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Posted by Gerald A. Honigman, November 30, 2008. |
According to a Times Of London story on November 16th, President-elect Obama allegedly stated that Israel would be crazy not to accept the resurrected, alleged Saudi "Peace Plan." Dubya and Condi are trying real hard to force this post-Thankgiving turkey down Israel's throat as well. A bit earlier, a stop along President Bush's Middle East trip after further pressuring Jews to further accept his vision of Abbas's latter day terrorist Arafatians as being the good cops took President Bush to the sands of the Saudis and other Arabian Peninsula nations. A photo was published worldwide of the President wielding a sword along with Bahraini hosts, and Dubya brought along a New Year's present tens of billions of dollars in military aid...Hey, if we don't sell it to them, the Brits, Germans, French, and so forth certainly will. So goes the argument... During that visit, Bush asked if perhaps the Arabs might reach out to Israel a bit more. Saudi King Abdullah responded that he didn't know what else he could do. After all, he came up with his own "peace" (of the grave) plan some time ago...the one Obama now claims Israel would be nuts to reject. Here it is in a nutshell... If Israel (and not a Jewish Israel) merely agreed to return to its pre-'67, 9-mile wide '49 armistice line not border existence and agreed to be swamped by millions of "returning" jihadist refugees (many, if not most, of whom were new-comers to the Palestinian Mandate themselves) created because the Arab attempt to nip a reborn Israel in the bud backfired, along with everything else that the Arabs demand for the Jewish State's suicide, then the Saudis and other Arabs might normalize relations with Israel. Again, the above is the plan that Obama, Condi, and Dubya consider to be an offer that Israel simply can't refuse. Of course, they'd accept such a plan for America given similar circumstances (yeah, right)...What's even more sickening is that they get stuck-in-the-ghetto-minded Uncle Abe (instead of Uncle Tom) Jews like Ehud Olmert and Shimon Peres to sing praises to it as well. Where are those Israeli elections!!!??? The Desert Kingdom has long gotten away with a virtual free pass from America and most of the rest of the world. The same folks including academics and others who should know better who routinely scrutinize Israel and the actions it's forced to take merely to survive, act deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to the Saudis and too many other Arabs controlling much of the world's oil and influencing many other petrodollar-connected, multi-national corporations in the process. Together, this power and influence via their many tentacles and manifestations make the much spoken about "Zionist lobby" look pitiful. Years back, when I was a card-carrying member of the London-based Anti-Slavery Society, persistent reports spoke of slavery throughout Saudi Arabia and other Arab lands...in the oil fields, and other places as well. It was still "above ground" up until the middle of the last century. But it was all treated as though it didn't exist. Have you ever noticed the many black Saudis and other Arabs? Guess who and what their mothers mostly were? Hush... Okay. Let's get back on track. What else can the Saudis do to reach out to the Jews? Here's some suggestions... On Dubya's trip, he pledged some twenty billion dollars in state-of-the-art aircraft, missiles, bombs, and so forth to the Saudis, supposedly to bolster them against the Iranian bogeyman. The problem is, despite all of those Arabs prancing around with their swords, each time they were threatened by fellow Arabs like Saddam or the Iranians America had to pull their chestnuts out of the fire with our own blood and money anyway...despite billions of dollars in military aid given previously. Not to mention the Saudis' gift of most of the suicide/homicide bombers of 9/11. Previous sophisticated weaponry and aircraft that the Saudis pledged to place to face the Iranian threat were stationed a stone's throw from Israel instead. Indeed, they've been expanding the King Faisal Air Base at Tabuk. Prior to Bush's new holiday gift, the base contained about 50 advanced F-15S fighter-jets, which were sent to the northwestern facility on the eve of the U.S.-led war against Iraq in March 2003. Other promises related to those sales later proved to be worthless as well. So much for past and future similar Arab guarantees... What else could the Saudis do for Israel? How about honoring the pledges above, for starters. The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion is perhaps one of the most flagrantly anti-Semitic doctrines ever written. Guess who was one of the latter day leaders in endorsing and spreading it around? While the Saudis aren't the only Arabs still doing this sort of hate-spreading stuff ("peaceful" Egypt still freely indulges), ending such practices is another suggestion for the "what else"...as is ending dehumanizing "kilab yahud" Jew dogs even further by routinely also calling them sons of apes and pigs. Extend this further by revising the textbooks of Arab children, hatred in the media, sermons, and so forth which routinely demonize Jews and Israel, and an Arab "peace" might become more believable. Since America is poised to force a pax Saudia on Israel, are you ready for more? When Israel was squeezed by President Clinton at Camp David and Taba to cave in to Arafat and abandon its right to defensible "secure and recognized" borders instead of pre-'67 Auschwitz/armistice lines a la resolution 242, while Arafat rejected the plan, Clinton and the State Department's Arabist "deal" Prime Minister Barak was forced to accept became the new starting point for President Bush's subsequent Annapolis travesty. With numerous anti-Israel friends and advisors, it will certainly be a President Obama's as well. During the era of Clinton's "Oslo Peace," the more Israel tangibly conceded to Arabs, the more it bled. Guess who was paying Arab families tens of thousands of dollars each for having a "shahid" member blow up Jewish kids in teen night clubs, buses, pizzerias, and so forth during the Intifada (conducted under Arafat and Abbas's Fatah good cops' watch not that of Hamas's bad cops)? Maybe Saudi despots, who condemn women victims of rape to hundreds of lashes and humiliation, could revise their policy here also... The Saudis, like other Arabs, are always quick to claim the whole region as purely Arab patrimony.Hence their additional concern about Iranians and others who call the body of water in the north the Persian Gulf instead of the Arabian Gulf. More than just words are involved here. Since Arabs claim all that they acquired after Muhammad and successor Caliphal armies burst out of the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century C.E., conquering and forcibly Arabized millions of non-Arab peoples and their lands, and then rejected the rights of Jews (one half in Israel who were refugees from "Arab"/Muslim lands), Kurds, Berbers, black Africans, and so forth in a later age of nationalism to resurrected political rights of their own, perhaps the Saudis need to be reminded of another time period in what is now their country... As I have written elsewhere, when Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, fled enemies in Mecca to Medina in 622 C.E. (the Hijrah), the inhabitants welcomed him. Medina had been developed centuries earlier as a thriving date palm oasis by Jews fleeing the Roman assault on Judaea (the banu-Qurayzah and banu-al-Nadir tribes, etc.). Medina's mixed population of Jews and pagan Arabs opened their doors to the future Prophet of Islam. Muhammad learned much from the Jews. While the actual timing of his decision on the qibla, the direction of prayer, may never be known, during his long sojourn with the Jews of Medina, his followers were instructed to pray towards Jerusalem. Early prominent Arab historians such as Jalaluddin came right out and openly stated that this was done as an attempt to win support among influential Jewish tribes (the "People of the Book") for Muhammad's religio-politcal claims. It is from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (which Arabs now claim Jews have no connection to including Bush's good buddy, Abbas) that Muslims believe Muhammad ascended to Heaven on his winged horse. A mosque, the Dome of the Rock, would later be erected on this Jewish holy site after the Arab imperialist caliphal conquest of the land in the 7th century C.E. Arab imperialism? Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Only nasty westerners do that stuff don'tcha know? There is no doubt among objective scholars that Jews had an enormous impact on both Muhammad and the religion that he founded. The holy sites for Muslims in Jerusalem (i.e. the mosques erected on the Temple Mount of the Jews) are now deemed "holy" precisely because of the critical years Muhammad spent after the Hijrah with the Jews. Not mincing words, the Temple Mount of the Jews had no prior meaning to pagan Arabs. While there was some early Christian influence, intense scholarship has shown that the Holy Law (Halakha) and Holy Scriptures of the Jews had a tremendous influence on the Qur'an, Islamic Holy Law (Shari'a), and so forth. Muhammad's "Jerusalem connection" was most likely not established until after his extended stay with his Jewish hosts. This was no mere coincidence...Muslim religious beliefs regarding Muhammad's conversations with the Angel Gabriel notwithstanding. When the Jews refused to recognize Muhammad as the chief political honcho, "Seal of the Prophets," and so forth, he turned on them with a bloody vengeance. Before long, with the exception of Yemen, there were virtually no Jews left on the Arabian Peninsula. And the direction of prayer was changed away from Jerusalem and towards the Kaaba in Mecca instead. Now, imagine, since Arabs claim all of Israel because of their previous conquests, that descendants of Arabian Jews staked their own claims as well? How about declaring Medina as a Jewish city? Certainly, when demands by Arabs for compensation and the like regarding Arab refugees comes to the front burner, Jewish refugees from "Arab" lands who number more and who left behind far more property and financial assets than their Arab counterparts did due to a war that Arabs themselves started need to put forth their own demands and need to backed by an Israeli government which will state unambiguously that there will be no fulfillment of the one claim without the other. What else can the Saudis and other Arabs do to convince Jews that the alleged Saudi "peace" now being promoted by assorted lame ducks and new ducks is indeed not simply a peace of the grave? After all, Muhammad made his "Peace of the Quraysh" too a temporary hudna designed to buy time until he could conquer his enemies. Arafat loved to talk about this regarding Israel. Dubya's darling, Abbas, was Arafat's # 1 lieutenant and choice for Prime Minister. And Abbas & Co. insist that Israel accept all Arab demands as is. So much for negotiating... There are two words which should comprise a proper Israeli response to such Arab games...and let's just say they ain't Merry Christmas. As I've pointed out often before, the solution to the Arab-Israeli mess is not as complicated as many others have claimed. When enemies make peace, they truly negotiate so that a compromise, meeting the needs of both parties, is at least somewhat achieved. One party doesn't simply just offer a take it or leave it dictate. The Arab game plan the alleged breakthrough offer some American leaders say the Israelis would be nuts to refuse is, in reality, simply a ploy to force Israel to yield in "diplomacy" what hundreds of millions of Arabs have not been able to achieve on the battlefield. Seen as a starting point for further negotiations, not a take it or leave it gimmick, the Saudi plan might have some value. Getting rid of the plan's stipulation requiring Jews to allow their sole state to be swamped by allegedly returning Arab jihadis raised on Jew-hatred is a must, as just one example. Keep in mind that more Jews fled Arab/Muslim lands as refugees in a war Arabs started than Arabs who fled in the opposite direction. The difference? Jews didn't have almost two dozen other states to go to and weren't perpetually stuck in camps by their own brethren. Jews absorbed their own refugees in a state about the size of New Jersey, virtually invisible on a world map. Finally, if the Saudis and other assorted Arab despots want to really reach out to Israel, all they have to do is to grant to Jews in their sole, tiny, resurrected state a miniscule sliver of the same rights they claim for themselves in demanding the creation of the 22nd member nation of the Arab League and second, not first, Arab one in "Palestine" Jordan carved out of some 80% of the Mandate's original 1920 borders. The day Arabs can, at long last, get themselves to do this, they will find an Israel bending over backwards, sideways, and forwards to be a good neighbor and to the entire region's benefit. Gerald A. Honigman, a Florida educator, has created and conducted counter-Arab propaganda programs for college youth, has lectured on numerous campuses and other platforms, and has publicly debated Arab spokesmen. His articles and op-eds have been published in both the print media and on websites. Contact him at honigman6@msn.com or go to his website: http://geraldahonigman.com/blog.php |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, November 30, 2008. |
As usual. We don't understand it, and don't seem willing to understand it. It seems to cause cerebral cramps it certainly causes cerebral borborygmi. Perhaps it can be beaten into us, but I'm not sure even of that. Some seem willing to endure any humiliation or deprivation, perhaps even death, rather than modify arduously acquired values.
This was written by Mark Steyn and entitled
"Mumbai could happen just about anywhere."
It appeared in Orange County Register
When terrorists attack, media analysts go into Sherlock Holmes mode, metaphorically prowling the crime scene for footprints, as if the way to solve the mystery is to add up all the clues. The Mumbai gunmen seized British and American tourists. Therefore, it must be an attack on Westerners! Not so, said Newsweek's Fareed Zakaria. If they'd wanted to do that, they'd have hit the Hilton or the Marriott or some other target-rich chain hotel. The Taj and the Oberoi are both Indian-owned, and popular watering holes with wealthy Indians. OK, how about this group that's claimed responsibility for the attack? The Deccan Mujahideen. As a thousand TV anchors asked Wednesday night, "What do we know about them?" Er, well, nothing. Because they didn't exist until they issued the press release. "Deccan" is the name of the vast plateau that covers most of the triangular peninsula that forms the lower half of the Indian subcontinent. It comes from the Prakrit word "dakkhin," which means "south." Which means nothing at all. "Deccan Mujahedeen" is like calling yourself the "Continental Shelf Liberation Front." OK. So does that mean this operation was linked to al-Qaida? Well, no. Not if by "linked to" you mean a wholly owned subsidiary coordinating its activities with the corporate head office. It's not an either/or scenario, it's all of the above. Yes, the terrorists targeted locally owned hotels. But they singled out Britons and Americans as hostages. Yes, they attacked prestige city landmarks like the Victoria Terminus, one of the most splendid and historic railway stations in the world. But they also attacked an obscure Jewish community center. The Islamic imperialist project is a totalitarian ideology: It is at war with Hindus, Jews, Americans, Britons, everything that is other. In the 10 months before this atrocity, Muslim terrorists killed more than 200 people in India, and no one paid much attention. Just business as usual, alas. In Mumbai the perpetrators were cannier. They launched a multiple indiscriminate assault on soft targets, and then in the confusion began singling out A-list prey: Not just wealthy Western tourists, but local orthodox Jews, and municipal law enforcement. They drew prominent officials to selected sites, and then gunned down the head of the antiterrorism squad and two of his most senior lieutenants. They attacked a hospital, the place you're supposed to take the victims to, thereby destabilizing the city's emergency-response system. And, aside from dozens of corpses, they were rewarded with instant, tangible, economic damage to India: the Bombay Stock Exchange was still closed Friday, and the England cricket team canceled their tour (a shameful act). What's relevant about the Mumbai model is that it would work in just about any second-tier city in any democratic state: Seize multiple soft targets, and overwhelm the municipal infrastructure to the point where any emergency plan will simply be swamped by the sheer scale of events. Try it in, say, Mayor Nagin's New Orleans. All you need is the manpower. Given the numbers of gunmen, clearly there was a significant local component. On the other hand, whether or not Pakistan's deeply sinister ISI had their fingerprints all over it, it would seem unlikely that there was no external involvement. After all, if you look at every jihad front from the London Tube bombings to the Iraqi insurgency, you'll find local lads and wily outsiders: That's pretty much a given. But we're in danger of missing the forest for the trees. The forest is the ideology. It's the ideology that determines whether you can find enough young hotshot guys in the neighborhood willing to strap on a suicide belt or (rather more promising as a long-term career) at least grab an AK-47 and shoot up a hotel lobby. Or, if active terrorists are a bit thin on the ground, whether you can count at least on some degree of broader support on the ground. You're sitting in some distant foreign capital but you're of a mind to pull off a Mumbai-style operation in, say, Amsterdam or Manchester or Toronto. Where would you start? Easy. You know the radical mosques, and the other ideological front organizations. You've already made landfall. It's missing the point to get into debates about whether this is the "Deccan Mujahideen" or the ISI or al-Qaida or Lashkar-e-Taiba. That's a reductive argument. It could be all or none of them. The ideology has been so successfully seeded around the world that nobody needs a memo from corporate HQ to act: There are so many of these subgroups and individuals that they intersect across the planet in a million different ways. It's not the Cold War, with a small network of deep sleepers being directly controlled by Moscow. There are no membership cards, only an ideology. That's what has radicalized hitherto moderate Muslim communities from Indonesia to the central Asian 'stans to Yorkshire, and co-opted what started out as more or less conventional nationalist struggles in the Caucasus and the Balkans into mere tentacles of the global jihad. Many of us, including the incoming Obama administration, look at this as a law-enforcement matter. Mumbai is a crime scene, so let's surround the perimeter with yellow police tape, send in the forensics squad, and then wait for the D.A. to file charges. There was a photograph that appeared in many of the British papers, taken by a Reuters man and captioned by the news agency as follows: "A suspected gunman walks outside the premises of the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus or Victoria Terminus railway station." The photo of the "suspected gunman" showed a man holding a gun. We don't know much about him he might be Muslim or Episcopalian, he might be an impoverished uneducated victim of Western colonialist economic oppression or a former vice-president of Lehman Brothers embarking on an exciting midlife career change but one thing we ought to be able to say for certain is that a man pointing a gun is not a "suspected gunman" but a gunman. "This kind of silly political correctness infects reporters and news services worldwide," wrote John Hinderaker of Powerline. "They think they're being scrupulous the man hasn't been convicted of being a gunman yet! when, in fact, they're just being foolish. But the irrational conviction that nothing can be known unless it has been determined by a court and jury isn't just silly, it's dangerous." Just so. This isn't law enforcement but an ideological assault and we're fighting the symptoms not the cause. Islamic imperialists want an Islamic society, not just in Palestine and Kashmir but in the Netherlands and Britain, too. Their chances of getting it will be determined by the ideology's advance among the general Muslim population, and the general Muslim population's demographic advance among everybody else. So Bush is history, and we have a new president who promises to heal the planet, and yet the jihadists don't seem to have got the Obama message that there are no enemies, just friends we haven't yet held talks without preconditions with. This isn't about repudiating the Bush years, or withdrawing from Iraq, or even liquidating Israel. It's bigger than that. And if you don't have a strategy for beating back the ideology, you'll lose. Whoops, my apologies. I mean "suspected ideology." Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il. |
Posted by The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center November 30, 2008. |
This was written by Miriam Nissimov and was published in Iran
Times No. 9, November 13, 2008. It is available at
Mrs. Miriam Nissimov is a research fellow at the Center for Iranian Studies and aPhD candidate at the Graduate School of Historical Studies at Tel Aviv University (irancen@post.tau.ac.il). |
Since the advent of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the struggle against Zionism and Israel has captured a central place in the regime's ideology. Attacks on Zionism and Israel are commonplace in Iranian leaders' speeches, interviews, Friday sermons, and in articles and academic books. In recent years, the medium of television has been drawn and utilized in this effort. Television documentary and drama productions are increasingly dedicated to presenting the Islamic Republic's position on the annals of Zionism and the State of Israel. In 2005, The Iranian Broadcasting Authority sponsored the production of the television series "Zero Degree Turn" . Although some episodes in this series focus on the Holocaust and the fate of the Jewish people in Europe during World War II, the central plot deals with the conspiracy of "global Zionism" and its activities in Iran and the rest of the world. On the backdrop of a love story between a young Iranian man and a Jewish French woman the Zionists are portrayed as collaborators with the Nazis and as people who for the sake of implementing their Zionist objectives, harm other Jews from their own communities, and even murder Jews who dare to oppose them. Together with televised dramas, documentary productions that address Zionism also have come to occupy an important place. Throughout May-June 2008, the Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN) aired the documentary series, "The Secrets of Armageddon". This series made widespread use of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to base the claim that international Zionism aims to take over the world. In twenty-six episodes, the producers of this series also presented supposed historical plans of global Zionism to take over Iran . The depiction of Zionism as a force threatening Iran itself and not just the Palestinian nation and the Islamic world and the supposed uncovering of global Zionism's plot to take over Iran is a new trend in Iran 's struggle against Zionism. Since the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of the Islamic regime in 1979, many scholars in Iran have dealt with the relations between the Pahlavi Regime and Israel and the influence of Zionist forces on the decision-making process in Iran of the Pahlavi era. Yet the novelty in this series is the attempt to present Zionism as a force trying to take over Iran and turn the country into a venue for Armageddon. An additional innovation in the Iranian attack on Zionism can be found in documentar series that focus on Jews and their control over the global film industry. A twenty-six episode documentary, "Footprints of Zionism in World Cinema," which aired during May-June 2008 on IRINN, seeks to expose the "true colors" of the global film industry. The series promotes the perception that the Western film industry primarily Hollywood is controlled by Zionists who strive to inculcate the viewers with Zionist subliminal messages. The creators of the series, with the aid of Iranian specialists who were interviewed, explained that these messages are meant to provide a basis for the State of Israel's legitimacy and to justify its "criminal" policies. They warn that these messages operate on the sub-conscious of the viewer, and that consequently the viewer is convinced of the veracity of the messages. To substantiate this thesis, the series' producers in Iran analyze a sequence of Western films of different genres and periods, including Ben-Hur (1959), Fiddler on the Roof (1971), La vita è bella (1997), Saving Private Ryan (1998), Meet the Parents (2000), Chicken Run (2000) and The Pianist (2002). Against the backdrop of pictures from the successful British animation movie, Chicken Run (2000), the narrator explains that the images of the fenced farm along with other visual elements are meant to conjure associations of concentration camps, and that the longings of the caged chickens for a utopian place is a metaphor for the Zionist nationalist longings (MEMRI-TV, clip 1787). While discussing Fiddler on the Roof the Iranian experts in the series determined that the positive and sympathetic portrayal of the Jewish character in the film is meant to present to the viewers with a distorted picture of the reasons and the historical background surrounding Jewish migration to the land of Israel (MEMRI-TV, clip 1807). One of the leading Iranian scholars who developed the central argument presented in this series is Dr. Majid Shah Hosseini, who in 2007 was appointed to manage the Farabi Cinema Fund, a leading governmental foundation for encouragement of cinematic creation. Shah-Hosseini is also the author of the book "The Cinema and Zionism" (sinama va tzhionist). In this book, he writes that a review of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" reveals that global Zionism aims to take over the world and that cinema- which Zionism has taken control of since its earliest days- is manipulated for the purposes of this endeavor. In order to implement its world conquest, global Zionism and its agents penetrate the film industry and infuse movies with distorted religious messages. According to Shah-Hosseini, one of these distorted religious messages deals with the appearance of a redeemer and the existence of a utopian land and society, personified in Zion . The science-fiction trilogy Matrix (1999), Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions (2003) and the references in these films to the city Zion serve, according to Shah-Hosseini, as an additional example that proves his theory about a Zionist conspiracy. Shah-Hosseini, who is presented as a Western film expert, is one of the regular interviewees in the series, "Footprints of Zionism in World Cinema". In one of the episodes, he connects the Matrix trilogy to the film Saving Private Ryan, claiming that the word 'Ryan' rhymes with the word ' Zion .' The view that Western cinema is a tool in the hands of "global Zionism" assists Iranian film critics in explaining the phenomenon that they define as a cinematic attack on the cultural heritage of Iran and on Islam. They point to productions such as Armageddon (1998), Alexander (2004), 300 (2006) and Persepolis (2007), as examples of films intended to harm Iran and its cultural heritage. In a conference held by the Association of Iranian Film Critics and Scriptwriters in April 2008, which was dedicated to this issue, the Iranian film critic Sayyid Abu-Alhassan Allawi Tabatabai asserted that films such as Armageddon and 300 are expressions of the Zionist policy which seeks to attack ancient Persian culture and heritage. In a conference on Iranian and international war films, that took place in June 2007, the Iranian filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh, a graduate of Columbia University who presently serves as Director General of the Foreign Programs Department at the Iranian Broadcasting Authority, also focused on the film 300. He claimed that the Americans have stated on many occasions that they are the enemy of Iran, and he added that this film and its like- funded exclusively by Zionists- was intended to strengthen the fighting spirit of American society. While Hollywood films rapidly find their way into Iran and are pirated in street corners in broad daylight, as admitted by the authorities in Iran (MEMRI-TV, clip 1802), it appears that the regime's cinema experts have increased their efforts to link the global film industry to Zionism, and are monitoring these matters for the sake of Iranian viewers. Iranian viewers are being warned of the concealed dangers involved in viewing Western film productions. What is interesting is that despite their harsh criticism the Iranian experts themselves are viewers of Hollywood cinema; they are familiar with it and analyze it. In addition there has been no attempt on their part to call for a boycott of Hollywood productions and no attack or criticism against Iranian viewers of Western film. These new trends in the struggle of the Islamic Republic of Iran against Zionism trends that are manifested in the television series described above further deepen the demonic image that Iran seeks to affix to Zionism. Zionism is not merely the ideology of the regime that occupies the land of Palestine and kills its sons, but rather it is a force whose extensions penetrate all directions and succeeds to infiltrate every household and influence the souls of children and adults alike through cinematic films that are purportedly intended to provide entertainment and pleasure. Dr. Reuven Erlich is Head of the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Israel. Its website address is http://www.intelligence.org. Send emails to news@terrorism-info.org.il |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 30, 2008. |
NETANYAHU EXPLAINS WHY NOT TO VOTE FOR HIM He said he would concentrate on building up the P.A. economy. He thinks that would give the P.A. an incentive to make peace. He also emphasized Jewish and Zionist values (IMRA, 11/21). It is not a Jewish value to build up one's enemies. Motivated by religious hatred, Muslims find economics secondary. Israel helped the economy of the western Palestinian Arabs, before, but got no peace. Netanyahu mentioned police reform. He omitted rescinding their rules mandating harassment of Jews in the Territories and their brutality towards right-wing Jews. His platform is a good reason not to vote for him. IRAN & THE BOMB Iran plans to get more centrifuges. That would accelerate their production of bomb-grade material. (One of their methods of producing nuclear material is usable only for weapons, not for electricity. The government of Iran claims that its nuclear program is peaceful, but threatens to eradicate Israel. President-elect Obama hopes that June's election in Iran, would result in a more moderate government (IMRA, 11/21). Will Iran eradicate Israel with its "peaceful" nuclear development? If peaceful, why does it produce material used only in weapons? What could Obama possibly say to them that would persuade them to stop their weapons drive? As for Obama, while he waits for the next Iranian election, Iran could have more bombs ready. Then, poof! Why is he anticipating a more moderate government there? The government screens out most moderates from candidacy. Their elections are anti-democratic. Besides, the elected government does not control the military and the red guards. The supposedly moderate Khatami was frustrated by his inability to accomplish much. On the other hand, he approved of terrorism. The problem with the West is mistaking extremists for moderates. Why didn't McCain show how foolish Obama's notions are? ROCKETS REACH ASHKELON Rockets from Gaza have been striking Ashkelon, a major coastal city in Israel (Arutz-7, 11/21). Jewish nationalists warned of this. Olmert heeded not. Olmert the would-be peacemaker is presiding over the widening of the war, but calls the patriots who would have protected his people extremists. ISLAMIST TOTALITARIANISM
Hizbullah enrolls most young Shiites in its areas in youth groups. The organizations indoctrinate in Islamist ideology. Hizbullah is raising a whole generation for war (NY Times, 11/21). Not only is that totalitarian. It will make the Islamist crusade endure and expand. This is a serious problem for civilization. THERE'S ADVICE & THERE'S ADVICE Since lame duck Bush can't be effective now, and we are in a depression, a NY Times Op-Ed suggested that Cheney and he resign in favor of Obama (11/22). Neither could Obama be effective now. His Cabinet hasn't been confirmed by the Senate or even formed. He has other critical appointments to make. Then there are subjects to learn, policies to devise, budgets to revise, and priorities to set. Obama may be moving more swiftly than most incoming Presidents, but he needs some time to get ready. The columnist's advice is unrealistic. THE SAUDI PLAN S. Arabia presented its plan on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. It does not acknowledge the right to Jewish self-determination. Presumptuous Plan. The plan is said to be presented on the obsolete UNO Resolution 194. 194 stated that Jerusalem should be under UNO control. Who wants that! 194 stated that Arab refugees should be permitted to return in peace. At that time, there were about 700,000. [Shmuel Katz proved there couldn't have been more than 400,000.] Now the UNO computes 4.6 million. [The UNO uses lax criteria and counts descendants, who are not refugees from some place.] The hordes sent in would swamp and destroy Israel. [Who thinks they would return "in peace?"] No, they should be settled in the Arab world, including the Territories. [I think peace is more likely if the Arabs are encouraged to leave the Territories and Israel. No fifth column that way, and no terrorism from within.] At the end of that Jerusalem Post editorial is a call for peace and a willingness to start negotiations (IMRA, 11/22). I think it unwise to negotiate with a side that still supports hatred, exclusive Islamic control, and terrorism. The Muslims use negotiations to advance domination, not make peace. Negotiations can't bring peace when the Muslims want conquest and not peace. I think that Israel should develop a Jewish strategy that denies Palestinian nationality and reclaims its patrimony. The Arab case is built on falsehood. They are most undeserving. SOMALIS HIJACK DOZENS OF SHIPS A MONTH! Countries don't know what to do about piracy, now significant. They can defeat piracy militarily. They lack the will to do so. International law deems piracy a universal threat. Every country is obliged to help defeat it. Formerly, captains hanged pirates they captured. At first, terrorism was treated as a universal menace, too. "Today, when Europe has outlawed capital punishment, when criminal defendants throughout the West are given more civil rights than their victims, and when irregular combatants picked off of battlefields or intercepted before they attack are given at a minimum the same rights as those accorded to legal prisoners of war, states lack the political will and the moral clarity to prosecute offenders...last April the British Foreign Office instructed the British Navy not to apprehend pirates lest they claim that their human rights were harmed, and request and receive asylum in Britain." Now, countries ignore international law on terrorism or fear terrorist reprisal. Terrorists enjoy political sympathy, and their victims, general hostility. Not only doesn't the civilized world apply existing law and update it, it condemns the few countries that do oppose terrorism. (Pres. Bush is condemned by Americans!) Gaza illustrates all this. Terrorism in Gaza is produced by the favored, Palestinian Arabs, and is practiced against the ill-favored Jewish state. Foreign countries more or less condone it. They ignore the law. Since the US and the EU have designated Hamas a terrorist organization, UNO members are required by UNO Resolution to boycott Gaza financially and cooperate in eradicating its terrorism. That means helping Israel. Instead, the US and EU subsidize Abbas, who diverts money to pay Hamas regime salaries. "The UN, EU and the US have consistently demanded that Israel provide Gaza with fuel, food, water, medicine, electricity, telephone service, port services and access to Israeli markets," which international law prohibits Israel from doing. Europeans and the UNO began working with Hamas to end Israel's maritime blockade of Gaza, again, contrary to law. They condemn Israel as an alleged violator of international law. Another perversion of justice terrorist leaders are welcomed to Europe, where American and Israeli leaders face indictment (Caroline Glick, IMRA, 11/22). P.A. POLICE VERSION OF LAW & ORDER In Tulkarm, P.A. police seized 13 unlicensed cars, probably stolen from Israel. They destroyed them. Why didn't they return them to Israel? Meanwhile, Israel is cooperating with the P.A. conference for investors in the P.A. (IMRA, 11/22). Thus we see that the P.A. is spiteful towards Israel, while Israel is considerate of the P.A.. Imagine how contemptuous of Israel this must make the Arabs! Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Steven Plaut, November 30, 2008. |
1. We thought you would want to be among the first to know that Israel now has a new official anti-terror policy.
It consists of releasing terrorists from prison as rewards for terrorist organizations that do NOT release Israeli captives. No, that was not a misprint. You read that correctly. The Olmert junta is about to release scores of Hamas officials, including Hamas members of the Palestinian "parliament" and Hamas "cabinet ministers," as a reward for the Hamas refusing to release kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. When Shalit was first kidnapped, Israel grabbed up some Hamas leaders and tossed them into the clink, promising to keep them locked up until Shalit was released. One of them is that clown who likes to put orange day-glo paint in his beard. Well, Shalit has NOT been released. But since the Hamas terrorhoids were originally jailed under an initial jail sentence that is about to run out in 2009, the Olmert people are arguing that they are all about to go free anyhow so why not let them go free early as a goodwill gesture? Now, this might leave you speechless. After all, I could point out to you that, regardless of what the original sentence was for these people, they could always be retried and given an additional new sentence, and this can be done over and over until Shalit is released. But then you would respond to my comment like my children are wont to do so often these days, and say "Like DUUHHH!" I could point out that once released these Hamas people will return to bombing and rocketing Israeli civilians, or that holding them in jail as a way to pressure the Hamas to stop shooting rockets at Sderot would also make sense. But then you would probably tell me, like my kids, "Like Double DUUUHHHH!!!" Yesterday the Hamas fired a mortar into an Israeli base near Gaza, wounding 8 soldiers, one of whom lost a leg and whose second leg is in danger. So you think such attacks will become LESS common or MORE common after Olmert releases the terrorhoids? But Olmert has decided to go down in the history books for the Olmert Doctrine, which consists of paying terrorists rewards for NOT releasing Israeli captives. Now releasing terrorist leaders as reward for terrorists NOT releasing Israelis has some precedents. The Israeli government repeatedly released Hezbollah and other terrorists even while the terrorists refused to release Ron Arad (or his remains or even information about him). It also repeatedly released terrorists to reward the Hezbollah for murdering captured Israeli soldiers in cold blood (so that they would then send their corpses over the border). It released baby murderer Samir Kuntar and two leaders of the actual Shi'ite militia that had originally held Ron Arad, as reward for the Lebanese Shi'ite terror NOT releasing Arad. So the Olmert Doctrine is solidly grounded in Israeli precedents.
Oh, did you notice that the Indian anti-terror troops were not under orders to read the terrorists their Miranda rights before shooting them, nor to sit back and refuse to shoot if there might be any chance of collateral damages? Of course, India also does not release Moslem terrorists as rewards for Moslem terrorist organizations carrying out terror, but then again India is such a backward country! Oh, also, the Indian chief of the security services resigned after the failures and the inability of those services to stop the attacks. Like I say, India just is not very modern, unlike Israel, where ministers and McClellenist generals NEVER resign simply because they have been responsible for massive security disasters (such as the 2006 war with the Hezbollah)! 2. Meanwhile the amen chorus for Islamic terror is already gearing up to rationalize and justify the atrocities in Mumbai. And this includes the usual Far Leftists. The leftwing Neo-Stalinist magazine Counterpunch is already cheering on the terrorism as an understandable response to social inequality in India (see this: http://counterpunch.com/tariq11272008.html ). (Counterpunch is also running Neo-Nazi articles about how Washington is an Israeli settlement. see this: http://counterpunch.com/rosen11282008.html ). Columnist after speaker is coming out and sighing about how tough it is to be a Moslem living in oppression under Indian rule. The BBC and the rest of the media booberocracy went out of their ways to describe the terrorists as "militants." This is a bit surprising because it was India and not Israel being attacked by the terrorists. I think the media refused to use the "T" word for these terrorists thanks to the fact that so many Jews were murdered in India. It was almost one of those understandable responses by Islamic activists to Israeli settlement activity. 3. This is not a spoof or a joke. The front page headline in
Haaretz today is this: "Bush asks Olmert: Why are you trying to
give away the Golan Heights without getting nay quid pro quo." Think I
am kidding?
