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by Emanuel A. Winston

PART I.  Profiling Radicals On Campus

Anti-Semitism on campus has been a boon for the Justice Department, the FBI and the CIA under the new Patriot Act although they will deny it, if asked. It takes a lot of man hours and sifting through records to identify Islamists on college campuses. It takes even more investigation to profile future radical personalities who will likely join or incite anti-American movements.

Jews on campus have been the unknowing, irresistible bait for radicals on campus who pop up in full color as friends of Muslims echoing their bias against Israel. [1] Anti-Semites lose their cool and become highly visible as angry students primed for trouble. When attacking Jewish students on campus, their vicious personalities make them conspicuous enough for law enforcers to find and profile for the record via the new Patriot Act.

What the radicals overlooked is that they are now on record in the files of the Justice Department, FBI and CIA (if their jobs are connected to foreign students) especially those who are Muslims and from the Middle East. These records are, of course, computerized which will allow the American Intel Agencies to follow these radical students through their years on campus and right on through their adult years.

No doubt Jews as victims on campus have made life a great deal easier to track Muslim students and the American students they recruit to their cause in order to attack fellow Jewish students. Well, at least anti-Semitism has some real value even if it only ferrets out Islamists and future trouble makers profiled to join any anti-American group.

The Jewish students couldn't know they were bait for Muslim and American radicals. As a result, photos of radicals, along with their school records, have become an important part of tracking Islamic sleeper cells, along with the naive America students they recruit to their cause.

This, of course, would backtrack to student families to determine if their hostility comes from the teachings of their families. The Government is very interested in these students as potential scouts for soft or medium hard targets like nuclear power plants, bridges, water and food supplies that could be contaminated. After 9/11, with the rude awakening that hostile students, be they 'Jihadists' from Muslim Arab nations or American students open to recruitment, could carry WMD into American cities.

Waves of illegal immigrant Muslims are reportedly now leaving for Canada [2] before Immigration scoops them up and deports them to their country of origin. Radical professors who provoke the students into hate crimes are also part of the Intel gathering. Students who subsequently commit hate crimes will be back tracked to their respective universities and any professor who advocates hatred in his or her curriculum will no doubt have a lot to answer for.

I have little doubt when (not if) there is the next mega-Terrorist attack here in America there will be a sweep to pick up radicals who have demonstrated their hostility to the nation. I guess we are entering a new era where those heretofore ordinary protests which students enjoy have now turned politically deadly when connected to Muslim extremists.

The radicals of the '60s were nothing compared to what today's radicals can accomplish when connected to sources who have available chemical and biological substances. Jewish students on campus cannot help or hurt because they are only unwitting irresistible bait that draws the radicals who wish to show solidarity with Palestinian 'Jihadists' or the Iraqis who are attacking U.S. soldiers. Although I have some problems with the Patriot Act's dangers to American democracy, profiling radical anti-Semitic students who may be fronting for Muslim extremists isn't one of those problems.


[1] Melissa Radler, "Anti-Israel Policy Called in Ohio," The Jewish Press, November 7, 2003.

[2] Chicago Tribune. "Tossed Out Of America," a 3-part series.

a. "Targeted for Deportation: Immigration Crackdown Focuses on Selected Nationalities," 11/16/03.

b. "Unfamiliar Ground: Deportees Return to Native Lands More Foreign than America," 11/17/03.

c. "Exodus to America: Muslim Enclaves in America Empty Out of Fear of Government," 11/18/03.



These are just a very few of the anti-Semitic events occurring on American campuses, especially since 9/11.

1. Tampa, Florida. CNN, Feb. 20, 2003. "FBI CHARGES FLORIDA PROFESSOR WITH TERRORIST ACTIVITIES. Seven others named in 50-count indictment. Sami Al-Arian, 45 [and] North American leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)...were arrested by the FBI & Joint Terrorism Task Force. U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft said: 'The PIJ is one of the most violent terrorist organizations in the world...and is responsible for the murder of over 100 people in Israel, including at least 2 Americans, Alisa Flatow age 20 and Shoshana Ben-Yishai, age 16.' Ashcroft said: 'We make no distinction between those who carry out terrorist attacks and those who knowingly finance, manage and supervise terrorist organizations.' "

