lemon into lemonade Muslim-style: rationalizing
Muhammad's rape of a 9-year old child. The story still leaves a heavily
sour taste. As Ibrahim writes,
"... here we have a cleric straining to finding a positive aspect to
Muhammad's pedophilia that he was patient and indulgent of his
child-bride while ignoring the heart of it: that the man Islam
is built around desired to have sex with a child in the first place."
The more we learn, the less do we understand why modern-day Muslim
clerics -- and we aren't talking fringe but respected authoritative mullahs and
politicians -- would insist Muhammad was a perfect man and should be
emulated in all respects.
What's in a name? This essay by Amil Imani makes it clear that in this
war that Islam is waging globally, words count very much and we need to
know their meaning precisely. To start with, Islam does NOT mean
peace; it means surrender. "When radical Muslims behave in
violent barbaric ways, they are only doing so in obedience to the
dictates of their creed. They are surrendering and sacrificing anything
and everything in service to the will and pleasure of Allah..."
Most are imperfect in their dedication most of the time, but the ideology is that
"[i]f only the masses of Muslims arise and carry out the orders of
Allah, then we would have the promised paradise of Islam on earth as
exemplified by such rules as that of the Taliban, Saudi Arabia, the
Sudan, and of course the Shiite nirvana of the Islamic Republic of
It's not a mission the rest of us should want to encourage.
Andrew McCarthy reminds us that the Islamic takeover of Europe has usually
not been dramatic -- it has come on little cat feet, slowly but
steadily. And when it has dug itself into a place, in what then seems
but an instant it announces that the place is a Muslim enclave, even though it
is in the middle of a European city. As we saw in Israel where Palestinian
Arabs took pot shots at electrical workers come to fix the grid so they
could have electricity, in Europe, police, fire and ambulance workers who
come to rescue people aren't allowed into Muslim-controlled areas. McCarthy tracks for us the
psychotic reasoning engaged in by European politicos and media that
allows them to ignore what is happening to their countries by conjuring
up a fantasy woven around the notion that Islam is peaceful, therefore
the Muslim violence that they are actually seeing must be unreal. And
so the Muslims continue to seal off areas that are, as Sheikh
Yusuf Qaradawi put it, "enclaves that will grow and spread and connect,"
cancerous enclaves that ignore the law of the land and live by sharia.
Lest you think the previous article by Andrew McCarthy applies only to
Europe and a dominating Islam can't possibly skip across the Atlantic,
read this essay by Mark Steyn on what goes on in a public school in
Toronto Canada, a public school where Muslims hold prayer
services during the school day and menstruating girls are segregated
from the other students. The write-up could just as easily come from a
scattering of public schools across the country in the U.S.A. More to
the point, the article is a snapshot at a time after Muslims became
a majority at a school and before they start dictating the
curriculum without interference.
Over the years several studies have correlated the growth of the number
of Muslims in a foreign country and "the transition from conciliatory
Islam to fascist Islam." See e.g. "Crossroads" in the January-February
issue of Think-Israel; and it is a major theme of R.K. Ohri's book "The
Long March of Islam" that we serialized from September-October 2009 to
March-April 2011. This essay by Richard Butrick describes the changes in
the behavior of Muslims as their numbers increase relative to the rest
of the population in a non-Muslim country. While varying
in some
details, the general picture is the same: the Muslims don't want to 'fit
in' or assimilate or just live quietly in their own way. They want to
run the show and won't stop until they do.
The previous articles in this set chronicled how Muslims restructure
alien environments to conform to a life style imposed on them by Islam.
This article asks if the reaction of the host culture helps the process,
and, if so, how. This is a fascinating article. I have often wondered
why immigrant groups who are polite and conforming and benefit their new
country find acceptance difficult while immigrant Muslims who are
demanding and unreasonable and tarnished by the brutal terrorism
practiced by their co-religionists have no trouble gaining a foothold.
They may encounter some mumbling resentment but they soon acquire a
multitude of friends in various places who help them gain control of their
environment. Babs Barron suggests the Westerner no longer has a strong
anchor in religion to guide him in making rational judgments. Moreover,
the Westerner is conflicted because his conditioned belief that all life
styles are good forces him to ignore the actuality of the Muslim's blatantly bad
behavior. Extremist Muslim spokesmen are shamelessly insistent,
repeating over and over again that Islam is a peaceful religion -- and
this is said with an intimidating undercurrent: people must concede this
point, or else... the Westerner feel guilty that he can't fully agree,
yet his political philosophy won't let him disagree. Many deal with the
conflict by disabling their knowledge of what is actually happening and
like the members of any cult end up unconditionally accepting Muslim's
dominant voice -- and values.
Clare Lopez provides us with a clear-eyed understanding of the medieval
theological underpinnings of Iran's view of its mission in this world.
Its objective is nothing less than "the establishment of an Islamic
state worldwide and subjugation of all people on earth to Sharia, or
Islamic law." She points out that Iran's alliances, her short-term goals
and her foreign policy are derived from and guided by this mission,
making Iran "a serious adversary that poses a grave threat to the
democratic way of life everywhere." In consequence, "U.S. policy
decisions about how to deal with this Iranian regime will be among the
most crucial American leadership must make in the coming months."
Unfortunately, the present Administration shows little appreciation of
what's at stake.
Observing that the Intelligence Community has never corrected its 2007 estimate that Iran had no nuclear program, Fred Fleitz writes, "One can't underestimate the dangers posed to our country by a U.S. intelligence community that is unable to provide timely and objective analysis of such major threats to U.S. national security or to make appropriate adjustments when it is proven wrong." Two images come to mind. One, the original Manchurian Candidate movie, which posited that a man likely to become President of the United States could be a Communist mole. As daring as this was, it was beyond imagining that the FBI would have an outreach program to the enemy or that the CIA would buy the enemy time to develop a deadly weapon. The second image is the Iraqi foreign minister, nicknamed Baghdad Bob, denying that Saddam Hussein was in trouble, even though the American troops were at the palace gate.
The need to deal with Iran's working on a nuclear bomb
has been enmeshed in denials by USA intelligence
agencies, assertions that just another sanction will do the trick,
trivialization, beating down straw men and blasting non-arguments.
Amil Imani warns us that it is a "deadly miscalculation" to ignore what
Iran continues to do in a steady and dedicated manner.
As he says, "What sane person would want to take a chance to wait and
see if the mad Mullahs, once they have the bomb, would use it or not?"
In fact, can we be sure that only Israel is in danger? The rulers of
Iran aren't exactly fond of the USA, either.
When some daft situation arose, people would say, "The loonies are
running the insane asylum." Today, things are much worse as the
undisciplined and corrupt U.N.,
aided and abetted by the European Union and the Obama administration, is moving to run the
world. Last year, when Eye on the UN reported
the new members of various humanitarian and
human rights U.N. committees
(click here), it sounded like a bad joke. Now, as
Caroline Glick informs us, "... UN members elected Qatar President of
the General Assembly and Iran one of the body's vice presidents," and
Iran hosted its first "World Without Terrorism Conference."
Dan Friedman who sent in this article notes that
"no amount of 'reason' can excise the cancer of Jew-hatred
from the body politic once it is allowed to spread. Jew-haters, too,
always have powerful 'reasons' of their own. Today, with a big boost
from Obama, we have passed the point of no return. The onslaught against
the Jews will continue and intensify. That's why it's a privilege to be
the first generation in history to live when the Jewish Nation has the
military prowess to make the insanity of anti-Semitism an unproductive
enterprise. We need to thank our Creator for that. But the drama in the
coming years will be about whether or not Israel has the will to unleash
its deterrence without obtaining anyone else's permission, save G-d's."
Barbara Lerner summarizes the outrageous demands made of Israel in the
name of peace and in full knowledge that should Israel consent to them,
she would not long survive as a state. Anyone who knows the history and
geography of the region understands that the projected "peace" borders
would be impossible to defend; that allowing others to share control of
Judaism's holy city of Jerusalem is as absurd as demanding that other
religions have partial control of Islam's holy city of Mecca; and that
allowing the putative descendents of the 1948 Arab refugees into Israel
would make the Jews a minority in their own country
overnight. In similar fashion, amputating parts of Israel to create a
Palestinian state would not lead to peace but to a weakened Israel,
while her "peace partners" would -- as they have in Gaza -- acquire more
space and less supervision so that they can more easily train terrorists
and manufacture missiles and explosives.
Poller asks why Norwegians seem to have been mentally unprepared for a
terrorist attack. The terrorist, Anders Breivik, managed to stalk and
shoot victims for well over an hour before the police finally came.
True, police were busy with the aftermath of his morning attack in the
heart of Oslo. But distraction and confusion is what the terrorists we
know most about -- Arab terrorists -- do. Shouldn't those responsible
for public safety know that? None of the victims, engrossed in play
acting that Israelis are terrorists and the Palestinian Arabs are
innocent lambs, took the initiative in stopping him. Nor did they have
security guards, who need to be prepared for a terrorist attack. Even
though the Norwegians are embroiled in Middle East politics and favor
unfettered Muslim immigration domestically, they acted as if they
themselves were immune to attack from those unhappy with their policies.
In this case, the irritant was Norway's policy of catering to Muslim
immigrants, allowing them to take over neighborhoods and increasingly
demanding their convenience be given consideration over the needs of
Norway's native population. Breivek used the tools and techniques most
used by Muslim terrorists. Will Norway be shocked into understanding
they have been reassigned their role in a world-wide drama -- they have
gone from the serene role of high level decision maker to that of
ordinary victim -- and they can't opt out.
With the aid of European admirers, Arab terrorism had the best of all
possible worlds. At the small cost of a few of their children, they
inflicted monstrous and long-lasting physical and psychological damage
on Israelis while their Western admirers rationalized their acts with
the query, "How else can these defenseless people defend themselves?
It's Israel that has the strong military. It's Israel that's in a
position to do the right thing and make concessions." And best of all,
the intellectual "neutrals" such as Norwegian politicos would sprout
legalese, asserting that Israel's response must be proportional, thus
neutralizing Israel's military strengths, while secure in the knowledge
that Israel would never fight Arab-style - slitting throating and
targeting Arab babies isn't their way. What they didn't forsee was that
terrorism was made to seem a most attractive weapon, a weapon whose use
was not restricted to Arabs. As Barry Rubin in this essay
points out that "... terrorism is not an ideology or a movement but
merely a strategy: to murder noncombatants systematically and
deliberately for political ends in order to get your enemy to give up
and your own side to cheer and join up." Monkey see, monkey do. The
Norwegians are now in the unenviable position of seeing one of their own
turn the terror weapon inward.
The Norwegians seem to have no concept of the world-class proxy war
taking place in the Middle East: the Palestinian Arabs, both those
controlled by the Fatah Terror Group and those in Gaza under the
thumb of the less polished Hamas, are the foot soldiers of resurgent
Islam. The terrorist activities they practice in Israel are eventually
emulated and exported. On the other side, Israel, not by its own choice, has been
thrown into the front lines and given the role of defending Western
values of fair play and 'live and let live.' Ironically, some of those
who should be most grateful haven't a clue. One such is
Norway's Ambassador to Israel, Svein Sevje, who condemns
Norwegian terrorism against Norwegians but
condones Arab terrorism against Jews. This
is based, he claims, on Israel's occupation of Arab land.
Wallace Brand responds in this essay with the actual facts about the so-called
Israeli occupation.
Philip Getz responds to an article called "The Romance of Birthright Israel", in which a young participant trashes the Birthright Israel program, suggesting all sorts of sinister motivations. Getz gets the response just right. He provides us with insight into the narrowed perspectives of pro-palestinian Jews and the preposterous conclusions their adopted ideology can impose. As Getz says, "the only interesting aspect of Feldman's article is how keenly it encapsulates, at its extreme, the syndrome that Birthright was created to combat." One can only hope that someday she will come out of her trance and start using her "Yiddishe kopf."
Steven Plaut brilliantly describes how Israel can be diplomatically
hounded to its own death by the combined actions of UN diplomats, the
U.S. State Department, and the
tutored and continued riotous demands of the Arabs, whose ranks are
enlarged by useful idiots volunteering to help the Palestinians gain
their rights.
Their clamor is backed by support from "world"
leaders and meets little resistance from
the appeasement mentality of Israeli politicians.
The essay is called satire. In point of fact, it is so close to how the Arabs
under Arafat and Abbas have bargained -- accepting a final agreement one day, using it as
starting point the next -- that the only thing Steven Plaut may have
gotten wrong -- should the Israelis let themselves be snookered into
giving up land -- is the date. He places it in 2013. It could happen in 2012.
Jerold Auerbach does what shouldn't be necessary -- he reminds the
politicos of the U.N. that its creating a Palestinian State in what was
Mandated Palestine would be illegal. It would violate the U.N.'s own
role as guarantor that what was Mandated Palestine is held in an
irrevocable trust for the Jewish people. Auerbach also explores why
Israel has not made this information generally known. He writes,
contrasting a secular government and more or less religious settlers:
"At best ambivalent - and usually hostile - toward Jews in Judea and
Samaria, government officials have resolutely maintained silence about
the international guarantees for the 'close settlement' of Jews west of
the Jordan River." But that doesn't do away with reality: Israeli
settlements are legitimate because Samaria and Judea belong to Israel.
They are legally Israel's by the same authority that gave the rest of
the Ottoman Middle East to the Arabs. "The Palestinian claim, by
contrast, is a contrived recent invention. ... Devised by Arabs who only
recently identified themselves as 'Palestinians,' it is built on the
foundation of perpetual victimization claims, the international
determination to delegitimize Israel, and - perhaps most revealing - the
pillaging of Jewish and Zionist history." Annexation by Israel of at
least pieces of Samaria and Judea is a low-keyed but necessary solution.
Steven Kruger puts into perspective the bizarre notion that Jewish land
can and should accommodate another state. Of interest is the emphasis
given in the article to God's promise to the Jewish people, and how it
is ignored by Israel's secular government. "Instead of declaring and
enforcing the rights of Jews, the government of Israel continues the
touchy-feely policy toward Arabs put in place by left-wing Jews in
Mandatory Palestine after World War I." Conversely, Kruger puts little
faith in promises made by secular organizations or in the integrity or
fairness of what is euphemistically called 'the international
community'. He points out that
"[i]f implemented, the two-state 'solution' would find a vulnerable Land of Israel, hemmed by an irrational border, and surrounded by a post-Mubarak Egypt, a Hamas-controlled Aza, a post-Abbas 'Palestine,' an Assad-controlled Syria, and a Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon."
He rejects this suicidal solution in favor of a 22-state
solution, one Jewish, the others Arab.
If you visit Israel convinced that it keeps its Arabs fearful and
oppressed, it will come as a shock to see Arabs walking with ease in all
the parks and gardens and malls all over the country. The converse is not true. It is the Jews who are
bullied. It is the Jews who are fearful of going into places they will
be surrounded by an Arab crowd. Driving a car on a highway when
'prankish' Arab teenagers gather to pelt cars with rocks has become an
unsolicited adventure. Jews have learned to stay out of Arab villages,
where the inhabitants can suddenly become violent. Jews routinely have
their cars stolen, their herds stolen, their orchards burned, their
olive trees uprooted. When Israel reclaimed eastern Jerusalem in 1968
after Jordan and Egypt failed their second try at destroying Israel,
Israel foolishly did not eject the Arabs who were squatting in the homes
of Jews that Jordan had evicted in 1948. It now requires protracted legal
battles to reclaim the Jewish houses one at a time, while the Arabs
illegally take State land wholesale and built illegally without official
protest. To add to the injury: the probability is that the police and
the judiciary will ignore or minimize the damage that the Arabs do. Zvi
November paints an accurate picture of Arabs in Israel, not forgetting
to write about those -- number unknown -- who genuinely appreciate
living in Israel. In general, however, the Arabs enjoy both the medical,
educational and psychological benefits of living in Israel and the
pleasure of playing victim to convince easily-gulled Westerners they are
the suffering victims of Israeli inhumanity.
For many years now, the IDF has not emphasized that its primary mission is to defend Israel. It has fought wars as if a major objective was to avoid raising the ire of hostile politicians and media. In Jenin when they hunted for terrorists, they were scrupulous about not injuring Arab women and children, at the cost of 23 soldiers dying, most of them lured into booby traps by the same children they were protecting from harm. In the Gaza campaign, they avoided wholesale shooting at groups that were shielding the terrorists. They have gone to absurd lengths, including announcing they were coming, so that the most that could be accomplished was the destruction of an empty building. Given the anti-Israel feeling the Arabs have successfully generated, their scruples have bought them nothing, not even a pat on the back from a hostile press. And isn't it immoral for the IDF to have valued the lives of an enemy that started the war and will not stop warring above the lives of its own people? Elliot Jager examines the question of morality when the enemy has no scruples. This is a thoughtful examination of the Jewish concepts of fighting a war. Jager cites the political philosopher Asa Kasher who "believes that Israel has a front-line role in helping the enlightened world develop the legal and moral tools to confront the scourge of terrorism." READ MORE
The previous essay described how well Israeli Arabs are treated in
Israel and how they have responded. This essay looks at Arab behavior
from the point of view of the Israeli, who sees the Arabs grabbing land
and creating enclaves that keep out Jews. Josh Hasten's
writes of an interview with Nadia Matar, a remarkable woman who heads
Women in Green (WIG), a group that understands that if Israel is to be
Jewish, Jews must be able to go anywheres in their own land, without
fear and without restriction. Specifically, WIG works to keep a presence
on land that is stealthily being taken over by Arabs (who of course instantly
claim they've been in that place since ancient times). As a personal
anecdote, on a trip to Samaria and Judea with the AFSI group, we drove
to an army base that had been evacuated without notice and without
concern that letting it be taken over by the local Arabs would put the
surrounding Jewish villages in jeopardy. The army's advice to the Jews
was: stay out of the way of the Arabs. Avoid trouble. WIG was there,
saying by their actions: this is our country and we won't give up an
inch. If Israel survives its current appeasement mentality, it will
in large measure be due to patriots like Nadia and the Women in Green.
In this essay, Yoram Ettinger first lays out the problem. The problem is that the
problem has been misstated as one of Arab concern for the Palestinian
Arab, when in point of fact the Arab states make use the Palestinian
Arabs as supposed victims, but care nothing about them. Were Israel to
disappear tomorrow and the Palestinian Arabs take all the land they
claim as theirs, it wouldn't make a dent in the disarray and potential
disasters in the Middle East. That being said, Ettinger suggests how
Israel should be reacting, specifically with subduing Palestinian Arab
terrorism, and, more generally, how to do the necessary and not be
inhibited by fear of foreign repercussions.
The Hadar-Israel Organization reminds us of the last time that Israel
was divided. It happened just after Israel became a state in 1948. Her
neighbors invaded the new-born state intent on destroying it. They
didn't succeed but Jordan took over the eastern section of Jerusalem,
kicked out or killed all the Jews, destroyed the synagogues and
installed Arabs in the Jewish houses. It wasn't until 1967 that Israel
reclaimed that part of Jerusalem the Arabs had started calling East
Jerusalem and claiming they had lived there since time immemorial.
The photographs speak for themselves.
The previous article recorded that the Jews were forced out of their homes in
the Eastern part of Jerusalem in 1948. This article by Omri
Ceren follows up on a major consequence. As he writes:
"But because they [the Jordanians] succeeded in doing that [occupying
Jerusalem] for almost 20 whole years
contrast to 1,000 years of continuous Jewish life the Obama
administration insists that the Jewish State needs to cede portions of
East Jerusalem to a future Palestinian entity on demographic grounds.
Very even-handed!"
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MAY-JUNE, 2011
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Osama bin Ladin was often portrayed as the linch pin of terrorism. Knock
him out and his terror organization and his affiliates would crumble. So
there was much joy when the Navy Seals assassinated him, as if all would
soon be well.
Unfortunately, Arab terrorism won't just disappear. Praveen Swami writes
realistically about the next generation of jihadists ready and eager to
perform acts of terror in Pakistan and Iraq and endanger other
countries in the region.
Daniel Greenfield projects what we can expect next of al-Qaeda's in the
U.S.A. He points out that "[w]hile Americans are still thinking in terms
of 9/11, the terrorists themselves have already moved on to the next
phase of terror." It might be another Twin-Tower size spectacular
disaster but it is more likely to be "lone wolf" operations performed by
insurgents bred locally. It is also likely that the strategy will be
more subtle: "the 'Muslim extremists' carry out the violence, while the
'moderate Muslims'" encourage us to try harder to appease the terrorists.
Intimidation as a planned prelude to war, is not unique to Islam. But,
as Michael Anbar points out, it is "an integral part of Islam" and an
important technique in the continuing jihad against the infidel, no
matter which political Muslim group, no matter how the groups differ in
ideological nuances. In the USA, "while Muslims constitute about 1% of
the American population, they contribute 80% of the Home Grown
Terrorism." Anbar traces the de facto alliances between Islamic
aggressors and Western appeasers that cut Kosovo out of Serbia and now
threatens to amputate Israel and weaken America.
David Solway examines why young Westerns of the liberal persuasion dote
on the Palestinian Arabs. He suggests that in addition "to ancestral
hostility to Jews," it is "an explosive mixture of immaturity,
ignorance, and surrender of the will, leavened by the illusion of noble
self-sacrifice to a higher cause." Dedicated to the Palestinian cause,
they blame Israel for all the ills that beset the Arabs. It says
something that they are undeterred in their ardor even though Arabs frequently rape and
kill their dedicated admirers, use them as shields in dangerous
situations and have radically different ideas on how to treat
homosexuals and women.
The previous essay examined the Leftist-Muslim bonding. asking why the
Leftists accept Muslim ideology, which negates their
own belief system in many important ways. In this essay, Steven Plaut discusses the hazards of
the relationship that the western participants willfully ignore when
entering the blood-lust Arab culture, thus endangering themselves. How long
can they keep blaming Israel to avoid viewing their Arab friends
realistically? How long will it be before they understand they are
being duped by the western Marxists such as the International Solidarity
Movement (ISM), who are using them unscrupulously?
Raymond Ibrahim writes about Fadel Soliman, an expert who lectures
non-Muslims -- churches, universities, the U.S. Dept of Defense -- about Islam.
It is historical fact that the Egyptian Copts are descendents of the original Egyptians, but
Soliman inverts the historical record and claims they are actually
Muslims that Islam
is now liberating. Soliman's reasoning is as
fictitious as the Muslim claim that Jesus was a Palestinian because
he was born in Judea, which the British -- centuries later, and
imitating the Romans -- labeled
'Palestine' in pre-World War 1. A while later, the Arab immigrants
began calling themselves Palestinian. We should heed
Ibrahim's conclusion:
"whether Muslims consciously deceive infidels or unconsciously deceive themselves, the goal has long been one: empowering Islam and its adherents reality be damned."
Amil Imani tells us about an Iranian woman, whose crime was that she was
of the Baha'i religion and an agent of the Big Satan and Small Satan,
the USA and Israel. Despite the seriousness of these charges, the
Iranian government was compassionate. They "...didn't hang the
severely-beaten incapacitated woman who was unable to walk to the
gallows to be hanged. They simply dumped her in the streets to suffer a
painful slow death for every day of her remaining life."
Ari Bussel writes about how the Palestinian arabs and their foreign
friends continue to contrast Israel's water usage (as shown by their
gorgeous produce) and the Arab's water deprivation. The pro-arab
propagandists willfully ignore that the Jews conserve, reuse and
innovate to get the most of each drop of water. They ignore that the
Arabs pollute the water supply, dig illegal wells, sell the water and
steal the cement used to reinforce the dams and wells.
Relying on the typical reader's ignorance, they contrast the lush banana
plantations and the pitiful village arabs, sluggish, dirty, and deprived of
I first heard of the high degree of inbreeding among Arabs from an Israeli
nurse who mentioned that most of her hospital's child-care budget went on treatment for
the Arab children. They required expensive treatment such as
kidney dialysis. When I asked why, she said, "they marry cousins. We beg
them not to, but they do anyways." But until the article by Anne
Barnhardt, the societal costs hadn't occurred to me. Especially when
religion, family and tribal custom encourage a high degree of sustained inbreeding
over many generations. It also raises the question: why should Israel
take on the costly burden of care for the hostile group of Arab immigrants
who are now called "Palestinians",
when the Arab countries have the money and the kinship, and bear the guilt
of creating the refugee status of so many of the Palestinian Arabs.
When it's the end of another Nakba day of mass mourning over fictitious
pasts, when the posing is over and the screamed-out throats are hoarse
and the scorched tires are cooling, what's been accomplished? Daniel
Greenfield says that what "these Arabs really want is to rehash
grievances and sullenly plot another genocide, instead of coming to
terms with the consequences of their own actions." And so they continue
to respond "with obstinate treachery and violence at every turn."
Labile, malleable, enjoying a good slaughter, they are type-cast to riot
when told and play victim to perfection. But these aren't the qualities
that make good citizens in a democratic state.
The official version of the relationship between the Arab countries and
the local arabs that became refugees when the Arab countries invaded the
new-born State of Israel is that the Arabs grieve so for their
"Palestinian" cousins, they can't make peace with Israel until the
Palestinian Arabs are settled. It is rarely mentioned that these
self-same Arab countries have refused to assimilate the Arab refugees
but, like picking on an infected sore, they keep the sore from healing.
As one example, remember the Gaza Flotilla wanted to bring in cement
that could be used to build bunkers but Israel only allows the import
into Gaza of cement that is non-military. Some Arab countries don't
allow the refugees to have any cement! Of course, all these restrictions
by the Arab countries are intended to keep the refugees looking pathetic
and oppressed. How do they do this? It's called apartheid -- you know,
what they accuse Israel of doing. Israel, which gave the local Arabs
their first schools of higher education, Israel, which keeps alive Arab
children that would have previously died. Israel which gives jobs and
hope to the Arabs, who are so appreciative, they celebrate whenever a
Jew is massacred.
The dead-serious theatrics of Nakba has one virtue. As does the
announcement that Hamas and Fatah have patched up their differences and
are loving brothers again, the twisted logic of blaming Israel for Arab
homelessness and the increased audacity of Arab attacks on Nakba day are
forcing Israelis to shed their illusion that they can buy peace if they
just pay enough in land and keep pumping up the Arab economy in Samaria
and Judea. The local arabs have been conditioned to believe the fiction
that they are 'Palestinians' and that Israel is occupying 'Palestine',
their land. So it is not surprising that their solution -- typically Arab --
is to destroy Israel.
While most discussions of Egypt's future revolve around the question:
will she or won't she be taken over by ..... (fill in the blank),
Spengler asks: given that half of Egypt's million people live on less
that $2 a day and given that half of her wheat is imported and given
that prices will likely go up markedly, will Egypt be able to feed her
populace and rein in discontent, whichever party is in power?
As Spengler notes, famine kills. Big time.
Despite the
ancient-sounding name, the Hashamite kingdom didn't come into being
until 1922, when Great Britain pulled one of its own scams and gave most
of the land that was to be held for a Jewish state to their Hashamite
allies 'to administrate'. As time went on, the
virtual government was accepted as real. When Jordan invaded Israel in
1948, "...east Jerusalem was restored to rubble. Jewish shrines and
cemeteries were sacked, torched, and defiled." Jordan kicked out the
Jews and gave their houses to Arabs, most of whom (or their descendants)
still live in these house as "squatters", paying no rent, because the
Israeli government made no attempt to reclaim Jewish property when it
defeated Jordan yet again in 1967, when Jordan yet again invaded Israel.
Whenever Jews try to reclaim their property, the sobsisterhood writes
sadly how Jews are invading East Jerusalem and attempting to take
over Arab property. Ruth King chronicles the fantasy history of
(trans)Jordan, which ignores that "Jordan is a Palestinian Arab state,
occupied and ruled by a Hashemite minority." There is no reason that the
local Arabs need to steal Biblical Israel to have a state of their own.
They already have one -- Jordan As for the current Jordanian King, the
future doesn't look rosy.
As Herbert London points out, the upcoming vote in the U.N. "to create a
Palestinian state through political mandate" has little to do with
concern about the Palestinian Arabs. It has much to do with Islam's
ambition to conquer the West. Tiny Israel is rightly perceived as "the
bulwark in the war with jihadists." Weakening Israel weakens the West.
The Palestinian issue is best perceived as a "tactical instrument" in
the long-range, long-term plan to spread Sharia law throughout the
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the conventional wisdom
was that Israel was no longer of use to the United States. Given that
the USA needed Arab oil and given the propensity of the US State Dept to
favor Arabs anyway, the future looked gloomy. How wrong the prediction
was. Putting aside that Israel is America's only reliable friend and
ally in the entire Middle East and ignoring the contributions Israel
makes in general to the betterment of humanity, Israel's intelligence
gathering and technological brilliance are priceless assets for the
U.S.A. Professor Paul Eidelberg summarizes some of them.
Many remember Colonel Richard Kemp's courageous defense of Israel's
fighting force during the Cast Lead operation, when they entered Gaza to
weed out the terrorists that were shelling Israel's civilians. At
the time, primed by the Goldstone Committee's vicious attack on the
IDF, it seemed the entire media was vociferously accusing Israel of war crimes,
while ignoring the real war criminals: the Arab terrorists and their
state sponsors. Since then, Goldstone has admitted his assessment of the
IDF was dead wrong, and Colonel Kemp's judgment is shown to be accurate.
This is an amplification of his take on the IDF as a model on how to
fight Islamic terrorism.
Sarah Honig writes about the pervasive self-deception of too many
Israelis -- that they could buy peace with their implacable enemies by giving
them Jewish land. The final blow came when the terrorist Arab groups
inhabiting Samaria-Judea and Gaza stopped playing good terrorists and bad
terrorists and made it clear that they are cut from the same
cloth. They have the same objective -- to wipe out Israel. They differ
only in the thickness of the decorous veneer that covers their violence.
Moshe Dann points out that "Sovereignty, the ability of a government to act independently and in its own interests, is the essence of statehood."
As he says,
"Declaring JEWISH sovereignty clearly and unequivocally will correct
the distortion and misunderstanding of those who ignore or deny Jewish
history and international law grounded in the League of Nations and in
its Mandate for Palestine." "It is a statement of affirmation, not apology of commitment, not appeasement."
John Hinderaker points out that annexing Judea and Samaria would
"entirely moot the idea of an independent Palestinian state, not just
deter the U.N. from supporting one for the moment." An excellent reason
for openly claiming land that actually belongs to Israel by
international law. [google for "howard grief", "yoram shifftan,"
"wallace brand" and "san remo" on Think-Israel for the relevant
information.] It is a propitious moment because the "Palestinians" are
asking the U.N. to magically give them a state out of land that isn't
theirs. In doing so, they acknowledge that Oslo is dead -- another
experiment based on the wrong assumptions and propelled by hope rather
than logic is over.
This article should be required reading by anyone and everyone exposed
to the Main Stream Media (MSM). Using the guise of instructing the MSM
how to write a story about the Jews and Arabs in the Middle East (ME), Edgar Davidson
brilliantly alerts us to almost every ratty trick the MSM uses in
distorting events in the ME and attempting to engender sympathy for the Arabs, no matter how obscene their behavior.
Using the history of Jihad as the particular area of inquiry. Richard
Shulman writes about a general issue: how factual is history? Data are
often missing when most needed. Drawing conclusions from the
available data is not a routine procedure; it is, to a degree, an art
influenced by personal and institutional attitudes. The growing belief
in the moral equivalence of all cultures does not counter the bias
introduced by personal values. When the reality of evil is denied,
implications that would stem from acknowledging that a particular
society is fundamentally evil are also ignored. Historic Islamic Jihad,
with its current emphasis on destroying Israel, is a rich lode, where we
can mine material on how Islam imbues its followers with a insatiable
desire to conquer the peoples of the world -- "by arms, diplomacy,
deception, enslavement, rape, castration, propaganda, infiltration,
intimidation, civil disobedience, abuse of Western law and tolerance,
and elections." It is also a case study in how historians sympathizing
with the Arab cause have dishonored their profession by distorting the
facts, and, in some instances, inventing them. The Western notion that
basically we're all fair-minded and tolerant is not only not true
but shields the Westerner from clearly perceiving the horrors
perpetrated by the Arab invaders, directly guided by the tenets of their
religion. This is an important essay, both for it general applicability
and its specific analysis of jihad.
Professor Paul Eidelberg boldly starts this essay this way:
"Israel is trapped in the defeatist and self-effacing rhetoric of
contemporary public discourse." He goes on to prove his point, and
suggests some ways and means for improving Israel's Hasbara. He
beautifully sums up what Israel really needs:
"The one thing lacking in Israel is a goal that systematically invigorates the nation's collective memory and political creativity, that enhances her identity as the world's one and only Jewish commonwealth the nation that gave mankind the Book of Books, the Torah. Yes, it was the Torah that liberated men and nations from idolatry and paganism. It was the Torah, by its lapidary sentence in Genesis that man is created in the Image of God that elevated humanity and proclaimed the moral unity of the human race denied by Islam. This should be Israel's message, conveyed quietly, as on cat's paws."
What the previous essay by Professor Eidelberg proposes for public
information and education, many Israelis are already practicing in their
own lives: they are proudly living as Torah-observant Jews in their own
Land, and have no intention of voluntarily giving up an inch of it. Some
of them have weathered the trauma of being kicked out by their own
government from their homes and businesses in Neve Dekalim, Gaza, and
receiving inadequate support from their own government to rebuild
their lives. But
their Faith sustains them and many are rebuilding their lives now in
Samaria and Judea mainly by their own efforts. Rachel Saperstein and her
husband Moshe are two of these remarkable people. As she says,
"we become stronger as we produce children who are clever, decent,
happy and kind. What sweet revenge!"
We're beginning to be able to spot a Jewish anti-Jew -- the one who uses
his Jewish identity to help his real friends -- anyone who hates Israel.
Professor Steven Plaut has been tracking the spoor of this creature for
years, particularly in his academic lairs. In this essay, Bill Levinson
describes a more subtle version of the species -- the polite member of
an authentic Jewish organization, who -- were we to follow his
mealy-mouth advice -- would lead us into catastrophe as quickly and
thoroughly as if we followed the advice of the International Solidarity Movement.
While we're at it, why does AIPAC work for yet another Arab state, this
one inside/next to/around/splitting Israel? Doesn't it understand such a state, either controlled
by Fatah or Hamas or directly by Iran, would be sitting on Israel's main
supply of water?
Shooting planes landing at Ben Gurion would be duck soup. And
they wouldn't need long-range missiles to damage Israel's compact
population centers. Whatever is AIPAC thinking?
Lyn Julius writes frequently of the violent expulsion in the 1940s-50s of Jews from Arab
countries, where in many cases, the Jews had lived there long before the
Arab invasion. In this essay, she writes of the farhud (violent dispossession), the
pogrom against the Jews in Baghdad, Iraq, on June 1-2, 1941.
The Farhad may have been for Sephardic Jews what Kristallnacht was for
German and Europeans Jews -- a clear sign that Jews would be increasing
targeted for expulsion and/or extinction. Both were the creation of Nazi
anti-semitism. As Julius remarks, "The Farhud cemented a wartime
Arab-Nazi alliance designed to rid Palestine, and the world, of the
Jews." The aftermath in both cases was similar --
a Nazi pattern of victimisation - dismantlement, dispossession and
expulsion. Nuremberg-style laws criminalised Zionism, freezing Jewish
bank accounts, instituting quotas and restrictions on jobs and
Aside from the Jews killed during the years of unrest, nearly a million
Jews were forced to flee from the Arab countries. Unlike the Arabs who
fled Israel in 1948 and became permanent refugees, most of the Jews who fled the
Arab countries were absorbed by Israel as full-fledged citizens.
In 1948, when Israel became a State, the then American President, Harry Truman,
recognized it despite the opposition of the U.S. State Dep't and the
Secretary of State, George Marshall. Truman was helped in coming to this
decision and holding steadfast
by Clark Clifford, who has written this memoir of the events at the time.
Professor F.M. Loewenberg provides us with a survey of the Jewish
presence on the Jerusalem Temple Mount from the destruction of the
Second Temple (70 CE) until the Six Day War (1967), when on June 7,
1967, Israel took possession as owner of this, its Holiest Site.
It is widely believed that the Jews were driven from Jerusalem by
Hadrian and didn't return until modern times. As Loewenberg shows, there
was a Jewish presence throughout the centuries, no matter how
brutally they were treated by whoever possessed the city at the time.
It is ironic that, when in June 1967, the Jews reclaimed their
inheritance, Moshe Dayan put the Arabs in charge of the Temple Mount,
hence Jews still do not have free access to pray ON the Mount,
as well as at the Western Wall.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds page for the month is updated every few days. There is a separate file that is the index for the articles on the Blog-Ed page. You can access an article immediately from this index by clicking on the item in the index. To access the Index, click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page. |
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Unlike Judaism, both Christianity and Islam theologically "denigrate
life on earth as a mere transient form of existence on the way to an
ethereal existence." Edward Cline observes that Christianity evolved
over the centuries and life on earth became significant in its own
right, allowing a concern for individual rights and earthly benefits
to develop. In contrast, except in small heresies, Islam believes a
complete and irrevocable system for living and a perfect model --
Mohammad -- for practicing the perfect system were concurrently
revealed. Sharia law can not be reinterpreted. So it has no way to
crack the shell or to evolve. This is too alien for the Westerner with
his mental separation of Church and State for him fully to understand
and therefore adequately rebut Islam's belief in its right to reign supreme.
This essay by Michael Mannheimer provides us with an excellent
explanation why -- despite the systematic preaching of violence by
scholarly imams who back up their harangues with deep and precise
nowledge of the Koran -- many Westerners have been taught to believe
Islam is a religion of peace. As a reader of the original article
noted, "Islam is a form of Machiavellian schizophrenia that provides
the maximum range of advantages for empowering its believers to
dominate and rule the world in the name of their deity." Another
reader summed it this way, "Islam is a rigged game that has no
compunction about being immoral, unethical or entirely arbitrary just
so long as it confers maximum advantage upon Muslims who perpetuate
As Amil Imani points out, "Islam incorporated slavery and much of the
ethos of the culture of its birthplace," "the Arabian peninsula of the
seventh century AD, known for its primitive beliefs and savage
practices." Slavery was not unique to Islam when the Quran was
written, but because each word of the Quran is considered immutable,
Islam can not reform itself as other societies that once allowed
slavery have done. Actual slavery exists. And lesser degrees of lack
of freedom are institutionalized. As example, "[f]reedom of assembly,
expression, and worship is either denied or severely restricted in
every Islamic country." Jews and Christians are more or less tolerated
as dhimmis, with sporadic pogroms and institutionalized humiliation;
members of other religions are treated with a complete lack of respect
for their human rights aand ordinary needs. Similarly, in keeping with
the Quran, women can only be considered chattel. The dismal truth is
there is no hope in expecting Islam to treat other religions and
cultures with respect because Muslims who genuinely practice tolerance
are violating the Quran.
The recent attacks by the Muslims in Ethiopia against the indigenous
Christians has implications even --- or perhaps especially -- for
secular countries where Islam is still a minority. Raymond Ibrahim
writes that the rampage that destroyed Christian churches and homes
started because the Koran was supposedly desecrated. Yet the continued
desecration of the Bible that is sanctioned by Muslim clerics is
ignored by the media and Western politicians. Ibrahim points out that
Muslim violence increases when the Muslim population in the host
country becomes significant, a point stressed by R.K. Ohri in his
book, The Long March of Islam, which we have been serializing.
The latest and last chapter is
here. We might also note that Muslim rage doesn't just bring
grief to the local Christians. It helps condition the leaders of the
West to accept that the best way to get along with immigrant Muslims
is to appease them and cater to their ever-growing list of whims, even
at the cost of reducing the freedom of expression and speech
guaranteed to Westerners in their own countries.
It gave Daniel Greenfield no pleasure to describe enough cases of dead
Jews so that we would begin to have a glimmer of the extent of the
Arab indulgence in brutality, the Arab joy in slaughtering Jewish
families, the Arab love of their death cult and the Arab cowardice
that makes them prefer stabbing Jewish woman and smashing in the heads
of Jewish children to facing a soldier with a gun. Until recently,
there have been few pictures showing the scene of a bomb explosion or
the aftermath of snipers shooting at cars traveling on the highway. It
wasn't respectful of the dead. It isn't. But we owe it to ourselves to
begin to understand that Muslims steeped in the Koran and its
teachings are not like us. They don't want what we want. They never
So many people are angry at Terry Jones. The
prevailing attitude is: had he not burned a Koran, the people who
were killed by Muslims on a rampage would be alive today.
Unfortunately, this ignores that desecrating a Bible leads to no
retribution even though Muslim clerics encourage their flocks to use
it as toilet paper. Why should we excuse Muslim violence because a
Koran is burned? Isn't the burning just another pretext to increase
the stranglehold of sharia law on non-Muslims? Almost certainly,
Western apologists will suggest we try harder to be good neighbors,
practice self-censorship, and curtail our own freedom of speech and
expression so as not to rile up the Muslims. The problem with always
worrying you might offend the Muslims is you become a virtual dhimmi
and the Muslims are controlling your life as effectively as if you
lived in a Muslim country under threat of losing a hand or your head
for wrong thinking and non-Sharia-conforming behavior. Jack Kerwick
explains the nuances ignored in the bald tale of an act by someone
that caused death and destruction thousands of miles away. Additional
material by Bill Warner and Richard Swier is also presented.
Kathy Jessup provides us with various examples of how sharia law
operates. What is nervous-making is that these incidences happened
here in the States, not in a Muslim country. Yet our mental set that
we could never be enveloped by an alien culture continues to impede
our ability to take Sharia infiltration as seriously as we should. We
think it too impossible. Perhaps Jessup's explanation of what
sharia is and does will help dispel the illusion that we are safe from
it. Perhaps we will finally acknowledge that like hungry termites, it
is nibbling away at our institutions and infrastructure.
A half century ago, if you had no real facts, you could always stop
your opponent cold by calling him a Communist. Later you could effect
the same result by calling your opponent a racist. Over the years it's
become apparent that racism isn't restricted to the white redneck; it
can come angry and vicious from any group. That is starting to take
the magic out of the 'you're a racist' mantra. Islamophobia
seems to be in the running for the new magic weapon -- utter it and
your opponent turns to stone and is left without a suitable retort.
Phyllis Chesler explains that it works this way: the assertion by the
newly-created people, the Palestinians, that they own the ancient land
of Israel "has morphed into a belief that all Muslims who are,
themselves, the largest practitioners of religious apartheid in the
world, and who persecute all non-Muslims are, as Muslims, being
persecuted in the West." Given the fact that Jews are subjected to
hate crimes 8 times as often as Muslims -- and often it is the Muslim
committing the hate crime against the Jew -- the Muslims are not the
ones that should realistically be fearing violence against them. But
they do play victim well. They act the role so well that any
interpretation except theirs is automatically discredited as further
evidence of a phobia directed against Muslims.
There are many facets to the Jewish view of God.
He is Master, we are his Servants. We don't eat pig or shellfish not
because they are risky disease-wise but because He said 'Don't'. In
this essay Ted Roberts writes of another important relationship: we
don't just have the ability to make requests of God. We find it just
fine to talk to Him, even to argue with Him, and lecture Him on what
He could have done better. So next time someone starts talking
Theology, where all matters are reduced to the same multisyllabic
sameness that concludes that all monotheistic religions are the same,
tell them about this essay. What religion except Judaism makes it a
virtue to argue with God? In fact, there's one Midrash where the Sages
were arguing a point among themselves and God wanted to join in. The
Rabbis told Him to butt out.
That most cowardly of acts -- putting a 10-month old infant in the
crosshairs of a sniper's gun and deliberately pulling the trigger. An
appalling yet routine act of Arab terrorism. Did the Jews of Hebron
take up arms and avenge this ugly act? Maybe they should have. But
they didn't. They made Shalhavet a living presence by writing a Torah
scroll in memory of her life and opening a Torah study hall. She
became part of their dedication to redeem Jewish Land. Shalhavet's
parents picked themselves up and reconstructed a warm and loving
family, one that is haunted by bittersweet memories. The family is
clear-eyed about Arab hatred of Jews but not consumed by hate
themselves. David Wilder interviews Shalhavet's father ten years
Rachel Saperstein and her husband Moshe lived in Neve Dekalim, Gaza,
until 2005, when they, together with thousands of other Jews were
kicked out of their Paradise by Israeli politicos, who saw this
destruction of an unique group of patriotic and productive citizens
as a sure-fire way to realize peace with the Arabs. So it was that
these talented Jews of Gaza, who created hothouses and grew organic
vegetables that were eagerly bought in foreign markets and who
invented ways to grow crops on land that had been dead for hundreds of
years suddenly found themselves refugees in their own country. Many
of them were traumatized, but many, like Rachel and Moshe,
even though they lived in trashy trailers and suffered from the
incompetence of the Government bureaucrats that were supposed to help
them resettle, have taken charge of their lives and are rebuilding in
the Terroritories. They may be bitter that the Government's folly has predictably
brought sustained violence rather than peace, but they continue to
condition their environment to make it again possible to live ordinary
Jewish lives under continued wartime conditions.
This is a succinct presentation of some consequences, should the
Palestinian Arabs ask the U.N. to declare (some, much, all) of Samaria
and Judea and possibly Gaza an Arab state, thus abrogating the Oslo
Accords. Alan Baker notes that this action would void the Palestinian
Authority's legal existence. (Does that matter if they shift to being
the government of a state?) It would simultaneously release Israel of
its contractual agreements. (But would Israel suddenly have the will
and the resources to stand up to the global community in the person of
the U.N.?) Baker is also concerned that this unilateral bid for
statehood would do harm to the credibility of the U.N. (I wasn't aware
it had any.) What makes this essay of particular interest is that
Baker helped draft the contract agreements of the Oslo Accords, which
was the start of the steep gradient on which Israel slid down into the
mess it is in.
In keeping with its way of never getting together in a timely fashion
information that will be needed to prove or contest some point likely
to be raised by its enemies, Israel seems to have just discovered
General Assembly (GA) Resolution 377. #377 might be the magic mantra
the GA needs to bypass the Security Council (SC) and give the
Palestinian Authority a State. Currently, the international community
is obliged to support SC rulings and carry out SC sanctions;
resolutions passed by the GA have no legal standing. Member states not on
the Security Council would like to change that. They would like the
status of GA resolutions to change so that they are not
recommendations but enforceable commands. Eli Hertz provides us with
an understanding of how U.N. members hope to make the SC subject to
the GA by using the purported power and "interpretations" of the
International Court of Justice, and why this is not within their
authority. Of course, it hasn't been too hard in the past for the U.N.
to ignore justice, fairness, decency and legal limits when it comes to
dealing with Israel. They put rogue states on the Human Rights
Council and spend much of their political capital demonizing Israel.
The repudiation by the Obama Administration and the European Union of
the "Jews' right to self-determination in their ancient homeland" is
disguised as concern for the rights of the indigenous people of
Palestine. Matthew Hausman suggests that were they really concerned
with protecting indigenous rights, they would support the Jews, whose
"rights as an indigenous people were recognized historically and under
international law long before the term "Palestinian" was ever used to
refer to an Arab population that accreted largely through immigration
during the sunset years of the Ottoman Empire." Read this article for
facts. Read it for clear-headed reasoning. Read it to dissipate the
fumes of irrationality through which we have been encouraged to
sympathize with squatters who believe they have the right to
expropriate Jewish property contrary to legitimate Jewish claims.
Hausman suggests some alternative solutions.
Are we in the U.S.A. totally daft? We ignore the Iranian monomaniac
pushing the development of a nuclear bomb -- an accomplishment that
will totally destabilize the region and do damage to the steady flow
of oil that we need for a long time to come. Moreover, in Libya we
will be comrades in arms of terrorist rebels, including Al-Qaeda. We
have come a full Orwellian circle since 9/11; we will now be
fighting together with Al-Qaeda, not against Al-Qaeda.
As a reader, James F. Davis, notes: "There were more Eastern Libyans per
capita that went to Iraq to kill US forces than any other country. We
should not be helping these terrorists. Gaddafi has been neutralized
and as such presents a lesser threat to US national security that
these jihadists terrorists." Wise words. As additions, we include
Ghaddafi's letter to Obama -- a PR masterpiece and an analysis of the
letter by Stephen Brown.
Are we at a time similar to the 1930s when a fanatic dictator had two
ambitions: to make his country top dog and to kill the Jews. Are we at
a time when the major powers won't come to grips with the problem but invent
ineffective delaying actions? Are there major differences that nullify
the similarity? Or maybe these differences make matters
worse? In this initial essay, Alex Rose examines some of the parameters of the
pre-World War 2 Gathering Storm that we will need for comparison to
conditions today.
Caroline Glick draws some important lessons from Goldstone's blood
libel of Israel and Israel's refusal to be intimidated or cowed by his
lies. Her summation is important: "If the government remains faithful
to the truth and to our rights, it will empower our supporters
throughout the world to rally to our side. If we are good to our
friends and bad to our enemies, we will know how to reward our friends
and punish our enemies. And if we boldly assert our rights even in the
face of international condemnation, we will see that in the fullness
of time, the rightness of our position will carry the day."
Daniel Greenfield lays out the Arab strategy so plainly that maybe
this time the high-IQ, low-comprehension community will understand:
the Arabs don't want peace; they want Jews dead. Greenfield writes:
"The call to peace is the call to death. To promote the creation of a
Palestinian state is a violent act. The peacemakers are collaborators
in genocide. Their charges are the murderers. Palestine is genocide.
It is the cultivated work of an ideology that has successfully turned
millions of people into born serial killers or their accomplices."
This is obviously obvious but apparently not obvious to the media,
politicos and presidents of major Jewish organizations. Like Goldstone
doing damage control, will they bleat after the fact, "We didn't
Moshe Feiglin writes, "The Temple Mount is the quintessence of the
Land of Israel.... Without it, our presence in Israel loses its
meaning." And with it, Israel's legitimacy. When Israel captured it in
1967, the Arabs hoped, but didn't expect, to be allowed to pray in the
mosques they had built on the site of the Second Temple. Instead, in a
stupendously stupid move, Moshe Dayan gave them control, which they
used to destroy artifacts of the Temple period and to stop Jews from
praying in their own land at this most holy of sites.
It's time for Jews to
redeem the Temple Mount and take a firm grip on the Land.
Moshe Dann review some of the facts that make
Israel and the Territories -- Samaria and Judea (aka the West Bank),
Golan and Gaza legally Jewish by international law. How can Jewish settlements that are on
land that is legally Jewish be illegal? We also include several
Readers' comments that discuss the critical point: Israel holds
Mandated Palestine in irrevocable trust for the Jewish people by
international law. The same authority that set aside a tiny piece of
land for an eventual Jewish state from land previously ruled by the
Ottomans (NOT by the Arabs and certainly not by the non-existent
Palestinians) also carved out many of the present-day Arab countries
from the remaining 99.99% of the area. Nullifying the existence of Israel will by
the same stroke nullify each and every Arab state created after World
War 2, will it not?
As one reader said of this article: "A jewel of an article... lucid,
transcendental... Something to save and reflect on." Avi Shavit writes
of Juliano Mer-Khamis, a well-known actor, who was recently murdered.
Mer-Khamis, a Jew, was profoundly involved in the Arab cause; he even
lived in Jenin. Shavit contrasts how the Left would have made him into
a saint if he'd been killed by Jews; they would have insisted
religious Jews are ultimately to blame. They would have demanded
revenge on the Orthodox community. But Mer-Khanis was killed by an
Arab. And the Left has no way to cope with such a happening -- it
doesn't fit the concepts through which they understand the world. In
fact, the Left saw nothing to write about. Shavit concludes that
"Western enlightenment and the Israeli left cannot continue to ignore
the dark side of Middle Eastern reality."
The newest Peace Process -- brought to life by Obama as the
most urgent of priorities -- seems to be dying yet again, thanks to
the turbulence in the Arab countries. In this essay, Spengler argues
that the large number of civilian casualties occasioned by the
multiple revolts has reduced the precious status of the individual
Arab, so that it becomes more difficult to excoriate Israel for
killing a few Arabs to stop missile attacks, when Arab governments and
Arab rebels continue to kill thousands of their own people. Spengler
suggests "Israel's best course of action is to dig in its heels
through the November 2012 US presidential elections while its
prospective adversaries descend into chaos, and await the right
opportunity to settle accounts with Hamas and Hezbollah." Let us hope
Netanyahu doesn't snatch defeat out of the jaws of a genuine
diplomatic victory in the interim.
In the political and military roilings in the Middle East, Syrian is
almost unique in apparently being able to keep the waters calm at
least on the surface. Still, many Syrians took to the streets to
protest. Instead of this invoking elation in U.S. State Department
breasts, it brought distress. The State Department is fixated on the
notion that Bashar Assad is necessary for a Middle East peace.
Syria is a very clever dissimulator but as Jonathan Tobin observes:
"[t]he belief that a Syria run by one of the Assads would ever make
peace with Israel was always a myth." The Assads need Israel as
something to hate, not as a friend. Nevertheless, the notion that
Syria can and should be involved in the peace process -- as full of
holes as it is -- continues to be a much-loved comfort blanket for the
Obama administration. And Assad remains attached -- to Iran.
This is the last chapter of R.K. Ohri's book The Long March of
Islam. Chapter 1 was in the September-October 2009 issue;
subsequent chapters were posted one per issue. Ohri has pointed out
that while initially a small immigrant community of Muslims was
amiable and cooperative, it inevitably changed to a relentlessly
demanding, unsatisfiable group as it grew in numbers. Although
focusing on the conflict between Hindu and Muslim in India and
Pakistan, he has emphasized that appeasement by host countries has not
stopped the jihadists' announced ambition to be dominant everywhere in
the world. As he puts it, "They have a highly bloated ego and a vain
belief in the invincibility of radical Islam." In this final chapter,
he concludes that civilized countries have no alternative but to fight
back, especially now that there is a real possibility of Islamic
terrorists obtaining nuclear weapons. With regard to India and Israel,
who "have been on the 'hit list' of jihadi terror groups now for
several decades," "[t]here is no other option available to India and
Israel, except coming together for defending their people."
Ari Bussel examines three recent op-ed pieces, each by a Jewish
writer, two found libelous after-the-fact, the third -- by David
Horowitz -- discovering data that Israeli should already have dealt
with in depth. The first by Neve Gordon, a marxist academic at Ben
Gurion University (BGU) was actually old-hat. He has been encouraging
colleagues in the West to cold-shoulder Israelis for years. While the
text was the same-old, publishing it in the La.Times got the
attention of some donors to BGU, who were appalled -- by definition,
donors tend to like the institutions they fund -- but BGU is yet to
examine the roots of its unwarranted disdain of Israel. The other
op-ed is the latest episode in the bizarre and unending flaying of
Israel by the U.N. and its various agencies and NGOs. Judge Goldstone
and his committee issued a well-advertised report condemning Israel's
conduct in Gaza when it attempted to stop Hamas from lobbing missiles
at Israeli civilians. The report has bolstered any and every
misrepresentation and misinterpretation of Israel since then -- the
U.N. seal of approval and Goldstone's self-identification as a Jew are
sufficient to guarantee acceptance of anything derogatory. This op-ed
by the Judge is as close to an admission as we're going to get that
his committee was rigged, the report tendentious and the conclusions a
malicious lie. Again, Bussel asks: why did Israel react only after the
damage was done.
National Public Radio suggests it is the outlet for programs of taste
and subtlety and refinement -- and that's why it isn't supported by
the redneckery who prefer low-life radio. What is closer to the truth
is this comment by a reader, SteveinTampa: "I cringe when I listen to
NPR,and only do so to hear what they are "reporting" as news. The
smarmy, condescending, yet semi hypnotic delivery is more theatre than
information distribution. It is truly a biased delivery with herding
the mentally lazy to the left as its intent." It is indeed time the public
understood that presenting a mealy-mouth version of the truth and
clearly-stated bald lies isn't "balanced" programming. Try this image:
Abbas lauding PA as a democracy to counter a guest telling the truth
about PA brutality. Lest the listener is not be certain who to believe,
the interviewer will coo at Abbas.
Ah, the versatility of Al-Qaeda. Not only did it show itself capable
of destroying the World Trade Center, but now it's gone into
publishing. And in both -- while it didn't mind spending the millions
needed to set up big operations -- it has the common touch. The lowly
box ripper on the planes. Now it's into publishing at minimal expense.
Steven Stalinsky summarizes the fifth issue of Inspire,
designed to inspire the young terrorist dedicated to the goal of
making Islam supreme, and to teach him some useful tricks of the
trade. Potentially, the magazine has a large audience, even if the
percent of Muslim literates is small -- just so long as they stick to
pictures and limited text. Will they soon have advertising? Nekkid
women in burqas to spice up boring material? Tee shirts reading 'I'm
just mad about Al-Qaeda' you can buy in toddler size on up? We should
soon hear from the Arab-lovers that now the organization has to
wrestle with the hard problems in publishing, they will soon reform
and stop being the bad guys -- that's the political theory that
insists terrorists should be given States to govern to cure them of
their murderous tendencies.
This essay by Bernice Lipkin examines several items of propaganda
centered around the attention given a Pro-Palestinian propaganda film
called Miral, A Palestinian Girl. Part 1 examines the construction of a fairly typical
hackneyed article sympathetic to the film and its makers. The one
striking piece of propaganda is a poster that asks: Is this the
face of a Terrorist? Part 2 is a complete essay from Elder of
Ziyon that contains excellent pictorial rebuttal material. It says
effectively: yes an innocent-looking Palestinian girl can be -- and
has been -- a terrorist. Part 3 compares the counter-Miral posters to
those used to counter the accusation that Israel is an apartheid
Hadassa Ben Itto writes about the history of the fraudulent
Protocols of Zion, from its start as a fictional plan suggested by
Machiavelli to Montesquieu on how to take over France to its current
revised version purporting to be a plan by Jewish leaders to take over
the world. The supposed conspiracy of the Jews may be a lie, but it is
being used effectively by Islam to delegitimize the Jewish people --
an early component of its mission to take over the world.
The current ahistoric decree by the American administration that Israel
must return to its 1967 borders makes information on the
1967 period and the cease fire lines (NOT borders) a
necessity. Harry Kanigel
points out, "The probability of a negotiated peace is
vanishingly small given the philosophical moorings of Israel's
neighbors; they will only temporize as they maneuver to eliminate the
stain, the 'error which must be rectified.'" as "they advance Islam
geopolitically." Given Kanigel's obvious knowledge of
Islam's master plan and its encouragement of lying to gain a point,
his is an excellent analysis of a minimalist plan for Israel's survival -- one
that has become more impractical as time goes on. Perhaps, we should
instead be promulgating the essential fact: that the
area know as Mandated Palestine was given to the Jews in an
irrevocable trust by the League of Nations (an obligation incurred by
its successor organization, the U.N.) -- the same authority that
gave the other 99.99% of the Ottoman Middle East to the Arabs, thus
creating many of the Arab states now in existence.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds page for the month is updated every few days. A Blog-Ed page has a quick list of the articles from which you can access any of the articles immediately. To go to the list, click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page. |
INDEX FOR THE JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2011 ISSUE We apologize that due to circumstances beyond our control, we were not able to notify some of our readers when the January-February issue of Think-Israel was complete. This is the email that went out:
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THINK-ISRAEL features essays, analyses and commentaries that provide context for current events in Israel. We try to make sense of what's going on. The war Islamists are waging against Israel and the West is a top priority. This is what's in the January-February 2011 issue of the Think Israel website . You can access any article from the home page of http://www.Think-Israel.org by scrolling down to its introduction. This has the advantage of providing context for the article. Or you can go directly to the article by clicking its highlighted area in this email. "Editorial: The Middle East in Revolt" by Editor, Think-Israel.org Islam + Democracy = Islam by Edward Cline How Revolution Is Played Out In Different Countries The New Middle East At A Glance Country By Country by Hillel Fendel These Essays Investigate The Muslim Brotherhood The Muslim Brotherhood Is The Enemy by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. Loner Terrorists And Small-Boat Pirates How Do We Deal With Terrorists That Have No Fixed Identification? by Bernice Lipkin
Wishing For Islamic Moderation And Reform Inside The Mind Of An Islamist by Phyllis Chesler
Is Israel Going To Change Policy And Grow Or Grovel And Die? In Memory Of Herbert Zweibon by Helen Freedman
Hasbara, The War Front Where Israel Is Losing Why Israel Loses PR War by Moshe Dann The Wartime Diary Of Edmund Kessler reviewed by Omer Bartov The Reader' Blog-Eds page. The monthly Blog-Ed page is updated every few days. If you are on a Blog-Ed page, you can click on the Blog-Eds List (middle item, top Blue Banner), find any author/title posted, click and go directly to that blog-ed. January Blog-Eds And we provide direct links to websites that supply accurate background information and news relating to Israel. Do look at the web site. And please, if you have a blog-ed piece or a comment or commentary, contact us. Write to comments@think-israel.org or to editor@think-israel.org Pieces for THINK-ISRAEL should be informative and accurate. Fortunately, those of us who are pro-Israel can show our love of Israel without distorting the truth. We don't need to play by the rules laid down by the Arab-favoring media, which distort the news and omit important items of information. Bernice Lipkin |
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Edward Cline points out that democracy has a dark side even in the West.
We rightly appreciate the freedom our political system gives us for
exercising our individuality, and we ignore that democracy run wild has
produced mob rule and the ghastly images of the French Revolution.
Actually, the U.S.A. is a republic, with built-in checks against mob
rule. When used to assess the political structures of the Arab states,
the occasional "free election" is overrated as an indicator of freedom
for the individual. The people of most Arab countries actually want
Sharia law. So democratic elections mean the majority will not be
thwarted in their wish to make their state sharia-abiding. They can then
begin their inherently undemocratic mission of forcing others to accept
the blessings of Sharia law, whether they want it or not.
For those who believe that most Arabs ache for democracy, Nidra Poller
points out that "we have, in Europe, a living laboratory of Arab-Muslim
citizens living in a democratic system." Some avail themselves of the
privileges of citizenship to lead productive lives. Others
"despise the educational system, belittle alternate job training programs, blame their failures on the host country, perpetuate tribal attitudes and retrograde cultural practices like excision (FGM), polygamy, forced marriage. They wrap women in niqab, hate infidels, attack Jews, defy law and order... and express their discontent by looting, torching, smashing, shouting hysterically..."
And that's how they behave
"where democratic institutions are solidly established."
Seth Frantzman wonders if people believe that the degree of Sturm und
Drang is indicative of the degree Egyptians want democracy. He
points out that "[j]ust because people riot or protest for something
doesn't mean they are democracy-loving moderates." And even if they
were, chaotic rebellion often leads to tyranny, not democracy.
Raymond Ibrahim makes the point that the end point of turmoil and
revolution ought not to be democracy but what democracy can
produce: "freedom and universal rights." In this way of thinking, the
question should be: how do we achieve the desired end?
Consequently, "[t]he U.S. should
support whoever and whatever form of government is best positioned to
provide for the overall good of a people," not necessarily the one that
labels itself democratic.
As Hillel Fendel writes:
"Arab countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa are
experiencing unrest."
Fendel briefly reviews "what's happening with the Arabs and the Jews in the various states."
Mudar Zahran asks why the traditional Jew-hatred in Jordan that was
called anti-Zionism for the 60 years of Israel's existence is now openly
anti-Jewish. The Jordanian government uses anti-Semitism and
anti-Americanism to distract the Palestinian Arabs who are the majority
of the population. More generally, Arab regimes find ranting
against an American-Jewish alliance useful as a way to redirect the
people's anger. "It also helps them convince their Western allies that
there is a serious trend of fundamentalism" so they should support the
current Arab government. I would guess that what is happening
in the Middle East is that the masses have retained their traditional
hatred of non-Muslims while disengaging from their current rulers and
becoming enamored of Islamic supremicists such as bin Ladin and the
Muslim Brotherhood.
1968 Andrew MacKillop provides us with an economic rather
than political understanding of the current unrest in the Middle East.
He points out there may be similarities in political idealism between
today's youth-led protests in Arab countries and the 1968 student
revolts in Europe and the USA. But today's world is very different, what
with its integrated communications, its huge additional population, and
its much increased demand for oil. In 1968, the green revolution
could solve famine, at least temporarily. It wouldn't work today. "The
world had an average of nearly 1 hectare of arable land per person in
1968, but today has less than 0.25 hectares per person." Connect this
with the fact that "Egypt, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Morocco ... import
more than 45 percent of world total wheat export supply," you don't need
political conspiracy theories to predict regional instability. In
today's world, economics and food and job shortages will power
anti-regime revolutions. But I suspect that political groups in the
Islamic supremacist movement can be counted on to take advantage of the
Joshua Goodman was in Cairo when the protests/demonstrations/riots broke
out this January. Early on, university-educated young men and women in
western clothes were prominent as were the police that kept them
contained. As tension grew, the dynamics changed -- the crowd became
more turbulent, the police switched to hosing the crowd with water to
disperse them. Both were uncoordinated. He records the arrival of the
Muslim Brotherhood (according to other sources, they are identifiable by
their trim beards), but doesn't credit them with organizing the
activities. Nor did he hear the anti-Semitic chanting by the crowds
others have reported. Over the next days, unrest spreads, Mubarak's
promises aren't believed, the crowds become more determined, more
unruly. Curfews are ignored, tires are burned, shops are looted, people
are shot by the police. Gradually, things simmer down, at least on the
surface; the universal panacea is applied -- as Goodman puts it,
"[e]veryone is finding ways to blame Israel." His take on the happenings
is his own, and it's an interesting one.
Counter to all the hype that street demonstrations mean the people are
pushing to gain freedom, Andrew C. McCarthy asks the simple question: do
the protesters want democracy? Or are they after something else. Or many
something elses. McCarthy deals with the complexity of diverse groups of
Egyptians with major differences in life style and attitude toward
Mubarak. He also discusses the probability of the Muslim Brotherhood
taking control. He sees them taking over by stealth, revealing their
real agenda slowly -- much as the AKP did as it gained control in
John Rosenthal focuses on the large amount of visual and verbal
anti-semitism expressed by Egyptian protesters. He notes wryly that
"[s]uch images are to be found in video and photographic material from
virtually every major Western news organization present in Egypt. This
fact is all the more significant when one considers that the reports
published or broadcast by these very same news organizations have as a
rule outright ignored any anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli sentiment among
the protesters." We include some additional information on the Latest
Pew Poll on Egyptian attitudes on democracy, sharia law and terrorist
As Joshua Teitelbaum writes, in Saudi Arabia, differences in religious
practices between the minority Shiite Muslim population and the majority
Sunni Muslims translate into chronic tension that occasionally breaks out
into violence. As Teitelbaum points out, "[t]he Shiites are not numerous
enough to constitute a threat to the regime, but they do constitute an
actual and potential arm of Iranian influence." The problem is
exacerbated by Iran's increased prestige in the region and its
challenging the Saudis' position as leader of world Islam.
Marion Dreyfus recalls visiting Tunisia last year when Tunisia's
longtime president, Ben Ali, seemed very popular with enlightened ideas
about work for women and industrial privatization. "I was impressed in
Tunisia by the level of education for even the middle class, and I was
unaware of the apparent high rate of unemployment," Dreyfus writes. Now in the wake of
the "Jasmine Revolution" Ben Ali has fled to Saudi Arabia, schools are
closed and the tourists don't come. Modern trappings aside, Tunisia
" is still just...an Arab country."
This is a neutrally-worded examination by José Stemmann of the
state of the state of Jordan,
an Arab state created by Britain illegally from 78% of the land destined
to be the Jewish state. Renamed the Hashemite Kingdom of (Trans)jordan,
Jordan is a monarchy with a placebo parliament; a growing economy still
dependent on handouts and services from U.S, the Gulf monarchies and
Israel; high unemployment and unrest when subsidies are reduced; and
restrictions on political openness. The Palestinian Arabs, many of who
live in refugee camps, are officially some 30% of the population
(50-60%, possibly even 70%, is the more likely figure). They are considered
unreliable and have been excluded "from sensitive posts in the army and
administration," but a younger group of Palestinians is beginning to be
more active in the economy and politics. "... [T]he Islamist movement
has played a key role in political life almost since independence," with
Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood (IAF) having much influence and Al-Qaida
associates becoming more and more active attempting to promote a
radical uprising, often using food shortage and price as the issue.
Elliot Jager describes Qatar's survival policy. On the one hand, she
throws Israel a bone or two, which Israel politicians inflate all out of
proportion as meaning that Qatar is becoming democratic in its outlook.
On the other, she plays footsies with what are politely called
extremists. She mobilized support for Hamas, when Israel finally went
into Gaza to stop Hamas lobbing missiles at Israeli civilians. She
helped Hizballah take over Lebanon. She has reportedly pays protection
money to al-Qaeda. She reportedly has funneled money to protest leaders
in Egypt.
Most analysis of what is happening in Egypt predict that sooner or
later control of the country will be in the hands of the Muslim
Brotherhood (MB).
This set of essays look at the Muslim Brotherhood and one of its most
prominent leaders, Qarawadi. When the MB is compared to Al-Qaeda, the
Brotherhood is usually viewed as moderate and reasonable. But as Frank
Gaffney says in the essay below, "Al Qaeda and the MB have the same objectives. They differ only in the timing and tactics involved in realizing them."
Frank Gaffney, Jr. tells us why the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization
actively promoting sharia law in countries around the globe, is our
enemy. Their tactics differ according to the situation and prevailing
issues, but their aim is unswerving: to establish Sharia law globally.
They first develop a solid infrastructure and then they become more and
more public, while establishing networks with important elements of the
local society. When they feel strong enough, they become
confrontational, and go all out to seize power.
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is likely to be part of the
transitional government. Jonathan Halevi notes that the MB does "defend
the democratic process." It hasn't "accepted the principles of Western
democracy," but it can exploit the process "to establish an Islamic
regime which will then render democracy unnecessary." For the
Brotherhood, sharia is the only true democracy. Their platform states
that "the rule in [Egypt] must be republican, parliamentary,
constitutional and democratic in accordance with the Islamic Sharia,"
and that "the Sharia ensures liberty for all." The organization does not
accept the principle of the separation of church and state, and the
Islamic rule they aspire to is, for them, a realization of democracy.
Andrew G. Bostom writes of the return to
Cairo of Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the prestigious spiritual leader of the Muslim
Brotherhood (MB). "Images and actions during his appearance ...
should have shattered the delusive view that the turmoil leading to
President Mubarak's resignation augured the emergence of a modern,
democratic Egyptian society devoted to Western conceptions of individual
liberty and equality before the law." The opposite is true. If the MB
has anything to say about it -- and they likely will in Egypt -- Egypt
will regress to a state where women are chattel and
everyone follows sharia law. Bostom asks why the media ignores what the
MB itself says and why so many Western intellectuals have abandoned objective
truth and won't
"acknowledge the heinous consequences of the living, corollary Islamic institutions of jihad war, and Jew/infidel hatred."
How do we deal with the terrorists who have no fixed identification? The
lack of rules of engagement between the lone terrorist and a regular
army often make it possible for a few irregulars to win over a large and
disciplined fighting force. It is even harder for an individual -- the
potential victim -- who has to deal with hit-and-run guerillas on his own.
These essays discuss the issue of self-help, which isn't classic
vigilantism but which might in the future become more frequent if states
don't or can't or choose not to protect their citizens.
Bernice Lipkin explores circumstances -- Somali piracy on the high seas
and Arab terrorism in Israel -- where the potential victims are often
forced to fend for themselves because the State can not, for one reason
or another, fulfill its obligation to defend its citizens. This doesn't
prevent the State from discouraging the potential victims from defending
themselves effectively.
Peter Pham writes that the Somali pirates "have become increasingly
emboldened as they operate ever farther from their native littorals for
longer periods, scoring greater successes and winning record ransoms."
Just recently they murdered four Americans after hijacking their yacht.
The countries that patrol the area are not able to do much to prevent
this piracy and most of them prefer to pay large ransoms rather than
become aggressive. At the same time, ship crews from many countries are
restricted by various national and international laws from defending
themselves properly.
This article is satire -- it isn't a brochure for a real cruise. In the
real world, we are still talking about allowing ships to 'fight
back' and defend themselves from pirates on the high seas. We talk
about allowing the crew to store adequate firepower but at the same time
there is the urge to limit the use of the firepower by forcing the crew
to observe all sorts of rules and regulations. This article is an
exaggeration of a possibly effective method of wiping out piracy. We
might call it "fight forward." in that it takes the fight to the
pirates rather than waiting until attacked.
This section deals with Muslim sustained determination to acclimatize
their host society to fit their needs and desires. They must
occasionally delay showing their true colors. Chesler's essay on Muzzammil Hassa, who
beheaded his wife, reminds us he was the model moderate up-to-date Muslim
until then. Ohri writes of the way the Muslims in India and Pakistan
talk peace but continue to bomb and terrorize Hindus to back up their demands
for Indian land. Fjordman's article is a superb summary of what
moderate and reform actually mean. Is it wishful thinking
on my part that it might wake up an ecumenically-minded rabbi and
minister or two?
Two years ago, Muzzammil Hassan, an immigrant from Pakistan and a
prominent businessman who was often touted as a model of the moderate,
adaptable Muslim, protested his wife's demand for a divorce by
murdering her and decapitating her. From the first, savvy observers of
the Muslim community such as Dr. M. Zjudi Jasser (see
here) noted that the media ignored what was an incredibly dramatic
story, allowing apologists to whitewash the role Islam played in
conditioning Hassan's behavior. In this essay, Phyllis Chesler also
sees Hassan as a model -- of the distorted view that Islamic societies
instill: that men should dominate women and women must have no will of
their own. Hassan views himself not as a chronic wife-beater turned
murderer, but as the victim of his wife's provocation. Similarly,
suicide-murderers are only doing what they do because Israel won't give
up what Arabs are sure is their property. Hassan has carried over the
predominant view in his native land that a man's honor is defiled if
his women don't behave properly, so she must be punished for "bringing
food late, for talking back or for undertaking forbidden trips." Yet,
thanks to Sharia law, the same man can have sex with women he marries
by the hour as well as with his multiple wives. Hassan's behavior and
his views are not acceptable in our society, no matter how much the
media would like to excuse them by placing the blame on environmental factors.
After examining the general economic and social consequences of rapid
increase in the size of the Muslim community in host countries, in
Chapter 8, R.K. Ohri explored the consequences of the Muslim attitude
that the only acceptable laws are those conforming to the Koran and
Sharia, which are themselves considered immutable. In Chapter 9, Ohri
discusses the large number of terrorist attacks in India by Muslims --
many of them Indian Muslims; many trained in Pakistan. Peace talks
between India and Pakistan occur but -- in a deal breaker reminiscent of
the Arab unwillingness to accept that Israel exists and is a Jewish
state -- they will continue to break down unless "Pakistan accepts the
Line of Actual Control (the LOC) as the international border between the
Indian Kashmir and the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir." As another point of
similarity, just as the Arabs are obsessed with destroying Israel,
"[t]he Pakistani establishment has a single point agenda: to
destabilize, debilitate and balkanize India at any cost."
Westerners involved in ecumenism or true believers in multiculturalism
will occasionally admit that when a Muslim community feels strong enough
-- which often translates into having enough of them in one place --
they come on a bit strong and uncompromising. As example, they decided
to pray on the streets. They didn't back down because the traffic is
awful enough in NYC and Paris as it is. The streets were closed.
Ecumenists suggest that doesn't mean Muslims are fanatics. it's a
question of life style. It's the way they are accustomed to interacting
in dictatorial regime. Just give them time. In this essay, Fjordman
examines two articles of faith held by Western friends, colleagues,
aiders, abetters, enablers and paid flunkies of Islam: (1) there are
moderate Muslims and (2) reform of Islam is possible and will solve all
the problems of blending a belligerent community into Western civilized
ways. The first is yet to be experienced, despite all the opportunities
"moderate" Muslims have had to speak up. And as a reader said about
reform, "Islamic reformation is already underway -- and it's called
things like 'Hamas', 'Islamic Jihad', 'Jamaat Islamiya', 'al Qaida',
'Hezbollah', or Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran for short."
We'd dedicate this section to the memory of Herb Zweibon,
President of Americans for a Secure Israel (AFSI). He was always
clear-eyed but willing to try to reason with Israeli officials, whose
compass for steering the ship of Israel was the wishful conviction that
the Arabs would respond to benevolence. This section urges corrective
action to prevent the Ship of State from sinking.
The more Israel tries to appease the world by declaring she is
willing to share her small land, the more the world believes the Arabs
who assert forcefully they are the rightful owners of the Land of
Israel. Because she is willing to compromise, she is harassed by the
U.N., Western politicians and much of the global media. She is being
encircled by extreme Islam and terrorists. Iran is building a bomb to
destroy her. Too many Israeli Arab citizens have thrown in their lot
with the Palestinian Arabs. How is the Israeli government handling it?
It offers to amputate some of her land and it has redefined the enemy --
it is the patriotic Jewish pioneers, the Jewish citizens who live in
Biblical Israel -- Samaria and Judea. (This area is called the West Bank
by the ignorant or by those with a pro-Palestinian bias.)
Israel's real enemies are gathering but with the Middle East in flux,
her local enemies will likely have their hands full with more personal
matters tomorrow. This is certainly not the time for preemptive moves to
surrender parts of Israel. If anything, now is the time to assert
Israel's legitimate claim to Mandated Palestine and annex Samaria and
Judea, the Golan and Gaza.
Herb Zweibon was unique. He didn't cut his words to fit prevailing
opinions or the op-eds in the New York Times. He didn't worry
that he didn't fit the mold of most Presidents of American Jewish
organizations. Thank God! He was polite and friendly but rock solid in
his intuitions and his arguments. It is discouraging that he has been
proven correct in rejecting the notion that tiny Israel would find peace
by allowing parts of her to be cut away, and yet his is still not the
attitude of the majority of American Jews, who feel uneasy if they stray
too far from the teachings of what passes as liberalism in America.
Helen Freedman provides us with a personal portrait of Herb.
David Isaac describes precisely how Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin
Netanyahu, is handling the corrosive attacks on Israel." "Netanyahu's
answer to the difficult situation? Preemptive surrender." Reacting as
a coward against Israel's enemies, as Isaac points out, "Perhaps
because Netanyahu is not willing to fight against the erosion of
Jewish sovereignty in Judea and Samaria he becomes cruel towards those
who do."
Thanks to the American administration's ineptitude in the Middle East,
we've recently seen a humiliation hierarchy among some of the major
players, wherein the Palestinian Authority humiliates the Obama
administration, which, in turn -- while ignoring the real problems of
the region -- makes Israel cower. Caroline Glick suggests a simple way
to relieve Israel's distress. Israel doesn't need American's yearly
contribution. It's costing her too much politically and is inhibiting
the development of some industries. I should think Israel would gain
more respect and make much more money charging the USA for her intel
and technological contributions to America's safety.
The articles in this section point out some major problems with
Israel's ability to make her case, even though she does have truth and
the facts on her side. Recent events have underscored her right to her
land. They have also shown that Israel is not the core problem in the
Middle East. Arab countries are concerned about Iran's bomb building,
not Jewish home building.
This is an important article that describes Israel's flapdoodling attitude
towards Judea and Samaria, flipping from encouraging Jewish development
of their land, then flopping and encouraging the Arabs to create another
Arab state in Biblical Israel. As Moshe Dann asks rhetorically -- in
full knowledge that the Territories are Jewish legally by international
law, by conquest, by history, by Bible, and by unswerving devotion over
the centuries -- "If the areas of settlement in Judea and Samaria don't
belong to us, what are we doing there?" Ironically, many of the readers'
comments prove that Israel has not told the world in a forthright manner
that the Land is hers. They accept without hesitation that only the
nouveau people -- the Palestinian Arabs -- have claim to the
land. They have no quarrel with a bald misstatement of the Balfour
The previous essay focused on negating Arab false claims on owning
Samaria and Judea. This essay by Martin Sherman addresses the larger
issue: the Arabs have the ear of the majority of the press, which
uncritically broadcasts the Arab lies and distortions. Moreover, they
are protected by an egocentric use of political correctness -- it
isn't polite to rebut the stories told by the Po' Palestinians, even if
they are either total lies or just distortions and/or half-truths.
Sherman rebuts a typical Hanan Ashrawi fantasy, and suggests that --
because Israel has historic and legal truth on its side -- it make
the received wisdom authentic by rewriting it "on the basis of historical realities, not
political distortions; on the basis of prevailing realities rather than
fabricated fantasies; on the basis of events as they actually occurred,
not as they are deceitfully contrived. "
Anchored in information in Amnon Lord's books, Aryeh Tepper has
written a thoughtful essay about Uri Avnery, one of the
leading lights of the extreme leftist Israeli Marxists, who are
still influential in the media and in academia. Avnery helped convince
Israelis to accept the Oslo Accords, because in doing so, they were
supporting human rights. He is of course revered by Israel's enemies and
is called a peace activist and humanitarian. In his case, as is common
when Marxist praise other Marxists, being called a peace activist and
humanitarian translates to being someone who tries with all his being to
bring death to Israel, not peace.
Jonathan Rosenblum writes that the Wikileaks State Dept emails and
al-Jeezeera's release of alleged P.A. documents "have done much to
buttress Israel's narrative of the Middle East." They are a windfall for
Israel. They confirm that while Western leftists and the American
Administration may be obsessed with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,
the Middle East states are concerned about Iran and her increasing
nuclear capability. What a wonderful opportunity to use this information
to maybe make a dent in the Arab narrative --- i.e., that Israel is the
core problem in the Middle East. And if she'd make peace -- on Arab
terms, of course -- the Middle East would magically become stable and
have no civil wars and no fights between neighbors. Israel didn't utilize
this information.
Mark Durie presents some beliefs and conditioned ways of thinking that
make it difficult for us to analyze Islam's structure and objectives
clearly. So many of them were designed to make us more tolerant, which
is fine when we are trying to gain acceptance for groups that want to
participate in our culture but haven't been allowed entry. They become
dangerous when they prevent us from recognizing that Islam doesn't want
in; it wants to take over.
Omer Bartov reviews the published diary maintained by Edmund Kessler, a
Polish Jewish attorney who survived the Holocaust. A lesson for our
time is how little effort it took for the Nazi conquerors and the local
clergy to encourage people to manifest barbaric behavior toward the
Jews -- perhaps in part because the populace was already inculcated
with a strong prejudice against the Jews. A few of the local gentiles
behaved nobly. For the majority, as Bartov writes, "ugly and brutish
behavior was triggered by the overwhelming presence of the German
occupation and the growing realization that the new rulers were
determined to use, abuse, and ultimately murder the Jews. ... the
specifics of how, and how quickly, this awareness translates in mob
violence are described succinctly and insightfully in Kessler's
terrifying text."
We usually think of European anti-Semitism and Islamic anti-Semitism as
independent of each other. In recent years, the details of the close
coordination between the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husseini
and Hitler, who had the mutual desire to kill Jews, have become known.
In this article Edwin Black traces the background and history of one of their creations: the
Ustasha was a partnership of Bosnian Muslims and Catholic Croatians, who
terrorized and murdered Jews and Gypsies in Yugoslavia. They became
notorious for their brutality even among the Nazis.
Rafael Medoff writes the recollections of three people now living in
Jerusalem, who as students in the United States at the beginning of
World War 2, participated in trying to fight Britain's disgraceful and
illegal attempts to block Jewish refugees from entering Mandated
Palestine. They were part of a larger effort by the Bergson group to
make America aware of the Holocaust happening in Europe. Just as the
media today soft pedals the extent of Islamic destructive infiltration
into the U.S.A., Europe, the Middle East and India, so then they barely
mentioned the growing number of reports of large scale Nazi murder of
Jews. And many American Jews - just as today -- were silent. They
reserved their anger for those sounding the alarm.
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January 2011 BLOG-EDS
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In this essay, Caroline Glick describes three recent events where
Arabs set up situations that libel Israeli Jews, and Israel's
military. By actions such as stoning cars as they drive by, they trap
Jews into needing to fight for their lives. Then they photograph just
the moment the Jews fight back. Without context, it looks like the
Jews are behaving with gratuitous nastiness. In Bil'im, they blamed
the death of an on-looker, Jawaher abu Rahmeh, on the tear gas the IDF
used on the rioters. It was later discovered the woman was not in the
riot. According to her mother, she was some distance away
Established as a monitor for human rights around the planet, in the
last few years Human Rights Watch (HRW) has focused almost exclusively
on Israel, using subjective standards, making unsubstantiated
assertions and depending on unreliable sources. Its change in mission
became very clear when two facts became known: (1) much of the
distorted material that Judge Goldstone used to libel Israel's conduct
during the Gaza campaign came from Israeli NGOs such as HRW; and (2)
its funding was now coming from foreign governments and the
anti-Israel New Israel Fund. This article is an edited version of the
lecture, Robert Bernstein, the founder of HRW, delivered as the
University of Nebraska November 10, 2010. The Jerusalem Post
wrote that Bernstein lacerated "... the organization he had
established for moral failures in its treatment of Israel" while
simultaneously ignoring virulent and continued violation of human
rights by the Arab countries. We include excerpts from an article by
Gerald Steinberg on HRW's history.
Practically speaking, the olive is a food, and its oil is
used for cooking. But its value as symbol is so very much more. The
olive. With the grape, the pomegranate, milk and honey. it constitutes
part of the ancient image of Israel. The foods -- one almost
needs to express the idea in the archaic form that lends dignity --
that restoreth our souls. The olive has these days become
another sort of symbol. The Marxists of the Political Left have
contrived to associate it with Arabs, as if only Arabs had olive
trees. It helps to give them a historic identity they don't actually
have. They claim Jews are stripping and destroying their olive
trees -- thereby imparting an extra degree of evil to the Jew, who
obviously doesn't have an ounce of sensitivity if he is so
disrespectful of the olive tree. Because of its symbolism, the olive
tree is a most popular prop in the Arab repetoire of hoaxes.
Israel is definitely Jewish. Even the non-Jewish Jews, when they
rebel, they rebel against rabbis, not priests or mullahs. So the
normal would be that the majority Jew would be favored over the
minority Arab. It ain't so. Not in the courts. Not in the police
stations. Not in most of the media. I know it's hard to believe.
Ordinary intelligent people assume it is the other way round. They
act almost as instinctively as the illiterate neo-Nazi who has never
read the New York Times but is sure it is pro-Jewish because
its owners are nominally Jewish.
Thanks to the unbridled Israeli court system and its police
flunkies, the Arabs can literally get away with murder. And they do.
They also exploit the olive tree. They hide behind Jewish olive trees
to case out the Jewish town, so later they can sniper-slaughter Jewish
women and children. They steal livestock from Jewish farmers, burn
Jewish orchards, destroy Jewish crops. They hack olive trees and blame
it on the Jews. And they get away with it. The courts, riddled with
Marxist idiots, have ruled in their favor.
The pro-Palestinian media -- and this includes most of the media
-- takes the word immediately and instinctively of any Arab to
anything they assert. And these wily Arabs project their activities on
the Jews. They destroy olive trees and claim the
Jews have destroyed the trees. Wouldn't you think that when, after the
fact, we find 99.9999% of the time that the Jews spoke truthfully and
the Arabs lied, just once the outside NGOs and media would hesitate
before believing the Arab yet again? Nope. Never happens.
I remember an AFSI trip some years back to Samaria and Judea and
Gaza. Our gun-slinging guide said you can always tell the difference
between a Jewish olive tree and an Arab one. The Jews coddle their
trees and they flourish. The Arab don't succor theirs. They let them
fend for themselves. They simply lift the olives from the sturdy but
wizened tree, a tree that often doesn't belong to them, when the
olives are ripe.
I remember on that same trip, we stopped to watch some arabs
picking olives in a grove of trees. They felt no fear. We were Jews,
after all. They were confident we wouldn't harm them or insult them or
chase them away or demand they prove the trees were theirs to pick.
Truthfully, I don't think I'd have the restraint of the Israeli Jews
living in Samaria and Judea and the Negev and the Galilee, who are
treated as second-class citizens in their own country. If --
and I'm not sure it is -- if it is the case that occasionally they
lose their cool and attack their persecutors, I can only wonder: what
took them so long.
Moshe Dann writes about the politics of planting olive trees in Israel
to assert legal claim to land. He points out that Arabs "plant olive
trees in disputed areas near Jewish communities, often with help from
Peace Now and pro-Palestinian NGOs, to check the growth of settlements
and provide cover for terrorists who seek to infiltrate and murder."
Arab land take overs in the Territories may not be legal but they are
upheld by the U.N., which is alway there to condemn any proprietary
act by Israel it fears might strengthen Israel's sovereignty over its
land. The placement of olive tree is a weapon they yield effectively.
Long age, the psalmist wrote of the relationship of Israel and God: "I
[am] like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy
of God forever and ever." Noah knew the flood was over, when the dove
returned bearing an olive branch in its mouth. Much more recently, the
pro-Arab non-governmental organizations have attempted to hitch the
imagery of the olive tree -- deeply significant to Jews and Christians
-- to the Palestinian cause. Aided by some creative grove theatre,
they would have us believe that the true owners of the olive trees in
Israel and the Territories are the Arabs and that the heartless Jews
spend their time harassing the Arabs, who want only to tend to their crops in
peace. David Ha'ivri exposes one of the cynical ways the NGOs contribute to
the Arab grab of Jewish land.
LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND ERAKAT Palestinian Authority chief negotiator Saeb Erakat
became a celebrity back in 2002 when, almost singlehandedly, he
convinced an admittedly gullible media that the Joos had killed --
maybe 250, maybe 500, possibly thousands of people -- in Jenin. They
had buried them in a mass grave so their evil act would remain
unknown. The hoax was sloppily created -- no graves were found, nobody
was missing -- and the story soon collapsed, although it has became an
article of faith with pro-Palestinians that the Jenin population was
massacred by the Joos. Some good would have come from Erakat's lies if
the Israeli leaders had understood that they needlessly sacrificed
over 20 of their soldiers -- who were cautioned not to aim at a
terrorist if there was a woman or child in the vicinity. But they
seemed not to have learned that kindness to Arab terrorists isn't
reciprocated. Victor Sharpe summarizes some of the stories this
Sherazade of the Arab Union of Liars has concocted. Amazingly, each of
his lies is amplified by the press and then quietly forgotten as facts
become available, but he is never ignored. Most recently, a women from
the village of Bi'lin is said to have been asphyxiated by tear gas
hurled at the Friday afternoon rioters. Though the circumstances are
yet to be determined, he was right there to indict Israel for war
crimes. Would you negotiate an agreement with this man? The Israelis
did -- the infamous Oslo Accords.
This section has three snapshots on the road to accepting Islam at
its own assessment: from Warner's article where access to some actual
and honest facts will dispel the fog onto an intermediate stage where,
as Nirenstein writes, people behave as ostriches. The implications of
facts are ignored or taken as amusing trivia -- like the fact that
Muhammad is now the most popular name for a boy in many European
countries. It's much less disturbing than examining what is happening
to them. Melanie Phillips describes the terminal stage, where people
in all walks of life have become resistant to reality because they are
bonded to the Arab narrative, which portrays the Palestinian Arabs as
the victims of the people they murder. And all events are interpreted
through a rigid filter that justifies anything the Arabs do because
the Jews are demons and their hold on the land of Israel is
Bill Warner cautions us against believing the expert who has been
corrupted -- and the Saudis are spending billions to make just such
friends. "Such apologists tend to quote a Muslim friend or
establishment expert and attack those who criticize Islam." Not
useful. Warner suggests going to the sources: to the Koran and Hadith,
themselves. Use an translation that doesn't airbrush the original.
Somewhere in the middle of the road between the ability to handle the
claims of Islam as we do any other investigation to the end of the
road, when people are afflicted with a condition where normal
investigation is not possible because it is filtered out by the
adopted ideology of Islam. there is a middle area when reality is
denied or minimized. The facts are there. Their implications are
ignored. We minimize the significance of Iran's push for nuclear arms;
we obscure the significance of Mohammed being the most popular name
for a boy in many countries in Europe. We keep waiting for Syria to do
the sensible thing and leave Iran; meantime Syria extends its role as
happy little gofer for Iran. Reality is too frightening to deal with.
But it can be done; but we need to .look for "new ways to peace, as
the old ways are blocked. "
Melanie Phillips writes that when it comes to public diplomacy --
hasbara -- "Israel and its defenders have been outclassed and
outmanoeuvred in a war of the mind being waged on a battleground it
never even acknowledged it was on." By now, the belief that the
Palestinians have a just cause --- they are the natives and Israel is
illegally occupying their land -- is accepted on all the social,
political, religious and economic levels of British society. Islam has been
successful in trivializing Israel's concerns and, at the same time,
adopting as their own, any parts of the Jewish experience that can be
twisted into helping their case; e.g., the Jews didn't suffer a
Holocaust, but they are causing one in Gaza. "... history is turned on
its head; logic is suspended; and an entirely false narrative of the
conflict is now widely accepted as unchallengeable fact, from which
fundamental error has been spun a global web of potentially
catastrophic false conclusions." As Phillips puts it, "we are dealing
with a pathology to which we nevertheless respond as if it were
rational behaviour." Israel continues to appease, when she needs
strategies against the various types of Israel bashers and haters --
and the courage to use them.
This section discusses influential bodies that labor hard on behalf
of the Arabs. It's long been known Archbishop Tutu is a rabid and
vocal anti-Semite, reinforcing the Arab hostility to Israel and to
Jews in general. Judging by its behavior, the permanent staff at the
State Department is also strongly pro-Arab -- catering to Saudi Arabia
and ignoring its support of jihad. This opinion has been bolstered by
papers recently declassified. Given that Muslim immigration to Europe
threatens to overwhelm the native populations, it is surprising that
the European Union (EU) does not see Israel as a strong ally in
attempting to keep the Muslims at bay. Instead, the EU is one of the
strongest supporters of the Arabs' war on Israel. They provide the
Palestinian Arabs with large amounts of money and construct towns for
them; they run interference for them in the U.N. and echo their
propaganda themes; and they lobby for them in Washington. They
criticize every way Israel has sought to counter terrorism, no matter
how finely targeted and limited to known terrorists. The EU has become
a collegium of Judge Goldstones, whose opinions don't merit respect.
Israel holds an singular place in Archibishop Tutu's thinking: it sins
against the Palestinian arab as once it sinned by helping apartheid in
South Africa. In his mind, though not in reality, it was the
country that helped the white minority oppress the black majority.
Given his drive to boycott Israel, Edward Alexander's essay on Tutu's
spiteful rants about Israel is worth pondering. It is clear Tutu is as
intent on destroying Israel's economy as he is in showing his hatred
of Jews. It is a fact that Israel doesn't practice apartheid but
there definitely is a real problem -- the Arabs are trying hard to
destroy the Jewish state. I suspect the Archbishop knows the facts but
in his Marxist view they don't signify.
We've become accustomed to hearing that the mighty USA is at the mercy
of the Israel Lobby, but a more realistic assessment is that it is the
Arab Lobby that influences governmental policy. It predates the Israel
Lobby. It's not grass roots; its members are people of position and
clout; they include oil company executives, career diplomats at the
State Department, Christian missionaries and educators who from the
beginning wanted to "build ties with the Arab world and, following
the discovery of oil in the region, to secure access to that
resource." [italics added] Their sympathies are a carryover from
the days when Britain controlled "Palestine" and aided and abetted the
Arabs while disarming the Jews. It will likely continue to be pro-Arab
when the power of Arab oil wanes. Mitchell Bard points out that no
matter what the views of the elected administration, the United States
State Department has traditionally been in tune with the views of the
Arabs, particular with the wishes of Saudi Arabia, which has a strong
antipathy to a Jewish state in the Middle East. The U.S.A. may have a
ideological commitment to promote democracy, but in practice, the
State Department runs interference for the Saudis, and this is not
necessarily in the best interests of the USA. Saudi Arabia, in
addition to its dismal record on human rights is "one of the principal
sponsors of jihadists." And the jihadists see the USA as their enemy
-- and act on that perception.
Eli E. Hertz demolishes the fancy that the European Union (EU) has
taken the high road in the Middle East conflict. As he puts it,
"Europe's claim that it can be an even-handed mediator does not hold
water. Besides a poor record in solving problems as colonial powers,
member states of the EU would make poor facilitators in the Middle
East for several reasons, including their dependence on Arab trade and
Arab oil." They also seem to believe that by sacrificing Israel, they
will save Europe from Arab terrorism and the Arab demographic takeover
of Europe. Their strategy is about as likely to work as Chamberlain's
sellout of Czechoslovakia saved Europe from Hitler and World War 2.
For many of us, what started as amusing stories of how piggy banks
were banned in an English town because Muslims don't eat pork or how
Muslim taxi drivers have refused to transport passengers carrying
liquor have become less and less amusing. Demanding that woman wear
burqas when their pictures are taken for a driver's license was not
funny. Muslims have progressed from getting time off every couple of
hours for prayers to where they take over streets in major cities for
prayers. In small matters and in large matters, there seems to be no
stopping point, no time when they are content with the concessions
won. And never any sense of shame -- can you image a Jew or a Hindu
insisting on building a house of worship at the site demolished by
their fellow religionists? They don't seem to get along even with each
other. This set of essays ask whether the Islamic drive for supremacy
is compatible with Western democracy.
In the previous two chapters, R.K. Ohri examined the socio-economic
and cultural consequences of the rapid increase in the size of the
Muslim community in host countries around the world. The immigrant
Muslims invariably rapidly outbreed the natives and invariably demand
changes that suit themselves, even if it damages or marginalizes the
native population. In Chapter 8, he discourses on the unfortunate fact
that unlike other religions, Islam has -- and wants -- no mechanisms
to encourage better ways to govern and restructure society or to
develop human rights for previously-deprived social groups. The only
acceptable laws and social mores are those conforming to the Koran and
Sharia, which are themselves considered immutable. Every aspect of a
woman's life is controlled by the Koranic view that the male should
dominate society and his household. Madrassas teach hatred of
non-Muslims and encourages their students to wage war to promote the
supremacy of Islam. Islam's goal is "converting every Muslim country
into a rigid 'Sharia-based Islamic state'" and converting every
non-Muslim country to Islam. And thanks to their oil-wealth, countries
like Saudi Arabia have the resources as well as the commitment to
carry out these aims.
Recently, a suicide bomber, an Iraqi-born Muslim, struck at a shopping
mall in downtown Stockholm. Fjordman points out that this contradicts
all the reasons we've been given to explain what motivates these
murderous acts. Sweden can hardly be accused of favoring Israel. And
at home, Sweden favors the Muslim immigrant above its native stock.
The best the bomber could come up with was that Sweden, as part of
NATO, was in Afghanistan and that some cartoonist had mocked Muhammad
-- hardly an explosive matter to a non-Muslim.. Fjordman concludes
that Islamists may blame their violence on any handy excuse, but their
real intent is to replace democracy with their totalitarian ideology,
which preaches Islam uber alles. and believes the personal
habits of a crude, ignorant, vicious, egotistical pedophile are the
best guide to how we should conduct ourselves. Once we arrive at this
summation: "As long as they remain in our countries, they will work to
subvert and destroy us. It is quite literally a religious duty for
them to do so," the solution becomes obvious.
Muslim have made it an art form attributing their grotesque ways to
those they persecute. As Raymond Ibrahim writes, they project their
evil behavior on the Christian Copts of Egypt. He provides us with
instructive examples. They are at their vituperative best claiming
Israel is occupying Palestinians land, when, truth be known, it
occupies land legally and morally and historically belonging to Israel.
Inverting the truth, Muslims accuse minority groups in the Middle
East of practicing what is well-known as basic Radical Islam.
The title of this article is not hyperbole. As Daniel Greenfield
points out it was the marriage of the child Aishe to Mohammed that
gave him his first real power base. "In Islam, [child abuse] is an
organic part of the religion itself." Given that Mohammed and his
activities and behavior are considered the perfect model to be
imitated, there doesn't seem to be any way to conform to Islam but
disallow child marriage. Similarly, the suicide bombers and snipers
who shoot children held in the arms of their parents are in conformity
to Mohammed's instructions to his followers. As Greenfield puts it,
"Mohammed had a vastly inflated ego completely out of proportion to
his actual abilities. And like them, he knew that cunning and
ruthlessness would take him further, than righteousness and hard work
ever would. He saw his opponents as weak because they were unwilling
to do what he did. And that made them easy prey." Our current
unwillingness to fight back effectively continues to make the West easy
When Persia, now known as Iran, was conquered by Muhammed's Arab
hoard, many of these Arabs and some already in Persia settled in large
part in the Iranian province of Khuzistan. Despite the fact that these
Ahwazi Arabs are Arabs and certainly Muslim, they suffer the
indignities and massacres inflicted on other Middle Eastern minorities
such as the Copts. As Steven Simpson points out, the suffering of
these minorities is ignored, while the world squanders its sympathy
and good deeds on the "Palestinian" Arabs, who, compared to the poor
of the Arab world, live well. The Arabs In Israel and the
Territories are not subjected to massacres and terror; in point of
fact, it is these Arabs that do the massacring and terrorizing. Why
does the world scream when a Palestinian Arab is stopped at a
checkpoint, but says nothing when an Ahwazi Arab or a Christian Copt
has his throat slit?
It can be said in two words: get real. Stop pretending we can sweet
talk into normal, peaceful behavior a bunch of people taught by their
holy books and their holy men and scholars that they are destined to
reign over the planet; and they must never stop working towards that
goal. To change the odds, we first need to change ourselves. We need
education, knowledge, new attitudes and firmness of purpose. And we
need to figure out how to give up the intruders, not our land. Doesn't
seem too much to do when the alternative is oblivion at the hands of a
determined group of death cultists aided by Western friends with other
reasons for eliminating the Jew.
This essay -- a chapter from Shmuel Katz' Battleground: Fact and
Fantasy in Palestine -- makes the point that the Jews didn't
create a homeland in recent times. Israel has been their homeland for
thousands of years. They needed to regain it and redeem it. And that
too took thousands of years, though during that time, no matter how
hard the local conditions and how oppressive the rulers, there were
always some Jews living in the Jewish homeland. By the mid-1800s while
still under Ottoman rule, the entire region that was to become
Mandated Palestine after World War 1 was Darfur-poor, economically a
derelict and practically empty of people. The total population -- Jews
and non-Jews -- is reasonably estimated at 100,000 people. The millions
of Arabs currently in Israel and the territories are mostly 20th
century immigrants and their descendents. Katz makes it clear that the
"historic ownership [of Palestine] by the Arab people or by a
'Palestinian entity' is a fiction fabricated in our own day." It is
about time the Arab propaganda that claims the Palestinians/Arabs are
the natives and/or a "Palestinian/Arab nation" who have been dispossessed by the invasion of the Jews is
recognized to be the fantasy that it is.
Charles Jacobs examines the Jewish reaction to an accusation. Perhaps
it's the thousands of years of conditioning in the diaspora where the
follow-up to being accused of something, rightly or wrongly, was
almost always death or torture, expulsion or heavy taxation. It didn't
matter how absurd the accusation. Jews who routinely soaked and salted
meat to rid it of blood before they ate it were accused of killing
Christian children to use their blood in matzo. And they were killed
for it. Whatever the reason, it seems the more outrageous and libelous
the accusation, the greater the Jewish need to explain, to justify, to
become acutely defensive. As Jacobs reminds us, "Jabotinsky had it
perfectly right. 'Every accusation causes among us such a commotion
that people unwittingly think, 'why are they so afraid of everything?
Apparently their conscience is not clear.'" I think Jacobs is on to
something significant. What but our acute concern for being targeted
by an accusation -- in this case dual loyalty -- has made most of us
timid about insisting Jonathan Pollard is long overdue for release
from an abnormally long jailing? Against all precedent, why do our
enemies feel they could keep Pollard jailed for an eternity? Why do we
always go on the defensive, not the offensive? Why don't we firmly
point out that the Land of Israel is ours. Period. Why, instead, do
our spokesmen pretend we can't wait for a bunch of murderers to set up
house in Biblical Israel. Why don't we understand, as Melanie Phillips
has put it, "the animus against Israel can only be understood if it is
set in a far wider context. It is part of a wholesale denigration of
and onslaught upon the West and its values by the media, progressive
intelligentsia and political class." Why do we let a bunch of Marxists
and Muslims with hate in their hearts deter us from defending our turf
and the culture we share with the West? Why oh why don't we answer the
Thomas Friedman-style fools with sarcasm as Prowisor does
here. or with some great satire as Caroline Glick does
here? Why, when UNESCO decides that the tomb of our ancestor
Rachel, wife of Abraham, is really a Arab mosque, why doesn't we send
UNESCO a bunch of bananas as we'd do for any ape, instead of
attempting to reason with the knowingly unreasonable?
Dr Alan Soloway uses the controversery surrounding the Ground Zero
mosque to provide insight into what's wrong with a 2-state solution
that would carve a Palestinian state out of Biblical Israel. The
Mosque must be build only at Ground Zero so that it will
serve as a sign that the bombing of the World Trade Center was an
important step on the road to Islam Triumphant. The same "Jihadist
religious political mindset ... will not allow Israel to exist and is
resolved to restore Arab Muslim influence, prestige, control and power
to their glory of ages past." Dr. Soloway argues from history,
international law and "Arab Muslim political theology" that a 2-state
solution is not the way to peace but to the destruction of Israel, the
destabilization of the Middle East and a weakening of the power of the
USA to protect itself from Islamic Jihad.
Jewish settlements in Samaria and Judea (aka the West Bank) are
legal by international law. How could they not be, when that entire
area is Jewish by an irrevocable trust created by the same International
Authority that created many of the Arab states? Yet, as David Isaac writes, a
great deal of the anti-Israel propaganda by the European Union and the
American administration inter alia has been focused on claiming
that Jewish settlers are fanatics, their settlements illegal. On
the other hand, Arab settlements, built on private land not their own
-- or even on public land -- are never considered illegal. What's going on
is that propagandists want to turn over the land to the Palestinian
Arabs, without the problem of having to expel a lot of Jews.
And why would the Jews have to leave, when, after all, Arabs
are 20% of Israel's population? Well, except for the remnants of
ancient Jewish communities, Jews aren't allowed to live in Arab
countries. But that's another story.
Hard statistics are hard to come by. But In 1948, what would become
the new State of Israel (and not including Gaza, Judea and Samaria)
had somewhat less or much less (depending on the estimate) than
690,000 to 736,000 permanent Arab residents. (See MidEastWeb.) After the
Arab invasion of the new-born State of Israel in May 1948, subtracting
the couple of hundred thousand Arabs that remained, and ignoring the
artificial inflation due to double ration cards, not reporting the
dead, registration of Arabs who'd never been in Israel, and poor Arabs
in the Arab host countries -- there were at the very most --
595,000 refugees, well below the number of Jews who were forced to
flee the Arab lands. In August 1948, the U.N. estimated the number of
Arab refugees needing help at 330,000. The U.N. now supports around 5
million people, the original refugees and their putative descendants.
Jonathan D. Halevi points out the Arabs have locked themselves into a
refusal to accept anything but an uncompromised right of return. The
creation of a Palestinian state is envisioned as a way station in
which to collect Palestinians -- including the refugees
residing in the different Arab states -- and get them ready to go back
to their old homes in Israel. For those that understand that letting
in some or all of this hostile population is a way to destroy Israel
-- and think this is a good thing -- give this a thought: After World
War Two there were millions and millions of refugees [see above
Yemini, "Addendum."] and most of them were resettled in new
places. What if these refugees and their children and their
grandchildren and their great grandchildren began retroactively to
demand the right of return?
Michael Bernstam describes Gaza, with its eight UNRWA refugee camps as
"a totalitarian paramilitary camp at war with its neighbors and other
Palestinians." Typically, refugees are helped over an immediate
crises and encouraged to resettle somewhere or other in a timely fashion.
In contrast, UNRWA, the agency established in 1949 exclusively for
the Arab refugees, has continued to provide generous handouts,
medical care, education and social services to the children and
grandchildren and great grandchildren of the original refugees.
UNRWA, with its complete welfare program for an ever-expanding
clientele living in 59 refugee camps scattered over several Arab
countries and in the Territories, has thwarted economic development,
destroyed opportunities for peace in the Middle East, and created,
along the way both metaphorically and literally a
breeding ground for international terrorism." Keeping these
professional refugees on the dole has prevented them from developing
a nation-state. It follows that the best way to improve their lot
would be to abolish UNRWA.
Rachel, our Matriarch, died on the 11th of Heshvan 3,564 years ago and
to commemorate her yahrzeit, Jews travel to her grave every
year. Nadav Shragai recounts the history of the Kever. Over the
centuries. Muslims recognized the tomb was Jewish -- which didn't
prevent them from extorting money to allow Jews to visit the tomb and
robbing the visitors. Jordan prevented Jewish access during the 19
years it was in control of eastern Jerusalem, Samaria and Judea. But
it wasn't until 1996 that the Arabs began to claim the site wasn't
Jewish but was a mosque named after a Muslim, Bilal ibn Rabah, who is
buried in Damascus. And now they have the jokers at UNESCO agreeing
with them.
A TALE OF TWO GALLOWAYS: Notes on the Early History of UNRWA and Zionist Historiography
Structured as a biohistory of the career of a British military colonel
during WW2, this essay by Alexander H. Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky is an
insightful examination of the early days of UNRWA. This was well
before the time that the local arabs who fled Israel when the Arab
states invaded were transmogrified into the "Palestinian" people. The
authors document the politics and interactions between UNRWA and its
wards, during the time the Arab countries openly rejected the care and
feeding of the refugees and before the Muslim gained sufficient power
to corrupt the mission of the U.N., while creating such monstrosities
as the UN Civil Rights Council. The article is particularly pertinent
in that Galloway's remarks that UNRWA wasn't helping the Arab refugees
was reiterated recently by Andrew Whitely, Director of the UNRWA New
York office. He too suffered from an angry bureaucracy.
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November 2010 BLOG-EDS
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It would be suicidal for Israel to allow a Palestinian state to be
carved out of Biblical Israel, particularly one that would control a
major component of her water supply and is capable of shooting
missiles everywhere in Israel. But there remains the festering problem
of a growing Palestinian refugee population living on cradle-to-coffin
debilitating welfare, taught to hate Israel and the West and used as
pawns to make claim to Jewish land. The Editors of Think-Israel
propose that the Palestinian Arabs -- those from the refugee camps and
those residing in the Territories -- be helped to establish a viable
state within the land given to the Arabs by the League of Nations when
the Ottoman Empire was dissolved. The state would be physically
well-separted from Arab population centers and legally independent of
the Arab country that previously owned the land. Within their state,
the Palestinian Arabs would have complete control of their politics,
education, culture and living style. Given recent political
developments in the Middle East where Israel's military and
technological strength is a major asset, the strengthening of Israel's
appreciation of its own religious roots and a growing disbelief in the
reliability of supposedly impartial external organizations, this is a
propitious time to create such a state.
Richard Shulman's plan for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict takes
into consideration Israeli Arabs as well as the Arabs living in the
Territories. The plan lays down a sequence of feasible steps that are
primarily Israel's responsibility: beginning with changing Israel's
attitude and policy of doing anything and everything for a peace that
can't come about under prevailing conditions. Israelis need to start
thinking with their heads and start basing their actions on their own
interests and their actual experience with the Arabs, not on the
wishful thinking or the frank anti-Zionism of ignorant foreign
diplomats, politicians and media. Some changes are obvious: favoring
the Arabs no matter what the merits of their case in police actions
and in the judiciary needs to stop; Arab sedition in Israel and in the
Territories is no longer to be tolerated; the Oslo Accords are to be
nullified and Jewish areas in the Territories are to be annexed. It is
much less clear whether eventually expulsion will be required.
Discussions before hand should consider that it would violate Israel's
concept of civil rights as well as creating much opposition. On the
other hand, "[e]xperience shows that a large Muslim minority is not
compatible with majority survival."
(See e.g.
here and
It does not help resolve the conflict for the U.S.A. to pressure
Israel to make peace while ignoring islam's goal of destroying Israel.
In fact, America herself needs to make changes in how she reacts
internally to Muslim demands and infiltration. She needs to recognize
that the fight against global Islamic jihad must be fought globally.
For political reasons, UNRWA has provided the Arab refugees of 1948
and their descendants with life-time welfare when the goal -- as it is
for all other refugees -- should have been (re)settling them
permanently as soon as possible. To rehabilitate the Arab refugees,
Martin Sherman advocates (1) eliminating UNRWA and (2) removing the
anti-refugee discrimination in citizenship, employment and housing
practiced by the Arab states that currently host the refugee camps.
For those Palestinian Arabs living in the Israeli Territories --
Samaria and Judea (the West Bank) and Gaza -- he recommends that
Israel and such international donors that wish to participate give
them generous financial help to relocate to Muslim countries as
individuals, not under the control of their leaders. A 2004 poll
indicated over 70% would take such a deal. It would also financially
benefit the countries that accept them. It would be cheaper than the
enormous military costs to Israel to defend itself from a neighboring
Palestinian state and for the international community to relocate a
large "refugee" population to this Palestinian state.
Yoel Meltzer writes that most Israeli Jews understand that allowing
"another Arab State west of the Jordan river is nothing short of
national suicide." Transferring the Arabs would eliminate the effort
expended in trying to cope with the security issues and the
demographics of the current situation. But if that's not possible,
Meltzer urges Israel at least "to take the bold and long-overdue step
of formally annexing Judea and Samaria," thus acknowledging that "the
land of Israel is a gift given by God to the Jewish people."
Annexation will present Israel with a host of problems. Such problems
are difficult but solvable. Allowing an Arab state to intrude into
Israel is certain death.
This is a reprint of Lewis Lipkin's 2002 article. The introduction
read: "Population exchange is not a new idea. Sometimes a complete
separation is the only way that two groups unable to live together can
get on with their lives. It might be time to complete the separation
of the Jews and the Arabs. The Jews were evacuated from Arab countries
when Israel was born. Maybe it's time to do the second half of the
transfer: move the Palestinian Arabs to Arab countries"
We are reprinting the article from the July-August 2005 Issue.
The introduction read:
"In this essay, Howard Grief brilliantly fulfills his objective 'to set
down in a brief, yet clear and precise manner the legal rights and
title of sovereignty of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and
Palestine under international law.' This paper should be part of your
armamentarium for the next time you are told that Resolution XXX of
the U.N. guarantees the rights of the Palestinian Arabs to YYY."
You can read more about Israel's right to all of Jerusalem and
Biblical Israel (AKA West Bank) by reading Howard Grief's articles
such as
this one. For other essays on international law that state that
biblical Israel is a trust in perpetuity for the Jewish people and can
not be given away, read Part I of
Yoram Shifftan's "A Legal Challenge." and his essay on
Gifting. Read Wallace Brand on Israeli Sovereignty over
Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria here.
Use the Google box at the top of this page to search on keywords such as
Howard Grief, Yoram Shifftan, Ted Belman, legal, mandate and population
Joshua Teitelbaum describes the San Remo Conference of 1920 and its
importance in the legal infrastructure underlying the eventual
international confirmation of the modern state of Israel as a Jewish
state, as a state for the Jewish people. In assigning the area -- some
1% of the Middle East -- that had been part of the Syrian province for
some 400 years during the Ottoman rule to the Jews, the participants
of the Conference recognized the unbreakable bond between the Jewish
people and its ancient roots in the land of Israel. Ironically,
considering the present-day ill-considered slandering of Israel by
calling it a colonial power, "Jewish self-determination was part of a
process that ended up decolonizing the Middle East in an effort
that led to Arab as well as Jewish independence.' [emphasis added]
Michael Zebulon provides us with a lively exposition of a serious
topic: the legality of the Jewish settlements in Samaria and Judea. It
is written in the form of a rebuttal to Pres. Obama who has questioned
their legitimacy. Zebulon delves deeply into the concept of
legitimacy and why the term is not twin to legality This
essay provides a well-rounded description of the commitment in
international law to the all-member ruling by the League of Nation
that what was called Mandated Palestine is in an irrevocable trust for
the Jewish people for all time. The trust was given over with no
changes or exceptions to the U.N. Read this. It will sharpen your
understanding of why settlements are legal. And legitimate.
The emphasis on stopping Israel from building in Samaria and Judea --
while igoring the large amount of illegal building by the Palestinian
arabs -- is motivated by the desire to make Biblical Israel so
strongly arab, there will be no problem giving it over to the Arabs.
This assumes ahead of time that Israel has no claim to the land.
Israel has a strong, indeed indisputable, claim, but this apparently
weighs nothing against the current politics dominating the E.U., the
U.N., the U.S. Administration -- and the Israeli administration. That
the Israeli government has allowed a moratorium on Jewish building is
indicative of a general and frightening development. As Caroline Glick
tells us, the Jews of Israel are losing their civil rights, not just
in Samaria and Judea, but in the Negev, the Galilee, the Golan Heights
and Jerusalem -- in any place in Israel that the Arabs assert a flimsy
claim. The passive, non-punitive attitude to Arab marauders and
arsonists by Israeli politicians, police and courts doesn't encourage
the Arabs to adopt a peaceful attitude. It encourages them -- and this
includes the Israeli Arabs -- to continue destroying Jewish property,
crops, livestock and lives.
As if the dreadful consequences of the Oslo Accords weren't enough,
David Isaac makes us aware of a little-known fact: that the
instigators gave no thought to final outcomes or where such a
momentous step would lead. It would seem that little has changed;
worrying about ultimates isn't Israel's leadership's forte. Israel
prefers to tread water, while its enemy grows stronger. Meantimes, the
Arabs are selling the idea of the peace-less creation of a Palestinian
arab state, with Jewish stooges such as Yossi Beilin assuring
"Israelis that the Arabs, despite all evidence to the contrary, really
want peace." David Isaac's website is called ShmuelKatz.com because,
in each essay, he seamlessly stitches together a current concern with a
telling analysis by the prescient Shmuel Katz, who lived through much
of the early history of Modern Israel.
Put together an Israeli Prime Minister who sings about his "commitment
to implement a policy that he has [rightly] repeatedly repudiated and
ridiculed," a grumpy Palestinian Arab Prime Minister whose term of
office has expired but who continues to reject the
internationally-authorized Jewish state, a chorus of Hamas terrorists
doing their war thing, and an inexperienced, floundering American
president who proclaims that things couldn't be sweller and who
desperately needs something that can be portrayed as a successful
achievement; and you have, as Martin Sherman calls it, theater of the
absurd. To add to the humor noire, Abbas, the man with no
authority or power, has been stage center, dictating the future
characteristics of both the unborn Palestinian state and the
flourishing Jewish state, neither one of which does he control. I
can't wait for the world's critics to pontificate that it's a
wonderful play, but the Israeli ruined it.
Victor Sharpe devotes this essay to pointing out that Israel is both
the ancient and the modern owner of Israel. It is time to assert
herself instead of helping her enemies. He points out that labels
count. Their clever choice of terms accounts for some of the success
the Arabs and their friends have had swaying the opinion of the world
that -- despite, what the Bible, history, geography, morality and
international law say -- they have title to Jewish land. The Jewish
settlers are cast as the evil embodiment of the rapacious Jews,
who have taken so much of the land, leaving the poor victimized Arabs
only 99.99% of the Middle East. We Include the text of an article by
Stan Goodenough, that reinforces the take-home message: stop using
labels that distort reality in favor of Arab claims.
Moshe Dann describes why the Palestinians -- a very recent people --
were invented. From the beginning, the Arab refugee was useful in
putting a sympathy-grabbing face on the Arab grab of Jewish land and
their intent to destroy the Jewish state. It was later realized that
the refugees could do more. Arafat decreed the "Palestinian People"
into instant existence in 1964. And it was in the refugee camps that
the concept of Palestinian nationalism was developed. Thanks to the
cooperation of the U.N. and much of the western media, the lack of a
factual history and geography has not been a hindrance as the
Palestinians evolved a "narrative" and inculcated their
children that Jerusalem was theirs and the Jews were occupying
their land. Now they have not only a cause but a
political-military identity that Israel and the Arab countries have
to deal with.
Professor Efraim Karsh points out that the majority of the
Palestinian arabs are indifferent to the "Peace Process" and the
majority of the Arabs are indifferent to the welfare of the
"Palestinians". This runs counter to the assertion of Arab
propagandists that Palestinian Arabs, all other Arabs and Muslims in
general are passionately concerned about the "Israeli-Palestinian
stalemate [so it] feeds regional anger and despair." Resolving the
Arab-Israeli conflict, they claim, is the key to peace and stability
in the Middle East, perhaps even for the entire planet. In this essay,
Karsh again counters fantasy with fact. He provides us with an
excellent summary of the modern history of internecine conflict in
Middle East, pointing out that the rejection of Israel by the
Arabs/Muslims has not been out of concern for the Palestinian arabs.
With all their enthusiasm for promoting a peace accord by negotiations
based on fair play and fairmindedness, few of the West's politicians
have asked themselves whether their simplistic notions are helpful,
given the mindset of the Arabs and other Muslims. A honor and shame
culture understands murdering a virgin who is raped; it doesn't
understand the Western notion of giving up land and power to gain
consensus agreement. Concessions we see as contributing to the cause
for peace, they view as a sign of weakness. This insightful essay by
Mark Silverberg makes clear that attempting to deal with the Muslim on
the basis of Judeo-Christian tenets won't work. We need to understand
they have a very different way of interpreting what we do. How do we
make them understand us? He suggests borrowing a working idea from our
history: it is only by inflicting complete defeat on them will we get
them to listen. Then we can introduce them to ideas of fairmindedness,
equality for woman and the nice idea of dialogue.
A notion promoted by many is that Islam is peaceful and there's a few
extremists disconnected from their religion that cause all the
trouble. At its most simplistic: 911 was caused by just a handful of
bad Muslims -- as if it didn't take long-range planning, a huge
organization and lots of money to make it happen. That Muslims are not
trusted has somehow become our fault. They aren't the
intolerant racists. We are. Even respected members of the media peddle
this view. In this essay Andrew C. McCarthy rebuts this distortion
with some hard facts and analyses. That Islam is indeed totalitarian
and is the basis of Muslim violence is confirmed by none other than
the grand daddy of Islamic mischief -- the Muslim Brotherhood.
This is a tremendously signficant essay by Fjordman, driving home the
message that moderate Muslims and immoderate Muslims are not members
of two different species. They are more likely the different faces
that Muslims don under different conditions. We see the immoderate
face when they feel triumphant or at least on the ascendent; they act
more temperate when times are against them. Some moderate Muslims may
genuinely be decent, civilized and tolerant human beings, but to date
there is no moderate Islam. Until the moderate Muslim lobbies his
clerics to abrogate the commands to be violent in the Koran and
ancillary sacred books, his impact on the thrust of Islam will be nil.
We don't often have impressionistic articles -- first-hand subjective
essays, carved out painstakingly and over time from personal
experiences -- rather than conclusions gained from broad knowledge,
quite often, from an examination of the primary sources of others.
Steven Goldberg's essay is very much his own thinking, constructed
from many personal experiences while working in Arab countries. He
emphasizes the lack of symmetry: "Israel may desire peace, Palestine
does not." He discusses the influence of Russia and China and the
treachery of the Palestinian arabs in Kuwait during the Gulf War. His
retort to Islamophobia -- which in practice refers even to the
most minimal and/or the most documented complaint against islam -- is:
"If Islam could stand on its own merit, it would not need
extraordinary protection in order to survive." He has come to see
Islam as the furthest thing from a religion of peace. What is most
depressing in his analysis is: "The silent majority while they may
disagree, because of their lack of objection, basically rubber stamp
Islam's bad behavior. "
As the Free Republic website recalls for us: October 12, 2010 marks
the 10th anniversary of the butchering in Ramallah of two Israeli
reservists who drove by mistake into Ramallah. Just as 9/11
which occurred just 11 months later shocked Americans out of
their complacency and ignorance of what global jihad means, the
lynching shocked Israelis into a recognition that they were dealing
with a folk that had irreconciliable differences. Unfortunately, for
too many Israelis, the message didn't sink in. Had it been seen as
emblematic of the nature of the enemy, the Gaza expulsion might not
have happened; the progressive appeasement policy by Israeli
politicians might not have happened; and the minimalist response to
terror that strengthened the confidence of Israel's enemies might not
have happened. We recall this particular massacre, precisely because
it is emblematic of the nature of those who confront Israel by
In a forthright and knowledgeable article from someone who has seen
Islam as an insider and finally objectively, Amil Imani tells us
precisely what Islam is: "Islam is a comprehensive totalitarian form
of slavery. It is the opposite of freedom. Its very name, Islam means
submission or surrender. True to its name, Islam strives for nothing
short of enslavement of the body of humanity as well as the bondage of
its mind. This non-negotiable surrender to Islam requires the
individual, as well as the society, to disenfranchise themselves of
many of the fundamental and deeply cherished human rights." Read this
whenever the sirens of today -- politicians and media -- sing that
"Islam is a religion of peace."
Raymond Ibrahim points out that in the interest of peace perhaps we
could accept that a culture may do what it will to its own people as
long as it doesn't inflict its ideas on other cultures. The problem
with this solution is that Islam, stripped of its many grievances that
create so much of the friction between Islam and the West,
nevertheless has a core issue that does not allow it to live in
harmony with a non-Muslim culture. As Osama bin Laden put it, with
reference to jihad: "Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the
power of the sword to submit to its authority corporeally if not
spiritually? Yes. There are only three choices in Islam ... . Either
submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die." Definitely a
deal breaker.
The Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded in Egypt in 1928 is noted
for long-term planning to inflict Sharia law globally. Using reliable
sources, Moshe Dann has written an excellent summary of the
machinations of the Muslim Brotherhood, particularly in the U.S.A. We
stress reliable because there is currently an active campaign
to paint the MB as a benign group of Muslims, just practicing their
religion. Come to think of it, that just might be the case: the MB is
carrying out the mission Muhammed imposed on his followers.
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has been in business for some 90 years,
carefully developing various infrastructures for infiltrating
different countries with one goal: to spread sharia law around the
globe to make Islam dominant everywhere. As Steve Emerson points out,
it collaborated with Nazi German; it gave rise to Hamas; and it calls
for the destruction of Israel, America's ally. Given the information
available on its tactics and ambitions, isn't it more than peculiar
that the current administration in Washington has extended its
outreach-to-the-Muslims to MB affiliates, lending legitimacy to
organizations actively hostile to the U.S.A. Worse yet, our
intelligence agencies such as the FBI haven't sounded the alarm but
hide behind the "it's above my pay grade" excuse. Aren't they supposed
to root out organizations that plot to subvert our country?
Barry Rubin does not exaggerate the importance of a recent sermon by
the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide, Muhammad Badi', in which he
endorses an anti-American and anti-Zionist Jihad. As Rubin notes,
this is a signal to the Muslim Brotherhood's hundreds of thousands of
followers that "the Muslim Brotherhood is ready to move from the era
of propaganda and base-building to one of revolutionary action."
Badi' chides the Muslim and Arab regimes "for disregarding Allah's
commandment to wage jihad." Because "America does not champion moral
and human values," it "cannot lead humanity, and its wealth will not
avail it once Allah has had His say." With Mohammad serving as role
model and the Koran as guide book, Badi is certain "Islam is capable
of confronting oppression and tyranny, and that the outcome of the
confrontation has been predetermined by Allah." The outcome may not
be predetermined but it does sound as if we can expect much bloody
action in the near future from troops directed by the Muslim
Brotherhood, an organization with excellent credentials in planning,
organizing and implementing projects that further the imposition of
sharia law everywhere.
Proponents of building the Ground Zero mosque tend to emphasize the
importance of the Second Amendment right of religious freedom. But
religious practices are but one aspect of Sharia law, which dictates
all aspects of a Muslim's life: his religion, his politics, his
friendships, his life style, his treatment of women. And, as William
Kilpatrick points out, "U.S.A. law already prohibits the free exercise
of Islam" -- in that much of Sharia law is in violation of USA law,
which doesn't allow polygamy, child marriage, wife beating, killing
people because they are homosexuals, amputating hands and other cruel
punishments, killing people for leaving their birth religion, or
favoring one group above all others. If, however, stealth jihad by
groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood is able to persuade businesses
and the educational institutions and the media and the law to make
exceptions to allow Sharia practices and/or not to enforce USA law,
Muslims could then freely observe their religion. But the rest of us
would soon not be able to practice ours.
Louis Beres ranks Iranian nuclearization and the creation of a
Palestinian state as top "critical hazards on Israel's strategic
horizon." Israel has begun using the modeling methodology known as
"Correlation of forces" (COF) in non-traditional ways. But given the
complexity of the forces it must consider, Israel will need "much
higher levels of grand strategy," even sacrificing on occasion
precision for intuitive understanding of critical measures hard to
quantify; e.g., "the enemy's consuming dedication to certain presumed
religious expectations, his utterly uncompromising strength of will."
Israel's enemies may be psychologically stuck in the Seventh Century
but it wll take a high order of planning to develop effective
strategic solutions for dealing with them. As example, Israel will
need both to settle on the image(s) it wishes to project and to
develop methods for distinguishing "between authentic
enemy irrationality, and pretended enemy irrationality." Beres details
some features of a more holistic COF.
We've become all too familiar with asymmetrical warfare where a
conventional army is stymied by innocent "children" innocently
slinging stones and the concomitant outcry of the media. Jon Perdue
writes about other tactics used to trip a superior force, harassing
them and blocking them from their supplies but avoiding direct
confrontation. The trick is to maintain the annoyance at a level that
weakens and distracts the enemy without arousing him to military
reaction. Perdue calls this technique Preclusionary Engagement.
Working through its proxies -- Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad et
al -- Iran has skillfully used "hit and run" tactics in Iraq,
Egypt, Afghanistan and Venezuela. Perdue includes advice on how to
subvert the subversives.
This graceful essay by Trevor Norwitz is a brilliant description of
Lawfare as practiced by the Human Rights Council of the United
Nations, which recently determined to its own satisfaction that
Israel's blockade of Gaza was inflicting disproportionate harm to the
Gazan civilians. Hence it was illegal for Israel to stop the Gaza
Flotilla from entering blockaded waters. Norwitz writes that "[t]he
Flotilla Report is the 'Son of Goldstone.' Cut from the same cloth, it
is a political manifesto masquerading as a fact-finding report."
Personally, I think they have more chutzpah than did Goldstone -- they
were willing to produce their laughable report, knowing that people
would visualize the photos from the flotilla showing the Flotilla
humanitarians armed with knifes and metal clubs attacking the IDF
sailors, who came armed with paint guns. But what else can we could
expect from a human rights council, whose membership includes China,
Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Uganda
and Zambia -- countries that are noted for their record of human
rights violations. As they say, crocadile courts produce a croc of it.
We are serializing R.K. Ohri's book entitled The Long March of Islam.
In Chapter 6, he examined the socio-economic and cultural consequences
of the rapid increase in the size of the Muslim community in host
countries around the world; the immigrant Muslims invariably rapidly
outbreed the natives and invariably demand changes that suit
themselves, even if it damages or marginalizes the native population.
In Chapter 7, he focusses on how these demographic changes play out in
India, where Muslims outbreed the other religious groups. Patterns
aren't obvious when individual countries are examined separately but
they become obvious when Ohri highlights common factors in the
civil-religious conflicts in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Lebanon,
Nigeria and India. His descriptions of the back-breaking burden of
caring for the huge number of illegal aliens from Bangladesh is eerily
similar to the drain on the U.S.A providing welfare benefits, health
care and education for illegal aliens. Ohri should be read by anyone
who believes that giving Muslims more welfare, more space or
installing footbaths will satisfy their aggressive disruptions.
Edward Said proclaimed that the West had exploited the
Middle East (ME) and was responsible for its problems but only a
Middle Easterner could understand the ME. In doing so he set the tone
for the majority of Middle East Studies departments at universities
across the country. Paul Austin Murphy suggests Said was actually an
old-fashioned Marxist, whose Marxist and Muslim prejudices were thinly
based in reality and readily apparent. Nevertheless, he got away with
his easily-refutable decrees. He dismissed anti-semitism in Hamas and
Hezbollah, when they themselves said their mission was to detroy the
Jewish state. Despite the extraordinary hard work the early Zionists
themselves put into clearing the unused, dead and forsaken land of
Israel and making it live again, he called them colonialists. But
then, for Said, Jews could do little that was right. Muslims, who were
by definition 'oppressed' were not racist, because an oppressed people
can not be racist. Period. End of argument. Looking now at his ideas,
stripped of academic jargon and no longer shielded by his power, one
wonders how Said's wrong-headed views could be sustained as long as
they were.
Norman Berdichevsky recounts his growing disillusion with the New
York Times and BBC, once regarded by many as "the final court of
opinion on any subject under the sun." He found they were guilty of
"callous omissions and violations of essential journalistic ethics."
Berdichevsky recalls some appalling examples of shoddy journalism in
Times' stories and attributes them to "the profound arrogance
and blind narcissism that has seriously infected both the New York
Times and the BBC." Then, too, the Times' fear of being
thought "biased in favor of Jewish causes" led to their minimizing the
Holocaust and other manifestations of anti-Semitism. (It is ironic
that many anti-semitic websites continue to assume the Times is
pro-Jewish because the Sulzberger family, its publishers, were
nominally Jewish -- clearly, they don't read the paper.) Conversely,
the Times argues for extreme tolerance for Muslims, "who may be
suspected of either being illegal immigrants or sympathetic to
terrorism and Muslim extremism." The BBC is, if anything, even more
outlandish and has helped perpetuate the myth that during WW2,
King Christian X of Denmark wore the Star of David in sympathy with
the Jews of his country.
In 1924, 18-year old Chaim Kahanovich came to Israel from Poland. He
worked on settlements, married Sonia, raised children, lost a child
who was defending his country when Syria invaded Israel -- an ordinary
Israeli living through historic events. Many years later David Laskin,
the author of this essay, came to Israel, "tracking 25 years of
Chaim's life." Laskin also met Chaim's living legacy -- Chaims
children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, "all of them living
in Israel, all of them living, because two starry-eyed halutzim had
left Poland some 80 years before to make a new life in the Holy Land."
Brett Dykes reviews a new book by Keith Jeffery that includes a
shameful episode in Britain's long history of abandonment of its legal
obligation to help the Jews create a state from Mandated Palestine.
This post-World War 2 plot was to rig bombs in five boats that were
getting ready to bring Holocaust survivors from Europe to Israel. As
Dykes writes, "One ship was destroyed, two damaged; the explosives
were discovered on the other two ships before they were detonated."
They also put effort into a campaign of lies, innuendo and
misinformation to smear the effort of the Jews to resettle the land of
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![]() To download the monograph, click here.
This morning
When resistence to the Ground Zero Mosque became vocal, damage control
was instituted. The name of the mosque was changed. With no change in
architecture the mosque became a cultural center. And the word went
out that mosques were necessary for Muslims to practice their
religion, just as every other religious group has its type of
religious housing. That seems reasonable enough. But as Vijay Kumar
demonstrates, the mosque isn't primarily for religious practice. it has had
political significance ever since Mohammed, when he conquered Mecca,
took over an ancient temple, the Kabah, which had been used by many
faiths, and declared it exclusively Muslim. As Kumar points out, "A
mosque in the United States is a command and control center of a
foreign political and military state that seeks the overthrow of our
government, and an Imam in a mosque is a political and military
representative of a foreign state that calls for the overthrow of the
United States." Islam demands tolerance for itself in host countries
but will not tolerate other religions in countries it controls.
As Victor Sharpe notes in this essay, both of Judaism's theological
children have much to answer for in how, over the centuries, they
treated the mother religion. "When not slaughtering each other, they
both often turned upon the hapless and stateless Jews, who, for the
most part, had no allies and were unable to defend themselves." But
today there are two facts of major importance: (1) "... many
Christians not all have come to the realization that biblical
Jewish roots are inextricable from their own and that their faith is
fatefully incomplete without an acknowledgment of those roots." and
(2) Both daughter religions strive to convert the non-believer
but in Islam it is an integral part of the credo the "Moslem is
required to subdue the infidel." To mark a triumphal takeover, Islam
inevitably converts what is significant to the infidel into a mosque.
There is only one way to read the projected building of the Cordoba
mosque. It is "a flagrant insult to the memory of the thousands of
innocents who died at the hands of Moslem fanatics and believers"
The word Copt means Egyptian. The Copts are the "real"
Egyptians, the natives. They converted to Christianity sometime in the
first century A.D. They predate the Arab invasion, tracing their
ancestry back to the days of the pyramids. They are against
intermarriage but their numbers have been reduced because of forced
conversions to Islam. Today they constitute some 10% of the Egyptian
population. Ashraf Ramelah is a Copt. He uses his experience as a Copt
to make us understand the danger of allowing the erection of the
Ground Zero mosque that is intended by its builders to be a symbol of
Islamic triumph. It is not a symbol of shame or contrition; it is not
intended to honor the victims or 9/11 or to show ecumenical
brotherhood. In Egypt the Copts are subjected to active hostility and
fear-inducing brutality by the Muslim clergy and the Egyptian
government. Ramelah spells out some of the restrictions forced on the
Copts living in Egypt, a relatively secular country as Arab countries
go. To prevent Sharia tyranny in America, we should nip the initial
attacks such as the erection of the Ground Zero mosque
in the bud.
The pictures of Gazans living well have gone around the internet. The
counter attack is to admit there are a couple of expensive places in
Gaza but these say nothing about the acute starvation and wretched
poverty in Gaza. So here are some photos from where the ordinary
people of Gaza shop. These are notes and photos taken in Gaza this
summer. Tom Gross makes the point that there are rich and poor in
Gaza as there are everywhere -- but there is not Darfur-level
starvation. The ordinary Gazan has teeming markets stock full of
foods and the new shopping mall is filled with ordinary people
shopping. And for those dedicating their lives to bring cement to
Gaza, we hate to break it to you, but they already have a big supply.
Just take a look at some of their many buildings. For those who think
Gaza is starving, we include a pointer to an article on some
undisputed cases of starvation.
David Meir-Levi provides us with an excellent summation of the facts
about the Mavi Marmara, the Gaza flotilla ship that was outfitted with
mercenaries and weaponry and prepped to do battle. In addition, as he
points out, Hamas refused to take the rather cruddy "humanitarian" aid
and out-of-date medication unless they had control of its distribution
and non-distribution. Curiously, it is a bunch of pro-Palestinian
academics who deny facts so obvious that even the U.N. has
acknowledged them. As Meir-Levi says, "... it is reasonable to ask:
why are these professors so obsessed with Israel even as they ignore
egregious crimes of other states and non-state actors? This is an
important question, because it seems clear that that obsession is what
has driven their misleading assessment of the Mavi Marmara
attack, and their consequent condemnation of Israel."
Qanta Ahmed is a thoughtful Muslim who quietly contemplates moral
issues and doesn't exude hate. This may not mean much when weighed
against the number of Arabs who smash the skulls of Jewish babies or
the mullahs who preach bizarre sex and approve massacres. She may be
invisible among ordinary Muslims who applaud terrorism and hate
everyone. But it is good to know that a mind such as Qanta Ahmed's
exists. She describes a modern-day (im)morality play in which muslims
and media rage at "Israel as monolithic villain devoid of conscience".
This obsessive rage is misdirected; Muslims should be examining their
own actions and the depravity in the Arab world. But in today's skewed
visualization, a handful of deaths on the Gaza flotilla are reason
enough to label Israel's blockade a war crime, while the massacre of
Muslims by Muslims isn't worth newsprint. She suggests that the hate
propelling the Muslims will eventually harm them. But I fear that
before that happens, too many other people will suffer.
Martin Sherman examines Peter Beinart's assertion that "American Jews,
especially the younger generation, is turning their backs on Israel."
For Beinert, this is praiseworthy, for he sees Israel as "violent and
inhuman." Since so many of Beinert's statements are contrary to fact,
it is possible he is just ignorant and surprisingly shallow. As
example, he portrays the expulsion of the Arab squatters living in
Jewish houses and paying no rent as nasty the Jews were kicked out
or killed when Jordan invaded eastern Jerusalem in 1948. He ignores
that the real victims the Jews who want their houses back have
been forced to go through expensive and prolonged lawsuits in Israeli
courts that contrary to what you might assume make a practice of
favoring the Arabs. This is hardly the way to further the reader's
understanding of what's going on. In the tradition of other
anti-Israel writers, Jew and non-Jew, a pimple on Israel's face is
viewed as much more ugly than a pus-filled carbuncle on the face of
any other country and the prescription for removing the pimple is to
slice off most of Israel's face. Perhaps, as Sherman suggests,
Beinart's real problem is not ignorance but malevolence. And if
American Jews accept evaluations of Israel such as Beinart's, it is no
wonder they become unsympathetic to the Jewish state.
Leftists Utopians condemn Israel's minimalist military responses while
they excuse sustained and ugly aggression by the Arabs, the putative
victims of the designated villain, the Jewish state. Topsy has become
turvy, and turvy topsy. In this essay, D.L. Adams asks why this is so.
Factual ignorance and emotional denial certainly play strong roles.
The idealogues of the Left have cast their lot with the 'Palestinian
underdog' and just don't hear what the jihadists plainly say, no
matter how loudly and how often the Muslims reassure us they plan on
destroying Israel as first stage in the conquest of the West in order
that the Caliphate be reestablished. Hence. as Adams points out,
"American liberalism in its present form is not compatible with
Ever read a book or a gang-up of books, proving something you know in
your bones is wrong? The arguments dazzle and seem too weighty to push
aside. It is only later that you have that 'hey-wait-a-minute'
moment, when you notice a gap, an inconsistency, a puzzling omission.
This is roughly what has happened to the history of newly-reborn
Israel and its 1948 war of survival, when it was attacked by its arab
neighbors, intent on destroying the non-Arab state. The story was told
accurately at first. Then the New Historians revised the
interpretation of these events and announced that the original version
was a myth. The issue was not, they declared, Israel's remarkable
accomplishment: redeeming Jewish land and constructing a free and
democratic Jewish state in a relatively short amount of time. The
issue was that through no fault of their own, the local Arabs suffered
severely in 1948 and it was all because of what Israel did
intentionally. Using the New Historian Benny Morris as both focus and
foil, Avi Becker recounts distortions, misinterpretations and
down-right lies told by the New Historians. What made these whoppers
so pernicious is that Israel was cast as a figure of evil, which
needed to atone for its sins. It was put on the defensive in political
negotiations. These accusations were eventually used to try to
delegitimize Israel. Benny Morris was a key figure in framing the
features of the New History; he fashioned a strong base on which
others constructed ever more-outlandish interpetations. It is ironic
that it would be Morris who later put a stop to this nonsense by
supplying the information the New Historians had omitted
namely, the unswerving hatred of the Arab toward other religions and
that the Arabs saw the 1948 War as just another battle in their
religious Jihad over the centuries to become top dog. Ironic. And
tragic. For the truth is just beginning to crack the cement of lies
cast around the historic events. It doesn't help that many readers,
who were, for their own reasons, so eager to accept the New
Historians' lies, will be just as motivated to ignore the truth.
In this seminal investigation, Asher Fredman asks: how accurate are
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in their conclusions when judged
by objective standards?
Michelle Sieff discusses another double standard. She notes that Human
Rights groups and other pro-Palestinian groups focus solely on the
Laws of War when judging Israel during battle. (Even here, they ignore
Arab aggressive behavior or smear it over with pitiful stories of
innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.) But this is too narrow a
context. Israel's behavior is understandable when Hamas' announced
goals are "[v]iewed through the lens of the Genocide Convention." For
Human Rights groups to ignore Hamas's determined effort at genocide is
to endanger their own credibility.
We knew England is half way into the crocodile's mouth. We knew that
Hizb-ut-tahrir is a well-organized and formidable organization
somewhere to the right of Hamas. It has a rapidly-growing membership
in some 40 countries. Its mission is to restore the Caliphate. It
advocates killing Jews (that's de rigueur) and any other infidels that
thwart its mission. We knew that like the Tablighi Jamaat (See
here). it is a start-into-terror organization -- inciting the
excitable to brave deeds for Islam, while not, itself, committing
terrorist acts. We didn't know that the British Government was pimping
for them. Andrew Gilligan reports on Whitehall's defense of
As Muslims take over London, demanding special treatment, forcing the
local communities to conform to their requirements, expanding
territory that they alone control and where they determine "dress and
behavior codes", it is curious that the English journalists,
academics, jurors show little overt concern or protest.
Instead, they displace their anger on the Jews, perhaps because there
is no penalty for baiting Jews, no danger to themselves in demonizing
Israel. Conversely they are careful how they behave towards the
Muslims and rarely criticize them openly. There is both fear of
physical harm and fear of being called islamaphobic by their peers.
As Landes notes, "By failing to denounce toxic Muslim
communitarianism and instead adopting its shrill discourse of
demonization about Jews, Brits feed the monster that devours them."
The Jews may be the first victims of the Muslim takeover; they won't
be the last.
In this interview, Daniel Pipes comments on several aspects of Muslim
global activity: the large and aggressive immigration of Muslims into
Europe; Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons; and Arab harrassment
of Jews, Christians and non-conformist Muslims. A serious problem is
that there is no common ground in interpreting Muslim behavior.
Explanations range from the optimistic belief that terrorism is due a
few bad guys who are atypical of Islam to the assertion that "Islam
itself is the problem. ..., with jihad, honor killings, and the like.
Islam is itself evil and problematic." It certainly doesn't encourage
Muslims to conform to the mores of their host countries when
academics and even governments ignore radical Muslim behavior and,
instead, persecute those who fight for Western values.
It's an odd couple. Islam with its dysfunctional belief system, its
severe punishment of any behavior it considers deviant and its rigid
control of all aspects of life has a political liason with Western
far-left liberalism, which finds excuses for whatever the Muslims do,
despite the fact that in theory liberal ideology espouses
non-judgmental acceptance of all sorts of life styles. Babu Suseelan
notes that to defend Islam, secular liberals ignore gruesome murders
by Muslims, Islamic terrorism and the Koranic basis of that terrorism,
even though they themselves would be at risk in an Islamic society.
It's the wrong strategy for ensuring our society stays democratic.
Barry Rubin makes a strong case that "... nowadays, the most common
way of dealing with radicalism, repression, terrorism, and such things
in the Third World is to blame it on democratic states so often
victimized by such issues." Rubin points out this view ignores the
reality: no matter how conciliatory Israel and the West are,
"incitement and indoctrination will continue at the same level from
those who hate Israel because it exists." To blame the West is
actually to patronize the other side. It implies we believe the
Muslim world "is merely a blank screen or mirror, reflecting back what
we do." It implies that the other side is incapable of setting its own
goals. Muslims are often brutally and viciously evil because of their
culture and upbringing. They need to change their world view.
We don't need to accept responsibility for it.
Lee Smith inquires why so many Western intellectuals admire terrorist
organizations. The 'he loved his mother' defense is often used:
Hezbollah and Hamas provide social services; Mullah Fadlalah was sort
of pro-feminist, so let's forget he loved suicide-bombers and hated
Israel. What is worrisome is not just that they despise Israel but
that their ideas could go mainstream. As Smith notes, "all the massive
and popular evil of the last century started among a small ideological
elite." Their attitude is surprising given that intellectuals provided
much of the manpower of the early settlers. Hebrew owes its ability to
deal with the modern world because an intellectual created new labels
and definitions from it. The miracle of rebirth of the Jewish
nation-state has grandeur, even if it isn't the violent, gothic,
irrational, swashbuckling sort the intellectuals appear to crave. Lee
Smith suggests that what these Western intellectuals really hate isn't
Israel; it's themselves.
Daniel Greenfield explains how the many
in the media justify anti-semitism, despite the fact that the Arabs
are the ones waging the war against Israel: "by linking Islamic
terrorism to some form of Israeli provocation, and from there to the
support for Israel by American Jews the same media which would
commit seppuku rather than blame Muslims for Islamic terrorism,
instead blames Jews for Islamic terrorism." The amazing thing is that
this brain-dead logic works, as it has in previous periods of
anti-semitic media attack. We can't have the Arabs humiliated
the poor dears were terribly frustrated when they wanted to kill off
the new-born state of Israel and couldn't hack it. Curious, the fact
that the Jews had a kingdom in the ME in ancient time that's
too long ago. The fact that in the last 60 years, the Jews have fought
back the Arab invaders and taken back land that was theirs anyways by
international law is unacceptable because conquest in modern times is
unacceptable. The Arabs came and conquered the land in the 7th Century
A.D. ah, that's just right. "The media's Anti-Semitic hate
machine does for the far left, what Der Sturmer once did for
the far right. It makes their hatred and bigotry mainstream."
It's pointless urging the ignorant to get the facts when their
resources are tainted from the getgo. We've discovered MacMillan's
encyclopedia is er...er.. unreliable. Wikipedia is not actually
acceptable as a certified source, but it has the advantage of being
free, so it is popular. But, as the saying goes, there really aren't
any free lunches. The cost is that the unscrupulous can as easily
write the "facts" as the conscientous and unbiased. And civility isn't
a requirement. This is fertile ground for pro-palestinians with a
political agenda and little concern for accuracy. Karin McQuillan
shares with us her personal experience attempting to insert her very
accurate article recounting how the New York Times handled news
of the Holocaust during World War 2 so badly that one can only call it
willful negligance, if not outright cooperation with the Nazi killing
machine. They knew about the camps, the killings, the horrors. They
barely wrote of it as news or editorialized it. McQuillan discovered
her article was not considered worthy of inclusion in Wiki by some
very hostile editors. As one reader commented, "so basically Wikipedia
functions like the UN."
It is the announced policy of the American administration to downplay
independently promoting democracy and individualism by military
means. In fact, in matters that affect the world, we are to become
one among a group of equals, all involved in making global decisions.
It apparently has not occured to President Obama that we are not just
abdicating protecting democracy elsewhere, but that we are exposing
ourselves to increased aggression by triumphant Islam. Speaking kind
and peaceful words to a mentality that understands only a binary of
topdog and underdog doesn't encouraging them to leave
us alone. We encourage them to make us minor players in their
new world order.
As Iran increases its power, reaping the rewards of years of physical
and verbal attack, the American president advocates reducing use of
military force and becoming one among many who in concert share power,
make decisions and maintain order. Undaunted by the inadequacies shown
whenever the U.N. has had political responsibilities such as
monitoring Iran's nuclear power, he has become a proponent of what Abe
Greenwald terms soft power, where we will fight brutal aggression with
polite debate and sluggish response. Iran's use of its own children to
explode mines in the Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s should give us some
idea of how determined Iran is to gain power and promulgate its
ideology, no matter what the cost. As Greenwald says: "The American
idea has allowed the American people to build a nation of unparalleled
military might and served as a beacon for those in far-off lands who
'want what we want.' For those who want something else, the idea is
anathema. They will not be converted by soft power. Instead, they will
take advantage of its softness for their own malignant ends."
Walid Phares presents us with a full and frightening picture of Iran's
expanding global reach, a process that has been going on for many
years by different means: weapons distribution, developing terrorist
groups such as Hezbollah, and weaving a network of new political
friendships. It's more deadly than al-Qaeda, yet the American
administration, while correctly treating al-Qaeda as an enemy,
is considering making friends with Iran. As Phares writes, "From a U.S.
counterterrorism perspective, the threats posed by Iran, Hezbollah,
and its global terrorist network are considerable. But the addition of
nuclear weapons into this global network of Khomeinists may well prove
as dangerous if not more so than nuclear weapons in the hands of
Since the Turkish P.M.Recep Tayyip Erdogan took power in 2002, his AKP party
has been turning Turkey from a secular society into an anti-Western
Islamic state, whose ambition is to become the leader of the Islamic
world. Nevertheless, the EU and the American administration
have the fantasy that the Turkish military Turkey's strongest
proponent of secularism is the threat to the West, not the AKP.
Western leadership considers the new Turkey neo-Ottoman. Barbara
Lerner demolishes this notion, pointing out that the AKP has adopted
the standard Islamic cliches for showing animosity to the West and
Israel and is encouraging the Turks to adopt a more uniform Islamic
way of life, one more in conformity with the general hate-filled
Islamic ideology pervasive in the Middle East. In contrast, under the
Ottomans, providing the subject people Muslim, Christian, Jew --
paid the required tribute, they pretty much governed their own
communities. This led to multiple patterns of governance, multiple
ways to express the various cultures, different living conditions and
some opportunity for upward mobility. Turkey was relatively
open under the Ottomans and in this way the Ottomans served as a
model for Atatürk, not Erdogan.