When Washington has to berate Israel's Prime Minister for being too anti-Israel, you know it is time for all teenagers to start yelling again, "Well, DUUUHHHHH!!!!" 4. HINDUS, JEWS, AND JIHAD TERROR IN MUMBAI
Sixty hours of jihadist terror depradations throughout India's financial capital, Mumbai during which nearly 200 innocent victims were murdered, and 300 wounded apparently ceased this Saturday, November 29, when Indian commandos slew the last three gunmen inside a luxury hotel, while it was still ablaze. Mainstream media coverage of these rampaging, cold-blooded murderous acts of jihad terrorism perpetrated by a self-professed "mujahideen" organization (i.e., "The Deccan Mujahideen") consistently ignored the clear ideological linkage to Islam. Simply put, "mujahideen" are Muslim jihadists, "holy warriors," because there is just one historically relevant meaning of jihad, despite present day apologetics. The root of the word jihad, appears 40 times in the Koran and in subsequent Islamic understanding to both Muslim luminaries from the greatest jurists and scholars of classical Islam, to ordinary people meant and means "he fought, warred or waged war against unbelievers and the like." As described by the seminal mid-19th century Arabic lexicographer E.W Lane, "Jihad came to be used by the Muslims to signify wag[ing] war, against unbelievers." A contemporary definition, relevant to both modern jihadism and its shock troop "mujahideen" was provided at the Fourth International Conference of the Academy of Islamic Research at Al Azhar University, Cairo Islam's most important religious educational institution-in 1968, by Muhammad al-Sobki: ...the words Al Jihad, Al Mojahadah, or even "striving against enemies" are equivalents and they do not mean especially fighting with the atheists...they mean fighting in the general sense... Contemporary validation of the central principle of jihad terrorism rooted in the Koran (for example, verses 8:12, 8:60, and 33:26)-i.e., to terrorize the enemies of the Muslims as a prelude to their conquest has been provided in the mainstream Pakistani text on jihad warfare by Brigadier S.K. Malik, originally published in Lahore, in 1979. Malik's treatise was endorsed in a laudatory Foreword to the book by his patron, then Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq, as well as a more extended Preface by Allah Buksh K. Brohi, a former Advocate-General of Pakistan. This text widely studied in Islamic countries, and available in English, Urdu, and Arabic has been recovered from the bodies of slain jihadists in Kashmir. Brigadier Malik emphasizes how instilling terror is essential to waging successful jihad campaigns: Terror struck into the hearts of the enemies is not only a means, it is the end in itself. Once a condition of terror into the opponent's heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be achieved. It is the point where the means and the end meet and merge. Terror is not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy (sic); it is the decision we wish to impose upon him... "Jihad," the Koranic concept of total strategy...[d]emands the preparation and application of total national power and military instrument is one of its elements. As a component of the total strategy, the military strategy aims at striking terror into the hearts of the enemy from the preparatory stage of war...Under ideal conditions, Jihad can produce a direct decision and force its will upon the enemy. Where that does not happen, military strategy should take over and aim at producing the decision from the military stage. Should that chance be missed, terror should be struck into the enemy during the actual fighting. ...the Book [Koran] does not visualize war being waged with "kid gloves." It gives us a distinctive concept of total war. It wants both, the nation and the individual, to be at war "in toto," that is, with all their spiritual, moral, and physical resources. The Holy Koran lays the highest emphasis on the preparation for war. It wants us to prepare ourselves for war to the utmost. The test of utmost preparation lies in our capability to instill terror into the hearts of the enemies. The Islamic correctness of most mainstream media outlets which refused to consider such ideological motivations, rooted in jihad did not apply, however to Hindus, or Jews targeted infidel victims of the attacks. Blithely ignoring obvious Islamic and Muslim connections credit taken for the attacks by a mujahideen organization; or testimony from a Turkish Muslim couple briefly apprehended, and then released unharmed by the jihadists because, "...[w]hen the (Muezzinoglus) said they were Muslims, their captors told them that they would not be harmed" some media (at Fox; NPR) even voiced their own "speculations" about the possible culpability of "Hindu extremists," an absurd calumny, stated in full paranoid transference mode by the Muslim Brotherhood: A photograph published in Urdu Times, Mumbai, clearly shows that Mossad and ex-Mossad men came to India and met Sadhus and other pro-Hindutva elements recently. A conspiracy was clearly hatched. Yet these same media offered no speculation about Islamic Jew hatred as an obvious potential motivation for the transparently selective attack on Mumbai's Chabad House a focal point symbol of the miniscule Jewish community of 5000 (or 0.03%) in a city of some 15 million inhabitants. More egregiously, this neglect of any hateful Islamic motivations for the targeted murder of such innocent Jews including a young Lubavitcher Rabbi and his wife was accompanied by consistently dehumanizing and demeaning references to these victims as "Ultra-Orthodox," and their entirely false characterization as "missionaries." This current Jewish tragedy within a much larger non-Muslim, primarily Hindu tragedy, reminded me of the Indian Sufi "inspiration" for The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism, Ahmad Sirhindi. Nearing completion of my first book compendium, The Legacy of Jihad, in early 2005, specifically the section about jihad on the Indian subcontinent, I came across a remarkable comment by the Indian Sufi theologian Sirhindi (d. 1624). Typical of the mainstream Muslim clerics of his era, Sirhindi was viscerally opposed to the reforms which characterized the latter ecumenical phase of Akbar's 16th century reign (when Akbar became almost a Muslim-Hindu syncretist), particularly the abolition of the humiliating jizya (Koranic poll tax, as per Koran 9:29) upon the subjugated infidel Hindus. In the midst of an anti-Hindu tract Sirhindi wrote, motivated by Akbar's pro-Hindu reforms, Sirhindi observes, Whenever a Jew is killed, it is for the benefit of Islam. The biographical information I could glean about Sirhindi provided, among other things, no evidence he was ever in direct contact with Jews, so his very hateful remark suggested to me that the attitudes it reflected must have a theological basis in Islam contra the prevailing, widely accepted "wisdom" that Islam, unlike Christianity was devoid of such theological Antisemitism. Having originally intended to introduce, edit, and compile a broader compendium on dhimmitude in follow-up to The Legacy of Jihad, this stunning observation inspired me instead to change course and focus on the interplay between Islamic Antisemitism, and the intimately related phenomenon of jihad imposed dhimmitude for Jews, specifically. Of course Jew-hatred was merely a sidelight to Sirhindi's hatemongering Islamic "ethos." He was an intensely anti-Hindu bigot, as revealed by these words: Cow-sacrifice in India is the noblest of Islamic practices. The kafirs [Hindus] may probably agree to pay jizya but they shall never concede to cow-sacrifice...The real purpose in levying jizya on them [Hindus] is to humiliate then to such an extent that, on account of fear of jizya , they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It in intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honor and might of Islam... Completely uninformed about (and stubbornly resistant to any informed discussion of) the motivating Islamic ideology for the Mumbai attacks, the media "meta-narrative," repeated ad nauseum, is also oblivious to the living historical legacy of jihad on the Indian subcontinent. Thus journalists and even policymaking elites appear to accept at face value, and uncritically, the "rationale" for this wantonly murderous jihadism as stated, for example, by one of the Muslim perpetrators: Are you aware how many people have been killed in Kashmir?...Are you aware how your army has killed Muslims? The Muslim supremacist, jihad-inspired conflict in Kashmir really a tragic ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Hindus by Muslim jihadists which began in earnest during the 14th century re-emerged in late June of this year when the Indian government had the "temerity" to want to transfer 99 acres of land to the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board, a trust running the popular Hindu shrine (including the cave that houses a large ice stalagmite itself, revered by Hindus as an incarnation of Siva, the god of destruction and reproduction). Hundreds of thousands of Hindus visit the area as part of an annual pilgrimage to the cave. Please view the poignant, elegantly produced video by Kashmiri filmmaker Ashok Pandit, "And the World Remained Silent," (linked here, Parts 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilfJDY8rA9I&feature=related and 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2vsztUdkpU&feature=related) which chronicles in gory detail the brutal ethnic cleansing of some 350,000 indigenous Hindus from Kashmir during early 1990, orchestrated by Pakistan. and it's Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto. (Focus on the time period 2:15 to 4:00 minutes, from Part 1 above, and witness the jihadist speech of the late, much ballyhooed "modernist reformer" Ms. Bhutto. She was a jihadist, plain and simple; the head of what remains a jihadist state.) Despite the brutal Islamization of India dating back to the initial 8th century Arab Muslim jihad ravages, and the subsequent more extensive campaigns under the Ghaznavids (Islamized Turkic nomads who annihilated the indigenous Hindus of Afghanistan by the mid-9th century), through the Delhi Sultanate period (1000-1525 C.E.) during which an estimated 70-80 million Hindus were slaughtered due largely to bowdlerized educational and public discourse on Islam, even many modern Hindus remain ignorant of both this history, and the Koranic injunctions which inspired the brutal waves of jihad conquest, and Muslim colonization of India. The Muslim chroniclers al-Baladhuri (in Kitab Futuh al-Buldan) and al-Kufi (in the Chachnama) include enough isolated details to establish the overall nature of the conquest of Sindh (in modern Paksitan) by Muhammad b. Qasim during 712 C.E. These narratives, and the processes they describe, make clear that the Arab invaders intended from the outset to Islamize Sindh by conquest, colonization, and local conversion. Baladhuri, for example, records that following the capture of Debal, Muhammad b. Qasim earmarked a section of the city exclusively for Muslims, constructed a mosque, and established four thousand colonists there. The conquest of Debal had been a brutal affair, as summarized from the Muslim sources by the renowned Indian historian R.C. Majumdar. Despite appeals for mercy from the besieged Indians (who opened their gates after the Muslims scaled the fort walls), Muhammad b. Qasim declared that he had no orders (i.e., from his superior al-Hajjaj, the Governor of Iraq) to spare the inhabitants, and thus for three days a ruthless and indiscriminate slaughter ensued. In the aftermath, the local temple was defiled, and "700 beautiful females who had sought for shelter there, were all captured". The capture of Raor was accompanied by a similar tragic outcome. Muhammad massacred 6000 fighting men who were found in the fort, and their followers and dependents, as well as their women and children were taken prisoners. Sixty thousand slaves, including 30 young ladies of royal blood, were sent to Hajjaj, along with the head of Dahar [the Hindu ruler]. We can now well understand why the capture of a fort by the Muslim forces was followed by the terrible jauhar ceremony (in which females threw themselves in fire [they] kindled...), the earliest recorded instance of which is found in the Chachnama. Practical, expedient considerations lead Muhammad to desist from carrying out the strict injunctions of Islamic Law and the wishes of al-Hajjaj by massacring the (pagan) infidel Hindus of Sindh. Instead, he imposed upon the vanquished Hindus the jizya (Koranic poll-tax, pace Koran 9:29) and associated restrictive regulations of dhimmitude. As a result, the Chachnama records, "some [Hindus] resolved to live in their native land, but others took flight in order to maintain the faith of their ancestors, and their horses, domestics, and other property." Thus a lasting pattern of Muslim policy towards their Hindu subjects was set that would persist, as noted by Majumdar, until the Mughal Empire collapsed at the end of Aurangzeb's reign (in 1707): Something no doubt depended upon individual rulers; some of them adopted a more liberal, others a more cruel and intolerant attitude. But on the whole the framework remained intact, for it was based on the fundamental principle of Islamic theocracy. It recognized only one faith, one people, and one supreme authority, acting as the head of a religious trust. The Hindus, being infidels or non-believers, could not claim the full rights of citizens. At the very best, they could be tolerated as dhimmis, an insulting title which connoted political inferiority...The Islamic State regarded all non-Muslims as enemies, to curb whose growth in power was conceived to be its main interest. The ideal preached by even high officials was to exterminate them totally, but in actual practice they seem to have followed an alternative laid down in the Koran [i.e., Q9:29] which calls upon Muslims to fight the unbelievers till they pay the jizya with due humility. This was the tax the Hindus had to pay for permission to live in their ancestral homes under a Muslim ruler. Regarding the Islamization of Hindu Kashmir, although Mahmud of Ghazni made brutal forays into Kashmir in the early 11th century, it was not until the mid-14th century when the ruling Hindu dynasty was displaced completely by Shah Mirza, in 1346, and Kashmir was brought under Muslim suzerainty. During the reign of Sikandar Butshikan (1394-1417), mass Islamization took place as described by the great historian K.S. Lal: He [Sikandar Butshikan] invited from Persia, Arabia, and Mesopotamia learned men of his own [Muslim] faith; his bigotry prompted him to destroy all the most famous temples in Kashmir-Martand, Vishya, Isna, Chakrabhrit, Tripeshwar, etc. Sikandar offered the Kashmiris the choice [pace Koran 9:5] between Islam and death. Some Kashmiri Brahmans committed suicide, many left the land, many others embraced Islam, and a few began to live under Taqiya, that is, they professed Islam only outwardly. It is said that the fierce intolerance of Sikandar had left in Kashmir no more than eleven families of Brahmans. Lal also notes that, His [Sikandar Butshikan's] contemporary the [Hindu] Raja of Jammu had been converted to Islam by [Amir] Timur [the jihadist, Tamerlane], by "hopes, fears, and threats." When the Moghul ruler Akbar annexed Kashmir in 1586, the majority of the population was already Muslim. Lal summarizes the chronic plight of the Kashmiri Hindus during a half millennium of Islamic rule, through 1819, which explains the modern demography of Kashmir: When Kashmir was under Muslim rule for 500 years, Hindus were constantly tortured and forcibly converted. A delegation of Kashmir Brahmans approached Guru Teg Bahadur at Anadpur Saheb to seek his help. But Kashmir was Islamized. Those who fled to preserve their religion went to Laddakh in the east and Jammu in the south. It is for this reason that non-Muslims are found in large number in these regions. In the valley itself the Muslims formed the bulk of the population. There is also a modern era nexus rooted in jihad-between the Hindus of Islamized Kashmir, and the Jews of Islamized Palestine. Hajj Amin el-Husseini, ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, and Muslim jihadist, who became, additionally, a full-fledged Nazi collaborator and ideologue in his endeavors to abort a Jewish homeland, and destroy world Jewry, was also a committed supporter of global jihad movements. Urging a "full struggle" against the Hindus of India (as well as the Jews of Israel) before delegates at the February 1951 World Muslim Congress, he stated: We shall meet next with sword in hand on the soil of either Kashmir or Palestine. And el-Husseini's jihadist, Koran (and hadith)-inspired Jew hatred was shared by a seminal modern Muslim ideologue from the Indian subcontinent, Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi (d. 1976), a major late 20th century Koranic commentator. An eminent scholar, Maulana Muhammad Shafi served as a professor and as a grand Mufti of Darul-Uloom Deoband, the well-known university of the Islamic Sciences in pre-partition India. In 1943, he resigned from Darul-Uloom, because of his active involvement in the Pakistan movement. When Pakistan came into existence, he migrated to Karachi devoting his life to the service of this new Muslim state. He also established Darul-Uloom Karachi, an renowned institute of Islamic Sciences patterned after Darul-Uloom Deoband, and considered today as the largest private institute of Islamic higher education in Pakistan. Here is Maulana Muhammad Shafi's commentary on the central antisemitic motif in the Koran, sura (chapter) 3, verse 112: ...verse 112 speaks of the general condition of the Jews. They played the most virulent against the Holy Prophet [Muhammad] and the movement of Islam. It was not strange that they were the most malignant against the Holy Prophet because they had played a similar role against the Prophets before the advent of Islam. They had slandered Jesus Christ, they had plotted to kill him, they had slain so many Prophets before Jesus Christ. They had earned the wrath of Allah before the Holy Prophet by killing the Prophets and the Saints and by their vociferous opposition to the Divine Commands. This wrath increased when they deadly opposed the Holy Prophet and made treacherous and surreptitious plans to kill Muhammad and defeat Islam. They tried to harm the Muslims and prevented the common men from Islam. These activities enhanced the wrath of Allah, and curse became their eventual fate. The wrath of Allah manifested itself in conditional abasement, but permanent poverty. Their abasement could be suspended if they could cover a bond of Allah or they should be covered by a bond of the people. But the poverty and the general wrath of Allah was pitched without any suspension. Bond of God means adherence to some remnants of the Torah. Bond of men means either becoming the subjects of some Muslim State or some Christian State or some other constitutional State; or becoming a satellite or a protectorate of some powerful people, whoever they may be either Muslims, or non-Muslims, by means of some agreement, treaty, or merely political support. Their separate individual existence enjoying an inviolable sovereignty or commanding a good respect in the Comity of Nations is not implied in this verse because of the extreme wrath of Allah which is significant of their superlative Kufr [infidelity] against Allah and their extremely tremendous enmity against the Holy Prophet as compared to other non-Believers. For example, the modern State of Israel cannot survive if the Americans and Russians, etc., give up their support. [note: this commentary was written beginning in the 1960s] This is the bond of the people which has outwardly suspended their abasement. But so far as wretchedness (poverty) is concerned it is pitched on them permanently and the general wrath and anger of Allah surrounds them forever. Inner wretchedness can be reconciled with outer opulence. The Jews may have become billionaires but the wretchedness and poverty of hearts cannot leave them any moment. Parsimony has become a part and parcel of their internal self. Nearly six decades ago, Sir Jadunath Sarkar (d. 1958), the preeminent historian of Mughal India, wrote admiringly of what the Jews of Palestine had accomplished once liberated from the yoke of jihad-imposed Islamic Law. The implication was clear that he harbored similar hopes for his own people, the Hindus of India, and those of their Muslim neighbors willing to abandon the supremacist, discriminatory, and backward mandates of Islam: Palestine, the holy land of the Jews, Christians and Islamites, had been turned into a desert haunted by ignorant poor diseased vermin rather than by human beings, as the result of six centuries of Muslim rule. (See Kinglake's graphic description). Today Jewish rule has made this desert bloom into a garden, miles of sandy waste have been turned into smiling orchards of orange and citron, the chemical resources of the Dead Sea are being extracted and sold, and all the amenities of the modern civilised life have been made available in this little Oriental country. Wise Arabs are eager to go there from the countries ruled by the Shariat [Sharia; Islamic Law]. This is the lesson for the living history. The jihadist carnage in Mumbai, and some 12,327 other acts of jihad terrorism since 9/11/2001 motivated by supremacist Islamic doctrine, and the atavistic hatred of Hindus, Jews, and other non-Muslims it inculcates provides ugly living proof that Sarkar's wistful admonition from 1950 remains almost entirely unheeded. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Avodah, November 30, 2008. |
This is by Alan Stang
and was a guest column today at
http://westernfrontamerica.com/2008/11/30/country-survive/ |
The event that will determine whether or not this nation survives was not the popular vote for Illegal-Alien Elect Hussein. It will be the decision the U.S. Supreme Court makes on whether he is eligible to serve. Some people in the other branches have said the Constitution is dead. The late Republicrud Congressman Henry Hyde of Illinois a purported "conservative" said as follows: "The Constitution is old and needs to be rewritten." Hyde also said this: "There are things in the Constitution that have been over taken by events, by time. The declaration of war is one of them. There are things no longer relevant to a modern society. Why declare war if you don't have to? ... It's inappropriate, it's anachronistic and it isn't done anymore." So Hyde was content to leave that awesome power in the hands of one man. The Founders were not. Many Capitol sources report that when Republican leaders were reluctant to renew certain provisions of the "Patriot" Act, el presidente Jorge W. Boosh replied, "I don't give a goddamn. I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way." Told there was a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution, Boosh allegedly screamed, "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face! It's just a goddamned piece of paper!" Needless to say, Boosh is another "conservative." Of course Hyde was a legislator and Boosh is a buffoon. Their opinions are worthless. But now a confrontation approaches that will be decisive. By December first, Illegal-Alien Elect Hussein must show proof to the U.S. Supreme Court that he is a "natural born citizen." On December fifth, the entire court will decide whether to consider the question. There are only two possibilities. Either Hussein is a natural born citizen or he is not. So far, all the evidence says he is not. His grandmother says she was in the Mombasa hospital room when he was born. His half-siblings agree. His own site says he was a citizen of Kenya at birth. His step father registered him in school as a citizen of Indonesia. Last week, His Excellency Peter Ogego, Kenyan Ambassador to the United States, told WRIF Radio in Detroit that Hussein was indeed born in Kenya. On the other side, there are some forged documents; there is no evidence. And now comes an investigator who uses the name "Ron Polarik," probably for self-protection. "Polarik" is a Ph.D. with twenty years of experience validating documents, especially computer-generated documents. His report on the fraudulent Hussein documents is overwhelmingly exhaustive. Go to my site, alanstang.com, for the link to it. See what you think. If Hussein does indeed have proof he is natural born, why has he withheld it? The only speculation I can think of is he has waited all this time to reveal it in order to embarrass lawyers Phil Berg and Leo Donofrio and many others who have filed suits. By revealing it now he could play the injured party and leave lots of egg on their faces, but the new question would arise of why he has been playing games all along and wasted so much of the nation's time, when he could have put the matter to rest long ago. So far he still qualifies as Illegal-Alien Elect. If the U.S. Supreme Court rules in his favor in the face of the metastasizing evidence I shall conclude that the Constitution now is dead and therefore that the country is no more, because the High Court says so. Remember, this is not a case with evidence and arguments on both sides, in which the court must find the preponderance. There is nothing on the other side, except counterfeits and forgeries. One delicious aspect of the case is that during the recent campaign Hussein said he would not have nominated Justice Clarence Thomas to the High Court because, says Hussein, he was "not experienced enough," and it was to Justice Thomas that lawyer Leo Donofrio brought his action. Among the many differences between Hussein and Thomas is that we know where Thomas was born and he is considerably blacker than Hussein. Hussein also says he would not have nominated Justice Antonin Scalia. If these two and but two others vote to consider the citizenship issue when the full court meets on December fifth, the court will consider it. There would still be time to cancel the meeting of the electoral college. Will the court have the courage to do it? What would it mean if the Constitution were dead? Even before the interment, the effects are apparent, as in an approaching hurricane. The Constitution is our basic, organic law, from which all written law descends. Without it, there would be lip service, not law. The government would simply issue arbitrary decrees. There would be dictatorship. The concept of legality would evaporate. How could you tell right from wrong? Something would be right if you could get away with it. If you could not, it would be wrong. Meanwhile, remember that it was not just the superb campaign the Obamatrons mounted including funding, organization, election fraud, etc. that elected Hussein. Without the collaboration of the national Communist media, left and right, Hussein could not have been elected, however much funding, organization and fraud he employed. On the left there was sickening degenerate Chris Matthews, who feels a thrill run up his leg during wet dreams about Hussein. There was Katie Kook and the Communist Broadcasting System. On the right, there were Limbag, Loopy Laura and sissy puke Levin, who helped conceal the real story of Hussein, all the things we tell you here. You may recall that, more than once, I called the people in the national Communist media traitors, enemies of this country just as much as an invading Wehrmacht division would have been in World War II, except that because these propagandist agents of a foreign power do not fight in uniform, they are terrorists and therefore are not protected by the Geneva Convention. A reader responds to those comments as follows: "I would like to expand on your comment about the media traitors and their treatment by the people. These traitors can move freely about this country without ever a concern for their own personal safety. What if the anger against these elite and their pawns reaches a boiling point and their mobility of reporting anywhere in this country is no longer an option. The public can stop their propaganda and force them to stay in their secured studios only (kind of like the Baghdad Green Zone). "They at the moment believe they are still safe among us. (If I were a General fighting against them, I would make these enemy propagandists fear for their own safety and lives or kidnap them for millions and make the same elite pay us back the way they stole our money and used it against us.) It would be an effective military strategy and fund the resistance of criminal gangs who have a profit motive. Think of the Somali Pirates. It's already working. "I live in Northern Virginia and I'll never forget the whole DC sniper thing. One media woman, Martha Raddatz (ABC news) I recall was absolutely terrified at the time for her own life when these two black men were having their turkey shoot on the public. That intrigued me quite. These media cowards fear death and for their own personal safety more than anything. "They believe in no God so this is it for them, heaven on earth. Think how frightened guys like Tom Brokaw, Rivera, Mrs. Greenspan, or some other reporter would be if they feared for their own safety or being kidnapped. They would not travel anymore and be scared out of their minds. They'd be limited to DC and NY (How appropriate the new American "Green" zone as in green save the planet (grin).) "It will also be unsafe soon if the economy is destroyed for all people to travel long distances by car (like I do driving to Florida a lot, which some day possibly I won't be able to do) and it will devolve into dangerous crime like you see in places like Mexico or Panama. Gangs of thugs will force you over the side of the road, rob you, (possibly rape you if you are a woman) and then kill you. That is coming if this keeps up. Mad Max." It is reasonable to speculate that the author of this message is not alone, that many other Americans think the same way, Americans who are no longer impressed by television "celebrities." And by the way, I have written for radio and television in New York, as you know, and I have guested on network shows, such as the Communist News Network's "Cross Fire," Maury Povich and Morton Downey, Jr. I did the old Joe Pyne show a few times. It's no big deal. It is a world of strutting peacocks who do not deserve the name and is not at all impressive. It is a paradoxical world. The vacuum heads who run it regard you with condescension and disgust, but they must spew forth from their protected compounds to "cover" the fabricated story. They must circulate among you. More, when they make a foray into your neighborhood, they do not come merely to ridicule. They come quite literally to tear the country apart, to bring it to its knees, to prepare it for submission to a totalitarian world government. They hate and contemn everything you do and believe. As soon as they leave, their smile becomes a sneer. And their reverence for Hussein has exposed them more than ever. Their problem is that unlike top government and financial conspirators these media traitors of whom Goebbels would be proud, travel without bodyguards. They are relatively unprotected and accessible. Anyone inclined to take a run at them could do so. We saw a hint of what I am warning about in the recent, national campaign, when Shallow Sean Hannitwerp literally had to run to escape the heroes from We Are Change. Indeed, some years back, at the height of forced school busing, incensed Bostonians chased Teddy Kennedy down the street. The putrid stench got inside before the crowd was able to tear him apart. Yes, these were Boston Irish Catholics who keep electing him. Imagine how mad they were if they trying to kill their hero. In view of the temper of the people, that kind of thing could increase. Imagine seeing Chris Matthews or Mrs. Alan Greenscum (Andrea Mitchell) or Geraldo or one of the morons from the "View," or Mike Wallace, the scumbag whose show I used to write, running for their lives down Main Street. (See my book, Scumbags I Have Known: And Other Profundities, at www.alanstang.com.) By the way, my book, Perestroika Sunset, is a thriller about a Soviet attempt to seize power in Washington by means of a coup, using the Prisoners Of War our government abandoned in South East Asia as the pawns. In the novel, repatriated POWS and family members kidnap the traitors who have abandoned their loved ones. One by one, the traitors disappear. But there are no ransom notes. The families do not want money. There are no demands. The families know they would be useless. The perpetrators simply vanish, inspiring doubt and grinding frustration. Were they actually kidnapped, or did they deliberately disappear? Have they absconded with something? What is missing? Have they been in an accident? Are they lying unconscious in a ditch? Have they defected to the other side? I hope it is unnecessary to say this, but, just in case, all this is fiction, in a novel, not advice, not a suggestion, nothing more than an exciting story. Perestroika Sunset is thoroughly grounded in history, but it is not a roman à clef. You can read the first chapter at alanstang.com. We are mad as h-e-c-k and we're not going to take it any more. Turn off the network "news" and don't buy the "newspapers." They already are collapsing. Finish them off. Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com. And visit his blog at
Posted by Dov Even-Or, November 30, 2008. |
Shalom! Below you will find the translation of my article, which was originally written in Hebrew, and which was sent to my mailing list on November 23th. Kindly forward this article to as many people as possible. Thank you,
1.INTRODUCTION: During October '48, Legislative elections for the Constituent Assembly were scheduled. The mission of the Constituent Assembly was to legislate the Constitution and then to be dispersed so that the First Knesset should be elected according to the Constitution and the legal system should be established accordingly. De facto the elections did take place in '49; however, MAPAI and its partners in the coalition made sure that the institution that was elected wouldn't legislate the Constitution, though it would still disperse and declare itself as the First Knesset (within 3 months from the establishment of the Constituent Assembly); And would postpone the Constitution for later. That was a public putsch and the theft of the people's rule (Democracy); this cannot be disputed by any lawyer! A Constitution is not just a declaration about the essence of the state, its identity, borders, etc., but it also determines the system of its regime and of its legislation. Therefore, even in dictatorial regimes the ruler strives to legislate a Constitution in order to give legitimacy to his regime. Seemingly, nothing traumatic occurred because the simple man does not distinguish between a Constituent Assembly and a Knesset. But, as mentioned before, there is no Constitution until this day, no system of regime and law, and the troubles we have today are direct consequence of the that theft! 2.THE RESULTS OF THAT THEFT: a.The parties took over the legislative institution and created a distorted, anti-democratic regime towards the whole of the Jewish People! 3.HOW DID THE DISTORTION CREATED AFFECT THE DAILY LIFE OF THE CITIZENS OF THE STATE? a.'The First Knesset'- that had never been elected, but took over the rule deviously instituted regulations for the Knesset that produced total control of the legislative body by the parties and their representatives, and thus control over the people. According to these regulations that exist until today, a Member of Knesset must vote according to the factional discipline (when the faction decides so); he does not have a right to act according to his own judgment. The faction heads have been and still are representatives of the party mechanism. In simple words, the people do not elect their representatives to the Knesset, so that they would use their judgment and understanding, but empower a certain party to rule the people by the means of its faction in the Knesset. This means that outwardly the parties introduce a 'leading team' of political stars to the public, that is meant to lead, but in fact, the real control is in the hands of the head of the party and his men. 4. There is no expectation that the Knesset of 2009 should change the situation; especially when Dan Meridor, the new acquisition of the LIKUD, declares that Ehud Olmert has committed two errors: the one, the Second Lebanon War and the second, the appointment of Prof. Friedman for Minister of Justice. But due to this appointment, the legal system became careful with its decisions and its deeds. The only legal solution is the election of a Constituent Assembly that would legislate a system of regime and justice (that's what Former Judge Mishael Heshin thinks); if such an event does not take place as soon as possible (and the chances are slight), we will witness the collapse of the government institutions (and this will happen sooner or later), and a civil war will break out and then the outside enemies will seize the opportunity and the civil war will become Armageddon! In order to prevent such a danger, the only way is an organization of Jewish citizens in voluntary groups, intended to safeguard their lives, property and future (this will be developed in a separate article). By doing so, we will make clear to all the parties, especially the major ones, that the people has lost its faith in the regime, and therefore takes care of itself disregarding its formal leaders! Contact Dor Even-Or at evenorad@bezeqint.net |
Posted by Ron Gafni, November 30, 2008. |
Hello, My Name is Ron Gafni, Aerial Photographer of the Holy Land. I'm trying to spread knowledge of a book of images taken while
flying above the Christian Holy sites, Historical locations, cities
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The book gets quite a good feedback, and I could give references if requested. The book size is A5, 64 Chrome pages (~80 Images)
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Contact Ron Gafni at ron.gafni@gmail.com |
Posted by Avodah, November 30, 2008. |
Hat Tip: http://ronmossad. ![]() Courtesy of www.thereligionofpeace.com It's brutal isn't it? What does any of this have to do with the West? Are any of these attacks motivated by the plight of Palestinian refugees? Are these people angry about the US Army being stationed in holy Saudi Arabia? Or maybe they're just upset about global climate change and President Bush's response to Katrina. What the apologists and pundits don't understand or don't want to admit is that it's not about democracy or capitalism or distribution of wealth or ANY of that. It's about chaos, muder, death and destruction. THAT'S IT. The sooner we realize that, the sooner the world stops trying to placate their demands, the sooner we can put an end to this nightmare once and for all.
Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com. And visit his blog at
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 30, 2008. |
On Friday night, terrorists in Gaza fired mortar shells at an IDF base near Nachal Oz, wounding eight soldiers two seriously. One soldier Sgt. Noam Nakash, 21, of Beersheva has lost his leg as a result of the attack and doctors are working to save the other leg. Two other soldiers were moderately to seriously wounded. First the Popular Resistance Committees and then Hamas's military wing, Izzadin Al-Kassam, claimed responsibility. According to Voice of Israel radio this morning, Hamas has acquired 120-mm mortar shells that are more accurate and lethal than previous models they had used. ~~~~~~~~~~ In a classic instance of trying to have your cake and eat it too, Hamas announced by Saturday that this attack didn't signal the end of the "ceasefire." Spokesman Ismail Radwan said that the attack was "a natural reaction to the enemy's crimes, to the blockade and the closing of the Gaza crossings...[It] was not meant to violate the ceasefire. We are simply responding to the enemy's violations." In fact, explained Radwan, various Palestinian factions will be meeting soon to discuss an extension of the "ceasefire" past December 19. A pre-condition for an extension would be an Israeli commitment to keep all crossings open. ~~~~~~~~~~ The question now is how long the government is prepared to continue to make fools of us by playing along with this. I'm no fan of Haim Ramon, but when he's right, he's right. And he was on the mark yesterday when he said: "The agreement for calm [tahadiya] in Gaza was a mistake. Hamas was on the verge of collapse and by entering into the agreement, we helped stabilize it. We have been and will continue to pay, with compounded interest, for every day of this calm." He noted that the agreement had been the idea of Hamas, "which couldn't get control of Gaza because of our daily attacks. No other country in the world lets terrorists fire rockets on its electric power plant, which provides electricity to the people firing the rockets." ~~~~~~~~~~ I rather like the creative thinking of MK Gilad Erdan (Likud), who said the defense minister should set up a temporary detention facility in the Gaza vicinity and jail Hamas and Islamic Jihad prisoners there. "If they [members of Hamas] don't work to stop the fire, they should take into account that the rockets may hurt their men as well. When the government fails to fortify the south's residents, there's no reason to protect terrorists jailed in Israel." Of course it will never happen. Our government hasn't the guts. Can you imagine the international furor that would ensue if we put prisoners in range of rockets and mortars from Gaza? A furor fueled by Arab PR much greater than the international concern for our innocents who are within that range. Such is the nature of the world. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile yesterday Deputy Minister of Defense Matan Vilnai said, "There's no doubt we're getting closer to a wide-scale operation in Gaza, but it will be different from what took place in the past...The truce is important to us and to them, as we control the crossings and the other side is afraid of the IDF's strength. But we must find the right time for an operation. Their provocations are not leaving us with much choice." Heaven help us! More saber rattling. He also wants to have his cake and eat it too. What does it mean, "The truce is important to us"? What truce? Time this was said forthrightly. Sounds like he expects "a different sort of operation" that will ostensibly keep the "truce" in place. ~~~~~~~~~~ For the record, what we're dealing with is a tahadiya, which is an informal agreement to cease firing, as compared to a hudna, which is a formal ceasefire with written terms. ~~~~~~~~~~ Back to Mumbai: The story as it continues to unfold is a heartbreaker in one respect after another. In all it is now said nine bodies were found in the Chabad House, seven of which were Israeli. Rabbi Gavriel Herzberg, along with kashrut inspector Aryeh Teitelbaum were found in the Chabad library with holy texts before them. Rivka Herzberg was found covered by a tallit (prayer shawl), it is being speculated that was placed over her by her husband before he was killed. Rivka Herzberg's parents, Shimon and Yehudit Rosenberg, who have been in Mumbai since Thursday night, are eager to facilitate movement of the bodies back to Israel as quickly as possible. Jewish law requires a speedy burial. They are also seeking to cut through the red tape so that Sandra Samuel, the Indian nanny for the Herzberg's little boy, Moshe, might be granted a visa to come with them. She is the only one the child who calls constantly for his mother is responding to. Samuel who saved the boy by running out of the building carrying him is currently with him, along with his grandparents, at the home of Ehud Raz, the top security officer at the Israeli Consulate in Mumbai. The Rosenbergs had last seen their grandson about the time of the high holidays. What I have learned is that Gavriel and Rivka Herzberg lost a child to a degenerative disease, and that another child, who is ill, is in the care of relatives in Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~ Members of ZAKA an Israeli volunteer body rescue and identification group that does selfless work with immeasurable devotion are on the scene. They will be present, watching over the bodies, until all have been identified and brought out. They described a horrendous situation in which some victims were tied with phone cords, holy books were strewn about, blood was smeared over walls and floors, and live grenades remained. The ZAKA people protested any handling of the bodies, which must be treated with maximum respect, and any autopsies. An Israeli forensic expert will be doing some final identification. ~~~~~~~~~~ News regarding the broader picture of the terror in Mumbai is, as would be expected, a bit fuzzy at this early stage. An unprecedented four-nation intelligence investigation has been launched to uncover what happened: There will be cooperation between India, the US, the UK and Israel in this matter. What I am getting is that there were 10 terrorists, nine of whom were killed, who came from the sea. The one captured alive, Azam Amir Kasab, is Pakistani. He says it was intended that thousands would die in this multi-pronged attack, and that the Chabad House was targeted because of Israeli treatment of Arabs. UK security is investigating the possibility that British citizens may have been involved in the attack. Some sources are saying that two British-born Pakistani were among the terrorists but this is not confirmed. There are other sources that suggest an Al-Qaida connection, also unconfirmed at present. ~~~~~~~~~~ According to Roee Nachmias, writing in YNet, some Arab columnists are saying that the Mumbai attack constitutes a warning to Obama: "The Mumbai operation is a message to President-elect Barack Obama to say: you have dreams of a better world but this is the real world that you must deal with. In spite of how you have arranged your priorities, terrorism will always be at the top of the list." The really big question, of course, is how Obama will handle terrorism. ~~~~~~~~~~ Speaking of Obama, and his ostensibly pro-Israel appointments: Do you remember the Geneva Initiative? It was a private, not a gov't initiative, that aimed at "solving" the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It called for return to pre-'67 borders, the sharing of Jerusalem, and the return of some refugees based on an obscure formula. It was one of those plans that, if implemented, would have brought slow but sure destruction to Israel. Well, I have just learned that Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chief of Staff, supported this. We need to be a lot clearer on what "pro-Israel" means. I've just seen a JTA article that identifies Obama team member Daniel Kurtzer being "well regarded in most of the pro-Israel community." Not so. Unless you call Peace Now "pro-Israel." I don't. ~~~~~~~~~~ A matter of considerable importance: This may be the last chance to secure the release of Jonathan Pollard, who has been held in US prison for far too long: 24 years. An outgoing president traditionally offers pardons. Flood the White House with demands that Pollard be let go. 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by LEL817, November 30, 2008. |
This comes from the Sultan Knish website:
Now that the Mumbai massacre is done and the bodies are being cleaned away, business can continue on as usual, but let's interrupt the proceedings for a moment to drag some of those bodies back on the floor, with a level of detail that the same media which has censored 9/11 footage and prefers to show wreath, rather than the crimes to which they themselves are accomplice to, would prefer to hide Photographs taken after the shootout give a vivid picture of the brutality unleashed on the Holzbergs and their friends after the terrorists took over the house on Wednesday, speak volumes of the nightmare the family and their friends must have gone through before they died. The Rabbi's body was found in a room on the second floor, with his legs sticking into the hall where his wife's body was found. Rivka's body was found near the legs of the Rabbi. His legs had been tied with a belt. His wife's limbs were, however, not bound. Two other Israeli girls were found dead with their hands and legs bound. They were lying next to each other. Another body was found in a decomposed state, indicating he was killed when the attack had begun. It is a horrifying scene, but it is not an isolated scene. Muslim terrorists have been murdering innocent people in this way for decades now, body piled upon body, men, women and children, murdered year after bloody year. And what has been heard from politicians and reporters, from activists and our public voices of conscience? Calls for justice? Calls for vengeance? No, time and time again, it has been calls for accommodation with the terrorists. No it is not the terrorists alone who are responsible for what took place here, but their accomplishes who sit in Fifth Avenue high rises, in the State Department, in the plush offices of a thousand humanitarian organizations, in the CNN offices in Atlanta and the Newsweek offices and a hundred thousand others pulling down six figure salaries while pulling for terror. Let them now bring forth their usual charade of sorrow, the nodding and the pretense of sympathy as if the terrorists of Mumbai were some uncontrollable and unpredictable force rather than the outgrowth of decades of pro-terrorist politics on the left. It was Jimmy Carter's administration which began funneling money to Pakistan's ISI, building the growth of a Southeast Asian terrorist network that encompasses Al Queda as well as the Mumbai attackers and the endless terror in Kashmir. Zbignew Brezinsky, the mastermind behind those pro-ISI politics, and Brezinsky is no fossil, but remains close to Barack Hussein Obama. It was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who aggressively used the ISI to promote Jihad, and his daughter, the much mourned martyr Benazir Bhutto, who openly used it to aid terrorism in Kashmir against India, while backing the Taliban. Had all those who wept over that corrupt vicious witch spent a fraction of the time mourning her victims in Kashmir, murdered, beheaded, rape and blown up, perhaps Pakistan's government, whose president today is Asif Ali Zardari, Benazir's husband, would not have been so blatant about getting back in the Islamic terrorism business. But the West, particularly Western liberals, seems hopelessly addicted to Pro-Terrorist politics. With the fall of the USSR, there was no longer any excuse to play footsie with Muslim terrorists. The Soviet Union had been overthrown and a new day was upon us. And the new day saw the transition from pro-terrorist politics for the sake of fighting Communism to pro- terrorist politics for the sake of pro-terrorist politics. The two Bush. and Clinton administrations cracked Israel, forcing the creation of a cancerous PLO state, that currently hosts the Muslim Brotherhood's Hamas, a wing of Al Queda and the PLO's Fatah. Concession after concession has expanded their capabilities from suicide bombings to bus bombings and now to full on rocket barrages with the technology supplied by Iran. The same left wing media talking heads, the State Department bureaucrats and liberal activists that continue to demand another pound of flesh from Israel's population and then another, blood upon blood, more terrorists freed, more land turned over can then pretend that they are not on the side of the terrorists. Not when Samantha Power, who called for invading Israel to protect terrorists, heads up Obama's State Department transition team. Was Mumbai some unique phenomenon? Have Muslim terrorists not left similar carnage behind in New York, Paris, Madrid, London, Jerusalem, Haifa and a hundred other places? Have not Western liberals repeatedly urged rewards for those terrorists, have they not protected them and shielded them? And what of Al Queda, the cancerous growth of ISI? The Al Queda denizens of Gitmo can only bestow blessings on the endless assortment of liberal groups who have agitated for them and fought for them over these years. From the ACLU to the AJC, from the World Council of Churches to nearly every single major liberal organization in America, has worked on behalf of Al Queda, even as they pause on September 11th to leech a few crocodile tears out of their cold dead eyes, before getting back to the bloody business of enabling terrorism. No, they will protest. We did not work on behalf of Al Queda. We worked on behalf of liberal principles, tolerance, justice, hope, change and that bundle of nonsense words with which they have done their ugly work of brainwashing the West. Let us ask ourselves, when a terrorist bomb goes off, who is it that calls for concessions to the terrorists... and are not such people accomplices of their crimes? Can you negotiate a ransom on behalf of a kidnapper, turn it over to him and then expect not to be jailed for it? Yet the pro-terrorist politics of the past few decades consist exactly of that. Their collaboration with evil is sickening and yet it is a staple of their ideology. Now they will briefly pause, after spending years screeching that global warming and endangered polar bears were a bigger threat than terrorism, to shed their obligatory crocodile tears, even if they have to bring them beforehand in a dropper, before going back to doing exactly what they have been doing all along. ![]() Why does treason not prosper, is the old cynic's question. Because when treason prospers, none dare call it treason. Why don't terrorists prosper? Because when terrorists prosper, you call them President. Just ask Arafat or Abbas or Obama by way of Rashid Khalidi or Billy Ayers. The terrorist accomplices are happy enough to let the public briefly mourn the dead, throw a wreaths on the caskets, and go back to shopping for consumer electronics. After all even Caesar's murderers let him have a funeral. It is not funerals or memorials that the men and women who drive us to make common cause with terrorism fear, but the damning finger, the Mark Antony who will condemn the conspirators whose confessions are printed in issue after issue of the New York Times and the Washington Post, read over the air on NPR and issued as press releases by the State Department. And too few who would make no common cause with terrorist, speak softly when it comes to criticizing them. In doing so they echo the early Antony, who said; I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, And so time and time again, we choose to wrong the dead, rather than the "honorable men" writing for Time Magazine, working in Washington D.C. and being waterboarded at Guantanamo Bay. But perhaps it is time to speak truly, to go look upon the bodies, to see the bullet wound in the chest fired by David Remnick, the stab wound inflicted by Joshua Hammer, the arm torn by Condoleeza Rice, the head severed by James L. Jones, the arms bound by Samantha Power, the whole catalog of crimes that continues on seemingly without end. To close with Shakespeare's Antony once more. O, what a fall was there, my countrymen! We have all fallen down, nations and individuals, in the face of terrorism. We are not weak in the face of terrorism carried out by barbarians with a handful of stolen weapons. We have been weakened, we have been made weak by the bloody treason that flourishes over us. When you read another news story criticizing the US for taking away control of Somalia from Al Queda, there writes a traitor. When you hear a call to dismantle Gitmo, you are listening to a traitor. When you hear more prattle about peace in the middle east, you are hearing treason, first or secondhand. And so the killing goes on, and the terrorism goes on, and the police
burst into hotel rooms, clean up bomb sites and sift through the
ashes, an hour or a day too late. Too late each time for long before
the terrorist struck, bloody treason had seeded the ground and done
its work.