2.  Rutgers U. Sept. 13, 2003. "RUTGERS UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS CANCEL PALESTINE CONFERENCE. Officials have cancelled the Third National Student Conference of the Palestinian Solidarity Movement at Rutgers. The pro-Palestinian students complained that the university trampled on constitutional rights and muted free speech. But, the President of Rutgers, Dr. Richard L. McCormick, pledged his support for Israel Inspires, who organized a program on October 10-12, including the arch-Zionist Richard Perle and former CIA Director James Woolsey with the Herbert London, President of the right-wing Hudson Institute and Tom Rose, publisher and CEO of the Jerusalem Post. "

Amcha, The Coalition for Jewish Concerns. "For the last 2 years the Palestine Solidarity Movement has held a conference featuring Jew-hating, Israel-bashing and the condoning of Terrorism. The collective hatred of Israel and of Jews featured at PSM conferences is dangerous. Last year at the U. of Michigan delegates chanted: 'Kill the Jews' and 'Death to the Jews' in Arabic."

Lee Kaplan, In The Belly Of The Beast. "I attended the Third National Student Conference on palestine Solidarity held at Ohio State U. Nov. 7-9 - designed NOT to look anti-Semitic, the word: 'Zionist' was inserted as a euphemism for 'Jew', yet the message was loud & clear: Destroy Israel and its Jewish population by any means possible and oppose the US govt. and its policies in Iraq."

3.  www.FrontPageMagazine.com, November 17, 2003. "Campus Jew-Hatred Setback, by Lawrence Summers and Henry Bienen. Harvard President Denounces Anti-Semitism, by Lawrence H. Summers: 'There have been synagogue burnings, physical assaults on Jews, and the painting of swastikas on Jewish memorials in every country in Europe...the worst outbreak of attacks against the Jews since WWII...State-sponsored TV stations in many nations of the world spew anti-Zionist propaganda...My greatest hope and prayer is that the idea of a rise of anti-Semitism proves to be a self-denying prophecy...but this depends on all of us.' "

Henry S. Bienen, Nov. 10, 2003. "Northwestern U. President Responds to anti-Semitism. Several incidents of anti-Semitic and racist graffiti appeared on the NU campus in the past 2 weeks. NU has offered a $2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons involved. NU will overcome the hateful acts of a few individuals & build an even stronger NU community."

4. David Melle, May 22, 2003. "More Anti-Semitism in the San Francisco Bay Area. Most of the informed Jewish world has heard about the anti-Semitic riot at San Francisco State U. & the hateful ambience on local campuses...[When] I confronted them, looking into the eyes of these pathetic 'fighters for justice,' I saw what I've always seen whenever I've face Jew haters down: stone cold fear....The enemies of the Jews and Israel draw their false power from NOT 'justice' - never has been. They're weak, insignificant bullies who thrive on Jewish fear...Their energies are from the dark side...what some would call demonic."

Rick H., Aug. 7, 2002. "I even read one prayer by an Imam on a pro-Palestinian website calling for the extermination of the Jews. He said that Islam would rule "from ocean to ocean". Islam is on the march toward world domination. You guys are right in your fight. Keep on fighting. Keep the Zionist torch alive. Long live Zion!"

5. Indianapolis Star, Nov. 18, 2003. "Anti-Semite Burns Down Holocaust Museum in Indiana. The Candles (Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Experiments Survivors) Museum in Terre Haute was burned down."

6. November 15, 2003. "Islamic Mass Murderers kill 25 in Synagogues Bombings in Istanbul, Turkey. Probably from Al Qaeda in 2 simultaneous car bombings at the Neve Shalom and Beth Israel Synagogues, killing 25 and injuring hundreds."

7. Jerusalem Post, Nov 15, 2003. "Racist Bastard Burns Jewish School in Paris, France. The Merkaz HaTorah Jewish secondary school..."

8. Honest Reporting, November 20, 2003. "Blaming Israel for Istanbul. Reports coming out of the 2 November 20th terrorist bombings in Istanbul, Turkey are doing their best to exonerate the terrorists by claiming that, if not for the Israel-Arab conflict the terrorists wouldn't have blown up the British Consulate and the Bank."


These links were mostly supplied by Janet Lehr (janetlehr@mindspring.com). If you suspect anti-Semitism on campus, report your suspicion to these websites. They can begin a professional investigation.


In conclusion: you could correctly assume that, just as Germany blamed the Jews for its impoverishment after WW1, using ever-present anti-Semitism to piggy-back WW2 on Europe, the same is happening today.

Emanuel A. Winston is a Middle East analyst and commentator. His essays appear frequently on Gamla (http://www.gamla.org.il/english) and the Freeman Center for Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org). The author grants permission for readers to send this article to student newspapers and journals in any nearby university.

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