Shimon Shapira provides us with an analytical perspective on the life
of the recently-deceased Shiite religious leader, Sayyed Muhammed
Hussein Fadlallah. He is praised in the West as a peaceful scholar,
moral and progressive. In actuality, "[h]e played a leading role in
the increasing Islamic radicalization of Lebanese Shiites and laid the
foundations for Hizbullah's ideology of violent struggle against the
West and Israel." True, he did speak out against wife-beating and
rejected the authority of Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on religious
grounds, but these hardly nullify his commitment to jihad against
Israel and the West and his condonning the murder of Jewish youngsters
massacred as they sat studying in their Yeshiva. He was both
dedicated and persuasive doing psych-ops among the Shi'ites in
Southern Lebanon on behalf of Iran-owned Hizbollah. Without irony, we
can say he was as peaceful as his religion; the word "peaceful" no
more fitted him than it fits his religion.
There's little argument that it is important to find alternative
sources of energy to reduce dependency on fossil fuel, particularly
when the major suppliers are the unstable theocracies of the Middle
East -- an unstable part of the world. From that point of view,
nuclear energy has many advantages. And indeed non-military nuclear
reactors are beginning to proliferate. Andrew McKillop explores some
of the less pleasant possibilities that deserve serious thought
before we commit to an extreme makeover. What happens if a
reactor is attacked with conventional weapons during a convential war?
How are nuclear products maintained and stored? What about the
interdependence of civil and military nuclear installations? Given the
finite amount of initial material, the solution is usually to advocate
building Fast Breeder Reactors, which can create more fuel than is
consumed in the process of making the fuel. But this creates another
set of problems. As the waste plutonium accumulates, it becomes harder
to keep it safe and out of the hands of terrorists; and it is
increasingly susceptible to outside attack. How do we define national
security under these new conditions?
As the Arab Middle East grows increasingly divided by incompatible
ideologies and civil wars, the solution by the American administration
is to dredge up another peace conference on how to squeeze two
incompatible groups on the same tiny bit of land. If it succeeds at
all, it will be at the cost of compromising Israel's security,
weakening American's only ally in the Middle East. This set of
articles reminds us of some basic facts that are important for the
Washington is again taking another shot at peace between Arabs and Jews.
The editor of Family Security Matters recalls previous attempts
at brokering a deal and reminds us that it is hard to find reasonable
solutions in a setting of religious or racial conflict. This is
particularly true this round, given that the split between the
more religious Hamas and the more secular Fatah has deepened, and
their life styles have grown increasingly different. They both,
however, continue to share the same objective: destroy Israel. The maps in the
article are of additional interest. They show how the land that was
allocated to a Jewish state has been nibbled away over the
years while Israel vainly pursues peace with her neighbors.
Why are the Arab refugees different from all other refugees? Why do
all refugees have one U.N. agency (UNHCR) to help them survive the
crisis and resettle them after a brief time and these Arab
refugees have their own dedicated U.N. agency (UNRWA) that has fed,
educated and medicated them and their descendents and discouraged
resettlement? Why have all other refugees fled from countries that
include all the religions but Jewish and the Arab refugees are
the only ones that ran from the Jewish state? Is the explanation that
these Arab refugees (now declared to be the Palestinian people) are
the only weapon Islam has to try to deny the Jews their homeland? Is
that why compared to true refugees they live high off
the hog (oops, make that lamb) not just in the refugee camps scattered
in the Arab countries but in Gaza and the West Bank, foot soldiers in
a campaign conducted by a wide number of disparate groups that can
not admit in their politically-correct milieu that they hate Jews. In
this essay, Sol Stern discusses the Nakba the Ur-legend
that bolsters the fantasy that the innocent Palestinians were
forceably cast out from their garden of Eden into wretchedness by that
foreign force, (twirl the mustache, here) international Zionism.
This essay by Paul Lademain could have been entitled: how to grow a
spine advice for Israeli diplomats. In the next round of
that interminable game called 'Let's make peace' OR 'Chop another
piece out of Israel', he suggests putting Israel's interests first and
worrying about Israelis instead of wanting to show an indifferent
world how cooperative Israel can be. I find it hard to believe that
Israel, which by international law holds Samaria and Judea in trust
for all Jews, allows itself to be put into a position where it is
negotiating the future of Biblical Israel (Samaria and Judea). And to
make this a real farce, the term of office for their single peace
partner, Abbas, expired early in 2009; he isn't legally in office any
more. He doesn't speak for Hamas. He doesn't control Fatah, which runs
the P.A. So who does he represent? Why are his demands taken
seriously? Why are the demands of that phony people, the Palestinians,
taken seriously?
Professor Yisrael Aumann applies game theory to how to negotiate with
Arabs. In the Blackmailer's Paradox, it is the side that doesn't
flinch, that makes unreasonable demands and doesn't compromise, that
walks home with the goodies. To date the Arabs have played the game
better, convincing Israel to be the one that must compromise. Aumann
suggests some necessary changes in Israel's negotiating stance. Of
course in real life, the problem is more complex. Negotiation implies
a willingness to compromise. Unfortunately, the Arabs aren't just
unreasonable the goal of Islam's leaders is to destroy Israel, no matter
what the costs. But Aumann is certainly right that the Israelis need
some street smarts.
Nowadays many a propagandist talks about Palestine as if such a
sovereign political entity exists anywhere except in the fancy-filled
illogic of Jew-haters. It doesn't exist. What's more it never
did. The fallback position of these Jew-haters when forced to admit
the facts is: but the land belongs to the natives that were driven
out or marginalized when Israel became a state. Again, this is
wrong. Some 90-95% of these natives started coming into the
land after the Jews and the Brits started created economic
opportunities. Steven Simpson provides us with an excellent history of
the development of the "Palestine" myth, which has become one of the
more important ways to attack the legitimacy of the Jewish state.
Unlike Palestine, the legitimacy of Israel is warranted by history,
morality, international law and the rules of conquest.
As Ted Belman writes, "The pro-Palestinian propaganda machine has
succeeded in stigmatizing the Israeli occupation and the settlements.
Time and again we hear about the 'brutal occupation' and the 'illegal
settlements'. We rarely hear the truth in opposition to these lies."
He provides us with a clear statement of the facts. (Additional
discussions can be found by googling for "Yoran Shifftan" "Howard Grief"
"Wallace Brand" in Think-Israel.) To the fact that the land is Jewish
by international law -- meaning that the U.N. is supposed to be
helping the Jewish settlements to expand -- add the fact that some 95%
of the supposed indigenous "Palestinians" came in after 1900, and it
becomes Ph.D. thesis-level puzzlement how the Arabs and Arab-aiders
have managed to make everyone believe lies that invert the
Howard Grief asks "what would happen if, instead of incorporation or
annexation, the Israeli Government decides to abandon or cede Judea,
Samaria to the Arabs as indicated by the Road Map Peace Plan and the
Two-State Solution." He concludes the Jewish residents would be well
within their rights "to take the necessary steps to govern themselves
in an independent State of Judea and Samaria."
Each issue we explore ways and means of counterattacking Islam on
some of the many fronts on which it is advancing. In this issue, we
collected some more information that is fundamental to understanding
what we are up against.
In the May-June 2010 issue, we presented the first three chapters of
Bill Warner's Sharia Law for Non-Muslims. The books is short,
understandable, well-organized and clarifies important issues. It is
good to have available to counter the incomplete information
promulgated by many Islamic sources and sources that have accepted
Arab money. For example, when you are told that sharia banking is fine
because some of its profits go to charity, check with Warner's book.
You will find that the statement is true, but a Muslim is
forbidden to spend any of it on a Kafir. A Kafir is anyone who
is not a Muslim. When the text speaks well of Jews or Christians,
check whether it is a earlier verse or a later verse. Later verses
nullify earlier verses. The entire book is now available.
The reduction of the traditional authority of the Church and the
scientist, the attraction of western academia fo Marxism and
environmentalism, the catering to the public's desire for simple and
comforting slogans to understand a society that was increasingly
complex, "the unintended consequences of well-meaning democratic
policy" and Russia's continued desire even after the collapse of the
Soviet Union for a place at the table of power these all lay
the groundwork in which Islamic fundamentalist terrorism could thrive.
John Miller describes some early history the fighting, the rise
of the Taliban, the adherence to strict Sharia law and the changing
loyalties in Afghanistan and Pakistan which shaped the
development of the current global jihad against the west. The 1980's
war in Afghanistan helped mold the charismatic Osama Bin-Ladin and by
the 1990s, "Al Qaeda had declared war on the US and Israel and by
extension, Western society." The first bombing of the World Trade
Center was in 1993. And there's no end in sight.
As Joe Settler asks. "With the exception of Iran (established 1935,
but was previously Persia) and Egypt, what Arab state even existed as
an identifiably unique entity 100 years ago? None. Saudi Arabia, Iraq,
Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Syria, were all part of the Ottoman Empire,
with local names but they were not sovereign entities. They were made
states by the same authority -- the League of Nations -- that
authorized the State of Israel. "Until then, they were just a bunch of
different clans and tribes under the fist of ever-changing rulers,
often external ones, with no real individually unique national
identity beyond Islam and Arabia." Hamas and Fatah have the same
desire to replace Israel by an Arab state. The battles between them
are as battles have been in the Middle East for hundreds of years --
clan wars for control and loot.
Daniel Greenfield's essay advises Israel on improving its relations
with a currently-hostile media. He suggests copying Arab terrorist
tactics, such as banning all reporters who refuse to write favorably
about them -- the reporters will figure out rationalizations when
their own jobs are on the line. Currently, Israel suffers because it
kills only when it can no longer avoid killing -- and damage is
minimized. It forgets that man bites dog is news, dog bites man isn't.
So if Israel were to make killing as commonplace as the Arabs do,
their press would improve. Israel's publicity also suffers because
Israelis don't look like victims should. They should take a lesson
from the Arabs, who may have fancy houses and cars, but they wear
smattahs, have picturesque garbage and lots of flies. Even worse,
Israelis aren't inclined to blame the world for whatever goes wrong.
How do they expect the press to like them? Come to think of it, when
the Government mismanaged the resettlement of the Jews expelled from
their homes in Gaza, why didn't they apply to the U.N. for refugee
status and lots of cash? Greenfield calls this essay satire; I call it
We are serializing R.K. Ohri's book entitled The Long March of
Islam. In Chapter 6, he examines the importance of demography in
promoting Islamic and jihadi ideology. The large growth of the Muslim
population -- natural and by conversion -- has given Islam the power
to force a high rate of population displacement, instability in many
countries and marginalization of the native population, as in Lebanon.
The Muslim birthrate is increasing while European, Russian and even
Asian rates decrease. The decline of the indigenous populations has
economic and defense consequences -- lowered production of goods and
services; less defence preparedness; and mass migration of foreign
groups into the sparely populated areas. The social consequences
of the rapid change in the size of a Muslim community from minority to
majority status by legal/illegal entry and natural growth are
tremendous, with the indigenous population losing its ability to
practice its own cultural values and life style, while sharia law is
enforced. Eventually, "...a sizeable increase in the proportion of
Muslims in any country or region leads to a loud clamour, often
culminating in a violent struggle, for a separate homeland by dividing
that nation, even before Muslims attain the near majority status."
These essays begin with Israel's current demographic structure. In
terms of ideology, the left and far left, though reduced in size,
still control the administration, news media, academia and the army.
The other essays look at cracks in the power structure in the
government and in academia.
This seemingly simple essay condenses a large amount of information on
the demographic characteristics of Israeli society. Norman
Berdichevsky provides a framework for the interactions and history of
some of the major components of Israeli society. He tracks the ongoing
integration of the groups the "Zionist ideal of Kibbutz uMizug
haGaluyot (Ingathering and Mixing of the Exiles)" He points out
that much of the bad-mouthing of Israel comes from Marxists, "at a
loss to explain the survival of the Jewish people and their
reconstitution as a nation." According to Marxist doctrine, this
wasn't supposed to happen. More generally, national differences
everywhere were supposed to disappear, and a working class with
solidly working-class concerns emerge. Israel's non-conformity to
theory apparently is particularly galling.
In a recent article
Several Israeli universities -- Ben Gurion U. is a particularly
egregious example -- have been notorious for years for having a large
number of professors who enforced Marxist ideology, allowed no
dissenting opinions and encouraged no reading in alternative points of
view. There was an obvious pattern that conforming to Marxist ideology
was necessary for career advancement. Some of what was taught goes
beyond even extremist criticism of the state into sedition, denying
Israel's right to exist. Information they provided their classes was
incomplete and designed to appear to confirm the professor's ideology
--- advocating the elimination of Israel as a Jewish, democratic
state. Recently, the matter came to a head. Conservative students
revolted against this intimidation and enforced uniformity; they
demanded intellectual pluralism and freedom of expression.
Organizations that monitored dictatorial anti-Zionism in the
universities were given a hearing. The upshot of course was that the
professors that had muzzled criticism of their opinions started
shouting that they were entitled to complete freedom of expression and
were not to be criticized. Ben Dror Yemini provides a picture of the
situation that still exists, particularly in the soft sciences.
The summer of 2005 was a disaster, when Israel shot itself in the
head. It expelled the Jewish pioneers from Gaza. It left behind
greenhouses, which the Arabs vandalized; it left behind buildings
which the Arabs destroyed or used to train others in the art of
terror. It left a group of Arabs who had made a living working for the
Jews to the mercies of a thugocracy. It exposed more of Israel to more
attacks by the arabs. It made the arabs more confident that they would
prevail. It demoralized a productive group of Jews that had made
innovations in growing organic crops and was turning a wasteland into
a garden. It turned Israeli citizens into refugees in their own land.
GIven the Government's incompetence and lack of resources for
resettling these 10,000 citizens, one wonders at its blind optimism in
even considering the insane idea of kicking out another 250,000 to
500,000 Jews from their established homes and businesses, schools and
synagogues, in Samaria and Judea. How can they even consider giving
control of Israel's drinking water to the Arabs, who have already
mucked up the Gaza aquifer? The only bright spot is that the Gaza
expulsion was so clearly stupid, it did convince some Israelis that
parting with Jewish land is not the way to peace.
These two essays by Rachel Saperstein could have been entitled A
Tragedy In Two Simultaneous Acts. Five years after the Government
unilaterally took it upon itself to kick the Jews out of their homes
in Gush Katif, Gaza, many of these once productive Israelis have been
reduced to poverty. They have been traumatized. They are emotionally
scarred; they have health problems and are depressed. But some,
slowly, and with little help from a government that is more interested
in the impression it makes "on the world", they are starting to
rebuild permanent communities. The other essay points out the effect
of the "Disengagement" on the Gazan arabs, once employed productively
in the Jewish greenhouses and metal works, in the building trades and
in factories. They are under Hamas' rule, used as human shields and
deprived of human dignity.
August 15, 2010 marks 5 years since the expulsion. In this article,
Hillel Fendel presents us with an brief summary of the history of Gush
Katif and the fate of the Jews of Gush Katif who were expelled from
their homes and farms. The Government's stated reasons for the
withdrawal were to pave the way to peace, to inprove the PA's economy,
to not be responsible for the Gaza arab population and to gain
international appreciation. Instead, Gaza has become a terrorist
state. It does have an enormous budget, but most of this comes from
outside charitable sources such as the EU and the American
Administration. Israel is still saddled with supplying Gaza. It has
demoralized some of its most patriotic and energetic citizens, lost
the substantial income that came from the export of Gazan vegetables
and flowers, spent a huge amount of money to uproot the Jews and done
very little to resettle them permanently. In sum, this enterprise has
been a disaster. Or as the recent Commission of Inquiry into the
rehabilitation of the evacuees put it: "The state failed, and its
failure was absolute and abysmal."
This is the more detailed and original analysis of the consequences of
the Gaza expulsion on the Jews who were expelled, and the impact the
disengagement had on Israel itself.
In this essay, Moshe Dann expresses the emotions that the expulsion
from Gaza aroused and still arouses. As Dann writes, "It caused
enormous physical, psychological, social, cultural, military and
strategic damage to the entire nation and it still does. Like
an ecological disaster, its foulness still seeps through our
foundations, and continues to poison us." Perhaps the most awful fact
is that Israel did it to itself. As David Wilder of Hebron said of
this destruction of Gush Katif: "...we experienced a Churban,
a destruction, an expulsion. Not implemented by the Greeks or the
Romans or any foreign power; rather by our own people; an act voted
on in the Knesset, initiated by the Prime Minister of the State of
Israel, approved by the national Supreme Court and carried out by
Jewish soldiers and police."
Two stories from the First World War and one about an ancient
Jewish synagogue the Arabs covet.
Avshalom Feinberg and Sarah Aaronsohn and their families were early
settlers in the part of the Ottoman Empire that became the State of
Israel. In World War 1, they were spies for the British against the
Ottoman Turks. The work was important but dangerous. They died for
their dedication to the future state of Israel. Shalom Pollack helps
us visualize the times.
This is a review by Matthew Price of a book by Sean McMeekin about the
relationship of the Ottoman Empire and Germany before and during World
War 1. The Ottomans were an ally of Germany in the first World War.
McMeekin hangs his account of the events of the time on the decision
by the German Kaiser, Wilhelm ii, to build a railway between Berlin,
Germany and Baghdad, Iraq to link Germany and the Persian Gulf
physically. He also hoped to use these Muslims as a weapon against the
British, harnessing their religious fervour as jihadists.
The British played a similar game, associating
themselves with Muslims who were also itching to restore Muslim
supremacy -- only they wooed the Saudis and Mecca. Then as now, a
little knowledge of Islam went a long way, but, then as now, not far
enough. As McMeekin explains, "Shia clerics were never going to fall
in behind a Sunni Caliphate, whose authority they would never
recognise. And, besides, the Caliphate was a nearly moribund
institution in 1914."
This is a very sad article. It is sad because the Jews don't
automatically react with passion and fury at attempts to take away
parts of their inheritance. There is no dramatic surge of anger -- the
kind that politicians respond to -- when the Arabs demand control of
Jewish historic sites. It is sad that Jews have so quickly forgotten
how Arabs destroyed Joseph's Tomb right after they gained possession
-- while Arab policemen stood by.
It is sad because
someone has to point out what should be obvious, but isn't to the Jews
nurtured on globalism and secularism. It is sad that the Jewish owners
of the land need to beg for access to their own shrines and holy
places. It is sad that thanks to the laxness of the Jews -- and indeed
to the pro-Palestinian propanda creatively designed by some Marxist
Jews -- the Arabs has increased confidence to up their demands to lord
it over the Jewish inhabitants of the Jewish state. Nadav Shragai
writes the future consequences of Jewish ignorance and indifference in
a specific case: the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem's ancient and historic
burial ground. Have we forgotten that Jordan used
the gravestones as stepping stones to the latrines when they invaded
Jerusalem right after Israel was established?
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
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July 2010 BLOG-EDS
MAY-JUNE, 2010
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As Naomi Ragen put it:
"If you've been thinking about a response to Helen Thomas
tell-the-Jews-to-get-the Hell-out-of Palestine-and-go-back to -Germany and
Poland-, think no more! The best rant on the subject can be found on
Jewlicious by Sara K Eisen, who signs herself Sarke." This is it.
![]() Sheikh Mohammed al-Hazimi, a member of the Yemeni Parliament and of Al-Islah, aboard the Mavi Marmara. In this article Omri Ceren publishes a "Guide to Gaza" the real
Gaza is very different than what's painted by our "reliable" news
sources. There was, as CNN noted, violence. They forgot to mention the
violence was coming from the humanitarians, who assaulted the Israelis
-- even throwing them overboard. The Israelis, of course, were
forbidden by their politicians from doing bodily harm, if at all
avoidable. The only questionable item in Ceren's article is the notion that
the people Israel hires to do its hasbara would be effective. And so
it is, because Israel's responses were weak and delayed and thanks to
the major TV and newspaper media stretching the truth till it broke,
the world now knows that the brutal Jews wouldn't allow some brave
humanitarians to bring in food to the starving Gazans. If they were
serious, why didn't they send the material by truck? That's how the
Gazans get their freebies week by week. Come to think of it, if they
were serious, why didn't they go to Darfur, where the people really
are starving?
Did you know that just this week, in mid-June, Muslims from Kyrgzstan
killed a couple hundred Muslims from Uzbekistan? Tortured hundreds of
others? Caused some 200,000 resident Uzbeks to flee the country? Did
you know that Yemen was blockading South Yemen? It's a real blockade
no supplies are let in no water, no food, no medicine. Did you
know that Hamas won't let the "Humanitarian suppplies" in anyways
unless they take charge of the goodies? With regard to the Gaza
flotilla story, it is true that the Jews were in the right in
international law, showed saintly forbearance before they were forced
either to fight back intelligently or lose their lives. It is true
that this was a stunt cooked up by terror groups to show Israel as
either weak or heartless. But the main point is that when Jewish
Israel kills a Muslim that is news worthy it will even be declared
a war crime when managed by a Goldstone-cur hired by the U.N. But when
a multitude of Muslims are killed by other muslims, it doesn't make
the news. Moral of the story: if Israel is to be castigated even for
minimal killings, she might as well do what needs doing. The decibel
level can't get any higher than it is. As Spengler points out in this
essay, "The Gaza flotilla affair should teach Jerusalem that no matter
how gingerly it approaches the threats on its borders, and how gently
it responds, it ends up holding the bag for the region's problems. It
might as well get down to the business of war."
We have been forced to become frighteningly familiar with some
Islamic groups directly involved in terrorism. Starter groups that
introduce Islamic ideology into new territory appear less menacing.
Salah Choudhury writes of the jihadist organization,
Tablighi Jamaat (TJ), which works out of mosques in some 80
Imam Rauf is truly a renaissance man. Unfortunately, his idea of
renaissance appears to be recreating the medieval Caliphate.
AllahPundit makes some connections the Main Stream Media has largely
chosen to ignore. Rauf is, for example,
a member of the Perdana Global Peace Organization. Perdana, which is
based in Malaysia, is the largest contributor to the Gaza Flotilla on
record. Rauf is a man that can win Westerns with his
charming manner and intellectual discourse. But as Walid Shoebat
inter alia has often pointed out, it's what they say to their
own people in their own language that counts. And Muslims don't hear
ecumenism and tolerance from him.
Raymond Ibrahim starts this essay by informing us that justice
in western terms conveys a very different meaning than it does for a
Muslim. Muslims can often take advantage of this, knowing a western
audience will, for example, interpret "We seek Justice" in a benign
way, whereas the speaker is extolling conquest of the infidel West. As
another example, a Muslim group has bought land close to Ground Zero
and proposes to build a Mosque/Center there, claiming they wish to
honor the victims of 9/11. Their true intent may be gleamed from the
fact they are calling this the Cordoba Initiative. Raymond Ibrahim
explains why ecumenical tolerance and peace are not their intent.
Included are links to several videos about the mosque.
The Muslim Brotherhood is back in the spotlight. It is
implicated in the Ground Zero mosque grotesquerie. And the Gaza
Flotilla. In the usual news item, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is
whitewashed so effectively that people can be forgiven for thinking
it's somewhat like the Elks or the Lions Club doing good deeds,
giving charity, just nice decent folk. The reality is that the
Brotherhood is in business to foster Sharia Law globally. Founded
almost a century ago, they are patient and plan well. Hamas is one of
their creations but they prefer to emphasize their "moderate"
intellectual side, downplaying that their chief intellectual, Yousef
Al-Qaradawi, was behind the riots and demonstrations that belatedly
Thomas Joscelyn writes of the ubiquitous Muslim Brotherhood (MB),
which seems increasingly to be stripping off its mask of moderation and
showing its true face. Were the Flotilla structured like Facebook, the
MB could claim to have the mostest friends and relations both on board
the flagship Marmara and behind the scene among the workers that
ensured the flotilla's success. The show was a benefit performance for
Hamas, one of the MB's creations. The Turkish contingent was honchoed
by the IHH, which paid for the mercenaries, after it had generously
contributed ships. The IHH is part of a Saudi-sponsored group called
The Union of Good (UG), which has been designated a terror group.
Sheik Qaradawi, who triggered the Danish cartoon riots and is a top
man in the MB just happens to be a UG leader. These are just some of
the best-known linkages. More connections of the MB to top terror
players are likely to emerge.
Israel does get an inordinate amount of attention over minor
matters and necessary security matters, when major matters in other
countries with global implications are underreported. Aside from
routine terror attacks by Muslims on Christians, Jews and Hindus, more
100 muslims were murdered May 28th in Pakistan by Islamic terrorists
in two Achmedi mosques. In the same month, 82 Muslim Kurds were murdered in
Turkey and Iran. Russia continues to press Kyrgyzstan, an important
American ally in Central Asia, to close the American air base we keep
there in readiness. Unsurprisingly, in mid-June, Kyrzgyzstan
"civilians" "spontaneously" attacked Uzbek civilians living in
Kyrzgyzstan, leaving hundreds dead and hundreds of thousands fleeing
as refugees. Even these murders don't get much attention, because
it's only one muslim sectarian faction killing another it's not as
horrible, has v' halila, as the Jewish IDF killing 9 blockade runners with their
terror-affiliated handlers on board, This section looks at some
important political happenings in some other countries. In the first
article of the set, Wallace Brand points out that the Islamists have
again begun a religious war around the world, aiming at world
dominance. "Terror in the West is not caused by US support for Israel;
terror all over the world is the result of Islamist imperialism."
Muslim leaders have persuaded the current American administration
that their jihad against the West is America's fault because it
supports Israel. The Arab jihad against Israel is Israel's fault
because it inhibits Arab nationalism. Blaming Islamist violence in
Afghanistan and Iraq and the nuclear threat in Iran on Israel's
supposed occupation of Arab land conveniently forgets that the Arabs
were massacring Jews in the Holy Land well before Israel was a state
-- "Palestine" was never a state during the time when Jew and Arab
lived equally in squalid conditions under the Ottoman rule. As Wallace
Brand makes clear in this essay, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is
just another manifestation of the Third Wave of jihad by a resurgent
Islam. The Islamists have again begun a religious war around the
world, aiming at world dominance. "Terror in the West is not caused by
US support for Israel; terror all over the world is the result of
Islamist imperialism."
We are serializing R.K. Ohri's book entitled The Long March of Islam.
In Chapter 5, Ohri writes about the revival of militant Islam
in the first half of the 20th Century. It had a large jolt
forward in 1947 with the creation of Muslim Pakistan, which was
supposed to end religious conflict in India. Instead, almost
immediately, the Pakistani invaded Jammu and Kashmir. The matter was
taken to the U.N. This resulted as it did when Israel fought back
Arab aggression around the same time in making a relatively simple
situation almost unsolvable. Ohri also expands on the role a
government with strong resources and determined Muslims in this
case, Pakistan can have in promoting jihad, especially when Saudi
Arabia is willing to pay for the madrassas that "become factories for
producing terrorists and suicide bombers." The goal of the Muslim
jihadists whether they be Arab or Pakistani may be to pull the
world down into their medieval notions of
an ideal social structure, but they don't hesitate to make use of
Western communication technology and Western freedom of speech to
rouse the troops to slaughter.
RK Ohri's article
(see above) was a general review, including how India split off
Muslim-majority Pakistan in an effort to create peaceful relations
between Hindus and Muslims. Instead, it led to renewed aggression,
with Pakistan claiming Kashmir. In this essay, Subramanian Swamy
writes out a specific plan to fight the terrorism emanating from
Pakistan. A major consideration is the potential 5th column of muslims
resident in India. Caroline Glick has written of similar
radicalization and treasonable activity among Israeli Arabs, with Arab
towns in Israel storing weaponry to be used in a future insurrection.
("Hizbullah on the homefront"
click here.) As does Glick, Swammy recommends a crackdown --
action, not words. It is eerie how similar terrorism is in both
countries and how pusillanimous the response of both Governments.
Swarmy recommends some specific measures to stop terrorism. It is a
recipe Israel should also consider.
Babu Suseelan's essay on Pakistan deals primarily with Pakistan's
global impact. Terrorists live there. Terrorists are conditioned
there. Terrorists train there. Terrorists travel from there to commit
acts of terror all over the world. They kill people indiscriminately,
because of the "collective guilt" of their victims or because of some
recent events of which they disapprove. This is done with active
outside financial support from Islamic governments. There is no world
institution acting to stop them. The U.N. doesn't condemn them the
U.N. saves its condemnations for Israel engaged in a legitimate fight
against terrorism. America needs to monitor the huge amount of money
it gives Pakistan to ensure money is not diverted to the terrorists.
We need to act firmly with a strong will to remove a clear and present
evil from the world.
As Tony Blankley writes, "President Obama has publicly doubted whether
Afghan President Hamid Karzai's corruption and incompetence make him
a fit partner for our policy goals in Afghanistan." Obama's public
condemnation has not improved relations with President Karzai, who,
on his part, has lost confidence in America's ability to make a
difference in Afghanistan. Blankley suggests that since we aren't
going to do anything effective in Afghanistan and the present
American administration has no such intention we might as well
leave. All we are doing is allowing the Afghan struggle to kill off
the soldiers of America and its allies needlessly. He might also have
said that Afghanistan is a distraction, when our resources would be
put to better use stabilizing the Middle East and dampening down the
nuclear arms race that Iran's nuclear ambitions has set off among the
Arab countries. Bowing to the Saudis, appeasing Iran and stomping on
Israel is on Jimmy Carter's level of ineptitude.
Aside from pointing out that Israel is developing a strong
alliance with a Muslim country, this article is a case study in how
hidebound Islam infiltrates a relatively open state. As
Alexander Murinson writes, Azerbaijan was one of the Central Asian
states where Iran "launched a comprehensive program for the export of
its 'Islamic Revolution'." aimed at an "Islamic revival." To this end,
it attempted to staff mosques in Azerbaijan with
its own mullahs a technique the Saudis practice in the U.S.A. It
is praiseworthy that they helped feed and house many of the poor. What
is less advertised is that they trained rioters and organized riots.
It is equally educational to read how Azerbaijan is rebuffing the Iranian
efforts at ideological takeover.
While we fritter away our diplomatic resources in the Middle East
counting how many houses Israel builds in eastern Jerusalem, alliances
between the neighboring states are being reconstructed, and seldom to
America's benefit. Lee Smith explains the changing dynamics of this
volatile region in response to Iran's bid for domination of the
region, followed by Turkey's apparent decision to challenge her.
Turkey has become cold, even hostile, to her one-time friend, Israel,
while she pleases the Arabs as in the Gaza flotilla venture by
dramatically taking up their purported cause: Palestinian nationalism.
This in itself is curious, because, as Smith notes, "Long before Arab
nationalism identified Israel and the United States (and before that
the European powers) as the enemy, it was the Ottomans who were called
to account for everything that was wrong in the Arabic-speaking
John Brennan speaking for the Obama administration wants to strengthen
the "moderate element" within Hizbullah, Shimon Shapira in this essay
explains why this is most unrealistic. Hizbullah isn't a Lebanese
nationalist movement. It began as a way for Iran to export the Islamic
Revolution and it remains subservient to Iran, even though it has become
"the real ruler of Lebanon." Washington's hopes and wishes won't
change matters.
It is conventional wisdom among our politicians, diplomats and many of
our military that, in Lee Smith's words, "the Arab-Israeli arena is
the region's defining issue." Were the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to
be settled and were the Arabs to see we weren't favoring Israel, the
Arabs would support us in Iraq and Afghanistan. The diplomat's corollary of
course is since we can't make the Arabs listen to reason, we should
pressure Israel. Like much conventional wisdom, the proposition that
the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is linked to the major problems in
the Middle East is dead wrong. The civil war between Hamas and Fatah,
Hezbollah's taking over Lebanon, the conflicts between the Sunni and
the Shi'ites, the proxy war in Yemen, Turkey's regression to Muslim
orthodoxy and the potential race to acquire nuclear devices won't go
away. In this fascinating article, Lee Smith explores where the idea
of linkage comes from, why the myth was invented and why it persists.
And why it will begin to work against the Arabs.
For an institution conceived as a safe haven in which squabbling
states could come together to patch up differences in a polite,
non-threatening way, the United Nations has suffered profound
deterioration. Its monolithic Arab-Muslim bloc backed by
oil-needy countries has turned the U.N. into an instrument to
amplify and implement Islam's hatred of Israel, even as the countries
that side with the Muslims recognize that after Israel, the Muslims
are intent on conquering the West. We also witness grotesque behavior
from the leaders of some major Protestant churches, who manifest moral
shallowness in chastizing Israel for inconveniencing Arabs living in
the Territories by delaying them at checkpoints while ignoring the
barbarous behavior of these same Palestinians, who venerate as
heroes Arabs who murder Jewish toddlers sleeping in their beds and
Jewish babies held in the arms of their parents. Church leaders have
so often asserted with no valid evidence, usually just vague
generalities that the Palestinians are suffering from Israel's
treatment of them, it has become an article of faith, mouthed even by
some pro-Israel Christians. The false notion that Israel is occupying
Arab land allows some churchmen to excuse anything the Palestinian
arabs do shoot Jews, shoot rockets at Jews, knife Jews, run Jews
over with bulldozers, stone Jews, steal their animals, burn their orchards. All is excused.
This is not a hoax. This is not a spoof. The basic information comes
from official documents of the United Nations. So it is straight from
the horse's well, from some part of the horse. Who wouldn't want
Iran on a committee devoted to the status of women? And sending its
own children out to the fields to identify hidden explosives by
stepping on them is Iran's unique qualification for UNICEF, one that few other
countries can better. Who knows more about economic
development than the Saudis, who happened to land on a pile of oil
and never had to do anything themselves to extract it and distribute it?
If anyone knows how to create refugees, certainly Sudan and Somalia are qualified
to be on the Commission for Refugees. And bully for China on the
Human Rights Council. It knows exactly how to handle a desire for
Human Rights. Yessir. And who is better for Social Development than
Egypt, which continues to treat its Copt minority to such fun
activities as
murder, torture and enforced conversions. Eye on the UN provides us
with additional information on the membership composition of several
of the U.N. committees.
The previous article by Eye on the U.N. showed that the composition of
many U.N. committees is part of what has made the U.N. a sick joke.
Using the Human Rights Commission as example, this essay by Joshua
Muravchik provides context in how the U.N. has failed as an
institution. Bowing to pressure, the Commission changed its name but
not its practice of rigging the voting procedure for committee
membership so that those
nominated will be elected. When the various countries,
often en bloc, make their
complicated deals on who will be nominated, considerations of merit
and suitability are not allowed to muddy the process.
The end result is what we get. And should get rid of.
In this well-documented yet readable article, Dexter Van Zile reviews the sorry history of the
Presbyterian Church's efforts to divest itself and others from
investments in Israel, using attacks on Israel, partial withdrawal, and then
renewed attacks. The point of view of the activists who control
official reports is solidly in sympathy with the Palestinians, who are visualized as the suffering
victims of a harsh and illegal occupation by Israel. As VanZile
writes, "Leveling chimerical accusations at Israel in the name of
peace, these activists seek to enlist their fellow Presbyterians and
the church's bureaucracy into their efforts to banish the modern
state of Israel from the community of civilized nations and portray it
as uniquely worthy of criticism and condemnation." With each swing of
the pendulum, the Church by backing these activists makes more
obvious a more basic agenda: the delegimization of the State of
Israel. How long will it be before crude anti-Jewish statements --
not clothed in pseudo theology or in a view of Middle East
history that ignores most of the facts become acceptable?
Anticipatory stories of the 2010 General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church were filled with reports that there were to be motions for
divestiture/boycott of Israel that would position the Presbyterian
Church more strongly and intemperately in the ranks of the Palestinian
sympathizers. I had some specific questions. I asked Will Spotts for
clarification. We also include an addendum: Spotts's analysis after
the ball was over, the General Assembly ended.
In this account, David Burchell goes well beyond the facts of the gaza
flotilla into a more profound explanation of why the P and H
(Peaceniker and Humanitarian) squad has the compulsive need to
demonize Israel. Burchell suggests that the early Christian activists
couldn't get far with a turn-the-other-cheek approach. Their politics
did better chastizing the sinner. In the 1960s, the image of the
Palestinian as the innocent injured was in place but was somewhat
tarnished by the behavior of the more radical PLO terrorists.
"It followed that Israel's motivations had to be made even blacker, as if in moral compensation."
Viewing "Israel as a kind of devil-state, the spirit of evil made
incarnate in the world" excused any behavior by their Palestinian
'victims', no matter how outrageous.
What still needs explaining is why the PLO became the victim to be succoured in
the first place. Surely, it wasn't Arafat's blubbery lips, ugly face
and unattractive smile. Could it be that the Terror Cheer Leaders
deep down don't like Jews any more than the Arabs do?
Israel is beset on all sides by active terrorists and their
supporters in the media, and by emboldened hostile neighbors, the
U.N., mainline churches, and now the American administration. Her
appeasement policies have endangered her. To maintain the pretense
that there's an ongoing peace process, she has not asserted her
legal, moral and historic rights to her land, so that propagandists
are free to create fictions about the rights of the "Palestinians",
knowing these won't be challenged. In Caroline Glick's words, Israel
has a "daunting task" ahead of her. These next papers essentially
argue that appeasement must stop. Israel must apply effective
counterpressure to her enemy's actions. Israel must proclaim its
intent to remain and grow as a Jewish state. It must proclaim its
ownership of Jewish land and give up pointless and self-defeating
attempts to share with Muslims, who don't want the land they want
Israel dead. The required changes are no longer 'wouldn't it be nice
if ..'. They are necessary if Israel is to survive the well-designed
machinations of her enemies.
Daniel Greenfield makes the point that Israel's international enemies
are tightening the noose around Israel's neck, while Israel tries to
live up to the promises she made for the "peace process" called the
Oslo Agreement. The Arabs have felt no such compunction. They've never
gotten to step 1: to cease violence. Every one of Israel's concessions
has brought her closer to the gallows. Israel is now faced with stark
options: continue her suicidal course of accomodation to "world
opinion" or do what she must: resist the pressure to cave in piecewise
and start fighting to survive.
The Palestinians arabs are in the odd position of demanding a state which they
never had and were never part of and never really wanted and have
people like Prez Obama take them seriously. Their demand for Israeli
land was a ploy to further their mission of destroying Israel in
stages. To date, any land where they've gained control has been used
to develop military capability, store war material and train fighters and
terrorists. Would they be different in Judea and Samaria
than they are in Gaza? Boaz Haetzni points out that if Israel
withdraws and eliminates the Jewish settlement towns, Hamas would soon
take over Judea-Samaria they have more popular support than Abu
Maazen and they would settle down in expanded quarters to carry out
their mission of destruction, not to form a state. "They are a branch
of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is against individual Arab states."
They believe in what Arafat said, "our real nation is the Arab nation
which ranges from the Atlantic to the Red Sea and beyond..." This is
why "Hamas did not declare a state in Gaza although it is the only
force in charge there and could do so."
Rachel Saperstein writes three essays: her 3-year old
grandchild has his first haircut near the tomb of Samson; Her husband
celebrates a birthday, surrounded by family; she confers with the
other families Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Yemenites, Ethiopians, Bnai
Menashe from India who are founding a new town: Bnai Dekalim in
From these snapshots, would you guess she was one of the Jews
traumatized by being forced out of her home in Gaza by her own
government? Her husband Moshe and she survived the trauma and the
depression that followed and now they are again rebuilding their
A major reason for Israel's poor showing in the propaganda wars is
that the Arabs come across as passionate about their land, Israel and
the territories. Arab leaders. Arab clerics. Arab academics. And the
Arab schlub in the street. All of them are passionate as they claim
land that is not theirs. In contrast, Israeli spokesmen and consular
representatives are rightly perceived as lukewarm about Jewish
ownership if not actively
delighted at the prospect of another Arab state in Biblical Israel,
with its capitol in Jerusalem. Caroline Glick insists "[t]he
government must stop trying to play both sides of the aisle. Instead
it should follow the lead of its extraordinary citizens and of Jews
throughout the world in asserting the rights of the Jewish people to
our capital and our country."
Media people are often content to use the dictionary translation
of a word and ignore its actual meaning. Use an English-arabic
dictionary, and you immediately have the word for justice
in arabic. The differing meanings of justice in the West
and in Muslim countries are harder to discover because language is
filtered through cultural concepts. Thus, as Raymond Ibrahim
writes in his essay on the Ground Zero mosque (see above or
click here) a speaker can use justice in English to
suggest one idea and the exact translation of the word in Arabic
to mean something very different. This section looks at other
examples of the effect the differences in Western versus Islamic
cultures have on understanding the meaning of some common
words. It also looks at how the media distorts the meaning of
events by how they present them.
Defending sharia law usually involves some variant of the civic value
of diversity, but it can be a hard sell, because some major
brutalities chopping heads and hands for minor crimes and treating
women as chattel are a non-negotiable part of sharia. In this
essay, Paul Murphy equips us with ways to read obfuscating pro-Islam
propaganda as he points out the fallacies in a recent defense of
Sharia. He also examines some ends-justify-the-means lies and
misdirection spun by Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the founder of the
Muslim Brotherhood. Murphy makes the major point that once Sharia
drives out civil law, all of it becomes law, not just its laws and
customs that seem to fit into modern practices.
Though it is contrary to commonsense, Raymond Ibrahim points out that
apparently Muslims found the South Park cartoons of Muhammad
more infuriating than very ugly statements about Muhammed broadcast to
millions of Muslims on Life T.V. Life T.V. stood its ground,
ignoring initial threats, continuing to discuss Muhammad in
unflattering terms and doing so safely. The South Park
producers reacted by appeasement. Ibrahim suggests that it may well
have been this appeasement that acted as the stimulus to increase
Muslim ire. As he notes, "if you voluntarily act like a
dhimmi a subjugated non-Muslim who must live in debased
humility you will be treated like a dhimmi."
Short, direct, informative. This essay by Yvette Alt Miller lays out
common ways the media avoid telling the truth.
Presenting it in such a way that is easily dismissed. Or telling it
partially. Her examples are actual instances of bias against Israel.
Miller suggests readers practice finding instances of these tricks, to
better understand what they are being fed by the media. My prime
example would be the New York Times, which managed to downplay
the ongoing Holocaust in World War 2. Most
newspapers may not be as clever hiding such a big story but the
omission and trivialization of Prez Obama's close
friendships with a slew of Marxists before he was nominated come
close. This is a very useful reference.
We have previously examined various areas where Sharia Law is being
accepted. Sharia banking, which is based on sharia law, is being
incorporated by banking groups. Government agencies teach Sharia law
procedures. Textbooks used in our schools tell our children how benign
Islam and its basic laws are. In this issue, we describe student shock
troops promoting hate of Jews on campuses and the invasion of Muslim
consultants into the higher eschelons of the military, We include the
first chapters of a forthcominhg book that defines Sharia Law for the
Bill Warner has written a book that compactly explains sharia law
to the non-muslim. It offers a compact summary of Sharia Law. It is
useful as a starting pointer for the ignorant, to start exploring. It
is a summarization for those who have acquired a good understanding of
Sharia law. Mark this in your reference directory.
The campuses are infested by student hate groups, whose leaders make
their efforts at demonizing Israel their main job, one that takes
priority over classes and ordinary school activities. They are
dedicated, single-mindeded, possessed of religious fervor and will
stop at nothing. Their activities suggest their handlers have a big
budget, clever scenario writers and have spent considerable time and
effort making longterm plans before this attack was launched. Group
leaders have learned how to create dramatic props and creative events,
inveigle and indoctrinate other students, flummox the administration
and paralyze the Jewish groups on campus so they don't fight back. Roz
Rothstein and Roberta Seid have observed that these groups maintain
continuity, groom replacement leaders; develop networks with other
like-minded campus groups; and orchestrate demonstrations, cheering
crowds and disruptive hecklers. They don't miss opportunities to
promote their ideas and they are good at creating opportunities. Lucky
for them, the Jewish students, faculty and groups haven't adjusted to
the fact that they are under sustained attack and have to fight back.
The Jews are hamstrung by their belief that freedom of speech is
always a good thing and that everyone has built-in limits to
Some Muslim encroachment in America such as the projected mosque at
Ground Zero is high profile, but most of their activities are
not well known.
Nevertheless, they are successfully buying friends
and chairs at universities; buying some in the media and frightening others
into self-censorship; and subsidizing books friendly to Islam.
Now with a Commander-in-Chief who sees making friends with the
Muslims as a
noble undertaking, they have reached into high
levels of Homeland Security and the
military, where they have the clout to get hostile patriots fired.
Janet Levy and Nidra Poller describe how
different this is from the way we behaved in World War 2.
"Placing a Nazi in a high-level Pentagon position with access to
top-secret war data and giving him the ability to control military
strategists and censor vital information would have been punishable by death for treason."
I wonder what good our expensive war equipment will do us, if, as Levy
and Poller note,
"Our citizens at home and our troops on the battlefield are disarmed by a narrative that imposes respect for a political-religious system that seeks their subjugation and death."
There seems no end to the misinformation coming from
pro-Palestinian sources claiming that Jews have no history in
Jerusalem. One essay in this section makes a useful source for
rebuttal arguments. It presents a superb summary of references to Jews
in Jerusalem in ancient Greek and Roman sources. The other essay looks
at the 1920 San Remo Conference and the 1958 speech by Abba Eban from
the viewpoint of their consequences.
As Rivkah Fishman-Duker writes, by the early second century CE, when
Tacitus wrote his history, it is clear that the narrative of the
circumstances of Jerusalem's foundation had become standardized among
Greeks and Roman writers.
Descriptions of the Temple are always part of the accounts of Jerusalem and
Judaism. In addition to physical descriptions, Fishman-Duker describes
the religious aspect of the Temple, which differed radically from
Greek and Roman paganism.
Their accounts range from the factual to
the libelous and bizarre.
As Fishman-Duker writes, "The references to Jerusalem in these classical texts not only demonstrate the historical attachment of the Jewish people to Jerusalem, but also contribute to our knowledge of Jews and Judaism in the ancient world."
Alex Rose writes about two notable events of of historical importance.
The first was the San Remo Conference of 1920. "It recognized the
exclusive national Jewish rights to the Land of Israel under
international law, on the strength of the historical connection of the
Jewish people to the territory previously known as Palestine." The San
Remo Resolution "remains irrevocable, legally binding and valid to
this day." The second was Abba Eban's speech to the UN General
Assembly's Special Political Committee in 1958 suggesting transfer of
the Arab refugees to the states responsible for the problem the
Arab states that had invaded Israel in 1948 and 1967. Actually, these
states were responsible for two sets of refugees: the Arabs from
Israel and the Jews from the different Arab countries. Israel, with
few resources, took in the Jews. The Arabs had huge resources but
have reneged. It's time they faced up to their responsibility.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
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access any of the articles immediately.
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May 2010 BLOG-EDS
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Wallace Brand discusses the diplomatic foundation documents underlying
the creation of the modern state of Israel. It is also very readable.
Store this with your stack of reference material to use when Arab
propagandists assert that Israel is occupying Palestinian/Arab land.
The State of Israel was carved out with international approval from a
sliver of the Middle East holding of the Ottoman Empire. If it is not
legitimate, then what happens to the legality of the modern Arab
states of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Iraq, Oman, Yemen and United Arab Emirates? (Iran, Egypt and
modern Turkey were also part of the Ottoman Empire but Iran and Turkey
aren't Arab, and Egypt had been under de facto British rule for
many years by the time the Ottomans lost out.) These constructed states were given more
than 99% of the Middle East segment of the Ottoman Empire by the same
international authority that established Israel.
This was written to counter the pernicious and widespread myth that
the Arabs pre-date the Jews in Israel. Depending on the gullibility of
the audience they claim to be the early Canaanites; or Philistines; or
they claim that in Temple times it was a Palestinian state filled with
Palestinians like Jesus and his mother Mary; or they claim they
intermarried with the natives when they conquered the land in
Mohammed's time, and this is the next best thing to being native
themselves. They ignore that 90-95% of them came after 1900 into what
is now Israel and the Territories. Roy Chweidan presents a short
summary of the actual history of Israel starting in the period of the
Judges. The appendices contain additional useful information.
We don't have to go the National Inquirer to find weird and unreal.
It's right there in the Oval Office in the Big White Building in the
District of Columbia. Barry Rubin writes how Obama is sticking like
velcro to the notion that au fond Iran is reasonable and can be
persuaded to be nice, no matter what it does and what it says and how
many of its own citizens it tortures because they don't agree with the
Mullahs. And Iran, filled with confidence by how well everyone is
treating her, is seeking a seat on the Human Rights Council.
Like a child learning to play pick-up sticks, tangling them, ignoring
the good moves, fixated on poor choices, ignoring gravity, ignoring
his lack of coordination, President Obama deals with situations with a
child's knowledge of foreign policy. Frank Salvato recounts some of
his moves. Obama pulls together a bunch of nations to deal with the
problem of nuclear weapons falling into terrorist hands, and they flip
up with a non-binding "agreement." which is meaningless. He weaves and
waves his hand around Iran but, of course, nothing happens. He spends
times picking on Israel and that's an easy move. But it won't
change the fact that to get at the terrorists means also, and
perhaps first, dealing with the clump of terror states that shield
them and support them. As Salvato points out: he needs to "accept the
truth that should Iran become a nuclear capable nation, so, too, would
terrorist organizations become nuclear capable."
Greg Sheridan has written a sensible article integrating the facts
including Obama's manufactured irritation with Israel and drawn the
obvious conclusion: that Obama is willing to live with an Iran that
has nuclear power. Maintaining a steady supply of oil has for long
controlled much of our foreign policy. Yet Obama seems indifferent to
Iran's obtaining nuclear power that, at best, will destabilize the
Middle East, making our oil supply uncertain. At worst, Iran could
destroy vital connections in the stream or make the area radioactive,
use the bomb to blackmail the region and/or share their supply with
peripatetic terrorists. What is nervous making, when dealing with
"world opinion," is how successful anti-Israeli propaganda has been.
History, geography and international law are disregarded and too many
are sure Israel is sitting on
Muslim leaders have bragged how Muslims love death and this gives them
the edge in fighting the "infidel" who is attached to life. Paul Eidelberg makes the
surprising suggestion that this love of death is rooted in a fear of
life that started in pre-Islamic times when inter-tribal warfare was
chronic and brutal. Survival depended on tribal loyalty, engendering a
herd mentality, rather than the development of the individual, as in
Western culture. Eidelberg credits Judaic monotheism for making
possible the Western trust in a meaningful universe. In Part I, he
develops implications of the idea that in the Arab culture, paganism
was "never fully transcended." In Part 2, he writes about Israel's
repetitive retreats from land that is hers, noting that Israel will
"continue to shrink so long as its government betrays the God of
The Ma'arat HaMachpela (the Machpela cave) in the city of Hebron is a
Jewish holy site; it is Judaism's second most holy site. It is where
the Patriachs and Matriachs are buried: Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and
Rebecca, Jacob and Leah. Nevertheless, for hundreds of years when the
site was under Muslim control, Jews were not allowed to enter the
cave. They were allowed to climb as far as the seventh step, while
Muslims were permitted to climb past and enter the caves. The Arabs
deny that the Machpela is a Jewish legacy. To do so would mean
acknowledging the profound relationship of the Jews of Israel to the
Land of Israel.
There is a growing world-wide group called Noachides. They aren't
Christian; but they aren't Jewish either. As individuals they more or
less follow Torah law, but they are all follow the Seven Laws of
Noah. Judaism considers that the basic civilizing ideas from the
Torah the laws of Noah are for everyone. This essay is Rabbi
Shraga Simmons interview with one of these Noachides. In the context
of our examining difference resulting from basic differences between
Judaism and Islam, it should be noted that Judaism doesn't feel
compelled to convert everyone to Judaism. Islam does. Unless, you'd
rather live as a dhimmi; or be beheaded.
Alex Maistrovoy puts in context the Arab strategy of denying that
Israel has any historic connection to the Land of Israel. Theirs is
"...simply the genocidal approach that is characteristic of Islam.
Power and possession are inherent parts of religious attitude in
Islam. This approach extends to all other religions, not only to
Judaism. The idea consists in depriving other cultures of their
spiritual base to achieve total physical domination over them." Given
that Islam is intrinsically hostile to all other religions. Judaism's
fight against Islam's brutal hostility may be unwilling but it has
become a major player in what eventually may be a global response to
Islam if the world wakes up in time. Meantime, Israel needs to
protect its holy places from the Muslim ambition to eradicate a Jewish
presence in Israel.
We are serializing R.K. Ohri's book entitled The Long March of Islam.
Previously, Ohri first laid out Islam's structure and its major
directive to wage jihad against the infidal. In Chapter
4, he reviews some of Islam's early history to explain how it is that
Islam acquired both its dedication to the Islamic ummah
(nation) and its appetite for conquering and looting non-Islamic
communities. Within a 100 year after Muhammad, the Arabs had
"destroyed almost all old civilizations of the [Middle East] region"
and invaded Christian Europe for booty, slaves and involuntary
converts and where they suffered their first defeat by a coalition
of Christian countries. But now again "the contagion of militant Islam
has already spread to scores of Muslim countries"; they are obsessed
with regaining Islam's lost grandeur.
The obama administration appears to believe that the long arm of
Israel-Arab discord reaches Iran and Afghanistan, to the detriment of
American goals. In this bizarre view, if only Israel would make the
Arabs happy, the Muslim world would fall all over itself to be
friendly to us Americans. Israel, in a word, is a liability. Judging
from Muslim behavior over the centuries, this proposition is nonsense.
Rephrasing the sentence as America is a liability to Israel is,
on the other hand, a legitimate observation, based on evidence.
Avigdor Haselkorn makes the case that the America's presence limits
Israel's freedom of action. In brief, American enemies do what they
want and ignore overtures and shows of force.
"By threatening to target [American] regional bases, Iran is in effect keeping these contingents hostage and acting to dissuade any military undertaking against its nuclear facilities."
"...The U.S. deployment has become a handicap for Israel," denying it "the strategic initiative that is vital for preserving its national security."
E.W. Jackson Sr. wrote about the source of Obama's anti-Israel policy
We are used to being told and it is true how important Jerusalem
is to the Jews. Nidra Poller points out another important truth
about the relationship of Jerusalem and the Jews: Jerusalem is
important to the West because of the Jews. There would be
little interest in the chief city of the Jews were it not that
Christianity is based in large part on Judaism and because Judaism
created the moral foundation of Western civilization. Because of that
and because Israel is a democracy the only one in the Middle East
-- there is a closeness between America and Israel. It is ironic,
therefore, that Obama is taking advantage of that closeness to
pressure Israel to a peace that would not resolve the
Arab-Israeli conflict. Instead, if carried out, it would replace
Judaism with Islam in Judaism's birthplace.
Israel needs to watch its back not just from the Arab countries
obviously out to destroy her, but even from Jordan, her peace partner,
which is kept secure by Israel, is given water by Israel and whose
economy has been helped to develop by Israel. Victor Sharpe writes
about Jordan's King Abdullah, who shows his gratitude by undermining
Israel whenever and whereever he can, with straight-faced disregard of
facts. His father killed off thousands of "Palestinians" for
threatening his throne; Abdullah is outraged by the IDF killing some
people who were acting as human shields for terrorists. Abdullah is
appalled that Israel has jurisdiction over Jerusalem and its Muslim
holy places. How easily he ignores that when Jordan conquered eastern
Jerusalem in 1948, it destroyed Jewish synagogues in Jerusalem and
wouldn't allow Jews access to their holy sites. The king of inversion.
Truly a Lewis Carroll character.
We commemorate Yom Hashoah and discuss the profound changes in the
social and political structure of Europe since World War 2. Despite
the wishes of a large part of its citizenry, Europe slides to an
accomodation with Islam and plays out the end game of multiculturalism
a strong socialism that bankrupts the country and resurrects
feudalism with the people in hock to the government that can
regulate them and tax them into powerlessness. Logically, one would
expect that a country under siege by a rising Muslim population would
side with Israel, one of the few countries effectively opposing
Islamic domination. Instead, as Islam gains control with the apparent
cooperation of a country's academic and business elites, anti-Semitism
rises. This set of essays contrasts the treatment of Muslims versus the
treatment of Jews in England, Holland and Germany.
Europe destroyed Jewish culture and six million Jews. The space has
been filling with muslim immigrants, impatient to inflict their laws
and customs over the subjugated natives. And ironically, while the
Jews tried so hard to fit in and were, for the most part, rejected,
the Muslims don't give a damn and ignore what resistance there is to
their take-over. Jacob Gur writes of a particular victim of the
Holocaust of the Jews: Pninah. She was twelve. She was murdered. He
asks that Israel not forget her and the other victims of the Shoah but
that it strengthen its Judaism and rebuild.
Edward Alexander reviews Anthony Julius' recent book that addresses
the literary roots of English antisemitism from Chaucer to Dickens,
connecting the historic blood libel against the Jews that is embedded
in English culture to the modern-day anti-semitic rants by academics
and dramatists, which also are not weighted down by facts. Julius
writes also of Jewish anti-semitism. As Jewish converts to
Christianity in the Middle Ages were glad to confirm Christian
theological allegations against Jews, no matter how false and/or
absurd, so modern-day Jewish anti-semites loathe Israel and can see
only evil in her every motive and action.
Baptist immigrants to Germany from the Soviet Union, where they had
been persecuted for their religious beliefs, were subjected to vicious
attacks by the German authorities when they wished to homeschool their
children. Germany's Supreme Court ruled that German tradition trumped
Baptist desires. The State was in charge of children's education, not
their parents. In contrast, schools cater to Muslim eating and
clothing requirements, even when these infringe or nullify German
traditions and practices. As Thomas Landen writes, "While Christians
are prosecuted and fined, Muslims are appeased." There are other
differences that explain the behavior of the German establishment:
"Saying 'No' to Baptist demands is not a security risk for a school;
saying 'No' to Muslim demands is." Baptists don't become violent when
their requests aren't granted; Muslims do.
Holland has such a reputation for liberal drug laws and a nonchalant
attitude for outre activity that it is puzzling that it has put Geert
Wilders on trial for producing a documentary that is scrupulously
factual if not flattering about Islam (see
In this essay, Artur Legger clears up the inconsistency.
Fearing reprisal, Government officials and the media
tried to block the documentary from being shown. Unable to censure
the film beforehand, they resorted to slandering Wilders and
withholding protection despite the fact that there's a history in
Holland of Muslims killing off 'offenders'.
Holland's attitude is not new.
Throughout the centuries, the goal has been on preventing social
disruption and maintaining control by the governing elites by
whatever means were needed, not ensuring freedom not even in the
time of Spinoza.
The initial hysterical reaction by European diplomats to the
assassination of the terrorist, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in Dubai, was to
blame Israel. This didn't abate until it was learned the assassins
went from Dubai to Iran, not exactly a Jew-friendly haven. Using this
as example, Caroline Glick points out that "blaming Israel has become
Europe's default foreign policy," dictated by the European Union (EU).
The Lisbon Treaty which gave power to the EU "...effectively bars EU
member states from adopting independent foreign policies..." so they
focus on rhetoric and don't act to safeguard their best interests. In
part to placate Europe and the present American administration --
Israel has not been pursuing her own best interests either. At the
moment what is important is to disarm Iran and to exert its legitimate
claim to Samaria and Judea. Urgently.
Robert Spencer presents some highlights from Bat Yeor's speech at the
recent Conference on Antisemitism, Multiculturalism and Ethnic
Identity at Hebrew University.
Bat Yeor coined the term Eurabia to describe the ideological
alliance since the 1970's of European leaders and Arabs. It promotes
anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism, while catering to Muslim concerns
under the guise of multiculturalism. To the Europeans, supporting Arab
politics and ideology seemed a clever way to ensure an uninterupted
supply of oil while avoiding Arab terrorism. "The countries of the
Arab League and the Islamic Conference saw in this alliance with
Europe the means to separate Europe from America; to divide and weaken
the Western camp; to destroy Israel; to achieve technological parity
with Europe; and, through the Mediterranean Partnership, to set up a
vast Euro-Arab demographic, political, economic and cultural zone. In
this way, with multiculturalism and immigration, Islam and Arab
culture could be introduced as a force toward the Islamization on the
European continent."
The first step, obviously, would be to remove the noose of the belief
that the Arabs and the Jews can somehow share the tiny space allocated
to Israel by international mandate space that has already been
largely nibbled away. Discard the unworkable notion of sharing space
and more reasonable possibilities can be explored. A sensible one
would be to give the Arabs who go by the name "Palestinian" a portion
of the Ottoman Land gifted to the Arabs. This set of articles presents
some steps some ideological, some practical that can be taken in
preparation to that task.
Irwin Mansdorf suggests that the negative and misleading and often
false language used to describe Israel's motives and activities be
abandoned and replaced by descriptions that conform to actual history
and applicable international law. He delves into the modern history of
Arab-Jewish relations, and points out the surprising fact --
surprising only because of the wide subcription to the
constantly-repeated myth that the Arabs had always ruled the Middle
East and the Jews are occupying some of this Arab land illegally --
that the Balfour Declaration, a foundation document in the
establishment of the Jewish State, was of great benefit in also
"advancing Arab independence and nationalist goals." During the first
part of the 20th century, while the land still belonged to the
Ottomans, before there was a modern state of Israel, or states called
Jordan or Syria or Yemen or Kuwait or Oman or the United Arab Emirates
before the time that the Arabs were gifted with 99.9% of the Middle
East the Arab leader, Emir Feisel, recognized this fact. It was
later that Arab leaders and academics, in order to defend their
assertion that Israel was colonialist, began denying Jewish roots in
Mandated Palestine, forcing them into the ludicrous position of
denying Israel's ancient connection to its holy sites such as the
Machpela Cave and the Temple Mount and its holy cities of Hebron and
Jerusalem. In promoting this canard, they blithely ignored that
"[m]any of the Arab states, in contrast, were modern fabrications of
the British and the French," with no historic roots.
THE 'peace process' it seems always to apply only to the
Arab Israeli conflict certainly hasn't lacked high-level
presidential involvement, from the Elder Bush to Obama, plus the
presence of the U.N., the E.U. and their cohort of diplomats and
politicians. Nevertheless, as Kenneth J. Bialkin puts it: "A peace
process which rests upon Israel's unilateral concessions is doomed to
fail unless and until the world also demands that the Arab states
(including the Palestinians) recognize Israel's legitimacy and
sovereignty, explicitly and openly. ... This is the most important
prerequisite for peace."
Victor Sharpe points out that the fatal flaw in the succession of
peace plans is that "[f]or Muslims, no non-Muslim state or nation that
is on land once conquered by Muslim armies in the name of Allah will
ever be tolerated."
This cuts down the number of intelligent options for Israel
to 1. "Unpalatable as it must be, the only solution for Israel is to
make not one additional concession but resolve to face the entire
world if need be rather than deny Jewish history, Jewish faith, and
the Zionist cause." It must ignore
"the siren calls of a fraudulent, beguiling and deceptive peace."
The Israeli government appears to be revving up to gift the
Palestinian Arabs land in Samaria and Judea. To diplomats, politicians
and sundry pro-Palestinians who have been nibbling away at Israeli
land, this is a good start to eating up all of Israel. It would of
course be a disaster, should Israel give up the land where the Jews
first took root and where they developed the way of life that
eventually became the basis of Western morality. It would also mean
making some half-million or more citizens homeless, jobless and
demoralized. In this essay, we examine how well the government did
resettling the 10 thousand Jews they expelled from their homes and
synagogues and orchards and businesses in Gaza in 2005 in a cockamamie
bid for "peace" with Arabs lusting after Jewish blood. The only good
that has come out of this stupid action is that many people are
reconsidering their attitudes and questioning whether giving up land
can bring peace. They really don't have that much more with which to
The Arab refugees hold-overs from the 1948 invasion of Israel by
the neighboring Arab countries continue to be a festering sore, a
major factor guaranteeing there will not be a resolution of the
Arab-Israeli conflict. The Arab leaders of the countries where the
refugee camps are located never actually help their Arab Palestinian
cousins; in fact, they deny them citizenship. Nevertheless, they claim
they can't make peace with Israel until the refugee problem is
resolved by Israel letting in a group of Arabs that could be almost as
large as the number of Jews currently living in Israel to return to
what they claim as their homes. In this way, the Arab refugees act as
a piteous mask for the real intent of these Arab leaders to wipe
out Israel, which has had the temerity to defeat Muslim countries and
won't accept dhimmi status. Shulmit Kogan examines why it would
be foolhardy to make concessions for peace until the Arab refugees are
rehabilitated and not allowed to become another ploy for land
concessions by Israel. She also suggests that it's time Israel talked
about the other group of refugees: the Jewish refugees from Arab
countries. Many of these families had lived in the Arab countries
longer than the Arabs. These Jewish refugees did not voluntarily
leave. They fled for their lives. Those who came to Israel were given
a new start as ordinary citizens. They were not left to fester in
refugee camps.
Tzvi November's has a number of recommendations for improving Israel's
standing in world opinion. His essay reminds us once again that Israel
should not put its trust in princes this time on American
administrations, Democrats or Republicans. What Israel should do is
proclaim its own stance, its own ideology, its rejection of an Arab
state in Israel's heartland. And stick to it. Calling Judea, Samaria
and Gaza "disputed territories" as Shimon Peres does is plain stupid.
The Arabs are savvy and "always refer to these areas as Arab land or
Palestinian land but never as disputed land." It makes a better claim
and is better PR. That it isn't Arab land doesn't bother them at all.
So they are more effective than Israel, which does own the
land, but is too timid to say so directly.
Ari Bussel and Norma Zager write of activist projects in public
diplomacy developed by individuals, projects that should be done by
the Government but aren't. So people follow the injunction: where
there are no men, strive to be a man (pirkei-avos/chapter2-
6.html). The Muslims have long since recognized that America is a
battleground and have fought to win support with whatever weapons work
-- lectures, bribes, raucous demonstrations, breaking up meetings,
ecumenical sing-alongs with gullible Jews, convincing mainstream
Churches that the Muslim arabs that drove the Christian arabs out of
Bethleham are the good guys and it was all Israel's fault, working
with Marxists because they and the Muslims have a common hatred of
Judaism, rewriting K12 textbooks with puff pieces about the Religion
of Peace, persuading the government they must reach out to the
Muslims, introducing shari'a banking with only a few strings attached.
Israelis, on the other hand, are just beginning to recognize the
necessity of fighting the propaganda war effectively. For example, IDF
officers authentic ones have come to explain the IDF to
Americans. One of them bemoans the fact that "Muslims speak in one
voice, with one narrative, and are therefore more powerful. We, on the
other hand, are fragmented to the point where our position suffers."
The joke about the 3-Jew town that needed 2 synagogues isn't always
It became fashionable almost
immediately after 9/11 to blame America's attitude towards Islam for
the bombing. Fareed Zakaria, an early proponent of 'it's America's
fault' wrote a book reassuring us that terror and islam were not
intrinsically linked. As people examined the Quran more carefully
instead of citing a couple of nice-sounding suras and as we followed
the careers of known terrorists and would-be murderers who were
converts to Islam, that explanation grew thin. This set of articles
paints a more accurate picture of the linkage.
Erick Stakelbeck frequently reports on home-grown terrorists --
Americans who convert to Islam and then turn to terror activities
against America. Many are recruited where there is active and
sustained proselytizing: in prison or at a neighboring mosque. Now
that the Obama administration is removing such alarmist words as
Islamic terrorism and jihad from its vocabulary, it is
easier to ignore what might otherwise be an obvious connection:
someone goes off to Pakistan or another terrorist training area,
illegally keeps an extensive arsenal at home, and is a new recruit for
Islam. Given the present Administration's reluctance to see a pattern
-- and to use this knowledge to stop terrorists before they do harm --
it may be some time before the larger issue is addressed: do violent
people seek out Islam, or does converting to Islam encourage one to
become violent? And, in either case, isn't labeling Islam 'the
religion of peace' way off the mark?
was an instantiation of what is likely a wide-spread phenomenon.
Muslim terrorists operating in America are trained directly in the
Middle East or by dedicated Islamisists in the West. And the number of
attacks on American soil has begun to increase markedly 2009 was a
banner year. Patrick S. Poole points out that even when the convert
terrorist appears to have been self-radicalized, he was usually
exposed to foreign recruitment videos and often was trained abroad. By
noting that the same Middle Eastern mechanisms are operative in
Africa, Canada and Britain as in the U.S.A., we can conclude that
there are active, well-funded, well-organized, wide-spread and
effective programs that convince new and born-again Muslim converts
that Allah wants them to commit obscene violence. It is not a case of,
as Daniel Pipes put it, 'sudden jihad syndrome.' Poole provides us
with convincing details about many plots that have been uncovered. Now
all we have to worry about are those that are still unidentified.
The Obama administration has separated the
connection between Islam and terrorism at least in National
Security documents, Robert Spencer provides us with examples from the
Qur'an, as well as quotes from Muslim leaders and scholars that
indicate that Islam and Islamic terrorism are justifiably linked. He
discusses the New Mardin Declaration, composed by Muslim scholars,
which superficially seems to promote peaceful behavior towards
non-Muslims; but it doesn't really warrant optimism. As Spencer points
out, "the conceptual apparatus establishing a peaceful Islam has never
been presented." Hence, "[t]he intersection of Islam and Terrorism is
not coincidental or the result of specific political moves made by
non-Muslim nations, as the conventional narrative claims. It is the
inevitable result of Islamic theology which is supremacist and
materialist, which when combined with the honor-shame code of a tribal
culture, drives it compulsively toward war and conquest."
Practice may not make perfect, but most tasks can be bettered, given
experience and practice. This apparently even holds for improvements
in delivering and aiming terrorist weapons. As Steve Emerson writes,
delivery has been made more reliable as terrorists have begun using
women. Women have carried their share of the burden, so to speak, for
years most have good education and they can use loose, concealing
clothes as handy props. But only recently has it been recognized how
well they avoid detection, being a group that is not profiled as
terrorist. Which may acount for their popularity. Steve Emerson notes
they have been used by Shi'ite and Sunni, Al-Qaeda and the Muslim
Brotherhood, secular Fatah and religious Hamas. Now that they have hit
the big times bombing the Moscow metro they should get the
respect they deserve.
In this essay, Daniel Greenfield points out that Islam is "constantly
a source of war, violence and discord" "[because]Islam is a religion
of physical supremacy, and anything that challenges that supremacy is
a direct attack on their beliefs." He concludes that "[t]he
intersection of Islam and Terrorism is not coincidental or the result
of specific political moves made by non-Muslim nations, as the
conventional narrative claims. It is the inevitable result of Islamic
theology which is supremacist and materialist, which when combined
with the honor-shame code of a tribal culture, drives it compulsively
toward war and conquest."
Mohammed conquered Persia modern-day Iran some 1400 years ago.
As usual, this was accompanied by looting, enslavement and enforced
conversion. In our time, by analogy, because of its Constitution,
America is tolerant as was ancient Persia, and the Islamists are still
the Islamists. Amil Imani points out that longstanding Islamic
practice is to be meek while weak and assume despotic intolerant power
as it gains strength." "Mild Islamism" is already in America --
special facilities and perks for Muslims only; appeasement by
American leaders, who ignore Iran's increased power to build a nuclear
weapon; and "for-purchase politicians who keep endlessly broadcasting
the false mantra that Islam is a religion of peace." "The barbarians
have made it inside our fortress." We need to fight them.
Islam's long arm reaches into our educational institutions and
our media. Muslims pay for some of the PR; but some propaganda is
generated by Marxist sources that recognize Sharia law will destroy
the American way of life. Some media self-censor thus distorting the
news to avoid Muslim retaliation. Some stories are intended to counter
the negative images of women as chattel and honor killings, endemic in
Islam. Much of both the visual and text propaganda is anti-Jewish. It
was initially phrased as anti-Zionism but, increasing, it has become
frank anti-Semitism.
The insistence that Israel is the evil witch of the West is acquiring
a coating of academic scholarship of poor quality but strong
conviction. Richard Cravatts writes about the findings of a Italian
group that the health of Gaza children was jeopardized by the Israeli
invasion last year the group found high concentrations of metal in
the hair of the study's subjects. As indication of the quality of the
experimental design, Cravatts reports an earlier study by NIEHS that
also found high lead levels in Gazan children they lived near a
battery factory. The wall Israel erected to keep out terrorists has of
course been blamed for a variety of psychological symptoms by various
'scientists.' Other pseudo-scientists attribute the abusive treatment
by Palestinian husbands of their wives to the emotional stress
engendered by the Israeli occupation. If we add the poor quality of
articles that once prestigious journals such as Lancet will
accept providing they tar Israel [see here and here.], these
degraded journals will soon need to sport a label: read with caution.
It is common to see a Marxist take up the cause of Muslims, though
ideologically they don't have much in common, except in identifying
Israel and America as the enemy. Judith Butler of UC Berkeley is a
Jew, an anti-Zionist and a Marxist, involved in doing her bit to
destroy Israel, America and capitalism. She knows Israel is an
oppressor country, just as she is certain that Hamas and Hizbullah
don't deserve their bad reputation. To hear her talk, you'd think
homosexuals and women are much better off in Arab countries than in
Israel.We have Steven Plaut to thank for peeling away some of her
incomprehensible prose to expose her vacuous ideas.
In examining a particular article in the New York Times, Barry
Rubin provides us with an excellent analysis of the distortions in an
article whose subject matter, one would think, was 'human interest'
rather than politics, hence more likely to be reported without major
distortions. It wasn't. In reporting on the restoration of a Cairo
synagogue Jews were in Egypt much earlier and longer than Muslims,
as the Haggadah would attest the Times whitewashes the
Egyptian government's hostility towards Jews and ignores the
hate-filled statements issued by Egyptian officials. As on any
hate-spewing anti-semitic website, the aura around the Times
article affirms that 'it's all the fault of the Jooz.'
Saudi Arabia (SA) can pay for the best. And when she sets out to show
how modern, how reformed, the country is becoming, she can afford the
best. Seth J. Frantzman writes how SA has recruited Westerns,
particularly western woman, to handle the campaign. Maureen Dowd of
the New York Times have made her mark in clobbering Israel. Now
she is using her talent for whole-cloth imagery to paint a picture of
the Saudi King as a "social revolutionary" and a kingdom hell-bent on
modernization. Other Times columnists have also celebrated each
micrometer of progress and ignored the continuation of slavery and
beheadings, crippling social customs and harsh punishments for
attempts to gain a modicum of independence. SA is betting that
rhetoric will top reality it has, after all, worked in the Arab
While the Saudi reform offense is aimed at Westerners (see above),
much of the Arab media for Muslims is "a venue for blatant
anti-Semitism." Reuven Erlich writes of the Al-Jazeera March 15 TV
show starring Muhammad Yussuf al-Qardawi, an influential and respected
scholar of Islam, spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood (the
parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda) and the man who ignited the
Muhammed cartoon riots what he called "a day for worldwide Muslim
protests over the insulting campaigns against Allah and His Prophet
Mohammed." Erlich points out that al-Qardawi is "a dominant figure in
shaping the anti-Israeli worldview in the Muslim and Arab world."
Al-Jazeera broadcast his authoritative opinion to a receptive audience
of millions: "the war against the Jews was not only for the
Palestinians to fight, but rather a war of all the Muslims."
Dmeetry Raizman describes some cogent similarities between the Peace
Process just preceding World War 2 and the current Israeli appeasement
policy. In 1939, while the Germans were gaining strength and
confidence to attack and when France's army was one of the strongest in the
world, she disengaged from Saarland, "a location of strategic
importance, unilaterally, without a fight, without a shot, and then
for months the French forces sat in idleness..." on the front facing
Germany. French leadership had been persuaded by Marshal Pétain
that their objective should be defensive 'to minimize losses', and
to strive for peace a policy enthusiastically seconded by the French
Left and foreign peace groups. The consequences of this policy were
seen when World War 2 began in earnest.
Considering how touchy Muslims are about anyone even drawing an image
of Mohammed, one wouldn't think they'd be so unfeeling about sites
important to other people. But they are. They have a dismal record for
not respecting other people's religions. In 1973, they attacked Israel
on Yom Kippur. Given control of Joseph's tomb, they vandelized it,
ripped up the Torah scrolls and defecated everywhere. They used the
Avraham Avinu Synagogue in Hebron as a goat sty. Constant sniper fire
forces visitors to Rachel's tomb to arrive in armored trucks that park
behind concrete road blocks. When Jordan invaded and conquered the
eastern part of Jerusalem, it destroyed the synagogues and used
headstones from the Mount of Olives cemetary as stepping stones to the
latrines. One of these was the Hurva Shul. Sara Yoheved Rigler recounts
the history of the Hurva Synagogue, which has just been rebuilt.
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March 2010 BLOG-EDS
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We are serializing R.K. Ohri's book entitled The Long March of Islam. Previously, Ohri first laid out Islam's grand ideas for its global future and then discussed Islam's foundation tenets. In Chapter 3, he examines in detail a directive that towers above all others: to wage jihad against the infidel until he accepts "Allah as his Lord, Islam as his religion and Muhammad as his Apostle." Jihad is not an occasional act. "It is a holy war to be waged throughout the ages till the Day of Judgment." Current apologists of Islam make jihad sound like a fuzzy finding oneself spiritually. In reality, jihad calls for slaughter in the land; i.e., putting infidels to the slaughter. Which may be why jihad better described as terrorism has become so soul-satisfying in recent years with the Muslim youth and clergy. It is interesting that in India, jihad is justified because the British supposedly abolished the Caliphate; in the Middle East, the reason given is that the Jews are "occupying" Arab land; Osama bin Ladin cited the insult that westerners were in Saudi Arabia as the reason to destroy the World Trade Center and try to knock out the White House and Pentagon. The reasons vary; jihad slaughter is a constant.
Raymond Ibrahim has previously written about taqiyya (unabashed
lying to the infidel), a practice highly praised in Islam as a
superior way to win a battle or an argument. Feigning apostasy and
not just under threat of death is another aspect of taqiyya
that is encouraged. The Qu'ran may itself be
viewed as a study in taqiyya. Admonitions for peace in the
earlier verses written when Islam was still weak and
are later replaced by calls for sustained jihad to convert the
infidels. It is the later verses that are to be obeyed. In another
context, a peace treaty can be made only for a fixed period of time,
ten years at most; open-ended truces are illegitimate. Lies that
further the spread of Islam are legitimate. "Yet", Ibrahim notes,
"most Westerners continue to think that Muslim mores, laws, and
ethical constraints are near identical to those of the Judeo-Christian
tradition." For us in the West to continue to believe the Muslim is
programmed in the same way as a Christian or Jew is dangerous folly.
Barry Rubin makes an important distinction. Jihadism and Terrorism
are not equivalent; "Revolutionary Islamism is the main strategic
problem in the world today. Terrorism is the main tactical problem."
This suggests we stop limiting ourselves to the notion that we are
fighting or we were, pre-Obama terrorism and acknowledge the
enemy is the jihadist who uses terror. The Jihadist is fighting to
inflict the rule of Islam everywhere in the world. As do many,
Rubin takes comfort in separating political-theological Islamism from
theological Islam. As he points out, "Islamism is an interpretation of
Islam and not the only one possible. Indeed, for centuries there have
been different interpretations." True, but from the start Islam
was political as well as theological; jihad spread the word more
efficiently than persuasion. We need to identify our
enemies before we see the whites of their eyes. It will be too late, then.
Bill Warner starts with the proposition that it a binary situation:
one is either a muslim OR a kafir (a non-believer). There are no
religious gradations in degree of belief in the fundamental Muslim
credo. If an individual follows Muslim doctrine, he is a Muslim.
Otherwise he is a kafir. And the two are treated differently. As
Warner notes, "The Koran says that kafirs may be hated, plotted
against, deceived, murdered, raped, enslaved, mocked and tortured. All
of those actions are Islam and perfect doctrine."
"So how do you tell if a nice Muslim is good or bad? From the kafir
point-of-view, there is only the fact that a Muslim is following
Mohammed's example. And that is bad, very bad."
One view of Islam asserts it is a warm religion of peace. Asked why
almost all terrorists are Muslims, the response is: Well, a few
marginal people deprived, uneducated, frustrated are
terrorists, but they aren't authentic Muslims. The other view of Islam
makes do with the facts: in practice, Islam is violent. Its
practitioners are taught that violence and dishonesty as well as
beheading and sneak attacks are acceptable weapons in fighting the
infidel. Considering that the Muslim global population is estimated at
1.6 to 1.8 billion, even if only 15% of Muslims are pro-terror in that
they will at least riot and burn tires to bolster suicide-bombers and
snipers, we are talking about more than 250 million people, (which is
getting mighty close to the population of the U.S.A.) Fern Sidman
reviews a book by Wafa Sultan, an ex-Muslim, who has seen the religion
from the inside and the outside and who has the training to assess it
analytically an ability few of its propagandists have.
Seth Frantzman suggests a practical test of how advanced a Muslim
country is. Ignore what it says it is. Look at the way women are
treated in the country. Look specifically how the Muslim male treats
the women in his own family. Nothing dramatic. Just the ordinary
things. How much freedom of action does she have? How much control
does she have over choosing her friends? How is she allowed
to dress in public? Forget the official PR. It is a sad fact that most
Muslim countries, including the Arab ones, have become ever more
The new morality is that jihadists aren't responsible for their crimes
for they are the victims of society, poverty, neglect and other social
causes. So the attempted destruction of a planeload of people by a
rich, nice, educated Muslim is puzzling to those who won't believe
"what Islamic terrorists like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab themselves
insist motivated them: ... following Islam and reading the Koran."
Jamie Glazov argues that the causes of Umar's hate aren't to be found
in Marxist economics and politics but in the "life-hating teaching of
a religion that demonizes earthly happiness, joy, and pleasure." As
Ayatollah Khomeini said, "there is no fun in Islam." There is too much
hate more than too many Muslims can cope with in a rational way.
Hostile activity by Arabs and other Muslims often takes the form of
maligning non-Muslims, writing poorly-spelled but brutally ugly
comments on the internet, disrupting public meetings organized by
non-Muslims, and randomly attacking Jews physically on the street.
There are also intra-Muslim hate crimes, such as the honor killings
by even "moderate" Arabs Muzammil H. Hassan beheaded his wife
because she was uppity and these are feebly reported by the press.
What is becoming more frequent, as Lori Averick reports, is the
western or westernized born-Muslim or convert, who wakes up one day
and takes it upon himself suddenly to shoot up a Jewish community
center, a group of fellow soldiers or trying for the brass
to explode a planeful of people. An early example was Sayyid Nosair,
Rabbi Meir Kahane's murderer, who came from Egypt and became a member
of the notorious al-Farouq Mosque in Brooklyn.
Dr. Babu Suseelen writes about the impact of random terrorism on the
lives of the citizens where the attack occurred. Security officers and
political leaders warn against attack, but are silent about the jihad
ideology that motivates the jihadists. In time, "citizens have become
inoculated against the terrorists. And these habituated citizens who
are inoculated and who are hiding behind a thick wall of denial no
longer react." We need to fight back to preserve our future for
example, to demand that "hatred from the Koran be expunged."
"Commonsense suggests that citizens have the right to identify people
trying to ferment violence, spread hatred and terror in our country."
This comes as close as any article I know to articulating that we are
at a crossroads "a crossroads where denial and ignorance meet
rationality and common sense." A reader, Christopher Ward, commented:
"D.L. Adams lays out for us the dangers of fundamentalist Islam and
the way we are reacting or rather not reacting."
We are currently militarily engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both
these countries and both sides in both countries are ideologically
governed by Sharia law. Sharia law with its lack of tolerance to any
other religion and its refusal to allow woman freedom of action is
intrinsically "contrary to our concepts of justice and human rights."
As Adams points out, "We fight against jihad at the same time we
create states that will mandate it and support it we will
always be its victims; this is folly." More recently, in Iran, we've
again sided with an ideological Islamic regime, not with those who
want lessened state control.
Adams asks, "What is our purpose in supporting the creation and
growth of societies and governments that are fundamentally opposed to
our existence." How do we define victory? Whatever the outcome, it can
hardly be called democracy?
Aside from the larger issues that need examination, we need to
rethink some of our prejudices. We have rejecting profiling in
airports, though profiling is a sensible way to pick out potential
terrorists. We fear giving offense to Islam to the point that we have
weakened our security. It is ludicrous but significant that the Dep't
of Homeland Security has eliminated the word terrorist from its
vocabulary. We need to understand that those who think of us as the
Great Satan will not love us, no matter what we do. "The adherents of
Islamic doctrine attack us because they hate us; they hate us simply
because we exist."
If democracy is defined as freedom for the individual within
a context of a single language and single sense of "countryhood", then
Great Britain indeed most of Europe continues to fritter away
its freedom under the seductive sway of multiculturalism.
The current trial of Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch parliament,
is on. It is clearly emblematic of the struggle between democracy,
which provides freedom for all groups, and a form of multiculturalism
that favors Islam. It eventually leads to the most determined group
taking control.
Geert Wilders, a Dutch parlimentarian, made a documentary,
Fitna. He showed actual footage of Muslims behaving in their
own interpretation of "peaceful" with voice-overs reading relevent
portions of the Koran condoning this behavior. This infuriated Muslims
and the Muslims so frightened the usually 'anything-is-OK' Dutch
authorities, that Wilders was treated as a criminal. He was not even
allowed into England a year ago. He was put on trial by the Dutch in
early 2010, in the words of Pat Condell ( a must read. click
here. ) for the "crime of embarrassing them with the truth." The
judges have rejected all but 3 of Wilders' 18 witnesses experts in
Islam, social cohesion, and practioners such as Mohammed Bouyen, the
Koran-believer who slaughtered Theo van Gogh in 2004, and Sheikh al-Qaradawi, enthusiast
of the healing power of camel urine. The trial has been postponed
until at least next summer. It's still a cliff-hanger.
It is trite to say that many a time we don't recognize when our
civilization is at a major crossroad at the time when it happens.
Bringing that strong advocate of freedom for the individual, Member of
the Dutch Parliament Geert Wilders, to trial on January 20, 2010, for
insulting Islam, may be one of those epochal events. Fjordman makes us
understand this by comparing Wilders' persecution to that of Galileo,
who was forced to recant his conclusion that the earth traveled around
the sun, and not, as was commonly believed and enforced by the
Catholic Church, that the sun traveled around the earth.
This was the Address given by Geert Wilders, Chairman of the Party for
Freedom (Netherlands), at the Four Seasons, New York City, September 25, 2008,
introducing an Alliance of Patriots and announcing the Facing Jihad
Conference in Jerusalem.
NRO asks a group of experts about the start of Geert Wilders trial:
(1) Is there any legitimate reason he's in court? (2) What are the
implications of such a trial being held, nevermind its outcome? These
are the thoughtful and analytic responses by Bat Ye'or, a leading
authority on the islamization of Europe, Paul Marshall and Nina Shea
of the Hudson Institute Center for Religious Freedom, Robert Spencer,
Director of Jihad Watch, and Daniel Pipes, Director of the Middle East
As in America, the left ideologues and the Muslim fundamentalists in
Britain find common cause in anti-war and anti-zionism activities.
Paul Austin Murphy writes about Salma Yaqoob, a leader of the Respect
Party, whose membership comes from Socialists and Communists on the
left and Muslims on the right. Ideologic differences on gay and
women's rights have caused the Party problems, but there is one area
of perfect harmony among the members they all hate Zionists
(pronounced: Jews) and are
for Palestinian rights. Murphy challenges some of Yaqoob's arguments,
including her downplaying terror in Britain and complaining that Muslims
are demonized. He also questions her claim to be of the "working
class". He points out that her type of defamation of Judaism is
responsible for much of the recent rise of anti-Semitism in England.
Christian churchmen, such as Lord Carey, former Archbishop of
Canterbury, are warning against uncontrolled Islamic immigration that
threatens Britain's "very ethos or DNA." As Muslim immigration has
increased, rather than leading to a multifaceted but integrated
community anchored in a single language and democratic goals, it has
led to increased outlay in welfare expenses, demands that England give
way to Muslim culture by adopting sharia law and a radicalization of
the younger generation of Muslims. In this article, Melanie Phillips
points out that Muslim immigration didn't just happen it was
encouraged in the name of "multiculturalism." Ironically, Muslim
immigration is leading to a bizarre monolithic society where Islam is
topdog and the other groups subservient.
Britain has shown great concern for Muslim sensitivities. It has been
extremely accomodating to what Muslims claim they need to perform
their religious duties to the point of stamping on the religious
and social sensitivities of everyone else: not allowing non-Muslim
employees to eat in the lunch room during Ramadan; not allowing
Christian religious icons to be displayed publically, not allowing
mixed bathing in swimming pools, not teaching the Holocaust, etc. One
result has been that Muslims dedicated to violence have made London
the base of their political, propaganda and lawfare activities.
Hamas is on the European Union's list of terrorist organizations.
Yet, camouflaged as a supporter of the Palestinian cause, it has turned
"Britain into a center for extensive anti-Israeli activity." Hamas and
its ideology has infiltrated "British politics, media and
universities." Reuven Erlich provides us examples of their activities.
When a believer in the basic goodness and fair-mindedness of mankind
come up against guys who seem to be maniacally driven to kill people,
something has to give. When the disparity is in the mind of a
politicized intellectual expert, he often will sneer away the hard
facts to preserve his political integrity. As Bruce Bawer describes so
vividly, using Justin Vaïsse, as a case in point, he will ignore
"the draining of European welfare systems by Muslim families, the
explosion in rapes and gay-bashings and Jew-baitings, the
proliferation of honor killings and forced marriages and no-go
zones..." Curiously, the supercilious know-it-all is often not even
concerned about fellow experts and professionals, who haven't denied
reality but forthrightly fight against the ugliness and brutality that
the entry of a large number of colonizing Muslims has brought to
Europe. Calling those who fight to preserve European culture
Islamophobes won't make the problems go away.
Fjordman comments on a book by Christopher Caldwell emphasize that
while it is a lucid presentation of the major problem confronting
Europe namely, that Europeis being inundated by colonizing
Muslims the book does not come to grips with the likely
consequence that Europe may soon lose its identity and be absorbed
into the world of Islam. As example of the tenor of the book, Caldwell
states that "Europeans can only hope that newcomers, especially Muslim
newcomers, will assimilate peaceably." Fjordman points out that
"Muslims have never 'assimilated peaceably' anywhere." He is
justifiably annoyed that by downplaying the problem now, Caldwell
contributes to a bloody future when and if Europe wakes up.
Isaac Asimov, in writing his Foundation series talked about
a Seldon crisis, where problems that had perhaps been building for
years suddenly come to a boil and there is no escape from dealing with
them. Israel may be at that point.
Most urgent is Iran, which is run by Mullahs whose ambition is to
build a spectacular nuclear device to act as a silver bullet to kill
off Israel, a major obstacle in their pursuit of dominion over the
Middle East.
The real issue is: will the region not just Israel survive?
If Iran is allowed to carry out its nuclear program, an Iranian strike
would devastate the entire Middle East. Some of it will be demolished;
the rest will be too crippled to maintain delivery of the oil on which
much of our transportation and manufacturing industries depend.
The Obama administration's response to this possibility is to
ignore it. Instead, it treats Israel as a pesky dependent that needs
taming and downsizing. The Administration has finally found an enemy
it is prepared to fight. Israel. Not Iran. It seems to be doing all it
can to paralyze Israel (or at least distract it from concentrating on
how to handle Iran) without arousing the ire of the American people,
the majority of which favor Israel, not the Arabs. Other countries
treat Iran's threats as Israel's headache. The U.N. and the E.U. are
As a second component in the crisis, terrorist gangs that have
harassed Israel for years are consolidating. And the U.N. has declared
-- using the Goldstone Report as certification that attempts by
Israel to fight the terrorists are war crimes. To prepare to face this
combined hostility, Israel must not only prepare militarily but it
must also become less lackadaisical about her internal enemies, the
Jewish Marxist ideologues who fight for the Palestinian cause. In addition, there is the long-standing factor that the Palestinian
arabs ignore history, geography and international law by claiming that
they are a people and that the Land of Israel belongs to them.
Appeasement by Israel has proven a failure, and the mistake continues
to paid for in Jewish dead bodies.
By not asserting her rights to her land, Israel has lost the
propaganda war by default. The American Administration acts as if the
way to peace in the Middle East even with a belligerent Iran, an
aggressive assortment of terror groups controlled by resurgent Islam
and a regional war taking place by proxy in Yemen is to give the
Palestinian arabs a good chunk of Israel. It refuses to allow normal
and quite legal growth of the Jewish towns in Samaria and Judea as
part of its irrational push for a Palestinian state. It is more
committed to this goal than are the Arabs who are to become the
citizens of this new state.
Israel might continue to give aways pieces of her tiny land, hoping
to appease the local Arabs and foreign powers who are intent on
destroying Israel. Or she will stiffen her spine and use her brain to
solve the Palestinian problem by (1) annexing Samaria and Judea and
Gaza, which are rightfully hers; and (2) urging regional and world
groups to grant the "Palestinians" including the Arab refugees --
an area carved out of the enormous amount of the Middle East land the
League of Nations allocated to the Arabs. That will be the real
beginning of peace.
Moshe Saperstein relieves himself of his opinon of a Chanukah obscenity
-- inviting an enemy of Israel to light the Chanukah menorah in
Washington, D.C. But he also writes of three small miracles, all of
which happened at Chanukah time. Rachel posts an essay by Paula R.
Stern, a moving story of how she salvaged stones from the synagogues
that were left behind by the Jews forced out of Gaza. They were
desecrated by the new Arab inhabitants.
As a reader commented, "just too bad that a tragedy such as this one
at Gush Katif was the spark that ignited their tremendous creative
spirits. Here's hoping that these talented women continue
to bring beauty in to the world. Theirs is a great example of tikun
Ugly punishments were meted out to teenagers who stood and protested
without stones or guns or any weapons that expelling the
Jews from Gush Katif was dreadfully wrong. They were treated much more
harshly than Arab prisoners in Israel who have been found guilty of
killing Israelis. The Arab prisoners even study for degrees while in
jail; the teenagers were locked up "pre-trial" for indefinite amounts
of time. That has now been judged by the courts to be excessive. The
expulsion from Gaza has also been judged wrong. David Wilder is perhaps
looking at a possible future when the Israeli leadership fearful of
'them' America, the media, "world opinion" might
commit the crime of expelling some 200,000 to 300,000 Jews from
Biblical Israel. This would be so outrageous as to make the suffering
and demoralization caused by the Gush Katif expulsion seem mild in
comparison. So he suggests that now that the Judiciary has come to its
senses, it pass a law recognizing all the expellees as national heroes
and making the leaders promise that this will Never Again Happen. It
follows, for the law to have teeth, that the leaders responsible of
the Gush Katif evil pay for their crime.
Undeniably, the best way to stop the development of Iran's
doomsday bomb would be to let the Iranian people handle it
themselves. Two of this set of articles discuss how angry the Iranian
populace is at the government and ways we could assist them to bring
about regime change. Unfortunately, as Timmerman's article shows, the
American administration is looking at its actions and lack of
action pro-Mullah. The U.N. is unworried it's too busy
calling Israel's scrupulous military action in Gaza a year ago a war
crime and the EU doesn't seem to understand that any disruption of
the fragile stability of the Middle East will affect them in many
unpleasant ways. Given that none of the major groups that could
possibly rein in Iran are doing anything, it is unlikely that the
best way to stop bomb building in the Middle East will have time to
succeed. For those who are convinced Iran doesn't mean what it says
about nuclear-bombing Israel, we suggest you read Joshua Teitelbaum's
monograph, "What Iranian Leaders Really Say about Doing Away with
available from JCPA.
Amil Imani suggests that "all signs point to an early demise of the
Islamic Republic and the establishment of a secular democracy." In
response to the public's unrest, the Iranian government has become
more repressive and brutal, and in doing so, it becomes yet more
unpopular. Imani estimates it has at best the support of some 10-15%
of the population. "[T]he opposition movement is massive and
determined, capable of exploiting any opportunity to disempower the
regime." It includes labor and teacher unions, student groups, religious
and ethnic minorities and journalists. They should be backed up by the
world's nations imposing immediate sanctions. Whether the revolution
or the bomb will come in first is still to be answered.
James K. Glassman and Michael Doran provide us with ABB All But
the Bomb --- ideas on dealing with Iran's as yet unstopped program to
build nuclear bombs. They suggest ideas for a regime change in Iran,
following up on the obvious dissatisfaction among the Iranians due to
the fraudulent reelection of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last summer. Should
Iran be allowed to continue her nuclear plans, even if she doesn't
immediately blast Israel, she becomes the more powerful state in the
Middle East, or, as more likely, starts a race among the group of
equally-unstable barely-civilized Arab states of the region to secure
their own nuclear weapons.
Kenneth Timmerman describes his interview with Rahman Haj Ahmadi,
leader of the outlawed Free Life Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PJAK) in
Europe. As Timmerman writes, "Far from being a terrorist group, PJAK
is dedicated to the overthrow of the Islamic Republic regime in Iran
and its replacement by a pro-Western, secular, united Iran that
recognizes the rights of all its citizens." Instead of encouraging
this dissident group, the American Administration has, under the media
radar, labeled the group as terrorist and frozen its assets, thus
ensuring that other groups would avoid working with it.
Let's first consider some bad political decisions Israel has made. It
has sacrificed its own needs and damaged its image and its
self-respect in the vain hope of gaining peaceful accomodation with
its Arab neighbors. As Evelyn Gordon points out below, "The Oslo
process [instituted in 1993] led Israel to sideline its own claim to
the West Bank and Gaza, which all Israeli governments (and
international Jewish leaders) had stressed to some extent before 1993.
The argument in favor of Israel's right to sovereignty there was
simple: these territories are the historic Jewish homeland, the heart
of the biblical Jewish kingdom. They were explicitly allotted to the
future Jewish state by the 1922 League of Nations Mandate, which was
never legally superseded." Instead of leading to peace, the
concessions made to the local arabs increased their appetites for
further encroachment and renewed terrorism, not for peace.
Alex Rose describes some bad decisions Israel has made in its short
lifetime, sometimes for noble reasons, sometimes from timidity and
fear of asserting its legitimate rights. These decisions have led to
some almost insolvable present-day problems. Moreover, her continued
concessionary attitude and preoccupation with peace and
peace partners and the peace process are giving her
enemies a better shot at her destruction. She has not, however, been
responsible for one of the most stupid decisions in the recent history
of the Middle East, namely, Jimmy Carter's undermining the Shah of
Iran. We can thank him for Iran's present-day rulers, the tyrannical
The conventional wisdom is that Israel's international standing
depends on its willingness to advance the "peace process." If so,
why, Evelyn Gordon asks, "has Israel's reputation fallen so low
despite its numerous concessions for peace since 1993?" She points
out that "among anti-Israel radicals, Israel's increasingly frantic
pursuit of peace has aroused not admiration but rather the instincts
of a predator scenting blood." To the terrorists, a concessionary
Israel signals that Israel is in panic, so it's a good time to step
up terror. Israel should attend to some truisms. First: Diplomats
pressure the pressurable. Second: Terrorists expand their
terror activities whenever possible. The Arabs in control of the
Territories are terrorists. As Gordon points out, "the desperate
pursuit of peace is not the solution but the problem."
The term McCarthyism describing unfair accusations
reminiscent of the pronouncements of the late unlamented Senator
Joseph McCarthy is a favorite retort of Marxist academics,
especially when they are accused of disloyalty. They proclaim loudly
and angrily that they are being deprived of their right to free
speech, no matter how sloppy or non-factual or treasonous their
speech. They never call it McCarthyism when they don't allow their
students or colleagues the same right to free speech. Lee Kaplan
explains the origin of the term McCarthyism, and suggests that
the spectacle of Israeli Marxists becoming offended when their
pseudo-scholarship, inaccuracies and political ideology are called
into question is more Charlie McCarthy than Joseph.
A particularly damaging action by the Israeli left has been to insert
"appeasement [touted as peace] into the culture and the
educational system of the State of Israel." This is while the
government knows Arab kiddies are inculcated from the time they can
crawl to celebrate murder of Jews. One consequence has been a fall in
IDF recruitment from the Israeli Left when once almost all
Israelis aspired to join the army while more Arab youth are
recruited as suicide-murderers. An unforeseen paradox has been that
Israel must rely on the religious Jew in the army, but the religious
soldiers are put into the position of being commanded to crush their
own religious Zionist communities at the behest of the Leftist
politicians. How long can Israel function while violating the deepest
patriotic values of the majority of its citizenry?
Caroline Glick points out that Israel is being hemmed in by
different groups of Muslim terrorists, which suggests that a regional
war is imminent. To prepare for it, Israel of course needs to examine
the potential military aspects. It also needs to neutralize the
political-social items that would prevent Israel from responding
effectively: the 5th column some Israeli arabs have shown
themselves to be; "the ideological dependence on the far left and its
central contention that it is Israel's presence in contested areas
rather than our enemies' commitment to Israel's destruction that
causes wars"; and the support given by a single source the New
Israel Fund to all of the 16 anti-Zionist NGOs which wrote the war
crimes charges made official by the Goldstone Committee in its attempt
to prevent the IDF from fighting effectively in future engagements.
NIF's motto might as well be: 'we'll do anything to undermine Israel:
we support riots, terrorize Israeli officials, and amplify the voices
of radicalized Islam.' Israel needs to make it clear that "the
political open season on Israel is over." Israel must never again sue
for peace after winning the war.
Why the Palestinian people was invented and the corruption of their handlers.
If Yasser Arafat was the father of the Palestinian People,
Russia was its mother. Wallace Edward Brand writes about the role
Soviet Russia played in literally creating the Palestinian People in
1964 and in establishing Yassir Arafat as its leader. He bases much
of this on the revelations of Major General Ion Mihai Pacepa, who has been
vetted and certified as a credible source. Creating the
"Palestinian" people as a propaganda weapon to counter Israel's
ownership of Mandated Palestine has also been confirmed by many Arab
sources (cf. here.)
This essay by Assaf Wohl is written as replies to assertions by
prominent Arabs who insist the Land of Israel belongs to them, past,
present and future. That they say so would ordinarily be their own
business and error but unfortunately, their words have incited
Arabs to riot. Would that Assaf Wohl's essay motivates them to
substitute Israel's real history for their fantasy version. As he
has pointed out, "in every Arab village where you dig a little, you
will find a synagogue."
Mahmoud Abbas is quite a guy. He has two faces the smiley one
he turns toward Westerners when he asserts that he abjures violence
and the dedicated look of the good Muslim when he honors Arabs
terrorists. Two faces and no elected position his term of
office as President expired January 9, 2009. So they just extended it
with new elections sometime in 2010. Maybe. And yet, the
American administration spends more effort worrying about how to get
Israel to gift him with Samaria and Judea than it does worrying about
the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah-Hamas alliance. I'm guessing the USA
administration figures it would complicate things if Hamas wins in
Samaria and Judea in a new election before the U.S.A. can
"peace-process" Israel into giving its land away.
Abbas may not be as colorful a murderer as Arafat, but his heart is in
the right place: he too believes in the Arab version of the work
ethic: take home whatever you can steal. The longer he stays in
office, the more likely it is that he and his buddies will live like
Arafat's widow does. Arafat died in 2004, but widowlady Sufa
still keeps dress boutiques and fancy food stores in business, all by
her little self. Wot a benefactress. Of course, Hamas also takes big chunks
of the money coming in to welfare the po' Palestinians in Gaza. No
In writing this article about the U.N. Mark Steyn is as usually witty,
incisive and right on the mark. It is a bit depressing to ponder that this description
of the U.N.'s corruption is five years old. And it is still accurate.
Yoav Sorek presents a brief synopsis of the Israeli Initiative for
solving the Palestinian refugee problem. He argues that "the
Palestinian refugee issue [is] the key to real change in the Middle
East. Contrary to popular understanding, this issue could be solved in
a relatively simple way: treating the Palestinian refugees like all
other refugees. A fair humanitarian solution to this problem is of
interest to all who seek stability and peace Israel, the US,
moderate Arab regimes, and of course, the Palestinian refugees
themselves. The main obstacle for rehabilitation of the Palestinian
refugees has always been the Palestinian National Movement, which
takes advantage of the refugee issue, and the United Nations Relief
and Works Agency (UNRWA), the body responsible for the perpetuation of
the refugee situation over six decades. The fact that UNRWA is
financed by western countries with the US as its largest sole donor,
gives us an opportunity to make a change." Something needs to be done
soon. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the U.N estimated the number of
Arab refugees at 472,000, of which 360,000 needed help. The number has
grown so that UNRWA, whose only clients are these Arab
refugees, feeds, houses, educates, provides health care and
propagandizes for more than 4.5 million people who claim to be the
original refugees and/or their descendants. And the number continues
to grow.
Mark Delmar supplies references for facts that have been submerged by
the fraudulent claim of the "Palestinians" that they are the original
occupants of the Land of Israel and that the Jews invaded their land
and are occupying it. There never was a country or state called
Palestine. It is a fantasy that owes little to history and geography.
Quite the reverse is true. When the Jews returned in numbers to their
ancient land of Israel at the end of the 19th Century, the land was a
poverty-striken, unfertile, unsanitary part of the Ottoman Empire. The
Jews revitalized the land and the Arabs came in because of the renewed
economic opportunities. The truth has often been told. It is time it
was accepted.
The Obama administration, whether through design or ignorance, appears
to be operating consistently to aid the growth of Islam in America and
abroad. In this country, terrorist acts that can't be attributed to
al-Qaeda are seen as random and individual. Islam continues to
infiltrate our educational and political systems. A growing network
of mosques manufactures the manpower to promote sharia law by terror
and by persuasion whichever works in the particular situation.
The Jewish community has unwillingly become a major target for Islamic
Many have forgotten that not that long ago American Jews were
subjected to restrictions and quotas, some crude, others more
low-keyed, but all hurtful and damaging. Too many American Jews are
too young to realize how important Israel is for them personally, if
only as an escape hatch, should the rising anti-semitism
compliments of Arab money and influence working with Marxists and
religious anti-semites reach the heights it has in Britain and
France. Unlike the old prejudice that seldom spoke loudly
except for the neo-nazis and Father Coughlins the new
anti-semitism announces itself openly.
On campuses, while Jewish students march and chant for peace and
ecumenism, arab students hang posters showing Jews dripping blood as
they eat arab babies. They boldly disrupt meetings they don't like.
College administrators may prefer that these vulgar demonstrations
didn't happen, but too often they do exactly nothing to stop them,
It is easy for Jews to take quiet pride in Israel's accomplishments
in medicine, in computers, in technology. But most Jews are not
equipped to handle bad press in the media and condemnations from their
fellow students and coworkers. The political manipulations in the U.N.
are way beyond them.
Jewish hasbara is poor. The U.N.-staged Goldstone report and
malicious blood-libel stories in the media have been countered
intelligently and decidedly by thoughtful and analytic articles. But
the defamation of Israel is not a topic the majority of Jews are
passionate about. It isn't something they bring up with coworkers at
lunch. The typical reaction to accusations against Israel is
embarrassment; Jews too often blame Israel for causing them distress.
They are light years away from even thinking of refuting the libel
Things are not getting any better. Thanks to Saudi money and an
organized network of hate-spewing mosques, Arabs have cornered the
market on profiling the players in the Middle East: Islam is peaceful,
Israel is evil. Somali muslims have killed hundreds of thousands of
blacks who are their co-religionists in Darfur; Sunnis kill Shi'ites
and Shi'ites kill Sunnis; Iran crushes its election protesters; Fatah
shoots Hamas and Hamas throws Fatah off roof tops; Rwanda, Bosnia, Sri
Lanka have seen indiscriminate massacres. But the only 'crime' that
excites the media and the leftist humanitarian peacenikers is Israel's
tempered attempt to stop Arab terrorists from aiming missiles at
Calls for academic boycotts of Israel began in 2002 and continue.
Jewish academics do rebuff such calls. Sadly, their response is often
a whine that there's lots of Israelis that care about human rights for
the arab. How pathetic. They haven't the guts to say that if the
punishment for inconveniencing Arabs at a checkpoint is an academic
boycott, the punishment for the same group of arabs killing Jews
should be death or, at the very least, a complete quarantine.
Why are defenders of Israel apologizing? Geert Wilders (see above)
has pointed out that "the war against Israel is not a war against
Israel. It is a war against the West. It is jihad. Israel is simply
receiving the blows that are meant for all of us." Why aren't we
educating European academics that it is daft to undermine Israel when
it is one of the few places not willing to commit suicide so that
Islam can take over the world? A cheery note. American Jews are beginning to ask: why aren't our
leaders out there in the front lines yelling at the Arab
propagandists? Why is Bnai Brith helping Muslims condemn Israel? Why
is JNF letting the Arabs take over Jewish land? Why is AIPAC promoting
an Arab state in Samaria and Judea (aka the West Bank), Judaism's
birthplace? Why are they so eager to give the Arabs the Biblical land
of Israel, with its many towns whose names are obviously from Biblical
times, including Seilun (Shiloh), where Joshua brought the Ark of the
Covenant, and Hebron, where Abraham and Sarah are buried and David was
crowned King? Most of the articles in this set examine our weak leadership and
ineffective hasbara. Even when Israel behaves magnificently, moving an
entire area aid after a natural disaster to a new and
higher standard of care, we can still expect people will decide Israel
is doing it for ugly motives. On the other hand, there's nothing
easier to sell than a story that Israel is doing something nefarious
like cutting up Arabs for their bullet-shattered organs. With
the help of a cooperative media and a compliant educational system,
the Muslims are making great strides in getting their bizarre version
of reality out to the public. They are using our openness and respect
for other people's points of view to convince us to take on their
medieval ideas. Like it or not, Jews in America and Jews in Israel are bonded. We
need to support each other without equivocation. Israel has had to
take the brunt of Islamic hate for America as well as for the insult
she inflicted on Arab sensibilities by staying alive when her Arab
neighbors tried to kill off the brand new modern state. Jews
in America have to learn to defend Israel as if it is for themselves.
For it is.
Nonie Darwish describes yet another way that Islamic attitudes and
values are infiltrating our educational system and affecting the
values of young students. They send around speakers to schools, who,
under the guise of explaining Islam, mispresent Islam, excusing its
violence and spouting misinformation. These tactics are also designed
to create an attitude of hate against Israel and America in the next
generation. As Yuval Zaliouf has said of this essay, "Here is a clear
example of the infestation of barbarism into our civilization." The
unfortunate fact is that so many in the "civilized" world,
particularly in academia and in the media, side with those barbarians.
See for example the uncivilized tactics at UC Irvine here.
Michael W. Schwartz makes a novel distinction between American
religious institutions and foreign ones, specifically, Saudi-funded
and staffed mosques in America. The reason is that the political
aspects of what is taught in Wahhabi mosques have been implicated in
several massacres by American Muslim terrorists. As one reader of the
original article wrote: "The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
Citizens have not only rights but responsibilities ..." Another reader
noted that if Islam is a religion and not a political invasion, then
we should go by the principle of mutuality: "They get as many mosques
[here in America] as we get Churches/synagogues Houses of
Worship [in Saudi Arabia.]."
Avrum I. Ashery reminds us that there are many effective and creative
ways of letting people know about "Israel's exciting accomplishments in
health, science technology and agriculture." And Israel's fast and
brilliant response when disaster strikes. And its religious tolerance
despite the fact that it lives in a region of widespread religious
intolerance. Use the included list of some of Israel's accomplishments
to start you off.
Israel's immediate response to the earthquake in Haiti was dazzling;
it set a new standard for dealing with a disaster by integrating
high-tech and well-trained and dedicated professionals. As Emanuel
Winston put it: "Israel's contribution became the focal point for
other doctors from all over the world. Regrettably, the International
Media worked very hard to insure that Israel's contribution was either
not mentioned or only minimally, at best." And many internet crazies
were sure Israel was there to harvest organs. The article is
an IDF soldier's eyewitness account of the Israeli field hospital
personnel and the reaction of the Haitians whose lives were saved.
Not long before the totally unwarrented and monstrous attack on Israel
by the United Nation's Goldstone Report, Israel suffered another
undeserved kick in the ribs. A Swedish paper, the
Aftonbladet, skillfully mixed rumors, distortions, suggestions,
lies and irrelevent information to accuse Israel of harvesting organs
from dead Palestinians. Tossavainen does an excellent wrap-up of the
story and its aftermath. Or some of the aftermath. It takes but
a moment to realize that organs for transplant need meticulous
handling and the organs of a bullet-riddled terrorist are hardly
likely to be suitable. Nevertheless, such malicious and blatently dishonest
stories about Israel are readily believed by those happy to accept any
negative story about Jews.
Abe Foxman and the ADL are long-time institutions in the American
Jewish community. Politically, like Merlin in the King Arthur legend,
Foxman seems to be traveling backward in time. Half a century out of
date, he thinks his enemies are right winger who love Israel like Rush
Limbaugh and Christian evangelicals. He rants against right wing
Nazis, whose impact is somewhere around minus zero but he pursues
ecumenical ties with the Muslims, who spend time, money and human
resources in promoting antisemitism in America. Foxman continues to
use his position to side with the political Left, apparently believing
the Left is still philo-semitic and the Right anti-semitic.
What is most disturbing is that Foxman doesn't seem to recognize the
extent that Arab targetting of Jews has influenced American campuses
and churches. In this essay, Susan L. Rosenbluth examines Foxman's
record, particularly his protection of those, like Bishop Tutu, who
defame Israel. It's not clear we can any longer afford an ADL that
defames our friends and ignores the danger posed by Arabs suffering
from Judeophobia.
The ADL is an outstanding example of an important Jewish organization
that is inadequately responding "to the threats posed by Islamist
antisemitism." Unfortunately, it isn't the only one that is passive in
the face of Muslim in-your-face hostility. Other major Jewish
organizations have not forthrightly warned their membership about the
extent of Muslim planning and infiltration into America's educational,
religious and political institutions. These groups certainly know that the Muslims have geared
up to isolate Jews and demonize them in the U.S.A, Canada and several
South American states. Charles Jacobs may have figured out the main
reason why they haven't they just don't know how to explain it to
the Jewish community. I have news for them. All they have to do is
say it. Plainly. In plain English. The facts. The unvarnished facts.
The worst that can happen is some ostriches will resign from the
groups. But that's better than being accused later of knowing what was
going on and pretending that things would get better.
To put it another way, NOT to
shout in a theatre when there's a fire is criminal.
As Lou Marano writes, "Contrary to the received wisdom and official
U.S. policy, a Palestinian state is not necessary, desirable or
inevitable." For those committed to a Jewish State in the otherwise
monopolistic Muslim Middle East, he argues it is time for proactive
support. Why? Because there is evidence that the military means used
to impose the current Washington-requested 10-month freeze on new
Jewish construction in Samaria and Judea may portend an expulsion of
these same Israeli Jews from their homes and businesses. A government
that hasn't yet resettled the 8000 to 10,000 Jews it hounded out of
their homes in Gaza in 2005 may be about to repeat this act of terror
against another 200,000 to 300,000 of its citizens. If eastern
Jerusalem is included, the number would go up to 500-600,000 Jews made
refugees by their own government in their own country.
The articles range from
the First Liberation the Great
Liberation of the land destined to be our homeland to
the Crusades and
to the more recent
massacre of Deir Yassin, which like so many Arab tales
turned out to be a hoax.
Victor Sharpe says of his article, "At this time when the
international community, including the Obama Administration and the
State Department, is applying unbearable pressure upon the Jewish
state to give away its Biblical and ancestral heartland of Judea and
Samaria to the Arabs, who call themselves Palestinians, it is vital to
return to the biblical passages in the Book of Joshua. Joshua was the
great military leader of the Jewish people. It was he who first freed
the Promised Land in what I call the Great Liberation. The
article/essay is replete with biblical passages that list the
liberated territories on both banks of the River Jordan and which we
ignore today at our peril." How foolish it would be to give away
our patrimony for a bowl of promises that the Arabs have no
intention of honoring.
Selwyn Duke asks: "Were the Crusades really expansionist ventures by
an imperialist Europe? Or were they something else entirely?" He
reminds us that by 732 A.D, when Islam was little more than 100 years
old, Muslims had already taken over many of the Christian countries of
the Middle East and North Africa, Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and were
nearing Paris before they were stopped. But Islam didn't stop trying to
take over Europe. The Crusades, begun some four centuries later, were
attempts by Christianity to take back territory once theirs and to
stop further encroachment. Duke suggests we need to understand the
Crusaders in the context of their time. Muslims were relentlessly
invading and occupying large swatches of Europe, The Crusaders fought
back perhaps not brilliantly and with dark episodes. But they
fought for the survival of their lands and religion.
History sometimes has a way of repeating the same elements of the same
story over and over again. In Jenin and again in Gaza last year,
Israel put its own soldiers at risk to prevent the killing of Arab
women and children, whose own families callously put them at risk to
shield the terrorists that Israel was targetting. The same thing
happened when the new state of Israel was just born and immediately
invaded. Deir Yassin was not a peaceful village; it was fortified and
well-equipped with a large supply of arms being used by a large number
of native and foreign fighters, shooting down into Jewish areas.
Strategically placed high up in the hills, it was blocking the road to
Jerusalem. Rather than a surprise attack which would have saved
Jewish lives the Jews, using a loudspeaker, offered the town the
opportunity to send away the women and children before they attacked.
What the Jews got for their scrupulous behavior was the Deir Yassin
myth, which asserted the Jews had raped the women and massacred the
town. And this was years before Judge Goldstone with solemn face
falsely certified that Jews committed war crimes in Gaza.
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January 2010 BLOG-EDS
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Ted Belman summarizes the unbroken series of treaties and resolutions,
laid out by the San Remo Resolution, the League of Nations and the
United Nations, that give the Jewish People title to Mandatory
Palestine and the city of Jerusalem. Ownership of the Land went from
the defunct Ottoman Empire to the present State of Israel. The Arabs
were never involved. The "Palestinians" had never owned the land;
they had never had a state on the land. Considering that during the
same period and by the same mechanisms, the Arabs acquired title to
over 99% of the Middle East, the Arabs can hardly be considered to be
deprived of land.
Eli Hertz presents the pertinent information about two U.N.
Resolutions 181 and 242 that are often used inaccurately
to 'prove' that Israel needs to give up yet more of its tiny country
to the Arabs. Resolution 187 was adopted by the General Assembly in
1947 and would have partitioned mandated Palestine into a Jewish state
and an Arab state. It was never adopted by the Security Council, so it
was never a binding resolution. In any event, the Arabs rejected it.
It became null and void when the Arab states invaded the new-born
state of Israel in 1948. U.N. Resolution 242 was adopted after the
6-day war by the Security Council. It said that Israel was to return
some of the land it conquered when the Arab states formally
agreed to allow Israel to live in peace with secure and recognized
borders. It did not mention Palestinian arabs.
Palestinian Arabs should have a contest on who can invent the most
awful thing to blame on Israel, especially when they have highly
partial NGOs like Amnesty International to help them. Water is so
basic, everyone can sympathize with the po' Palestinians being
deprived of water by the evil Israel. Unfortunately, the figures don't
support their claim. Their problems as usual are self-inflicted:
their leaders are not the most ept in maintaining distribution and
they have allowed "untreated effluents to endanger 'downstream'
Israeli supplies." Martin Sherman is discussing the Mountain Aquifer
in Samaria and Judea (the West Bank). Imagine the disaster if they
plonk an Arab state there the aquifer would go the way of the
Coastal Aquifer that the Gaza arabs have ruined.
Lyn Julius tells the story of the al-Kuwaity brothers, Saleh and
Daoud, who became famous in the Arab world as composers and
performers. They were born in Kuwait of Iraqi Jewish parents a century
ago. When Iraq and the other Arab countries began terrorizing their
Jewish communities, the brothers fled to Israel along with most of the
other Iraqi Jews. As is usual in totalitarian countries, they became
unpersons in the Arab countries that had acclaimed their compositions.
Their music was still played, but "attributed to Muslim musicians or
labeled 'of folk origin'". Julius writes, "The Arab world needs to
acknowledge its debt and to accept that uprooting their Jews exacted a
heavy price. The day that a street in Baghdad is named after the
al-Kuwaity brothers would be a day for celebration, indeed."
This issue, we learn from Moshe Saperstein the reality on the ground
while little-boy politicians play Real Politiks with people's
lives. And Rachel Saperstein gives us the grown-up version of the
story for children about the little red hen that grew the wheat and
eventually baked the bread. Her neighbors came around when the bread
was baked, not before. In the grown-up version, some of the Jews
expelled from Gush Katif, Gaza, shook off despair and set down a new
community in Lachish. The bureaucrats that have mucked up their
resettlement of the Gaza Jews came to the opening ceremonies to take
the credit.
Over the years, we've posted letters from Anita Tucker, starting from
when she was a farmer in Gaza. Like the Sapersteins (see above), she
and her family were expelled from Gush Katif, Gaza, in August 2005, by a government
that put a lot of effort in destroying the lives of some of their best
citizens and then all but abandonned them. Like the Sapersteins, she
found the courage to build again, a community they will call Netzer
Hazani, named after the community destroyed in Gaza, She writes how
the Obama-inspired 'building freeze' is affecting the community.
Standard English Slander for Jewish villages and towns in the territories and parts of Jerusalem: an outpost is a few trailers, usually on a hilltop and preventing Arab settlers seizing the land illegally; a settlement is any Jewish village, town or city smaller than Tel-Aviv. Just a few months
The settlers have a deserved reputation of taking a lot of insult and
physical abuse from the Israeli authorities, with minimal response.
The police, judiciary and government have been blatently supportive of
Arab settlers and hostile to Jewish settlers. Some of the settlers
experienced being expelled from their homes in Gush Katif in 2005 only
to find their Government had made a pointless gesture that had no
impact on the world except that it demanded further concessions. They
understand that a settlement freeze is likely to become permanent and
be the start of yet another expulsion. This time they know from
experience the government will act against patriotic Jews instead of
the Arabs that want to destroy Israel. As Hillel Fendel shows us, the
Jews are planning with more perspicacity.
Israel's politicians are generally not outstanding, but its technical
and scientific people are world-class. And they put their innovative
skills to practical use. It is a sad irony that while Israel in the
last few years has proven the wisdom of rejecting its socialist past
and going to market capitalism, America appears to be going in the
opposite direction it is starting to adopt a socialist leveling
philosophy, to our economy's detriment.
"Israel has more companies on the tech-oriented NASDAQ than any
country outside the United States more than all of Europe, Japan,
Korea, India, and China combined." Dan Senor and Saul Singer suggest
that the U.S. could learn lessons from Israel's vital economy and high
concentration of innovation and entrepreneurship. They attribute
Israel's success in part to the experience young people gain in the
army taking responsibility and making vital decisions on the basis of
incomplete information and inadequate resources. Other factors are
important. Israel is open to new immigrants dynamic capitalists
from America, engineers and scientists from Russia and has sensible
banking practices. And it was a major boost when they abandoned their
socialist-based financial structure.
Israel blossomed as a powerhouse of
technological developments when it rejected its early socialist
economic philosophy and adopted market capitalism. George Gilder
points out that in a very short time, Israel has "become a center of
innovation, second in absolute achievement only to the United States,
and on a per-capita basis dwarfing the contributions of all other
nations, America included." It is a world leader "in launching new
companies and technologies." Some of Israel's technology achievements
have millitary application, which "makes Israel one of America's most
important economic allies."
Israel must take control of the land that is its by Bible, by history,
by international law and by conquest. And she can't possibly allow the
Arabs to control Israel's water supply. Without a strong stance, she is
always kept off balance, defending herself from blood libels by the
media and the U.N. For example, she was accused of war crimes in Gaza
when she killed some 1200 the majority of whom were terrorists and
their human shields. In Yemen, they haven't counted the many thousands
that have been killed and/or displaced in the Saudi-Iran proxy war, and the U.N. says
nothing. This section looks at what Israel needs to do to inprove its political position
-- from casting off its 'court Jew' persona to taking control of
land that it owns legally, morally, and by right of conquest.
Stephen Schechter speaks bluntly of the unremitting hatred of the
Arabs to Israel a hatred that makes them insist, ignoring both
history and law, that Jews have no connection with the land; a hatred
they satisfy "by Jew hatred, terror, violence and blood lust." Jews,
in contrast, continue to believe (oh so unrealistically) that there
has to be a peaceful solution, even though every Israeli concession
including stripping itself of bits of its tiny land inspires the
Arab world to greater monstrosity. Shechter, ever the realist, argues
that the Jews need to forsake the Court Jew mentality, defeat
the Palestinians "militarily, a goal perfectly within Israel's
capability" and reassert "sovereignty over the land promised to the
Jews by God and the Balfour Declaration." From his lips to Israel's
In Orwellian Newspeak, doublethink is the ability to believe
wholeheartedly and simultaneously in two contradictory statements or
in a conclusion that flies in the face of the plain known facts. Tsvi
November describes Israel's own version of Newspeak: the media and the
leadership praise appeasement and abasement as furthering peace, when
experience continues to demonstrate that catering to the Arabs make
them ever more violent and demanding. Israel grows more prosperous and
self-sufficient while the social, economic, political and demographic
problems in the Arab countries worsen, yet the appeasers insist time
is working against Israel. Some Israelis believe there will be real
peace if only the "Palestinians" sign an agreement even though when
they themselves shop in a souk, they don't believe anything the Arab
owner says without verifying it for themselves. In Newspeak, "disputed
territories" meant land not held permanently by one of the
Superstates; "disputed territories" is how Israel's diplomats describe
land they own by international law but are afraid to say so. It's time
the media stopped feeding the public "the peace in our time' fantasy"
and let common sense come to the fore.
It is Paul Lademain's contention that Israel's leaders he doesn't
think highly of them are not dealing correctly with the Arabs
encroaching on Jewish land. Israel makes stupid gestures of goodwill
"bargaining away its right to assert control over lands in its
possession," whereas the Arabs understand as Israel's leadership
apparently does not that, practically speaking, possession is
90% of the law. "Nations who agree to relinquish their land or
their power in exchange for air-kisses are correctly perceived as
'losers.'" He recommends that "[t]o perfect control over YOUR land you
must first resolve that the land is YOURS--and shall always be
yours--and to do so without any qualms and with absolutely no guilt."
Sensible advice.
Victor Sharpe points out that Israel jeopardizes its future by not
asserting its rights. Even if it were foolish enough to allow a
Palestinian State in Biblical Israel, the Palestinians would still
attempt to grab more land. The Arabs would yell for Israel to move to
the 1949 Armistice Lines as now they yell for Israel to withdraw to
the 1968 lines. And in whatever territory they take over, they allow
no Jews. So there is actually a very stark option. Either Israel take
control of its land or the Arabs will. Sharing is not in the cards.
Since Oslo or perhaps since 1968 when Israel regained Biblical
Israel Israel has kept the future of the thriving Jewish
communities of Samaria and Judea ambiguous, hoping to use them as a
bargaining token, where many of them would be swapped for peace with
Israel's Arab neighbors. Over the years, Israel's ambition shrunk to a
hope for peace with the local Arabs, who had started to call
themselves "Palestinians"; and now even the putative head of some of
these arabs mocks them. It has been a foolish policy that has
destroyed the lives of some of her best citizens and gained Israel
nothing except condemnation, whatever it does or doesn't do. Michael
Freund suggests a different course, one based on Israel's legal
ownership of the land, when he writes, "For far too long, Israel has
been overly vulnerable to Palestinian machinations and games by
leaving the status of the settlements unresolved. Now is the time to
send a clear message to our foes, and there is no better place to
start than with our own unilateral measures, chief among them the
annexation of all the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria." An
Addendum from The Israeli Initiative suggests a somewhat
different way to regain what belongs to Israel. A good start to
doing what Israel should have done in 1968.
Many arabs were settled into Biblical Israel eastern Jerusalem,
Samaria and Judea by Jordan after 1967 when she occupied the area
and many have come in legally and illegally since then. Ted Belman
reviews his way of regaining Biblical Israel and also variations
suggested by others. As does Michael Freund (see above), these plans
deal with the human rights of the Arab population in the Territories;
they were not granted political rights (voting) in Mandated
Palestine. The ultimate objective is to do what should have been done
in 1968 take back control of Samaria and Judea, land that legally
belongs to the State of Israel in the name of the Jewish people.
The Maccabees had to fight both their Greek rulers and Hellenized
Jews, whose goal was for Israel to reject Judaism and be like everyone
else assimilated into the Greek culture of their time. Bernard J.
Shapiro suggests that Israel can strengthen its "political and
strategic situation" by annexing land that is rightfully theirs "from
the Mediterranean to the Jordan, from the Golan to Gaza" and otherwise
focus on making Israel Jewish instead of favoring the Arab. He
advocates a "loyalty oath and national service for all citizens of
Israel, including Arabs" and letting the IDF stop terrorists, even when
they use their civilian population as shields.
These essays discuss the plight of the Christian minority living in
the Territories under Muslim Arab rule. The facts are not hidden, so
it is curious that so many theologians in the West and locally in
Biblical Israel ignore the violence that Palestinian Arabs display to
the Christians in Gaza and Samaria/Judea (West Bank) and blame Israel
for everything. The attitude of the local Christians is understandable
-- there isn't much distance between their throats and the knives the
Muslims hold close by. But why do Western clerics blame Israel?
Christian Arabs are molested, sexually harassed, raped, murdered,
terrorized, forceably converted to Islam, forced to pay extortion
money and have their cemeteries desecrated in areas controlled by
Muslim Arabs. Yet some of their church leaders "[a]gainst all evidence
claim that the Christians Arabs are living comfortable and prosperous
lives." Out of fear and intimidation by the Muslims in control,
Christians are leaving cities where they used to be in the majority
and Muslims are taking over. In 1990, Christians were 60% of
Bethleham's population; by 2001, they were down to 20%. Yet prominent
Christian clerics blame Israel for Christian flight. Alex Grobman
provides us with some accurate information.
This is a well-documented and thorough study of five prestigious
Protestant churches that have taken a hard anti-Israel stance and are
unswervingly pro-Palestinian. They portray Israel as almost solely
responsible for Arab hostility and violence towards Israel and for not
trying hard enough to achieve a peaceful resolution of the
Arab-Israeli conflict. Actual facts e.g., the Arabs speak proudly
of their genocidal acts against innocent civilians because they have
the seal of Islamic approval are waved aside. The leaders of these
churches promulgate anti-Israel propaganda and engage in boycott and
divestment activity against Israel, with the hope they will "help
transform bipartisan American support for Israel into an artifact of
the hard Right." Resistance to this myopic view has been growing
within the Church membership, but there are still unanswered
questions: why the initial instinct of the Protestant leadership to
blame just Jewish Israel? What motivates a bishop such as Rev.
Margaret Payne to lie blatantly about easily-checked facts when
propagandizing for the Palestinian arabs? What makes a Christian Arab
like Naim Ateek whitewash the Muslims who are destroying his
community? What makes an ordained minister like Gary Burge distort the
plain meaning of the Torah to flay modern Zionism? What makes him
insist that Jews don't own Israel because they have rejected Jesus as
the Messiah? Is it that being anti-Israel is really a way to express Jew-hate, an attitude that is not exactly
politically correct?
There is a widely-held belief, a widely-held hallucinatory
belief, that yet another Palestinian state in addition to Jordan
and Israel that are already states carved out of Mandatory Palestine
-- would bring peace to the Middle East. This ignores that the Middle
East is an unstable area where Sunni fights Shi'ite and Iran fights
Saudi Arabia and the latest splinter terror group fights the
previously most rabid terrorist group. These quarrels have little or
nothing to do with Israel; they have much to do with competing
versions of Islam and competition for which country will be top dog in
the Arab Middle East.
Iran and Saudi Arabia are fighting a proxy war in Yemen, with Saudi
Arabia aiding the Yemen government, Iran sending supplies and men to
the Houthi Shi'ite rebels fighting the Yemini army in the north. The
rebels are trying to bring down a government they say is too
pro-Western. Thousands have died on both sides and some 150,000 people
have been displaced. All this has taken place with little media
attention and no action by the U.N. except to help create a refugee
camp. This article by Dr. Reuven Erlich is about the capture of an
Iranian arms shipment on its way to Yemen. Iran has similarly shipped
weaponry by sea to Hezbollah to fight Israel.
Syria isn't strong enough to be a major power but it does well for
itself acting as a major node in the distribution of weaponry from
Iran to Hezbollah. Over the years, Hezbollah has conducted suicide
attacks against Israel as the active arm of Iran and Syria states
that are not in a position to wage war openly. Hezbollah has its own
power base it controls Lebanon. When Syria was forced out of the
Bekaa Valley, which is noted for its opium poppy fields and marijuana
production, Hezbollah took control. Michael Rubin points out that Iran
(operating from its embassy in Damascus) and Syria have bonded; they
work well together and have common goals and outlook. They have
unified the Shia in the region in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and
even Bahrain and are a steady source of support for other regional
terrorist groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad. This network
would be united in a confrontation with Sunni Saudi Arabia. The U.S.
State Department continues to believe it can woo Syria from its
power-conferring relationship with Iran.
Jonathan Spyer makes the point that Hezbollah's victories in Lebanon
are a miniature version of "larger regional developments." After its
election victory, Hezbollah is now pushing to force Shi'ite rule on
everyone. A similar push to a more orthodox Islam can be seen in
Turkey, Iran and Gaza. As part of this, of course, the United States
is demonized and Israel is targetted for destruction. "But at the core
of the strategic thinking of Hezbollah and its patrons lie a series of
delusions, which are likely to bring about the defeat of the movement
over time." Especially if the West starts to understand that this political
ideology can not be ignored or accomodated.
Mark Silverberg chronicles the gradual evolution of an Islamic
mini-state in Gaza under Hamas rule and Shari'a law. A dress code for
women is enforced "on the street, in schools and in the courts";
mixed-gender classes in schools are discouraged; gender separation in
public is encouraged; religious studies have been expanded; and more
mosques and madrasses and Shari'a courts are being constructed.
Nevertheless, Hamas has not satisfied some still more religiously
stringent groups, who now consider Hamas offices legitimate targets to
attack. On the other hand, other Gazans may find increased conformity
to Shari'a law too restrictive.
Chapter 2 of R.K. Ohri's book on the tenets of Islam sets the
stage for the other articles in this set on how muslims treat fellow
muslims and infidels, anybody and everybody, as prescribed by the
Muslim religion.
In the previous issue, R.K. Ohri discussed the "geo-political
implications of the long reach of radical Islam and the consequences
of their global designs for the civil society of 'tomorrow and the
day after.'" In the current essay, Ohri describes Islam's foundation
tenets: the 'Shahada', its declaration of faith; namaz
(prayers); zakat, (giving charity); roza (fasting, as
used in India); and Haj (pilgramage to Mecca). These are
unexceptionable in a religion. However, a Muslim's life is prescribed by
Sharia, "the collectivity of laws that govern the lives of Muslims";
sharia allows for no individual interpretation. In addition, there is
"'Ummah' ... a grand idea that binds Muslims all over the world into
a common brotherhood or one single fraternity." In practice it means
that allegiance to Islam comes before loyalty to country as we saw
recently when Major Hasan massacred his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood.
If there is a fight between foreign Muslims and the Muslim's country,
a Muslim has no choice but to fight for the foreigner. This is
continously preached from mosques around the world and confirmed by
Islamic scholars.
It is the crime of fitna if one says something publically that would
"cause controversy, testing, fragmentation, scandal, chaos, or
discord, disturbing social peace and order within the Muslim
community,.." The punishment is death, which any Muslim can administer
to the perpetrator, his family or his whole community. Kenneth Roberts
points out that violence against critics of Islam applies to everyone,
Muslim and infidel. Even "[t]o analyze Mohammed's ethical
inconsistencies is fitna." Official dogma of mainstream Sunni Islam,
who number almost a billion, it is an effective technique for
controlling public information sources and inducing self-censorship.
The Danish cartoon riots were to teach infidels not to disagree with
Mohammed in public. Even five years later, a Somali man was caught
breaking into the cartoonist's home, armed with a knife and hatchet.
It is easy nowadays to spot newspapers that snipe and sneer at Jewish
and Christian practices but are mealy-mouthed about Muslims; they are
practicing self-censorship to avoid trouble.
The FBI has arrested some 20 homegrown Muslims planning terrorist
attacks in just the last 6 months alone. They were radicalized in
mosques in America by imams preaching an ideology that demonizes "the
West as a subhuman civilization that must be destroyed if Islam is to
survive and triumph," starting with America. As Alex Alexiev explains,
"[P]eaceful coexistence between Islam and any other religion or
ideology is rejected." Their enemy is anyone, Muslim and non-Muslim,
that doesn't accept sharia law. They began building infrastructure
back in 1960s a well-funded, active and growing network of student
and professional associations, publishing houses, schools, mosques and
charities. The Fort Hood massacre was dramatic, but their preferred
methods are those that arouse less antagonism: "taking over moderate
Muslim institutions, radicalizing mainstream believers, indoctrinating
the young, aggressively proselytizing among the infidels, infiltrating
government institutions and the political establishment, and
organizing support for extremist causes and jihad overseas." The U.S.
Government needs to start connecting the dots.
Before he massacred army personnel at Fort Hood, Major Hasan had given
a Power Point lecture explaining how the Koran framed his view of how
a Muslim in the U.S. Army should behave when forced into a situation
where he might have to kill brother Muslims in Afghanistan and Iran.
He concluded he couldn't fight in an infidel army the army of his
own country, America against other Muslims. Barry Rubin points out
that, having examined alternative ways of handling the situation,
Hasan "clearly did see himself as a Jihad warrior" with limited
options of what to do.
The number of the polite and respectable sources
of attack on Jews the ones that mask their agenda have increased
over the years; and they add new areas and inventive arguments all the
time. Moreover, they make possible the advent of American blogs that
openly spout anti-semitic hate and assert the truth of nonsensical
non-facts. The more openly hateful opinions are becoming more
prevalent on blogs and comments to blog articles. They are not as
virulent as Arab propaganda but they are closer than they were after
World War 2, when shock as the details of the Holocaust came out had a
temporary paralyzing effect on the customary anti-jew statements.
Bruce Kesler provides us with an superb summary of how much of
anti-semitic propaganda is spread in America using a variety of smoke
screens to mask the hate-the-Jews message. The number of attacks from
polite and respectable sources have increased over the
years. Modern anti-semitism "wraps up old canards in purposely cute
circumlocutions, to deceive and forward its deadly goal, the death of
the civilized West so that backwardness, tyranny and barbarities can
continue or prevail in greater safety from exposure, comparison or
challenge. "
For years even after World War 2, hate was expected from the Right,
not from the liberals, the democrats, the "good guys." Since then, it
is the Left that has become the major home of anti-semitism and
anti-zionism. Adam Levick chronicles the temperment of some on the
"respectable" Left, where anti-semitism, pro-Palestinian, globalism
and share-the-wealth live comfortably together.
The Arab media maintains a steady stream of anti-Jewish T.V. and radio
shows. Unlike in the West, there is nothing to inhibit the Religion
of Peace from spouting hate.
In this essay, Jeffrey Herf deals with the contribution Nazi
anti-semitism made to the Muslim's religious obligation to be globally
superior to all other groups. He writes, "The founding charter of
Hamas, the militant Palestinian group, recapitulates conspiracy
theories about Jews that were popular in Europe in the 20th century.
Al Qaeda's war against 'the Zionist-Crusader Alliance' and the
anti-Zionist rants of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran also
display a blend of anti-Semitic themes rooted in Nazi and fascist, as
well as Islamist, traditions. To be sure, each of these movements and
ideologies have non-European, local, and regional causes and
inspirations. But the formulation of Nazi propaganda during World War
II and its dissemination stand as a decisive episode in the
development of radical Islamism." In a recent paper in Front Page Magazine entitled
"Auto-Genocide, Jewish Style,"
Shlomo Sand has written a book denying that present day Jews are
connected to the ancient Land of Israel; instead, they are descended
from relatively recent converts to Judaism. It is a popular book,
already translated into several languages. If nothing else, it is
a testament to how many people are delighted by the idea that Jews may
be neither authentic nor ancient. There is a lovely bit of
sleight-of-hand associated with written reviews the emphasis
is on the outrage the orthodox Jewish community must be feeling
because the book destroys some of its "myths." This helps to
authenticate Sand's arguments; it frames the issue as a joust between
two points of view. In this essay, Yoram Shifftan and Bernice Lipkin
suggest that the problems with the book are intrinsic. It's not just
the what and where. It's the impossibility of the
Steven Plaut labels Richard Falk "America's leading practitioner of
the Orwellian inversion. "For Falk, "America is a fascist monstrosity, while
the world's fascist and totalitarian monstrosities are democratic
enclaves of freedom. For him, Israel is a terrorist aggressor, while
the Arab terrorist aggressors are innocent victims and peace-loving
progressives. For him, Israel is a Nazi-like country seeking genocide,
while the genocidal Islamofascists of the Hamas and their backers are
merely protesters against social inequality inside Israel. For him,
terrorist aggression against Jews is really the pursuit of peace,
while self-defense by Israel is criminal, terrorist aggression and
genocide." So it is not at all surprising that the U.N. appointed him
as "Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories."
Alison Weir is representative of the latest model journalists that
wave academic credentials to support their virulent chants of hate
against Israel. They make no bones about their desire to erase the
Jewish state and countenance any violence that will make this
possible. They are not at all uneasy that their claims have no factual
basis. They assert ignoring factual history that the land really
belongs to the Arabs calling themselves Palestinians, and the Jews are
occupying it illegally. No libel is too outré for them to
mouth. The latest lurid assertion by Weir and her fellow Jew-haters
that Israelis harvest Palestinian organs for transplant is just too
juicy to be squashed by the fact that conditions during a military
operation or in any situation that impedes the complex procedure
for a successful transfer make it impossible to salvage usable
Steven Plaut writes about Sara Roy, a foot soldier in the War Against
the Jews. In most ways, she is a very ordinary Jew-hating Jew. She is
an academic who claims expertise in areas where she has no
credentials. She is the child of Holocaust survivors who preaches
about the evils of the Jewish state. Billed as an intellectual, her
publications are heavy with anger but light on facts. She stands out
in the crowd of Jew-haters only in that she specializes in
whitewashing Hamas, painting them as seekers of peace and chock full
of concern for the Palestinian Arabs. She has argued that Fatah has
probably killed more Israells than Hamas. In that, she may be right.
What a difference a few million Muslims make! In 60 years, the
number of European Muslims went from some two hundred thousand to over
In this benchmark article written a year ago, Bruce Bawer argues that
Europe is in a more parlous state than the USA, when it comes to
denying the inroads Islam has made into cracking up Western culture. A
year later, Europe has had two bits of good luck: the Swiss referendum
against minarets and the revelation that the CRU group in England so
manipulated its weather station data, it might as well have started
with random numbers and in some cases, did. Meantimes, in America,
Prez Obama won't let these revelations prevent him from trying to make
a cap and trade deal in Copenhagen that will further improvish
America. Clearly, there are opposing trends globalization versus
concern for the individual's freedom of action. Which will dominate?
In this essay Fjordman points out a reality most of the media ignore;
e.g., that "European Union (EU) has forced through the EU
Constitution/Lisbon Treaty and in essence ... [has] dissolved dozens
of nation states, while making "legal opposition to their rule"
impossible. Meantime, the staggering debt the USA has incurred has so
weakened the dollar that it is unlikely the USA will long keep its
leadership position. If the breakdown of western democracies was
planned and staged, Fjordman is inclined to blame groups advocating a
global oligarchy. Factor in that there are documented plans to include
Muslim North Africa and Middle East in the EU. Factor in that it is
de rigeur for teachers and the media to disparage or minimize
the contributions of white culture. Factor in that, as the Muslim
population in Europe expands, some European leaders seem comfortable
with the idea that the natives in white majority Western countries
will soon be a minority in their own countries. Fjordman is clear that
Europe's external problems will never be solved unless Marxists are
stopped from destroying the European structure and character of the
Western countries. As he puts it, "We must switch from a 'save the
world' to a 'save ourselves' mode."
Jim O'Neil writes a clear summary of some of the changes in Europe since Muslims started to arrive in sufficient numbers to make a difference. They didn't just soak up welfare funds and have babies. The Left promoting globalization and share-the-wealth and Islam promoting Islam have made common cause at least for the while which ensures that Muslim violence is mostly ignored. In France, Muslims initiated a marked increase in anti-Jewish crimes beatings, harassment, vandalism without government action. Only when a young Jew was kidnapped and slaughtered were the Muslim murderers put on trial. In England, Sharia law is now the law for Muslims and people are becoming used to having their values and feelings take second place while sensitivity to Muslim concerns is emphasized. Resistance against Muslim rule has started to grow in Switzerland and Denmark, and poll after poll indicates the people approve curtailing Islamic growth, even if their leaders don't. In America, Islamic activity has todate been mostly operating under the radar, and the administration tamps down calls for awareness and alertness between the periods of so-called lone wolf terror acts.
In America, perhaps because terrorist acts have been isolated and
minimized both by the press and the government, there is not the
understanding how the sustained work of the Islamists is slowly
changing America. Previous issues have dealt with Muslim infiltration
into mainline churches, law courts, the media, text book publishing
and education, with Marxist professors openly hostile to democracy.
This set of articles suggest that America needs to face the fact that
the Islamists are fighting us in many ways. Many of these attacks
create dry rot termite-style and do not confront us with a locust
swarm of devastation. We don't even seem to recognize friend from foe.
We don't comprehend how fear of terrorist retaliation has already
created self-censorship in the media. We ignore that Islamic preaching
of hatred of America may prefigure Mumbai-style attacks in the U.S.A.
And pro-Palestinian 'grass roots' groups continue to promote boycotts
of Israeli products not, of course, the cell phone and computer and
medical equipment developed in Israel, but the stuff they personally
don't need. Given that the major Jewish organizations are ineffective
in seriously fighting the multi-front attack on Judaism and Jews, we
end with a story how one organization is fighting the boycott with a
buycott of Israeli goods.
Trust Spengler to come up with the perfect telegraph-length assessment of a morass of wrongheaded opinions. He notes that "[a] widely shared fantasy ... doesn't qualify as reality" and proceeds to demolish opinions that sound "realistic" but are based on facts that are not significant. Thus, a multitude of friends of Islam think Mearsheimer and Walt are realists because they want America to break its alliance with Israel, which has only 7 million population, when the Muslims number well over a billion. All that proves is that they can compare two numbers and pick out the larger one. Spengler highlights the significant information: given Israel's advanced technological skills, its "contribution might be decisive in a number of fields, for example avionics and especially drone technology." America needs that edge.
"Islamists are fighting for control of the world." Their power
increases; their alliances multiply; Iran serves as their model
"the world's first Islamist nuclear power." We are at war, Barbara
Lerner writes, "a long-dormant, 14-century-old religious war against
the Christian West," a war we must win, if we are to retain
our religious freedom, our fundamental freedoms, including "the right
to disbelieve." Yet here it is 8 years after 9/11. Neither Bush
and now Obama faced the fact that we are at war with resurgent
Islamists, a war we didn't chose and still try to deny. Iran has been
on the offensive since 1979, and our leadership still ignores its
attacks, believing we can work things out by negotiation and
friendliness. Fortunately, Lerner points out, we "have two great
trump cards: the fundamental honesty and good sense of the American
people, and the back-against-the wall courage of the Israeli people."
Given the right leadership, that might do.
Given the number of supposedly lone-wolf terrorists attacking army
bases, air planes, synagogues and Jewish community centers, there is
growing concern that an Iran with nuclear weapons might
decide to share these weapons with terror organizations. Steven
Emerson and Joel Himelfarb ask whether such a concern is reasonable.
We know there has been informal cooperation between al-Qaeda,
al-Jihad, Iran and Hezbollah, including supplying weapons and training
in explosives. Moreover, attacking the United States is a publically
stated ambition of these groups. We know al-Qaeda continues to seek
nuclear weapons, components and information in Europe and Pakistan.
There is evidence that Iran is "uncomfortable at the prospect of
terrorists acquiring such weapons" because our retaliation would
include Iran. But conditions might change. And meantime, while some
supplies from Iran have been seized, it is also likely that other
shipments have succeeded in making it to Middle East terror
An amazing story that will make you understand the real scariness of
terrorism. As George Jonas writes, "The bomb is just the beginning."
The act of terrorism causes you to distort your thinking to keep
yourself from recognizing that you are terrified. You feel like a
coward for feeling that way. The real awfulness is that you then1
not fear. It makes understandable the behavior of newspapers like the
New York Times that worry about injuring the "sensitivity" of
Moslems who show their anger violently but will print nasties
about Christian and Jews who politely complain.
Roberta Dzubow suggests a way the ordinary citizen can fight the
Islamic campaign to lash out at Israel in as many ways as possible.
A major tactic is to boycott Israeli products in the grocery. Or to
attempt to destroy them. The Buy Israel Steering Committee has
organized to counter their efforts by buying Israeli products. The
basic strategy can be supplemented by having a camera handy and
making a movie to post on You Tube. Talk to the other shoppers
about the unfairness of the boycott campaign. Buy some of the
products and hand out samples to people walking by. Just start.
You'll figure out what to do next. Don't be shy.
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and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
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November 2009 BLOG-EDS
The Goldstone report is fast becoming the Goldstone Affair.
When we first heard of the oncoming report by a committee headed by
Judge Richard Goldstone, it was because of a series of letters written
by Maurice Ostroff to Judge Goldstone back in May 2009, when the
fact-finding mission was first announced. We wondered why the fuss.
There was no way a country as meticulous as Israel could be accused of war
crimes. Arab terrorists know they are safe from IDF couterattack if
they shoot from within a group of woman and
children. True, even though Israel had
sacrificed her soldiers in Jenin to spare civilians, still the Arabs accused
them of killing some 5000 civilians. (The final count when the
propaganda smog cleared was around 50, almost all of whom were
terrorists or who had aided the terrorists by luring the IDF troops to
their deaths). Notwithstanding, we still thought this was plain silly.
If unintentially killing an actually innocent occasional civilian was
a war crime, was there a democratic country that could not be so
tarnished? And as for the arab and other totalitarian countries, had
anyone even bothered making a count of their crimes against civilians?
The founders of the United Nations envisioned an environment where
its members would behave in a gentlemanly fashion to argue out and
negotiate differences in a peaceful manner. But times have changed.
We ignored that the Goldstone Commission was put in place by UNHRC,
the Human Rights Council of the U.N. UNHRC had a long history of
unsubstantiated attacks on particular countries, while it ignores what
other particular countries do, no matter what they do.
But we naturally assumed there would be a red-line
drawn at some point on outrageous accusations.
There have been many articles which
accurately point out the airbrushed terminology and misleading
statements and bald lies in the UN Goldstone singularly biased report
on Israel's conduct when it invaded Gaza in December, 2008, to put an
end to eight years of Hamas' shooting missiles into Israel that
targetted civilians. This letter by Daniel Altman deals with another
aspect: his horror and loathing of the Cain-like behavior shown by
Richard Goldstone, a Jew who has used false witness and his
prestigious position to destroy his own brethren and his own country.
As Altman writes, "What was in your mind, Justice Goldstone, when you
became the emissary of the world's most intractable states? What were
you thinking of when you became the representative of Sudan, Syria and
Libya?" It is a plausible guess that Goldstone was delighted to be
furthering the work of Human Rights Watch an organization his
organization which, judging by its activities, is unduly devoted to
the Palestinian cause.
The Goldstone Report itself has fared badly in the real world. In
fact, except in institutions dominated by Muslims and/or Marxists,
articles are moving from condemning the report it's so obviously
biased and error-ridden, it's almost too easy a target. Now the
interesting question is: why would anyone, especially a Jew, take on
a task knowing from its initial mandate that it could only end by
condemning what should have been praised the care that Israel took
in Gaza to avoid civilian injury while attempting to destroy the
missiles Hamas was deliberately shooting at Israeli civilians.
Goldstone himself wrote a disengenuous and distorted defense in the
New York Times where else? But all it showed was that he was now
on the defensive. On November 3, 2009, The US House of
Representatives voted overwhelmingly 344 (36 voting against and 22
voting present) for a resolution that strongly rejected the Goldstone
report. When the Resolution was first mentioned, Goldstone submitted
a condemnation of the proposed Resolution. It was brilliantly
demolished by Representative Howard Berman, (D-Cal). Carl of
Jerusalem provides us with the details.
As Representative Howard Berman (above) critiqued Judge Goldstone's
rebuttal to the Congressional resolution, here Richard Landes takes
apart Goldstone's New York Times essay in self-justification.
Unfortunately for him, his actions don't map well onto his attitude
that he is the injured party and his puzzled wonderment that his
conclusions are being questioned. As more of the Committee's foolish
acceptance of obvious distortions and bald lies comes to light, Judge
Goldstone appears to be reacting by reinventing himself, painting a
false picture of a hero trying to make sure both Israel and Hamas were
treated fairly and objectively. Israel was not. And much of the reason
is Goldstone's lack of objectivity and his inability to conduct a
professional examination.