Contact the poster at lel817@yahoo.com
Posted by Naomi Ragen, November 30, 2008. |
After days of prayer and fear among Jews and good people everywhere, the horrible reality of the Islamic terrorist rampage in Mumbai was revealed in all its obscene and mindless savagery when members of Zaka entered the Chabad compound. As an eyewitness told YNET, the sight was unbearable even to the practiced eyes of those whose job it is to deal with the aftermath of murderous terror attacks:|"The place was totally destroyed. Live grenades were all over the floor. Torah scrolls and holy books were scattered on the floor, covered with blood." The bodies of the Chabad rabbi and the kashrut supervisor were found in one room, along with two other men whose hands had been tied with telephone wire. The body of the Rabbi's young wife Rivkie was found covered in a tallit. It is believed she was killed before her young husband's eyes and he wrapped her in his tallit. A grandmother from Israel, and a Jewish woman tourist from Mexico were also identified. For photos you will not see in the New York Times of the blood-soaked floor of the house of prayer and hospitality, courtesy of the "religion of peace" whose riots kill hundreds when a Koran is desecrated, please go to: http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3630586,00.html Police in Mumbai report that they found enough ammunition to blow up both hotels and to kill thousands, which according to a terrorist captured alive, was the intention. This carefully planned attack, which had the Chabad House at its center, was orchestrated from Pakistan. Vilasrao Deshmukh, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra state, of which Bombay is the capital, was quoted yesterday as saying there were two "British-born Pakistanis" among the terrorists, reports he later denied. A British Pakistani was involved in a terror attack in Israel at Mike's Place not long ago. The Mail Online reports "a banned Islamic terrorist group funded with cash raised in British mosques is believed to be behind the Mumbai attacks." The Mail reports: "The only terrorist captured alive after the Mumbai massacre has given police the first full account of the extraordinary events that led to it revealing he was ordered to 'kill until the last breath' Azam Amir Kasab, 21, from Pakistan, said the attacks were meticulously planned six months ago and were intended to kill 5,000 people. He revealed that the ten terrorists, who were highly trained in marine assault and crept into the city by boat, had planned to blow up the Taj Mahal Palace hotel after first executing British and American tourists and then taking hostages." These descriptions brought back flashbacks to me of the Park Hotel which was rocked by a murderous explosion by Hamas terrorists right before the Seder began. Perhaps it is impossible for the average human being to understand the depth of evil represented by Muslim extremists and their supporters if you didn't witness such a thing. I deal with this in my book, The Covenant. But I feel that I am whistling in the wind. People who have not seen this with their own eyes just refuse to understand that these are not people with grievances, people who can be reasoned with. These people are Nazis. Only if you think you can speak to a Nazi and convince him to not wish to kill Jews, can such a stand make sense. No one should negotiate with any person, government official, religious leader, or member of any group that does not condemn and despise and excoriate these terrorists. No respect should be given to any religion, or member of that religion, or religious leader who does not despise and condemn these acts. When one views the bloody floor of Chabad House, one sees the bloodied face of civilization. Those who are not prepared to exterminate this evil, and those who are involved in it, are part of it. Eyewitness Jonathan Ehrlich, a businessman who narrowly escaped death in Mumbai, sent out an e-mail of his experiences. In conclusion, he writes this: The people who did this have no souls. They have no hearts. They are simply the living manifestation of evil and they only know killing and murder. We all of us need to understand that. Their target tonight was first and foremost Americans. Why? Because they fear everything that America stands for. They fear hope and change and freedom and peace. Let's make no mistake; they would have shot me and my children point blank tonight without a moment's hesitation. Most of us sorta know that but sometimes we equivocate. We can't equivocate. Not ever. Naomi Ragen is an American-born novelist and journalist who lives in Jerusalem. She can be contacted at www.naomiragen.com, where you can subscribe to her newsletter. |
Posted by Aviva Ceder, November 29, 2008. |
This comes from www.AskMoses.com Judaism, Ask a Rabbi Live Page 2 of 2
Rabbi Gabi and Rivkah Holtzberg gave up their lives in 2003. And the world celebrated. That is because the life they gave up was their personal life, and the life they took on was that of public servants. In their move from Brooklyn to Mumbai they forsook any vestige of personal comfort or living. They were far from the amenities of western civilizations, the familiarity of family and friends, and the staples of an established Jewish community. Reflecting the Torah's first commandment to the world's first Jew, "Go forth from your land, from your birthplace and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you", and heading the Rebbe's call to care for every Jew, they asked not what Judaism can do for them, but what they can do for Judaism. They traveled to a distant land, so that Jews could be close to Judaism. In Brooklyn they would have continued to have easy access to Kosher food, but in India they worked hard so that others would have any access to kosher food. In New York they could continue to live in close proximity to tens of Jewish institutions, but in Mumbai they worked tirelessly to give a small community, a weary traveler and a traveling businessman a rare oasis for Jewish observance and learning. In Crown Heights and Israel they would have remained in the close circle of family and friends, but in Nariman House they made total strangers feel like family and friends. As ambassadors of G-d and emissaries of the Rebbe their concern for the needs of their fellow Jews most of whom they never met before, and many of whom they would never meet again overshadowed any concern for personal interests or desires. They lived on the frontiers even within an organization of pioneers.
But last week, on a November day in 2008, Rabbi Gabi and Rivkah Holtzberg's lives were taken away. And this time the world mourns. That is because this time their sacred and selfless lives were brutality murdered by ruthless terrorists. The contrast is so stark. The irony inconceivable. The wound so painful. During the standoff, a UCSC alumnus who attended many a Jewish program at our local Chabad House called to offer his best wishes and blessings. During the course of our conversation he expressed the irony and tragedy of this attack. "Rabbi", he said, "how could these people attack a Chabad house? They obviously have no clue what Chabad does. Rabbi Holtzberg and his wife would have gladly offered these guys a piece of Challah and Gefilte Fish. But they bring the rabbi bullets and bloodshed". In 1956, shortly after the decimation of the Holocaust and long before Chabad became a household name, the small movement experienced a big blow when terrorists entered the Israeli village Kfar Chabad and killed five school children and their teacher. Not unlike today, the shock and grief were paralyzing. The young Rebbe addressed the fragile movement: "In continued building will be their consolation". The Rebbe immediately dispatched ten emissaries from New York to Israel. The village grew, and so did the movement. In the 50 odd years since then Chabad has become a Jewish icon and a universal phenomenon, with over three thousand centers in more than 73 countries around the world. Surely Chabad in Mumbai, and Chabad general, will respond to this attack with renewed vigor and drive. There is no doubt in my mind that tomorrow will see a brighter day. But today, today there is a tear on my cheek. A tear from which I will have to water seeds of growth. Today there is a deep crater in my heart and a black hole in the collective Jewish soul. From which we must make light. May The Omnipresent One comfort the victims' families amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. A fund has been established to care for Moshe, the two year old orphan-survivor, and to rebuild the Chabad House. To contribute go here. Arlene Kushner suggests paypal as a secure means of donating by credit card click here. The central Chabad address in the US is: Chabad Organization
American Friends of Chabad in Washington DC is at:
In any event it is wise to earmark the donation for Mumbai. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, November 29, 2008. |
This was written by Victor Comras |
It's much too early to identify the group or groups involved in the Mumbai terrorist attack or to place blame for what has occurred. Identification will come with the expert police investigation and intelligence gathering now underway. But, at this stage we are all just involved in a process of speculation drawing on past experience with terrorist modis operandi to explain what occurred and exploring the various various possibilities and theories. Among the possible culprits being considered are several Pakistan based Islamic extremist organizations such as Lashkar-e-Tayyiba; Al Qaeda-linked or wannabe groups, and India home grown terrorist groups. One thing appears clear the attack was well planned and organized, and that requires reliance on a sophisticated network for recruitment, logistics, training and financing. Some Indian terrorist experts suggest that Dawood Ibrahim may well be linked to organizing and financing this attack just as he did for the 1993 Mumbai stock exchange terrorist bombings. Dawood Ibrahim (birthname Sheikh Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar), for years
headed the D-Company which ran a substantial hawala operation out of
Mumbai, Karachi and Dubai. He reportedly moved easily between various
Islamic extremist groups and Indian crime syndicates, and is believed
to have acted as an Al Qaeda surrogate for several financial
transactions and arms and drug smuggling deals. He was designated by
the US Treasury Department as a global terrorist in October 2003, and
listed as an Al Qaeda associate by the UN Al Qaeda and Taliban
Sanctions Committee on November 3, 2003. According to the Treasury
Department "Dawood Ibrahim, an Indian crime lord, has found common
cause with Al Qaida, sharing his smuggling routes with the terror
syndicate and funding attacks by Islamic extremists aimed at
destabilizing the Indian government. He is wanted in India for the
1993 Bombay Exchange bombings and is known to have financed the
activities of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (Army of the Righteous), a group
designated by the United States in October 2001 and banned by the
Pakistani Government..." See also Treasury Fact Sheet on Dawood
Ibrahim at
Ibrahim's current whereabouts is unknown. He is believed by some to have been given safehaven in Pakistan, perhaps in the Frontier Territories, although there have been some reports of his having been arrested by Pakistan authorities several years ago. Pakistan denies these reports and maintains that he has not been given any safehaven anywhere in Pakistan. You can find more information about Dawood Ibrahim in articles posted
last year by my colleagues Aaron Mannes
Contact Sonia Nusenbaum at nusenbaum@juno.com |
Posted by Barry Shaw, November 29, 2008. |
There is serious criticism from Israeli intelligence and anti-terror experts about the handling of the Chabbad House hostage situation by the Indian army. It is clear that the plan and execution was badly flawed. Some of the elements for criticism include: 1. The blind shooting into the Chabbad House rooms from neighbouring buildings by Indian soldiers. From an Israeli perspective, the Indian army acted to hastily, too heavily, did not identify the exact location or number of terrorists, and were not sufficiently surgical in their mission. Israeli special, anti-terror units would have handled the situation completely differently. Israel tried to advise and help in the hostage rescue but this was rejected by the Indian Government. The clumsy and heavy-handed methods adopted by the Indian army could also be seen in the hotel incidents. The Taj Hotel was assumed to have been cleared at least once only for the army to discover that there were still active terrorists in the building. ![]() Moshe Holtzberg leads Sandra Samuel through Mumbai airport for flight to Israel where parents were buried. It was assumed by the media that the nanny, Sandra Samuel, and the two year old son of the Chabbad House rabbi were released by the terrorists. This is incorrect. The nanny hid in a cupboard during the terrorist incursion during which there was heavy gunfire. She hid there with an Israeli man. Later she heard the boy calling her name. Though fearing for her life she went in search of him. The man who shared the cupboard decided to stay where he was. She found the little boy standing in a pool of blood by the bodies of her parents, Rabbi Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka. He was unhurt but his mother and father had been shot in the initial attack and lay dying. The nanny, Sandra, grabbed the boy and ran out of the building. Most of the terrorists were on the roof at that time. She passed the body of another man on her way out of the building.
Barry Shaw made aliyah from Manchester, England, 25 years ago with
his family. He runs a real estate office in Netanya. He writes the "View
from Here" columns from Israel. To sign up to receive his emails,
contact him at netre@matav.net.il
Posted by Steven Plaut, November 29, 2008. |
You all no doubt recall that right after the 911 attacks on the USA, Michael Lerner, the editor of Tikkun magazine and perpetual Rabbi-Impersonator, issued a statement in the name of his Tikkun "progressives" suggesting that Americans deal with the attacks by "feeling the pain" of the al-Qaida terrorists who had attacked the United States because of their anguish over their grievances. If you think I am kidding, see this and especially this paragraph there: "When people have learned to treat each other as means to our own ends, to not feel the pain of those who are suffering, we end up creating a world in which these kinds of terrible acts of violence become more common. And as we.ve learned from the current phase of the Israel-Palestinian struggle, responding to terror with more violence, rather than asking ourselves what we could do to change the conditions that generated it in the first place, will only ensure more violence in the future." (See also this) Well, the Tikkun guru has been consistent and suggesting again that we all feel the pain of the militants and activists who conducted a protest in Mubai over the past few days. So come now and join Michael Lerner and the Tikkun Tabernacle Choir in singing the new Tikkun song about the protests and activist unrest in Mumbai. With apologies to Dean Martin, here comes the Tikkun version of Mambo Italiano! "Mumbai Indiano!" Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 29, 2008. |
This appeared yesterday on Jihad Watch
An update on this story. "Seven Mumbai gunmen are from 'Leeds and Hartlepool'," from the Mirror, November 28: "Gordon Brown yesterday urged caution saying it was 'premature' to draw any conclusions." Gordon Brown would not know what a conclusion was if it fell on him. Obfuscation... now that is another matter. Delusion.. definitely! |
Seven of the terrorists who brought carnage to Mumbai are British, Indian government sources claimed yesterday. They said two British-born Pakistanis are under arrest. And another five suspects are said to have been born and raised here. Two of the seven are from Leeds, one is from Bradford and one from Hartlepool, the sources claimed. All are aged between 20 and 26. The claims were made as the death toll in Mumbai reached 155 with predictions it could go as high as 200. The Hartlepool suspect was allegedly found in the five-star Taj Mahal Palace hotel, scene of some of the most horrific killings. The man from Bradford and one from Leeds were allegedly discovered on the 17th floor of the Oberoi-Trident Hotel. A second man from Leeds was allegedly captured near a jetty after a gang of around 25 terrorists landed in Mumbai by boat on Wednesday. The suspects were allegedly found with documentation, possibly including passports, which revealed their origin. The sources say they also spoke to each other in a heavily-accented Punjabi common in UK Pakistani communities. Gordon Brown yesterday urged caution saying it was "premature" to draw any conclusions. He said Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had not told of him of "any evidence at this stage" that Britons were behind the massacres. [...] The Foreign Office and MI6 were last night trying to establish the facts amid chaotic scenes in Mumbai as Indian commandos continued operations to flush out the remaining gunmen. If the terrorists are Britons, the UK security service will have to urgently discover how they slipped through the surveillance net. In the wake of 7/7 London bombings the monitoring of militant and disaffected Muslim groups has been tightened up. The security services were criticised after 7/7 for not keeping better track of the bombers. Since the early 2000s Britain has had an unwelcome reputation as a haven for Islamic radicals. [...] Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 29, 2008. |
From Scott: I just got back from Amsterdam and brought several NWA crew members with me who were at the Oberi Hotel hotel when the terrorists attacked. Here is an account from one of our NWA Captains: |
Dateline Mumbai: I was lucky. Just two hours separated me from a life altering event. Yes I was there. My flight was on approach to BOM when the first terrorist attacks took place. Our ETA to the Oberi/Trident hotel was about 90mins later. The outbound crew was scheduled to be in the lobby about 20mins after the first attack at the hotel (10:30pm). My crew spent 6hrs on the aircraft before being relocated to one of the airport hotels. In retrospect, NWA should have gotten us there immediately. We were the crew who would fly out of BOM. Being off duty on the aircraft is not resting, and I correctly guestimated how most of the decision process was going to play out over the next 12hrs. We were eating into what would be a 48hr period with (in my case) just 4hrs of sleep. I thought my day couldn't get much worse. At this moment, I'm on a flight from BOM-AMS. My crewmembers are all safe, and we have nine of eleven of the crew who were at the Oberi/Trident. Sadly, a pilot and FA are still at the Oberi, holed up in their rooms. NWA hired two different civilian extraction teams to get them out of the hotel safely ... you know, expats challenge/response passwords & all that James Bond stuff ... That may have worked initially; but the hotel was locked down by the local military (to the exclusion of those rescue teams) and that simply provided the terrorists time to reorganize, take hostages, and prepare for a long standoff. Flashback to Oberi hotel. Some stories from that unfortunate crew follow: (Apparently, a well built hotel muffles sound more than you might think ..... ) F/A exits the elevator in the lobby of the Trident. The terrorists (probably) just gunned their way through the lobby, into a connecting hallway to the Oberi (their primary target). Bodies and pools of blood everywhere. The two girls at the front desk, Bellman, and Doorman all killed in the initial attack. All other people in the lobby were either shot/killed or helped the injured out of the hotel. The FA returned to his room then followed a housecleaner out through a (sort of) hidden stairway into the relative safety of the street. I later found out the hotel manager, who lives in the hotel with his wife and children, were all killed in the initial attack. That may point to an "insider" helping the terrorists. Another F/A goes to the elevator to head down to the lobby. Doors open and the interior of the car was splattered in blood. She returned to her room and got a few other F/A's and left that floor via the emergency exit. Once out on the exposed outer stairway, the fire door locked behind them. If they ran into trouble down below, without another exit strategy, they'd be truly screwed. Near the bottom, they heard a lot of commotion beyond a set of double doors. They were potentially stuck in a real bad situation. They backed up a bit, laid down and played possum (wouldn't have worked no blood). A few minutes later a police team came up to their position and escorted them to the relative safety of a nearby parking garage. A male Chinese F/A was trying to escape the hotel following a hotel employee through a different pitch black service stairway. He opened a door to a short hallway leading into the lobby. Shell casings and damage littered the floor. He started into the lobby and came face to face with one of the armed terrorists. Fortunately, he was not in uniform, and wearing a European style black leather jacket.. He didn't fit the victim "profile." He turned around, back through the hallway ... got out alive. That crew eventually spent about 9hrs on an ascending ramp at a concrete parking structure about two blocks from the hotel. The F/O on the scene separated that crew from perhaps 300 other confused civilians. Automatic weapon fire and hand grenade explosions permeated the restless night. They were able to keep in touch with NWA security via an international cell phone. They got on a charter bus about 9am, and were transported to the hotel where my crew was located. I'm now in AMS. I'll be on a flight to civilization in another 3hrs. The two crewmembers stuck in the BOM hotel are still OK, but ... still waiting to be rescued ... along with Lufthansa and Air France crews. The above was a quick summary of what happened last night. I could get into a Lot more detail. But right now, there's a shower with my name in it. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Marcel Cousineau, November 29, 2008. |
The U.S. has used the false peace Road Map to trap Israel. A crafty,restraining yoke is clearly around the neck of this once powerful now weakened nation. No one else but a treacherous friend could have gotten close enough to accomplish this. Lat week Isralei P.M Olmert returned from Washington with warnings not to go after Hamas in Gaza.Israel's hands are tied because her 'only friend' has become her slave master. The false alliance between Israel and Washington is meant only to restrain Israel and keep her from defeating her enemies. We know these Islamic enemies have no intention of peace with Israel and only one goal of destroying this Jewish nation. What is incredible is the level of U.S. involvment in this plan and the blindness and silence of the Church in America with this evil in highest places of our Government. The U.S. led Road map is the diabolical and crafty yoke around Israel's neck which has trampled her sovereignty and reduced her to slave status after the manner of Egypt. Once again the great superpower Pharoah, King of the World under Satan's direction has snared the Jews,but only for a limited time. I am convinced that very,very soon God will destroy America to remove this yoke from Israel neck so that ISRAEL can do what He has called her to do. read Jeremiah 51:17:26 [1] (America is Babylon and the destroying mountain vs24-26) Truly the elect are deceived and the strong delusion is already in place. 'And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness. For the Lord GOD of hosts shall make a consumption, even determined, in the midst of all the land. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt. For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction. And the LORD of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt. And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.' Isaiah 10:20 [1] Jeremiah 51:17-33: All mankind is stupid, devoid of knowledge; Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, For his molten images are deceitful, And there is no breath in them. They are worthless, a work of mockery; In the time of their punishment they will perish. The portion of Jacob is not like these; For the Maker of all is He, And of the tribe of His inheritance; The LORD of hosts is His name. He says, "You are My war-club, My weapon of war; And with you I shatter nations, And with you I destroy kingdoms. "With you I shatter the horse and his rider, And with you I shatter the chariot and its rider, And with you I shatter man and woman, And with you I shatter old man and youth, And with you I shatter young man and virgin, And with you I shatter the shepherd and his flock, And with you I shatter the farmer and his team, And with you I shatter governors and prefects. "But I will repay Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldea for all their evil that they have done in Zion before your eyes," declares the LORD. "Behold, I am against you, O destroying mountain, Who destroys the whole earth," declares the LORD, "And I will stretch out My hand against you, And roll you down from the crags, And I will make you a burnt out mountain. "They will not take from you even a stone for a corner Nor a stone for foundations, But you will be desolate forever," declares the LORD. Lift up a signal in the land, Blow a trumpet among the nations! Consecrate the nations against her, Summon against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni and Ashkenaz; Appoint a marshal against her, Bring up the horses like bristly locusts. Consecrate the nations against her, The kings of the Medes, Their governors and all their prefects, And every land of their dominion. So the land quakes and writhes, For the purposes of the LORD against Babylon stand, To make the land of Babylon A desolation without inhabitants. The mighty men of Babylon have ceased fighting, They stay in the strongholds; Their strength is exhausted, They are becoming like women; Their dwelling places are set on fire, The bars of her gates are broken. One courier runs to meet another, And one messenger to meet another, To tell the king of Babylon That his city has been captured from end to end; The fords also have been seized, And they have burned the marshes with fire, And the men of war are terrified. For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: "The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor At the time it is stamped firm; Yet in a little while the time of harvest will come for her." marcel The Lord loves the gates of Zion
Marcel Cousineau can be reached by email at zionsgates@gmail.com; and visit his website http://averyheavystone.blogspot.com/ |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 29, 2008. |
There have been over 12,300 jihad attacks SINCE 9-11. More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350
years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.
Islamic terrorists murder more people everyday than the Ku Klux Klan
has in the last 50 years.
More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on
September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern
19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September
11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65
It's all about Iraq, isn't it? Yep, it's all about Iraq and... India AND the Sudan AND Algeria AND Afghanistan AND New York AND Pakistan AND Israel AND Russia AND Chechnya AND the Philippines AND Indonesia AND Nigeria AND England AND Thailand AND Spain AND Egypt AND Bangladesh AND Saudi Arabia AND Ingushetia AND Dagestan AND Turkey AND Morocco AND Yemen AND Lebanon AND France AND Uzbekistan AND Gaza AND Tunisia AND Kosovo AND Bosnia AND Mauritania AND Kenya AND Eritrea AND Syria AND Somalia AND California AND Kuwait AND Virginia AND Ethiopia AND Iran AND Jordan AND United Arab Emirates AND Louisiana AND Texas AND Tanzania AND Germany/ and/ Australia AND Pennsylvania AND Belgium AND Denmark and East Timor AND Qatar AND Maryland AND Tajikistan/ and/ the Netherlands AND Scotland AND Chad AND Canada AND China AND Nepal AND the Maldives /and /Argentina /and /Angola AND... ...and pretty much wherever Muslims believe their religion tells them to: "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, ... nor follow the religion of truth... until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of _subjection_." Qur'an, Sura 9:29 Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 29, 2008. |
LIKUD LOSING ITS IDENTITY Moshe Ya'alon, the leftist security expert who had considered leaving Kadima for the far leftist Meretz instead is joining Meridor at Likud (IMRA, 11/17). Likud is bringing in future Knesset members from Left to Right. Then it has no ideology, no soul, and no purpose. How can Netanyahu claim he'll do what he promises, when his party has officials who want the opposite? ABBAS REPEATEDLY DISPROVES RICE & THE TIMES Abbas, head of the P.A., "...addressed a letter to PA Arabs on Saturday saying Israel must retreat to its 1949 borders or face war. 'The passage of years... will not force us to abandon or surrender a single inch,' of Judea, Samaria or Jerusalem." (Arutz-7, 11/16). Sec. Rice and the NY Times keeps praising Abbas as a man of peace, who renounced violence, and with whom Israel can reach a compromise agreement. They ignore his P.A. books and media that refer to all of Israel as occupied. Therefore, even his demand in that letter mentioned above is but a phase, as Arafat put it, in the conquest of Israel. His letter typifies his frequent and uncompromising threat of war. Rice and the daily never seem to notice. Think they haven't? They warrant no credibility. When they keep praising Abbas the warmonger as a peacemaker, which they know to be false, they must be lying to us deliberately. They must have another agenda. Hint: the Times traditionally is anti-Zionist. The paper and the Secretary are promoting Arafat's phased conquest of Israel. Gone would be Israel's pro-US army of half a million. Would that put the US in high standing with the Muslims? No. Their culture would have them consider the US weak for abandoning its ally, Israel. Since their jihad envisions conquering the whole world, we will have augmented their strength and diminished ours. That makes the policy of Rice and the Times harmful to our national security. ISRAEL'S INEXHAUSTIBLE PATIENCE PM Olmert and Defense Min. Barak made their usual threats against Hamas, after it and its allies fired more than 130 rockets and mortar shells into Israel and the IDF bombed some rocket launchers and crews. Their typical bluster is that Israel is running out of patience and will strike back hard, some day (Arutz-7, 11/16). Years have passed, but that day never seems to come. The patience of Israel's leaders seems inexhaustible. Undoubtedly, Hamas is counting on that. Therefore, Israeli leaders' forbearance, cowardice, or treason invokes death. U.C. BERKELEY Students at the University of California in Berkeley were at a concert sponsored by the Zionist Freedom Alliance. Suddenly, some Arabs unfurled a large Palestinian flag from the balcony, above. When a few members of the audience went upstairs to ask that the provocation be ended, about 20 of the Arab group attacked them violently as well as with antisemitic epithets. At least one assailant was arrested. The media reported the assault from the Arab point of view rather than factually and without mentioning the arrest. Jewish students later complained of numerous examples of antisemitic graffiti and harassment on campus, especially done by Students for Justice in Palestine (Arutz-7, 11/16). Some notion of justice! If American students can't attend American colleges without being attacked by foreign Arab bigots, shouldn't we reconsider our invitation to foreign students from that culture? What are we giving them technical expertise for? To help them make war on us? NOW THE TIMES ENDORSES MCCAIN'S POLICY! A NY Times editorial made these points: "Pres. Bush is right: Congress should pass the Colombian free trade agreement now." "The Democratic majority in Congress has refused to approve it out of a legitimate concern over the state of human rights in Colombia and less legitimate desires to pander to organized labor or deny Mr. Bush a foreign policy win." "...Most Colombian exports already are exempt from US tariffs. The new agreement would benefit American companies that now have to pay high tariffs on exports to Colombia." "It also would strengthen bonds with an important ally..." The Times is concerned about human rights abuses by Colombia. "But Democrats opposing the trade pact on these grounds are ignoring undeniable improvements. Violence has abated considerably during the Uribve administration..." now fighting the right-wing paramilitaries as well as the leftist guerrillas. "The number of trade unionists killed, a major Democratic concern, is still too high but has dropped sharply." "Failing to approve this trade agreement would do nothing to improve Colombia's human-rights record." It would alienate many Colombians (11/18). The editorial makes the same points that Sen. McCain did, in debating Sen. Obama. McCain called passage a "no-brainer." Has Obama no brains or was he pandering to the unions? Why didn't the Times say that on this point, they agreed with McCain? It let people think that McCain had little to offer. It waited until Obama safely won election. I find that unscrupulous. P.A. VERIFIES ISRAEL'S CLAIM Not for the first time, the P.A. accused Hamas of faking fuel shortages in Gaza. Hamas' alleged motive is to make Israel and the P.A. look bad. Fuel is not in short supply, because besides supplies from Israel, Hamas smuggles fuels in through the tunnels. As for electricity, 70% was provided by Israel (sorry, lost source). GERMANS FALL FOR ISLAMIC WORD PLAY The Berlin Center For Research On Anti-Semitism has adopted the term, "Islamophobia," without defining it. Muslims are trying to define it. They are trying to define it not just as bigotry against all Muslims but even as opposition to anything by Muslims, including Islamofascism. The head of the Muslim Council of Britain said the term includes the cheer, "Long live Israel!," and "Muslim fundamentalism is dangerous." [Muslims attacking people all over the world for having different beliefs is dangerous.] That same Muslim council head contends that prejudice against Muslims is worse than prejudice against Jews. Nonsense! European synagogues require guards, mosques don't. Attempts are made to destroy the Jewish state, no Muslim states. No broadcasters demand the extermination of Muslims, but major Muslim broadcasters demand the extermination of the Jews. Muslims organize antisemitism and jihad against Christians and Hindus! [They then have the nerve to complain about the resulting discussion of defense against it.] People at the Center suggest dropping Holocaust studies from the German curriculum, although the Muslims are in denial of it and need to be educated about it [because they are trying to resume it]. Instead of condemning Muslim antisemitism, they condemn those who condemn it. They rationalize that such condemnation rationalizes rejection of all Muslims. (From a recent source. Sorry I don't have it) I do not think that condemning Muslim antisemitism rationalizes rejection of all Muslims. Unless the Center means that all Muslims are antisemitic. If that were so, one should reject all Muslims. Unwarranted bigotry is unwarranted bigotry. What about the Muslim bigots' rejection of all Jews? The term, "fundamentalist," confuses basic beliefs with terrorist means. A more accurate statement would be: "Muslim terrorism is dangerous." Muslims try to redefine "terrorism" to exempt any means of warfare against Israel. If one thinks about it, other banned means of warfare include poison gas. Does that mean that poison gas is properly used when against Israel? Is there no inhumane means of warfare against Israel? Those who think so are inhumane and biased. UNREALISTIC PROPOSALS Some Israelis propose that Jordan patrol Judea-Samaria against terrorism. Apparently the King of Jordan rejected the offer. He was right. Think how unrealistic it is. His Palestinian Arabs already are clamoring for Israel to ease up on the Territories' Palestinian Arabs, but not for the terrorists to ease up on Israel. If he sent his forces into Judea-Samaria, how much effort would they put into cracking down on their own people, there? (Dr. Aaron Lerner, IMRA, 11/20). They would more likely throw the king out. VAGUE THREATS The King worried that an Israeli invasion of Gaza would rouse his people against his own regime. The government of Israel reassured him that it had no plan to knock out Hamas soon. An invasion actually would spare many lives (IMRA, 11/21). It would spare lives, because any war sooner rather than later would find Hamas weaker, and a war later means more casualties from attrition in the meantime. Israel has been threatening to invade Gaza for years. Who believes it? Lately, the government has been deferring the invasion with the excuse, "the time is not ripe." Israeli leaders have undefined stock phrases that don't mean anything. When will the time be "ripe?" "Ripe" is too vague. It is a means of putting off action indefinitely. I see no healthy motive for letting casualties and enemy forces mount. The Israeli government and ruling class are not healthy. When the King admits his regime is precarious, and he worries about a Muslim Brotherhood takeover, then all the more unhealthy is the Israeli officials' suggestion of having Jordanian troops patrol Judea-Samaria. Same for Egyptian patrols in Gaza. Egyptian patrols might be worse, because Egypt has been complicit in arming Hamas in the first place. WHAT TO DO WITH TREASONOUS ARAB PARTIES? The Movement for Quality Government petitioned the courts to have the Hadash Party disbanded for knowingly and boastingly putting up a convicted terrorist candidate, calling her a "prisoner of freedom." It knew she had lied to the elections commission about her sentence and failed to get a ruling that her crime did not involve "moral turpitude" (IMRA, 11/21) which terrorism does involve. A country at war should not allow political parties for the enemy. It is not a matter of allowing mere difference of opinion, but of subversion and enemy foothold. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by David Meir-Levi, November 29, 2008. |
Dear Mr. President, It is time to connect the dots. The attacks in Mumbai were a suicide mission, obviously. But what was their purpose? If they were a purely terrorist attack, there would be no reason to take hostages. If they were a hostage-taking attack, there would be demands of a specific nature, rather than some rant about injustice to Muslims. I most respectfully suggest that you and your advisors should consider the possibility that this attack may have had three very specific goals, none of which have yet been analyzed: 1.) muscle flexing to show the West what Islamo-fascist terrorsits can do, in order to intimidate western governments and lubricate the process whereby governments are induced to chose the path of appeasement when confronted with Islamo-fascist demands Worse, what could 50 such units do to the economy and defensive abilities of a western country? What could 500 such units do in the USA if they all struck at once, and their targets were not tourist sites but government offices, electrical power stations, military bases, police stations, major transportation hubs, radio/TV stations, the sites where cell-phones and world-wide-web electronic signals are beamed to and from satelites? Think of the paralysis, the panic, the difficulty of police and army to coordinate. And if such attacks were coordinated with a dirty bomb in Washington, or a full-blown nuclear device sailing in to NY harbor in an oil tanker....how effective would our defensive responses be? And if you are thinking that 500 is a big number, consider that various terror-watch groups estimate that Syria alone hosts close to 70,000 wannabee terrorists in training, and that over 5000 Arab and Iranian terrorists have entered our country surreptitiously via Mexico duringt he past five years. Please pass this email on to President-Elect Obama. David Meir-Levi
David Meir-Levi is an American-born Israeli, currently living in Palo Alto. His expertise is in Near Eastern studies and the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He is Director of Peace and Education at Israel Peace Initiative (www.ipi-usa.org). Contact him at david_meirlevi@hotmail.com |
I'M A JEWISH Posted by Barry Shaw, November 29, 2008. |
I just received an email telling me that I am paranoid. This came after my recent rant against the media that refused to identify the victims of the Nariman House terror massacre in Mumbai as Jews and Israelis. The problem I have with this criticism is that it came from a British Jew. For him, it was OK for Sky News and the BBC to concentrate on events at the two luxury hotels because of the British tourists there. For him, it was enough for his national media to refer to Nariman House as containing a Jewish Center. This, for him, was sufficient understatement to represent the background of the hostages. The murder of six Israelis in Mumbai was being eulogized by Israel's Prime Minister while, on Sky, Lisa Holland was reporting on the dramatic incursion of Indian commandos, the reaction of the street crowd, the massive explosion and gunfire, and the reported death of five anonymous hostages. For my British critic this bland, sanitized, reporting is fine for him. Of course British and American terror victims deserve the respect and attention of screaming headline. It is right and proper for reporters to highlight their plight. But why do Jewish or Israeli victims not deserve the same respect? I would have expected my critic to demand more from his national media. Where was his concern? Where was his desire to learn more about the people pinpointed for yet another Muslim terror attack? They were, like him, Jews. p>We frequently see this when Palestinians are always 'killed' but Israeli terror victims simply 'die'. Look out for this next time (and there will be a next time) a Palestinian terror outrage occurs in Israel. Notice the deliberate use of active and passive verbs in Western media reporting. It is constant use and misuse of words, and slanted reporting, that frame public opinion. But back to my gripe. The last time I was called paranoid followed an article I wrote which referred to Arafat's second intifada as an Islamic religious war against the Jews where the first and main target was Israel. One recipient criticized Israeli policy and called me a paranoid. This criticism was received just two weeks before the Passover terror attack on the Park Hotel in my home town of Netanya. Like this week's writer, that critic was also a British Jew. What is it with these British Jews? Why must they cocoon themselves against the vicious Islamic hate and death that was brutally displayed recently in India? Maybe they truly believe in the cotton-wool existence of multi-culturalism, we are all the same under the skin, live and let live. It keeps them fuzzily cozy and warm at night.. But why don't they rage when their ideal perception is challenged? When their fellow Jews are targeted for killing? And that refers to Israelis. Why don't they get angry when the fate of Jews or Israelis are not highlighted, even overlooked, by their national media? Why is it impossible for Jewish activists in Britain to get these people to protest, or to join in their street demonstrations in defense of Jewish or Israeli causes? Why will they not champion our cause or help make our case to the British public and media? Why do they more open to hearing our enemies propaganda, put out by their own media, than actively supporting Jewish and Israeli injustices? Why are they so apathetic, yet call me paranoid? These people remind me of a tragic joke someone once told me. Two Jews were being marched towards the gas chambers at Auschwitz. One spat at one of the Gestapo officers and cursed him with "You are your Fuehrer Hitler will burn in hell!" His friend shouted to him, "Moshe, this is no time to make trouble!" No, my dear critic, I am not paranoid. Sadly, I am a realist. Once, like you, I saw the world through rose-tinted glasses. I voted for Arafat to be allowed back into the area. Why not? Live and let live. Right? That was before he sent his murderers to slaughter twenty two Israeli teenagers outside a Tel Aviv disco. That was before he incited and sent terrorists to execute twelve terror attacks on my town that killed fifty and maimed four hundred. You are paranoid if you think that people are coming to get you. You are a realist when you wake up and find that it's true. They have been coming to kill us for sixty years. They openly declare that they must follow their religious and political duty to kill us, the destroy us, to wipe us out. Look what happened at the Chabbad House in Mumbai. Listen to Hamas. Listen to Hizbollah. Listen to the maniac in Tehran. Or am I being paranoid? Barry Shaw made aliyah from Manchester, England, 25 years ago with his family. He runs a real estate office in Netanya. He writes the "View from Here" columns from Israel. To sign up to receive his emails, contact him at netre@matav.net.il |
Posted by Michael Travis, November 28, 2008. |
This is from Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugged website
UPDATED 1:31 PM: CONFIRMED that Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka were killed (NY Post) So let me understand this, Muslims are allowed to murder Jews in cold blood because we are Jews, but it is a crime to insult Islam. MUMBAI: The bodies of five hostages were found in Nariman House while the National Security Guards (NSG) killed two terrorists during the gunbattle there, NSG Director General JK Dutt said on Friday. UPDATE: SEE BELOW:Three bodies found on the 2nd floor of the Nariman House. The terrorists killed the hostages before moving on to the next floor. They killed two more hostages on the 4th floor. Third floor is the only floor remaining, commandos are there. It is just a matter of time.(hat tip Randall) Joshua wrote me, "how many chabadniks do we know? They are all sweet people with amazing ahavas yisroel". ![]() Israeli Jewish men pray for the well-being of their friends Rabbi Gabriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka, who are being held hostage by suspected gunmen in Mumbai, India, at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site in Jerusalem's Old City,Thursday,India_shooting_reax_jrl122 "Terrorism" the big lie used to club the minds of free men into confusion. This isn't terrorism. This is war, holy war.BTW, ever hear of Jews killing imams? (not that that matters, right) Unconfirmed: Chabad Rabbi and his Wife Murdered in Mumbai The Chabad couple's two-year-old son Moshe was taken out of the building by his babysitter shortly after the siege began Wednesday night. David Bogner over at Treppenwitz who was just there last week, and ate at the house of the Jewish couple that was held hostage and murdered (unconfirmed) Early in the reporting from India it became clear that the attacks were centered on tourist centers, with two luxury hotels and Mumbai's largest train terminal bearing the brunt of the attacks. And most of the reports seemed to fixate on the disturbing fact that Americans and Britons seem to have been singled out by the terrorists. Yet, seemingly unremarkable to the media, also among the targets singled out for attack was a house in a mixed residential/commercial area that is well off the beaten track. From the outside it is rather non-descript, and in fact if you didn't have good directions, you would never know it for what it is; the home of one of Mumbai's few orthodox Jewish families (I know, having eaten there several times last week). Yes, of course they reported it... but the attack on Nariman house/Beit Chabad didn't strike them as odd... or at least no more odd than the rest of the coordinated attacks. Here's why it should have.: Mumbai is a city of over 18 million people, yet there are only about five thousand Jews living there. And of those, only a few dozen are identifiably Jewish outside of the synagogue. Heck, the entire country of India with a staggering population of over 1.1 billion people has only about 15 thousand Jews! I'm not so good at math, but I think that if you try to express the Jewish population as a percentage of the overall Indian population, you're going to end up with a lot of zeros to the right of the decimal point. So isn't it weird that nobody seems to be talking about how statistically odd it is that this Muslim terror group sought out and attacked an unremarkable home containing one of India's only identifiably orthodox Jewish families. Apparently the breaking news from Mumbai has demonstrated anew that targeting Jews is not unusual... even when just finding Jews in India to attack is harder than finding Samoans in Iceland. So why is that unremarkable? And more importantly, why does the rest of the world continue to push us to understand and excuse murderous Muslim aggression against us... even when they hound us to the end of the earth? Yet we're the racists. The answer is that attacking us even in a country where just finding us is like finding a needle in a haystack is considered completely unremarkable... just part of the natural order. " Randall points out: The percentage of Jews in India is 0.00136% or just over one thousandth of one percent. It seems that Jews are 73,333 times as important as the average citizen in India! ![]() A commando fires at suspected terrorists holed up in a house owned by Israelis in Colaba, Mumbai, India, Friday, Nov. 28, 2008.
