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Victory over the western Palestinian Arabs is within Israel's reach. Only a little action would make it reality. Unfortunately, Israel lacks the intelligence and leadership to pursue this golden opportunity, what some would see as a God-given opportunity. Israel is throwing away its chance to overcome.
Everyone is remarking about how Fatah has brought the P.A. to bankruptcy. The P.A. failed to set up a business infrastructure that would encourage investment, and extorted from the businesses it has. It lived on foreign aid, much of which it stole and the rest of which it diverted into aggression against Israel. The donors, morally obtuse and even antisemitic as they are, began to cut back.
The electoral victory by Hamas created a policy vacuum. Countries
sought their bearings. How to treat the Hamas-ruled P.A.? Should they
donate to it? The US and the EU vacillated. Then the vacuum began to
fill up.
At first, Israel made its usual statements of bravado, that it
would neither deal with nor subsidize a Hamas regime, not that it ever
should have done anything in behalf of the Fatah regime making war on
it. Then it began to reverse itself, as usual. It failed to think the
situation through. It usually fails to do so. One wonders whether it
can if it tried.
Although the rest of the world often treats Israel as a pariah, it
also looks to Israel for guidance. It gauges how much anti-Zionism it
can get away with, by what Israel does. When ostensible friends of
Israel in Congress see the government of Israel taking some
anti-Zionist measure, they see it as sanction to follow suit. They
don't want to be more pro-Jewish than the Jewish state. It is a
morally defective attitude but a human one.
Suppose Israel had seized the leadership in this matter. It would
have pointed out that it made several peace agreements with the P.A.,
in which the P.A. undertook to eradicate terrorism and the bigotry
that motivates it. The P.A. broke the agreements and pursued religious
war. Now the people there endorsed Hamas, which is more truculent.
Therefore, these people are not without hope, but hopelessly
belligerent in the hope of conquest if not genocide. They deserve no
state, no territory, and no subsidy.
Israel, its leaders should assert, will redirect the excise taxes
formerly given to the P.A., to its own victims of P.A. terrorism. It
will not provide services to the P.A.. It urges the rest of the world
to acknowledge that the P.A. is part of global jihad with a particular
enmity towards the Western countries that have been subsidizing it.
Let these countries withdraw their assistance.
The result of such as policy indeed would be bankruptcy. It also
would produce chaos. This Israel fears, or is its excuse for
continuing to transmit taxes to the P.A., under pressure by the State
Dept.. Chaos without money, however, is better then order with money,
money that fuels jihad. Without government services and foreign aid,
and under chaos, the Arab population would decamp and depart. The
menace would recede. The Jewish people would reclaim the core of their
homeland. Jihad will have been shown not to pay. It certainly would
suffer a great defeat. Casualties would diminish.
There are other ways to defeat the P.A.. They could be defeated
militarily. Israel could bombard towns from which terrorists, condoned
by the P.A., bombard Israel with rockets. Israel, however, has no
taste for that. The rest of the world would condemn it; Israel is
sensitive to foreign criticism. The criticism would be improper, but
that does not matter to Israelis. They would flinch at accusations
that this kind of retaliation, recognized as proper under
international law, injures innocent civilians. Innocent civilians? Not
in the P.A.! Its whole society is radicalized. The people there want
to destroy Israel by whatever means, however criminal against innocent
civilians. Israel has a right to protect its innocents from attacks by
Arab criminals.
The Palestinian Arabs, including the Arabs of Israel, should be
dispersed, so as to be rendered innocuous. When they can't make a
living in the P.A. off other people, they would scatter. When they no
longer could aspire to conquer the Jewish state (the nerve of Pres.
Bush declaring his support for Palestinian Arab aspirations!), they
would no longer have a collective purpose.
"No alternative" to appeasement? Of course there is. This is it!
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
This essay was submitted February 6. 2006.
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