NGOs Non-governmental agencies have acquired credibility by
their informal linkage to the United Nations. Some NGOs have acquired
notoriety by their flagrant politicization, sacrificing truth for
will-say-anything in support of the Palestinian cause. The
current essay makes the point that the already notorious Goldstone
report did not as it was chartered directly examine much actual
evidence. The Goldstone group relied heavily on available reports from prejudiced
NGOs that had an anti-Israel agenda; whose personnel were almost
always one-sided and anti-Israel; and who in arguing were prone to
illiterate and imaginative "interpretations" of International Law.
OUT of the many NGO's that supplied the Goldstone's commission with
flagrantly dishonest information, Melanie Phillips deals specifically
with the irresponsible behavior of one particular NGO Human Rights
Watch (HRW). What makes HRW of particular interest is, first, that
Judge Goldstone was an active member until very recently. Second,
HRW's behavior was so egregiously biased that its chairman for many
years found it necessary to write that HRW has lost its ability to
distinguish "between open and closed societies." It "has lost critical
perspective on [this] conflict." The end notes include links to some
pertinent videos.
The abstract in the Jerusalem Post reads that In Part I,
"Professor Irwin Cotler explain[s] how the Goldstone Commission was
tainted by the UN Human Rights Council resolution creating its
mandate, as well as the predisposed views of some of its
personnel. In the second part of his piece, he elaborates the systemic
and systematic bias of the UN council itself, and the implications
this bias has on the fact-finding mission and on the integrity
of international law generally." [emphasis added] To put it bluntly,
you can't make anything resembling a silk scarf if you start a bunch
of boars with coarse hair.
Goldstone and his cohorts have aided and abetted anti-Israel forces by
making Israel the villain of the Gaza operation last winter. That is
not the same as saying they were actually interested in making life
better for the ordinary Arab in Gaza. They operated with the same
motives as the UNRWA staffers that force Palestinian arabs to live in
refugee camps in the Arab states and refuse to let them be absorbed as
citizens in these Arab countries. The goal is to turn public opinion
against Israel; it is not to help the arab populace. Colonel Halevi
makes the point that offensive acts by Hamas against Gazan civilians
were ignored, while negative statements against Israel were eagerly
accepted as factual. The Goldstone gang played the trivia game, asking
many questions about such matters as when evening prayers took place
in the Ibrahim al-Maqadma mosque but asking no questions about the
terrorists operating from the mosque. Their questioning "proved to be
superficial and was ill-suited to elicit the truth about events in
David Warren's article starts with essential context, "The
significance of Israel is that she stands proxy for America and the
West in the minds of our most lethal enemies." The UN Human Rights
Council (HRC) is loaded with countries that themselves human rights
violators use preaching about human rights as weapon to weaken the
West. Their latest missilehead is a nominal Jew, who has changed
political sides much more often than Ahmadinejad has changed suits. By
refusing to withdraw from the Council, [the American administration
joined HRC around the time of Durban 2 in the spring of 2009] the U.S.
government is again signalling its willingness to seek favour from its
own worst enemies, by throwing Israel to the wolves."
Various groups in the U.N. continuously press Israel to give up
land to the Palestinians. In doing so, they ignore that the land that
is Israel, Samaria, Judea, the Golan, and yes, Gaza, is held in
irrevocable trust for the Jewish people. Who is responsible for
maintaining this unbreakable trust? It's the U.N., who took it over
from the League of Nations. Ignoring their responsibility, the Arab
bloc and its allies want to destroy Israel, which sits on land they
consider Arab. So they revise history, ignore mandates and
continuously pressure the Jews to give up land to that invented
people, the Palestinians.
Sarah Honig argues that it's distortion to ignore historical context,
particularly, as in this case, where false premises about root causes
have continued to lead to solutions that don't solve and that are
continuously being dissolved and reconstructed into yet another
pseudo solution. She clears up one aspect of the puzzling fact that
the non-Jewish population of the Palestine Mandate, dormant for
hundreds of years, jumped up dramatically in the 20th Century. It
wasn't just the economic opportunities created by the Jewish Aliyah.
It was specific anti-Jewish tactics by the British caretakers to
reduce the Jewish population of what was destined to be Israel that
gave unhindered Arab immigration a boost up.
Eli Hertz talks about the international law that pertains to the
Middle East. The territory the Ottoman Empire had owned for hundreds
of years was taken over by England and France after World War I. The
area labeled Mandated Palestine was to be Jewish. The rest 99.9%
of the Middle East was carved into present-day Arab states; this
was never challenged. Only the peaceable Jewish state must show cause
for existing, despite its title to the land. In addition to the
citations in this paper, you can read other relevant legal opinions by
googling Yoram Shifftan and Howard Grief.
November 10, 1975 was one of the United Nation's most memorable days
in its mission to increase harmony and civility in the world by
creating an environment conducive to the peaceful resolution of
differences between member countries. It was on that day that the
General Assembly declared that Zionism Equals Racism. As Alex Grobman
points out, this was the first time the UN condemned the intrinsic
ideology that formed the bedrock of the culture and religion of a
member state. It made any and all spurious charges against Israel
unthinkable in the atmosphere envisioned when the United Nations was
created acceptable. It encouraged "the campaign of disinformation
orchestrated by the Arabs and their collaboraters." How else does one
explain why a country that has made extraordinary advances for human
betterment is treated as more evil than antiquated regimes that treat
their own women and all infidels as an underclass and hate democratic
ideas almost as much as they do Israel.
The mentality that produced the Zionism is Racism U.N.
resolution and the consequent demonization of Israel is the same that
encourages Europe to view Israel as evil, while overlooking Iran's
ambition to create destruction nuclear power. Israel is always to
blame for Iran's behavior. "So too, Arab terrorism is explained away
while every act small and large that in any way asserts Israel's
right to defend itself is pounced upon as proof of Israel's
criminality and brutality." Fortunately, most Americans are more
clear-eyed and assign the blame for unsuccessful peace overtures to
Iran on Iran. Unfortunately, the present administration is not among
this group.
Sarcasm is hard to get right to make the point and not sound bitter
or sour. In this essay, Michael Posner gets it just right. He
envisions a meeting of the heads of important human rights groups
gathered together to determine which country is the most heinous
practitioner of crimes against human rights. No, it's not Darfur,
or Somalia, or Sri Lanka, or Iran, or those states that mutilate
the genitals of women and murder the victims of rape, or the
muslims will be muslims Shi'ites and Sunnis engaged in
mutual destruction. I think we know who they picked as the worst of
While the U.N. fiddles with pasting a false label on Israel,
using the Goldstone Report as glue, real problems are ignored. The UN
Security Council Resolution 1701 is ignored and Hezbollah fires
rockets into northern Israel from Lebanon see
this. But then #1701 never did have teeth; nor would the U.N ever
suggest that Arabs firing missiles at Jewish civilians were committing
a war crime. Some events, however, threaten to upset the Middle East
as a whole. The increasing competence of Iran in nuclear atomics. The
proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Yemen. The Al-Qaeda
network. The effective attack against Europe. All ignored. Until when?
"Iran's constitution calls on the country to export its brand of
murderous Islam" and it has single-mindedly sought power and regional
control, using terror, kidnapping, murder, lying, bribing, arming and
training terrorists, etc. In this context, Peter Huessy asks: what do
we know and/or can surmise about the Iranian nuclear facilities, so we
can predict future developments? We know Iran, aided by Russia, China,
North Korea and Syria, is building nuclear warheads. We know her
ballistic missiles can be launched quickly and will soon be able to
reach Europe. We know the West, joined by Third-World countries, has
not built a superior defensive shield; it has not taken military
action; it has instead wasted its time lambasting "unilateral" action
by U.S.A. and including us negotiating with the mullahs. Heussey
projects what this means for interactions and actions in the near
A reader of the original article writes "Ms Glick is spot on.
Goldstone set up Israel with his report & now his vultures are
springing the trap with this talk about 'inquiry'". As Caroline Glick
writes, the Goldstone report has been approved by the General
Assembly. It is expected that it will eventually bring home the gold
acknowledgment by the World Court in the Hague that Israeli's
entrance into Gaza was indeed a criminal act and Israeli leaders
should be tried as criminals. It also sets a precedent for prosecuting
Western countries for fighting terrorists. Concomitantly, the major
powers announced they would be enriching Iran's uranian, thus helping
Iran's nuclear program move forward faster. Iran, in characteric
Muslim fashion, didn't think this good enough and why ever would
she let the enriched fuel out of the country? The American
administration thinks this is all swell. Oh well, there's one silver
lining. Obama has performed a miracle Jimmy Carter will not win the
prize as the worst president America ever had.
I freely admit that I believed that Prez. Obama's quisling
acquiescence to all things Muslim was, in a way, America's best
protection against a Muslim mass murderer of the sort that has killed
hundreds of Israelis and wounded thousands in the last decade alone.
Why would they bother when they were successfully infiltrating and
termite-gnawing at our educational and political infrastructure?
Major Hasan proved me wrong. In similar fashion, this Editorial from
the Washington Times points out the devastation we not just
Israel and the Arab countries of the Middle East will suffer,
should Iran be allowed to achieve nuclear capability. It points out
that Iran currently supplies Hamas and Hezbollah weapons; "it is
chilling to consider how much more bold Iran will be with an atomic
arsenal." And, I may add, helpful to future Hasans.
Reuven Erlich writes about how Iran is attempting to subvert the Sunni
government in Yemen by aiding the Shi'ite Houthi rebels in north Yemen
by providing them ideological, religious and material support. The
addendum notes that Saudi Arabia is similarly aiding the Yemen
government. It adds up to a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia
for control of the region.
Al Qaeda certainly keeps up with the times.
Al Qaeda is securely situated in Pakistan and anxious to obtain
Pakastan's nuclear bombs. As Erick Stakelbeck writes, al Qaeda is not
isolated. It has extended tentacles across the globe, essentially
delegating regional franchises to like-minded groups. A leader of one
of these groups, AQIM Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb has said, "We
will not hesitate in targeting (the United States) whenever we can and
wherever it is on this planet." AQIM pays its expenses by drug
trafficing and kidnapping. It is alive and well; it shares the "goals
of al Qaeda's hierarchy in Pakistan"; it has a network and a mission
to carry out jihad against the West.
Citing a recent article by Andrew Neather, "speech writer for Tony
Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett," Melanie Phillips concludes that
the extreme increase in Muslim population in Britain didn't just
happen. "It was a deliberate policy of mass immigration ... to change
the very makeup of this country without telling the electorate."
Immigration controls were loosened, effectively reversing a stated
policy limiting the entry of foreign workers, so that "some 2.3
million migrants have been added to the population since 2001." The
Labour government continue to see it as a praiseworthy way to
create a multicultural England. Many a voter sees it as destructive
of English culture. Moreover, if allowed to continue, it will
introduce a huge number of immigrants many of whom are iliterate
and without skills into an already overcrowded country. No wonder
that the white working class is voting for the British National Party,
that strongly objects to unrestricted immigration. The article
mirrors what is happening in much of Europe.
Again, the world powers are pushing for a two-state solution,
whereby the Arabs gain Samaria and Judea to attach to Gaza. Whatever
its form of administration one state or two or a bunch of fiefdoms
controlled by the various terrorists splinter groups it will be
called a state, just as the process whereby this occurs is called the
peace-process. This is traditional ritual engaged in by Western
governments, even our own Obama is the current enthusiast. All it
ever seems to do is to exacerbate Arab hostility and make the region
more unstable. What has spoiled this plan each and every time is that
the peace process is not a solution; it just becomes part of the
problem. The so-called Palestinians aren't interested in creating yet
another Arab state. If they gain this land, they will just expand
their facilities for attacking what's left of Israel. But that doesn't
stop Israel's "friends" from calling on Israel to stay quiet while the
they chop away land that is hers by international law, by history, by
bible and by conquest, when Israel fended off invasions by her Arab
When the Ottoman Empire was dissolved, Britain was entrusted with
the job of developing a tiny piece of the former Empire labeled
Mandated Palestine as a homeland for the Jewish people. This was
put in the form of an irrevocable trust for the Jewish people.
Attempting to revoke this opens up a nasty can of worms many of
the current Arab states were created out of the rest of the Middle
Eastern section of the Ottoman Empire. It isn't clear that they have
the same standing in international law and as strong a claim to
legitimacy that Israel has. (To learn more, start with the Mehlman
and Mark Kaplan articles in this Section. And the Hertz article
The Oslo Accord, once proclaimed as a brilliantly successful peace
process and the start of a new Middle East, was a bust. Daniel Pipes
examines how it was that Israel made such a profound mistake and how
the Arab response to the Israeli effort shaped the Israeli
rejectionist attitude towards more recent attempts at fantasy "peace
processes". At the heart of the Israeli delusion was Rabin's belief
that one made peace with one's enemy. "Rather," is Pipes' wise
assessment, "one makes peace with one's former enemy"
after he has been defeated and given up his goals.
Mark Kaplan suggests we stop listening to invented facts designed to
facilitate an Arab takeover and start examining the actual facts,
namely, that Israel is not occupying Palestinian land. She is
occupying Jewish land, and so says international law. He may be too
idealistic when he asserts that "[b]ringing the Jewish People's rights
before the legal system, where propaganda will lose to factual
evidence, will end the illusion of illegal occupation and firmly
establish the Jewish Nation's legal rights to all of Israel." But it
beats letting the Arab fantasy provide the basis for political action.
William Mehlman begins his review of Howard Grief's recent book,
"The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law: A
Treatise on Jewish Sovereignty over the Land of Israel this way:
"With The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under
International Law (Mazo Publishers, Jerusalem) Canadian-born
Israeli constitutional scholar and lawyer Howard Grief has given us a
book that shatters every myth, lie, misrepresentation and distortion
employed over the 61 years of Israel's existence to negate the
sovereign rights of the Jewish People to their national home." This is
exactly right. It should be required reading for every self-styled
maven, journalist, politician, ethicist and humanist including the
Jewish leaders of Israel who thinks he knows Middle Eastern
political history, when his information is, more often than not,
anectodal and received from dubious sources.
Yoram Ettinger reminds us that US administrations have been a major
factor in the (re)(re)(re)resurrection of the insistence on creating a
Palestinian state. When it comes to the Middle East, they have had
many such bad ideas, beginning in 1948 when US agencies "were
convinced that establishment of the Jewish State would trigger a war
[it did], producing a second Jewish Holocaust in less than a decade
[it didn't, but the Arabs sure tried], that a Jewish State would be a
strategic burden upon the US [we have only fought wars for the Arabs,
not the Jews], that Arab oil producers would boycott the US [and
forfeit their stretch limos?] and that Israel would join the Communist
Bloc [they got that wrong, too]." What they don't seem to recognize
is that a Palestinian state isn't just a threat to Israel. It "would
doom the Hashemite regime to oblivion, would constitute a tailwind to
pro-Saddam terrorists in Iraq and to Islamic terrorists in Egypt,
Lebanon and the Persian Gulf and would provide a foothold in the
eastern flank of the Mediterranean to Iran, Russia, China and North
Raanan Isseroff illustrates his theme that Israel's leaders are
colluding in the death of Israel with American agencies that
produce the official U.S. maps of the Middle East. Borders and
territory that are said to be not-finalized (optimistically not
even negotiated) appear to be a dead certainty according to recent
U.S. administrations at least in the minds of the CIA and State
Department. Israel is to be hacked and nibbled, piece by "peace
process". When the new Palestinian State is created or perhaps
the new Palestinian states of Gaza and West Bank then the Arabs
will consider it an equal playing field in which to finally destroy
what is left of Israel.
Pressuring Israel for concessions to the intransigent Arabs is again
the wrong medicine for a misdiagnosed situation. More to the point,
the peace process can be put on the back burner, with no damage. But
"...if the Iranian regime continues to advance its nuclear program, it
risks Iranian domination of the oil-rich Persian Gulf, threats to
U.S.-allied Arab regimes, the emboldening of Muslim jihadists in the
region, the creation of an existential threat to Israel, the
destabilization of Iraq, the shutdown of the Israel-Palestinian peace
process, and a regional nuclear-arms race." Mark Silverberg warns that
"President Obama's whole Middle East strategy is in the process of
imploding. He had best re-evaluate his policies rather than advise the
Israelis to re-evaluate theirs."
An addendum lists Steven Plaut's "The 14 Lies Blocking Peace in the
Middle East."
Alex Grobman provides us with some history of the Arab monomaniacal
resistance to sharing any part of land they regard as their own with
Jews. (How quickly they forgot that it was the Ottomans, not the
Arabs, that had ruled the Middle East for hundreds of years!) It
reinforces his statement that "[e]ven if the Obama administration were
to succeed in compelling Israel to accept a two-state solution and
stop building settlements in Judea and Samaria, this would not placate
the Arabs or ensure peace in the region." Considering their history of
protracting the conflict, this is an understatement.
Professor Alrabaa rounds out the ideas in the previous paper with
cogent insights into current-day Arab thinking. To ready the Arabs for
peace would require extirpating their universally undemocratic systems
of government and dismissing the demagogues that rule the area, It would
require a formidable change in Arab attitudes towards themselves and
towards everyone else, who, at present, they either look down on or
resent. If the West is serious about peace in the region, it will tell
the Arab regimes: change or perish! Only then peace will
prevail in the Middle East.
Yonina Pritzker describes her visit to Hebron, viewing it both as an
ancient Jewish city in which Judaism's early history is rooted and as
a small-scale model of the players and the pressures Israel needs to
confront to protect her heritage. She writes, "Hevron is a microcosm.
Hevron represents the duplicity and grave injustice that is being
perpetrated against Jews today, against Jewish history and heritage.
If something so clear, so straightforward, so indisputable as Hevron,
if something as unmistakable as the Jewish connection to Hevron can be
so rewritten, so misrepresented; if those around the world can
literally turn history on its head and accuse Jews of being occupiers
in Hevron, then the absolute, dire necessity to stand up and fight
against this attempt to subvert the truth and rob Jews of their
history, heritage, and homeland has never been made more clear."
As we know, there has been a trial run of ceding land to the
Palestinian Arabs to develop infrastructure to run themselves as a
civilized state. It failed miserably, despite the good wishes of most
of the world, an abundance of funds contributed by the EU, the UN, the
USA and private individuals. Aside from enriching some of the Arab
thugs running Gaza, it caused a catastrophic disruption in the lives
of some 10,000 Israeli Jews. The results should not encourage anyone
to repeat the disaster on a larger scale, when up to some half a
million or more Jews would become homeless refugees in their own
country, dependent on a services of a bureaucracy that has
convincingly proven itself inept.
These are some recent essays from the Sapersteins, who were as
traumatized as one is when forced out of what Moshe has described as
Paradise their community in Gush Katif, Gaza. But they've picked
themselves up. Being Jews, they didn't feel gunning down people was
the way to ease their heartache; instead they started rebuilding their
community in a different location. An amazing couple.
There was a period of demonizing the Jews of Gush Katif, Gaza before
they were expelled from their homes and greenhouses and farms in
August 2005. Many believed that as soon as Gaza was turned over to the
Arabs, peace would descend. What descended was the large number of
rockets the Arabs lobbed into Israel, deliberately targetting the
civilian population. Most people wised up and since then, appeasement
has been a hard sell. Still, the people who suffered most were the
families who were forced to leave thriving enterprises, where they had
grown bug-free vegetables that were sold all over the world; their
plight was not made easier by the inept governmental bureaucracy
responsible for resettling them. Many have still not recovered. What is
also interesting about the article is that there are still people like
Nechemiah Strassler, a columnist for Haaretz, who seems to
have learned nothing from the expulsion and retained much of the
government-induced belief that the Jewish settlers of Gaza were demons
who were preventing peace from happening.
The Kfar Darom community had developed innovative agricultural
techniques and grown bug-free vegetables that were sold all over the
world. Four years after the expulsion, their greenhouses have long since
been vandalized by the Arabs and plans for permanent housing for them
are just now being made. And the settlers themselves have suffered
unemployment that has forced them to use up the compensation money
that was to pay for building new homes.
These essays deal with procedures that have a chance of
succeeding because they are not built on fantasy and wishful thinking.
First, Israel must stop blustering and being defensive and start
standing tall. Then Israel's legal and moral right to its land has to
be strongly asserted. And the Palestinian Arabs have to be moved where
they can not just walk down the road to carry out an act of
Isi Leibler makes the case that the best defense for Israel is an
effective offense. Applied to responding to the Goldstone report, this
would mean that Israel would not be focussed on responding to the
findings in the report. Instead, as Leibler writes, "these past few
months we should have been concentrating on exposing the evil nature
and crude bias of the Human Rights Council before it released its
'findings.' We should have more vigorously exposed the prejudice and
double standards of the despicable NGO human rights bodies that have
adopted Israel-bashing as a vocation." It's not too late to begin to
be effective.
Daniel Mandel writes that peace-process diplomacy is ultimately
worthless. "In the current round, Fatah, which controls the PA, can
hold a conference reasserting its refusal to accept Israel's existence
as a Jewish state while glorifying terrorists and rejecting an
end of claims in any future peace agreement with Israel and yet the
Obama Administration acts as though the key to the problem is to stop
Jews moving into eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank." But long term
it would be better if "Israeli and Western leaders would ... declare
candidly that Palestinians do not accept Israel and support terrorism
against her and that they will not deal with or support the PA under
these conditions." That would put the onus on the Arabs, and after all
only the terrorists can stop their own terror acts voluntarily. Israel
can't stop terror by giving the Arabs concessions that just whet their
appetites for more Israeli concessions.
Daniel Greenfield in answer to a reader's comment wrote: "I don't
admire Patton, I'm pointing out that he was correct about the
priorities of wartime." The objective was to win. And to win, "you
must kill the enemy." Today we need to fight a war that was started
by Islamic terrorists. And we won't win by ascribing to them our
high-minded views. The choice is binary. "We can coddle the
terrorists, or we can push them. We coddled them for years until
9/11 happened. Now we have gone back to coddling them again. But
there will be more than only a moral price to pay for that, but a
bill presented written in the blood of Americans."
Moshe Dann articulates what must be done to prevent Israel losing land
that legitimately belongs to it. He writes, "The State of Israel can
and should change its archaic and ambiguous position and extend full
sovereignty to all Jewish communities throughout Judea and Samaria,
including State Land and areas necessary for defense and security."
Obviously, Israel should acknowledge that Samaria and Judea belong to
Israel. If she doesn't, why should anyone else?
Of the millions of refugees around the globe, the Palestinian refugees
are the only ones that continue to be refugees for more than a few
years. In fact, generations of their descendants have been added to
the refugee list, and no one has been removed. The Palestinian arabs
are kept from resettling for political reasons. Rabbi Elon points out
that the Palestinian refugee problem can be solved by taking the refugees
and the money expended for their care away from UNRWA. "This money can
be put to better use when it will be invested in full and generous
rehabilitation of the refugees, funded by the US, Europe, and Israel,
together with the Arab oil-producing countries."
The majority of international organizations are still trying to square
the circle how to get Palestinian Arabs and Jews to live together
or next to each other as friendly neighbors. This experiment has been
ongoing for a hundred years and it doesn't work the Arabs want to
kill off Israel, not live peacefully in it or next to it. And the
romantics the Jews who thought the Arabs would be delighted because
the Jews were reawakening a sluggish, poverty-stricken area, by
introducing a viable economy well, they seem to have all died out.
What you have now in Israel is a majority opinion that wants to
separate from the Arabs and a minority Marxist opinion that wants to
bolster the Palestinians even if it means destroying Israel. The Land
of Israel belongs to Israel by international law. There is no reason
Israel should not transfer the Arabs from its territory a few miles
into the immense domain that is Arab land. Samson Blinded discusses
how this can be done.
This group of self-haters may not have done as much damage to
Israel's good name as Judge Goldstone, but they are in there, trying
their best.
Front Page Magazine has been running a series on Jewish
Leftists Collaborators, Quislings against the West and its
strongest ally, Israel. In this essay, Steven Plaut examines what
makes Joel Beinin of Stanford Univeristy tick. It is bizarre that
living on an egalitarian kibbutz made him a believer in Israel as evil
while living in Egypt with its "open racial and religious
discrimination" made him a believer in the Arab desire to destroy
Israel. Today, he has graduated to admiration to that murderer par
excellence, Chairman Mao of China. What still needs examination is
why a poor excuse for a scholar holds a prestigious position in an
elite university.
Lee Kaplan writes about Shlomo Sand, who is strikingly audacious, even
among the many Israeli Marxist academics, who devote themselves to
delegitimizing Israel in new and outrageous ways. He doesn't just
think Jews are living on Arab land he denies the entire history of
the attachment of Jews to the Land of Israel. Admittedly, his
revisionism isn't quite up to the level of Columbia's Arab professor,
Nadia Abu El-Haj, who is capable of denying the tangible evidence of
archeology. Sand merely distorted historical fact and minimized
Israel's anguished history in the diaspora. In his version there is a
disconnect between today's Jews and the Jews of the Bible. And while
his history might be defective, his assertions have certainly pleased
many an anti-semite.
Steven Stotsky writes about Anne Baltzer, who "tours US campuses,
churches and community venues denigrating Israel with baseless and
propagandistic allegations." She invokes her "Jewish roots and
grandparents lost to the Holocaust to establish her supposed moral
authenticity," but her "ideological roots are firmly planted in the
anti-Zionist movement. ... She is affiliated with the International
Women's Peace Service (IWPS), a group closely associated with the
International Solidarity Movement (ISM). Her political message closely
reflects the official Palestinian line claiming Israel is a foreign
occupier guilty of ethnic cleansing and that the wrongs done to the
Arabs can only be righted by reverting back to a mythological
pre-Zionist Palestinian land." The narrative relies on historic
falsehoods and extravagant fantasies, well beyond what even Amnesty
International and HRW will swallow.
The first articles in this set discuss how the Palestinian people
were invented. How group cohension is perpetuated is no mystery:
education, food, housing and health care for anyone declaring himself
a refugee are subsidized by the monies given to UNRWA, the U.N. agency
responsible for keeping them in perpetual homelessness. In Gaza, huge
amounts of funds poured in to pump up the economy artificially and in
short spurts. The early history of Palestine is never discussed
maybe because there never was a state or country of Palestine. But
ancient myths persist. The myth of peaceful coexistence between
Muslim, Jews and Christian in medieval times with Muslims in the
driver's seat, of course should by now have gone the way of ex-Prez
Bush's pronouncement right after 9/11 that Islam is a peaceful
religion. Instead, it is still being shamelessly asserted.
Crafty Yasser Arafat is the one credited with deciding that the Arabs
weren't going to destroy Israel by fighting the Jews head on. So he
invented the Palestinian people, who, he claimed, were native to
Palestine (a state that had never existed). Ignoring that this
"people" were mostly natives of the neighboring Arab countries, he
declared Israel was occupying Palestinian land. Ergo, they were
justified and here the media and many a mainline church agreed with
him in doing anything and everything to regain their land. As Moshe
Dann points out, "the fraud worked!" "The success of 'Palestinianism'
is a tribute to what money, influence and Jew-hatred will buy and
attract." It's time this hoax was exposed.
The major theme of the Palestinian People Myth is that there exists a
people that once owned a country called Palestine and this land was
invaded and occupied by foreigners, Jews. A subsidiary myth dear to
the hearts of foreigners, Westerners, is that if you give a guy a home
and a job, he won't want to vandalize and destroy and terrorize his
neighbors. Unfortunately, that doesn't work in Gaza. Money has poured
in. But the spiritual and secular leaders keep the people in shape for
rapid explosion. The Arab people have been emotionally prepped for
violence by skillful conditioners.
The belief that the Arabs own the Land that is Israel and the Jews do
not is a political version of Goldilocks and the three bears. The Jews
owned it too long ago and too short a time ago. But the Arabs who
conquered the area at the rise of Islam well, that's just the right
time ago. A popular pro-Arab argument is that it has "been nearly
1,900 years since Jews exercised sovereignty there and it is absurd
to argue that any group still has rights to land they last governed
such a long time ago." Steven Plaut turns the argument on its fez with
a few home truths. For one, If recency wins, then the birth of modern
Israel trumps because the last time the Arabs held the land was much
earlier. And even then, it was Arabs, not Palestinian
Arabs, in charge. It's a pleasure to watch a logical mind spell
out the implications of the fanciful nonsense the Arabs dish out.
The myth of Islam's benevolent rule over its minority citizens,
Christians and Jews, in medieval Spain, has been exploded. Being a
dhimmi was ego-crushing, at best. Nevertheless, as
Véronique Chemla informs us, the fiction of peaceful
coexistence is apparently still serviceable. At the recent Aladdin
Project conference at UNESCO, it was promoted by Jewish and Christian
diplomats, educators and clerics and other culture gatekeepers, all
anxious to develop better relations with Islam. The myth suggested that
it would be wonderful to reinstate the good old days and it spread a
feeling of bonhomie within the group. Under such circumstances, it
would be boorish to complain about the brutal treatment of
dhimmis in countries currently under Sharia law. But
West-bashing and Israel-bashing were acceptable. All in all, the
Conference contributed to the advancement of the long-term Muslim
Bob Feferman points out that when UNSCOP visited Mandated Palestine in
1947, it was clear that the Jews who already numbered some 450,000
before World War 2 had developed the infra structure of statehood:
agriculture, industry, schools, health-care, newspapers, theatre. They
were ready. Nevertheless, Arab propaganda blast forward with one
theme. "... the Jewish state was created at the expense of the Arabs
of Palestine in order to ease the conscience of the world over the
tragedy of the Nazi Holocaust." This distorted history makes it seem
the Jews had a free ride to statehood, so the local Arabs could and
still do ignore their own lackluster efforts toward developing a
modern state.
Arabs, by and large, are Muslim. As such, their lives are
determined by the Koran, the Islamic holy book, the Hadith (Mohammed's
traditions) and the Sunna (a compilation of Mohammed's words and
actions). This group of essays examines aspects of Islam, not as
fantasizers describe it, but as it actually is. Some of these essays
deal directly with misleading but politically correct notions that are
foisted on the public by pro-Palestinian propaganda in the media.
The received wisdom is that Islam salvaged the textual fruits and
scientific findings of the classic civilizations of Greece and Rome
when the western part of Charlesmagne's empire, Europe, went into a
decline in the 7th century. In the 1930's a Belgium historian, Henri
Pirenne, argued Islam was itself responsible for the Dark Ages in
Europe by blockading the Mediterranean. The counter argument to
Pirenne was that the emergence of Islam didn't destroy Byzantium, the
Eastern part of the Empire by all accounts it continued to thrive.
In this essay and in his book, John O'Neill suggests that
if we discount the Byzantine propaganda, recent archeological evidence
supports Pirenne civilization fell in both the East and the West
with the advent of Islam.
Bill Warner presents us, in his words, with "an exercise in fact-based
rational thought." He quotes a fairly typical, politically correct,
fair-minded Rabbi committed to ecumenicism and determined to think
well of everyone. Warner quotes the letter that embodies that point of
view, then proceeds to demonstrate that this image of Islam doesn't
conform to reality. Defusing the hatred in the Koran because the
Jewish and Christian Scriptures also in the Rabbi's words
contain "bad material" doesn't anwer why Jews and Christians have
moved on, but Muslims still stone people and behead them and cut off
hands for trivial offenses.
This essay is the Introduction and Chapter 1 of R.K. Ohri's book
"Long March Of Islam: The Future Imperfect. As K.P.S. Gill
who served as Director General of Police in Punjab and is currently a
consultant on counter-terrorism writes in the book's Foreword,
"Political Islam has gone broadly unchallenged, ... The
disastrous consequences of this neglect are now manifested in the
increasing radicalisation of this ideology, and its assertion through
an assortment of Islamist terrorist movements projected by their
principals as jehads. [...] The global response has, however,
centred overwhelmingly on neutralizing these manifestations alone
the terrorist groups that constitute immediate and direct
threats to individual and state security. An ideological response to
the rising tide of Islamist terrorism is yet to emerge in significant
measure." Ohri's book is an serious but very readable examination of
the ideological underpinnings of terrorism within the context of group
relationships, affiliations and population size factors that affect
actual events, now and in the future.
Bill Warner asserts that "Israel is losing the propaganda war,
hasbarah, and for a very good reason." Israelis are not
inclined to deal with propaganda because they would have to examine
Islam. They would have to "face the facts that the Koran and the Sunna
(the actions and words of Mohammed) are filled with invectives against
the Jews." They would have to grasp that "... when the Jews of Medina
rejected Mohammed as a prophet they were all enslaved, exiled,
murdered and robbed all acts of jihad. These were not
historical acts, but perfect examples of Islamic action towards Jews
models prescribed for Muslims to follow up to the present time." Jews
also need to understand that resurgent Islam isn't just targetting
them. "[T]he Israel/Palestinian conflict is no different than the
jihad in Kashmir, India, the Philippines, or in dozens of fronts in
Africa" but global jihad does target Jews, and this has to be
acknowledged before intelligent and incisive action can be taken.
Praying for some flabby peace won't work. People don't fight
effectively against a threat until they acknowledge the threat is
Iran is on a roll. The nastier she sounds, the nicer the West is
towards her. And the West did nothing to encourage the election
protesters. As Reuven Erlich writes, "This past month Iranian defiance
of Israel and the West reached new heights.." Basically, Iran's
leadership feels ready to take on the leadership of those who are
anti-West in the Middle East. It is "of the opinion that it has the
military and ideological-religious capabilities to breathe new life
into the original sentiments of the Muslim-Arab peoples: hatred for
Zionism, the establishment of the State of Israel (the 'cancerous
growth') and the West which supported it after the Holocaust ('an
imaginary event'). "Using what's written in the press as a mirror of
government thinking, Iran feels its a winner and its first target is
Israel. It has every intention of pursuing "a defiant, revolutionary
agenda, where emphasis will be placed on support for the terrorist and
Islamic networks around the world, especially the Middle East." This
article is loaded with insights into the thinking of the leaders of a
country that has made itself a major threat to world peace.
This essay by Daniel Greenfield deals with the politically correct
notion that terrorism is "a kind of desperate activism taken in
reaction to oppression." It treats the terrorist as a victim of
X, where X depends on the writer's own attitudes. X is
capitalism for the Marxist, Zionism for the anti-Semite,
US foreign policy for the hater of America, etc. But the
reactive model breaks down when subjected to inquiry into who the
terrorists are, where did they come from and what was their
ideological education. A statement from the Muslim Brotherhood makes
clear that jihad "is an obligation on every Muslim in order to spread
Islam to the infidels and subjugate Jews and Christians who refuse to
live under Islamic law." And millions of Muslims subscribe to this
belief. [Addendum: the media ascribed the massacre at Fort Hood to
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome until it was pointed out that Major Hasan had
never been to a war zone. Then some suggested he caught it from
returning soldiers like it was a virus.]
To believe the ubiquitous ads and media puff pieces about peaceful,
tolerant Islam, you'd have to conclude that Islam is being
undeservedly maligned. People just haven't understood how well Islam
fits into a multicultural country. It is curious, Amil Imani notes,
that the multicultural euphemism is not ever "even mentioned by any
Islamic leader, ever printed in the Islamic press, or ever appears in
any form anywhere in Muslim countries." To put it bluntly but
accurately, the purpose of the "multiculturalism gambit is Islam
manufactured wool to pull over the eyes of the non-Muslims while the
Muslims carry on with their unrelenting campaign of eradicating
anything or anyone non-Islamic anywhere in the world."
The spread of Islamic customs and practices to Europe, North America
and Australia means that immigrant Muslim women continue to be treated
as they are in Islamic countries. Moreover, because any women is
regarded as subject to punishment if they are not completely covered,
rapes of non-Muslim women are becoming common. Daniel Greenfield deals
with one aspect of this: the non-response, the lack of indignation, by
feminists. He notes that "[r]ather than confront the threat to women
posed by Islamic law, feminist authors like Naomi Wolf are instead
claiming that the wolf is really a misunderstood poodle." They do not
support their sisters who try to fight back in Muslim countries; they
side with Islam law, ducking the issue by insisting that the wearing
of a head schmatta will make women free. How very curious.
The world has come a long way towards civilized behavior by
suppressing destructive instincts. Islam is different. "Islam was
started by predators and spread by predators. It has lived off the
decaying corpses of the civilizations it has destroyed." Babu Suseelan
notes that "[s]ince 1973, there have been 179 armed conflict around
the world 169 were involved with Muslims." Their goal is to replace
democracy with Sharia law, with the suicide/bombing a major tool. To
understand this, Suseelan examines the psychology of the jihadist
homicide bomber, starting with his early indoctrination from his
Islamic religious education, and proceeding, state by stage, to more
ideologically-driven conscienceless behavior. Suseelan points out this
will not stop as long as our only response is attempting to punish the
jihadist in a criminal justice system, which has proven ineffective in
handling this type of situation.
The beltway sniper, who terrorized Washington, D.C. and its
environs in 2002, is finally going to be executed this November. This
news occasioned essays on loner terrorists and why the media and law
agencies continue to deny that they were inspired by a similar
ideology, even if the gunmen didn't conspire as a group. Mearsheimer
and Walt and terrorist fronts like Cair and the major media continue
to blame the Jooz for whatever ails us, It is a distraction from what
we should be attending to preventing the spread of Sharia law. An
immediate problem is preventing the return of a Muslim girl who
converted to Christianity to her parents, because that would increase
the chances that she will not live to see her next birthday.
Most building invasions and drive-by killings by single Muslims have
been single-time events and dismissable as random. In this essay, Paul
L. Williams follows up on the 2002 series of terror killings by John
Muhammad and his 17-year old side-kick, Malvo. Muhammad's previous
army experience was stressed, as if that was responsible for his
behavior. It was just a year after 9/11, yet the duo's affiliation to
terror groups, their dedication to Islam and their anti-semitism were
heatedly denied or just ignored by the media, until courtroom exhibits
made denial impossible. In 2009, the mainstream media are again
ignoring the role the Islamic religion played in his terror spree
when announcing that Muhammad's execution date has been set.
There are individuals and small groups that even if they have never
met are bonded in that they have the same commitment: to inflict
sharia law on the West. At the very least, the success of one
encourages others to work towards their common goal. The West seems to
have no way to cope, except to treat each episode of terror as a
separate event, unrelated to other such events. We focus on the
terrorists who invades our airports and community centers, while
ignoring their ideology. Frank Gaffney points out that dealing with
the root cause of jihad by denial and accomodation has encouraged
terrorism, not stopped it. [Update: This article was published
before the Fort Hood massacre.]
Mearsheimer and Walt's articles and books serve to popularize and make
respectable the pro-Palestinian anti-Israel rhethoric in current use.
They are professors in respectable universities surely one can
assume that they have carefully examined the facts and speak truth.
Unfortunately, the only truth is that they nicely rephrase the raw
anti-semitism heard from cruder tongues. They are very successful at
this and are cited on all the sleezoid sites. Richard H. Shulman has
done a masterful job in summarizing the major areas they cover and in
uncovering their errors.
Think of this article as a teaching experience. Richard Shulman
describes how two major newspapers reported a news story on clashes.
Same data were available to both; both contributed political slants to
a "news story." Considering the respect given The New York
Times, it is surprising except we've learned from experience
this happens all the time that its headline was misleading and
important facts are omitted. Moreover, "the Times, as is its
custom, writes that Israel is in "contested territory that Israel took
from Jordan in the 1967 war. Without explanation, its seizure sounds
improper. Actually, Jordan had no right to it, having seized it by
aggression." The Wall St. Journal labeled the Jews that wanted
to pray at their own temple "extremists" and "hard-line". Why?
"Neither paper mentioned that the Muslim Arabs believe that they alone
have rights to the Temple Mount and to the Cave of the Patriarchs in
Hebron." As usual, Arab violence is not the result of incitement by
Arab leaders; "it is due to frustration with the stalled
negotiations." Of course. What else could it possibly be?
P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry have written a well-documented
account of CAIR and its tactics in carrying out its mission, which is
to islamize America, using a variety of tactics that include
labelling anyone who criticizes them as an Islamophobe. CAIR
Council for American Islamic Relations was founded by
members of a Hamas-support network and its major funding is not U.S.A.
"grass roots" but comes from Sunni Gulf States donors. In this essay,
Phyllis Chesler focusses on how CAIR trivializes abuse of women and
financially aids men who have committed honor code murders in the
U.S.A. and Canada.
Rifqa Bary converted from Islam to Christianity and fled her home,
saying she feared for her life. Dr. Jasser, himself a devout Muslim,
believes "the preponderance of the intellectual evidence shows a
systemic intolerance and, in fact, there is strong evidence for legal
(Shar'iah-based) underpinnings for the intolerance, abuse,
discrimination, and even at its worst, direct countenance of murder of
apostates." He believes this isn't acceptable to the majority of lay
Muslims, but the ulemaa (theocratic scholars) do have their
influence, even in the West. And there are enough cases of Muslims
killing their children to protect the honor of the family to take
Rifqa's fears seriously. There is also the larger question for the
Muslim community: will they circle the wagons and play the put-upon
victim as does CAIR or will they venture at
reform. As Jasser writes, American Muslims "can either hold blindly
onto tradition, victimization, tribalism, and obfuscation or they can
use these cases as teaching moments to highlight the reform necessary
within our communities..."
For all the horrors of the Holocaust, Israel actually has only
executed one man, Adolph Eichman. And that needed a special act,
because Israel does not have the death penalty as punishment, no
matter what the crime. Rachel Ginsberg recounts the history of the
execution. It had two important consequences. It broke the silence and
numbness that for some 15 years had surrounded the Holocaust and
survivors began speaking up. Also, this is the precedent for revising
the law so that Israel could deal appropriately with terrorists whose
goal is to destroy the Jewish state.
Arab terror strikes against Jews in Israel began long before the
recent claim that Arabs are merely reacting to Israel "occupying" the
West Bank. From the late 1800's on, the Jews were reviving the economy
in an area that had been rock-bottom stagnant for hundreds of years,
but the controlling Arab sentiment was anger and resentment that any
group other than Arab should dominate land no matter how small
and undeveloped that Arabs claimed as their own. Leslie Stein
writes about the Arab guerilla warfare soon after Israel became a
state in 1948. It cost Israel hundreds of slaughtered lives before
Israel began responding effectively. Sensibly, the "severity of
Israeli retaliations had not been calibrated" on proportional
retaliation but to the "potential impact on the behaviour of Israel's
adversaries." It encouraged the Jordanian and Egyptian
governments (temporarily) to curb some infiltration into Israel.
Unfortunately, Israel was intimidated by the international outcry at
Israel defending itself, a hostility mislabeled as the "moral" view.
Sound familiar?
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September 2009 BLOG-EDS
While Obama fiddles around hoping to play a soothing tune that will
please the Iranian ear, Iran continues its development of the nuclear
bomb to destroy Israel. It considers "collateral damage" to local
Arabs and to oil pipes at Haifa worth it. Nor is it reassuring that
the now Secr.-of-State Clinton promised last year that America will
attack Iran if she launches a nuclear attack against Israel.
Anne Bayefsky lists the reasons that make it obvious that President
Obama if it's left up to him has no intention of stopping Iran
from acquiring nuclear arms. Obama "... is refusing to back strong,
immediate sanctions in response to Iran's umpteen violations of the
Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and human rights." His "only
concrete plan ... is more talk" despite Iran's lack of response and
there are no plans for a reassessment of what is a failed policy based
on false premises. This places Israel in the untenable position of
risking potential annihilation by doing nothing or doing something and
risking "the ire of a deeply hostile president." And all the while,
Iran is certainly doing much of a something to develop her nuclear
Iran announces that it was developing a nuclear bomb for
peaceful uses, of course. Its first job has been announced: destroy
Israel. And the world sits as quiet and uninvolved as the brain-washed
captives in the Manchurian Candidate. Professor Beres paints a
graphic and frightening and worst of all accurate picture of the
physical and medical consequences of a nuclear attack on Israel. As he
writes, "[n]o country can be expected to cooperate in its own annihilation."
This is a sober assessment of how the U.S. military could confront
Iran, before it succeeds in developing nuclear armament. General Wald
points out that "[i]f the Iranian regime continues to advance its
nuclear program despite the best efforts of Mr. Obama and other world
leaders, we risk Iranian domination of the oil-rich Persian Gulf,
threats to U.S.-allied Arab regimes, the emboldening of radicals in
the region, the creation of an existential threat to Israel, the
destabilization of Iraq, the shutdown of the Israel-Palestinian peace
process, and a regional nuclear-arms race." The future consequences of
Prez Obama's insouciance will likely make Jimmy Carter's gross error
in forcing the Shah of Iran off the throne seem small potatoes.
This article by George Gilder is based on his most recent book. David
Israel is faced with another threat to its survival, one just as
pressing as the threat of nuclear annihilation the creation of a
Palestinian Arab state in Biblical Israel. Obama's CEO in charge of
thuggery and threats, Rahm Emanuel, has told Israel it MUST make
concessions to the arabs "for peace" starting by throttling Jewish
towns in the "West Bank" else America will thwart any attempt by
Israel to defang Iran.
A one-state solution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict or a
two-state solution would have the same predictable outcome: the
destruction of the Jewish State. A one-state binational state would
have the Jews pay for a preponderance of Arab births, which has only
one objective: democractically crushing the Jewish state. The two-state
solution sounds, in comparison, like a sober solution. It isn't.
Steven Plaut points out it is paper-thin, with no substance. Trim away
the nonsense and political babble and bombast and there is as there
has always been one simple reason why there is no peace: "the
refusal of the Arab world to come to terms with Israel's existence
within any set of borders whatsoever." Israel continues to attempt to
accomodate Arab 'sensitivities' and acts as if the Palestinian claim
that Israel is occupying Arab land had historic substance. But it all
continues to crash against the often-repeated reality that "any
Palestinian state, regardless of who rules it, will produce nothing
but escalated violence, terror and warfare in the Middle East,
certainly not stability or peaceful relations."
Sultan Knish describes what we can expect
from a Palestinian State. Essentially, it's more of the same, but more
so. More terrorism. More regional instability. More internecine
conflicts between the different Palestinian groups. More unemployment
because there aren't any major employers except UNWRA and the
Palestinian Authority, which is a way of saying they are living on the
dole. Having demonstrated that such a mix can not be shaped into a
workable political entity, Sultan Knish concludes, "...if the Two
State Solution can't even create a Palestinian state, what can it
solve? Absolutely nothing."
Yoram Ettinger devotes this article to a recap of some important
historical facts about Samaria and Judea Biblical Israel and to
explaning the region's importance to Israel's security needs. As he
pointed out in a previous paper
There is however a win-win situation. Israel has space to grow and
develop innovations for all of us, instead of devoting its time to
fending off Arabs obsessed with a self-imposed mission of destroying
the Jewish state. The Palestinian Arabs have a munificent plot of land
in which to create a state if that's what they want. The former
U.S. presidential candidate Mike Huckabee put it well: "The question
is: should the Palestinians have a place to call their own? Yes, I have
no problem with that. Should it be in the middle of the Jewish
homeland? That's what I think has to be honestly assessed as virtually
Ruth King and Rael Isaac write that "the issue of 'refugees' remains
the defining obstacle to any reconciliation in the region." The Arabs
remain adamant that the Arabs that fled when the Arab states invaded
Israel in 1948 must be allowed to return to their villages in Israel.
Allowing in the millions who claim to be these refugees or descendants of
these refugees would demographically overwhelm Israel. Resettling them
in Arab countries would give the refugees the opportunity to live
normal lives in a familiar milieu, instead of serving as the excuse
for Arab leaders to continue their hostility and aggression against
Israel. And a major obstruction to stabilizing the region would be
The myth of Israel creating the Arab refugee problem has been
discredited in recent years as Palestinian Arabs have begun speaking
out and putting the blame where it belongs on the Arab leadership,
which directed the local arabs to leave their homes in 1948, when the
arab countries that neighbor israel attacked the brand-new state. (See
PMW's "Arab responsibility for refugees" at
Considering how our economy is going, we might consider asking the Po'
Palestinians for a handout. Spengler provides us a clear picture of
just how how well off the Palestinian Arabs are financially,
especially as compared to the neighboring Arabs. (And that's just the
acknowledged contributions from UNRWA, EU and us, the taxpayers of
U.S.A.) They have free health care and receive better education than
most other arabs. Given all that funding, "why," he asks, "should any
Palestinian refugee resettle in a neighboring Arab country? This is
particularly so because they haven't developed industries to support
themselves. Moreover, because their subsidies depends in part on the
Western belief that paying the Palestinians off will contain their
violence, they have a disincentive to become peaceful. Given these
facts, Spengler comes to conclusion that may be surprising but is
obvious once you look at the facts.
The British were given the administration of the Palestine Mandate to
aid the Jews settle Palestine as a homeland. Instead, the Brits gave
the administration of the portion of Palestine east of Jordan River to
the Hashemite clan, which today rules a state made up largely of what
are called Palestinians. It is now withdrawing citizenship from many
of these arabs. Sarah Honig writes about Jordan, pointing out some
home truths.
Gennadiy Faybyshenko notes that the Saudi Arabian Initiative which
provides for the creation of a a Palestinian state inside Samaria and
Judea and the return of enough Arabs to almost double Israel's Jewish
population would mean the end of Israel. That won't do. But given
the Saudi concern for their Palestinian brethren and given that Saudi
Arabia is huge but sparsely-settled, a comfortably-sized state for
the Palestinian refugees could be set up in some small portion of
Saudi Arabia. Refugee problem: solved! A state for the Palestinians:
created! And, that, according to the Obama administration, is the key
to peace and harmony in the Middle East.
Brother Shane proposes a bold yet traditional peace-plan to stabilize
the Middle East: First, the Arab terrorist thugs need to be
eliminated, not rewarded. Then the Palestinian Arabs in the
territories are to be moved to Jordan, where Palestinian arabs are
already living. A novel part of the plan is to create borders for
Israel in accordance with the ancient patrimonies of the original 12
tribes of Israel, erasing some modern divisions. Pagan and
totalitarian practices are not to be tolerated; the United Nations
a puppet of Islamo-Fascists will be designated a terrorist
organization. This plan certainly beats Israel giving up some of its
tiny bit of land to people with a much larger amount of land and a
very large amount of hatred toward Jews.
I don't know if this is tongue-in-cheek but it certainly is thinking
outside the box. Julian Kossoff suggests a novel way to solve the
Israel-Palestinian Arab conflict. Convert the Arabs to Judaism. Let
them become Jews. He reminds us that "[h]istorically, the key to the
Jewish reluctance to convert non-Jews was an unwillingness to provoke
the host Christian/Muslim community. But as a survival strategy that's
now backfiring; in a post-Christian world that fear is no longer
relevant, while the demographics aren't looking good." The Jews were
indeed heavy into proselytizing Gentiles some 10% of the Roman
Empire in the 1st century C.E. was Jewish. They were told point-blank
when the Church gained power that if they continued proselytizing,
the Church would destroy Judaism. Unfortunately the Jews incorporated
this negative attitude and have forgotten their strong commitment to
converting the Gentile. Perhaps Kossoff will write another article on
reclaiming all the Jews forced over the centuries into becoming Muslim
at the point of the sword.
This next articles reinforce the idea that Israel should not give up
any more of Israell's patrimony. They deal with the involuntary
withdrawal from Hebron after the 1929 Massacre and with Kadima's
expulsion of all the Jews from Gaza in August 2005. The last article
in the set reminds us that as Israel gives up land, people are waiting
in the wings with demands on further land give-aways all in the
pursuit of a peace that becomes all the more unattainable the more Israel
gifts to an enemy determined to destroy the Jewish state.
The 4000-year old city of Hebron, Judaism's second most holy city, is
the site of the Machpelah, the Cave of the Patriachs, where
Abraham and Sarah are buried. The Jews lived there no matter what the
political climate throughout the centuries. In 1929, when rumors
started to spread that the Arabs were planning to attack the Jews,
many Jews refused to believe it. Sammy Benoit (Yid with Lid) writes of
the massacre in August, 1929. Arabs, who for years had been friendly
neighbors, turned vicious and, encouraged by the mufti of Jerusalem,
Haj Amin al-Husseini, slaughtered the Jewish population. The British
removed the Jews from the city, not the Arabs an early example of
rewarding terrorism. The Jews were denied permission to return to
Hebron. After 1967, when Israel regained the city and against the
opposition of the local Arabs and their own government, Jews began to
resettle in Hebron. This article appeared on the Yid-With-Lid website
in December 2007. Since then, the Jews continue to be harassed by the
Arabs and by the Israeli government, which make no secret of the fact
that it favors the Arab population of Hebron in any dispute.
This article by Toby Klein Greenwald provides additional history and
eye-witness accounts of the 1929 Hebron Massacre, which we commemerate
on August 23rd.
This is Arie Issar's account of his experiences at the time of the
Hebron massacre. In August 1929, because he came down with a case of
mumps, he and his family were unable to travel to Hebron to friends
the day the Hebron massacre occurred. He learned later "that the
Sheikh of Colonia (most probably the Moukhtar) came on the day before
the massacre to the Makleffs [the friends] and vowed by Almighty Allah
and the Holy Koran that they are safe and should stay at home." As Ami
Isseroff says in the foreword, "the 1948 war was preceded by decades
of Arab violence and bad faith, such as [this] incident. Issar draws
this moral from the Sheikh's lies, "If you do not want your
grandchildren to live in a refugee camp, do not betray your neighbor
who trusted you and your vows."
This issue we have an essay by Moshe Saperstein who is in superb
sardonic form. Listen to this: "Had my ancestors swung on the trees of
Britain rather than Bialystok,... we would likely have a family crest.
On that crest would be crossed salamis under a pickled herring. And
the engraved motto would be in Yiddish, of course 'No Moment
Spent Sleeping is Ever Wasted'." Rachel Saperstein, whose vision is
more outward, talks about the Fourth Anniversary of Israel's sobering
attempt at government-sponsored ethnic cleansing: the expulsion by the
Israeli Government of the Jews from Gaza. It is a sobering thought for
us that the Israeli Government has done such an inadequate job at
resettling the 10,000 Jewish Refugees from Gaza that private citizens
like Rachel are doing the Government's work. With its I-flunk
record, how can the Government be contemplating another expulsion
this time of up to some 600,000 Jews from Samaria and Judea and
Eastern Jerusalem? It boggles the mind.
Moshe Dann writes about some of the costs of ejecting the productive
and patriotic Jews of Gush Katif, Gaza from their homes and business
in August 2005. As he writes, "Biilions were wasted for nothing;
military advantages were squandered and economic benefits to both Jews
and Arabs were destroyed. The sheer human tragedy on all sides is
difficult to evaluate." To rub salt into the wounds, most of these
refugees have still not been fully compensated or permanently settled
and much of what has been achieved has been done by the expellees
themselves or with private help. It is particularly important to
consider the aftermath of the Gaza folly now that "the world" is
demanding a Palestinian state be built in Gaza and Samaria and Judea
and eastern Jerusalem. If Israel accedes to this demand, eventually
it will necessitate expelling up to 500,000 to 600,000 Jews. How will
a bureaucracy that couldn't competently deal with 10,000 refugees deal
with this?
The importance of Samaria and Judea to Israel's water needs has been
discussed in sister articles, here. and
This essay by Yoram Ettinger summarizes important facts about the
Golan and its contribution to Israel's water supply. The Golan has again
become an issue now that retards in the Israeli government are
wistfully planning dialoguing with Syria. The Addition, Guy Bechor's
article entitled, "Syria is drying up", explains why Syria is
As Ethan Bronner put it:
Hamas is trying something new. Instead of turnoffs like beheading the
enemy or blowing up babies Jewish babies, true, so it's really OK,
but some oddballs seem to object it is trying something new. The
rhetoric has softened. They are reaching out to the West, using the
non-stop media as conveyor of these new smile-ridden assertions. You
understand, of course, that nothing has changed back at the ranch. But
the ratings West-wise should be considerably inproved.
Hamas rightfully claims it is more popular than is the P.A. with the
Palestinian Arabs, who appear to prefer unsullied, undisguised
violence against Israel. Many in the American administration have
suggested that American start dealing with Hamas directly as de
facto and de jure rulers of Gaza and, more than likely,
also Samaria and Judea, should Israel give up these areas. Such
appeasement of a totalitarian government might make life simpler for
the State Department, but other consequences are dire and should be
considered. Jonathan Schanzer describes what life is like in Gaza,
where Hamas is now unopposed.
We've progressed from the radical chic in the sixties to what Seth
Frantzman calls protest tourism, where foreign and domestic
visitors show their commitment to peace in the Middle East by making
an obligatory stop in Arab Bilin where they harass Israeli soldiers
until, if the gods be with them, the troops stop the rock throwing
with rubber bullets and tear gas. As Frantzman notes, "That isn't
peace, it is a manufacturing of the conflict, manipulation of the
conflict for the cameras."
The initial essays benchmark the current highwater levels of the
Islamic invasion of Europe and the U.S.A. The others suggest that one
of the major activities of Islamic Jihad preaching and
promoting anti-semitism has and is gaining adherents in several
unrelated professional areas, government agencies and private
institutions, even in prisons, as sympathy for or fear of
radical Islam increases. The main reaction of the public to
increased Muslim demands and sporadic violence by Muslims continues to
be almost total indifference.
David Meir-Levi listed the ten stages of how Muslims take over a
country "peacefully" and provided an estimate of far various
countries are in the takeover process
here. In this article, Jerry Gordon comments on a book review by
Janet Levy of "Modern Day Trojan Horse" by Sam Solomon and Elias Al
Maqdisi. The book describes more fully the Muslim strategy of
peaceful conquest starting with Muslims migrating into the
Dar-al-Harb, the Land of War, where they strive to consolidate
their power and soften up the population for imposition of Sharia law
and Muslim domination. In the U.S.A., we are really coming along,
especially now that we have a Muslim president in place to smooth the
It seems only yesterday that Malmö was pointed out because even
though it was a western city, some of it was western-frei and
controlled by Muslims. Now, as Thomas Landen indicates, it is one of
many European areas in Brussels, Sweden, France where entry by a
Westerner may be hazardous to his health. In fact, entry is usually by
stealth, a safari entailing high risk. Landen notes that the Ramadan
period is particularly dangerous, because the nightly "feasts easily
spill over into nightly spasms of mayhem, vandalism, and violence.
Europe's Ramadan riots often go on for days or weeks, during which
hundreds of cars, shops and public buildings are set on fire" with
little response from the authorities, who also "fail to impose the
existing laws of the land on Islamic immigrants" and provide
polygamous Muslims with welfare benefits. Landen predicts the next
step with be "the imposition of Sharia law on everyone, non-Muslims as
well as Muslims."
Burt Prelutsky asks why our leaders "pay lip service to these
people[Muslims} in a way we never did with Nazi Germany, Imperial
Japan or the Soviet Union. Is it because the Muslims commit sadism
and murder in the name of religion and not country? If anything, I
would think that would make their evil acts all the more
contemptible." Their code of honor isn't much of a recommendation,
George Jochnowitz has written on the pervasiveness of Anti-Semitism
over time and often in areas that seldom, if ever, see a Jew.
Nowadays, its universality owes much to a bizarre and illogical
alliance of Muslims and Communists, both obsessed with a virulent and
ferocious hatred of Jews. In other matters, they hold opposing views
and are sworn enemies of each other. David Nathan wrote of this
essay: "I have read much on the subject but never so fine and profound
and succinct a piece as this." Read it. Perhaps, it will make you stop
adducing all the variants of 'blame the victim' and ask instead: What
accounts for the current manifestation of an attitude that, in
Jochnowitz's words, "makes no sense" and "is pointless."
Robert Fulford writes of the many ways that have evolved to show hate
towards Israel. "Opposing Israel has become an institutionalized
ritual" performed in "the universities, churches and unions," with
activities that repetition has turned into traditions such as"
Israel Apartheid Week, celebrated every spring in universities."
Muslims claiming they are oppressed by the Chinese are ignored;
El-Fatah Palestinians killed by Hamas are not memorialized; nor are
Hamas soldiers killed by the P.A. Israel is the exclusive target of
this venom. This isn't criticism of Israel. It is simple,
old-fashioned hate of the Jew that is being manifested.
Academia has become a welcoming habitat for Marxists and Muslims.
Anti-American preaching is common and is usually protected by
University administrators and fellow academics, who for all their
virtuous defense of freedom of speech are usually not as
conscientious at protecting free speech by rightwingers. Cinnamon
Stillwell writes of a new twist: professors who don't just accept
Islamic terror but practice it. She writes about U of Ottawa's
professor Hassan Diab, who stands accused of leading a PLO commando
team that bombed a Paris synagogue in 1980. If true, he will join
others such as William Ayres of the University of Chicago, who once
practiced what they now preach.
Remembering that the International Red Cross had no problem accepting
the Arab's Red Crescent (which has often taxied terrorists into
Israel) but refused to allow the entry of the Jewish Magen David until
it agreed to not display the Magen David symbol, it comes as no
surprise to learn that the International Red Cross is a politicized
anti-Israel participant in demonizing Israel. In this essay, Moshe
Dann focusses on how they misuse the provisions of the Geneva
Convention, specifically Article 49.
The spy case against AIPAC staffers has frittered out. Charges have
been dropped. Two critical pieces of information suggest we're just
beginning to see the outlines of the real story. First, the AIPAC men
were at no point suspected of dealing with enemy foreign governments.
As Gary Wasserman informs us, "they were targets of a bizarre sting in
which they were fed false information suggesting that the lives of
U.S. and Israeli operatives in Iraq were at risk"; they were told no
one was doing anything. They tried openly to get different agencies to
do something, to save lives. Second, the Iago in this sting operation,
Larry Franklin, said he'd tried hooking other prominent Jews in
government, using the same bait and he'd been asked by the FBI about
other of his Jewish contacts. So why a sting operation against
American Jews sympathetic to Israel, who weren't at any point
suspected of being spies? Why Jews? Expand this a bit. Why is the FBI
using Arabs in sensitive spots but won't hire Jews who are fluent in
idiomatic Arabic too translate Arabic tapes? Why is the FBI giving classes
in Sharia law? Why are meaningful words like terrorist dropped
from Homeland Security's vocabulary? Why are CIA operatives threatened
with law suits for doing their job effectively? What is going on?
Islam has found the prison system an excellent source for actively
recruiting converts and candidates for acts of terror. It is a
particularly hard group to infiltrate because the prisoners know each
other and don't accept strangers. This article deals with such a
network. When members of a Newburgh NY mosque were exposed before they
could attack a Jewish community center, Warith Deen Umar, a muslim
convert, who was both a prisoner and then a prison chaplain converting
others to Islam, briefly became a topic for conversation. What is not
recognized is that the wahabbist chaplains and their clerks have been
creating a successful organization for converting prisoners to radical
Islam for some 30 years. In this article, Patrick Dunleavy writes of
five other Muslims affiliates of Umar, who have promulgated radical
Islam and planned terror activity while in prison as prisoners or as
prison chaplains or clerks.
Some four years ago Israeli archeologist Eilat Mazar discovered a
stepped stone structure in the City of David in Jerusalem that she
believes is the remains of King David's palace. This is an exciting
discovery in its own right, whether palace or not, yet It has been
only meagerly publicized. Thanks are due Rachel Ginsberg not only for
this excellent article on the find but for inquiring into why it is
that it has been ignored by secularists, both archeologists and
laymen, who claim greater objectivity. Their sneer campaign revolves
around the fact that the dig has received financial support from a
Jewish millionaire who believes in the Bible and their secular
certainty that Judaism can not possibly have a rock-solid foundation
(pardon the pun).
Julia Gorin focusses on what is one of the more puzzling facts about
America's general reaction to resurgent Islam there seems to be a
general indifference to the threat of Islamic Jihad. We are no longer
concerned that Muslims that look to the resurrection of the Caliphate
declared war on us September 11, 2001. Muslims who look to the return
of the Mahdi declare they will bomb Israel a true friend into
oblivion and we warn them that if they don't stop ... we will warn
them again. We elect a self-declared Muslim as president while we are
supposedly fighting Islamic terrorism and we excuse violent Muslim
behavior beheadings, massacres, bombings, drive-by shooting,
tractor killings as understandable. Gorin asks "[h]ow many more
terror plots have to be uncovered before everyone realizes that Islam
is a threat?"
There is a sharp divide between the Christian churches in the West:
the mainstream groups led by liberals are pro-palestinian while
the more traditional and less trendy churches with closer contact to
the Bible are pro-Israel. An anomaly is the Mennonite Church, which
itself suffered torture and violence. Yet it is so dedicated to peace it
doesn't recognize that it doesn't really understand the monomanical
evil practiced by resurgent Islam.
Dexter Van Zile writes about the One-State Solution activists
of the Mennonite church who equate peace in the Middle East with
abolishing the sovereign state of Israel, while they "provide aid and
comfort to those who ... seek Israel's destruction." Van Zile suggests
that, despite the torture and persecution suffered by the Mennonites
in post-Reformation Europe, they have "an inability to deal with the
reality of evil and the power needed to confront it." Denying reality,
they routinely portray Hamas and Islamism as either victim or "as
idealistic religious movements" while the Jews are the bullies. This
may be because the pacifist Mennonites can rely on others to keep them
safe. Israel can not.
Zionism, as Victor Sharpe reminds us, is the national liberation
movement of the Jewish people. "In Biblical terms, it is the return
from exile of the Jews to Zion to that very special land
promised by God to the first Jew, Abraham. And it is through reading
his Bible that many a Christian has become a zionist, and consequently
a friend to Israelis working to reconstitute their ancestral homeland.
In this essay, Sharpe writes of some Christian zionists who helped
further what at the time seemed an impossible dream the
reconstruction of their nation state by Jews after 2,000 years in the
We start with an essay on the general phenomenon, which
describes the anger and denial of reality that marks the self-hating
Jew. We then provide two specific examples, one an individual, the
other a group. As Seth Frantzman says, "Jewish self hate is one of the
most fascinating of phenomena." It is also mystifying.
This is a continuation of Seth Frantzman's examination of Jewish
self-hatred. He writes, "Jewish self hate is one of the most
fascinating of phenomena. While many nations now produce intellectuals
who have self-hate, the Jews seem especially adept at it. It is worth
examining a few cases to understand that self-hate is primarily based
on illogical concepts."
Lee Kaplan presents us with the case study of a Jewish sociologist, a
professor in a European university, who in his devotion to the Arab
cause distorts reality and ignores factual information. For him,
Jewish nationalism is racism. He ignores the Socialist ideology of the
early kibbutzniks and flays Israel as a "colonial
enterprise of the capitalist west." More generally, his stance is
always predictable: Israel is always the bad guy, no matter what the
circumstances. If the Arabs act badly, it is always justified.
J Street was created to counter Aipac, the major pro-Israel advocacy
group in America. It proclaims itself as supporting Israel, but its
actions don't match its words unless, of course, you subscribe to
the Arab story about its "historic" rights and believe that
capitulating to Arab demands is good for Israel. It is not clear how
many Jews it fools, but, certainly, some Muslims and pro-Palestinian
activists recognize it for what it is and have given J Street both
personal and financial support. If you are looking to support an
active activist group devoted to Israel, put your money into AFSI.org, or
ZOA.org or the newly-formed Z (for Zionist) Street.
(18ZSTREET@gmail.com, http://ziostreet.wordpress.com/)
Since it was started in July 2002, Think-Israel has chronicled
media-created lies about israel and how easily the media accept
Arab-generated lies. A particularly outrageous example is the story
circulated out of Sweden accusing the IDF of harvesting Arab organs
for transplant. What next?
Using Arab sources, Sweden's largest-circulation newspaper,
Aftonbladet, ran a ghoulish screed claiming the IDF killed
Palestinians arabs and harvested their organs. Robin Shepherd
examines the shameful events that happened afterwards.
Aftonbladet's editor admitted the paper had no proof but
refused to retract its assertion; in fact, he published it again. The
Swedish government did not see this blood libel of Israel as
important enough to contradict, portraying itself as the virtuous
defender of free speech. It even refused to back up its ambassador to
Israel who condemned the article. Contrast this to how news about
Muslims is treated: many of the newspapers self-censor themselves,
fearing violent repercussions by Muslims to even mild criticism of
Islam or Muslim practices. Recall that the Swedish government reacted
in panic to Muslim anger at a cartoon featuring Mohammad, even
shutting down a website that showed the cartoon.
This essay is about some home truths. Rita Kramer succintly describes
two big lies that have emerged since Nazi times, when the world
accepted that Germany was entitled to a population that was purely
aryan and that the Jews were responsible for German's economic
collapse. One is the retooling the educational system so that its
function no longer is to teach Western values and culture. It has
become an instrument to inculcate "diversity". The other big lie is
that the world accepts the Arab myth that the Palestinian Arabs,
through no fault of their own, are under Israeli occupation, a fantasy
that justifies all savage behavior by the Arabs as necessary in their
struggle to liberate their land.
Barry Rubin asks a fundamental question: why do the media single out
Israel for human rights violations, most of which are eventually shown
to be false, while Arab human rights violations real, brutal and of
long-standing are excused? He offers a group of possibilities that
include: Arab money/oil, Western guilt, Arab money/oil, physical
intimidation, Arab money/oil, psychological intimidation and Arab
money/oil [repetitions added.]
Kenneth Levin makes an interesting association on how "The world's
media have given scant coverage lately to the ongoing genocide in
Darfur, and despite extensive reporting on Israel and the
Arab-Israeli conflict they have likewise offered little on the
continuing campaign of genocidal incitement against Israel by her
enemies." Levin develops the theme that the connecting link is the
Arab non-acceptance of non-Muslims on what they see as Muslim land.
And when the conflict is Muslim against Muslim, they will side with
the Arabs. Their lead is followed by many in the media and politics
and even in anti-Israel Jewish organizations.
The history of Muslim colonizers who enslaved Europeans and a successful rescue of Jews from a British
detention center
In this well-documented essay, Fjordman writes of the long-term
colonization and enslavement of Europeans by Muslims. As a reader of
the original article wrote: "Mohammedans are not 'ashamed' of their
1300 plus years of violent colonizing and conquest of the infidels,
unlike the Europeans (who have come, through their political and
social development, and philosophies, to regard all people as
deserving of human rights and basic decency and respect), because the
Muslim colonial movement is the sanctified dogma of the imperialistic,
expansionistic Koran."
Another reader noted, "We'd have far less tolerance of the 'Moslems as
victims' pose if the appalling cruelties of Islamic imperialism were
better known by the Western public."
Starting in the 1930's the British 'forgot' that they were given the
administration of the Palestinian Mandate to help the Jews create the
infrastructure for a state, They curtailed Jewish immigration into
Palestine, Just when Jews desperately needed to escape from Europe.
Jewish immigration was declared illegal. The British didn't just
close the borders; they intercepted ships "and sent their hapless
Jewish passengers back to a certain death in Europe." Those who made
it to Palestine before they were caught were interned in a military
camp south of Haifa in Atlit. Sara Rigler tells the story of a daring
rescue of prisoners from Atlit engineered by the Hagana and aided by
Jew living in Haifa. "For once, the Jews united and won."
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July 2009 BLOG-EDS
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Blog-Ed page for August, 2009.
Barack Obama's Cairo Cuddle speech in June How far Prez Obama had to
stray from the truth to make nice to Islam is a measure of how
unproductive Islam really is except in terror and violence and other
man-made evil.
In his Cairo speech, except for a few teaspoons of
soothing oil for the Jews, President Obama's made it clear that he
would be hitting on Israel and making nice to the Muslims. Shamefully,
as do the Arabs, he linked the Holocaust and how the Israelis
purportedly treat the Palestinian arabs. What was surprising in the
Cairo speech was the number of factual howlers and mistatements. Obama
promised he would "speak the truth..." Misinformation,
disinformation, partial truths, lies dressed up as truths are not
Truth Speak.
What did I learn from President Obama's Cairo speech, asks Ralph
Peters. Let me count the ways. As example, terrorism? The President
never mentioned the subject. It must have stopped. The Israelis who
are routinely subjected to missiles from Gaza and sniping as they
drive the highways will be thrilled to know this. Another example?
Tolerance must have come to Saudi Arabia why else did he not
mention the Saudi fondness for torture and for not allowing churches
and synagogues. He was quick enough to apologize for America's bad
This is a transcript of President Obama's speech with glosses by
Robert Spencer. In the main, the glosses point out factual errors,
stuck like porcupine quills into a mass of gooey flattery. Whatever
else one can say about it, it was an excellent piece of dhimmi
writing, with patches where he scolds the Muslims. Is this the proper
way for the President of the United States to act?
In his Cairo speech, Obama made clear he has accepted the Arab
narrative i.e., he has bought into the Arabs' view of history. All
events are tethered to their rock belief that Islam is on the rise and
will soon take its rightful place as dominant group, to which all
others ethnic and religious groups must pay homage. Any hinderance
towards their dominance such as the Jews avoiding extermination
when the Arabs invaded their country in 1948, 1967 and 1972 is
regarded as a tragedy. In their view, the Jews "got" Arab Palestine
because of the Holocaust. This ignores of course Judaism's ancient
ties to Israel. It ignores that in modern times, the Arabs are in
Israel because the Jewish aliyas beginning in the late 19th century
created economic opportunities so the people from the neighboring
areas flooded into what was to become Israel, including Samaria and
Judea. As Winston Churchill pointed out, 95% of the Arabs in
"Palestine" came after 1905. Recall they were not declared a people
until 1964, when the world conveniently forgot there had never been a
Palestinian State. There had been "Palestinians" when England was
given control of mandated Palestine to help the Jews make a state.
These Palestinians were otherwise called Jews.
In no uncertain terms, Yoram Ettinger meticulously details that is
wrong with linking the Arab-Israeli conflict with stopping Iran from
producing a nuclear weapon. He points out that "[t]he attempt to link
the battle against megalomaniac Iran and the resolution of the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict is detached from Middle East reality. It
plays into the hands of Iran, exacerbates Arab radicalism, undermines
critical US national security interests and causes a setback to
peace." It will have no impact on the quarrel between Sunnis and the
Shites. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Dubai and Oman will still "consider
Iran a clear and present lethal threat." Nor will giving Judea and
Samaria to the Palestinians "facilitate a broad anti-Iran coalition."
The Arab countries have "shower[ed] Palestinians with rhetoric," not
resources. In sum, "[t]he linkage concept creates an unwarranted
US-Israel tension, thus adrenalizing the veins of Arab radicals and
Palestinian terrorists, erodes Israel's posture of deterrence, pours
cold water on the prospects of peace and adds fuel to the fire of
terrorism, dealing a blow to vital US and Israeli interests."
Obama has suggested that key to peace in the Middle East and the
friendship of hostile Muslims is to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict.
And the key to doing that, judging by his actions, is to put all the
blame for a stalled peace process on Israel. One consequence of the
American administration's war against Israel is that this message
amplified by the media has resulted both in Israel's reduced
popularity and in Jews being blamed for America's financial crisis.
Another likely consequence is that an unchecked Iran might frighten
its neighbors sufficiently to "set off a regional arms race, with
Saudi Arabia and Egypt as the next likely proliferators. Yet the Obama
administration does not seem to realize that stopping an Iranian
nuclear bomb ought take precedence over the stalled 'peace process.'"
Mordechai Kedar points out that Barack Obama is as naive about the
Middle East as Jimmy Carter, and is likely to do major damage to
American interests, just as Carter did. Carter helped unleash the
Iranian mullahs, and that lead to the present Iranian regime, with its
nuclear ambitions. Obama believes he and the ayatollahs can reason
together. He ignores that Iran "even before it has turned nuclear,
quickly changes the face of the Middle East. Iran's long arms are
already tightly grasping Lebanon, Iraq, and Gaza, and are also
decisively and powerfully directed at other states such as Egypt,
Morocco, Jordan, Oman, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia." Were Israel to
disappear, it would solve none of the Middle East's problems. Iran
will still try to take over its neighbors, which could ignite a
nuclear arms race. The Sunnis and Shi'ites will still battle it out.
And the end result will be that thousands will die because of Obama's
foolish notions, just as thousands died because of Carter's
misapplication of his "humanitarian" ideals.
While sympathy is more or less extended to the Po' Palestinians
and their terrorism excused, everyone is sure that the villains, the
obstacles to peace, are the settlers (a sneer is obligatory when you
say settlers). The settlers are the Jews who returned to
live in Samaria and Judea and eastern Jerusalem ever since the Jews
fought off the Arab invasion in 1968. The settlements are their towns
and villages and cities and trailer camps and compounds. Why are these
patriotic Jews demonized? Perhaps because they can't be persuaded by
Arab-aiding nonsense. They know that this land is Jewish: by God's
will, by the Bible, by history, by devotion, by never completely
leaving the land over the centuries, by international law that
established an irrevocable trust for the Jewish people, and by
conquest after fighting off the invading Arabs. With all the facts on
Israel's side, how does one promote the claims of a non-people, the
Palestinians? Simple. Demonize the "settlers". Then no one will
complain when you steal Jewish land.
Like holding up a cross to ward off the devil, "Geneva Convention!" is
heard whenever the legality of the Israeli settlements in Samaria and
Judea is asserted. The settlements are supposedly against the Geneva
Convention which declares that an "occupying Power shall not deport or
transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it
occupies." As Jerold Auerbach lucidly explains in this article, the
Geneva Convention does not apply in this situation and the settlements
are not only legal, they are protected as Jewish land by international
law that is applicable and binding. If I have one quibble, it is that
it should be made clear that the Zionist Max Nordau used
homeland as a non-confrontational term for State. It did
not mean that the Jews were to have only a portion of the Land for a
Another superb article by Sultan Knish dedemonizing the settlements
and describing what they really are. In U.S.A. terms, they are towns
and villages and cities that are suburbs of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv,
many of which were inhabited by Jews for thousands of years. Given
Israel's friendly neighbors, they are also early alert systems to
monitor the local Arabs. As Sultan Knish writes, "What Obama really
wants is for Israel to put its own center of government in shelling
range from a terrorist group ensconced in its own capital. No rational
person should need an explanation for why Netanyahu has said, no."
Israelis especially the patriotic settlers have no intention of cooperating
with the terrorists.
President Obama has applied his mantra of 'speak softly and carry no
stick' everywhere except with America's only friend in the Middle
East: Israel. There, he behaves like the medievel rulers in Europe who
set absolute limits on how many Jews could live in a town, or even in
the state. Obama, Charles Krauthammer writes, has ordered
Israel to cease all ordinary population growth in the Territories
and this includes eastern Jerusalem. If a baby is born, Israel is
forbidden to provide him with new shelter. This Obamian pharonic
decree amounts to: thou shalt have NO new babies. As Krauthammer
writes, "No 'natural growth' means strangling to death the thriving
towns close to the 1949 armistice line, many of them suburbs of
Jerusalem, that every negotiation over the past decade has envisioned
Israel retaining." It also means that the Arabs will understand they
need make no changes in their mission to destroy Israel.
"Blaming Israel and picking a fight over 'natural
growth' may curry favor with the Muslim 'street.' But it will only
induce the Arab states to do like Abbas: sit and wait for America to
deliver Israel on a platter. Which makes the Obama strategy not just
dishonorable but self-defeating."
In her inimitable style, Arlene Peck reminds us that the Palestinians
have used American money to bring in arms for terrorist attacks; they
teach their children to hate Jews; they desire to annihilate the
Jewish state. But what Prez Obama and Sec.of State Clinton consider as
the major obstacles to peace are the Jewish settlements. Peck writes:
"[what] All Israel should be listening to is the Bible and following Jewish
history. All of Israel is entitled to 'natural growth.' Hey, if the
love of Israel is racist, then call me one too, as I am definitely a
Zionist and Zionist I shall remain!"
Thanks to the groundwork laid by Peace Now and others like
them, descendants of Jewish settlers of European stetlach and
Christian descendants of settlers of the Wild West are convinced that
Israeli settlers of the Territories are in violation of the Law. The
lowly outpost is perceived as particularly evil, perhaps because it is
easier to demolish than Ariel, a settlement city of some 20,000. So
the outpost often a single trailer or two has come to stand as a
symbol of all Israeli building on supposedly Arab land. Moshe Dann
points out that when the State shows bias to Jewish Israelis, "when
government officials don't apply the law equitably, the authority of
the state is undermined." His examination is particularly appropriate
when one realizes that Arabs are taking over land and building
illegally with enormous help from the European Union and without a
murmur of disapproval from a cowed Israeli government.
We are accustomed to essays that emphasize the importance of an
Israeli and India connection based on their both being democracies
surrounded by Moslem countries, many of them virulent. Then too, they
both have bent over backwards to the detriment of their majority
population to cater to the minorities. And in both cases, yielding
land to appease the Moslems has failed. In this essay, Seth Frantzman
makes a novel connection: both are by nature nationalist Israel is
the only Jewish country in the world; India is the only Hindu country
in the world. And both are condemned as nationalist Muslim countries
are not.
In an article in the Wall Street Journal, André
Aciman, himself a Jew born in Egypt and one of the 800,000 Jews forced
to flee the Arab countries, leaving behind their houses, factories,
books, art and religious artefacts, said in reference to President
Obama's Cairo speech, "... for him to speak in Cairo of a shared
effort 'to find common ground ... and to respect the dignity of all
human beings' without mentioning people in my position would be like
his speaking to the residents of Berlin about the future of Germany
and forgetting to mention a small detail called World War II."
"Six hundred thousand Jews flooded into the struggling Jewish state in
the 1950s: penniless Jewish refugees housed in leaky tents with
insufficient food." They were Sephardic Jews, forced to flee Arab
countries, where some of them had lived well before the Arabs came
into the area. Lyn Julius brings us up to date on the integration of
Ashkenazi and Mizrahi in Israel intermarriage is running at 25%.
Thousands are using their knowledge of Arabic by working in Israeli
media and universities, But they retain memories of their unhappy
history: "the oppression of the Jews by Arabs" over the centuries
followwed by the "the destruction of their ancient, pre-Islamic
communities" when they were expelled.
Everyone knows about the Arab refugees, victims of the Arab-Israeli
war in 1948. Few know about the Jewish refugees, a much greater
number, who fled the Arab states in realistic fear of their lives as
Israel became a state. They left behind large amounts of real estate
and personal property. Ben-Dror Yemini details how
"...the massacres, the pogroms and the great expulsion of the Jews was
a continuation of their suffering under Muslim rule." Contrary to the
rosy picture painted of Muslim and Jewish amity through the ages, from
Mohammad's time, the Jews were second-class citizens, dhimmis
who were expected to show they understood they were inferior to the
Muslim. Included as an addendum is a precis of Yemini's 2-part article
on (1) Arab genocidal attacks on Arabs and other Muslims compared to
Jewish killing of Arabs and other Muslims and (2) the number of
refugees and population transfer this past century globally.
Moshe Saperstein comes out with more astute political observations as
asides than most political observers can manage in endless columns. He
is right on target when he describes the self-hating destructive Israeli
intellectual who provides the justification to hate and destroy Israel
for the less verbally talented. And the cats are back. Saperstein
includes a tale he wrote in 1974, when he was still in Rehab, learning
to live with one arm. He has a chance to go to a concert that he knows
he will enjoy, but he isn't quite up to a large crowd of strangers. He
decides to go. The evening turns into a nightmare but Moshe's
description of his misery is magnificant.
We are reassured that the PA state is a dazzling solution that
needs no examination. Create it and as sure as the day follows the
night, peace will come. We owe it to this suffering people, who have
lived under Jewish rule for nigh onto 60 years. Yet if one examines
factually who the Palestinians are and the (non)history of
Palestine, it is surprising that so many people have been persuaded
that there ever was a Palestine and that Israel is occupying
Palestinian land. But the Arabs, using a simple, compelling message,
the image of suffering Arab refugees, lots of money, a supportive
media and the fertile soil of anti-Semitism have done an excellent job
of creating a worldwide urgency to help the po' Palestinian regain his
homeland. So, while the foundation for creating another Arab state is
non-existent, the demand is real. This section examines who the
Palestinians are and what their "homeland" is.
This is a much-amplified version of an essay first posted in March
2003. Using information from various sources, many of them Arab, this
essay makes clear that the Palestinians are not native to Palestine.
They are not an ancient people. They are not a people. Advertised as
the original natives of a (never-existant) state of Palestine, they
are the most successful scam the Arabs have ever run in their
obsession to destroy Israel.
Boycotters and all those who sympathize with the po' Palestinians
because Israel is "occupying" Palestine should read this essay by
Boris Shusteff. In simple terms, he makes clear that the Land of
Israel belongs to the Jews. It never was Palestine because there never
was a Palestine. And lest you are about to say that it doesn't matter
what the area was called, this was the ancient home of the natives now
called Palestinians, don't. The vast majority of them or their
(grand)fathers and (grand)mothers never entered into Israel or the
Territories until the 20th century. The League of Nations "gave" the
Jews the part of the Ottoman empire that encompassed ancient Israel,
just as they "gave" the different Arab States all the rest of the part
of the Ottoman Empire that we call the Middle East.
This essay by Paul Eidelberg is a gem. Written in crib-sheet style, it
says it all. The Arabs don't want a separate state. Even if they did,
it is geostrategically impossible it would dissolve into a dozen
rival clans reinstating their murderous medieval culture. Whatever
keeps the idea of a Palestinian state going? Is it plain stupidity or
a generalized disease called Jew hate?
As the title indicates, Ryan Mauro distinguishes between three kinds
of jihadist, differing in style and technique and area of operation.
But their goals are the same. Mauro suggest that the Al-Qaeda model is
the most flamboyant and best known. It advocates global jihad, but it
is probably the least of a threat. The second group focuses on local
jihad rather than world-wide terror Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah are
examples. The third type, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, "favors
cultural jihad, infiltrating and hijacking institutions, and bringing
about Sharia law and Islamization from the bottom up and inside out."
The Muslim Brotherhood's methods are more insidious and less
flamboyant, but that doesn't make them moderates, even if that's how
they like to present themselves.
Western Middle East "experts" urge us to start "dialoguing" with
Hamas. With more boldness than brains, such political luminaries as
Jimmy Carter, Paul Volker and Brent Scowcroft urge that we recognize
Steven Plaut puts Hamas in perspective with his opening sentence, "It
is one of the oddities of the global war on terrorism that while
al-Qaeda is almost universally condemned, its Sunni terrorist
counterparts in Hamas continue to attract a devoted following." An
offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas controls Gaza and treats its
residents as brutally as does Fatah in Samaria and Judea. Both are
dedicated to destroying Israel. This is a valuable reference work.
Back in 1995, the Palestinian Authority (PA) already had 4 times the
number of policemen per 1000 residents than did Israel. The PA no longer
is in Gaza. Yet, as we write, Americans are engaged in training Fatah
personal to shoot better and attack more efficiently. And we are doing
this at our own expense. Marc Prowisor raises a point few seem to
think about. They are to be used, it is said, in the forthcoming PA
state. "The simple fact is," says Prowisor, "that this force is
charged at keeping Abbas in power." Such is America's plan. But is it
realistic in the unstable Palestinian environment? A few questions?
Who will run the planned State when things shake down? Fatah
terrorists or Hamas terrorists, especially when the people favor
Hamas? Or a still-hungry splinter group, beholden to Iran or to
establishing a Caliphate or just out to feed their own Swiss bank
accounts. Who will these "police" be law-and-ordering? The local
Arabs? Rival gangs? Hamas? Israel? Westerns? Are we creating the next
generation's Osama bin Ladins? Perhaps the only saving grace: if they
continue to perform as they have been a 10-hour standoff by 3,000
PA troops against a handful of Hamas fighter and the suspicion is that
it was the American trainers that finally knocked off the Hamas (May
31, 2009) then in the words of Carl of Jerusalem, they will be more
of a farce than a force. More likely, they will revert to type and
kill Jews however they can.
Andrew McCarthy writes about how America is dealing with Iran, a major
threat to the stability of the entire Middle East. By saying nothing
to help the election protesters, President Obama is throwing away "the
best chance in 30 years of dislodging an implacable American enemy."
Even worse, ignoring a longstanding policy of not exchanging prisoners
for hostages, "Obama is neck-deep in terrorist-for-hostages
negotiations with Iran-backed killers who have American blood on their
hands." These terrorist prisoners had brutally murdered five American
soldiers in 2007. "Where," McCarthy asks, "where is Congress?" Where
are the media?
It is possible that Barack Hussein Obama is an accurate interpreter of
Islamic thought. He did attend Muslim (religious) school during his
childhood. But I suspect Harold Reisman has compiled a more accurate
picture of how Islam sees the Jew as revealed by Muslim clerics and
mullahs and the bedrock of the Muslim belief system the Koran.
Saudi income has decreased because of the downturn of the global
economies, but, as Rachel Ehrenfeld notes wryly, the present crises
has provided the Saudis "with an opportunity to practice da'wa
(Islamic missionary outreach) through donations in the name of Islam.
Such donations, including financial bailouts of cash-strapped Western
institutions and businesses, have helped directly and indirectly to
spread Islamism globally." Hamas is a major benefiary. Terrorist
groups also benefitted from drug trafficking, smuggling, and other
criminal activities. The financial crises has eased the way for more
reliance on sharia'a banking its available cash making it
particularly attractive these days. Ehrenfeld points out that Sharia'a
banking can easily launder terrorists' criminal gains and transfer
them to the terrorists.
In previous issues, we considered the impact on Israel of giving up
Samaria and Judea. It would need to take in some 300,000 to 600,000
Jews, made homeless and dependent on a State that has not been able in
4 years to settle the 10,000 Jews it expelled from Gaza. It would
allow another State to sit on a major aquifer, knowing how the Arabs
destroyed the Gaza aquifer when they were given it to control. It
would see more of the Jewish Holy Places treated like Joseph's Tomb
the Arabs promised to care for it but vandalized it, ripped up Torah
scrolls, and decorated it with feces and graffiti.
This essay by Shmuel Even based on the analysis of Israel's actual
previous experience with unilateral withdrawal and their outcomes
puts to rest the excuses and rationalizations for unilateral
withdrawal from the Territories. The thinking now is that any
evacuation would need to be on "the basis of a stable agreement." That
would clearly preclude giving up land to a non-functional group like
the Fatah run by an ineffective leader who has no power to lead.
Giving it up directly or indirectly to Hamas is a non-starter.
Moshe Arens examines the two-state solution by setting down some
reasonable axioms that should underlie any reasonable way of
implementing a two-state solution. But before any plan can be pursued
with any hope of success, there is a necessary precondition: an end to
Palestinian Arab terrorism. It can not be bypassed.
The surge is on for Palestinian statehood, despite the facts that the
Palestinian arabs have since Oslo become adept at creating terror and
havoc, not the tools of government. Even though there is no peaceful
and legitimate "Peace Partner" in the lot, Israel is pressured to sign
on to creating a Palestinian state with unseemly haste. Eli Hertz
makes an excellent suggestion. Let's slow down and pace ourselves,
testing the degree of progress the arabs make toward peaceful
coexistence and self-government according to the set of benchmarks the
Europeans are using before they accept Turkey into the European Union
(EU). No timeframe. No foregone conclusion. To qualify for membership
in the EU, "the candidate country must have achieved stability of
institutions guaranteeing democracy, rule of law, human rights, and
respect for and protection of minorities." And that's just the first
step. Moreover, this pattern must be convincingly stable and
sufficiently long-term to insure the candidate has internalized these
important principles. Given the example how the arabs behaved when
they gained full control of Gaza, "the yardsticks of judging readiness
should be at least equal, if not more stringent for Palestinians."
Rob Miller has written a parody of what America is urging on Israel.
In this version, America has given California, Texas, New Mexico and
Arizona, to the Aztlan organization. Still to be done: the freeing of
the Aztlan prisoners and ceding historic US sites such as the Grand
Canyon, the Alamo and Yosemite. Of course, other groups are waiting in
the wings with further demands. This is a parody, not a fantasy; there
really are groups seriously advocating splitting up the U.S.A and
returning the land to Mexico. Groups such as MEChA, the Brown Berets
of Aztlan and La Raza and others are growing and attracting new
members. Judge Sonia Sotomayor is or was until recently on the
National Council of La Raza.
The first essays in this set encourage Israel to take hold of
its own destiny. The others suggest transferring the Arab refugees to
Jordon or distributing them among the Arab countries in the region.
Elena Bonner, wife of Andre Sakhorov, both strong advocates of human
rights, is an amazing woman, with an indomitable spirit, and, a reader
put it, "a clearly articulated moral clarity." She and Sakhorov have
insisted on Israel's "right to existence within safe borders." She
asks why human rights advocates actively protest the treatment
of the Guatanamo prisoners, but are unconcerned about Gilad Schalit.
She quotes Sakhorov saying "All wars that Israel has waged have been just,
forced upon it by the irresponsibility of Arab leaders"; "With all the
money that has been invested in the problem of Palestinians, it would
have been possible long ago to resettle them and provide them with
good lives in Arab countries." As one reader remarked, "How eloquent
she remains, and her end quote should be clipped and posted by all who
care about the world retaining its essential proclivity toward
decency, respect for Life and Freedoms. Both she and her husband were
are beacons of light and courage for freedoms of conscience. They
belong to the rare breed who retain their human dignity regardless of
circumstances and through their actions and words dignify the Human
Like an unhealthy ghost that won't stop flapping, the "peace process"
is back. Its backers, perhaps suffering from the affliction so many
politicians have a loss of long-term memory again see
negotiation for a 2-state solution as the magic nutrient for force
feeding peace to a reluctant Israel. That Oslo and giving away Hebron
as well as the aquifer in Gaza and indeed, all of Gaza almost
killed the patient is ignored. Pressure is again applied and
Israel's choking gasps are taken as signs that the treatment must be
working. It isn't. The "peace" treatment is the problem. Howard Teich
suggests we ignore Obama's rhetoric it won't be his children who
suffer and die if he is wrong. "[I]t's time, he states, "for American
Jewish leaders to take their heads out of the sand and forcefully and
loudly support a strong and effective future for Israel on its own
terms." It's time for Jews to put aside fashionable ideologies and
commit to their own survival.
Ari Bussel makes the point that Obama's America no longer sees Israel
as an asset. "Moreover, we [Israelis] have blundered in our pursuit of
'peace' to completely misinterpret what peace means to our enemies."
Meantime, the enemy grows louder and more confident "The intention
is to bring the final harm to the patient, all in the name of some
convoluted, 'all merciful and benevolent moon god.'" To stop further
damage to the Jewish state, Bussel insists "[i]t is time for Israel to
disengage from all the rhetoric, act and assign a steep cost for
failure to comply. Jerusalem is as divisible as Israel itself
remove a vital organ, be it the liver, the heart or the brain, will
the body continue to exist?" But just reacting to hostility is
insufficient. Israel must act boldly to save itself. It can not
continue to rely on Arab outright expressions of hate and hostility to
deter Israel's "friends" from chopping it up immediately.
In this essay Victor Sharpe reviews the history of how the small piece
of land intended as a Jewish state was twice reduced in size.
Now, the shouting is for a third cut that would remove Biblical Israel
from the Jewish state. This so-called 2-state solution is not a recipe
for peace. Sharpe suggests that Jordan, which is already a Palestinian
state it is in Mandated Palestine and the majority of its
population considers themselves Palestinian become the homeland of
those who call themselves Palestinian.
Dr Arieh Eldad states very clearly that there can only be one state
on the land of Israel: either the only Jewish state on earth or yet
another Arab state. Two-states won't work, even with the proviso that
the Arab state be demilitarized because there'd be no way to control
the Palestinians readying for more war any more than the West could
stop Germany, demilitarized after WW1, from preparing for war. The
reality is that "Moslems are enjoined from recognizing rule by
heretics Jews or Christians" in what is Israel. He recommends
settling the arab refugees in Jordan, which is already largely filled
with Palestinians. This won't solve what is fundamentally a religious
conflict, but it is a humanitarian thing to do and perhaps the
Palestinians can over time be weaned away from teaching hatred and
In Part I, Moshe Dann examines the "occupation of the Territories,
land associated with Judaism from Biblical times on". In Part II, he
points out that given Palestinian Arab culture, religion and what they
consider acceptable behavior, imposing an Arab state on Israel is
doomed to failure, no matter how hard Israel works to make it a
success. "An alternative involves freedom from the obsession of
Palestinian statehood and sovereignty. A new regional approach to
resolving the conflict anchors national identity and political rights
in already existing Arab, Muslim states. This would ensure a
humanitarian solution to the 'Palestinian problem.'"
Sovereign Wealth Funds, And The Lessons Of Shariah-Compliant Investments
In the educational field, outsourcing bringing the teacher to the
foreign student seem a reasonable way to make money especially
during this period where so many areas suffer from financial
meltdown. Marion Dreyfus points out some of the problems of assuming
the generality of our ways of interacting when the locale is the Middle
East, which has with different rules and gender bias. She provides us
with examples where the disparity between normal-for-us behavior and
what is tolerated in the host country was almost fatal to the
teachers. More pernicious is the constant censorship by sharia
"scholars", who hamper "meaningful intellectual inquiry." To go along
with these restrictions ultimately will compromise our own
educational standards. She also raises the problem of the impact of
the far-left professor, who is assumed to be a voice for American
The Muslim Brotherhood has invested a great deal of effort and money
to convince us they are centrist, moderate and reasonable. Jamie
Glazov interviewed Dave Gaubatz who discusses how their material
promoting Islamic terrorism is widely distributed to mosques. A
Brotherhood manual "is very specific on how the youth are to become
martyrs through physical Jihad in order to meet the objectives of the
Muslim Brotherhood, specifically how to implement an Islamic Ummah
(Nation) under Sharia Law worldwide." Far from being moderate, the
Brotherhood teachings are violent and anti-American, encouraging "lone
Muslims to carry out single and seemingly isolated murders across
America which will seldom make the headlines of any news
In the previous issue, Daniel Pipes discussed the difficulty the West
was having in deciding what to call the Muslims that declared war
against it. The terms acceptable to Governmental agencies seem
deliberately neutered and imprecise. In this essay, Susanne M. Reyto
expands on the significance of downgrading terminology and thereby
destroying meaning. As she points out:
"Language is critical. It shapes our thinking and determines our action. The enemy's perilous intensions cannot be blurred. If we do not name them, we cannot confront them."
Islam accomodation in Europe has reached the point where not just
individuals but entire countries have adopted a dhimmi attitude, even
if they themselves see their accomodation to Islam as just being
reasonable, just being fairminded, just avoiding trouble... In Mark
Steyn's words, "Long before Muslims are a statistical majority, there
will be three permanent members of the Security Council
Britain, France, Russia for whom the accommodation of Islam is
a domestic political imperative."
This article by Thomas Landen describes the circumstances surrounding
the capture and ransom of a Dutch journalist. It is of interest in its
own right. It also illustrates the mind set of the upper class Western
dhimmis. They are politically correct, forgiving to those who put them
in danger and treat them like toilet paper. They vent their anger at
those who see Islamism as a growing danger to the host country.
As Europe becomes more accomodating to Muslim whims, wants, needs,
preferences and demands, anti-Semitism increases and is manifested in
physical violence while European nationalism and national icons are
devaluated. Condemning Jews and Israel as the reason for Muslim emnity
will not save Europe. As Mark Steyn writes, "It may be some
consolation to an ever-lonelier Israel that, in one of history's
bleaker jests, in the coming Europe the Europeans will be the new
We could argue minutiae of religious differences between the West and
Islam forever without ever seeing the enormous gap between us. We could
ecumenically ignore differences and accentuate our religious
communality with Islam we are all monotheists and still never
see what separates us. Because it isn't just a religious difference.
It is a difference in big things and small: how we expect other people
to behave and why our musical tastes differ. In this essay, Fjordman
explores why Islam doesn't take kindly to Western music. It isn't
because our music is forbidden in the Koran. It is because the Koran fostered
a mindset that is unresponsive to it.
No Sharia is the nom de plume of an ex-Muslim living in Europe.
To date, in a series of articles, he has been evolving a detailed plan
to fight Sharia in Europe. Usually moderate applied to the
muslim is a binary term the muslim is regarded either as a moderate
or an extremist. This latest essay is particularly important
for formulating policy in that it grades moderate muslim by
degree of adherence to the traditional interpretation of Islamic
doctrine, thus helping to predict how the various categories of
"moderate" will behave in the host country. It is the beginning of his
treatment of national identitites and cultures.
These are some sources. Jew hate is propagated by the media, by academics and by Marxist Jews.
Mike Finch documents National Geographic (NG) joining the "It's
all the fault of the Jooz" club, no matter what it is. Their
latest issue featured a story on the Christians leaving the Middle
East, and if NG is to be believed, it is mostly Israel's fault. Oh
sure, regional violence and bad economic conditions contribute a tad,
BUT, using a Palestinian Christian family living in the outskirts of
Jerusalem as example, the main problem is the "horrible life they are
forced to live. Israeli law, checkpoints, the 'Wall', permit papers,
have made their life unbearable." It's just too too claustrophic. In
Lebanon, "[t]he fall of the Lebanese Christians has nothing to do with
Syria and Iran and their proxy, Hezbollah..." No, siree, it was the
Jooz. And in Syria, the NG is about as informative as the State
Department, which wrote that "Christians are influential in the
cities, professions, politics and the armed forces, but their
percentage of the population is shrinking due to a high rate of
emigration to the Americas and Africa." (State Dept Religious Freedom
Report, 2007). The State Department doesn't tell us why such a
successful group is leaving the country, although it does mention that
the government watches meetings held by religious groups and monitors
sermons. I can't wait for NG to do another number on Israel, showing
how they are responsible for the miserable lives the Egyptian Copts
In the July-August 2007 Issue, talking of his experiences as Israeli
ambassador to Sweden from 2004-2004, Zvi Mazel concludes that "Sweden
remains the most anti-Israeli country in the European Union and also
the most pro-Muslim one." In this issue, Mathan Ravid examines in
detail how Swedish newspapers reported the second Lebanese War. It
appears that, despite the degree to which Sweden has been taken over
by Sharia law, or perhaps because Sweden has been taken over by Sharia
law, Sweden's nasty attitude towards Israel has not improved. Ravid
analyzes the subtle differences in how Swedish newspapers expressed
their hostility to the Jewish State.
The California-based Islamic Networks Group (ING) "dedicated to
'teaching about Islam & Muslims' at U.S. high schools and college
campuses features a board of advisors that is stacked with some of the
most controversial activist professors in the field of Middle Eastern
studies today." As Jonathan Schanzer points out, "The imprimatur of
these scholars may signal a troubling shift toward the support of
[Islamic] proselytizing efforts and the further unraveling of Middle
East Studies in America." ING makes classroom visits at no cost to
the host and distributes written material for grade schoolers.
ING's professors are not objective; they are apologists and
proselytizers for Islam. Let the listerners beware.
Holocaust denial isn't just a bizarre aberration totally
illogical in light of the open and available facts available in the
newspapers of the time, the recollections of the survivors even today,
and, perhaps just as important, the proof of non-existence of
relatives and friends who had never left the Old Country. It is most
heard today from the mouths of those who hate Jews enough to hope for,
and in many cases actively work towards, a second Holocaust. To them,
Israel's statehood rests on the "lie" of the Holocaust. When they deny
the Holocaust, they simultaneously deny the legitimacy of Israel's
statehood. As Michael Gerson notes, President Obama made one incisive
point in his flawed and foggy Cairo speech: Holocaust denial was
baseless, ignorant and hateful. He didn't, however, seem to recognize
that the deep anger which accompanies Holocaust denial in the Arab
world may be resistant to his brand of diplomacy. As Gerson puts it,
"Perhaps some don't merely wish to deny the Holocaust but to finish
This is a portrayal of the Jewish anti-Jew, the intellectual who can
float above the facts, consistently and constantly blaming Israel no
matter what the details, and become indignant when he is accused of
being anti-Israel. Specifically, Petra Marquardt-Bigman writes about
the antics of Antony Lerman, who is certain that "whatever the
Palestinians do is legitimate resistance against a cruel and inhuman
occupation." Whatever happens is Israel's fault. As Marquardt-Bigman
observes: what interests intellectuals like Lerman are not the boring
facts but the (s)weeping drama of victim turned victimizer.
Unfortunately Lerman is not a rarity. As watchdog groups such as the
Israel Academia Monitor have demonstrated, there exists a large group
of intellectuals and academics who have strong anti-Zionist
convictions firmly planted in fantasy.
Seth Frantzman writes about the intellectual leftist Israeli elite,
which by now has produced four generations of elitists, who actively
work at destroying the Jewish state. Most of them or their parents
were born in Europe and are wealthy, They "spend their lives
supporting the terrorism that murders the poor among them. They seek
to colonize Israel with European and foreign ideas." It is ironic that
coming to Israel from countries with non-Jewish majorities, they now
work to transform Israel into a state without a Jewish majority. They
hate the Jews from Arab countries, who they consider useful only as
grunt labor to be dumped in development towns, but they love the
Bedouin and elite Muslims, imitating their 'exotic' style of
furnishing, architecture and music. The symptoms are observable; the
reason for their hate of Israel is puzzling. And troubling.
Going counter to their Mandate, England cut off the free
immigration of European Jews in the mid 1930s. Jabotinsky's son
helped smuggle them in until World War 2 began. In 1948, the Arab
states immediately invaded the brand new state of Israel. Egypt
conquered Gaza and held it to 1968. Playing local politics,
Ben-Gurion had a ship bringing arms to Israel destroyed.
Eri Jabotinsky was a Betar leader, Irgun activist and son of Vladimir
Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism. In 1937, the
Irgun sucessfully smuggled Jews from Europe to Palestine. To appease
the Arab leaders, England had started denying Jews the right to
immigrate to Palestine, despite the fact that England was given the
Mandate to Palestine to help Jews settle there in anticipation of
developing the Jewish state. It was the start of an operation that,
as Rafael Medoff tells us, "would bring tens of thousands of Jews to
safety during 1938-1940, just as the Nazi inferno was starting to
engulf Europe." Altogether, some 20,000 were saved during this
period. During the War, Jabotinsky's efforts to save Jews were
thwarted by the Nazis, the British and even American "mainstream
Jewish leaders, who were reluctant to anger America's ally Great
Britain." The more things change ...
Eliazer Whartman was eye witness to how Egypt governed the Gaza Strip,
when it was under Egyptian control, from the first Arab invasion of
Israel in 1948 up to the second Arab invasion of Israel in 1967.
Conditions for the local Arabs were brutal; they were impressed into
the Egyptian army, unemployment was high, education consisted mostly
of indoctrinating hate of Israel, and the refugees were forcibly kept
in vile condition "as an open sore, as a weapon against Israel."
Interestingly enough, it was only when Israel captured the territory
in 1967 and started providing the local Arabs with medical care, jobs
and real education that the Arabs began complaining and demanding
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May 2009 BLOG-EDS
The peace process is back. It's the same old plan from the brain of
the State Dep't and the mouth of the Saudis: give up historic and
strategic parts of your land, Israel. Let us flood your land with
Arabs, and we will normalize relations. It's the same old, except that
it has solved one knotty problem. As the diplomats so quaintly put it,
Israel has no peace partner. Years ago, she was negotiating with the
Arab countries, then with the "Palestinians", and finally with one
man: Mahmoud Abbas, who is unlikely to win the next election should
the Palestine Authority decide on having one. Moreover, he has already
repudiated the idea of agreeing to Israel's continued existence. If
they don't have elections, Hamas will take over, anyways. So the new
catchy phrase is: concentrate on establishing a Palestinian State in
Biblical Israel with a land bridge to Gaza and the Arab States will
normalize relations. It's not clear if they will "normalize relations"
as most of the world understands the term be friendly to your
neighbors, exchange ambassadors, trade, visit each other's countries
or do they mean what seems to be normal for Islam take over the
other country as soon as you can. However it is phrased, splitting off
any of Samaria and Judea and Gaza is a violation of Israel's
irrevocable right to Mandated Palestine in international law.
Who needs a Palestinian State, Sultan Knish asks and answers it this
way: aside from the Administration in Washington and the European
Union, it's "the dictators of a dozen Arab states who agree that the
only thing that will fix the region is adding another Arab
dictatorship to the place, and subtracting the area's one
democracy." That's it in a nutshell. As it is, the diplomats are
pressing harder for a state than are the Palestinians themselves. A
state doesn't particularly appeal to those Cultists of Death
the fabricated Palestinian people whose unity derives from
their common source of support, charity from various world
governments, and the pride they take in their talent for killing.
Ted Belman summarizes the latest thinking on the Peace Process
creating a Palestinian state in Biblical Israel. Israel believes she
can hold firm until the Palestinians do what they've committed
themselves to but have never honored: stopping their violence. The
American Administration believes it can make magic happen: two states
in the Middle East, one of them Muslim, "living side by side in peace
and security." The Arabs believe they can force Israel to accept the
Saudi peace plan that will destroy Israel by flooding it with
Palestinians; a Palestinian state is unimportant to them. All ignore
that by international resolution, there is "the irrevocable right of
Jews to settle in the area of Palestine..."anywhere between the Jordan
River and the Mediterranean Sea. The land is Jewish all of it
including the West Bank by irrevocable legal trust conferred
by the League of Nations and continued by the United Nations.
In 1922 it was also confirmed by a unanimous endorsorsement by
both Houses of Congress, So, as Belman writes, "... it lies ill in the
mouth for the U.S. to now deny Jews the right to settle the lands. It
is the settlement freeze that's illegal, not the settlements."
Howard Grief makes clear why applying rules from the Fourth Geneva
Convention (FGC) to Israel's ownership of Judea and Samaria (the "West
Bank") and Gaza rests on dubious and incomplete interpretions of FGC.
Briefly, the IDF can not be considered a "hostile army" occupying
Judea, Samaria and Gaza because these areas did not belong to Jordan
or Egypt. By irrevocable trust, the land belonged to Israel. He also
overturns the myth that Israel is an occupier of Arab land, because
Mandated Palestine was never Arab land. This is an important paper. We
have included appendices on some basic documents that indicate that
the Peace Process and the Two-State solution violate
Israel's irrevocable right to Mandated Palestine.
Louis Beres provides clearly-stated facts and long-term contextual
history that makes it clear that "the so-called 'Palestinian
Territories' are not occupied by Israel." They are
Israeli. The context enriches the legal discussion on Israeli's right
to Mandated Palestine by Howard Grief (see above).
Victor Sharpe points out in this essay that tearing off pieces of
Israeli land supposedly for peace is not new. And the result has been
greater Arab hostility, not peace. The objective now is to hack
Biblical Israel out of tiny Israel. It has begun by Arabs creating
facts on the ground building illegally in Samaria and Judea
while the Israeli government devotes its time to harassing the Jews in
Samaria and Judea who understand it isn't enough to own the land
legally; Jews have to hold the land physically.
Sharpe asks, "How long before the majority of politicians in the
Knesset finally accept that Jews have returned to their ancestral and
Biblical land, a land which presently stretches from the Mediterranean
Sea to the Jordan River." Until they themselves are persuaded, how can
they communicate the facts to outsiders?
Max Singer succinctly summarizes Israel's major political and security
problem: "... the Palestinians are determined to destroy Israel, and
no concessions or improvements in our treatment of them will induce
them to give up their goal." He argues that democracy is globally on
the rise, and so long as Israel can continue to keep terror attacks at
what he calls "tolerable levels", then within a decade, Israel can
count on America to stifle the jihadist threat to the West. I wish he
had given voice to how to handle related problems: as long as Israel
continues a defensive minimalist policy, the morale of her citizens
will continue to drop, while foreign diplomats, seeing Israel as an
easy mark, will likely demand more and more concessions from her. Then
too, what if, while Israel waits, Iran does just what she says she
will. There is also the nightmare possibility that America will become
a much weaker country, a weak reed to rely on.
As Mordechai Kedar writes, "The core question is to whom does this
country belong? According to the Arab narrative, this has been an Arab
Islamic state since the days of Omar, the caliph who conquered the
country in the seventh century. According to the Islamic approach,
since Islam began in 622 CE, all of history before that time has no
meaning or significance." Nor do they accept that modern Israel holds
the land because it overcame Arab invasions of Israel. Nevertheless,
many of the names of the resident Arabs reflect the fact that they are
not native to Israel but came originally from Egypt or Syria or Jordan
or Lebanon or Iraq. And not that long ago. It is true that Islam
insists that "land can only go one way, to become Islamic, and it can
never go the other way," but why ever should we sane Westerners accept this
Islam-centric view?
In this essay, Louse René Beres astutely advices the new prime
minister of Israel to move cautiously. Some fundamental questions need
to be answered: for example, for Israel's viability, is any form of diplomacy
indicated? He notes that in its eagerness for peace, Israel has been
too quick to follow directives from the "civilized world." As a
result, it has yielded up Israeli land in return for nothing. Yet the
Jews continue to hope for a negotiated peace while the Arabs speak
plainly and truthfully that it is their "irremediable intention to
annihilate the Jewish state." "For both Palestinian insurgents and
Iran's president, conflict with Israel is always an all or nothing
proposition [...] On the Palestinian and Iranian side, Oslo and 'Road
Map' expectations have never been seen as anything more than a
cost-effective method of dismantling Israel." If Israel is to survive,
it must cast off some of its deepest-held fantasies, peace-seeking
strategies and fallacious assumptions because it is dealing with Arab
realists who know just what they want. They may on occasion need to
slow down and may occasionally agree to negotiate, but they are never
deviated from their goal the destruction of Israel as a
prerequisite to attacking the West. There is no middle ground and
Israel should not be frittering away valuable time trying for measures
like a demilitarized Palestinian state that look good
but that have no substance. Beres' advice is both obvious and sensible:
abrogate the Oslo Accord. It was a terrible and deadly mistake.
Yoram Ettinger, who writes on the assesment of demographic data
for Jews and Arabs, says about this essay by Yakov Faitelson:
"Faitelson refutes Demographic Fatalism and documents Demographic
Optimism. Faitelson highlights critical errors committed by
demographic fatalism: understating Jewish fertility rate; overstating
Arab fertility rate; ignoring the potency of annual Jewish Aliya
(immigration) since 1882; overlooking the high Arab emigration;
attributing to Jews West normative European demographic patterns,
while Jewish demographics and Jews in general have been
non-normative; accepting Palestinian Bureau of Statistics numbers
without scrutiny, while these numbers have been inflated
dramatically." Faitelson's essay is an excellent summary of actual
demographic trends in Israel and the Territories.
A major reason Israel has communication problems is that the Arabs do
so well fictionalizing history. This goes over well with an ignorant
media. It is a truism that we see the present in terms of our history.
Seth Frantzman makes the case for the converse: we see historical
events in terms of our present biases. "... western slavery is seen as
the greatest evil while Muslim slavery, which began earlier and
murdered more people, is seen as positive and tolerant, all because we
have a common view of the Old South as evil and Modern Islam as
tolerant and diverse." Similarly, the PLO's new image as "moderate" is
projected backwards. "People forget its role in Lebanon and Jordan,
its mass murder of Olympic Athletes or its bombing of synagogues in
Europe. People even forget that it was founded long before 1967, along
with Fatah, and that its original goal was not the liberation of
Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, but the opposite, only the
destruction of Israel inside the Green Line." Part I presents a
grotesque example of how the past is imagined as a doppelganger of the
present in a book by a Holocaust survivor, who loathes Israel and
blames America for the botchup in the Middle East. Part II describes
the reality of life in Iraq in the 1920s. Despite our
projected-backwards belief bolstering the assertion that modern-day
Islam is tolerant, minorities in Muslim countries Egypt's
treatment of the Copts is an egregious example were and are
actively discouraged from maintaining their identities, until in many
cases, they dwindle away. Part III gives us insight into at least one
reason why Muslim countries are said to be tolerant and benign
their treatment by journalists as amplified in the Main Stream Press.
Moshe Saperstein is in top form, his black humor at split-second
timing as he records what he sees as his deteriorating body which,
all things considered, doesn't bother him as much as the soupy-headed
ideas of much of the Israeli administration. in one essay, Rachel
Saperstein writes of Aryeh Eldad surgeon, politician and defender
of the Jews of Gush Katif, when they were senselessly ripped out of
their homes in Gaza and his father, who she never met. She makes us
wish that we too knew both father and son.
Catriel Sugarman provides us with a brief but clear history of the
Christian need to convert Jews. In modern times, this urgency has
spawned Messianic Judaism. Initially conceived as a ruse to entice
Jews into Christianity, it has as do all social engineeering
projects had unintended consequences. It has mostly attracted
Christians, some of whom try to live more or less "Jewish" while they
acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah, some of whom see themselves as the
real Jews and are increasingly hostile to Judaism and some of whom
have used it as a half way house to Judaism or Noahidism. It has also
helped galvinize Jewish groups such as Jews for Judaism, Chabad and
Aish HaTorah to work to stem the tide of Jews moving out of Judaism
out of indifference, ignorance or amorphous spiritual longings. To
date, missionaries of whatever stripe have been more of a problem in
America, but Israel is also being targetted. A fascinating essay.
A major problem for the new Israeli administration is an American
president who has not shown good instinctive judgment. He appears to
have no familiarity with the major problem besetting the globe
if anything, he has ignored the global Islamic insurgency and put all
his eggs in the 'let's reason together' diplomacy basket. In this
essay Bruce Thornton points out that Washington's last attempt at
engaging Syria in diplomatic talks is but the latest of a long
sequence of fool's errands. We've been there, done that. Again and
again. It doesn't work. Why? The basic reason is simple but always
ignored by diplomats and other fantasists: the Arab countries refuse
to have a non-Muslim state in the Middle East. As a result, as
Thornton writes, "We in the West assume that the Arab countries really
want peace and coexistence with Israel, if only the Palestinian Arabs
get their own state and the 'occupation' is ended. So ...
The IDF fought in a disciplined fashion in Gaza, but they were
hamstrung by the politicians, who feared a bad press. The IDF wasn't
allowed to finish the job to destroy the sources and resources that
continue to enable the Gazan terrorists to lob missiles at Israeli
cities. In consequence, Hamas can, and does, claim victory. As Martin
Sherman writes, Israel suffered a "calamitous diplomatic defeat" and
"its international standing and image suffered." Sherman suggests the
root cause of the poor showing in 2007 in Lebanon and now in Gaza is
"a loss of faith in 'Victory' both as valid cognitive concept and as
an attainable military objective... the real victor in both campaigns
was in fact the myth of the 'The Impossibility of Victory.'" Israel
needs to understand it will continue to be harassed by foreign
politicians and local arabs until it is willing to "inflict a
degrading defeat" on the radical Arabs and by military means make them
understand that their "path can and will only lead to
disgrace and dishonor."
In the previous article, Martin Sherman indicated that convincing the
politicians to change their belief structure is a major Israeli
problem. In this essay, Patricia Berlyn writes of the IDF soldiers, who are
disciplined and moral and more than willing to fight for their
country. She writes about three of these soldiers and how they behaved
during the Gaza campaign. Despite their discipline and compassion, the
world press still managed to demonize them. And their politicians made
sure they will have to fight again to finish Hamas' war from Gaza.
An American ship was recently hijacked by Somali pirates. The
captain, Richard Phillips, acted heroically in protecting his crew as
did the Navy snipers who took out the pirates. As reported in the
Main Stream Media (MSM), Prez Obama got the credit. Actually the
initiative came from the on-the-scene commander (see
here.) while an indecisive Obama was still averaging out the
advice from his multiple advisors. Further, the MSM ignored the fact
that the pirates were Muslim and Jihadist. Walid Phares explains the
significance of the episode thus: "[The pirates are] in fact part of
a regional Jihadi apparatus ... [that] is not limited to the pirates
but involves hostile forces from the mid Red Sea to East Africa. The
Somali pirates are merely one facet of this grand circle."
Boris Zubry has drawn on his experiences working in Saudi Arabia in
several previous stories. In this one, he writes about a man named
Baraka, an illiterate Muslim, a good observer, a philosopher of sorts.
In our society he'd be called a homeless person. In his environment,
he blends in. In this soliloquy he muses on a life filled with
ugliness, abuse and death. Orphaned in Turkey he is routed to Gaza,
where he and other immigrants from the Ottoman Empire "the refuse of
the great empire, would" he writes, "claim this territory as our own.
Who could say back then that they would teach us to hate the Jews more
than the Turks?" He has been transformed into a "Palestinian." He has
become member of a welfare group supported by the world and a useful
weapon to club the Jews, but he is never allowed to be his own person.
Months, if not years, of western and Israeli propaganda went out the
window when Smiling Abbas the Good Terrorist, Israel's 'peace
partner' announced he doesn't accept the Jewish state. Another
assertion that the PLO-PA moderates want to live in peace with
Israel was also punctured, as Barry Rubin demonstrates, when a
leader of the moderates, Muhammad Dahlan, made it clear he seeks peace
with Hamas, not with Israel. And the two are mutually exclusive.
The Western mind doesn't see churches or synagogues as places to store
and launch weaponry so it has difficulty believing Muslims have a
different attitude towards mosques. Reuven Erlich provides us with
detailed evidence that terror groups and their clerics find it
acceptable to use the mosque for military purposes. Interestingly
enough, this is not a recent innovation. As Erlich notes, "A commonly
held view by Muslim religious scholars is that a mosque is more than
just a place of worship and can have military and political uses,
because in Muslim tradition Muhammad himself used the mosque for such
purposes." What needs to be emphasized is that when a mosque is used
to store explosives, launch missiles and train terrorists, it can not
claim "the special protection afforded houses of worship [by
international law] and may become legitimate targets for attack."
Geert Wilders' film FITNA links actual footage of violence committed
by Islamists to quotes from the Koran. In consequence, Wilders has
been accused of hate crime, and disrespect to Islam. Tawfik Hamid cut
through the nonsense and asks the right question: "[is the] blame with
Mr. Wilders, who simply exposed Islamic radicalism, or with those who
promote and engage in this religious extremism." Phased thus, the
answer is obvious. Hamid suggests it's time that Muslim scholars
reinterpret the Koran to eliminate barbaric practices and the
denigrating of other religions. These practices have no place in
modern civilization. A fine idea but I'm not holding my breath.
Nowadays, Communism seldom commands front-page headlines and "You're a
Communist" has ceased to be a dreaded exclamation of disapprobation,
So many a younger American haven't a clue to what Communism is.
Marxism, the parent of Communism, unfortunately, is still very
much with us and nicely sums up the ideology common to extreme
left-wingers, socialists, communists, power-to-the-peoplers,
wealth-distributors, welfare-staters, nanny-staters, radical judicial
activists, illiberal liberals, identity-politicians and radical theologians. Steven Plaut
defines Marxism for us in clear terms. It is particularly necessary,
now that the new administration in Washington seems to have embarked
on yet another version of Marxism.
Given Pres. Obama's new policy of showing Islam unreserved (and
perhaps undeserved) respect, the command centers of current-day
Islamism are having an easier time in attempting to make Sharia law
universal. In the latest scheme, the United Nations is urged to
criminalize Islamophobia. Islamophobia is an odd term it doesn't
mean an irrational fear of Islam. It means in practice any word or
deed that will upset a Muslim. "The demand that no criticism of Islam
be permitted is the preeminent feature of the Muslim Brotherhood's
efforts in the West." As Frank Gaffney, Jr. points out "the 1990 Cairo
Declaration on Human Rights in Islam ... concludes with the caveat
that, 'All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are
subject to the Islamic Shariah.' Translation: Liberties enshrined in
the UN's foundational Universal Declaration of Human Rights are
largely rendered null and void." You are urged to contact the White
House and speak against this threat to American freedom of speech.
Previous articles on Lawfare waging war by using the muscle of the
legal system have focussed on specific cases and countries. In this
article, Elizabeth Samson points out lawfare has acquired a global
reach, using three legal manipulations: involving the International
courts; "misus[ing] legal terminology to manipulate international
institutions and the public"; and the "prosecution of foreign nationals in
domestic courts for military and civilian action." Consequently, as
she points out, "...the rule of law, a weapon designed to subdue
dictators and tyrants is now being misused to empower the very same,
and being manipulated to subvert real justice and indisputable truth.
That is not the purpose the law is designed to serve." Lawfare is a
particularly effective tool for Islamists to use because as Samson
writes, "Lawfare is exponentially effective because one lawsuit can
silence thousands who have neither the time nor the financial
resources to challenge well-funded terror financiers or the vast
machine of the international judicial system."
Olivier Guitta reviews the latest inroads Sharia law is making
globally. In Pakistan, Sharia law has been imposed in the Swat valley.
In Europe, it has made significant advances in the judiciary of
several countries Italy, France and Denmark where the courts
have ignored the laws of the land and have ruled in accordance with
Islamic law. In England, many Englishmen are enthusiastically in favor
of adopting portions of Sharia law. They may eventually find that just
as it's impossible to be a little pregnant, it is impossible to adopt
a portion of sharia law.
Bruce Bawer, an American who has lived in Europe for many years, is an
astute observer of western Europe's changing political and social
mores. Once proud of putting their socialist idealism into welfare
practice, Europeans are finding that they can no longer afford the
huge influx of Muslims living on their benevolence while attempting to
subvert them to Sharia law. As one consequence, their socialized
health and education systems are broken. As another, political
alliances are in turmoil: while many voters are reacting to the
deterioration of their countries by turning politically to the right,
the entrenched political establishments are reacting by ignoring the
Muslim threat and focussing on demonizing right-wing politicians. The
U.S.A. should take warning.
Iran doesn't just rant and polish her nuclear skills. It looks like
she's taking advantage of a naive administration in Washington to
infiltrate into Mexico. It's possible, of course, that Iran is lonely
and just wants to chat with a fellow oil-producer. But we know that
Muslims Hezbollah included come in from Mexico, blending in with
the Mexican illegals, and occasionally leaving prayer mats at the
border. It will certainly be nice for the Iranians to have America
ignore them while they explore business opportunities with Mexican
politicos and maybe even important Mexicans like the ones that run the
drug cartels.
Barry Rubin writes of the arrogance and self-delusion of the ignorant
reporter. He writes, "It never ceases to amaze me that people who
know nothing about the Middle East, in this case Roger Cohen but many
other names come to mind, can suddenly proclaim themselves experts
and make the most elementary errors involving the lives of other
people. It also never ceases to amaze me that people can visit a
country, especially a dictatorship, be wined and dined, handed a line
and believe it so thoroughly that their mind is closed ever after."
They return and praise dictators, explain how justified the
terrorists are and whitewash the Muslim Brotherhood. Unfortunately,
too often, they write for influential newspapers that help certify
they are to be taken seriously. They act in this generation as the
notorious Walter Duranty did in the 1920-30s when he assured New
York Times readers the Soviet dictatorship which was busy
starving millions of Kulaks wa benevolent, doing a fine job
and was just right for the Russian people. Rubin suggests reasons why
"the gap between reality and perception [is] so much wider on the
Middle East than on other subjects or areas of the world."
Raymond Ibrahim discusses the treatment of Islam and Muslims in
textbooks used to educate our children, noting that "key subjects like
jihad, Islamic law, [and] the status of women are whitewashed."
Textbooks mislead "by projecting Western interpretations onto Islam."
As Ibrahim writes, "... necessary knowledge is not merely ignored, but
not even acknowledged as real in the first place. When American
universities [or high schools] fail to teach Islamic doctrine and
history accurately, a flawed epistemology permeates society at large.
And since new students and new professors come from this already
conditioned towards Islam society, not only do they not question
the lack of accurate knowledge and education; they perpetuate it." So
it is that while textbooks in Muslim countries openly teach hatred and
hostility for non-Muslims, or infidels,..." in this country,
"the government is now pushing to ban Arabic words connotative of
Islamic ideology from formal analysis..." Ibrahim asks, "if children
are sheltered from ugly truths today, how can they ever be expected to
confront them as adults tomorrow?"
It is a telling point that almost 8 years after 9/11 we still don't
have agreed-upon terminology to label the Muslims who declared war
against the West, America and Israel in particular. In fact, as Daniel
Pipes makes frighteningly clear, the situation has deteriorated from
an inability to decide whether all Islam was resurgent or only a small
percentage say 150 to 200 million Muslims was on the
rampage. Now, in both England and U.S.A., the trend among our leaders
is never to use terrorist and Muslim or Islamist
and fundamentalist in the same breathe. In Orwellian fashion,
we will soon have no vocabulary or only a neutered vocabulary to name
the enemy. This is the thinking in the Administration in Washington,
the State Department, Homeland Security, the National Counter
Terrorism Center, and many in the media. Islamic terrorism is now
considered as 'anti-Islamic activity', as if the ones suffering are
the Muslims, not us.
In this thoughtful essay, Roger Scruton asks why radical Islam is so
successful in the war they initiated against the west. True, they are
dedicated to jihad, and confident they will succeed, but a major
reason for their gain is that, unfortunately, the West is not
confident. Scruton fears we may be at a point "in which the legitimate
claims of our own culture and inheritance will be ignored or
downplayed in an attempt to prove our peaceful intentions." Scuton
undertakes to "spell out some of the critical features of the Western
inheritance which must be understood and defended in our current
confrontation." He stresses that we can not succumb to the
debilitating belief that we are to blame for Islam's behavior. "...
our enemies' hatred of us is entirely unjustified; and ... their
implacable enmity cannot be defused by our breast-beating." An
important essay. Read it carefully.
In the last issue of Think-Israel, Steven Plaut discussed the
politicization of the Lancet, a prestigious British medical
journal. In this essay, Barbara Barron writes of other professional
journals in England that have succumbed to one-sided politics,
publishing inaccurate and unprofessional pro-Palestinian articles that
indulge in attributing all Palestinian ills to the machinations of the
Zionist entity. As Barron points out: "The deliberate use of a
professional body's publication to promulgate personal political
views, especially when many of these are based upon lies and
misconceptions, is unethical as well as immoral. Any professional body
which actively encourages this by publishing it is in gross
dereliction of its duty."
There's a problem when foreign journalists need to depend on locals to
translate and smooth the way, especially when the locals have a
third-world political agenda and no sense of fairness or professional
ethics. The locals "can be selective with the information they feed
the journalist or, at worst, mistranslate the words of the interview
subjects." In Israel and the Territories, far too often the Arab
fixers and translators "encourage journalists to report exclusively on
the 'evils' of the Israeli occupation, rather than on the lack of
democratic freedoms or human rights abuses in the West Bank and Gaza."
This becomes the 'news' fed to the newpaper's readers. This essay by
Honest Reporting Staff presents a case study of one such betweener
Nidal Rafa, who is both committed to the Palestinian 'cause' and a
presumably-impartial employee of CNN and NPR. She was often the
gatekeeper for what got through to the final reader; and she didn't
let professional standards and ethics stand in the way of obscuring
the facts in favor of the image she wanted to project. She was finally
outed when she indulged in an unprofessional tirade during a talk
given by Danny Ayalon, Israel's ex-ambassador to the United States
and this was caught on tape..
This is an interesting case study on NPR's anti-Israel stance by
Daniel Doron. NPR promotes the notion that Palestinian Arabs are a
noble folk with a noble mission to win back their homeland,
occupied by Israel, who has no business being in the Middle East. They
aren't indoctrinated with hate; no, of course not. The Palestinians
resort to terrorism because they are weak and poor and have few
resources. Israel is excoriated if despite trying to avoid the
human shields the terrorists cynically use they hit one child.
The Arabs, of course, are given a free pass, no matter how many Jewish
children they deliberately kill. A noble mission is a powerful excuse.
Just as interesting is the indignation shown by those who deny NPR's
obvious bias. Doron records one such letter and his response.
Ron Mossad takes on the conspiracy theorists who are sure it was the
Jooz that attacked the World Trade Center. This time it's a chemistry
teacher that's sure nano-thermite was the method used to ignite the
buildings to a high enough heat to destroy the structure. What remains
a mystery is how, when the culprits are known the Saudis who
learned to fly a plane but not how to land it and the planes
crashing into the building were witnessed by anyone owning a TV set,
it is still the Jews who are blamed. But why stop there? In
conspiracy-think, there was no Holocaust. Or it was greatly
exaggerated. And the recent stock market and housing market crash?
Maybe you think it was the politicians who forced the banks to lend to
people who couldn't afford the homes they bought. Maybe you think it's
groups like ACORN that used "the people" to persuade the politicians
to insist the banks make risky loans. Maybe you think it was the
bankers who saw a way to make a lot of money. The conspiracy theorists
know better they know it's the Jews.
For the last 30-35 years, Israel's leaders have pursued a monomaniacal
policy of "land for peace," despite the fact that the Arabs continue
to say openly and demonstrate that they wish to destroy Israel,
not make peace. When Israel showed the Arab countries she could rebuff
direct attack, they started following a phased peace-and-war strategy
taking over in stages. Unfortunately, Israel's wrongheaded policy
is reinforced by useful idiots in the Administration in Washington,
who believe that, unlike all who have previously tried their hand at a
two-state solution, they will succeed. They won't.
Dr. Paul Williams takes issue with Pres. Obama's attempt to rewrite
history when he said that over the centuries "the United States has
been enriched by Muslim Americans." In fact, no Muslim was in the army
as late as World War 1 and less than 5000 lived here as late as 1975.
His assertion that America "is not and never will be at war with
Islam" ignores that even in Washington's time, American ships were
harassed by the Barbary pirates, an earlier version of today's Somali
pirates. The larger issue, of course, is whether Americans "must deny
their heritage as a people for the sake of globalism,
multiculturalism, and a New World Order."
Arab student venomous hostility to Jewish students became a front-page
issue in 2002 when, at San Francisco State University, they physicaly
attacked a group of Jewish students from Hillel, which, ironically,
was marching around singing about the joys of peace. But apparently
many Jews still refuse to accept that they have been selected as
attackable objects of hate by the Muslims. Beila Rabinowitz and
William Mayer chronicle a recent example at U Penn, where Hillel has
partnered with Muslim Student Association (MSA), a Muslim Brotherhood
offshoot, to promote Shari'a law. They should look at Muslim websites,
which make it clear that living with Jews in love and peace is not a
Muslim goal. By participating in these "sham dialogues" the Jews don't
persuade the Arabs to become peaceful. They do lose their
After reading so many books and articles by self-effacing Jews whose
hearts go out to the Palestinians, never to the Jews, Seth Frantzman
wonders if there aren't really two Judaisms, "one of Jews and the
other of 'the Jews'." The first group practices the Jewish religion;
the second talks about "being Jewish" and "what Jews should do." They
distort the meaning of Jewish symbols and Jewish holidays to gain
sympathy for the Palestinians and other causes, always for a group
other than the Jews. Frantzman prefers actual, authentic Judaism,
where one is instructed to kill one's intractable enemies, to the
practise of the Jews in name only, who define "every cause as a 'duty'
of Jews and who ceaselessly heap scorn and hate on other Jews because
they believe those Jews reflect badly on them."
Steve Kramer writes of the years just after World War 2 when the
survivors of the Holocaust were still languishing in temporary
quarters in camps in Europe. The drive was on to bring these survivors
to Palestine, despite the illegal and immoral ban the British had
placed on Jewish immigration. The English had received the Mandate for
Palestine to help Jews build their homeland. They did not honor their
mandate, even when Hitler's policy of exterminating Jews made
Palestine a desperately-needed haven. They encouraged Arab immigration
and made bringing in Jews a hanging offense. After the War, ten
American boats were retrofitted to transport civilians to Palestine.
Kramer tells the story of one of these ships, HaTikvah. and the
American volunteers, Jews and non-Jews, who manned it.
What a Eric Ambler plot for a novel! It is 1948 and a secret and very
large arms deal between a Swiss company and Egyptian and Jordanian
envoys is finalized in the office of the British minister of state for
foreign affairs, with Ethopia acting as beard for arms that will
actually be shipped to various Arab states. If all goes well, there'd
be no chance of survival for the soon-to-be-born state of Israel.
Fortunately, French intelligence and the Swiss Government learn of the
"Swiss-Ethiopian" arms sale, and it falls through. This isn't fiction;
it happened. Meir Zamir traces the ramifications of the transaction
for us, with the Hagana and France pitted against England and the Arab
states. Subplots include England engineering a crisis in Syria to oust
France, France planting a mole in the British Legation in Beirut and
the Hagana seizing British diplomatic mail en route to the port of
Haifa. It is a fascinating detailed look at a real-life spy thriller
with duped diplomats, blackmailable leaders, spies, moles and
duplicitous British politicians who schemed to divide Palestine among
the Arab countries, not help it become a Jewish state. The underlying
theme is the contrast between the actual manipulations by the colonial
powers and their official position of neutrality in the Arab-Israel
confllict. Scene 1 was soon followed by the invasion of the fledgling
state of Israel by the neighboring Arab countries.
Alex Grobman recalls the last days of the Mandate period. Jews fought
against the British to take the land already granted them and fought
side by side with the British against the Germans. They also provided
experts in fighting local medical problems blood diseases,
jaundice, dysentery, exotic fevers and an abundance of
disease-carrying insects and poisonous snakes. The local Arabs, led by
the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, an associate of Adolph
Hitler, violently attacked both Jew and Brit. Grobman focuses on the
day they ambushed a convoy of non-combatant Jews and massacred most of
them, while the Brits, who had promised safe passage, watched and did
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
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March 2009 BLOG-EDS
We are encouraged to view the various terrorist groups as
independents each with its own set of grievances. But maybe the
cartoon riots served an unintended purpose showing us a
commonality. As the essays suggest, the goal is the same. The
differences are a function of how far the Islamists have succeeded in
infiltrating and overcoming a particular country.
David Meir-Levi lists the 10 stages in how to take
over a country "peacefully." He considers Bangladesh at Stage 9, the
EU and UK at stage 7 ready to move into 8, the USA at around Stages 4
or 5. The first article in this set explains why the attempt to co-exist
with Islam is never static. The other articles examine what the end-point of a
Muslim Take-Over looks like the Muslim countries of the Middle East
provide us with excellent examples. Use a big enough magnifying glass
and there are many inter-state differences. But there's a sameness
that overrides the differences: a lack of democracy, a lack of human
and civil rights, a lack of respect for women, an intolerance for
differing points of view, ugly treatment of non-Muslims and barbaric
punishments for what the rest of the world would regard as non-crimes
or crimes worthy only of minimal punishment. In sum, whether voiced
openly or when actions do the speaking, there's a willingness to be
guided by Mohammad's unrevised teachings.
A corollary to seeking accommodation with Islam is the belief that if
we fulfill their current demands, Muslim demands for furthering Islam
will stop. The situation will become static. It will have reached
equilibrium. This is never true. It can't be true, because the thrust
of resurgent Islam is what it has always been when not kept down to
become our overlords. Sultan Knish compares this ambition to the
growth of a cancer you can only stop it by drastic measures.
Our friends the Saudis don't get the credit they deserve for playing
both ends against the middle and paying off everybody. This essay by
Jonathan Fighel examines one of their recent spectacular successes
the slaughter in Mumbai of non-Muslims staying at well-known tourist
hotels and Jews staying at the out-of-the-way Chabad house. The deed
was done by a local Muslim terrorist group in Mumbai. But the money
for the months of training it took to carry out the task faultlessly
came largely from the Saudis; their sense of righteousness came from
the Saudi-promoted reading of the Koran; and their group coherence
(http://knol.google.com/k/-/-/1mpto2qu8knp0/j6k9gj/muslim-prayer.jpg) came from Saudi techniques of social engineering, which develop social
networks for group solidarity and responsiveness to Saudi ideology. As
Fighel points out, "The bottom line is that we are seeing the same
pattern of global jihad-oriented groups starting to be active in
Gaza." Global jihad takes advantage of local hostilities and emotions,
but its motive power comes from a well-financed promotion of Islamic
Olivier Guitta writes how Wahhabi teachings about hate have come home
to Saudi Arabia to roost and kill. This should have been clear right
after 9/11. All but a couple of the terrorists were Saudis. They grew
up in Saudi Arabia. They got their early education in Wahhabi mosques
in Saudi Arabia. Now they wish to rid their homeland of foreign
influences. To visualize their brainwashing a couple of decades ago,
look at the pictures of young Palestinian Arabs blowing themselves up
because they can kill a few Jews that way. Look at the toddlers being
taught to hate the Jews and how to murder them. Conversely, we can
project what the newer generation will do when they are older.
England is already seeing what Wahhabi mosque education can teach in
designing a successful bombing. Maybe we in America should start
paying more attention to what the kiddies are learning from the
Wahhabi mullahs in American mosques.
Bassam Tibi talks about the changes in Turkish society and in its
attitude towards Europe since the Adalet ve Kalknma Partisi (AKP) came
into power. Tibi points out that AKP aims at "... a creeping
Islamization that culminates in a Shari'a (Islamic law) state not
compatible with a secular, democratic order." And it favors
Islamization of Europe. Ironically, AKP is backed by both the U.S.A.
and the European Union. Consequently, "in Turkey, the West loses its
true friends: liberal Muslims."
It is only in contrast to blatantly anti-semitic, totally off-the-wall
countries like Iran that Egypt can be considered a moderate country.
It has a veneer of modernity and civility and secularism if you
discount the barbarism with which it treats its religious minorities
such as the Christian Copts. And, despite a peace treaty with Israel
whereby it regained all the land it lost when it invaded Israel, Egypt
can not be considered a good neighbor. Instead, it plays a two-faced
game that is overtly helpful or neutral or statemanlike but in
actuality is hostile towards Israel. Smuggling by the Gaza arabs
through tunnels that exit in Egypt is a case in point. As Efraim Inbar
tells us, "Egyptian behavior is intriguing and cunning," designed to
keep Israel off-balance and engaged in conflict with Hamas.
Viewing the Muslim world as engaging in a bitter contest between
Shi'ites and Sunnis may be a reasonable generalization for the long
run but it's is a poor predictor of local and special-purpose
political ties. Shi'ite Iran has long supported Sunni Hamas, which was
established by the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood (MB), an organization that
has a strong base in Egypt. And Iran helped shape Islamist revivalism
in Egypt. Conversely, the fundamentalist MB has helped structure
Iran's rigid Islamic ideology, making it the glue in which all of
Iran's political, economic and social institutions are set. Mehdi
Khalaji examines the ambivalent relationship between MB and Iran, both
of which see the West as the enemy they are determined to conquer. Add
to the mix the fact that MB has a good chance of governing Egypt when
Mubarak dies; add in Iran's bonding with Hamas; add that both Iran and
MB are successfully expanding. It could be an explosive mix.
Michael Rubin traces the history of how we have tried over the years
to reduce Iran's hostility by diplomatic means. He points out that
Obama's announced willingness to talk without preconditions with Iran
is not new. "Washington and Tehran have never stopped talking; indeed,
many of Obama's supposedly bold initiatives have been tried before,
often with disastrous results." As example, when the Iranians held our
men hostage, Carter's pleas to the Iranians to sit and talk encouraged
Iran to make ever more outrageous demands. "In fact, Obama's
inattention to timing and target replicates Carter's failure. His
outreach to Ahmadinejad" might well make Ahmadinejad a hero and winner
of the forthcoming election. Hardly a wish come true.
The previous set of essays looked at examples of states deeply
steeped in the compleat Islamic view of how the world should behave
in all aspects of life. The essays in the next set of essays look at
Muslim society generically: how it is anchored in Koranic teachings
and how it functions today, whether it be in control of the
government or embedded in a larger society.
Raymond Ibrahim has previously written about the Islamic view that
waging war against infidels is a continuous process, with only a
single acceptable endpoint. He was distressed that the connection
between Koranic doctrine and the deceitfulness with which Islam wages
war is ignored in the West. (See
here.) In this essay, he explores in detail the importance the
Koran itself bestows on the use of deceit in war and how seriously
modern-day Islamic practioners of war and apologists for Islam take
this instruction. As Ibrahim concludes: "...any Muslim who closely
observes Sharia law the definition of a Muslim ... will always
have a 'divinely sanctioned' right to deceive, until 'all chaos
ceases, and all religion belongs to Allah.'"
"Wife seeks divorce. Husband beheads her." We'd expect this to be a
sensational, long-running news story, with reporters obsessively
exploring every facet. Did the husband's religion
really gave him permission to murder his wife? Was he was the
"moderate Muslim" he claimed to be? It didn't happen. M. Zuhdi Jasser
explores an important issue this 'non-story' highlights: denial in
both the Main Street Media and in the American Muslim community. As a
reader of the story sarcastically commented, "There we go again,
wanting to impose our culture on someone else."
Steve Emerson writes of Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, spiritual leader of
the Muslim Brotherhood, a man who can speedily organize mobs when they
are needed, a man noted for his organizational and leadership
abilities, a man with a ferocious hatred of Jews. Despite his
connections to terrorist financing and his fatwas that encourage using
women suicide-murderers and murdering homosexuals and apostates, he
has a cadre of prominent apologists who insist he's a moderate Muslim
and this lie is often repeated as fact in the Main Stream Media.
Of course, within the Muslim milieu, his extremist statements may be
moderate. (For additional information on his position in the Muslim Brotherhood,
read this,
this )
Brainwashing is retooling someone's belief system. In a recent
example, it's been found the Israelis had to brainwash their soldiers
in order to get them to expel fellow Jews from their homes in Gush
Katif, Gaza in the summer of 2005. It doesn't seem the right way to
describe what the Palestinian Arabs are doing to their children. As
Eli Hertz writes, the children are taught from toddler-age to hate and
to desire to kill fellow human beings. Maybe we need a new word: the
Arabs braindirty their children, so they grow from little
monsters to big monsters, with little sense of humanity or decency.
This is truly child abuse.
The People's Cube is a very funny website that makes some very serious
points. This article highlights the Islamists' talent for playing
victim while making pests of themselves. The ability of the Muslim to
be offended by almost anything is also noted and cures are
thoughtfully provided.
Dr. Mirza was born into a family of devout Muslims in Bangladesh and
received a religious education, which didn't include a translation
from the Arabic. In this interview, he talks about the events that
initially shook his faith but it wasn't until he began studying the
Qur'an that he rejected Islam. Speaking about the many terror groups
and their ever-changing names, he says, "... their ultimate connection
is of course their giant umbrella organization of modern day Islamic
Jihad called Al-Qaeda which is well connected to Islam and
Qur'anic teachings." We should take seriously his assertion that
Islamic terrorism "...is a more dangerous and deadlier phenomenon than
communism." He makes the point that it is not a winning strategy to
appease the Muslims or to babble that "[t]errorists are not real
Muslims, Islam is a religion of peace." "Remember," he reminds us,
"Muslims do believe strongly that Allah is working behind their
ulterior plan of converting the entire earth under the fold of Islam;
they call it peace or surrender."
England is one of the many countries in Europe that are excellent
examples of countries coming very close to the brink. People such as
Aude Signoles a political scientist, an expert on Palestinian
communities and decidedly pro-Palestinian fear that Europe is
growing less sympathetic to the Arabs. "Europe fears an Islamist
threat, whether internal or external, and this has begun to change
the overall views on the Israel-Palestine conflict." Most observers,
however, believe that Europe must make a strong assertion of its own
identity and very soon, or it will be overwhelmed by Islam within a
few years. These essays explore the theme. Several focus on what's
happening to Geert Wilders. Is this the start of a reaction to the
Muslim takeover or just another indicator that it's happening?
Fjordman is one of the great essayists of our time, providing us with
reasoned analyses of trends others do not perceive until long after he
has discussed them. This essay is somewhat different. Oh, he
definitely makes the case that Britain is fast being Islamicized,
perhaps irretrivably, by the Muslims and America may not be far
behind. But the tone is clearly not dispassionate. He mourns for the
England that was and regrets what England as well as all of Europe
is allowing itself to become.
In this essay, Mark Silverberg gives us a good sense of the ominous
anti-semitic environment in which English Jews now live. David
Dastych, who sent Think-Israel this article wrote, "This is an
excellent article showing how dangerous is an anti-Semitism of today
and how indulgent are the media and societies of Europe towards
islamist radicalism and terrorism. Euroarabia is more and more a
reality than a theoretical notion. The anti-Semitic excesses in Europe
are nothing but a prognostic of a great danger the Western
civilisation is facing now and will be facing in the years to come."
This essay is a case study of the biased pro-Arab news coverage in
Middle East reporting by a particular Norwegian T.V. station,
Dagsrevyen. Odd Sverre Hove describes how Dagsrevyen
presented the start of the second Intifada in 2000 and the lynching of
Israeli reservists in Ramallah, and how, because essential facts were
omitted, both accounts differed from the reality. Sad to say, Hove is
accurately describing the "normal" state of TV coverage of the
Arab-Israeli conflict not only by Dagsrevyen but by most TV
news stations in Europe and for any time period.
In England, the increase in both insensitive anti-semitism and
"sensitivity" to Muslim desires go hand in hand with a corruption in
standards of many of England's institutions. Medical journals would
seem unlikely candidates for politicizing issues but they, too, have
been affected. The leading British medical journal, the Lancet
has disregarded scholarly standards for several years now and happily
pimps for the Arab cause against both Israel and America. They
recently issued a defective monograph on Gaza and Arab health. It has
reminded Steven Plaut of some earlier excesses by the Lancet.
Fjordman's essay provided us with a keen summary of how sharia law is
gaining power in England and Mark Silverberg focused on the
concomitant rise of anti-semitism. This essay by Omri Ceren recounts
some significant details that highlight how rapidly England is
changing. the Muslims are demanding special treatment almost as fast
as officials in the police, the church, the schools and in parliament
are picking up the pace in satisfying their demands. The situation is
well beyond the amusing bits we've heard about: abolishing piggy banks
because Muslims don't eat pork; not allowing Brits to eat lunch openly
during Ramadan because their Muslims coworkers are fasting; and
changing educational standards to accomodate Muslim students. The much
diminished pride in England's Christian and democratic roots is too
weak to withstand a resurgent and often violent Islam. The English are
responding by adopting practices that arise from Islamic ideology,
including a rapidly-growing overt and even violent hatred of the Jews.
We should all take to heart Bat Yeor's right-on-target analysis of
what the persecution of Geert Wilders really signifies: "In its
efforts to defend the 'true image' of Islam and combat its defamation,
the Organization [of the Islamic Conference (OIC) ] has requested the
UN and the Western countries to punish "Islamophobia" and blasphemy.
Among the manifestations of Islamophobia, in the OIC's view, are
European opposition to illegal immigration, anti-terrorist measures,
criticism of multiculturalism, and indeed any efforts to defend
Western cultural and national identities. The OIC has massive funding
from oil sources, which it lavishly spends on the Western media and
academia and in countless 'dialogues.' It influences Western policy,
laws, and even textbooks through pressures brought by Muslim
immigrants and by the Western nations'
own leftist parties."
What is happening to Geert Wilders, a film maker and a member of the
Dutch parliament Holland is a country traditionally tolerant of
deviant life styles epitomizes the Orwellian world we seem to be
living in. Wilders mades a film that is billed as "controversial." It
may be distasteful, impolitic, impolite, but how controversial can it
be when it is mostly citations from the Koran appropriate to film
strips of actual (not reconstructed) events? (See the film
here.) He was chastized because he not the Koran, not Muslim
terrorists is committing a hate crime! What happened to him is a
smaller-scale version of what the Organization of the Islamic
Conference (OIC) is pushing through the UN namely that any
criticism of Islam is to be treated as a hate crime, while Muslims and
their friends will be allowed to continue to foam at the mouth
vilifying all other religions. Wilders was then not allowed entry into
England. This is the speech he would have given there.
These next essays chronicle some institutions and groups that provide a home
for foisting Muslim ideology onto America. The pressure is more subtle
than in countries where Islamic ideology has sway. In his new book,
Robert Spencer calls it Stealth Jihad, an apt term, which, as
he writes, is subverting America without guns or bombs. Saudi Arabia
and the Muslim Brotherhood are sources of money, ideology and
organizational tools; and the Saudis, in particular, can pay for a lot
of help. We look now at Middle East Studies programs and the media,
churches and disaffected Jews. To add to our problems, governmental
organizations help introduce Islamic ideology the Treasury
Department giving courses in Sharia banking, as an example (see
previous issues). The essay on the U.S. Army War College and Hamas is
about another infiltration. And the prisons have for years proven to
be a ever-renewable source of converts to Islam.
This is a reposting of an article that first appeared in the May-June 2004
issue. This was the introduction:
"It is commonly believed that at the moment, Islamists are focused on
ridding the Middle East of Jews and other 'foreigners'. The battle for
America is to come later. Dr Anis Shorrosh disagrees. He believes
Islamists have already begun an intensive attack on America. This is
his checklist of what they have already begun to do."