Turkish couple let off by terrorists for being Muslims (India Times) These folks in the below pics were not so ..... Muslim ![]() ![]() ![]() Bodies lie near the swimming pool of the Taj Mahal hotel after shootings
7.05pm: Fresh firing at Taj. Reports that there might be more than one terrorist holed up in Taj. Two unidentified bodies recovered from the Hotel Contact Michael Travis at michaelmgr@gmail.com |
Posted by Ted Belman, November 28, 2008. |
From http://www.israpundit.com/2008/?p=6005 This item below comes from Kiran Mathur, India Today |
Terrorist Ajmal Amir Kamal, a resident of Faridkot, Multan in Pakistan, a Pakistani elite commando, caught in Taj, got his orders from shadow ISI and Osama Bin laden The man is in custody. He is an educated youth, a college student, educated in Pakistan's Islamic school where Osama Bin Laden is respected as God's Prime Agent. He got his direct orders from shadow ISI, Pakistan's clandestine intelligence militia founded by Saudi oil money and American billions of dollars paid to Pakistan to fight terror. He was caught by the Indian NSG in Taj. He was brain washed by the Islamic ideology that drives hundreds of thousands of young Muslims to the dark alleys of Waziristan where American money for Pakistan's war against terror and Saudi oil money get funneled into Al-Queda terror training ground. They want to take Afghanistan over. They want to take control Pakistani nukes. They want to slave India into submission. Terrorist Ajmal says that will happen one day, it is just a question of time. Indian security forces have him. Some say he is just a SIMI fellow from Indian college and lying about his identity. The real culprits are gone leaving him there to make up a story. He was brought to Indian shores by a large mother cargo ship. He boarded with forty others to rubber rafts silently to India Gate. The bribed Mumbai police was ready to give them the necessary cars, infrastructure to start spreading out all over Mumbai with most sophisticated ammunition and ammo dumps all over the city planned beforehand. Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer and editor of the IsraPundit.com website, an activist pro-Israel website. Contact him at tedbel@rogers.com |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 28, 2008. |
This comes from the Gateway Pundit website
Anjem Choudary: "Any Brits killed had only themselves to blame." ![]() British hate preacher Anjem Choudary blamed the Mumbai attacks on Great Britain. Choudary has spoken out about conquering Great Britain from the outside. The Daily Star reported: HATE preacher Anjem Choudary last night praised the slaughter of 125 people in Mumbai. Previous Stories Mumbai Under Terror Attack!... At least 80 Dead Hostages Taken! (Live Firing Video!)
Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com
Posted by Avodah, November 28, 2008. |
CHABAD: "WE WON'T BE DETERRED" This was written by Allison Hoffman, Jerusalem Post
correspondent in New York. It appeared today
![]() The late couple Rabbi Gabi Holtzberg and his wife Rivka z"l, murdered at the hands of terrorists in Mumbai, India. Photo: Courtesy Chabad.org The worldwide leaders of the Chabad Lubavitch movement in New York mourned the deaths of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka, discovered Friday after Indian commandos took control of the movement's center in Mumbai. The pair, who had been the movement's chief emissaries in India, were last heard from Wednesday, shortly after heavily armed gunmen stormed Chabad's Nariman House facility next door to a popular cafe that was among 10 targeted in this week's attacks. "We're going to miss him very dearly he was a very special person, he and his wife were very special people," said Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice chairman of Chabad's educational arm. His voice broke as he spoke to reporters at the Lubavitch headquarters in Brooklyn's Crown Heights neighborhood. Indian troops who cleared the Chabad building after rappelling onto the roof from helicopters found the bodies of two suspected terrorists and three other people whose identities were not immediately released. It was not clear when the victims died. An Indian employee who escaped the center with the Holtzbergs' toddler son Moshe who turns two on Saturday told reporters she saw them lying "unconscious" on the ground as she fled. The boy was reunited with his grandparents, who flew to Mumbai on Thursday. ![]() Moshe will mark his second birthday as an orphan after his parents were killed by terrorists some time between Wednesday, when the Chabad House they ran was attacked and Friday, when Indian commandos took over the building. Photo: AP "Today he became an orphan, without a dad and mom to lovingly embrace him and celebrate with him," Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky told reporters, adding that the Lubavitch movement would guarantee the boy's upbringing. A second son, who was ailing, was with relatives in Israel when the attack occurred. Krinsky also addressed the more than 4,000 Chabad emissaries worldwide, counseling them to remain brave in the face of adversity. "Keep strong and continue to forge ahead with courage and fortitude in the service of our people and mankind to make this world a better place to live for all," he said. "Nothing deters us," he added, after a reporter asked about whether emissaries would be afraid in the future to conduct the group's outreach activities. Chabad leaders declined to comment on security measures that were being put in place at their facilities, which dot the globe from Argentina to Vietnam. Kotlarsky said he last spoke to Holtzberg on Tuesday to finalize the details of a new center opening in Bangalore next week. "Gabi and Rivky Holtzberg made the ultimate sacrifice," Kotlarsky said. "As emissaries to Mumbai, Gabi and Rivky gave up the comforts of the West in order to spread Jewish pride in a corner of the world that was a frequent stop for throngs of Israeli tourists. Their selfless love will live on with all the people they touched. We will continue the work they started." Members of the movement gathered at the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters Friday hours before the start of the Jewish Sabbath to pray for the families of the dead, joining dozens of volunteers who had been working the telephones and monitoring news Web sites since the attacks. The Holtzbergs arrived in Mumbai in 2003 to serve the local Jewish community. The two ran a synagogue, offering religious instruction and helping people dealing with drug addiction and poverty, Kotlarsky said. Holtzberg "was the finest and nicest gentleman that you can imagine," a weeping Kotlarsky said at the news conference. "You never saw him without a smile ... he was always cheerful and greeted everyone pleasantly ... a real mensch." Gavriel Holtzberg's last known phone call was to the Israeli consulate to report that gunmen were in his house, the group's leaders in Brooklyn said. In the middle of the conversation, the line went dead. Twelve hours after gunmen stormed the center Wednesday, Sandra Samuel, a cook at the center, heard little Moshe's cries outside the room in which she had barricaded herself. She opened the door, grabbed the toddler and ran outside with another center worker. The little boy's pants were soaked with blood, and Samuel said she saw four people lying on the floor as she fled. Gavriel Holtzberg, 29, was born in Israel and moved to the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn with his parents when he was nine. He had dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship. Rivkah Holtzberg, 28, was a native of Afula, Israel. The couple had lived in New York before going to India. The Lubavitchers were one of many Hasidic groups that were uprooted from Eastern Europe by the Holocaust and came to the United States. They became the most outward-looking of the ultrareligious groups, constructing giant Hanukkah menorahs in public places, engaging in outreach among less pious Jews and building Chabad centers from Sao Paulo to Bangkok. The once-tiny sect has swelled in number and influence. Estimates of followers vary widely, ranging from the tens of thousands to a million or more. About 4,000 full-time emissary families direct more than 3,300 institutions around the world. In response to the Mumbai attacks, New York City police beefed up patrols around large hotels and Jewish centers, including the Lubavitcher headquarters, said NYPD spokesman Paul Browne. "This is indeed a very sad day," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said at the news conference. "It is a reminder to all of us just how connected we are." The department already was on alert because of a warning earlier this week of a possible al-Qaida plot to strike the city's rail systems over the holidays. "I assure you that here in New York City, we are resolved to be vigilant," Kelly said. |
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, November 28, 2008. |
This was sent by Dan Friedman. |
A friend writes: Why do we accept this routine description of Chabad members as "ULTRA" orthodox? Who determines why this label is slapped on a dedicated, peaceful Jewish organization dedicated to outreach? Must we accept it? To which I will only add: The decadent media has two sound reasons to fear Chabad and cast it as a fringe group. First, Chabadniks are pious Jews who make no compromises with authentic Jewish values. In other words, they are not corrupt. Second, Chabad is not "ultra-Orthodox" in the sense of the insular sect the media means to imply. The truth is that Chabad reaches out and has harnessed modern communication techniques to spread its Torah-true message worldwide. (Cholent in Mumbai, anyone?) And partly for that reason, no Jewish group has had more success bringing Jews of all stripes back to their roots at Sinai than Chabad. A strong, faithful Jewish Nation? Nothing will make a sophisticated journalist toss and turn at night than that. df Dan Friedman
Contact Sonia Nusenbaum at nusenbaum@juno.com |
Posted by Lawrence Uniglicht, November 39, 2008. |
Muslim jihadists identifying themselves as Deccan Mujahideen perpetrate acts of wanton murder in Mumbai, India, that nation's financial capital and major tourist center, search especially for those with U.S. and British passports but eager to snuff out the lives or maim anyone in their path, kidnap innocent victims, burn hotels, set off explosives, invade buildings including a Chabad House where several Jewish families live murdering occupants including a Rabbi and his wife, and in general wreck blood drenching havoc, attempting to intimidate the West, no doubt rationalizing their actions with skewed Koranic verse, letting civilization know that brutal savagery is alive and well, secular human life is worthless, and that losers and misfits will someday inherit the world not unlike cockroaches after nuclear devastation, reminding those with insight that Iranian centrifuges keep spinning, potentially producing all the fissile material they would need to really kick ass with humankind. Moderate Muslims worldwide cower, yet again ruing such behavior and the impact it will have on their own lives, on how others will perceive them, yet will they en mass be brave enough to vigorously denounce those killers not only to salvage their own collective image but for the sake of their besmirched gospel, for the sake of humanity, indeed for the sake of human sanity? The mental disease that induces such blatant acts of terror, perpetrated especially on non-threatening victims, has one root cause; stemming from suppression of the instinct to preserve human life, including one's own life, an inherent brain function gone awry through manipulation. We might talk about presumed injustice, lack of self-esteem, humiliation, poverty, and other factors; but the tipping point for the kinds of behavior we now witness in Mumbai, behavior we have witnessed in so many other places, comes when a coordinated group of individuals have their inherent humane instincts replaced with a delusional concept that a better world awaits after death, that for the sake of their God they must destroy the non-believer, the infidel. Many such individuals likely attended Saudi financed Wahhabi mosques or madrassas throughout Pakistan, where corrupt government officials are likely paid to 'see no evil', or similar brainwashing institutions, exposing themselves to skillful manipulators highly trained in the art of persuasion, adept at combining religion and hatred, performing their nefarious brainwashing techniques especially but not exclusively on vulnerable uneducated male youngsters. As suggested, Iran may be on its way to becoming a supplier of the deadliest material ever invented by man, not to mention current likely suppliers like Pakistan and Russia, but Saudi Arabia more than any other regime foots the bill for the mind altering process that manufactures those Wahhabi educated ambulatory human fuses necessary to detonate explosions that if nuclear would end life on earth as we know it. It's to be expected that leaders of civilized planetary nations condemn terrorist atrocities, yet other than tough talk, hand wringing, and condolences to victims, do these leaders enact policies that punish regimes housing or financing techno-human bomb factories disguised as mosques or madrassas without which killers, including walking time bombs, could not be programmed and assembled? Are Western industrial nations say buying less Middle East oil, in effect boycotting filthy rich despots of sovereign Muslim countries without which terrorist organizations, recently orchestrating acts of deadly mayhem in Mumbai, would not have the funds to operate? Not quite! British teachers unions and supporters, for one, would have their nation boycott civil nations like Israel at the drop of a hat, but would they likewise ask their nation to boycott terrorist financing Middle East oil suppliers at the drop of a turban? Not if the likes of suicide bomber apologist London Mayor Ken Livingston have anything to say about it, but that's another story! Still, the newly elected Obama Administration might be open to logical discourse concerning trade sanctions against terrorist financing nations, noting America's own experiences, especially one world changing catastrophe perpetrated on 9/11/2001 by mostly Saudi hijackers, no doubt cum laude graduates of Wahhabi Universities, noting prior terrorist attacks in Israel, Egypt, England, Spain, Indonesia, elsewhere, on land and sea, and now in Mumbai. Of course, America would first have to extricate itself from a shameful dependency on The House of Saud, primary guarantor of a most essential petrodollar, before it could consider a proper course of action, at least against that regime. Oh the tangled webs we weave! Bloodshed in erstwhile Bombay, now Mumbai, represents not only retaliation for past grievances; it screams out an ominous warning to the less than attentive West as well as civilized modernizing Eastern lands, that Muslim jihad remains afoot. How to react? Close the Wahhabi madrassas and mosques in Pakistan and elsewhere, indict rulers who finance terrorism, encourage moderate Muslims to assert themselves; condemning those who blaspheme peaceful Islam! Might a popular leader like Barrack Obama consider such steps vital to U.S. foreign policy? Might likely U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton travel to Jerusalem, Israel's capital, meet with Israeli leaders, organize a Court of Justice that will secure enough evidence to issue arrest warrants for royal despots, clergy, and secular autocrats alike who finance terrorists or support terrorism in other ways? Of course they should! Neither the United Nations nor the Court of International Justice at The Hague have been sufficiently effective in this regard, heretofore allowing the House of Saud a pass, not indicting Iranian leaders for supplying arms to Hizbullah and Hamas, yet most despicably allowing brutal acts of inhumanity to continue, terrorizing as well as destroying populations in Sudan, the Congo, Zimbabwe and other venues; thus a true Court of Justice must be formed. As suggested, the United States will need to protect its currency if Saudi dictators are put out of business, perhaps by merging the besieged U.S. dollar with the euro, forming the duro, a boon to both America and Europe ending a self-defeating under the radar war to hold the position of primary oil trading currency. Furthermore, the Iranian international commodity exchange or 'bourse', yet to be fully activated, threatening to trade crude oil for euros and other non-dollar currencies will no longer hold sway with U.S. foreign policy, allowing substantive action to be taken against Iran's spinning nuclear centrifuges as well as terrorist financing operations. Jihadist ambitions will indeed be set back significantly if such a logical course is followed. Civilized nations have little time to lose. Lawrence Uniglicht is a career civil servant. He advocates for the State of Israel with an American perspective. He writes, "Advocating for the disrespected underdog has been my passion, no doubt Israel falls into that category." Contact him by email at larose@snip.net |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 28, 2008. |
This is a Jerusalem Post editorial:
The dreadful images coming out of Mumbai since late Wednesday night have stunned Israelis and not just because the city's Chabad House was targeted along with a hospital, open market, the main train station, a popular restaurant and two posh landmark hotels. At least 125 people are known killed and some 327 wounded. The bloodbath reminds us that, though Muslim extremism is often traceable to some local grievance, it's in essence part of a larger conflict between civilizations. Islamists are violently affronted when Hindus, Jews, Buddhist or Christians are sovereign over a Muslim minority. AS WE try to make sense of the mayhem unleashed on Mumbai, a city of some 13 million souls, our thoughts naturally are with the family of Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg. We are anxious, too, for the dozen or so other Israeli hostages. And we express our condolences to the people of Mumbai who have lost loved ones in this reprehensible assault. Mumbai has been attacked six times since 1993, most recently in 2006 when 200 people were killed in a train-bombing. The nature of the latest attacks, however, with multiple terror teams hitting some 10 targets with explosives, automatic rifle-fire and grenades in an operation that carried on from one day into the next suggests a far higher level of coordination and training than anything seen before. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said the attacks were launched from outside India "with the single-minded determination to create havoc in the commercial capital of the country." Plainly, the terrorists are connected to elements in the failed state of Pakistan. At least some of them may have arrived by sea, landing across from the Taj Mahal hotel. They hunted-down guests with US, British and Israeli passports to take as hostages. At the Chabad House, Indian neighbors nobly tried to fend off the attackers until they themselves were driven back by terrorists' bullets. Israelis feel at one with the people of India, especially at times like these. Both countries are modern incarnations of ancient civilizations. We share common political values, overlapping security concerns and a growing commerce. India was established in 1947; Israel in 1948. Both peoples rejected British rule, both faced Muslim opposition to their independence. The subcontinent was divided into the secular state of India and the Muslim state of Pakistan. In the Mideast, the Palestinian Arabs rejected the idea of two states for two peoples. Substantially, they still do. Though much still needs to be done to draw India and Israel closer, enormous steps have been taken since New Delhi first recognized Israel in 1950 and finally established an embassy in 1992. Israel has actually maintained a consular presence in Mumbai, formerly Bombay, since 1952. India is a genuine multicultural democracy. Among its 1.1 billion people are 150 million Muslims. Its former president, and father of New Delhi's nuclear program, is a Muslim. NO ONE yet knows who carried out these attacks and speculation is rampant. Pakistan has in the past encouraged terrorism in Kashmir. Its doubtful India's unstable neighbor is explicitly responsible for the aggression (the government there denounced it), but Pakistan has multiple power centers and its intelligence service has previously been linked to the Taliban. Both they and al-Qaida have an interest in diverting attention away from the Pakistan-Afghan border. And coincidentally, Pakistani troops reportedly opened fire on Indian positions along their joint border on Thursday. Still, al-Qaida specializes in mega-attacks using suicide bombers, which was not the case here. Even if it turns out that this outrage was the handiwork of Lashkar-e-Toiba or one of its front-groups which wants to turn India into a Muslim state, that still doesn't unveil the real masterminds. Whoever did this wanted to create panic, scare off foreigners, undermine India's economy and turn the country's people against one another. ISRAELIS have long argued that no political grievance, no perceived injustice and no religious creed can ever justify waging war against civilians. Others have sometimes made excuses for "resistance" movements. If any consolation can be derived out of the heartbreak in Mumbai, perhaps it will be that India will work ever more vigorously in international forums to isolate terrorists and the state's that sponsor them. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 27, 2008. |
TURKEY INVESTING IN IRAN Turkey agreed to invest $12 billion in Iran's natural gas. The fuel would be shipped to Europe (IMRA, 11/20). International sanctions don't work any more. The globalized economy has too many sources of funds for a few, established powers to freeze out a country with something valuable to sell. Those who think they can rely upon sanctions and persuasion cannot overcome ideology or self-interest with palaver. They are old-fashioned, if they even are well-meaning and not using the hope of a peaceful solution as an excuse for not making a difficult decision. Turkey puts itself forward as a mediator. Mediators get credit for trying, whether they really do or not. No honest broker, Turkey is Islamist now. It looks as if the world is out of control. And yet the US still neglects the ideological weapon against Islamism. For that we can thank political correctness. Political correctness forbids us to even describe the enemy as an offshoot of Islam. We mustn't offend people, even at the risk of our lives? We let matters go too far and ponder them too little. The State Dept. sabotaged Bush's policy towards Iran of regime change. The intelligence services sabotaged his possible bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities. WHOSE HOUSE IN HEBRON? Some Jews produced in court proof of purchase of a house in Hebron, including a tape showing the owner selling it to them. Arabs threatened the owner's life. Then the owner claimed he didn't sell. The case reached Israel's Supreme Court. The Court remanded the case to civil court, without ruling on the merits. The media put it that the Court ruled against Jewish ownership. A human rights advocate for the Jews of Judea-Samaria declared the judiciary biased against Jews there and especially in Hebron. The whole ruling elite is biased. The advocate noted that the government is considering legalizing the status of tens of thousands of Bedouin's houses, and allow them to stand, and to take legal ownership of more than 150,000 acres of government land that they claim by ancestry [meaning that they squatted on it]. The media and government call the illegal Bedouin areas "unrecognized," but refer to Jewish houses in Judea and Samaria as "illegal." That's a double standard. When one settler threatened violence, the media extrapolated to all, but other settler speakers disavowed violence. The Army admits that any violence by civilians is likely to come from outsiders. Another newspaper accused the house owners of "yet another case" of settlers forging their papers (Arutz-7, 11/20). I haven't heard of other cases of Jews forging such papers, but many of Arabs. The police initiate most of the violence. OBAMA ROLLING OUT RADICAL FOREIGN POLICY During the campaign, Obama shunted aside radical foreign policy advisers, when their antics drew unfavorable attention. The campaign ended, Obama is bringing them back into top positions. He deceived the electorate. He is a man in a hurry. He is in a hurry to end the alliance with Israel and make one with Syria. His advisors lie that Israel is the cause of its problems with Islam, that it caused the last offering to Arafat to fail, and that Iran needs nuclear weapons only to defend itself from Israel. They suggest that Israel's nuclear defense should being negotiated away. That would make it subject to Iranian nuclear attack for sure. Meanwhile, they want to take the Territories from Israel and give it to Iran's proxies, which then could rain more rockets on Israel. They seek a US alliance with Syria, which means delivering Israel into its hands. Syria would be free to absorb Lebanon. Syria also would be emboldened to further subvert Iraq. The radicals would have gained a more solid hold over the Mideast. [How long would our oil supply be secure?] The advisors' statements and the missions Obama sent them on are ominous. Obama's advisers predicate a deal with Iran over Afghanistan, on Shiite Iran enmity towards Sunni jihadists. Actually, Iran finances and arms al-Qaida, Taliban, and Hamas [as well as, to some extent, Fatah], which are Sunni. The Obama advisers think that Iran would be like the USSR, deterred by mutually assured destruction. If so, then removing Israel's nuclear shield means Israel's destruction. What kind of logic has Obama? Actually, Iran is not moved much by the threat of Israeli possible nuclear retaliation, which they consider not too powerful. It threatens to use nuclear weapons against Israel. The new policy is based on fantasy. Treating madmen like normal people, it gives an impression of weakness. It legitimizes genocidal Iran. Israel must find a way to knock out Iran's nuclear facilities before Obama takes office (Caroline Glick in IMRA, 11/15). But their government consists of fools, weaklings, and traitors! Obama fooled most of my friends. They don't realize that their source of news is biased. They take what they were told at face value. They don't understand foreign policy. Obama is radical or a fool; his advisors are paranoid and ignorant. Maybe he isn't a Muslim any more, but he may as well be. Bush meant to protect us, but overplayed his hand, was inconsistent, and was weak. Obama is moving to destroy Israel and jeopardize our national security. He will be our worst President, but there may be no US history to record that. LASER WEAPONRY DEVELOPMENT A US company developed a solid state laser that can destroy targets at the speed of light. Its model may set the industry standard (IMRA, 11/15). Considering Chinese spies and commercial interest in selling indiscriminately, the genie gets out of the bottle fast. Warfare will get worse. Unfortunately, mankind remains backward in the ambitions of Russia, China, and Islam, and foolish in the radicalism or naivete of US Presidents. IRAN CITES EVIDENCE OF ZIONIST INFLUENCE It states that 80 of US Jewry voted for Obama. That fact is cited as evidence that Obama is pro-Zionist (IMRA, 11/15). Iran assumes that all Jews are pro-Zionist. Many Jews are not. Obama is anti-Zionist, his advisers rabidly so. The Jewish vote does not contradict that. My fellow American Jews are notorious for voting against their own interests. They don't know what their interests are nor who protects them. SWISS LOGIC & ETHICS? NGO Monitor and the Swiss government had an exchange of e-mails. Switzerland invited the NGO, Nord-Sud XXI, to a meeting, to review the Durban conference. Nord-Sud XXI has connections with Libya, and expresses much antisemitism. NGO Monitor asked why Switzerland invited such a group, sure to try to continue the antisemitism and anti-Israel bigotry of Durban. The government replied that since that NGO was accredited with the UNO Economic and Social Council, it was invited without regard to its views. NGO Monitor retorted out that Switzerland invited only 25 out of the more than three thousand NGOs accredited with the UNO Council. That leaves the question, why did it single out Nord-Sud XXI for privileged status (IMRA, 11/15). STEP TOWARDS REALISM? How to replace or refine the Bush administration policies on terrorist prisoners? The NY Times quoted admissions that some cases against prisoners are too classified to come before civil jury trials and that some prisoners should be subject to preventive detention (Wm. Glaberson, 11/15, A13). I oppose preventive detention, but think that membership in terrorist organizations should be classified as criminal conspiracy, without waiting for members to act. NEW PLOYS FOR DISARMING ISRAEL Some think tank proposes that the US switch to favoring anti-nuclear weaponry treaties that are verifiable. It suggests that the US press Israel to join and then disarm its nuclear weapons (IMRA, 11/16). Even if the Muslim states join the proposed treaty, who can rely upon their staying in it and not violating it? We have seen countries violate the existing treaty. What makes anyone think that adherence to the treaty is verifiable? Suppose they all eliminated a-bombs. What about chemical and biological weapons? Certain Arab states have them. Biological weapons are easy to hide. Suppose all weapons of mass-destruction were eliminated. Israel's enemies would be left with several times the conventional force that Israel has. Israel would have no super weapon to prevent its being overrun. The proposal would disarm victims of aggression. Would aggressors comply? Here's another tack against Israel. Obama's anti-Zionist advisers want him to press Israel to accept the Saudi plan for Israeli evacuation from the Territories and the Golan but reject an influx of so-call Arab "refugees." He reportedly said Israel would be crazy to refuse peace with the Muslim world, but Dennis Ross denies that Obama endorsed anything (IMRA, 11/16). Israel would be crazy to believe that the deal would bring peace. Since jihad is based on Islam, and not on territorial dispute, and Islam would remain, so would jihad. But the deal would remove Israel's defensive borders. It would be easy to conquer. Guess what the Arabs and Iran would do, then! Nor does S. Arabia promise peace. Its plan states that after Israel surrendered the land, then the Muslims (for which S. Arabia does not speak) may consider normalizing relations with Israel. They wouldn't. They'd demand more, as Muslims invariably do. They'd say, take in the refugees, or its war against which Israel could no longer defend itself. The proposals are naïve or cynical. They trust the Arabs. Israel, don't trust leftist Americans! Endorsement or Ross' denial? Is this the usual media garbling of facts? What can we figure out? Everybody is offering Obama advice, implying that he kept his views from us. Questions are, who offers it, and what does it mean. We know that government is run by defamatory leaks and trial balloons. During the campaign, Obama kept changing his policy to suit critics. No integrity! His Mideast advisors are anti-Israel. Why do you suppose he picked them? SETTLEMENTS A PRETEXT FOR ANTISEMITES "The scale of Islamic (or Arab) occupation, settlement and racism around the world is far greater than anything that Israel is accused of, but this is never mentioned in polite or diplomatic company. The Arab tribes that followed Muhammad spread their conquest and settlement activities throughout the Middle East, and then kept going to central Asia, western Europe...eastern Europe...northern Africa, and east to Asia, including parts of India, (and what is now Pakistan), Malaysia, Indonesia, and southern Thailand." "In these jihads, anyone who didn't accept Islam was simply killed there was no 'resistance,' because no one was left to resist" [Not in India. Too many.] "After many centuries (not decades), this Arab and Islamic occupation continues to be characterized by intolerance for different faiths and opinions. The brief period of enlightened Islamic rule, under the Umayyad Caliphate beginning in the 10th century in Spain (Al-Andalus), still left Christians and Jews as second class citizens dhimmis who were tolerated, at best, and often persecuted and expelled. But none of this is mentioned by the politically correct defenders of Islam in the United Nations...nor is it discussed by so-called "human rights" organizations, journalists, and academics and activists on campuses." "Some Christian leaders and groups are no better in their obsessive attacks on 'Israeli occupation,' such as retired South African archbishop Desmond Tutu, as well as the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Lutheran leaders campaigning for divestment, the Mennonite Central Committee, Christian Aid, Caritas and others." [They gang up on the Jews. We must help ourselves.] "Stripped of the self-righteous posturing, the emphasis on Israeli 'occupation' and 'settlement' should be recognized as simply another form of the ongoing...anti-Semitism that seeks to prevent the Jewish people from maintaining sovereign equality among the nations of the world." Neither proposed solution, Israel shrinking to 1967 borders nor Israel expanding to include millions of Arabs, works (Gerald Steinberg in IMRA, 11/15.) I agree. I have a third proposal. Israel should enforce the law against wholesale Arab violations, stop "affirmative action" and subsidies for Arabs except for loyal ones to emigrate, etc.. Israel should selectively annex areas populated by Jews, abandoned by Arabs, or undeveloped. The Jewish people would get defensible borders around the core of the Jewish homeland, without millions of Arabs. Without any Arabs! Those who propose the original two, admittedly unworkable proposals, would object that mine is unrealistic. Enforcing the law is unrealistic? Ending discrimination in favor of Arabs is unrealistic? It just needs a change in doctrine, propaganda, and a start. Each step would be protested, but would make the preceding steps acceptable. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Chuck Brooks, November 27, 2008. |
This was written by Caroline B. Glick and it appeared in the
Jewish Press
Caroline Glick is deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post. Her Jewish Press-exclusive column appears the last week of each month. Her new book, "The Shackled Warrior: Israel and the Global Jihad," is available at Amazon.com. |
Apparently Israel is no longer a voting issue for most American Jews. Seventy-eight percent of American Jewish voters cast their ballots for Senator Barack Obama on November 4. Obama, who boasted the most liberal voting record in the Senate, has never distinguished himself as a firm supporter of Israel and opposed the Kyl-Lieberman Amendment that called on the State Department to place Iran's Revolutionary Guards on its list of international terrorist organizations. Obama counts no deeply committed Zionists among his close associates. Men and women like Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Samantha Power, Zbigniew Brzezinski, William Ayers, Robert Malley and Rashid Khalidi were all people Obama turned to for advice, guidance and support in his early years in politics and as a U.S. senator considering a run for the White House. His "pro-Israel" advisers mainly late pick-ups as the presidential race progressed included no ardent Zionists to oppose the voices of his anti-Israel advisors. Instead, Obama turned to Dennis Ross and Daniel Kurtzer to advise him on the Middle East. These men, like his designated White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, have views of Israel that are indistinguishable from the positions of Israel's post-Zionist Meretz party. During the course of the campaign, Obama gained notoriety for his hard left promises to appease U.S. foes like Iran, largely at the expense of U.S. allies like Israel. It could have been presumed that his expressed willingness to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would have raised red flags throughout the American Jewish community. After all, given the failure of the now five-year-old European-U.S. attempt to appease Iran into ending its nuclear weapons program, it is apparent that a direct U.S. presidential dialogue with Ahmadinejad will be perceived by Iran as a green light to complete its nuclear weapons program. But American Jewish voters were only too happy to believe Obama's unconvincing attenuations of his pledge to hold talks with Ahmadinejad without preconditions. American Jews were also eager to accept his unconvincing disavowals of his association with the likes of Wright, Power, Khalidi, Malley and Brzezinski. Obama is now signaling his support for the so-called Saudi Peace Plan, first released in 2002, which calls for Israel to essentially destroy itself in exchange for its Arab neighbors establishing "normal" relations with it. The Saudi plan calls for Israel to remove itself completely to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines and accept millions of foreign-born, hostile Arabs as full citizens as part of the so-called right of return of the descendants of Arabs who left Israel in 1948. The fact that the Saudi initiative even if Israel were to commit national suicide by taking such steps limits the relations the Arabs would have with the rump bi-national state to "normal" rather than "peaceful" shows clearly that far from being a peace plan, it is a blueprint for Israel's destruction. In light of all of this, it is apparent that by voting for Obama, four-fifths of American Jews voted for a candidate more openly hostile to the U.S.-Israel alliance than any other major-party presidential candidate in the past generation. One might argue that American Jews were simply unaware of Obama's actual views on Israel. It is true, after all, that the U.S. media worked overtime throughout the campaign defending and hiding Obama's longstanding connections to haters of the U.S. But despite the media effort to conceal or explain away difficult truths about Obama's character, concerned American Jewish voters had access to the facts. Any number of alternative media outlets provided a steady stream of information about Obama's associations with Israel bashers. More than anything else, the willingness of American Jews to believe Obama is pro-Israel shows they simply didn't care that much. If they had cared, they would have scrutinized Obama's alarming connections at least as carefully as they attacked Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for her anti-abortion views. They would have wondered what it means that Obama spent twenty years of his life in the pews of a deeply anti-Semitic church at least as much as they wondered about a Jews for Jesus preacher who once spoke at Palin's church. There are several possible and complementary explanations for American Jewry's apparent indifference to Israel's fate. High assimilation rates cause many American Jews to feel more attachment to non-Jewish causes than to Jewish causes. At the same time, the watering-down of Jewish teachings in various Jewish communities and the replacement of Jewish law and traditions with amorphous and trendy concepts of "social justice" and multiculturalism have engendered a basic ignorance of the exceptional significance and beauty of Judaism among a large portion of American Jews. Then there is the leadership crisis affecting world Jewry. Weak and uninspiring Israeli leaders and weak and uninspiring American Jewish leaders have failed to assert and explain the connection between Israel's security and the wellbeing of the American Jewish community. Whereas until the 1980s it went without saying for most American Jews that their fortunes were directly tied to Israel's security, today the unity of Jewish fate has been lost on ever widening circles of American Jews. To all of this must be added the unique self-perception of American Jewry. The American Jewish community is the only community in Jewish history that refused to view itself as an exile community. Even before the American Revolution, Jewish settlers in the New World viewed America as a permanent home. As a consequence, on a philosophical level American Jews have always held Israel and Zionism at arm's length. They could support Israel as a refuge for persecuted Jews from other countries, but they couldn't support Israel as the permanent and irreplaceable homeland for all Jews without revoking the foundational belief of their American Jewish identity. Today Israel is threatened with annihilation and the U.S. Jewish community is suffering from more blatant and organized anti-Semitic attacks than it has seen in the past fifty years. But during this year's presidential campaign, the basic truth that the security of all Jews is dependent on the security of Israel was no match for the full consequences of failed leadership, assimilation and the basic American Jewish desire to reject the singularity of Jewish destiny. Israel's next government will be called on to defend Israel against Iran and its Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese proxies, And it will be called to act at a time when the U.S. is led by an Obama administration pledged to appease these forces. Israel will have to rally all of its supporters in the U.S. to its side in order to stand up for its survival. In light of the American Jewish vote, it is an open question whether Israel will receive the help of its American Jewish brethren in its hour of need. Contact the poster at chetz18@aol.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, November 27, 2008. |
This was written by Isi Leibler and it appeared in the
Jerusalem Post
The interfaith conference of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia which took place under the auspices of the United Nations received wide acclamation. President Shimon Peres went to the lengths of telling the Assembly that he wished that "King Abdullah's voice would become the prevailing voice of the whole region, of all people". The World Jewish Congress published a full page advertisement in The New York Times praising the monarch who leads one of the most oppressive and anti-Semitic regimes in the world. To their credit, the Saudis were upfront about Israel, stressing that Peres and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni were present by virtue of their UN membership and not by Saudi invitation, and that the King would not engage in any contact with them. And, despite his somewhat servile remarks in praise of Abdullah, Peres was strongly criticized by the Saudi foreign minister. As a reward for groveling to King Abdullah, the World Jewish Congress was invited to the conference after the Saudis had the chutzpa to brazenly inform them that major Jewish organizations including the American Jewish Committee, the Presidents Conference, and the Anti Defamation League were "too political" and would thus be excluded! It was shameful and unprecedented for a reputable Jewish organization to participate at an interfaith conference at which outsiders like the Saudis were able to veto who represents the Jewish people. It was even more outrageous that the Jews who did participate in the event failed to challenge the behavior of the Saudi regime or even relate to the vicious anti-Semitism which dominates Saudi society. After all, it was Wahhabi preachers from Saudi Arabia who initially provided the inspiration for al Qaeda, until the latter turned on the Saudi leaders, accusing them of corruption and collusion with the US and Western world. To this day, Saudi money is utilized to promote global jihad.