This is the start of a series of articles on how far and on how many
fronts radical Islam has infiltrated America. It is interesting to
compare Kathy Shaidle's Overview to Shorrosh's steps in an Islamic
takeover (see above). Viewed as separate events, the trend is easy to
ignore. It is only when the various encroachments are put in context
does a pattern begin to emerge. In this issue, Shaidle examines
the American prisons, where so many prisoners have been recruited into
Tom Mclauglin discusses two impossible-to-believe current court cases:
one against the American, Roger Barnett; the other against the
Dutchman, Geert Wilders. In the National Review, Bat Yeor
writes that Wilders persecution was an instant of a ever-growing
problem in criminalizing "Islamophobia," Europe is trashing its
own culture to appease Islamists (see Bat Yeor's article above). The
Barnett case is equally outrageous illegals running the border
are suing Barnett for stopping them. (I wonder how they knew what
lawyer to hire and where did they get the money to do so?) Are we
playing catch-up with Europe in succumbing to Islamist coercion?
Wouldn't you think that all the Middle Eastern Studies departments
still led by the ghost of Edward Said would make some sheepish apology
because their wise words and predictions about the Middle East became
part of the 9/11 meltdown? Or why don't they just shut up. But judging
from Cinnamon Stillwell's citations, they are still out there making
bizarre assertions, demonizing Israel, making saints of the Arab
murderers. As she says, "The next time one of these 'experts' purports
to educate the masses on this most crucial of conflicts, consider the
Ever since George Bush declared Islam was a peaceful religion soon
after 9/11, we've been in the nightmarish position of promoting the
ideas of the enemy who declared war on us. Steve Emerson writes about
a particularly bizarre example: our Army War College those are the
people that educate the people in charge of making major decisions in
fighting our wars has just issued a monograph that "is more
accurately described as an apologia for Hamas" and that "consistently
demonizes Israel and its legitimate defense of national sovereignty
under international law." What a far cry from World War 1, when Americans
renamed sauerkraut with its German association Liberty cabbage.
A recent "symposium, organized by UCLA's Center for Near East Studies
(CNES), was billed as a discussion of human rights in Gaza." It of
course was nothing of the sort it was a prolonged one-sided
mendacious rant against Israel. What made it particularly poisonous
is, as Judea Pearl notes, that it was written up in the campus
newspaper as "Scholars Say Attack on Gaza an Abuse of Human Rights,"
to which the good name of the University of California was
attached..."[emphasis added] This trend of appropriating the power of
a passive University will continue to happen as long as Jewish
academics are too timid or too imbued with a "live and let live"
mentality when they are confronted by a group of agressive pro-Arab
academics, who are determined to demonize Israel, Zionism and Judaism.
Aside from the tarnished name of the University, which preaches 'free
speech' but doesn't make sure it isn't suppressed by intimidation, the
other victims were the Jewish students, who saw that their elders were
too timid to create a unified front to defend academic freedom and
them. Judea Pearl believes things may be going to change. Let's hope
this isn't wishful thinking.
Richard Shulman examines several prop-ed pieces, two from major
newspapers and one by an academic in an internet group. The
reputation of the newpapers and the academic standing of the writer
do much to persuade the reader he is receiving impartial, in-depth
information about the particular story. There is some background
information, there are the details that make the story interesting
and there is a sizing up of the alleged "important issues", all in an
easy-to-swallow capsule. There is also, unfortunately, intemperate
bias, distortions, omissions and misinformation, which may condition
the reader to come to a particular conclusion but, unfortunately,
they prevent him from acquiring an understanding of what is really
going on.
Fox News is constantly being demonized by the more leftist press
because it doesn't automatically condemn Israel. Yet it too has its
staunch pro-Muslim advocates, the dramatic though seldom accurate
Geraldo Rivera, and its guru when there's a crisis, Hanan Ashwari. As
Leslie Sacks writes, "[Ashwari] harangues the audience with emotional
and outrageous untruths, with nary a criticism. The interviewers, it
seems, go mute in the face of such passionate, well-spoken English
from the West Bank." Surely, there are better ways for Fox to be fair
and balanced in its reporting.
Paul Merkley writes that "[a]s an evangelical Christian, Jimmy Carter
knows that most fellow-evangelicals regard the coming-into-existence
of Israel ... as a proof of the validity of the Word of God..." But
over time he has moved away from his stated commitment to this view to
a "Palestinian counter-historical narrative how the Canaanites
became the Arabs." "To enter into argument with this counter-history
is a hopeless task, as it stands entirely on re-iterated fantasy."
Merkley points out that "Carter attributes his reformed perspective"
to the urgings of Anwar Sadat, who has written "The assassination of
Arab brethren like Goliath, by Jewish sheep-herders like David, is the
sort of shameful ignominy that we must yet set aright in the domain of
the occupied Palestinian homeland." By now, Carter has gone "...beyond
classic replacement theology [God has shifted his promises to
the Jews to the Church] to also include the Muslims. He could be
considered just another hard-working apologist for the Palestinian
Arabs, defaming both Jews and fellow-evangelicals who disagree with
him, but given his stature, he has opened up yet "another front of
intra-Church conflict."
Through no fault of its own, Israel has been thrust
into the front lines of fighting back Islamism. It couldn't have
happened at a worse time. Her Marxist citizens who control the
media are so intent on pleading the claims of the Palestinian Arabs
to the Land of Israel, they ignore the predictable endpoint: if they
are successful, they will be massacred. While the American
administration was ambivalent, Israel frittered away the opportunity
to solidify her irrevocable claim to all of Israel including the
Territories and reduce the strength of her enemy's proxies
Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah and friendly Egypt. Now she confronts an
American administration which is starting to act as if ideologically
committed to a Muslim/Marxist view of the world.
The outline is clear. Israel is not willing to be
submerged into Islam. Despite its weak leadership and Marxist media,
it hasn't knuckled under. So big non-military guns are trained on it
by respectable institutions within the United Nation and/or affiliated
with it. The Catholic Church, which never deviated from its fight
against Communism, has shown an uncharacteristic timidity in
confronting Islam. Europe, which has few allies to help it resist
being taken over by Islam, has manifested bizarre behavior. Instead of
fighting Islam, it fights a proven ally Israel. Moreover,
Israel has an internal enemy: Marxist Jews embedded in its
universities are so cocooned in their ideology, they also fight Jews,
not Arabs.
The essays in this set mostly deal with non-Islamic (or putative
non-Islamic) institutions that display in-your-face anti-semitism.
Institution-sponsored anti-semitism comes from the U.N. and its
affiliates. The media and academics are active players as are a
minority of the Protestant Evangelicals. And we are hearing again from
unmuzzled bishops of the Catholic Church. Shades of Father Coughlin!
But, as Kenneth Levin points out, Israel's major problems stem from
poor decisions it has made i.e., accepting the Oslo Accord and
sticking to it long after it was obviously not working and then making
Gaza judenfrei to accomodate its enemy at the expense of its
own citizens.
Kenneth Levin writes that "[i]n addition to the animosity of the
Arab world, Israel is faced with much hostile sentiment in Europe, fed
by traditional anti-Semitism, by leftist anti-Americanism and
association of Israel with America, by perverse, ahistorical leftist
twisting of the Israeli-Arab conflict into Israeli colonialists
brutalizing the supposedly indigenous population, and by the European
media being house organs for anti-Israel bigotry of all these
pedigrees." Add in the hate exhibited by various organs of the United
Nations, peace-at-any-price Israelis, radicalized Israeli Arabs,
estranged diapora Jews, the threat of nuclear annihilation and the
constant barrage of rocket fire. That's a lot of ill-will directed
against a tiny country. Yet its major problems seem of its own making:
suffering Hezbollah attacks for years and then attacking without real
preparation; expelling the Jewish residents of Gaza; and most
stupidly, its pretending it had peace partners, when all these
partners wanted was to destroy Israel. It needs to get over its
"desire to propitiate its enemies, to see salvation in concessions and
self-reform and to ignore the nature and the dimensions of the
threat." This is a very wise assessment.
Patricia Berlyn provides us an insightful look at the "self-hating"
Jew. She points out that for these perverse children, "[i]t is
not enough for them to cast off a Jewish identity and merge into the
mainstream; they must take on the identity of the most Judeophobic
elements of that mainstream." Their talent for inventing
reasonable-sounding but spurious arguments have provided the
Judeophobes and the recently-invented people, the "Palestinians",
some of their best material.
Irwin Cotler describes the rise of a new type of anti-semitism. "...
classical or traditional anti-Semitism is the discrimination against,
denial of or assault upon the rights of Jews to live as equal members
of whatever host society they inhabit. The new anti-Semitism involves
the discrimination against the right of the Jewish people to live as
an equal member of the family of nations the denial of and assault
upon the Jewish people's right even to live with Israel as the
'collective Jew among the nations.' Judenstaatrein applies to
the Jewish state as judenrein does to jews. Cotler describes
some characteristics of Judenstaatrein anti-semitism: it is
overtly proposed by states; it is unabashedly proclaimed in
terror-state proxies: the terror organizations of Hamas, PLO,
Hizbullah, etc.; it has the weight of Islamic clerics and media behind
it. Classic anti-semitism used the language of racism; this brand uses
the benign words of humanism and civil rights. This article suggests
that we can no longer pretend that those who want to destroy Israel are not
gunning for Jews everywhere. This article needs to be taken seriously.
We present excerpts from Eye on the U.N. Reports on the Planning
Committee as recorded by Anne Bayefsky. The President of the Planning
Committee is Libya; Iran is a Vice-President and non-countries like
the Palestinian Delegation can help set the agenda. The Arab Bloc
dominated the discussions, while the delegates from European Union
bobbled their heads in agreement. What is disheartening is that the
American Administration sat silent while the 'Zionism is Racism', the
'Arabs are victims of islamophobia', 'the Palestinians need
protection', and 'the Holocaust might have happened, maybe' themes
were locked in so that there can be no discussion about them at
Durban II the media can already write the pronouncements that will
be coming out of the April Durban II Conference. It is also
disappointing that the American Jewish Committee didn't kick up a
storm, just a polite rejoinder. Yeah, that will work.
The Planning Committee for Durban (see above) is dominated by the
Arab/Muslim countries that are imposing their views concerning the
Holocaust, Zionism and the Arab-Israeli conflict on the documents that
will be issued as the opinion of the United Nations. Mikael
Tossavainen examines attitudes towards the Holocaust as expressed in
the Arab media by Arab scholars, clerics and politicians. The Iranian
leadership has frequently issued statements denying the historicity of
the Holocaust and/or believing the Jews were responsible for the evil
done. This is, of course, well-known. What is not usually recognized
is that most of the Arab world, thanks to their leaders, has the same
opinion. The result is the paradox that the Arabs and Iranians both
deny and praise the Holocaust; they allege that the Zionists created
the Holocaust "myth" while asserting that the Holocaust happened but
it was a collusion between the Nazis and Zionists. They are sure the
Holocaust wasn't as bad as the Jews paint it but the Jews are behaving
like Nazis to the Palestinian Arabs. Gifted in fantasy, many of the
Arab "thinkers" have created elaborate stories out of whole cloth,
such as the theory that the Nazis moved to Israel which nicely
ignores that some Nazis did indeed move to Arab countries. Unlike the
Europeans, who are reexamining their history, they seem eons away from
examining their complicity in the Holocaust how the Grand Mufti Haj
Amin al-Hussein actively encouraged Hitler to murder Jews as the only
solution and how he recruited men to fight with the Nazis against the
If you believe the theme of the Doug Ross's photo essay below that
it's all the fault of the Zionists, the JOOZ you're in good
company. People who read the Times (almost any large-sized
Times will do) or listen to BBC or CNN do, if they believe their
news media. The Mainstream Media are terrified of calling a terrorist
a terrorist; and seldom are the words Muslim or Islam
written or spoken within 50 words of even the unkindest cut the
wordsmiths can think to use militant. The Media aren't about
to put themselves in jeopardy by stating the obvious fact that most of
the terror in the world today is created by Muslims. But you gotta
blame someone. The Jews are a good choice. They aren't into beheading
people who insult them.
The New Israel Fund NIF) purports to have Israel's interest in mind.
In practice, as Gerald Steinberg points out, much of their funding
goes "to the leaders of anti-Israel campaigns in the media, the
United Nations and other venues" and to an active program of
covering up some of this questionable support. Supporting Arab
minority rights, in practice, has meant funding places such as Adalah,
which joins other Arab groups that loudly deny Israel's right to
defend itself to do so is considered bloodthirsty but
they have never condemned Arab missile attacks against Israeli
civilians. Steinberg doubts that "this is what most NIF donors expect
particularly those who give through their local Jewish
Winning in the courtroom isn't exactly like playing poker, where the
guy with the most money has a huge advantage but it doesn't hurt to
have the money to sue anyone you want to, however flimsy the grounds.
After a while, people will not criticize you for fear of a possible
lawsuit. This tactic has been used by Muslims in English and American
courts against western media and academic critics and has come to be
called Lawfare. As used by U.N.-affiliated non-governmental agencies
(NGOs), it is used mostly against Israel. As Richard Cravatts
concludes, "In an inverted moral universe where enemies of the Middle
East's only democratic state regularly seek its destruction, the
tactic of lawfare with its once-meaningful language of genocide,
international human rights, and war crimes is now being used, by
state and non-state actors alike, as an alternate, but equally
dangerous, weapon in the unrelenting jihad against Israel."
In an essay above, Paul
Merkley wrote about Jimmy Carter and his changed position from a
Christian Evangelical who supported Israel to one who adheres strictly
to the Arab position. In this article, David Parson generalizes the
concepts and describes both the impact of the Holocaust on theological
thinking and the major differences between the binary split between
points of view. Parsons says, "As adherents of biblical Zionism, we
support political Zionism, as the Jewish people need a homeland and
safe haven, but we add the element of divine purpose. This sets us
entirely apart from the anti-Israeli camp that believes the election
of the Jewish people no longer stands. In their theology the Jews are
now fair game for criticism and worse. This is the key distinguishing
factor between Christian friends and foes of Israel whether or not
you believe the Jews still have an enduring covenantal relationship
with God."
Richard Williamson, a bishop of the Catholic Church, who was
excommunicated two decades ago, was recently brought back into the
fold. Denis MacEoin writes, "As an unbeliever who respects the Church
as a bearer of moral values, it shocks me, not only that Williamson
has been restored to communion with the Church with the sins of racism
and the concealment of genocide on his hands, but that representatives
of the Church have tried to put blue sea between the bishop's views
and his reinstatement." Judging from the Bishop's recent statements,
he isn't rehabilitated; and genocidal assaults against Jews aren't
ready to be relegated to the past tense.
This article by members of the Spiegel Staff is an excellent
summary of the strained relations between the Vatican and Jewry
following the Pope's revoking the excommunication of a notorious
Holocaust denier. His action compounded the damage done by statement
such as the one he issued in January just as the IDF entered the Gaza
strip. "War and hatred are not the solution to any problem." He had
ignored that Arab terrorists routinely seek out Jewish women and
children to murder. He had not spoken out during the years Hamas
bombed Israel without retaliation. See here for Rabbi Gerald Skolnik's view of the controversy: "I just Don't
Understand... Pope Benedict and Holocaust Denial."
This set of articles is about Gaza, Hamas in Gaza and the Gaza
Invasion. Andrew McCarthy makes the reasonable proposal that what is
necessary is that Israel be allowed to finish off the terrorists
the U.N. or the U.S.A or the E.U. routinely stop her before the job
can be completed. The hands-on testimony of a soldier who fought in
Gaza suggests that there is also the problem that the Israeli
leadership forces the IDF to pull its punches, signal its moves and
allow Hamas leaders escape paths. The politicians are more interested
in good press than in protecting Israel's citizenry by letting the IDF
fight to win. Other essays detail the interaction between Hamas and
governmental bodies such as UNRWA; between Hamas and other Gaza terror
groups; between Hamas and Iran; and between Hamas and the media, which
accepts each new lie from Hamas as truth.
Seth J. Frantzman first presents the background to the recent invasion
of Gaza by the IDF. He then discusses the logic and illogic of
concepts important in the discourse about the invasion. There is first
the difference between the European view that humanity prefers peace
to war and the Islamic view that there is to be constant turmoil until
the entire world belongs to Islam this had consequences in the
inappropriate solutions the interfering Europeans proposed. Israel's
supposed disproportionate force received a lot of media
censure; and it is true that relatively few Israelis died from the
rocket attacks, but that was not for lack of trying on the part of
Hamas. Then there is the media's disproportionate fixation on Israel
and its disregard for "more bloody conflicts, rage elsewhere in places
such as Kashmir, Sri Lanka and Sudan." As Frantzman writes, "The
question should not be why the international community, which is to
say western people, care so much about what happens in Gaza, but why
they have so rarely cared about what happens to other people in the
This article was occasioned by a newpaper op-ed piece that falsely
asserted that Israel was legally at fault when it invaded Gaza. The
article also flaunted a flaming red herring that implied that Israel
was reckless in its military action: "Defenders of Israel's military
actions sometimes counter that Israel cannot afford to abide by
international humanitarian law when it is endangered by a ruthless
enemy" is a poor description of Israel's meticulous avoidance of
civilian casualties, a difficult job considering that the terrorists
waged war from ordinary civilian houses, hospitals and schools.
Jean-Jacques Surbeck, an attorney specializing in International
Humanitarian Law provides us with the actual legal facts. War crimes
there were. Hamas committed them.
Andrew McCarthy argues that what Israel needs from America in its
fight against Hamas is to be allowed to finish the job of destroying
their ability and even their desire to terrorize Israel. For
America, this means recognizing that the "Palestinians" aren't
inflicted with Hamas they chose Hamas. Hamas doesn't just
represent them politically. Hamas represents their aspirations and
their ideology. America needs to give up on the "fantasy that the
Palestinians are legitimate actors worthy of statehood and its
privileges." Neither Hamas or Fatah or any other group seeking power
is willing to seek "peaceful coexistence with Israel." Were they to do
so, they'd lose the support of the populace. We can also help Israel
by making sure the U.S.A. doesn't join the 1977 Protocol I to the
Geneva Conventions, which were "designed for the benefit of terrorist
organizations, national-liberation movements, and third-world
tyrannies." We need to understand McCarthy's clear definition of
Protocol I and its implications it attempts to subordinate military
actions to inapplicable legal standards.
"On the matter of who is a civilian, Protocol I is a humanitarian disaster."
Like Lawfare, it can
do much harm to Israel, and to us.
Joshua Eastman is a young American who made aliyah, a religious Jew,
and, for more than a year, a soldier in the IDF. In this essay, he
shares with us his experience participating in the Gaza invasion, his
observations and his emotions, from the first tense, rumor-filled days
before the invasion through the time he saw action. He writes about
the bravery and the pain, the strength he drew from his faith in God
and the cold bodily fear he endured every time he "squeezed the
trigger, every time a missile landed nearby." He wasn't allowed to
fire on civilians but, as he writes, "I saw the twelve year olds with missiles and
RPGs strapped to their backs. I saw that it was with sadness and great
anger Israeli troops recognized the need to fire on people who crossed
the red line, the danger zone which meant they saw us, and knew where
we were. Old people mined with bombs, children armed with detonators,
tunnels that opened in the ground to swallow our soldiers." This is an
awesome essay.
Doctor Haim Harari is a trained observer. In this essay he enlarges on
the details the level at which most reporters stop so we
understand what has been happening in Gaza. He makes some important
points. While Israel is scourged for every civilian it kills
inadvertedly, no one complains that Hamas terrorists routinely
target Jewish civilians, especially children. The rockets shoot
randomly so "they could not possibly be aimed at military or
strategic targets." At home, Hamas and Fatah is no different
uses women and children as shields. It's win-win. The world will
complain should Israel hits a shield to get at a terrorist and Hamas
gains sympathy; and, as is more likely, if Israel doesn't shoot
because of the shields, the terrorists are safe. Since 2005, when
Hamas took over the Gaza strip completely, it has had the option of
constructing a functioning pre-state entity or waging war on Israel.
It chose war. ".... rockets were now stored in mosques, schools,
hospitals and normal apartment buildings. ... Schools financed by the
UN were used in order to launch mortar shells and missiles." Harari
also writes of UNRWA, which, almost single-handedly, has perpetuated
the Arab refugee problem since 1948. Commenting on the various lies
and hoaxes in which Hamas indulges, he says, "That the Hamas
murderers use these tactics, lies and methods, is not at all
surprising. That the international community, with all its
investigative reporters, swallows these lies so eagerly, without
exposing them, is something which demands an explanation."
Claudia Rosett puts the essential facts about the Gaza populace
bluntly, "In the current violence of Gaza, we are seeing the fruition
of one of the most bizarre creations of modern diplomacy: a
UN-supported welfare enclave for terrorists." and "Hamas has been
running Gaza as a territory reduced to basically two industries: aid
and terrorism." Strip out the fantasy that Hamas is mostly a
beneficent social services agency. Strip the cunning propaganda that
there's something so unique about the "Palestinian" Arabs that, unlike
any other group of refugees in the world, they are never to be
resettled anywheres but in the land they claim as their own and until
then they are entitled to the services of an entire U.N. agency just
for them. Strip out diplomat language that tries to hide that the
United Nations has been corrupted. And you are left with the
essentials Rosett states so well. Instead of being a force to
encourage civility and human rights, the U.N. has become another forum
for promulgating Arab propaganda and bankrolling terror.
The Arabs have acquired a well-deserved reputation for inventing or
wildly exaggerating damage they suffer. For months Hamas's leaders
were photographed sitting in chambers lit only with candles to prove
that Israel was chintzy with supplying Gaza with electricity. It would
have been more effective if sunlight hadn't peaked through gaps in the
closed curtains. A more complex hoax in Qana in the 2006 Lebanese
War was exposed by internet bloggers: in an Arab version of street
theatre, Hezbollah personnel rushed from one photographer to the next
while holding long-dead children as if they were rushing them to
medical care. These photos received extensive exposure on the
internet. So it is surprising that one of the more notorious photos
from Qana has resurfaced with a new caption this time the child is
said to be a Gazan and its death is attributed to IDF action. Judi
McLeod tells us how the latest hoax was discovered and some of the
Just to add another level of complexity, Hamas isn't the only terror
group engaging the loyalty of the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza and even
in the West Bank. Just as we were sure we knew the players good
terrorists (Fatah), bad terrorists (Hamas) along come newer, maybe
even nastier, splinter groups who share Al-Qaeda's ideology and
imitate their style. Yoram Cohen writes about several of the newer
groups operating in Gaza. They are all dedicated to restoring the
Caliphate and imposing sharia law universally. They regard Hamas "as
insufficiently aggressive in conducting terrorist attacks" and target
not only Israel but foreigners, Christians and anything that smacks of
unIslamish western influence. Once, Hamas was willing to work with
them, but now they are winning recruits from Hamas and gaining the
loyalty of the locals. So much for the myth of the po' Palestinians,
who want peace but have an evil government.
Yigal Carmon et al put the Gaza Invasion into a larger context:
the regional rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia, with Hamas acting
as proxy for Iran. They suggest that the Iran-Saudi conflict is key to
understanding the Middle East in the 21st century. The "conflict is
rooted in Iran's aspirations to regional hegemony both geostrategic
and religious which pose a threat to Saudi Arabia" and has been
sustained with more or less tension since the Iranian Revolution 30
years ago. "Iran's attempt to position itself as a regional military
superpower," and its attempts to extend its power into the Arab world
after Saddam Hussein's regime fell are additional irritants. The
Iran-Syria-Qatar-Hizbullah Axis is mainly Shi'ite but includes Sunni
groups that oppose the Saudis. and it is trying to win over Turkey.
The Sunni Saudi-Egypt group is trying to win over some of Iran's Sunni
allies. Saudi Arabia complains that Iran is interfering in internal
Arab affairs and causing dissension; Iran rebuts that Saudi Arabia and
Egypt collaborate with America (AKA The Great Satan). The Gaza War
"ended with Hamas defeated on the ground" and thus should count as a
victory for the non-Iranian camp; i.e., the Saudi-Egyptian side. But
Iran boasts of its help to a victorious Hamas and the pro-Saudi
camp "accuses Hamas of serving Iranian and Syrian interests rather
than those of the Palestinians." Carmon et al suggest the way
the two sides are reacting to Israel is moored in the Iran-Saudi
struggle, with Iran denouncing any sort of accomodation with Israel as
collaboration, while Saudi Arabia wants to resolve the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict (on its own terms), to take it off the table.
Don Feder in his own inimitable way sums up the facts we know about
the Gazan Arabs and their Hamas overlords and the West Bank Arabs and
their Fatah/Hamas overlords and draws the right conclusion. This is
not a group of people that is ready to set up a state, especially not
in Israel's heartland. Not now. Not in the forseeable future. And
maybe never.
Lest we forget, we have essays on the Settlers, those driven from
their homes in Gaza by their disaster-wreaking government and those
who live in Samaria and Judea and eastern Jerusalem the Territories
who are threatened with the same fate suffered by the Jews of Gaza.
Moshe and Rachel Saperstein are essayists who have recorded their
experience from the time they lived in Neve Dekalim, Gush Katif, Gaza
and since they, with all the other Jews who lived in Gaza, were
expelled and given still-temporary housing. Moshe views this war as a
pre-election ploy by the Kadima candidates, Barak and Livni, "to erase
their wimpish images and be seen as Tough Protectors of the People."
The Gaza excursion has no point if Israel leaves without disarming the
terrorists, thus allowing them to rebuilt. The Sapersteins live
through the sirens, the explosions of missiles and bombs from Gaza,
the fear, the overeating of comfort food, the rumors, the interviews
with closed-mind reporters, But there's also the miraculous escapes
from death and friends. They had felt particularly vulnerable because
their temp home is without air raid shelter. Moshe has developed
grudging respect for the Government's on-the-fly use of concrete sewer
pipes as shelters which can, at least, withstand shrapnel.
Included is the speech Rachel gave at this year's Jerusalem
The inhuman Mumbai terrorists who brutally tortured and massacred
foreigners and resident Jews and whose agenda includes imposing
Islamic law on the whole world get a better press that the
law-abiding, patriotic and gifted citizens of Israel who live in
Biblical Israel (the West Bank), who are collectively known as "the
Settlers." (pronounced with a sneer in the mainstream media.) In
Israel, as Barbara Lerner points out, the government turns "an
increasingly blind eye to growing Arab violence against Jews" while
routinely taking "... a hyperaggressive, hyperpunitive stance, then
responding to nonviolent settler protests with the kind of brutality
that would outrage most Americans if the victims were members of any
other group anywhere." The settlers do indeed support ideas that the
successive suicidal Israeli governments and the pro-Arab "Jewish"
groups such as Peace Now do not appreciate. "Settlers claim a
right to buy land and live and work on it, anywhere in the Biblical
triangle between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean, and between
the Red Sea and the Golan Heights, and they act on that right by
building and living in communities in places like Hebron, East
Jerusalem, Gaza, and Amona." How shocking! They wish to live in the
Jewish State as Jews! Lerner also reminds the reader that the
"Palestinians" are not the natives, the Jews are not the
invaders. Anyone who knows his history and geography knows it is the
other way around. But it does make sense for Islam and its adherents
to attempt to destroy the Settlers they are a powerful defense
against the Islam's war against Israel and the West.
Richard Shulman's visit to Israel included a tour of Judea, where some
of the "Settlers" make their home. He describes accurately the
discrimination the Settlers encounter from their own government, which
favors the Arab in the law courts and in encounters between Arab and
Jew. It hardly seems credible that in the Jewish state, the Jews can
be intimidated by the local Arabs. But the Arabs have learned that the
Israeli government literally lets them get away with murder and,
instead, punishes the Jews who fight back. Some of the bigger
happenings make the papers when police came unexpectedly in the
middle of the night and destroyed the home of a Jewish activist in
Hebron; or when Jewish girls in their teens were thrown in jail to
await trial months away for legally protesting the Gaza expulsion. But
Arabs hassle Jews, shoot at/stone/beat up Jews and steal their crops,
animals and cars all the time and these "incidents" seldom make the
news. Shulman describes examples of "Israeli government complicity
with terrorism." And of Arab contempt at Jewish attempts of
The Arab states invaded Israel for a second time in 1967. Israel
turned the tables and reclaimed Samaria and Judea (Jordan named them
the West Bank when it held them from 1948 to 1967) and Gaza.
Reclaimed is accurate. The land is Jewish by international law.
The Israeli government fears the Jewish state being overwhelmed by a
Arab population in the Territories, which has grown, thanks to legal
and illegal immigration from the Arab states and generous internal
welfare and medical benefits. So the problem is usually stated as an
either-or: (1) take over the Territories and become a single state
that is likely eventually to lose its Jewish character, given the
impressive ability of the Arabs to breed when someone else is footing
the bill; or (2) create an (almost certainly hostile) Arab state in
the Territories that wedges Israel on both sides and is intertwined
with it in Jerusalem. Actually, neither option will bring peace,
because the Palestinian Arab leaders, proxies of Iran and Saudi
Arabia, continue to plot to destroy Israel, not live in a Jewish
State or next to it.
We are reprinting the article from the July-August 2005 Issue.
The introduction read:
"In this essay, Howard Grief brilliantly fulfills his objective 'to set
down in a brief, yet clear and precise manner the legal rights and
title of sovereignty of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and
Palestine under international law.' This paper should be part of your
armamentarium for the next time you are told that Resolution XXX of
the U.N. guarantees the rights of the Palestinian Arabs to YYY."
You can read more about Israel's right to all of Jerusalem and
Biblical Israel (AKA West Bank) by reading Howard Grief's articles
such as
this one. For other essays on international law that states that
biblical Israel is a trust in perpetuity for the Jewish people and can
not be given away, read Part I of
Yoram Shifftan's "A Legal Challenge." and his essay on
Gifting. Use the Google box at the top of this page to search on
Howard Grief, Yoram Shifftan, legal, mandate and population
A fairytale of our times is that any two groups can come reason
together and work out their differences in civility. In this set of
essays, Paul Eidelberg explores differences in attitude toward life,
living and religion between Jew and Arab that are irreconcilable.
Muslims do not see free-will and striving for human development as
coming from God as part of what it means to be made in His image. As
Fackenheim has it, the Muslim God the underpinning of their approach to
life demands "absolute idolatry." It isn't two views of the same
God at all.
President Obama has appointed George Mitchell as Middle East envoy to
resurrect the dead "peace-process." Mitchell has a reputation for
seeming even-handed. In his first hop into the Arab-Israeli arena
in 2001, he issued blanded down statements on Arab terrorism while
reacting with horror at perfectly legal Israeli settlements. He had
faith in the notion that if the Palestinians were given a state, they
would become responsible citizens, ensuring Israel's security a
fantasy Hamas in Gaza has securely laid to rest. Walter Bingham is
pessimistic that Mitchell's acumen has improved. His activities are
unlikely to support Israel's viability, considering the blinkered
emphasis his boss places on good relations with Muslims.
Moshe Dann reviews a recent book on the settlements, which expands on the
notion also promoted by Peace Now that Jewish
settlements are the primary cause of the conflict between Israelis
and Palestinians. The authors argue the settlements "have undermined
the rule of law, have subverted the democratic decision-making
process in Israel..." and are illegal in that the land belongs to the
Palestinians. The first two arguments are easily refuted: "All
Israeli governments have supported settlements which were
permitted by the Oslo Accords, the only negotiated agreement
because they have been a national, bipartisan effort reflecting
Israeli consensus and, at least initially, backed by UN and US
resolutions." The notion that the Jews stole Palestinian land has
been applied to the current settlements but also to the settlements
starting in the late 19th century that led to the rebirth of the
Jewish state. The Arabs have certainly charged that Israel itself is
illegal. Unfortunately for the Arab claim, there never was a
Palestine, or for that matter, a Palestinian people.
Historically, from the 1500's, the entire Middle East belonged to the
Ottomans. The area that is now Israel, Jordan and the Territories was
underpopulated, unsanitary, dirt poor, with no economic resources. It
was as neglected in David Gelernter's words (Weekly
Standard, 19Jan09) "as a rat-ridden empty lot in a burnt-out
neighborhood in the middle of nowhere, in the suburbs of nothing. The
Jews gradually got possession of an arid stony wasteland ... complete
with the odd picturesque, crumbling, dirty town; and they loved it.
They turned it into a gleaming, thriving modern nation, not only a
military but an intellectual powerhouse." During the Mandate period
it was assigned to become a Jewish state, just as the rest of the
Middle East was to become an Arab state. Immigrants who had poured in
from nearby places and with various ethnic backgrounds were declared to be a
people the Palestinian people by Arafat in 1964. Their sole
purpose was to serve as claimants to Jewish land. I am always amazed
when Israeli leftists such as the authors of the book under review
are willing to distort the facts to support the Arabs' attempt to
destroy Israel. Do they believe they are immune from rampaging Arabs,
should the Arabs succeed?
Frederic Leder and Richy Greenfield warn Israeli Jews they need to
shed some habits learned over two thousand years living in various
hostile environments as the underdog and powerless. Jews survived by
"using compromise to buy another day or postpone imminent
destruction." The environment may still be hostile, but their
knee-jerk defensive posture of accomodation has to go, if they wish to
survive. The two-state solution which will give Israel's heartland to
a noxious, angry people desirous of destroying Israel, is deadly.
Israel has first to secure its borders boldly by itself and that
means holding the land from the Mediterranian Sea to the Jordan River.
When this is established, she can deal with the secondary problem of
how to handle the Arabs within.
In a series of articles, No Sharia has been evolving a detailed plan
to fight Sharia in Europe. In this essay, he asks the unthinkable:
under what circumstances would Israel be forced into a strategy that
could be called Mutual Assured Destruction In The Middle East.
He makes the case that given the indifference if not downright
hostility of so many countries, Israel may be forced into a
position where the unthinkable becomes a possibility.
This is an updated version of the Sigmund, Carl and Alfred 2006
article entitled "Idiots Guide to Zionism" and was in part "inspired"
by Bill Moyers' risible preaching that Jewish violence is a genetic
affliction. Click here
and here
for background on Moyers' remarks.) Zionism has always been about
redeeming the Jewish homeland and is part of the daily
prayers. This essay talks about the concept as formulated by the
Zionists who started coming back to Eretz Yisrael in the late 1800's.
As one of the authors' citations point out: "In creating the modern
State of Israel, the refugees from a smoldering Europe went on to
build a modern, democratic state, with world class educational
facilities, institutions and a vibrant economy. The Israelis did in 50
years what the obscenely oil rich Arab nations could not do in 2,000
make the desert bloom."
As a reader of this article by Sultan Knish wrote: "An
outstanding take on how the West needs to deal with the Islamic
invasion by blogger Sultan Knish. His clear and unambiguous analogy
of training a dog with a newspaper and teaching Muslims their limits
in Western society is a gem." Yes, indeed.
David Basch proposes that any scheme that means Jews withdrawing from
its land is wrong. It may seem necessary in order to separate from the
Arabs. But it also "creates Jewish refugees and enable the Arab enemy
to transform Israel's eastern territories into Gaza platforms for
rocketing Israel's nearby cities." A better strategy is the one
advocated by Meir Kahane. Basch suggests that, rather than reflexively
labeling Kahane a racist, we should acknowledge that Kahane
"recognized early the since proven implacable nature of the Arab enemy
and advocated their relocation while retaining the strategic Jewish
territories..." In sum, "Israel's survival depend[s] wholly on
Israel's strength rather than on insane reeducation programs for these
enemies of Israel ... Reeducation is no more a doable program
with the Arabs than it would have been for the Nazis. The latter
required total defeat to accomplish and no one should imagine the
reality is different for Israel's enemies."
Obediah Shoher's book Samson Blinded: A Machievellian Perspective
On the Middle East Conflict is as claimed: machievellian. His
ideas most certainly are not conventional. But considering that
conventional political thinkers continue to waste time promoting
nice-sounding but disasterous ideas like creating a bloodthirsty
Palestinian State in Israel's heartland this book is worth
exploring for new ideas. In each segment, Shoher's astute observations
become the basis for non-dithering procedures to solve some currently
sticky problem confronting Israel. In one section of his book, he
suggests making Jordan, where Palestinian Arabs are 75% of the
population, the Palestinian Arab state. In the segment we present
here, Shoher has observed that a religious state can make politically
incorrect laws that would be frowned on in a democratic or socialist
or dictatorial secular state. From this he argues that the split
between the religious Jews and the secularists could be eased by
creating a religious state named Judea in Judea and Samaria.
When Rudy Giuliani became mayor of New York City, he decreed that
ignoring graffiti, small vandalism and petty theft would hence not be
ignored by the police. It seemed initially a silly focus, given the
city's very large problems. But it worked wonders. In this essay David
Warren makes much the same point in reference to Gaza: "...the leading
cause of anti-social behaviour is permission. People, and young punks
especially, will do things that even they know are malicious because
no one will stop them." He writes of the synergy between Hamas, the
punks who control Gaza, and UNRWA staff, local Arabs, often Hamas
members, who aid Hamas and enable terrorism by generously lending them
UNRWA facilities and equipment. UNRWA controls a network of camps in
the Territories and in the neighboring Arab countries where successive
generation of refugees are provided with an education, medical care,
room and board but no jobs. It is no wonder that in Gaza alone, the
population is 7 times as large as it was 60 years ago
Michael Freund writes, "With Israeli forces
back in Gaza, now is the time to right the historical wrong of Ariel
Sharon's 2005 Disengagement plan and to reconstitute the exiled Jewish
communities of Gush Katif." This would say to the Jihadists: "...
The more you try to kill us, the more we will rebuild. For every
Palestinian act of destruction, Israel will undertake an act of
reconstruction. For every rocket that has been fired against us, let
another Jew return to Gaza to rebuild." For the Arabs who are fed on
the beauty of death, seeing their actions result in more Jews thriving
in Gaza may be a greater threat than just killing them.
Victor Sharpe provides us with some little-advertised facts about Gaza
and its role in Jewish history. The association didn't end with
Samson's getting his hair and strength clipped. Jewish communities in
Gaza were periodically destroyed but Jews came back there over the
centuries, during which a succession of foreign powers captured and
ruled over Gaza the latest takeover by Hamas was only made possible
because of the folly of the Sharon-Olmert government. Contrariwise,
there is no historic association between modern-day Palestinian arabs
and the ancient Philistines. The Philistines had disappeared well
before Islam came to the area the Arabs who call themselves
Palestinians claim as their homeland.
Eli Hertz points out that Palestine is the name applied from time
to time to a geographic area. There is not now and there never was a
Palestinian nation. There is not now and there never was a Palestinian
country. There is not now and there never was a Palestinian state. The
Palestinians are Arabs, 95% of whom or their great-granddaddies
entered "Palestine" after 1900 for economic opportunities. Hertz
recounts some recent history of Philistia.
The anniversary of the sinking of the Struma is the 24th of February.
David Krakow writes about the attempt by Jews to flee the Holocaust by
setting out in a boat, the Struma, to try to run the British
blockade and reach Palestine. "British obstruction of rescue ranged
from the official level pressures exerted on the governments of
countries through which the Jews had to pass to an army of
intelligence agents who pointed out the 'fugitives' to RAF and Royal
Navy reconnaissance and interdiction, even in international waters."
Krakow concludes, "It was a long time ago, but some of us can recall
that we then quoted Giuseppe Mazzini: 'Without a country of your own
you have neither name, voice, nor rights, nor admission as brothers in
the fellowship of peoples. You are the bastards of humanity.'"
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
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access any of the articles immediately.
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January 2009 BLOG-EDS
Raymond Ibrahim asks whether al-Qaeda hates America for intrinsic
religious reasons or because America has injured Islam in some
fashion. Osama bin Ladin is consistent when speaking to the West in
always blaming the West for inflicting some injury that he must repay.
"The West attacks Muslims for oil, Israel, land, or 'Crusader'
hatred and al-Qa'ida retaliates on behalf of Muslims." It is
doubtful, however, that the West could ever pay its debt, especially
because the religion of Islam insists its members have the obligation
to make Shari'a law supreme everywhere in the world and this is the
message al-Qaeda always preaches to Muslims. As an example of his
double talk, in offering the West a long-term truce, Bin Ladin
claimed, "For we are the umma that Allah has forbidden from
double-crossing and lying." There is no such fair-minded concept in
Islam; in fact, it preaches "the need for deception in warfare." In
other words, to the West al-Qaeda preaches that it practices defensive
Jihad; to the Muslims, it preaches offensive Jihad. As Ibrahim makes
clear in conclusion, the core problem isn't really Al-Qaeda; it is the
insatiable demand of the religion to which Al-Qaeda is loyal that all
non-Muslims must subjugate themselves to Islam. Ironing out small
wrinkles between the West and Islam can not affect Islam's foundation
Steven Plaut argues it is time to "abandon the campaign of peace
through make-believe that has governed efforts at resolving the
conflict since late 1992." It is time to drop the earnest but
erroneous assertions that ignited Arab bellicosity. It is time to
accept the truth: conciliatory gestures by Israel are seen by the
Arabs as weakness to be exploited. Giving Israeli land to the Arabs
who already have 99.9% of the Middle East encourages war, not
peace. The usual tools of reconciliation education, improved
economics, a "let's reason together" spirit just don't work,
however much we wish they would. Putting an Arab state in the heart of
Israel is a prescription for genocide, not peace.
Barry Rubin has some sage advice for the Washington neophytes on how
to succeed in the Muslim world. It's where "Harvard Law School meets
the law of the jungle." Striving for popularity is not a winning
strategy. Obama may be starting from scratch but the entire Middle
East is deeply scarred from previous attempts at accord that were
fueled by hope but that ignored a basic reality: "there are no
concessions that will make an American president popular in a
meaningful way among Middle Easterners." Just ask the Israelis.
They've been trying the concessions route for years. It doesn't work.
Ben Shapiro makes an important point. We are not fighting terrorism.
We are fighting terrorists, specifically, Islamic terrorists.
We should start treating them as the enemy, rather than a recalcitrant
client who, sooner or later, will recognize how much he could benefit
from our social services. Islam is NOT a religion of peace.
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are NOT our allies. "Appealing to
the United Nations, run by thugs and dictators ranging from Putin to
Chavez to Ahmadinejad, is an exercise in pathetic futility. Evil
countries don't suddenly decide to abandon their evil goals they
are forced to do so by pressure and circumstance."
As the title promises, this essay gives us insight into who and what a
dhimmi is. Dhimmi, Victor Sharpe writes, "is the word
that describes the parlous state of those who refused to convert to
Islam and became the subjugated, non-Muslims who were forced to accept
a restrictive and humiliating subordination to a superior Islamic
power and live as second class citizens in order to avoid enslavement
or death." Sharpe clarifies the connection between dhimmitude and
jihad. In discussing the Islamist striving for global dominance, he
makes clear why Muslims are immune to "Western notions of peaceful
co-existence.between states, human rights and liberal democracy."
Andrew Bostom has become a major proponent of the view that Islamic
anti-Semitism is not new but is part of the Islamic belief that the
Muslim is just naturally superior to all other people and the infidal
must be made conscious of his inferiority at all times. More to the
point, "there was a specific anti-Jewish animus, which comes from the
foundational texts". This article is the record of an interview
conducted by Alan Johnson, in which Bostom discusses some of the
anti-Semitic themes from early Islam, diatribes that are still in use.
"...general anti non-Muslim motifs ... are complemented by, or in some
cases superseded by, specific antisemitic motifs." Bostom also points
out that jihad is, and has always been, persistent open-ended
religious warfare and there is no canonical basis for the apologetic
proposition that jihad is an inner spiritual battle. Considering how
much effort has gone into marketing the notion that Islam is a
religion of peace, it is ironic that "the violent extremists have the
sacred texts on their side, and that the very idea of a pluralist
democratic mainstream Islam, while greatly to be desired, is something
of a myth."
Muslims are quick to accuse Israel of practicing apartheid even
though this is easily disproven but ignore the blatent racism
prevalent in their own countries. Abul Kasem cites sources indicating
that this racism goes back to Mohammad's concept of Allah. "It is
clear from the exegesis of these verses that Allah likes white people
and dislikes the black people, so much so, in fact, that even when a
Black Muslim is entitled to enter Islamic Paradise, he will not enter
it until Allah has turned him into a white person." Muslims rank above
non-Muslims. Of the Muslims, the white Arab is considered to have the
best pedigree. Kasem concludes, "Islamic racism is endemic. It
emanates straight from the Qur'an, Sunna, and Sharia. The Muslims of
black complexion will never be equal with the white Arabs. The concept
of Islamic ummah, regardless of color and ethnic origin, is simply not
Mumin Salih writes how non-Arab converts to Islam become more devoted
to an Arab lifestyle than to their own culture. He suggests that "the
claims of the non-Arab Muslims to be convinced of Islam are false
claims that hide the uncomfortable reality that they believe in Islam
because they take the Arabs' word for it." Many of the comments to the
original article would confirm this conclusion e.g., "To the
convert, the arabic language and the sands of Arabia becomes sacred. He
develops a contempt for his own culture which he starts regarding as
inferior. Though the arabs call the shots and are biased towards the
non arab muslims, the non arab muslim's slavery and devotion to Islam
indeed defies logic..."
Al-Qaradhawi is a major leader in the Muslim Brotherhood (e.g.,
see Fjordman's February 2008 article.). In reading this essay,
note that the Syrian scholar abu Basir Al-Tartusi is not upset that
Al-Qaradhawi has, for may years, plotted with great success to
overthrow law and religion in Western countries, replacing them with
Shari'a law and Muslim ideas of 'proper' behavior. As this Memri
Report makes clear: Al-Qaradhawi's crime or it sin? is that he
is willing to nuance his actions to fit the situation instead of
confronting the situation head on. But both Al-Tartusi and
Al-Qaradhawi share the same goals. In a larger sense, this essay
illustrates the fundamental error in the assertion that if a Muslim
terrorist group becomes the government, it will become more involved
in running its country than in killing off Israel and/or infiltrating
Western countries. What really happens is that some more adamant,
more virile terrorist group, which refuses to mask intent with fine
phrases, will win popularity and gain support.
Amil Imani writes with love of his native land, Iran, and with anger
at what it has become since radical Islam gained control. In this
essay, he points out that "[i]n free democracies, governments are
accountable to the people and serve at the people's pleasure. In
Islamic theocracy, governments are accountable only to Allah and the
people must serve at the pleasure of the government. And one can see
the result of Islamic total or partial rule in eighteen or so
countries which rank among the highest nations of the world on every
index of misery." Islamic propagandists proclaim that Islam is a
peaceful religion, when, in actuality, "Islam is violent, oppressive,
racist, and irrational at its very core." Imani sounds the alarm that
Islam is has grown rapidly in Europe, where Muslims form de facto
states within states. It can happen here.
No one is happy Iran is becoming nuclear except Iran and North
Korea and maybe the countries that are selling components to Iran like
China and Russia and maybe .... Meantime it's all talk and nada is
Before the election, we were told Obama would behave differently
than Bush which made for an inconsistency: Bush policy is often
characterized as a catastrophe: bludgeoning and blundering about
negotiating with Iran. To be different does Obama have to whisper
sweet nothings? On the other hand, Obama wants to sit and talk but
plans to stand firm on his objectives which implies Bush was a
kitten and his problem was he didn't stand firm. So what advice is
President Obama getting from his experts?
After 18 months of cogitation,
George Perkovich of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
advices us to set a deadline on negotiations, and if Iran
refuses to talk [nothing here about doing, just talking], then
"we seek tougher sanctions." We don't threaten military action UNLESS
we have proof Iran is developing nuclear weapons [what would that be?
A registered letter invitation from the Mad Iranian announcing he's
throwing a bomb-coming-out party? Wow, if this doesn't scare Iran, wot
See Martin Sieff for a summary of the Brookings/CFR Mideast
Strategy.] Sad to say, even Israeli experts don't come to grips with
the question: If Iran keeps stalling for time while working towards a
bomb, do we have a cut-off point? Ephraim Asculai and Emily Landau of
the Institute for National Security Studies
suggest "Engaging Iran is the Means, Not the Solution". They
believe negotiations "must be preceded by strong economic measures and
military threats." Even assuming that mild statements about using the
military will work, Brookings has already ruled out military pressure.
More to the point, what negotiation model works with an announced
enemy that wants Israel dead and the West subservient and believes it
is winning? Iran knows that increasing its nuclear strength increases
its diplomatic strength, and talking prolongs the time it has in which
to accomplish its mission.
"More diplomacy", "Stiffer sanctions?" . "More concessions from
Israel" To Abbas? To Hamas? To Iran? It looks like Prez Obama and the
State Department establishment will talk and squack. But who will do?
We don't even plan to talk to groups in Iran who are anti-government.
Just face to face, head honcho to head honcho, without preconditions.
Meantime, of course, Iran's power in the region expands. She has a
firm grip on Syria. She supports Hezbullah, Hamas and other terrorist
groups willing to do and die. Moreover, we plan to leave Iraq, which
gives it over to Iranian control at best, they'll rule through a
puppet Iraqi government. It is a no-brainer that Iran's influence will
fill the vacuum created by the vacuous talk about the power of
talking. But hey, 'Let us sit and reason together' is such an uplifting
phrase, it should keep America passive, until events overtake
Most people understand Iran would send bombs to wipe out Israel
even if it means wiping out a few million Arabs. The mullahs wouldn't
wince. The local Arabs who we call Palestinians are useful as an
excuse for demonizing Israel but they really aren't regarded with much
affection, even in the Arab countries. And Iran is not an Arab
As things stand, it is likely that the only Middle East country
that America plans to take on is Israel, its only friend in the entire
region. The major plan is to force Israel to give up land that is hers
by international law.[Google Think-Israel for articles by Howard
Grief, Yoram Shifftan, etc., for the legal basis of Israel's ownership
of Israel and the territories.] Making Israel concede land and benefits
to the Arabs have traditionally provided us with our greatest
diplomatic success stories. Of course, it never lasts long because the
Arabs keep pushing for more.
Given the foreign policy advisors Obama has raised up from under
the bus, we probably can predict what will become the bottom line for
the new Administration. It probably goes something like this: Never
mind that the International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran will have
enough for a single bomb by the end of 2009, Brookings says Iran is
2-3 years away from the bomb, so there's no urgency. Anyways, we can
keep America safe even if we do nothing to prevent the development of
the bomb. What's the worst that can happen? Suppose Iran actually
bumps off Israel. No problem. We will destroy her the next day. Of
course we'll have to do without a steady flow of oil from the region
for a bit. No pipes. No workers. No engineers. No managers. Well,
we'll tap our reserves. We'll drill. We'll ethenolize our gas. We'll
do something. What about the worry that the winds will blow irradiated
particles into the neighboring Arab countries and into Europe? Ah
well, that would be nasty. But don't worry. It won't come to that.
Iran will see reason. She'll have a revolution. She'll blow herself
up. We'll give her some bribes she won't be able to refuse.
DIPLOMATS? In fact, how much are Western diplomats willing to stake on
their being right about the best policy to have toward Iran? That's
the crux of the problem. Like a bunch of Alzheimers' patients, the
various administrators/diplomats/government officials keep forgetting
that they've been negotiating fruitlesslessly for years. And the only
outcome has been that Iran is getting closer to the bomb.
Right now their only risk is that while Obama and Amad the Jihad Man
are scarfing down felafels, Iran might shoot off a deadly missile at
Israel. Remember in 1941 Japan was allied with Germany and they bombed
Pearl Harbor while the Japanese diplomats were in America. Japan
wanted to take over Dutch East Indies and they were in America trying
to soften America's position while reassuring us of the goodwill of
the Japanese emperor.
So let's ensure this isn't a chess game, where the worst that can
happen for them is to forgo the accolades because they guessed
wrong. So to ensure they are really serious, let's give them a real
Remember what they said about the Peace Process? Israelis were
eager for peace, but not sure this was the way to achieve it. Rabin
insisted Israel would have to make painful sacrifices for peace. Only
the Israelis seemed to be the ones to make the sacrifice. Well, let's
democratize it. This time, let's let the reassuring advocates join the
It is time the new players in power showed they truly understand
the possible outcomes of what they will propose. It is time that they
show that they are willing to risk something besides more Jewish
lives. This is a Reader's Comment from the Daisy Stern website,
December 31, 2008 that says it well. Jack wrote:
James Phillips and Peter Brookes go well beyond the Brookings
Report in taking into account that the U.N. is ineffectual if not
downright supportive of Iran; that attempts to negotiate a diplomatic
deal with Iran represent the triumph of wishful thinking over past
experience; that there exist Iranian opposition groups and they
should all be encouraged; and that a military force stands ready. They
make the important point that letting Iran proceed will set off
nuclear arms race throughout the "already volatile" Middle East. They
suggest no meetings until the Iranians agree "to end their nuclear
weapons efforts in a verifiable manner based on intrusive
international inspections." The essay stops short of answering: what
if Iran refuses?
Edward Jay Epstein reviews the recent sorry history of America's
intelligence agencies. Relying in large measure on CIA estimates, in
2007, the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) strongly denied Iran's
nuclear capability. NIE said: "We judge with high confidence that in
fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program." Unfortunately,
the CIA had ignored some important aspects of what it takes to make a
nuclear bomb and how Iran was doing. In 2008, the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) had accumulated evidence that Iran's nuclear
program had never stopped and was quietly proceeding. Unfortunately,
too many people prefer to continue to want to believe we have lots of
time in which to handle Iran.
The U.N. is often cited as the way to handle Iran. After all, it
initiated sanctions against Iran some time ago (sanctions that Iran
has todate disregarded). Claudia Rosett spells out the reality: far
from being treated as a pariah, Iran has a great deal of power at the
U.N. and is slated to get more. The United States is also purportedly
mulling how best to stop Iran. Again there is the reality that Israel
"was willing last year to take the risk of striking Iran's bomb
program," and this was vetoed by President Bush. Rosett writes, "Iran
has paid no serious penalty for sponsoring the killing of American
troops in Iraq, for taking British sailors hostage, for mocking United
Nations demands to stop enriching uranium, for backing terrorist
groups in Gaza and Lebanon, or for setting up a menacing bridgehead to
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez in America's own backyard. No measures to date
have sufficed to overthrow the mullahs, or even forced them to shut
down their uranium centrifuges." Will things change in the future?
"For years, U.S. officials say the Islamic Republic of Iran has
continued to provide funding, weapons, training, and sanctuary to
numerous terrorist groups based in the Middle East and elsewhere,
posing a security concern to the international community." As Amil
Imani points out, they have for thirty years also conducted a reign of
terror in Iran. In this essay, he makes a strong case for us
negotiating with the Iranian people "directly with the Iranian people
or their legitimate representatives, not its current enemies, the
Mullahs, their quisling-like lobbyists and mercenaries in the United
States or elsewhere."
This is such a satisfactory article. Jonathan Mark agrees with the
those who claim that Israel's response to the Arabs shelling Israeli
cities over the years has been disproportionate. It's been
unbelievably mild. It has been totally insufficient. As one example of
what would be a proportionate response, Mark writes, "A proportionate
response will begin to remind Jews that there is no peace process like
victory, just as Israel's decade of disproportionate restraint and
self-doubt has convinced young Palestinians that their victory
is inevitable, like Aryan youth in 1933 singing 'Tomorrow Belongs To
There are serious contradictions between the sporadic reports of the
large sums the Europeans are giving the Arabs in the territories and
the piteous stories of starvation, especially in Gaza. Given the
number of Arabs in Gaza and the size of the contributions from EU, UN
and America, they should be living high off the
This is a compilation of several of Professor Eidelberg's essays on
generals and the conduct of war. He quotes General Patton's comment,
"The object of war is not to die for your country. It is to make the
other poor dumb bastard die for his." What would Patton have thought
of a country whose leaders are intimidated by the enemy routinely
plocking its "soldiers" among civilians? Would he believe that Israel
politicos regularly stopped the war for several hours so that Gaza
could be supplied with food and other necessities?
This monograph explores the many international legal issues raised by
the Palestinian-Israeli conflict along Gaza's borders, examining both
Palestinian Arab behavior and Israel's conduct. Justus Reid Weiner
and Avi Bell show that the Palestinian attacks are
terrorist attacks under international law and illegal under the
Genocide Convention. "In contrast to the illegal Palestinian attacks
from Gaza and the international silence that has greeted them, Israeli
counter-measures have been both legal and, paradoxically, widely
condemned." Weiner and Bell devote space to demolishing the inaccurate
and biased criticism that has been levied against Israel, particularly
by Richard Falk of the U.N., and define the accurate and legal context
for viewing Israel's entry into Gaza. The coverage is extensive, with
attention paid to issues such as proportionality, collective
punishment, and occupied territory, terms often bandied
about by the media in ignorance of their actual definitions. They
conclude that "International law requires Israel and other states to
take measures to bring Palestinian war criminals and terrorists to
justice, to prevent and punish Palestinian genocidal efforts, and to
block the funding of Palestinian terrorist groups and those complicit
with them."
Steven Plaut argues that the current foray into Gaza was one of the
tragic consequences of the "catastrophically stupid" expulsion of the
Jews from Gush Katif, Gaza in 2005. Turning the area over to Hamas
gave them the opportunity to convert the territory to bomb factories
and terror training grounds. Unfortunately, from the gingerly way the
government is conducting the war, it still shows more concern about
potential international indignation should the IDF hit a human shield
than about the Israeli people. He notes cynically that "[t]he only
lesson learned by the Olmert people is that the same arrangements that
produced the hundreds of rockets on the Israeli south this week must
be repeated in the West Bank."
In almost telegraphic style, Professor Eidelberg states important
arguments againt creating a third state in Mandated Palestine and a
23rd Arab state in the Middle East. He presents economic, demographic,
political, strategic and democratic arguments. Each point can be
substantiated and enriched by many of the articles in Think-Israel.
Find them by googling terms at the top of the Home page. The legal
arguments not discussed here are also available. He concludes by
asserting that the Arab-Israel conflict can be solved, but not by
continuing to attempt to establish a Palestinian state in Judea and
It hardly seems credible that Jews suffer severe discrimination in
Israeli law courts. But such is indeed the case. In any legal
disagreement involving a Jew and an Arab, the reality is that the Arab
has the advantage, even when the evidence supports the Jew. This may
be because of Israeli "affirmative action," or because so many of the
Courts are manned by Leftists or because of government pressure or
because the Government fears Arab riots, but whatever the reason, it
is wrong. In addition, the government has given out harsh prison
sentences to Right-wing Jews peacefully protesting land give-aways,
while ignoring illegal acts by Jewish Leftists. What is true in
individual cases is true when large groups are involved. The Beduins
are stealing larges tracts of State land in the Negev and this is
excused. The Jews of Hebron have legal right to a house they bought
the House of Peace and they are expelled from it. In this essay,
Caroline Glick writes that "Israel has become a society ruled by
politicized law enforcement bodies that selectively enforce the law
based on an individual's political affiliation and ethnic origin."
This is not the way to maintain Israel as a democratic society.
Many of the expelled Jews from Gush Katif, Gaza settled in the area
that the Palestinian Arabs are now attacking with missiles. In Gush
Katif, they had concrete homes safe from attack from the Arabs. Now in
their new still-temporary homes, they don't have that security of
closeby sturdy shelters another detail the government forget when
they gave Gaza over to the Palestinian Arabs. Anita Tucker, once a
farmer in Gush Katif, writes how her group of ex-Kush Gatifers, now
settled near Kibbutz Ein Tzurim, is coping. They worry about missile
attacks and their children missing school. And they battle the
intractable bureaucracies of the government, who are good at making
poor decisions.
Moshe and Rachel Saperstein are essayists who have recorded their
experience from the time they lived in Neve Dekalim, Gush Katif, Gaza
and since they, with all the other Jews who lived in Gaza, were
expelled and given still-temporary housing. In this article, they
write of the Gaza War and the inadequate shelters sewer pipes to
guard them from Arab rockets. As Rachel writes, "Those who flee from
Gaza will find Gaza coming to them."
Under Arab pressure, the United Nations is in the process of passing a
law criminalizing "defamation of religion." In practice, as Joel J.
Sprayregen writes, this amounts to rooting out Islamophobia.
Islamophobia is not, as you might think, an irrational fear of Islam.
It is, as the Muslims see it, anything verbal or written that links
Islam to "9/11, terror attacks, honor killings, suicide bombings,
beheadings, executions by stoning, persecution of homosexuals, fatwas
against authors, death threats to cartoonists, etc. The Organization
of the Islamic Conference has decreed that even 'hostile glances' are
Islamophobic." It should have little impact on how some of the major news and TV
media do business. They have long refused to call an Islamic terrorist
a terrorist and routinely omit material that might raise Muslim ire.
This self-censorship was highlighted in Mumbai, where the New York
Times, was the last to recognize that the massacre was committed
by Muslims and that the slaughter at the Chabad House was deliberate,
not random.
Jeff Jacoby describes the U.N.'s obscene preoccupation with demonizing
Israel while blithely ignoring the blatently immoral behavior of
Israel's Arab neighbors. The U.N. is where Libya once chaired its
Commission on Human Rights and Syria, China and Sudan served as
members. The membership of the new Human Rights Council includes Cuba,
China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Zambia. and the General Assembly is
chock full of human rights violators. It would seem that Israel must
be doing something right to earn the U.N.'s condemnation. "By aligning
with Islamists, the U.N. would be supporting the stifling of free
speech and the suppression of human rights, and crushing the goal of
building tolerant democratic societies."
In this essay, Supna Zaidi aptly describes the United Nation He notes
that "[i]nstead of figuring out how to combat Islamic extremists, the
United Nations is worried about offending them." "The OIC nations
charge critics of Islamic extremism with 'racism' and 'Islamophobia'
to deflect attention from the fact that such violence originates at
the hand of Muslim clerics born and bred in their lands. This is
because they realize they can't control Islamism, or they tacitly
agree with its message." Muslim clerics also export this ideology
to the West to radicalize Muslim immigrants abroad, and reform-minded
Muslims are usually the first victims." "By aligning with Islamists,
the U.N. would be supporting the stifling of free speech and the
suppression of human rights, and crushing the goal of building
tolerant democratic societies." What a perversion of the lofty goals it
was hoped the U.N. would attain!
It's 60 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was
adopted. Sad to say, "More than half of the 47 members of the Human
Rights Council, the principal U.N. body charged with promoting human
rights, fail to uphold basic democratic freedoms in their own
countries." Yet they routinely denounce Israel and America for
supposed human rights failures. "The bitter irony is that another form
of contempt for human dignity has appeared and found safe harbor in
the multicultural halls of New York and Geneva."
Meticulously planned to create the belief that Israel was a dreadful
if not the worst example of a racist country, Durban I has
instead come to stand as a prime example of Orwellian inversion, where
a conference called to examine racism in general became a willing
"platform for hatemongers and a cover for human-rights abusers," whose
only goal was to demonize Israel. In preparing for the upcoming Durban
2, its supporters are downplaying Durbin 1's targetted viciousness and
blaming a couple of NGOs. As Anne Bayefsky writes, "A boycott denies
legitimacy to a platform for hatemongers and a cover for human-rights
abusers. For states to show leadership against racism and intolerance,
they must join Canada and Israel and stay away."
Caligula wished that all the Rome had but one head, the easier to
behead everyone. Despite the overwhelming hostility of ordinary
Europeans for elitist-controlled unification, the European countries
are on the way to becoming a United Europe, making it easier for
radical Islam to take over.
Professor Coughlan explains what the Lisbon Treaty does: essentially
it recreates the European Union (EU) "in the constitutional form of a
supranational European State." It allows a small group of politicians
"to act as a State vis-a-vis other States and its own
citizens." The major thing that won't change is the name; it will
still be called the EU. How comfy!
Fjordman is a major analyst of how Islam is taking over Europe, how
the formation of Eurobia an amalgam of Europe and Arabian countries
is well underway. In this essay, he writes: "What has happened
since 2006 is that European leaders are increasingly open about the
idea of enlarging the EU to include the Arab world,.." This includes
the acceptance of sharia law and making islamophobia a criminal
offense. "In essence, the EU is formally surrendering an entire
continent to Islam while destroying established national cultures, and
is prepared to harass those who disagree with this policy. This
constitutes the greatest organized betrayal in Western history,
perhaps in human history, yet is hailed as a victory for 'tolerance'"
Jeffrey Imm carefully explains what Sharia law is and what is wrong
with American International Group (AIG)'s taking USA money to power the substitution of sharia law,
which derives its authority from the Quoran, for our system of law,
which derives its authority from the U.S. Constitution.
Alyssa A. Lappen focuses on the encouragement given Shari'a banking at
the Fed. Tim Geithner, current head of the Federal Reserve Bank and
Obama's choice for Secretary of the Treasury, has continued the
practice of letting "dangerous new Islamic and shari'a-based
securities, markets and financial institutions gain business
currency." The dangers of terrorist-associations by shari'a banks and
shari'a advisors have been ignored. For example, "Shari'a finance
advisor Muslim Brother Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo advised Pakistan's
tyrannical Zia ul-Haq from 1981 to 1984, and ran the Virginia Islamic
Saudi Academy educational program cited in 2008 for using hateful
Islamic texts." And together with infiltration of Shari'a banking into
the banking community comes hefty propaganda by its proponents at
bank-sponsored events for the adoption of Shari'a law and
submission to Allah as "owner" of all material things as an
alternative to individual ownership rights, which is fundamental to
our banking system.
Shari'a banking is not ancient practice, but was concocted by the
Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920s; its "stated goal was to penetrate the
Western finance system, corrupting it from within in hopes of creating
a parallel system to re-establish a global Islamic empire governed by
Islamic law (Shariah)." A feature of Shari'a banking is the required
tithing, which often ends up funding terror groups such as the Muslim
Brotherhood's creation, Hamas. Another feature of Shari'a financing is
that it forbids loans to proscribed entities that include "industries
that use alcohol, and to all Israeli businesses." Currrently, the
banking industry is hungry for petrodollars and is encouraging Islamic
banking, though as, Rachel Ehrenfeld and Samuel Abady write, it
"corrupts our financial system, enables the illegal Arab economic
boycott of Israel and entangles government with Islam in violation of
the First Amendment's Establishment Clause."
Lawfare is using the law courts to harass people who write or
speak negatively about Islam. It is another technique of intimidation
used by Islamists in countries where they are not yet strong enough to
be boldly assertive. They use a necessary component of democracy to
suppress democracy. It is one aspect of what has been termed
creeping sharia. Using an unlimited supply of money and taking
advantage of Western tolerance, Muslims and their agents are
stealthily attempting to replace western law and culture with Islamic
sharia law. Brooke Goldstein provides us with both details and
conclusions. It is not a pretty picture but it is important you be
aware of how Islamists are using democratic institutions to suppress
Richard Shulman takes the Washington D.C. Holocaust Museum to task for
not sharply and clearly presenting important aspects of Jewish history
during and just after the Nazi period. It slides over the injustice
done the Jews by the British, who ignored their obligation to support
strongly Jewish settlement in the future Jewish homeland. Britain
clamped down on Jewish immigration while encouraging Arab influx. "The
Museum should have explained that Britain's immigration policy for
western Palestine made it an accomplice to Nazi Germany's policy to
exterminate the Jews that Britain forced to stay in Europe." The sorry
performance of prominent American and Israeli Jews also needs to be
aired. What is particularly heinous is that Muslims who softsoap and
misinterpret Muslim behavior and intentions are sanctioned as speakers
at the Museum and their words are not challenged. As Shulman says,
"Punches pulled, truth withheld."
Paul Merkley writes of various leaders in the World Council of
Churches who have been pleased to meet with Hezbollah and Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad. The Churchmen find them easy to talk to and are not put
off by their terrorist activities against Jews or intimidation of
Lebanese Christians. WCC leaders pre World War 2 had equally bad
judgment. They thought well of Hitler, Mussolini and Chamberlain. And
in the Cold War, they never spoke up for Christians suffering in
Communist countries. Since 1967 they have been standing "with the
Palestinian people in their struggle ..." Hostile towards Israel, they
saw nothing wrong in giving Ahmadinejad a dinner and a platform. With
each such stunt, the gap between Church leaders and their membership
grows. More in keeping with the attitude towards Israel of the
majority of the Christian laity was the statement by Malcolm Hedding,
director of International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. He said, "We
are outraged," he said, "that [Ahmadinejad] was on American soil in
the first place, and that Christians met with him at all. We fear that
it's an appeasement of wickedness ....After the failure of the
churches to speak out in the face of Nazi Germany's anti-Semitism in
the 1930s, we dare not be silent again."
In Part I, Patricia Berlyn wrote about the historic blood libel, where
Judeophobics believed Jews killed people to drink their blood or for
their matzoh, an odd accusation, considering that the Kashruth laws
forbid Jews to imbibe blood. In Part 2, she surveys "contemporary
purveyors of the Blood Libel" some European countries that enable
the dissemination of Judeophic lies; Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs) that are "Noxiously obsessed with pressing false charges
against Israel, but show little if any concern about Arab aggressions
and terrorism..."; and brings us up to date on some individual
libelers. If ever there's a prize for libeler of the year, it might go
to Clare Short, a member of the British House of Commons. She
complained that "Israel undermines the international community's
reaction to global warming."
Daniel Pipes observes that after highly publicized attacks by
Islamists "a twofold pattern emerges: Muslim exultation and Western
denial. The "world-wide acceptance of terror among many Muslims" in
different groups of Muslims is well-documented by different polls and
no longer surprises. Western denial also follows a pattern. "When a
sole jihadist strikes, politicians, law enforcement, and media join
forces to deny even the fact of terrorism; and when all must concede
the terrorist nature of an attack, as in Mumbai, a pedantic
establishment twists itself into knots to avoid blaming terrorists."
Pipes wonders how big a terrorist attack it will take to "rouse
Westerners from their stupor, to name the enemy and fight the war to
Rabbi Avi Shafran writes about the New York Times' refusal to
use the word terrorist even about the terrorists who attacked
Mumbai. The reasons given by the Times to justify their lack of
accurate name calling are multiple but seem wide of the mark. So Rabbi
Shafran supplies them with a definition. "A terrorist group is a
terrorist group, even if it runs a hospital, wins elections, operates
a soup kitchen, recycles its plastics and cares for abandoned kittens.
And all who choose to support such a group or, by working under its
auspices, to empower it are members of a terrorist group and, thereby,
accessories to terrorism." And so are the media who misname evil.
Britain Channel 4 marked Christmas Day this year by providing Iran's
Ahmadinejad a televised opportunity to urge Christians to convert to
Islam. Channel 4 saw this as a public service because they felt people
didn't get much of a chance to hear him speak for himself. Caroline
Glick makes sense of the puzzlement that the network felt this way
Ahmadinejad certainly doesn't seem to suffer from media underexposure.
She writes, "As far as the West's leaders are concerned,
Iran and its allies are unimportant. They are not actors, but objects.
As far as the West's leading foreign policy 'experts' and
decision-makers are concerned, the only true actors on the global
stage are Western powers. They alone have the power to shape reality
and the world." Truly a fantasy. But one that has the power to do much
Why are so many of us not appalled when the Arabs spew hatred at the
Western countries and threaten Israel with annihilation? One reason is
that we never get to hear an accurate translation of their actual
words. Thanks to self-selected filters such as the New York
Times and paid lobbyists such Edward Abington, the virulence is
toned down, the words neutered. Then too, the news media often allows
their fantasies to interfere with their reporting. Barry Rubin
provides us with some trenchant examples of the art of whitewashing
Arab hostility.
Elliott Green writes, "Contrary to what many Jews and other people
have believed, conditions in Muslim lands were often worse for Jews
than in Christendom". They were subject to the extortion tax levied on
all infidels, but they were singled out as the enemy and as inferior
beings in the Quran and ever after were ranked at the bottom of the
social structure, living in fear and humiliation over the centuries.
It was particularly poignant to see this in Jerusalem, where, as
Chateaubriand wrote, "these legitimate owners of Judea [are] slaves
and strangers in their own land." Ignoring history, or perhaps banking
on the general ignorance of their readers, writers such as Professors
Walt and Mearsheimer speak of the innocent Arabs hounded by the Jews,
a neat inversion of reality.
November 2 marks the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, the
letter that laid out Britain's intent to help establish a Jewish
State. Sean Gannon writes about the Declaration in context of the Arab
argument that the Jewish claims have no legitimacy. Its language was
later incorporated into the League of Nations' Mandate, which put
the land irrevocably in trust for the Jewish people. The Trust was
passed on to the League's successor, the United Nations. Googling the
search box at the top of Think-Israel's home page for "Howard Grief"
and Yoram Shifftan" will provide you with in-depth articles on
Israel's ownership of Mandated Palestine.
The previous article points out that the Balfour Declaration was
Britain's pledge to help establish a Jewish state and its language was
incorporated into the League of Nations as a irrevokable trust in 1922.
It was in that same year as Colonel Yoash Tsiddon-Chatto writes
that Britain broke its pledge and adopted a pro-Arab policy,
encouraging Arab immigration into mandated Palestine and discouraging
Jewish immigration.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
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November 2008 BLOG-EDS
(1) MEDIA BIAS (McLaughlin,
McCarthy, Golem, Feder, Malone, Phillips, Landes, Lipkin, Marquardt-Bigman)
(Elder of Ziyon, Perry)
Tom McLaughlin points out some specific instances of media bias in the
presidential campaign. Sarah Palin was ridiculed while gaffes by the
Democratic candidates for President and Vice-President were ignored.
What makes Joe Biden's gaffe about where the duties of the
vice-president are defined in the Constitution so telling is that it
was barely reported, while the media insisted Palin didn't understand
the role of the vice-president.
Andrew McCarthy tells us about a tape destined to become as famous as
Nixon's partially-wiped tape. The real horror of what he discusses is
that we now live in a world when A Mad Jihad Man comes to the U.N.
with the Good News that he plans to bomb Israel into oblivion, and
some Jewish Democrats, leftists, are more concerned that Sarah Palin
will attract a large crowd, politically a problem for them. A world
where Rashid Khalidi spews insults at his Jewish students, and
Columbia puts him on the Selection Committee to nominate an acting
head for their Jewish Studies program. A world where Barack Obama
participates in a hate-a-Jew fest thrown by AAAN, an activist
organization founded by Khalidi and funded by Barack Obama and William
Ayers using Woods money and not one major newspaper is
This is broad satire you might think you were watching Saturday
Night Live (SNL), except, of course, SNL would never tackle this
subject. Rachel Golem gives us interviews with some well-known figures
on the Extreme Left, as they might be done by Amy Goodman, another
well-known Marxist.
The New York Times rightfully identified Sarah Palin as a
danger to Barack Obama's campaign. It went after her and John McCain
with ruthless determination, while airbrushing negative information
about Obama. As Don Feder points out, "The Gray Lady set the tone for
the rest of the press." It taught the wolf pack of newpapers most
of the Press was campaigning for Obama how to attack the Republican
candidates. In becoming a partisan, its tactics ranged from ruminating
about Sarah Palin's clothes to promulgating rumors about her family
inventive enough to make the National Inquirer proud. To get
Barack Obama elected, the Times was willing to shed its
integrity. What is ludicrous, it yelps that it knows about the
separation of news and opinion. As Feder puts it, "For sheer
hypocrisy, this is hard to beat. In the real world, The New York
Times is to objectivity what Jack the Ripper was to women's
Michael Malone has observed that over the years, some of the
country's major papers have let "opinion pieces creep into the news
section, and from there onto the front page." The networks are no
better. "But," he points out, "nothing I've seen has matched the media
bias on display in the current presidential campaign." The media
attack dogs are all on the side of the Democrats. Malone puts the
blame on the news editors, the people who assign to the reporters and
lay out the news and editorial pages. The reasons for their bias for
Obama will surprise you.
The Forward started as a socialist paper, but with the
intelligence to translate classics into Yiddish and in other ways
teach immigrants how to live as participants in America. After it
needed to be written in English to maintain a readership, thanks to
poor leadership, it soon could rightfully be labelled as anti-Semitic.
Moshe Phillips provides us with some essential information and
suggests some changes that would put the Forward on the right
track. Between the lines, we can also read the hostility of Leftist
ideologues to Judaism.
The Al-Dura Hoax has become the morality play of our time. For
years, it was assumed that Israeli soldiers had killed the boy,
Muhammad. His death instantly became justification for Arab violence.
When it was finally demonstrated that the bullet couldn't have been
fired by the soldiers the geometry precluded such an explanation
the hoax began to fall apart. And became more complex. The
photographer, his boss at the TV station, the newpaper managers
stonewalled. The mainstream media mostly ignored the significance of
the new evidence presented in the court. Richard Landes reviews the
story and provides more information on those that started the lie and
those who insisted that the lie was true and whose who used the lie to
castigate the Jews for their own purposes.
By now, it's fairly common knowledge that Wikipedia is fine for some
subjects maybe 'some parts of a subject' would be more accurate
and not for others. As a rule of thumb, distortions will increase the
more the subject is politicized. In this case an article in Wikipedia
was challenged by an unknown reader and the Wikipedia Editor was taken
to task. Another reader supplied reliable references that would
counteract the initial Wiki assertions.
It is curious that papers like the New York Times practice
self-censorship and won't say something nasty but true about Islam
while a publisher of an encyclopedia publishes 3-volumes of sloppy and
inaccurate anti-Jewish text. Could it be that the Muslims will riot at
the slightest criticism and Jews politely request ... even when the
document is noxious? It is of course MacMillan's right to publish what
it wishes; and it is our duty to alert the educational community that
a once respectable publishing house is selling racist propaganda
disguised as a scholarly reference work. Petra Marquardt-Bigman tells
us the story.
(1) The Infiltration of Sharia Law into America by committed groups
and by the increased number of financial institutions that want to
engage in in Sharia Banking. A banking system that, on the surface,
offers loans without interest seems too good to be true. It is candy
few in the financial community can resist, because the
no-interest-loan allows for an impressive variety of service charges.
The real problem is that Sharia Banking demands an increased
"sensitivity" to Sharia Law, which applies to all aspects of life.
(There is some basic information on Sharia Banking here. The Sharia Finance Watch
Section of The Center for Security Policy issues articles on a
regular basis at (2) Over time, Americans have listened while we were told what was
wrong with our family structure, our way of looking at the world, our
commitment to a set of values that were disregarded in more
dictatorial countries. We were taught to substitute shame for pride in
many of our institutions. These essays examine several of these
notions and suggest we need to get back on the track that promotes
freedom of action and freedom of thought and freedom of speech.
Marion Dreyfus provides us with an excellent picture of a training
session on Shariah-compliant finance (SCF) given to non-Muslim lawyers
by a panel of experts. The subject is complicated and Dreyfus made
note of important areas that not covered or were sloughed off when the
speaker was questioned. The number of deals involving SCF is
increasing and she notes, "It was explained that the swelling numbers
of deals would make NOT working with SCF 'almost impossible.'" The
U.S. Treasury has also recently held a workshop to train U.S.
government personnel in SCF.
In the '50s, we prefaced any not totally rightist opinion with "I'm
not a communist BUT ..." In today's climate, dominated by the totally
leftist, it's "I'm not a racist, BUT ..." But the spell of
intimidation may be cracking. People are noticing that racism is
equal-opportunity and some blacks like some whites are racist.
Once we go past the surface, people like John Perazza, in this essay,
are beginning to ask the important questions: WHY and HOW. Perazzo
points out that many black racists are reborn Muslims just as black
radicals used to be communist. Arafat was trained by the Russians and
provided by them with techniques and talking points. Perhaps we will
discover that the current generation of the radicalized is being
manipulated the same way. After all, as the Muslim terrorists say by
their actions: if it works, use it, again and again
Muslims are becoming more vocal in demanding that their environment
and working conditions be reconstructed to suit their religious
requirements. Raymond Ibrahim wonders why they voluntarily left
Muslim countries very much in harmony with their lifestyle to
"surround themselves with wine-imbibing, swine-eating libertines.
Why?" He suggests they choose either to stay in "sharia friendly"
countries or "prepare to assimilate that is, compromise
to some degree. It's a simple question of priorities."
Call this essay by Seth Frantzman ironic. Call it sarcasm. But it
expresses the great truth that what is denigrated by us in our society
is admired in Other societies. We compare ourselves to
Others and find ourselves lacking in .. (whatever is the fad of
the moment). Frantzman uses as paradigm the redneck versus Muslim
culture. We've allowed ourselves to be psyched out. It's time to
Professor Rashid Khalidi of Columbia University has received recent
media attention because of his association with President Elect Obama.
His hatred of Jews has long been known on his home campus, where he is
considered heir to the late Edward Said, the linguist. Said almost
single-handedly set the assumptions and presumptions underlying Middle
Eastern studies across the country. He was the giver of the received
wisdom that the exploitative, racist West could not really understand
the Middle East. His influence was strong and, for the most part,
inhibited critical assessment of his proclamations. In this essay,
Daniel Mandel reviews Ibn Warraq's critique of Said's influential
book, Orientalism. As Mandel writes, "Said's theories laid the
groundwork for 'post-colonial studies,' the academic discipline whose
founding principle is the belief that the West and everything
identified with its intellectual and cultural traditions is guilty
of oppressing and exploiting those foreign cultures that came under
its power and influence at one time or another."
As Jeffrey Imm writes, "In today's America, we now have those who call
for relativism regarding the ideology of Islamic supremacy and those
organizations supporting Islamic supremacism. Such relativists ask:
who are we to challenge other ideas and values? They ask: why should
Americans confront such an ideology, instead of engaging with it?" The
answer is, of course, we have no choice, no choice that is, if we wish
to preserve America's freedom. Resurgent Islam declared war on us, and
unless we fight back they will win. That's why "...shrug-shoulder
relativism towards the survival of America and defense of its values"
is dangerous. "Relativism towards America's values goes from the
decadence that such values aren't worth fighting over and ultimately
leads to the nihilistic view that our very existence is not worth
fighting over." We need to realize this is unacceptable behavior.
After Barack Obama said he supports laws that would allow illegal
aliens to obtain drivers' licences, one group pointed out that there
is one issue almost all Americans agree on: the 12 million illegal
aliens in the U.S. should not get amnesty, should not get driver's
licenses, should not get Social Security benefits, should not get
automatic Medicaid healthcare cover and other government benefits. But
as Zack Lieberberg writes, we're not willing to actually carry out
actions we know we should. Where draconian measures are needed, we are
not able to allow ourselves to use them, whether to fight the invasion
by aliens, the drug war or the threat from resurgent Islam. The fear
is that if strong measures are used, they will be turned against us,
and it's not an irrational fear. Lieberberg suggests there is need for
a new political party to do what is necessary.
Seth J. Frantzman asks whether coexistence is possible between two
hostile groups. Setting aside movies that fantasize the possibilities,
it's hard to come up with an example. As Frantzman puts it, "There has
never been coexistence and there never will be. There is only
individual coexistence. Communal coexistence does not exist." "Stories
such as these usually involve some individual evidence of someone
named Mahmud and some other person named Vikram and how they were
friends and shopped at each others' stores and that their children
played together." As I read this essay, I thought of the Seeds Of
Peace program Jewish-sponsored, of course where Jewish and
Arab children would learn to co-exist. In one sense, it succeeded
beautifully the Jewish Adam Shapiro from Seeds of Peace ran
to Ramallah to protect Yasser Arafat, so he'd live to kill more Jews.
But I don't think this is what people want, when they talk
Can two people coexist when A sees itself as the perpetual victim of B
while simultaneously looking forward to conquering B, for it is A's
divine right established by Allah to rule over all other people? Not
bloody likely! Philip Salzman writes that "Narratives of
victimization, such as the Palestinian one, neglect to account for the
active Arab response to the Jews and to Jewish immigration. Explaining
all by Western imposition robs the Arabs of Palestine of their agency,
and infantalizes them." The Arabs were much more active: "Arab
opposition to the Jews [was] expressed in riots and pogroms..."
Salzman sums Arab behavior this way:
"They demanded all or nothing, and got nothing. But they have
continued to hold to the rejectionist position, taking an
annihilationist stance toward Israel and the Jews. So in reality the
self-induced 'Nakba' is self-perpetuating."
The Associated Press (AP) is not noted for writing comedy. But
Professor Rubin has identified a sthtick that would make an
interesting situation comedy. The anti-hero, an Arab, keeps trying to
kill the Jew. He keeps failing, the Jew not liking this part of the
script much. The Arab blames the Jew for having forced him to want to
kill the Jew and vows to try harder. Actually, it's not so funny in
real life. It's also not funny that AP, a news agency, writes good
fiction, when it should stick to fact. It might also translate for its
readers Arabic circumlocutions in English; for example, that
"Prominent Palestinians are lighting a fire under Israel's feet by
proposing a peace in which there would be no separate Palestine and
Israel, but a single state with equal rights for all." means terrorist
violence, not a plea for coexistence.
This is an important reference that clarifies the history and the
intent of the Arabs, who have generally favored a one-state solution.
As Jonathan Spyer writes, "Deeply embedded in Palestinian nationalism
is the notion that Israeli Jewish identity is analogous to that of
communities born of European colonialism, which are not seen as having
legitimate claim to self-determination. No reconsidering of this
characterization took place during the period of the peace process of
the 1990s. Hence, the short period of acceptance of the "two-state
solution," was a departure by Palestinian nationalism from its more
natural stance, and the current trend of return to the "one-state"
option is a return to a position more in keeping with the deep view of
the conflict held throughout by this trend."
This is an excellent analysis of the creation the Palestinian
"refugees" and how they continue in refugee status decades after they
should have and could have been settled into new homes. A secondary objective is to
bring to light the "profound and far reaching distortions as well as
sheer disregard for historical evidence" by those who use the
"refugees" for political propaganda.
This can be considered a minimalist plan for reducing some of the
growing Arab population. It doesn't address the growing radicalism of
Israeli Arabs, who receive welfare benefits, but don't serve in the
Army and don't feel any loyalty to Israel.
The peace process has died many times and has been put back on
artificial respirators whenever foreign politicians saw some advantage
in it for them. David Singer takes a nibble out of the problem by
suggesting Israel buy up the tract of land still designated as "no
man's land." He points out that "Israel has now been given a very real
window of opportunity to buy up tracts of West Bank land occupied by
Arab residents; rather than being forced to sell out Israel's heritage
by compensating 700,000 Jewish residents to vacate their West Bank
homes to enable the creation of President Bush's new Arabs-only State
in the West Bank.
This is a reprint of Martin Sherman's December 2006 essay on how to
solve the present hostilities. The introduction read "Conventional
political plans that propose resolving the conflict between Israel and
the Palestinian Arabs by establishing a self-governing Palestinian
entity in the territories have been short-lived because they ignore
that the Palestinian leadership doesn't want a state; its focus is on
destroying Israel. The Jerusalem Summit suggests a new approach to
provide "dowries" to the Palestinians themselves to set them up
financially in the neighboring Arab countries. They would be affluent
rather than poor refugees. Surprisingly, polls indicate that the
majority of the Palestinian Arabs would be willing to emigrate. Martin
Sherman of the Jerusalem Summit urges everyone to get involved and
publicize the plan."
In 1948, Jordan, one of the Arab armies that invaded Israel, conquered
the eastern part of Jerusalem, Samaria and Judea. Israel took these
areas after the Arabs invaded Israel again in 1967. The U.N. passed a
non-binding resolution, 242, when fighting stopped. The Arabs have
often falsely claimed that according to Res. 242, Israel was to return
to the pre-1967 borders. Howard Grief's comprehensive article explains
exactly what Res 242 did and did not assert. And what it was wrong in
asserting i.e., "the inadmissibility of the acquisition of
territory by war" does not apply in that Israel was not the aggressor.
It had been threatened by imminent aggression. "In this case it is
certainly admissible under international law for the state under
imminent attack to keep the territory that was captured from which the
planned aggression emanated." More importantly, Grief makes the point
that "the Security Council does not have and never had the authority
or right to order Israel to withdraw from territories that constituted
historical and legal areas of the Jewish National Home and Land of
Israel that had been recognized implicitly or explicitly as belonging
to the Jewish People in various acts of international law: the San
Remo Resolution of April 25, 1920; the Franco-British Boundary
Convention of December 23, 1920; and the Mandate for Palestine,
confirmed by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922 and accepted by
the United States in the Anglo-American Treaty on Palestine of
December 3, 1924." This land is held in a perpetual trust for the
Jewish people (Google Shifftan and Grief for 'trust jewish people' in
Think-Israel for amplification.)
A reader that sent in this article wrote, "His awesome insight. I deem
it as one of the most outstanding pieces of journalism that I've read
lately. it's a deeply moving cry for Israel's survival. It's
outstanding for its knowledge, perception of reality, the depth of his
love for Israel that his well-known wry humour and harsh criticism may
try to conceal. It moves me deeply because I see the situation as he
sees it, and it's so painful that it nearly drive me to despair. Words
fail me. Thank you Boris."
Lee Kaplan tells us about "Professor Menachem Klein of the Bar-Ilan
Political Studies Department, ....[who is] one of those Israelis who
helped instigate the Oslo Accords and promoted the 'peace agreement'
that led to so many dead Jews in its wake over the last fifteen
years." Curiously, the deadly consequences of Oslo seem to have taught
him nothing. Listening to the habitual lies the Arabs tell him has not
persuaded him they don't really want peace. Instead, he's devoted
himself to a monomaniacal pursuit of peace. To maintain his vision, he
has to believe he sees what others can't. He has to believe every who
doesn't think like him is just too stupid to understand. One
clear-eyed view at Arab hostility would destroy his fantasy. So he has
to believe that the Arab lust for murder, and their hatred of Jews are
just superficial and will go away when there's peace. He does have a
gift for explaining away embarrassing facts. It is a gift that is
appreciated by a Who's Who of Jew haters, who aren't under a spell of
peace they just want the Arabs to win and they appreciate his help.
Kenneth Levin writes about Peace Now's history its beginnings in
1978 with the slogan that "The security of Israel depends on peace,
not on territories.", a curious notion, considering how tiny Israel is
and how hostile the neighboring Arabs are. Levin tells us that
"[t]hose attracted to the organization were people unwilling to
reconcile themselves to the reality that Israel's Arab adversaries
were in control of deciding whether there would be peace, and that,
with few exceptions, their decision ... was against Israel's
existence." They believed that only Israel could impose peace or
withdraw and peace would enter the vacuum. The corollary was that if
peace didn't blossom, it was Israel's fault; she hadn't done enough.
From the beginning they were convinced that Jewish settlements not
Arab settlements in the territories are the chief impediment to
peace. One of their more pernicious ideas is that Israel should stop
being a Jewish state because that would appease the Arabs."They must
yield even their belief in the value of Jewish peoplehood." As events
gave the lie to their convictions, they could change their position or
hold tight to notions that had been disproven by the Arabs themselves.
They chose to ignore reality and began to invent fraudulent claims and
openly become propagandists for Arab claims. As Levin puts it, "it was
and is a cult that worships at the altar of self-delusion and wishful
thinking and that, intoxicated with its airy visions of "peace," was
and is prepared to sacrifice anyone who challenges it, no matter what
evidence, what realities, he or she invokes in that challenge."
Mordechai Kedar notes that when "the Prophet Mohammad established
Islam, he introduced a minimum of innovations. He employed the
hallowed personages, historic legends and sacred sites of Judaism and
Christianity." The importance of Islamizing Jerusalem was "to
undermine the legitimacy of the older religions, Judaism and
Christianity, which consider Jerusalem to be a holy city. Islam is
presented as the only legitimate religion, destined to replace the
other two, because they had changed and distorted the Word of God,
each in its turn." In more recent years "Yasser Arafat, himself a
secular person (ask Hamas!), did exactly what the Califs of the
Umayyad dynasty did 1300 years ago: He marshaled the holiness of
Jerusalem to serve his political ends." Kedar asks, "Must Judaism and
Christianity defer to myths related in Islamic texts or envisioned in
Mohammad's dreams, long after Jerusalem was established as the
ancient, true center of these two religions, which preceded Islam?
Should Israel give up on its capital just because some Muslims decided
to recycle the political problems of the Umayyads 1250 years after the
curtain came down on their role in history?"
The Olmert Gov't has been talking about giving Samaria and Judea to a
single person Abbas who will soon be replaced by Hamas, UNLESS
Israel wants to spill its blood to save this aging terrorist. We were
horrified at that idea. Did the Israeli Government not understand that
some 500,000 OR MORE (estimates go to 700,000) Jews would be become
homeless refugees in their own country? We wondered why even
math-deficient politicians couldn't understand the unbearable overload
it would place on their Gov't. Didn't they understand the chaos it
would create? Didn't they realize it would give the Arabs a perfect
time to attack? While we were thinking about this, the Gov't was
making plans to add the Golan to its list of give-aways. Mind you,
this is a government that still 3 and a half years after kicking
some 10,000 productive and patriotic Jews out of their homes in Gush
Katif has still not settled them in permanent housing. One of these
refugees, Sarah Layah Shomron, writes of the one time of the year that
Temporary is good. At Sukkot.
Perhaps the most egregious of Israel's problems is her political
leadership. Caroline Glick discusses Olmert's latest strikes at
Israel's security in context. "Why is it, she asks, "that for the past
15 years, at a certain point in their tenures every prime minister
aside from Netanyahu has come to the conclusion that Israel must turn
over its land to those sworn to its destruction?" It isn't just that
they are self-serving, arrogant and often incompetent. They do seem to
be acting in the best interests of the Arabs, a stance that wins the
approval of Israeli's Leftists. They have seconded Arab
claims while harassing those citizens who want to keep Israel intact.
They have received nothing in return from their "peace partners"
except missiles aimed at their civilian population, yet,
optimistically, they continue to forge ahead into disaster. They have
never explained the logic of the give-aways; what reasons they have
given have been contrary-to-fact. Perhaps there is no rational reason
that isn't criminal or self-protective.
Paul Lademain says in a short essay what this Section has been about.
How should the Jews change their ways of thinking and acting? What do
the Jews of Israel need to do to become again a proud people in their
own land? What should they stop doing? What should they start doing?
Read this.
Zulfikar Khan does a masterful job of presenting Mohammad as he was
in the early days of his prophethood, when he was creating the ideals
of Islam and the code of behavior that Muslims would ever after
follow. He paints a realist portrait of the man, by recounting his
actual deeds and the convenient messages from Allah that came just
when they were needed to allow Mohammed and his fellow Muslims to
mutilate, rape, massacre, kidnap and loot. His early victims were the
Jews of Medina, who had befriended him when he was forced to flee
Raymond Ibrahim elaborates on the fact that Islamic war doctrine
unlike those developed by Clausewitz, Sun Tsu, Machiavelli ... has
not been studied. "As a consequence, we still do not have an in-depth
understanding of the war-fighting doctrine laid down by Muhammad, how
it might be applied today by an increasing number of Islamic groups,
or how it might be countered." We ignore that in war Islamic doctrine
says shooting catapaults (today, missiles) where there's
non-combatants, deceiving the enemy and breaking peace treaties are
all legitimate activities. They are all moral and need not trouble one's
conscience. This article should be read together with Suseelan's essay
(next item down) on Islamic morality. They explain Islamic concepts we
need to understand. We need to know the strong connection between
terror activities and Islam's moral code.
Dr. Suseelan points out that "Islam rejects differing world views,
ethical philosophy and refuses to recognizes changes in moral
perspectives which emphasize the interrelatedness of individuals and
community and their mutual responsibility for one another." Not only
does this limit their perspective but it contributes significantly to
their attitude to the non-Muslim. They know "... that
non-Muslims are unethical, immoral and inferior and should be
oppressed and forced to assume an Islamic identity" for their own
good. Therefore, terrorism, criminality or heinous behavior
"forcefully converting infidels or issuing a fatwa against a kafir
writing a book critical of Islam. " can not be immoral. So the
answer to the question is: only in their own terms. And there is little
chance they will see any other point of view as worthy of
We present two articles, one on the treatment of the Jews in Damascus
in 1816, the other about the Balfour Declaration.
A page out of the diary kept by James Silk Buckingham on his travels.
He was entertained in Damascus by the local prime minister. The guests
included a Jew, described by Buckingham "as the wealthiest and the
most powerful of all present", a personage who managed the machinery of
government. Yet as a Jew, he was dhimmi. The other guest sat or stood;
the Jew sat on the ground.
Balfour Day on November 2 recognizes the dedication of Lord Balfour to
the return of the Israelites to their ancient homeland. He helped lay
the diplomatic and legal foundations that led to the League of Nations
declaring Mandated Palestine in perpetual trust for the Jews. Thanks
to Jews who were made uneasy at the thought of Jews being their own
boss and to British treachery, the original vision was
diluted. But it was a start for the most remarkable nationalist
movement in history. Ashley Perry tells us some of the history of the
Balfour Declaration and makes clear that the intent of the document
was to pave the way to a Jewish State (a homeland was Max
Nordau's term for state).
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
A Blog-Ed page has a quick list of the articles from which you can
access any of the articles immediately.
To go to the list, click the
"Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page.
September 2008 BLOG-EDS
Dear Readers
Think-Israel doesn't usually get into US politics. But, frankly,
I don't think Obama bodes well for Israel. So we've put
out this edition outside of our regular schedule.
I've talked to neighbors, friends, acquaintances, who say they are
going to vote for Obama. The reasons they give sum up to 'he is
friendly and he seems one of us.' But some would frown thoughtfully as
they said it.
I asked: do you know how his economic plan would affect you? do
you know about his very far left associates? Do you know his political
views before he became a candidate? Do you know about ACORN? Answer:
not really.
Thanks to the mainstream media, while most Americans can tell you all
about Sarah Palin's clothes budget, they don't know much about Obama
except in bits and pieces.
It may be late in the game, but one thing is becoming clear. He
isn't just an empty suit. Obama does have a point a view. He is, to
speak plainly, on the team that unites the Far Left, the Radical Left,
Socialists, Marxists, Communists, Black Liberation theologists, Israel
haters and resurgent Islamists. They all preach replacement theology,
though they have different ideas of the replacement. But they all want
to replace how America works and thinks. They want to replace Israel
with a state to be called Palestine. With them in power, we Americans
will be free to say anything we want providing it isn't hateful.
And guess who will decide what is hateful?
Obama preaches openness but he hasn't been open about his
intentions or his ideology. So we on the Think-Israel staff have
composed several essays with information you should have to vote
If you agree these issues are important, please don't delay. Use
the next few hours to educate your friends and family. Feel free to
send these articles to your email lists. You will find much aditional
information on the Think-Israel Blog-Ed pages for recent months.
Thank you
Bernice Lipkin
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away
men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them,
what they could and should do for themselves.
by Reverend William Boetcker, in a 1916 pamphlet entitled Lincoln on Limitations
What we are talking about this issue:
For those of us who worry about Israel's reluctance to take
sufficiently strong measures to protect its citizens from the
predations of an enemy that recognizes no red line, this essay is
eerie. Substitute Israel for India, Palestinians for Hurriyat and the
pack of Arab states for Pakistanis. Both Israel and India know that a
sharp response now will save much blood later. But both are reluctant.
Both hope for an easy way out. But there is none. Professor
Subramanian Swamy spells out the inevitable consequences of not taking
action now.
Martin Sherman presents an analysis of the commonalities between the
very large India and the very small Israel, commonalities that
encourage their strategic cooperation. Both are democracies in regions
that are mainly totalitarian. Both have a common enemy resurgent
Islam. Both would prefer peaceful solutions but are forced
continuously to update their military supplies. Sherman records major
areas where cooperation benefits both countries.
Judith Apter Klinghoffer brings us the text of the prideful boasts and
taunts of the Indian Mujahideen who are currently bombing, killing and
otherwise terrorizing India. With delight, they promise more of the
India was partitioned in 1947 and Muslims of India were given their
own independent state, Pakistan. The fatal flaw was that Muslims
continued to live in India and many of the Muslim youth have been
radicalized by Pakistani and Saudi Arabian terror missionaries and
trainers. The previous essay chronicled the Song of the Muslim
terrorists, the Indian Mujahedeen, that are attacking India. Olivier
Guitta presents some of the "exploits" in which they take pride. All
for the love of Allah.
The effects of Israel's unbelievable stupidity in expelling Jews
and walking away from Gaza continue to widen, not diminish. Muslim
terrorists have gained a worry-free expanse in which to train foot
soldiers many of them women and children and manufacture
and store war goods. Pro-Hamas propaganda insists the Palestinians are
starving and are without water and electricity. It's not clear why,
when Israel presumably cut Gaza loose in August, 2005, it is severely
criticized for not supporting Gaza even more than it is. The once
productive Jews of Gaza, proud contributors to the Israeli economy and
agricultural innovators, are now jobless and still not settled in
permanent housing. The government that is supposed to attend to them
is too busy working on how to make another half million Jews
the Jews of Samaria and Judea and eastern Jerusalem homeless
and rootless. The soon-to-be-replaced American adminstration has
obsessively fixated on cutting Israel in half and placing another
Palestinian state inside of Biblical Israel apparently they see
this as Prez Bush's contribution to the world making peace with the
Peaceful Religion, Islam. Meantime, the world has not stomped on Iran
for baldly stating it plans to nuke Israel, no matter what that does
to the people of the region and the region's major commodity: oil.
Israel's neighbors, seeing how the wind is blowing, have started
cozying up to Muslim terrorist groups. And the erosion of Israeli
morale since the Oslo Accords has accentuated Israel's other problems.
Gush Katif. On August 10, 2008, some 3000
expelled Jewish residents of Gush Katif, Gaza, marked the 3rd year of
their "disengagement" from their homes and businesses, from their
synagogues and youth centers. In all this time, their lives have been
marked by governmental ineptitude and viciousness. The Olmert Kadima
government which is now engaged in creating the infrastructure for
ejecting up to some half million Jews from Samaria, Judea and
Jerusalem has yet to resettle the initial 10,000 refugees. See the
video of their protest at Kisufim: The Major American Jewish organizations, stubbornly sticking to
their initial mistake of approving the Gaza withdrawal, are
distinguished only by their absense in helping these displaced Jews.
The good news is that the Gush Katif community noting that the land
has gone back to the sand dunes it was before the Jews developed Gaza
is determined to return and rebuild.
When the Jews were expelled by the Israeli Government from Gush Katif,
Gaza three years, many were housed in paper-based trailers that are
said to be bio-degradable in that that they would last only some 3
years. The three years are almost up. And 81% of the Jews made
refugees by their own government still do not have permanent housing.
The good news is despite heckling by Peace Now the "government
has once again approved construction of new housing for the Jordan
Valley community of Maskiot, where Gush Katif expellees from Shirat
HaYam are living in temporary quarters." The rest of the picture is
not rosy. 50% of the expellees have no jobs, they have had to use
their compensation money for everyday expenses and are supported by
relatives and friends.
Anita Tucker is one of the indomitables of the world. Supported by her
faith in Torah Judaism, starting with land that was sand, dunes and
sand dunes, she saw her sweat equity as a farmer in Gaza come to
fruition, provide her family much happiness, and be destroyed by her
own government. She longs for her old home and, by the same token, is
girding up to rebuild.
In this issue, Rachel Saperstein formerly of Gush Katif, Gaza,
currently a refugee in her own country, has written two essays. With a
couple of strokes, the first profiles Tzippi Livni, gofer for Olmert
and flunky for American Sec-State Rice. The second is a tale about two
Shlomo's, one her father, the other a cousin and how their lives
Caroline Glick writes of the expulsion of the Jews from Gush Katif,
Gaza, a mistake that was realized almost instantly when the
Palestinian Arabs torched the synagogues, vandelized the greenhouses,
shot missiles from Gaza and Hamas took control it was a mistake
that still has not been rectified. Glick points out comparing
"good" Fatah and "bad" Hamas that (1) "[t]here is little to
distinguish between the groups' embrace of terrorism as a means of
achieving their aim of destroying Israel. Fatah forces have carried
out more attacks against Israel than Hamas has;" and (2) "Israeli
society has managed not to discuss why it failed or to learn the
lessons stemming from its failure." Three years later, there is still
governmental bungling, and no introspection about the "mistakes that
led to the withdrawal."
Israel and its local terrorists, Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, etc.,
did not receive much attention from Al-Qaeda, when, on 9/11, Osama Bin
Laden reclaimed Saudi Arabia's honor it had been besmirched by
American feet standing on sacred Saudi soil. But, as he became aware
that "Palestine" made a good talking point, bin Laden became a
Palestinian supporter. Now, as Olivier Guitta points out, al-Qaeda
waits for an eruption in the Iran-Israel confrontation, when it will
make a major move to reestablish an Islamic Caliphate. Meantime, it
has been moving into land areas that surround Israel, particularly in
Gaza. So while Israeli's leaders don't seem capable of thinking a day
ahead, Al-Qaeda is patiently building bases around Israel. It plans to
be very strong and very ready when the time comes.
As the previous essay pointed out, terror groups that are al-Qaeda
subsidiaries and terrorists who share al-Qaeda goals are infiltrating
Gaza. Jonathan Dahoah Halevi writes about one of these groups,
Jaish al-islam, now living in Gaza under Hamas jurisdiction. He
concludes, "Hamas has established a terror hothouse in Gaza designed to
continue the jihad against apostates, pursue the struggle against
Israel, secure the overthrow of the Abbas regime in the West Bank, and
assist the efforts of the parent movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, in
overthrowing the moderate regimes in the Middle East headed by Jordan
and Egypt."
Hello, out there. When will the die-hards admit (1) the world is
round; and (2) The Land of Israel belongs ONLY to the Jews.
As Eli E. Hertz writes in his latest article on Mandated Palestine:
Click here.)
Those claiming that Jewish settlements in the area between the
Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea are illegally occupied, should
answer just one simple question: In 1922 Jewish settlements were
perfectly legal What has changed? Should there be yet another State in Mandated Palestine? No. These
essays restate what should be known to all.
With this essay by Israel Kasnett, we add to our store of articles on
Israel's irrevocable right to Mandated Palestine with information on
the view of the Peel Commission of 1937 on the Balfour Declaration and
the Mandate. The Commission confirmed the large increase in Arab
population in Palestine since 1920. It states: "Jewish immigration and
subsequent economic growth in Palestine led to increased Arab
immigration from other countries by those seeking economic
In this essay, Raymond Ibrahim explores the irony of Arabs, when all
of today's Muslim countries were taken by bloody conquest, arguing
'humanitarian' justice to regain them Palestine land the Jews are
said to have stolen from them. "Historically," he points out, "the
land of Palestine has been conquered, and conquered, and conquered
again by a myriad of peoples, including Hebrews, Babylonians and
Persians, Greeks and Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Turks, and now finally,
modern-day Jews." "Even Arabia, home of Islam, was militarily
conquered by that religion." Moreover, the Arab concept of justice
isn't humanitarian: "Islamic law says it's just, indeed, compulsory,
for Muslims to seize the infidels' lands by the sword."
Salomon Benzimra wrote this article to provide a factual rebuttal to
ignorance-based outrageous statements made by the French Minister of
Foreign Affairs during a TV interview, who insisted that a "viable
Palestinian state" must be created. The article also serves as a
summary of the official position of the French government towards the
"peace process" it is a needed corrective to the feel-good
interpretation of some conciliatory statements made to Israel by
President Sarkozy. Benzimra recommends that an intelligent beginning
to solving the Arab-Israeli conflict would be "to have the courage to
face reality." And a good place to start facing reality would be to
use semantics that actually reflect the facts, not invented fantasies.
Professor Beres points out that a Palestinian state would have no
proper authority under international law. (Under binding international
law, Mandated Palestine is held as an irrevocable trust for the Jewish
people.) Nor does it conform to the four specific requirements of the
1934 Montevideo Treaty for statehood. Ironically, Arab violence is not
a bar to statehood. "In law, all that matters in establishing
statehood are certain identifiable demographic, geographic and
political facts." Which the projected Palestinian state flunks.
Barry Rubin points out some ineluctable facts that Israel and the West
must face if they are to understand Israel's Muslim neighbors. (1) The
current jousting is between Arab Nationalism and Islamism democracy
isn't a player. (2) All the various Islamist groups are
dangerous. (3) The forces are local in the Middle East; the West is an
outsider. He makes sensible recommendations for dealing with the
The Syrian-Lebanese apparent rapproachment is hailed by many, such as
French President Sarkozy, as "historic progress." More accurately, as
Jonathan Spyer puts it, "it will represent not the normalization of
Syrian-Lebanese relations, but rather the enveloping of Lebanon into
the regional alliance led by Iran, of which Syria is a senior member."
"The Iranian-Syrian-Hizbullah alliance has known how to combine brutal
military tactics on the ground with subtle and determined diplomacy."
On the other hand, Syrian's diplomatic interactions with Israel has
little to do with Israel, much to do with the Syrian desire to appear
to offer the West reconciliation. As Spyer says, "When it comes to
negotiating with Israel, Assad is keen to take the dowry, while
showing little enthusiasm for embracing the bride."
In England and America, Muslims have sued writers and publishers for
libel, thus interfering de facto and de jure with their
freedom of speech. Their vast money resources have forced writers to
withdraw well-researched factual anti-jihad essays; leaving the field
vacant to be filled with puff pieces and pleasant fantasies about
Islam. Stephen Brown describes another version of how Islam tries to
stifle debate about Islam. He writes, "a Jordanian court recently
summoned twelve European citizens to answer criminal charges of
blasphemy and inciting hatred." Critics of Islam face the imposition
of a death sentence, "if the charge is blasphemy and it is being tried
by a sharia court." This isn't a joke. It isn't sufficient to avoid
travelling to Jordan. It means the condemned "libeler" needs to be
careful to avoid travelling to any third country even just a
stopover at its airport that has an extradition treaty with
Jordan. It also indicates that Jordan which is lauded as
western-oriented expects Muslim law to be obeyed by Europeans.
Islam has a new slick talking point: it asserts that anyone who says
anything anything against Islam must be suffering from an awful
neurosis: islamophobia. Amil Imani doesn't tremble at the
thought that he will be called an Islam basher. "If telling the truth
about Islam is Islam bashing, then mea culpa." He then calmly
points how badly Islam treats everyone that is of a different
religion. This isn't just true in "fanatic" Muslim countries. It
exists in Egypt, a supposedly civilized state, where children of the
Baha'i faith are denied education, where women are denied employment
opportunities. It is curious that Islam, so respected by
multiculturalists, is itself monoculturalist, respecting no other
religion. "Why is it, Imani asks, "that these self-righteous Islamist
villains don't bother to prove me wrong? Why don't they document what
I say as being false?" Why, indeed.
Negotiation with Iran only appears to be going on forever. It has
an end point: the minute Iran nukes Israel. And/or its proxy,
Hezbullah, brings in dirty bombs that do the job. Or it gifts Hamas
with a radioactive suitcase.
Some take comfort in believing that if Iran doesn't verbally
threaten Israel daily, it doesn't mean it. It does. Many believe we
can reason together when Iran's leaders believe their divine
mission is to bring back the Mahdi, the 12th Iman, just as the Sunni
Muslims work towards the reestablishment of the Caliphate. Many
believe that Iran is rational as we Westerners understand "rational",
ergo, they are not going to risk their civilian population and/or
their Palestinian Arab correligionists. They forget that Iran cleared
mine fields when it fought Iraq from 1980-88 by sending thousands of
children into the field to act as human shields and mine triggers.
Swapping the lives of their own children to explode land mines was
acceptable. Why would they balk at killing off a couple of million
Arabs who aren't even their kin and kith to make sure
Israel is effectively destroyed?
We know there are many dissident groups in Iran who would be happy
if if mullah rule was weakened. The groups include dissidents who
mostly live outside of Iran and many ordinary people inside Iran
students, cab drivers as well as groups such as the
Jaff Sassani that have kept their identity over the centuries. We've
published articles on them and from them through the years.
But to recruit them, organize them, moralize them, time-wise, we might
as well go back to negotiating. Regime change from the inside is
important as an adjunct strategy, but it isn't going to crack open the
So mainly we focus on the military options. Why the military?
Because as even the NIE admits Iran continues to develop ways to
satisfy its nuclear ambitions. (People crowed over the fact that they
faked one missile out of 4 fired but what about the other 3?)
Hezbollah grows in power. Hamas becomes better trained by the day.
America is training Fatah and giving Egypt sophisticated weaponry.
Jordan can be counted on not to join the Muslim pack until it
looks like the Muslims are winning. And Israel hasn't thrown off its
inept government and shows signs of simply substituting another set of
corrupt and ineffectual politicians at the next election. So it is
well past the time when the growing threats all aimed at Israel can be
nipped in the bud. All we can do is hope Israel acts before Arab and
Iranian strength is fullgrown and ready to be used.
Military action is not a happy choice. But as time passes, thanks to
Iranian belligerancy and Israeli government's ineptitude, it may very
soon be the only choice. That, or sit in a fog of indecision and denial,
waiting to be destroyed.
Let's hope Israel doesn't have to go-it-alone.
The often-repeated passionately-voiced intent of Shi'ite Iran to
destroy Israel in particular and Jews in general is not superficial or
recent or "just talk". Tracing the origins of Shi'ite Iran's animosity
towards Jews, Andrew Bostom concludes that "[t]he pillars of this
continuous modern campaign of annihilationist antisemitism are the
motifs from traditional Islamic Jew hatred, including, most
significantly, Islamic eschatology. These deep-seated Islamic
theological motifs are further conjoined to Holocaust denial, and the
development of a nuclear weapons program intended expressly for
Israel's eradication."
Victor Sharpe cogitates about peace and says many wise things.
"There is no such thing as making peace. If a nation desires peace
with its neighbor, but that neighbor implacably rejects peace, then
any imposed peace process from outside is nothing more than a
handmaiden to futility or worse." Applying this to Israel, he
observes, "Israel's leaders have sought peace above all else and
considered its attainment with hostile neighbors as the great panacea.
But making peace must never be the goal of a nation when confronted by
enemies who look upon peace with contempt." And as Islam gains
confidence in its bid to rule the world, it becomes more and more true
that "Deterrence, unwavering strength and deterrence, is the only
salvation for Israel against the Islamic onslaught just as it is for
an equally blinded West increasingly confronted with Islamic
America has aggressively fought wars, not stopping until the
adversary's complete surrender as in World War 2 and has fought
wars with minimalist objectives as in Vietnam. A democracy with
limited war objectives ultimately must fail when the adversary is not
accountable to its populace, doesn't mind losing a lot of people and
and can outwait the democracy. The democracy has signalled that the
war isn't all that important by not going all out, so it is hard to
resist calls to stop the war that come from citizens anxious to get
onto other matters. Ironically, this means, as Professor Paul
Eidelberg writes, that limited wars can end up taking longer and/or
resulting in a greater number of deaths. He suggests "If any model is
appropriate in dealing with Israel's implacable enemies, it is the
model used by the United States against Nazi Germany."
Iran intends to annihilate Israel. It is serious. As a Shi'ite Muslim
country, it believes the destruction of the Jews will herald in "the
dawning of messianic times." It must be stopped. If Israel has to go
it alone, she can not farble, fumble or fizz out before the job is
completed as she did in the Second Lebanon War. Moshe Sharon points
out why Israel has to get it right in its first strike. Otherwise, it
won't be just Iran that retaliates. It will be Iran aided by all the
groups that are at the moment stocking up weaponry and training foot
soldiers. This includes not only Hizbullah and Syria and Hamas and the
PLO but also the many Israeli Arabs, full-fledged citizens of Israel,
who have no loyalty to the Jewish state.
Moshe Sharon warned in the previous article that an Israeli strike on
Iran couldn't be haphazard. Ralph Peters looks at striking Iran should
America need to stop Iran's nuclear threat by using a military strike.
Like Sharon, he emphasizes the need to be decisive. He lists the specific
targets that will need to be taken out to eliminate an Iranian nuclear
Steven Plaut writes a delightful story about the Peace Snake how
the Peres's of this world feed on our hunger for peace. Simon Peres,
Israel's sneakest practitioner of snake-oil peace, together with his
talk-alikes, is now vigorously promoting the division of Jerusalem AND
giving Samaria and Judea to the Arabs. How else can we have peace with
If Israel survives, there's one thing we'll be able to say good about
this period the current Israeli government has
established absolute zero. The ultimate low point in politicians. The
benchmark that serves as the standard of pathetic, the dev/null of
governance, the administration named zilcho. No government can get
worse than this and still pretend to function. They used to say in
England that the smart son went to University, the active son went
into the army, and the nebish went into the ministry. In Israel, the
technical and business types go into industry, the logical types go
into science; the dedicated go into kollel; and the total misfits
become political hacks. Emanuel Winston traces how the Left has used
its political power since the Oslo negotiations began. He asks whether
the degree of appeasement and secret concessions Israel makes to its
enemies together with how much it has reconstituted the police and
army as political tools is not treason?
If the government's actions are not treason, Martin Sherman argues,
they have terminal stupidity, and might easily end in ending
Israel. With the use of a smattering of common-sense, the consequences
of the Oslo Agreement were predictable. What is appalling is that now
that Oslo's terrible consequences are glaringly obvious and it is
even more obvious that Israel has not got an Arab peace partner (if
ever it did) the government continues to pursue a 2-state "peace
process", aided by Marxist academics and media. It is oblivious to
security risks, to the demoralization of its citizens and to the
build-up time it has given Israel's enemies. It also hasn't figured
out that if the Jews are expelled from Samaria and Judea (known to
Jews as Biblical Israel and to Arabs since 1948 as the West Bank), the
Arabs will control Israel's water supply, be able to target its
airport and control the high ground that looks down on large
population centers.
We all recognize how excruciating an experience it was for the Jews of
Gaza to be expelled from their homes by other Jews. It is now becoming
obvious that the government had another destructive task to perform to
make the expulsion happen. It had to prepare the IDF, hitherto
regarded as an agency for protecting Jews, to carry out this evil
ejection, to go against its natural instincts. That the Olmert-Sharon
government succeeded brilliantly in reducing a highly-motivated
fighting force into a political tool can be seen from the IDF's
lackadaisical performance in the Second Lebanon War.
It's hard not to react with disgust at Israel's willingness to release
a large group of Hizbullah terrorists including Samir Kuntar, a
monster who cracked open a child's head by smashing her against a rock
in exchange for two dead bodies. Justus Reid Weiner and Diane
Morrison go beyond emotion and tell us why this act is harmful to
Israel's future health. They point out that a rogue group of
terrorists now has the status afforded lawful soldiers. The exchange
creates an appalling precedent that encourages further kidnappings,
increases the possibility that Israeli captured soldiers will be
mistreated or even murdered in custody, and rewards imprisoned
terrorists by releasing them early to claim new victims. There is no
virtue in Israelis telling themselves they have a higher morality;
they have put more Jews in greater jeopardy, including Gilad Shalit,
who is still a prisoner of Arab terrorists.
It's amazing how much damage one man can do and this a man engaged
presumably in peaceful pursuits. A single man, Edward Said corrupted
Middle East Studies for decades, enshrining the wrong assumptions
about the Middle East and, as we learned on 9/11, leading everyone to
the wrong conclusions. Said was a linguist, as is the subject of this
essay by Lee Kaplan Noam Chomsky. His anarchic hate-Israel politics
and maybe even his discredited linguistics are in full play at
Tel-Aviv University, where professors encourage their students to
avoid serving in the IDF and otherwise strengthen the Arabs and their
fantasy that Israel belongs to them. As one organization has asked:
donors, do you know what your money is doing?
"Each military flare-up produces pictures of devastation and dead
Arabs often children on the television
screens of the world ..." Many people, Jews included, are ignorant of
the context of these pictures. They aren't aware that the dead were
used as human shields by their own relatives. They won't learn from
their news sources that many of the awful-looking scenes are hoaxes
staged with media collusion. But academics, particularly Jewish
academics, don't have the excuse of ignorance. Are they acting this
way because of their ideology or some twist in their personality or
out of sheer wrongheadedness? Ralph Dobrin suggests it doesn't much
matter why they are what they are. What is important is that we all
learn to counter their spurious claims with the actual facts. He
suggests some reliable sources of information.
More so in America, less so in Europe, Islamists don granny masks to
hide their wolfishness. They have infiltrated our banking institutions
offering the monetary rewards of sharia banking and not emphasizing
its anchorage in basic sharia law. They have managed to sanitize K12
textbooks so that, despite all evidence to the contrary, future
generations will have the conditioned conviction that Islam is a
peaceful religion. They have encouraged self-censorship from the
press, who won't criticize Muslim activities, because they are aware
the Saudis have sufficient money to eventually win any legal battle.
They have infiltrated academia and, curiously, have become chummy with
leftist multicultural faculty, who ignore that Islam does not approve
of any culture but its own. And what is so often ignored, the current
surge in anti-semitism isn't a mystery happening ex nihilo
it is a planned achievement, made possible by the liberal use of
Middle East oil money. Denying respect to the Jews is but one aspect
of Muslim denial of respect to Western democracy and their
determination to supplant our system of governance with their complete
answer to everything Sharia law.
The first essay in this section lays out the general problem. The
other sections explore various infiltrations.
Hugh Fitzgerald has written a factual analysis on how Muslims differ
from other immigrant groups in Western countries. Other groups strive
to participate, to enjoy their new freedom; or they withdraw into
their own community structure, with little contact to the larger
society. Only the Muslims nibble away at the structure of the host
society, often announcing openly that it is inevitable that their law
sharia supercede the laws of the host country.
Increasingly, they demand the larger society accomodate itself to
Islam. They are unique in other ways. There is among them a group of
unknown size the silent minority that perhaps does not have
supremicist intentions but they do not protest when the extremists
claim to speak for all muslims. They are less likely than other
immigrant groups to become more American in later generations; in
fact, a goodly number of the younger generations become more militant.
Then too, they have taken a major role in fomenting hate and
dissension. They benefit from the nonjudgmental attitude of the
multicultural Westerner, but they themselves do not see the infidel as
praiseworthy or equal. In fact, they are a major source of the recent
increase in open, poisonous anti-semitism. Muslim students put up
grotesque anti-semitic posters; Muslim professors deny the connection
of Jews to Israel. They shamelessly distort, misinterpret and openly
lie to blacken Israel's name. Fitzgerald lays out the extent of the
problem and makes intelligent suggestions on how to counter the Muslim
hostile takeover.
How the mighty have fallen! In days of old when local police were
often in league with powerful local criminals, the FBI was a shiny
example of incorruptibility. Nowadays, their outreach program to the very
Islamic groups they need to investigate is, at the very least,
bizarre. As Jeffrey Imm writes, "Why would any federal government
agency defend outreach to a group whose leaders support Islamic
supremacist organizations?" When they fought white supremacists, they
"...sought no guidance from white supremacist non-violent
organizations in that war." Under the guise of concern forms
ideology of the groups it courts. The focus on training FBI agents in
sensitivity to Muslim concerns will not make for effective
probing investigations especially not when it is these very same
Islamic groups that are training the FBI in how to behave in the
presence of a Muslim.
Sharia banking is based on Islamic law. No interest may be charged but
the come-on ignores hefty fees that are charged. More seriously,
sharia banking is the string that pulls in the rest of Islamic law
including donating to Islamic charities that end up funding violent
jihad. The Center for Security Policy has initiated a campaign
to make us aware of the real costs of Sharia Banking. (See also
articles by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr, Helena Christofi, and Patrick M. Wood
in the November-December 2007 issue.)
When an event or a process defies logic it couldn't happen but it
has it is often helpful to ask: were this a planned manipulation,
how could it have come about. Richard Cravetts sequences a set of
propaganda procedures that would explain how Israel came to be seen as
an apartheid occupier of another people's land a statement that is
contrary to fact. He does all but ask who might be pushing the buttons.
I'd vote for Muslim Brother and/or Saudi Arabia.
Caroline Glick makes clear that pro-Arab media such as BBC
consistently mimimizes the grotesque behavior of the Palestinians
Arabs, to the point that there are only two known clips taken at the
exact moment of the terror attack. And in both cases, the media
apologized to the terrorists for showing them. The Arabs,
themselves, unlike the Jews, dramatize their "victimhood" by showing
their dead, preferably young, chopped up, and bloody. Glick states
bluntly that BBC apologized ".. not because the film's images were too
gruesome, but because it strayed from the accepted narratives of the
Palestinian war against Israel." She highlights the problem inherent
in the media-Arab connection: by showing one-sided images and ignoring
underlying causes, the media's reinforces the Arab interpretation of
Andre Oboler writes on Google Earth, which allows pro-Palestinians to
post glaringly incorrect "information" on putative Arab pre-ownership
of current Israeli towns (they call it "user-generated content"), yet
Google claims to "provide critical tools for understanding a story."
They are saying "trust me" but they knowing let users post falsehoods
under their imprimatur they don't withdraw the patently false
information. It is true that they allow separate user-created overlays
from many different sources; it is equally true that the default
overlay is Arab propaganda. Moreover, if it continues to take time and
legal effort to force Google to make individual changes in an
error-riddled map, how can we ever feel secure in what is still
displayed? What a shame it is to lose confidence in a once
well-regarded information-gathering resource!
Dexter Van Zile writes, "NCR, the National Catholic
Reporter (which has no official ties to the Roman Catholic Church)
offers its readers an ideologically-driven narrative of the Middle
East conflict that demonizes Israel and excuses and minimizes the
behavior of those who seek its destruction. It portrays the state of
Israel's history as a trail of blood, bereft of any efforts to make
peace with its adversaries. And yes, in the process of offering this
distorted narrative, NCR uses Jewish 'self-criticism' as an important
source for its remorseless denunciation of Israel..." Van Zile does a
masterful job of profiling some of NCR columnists, writers and
editors: Robert Fisk, Rosemary Ruether, Neve Gordon and Margot
Can the self-censorship in the publishing industry seen in Europe in
the wake of the Muslim riots protesting cartoons of Mohammad come to
America? Would publishers sacrifice their and their authors' right to
free speech for fear of stirring up a "hyper-sensitive Muslim
community"? Steve Emerson provides us with a recent example which
gives us cause for concern. Random House has virtuously stopped its
publication of a novel about Mohammed's 9-year old wife, out of
concern for the safety of those involved in the book's publication.
(For additional information, see
here.) Their concern for Muslim retribution may be realistic, but
is contracting our freedom of speech the way to go?
Columbia University has taken the lead in showing contempt for Jews
while pretending to fair-minded listening to their concerns about
Columbia's unscholarly, anti-Jewish Arab professors that continue to
receive tenure. In reviewing Rashid Khalidi's taunting of pro-Israel
students, it stacked the committee with members well-known to be
strongly critical of Israel. To add balance in its Jewish Studies
program Rashid Khalidi was a member of the Search Committee
they selected Yinon Cohen, a Jew in name only. In this essay
Asaf Romirowsky writes about other such academic Jews. As he so ably
puts it, "[h]iring token Israeli Jews who share their views eliminates
debate while providing the illusion of balance."
Mordechai Kedar has a prescription on how to survive in the Middle
East: The patience to outwait and outwit resurgent Islam; an ideology
that bolsters our faith in what we need to do and makes us confident
as we struggle; and endurance staying in for the long haul, not
quitting at the first sign of trouble. Is it any different for us in
The first rule of warfare is: know your enemy. We don't. Seven years
after 9/11 and we still haven't settled on who or what we're fighting.
Is it the blight of poverty, despair, political disenfranchisement? If
that's true, all we have to do is cure the ills of the world and
terrorism will stop. Put another way, because we can never cure all
the world's problems, the anarchistic forms of terror we now are
seeing will never stop. We know we aren't fighting terror per
se. The term Terror is descriptive of procedures and
tactics used by terrorists. Even as we begin to identify that our
troubles are caused by Middle Eastern terrorists, we haven't settled
on a name that subsumes the local manifestions: Hamas, Hezbullah, Al
Fatah, etc. Should we call them Islamists? radical Islam? resurgent
Islam? Rob Margetta writes about a recent Senate attempt to come to
grips with the nature of the terrorists who have declared us their
enemy and how to deal with them.
In analyzing the historic context that anchors the meaning of the term
hudna whose surface meaning is cease fire during
a jihad Denis MacEoin makes us understand that jihad
itself must be continuous because it is designed to spread Islam,
which "... holds that a set of rules exists, eternal, divinely
ordained, and independent of the will of man, which defines the proper
ordering of society. ..." These rules are intended to apply to all
governments in the world and they are of course to be defined and
controlled by Muslims. All Muslims can agree that Muslims must rule
over infidels and this has given motive power for yet another jihad.
History also demonstrates the instability and chronic internal war in
Muslim governance. The various factions waged war against each other
one. Generally the more barbaric ones would take power, only to lose
it as another group grew strong and nasty enough to win the people's
This is a fascinating essay by Efraim Karsh about the long-held
assertion by Israeli revisionist historian, Benny Morris, that, well
before Israel became a state, Israeli leaders wanted to drive out the
Arabs. Examining Morris's documentation, Karsh became aware of "the
systematic falsification of evidence aimed at casting Zionism as 'a
colonizing and expansionist ideology and movement'...." It is only
recently that Morris has acknowledged that it is the Arabs who deny
the legitimacy of Jewish nationalism, not the reverse. Amusingly, this
has "won Mr. Morris the ire of former allies and admirers such as
the notorious duo Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer who continued to
use his academic writings in their Israel-bashing endeavors." But
revisionist historians have never needed a close connection between
evidence and their politically-charged conclusions.
Dr. Alex Grobman is a historian who writes on contemporary issues
affecting the Jewish community. In his latest book, he focuses on the
gross hostility the U.N. has shown toward Israel. This essay is the
Introduction to the book. It lays out the context the
centuries-long Jewish attachment to Israel and the Jewish return to
reclaim and restore its land, the mission we call Zionism. And it
characterizes Anti-Zionism, which, promulgated by obsessive Arab bloc
voting in the U.N., became international in scope. As in the rest of
the book, the writing is direct and the ideas comprehensive.
In this presidential campaign, Obama has generated chuckles
flip-flopping and making a fool of himself. To paraphrase Him:
Jerusalem is to be undivided (to AIPAC cheers) ... well, actually
it should be the capital of Palestine (to Palestinian Arab cheering in
Ramallah) ... well of course Jerusalem should remain undivided. We
don't want barbed wire running through it, no sirrey. But that's
more scary than funny. We have, however, seen two serious humor items.
The New Yorker cartoon is farcical and encourages you to flip
180 degree but stay in the box. It says: you got him wrong. He isn't a
skinny Marxist-Muslim combo. Au fond he's a ... (you fill in
the blanks). This article by Gerard Baker is brilliant satire because
it mirrors Obama's view of Himself. Who else, barely out of law
school, would devote himself to writing his memoirs a la Jack Kennedy
and Profiles of Courage. As ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny,
an embryonic politico imitated an established pro.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
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July 2008 BLOG-EDS
Starting in the late 1800s there was a surge of settlers into Israel,
who, added to the Jews who had never left, slowly reclaimed their
homeland. Around the time Israel was granted statehood, it needed to
bring in refugees from Arabland and survivers of the European
Holocaust. Israel took in people almost guaranteed to hold back
development the elderly, the traumatized, the weak, the
demoralized, the unskilled. If that wasn't enough of a handicap,
Israel was a poor country with no natural resources no oil, few
minerals, young forests, a poor water supply. And fending off Arab
neighbors was a constant distraction. Yet, sixty years later, Israel
is in the first-rank in advancing the quality of life for humankind. It has
Nobel prize winners, engineers and computer scientists
developing and improving global communications; physicians and
biologists crafting medical innovations; agriculturalists growing
wonderful fruits and vegetables with a scant water supply. During this
time, the Arab states have become bloated with spending money but they
have scarely moved forward towards modern times. So how is it the
miracle of Israel is not appreciated? Chris Powell provides an
interesting answer.
Efraim Karsh writes of the beginning of the Arab refugee extravaganza.
During the 1948 invasion of Israel by the Arab states, the local Arabs
fled. Arab propaganda claimed that they fled because the Jews forced
them out. Using newly declassified documents to determine what
happened in what is now the State of Israel between 1920 and 1948,
Karsh shows that the flight of the Arabs and their consequent
resettlement as unwanted refugees in the Arab countries was the result
of the Arab leadership instructing their people to leave their homes
so the Arab armies could destroy the new state of Israel.
Barry Rubin adduces four reasons why the Arabs rejected partition and
attacked the fledgling state of Israel: namely, 1) the Mufti of
Jerusalem, Hitler's buddy, wanted to destroy the Jews, not live next
to them; 2) the Arab laity wanted war; 3) the Arab countries
envisioned looting and grabbing land; 4) they foresaw an easy victory.
They haven't changed much, have they?
This report, recently released by the GLORIA Center, details how
UNRWA, nominally a humanitarian effort to help Palestinian refugees,
uses its huge budget to hamper resolution of the Arab-Israeli
conflict and blocks the resettlement of its ever-growing number of
charges. Oh, and it also furnishes finances, facilities, and recruits
for terrorist groups but that it does for free.
Aside from the fact that many of the Arab refugees were locals living
near the refugee camps (they actually improved their lives signing up
as refugees), their lives are pretty good. It might be boring but they
won't starve and they are better educated than Arabs in most of the
Arab countries. And for excitement, the various terrorist
organizations are there as UNRWA staff to inculcate them with an
exciting mission: KILL THE JEWS.
Israel Zwick of CN.net gathered these interesting facts from UN
official sources: UNHCR handles all the UN-supported
refugees and stateless people in the world except the
Palestinian arabs; in 2007, UNHCR cared for 32.9 million people in
110 countries. UNHCR requested a total of 1.673 billion regular
budget and supplemental funds for 2008. Of their clients, the vast
majority returned home or were resettled within 5 years.
The United States is a major UNRWA sugar daddy. So it is
appropriate that it be the one to say: Enough's enough. As Etgar
Lefkovits writes, several U.S. Congressmen are demanding reform,
pointing out that "UNRWA was actually designed to perpetuate the
festering sore of the refugee problem."
Ann Goldberg describes a trip taken to visit some expellees from Gush
Katif, who are now living in a section of Kibbutz Ein Zurim. The
refugees have renamed the area Nezer Hazani, the name of their
hometown in Gush Katif in the Gaza strip. If there was a compelling
reason for the eviction, the Olmert government never made it clear.
What is clear is that the major tangible return Israel got for the
expulsion is the constant barrage of missiles coming from the Arab
terror community that now inhabits Gush Katif.
The exiled Gush Katif communities has created superb graphics that
will in short order fill you in with what's happened to the
productive, patriotic and proud Jews that lived in Gush Katif, Gaza.
Dror Vanunu reminds us that they need your help now to recover from
the trauma inflicted on them by the Sharon-Olmert government. They
need your financial and moral support. You need their conviction that
the all of Land of Israel belongs to the Children of Israel. You need
their spiritual strength. Help them for their sake. Help them for your
Moshe Saperstein in his sardonic fashion continues to explore
recovering from a trauma inflicted by the petty bureaucrats and gross
ideologues that were supposed have his interest at heart. These
administrators destroyed his beloved community in Gush Katif, Gaza,
and they continue to destroy the country he loves. He began his
current set of essays the Goodbye series in March 2008. Goodbye
1-4 and 8-10 are to be found in "Gloom, Doom And
Yet..." in the Think-Israel's March-April 2008 issue. Goodbye 11 is on
the April 2008 Blog-Ed page. This issue we present essay "Goodbye 12
and onward."
Two short essays, deceptively simple. Raptors make a stopover in
Israel on the way to Europe. On land needed by people who need
housing. How do you prioritize? Rephrase the question and the answer
changes. In the second essay, we learn how some of the Israeli young
are connecting themselves to their people's history. Rachel Saperstein
always leaves us with much to think about.
Richard A. Baehr reminds us that not so long ago Israeli leadership
made a disasterous error forcing all the Jewish Israelis out of the
Gaza strip. He recalls all the supposedly sound reasons for vacating
the land demographics, not having to worry about protecting the
Gazan Jewish civilians. public relations, peace, and letting the Arabs
run their own show. As we know, the actual result was a rain of
missiles from Gaza. So why are they dredging up the same old arguments
to leave Samaria and Judea (aka the West Bank)?
Caroline Glick makes clear what many have long suspected driving
Jews from their homes in Gaza had little to do with peace or security
and much to do with the hostility the far-left Israeli secularists
feels toward religious Zionist Jews because they want to be Jews, not
Marxists. The expulsion "...wasn't about peace with the Arabs. It was
about cultural supremacy within Israel." In doing so, the secularists
demoralized some of Israel's most productive and patriotic citizens;
gave the Arab terrorists now in control of Gaza more confidence as
well as more unmonitored space in which to assemble and hurl their
missiles; and weakened the state of Israel to further military and
diplomatic attacks. The irony is that the Left strives to be like
everyone but picks wrong and/or inadequate implementations. It is
religious Zionism that is revolutionary, nationalistic and above all,
normal in its desire to hold onto its own land and live its own
version of the good life. Unfortunately, it has acquired another
opponent the non-Zionist Jewish religious establishment, which is
comfortable in the attitudes and habits of powerlessness that it
developed to survive hostility in the diaspora. Yet, as Glick
concludes, "Israel and the Jewish people need Religious Zionism more
than anyone will ever admit." [For another facet of the consequences
of the Jewish incorporation of the need to keep a low profile, to be
politically powerless, see Seth J. Frantzman, "Jews, Power And The
Creation Of The Palestinians" below.]
Lee Kaplan draws us a character sketch of Avraham Oz, a professor of
theatre and drama studies and a darling of the Israel-hating press,
both at home in Israel and abroad. He can always be counted on to see
Jews as bad, their terrorist neighbors as good, or at least as
justified in their despicable behavior. "The Arabs keep claiming they
are being ethnically cleansed as their population in Gaza and Yesha
increases almost exponentially." The Arab choir has a stock set of
derogatory phrases to condition people to despise Israel, its army
and its citizens. And Oz is one of their lead singers, mouthing their
words and specializing in demoralizing his own country.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that
routinely accuses Israel of war crimes. It can be counted on to
overstate, exaggerate, distort and invent atrocities Israel is
supposed have committed against the Arabs. When their spokesmen are
caught out as they were in Jenin and Qana far from being
embarrassed, they shrug it off and move on to their next bout of
indignation. This essay from the NGO Monitor carefully analyzes the
distortions in their report on their latest cause the "plight" of
the Bedouins in the Negev. Clearly, their cause may have changed, but
their shoddy research and muddled writeups haven't. What makes HRW
different from other vicious anti-Jewish NGOs? Its executive director
is a Jew, whose father is a holocaust survivor. It seems to be the
only difference.
Seth Frantzman has written a singular and brilliant essay. He sums up
the components and evaluates the essentials of the Jewish attitude
against taking political responsibility an attitude initially
conditioned by the need to maintain a non-threatening profile in order
to survive in a hostile diaspora. Unfortunately, the Jews internalized
the need not to challenge the prevailing political and religious
powers. They developed ways of surviving, but achieving independent
political power was not one of them.
Before Israel became a state,
this attitude took the form of denying the virtue of having a Jewish
state. In recent years, this has translated into a moral stance by
Jewish leftist intellectuals, who created the notion of the indigenous
Palestinian and want to give away Israel's birthright, its very
identity, to these Palestinians. This would put the Jews right back in
the role of an impotent minority group. The leftist Jews see this
rootlessness as good; disembodied, so to speak, Jews could concentrate
on being a "light unto the world." Unfortunately, it would also put
them at the mercy of an irrational majority group intent on destroying
Jews but that doesn't appear to concern the Jewish leftist
These essays provide us with the history and character of the
Palestinian Arab and make clear that the vision of two people living
side by side in peace will never happen not while one of them is
the Palestinian Arab, a fabricated people designed to usurp Jewish
Why shouldn't there be yet another Arab state carved out of land
belonging to Israel? Because the West Bank is Biblical Israel. It
belongs to the Jews by way of the Bible, by history, by the Palestine
Mandate, by international law, by decency and morality. If you insist
that land can only be acquired by conquest because that's how most
countries became states then, OK, Israel conquered the area in
1968, taking it from Jordan, who took it in 1948, when she, together
with Israel's other neighbors, invaded the newly-created state of
Israel. Before that? It belonged to the Ottomans for some 400 years.
Then when the Ottomans had the misfortune to back the wrong side in
World War 1, England was entrusted with the territory to help the Jews
turn it into a state.
Tsafrir Ronen bluntly provides us with some historic facts that are
usually ignored by diplomats formulating a fantasy of two people
living side by side in peace, when the reality is that one of these
people the Palestinian Arabs is not an
authentic people. They were invented as a way to challenge the Jewish
people's return to their land.
As Ronen writes, "[t]his is the essence
of the Arab propaganda war, which is intended to steal the identity of
Eretz Yisrael and to transform it into Palestine, and by such means to
turn the Jewish people into occupiers of Eretz Yisrael. That's the
whole story." Who says so? The Palestinian Arabs. Their very own
leadership says so. Openly. And in print. Read some of their
statements in this article.
We are often told that Palestinian Arabs really want peace they are
being misled by some of their leaders. It isn't true. The motive force
for the Palestinian Arab psychopathy comes from the Arab laity. It
comes from the mothers who jump for joy when they learn their children
have massacred Jews while blowing themselves up. Jack Engelhard points
out they voted for Hamas, they wanted Hamas. Unfortunately, the
Israeli Jews aren't stopping their Prime Minister from giving away
Jewish land. And, as Engelhard says, "[t]hose of us (like AFSI) who
favor a strong Israel, unconditionally, are finding ourselves
outnumbered by our own Jewish brothers and sisters who, along with our
politicians and media elites, have bought the jihadist narrative."
Uri Elitzur asks why the Israelis continue to cling to the two-state
solution, especially, when one of the groups, the Palestinian arabs,
desires to obliterate the other group, the Jews. "Why, he asks, "do
logical people cling to such an unrealistic vision, which has crashed
time and again against reality, and always with bloodshed and
suffering? The answer is fear and despair. Fear of the Arab population
about to drown us in a dark demographic sea, and despair over the
State of Israel's ability to rule and control its own fate." He
advices Israel to stop being afraid. Recent demographic figures show
the Arabs aren't going to become a majority in Israel and the
territories now or in the future. What Israel needs to do is to put
its own interests first, not try to represent both us and them [the
Arabs], both the UN and the International Court of Justice."
The Jihadists of the Middle East have declared us of the West their
enemy, and no softsoaping, no bribes, no diplomacy, no appeasement
will deter them. Their if-thens are not our if-thens.
They aren't just talking nasty. They mean to take over the West,
starting with Israel and then going big time. Using a personal
experience, Nicholas Guariglia makes us understand what it is to have
a group make themselves your irreconcilable enemy "... even if you are
unaware of their lethal intent. You are their enemy, and thus they
yours, and they, not you, have made it so." Why in the world would we
give Hamas, created by the Muslim Brotherhood and which now rules
directly or indirectly over the Palestinian Arabs, or Hezbollah, which
controls much of Lebanon for the Iranians, more land to use to develop
more ways to murder people?
The diplomats and much of the media continue to try to square the
circle, to put a hostile group of Arabs plonk inside of Biblical
Israel and label it an independent state, but a dependent state an
independent dependent state (now that's an Obamaism), where Israel
continues to be their nanny, providing them with water, electricity,
food, jobs and medicine and they continue to do what they do best:
murder Jews. In the longer version, this is to continue until enough
Arabs pour into Israel to wipe out its Jewish character and probably
its Jews. In the fast-forward version, Israel and the Arabs start off
by sharing a single state, including any Arab from all over Arab land
that claims he's a Palestinian and any Jew that survives. The Jewish
character of the State is immediately wiped out.
These essays suggest a third way. Tiny Israel is too small for two
states, especially when the Arab group takes joy in massacring Jews.
The Arabs own 99.9% of the Middle East. They have the space to place
ALL the Arabs who claim to be Palestinian without cramping.
They have the money to settle the Palestinians, especially if the
money now spent on the Arab "refugees" is added in. And why should
there not be room in the Middle East with its 20 Arab states for a
single Jewish State? In fact, when you think about it, the major
question is: where should the Palestinian arabs be resettled? That's
what this group of essays mostly discusses that and the need for
Israel to stand firm and look out for its own interests for a change.
We are always being told Israel has to make some new painful decision
for peace. They can all be summarized as: share Jewish land or give
it away; risk your future and the future of your children. And
they have all have the same result: no peace and less security. In
this essay, Dov Kahn suggests an agonizing decision that differs from
the previous peace plans in that it actually could lead to peace. It
would at the least make Israel a safer place to live.
Moshe Feiglin outlines why Dubai would make a good place to resettle
the "80% of Gazans [who] are now begging to leave. In Judea and
Samaria 60% of the Arabs would prefer to live elsewhere." Dubai is
thriving and has a booming economy and gigantic construction projects.
It could use the help of the Palestinians. He points out that "all
that we need to do to solve the Kassam problem is to allow the Gazans
to leave and then to annex Gaza to Israel. It is that simple."
Rabbi Benny Elon's Israeli Initiative plan has several components: (1)
the refugee camps will be dismantled and the refugees will be absorbed
as citizens in various countries; (2) Jordon will replace the PA as
the representative of the Palestinian arabs; and (3) Israel will
extend its sovereignty over Samaria and Judea (the West Bank). He has
advocated this plan for several years and is winning support from both
Israelis and Americans. In this essay he encourages you to view some
explanatory videos and download software that will aid you in
promoting the Israeli Initiative.
Israel Zwick bases his plan in part on the minority opinion of the
1947 U.N. Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) which pointed out the area
was too small for two independent states. They recommended a Federal
State, with Arabs and Jews having "full powers of local
self-government". Zwick suggests there be a Federal State that
includes Israel, Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan Heights. Arabs in
the Territories would be offered financial incentives to relocate. The
Arabs within Israel's borders would have a choice: they could become
part of their own semi-autonomous government, rather like Puerto Rico
vis-à-vis the U.S.A. Or they could choose to be Israeli
citizens "with full personal rights, but not national rights"
exactly what was proposed in the original Mandate.
It is a common though incorrect belief
that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the linchpin of all the
conflicts in the Middle East (ME). Solve it, it is claimed, and all
turbulance in the region will evaporate. Not so. At most, the
argument provides an excuse for Israel's neighbors so they don't have
to come to cordial terms with the Jewish state. The first essay
addresses the issue of linkages and lists some nine conflicts that
are simultaneously taking place in the region. They may intersect
dynamically and to different degrees over time. But they are separate
operations. The other essays demonstrate features of the instability
and shifting alliances in the ME. For example, even putative friends
of Israel and the West, whether they be Moslem secular or Moslem
religious, see nothing bizarre in spewing out hate statements against
the West, particularly against Jews. Jordan publishes articles and
cartoons specializing in Jew-hate. And as Turkey becomes more
illiberal politically, the more it views the Koran as the only
authority and guide in all matters. Iran has designs on Lebanon,
controls Syria and dreams of destroying Israel. Similarly, Al-Qaeda,
a "non-state actor" in Martin Kramer's terms, berates Saudi Arabia,
has discovered sympathy for the Palestinians and makes plans to nuke
Martin Kramer disassembles the insidious and incorrect notion that the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the cause/root/essential condition
that keeps the Middle East turbulent. As Walter Reich wrote in a
comment to this article: "Martin Kramer's post is a superbly-executed
and much-needed act of intellectual hygiene about "linkage" and the
"Middle East conflict." It's a corrective to use a
phrase that others, alas, have invented to "stinkin'
thinkin'" about one of the most important dimensions of international
Dr. Reuven Erlich provides us with examples of Jordanian hate
publications and cartoons. They are blatently anti-Jewish, with the
usual equation of Zionism and Nazism. The same swill is served up in
secular Marxist publications as in fundamentalist publications
associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. A curious occupation for a
country that wouldn't last long were it not propped up by Israel and
Turkey, the most secular of the Muslim countries, is becoming more
religious. This is being hailed as "reform." John David Lewis sets us
straight. "This is not reform," he writes. "It is a call for a new
fundamentalism on the authority of a thirteen-hundred-year-old vicious
fairytale, and for a ceaseless struggle against those who would
criticize it. Indeed, the use of terror in fighting the enemies of
Islam is directly sanctioned by the Koran. ... Any 'interpretation' of
Islam that is consistent with the Koran as a revealed, unquestioned
authority will end in a reversion to its brute, fundamental meaning:
the subordination of women and non-Muslims to dictatorial rule by a
clerical elite." Wise words.
Just as the Muslim Brotherhood created Hamas, so did Iran create
Hizbullah. Both are characterized by adherence to fundamentalist
Islam. Both are barbaric, with no scruples about jeopardizing their
own women and children to protect their soldiers. In this essay Dr.
Nimrod Raphaeli describes some of the early history of Hizbullah. He
concludes that with Iranian financing, Hezbullah was able to build an
educational, political, social welfare and military network and "now
serves as an extension of Iran's strategic expansion into the
Mediterranean." Moreover, Iran would not have been able to gain
entrance into Lebanon "without the collusion or approval of the Syrian
regime. Syria is also the main conduit of arms from Iran to
Olivier Guitta recounts the early history of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
Iran's current president. He was and is
a very pious Muslim. He was and is a
brutal murderer, one who, like so many nazis, thoroughly enjoyed work
when torturing people. Would he be repelled at the idea of killing
millions of Jews and Arabs in an atomic blast? Unlikely.
While Ahmadinejad is set on erasing Israel no matter what it takes,
Osama bin Laden is said to be planning a "nuclear hell storm" in
America. Christopher Carson uses information obtained from "Khalid
Sheik Mohammed, (KSM), mastermind of 9/11 and chief operating officer
of al-Qaeda," to describe how al-Qaeda plans to develop the means to
build a nuclear device and bring it to a target. He develops a
plausible sequence of events that can, sooner or later, bring the
threat of nuclear attack to America. "The question confronting
American policy makers is: Are we prepared to stop this threat before
it becomes a terrible reality?" Are we?
The Muslims who see a chance of conquering the world are active in
England and Europe. Except for the occasional bombing and the
now-routine tire and car burnings, their tactics are gentler than in
the Middle East, but just as persistent. Their aim, as always, is to
install shari'a law and replace the law of the land. As their
numbers grow, they inspire and/or actively help revive Europe's
traditional anti-semitism, which, after World War 2, was beginning to
Europeans are generally devoted to the idea of multiculturalism and
try to accomodate the alien Muslims, who reciprocate by scheming to
impose Islam and control the lives of their unsuspicious hosts. Amil
Imani provides us with a list of cities where the percentage of
Muslims is disturbingly large. It is a truism that when their numbers
grow, Muslims begin demanding that the natives start doing thing the
Muslim way. Amin Imani has seen freedom repressed in his native Iran,
and is alert to the early warning signs of danger. He believes the
longer Europe ignores the danger, the bloodier it will be should
Europe decide to fight the sharia takeover in the future.
This is a thoughtful article. As Robin Shepherd points out, "Europe's
relationship perhaps relationships might be a more appropriate term
with Israel is multi-layered." And rocky. Trade and technology are
blossoming but traditional anti-semitism remains, reinforced by new
hostility from a Europe that increasingly has become pacifist, secular
and disapproving of nationalism. Leftists, despising Western
capitalism, can sympathize with Islam's rejection of western power.
For rightists, "[t]he quasi-feudalistic, traditionalist character of
much of the Arab world resonates with old right values in a way that
'upstart' Israel never could. There is certainly a sense in which
anti-Israelism unites people and ideological viewpoints which feel
that they have lost out in the modern world." But nationalism seems to
be making a comeback. Shepherd concludes, "It remains to be seen how
Israel will fare when one or other of the continent's various
potential futures finally comes out on top."
Irving Kett writes that we Jews must face up to an unpleasant reality
about our situation in the world; there is "... a serious worldwide
recrudescence of anti-Semitism, the likes of which has not existed
since the 1940's." In Europe, which is fast becoming judenfrei,
Arab funding and "large scale immigration of fanatic Jew-hating
Moslems" have fueled a surge of life-threatening anti-semitism. If
that weren't enough, we have rejectionist Jews, "... Israeli academics
who are in the forefront of international anti-Zionist, anti-Israel
propaganda." It is important that Israel be encouraged to reject
foreign aid, so that she is not under obligation to appease the arab
terrorists at the cost of her own security.
Raymond Ibrahim uses data from Andrew Boston's new book The
Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism to decide whether Islam was itself
anti-Semitic or did it just take Jew-hate over from European,
particularly German, sources. He concludes that "[t]he historical
documents make clear that, from day one, Jews and Christians have been
systematically treated as second-class citizens, dhimmis, in
the regions conquered by Islam." "...far from being a by-product of
Western anti-Semitism or the creation of Israel, animosity toward the
Jews has a firm doctrinal base tracing back to Islam's most
authoritative texts." What makes this hate source [the Koran]
particularly troubling is that "... it is not just history, but
immutable theology, which transcends time and space and needs to apply
today no less than yesterday." In other words, there is no polite way
to modulate or change Islamic anti-semitism.
Brad Macdonald observes that there is a certain irony in that while
Western governments pay lip service and honor the victims of the Nazi
Holocaust, they "actively, to one degree or another, condone, even
promote, the demise of Jewish statehood", which can surely lead to
another holocaust. "...Hitler attempted to destroy the Jews as a race:
Today that same anti-Semitic spirit is being directed, subtly, at the
Jewish state." The U.N. spends much of its energy and most of its
indignation in scolding the State of Israel. The Roman circus it
sponsored at Durban in 2001 was advertised as promoting tolerance
among nations; instead the only important item on the agenda was
throwing Israel to the lions. Bemoaning the previous holocaust and
creating conditions for another is hypocrisy and many western countries
are guilt of it.
In America, the under-the-radar battle to impose sharia law continues.
Muslims have made massive inroads on the American campus, and are just
beginning to use the lower grade classrooms for tutorial sessions on
Islam appreciation. They bank on the greed of the bankers to accept
Shari'a banking without examining what societal committments shari'a
banking demands of us. And we revisit a long ago prominent
assassination that is just being reexamined to see if it should have
been linked to Muslim terrorists.
Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa Lappen give us the very good advice that
winning the war against radical Islam requires more than a winning
military strategy; it "requires understanding the role of
shari'a and the Muslim Brotherhood in developing a global
ideological and political movement supported by a parallel 'Islamic'
financial system to exploit and undermine Western economies and
markets." They set about to educate us on what we need to know about
what they rightfully call "financial jihad" so that we can
protect ourselves from this insidious route Muslims use to
infiltrate our social structure in order to overide our financial
system with theirs and to win acceptance for the strings attached to
shari'a their ideas on the status of women; their ideas on
how to treat minor infractions of the law; their ideas on which
religous group should dominate; ideas that would restrict our
political independence and lose us our freedom of action.
There have been sporadic attempts to persuade schoolchildren of the
beauty and superiority of Islam by having them role-play being a
Muslim, dressing Muslim, praying Muslim, eating food politely
according to Muslim etiquette. Now we are discovering that a one-sided
flattering view of Islam is being promoted in the classroom by way of
common ordinary textbooks. Robert Holland points out that "[m]odern
textbooks shy away from presenting a positive picture of Christianity
and Judaism as important influences ..." but the same censorship
apparently doesn't hold when discussing Islam. The American Textbook
Council examined some 10 textbooks and concluded that they "present an
incomplete and confected view of Islam that misrepresents its
foundations and challenges to international security." Islam is
portrayed as tolerant, Christianity as aggressive. Holland suggests
that the ideology of multiculturalism contributes to this
distorted view of reality. "Its most ardent proponents in academe
depict the European-rooted common culture as evil and oppressive and
Third World cultures as universally heroic."
In the last issue we presented an article by Andrew McCarthy entitled
"When Jihad Came to America" that suggested that the assassination of
Rabbi Meir Kahane in 1990 was an early example of Islamic Jihad
operating in America. Rabbi Kahane was killed by an Arab who was part
of a jihadist cell training for various acts of terror. In this issue,
Sasha Issenberg recounts the assassination of Bobby Kennedy in 1968.
The Arab who shot the then presidential candidate said he did so
because Kennedy favored Israel over the Arabs. At the time, the
shooting was seen as the act of a loner; it seemed part of the "civil
turmoil" of the time. We now understand there was a pattern of
well-planned Arab political terrorism outside of the Middle East even
before 9/11. It included the killing of the Israeli athletes in the
Munich Olympics; the hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro, when
an elderly man in a wheelchair was thrown overboard; and the first
attack on the World Trade Center. If the assassination had happened
today, the various Arab terrorist groups would be on the top of the
list of suspects.
In this issue of Think-Israel, the media section features articles on
some specific bizarre behavior in the news and entertainment fields.
One of the essays explains why truth in news presentation is important
to keep us safe in a world where Jihadists have vowed to conquer us
and have explosively shown they are serious. There is also an article
that will teach by example how to analyze a speech objectively.
In this essay the witty Burt Prelutsky bemoans the of absence of the
old time Hollywood moguls and newspaper publishers whose bottom line
was making a profit. Crass? Uncouth? True. But it saved having
producers who insisted on producing ideologically-motivated bummers
that the public with good and sensible reasons
rejects. And as far as newspapers go, it doesn't make
sense to so slant the news leftward that you lose all objectivity. No
wonder so many people have tossed their newspapers in the garbage for
the last time and get their news from more reliable sources.
The Forward newspaper has the same set of beliefs as Peace Now
and other groups that are certain that removing Israeli settlements in
Samaria and Judea will hasten their version of the Messiah: the coming
of an yet another Arab state in Biblical Israel. Discrediting Jewish
settlements is so important to them that they don't mind substituting
belief for fact. In this essay David Hornik answers each of their
Newspapers such as the New York Times don't so much report the
news about Israel as act as advocate for the Palestinian Arabs. "...
false statements, misleading figures, or omissions that survive
readers' correction and are one-sided in favor of the Arabs, in
headlines, photographs, news items, and editorials. Too much one way
for coincidence." Richard Shulman analyzes the Times'
propaganda techniques, how they mislead readers who look to them for
objective assessments and for facts set in context. What the
Times is doing goes well beyond michief-making when it helps
determine foreign policy. Worse, when it keeps us passive while our
enemies grow in strength; or, as Shulman puts it, "They turn us into
sitting ducks for an Islamist death cult."
Sultan Knish doesn't waste his time trying to decide whether Barak
Obama meant it when he said blah, blah or when he said aha-ah-blah,
blah, the two being completely contradictory. Instead he shows us how
to boil down some typical political speeches to extract the meager
supply of actual information they contain.
The History Section this issue has a biography of a remarkable
historian and remarkable man. And some events during the time Britain
held Mandated Palestine...
James Parkes was an Anglican clergyman and a historian of Jewish
history, both ancient and modern. Haim Chertok paints a portrait of
his life and provides an assessment of his writings. James Parkes was
an unusually gifted historian, who was capable of true love and
appreciation of the Jewish people without allowing that to veer him
from scrupulous accuracy. He was able, too, to look with clear eyes on
Christian treatment of Jews throughout Church history. Chertok writes
of Parkes, "For over fifty years, promoting what he had the wit and
courage to recognize as the main thing, the overriding purpose
of his life his Christian duty ... to render justice to
the Jewish people he never lost focus or faltered in
determination. In the process he became one of the authentic
intellectual and ethical heroes of our time."
In 1917, Britain was entrusted by the League of Nations to strive to
"secure the establishment of the Jewish national home," (national
home was Nordau-talk for state.) When the authority of the
League was transferred to the U.N., Mandated Palestine continued to be
in perpetual trust for the Jewish people and was so written into the
the U.N. Charter. [See
here and here.
] But it is also true that England, perhaps having senior moments,
promised the area to both the local Arabs and the Syrians. Rachel
Neuwirth writes of this triple-cross. Under the guise of having the
Hashemite Abdullah ibn Hussein administer much of the area, the Brits
also helped the Kingdom of (Trans)Jordan eventually come into
being. But that's another story.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
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May 2008 BLOG-EDS
As Steve Kramer writes in his foreword: "Nothing is more appropriate
on the 60th anniversary of Israel's Declaration of Independence than
reading the words of a young Jewish wife who left America and came to
Israel for love of Eretz Yisrael." This essay is to be
It is appropriate as we celebrate Israel's 60th to examine some of the
received wisdom about those days. Norman Berdichevsky demolishes the
myth that the USA was Israel's only friend and made Jewish statehood
possible, supplying "money, manpower and arms". While the U.S.A voted
for partition, it was primarily Czech arms, East European and Soviet
manpower and East Bloc political support that enabled Israel to
decisively win the military and diplomatic battles. If you think this
reads like the novel 1984 with flip flopping
alliances you may be right.
One sometimes wonders if Israel's Arab enemies aren't overkill her
internal haters do such a good job denigrating Israel's
accomplishments, rewriting her history and denying her right to exist
as a Jewish state. Efraim Karsh writes of the "new historians ... who
systematically rewrote the history of Zionism, warping the saga for
Israel's survival." They didn't just reevaluate the facts; in many
cases, they invented them or distorted their meaning by omitting key
information. Unfortunately, though their tactics have been exposed,
the new historians are not yet history.
We look forward to Passover but it brings with it some baggage we'd
like to think was left behind in the Dark Ages the
Blood Libel, the accusation that the Jews killed Christian children
for blood for their matzohs. The Jews. Of all people! A people whose
religion forbids ingesting blood! As Patricia Berlyn writes, the Libel
hasn't died; it lives on in Muslim mythology the Arabs
have taken it up and, as authentic modern-day medievalists, they need
no evidence to propagate the lie as literal truth. Abetted by a
friendly media, they have concocted other libels centered around the
conviction that Jews target children for killing. It seems that the
more the Jews attempt to minimize loss of Arab lives, the more
grotesque the lies the Arabs invent.
Using as parable a tale about a Pesach guest too impatient to wait
past the symbolic seder food for the later feast, Steven Plaut makes
an important point: Israel had just about defeated the first Arab
intifada and there was little sympathy for PLO barbarism, when, in the
early 1990s, the Israeli leadership was foolish enough to step onto
the slippery slope of the Oslo "Peace" Accords. This commitment has
not led to peace or even to an increase of tranquillity. "The
Oslo era was accompanied by a massive assault upon Israel's pride,
morale and confidence by its own leaders and intellectual elites." Is
it too late to bring back "an understanding of Jewish heritage" and
the pre-Oslo achievements?
The reasons given for Bush's sudden rush to establish a Palestinian
state are (1) to establish a legacy for Bush and (2) to sacrifice
Israel for Arab cooperation in extricating the U.S.A. from Iraq.
Neither makes sense in that it is unlikely the
Palestinian Arabs will maintain a facade of civility long enough for
either to happen. Realistically, you can't make a viable and peacable
state from a bunch of hate-filled savages eager to kill and loot,
savages led by a bunch of thugs who make a profit from promising peace
while collecting the weaponry for another try at eliminating Israel.
Emanuel Winston speculates on how the Bush administration proposes to
start dismantling Israel.
The Arab population in Gaza, Judea and Samaria is reportedly going
hungry, with only a trickle of electricity and no clean water. Yet,
when it comes to getting foreign funding, the PLO and
its more recent incarnation as the P.A. and Hamas has
been outstandingly successful. It has received billions of dollars
from the European Union, the United Nations, Arab and non-Arab
countries, non-governmental organizations, church groups and private
"charities." And as Anne Lieberman shows us
the United States government.
This is the story about an honor killing. It isn't really novel that
it happened in America. It isn't even unique that it happened in the
U.S.A. and the mother helped slaughter her own daughters. But it is an
absorbing story that Phyllis Chesler tells us. As she concludes, the
victims "... were American citizens. America was their culture. Their
desire to live as Americans, and not as Arab Muslims in Egypt is
precisely what doomed them."
Kathy Shaidle writes about some small nibbles Sharia-activists are
taking out of our democratic structures. They're small, they push the
envelop, they encourage our universities and workplaces to be
"sensitive" to what are claimed to be Islamic requirements even if
every one else is discomforted. More to the point, they soften us up
each concession we make makes us more compliant, more likely to
agree with the next
Noah Feldman is a respected member of the Harvard Law School Faculty
and an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Who
better to flog Muslim Sharia law, claiming it represents the highest
state of "the rule of law"? Hillel Stavis describes Feldman's
conclusion this way: "In Feldman's revisionist account, the evolution
of Islamic law echoes the Western experience and is compatible with
it. To Feldman, Sharia evolves from 'higher law' to 'the rule of law'
in a neat conflation of the secular with the holy that places the
Islamic code alongside the West's rigorously evolved concept of
secular justice." Stavis concludes, "And it can only be a matter of
time before the professor, having asserted that Sharia law is
desirable, will assure us that its introduction in the United States
is inevitable."
In Great Britain, the Sharia banking system is courted by the banking
community and "sensitivity" to Muslim needs is a top priority in the
educational system. Too often, Christian national and religious
symbols are banned while Muslim "requests" are respected. Giving legal
status to sharia courts means allowing Muslim women to be treated as
chattel not exactly a feature of democracy. Daniel Mandel contrasts
the statements of the past and current archbishops of Canterbury to
illustrate how high the tide of sharia compliance has reached. "[The
previous Archbishop] Carey sees democracy as tender and in need of
consolidation; [the current Archbishop] Williams sees it as something
rigid and in need of modification." As Mandel points out, "the
prevalent reaction, as the events of recent years show, has been to
opt for the Williams model of modifying democracy, rather than the
Carey model of consolidating democracy, to flee the Islamist challenge
rather than confront it."
The Israeli government has shown itself to be both corrupt and inept
a combination unlikely to win respect from the voters. In this
important article, Amotz Asa-El argues that the problem is more
complex and unlikely to be solved by a change in leadership. He
discusses the structure of the Israeli electoral system itself. It is
based rigidly on proportional representation of the parties,
with no local representation. It has encouraged talented people to
avoid politics, leaving the field to the self-serving, to the
mediocre, to people who are the least competent to deal intelligently
with Israel's most important matters. He argues convincingly for the
need for electoral reform.
Steven Plaut has the distinction of being slapped with a frivolous
libel lawsuit in an Israeli court, having the presiding Arab judge
rule against him she based her opinion on her own
prejudices and finally winning out, thus striking a
blow for democratic free speech. A harrowing experience but a blow for
fairness that will benefit all who are tried by a judiciary system
that creates rules on the fly. This is his fascinating account.
Boris Celser writes about the Israeli media and academics who protect
Israel's wrong-way politicians. As a case in point, he writes of the
Israeli newspapers that protect Israel's recycled politicians, thus
helping to perpetuate government by the incompetent and to encourage
Israel's policy of appeasement. He points out that "the game ends when
one side runs out of land" a real possibility given official
Israel's suicidal policy of giving up real land for paper peace. The
tone of the article is cynical but the words are sober and wise. As
Celser write, "can anyone deny that since Oslo the politics of
yesterday and today have not worked, are getting worse by the day, and
are not going to work tomorrow?" And in acceding to dememberment,
Israel harms not only herself but all of Jewish humanity.
Evelyn Gordon identifies one element in Israel's poor public relations
"Israel's persistent failure to refute Palestinian lies." As
example, a recent poll was misinterpreted as proof that the
Palestinian arabs shows increased support for violence because of the
Israeli offensive in Gaza. "Far from being unprecedented, however,
that figure is almost identical to what it was 18 months ago..." But
the Arab lies are not refuted and so they stand, unchallenged. As
Gordon points out, "It would be nice if journalists, world leaders and
international human rights organizations consistently noticed such
lies on their own, but the reality is that they rarely have the time,
energy or interest to do the necessary research. For Israel, however,
exposing Palestinian lies is a vital interest." But, thanks to her
defeatist Government, Israel doesn't.
With Iran, Hamas, Fatah and Hezbollah making serious preparations for
another attack on Israel and with the American administration
preparing to plant an Arab terror state in Biblical Israel, the Olmert
government is focusing on what it does best trying to kick the
religious Jews of Sameria and Judea out of their homes. This would be
farce if it weren't tragic. The same administration that hasn't been
able in 1000 days to resettle some 10,000 Israeli citizens is working
to uproot another 250,000 to 500,000 Israeli Jews. The Jewish refugees
from Gaza in this article by Hillel Fendel warn the potential
refugees: don't let the Government do to you what they did to us.
These are some
You-Tube clips about the Gazan Jewish refugees.
Curious, isn't it, that according to received wisdom, the attack of
the Arab States in 1967 resulted in hundreds of thousands of Arab
refugees and not a single Jewish refugee. In reality, as Sidney
Zabludoff writes, there were many more Jewish refugees they fled
for their lives from the Arab countries, many of them to Israel.
Despite the Arab countries crying crocodile tears for their
Palestinian brethren, the Arab refugees are still with us. And there
really are no Jewish refugees they have become full-fledged
citizens of Israel and the western countries to which they fled.
We know that the Jews who were expelled from their homes and farms and
orchards in Gush Katif, Gaza in August 2005 by their own government
are still in refugee status. We know they live in paper trailers and
temporary shacks. We know that they are demoralized and many are
unemployed. We know they don't have the resources to recreate the
innovative agricultural techniques that made their vegetables and
flowers world-renowned. We know that the government has probably
spent more money pretending that all is A-Ok than in resettling these
people. Nadav Shragai writes of their emotional response
of their longing for their old homes and the sense of
community they once had.
Rachel Saperstein writes of the irony that the Gush Katif orchestra
gave a concert at towns that were indifferent when the Gush Katifers
were kicked out of Gaza. Now that these towns are being constantly
struck by missiles from Gaza, they sing another tune. And she writes
of a wonderful man, a rabbi who founded AMISHAV (My People Return) to
help returnees to Judaism. His grandchild was murdered in the Yeshivat
Merkaz Harav massacre "because he was a Jew.".
Moshe Saperstein writes a frighteningly honest account of his
bitterness at all the phonies who contributed to the people of Gush
Katif becoming dispirited refugees in their own country. And he's none
too pleased with the gullibility of the general public, which is so
easily duped by the anti-Jewish Israeli government.. And yet, there
are the everyday chores to do, there's family, there're the cats to
worry about, and there's the dream of returning to his personal
paradise Gush Katif to make it as it was before the
Arabs uglified it.
Anita Tucker was a successful farmer in Gush Katif, Gaza. She was one
of the many Jews that made that desert bloom. Now she is a refugee,
made homeless by her own government. It is the Passover. And she asks:
why? why? why did this happen? It is the
Passover. She vows, with the help of caring Jews, to rebuild, and to
preserve "the community and the values we have held onto for dear life
for the sake of the People of Israel, the Land of Israel, the Torah
for us." What a remarkable woman!
This is a brilliant essay it is as if we are allowed to
examine the essayist's thoughts as he thinks them while he engages in
mental conversation with people who objected to SPME (Scholars for
Peace in the Middle East) characterizing the murder of the young
students at the Mercaz Harav as genocidal. Richard Landes cogitates on
the massacre and makes us understand why others who object to this
characterization as too strong have missed the mark
they don't yet understand that the attack wasn't a random act of
violence but was part of the concerted genocidal assault by Jihadist
Islam on Judaism.
Jeff Dunetz takes hold of a lively canard Jews
own/run/control the WORLD and, metaphorically speaking,
he beats it to a well-deserved death. Admittedly, he has his work cut
out for him, given that tenured academics and even an ex-president
have pickled, smoked, salted and marinated this duck, preserving it in
fancy lies. Next time some stupido sounds off that the Israel Lobby
sent us to make war against Iraq or that the anti-Semitic New York
Times is Israel-friendly because its founders were Joowish,
remember this essay.
Israel no longer has the luxury of taking the moral high ground yet
maintaining her edge against the Arab hordes. Unfortunately, she
seems stymied by her own moral sense, a failing the Islamic
countries do not have. David Pryce-Jones quotes a military
strategist who argues Israel needs to exterminate the terrorists in
Gaza before they become even more capable. But her unwillingness to
harm the Arab civilians who shield the terrorists prevents her from
doing what is necessary. Iran, run by deeply religious Muslim
mullahs, on the other hand, is perfectly willing to sacrifice
millions of Muslims in destroying Israel. Willing or not, "[i]n the
new Cold War shaping up between Islamism and the democratic West,
Israel holds the front line." To hold that line, she needs to stop
denying the reality the Muslims have created.
Edward Glick points out bluntly that Israel's virtues work against
her. Her pride in her noble restraint awake no respect in "world
opinion" and especially not in her enemies they have a different
set of values. As Glick puts it, "Those who wish and work for
Israel's destruction do not shrink from killing innocent civilians. So
they are unimpressed by Israel's failed policy of limiting and
apologizing for such casualties, and then begging for forgiveness from
a world that masks its politically incorect anti-Semitism with
politically correct anti-Zionism." He suggests a more realistic
approach to winning the war the Arabs have been waging for a very long
Tom Carew reflects on depravity as manifested, for
example, in the massacre of the eight young Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva
students and provides us with a useful list of the
features that characterize depravity. Unlike TV shows of
depraved criminals, it isn't just the individual Arab murderer who is
depraved but his entire culture, which finds joy in depriving others
of life. An obscene death lust has permeated all of Palestinian Arab
culture. "All those who celebrate such Depraved Crime are also morally
corrupting and gravely abusing their own children, and as such not fit
to have or retain or influence or teach any children." As front-line
people "in the struggle for humanity," Israel has an obligation to
stop the depraved behavior of their depraved neighbors
for all our sakes.
In his article on the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of the West
(January-February 2008 Issue), Fjordman described Yusuf al-Qaradawi,
spiritual leader of the Brotherhood, as one who "exploits democracy as
a Trojan horse." In this article Ana Belén Soage rounds out the
picture of Qaradawi as a prolific writer who can find Koranic
justification for whatever innovative position he wants to take. He is
a persuasive ideolog respected by Islamic theologists; yet he is a man
of action he is credited for creating the riots over
the Danish cartoons of Muhammed (See Danish
Cartoons.) All he wants from the West is for it to convert to a
higher truth Islam and he has the
financial, theological and people resources to put his ideas into
Over the years, Dr. Babu Suseelan has explored various components of
the Jihardi Muslim value system and how Muslims conceptualize the
world. In this article he rejects the comforting but wrong notion that
jihadi terrorism is the result of "unjust social forces" that
terror acts are the "frustrated responses to political injustices".
Instead, he identifies the roots of Muslim terrorism: "religious,
psychological, educational, and historical factors", which evolve into
terrorism because of the faulty thinking Islam encourages. This
thinking is hard to correct because, as he points out, "Islam is a
closed dogma and Muslims are forbidden to test its validity or
It's almost seven years after the Islamists declared war on us
the 911 unprovoked attack by Muslims on American
government and financial centers yet most of the
media are still too finicky to call people who commit acts of terror
terrorists. They describe terrorists as militants or freedom fights
and immediately find excuses for their vile behavior. The problem
with this tactic, Barry Rubin points out, is that "[while] honest
grievances can be resolved by mutual concessions... [w]ith
determined, ideologically clear, mass-based revolutionary movements
you can only defeated them or surrender." Maybe we should start
calling a terrorist a terrorist.
Have you noticed how Israel's peace negotiations keep shrinking in
concept and in ground covered. First, Israel was trying to make peace
with her Arab neighbors. Then she was persuaded with the Oslo Accords
to make peace with just the PLO, reeincarnated as the P.A. Now Hamas's
Gaza is out of range and she is being pressured to make peace with
Arafat's one-time crony and now putative head of the P.A., Mahmoud
Abbas, who continues to bleat he'll accept nothing less that
everything. And yet the Olmert government keeps spending money and
energy making peace noise and making miserable the lives of the
patriotic religious Jewish citizens who live in Samaria and Judea. I
could have taught a mouse to go for the food and not the electric
shock in less time that it is taking Olmert to learn that striving for
peace isn't going to give Israel peace. Striving to trounce Israel's
enemies strongly will. More and more Israelis understand this.
Unfortunately, while Olmert fiddles around with "peace" and bribes,
the Arabs grow stronger and more confident.
The Oslo Accords have proven to be the Jewish state's biggest
mistake. These next essays look at different aspects and consequences
of the Oslo Accords when Israel officially adopted
blindness, stupidity and appeasement as official objectives. Their
message to Israel: Forget peace; go for victory.
Isi Leibler notes that the change from passionately repudiating Arab
falsehoods to diffidence and appeasement came with the Oslo Accords.
Diplomats were directed to plead the Arab case, not their own. Many of
Israel's newspapers followed suit. One reader pointed out that
"[c]oncepts like eternal refugees, blatant revisionism and even the
concept of 'Palestine' are symptoms of the denial of reality." Yet
these became constant staples in the diet Israeli newspapers such as
Haaretz have fed their readers. "Haaretz effectively
provided the mainstream Western media with a kosher certification to
incorporate the most extreme anti-Israeli content. 'If Israeli papers
can publish this, why should we be less inhibited?' became the
standard response of numerous editors when accused of anti-Israeli
bias and double standards."
The latest magic trick for making peace between Jews and
"Given the title of this article, it is not surprising that Jonathan
Spyer argues that "the emergent reality of regional cold war
necessitates sober strategic thinking. One of the results of this
in reality if not immediately on paper
is likely to be the reversal of the 16-year-old Israeli wrong turn of
seeking peace with an opponent that neither sought nor was able to
accept coexistence with the Jewish state." A very sensible assessment.
This is an unusual offering Jaff Sassanian is the
nom de plume of a spokesman for the Sassanians who live in
Iran. His essay is a reminder that it isn't just Jews that dislike the
notion of living as second-class citizens under Islam. The Sassanians
are an ancient people who were conquered by the Arabs. Like the Jews
they have held onto their culture and traditions. Read what Jaff
Sassanian has to say. If he's right, perhaps the debate about going
into Iran or not isn't the issue. Perhaps we should be giving more
support to Iranian dissidents. If of course
if there's enough time and the Iranian leaders haven't
jumped ahead in developing their nuclear power while our
"intelligence" services lulled us into complacency.
Henry Kissinger points out that there are several different
revolutionary forces at work today globally. [The] "three simultaneous
revolutions occurring around the globe [are]: (a) the transformation
of the traditional state system of Europe; (b) the radical Islamist
challenge to historic notions of sovereignty; and (c) the drift of the
center of gravity of international affairs from the Atlantic to the
Pacific and Indian Oceans." Kissinger writes that "Today it is
radical Islam that threatens the already brittle state structure via a
fundamentalist interpretation of the Koran as the basis of a universal
political organization. Jihadist Islam rejects national sovereignty
based on secular state models; it seeks to extend its reach to
wherever significant populations profess the Muslim faith." The lesson
here is that the Islamist reach is global. We won't reduce its
virulence by believing that sacrificing Israel's integrity by planting
a Palestinian Arab state in Biblical Israel addresses the problem of
resurgent Islam in any meaningful way.
Moshe Feiglin takes what happened in the Golan in the Yom Kippur War
as a model for how to achieve peace in the Territories Gaza,
Samaria and Judea. There are five essential elements: 1. Encourage
Arab emigration; 2. Conquest; 3. Israeli sovereignty; 4. Settlement;
and 5. No peace accords! He writes, "Israel declared sovereignty over
the entire Golan, settled it and most important of all never signed
a peace treaty with Syria. This is how we have prevented the war under
the guise of peace that we suffer on our border with Egypt from
repeating itself on our border with Syria." It's hard to argue with
success, particularly when every concession for negotiated "peace"
with the Arabs has led to a weakened Israel and a more hostile Arab
Several of the articles here center on the
size of the Palestinian population. The Muslim population in Palestine
west of the Jordan river in 1691 is estimated at 219,000, the Muslims
having gained 74,000 in population between 1539 to 1691; and another
gain of 27,000 from 1691 to 1800, indicating a very low population
growth. From 1800 to 1890 during which time the Jewish aliyah had
seriously begun they gained 186,000 people, suggesting an influx
from the neighboring countries. It fits with what is known about the
people living in that desolate region of the Ottoman Empire that was
to become the western portion of Mandated Palestine: most of the Arabs
in Palestine were dirt poor, with poor nutrition, a high infant
mortality and a short life span, made shorter by untreated diseases
and constant fighting between tribes. Yet according to Arab mythology,
this group of people grew to 6-9 million (different estimates)
"Palestinians" in Israel, Jordan, in refugee camps in
the Arab countries and abroad in Europe and America by
natural growth of the original indigenous population in around 100
In 1890 there were some 500,000 people (some 50 ethnic groups,
including Jews, Christians, Arabs and other Muslims) in the desolated
Ottoman territory that would become the portion of mandated Palestine
west of the Jordan river and that included today's Gaza, the Golan,
Israel, Samaria and Judea. A staple in the Arab list of grievances is
that the early Zionist immigrants were shocked to find that the land
wasn't empty implying there was a thriving Palestinian
population, a "Palestinian people", that Israel subjugated. Diana Muir
concludes that certainly it was known there were some people on the
land. A land without people means the territory "was without a
national character". The notion of a Palestinian national identity
"only developed in reaction to Zionist immigration." She tracks the
origin of the phrase and its use as anti-Zionist propaganda.
When Shmuel Katz writes history, he writes from his own knowledge and
experience he's been there, done that. Here he cuts through the
claims by the Arabs and their sympathizers that the major obstacles to
peace are the Jewish settlements in the Territories. Very simply and
very accurately, Katz explains that these settlements are indeed
legitimate: "the Mandate remained the defining document for governing
Palestine." As he puts it, "From the point of view of international
law these settlers are as legal as any resident of Manhattan or of
Shreveport, Louisiana."
This is a very excellent review of the facts about the "Palestinian
People" and their short but violent history. Eli E. Hertz notes that
"[m]ost so-called Palestinians are relative newcomers to the Land of
Israel." How true. If they were indigenous, their huge jump in
population in a relatively short time under poor environmental
conditions would be the biggest demographic miracle in history. So why
the recent creation of an indigenous "Palestinian people" when Israel
conquered the Territories after it was invaded by the neighboring Arab
countries? As Hertz writes, "Suddenly a separate Palestinian
peoplehood appeared and claimed it deserved nationhood
and 21 other Arab states went along with it."
Some Columbia University faculty are planning to accept Iranian
president Ahmadinejad's invitation to visit his country. Rafael Medoff
reminds us of a historical parallel in the 1930's, "Columbia was
among the U.S. universities that sought to forge warm relations with
Nazi-controlled German universities." In what Medoff calls
"Totalitarian Tourism', the Nazis made elaborate preparations for
foreign visitors from universities, the press and the Red Cross,
providing them with selected, camouflaged and prettified views of what
was actually happening in Germany. These efforts paid off the
visitors went home to broadcast how pleased they were with what they
saw. After visiting some of Iran's sanitized universities, will the
present-day Columbians come back with similar enthusiasm?
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March 2008 BLOG-EDS
But thats not the whole story. We may actually be in a time of
transition when people drop the Land
For Peace mantra and more realistically assess what's going on
in the world. Initially, the predation of violent Islam on a western
world was met with little resistance our opinion makers
had benevolently adopted moral relativity and multiculturalism as
their equivalent of the Ten Commandments and it was and
is important to them to defend this image.
But more and more people in Israel and Europe and America are
recognizing that their tolerance has allowed in a large number of
Muslims intent on making shari'a law substitute for the laws of
the host country; and if this continues, it will lead to the death of
the native culture. Moreover, there is a still minimal
awareness that without oil, the implementation of the
war Islam is waging will dry up, so we need to find alternative
sources of energy.
So backlash has started, both in the growing anti-Islamist media
and in technological advances.
The real question is: can we of the West fight back soon enough and
strong enough before the monomaniac Islamists overwhelm us with their
usual tactics: suing and harassment of officials; terrorism; high
birth rate, overwhelming the social services of the host country; an
uncompromising certainty that they know best, which usually makes
diplomats urge the less fanatical other side to do all the
compromising; murder of targetted Jews and Christians and anti-Islamic
Muslims; bribery and intimidation of news media people; bribery and
intimidation of politicians and diplomats; rioting; blackmail that
they will riot if their demands aren't met; bribery and intimidation
of academics, etc, etc, etc.
Martin Kramer provides us with a realistic assessment of where the
Peace Process stands. Bottom Line: it's out of steam. Posturing maybe,
but no real pressure. And even among themselves, the Arabs are not
doing kissy-kiss and make-up. Saudi Arabia may from time to time
support both Sunni and Shiites, but there's no united front against
Iran. What is puzzling then: what or who is fueling Olmert's
monomania to destroy the Jewish communities of Samaria and Judea?
David Wilder puts the current appeasement of the Arabs in historic
context, pointing out that Israel's first crumbling was after the 1967
Six Day War, when in their hunger for peace with their Arab neighbors,
Israel acted as if it were the defeated side and destroyed Jewish
settlements that had been started in the Sinai. The attitude that
Israel must make all the concessions for peace plus a Marxist
educational system that teaches the lie that Israel really doesn't
belong to the Jews plus an IDF that is taught it isn't nice to win
have all contributed to the parlous state in which Israel now finds
itself. It is an excellent summary not only of what is going on in
Israel but it points out: "the aim of Islam is not only the end of
Israel; rather it is the Islamization of the entire western world and
culture, including a takeover of Europe and North America."
Rachel Neuwirth does a masterful job summerizing the dangers Jews face
around the world. Terorism, particularly in Israel, has not abated
since the 1993 Oslo Accords; instead it has increased and the
terrorists are stronger than ever. Terrorism against Jews in the
diaspora is still minimal which means this is the time
to stop it but the FBI refuses to connect the dots. The
diplomats find it more rewarding to pressure Israel, which has been
willing to make concessions, that to deal with the Arabs, who won't
budge from their position. The propaganda attacks against the Jews
continue. And what really drains our strength is that "[t]housands of
Jewish journalists, academics, filmmakers, artists and 'intellectuals'
in the United States, Canada, Europe, and within Israel itself have
actively participated in the campaign of vilification and lies against
Israel. Neuwirth's essay is not happiness-making. But it is impossible
to improve a situation until you understand it.
One of the Dr. Seuss books chronicles the ever more disasterous
results of trying to correct what started as a single stupid mistake.
As analog, we have Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in the mistaken
belief that Israel could thus separate itself from the nasties who
live in the Territories. The Government has been generally indifferent
to its own displaced Gazan Jews, a demoralized group of once proud and
productive citizens. But their plight has received little attention.
On the other hand Israel is held responsible for the welfare of the
Gazan Arabs, and there is much media indignation if she cuts back on
services. The new owners of Gaza are too busy to worry about their own
infrastructure they are occupied making bombs and
distributing them for free to as many Israeli cities as they can
reach. They've also mucked up the water supply and now
that they've broken the barrier with Egypt are bringing
diseased animals in from Egypt. As Israel tries to deal with the
worsening situation in Gaza, the pro-Arab press has taken up a new
version of an old mantra: it's all Israel's fault. Abraham Bell
explains the legality of what Israel is doing. I wonder if it will
have any impact on those who want Israel dead.
America trains Arab terrorists to fight; Israel gives them guns and
Abbas smiles all of them, it is claimed, are determined
to defeat Hamas and establish a peaceful Palestinian state inside
Israel. The reality: Abbas turns over the weaponry to Hamas, sometimes
willingly; Israel releases prisoners who return to killing Jews; and
Abbas announces that peace with Israel is not really what he is after.
Extermination is a closer fit to his plans. Dr. Aaron Lerner
succinctly summarizes Abbas' actual plans, not the misty nonsense
American and Israeli politicians spout. The article includes some
direct quotes from Abbas' latest interview from the PMW website. The
reality is: (1) we help Abbas and he gets strong, then joins Hamas to
fight Israel openly; or (2) we don't help Abbas and in high dudgeon he
joins Hamas to fight Israel openly. Why is Israel waiting while its
enemies gather strength?
Arlene Kushner asks whether Mahmoud Abbas and his party are moderate
and whether they are legitimate peace negotiation partners. This
divides into several subquestions, starting with: (1) are they able
to control Samaria and Judea? The answer is NO. Is Abbas corrupt? The
answer is YES. Is he a strong leader. The answer is NO. (2) Does
Abbas intend to be a Peace Partner? All the signs say NO. This is a
fact-filled logically-presented discussion on whether the Palestinian
state Olmert is so intent on creating has any chance of being a
viable structure and a peaceful neighbor.
The latest from the journal of that remarkable couple, the
Sapersteins, previously part of the proud, productive and patriotic
community of Neve Dekalim, Gush Katif, Gaza and now part of a
demoralized, underemployed community living in paper caravans, a
community struggling to survive the afflictions inflicted on them by
an uncaring government. This reads like a HOW-TO survive as
This is a compilation of recent items on the plight of the people of
Gush Katif, Gaza that were converted from a productive and thriving
community into a bunch of unemployed refugees. And this by their own
government, which had spent time training the army and police to oust
the people but had not bothered to plan how and where to relocate them
and provide them adequate housing, jobs and schools. As we've read
over the years from the Sapersteins (google "saperstein" Think-Israel,
top of home page), the temporary paper caravans that serve as their
new homes were badly set into position. The latest rains have helped
the rats; but they haven't pushed the do-nothing bureaucracy into
doing anything except maybe moving their jaws a bit more vigorously.
Usually the Israel Academia Monitor lets leftist ideologues
expose themselves and the ideas they inculcate in Israeli youth
simply by presenting us with articles they have written. In this essay,
Joel Amitai draws us a character sketch of Dan Bar-On of Ben-Gurion
University (BGU), one of the most egregious of Israel's "psycho babblers." I
wonder if BGU will award him a research prize as did Hebrew U, in
acclaiming a study that claimed that the IDF was racist because the
soldiers didn't rape Arab women (see here.)
What is practicised by Israel's leftist judiciary is described
politely as "judicial activism" and, more accurately, as "judicial
tyranny". It has become one of Israel's major problems, severely
crippling her ability to defend herself against Arab terrorists. As
Rabbi Steven Pruzansky puts it, "The dangers of subjectivity in law
by a self-perpetuating judicial oligarchy answerable to
no one, composed exclusively of like-minded liberals who are charged
with appointing their successors became apparent. It
was now easy to understand how Jewish teenagers who had blocked
a highway to protest the Gaza expulsion could be sentenced to two
years in prison." And why terrorists are afforded more protection
than Israel's Jewish citizenry.
Boris Celser presents us with a bitter satire on Bush and Olmert,
puppeteer and totally compliant puppet, who together preside over a
sick Israeli administration an administration that
kowtows to the Arab and disdains the Jew. It is a country that has
deviated so far from its moral core that Jews are not allowed to pray
openly on the Temple Mount. When they are permitted access, they may
pray to their God but they mustn't move their lips. And the Arabs keep
a sharp watch. Back in 1967, the local Arabs were
casually and with no public discussion given control of
Judaism's holy site. And the people has allowed this distorted state
of affairs to continue for some 40 years. It's time this stopped.
When Israel conquered the eastern part of Jerusalem in 1968, the Arabs
came, hoping they'd be allowed to worship quietly on the Al-Aqsa
Mosque. Moshe Dayan made the grand gesture of giving effective control
of the Temple Mount to the Waqf. Over the years, the Arabs have become
bolder and have shown how little respect they have for Jewish worship.
They have increasingly violated the laws governing new construction
and preserving antiquities. Nadav Shragai tells us about the most
recent Arab violations: endangering the structure by illegal
construction and destroying artefacts that point to an ancient Jewish
presence. What is appalling is that the Israeli government, initially
fearful of calling attention to Arab non-compliance with the Oslo
Accords, never called a halt to this flagrant destruction. The
government doesn't act because it fears the Arabs will riot; they are
not ashamed of allowing the desecration of Judaism's most sacred site.
Nor are they swayed by polite protest.
Israel is proud of doing its upmost not to injure Arabs that are not
obviously terrorists, even though the Arabs take advantage by hiding
among civilians and using their children as couriers, even sending
them in to collect the guns from dead terrorists, secure in the
knowledge that the IDF will not shoot. But Israel's foolish protection
of the lives of "innocent" Arabs to the point of jeopardizing the
lives of her own children and soldiers has consequences. Israel's
using her soldiers to throw Jews out of their homes as in Gaza and
Amona also has consequences. Michelle Nevada spells out one of them
it has soured diaspora Jews who are strongly Zionistic
from encouraging their sons to join the IDF. As Nevada puts it, "It is
a place where those who are religious are held back from the best
positions in the service, a place where they are interrogated about
whether their loyalty is to the IDF or to the Torah, and a place where
they must be forced to chose between the two. If you choose to keep
your religious ideals, you go to jail." The consequences may be
unintended but they are real.
Arabs are pretty good at creating a story out of whole cloth. Their
hoaxes have become classics in the art of swaying public opinion by
sheer invention or by ballooning some small incidents. The 52 dead in
Jenin became, according to Palestinian Arab diplomats, 5000 and was
only much later discredited. The Qana hoax was brilliantly executed by
Hezbollah but failed because bloggers not the main
stream media (MSM) found discrepancies and
inconsistencies and squelched the hoax before it could be firmly
established no thanks to Israel's PR people. (Read
"Bloggers Take On The Qana 'Massacre,'" here.)
Recently, Hamas tried a Hezbollah-like stunt, holding Israel
responsible for death by starvation and curtailed electrical power in
Gaza rather than, as in the Lebanon War, death by bombing.
Israel hasn't gotten much swifter at countering these theatrical
stunts. But, to play theater critic for a moment, Hamas simply doesn't
have Hezbollah's verve and boldness and technique in hoaxery.
The third component the media they
haven't changed much, either. At Qana, they knew that the Hezbollah
point man was running around from photographer to photographer
carrying a dead child with no danger to himself. But they wrote it up
as if the actor was fearlessly running for medical help to save the
baby's life and they implied Israel was bombing the area. The media
does what it can to malign Israel, but they don't have much to work
with Hamas is much too amateurish. More generally, the
media practices self-censorship when dealing with Arab misdeeds and
can be relied on to find fault with Israel no matter what the
At the beginning of the second intifada in 2000, a photograph of a man
and his son unsuccessfully trying to avoid Israeli gunfire won the
sympathy of the world. Among the Palestinians, the child, Mohammed
al-Dura, was commemorated as a martyr and became a role model for the
Arab youth. France 2 claimed his death had been caught on tape, but it
later became clear the shooting was a hoax. Positioned where they
were, the IDF could not have shot him. What still isn't clear is
whether the hoax was perpetrated independently by the Arab camera man,
or by him and his boss, Charles Enderlin, with collusion by France 2,
the TV station that broadcast the scene. In fact, it isn't clear that
Al-Dura is dead. Adi Schwartz writes that an independent investigator
has cleared the IDF of responsibility. And in time, the hoax will
unravel but the damage it has done is not as easily undone.
Rachel Corrie, a member of the Marxist International Solidarity
Movement (ISM) and a strong supporter of the Palestinians was killed
in March 2003. The world was told she was run over twice by an
Israeli tractor. Rachel Corrie won fame as did Mohammad al-Dura. Both
served the Arab cause against Israel. Both had deaths that shocked and
sorrowed the world. In both cases, eye witnesses confirmed that their
deaths were caused by the IDF. Both were treated as martyrs and
memorialized in various ways. After the initial shock, both deaths
were seen as puzzling and suspicion increased that they were staged.
Years later, we learn that the IDF was not responsible in either
death. In fact, there is strong evidence in al-Dura's case and
circumstantial evidence in Corrie's that they were done in by the
These pictures of the Gaza blackout are instructive. There is no way
that the pathos-filled pictures could have made their way to print
without the collusion of Arab photographers, who took them at angles
that hid the light and the truth. The news editors are equally
culpable. They presumably knew that the Gazans were not in an
electricity blackout. They knew that creating hoaxes is an often-used
tool in Arab propaganda. Why did they print the Israel-demonizing
pictures without verification?
Israel has often needlessly taken the blame for Arab death
e.g., Mohammed al-Dura and the family that set off an explosive while
having a Gaza beach picnic. It was later much later discovered
Israel wasn't responsible. Even when they do respond to Arab hoaxes
and ordinary mistatements, exaggerations and just plain lies, Israeli
counter information most often comes too little and too late long
after the damage has been done.. Amir Mizroch writes about the Gaza
blackout story, focusing on the mistakes made by the Israelis. As is
often the case in Israeli botch-ups, the culprit was poor
communication within a bureaucracy that may fear bad press but hasn't
mastered how to produce timely counter responses.
Dr. Kenneth Levin points out that despite the many opportunities
Israel has had to "to unmask the murderous hypocrisy of Palestinian
leaders talking 'two-state solution' and 'mutual recognition' in
speeches to Western audiences while militating for a single, Arab,
state in all the land when talking in Arabic...," Israeli leaders do
not. Nor do they object publicly to how its peace partner
Egypt continues to demonize the Jews, producing vile propaganda that
inculcates hate through the Arab world. They ignore both Arab words
and Arab hostile deeds. But this will not bring peace. Israel longs to
be a normal nation. Then it should explain to the world the "true
challenges posed by its enemies challenges that preclude for the
present any possibility of genuine peace." That is what a normal
nation would do.
Barbara Barron utilizes Jungian concepts to sketch out an analysis of
what is wrong with Israeli hasbara. She suggests that Israel's
"...persona of hardiness and resilience has become more and more rigid
and inflexible, perhaps as a reaction to her realisation of the
shadow, in the shape of her growing sense of unease about how she is
perceived and often, it seems, willfully misunderstood, by the rest of
the world ...[which] is in turn exacerbated by the way in which her
government spokespeople fail to represent her fully in the
international arena, and, worse, often seem publicly to undermine
their country's ethos." The result is she shows all the signs of the
"emotionally bullied" individual. A remedy is to be found if Israel
would repeat what she knows is the truth to counter Arab lies, no
matter how often it takes "for the message to be got across." Perhaps
in doing the obviously necessary, she will heal herself.
Many news media, book publishers, museums, art galleries, movie houses
and culture centers in Europe fear that Muslims will react with
violence to any article or work of art that might be considered
insulting to their religion. After all, documented reaction has
included everything from rioting to murder. So they have taken to
self-censorship, refusing to publish or produce items in a
pre-appeasement ritual to potential Muslim disapproval. Or they remove
a long-established item because it might offend Muslims. A feature of
this self-censorship is that it often takes place with no threatening
input from Muslims, whereas the same culture gatekeepers loftily
dismiss Jewish and Christian protests against their religions
as an affront to free speech.
Barry Rubin dissects a recent article on Gaza from the New York
Times and demonstrates how the Times carelessly ignores
facts and how they insert sly suggestions that Israel is responsible
for the distress of the Gaza Arabs. Perhaps the Paper of Record is
after a Guinness Book record on how much slander and distortion can be
written about Israel in the smallest amount of space. If so, they have
competition from several other main stream papers that claim to be
more truthful than the National Inquirer.
Daniel Pipes reviews a new book by Philip Carl Salzman, which
discusses the importance of the tribal social structure to the
understanding of Arab society. The family-clan-tribal structure,
common to many Islamic societies, coupled with "tyrannical
centralism", would account for key aspects of "Middle Eastern family
life", including cousin marriage which increases the number of
children with genetic abnormalities polygyny and honor killings.
Pipes also makes the point that Arab tribal structure, by its very
nature, is highly resistant to a quick fix.
"In 1772," Jacob Marcus wrote, "a Muslim scholar in Cairo was asked
how Jews and Christians should be treated." This text is his reply. It
is in keeping with earlier Muslim practices (see, e.g., Andrew G.
Bostom (ed.), The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts
to Solemn History) and indicates a continuity in discrimination
against Christians and Jews throughout Islamic history. It certainly
calls into question modern spins on Muslim intolerance that it is
due to their unhappiness with what Israel and America are doing; that
it is due to a few irrational fanatics on the fringe of the religion;
that it is due to Muslim shame at being left behind by western
technology and science; and that it is due to modern dictatorships and
would disappear if democracy usually defined as the right to vote,
which many Muslim dictatorships already have was adopted in Muslim
If any field is immune to sharia takeover, you'd think long-term
investigation in medicine would be. Marion D.S. Dreyfus describes
what a sharia invasion would do to such research it
would dry it up. Israel would go from being a major contributor to
scientific and medical journals to the current level of research from
the Arab countries, which is close to zero. More generally, this essay
asks: what happens when politics and ideology invade science?
The Muslim Brotherhood spawned the terrorist group, Hamas, but it also
spreads its influence in ways that are less violent but just as
dangerous. It controls mosques and it has paid for and successfully
infiltrated political, social, academic and banking institutions and
organizations in the Middle East, Europe and increasingly in America.
Since its beginning in the 1920s, it has planned big and well in
advance and it has sufficient oil money to implement its plans. It has
been remarkably successful. Frightenly so. Fjordman gives us a picture
of the Brotherhood's reach and reviews some of the pertinent articles
about it. In America, judging from puff pieces written about them,
they have coopted a goodly number of academics and media people. And
their spiritual leader, Yusif al-Qaradawi, has been directly implicated
in the Danish cartoon riots.
Babu Suseelan provides us with a terrifying but accurate picture of
what Muslim terrorists are doing in India against Hindus: "...
homicide bombing, killing of innocent Hindus, destruction of temples,
research institutions, burning passenger trains, hijacking airplanes
and assassination..." Sound familiar? I'm surprised Condoleeza Rice
hasn't yet blamed it all on Israeli intransigence.
Kenya has become a news-worthy place, thanks to its association with
the Democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama, who was raised
there as a Muslim and now declares himself a Christian. Kenya is also,
as David J. Jonsson writes, a place where Islam and Christianity have
been in ideological conflict, and where Islam is projected the winner.
As Jonsson reminds us, Islam brings with it its violence, its
all-encompassing shari'a law and its triumphalist ambition to
spread its ideology globally.
Julia Gorin raises concerns about America's sanctioning
Kosovo's breakaway from Serbia to become another Muslim state. She
points out that post-9/11, is it "... the free world's business to
spread Shari'a law, as is always the upshot of any Islamicizing
region?" It will more than likely serve as an al-Qaida base, because
of the al-Qaida links to the KLA. Moreover, approving Kosovo's
breakaway sets a bad precedence for how to handle belligerent
minorities around the globe, Muslim and non-Muslim.
This article by Arieh Eldad focuses on what the implications of a
Kosovo breakaway are to Israel. If Israel accepts the Kosovo
separation, then it has cut itself off at the knees, having no reason
to reject, say, the Arabs in the Galilee demanding the area become
theirs. For that matter, taking it a step further, what will America
do as the Azlatans a group advocating the return of the
American southwest to Mexico grow more vociferous and begin to
"liberate" California on the grounds that the whites are an unwelcome
The first set of articles looks at activism in some mainline churches.
After several decades of internal propagandizing Arab
Christians in particular were effective proselytizers of the church
decision-makers in July 2005 the Presbyterian church
became the first Christian denomination in America to vote to divest
from companies that do business with Israel. Caterpillar, Motorola,
ITT, inter alia were targetted. Membership backlash following
Presbyterian-Hezbollah meetings caused the Church to profess some
reassuring words. Nevertheless, the anti-Israel activists continue to
operate with a free hand, becoming more obviously anti-Jewish, no
longer justifying their animosity on supposed "sins" committed by
Israel. These next essays probe the Presbyterian attitude and some
bizarre behavior among pro-Palestinian Methodists.
This is a remarkable examination of anti-semitism in the Presbyterian
Church by an Elder of the Church, who has divested himself of slogans
and superficial explanations for the phenomenon of the current and
growing hostility to Jews by mainline churches. He looks at the
problem from several viewpoints, and trashes many of the usual
reasons to justify the Church's hostility.
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the Methodists are now
actively imitating the earlier drive by the Presbyterians to divest
themselves of stock in companies doing business with Israel. But they
have gone well beyond their mentors. Mark Tooley writes how The United
Methodist Women's Division is even targetting the Methodist young with
hate-Israel messages gussied up as instructional stories on how to
empathize with the Po' Palestinians. Oh those evil
Professor's Walt and Mearsheimer's book has become a foundation text
for many a nutter's article on anti-Jewish websites. Now that Jimmy
Carter has been discredited partially by his own statements the
anti-Jew lobby has little but sleezoid writings to give them
accreditation except for the study by real professors from fancy
schools Walt and Mearsheimer, from U of Chicago and Harvard yet.
Alex Safian takes a look at how academically sound their work is. He
focuses specifically on some of the book's factually incorrect
statements, significant omissions and unsubstantiated conclusions. If
their universities reflected the level of their scholarship, they'd be
teaching at "Get-yr-phd-in-2-mos University.
Ofira Seliktar examines Walt and Mearsheimer's book, which is written
from the point of view of realist theory applied to
international relations, and provides us with an excellent
understanding of why the book fails so badly as an informed analysis:
the authors have little real knowledge of the Middle East. They assume
the Arabs have Western-rational goals. Casting Israel as Middle
Eastern bogeyman of the Western world is actually their bizarre
attempt to salvage their school of thought, which had totally failed
to explain 9/11 and does not comprehend the mindset of the Arab
leaders. As Seliktar writes of their invalid conclusions: "They were
trying to solve an imaginary problem, since their puzzlement arose
from their mistake of recasting the region into a tight realist mold
that did not fit its realities." The paper also provides an excellent
summary of why the Peace Process hasn't worked and can not work
– it runs counter to the Arab goal of destroying Israel; they
have no intention of living with Israel in neighborly peace.
Want to know how our grandchildren will date when Islam brought its
jihad against the U.S.A directly to America? Not on 9/11. No. It was
earlier. It was in 1990, when they assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane, a
Jew who couldn't be intimidated and who promulgated the then radical
idea that the Arabs be transferred out of Biblical Israel. Against all
the evidence to the contrary, the killing was declared a lone act of
violence by the FBI, which just like these days
took its time translating much of the Arabic
handwritten notes found in the assassin's apartment. Three years
later, other members of his cell made the first attempt to destroy the
World Trade Center. It was only partially successful, but it was a
morale-booster and gave the jihadists valuable information for a more
dramatic future attack. Andrew C. McCarthy provides us with a vivid
account of the killing of Rabbi Kahane by an Arab from Egypt who was
part of a jihadist cell training for various acts of terror under the
guidance of the "Blind Sheik," Omar Abdel Rahman.
This is a companion piece to McCarthy's article (see above). In his
time Rabbi Kahane was reviled as a racist for baldly saying it's them
or us vis a vis the Arabs and the Jews. He frightened people by
telling them the obvious: there really are some binary events with no
in-between. The sun shining in the middle of the night is
impossible. If the sun is shining, it isn't night. He was one of the
first victims of the newest Arab war against the West, the first
certainly on American soil. Now the secular Jews advocate what he
preached separation between Arabs and Jews. They want
it so much, they are willing to give up Biblical Israel and much more.
This is the speech Meir Jolowitz gave at the Rememberance Service 17
years after Rabbi Kahane was do we call it
murder or assassination?.
I don't know what the going rate is for full control of a American
university but as Patrick Poole demonstrates, the Saudis are getting
their money's worth from a paltry 20 meg donation to Georgetown
University that endowed a Center dedicated to Muslim-Christian
understanding. "The Center's director, John Esposito, has been known
for his vigorous apologetics for Islamic extremism, ... and the Center
has affiliated with institutions and people that front for and speak
for Hamas and Hamas' parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood. And
they have hired staff such as Susan Douglass, who once taught at the
Islamic Saudi Academy, which graduated several students who went on to
commit acts of terrorism; she now turns out propagandizing textbooks
on the K-12 level. In short, the Center has become an effective
conduit for promoting the acceptance of wahhabi-style Islam and
infiltrating it into the larger community.
This is an impassioned yet sensible essay by Hugh Fitzgerald
summarizing how far the world has progressed in comprehending that
Muslim aggressiveness can not be appeased but must be repelled.
Unfortunately, the politicians and the diplomats and the so-called
leadership in Israel and this country seem the least enlightened,
still believing they can sway Islam to civilized neighborliness. "But,"
Fitzgerald writes, "[t]he logic of events, the inevitability of Muslim
aggressive demands and Muslim violence within the countries of Western
Europe, and nothing else, will make that reassessment [of what Islam
is really after] happen. All Israel has to do is to hold on, not give
in, do nothing to whet, by further surrenders to the sly Slow
Jihadists of Fatah." The problem reduces then to: how to keep Israel
from foolishly divesting itself of its land until the tide of global
public opinion turns against the Muslims.
Most people have only a vague idea about what the Zionist revolution
entails. Nevertheless, it is fashionable especially for those who
do their meditation sitting on Tel-Aviv bar stools to insist that
Zionism is dead. Yehuda HaCohen makes the point that, on the contrary,
the Revolution is still in its infancy and is just beginning as
Israel's achievements in science and technology indicate to blossom
for the benefit of mankind. As the Jews slough off the
European-Marxist ideologies of the first generation kibbutzim and go
back to their own roots, that's when the Zionist revolution will
really begin in earnest.
Melvin E. Lee's thesis is that we labor under "[t]he fundamental
premise .. that grievances with U.S. policies in the Middle East
motivate Islamist terrorism." He makes clear that "[s]uch assumptions
... misunderstand the enemy and its nature. In reality, the conflict
is sparked not by grievance but rather by incompatibility between
Islamist ideology and the natural rights ... incorporated into U.S.
political culture." Accepting that Islam has genuine grievances
against us they blame their economic, technological and
social stagnation on the West leads us to a policy of
appeasement, which only encourages the Jihadists to increased
hostility. To understand the roots of Islamic terrorism, we need to
look not at their long list of grievances but at their culture and
religion. This will take a major overhaul of our attitude of moral
relativity, whereby we accept most groups at their own evaluation.
It's a big part of our multicultural view of the world, but it won't
help us develop useful ways to deal with adherents of a religion that
blames us and never themselves for their misery. Lee suggests some
major changes in our tactics.
Dr. Babu Suseelan counters the pernicious and paralyzing argument that
only a Muslim can understand the Muslim religious experience
and by implication interfere with or
condemn the actions of a Muslim. Dr. Suseelan replies that experience
can be a starting point but not a terminator of outside examination.
"One can gain knowledge and insight about Islamic theocracy without
believing in Koranic concepts...most people acquire the view that
Jihadi terrorism and suicide bombing are wrong on no experience of
terrorism or bombing..." Consistency and coherence "with other common
views and historical facts" serve us as guides to what we accept. It
is important that we be able to question the Islamic belief system,
especially when their adherents are attempting to inflict their values
on the rest of us.
Iranians are Muslim, but not Arabic. Amil Imani views himself as a
descendent of ancient Persia and shrugs off the Islam superimposed on
the populace when the Arabs conquered Persia now Iran in the mid
7th Century. In this essay he describes the Muslim character as shaped
by Muhammed's personality and notions. He then suggests general
principles to fight the threat that Islam has become to the West.
Barry Rubin explains how the Arabs easily overwhelm the West and
Israel by a simple con game that cleverly plays on the Western feeling
of responsibility and desire for fairness and its willingness to
negotiate: Oh pity us, we've been victimized by you, so pay attention
to our grievances. If you want us to trust you, you must build up our
confidence in you by giving us gifts. "But," Rubin points out, "the
real problem is the Arabic-speaking world's political structure and
prevalent ideology. Nothing outsiders can do will change this very
much, or at all." So it's time we stop making concessions and start
expecting responsible behavior from the Arabs.
No Sharia has now finished writing about the 8th Policy Area in his
model. It concerns the best policy regarding immigration, visas and
citizenship. He starts with defining our most dangerous enemy it is
not the terrorists but the moderate muslims (moderate in the Muslim
meaning of the word). He then formulates the main goals for an
immigration policy of an European country, before specifying the rules
and principles concerning tourist visas, temporary residence permits,
permanent residence permits and citizenships. The intent, as always,
is to develop ways of preventing further Islamization of Europe.
Michael Zebulon has the gift of making it fun to learn some necessary
information we should all know about "Palestine" and the "Palestinian
people". The Arabs have another kind of gift they have been able to
invent a people the Palestinians and a country called Palestine,
where this people is said to have dwelt from ancient times. Never mind
that there is no P in Arabic, so ironically, having a suspected
terrorist say Palestine is an effective shibboleth. But we have
the facts of geography and history available and they are an excellent
way to counter the Arab fantasy. We simply need to speak up whenever
we hear the fantasy.
This is an article by Meir Zamir from Ha'Aretz about British
plotting against Israel/Zionism and against France circa 1944-1948,
and in favor of Arab nationalism. One reader of the original article
commented, "I hope Professor Zamir is frantically writing it up as a
book. This will be a major contribution to our understanding of the
real dynamics in the Middle East after WWII."
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
A Blog-Ed page has a quick list of the articles from which you can
access any of the articles immediately. To go to the list, click the
"Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page.
January 2008 BLOG-EDS
Moshe Sharon has personal experience of how wily and manipulative
Arabs can be in what Westerners regard as straight-forward diplomatic
negotiations. As he puts it, "...in the bazaar of the Arab-Israeli
conflict, the two sides are not discussing the same merchandise." and
"...if you are clever enough you can sell nothing at a price." In this
essay he provides us with some useful guidelines in bargaining with
Arabs. And the Arabs won't be ready to bargain seriously until they
"... have lost all hope of annihilating the Jewish state.."
Michelle Nevada, the essayist, speaks for many of us in noting that
the word peace is content-free. It is all things to
diplomats and nothing of any real use to the rest of us. To be of
use, peace should bear some relationship to "life, as we know
it, ... a potpourri of conflict, struggle, noise and dissonance." As
it is for the person, it is for the country. "To exist, people and
nations must fight to survive. If we fail, we die and only in death
do we have 'peace'." Truly, a liberating concept.
Elyakim Haetzni makes a habit of predicting the next stupid
capitulation of Israel's leaders to Arab and American demands and
their next pre-programmed hostile action aimed at Israel's religious
and patriotic "settlers". He warned that P.M. Olmert would try to
divide Jerusalem and cede Biblical Israel as starters to total abject
surrender of national pride and national land. The implementation of
these idiotic and dangerous actions seems to have started Olmert
and Abbas are "negotiating" Olmert is ready to give all and Abbas
to take all and give nothing.
These are articles from various blogsites before the Annapolis
Summit/Conference/Meeting and General Give-Away. They make points
downplayed in the mainstream media about the upcoming Annapolis
Conference. These are just some of the many sites on the internet that
care about Israel's future. They are more representative of the actual
feeling of both Americans and Israelis than the mouthings of the
American State Department and a few traitor Jews in both countries.
Picture this: a large number of Arab countries, their current
"friends" Russia, Europeans and the anti-Israel NGOs and, shame,
shame, the U.S.A. ganged up on one side. And Israel all alone on the
other. It's a mockup of the U.N. General Assembly (GA), and like the
GA, makes a mockery of fairness to Israel. As Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
notes, "The bigger problem is that the government of Ehud Olmert seems
disposed to go along with the emerging 'international consensus.'"
Bad news for Israel.
The aftermath to Annapolis: a dash to the U.N. to get a Security
Council endorsement of the Annapolis 'we've agreed to talk about
thinking about when ...' This would reposition Annapolis Israel
would now be pitted against the Security Council. This wasn't
sanctioned by the White House. The State Dept seems to have tried to
do an end-around around Bush and get the U.N. to certify to its
version of what was agreed upon rather like the Intelligence
Community trying to make policy with their Iran N.E.I., which is
certainly so much more fun that doing dull assessments. Ed Lasky
provides us with a surprising linkage namely, the
Lebanese anti-semitic USA Ambassador to the UN; a Jew of the
Democratic Party persuasion, who has sworn to destroy Bush and, oh
yes, make Israel secular and multicultural; and an ex-Annan flunkie,
whose job it was to make the UN oil scandal go away.
Sarah Honig writes about an earlier Arab-Israeli peace meeting and the
Israeli negotiators who were so intent on making a peace deal with
Yassir Arafat Abbas' old crony and boss
they never noticed he had no set of demands that, fulfilled, would get
him to agree to a peace treaty with Israel. It took a disgracefully
long time for the Israeli negotiating team to realize that they were
making so many unrequited concessions for peace that pretty soon
there'd be no Israel to enjoy the peace they were hoping for. A
pathetic bunch. And Olmert has learned nothing from their stupidity.
Shmuel Katz reminds us of the important matter: the Arabs had not and
have no intention now to carry out their responsibilities under the
previous peace plan the Road Map and
here they were at Annapolis, primed to demand another Palestinian
state, with all their unfulfilled contractual promises ignored. Yet
Israel in the person of Ehud Olmert was and is eager to strip itself
of land and of self-respect, willing to make concessions that endanger
its existence.
A way of viewing the Annapolis sitcom is to see it as a structure
designed for and by its initiator, major promoter and
arbiter of protocol, Condoleezza Rice. Professor Emmanuel Sivan
suggests her performance is rooted in her mediocrity, her
"intellectual frailty and character weakness". Fortunately, she'll be
history soon running some girl's college into the ground, perhaps.
But, unfortunately, she can do a lot of damage in the short time
left, especially when she is dealing with a compliant Israeli
In September, 2001, just after 911, speaking to the uncommitted and to
jihadists everywhere, George Bush said, "You are either with us or
against us." There was a clear differentiation between the problem
terrorism and the solution
terrorists had made us their enemy and we would fight
them. Then we began backtracking. The final shattering of the Bush
doctrine came with the Annapolis meeting. As Andrew C. McCarthy puts
it, "Seduced by the fantasy of peace-loving Palestinians, the
president and his top diplomats have made creation of a sovereign
state for these blood-soaked jihadists the bedrock of our Middle East
policy thus undercutting any credibility the Bush
Doctrine may have had."... "This administration is hellbent on
granting statehood to savages who worship 'martyrdom,' who have bombed
their way to the table, and whose non-negotiable demand
a 'right of return' to Israel for millions of migrant Palestinians
would sound the death-knell for a civilized democracy
that is our only true friend in the region." What a terrible way to
treat a friend; what a foolish way to treat an enemy.
Annapolis may be over but it reeinforced the traditional aftermath of
a Arab-Israeli "peace conference" Arabs will need to do nothing and
Israel is to make land giveaways. If there's a change, it's that the
America is giving up its "honest broker" pretense and has appointed a
monitor to ensure Israel's compliance to do and die for a Palestinian
state. Sarah Honig's excellent essay makes us understand Israel's
demoralizing future, thanks to policy (re)set in Annapolis.
Ralph Peters has concluded that "[s]hort of intolerable carnage,
there's no durable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem. None.
" The Arabs don't want peace; it would throw things out of kilter.
There'd be a large group of unemployed men, whose only job skill is
killing people. Moreover, Arab leaders wouldn't have Israel to blame
for their incompetence. No, that would never do. And there is the
elephant-sized fact that Israel is tiny. There is simply no room for
two states in it.
What a sensible article this is! Edward Bernard Glick strips away the
blarney about how Israel should, all by itself, carry the morality
torch for all of the Middle East and talks about the critical issue
survival. He points out, "In the zero-sum-game Middle
East, if you don't win, you lose." For Israel that means she must
worry less about inflicting civilian casualties and more about winning
What is most unforgivable is the agony and suffering Israel
inflicted on some of its most loyal and productive citizens, turning
them from proud contributors to Israel's economy to
demoralized, jobless dependents of the state.
This quote is from
Guysen International News, December 19, 2007: "28 months after the
disengagement, 85% of the evacuated families are still living in
temporary housing. The delay by the government to find permanent
accommodation for the expelled from Gush Katif and northern Samaria
has already cost the state 1 billion shekels and will cost another
140 million shekels yearly if it continues. This information was
presented in a new study carried out by the Sadan-Lowenthal center
led by Professor Ezra Sadan, former head of the Treasury."
We wonder where Olmert plans to resettle the up to half-million Jews
living in Samaria and Judea and eastern Jerusalem he and the Bush
Administration are planning to kick out of their homes, farms,
businesses and synagogues. As we pointed out in the September 2007
Moshe and Rachel Saperstein together with 9000 other Israeli Jews
were expelled from their homes in Gush Katif, Gaza in August 2005.
They have written essays about their (mis)adventures dealing with a
government that was competent only in harassing them and driving them
from their homes a government that had made almost no preparation
for handling this mass evacuation and has still not made amends. In this
latest of their essays, Moshe recalls when the expelled Jews were
allowed back to their former homes for the day to pack their things.
This is a powerful essay expressing the emotions Anita Tucker has felt
since being pointlessly expelled from her home and the farm she and
family had created in Gush Katif, Gaza. They have left. The Arabs
have it all. And the land has returned to the bleakness, rocks and
sand it was when the Jews took back Gaza in 1968. The Jews made it
flourish and contributed to Israel's economy. Under Arab control, it
is unproductive unless you count the weapons of destructions the
Arabs have been putting together there and using against Israel.
Clearly, Israel has to overcome the conditioning of years that
taught to put it more baldly than did their peace
conditioning that it was better to have her own
children murdered than kill an Arab child. She must resolve to act
in her own interest, even if this means suffering sustained
international condemnation, without the occasional pat on the head
when she makes another "concession."
Say "transfer out the Arabs" or "population transfer" and
conditioning kicks in the weapon of choice is the
epithet: "racist", "ethnic cleansing", immoral." But this ignores what
the Muslim Arabs are doing. While Israel tries different appeasement
schemes or maybe because Israel caters to them
Israeli Arabs have increasingly become radicalized and
see themselves as Palestinian or as part of the larger Arab Muslim
community, and not as Israelis. As far back as 2000, fewer than 15% of
the Israeli Arabs said they'd support their country against the
Palestinians. And they have often been implicated in helping the Arabs
in the territories commit suicide-murder. More and more, they reject
the notion that they are a minority group in a Jewish state.
Eliminating Israel as a Jewish entity has become an attractive goal
and they aren't agonizing about how to resettle the
Jews peacefully elsewhere. (They have successfully forced out most of
the Christian Arabs from once-Christian cities such as Bethlehem
without concern about their future.) All the Arab leaders including
supposed moderates like Sari Nusseibeh (see
here) have said straight out that Jews are not and
will not be allowed to reside in Arab countries. (What
a great way to avoid being accused of apartheid!)
Besides keeping their countries clean of
Jews, they want a form of ethnic dirtying they are dead serious
about moving any Arab who claims to be a refugee into Israel.
By now, the Jews have abandonned their onetime dream that they and
the Arabs would together build a splendid culture in the Middle East.
Most Israelis want to be separated from the Arabs. Here, too,
conditioning kicks in. The demographic argument that the Arabs in the
territories will swamp the country has been demolished. Yet many
Israelis as do people everywhere in the world
assume that separation must mean Israel gives up
Biblical land that legally, morally, historically and by conquest
belongs to it. This is a self-defeating notion that does not address
the problem of the untrustworthy Arabs living in Israel. Clearly,
Israel can not allow a large treasonous population inside Israel while
fending off external invaders.
If there's any good that can come from the Gaza expulsion, it is
that Sharon legitimitized expulsion when he 'disengaged' the Gazan
Jews from their land. More and more Jews have come to see they
should keep their land and transfer out the Arabs physically or
politically. Making the Arabs who live in the territories citizens of
Jordan has become a popular solution. Alternatively, they could be
given "dowries" and moved out of Israel. The latter has the advantage
that these Arabs will have a decent-sized state somewhere in the 99.9%
of the Middle East that the Arabs control without the Jews committing
suicide for it to happen. In fact, when you think about it, this could
solve a major problem without the American administration losing face.
Bush and his cohorts put high priority on the Palestinian Arabs
having a state, but why does it have to be inside Israel?
One indication that Jerusalem is on the cutting board is P.M. Olmert's
clearly expressed annoyance that diaspora Jews believe they have a
stake in and a say about Jerusalem. Olmert claims Jerusalem is solely
an Israeli issue. Ted Belman summarizes the arguments that acknowledge
the legality of world Jewry's claim to Jerusalem. You can read more
about Israel's right to all of Jerusalem and Biblical Israel (AKA West
Bank) by reading Howard Grief's articles such as this
one. For other essays on international law that states that
biblical Israel is a trust in perpetuity for the Jewish people and can
not be given away, read Part I of
Yoram Shifftan's "A Legal Challenge." and his essay on
Gifting. Use the Google box at the top of this page to search on
Howard Grief, Yoram Shifftan, legal, mandate and population
The spectre of the Arabs overwhelming the Jewish state by producing
more babies (this actually shows signs of happening in
several European countries) has been the major argument
for Israel's giving up Biblical Israel (known as the West Bank by the
ignorati), land that is legally hers. The argument, as Emanuel Shilo
puts it, is that Israel must "choose between a state with a solid
Jewish majority without Judea and Samaria, and a bi-national state in
the entire west-of-Jordan area." The data that supported the supposed
overwhelming Arab growth has been discredited. (See this article by Bennett
Zimmerman) and Google for Yoram Ettinger's articles. Shilo's essay
goes beyond statistical proof. He points out ethical, moral and
political questions which warrant the extensive
consideration now given primarily to the demographic factor
The Israeli judiciary is crippling the Israeli Defense Force. It views
asserting "dominance over Israel's political and military leadership"
as what's important, not winning wars. As Caroline Glick writes, the
IDF has begun to restrict their behavior "to conform with perceived
legal restrictions" to avoid criminal indictments. The
left-leaning judiciary is defining the rules of the game. And that is
very dangerous for the country.
Salim Mansur notes that every American president since Nixon has liked
the idea of an international conference to end the "conflict between
Arabs and Jews."... "But the truth of the matter is that there is
nothing to broker when one party, the Palestinians and their
Arab-Muslim financiers and supporters, remains committed to the
destruction of the other party, the Israelis." Mansur suggests, "It is
time for Americans to politely tell the truth and end the charade of
demanding Israeli concessions for Arab-Muslim doublespeak where
'peace' means, as Arafat explained to his people, temporary truce in
the war for 'liberating' all of Palestine which includes Israel."
Now why is it so hard for the politicians to see the obvious?
Michael Evans reviews the dismal history of previous peace plans,
which led not to peace. He reminds us that in 2003 "[w]hen Abbas
refused to implement the very first clause of the plan to disarm
the terrorist organizations the plan died in utero." He suggests we
stop these pointless exercises and try other ways to resolve the
crisis, namely, dismantle the refugee camps and resettle the people in
the Arab countries now housing them; and let the kingdom of Jordan
serve as their representative body. This is similar to Benny Elon's
plan which would give the Palestinian Arabs citizenship with voting
rights in Jordan. To read about the Elon plan,
click here.
This is a reprint of Lewis Lipkin's 2002 article. The introduction
read: "Population exchange is not a new idea. Sometimes a complete
separation is the only way that two groups unable to live together can
get on with their lives. It might be time to complete the separation
of the Jews and the Arabs. The Jews were evacuated from Arab countries
when Israel was born. Maybe it's time to do the second half of the
transfer: move the Palestinian Arabs to Arab countries."
This is a reprint of Rachel Neuwirth's 2004 article.
Scraping away false facts that serve as base for unworkable peace
proposals to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict, Rachel Neuwirth uses
significant factual data on land availability to propose a resolution
that would benefit the Palestinian Arabs as well as the Israelis;
namely, transfer the Palestinian Arabs to their own place in a
sparsely inhabited part of an Arab country such as Saudi Arabia.
This is a reprint of Martin Sherman's December 2006 essay on how to
solve the present hostilities. The introduction read "Conventional
political plans that propose resolving the conflict between Israel and
the Palestinian Arabs by establishing a self-governing Palestinian
entity in the territories have been short-lived because they ignore
that the Palestinian leadership doesn't want a state; its focus is on
destroying Israel. The Jerusalem Summit suggests a new approach to
provide "dowries" to the Palestinians themselves to set them up
financially in the neighboring Arab countries. They would be affluent
rather than poor refugees. Surprisingly, polls indicate that the
majority of the Palestinian Arabs would be willing to emigrate. Martin
Sherman of the Jerusalem Summit urges everyone to get involved and
publicize the plan."
In a calm and sober fashion, Ariel Cohen articulates some unpleasant
home truths about the global war Islam is waging, facts that too many
are reluctant to examine. It's not an easy war for us to fight
it's certainly not a clash of warriors, with both sides
abiding by the same rules. It involves confrontation on multiple
fronts, including managing how events are perceived, how and from whom
the irregulars get their intelligence information and support
infrastructure, and understanding how the political, historical and
religious dynamics function as tools. We should be implementing
innovative techniques, not denying reality.
Caligula wished that all the Rome had but one head, the easier to
behead everyone. Despite the overwhelming hostility of ordinary
Europeans for elitist-controlled unification, the European countries
are on the way to becoming a United Europe, making it easier for
radical Islam to take over.
Professor Coughlan explains what the Lisbon Treaty does: essentially
it recreates the European Union (EU) "in the constitutional form of a
supranational European State." It allows a small group of politicians
"to act as a State vis-a-vis other States and its own
citizens." The major thing that won't change is the name; it will
still be called the EU. How comfy!
Muslim rioting in Paris slowed down after the major rioting in 2005,
but never really stopped and now it's heating up again youngsters
are again on the rampage, burning cars, throwing rocks and, even,
fighting the police. Patrick Poole points out that the systematic
violence by Muslim immigrants in major cities in Europe is "in accord
with the strategic planning documents drafted by the Muslim
Brotherhood in recent decades in their hopes to establish a global
caliphate through jihad." One of these documents, The
Project, calls for "the utilization of various tactics, ranging
from immigration, infiltration, surveillance, propaganda, protest,
deception, political legitimacy and terrorism." The Muslim
footsoldiers continue to follow the blueprint successfully, and we
ignore the threat.
Thanks to our being told so often that Islam is a peaceful religion,
it is de rigueur to assume the majority of Muslims are
peaceable and there's only a fringe group of nasties the ones we
call radicalized Muslims or Islamists or fanatics or freedom fighters.
It says something about our mindset that we haven't been able to
settle on a name when we've been in a war with Islam for now seven
years ever since 911. Steven
Zak's article straightforwardly states the obvious: "You can't fight
an enemy you're afraid to offend."
In this essay Moshe Sharon provides us with terms that are critically
important in any "peace" negotiation with Muslims; more specifically,
with the connotations and usage of hudnah, and sulh,
terms that loosely very loosely mean "peace." He cautions us
that "[t]he Arabs, as Moslems, and of course Arafat, build on the
ignorance of the Israelis, on the one hand and on their dreams of
peace on the other in order to sell them the poison of death in the
wrapping of 'peaceful jihad', 'sulh peace' and 'hudnah ceasefire'.
Sulh is not peace and hudnah is no unconditional armistice."
Lev Navrozov weaves together history, grammar and theology as he
examines how academics particularly Moslem professors of Islam –
Moslem clerics, and non-Muslims who use their credentials to
disseminate Islamic propaganda have made excellent use of the phrase
"Islam is peace." He centers on Christine Amanpour, a superb
practioner of the art of deception, and explains her methodology,
using some of her more outlandish statements. He also provides a
thorough explanation of the term salaam which is Arabic for
a kind of peace, but not the peace Westerns assume it to be. Published
in 2002, the article is pertinent, except that the Ayatollah Khomeini
of Iran, who died in 1989, is no longer the Iranian with the most
atrocious opinions that the media love to quote.
The fear that the Arabs are in process of buying us out, bank by bank,
port by port, has increased markedly now that the Arabs are putting
their money to work promoting what is called "Shariah finance" –
banking that conforms to the strict limits of Islamic law. Frank
Gaffney, Jr. points out that it might satisfy Islamic religious law,
but it is unfortunately another "beachhead in the Islamofascists'
patient, determined and ultimately seditious campaign to subvert and
supplant Western free societies." Read also the referenced paper by
Alex Alexiev entitled "Islamic Finance or Financing Islamism?".
Helena Christofi describes for us how "Islamist clerics with terrorist
connections and a mission to Islamize Europe are infiltrating the
United Kingdom through its banking system" and she explains how
Shari'a banking works operationally. Britain may well become the
center of global banking, but will it be British?
Shari'a law is a package deal wife beating, banking, charity,
beheading you don't pick and choose. Western bankers have become
active seekers out of moneyed Muslims, and they are not at all fazed
at having to conform to shari'a banking and loan practices. The down
side is, as Patrick Wood points out, that "global banks are doing for
Islam what it could never do on its own: give legitimacy to Shari'a
and infiltrate it into the fabric of Western society." All of it.
There's another UN-sponsered Durbin Conference scheduled for 2009. As
Rebecca Tobin points out, if anything it should top the first in
targetted hate toward Jews and the Jewish state. Surprise. Surprise.
Of course, the designers of Durbin 1 are ready to move on to the next
stage: to make defamation of Islam a no-no. And the Muslims will
decide what activities are defamatory.
It is a macabre fact that the countries that have the least respect
for life and human rights are in control of Human Rights at the UN.
They are reinforced by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that wear
the prestigious mantle of the UN and dress themselves in noble
humanitarian motives, but in practice they are rabidly anti-Semitic
with a hate-Jews agenda. Gerald Steinberg tells us about some of the
recent shenanigans that we are graciously permitted to fund.
Anne Bayefsky examines the deeper significance of Durban 1's labeling
Zionism as racism" and demonizing Israel. She points out that "[t]he
forces behind Durban I ... understood the UN to be the ideal vehicle
to defeat America and Israel on a different, but no less
crucial, kind of battlefield." As usual, the European Union (EU) lost
control to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which has
announced that, like Alice in Wonderland, human rights issues will
be whatever the OIC says they are. With a parliamentary veneer and a
hate-driven agenda, Durban 2 promises to outdo Durban 1. As usual, the
Western countries will have some input they will be the ones contributing the
funding for this obscene show. How long will we stand for this?
Here are some more examples of the Islamist grip on the media, the
universities and Jewish groups that act for the Arabs. Sad to say, the
far left Marxist Israelis are among the ablest of the aiders and
abetters of Islamism. Of course, their motives are pure: to
protect free speech and free activities, providing this speech and
these activities aren't anti-Arab.
In this essay, Noah Pollak demonstrates how insidious anti-Israel
propaganda can be especially when it is targetted at people with
little knowledge about the Arab-Israeli conflict. He dissects the
comments of Daniel Levy and demonstrates how they are both
truth-sounding and very wrong, because they leave out much
conditioning information. As Richard Shulman has pointed out (December
2007 Blog-Eds, 27dec07), "Levy bolsters his case with digression and
irrelevant points, facts out of sequence, and fabricated facts."
An example of propaganda by omission: a news item in an Israeli
newspaper sounds like the Rabbinate was imposing its will upon the IDF
and exacerbating a tense situation. David Wilder supplies context for
the incident. It reminds me of a trip where as usual, single women
were doubled up as room mates. I came across some of the group sitting
in the lobby, indignant because Alpha had been unreasonable and had
forbidden Beta to open the window when Beta just wanted to do her
morning (vigorous) exercises. Finally, I asked, "Did Beta tell you she
was opening the window at 4 in the morning? Did Beta tell you Alpha
was getting very little sleep for days before she complained?"
The ladies got up and left the lobby. Without a word.
Columbia University is an egregious example of what happens to a
university where far left academics who had looked for an ideology when
communism petered out are sheltered by an administration benefitting
from Arab money. The result, as Russell ably illustrates has been a
loss of scholarly integrity. Russell suggests some ways to deal with
the problem including the suggestion that students planning to
major in Middle Eastern (ME) studies take their brainpower to ME
departments that haven't acquired a reputation "for Jew-baiting;
apologia for terrorism, and unscholarly chicanery..." And
donations now going to Columbia could be diverted to build up strong ME
departments in uncorrupted universities.
It would seem impossible that anyone would assert that there was never
a thriving Jewish nation in Israel in ancient times. But as James
Russell pointed out in the previous essay, Columbia's recently tenured
Nadia Abu El-Haj makes exactly this claim, dismissing archeological
evidence as unconvincing. Those who propagandize that it's the Arabs
that are the natives of what they call Palestine have the same bottom
line as a school of biblical "scholars" who deny any history in the
Bible that isn't supported by archeological evidence. Patricia
Berlyn's essay examines biblical and non-biblical sources that make it
obvious that ancient Israel was and is the Jewish homeland and the
physical center of Judaism was the Temple in Jerusalem. The Arabs have
been feverishly destroying Jewish artefacts on the Temple Mount and
the Tomb of Joseph. Will they now start destroying their ancient books
and non-Jewish ancient artefacts?
This Issue's history section centers around the second illegal
splitting of the land set aside to become a Jewish State by
international law inbedded in the U.N. charter. The Arab countries
found even an emasculated Jewish state intolerable and immediately
invaded Israel in 1947. Israel fought them to a standstill. And
As David Meir-Levi's article points out, it is ironic that the
Arabs argued against creating a Jewish state because, they said, the
region was really a part of southern Syria. They pointed out that no
such people as "Palestinians" had ever existed, so it would be an
injustice to Syria to create a state ex nihilo at the expense
of Syrian sovereign territory. (This, of course, was before the
Palestinian "people" was invented.) They ignored that the same League
of Nations that enabled the Colonial Powers to create the State of
Syria gave them the duty to set aside Mandated Palestine for the Jews.
Syria had not been an independent state but was part of the Ottoman
And, if as the Arabs now assert the U.N. as inheritor of the
League of Nations didn't have the authority to proclaim that Israel
was the only legal owner of Mandated Palestine, then why are
the other states the League created –– all of them
Arab –– legal?
Steve Kramer wrote of this essay, "Here's a biography of a wonderful Israeli."
And it is. Yassi Margalit had fought in WW2, helped liberate a
concentration camp and landed in Israel as the Arabs invaded the
newly-declared State of Israel in 1948. How remarkable "ordinary"
people can be! If only we had leaders of their caliber.
This is a wonderful amalgam of history and analysis. Caroline Glick
makes clear why it was self-defeating for Israel to continue to base
her existence e.g., the Annapolis malignancy
on the General Assembly resolution of 1948. This is a
great corrective to the 'everybody knows' belief that the 1948
Resolution was a great victory for the Jews that a magnanimous Britain
inflicted on the poor suffering 'Palestinians'. Read this in
conjunction with Ted Belman's article
This is a chapter from David Meir-Levi's new book History Upside
Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli
Aggression. It makes the point that Islamofascism is a political
force, not just a religious force. It is the offspring of totalitarian
ideologies of the past. "The PLO was conceived at a time when the KGB
was creating 'liberation front' organizations throughout the Third
world." This chapter discusses how the Soviets "not only armed and
trained Palestinian terrorists but also used them to arm and train
other professional terrorists by the thousands." They tutored and
suppported Arafat, as he consolidated his control of the PLO. "His
adjutants, including Mahmoud Abbas, were being trained by the KGB in
guerrilla warfare, espionage, and demolition." The Soviet creation –
Palestinian nationalism "would be the only national
movement for political self-determination in the entire world, and
across all of world history, to have the destruction of a sovereign
state and the genocide of a people as its only raison d'être."
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
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November 2007 BLOG-EDS
My father's favorite joke was about futility, how some things could
never be because they were based on a wrong premise. The country hick
came into the big city and went to the movies. He sat through showing
after showing until finally the manager asked him why. "You know that
scene?" he answered, "The one where the girls start to get undressed?
But just then the train comes by. And by the time it leaves, the girls
are in the water. Well, by cracky, I figure that one of these times,
the train will be late."
By cracky, that's just how the diplomats treat the "peace process."
Someday, they solemnly assert, peace diplomacy will work. Arabs and
Jews won't fight. And automatically, peace will descend upon the
entire world, because after all, aren't all our problems rooted in the
Arab-Israeli hostilities?
Has "Land for Peace" worked? Ever? The Israelis surrender what
could become a normal government, were the Arabs to develop an
infrastructure. The Arabs use the territory to stockpile weaponry and
make better missiles and explosives.
The Peace Diplomacy has, of course, nothing to do with peace
because that isn't what the Arabs want. It has nothing to do with
making the Arabs masters in their own land, because land for expanded
terrorist factories and explosives storehouses is only a part of what
they want. The first thing they want and they haven't been at all
shy telling us so is the end of the Jewish State. But that's just
the beginning. They've learned a lot about how to fight undercover and
underhanded by trying out new terror techniques in Israel. Israel
has never really been allowed to squash them and like a
partially-damaged bacteria, they have gone from strength to strength.
Now they are champing at the bit, desirous to try their skills on more
of the Western World.
For Israel, the major issues are that a Palestinian State will a)
remove Biblical Israel from Israel; b) remove that part of Jerusalem
that houses some of Israel's holiest religious sites from Israel; c)
remove the source of much of Israel's water from Israel; and, oh yes,
position a Terror State smack up against Israel: the West Bank
together with Gaza will flank Israel. It will also force the
inhabitants of Samaria and Judea and a portion of Jerusalem (the West
Bank) to vacate their homes and businesses. That means anywhere from a
quarter of a million to a half million people will becomes homeless
refugees, dependent on an incompetent government that has still not
properly absorbed the Jews from Gush Katif, Gaza, who became refugees
in 2005, back into the economy.
If the November Annapolis conference comes about, it will do what
all Arab-Jewish Peace Conferences have done. The Arabs will agree
reluctantly and minimally to some conditions that they will not keep;
and no one will really pressure them to keep. Heck, they haven't even
disavowed that they are determined to end the Jewish State an
ambition they were supposed have rejected in Clinton's time. The Jews
will, however, agree to give up real land, specifically, their
Biblical inheritance, eastern Jerusalem and much of the Biblical land
of Samaria and Judea, what the pro-Arab press cleverly calls the
West Bank. And all the "neutral" peace brokers will be there to make
sure the Israelis keep every concession they promised.
Will this satisfy the Arabs? If they follow their usual form, of
course not. Remember how shocked Dennis Ross was when he offered
Arafat more than he asked for, and assumed the Camp David
negotiations were now concluded. Arafat came back the next day with
the "final" settlement as a starting point and demanded more. The
Arabs will take what they can get in land but the next day, the next
week, the next year, they will demand that the Arab professional
"refugees," well-supported for these 60 years by the U.N., be allowed
back to their "homes" in Israel never mind that a large part of
this group of refugees was recruited from the local Arab population
near the refugee camps. If Israel agrees, it is dead. If Israel
doesn't agree, it will be hounded and accused of destroying the peace
treaty. And the forthcoming kiss-and-make-up between Hamas and Fatah
already in the works
Why is this happening now? The Arabs who run the show have patience
and perseverance and fanatical resoluteness for decades. (See Sharon, "A Short
Guide To Those Obsessed With Peace"
here. ) Every so often, they insist that if America
doesn't push harder for peace (read: twist Israel's arm), the final
opportunity for democracy in the area will have been missed. But
that's also fairly routine.
The Israeli secularists who control its news media and much of its
economy fear the growing religious Jewish population much more than
they worry about the Arabs. The small group of politicos in control
some Marxist ideologues, some paid directly from Europe and
indirectly by the Arabs, some just going along, mouthing ideas
promoted by their mentors say that all they what they want for
Ramadan is a spanking new Arab state, as if the 20-odd Arab states
aren't enough. Moreover, they are dedicated to placing this alien
state on land that by international law is held in trust for the
Jewish people. If this means cutting Israel in half, to make sure
that Arabs have a unified State, so be it. If this means that Israel
will no longer control its own water supply, well, surely the nice
Hadassah ladies from Brooklyn will send bottled water, and maybe even
some diet sodas. The secularists do have some cause for concern. The
Orthodox are already an important part of the army and the economy,
though not yet in the top echelon and they are having more babies
than the secularists. Give them another five years and they may be
able to seize power from those now running the show. So now's a good
time to demoralize the religious.
But it's the Bush administration that's really under pressure; they
need a foreign policy win. So they are doing what American presidents
since Johnson have done. They push on an obliging Israeli
administration to give them a foreign policy victory that they can
use to try to bedazzle the public and make it ignore the shambles
they've made in some other part of the world. This has been going on
ever since we fought a restrained war in Vietnam through Carter's
losing Iran to the mullahs to the ongoing drain of the current war in
Iraq. Would Bush cripple Israel so America can leave Iraq
"victorious"? Well, except for the blitzkreig the first few weeks of
the war, we've emphasized good-will P.R. We've put our own grandkids in
hock because we are too noble to make the Iraqis pay for their
freedom and we've yapped about democracy and other concepts foreign
to the Muslim religion. But I don't see us fighting the enemy all
out, not while our leader Bush shills for them, proclaiming Islam a
kind and gentle religion, and ignoring that the motive power for
terrorism comes from the dictates of this gentle religion. And if
Iran takes over Iraq after the next American election, well,
at least the politicians have had time to figure out the next propaganda ploy.
Maybe that's why the Bush administration is willing to take the
chance that its only real friend in the Middle East will be destroyed
by those who have vowed to establish a New Caliphate, with America as
one of its conquered vassals.
To read the entire editorial and find out how you can personally help
click here.
This article talks about the major actors in the Annapolis Conference,
Mahmoud Abbas, Ehud Olmert and Condoleezza Rice. Abu Mazen, in his
Mahmoud Abbas persona, has already announced his strategy it
doesn't look any different than Arafat's. He has a list of
non-negotiable demands: he will graciously accept a Palestinian
State, whose capitol is Jerusalem, lots of money, the return of the
Arabs refugees, lots of money, The Temple Mount, lots of money and
less openly, he has started to reconcile with Hamas. And that's just
the beginning. Ehud Olmert is just as weak as Abbas and just as
unpopular. He complements Abbas in that Abbas is perfectly willing to
take land that the Palestinians know they don't own and Olmert is
perfectly willing to give away land he knows the Jews do own. This
essay is, in part, a companion piece to Fishman's essay on Secretary
Rice's appalling view of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Unhappily, Rice's
view which has no basis in the reality of the Arab war on Israel
appears based on a nonsensical analogy in which the Arabs are her
childhood black heroes and Israel is what? the KKK? This is hard to
believe, but the report of Rice's attitude is straight from the
mare's mouth.
The forthcoming Annapolis Conference will try to revive "peace" by
pretending the Arabs in charge want something as much as Israel's
destruction. Abandonning the pretence that America is an "honest
broker" and ensuring that Israel will be odd-man out and on the
defensive, Condoleeza Rice has already foregone any pretense at
objectivity. As View From The Right writes: "Condoleeza Rice looks at
the Holocaust-denying, Arafat-following Mahmoud Abbas and sees Martin
Luther King." (http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/009093.html) When
this article appeared on the Conservative Voice website
(www.theconservativevoice.com/), The Iconoclast at New English
Review, characterized it beautifully, "Joel Fishman explores the
fatuous self-absorption of our Secretary of State."
In the short term President Bush needs help in getting out of Iraq,
and is gambling "Israel's existence on the off chance" he'll get this
help from Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. For his "legacy" he and his
Secretary of State Rice need a positive foreign policy achievement –
and who else can they "persuade" in the Middle East but the
cooperative Israelis? As usual, the Arabs will take the concessions
they rejected in the previous peace bout as the starting point for new
concessions. The Road Map didn't work? Well, just ignore that the
Arabs were supposed to stop being terrorists and were supposed to
state clearly that Israel was a Jewish State; just remember that the
Palies were promised their own state. Similarly, we can now expect
that pro-Arab propaganda will makes it appear that Israel is committed
to the Taba concessions, which, of course, the Arabs rejected at the
Jeff Emanuel explores the "legacy" motive for convening yet another
peace conference, i.e., President Bush and his loyal gofer Rice are
hoping a Palestinian-Israeli peace will finally give them a foreign
policy success their first. Discussing the concessions the Israelis
are expected to make, he points out that "every one of these proposed
concessions is problematic for reasons of security and sovereignty."
And he notes that Rice's blunder pretending the "Palestinian people
hold the same values that Americans do, and desire peaceful,
prosperous lives just as much." doesn't instill confidence in her
depth of understanding, any more than does her asking advice from
previous presidents Carter, who has become an (un)paid propagandist
for the Arabs and Clinton, who failed at brokering a previous "peace"
How is it possible that P.M. Olmert who has support only from the
handful of politicos who see their perks as primary can believe he can
the authority to give away the country? It's because Israel has no
local representation. In most democracies, the voter can threaten or
appeal to his county, state or national representatives. In Israel,
the voter votes for the party, not specific individuals those who
make up the party slate owe it all to the party. Olmert can act as he
does because these politicos back him up and members of the opposing
parties do nothing.
Over the years, we have presented many of Elyakim Haetzni's clear-eyed
analyses of Israel's wrong-headed policy it gives primacy to the
secularists, who would drain Israel of its distinctiveness, caters to
the Arabs and humiliates its large and strongly patriotic religious
component. Unfortuntely. his predictions of the consequences of
Israel's allowing its inheritance to be nibbled away in the vain
pursuit of a content-free "peace" have been ignored but the
consequences have been just as dire as he has predicted. In this
essay, he writes of Israel's continued suicidal plunge as it creates
indefensible borders and what we can expect in November, when that
hoary heart-lung specimen the renewed Oslo Peace Accords will be
activated just long enough to bless the advent of the new terror state
of Palestine. See also his brilliant analysis of why Israel must not
surrender its nation-making territories
Gerald Honigman tells an amusing story but it is serious history and
directly applicable to what will happen to Israel in Annapolis. Unlike
the Arabian Night tales, this essay, unfortunately, isn't fantasy.
In Think-Israel's previous issue, Moshe Sharon made clear why
bargaining with Arabs was a stupid idea except maybe for another
Arab. (And when things go badly, even they resort to violence.) In
this essay Barry Rubin expands our understanding why the West will
always get screwed dealing with the Arabs, even, when by all
objective criteria, they seem to be the losers. The Arabs usually end
up blowing the deal, but we can't keep counting on that. A very
instructive article. My only quibble is that Rubin didn't elaborate on
an important matter: even if no one wins, Israel loses big. With each
peace squeeze, Israel is weakened and is less able to defend herself.
Cal Thomas doesn't hesitate to call what America is doing in Annapolis
a sell-out. As he points out, "the real intentions of Israel's enemies
can be summed up in the 'phased plan' for the destruction of Israel
expressed in 2000 by Palestinian Minister of Supply, Abd El Aziz
Shahian: 'The Palestinian people accepted the Oslo agreements as a
first step and not as a permanent arrangement, based on the premise
that the war and struggle on the ground is more efficient than a
struggle from a distant land ... for the Palestinian people will
continue the revolution until they achieve the goals of the '65
revolution.'" The '65 revolution? That's when the pseudopeople, the
Palestinians, was formed and simultaneously the PLO vowed to destroy
Israel a vow never disavowed by the PLO, by its incarnation as the
Palestinian Authority or by its President, Mahmoud Abbas.
The second major issue, partitioning Jerusalem, is an emotional
button-pusher, so much so that analysts like Emanuel Winston believe
it is intended as a distraction while Israel gives away Samaria and
Judea. On the other hand, the Arabs may have come to believe their own
propaganda that Jerusalem is significant to Islam. The other essays
discuss Jerusalem.
Is Israel so inpoverished it needs to reuse discredited politicos to
take this latest mockery of a Peace Negotiation on the road? There's
Olmert, Sharon's second in command, who seems to want to prove that
even in a democracy a handful of people can give away a country
against the will of its people. He acts as if maybe this time he can
turn a lemon into a matzo ball. And Dov Weisglass is still around,
still out of jail. Weisglass was Sharon's mouthpiece for how
beneficial it would be for Israel to evacuate Gaza, leaving it to
Abbas and his merry band of terrorists. Expelling the Jewish citizens
of Gush Katif, Gaza was an unmitigated disaster, but Weisglass has
retained his unrelenting, empty optimism. In this essay, Martin
Sherman tells us what's wrong with Weisglass' happy vision of the
November conference.
In a spirit of peace and goodwill, what's wrong with declaring east
Jerusalem the capital of the Palestinian Arabs? What's wrong with
creating an "internation border ntertwine[d] within the residential
neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israel's national capital"? What's wrong
with sharing Jerusalem? After all, many Jewish secularists don't see
Jerusalem as symbol, as Jewish history, as a living link with Torah.
They regard it as just so much real estate, and are more than willing
to trade it to feed their belief that peace with the Arabs is
possible. In clear terms Michael Anbar tells us what's wrong:
Arabs have continued to squat in Jewish houses in eastern Jerusalem –
taken by Jordon in 1948 and not under Jewish control until 1967. With
money from Saudi Arabia and Jordan, they build legally and illegally,
attempting to enlarge and merge the Arab areas. Jews attempting to
reclaim their property have much less financial resources and are
bucking a government that generally ignores Arab violations and a
press that simplistically thinks eastern Jerusalem has been Arab since
time immemorial, ignoring, of course, that the major historic sites
are Jewish. Judy Balint provides us with details of what Olmert is
preparing to squander for another "peace process".
Eli E. Hertz demolishes the propaganda piously sprouted by those who
want to break the indivisible connection of Jews and Jerusalem. How
does he do this? By stating the facts of history, contrasting the
age-old and ageless connection of Jews to Jerusalem to the meager and
politically-motivated connection of Muslims to Jerusalem. This essay
is both readable and worth reading.
It is not surprising that a bunch of Arabs that declared themselves a
people some 40 years ago now make exclusive claim to a city that was
Jewish thousands of years before Mohammad. What is surprising is how
many people take their claim seriously. Mordechai Keidar recounts how
Jerusalem became sacred to the Muslims several times over, with
long intervals of indifference when Jerusalem was politically
Suppose a miracle happened and Fatah agreed to recognize the Jewish
State of Israel (and don't that make you feel gooood that a sovereign
nation thinks she needs a bunch of terrorists to OK her existence).
Even so, peace would not break out. George Bush may be fighting
Al-Qaeda and terrorism, but the reality is that there's a loose
conglomeration of terrorist groups, many of which splinter from one
well-known gang and eventually coalesce with another. As Liat Collins
writes (Jerusalem Post, October 6, 2007): "...perhaps we should
wait and see if the Palestinians are able to agree to live in peace
with each other before we make what Olmert has already said will be
'painful concessions.' After all, the Saudi-brokered Mecca Accord
between Hamas and Fatah in February has failed miserably." And each
gang that comes to power has no problem repudiating previous
These next essays discuss the rise of yet another bunch of
"extremists", Hizb Ut-Tahrir, which is gaining membership rapidly in
some 40 countries, including the West Bank. Its mission is to restore
the Caliphate. It advocates killing Jews and any infidel that stands
in its way but to date it hasn't taken credit for any terror acts. As
Spyer points out, if Hamas falls, Palestinians won't necessarily
become secular.
Jonathan Spyer writes of how he heard of a new political group called
Hizb ut Tahrir (the Party of Liberation). Intent on reestablishing the
Caliphate worldwide, in Israel they are chiefly concentrated around
the Jewish Holy cities of Jerusalem and Hebron. As Spyer points out,
their emergence puts the lie to "... the optimistic scenario recently
raised in some quarters, according to which once Islamist movements
such as Hamas are tested in office and fail, previous, predominantly
secular patterns of politics will re-emerge."
Olivier Guitta writes of the Sunni Islamists group that calls itself
Hizb ut-Tahrir and is actively recruiting members to help reestablish
the caliphate this time, world wide. As Guitta writes, "Even
without an explicit summons to terrorism, the relentless violence of
the images is incendiary, and suggestive messages such as 'Oh armies
of the Muslims, we wait for your help' abound." Using modern
techniques of communication, their uncompromising goal is to take us
all back to medieval times, or maybe even further back.
In this well-documented analysis, Andrew Bostom argues the Muslims
didn't catch Jew Hatred from some virus transmitted by Europeans,
especially the Nazis, in modern times. They've been anti-Jew
throughout their history. Religious bigotry has been inculcated in
Muslim education from childhood on ever since Mohammad's time and it
owes much to the Jew hatred expressed in the Koran. The Muslim
opportunistic rationalizations for their attitude and behavior and
expressed grievances they blame the Jews, not themselves of
course vary with circumstances and with the political objective. But
the core belief is constant: the Jew is malevolent and when not to be
killed must be content to be dhimmi under Islam.
Matthias Küntzel argues that Arab hostility towards the Jews and
even their ideation and imagery derive primarily from their contact
with the Nazis. Hitler's desire to kill all Jews everywhere and
Mohamed Atta's belief that Jews are striving to dominate the world are
linked by Nazi convictions transmitted over time by organizations such
as the Muslim Brotherhood. Küntzel argues that "this [Islamist]
blindness to the international impact of the Holocaust, continue to
affect the course of the Arab-Jewish conflict today." in that
"Hitler's Islamic heirs" need to resort to conspiracy theory rather
than acknowledge the horror of the Holocaust. Küntzel also
discusses the ignorant Western belief as embodied in the 9/11
Commission Report that Arab Jew-hatred and Arab terrorism "arose in
response to recent American and Western policies" with the implication
that America could stop Arab terrorism by becoming strongly pro-Arab.
Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder ask, "[w]hy is anti-Semitism so popular
and pleasurable as a persistent behavior pattern all over the world?"
Their answer is simple and elegant: The Jews let it happen. "Unlike
the Jews of England, who spend all their time pleading just to be
accepted in this country, the Muslims spend much of the time making
demands and warning the people that they better be careful to respect
them, be concerned how loud they talk to them, and not to criticize
them." I think Mason and Felder are on to something.
Raymond Ibrahim reports on this century's split-brain phenomena: Arab
propagandists in general talk about peace and their putative
grievances to the West but in Arabic they remind the Arabs of the
Koranic injunction to fight the infidel and urge them to war against
the West. Seldom are the two connected. Ibrahim's specific example is
the material issued by Al Qaeda. Read this article carefully it
will immunize you against the claims that Islam is the religion of
peace and tolerance.
Andrea Levin points out the consequences when a news source misinforms
by omission, "factual sloppiness and twisted interpretation." She
writes, "The ultimate political effects of prestigious Israeli media
disseminating continuous and often inflammatory anti-Israel
misinformation in English in the era of the Internet should not be
underestimated." The English-language Israeli newspaper Haaretz
is a notorious case in point. It has, with justification, been called
the Voice of the Palestinians.
The Hamas PR machine in America is well-oiled by Arab oil money and
managed with American efficiency. Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa A.
Lappen convincingly make the case that "U.S. companies continue to
knowingly or unwittingly facilitate Hamas Internet and television
services. Moreover, professors, media outlets, and even a former U.S.
president, help Hamas broadcast its messages throughout America, even
as Washington attempts to weaken the terror group following the
violent takeover of Gaza." What is most frightening is that the Hamas
PR machine cleverly "exploits the American democratic system to spread
hatred and incitement through America's communications infrastructure,
thereby assisting Hamas fundraising and recruitment activities."
This article by Phyllis Chesler connects two ideas: the subjugation of
women in the Muslim world, and how by using obfuscation and harassment
a coalition of Islamists and leftists on the American
campus are counteracting the notion that women are an underclass. It
starts with an instantiation of campus activity and follows it with
what the Muslims want suppressed. Curiously, Western feminist groups
do not speak out against the curtailment of Muslim women's rights. The
final essay a plausible psychoanalytic explanation of the Muslim
male attitude toward women may also explain why much of Muslim PR
is targetted at convincing the unwary that the Christian Jesus is the
Muslim Jesus, whose mother is revered in Islam.
1.) commit suicide or have Olmert, Abbas and
Rice midwife Israel's demise.. (See above)
2.) keep fiddling while the terrorists build up their weaponry and
hone their skills. (see Mandel below)
3.) fight a serious war against the terrorists
and their infrastructure. Given previous experience of
meaningless peace accords, followed by new terrorist violence, war is
likely to occur sooner or later. Sooner, if the ramping up to war is
rapid; later, but with more casualties, if the Jews wait until the Arabs feel ready. (see
Celser, Yaalon and Glick below)
4.) Annex Samaria and Judea and transfer out
the Palestinian Arabs politically and/or physically. This
policy takes a new direction. It differs dramatically from the various
peace proposals foisted on Israel over the years that have been of no
benefit to her or to those Arabs not fixated on promoting Israel's
death.. Transfer has several advantages. It actually has a chance of
succeeding, particularly if, as in Sherman's proposal, the Palestinian
Arabs have a dowry to start fresh among their own people. It is
realistic, whereas any plan to plonk another State inside tiny Israel
is not. It doesn't deprive the "Palestinians" of their land, because
it never has been their land. And, it can be looked at as the
completion of the process of separating Jews and Arabs. In the first
stage, in the 1940s-1950s the Jews were forced out of Arab countries.
This completes the process. (See Elon, Sherman, Lipkin, Lacey and
Grief below)
Daniel Mandel writes about how Europe is handling the war started by
the Islamists by self-censorship. It is "sensitive" to a vocal and
labile Muslim minority with connections that can cause global riots to
be staged in a newsman's minute. Before we congratulate ourselves that
it can't happen here, may I remind you The New York Times,
often nasty to Jews and Christians, is most humbly respectful of
Muslim sensitivities. They'll write of the beauties of hate-Christianity
art but they didn't publish the Danish cartoon because, virtuously, they
didn't want to hurt Muslim feelings. Yeah, right.
It's curious isn't it that Israel's leaders politicians all talk
peace but probably know they will gain nothing but violence and death
if they give away Biblical Israel. In this closet drama by Boris
Celser, the characters are military men, but they are clearly more
insightful than the current batch of Israeli politicians about how
political leaders must act to protect their people and maintain a
viable state. To underline the play's satiric "Peace will make you
free", a leader's role most certainly should not be to lead his people
into oblivion by preaching the virtues of a phony peace.
Moshe Ya'alon has been critical about many of the decisions the
Sharon-Olmert Government has made, including the retreat from Gaza.
That disagreement cost him his job in the army. He has remained an
outspoken critic of the wrong-headed governmental policy of abandoning
land, in the hopes it would bring stability. All it did in Gaza was to
encourage more violence against Israel. In this essay, he argues that
"...if the countries of the free world have enough resolve, Islamist
Jihad will be defeated."
Thanks to the steady rocket attacks by the Palestinian Arabs, "Israeli
society ... is demoralized and its demoralization induces a sense of
lost sovereignty and powerlessness that legitimates and prolongs the
paralysis of the IDF and the government." But Israeli politicians,
desiring to avoid confrontations where Arab civilians might be injured
and the subsequent "world" condemnation, have been unwilling to take
over and control Gaza. Caroline Glick rebuts the notion that
"concentrating forces in one place with the aim of destroying enemy
forces is antiquated" when you can keep the enemy people off-balance
by simultaneous precision hit-and-run bombings in different places.
She points out that the two tactics are not really either-or. This
doesn't alter the fact that sustained, on-the-ground control of Gaza
is essential to safeguard Israel.
This is a reprint of Benny Elon's plan. The introduction read:
"Israeli Cabinet Minister Binyamin Elon proposes a regional peace plan:
give the Arabs on the West Bank full citizenship in Jordan, resettle
the Arab refugees in Arab countries and annex the West Bank and Gaza
to Israel. This would make for two stable and viable Palestinian
States, one Arab, one Jewish, in what was Mandated Palestine. His plan
takes into account critical factors the Road Map ignores: a role for the
Arab countries that neighbor Israel, the solution to the Arab refugee
problem, Israel's security, a natural border and Israel's historic and
biblical claim to the Land. "
This is a reprint of Martin Sherman's December 2006 essay on how to
solve the present hostilities. The introduction read "Conventional
political plans that propose resolving the conflict between Israel and
the Palestinian Arabs by establishing a self-governing Palestinian
entity in the territories have been short-lived because they ignore
that the Palestinian leadership doesn't want a state; its focus is on
destroying Israel. The Jerusalem Summit suggests a new approach to
provide "dowries" to the Palestinians themselves to set them up
financially in the neighboring Arab countries. They would be affluent
rather than poor refugees. Surprisingly, polls indicate that the
majority of the Palestinian Arabs would be willing to emigrate. Martin
Sherman of the Jerusalem Summit urges everyone to get involved and
publicize the plan."
This is a reprint of Lewis Lipkin's 2002 article. The introduction
read: "Population exchange is not a new idea. Sometimes a complete
separation is the only way that two groups unable to live together can
get on with their lives. It might be time to complete the separation
of the Jews and the Arabs. The Jews were evacuated from Arab countries
when Israel was born. Maybe it's time to do the second half of the
transfer: move the Palestinian Arabs to Arab countries"
Israel and Palestine by the renowned Professor of
International Law, Julius Stone, "presented a detailed analysis of
the central principles of international law governing the issues
raised by the Arab-Israel conflict." His student. Ian Lacey, has
provided us a summary of the main points, using the text of the
original. Lacey's entire summary can be downloaded from
Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council. We present here Part
I, entitled "The Legal Status of the Territories."
In the July-August 2007 issue, we presented Attorney Howard Grief's
elegant summary why Justice Meir Shamgar was incorrect when he ruled
that Israel's reestablishing itself in Biblical Israel was illegal
occupation. In this issue we get at the nuts and bolts. One can trace
almost all if not all the difficulties that Israel has had in
the last 40 years defending its irrevocable right to Samaria,
Judea and Gaza to Justice Shamgar's incorrect legal advice. Had
the appropriate law been applied, we wouldn't be needing to rebut the
"pernicious Occupation Myth." Shamgar's original ruling "provided our
enemies with an enormous propaganda victory in the eyes of the world,
for the term 'occupation' implied that Israel had taken over by war
the land of another people to which it had no right under
international law, an absolutely false implication." For other essays
on international law that states that biblical Israel is a trust in
perpetuity for the Jewish people and can not be given away, read Part I of
Yoram Shifftan's "A Legal Challenge." and his essay on
In the upcoming "Peace Conference", Jews will need to ignore the siren
song of the "World Community": commit suicide and we'll love
you. But the Jewish leadership, in Israel and America, is weak,
obliging, always ready to turn the other cheek. With all the stress,
maybe we need to take a moment to reflect on what it's all about. On
one plane, this essay by Sara Yoheved Rigler is about baking challah.
On another, it is a recipe for doing what Maimonides tells us we must
do before saying the daily prayers: "one is obligated to stop
and reflect on the greatness of God." This essay is a pleasure to
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
A Blog-Ed page has a quick list of the articles from which you can
access any of the articles immediately. To go to the list, click the
"Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page.
Switzerland has seeing the growth of grandiose Islamic centers such as
the Geneva Islamic Center, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood,
which taken "upon itself to assess the conformity of European laws to
Islam." But some Swiss are putting on the brakes, attempting to ban Al
Jazeera from the cableways and block Islamic extremists from entering
the country. They understand "Geneva's growing importance as a transit
point for volunteers from French-speaking Switzerland and France going
to join the jihad in Iraq" and that these "volunteers" could return
"as experienced fighters, linked to a network with the same
ideology... capable of organizing terrorist attacks." closer to home.
Zvi Mazel, former Israeli ambassador to Sweden, said that "... he
encountered ... hostility to Israel as well as pseudomorality and
arrogance," from the country's ruling classes, the major political
parties, diplomats, churchmen and the media, which is largely left
wing. At the same time that these groups are openly and
unfairly hostile to Israel, they go the dhimmitude mile to avoid
arousing anger and violence from the Muslim population. What is not
often mentioned is that Swedish anti-semitism "has a substantial Muslim
component" and the mosques preach blatant anti-semitism with little
hinderance. Mazel concludes that "Sweden remains the most anti-Israeli
country in the European Union and also the most pro-Muslim one."
This is an important analyses of the current thinking in Europe. It is
one of a series of articles under the
general title, "The Pursuit of Liberty: Can the Ideals That Made
America Great Provide a Model for the World?" The present essay by
Daniel Johnson deals
with Europe's bizarre attitudes, considering that its liberty is
threatened by a resurgent Islam. It no longer shows the courage it
showed in dealing with earlier threats to its freedom. It had become
strongly negative towards America; it ignores, denies and
misrepresents the Muslim threat; and it is unwilling to defend its own
identity. Johnson makes the analogy to the behavior of frogs as the
Islamic storks land on their soil.
England has an Islamic population that is increasingly radicalized and
is supplying an increasing number of recruits for terror acts in
England and abroad. The response of many of the English political and
intellectual leadership has unfortunately been the one populized by
George Orwell in 1984 to vocabularize it out of the
language. Linkage between the religion of Islam and adherents of Islam
who are terrorists are verbally suppressed. This might sound amusing
to us in the States, but as Diana West points out, it is disturbing
that business companies, and even the Federal government in America,
are blocking websites such as Jihad Watch that do not shy away from
informing us about how our new lexicon encourages a slide into
Like the periodic return of the locusts, the mainline churches and the
British academics keep trying every few years to divest Israel of its
life by attempting to cut off its involvement with academic and
scientific colleagues, and by attempting to create havoc in Israel's
economic life. They even refuse to eat its very wonderful produce. In
this article Richard L. Cravatts examines what academic values exactly
would the British boycott protect? As you might suppose, the proposed
boycott has little to do with upholding academic values.
Tony Blankley no long believes "that we are currently winning; and,
more importantly I am not yet convinced that our open, liberal
democratic culture is necessarily an unalloyed competitive advantage
in the struggle against culturally aggressive and violent radical
Islam." As he points out "We all cherish the openness of our society.
But what is the value of a once open, but eventually vanquished
Paula Stern writes of the arrogance of much of the Israeli media, who
don't even pretend just to report the news. Too often they feel proud
that they can control how a story or a set of events is viewed. They
consciously attempt to control interpretation by emphasizing the wrong
issue. They try to control the degree of public interest in an event
by either minimally reporting the happening or by proclaiming its
importance. Stern contrasts how the press handled the refusal by IDF
soldiers to follow orders recently in Hebron and in Yesha back in
2002. And they ignored the real issues.
The news and TV media think of themselves as the arbiter and social
conscience of our society. They are quick to condemn others for
anything from hypocrisy to downright lying but they themselves have a
sorry record. Usually, we are encouraged to concentrate on the
specific wrongdoing when it surfaces, so the extent to which the news
media have shown themselves to be unreliable is usually obscured.
Simply by itemizing recent press outrages, Randall Hoven makes us
aware that they are not necessarily the "professionals" they claim to
be the only ones with the expertise to disseminate reliable
information. I hope he does another article on a more subtle sin:
claiming objectivity when they are actually promoting a political
Mark Steyn stresses two points: (1) that winning the war against
radical Muslim Terrorism will partially depend on which side
determines what facts the public will learn; and (2) we're losing that
war. The Muslims are adroit at removing from public view books that
"malign" them, not matter how factual these books are.
Joel Fishman provides us with a true understanding of a major difference
in how Israel and the PLO perceived their conflict Israel sees it
in military terms, the Arabs see it as both a military and a political
struggle, with the political the more important. Thanks to Israeli
leaders such as Shimon Peres who forbade rebuttal PR, the Arabs have
had a clear field to pursue political aggression. They have been able
to frame the terms and language of the conflict, win adherents who
have seen no rebuttal by Israel, and paralyze Israel so that it
doesn't deal from strength yet it won't fight guerilla-style like the
Arabs. At the same time, the Arabs have been building up their
military resources. A reader, Shalom Freedman, wrote: "His tracing the
origins of the terms 'peace camp' and 'two-states for two-peoples'
exposes the nefarious intentions of those who use such slogans to
undermine Israel."
What with so many members of the media obscuring the facts rather than
presenting them clearly, Laurent Murawiec thoughtfully provides us
with a usage dictionary to help us interpret pro-Arab newspeople
and commentators speaking and writing on the Middle East. He offers us
the actual meaning of what appear on the surface to be common ordinary
Occasionally, some media item comes along that is head and shoulders
above anything others have done in the way of claiming objectivity
while promoting a pernicious political agenda. This year, Christiane
Amanpour gets the what? The Oscar? The Tony? Actually, there isn't
yet an award for the year's most blatent and outrageous knife job
masquerading as non-fiction or as a documentary. But there should be.
It will of course be known as the Amanpour Award. This is a ZOA
article that tidily points out many of the distortions in the CNN Series.
Other analyses and commentaries can be found on our August Blog-Ed
This is heartbreaking. It is a simply told tale, told by someone who
lived through an experience Jews have had for thousands of years –
being expelled from their homes and farms and businesses and forced to
flee to an uncertain future. What makes this particularly awful is
that for the first time in history (save the expulsion from Yamit when
Israel gave over the Sinai to Egypt) the progromists were their
co-religionists, their own government and the expellees were living in
their own country, not as aliens in some foreign country. Hillel
Fendel of Arutz-Sheva has published selections from the diary kept by
Galit Yitzchaki of Ganei Tal, Gush Katif, Gaza, Israel, just before
and at the start of the expulsion.
Just a year ago August, William Mehlman, in AFSI's Outpost,
described the American Jewish Establishment's response to the misery
of the Jews expelled from Gush Katif as a "dry-well response to the
suffering of 10,000 of its co-religionists, rendered homeless,
penniless, futureless by Israeli bulldozers in Gaza and northern
Samaria ten months ago. [...] Despite a 51 percent unemployment rate
among their residents (compared to 1 percent prior to the August 2005
dispossession), despite the lack of permanent housing for all but 2
percent of the dispossessed, despite the non-provision of compensation
for 72 percent of the businesses lost as a result of the evacuation
(including 95 percent of the farms), despite the cutoff since March of
funding for expellee youth programs, petition after petition to Jewish
philanthropic organizations in America for help in coping with a
humanitarian crisis have gone unanswered. Compounding its 10-month
silence informed and directed by the Sharon-Olmert
government's vilification of Gush Katif and its inhabitants as
'obstacles to peace,' fully worthy of the condign punishment visited
upon them – was American mainline Jewry's eagerness to embrace
the Israeli government-inspired fiction that the benighted evacuees
were receiving the tenderest of loving care." Read the latest episode
in Rachel Saperstein's saga. It's clear that in the last year very
little more has been done to alleviate the horrors inflicted on the
Jews of Gush Katif.
When people realize how significant the expulsion of the Jews BY THEIR
OWN GOVERNMENT was, this will be a primary document. It is an account
by one of those expelled on what she's been doing in the last two
years since she was forced out of her home and out of the high-tech
greenhouses, where she raised vegetables that won praise everywhere.
But she does still sound like one who is not just a survivor, but one
who is unconquerable. I love how she describes what keeps her and her
fellow expellees smiling: "we are flowing with Hashem."
Caroline Glick writes of the Israeli minister of education, who is
imposing her radical anti-Zionist prejudice on school curricula. Her
plans run counter to what all countries require of their school
system, namely, that the schools instill patriotic pride in their
country. Paradoxically, while she seeks to stifle Jewish patriotism,
she approves of the idea that Israeli Arab children be taught Muslim
culture and religion, as formulated by an Arab who talks openly of
destroying the State of Israel. The addendum contains interviews with
Israelis, who were asked what they were taught about their recent
history, including their unassailable right to the Land of Israel by
international law.
In this companion piece to Glick's "Israel's Reeducation Minister,"
Steven Plaut makes clear why accepting Naqba is absurd and destructive
to Israel's sense of self. Naqba denial asserts that the Arabs are
right in claiming that their inability to destroy Israel in 1948 –
when the neighboring Arab countries invaded the newly-born State of
Israel was naqba, a tragedy, and that anyone who denies this
– a Naqba denier is denying truth and history. It may be useful
propaganda to reinforce the lie that Israel is occupying "Palestinian"
land. So it makes sense that anti-Zionists would wish to disseminate
the notion that Israel was at fault defending itself from the invading
Arab armies, who had the cooperation of the local Arabs. But why would
someone in charge of Israeli schoolchildren's education want to teach
that we should regard Israel's birth as a tragedy instead of an
occasion for rejoining that a venerable people, who have contributed
so much to humanity, had performed a miracle by redeeming its national
Stanley Kurtz describes "the system of federal subsidies to university
programs of Middle East Studies" as "serving as a kind of Trojan horse
for Saudi influence over American K-12 education. ... Harvard's Center for
Middle Eastern Studies' outreach program delivers seminars that
virtually promoted Islam as a religion, while sharply criticizing
alleged American prejudice against the Muslim world all at American
taxpayer expense."
The latest person up at bat to hit a peace homerun between the Arabs
and Israel is Tony Blair. His formula for success is to provide
economic incentives to the Arabs and use a lot of money to develop "a
climate of law and order for the Palestinian people", and he expects
"the result will be a responsible political entity, ready to do
business in a rational manner with its neighbour." Jonathan Spyer
points out that this policy, "is also, at least in the Middle Eastern
context, demonstrably wrong." For one to continue the metaphor –
their chosen set of players, Fatah, is more criminal than political.
And their batting average in the game of peace is a flat zero.
Bruce Bawer explains how peace-speak is perpetuated. As practiced by a
large group of Marxist-oriented institutes and centers, the Peace
Racket trains the young that China, Russia and suicide bombers are
commendable while America is bad. "The Peace Racket maintains that
the Western world's profound moral culpability, arising from its
history of colonialism and economic exploitation, deprives it of any
right to judge non-Western countries or individuals." In other words,
it's an aging retread of Edward Said's Orientalism and just as
likely to provide a decent basis for achieving peace in international
relations. Unfortunately, "the Peace Racket's influence will spread.
And as it does, it will weaken freedom's foundations."
Michelle Nevada, the essayist, speaks for many of us in noting that
the word peace is content-free. It is all things to
diplomats and nothing of any real use to the rest of us. To be of
use, peace should bear some relationship to "life, as we know
it, ... a potpourri of conflict, struggle, noise and dissonance." As
it is for the person, it is for the country. "To exist, people and
nations must fight to survive. If we fail, we die and only in death
do we have 'peace'." Truly, a liberating concept.
Moshe Sharon has personal experience of how wily and manipulative
Arabs can be in what Westerners regard as straight-forward diplomatic
negotiations. As he puts it, "...in the bazaar of the Arab-Israeli
conflict, the two sides are not discussing the same merchandise." and
"...if you are clever enough you can sell nothing at a price." In this
essay he provides us with some useful guidelines in bargaining with
Arabs. And the Arabs won't be ready to bargain seriously until they
"... have lost all hope of annihilating the Jewish state.."
Avraham Burg, an Israeli who held important positions and comes from a
prominent family, could serve as a poster child of what's wrong with
Israeli's Leftist leadership. His and their arrogant belief that
Israel must give up its Jewish character and model itself on a
multinational European Union, has led the Left to advocate actions
that harm Israel. They advocate pro-Arab measures, hoping thereby to
destroy the religious Right, but they forget that the Arabs are likely
to take advantage of a weakened Israel and unlikely to make fine
distinctions among the Jewish groups. Aaron Klein chronicles Burg's
career, and shows us how the secularism that the Left sees as the
solution to Israel's problems could easily become the recipe for her
David Shalom bluntly makes the case that the Israeli left is a major
– if not the main danger to the State of Israel. They were the
ones to import a dying PLO to lord it over the local Arabs in the
territories. They were the ones to promote appeasement policies, and
when forced to fight, did not fight to defeat the terrorist enemy,
leaving the enemy more confident and stronger. He conclude that
"[o]nly by initiating a de-programming of the nation from the Oslo
myths can we move forward."
Israel isn't the only one to confront the danger of a marked split
between Leftists and Rightists. In America, because of the
unsatisfactory state of the war in Iraq, the domestic and foreign
policy issues have become a single issue: do we fight Islam or appease
it? Mark Silverberg does an excellent job of presenting the two points
of view. He points out that "[n]ations at war must be supported by the
people on whose behalf they fight." But 9/11 is no longer sharp and
the Islamist tactics are to use intimidation and bullying in the media
and universities rather than engage in dramatic terrorism that would
push the debate towards fighting Islam.
Break out the champagne. Whoopie Doo. The Arabs have graciously
decided they were less in favor of suicidally murdering Israelis than
before. Or so the headlines blared. The NRO symposium participants
fill in what the sketchy headlines omit. The actuality appears to be
less than a superficial scanning of the results might indicate. As
Robert Spencer points out: "We haven't seen ... in the Islamic world
any large-scale initiative to refute the jihad ideology, or to counter
jihadist claims to represent true and pure Islam."
Successful indoctrination depends on hooking the current promotion
object to (1) a basic source of group/individual identity; (2) a
set of dedicated promoters; and (3) malleable indoctrinees. The
Palestinian Arabs have had all three the Koran, "militant" Muslims
and children who are veterans of Arab child-rearing practices and
have been successful in promoting Jew hatred in their society. Daphne
Burdman carefully dissects these threads and points out that given the
"monolithic ideology and practice of Islam," the technique is not
unique to the Palestinians. Jew-hate is characteristic of the general
Arab-Muslim world. Jew hate isn't a passive emotion; it is a necessity
for shaping Jew killers, who will act without guilt or remorse.
Arab terrorists see Jewish children in Israel as prime targets and
have shot them, knifed them, mutilated them and bombed them. The main
stream media and the "moral" main stream churches make excuses for the
terrorists; some wax indignant that more Arabs are killed than Jews –
as if the number dead between the terrorist gangs/families and the
terror victims should be equal, despite the disparity in population
numbers and in motivation. We've become callous about the snuffing out of
the lives of these Jewish children. In this evocative article, Angela
Bertz makes us feel the pain of what we've lost at the hands of
jubilant monsters, who care little about human life.
The prevailing view in much of the Western media is that Hamas has
disavowed Islamic extremism but it's tough for them what with the
international economic embargo. The attitude of the media, Barry Rubin
points out, is much like the idealism preached by Father Flanagan:
blame the environment but not the boy. Unfortunately, the Flanagan
method is the wrong tack to take "for those facing radical Islamists
determined to establish tyrannies no matter how much it costs their
two sets of victims: their enemies and their own people."
There's been several balloons raised recently urging us to talk to
Hamas, implying we can reason them into a more reasonable position –
after all they are now Management they control Gaza and likely will
soon take over the West Bank so they should welcome our help.
Reuven Erlich of the Terrorist Information Center gives a summary of a
major Hamas concern in Gaza they are a makeover group. They want to
islamize the populace. Training them for terrorism will not be a
problem it's what's been happening all along under the PLO and PA.
As we approach another 9/11 memorial day, we present this powerful
essay by Richard Shulman on a very basic problem: the current
imbalance between good and evil. We are still in the early stages of
what looks like a long war with the Islamists. And as is usual when
the aggressor seems to come out of nowhere, they were organized from
the getgo, while we are still debating the terms of warfare. We
haven't even agreed on a name to call the enemy. And until we
recognize that they are evil and want to make our future a return to
the Dark Ages, we won't be very effective.
The American adminstration is still fixated on the notion that
creating a Palestinian state will miraculously fix all their problems
in the Middle East. Unfortunately, when you need a quick fix, it's
easy to disregard the many realities that advise against pursuing such
a policy, or even pretending to pursue such a policy. Since this
article was written, it appears that Olmert, at least, is working hard
to make a Palestinian state a reality. At least he's poised to carry
out the first task to kick some 100,000-200,000 Jews out of
Biblical Israel, when his administration hasn't yet resettled the Jews
expelled from Gaza two years ago. Can you imagine the nightmare of
hundreds of thousands of Jews wandering around, haphazardly housed,
and not at peaceful as the previous bunch of expellees? What terrorist
group will be able to resist blasting such easy marks, while making
major inroads into Israel's defenses.
Jews are accustomed to the long range to examining a biblical
concept in today's terms, in judging a modern idea by biblical
injunctions. Morris J. Amitay contrasts a shorter time span. He looks
at how Israel's leadership has deteriorated from 1976 when Israel
rescued the Jewish hostages imprisoned in Entebbe and now, when the
leadership doesn't just ignore Arab terrorists preying on Jews, it
supplies Israel's enemies with resources that rejuvenate them. As
Amitay puts it, "...[it] makes one long for the good old days when
Israel confronted challenges instead of wishing them away."
Guy Bechor reinforces the theme of the previous article by Morris
Amitay. He stresses that considering Fatah as "good" terrorists is a
mistake. They are as mission-driven as Hamas and their mission is
to destroy Israel. Speaking of the released terrorists that Israel
suddenly finds trustworthy, Bechor writes, "For released prisoners,
terror is livelihood, a way of life, their honor and self
determination." Tipping the scales in favor of one terrorist group
against another gains Israel no increase in security and doesn't have
the desired effect within the Arab community.
I don't envy future historians trying to rationalize recent Israeli
leadership behavior from 2005 when they destroyed a productive and
patriotic community the Jews of Gush Katif, Gaza to now when
their preferential mode for dealing with Arab terrorism is to kowtow
to their enemies. They continue to provide the Gazan Arabs with gas,
water and material for making explosives. They jail Jewish young for
standing on sidewalks during an anti-expulsion demonstration but
release known Arab murderers. Caroline Glick documents one such piece
of madness: Arab murderers agreed to hand in their weapons and stop
being terrorists. The brain-dead Israeli leadership took them at their
The myth that Israel is occupying land owned by the Palestinians is so
ingrained, it seems to be received truth. A large part of this belief
is due to Arab propaganda, reinforced and amplified by cooperative
news and TV media. Some of the blame goes to Shimon Peres and the
Israeli leadership who decided that the Oslo Accords would be
strengthened if the Jews allowed Arab lies to go unchallenged. But now
Howard Grief writes of another source of the belief that Israel is
illegally sitting on Arab land. He writes of the shocking fact that it
was an Israeli judge, Meir Shamgar, who ignored international law and
applied the wrong concepts when Israel successfully fought back the
invasion by the neighboring Arab States. She did more than fight back.
She regained land that was rightfully hers by international law. But
over the years, rather than reinforcing Israel's claim, sloppy
thinking by some of the Israeli judiciary has given the cotton-candy
narrative spun by the Arabs a seemingly solid foundation. In this and
in his other writings on Israel's ownership of the land, Grief
provides us with the facts and a broad understanding of what these
facts mean.
It isn't enough to know the facts. You need to know what
pseudo-reality the facts demolish. Patricia Berlyn provides us with
both: the non-facts that too many believe and the actual facts. If you
are so used to the fantasy that has been created about the
Arab-Israeli conflict that your first reaction is to deny Beryln's
"Reality" remarks, may I suggest you check the facts out before
rejecting them. Preferably in an authorative source.
Edward Said and his pro-Arab flunkies dominated academic Middle East
studies in America for years, making predictions that never
materialized, doing analyzes that didn't hit the target, suppressing
views that differed from theirs. He's dead and 9/11 put the quietus on
his reign, but there's still much inertia in the academic system. John
J. Miller suggests an interesting way to get Middle East studies to
explore new ideas, and make them independent of the Middle East
countries that are the subject of academic inquiry. He suggests
philanthropists get involved in funding programs in universities and
think tanks. He makes some sensible suggestions.
This is a remarkable account of one person's fight against the
Jihadists. Rather like investigators trapping internet pedophiles,
Shannen Rossmiller hunted jihadists her evidence helped convict
Ryan Anderson, a national guardman who was defecting to al-qaeda. The
jihadists may be ideologically backward, but there isn't much lacking
in their cyber sophistication. Rossmiller recounts how she trained
herself to uncover them, also by using the internet.
When you read this, you might as I did hear a pin popping an
over-inflated balloon. The global main stream media, the leftists of
Israel, including some who govern the country, and the (un)paid
Arab-aiders have hidden the facts under reams of false information.
And here comes irrefutable evidence from the very long period which
started whe the Muslims conquered the Land of Israel in the 7th
Century C.E. until the Jews in the late 19th century returned in
droves to redeem the Land, joining the Jews who had never left Israel.
During this period, the Arabs had taken a thriving and productive land
and turned it into an unproductive rock-strewn wilderness (rather like
what they are doing in Gaza today). Avi Goldreich writes of a 17th
century book which, simply by describing the reality of the time makes
us aware that the Land of Israel was then unfruitful and had few
inhabitants. And of those inhabitants, the Muslims were a minority, a
small minority. As Winston Churchill noted many years later, some 95%
of the Arabs in Israel and the Territories migrated into Palestine
in the 20th century to coattail on the Jewish enterprise.
Algis Valiunas is interested in the impressions of the Western
traveler when he came to the Middle East, when Christian encountered
Muslim, when a technologically advanced group met a group that was
much more primitive, certainly in science, but even in their archaic
agricultural implements. Some of what was highlighted depended on the
visitor's orientation some travelers wanted to preserve Muslim
customs as is; others loathe the religion on sight. Some wanted to help
the Arab acquire political freedom, others found his superstitions
appalling. But there are some constants over time, inherent in Muslim
culture. The Muslim attitude of intolerance to other religions was on
show. Their fatalism. Their genetic anomalies, likely the result of
inbreeding within the clan. Their treatment of women doesn't seem to
have changed they let their women die rather than let a male doctor
treat them. Rule was and is usually by a brutal strong man, sometimes
an old-fashioned royal, sometimes a more modern-appearing
revolutionary. They really are not just like you and I.
One of the myths that recently-invented people the "Palestinians" try
to sell is that they are descendents of the Jebusites, a Canaanite
tribe; i.e., that they predate the Jews in the Land of Israel. David
Wenkel points out that "[t]he claim to Jebusite heritage within the
Palestinian community is a recent construct," asserted by Palestinian
arab nationalists to bolster their claims to the land. It is
understandable that a non-people like the "Palestinians" has less
trouble capriciously claiming kinship to any and all historic and
biblical figures than does a people with actual roots like the Jews –
the imagination of the non-people is not contrained by reality. And
many western proponents of Palestinian nationalism will of course need
no evidence to accept the myth. Wenkel sees a possible impact on one
particular group Christian evangelicals where both
acceptance/rejection and consequent interpretations may depend on
existing attitudes in the community.
Accustomed as we are to accept the myth that Arabs react violently
because they are provoked by some aggressive act done to them by
Israelis shortly preceding their outburst, it should be realized that
the first massacre of Jews in modern times in what would become the
modern state of Israel occurred way back in August, 1929. Yitzchok
Levine tells the stories of eight of the victims, eight young
Americans who were quietly studying Torah in the sacred city of
Hebron. The slaughter was organized by Haj Amin al Husseini, the Mufti
of Jerusalem. Haj Amin had previously been an officer in the Ottoman
army that murdered over a million Christian Armenians. He went on to
become Hitler's good friend, and successful at encouraging Hitler to
kill Jews, instead of allowing them to leave to other countries.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
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July 2007 BLOG-EDS
The Muslim Brotherhood is a quiet malignancy that has inserted itself
into the body politic of both Arab and non-Arab countries. Even the
U.S.A. is now considering talking as a friend to the Brotherhood, even
though its underlying mission is to restore Muslim rule globally.
They use methods appropriate to conditions in the different
countries. Barry Rubin compares how the Brotherhood operates in
several Middle Eastern regimes and assesses effectiveness.
Rachel Ehrenfeld and Alyssa Lappen discuss how the Muslim Brotherhood
(MB) has succeeded in convincing many key people in politics and
government that the Brotherhood is a democratic alternative to
dictatorial Arab governments. Their actual agenda the MB
leadership encourages "Arabs and Muslims to continue terrorist attacks
against the U.S. and Israel..." is unreported in the mainstream
Although it is underreported in the mainstream media, the Arabs have
continued striking at Israeli cities, while Israel's response has been
pitifully weak. It isn't that Israel doesn't have the weaponry to
strike back effectively. As David Hornik points out, it is that its
leadership has been paralyzed by fear of a global condemnation, should
"innocent" Palestinian civilians suffer injury. They have
irresponsibly permitted unnecessary injury to their own population,
rather than suffer world reproach. In consequence, "Israel ... is on
the verge of becoming a failed state part of whose territory is no
longer under its control, unable to provide security to citizens there
who are helplessly under attack and fleeing."
Hamas has taken over Gaza and is making inroads into the West Bank,
which is still theoretically controlled by Fatah. Tom Rose notes that
Abbas, head of Fatah, is currently successfully playing "good cop" and
is backed by Israel and America, both of whom are pretending Abbas is
capable of running a country and negotiating with other countries. If
there's a difference between the two terror organizations, it's that
Hamas has been more efficient in developing Gaza into a terrorist
stronghold and has effectively killed off Fatah.
We have been trained to think of the different terror groups in the
Middle East as deadly rivals almost like competing football teams.
So it is hard for westerners to realize how often supposedly
incompatible groups of terrorists can come together for specific, if
temporary, advantages. In this essay Hillel Frisch discusses the
stages that have led to the current alliance between the leaders of
the rogue state, Iran, and Hamas, the leaders of the pseudo state, the
Palestinian Authority.
Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi notes that "Al-Qaeda generally thrives wherever
central authority of governments is collapsing ..." a condition that
describes the internecine fighting among the Arabs in Gaza. Al-Qaeda
started moving into Gaza when Israel foolishly expelled the Gazan Jews
in 2005 and it is now accelerating its advance into Gaza, which has
become a full-blown international training camp for terrorists.
With the connivance of Hamas, "al-Qaeda
related groups in Gaza appeared to have become involved in military
operations and were not just propagating their religious worldview
This is a very scary article, made the more so by the calm and
systematic way that Sammy Salama and David Wheeler produce evidence
for their thesis: "In sum, al-Qa`ida's target selection is neither
arbitrary nor impulsive. Continuing examination of al-Qa`ida's primary
literature and operational manuals reveals that their target selection
calculus is governed by a sinister desire to bring down the economy of
the United States and other western powers."
Patricia Berlyn writes of the difficulties Israel now faces, in
addition to its vacuous leadership. Externally, there is hostility
from the mainstream media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the
United Nations and university academics. Add to this the pretend
support, the watered down support and the non-support by America in
contrast to the unwavering partisanship of the European Union for the
Palestinian Arabs. Internally, "[f]or the first time since 1948,
Israeli territory is the site of battle, and civilians the
victims..."; and "Arab citizens of Israel are openly on the side of
the enemy." As Berlyn's final quotations put it, it is not a time for
Israelis to be tired as Olmert declares it to be; it is a time to be
strong and of good courage, as Joshua urged.
Jonathan Rosenblum discusses a specific example of a problem that has
serious implications not just for Israel but for any democracy: what
happens if the members of its press choose not to be impartial but
allow their own prejudices to monopolize not just the opinion columns
but ordinary news items? He points out that because the Israeli press
played down Hizbullah's missile build-up in southern Lebanon "the
quality of national decision-making has been profoundly affected for
the worse by our mobilized press." The Israeli press corps, rather than
being embarrassed, was urged "to show courage in exercising their
power to 'determine the daily agenda.'" Rosenblum extends the analysis
to members of the Israeli judiciary, an activist group, that "view
their positions as granting them the right to determine all public
This is the latest in the important series of articles Martin Sherman
has been writing on how important it is that Israel's water supply not
be dependent on Arab goodwill which it would be should the Olmert
government succeed in giving the Arabs control of Samaria and Judea
(The West Bank) and the Golan. The Government has claimed that
Israel's water problems have been solved by desalination, disregarding
that desalination does not extract some serious impurities and that
the Palestinian Arabs have mucked up any water supply they've
controlled. Moreover, the sole desalination plant in Ashkelon is
within range of Arab missiles and, even fully functional, is
inadequate without the water sources the Israeli government is trying
to relinquish to the Arabs. (To read a companion article, "Water in
Israel: the Dry Facts", click
here). To read a sister article by Aubrey Wulfsohn click
You'd think that by now it'd be a commonplace fact that yes there are
such things as self-hating Jews, and they project their loathing on
all things Jewish. Steven Plaut has spent much of his time battling
those self-haters in academia who do so much harm by warping the
thinking of the young and impressionable. But it looks like he still
has his work cut out for him. Here his context is the superb book by
Edward Alexander and Paul Bogdanor that deals with the problem of
Jewish self-hatred which manifests itself in an excessive if not
pathological hatred of Israel and/or as a striving for acceptance in
the outside community.
Time and again, we come back to the importance of the Second Lebanon
War. It destroyed Israel's enemies belief in Israel's invincibility.
It solved no regional problems. It encouraged the American government
to believe Israel didn't need to be treated with respect. And all
these effects need not have happened. Efraim Inbar suggests the
mistakes may be correctable. He writes, "With adequate preparation,
Jerusalem might attain a clear victory in the next round, which,
however unfortunate, the outcome of the 2006 war makes inevitable."
War once meant each side fought to win, to destroy the resources and
the capability of the other side to strike back. War now, Emanuel
Winston says, too often means the strong are talked out of using their
strength. "Israel, under her current corrupt, inept leadership, was
going to show the world how dedicated it was to multi-culturalism and
humanity by surgically targeting enemies and thus gain the admiration
of Jew-haters the world over. As usual, it didn't work and the
terrorists were encouraged to greater acts of terror." "'Peace' is a
non-word among Muslims except for the confusion it brings to their
more civilized enemies." Winston reaches the grim conclusion that
"[w]hen Israel next goes to war against Islamists, there should be NO
self-restraint!" Israel will have to "follow the rules of war as
conducted by the Muslim Arabs."
Efraim Halevy provides us with an excellent summary of the
persistence of the European Union's attitude of blaming Israel first,
last and always. He recalls "... the Europeans the parliament and
the commission ... applied double standards to Israel. Toward us
they were moralizing. When it came to the Palestinians as far as
finance and politics were concerned, they were 'very understanding...'"
The recent surge of anti-semitism didn't just happen. It isn't an
epidemic that cyclically recurs. Jew hate is a major weapon in
instilling hate in a growing cadre of terrorists dedicated to
inflicting a severe form of Islam on the world. Their recruitment and
training has been paid for by Saudi Arabia, which has built mosques
and schools in many foreign countries to develop disciples of
Wahhabism. Their ambition is to put the world under shari'a
law, with Muslims dominant, all other groups subservient.
Jews, especially Israeli Jews, suffer from the intensification of
anti-Semitism from various sources including the local terror
organizations, Iran and foreign terror front organizations such as
CAIR. However, as Saul Goldman points out, Israelis, like Americans,
have grown soft and comfortable, "...unwilling to endure the hardships
and sacrifice of maintaining the kind of vigil that secures their
liberty." Instead they have reacted to the genuine threat to their
state and their own lives by using all sorts of psychological
maneuvers to lessen the fear and the pain of a possible future. To add
to the problem, diapora Jews are repeating their pre-Holocaust
behavior they are silent.
Money to Gaza for humanitarian reasons ends up being used for weapons
and aiding terrorist activities by "all the radical groups housed
there Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas." Moreover, as
Richard Baehr suggests, "There is much more risk of the West Bank
eventually succumbing to Hamas, than of Gaza being restored to Fatah."
And that would bring Hamas into range of Israel's major cities. That
being the case, both "... the so-called two state solution of Israel
and Palestine (living side by side in peace and security, a phrase
that always goes with this formulation); and the single bi-national
state of Israel/Palestine (the post-apartheid South African
reconciliation solution) pushed by many pro-Palestinian advocates,"
"... have suffered probably fatal blows .." Different approaches are necessary.
This is a thoughtful article by Elyakim Haetzni that examines Israel's
post-Oslo rush to surrender the land at the core of Judaism, the land
manifestly Jewish since Biblical times. He explores the new ideology
that "calls for retreat from the heart of Zion." He asks, "Once the
ideological spark embodied in 'the hope of 2,000 years to be a free
nation, in the land of Zion, Jerusalem' is extinguished, what
importance or relevance will remain to security, economy, demography,
or even morality towards the Arabs?" He explores whether the state of
Israel can give up the land of Israel. This is an important document.
These days we are witnessing Israel recycle leaders and administrators
as if they hoped this time things will be different and these men will
really lead and show backbone even if they never have before. In
contrast, Rabbi Lazer Gurkow has written a remarkable essay on the
characteristics of a leader, a Jewish leader ...
Whether this be doctrine or brilliant description, Steven Plaut has in
a few telling phrases identified the nonsensical "reasoning" –
actually delusional hope that has sapped Israel's strength and
weakened her resolve to fight those who would destroy her.
Martin Sherman points out that the Israeli Left has had no unease
about putting out contradictory spins as one after another of their
political ideas has proven wrong. As an example, first they argued
Israel could withdraw from the Territories because it was strong
enough to risk it. When events demonstrated that Israel gained no
benefit from taking this risk, they then said Israel should continue
withdrawing because she was too weak to take the risk of keeping the
land. "However in spite of the manifest bankruptcy of the Left's
political prescription," the Right has never called them on these
errors. "... the jury is still out on what it will condemn more
severely: The inexcusable sins of commission of the Left, or the
inexplicable sins of omission of the Right."
One would think it was election time in the Middle East, what with the
ballyhoo about the peace plan the Saudis and sundry other Arab leaders
claimed to be offering Israel. Zalman Shoval points out that it was
nothing of the sort. The Saudi plan gave Israel an ultimatum that
would wipe out Israel and Israel was to comply before discussions
can begin. As Shoval says, "The Arab plan is not about negotiations at
all, but about forcing Israel to pay in advance for the privilege of
conducting sham negotiations." Nevertheless, so eager was Israel for
peace and America to jumpstart the "peace process" that even this
"plan" got a serious hearing in Israel and in America.
DANGEROUS ILLUSIONS: peace-processing our way to disaster
Reuel Marc Gerecht makes the point that the Washington politcos need
to get beyond their conditioning that an Arab-Israeli peace is the
keystone to a stable and peaceful Middle East. What they should be
doing instead is figuring out how to "deal with rising Islamic
radicalism in the Middle East and the threat it poses to the West."
Pretending we can negotiate with Iran's mullahs over Iraq and about
their nuclear program is equally unrealistic.
In a refreshingly blunt essay, Efraim Karsh takes apart Sari
Nusseibeh's pretensions of being a moderate Muslim dedicated to peace
between Arabs and Jews and/or a reliable or even factual guide
to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But best of all, Karsh exposes
the unwarrented admiration of Nusseibeh by Jews such as Leon
Wieseltier and Amos Oz. They occasionally take note of Nusseibeh's
outrageous language in his unrelenting attempts to delegitimize Israel,
but that doesn't temper their praise of the man.
Like Diogenes looking for an honest man, President Bush and his gofer
Condoleezza Rice, continue to look for a Palestinian group they can
trust to maintain a low terror profile long enough to put them in
charge of a newly minted Palestinian state. It appears they have
pinned their hopes on Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Fatah terrorists
and Yasser Arafat's heir. As Andrew C. McCarthy points out, however,
Abbas and Fatah are no more desirous of peace than is Hamas; they are
not secular moderates; and they are better at running terrorist forays
into Israel than governing the local Arabs.
The administration is backing the terrorist Abbas, head of Fatah in
Gaza, believing him to be the lesser of two evils the good
terrorist, a man reasonable enough to accept a Palestinian state, even
if it means he has to stop harassing Israel for a bit of time. Mark
Silverberg argues that "[t]he problem with the concept of the lesser
of two evils is that, in the end, evil still triumphs."
Arlene Peck reviews the condition of women in Muslim countries to
determine whether there's been major changes over the last few years.
Her conclusion? Women are still humiliated and mistreated. The
superiority of the male is still dogma. She puts it so well "we
laugh and talk about living a 'dog's life.' Women complain that they
can't get their husbands to carry out the garbage. I think the
majority of Arab women would trade places in a heartbeat with an
American poodle. Over there, they are the garbage."
Hoff Sommers points out that the indignities suffered by Arab women –
lashings, stonings, honor killings are public knowledge. Why then
have American feminists not made the treatment of Arab women a cause?
Why haven't they, with few exceptions, organized protests? Aside from
the facts the article presents, it serves as a cameo of what happens
when an institution sacrifices its ideology for the sake of politics.
As Sommers explains, "The reasons are rooted in the worldview of the women
who shape the concerns and activities of contemporary American
feminism. That worldview is by tendency and sometimes
emphatically antagonistic toward the United States, agnostic
about marriage and family, hostile to traditional religion, and
wary of femininity. The contrast with Islamic feminism could
hardly be greater."
One of the best indicators that we don't yet have a vocabulary and a
framework to describe this odd war the Islamists are waging against
Israel and the west is that we don't even know how to describe the
relatively recent emergence of the woman terrorist. As Anat Berko and
Edna Erez write: is this a sign of women's liberation or oppression?
They conducted in-depth interviews with Arab women in Israeli prisons
for terrorist activities. Several women felt it was liberating (and
women suiciders have been officially memorialized), but usually the
women were not praised. On the contrary, they were condemned for
violating their traditional role woman are not supposed to
participate in the public domain.
Amil Imani provides us insight into the character of Islam as it was
formed during Mohammed's lifetime. "Islam is rooted in the primitive
tribal mentality of "We against Them, ... a non-Muslim is a combatant
against Allah and he is fair game to be subjugated and killed." It is
not surprising that so many Muslims are willing to sacrifice
themselves to the fight against evil, given that they firmly believe
that "the troubles of the world are due to the evil-doings of the
non-Muslims who war against Allah." A delusion, true, but one that
is easy to instill, given the Muslim belief system. Imani suggests
that "[m]any non-Muslims are also victims of a different, yet just as
deadly, delusion. They believe that Islam is a religion of peace, that
only a small minority of Muslims are jihadists, and Muslims can be
reasoned with to abandon the Quran-mandated elimination of the
Superficially, the situations in Iraq and Gaza appear different, and
the justifications for terrorist activity in the two areas are indeed
different. But actually they are instantiations of the original
conflict between Sunni and Shi'ite about the succession to the Caliph
after Mohammed's death. What both sides have in common is the
aspiration to establish a "global Islamic state ... ruled under Sharia
Law." Their quarrel is about which side will dominate in the
wished-for Islamic state, not the end goal.
>From the time of the earliest Caliphate, Islam's goal has been global
conquest, with everyone subject to Muslim law. This goal has never
been renounced. It is accepted by "mainstream Muslims from Morocco to
Indonesia..." according to a recent reputable poll. More to the point,
it continues to determine how Muslims treat Christians and other
minorities where they are in power. The "... consequence of this
guiding principle [is] a legacy of harsh inequality, intolerance, and
injustice ...," not the benign tolerance Muslims claim Islam extends
to other religions. Andrew Bostom makes us understand how deeply
rooted is the Muslim attitude of superiority by providing examples
from the different caliphates and from today's Islamic societies. He
concludes, "The openly expressed desire for the restoration of a
Caliphate from two-thirds of an important Muslim sample of Arab and
non-Arab Islamic nations, representative of Muslims worldwide, should
serve as a chilling wake-up call to those still in denial about the
existential threat posed by the living, uniquely Islamic institution
of jihad."