THIS INTERFAITH activity must also be viewed in the context of the global campaign launched by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the umbrella body representing 57 Moslem states, to criminalize any criticism of Islam including Shar'ia law. The members of the OIC include the most tyrannical and repressive states in the world. Many deny human rights to their own citizens and brutally persecute non-Islamic religious minorities, denying them freedom of worship. Even purportedly moderate Islamic countries such as Egypt endorse domestic campaigns inciting their citizens to hatred of non-Islamic minorities, concentrating in particular on promoting the crudest forms of anti-Semitism. Some of these countries, like Saudi Arabia, also seek to globally extend the application of Shar'ia law, which incorporates barbaric practices such as stoning adulterous women to death, decapitating blasphemers, homosexuals and apostates, and cutting off limbs as punishment for petty theft. The OIC bitterly complains that Islamophobia in Western countries is rampant and escalating. Yet taking into account that global terrorism today emanates overwhelmingly from Islamic fundamentalists including those born and bred in the societies hosting them it is surely a tribute to Western communities that they continue to peacefully co-exist with their Moslem minorities. Without detracting from the obligation to combat hatred against Moslems and all minorities, the reality is that despite protestations to the contrary from liberals, Moslems residing in Europe face far less institutionalized discrimination than what other migrant groups, including Jews, underwent in the past. Moreover, they are not targeted by terrorists in contrast to European Jews, their mosques and schools do not require round the clock security guards. It is also astonishing that some Moslem organizations have the impudence to demand an end to security profiling, though over 95 percent of global terrorist acts originate from radical jihadists. Profiling is undertaken exclusively as a pragmatic means to maximize security and is not related to racist bias. If red-headed individuals committed the bulk of terrorist acts it would surely not be unreasonable to profile redheads for security screening. It is even more bizarre that demands to ban profiling are frequently supported by liberals, including paradoxically, Jews who themselves represent the prime targets for acts of terror. The OIC campaign has made considerable inroads, with the UN Secretary General recently boasting that "in confronting the Danish cartoons [caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad] and the Dutch film FITNA, we sent a clear message to the West regarding the red lines that should not be breached." In other words, violence, murder and blackmail have succeeded in forcing impotent Western governments to appease radical Islamist forces, even at the price of compromising hitherto sacrosanct commitments to freedom of expression. Resolutions calling for criminal prosecution of anyone criticizing Islam or Islamic practices have already been formally adopted by the inappropriately named UN Human Rights Council and subsequently by the UN General Assembly. The discredited UN Human Rights Council, which concentrates the bulk of its efforts on delegitimizing Israel, has now formally endorsed a resolution prohibiting any discussion during its proceedings that could be deemed to be critical of Islam, Moslem practice or Shar'ia law. Yet this same body has shamelessly avoided condemning human rights violations including the genocidal killings by the barbaric Islamic Sudanese government at Darfur.
THE CURRENT priority for the Human Rights Council is to ensure that the forthcoming Durban II conference is transformed into a launching pad for resurrecting the previous Durban anti-Semitic hate fest demonizing Israel. The structure of the Durban 2 Preparatory Committee says it all. The chairman is a former Libyan ambassador who described Israel as "the most tyrannical regime in the world," and he is backed by an Iranian deputy chairman. The Committee held one of its most important meetings on Yom Kippur to ensure that Israelis and Jews would not participate. In its recently released Final Document for Discussions, undisguised bias is reflected in the language employed. It refers to "Israeli apartheid," the "racist Israeli Law of Return", Palestinians as "victims of Israeli racism," and so on. This abominable body is simultaneously proclaiming that "the most serious manifestations of the defamation of religion are the increase in Islamophobia and the worsening situation of Moslem minorities throughout the world." It is incomprehensible why it took until now for Israel to recognize that Durban 2 is controlled by our most venomous enemies and is intended to serve as a global platform for promoting anti-Semitism and Israel bashing. Had we from the outset supported the Canadian decision to boycott this bogus conference, the Americans and many other democratic nations might also have resolved to distance themselves from these hate mongers. To offset these challenges, Israel must seek to create alliances with democratic nations and NGOs. Likewise, where possible, Diaspora Jewish organizations should seek out moderate Moslem groups with whom to promote genuine interfaith relationships. But such activity must be transparent. Those who accept as a precondition to dialogue the exclusion of Israeli participants or restrictions on discussion relating to Israel are harming the Jewish cause, providing respectability to extremists and marginalizing moderate Moslems. Without diminishing our ongoing efforts to outlaw hate crimes or incitement against all minorities, including Moslems, we must resist OIC attempts to pressure Western countries into criminalizing criticism of religion which, aside from being an unprecedented restriction of freedom of expression, would also deny us the opportunity of exposing Islamic extremism. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, November 27, 2008. |
This is by Amy Kazmin and it appeared today in Financial Times
For thousands of Jewish travellers visiting Mumbai each year ranging from Orthodox business people to young Israeli backpackers the five-year old Chabad House was an important port of call, offering services that ranged from Kosher meals to holiday services to the sympathetic ear of a young rabbi. But on Wednesday night, the Chabad House was one of the carefully-selected targets of the devastating terror attacks that rocked Mumbai. An Israeli rabbi connected to Chabad House was among at least three people being held hostage by gunmen. According to Reuters a woman and a child were released and one of the gunmen was killed. However, at least four armed men remained in the building by mid afternoon on Thursday Mumbai time. The choice of the Chabad House as a target, heightening suspicions about the attackers' potential international links, or influences. India's own radical Muslims have traditionally focused their wrath on the dominant Hindu population and has never previously targetted India's tiny and diminishing indigenous Jewish community, which number just a few thousand. The founders of the Chabad centre, Rabbi Gabriel Holtzberg, a young Israeli who also holds US citizenship, and his wife Rifka, were part of the Chabad Lubovitch movement, which is dedicated to deepening religious practice and observation among Jews both faithful and secular. Along with working in traditional large Western centres with large Jewish populations, young Chabad rabbis, known as emissaries, have in recent years spread to far-flung corners of the globe, including Asia, catering to the needs of both local Jewish communities, often expatriates on assignment in business centres, and Jewish travellers. Besides promoting religious worship, study and observance, Chabad rabbis in Asia are also known for their support and aid to Jews in distress, whether as a result of illness, injury, trouble with the law, or other problems. Rabbi Holzberg and his wife set up the Chabad House in Mumbai about five years ago, soon after he finished his rabbinical training, during which he also spent a year working with a a Chabad rabbi in Bangkok. Since then they had a son, who is now two-years-old "Like all Chabad rabbis everywhere, he is a one stop response for everything a Jew would need spiritual or material," said Rabbi Yosef Kantor, a Chabad rabbi in Bangkok, who worked closely with Rabbi Hertzberg. "He is a man with a very big heart...He was very committed to the mission he took upon himself to do whatever was necessary to fulfill the needs of the Jewish community there." The Mumbai Chabad House which owned the building in which it was located catered especially to growing numbers of business travellers coming to the city each year. It also catered to some of the large numbers of Israeli backpackers who typically travel around India after completing their military services, as well as to the needs of Mumbai' s own historic, but small and rapidly shrinking indigenious Jewish community. Contact Barbara Sommer at sommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Avodah, November 27, 2008. |
This is from the Joe Settler website, a blog about the Jewish State. |
Last night I was at the Moshe Feiglin Primary event. The hall was packed and full of electricity. One particular event stood out in my mind for its hilarity. They showed a video of Moshe on some Israeli talk show facing off with one of the heads of Peace Now. As expected, the Leftist was saying that they are the only game in town and the Right has no solution. So Moshe took him to task. He got him to admit what he defines as the crux of the problem the friction between the Arab community and the Israeli community, that Arabs and Jews (or was it Palestinians and Israelis?) can't live together. He had him say he loves Eretz Yisrael all the while the Leftist kept trying to argue where the borders are, Moshe kept firm and said Eretz Yisrael and didn't discuss borders. Moshe pointed out that despite $150 Billion Dollars spent in additional security and peace measure since Oslo (from security guards to the Wall) we are further from peace and security than ever, and it is just costing more and more. Moshe then pointed out 2 Arab university studies that clearly stated that 80% of Gazans and 60% of Arabs in Judea and Samaria would like to leave and permanently move elsewhere (Dubai, Canada, and the EU leading the list of desired locations). The Peace Nower kept arguing that those studies are meaningless and irrelevant to any discussion. The show interviewer kept throwing up the word "transfer". They became heated and irrational in their responses. But Moshe calmly continued and asked, why they didn't have a problem paying Jews to leave, but do have a problem paying Arabs? Can they understand their double standard? Can they not accept that their Land for Peace formula is not working. Then Moshe dropped the bombshell. Moshe continued and pointed out that if the $150 Billion additional Dollars spent on all the additional security measures since Oslo had been wisely utilized, every Arab family in Israel could have received a minimum of $250,000 dollars each to start off a new life elsewhere. And as Israel continues to throw away money on never-ending security measure, the amount per family could actually double or triple that not bad for your typical Arab who may at best make $5000 a year under Palestinian rule (average Palestinian salaries dropped a lot ever since the PA took over). And what country wouldn't want a new immigrant with a quarter million dollars in their bank account? At that point, the logic hit some of the other people in the show (not right wingers in fact) and they started to argue that Moshe was 100% right, and why aren't we considering that alternative instead. Moshe continued to bash the Peace Nower and asked him, does he really love Eretz Yisrael like he claims, and can he consider a moral and workable solution like this one or does he just want to kick Jews out of their homes and in reality doesn't love Eretz Yisrael? You can guess the response. In the meantime, I just find it amusing that someone would consider it immoral to offer someone (who makes just $5000 a year) $250,000 dollars to move to a new location and start a new and peaceful life. There wouldn't even be enough conflict there to even turn it into a reality TV show. Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com. And visit his blog at
Posted by Stan Goodenough, November 27, 2008. |
A Jerusalem District Court judge ruled Tuesday that an Israeli police effort to prevent a Jewish settler from living near Hebron, in what Israel's enemies call the West Bank, was unconstitutional. What was described as a mob of policemen, acting under court orders of some kind, raided the family home of Noam Federman and his wife in the early hours of the morning on October 25, reportedly smashing windows and doors, then pulling nine sleeping children out of their beds, hitting some of them, forcing them to get out, and then bulldozing their home, with all the family's possessions still inside. Federman was arrested for allegedly using violence against the police. They then petitioned the courts to uphold a ban against him entering Judea and Samaria. Judge Moshe Drori said the police request to have Noam Federman banned from entering Samaria and Judea was disproportionate " inasmuch as they sought to prevent Federman from living in a significant portion of the land of Israel." The judge also noted, cynically, that whereas the police were wanting to charge Federman with using violence against them "the one who came out of the violence totally bruised on his entire body because of that 'violence' was actually [Federman] and not the police." Israel's police, who have the unenviable task of working 24/7 to combat both crime and terrorism, have not been averse to working with the left side of the country's political establishment and acting against the so-called settlers the strongly Zionist Jews many of who live in Samaria and Judea precisely because they believe God has commanded them to settle that land. The police, in turn, are acting on the orders of an Israeli government too weak or too cowardly to stand up against the world's demand that they vacate the land of their forefathers and surrender it to the Arabs. Drori, a kippa-wearing judge, referenced the Bible in his ruling in Federman's favor. "I would like to note," he wrote: "that the State's representative apparently did not take notice of the Weekly Torah Portion that was read aloud around the time he made his claims. It is written there that G-d decided to overturn Sodom and Gomorra because of their heavy sins. Yet even there, where the sins were 77 times worse than we could imagine, the Creator enabled the Patriarch Abraham to plead for them before He delivered any punishment." While not condoning any alleged acts of violence on Federman's part, Drori asked: "Let every person decide for himself how he would act if a police officer turns to him at 1:30 in the night and wants to give him papers ordering him out of his house, with his wife and nine young children sleeping in their beds, and their father sees himself responsible for their welfare and safety... The State did not bother to explain why it needed a force of 100 policemen to remove a person from a military zone that had been closed for ten months, with no prior warning or attempt at dialogue... The eviction was not balanced, not reasonable, not right and not appropriate." Defense Minister Ehud Barak has reportedly decided to appeal the court's decision. Stan Goodenough is a Christian Zionist; a South African national; a Mayflower descendant; an 18-year resident of the State of Israel.Jerusalem Newswire is a news service operating out of Jerusalem,
Israel, that provides a condensed source of the most important daily
news stories out of the region together with what we believe to be
pertinent analyses and commentary. This article is archived at
Posted by Dr. Babu Suseelan, November 27, 2008. |
Several Jihadi terrorists have stormed luxury hotels, crowded railway stations and an old Jewish center in Mumbai, killing more than 100 people. Hundreds of people were injured. Among the dead were Indians, Australians, Japanese and British. Jihadi terrorists also seized the Mumbai headquarters of the Jewish outreach group center Chabad Lubavitch. The savage and predatory Jihadi terrorism in Mumbai is aimed at reasserting or tightening Jihadi control over the Kafir country, India. Jihadi terrorism is nothing new in India. It is as old as Islamic invasion of India. It is widespread and systemic. Jihadi terrorism is an intrinsic part of Islam. Jihadi terrorism could not flourish as it does without the support or at least toleration of the institutions like the media, the judiciary, the police and bureaucracy. The bogus secular Congress government, media and the alienated Indian intellectuals do not openly condemn Jihadi terrorism. By treating Jihadi terrorism as individual acts of disgruntled Muslims, journalists, social scientists and pseudo secular political leaders conceal the Islamic politics underlying Jihadi terrorism. They whitewash Islamic terrorism with bogus theories and phony social analysis and in the process preclude public discussion on the real cause of Jihadi terrorism namely Islam. Yet without public discussion on the root cause of Jihadi terrorism we cannot plumb the reverberations on the Islamic psyche of feeling permitted to terrorize non-Muslims. The history of modern India is a shameful chronicle of the pseudo secular Congress party's disinterest and indifference in curtaining Jihadi terrorism. The Congress government leader's deliberate trampling of citizen's rights and their repeated betrayal of public trust has grown up behind a curtain of denial, indifference and ignorance. The recent Jihadi terrorism in Mumbai proves the horrible betrayal of the ruling Congress party which is nothing than genocide. The Congress policy on Jihadi terrorism promulgated by Italian Sonia Manio's government, under the auspicious of Manmohan Singh is a disguised program of appeasement of Jihadis through extra privileges. The Congress government instead of acknowledging its legal and moral responsibilities to the majority and safeguarding freedom and security in good faith, now proposes to wash its own hands on the majority, passing the buck to disgruntled Islamists. It is time for the majority to challenge the Congress government to reexamine their unfortunate and ineffective policy on Jihadi terrorism. Instead of offering hope, freedom, safety and security, the Congress government is providing despair and fear, frustration instead of freedom, cultural annihilation instead of life in the just society. It seems that the Congress government shows more interest in preserving and protecting Jihadi terrorists than the peace loving nationalist majority. Indifference? We have witnessed the growing concern of Jihadi terrorism in all major cities of India. Hundreds of people were dead and injured. We have watched the justifiably indignant reaction of fellow Indians to the horrors of Jihadi terrorism in New Delhi, Assam, Kerala, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Vododhara, and Coimbatore. Television has brought into our homes the sad plight of dead people injured people and their families. Yet the government has ignored the plight of the victims and the seriousness of Jihadi terrorism. The facts are available, dutifully complied and checked over by the police and intelligence agencies. The Congress government's deliberate ignorance and indifference on Jihadi terrorism is inexcusable and suicidal. The government has almost endless resources to wipe out Jihadi terrorism. But the Congress government and the political leaders responsible for matters relating to security have been outstanding in their indifference and ignorance and remarkable in their insensitivity to the security needs and aspirations of the peace loving, and tolerant majority. More often, government leaders are busy appeasing criminal thinking Muslims and terrorists and buckle under Islamic political pressure. The government leaders make decisions, the policies, the plans and programs to encourage, appease, and promote Jihadi terrorism in order to increase their own importance and stress the need for their own continued presence. If the majority citizens are to realize their potential, and protect their freedom, safety and security, they have to take part in Indian affairs. They have to flex their muscles. If the present leadership is unable to come to terms with Jihadi terrorism, unable to confront its root cause that is Islam, unable to win respect for the rights and safety of the majority, the public will have no reason to believe that the existing political system has much meaning for them. The public should organize and organize effectively to destroy the Jihadi-Congress nexus. Only by being active, can we ever be at peace. Contact Dr. Suseelan at b.suseelan@gmail.com |
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, November 27, 2008. |
From M:
m |
Two of the dead terrorists have been identified as citizens of Pakistan. One of the arrested terrorists has confessed allegiance to Lashkar-e-Taiba. This event has been structured like a war on the nation with sixteen different studios of action within one night seizing the entire city. It may not be ruled out that once "O" is in office in January, one of the first things that happens is a co-ordinated strike on Pakistan with US and India together playing the larger studio. I am unable to ignore the fact that the only civilian building that the terrorists today seized, the Nariman House is a tiny four storied house amidst business skycrapers on the Nariman Point. This Nariman House was owned by and resided into by an Israeli family of six. List members may pardon my reflexivity obsessed mind and not read it necessarily as conspiracy theory. Unfortunately for all the positive thinking that dominates the world, conspiracy is a reality and not mere theory. Yossi, the use of the word studio by you holds a very important significance in many senses. From: Yosi Sent: Sushil, be safe! It is most instrumental to learn that the terrorists hijacked police cars. It is a tactic that had been advanced in an al-Qaidah website instructional video along with dressing up to the occasion using uniform and learning the communications systems used by police and others.The diffusion of innovation is impressive. The multi theatre operations, coordinated and somehow rehearsed is also remindful of mid east and certain European actions. If there is logic behind this actions that goes beyond the advertised torture reason it may go beyond tourists scare.It may suggest the onset of a new terror by Islamic Fascists that may include US as well. While there is no reason to panic; there is every reason to be alert Yosi Contact Sonia Nusenbaum at nusenbaum@juno.com |
Posted by Barry Rubin, November 27, 2008. |
In explaining why he was too fearful to vote in Jerusalem's mayoral election, an east Jerusalem Palestinian shopkeeper, Issam Abu Rmaileh, said, "I would have liked to vote because it's in our interest, but who's going to protect me and my family afterwards?" Let's call it the Abu Rmaileh principle; it is extraordinarily important in the Middle East. Why should someone support you if you cannot protect them? If they cannot depend on you to be tough, they might as well play it safe by doing nothing or make their own deal through appeasement and shout radical slogans. Here is the Abu Rmaileh principle at a higher pay grade. Jordan's Foreign Minister Salah Bashir stated in a closed meeting, "For us the Iranian surge for hegemony has become a crisis," according to a participant who asked not to be named. And here's the flip side from a frustrated American colonel fighting in Iraq, "All these guys we rounded up, they're saying in the interrogation, if we don't torture them, we're not going to get the information." How important is popularity? According to the school enthusiastic about President-elect Barack Obama in the United States, it is everything. One journalist explained that al-Qaida is afraid of Obama because, presumably, he will win away Muslims from supporting radical Islamism. It is written in the Washington Post: "Even among the followers of radical groups, such as Hamas and the Taliban, Obama has inspired a sense of change and opportunity." That last statement intended to imply that even extremists like Obama is worded with a shocking, though unintentional, ambiguity. It is sure true that Hamas, the Taliban, Hizbullah, Iran, Syria, and al-Qaida view this "change" as an "opportunity." Unfortunately, they view it as an opportunity for being more aggressive. Here's how Iranian Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami put it, in words typical of the reaction from Iran and these other groups. He sees Obama's slogan of "change" as a retreat caused by Iran's revolution, which brought down American power, and says the United States is continuing to decline. For them, Barack the creator of a more popular America and a figure of weakness. Should there be any doubt that his flexibility will be interpreted as retreat, no matter how well-intentioned he is? The debate in Washington is far away from the debate in the Middle East. In America's capital, the talk is of how the radicals are more moderate than thought, how they will be won over by Obama's charisma and changed American policies. The disconnect between the region and the rationalizers is frightening. There is no policy change in Washington that will appease the radicals. And there are no concessions that will make an American president popular in a meaningful way among Middle Easterners. Even more worrisome, such steps are not going to make moderates feel more secure. Here the al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri gets it just right. He tells Obama: "It appears that you don't know anything about the Muslim world and its history... You are neither facing individuals nor organizations, but are facing a jihadi awakening and renaissance which is shaking the pillars of the entire Islamic world; and this is the fact which you and your government and country refuse to recognize and pretend not to see." Zawahiri even invokes the Abu Rmaileh principle: "It appears that you don't know anything about... the fate of the traitors who cooperated with the invaders against it." In other words, anyone who cooperates with the United States or fights the Islamists will die. Al-Qaida is not a very important group nowadays. But the rise of Islamist forces is clear, even though some of them are hostile to each other. It is Iran, not Ayman, who is the main beneficiary of this phenomenon, though Muslim Brotherhood groups most notably Hamas are also advancing. How are President George Bush and his successor identical? Both believe that being liked in the Middle East will bring victory. Bush thought that by gifting the locals with a non-dictatorial Iraq and democracy they would come to love him. The opposite happened. Obama's strategy of being a nice guy and making concessions is likely to be less costly in direct terms for the United States but will also be used by the radicals for their own benefit. One problem with the belief that Obama's popularity and flexibility will succeed is the Abu Rmaileh principle: Don't tell me who is nice; tell me who is going to protect me. Being feared and respected, as Syrian dictator Bashar Assad rightly put it, is more important than being liked. Osama bin Ladin noted that people understandably prefer to put their money on the horse that seems more certain to win the race. A second problem is how people in the Middle East are going to find out that you are such a great guy. They don't follow the American or European media but local sources, including both government and radical Islamist propaganda. The frustrated American colonel in Iraq quoted above was bewildered by the fact that ""We poured a lot of our heart and soul into trying to help the people" only to hear them say the most inaccurate things about the United States stealing their oil, taking their land, and "turning our country over to Israel." A US pull-out may well be the right policy, but it will not bring gratitude. What's needed is not a president who can work with Iran or Syria but a president who can work with Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Lebanese forces who want their country to be free, and so on, along with Israel and Europe in a grand alignment. Yes, it is in large part a zero-sum game: What makes Teheran or Damascus happy is going to damage their intended victims. Alas, just because something isn't true doesn't mean people can't believe it. That's a truism applicable both to the Middle East and to Washington DC. Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center, Interdisciplinary Center, and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs. His latest book is "The Truth About Syria". |
Posted by Ellen W. Horowitz, November 27, 2008. |
Like a number of OU products, this one was stamped "parve". The one page document which made its way across my desk is entitled: Working in Coalition with Evangelical Christians. And, according to reports, it is one of a number of resolutions which is expected to be approved at this week's Orthodox Union Convention in Jerusalem. It is clearly an American document, and it sort of reads like "Diaspora Jewry's First Amendment in praise of Evangelicals". The statement endorses shared values regarding religious liberty, support for parochial schools, tax policies, attitudes on same-sex marriage, and physician assisted suicide; while "agreeing to disagree" on issues like stem cell research and matters related to reproductive health policy. Modern Orthodox American rabbis are certainly intune with American culture and headlines. But one wonders if Orthodox Union rabbinic leaders read Israeli papers, or if they are in sync with those matters concerning their Jewish brethren in Israel. Those OU members who did manage to peruse their morning Jerusalem Post, on the eve of the conference, should have picked up the hint that something is terribly amiss in the holy land when headlines reported that Birthright now finds itself in the position of having to screen out Messianic Jews (JPost, November 26). And that a messianic attorney for the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, called the screening practice "blatant, ridiculous discrimination" and "a shame." That fundamentalist Christians now have a political, legislative, economic, cultural, philanthropic, and religious foothold in Israel as well as property holdings should have piqued the interest of any rabbi concerned with Jewish continuity. Missionary activity is running unchecked in the Jewish state and the spiritual integrity of the Jewish people is in jeopardy due to a lack of ethical accountability, legislation, and rabbinic guidelines vis a vis our relationship with impassioned Christian leaders and organizations whose very raison d'etre is and remains evangelism. These matters should surely be of the utmost concern to Jewish leaders and yet I don't see the OU addressing the halachic implications of accepting Christian monetary donations, or placing limits on Christian involvement in Israel's political decision-making and legislative process. Nor has the problematic issue of the evangelical quest for a "Judeo-Christian" union been broached by our spiritual leaders. The Jewish people are at a loss over whether or not to attend evangelical-sponsored joint prayer sessions and theologically-loaded events. And laws pertaining to avoda zara are rarely addressed by our rabbinic authorities. Basic halacha with regards to real estate purchases and conducting business with gentiles in Eretz Yisrael fails to make the rabbinic agenda, and many rabbanim steer clear of any debate having to do with freedom of religious expression versus prohibitions against spreading the gospel, and the need for counter-missionary legislation in Israel. Without rabbinic guidance and consensus the Torah observant Israeli and Diaspora public don't have an inkling of how to approach or avoid the growing Hebrew Christian and apostate Jewish community which sees Jesus as their lord and savior, and who want recognition as a legitimate community in Israel. All Orthodox rabbinic leaders should be up in arms over aggressive attempts to change the Law of Return in order to accommodate messianics. A vague statement that "many non Orthodox American Jews and their organizations have consistently questioned the advisability of working in coalition with Evangelicals...due to disagreement on other matters" is included in the resolution, but the OU statement fails to elucidate on what those "other matters" are although they hint that they are political or theological in nature. I can tell you that one of those "other" concerns has to do with the evangelical's overt missionary agenda. Another difference of opinion may be over the territorial integrity of Jerusalem. But with regards to Jerusalem, surely Orthodox rabbis even American ones should have some sense of Jewish history. While numerous nations, empires, and crusaders have all valued and attached themselves to Jerusalem for political, territorial or religious purposes; without a respect for Judaism that support is worthless, detrimental and destructive to the Jewish people. And as long as numerous evangelical groups continue to see the Land of Israel as fertile ground for "harvesting souls", while simultaneously "supporting" us, then one has to question their level of respect for our faith and for our people. In the final paragraph of the statement, OU does indeed express an awareness "of the desire of some Evangelical Christians, as a matter of faith, to spread their religion to Jews", and the OU claims they will "remain vigilant to the dangers this presents to Jewish continuity". However, by relegating this concern to the end of a resolution replete with words of appreciation and gratitude to evangelicals, it takes on the status of a mumbled afterthought. It would have been far more appropriate and effective had the Orthodox Union had the gumption to place this matter of concern at the top of their agenda after all Jewish continuity is the priority. Perhaps the most unsettling part of the OU statement does come at the beginning. OU uses the legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik z"l to defend their partnering with evangelical groups. It appears that the Rav did indeed, as the statement claims, encourage working "in partnership with all people in the service of human welfare and rights" while proscribing theological interfaith dialogue. However the current relationship being nurtured with evangelicals is inevitably replete with religious, biblical and eschatological discourse and theme. And this cooperation is often couched within the context of "preserving our Judeo-Christian heritage" something the Rav utterly rejected. It's worth asking ourselves whether or not evangelical exclusivity has actually hindered the message of a universal striving for morality which Rav Soloveitchik did encourage, and whether or not it contributes to the alienation of non-Orthodox Jews from their Orthodox brethren. Rav Soloveichik's legacy is that of a genius who did not skirt weighty matters nor treat them superficially. His writings and halachic rulings are absolutely profound. The OU resolution on working with evangelicals is bereft of a spirit of soul-wrestling and introspection and the Rav loved to wrestle. He was hardly parve. Even Rav Soloveitchik's halachic essay on interfaith dialogue was entitled "Confrontation", and not "accommodation". Indeed one wonders if OU's feeble and evasive stand on the missionary threat facing Israel would be deemed as an insult to the Rav who back in November of 1963 joined the halachic giants of his generation and penned a no-nonsense protest to then Prime Minister Levi Eshkol: We the undersigned...shuddered at reports of missionary activity in the Holy Land, which threatens our survival as one people in the Land and in the Diaspora... We turn to the Prime Minister...to bring to an end by legislative means the duplicity of the missions which wean Jews away from their faith." The Orthodox Union's statement abounds with "feel good" declarations on religious freedoms and American values, but it is simply too comfortable, lacks backbone, and is not intune with the reality on the ground here in Israel. UPDATE November 30, 2008: I was informed last night (motzei Shabbat) that the OU resolution which is the subject of the below article, and was scheduled for approval at last week's convention in Jerusalem, has been withdrawn and is under reassessment due to new information being brought to light. This decision followed a flurry of activity including several private meetings with key figures from the Orthodox Union, as well as intense lobbying efforts by the newly formed grassroots movement "Jewish Israel" (their public awareness online portal will be launched next month) They can be contacted at info@JewishIsrael.com, or you can email me at ellenwrite@bezeqint.net] Ellen Horowitz and her family live on the Golan Heights. She is the author of The Oslo Years: A Mother's Journal and is working on a new book which takes a critical look at the Israel-Evangelical relationship |
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, November 27, 2008. |
This is from Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugged website
Keep telling us that Islamic anti-semitism is a figment of Bostom's imagination. Keep telling us this is not about good and evil. I wonder if the UN is going to strongly condemn the Rabbi's family for being such a desirable target. Is reporting this story insulting to Islam and in violation of the UN resolution against "defaming Islam". Chabad's website reported Wednesday night that the organization's emissary to India and his wife Rivka were missing. The couple has a two-year-old child. According to the report, one of Holtzberg's friends received an email from the rabbi at around 11:30 pm (local time). Israeli Consulate was in touch with Holtzberg, but the line was cut in middle of the conversation. Did the Rabbi have a Uzi and if not, why not? For every Jew, a 22. Report: Mumbai Terrorists Abducted Chabad Rabbi's Family
(IsraelNN.com) Muslim terrorists in Mumbai reportedly have abducted Chabad Rabbi Gabriel Holtzberg, his wife Rivka and their child. Indian television reported that six Israelis are being held hostage. Indian media reported that a couple and their teenage son, none of them Israelis, were Rabbi_chabad_family killed in the Chabad House, called the Nariman House. One terrorist also was killed. Gunfire occasionally has been heard from the building, which the army has surrounded. At least 101 people, including five terrorists, have died since the attacks began, and 600 others have been wounded. The terrorists have held more than 250 people as hostages in the Chabad House, a hospital and luxury hotels. Several other Israelis have maintained telephone contact from their eight floor hotel rooms. The Chabad website reported that "the situation is grim." Commando forces have arrived by sea and are battling the terrorists in an effort to rescue the hostage victims. ![]() UPDATE: (Video) Part of the Muslim's plan was to kidnap the Jews VIDEO There is growing concern Thursday evening that the Israelis who were taken hostage by terrorists who stormed the Chabad center in Mumbai, India have been killed, this after alarming information was relayed to Israel's senior-most officials. However, there has been no definite word of their fate. At around 4:30 am Thursday four terrorists took advantage of the
fact that local security forces were operating in several locations
throughout Mumbai and seized the Chabad center in the city.
Contact Sonia Nusenbaum at nusenbaum@juno.com
Posted by Aryeh Zelasko, November 27, 2008. |
Rabbi Yigal Shendorfi is one of the finest persons I have ever met. He has been MOSER NAFSHO to teach Torah and provide life guidance to hundreds, if not by now thousands, of Jewish youth. It is therefore not surprising that the unJewish, Torah haters of Israel have decided to persecute him. He is guilty not only of the crime of teaching Torah but of teaching love of the Land of Israel to his students. Furthermore he is guilty of the terrible crime of being a "settler" and asserting that the Land of Israel belongs by G-D given right to the people of Israel. The wonder is that unJews waited so long to persecute him. This is by Yechiel Spira and it appeared in Yeshiva
The rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Yeshu'at Mordechai, located in the Shomron community of Nachliel, Rabbi Yigal Shendorfi, was arrested on Tuesday night. According to YWN contacts in the community, the rabbi's arrest is seen as deterrence, sending a message that the authorities are now taking a harder stance, a lower-tolerance policy for residents of yishuvim in Yehuda and Shomron. Police waited for the rav as he traveled home, picking him up at the Kiryat Sefer Checkpoint. It appears that he is being held for alleged illegal activity in connection with protests that took place in the summer at the Yad Yair Outpost, near Nachliel. According to authorities, a number of security personnel and vehicles were injured and damaged as a result of the actions of youths at the outpost.
Rav Shendorfi is being arraigned on Wednesday with the state requesting he be held in incarceration. Attorney Naftali Wurtzburger is representing the rav.
UPDATED THURSDAY MORNING: The rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Yeshu'at Mordechai, located in the Shomron community of Nachliel, Rabbi Yigal Shendorfi, was remanded to house arrest in the home of his brother in the community of Neriya, located a short distance from Nachliel. The house arrest order is valid until Friday. Authorities do not wish to permit the rabbi to return to his home, fearing contact with others who were present with him at the nearby Yad Yair Outpost in the summer. The rabbi is prohibited from speaking to anyone who was at the outpost during that period. YWN reported on his arrest, and it now appears he will face charges of incitement. During the rabbi's questioning, he was asked "What were you doing there?" The rav explained that the area at the time was not a 'closed military zone' so therefore his presence was not a violation of the law. As to why he was there he added then becomes an education issue and such a question he does not answer while being restrained in handcuffs. Also arrested with the rav was the yeshiva's mashgiach, Rav Shmuel Moro, who was also released to house arrest. When I spoke with him, he preferred not to release any details pertaining to the ordeal. (Yechiel Spira YWN Israel) Aryeh Zelasko lives in Beitar Illit, south of Jerusalem. He is Director of Sales and Marketing of Israel Visit (www.israelvisit.co.il) which provides information and an internet buying facility for American visitors to Israel. |
Posted by Rachel Chaya Leah Yadin, November 27, 2008. |
Please pray for the safe release of Chabad Rabbi and his wife being held hostage by 4 gun men! ![]() Contact Rachel Chaya Leah Yadin at sfardiprincess@hotmail.com |
Posted by Carrie Devorah, November 26, 2008. |
This is from Rabbi Eilfort Dear Friends, |
Search for Chabad Family in Mumbai After Terrorist Strike
The situation is grim late Wednesday in Mumbai (Bombay) India where reports of more than 80 dead and 250 wounded are seeping out of the beleaguered city. Of great concern is the silence from Chabad's representatives to Mumbai, Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg. No one from the Chabad center has been heard from since the attacks. ![]() The dead and wounded are victims of a sophisticated plot in which seven locations throughout the city were attacked by terrorists. Several of the city's most exclusive hotels, a restaurant, train station, and hotel were bombed. The attacks come as the country is consumed by controversial elections. The city, which is India's financial capital, plays host to many foreigners and their embassies are assisting in the search and rescue efforts. Lubavitch personnel in Bangkok, Israel and New York are working closely with the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the U.S. government to help establish contact with the Holtzbergs and other missing persons in the Chabad House area. Mumbai's Chabad House, situated near the sites of destruction, is a popular stop for Israeli tourists. The Holtzbergs offer a host of programs, including providing kosher food, to locals and visitors alike.