Dr. Babu Suseelan writes, "The most prominent characteristic of Islam
is its eternal Jihad war." And that has been the case since Islam
began. To further jihad, lying and deceit are encouraged. "Muslims
blandly assert that Islam is peace, despite the fact that "[d]uring
the past 1,200 years, Islam has slaughtered over 100 million
infidels." While their goal of imposing Muslim rule is fixed, their
methods of infiltrating democratic countries are often subtle, and
they will characterize Islam in whatever terms the listener group
values. Suseelan concludes that "[t]he time has come for a decisive action.
It is time to abandon for good all illusions about Islam."
Yechial Leiter does an excellent job explaining why Israel and Yesha
(Samaria, Judea, Gaza and the Golan) belong to the Jewish people by
history, by religion, by unbroken affiliation, by international law
and by conquest. By the same token, he explains why this land does not
belong to the Palestinian people. Part of the explanation is that
there is no Palestinian people, there never was a Palestinian nation
and there never was a state of Palestine. Among the errors he
corrects is the notion that the correct name for the land on the
western bank of the Jordan is the West Bank, suggesting that the Jews
who call it Samaria and Judea recently invented these names. The
opposite is true the area was called Samaria and Judea from
biblical times until Jordan named it the West Bank when it invaded
Israel in 1948.
Shmuel Katz has been and is both actor in and observer of the
development of the state of Israel. He has a deep understanding of the
Jewish character and the Arab character. In this essay, he writes how
the Arab ability to create facts effortlessly out of whole cloth and
then to synthesize a deep passion because he believes these "facts"
explains the current surge of devotion to Jerusalem in the Arab world,
an attachment unknown in previous centuries.
When the Jews were in Gaza, they were the ones that took the major
brunt of Arab missiles, lobbed by their not-so-friendly neighbors. And
they took the major brunt of Arab missiles. When the Arab terrorists
were given free rein in Gaza, Sderot became the war front. In this
issue, we follow the intrepid Sapersteins as they involve themselves
in the destiny of the Jews of Sderot.
In the previous article, Rachel Saperstein describes how the Kassam
rockets have terrorized the citizens of S'derot. They are lobbed from
Gaza; they are made in Gaza. Qassam rocket manufacture is the type of
product the Palestinians do best it requires little skill and
simple materials. Labor costs are low the Gaza Arabs are a
dedicated labor force and their time doesn't count. Marshall Brain
describes what goes into assembling a rocket. As Saperstein wrote,
what is horrible and ironic is that Israel continues to supply
electricity to Gaza, and the cylinders for the rockets are the pipes
stripped from the Gush Katif hothouses that American Jews gave as a
gift to the Arabs when the Jews were expelled.
Amil Imani describes some of the opening shots of the war Muslims are
beginning to wage in and against America in a campaign some call "mild
islamism". We have Muslim cab drivers who won't transport passengers
carrying alcohol while Muslim workers in the factories, muslim
students in the universities and Muslim prisoners in jail demand
special treatment. Muslims feel free to "defend Islam" in disruptive
fashion and they, not America's legal system, decide what is
offensive. Imani points out that "[e]scalation of demands, intolerance
of differences, and contempt for the non-Muslims are hallmarks of
Islam. The deluded leftists as well as the publishers of the left are
destined to be among the very first victims of the mild Islamism as it
gathers power."
Abdul Hammed Bakier writes about an internet website that encourages
people to carry out acts of terror around the globe. Many of the
terror events cited were carried out by individuals or small groups.
The blogger encourages others to get involved, to target Iraqi
nationals and government representatives in particular. He favors
"asassinations and attacking congregations of people in hotels,
embassies and conference gatherings." We note that America has already
had a series of such attacks. The FBI has treated each such incident
as an isolated hate crime. What sort of picture would they construct
were they to connect the dots?
Barbara Lerner writes of a group hacking away specifically at Turkey,
a Muslim country that has spent more capital in coming into the 21st
century than in trying to push the rest of us into the 7th century.
Now their secular society is at risk because the AKP, an Islamist
party, might well win the next election. What is pathetic is that the
AKP which is said to be modeled on "the Muslim equivalent of a
socially conservative Christian Democrat party in Western Europe" –
is supported by the neo-turcophiles, a group of Americans, "foreigners
who claim to believe that by supporting the AKP, they are supporting
Turkish democracy." They are very mistaken. Lerner spells out why very
simply, very clearly.
For whatever reasons, there have been wild and unsupported claims that
Islam and democracy are compatible; some even argue that Islam
encourages democracy. David Bukay points out that the scholars such as
John Esposito he is to Islam what Walter Duranty was to the Soviets
– who make these claims must either twist the definition of democracy
or airbrush life in Muslim countries. Ironically, Islamists are the
one group that firmly dismisses this dishonest claim of compatibility.
Unfortunately, that doesn't deter the westerners who promote the
notion that normative Islam is democratic.
Fjordman is a thoughtful and original examiner of Islam and its impact
on other cultures. His masterful essays are clear and understandable.
This essay is a basic document that is an extensive exploration of
both Islam and Western democracy. It examines both critically and says
much about both. Fjordman discusses why Islamic Sharia law is
fundamentally incompatible with "Western ideas of freedom of
conscience and of speech." But, as he points out, neither is the
European Union democratic.
The perfect spoof? It feels so right you don't even question it. And
it fits with what you know. Just because this essay by Steven Plaut
came out a short while after the Brits found the perfect weapon to
fight off takeover by the Muslims to wit, shunning Israeli
academics is no reason to think this isn't authentic. Is it?
Dame Ruth Deech, then principal of an Oxford college, said of an
academic boycott of Israel in 2003, "Sadly, it's almost as if
anti-Semitism has been repressed and not respectable for the last 50
years and that effect has worn off. Israel has provided a pretext for
people with that sort of feeling." Rory Miller tells us how
anti-Semitism manifested itself in England before awareness of the
Holocaust silenced tongues and how similar it is now.
The NGO Monitor group did a careful statistical examination of AI's
publications and showed conclusively that AI had an almost morbid
fascination with Israel. As this report demonstrates, "Amnesty singled
out Israel for condemnation to a far greater extent than Iran, Sudan,
Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, Egypt, and other chronic abusers of human
rights. This evidence of a clear political agenda is consistent with
other studies and examples of Amnesty International's bias and lack of
credibility." Does this affect how we will view AI's publications in
the future? Yes, it will. Knowing that AI has been convicted of
prejudice in one area, we will find it hard to trust them in areas
where they might actually be neutral. There's no way to know.
Many of articles written by the mainstream media are anti-Israel.
Others devote themselves to whitewashing the Arab terrorists, excusing
the reprehensible, making the grotesque behavior of the terrorists
appear almost benign. In this essay, Barry Rubin dissects one such
article. What makes this essay of particular interest are his glosses.
Professor Rubin's remarks help us recognize just how inane, how
superficial and off-the-point, the AP article is.
A half century ago, the notion of maintaining a Jewish state by
transferring out Arabs who had no loyalty or desire to live under Jews
was taboo. Jews and Christians are supposed to be dhimmis (2nd class
citizenship, not Muslims. Even though the Jews were chased out of Arab
countries in the 1940s, the idea of completing the population exchange
was tainted by association with the demonized Rabbi Meir Kahane. The
idea picked up acceptability when the Sharon-Olmert government
expelled Jews from their homes. Transfer gained acceptance as it
became increasingly clear that the Arabs under the Palestinian
Authority were working to develop missiles and explosives, not the
infrastructure for a state. Right now, we appear to be in the stage
where almost all Israelis want separation with the Arabs. But only a
few are brave enough to voice the obvious Israel is too tiny to
have another Palestinian state on its land, particularly when the
Arabs own 99.9% of the Middle East. Some have begun to speak out that
Transfer of the Arabs to someplace in the vastness of ArabLand is the
only logical and humane solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Many
more are in agreement but too timid to voice this publically. Yet this
is what needs to be done: we should be asking openly how to
implement transfer, not moaning that they won't like it.
This article by Dr. Shmuel Neumann and Professor Ya'akov Peretz
Golbert is the latest of a series of articles we have presented on
how to implement transfer.
Mr Elon's vocabulary doesn't seem to contain any weasel words. In this
interview, he explains his peace plan, which is different than the
usual ones proposed by the diplomats and politicians in that it may
actually have a chance of succeeding. He suggests both for Israel's
security and for humanitarian reasons that Arab refugees be released
from the refugee camps and given 'dowries' to set them up in a new
life. He also suggests that there be "regional cooperation with Egypt
and Jordan, with the latter becoming the state that has functional
sovereignty over the Palestinians."
Charles Krauthammer's article on the events just before the beginning
of the 6-day war gives us insight into why Israel is reluctant to jump
into yet another "peace plan". As he says, "They remember the terror of that
unbearable May when, with Israel possessing no occupied territories
whatsoever, the entire Arab world was furiously preparing Israel's
imminent extinction. And the world did nothing." (Sort of like the
situation we've in now with Iran.)
On the 40th anniversary of the 1967 Six-Day War, Fouad Ajami reviews
events that led to the war and some of the war's major consequences.
Taken-for-granted institutions and ideas would need reassessment by
both Arabs and Jews. In the Arab world, "[w]hat lay mortally wounded
was the myth of secular Arab nationalism." The Jews, in avoiding
destruction and winning the war, had acquired Biblical Israel. As
Ajami puts it, "Israel's secularism would now have to duel with the
religious pull of these new territories." What stayed the same was the
Arab refusal to accept Israel as a state and as a people in the Middle
Judith Apter Klinghoffer's essay is double-edged. It is history
written with immediacy. It is also a wonderful description of how
American Jewish leaders behaved at a time that Israel had immediate
need of American equipment and American moral support. Egypt had
belligerently closed the Straits of Tiran; President Eisenhower had
promised that should this happen, America would quickly respond. But
now America was itself embroiled in a war with North Vietnam and
the Vietnam war became part of the filter through which the Middle
East conflict was viewed. Some Jewish leaders were self-conscious,
diffident, fearful of being accused of dual loyalty; some put their
own politics and prestige first; some put Presidential politics well
ahead of Israel's needs. With the concurrence/initiative of some of
these leaders, Israel was prevented from preemptive action and that
would cost her dearly. In short, the Jewish leadership behaved as it
usually does. It was the ordinary Jews that rallied and showed the
passion and dedication that was needed.
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May 2007 BLOG-EDS
How many of these statements
are true? Zero. What is more interesting, while more and more people
understand there's no such thing as a Palestinian people, almost no
one doubts that the Arabs are the primitive owners of the Middle East.
Read the next two articles.
Using the effects of fog on visibility as metaphor, Patricia Berlyn
writes how smudging reality has affected political perceptions "about
Israel, its Arab foes, 'Palestine,' the Middle East, and Islamist
Jihad." The sprayers of mist include those rewarded financially by the
Saudis as well as ambitious careerists such as Sec-of-State Rice. The
result is a set of foggy delusions stemming from the assertion that
the Palestine-Israel conflict is at the heart of the troubles in the
Middle East. It follows that the region would magically become
civilized, if Israel vacates the territories, but continues to supply
the local Arabs with food, utilities and medical services while
ignoring their continued terrorist attacks on her, of course. In other
words, in this damp fog, the politicians can claim that a Palestinian
State carved out of a chopped-up Israel will solve everything, while
acknowledging that Arab terrorism will continue both in Israel and
elsewhere a sign that nothing has been solved. Friends of Israel
can help clear the fog by disseminating a cold hard fact: the
"Palestinians" don't want their own state; they want to loot a
defeated Israel.
Have you ever wondered how Arabs can consider themselves children of
Abraham, when Ishmael was the son of a Jew and an Egyptian and he
married an Egyptian, while the Arabs were still stuck in the Arabian
desert? Have you ever suspected the angel Gabriel may have had
Alzheimer's Disease, given that, while instructing Mohammed in sacred
history, he confounded Miriam, sister of Moses, and Miriam, mother of
Jesus? In this essay, Avraham Sándor carefully teases out the
family threads that weave together the people of the Middle East and
presents us with some facts on which we can rely and some current
myths we should ignore.
Jamie Glazov asked a group of knowledgeable experts: what threats is
Israel currently facing? Will Israel be able to handle them? She faces
an integrated military buildup by the neighboring Arab countries
acting through trans-national terrorist groups as well as an announced
nuclear threat from Iran. In addition to these external threats, the
Israeli Arab community has become increasingly radicalized. David
Hornik and Kenneth Levin point out another major problem. As Hornik
puts it, Israel has "dangerous tendencies to delusion, wishful
thinking, and appeasement that have been encouraged by its mostly
incompetent leaders since 1992." Rael Isaac speaks of a delusion and
its consequences: "In Israel it was long thought that the pursuit of
peace was a stroke of tactical brilliance... Israel proved to the
world that it was the 'good guy,' willing to make major sacrifices
while the Arabs refused all compromise ... the pursuit of peace has
been catastrophic for Israel." Caroline Glick notes that like it or
not, "Israel is a central front if not the central front in the
global jihad," yet the Israeli elite continues to see the war against
Israel as separate from Islam's global jihad. Clearly, strong
leadership is needed, yet, as David Keyes notes, "It is nearly
axiomatic that anyone elected Prime Minister of Israel will go on to
break many of his or her most ardent election promises...What ...
Israel needs is a Prime Minister who will return to the basics." Amen.
Israelis have worked tirelessly and have created an outstanding state.
But they haven't yet acquired the confidence to handle power and the
responsibility that comes with power. Despite their rights to their
land, they are afraid to assert these rights to avoid external
criticism. Israel projects uncertainty about her borders and her
capital; she has allowed her citizens to be slaughtered. Devin Sper
and Sivan Raine asks the critical question: "Are we ready for a Jewish
state together with all the responsibilities that come with it, or do
we prefer to return to the absolute moral purity of powerlessness?"
Israel has not taken charge of its own destiny. In these two essays
Eliyakim Haetzni discusses the consequences of Israel's leaders
willfully ignoring the beginnings of the first local intifada
and sloughing off later necessary but increasingly difficult action.
The first essay is the leadup to Oslo and the consequent deterioration
in Israel's position because Israeli officials were not willing to
deal properly with the increasing ominous situation or were playing
politics. The second essay points out that the Israeli leadership,
buttressed by Jewish media and academics, is mortgaging Israel's
future with their still incompetent approach to their now critical
position. As Elyakim Haetzni writes, "Should the current decline
continue, Israel will cease to exist."
Steve Plaut makes some important points, using the parable of a hobo,
who, unfamiliar with the Passover seder, didn't appreciate the meager
bits of food that are the props for the ritual reenactment of the
Passover story. He left before the real feasting began. By the early
1990s, Israel had suppressed the first intifada, and "was on the verge
of entering the most wonderful, prosperous and liberated period of its
existence". But it didn't have the patience to wait just a little
longer. Instead, the Israeli government, aided by academics and the
media, was willing to do almost anything to persuade the enemy to make
peace. It put the hope of a peace treaty above the safety of its
citizenry and the integrity of the state. It was a bad choice.
WHO IS THE REAL CRIMINAL? An Open Letter To An Israeli Friend
In the hope of dampening foreign antagonism, Israel revamped the IDF's
mission to the point that the family of a terrorist who helps him in
his 'work' can expect to receive much more protection from the IDF
than the Geneva Conventions afford them. Israel has shown itself to be
a patsy. So it's not surprising that so many anti-Israeli elements are
taking advantage of Israel's perceived weakness they are having a
lively time accusing the IDF of all sorts of war crimes. This is
ironic, given how moral and law-abiding the IDF actually is. But it is
not surprising. When the Israeli government gave appeasement of its
enemies its highest priority, it inadvertently showed the radical
Islamist leaders a weakness they could exploit. Ehud Tokatly suggests
that what we are seeing in all these accusations against the army is
an attempt to "defeat the Jewish State through spiritual persecution,"
by besmirching important Jewish institutions. "Criminalizing the
Jewish State is the only way of achieving a truly final solution of
the Jewish problem."
Solly Ganor urges us to stop Islamic aggression before it becomes
strong. He recounts a conversation he had with an Israeli Christian
Arab, whose family had lived in Bethleham since Crusader times and had
recently been forced out by the Moslems. Francis, the Christian Arab,
blamed Israel's not defeating Hezbollah last summer and the Americans
for bungling the war in Iraq for the resurgence of Moslem confidence
that they can defeat not just Israel but the West. He pointed out that
the Moslems use the internet and madrasses to educate hundreds of
thousands of children to become martyrs for Allah and are themselves
ready to die in the thousands for their convictions. "Now is the time
to stop them, not only because they are developing nuclear bombs, but
because Iran has become the base for all Islamic terrorists." Ganor
concludes "that Israel may be on the forefront for the coming war of
the West against Islam, unless we ... assassinate the heads of the
snake, rather than going to war with Islam."
UNWORTHY OF TURKEY: Lessons from Iran's Easter
parade of British hostages
Oded Eran, Israel's ambassador to the European Union (EU), has
suggested (Ynet, March 22, 2007) that EU give Turkey limited
membership status, circumventing the difficulties in granting full
membership. Israel could then push for a similar relationship.
Implicit is the belief that even limited membership in the EU is
desirable. In this article Barbara Lerner takes a different tack:
would membership in the EU be to Turkey's benefit? And, we can ask, by
extension, would seeking membership benefit Israel? As a reader of
Eran's article succintly put it: "If Israel joined EU it would also
join Eurabia."
Walter Bingham provides an analysis of the Israeli Government, which
acted criminally in expelling the Jews of Gush Katif, Gaza, from their
homes and now jails dissenters who protest future deportation from
Samaria and Judea. Peaceful civil disobedience in Amona was countered
by police brutality. For want of a legal mechanism to persuade local
politicians in Israel, you vote for the party, not the person it
is now up to the people to continue protest in the streets to change
governmental policy.
Dr. Steve Carol writes about Egypt's longterm hostility towards
Israel, an attitude that the 1979 "peace treaty" between Egypt and
Israel did nothing to temper. It brought no change in Egypt's
rejectionist attitude towards Israel and it fostered the
instability-producing notion that Israel should withdraw "from all
other areas claimed by the Arab-Muslim side." Today, Egypt has become
a major producer of fanciful anti-Semitic hate literature and it
covertly and overtly supports the Arab terrorists. It has been
well-equipped by America with sophisticated heavy weaponry; and it
makes no secret that it still seeks Israel's destruction. "The
situation between Egypt and Israel has been often described by many as
a "cold peace." "Cold War" would be a more apt description."
This essay by Jeffrey Azarva continues the theme of the previous essay
that the Cold Peace with Egypt is turning into a Cold War. It suggests
further that there is evidence Egypt's overkill in weaponry and
military manpower buildup, and its complicity in building weapon
transport tunnels into Gaza that the Cold War may be heating up
into a hot one. And if there is a regime change Mubarak is after
all in his late seventies and the Muslim Brotherhood and its offspring
gain in strength Israel may not be able to count on Egypt
continuing to weigh soberly the billions it gets from the U.S. against
its chances of winning a war against Israel.
Israel's government has ignored Syria's announced plans for waging war
on Israel, should Israel refuse to commit suicide by opening her
borders to millions of Palestinian "refugees." Some Israelis have
proposed negotiation, but negotiating with Syria as with other Arab
countries that don't regard agreements as binding is pointless.
Caroline Glick takes a different tack. She writes, "There is an
Israeli strategy for victory. If we conduct a military strike that
degrades Syria's ability to harm us while economically weakening the
regime still further and politically supporting an oppressed, large,
pro-Israel minority, perhaps we could avert war altogether." From her
The Revolutionary Guard is a mainstay of Mullah power in Iran. Mohsen
Sazegara was with the Revolutionary Guard at its inception. He gives
us a picture of its development and its current philosophy and
structure. This should be useful in assessing the role of the Guard in
current Iranian politics.
We America and Europe seem to have adapted to Iran's growing
nuclear competence. It certainly isn't alarming us enough to take
preemptive action, unless perhaps you define ineffectual U.N.
resolutions as action. In this well-written and thoughtful article,
Reuel Gerecht demolishes the optimistic view that the Mullahs are
mellowing, and, if we but show restraint, we might be able to woo
them. Iran doesn't want to build bombs to show technical superiority.
The ruling Mullahs want to bolster their hold on Iran, so that they
can wage holy war. Against us. Moreover, as Gerecht point out, "... a
clerical Iran sensing victory in Iraq victory defined by the
withdrawal of U.S. forces would have no incentive to negotiate on
its nuclear-weapons program."
To add to Israel's disappointment, she hasn't even achieved
separation from the local Arabs. The American Administration has
openly said Israel must support the nascent Palestinian State with
jobs and medical care, and so forth and so forth. But Israel must do
nothing to stop the democratic process in the territories. If the
majority of "Palestinian" Arabs want to destroy Israel, it would be
wrong for Israel to destroy the democractic process by destroying the
terrorists. Put another way: a 4000 year old people must emasculate
themselves to make way for a just-invented people. Why must Israel be
the brains for the defective Arabs? Because these Arabs do not want to
do the hard work of developing the infrastructure that will support a
new state. They believe in the old-fashioned way of getting ahead:
invade a land, loot it and use the inhabitants as slaves. When the
supplies get too low, find another land to invade.
The world and this includes Israel plays good terrorists (Fatah)
and bad terrorists (Hamas). Having a unity government between Hamas
and Fatah lets everyone deal with Fatah while pretending Hamas isn't
running the show and setting the agenda. The platform of the unity
government of Hamas and Fatah is perforce ignored. Read it yourself.
Dr Reuven Erlich provides us with an overview and with a reliable
translation of the platform.
The Israeli evacuation from Gaza has allowed it to become a major
terrorist center. The terrorist government no longer has to be
circumspect in obtaining equipment through Egypt. Moreover, they can
now truck rockets and other weaponry overland "from Gaza to Sinai and
then into Israel's Negev" to carry out suicide bombings, as in Eilat.
"Cooperation among Hamas, Iran, Hizballah, and other global terror
organizations" means high morale and the ability to utilize outside
experts "with military and operational exerience." Maj.-Gen. Yoav
Galant points out that the Gazan Arabs "were left with natural gas,
greenhouses, and fields." "They chose to follow Hamas." "The
Palestinians in Gaza are well organized in four brigades: the northern
brigade, the Gaza City brigade, the central brigade, and the southern
brigade, each with its own commander. They have battalions, companies,
and platoons, as well as special forces dealing with sniping,
infantry, explosives, and anti-tank weapons." This paper does not make
clear why Israel has done nothing to stop the growth and training of
an army that has only one objective.
The three major terror groups in Gaza Hamas, Fatah and the Islamic
Jihad are much more united that the West would like to acknowledge.
Pinhas Inbari destroys the myth that Fatah is secular and, by
implication, moderate and not subject to the need to wage a
jihad based in Islam's belief system as are the Islamic
Jihadists and Hamas. Inbari points out that "[b]oth Islamic Jihad and
Hizbullah were established with deep Fatah involvement." Nothing has
changed from the longtime plan of Fatah and Hizbullah "to surround
Israel with terror rocket power from all sides." The only modification
is that Hamas which didn't exist when the plan was formed is now
in charge of the plan and Fatah appears to be concentrating on
persuading the West to supply the terrorists with money on the grounds
that it goes to humanitarian needs. IRAN IS BUILDING "HAMASTAN" IN GAZA
And it came to pass what so many had feared.
Only more so. Israel's leaving Gaza didn't reduce tensions or give the
Arabs expanded space to learn self-government. Instead, the people of
Gaza democratically voted in Hamas, a terrorist group that doesn't
have the grace to pretend it wants peace. The people themselves are
perfecting their old skills in bomb making, missile throwing, sniping
and kidnapping. And, as Brig-Gen. Shalom Harari tells us, what is
worse, Iran is now helping Hamas to develop new skills anti-tank
and anti-aircraft systems to neutralize Israel's ability to enter
Gaza, and, while Israel respects the ceasefire, build a
Hezbollah-style state in Gaza.
This article and the next are probably more typical of life in Gaza
than the carefully selected bits and pieces of individualized
suffering the BBC chooses to show us. The Arabs are organized in
extended family units, which take precedence over loyalty to national
enterprises except, apparently, when it comes to killing Israelis
and other Westerners. Yuval Hyman writes of one such family, whose
successful business enterprise is kidnapping foreign journalists for
ransom. Hyman writes, "The Durmoush family, implicated in the
abduction of Gilad Shalit, has monopolized the trend in Gaza, with the
help of local photographers who assist in the kidnapping of their
foreign colleagues who encroach on their territory." Aside from
monetary gain, they achieve local prestige and territorial control. Of
course, spending time this way isn't the kind of activity that will be
useful to a future state or perhaps kidnapping, murder and terror
mayhem are exactly what the Gazan Arabs have in mind for their future.
Martin Sherman has written previously on the danger were Israel to
entrust control of its mountain water aquifer by giving up Samaria and
Judea to the Palestinian Arabs (To read "Water in Israel: the Dry
click here). A sister article by Aubrey Wulfsohn click here
– noted that the Gazan Arabs had done wildcat drilling of the local
wells and had contaminated the drinking water. In this article,
Sherman writes of a recent incident where some village Arabs in Gaza
sold off the embankment causing a sewage dam to collapse, allowing raw
sewage to run into the sea. He notes that "... whether we are talking
about malevolent design or malignant neglect, the matter of sewage may
turn out to be what one seasoned commentator termed 'The Palestinian
Doomsday Weapon.'"
What does one do when there is a lot of prestige riding on a course of
action that depends on certain conditions being met? And they aren't.
Caroline Glick writes about the recent swearing into power of the
unity government in the Palestine Authority (PA), consisting of the
openly terrorist group, Hamas, and the more underhanded terrorist
group, Fatah. The new government's leaders were supposed to sound
peaceable. Instead, they asserted that they did not intend to renounce
violence and terror. And they insisted that Israel take in anyone and
everyone who claimed to be an Arab refugee. What to do? The foreign
supporters of the PA the European Union, the Israeli Left (this
includes the current Israeli government), and the American State
Department did the only thing they could do: they ignored what the
PA said and substituted their own scripts. How else, I ask you, could
they justify pressuring Israel for concessions and funding a terrorist
group? After all, given all the PA intends to do contra Israel,
it certainly doesn't have the time to develop an economy or built the
infrastructure of a state.
The next two articles sum up the basic Shi'ite grouping versus the
Sunni states amalgam. They were adapted from lectures presented at a
GLORIA Center conference entitled "After Lebanon: A New Middle East?"
THE RISING SHI'A CHALLENGE: The Hizballah-Syria-Iran Triangle
Yaakov Amidror examines the physical and ideological linkages between
two countries and a terror group, all with loyalty to Shi'ite Islam.
The ambition of the Iran-Syria axis isn't just to destroy Israel, or
even to end "American influence in the Middle East. Its true purpose
is not only to exist within Shi'a society but also to gain power in
Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and finally ... in Cairo and in Amman." This is
more likely to happen if Iran can make use of a nuclear threat to
supplement Iran and Syria's terrorist resources. Iran and Syria
cooperated in creating and training Hizballah, which has made it
possible for them to control Lebanon. Moreover, they have cooperated
in running Hamas and the Islamic Jihad inside the Palestinian
Authority. Amidror deems it a tragedy that Israel did not hack apart
the axis by destroying Hezbollah in the Lebanon war last summer.
Iran-Syria's prestige was raised even in Sunni countries e.g.,
Saudi Arabia is now holding negotiations with Hizballah. And Israel
will pay significantly in the future for not winning decisively in the
Lebanon war.
THE ANTI-IRANIAN FRONT: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, And Jordan
What the Sunni group has in common is the need to react to Iran's
potential power. Their bond has none of the Shi'a strong cohesiveness,
they have no strong leadership, they don't trust each other and they
have fundamentally different interests. Ayellet Yehiav points out that
these defects make it unclear how much longer the alliance will last.
To gin up some positive activity to lend credibility to their group
identity, they are promoting the Israeli-Palestinian "peace process."
It is also a way to try to cut Syria away from Iran. If it works.
It might seem excessive concentration on a single topic, when so
many are pressing. But consider. The Muslim Brotherhood has quietly
been spinning a web to entangle different countries for many, many
years (Read
a comprehensive background article here.) Now on the heels of the
Baker Iran Study Group report that recommends respectful attention to
the Arab position including talking to Iran and Syria the
prestigious Foreign Affairs journal specifically recommends
cozying up to the Muslim Brotherhood. These articles point out what's
wrong with that idea.
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has a single objective for Islam to
rule the world. But, as Lorenzo Vidino points out, it tailors its
methods to the particular circumstances. It believes al Qaeda's
confrontational style is premature. The Brotherhood uses a softer
approach to create closed Muslim communities within the host
countries, so there is opportunity to radicalize Muslim youth as well
as to incite the community to civil disobedience, when necessary. They
invite the outside community to see MB as the representatives of these
communities. In Holland they control "two of the country's largest
mosques." They appear cooperative and willing to live in peace with
the larger community. Nevertheless, the disparity between their
connection to a Dutch terrorist group and their bland reassurances has
made for debates in Holland on which persona is the "real"
Foreign Afairs (FA) has taken on the task of persuading the
public that there is a difference between radical Islam and the Moslem
Brotherhood (MB) and, in consequence, we should start talking to the
Brotherhood. Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser is both a devout Muslim and
anti-Islamist American. He doesn't buy FA's whitewash, and in this
finely detailed article, he tells us why. He points out that the issue
is not deciding to work with the lesser of two evils, supposedly the
MB. In actuality, "Qaradawi [the spiritual leader of MB] and the
Brotherhood are actually far more dangerous ideologically to the
West." [It] "is based upon a strictly Islamist approach to governance
and law. At the very core of their approach to the branches of
government is a toxic mixture of politics and theology." Our goal
should be to defeat the ideology of Islamism, not play ball with it.
He emphasizes his adherence to Islam as a personal faith it should
stay out of politics.
In a recently published article by Robert Leikin and Steven Brooke,
Foreign Affairs paints the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) as a moderate
force and claims it is "rejecting jihad and embracing democracy." To
do so, the authors of the Foreign Affairs article ignore "[t]he
Muslim Brotherhood's past use of violence and terrorism as a means of
accomplishing the organization's stated mission of installing
'Islamic' governments in the Muslim world through the establishment of
shari'a as the legal system of these new governments. This mission has
been repeated and restated by Brotherhood officials up to the present
day." Patrick Poole's very excellent article provides proof that MB
has not rejected jihad; it has not become democratic.
The only question Poole's article didn't answer is why a presumably
reputable journal such as Foreign Affairs would publish such
contrary-to-fact silliness.
In the March-April 2007 issue of Foreign Affairs, the Muslim
Brotherhood (MB) is described as "moderate." In this wise article,
Youssef Ibrahim notes that "[i]nvariably, these reports [of MB
moderation] reflect an eagerness to make a finding based on logic
rather than on the facts at hand. In a twisted way, they are deeply
condescending of Muslim terrorists who are declared acceptable just
because ... they resemble some of their Western interlocutors."
Ibraham looks at the facts, which don't support the supposition that
MB is moderate. He concludes that "[u]nfortunately, those conducting
such flimsy reporting and superficial scholarship can always turn back
and say, 'Oops, sorry.' But 'sorry' will not do for the thousands,
maybe millions, of secularists, moderate Muslims, Christians, Kurds,
Shiites, and other minorities who will pay the price if
Brotherhood-affiliated groups get to rule Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon,
Algeria, and Syria in the next decades with an American green light."
In this fascinating mix of anecdote and current events and items of
worldwide importance, Patrick Poole brings home that the Muslim
Brotherhood operates right in our own backyard. Poole discovered a
Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operative, Dr. Salah Sultan, "...living right
around the corner from me and teaching out of the Islamic school..."
When he exposed him in an article, the local newspaper, the
Dispatch, defended Sultan as a moderate. "... in a strange turn
of events, that Dispatch article ... was published just days
before Sultan appeared on Saudi Arabian Al-Risala TV, where he
informed viewers that the US government was behind the 9/11
attacks,..." These and other public remarks should have made it very
clear to everyone that Sultan is a racist radical Islamist. But it
didn't. Sultan is still defended by the local newspaper and T.V.
station and a local interfaith group. Poole feels his hometown "is on
the frontlines of the Global War on Terror, as are hundreds and
thousands of cities and towns all across America." We need to
understand that.
Clearly, we are in a time of transition in the war Islamists have
declared against the West. Many people continue to refuse to see a
pattern in the incidents and events of this new kind of warfare; many
refuse to believe there is a war. The legal system has only
rigid boxes to try terror masters for their crimes the legal system
or military law neither one of which suits the situation. And now
Louis Beres warns us we need to modernize our ideas on how to fight a
war, when one side is not readily identifiable, not dressed in uniform
and not located in defined areas. Consequently, the home front is
vulnerable in new ways. In particular, it is no longer axiomatic that
the homefront is not attacked until after the country's army is
defeated. Beres points out that "...we might now be perfectly capable
of warding off any tangible defeat of our military forces and perhaps
even of winning identifiable victories, but we still may have to face
extraordinary harms." These days, our "...enemies can wreak havoc upon
us without first firing a shot." This calls for new concepts in "both
active and passive defenses."
Jamie Glazov interviewed Bat Ye'or, who has written extensively on
dhimmitude the state of subjugation reserved for non-Muslims
in Muslim countries. There are strong reciprocal financial investments
between Europe and the Arab countries. "Europe now is chained to the
Arab-Muslim world and cannot disengage or change direction." She
points out that the Muslims have been colonizing Europe for over 30
years, changing its demographics, and fostering anti-Israel and
anti-American attitudes and activities, encouraging Europeans to adopt
attitudes that in effect, replicate their own attitudes towards the
Jews. Christianity is also under attack. Because so much of Christian
culture is based on the Jewish religion, "joining the jihadist camp
involves the suppression of those links that structure and support
Christianity..." Instead, they preach that "Christianity was born from
Islam, from a Jesus who was a Muslim prophet the Koranic Isa and
very different from the Jewish Jesus described by the four
evangelists.." She believes that "[t]he only hope for the West lies in
its perception of the global jihad's aim and dangers. This is not a
military war only, it is even more a spiritual, intellectual and
political debate."
Daniel Pipes suggests plausible longterm relationships between Europe
and its Muslim minority. The first possibility is a Muslim takeover.
Europe is profoundly secular. This gives hope to many Muslims that
their own strong faith will sway many lapsed Christians to convert.
They may be right. A surge in number of conversions plus Muslim high
fertility could put the Muslims in control. However, the increase in
popularity of nationalist parties and the growing irritation with
Muslim demands lend support to a second possibility: that Europeans
will lash out and reclaim their patrimony. This could in turn lead to
civil war or outright ethnic cleansing. Or maybe the third
possibility the Europeans and Muslim immigrants will find a way to
live in harmony. But this is the least likely.
Fjordman writes that "Muslim Jihadists... quite correctly view our
creed of Multiculturalism and our acceptance of Muslim immigration as
signs of weakness and that the West has lost contact with its
civilizational roots." All cultures are not equal, despite
multiculturalism's assertions. Similarly, "[u]pholding national
borders has become more important in the age of globalization,
terrorism and mass-migration, not less. No nation regardless of
political system can survive the loss of its territorial integrity,
but democratic states especially so." Fjordman recommends the West
stop massive immigration for at least a generation, deport those that
preach shari'a and Jihad, and, in general, strive to limit Islamic
practices, rather than encouraging them. "At the very least, we must
be prepared to back up our ideological defenses with force on certain
occasions. Holding a higher moral standard isn't going to defeat an
Iranian President with nukes, threatening another Holocaust.... We
should stop trying to 'win the hearts and minds' of Muslims and start
reaching out to non-Muslims."
Caroline Glick writes that "it is more than inderstandable for the
British to wonder why they are being targeted by the likes of the
Iranians and Palestinians, whose interests they have done so much to
advance." "...Since the 1920s, the Palestinian Arabs have had no
friend more stalwart than the British." And by stalling action against
the Iranian mullahs, they have helped give Iran the time to perfect
nuclear weapons. Their response to the Muslim kidnapping of English
sailors and a journalists has been to bash Israel even harder –
proposing boycotts and isolating Israeli academics. And in England,
they've become more conciliatory to how Muslims want the English to
live, while ignoring violence against the Jews. In the global
resistance to Islamic attack, they are not a reliable ally.
Walid Phares identifies one reason England is so unresponsive to the
Muslim threat its leadership. He takes as evidence speeches made by
Hilary Benn, a candidate for deputy leader of the Labor Party. Mr.
Benn blames terrorist strength on George Bush inflating their egos by
preaching a war on terror. He believes terrorists are terrorists
because they have been economically deprived. He decribes the
terrorists as "small number of loose, shifting and disparate groups
who have relatively little in common." And we are nasty enough to be
pushing against them. With leaders like this, England is indeed in
Just like the simple steps that lead members of Alcoholics Anonymous
to full recovery, Ronin suggests some simple steps that will allow
England to recover its own culture and take back its country from the
Muslim extremists.
Peace Now recently attempted to flay Israel with the accusation that
the Jewish towns in Samaria and Judea were built on Arab land. In
their eagerness to broadcast the unverified figures, they overstated
the amount by a whopping 15,900%. Moreover, while they gloated at the
possibility of discomforting the Jews, they never said word one about
Arab illegal building, even though an organization devoted to moving
the peace process forward should not want either side creating
facts on the ground that would compromise negotiations. It is also
disturbing how readily the major news media accepted Peace Now's
figures without confirmation. And without checking the actual legal
status of the land.
It's amazing how violent some peaceniks can be. Rachel Neuwirth was
attacked by an angry pro-Arab Hillel rabbi, when she disagreed with
his favorable opinion of an Arab who'd helped direct missile attacks
into Israel (See http://www.think-israel.org/hes.hillel.html). Rabbi
Seidler-Feller was both physically and verbally abusive. What is most
disturbing is that so many in the Jewish media wrote stories and
editorials biased against Neuwirth, using inaccurate descriptions of
the incident. Some 50 UCLA professors, most with Jewish names, signed
on to condemn her. Some three years later, after Rabbi Seidler-Feller
had publically apologized to Neuwirth for his appalling behavior, the
newpapers and the professors who'd rushed to judgment have not
retracted their statements or apologized. Without knowing the facts,
they had sided with the Rabbi, because he shared their liberal
Emanuel Winston wrote of this essay: "Morris Amitay has an
extra-ordinary grasp of Jewish issues and mind-set. Most Jews still
run from their own shadows, especially those who anoint themselves as
'organizational leaders'. ... The status of their leadership seems to
actually hamper their real courage when life-and-death issues
affecting Israel and world Jewry call for action which might be
'controversial' especially when they need to defend Israel and world
Jewry. Regrettably, we see that both in America and Israel." In this
essay Morris Amitay takes issue with the Jewish Council for Public
Affairs for avoiding controversial (but nevertheless critical)
subjects. Specifically, they have shown a regrettable silence and/or
poor choices on Iran and Iraq.
A recent negative story on Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against
the West made it sound as if the Elders of Zion were involved in
the conspiracy to distribute the documentary. We had fun
ripping apart the fatuous writeup.
When the Jews came back in large numbers to their homeland in the late
1800's, the land was barren. They created the green landscape, planted
trees, grew flowers, developed ways to irrigate the land while
conserving water. More recently, the Jews repeated this miracle in
Gaza, where they started orchards and grew gorgeous vegetables. Now
they've been expelled and under Arab caretaking the land has lost its
color and is reverting to stone and rock and sand. So it isn't logical
that the world would believe that the Arabs cultivate trees the
olive tree has become the symbol and the Jews uproot trees. Mark it
down to great Arab propaganda that the world does. Ran Farhi writes
about the larger implications in what seems a small incident: the Arabs
uprooted trees planted by Jews on Jewish land with impunity and the
Jews, thanks to the Israeli government, were not allowed to assert
their property rights.
David Bedein writes about how, since the 1993 Oslo Accord, successive
Israeli governments have hired PR firms to cover up that the
government was acting illegally and/or immorally. They covered up that
the PLO was ignoring the "peace process" stipulations to stop
anti-semitic incitement. They sold Disengagement dishonestly and in
violation of their own laws. "A case in point: Clause seven of the
disengagement law forbids Israel from handing over assets to terror
organizations, at a time when terror groups were announcing that they
were taking over the settlements and that they would use them as
terror bases." After the expulsion, the Government then asserted that
the Jews expelled from Gush Katif had received compensation and were
moving to permanent homes. It wasn't true. I have a thought: given
that the Sharon-Olmert has followed the U.S. State Department party
line slavishly, did the U.S. Government help them find just the right
firms? And pay for them?
Raise a problem with Islam and the immediate response is you are
islamophobic. It conditions us to avoid criticizing Muslim practices.
Amil Imani in this quiet essay lays out the reasons we must resist
wincing when called islamophobes and confront the problems it causes
us. As he writes, "A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Detestation
of Islamism, the violent form of Islam, is based on irrefutable facts
and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative."
If you were out to malign the Jews, accusing them of mixing blood in
their food would seem a bad choice. Jews, after all, salt their meat
to rid it of blood so that it will be kosher to eat. Matzo is a flour
and water cracker, baked before it has the chance to rise. Any
addition makes it invalid for the Passover seder. Yet the libel
has thrived from pagan times on, throughout medievel Christendom and
today it is firmly established in the Muslim Middle East. It is the
reason, the libel sponsors assert(ed), Jews kill people, particularly
children to obtain blood for their rituals. Ari Greenspan and Ari
Zivotofsky provide us with some fascinating examples of the blood
libel. They suggest that "[i]t is simply such a wild, unbelievable
yarn that it became believable."
Just when you think you are numb from reading the current global
horrors, along comes a story that shakes you to the roots. Robert J.
White-Harvey writes of a friendly-fire incident in the very last days
of World War 2, when hope was stirred that some of the victims of the
Nazis might be saved. Some 10,000 inmates of the German concentration
camps had been herded on board 3 ships by the Germans no one knew
why. The British were still bombing enemy shipping. It is not known
what the British knew about the ships, but they strafed them from the
air in several separate attacks. And the few prisoners that made it to
the water were shot by the German guards standing on shore. As
Harvey-White writes, "... the 7,500 Cap Arcona victims deserve
to be remembered."
Scott Lasensky writes about fairly recent history with current
implications: how America tied Israel's hands during the Gulf War of
1991. Retrospectively, one has to ask why it was important to pretend
Egypt was of any use to the war effort the Egyptians did little,
strutted a great deal and gained much. In contrast, by being
cooperative with the US Administration and not responding to Iraqi
SCUDS attacks, Israel showed it could be controlled and thus it was
set up for the disasterous Oslo Accords.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
A Blog-Ed page has a quick list of the articles from which you can
access any of the articles immediately. To go to the list, click the
"Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page.
March 2007 BLOG-EDS
No peace process directed towards the establishment of a
Palestinian Arab state is going to work. With each concession, Israel
will lose some more of its tiny slice of Palestine; the Arabs will
continue to create more havoc. More and more of the Israeli public is
ready to accept a new approach. To date the theme has been: give up
the land keep the Arabs. More Jews now see it would be better to
keep the land it is after all legally and by conquest Israel's –
and give up the Arabs.
These next essays have this in common: There is danger in accepting
spurious peace plans. Israel must take the first tiny step to a sane
solution. It's time Israel's leaders stopped lying to themselves and
the world. The Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict is solvable, but not
by pretending the two-state solution will hack it.
Thanks to the Palestinian Arab high achievement in
terrorism/vandalism/violence and ineptitude in most other areas,
faith in their ability to organize and maintain an independent state
is crumbling. Efraim Inbar points out that now is an opportunistic
time to call a halt to this enterprise. And start thinking of other
very different approaches.
There's been a de facto Palestinian Arab state since 2005, when
the Gaza Strip was put completely under Arab control. Caroline Glick
puts together the tiny bits of information we've gleaned from the
mainline media it's chaotic, violent, ruled by thugs and gangs
and fanatic clerics. It terrorizes its inhabitants. It's unstable,
ineffective and totally dependent on outside funding. As in Arafat's
time, the "leaders" reap the massive money rewards given them by the
International community; everyone else suffers. And there is no real
separation for Israel she still contributes to Palestinian Arab
Israeli politicos and academics and journalists still talk about the
advantages of creating a Palestinian state, as part of a "peace
process". This is ID Intellectual Dishonesty. "They know you can't
make peace with people committed to your destruction. They know you
can't make peace with people who do not recognize the sanctity of
human life." There will never be peace until the pundits and politicos
"transcend the misleading and mendacious language of public
discourse," and start thinking of realistic ways to maintain Israel's
vitality and keep her people safe from terrorist attack. They should
start by describing the situation truthfully.
Yasir Arafat bilked the Palestinian Arabs and the organizations that
supported him of billions of dollars; he was a pedophile, a vicious
terrorist and a planner of innovative ways to create mass havoc. Yet
most of the media and a long slew of U.S. and European government
administrators chose to see him as the father of his people and
ignored the actions of Fatah, the terrorist organization he founded
and directed. They believed, despite all evidence to the contrary,
that he had a sincere desire for peace with Israel, if only ... As
Caroline Glick writes, thanks to a recently-released U.S. State
Department cable, he has finally been completely discredited. What is
impossible to understand is why, when Arafat's successor, Mahmoud
Abbas, is as committed to destroying Israel as Arafat ever was, why do
we still walk the same useless route? Why do we pretend that Abbas is
a moderate Arab, a peace-loving man?
People casually use the terms "Palestinian" and "Palestinian Lands"
without realizing they are adopting a lie conceived by the P.L.O. and
perpetuated by a pro-Arab media. They are subscribing to the notion
that Israel exists on Palestinian land. In this essay Dafna Yee untangles
some of the history of how some local Arabs became the "Palestinians."
And why historically and geographically there is no such thing as
Palestinian land.
Elyakim Haetzni succintly describes the devasting effects of a
Palestinian state carved out of Israel. One reader commented, "So, why
Israeli Public elected such government which knowing "price tag"
continues to lead the country to disaster? Is it (public) stupid,
irresponsible?" It does seem hard to explain why the Israeli public
would allow its suicidal government to cripple Israel. Patricia Berlyn
here) and Israel Zwick (click
here.) have also drawn up lists of excellent reasons for us to
stop our misguided hankering for a 2-state solution. We could then
start thinking more realistically. As a start, look at Lipkin's "Population Exchange", Simons'
"Population Exchange", King's "Third
Rail", Sherman's "New
Paradigm" and
Neuwirth's "win-win". Then google for "transfer arabs" in the search box at
the top of this page for additional articles. Do you have a solution? Send it to
Think-Israel is pleased to present an excerpt from David Naggar book
called The Case for a Larger Israel, in which he makes the case
for a viable Israel, where the Jews can not only survive but thrive.
"... a [Jewish] population of less than 0.2% of the world's population
has produced 22% of all Nobel laureates. In the fields of
philanthropy, the humanities, science, the arts, medicine, internet
connectivity, global communications, coming water shortage issues,
energy issues, and more, a self sufficient, prosperous, and free
Israel benefits humanity." The area simply isn't large enough to
support both a Jewish and a Palestinian state. Establishing the
proposed 23rd Arab state state will not lead to peace but to a failure
of both states. Naggar suggests we rethink the problem.
Peace is a major diplomatic goal. It is said to be particularly
important to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict, because, it is claimed,
peace in the Middle East, peace around the world maybe even global
warming all hinge on it. "But, alas, as the Prophet Jeremiah
observed in biblical times: 'peace, peace, but there is no peace.'"
Alex Rose examines the concept peace and suggests that Richard
Nixon's definition of peace would seem to be a way to live with Islam:
"We must not vainly search for perfect peace but turn our efforts to
creating real peace. Perfect peace assumes the end of conflict. Real
peace is a means of living with unending conflict." But it isn't
likely Islam would subscribe even to this minimalist state of peace.
So Rose makes some practical suggestion for achieving separation –
and thus minimizing friction points between Jews and Arabs: Jews
fled the Arab countries in the 1940s and 50s. It's time to complete
the second half of this population transfer, by moving the Arabs from
Israel to some place(s) in the vast Arab land holdings.
It is not surprising that Israeli Jews, after 100 years of a
tempestous relationship with their murder-oriented neighbors, yearn
for peace. Several generations of politicians and diplomats,
conditioned to believe that all the world's problems will be solved if
there is peace between the Arabs and the Jews, are easily seduced into
eagerly chasing every new whisper of a possible peace. At this very
moment, Condoleezza Rice is using up a lot of gasoline (gasoline is the
argument the Arabs use to convince the world to accept whatever they
say) flying from one Middle East capitol to another. But, as Daryl
Temkin warms us, to want peace doesn't guarantee achieving it and
having bought so many rip-offs, the Jews should be cautious about
buying yet another peace "knock-off," that will deteriorate almost
before it begins. Unfortunately, before the false "peace" is
reluctantly abandonned, Israel can suffer harm and compromise its very
This is a condensation of an essay by John Lewis. He has written a
brilliant analysis of the human elements the "moral and
psychological factors" that condition one group to constant aggression
while a different set of values deters the target group from doing its
best in fighting that aggression. Convinced that it is for the good of
our souls, Islamic totalitarianism declared an unswerving all-out,
multi-faceted war against us infidels. In response, for years we
treated each terror attack as unique and unrelated to any other
attack; and after 9/11, we pretended the enemy was a small group of
extremists and we believed we could persuade the Muslim masses. We've
tried altruism and constantly shifting pragmatism, engaging in
'dialogue', attenuating our firepower because we don't want to make
our enemy angry, and offering them economic incentives. They haven't
worked. What would work and what we haven't tried is to aim at
unconditional surrender of the large network that attacked us, as we
did in World War 2. Our leaders have willfully ignored that all
the Muslim leaders are convinced that Islam is the supreme religion
and everyone must submit to it. When we weaken one ruling thug, we
strengthen his rival, but we don't make a dent in their religious
ideology, an ideology that is shared by the people they rule. As Lewis
writes, we need to realize that using an "all-out force against
fanatical killers is both practical and moral." We haven't grasped how
serious and relentless the Islamic totalitarian network is. And if we
don't do so soon, we will lose.
What if we stopped trying yet another version of the
Oslo-Appeasement-Roadmap-Appeasement-Disengagment-Appeasement Process
that goes nowhere. What if we started thinking along other lines
entirely lines that take into account the pivotal fact that the
Palestinian Arabs, in conjunction with Israel's neighbors, want to
destroy Israel, not live next to her. This essay by Stephen Schecter
may be just the thing to move your thinking to a new track. He points
out that "[n]o compromise by Israel is going to bring peace any closer
because its enemy is not interested in compromise." Therefore, "Israel
must persevere in fighting this war by any and all means, with
unrelenting purpose and persistence." By blowing up the 'Al-Aksa
mosque and then without hesitation rebuilding the Temple, Israel
reasserts its right to exist in the only language understood by those
poised to destroy it. It sends this message: We are now finally taking
everything you do and say literally. You rocket our cities, murder our
children and openly long for our destruction chanting 'death to the
Jews'. We hear you! We recognize you as the totalitarian enemy you are
and so we must wage war against you to survive. Indeed, in the face of
such aggression we have but one response: Your unconditional
surrender." Think about that.
Arlene Peck takes a look at the leadership in the two democracies –
U.S.A. and Israel. It's not a pretty picture. Bush blocks weapons
transfer to Israel while giving Egypt weapons and ammunition to send
to the PLO. Olmert, not to be outdone, is directly sending the PLO
millions of dollars and guns and bullets. Should diplomacy aimed at
chopping up Israel to create another Palestinian State (Jordan and
Israel are both carved out of mandated Palestine) fail, the
weaponry will help the Arabs do the trick. Especially when Olmert is
going to release experienced terrorists, who won't need training in
killing Jews.
This is a tale of four Jews. Two of them, Neve Gordon and Norman
Finkelstein, are anti-Israel Holocaust revisionists and admirers of
Yasir Arafat; the other two, Steven Plaut and Alan Dershowitz, spoke
up and told the truth about the Gordon and Finkelstein lies. Mr.
Gordon, who demands freedom of speech for himself sued Dr. Plaut for
slander. The case came before an Israeli Arab judge, Reem Naddaf. "In
her written opinion, Judge Naddaf praised Mr. Arafat as the
'legitimate leader of his people' and defended Dr. Gordon's entry into
his compound and service as a 'human shield,' (which was in violation
of Israeli law), as 'legitimate protest.'" As Susan Rosenbluth writes,
"Many legal analysts point out that while Judge Naddaf granted freedom
of speech to Holocaust revisionists, she denied that freedom to those,
such as Dr. Plaut, who would challenge them." The case is now under
Kenneth Levin has written of how Israelis, chronically besieged by the
hostility of their Arab neighbors, endowed the Oslo accords with
unreal power, and then continued to delude themselves long after the
Arabs made it clear they were not in accord with the Jewish yearning
for peace. In this essay, he suggests the same long history of being
chronically in a state of siege has conditioned both Israeli and
Diaspora Jews particularly Jews that have no strong religious or
community counterforce to accept what Jew-haters say about Jews,
no matter how absurd the charge. The group hopes that by accepting
their enemy's indictment "and reforming accordingly they can assuage
the hostility of their tormentors and win relief." As does the abused
child, the victims "blame themselves for their suffering." This
tendency "is dangerous when it diverts the ... community's gaze from
genuine external peril, and from essential defensive measures, to
focus instead on self-reform."
This is a composite essay, part a chronicle of promises, part an
exposition on how the expellees are coping, now that the problems
stemming from being wrenched from home, business and community are
exacerbated by substandard housing, lack of work and unkept promises.
You'd never know about their misery if you just read the headlines.
Peace Now has been waging a relentless war against its own people
since its inception. It seems to take particular delight in harassing
the Jewish settlers of Samaria, Judea and Gaza (collectively known as
Yesha). Usually this means pouncing on any Jewish activity that could
be interpreted as an infringement of the law, while ignoring gross
violations committed by Arabs. This time they came out with a
widely-circulated assertion that most Yesha Jews were living on Arab
lands. This time, Yesha Council responded and exposed Peace Now's
lies. Hillel Fendel tells us about it.
In this essay Andrew C. McCarthy reviews Robert Spencer's book, The
Truth about Muhammad Founder of the World's Most Intolerant
Religion. The book gives us a good understanding of important
aspects of Muhammad's life, based on "the authentic Muslim
Sunnah the Koran" and the collections of
commentary on the Koran and the accepted biographies of Muhammad.
The problem with Islam, as this essay and
the book so cogently point out, is that the religion of Islam has
never liberated itself from its bloody beginnings and insufferable
attitude of superiority over the rest of mankind.
In response to the kidnapping and forced conversion of two western
journalists a couple of months ago, with Jamie Glazov serving as
moderator, Mustafa Akyol, David Aikman, Robert Spencer and Andrew
Bostom discussed the issue of forced conversions to Islam. In a time
when a superficial but snappy judgements pass for wisdom, the
symposium is remarkable in that the participants 'dug in', attempting
to provide the exact meaning of the concept and how it relates to
Islam over the centuries.
Slavery is barbaric, and many of us believe the practice has long
since been discarded in human society. Actually, it is thriving in
some parts of the Middle East and in Islamic Africa. It is hard to
extirpate it because slavery was sanctioned by Muhammad and has never
been rejected or revised by Islam's religious authorities. Even where
slavery is not acceptable in the larger culture, the attitude that
justifies slavery in Saudi Arabia may be engrained. It may manifest
itself in keeping a slave as did the Muslim couple who kept a woman in
slavery in America. More often, as Amil Imani points out, it bolsters
an attitude of regarding Muslim women and all infidels as inferiors.
It encourages a lack of respect for freedom of thought as well as
freedom of action. Because of Islam's fundimental belief structure,
Amani doesn't believe coexistence with Islam is possible. "All one
needs to know is to see what is happening in Islamic countries. That
is exactly what is in store for the presently free people of the world
if Islam is not held in check."
It is firmly held by many politicians, diplomats and media people that
the Arab-Israeli conflict can't be resolved until the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict is settled. Youssef Ibrahim points out
that the catastrophes in the Middle East are internecine conflicts;
non-representative government; wide differences in the distribution of
wealth; societal disfunction: illiteracy, poverty and illness; and the
disenfranchisement of women. He asks, "Why does resolving any of these
depend on good will in the Palestinian Arab areas?"
Sarah Kass describes the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a theatrical
distraction produced by Middle East oil interests to avoid the need to
change their economies, which depend solely on extraction, not production.
"The so-called Israeli-Palestinian conflict what the oil despots
sponsor and what glues us to the screen should finally be given its
true name: 'Extraction Distraction.'"
As Christians and Jews, we know how we feel if someone of our group
does something hideous. We denounce his behavior or we feel shame or
we are appalled and in anger we cast him out he becomes an
outsider. This doesn't hold true for Muslims, as for example, when
confronted with the fact that other Muslims terrorized London and
killed innocent people in July 2005. The Muslim leadership did not
condemn the bombing; instead they deflected blame to external
events or to the indifference/hostility of the local
community/country/international community. Observant Muslims as
well as many less orthodox Muslims appear to perceive themselves as
belonging "to the worldwide Islamic 'nation,' rather than to any
particular state on the map..." Sue Vogel discusses some factors that
may explain "this lack of identification with the host community."
Last September, Robert Redeker, a philosophy teacher in a French
high-school and writer of scholarly books, commented on the furor over
Pope Benedict XVI, and concluded that "Islam is a religion that ...
exalts violence and hatred." Muslims proved the truth of his statement
by subjecting him to vilification and threats of death so severe that
Redeker and his family were forced to make their own hegira. They fled
from their home and are now in hiding. The media tended to scold him
for riling the Muslims. The intellectual community berated him for his
lack of sympathy to Islam. Christian Delacampagne makes the case that
the pro-Muslim attitude of the intellectuals stems from their
antipathy to France's colonial history. In the same vein, they view
Zionism as "just a form of Western colonialism" and this underlies
and 'justifies' their anti-semitism.
Using information from www.DiscoverTheNetwork.org inter alia,
John Perazzo has written a valuable reference article identifying many
of the pro-arab activist and advocacy groups that nibble away at
Western values and promote Islamic law. Many of them have specific
targets Israel is a popular bugaboo, even attracting the wrath of
some Jewish Marxist groups. Others concentrate on what they see as
defects in the American character. They see themselves both as victims
and as the guardians of human rights and social justice. By linking
with the ACLU using lawsuits as their weapon they have infringed
on our freedom of speech and they have protected people supporting and
recruiting for Middle East terrorists. Many work on the local level,
deciding what books our libraries stock, setting the curricula in our
schools, demanding workplace accomodations for prayer time, getting
unsympathetic media people fired. Thanks to the Middle East oil
revenues, many groups are the beneficiaries of large chunks of cash to
pay for multiple ways of "persuasion" and "education." And then there
are the many lobbyists, who don't need to dress up their pro-Arab
anti-Israel program.
Muslim sources apparently regard facts as elastic; they can be blown
up into fantasy figures without being questioned. In Jenin, the Arabs
claimed the Israelis had massacred 5000 or more Arabs it turned out
the figure was around 50, and most of these were terrorists. In
America, CAIR, the Hamas-front group that claims to speak for American
Muslims, claims 8 million Muslims. The figure seem to double every few
months. Patrick Poole helps us determine the actual number.
One of the first Muslim students' forays against free speech was at a
California school San Francisco State U in May 2002, when a
pro-Palestinian mob attacked a group of Hillel students bleating for
peace. Since then, Muslim students have become accustomed to a feeble
response from university administrators, while they have the freedom
to deny free speech to groups that don't flatter Islam or that are
pro-Israel. At last a student group invited Walid Shoebat, an
ex-terrorist and a forceful anti-terrorist, and made sure he was
heard. It is fitting that it occurred at a California school.
Anti-Zionists assert that Christian Zionism derives from
"dispensationalism," an off-center Biblical interpretation popular in
the eighteen hundreds. Paul Merkley's essay is an effective antidote
to anti-Zionist pseudo-theology. His is a very readable, very factual
account of what characterizes Despisers of Zion and Defamers of
Christian Zionists. These "...chatterers make no effort to get
straight the facts about Christian faith. Indeed, it is considered a
proof of one's qualification to speak about the biggest issues of life
that one should betray no first-hand knowledge of the content of
faith..." Countering their propaganda, Professor Merkley cogently
explains the actual basis of Christian Zionism: it doesn't come from
Dispensationism; it comes from mainstream Protestant theology and the
literature of biblical commentary.
There are some remarkable similarities between Israel and Serbia. Ted
Belman writes about them. Both are called evil. Both are demonized.
The news media have aided in turning truth on its head: they ignore or
disbelieve the legitimate claim of Israel to mandated Palestine but
they happily echo the false claims to the land of Israel coming from
that ersatz people, the "Palestinians." In similar fashion, they
support separating Kosovo which is historically and culturally
Serbian from Serbia and letting it be ruled by Islamic terrorists
from Albania.
As Jared Israel writes, "Croatia was set up by the Germans and the
Italians on April 10, 1941, as part of their plan for the
dismemberment of Yugoslavia." In what is a bitter example of black
humor at its worst, the Muslims responsible for slaughtering Jews in
WW2 and expelling/murdering Serbs now claim they were the victims and
are soliciting Jewish help to project an image of a new and cleansed
Saul Goldman treats the story of Purim as a "tightly-knit story of
political intrigue" that takes place in ancient Persia today's
Iran. Except for Esther and her uncle Mordechai, the cast of villains
and knaves hasn't changed much. Nor has the need for action "based
upon certain historically validated principles."
Using a format familiar to readers of science fiction, Dan Simmons
writes a cautionary tale about letting Islam take over the world.
Unlike many a science fiction tale, this "if we don't change the way
we act" motif projects a plausible future based on historical
experience: a world of dhimmis subject to Sharia –
Muslim law. It didn't pay the ancient Athenians to fight like
gentlemen; it won't help us to focus on our own flaws and to work for
democracy in the Middle East instead of our own survival.
Timothy Furnish looks at Mohammed's abysmal treatment the Jews of
Medina at the start of the Muslim conquest of Arabia in the Seventh
Century C.E. The Muslim attitude towards the Jews derived from actual
history was later compounded by linking the Jews with the
Dajjal, a figure of evil who, in Islamic eschatology, is a
major figure at the End of Days. The Dajjal and his Jewish
troops are to be pitted against a Muslim messianic deliverer, the
Mahdi and the returned Jesus, who together will "defeat the
evil forces of unbelief and usher in a global Islamic caliphate."
Furnish points out that "Islamic eschatology has seen a resurgence in
recent years, owing to ... the inability of the Islamic world to deal
effectively with modernity and the perception among many Muslims that
the ummah, the Islamic "nation," ... is under attack from the West
in general and the U.S. in particular."
Matthias Küntzel writes of the most recent deliberate and
sustained fomenting of Judeophobia in the Arab world, starting in the
1920-1930s. He weaves four major historical strands, concluding that
with the active support of the nazis, the Mufti of Jerusalem created
an emotionally-satisfying concoction that combined Koran-based disdain
of Jews as inferior to Muslims with Christian-based Nazi-promoted
revulsion against the Jews because of their diabolical control of
media, economy and government. This something-for-everyone propaganda
set to Arab music was broadcast from Germany to a large and
appreciative audience across the Middle East. This induced hate has
been kept at a boil by later Islamic scholars, teachers and
politicians, giving "rise to the escalation of the Middle East
conflict again and again."
An early mention of India in Jewish history is in the Book of Esther:
the empire of the King of Persia (now Iran) stretched "from India even
unto Ethiopia." With Purim coming and another Iranian ruler planning
to kill the Jews, we bring you an appetite-wetting summary by Navras
Jaat Aafreed about the history of three Jewish communities currently
resident in India (the Bene Israel, Cochini and Baghdadi) and
several non-Jewish groups that claim Israelite descent.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
A Blog-Ed page has a quick list of the articles from which you can
access any of the articles immediately. To go to the list, click the
"Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page.
January 2007 BLOG-EDS
This is a major critique of what is wrong with our approach in Iraq,
namely, our belief "that democracy, not decisive force, is the
key" to subduing our "implacable, insatiable enemies." Andrew
McCarthy says very wisely that "[s]itting down with evil legitimizes
evil...all it accomplishes is convey weakness." He makes clear what
the present administration has ignored: Islamic countries must
reject democracy because it isn't consonant with the Muslim
religious/ideological belief system. Our wrongheaded approach is
echoed by the proposals recently suggested by Jim Baker and the Iraq
Study Group (ISG) that we negotiate with Iran and Syria. They are
unlikely to work because they are based on false premises about the
nature of Islam; they are poorly reasoned; and they ignore our
previous experiences trying to negotiate with Arab terrorists and
their Muslim state backers. They will be rejected not just by the
Muslims but by the American people who aren't interested in "...
democratizing the Muslim world... They want Islamic terrorists and
their state sponsors crushed."
The Iraq Study Group would be perfectly willing to sacrifice Israel
were Iran and Syria to help America shovel itself out of Iraq. To make
this action plausible, Tony Blair and others have promulgated the
notion that Iran and Syria care enough about the Palestinian Arabs
that they'd be willing to help extricate America in exchange for
preferential treatment for the Palestinian Arabs. (As if these Arabs
would be willing to pick up a shovel to do anything but dig America's
grave.) Jonathan Spyer squelches this idea. "For the revivalist
ideologues in Iran, and the Alawi junta in Syria, things are currently
going rather well... Why on earth would this be the time for
compromise? Why stop when you're winning?"
Jim Baker is definitely a "can-do" guy. He's the one that crawls out
of the woodwork to boost ratings by manipulating the press when things
look bad for the Bush family. Unfortunately, he has his own agenda to
promote, one at odds with the present President Bush's brave words
about fighting Islamofascists. We are reprinting this article written
by Barbara Lerner back in 1992, when President Bush's daddy was way
down in the polls. Clearly Baker hasn't changed much. Has Bush?
Currently there are rumors that Saudi Arabia is so afraid of an
Iranian nuclear strike on Israel it would affect them, they being
so close (geographically, that is) it's been talking to Olmert
about Israel's nuclear umbrella. Maybe. Or maybe that's dis-, mis-
and/or just-plain-wrong information. And just as there's the
optimistic belief that Saudi Arabia would consort with Israel,
similarly there's the optimistic belief, held by the Baker group and
their State Department cohort, that Iran would turn on its effective
and efficient allies in the same manner that America continues to
attempt to weaken Israel, her major and perhaps only Middle East
ally, forcing Israel to make real and permanent concessions to her
enemies. Turning Iran ain't gonna happen. Christopher Holton tells us
why Iran is the premier terror master and why it's very unlikely it
would pressure its terrorist buddies and clients.
To secure Syria's cooperation to extricate the USA from Iraq, the ISG
proposes Israel hand Syria the Golan Heights. Any such patched-together
peace is likely to be very short-term, given Syria's territorial
ambitions, while the effects on Israel would be long-lasting and
disastrous. Israel would be losing one of her few sources of
fresh-water. She would also need to relocate some 36,000 people, when
she has not yet permanently settled the 1700 families expelled from
Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip in August 2005. Israel would be giving up
assets that are strategically important for Israel's security for a
mess of cold pottage.
Bernice Lipkin has compiled a set of quotes from various columnists
about the ISG report that deal specifically with the Report's
recommendations that involve Israel. Reading the Report with the eyes
of a realist, it would seem Baker wants to pay our exit fare from Iraq
in Israeli coin. Syria gets the Golan Heights and the Arab refugees
come into Israel. I'm not sure how long any of them will live there,
considering that Iran will be allowed to continue its nuclear program,
which Iran's president has assured us is aimed at bombing Israel.
This is an article that clarifies. Yashiko Sagamori separates out the
non-essential similarities and differences between us and Muslims.
Instead, she focuses on the only important reason for fighting the war
the Muslim leaders started: "...if we want freedom and democracy to
survive in this country, we must fight Islam and destroy it everywhere
it has established roots, which means everywhere, period." If you
aren't convinced by her parable and by sheer logic, it may be that
you aren't ready to face reality.
This is a brilliant essay. It concludes, "This supremely bad idea –
that the modern West and its defining cultural cargo of free market
capitalism, individualism, rationalism, and liberal democracy are the
engines of global evil, and that Jews and Israel are the most
dangerous embodiments of this evil continues to fuel the jihadists
rage and to weaken the West's resolve. The stakes are too high for
this suicidal notion to arouse in us anything but disgust."
We've more or less come to realize that in the Muslim world the Sunnis
and the Shi'ites hate each other as much if not more than they do the
rest of the world and they've been acting on this hatred. Barry
Rubin discusses an important counter trend national islamism –
which could persuade these groups and even non-Muslims to ignore their
differences and focus on jihad, currently defined largely as the
mission to kill off Israel and Western culture. For Iran, this amalgam
"...constitutes a bridge into the Arab world" which would allow Iran
to lead the fight "against the evil
It won't come as a surprise to Think-Israel's readers to read that
Muslims are the biggies when it comes to violent aggression against
neigbors. Daniel Allott ties this chronic large-scale warfare and
Muslim short-term rioting and dramatic outbursts together for us by
pointing out that "...the glaring reality [is] that violence is a fact
of life in many Muslim nations." "The West must recognize these
violent outbursts for what they are: calculated acts of outrage meant
not to refute but to intimidate non-Muslims into not speaking up at
This is a very funny essay. This is a very sensible essay. It makes
much more sense than the drool issuing from Jim Baker's mouth.
Dr Girishkumar reflects on his experience with the Muslim Jihad in India.
He suggests a revolutionary idea that advocates of Jihad be
disenfranchised, isolated and handled under separate laws. "Since they
themselves are inhuman, they do not deserve any human rights."
It is worthwhile reading this article in conjunction with his article
on the history of Jihadi terrorism in India
Click here.
Larry Hall does a masterful job in going to the Qu'ran to get the real
meanings of such terms as salaam, jihad, and taqiyya.
The linguistics are straight from the horse's mouth make that...
cow's utterances. Hall makes clear how the words of the Qu'ran "...
animate the Muslim who truly believes." We should not trivialize or
whitewash the intent.
Raymond Ibrahim contrasts the tolerance given the Moslems, who were
allowed to retain control of the Al Asqa Mosque when Israel conquered
eastern Jerusalem, to the defacing and desecration of the Christian
churches whenever and wherever Islam conquered territory. It leads
him to speculate on this conundrum: Moslems expect to keep permanently
what they win by war. If that's their viewpoint, why then, will they
not concede that mandated Palestine belongs to the Jews, by right of
conquest? He suggests part of the reason the Muslims are unreasonable
is that we in the West don't challenge them. "For whenever and
wherever the West concedes ideologically, politically and especially
spiritually, Islam will be sure to conquer. If might does not make
right, zeal apparently does."
This essay by Yashiko Sagamori is in response to a letter whose author
suggests that Sagamori read the Koran to discover the meaning of jihad
and to understand that 'Islam is all about peace.' Sagamori points out
some real-life contradictions to this assertion. Islam is not about
peace or, for that matter, truth or love or high moral standards. It
wants "domination over the 'infidel'". It has encouraged disrespect
for women and a life style that people from other cultures find
stifling, not uplifting, not fulfilling. Islam after all "does
not mean peace; it means submission."
As Cinnamon Stillwell warns, "what befalls the Jewish people has a
nasty habit of spreading outward." This was true during the Nazi
period. And now, again, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have begun to
flow in "from the Muslim world to American shores," thanks to
available sinkholes "Islamists, leftists, conspiracists, Jewish
anti-Semites, Neo-Nazis and certain Paleoconservatives." She notes that
"[i]t is not Israel that is causing Islamists to embark on a genocidal
mission to kill the world's 'infidels,' along with any Muslims who
stand in their way." As the Islamists grow more confident, they more
and more expose their "... supremacist ideology that refuses to tolerate
non-Muslims living as equals in their midst." And that affects all of
David Meir-Levi says of this review by Mitchell Bard, "This is the
best, most comprehensive, most detailed, and most accurate critique of
Carter's book that I have seen so far." Carter does seem to be on the
way to becoming a superstar in the anti-Semite's galaxy. If it happens,
this will be his second 'best in class'. The first? The worst president
America has ever had.
November 21, 2006 marked the 21st anniversary of Jonathan Pollard's
incarceration for providing classified information to Israel. It is a
fact that he handed over to Israel only information that Israel was
supposed to get anyways. It is a fact that he did no harm to America.
It is a fact "that the information Pollard passed to Israel concerned
Syrian, Iraqi, Libyan and Iranian nuclear, chemical, and biological
warfare capabilities all being developed for use against Israel,"
American's most loyal ally in the Middle East. It is a fact that he
has been kept in jail longer than notorious spies who did actual
damage to American security and endangered the lives of many
Americans. Why then, Nissan GanOr asks, is Pollard still in jail? Why
the excessively long punishment? Why haven't the major Jewish
Community leaders here in America and the Israeli Government taken up
his cause why haven't they at least remonstrated with the latest
false literary concoction about him. (A fanciful retelling seems
always to show up whenever there is any public movement to be fair and
to release Pollard.)
In a set of events reminiscent of the Pollard case (see above), the
U.S. Government has chosen to prosecute two former AIPAC executives
for a "crime" that is "committed" by many others, who have suffered no
or only minimal punishment. In this case, if they are convicted, we
may all and this includes the news media suffer restrictions on
our freedom of speech. As Rachel Neuwirth writes, "They are accused of
having passed on information that they had heard by word of mouth that
their informants allegedly learned from such documents. In effect,
they are charged with gossiping and trading in rumors!" They were
certainly part of the Washington politicians/ newspeople/
think-tankers/ government officials/ diplomats information network,
which routinely swaps insider stories and runs a "leaks" service for
the higher echelon of government. Like Pollard, they have not harmed
the United States. Like Pollard, they are accused of passing on the
information to Israel. Like Pollard, they are Jewish. It is
nervous-making that they have been singled out, if not set up.
When the Egyptians aren't busy learning to use American-supplied
advanced rockets or doing a Sufi trance while the terrorists move weapon
systems from Egypt into Gaza, they are producing some of the vilest
anti-Semitic hate literature to come from our "allies" in the
Middle East. Dr Reuven Erlich provides us with a representative
sampling. So nu? Why aren't the Jews rioting?
Richard Shulman points out some of the nasty and untruthful stuff
about Israel and Jews posted on antisemitic internet websites. He
takes an ordinary headline found on one such site and makes us
understand just how insidious it is. As well as being dead wrong. His
example anti-semite is someone who litters hateful and bizarre ideas
all over the internet.
We know about the successful efforts in many colleges and universities
that demonize Israel without being reproached by the administrators
while pro-Israel speakers are blocked from presenting their arguments.
But you don't expect it in the high schools, especially not in
prestigious private high schools. But at Andover there is a group of
teachers spearheaded by a physics instructor that do the whole
repetoire of the "I-hate-Jews-and-Israel"ers: they call for divestment
from Israel and they sponsor speakers who don't just plead the
Palestinian case but demonize Israel, mouthing slogans in preference
to facts. So Andover students learn that the Jews control America's
media, money and government oi, from their mouths and that
Israel is an apartheid state and should not exist.
in the 1930s and 40s, Hitler and the Nazis made capital of the concept
they were Aryan and hence superior to other races, particularly to the
Jews. It may seem a small point in that "Aryan race" isn't a "hot"
argument anymore. But the concept is still at work there is, for
example, a sizable group of neo-Nazis that calls itself Aryan Nations and there are
many other white Christian supremacist groups with the same belief
that the Zionists and Jews are to be prevented from gaining social
control over America the more pessimistic or battle-itchy believe
the Jews already have all the power. They happily bond with that major
source of anti-Semitism: organized Islam. Dr. TS Girishkumar wrote,
"You [The Jews] are the most affected people in the world due the
cooked up story of an Aryan race science. I shall have to start from
the Rg Veda itself, and this I had been doing for last five years, and
have found considerable materials."
Yoram Shifftan has written significant articles exploring both
Israel's ineffective hasbara and her legal right to Biblical Israel.
In this essay, he asks why Israel's image continues to deteriorate. He
delves and uncovers a major reason: Israel does not rebut Arab lies
with the historical and geographical facts that are both accurate and that
support her claims. Unfortunately, this lack of resolution is part and
parcel of a larger problem Israel is still dominated by a small but
influential group that puts liberal secularism above patriotism.
Moshe Sharon writes, "[The Intifada] and the Israeli reaction ...
represent the main problem of the State of Israel in a nutshell: Since
its establishment it has hidden its head in the sand, refusing to face
the fact that a mighty enemy has been growing within it, threatening
its very existence." Ignoring the problem doesn't stop it –
estimates of the number of radicalized Israeli Arabs who identify with
the terrorists in wishing to destroy Israel has been variously
estimated from a few percent to 95%.
File this article under "unintended consequences." Last August,
Israelis opposed to expelling Jews from Gush Katif in Gaza and how
right they were demonstrated politely, walked in broil-level heat
to Gush Katif, and believed that the soldiers of the IDF would never
follow such a wicked order. As Nadia Matar points out, one year later,
they are reacting differently to the Gay Parade scheduled to take
place in Jerusalem. They are totally united and willing to be
aggressive and go to jail. Given the Israeli government's inclination
to fight Jews not Arabs, it's good training for the future.
Moshe Belogorodsky from Shiloh, Israel, writes about his 14-year old
daughter, Chaya, who was arrested in July 2005 and spent 40 days in
jail before her trial when adult hardened criminals are not incarcerated
pretrial anywhere near that long. So what was her heinous crime that
made her such a danger to the State? "She [was] accused of standing on
a sidewalk while her friends proceeded to block traffic. After her
friends were arrested, a policewoman asked Chaya to leave the area.
Chaya refused, saying that she wasn't doing anything illegal, that she
had every right to stand on 'every inch of the Land of Israel.'" She
has since been put on trial and found guilty of one of the charges.
It is reassuring to know that the Olmert government and the
out-of-control Israeli judiciary have finally found someone they are
brave enough to fight.
In August 2005 the Sharon-Olmert government uprooted the 8-9000 Jews
living in Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip. Daniel BenSimon interviewed
several of them in Nitzan, the dismal temporary camp where many of the
refugees live, while waiting for permanent quarters. Yet, "[s]ome 15
months after the disengagement, construction has not yet begun on the
homes of some 500 evacuees who want to establish new communities."
Once a highly productive group, now most are unemployed or
underemployed. One man pointed out that they were trying to preserve
what they once had: "... an outstanding human society, with a
tremendous feeling of solidarity at its heart." They feel betrayed
both by the government and by the lack of concern shown by the
politicized left-wing human-rights organizations.
The saga of Moshe and Rachel Saperstein is one of courage and
staying human in the midst of adversity. They lived happily as part
of the Neve Dekalim, Gush Katif community in the Gaza Strip until the
Sharon-Olmert government decided for reasons that never made sense to
transfer all the Jews out to (promised) new communities. Promises.
Promises. Since then the government can claim high marks only in
incompetency. Living quarters are temporary, shoddy and unattractive
and it is hard to maintain the integrated community life they once
had. But theirs is also an example of how magnificant the human spirit
can be. Maintaining standards. Keeping busy so as to ward off
depression. Helping each other to survive. Living like menschen.
It is amazing how heartbreaking a bunch of dry statistics can be when
you realize they are describing an incredible group of people who
lived productive lives, developed integrated communities, created
innovative farming techniques and were major contributors to Israel's
economy. Through no fault of their own, they were made refugees in
their own country and the same government that created this
catastrophe has only minimally rectified their situation.
This article by Aaron Klein reports some of the same facts as those
found in the Gush Katif Report (see above). But its focus is on the
lack of financial support by the major American Jewish groups. This is
in sharp contrast to the large sums raised by them for the Jews and
Arabs who fled from northern Israel during the Lebanon War.
understatement to say that Olmert has been ineffective fighting the
Arab enemies of Israel. If anything, he has expended his resources
fighting religious Jews, not religious and/or secular Arabs. And in
America, Jim Baker is pushing retrograde ideas on how to fight
islamofascists he wants to try to talk Syria and Iran into becoming
good little governments. Caroline Glick has a novel idea. Stop trying
to choose between Hamas and Al-Fatah, as if this were a ballgame, when
both are waging jihad and both need to be destroyed. The governments
of the free world are hesitant when they should be stomping down hard
on jihadist ideology. Well, then, why not encourage private citizens
in the free world to do the job? She suggests several approaches.
Phyllis Chesler describes some of the new manifestations of
anti-semitism on the American campus. "Our intelligentsia do not view
Jew-hatred or Israel-bashing as racism." America- and Israel-haters
are welcome while those trying to be factual and truthful are
prevented from speaking. They are blocked by a "silent boycott". Or
the college administrators sequester the meeting so as not to rile the
Muslim students. And when the truth-tellers do get an opportunity to
speak, they are subjected to raucous jeers and boos by the Muslims and
their allies. Chesler suggests some general ways to combat the Muslim
"lethal propaganda" that has taken root in America and not just on
The necrophilics among us are always eager to resurrect the "Peace
Process" a better name is the "appeasement process" whereby
Israel gives away more of its tiny land and the Arabs yawn, and a
moment later, demand more. There is no peace but with each step of the
ghoulish peace process Israel becomes more open to Arab terrorism and
invasion. So what is the solution? Elyakim Haetzni advices us to strengthen
Israel's security by civilian resettlement of the areas that safeguard
her security. And peace? That will have to wait until the Arabs accept
not just that Israel exists, but that she has the right, as does any
country, to continue to exist.
Conventional political plans that propose resolving the conflict
between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs by establishing a
self-governing Palestinian entity in the territories have been
short-lived because they ignore that the Palestinian leadership
doesn't want a state; its focus is on destroying Israel. The Jerusalem
Summit suggests a new approach to provide "dowries" to the
Palestinians themselves to set them up financially in the neighboring
Arab countries. They would be affluent rather than poor refugees.
Surprisingly, polls indicate that the majority of the Palestinian
Arabs would be willing to emigrate. Martin Sherman of the Jerusalem
Summit urges everyone to get involved and publicize the plan.
Professor Paul Eidelberg has a rather novel idea for stopping Israel's
disintegration. He suggests the Jewish state take a new direction and
become Jewish Israel. Take the "two basic principles of democracy,
freedom and equality, from the Torah's conception of man's creation in
the image of God [it's] the only way to provide freedom and
equality with ethical and rational constraints."
Eugene Korn points out that much of the active hostility to Israel
demonstrated by the liberal churches has been carefully cultivated by
a small group of Middle East (ME) church clerics, who act as
propagandists for the Muslim Palestinian Authority. They convey a
fairly accurate picture of the distress suffered by the local
Christian community but they attribute it to Israeli
persecution. In this country, Church officers don't reflect the
pro-Israel sentiments of most of their congregants, which causes
dissonance in many churches. In the ME, the Christian clerics won't
alleviate the suffering of the Christian Arabs by blaming Israel,
because it is not Israel that is to blame. The solution, Korn says, is
to recognize that "Jews and Christians have common strategic interests
in the Middle East against Islamic intolerance and should forge
Native Christians are fleeing the PA-controlled areas because, as Avi
Hein tells us, "With the radical Islamic Hamas' ascent to power, their
desire for a fundamentalist Muslim state ruled by Islamic law seems
closer than ever to being realized. Christians under the PA are
reduced to dhimmis, second class citizens. Muslim Palestinians
threaten their Christian neighbors with violence on a daily basis
because, as one Christian Palestinian noted, the Christians 'want to
live in peace.'" What is happening in the territories is mirrored in
Lebanon, Egypt,Syria and Iraq. Some 2 million Christians have left the
Middle East in the last 30 years, as resurgent fundamentalist Islam
has taken over.
Nurit Greenger talks about her meeting with Nonie Darwish, who grew up
in Egypt, the daughter of a military man whose job it was to train
Arab terrorists in Gaza to infiltrate Israel. She has rejected her
Islamic indoctrination in Jew-hate and now devotes herself to fighting
Major General Orde Charles Wingate Hayedid
Without its embryo army, Israel would have been destroyed in its
infancy when Arab armies invaded Israel in 1948, just hours after the
State was declared. Without Orde Wingate, a devout believer in the
return of the Jewish people to their land, it is doubtful whether the
leaders of this young army would have had sufficient training to
withstand the Arab invasion. Doron Geller writes about Major General
Orde Charles Wingate, who did so much to ensure Israel's survival.
The Arabs arrived in Israel in the 7th Century C.E. Gerald Honigman
refutes the Arab lie that they were in Israel before the Jews by
pointing us to historic texts from ancient Egypt, Iran, Babylon, Rome
and Greece that corroborate events in Jewish history over the last
several thousands of years. Was Jesus a Palestinian? No, he was a Jew
living in Jewland Judea. Want to know the history of ancient
Israel? Read the Torah.
This essay by Dr. Jack Wheeler is entertaining but it is also a
serious retelling of the story of how Jerusalem got to be sacred to
the Muslims. Listen and you shall hear ... It all started in
Mohammed's time... Well... maybe not. To highlight the irrationality of
the Arabs claiming Jerusalem, Dr Wheeler asks: what if it were
discovered that Mecca was associated with Moses? Would the Muslims be
willing to give up their claim to Mecca? It's not likely. Why then do
they deny the Jewish claim to Jerusalem especially there is no real
association between Mohammed and Jerusalem.
Ever since 1968, the Arabs have made rash claims that the Jews chased
them out of Israel when the Arab armies attacked the newly-declared
State of Israel. Israel has patiently accumulated the facts it was
the Arab leaders that directed the Arabs to flee. Those that stayed
and their descendants are Israeli citizens, with the same rights and
privileges as any other citizen; those that fled and their descendants
have ever since been UNRWA-protected refugees, grudgingly allowed to
live in refugee camps in various Arab countries. Here is corroboration
from Arab sources that it was the Arab leaders who drove out the
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Efraim Inbar discusses several mistakes that "squandered an important
opportunity to destroy the majority of Hizbullah's military presence
in southern Lebanon." Israel's people strongly supported the war yet
the government acted as if it believed that Israel was tired of the
long-ongoing conflict and wasn't prepared to pay the price of
prolonged warfare. Israel's leaders were just as wrong in their
expectations about the capabilities and cooperation of the Lebanese
government and the U.N.'s willingness to implement the lofty resolutions it
so expertly crafts.
Emanuele Ottolenghi's article emphasizes the factual as against how
people perceive the events of the war. His thesis is that after the
recent Lebanese War Israel dwelled on why it lost, while Hezbollah
viewed events as instantiating victory. In reality, Hezbollah was not
the huge winner it believed it was and Israel was not the huge loser
it feared it was though neither side attained its objectives.
Just after the Lebanon War, when Jamie Glazov asked a panel of Middle
East experts about Israel's performance in the war, they pointed to
some major deficiencies: (1)Israel underestimated Hezbollah's
communications sophistication and the difficulty of dislodging them
from their well-prepared positions; (2) Israel's political leadership
took "a piece-meal approach and lacks the strategic vision or moral
courage to do what is necessary;" and (3) that over the prior six
years, they looked away as Hezbollah "steadily amassed incredible
amounts of fire-power and enjoyed total freedom of movement." Asked
about the "ceasefire" agreement, they felt "the UN will do more harm
than good" Hezbollah will remain and rebuild. The war underscored
that Israel should NOT have withdrawn unilaterally from Gaza and that
Israel could no longer ignore dangerous developments for the sake of a
wished-for "peace".
Gamaliel Isaac's bottom line is that "George W. Bush's glorious vision
of the Middle East is based on his flawed assumption that Mahmoud
Abbas and the Palestinian people are genuinely interested in peace."
Particularly noteworthy is his portrait of our Secretary of State,
assembled from her own bizarre words and actions. When she forced
Israel to give up control of the Rafah crossing, she called it "an
opportunity for peace, for a new kind of peace. We saw, in the Gaza,
the beginning of coming to life of economic life there." The only
large scale movement of goods was the huge unimpeded influx of weapons
into Gaza. George Orwell could not improve on her wording.
Often the connection between terrorism committed by Muslims and the
Muslim religion is ignored or denied. Or it's all blamed on a handful
of baddies that simply don't understand their own religion as well as
the New York Times does. In this essay, Edwin Locke and Alex
Epstein make clear, that there is indeed a relationship between
Islamic terrorists and Islam the terrorists behave as they do
because they are practicing their religion. Islam is the motive
power; terrorism is the result.
If Mark Alexander is right, we are making headway. President Bush
described our enemy as 'Islamic fascists" decidely a big step up
from fighting "terrorism," which, after all, is only a tactic, not an
entity. Of course, it's 5 years after 9/11 and the US State Dept is
hardly dancing to the new tune. The Muslim protective associations
call it a slur but what don't the peaceloving Muslims consider a
slur? Moreover, as Alexander points out, "Mohammed and his followers
forged an inextricable merger of politics and religion." But it
is a step forward.
The tone may be light but Don Feder makes some serious points on the
absurdity of continuing to call Islam a peaceful religion. He makes
some telling points: "Jesus said turn the other cheek. Muhammed said cut
off the other guy's cheek. The Torah says show kindness to strangers.
The Koran says: If you can't convert them, kill them."
This is an important article for understanding what motivates
suicide terrorism. David Bukay proves by masterful arguments and
relevent background material that "[w]hile Western scholars of late argue
that jihad refers primarily to internal struggle, Islamic writings
feature jihad as physical warfare." He writes that
"Suicide bombing in the Muslim world cannot be separated from
religion. Its perpetrators believe jihad to be synonymous with war and
mandate Muslims to strike not only at non-Muslims but also at
co-religionists deemed insufficiently loyal to their radical cause.
The ideological basis of such an interpretation has deep roots in
Islamic theology, but it came to prominence with the twentieth-century
rise of Muslim Brotherhood theorists such as Banna and Qutb and was
further developed by their successors."
And let's not forget the StateDepies a group that is capable of
examining all sorts of data and ignoring it all. In their latest
moronic foray into Middle East politics, they have decided as
voiced by their Lady-in-Chief, Madame Rice that to induce Europeans
and Arab moderates [Hamas and Fatah] to cooperate on the "Arab-Israeli
dispute" [sic sick sic], America must be committed to "free [the
Palestinians] from the humiliation of occupation" in a state of their
own. [Translation: split up Israel to give the Arab terrorists more
space from which to attack Israel.] As Rael Jean Isaac said in
Outposts, "... Feed Israel to the Terrorists to Win the War on
Terror." Yah, that will make Iran give up its nuclear bomb program.
So maybe we all need to bone up on the obvious. These next essays
start at the beginning and aim to precisely define our enemy and what
In this deceptively simple essay, Professor Eidelberg
emphasizes the importance of taking Islamic threats seriously.
Although many do not realize it, "[t]oday we find ourselves in a Third
World War whose overriding issue is 'Islamism' versus liberal
democracy. Today, however, the United States is alone, the enemy has
yet to be clearly defined, and it is by no means certain that the U.S.
will triumph over this enemy."
This is a clear-eyed rational presentation what is meant by the war of
civilizations and what we can expect from Muslims in the future. As
Moshe Sharon writes, "The war has started a long time ago between two
civilizations between the civilization based on the Bible and
between the civilization based on the Koran." He concludes that "Islam
was born with the idea that it should rule the world" and "the world
will continue to be in the house of war until it comes under Islamic
rule" open war, war by infiltration, and very temporary
cease-fires. So the dreams of those who still believe in negotiating
towards a common goal of peace have no chance of materializing.
We are reprinting Sharon's article plus some updated information.
Most of the attention on the Middle East is on Iran and Iraq. But
there are several other major players we need to consider. Jonathan
Spyer makes the point that while around the world authoritarian
regimes are giving way to economic and political reform, this isn't
true in the Middle East. Using the political regimes in Egypt, Syria
and Saudi Arabia/Gulf Monarchies as case studies, he notes that the
regimes in these countries have longevity thanks to their identifying
themselves with Islam, scapegoating Israel and controlling a loyal
military capable of suppressing dissidents. But they have failed to
advance their societies "the free flow of information and criticism
that are essential to the building of successful modern economies and
societies are absent." Nonetheless, they appear likely to continue to
Naomi Ragen wrote of Efraim Karsh's essay: "[It] debunks the
wide-spread and anti-Semitic propaganda that getting rid of Israel
would serve peace in the Middle East. It's good to know the facts."
The facts being that violence, terrorism and subversion are endemic
in the Arab states and have been well before the Jews reclaimed their
land. As for the putative Arab sympathy for the "Palestinians", "[i]t
is not out of concern for a Palestinian right to national
self-determination but as part of a holy war to prevent the loss of a
part of the 'House of Islam' that Islamists inveigh against the
Jewish state of Israel."
Denis MacEoin reviews human rights abuses in the Islamic world from
the historic and theological points of view. He deals with the fundamental
incompatibility between Western and Islamic notions of justice,
particularly when penalties are meted out in accordance with the
ideology adopted by modern-day strict Sharia adherents; i.e., "Islam
cannot adapt to the changes imposed by history but must remain rigidly
faithful to the existing interpretations of scripture..." He suggests
ways to encourage bringing "...Islam into closer harmony with
universal standards of justice, tolerance, pluralism, and human
Jerome du Bois (www.thetearsofthings.net) wrote this about "Matthias
Küntzel's stunning and comprehensive article," on Ahmadinejad and
the Iranian Basiji: they "invented suicide bombing; .. shaped
Hezbollah and inspired Sunni Hamas and the 9/11 murderers; ... monitor
and repress Westernization in Iran (Taliban-style); and ... are now
being trained in Iranian nuclear laboratories. They would not hesitate
to invite the vaporization of millions of Iranians (and anyone else)
if it meant the destruction of Israel. In fact, they would welcome
such 'martyrdom,' even their own. Especially their own." This is the
reality, and it is very different from the portrait of Ahmadinejad as
a punk nutter who can be tamed by the Western media.
This essay points out that "[w]e are engaged in a war, in a struggle
where the enemy can be counted in the tens of millions, located in
every corner of the globe." Unfortunately, we treat battles –
"whether it be in Iraq or Lebanon or in the Gaza Strip or the rugged
wastelands of Afghanistan" as descrete events and ignore that they are
part of the global conflict. As Philip Brennan puts it, "It's a case
of treating the symptoms while ignoring the disease that causes them."
Tom Carew uses the recent Lebanon War as a starting point on how we
need to restructure our thinking about what our objectives are in
fighting our Jihadist enemies. Instead of praising the IDF goal of
saving enemy civilians at the cost of sacrificing Israeli citizens, he
suggests rational war aims aimed at winning, not posturing. He then,
succintly, provides the context in which these objectives will be
applied the Fanatical Jihadi Fringe (FJF) war against everyone
else. As he points out, there's "no possible scope for any negotiation
or compromise with the FJF, because... for the FJF, there is simply
nothing to negotiate."
Walid Phares provides us with an excellent summary of the two major
Muslim jihadist groups that promulgate and promote terrorism the
Sunni Salafists and the Shi'ite Khomeinists and what we can expect
from them in the near future.
Instead of assuming that the West can win the war waged against us by
the Islamists whenever we decide to make a serious effort to do so,
David Selbourne points out Islam's strong points its moral
certainty and willingness to sacrifice bigtime versus our fractured
morality and lack of unified purpose that make our winning
problematic. A frightening essay, but one worth pondering.
Using examples from various parts of the world, Fjordman illustrates
his thesis that that it a betrayal "...to sacrifice centuries of
advances in human freedom as well as the future of our children and
grandchildren to appease Muslims who contribute virtually nothing to
our societies and are hostile to their very foundations." "At the end
of the day, what counts isn't the difference, if any, between moderate
Muslims and radical Muslims, but between Muslims and non-Muslims, and
between Muslims and ex-Muslims. Ibn Warraq says that there may be
moderate Muslims, but Islam itself is not moderate."
Jason Pappas writes that "[i]n an attempt to encourage a 'moderate'
Islam we have embarked on a 'self-esteem' inducing regimen where we
continually praise the 'true' Islam that's been 'hijacked' by the
'evil ones.'" Implicit in the belief in a moderate Islim is the
supposition that Islam can be secularized so that its adherents are
willing to live and let live, sharing in some generic set of neutered
beliefs, untainted by particularism. After pointing out the
differences between Islam and Christianity, he concludes that it is
not clear that a moderate version of Islam is possible.
A corollary of the belief in the Moderate Muslim is the Western
conviction that everyone has the same desire to optimize his life. So
Western governments try to impose normative Western interests on
Palestinian Arabs. As Barry Rubin writes, "Every day Western
governments, media and academics try to impose this model on
Palestinian behavior, politics and ideology. Yet it just doesn't work.
The things many in the West think motivates Palestinians getting a
state, ending the occupation are of no interest in their own right."
Patrick Poole writes about a common trick Muslim groups such as CAIR
that front for the terrorists use they portray the Arab as victim
and garnish much sympathy and publicity. Unfortunately for them, it
often turns out that the Arab "victim" of arson was the instigator of
the arson but that isn't as well-publicized as the original
"victim" story. Nor does CAIR apologize for the "error".
Gerald M. Steinberg tells the fascinating story of how many
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that purport to be neutral and
altruistic adopted an anti-Israel agenda when the end of the Cold War
left them missionless and began to use much of their resources to
promote one-sided and distorted propaganda "in international
frameworks". The 2001 UN Conference against Racism held in Durban was
particularly important in that "[t]he text adopted ... at Durban
provided a battle plan, to be executed by the NGO network, for the
political war against Israel that has been waged since then." As
Steinberg notes, "NGOs that claim to promote human rights and
international law are an effective vehicle for gaining influence and
promoting the radical political objectives while avoiding democratic
processes and accountability."
The Arabs maybe Muslims in general hold the world's record in producing
low-tech cost-effective havoc and bizarre violence a behavioral
repetoire that is not intellectually challenging. But the myth
persists that, not so long ago, they once were intellectually and
creatively at the pinnacle. A good case can be made that they
preserved the intellectual insights of the ancient Greeks and Romans
but they, themselves, were not innovators, as Zack Lieberberg points
out. Arabic numbers and the use of zero were developed in
India. Historic figures in transmitting intellectual material to the
West were usually people the Arabs had conquered. As Lieberberg
writes, "To be Arab means to conquer every nation that can be
conquered and claim its historic achievements as if they belonged to
Arabs from the beginning of time."
Palestinian Arabs base their claim to Israeli land on "deep and
timeless roots in that geography and that their own immigration into
that geography has at no time been consequential. To challenge that
contention, then, is to challenge their self-selected criterion for
sovereignty." Fred Gottheil not only challenges that belief but
demonstrates the likelihood that many of the Palestinian Arabs
migrated or are descendants of those who migrated to Mandated
Palestine and continue to this day to migrate to Israel to take
advantage of economic conditions made available by the British
Mandatory Government and the Jews. His facts and figures are in line
with what Winston Churchill well-informed about the British Mandate
– said about the Arab influx into Israel: "far from being persecuted,
the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied."
Syria continues to demand the return of the Golan Heights, but, as
Steve Carol writes, "there is some legal question as to the status of
the Golan Heights belonging to Syria in the first place." But that
hasn't deterred Syria from trying to acquire it by attacking Israel
and, when that failed, manufacturing "the bogus issue of the Shebaa
Farms... Hezbollah claims it is part of Lebanon, in order to give
Hezbollah an excuse to keep fighting against Israel." As Carol writes,
"For Israel to retreat from, let alone return the Golan Heights to
Syrian control would be the height of geopolitical folly."
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"Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page.
The Israelis were united as they haven't been in years; the IDF was
strongly supported; and yet, the left-wing Kadima government refused
to fight. It purposefully bombed empty buildings and unlike
Hezbollah it made avoiding injury to Lebanese civilians as its
primary goal. The War, where acting noble was more important than
protecting Israeli lives, was the fruition of the intellectual notions
taught to generations of Israelis. In a few short weeks, these ideas
have become overripe and doomed for the garbage pail. What is
necessary now is to rid the body politic of those few who still
maintain these quaint suicidal ideas. Unfortunately, they are as yet
still in power.
These essays provide background, assess what went wrong and discuss
what needs to be done in the future.
In this essay, Steven Plaut provides us with a brief but insightful
history of the Lebanese-Israeli war, intermittently ongoing since the
early 1980s. He concludes with a collection of lessons the Katyusha
war should teach Israel.
As Family Security Matters pointed out, "One of the major refrains
heard from the Bush administration and the international community
about the war in the Middle East is that Israel should respect the
fragile democratic government in Lebanon." J. Peter Pham points out
that democracy in Lebanon was never a robust political system. At best
it focused on protecting an individual's freedom from religous and
political power groups other than his own. Politically, Lebanon was
until recently openly under Syria's thumb. Now Hezbollah is
effectively in charge of some parts of the country and is even part of
the government. "Lebanese Democracy" is a pretty sound and is a useful
myth around which politicians and the media can weave fantasies but it
has no substance. Believing it exists only adds noise to a confused
This article provides the text and an astute if somewhat optimistic
analysis of the terms of U.N. Resolution 1701. The peacekeepers aren't
armed; there are no definitions of what constitutes a violation; and
there are no penalties. Essentially this puts the war between the
Hezbollah terrorists and Israel into phase 2: a propaganda war. And
Israel is yet to win such a war. (See an additional analysis by
Think-Israel staff at the end of the article.)
Maybe not on points. Israel accomplished much it destroyed much
of Hezbollah's store of materials and its supply of foot soldiers.
Moreover, Hezbollah's superb propaganda machine has been dented if not
cracked by website bloggers. Some prominent Shi'ites aren't happy that
Iran is so blatantly in control of Hezbollah. And in general, more
people are willing to admit that what is preventing peace in the
Middle East is the Arab fixation on destroying Israel.
On the other hand, Hezbollah accomplished what much larger Arab
armies were not able to do it was still standing when the UN
demanded a ceasefire. That it owed this to its hiding among the
civilian populace says much about Hezbollah's morals, but it has
clearly been a winning tactic. The diplomats have come to the
forefront and will try and talk the problems created by the
badly-designed ceasefire to death while Hezbollah rearms itself. And
Hezbollah's victory has inspired the other local terrorist gangs in
Gaza with increased confidence; they are more willing to say openly
that they are fixated on destroying Israel.
Arthur Herman compares the current "ceasefire" in Lebanon to the 1938
Munich agreement between England and Adolph Hitler. Because Hitler was
not stopped early, the war, when it came, exacted a much larger price
in blood and misery. For the European Jews, it was near fatal.
Oz Almog compares the present with the period just before the second
World War, when, instead of preparing to fight the growing Nazi
determination to conquer Europe, countries and individuals trivialized
the situation or denied how serious it was. Or believed they could
come to an accomodation with Hitler. Similarly now, diplomacy is in
the ascendancy and no one does anything to curtail Ahmedinajab or
indeed any of the hate-spewing leaders of the Muslims while the
costs are still small.
In these two outstanding essays, Ari Shavit analyzes what went wrong.
Israel is a Western-normal country living "in a region of fanaticism
and despotism." Therefore "Israel must ... protect its internal
environment from the external environment surrounding it. Life in
defiance of the environment is an essential part of Israeli
existence." The Israeli elites who have for the past 20 years
preached post-Zionism and weakened the spirit of nationalism have
caused Israel "to make a navigational error and to lose its way."
Israel "must find the spirit and we must find the language that we
lost in the years preceding the war" by denigrating power and our own
identity. Now, after the ceasefire, Israel must not pretend it
won for that will permit her to bypass the hard thinking she needs
to do about her lack of preparedness for this particular type of war.
She is strong at her core. She needs to be prepared to fight
"WAR-real war" the next time.
Caroline Glick said in another recent article, "Diplomatically, in the
space of five weeks the government managed to undermine Israel's
alliance with America; to hand Syria, Hezbollah and Iran the greatest
diplomatic achievements they have ever experienced; and to flush down
the toilet the unprecedented international support that US President
Bush handed to Israel on a silver platter at the G-8 summit. (See "Olmert Must Go".) In this article,
she analyzes the problems with the ceasefire resolution Resolution
1701 that Israel hastily accepted.
Ralph Peters sums up the war this way:
"Israel's abysmally incompetent government start[ed] a war impulsively
and prosecute[d] it half-heartedly..." "The rank and file of the IDF
would have done what needed to be done. And their leaders failed
them." "While Israel couldn't plan or execute a winning campaign, it
also failed to think beyond the inevitable cease-fire. But Hezbollah
did. The terrorists had mapped out precisely what they had to do the
moment the shooting stopped: Hand out Iranian money, promise they'll
rebuild what Israel destroyed and simply refuse to honor the terms
of the U.N. resolution." He concludes, "Get ready for Round Two."
It's almost a year since the Jews of Gush Katif were expelled from
their homes by the Sharon-Olmert government. Their misery was met with
indifference by so many Israelis. In an ironic twist, these
still-unsettled Jews have been comforting some recently-arrived
neighbors, the Jews fleeing northern Israel to avoid the constant
rocket bombardment by Hezbollah. To jump from irony to total
weirdness, Ehud Olmert may be timid about pursuing the war Hezbollah
provoked, but he makes no bones about hoping soon to start kicking
Jews out of Sameria and Judea. Someone is living in cloud cuckoo land.
Martin Sherman puts his finger on what went wrong in the
Israeli-Lebanese war starting well before the war, "Left-wing
intellectual bankruptcy has left us unwilling to truly fight the
enemy." As one reader commented, "The weapons, etc. are important, but
the soul, the willingness to win is the key." We can expect to see
major realignments in Israel as a result of the botched war.
David Wilder writes that Israel has made disasterous mistakes –
getting into Oslo and getting out of Gaza. And now it has failed in
its latest confrontation with Hezbollah, because its government was
not willing to read the situation realistically and do what needed
doing militarily and diplomatically. "If," he concludes, "we are
truthful with ourselves, reach the necessary conclusions and implement
them, then maybe, maybe, it will all have been worth it."
Ralph Peters points out that "... our civilization has been forced
into a defensive war to the death with fanatical strains of Islam –
both Shi'a and Sunni." He recounts some of the lessons we've from the
war on Hezbollah, including that we can't "win 'Eastern' wars with
Western values." Especially when Hezbollah can fight either as a
well-trained army or as a guerilla outfit, hiding among civilians. He
concludes that "[w]e are going to have to learn to fight by the
enemy's rules. And we aren't going to like it."
David Bogner writes of a bar fight he witnessed and how a bully kept
provoking and picking a fight until, finally, he was properly handled.
He wasn't just hit hard; he was hit until he cried, "I give up,"
and admitted defeat. And no one interfered. Why, oh why, didn't Israel
do it right?
Robert Locke points out the essential reason for the
Hezbollah-Lebanese physical entanglement it is a way for Hezbollah
to exert sovereignty while avoiding the responsibility of a sovereign
power. Locke suggests a novel way to fight this terrorist sovereignty:
depopulating the areas of Hezbollah's control by moving out the
civilians from southern Lebanon as leverage to force an end to the
attacks. (See
this also.)
Lawrence Auster of View from the Right (VFR) noted
(www.amnation.com, August 17, 2006) that "VFR has been ... saying that
either Israel [transfers the Arabs out of Israel], or Israel dies.
Robert Locke ... in 2003 worked out a detailed, sensible, civilized
strategy for carrying it out
(www.vdare.com/locke/palestinian_problem.htm)." And now James Lewis
writes in a mainstream website that Israel's long-held dream of peace
has been shattered, and the time may come "... when Israel will feel
compelled to move enemy populations out of the neighboring
In this essay Yashiko Sagamori reflects on what the term
"disproportionate" means applied to the Jewish people, which doesn't
seem to be average in anything overrepresented in Nobel awards,
disproportionately unreactive in responding to attack. To abide by
proportionality, given the ratio of Jews to Arabs, each attack on a
Jew should result in an actual attack against 100 Arabs, not a pretend
retaliation where the Jews shoot up a couple of empty buildings. A
strong response would end the Arab war against Israel and would
actually save lives.
Boris Shusteff points out that "both Hamas and Hezbollah grabbed the
territories voluntarily relinquished by Israel, stockpiled tons of
weapons there and transformed the land into a bridgehead in their war
against Israel." Yet Olmert appears to have learned nothing from the
Oslo disaster and Barak's flight from Lebanon he plans to continue
vacating land, which various terrorist gangs will immediately occupy.
Israel's paternalism towards the backward Arabs has not worked; they
may be medieval, but they have learned to operate modern weapons in
pursuit of their monomanical dream of exterminating Israel. As
Shusteff points out, for Israel to continue to provide the Arabs with
easy access to Israel would be suicidal.
Bruce Thornton tells us that diplomacy is bound to fail in solving the
Arab-Israeli conflict because it is "founded on false assumptions."
The core issue in Middle East friction is "not the 'occupation,' not
'Palestinian national aspirations,' but the century-long violent
assault against Jews and Israel on the part of Muslims whose religion
justifies their attempt to destroy the 'infidel' divinely destined to
live under Islamic hegemony. All the other issues the world obsesses
over are meaningless unless the survival of Israel is first guaranteed
and Muslims prove that they are willing to coexist peacefully with
Israel." "The true 'occupation' is the Muslim continuing occupation of
lands that were Jewish and Christian for centuries."
Have you noticed how often in defending Israel, you have to talk of
what should have been obvious in the first place. Everyone understands
that defending home and family is primary, right? Except, apparently,
when it's the Jews defending their families and homes in a fight they
didn't start and didn't want and did much to avoid. Michelle Nevada
makes the analogy to how to handle a nasty and vindictive co-worker
whose idea of fun is to trash your workspace.
Dr. Steve Carol reminds us that Gaza hasn't gone away. Attempting to
crush the spirit of the Gush Katif Jews by expelling them and leaving
the territory in Arab hands "did not bring more security or more
defensible lines." In fact, "Gaza today is a strategic threat to
Israel. It has become a mini-version of the
Al-Qaeda-Taliban-controlled Afghan state." Israel will need to deal
with this.
Rachel Neuwirth points out that America has few friends and none as
loyal as Israel. Yet "Israel has been deliberately kept at arm's
length so America could posture as 'honest broker' between Israel and
the Arabs." America fears offending the so-called Arab street, which
can be rapidly mobilized by its mullahs and chieftans to demonstrate
and/or riot. By not standing up strongly for its ally, America teaches
the arabs that it isn't a supportive friend and they had best look
to other superpowers, such as up-and-coming Iran. We need to change
our posture and develop a straight-out alliance between America and
Because the Israeli public had no stomach for taking on Hezbollah, in
the past few years Hezbollah has been able to block Israel from
responding to its sporadic acts of terrorism by threatening strong
military reprisals. Simultaneously, they were successful in convincing
many in the West that they weren't terrorists, they were a social and
political group, and they kept Israel on the defensive diplomatically.
Boaz Ganor explains what Israel's reasoning was, when it finally
decided to change the rules of engagement with Hezbollah. The more it
can disarm Hezbollah now, the less will Hezbollah be able to act as a
diversion when Israel confronts Syria for a real ceasefire.
TIME TO TAME SYRIA Professor Efraim
Inbar suggests a strategy that could actually accomplish what Israel
must do, and is justified in doing, i.e., destroy Hizballah's military
infrastructure. He asserts that "Israel should be targeting Damascus.
Subduing Syria is the key to resolving the Lebanese crisis, to
rolling-back Hizballah, and to weakening Iran and its radical Islamist
influence in the Middle East." His arguments make sense.
Barbara Lerner is not prone to hyperbole, yet she writes that the Iran's
Shiite mullahs, the leaders of the "Islamofascist war against us, are
as dangerous an enemy as America has ever faced." For the last 25
years, they have worked to create a global Islamic caliphate a task
that includes humiliating America by showing her as unable to
withstand their jihad. They created Hezbollah to assist them, first
using them effectively to kill Americans in Lebanon, and now sending
them as self-contained terror cells to the USA. But "we have yet to
admit that Iran is at war with us, or to seriously consider striking
back at her..." Instead we pretend diplomacy (a prestigious word for
appeasement) will make them more reasonable. It won't. We need to act
militarily now.
Major-General Yaakov Amidror lucidly and accurately predicted the
problems that would result is Israel retreated from Gaza. In this
article he points out that Israel must destroy Hizballah, while
keeping in mind that the fight is actually with the power behind
Hizballah: Iran. This time the stakes are higher than in Gaza. Let us
hope that this time Israelis will listen to him.
For many years, the Arabs and pro-Arab media have reassured us that
the root cause of the problems of the Middle East (ME) and perhaps
even of the entire world is Israel's occupation of Arab land. If
Moshe Yaalon is right, this current crisis may have laid that theory
belatedly to rest. As he points out, "[t]he present crisis was
initiated in Gaza by Hamas and in southern Lebanon by Hizballah –
from lands that are not under Israeli occupation." The root cause of
ME unrest has become more obvious: radical Islamists, particularly
Iran, "see the destruction of Israel as a means of neutering or
even as a prelude to destroying the United States. "
We present another story by Boris Zubry. This is again set in Saudi
Arabia and chronicles the life of a Pakastani, who eventually comes to
Saudi Arabia to seek his fortune. He is bilked by the people who
arrange his passage; he works for a pittance for years; he makes
friends and gradually comes to terms with living a lesser dream.
To call Yashiko Sagamori thought provoking is to call the
would-be-world-conquering Islamists a bunch of energetic enthusiasts.
It doesn't begin to cover her ability to make us examine matters in a
more analytic manner. In this essay the author asks: why does the
world ignore the horrible excesses that are considered normal and
reasonable in a Muslim society, and, instead, spend its time
condemning Israel for defending itself. "To a naÂïve person, this may
look like most people on Earth have suddenly lost their God-given
ability to tell good from evil." In fact, the world acts as if it
doesn't know that Jihad is intrinsic to Islam.
To win a war, know your enemy. It becomes more necessary and more
difficult, if your enemy has different attitudes and values than you
do. Amil Imani explains some of these Muslim characteristics, features
that make their mindset so difficult for a Western to comprehend.
Dr TS Girishkumar writes about the hostility, sedition and secession
by the Muslims in India. In an uncanny parallel to the problems Israel
has with its Muslim neighbors, Dr. Girishkumar explores the techniques
the Muslims have used and use to get their own way in India –
ultimately, they seek control of the entire country.
Ed Lasky points out that the New York Times is decidedly
sympathetic to minorities, with one major exception the Jews. While
the newspaper usually finds some reason to criticize Israel's
interactions with its hostile neighbors, it has a benign attitude
towards those who hate Israel and would destroy it. To the
Times, what makes Hamas and Hezbollah noteworthy are their
social welfare activities. And it is just as happy whitewashing
domestic anti-Semites and alerting terrorist fronts about possible
government actions against them. Considering the Times'
negative distortions about Jews and Israel, Lasky is rightly puzzled
that so many Jews stick loyally to a paper that can fairly be called
Why the Palestinians Are Winning the Media War
David Bedein wrote this article some four years ago. We are reprinting
it for two reasons. First, it unfortunately remains true even today
that the Palestinian Arabs, whether the "secular" Al-Fatah or the
religious Hamas can spin believable media tales, that the media are
happy to retell. And second, substitute Hezbollah for Al Fatah and
Nasrallah for Arafat, and the article is still right on target.
On July 30th, Israel returned fire against Hezbollah rockets launched
from Qana in Lebanon. Civilians were killed, including children.
Hezbollah declared it a massacre; the pitiful pictures of dead
children were shown around the world; and Israel was once again
castigated. But within hours, people began suspecting what happened at
Qana was a hoax, not a "massacre." Some bloggers examined the photos
of the massacre carefully; others noticed other bloopers and
inconsistencies. And the careful plot to discredit Israel began to
This is a compilation of doctored and fraudulent pictures taken
recently in Lebanon by different cameramen and utilized as anti-Israel
propaganda. They have been classified and analyzed by zombie of the
zombietime website. This article is both fascinating and instructive.
Think-Israel is proud to present the Introduction to
The Jewish Divide Over Israel, a new book on
some prominent Jewish anti-semites.
It is a must have for every library public and private to
counteract the lazy belief that if a Jew speaks against Israel
he must be in agony but is forced by conscience to speak the truth.
The opposite is more likely true because his ideologically liberal
friends reject Israel, he is embarrassed that Israel exists. Becoming
a very vocal critic of Israel and Zionism is his way to hold on to an
insecure membership in the club.
Amin Imani describes today's generation of useful idiots it "lives
in liberal democracies but serves the cause of Islamofascism." Like
the previous generation of communist fellow-travelers, it serves a
"virulent form of totalitarian ideology." The useful idiots
disseminate the benign notion that Islam is moderate and
non-political, when as Imani writes, in reality, "Islam is political
to the core. In Islam the mosque and state are one and the same the
mosque is the state." And it has been this way since Mohammed's time.
Kenneth Roth, Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) announced 54 people
had been killed in Qana, because he didn't question Hezbollah sources.
He put the imprimatur of the supposedly neutral HRW on it so even
though the figure was later downsized to 28, the inflated figure is
still in use. As Eli Hertz writes, "When HRW turns its attention to
Israel, it consistently loses all semblance of objectivity." In HRW's
eyes and writings, Hezbollah is a legitimate combatant never, never
is it described as a terrorist organization and its launching of
rockets into Israeli civilian areas is excused because, according to
HRW, "Hezbollah was actually aiming at military targets," it wasn't
really trying to terrorize civilians. According to HRW, only Israel
"deliberately targeted civilians". So much for HRW's objectivity.
Ken Roth does have a talent for writing pompous letters. Here, as
usual, he defends Hezbollah. What makes this somewhat unusual is that he is
less hateful to Israel than usual. What makes this one particularly
entertaining is Boris Celser's gloss in blue.
A modern myth has it that there was once a country or a state called
Palestine. Its history is vague, in fact, non-existent which is a
suitable condition for a never-existent non-entity. In the early
1960s, some Arabs reinvented themselves as citizens of this state.
What is still more bizarre is that so much of the world pretends to
agree with this fiction. And so we reprint Patricia Berlyn's excellent
review of the badly-misused terms: Palestine and Palestinians.
Sha'i Bentekoa points out that Semite and semitic are linguistic
terms, not racial identifications. They refer to a particular language
group that includes Arabic, Aramaic, Ugaritic, Akkadian, Amharic, etc. If you
are discussing biblical ancestors and taking due regard of matrilineal
descent, then Jews are descended from Shem and Arabs from Ham, making
them Hamites, not Semites.
In every major event, the media comes up with some moral principle
that Israel should adhere to. For some reason, the Arabs are never
hampered by similar ethical boundaries. This time, Israel was
admonished to respond proportionately ... it wasn't clear how this was
to be measured. In practice Israel's supposed lack of proportionality
was used to chastise Israel whenever she fought effectively. Should
this be in effect the next round of fighting, Rachel Neuwirth reminds
us of the history of World War 2, a war fought to excess and to
victory by the Allies.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
A Blog-Ed page has a quick list of the articles from which you can
access any of the articles immediately. To go to the list, click the
"Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page.
Debbie Berliner writes about two women that she met while
traveling in Israel. Maayan and Sarah were among the thousands of Jews
expelled from their homes in Gush Katif last August. Their husbands,
farmers who once helped make Gaza renowned for its fruits and
vegetables, are now without jobs. The government has stonewalled the
refugees while spinning fanciful stories about how great things are.
Clearly, getting these people back into productive lives will depend
on private people helping out. Read how you can help.
Rachel Saperstein is part of a group that has been betrayed by their
own people the Israeli government thrown out of their homes and
farms and orchards, shown no sympathy or respect, housed in slum
trailers, harassed by petty officials, and ignored by much of the
country. Their children are bewildered and traumatized, the adults are
underemployed or not employed at all. And here it is, a few months
after the trauma, they are organizing themselves to reconstruct their
lives. Just amazing!
Before the Gazan Jews were kicked off of their land, there were many
who believed that Israel would be easier to defend if she retreated
from Gaza. Many others, including military and intelligence people,
believed that militarily and morale-wise, Israel would be in a worse
position and they have been proven right. So now people are asking
why a savvy military man like Ariel Sharon bulldozed through this
stupid retreat. Judy Lash Balint is among those who have come to
suspect that the ugly exercise was mostly intended to disrupt the
increasing political power of the religious Jews. The Jews of Gush
Katif are "forced to endure a degrading limbo existence akin to that
of the immigrants of the 1950s," while the secularists, now led by
Olmert, continue to demonstrate they fear Judaism more than Arab
Eugene Narrett takes the argument that the Gush Katif expulsion was
engineered by the secularists to humble the religious Jews a step
further. He focusses not so much on the horrible circumstance in which
the refugees still find themselves as on their strength of character.
He writes that "[t]he voices and stories of these people are poignant,
illuminating and inspiring because ... they have not been broken..."
He introduces us to some of these people. They have been traumatized
by the vicious betrayal by their own government, but they have
survived and are striving to heal themselves and their country,
because they understand that their task is to participate in the
redemption of the Land of Israel.
James Woolsey explains succintly why Israel's planned retreat from
Biblical Gaza is a bad idea. Hillel Fendel summarizes Woolsey's five
points this way: "disengagement" failed in Gaza; it would leave all of
Israel wide open to Arab shelling and rockets; Jordan would also be
under the gun; it makes the US look weak; and accommodation (read:
appeasement) with the Arabs has always failed. We should also realize
that this gifting of Arab terrorists with Jewish land will cause
unnecessary damage to thousands of Israeli Jews, who will suddenly
find themselves homeless and jobless and their children traumatized.
In Olmert's PR, the retreat from Samaria and Judea is portrayed as a
bold move with Israel being proactive in taking responsibility for its
own future betterment. This is hardly a description for a military and
financial disaster that Israel can ill afford. Samuel Blumenfeld
compares the situation to what happened to France when Charles
DeGaulle, in what was acclaimed as a bold move, took the French out of
Algeria. He points out that "[i]t was a surrender of Western Christian
civilization to the Muslims and set the stage for the slow takeover of
France itself by Islam."
Abandonning the West Bank (Samaria and Judea) is of no benefit to the
patriotic Israelis who live there and contribute to Israel's economy.
And it will destabilize not just Israel but its neighbor, Jordan. So
who does benefit? Frank J. Gaffney tells us: "... the beneficiary of
Israel's proposed surrender of territory will be her Islamofascist
enemies... If the experience with Gaza is any guide, ... Hamas will
turn the West Bank into a Taliban-style safe-haven for other
terrorists including: al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad
and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard." As Gaffney says of Olmert's
folly, "Friends don't let friends commit suicide."
A major if not the major reason for leaving the
territories is said to be because Israel will soon be swamped with a
rapidly growing Arab population. And yet, as a critical examination of
the demographic data has indicated, the figures show no such thing. It
is also curious that as far back as January 2005, Caroline Glick wrote
that the demography bomb was a dud, yet Olmert continues to employ it
as justification for expelling the Jews who live in Biblical Israel
from their homes and businesses.
The title says it all. Yoram Ettinger provides us with some earlier
examples when the Israeli Government reassured its citizens that
America would help Israel retreat from land it held. America didn't.
Nor will it.
No matter how committed he is to his policy of chopping away
significant parts of land that legally belongs to Israel, it would be
hard for Olmert to maintain momentum without both a threat George
Bush's administration is handling that and a support system.
Caroline Glick writes about Israel's secularist court system, which in
the absence of a defined job description has taken it upon itself to
make laws and then act on them, in keeping with political ideology and
with no regard to a balance between individual liberties and state
security in wartime. Actually, they "apply anti-democratic laws in a
prejudicial fashion" they have incarcerated teen-aged girls for
protesting the expulsion and indicted Ruth Matar for insulting Yonatan
Bassi, the man in charge of the Gaza expulsion; but Olmert's extreme
leftwing activist daughter has maligned the IDF publically and openly
and has suffered no rebuke. As Glick says, "Everyone who holds liberal
values and Israeli democracy dear should be on their feet shouting for
our justices to be brought to order."
A factor that appears to be gluing both Olmert and Bush to an
obviously bad idea i.e., giving up Israeli land to the point where
Israel may no longer be viable in order to create a viable Palestinian
Arab state seems to be the fear of acknowledging failure. As Sarah
Honig points out, "Once reputations are staked on policies, no matter
how misconstrued, it's not easy to acknowledge error." She reminds us
of a similar situation in the 1930s, just before World War 2, when so
many of England's policy makers "... stolidly kept proclaiming
unwavering faith in Hitler's professions of peace." But appeasement
didn't work with Hitler. And it won't work with Hamas or any of the
other "handlers" of the Palestinian Arabs. Actually, there is an
important difference between the English of WW2 and the Israelis today
– even though the more deluded of England's politicians were willing
to kill off Czechoslovakia, they didn't propose to destroy their own
Moshe Dann describes the rightwing in Israel as a group that has
regarded the State as the fulfillment of the millennia-long dream to
return to Zion. "The policy of abandoning Judea, Samaria and Gaza
that began with the Oslo Accords,... has begun to awaken a new
awareness in Israeli society, and among the Right in particular,
about the nature of the State. There is, however, no practical
mechanism to change it." While the Israeli Left works to crush the
"settlement movement" so as to implement its vision of Israel as a
secular state, few in the religious communities are yet willing to
shed their illusions about the structure of the State and to begin to
think about overhauling the system. Moshe Dann asserts that this is
exactly what is necessary to "move towards serious, meaningful
reform to change the system." He forsees much hard work ahead.
Dr. Yoram Shifftan has often written on the solid legal basis for all
of mandated Israel being Jewish land. As a corollary, he has examined
why Israeli Marxists have contributed to propaganda designed to cover
up this critically important fact. In this article, he takes a radical
departure. Given that the present Israeli government is planning to
gift the Arabs with Jewish land, even though this is illegal in
international law, he proposes a public debate about establishing a
second Jewish state in Samaria and Judea. Readers are invited to send
their ideas to statedebate@think-israel.org
In recent years, Israel has pursued a policy of "territory for peace,"
a policy Professor Paul Eidelberg calls defeatism. He points
out it wins no respect from the nations of the world. "So long as
Israeli prime ministers think small (and act smaller) Israel will be
despised. Despite its military strength and its technological and
innovative economy, "[a]lmost every Israeli government has been led by
intellectual and moral pygmies. None has sought to make Israel a world
power." Professor Eidelberg advises that the correct policy for Israel
is not contraction but expansion, both for Israel's sake and for the
sake of Western civilization, in that "[a] Jewish democracy will have
a global agenda to counter the Islamism now conquering Britain and
Rachel Neuwirth writes of this plan to make America independent of
Middle East Oil, "An unusual window of opportunity may be opening up
to allow a major advance towards achieving energy independence. She is
writing about the H-Prize, a new initiative recently created by
Congress. Help her publicize it.
This is a compelling article in that it lets us examine a turning
point. It records an interchange between Buddy Macy, who was for many
years a dedicated worker for UJC, a mainline Jewish organization, and
Howard Rieger, President of UJC. Why did Buddy resign? What changed
him? Read the letter from Mr. Rieger and all will become clear.
Perhaps it shouldn't be surprising that men who casually destroy
objects belonging to other religions will destroy religious sites
important to those who practice the same religion but with a different
intepretation. The Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia strongly disapproves
of ornaments and shrines. In the early 1800s, the Wahhabis destroyed
almost all Islamic historic sites both in Mecca and Medina. More
shrines, some of them shrines that were rebuilt after the first
demolition, have again been recently destroyed. And the religious
authorities have plans to continue the destruction.
Michael Freund talks about the decaying state of over 120 Jewish
historical and holy sites, and the need for Israel's government to do
more to maintain and protect them. Considering that the secularists in
control of the government have done nothing to stop Arab destruction
of Jewish artefacts on the Temple Mount, this doesn't seem likely.
Many articles on Jerusalem correctly point out that the Muslim claim
to Jerusalem certainly doesn't precede the Jewish one the Arabs
didn't even come to the Land of Israel for thousands of years after
the Jews had established sovereignty there. Daniel Pipes asks why they
assert a claim? Why do the Muslims stoop to lies, fraud and the
destruction of Jewish artefacts from antiquity to bolster their claim?
He points out that historically, Muslims have only valued Jerusalem
when it was politically useful to do so. What is currently distressing
is that the cynical myth that Jerusalem is significant to Islam itself
has been naïvely incorporated as part of their identity by many
Muslims, while, at the same time, too many secular Jews regard the
Temple Mount as just so much real estate.
This is an elegant essay that pins down several ideas people have
about Islam without really knowing why they think so. Edward Luttwak
demolishes these myths: "Islam is especially tolerant of other
religions"; "Muslim extremists are not attacking us, but only
counterattacking, so that if non-Muslims would only stop provoking
them, all would be well."; and "Islam is a religion of peace." And he
supplies us with the actual facts.
The Golden Age of Islam is usually defined as time between the
beginning of Islam and the 16th Century. And many myths had arisen
about the Golden Age. Yasser Latif Hamdani writes about some of them:
" Muslim Rulers of the golden age were pious and adhered strictly to
tenets of Islam..."; The Muslims of the classical age lived under the
Islamic system of government called the Khilafah."; and
"Muslims of the Golden Age were united under one Caliphate."
Elliot Green's observation that "those who purport to scorn old myths
go on to make up and promote new myths" nicely describes what Baruch
Kimmerling and Joel Migdal have done in their book on the
Palestinians. Elliott Green explores and explodes some of the book's
historical misconceptions, mistakes and lies as well as clarifying
whether the Palestinians are a people in any way, other than by
providing a human face to justify Arab hostility. He concludes that
much of the information Kimmerling and Migdal present "actually
contradicts their claim of a 'Palestinian people' (much less a
'Palestinian nation') ever existing, or even that the Palestinian
Arabs had any traditional, historical sense of being different from
the Arab Muslims in neighboring countries...".
Arab propaganda is simple but effective. It makes easy-to-digest
assertions in a convinced and convincing manner and then repeats them
ad nauseum until they become generally accepted. David
Meir-Levi has prepared a list of these lies lies that have been
exposed as lies time and again. Yet the Arabs and the pro-Arab media
continue to promulgate these lies, despite the fact that they should
know better. Maybe they do. Certainly, we should be wary about
accepting the word of any Middle-East "expert" who talks about Israeli
"occupation" of "Palestinian" land.
The Hamas leader, Khaled Mashal, in his "victory speech" last
February, declared that Islam would defeat the West this is a much
broader goal than just destroying Israel. Moshe Yaalon points out that
this "revealed the growing confidence of Islamists in pursuing more
ambitious and previously unmentionable goals." Every successful
attack by Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah and others in the Terror Confederacy
has increased confidence in all the terror groups and fueled their
growing boldness. The weak response of the West to Iran's threat to
use nuclear weapons has also had been confidence-bolstering. Yaalon
makes both short-term and long-term suggestions to reduce the
effectiveness of these Islamists.
Charles Krauthammer points out that the Israeli Jewish population is
reaching the point that will make it the largest center of Jewish life
in the world. A remarkable achievement. Jews have come back to their
ancient homeland and are flourishing. A nice thumbing of its nose at
Hitler, who had killed off some six million Jews, a third of the Jews
in the world. And just at this moment, we get "Ahmadinejad's
declaration that Israel must be destroyed... by a single storm" It's
beginning to look like 1938 all over again.
A recent magazine article by a supporter of global Jihad examines the
advantages "of Africa as a battlefield and greenhouse for global
Jihad." The jihadists "enjoy in Africa easier operational abilities
than in other countries, which have effective security, intelligence,
and military capacities." Africa is poor so the Islamist tactic of
providing the locals with money and social welfare will work well. In
return, Africa can provide men, weapons and raw material, and it has
geographic advantages it is close enough to help the fight against
Israel. Reuven Paz and Moshe Terdman suggest that what is planned in
not a single central command in Africa, but the emergence of many
groups with the same ideology who can adjust their strategy to local
Jonah Goldberg discusses bin Laden's call to the Islamists in Sudan
and the Arabian Pennisula "to prepare all that is necessary to wage a
long-term war against the crusaders [U.N. peacekeepers] in Western
Sudan..." Radical Islam is also pressuring Muslims in areas it
dominates into behaving in accordance with what it considers the "one
true Islam." Muslims that don't conform to the Islamist concepts of
how Muslims must behave are slaughtered.
Kenneth Levin takes the New York Times to task. It "prides
itself in being a 'liberal' newspaper, but it has also consistently
ignored liberal voices in the Arab world that have sought to address
that world's genocidal attitudes toward religious and ethnic
minorities in its midst." And, "despite the Times's extensive
coverage... of Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict, the newspaper is
virtually silent on the voluminous and systematic anti-Semitic hate
literature published by the Arabs." Ignoring this institutionalized
hatred distorts the Times' "coverage of other conflicts in the
Arab world. More particularly, it taints the Times's reporting
and editorializing on the genocide in Darfur, including Nicholas
Kristof's Pulitzer-winning coverage."
Jonathan Halevi points out that "[t]he Popular Resistance Committees
(PRC) is a terror organization that has carried out hundreds of
attacks against Israeli targets in the Gaza Strip and within Israel,
and was apparently responsible for the roadside bomb attack in which
three American security guards were killed in Gaza in October 2003."
"[It] has formed a strategic alliance with Hamas and Hizballah, which
help finance its activities and train its operatives. According to
Israeli intelligence, the PRC also maintains contact with al-Qaeda,
which over the past year has created a presence in Gaza and the West
Bank." "PRC have become a kind of sub-contractor for Hamas, enabling
it to encourage attacks against Israel and its internal Palestinian
rivals without leaving fingerprints."
Patrick Poole writes about a document found at the home of a Muslim
Brotherhood leader, Youssef Nada, who has been called a "terrorist
financier" by the U.S. and the U.N. It is said to be a roadmap for
achieving the installation of Islamic regimes in the West mainly by
propaganda, preaching and the use of innocuous front groups. What
lends credibility to the document's authenticity is that it echoes
the Brotherhood's Sheikh Yusuf Al Qaradawi's assertion back in 1995
that Islam would conquer the West chiefly by proselytizing. Moreover,
the Muslim Brotherhood which sired Hamas is characterized by
patient, long-term, piece-wise planning (read for example
Lorenzo Vidino, "The Muslim Brotherhood's Conquest of Europe".).
Anne Bayefsky writes about the many non-governmental organizations
(NGOS) associated with the U.N. "that have been empowered by
U.N.-accreditation to spread anti-Semitism, hate, and encourage
terrorism from a U.N. platform." "The job of disseminating and
amplifying the message that U.N. insiders can't always convey
conspicuously, is conveniently taken up by NGOs such as those on the
U.N. 'NGO Network on the Question of Palestine.'" The quotes she cites
from these NGO websites more than underscore her point. Not only are
these NGOs guilty of violating U.N. regulations, they are guilty of
working against the U.N.'s mission as written into its charter.
CAMERA and Honest Reporting have done excellent jobs taking on the big
TV and newspaper media when they distort the news or put forth
downright lies about Israel as truth. Richard Shulman ruminates about
the Internet. "It serves to unite like-minded people. It serves as an
outlet to get out information that the other media censure as not
being to their liking. On the other hand, it has few of the controls
that have evolved to made the other media conform to some (minimal)
standards. We need a new model."
Jose Maria Aznar, former prime minister of Spain, writes about
reforming NATO to make it more capable of fighting Islamic extremism,
which he views as an existential threat to Western values. He believes
"[t]he new mission of NATO should be clear: to combat jihadism and the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction." "NATO should invite
Japan, Australia, and Israel to become full members. Recognizing that
Israel is on the cutting edge of the battle against Islamic terror, he
concludes, "Treating Israel as if it were not an integral part of the
Western world is a big mistake that will affect our ability to
prevail... The West cannot fight this radical tide without Israel."
Europe is being overwhelmed by Islam, because of "massive Muslim
immigration and [European] multiculturalism." The process is aided by
the European Union (EU), "which has transferred power away from the
people and the democratic process to behind-the-scenes deals made by
corrupt, Eurabian officials and bureaucrats." The multicultural
ideology EU is fostering in its effort to create a new people, the
"European" people, is killing off European democracy. Countering it
requires the complete and utter destruction of the European Union.
"The EU must die, or Europe will die. It's that simple." He draws the
analogy of what the EU is doing to what happened in Communist Russia
– "the Soviet state became a very powerful state, but the
nationalities were obliterated."
In her new book, Londonistan, Melanie Phillips provides us an
excellent analyses of how the governing class in England has lost its
own values and has allowed radical Islam to set the agenda. She
points out that "During the 1990s, Britain allowed its capital to be
turned into the principal hub of Islamist radicalism and terrorism
outside of Saudi Arabia." Simultaneously, "Britain has been consumed
by a loss of cultural nerve that has all but destroyed its belief in
itself..." "Instead of fighting radical Islamism, virtually the
entire British political, intellectual and security establishment
can't even bring themselves to name the threat." This is cause for
consternation for us in America, because as she points out, "[t]he
Londonistan mindset is being replicated in America: on campus, in the
media and in official circles. If Britain goes down under this
assault, the forces in America now holding back the tide of cultural
immolation will be immeasurably weakened."
Nick Griffin's leadership, the British National Party (BNP) can no
longer be described as anti-Semitic and anti-American. Their concern
is to preserve British nationalism and they worry about the large
influx of Muslims into England, which, aided by politicians who
believe in multiculturalism and who are afraid of arousing Muslim anger,
is transforming England into its own image. The BNP's position on
immigration is beginning to resonate with many voters.
Arlene Peck writes of her distress that Islam has invaded so much of
our lives. On TV "Muslim savages [are] celebrating in front of burning
embassies, a school, a restaurant or those stupid tires they seem to
think are so impressive to burn." Movies like Munich... give
Muslims a platform for justification of their terrorism. Our
vocabulary is bloated with words such as "fatwa, Mufti, Imam, jihad,
burqah, Koran." Peck's sensible solution for ridding Israel of
terrorism is: "transfer the enemy out of Israel, NOW."
The threat is world-wide and, as usual, Israel is the
canary in the mine.
Ilana Mercer reviews Paul Sperry's new book, Infiltration: How
Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington, His book
is based on internal government documents and on interviews with
officials from the FBI, Homeland Security, Immigration, Customs and
Boarder Protection. He exposes so-called moderate Muslim leaders and
academic groupies who run interference for the terrorists. He
concludes that "sadly, much of Western terrorism is simply Islam in
practice, the text of the Quran in action."
ISLAM IN THE BIG HOUSE: How radical Muslims took over the American prison system
Stephen Schwartz presents the problem this way: "Radical Muslim
chaplains, trained in a foreign ideology, certified in
foreign-financed schools, and acting in coordination to impose an
extremist agenda have gained a monopoly over Islamic religious
activities in American state, federal, and city prisons and jails."
His solution? "[I]dentify those chaplains who follow and preach
Wahhabism and remove them."
The stream of antisemitic venom now polluting American media is not,
– with the minor exception of wooly-brained WASPS coming from the
America's Christians. As Michael Anbar points out, it comes from a
very odd mix the alliance of the extreme Marxist left, fascist
white skinheads and black Muslims.
I don't know if this is masking logic as comedy or using irony to
teach logic, but Julie Gorin asks a good question: given "our earnest,
ongoing dialoguing with representatives of a religion that seeks to
establish a worldwide caliphate in which everyone is either Muslim or
dead, isn't it about time we reached out to the other supremacists in
our midst, whom society has shunted aside the white supremacists,
skinheads, neo-Nazis, KKK and other affiliates? She proposes the
whites rename themselves Raza Blanca (The White Race") it
sounds so much less offensive in Spanish. When you get down to it, the
skinheads "cherish their children a fundamental value they share
with us normal folk." And they are patriotic. So, she asks, "why do we
find white racism to be so much more unsettling than racism" by other
Arlene Peck is known for her wise and witty essays and interviews.
She's traightforward and, as she says, "a tad politically incorrect."
So, nu? What's wrong with that? Nothing, except that she made
the Muslim Muzzle-the-Media people unhappy. And in a twitch, Google
labeled her writing "hate speech," and dropped her publisher from
Google listings. Islamic groups have effectively flooded the campus
with protests to prevent Jewish and pro-Israeli speakers from
speaking. They have effectively bullied the media against publishing
the Danish cartoons. And now, apparently, they are effectively
targetting a major gateway for accessing information. It's not Arlene
Peck who is the menace to free speech. It is not Arlene Peck who is
preaching hate.
The party line is that our fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan has made
us safe from terror, but Yashiko Sagamori points out the "[t]he
terrible truth is that all is calm on the Western front simply because
we have already capitulated," beginning right after 9/11, when Bush
announced Islam was a peaceful religion, although "...the Muslims and
the rest of humanity knew that it was precisely Islam that we had to
fight against if we wanted to survive." And it's not just us
Americans. Israel has caved in, as has Europe. We all are cowardly and
praise unspecified Islamic virtues and accomodate more and more to
whatever makes the Muslims happy. And now the Muslims are educating
our Congressmen and educators about Islam so that they can lead us
along the path of islamic rectitude!
Professor Eidelberg writes that "The Arabization of Israel started
some thirty years ago with the government's policy of Arab 'autonomy'
in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. It progressed with the policy of
'territory for peace.' Arabization made a quantum jump with the policy
of 'unilateral disengagement,' now hyped as 'realignment.'" And "while
Jewish land is being Arabized, Jewish mentality is being dhimmified,"
as exemplified by Jewish leaders begging Hamas to recognize Israel."
"The dhimmi in Arab-Islamic culture is a servile and shrunken
creature. He has no rights; he makes no demands; indeed, he must
exercise self-restraint." Unfortunately, "[t]his describes the
modus operandi of Israel's ruling elites
vis-à-vis the enemy. The thought of conquering the enemy
is beyond their intellectual or moral horizon."
Born a Moslem in Bethlehem, Walid Shoebat is a former PLO terrorist
who became an ardent Zionist and evangelical Christian. He frequently
tours the country, lecturing on the Israel-Arab conflict, often to
resistant audiences who have been taught that everyone in the world
wants to live in peace if given the chance. At one such lecture, I
heard him remonstrate with a well-dressed articulate woman who was
sincerely insisting that if Israel were only nicer to the Palestinian
Arabs, they would respond in kind. "Lady!" he shouted, "they are out
to kill you Jews. Wake up!" She was shocked. Apparently no one in her
experience had ever talked that way.
Like the Jews "who denied the organized extermination of the six
million Jews of Europe," since the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993,
many Jews seem willing to overlook "that perhaps our Palestinian Arab
'partners' are not as interested in peace as they are in victory."
Sadly, this includes successive Israeli governments, whose suicidal
policy has strengthened "... the resolve of Israel's enemies." The
Israeli government seems to have thrown in the towel, saying they have
no ideology, or they are tired of fighting (as if they had a choice)
or professing to believe retreating from Jewish land will bring
security. Meantime, the Palestinian Arabs voted for Hamas as having
more resolve to destroy Israel than Al Fatah, and are upbeat about
destroying Israel in the near future, while giving nothing in return
– not even their signatures on a worthless piece of paper promising
Yashiko Sagamori asks rhetorically whether the self-evident truth that
all men are created equal is actually that self-evident. She restates
"self-evident" more accurately: "every civilization is based on a set
of truths its members hold to be self-evident and irrefutable, and
that more often than not any two sets of those self-evident,
irrefutable truths prove to be mutually exclusive." What is
self-evident to Arab society is not the equality of man but that "all
men are created Muslim, even if they are born to infidel parents."
Actually, we practice the politically-correct notion that America
should cater to Muslims at home and abroad, and they practice their
inalienable right to convert the world to Islam.
Despite our faith in mutual deterrence, as Laurent Murawiec points out
"deterrence only works if the enemy is able and willing to enter the
same calculus. If the enemy plays by other rules and calculates by
other means, he will not be deterred." "Contemporary jihad is not a
matter of politics at all (of 'occupation, of 'grievances,' of
colonialism, neocolonialism, imperialism and Zionism), but a matter of
Gnostic faith. Consequently, attempts at dealing with the problem
politically will not even touch it." So how do we stop the jihadists?
Answer: by killing them, "[b]y applying high-tempo attrition and nodal
targeting to the jihadi apparatus worldwide." It will work because
"[u]nextraordinary, unromantic, trivial deaths shatter the glory of
the jihadi's death... The recipe is not pretty nor is it easy."
"Conventional wisdom holds that Israel's international standing is
directly related to its willingness to move toward peace with the
Palestinians. Yet in recent years," Evelyn Gordon points out, "despite
previously unimaginable concessions, its international standing, far
from improving, has hit an all-time low." It has become commonplace to
call Israel an apartheid state, to call for boycotts and divestitures,
to question Israel's very existence. "...the growing view of Israel as
a pariah would be impossible had Israeli (and international Jewish)
leaders not abandoned one simple tenet that all of them maintained
prior to the 1993 Oslo Accords: that Israel has a valid claim to the
West Bank and Gaza." Consequently, to reverse its negative image,
Israel must clearly state that Biblical Israel is Jewish land
historically, legally by League of Nations mandate, and by acquisition
in a defensive war. The only change since the Jordan and Egypt claimed
the West Bank by right of conquest is that the Palestinian Arabs
replaced Jordon and Egypt as Arab claimants.
Peace is an addictive word, a compelling word people, particularly
Israelis, seem conditioned to abandon normal logic and caution when
told something will promote "peace". Patricia Berlyn points out that
"shalom and 'peace' are beautiful words. They are also words
often misused in causes inimical to genuine and just peace." In this
essay, she writes about the Oslo Accords, a pernicious "peace"
agreement that worked against a real peace. And she tells us about the
"peace activists" such as Peace Now and the Peace Bloc who, in
the name of peace, work to destroy Israel. As Berlyn makes
clear, peace doesn't depend on negotiable details or even on Israeli
concessions. The problem is that the Arabs/Palestinians aren't
satisfied "with any terms on which Israel continues to exist."
Despite years of trying and the efforts of diplomats, political
leaders, analysts and media people to solve the "Israeli-Palestinian"
conflict, the result has been a failure. Their focus was "on the
mechanics of implementation," while fundamental information was
ignored. They never investigated the basis of the claims of the
newly-minted Palestinian people. Nor did they seem to know about
Israeli's irrevocable legal claim to Mandated Palestine. Rachel
Neuwirth suggests that the "fallacy of the ongoing political dogma
[the creation of a Palestinian state] should be recognized" and an
approach based on historical/legal truths should be substituted.
Martin Sherman wrote this remarkable essay in January 2003. He pointed
out that "[t]he Jewish people have taken their peace-making efforts to
irrational extremes." What he said then is true now: "The time has
come for Israel to assert its fundamental right to self-defense and
for the Jews to remind the world that they can be fearsome warriors
when pushed to the wall. It is time to convey to the public at home
and abroad that Jewish patience is at an end, that Jewish lives are
not cheap and the letting of Jewish blood will no longer be
acceptable. It is time for this embattled nation to arise, to cry
"havoc" and let slip the dogs of war. Only then will it be clear that
the present policy of restraint was indeed a noble gesture of benign
strength and not of ignoble faintheartedness."
Alex Rose compares the confidence expressed by world leaders in the
development of Jewish state at its inception in the Mandate period and
the doubt and uncertainty spread by the current Jewish leaders, who
seem ready to give up land that is not theirs to give away. He reviews
the anticipated structure of a Jewish State where all inhabitants had
human and civil rights but only the Jews had political rights
to the current situation, where the non-binding resolutions of the
U.N. are proclaimed to be valid by the Arabs and the pro-Arab media.
And the Jewish leadership does not challenge these lies.
Abraham Miller tells us of what happened to the Jews of Iraq, who
became some of the million Jewish refugees that fled from Arab
harassment and hostility in the 1940s-50s. Jew had lived in Baghdad
thousand of years before the Arabs came into Iraq. The Farhud
– Arabic for "violent dispossession" occurred in 1941, on Shavout.
A mob, incited by Hitler's ally, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem,
"murdered, burned and raped its way through the Jewish community.
Jewish infants were special targets, killed as helpless parents looked
on. The superintendent of police refused to stop the riots. He was not
about to kill or injure Muslims to save Jews." The Jews fled, mostly
to Israel, where, unlike the Palestinian refugees, "within a few years
they became both contributing members and citizens of Israel and
Western societies."
Steven Plaut points out that, contrary to Arab propaganda, Palestinian
Arab terrorism isn't the result of Israeli "occupation. It began long
before Israel was even created. "The worst anti-Jewish atrocities in
Palestine were part of a wave of Arab pogroms lasting from 1936 to
1939 ... They were designed to stop immigration to the Land of Israel
by Jewish refugees ..." fleeing Europe. The English, who were in
control of Palestine, responded by restricting Jewish immigration –
contrary to their legal duty to aid the Jews to settle Palestine. The
atrocities were organized by Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of
Jerusalem. Plaut tells the story of Araf al-Asli, who denounced the
mufti and the pogroms. For his efforts, al-Asli was incarcerated. As
Plaut says, "The incident shows clearly why so few voices of
moderation have ever been heard among the Palestinian Arabs."
Much has been written about the latest Israeli "atrocity" killing a
family picnicking on a shell-strewn Gaza beach. It has been since been
definitely shown that, true, the family was killed, but just as
true it wasn't the fault of the Israelis. Some Arab-laid mines
exploded or it was, as they say, a "work-related" accident that
happened as the explosives were being prepared. What makes this
article of compelling interest is that it links the aftermath how
the killing was handled by "neutrals" such as the Human Rights Watch
organization and how much the self-flagellating Israeli press
contributed to tarring Israel.
Debbie Schlussel reviews another Oprah Winfrey media event: Oprah
discovers the Holocaust, guided by Elie Wiesel and sponsored by AT&T.
Two thumbs down.
David Wise ties together the hounding of AIPAC staffers for receiving
information from a Pentagon official, the jailing of Judith Miller for
refusing to name a source and other incidents where the government has
attempted to prosecute leaking classified information or receiving
classified information. But there is no law that prohibits
leaking classified information unless it specifically concerns
national defense. Yet, if the trend towards criminalizing the exchange
of classified information continues, the end result could be, as the
title of this essay says, "Read the News, Go to Jail."
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
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page for the month is updated every few days.
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Like ugly forecasts of the future, there were two firsts on
Israel's March 28th election day: the recently-munched-together Kadima
party was voted in and the Arabs launched Iranian manufactured Kassam
missiles at Ashkelon, at the Negev, from Gaza. And Israel's response?
Gar nichts. Maybe Olmert only fights women and children.
This is some of what Ruth Matar of the Women in Green organization
wrote before the elections, when she urged people not to vote for Ehud
Olmert and the Kadima Party.
Ehud Olmert boasts that he is the one who convinced Ariel Sharon to
disengage from the Jewish Land of Gaza, and to make Gaza "judenrein."
>From Olmert's point of view the disengagement was a great success.
There is not a single Jew left in Gaza! Even dead Jews had to be
removed from their graves and buried elsewhere, to satisfy the Arab
Half-a-year after the Gaza pullout, there is no avoiding the
decisive conclusion that disengagement was a tragic, pre-ordained
failure. This is true with respect to every possible issue:
Politically: The terror group HAMAS won the election!
"More than 80% of the Palestinians view the pullout as a victory for
the armed struggle," said Palestinian pollster Khalil Shikaki.
Economically: The costs associated with implementing
Disengagement, and dealing with the repercussions, are massive.
Residents in communities near Gaza, who are now the new victims of
Qassam rocket attacks, are demanding reinforced homes. Also,
previously productive and independent people, who have been expelled
from their homes and have no jobs, are not able to provide for their
families. They now require that food and shelter be furnished by the
Renewed Terror Threats: Defense Minister Mofaz admitted to
the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that Al-Qaida cells were operating in
the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and were planning attacks against
Israel. Iran transferred $1.8 million to Islamic Jihad. On Tuesday a
suicide bombing in the center of the country was narrowly avoided,
after a high-speed chase by the police on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv
Security: Qassam rocket attacks from evacuated areas have
escalated. The rain of rockets on Israeli cities and population
centers have increased, reaching the outskirts of Ashkelon, with its
wide range of essential strategic installations.
National infrastructures in Ashkelon include:
1. The Rotenberg Power Plant in southern
Ashkelon is Israel's second-largest electric station, and supplies
about a quarter of the country's electricity.
2. The Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline company (EAPC) in Ashkelon operates three oil pipelines linking Ashkelon with Eilat, Ashdod and Haifa.
3. The Ashkelon seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plant, the
largest desalination plant of its kind in the world, is set to
ultimately provide an annual 100 million cubic meters of water, or
some 15% of the country's domestic consumer demand. It commenced
initial production in August 2005, and began operations at a third of
its full capacity.
Shouldn't the Olmert Interim Government be held accountable for
failing to protect Ashkelon, Sderot, and Negev settlements and
[Ehud Olmert's] statements imply turning most of Judea and Samaria
over to Hamas, and thus bringing Arab terrorism that much closer to
Israel's population centers. But, incredibly, Olmert plans to leave a
continual Israeli military presence in the area that has been cleared
of all Jews!
According to Olmert, therefore, Jews will not be allowed to live in
their Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria. However, Olmert plans
that the Israel Defense Forces will remain to continue Israel's
military rule of the Arabs who live there!