Carrie Devorah is an investigative photojournalist based in DC.
Former religion editor of "Lifestyles" Magazine, her areas of focus
are faith, homeland security and terrorism. Devorah is the sister of
Jewish Press columnist Yechezkel Chezi Scotty Goldberg, victim of
Egged Bus 19 bombing, 1-29-04. Goldberg was a noted psychologist with
expertise in at-risk youth. Contact her at carriedev@gmail.com
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 26, 2008. |
Last night at an Anglo Likud Forum at which some of the candidates for the Likud list spoke, I heard constitutional lawyer Yosi Fuchs founder of Forum for the Land of Israel that did so much to help the people of Gush Katif. In the course of speaking about various subjects, he commented that he was convinced that Ariel Sharon's total reversal of his previous stance on keeping Gush Katif was connected to legal problems he was having at the time. That is, in promoting the disengagement Sharon moved in accordance with a leftist position, as the prosecutorial and legal system in this country is peopled heavily with individuals who tilt left the supposition being that any action against him would be delayed if said people were pleased with his actions. Now, continued Fuchs, there is reason to believe that something similar is going on with Ehud Olmert, who came out of nationalist tradition and is now embracing stances "to the left of Meretz." ~~~~~~~~~~ Today the news carried reports of Olmert's statements on completing his visit with President Bush: "In principle there is nothing to prevent us from reaching an agreement on the core issues in the near future. I believe it is possible. I believe it is timely. A declaration is needed. I am ready to make it. I hope the other side is." This is a patently ridiculous as well as outrageous statement. Agreement on the core issues? Between now and February? He's joking. That means agreeing on the division of Jerusalem and on the issue of the refugees, not to mention final borders. I've covered this ground already. The PA is not going along with whatever it might be possible for Olmert to offer. And yet he says this. Of course, he covered himself, by indicating there wouldn't be any interim declarations, because he was aiming for a full agreement. Which, by the way, is what Abbas has been saying. But he let it be known that he wasn't going to stop trying to reach that agreement and that he considered that it was within his jurisdiction as a lame duck, transitional prime minister to do so. ~~~~~~~~~~ And now? Now we have a statement from Attorney General Menachem Mazuz who told Olmert today that he plans to indict him in the "Rishon Tours" affair, in which it is alleged that the prime minister sent bills to more than one organization for trips made abroad; the excess, said to be over $100,000, went into a special account and was apparently used by Olmert for private travel with his family. Olmert's attorneys will be given a hearing before the indictment is made. What I ponder, as do many others, is why it taken so long. This issue has been pending for months. ~~~~~~~~~~ Since Mazuz's announcement, MKs from across the political spectrum have been demanding that Olmert suspend himself immediately. MK Zehava Gal-On (Meretz) said Olmert "lacks the moral and public virtues that are necessary in order to lead." MK Ophir Paz-Pines (Labor) declared this "...a tragic day for the State of Israel. We've reached a new low point. It is wrong for a person accused by the state of criminal charges to continue sitting in prime minister's seat." MK Aryeh Eldad (NU-NRP) said he was disappointed with how slowly the legal system has been moving. "The public knows that a criminal is leading Kadima's government...[I am] constantly amazed at Olmert's 'chutzpa' as he continues to give away territories to the Arabs and promises withdrawals while his only mandate is over the attorneys who will represent him during the trial." MK Michael Eitan (Likud) expressed concern about our foreign policy. "Olmert should announce he is freezing all negotiations until a new government is elected...a transitional government led by a [soon to be] indicted man is a government lacking the legal and moral legitimacy required for leading a nation in political moves with far reaching consequences." ~~~~~~~~~~ Is this going to stop Olmert in his brazen tracks at last? His associates say he has already resigned [with the resignation to take effect when a new government is in place after February elections] and that is enough. Olmert says he has no intention of suspending himself. But Kadima head Tzipi Livni has been discussing this with party heads and may ask him to suspend himself. He is not doing the Kadima party any good before the election. ~~~~~~~~~~ I will note here that Olmert categorically denied that Bush had asked him not to take action in Iran. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 26, 2008. |
Melanie Phillips is one of those insightful, erudite commentators who is, as usual, deadly accurate in her summation of foreign and national problems. One is reminded of Caroline Glick and, not doubt hated by the twisty establishment who so ably hide behind verbiage otherwise called lying. Phillips dissects the planned establishment of another "Jihadist" State, completing the deadly necklace of Terrorist states, stretching from Iran and Syria/Lebanon in the North, through what Egypt and Libya will become when the Muslim Brotherhood takes over. They expect to become heirs to the "Jihad" (holy war against non-Muslim "infidels"). IF it comes into existence, the poisonous Muslim Arab Palestinian State will be the centerpiece established by the Bush-Rice Administration, followed by the Obama and his staff of very hostile Arabists. This appeared in the Spectator
On my recent travels in America, I met two types of Republicans: those possessed by the most profound, gut-wrenching fear of the supreme danger that President-elect Obama represented for their country and the world, and those who believed that he was merely a cynical opportunist who had used radical politics as a means of achieving power but who, mindful of the need not to derail his presidency and indeed to campaign for a second term, not to mention having to face up to the dual threats of economic and military armageddon, would throw all his radical associates under the bus and govern from the centre. This later prognosis may indeed turn out to be true; as I have said before, I desperately hope that circumstances will force Obama to repudiate his past. At present we do not know whether this will happen; and so far, I have seen nothing to suggest that it will. Unlike those who see in the emerging shape of his administration evidence that he will be a pragmatic centrist, I do not think it necessarily shows anything of the kind. For sure, he has made some solid and reassuring appointments, such as his Treasury team. But did anyone really believe that a radical president would appoint obvious radicals to key roles in his administration? Maybe he really was a centrist all along. But if not, the one thing Obama is not going to do is torpedo his presidency at the very start by displaying a radical bent. The name of the game must be not to frighten the horses, and never more so than in the two most explosive areas of all: the economy and Israel. After all, the oftlinerevolutionary Alinsky school of politics in which his politics to date have been solidly anchored is entirely about stealth, iron discipline and steady incremental cultural change under the radar, so that the terms o f political trade are changed forever, as summarized here. The aim is to achieve increased control at home and decreased power abroad, in order radically to change America and neuter its power. But it must be done with maximum deniability. But hang on, people say what about Hillary? Doesn't the fact that Obama wants to make her Secretary of State prove that Obama is a centrist, just like her? And what about Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, the son of a former Irgun Jewish terrorist? As have said before, Emanuel's parentage is irrelevant. As The Forward notes, he was not only a player in the catastrophic Oslo appeasement process but also supported the informal "Geneva initiative" which even doveish Israelis condemned as a suicide note for Israel. And as for Mrs Clinton, Hillary the Moderate is itself a fairly recent piece of triangulated reconstitution. Not that long ago, she was significantly to the left of her husband; and it must not be forgotten, crucially, that she herself is an Alinsky disciple. What is much more likely is that Hillary, a professed defender of Israel, would be used (as would, to a lesser extent, Rahm Emanuel) to provide deniable cover for Obama as his administration forces Israel to cut its own throat the centrepiece of what passes for his foreign policy to date. For surrounding Hillary would be appointments which would be solidly anti-Israel: people who believe that Israel must be forced to jeopardize its security to bring into being a Palestinian state which they think would lance the Islamist boil because they believe that Israel is not the victim but the cause of Islamist rage and global terror. It has been widely reported that Obama has been consulting the former Republican National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft, who is a leading voice in this camp. Moreover, according to the Wall Street Journal, Scowcroft is linked to a number of like-minded Republicans Obama is thought to be considering bringing into his administration, such as Jim Jones as his National Security Adviser. A few days ago, Scowcroft and Carter's former NSA Zbigniew Brzezinski (an open enemy of Israel and another of Obama's advisers) penned a significant op-ed in the Washington Post. This appeared to be a first draft of the Obama plan to force Israel back into its 1948 "Auschwitz" borders and bring a Palestinian state into being, in the quite remarkable belief that this would dissipate much of the appeal of Hezbollah and Hamas, dependent as it is on the Palestinians' plight. It would change the region's psychological climate, putting Iran back on the defensive and putting a stop to its swagger. What planet are they on? A Palestinian state would be run by Hamas as a proxy for Iran. As such, it would be a disaster for the Palestinians as several of them have now realized as well as for Israel, the region and the world. Moreover, to allay Israel's security concerns over handing over territory to a Palestinian government that is incapable of combating terrorism, Scowcroft, Brzezinski and Jones recommend stationing an international force, perhaps from NATO, in the disputed territories. Ah yes: to repeat the conspicuous success NATO troops achieved in bringing peace in Srebenica, for example, or Rwanda, or Lebanon? The Republicans, who really don't begin to grasp just what has hit them, similarly fail to acknowledge that among their own ranks are many who, just like in the British Conservative party, share with the left the desire to neutralize American power and th row Israel under the bus. Some of those people came to power under George W Bush and set him on the disastrous path to appeasement which his demented detractors on the left somehow failed altogether to notice. There are other unsettling indications that Obama may already be running a shadow foreign policy. Robert Malley, one of Clinton's Oslo negotiators, is one of America's most outspoken apologists for Palestinian terrorism against Israel and claims that Syrian, Lebanese and Iranian attacks against Israel are all Israel's fault. The Obama campaign distanced itself from Malley last May after the Times reported that he was meeting regularly with Hamas leaders. But a few days after Obama's election, Malley traveled to Syria, ostensibly under the aegis of the appeasement-minded International Crisis Group. Yet one of his aides told FrontPage Magazine that acting on Obama's instructions, Malley traveled to Cairo and Damascus to tell Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Syria's President Assad that "the Obama administration would take into greater account Egyptian and Syrian interests." And as Caroline Glick reported, Hamas terror operative Ahmad Youssef told the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that in the months leading up to his election, Obama's advisers held steady contacts with the leaders of the terror group in Gaza, and had asked that Hamas keep the meetings secret in order not to harm Obama's chances of being elected. If Israel is to be browbeaten into committing suicide, however, it is essential that the fingerprints of the Israel-haters are not found at the scene of the crime and that it is carried out instead by someone with impeccable credentials as an Israel supporter. That person may well be Hillary Clinton who, if appointed Secretary of State, will be expected to finish the job her husband failed to do and force a Palestine state into being. To fully grasp this, it has to be understood that there are two kinds of people who threaten to deliver Israel to its enemies for annihilation. The first are the Israel-haters who want to see it destroyed. The second are those on the left who, while believing they have Israel's interests at heart, believe also that its security can be guaranteed by a Palestine state. They thus see Israel's resistance to that state as the obstacle to peace in the region, whereas in fact it would pose a mortal threat to Israel (and now also to the region and the world, since such a state would be a proxy for Iran). That's why Clinton Mark One pressurized Israel to dismember itself under Oslo and in the process turned the Palestinians from a terrorist gang into an army with international backing. Clinton Mark Two would be Oslo all over again but this time trailing clouds of Iranian plutonium. While neutralizing America abroad, Alinkskyite politics mean c hanging the terms of trade at home to extend the power of the state and undermine western values. So it's no surprise that Melody Barnes, head of policy at the Centre for American Progress, is apparently to be director of the White House Domestic Policy Council. As Ed Lasky comments on American Thinker: The Center for American Progress is a Soros-funded group, of course. Here comes drug legalization, abortion on demand, and euthanasia. And then there's Eric Holder who has been named as Attorney-General. Holder was the Clinton administration's last deputy Attorney General. NRO recalls that notoriously he granted a pardon to the racketeer Marc Rich thanks to the intercession of his ex-wife, a generous donor to Clinton's library and legal-defense fund. Holder's role was aptly described as "unconscionable' by a congressional committee. Worse still: In 1999, over the objections of the FBI, the Bureau of Prisons, and prosecuting attorneys, Holder supported Clinton's commutation of the sentences of 16 FALN conspirators. These pardons "of terrorists who even Holder has conceded had not expressed any remorse" were issued in the months after al-Qaeda's 1998 U.S. embassy bombings, when the Clinton administration was pretending to be the scourge of terrorism. The commutations were nakedly political, obviously designed by Clinton to assist his wife's impending Senate campaign by appealing to New York's substantial Puerto Rican vote... He is convinced justice in America needs to be "established" rather than enforced; he's excited about hate crimes and enthusiastic about the constitutionally dubious Violence Against Women Act; he's a supporter of affirmative action and a practitioner of the statistical voodoo that makes it possible to burden police departments with accusations of racial profiling and the states with charges of racially skewed death-penalty enforcement; he's more likely to be animated by a touchy-feely Reno-esque agenda than traditional enforcement against crimes; he's in favor of ending the detentions of enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay and favors income redistribution to address the supposed root causes of crime. Yes, maybe Obama is really a centrist. But a real centrist would simply never choose such people to be in his administration. The most telling comment of all was made by Rahm Emanuel. As the Sunday Telegraph reported, he said of America's financial meltdown: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." He continued: "Things that we postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before." Yes, there's a silver revolutionary lining in every capitalist cloud. Carpe diem, eh? Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Kenneth R. Timmerman, November 26, 2008. |
Should the next administration reach out to the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and open negotiations "without preconditions" on a broad array of security issues? Would expanding ongoing diplomatic exchanges with Iran increase the chances of convincing Iran's clerical leaders to halt nuclear weapons-related work and stop their support for international terrorist groups? These are serious questions, worthy of a serious debate based on facts and a careful analysis of the Iranian regime's 30-year track record as a negotiating partner. But that is not what the pro-Iranian lobby wants to happen. Tehran's advocates in Washington believe they are on a roll. With a president-elect who has stated repeatedly that he would conduct negotiations "without preconditions" with the Islamic Republic of Iran, they feel the time now has come to advance Tehran's agenda openly in Washington. Leading the charge is a group calling itself the National Iranian American Council, NIAC, which has been lobbying Congress to win support for an agenda that mirrors the goals of the Tehran regime. The name of this group itself is misleading. Rather than assemble a broad cross-section of Iranian-Americans, most of whom came to this country to escape the totalitarian clutches of the Islamic dictatorship, NIAC has alienated them by brazenly portraying the Tehran regime as moderate, reasonable, and misunderstood. Victims of the regime such as Ahmed Batebi would have a hard time swallowing such a benign view of the thugs now running Iran. Mr. Batebi's sole crime was to hold up in public the bloody T-shirt of a Tehran University student who had been pushed to his death by regime agents from a third-floor dormitory balcony. For his audacity, Mr. Batebi was thrown in jail, tortured, threatened with death, then locked up for nearly a decade. He escaped to the United States earlier this year after being let out from prison on a furlough. NIAC's latest ploy has been to trot out a jolly band of "useful idiots" (to use V.I. Lenin's term) to parrot Tehran's line, while misleading Congress with false facts and dangerously mistaken theories. With grant money from a congeries of left-wing organizations, some of them funded by George Soros, NIAC has devised a five-point "plan" that calls for the new administration to "open the door to direct, unconditional and comprehensive negotiations" with Tehran. NIAC would have us believe Supreme Leader Ali "Khamenei's track record reveals a cautious decision-maker who acts after consulting advisers holding a range of views," and therefore he is a man we can do business with. The International Atomic Energy Agency has discovered that on Ayatollah Khamenei's "cautious" orders Iran was conducting secret and prohibited nuclear weapons work for 15 years. Equally cautious apparently, in NIAC's eyes was Ayatollah Khamenei's decision to order Hezbollah to launch more than 4,000 rockets against civilians in Israel during the summer war in 2006. Also cautious, from this point of view, was Iran's decision to evacuate hundreds of al Qaeda fighters and top leaders from Afghanistan shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on America, and provide them with safe haven, material support and a new base of operations inside Iran. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who is touted as the only Republican with a chance of keeping his job in the Obama administration, questioned the vanity of seeking "moderates" in Tehran in a Sept. 29 speech at the National Defense University. "I have been involved in the search for the elusive Iranian moderate for 30 years," he said. "Every administration since then has reached out to the Iranians in one way or another and all have failed. ... [T]he reality is the Iranian leadership has been consistently unyielding over a very long period of time in response to repeated overtures from the United States about having a different and better kind of relationship." The techniques used by the pro-Tehran lobby are reminiscent of those pioneered by Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, who wrote in 1941: "When one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it." An essential part of the big lie technique involves silencing critics. This is what NIAC tried to do on Tuesday in a U.S. Senate forum hosted by Sen. Thomas Carper, Delaware Democrat, by refusing entry to an accredited reporter unsympathetic to its cause and by turning off microphones for audience questions. While Tehran's track record is too extensive to be developed here, a top adviser to French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned the incoming U.S. administration it would be folly to pursue a new round of talks with Tehran. "We've been negotiating with the Iranians since 2003," said Therese Delpech said during a visit to Washington. "We came to the conclusion that they are not interested at all in negotiating, but in buying time for their military [nuclear] program." Whatever decision the Obama administration makes regarding Iran should be based on an appreciation of U.S. national security interests and the real threats from Iran, as described by Mr. Carper on Tuesday, not upon the advice of groups spouting the prescriptions of our adversaries. Kenneth R. Timmerman is a contributing editor for Newsmax Media. His latest book is "Shadow Warriors: The Untold Story of Traitors, Saboteurs, and the Party of Surrender"(Crown Forum, 2007).
This article appeared in the Washington Times
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 26, 2008. |
OBAMA RUN-OF-THE-MILL? The President-elect telephoned Abbas, and said he would work for the "two-state solution." One who says he favors the "two-state solution" doesn't know the answer or is anti-Zionist. That conventional slogan masks confusion or malevolence. Giving sovereignty to jihadists is no solution. It would engender more warfare. Neither would it make for two states in Palestine. There already are two, Israel and Jordan. WHAT IS A JUST SOLUTION FOR ARRESTED TERRORIST? At a checkpoint outside of Nablus, an Arab tried to stab a female Israeli soldier. Overpowered, he was taken for questioning. His explosives belt was removed and submitted to what Israel calls a "controlled demolition" (IMRA, 11/19). If not for the checkpoint, the terrorist would have gotten through. He might have used the explosive belt to murder people. The checkpoint saved innocent lives. I (and Judaism) value human life over convenience. Checkpoints are denounced by the State Dept., the UNO, and so-called human rights organizations for inconvenience to Arabs subject to them. I think removing them would be unjust. The news brief identified the soldier as female. I don't see its relevance, but perhaps you do, so I mentioned it. The word "innocent," for intended victims of Islamist murder is used peculiarly. Civilized people call the Israeli civilians "innocent." Why not the soldiers, too? They haven't committed crimes. They are protecting the innocent civilians. The P.A. has signed peace agreements with Israel, but indoctrinates and arms terrorists. Therefore, I consider the soldiers innocent victims primarily of the P.A. and secondarily of Israeli regimes that let the P.A. get into position to foist terrorists upon Israelis. What will happen to the attempted murderer? I call him "attempted murderer," because this attempt failed. Perhaps he made other attempts, which succeeded. Perhaps his next attempt will succeed. After all, he is likely to be released in a few years. The release is done ostensibly to boost Abbas' popularity with his bloodthirsty people. Their bloodthirstiness increases from Abbas' media and schools. Israel wants Abbas, organizer of terrorism, to be more popular. That is not just. I think the terrorist should be executed. I don't like unwarranted violence, but accept it as definite deterrence against such vicious murderers. Let him wear the belt, during controlled detonation! EGYPTIAN NAVY Egypt has 3-4 times as many warships as has Israel. Israel has as many submarines, a modern type from Germany. Israel relies upon those subs for a nuclear deterrent. Egypt now wishes to buy the same class of subs. Israel says that such subs would enable Egypt to close Israeli ports. The subs would change the balance of power in the Mideast (IMRA, 11/19). Does Egypt wants them so it can figure out how to counter-act Israel's deterrent? JUDAISM & SOCIAL JUSTICE Some Jews are confused about Judaism. They equate it to promotion of "social justice." Social justice can be sought by non-Jews as well as Jews. If that were all Judaism comprises, then there would be no role for Judaism. Judaism, however, is a religion. In that religion, one is enjoined to practice legal justice. Thus Judaism demands that the law be applied fairly to widows and orphans. Sometimes non-religious Jews consider peace the highest good. However, sometimes social justice prevails only by war. [Think of WWII.] Sometimes it isn't clear what social justice is. For example, producing ethanol may reduce oil imports and dependency. [Getting it from corn may require just as much fuel to be imported for tractors]. Growing ethanol may raise food prices. Therefore, the ethanol proposition is controversial. The justice in it is not clear. "...modern practitioners of social justice fetishism tout affirmative action programs that discriminate against Jews through quotas and reduced standards as 'Jewish social justice.'" Those programs are unjust to Jews. [They also harm society, the economy, and the coddled group that is encouraged not to bother learning how to take care of itself (Prof. Steven Plaut, 11/19). Judaism is consistent with social justice but broader. Limiting it to social justice may be a rationale for pretending to practice Judaism without difficulty or even without being religious. IRAN VS. THE WEB Iran is among the highest 20 users of Internet. The clerical regime has blocked Iranians' access to five millions websites. The government claims they are immoral and anti-social (IMRA, 11/19). Some may be, but others simply express a different point of view. In the US, adults may exercise "parental control" over what their children watch. In Iran, the regime exercises "parental control" over what adults watch. ISRAELI CHIEF-OF-STAFF ADDRESSES NATO He stated that the world's chief military problem is global terrorism. Radical states underwrite it. These terrorists are more dangerous than earlier enemies, because they don't fight in identifiable uniforms, they lack scruples, and they seek weapons of mass-destruction. Israel seeks close relationships with NATO and members in counteracting terrorism. Being in the forefront of defense against jihad, Israel has gained expertise about it. Israel has advanced technology for this. Israel makes a valuable ally for moderate states, such as those in NATO (IMRA, 11/20). The Chief put Israel's proposition well. A strange omission was his reference to terrorism as the enemy, whereas the enemy is the school of Islam that utilizes methods of terrorism. This school keeps graduating foes. Another omission was that the Islamists raise large sums from among their migrants to the West. The drawback in the Chief's proposition is that Israel betrays its allies. Thus it let the Free Lebanese Army be defeated, and its security zone in Lebanon replaced by Hizbullah. It lets its agents in the P.A. be rounded up and executed. In fact, during the Rabin-Peres regime, as a mark of confidence in Arafat, Israel turned over to the P.A. the names of its agents there. Arafat had them all liquidated. In many ways, Israel favors the Arabs and even terrorists over its own people, in property disputes, checkpoints, education. I would not trust Israel run by leftists. If Israel is so good in fighting against terrorism, why does it let or even help terrorists build up their forces in Lebanon, Gaza, and in Judea-Samaria? Didn't it fight clumsily in Lebanon, recently? Were Israel such a force against terrorism, it would not be seeking to give territory to the terrorist Abbas nor to that radical supporter of terrorism, Assad. IRAN BOMB PREPARATION CONFIRMED Some official body concluded that Iran has prepared sufficient material for a nuclear bomb. The question is how long will it take (NY Times, 11/19). Such studies always are behind or under-estimates. The earlier source that estimated Iran has sufficient material for six bombs probably is closer to the truth. The official conclusion disproves that NIE intelligence estimate that Iran was years away from producing a bomb. The NIE estimate was a political document seeking to tie Pres. Bush's arms. Why did Bush let them get away with it? Why didn't candidate McCain expose this, to strengthen his own standing? Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Carrie Devorah, November 26, 2008. |
Maybe his next pardon will be more significant. He should pardon Jonathan Pollard, who has served out his sentence and then some. |
![]() Carrie Devorah is an investigative photojournalist based in DC. Former religion editor of "Lifestyles" Magazine, her areas of focus are faith, homeland security and terrorism. Devorah is the sister of Jewish Press columnist Yechezkel Chezi Scotty Goldberg, victim of Egged Bus 19 bombing, 1-29-04. Goldberg was a noted psychologist with expertise in at-risk youth. Contact her at carriedev@gmail.com |
Posted by Steven Shamrak, November 25, 2008. |
US Voters are pro-Israel
A poll of US voters conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research has shown that 72 percent of voting Americans across the political spectrum believe "even with all the problems that America faces at home now, we must still work hard to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons." American voters are clear about what they expect from their new president. They worry about the economy, war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the success of the war on terror. At the same time, they support Israel but do not want the US to interfere in the Jewish state's affairs: Which TWO of the following should be the top foreign policy priority for the next president? Is it... 57% Ending the war in Iraq
Now, on another subject... Thinking about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether, in general, you consider yourself to be... 32% a strong supporter of Israel
57% SUPPORT ISRAEL; 06% SUPPORT PALESTINIANS No More Evictions of Jews from Jewish Land! Activists hoping to keep the Peace House in Hevron under Jewish ownership have rejected offers of help from the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria (Yesha), according to organizer Daniella Weiss. The decision to reject the council's help was made by the forum managing the Peace House and was accepted by all of the relevant nationalist groups, she said. Among the groups that rejected the Yesha Council's attempts to participate were the Land of Israel Faithful, Youth for the Land of Israel, Women in Green, Homesh First, the Jewish Heart (HaLev HaYehudi), and Youth for the Complete Land of Israel. "They cooperated with the government when we fought the horrible crime of the expulsion from Gush Katif; they are cooperating with the destruction of outposts and the plan to evacuate Migron," Weiss said of the Yesha Council. "The Yesha Council's mission ended with the failure in Gush Katif." (The inability to use human resources and organize proper resistance by the Gaza leadership, if not something more cynical, allowed Olmert's unelected, traitorous government to deport 8,500 Jews from Gaza!) Freedom of Speech? Israel Way. Three young men who were charged with incitement and rioting during the expulsion from Gaza will be put on trial. The three are the founders of the "National Home' movement, Shai Malka, Ariel Vangruber and Adiel Sharabani. (Only traitors, who advocate the demise of Israel, are allowed to demonstrate in Israel!) Vision of Hypocritical Minds. U.S. President George W. Bush declared in farewell talks with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Monday that the vision of a Palestinian state remained alive, despite failure: "I believe that vision is alive and needs to be worked on." (How many more years of suffering and political pretence of "worked ons" must Jews endure to convince delusional leadership that Israel's enemies do not want peace?) Food for Thought: When Jewish people are finally able to shake off the slave mentality developed during the last two millennia, the world will see a shining country, free of terrorising neighbours. This Jewish state will then be the world's spiritual and technological leader. Steven Shamrak It is Time to Stop Worry and Start to Act. Iran said it test-fired a new generation of surface-to-surface missile with a range close to 2,000 km (1,200 miles), almost as far as another Iranian missile, Shahab 3. That would enable it to reach Israel and U.S. bases in the Gulf. (Development of an Atom bomb and testing of long-range missiles the message is clear Israel is the target! The Iranians have been quite frank about it.) European anti-Semitism still Flourishing. Dozens of demonstrators rallied at Oxford University to protest against the visit by President Shimon Peres. During the speech he made there, demonstrators held signs reading ''Free Palestine'' and shouted anti-Israeli slogans. (They don't just hate this traitor of the Jewish people. They just love to hate Jews!) with the Hidden Decay of Fascism. Sweden refuses to extradite a Danish neo-Nazi, saying that he has not committed any crime under Swedish law. Blind 'Peace' is Like a Bad Marriage. President Shimon Peres told Diaspora Jewish leaders at the annual General Assembly of the United Jewish Committees, "making peace is a little bit like marriage [and] you have to close your eyes and accept what is possible to accept." His audience laughed and applauded. (It is due to 'bad marriages', which should not have occurred in the first place, that we have such a high divorce rate. But the ugliest part is that they all, the so-called Jewish 'leadership', applauded this stupidity!) Quote of the Week: "Whenever the [peace] process stalls, there will be those who will pull out the Saudi plan, and the Saudis have an interest in pushing this out there now, to put on a 'constructive face' with which to greet the new US president." unnamed Senior Jerusalem officials Isn't it time, after 60 years of suffering from Islamic terror, to start implementing a Jewish peace plan and free our land of enemies? Delusional Summarization of Lies. Although the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations have yielded no agreements on core issues, US Secretary of State Rice has decided that a departmental panel will "summarize" their transcripts and hand them over to her successors. Successful Business of Arab Countries. Police seized 82 kilos of heroin at the Jordanian border a week ago, in the biggest drug bust in the country's history. Two Arabs, aged 57 and 19, were caught carrying three large bags. (Heroin, hashish and marijuana are the major export products of the Islamic world! Oil was made by nature and is extracted by Western companies.) 'Racist' anti-Racist UN Conference. Israel had made a final decision not to participate in a U.N. forum on racism and urged other countries to boycott what she termed an "anti-Israel tribunal." In 2001 Israel and the United States walked out of the first conference in Durban, South Africa, in protest over draft texts branding Israel as a racist and apartheid. The United Nations said it regretted the decision. (The UN never regrets when Israel is deliberately excluded from participating in many UN sponsored conferences, committees etc& The UN is not a racist organization it is just an anti-Semitic one!) Another Hamas Joke. Hamas is still committed to the temporary ceasefire with Israel, senior Hamas member Mahmoud Zahar has announced. The announcement came shortly after Gaza terrorists fired rockets at Israeli towns in the western Negev. ( The key word "temporary". It does not permit Israel to carry out counter-terrorism operations in Gaza, but it allows Hamas to get ready to attack Israel at any time!) Jewish Knight? Buckingham Palace said Queen Elizabeth II has given Israeli President Shimon Peres an honorary knighthood. The palace says the royal presented the Israeli head of state with the Order of St. Michael and St. George today. ( Has he defended or betrayed the virtue of the Jewish people? As it is the latter, why has the traitor been rewarded with a knighthood of non-Jewish orders!) West Bank Outburst Result of Pathetic Policy.
On one day, Tuesday Nov. 11, there were 30 Palestinian attacks on Israeli soldiers and border police officers on the West Bank, leaving four injured, including two policemen and an army platoon commander. The security situation plummeted from last month after Israel units were prohibited from posting snipers to defend them against Palestinian attacks. The prohibition came down from the office of prime minister Ehud Olmert and defense minister Ehud Barak. It was quickly picked up by the Palestinians, who realized that the IDF's hands were tied. By Tuesday, Palestinian terror peaked. They hurled firebombs and rocks at two border police bases in Abu Dis in southern Jerusalem and Atarot at the northern end of the capital and hit four IDF patrols. At Tekoa, southeast of Bethlehem, flying rocks pinned down a military force for hours until it was relieved by reinforcements. Rocks and bottle bombs hit at least 14 passing cars, seriously damaging some of them. Rioting Palestinians in Hebron and its vicinity hurled six firebombs, blocked main junctions with burning tires and set fire to a Jewish-owned wheat-field. According to security sources, if this goes on and the government sticks to its policy of non-response, there is nothing to stop the Palestinian gangs from moving on to firearms. The US-trained PA security forces, funded by US taxpayers, keep to the main towns and do not venture outside. Palestinian terrorists have therefore won the freedom to terrorize most parts of the West Bank. Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has been publishing an Internet editorial letter about the Arab-Israel conflict since August 2001 and has a website www.shamrak.com. He can be reached by email at StevenShamrak@gmail.com |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 25, 2008. |
Some will recall the step-by-step building of Hitler's murder machine. First, Brown-Shirt thugs, then the Gestapo in Black (the Waffen SS). The regular German army was absorbed to conquer and act as guards in the extermination camps. All step-by-step. Regrettably, we see this war against the Jewish people who are valiantly building their homes in our ancient homeland. A civil war against them is building by its own Jewish (un-Jewish?) leaders to control the people. Hitler also absorbed the High Courts of Germany by his Nuremberg Laws, much the same as we see Israel's High Supreme Court first taken over by Aharon Barak (now retired) and then handed over to Dorit Beinish also a committed Leftist who flanks her rule with other extreme Leftists. Taking over a nation, using the familiar techniques of Fascism has long left the planning stages and is now in full action. The early 1980s saw the planning stage, followed by the Oslo Accord Surrenders, followed by the Gush Katif/Gaza abandonment and destruction. Now, the Left is effectively onto Phase-Out the settlers from Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley, the Golan Heights and those parts of Jerusalem which Jordan occupied and desecrated for 19 years from 1948 to 1967. Why is a Jewish government aiding the still functional PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) which was created in 1964 by Egypt, then handed over to Yassir Arafat. Remember that 1964 was before the 1967 Six Days' War when the territories were liberated back to their historic, geographic and Biblical names of Judea, Samaria and unified Jerusalem? I wonder if the IDF (Israel Defense Force) from the highest officer to the strongest foot soldiers knew they were calling down a curse on themselves and their families for generations to come by attacking their own Jewish people? Or, as the Nazis claimed: "I was just following orders."? Perhaps it would be an act of mercy to inform every Jewish soldier what will happen when they betray their fellow Jews and the Jewish nation of Israel. |
1. IN ITS WAR AGAINST JEWS, IDF CUT OFF NOSE TO SPITE ITS FACE Shoshana Walker writes, "These are the most ardent lovers of Israel, willing to fight in the most elite units of the IDF. The govt just refuses to understand that loyalty and love of the land cannot be separated from one's right to LIVE on our land. If there is no turn-around in the flawed reasoning of the govt, where arabs are protected more than Jews, why not re-vamp the entire IDF, do a complete reversal, and make it arab-only, Jews don't have to serve?" "IDF to act to cut funding from institutions whose students engage
in 'illegal activity against IDF and Palestinians'"
Yediot Ahronot correspondent Yossi Yehoshua reports in today's edition that Deputy Minister of Defense Matan Vilnai (Labor) held a meeting last Thursday of the defense establishment at which it was decided to act to cut funding from educational institutions that have students who are "extreme right wing activists". "Vilnai instructed the security elements to identify yeshivot, associations and schools that receive state funds within which there is incitement or whose students engage in criminal activity against the IDF and against Palestinians. The defense establishment will act to stop the flow of funds to those institutions, and in certain cases even check the legal possibility of issuing an administrative order closing down the institutions that aid in the violation of the law in the territories. This is to be carried out with the cooperation of Shabak, Yesha police, the Judea and Samaria Administrative Authority, Ministry of Education and legal elements in the Ministry of Defense and Central Command." Dr. Aaron Lerner is Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis) (Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava) Tel: 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730; Email:imra@netvision.net.il; Website: http://www.imra.org.il 2. HUMAN RIGHTS FOR EVERYBODY (EVEN JEWS) This is by Hillel Levin of Shiloh, home of the Mishkan for 369 yrs.