Has the man taken leave of his senses? Is the IDF staying there to
protect the Arabs in Judea and Samaria? What is the function of the
IDF, in a judenrein Judea and Samaria? And won't our Army be
exposed to terror attacks from Hamas And Islamic Jihad?
Unless we Jews are able to prevent Olmert's holding on to power, he
might soon be making life and death decisions affecting ordinary
Israelis. He will demand sacrifices, but he sure won't demand
sacrifices from himself and his own family. PBS ran a puff piece on Olmert just after the election, where these
facts about Olmert's family life were given but in a context that
blurred their importance. Olmert was portrayed as a wrong-headed
Right-winger who was shown the light by his Leftist family, whose
opinion were clearly influenced by their Leftist mother, not by their
father. Ruth Matar put these aspects of Olmert's personal life into
meaningful context.
Both of his sons reside abroad. Shaul, an adherent of Yesh Gvul
(an organization which refuses to serve in Judea and Samaria) was
charged with desertion and now lives in New York. Ariel who never did
any army service resides in Paris. Olmert, if elected, might soon be
exposing other youth in uniform to perils to which his own sons are
spared! His daughter, a Machsom Watch activist, will meanwhile
interfere with the duties of soldiers manning checkpoints to prevent
terrorists from carrying out their plans. And she pointed out why Olmert should not have been appointed
acting Prime Minister and allowed to make decisions like his sending
police into Amona to bash heads and crush testicles. She asked if Ehud
Olmert was a legitimate candidate for Prime Minister?
In Israel the vote is for the party, not the person. That is the
system. Therefore Olmert should not have been allowed to be the acting
Prime Minister, since his Party, Kadima, is not the one which won the
previous election. Actually, it did not even exist at that time. The
Acting Prime Minister should have been selected from the Likud Party.
Following the massive stroke of Sharon in January, Attorney General
Mazuz defined his condition as "temporary incapacity of a permanent
Mazuz had good reason to act as he did. If he had simply declared
that Sharon was permanently incapacitated, (which he definitely is)
then a complicated, multi-step procedure for selecting and approving a
new Prime Minister and Government would have been set in motion. So
Mazuz invented a new legal category, which, of course, us simple folks
are not able to understand! In so doing, he seized the power to select
the Prime Minister from Israel's elected officials, effectively
anointing himself the Prime Minister's sole elector.
In the aftermath of these twin hits the Arabs determinedly
pursuing the death of the Jews and the Jews glubbering in denial that
the danger is so severe we can only shake our head in wonderment
that we Jews have lasted this long. Fortunately, our essayists are
made of sterner stuff.
There's some sun coming out despite the clouds. Despite the
pollyanna-ishness of much of the mainstream media, more and more of
the people of the world are beginning to understand we have a global
problem: the leaders of Islam have declared war on us all. And even
some in the media are beginning to think.
So read these essays.
The Comptroller's report makes official what's been known and denied
for months: the Government bungled the Gush Katif evacuation badly.
Denied compensation, the refugees did not have the means to handle
finding homes and jobs by themselves. Nor were professional resources
– the scaffolding that should have been in place to expedite
reabsorption in place. The result? Some eight months after their
enforced evacuation, some of the expellees are still homeless,
unemployed and without funds and most are still demoralized and
dispirited. One silver lining: now that the Report is published, the
Government can stop wasting money assuring everyone that all the
settlers are happily settled. One major unanswered question: why the
haste to uproot the Gush Katif Jews?
Being evicted from their homes was not the final assault suffered by
the Gush Katif Jews. They suffer from chronic uncertainty, thanks to
the sloppy and inadequate arrangements made by the Israeli Government.
Their humiliation and the resistance of the Government to their
reestablishing normal community living continues. Some eight months
after they were made homeless refugees, there are long delays and then
inappropriate demands for them to act immediately. Tamar Wisemon
describes one of the latest ploys.
Some 8 months after they were kicked out of their home in Gush Katif,
the Sapersteins are permanently settled temporarily they are in
Israel's version of a trailer park, chock full of caravillas poorly
constructed caravans for which the government paid big bucks. As Moshe
Saperstein describes it, "It's Dogpatch, without the stills." The
trauma is still deep, as is the rift between those who left early and
those who stayed to the bitter end, but life goes on. He does laundry,
he visits his bank, he sees friends and relatives. The community
starts to make decisions about where they will settle permanently. And
Rachel describes celebrating Pesach in their new digs.
This is a charming essay by Moshe Dann about ordinary life in Israel
– children growing up, children getting married, having their own
children. But this is a family in Israel, which makes them larger than
life to begin with. They must contend with violent neighbors whose
major goal in life is to destroy to take life and property from
Jews. The Jews can't ignore their enemy, but at the same time, this
Jewish family has taken on the burden of reviving the Biblical Land of
Israel, a very positive ambition.
Each year, the Passover Boombamela festival exchanging hospitality
and just hanging out grows more popular in Israel. Benjamin Bresky
describes this year's event at Nitzanim Beach, where a melange of
people were hosted by several Chassidic groups. It was in Bresky's
words, "[t]hree days of music, matzah and spirituality..."
Paula Stern writes of what was once an unsullied love affair
between Israelis and the IDF. It isn't over but it suffered a body
blow, when Sharon's government used Israeli soldiers to expel Jews
from their homes.
We are so used to blatant distortions and outrageous statements by
anti-Israel Jews such as Noam Chomsky or Norman Finkelstein or Ilan
Pappe, we have ignored the damage that can be done by Jews that Jack
Berger calls "useful idiots" Jews that appear mild in manner and
sound reasonable but damage Israel by omissions and by slanting the
truth. And there are those that do Israel a disservice by
sugar-coating the truth about Israel's neighbors so that the audience
is left feeling good, though unenlightened. "'Useful idiots' are those
who try to deny the obvious. Armed with excuses and rationalizations,
they have created an art form of telling people what they wanted them
to hear rather than what was actually happening."
Considering how often Zionism is used as a derogatory epithet by
bigots, it is sad how little these people actually know about
"Zionism, its origins and its natural achievement in the birth of the
State of Israel." In this excellent essay, Salomon Benzimra explains
the multi-faceted nature of Zionism and its centrality for Jewish
In this issue of A Time to Speak, Patricia Berlyn talks about
the Kadima party who its leaders are and what their political
philosophy is. The Kadima Government provides insufficient resources
to protect the people against the stepped-up terror attacks from Gaza.
But the Jews aren't caving in. As Yehuda Poch has written, "... for
the Jewish nation as a whole ... Israel represents for us the only
place in the world we can really call home, the only place in the
world where Jewish life and Jewish blood are to be protected above all
else. Israel represents our destiny." But, as at Amona, the Kadima
Government has de facto taken on the goals of Israel's enemies
and is ruthlessly betraying these powerful Jewish ideals. Kadima moves
forward along crooked paths.
The IDF Staff told Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert that a retreat from
Gaza would be a terrible blunder. They were right. The level of terror
that the communities outside the Gaza Strip now have to contend with
has markedly increased. The new plan to drive out the Jews from
Samaria and Judea would increase the number of Jewish refugees 10-fold
and the level of violence will go up astronomically. So why do it?
Emanuel A. Winston speculates on Olmert's real reasons. And, more
importantly, how this stupidity will encourage Israel's neighbors to
drive more nails into Israel's coffin.
Martin Sherman points out that "Olmert regime is providing a
definitive example of blind, obsessive fanaticism." Israel has
followed a policy of withdrawal from the territories since the early
90s and it has been a failure. But instead of reexamining the Gaza
retreat blunder particularly in the wake of the increased
sophistication and bloodiness of the terrorist enterprise in Gaza and
a heightened eagerness by the Arabs to demolish Israel the Israeli
government has renamed disengagement convergence and
steadfastly continues to forge ahead on the road to disaster.
Israel's disengagement strategy is turtle strategy the Israeli
government has pulled inside a shell and is hiding in what it believes
is a safe zone. Nadav Morag points out that "[t]he first rule of
policymaking is that it needs to be firmly grounded in reality..." and
the turtle strategy is not. Israel can not withdraw behind a wall and
effectively fight the terrorists residing in the territories. She must
stay in control of the area. We've taken the liberty of also
reprinting some of the comments that the article elicited.
Israel seems not to have done some basic studies to compare the
different strategies to contain Arab terror e.g., is it more or
less effective maintaining a Jewish population in the Territories
(instead of paying the astronomical costs of resettling them) than
keeping an enlarged IDF force there? Ted Belman argues that, given the
increase in truculence of the various terror groups, what is needed is
reoccupation of Gaza and no retreat from the West Bank. Along the
same lines, former Defense Minister Moshe Arens has bluntly said
(Arutz-Sheva, April 25, 2006) that Northern Gaza must be
recaptured: "I fear that the government is refraining from sending IDF
troops into Gaza to stop the Kassam rockets because it doesn't want to
admit its mistake in withdrawing from Gaza in the first place." A
military ground operation is necessary because the "IDF's artillery
barrage on northern Gaza is totally futile, as the terrorists fire the
rockets from densely populated areas while Israel shells empty areas."
Philip B. Haney points out that Hamas winning the election to head the
Palestinian Authority is not surprising. Contrary to what we'd like to
believe, they've been much admired in the Arab world for some twenty
years. They represent the global Jihadist movement and "at least four
generations of Middle Eastern Arab Muslims ... have all been saturated
from birth on the liberation theology of Jihad." Using democratic
means to gain power, the Middle East Jihadist groups Hamas,
Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, the clerics in Iran and Saudi
Arabia have a single objective: to impose Islamic Sharia'ah law on
whatever country they control. The similarity between resurgent Islam
and Nazi Germany their local popularity, their ability to sway
crowds and intimidate their neighbors as well as their unabashed
desire to conquer the world is both frightening and real.
Now that Hamas has control of the Palestine Authority, will they
change their ways? Will they take on the job of governing a large
group of people? Will they as so many are hoping behave less
brutally, so that the world can claim they have become moderates? To
sum up Barry Rubin's excellent analysis: not bloody likely.
Between Tactical Pragmatism and Al-Qaeda Jihadism
Much pro-Arab propaganda is devoted to reassuring us that, despite
their common interests, Islamic terrorist groups are not confederated
and that terrorism in one country is not linked to Islamic terrorism
elsewhere. We are supposed to believe that Hamas, the latest terror
gang to gain power, can be enticed away from its evil ways by the need
to run a pseudo-country. Lt. Col Jonathan Halevi demolishes these
notions. True, in the short term, Hamas' goal is to establish itself
securely and gain international legitimacy. But its longterm goal is
immune to the world's approval or disapproval. "Hamas views its
political mission as the vanguard of the worldwide Islamic revolution
led by its parent-movement, the Muslim Brotherhood," and, as such, it
acts as an admired role model of militant activism to Islamic
terrorist groups around the world, encouraging them to participate in
the glorious task of introducing Sharia law everywhere.
We tend to treat Al-Qaeda as embodied in a single entity, Osama Bin
Laden playing an evil Batman or Battyman. Olivier Guitta writes that
al-Qaeda has shifted its immediate focus. Where once it concentrated
exclusively on Saudi Arabia for allowing infidels on its sacred soil,
now it is moving into the Israeli territories Gaza and the West
Bank Jordan and Lebanon. Israel's retreat from the territories and
Lebanon's instability will make it easier for al-Qaeda to establish
several new bases of operation. And Jordan has been under Al-Qaeda
attack for some time.
While so many politicians keep denying there is a loose confederacy
among the multiple terror groups, their unification has reached the
point that Caroline Glick suggests the new Israeli Kadima government
rethink its plan to retreat from most of Samaria and Judea. We should
take seriously the fact that Hamas is making Gaza into a wall-to-wall
terror stronghold and bomb manufactory and the fact that Al Qaeda is
sizing up the area as a base from which to attack both Israel and
Decisions about giving up land that actually belongs to Israel have
been based on false assumptions about demographics and the belief that
West Bank Arabs feel strongly about the land. Robert Barnes suggests
that a realistic alternative strategy should be explored, i.e.,
encouraging Arabs to emigrate. He discusses some practical
considerations that would make this plan feasible.
Arlene Peck remembers when Ariel Sharon became "the lap dog for
American and European governments, just as everyone preceding him had
done." They were responsive to the whims of the American
administration in power, and didn't act in Israel's best interests.
Under Ehud Olmert "dubious leadership, ... the 'powers that be' in
Israel are aiming for a new low." They want separation from the Arabs,
but are going about it in the wrong way. "'Transfer' is not the dirty
word it once was. Particularly since Jews are now applying that
principle to other Jews." She suggests that a workable solution is to
transfer the Palestinian Arabs to Jordan, using as model the way the
Brazilians built a city from scratch in a previously undeveloped area.
Arlene Peck report that on talk and talk-back radio shows, listeners
are more than aware that Islam is hardly a religion of peace. Israel
has been pressured into concessions time and again for "peace" only to
find it is never enough to satify the Arabs because their objective
is not peace. "the current leaders make no secret of their intent:
Destroy Israel and subjugate the entire world."
Considering that so many people including President Bush claim
Islam is a peaceful religion, Burt Prelutsky finds it remarkable that
"... wherever Islam gains a stranglehold, you will find the nightmare
of slavery, genocide and female stoning and mutilation, the norm." Of
course, the Muslim cult of death may have other causes the climate,
"... too much sand in one's diet ... sharing one's life with camels, a
notoriously nasty beast..."
Muslim political ambitions aren't a reaction to Western encroachments.
Efraim Karsh explains that Islam's hostility to the West is not a
new phenomenon engendered by legimate grievances. To the contrary, he
points out that "[t]he last great Muslim empire may have been
destroyed and the caliphate left vacant, but the dream of regional and
world domination has remained very much alive" and has now been
adapted by various radical Islamic groups. He also reminds us about
historical inaccuracies about past Caliphates that are still current.
You'll be glad you read this article the next time someone tells you
that some horrible killing by the Arabs was only in response to
(an event within the previous week).
The theory is that only a few misguided souls are interested in terror
and in conducting a jihad to install shari'a throughout
the world. This is given the lie by polls that show "that 60 percent
of Jordanians, Egyptians and Palestinians want Islamic shari'a law to
be the sole source of legislation." There really is a clash of
civilizations. ... The clash goes beyond differing interests. Hundreds
of millions of Muslims who live alongside us and among us inhabit
another mental world."
Yashiko Sagamori suggests that over much of the world, the choice, vis
a vis the Muslims "is not between war and peace, because the war,
whose name is jihad, is upon us, whether we are willing to admit it or
prefer suicidal denial. Our choice is between fighting it and
surrendering." Yet in many cases, people are ignoring the enemy and
focusing on Israel as the easy-to-tackle bad guy. England would
eliminate Iranian nuclear power, but it also wants to disarm Israel.
Blaming Israel can only increase as Muslims take over more of Europe.
And "with every passing year, the Europe of an overseas vacationer
acquires more and more of the unreal quality of an amusement park. Its
attractions are still running, but the place is now under new
management." Israel is another place where Islam could be defeated.
"The government of Israel has all the means necessary to defeat the
enemy, but, along with a large percentage of the population, lacks the
will to do so. Trying to avoid displeasing the world at all costs,
they prefer to surrender their land and sacrifice their lives to a
weak, inhumane enemy." And America will soon have its own struggle
with a resident population of Muslims promoting shari'a.
2. Establish friendly relations, and convince others of the virtues
of Islam.
3. Participate in community activities and provide charity for the
poor and generosity to all, while encouraging the immigration of other
4. Get converts and supporters from the rank and file of the local
population, particularly from the poor and disenfranchised of the host
society, via the multiple mosques and madrasas and charitable and
human rights groups. (Today, in the case of the US and EU, converts
come in great numbers from the ranks of criminals, especially
imprisoned African-Americans.)
5. Agitate for greater and broader rights and considerations for
Muslims, and for protection against real or imagined "Islamophobia".
6. Organize a political party to push for changes in law to permit
Muslim-only enclaves and for laws that formalize the host society's
accommodation of Muslim religious needs.
7. Institute the divide-and-conquer strategy of making pacts with
some anti-establishment or minority government groups, legal (as has
been done in the USA with Green Party, National Lawyers Guild) or
illegal (KKK, Aryan Nation) so they will help in the following stages.
8. Once you have the power base (some 10-15 percent of the
population), then use violence, strikes, street riots, assassination,
intimidation and bribery of government officials to destabilize the
9. If the host country's government response to the violence is not
effective, then there is a de facto green light to start
full-blown terrorism which will topple the government and allow Muslim
leaders to move up the power ladder with the help of the
anti-establishment groups. Once in power, Muslim leaders can use their
influence over the agitating Muslim population to quell the violence,
thus pretending that they are helping restore order even as they
themselves orchestrate the violence.
10. Abandon the erstwhile anti-establishment allies and reign
supreme; establish Shari'a, and declare the state to be a new Muslim
nation where Shari'a is law and non-Moslems are dhimmi.
David Meir-Levi says of this article, "It offers us a brief
birds-eye view of the very intentional, well-planned and well-funded
spread of Shari'a Moslem religious jurisprudence in
Africa and Asia; and the impact of that spread upon the indigenous
Christian communities. It also offers us a rather horrifying summary
of the intent of the Islamofascist terrorists and the degree of their
success so far."
Salah Choudhury is a very special person. He is editor of the
Bangladesh newspaper, the Weekly Blitz, and was jailed without trial
for 17 months for writing about Islamist extremist teachings at
madrassas he was arrested at the Bangladesh airport on his way to a
Writer's Conference in Israel. His trial is just now coming up.
Bangladesh is Moslem but was fairly tolerant of other groups until
fear of the extremists drove the government to repressive measures.
Here, Choudhury talks of how hate is fostered in the mosques and
madrassas run by religious extremist Muslims. These educational and
religious facilities are also used to recruit and train guerrilla
FACING DOWN IRAN: Our Lives Depend On It
Iran has been able to defy "world" opinion, yet has suffered few
consequences the UN seems ready to debate Iran's nuclear program
until events make the UN even more irrelevant than it is right now.
Mark Steyn tells us we must take Iran seriously and end the present
regime in Tehren. How? With a "... swift, massive, devastating force
that decapitates the regime but no occupation." Otherwise, "Iran with
nukes will be a suicide bomber with a radioactive waist."
In this companion article to Mark Steyn's essay, Steve Carol reminds
us using some cogent historical examples from not so long ago –
that we had better take a firm military stance in dealing with Iran.
"Any delay means greater cost to the West in dealing with the threat."
Fjordman is a Norwegian essayist who writes on Scandanavian affairs
and Islam. In this essay, he expects that continued unrestrained
Muslim immigration and their easily-sparked riots may end in a
complete breakdown of French society, with France dominated by the
Muslims or becoming an Islamic state, either with or without
protracted protest from the natives. He suggests possible scenarios on
what this process might mean for the rest of Europe.
Robert Spencer recounts a talk he had with a Dutch official. If she is
typical, many Dutch people are still in that optimistic stage where
they believe that they can charm the Muslims out of their obsession to
establish Sharia law in Holland for all to follow. Yeah, right.
Bruce Bawer writes that most of the countries in Western Europe now
have two very separate communities secular, liberal populations
with a low birthrate and "self-segregating enclaves whose autocratic
leaders despised democracy and whose population (thanks to high birth
and immigration rates) was climbing rapidly." But few people talk
about this division openly or have examined it critically. Bawer
brilliantly summarizes the major analyses. Europeans contributed to
the problem, because, ironically, out of respect for Muslim
traditions, they didn't promote integration or force the Muslim
immigrants to work but romantically "pursued ... an approach they saw
as humane and multicultural." The Muslims responded with contempt.
Conversely, practices sanctioned by the Koran and therefore intrinsic
to Muslim society slavery, polygamy, oppressive attitudes toward
women and infidels are antithetic to integration into the greater
society. This is an excellent introduction to material on what is a
serious problem in Europe.
Phyllis Chesler focusses on how Muslims bent on islamization use
America's tolerance and its freedom of expression against us. We feel
virtuous when we admit admitted Jihadists into this country; we defend
the right of imams to indoctrinate others with poisonous messages of
hate; we welcome rabid hate groups to the campus. But there's no
reciprocity. Newspapers are afraid to run cartoons of Mohammad;
bookstores are afraid to stock anti-Muslim books; talk shows are
afraid to say that all of the terrorists of 911 were Arab; and
tracking the funding of the terrorists is a suable offense. Chesler
suggests some remedies.
David Kennedy Houck takes up the question: can a Muslim group
establish an enclave in which they enforce Muslim law, even if it is
contrary to the laws of the State? "Such enclaves raise the
fundamental questions of when, how, and to what extent religious
practice may supersede the U.S. Constitution." As a simple example,
enclaves are generally allowed, providing they don't supersede
constitutionally-protected citizen rights. But applying Shari'a law to
family disputes which would allow forced marriages and child
marriage would conflict with state law. Many imams and jihadists
and ordinary muslims have proclaimed Shari'a superior to democracy. It
remains to be seen how actively they will promote this belief.
This is an important article. It is an excellent analysis of the
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Purportedly, CAIR's
objective is simply to protect Muslim civil rights. But as Daniel
Pipes and Sharon Chadha carefully demonstrate, CAIR is part of the
"Wahhabi lobby" and has a more sinister agenda: it aggressively acts
to hamper anti-terrorist activities and it contributes financially and
propagandistically to terrorist groups particularly Hamas. CAIR
disseminates radical Islamic ideology and recruits and trains
terrorists. It uses intimidation, threats and misinformation; and
"[it] has a long record of unreliability and deceit..." The authors
ask, "How long will it be until the establishment finally recognizes
CAIR for what it is and denies it mainstream legitimacy?"
The Dubai Ports deal may be dead, but relations between the US
Administration and the Arab states in the Persian Gulf don't seem to
have changed. Just a few days ago, when people had calmed down about
foreigners running some of our strategic ports, newpaper headlines
(CNN, 4/28/06) informed us that "Bush approves Dubai takeover of
defense plants." Dubai isn't at our door; it's inside our house. It's
become a defense contractor, sole supplier of turbine fan parts for
our Abrams tanks, and with permission to buddy up with other
contractors and sit in on defense strategy meetings." To put this in
perspective, we present two of Barbara Lerner's articles on the Dubai
Ports deal.
This is a forthright examination of George Bush's administration's
two-faced diplomacy. It has taken a strong verbal stand against
Islamic extremists except when Islamic extremists waged war on
Israel. Arafat and the PLO received continuous U.S.A. financial
support and Bush's Secretary of State used threats to force Israel to
let Hamas, another Islamic extremist group, run in the Palestine
Authority (PA) elections, where, as expected, it gained control of the
PA. It appears that what drives the administration is fear of Arab
reaction. What is particularly galling is that Jewish "leaders" are
more inclined towards self-debasement and appeasement than towards
standing for principle.
The New York Times has become less and less the newpaper of
record and more and more the newpaper of rancor and unremitting
prejudice, most blatantly against Israel. Lawrence Uniglicht takes two
recent New York Times articles to task, pointing out how
meretricious are their arguments and how weak their "facts".
The people at http://wizbangblog.com wrote of this article, "Last
week, two professors released a report on what they considered the
source of all our problems in the Middle East. Not surprisingly, it's
all the fault of Israel. Richard Baehr and Ed Lasky took a hard look
this so-called 'scholarly work,' and to say they found it 'lacking'
would be a miracle of understatement... [it] made me truly envious for
not having written [their article]."
Richard Cravetts tells us about the events that led up to Lawrence
Summers' resigning his post as president of Harvard University.
Harvard has had a long-standing ban on ROTC on campus, even after
911. "Patriotism," Summers said at the Kennedy School of Government,
"might actually be a positive and virtuous emotion for a wounded
nation..." Bloing! He tackled a black racist. He rejected a petition
to divest Harvard of funds invested in Israel from the "campus Left's
obsession with the Palestinian cause and its contemporaneous and
subsequent demonization of Israel ..." Bloing! Bloing! Bloing! And he
was finally shafted for daring to suggest that men and women might
have built-in differences in mathematical ability. His real crime?
Advocating diversity of opinion in an environment that believes in a
restricted set of opinions that should not be questioned.
Dr. Joshua Teitelbaum and Dr. Meir Litvak discuss the incredibly long
and extraordinary influence of one man, Edward Said, on almost every
academic department that taught about Islam and the Middle East. They
bought his concepts and they bought his political agenda. Beginning
with his book, Orientalism, Said asserted that (a) it was
impossible for a Westerner to comprehend the Middle Eastern mind and
(b) the West's political imperialism was responsible for all that was
bad in the Middle East. A critical reassessment of Said's ideas began
fairly recently, thanks to the work of brave people like Martin Kramer
and to the fact that so much of the Said Orientalism approach has
proven a poor predictor of new happenings in the Islamic world.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
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"Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page.
The money that the Gush Katif orchards and farms contributed to the
Israeli economy is no more. Nor can the farmers any longer contribute
fruits and vegetables to the charities that feed the 27% of Israel
that lives below the poverty line. They themselves have become an
involuntary burden. As between people on a seesaw, the confidence of
the Arabs has surged the blood lust to eliminate the Jewish state
has increased. Palestinian Arab military capabilities and their weapon
resources increase daily. Arab leaders do not bicker about the shape
of a future Palestine state that isn't what they are after.
Instead, they are filled with anticipatory joy. As the Jews of Israel
flounder and debate and waste energy on inter-ideological fighting,
the Arabs perceive themselves as ever more close to their goal of
destroying Israel.
The morale of many Jews has been cast down especially because they
see that their own Government might just as well be paid by the Arabs.
They certainly aren't protecting the Jews. The police use metal bats
on Jews, even those making the most polite and civil of protests. They
arrest Jews for attacking Arabs, when the Arabs themselves before
being prompted by their elders say the Jews did not attack them.
Jewish children, relatives of activists, are thrown in jail, sometimes
for just standing on a sidewalk, minimally utilizing their right to
civil disobedience. The law courts are pathetic. And with few
exceptions, the Israeli media people don't report they act as
groupies for police brutality against Jews, something they would not
tolerate if it were Arab heads being smashed.
The major reason for kicking out the Jews from Gush Katif is
beginning to emerge. Sure the American State Dept and the Saudis have
always urged it. But why did the Israeli Jews push for an idiot idea
that had no economic, military or morale benefit? No, let's be precise
– it was positively negative. It was the end of the heady love affair
of the Israelis and the IDF. It placed the soldiers in a position of
internal conflict and guilt about uprooting Jews, when they should
focus on fighting external enemies. It satisfied those whose mentality
focussed mostly on the fact that, pre-expulsion, so many soldiers were
required to guard the Jews of Gaza.
But there is a huge cost to the retreat from Gaza. The Jews of Gush
Katif no longer serve as a cheap and alert early alarm system to spot
Arab terror; the IDF is no longer around to prevent land and sea
shipments of weapons and explosives to the Gazan Arabs; and the Arab
terrorists are no longer contained in a small area but have come
closer, much closer, to some major Israeli cities, power plants and
Israel's water supply. And even though we were reassured that
withdrawal would increase security, it has been quite the opposite:
the IDF is even more hamstrung by the politicians and prevented from
defending the country. As Caroline Glick wrote, (Jerusalem
Post, February 16, 2006) "... rather than do its job or admit that
in the absence of ground forces in Gaza it cannot do its job, the IDF
excuses its failure to protect the country with hollow and pathetic
political slogans. Most depressingly, the IDF does this with the full
expectation that the Israeli public will not notice..."
It is becoming obvious that expelling the Jews from Gush Katif was
perhaps the last hurrah of the Marxist Secularist Leftist ideologues.
It was an organized attempt to break the spirit of the religious and
centrist Jews of Israel, who want the Jewish state to be more-or-less
Jewish. This group of Marxists-Secularists and their small numbers
continue to shrink appear to be the last Israelis to believe in the
possibility of peace with those Arabs who, within living memory, began
to term themselves Palestinians. They favor the Arab and respect
Islam; they denigrate the Jewish orthodox and don't respect Judaism.
And too many ordinary Israelis are reacting to the lawlessness of the
police and courts by shrinking their window of reality if it isn't
happening in their backyard, why care. Do the police really have to
crack Jewish heads in Jerusalem before Israelis wake up and start
caring that what has happening to the settlers can and will –
happen to them?
Israel may have shot herself in the foot in Gaza but Ehud Olmert
proposes to follow his "success" by targetting more parts of Israel.
We in America may wonder how a man who officially resigned from the
Party that won the election and in Israel, it is the party
not the candidate which is elected can make momentous
decisions. What is more appalling, these decisions are not stopped by
the clowns in the judiciary, who make up laws ad lib.
In sum, the courts are corrupt, the government is fighting Jews not
Arabs, the media are happy to score off the religious settlers and the
public acts too lobotomized to respond intelligently in its own defense.
There's been some major restructuring within and between some of the
major player groups in the Arab war against Israel
The PA has a new face, or, more accurately, an old face, Abbas, with
Hamas in actual charge. And Al-Qaeda is looking over the Gazan real
estate with interest.
Sharon is dead though technically he's still, like the dead
Arafat was for a long time, a heart-lung speciman maintained on a
respirator. Hamas, the religious face of Islam in the territories, has
triumphed over the Fatah, the secular face of Islam but there is no
change in ideology. The only difference may be that their talk of
their intention to kill Israel is more blunt, which makes life a
little harder for their spin doctors, the US State Dep't and media
such as the New York Times. In fact, these worthy propagandists
have begun to sound downright wistful, sure that having to collect the
garbage and worry about paying the 70,000 "police" on the payroll (the
PLO has more police than there are in all of Israel) will civilize
these bloodthirsty terrorists. Yeah, right.
Some groups Olmert and those in the pay of foreign governments –
are working overtime, as if they know their time is running out.
The (more or less religious) are taking over. The army is 40%
orthodox and there's even a haredi unit (click
here). The size of the extremist secularist group has shrunken –
but unfortunately, they still control the army, the media and the
judiciary so they are in position to do maximal harm. I am
concerned that Olmert or one of many Sharon robots in the time
before the elections or has v'halilah after the election may
succeed in casting out many of the quarter of a million Jews from
Samaria and Judea and the 200,000 Jews who live in the eastern part of
Jerusalem. Or perhaps I should say "casting in". Suppose they succeed
in forcing maybe 450,000 Jews into Lesser Israel? We know their degree
of ineptitute they couldn't competently even handle 8-9000 people
displaced from Gaza. What gives me nightmares is this: what if, when
10% of the Jewish population of Israel is being kicked out into the
streets and when much of the IDF is preoccupied in kicking them out,
what if that's when the Israeli Arabs riot and the Gazan Arabs start
shooting. And Israeli's friendly neighbors come along to give them a
In the wider world, the Muslims have been infiltrating America and
Europe so quietly that we haven't reacted. The bombings in London were
a shocker. The burning of cars and tires in France controlled by
cellphone among the instigators woke people up for a brief moment.
Now that car burning is down to manageable amounts only around 100
per night the French have gone back to sleep. I wouldn't be
surprised to learn that the world-wide rioting against the Danish
cartoons was a test by Muslim leadership to see if it could be done.
(Of course, you might prefer to believe that Muslims in Afganistan get
Danish newspapers and Arabs in Damascus just happen to have Danish
flags around in readiness for the next burning.) It might just have
been scary enough to wake up the world. But I suspect that thanks to
the news media that are solemnly training us to apologize for
"dissing" Islam, it isn't going to happen. Like lobsters who are
boiled so slowly they don't react as the temperature of the water is
slowly raised to the point that will kill them, we'll soon forget our
alarm and go back to sleep, mouthing nonsense about how we need to be
nicer and more considerate.
So in this issue we first examine what's happened to the displaced
Jews of Gaza since they were uprooted from their homes a half year
ago. Are they settled? Have they knuckled under? Has their spirit
been ground down into the dirt? Do they still love the IDF? We will
look at the war of the Secularists against the religious Jew.
And we will ask: what can we expect from the cast of this drama?
What can we expect from Israel?
What can we expect from the Palestinian Authority (PLO) and their
ties to other terrorist groups all are major source of terrorism in
the world?
What can we expect from America? What can we expect from dhimmi
Christians? What can we expect from the world's politicos?
And we ask if there is a strategy that doesn't entail cutting off
pieces of the tiny land of Israel, so that the Arabs can return it to
desolation? Of course there is. The more the Arabs and other Muslims
boldly and openly declare their first order of business is to destroy
the Jewish state before moving to take over the rest of the world
– the more binary the options become. EITHER Israel gives up its tiny
space to the Arabs and brings in its Jews to ever more constricted
space, nibble by nibble, until it has no more land to give OR it gives
up its Arabs and keeps the land, which, by any criterion biblical,
historic, by international law and UN Trust, and by winning wars they
didn't start THEY OWN. As time goes by, the notion of quarantining
the "Palestinian" Arabs in some part of the vastness of Arab Land
looks better and better.
And finally, we have some regular features the media, the
campuses, historical essays for perspective and the Readers' Blog-Ed
pages for January and February.
This first group of essays starts with a personal memoir of a woman
recalling what it was like to be driven from her home last August. The
other essays are more recent accounts of what's happened to the first
Jews to be made refugees by the government of the Jewish state. They
update "So how are the Evacuees from Katif Doing?" (November-December
2005 issue of Think-Israel), which was a time-slice series of essays
depicting what happened to the settlers after the expulsion.
When Ariel Sharon forced through the expulsion of the Jews from their
homes in Gaza, Zimra Seidman-Schlessinger and her family were among
the many who refused to cooperate with this immoral decree. This is
her story of what happened being dragged out by soldiers, having
her children terrorized and her property vandelized, being "ripped
off" by the moving company and humiliated by the puffed-up petty
bureaucrats put in charge. The details of her story are harrowing.
What makes it appalling is that it was done by Jews against Jews to
no sensible purpose and with long-term damage not just to the refugees
but to the security of the State of Israel.
When Dr. Israel Aumann addressed the Herzliya Conference, he protested
the shabby way deportees from Gaza are being treated, calling it a
"national disgrace." Naomi Ragen has commented that his remarks are
"some of the most intelligent thinking that we have had the privilege
of enjoying at a time when intelligence is hard to come by in Israeli
public forums. His remarks on the true way to peace are also notable,
and not at all politically correct, i.e., 'The very act of running
crazedly after the longed-for peace is precisely what distances it
from us.' Truer words were never spoken."
Toby Greenwald writes of her recent interview with Debby Rosen of Neve
Dekalim. Like the other Gazan refugees, she and her family are
struggling to put their lives back in order. They have been helped by
the few private people who haven't put the plight of the Gazans on the
back burner and they have been actively hindered by the Israeli
government. Unemployment is rampant, housing is inadequate, schooling
is in makeshift schools, the compensation checks are "on the way" –
but they don't arrive. The one thing the Gazan Jews insisted on was
that the communities remain together, yet, operationally, the
Government has acted to destroy community life "It forces us to ask
the question," Debby says, "Is that what the government wanted to
What stands out in this summary on the statue of the expellees is the
desire of the Government to spend as little as possible on the Gazan
refugees (other than buying some overpriced slum caravans), the
obnoxious behavior of the petty bureaucracy that carries out the
orders of the Government and the sad signs of deterioration in family
and community life among a once productive people, who contributed
more than their share to the Jewish identity and economy of the
country. One encouraging sign is that many from the community have
banded together to help each other and to maintain community identity.
Rachel and Moshe Saperstein have been writing diaries and activist
material well before the time they were transferred from their home in
Neve Dekalim, Gaza, in August 2005 to temporary living
quarters. When we last heard from them (see 'So How Are
The Evacuees From Katif Doing?' or do a Google search on this
website for "saperstein"), they had finally received a key to a
caravilla. But, although it was brand-new, it was defective.
They couldn't move in until the damage was repaired. The saga continues.
In Gaza, the Jews defending their homes and livelihoods relied on
sweet reason and the power of love to persuade the army not to expel
them. But times, they are a'changing, especially among the young. We
can but hope that Israel will wake up to its peril before Ehud Olmert
has the time to inflict more damage by creating more refugees, more
disorder, more demoralization and more opportunity for the terrorists
to strike during the confusion.
Gush Etzion, Hebron and Amona the New Gaza.
During a recent soccer match, the police did nothing to "to defend the
Jews against the Arab pogromists" fearing they themselves would be
up for charges if they injured Arabs," but "in the operation to
destroy a house in Neveh Daniel North [Gush Etzion], Israel's police
used gas against peaceful Jews who were closed within a building..."
Nadia Matar believes this pattern of police behavior won't stop until
Jews stop being wimps. They should try to deter police brutality by
demonstrating, going to court, and flooding the authorities with
protests. What will make these paper protests more effective, of
course, is that so many young people are beginning to band together
physically to resist police attack.
As part of its "let's help Hamas clobber us" program, the Government
has expended a great deal of time and effort being nasty to the Jewish
residents of Hebron, hoping to demoralize them to the point where they
leave Israel's second most holy city, thus abandoning it to the Arabs,
who have a sorry record when it comes to taking care of Jewish holy
sites. The irony is that there are thousands of illegal Arab
homes throught the area but almost none of the illegals are bothered.
Contrariwise, the police are working to kick out 11 Jewish families,
who very legally own their homes. (Do a google search for other –
many other stories of harassment in Hebron, these past few months.
Eyewitness Ari Abromovitz: "The soldiers came in on horses
swinging batons. They came swinging. This is exactly what I saw. It
seems clear to me they received orders to provoke this whole thing."
Apparently, Olmert is trying to show the country he can be as much a
bulldozer as Sharon. He's certainly succeeded in demonstrating that he
has as little functioning brain as Sharon.
Shiloh, north of Jerusalem, is another town destined to be given as a
free gift to the Arab terrorists, should Ehud Olmert have his way in
the next few weeks. Carol Iannone writes of a chance visit she made to
Shiloh some years back. She captures its atmosphere perfectly. Of her
first sight of the town, she writes, ".. there was something
extraordinary about its placement against the emptiness of the
landscape, something dreamlike about the way it stood shimmering in
the open, sun-filled air." She describes her visit to the young
settler couple thus, "... there was just a pervasive contentment. So
far from being belligerent fanatics hysterically claiming their
entitlements, this couple possessed modesty and humility, and conveyed
a sense of quietness and assuredness and peace." "I felt strangely at
home there as well. The land of the Bible is my country too, I felt.
There is even a Shiloh in America, where men also staked their lives
on their vision of nationhood."
One reason the Gaza expulsion was so important is that it was a severe
break with the search for intra-group unity among the Jews; it was a
bald demonization of one particular group of Jews. Several of these
essays suggest a major reason for the Gaza expulsion was to break up
the growing power of the religious community. The war of the
secularists against the Jews and the response of the Jewish
citizenry continues on several fronts.
Emanuel Winston points out that expelling the Jews from Gaza was not a
one-time injury, from which Israel could readily recover. It was a
major wound, which has not healed; nor has it cured the abuse of
Israel at the hands of the Arabs. Instead, the Sharon-Olmert
government, with the connivance of the Bush Administration, has
prescribed further leeching of Israel's land and of Israeli confidence
as the cure to Arab hostility. The treatment has weakened Israel,
while affording the Arab terrorists in Gaza the opportunity to become
more effective.
What's wrong with Israel right now? For one, Ehud Olmert, who is
favored in current polls (their reliability may be gauged here)
has shown himself to not be prime-minister material. For another, much
of the Israeli media "agenda resonators" won't condemn the
wrong-headed gratuituous aggressiveness against right-wing protesters,
even though they would find the brutality of the police heinous were
it Arab heads being bashed. Ehud won't tackle important problems like
the illegal Arab construction throughout Israel. To look strong –
like Teddy Roosevelt parleying grandstanding at a small battle to the
presidency he relied on "club-swinging, skull-bashing horseback
bravura" at Amona. Thanks to the actions of the government and the
selective indignation of the press and the judiciary, freedom of
expression is allowed for Jewish and Arab anti-Zionists even when it
becomes sedition, but civil disobedience is not allowed for loyal
Avraham Shmuel Lewin, an orthodox credentialed journalist, talks about
the hostility confronting a journalist who wears a kippa in
Israel. When traveling to where the action is whether it is a
bombing or an expulsion secular journalists, even those well-known
to be hostile to Israel, are not hassled; orthodox Jewish journalists
are, by the police and army. Aaron Klein, another orthodox journalist,
has suggested that the reason for these "institutionalized
anti-religious practices" is that "the mask is coming off and the real
battle is starting to be waged openly religious nationalism versus
anti-religious post-Zionism."
Moshe Feiglin writes that the current strategic threat to Israel is
certainly not conventional warfare by Israel's neighbors. And Israel
has shown that, when she chooses to act, she is capable of dealing
with their indirect aggression: terror tactics and nuclear weapons.
The problem is internal. Since Oslo, "[w]e have lost our sense of
righteousness ... Israel is being led by a small oligarchy that
doesn't believe in the justness of its cause." The role of the IDF has
been twisted into defending this ruling elite, not Israel. The
Jewishness of the settlers conflicts with the elite's secular values
and so the settlers need to be destroyed as a functioning community.
And the strongly patriotic IDF many of whom are the children of
these settlers serve as instrument. This is an important essay in
that it suggests that Israel's top echelon in its need for dominance
shifts and balances between two approaches when it can, it destroys
its particular "enemy", the Jewish settler, and when security is
jeopardized, it makes a less than adequate response to the real enemy,
the Arabs.
Other problems confronting Israel: weaning it from the "strong man as
savior" mentality; restructuring the political and economic systems to
make them amenable to the will of the people, cleaning up the mess
left by Sharon and that includes regaining Israel's determination
to survive joyously and making sure the Arabs don't take over large
swatches of Jerusalem.
Caroline Glick puts Sharon's politics in context. Contrary to current
claims that mesh well with the Kadima party's slogans, he did not
blaze a centrist trail between the right and the left. He was elected
to carry out the rightwing desire to fight terror effectively and,
once elected, carried out the policy of the defeated Labor government
to unilaterally leave Gaza. This policy has already failed and soon
"will no longer be deniable. When this occurs, Israeli voters will
elect a rightist government. Hopefully when that happens, the Right
will not be induced to repeat Sharon's mistakes."
Daniel Doron asks why leaders such as Sharon, even when no longer in a
position to lead, are venerated, even "worshipped" as their country's
only hope, even when such beliefs are contra reality and are damaging
to the future of the state. Reliance on a few strong players had done
Israelis no good economically, and this impoverishment has contributed
to their political passivity.
Professor Paul Eidelberg points out that "... the citizen has no
representative in the Knesset to uphold his interests and convictions
vis-á-vis the Government. Once the Government is formed, a
Prime Minister can ignore his most solemn campaign pledges with
impunity as Ariel Sharon did when he adopted Labor's Disengagement
policy." Moreover, under the socialist Histadrut, the worker "can no
more influence the decisions of the economic elite than of the
political elite (which interlock when the Labor Party is in power).
Professor Eidelberg suggests that true "democratization in Israel requires a
diffusion of both political and economic power."
Steve Carol points out that by allowing Israeli Arabs to vote for the
legislature of a foreign group, the current Israeli government has
bolstered the Arab belief that Jerusalem belongs to them. This is but
one of the many concessions Israel has made over the years, hoping for
an end to Arab hostility, even though these "concessions have NOT
brought peace or anything approaching peace." He concludes that
"[t]here should be no more concessions, and certainly no retreat from
Jerusalem. Jerusalem, all of it, is Israel's capital. "
Ehud Olmert is acting as Ariel Sharon's deputy while the Government
maintains the fiction that Sharon might yet recover from his massive
stroke and take charge. In these few weeks, both the Right and Left
have taken Olmert's measure. He pledges to establish permanent borders
and that Ma'aleh Adumim and Gush Etzion will remain under Israeli
sovereignty but, in actuality, "the government's policies are cutting
both Gush Etzion and Ma'aleh Adumim off from Jerusalem and bringing
about the partition of Jerusalem." His actual plans will give away
strategically important land to the Arabs that will allow them to
carry out the 1995 Beilin-Abbas plan to choke off Jerusalem's Jewish
population and prevent it from expanding by connecting up
currently-separated Arab-controlled areas.
For Israel, the difference between life as a nation and death at the
hands of the Arabs is not just superior weaponry but the determination
to fight the aggressors. But, thanks to the Oslo peace process and to
the concomitant "doctrine of "appeasement and capitulation" the
Israeli leadership adopted in order to pretend the peace process was
alive and well, the current generation of Israelis became "infected
with defeatism and cowardice; increasingly, it lost its willingness to
resist and even to survive as a nation." "With each failure of the
'Oslo approach,' with each manifestation that Israel's appeasement was
resulting in inflated Palestinian expectations from armed conflict
with Israel and escalating Palestinian intransigence, Oslo defeatism
metastasized further throughout the political system of Israel."
Steven Plaut precisely lays out the elements of this critical problem,
and advises us not to leave its solution to Israel's leaders.
What can we expect from the Palestinian Authority (PLO) and their
ties to other terrorist groups. Other linkages exist: Hamas is an
offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Brotherhood has ties to
Al-Qaeda. All these groups are major sources of terrorism in the
world. In the P.A.-run areas, Hamas has come out of the wings and
taken over center stage. We present some assessments of what to expect
and two essays on how to rid Israel of the terrorists.
Over a year ago, David Keyes and Israeli Major-General Amidror noted
that an Israeli pullout from Gaza would establish conditions in which
Al-Qaeda thrived a security vacuum and the presence of groups such
as Hamas which "invoke the same religious authorities to legitimize
suicide bombing." Thanks to the precipitous withdrawal by the
Sharon-Olmert government and the concurrence of the American
administration, there is growing evidence that it has and is
happening. As David Keyes points out, "The arrival of al-Qaeda
operatives in Gaza has the potential to worsen an already problematic
security situation. Even before Israeli disengagement, there were
signs of al-Qaeda's cooperation with the local radical Islamist
organization, Hamas." "If there is one thing the already combustible
Arab-Israeli arena does not need, it is the addition of a strong
al-Qaeda operating from the Palestinian territories."
This is a fascinating view into John Loftus' experiences researching
Nazi criminals and pursuing Arab terrorists. Of particular interest is
his discussion of the linkage between Al-Qa'ida and the Muslim
Brotherhood, an organization that was founded in the 1920s, funded
early on by Adolf Hitler and more recently by Saudi Arabia. He has
also been active in the attempt to get some of the information out of
government vaults to where it can do some good in helping in the fight
against terrorists.
[Editor's Note: To date, Think-Israel has printed a significant
article on the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe ("The
Muslim Brotherhood's Conquest Of Europe") and a Blog-ed on "A Rare
Look At Secretive Brotherhood in America".)
The "Rare Look" article includes some information on a Muslim
Brother Yusuf Qaradawi, whose name also crops up in articles on the
riled and indignant Arabs who demonstrate against the Danish cartoons
of Mohammed (See Danish
Cartoons.) What interesting linkages!]
Justus Reid Weiner and Michael Sussman note that "[a] peace agreement
can only successfully end a conflict if it enjoys underlying,
wide-ranging support from its respective populations." This article
points out that the Palestinian Arab population under the Palestinian
Authority is supportive of terror suiciders. They have indoctrinated
their children to desire to become a shahid "over half the
Palestinian population aged 6 to 11 dream of becoming suicide
bombers". This child abuse means that Arab ingrained hostility to
Israel is unlikely to change for generations, even if
indoctrination were to end soon.
Reuven Erlich chronicles the terrorist attacks in Jerusalem since
2000. He points out that Jerusalem is a preferred target because it is
Israel's capital and because it is an easy city to infiltrate. (He
could perhaps have added that the Arabs tend to target all places
religiously important to the Jews Jerusalem, Hebron, Joseph's
Tomb.) The majority of the deaths have been due to suicide bombers –
most of whom are from Fatah and Hamas who tend to pick places where
people congregate to do maximum damage. What is of growing concern is
that many of Israel's citizens Arabs who live in East Jerusalem –
help the terrorists.
The theory that a violence-oriented group will settle down to
domesticity once they've gained their objective and are "forced to
deal with the realities of the governing process" is again being
dusted off to whitewash Hamas' take over of the Palestine Authority.
Gerald Steinberg regards this as unlikely. The Taliban didn't turn
into pussycats in Afghanistan; the Hizbullah didn't start to focus on
"internal Lebanese issues." They became more violent and extreme. In
the face of repeated failures," he asks, "what accounts for the
persistence of diplomacy based on wishful thinking, and the artificial
dichotomy between political power and the use of terror?" He provides
some thought-provoking answers.
Barry Rubin puts paid to the notion that Hamas will moderate its
rhetoric and/or its terrorism, once it's in power. With admirable
restraint, he shows us the absurdity of believing power tames the
violent, a position wistfully espoused by the New York Times.
He points out that "...contrary to such expectations, rulers have used
guns and ideology to keep their welcome from wearing thin, as
substitutes for high living standards and broad civil rights. This
combination has long worked in the Middle East and continues to do so
despite spectacular failures and rampant corruption."
Steven Plaut examines what the Hamas victory will mean to Israel.
Starkly put: "[t]he chance that the Hamas will now suddenly abandon
its genocidal agenda is exactly the same as the chance of bin Laden
embracing Buddhism or Quakerism and running in the Massachusetts
Senate race." What does this mean for Israel? Plaut's expectations are
grim. "Now that Israel and the West have collaborated to empower the
Hamas and turn the reins of power in the suburbs of Tel Aviv and
Jerusalem over to the genocidal maniacs of the Hamas, the unavoidable
result is that Israel has in effect agreed to place its own right of
existence on the international table, to be debated and reconsidered,
this 58 years after Israel was created."
This is a terse but well-thought out plan, with much more likelihood
of succeeding than the Roadmap proposed by the Quartet, because it is
based on reality. It does not build a house of cards on assumptions
that are contrary to fact. As Yoram Ettinger put it in another essay,
"What Israel needs is long term conviction-driven rather than short
term convenience-driven strategy and planning." ISRAELI VICTORY WITHIN GRASP
Richard Shulman argues that when Hamas won, Israel should have taken
the lead in dealing with the terrorist organization. It could "have
pointed out that it made several peace agreements with the P.A., in
which the P.A. undertook to eradicate terrorism and the bigotry that
motivates it. The P.A. broke the agreements and pursued religious war.
Now the people there endorsed Hamas, which is more truculent." That
being the case, the Palestinian Arabs "deserve no state, no territory,
and no subsidy." He discusses several ways to defeat the PA, were
Israel willing to go on the offensive. "'No alternative' to
appeasement? Of course there is."
The shine is off the Iraq adventure, but the current administration in
Washington expects great things from Israel's friendly neighbors and
America's allies. What can we expect from them?
President Bush sees the need to democratize the whole Middle East (ME)
to ensure our safety while the neocons, the realists, see
democracy in the ME "as a fool's dream". Barbara Lerner asserts they
are both wrong. She makes the novel suggestion that in the ME the
degree of population heterogeneity in a country needs to be
considered: the greater the homogeneity the less likely the
possibility of democratizing the country. If we define democracy "as a
balance of forces in which no group's rights may be trampled with
impunity," she suggests that "[i]n three "Egypt, Jordan, and the
Palestinian state that President Bush and Secretary Rice are trying to
create democracy in this decade is not possible." "In three other
states Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran democracy in the sense defined
above has a chance, if we recognize past mistakes, and act to correct
them. Read this article. It will set you thinking.
King Abdullah of Jordan talks a good line against religious bigotry
and he's the darling of the U.S. media his Daddy was too,
especially with those of the female persuasion and he has even
enchanted Christian evangelicals. But back home in Jordan, a Jew can
not buy or even rent land. And, like good Muslims around the world,
Jordan is against depicting Mohammad, but they have no problem
publishing "anti-Semitic editorial cartoons, articles and opinion
pieces" like good Muslims around the world. And then there's the
matter of "significant restrictions on freedom of speech, press,
assembly and association. ... But thanks to Abdullah's theatrical
skills his country's numerous flaws remain consistently overlooked,
even as it receives nearly half a billion dollars in US aid this
Magdi Khalil writes that the Muslim Brotherhood's success in recent
elections in Egypt is largely due to a protest vote against the
current Government. But as the Brotherhood's power increases, it
becomes clear that their interest is not in ameliorating some of
Egypt's major problems. "[T]hey have failed to touch on real life
challenges or to acknowledge the citizen's rights in a modern state."
Instead, they continue "their relentless pursuit of a fascist
religious state..." As one of their leaders said, "our goals and
values remain the same, (unchanged) since 1928 and till the present
What can we expect from dhimmi Christians
THE NEW MUSLIM ANTI-SEMITISM: Exploring Novel Avenues of Hatred
Professor Raphael Israeli discusses the current ways Muslim hatred of
the Jews is manifested. Some of these are old and borrowed, such as the
libel that Jews poison children and/or use their blood. There is the
continued publication of the long-discredited Protocols of the
Elders of Zion; and much effort goes into holocaust denial. More
recently, they have expanded the "range of hate-mongers from
obscurantist clerics to large strata of mainstream intellectuals and
professionals." They continue to encourage extreme violence and acts
of terror. And, what is of particular interest, they have coopted
subservient Christians in their campaign against Jews and the Jewish
In the September-October 2005 issue, Dexter Van Zile examined how Naim
Ateek and the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Center use Christian
symbolism and outright lies to delegitimize Israel. Ateek, an Arab
and an Anglican Canon, is a prime mover in inducing mainline
Protestant churches to aggressively help the Palestinians Arabs in
their war on Israel. In this study, Van Zile points out that the
Sabeel Center promotes a one-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict, where Jews would soon be a minority and in the same
subservient position as Christian Arabs now are in Muslim-controlled
towns in Israel and the territories.
These essays examine the Arab character as molded by his religion,
culture, the media he watches and reads and the clerics and scholars
he respects. Acknowledging salient features that determine Arab
behavior should be a major factor in determining Israel's strategy
to maintain its Jewish character, land and security.
Alex Grobman suggests that Israel's policy is flawed because it
doesn't understand that the Arab has developed a self-congratulatory
mind-set, which "filters out objective reality." Thus, even though
most Islamic countries are centuries behind the modern world, he can
believe he's part of the "great Arab nation." Israel's continuous
policy of appeasement, contrary to what Israel expects to gain in
reciprocal generosity, merely confirms the Arab's feeling of power and
importance. The Arabs continue to wage an economic, propaganda and
terrorist war against Israel. It's a no-win-for-Israel strategy, but
unfortunately, they seem to have bought into it.
Some otherwise sensible writers when writing on aspects of the war
Islam is waging against the West seem to have the need to reassure
their readers that they are not talking about the "good Arabs," the
"moderate" Arabs. Shmuel Katz may be politically impolite, but he is
accurate when he points out that "the most 'moderate' of the Arabs
who have a hand in setting the policies of their people do not
differ in their view of what Israel's future should be from the
manifestly immoderate mainstream Arabs. They differ only on the method
or process by which the elimination of the Jewish state is to be
Babu Suseelan says that Muslims have a vital need to break out of
their current rigid, dogmatic frame of reference, which is intolerant
of non-Islamic people and uncompromising. This value system is a
problem for the rest of the world because it only leads to conflict
to violence and jihad. Muslims may shine in the art of
slaughter but they lack the flexibility to integrate successfully into
the modern world. "For the last fifty years, Arab Muslims have made no
notable inventions or discoveries in science, medicine, and technology
or in humanities." To gain respect in the world, they need to
reinvent themselves. They can start the process by embracing "change,
democracy, pluralism, coexistence, religious tolerance and freedom of
The essence of sovereignty in a state is meeting the responsibility of
providing for the safety of its citizens. Zack Lieberberg uses an
early experience in the then Soviet Azerbaijan to lead us into a
consideration of the world wide challenge to that essential function.
Moslem law permits the expression of blood lust towards unbelievers
both as a right and as a sacred duty. The western response to recent
conflagrations in Denmark and France has been some weak-kneed excuses
for the lack of assimilation, coupled with inadequate punitive
measures. Lieberberg ends this remarkable overview with a note on the
dangers to the polity of the United States engendered by the flood of
Moslem immigrants. Abroad in Iraq and Iran as well as at home, our
response to threats, attempted blackmail and "test runs" such as those
in Europe, must be met by forceful and appropriately punitive action.
We must have the courage to save our children at the risk of injuring
Some modern garbs of Anti-Semitism
This is a satirical essay that sums up the observation that while the
world does nothing to stop Arab nations from attacking Israel and Arab
snipers and stoners and bombers from massacring Israelis, it is not
alright for Israel to fight back to the point of actually winning
decisively. The UN steps in or the "humanitarian" NGOs write lengthy
tomes, complaining about the results and demanding a recount.
Jack Berger writes of the peace criminal Dennis Ross, Henry Siegman
are examples a particularly pernicious version of the self-hating
Jew. Unlike the Chomskys and Pappes, they do not rant against Israel.
They talk very differently they paint wonderful pictures of a
Middle East at peace and seem only to desire equitable peaceful
solutions. So isn't it curious that, just like the ranters, the peace
singers always seem to end up justifying Arab atrocities, respecting
Arab nationalism while finding Jewish nationalism embarrassing,
bypassing any serious consideration of Arab terrorism and expecting
only the Jews to make "painful concessions" for peace.
What do we need to do in America?
If you willfully refuse to define the problem, how do you solve it?
Ted Belman argues that "[t]he problem with American policy is that
America has been unwilling to identify and vilify the enemy. Although
the rhetoric has changed somewhat from fighting the "war on terror" to
fighting "radical Islam" or "militant Islam" or the "Islamofascists",
it has not gone far enough." And so, to date, "Islam is waging both a
cold war and a hot war. The west is losing both." He proposes ways to
turn the tables.
I read this just after listening to Bob Simon on "60 minutes" (TV,
February 20, 2006) act the part of the dhimmi Jew. He snarled at a
Dane he was interviewing who was strongly supportive of freedom of the
press; he was respecful when the interviewee was Muslim. The source
reason for the recent worldwide cartoon riots, we were told by someone
picked for having the right attitude, is because the Muslims are
marginalized in Denmark and feel neglected and .. (why repeat the
psychobabble, we all have heard it time and again.) So it is
refreshing to read this essay by Alex Epstein, who says quite bluntly,
"America 's attempts to appease 'Muslim opinion' are depraved and
suicidal." "Every attempt ... promotes, and emboldens our enemies."
A Meaningful Solution: Transfer the Arabs Out. Here are several
variations of the plan. Over the years, beginning with the first issue
in July 2002, Think-Israel has carried various ways to implement the
plan. Do a google on the search box at the top of this page for "arabs
transfer" and another search on "population exchange" to find them.
Yearning for peace hasn't worked for Israel. Making concessions for
peace has been a dreadful mistake. Why? Because what the Arabs say and
what the Arabs do are consistent. They do not want peace. They want to
kill off the Jewish state. Defining a border won't stop aggression.
What Israel needs to decide is whether it is going to remain Jewish.
Any other course and that includes including Arabs in the political
determination of the future of the state will ultimately lead to
its annihilation. Dr. Carol spells out a solution dependent on the
Arabs behaving themselves. But "[i]f the choice is between the
expulsion of Jews and eventually watching Israel vanish or the
expulsion of Arabs then I choose the survival of Israel and the
expulsion of Arabs."
Steven Shamrak envisions giving the Palestinian Arabs a larger land
area than what they have now by relocating them in the Sinai Desert.
The separation between them and Israel would be beneficial to both groups.
The media are expected to have dogmatic points of view. And we've
developed ways of responding to unfair coverage. (Although, the recent
Muslim cartoon rage was above and beyond normal interchange.) More
recently the flicks have begun to show a fondness for the kind of
one-sided propaganda not seen perhaps since World War 2. But these new
movies are not intended to promote democracy in the world. Their
producers are like the groupies who are attracted to mass murderers –
they are fondly fascinated by Arab terrorists.
Tom Gross makes a strong point that the Muslims who rioted because
some cartoonists were "disrespectful" to Islam by depicting Mohammed
would have a stronger case if they didn't systematically publish vile
cartoons of Jews. And the virtuous protests of mainstream papers such
as the Guardian and the Independent that they
would never publish cartoons offensive to Muslims would be more
impressive if they didn't publish nasty cartoon definitely offensive
to Jews. The double standard is also at work at the New York
Times which praised a "Broadway play showing Jesus having gay sex
with Judas, yet hasn't dared to reproduce a Danish cartoon making a
serious point about the misuse of the teachings of the prophet Mohamed
by Islamist terrorists."
There's the old saw that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a
duck, it is a duck. Which doesn't solve the problem of objectively
describing what a duck looks like. It's even harder to describe media
bias towards Israel. We usually know it when we read it, but how can
we gather objective evidence? In this essay, Lee Green shares the
benefits of her experience and provides us with ways of recognizing
newspaper bias and tells us what we can do about it.
In our previous issue, Kate Wright contrasted the sick fantasy of the
movie Munich against the reality of the Munich massacre and its
aftermath. In this essay, she probes deeper into why this movie is so
pernicious by contrasting it with another movie, The Chronicles of
Narnia, about "a splendid and virtuous lion [who] inspires his
down-trodden people to rise up and destroy the evil forces that have
devastated all that is loving and beautiful about Narnia..." In
contrast, Spielberg has ignored the ugliness of the Arab jihad
against the Jewish state and rejected the dramatic beauty of the
return to their homeland and to independence by an ancient people, the
As Angela Bertz comments, "In a world that is already weeping wasted
buckets for Palestinians plighthood the last thing it needs is a movie
that attempts to show the human side of suicide bombers." Yet, in an
environment of glitz that went well with the slickness of the film,
the Hollywood Foreign Press Association awarded this year's Golden
Globe to "Paradise Now," an imaginative tale about a couple of lovable
terrorists as they prepare for an upcoming suicide mission. Angela
Bertz also tells us about a terrorist he blew up a busy pizza
parlor in Jerusalem. Hers is a more sober story.
Too many departments in too many universities are sick, valuing a
political ideology above a scholarly approach to their subject matter.
Sometimes this is due to the ideological bent of the professors in the
department, sometimes it is due to the more ordinary vehicle of
corruption a large dollop of money from an Arab country.
For too many years, most Middle Eastern studies departments were
totally committed to an Arab slant, locking out those with an
alternative viewpoint and paying more attention to politics than
scholarship. When, more recently, other academics began to demand a
more scholarly approach to the Middle East and chastized the
politicized professors, they fell back on their right to "academic
freedom," a concept they had not previously respected. One such
academic is Joan Wallach Scott, a historian at a distinguished
university, Princeton, and prominent in the American Association of
University Professors. So it is shocking that she chose the
"conspiracy theory" card to rebut those who publicize that experts
like her are wrong-headed and doesn't supply us with an understanding
of "Islamic terrorism, the history of Jihad and its apocalyptic
world-view, the dynamics of radicalization in Western mosques, or the
oppression of minorities and gender apartheid in the Islamic world."
SCHOOL: A Case Study
Jonathan Jaffit chronicles what happened when Rachel Fish successfully
challenged Harvard Divinity School's (HDS) taking money from Sheikh
Zayed of the UAE, because it would be immoral to do so, given the
Sheikh's abuse of human rights, including his callous use of two to
seven-year old boy slaves as jockeys in camel races and "his
indulgence in anti-Semitic propaganda." With rare exceptions, she
received little support from HDS faculty, and/or the Jewish students,
Jewish faculty and organizations such as Hillel at Harvard. But she
persevered, and against all odds, built sufficient media pressure so
that the Sheikh eventually withdrew his gift. [Sad to say, Harvard has
since happily accepted $20 million from Saudi prince Alwaleed Bin
Talal that's the man whose money was rejected by Mayor Guiliani
after 9/11 because the money had a string the prince blamed
everything on the Jews and wanted the USA to "adopt a more balanced
stand toward the Palestinian cause."]
Well before the Jews started to come in large numbers to revive their
ancient homeland, the Jews were a majority in Jerusalem. Eliyahu
m'Tsiyon takes a time slice mid 19th century using figures from
a book by a French diplomat and historian, Cesar Famin. The end notes
will direct you to population statistics in Jerusalem in other
periods. The essay also has an informative essay on dhimma –
Muslim law which decreed how inferior peoples (and anyone not a
muslim is considered inferior) were to behave.
Eliahu Cohen spied for Israel, posing as a Syrian during the 50's and
60's, critical years for Israel's future. In this essay, his brother
Maurice talks about how he discovered Eliahu was on a risky mission –
as a member of the upper echelon in Damascus, Eliahu was in constant
danger as he sent home information that helped protect his country
from Arab aggression. Elihau Cohen was hung by the Syrians and his
body was never returned to Israel for a proper Jewish burial. His
family still waits.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
A Blog-Ed page has a quick list of the articles from which you can
access any of the articles immediately. To go to the list, click the
"Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the Blog-Ed page.
November-December, 2005
THE GAZA AFTERMATH. The fate of the Gazan Jews and the takeover of
Gaza by terrorist groups.
This is a before and after set of essays about Israel's withdrawal
from Gaza, where the after is much, much worse than the before. Once
upon a time, not so long ago, the Jews controlled the Gaza strip and
grumbled at the cost of defending the "settlers". After, the Arabs
took control and are turning the area into a training camp for
Caroline Glick reminds us of the exodus, which was described back in
August as a simple operation, competently handled by the government,
and the macabre way things have turned out. As example, some American
Jews bought the greenhouses from the Jewish farmers as a gift for the
Arabs who would take over; the Arabs trashed and looted the
greenhouses; the value of the ruined property was deducted from the
payment to the Jews. Even more appalling, six months later,
communities are shattered, and families are still living 'temporary'
in hotel rooms or in overpriced, slum-quality caravans. She describes
the disintegration of a group that was relocated to Nitzim. It isn't a
complete disaster only because "[o]nce again, the vacuum created by
government negligence, incompetence and vindictiveness is being filled
by private citizens."
The Israeli Goverment may be showing itself to be both cruel and
incompetent in dealing with the relocation of the Jews of Gaza but
you would not know that if you listen to the (dis)information
presented by the Foreign Ministry. So in this article, we present a
sequence of reports from reputable sources. Some are statistical. Some
summarize the major areas of concern. And some are stories of and by
the settlers themselves.
The Sharon government has behaved shamefully towards the Gazan Jews
expelled from their homes. The Jewish refugees were given short
shrift while the Government rushed food to Arabs celebrating the end
of Ramadan. The Government magnanimously offering university places
to American students made refugees by Katrina while ignoring the
problems of the Jewish children who also needed to go to school right
after their lives were disrupted. And they have been incredibly
vindictive toward those who tried to thwart the expulsion. Michelle
Nevada writes about Daniel Pinner, falsely accused of shooting an
Arab. What is nervous-making is that the Government is aided in their
unjust and undemocratic behavior by what passes as the Justice system
in Israel today.
Sometimes it's easier to see big events in small things. In this essay
Paula Stern writes of a sand lily she saw in Slav, Gush Katif, Gaza,
at the end of August 2005, when the inhabitants of Slav were being
expelled, their homes rubble, the town destroyed by decree of their
own government. She rescued a sand lily, which has since thrived in a
new environment. That could have been symbolic of the uprooted people
of Gaza. But it hasn't been. We have since learned that the Israeli
Government, having destroying Gush Katif with unseemly haste and cast
out some of Israel's best and most productive and patriotic citizens,
has left them to fend for themselves with no homes, no jobs, their
belongings in storage or destroyed.
Mr. bin Hookah is foreign correspondent and roving reporter for
The Gaza Gajeera. In this column, he ponders some problems
generated by the Palestinian responses to the expulsion of the Jews
from Gaza. And although he isn't privy to the long-range plans of the
Arab leadership, he wonders how the latest violence in France fits
This is an evocative essay about how much Israel lost when it gave up
Gush Katif. But Lawrence Uniglicht doesn't just meditate about what we
lost. He considers the future and writes "the State of Israel must
never again be this planet's patsy! Let the so-called Palestinian
waifs set up shop in Jordan, their true native land. Israel must not
cede another inch!"
Dr. Yoram Kahati has composed a text picture of Abu Musal Al-Zarqawi,
who uses brutal shootings, bombings and beheadings to express his
belief that Islamic religious law should be all powerful and obeyed by
everyone everywhere. His latest "success" is the bombing of three
hotels in Jordan, but Iraq is the main show. Bin Laden considers
Al-Zarqawi his number one agent in Iraq, where Al-Zarqawi's Al Qaeda
group its members are mostly non-Iraqi Sunni Arab jihadists from
the Muslim countries and Europe has been causing havoc, especially
in Falluja and Ramadi. The short-term objective is to foment civil
war. Long term, he plans to use the area as staging ground for a more
global jihad against all infidels Christians, Jews and Muslims who
disagree with his ideology. There is a real danger that many of the
younger generation "may identify with what he says (anchored as it is
in well-known, authorized Sunni Muslim sources) and take it upon
themselves to put them into practice in a way preferred by the heads
of Al-Qaeda, especially Osama bin Laden."
Abu Abbas, the successor to Yasser Arafat as head of the Palestinian
Authority, talks a good line about peace, and is certainly more
attractive than Arafat. But, like Arafat, he treats terrorists like
superstars, encouraging the young to view them as role models. He
continues to use much of his budget on weapons and manpower to kill
Jews. He pays the families of suicide bombers hefty amounts, so that
it is financially rewarding for them to encourage their young to
commit mass murder. As Tom Gross points out, "No amount of wishful
thinking ... can obscure the fact that the true 'root cause' of
Palestinian terrorism is the leadership of the Palestinian Authority."
Contradicting the present U.S. Administrations' belief in the
peacefulness of Islam, the facts speak otherwise. As David Meir-Levi
writes "Moslems make up only about 20 percent of the world's
population. Yet we see that Moslem countries contribute to the
majority of the violence in the world today. Moreover, Arabs make up
only about 5 percent of the world's population, yet we witness the
phenomenon of Arabs in leadership roles in many, if not most, of the
Moslem conflicts... Even Saudi and Pakistani commentators have pointed
out that while not all Moslems are terrorists, almost all terrorists
are Moslems... and most of these are Arabs." Why the hatred? Meir-Levi
persuasively argues that it is due to the "..Islamofascist leaders
worldwide who are confronted with our success, threatened by our
freedom, humiliated to the point of fury and violence due to their
culture's emphasis upon shame versus honor. Rather than learn from us
or work with us, they seek to destroy us."
Dr Babu Suseelan notes that in the terrorist attacks around the world
since the end of the cold war, with few exceptions, the terrorists
have been Muslim, "with hard-core, rigid, dogmatic Islamic
ideology..." Dealing with the problem is not helped by introducing
phony root cause theories, which excuse away the behavior. "The root
cause of jihad terrorism is to be found in the defective, dangerous
dogma that binds Jihad Muslims around the world together." They have a
closed thought system, reinforced by their religious leaders, which
doesn't tolerate dialogue or religious tolerance. "Islamic societies
maintain their equilibrium through control, force, punishment and
power." It is a hard nut to crack and to do so, we need coordinated
programs for information collection, intelligence sharing, a variety
of strategies including psychological warfare and serious commitment.
Surely one major problem in understanding our enemy is our own fault
– our self-inflicted sense of impropriety which prevents us from
labeling situations properly. Yashiko Sagamori draws comparisions
between two historic periods our own and the time of the Roman
Empire. Back then, when Jewish zealots fought to defend their
religion, they hamstrung themselves by refusing to fight on the
Sabbath. Today... Few people put it as clearly and effectively as
Sagamori, who writes, "This country became great because it was
founded by people who cherished freedom above everything else. It is
now being invaded by people who don't even have the equivalent of the
word freedom in their vocabulary. This country was founded by people
escaping religious persecution in Europe. By settling in America,
perfectly peaceful Muslims are gradually turning the United States
into a Muslim country, just like they have already turned Western
Europe into a province of the Caliphate." And we've allowed this to
happen because we have hamstrung ourselves by our need to be
"politically correct."
The notion that Israel is occupying Arab land has been used to condone
the barbaric behavior of the Arab terrorists and condemn whatever
Israel does to defend itself. Yet, as Howard Grief demonstrates, it is
a fundamental egregious error. He examines the origins of this myth in
meticulous detail. Surprisingly, it was the fault of Jews the
jurist Meir Shamgar, in particular who applied the wrong laws when
the Jews overcame the Arab invasion of 1967 and came into control of
Gaza, Sameria, Judea, Golan and the Sinai. Only later were these
inappropriate concepts picked up and used so effectively by the Arabs.
Dropping a piece of paper into a ballot box doth not a democracy make.
It does not even characterize an "imperfect democracy," which is
how we've begun to describe the mess in Iraq. Yashiko Sagamori asks
two questions: (1) how imperfect can a democracy be "and still retain
its right to the title"; and (2) why should we assume contrary to
our experience in Europe that a democratic country will
automatically be our ally?
Drawing on her own experience as a young bride, Phyllis Chesler
provides us with insight into "just how badly women are treated in the
Muslim world." She was Orthodox Jewish-American, her husband a Muslim
from Afghanistan, a disparity that hadn't seemed to matter in America
but which became impossible to live with when they returned to his
homeland and he began to "fit" into his pre-modern society, where
polygamy is common, where women live in purdah and where men believe
they own their wives and punish rebellion harshly. Her experience has
made her an activist for a single standard of human rights, not a
multicultural one that accepts the servitude of women in Muslim
Blaming other for their own misfortune is common in the Arab world.
And Arab groups such as CAIR tend to consider any criticism no
matter how mild or how justified as a lie or as hate speech. So it
is a pleasure to read Professor Barry Rubin's essay on some new voices
that want to take an honest look at the self-inflicted problems in the
Arab countries. It is also true, that by indirection, the information
in the article confirms that criticism of Arab culture is a matter of
fact, not malign opinion.
Different Victims.
In the May-June 2005 issue, we published Lorenzo Vidino's important
study of the Muslim Brothers' infiltration of Europe and their
development of the infrastructure for indoctrinating and recruiting
more and more followers "to extend Islamic law throughout Europe". In
this article Jamie Glazov of Frontpage Magazine interviews
Lorenzo Vidino on his new book on militant Islamic activities in
They identify with the aspirations of the Muslim leadership that
preaches that Islam's takeover of Europe is inevitable, but as
"Europeans" they can enter the U.S. without screening and
they can move freely and so carry out Al Qaedia terror attacks such as
those against Madrid and London.
Two people the Jews and the Persians with long and occasionally
intersecting histories. The Jews remember the Persian king Cyrus who
encouraged the building of the Temple in Jerusalem and contrariwise,
Haman, who was a genocidal early Hitler. In modern times, the
contrasts continue. Persians, now Muslim and called Iran, saved Jews
from the Nazis while the present president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, like
Haman, calls for Israel's extermination. To round off the picture,
Iran's economy is in shambles, factional infighting has increased and
Iran boasts of her nuclear capability. Abbas Milani believes the
people of Iran are captive to this ruling cabal. "[W]e must try to
find ways to help the Iranian people achieve their hundred-year-old
dream of democracy. Only in a genuine democracy can the spirit of
Cyrus be truly celebrated and the shadow of Haman expunged."
The attack by Arab terrorists on Arabs in Jordan shook the common
notion that Muslims only attack Christians, Jews, Hindus and
Buddhists. Salah Choudhury presents us with another example of
Muslim-Muslim friction. The Ahmadias are a minority Muslim sect that
believes their founder was a latter-day prophet, a belief that flies
in the face of the conventional Muslim belief that Mohammed was the
last prophet. In consequence, they have been under attack by members
of the majority Muslim community. This article speaks of the
interaction of the Bangladesh government, which is Muslim, and the
Mr Abdurahman Alamoudi's a fund raiser for Al Queda in America. Mr.
Alamoudi is in a Federal pokey. Mr. Alamoudi is a founder of the
Islamic Society of Boston (ISB). Boston' Redevelopment Authority gave
the ISB land to build a classy mosque at Filene's basement prices.
Then they had second thoughts and reneged. Did the ISB go crawl in a
corner? Hell no. They're suing everyone litigation is their
preferred weapon of intimidation. It used to be that if your book was
banned in Boston, it was sure to sell. Now, it's getting to be that if
you are sued by an Islamic terrorist front group, you must be a good
guy. As Dean Barnett says, this story is "... a case study in how the
leadership of a large American Islamic group woos and works with
politicians, attempts to intimidate its adversaries, and claims to
champion moderation all while keeping company with prominent
proponents of hatred and violence." He gives us the unsavory details.
The Arabs have politicized the archeology of Jerusalem, blatently
destroying all artefacts around the Temple Mount showing Jewish
origin. Less dramatically but just as ruthlessly, they ignore any
Jewish association with Jewish antiquities anywhere in the city and
have damaged sites by careless use. In this they are helped by the
French, who own several sites of historic and archeological
importance. Elliott Green notes that France, which prides itself on
saving "international cultural heritage, material or immaterial, and
in particular, neglected, even forgotten, buildings, objects, skills,
[and] sites," has catered to the Arabs and allowed them to abuse
important sites in Jerusalem that are under France's control.
Freddy Eytan
In recent decades, as a way to (re)gain Arab friendship and oil –
France has consistently sided with the Arabs, often acting as an
enthusiastic frontrunner in developing ways to increase Arab political
power and PLO influence. This has created some major problems for Jews
in general and Israel in particular, though it has yielded France
little advantage in its dealings with the Arabs. Moreover, France
bears a major responsibilities for the development of radical Islam in
the world. The jihad is still mostly focussed on Israel and America,
but the homegrown variety of Islam has already begun to sting its
friend and host, France.
In the past few years, Prince Charles of England has taken to
lecturing people around the world about the goodness of Islam. He
believes that President Bush's administration is too confrontational
towards Islam even though Bush also believes that Islam is a
religion of peace. Perhaps the prince was out to lunch when Arab
terrorists bombed the London subway and buses. Unfortunely, few people
in England appear to be any more willing to fight to keep from being
Islamized than is the Prince.
Kate Wright speaks with authority about screenwriting she's taught
it since 1995. In this essay, she concludes that Steven Spielberg's
new movie Munich is a distorted fancy of a real event. By
putting the actual Munich massacre in context, she makes us understand
what is so very wrong about the movie.
Daniel Pipes points out that Hamas and Fatah have the same goal:
eliminating the Jewish state. Hamas is more open and wins the support
of the Palestinian Arabs. Fatah is more circumspect and wins the
support of the USA administration and seduces Israel. The pattern is
repeated in the UN except here, Kofi Annan takes on both roles.
Unfortunately, as Pipes says, "Kofi Annan's record of both condemning
and endorsing Israel 's elimination merely reflects the etiquette of
destruction established by Israelis themselves."
In this companion piece to the previous article, Ezra HaLevi provides
more details about the shocking U.N. ceremony in which Kofi Annan and
other UN dignitaries actively participated. A map of Israel labeled
"Palestine" was prominently displayed; and, at the request of a UN
official, all in attendance rose to pay respect to "... those who have
given their lives for the cause of the Palestinian people..." (aka
Arab terrorists). As David W. Rothschild commented on Pipes' article:
"Unfortunately, Mr. Annan is seldom outed for what he is: a
duplicitous, self dealing weasel who has never been a friend of
Israel. How this clown walked away with clean hands from the Rwanda
debacle and the oil for food scandal is one of life's great mysteries.
Kofi Annan is the perfect head of a totally dysfunctional and
irrelevant body."
If more proof were needed that Arabs will march, protest and riot for
almost any or no reason, this article provides it. Kate Connelly
writes that a recent march by Muslims residing in Denmark was set off
by cartoons caricaturing Mohammed Islamic law, but not Danish law,
bans using his image. It can't be just because this involved religion.
After all, Muslims were undisturbed by the destruction of Joseph's
tomb or the desecration of the Church in Bethlehem, both the work of
their fellow religionists.
This article by Meg Sullivan summarizes a novel way of measuring media
bias recently reported in a study by Tim Groseclose, a political
scientist, and Jeffrey Milyo, an economist and public policy scholar.
The study which finds that the major TV and news media are generally
more liberal than conservative covers only news items, not opinion
ISRAEL. Nobel prizes, a primer on Israel's political parties, and
a possibly-workable peace plan
This is an engaging article by Hilary Leila Krieger about an engaging
personality, Dr Robert Aumann, who was awarded the Nobel Prize this
year for his work in game theory. He has no problem being both
mathematician and religious Jew. In fact, his personal experiences
have suggested scenarios that can be used to refine models of
specialized economics situations.
Uneasy because you don't really understand about Israeli political
parties parties in the multiple? Read this article. Mike Levine
explains Israel's political system, where you vote for a party, which
picks the people who will sit in the Knesset, should the party win. Is
that different than voting for someone who runs with the
consent/aid/money of a party? Yes, it is. Mike Levine explains the
difference as well as making the differences between the parties
almost intelligible well, as intelligible as is possible.
Shmuel Neumann proposes a plan that likely has more chance of bringing
a permanent solution to the Palestinian problem than all the
half-cocked peace plans that rely on nibbling away at Israel piece by
piece, while demanding zilch of the Palestinian Arabs. Essentially, he
proposes that Israel firmly take control of its land, making its own
law the law of the land both in Israel and on the West Bank. The plan
deals with homesteading, refugees, citizenship, army service and
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: A Blog-Ed page now has a quick list of the
articles from which you can access any of the articles immediately.
Click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the
Blog-Ed page.
CORRECTION: The garble gremlin afflicted a couple of paragraphs
in the very excellent article by Moshe Brody "Containment Instead Of
Victory" in the September-October, 2005 issue. Please read the
corrected version.
September-October, 2005
Robert Wistrich examines the history of modern anti-semitism in
Britain, pointing out that "Great Britain is today second only to
France in serious anti-Semitic incidents reported among European
countries." Most disturbing, "anti-Semitic sentiment is a part of
mainstream discourse, continually resurfacing among the academic,
political, and media elites", often taking the form of
unsubstantiated, unreasoning criticism of Israel, while Arab terror is
condoned or excused. What makes this ubiquitous and blatent bias
particularly appalling is that it has been internalized and is
considered legitimate.
Nick Cohen has a Jewish name but isn't Jewish. He considers himself
left wing, held conventional liberal opinions and was positive the
left was not racist. Being against the Iraq war went with the
territory. In this essay he chronicles the anti-semitism he
encountered when he cautioned that being anti-war meant keeping a
dreaded dictator in power and maybe people ought to think seriously
about what was at stake.
Robert Locke provides us with a fair-minded assessment of the current
thinking of the leadership of the BNP. Basing his conclusions in part
on an interview with Nick Griffin, the party's leader, he suggests
that the once very rightest BNP is cleaning its slate of
"anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism, and fascist-socialist economics."
Their concern is the large influx of foreign immigrants and the
continuing threat of Islamification, a process that would change the
British character of England.
With no desire to even try telling the truth, the Sabeel Center
"Christians" and their Marxist buddies from the International
Solidarity Movement (ISM) and other hate-Israel groups have developed
an emotional, gory and highly effective narrative that they tout on
speaking tours in the West and when guiding visitors through
"Palestine" wherever they have an audience of the ignorant to
educate. Alyssa Lappen tells us about these shills for Arab terror
and their road show.
This is a very human letter, written by a woman who taught school in
Jerusalem and made friends with the locals, both Jews and Arabs. Dory
Elliott writes of her own experiences, interspersing the general
history of the area and specific events that she witnessed. She
details the growing violence of the Muslim Arabs and the worsening
condition of the Christian Arabs when the Palestinian Authority began
the second intifada. In this essay she challenges the APJN report. It
is worth noting that a prime instigator of the Report is Rev. Naim
Ateek, who, by no coincidence, is also a prime mover in the American
Presbyterian and Episcopal churches' campaigns to divest themselves of
stock in companies investing in Israel. (See Merkley in the July-August 2005 issue. )
Dexter Van Zile provides us with a succint summary of the type of
theology marketed by the folk at the Sabeel Center. They do CNNish
weeping at the inconvenience caused by the keep-out-terrorists fence;
they proclaim replacement theology, suggesting that Christianity or
is it Islam has superceded Judaism; they describe the Palestinian
Arabs in the language of the suffering Jesus. Their techniques may be
disgusting and outrageous and wild, but they have a clear-eyed goal –
the destruction of the State of Israel.
This is such an odd time. Americans
in general are more sure than ever that a Palestinian Arab state is
sure to be a terrorist stronghold and they don't want it. At the same
time, Jewish Americans have become anxious, fearing the enmity of
their onetime friends, the (il)liberal Left, more than they love
Judaism. The indifference of the American Jews permits the weakening
of Israel it helps destroy Israel's morale and it invigorates Arab
hate. And what is most bizarre, the two leaders who most worked
against Arab terrorism Bush and Sharon are now in the forefront
of those aiding and abetting the practioners of Muslim-style peace.
Does it matter whether Bush pushed Sharon to the Gazan folly or Sharon
coopted Bush? Both leaders need to wake up or the West will
lose the war waged by resurgent Islam.
When it came to Sharon's decision to ethnically cleanse Gaza of Jews,
The presidents of major Jewish organizations, previously level-headed
Jewish commentators, Jewish newspaper editors and much of the Jewish
rabbinate became the Jews of Silence or, even worse, applauded the
expulsion of the Jews from Gaza. With no Jewish leadership to counter
to mainstream anti-Israel propaganda or to encourage an examination
of such a momentous decision, there was little debate in the American
Jewish community and now there is little sympathy for the plight of
the new refugees from Gaza. As Rael Jean Isaac writes, "When the
history of this period is written, the current paralysis of American
Jews, left and right, will be a source of incredulity and deepest
Emanuel Winston has spoken of the "pathetic uselessness of Jewish
American leadership. When it comes to making decision or acting
decisively, they park their brains at the door along with their hats.
... There is a disgusting arrogance residing within those who insist
on making decisions on matters wherein they are totally incompetent.
They preen and offer speeches, looking for admiration and especially
This essay by Rachel Neuwirth takes a positive approach and focusses
on events in Israel the American Jewish leadership should be
vigorously discussing.
As Rael Isaac points out, one reason for the silence of some American
Jewish opinion makers is their trust in President Bush's concern for
Israel. In this essay, Richard Shulman crisply analyzes Bush's
strong-sounding foreign policy on terrorism and the weak
implementation of this policy in the Middle East, specifically in our
handling of Iraq and Syria. And Israel.
What a difference a year has made in American and Israeli attitudes
towards Arab terrorism! In August 2004, the leaders of both countries
promoted a strong Israel and refused to deal with the terrorist leader
of the Palestinian Arabs, Yassir Arafat. In August 2005, against the
advice of his experts but with American approval, Ariel Sharon gave
the Arabs a victory they could not win for themselves. And now both
leaders happily deal with Arafat's weak philosophical clone, Mahmoud
Abbas, and profess themselves happy with the results of their new
policy of appeasement, ignoring of course the expanded entry of
terrorists and weaponry into Gaza, Hamas' emerging control of
the Palestinian Arabs and the weakening of Israel's ability to defend
itself. And defend itself it must, because the goal of the Arabs is,
more than ever, to destroy Israel; and the UN and EU and America's
State Department don't say no to that.
Don Feder writes that both Sharon and Bush are culpable for the Gaza
disaster. For whatever reasons, Sharon values his supposed special
relationship with the American president above the security of Israel.
And Bush reasoned erroneously that "[g]ive the Palestinians a state, ...
and they'll settle down to the task of nation-building. Rockets will
be beaten into pruning hooks. The fact that the Palestinians have
never given the least indication that they're ready to coexist with
Israel (however it's constituted) isn't allowed to intrude on this New
World Order vision."
Gaza happened. Israel bled. People were traumatized. But the world
didn't stop. The politicians didn't say "we've done enough damage."
The Arabs didn't say, "Let's start working on our own affairs." It's
become clear that destroying Israel incrementally or in large chucks
is their affair. So where are we? These next essays appraise
Israel's new position vis a vis her enemies and put the lie to
the benign expectation that Arabs want to be like everyone else. They
have their own agenda, where we think we've bought their friendship
and where we know we haven't.
Professor Barry Rubin points out that in the Middle East "[t]he real
problem is that of extremist revolutionary movements, without
constraints on their behavior and with genocide as their goal, which
are applauded by most regimes, media, and publicly vocal people of the
Arab world and Iran. In short, an extremist minority sets the agenda
for means and ends for a majority that accepts these things." With
this as the core problem, "peace" initiatives and activities are worse
than useless. This is as true in Iraq as in the Israeli territories.
As part of the reassurance that Israel's security would be enhanced by
retreating from Gaza, PM Sharon promised that Israel "would respond
dramatically and ferociously to any and all terror attacks emanating
from post-withdrawal Gaza." Instead, the response has been timid and
ineffectual. Israel has "... lost all deterrent power against the
various Palestinian terror factions and the PA's security forces in
Gaza..." "Today, free passage from Gaza to Judea and Samaria
constitutes an open conduit for international terrorists into the
Israeli heartland, with no Israeli supervision whatsoever." The
Government is yet to concern itself with this new and very dangerous
Alan Katz reviews what was expected of Mahmoud Abbas and the
Palestinian Arabs when they obtained Gaza. Unfortunately, it's been
same old, same old anarchy, violence, disorganization, burning
synagogues, looting and destroying greenhouses. The Jews could not
even trust their buried dead to the Arabs and were forced to uproot
them. And the killing of Jews goes on. What's new is that the "people of
London, New York, Madrid, Kenya and Beslan have had terrorism forced
down their throats. But it is only because with every unanswered
attack on Israelis the terrorists have grown in confidence, strength
and support. We shall reap what we have sown."
As Cinnamon Stillwell writes, "The world has gotten an eyeful of just
what a much-anticipated Palestinian state might look like and it's not
a pretty picture." Considering that the Palestinian Arabs are said to
be very needy, very poor, it is bizarre that they felt they had the
luxury of destroying greenhouses that could feed them and buildings
that could house them. And their barbaric behavior, which would be
considered unacceptable in almost any other group, is explained away
by the major media as harmless fun. It's too bad the on-site press
can't tell it like it is "The death cult that has subsumed their
society is in fact what they offer the world. While people all across
the globe, including Jews, have survived upheaval and gone on to forge
new lives and societies, the Palestinians seem to be incapable of
creating anything." Especially not a state.
Michael Anbar provides us with some of the possible consequences that
should have been considered before Israel engaged in so momentous an
upheaval as withdrawing from Gaza and expelling the Gazan Jews from
their homes and productive greenhouses. A full analysis of the
multiple blunders committed in the name of increasing Israel's
security is an absolute necessity if we are to prevent a repetition
with the half million Jews living in Samaria and Judea and eastern
Hand in hand with assessments of Israel's new position in the Middle
East and globally, those citizens of Israel who were most affected by
the expulsion from a part of Biblical Israel are conducting their own
assessments. BG (Before Gaza), Sharon demonized the religious Jews and
promoted secularism. AG, these religous Jews are beginning to assess
why Sharon won the Gaza battle and whether they should become more
actively involved in the running of the State. But this is not enough.
All Israelis need to reconstruct their image of themselves and each
other. And some data on Sharon's corrupt financial dealings need to be
given more attention.
Walter Bingham brings us up to date on what's happening with the
Jewish families expelled from Gaza. They were not transferred as
cohesive communities to other areas where their talents and
productivity would contribute to Israel's economy. Instead, they
became instant refugees, except unlike refugees helped by
international organizations they were pretty much left to fend for
themselves or rely on private charity.
Of all of Orthodox Jewry in Israel, only the chareidi are not,
in the main, fervent patriots. Given the Sharon government's
denigration of the Orthodox, demonizing the right wing as if they were
the enemy, Batya Medad writes that she was beginning to wonder if the
chareidi aren't right to ignore the State. But the fact is that
the Chareidi are beginning to enter into full participation.
Upon reflection, she feels the real problem is that from the beginning
of the State the secular Jews in charge of the Government discouraged
the religious from joining the army and building up Israel. She
concludes that the solution is not rejection of the State, but more
active engagement to "rebuild it into the Jewish state and society it
should be."
Hillel Fendel presents both a letter from a young man, a Yeshiva
student, obviously someone who is reassessing many things he took for
granted before the expulsion of the Gazan Jews and the response from a
Rabbi. The article was submitted to Think-Israel by another young man
who commented, "I read this article and I'm not quite sure what to
make of it. It seems that the 'question' is a lot more powerful than
the response the Rabbi gave."
The gulf between the pioneers who labored to revitalize Biblical
Israel and Israeli secularists is large. Their life styles, their
values, their rituals are so very different. Secularists have been
taught to transfer their fear of Arab terrorism to the demonized
religious right. "The Left acts as if they believe that these hard
working farmers, among other trades, who made the sandy desert bloom
are a provocation to the Arab Muslim Palestinians who would otherwise
be friendly, peaceful and no enemy to a non-Muslim State."
Winston hopes the rift will be healed, and
"Jews of the low lying coastal cities who may once again adopt the
Jews of the Hills and the Settlements as their true brothers and
sisters and adopt a credo of a higher plain of life on which to live
that gives thanks to G-d."
Usually the focus is on factors with which Israel has to contend
– her hostile neighbors, Arab terrorists in and from the territories,
the hostility from the EU, UN and the USA State Department. Arlene
Bridges Samuels takes a different tack, pointing out that Israel has
reacted like "an abused wife who keeps trying to make her cruel
husband happy. The more she appeases him, the more abusive he
becomes." This response is not the way to reduce her vulnerability.
HOW ...?
Patricia Berlyn asks "How?" How did it happen that an Israeli
Government ignored the wishes of its citizens and, by excising Gaza,
brought upon the country a calamity, the outlines of which are just
becoming clear. And it is a calamity. If we had any doubts, observe
that the enemies of Israel are rejoicing, its friends are bewildered
and fearful. Sharon's government aided by secularists in the
judiciary, the educational system and the media are implementing
Shimon Peres' scheme to cleanse Israel of religion. This is a
clear-eyed assessment of how it happened. And why.
This report covers Ariel Sharon's involvement in the Kfar Mallal Land
Scandal, the Malmud Scandal, the Greek Island Scandal, the Ginaton
Lands Scandal, his Sons' Business Dealings, the Straw Companies
Scandal, the Cyril Kern Affair and the Oasis Casino in Jericho. His
haste in kicking the Gazan Jews out of their homes, and leaving them
to fend for themselves without alternative housing, suggests his
involvement in a projected casino in Gaza will provide material for an
Two essays on the history of the
Middle East. The first counters the Arab propaganda ploy that they are
part of the oppressed Third World with historic facts. The second
highlights the irony that the UN promotes a (second) Palestinian state
on Jewish land, when the UN itself is charged with aiding Jewish
settlement on the land.
Elliott Green observes that the Arab claim that it is part of the
oppressed and subjugated "Third World" may be good propaganda, but it
is bad history. He writes of the Arab conquests in Europe for
well over a millenium and the Arab slavers: "Arab raids kept broad
coastal regions of Spain and Italy depopulated, underdeveloped and in
decay for centuries." And until the Ottomans lost the Middle East, the
Arabs were content under their rule and had no nationalist
aspirations. No, the Arabs don't fit the Third World model: they
weren't colonized; they aren't poverty-stricken; and they are hardly
innocent victims not when their "leadership rallied to the Nazi
camp, thereby endorsing the most racist theory to be espoused by a
modern state."
PM Sharon continues to take every opportunity to weaken the Jewish
state. Addressing the U.N. at its 60th Anniversary celebration, "Mr
Sharon meekly repeated the mantra continually preached by these
countries: 'The Palestinians are also entitled to freedom, and to a
national, sovereign existence in a state of their own.'" knowing
full well that there is no such thing as a Palestinian people and
knowing that the UN Charter itself is tasked with the duty of
encouraging Jewish settlement in the "West Bank." David Singer reminds
us that the Jews aren't occupying Arab land; in reality, the Arabs are
occupying Jewish land.
These article discuss examples of America's appeasement of Islam at
home as well as abroad to America's detriment. And Israel's
detriment. Appeasement appears to be at the root of America's policy
towards Israel: appease the Arabs in the Middle East and maybe they
will leave the rest of us alone. Believing some of the myths
promulgated by Arab propagandists and their (un)paid buddies may have
contributed to the belief that appeasement will work.
Muslims continue to use America's freedom of speech to curtail
America's freedom of speech. And freedom of action. Arlene Peck write
how CAIR, "seemingly and allegedly the 'legal arm' of HAMAS, the
Islamic terrorist movement, or perhaps more broadly stated, the
US-based eyes and ears of the worldwide Islamic terrorist effort, has
turned into a Muslim version of our ACLU."
Alex Epstein writes that our de facto policy toward Arab
terrorism at the moment is appeasement. We have been led to believe
that serious activity against Muslim terrorism will lose the good
opinion of Muslims. "Muslim anger over America's support of Israel, we
are told, is a major cause of anti-American terrorism." We ignore that
the major condemnation against fighting terrorists seriously comes
from Islamists whose ambition is to gain global political control
– "and their legions of 'moderate' supporters and sympathizers." He
wisely points out that "[e]very attempt to appease "Muslim opinion"
preserves, promotes, and emboldens our enemies. Every concession to
angry Muslim mobs gives hope to the Islamist cause. Every day we allow
terrorist regimes to exist gives their minions time to execute the
next Sept. 11."
Moshe Brody comments on the Western policy of appeasement of Islamic
terrorists. Some of the material is from his book, "Troubleshooter in
the Promised Land." He argues that America hopes to keep the
terrorists from its door by putting the onus on Israel and letting the
Arab terrorists have their way back home; i.e., America will continue
to protect the terror organizations that prey on Israel by making sure
Israel isn't allowed to inflict a fatal blow against them. He
concludes that "[w]hatever hope there may have been for victory over
Islamic terrorism has faded. In its place as a fallback position is a
flawed policy that spells mortal danger for Israel and the West."
Timothy Furnish summaries myths that contribute to how we view Islam.
These myths mainly promote the idea that Islam is a peaceful religion
– a whopper we've swallowed since just after 911. It's time we looked
at Islam realistically.
These essays examine the internal
stability of two of our Arab "friends": Egypt and Saudi Arabia. How
democratic have they become? How tolerant of their minorities? We seem
to have had little influence on them.
The Copts are Christian and a minority group in Egypt; they number
over 9 million. In this essay, Magdi Khalil writes about one aspect of
the terrorized lives the Copts lead in Muslim Egypt. There is
tremendous organized and systematic pressure on Coptic girls to
convert to Islam, and abducting girls often occurs. The Egyptian
Government is implicated in that it provides no protection and does
nothing to stop the practice. In fact, it has ignored "the involvement
of elements of its own security system in the crimes against the
Copts." It consciously has marginalized the Copts within Egyptian
society in various ways and it permits the Muslim clerics to malign
them and encourage people to abuse the Copts physically as a religious
Saudi Arabia gets expensive whitewashes every so often. A recent one
has her forswearing religious extremism and jihad terrorism. However,
as Robert Spencer informs us, the mullahs and Saudi TV continue to
promote hatred towards the West and Israel; and they continue to raise
money to support the Palestinian jihad they have reportedly raised
$4 billion for Hamas in the last 5 years. Moreover, they have supplied
the majority of foreign suicide-terrorists in Iraq the past two
years.It's time the Administration and Congress signed the Saudi
Accountability Act.
What's in a word? Sometimes a
single word can express a whole complex of feelings and provide us
with insights we didn't have. Of course the media have ways of
protecting their readers against understanding what's going on in the
Arab-Israeli conflict by using a bunch of bland and obscuring words to
hide the obvious.
The New York Times has often turned itself into a pretzel to
avoid calling Arab terrorists terrorists and to avoid saying anything
nice about Israel. Jack Engelhard has put together a set of
definitions used by the media "wherever truth needs to be
camouflaged." How did the New York Times avoid talking about
Arab looting in Gaza? "There was no looting going on, only 'looking
for usable materials.'"
Si Frumkin puts into words the glee many felt when the barbarians who
now have Gaza all to themselves burnt the Jewish greenhouses bought
for them as a gift by a group of American Jews. The glee was payback
for the indignation we felt when Mort Zuckerman and James Wolfensohn
and the other fools ignored the wretched state of the Gazan Jews who
were thrown out of their homes but eagerly sought to help the
"Palestinians". Maybe now they will begin to understand that the Arabs
aren't interested in being good citizens. Killing and looting and
vandelism are their thing. And trying to destroy the State of Israel.
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September 2005 Blog-Eds READ MORE
July-August, 2005
It's clear we didn't nip terrorism in the bud when we had the chance –
right after 9/11 and right before Pres Bush declared
Islam was a peaceful religion. So we fight terrorism but not
specifically ARAB terrorists, and because we fear doing damage to
"innocent" civilians, we don't extirpate the terrorist hellholes.
Israel wasn't allowed to defeat the local terrorists who have acted as
test pilots for techniques later used successfully in Iraq. Now Israel
seems to have abdicated from the fight against Islamic terrorists –
handing them Gaza, a strategic piece of land, complete with airport
and seaport. America, in its quest for Middle East democracy is
willing to accept a Shiite-dominated theocracy in Iraq and, if London
is any indication, increased terrorism is about to break out in
It's a rule of thumb that if you want to know what the
Arabs will do in the Western World tomorrow, look at what's happening
in Israel today. We begin this issue with an essay by Professor Louis
Rene Beres who says what too many politicians still deny, at least
publically that terrorism in Israel and terrorism in America and
terrorism in England have a commonality: they are by the same hand.
Emanuel Winston said of this article: "[It] is a precise view into the
future. American Generals tell us that the mix of Arab Muslim
terrorists Mujahadin (fighters for Islam) will metastasize
with new combat skills all over the globe. Be assured that the
Mujahadin now fighting America in Iraq will pour en
masse into Gaza and the 7 cities turned over to the Arab Muslim
Palestinians. ... not only will Israel suffer an expanded terrorism
but Europe and America will similarly be attacked..."
Let's talk first about Israel's most recent and greatest folly, the
expulsion of some of its best citizens its most patriotic, its most
productive, its most vibrant from their homes. And to no purpose.
Unless of course you believe that strengthening a terrorist stronghold
is a good idea. These first set of articles were written by
participants in the turbulence. (See the photo essays for more
accounts of these terrible days.)
These are essays by Nadia Matar and by Emanuel A. Winston, written
when Sharon was beginning to intensify his campaign against the Jews
of Gaza. In Jenin, he was rightly criticized for letting the Arabs
control the tone of the publicity and for sacrificing Jewish lives to
save Palestinian "civilians". But here in Gaza, he was the faultless
tactician demonizing the enemy; keeping them off balance; making
what he did seem a necessity because of the settlers' unruliness and
potential for violence; and he did not put his soldiers at risk. Oh,
if he were only working for the Jews and not the Arabs!
When the Sharon government sealed off Gush Katif, Catriel Sugarman
was among the thousands that eluded the police and came together in
Netivot, and then marched towards Gaza, hoping to break through police
lines and reach Gush Katif. In this essay, he describes what he saw
when they came to Kfar Maimon. He writes of determined but disciplined
protesters and what I found most remarkable the anguished
dialogues on ethics between marchers and police and the love that
poured from the people to their brethren, the soldiers, who, in some
ways, are as beleaguered as the citizens of Gush Katif.
Moshe Kempinski relates a moving story of an American woman who came
to Gaza to be with her Jewish brothers and sisters when the Sharon
government imposed a blockade on Gush Katif. When they trekked to
Netivot and Kfar Maimon, she trekked to Netivot and Kfar Maimon. If
she can't get to Gush Katif, she will march with her people from
Sderot and Ofakim. Where they go, so will she.
Shifra Shomron is 18 years old and lives in Gush Katif.
This is her poem.
David Ha'ivri pays tribute to the young heroes, uncompromised and
uncompromising, who have actively resisted Sharon's wrong-headed drive
to amputate Israel piece by piece. As he says, "They are de
facto spearheading the 'national camp' today with strength and
glory; and every time they achieve success, various politicians and
organizations scurry to reap the 'profits' these youngsters gained."
Ha'ivri describes the character traits of a true elder.
These essays are some initial insights into the amputation of Gaza.
They are more analytical and contextual and some provide data that has
largely been ignored by the media.
The pain of Gaza is still too fresh; the rage at the government's
stupidity is still too volatile; the shivering shock that so many Jews
cared less for their fellow Jews than for the latest ballgame results
still numbs thought; the shame at how shabbily those who are among the
best of Israel's citizens have been treated is overwhelming; the
self-flagelation that we didn't do enough doesn't stop. In this time
before we can shake the pieces and our emotions into a cohesive whole,
it is helpful to read the thoughtful analysis that Asher Ragen
With good reason, the present-day settlers of Israel are compared to
the earlier settlers of the 19th century. With sweat and
idealism, they are redeeming neglected and unpromising land. Unlike
the early settlers, their anchor is the Torah, not Marxist ideology.
And, it is unlikely that their children will go the way of the
descendents of the early settlers, who have lost their idealism, if
not their theology.
David Meir-Levi provides us with an insightful summary of the history
of modern-day Israeli settlements over the past century. From the
beginning Arab leaders sought to destroy Israel; and after Israel
conquered Yesha (Gaza, Samaria and Judea) in 1968, the local Arabs
began calling themselves "Palestinians" and retroactively decided –
ignoring facts that Yesha and Israel "proper" had always been their
homeland. Meir-Levi carefully dissects out the facts about the Yesha
settlements from the misinformation and plain lies that have fogged up
a clear understanding of their status and signficance.
Ben-Zion Krasnianski looks at some mundane facts and sees an
apocalyptic battle. He believes that the nihilistic behavior of the
Arab terrorists is evil's best shot. It's losing. He wonders why then
"Jews who have courageously led the battle against evil for 3800 years
have totally abandoned the good fight and have deserted the front
When histories of this terrible period are written, blame will be
liberally assigned to Sharon for his disasterous policy of expelling
the Gazan Jews and to those politicians whose hatred of their fellow
Jews prevented them for looking at the likely consequences of
dismembering a piece of Israel and to the judiary for their
instantaneously-created biased "laws". And certainly the Israeli media
will be castigated for demonizing Israelis who live across the Green
Line after all, in a democracy the press is supposed to see to it
that the public gets the information it needs to make important
decisions. As Isi Leibler demonstrates, they flunked.
It has become fashionable to believe that Israel no longer has a major
role to play to support Jewish communities around the world. Rabbi Dov
Greenberg reminds us what a difference the existence of Israel would
have made during the Holocaust years and has made since then. As Rabbi
Greenberg points out, "Israel is the only nation in the world whose
very existence is threatened by enemies supported by a majority of the
United Nations." And a threat to Israel translates into a threat to
the Diaspora.
Many feel Gaza has little connection with the Jews. Gary Fitleberg
recounts the history of Gaza, including some material from that
well-known reference book: the Bible. It was part of the territory
allocated to the tribe of Judah. Samson brought down the Temple of
Dagon in Gaza. After Jerusalem fell, it was an important Jewish center
during many invasions and changes of ruler. It certainly has more
affiliation with the Jewish people than many people realize.
Beth Goodtree asserts it is time to right a wrong. UNWRA is
well-funded to aid Palestinian refugees. More Jews were made refugees
when they were forced to flee Arab countries, and so came into
"Palestine" pre and post the creation of the Jewish state than there
were Arabs who fled Israel (not Palestine) to Jordan and other Arab
countries. Yet UNRWA has never helped Jewish refugees. Now that
there will be Jews forced out of Gaza and thus classifiable as
Palestinian refugees UNRWA has a second chance to live up to its
There is an irreconciliable difference in how Israeli Arabs and Jews
view Israel. Surveys show Israeli Arabs more or less accept Israel as
Jewish for the now but reject settlement building and aliyah,
which help maintain Jewish dominance. Contrariwise, Israeli Jews want
the Arabs as full participants but want them to accept that Israel is
a Zionist state, as does the international community. Ariel Natan
Pasko points out that in the "righting of a historical wrong done to a
persecuted people; it's not racist. Israel is a Jewish Affirmative
Action State.
David Meir-Levi provides us with an insightful summary of the history
of modern-day Israeli settlements over the past century. From the
beginning Arab leaders sought to destroy Israel; and after Israel
conquered Yesha (Gaza, Samaria and Judea) in 1968, the local Arabs
began calling themselves "Palestinians" and retroactively decided –
ignoring facts that Yesha and Israel "proper" had always been their
homeland. Meir-Levi carefully dissects out the facts about the Yesha
settlements from the misinformation and plain lies that have fogged up
a clear understanding of their status and signficance.
One would think that Israel a shining example of a people returning
to its homeland and making of it a successful home for its citizens
and a source of medical improvements and scientific innovations for
humanity would be poster child for all the emerging nations who want
to improve the lot of their citizens. Instead, Israel is villified and
demonized. Unfortunately, some of this condemnation has been
incorporated, more or less, into Israeli society. In that some
Jews want to delete Judaism from Israel, it has led to
the Gaza debacle where the Israeli government turned on its own
citizens, rather than confront its external enemies.
Over the years, Dr. Kenneth Levin has done a ground-breaking job in
analyzing the puzzling fact that so many Israeli intellectuals and
cultural leaders became so enthusiastic over the Oslo Accords, when
every shred of analysis, experience and just plain commonsense said
that trusting in Arafat was a recipe for disaster. In this essay, he
defines the Oslo Syndrome.
Just as many Jews seemed psychologically incapable of accepting the
truth of the mass extermination of the Jews as it became known in the
1940s, so, today, many Jews seem incapable of accepting that "the
attacks against Israel by Arab religious and political leaders
constitute a threat to our very existence as a people and as a
nation." The attacks and the contempt are not new and they are not
limited to a few marginal Arabs. Dr. Alex Grobman discusses this Jewish
Initially published as three essays, Part I is, in Emanuel Winston's
words, "an excellent wrap-up of the Sharon "Disengagement" plans."
Rachel Neuwirth's clear summary sharpens the mystery: why, when there
is no valid reason for this destructive plan, is Sharon's government
bulldozing it through? In Part II, Rachel Neuwirth suggests some
likely suspects personal corruption and greed. Part III is a
thoughtful look at the history of Jewish self-hatred.
It used to be that the Israeli government seemed stupid in that it
let Palestinian Arab reporters set the tone of stories of IDF
incursions into the territories. They did nothing about punishing Arab
Knesset members preaching armed insurrection to Arab Israelis; and
convicted Arab murderers of Jews were released from jail in return for
a worthless promise to not kill again. But the government has become
very savvy they now indict Israelis for "insulting" unelected Government
officials; they imprison children for sassing the police; they
beat people exercising their civil rights protesting Sharon's
expulsion plan. Unfortunately, these harsh measures are directed
against religious Jews, not against Israel's real enemy, the Arabs.
Bernice Lipkin has some non-intuitive hypotheses about how things are
done in Israel under the Sharon government that she believes
worthy of further
study. She also provides some operational definitions sure to be
helpful to news folk and politicians alike.
The Bible records the stations of deterioration of the Jewish King
Yannai, who persecuted his own people. Yossi Blum-Halevi writes of a
more recent example of a corrupt leader. He describes the current
phase of Prime Minister's Sharon's reversal of reality castigating
the anti-disengagement people as disobedient and destructive while
billing himself as protector of democracy.
This is a scathing indictment of the condition to which Sharon has
reduced the Jewish state and of the people who have furthered this
degradation and/or allowed this to happen.
There is an absolutely critical fact that has been shunted aside by
those opposed to a Jewish state: under unassailable
international law, Israel has sovereignty over Gaza, Samaria and
Judea. And the rationale for transferring the Arabs from Israeli land
in an equitable fashion is again explored.
In this essay, Howard Grief brilliantly fulfills his objective "to set
down in a brief, yet clear and precise manner the legal rights and
title of sovereignty of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and
Palestine under international law." This paper should be part of your
armamentarium for the next time you are told that Resolution XXX of
the U.N. guarantees the rights of the Palestinian Arabs to YYY.
Boris Shusteff deftly refutes Ariel Sharon's argument that abdicating
from Gaza is lawful and anyone who resists is a lawbreaker. He turns
the argument on its head, demonstrating that if treason there be, it
is Sharon who is the traitor. This article is a companion piece to
Howard Grief's essay, expanding on several of its arguments.
Gilbert Simons provides a synopsis of his PSP Plan, which entails
three interconnecting elements: "Permanence, Security, Peace." In this
lucid and well-argued essay, he tells why he views the plan as key to
Israel's survival. Israelis must reorient their thinking so that,
as the author has said, "Israel can transform itself from a dependent
and subservient protege of America into a strong, sovereign Jewish
state." Emanuel Winston has said of the PSP Plan: "Herein is a
brilliant presentation of excellent total actions that should be taken
by a sovereign nation."
America is involved in the Middle East, but there are some peculiar
inconsistencies. She hopes eventually to establish democracy in the
Arab states but at the same time she is weakening Israel, the only
democratic state in the Middle East. The Bush Administration must know
how unlikely a peaceful Palestinian Arab state is, yet she pushes
Israel into suicidal activities to help create such a state. And the USA
has a light touch when it comes to a, if not the, major deterrent to
America's war on terrorism Saudi Arabia.
Barry Rubin writes that the current state of "...Israel-Palestinian
negotiations can only be described as bizarre." Peace with the Arabs
is obviously impossible, given Arab intransigence. Abbas is
disinclined to stop terrorism, and it almost doesn't matter what he
does, in that Hamas is taking over. There are less terrorist
attacks only because Israel has killed off many of the terror
handlers. The Western politicians know this but in their own
interests keep up the pretense that there is movement towards peace.
The only actual momentum is the occasional pressure on Israel for
more concessions.
James Baker is an erstwhile secretary of state, longtime friend of the
Bush family and longertime hater of Jews. His Institute published a
report February 2005 that finds all factors that promote a Palestinian
state good, even if that means encroaching on existing Israeli
institutions that promote Israeli nationalism. Israel Zwick suggests
that this document is driving the disengagement-roadmap plan and if
implemented will eventually lead to the dissolution of the State of
EYELESS IN GAZA: what the terrorists know that we don't
Barbara Lerner points out that Bush latched onto Sharon's
disengagement and Abu Mazen's election victory because they offered
illusionary progress in an otherwise recalcitrant and unstable Middle
East. Abbas is a dud and Sharon's retreat will strengthen Hamas but
Hamas' ascendency is viewed as having only local consequences. In
reality, "[c]ontrol of Gaza gives Hamas and its partners direct access
to the land border with Egypt, as well as access by sea to terrorist
supply ports in Lebanon and Syria, and from them, overland, to the
terror training camps in Syria, Lebanon, and Iran and to the ratlines
from Syria into Iraq."
Ironically, with Europe showing signs of waking up to the Islamist
threat, Frank Gaffney points out that "[t]he one place we apparently
are indifferent to the rising power of the Islamists is in the
would-be state of 'Palestine.' There, the establishment of an
Islamofascist Gazastan is not only being tolerated by the West, it is
being enabled by the government of Israel, the G-8 and the Bush
Administration." This, despite the fact that "[s]uch an Islamofascist
state will not only threaten the very existence of Israel, our
closest, democratic ally in the Middle East, Gazastan will be a
terrible menace for the United States, too."
In Part I, Patricia Berlyn discusses "the fault line between
reality and feckless pretense in U.S. administration policy toward the
PLO and its current chief Mahmoud Abbas." Part II examines "the fault
line between genuine national interest and fawning self-interest in
[American] policy toward the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."
John Bradley had the unique experience of being able to travel without
government supervision throughout Saudi Arabia. Some of what he
learned has more to do with matters outside Saudi Arabia. The Saudis
have been buying off politicians and ambassadors for years. And so it
was that, just after 911, prominent Saudis including two of Bin
Laden nephews were "whisked out of the US", even though it was
already known that most of the terrorists were Saudi and there had to
be a support infrastructure to carry out the coordinated attacks. They
buy Middle East studies departments and think tanks and control
journalists either with bribes or with threats. Bradley, himself,
discovered how vindictive they can be when it became known the book he
was writing was not a whitewash.
America has shifted from a no-nonsense policy of eliminating terrorism
to a policy of democratizing the Middle East. These articles examine
how improbable an outcome this actually is. They explore whether the
current Arab infrastructure can support a democratic society and
whether America's intent will cut any ice with the Arab terrorists,
convinced that terrorism will win them a Jew-free Middle East.
Lawrence Auster elaborates on an observation made earlier by Norman
Davies that democracy is "as good, or bad, as the principles of the
people who operate it." George Bush seems to believe that one can take
our American experience with freedom and privacy and the expectation
that people can make their own decisions and export these wholesale to
other cultures and social structures. Because this belief underpins
his foreign policy in the Middle East, "none of the very smart people
on the Bush team ever asked the obvious question whether there was
anything about Islam that would make liberal democracy unacceptable to
Muslims." "... irreconcilable cultural and religious differences were
not examined."
Our accepted social context is that people everywhere are all the same
and share the same values and all you need to do is give them a ballot
box and they turn their society into a functional democracy. Zack
Lieberberg goes beyond characteristics such as intelligence and
initiative and mature judgment that we, muzzled by the demand to be
politically correct, are yet to examine in individuals. He takes on
cultures and makes the point that some attitudes tolerance and a
sense of fairness are not universal but take a great deal of time to
develop, and some cultures haven't yet started the process.
Given the long term conflict between Arabs and Jews, separation of the
two groups is a reasonable idea. But deporting Jews from their homes
in the territories is not a reasonable idea. It is, in fact, illegal.
It is also bad psychology in that it reinforces the Arab belief that
terrorism is a technique worth continuing. But the core problem is
Arab racial intolerance. Dr Alex Grobman persuasively argues that the
Arabs "will not be swayed in any way by Israeli withdrawal..." because
"[t]hey do not accept that national groups in the Middle East have the
same right to self-determination that they have properly demanded for
When Hitler was deep into the carrying out of the plans he'd described
years before in Mein Kampf, people asked why no one had taken
him at his word. Eighty years later, Arabs say over and over again
they intend to destroy the state of Israel and kill off the Jews. And
people supposedly intelligent people burble that letting the Arabs
take over Gaza and maybe the "West Bank" is a great way to kickstart a
new peace process. John Perazzo provides us chapter and verse of Arab
intentions this comes from Hamas, the most likely winner in the Gaza
In this section, we talk about a major reason why America's desire for
a democratic Middle East is likely to come to nothing it is up
against Islamism and the Islamic character as shaped by its religion
and culture.
Yashiko Sagamori has written a series of brilliant essays on Islam. In
this essay, she asks if an entire nation can be considered extremist.
She starts with the proposition that by definition extremism is at a
scale's endpoint, so if there is very little spread between the
political endpoints, the term extremism can have no meaning. It
is a pleasure to read the cleanly-stated logical arguments that
support the essay's bottom line: "It is vitally important for us to
understand that neither the perfectly real terrorism nor the imaginary
Islamic extremism are our enemy. Islam is."
Vernon Richards points out that while we target Islamic terrorists,
we continue to delude ourselves that Islam is a religion of peace.
Meantime, in accordance with their religion, Muslims "... commit acts
of inhumane brutality in the name of their god Allah. Previously
unthinkable news and images invade our living rooms on a daily basis."
It's time we faced reality.
Shalom Noury demonstrates that there is a radical Islam. But we knew
that. He also demonstrates that radical Islam "... stems from the
purest orthodox Islamic tradition of which all Islam's tendencies and
divisions are unanimous." But "moderate Islam" lives mainly in the minds
and hearts of those in the West who continue to deny that Islam is a
threat to other civilizations, including Western civilization.
A year ago, we published "Daud," by Boris Zubry. It is a story about
the interweaving of lives: an Arab boy, an Israeli man; an Arab
bomber, an Israeli soldier; a boy who loses his father, a father who
loses his son. It left many a reader puzzled why a 'redeemed'
terrorist would kill people who were kind to him. "My name is Daud"
retells Daud's story, this time in the first person.
Islam sometimes known as radical Islam or Islamism or extremist
Muslims is active in America on many fronts. In this issue, we
present samples of their activities in academia, the Protestant
mainline churches and the media.
Unscholarly, bald pro-Palestinian bias in the classroom has been
commonplace in many universities ever since politicized faculty took
over the running of their Middle-East Studies departments. As Efraim
Karsh demonstrates, it is particularly egregious at Columbia, where
Edward Said, a linguist and Arab apologist, once ran the show and set
the tone for Middle Eastern Studies departments across America. It is
only recently that Jewish students have begun protesting against some
of Said's disciples, who are accused of "abusing their positions in
order to vilify Israel, to promote anti-Zionism, and to stifle free
discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict." Protected by the University
administration, it is unlikely these academics will change their
attitudes or what they teach anytime soon.
Emanuel Karsh (see above) laid out the current problems at Columbia U.
engendered by the unscholarly conduct of faculty in the Middle
Eastern studies department (MESD): scholarship has been replaced by
anti-Israel propaganda and Jew-baiting is acceptable. In this essay,
Martin Kramer looks at some larger issues. What is true at Columbia
is true in other MESDs. MESD faculty has stifled the careers of
scholars with alternative points of view. And due to their bias, the
predictions of the MESD faculty on what's going on in the Middle East
and the Islamic threat to America have been proven injuriously wrong.
Changes are needed if America is to meet the "challenges arising from
the coming transformation of the Middle East."
Mainline Protestant churches are divesting themselves of their
holdings in companies that do business with Israel, and have called on
Israel to dismantle her security fence. Professor Paul Merkley makes
the case that divestment and dismantlement are "different faces of the
same project": the destruction of the Jewish state. The small cadre,
mainly Christian Arabs, who spearhead this effort uses libelous and
emotive language that is heavy on "deicide imagery" to demonize Israel
and make people question whether she has the right to exist while
"terrorist acts against Israel are either ignored or rationalized as
the hapless but heroic response of unarmed civilians against tanks and
Here's a puzzle. NPR, BBC, CNN, Lehrer, Charlie Rose inter alia
are bigtime anti-Israel, sometimes using a veneer of evenhandedness,
most times smearing her with half-truths or misplaced emphasis and
often with downright lies. And nothing stops them, certainly not the
so-called Jewish defense groups like ADL. Contrariwise, when Michael
Graham spoke some simple home-truths about Islam, he was fired from
his talk show. Why is this? McQ of the Qando Blog gives us the facts
of Graham's run-in with CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic
To date the Muslim takeover of Europe has been confined to bribery,
taking advantage of the host country's admiration of its own tolerance
and outbirthing every other ethnic group. But the July 7th bombing of
London's transportation system may be the start of a new phase.
If you know the likely consequences of certain acts and you continue
doing them, are you not at fault when the likely happens? Yashiko
Sagamori applies the general argument to England's cowardly
encouragement of Islamic terrorism despite the fact that the Muslims
openly preach treason and practice atrocities. "...it is just common
sense that if you harbor Muslim freedom fighters, you shouldn't be
surprised when they decide to fight for their Muslim freedom by
attacking you at home."
Don Feder sarcastically suggests that London treat its bombers as it
advocates Israel treat its Arab terrorists: give them everything they
ask for and more. He then seriously points out that in expelling Jews
from Jewish land and handing that land over to the Arabs, Israel will
suffer, but as with Chamberlain's Munich agreement which gave Hitler
the confidence to become more aggressive and demanding the same harm
will come to Europe and America.
Carrie Devorah writes how much harder it is getting to have any real
security from the folks that continue to give us grief, while we
continue to deny they are really very virulent. The only villain we
will countenance is Osama but is he really doing all this by
>From the beginning of the second intifada, the Palestinian Arabs spend
time and energy perfecting low-cost but nasty explosives. Their gift
to humanity was the poisoned nail bomb an explosive with iron nails
seeped in rat poison or feces inside. What delighted the homicidal
Arabs was that while the bomb only killed, the nails perpetuated the
suffering of those left living. As Emanuel Winston points out, The
New York Times (NYT) among others ignored this, preferring to
write heart-wrenching stories about the poor Palestinians wallowing
in the dirt while the Israelis lived it up. Belatedly, the NYT
discovered the nail-studded bomb when it became a major attraction in
the recent London blitz.
There is a pattern to what may be called cooperative damage control
between Muslims and their victims whenever a Muslim terror event takes
place from the immediate claims by Muslim spokesmen that they fear
for their lives from "us irredeemable white imperialist racists"
through our reassurances that we'd never dream of blaming them. Mark
Steyn points out that ".. Islamic terrorists will only stop trying to
kill us when their culture reviles them rather than celebrates them."
Encouraging the Muslim community to play victim is the wrong thing
to so.
Julia Gorin shares with us how to prevent another terrorist attack in
England. England must leave occupied Londonistan. Living conditions
for Muslims must be improved "... Muslims are leaving European
countries to blow themselves up in Iraq, confirming that living in
Europe is so yucky that people would rather be dead in Iraq than alive
in Europe." And most important, England mustn't even think of
retaliating lest the Muslims be justifiably angered into a repeat
Israel is very obviously at a critical time in her history. Less
obviously, London's recent bombings may force the English to make some
critical-for-her-future choices. Will she continue to pretend she has
a special relationship with the Muslims that inhibits them from doing
her harm? Or will she recognize that the terrorists and terrorist
converts that she had sheltered have turned their expertise against
another host country.
This is where our readers get a chance to write opinions
and editorials and share articles they find informative. The Blog-Eds
page for the month is updated every few days.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: A Blog-Ed page now has a quick list of the
articles from which you can access any of the articles immediately.
Click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the
Blog-Ed page.
NOTE: The Blog-Ed page now has an
orange box labeled "Gush Katif" on every article that is about
Sharon's Gaza retreat plan.
July 2005 Blog-Eds READ MORE
May-June, 2005
"The imminent ethnic cleansing of Jews from Biblical Israel is the
most serious problem confronting Israel. These first essays
are personal stories from Israel about Gush Katif. And about an
earlier expulsion of Jews from Yamit.
Mayan Yadai is a young mother of Croatian descent, who converted to
Judaism and lives in Netzar Chazani in Gush Katif, Gaza, Israel, with
her husband and two children. This is her story as she told it at the
Young Israel annual dinner in New York City, May 22, 2005.
Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe visited Gaza and saw what so many
refuse to see: expelling the Jews of Gaza will benefit neither Jews
nor Arabs. There are the practical considerations Israel will lose
60 million dollars income; 3500 Arabs will be out of work. And, "[a]s
a matter justice and sweat equity, the Jewish homesteaders whose faith
and hard work have made the sand dunes bloom surely have as much right
to their homes in Gadid and Neveh Dekalim as the Arabs have to theirs
in nearby Khan Yunis and Dir El Balah."
As an aid to future historians who will write about the very many
Israelis who changed their leftist views toward the center and right
in and after the Oslo years, we present an essay by a self-labeled
"average Israeli." To quote from www.KCholmim.org,
"[a]former believer in the Oslo process and a former leftist, Barry
Shaw voted for Rabin, Peres, Barak, as he firmly believed that Israel
should make painful concessions to the Palestinians for the sake of
peace. No longer. The Palestinians have proven to the world the type
of state that they would establish. There is no need for yet another
radical and violent Islamic entity, especially not as a neighbor of
by Rabbi Meir Kahane
Yamit was a town that was settled in the Sinai by Jews. Yamit was
vacated as part of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Israel
gave back the Sinai that she'd conquered after Egypt started the Yom
Kippur war. Egypt gave a cold peace, which she has kept, while
sabotaging Israel whenever possible. Reading Rabbi Kahane's account of
the last days of Yamit is heartrending. Will this happen again in
Gaza, Samaria and Judea and Jerusalem, but on a larger scale, and with
no possibility of peace?
These essays are analytical and
predictive; they are about Israel's unshakable right to Biblical
Israel in international law, predictions of what the consequences of
retreat from Gush Katif will be and a handbook on how to fight the
With so many distorting the facts and claiming security and
demographic reasons for retreating from Gaza reasons that evaporate
when examined it is good to read Daniel Mandel's article, which
clearly and simply presents actual facts. As Ariel Sharon said when
his mind was clearer, "A unilateral withdrawal is not a recipe for
peace. It is a recipe for war."
Herb Zweibon writes that "[o]ne of the most dispiriting
developments in past months has been to find some of Israel's
clearest-thinking supporters including William Safire, Charles
Krauthammer and Norman Podhoretz publicly professing belief in the
strategically absurd and morally infamous 'disengagement plan.'"
In this essay he tells us where they went wrong.
Have you heard the reasons for supporting disengagement? Here are the
ones Bernice Lipkin has been given. What's that expression about a
hill of beans?
Avi Shavit interviewed the outgoing Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon, who
was recently forced out by Prime Minister Sharon for telling him that
disengagement from Gaza will not lead to stability. It will lead to
confrontation and more "[t]errorist attacks of all types," with the
initial violence centered in Judea and Samaria. It's the Palestinian
Arabs' way of saying: "You left Gaza? You get quiet. You will leave
Judea and Samaria? You will get quiet. Leave Tel Aviv and things will
be completely quiet." Asked what if the world imposes a two-state
solution, he said "It is difficult to impose things that have no
foundation. Something that is imposed and is unstable blows up." Wise
Unlike most prognosticators, Arieh Stav predicted the consequence of
Oslo all too accurately. In this essay, he tells us what to expect
from this latest inane game plan by Israeli politicians. As the author
puts it, disengagement "... will leave Israel a bleeding stump...",
and is incredibily stupid militarily and economically. He concludes
"This is the first stage in the Arab plot to bring about the
destruction of Israel, and these actions of the Israeli Prime Minister
support their plot." The consequences are dire both for the State of
Israel and for Jews around the globe, who will see open hate-the-Jews
activity such as they haven't seen since the modern state of Israel
was created.
Occupation' and the 4th Geneva Convention
The jurists of Israel in the Ministry of Justice appear to excel in
creative albeit inappropriate reinterpretation of the law and not
only Israeli law, but international law. Misapplying the concept of
"belligerent occupation" and the 4th Geneva convention, they recently
rejected the appeal of the Gazan Jews that the government be
stopped from carrying out Sharon's unilateral disengagement plan.
Yoram Shifftan explains why the bases of their rejection are
inapplicable to the current situation. He has called the Israeli
justice system "a legal system a là demand," tailored for
the legalization of the uprooting.
David Bedein provides us with some explicit refutation of Sharon's
upbeat view of his plan to withdraw from Gaza. And he makes
suggestions what we as American citizens can do to relieve the
pressure by the Bush Administration on Israel.
These next essays examine the Muslim character, as shaped by his
religion, his generally backward culture and his unshakable belief he
should be top dog. Mischaracterizing the Muslim character impacts on
how seriously we fight the war on terror.
Richard Shulman suggests the difference between the more radicalized
Muslims (Islamists) and "moderate" Muslims is one of degree, not kind.
"...the Islamists have gotten most of their co-religionists to accept
their more extreme position against the Jews to murder them rather
than just to humiliate them. The general Muslim reaction to 9/11 was
joy." He concludes that "...the mass of Muslims are not moderate in
their views, just inactive and amenable to being activated."
Douglas Hagmann points out that America locked herself into the
specious claim that Islam is a peaceful religion right after 9/11. Not
only is this contrary to fact, but it forces America's political
leaders such as Condoleezza Rice to invent all sorts of secular
reasons for Islamic terrorism. Misdiagnosis doesn't lead to proper
treatment. And it doesn't win wars. Winning "requires moral clarity
and honesty about the enemy we are fighting. To misunderstand or
deliberately mischaracterize our enemy for the sake of political
correctness is to adopt an inappropriate and inadequate strategy..."
Mohammad, the founder of Islam, set a pattern of duplicity,
decapitation, rape and slavery when he massacred the Jewish tribes of
Medina, a pattern for how Muslims should deal with infidels and with
each other. Osama bin Ladin is following in well-tread footsteps.
Srdja Trifkovic believes that "[f]or a Christian the real task is to
help our fellow humans who are trapped in Islam and to help them
become free." Real democracy and Islam don't mix.
Daniel Pipes reviews David Cook's new book. Arab spokesmen have worked
hard to obfuscate the meaning of jihad, often claiming it only
means a personal spiritual struggle. But as Mr. Cook makes clear, the
term primarily means "warfare with spiritual significance." The book
tracks the evolution of jihad as practiced by Mohammad to its
current rabid manifestations.
Julia Gorin has reformed. She now accepts that she suffers from
Islamphobia because she keeps thinking that all the suicide bombings
and airplanes crashing into buildings are done by Muslims. She is
beginning to appreciate that most everything bad that happens on the
planet is Israel's fault, even when it looks like Muslims are the
culprits. She realizes that Palestinians had a need to kill Jews. "If
they [Palestinians] lose a grip on their hate, they'll have a massive
identity crisis, and suicide bombers will become actually suicidal."
The next articles look at Arab Muslims. What are they like when they
are at home?
This is a very wise article and a very frightening one. Professor
Barry Rubin reminds us we live in a time when it "is nice if people
have quaint customs, diverse foods, and colorful traditional dress.
What is not acceptable is to understand that some people think and
behave differently." Applying these attitudes to the Middle East can
lead to very incorrect assessments of how to deal with the Arabs.
To say Saudi Arabia has no religious freedom doesn't begin to describe
what's going on. It isn't just that everyone must conform to
Wahhabism, the state religion and that the state teaches hatred of
Christians and Jews. But religion the Saudi's brand of Islam –
permeates all aspects of Saudi life its politics, its dress codes,
its civil rights and encourages the propensity of its citizens to
violence and terrorism.
Some people in both England and America who set foreign policy are
promoting the syllogism that if Hamas wins popular support by way of a
democratic ballot box and we support democracy, then we too should
accept Hamas. This enlightened viewpoint ignores that Hamas' core
motivation is to exterminate Israel. Jonathan Spyer reminds us that
"[h]istory is replete with examples of movements that sought to
combine the use of the tools of democracy with the substantive
rejection of its goals, and the desire eventually to subvert and
destroy it.
These essays examine how Muslims behave around the world, in places
where they are in control to places they are just entering, and from
plain old-fashioned slaughtering in Sudan to polite but persistent
infiltration in Europe.
The virulent anti-semitism coming from Arab countries is spreading
around the globe next to oil, it is the Arabs' largest export. Beth
Goodtree tells us about their participation in an Arab-South American
Summit. The South Americans countries are hoping for economic and
political benefits, but, Goodtree warns, "If they're not careful,
pretty soon they'll be calling their continent South Amerabia."
For almost a half century, Muslim Brotherhood members and sympathizers
have "steadily established a wide and well-organized network of
mosques, charities, and Islamic organizations." in Europe. Their
actual goal appears to be "... to extend Islamic law throughout Europe
and the United States." Lorenzo Vidino paints a picture of their less
savory activities in Germany, a country familiar to some of them from
their Nazi affiliation days and a key location from which to
infiltrate political and governmental institutions and spread their
message of hate across the continent.
Salah Choudhury is a remarkable man. A native of Bangladesh, he has
supported diplomatic relations between Bangladesh and Israel and
interfaith dialogue between Islam and Israel. He was arrested in the
airport on his way to Israel to attend a writer's conference and
incarcerated for 17 month. Now released, he writes,"... it is now time
to spread our message to the masses..."
Elliott Green recounts how the mainstream press and the international
humanitarian organizations have ignored the persecution of the
southern Sudanese blacks by the northern Sudanese Muslims for some 50
years, with only generally mild rebukes given the north Sudanese for
the crime of mass murder. The recent history of the Sudan is also
interesting as an object lesson for the Arab-Israeli conflict in that
it points up that advocates of Arab dominance side with the Arabs,
whether they are depicted as powerless and downtrodden or when they
are in actuality conquerers and murderers.
In the wake of Muslim resurgence and Israel's foolish attack upon its
own citizens, there has been a concomitent resurgence of
anti-Semitism, not seen since the days just prior to World War 2.
Dr. Reuven Erlich points out that an official website of the
Palestinian Authority (PA) disseminates The Protocols by
incorporating it into the story of their Nakba they view the
establishment of the Jewish state as a catastrophe. The linkage
promotes the notion that the schemes of the Elders of Zion are
responsible for all the bad things that have happened to the Arabs.
Interestingly enough, The Protocols appear on the website the
PA runs in Arabic, not on the English one.
Considering how much political capital the Arabs are making out of the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, we thought it might be useful
to review its origins, how it fits into the very large genre of
anti-semitic literature and why it is so satisfying a document for so
many. Emanuel A. Winston does this in a very readable essay.
ON THE FUTURE OF THE JEWS: And its dependence on the future of Christianity
It becomes tiresome to remind skeptics again and again that Israel is
legal and legally owns what was mandated Palestine and is not
occupying Arab land the reverse is true and have them continue to
believe the Arabs own the land of Israel. Barbara Lerner suggests a
psychological reason for this persistent attitude. "Eurosecs see Jews
as a foreign element, always and everywhere a landless foreign
people. So if they're on land, it must belong to someone else, to the
'natives'." The wandering Jews can not be owners of the Land of
This essay is a departure for Think-Israel but the author, Shalom
Noury, has some interesting ideas on why the resurgence of
anti-Semitism in Europe well beyond the obvious one that the Arabs
are spending money effectively.
What are the Muslims doing in and to America? What's happening and why
are we susceptible?
Arlene Peck writes of the inroads Muslims have made into America to
make life better for Islam and worse for all the rest of us. In her
own forthright way, she provides us with multiple examples to back up
her conclusion that "America is caught fast in the quicksand of
politcally correct rhetoric, realpolitik, and multicultural
Arab/Muslim appeasement."
In November 2002, Frimet Roth, whose daughter Malki was killed in the
Sbarro pizzeria suicide bombing, described the Parents Circle as
"prototypical 'Stockholm' hostages" in that they have identified with
the suicide bombers (http://www.kerenmalki.org/Press/
Frimet_Roth_POINT_Stockholm_Syndrome_27Nov02.htm). In this article,
Lee Kaplan writes of their latest shenanigans teaming up with their
Arab buddies to deliver mendacious but effective Arab propaganda to
naïve schoolchildren in the USA.
Perhaps the time to examine a belief is when it has become so
pervasive that no one questions it. Perhaps that's the time to ask
about limitations and boundaries. Dr. Babu Suseelan asks what are the
limits of tolerance, generally a good thing, when we are confronted by
an intolerant group, specifically, an Islam that is taking advantage
of our tolerance to impose a very intolerant ideology. Our need to
cling to our pride in our tolerance has distorted our own reality.
The USA is in denial about the Islamic threat. It pretends all the
damage is done by a small group of Muslim militants. (In World War 2,
when it took the war seriously, it didn't separate Germans by degrees
of innocence.) The FBI refuses to label obvious acts of terror as
terrorist attacks. The core problem is that people can't deal with the
fact that the Muslim religion isn't the good and uplifting force we
expect from a religion. As Yashiko Sagamori says, "Islam didn't go
postal, it was born postal."
The first essay summarizes the dealings of American presidents with
the Arabs. From Truman to Bush, there's hardly been an American
president that hasn't professed deep concern for Israel's security.
There's hardly been a president that hasn't actively catered to the
Arabs. The second essay is about an interesting event in Roosevelt's
time when the Arabs were just entering the world stage as serious
Rachel Neuwirth examines the continued pressure exerted on Israel by
American presidents, those with a reputation of being Israel's friend
and those with more overt hostility. America has seen to it that
Israel has never been allowed to inflict a resounding defeat on her
enemies, no matter how many times they invaded Israel. And yet, it is
significant that history records times that Israel withstood the
pressure and won out.
President Roosevelt and Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia met once, in 1946. No
minutes of the meeting have survived and Roosevelt died within weeks.
The arabs have since mythologized the meeting and each year the
extent of the supposed special relationship between America and Saudi
Arabia grows. Lewis Lipkin examines the evidence, which doesn't
support this assertion.
American Jews should be a wall protecting Israel from foreign
encroachment, including American coercion. Unfortunately, too many are
quiescent or indifferent. And Aipac is under Sharon's thumb.
On Tuesday, May 24, Prime Minister
Sharon came to Washington and made a speech at Aipac, reassuring a
polite bunch that 'Less is More.' By giving up Gaza, Israel would be
allowed to keep much of Samaria and Judea by its good friend,
President Bush. Allowed! Sharon has forgotten the
first rule of diplomats and politicians: "If you squeeze and the guy
cries 'Uncle,' keep squeezing." It's less work and more profitable
than pushing on someone who stands tall and firm. It leaves more time
for long lunches. Within days Bush announced he is pleased with his
new pet, Mahmoud Abbas, and warned Israel to do nothing to impede the
formation of a thriving Palestinian state that is to encompass Gaza,
the West Bank and Jerusalem. And to tighten the noose, after Sharon's
agent Dov Weisglass has reassured everyone that things are fine, a
spokesman for Sec-of-State Rice said of Weisglass: "He does not
understand the way secretary of state Condoleezza Rice thinks. Nor
does he understand her diplomatic vocabulary. During his meetings with
Rice, he misinterpreted her naturally courteous demeanor as consent to
everything he said."
So here we are: a 4000-year-old people is to make way for a
40-year-old 'people'. A vibrant and productive country whose
citizens make the whole world a better place to live in with their
innovative advances in agriculture, electronics, science, medicine and
the arts is to be cut in half so
that a ragtag group of Arabs whose major industry is the manufacture
of low-tech bombs, missiles and explosives laced with nails and rat
poison can have a country whose parts are contiguous. Tiny Israel is
to surrender land that belongs to her by the bible, by history, by
morality, by the Mandate, by international law and by conquest and
in the process give a bunch of terrorists control over her drinking
water and her air and sea space. President Bush's decree and Sharon's
panicky rush to carry out this destruction guarantee damage to
America's only ally in the Middle East. It will weaken Israel
so it will be less able to fend off the next attack by the Arabs. And
there will be a next attack.
While the 'prime minister' of the Palestinians politely but firmly
makes clear he will do nothing to stop terror, the prime minister of
Israel announces against the advice of his own military and
intelligence people that he will destroy productive Jewish towns,
chock full of loyal citizens, who will be turned into unproductive
refugees in their own country. We know he knows this will make other
towns more vulnerable to terrorist attacks because he has just
designated 44 towns in Israel "proper" as being in the war zone and
vulnerable to attack from the soon-to-be-expanded terrorist territory.
And what are the men and women of Aipac doing to save their fellow
Jews? What are the Presidents of the Major Jewish Organizations doing?
Sharon spoke to them in NYC last Sunday. These worthies are doing
what the Jewish leaders did before and during World War 2. Nothing.
Let it not be said that all Jews did nothing. Thanks to the
dedicated efforts of many Israelis and some Jewish-American
organizations, Israelis are beginning to understand that a retreat
from Gaza is very serious and very likely suicidal. As our small
contribution, we bring you four takes on the Aipac meeting. And our
blog-ed pages where items on Gush Katif and the
Gaza retreat have orange labels are filled with much
information on the largely unreported struggle in Israel to save
Israel from its demented politicians.
by Emanuel A. Winston
by Beth Goodtree
by Marion D.S. Dreyfus
by Dr. Judah Tzoref
Israel can not expect fair treatment let alone understanding from
many academics and most of the media. They seem to have lost their
integrity. Of course, Israel's own ineptitude at telling its story
doesn't help. But that doesn't explain why the arrogant disregard of
truth when writing about Israel is spreading to how stories about
America's fight against terror are written.
Max Singer points out that "Israel talks about its needs; while
Palestinians talk about their rights...Palestinians talk about
justice and Israelis talk about violation of agreements." He wisely
concludes that "[s]o long as the dispute with Palestinians is seen as
a fight between a thief and his victim, a fight about when
"Palestinian land" will be returned to its rightful owner, Israel's
talk of its security needs will fall on deaf ears."
Tom Gross notes the irony that "Europe's relatively strict freedom of
speech laws ... were to a large extent drafted as a reaction to the
Continent's Nazi occupation. Yet the one group the European media has
routinely defamed has been the Jews, especially Israeli Jews. But now,
a French court has found writers for Le Monde guilty of "racist
defamation." The verdict, unfortunately, hasn't trigger soul-searching
in the press. In fact, there's been "virtually no coverage..."
If Rashid Khalidi of Columbia University is a CEO of the Islamic
Academic Jihad enterprise, Lisa Hajjar is solidly middle management.
She specializes in shrillery and clobbery, accusing America and Israel
of all sorts of unsubstantiated crimes. Steven Plaut describes her
"academic" activities in absorbing detail.
The mainstream news media is rabidly opposed to our fighting back in a
war Islamic terrorists started and continue. As Cinnamon Stillwell
puts it, "The mainstream news media is doing all it can to defeat the
United States abroad." It condemns any and all American transgressions
even when they have not been proven or even when they have been
proven not to have happened and they forgive all monstrosities
committed by the terrorists, even when these are well-documented and
proudly acknowledged by the terrorists themselves.
As long as the Israeli Government aided by the media and the political
left continues to promote the belief there's no alternative to
withdrawal from Biblical Israel, we will continue to present
alternatives to amputating Israel in order to keep it Jewish. Here are
There is truth in the notion that the extremist Israeli Left is
virulently opposed to the new settlers of Gaza, Samaria and Judea
because so many of the Leftists are descendents of the early settlers
of the 19th century. They themselves have lost their moxie and they
act out of jealousy and guilt. Or maybe it's because the early
settlers were by and large Communist-Socialists and the new settler
movement is based on Judaism. But it's not the whole truth. This
document represents the views of thousands who live on kibbutzim and
moshavim who refuse to have a "Palestinian" state carved out of an
integral part of Israel. This essay proposes Arabs legally living in
the West Bank be given autonomy and citizenship in Jordan, where
Palestinian Arabs are a majority, and Gazan Arabs become citizens of
Maybe if the Israeli government described the Arab-Israeli conflict as
clearly as Gary Cooperberg does, they would long have stopped doing
the pointless, the wrong and the self-destructive. The Arabs wish to
kill off Israel. Why should Israel oblige them? Cooperberg points out
that given the history of Arab aggression, by now there are only
two choices: "Either we remove all the Arabs from our country, or we
just pack up and leave."
To become peaceful neighbors, the Arabs need to become democratized
and to "create secular states not subservient to the rule of Islam."
Until this happens, how does Israel protect itself? Bernard Shapiro
analyzes the security and demographic requirements for retaining and
maintaining a Jewish state and makes specific suggestions.
The history articles this issue are directly applicable to the current
demands of the Arabs that Arab refugees from the 1940s be allowed to
return to Israel and that Jerusalem really belongs to them.
David Meir-Levi destroys a most persistent and pernicious myth that
when Israel was created, Israel "caused the flight of almost a million
hapless, helpless and hopeless Arab refugees. Israel caused the
problem and thus Israel must solve the problem." The Arab inhabitants
of Israel that fled their homes were molded into a piteous
group to serve as the excuse for the Arabs to maintain a relentless
rejectionist attitude toward Israel. Unlike the Jews who fled the Arab
countries and were integrated into Israel, these Arabs were not
allowed to lead a normal life. And UNRWA has taken a willing part in
this abuse.
Jenny Grigg highlights the major periods in the history of the city of
Jerusalem, pointing out that not only is it Judaism's holiest site and
capital of Jewish states both in ancient times and in modern times,
but there has been a Jewish presence there for some 3000 years. As for
the Palestinian Arabs, their claim to the city "seems to be based
solely on their desire to possess it." Paradoxically, to ensure that
people of all religions can worship in Jerusalem freely requires that
Jerusalem remain under Israel's sole rule.
This is where our readers get a chance to
write opinions and editorials and share articles they find
informative. Why Blog-Ed and not Op-Ed? Because we have retained the
typical blog style of a stream of text organized chronologically.
The Blog-Eds page for the month is updated every few days.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: A Blog-Ed page now has a quick list of the
articles from which you can access any of the articles immediately.
Click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the
Blog-Ed page.
NOTE: The Blog-Ed page now has an
orange box labeled "Gush Katif" on every article that is about
Sharon's Gaza retreat plan.
May 2005 Blog-Eds READ MORE
June 2005 Blog-Eds READ MORE
March-April, 2005
The Gaza withdrawal proposal imposes no requirements on the Arabs to
safeguard Israel's water supply. These papers are all about water
that enormously important subject that has been largely ignored when
discussing Israel's unilateral retreat plan. The first AKA
Water 101 summarizes background data and focuses on what to expect
when the Arabs control Israel's water supply. The second is a more
comprehensive examination of the water problem.
Lake Kinnert and the Coastal and Mountain aquifers are the main
sources of Israel's water supply. When the Palestinian Authority took
control of the Gaza aquifer as part of the Oslo Accord, they
quickly ruined it. Now the Sharon government is bent on letting the
Palestinians Arabs take over much of the land overlying both aquifers.
And there are calls for Israel to give up the Golan to Syria, which
would put much of the sources of Lake Kinneret in Syrian hands. What
Dr. Martin Sherman analyzes the complexities of Israel's water supply
and why it must be a major consideration in political dealings with
Israel's Arab neighbors. He provides us with the details of "the
growing imbalance between available natural supplies and increasing
demand" and the deterioration of Israel's water resources. Written in
2000, when some people still thought Israel and the Arabs could jointly manage
Israel's water supply, it remains (depressingly) accurate.
As PM Sharon's deadline for expelling the Jews of Gaza approaches, the
crisis in Israel grows. The argument used to be that Israel couldn't
hold onto the territories and remain a democracy. As Sharon becomes
more dictatorial and civil disobedience is denounced as civil war,
Israel is in danger of losing both her historical lands and her
democratic nature.
Jamie Glazov moderated a symposium that asked: "Is Sharon's pull-out
plan shrewd or suicidal?" Saul Stern and Abraham Rabinovich
optimistically argue it is strategically sound because America has
agreed Israel can retain much of the West Bank; contrariwise, if
Israel doesn't leave, it will soon have by demographic projections –
a 40% Arab minority. [Unfortunately for them, America has asserted
almost all of the West Bank is also to be part of a forthcoming
Palestinian Arab State and the demography assertion was recently shown
to be based on a false reading of the data.] Their opponents, P. David
Hornik and Steven Plaut, base their arguments on what we know of
ingrained Arab behavior and attitudes and on Israel's experience –
letting the Arabs get away with random violence has led to
well-organized violence; appeasement and concessions lead to more
ambitious Arab demands. They feel withdrawal is suicidal. [If Sharon
persists, unfortunately, they are likely to be proven right.]
In clear language, Daniel Pipes writes why retreating from Gaza would
be the wrong thing to do it is probably illegal and unprecedented;
it gains Israel nothing; it is divisive; and it is a major boost to
Muslim rejectionists.
They say the devil is in the details, and certainly the rules and the
obvious consequences of Sharon's bid to expunge Jews and Judaism from
Biblical Israel are monstrous. But then, so is Sharon's insistence
that Israel's history and belief system are inconsequential.
Deb Kotz is just back from an Israel experiencing the relative calm of
the latest Arab ceasefire. Unlike much of the optimism that gets
published, Kotz writes that for Israelis, "beneath the surface,
there's a simmering anger, a hostility of disbelief." She shows us
this by recounting an informal interview in Jerusalem with a family
member, who lived through a terror attack.
In a straightforward manner, Serena Weil examines the arguments that
have been put forth in favor of disengagement and finds them lacking
in common sense or just plain wrong. She concludes that Sharon has
"engaged the country in a disastrous process. Anti-democratic,
anti-Zionistic, militarily and economically incomprehensible. Add that
to the national, emotional and religious issues which have been
stirred up and you wonder if the man has not gone mad?"
Yuval Zaliouk writes that the Disengagement Plan, because it will have
a profound effect on the future of Israel, "deserves a lengthy,
exhaustive, and profound examination." He lists some issues that
should be seriously considered by all of us before precipitous action
is taken.
Steven Plaut paints a grim picture of a future where, to obtain Peace
at Last, the Jewish government of Israel has thrown Jewish settlers
out of their homes in the territories. The Palestinians then repeat
the intifada, this time demanding the Galilee and the Negev.
Impossible? Who would have believed a few years ago that Jews would
treat Jews as the enemy and treat Arab terrorists with consideration?
An American, Billy Jacobs, recounts his experience at a boot camp just
a half year ago, training with the IDF, which he describes as "the
most effective fighting force in this part of the world ...
because they are reluctant citizen soldiers." If Sharon
attempts to carry out his 'disengagement' plan, the IDF will be
put in the appalling position of fighting its own people, not the
Patricia Berlyn traces the progressively more insane behavior of
Israel's governments beginning in 1967 with the bizarre notion that
"defeated aggressors must be bribed to cease aggression". Then they
actually gave up control of parts of the Jewish homeland for nebulous
promises of peace. Now Sharon proposes to vacate Biblical Israel. The
emboldened PLO terrorists don't worry him; he's busy preparing to
fight the enemy the Jews who object to his insane behavior.
Ellen Horowitz takes us back to a time not too long ago when the then
Prime Minister Barak crowed about giving the Golan up to Syria; the
politicians and media foreign and domestic cackled about a
'comprehensive peace'; America sang sweetly and applied pressure on
Israel; and the Israeli public, as usual, was cracked down the middle.