There is currently a building freeze imposed upon all of the approximately 400 thousand Jews in Judea and Samaria. The Roadmap, imposed by the United States Government and others on Israel, states clearly that the Government of Israel must freeze "all settlement activity including natural growth of settlements". (See last paragraph in Phase I, here: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2003/20062.htm. ) *GOI (Government of Israel) [Goy?] immediately dismantles settlement outposts erected since March 2001 This means no new homes no new classrooms no new kindergartens no buying houses (such as the famous Bet haShalom in Hebron) for a huge Jewish community having the largest natural increase rate in the entire Western world. Currently, just-married couples in Yesha simply have nowhere to live! (unless they live in a so-called "illegal outpost"). This is, simply put, cruelty to and persecution of Jews with no justification whatever. In history, many natural functions of life were withheld from the Jews: the right to have children (Egypt, in Biblical times), the right to live in Europe (Spanish and other exiles, c. 1492), the right to emigrate (Europe post-holocaust, Russia behind the Iron Curtain), and so forth. Now, the right to build a home is being withheld aided and abetted by the United States of America, of all unlikely countries!! WHAT CAN WE DO? The OU the umbrella group of Orthodox Jewry in
the United States is holding its bi-annual convention this week on
26-30 November at the Ramada Hotel, Jerusalem,
Plus an International Conference on Contemporary Issues & Halacha November 30 to December 2 at the Yeshurun Synagogue, Jerusalem
So far, this important American group has NOT agreed yet to put the suffering Yesha community onto their agenda; the 2008 Convention's agenda has remained frozen even when the 9 Federman children and babies were turned out of their "illegal" home in the middle of the night, in their pajamas and barefoot, among a shower of broken glass:
Please write an email to the OU asking them to give the plight of the Yesha Jews a prominent place both on their agenda, in their press releases, and in the operative resolutions which govern the Organization's activities (or lack of them) for the next 2 years!!! Ask: Why is the Rabbi of England (Rabbi Sacks) one of your speakers (http://www.ou.org/convention/index scroll down) whereas you have no one speaking about Yesha even though there are more Jews in Yesha than in all of England?? Write to: by Hillel Fendel Arutz 7 A former Supreme Court justice says that the media misled the public and Defense Minister Ehud Barak into thinking that the Supreme Court has ordered the evacuation of Jews from Peace House in Hevron. Yaakov Turkel, who served as a Supreme Court Justice for ten years until 2005, says that the ruling in question does not order the State to evict the Jews, but rather allows them to do so. He spoke with Arutz-7's Shimon Cohen and Uzi Baruch. The ruling in question was issued a week ago, and gave the Jews living in Peace House a four-story structure along the road leading from Kiryat Arba into Hevron three days to leave the building. After that period, the ruling states, "it will be possible to act in accordance with Squatters' Evacuation Law." Turkel emphasizes that, unlike the media reports and announcements by Defense Minister Barak and other public officials, "the ruling does not obligate the State to act to evacuate the Jews, but rather gives them the freedom to decide whether to do so or not." The ruling, and the manner in which it was understood by the media and the public, aroused great opposition to the Supreme Court among the nationalist public, as well as great tensions in Hevron in anticipation of an Amona-like clash in the building. The 20 families that live there, plus many more people who have arrived over the last few days and especially for this past Sabbath, when the Torah portion of Patriarch Abraham's purchase of Hevron land is read aloud began making preparations to try and rebuff security forces that may try to evict them. Ruling States: Jews 'May' not 'Must' be Evicted The Court ruled that the Jewish occupants "may" be removed, despite the fact that they had produced written, audio and video proof that the Arab owner had sold it to them."When the Defense Minister said he would abide by the Supreme Court ruling ordering the Jews' eviction," Turkel said, "this was very much not to my liking, since there was no such order... This misunderstanding has caused the great rift in the religious and right-wing's trust in the Supreme Court." In light of Turkel's statements, it appears that Public Security Minister Avi Dichter of Kadima did not read the ruling. "The ruling is not a recommendation, and we will implement it exactly as written," he said last week, promising that within 30 days, no Jews would be living in the disputed building. "We have no intention of straying from the Supreme Court ruling, which is the law," he said. Turkel: It Belongs in a Lower Court Asked how he would have ruled if he had been on the judicial panel, Justice Turkel said, "I would have passed the matter down to the District Court, in light of the complexity of the case and the mutual claims of forgery. The District Court would then review the evidence and decide if an evacuation order should be issued before a final ruling." This is in keeping with long-standing practice that the Supreme Court does not rule on matters pertaining to civil disputes between individuals. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 25, 2008. |
The craziness some laughable, much deeply malevolent simply continues. Yesterday was "Solidarity with the Palestinian People" day at the UN. Understand, the Palestinian people (such as they may be) are the only ones celebrated by the UN this way. The Kurds, for example, are ignored. This tells us all we need to know about the UN. Former secretary-general Kofi Annan, marked it as "a day of mourning and a day of grief, and the "inalienable rights of the Palestinian people" were discussed. "The event is an annual reminder that the UN's real agenda is to delegitimize the birth and the perseverance of the state of Israel," says Anne Bayefsky, editor of Eye on the UN. ~~~~~~~~~~ Actually, because of scheduling conflicts, this day of solidarity was marked a few days early. The real day is November 29, which is the day the UN voted the partition of Palestine in 1947. From this followed the official founding of the State of Israel, which it might be noted was not only founded with UN blessings but also is a full member of the UN today. ~~~~~~~~~~ One sees signs of desperation in the words and acts of several players in the area. There is, for example, PA president Mahmoud Abbas. This past week he placed ads in several Israeli papers Hebrew press and The Jerusalem Post reaching out to the Israeli populace to tell them that they would benefit greatly from the Saudi "peace plan," which would bring them peace with the members of the Arab League and not just the PA. The Saudi "peace plan"? That's the plan that says if we agree to terms that guarantee our destruction, the Arabs will be happy to deal with us. It calls for total return to pre-67 lines (including relinquishment of all of eastern Jerusalem and the Golan), release of all prisoners, and return of refugees. Abbas has already admitted that there will be no peace deal in 2008, and yet he seems to be grasping at straws in his last days in office (see item below). At a statement made at the UN (for the above mentioned event), he blamed Israel for blocking the peace process by not going along with the Saudi plan. He spoke about the need for this plan so that there would be 'the return of our land," and I never let such occasions pass without mentioning that it isn't their land and never has been and cannot be "returned" to them. Anyone needing elucidation of this point is invited to contact me. ~~~~~~~~~~ Abbas, reversing himself, has made another statement of political interest: He says that if there is no real progress in dialogue between Fatah and Hamas by the end of the year, he will go to general elections presidential and legislative in early 2009. Well, right now there is no dialogue between Fatah and Hamas, because Hamas boycotted a scheduled meeting in protest against PA arrests of Hamas people in Judea and Samaria. How likely is "real progress" in just a bit over a month? The Arab League is scheduled to meet in Cairo next week to discuss the Fatah-Hamas conflict. Hamas people are angry because they haven't been invited. ~~~~~~~~~~ There are two observations to be made here: With regard to the presidential election, Abbas has now reversed himself. While Hamas has been insisting that he is supposed to leave office in January, he has been claiming that his presidential term runs another year. The argument arose over the fact that while PA presidential and legislative elections are supposed to run together (at least in theory, every four years), Abbas was elected president in January 2005, a year before the last legislative elections were held, because Arafat had died. Abbas has been saying his term runs until the next legislative elections in 2010. Hamas is saying he has had four years and his term is over. However, Abbas cannot hold general elections because he doesn't control Gaza and Hamas will not cooperate. All denials to the contrary aside, there are two Palestinian political entities. Abbas's claim consistently has been that a Palestinian state must encompass Judea and Samaria, and Gaza. But if elections are blocked, he is stymied. The scuttlebutt is that in January 2009, Hamas will appoint or elect its own president. It does not see legislative elections (in which it won a majority in 2006) as being called for until 2010, and maintains that Abbas does not have the authority to call for elections without Palestinian Legislative Council approval. The finger pointing goes on without end: Hamas is saying that Abbas's declaration of intent to hold legislative elections means he wishes to sabotage reconciliation efforts. So...stay tuned. ~~~~~~~~~~ As to Hamas, it seems they have now accepted an Israeli offer (you read this correctly) with regard to an extension of the "ceasefire." The deal is that if no rockets are fired for 24 hours, Israel will open crossings. Who is the desperate party here? According to Hamas sources (which I have not yet seen confirmed by Israeli sources officially), mediation for this deal was done by Egypt after Barak's office contacted Cairo to express readiness to cooperate. And according to Haniyeh, other terror groups are on board with this. But a Kassam and two mortars were launched on Sunday mere hours after Haniyeh's announcement, and another Kassam landed near Ashkelon late yesterday. Other Hamas sources are saying the "ceasefire," which terminates on December 19, will not be automatically renewed but must be renegotiated (i.e., the renewed quiet is just until the 19th of December). Hamas is looking for increased readiness on Israel's behalf to keep the crossings opened. ~~~~~~~~~~ Whatever the outcome with regard to full implementation of opening of the crossings for bringing in of commercial goods, Barak decided that the crossings would be open yesterday for permitting humanitarian aid to get through: food, medicine and fuel. ~~~~~~~~~~ Abbas is about to get yet another concession from Israel: Just days ago Olmert promised Abbas to release 250 prisoners for the holiday of al-Adha next month. ~~~~~~~~~~ Olmert is in Washington, where he had a final meeting with President Bush. They did the usual routine of praising each other, and lauding the important "peace process." ~~~~~~~~~~ According to a report in Time Magazine, relying on Israeli sources, the US has warned Israel not to launch a major operation in Gaza which would jeopardize "peace efforts" or to attack Iran in the final days of the Bush administration. Most troublesome, if it is true. ~~~~~~~~~~ An item that puzzled me even as I wrote about it the other day has been clarified. This concerns King Abdullah of Jordan, who called in Olmert and Barak the other day and, went the original report, asked them to refrain from a major military operation in Gaza, as this would unsettle his kingdom. I struggled with this, saying it was a complete reversal of the previous Jordanian position which was that IDF control of Hamas was a good thing because the Islamic radicalism was what would threaten Jordan. Seems, I surmised, that the king has reversed himself, in essence, to appease Hamas, which might be at Jordan's border one day soon. Well... the clarification is this: King Abdullah was furious that Olmert and Barak reported he was nervous about an operation in Gaza unsettling his kingdom. The reality, it seems, is that he was doing this at the behest of the US. At the same time, Abdullah warned Hamas that if they didn't cool the rocket fire, Israel would invade Gaza. ~~~~~~~~~~ Is there greater lunacy than the continuing push to "negotiate peace" with Syria? Arch Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar was in Syria on Monday, when he was honored by Syrian president Bashar Assad. Said Assad: "Kuntar was not merely the most senior prisoner in jail, but is also senior among free men and honoraries. His being here with us and his determination to promote Arab rights, despite everything he's been through, has turned him into a symbol of the struggle for freedom across the Arab world and the whole world. Of course, letting Kuntar go was madness as well. He told Assad that he brought with him the blessings of the great freedom fighters of Hezbollah, and he later assured the Druze of the Golan that they would soon be under Syrian control again. ~~~~~~~~~~ Syria is refusing to let the IAEA in for another inspection of the site that Israel took out, which almost certainly was a reactor. Another sign of a peaceful nation with which we can deal, yes? Right now the US and ElBaradei, head of the IAEA, are at odds over the fact that ElBaradei says Syria has the right to assistance from the UN nuclear agency in developing a reactor for producing power. The US maintains, with solid reason, that this is patently ridiculous given the larger context here. ~~~~~~~~~~ An ominous word about Hezbollah. Yesterday Barak announced that Hezbollah now has 42,000 missiles, three times the number it had before the Lebanon War. Some can reach to the south of Israel. Additionally, head of the research division of Military Intelligence, Yossi Baidatz, told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Monday that Hezbollah was attempting to purchase surface-to-air missiles in order to try to bring down Israeli airplanes flying over Lebanon. This situation has evolved because Livni proudly promoted resolution 1701 (a reason in and of itself to not vote for her!) that put useless UNFIL forces in place in Lebanon instead of letting us finish the job. And, because Syria (with Iranian assistance, of course) has been doing the re-arming. Unless we get tough, get real, we will be in considerable trouble. We are in considerable trouble that could have been prevented. Israel has informed the Lebanese government that now that Hezbollah is part of that government and not a renegade terrorist force, Lebanese government infrastructure is a fair target if we are hit. It should be noted that Hezbollah now claims several villages in northern Israel, saying they don't abide by the Blue Line the line the UN established as the Lebanese-Israeli border. There is no end, you see, in dealing with groups such as this. First it was Shaba Farms (which some actually advocated conceding) and now this. ~~~~~~~~~~ There are reports that Hezbollah, seeking to avoid a strong Israeli response is not planning to directly avenge the assassination in February of Imad Mughniyeh. Instead, they have paid tens of thousands of dollars to Palestinian terror groups to carry out large scale terror attacks against Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~ Israel has consented to the presence of 1,000 Palestinian security forces in Bethlehem before Christmas. ~~~~~~~~~~ Gen. James Jones, who is widely expected to become Obama's national security advisor, is touting the idea of NATO forces in Judea and Samaria instead of the IDF an admission that the PA cannot handle matters on its own and a very bad idea. More to follow on this in due course. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 25, 2008. |
This is a news item from Israel Today http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=17608 |
Though Arabs in Israel, and especially Arab women, enjoy greater freedoms than anywhere else in the Middle East, a new poll shows that most Israeli Arab women still view domestic violence by their husbands as acceptable. Conducted by the Na'amat women's organization, the survey revealed that 70 percent of Israeli Arab women who are pushed, slapped or struck by their husbands or other males in their lives do not consider themselves victims of domestic violence. Even more respondents, 73 percent, said they would not classify as "abuse" their husbands cursing or humiliating them. The poll was conducted to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 24, 2008. |
OUTRAGE AGAINST U.S. DEMOCRACY California voters passed Proposition 8. It bans gay marriage, on the theory that marriage is a heterosexual union. Bloggers found out that a certain theater director in California had donated $1,000 to pass the Proposition. As a Mormon, he finds homosexual marriage improper. The bloggers were outraged. A composer asked the director to withhold his music from that theater. He objected to what he called "discrimination" being put into the state Constitution. Objectors were considering a boycott, but the director resigned. Supporters of the Proposition objected to the political test being given to the director, and its erosion of freedom of thought (NY Times, 11/13, C3). I think that both sides of the Proposition should uphold freedom of thought. I don't think that the distinction made by Proposition 8 is discrimination, but a different definition of marriage, the conventional ones. Be that as it may, In a democracy, voters are allowed to exercise the franchise and give financial support for their differing views without penalty. The real outrage is by those who proposed boycott instead of discussion. NEW TREACHERY BY SEC. RICE She proposes that the Security Council pass a resolution to establish another Palestinian Arab state. PM Olmert and Foreign Min. Livni oppose her. They worry that the resolution would be worded against Israel. Some people think that Rice proposed this so that she would seem to have accomplished something, anything, to remember her by (IMRA, 11/13). Or her last stab at Israel. Their worry is well-placed. The UNO is a bungling, meddling, corrupt, evil organization. It inhibits action against rogue states until the death toll is horrible. It squanders funds that might be more productively distributed by others. There is another objection. The original UNO resolution on the Territories, #242, left it up to the parties involved to negotiate a resolution. Now the biased UNO wants to impose its own view. An issue like that cannot be resolved with justice and peace by an organization biased in favor of the jihadists and against the Jews. The parties involved cannot resolve the issue, either. The Muslims want conquest. Treasonous Israeli officials may oblige them. The solution is for Israel to start annexing land and easing Arabs out, under its Mandate authority. ISRAEL WANTS TO KEEP GAZA CEASEFIRE. WHY? Israel's military keeps warning that Hamas is building a bigger and better army in Gaza, under cover of ceasefire. The intelligence agencies advise that eventually Hamas will attack Israel so drastically, that Israel will be sucked into a war. They warn that the longer an Israeli invasion of Gaza is put off, the higher will be the casualties inflicted upon the invaders by the ever-stronger Hamas. Israel's leaders know that. Nevertheless they want to keep the ceasefire for what they know cannot be much longer. Why? Dr. Aaron Lerner speculates. Israeli leaders are notoriously short-sighted and lethargic. They defer difficult decisions until more difficult and forced to decide. Alternatively, they are waiting until after elections. They would rather wait longer, letting Israelis suffer more, than decide now, so that Israelis will blame the leaders at the voting machines for having waited too long as it is (IMRA, 11/13). There is another possibility. Israeli leaders are anti-Zionist. The Far Left prefers Muslim terrorists to religious Jews. Everything Israeli leaders do, except Netanyahu's economic reforms, tends to bring Israel down. Are they deliberately positioning Israel to be conquered? Is it coincidence and utmost stupidity that keeps them leading Israel into self-destruction, since shortly before Oslo? SHOULD ISRAEL DEFEND ITS AGENTS IN THE P.A.? The P.A. sentenced an Arab there to death for cooperating with Israeli security agencies against terrorism. Israel takes no position on this. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights objects. It calls the sentence illegal and capital punishment an affront to human dignity. Dr. Aaron Lerner thinks that Israel should protect its agents apprehended in the P.A. (IMRA, 11/13). The P.A. often covers its oppression by accusing people of "collaboration." Victims may be political opponents, businessmen who refused to submit to extortion, or people in a tribal vendetta or who ran afoul of some tribe. That is not Israel's business. If the convict were an Israeli agent, rescuing him would encourage others to assist. Then let Israeli forces rescue him and give him a new identity and funds for living abroad! Or does this mean that Israel would become responsible for a dozen relatives, who otherwise would face revenge? Has Israel discovered how the P.A. detects its agents? Probably from the US training the P.A. gets. If so, and if the Israeli government were patriotic, it would object to the subversive use of US training. VALUE OF ISRAEL'S OPEN FIELDS Ceasefire or not, Gazas still fire some rockets at Israeli cities, while demanding that Israel adhere to the ceasefire and not fire back. They want to fire at civilians without penalty for waging war and fighting dirty. Arab terrorists infest civilian areas, getting the world to condemn Israel for any action that harms Arab civilians. The Arabs attribute many internecine casualties or accidents to Israeli attacks, and Israel hardly defends its reputation or undermines the jihadists'. Most of the rockets still fall in open fields or on parts of houses where residents are not sitting. It is as if God were sparing the Jews until they take counter-action. That window of opportunity is running out, because the terrorists are developing rockets of greater range and explosiveness. Keep those fields open and non-urbanized! ANOTHER REASON ISRAEL SHOULD HAVE BEATEN ENEMIES If Israel does attack Iran's nuclear facilities, Hizbullah and Hamas, among others, would fire many rockets at it. Casualties and damage would be enormous. Israel will have to fight on several fronts. It may lose, its people slaughtered. Now suppose Israel had not left its security zone in Lebanon, or had put in the effort to defeat Hizbullah in Lebanon. It would not now have to worry about Hizbullah's 40,000 rockets. Fear of those rockets may inhibit action against Iran. Now suppose, too, that Israel had not evacuated from Gaza, or it had sent a large force into Gaza to defeat and disarm Hamas. Israel would not have to worry about Hamas' rockets. It would not have to fight on those two fronts. In that case, Israel might not find its enemies opening other fronts, such as from Syria and Egypt. GETTING A RUSSIAN "PERSPECTIVE" A friend toured Russia. She claims to have gotten a Russian perspective. She was told that Russia was invaded so many times, it opposes an anti-missile base in Poland. She was told that Georgia was the aggressor against S. Ossetia. She was told Stalin's old Communist propaganda rationalizing its aggression against neighbors. My friend learned from me that Russia invaded other countries many times. Now Europe is pacifist and the US hasn't been imperialist since 1998. Anti-missiles are defensive, and Iran does threaten Europe, thanks partly to Russian help. Georgia can' t be an aggressor against S. Ossetia, part of its country. Russia occupied S. Ossetia and gave its people Russian citizenship, so it can pretend to b defending its citizens. That's aggression, Nazi style! LYING ABOUT ABBAS Some people suggest paying Jews to leave Judea-Samaria. Opponents of that measure point out that expelling the Jews from Gaza shows withdrawal's danger. Gaza became a terrorist base. Hamas took over. Ethan Bronner of the NY Times states the contrary, "The law's advocates say Gaza is a false analogy because a settler withdrawal from the W. Bank would strengthen the P.A. under Pres. Mahmoud Abbas. The authority is trying to convince the Palestinian [western Palestinian Arab] public that two states are possible." (11/14, A6.) No, the P.A. has convinced its Arabs that Israel and the P.A. are is one country, to which they are entitled, and suicide bombing to wrest Israel from the Jews is an acceptable tactic so long as it works. Abbas' regime portrays Israeli residents all as "settlers" and the Jews as evil. (The media and the schools, under Abbas' control, and the mosques, promote this doctrine. As soon as Israel withdrew from Judea-Samaria, the Muslims would devise new territorial demands. That is their way. They might cite the non-binding General Assembly partition resolution that suggested less land for the Arabs than Israel ended up with, in defense against Arab aggression. I think that the State Dept., Council on Foreign Relations, and the NY Times would agree. End of Israel. The Times is promoting a lie in behalf of its traditional anti-Zionist position. The assertion that an Israeli withdrawal would strengthen Abbas and the P.A. is stated as axiomatic. It is not, it probably is mistaken, and it does not matter. Abbas' rule is corrupt and negligent. That is why the people say they voted for a Hamas-dominated legislature. Abbas fails to reform. Polls show continued disgust with his rule. Israel's many concessions to the P.A. show no increase in popularity for Abbas. The only result is to demand more. He, himself, denigrates them as insufficient, because only abject Israeli surrender would satisfy the demands of Islam. Besides, Hamas claims that its militancy forces the concessions. Hamas is right, if you think about it. If it weren't for Hamas' rivalry with Abbas and Fatah, there wouldn't be concessions "to strengthen" Abbas. If concessions did strengthen him, why didn't the withdrawal from Gaza? The Arabs took the withdrawal as a sign of Israeli weakness. Well, wasn't it? When the infidel is weak, Islam redoubles its war. Withdrawal strengthens jihad. It doesn't matter much which faction wins. Both are terrorist. Both are subsidized by Iran. Both favor war. Abbas is more willing to advance his war aims by diplomacy. In that sense, he is more dangerous than Hamas. TUNNEL VISION The Jerusalem Post cited a Hamas claim to have a thousand tunnels, now. Some have multiple entrances. Close one, the flow goes on. Literally flowing in is gasoline, now so plentiful that prices have fallen by half! Shipments are massive. Hamas has circumvented foreign boycott of its finances and industry. It has enough tunnels not to need the surface border gates and port opened. For business, legitimizing, and P.R., Hamas brought journalists into tunnels, to publicize them and their professional engineering. Egypt is "reluctant" to close the tunnels, lest it be accused of cooperating with the boycott. Egypt used to pretend it couldn't find tunnels. Now, Dr. Aaron Lerner notes, Egypt is "reluctant" to close them, meaning they can find them. He asks why the "geniuses" who suggest that Egypt and other Arab states patrol the P.A. don't figure out that the same reluctance to displease Arabs by closing tunnels would keep the patrols from disarming and arresting P.A. terrorists (IMRA, 11/14). The Arab states aren't firing guns at Israel, but they boycott Israel, support the "solutions that would destroy Israel, conduct diplomacy against Israel, and, in the case of Egypt and Syria, assist terrorists against Israel. No thinking and decent person would suggest that Egypt be responsible for some of Israeli security. The same day that IMRA reported the truth about the tunnels, the NY Times cleverly gave the impression that Israel is imposing hardships on Gazans. Typical Times subtlety is in embedding within the main and emotional impression some downplayed but truthful statements to the contrary. The paper does not differentiate truth from false claims, leaving untruth as the conclusion. Thus journalist Ethan Bronner and Taghreed El-Khodary write that Egypt has started to shut tunnels. It omits the evident faster growth in the number of tunnel. They write that the tunnels "have been a major source of supplies and fuel and weapons that have offset the Israeli closings." But then they contradict that by stating Oxfam International's demand that the world "force Israel to end the closing." Again, "Electricity production has plunged for lack of fuel..." The article contradicts that by the muted, "Israeli officials suspect that there is actually enough fuel, and say that Hama officials are trying to embarrass them by closing electricity plants." "Officials suspect?" Why don't the reporters verify that and give us news instead of propaganda? Hasn't the Times heard of the pipeline to Gaza? Doesn't the Times have access to the sources that I do? Since Israel's closings have been offset, why force Israel to stop barring some goods? Oxfam Intl. may be humanitarian in other countries, but towards Israel it is part of the anti-Zionist propaganda drive. Why don't the "humanitarians" demand an end to Hamas terrorism? That demand would be humanitarian! No terrorism, no boycott. CHARITY OR TERRORIST FINANCIER? Closing arguments were presented in Texas for the retrial on whether the Holy Land Foundation financed Hamas terrorism, as charged, or education, as defended. One of the defense arguments was that Hamas never advocated the destruction of Israel (Arutz-7, 11/13). I guess the defense attorney did not read the Hamas covenant. I think that the prosecution overlooked a useful argument, one that would help understand Islamic terrorism. The jihadists are totalitarian. They draft almost all sectors of society. The prosecution might have denied that Gaza schools educate, they indoctrinate. They indoctrinate falsely in hatred, intolerance, and genocide. It is not charitable to help those schools, it is contrary to the preservation of civilization and peace. PERES PRAISES SAUDI KING The king of S. Arabia denounced religions' preaching of intolerance, leading to war. President Peres of Israel praised the king for proposing a peace plan, giving hope for the region (IMRA, 11/14). Tolerant S. Arabia bans Jews and the open practice of other religions (IMRA, 11/15). The king's religion preaches so much intolerance that its youths go all over the world to slay people of other faiths. He should be the last person advising others on tolerance. Even his proposed ban on defamation really is a ban on truth against defamation by Islam. He proposes his censorship in the name of tolerance, to lull our suspicions. Have to watch those jihadists! Clever with words. The Saudi "peace plan" is no plan for peace but for large-scale Israeli surrender and war. Israel would cede all of the Territories and part of annexed land, losing defensible borders. It would let in, and be overrun by, millions of Israel-hating Arabs born abroad but claiming to be refugees. That same king might then say, "Let the genocide begin!" Peres should denounce him. Unfortunately, Peres favors many plans for the destruction of Israel. ISRAELI GOVERNMENT ADMITS PRISONER EXCHANGE BAD The Prime Minister's Office admitted that the prisoner exchange with Hizbullah was a blunder. It was lopsided. As a result, Hamas is demanding so much in exchange for its one captive, that Israel can't accept it (IMRA, 11/14). Truth out. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Daily Alert, November 25, 2008. |
This was written by Amitai Etzioni and it appeared today in the
Jerusalem Post
Amitai Etzioni is Professor of International Relations at The George Washington University. For more discussion, see his book: Security First (Yale, 2007) or www.securityfirstbook.com or comnet@gwu.edu |
During an off-the-record meeting in Washington, DC on November 10, one of Obama's senior foreign policy advisers stated that pushing a two-state solution on Israel and the Palestinians had to take place with great urgency, as it was the best way to turn around the Middle East (which he defined as including Afghanistan and Pakistan). Three elements of the plan the United States is to push are well known (no refugee return, a divided Jerusalem, and redrawn 1967 borders), but the fourth is much less often explored. Namely that the Palestinian state be disarmed and that US or NATO troops be stationed along the Jordan River. A rocket fired by Palestinian... I suggest that this fourth condition is a dangerous trap, despite the fact that such troops played a very salutary role in the DMZ in Korean and during the Cold War in Germany. Before I proceed I should note that I am free to quote what was said at the meeting, but not to mention who said what or the name of the organization that hosted the meeting. I should also note that the same ideas are found in a new book America and the World, wholly composed of interviews with Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft, conducted by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. In the book, both interviewees agreed that "They [Israel and the Palestinians] need a heavier hand by the United States than we have traditionally practiced." Brzezinski suggests "an American line along the Jordan River," and Scowcroft favors putting a "NATO peacekeeping force" on the West Bank.
HOW CAN I count the ways the fourth condition is a dangerous trap? First of all, while the first three conditions are almost impossible to reverse once in place, the fourth one can be changed by a simple act of Congress or an order by a future American president, or the current one. Abba Eban once compared a United Nations force stationed on the Israeli-Egyptian border, which was removed just before Nasser attacked Israel, as an umbrella that is folded when it rains. The new umbrella is not much more reliable. Second, the American troops in Iraq, and the NATO ones in Afghanistan, are unable to stop terrorist bombs and rocket attacks in those parts. There is no reason to hold that they would do better in the West Bank. Third, there are very few precedents for demilitarized states by force. A two-state solution means to practically everyone involved, except a few foreign policy mavens, two sovereign states. A sovereign state is free to import all the arms and troops it wants. One second after the Palestinian state is declared, many in the Arab world, Iran, and surely in Europe, not to mention Russia and China, will hold that "obviously" the new free state cannot be prevented from arming itself, whatever it says on some parchment or treaty. And if this not allowed, whatever therapeutic effects the creation of a Palestinian state may engender will be about the same size as the ending of the Israeli occupation of Gaza had either too small to measure or a negative one. A strong case for a two-state solution has been made, but it better be based on the Palestinians developing their own effective forces and an Israeli presence on the Jordan River. Neither can rely on the United States, beleaguered as it is, or conflict- and casualty-averse NATO to show the staying power for peacekeeping which neither mustered in Kosovo, Bosnia, or Haiti, and which they have never provided in Sudan and the Congo. There is a new dawn in America, but when the sun rises in Washington, it is often close to sunset in the Middle East. The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to daily@www.dailyalert.jcpa.org |
Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, November 24, 2008. |
![]() This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: One of the joys of teaching photography is giving a group of students the same assignment and afterward discussing their vastly different interpretations of the same subject. Invariably, it's a learning experience for everyone present, including the teacher. I played that game with myself earlier this month while racing against the setting sun to find a viewpoint that captured the radiance of fall in northern Israel. This week's photo depicts the same valley - situated just south of Metula along Israel's northern border shown in last week's photo. Taken a few minutes earlier and looking to the south as opposed to the west and into the sun, it offers an entirely different perspective on this idyllic setting. (Use this link to see last week's photo.) This is a more complex photo which defies a brief description. I had to crop this image very carefully to remove some unsightly farm machinery and retain only the natural features of the land within the frame. Precise cropping can elevate an average photo to something exceptional, so I often experiment with different crops until settling on a final composition. In cropping this photo, I began by slicing off a small section of the olive trees from the bottom edge, which improved the photo in three ways. First, it allowed the orange plum leaves to flow more prominently into the frame by entering through the lower left corner and continuing up to the center, following the action of the photo. Secondly, a darker clump of olive trees fell into the right hand corner: having a slightly darker area along the photo's edge keeps the viewer's eyes within the photo. Finally, trimming the clump of olive trees makes them about the same size as the photo's two other prominent features. The lack of a clear center of interest pits these equally-sized
sections against each other in a tense competition to hold the
viewer's eye. Likewise, each of the photo's odd assortment of colors
fights with the others for prominence rather than blending
harmoniously. Most of the time I build the composition around the main
point of interest, but in this case, the clash of color and content
adds tension and imbalance while serving to enliven the overall
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by Gerald A. Honigman, November 24, 2008. |
In May 1948, Egypt was one of a half dozen Arab states which tried to nip a nascent, resurrected Israel in the bud. And for the same reasons Arabs and Arabized have slaughtered, subjugated, and committed genocide against Kurds, black Africans, Berbers, Assyrians and others besides "their" kilab yahud Jew dogs who dared insinuate that they too besides Arabs have rights in a region proclaimed by the latter as purely Arab patrimony. One half of Israel's Jews today consist of Jews who pre-dated Arabs in that region but who fled to Israel...the refugees no one talks about. Over another million of these folks fled abroad to the Americas, France, and elsewhere. Armed to the teeth with weapons left over by the Brits from World War II, Egypt seized Gaza while a British officer-led Arab Legion in Transjordan (created itself in 1922 from almost 80% of the original 1920 Mandate of Palestine) seized Judea and Samaria on the west bank of the Jordan River. Transjordan, now controlling both banks, soon renamed itself Jordan. Its occupation of those non-apportioned not purely Arab parts of the Mandate was recognized by only two other states. The same above Arab pair along with Syria and a few others as well took another shot at their 1948 goal in June 1967. Big mistake... Egypt blockaded Israel at the Straits of Tiran (a casus belli), amassed 100,000 troops, tanks, and aircraft on Israel's border, and convinced Jordan to jump on board. It then ordered the United Nations peacekeeping force out of the area so it would be able to invade the Jewish State unimpeded. Like a fireman who flees the moment a fire starts, the U.N. simply complied. It would repeat its uselessness this way many times later stepping in only after Israel turned the tide of repeated Arab aggression, not preventing it or punishing the aggressor. Indeed, it did just this in 1948. That's how Israel wound up with mostly Auschwitz/armistice lines, not borders. Ralph Bunche, America's U.N. rep, understood this quite well. That's how Israel wound up in Gaza and in the "West Bank"...in all of six days. I have all of the newspaper articles from that time period stored in a box. As has been written many times, during the almost two decades that Egypt and Jordan occupied those areas, no one clamored for the creation of a second state for Arabs within the borders of the Palestinian Mandate. In 1947, Arabs were offered about half of the 20 % of the territory left after the creation of Transjordan and rejected this partition. Some 90% of the total area wasn't enough. They had to have it all. That was over sixty years ago and nothing has really changed regarding the same Arab mindset that refuses to grant scores of millions of non-Arabs living in the region even a tiny sliver of the same political rights Arabs insist upon for themselves. That, in a nutshell, is the Arab-Israeli conflict. A few years back, a now comatose Prime Minister Sharon under intense pressure from Washington agreed to unilaterally withdraw from Gaza, a coastal area which had been repeatedly used since the days of the Pharaohs to invade the land of the Jews. It was also the land of Goliath's non-Semitic, Aegean "Sea People," the Philistines (as in Palestine), who gave both Egyptians and Jews earlier shared headaches. Sharon's withdrawal plan was highly controversial, but there was enough potentially positive aspects to it that it seemed to at least some folks worth a try. The problem is that all of the worst case scenario results soon emerged instead. Gaza was a test and the Arabs flunked it horribly. Being the target of repeated Arab attempted destruction, Israel was under no obligation to return any territories used for those purposes before treaties of real peace not hudna and such ceasefires were signed. Borders and territorial possessions all over the world have historically changed for far less than what Israel has faced...including America's. And does anyone remember the Falkland War the Brits fought with Argentina? Now imagine the Brits (along with numerous other hypocrites) lecturing Israel as they constantly do about what the Jews allegedly need to do in their own very backyard (not thousands of miles away from home) regarding Arabs who deliberately disembowel and slit the throats of their kids and other innocents. With the withdrawal of Jewish organic farmers and so forth (Gaza thus becoming Judenrein), did the Arabs offer Israel any semblance of peace? The only thing Arabs did was to congratulate themselves about how nicely their well-known destruction in stages scenario for Israel was playing out. Before the setback in '67, they called for a one fell swoop plan for the Jews' demise. Afterwards, this was replaced with a strategy to force Israel via diplomacy (arm twisting by its "friends") back to its 1949, U. N.-imposed, microscopic armistice line, not border, existence. The final draft of U.N.S.C. Resolution 242 was drafted, in a rare display of true justice, to rectify that wrong after the Six Day War. Any withdrawal of Israel from territories was to be in the context of real peace treaties and to secure and somewhat defensible real borders not armistice lines. It was expected that the travesty of the '49 lines would be rectified as Israel withdrew from territories not all territories. Indeed, the U.N. fought very hard over the precise wording of 242 for just this reason. A reading of its architects, such as Lord Caradon, Eugene Rostow, and others, makes this very clear. Here's Lord Caradon... It would have been wrong to demand that Israel return to its positions of June 4, 1967, because those positions were undesirable and artificial. After all, they were just the places where the soldiers of each side happened to be on the day the fighting stopped in 1948. They were just armistice lines. That's why we didn't demand that the Israelis return to them. Nevertheless, for a very cold peace, Israel handed Egypt back the best tank trap it had, buffering itself from latter day Pharaohs, as well as oil fields it developed, major airbases, and some real semblance of strategic depth. With Sinai thus returned, Gaza was the next piece to fall in the post-'67 Arab destruction in stages game plan. Indeed, Gaza was a failed test. Arabs had an opportunity to prove doubters such as myself wrong...and we really wanted that to happen, though knew better. The "peace offering" Arabs gave Israel in return was to elect Arabs to power in Gaza who didn't even feel it necessary to play Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah's Palestinian Authority's phony game of acceptance of a Jewish neighbor. Actually, Abbas and his crew don't do this either and still refuse to speak of a Jewish Israel. Arabs can claim almost two dozen Arab states (created mostly from non-Arab peoples' lands), but how dare Jews speak of one miniscule state of their own... Yet, to prop up the West's sweet-talking, latter day Arafatian darlings, Mahmoud Abbas (one of Arafat's chief lieutenants) & Fatah had to be made the good cops by an American State Department long hostile to even the very idea of Israel (opposing President Truman on its rebirth and so forth) to the Hamas bad ones to twist the arms of the Jews. In reality, both have the same long-term plans for Israel. Check out their own official assorted websites, books, speeches to their own people, and so forth if you doubt this. In the Internet age, this is easy to do. Check out the Hamas Charter while you're at it...and the PLO/P.A.'s as well. While attacks against Israel from Gaza were launched before Hamas gained control there, they increased afterwards...hundreds of rockets, mortars, and such being launched against Israel proper after the complete, unilateral Israeli withdrawal. Instead of a hand being offered to an Israel which could indeed be very generous in peace, Arabs elected those who openly (to their credit no game playing here) call for Israel's total destruction...the same folks who were blowing up school kids and others on buses, in restaurants, teen nightclubs, pizza parlors, and such a while back. They even set up a museum commemorating their heroism complete with fake Jewish body parts hanging from ceilings for all to sing praises to. Think about what Israel really needs to do with such an enemy. Does America's own Powell Doctrine ring a bell? Here's some of what Wikipedia has to say about it... "...Powell expanded upon the Doctrine, asserting that when a nation is engaging in war, every resource and tool should be used to achieve decisive force against the enemy, minimizing US casualties and ending the conflict quickly by forcing the weaker force to capitulate. This is well in line with Western military strategy dating at least from Carl von Clausewitz's On War." Lately, there was supposedly a ceasefire in effect. Hamas got tired of losing too many of its folks to Israel's pinpoint strikes. Yet, during this "ceasefire," Israel ceased, but the Arabs still fired. Because of this, the Jews stopped the flow of goods and services to the people who elected those who want both Jews and the Jewish State dead and who cause death, maiming, and destruction in nearby Israeli towns and cities. How unreasonable of those Jews! Just ask the U.N.'s Ban Ki-moon, the European Union's Benita Ferrero-Waldner, NGO Oxfam's Jeremy Hobbs, and so forth. They simply expect Jews to keep on out-Christianing Christians by turning cheek after cheek after cheek...not that any "Christian" country would ever put up with such murderous manure that Israel is simply expected to accept from Arabs. Tit for tat responses have never worked well with Arabs. They know there's hundreds of millions of them and about six million Israeli Jews. Now, why am I nervous about that number? Arafat used to claim that the Arab mother was his best weapon. To be taken seriously, Israel must treat Gaza's Hamas and those who elected it according to America's own Powell Doctrine. If firing rockets, mortars, and such at one's cities is not considered acts of war, then what is? If calling for the death of a nation and its people and acting on those threats are not acts of war, then what is? If ever a nation had reason to level an enemy, then who if not Israel? It certainly has the means. Not doing so and trying to be humane to the inhumane only brings hypocritical charges leveled against Jews anyway. There are few innocents in Gaza. Arab non-combatants hide murderers who in turn use the former as human shields after they deliberately attack Jewish civilians all contrary to the Geneva Conventions, by the way. Think Perfidy Clause and such...Sad, but true. Yet, none of this matters to the U. N., the European Union folks, Oxfam, the State Department, and so forth. Arabs and Arabized are still committing atrocities, waging genocide, and so forth in black Africa and elsewhere, and all they can do is insist that Jews allow the re-supply of those who would butcher them if they had the chance. No doubt... Egypt has allowed hundreds of tunnels to be dug from its territory to supply Gaza with the means to kill Jews. Imagine if this was reversed. Pharaoh now supposedly has a peace treaty with Israel. Here's an idea...let them smuggle food and so forth instead. Furthermore, why smuggle? Let Pharaoh supply his Arab brothers with those supplies. By the way, Israel has been permitting essentials to cross into Gaza anyway. Jews aren't obligated to supply their executioners and wannabes with anything. Would any other people be expected to do this? Should be a no brainer, right? But it's that Jew thing again... Israel needs to hold elections as soon as possible...before its current non-leaders can cause even more damage. David Ben-Gurion, Golda, Jabotinsky, and Begin must be rolling in their graves. Prime Minister Olmert is soon scheduled to have some additional last minute arm-twisting done by another soon leaving official, Secretary of State Rice. Dubya, too, will likely join the gang up on the Jews party. Hey, Clinton received many millions of bucks for his Library and such from the Arab oil spigot as a gift for forcing Jews into the deadly Oslo debacle and agreeing to forsake 242's promise of secure borders, why not the scion of the Bush oil family too? He's certainly been acting that way these past few years...and I (reluctantly) voted for him. Like many other State Department types, Rice's career of squeezing Jews is sure to pay off later. Just ask James Baker III (Dubya's virtual uncle). As I like to remind folks, Condi already has one oil tanker named after her in the Chevron fleet. Shafting Hebrews and Arab potentate derriere-kissing have been lucrative business decisions for decades... Israel must have new leaders who will act as if their private parts are still intact regardless of the consequences. If America threatens to cut off aid, then so be it. With a man who has dozens of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel friends, advisors, and supporters ready to move into the White House (he's already sent one of these folks, Robert Malley, as his senior foreign policy adviser to Lebanon's slave master, Syria), Israel must be ready to draw its lines in the sand beyond which it will no further budge. Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion Airport, and such must not be subjected to what Sderot and Ashkelon now frequently receive...and that's exactly what is realistically to be expected if Israel does in Judea (i.e., land of the Jews) and Samaria (aka the West Bank) what it did in Gaza. A three thousand mile wide America will be shamed if it forces Israel into another Munich 1938 style "peace." Israel must insist on reasonable but effective territorial compromises regarding the remaining territories in dispute...be they the Golan Heights or the West Bank. Presidents Johnson and Reagan along with Secretary of State Shultz (an amazing exception to the Foggy Bottom rule), military commanders, and others understood this quite well. It appeared that President Bush II did too...at least for a while. Arabs (even those few Israel has "peace treaties" with) still refuse to accept the permanent reality of a'49 armistice line, 9-mile wide Israel let alone anything beyond the virtually microscopic. Think about that purely Arab patrimony thing, the Dar ul-Islam vs. the Dar al-Harb, and so forth. And, again, think gassed Kurds, Darfur, and southern Sudan while you're at it... Given all the above, as for Gaza...Israel must send an ultimatum, not supply it. And the U. N., Oxfam, the European Union, and other assorted hypocrites and practitioners of the double standard? Let them go to where they're really needed but to where they never will...to relieve the real not mostly self-inflicted plight of scores of millions of non-Arab peoples still being slaughtered, enslaved, subjugated, and so forth throughout the region on behalf of Arab nationalism and its "purely Arab patrimony." Gerald A. Honigman, a Florida educator, has created and conducted counter-Arab propaganda programs for college youth, has lectured on numerous campuses and other platforms, and has publicly debated Arab spokesmen. His articles and op-eds have been published in both the print media and on websites. Contact him at honigman6@msn.com or go to his website: http://geraldahonigman.com/blog.php |