But nothing happened, in part because a previous Knesset spearheaded by
a Laborite! had passed a law that returning the Golan required a
majority vote of the Knesset and the consent of a majority of the
registered voters by referendum. What an interesting precedent.
Starting with the premise that amputating part of Israel to no purpose
is too irrational, these essays postulate other reasons for Sharon's
single-minded war on the Jews in the territories.
For many, this essay will be an 'aha' experience. Moshe Dann makes a
compelling case that the motive power behind the Sharon/Peres policy
is the desire to promote the interests of Israeli's ruling elite,
which has always longed for a secular Israel that doesn't carry the
burden of a nationalist ideology. 'Naturally,' it views religious
Jews, not the Arabs, as its major adversary. "The struggle in Israel
over Sharon's policy of retreat is not merely about power, and
certainly not peace, but over Jewish identity and Jewish values."
Ya'akov-Perez Golbert postulates that what is happening in the Jewish
state is due to the Labor establishment taking control of the
Government by blackmailing Prime Minister Sharon, who is susceptible
to charges of corruption and breach of public trust. Labor, which lost
the election, has half of the ministries, Peres is back in power and
Laborites run the judiciary. Demoralizing the religious settlers of
Gaza will further the aim of Labor to de-Judaize Israel.
The reason for expelling Jews from Gaza and the other territories is
to make room for a viable Arab state. These essays deal specifically
with what to expect from yet another Arab state carved from Mandated
Shmuel Katz points out there can't be two states living peacefully
side by side, not if one of them is fixated on demolishing the other.
Sharon is leading his people into disaster.
Given the ties between the Palestinians and Al-Queda, a Palestinian
Arab state will "become a base for terrorist operations against both
Israel and the United States." The "Phased Plan" of the PLO (now the
P.A.) has never changed: the Arab terrorist state will try to make the
official P.A. map of Palestine in which Israel does not exist a
gory reality, as a first step in global conquest. And yet, as
Professor Beres points out, Israel continues "to wallow in engineered
delusion, to waste critical strength in vain concessions, to elicit
still-growing enmity by its weary capitulations..." Under Sharon, will
it ever face reality?
As Sharon rushes ahead to evacuate the Jews from Gaza, America pushes
with the same unseemly haste to establish a Palestinian State in the
Jew-free territories and the Arabs intensify their military training
and stock pile weaponry so that they can turn the emptied land into "a
staging ground for the next round of a war whose sole aim is the total
destruction of Israel."
Actually, arguments justifying Israel's ownership of Biblical Israel
are unnecessary her ownership is woven into the fiber of
international law. But Israel hasn't asserted her rights, and this
allows the world community to ignore her ownership.
This is the latest of Dr. Yoram Shifftan's meticulous analyses of the
legal status of the "territories". He bases the legitimacy of the
Jewish claim to Biblical Israel Gaza, Samaria and Judea (aka the
West Bank) on rock-solid international law. Israel holds Biblical
Israel as a sacred trust for all future generations and can not gift
it away. What is surprising and appalling is that Israel's
diplomatic corps and its educational system do not proclaim these
truths; they are mute while the Arabs invent fanciful claims.
A prominent specialist in international law and Israeli constitutional
law lays out the illegality of Sharon's Disengagement Plan. In
meticulous detail, he tells us why "[t]he implementation of this plan
will infringe Jewish national and political rights to the Land of
Israel under international law, Israeli constitutional law and
criminal law, as well as Jewish religious law."
Thanks to mind-numbing propaganda and a blackout on interactive
discussion, many believe there's no alternative to withdrawing from
Biblical Israel, even as they acknowledge that retreat will bring
escalating hostilities, and no peace. Think-Israel has published
several articles over the years on alternative and real solutions to
the Arab-Israeli conflict. This is another plan that deserve
serious evaluation.
Implicit in George Bush's conditions for establishing a new Arab state
dismantling the terrorist organizations and the establishment of
genuine democracy" is "the requirement that the new Arab state will
not endanger the security of Israel." Michael Anbar argues that two
other conditions are essential: (1) the Arabs must acknowledge that
this has been the Jewish homeland from Biblical times and (2) both
Jews and Christians must be allowed to live there and anywhere in the
Arab states with full rights, just as Muslims live in Israel, in
Europe and in America. He believes this would allow a peaceful
solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, whereas Sharon's expel-the-Jews
solution does nothing to counter the Arab's religious doctrine of
'infidel-free Arab land'."
These essays deal with terrorism and Muslim terrorists, both in the
Middle East and around the world.
Dr Asher Eder points out the question doesn't address the real issue,
because Abu Mazen is only a figurehead. The question should be
rephrased: Are the Arab nations ready to make peace with Israel and to
accept the existence of Israel in their midst?" Unfortunately for the
latest pumped-up round of optimism about peace, the answer is 'No.' In
truth, the longer Israel keeps up the pretense that this time will be
different, the more lethal the terrorists become.
As Caroline Glick points out, "since Arafat ordered Fatah chief Marwan
Barghouti to form the "Unified Command of the Intifada" with Hamas and
Islamic Jihad, the separation of the various terror groups has been
more theoretical than real." Nevertheless, to prevent political
embarrassment, Clinton and Peres gave Arafat more weapons and
resources. The party line was that if he was strong, he would confront
the terrorist organizations. Abbas has replaced Arafat, but the
collusion between the terror groups continues. As Glick says, "this
problem will only grow if Israel vacates Gaza, providing them with a
secure base of operations where Syria, Iran and Hizbullah will be able
to arm and train them to attack at will."
Yashiko Sagamori takes a scalpel to the tender subject of America's
heavy investment in building democracy in the Arab world rather than
fighting terrorism head on. Using Muslim behavior in democratic
Europe as indicator, it's clear that Islam's response to democracy has
been negative. "The question remains whether democracy is in fact
compatible with Islam."
The UN has aided terrorism by supporting Arab refugees financially
while Arab UN personnel allow the refugee children to be indoctrinated
with hate and recruited as terrorists. As skilled as the UN is at
protecting its own, some appalling information has been leaking out
about what the UN lowly workers up through UN toplevel staff has
been up to: playing partisan politics, taking bribes, aiding and
abetting terrorism, working against member nations, mismanaging funds
entrusted to them. UNRWA's corruption has been the most egregious, but
even sacred cows such as UNICEF are involved. David Frankfurter gives
us a succinct summary of where we are now. Does anyone think the
scandals uncovered are all there are?
Speaking from many years of experience working to prevent terrorism,
Donald Hamilton talks about the lies terrorists tell, lies to make
themselves appear reasonable and their destructiveness justified.
IS THERE A HOPE TO "REFORM" ISLAM? An analysis of the
real roots of Islamic terrorism and possible solutions
Once a member of a terrorist group, Mr. Hamid writes knowledgeably
about Islamic terrorism. He tells us that "the origin of Islamic
Terrorism is deeply rooted in the way Muslims understand their
religion." Clearly and concisely, he describes how traditional Islamic
teachings interpret particular terms and verses in ways that promotes
violence. Reverting "to the pure Arabic language-based understanding of
the words" would encourage peace.
Patrick O'Brien asks if our war on terrorism is a war on Islamic
terror or on Islam itself. Clearly the terrorists we are fighting are
always Muslim, where ever they are in the world. And yes, "we are at
war with the doctrine of offensive, violent jihad against the infidel,
which has always been, and still is, a central component in Islam –
because we are the primary target, along with Israel, of this
religious warfare." O'Brien points out that in fighting jihad, we can
move humanity forward, and "can offer a chance at freedom to a lot of
our fellow humans."
Christians have been among the strongest of Israel's supporters and
among the most offensive. The first essay speaks to why Christians
should support Israel. The second reports on the recent decision by
the World Council of Churces to divest themselves of holdings in
Israel or in Israeli companies.
In this letter to Christians, Zack Lieberberg recounts the crimes Jews
as a community have been accused of committing, crimes that were the
overt reasons for Christians demonizing and murdering Jews. Today,
"[o]nly the deaf can ignore the Arab threat to Israel. Only the blind
cannot see that the 'two state solution" will be final in the
Hitlerian sense.'" It's time Christians stopped covertly aiding the
Arabs in their war against Israel and started actively promoting
Israel's right to live securely in its own land.
Professor Paul Merkley suggests that the decision of the WCC's leaders
to rid themselves of Church investments in Israel is a result of
decades of absorbing misinformation about Israel mixed with a
liberal-relativist theology and a tendency to pursue trendy ideas.
Their view of Israel as illegitimate goes along with their
"celebration of the alleged record of religious tolerance in Muslim
empires." But it doesn't match the opinions and values of a growing
number of their Church members.
Oslo and now Disengagement seem to have been concocted by Israelis and
then adopted by whatever American admininistration was in power. So,
whether or not Bush instigated Israel's current crisis, he is a
willing participant and deserves the criticism he is starting to get.
In the current issue of Commentary, Norman Podhoretz lays out
many of the problems with the Gaza Disengagement Plan and then says
he's for it because he has faith in George Bush. Charles Krauthammer
feels the same. In this essay, we have a counterweight. Rachel
Neuwirth writes a modern version of "Put not your faith in princes."
Unless Secretary of State doesn't know the meaning of the word
"contiguous", it behooves us to take her statement that the pieces
of the projected Palestinian Arab state are to be joined. Basing his
analysis on information from the DEBKAfile, Emanuel Winston
spells out a frightening scenerio that follows logically from what
seems a minor upheaval uprooting the 8-9000 Jews from Gaza.
We know that terrorists become terrorists because they are bred that
way, in conformity with their religion and the teachings of their
leaders and educators. But we mustn't lose sight of another important
reason: terror pays. In this essay, Jock Falkson points out the
inconsistencies in Bush's policy of condemning terrorism that targets
Americans and rewarding terrorism that is aimed at Israelis.
These next essays deal with Israel's soul. What defines
Judaism? What is the relationship of the Jewish people to their land?
There is much evidence demonstrating Israel's ineptitude in making its
case in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Martin Wasserman suggests that
"maybe the problem is not the delivery, but the message itself." He
suggests that Israel simply state that the land is ours because God
gave it to us and we've returned home. "What's important is not that
the world accepts the covenant, but that we accept it. If we live up
to it, and achieve the promised results, the world will have no choice
but to accept it."
Zionism is often thought to be a recent movement and, according to
some, no longer of significance. In this insightful essay, Michael
Anbar argues that "Zionism is a non-separable, fundamental aspect of
Judaism an aspect without which Judaism loses its meaning as a
national culture. Eliminating Zionism and the hope for the Messiah
leaves Judaism without its soul, leaving a dead skeleton of bare
rituals." Perhaps that is why Jew-haters try so hard to rid Judaism of
its Zionist convictions.
The dismal way some secular Jews view their Jewish roots was shown
when Moshe Dayan turned over the keys to the Temple Mount, Judaism's
holiest site, to the Arabs. The Arabs understood what the Jews did
not: that the Temple Mount was linked to our very peoplehood. And they
have been trying to destroy Judaism by destroying this connection ever since.
This is where our readers get a chance to
write opinions and editorials and share articles they find
informative. Why Blog-Ed and not Op-Ed? Because we have retained the
typical blog style of a stream of text organized chronologically.
The Blog-Eds page for the month is updated every few days.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: A Blog-Ed page now has a quick list of the
articles from which you can access any of the articles immediately.
Click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the
Blog-Ed page.
March 2005 Blog-Eds READ MORE
April 2005 Blog-Eds READ MORE
January-February, 2005
Sharon's plan for ethnically cleansing the Jews of Gaza continues,
in what is apparently the start of a campaign to drive the Jews from
the rest of Biblical Israel. These first essays examine what's
happening, particularly from the point of view of how it is affecting
the settlers and how amputation of part of Israel, setting Israeli
against Israeli, will damage all of Israel.
Anita Tucker tells us how her community celebrated the writing of a
new Torah scroll. They celebrated in the aftermath of a Kassam missile
attack. "Through the Kassam rockets' red glare..." What a wonderful
example of the magnificance of the human spirit under fire!
Moshe Saperstein lives in Gush Katif, Gaza. As an immigrant from
America, he's often coopted into talking to visiting firemen. Here is
his latest email. As always, it's filled both with angst and with
humor. We can't help wondering if the Jews developed into stand-up
comics as a response to being exposed to imminent dangers and close
calls with death. If true, wouldn't it be nice to let some other
people develop its sense of humor?
The Sharon government is clearly no longer controlled by rule of law.
Under the pretext of upholding the law, they have perverted policies
intended to protect Israeli citizens. In this case, they arrested
women protesting the edict that they were to be kicked out of their
homes and homeland. Then the government moved to take away their
children accusing the women of child neglect.
Moshe Kempinski provides us with insight in how the unique vision that
sustained Jews through centuries of an abusive exile is playing out in
Israel. For those who, like abused children, blame themselves,
"Universalism has become the battle cry." they want to be like
everyone else. For others "...the return of the exiles to their
homeland serve[s] as sign post that Destiny is being fulfilled."
Ironically, these 'visionaries' have the better pragmatic
understanding that retreating from Gaza is the start of a disasterous
and general retreat.
Ariel Sharon has spoken of the need for kindness and unity among
Israelis. But, as Boris Shusteff points out, his recent dictatorial
political decision to expel the Jews of Gaza from their homes –
independent of its political wisdom has the divisive effect of
setting Jew against Jew.
In this second essay, Boris Shusteff points out that Sharon's
government intends to follow the Gaza retreat by abandoning Judea
and Samaria. Weakened by internal dissension and the likely
establishment of a hostile Arab state, Israel will be easy prey to the
Arabs, who have never abandonned their goal of destroying Israel.
The Israelis who live in Gaza or Samaria or Judea have been so
demonized and disparaged that many a secular Israeli feels no kinship
with them. And the 'settlers' in turn often are dismissive of the
secularists. Paula Stern points out that both sides need to regain a
sense of community, an understanding that all Israelis are settlers
and all Israelis have the right to live in safety. Animosity should be
directed not at each other but at the Arab terrorist organizations
who want to destroy all of Israel, not just the territories.
In this delightful essay, Bernard Shapiro uses parables to makes some
insightful points about Israel's leader Arik the bulldozer whose
rampages are taking Israel away from peace and very much towards
Michelle Nevada tells us a simple story that makes a strong point as
she is keeper of her family's heirlooms, so is the Israeli government
steward of the Land of Israel for all Jews. As she says of the plan to
retreat from Gaza, "We should not allow the greatest, most important
heirloom every given to our family, by G-d, to be given away to
These essays also look at the perturbations caused by Sharon's
policy. They look at the economics and implementation of the
expulsion, its faulty underpinnings, and how to prevent the
Many reasons have been adduced for Sharon's fantastic desire to expel
Jews from Biblical Israel, abandonning the land to hordes of Arab
terrorists. In this essay, Emanuel Winston focusses on some hard
economic facts. The Jews of Gaza came to a barren rocky land some 30
years ago and have made it beautiful and productive. How does Sharon
propose to reimburse them for their property? Or doesn't he. Is it
just, au fond, a land grab?
While the politicians and media wisemen reassure us how important it
is to clear Gaza of Jews, making it seem a surgically necessary but
clean withdrawal operation, the IDF planners are devising ways of
handling ugly contingencies. The plans are designed to maximize an
easy take-over by the Arabs. And if the Jews are injured and
demoralized? If their lives and livihood are destroyed? Oh well.
Much of the Arab success in demoralizing Israel has been their clever
psychologics, bolstered by a 1997 report that projected that the Arab
population west of the Jordan would predominate by 2015. The
data have recently been reexamined and the 1997 report was dead
wrong. As Caroline Glick concludes, "Something has gone very wrong
within Israeli society. The numbers are so clear. The data have always
been readily available. And yet, like bats attracted to the darkness
of a cave, we preferred the manipulative lies of the PA to the truth."
David Bedein has been examining the Sharon plan to retreat from Gaza while
expelling the Jewish inhabitants of Gaza. In this essay, he proposes
specific practical activities that will help all of Israel understand
what is at stake in the innocuous-sounding "Disengagement Plan."
These essays examine some factors that made it possible for Sharon
to act dictatorially, against the wishes of the Israelis in the last
election. There are some alternatives to Sharon and his plans.
Some months ago, Boris Celser wrote an incisive analysis of why
Israel's political system of proportional representation with no
direct election of local politicians is the root cause of Israel's
political woes. He intends this article to jumpstart the process of
correcting Israel's political system by making some practical and
doable suggestions. It is also a challenge to those in a position to
do something, principally those in the media and experts in
various fields.
Martin Sherman points out that "[t]he Palestinian problem is very much
an artificial product of the evilness of Arab states (and the
foolishness of the state of Israel). The world has bought the lie that
there is a Palestinian people and it longs only to recapture its lost
and ancient homeland. But recent polls suggest these Arabs would be
amenable to transfer to decent housing in Arab countries.
In response to those who feel there's no substitute leader for Sharon,
we bring you an assessment by Ben Shapiro of Moshe Feiglin, co-founder
of Manhigut Yehudit, a group of people within the Likud party, who
believe that Israel can be a thriving and modern state based on Jewish
values, with a Jewish identity.
The Arabs have used their religion as inspiration and directive and as
powerful weapon to disarm criticism. They would have to change much of
their culture for real peace in the Middle East and in the rest of the
world. Is such a change possible?
In this essay Beth Goodtree focuses on religion, how the West sees it
as sacrosanct and, because of our hands-off attitude, how the
Islamists carry out their goals under cover of religion. If you think
this alarmist, also read Lappin's article "Ford Has A Better Idea: One
Nation Under Allah"
(http://www.think-israel.org/lappen.fordfoundation.html) on how Arabs
are using respect for Sharia (Muslim law) to nullify freedoms
granted us in our Constitution.
Democratic institutions and new leaders of the Palestinian Authority
are insufficient to develop real peace between Israel and her Arab
neighbors. Salomon Benzimra discusses the importance of dismantling
the myths that have sustained the Palestinian cause since its
inception in the 1960s. The Palestinian Arabs need to unlearn the lies
they value so much they are willing to die for them.
Yashiko Sagamori writes of the need to defeat Islam, because
otherwise it will continue to try to destroy all that isn't Islam.
And in the name of Islam, it must continue to try to bring the
deadening peace of Islam to all of us. The question then is do we
have the will to defeat Islam, whether it wears the violent face of
terror or, what is more dangerous, the peaceful face of moderation?
By any measure, the Arabs have behaved bestially during the second
intifada, yet the world sympathizes with them, taking any
tiny deviation from Arab violence as an excuse to pressure Israel to
appease the aggressors. Changing this will take time and effort. One
requirement is serious reform the United Nations. Changing Israel's
image with intelligent hasbara is also necessary.
This is a clear-eyed assessment of what the "election" of Abu Mazen
means and doesn't mean. It is unlikely to create a benign attitude
towards Israel among the Palestinian Arabs; it is likely to provide
the occasion for pressuring Israel, a tactic traditionally advocated
by the "peace camp" in Israel, the pro-Arab relics of previous
American administrations and much of the media. It is unfortunate that
most American Jews don't yet understand the dangers Israel is likely
to face this year, so they make a poor counterforce.
Did you yawn when the smiling faces of Rice, Abbas and Sharon
announced a new peace initiatve? Been there. Done that. Jeff Dunetz
tranlates everyone's cynicism or is it realism into boardgame
Israel Zwick writes a logical article about a glaring illogic –
contrary to the facts and to any sense of justice, since the second
intifada started in 2000, the world has poured forth sympathy to the
terrorists while continuing to vilify the Israeli victims. There were
flowers aplenty for Arafat, but none for the Jews who died or were
maimed for life because of his successful terrorist attacks. Zwick
suggests that blaming Israel is a stand-in for an underlying and
ongoing hostility to Judaism as Judaism.
The U.N. is expending time and effort to appear to be reforming
itself. Actually, the problem is simple and unexamined. As Anne
Bayefsky puts it: "For the past four decades the United Nations has
become the personal propaganda machine of the ... Arab and Islamic
states" and their surrogate: the Palestinians. And, she concludes,
"... so far, no one is prepared to do anything about it."
By persuading the foreign media to adopt their terms and descriptors
for people and places, the Palestinian Arabs has succeeded in selling
their version of events in Israel to the world. The association of
ideas that come with these labels give the Arabs a strong advantage in
the language war, an important component in the war the Arabs have
waged against Israel since before its inception. As Daniel Pipes asks,
"Who, a century back, would have imagined Jews making the better
soldiers and Arabs the better publicists?"
Israel's hasbara (its public relations) was never good and certainly
didn't improve when Shimon Peres as Foreign Minister decided to
abolish hasbara he didn't feel it was necessary. Bernard Shapiro
suggests Israel needs to do what its enemies do, and "mold public
opinion" instead of ignoring it. This is particularly important now
that thanks to long-term, broad-based and excellent Arab propaganda
it is politically correct is to be pro-Arab, no matter what they do.
And the major media outlets have no qualms about misreporting,
omitting contextual facts, and telling plain ordinary lies that defame
Dr. Emmanuel Navon points out there are "many reasons why European
public opinion is so antagonistic toward Israel, but one of them is
the manipulation of media and information by Israel's foes." Most
Europeans believe "that the Arab-Israeli conflict is the source of
Islamic terrorism..." Dr. Navon suggests some corrective facts that
might convince Europeans that the basic problem is the Arab appetite
for conquest. They want to take over Israel and Europe.
In this section we talk about the media and how it spreads the
virus of anti-Semitism, sometimes openly, sometimes under the guise
of just being anti-Israel.
Steven Plaut, himself an academic, has become an impurtant figure in
the defense of free speech and accurate scholarship, fighting
intolerant and sloppy, often mendacious, often rabid, Leftist
academics, both in Israel and America. Here he writes about the
relationship of Ward Churchill, Counterpunch magazine and its
editor, Alexander Cockburn.
Lee Green dissects some of the errors in a slipshod Washington
Post story by John Ward Anderson on illegal construction in the
eastern part of Jerusalem. Contrary to the impression given by the
story, most of the illegal building is done by Arabs, as part of a
strategy to claim Jerusalem as their own. And, again negating the
claims in Anderson's story, very few of these illegal Arab buildings
are demolished. Jews are treated much less kindly.
TERRORISM'S AMERICAN GIGOLO: Richard Gere's Palestinian Bedfellows
It's rather surprising that Richard Gere, who is so associated with an
image of a peaceful Tibet quietly resisting Chinese aggression, also
identifies with the violence and terrorism with which the Palestinian
Arabs promote their cause. But, as Debbie Schlussel writes, there he
is, arm-in-arm with some pretty aggressive folk in a
get-out-the-post-Arafat-vote. Does he realize he's being used by some
slick sleaze?
As if we don't have enough enemies, some American Jews are proving
to be just as virulent. And some anti-Semitic myths have been allowed
to flourish. What is most distressing: those who should be showing
leadership are doing a poor job fighting back.
Alyssa Lappen carefully dissects Brit Tzedek v'shalom, an anti-Israel
organization that has been received at the White House as if it were a
genuine voice of American Jewry. She traces its affiliation with other
groups whose mission is to destroy Israel; many of these have direct
links with terrorist groups. She traces its funding to the Ford
Foundation, which "claims to have stopped directly funding Brit Tzedek
and Palestinian NGO's." But hasn't.
Cinnamon Stillwell links the bonding of Jews in the Bay area
with those who want to destroy Jews and Judaism to the identification
of the Jewish kapos with their Nazi masters. She points out
that "[t]he current disengagement plan and the resurgence of Oslo-like
naiveté ... [are] the capitulation without cause that seems to
plague ... [Israel] in moments of doubt."
It is a myth that policy in the Middle East is dominated by a group of
reconstructed Jews once liberal, now conservative who manipulate
America's foreign policy for Israel's benefit. In point of fact, the
neocons are devoted to exporting democracy and it is Iran, not Israel,
that has benefitted from the invasion of Iraq.
This forthright essay by Rachel Neuwirth on the general lack of
effective leadership by Jewish American institutions in addressing
the serious problems confronting Jews in America is a gem. It says
what should have been obvious all along. It will make you wonder why
it hasn't been said and addressed by now.
These essays are about historical events. The first is a summary of
important facts people should know before they start spouting off
about the Arab-Israeli conflict. The others discuss the British
handling of the Balfour declaration and the connection between the
Arabs and the Nazis.
This essay is strictly facts no interpretation. Steven Plaut
accurately makes the point that "Palestine was stolen from the Jews by
the Arabs and not the other way around." Several articles in
Think-Israel as well as much of the background page have made the
same points in different ways. And we will keep repeating the truth
until the Arabs and their buddies stop lying.
This is a remarkable essay on a major reason why radical Arabs set the
tone of the attitude of the Arab to the Jew. Around the time of the
Balfour Declaration, there were Arabs who welcomed the return of the
Jew and there were hostile Arabs we are just now beginning to
recognize the underpinning of their hostility. Why have the hostile
Arabs succeeded? Meir Abelson writes, "painful though it may be to
admit the fact is that the seed [of anti-Semitism] was sown by the
British in Palestine under the Mandate..."
Elliott Green eschews fanciful analogies and provides us with a
substantive article on the strong affiliation of the Arabs with the
Nazis and their Axis partners, during World War 2, with the Mufti of
Jerusalem as a prime example. A major theme of the article is to
counter the softsoaping of the relationship that many reference
encyclopedias now present.
While dealing with the same period as does Elliott Green, David
Storobin describes how Husseini was able to con the British while
promoting the German war effort. Change the names of the players, this
essay could be describing how Arafat manipulated the Western powers
just yesterday.
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November-December, 2004
These essays are about the Jews of Gaza and Ariel Sharon's plan to
expel them from their homes, making Biblical Israel Judenrein.
Leaving Gaza will also make it easier for the Arabs to attack the rest
of Israel.
Aryeh Zelasko said of this article, "David Bedein makes clear that the
Sharon plan make no sense as a disengagement plan. After the
extermination of the Jewish presence in Gaza, Israel will still be
responsible for all aspects of life there and will continue to provide
all vital services. Also, there will be no change in the economic
relationship between the Arab workers of Gaza and their Jewish bosses
in Israel. In short, the only thing Sharon's plan does is expel the
Jews of Gaza and steal their property."
The settlers of Gaza, Samaria and Judea have been so demonized,
trivialized and neutered, it almost comes as a shock to read what a
settler is really like. Get the scoop from Ashley Perry, who writes,
"So yes I am a settler! I make no apology for it. I never hurt anyone,
I never stole anyone's land." "I'm just like most people on this
planet ... a regular person. A regular person doesn't hate any
particular people."
The past is very often an excellent guide to understanding what's
happening now and what to expect in the future. Boris Shusteff calmly
and skillfully relates the details of Sharon's political history. As
he points out, Sharon has seesawed between contradictory positions not
out of conviction or ideological principles but out of personal
interest and the desire to remain in power.
Emanuel Winston discusses how Israel's security requirements have been
whittled away by the failed Oslo peace accords. "Now, we have Arik
Sharon retreating from Gaza at the behest of friends and enemies –
even as the terrorists have introduced longer range Kassem rockets
that are already being fired into what Sharon calls 'Israel proper.'"
Frank Gaffney, Jr. assesses Israel's current condition as grim. Its
"leaders who promised to protect [Israel] against Arab neighbors bent
on the destruction of the Jewish State" have not and do not. The Arabs, the
Europeans and the U.N. apply coercive pressure. And Sharon "is
unilaterally withdrawing from the Gaza Strip, a superficially
appealing and politically popular cut-your-losses move that will,
unfortunately, give rise to a new safehaven for terrorists..."
No one really believes that the Gaza disengagement will stop terrorism
or bring peace, not even those who, for all sorts of sleazy reasons,
sing its praises. These next essays suggest some new approaches for
Israel to try. Unlike the Disengagement Plan, they are worth
Expelling the Jews of Gaza in the expectation that Gaza will be the
start of a peaceful, democratic Palestinian state is unrealistic. As
Israel Zwick observes, "There isn't a single, democratic Islamic state
in the whole world, why would this be different?" He suggests an
autonomous representative government that might serve as a model for
the Middle East.
Professor Paul Eidelberg proposes an innovative way to deal with the
Arab demographic problem: the explosive Arab birthrate threatens to
destroy the character of the Jewish state. Professor Eidelberg's
solution is to "make the State of Israel increasingly Jewish and proud
on the one hand, and authentically democratic on the other!"
This article discusses implementation.
It is ironic that while the Arabs strive to make land they control
Jew-free, in the name of democracy an activist leftwing judiciary and
a timid government have encouraged Arab takeover of Jewish communities
in Israel. In contract, as Ariel Natan Pasko points out, 63.7% [of
Israeli Jews] "believes that the government should encourage Israeli
Arabs to emigrate from Israel," while "71% [of Israeli Arabs]
specified one or more material factors that would induce them to
emigrate permanently..."
We have abundant evidence that "the goal of the Palestinians is not to
establish a state for themselves but to dismantle a state for others
– the Jews." But setting their political aspirations aside, a
beneficial change in their environment can be addressed. Martin
Sherman points out that "[t]he sums required for the humanitarian
resettlement of the entire Palestinian population in countries with a
similar/familiar socio-religious environment would be significantly
less than those already spent by the U.S. on the Iraq War."
Muslims have traits fostered by Islam that create problems for
everyone, perhaps even for themselves. They view any land that becomes
Muslim as being Muslim forever after. Their harsh environment has
conditioned them to perpetual battle, not negotiation. Their religion
degrades women and denigrates other religions. For these reasons,
Western optimism and the search by the West for the moderate Muslim is
the wrong approach.
The Vatican explains Muslim "Christianphobia" as a response to the war
on terror. Hugh Fitzgerald presents cogent arguments that contradict
that simplistic and erroneous explanation.
Much of the Middle East is desert, barely capable of supporting life
and it has formed the Arab character.
Len Estrin points out that "[s]urvival in a desert land requires its
own set of rules; and ... these rules are not truly understood by
Western society, including a Westernized Israel." The bottom line:
peace will come to the region "through victory or defeat."
"Negotiation, conciliation or compromise" will continue to fail.
The author, an Iranian student who writes under a pseudonym, observes
that "[t]he infamousness of the Shiite clerics of Iran is not a new
story ... as they are already known to the world as the 'bad guys'."
He talks in this article about the appalling behavior of judges
appointed by the mullahs and how destructive their immorality is to
the younger generation.
A poll by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) concluded
that many Americans have a negative image of Muslims. Steven Stalinsky
notes that "CAIR doesn't address why Americans might have legitimate
concerns about some aspects of the Muslim world ... Instead, it placed
the onus on Americans to learn about Islam which is a code word for
the Islamic concept of da'wa, converting non-Muslims."
In another essay, Professor Eidelberg quotes De Tocqueville, "... by
and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men
as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of
the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less
absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies
are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a
form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to
paganism itself." Professor Eidelberg argues in this essay that the
optimism voiced by some scholars about Islam may be politically
correct but is delusional.
The previous set of essays examined the aspects of the Muslim
character that make it unlikely that we can obtain a lasting peace by
peaceful means. Yet, despite all the evidence, many even many in power –
still believe the road to peace is through appeasement. This set
of essays discuss various aspects of the general War on Terrorism we
are reluctantly fighting.
In this insightful essay on the British mindset, Dean Godson writes
that "Many British officials [Tony Blair included] see a strong
resemblance between the Israelis and the [Protestant] Unionists"; both
are viewed as having "driven out indigenous peoples with a greater
right to the land." Both are urged to make a "massive number of
political concessions" to the IRA and the Palestinian Arabs, who,
whatever they do, are not seen as really terrorists because, after
all, they are in the right.
Jamie Glazov of Front Page Magazine was moderator of a symposium on
the nature of Islamism, "a totalitarian ideology" and how to fight the
war the Islamists are waging against us. The participants Walter
Laqueur, Ion Mihai Pacepa, Robert Leiken and Ralph Peters proposed,
besides killing terrorists for however long it takes to subdue them,
such countermeasures as better intelligence, education, PR,
preemption, civilizing Iraq and recognizing that a small group of
terrorists might acquire weapons of mass distruction. The core of the
problem, as Mr. Peters put it is, "This isn't really a battle of
ideas, but a contest of souls." The struggle "began in the seventh
century A.D. As Islamic conquerors burst out of Arabia, a war began
that has never ceased."
Caroline Glick writes about the courage of Theo van Gogh and Pim
Fortuyn, two Dutchmen both murdered by Muslims, concluding that "...
if at the end of the day Holland is able to protect itself from the
gathering threat of Islamic terrorism, their sacrifice will have saved
countless lives of their countrymen." In contrast, In Israel "... our
leaders seem hell-bent on relinquishing the battleground to our
enemies and to those who see their advancement resulting from our
When I finished reading this article, I thought it could have been
titled 'Why's a nice Jewish country like Israel so stupid and so
benevolent towards its enemies?' Patrick D. O'Brien points out "that
Israel works extremely hard to strike the difficult balance between
defending its citizens and respecting the rights and lives of its
enemies." And yet, "[t]he world erupts in outrage when
Israel hunts down the Islamic terrorists who hide and operate among a
civilian Arab population." but keeps silent when Jews are slaughtered.
Unlike all other groups who have become refugees temporarily, the
refugee status of the Palestinian arab is artificially maintained by
the United Nations Relief and Welfare Agency (UNRWA). The problem is
not just political. As Moshe Dann writes, "... UNRWA receives funding
from terrorist organizations (including al Qaida connected) and
[UNRWA's] 'refugee camps' are major centers of terrorism."
Hillel Halkin carefully dissects the ideas associated with the word
terrorism and how it differs from insurrection, from guerilla
warfare, from ordinary murder. He concludes with what most of us not
in the media always knew: "the Palestinians who for decades killed
Israelis ... in order to promote the goals of the Palestinian
Liberation Organization were terrorists ..."
Dr. Steve Berger debunks the notion that there is an escalating cycle
of violence in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Instead, there is a marked
asymmetry between the indiscriminate barbarity bombings,
decapitations, stonings, dismemberings of the Arabs and the
pinpoint Israeli response.
Daniel Mandel points out that while the media profess to be objective,
in reality they too often sanitize the Arab terrorist, while using
"highly judgmental language" about Israeli counterterrorism. He
suggests the media act out of pro-Palestinian bias and fear that
publishing the truth would leave their reporters open to Arab anger.
In the end, "... they become obliging accomplices of terrorists."
It has become clear, as Neal M. Sher tells us, that Saudi Arabia "has
for years been engaged in a criminal conspiracy to give aid, comfort,
and material support to mass murderers [Hamas]." "Not some rogue
Saudis, not a fringe element seeking to destabilize the nation. No,
the Saudi government itself." To counter the Saudi threat, Sher
suggests that "[t]he passage of a strengthened Saudi Arabia
Accountability Act which makes it difficult to waive its provisions
would be a good beginning."
Arafat is dead. The question now is: after Arafat, what?
Now that he's dead, some of the horrible details of Arafat's life have
finally received wide exposure. Yashiko Sagamori takes the opposite
tack and tells us about Arafat's straight-faced sense of humor how
he generously donated his AIDS-infected blood to the 9/11 terror
victims and how he was idolized by the very people whose future he
ruined. Does Arafat's death usher in a new era? Sagamori reminds us
that Lenin was followed by Stalin, Kim Il Sung by Kim Jong Il and
Hafez Assad by Bashar Assad.
Steven Plaut summarizes the extreme adulation given Arafat by the
media, politicians, "statesmen" and some on the Israeli left. It
probably says as much about Arafat's admirers as it does about Arafat.
While most of the press, ever optimistic, expect that now, with
Arafat's death, negotiation with his successor should be possible.
Professor Barry Rubin is less sanguine. He names the major players –
the people and factions that will try to assume power. He believes
that "[i]f there is a collective leadership, it will include leaders
of very different viewpoints who will be unlikely to agree to any new
or different direction. With no single leader or chain of command, it
is going to be hard for anyone to make policy or take actions such as
ending the violence or engaging in serious negotiations. The most
likely outcome "... is a quiet anarchy in which different groups
operate on their own and ignore instructions from the top."
Major General Yaakov Amidror and David Keyes lay out likely
consequences of Sharon's Disengagement plan coupled with Yasser
Arafat's death. A likely scenario is that Hamas one of the resident
terrorist groups will take over and offer Al-Qaeda a working base
and a safe haven. The authors point out that, "Ironically, by seeking
to neutralize Israeli military power, Western states would help create
the very sort of security vacuum in Gaza that al-Qaeda requires in
order to establish a new sanctuary.
The next essays discuss anti-Semitism from anti-Semitic acts through
the centuries up to a major modern-day offender, the United Nations.
Professor Beres asserts it is a religious duty for American Christians
to prevent a second Holocaust, and the final essay makes the subtle
point that depriving Israeli Jews of their ordinary human rights and
"usurpation of Jewish national assets and sacrilege of Jewish
spiritual heritage" is the start of the slippery slope to what was
once called the 'Final Solution'.
Laureen Moe, a Canadian, provides a brief but excellent historical
summary of anti-Semitism from Roman times to the present, where she
concentrates on the start of Modern Zionism, the Holocaust and
Canada's rejectionist response to the pleas to save Jews. She notes,
however, that things are changing and
"Christians throughout the world are awakening to a call to stand by
the side of the Jewish people."
Swathed in the trappings of a serious report, the draft report of the
UN conference in Barcelona on anti-Semitism has produced a ludicrous
explanation of the causes of anti-Semitism it's the Jews. As Anne
Bayefsky writes of the report's conclusions, "Simply put, Jews are
responsible for anti-Semitism. Or, if it weren't for Israel's annoying
insistence on defending itself, on the same terms as would be applied
to any other state faced with five decades of wars and terrorism aimed
at its obliteration, Jews would be better off."
"Arab terror in Israel ... is openly genocidal." Professor Beres makes
the case that the responsibility of Christians to help prevent a
second Holocaust goes beyond what is expected from ordinary human
decency. It is a religious obligation. As he says, "At the heart of
G-d's covenant with Israel is the promise to the Jewish people His
People to the land of Israel. For Christians, this promise is the
only 'Road Map' of value."
We are so used to hearing "human rights" associated with the Arab
encroachment of the Land belonging by every legitimate measuring stick
to Israel that it comes almost as a shock to read Judah Tzoref's valid
argument that Arab aspirations can not be fulfilled by depriving the
Jews of their right "to human and national equality."
This section is about some of the pernicious Left. It is about the
Israeli academics who defend the Arabs, no matter what they do, and
work against Israel, no matter what it does. It has even coopted some
concepts intrinsic to Judaism to work against Judaism. In the United
States, we have the earnest liberal, who have taken up the cause of the
'poor Palestinian' underdog, without bothering to fortify his
prejudices with facts.
Robert Kornfeld writes about entrenched Marxist Israeli academics who
teach the young "that Israel is a criminal 'colonial' entity
responsible for the Arab violence against it, that the Arabs are the
victims, and that Israel can end the violence by satisfying Arab
demands... It was such ideas that led to the disastrous Oslo accords,
which glorified Yasser Arafat as a peacemaker and brought a rain of
death and destruction on Israel that continues to this day." He
writes, too, of a new group, Israel Academic Monitor, devoted to
exposing and monitoring abuse of academic freedom.
In Part I, Patricia Berlyn discussed how dangerous Sharon's
ill-considered disengagement plan is for Israel. In Part II, she looks
at the "obstinate intiguers" within the State, the "... several,
often overlapping, cliques bent on obliterating the meaning and
purpose of Israel." This includes media people, artists, the Marxist
Left and the fervently irreligious politicians. They have mounted an
assault on the right of free speech for anyone except themselves.
In this insightful essay, Dr. Judah Tzoref contrasts the Jewish
concept of universality which views other cultures "as a
manifestation of the natural order of creation" and the notion of
globalization, which strives "to press nations into the confines of a
global village, where all national distinctions are eventually
obliterated. Unfortunately, the ingrained Jewish belief in
universality has been distorted by Israel's political Left to support
its "ideological endeavor to dismantle social textures intrinsically
related to human nature, such as family and nation."
Steven Plaut chronicles the history of Ernst Zundel, a German-born
Canadian, whose website, Zundelsite, became a major node in the
distribution of Holocaust-denying Hitler-venerating propaganda. The
author of this article has more than an academic interest in Zundel
and his buddies. A contributor to the Zundelsite, Neve Gordon,
lecturer in political science at Ben-Gurion University, has sued Plaut
for criticizing him.
INTERPRETERS OF PEACE: PLO Flag Waving In Dupont Circle
How far away is the Arab-Israel conflict? It's as far away as your
local university and wherever pro-Palestinian folks can set up a
table, raise a poster, woo a passerby. Carrie Devorah writes of her
encounter with members of one such group in Washington, D.C. Their
passion was almost as strong as their ignorance.
The next essays are about historical events. The first two tell
about Jerusalem and Israel in the first part of the 20th Century, well
before the Arab League created a 'people' from ordinary Arabs who lived
locally and/or were migrating into what the British called Palestine.
What hasn't changed is Arab instability and violence. The third essay
could serve as a parable for what happens when academics seem to be
the last to wake up to reality.
Elliot Green writes of a time all of a hundred years ago when
there was no such entity as Palestine, let alone a Palestinian people.
There was not even such a thing as Arab nationalism. As they had from
Biblical times, Jews lived in the Land then an undifferentiated part
of the Ottoman Empire and were not called occupiers. Arabs lived
there and were not called owners.
Hebron is where Abraham and Sarah are buried. Hebron is where David
was crowned king of Israel. The Jews lived in Hebron continously from
Biblical times until 1929, when, after the Hebron massacre, the
British expelled them. Hebron is where determined Jews have come back
to live, despite having to fight hostile Arab neighbors and a hostile,
secular government. Elyakim HaEtzni gives us a glimpse into Hebron's
Jeff Jacoby recounts the story of Ernst Hanfstaengl, a Harvard
graduate and a Nazi, who, when he returned to the University for his
25th reunion in 1934, was greeted warmly by many. Instead of taking a
stand against Nazi ideology, many of the faculty immediately raised
the banner of free speech. Eventually, they became anti-Nazi, but they
weren't in the vanguard, when, as Jacoby says, "it would have done the
most good."
READERS' BLOG-EDS This is where our readers get a chance to
write opinions and editorials and share articles they find
informative. Why Blog-Ed and not Op-Ed? Because we have retained the
typical blog style of a stream of text organized chronologically.
Blog-Eds is updated every few days.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: A Blog-Ed page now has a quick list of the
articles from which you can access any of the articles immediately.
Click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the
Blog-Ed page.
November 2004 Blog-Eds READ MORE
December 2004 Blog-Eds READ MORE
September-October, 2004
A major focus in this issue is on Arab strategy jihad and
terror and how "friendly" Arab countries are contributing to the
campaign to eradicate Israel from the Middle East. Recent articles by
PLO spokemen have made it clear that, no matter what Israel does –
even withdrawing from Gaza and consenting to a Palestinian state the
PLO will not be deviated from its goal of destroying Israel.
JIHAD, APOCALYPSE, AND ANTI-SEMITISM: An Interview with Richard Landes
Richard Landes makes the case that "in monotheistic and modern times,
apocalyptic thinking has often involved exterminationist
anti-Semitism. Jihadism is the main contemporary example." The
"religious Hamas and the secular PLO" both use apocalyptic rhetoric
"characterized by "global conspiracy theory, total war, virulent
anti-Semitism, contempt for human life, and child sacrifice."
Michell Finkel explains the menace of the rockets now being
manufactured and used by the Gazan Arabs. To leave Gaza in Arab hands
makes attacks on the rest of Israel more certain and more accurate.
Clifford D. May describes the one of the latest forms of
anti-Semitism. The intifada has not brought Israel to its knees. So
now Arabs are proposing a Chomskyian one-state solution with a
majority Arab population, to be achieved by opening Israel to anyone
and everyone who claims to be a dispossessed Palestinian. The end
goal, a Judenrein Israel, is sanctioned in the pages of the
New York Times, where it is seen as a fight against bigotry.
Speaking of recent articles by PLO spokesmen, Barry Rubin writes that
the PLO has come into the open about its plans for Israel. "The PLO's
position is now publicly and officially back to where it was in the
1960s and 1970s. Its open goal is Israel's elimination." This puts the
lie to the wishful supposition that all the local Arabs really want is
a 'Palestinian' homeland.
The Western media has by and large preached that the Palestinian Arabs
oppose violence against the Jews and would prefer negotiations. But a
recent poll "found that the vast majority of Palestinian Arabs
continue to support the terrorist murder of Jewish men, women and
children." Prime Minister's Sharon plan to disengage from Gaza is seen
as a victory for terrorism.
The papers are full of the equitable divving up of Gaza by Arafat's Al
Fatah and Hamas, in anticipation of Israel's expulsion the Gazan Jews.
Dr. Erlich of the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center
provides us with a factual description of the Hamas organization. For
more information, read Lappen, "Hamas and the Palestinian Authority
Are One" (http://www.think-israel.org/lappenRM.html); and Kaufman "A
Night of Hamas 'Heroes'"
Egypt launched an attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, 1973, and was
defeated. As reward for signing a peace treaty in 1978, she got back a
value-added Sinai, courtesy of Israel, and she also received huge
monitary and equipment rewards, courtesy of the United States. Rachel
Neuwirth writes that in return, she allows weapons smuggling into Gaza
via tunnels from Egypt, encourages her imaginative media workers in
their hate-Israel campaign, and targets Israel with her overblown
military armament.
The U.S. Department has finally put Wahhabi-dominated Saudi Arabia on
"its list of the world's most religiously intolerant nations. It was a
step long overdue." But Colin Powell and other U.S. officials continue
to reassure the Sauds we're not serious about the charge. Jeff Jacoby
points out that "Saudi oil fuels the world, but the enemy we are
fighting is fueled by the feverish religious bigotry that is Saudi
Arabia's other leading export."
Compared to the attacks on Israel itself, the infiltration of Muslims
into Europe and their impact on European society is muted. But both
are designed to make Islam predominent globally. The new Muslim
immigrants have also produced anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions and
revitalized a Jew-hatred that was suppressed after the Holocaust. And
much of Europe has bought into the Arab rhetoric. It has affected
their legal decisions and their policy in the Middle East.
THE NEW NEO-COLONIALISM: The Arab-Moslem Invasion Of France
Lewis Lipkin examines the French conflict with its Arab immigrants,
where "[t]he Arab immigrants' refractoriness to nationalism is
confronting centuries-old French social theory." He writes that "the
alien influx has reached a level where it is not simply the economy
that is strained, but the very nature of the national character is
being put to the test." France's attempt at integration has
benefitted the Muslims and at the same time has conflicted with the
Muslim desire for retaining their own ways and making others conform
to them.
Robert Spencer describes the rapid growth of a Muslim population in
several European countries. Typically, they have tried to impose their
own way of doing things on the host country. There are signs, however,
that the current catering to the Muslims in the name of political
correctness may be changing.
Carol Gould recounts her experiences in London, receiving verbal abuse
from strangers because she was American, because she was a Jew. She
writes, "... my hunch is that the daily dose of relentless
America-bashing in the European media, combined with the abundance of
criticism of Israel has created an atmosphere of anger and hostility
that for the first time in my lifetime makes me fearful for my safety
in my beloved adopted country, Great Britain."
Recently, the International Court of Justice [ICJ] demanded "the
immediate demolition of Israel's security barrier in the West Bank and
declared "Israeli settlements in the West Bank (including East
Jerusalem) to be in breach of international law." This decision –
which is fundamentally flawed and based on incomplete information is
likely to be used in a campaign of vilification that will affect not
only Israel, but "Jews living in many of those 150 member States
endorsing the ICJ opinion, such as France, United Kingdom, Argentina,
Italy, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland..." Thus the
importance of Article 80 of the UN Charter.
Gerald Steinberg suggests that
"Europe's substantive policy is based on a belief that stability in
the Middle East will come from a formal agreement to create a
Palestinian state. This theology was formed in the aftermath of the
1973 war and the oil boycott, and has remained unquestioned. Since
than, in explaining the absence of peace, Europe has consistently
blamed Israel, while ignoring signs that the Palestinian leadership is
not interested in a 'two state solution', and seeks to roll back the
1947 UN partition resolution."
Israel owns Israel and that includes Samaria, Judea and Gaza –
biblically, historically, by living there for centuries into the
modern era and by right of conquest. But the ultimate foundation is
the League of Nations mandate that was transferred intact to the
United Nations. If it no longer applies, then the Arab countries it
created are also illegal. For obscure reasons, Israeli hasbara
downplays and often distorts its own best arguments.
Dr. Yoram Shifftan continues his brilliant explication of the legal
bases for Israel's possession of Samaria, Judea and Gaza. Citing
Julius Stone, Professor of International Law, Shifftan carefully
extracts the applicable and appropriate legal interpretations from the
inaccuracies that have wantonly been heaped over the truth.
This is a companion piece to the previous article, which focusses on
the lack of awareness of the legal foundation of the right of the Jews
to what was Mandated Palestine. This essay makes the point that the
Land of Israel can not be gifted to another group until its citizenry
is fully aware of the legalities and the consequences of such an
Israel is at jeopardy. The legal system and Israel's hasbara work
against Israel's integrity. Its Prime Minister, who was elected to go
boldly after the terrorists, has adopted the policy of the party he
defeated. Its government proposes to do what the Arabs haven't been
able to do in 50 years of warfare expel Jews from their homes. The
extreme Left has joined the Arabs in promoting the welfare of the
local Arabs above the future of the Jews. These essays analyze the
sickness and propose remedies.
In this thoughtful article, Patricia Berlyn writes that Israel is at
jeopardy, both in the word's ordinary meaning because Sharon's
disengagement plan is dangerous and divisive and in the sense that at
the moment "the outcome is not yet decided, and can go right or
LAND FOR PEACE (L-F-P) IGNORES REALITY: A Politically Incorrect Examination
Yoram Ettinger lists some very sensible reasons why Israel should not
cede real land for hopes-of-peace, whether the deal is by way of a
piece of paper or by a unilateral withdrawal. With regard to biblical
Israel Samaria, Judea and Gaza he points out that "[r]arely would
nations agree to cede land to aggressors; never would nations
contemplate a giveaway of their cradle of history, lest they lose
their future."
It isn't just Sharon that has things wrong about Gaza. Evelyn Gordon
notes that "[l]ike Dali's limp watches, all the normal rules of human
behavior appear to have been bent out of shape." Told that Kassam
rockets were hitting the town of Sderot, Minister Tommy Lapid said,
"Let them reinforce their roofs." And the 'civilized' world cares
about the death of an Arab killer but not for the Jewish child he
ARAB TIME BOMB: The Demographic Argument
Given the Arab growth rate, an argument made for withdrawing from Gaza
and some as yet unspecified territory is that it will preserve the
Jewish character of the state. Moshe Dann points out fallacies in the
demographic argument.
Recalling the history of Israel's last 60 years and projecting from
developing trends, Yossi Blum Halevi describes possible scenerios that
could easily become real, should Sharon continue his plan to expel the
Jews who live in Gaza and Samaria. Amazingly, the tone is not
strident; it is poetic and thoughtful, perhaps thus making Halevi's
arguments all the more convincing.
In a companion piece to the previous article, Yossi Blum Halevi takes
on a very practical topic: Why has the IDF done so poorly fighting the
current unconventional war waged so ruthlessly and effectively by the
Arabs? His answer one we in America should take to heart about our
fight in Iraq is: it's not the IDF, it's the senior command
politicians who have hobbled the army.
In this thoughtful essay, Steven Plaut traces the modern roots of what
seems an anomaly blatant anti-Semitism in the Jewish state. It grew
rapidly during the Oslo years, powered by the Israeli Left which –
although relatively small in numbers controls much of Israeli
education, journalism, the justice system and national policy making.
The hostile rhetoric of the Left has cost Israel its self-confidence
and has served both as model and provider of credibility to world
Moshe Saperstein, lives in Neve Dekalim in Gush Katif in Gaza, which
is constantly under bombardment by its Arab neighbors. In this essay,
written during the High Holidays, he observes, "That so many [mortars]
hit in the area of the shul indicates that our enemies have a clear
view of what this conflict is about. Unlike our leaders and ideologues
who, so removed from faith in anything other than their own
cleverness, can't conceive that religion is a cause anyone would die
The previous articles in this section dealt with specific problems now
afflicting Israel. This essay suggests that the reason Israel deals
poorly with external threats and is unresponsive to its citizenry is
the Israeli governmental system itself. Long a strong advocate of
convening a constitutional assembly, Professor Eidelberg suggests the
formation of a non-partisan group that will act as 'shadow government'
to lay out and develop implementation for the reforms Israel needs to
its system of government.
These essays examine some basic facts about Israel and the Palestinian
Arabs. And some little-known facts about religion in Saudi Arabia.
Many media people Pat Buchanan inter alia have claimed that
Saudi Arabia the country that curtails religious rights for all
non-Muslims and all Muslims except the Wahhabis is sacred soil.
Stephen Schwartz corrects the record. Mecca and Medina are considered
sacred by all Muslims, but only Wahhabis believe the rest of Saudi
Arabia is holy. But then again, "the Wahhabis do not consider other
Islamic believers, including but not limited to Shias, as Muslims."
Lawrence Auster examines the Arab claim to Palestine. He points out
that the Arabs and that includes the 'Palestinians' are not native
to Palestine and their control of Palestine has long since been over.
He also demolishes other beliefs dear to the hearts of pro-Arab
We look at the media, both in the United States and in Israel. Both
show a preponderance of Left liberal writers. Ideology should not
result in unprofessional conduct distorting the facts and often
creating them but, regrettably, it often does.
Emanuel Winston takes the Chicago Tribune to task for
portraying yet another suicidal bomber as a sympathetic hero and not
as what he was a "religious pathological killer submerged in a
religion that produces Islamic killers." To read the Tribune,
one would never suspect that the misery of the Gazan Arab was caused
by the Arab leadership, who exploited the poor fool for all the usual
reasons: money, publicity and sympathy. Instead, there's psychobabble
"he experienced alienation and humiliation..." a wound Israel
inflicted just by surviving attack after attack by her hostile Arab
The recent article on the lastest spy scare in the Los Angeles
Times is but one of many. It shares with most of them a marked
weakness of fact and a strong unusual in a Left liberal newspaper –
respect for statements by Government officials. In addition, the
writing is so poor, it underscores the weakness of the arguments.
In America, Dan Rather has recently provided us with a sharp-edged
example of "the liberal-conservative political-cultural divide." In
Israel, Yisrael Medad and Eli Pollak write, "[t]here is a media
elite. It's usually liberal and often behaves unprofessionally."
They provide some unappetizing examples of unprofessionalism.
READERS' BLOG-EDS This is where our readers get a chance to
write opinions and editorials and share articles they find
informative. Why Blog-Ed and not Op-Ed? Because we have retained the
typical blog style of a stream of text organized chronologically.
Blog-Eds is updated every few days.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: A Blog-Ed page now has a quick list of the
articles from which you can access any of the articles immediately.
Click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the
Blog-Ed page.
September 2004 Blog-Eds READ MORE
July-August, 2004
We continue our exploration of what is still unfamiliar to Westerners
the mindset and value system of Islam, particularly when Islamic
values lead to terrorism and violence.
Robert Spencer examines a puzzling happening why Western converts to
Islam become terrorists. Using Adam Yahiye Gadahn as example, Robert
Spencer points out that these converts are not alienated; they are
simply following the Koran as taught them by the imams who instruct
them. They have become "warriors of jihad" for Islam.
Islamic terrorists hate us. But, as Patrick O'Brien points out, that
doesn't mean we have given them cause. It is their religion and
culture that fuel their hate both of America and Israel. It is NOT
despair; it is NOT poverty; it is NOT that we are free and they are
Jackie Mason and Raoul Feder examine the implications of the belief
ingrained in Islam from Mohammed's time to the present day that
Muslims are entitled to rule over everyone else. "Muslims, married to
a failed past, offer little hope for integration into modern society.
Israel giving them land to which they are not entitled, or the United
States not punishing them for criminal acts, will not assuage their
Nolan Finley emphasizes the importance of religion in the war radical
Islam initiated against us. He makes the point that "[t]he enemy today
is radical Islam, an ultra-conservative and extremely intolerant
religious movement that has taken root in the Middle East and is fast
becoming a beacon for dispossessed and disenchanted Muslims
More and more, Iran has become a particularly worrisome part of the
Muslim world, even though it shares little with its Arab neighbors
besides religion and rage. These essays discuss Iran's growing threat
to the region and to the world.
Rachel Ehrenfeld lays out the reasons why Iran should be taken
seriously as a threat. Iran provides money and materials to
international terrorists such as al-Qaeda; she is pushing to acquire
nuclear weapons; she riles up neighboring Iraq; and America and Israel
are her target of hate propaganda.
Charles Krauthammer notes that some of the countries composing the
axis of evil have been neutralized but Iran is daily getting closer to
its goal of acquiring weapons of mass destruction. And it must be
stopped. He provides the strategic 'how'.
These essays discuss some recent screwups such as the ruling of the
International Court of Justice that the terrorist-hampering fence
Israel is building is illegal. They have a common theme: the
international laws that support Israel's claim to Palestine are
The general public is unaware that Israel has a unassailable "right in
international law to facilitate the settlement of Jews in the West
Bank." Apparently, this ignorance extends to the judges of the
International Court of Justice, who decided that Israel hasn't the
right to build a security fence to protect against Arab terrorism. By
failing to provide the Court with the relevent documents, Kofi Annan
was at fault. David Singer concludes that "the decision will give
credence to the perception of a biased and anti-Israel United Nations
and a Court that cannot be trusted ..."
The International Court of Justice has recently decreed in an action
that could serve as the story line of a Gilbert and Sullivan comedy that
Israel is not entitled to build the fence she believes protects her
citizens from Arab terrorists. Leanne Piggott points out the
implications not just for Israel but for all the nations of the world
the Court's ruling could "radically rewrite the rules of
international law governing the inherent right of states to defend
themselves and their citizens."
Salomon Benzimra points out a logical inconsistency. When the Arabs
waged war against Israel in 1948, the UN was bound to defend Israel
because of Resolution 181. As Salomon Benzimra notes, they did no such
thing. Winning that war, Israel's conquest of some of the land
allocated by the UN to the Arabs was (properly) deemed valid. So why
was Israel's conquest when the Arabs again attacked Israel in 1967 –
declared an occupation? He traces the problem back to the preamble of
UN Resolution 242.
ISRAEL'S STRANGEST SELF-DEFEATING PARADOX: Forgetting To Teach Itself And The World Jewish National Rights In Palestine
Yoram Shifftan expands on earlier articles that discussed the
centrality of international law to support Israel's right to mandated
Palestine land the Arabs claim as theirs. He suggests that Israeli
leaders have been delinquent in not teaching the facts to their own
citizens as well as proclaiming them to the world.
These next articles focus on recent disasterous Israeli decisions and
one-sided concessions. They have gained Israel nothing not more
security, not cessation of terror attacks. Not even a pat on the back
from the world for Israel's forbearance.
In this essay, Emanuel Winston speculates on the components that led
to the disasterous decisions that Israeli leaders have been making for
some time now. Aside from external pressure, a significant element has
been a significant internal weakness the naivité of Israeli
leaders and their inability to play serious global politics.
Like Winston's essay, Rachel Neuwirth acknowledges that a major reason
for the "many disasterous unilateral concessions" made by Israel the
past 10 years has been the weakness of Israeli leaders. But she makes
the case that the major factor in the current disaster has been the
external pressure applied by Israel's friend, the U.S.A.
The Human Chain from Gush Katif to
Jerusalem on July 25, 2004 may be the trigger for awaking Israel from
its Oslo Coma. These next essays comment on the event.
Hillel Fendel and Ezra HaLevi paint a vivid picture of the Human
Chain, which extended not just from Jerusalem to Gush Katif, but, by
speakerphone, from Jerusalem to communities across America. The chain
stretched, literally as well as symbolically, from the Shamirs, who
lived in the pre-State K'far Darom in Gaza until it was destroyed by
Egyptian forces during the 1948 war, to their grand daughter, who
lives in Gush Katif.
Between 150,000 to 200,000 people from all over Israel and outside of
Israel joined hands from Jerusalem to Gush Katif in Gaza to sing
HaTikva Hope while Arab terrorists used the occasion to fire
missiles that injured children in Gush Katif. David Wilder writes,
"Ariel Sharon still does not understand that Israel is at war. The war
for independence did not end in 1949."
The human chain was cause for jubilation. But expelling Jews from Gaza
is still on the table. These essays look at the issue from different
This is an incisive article clearly stating the damage Sharon's plan
will do to Israel's morale, its democratic procedures and its security.
Yosef Ben Shlomo discusses the logical fallacy practiced by the Left
of regarding a theoretical transfer of Arabs as a matter of deep moral
concern while disregarding the imminent transfer of Jews. He raises
logical and linguistic questions.
The Jewish citizens of Israel who live in the territories are a remarkably
law-abiding group. But now the Israeli government wants to turn them
into refugees in their own country an act both immoral and illegal.
Nadav Shragai examines their state of mind.
This is a story about the interweaving of lives: an Arab boy, an
Israeli man; an Arab bomber, an Israeli soldier; a boy who loses his
father, a father who loses his son. Boris Zubry has written a
fascinating modern fable.
Larry Derfner believes the majority of Israelis agree with Sharon's
disengagement plan. Nevertheless, he believes the Jewish communities
of Gaza will not be ousted because they are highly motivated and are
waging an effective campaign to save their homes and save a part of
biblical Israel.
Tongue in cheek, Calev Ben-David lists some ideas for utilizing the
property that the Jews will be forced to leave behind from creating
a museum to relocating the UN.
Are there better solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict than for
Israel to commit suicide? Here are two proposals.
This is an incisive and well-reasoned essay with a bold suggestion
designed to 'defrost' the Israelis and jumpstart them into playing
from strength, not weakness, in their fight for survival. We invite
readers' comments on the general idea and on the specifics.
Scraping away false facts that serve as base for unworkable peace
proposals to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict, Rachel Neuwirth uses
significant factual data on land availability to propose a resolution
that would benefit the Palestinian Arabs as well as the Israelis;
namely, transfer the Palestinian Arabs to their own place in a
sparsely inhabited part of an Arab country such as Saudi Arabia.
Sometimes facts, no matter how significant, just aren't enough. These
essays are inspirational. And necessary.
Patricia Berlyn writes a lyric appreciation of the men and women of
the IDF, who have battled since before Israel's birth to preserve her
against a mass of murderous Arabs. Today, they need also to contend
with "organs of their own government and society" who act out of poor
judgment or intent. Through it all, they keep high moral standards
and compassion.
This essay was composed from discourses of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
The heart of the essay no one has the right to give away what does
not belong to him is perhaps more pertinent today than it was when
it was published in 1976.
Dov Kahn has written a modern parable. How do we describe it? a work
of faith for secularists? A poem in paragraphs? A history without
dates? Just read it.
We present some recent Middle East history: an excellent review of the
history of Palestine and an unusual perspective on the Arab's view
of the founding of modern Israel.
This is a tightly woven excellent review of the badly-misused terms:
Palestine and Palestinians.
Dr. Asher Eder writes of the beginnings of Arab rejectionism of the
return of the Jews to their land. The essay includes additional
information by Shaykh Professor Abdul Hadi Palazzi. Drs. Eder and
Palazzi are co-chairmen of the Islam-Israel Fellowship.
These essays continue our exploration of the spread of anti-Semitism
by people in the media, at universities and in libraries.
We include an eyewitness account of the growing antisemitism in London, England.
In May, The New Yorker published an article by Jeffrey Goldberg
demonizing the Jews who live in the territories. It slanders the Jews
and absolves the Arabs by its choice of value words and selective
details details that give us a distorted picture instead of an
understanding of what's going on in Israel's heartland. Richard H.
Shulman analyzes Goldberg's article in detail.
THE CASE OF REUTERS: A news agency that will not call a terrorist a terrorist
Tom Gross points out how "Reuters's coverage of the Middle East is
deeply flawed." It repeats obviously unreliable information; its basic
sources are often stringers linked to Arafat's Palestinian Authority;
it buries pro-Israel crucial information; it shows semantic bias. As a
news agency with a reputation for fairness, its false information is
uncritically accepted by much of the media.
Columbia University accepted a large donation from UAE to fund a chair
in Arab studies that will be held by Professor Rashid Khalidi. Based
on Khalidi's writings, we can expect sloppy scholarship and a "lack of
basic knowledge about the Middle East." The editorial asks, "Why is
Rashid Khalidi holding a tenured professorship at Columbia? Does his
latest work enhance the university's reputation for solid, careful
scholarship, or does it stain it? Would he be there were not the
United Arab Emirates paying the bill?"
Seymour Hersh has made a career of character assassination, conspiracy
theories based on unsupported suppositions and just plain lies. Rael
Jean Isaac documents his less than illustrious career.
Libraries decide their book purchases in part on book reviews in
reputable journals. Unfortunately, reviews on books on the Middle East
in Libary Journal show "a striking pattern of laudatory,
uncritical endorsement of patently one-sided books written by extreme
critics of Israel." As Andrea Levin concludes, "Whether such bias in
Library Journal reviews is inadvertent or a conscious policy, the
publication is obviously not providing the 'expertise' and
'intellectual integrity' it claims to offer."
Carrie Devorah, a photojournalist, paints us a word picture of life in
present-day London, as it has accomodated to its influx of muslims:
stores selling Middle Eastern clothing, anti-Israel posters,
anti-Israel and anti-American protest meetings punctuated by Muslim
men stopping their messages of hate to pray, and the growing
anti-Semitism of ordinary Englishmen.
READERS' BLOG-EDS This is where our readers get a chance to
write opinions and editorials and share articles they find
informative. Why Blog-Ed and not Op-Ed? Because we have retained the
typical blog style of a stream of text organized chronologically.
Blog-Eds is updated every few days.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: A Blog-Ed page now has a quick list of the
articles from which you can access any of the articles immediately.
Click the "Blog-Eds List" box in the Blue Strip on the top of the
Blog-Ed page.
July 2004 Blog-Eds READ MORE
May-June, 2004
It strikes us that almost 3 years after 911, 1 year after the
beheading of Daniel Pearl, and weeks after Arabs in Gaza played with
Jewish body parts, too many of us still don't have a handle on some
crucial differences between the Arabs and Western civilization. To
rethink Pogo, "We have met the enemy and they ain't us."
Hampton Stevens gives us an excellent precis of the actual facts
versus the fictions that have been slickly painted over the facts to
obscure reality. The essay serves both to orient us properly and to
exemplify, yet again, that the Arab culture sees nothing wrong in
substituting invention for truth.
Yashiko Sagamori makes the simple but profund observation that the
more humans believe they resemble each other, the less do they
understand their cultural differences. Take us and the Muslims.
The author reminds us that wars are "fought first with ideas" and
reminds us of two such ideas: (1) "Traditional American and Western
society is based on the Judeo-Christian ethic;" and
(2) "Islam is infinitely more compatible with totalitarian ideas than
it is with Judeo-Christian ideals, and so the two naturally form an
ideological alliance." To say it another way: "If Israel falls we will
not be far behind her."
Nonie Darwish explains why we can't expect Muslim Arabs to show
remorse for barbaric acts. "Those who admit guilt, even if it is
accidental, are given no mercy and may end up taking all the blame and
being brutally punished." Bush's apologies for Western abuses
are not seen as civilized; they are perceived as weakness.
Phyllis Chesler asks, "... from a psychological and anthropological
point of view, what kind of culture produces human bombs, glorifies
mass murderers, and supports humiliation-based revenge?" Given the
prevalence of homosexuality and pedophilia, she suggests, "it is a
culture in which shame and honor play decisive roles and in which the
debasement of women is paramount."
We can read this poignant account of a young girl's encounter with
Arab culture as an instantiation of Phyllis Chesler's analysis. Ariell
Choy writes of her own experience. She concludes,
"In Canada, Sharia law has been secretly passed and infringes on the
rights of Muslim-Canadian women whose civil liberties in a supposedly
free Western country will be walked upon even with the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms."
Professor Beres has been exploring the unique nature of Palestinian
Arab terrorism for several years. He has observed that unlike other
"freedom fighters," the Palestinian Arab will use violence even where
it is clearly unsuitable for political gain. He demolishes several
myths: that terrorism is not endemic in the Palestinian community; and
that they are forced by their military weakness to excesses.
After 1967, Israel foolishly put the Arab Waqf in charge of the Temple
Mount. The Arabs saw this as another occasion in which to practice
identity theft to try to take over Jewish history as well as Jewish
geography, to be the new lovers of Jerusalem. What is really amazing
is that the Jews haven't put a stop to their predations.
David Basch points out America and Israel "[b]oth see the Arab as they
imagine him, not as he is." Unfortunately, "[b]oth Israel and the U.S.
are failing to understand the nature of Arab societies, characterized
by a passive majority that is used as a screen behind which
controlling, determined, active minorities attain their purposes."
The notion that without "experience with Islamic life, you are unable
to discuss the meaning of Jihad and Islamic history," is intended to
silence critics. Dr. Suseelan reassures us that "[o]ne can gain
knowledge and insight about Islamic theocracy without believing in
Koranic concepts or practicing Islamic dictates." He uses the concept
of "coherence theory" to explore some Muslim fundamentalist beliefs.
The differences between cultures is not in which commits crimes –
members of each may but how the culture responds. Robert Spencer's
thoughtful essay reminds us that "... one civilization will condemn
and punish those who commit such crimes; the other will not." The
disparity is too great for palliatives such as negotiations, peaceful
coexistence, or mutual understanding.
Ariel Natan Pasko puts the values of Islam in context by contrasting
them with the values of the Jews and Christians. The sacrifices of
Abraham and Jesus at the core of Judaism and Christianity are
alien to the initialization stories of Islam.
It is commonly believed that at the moment, Islamists are focused on
ridding the Middle East of Jews and other 'foreigners'. The battle for
America is to come later. Dr Anis Shorrosh disagrees. He believes
Islamists have already begun an intensive attack on America. This is
his checklist of what they have already begun to do.
Israel keeps threatening to combat her enemies effectively. But she
doesn't. Gerald Honigman emphasizes she has more to lose from a war of
attrition that do the Arabs, who lose relatively few Arabs during
their suicide-murders and during the minimalist Israel response. And with
a population of 60 Arabs to every 1 Jew, they can afford it. As
Honigman says, "it's time to stop blowin' hot air."
Sharon and the Israeli Leftists who favor the 'Gaza Retreat' and its
concomitant 'Expel The Jews' campaign have emphasized that leaving
Gaza will make it easier to defend the rest of Israel (!). Of course,
they plan to also leave Samaria and Judea and then create the
terrorist state of Palestine. It is not surprising that sane people
find the whole idea of vacating Biblical Israel daft. Emanuel Winston
tells us how Sharon spends his energy demonizing the Jews who live
and have developed Biblical Israel.
Sharon was elected to stop the passive response to Arab terrorism made
by the previous Israeli administrations: increasing land concessions
and ignoring the Arab teaching of hate and violence. Instead, Sharon
has accelerated the process of cutting away Biblical Israel. To do so,
he has let stand the debilitating but incorrect assertion by the Arabs
and the pro-Arab media that the Jewish settlements are illegal. This
article points out that, on the contrary, the settlements are legal by
international law and it would be illegal for Sharon to give up the
Bernard Shapiro discusses the disasterous consequences we
can expect should Israel retreat from Gaza. He predicts what we can
expect from the Palestinian Arabs, from the Egyptians and
from America.
Rabbi Melman emphasizes that withdrawal from Gaza will lead to further
withdrawals as a demoralized Israel pursues "a chimera of false hopes.
Each withdrawal pours greater fuel on the problem, leading to ever
escalating conflagration."
In concise fashion, Yoram Ettinger lays out the many reasons Israel
should not leave Gaza. On the contrary, she should work more
aggressively to win the war on terrorism in the territories.
Emanuel Winston first examines Egypt's role in arming the Arabs in
Gaza and Sharon's role in concealing Mubarak's collaboration with the
terrorists. (Taken together with the American-supplied long-range
sophisticated weaponry in Egypt see Rand Fishbein,
"Denial on the Nile",
Beth Goodtree suggests it is more than time that the "policy
makers and shakers" who control the Middle East start facing reality.
George Bush waffles, the European Union ignores that "Europe is under
invasion from the Moslem hordes and seems to think appeasement will
work" and Ariel Sharon "does more about-faces than a military academy
on parade day." The "civilized world in general" has "bought the
line that the enemy is terror. In truth, terror is merely a tactic of
the real enemy, Islamism." Meantimes, the Islamic world continues to
supply us with proof of how much they hate us and want us dead.
The end of World War I saw the emergence of the Pahlavis; the
predominance of oil; and the playing out of the Shi'ite subversion.
The 1979 revolution produced a Khomeni-defined theocratic regime that
is now the major factor in the Middle East. Lewis Lipkin urges that
American policy toward Iran be based on real knowledge of Iran and
Iranians. "...a flexibility in the face of temporary reverses seems
the best hope to turn the key of the Middle East."
Richard Chesnoff discusses how Iran's rulers have provided moral
support, training and weapons to various terrorist groups throughout
the Middle East.
Lewis Lipkin reviews a recent important article by William Sweet
assessing Iran's nuclear potential.
TOM PAULIN: Poetaster of Murder
Edward Alexander chronicles the recent free-verse rantings of Tom
Paulin, who openly advocates the killing of Jews in (at a minimum)
Samaria and Judea. His verses may be stupid and ugly but everyone
understands they are anti-Jewish everyone, that is, but some other
academics, who in supercilious and/or just plain silly fashion put
"free speech" uber alles. While his defenders Jewish and non-Jewish
continue to argue about the precise definition of anti-Semitism,
thanks to Paulin's ground-breaking efforts, it becomes ever more
acceptable in academia to openly hate Jews and accuse them of any and
all the ills the world is subject to.
Boris Zubry reminisces about his first encounter at age five with
anti-Semitism. This being real life and not academia, he confronted
hate that was more physical than verbal. And even the words of hate
were crudely phrased. Perhaps that made it easy to understand
immediately how to respond.
Many anti-Israel organizations call themselves peace groups and
pretend neutrality. Dafna Yee examined "over 300 websites put up by
groups, organizations and individuals who claimed that all they wanted
was 'peace', 'justice', 'human rights', etc., for the 'Palestinians'.
With only FOUR exceptions, every one of the sites which claimed to be
promoting those ideals on behalf of the 'Palestinians' was flagrantly
REVAMPING ARAFAT'S SPEECHES: How His "Terrorize Your Enemy" Speech Was Reported
On the anniversary of the day Israel became a state, Arafat delivered
a speech encouraging the Arabs to destroy Israel. Magically, before
the words reached the ears of the West, they were transmogrified into
a message of willingness to make peace with Israel. How dey do dat?
When all else fails, pro-Arab propagandists point out that radicalized
Muslims are a small percent of the Muslim world. Using published data
from polls and demographic statistics, this essay estimates the number
of potential terrorists this small number comes to.
MSA promotes itself "as a benevolent, non-political entity... its
constitution declares the MSA's mission as serving 'the best interest
of Islam and Muslims in the United States and Canada. ...'" Jonathan
Dowd-Gailey describes some of their recent activities and concludes
that "[t]here is overwhelming evidence that the MSA, far from being a
benign student society, is an overtly political organization seeking
to create a single Muslim voice on U.S. campuses a voice espousing
Wahhabism, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism, agitating aggressively
against U.S."
These essays discuss two articles on Gaza. In the first, the facts are
wrong; in the second, the facts are right, but they don't support the
The title suggests that what will follow will be a reasoned discussion
of the proposed plan for Israel to evacuate Gaza, transferring out the
Jews who live there. Halkin's essay is a justification of Sharon's
plan to evacuate Gaza but his base facts are incorrect and thus do not
back up his view of Sharon's plan.
Alan Dershowitz is a deservedly well-respected defender of Israel's
right to exist. And many hold the belief, as does Dershowitz, that
expelling the Jews from Gaza is good policy for Israel. What Salomon
Benzimra does in this essay is to point out the disparity between Mr.
Dershowitz's accurate facts and "the conclusions he draws from his own
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May 2004 Blog-Eds READ MORE
March-April, 2004
As if Israel didn't have enough on
its plate, its Prime Minister has suddenly decided to expel the Jews
of Gaza, as prelude if the news leaks are accurate to transferring a
half million Jews out of Samaria, Judea and the eastern part of
Jerusalem. Some of these articles analyze different aspects of the
proposed expulsion of Jews from land that belongs to them biblically,
historically, by international Mandate and by legitimate conquest when
repelling Arab invaders. Others talk about disrupting pioneering
communities, which house Jews who are among Israel's most dedicated and
loyal citizens. Emanuel Winston points out defects in
Sharon's plan to evacuate Gaza. He explains why nice-sounding advantages to
Israel are unlikely and why negative consequences are almost certain
both for Israel and for America.
I'M MAD AS HELL: Don't Ask Me To Be A Nice Jewish Boy
Bernard Shapiro presents a likely scenario of the disasters that will
be visited upon Israel, should she withdraw (retreat) from Gaza,
Samaria and Judea, leaving a vacancy for the indigenous terrorists and
the swarming hordes of Arabs from neighboring lands and to occupy.
This is a powerful article we should all take to heart. BEWARE OF THE GAZA TRAP
Withdrawing from Gaza is likely to prove a disaster not only for
Israel but it will create problems for America. "President Bush may
find it difficult to explain to a skeptical public why it was
important to destroy the terrorist infrastructure in Afghanistan and
Iraq while at the same time he is permitting it to flourish in Gaza."
Moreover, "President Bush's cooperation in this plan may put him in
jeopardy of violating the very anti-terrorism statutes he is sworn to
uphold. As a consequence, U.S. national security could be
significantly undermined."
"... the entire rationale of moving ahead with Sharon's plan [to
evacuate Gaza] is that Sharon has claimed that the US has given Israel
something in exchange for implementing it. And yet, over the past
week, the US has made quite clear that it will give Israel nothing."
Caroline Glick helps us understand the behavior of Israeli
"generals turned prime ministers." She concludes "... that, in electing
'security hawks' to the prime minister's office, Israel has gotten
neither the security it sought nor the political acumen and diplomatic
savvy it needed."
Why is withdrawal from Gaza, Samaria and Judea the wrong thing to do?
Patricia Berlyn spells it out: it would be a breach of faith with
4,000 years of history and heritage, with all who defended and
redeemed the heritage, with the most fundamental principles of
democracy, and with Israel's staunch friends. To do so will put
Israel's "future in desperate jeopardy, morally as well as
These are the latest entries from the diary of Moshe
Saperstein, who lives in Neve Dekalim, a Jewish community in Gaza, a
town which has bravely withstood the sustained violence of its Arab
neighbors. It is now faced with an almost inconceivable threat the
Jews of Gaza are to be ethnically cleansed by their own Government, a
Government elected because it promised to get tough with Arab
Gush Katif is a group of some 20 Jewish farming communities in Gaza.
Now, Ariel Sharon intends to do what no Arab has been able to do:
expel the inhabitants of Gush Katif. The Jews there, who have legally
reclaimed the area from the desolation it has been mired in since the
Middle Ages, are to be transferred out. Rabbi Kovacs makes the case
for keeping Gaza Jewish: (1) biblically and historically, Gaza belongs
to the Jews and (2) controlling Gaza is important to Israel's
security. He asks for your help in keeping Gaza under Israeli control.
More and more, being politically incorrect means speaking the truth,
not just phrasing the truth in a less kind, less gentle way. More and
more, the politically correct seem determined not to confront simple
facts. Arlene Peck, writing about Arabs such as those in Gaza, says,
"Look into the faces of these barbarians who strive to kill...
anybody, everybody! They have a cause? What is that? Death? We are
dealing with elements of insanity and nobody seems to grasp that
simple fact."
Should Israel abandon Gaza, Hugh Fitzgerald points out that the future
caretakers are terrorists "Hamas or Hezbollah or Al-Aksa Martyr's
Brigade, Arafat or Shukairy..." Whatever the name, they are all
dedicated to Jihad to forcing infidels to submit to Islam. The
confederacy of dedicated muslim terror groups is not, of course,
confined to Gaza. "... Al Qaeda is only the most prominent and
mediagenic of the many groups intent on destroying Infidels if they
oppose Muslim aims, including the world-wide spread of dar al-Islam:
Laskar Jihad, Jaish-e-Toiba, Abu Sayyaf, Lashkar Jihad, Gemaaa
Islamiyya, Jemaa Islamiah, Jaish-e-Mohammad, and so many others."
P. David Hornik reminds us of the reassurances that encouraged Israel
to embark on the Oslo disaster. He reminds us that the optimistic
predictions when Israel left Southern Lebanon and the Sinai peninsula
were proven wrong as soon as Arab terrorists filled the space vacated.
Why now does Sharon want to create another vacuum for Arab terrorists
to fill?
Steven Plaut cuts through the nonsensical explanations of why
Palestinian Arabs behave barbarically and resort to terrorism. The
current violence isn't due to Israeli occupation; on the contrary, it
happened, thanks to Oslo, because the Israeli 'occupation' was
removed. Professor Plaut argues that "[t]he only way to suppress
the carnage is for Israel to re-occupy the West Bank and Gaza in full,
implement open-ended military control there and a long-term program of
Denazification..., and to expel the terrorists and destroy their
infrastructure. Everything else is wishful thinking and
It is a curious fact that those who know the
history of Israel have no problem understanding that Jews, the Land of
Israel and the Torah are a singularity. These essays are pragmatic but
do not ignore the abiding linkage of Jews and their Land, Israel. All
of it.
Judah Tzoref contrasts 'Palestinian peoplehood', a term that "has
been used only for a few decades as a political instrument in the Arab
strategy to annihilate Israel" with the undeniability of the
historical attachment and "the spiritual bond between the Jews
and the Land of Israel."
ISRAEL AND JERUSALEM: Historical Background And Perspective
In narrative style and from a personal point of view, Hanna Honein
talks about the Jewish and Christian origins of Islam and contrasts
the difference between the Jews building up 'Palestine' and the Arabs
living on pipe dreams and held down by a corrupt leadership. He
emphasizes that the Land of Israel belongs only to the Jews. The Bible
testifies to the Jews' ownership; they are the ones who developed it
and defended it.
Drawing on family stories and letters, Hilda Terry writes about the
early Zionists and their battle with the mosquito in bringing the Land
of Israel back to life. Their coming raised the standard of living of
the ordinary Arab, but that has never been the goal of the Arab
Pat Gilsan answers the Arab claim that Israel is occupying land
belonging to the 'Palestinian people' and counters with facts that
show that the only genocide has been by the Arabs and perpetrated
against the Jews. The solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict? "The
answer is not to give up land. The answer is to transfer the Arabs."
These next essays combine history and analysis.
Iran, the international legitimacy of Israel, the Arab failed promises
and the status of Jerusalem are subjects both Americans and Israelis
need to be clear about, if they are to make intelligent decisions in
the future.
Khomeini's Iran is a logical Islamic evolution of the Shi'ia mindset
over the last half millenium. Lewis Lipkin chronicles some of the
major players and events that have shaped the xenophobia that
characterizes today's Iran.
The mindless media have so often repeated the Arab mantra that "Israel
is occupying our land," that most people believe it to be true. And
unfortunately, Israel has done poorly presenting the facts: Israel and
the territories, by international law, belong to the Jews and
not to the Arabs. This essay by Elliott Green can serve as an
excellent reference and as background material.
Why and when was the myth of al-Aqsa created?
Mordechai Keder reviews the history of how and why the Muslims
attempted to islamize Jerusalem. It has little to do with religion and
much to do with politics. "Another aim of the Islamization of
Jerusalem was to undermine the legitimacy of the older religions,
Judaism and Christianity, which consider Jerusalem to be a holy city.
Islam is presented as the only legitimate religion, destined to
replace the other two, because they had changed and distorted the Word
of God, each in its turn."
The notion that the Arab-Israeli conflict is
responsible for all the ills of the Arab world has been echoed by
willing fellow-travelers. The next articles analyze why this is not a
credible argument and describes for us yet another purveyor of the
lie: the Christian churches in Palestinian-dominated areas.
The Arab countries have for too long protested they can't clean house
until their Palestinian brothers (sob, sob) have settled their claims
with Israel an assertion echoed by their western apologists, such as
Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski. This falsification is certainly
beginning to crumble and may even, as Jonathan Rosenblum asserts, be
Walid Shoebat was born a Muslim in Bethlehem, Israel and was infected
with Israel-hate at an early age. He has found his way to Christian
Zionism. As we read about his life journey, we also learn that even
Christians under Palestinian control are "indoctrinated in jihad
ideology" and that "Michael Sabbah, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem,
taught Islamology and Arab philology for decades. According to
Shoebat, he hews to Islamic jihad dogma as well."
The "T" word. Transfer was considered racist when Rabbi Kahane
used it. But many of Israel's enemies are delighted when Sharon talks
of transferring Jews from Gaza. Now that he's made it respectable, why
not strike out a new path one that may actually lead to peace;
namely, Israel keeps its homeland and the 'Palestinian' Arabs
are moved to some part of the vast area that is Arabland.
Let's talk about a sensible and effective Transfer.
Ariel Pasko makes the important point that the Israeli Left has
finally acknowledged "the 'demographic threat' that Rabbi Meir Kahane
warned about, when he encouraged transferring the Arabs out of
Israel." But the "current separationists... want to 'Transfer'
Jews out of parts of the Land of Israel and 'Transfer' parts of the
Land to Arab control."
DO NOT CONDEMN THEM: Why the "Palestinian state"
is bad for the Arabs
Boris Shusteff explains why, even with the best of
intentions, a third state in Mandated Palestine will not be viable.
Its culture has blocked the building of necessary infrastructure. The
Palestinian Arab has incorporated a culture of hate into his soul,
which will lead to "the inevitable moral demise of Palestinian society
and the total economic non-viability of this artificial entity." Given
the failure of a 'show them kindness and shower them with material
goodies' in Iraq, it is unlikely America will repeat this experiment
in a Palestinian Arab state. Nor will Israel be obligated. Shusteff's
suggestion: separate them from their soul-destroying leaders and
relocated them in Jordan.
Ben Shapiro reviews measures that have been suggested for
stopping Arab terrorism. He points out that these are half measures
and "..merely postpone our realization that the Arabs dream of
Israel's destruction." He proposes transferring the Arabs out of
Israel as the only effective solution to imbedded Arab violence.
Arab leaders have have used the pseudo-people, the 'Palestinians', "as
the frontline army in the destruction of the Jewish aboriginal
homeland," but they don't want them disrupting Arab countries. Beth
Goodtree suggest that, '[i]n return for not [precipitously]
disengaging with Arafat's Arabs, and not evacuating Gaza, Israel
should demand that Egypt, Jordan, and the other Arab countries
[slowly] repatriate their former Arab citizens and their
descendents". Else Egypt and Jordan will need to deal with the
Israeli Jews are not the only people who suffer
from Muslim brutality. The Kurds and the Sudanese Christians have also
been under persistent and brutal attack.
Gerald Honigman argues that an authentic people like the Kurds, who
live marginally in several Arab countries, clearly deserves its own
country. Instead, the world spends its resources attempting to
establish a homeland for an inauthentic people the Palestinians.
Kola Boof has written an untoned-down tone poem about the enslavement
and degradation of the black African under Arab Islam rule. She asks:
"how can I support the colorstruck machinations of the Palestinians?"
Anti-Semitism the Gentile's disease. It is
flaring up again, mostly carried by Islamists, but there's a
persistent undercurrent of old fashioned Marxist anti-Semitism that
helps keep it alive all over Europe, among the Muslims in America
and on American campuses.
Professor Bartov writes of resurgent European anti-Semitism and
contrasts the latest manifestation of anti-Semitism with its World War
II predecessor. He notes that Hitlerian anti-Semitism has found "..its
most lethal incarnation in the Muslim world, where it has become a
prevalent subculture, a focus of identity, a rallying cry for the
masses, a tool to divert attention from the real reasons for poverty
and despair, and a cause for militant mobilization and destructive
MAKING THE CASE FOR JEW HATRED: Martin Jay Explains How Jews Cause
Professor Alexander examines Martin Jay's recent essay, "Ariel
Sharon and the Rise of the New Anti-Semitism", which blames Jews
for the recent insurgence of Anti-Semitism. Jay, a professor of
history at UCLA, Berkeley, has sympathetic understanding for any and
all practicing anti-semites while he demonizes Jews. Alexander writes
that Jay is "... a representative example of the academic
fellow-traveller in the ongoing campaign to depict Israel as the
devil's own experiment station and make it ideologically vulnerable to
Boris Zubry's account of his experiences working in Saudi Arabia
appeared in the November-December issue of Think-Israel. In this
issue, he writes about when he first came to the United States and
learned from a child not just to cope with anti-Semitism but to try
and understand it.
These articles discuss how we'd
perceive Islam if our vision wasn't fogged by propaganda fantasies
that Islam is a peaceful religion and that Arab 'freedom fighters'
want only to regain their land in Israel. In consequence, we're
ignoring infiltration of Islamists into Western democracies, fifth
columns that do not wish us well.
Dov Kahn does just that he applies some simple if-then logic to some
current experiences we've had with Islam; and he explores the puzzling
differences in how we treat our 'good friend', Saudi Arabia, and our
real friend, Israel.
Fifth Column is a term from World War II, describing "secret
sympathizers, sleeper cells, or supporters of an enemy that engage in
espionage or sabotage, or simply disinform about the attacker's
intentions." Arnaud de Borchgrave lists recent examples of Islamist
penetration into Western democracies and the lack of support
"moderate" Arab organizations such as CAIR give to supporting
America's fight against terrorism.
From the angry way many of that merry band of self-appointed moralists
the media, UN, EU reacted to Israel's killing Shekh Ahmad Yassin,
you might think Hamas and Hizbollah only cared about killing Israelis.
So if the other countries of the world don't stir up the mud, they
will be safe. Joe Kaufman sketches the Hamas connections of American
Muslim organizations that are labeled 'moderate' by focusing on the
recent history of Nihad Awad, currently the executive director of CAIR
(the Council on American Islamic Relations).
A problem with ignoring terrorism and hoping it will go away is that
terrorists make house calls. The Hizbullah's TV station has incited
Arabs to despise Jews for years. Now it has come to the United States.
Richard Shulman describes its programming for us.
This is another episode of Marion Dreyfus' life
teaching at a Chinese university.
Marion Dreyfus is teaching at the University in Wuchan, China. Spring
comes to Wuhan and Purim means gifting shaluch manus goodies to
faculty members, even if they don't know what it means. At Passover,
she travels to Beijing, to celebrate, where "the unchanging melodies
and remembered accents of Hebrew liturgy bring me flying back without
a time machine. Or rather, the prayers to me are time
This is where our readers get a chance to
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March 2004 Blog-Eds READ MORE
January-February, 2004
AL-QAEDA'S INTELLECTUAL LEGACY: New Radical Islamic Thinking
Justifying The Genocide of Infidels
Jonathan Halevi's essay gives the lie to the idea that Islam, as it is
currently practiced, is a peaceful religion. He argues convincingly,
using the writings of influential Muslim clerics and intellectuals as
source material, that Islam's ferocious appetite for killing infidels
Christians and Jews singly and en masse is cleric-driven
and mullah-justified.
Land Of Conquest
Some people believe that the Americans and Israelis who worry about
Islam's appetite for gobbling up Western civilization are
unnecessarily alarmist. On the other hand, those of us who see Islam
as a danger we alarmists may feel that only America and Israel
understand the danger, while Europe is oblivious. Both sides may be
wrong. Sandro Magister analyzes this newest danger to our civilization
by examining the philosophy of Tariq Ramadan, who has his own roadmap
for islamicizing the West.
Mr. bin Hookah, foreign correspondent and roving reporter for The
Gaza Gajeera, is back. He explains to his readers why they should
not feel guilty about killing infidels. It is an enterprise of great
importance and it has the whole-hearted approval of Islam's
Arab propaganda has cleverly sold the idea that the conflict in the
Middle East is between the Jews and the Palestinians. Dr. Tzoref makes
the case that this notion masks the real problem: it is the Arab
states that work to destroy Jewish Israel. Since Oslo, the major
weapons have been terrorist snipers, homicidal suicide bombers and an
uncontrolled high birthrate. Arab strategists intellectuals and
clerics tell us that future plans are to augment these tactics with
increased legal and illegal immigration of Arabs into Israel and the
utilization of friction foci where ever this expanded Arab presence is
Professor Sharon asserts that the war between two civilizations –
"between the civilization based on the Bible and between the
civilization based on the Koran" started a long time ago.
There is a strange intertwining between the actions of Muslim
terrorists and the responses of Western leaders. The Arabs continue to
kill Jews, and, more and more, they kill Americans. If Europe
continues to ignore reality, Yashiko Sagamori suggests, soon, they too
will be victims of the ongoing Muslim jihad. Yet American and European
continue to pretend that the Muslim drive toward world domination –
bolstered as it is by a belief system inculcated by their religion –
can be changed by loving kindness and off-target propaganda.
The demoralization of Israel isn't all due to
attack by its Arab enemies. These next essays deal with the state of
the State of Israel in general, with Ariel Sharon specifically and
with the present structure of Israel's government, which contributes
to Israel's inability to successfully withstand "friendly"
external pressures.
Under cover of humor, Moshe Saperstein gives us a pithy, accurate and
brilliant analysis of the state of the State of Israel. Indirectly, he
also gives us insight into the character of those remarkable people,
the settlers of Biblical Israel. The residents of his town, Neve
Dekalim in the Gaza Strip, under constant bombardment by the local
Arabs, now face removal from their homes by their own government. He
concludes his trenchant remarks with this comment to someone
contemplating aliyah: "Whatever we have given to Israel, Israel
has given us infinitely more. Israel has given us pride. Israel has
given us self-respect. Israel has given us purpose and meaning far
beyond mere existence. Israel has allowed us to lead extraordinary
rather than ordinary lives."
Arlene Peck summarizes Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's spectacular
follies: letting a flock of terrorists out of jail, starting to
ethnically cleanse Jews from their historic lands, OKing the creation
of a terrorist state in Biblical Israel. "Why," she asks
"have their [Israel's] leaders lost the ability to lead? Or, behave as it
seems that they have lost the will to win. Appeasement isn't the
answer. What has recently been done by opening the jailhouse doors
will, I'm afraid, come back to haunt them."
Israel does not have a Constitution. Writing one is commonly treated
as a nice but not very urgent activity. Israel is a democracy, but it
doesn't have direct representation on the local level. This means that
Israeli citizens have few ways to influence a government that
willfully negates what it was elected to do and does what the
electorate voted against. Boris Celser provides compelling reasons why
writing a Constitution and restructuring the government are urgent
requirements for Israel's survival.
So what should Israel do? And what should she not do?
Rabbi Jacobson responds "to some of the painful questions people
of goodwill are asking today." His answers are succinct and clear
and explain why basic concepts many accept as true that there is a
Palestinian people and that Israel is occupying Palestinian land are
not true. Given the facts, he suggests that "[t]he best way to
bring about genuine peace in the Arab-Israeli war is by Israel putting
an end to any future negotiations on the land. Israel must assume full
security and military control over all of the territories under the
united banner of a single country, Eretz Israel."
ISRAEL'S SECURITY: The Hard-Learned Lessons
Oslo failed. The Palestinian Arabs took to war, calling it a popular
uprising. Yaakov Amidror writes that "[a]ll observers were
stunned by the rapid collapse of the security arrangements that were
at the heart of the Oslo concept." He asks what went wrong and
what lessons Israel must take from the Oslo experience in planning
future defenses.
TIME FOR A CHANGE: A Review of "A Concubine
in the Middle East: American-Israeli Relations"
Ezra Sohar, author of a "Concubine in the Middle East," uses
the metaphor of a relationship where one of the participants "is
not accorded the respectful status of a legitimate wife" to
describe American-Israeli relations. The book, written in 1999, is not
outdated if anything, recent events underscore his wise words.
When all the arab-promulgated arguments are shot down, the
nuisance-value one remains: "Yeah, so they're not legally or
historically entitled to it, so maybe some of them came in illegally
just yesterday, but if you give the territories to these
'Palestinians' there will be peace." This presupposes that
removing Jewish settlements will reduce friction. Daniel Kaganovich
and Michael Butler argue that removing the source of the
"friction" (Jews) will not make a dent in the ideology that causes it.
It will only encourage its spread."
Israel has released a mass of prisoners and eased restrictions that
make it easier for its enemies to wage war. Beth Goodtree points out
that "[t]he result of all these concessions and appeasements has
been more war." She suggests that Israel stop what she's doing
and start emulating the USA: "The United States protects her own
and does whatever it must to keep herself safe."
We continue our examination of how anti-Israel
bias is spread in America by the media and the 'peace and humanity'
foundations. Several of the essays deal with the sick-making
phenomenon of Israel-hate as manifested by Marxist Jews, both here and
in Israel, and by far-left Jewish newspapers in Israel.
At UCLA'S Hillel?
The surface event was an angry and inappropriate physical assault on a
pro-Zionist journalist by a left-wing pro-Palestinian director of a
youth group. Its significance for American Jews is that the director
is the leader of Hillel at UCLA, and this was an acting out of his
political passions, which also determine how he runs Hillel its
activities and events encourage Jewish students to develop an
anti-Israel mindset. It is a chilling reminder of what goes on less
blatantly in too many Jewish groups on too many American campuses:
they are debating societies stressing fair-minded discussions of
different points of view regarding Israel. They offer little
resistance to the pro-Muslim groups preaching anti-Semitism and
actively propagandizing the student body.
Commenting on the attraction of Jewish Americans such as Ian Lustick
and Tom Friedman to the radical-left Israeli daily Ha'aretz,
Ellen Horowitz explains why "we have to question the motives
behind the Jewish intellectuals in America and elsewhere in the
Diaspora who base their venerated views on what may amount to nothing
more than cheap, yellow journalistic tactics used to sell a bankrupt
political line (and a newspaper)."
Israel is commonly described as an apartheid state by her enemies –
many of which actually do practice apartheid. Jared Israel examines a
major "fact" supporting this assertion: Arabs are not
allowed to purchase land in Israel. This is true as far as it goes.
The author demonstrates that it is lying by omission: a fact is
overextended, while contextual facts are suppressed, encouraging the
audience to come to a false conclusion.
Way back when, the New York Times earned a reputation for
accurate reporting of ongoing events. When it comes to Israel,
however, the Times lies by omission, exaggeration, distortion,
context-stripping, underplaying Arab terrorism and just plain lying.
Tom Gross provides us with a restrained but piercing analysis of how
the Times (mal)treats Israel.
Lee Kaplan presents us with a detailed summary of how the Ford
Foundation funds non-governmental Palestinian organizations and groups
in Israel that support the Palestinian Arab cause. These are not
social welfare groups; they are political and aggressively
anti-Israel. The Ford Foundation's claim that its mission is to
promote peace and social justice is macabre. Operationally, it funds
unscrupulous groups who use propaganda and the legal system to
undermine the State of Israel and who give direct and indirect aid to
the terrorists who kill Israel's citizens.
FORD HAS A BETTER IDEA: One Nation Under Allah
Several months ago, Edwin Black's series in the Jewish Telegraphic
Agency detailed how the Ford Foundation funded Arab and pro-Arab
groups, some of them with ties to terrorist groups, whose activities
were aimed at demonizing Jews and delegitimizing Israel. Alyssa Lappen
concentrates on another objective Ford indirectly supports when it
funds the Constitutional Rights Foundation: the promotion of
Sharia (Muslim law) in this country and the curtailing of
activities and speech that Muslims regard as blasphemy even if
this means non-Muslim groups are deprived of their Constitutional
These essays discuss specific historical events: Palestine around
time of World War II and the birth of Israel, the Damascus Affair of 1840 and the history of Samaria
and Judea.
Hilda Terry is a cartoonist, who has 'been there, done that' in
cartoons from the Golden Age of cartoons through the graphics of the
internet. She writes from her experiences, her notes and her
recollections of events in Palestine around World War II. In this
article, she examines why and how the figures for the number of Arab
refugees of 1947 became so bloated.
Elliott Green tells the story of the Damascus Affair, when in 1840 the
Jewish community was accused of murdering a monk and his servant for
their blood it was a widely-held though erroneous belief among
Europeans and Muslims that blood was a necessary ingredient of the
Passover Matsot. The author associates the Damascus Affair with the
latest egregious case of a false accusation, when Arab eye witnesses
swore they'd seen the IDF massacred Arabs in the hundreds (or
thousands) in Jenin. In both cases, it was a vicious lie. In both
cases, there was an obsession to find the bodies. The accusations were
lies, so no evidence could be found. Yet, the conviction that the Jews
had done some terrible deed remained.
Rachel Neuwirth traces the history of Judea and Samaria over the
centuries. She points out that "[t]he Jewish presence there has
been continuous, except for 19 years from 1948 to 1967 when the area
became judenrein" under Jordan's rule. "After the 1967 war,
the Jewish people have simply been returning to the land from which
they were forcibly expelled during the first Arab-Israeli war of
This is another episode of Marion Dreyfus' life
teaching at a Chinese university.
CHINA DIARY: On Vacation
Marion Dreyfus records her impressions when on vacation from teaching
at Wuchan, China. On holiday in Shanghai, she visits the synagogue
Ohel Moishe, used by the Jews who escaped from Europe to China in
World War II, and Sun Yat-sen's house. Her cousin, 2-Gun Cohen, had
been a Sun Yat-sen bodyguard. In January she has some unusual
experiences: she visits an 800-year old city at the foothills of the
Himalayas and a lamassery; she sees the remarkable clay soldier
statuary from the Chin dynasty and visits the Muslim quarter in Xi'an.
She also has some more typical tourist experiences trying to get
food she can eat and dealing with having her camera, knapsack and
money stolen.
READERS' BLOG-EDS This is where our readers get a
chance to write opinions and editorials. Why Blog-Ed and not Op-Ed?
Because we have retained the typical blog style of a stream of text
organized chronologically. These are (for the most part)
serious, thoughtful and from the heart. They should be shared with
other readers. Blog-Eds is updated every few days.
November-December, 2003
We begin with Saudi Arabia, which funds today's terrorists and
builds schools in America, the Middle East and Asia that inculcate
extreme Islamic attitudes in the next generation. These articles
present some necessary background.
THE SAUDIS: The Middle East Mafia
It has been said that Saudi Arabia is the only family-owned business
in the United Nations. The gifted dons of the Saud family shaped the
modern state by melding the desert Bedouin's ruthlessness and guile
with the religious force of Wahhabism, a harsh version of Islam. Lewis
Lipkin chronicles the historical and cultural roots of the Sauds.
This is the story of how the Saudi Ambassador, Prince Bandar bin
Sultan, became a Washington operator, chumming it up with the rich and
famous, promoting the interests of Arafat and the Palestinians, and
acting as go-between between Prince Abdullah, who runs the kingdom,
and other heads of state. He is a son of Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz,
second in line to the Crown, and a grandson of Abdul Aziz, who created
present-day Saudi Arabia. He is a long-time family friend of George
Bush senior. The question is, after 9/11, how warmly does President
Bush feel towards him?
Boris Zubry has worked as a mechanical engineer in several countries.
He recorded his experiences living and working in Saudi Arabia in this
essay, which forms a chapter in his book, Miles Of Experience.
Amotz Asa-El argues that "the root of the Saudi malaise isn't in
its politics, but in its sociology: a high illiteracy rate, an
anti-meritocratic social order, and the impossibility of its foreign
workers who hold 70% of the jobs to become citizens. The result is
social stagnation.
The Saudi Embassy has a website explaining Islam and Muslims to
Americans. Steven Stalinsky reports on how several topics are
presented: Jihad and Martyrdom, Teaching Islam's Superiority over
Christianity and Judaism, Rights in Islam of Dhimmis (non-Muslims
under Muslim rule), the Punishment of Non-Believers, the Superiority
of Polygamy in Islam to Western Monogamy, and the Rights of Women.
Ever since 9/11, it has become harder for Saudi Arabia to suppress
information about its subversion of academic departments and U.S.
State Department diplomats, its indoctrination of Arab schoolchildren
and Muslims in the military in anti-Western Wahhabism, its funding of
Middle Eastern terrorists and its outpouring of anti-Semitic hate
literature. Articles on the extent of Saudi's anti-Western activities
continue to surface. Frank Gaffney's essay is unique in tracing the
damage done by a single individual Grover Norquist who, in David
Horowitz's words, has been working in the higher levels of
Washington's political circles "... on behalf of the Islamist
Fifth Column."
These article discuss the increase in Egypt's war arsenal and
the deterioration of the Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel.
This is a reprint of an article Dr. Fishbein wrote soon after 9/11 on
the dangers of Egypt acquiring ever more sophisticated weaponry from
the United States and North Korea, especially when Egypt in its
rhetoric and in its actions was showing increased hostility to the
United States and Israel. It could not, the author wrote, "be
discounted as an adversary in any future regional conflict." In
view of the developments in the past two years (see Dan Eldar's
article below), the article was most prescient.
EGYPT AND ISRAEL: A Reversible Peace
The peace treaty of 1977 between Israel and Egypt was, in Dan Eldar's
words, "between a society of Western political culture and norms
and an Arab-Muslim society with different attitudes regarding the
character of peace, the parameters of truth, and the meaning of
justice." Since then, while claiming to be a peace broker, Egypt
has been "making sure that peace never spreads," encouraging the
intifada, while blaming it all on Israel and spewing out Nazi-quality
anti-Semitic hate literature. As Egypt becomes poorer, less stable and
more radicalized by Islamists, both Israel and America need to
reassess how durable this peace is.
It is often asserted Islam is a religion of
peace. These articles explore the question of just how peaceful a
religion Islam is, the relationship between Islam and terrorism and
some thoughts on avoiding both terrorism and Islam. ISLAM: A RELIGION OF PEACE?
This is an interview Larry Elder conducted with Robert Spencer, about
his new book, "Onward Muslim Soldiers: How Jihad Still Threatens
America and the West." It is possible that President Bush may
actually believe that Islam is a "religion of peace," But
Spencer asserts that what we call "'Islamic extremism' stems from
a straightforward reading of the Koran and interpretative Islamic
Dr. David Gutmann, a clinical psychologist, asserts that
"Terrorist organizations must be smashed, and their sponsoring
nations made to pay the price. If we withdraw in feebleness,
triumphant Islamic terrorism will increase catastrophically."
Arguing from historical experience and the national character of the
Muslims, he show why this is so.
Israel is building a security fence. Among Israel's friends, the focus
is on whether it is or isn't effective in protecting Israelis from
local terrorists. Israel's enemies, fearing it just might be
effective, complain it inconveniences the local Arabs. The author asks
whether something as drastic as the wall is for Israel might save
Europe from "succumbing to Islam" or is it too late?
The recent flurry over the latest Peace Miracle
Pill is almost spent. These articles provide further evidence why
trying to negotiate with the Palestinians is futile. The sooner the
futility is accepted, the sooner people can start thinking about
workable solutions to the conflict.
All the diplomatic peace plans proposed by Israel to solve the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict have in common the notions that (1) if
Israel makes sufficient concessions, she will gain peace; and (2)
making concessions will win her brownie points in the world community.
Professor Rubin discusses why this strategy is doomed to failure.
Speaking of the Arab attitude towards formal agreements, the author
writes, "... the Western concept of the "sanctity of
contractual agreements does not exist in this part of the world,
and... an agreement is always relative and not total, and it changes
according to considerations of security, religion, history, and
military power." In bringing this article to our attention, Aryeh
Zelasko put it this way, "As long as the parties involved maintain
their respective power levels, the agreement is in force. However, as
soon as the balance of power changes, goodbye agreement."
After the Arafat-Barak fiasco, it seemed that Dennis Ross, the US
point man involved, swore he was no longer a peace junky and renounced
Arafat's machinations. But it looks like he's fallen off the wagon –
the Geneva Accord were announced and he smells action all over again.
Mike Hendrix of the Cold Fury website and Stephen Green of VodkaPundit
try to sober him up with cold facts why the peace process can't work.
The history and culture of the Arabs, their religion, their nonchalant
attitude to contractual agreements, the way they teach their children
hate for non-Muslims and their consuming desire to be again top dog
lording it over a chastened Western world suggest that any peace
treaty, no matter how specifically or ambiguously worded, will have
the lasting power of a paper bag in a rainstorm. These essays explore
an alternative: separating the Jews and Arabs by transferring the
Arabs to some part of the vast Arab land area. ON MIDEAST'S MENU
Lou Marano focuses on the Arab strategy to destroy Israel as embedded
in the 10-point program adopted by the Palestinian National Council in
1974. And never repudiated. This means that giving the Palestinian
Arabs a state will inevitably be followed by their renewed demands for
more concessions backed up by renewed acts of terror. He discusses the
Elon plan, which makes Jordan the only legitimate representative
of the Palestinians."
Mr Shusteff emphasizes that in the near future, even if it is
stigmatized as ethnic cleansing, we will have population transfer. The
question is: will it be the Jews who are transferred out of Biblical
Israel, including a part of Jerusalem, or will it be the Arabs who are
moved back to Arab countries. He points out that Jordan is already a
Palestinian state, some twenty times larger than Samaria, Judea and
Gaza, and the majority of its citizens consider themselves
Ruth King makes the case for Israeli annexation of Samaria, Judea and
Gaza. "It is time," she says, "for Israel to face
reality. No concessions will make the United Nations ... accept them
nor will it placate the Arabs and their Muslim sympathizer Peace will
come only through determination and strength and unity and the total
destruction and disarming of the Palestinian Authority."
Freedom of speech is becoming increasingly selective, both in
America and in Israel. In both cases, it is becoming politically
correct to denigrate Israel and attribute the worst motives and
behavior to her, but criticism of Arab behavior is considered inpolite
at best and telling lies at worst.
Phyllis Chesler, long identified with the Woman's Movement, recounts
her pain when she was confronted by members of the movement with
ingrained Jew-hate. These Brownshirts see "Palestine" as a
"symbol for every downtrodden group of color 'resisting' the
racist-imperialist American and Zionist Empires." They can't be
reached by facts on the actual treatment of women in Arab society or
by an appeal to their own anti-racist principles. Anti-Semitism is
becoming politically correct among those who define political
Tamar Rush of Herzliya has observed, "Passing out hundreds of copies
of the wiretap transcripts of our Prime Minister's private
conversations is perceived as 'harmless fun' but
writing a half-satirical letter to a website could get you some
serious time in the klinker." Gil Ronin wrote just that sort of
letter to Arutz-7, and MK Gal-On has been demanding his arrest on
charges of 'incitement' ever since."
This is Ronen's letter, translated into English. Read it, and decide
if Gil Ronin deserves to be jailed for his views especially when
more and more Israelis are debating how, not whether, to
transfer the seditious and violence-prone Arabs out of Israel.
Gil Ronen's article in Arutz-7 (see above) was deemed a violation of
the law against incitement and an investigation was launched against
the managers of the Arutz-7 website. Steve Plaut uses actual examples
to highlight how Israeli Leftists are twisting the Law to punish
pro-Israel free speech, while allowing any and all pro-Arab speeches,
including some that really are seditious and an incitement to riot.
The right of Jews to a Jewish homeland is again under attack.
These articles present historical information that refute the
arguments of the Arabs and their allies. Dr. Shifftan reminds us that
if Israelis weren't afraid of an Arab voting majority, they'd give
more weight to the reasons for keeping Biblical Israel.
Alex Rose writes of the time of the Balfour Declaration, when the
resolve of the English to create a Jewish state was strongly asserted
by influential members of the British Cabinet. He examines the Arab
case against the creation of the Jewish State, showing that their
arguments were and are invalid. Jews have claims to their land
biblically, by their unbroken ties to the land historically, and by
their reclamation of the
AN ANSWER TO THE NEW ANTI-ZIONISTS: The Rights Of The Jewish People To
A Sovereign State In Their Historic Homeland
"Jewish nationhood preceded the emergence of most modern
nation-states by thousands of years" well before the first
Arab came into the region and, as the authors point out, in modern
times, "[t]he links of the Jewish people to their historic land
were well-known and accepted..." Yet, of all the 190 States that
are members of the U.N. many of whom lack "national
identity" or are monolithic in religion or culture or have
governments that govern inadequately or repressively, only Israel's
legitimacy is questioned.
The major practical reason for giving away Biblical Israel is
demographic: if Israel is to remain a Jewish state, it needs to retain
a Jewish voting majority. Dr. Shifftan proposes another solution.
Those communities that don't serve in the army will not be allowed to
vote in national elections. This would apply to Israeli Arabs and the
Arabs in the terrorities, because Arabs do not serve in the army.
We continue our examination of how anti-Israel bias is spread
in America by the media and through other gateways of the public's
On the day we remember Kristallnacht, the Seattle Times
reprinted an Avraham Burg piece, which included this gem: " They
[suicide terrorists] spill their own blood in our restaurants in order
to ruin our appetites because they have children and parents at home
who are hungry and humiliated." Burg was a proponent of the
original Oslo Agreement and is now involved in the Geneva Accord.
Stefan Sharkansky rebuts two recent Times pieces on Israel: one
by Burg, the other by a Times columnist on the Geneva Accord.
The author points out one silver lining to the storm of anti-Jewish
activities by Islamists on campus: the FBI and CIA can more easily
track these radical Muslim students. He also examines the responses of
college administrators to anti-Jewish activities on campus and lists
organizations that monitor anti-Semitic activities.
This is an extremely informative article about the slick techniques of
PLO propaganda and their paid publicists who manipulate the foreign
media. She discusses some of their networking, training and funding
resources as well as their excellent Washington lobbyist, Edward
Abington, who earns his keep whitewashing Arafat. While the PLO lies
about Israel by attributing to them untrue misdeeds, the Israeli
Ministry of Foreign Service lies about the PLO by playing down their
false propaganda and ignoring their atrocities.
These next two articles were written by Jews who
live in exotic places. Moshe Saperstein lives in Gaza near Israel's
'Peaceful Peace Partners' and Marion D.S. Dreyfus teaches at the
University in Wuchan, China and does a radio talk show. MOSHE AMONG THE MORTARS
In this letter, Moshe talks of uneventful happenings: being shelled by
Arab mortars, traveling to Jerusalem to do errands and rescuing an
injured bird.
It's winter and the pressing problem in Wuchan is keeping warm. Marion
lectures, does a radio show and fends off the Administration. This
takes up much too much time, leavng little time to travel and see the
READERS' BLOG-EDS This is where our readers get a
chance to write opinions and editorials. Why Blog-Ed and not Op-Ed?
Because we have retained the typical blog style of a stream of text
organized chronologically. These are (for the most part)
serious, thoughtful and from the heart. They should be shared with
other readers. Blog-Eds is updated every few days.
September-October, 2003
The latest reincarnation of the Peace Process died August
19th as surely as did the passengers on Egged bus #2. Both the Road
Map and the people were blown up by the Arabs. This first group of
essays suggest that the way we have pursued peace for the last 36
years must fail because we have made the wrong assumptions and
have ignored important facts.
In simple language that even a politician should understand, Robert
Locke demolishes the notion that there can be a negotiated peace
process when the two sides have incompatible objectives. As the author
says, "The Palestinians want to drive the Israelis into the sea,
and the Israelis want to not be driven into the sea."
The major reason Israel can't negotiate with the Arabs in that they
want to destroy Israel, not reason with her or negotiate with her.
Ariel Pasko reinforces that conclusion with an impressive set of
statistics that indicate the Palestinian Arabs feel strongly that:
"The rights and needs of the Palestinian people cannot be taken
care of as long as the State of Israel exists." He concludes that
the only way to peace is by military means. TWELVE BAD ARGUMENTS FOR A STATE OF PALESTINE
Patricia Berlyn critically examines the current reasonable-sounding
arguments that are put forth by the well-meaning and not so
well-meaning as reasons to establish a PLO state for the Palestinian
Arabs. And she reminds us how quickly the U.S. went from a position of
not negotiating with the PLO which was and is and will be a
terrorist organization committed to destroying Israel to its current
promotion of such a state.
INDIA AND PAKISTAN A Cautionary Tale for Israel
and Palestine
In a clear and logical fashion, Jeffrey Weiss lays out a powerful and
detailed case against creating a Palestinian Arab state, using the
history of the partition of India and Pakistan as example.
He points out that "Oslo's advocates argue that two states are
needed for there to be peace and self-determination for Arab
and Jew alike...[yet] the Palestinian Authority has demanded
the right of Palestinians to 'return' to live in Israel."
We present this article on September 11th. America resolved to fight a
war on terror on September 11, 2001. Frank Gaffney says wisely that
"...terror is a technique, an instrument of warfare...And, to be
effective, military and other responses to that threat have to be
aimed not at the technique but at those who employ it to advance their
political or other goals...In the War on Terror, our principal foes
are Islamists and those who assist their murderous, jihadist
Michael Anbar demonstrates that the theological and cultural
differences between "moderate muslims" and
"fundamentalist muslims" are on a par with the differences
between "Arab militants" and "Arab terrorists."
There are none.
Emanual A. Winston cuts through the propaganda that portrays Islam as
a kind and gentle religion. Perhaps it is. But it fosters terrorism
and terrorism is a world-wide threat. Much of the world has responded
by playing 'let's pretend.' THE "RIGHT OF RETURN" DEBATE REVISITED
The Arabs continue to pursue their goal of destroying Israel. They
have pursuaded many that all they want is a state for the Palestinian
Arabs. But they have also demanded the return to Israel of the Arab
refugees, whose numbers have remarkably multiplied some 700 to 1000
percent (depending on whose numbers you use) in 55 years. This huge
size made it hard to sell the "right of return" until a
recent poll seemed to show that only a few refugees would insist on
returning. Max Abrahms shows that these results are downright
In the wake of the August 19th bus bombing in Jerusalem, Yashiko
Sagamori's lucid essay points out that "[w]hat the world
euphemistically dubbed a peace process is actually a Holocaust in
progress." The author notes that "Bush...promised to never
negotiate with terrorists. Unfortunately, he failed to specify which
terrorists he was not going to negotiate with, what exactly he was not
going to negotiate with them, and how often."
These next essays talk about reform in Israel. Israel has been
thrown off track by Arab terrorism and its own inhibited response to
this ongoing terrorism. It needs to (re)establish its unique
Professor Eidelberg reviews the components necessary for a Jewish
state. The strategy for achieving a Jewish state must start with a
"...[p]ublic affirmation that a Jewish State must be based on
Jewish principles and values." and the corollary "...that
the primary source of Jewish principles and values is the Torah."
Beth Goodtree usually writes political commentary and humorous
articles. She is just as effective when she writes seriously about the
fundamental need for Israel to set forth a written declaration of its
own identity and goals.
Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) is a movement inside the Likud
Party that is working to create a strong Jewish identity in Israel. It
has protested Oslo and held street demonstrations against attempts to
uproot settlements. At the same time, it is formulating an ideology
based on authentic biblical and historic Judaism for the governance of
the Jewish state.
In her refreshingly candid style, Arlene Peck asks when will the
Israelis accept that they are at war? When will they take charge of
their own destiny and start dealing intelligently with the
Muslim-Arab-Palestinian terrorists whose goal is to destroy the
Jewish state.
Implications Of The Roadmap
Anne Bayefsky writes, "Human rights may be the most highly-rated
political currency in modern times. This is exactly why the criminal
state or political actor has sought to appropriate it. The United
Nations, as the pre-eminent guardian of human rights, has been the
staging ground for this subversion. The body erected upon the
rejection of anti-Semitism now perversely serves as a major
international vehicle for anti-Semitism." Clearly, Israel needs
to assert its sovereign rights; it must take "concrete steps to
protect" itself.
Professor Zaritsky talks about the one-sided freedom of academic
expression fostered in Israeli universities during the Oslo decade.
Views critical of the Oslo Accords and the Peace Process were subtly
and not so subtly discouraged. This essay would be just a nice
reminiscence, except for one problem: these peace-process academic
Marxists continue to control academic departments and continue to
promote a failed policy that continues to bring extreme harm to
So what is life like right now in Israel, now that Oslo is dead, but
lots of the politicians don't seem to know it? In this essay that is
likely to become a classic, Elyakim HaEtzni draws a stark analogy to
the madness seen in a closed ward of an insane asylum. He concludes,
"I know of only one way to restore national sanity: to take to
the streets and raise a public outcry, until the Closed Ward
Government falls."
We need to reexamine the entire question of how to achieve peace in the
Middle East.
These next articles discuss Population Exchange transferring the
Palestinian Arabs out of Israel, an exchange that began when the Jews
were forced out of Arab countries in the 1940s. Population Exchange is
a plan that has a better chance at promoting peace in the Middle East
than the Road Map, because it is based on reality, not
Richard Shulman examines Chaim Kaufmann's study on Population
Exchange, which developed rules predicting when partition will
work and when population exchange is necessary. He points out some
mistakes in Kaufmann's arguments for partitioning Israel, because
"[Kaufmann] did not understand enough about the Arab-Israel
conflict to apply his own theory properly."
Using Ruth Gavison's essay on the Jewish right to statehood as
springboard, Boris Shusteff demolishes the notion that, from the point
of view of universal human rights, transferring the Arabs out of
Israel including Yesha would be an immoral act. There is also the
practical problem that Arab activity over the years has focussed on
demolishing Israel, not "establishing institutions of Arab
Ruth King makes clear that no peace that depends on Arab goodwill
has a chance to succeed. We need to consider a more practical
solution: transferring Palestinian Arabs to the current Palestinian state,
These next essays are on Middle East terrorist groups. The first two
discuss Hizballah, an international terrorist network with direct
linkages to other terrorist organizations and to terrorist activities
globally. Using Hamas as example, the third essay makes clear than
"[f]rom the standpoint of international law, one man's
terrorist can never be another man's freedom-fighter."
There is a direct linkage of Hizballah and the Palestinian Arabs in
Samaria, Judea and in Gaza. Matthew Levitt discusses how, beginning in
2000 with Iran's use of "the social-welfare hook to recruit
Palestinians into Hizballah," Palestinian Arabs were trained in
Lebanon and then sent back. The author writes, "Among the
activities Hizballah's Palestinian squads have conducted are arms
smuggling, recruitment, attempted suicide bombings, sniper and
roadside shooting attacks, preoperational surveillance of Israeli
communities and army bases, and planned kidnapping of Israelis."
Lewis Lipkin focusses on the extent of Hizbollah activity outside the
Middle East. They are alive and well in Europe, South America and in
the United States.
The View From International Law
Professor Louis Rene Beres points out that "even if Hamas claims
of an Israeli 'occupation' were correct rather than concocted, their
corresponding claim of entitlement to oppose Israel 'by any means
necessary' would remain unsupportable." He educates us on the
"precise standards that must be applied in judgment of all
insurgent resorts to violence," and defines just cause and
just means.
We continue our examination of how anti-Israel bias is spread
in America by the media and through other gateways of the public's
access to information.
SUCKERED BY THE ARABS: Are Jewish and Christian Pro-Israel Groups
Being Suckered By The Arabs?
Lee Kaplan writes about Saudi-financed activities in America that are
detrimental to us and to Israel. He reasons that activist Zionist
groups are "wasting our time in our own country constantly
putting out forest fires instead of going after the arsonist."
Is Jew-Hate becoming a part of Political Correctness? Is a Fest
designed to encourage the killing of Jews and the dismemberment of
Israel a manifestation of free speech? The New Jersey Solidarity group
seems to think so. Until very recently, Rutgers went along with hosting
them on campus. At the last moment, the event was cancelled.
Most people would say their public libraries are apolitical and desire
only to educate the public by encouraging the purchase of books of
varying points of view, providing they are not hate literature and
providing they have their facts straight. So isn't it surprising to
find that the American Library Association (ALA) the oldest and
largest and probably the most influential society of librarians in the
world apparently considers it has a duty to bash Israel and support
the 'Palestinian' cause. N. Leonard Tolkan, the author of this
article, is a veteran librarian who, for obvious reasons, chooses to
remain anonymous. An unusual and fascinating way to spend the High Holidays.
CHINA DIARY: Settling Down In Wuchan.
L'Shana Tova From Beijing.
Marion D. S. Dreyfus is a freelance journalist, a film critic and an
intrepid traveler. I met her on a bullet-proof bus on an Americans
For A Safe Israel (AFSI) trip to Samaria, Judea and Gaza. When she
announced she was off to China and asked what Think-Israel was
interested in, I had a long list for her to investigate: (1) Chinese
Jews is there a Jewish community? Are there converts? Are there any
left over from the WW2 escape from Europe? Are there any from an older
immigration?; (2) Businessmen from Israel and Canada that do business
in Shanghai do they influence the Chinese in any way to be
pro-Israel? I have heard there's at least one kosher restaurant;
(3) China's Islam problem are they handling it by being politically
correct? Or what; (4) Does Israel have any PR or hasbara in China?
And finally, our newest feature: the Blog-Ed page.
READERS' BLOG-EDS This is where our readers get a
chance to write opinions and editorials. Why Blog-Ed and not Op-Ed?
Because we have retained the typical blog style of a stream of text
organized chronologically. These are (for the most part)
serious, thoughtful and from the heart. They should be shared with
other readers. Blog-Eds is updated every few days.
July-August, 2003
This first group of essays center around a regional peace plan
articulated by Israeli Minister Binyamin (Benny) Elon.
THE RIGHT ROAD TO PEACE: A Regional Solution To
The Arab-Israeli Conflict
Israeli Cabinet Minister Binyamin Elon proposes a regional peace plan:
give the Arabs on the West Bank full citizenship in Jordan, resettle
the Arab refugees in Arab countries and annex the West Bank and Gaza
to Israel. This would make for two stable and viable Palestinian
States, one Arab, one Jewish, in what was Mandated Palestine. His plan
takes into account critical factors the Road Map ignores: a role for the
Arab countries that neighbor Israel, the solution to the Arab refugee
problem, Israel's security, a natural border and Israel's historic and
biblical claim to the Land.
This is a copy of an interview with Minister Elon conducted by
Caroline Glick. It adds details to the Elon plan, which is described
in "The Right Road to Peace" (see above).
Eugene V. Rostow wrote two articles on the Jewish settlements for the
New Republic during the presidency of George H.W. Bush. The
first was written a few months before Saddam Hussain of Iraq invaded
Kuwait and precipitated the first Gulf War. Bush excluded Israel from
fighting during the War and then, after the USA had forced Iraq to
withdraw from Kuwait, he pressured the then Prime Minister, Yitzhak
Shamir, to attend the Madrid Conference, a Middle East peace
initiative that led to Oslo 1. The second article was published just
days before the Madrid Conference. Mr. Rostow helped draft the UN Security
Council Resolution #242, which called on Israel and the Arab States
(not the Palestinians) to make peace, and allows Israel to administer
the territories until there is a just and lasting peace.
ISRAELI HASBARA: A Nation Working Against Itself
Much of the fault-finding with Israeli Hasbara
(education/PR/persuasion) suggests it just hasn't come up with the
right way to reach the public. Dr Shifftan suggests it isn't even
Reviewing modern Arab history in the Middle East, Alex Rose argues
that " [t]he time has come for the Arab World to invest their
resources in democracy and freedom instead of financing an
international 'kill the infidel' culture." This will mean
acknowledging that the same politics that gave them such an enormous
chunk of the Ottoman Empire gave the Jews a right to Israel, Samaria,
Judea and Gaza.
In a letter to the Jerusalem Post, June 22, 2003, Larry Hall pointed
out that "Israel and India have many things in common broken
British promises, convenient isolation by greedy nations, disparate
populations living in progressive societies. And all the while, Islam
besets them, sets its populations to suffer in the hope that it might
destroy them." Professor Nalapat discusses this from the Indian
Hudna is an Arabic concept. It is a very temporary suspension
of violence, usually during an all-out war. It is not a cease-fire. As
Yuval Zaliouf reminds us, "Normally, a Hudnah would be declared
between the warring parties. However, the Palestinian terror
organizations agreed to a Hudnah not with Israel, but as a flimsy
internal arrangement between them and Abu Mazen. The survival of this
Hudnah depends entirely on the success of a blackmail scheme aimed at
forcing Israel to release Palestinian prisoners outside the frame of
the already agreed Road Map."
How well is the Road Map working in this period of Hudna?
This is a snapshot of the events in a typical day in an
Israel under Sharon's guidance: the Palestinian Arabs have been
enboldened to ask for more and more Israeli concessions while doing
nothing to eliminate terrorism; Sharon denies he is releasing
terrorists, but of course he is; the Israeli Security Services have
found someone they can bully: the father of Shalhavet Pas, the
10-month old child who was assassinated by an Arab sniper; and Arab
bombings and sniping continue.
Speaking in English, abu Mazen has promised to act vigorously against
incitement to violence and hatred. But
educating the Palestinian Arab children in Jew-hatred hasn't ceased.
Not for a moment.
The Palestinian Arabs were supposed to perform the very first task on the Road
Map: an immediate and complete cessation of violence. Instead, they
have pulled the old one-two. First they declared 'prisoner release' the
primary and immediate issue. Then they threatened to
cancel Hudna, if the prisoners aren't released. And they have done
nothing about stopping Arab terrorism.
Open Letter To President Bush Alyssa Lappen
writes that, despite the PR show, Hamas and the Palestine Authority
have worked together for many years towards the same goal: the destruction
of Israel. Nothing has changed.
OUR FEARLESS LEADERS Mr bin Hookah is foreign correspondent and roving reporter
for the Gaza Gajeera. This is his assessment of how the
Palestinian leaders are doing in the latest round of
diplomacy and negotiations.
In this essay, Emanuel A. Winston analyzes the national character of
Muslim Arabs. He makes clear why appealing to their reason or bribing
them with Israeli concessions will have the same effect as
stopping a sand storm by waving a wet noodle at it.
Ellen Horowitz talks about the flaws in the national character of
the Americans, the Arabs and the Israelis that allowed the Road Map and
These next essays deal with history: the resurgence of Anti-Semitism
in France and the ongoing anti-Semitism of Israel's neighbors.
FRENCH ANTISEMITISM: From the Middle Ages to the
Dreyfus Affair
This essay traces some major sources of French anti-Semitism,
from the teachings of the Catholic Church and the decrees of the
Monarchy on the Right to the Humanists and the Enlightenment
philosophes on the Left. Of particular interest is the
development of the Blood Libel, which has become a staple of Arab
JEWS AND ANTI-JEWS Ruth Wisse puts
the Arab war against the Jews in the broader context of some major
reasons for habitual anti-Semitism: deflecting anger from a ruler's
ineptitude and poor governance and as an excuse for a ruler to shackle
his country.
A TALE OF TWO NAKBAS Arabs consider the rebirth of Israel the major if not the
only catastrophe a nakba to have happened in the recent
history of the Middle East. This ignores the catastrophies inflicted by the
Arabs on the non-Arab populations ever since the Arabs came into the
Middle East, including the nabka of the Jews, who had to flee
from Arab countries when Israel was reborn.
The success of the Zionist enterprise ignores that Jews never left the
Holy Land throughout the centuries. This essay points out that in
recent history Arab savagery made refugees of the indigenous Jewish
population in Palestine between 1920 and 1949.
Anti-Israel propaganda is spread all over the media. Here are two
examples: one from a newspaper, the other from TV.
SPIN Michael Levy has made himself the
subject of an ongoing experiment. Can he predict how the Los Angeles
Times (LAT) will slant a story on the Arab/Israeli conflict? He
started with 9 rules, on which he bases his predictions. These are his
rules with some of his commentary. Read his site,
http://lat-early.blogspot.com, for the latest results. Better still,
apply the rules yourself to the Washington Post or the New York Times
or Ha'aretz. UNHOLY, INDEED
Anti-Israel propaganda pops up in the oddest places.
Ask people to name TV shows hostile to Israel and NPR, Nightline and Peter
Jennings are obvious choices. But with just a single episode, The
Agency, a CBS drama, put itself in the running.
And finally, we introduce a new feature to Think-Israel: the
Blog-Ed page.
READERS' BLOG-EDS   This is where our readers get a
chance to write opinions and editorials. Why Blog-Ed and not Op-Ed?
Because we have retained the typical blog style of a stream of text
organized chronologically. These are (for the most part)
serious, thoughtful and from the heart. They should be shared with
other readers. Blog-Eds is updated every few days.
May-June, 2003
This is a masterful presentation of the history of attempts at
creating a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinian Arabs.
Mr. Rozenman makes clear why such a solution can't work.
The Road Map makes the wrong assumption that peace between the
Palestinian Arabs and Israel can bring peace to the Middle East. But
as Michael Anbar points out, the Palestinian Arabs are only "a
minute part of a large nation, which [has been] in a continual state
of war with the Jewish nation from the day Israel was
established." Palestinian Arabs are not politically independent.
They train in Lebanon; their military supplies come in from Egypt.
"As long as Arab Islamism maintains its grip on the Middle
East," Israel has no peace partner.
Mr. Haetzni has written elsewhere that the Road Map is even
worse that the Oslo Accords. Unlike Oslo, the Road Map (1) mandates a
Palestinian State; (2) restricts settlement development; and (3)
encourages foreign interference with Israeli sovereignty. In this
article, he examines the Road Map stipulations on issues important to
The implementation of the Road Map is just beginning and already it
has encouraged a marked increase in deadly bombings by Hamas and the
other Arab terrorist groups. This open letter to President Bush is
indicative of the disappointment in Israel in President Bush, who has
made a 180 degree turn from his intelligent assessment of what was
required for Middle East peace just a year ago.
So many of the media experts have started talking up Oslo 2 as the way
to peace, as if we've had no experience with Oslo 1. So many ordinary
people are analyzing the Road Map and pointing out its defects. This
is a sampling of the concerns they raise by Letters and Comments and
emails to each other.
How did we get from the clarity of the analysis of Middle East
issues in June 2002 to a retread of unsuccessful plans in June 2003?
The next few articles provide some analyses.
period between when the Road Map was announced and when it was
presented as unchangeable, the Israeli Government underplayed the Road Map's
unsavory demands. As Herb Keinon writes, "...the country was
presented with one picture of Washington's position, and woke up to
another." He examines some of the elements in the Government's
disasterous miscalculations. JUST THE FACTS
Caroline B. Glick's recent article "Washington's Betrayal"
in the Jerusalem Post is a cogent summary of how the Bush
Administration made the creation of a Palestinian State its main goal
in the Middle East, without the Arabs having to renounce their goal of
destroying the Jewish State. This article focusses on one of the
reasons the Bush Administration could do so with so little backlash:
the current mindset and conventional wisdom in the world, which is fed
by a lazy and pro-Arab media, and a bunch of politicians and diplomats
who don't want to be confused by the facts.
After 9/11, America went after Arab terrorists militarily. Why is it
now regressing to 'peace processes' and diplomatic negotiations? David
Vance explains how the concept of conflict resolution dominates
political thinking to the detriment of a real solution to the
Arab-Israeli conflict.
Mr Atlas talks about some probable reasons why George W. Bush let his
vision become fogged in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
AMERICA LEADS THE WAY Mz Cheesman is a straightforward tell-it-as-I-see-it letter
writer, who proposes a way for President Bush to provide a good
example on how to implement his current view of what will bring peace to the
Middle East.
The article deals with the future role of the UN, which will monitor
Israel and redefine Arab terrorism (out of existence). As Anne
Bayefsky writes, "For all those at the United Nations fretting
over the loss of a terrorist state in Iraq, a Palestinian replacement
is shortly at hand. Israeli self-defense will soon mean violating
international borders. It is not surprising that Arab states are happy
to tell Mr. Bush they are all for the road map. What is surprising is
that the president is, too."
This is a meticulous examination of how the media, by using sloppy
language, intentionally or unintentionally further Arab land claims.
The media promote the wrong idea that the Arabs have international law
on their side, even though, as an example, the drafters of Resolution
242 did not plan on an Arab state, except Jordan, west of the Jordan
River. As Dan Diker writes, "The emotionally charged Palestinian
liberation story is, for many reporters, more compelling than the dry,
factual context of history, especially existing international laws and
resolutions that support Israel's narrative."
To extricate ourselves from the swamp the Bush Administration
has now endorsed requires a very necessary change: reorganizing the
State Department so that it works for America. The next three articles
discuss the details.
The State Department was "ineffective and incoherent" at the
U.N. in the days before we went into Iraq. Newt Gingrich urges the
President to reorganize the State Department because "America
cannot lead the world with a broken instrument of diplomacy." He
points out that after our military victory, "...the State
Department is back at work pursuing policies that will clearly throw
away all the fruits of hard-won victory."
Tony Blankley contributes insightful glosses to Newt Gingrich's call
for re-forming the State Department. He highlights some of the major
points; this is all to the good. He concludes that, "[i]t will
be a brawl, but one the country desperately needs. Winning the wars
and losing the peace has got to stop."
Frank Gaffney focusses on one of the reasons the State Department
needs to be transformed: the State Department has nullified President
Bush's policy statements of June 2002 on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
The Arabs are excused from making real reforms in their leadership.
The Quartet "a State Department invention" will be able
to dictate terms to Israel. And stopping terrorism dead is no longer
the first order of business.
And finally, some history, past and future.
Everyone knows how Arab terrorists hide themselves and their bombs and
guns among groups of woman and children. This talks about how the Arabs
used woman and children as suicide bombers during World War II.
The Road Map is so bizarre and inappropriate a solution to
the conflict between the Arabs and the Jews that many people didn't
take it seriously until it burst out, full-grown. This article asks
some of the questions whose answers await analyses by future historians.
Road Map Issue, April 2003
The latest international threat to Israel's sovereignty and security
comes from the road map issued by the Quartet. It is Oslo all over
again, but more virulent instead of negotiations, it would impose
dangerous restrictions on Israel. The UN, the EU and Russia didn't
fight Iraq. Apparently, Israel is more their size.
At the moment, the most effective rebuttal of the Quartet
plan is coming from Congress. Bipartisan letters supporting Israel are
circulating in both the House and the Senate. Here is some practical
information on contacting your congressman and senators to let them
know you reject the Quartet's plan and appreciate their support of Israel.
OBFUSCATION OF TRUTH: Reading Mitchell's Report
On February 7, 2003, President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon
had a heart to heart in the Oval Office. Afterwards, Bush said,
"...we had a good discussion about how best to work
together to get the Mitchell process started, to get into Tenet and
then in Mitchell." For those of us who have forgotten, this is an
excellent article on the Mitchell Plan, a flawed, pro-Arab document,
filled with inaccuracies.
Mr. Wilder lays out the major points of the road map as they were
known in February. The emphasis is on the impact on Israel, its
settlement communities and eastern Jerusalem. Mr. Wilder lives in
Hebron, the second holiest city in Israel and home of the Tomb of the
Mr Zaliouk points out that the Road Map talks of disbanding the
settlements as a precondition. For the first time, the word
"occupation" is used. This is language that has serious
consequences for Israel's borders.
Mr Shulman comments on the role of the CIA, the peace process in
general, Arabs calling Jews nazis, and road map amendments.
Mr. Belman makes clear why the road map is an unmitigated disaster for
Israel and wonders why we are rushing into it. This is a companion
piece to Mr. Belman's "A Unifying Theory: Palestine for
Iraq" and "Perfecting the Unifying Theory ", which can
be read on the IsraPundit website.
Mr. Tobin projects a frightening but based on previous experience –
realistic forecast of where the Quartet's "diplomatic strong-arm
tactics" will lead.
Mr. Goodenough points out weaknesses in Prime Minister Sharon's
response to the Road Map. He writes of Prime Minister Blair's push
to "remove the ancient land of Israel from Jewish control."
This is the letter Arial Sharon should send to President Bush, rejecting the
Road Map in toto, because it would put a genocidal nazi-like state in
the middle of Israel.
Mr Landau, a Minister in the Israeli Government, cogently
lays out objections to the roadmap: the Palestinian Arabs do not have
to relinquish terror as a precondition or educate their children for
peace. Israel, on the other hand, will need to freeze settlements,
divide Jerusalem, and have an international supervisory body exerting
sovereignity over implementation of the plan. Aside from jeopardizing
Israel's security, it will teach the Arab world that terror pays.
Professor Beres postulates some plausible scenarios, given a Middle
East with Iraq unable to acquire nuclear weapons but an Arab state of
Palestine, which would serve as a launching-point for unconventional
terrorism by the different terrorist groups in the area.
"President Bush should now
consider carefully that an exchange of Iraq for 'Palestine' would be
foolishly shortsighted and very dangerous."
March-April 2003
Saddam Hussein's regime is finished. This will make a big hole in
the resources of some of the Islamic terrorists who prey on Americans
and Israelis. But it will do little to destroy the confederacy of Arab
terrorists in Israel.
We, who love Israel, have a vital job to do in the coming weeks. If
this Administration acts like the senior Bush Administration did in
the Gulf War, it will pressure Israel to return to the peace table,
using the Roadmap for Peace, a refurbished Oslo Peace Plan that again
subjects Israel to terrorism and destruction.
To believe that peace is possible without decades of training the
Arabs to develop a brand-new mindset is more than naive. It ignores a
crucial fact that wasn't as blatantly obvious during the Gulf War:
the Arabs will not be satisfied with another Arab State. Their
objective is to destroy Israel as the start of a renewed world-wide
conquest by Islam. Israel, after all, gave the West the basis of its
ethics. And eliminating the State of Israel would make the Middle East
completely Muslim. The Arabs have not hidden their plans. Yet so many
well-meaning Americans continue to believe that if Israel just tries a
little harder, all will be well.
For peace in the Middle East, the Arabs need to reinvent
themselves. They need to change how they educate their children they
need to focus on math, not murder. They must stop treating their wifes
and daughters as chattel. They must stop regarding Christians and Jews
as inferiors. They need to leap forward some six centuries into the
modern world.
Israel must also change. It needs to regain its self-respect. It
needs to forthrightly put forth its claim to its historic land. It
needs to put the lives of its citizens above petty local politics and
above the desire to please other countries. It needs to root out
terrorism forcibly; it needs to be proactive, not reactive.
Pressuring Israel to make concessions will not lead to peace but to
a resurgence in terrorism that will again spread around the world.
Pressuring Israel is not the way to promote democracy in the world.
It is up to us to see that Israel is not a casualty of the Iraq
This is a direct, incisive essay on the violence practiced by so much
of Islam. It contrasts the actuality with the pretense that Islam is a
peaceful religion. As the author says: "avoiding reality doesn't
change reality."
THE LOSS OF EAST PALESTINE: British Perfidy, Jewish Infirmity of Purpose and Arab Intransigence. Part II.
Part I (see below) dealt with events leading to the Balfour
Declaration. Part II deals with the continued efforts of the British
to meet their conflicting commitments, retain control of both the Arab
and Jewish populace, and maintain their Middle Eastern empire. This
essay chronicles the early years when the nibbling away at what was
slated to become Israel had already begun: Israel was reduced in size
from all of Palestine to a vaguely defined area in the Western part of
the Mandate.
for Us Today
The article above, The Loss of East Palestine, made plain the
circumstances at the time of World War I that would lead to the
drastic redrawing of the map of the Middle East. We all know that
Israel was created. Fewer people realize that many of the Arab
countries were also created after England took over what had belonged
to the Ottoman Empire. Churchill's grandson focusses on Iraq and
Jordan and draws parallels to what currently confronts us.
A few days ago, an American girl, Rachel Corrie, a pro-Arab activist,
was killed by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza. Unlike the response to the
daily attacks by Arabs on Israeli civilians, this aroused world-wide
outrage. She may yet become the second Mohammad al-Dura. For several
Moshe Saperstein lives with his wife Rachel in Neve Dekalim
in the Gaza Strip. He is an essayist, and a member of the Jerusalem
Diarist group, which is doing a great job capturing the immediacy of
living in Israel today. This essay, written during a spell of cold
fierce weather in Israel, is about aesthetics or his lack of
appreciation thereof. We read of a musicale at Gush Katif,
a cantorial performance at the synagogue and how much he prefers his
food served unadorned. Moshe bravely faces going to the dentist and
having the family visit.
This is a brief history of the changing attitudes of Christians
towards Jews. Mr. Griffin differentiates between Christian sects that
have no particular injunctions to recognize Israel's importance to
Christianity and those that do. Among the latter, he separates those
whose support is only theologically based from those who, in addition,
have a genuine love of Israel.
Map from Truth to Peace
This is a thoughtful essay about the Road Map, the latest version of
the Oslo Peace Plan. It makes an important point: peace must be
constructed on a base of facts and truth. Diplomatic 'constructive
ambivalence' is doomed to fail. This paper lays out the facts that
need to be factored into any plan that will bring peace to the Middle
The Director of the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense points out
that the Muslim mindset despises weakness. Concessions by non-Muslims
are considered a sign of weakness. Consequently, concessions by the
West and Israel are doomed to fail.
January-February 2003
Jewish Infirmity of Purpose and Arab Intransigence. Part I.
The current problems in defining the boundaries of the
Jewish state began in the critical years before World War I, when the
map of the entire Middle East was about to be redrawn. The Arabs were
encouraged to ask for everything, the Jews asked for very little, and
the British screwed them both. WHY DON'T THE ISRAELIS GET MAD?
Why aren't the Israelis reacting violently to the inadequate response
of their Government to Arab terrorism? Why are they not demanding that
the Government do more to end the slaughter? Different answers have
been offered by different people. Whatever the reason, the people's
passivity has consequences for the future of Israel.
In The Unenviable Fate of Israeli Academic Leftists
(July-August, 2002, see below) I described the efforts of some Israeli
leftist academics to aid the Arabs, even to the point of petitioning
that Israeli scientists and academics be shunned by the world's
academic institutions. I speculated that the more their efforts were
successful, the worse it would be for them personally. The tale of
Oren Yiftachel, a geographer at Tel Aviv University, shows this has
already begun to happen.
All the Arab states, much of Europe and many in America, including
President Bush, act as if a Palestinian State is inevitable. But the
future leaders of such a State, the Palestine Authority and its fellow
terrorists, have turned the Oslo Peace into the Oslo War, and continue
to proclaim that destroying Israel is their real goal. So maybe we
ought to rethink the idea of a separate and sovereign state for the
Palestinians. Christian Action For Israel has compiled a
remarkable page of articles devoted to examining the idea of a
Palestinian state (http://christianactionforisrael.org/palstate.html).
Last November, they featured an essay by Yashiko Sagamori, who asks
the right questions about the obscure birth of the Palestinian people.
This is a companion piece to the previous article, which
suggested a serious examination of the origin of the Palestinian
people. This letter lists some questions that need serious and
detailed discussion before Israel can agree to the creation of a State
for these people.
Have you ever considered how hard it is to assign a would-be terrorist
who blows himself up prematurely to the right group to ensure accurate
statistics. How should he be counted? What about his lost wages? These
are some of the considerations.
Moshe Saperstein lives with his wife Rachel in Neve Dekalim
in the Gaza Strip. He is an essayist, and a member of the Jerusalem
Diarist group, which is doing a great job capturing the immediacy of
living in Israel today. This week he discovers he has tangerines
growing in his garden, ruminates on gratuitous Arab cruelty, is
disheartened by the killing of the yeshiva students in Otniel,
upgrades his gas mask and thinks about election time scandals.
Mr bin Hookah, foreign correspondent and roving reporter for
The Gaza Gejeera is back. He explains to his readers how
important honor killings are in maintaining family honor.
November-December 2002
A few weeks ago, Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI) conducted a tour
of settlements in Samaria, Judea, Gaza and East Jerusalem. We spoke to
the settlers; we saw what they have accomplished. They have character,
fortitude, self-respect, civility and dedication to Israel. They are
worthy successors to the earlier Zionist settlers in Israel.
Caroline Glick writes about the evacuation of Gilad Pass within the
larger context of Israeli politics and the Oslo War. In a brilliant
analysis, she contrasts the reality of the Israeli Left, which regards
the Israeli Right and the settlers as the enemies of peace and the
reality of the Israeli Right, which understands that Israel is
fighting for its survival as the Arabs continue to wage war.
Moshe Saperstein writes with humor and warmth of his everyday life in
Neve Dekalim in the Gaza Strip. This week, he goes to two weddings,
visits his grandchildren, listens to shelling while watching a
thunderstorm in the night, spends the Shabbat of Chaye Sarah at
Hebron, hears of another terror murder and lives through a couple more
attacks by neighboring Arabs. Just an ordinary week.
THE WEST BANK/GAZA SETTLEMENTS: The Fake Issue of the Current Middle
East Crisis
Sarah Bedein asks whether ceding the Jewish settlements in Samaria,
Judea and Gaza would really satisfy the demands of the Palestinian
Arabs. What about their right of return to the 531 villages inside the
Green Line that they lost in 1948?
In The 13th Tribe, Arthur Koestler asserted that Ashkenazic
Jews are not of the seed of Jacob; they are the descendants of the
Khazars, a semi-nomadic tribe that lived in the Caucasian Mountains
and converted to Judaism in the 8th century C.E. Modern genetics
proves him wrong.
DYING FOR REVENGE: Controlling Allies In Wartime
Suppose a local paramilitary group loosely associated with
an outside country engaged in warfare in the region. Suppose this
local group independently carries out an act of vengeance against its
ancient enemy? Examples are: (1) the killing of captive al-Qaeda
members by the USA-backed Northern Alliance in Afghanistan; and (2)
the killing of Muslim Lebanese in the Shatila and Sabra refugee camps
by Christian Lebanese, who were allied with Israel. Is the major
partner responsible?
September-October 2002
Population exchange is not a new idea. Sometimes a complete
separation is the only way that two groups unable to live together can
get on with their lives. It might be time to complete the separation
of the Jews and the Arabs. The Jews were evacuated from Arab countries
when Israel was born. Maybe it's time to do the second half of the
transfer: move the Palestinian Arabs to Arab countries.
This is an incisive essay on resolving the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict in a way that helps the Palestinian Arabs without destroying
Israel. This solution would also be helpful to the United States in
that it would cut out an argument the Arab states use to prevent the
invasion of Iraq.
It isn't often that one gets to see and hear an Arab myth in the making.
This might be one. Time will tell if it will grow and get hair on its
chest. Or maybe not.
This is an examination of a history text disseminated on many Arab
websites and some neutral sites that provide historical documents on
the Middle East. It is said to have been produced by a group of Jewish
scholars, an anonymous group that calls itself Jews for Justice in
the Middle East. We think it's a fraud.
Mr bin Hookah is foreign correspondent and roving reporter for the
Gaza Gajeera. He looks back on the year since September 11, 2001.
A new immigrant from North America celebrates Sukkot at Kibbutz
Sde Eliyahu in Israel. Sukkot should be a time of happiness. This
Sukkot is a time of sadness: her roommate was friends with a boy
recently killed by an Arab terrorist. Miriam Edelman writes of her
conflicted feelings as her group celebrates Sukkot and redefines
July-August 2002
This is a thoughtful examination of Israel's killing of Salah
Shehadeh, founder of Izzadine el-Qassam, the Hamas terrorist army.
For decades, it was the American and Israeli position that a
Palestinian State was a deterrent to peace in the region. When they
were hosted in Jordan and Lebanon, the Palestinians had shown
themselves to be unrepentant trouble makers. After Oslo, a Palestinian
State on the West Bank was automatically accepted. In the wake of the
second intifada, the issue is again being reexamined. We present some
major nodes on the spectrum of ideas about creating a Palestinian
The Effrontery of the Jews.
Mr bin Hookah is foreign correspondent and roving reporter for the
Gaza Gajeera. This is his report on the recent incident at the
Los Angeles airport.
Remember the book, The Stepford Wives? The wives were robots
that replaced humans. Spooky.
When virulent denunciations of Israel come from a Jew, it's called
Jewish self-hatred. We aren't convinced all such manifestations come
from the same source and motivation. Today, we bring you sketches of
two Academics and a Rabbi, all of whom are prominent Haters of Israel:
Steven Rose, Noam Chomsky and Rabbi Michael Lerner.
Blogs, short for Web Logs, are websites that contain
personal, informal musings and thoughts about almost any subject under
the sun. We borrowed material from several of these sites.
Several international scientific and scholarly groups are
attempting to deprive Israeli academics of the company and
intellectual stimulation of their international colleagues. There's a
small group of Israeli academics that is actively helping them.
In the midst of the turmoil, a group of North American immigrants
has just arrived in Israel. They come with a love of Israel and, as
citizens of the USA and Canada, a repetoire of skills on what to
expect in a democracy and how to make their voices heard. This account
comes from Ezra Halevy, who made aliya all of a month or so ago. If
this is any indication, these newbies are definitely going to make a
Future Issues depend on you.
Please write and suggest an essay or article or comment or letter
you'd like to write up for Think-Israel. Focus on integrating
data that are out there. Focus on bringing a new way of looking at
what's out there. Think of this site as a blog site for all of you who
love Israel and think she hasn't exactly put her best foot forward,