Posted by Avodah, November 24, 2008. |
This was written by Aviva Woolf and it appeared in Arutz-7
(IsraelNN.com) Nonie Darwish, the founder of Arabs for Israel (www.arabsforisrael.com/), says that the hatred the Muslims have for Jews is even worse than the hatred the Nazis had for them. "It isn't a societal thing, it's a religious thing," she explains. "It's intrinsic to their lives because it isn't a human command to kill Jews, it's the word of Allah." In an interview with Israel National News' Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel, the activist and author Darwish explains that it is Muslim teaching to kill non-believers in Allah, and that adherents of any other monotheistic religion must become second class citizens. Daughter of top officer Darwish is the daughter of a top Egyptian Army officer, Lt. General Mustafa Hafez, who founded the Fedayeen in Gaza a group that launched murderous raids across Israel's southern border in the 1950's and was the precursor of the PLO. In July 1956, when Nonie was eight years old, her father became the first targeted assassination carried out by the Israeli Defense Forces in response to Fedayeen's attacks. Darwish is an outspoken critic of the culture she came from. Supported by her husband and children, she dedicates her life to exposing the false accusations against the Jews which the Arab nations are promoting. 'We did 9/11 ourselves' She explains that after 9/11, she called her friends in the Middle East to understand how something like that could have happened. She was surprised to hear all of them blame a 'Jewish conspiracy' for the deaths of 3,000 people in New York City. "How could my people," she asks, "t"How could my people, the Arab and Muslim people, accuse the Jewish people of something we know very well that we did ourselves?" he Arab and Muslim people, accuse the Jewish people of something we know very well that we did ourselves?" Although Nonie is no longer Muslim, she still refers to them as her people. Although her relatives in Egypt no longer speak to her, she doesn't see the problem in supporting Israel. "Loving the Israeli people does not mean I hate Arabs; they are my family," she states. Darwish says that she is very fearful of President-elect Barack Obama and thinks he will only add to the anti-Israel feelings in America. Still, she says: "There is nothing called 'no hope'. If there was no hope, I wouldn't be speaking." Nonie's organization is called Arabs for Israel
(http://www.arabsforisrael.com/).Her new book Cruel and Usual
Punishment will be available in January 2009. You can listen to
the complete interview at Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com. And visit his blog at
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 24, 2008. |
I'm tabling other issues today to discuss what I see as priorities: First, a return to the issue of Beit HaShalom in Hevron: important because the media's highly politicized distortions in the matter have been considerable. I have learned that what I reported yesterday regarding the fact that the High Court did not say Beit HaShalom MUST be evacuated is indeed true. This is from Elyakim Haetzni an attorney and former MK, resident in Kiryat Arba who is the father of attorney Nadav Haetzni, who is representing the Jewish community of Hevron. Elyakim's key point, with all of the legalities, is that the police who in Judea and Samaria report to the State are conducting themselves in a different manner than would be the case if something similar were happening in Tel Aviv. When there is a charge by an ostensible owner of a building (in this case the Arab who sold the building) that there are squatters in his building, normally, unless the absolute preponderance of evidence is with the ostensible owner (which certainly is not the case here), the police decline to be involved, advising the purported owner to seek legal action or handle it himself. Here, the police have directly insinuated themselves into what is going on. ~~~~~~~~~~ A brief sequence of events: The building was purchased in 2004 by the Jewish community for close to $1 million, via an intermediary, from Palestinian Faiz Rajabi. That intermediary then paid Rajabi to arrange for renovations on the building in preparation for occupancy. Rajabi, upon discovering when they took occupancy just over 18 months ago that the new owners of the building were Jews (which put him in a bad place with the PA), denied having sold his building to them. He went to the police. The new owners, however, had not only solid paper documentation, but also a video documenting the sale. When the video was shown to him, he changed his story and admitted he had sold it but said he had then immediately cancelled the transaction. He did not make his case at that point with the police. ~~~~~~~~~~ About a year ago, the State reversed itself when high ranking officials for the State Attorney's office decided that some of the papers connected to the sale which had been submitted by the new owners were forgeries. This is critical, because this is what we read about now: the implication being that the Jewish community presented false papers for a sale that never really occurred. An eviction order was issued. This is where the story gets really strange. The State Attorney's office declared the papers "confidential" and refused for a period of time to submit them to a handwriting expert on behalf of the Jewish community, even though they had given the papers to the police in the first place. Finally they permitted Dr. Mordechai Vardi to study the documents. His professional opinion is at the heart of matters here: Dr. Vardi said the suspected forgeries were "auto-forgeries." That is, the signatures of the seller in question really were his signatures, but changed by him so that he would be able to claim they weren't. Said Vardi: "This is a conspicuous indication of a fictitious forgery. Such is the case before us; the [police] investigators' expert did not seem to realize it." These deliberate forgeries, he said, were committed so there would be an "exit hatch." What is more, payment was made by the buyers in stages from 2004 to 2005, and in each instance Rajabi issued a receipt. Even the police acknowledged that Rajabi's signatures on the receipts were legitimate. Thus, his argument that he cancelled the deal immediately after signing on to it is demolished over the course of a year he accepted payments for his property. ~~~~~~~~~~ Given the above, one might think that the matter would have been closed. The fact that is not makes it blatantly clear that we're dealing here with politics and not just law. The government of Israel is not interested in a strengthening community in Hevron, since it would hope ultimately to turn all of Judea over to the PA, including Judaism's second holiest city. ~~~~~~~~~~ At present the High Court has turned this issue back over to a local court for final decision. But neither the State nor the Court has been willing to listen to an audio tape with Rajabi, who was not coerced, saying that he sold the house that the Jewish community recently submitted in evidence. ~~~~~~~~~~ I've been asked by people how they can help here, and my response is two-fold. One way of helping is by promulgating the truth in discussion, in letters to the editor, etc. The other is by keeping the pressure on the government. ~~~~~~~~~~ Forty-nine MKs have now sent a letter to Defense Minister Barak and Public Security Minister Dichter asking them "to avoid evacuating the disputed house in Hebron and to show decency and governmental responsibility.... evacuation of the house should be avoided at least until after the elections." "We express a sentiment of deep discrimination and injustice which has overshadowed the Beit Hashalom case from the outset. The obscure refusal of the State Prosecution to reexamine the case, in light of the audio recording the settlers obtained, raises difficult emotions." Elyakim Haetzni tells me that this letter was accompanied by a statement by Justice Turkel, whom I cited yesterday. ~~~~~~~~~~ And then, concerning president-elect Obama: The comments have been coming in with regard to that fact that he's been misjudged and is really pro-Israel. This is said to be so because he has taken Rahm Emanuel on board, and because Al Qaida's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, recently released a tape severely criticizing Obama, which is being offered as evidence that the Arabs are not really pleased with him. I wish matters were that simple. I would like to cite here Barry Rubin, who is director of the Global Research in International Affairs, from his latest piece, "Don't flatter your enemies, protect your friends." "HOW IMPORTANT is popularity? According to the school enthusiastic about President-elect Barack Obama in the United States, it is everything. One journalist explained that al-Qaida is afraid of Obama because, presumably, he will win away Muslims from supporting radical Islamism. It is written in the Washington Post: 'Even among the followers of radical groups, such as Hamas and the Taliban, Obama has inspired a sense of change and opportunity.' "That last statement intended to imply that even extremists like Obama is worded with a shocking, though unintentional, ambiguity. It is sure true that Hamas, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, and al-Qaida view this 'change' as an 'opportunity.' Unfortunately, they view it as an opportunity for being more aggressive. (emphasis added.) Here's how Iranian Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami put it, in words typical of the reaction from Iran and these other groups. He sees Obama's slogan of 'change' as a retreat caused by Iran's revolution, which brought down American power, and says the United States is continuing to decline. For them, Barack [is] the creator of a more popular America and a figure of weakness. Should there be any doubt that his flexibility will be interpreted as retreat, no matter how well-intentioned he is? (emphasis added) "THE DEBATE in Washington is far away from the debate in the Middle East. In America's capital, the talk is of how the radicals are more moderate than thought, how they will be won over by Obama's charisma and changed American policies. The disconnect between the region and the rationalizers is frightening. "There is no policy change in Washington that will appease the radicals. And there are no concessions that will make an American president popular in a meaningful way among Middle Easterners. Even more worrisome, such steps are not going to make moderates feel more secure. "Here the al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri gets it just right. He
tells Obama: 'It appears that you don't know anything about the Muslim
world and its history... You are neither facing individuals nor
organizations, but are facing a jihadi awakening and renaissance which
is shaking the pillars of the entire Islamic world; and this is the
fact which you and your government and country refuse to recognize and
pretend not to see.'" (emphasis added)
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Daisy Stern, November 24, 2008. |
This was written by Malkah Fleisher and it appeared in Arutz-7 (www.IsraelNationalNews.com). |
(IsraelNN.com) As part of its ongoing jihad against Israel, the Hamas terrorist organization has adopted a new mission, recently unveiled at its booth at a digital communications exhibition in Iran: hacking Israeli websites. A new Hamas-affiliated group, calling itself "The Digital Intifada," introduced itself in late October at the second annual National Exhibition and Festival of Digital Media in Tehran, according to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC). The objective of "The Digital Intifada" is to develop anti-Jewish websites and encourage the criminal hacking of Israeli governmental and non-governmental websites. At its booth at the Tehrani exhibit, Hamas's new computerized warfare promised $2,000 prizes for succeeding in the crime of hacking any Israeli site which is "hostile to the Palestinian people." Particular honor would go to anyone who hacked the websites of the Sephardic religious political party Shas, the Temple Mount Faithful website, and the American Internet Haganah (specializing in monitoring global jihad websites). "The Digital Intifada" booth also featured Hamas-related websites, including Palestine-info, Filastin al-'An, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Al Aqsa TV, the PALDF Forum and Sabiroon websites, among others. Vendors distributed anti-Jewish, pro-Islamic jihadist pamphlets, scarves, and hats to interested recipients. After browsing the booth's many examples of internet-based jihad, exhibition attendees were invited to speak about the interface between the internet, fact manipulation, and terrorism with Abu Osama Abd Al-Muati, the Hamas representative in Tehran, as well as Hamas propaganda designers, experts, and political commentators. Director of the Lebanon-based Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV in Tehran Abu Hassan Zuaytar was also in attendance, as were various members of Hamas and Hizbullah. Hizbullah also had its own booth at the exhibit. "The Digital Intifada" announced several objectives for future anti-Israel propaganda work, including the production of anti-Zionist computer games for children, online pro-Palestinian forums, a digital library dedicated to labeling Jewish Israelis as "occupiers", and coordinating online battalions of digital fighters to war with Israel and Israel's allies and supporters. According to a report published by the Bethlehem-based Ma'an News Agency, "hacking into Zionist websites has become a necessity which cannot be avoided." (Ma'an News Agency quoting the Islamic Republic News Agency, October 31). Contact Daisy Stern at daisystern1@gmail.com |
Posted by Daisy Stern, November 24, 2008. |
This is an op-ed piece by Leonie Ben-Simon, a freelance journalist, and it appeared in
(IsraelNN.com) "It is very important that we uphold the rule of law," says Gabi Ashkenazi, in relation to the High Court's decision to remove Jews from a building in Hebron. That is the problem. Which law? Is the IDF Chief of Staff referring to Jewish law or the laws of a High Court that has made so many rulings which fly in the face of and contradict Jewish law? Ashkenazi is right. In a democracy, the people can elect a government which will rule all of the people, but may not represent all sectors and all of their agendas. Without the rule of law, the institutions of this democratic society will crumble. If the court is not respected, if the will of the people acts to collectively refuse to accept the judgment of the court by making enforcement impossible, then the power of government and its agencies are rendered useless. Right or wrong, Ashkenazi knows that the last "disengagement" worked, but there are many, many Israelis who now regret that they stood aside and let it happen. Substantial numbers of young soldiers who were bullied by threats of being passed over for promotions and lied to regret their participation to this day, passing on their feelings to their younger siblings now in the army, to their families and their friends. Citizens throughout the length and breadth of the country see the rockets coming from Gaza falling on Israeli homes, killing and injuring people. They now understand the implications of giving away land knowing that the "disengagement" from Gaza was not for peace, but to cause death and destruction for Israelis. What Ashkenazi is worried about is that large numbers of his soldiers are turning Right and will refuse to evict Jews from their homes again. No matter what he does whether by passing the buck to the Border Police to do the job or by scrounging around to find a few leftists in the army who believe that the country belongs to the Arabs and will be happy to evict people there will be blood shed this time. They may succeed in evicting and demolishing one or two homes with the rule of divide and conquer, but a wholesale eviction could bring many times the amount of protesters and also a different class of persons than those who came to Gaza, who will not lie down peacefully to be carried away like they did last time. It must be remembered that Gaza contained a few thousand Israeli Jews, although it did provide Israel with fifteen per cent of its agricultural exports. Today there are hundreds of thousands of Jews who call Judea and Samaria their home. The residents of the whole of the coastal strip have watched what is happening to Sderot and Ashkelon, soon to be Ashdod and maybe even Tel Aviv. They will not let corrupt politicians, a High Court with a leftist composition and questionable practices, nor the army put their property and their lives at risk by giving away a small strip of land, equal to a dot on the whole map of Arab lands. Their security demands that Israel remains complete and not within easy range of rockets from all sides. Our enemies wait for us to compromise our security in the name of peace before making war on the small piece of land that would be left. Ashkenazi has another problem. His allegiance is to the government who hired him, the only democratic government in the Middle East. It appears to be stable, with all of the associated institutions of government. However, when the government is totally out of step with the people, when a large and growing percentage of army officers and the majority of soldiers come from traditional backgrounds where Jewish law is lived by and respected, the question has to be asked: "When is enough, enough?" Rabbis are calling for refusals by soldiers to participate in such evacuations and demolitions; homeowners are being held in custody for joining demonstrations and not allowed back in their local area of residence; and children as young as thirteen are being arrested for protesting against the government's intention to hand over their homes to the enemy who takes every opportunity to try to kill and maim them. Israel is neither America nor a Western European country. Is it conceivable that the High Court's decision will be the trigger for major change? When soldier after soldier refuses to remove fellow Jews from their houses this time, the whole political system can very well fall. This time, the lies and threats will not work with our young soldiers. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. No wonder Ashkenazi is hauling out the principle of the Rule of Law. Contact Daisy Stern at daisystern1@gmail.com |
Posted by Lawrence Uniglicht, November 24, 2008. |
A frightening youth movement evolves in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. To the proximate north of the Jewish homeland goosesteps a graduating class of saluting young Muslim men adorned in disarming Boy Scout like uniforms, known as Mahdi Scouts, weaned on the fundamentalist Jew despising hatred of Hezbollah, pictured on the front page of the November 21st edition of the New York Times in an article entitled 'To Fuel Quest, Hezbollah Harnesses Youth Piety'. They march along, wearing the yellow banner of that terrorist group, mesmerized by the beat of military music pounding into their collective soul jihadist dreams of one day conquering the state of Israel. Each obsessed youth wears a tiny picture on his chest of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the infamous or famous Shiite cleric, depending upon perspective, who led the Iranian revolution. "You are our leader!" chant the boys in one brainwashed voice, addressing a Hezbollah manipulator walking to his soap box. The official addresses his psychotically induced youthful crowd with Koranic rhetoric, "We are your men!" Adolph Hitler, if able to observe this scene from the molten lava Hell he surely must inhabit, would likely drool venom, believing someday these boys would grow into jackbooted fascists in the name of their religious idol Mohammed, rationalizing their behavior with skewed gospel from their holy book, sucking up to whatever modern day turbaned creature mentored their addled brains. The melding of religion and hatred is a strategy utilized by groups like Hezbollah, a way to control and motivate impressionable flocks to do their bidding, a way to maintain power in any nation they may infiltrate. "It's like a complete system, from primary school to university," asserts Talal Atrissi, a political analyst at Lebanese University and many decade student of this particular terrorist organization. "The goal is to prepare a generation that has deep religious faith and is also close to Hezbollah." Mahdi Scouts are provided with reading lists, including one book entitled 'Facts About Jews', describing them as "cruel, corrupt, cowardly, and deceitful" as well as "killers of prophets." One chapter states "their Talmud says those outside the Jewish religion are animals." Over time Shiite youngsters become committed to the philosophy of Hezbollah, learn to despise all Jews, and no doubt would be willing to attack Israel if and when they are ordered to do so. The formation of a devout Muslim fascist army along Israel's northern border, armed with advanced Iranian weaponry, presents a clear and present danger to the Jewish homeland. Ceding the Golan Heights to Syria as an olive branch, presumably prying that hostile Arab neighbor also to the north away from Iran, supposedly enhancing pie-in-the-sky peace prospects in return as lame duck Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his stupid supporters postulate, would be a tragic mistake, casting Israel as a weak desperate nation, indeed compromising her security as well, especially in light of Hezbollah's jihadist youth movement in Lebanon, never willing to accept the existence of Israel, no doubt inviting them to attack as a consequence of that feckless indeed treasonous 'land for peace' strategy suggesting vulnerability. Only an aggressive unyielding Israel can survive in such a predatory neighborhood, surrounded by various venomous Muslim adversaries all disdainful as well as jealous if truth be told of Jews and their homeland. Rahm Emanuel, U.S. President Barack Obama's appointed chief of staff, an orthodox Jew whose Jerusalem born father fought in the Irgun, a heavyweight in this newly elected Administration who states, "I am proud of my heritage and treasure the values it has taught me.", is someone prescient Jewish leaders should now approach, educating him in the 'facts of life' and prospects of survival for the Jewish state his father so valiantly fought for, exhorting him to convince his boss that 'land for peace' initiatives must be abandoned, that a growing anti-Semitic fascist youth movement in Lebanon ought to be viewed with great concern. American clout consistent with Israel's best interests, eschewing past initiatives expecting Israel to cede the farm for virtually nothing, is best obtained from the get go of a new political regime. Act now! Lawrence Uniglicht is a career civil servant. He advocates for the State of Israel with an American perspective. He writes, "Advocating for the disrespected underdog has been my passion, no doubt Israel falls into that category." Contact him by email at larose@snip.net |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 24, 2008. |
EUROPE, SYRIA, U.S., & ISRAEL Britain's Foreign Secretary, David Milibrand, met with Syria's Foreign Minister. They re-established high-level intelligence links between the two countries. The London Times explained that Syria is known for one of the best intelligence services, especially on the movement of Islamists, including their entry into Iraq. The Foreign Secretary hoped that his visit would help end Syria's isolation and draw the attention of President-Elect Obama, whom they consider preoccupied with the financial crisis. The Europeans think that the Arab-Israel conflict should be the highest foreign policy issue for the US. They contend that this conflict is the key to dealing with nuclear Iran (IMRA, 11/18). Sure Syria knows about Islamist entry into Iraq. It sends many of them! Another delusion is that Syria would give Britain intelligence that would help it defeat the insurgency that Syria's master, Iran, sponsors. I don't know whether it would go so far as to give Britain disinformation, but it would be glad to tap Western intelligence and betray it for jihad. Perhaps Britain would give Syria intelligence against Israel. Don't put anything past British intelligence! Britain forgets the purpose in isolating Syria. Perhaps Obama's first foreign policy priority should be to get US allies aligned. Nice of them to tell the US what its highest foreign policy priority is, though not so nice to tell us we pay too much attention to our economy, on which the world depends. Our economy really is our highest foreign policy priority. Without a strong economy, we can't do much in foreign policy. Next highest priority is restoring a big and robust military. Islamism, Russia, China, and foreign trade are higher priorities than the Arab-Israel conflict. Actually, that conflict is part of jihad, but Europe doesn't see the big picture. Neither did Obama. How clever those Europeans consider themselves, working to deal with Iran indirectly, via the Arab-Israel conflict. As if they can. As if that would alter Iran. Iran wants to conquer the world, perhaps destroying it in the process. Nothing will stop Iran's drive for nuclear weapons. What those clever Europeans really want is for the US to sacrifice Israel to the Arabs in return for false promises by Syria and Iran to desist. Then they will pretend that it wasn't their antisemitism that did Israel in. Then Iran will do them in. FRANCE'S CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST French-Saudi relations soured. Weapons that France sold to S. Arabia were used against French troops in Lebanon and have turned up in Afghanistan, too (IMRA, 11/18). That's what happens when dealing with Islamists. ARAB NOTION OF REVENGE Here is my understanding of the breaching of the Gaza ceasefire. Israeli intelligence discovered that Hamas had built a tunnel from which to emerge in Israel and kidnap a soldier. The trap was about to be sprung. The IDF headed it off by raiding Gaza, destroying the tunnel, and fighting gunmen in their way. The plan was to violate the ceasefire. Hamas has not denied that intent. Hamas violates the ceasefire from time-to-time, just as did the PLO. Hamas called the Israeli raid the violation. It expected Israel to wait for the kidnapping to be done. The raid served as a pretext for various terrorist groups to launching dozens of rockets into Israel. You see, those groups utilize the respite of the ceasefire to rearm. The Israeli air force detected a launch crew and wounded them. Gazans are indignant. Israel declared that the firing of a couple of dozen rockets at Israel was not a violation of the ceasefire, just isolated incidents. Doesn't that sound like political rationalization for a weak or anti-Zionist policy? Now, we learn (IMRA, 11/15) that a terrorist organization in Gaza has threatened revenge for an IDF raid that Israel denies having made. The air force explains that it did not operate in the area cited. The explosion probably was from explosives that the jihadists work with. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights has before chided terrorists for storing explosives and putting their laboratories in civilian houses, and carelessly so. The Center does not mind firing rockets at Israeli citizens, it only minds unnecessary casualties among its own people. That is its notion of human rights. Not mine. The West lack proper frankness in exposing the hypocrisy and inhumanity of human rights organizations and in combating terrorism. Haaretz expresses surprise that the ceasefire didn't hold and the fighting escalated, contrary to the interests on both sides. "On both sides" falsely makes it seem as if Israel were partly at fault. That is Haaretz' ideology. As for Arab violations and flare-ups, we've had 16 years of it. Why is Haaretz surprised? (Prof. Steven Plaut, 11/15). Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience, rather than be surprised by history repeating itself many times in a few years. RUSSIA TO GET ISRAELI DRONE TECHNOLOGY Israel had sold Georgia some drones, used in defense from Russian attack. Now Russia wants to buy a few from Israel, then manufacture more, under license (IMRA, 11/15). It is imprudent and unethical to give up one's technology to a rogue enemy, that would advice Syria how to resist the drones (or give it to Iran against the US). The naïve Israelis may think that this would placate Russia. P.A. SECURITY COOPERATION The P.A. has sentenced to execution a P.A. security officer for helping Israeli forces raid terrorists in Judea-Samaria (IMRA, 11/12). That demonstrates how the P.A. feels about real security cooperation. It calls it "collaboration." Now what was that about Israel relying upon the P.A. to keep its peace agreements by cracking down on terrorism? ABBAS' REVEALS HIS EXTREMISM Commemorating his former boss, Arafat, a founder of modern Islamic terrorism, P.A. head Abbas lauded suicide bombing for the cause. The media, that usually calls him a moderate, omitted that part of his speech (Arutz-7, 11/12). They omitted proof of his extremism, so they can keep labeling him "moderate." BRITAIN SUDDENLY ANTI-COLONIALIST Britain is trying to expand its anti-Jewish policy for Judea-Samaria to other countries. It is boycotting production by Israelis beyond the 1967 borders. It wants to pressure Jews to stop settlement "activity." Britain has no policy against Arab terrorist activity in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Muslims manufacturing rockets there to fire at Jews is all right, but Jews growing tomatoes is a menace? What is Britain's current record? (1) Occupies Northern Ireland. (2) Holds Gibraltar, taken from Spain. (3) Holds the Falkland Islands, that Argentina claims. It set up a Constitution for the Falklands that preserves British interests there. Argentina calls this colonialism. (4) Britain holds the Chagos archipelago in the Indian Ocean, against claims by two local countries. Britain cleared out all the inhabitants, to lease a military base to the US. The Chagossians won court cases, but still are kept away. (5) Britain claims 1.7 kilometers of the South Pole, overlapping claims by Chile and Argentina, local countries. All Britain's claims are challenged with some justification. "By contrast, Judea and Samaria are the ancient heartland of the Jewish people, the cradle of our civilization, and Israel has every right morally, historically, theologically and militarily to be there." (Michael Freund in IMRA, 11/12.) Legal right, too. Britain may be right about claimed territory, but it is wrong and hypocritical in its selectively anti-Israeli indignation. Its argument against Israel is pretext. NEW MILITARY ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT THE GOLAN FAULTY Strategic assessment has it that Israel cannot defend itself any more without possessing the Golan Heights. [That Israel did in 1967 should not be cited in favor of ceding the Heights. It was almost a miracle that would not be repeated.] Then how, Israeli military planners pondered, could Israel defend itself if Israeli politicians gave the Golan to Syria? Their answer was that Israel would have to subject the giveaway to conditions enabling Israel to recapture the Golan before Syria could move its ground forces past it. Those conditions were: (1) Demilitarized Golan; and (2) Syrian forces on the further side of Damascus, and Israeli forces in the Hulah Valley just below the Heights, so the IDF could beat the Syrian forces racing to the Golan. Those conditions depend on assumptions: (a) Syria honoring the treaty; (b) Interpreting Syrian military movement correctly; (c) Israel mobilizing immediately; (d) Israel figured accurately how long things take from the set positions; and (e) Israel correctly decides that Syria is at war and acts on it. Those assumptions are faulty. Military movement can be misinterpreted. You see, Syria plans to build cities on the Golan, populated with reservists subject to call-up. It could stage riots, move troops ostensibly to quell them, and suddenly it has an army on the Golan. Besides, the danger might be more from advanced missiles from Hizbullah along the northern Jordan River, than from Syrian divisions. A new combination of enemy forces is possible. Time to re-think the old assumptions and policy. The P.A. also would have missiles. They could keep Israeli forces from moving on the northward road. Monitors [even if honest, which non-Israeli ones would not be] would be unable to verify that the P.A. no longer is demilitarized. The new combination of dangers requires Israel to control more territory (Gen. Giora Eiland, head of Israel's National Security Agency, in IMRA, 11/8). I think the general should have put more time into editing his article for clarity. He should emphasize that whereas most Israeli strategists assume that only a couple of enemy forces would coordinate, they must assume that irregular forces would disrupt Israeli mobilization. Syria doesn't honor treaties. Syria could create false alarms, as Egypt did before 1973, until Israel lets down its guard. Leftists Israeli regimes are loathe to act. Eiland should have ended with the conclusion that in the missile era, control of territory is no less important than when the only way of waging full-scale war was to amass ground forces over an area with depth greater than Israel is at its narrow points. (That means not with city buildings in the way.) Israel should not have let the irregulars build up. IRAN CLOSING IN Iran is switching from liquid fuel missiles, with a range of 1,200 miles, to solid fuel missiles of the same range but greater accuracy (IMRA, 11/12). Iran is gaining power in deterring pre-emptive attacks on it while it develops the means of delivering devastating attacks on others. Don't other countries see this coming? If the US doesn't stop Iran now, who will? If we are not for ourselves, who is? The rest of the world doesn't care to make much effort to stop genocide, as was demonstrated in Rwanda and partly in Yugoslavia. Neither does the rest of the world like the US to be world policeman except to protect them indirectly. For indirect attack, as by infiltrating Muslims, Europe is somnolent. Anyway, the US lacks the resources to be world policeman. When the US is in danger, it should act to protect itself. It should not care what others say, others who gain from the protection they denounce when rendered by America. PERES INDIRECTLY ADMITS RABIN ASSASSINATION PLOT Shimon Peres described the Arab-Israel conflict as a joint clash. The Muslims committed repeated aggression against the Jews (IMRA, 12/12). He said that Rabin was shot while singing a song of peace. The shooting came after the meeting. Inadvertently admitting the falsity of the government theory, Peres said three shots were fired at Rabin. The government theory is that Yigal fired two shots at Rabin's back. Those however, were blanks. There was no blood on the ground and no bullets recovered. Rabin energetically entered the car, obviously without the spine-crippling injury found at hospital. (Prof. Steven Plaut claims there isn't a shred of evidence against the official theory. Much against it and little for it.) Barry Chamish's theory, backed by some medical reports, is that a third shot, in the chest, killed Rabin. Peres referred to the third shot, just as did the Dep. Defense Minister at the time, a doctor. Peres referred to Muslim leaders sharing in the mourning. He interprets this as evidence of peaceful intent. I interpret it as their interest in keeping going the kind of concessions to them that Rabin allowed and would, in turn, allow them to conquer Israel. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Victor Sharpe, November 23, 2008. |
Islam will never accept Israel unless Islam itself undergoes a reformation. But by its very nature it cannot do so and still be called Islam. That said, there is no future for the Jewish state if it keeps on believing that one day the Muslim world will accept it and live in a true and lasting peace as, for example, Holland and Belgium live peacefully side by side. The only way forward for Israel is to accept the dismal fact that so long as it remains a Jewish and non-Arab state it cannot ever have peaceful neighbors who will not at every opportunity wish to destroy it. That being so, Israel must continue to prosper and thrive as a state in the knowledge that it can never let down its guard. It must ever be on its guard as were the biblical watchmen on the ancient walls of Jerusalem. But even with such a threat hanging over it like some Arab sword of Damocles, Israel can survive and grow. Even though the Jewish state yearns for peace, as all other civilized societies do, the very external threat can be turned to great advantage militarily, politically, socially and economically. Nothing keeps internal division at bay and concentrates the mind more than when the barbarians are at the gate. What is remarkable is that since the great Zionist leaders of the likes of Herzl, Jabotinsky, Ben Gurion, Begin and Shamir have passed, there has been a long and depressing parade of weak and incompetent Israeli leaders and politicians who have brought unnecessary disaster down upon the state. The worst ever is the present caretaker prime minister, Ehud Olmert, whose idiocy is simply incomprehensible. Here is a man, deeply flawed and under police investigation for alleged corruption who seems driven by some infernal force to harm his own nation and aid and support her enemies by turning a blind eye to every Palestinian Arab provocation and act of naked aggression. Along with defense minister, Ehud Barak, who is arguably one of the worst and most incompetent men ever to be entrusted with that vital portfolio, Olmert grovels at the feet of the Palestinian Authority's Mahmoud Abbas. In response to veiled threats from Abbas that Israel must give to him everything he demands or else, the Israeli premier ignores the suffering of his people under bombardment in Sderot and Ashkelon and, instead, frees 250 Arab thugs who will immediately return to murdering Israeli civilians. Abbas is a miserable Holocaust denier whose very crime should place him beyond the pale for every Israeli leader. From prime ministers, Rabin, Peres, Netanyahu and Sharon down to Olmert and would be prime minister, Tzippi Livni, all have been resistant to accepting the sad but awful truth that even if Israel shrunk to one down town city block in Tel Aviv, the Arab and Muslim world would still not recognize a Jewish state or agree to live with it in peace and harmony. Why not? The answer to that question is Islam itself. True peace can never be achieved between Muslim and non-Muslim nations. Islam mandates the faithful to spread their religion through territorial conquest or, as in the case of Israel, by reclaiming what Muslims believe they have lost. Even though the native and indigenous peoples of Israel are the Jews, and even if the Land of Israel was given to the Jewish people in an eternal covenant with God, it does not matter to the Muslim, for wherever the Muslim foot has once trod triumphal, that territory is forever regarded as Islamic. If such territory is lost to Muslims, then the belief is that Allah has been diminished and the land must be retaken, however long it may take. So Islam cannot and will not accept Israel. After all it is a Jewish state, governed by its Jewish inhabitants, and living in its very own ancestral and biblical homeland. But for the Muslim faithful, every part of it must become Muslim again. Until that time comes it will be considered by Muslim Arabs as within the Dar al Harb, the House of War. Peace then is merely a mirage in the desert sands. World leaders, essentially those who are secular and western, fail to understand the Muslim mindset. Israeli leaders, who of all people should understand and know better, still fall into the fatal trap of believing that the western model of lasting peace between nation states can equally apply in the Middle East between Muslim and non-Muslim nations. It is a fallacy. These leaders cling to the notion that the conflict between Israel and the Arabs in general, and between Israel and those who call themselves Palestinians in particular, is territorial. It is not. It is theological. It is, indeed, part of the existential conflict that has existed between Islam and the rest of the world since the 7th century. Judaism and Christianity are considered by the followers of Islam to be in error. The Muslim belief is that Mohammed was given the final and complete divine revelation and Islam is therefore superior to the earlier two faiths, whose followers it calls the "People of the Book." So now the Muslim cry is, "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet." Islam, therefore, is considered by the faithful as superior over all other faiths and peoples. It is a theological, "Islam uber alles." Herein is the fundamental fault line, which may never be bridged. Much of the Islamic world now feels empowered, as perhaps, never before, and seeks global domination with renewed vigor. This is the tangible and growing threat to the world; not global warming. There are many Muslims who remain faithful adherents to Islam but who have rejected the jihadist call for Islamic supremacy throughout the world. Hopefully the West will find some Muslim nations who have learned to accept a "live and let live" policy with their non-Muslim neighbors. But the overwhelming strength of the jihadists may be too much for them to overcome and it seems a bleak and remote possibility that true moderates within Islam will one day prevail. That may come in time, but for Israel that time is still far, far away. Tolerance and pluralism must remain a goal but it can only be achieved by world leaders understanding finally that Israel has yet to find within the Arab and Muslim world a true and genuine peace partner. The policies of the Jewish state must be ordered within the recognition of that reality; somber and depressing as it may be. But only when world leaders understand the nature of Islam's theological rejection of a genuine and irrevocable peace with Israel, and Israeli leaders realize the uselessness of trading tangible and ancestral land for a delusional "land for peace," will a long and overdue reality finally enter the conflict. I firmly believe that the majority of Israelis yearn for a valiant, honorable and stalwart leader, versed in his people's history and faith, who will arise to tell those Arabs and Islamists who remain wedded to violent jihad against Israel that they will now find a new Israeli resolve to concede not one inch to their implacable aggression, enmity and deceit. Nor will the groveling that has characterized too many Israeli leaders in the past continue. Dhimmitude, the humiliating condition that Muslims historically imposed upon both their Jewish and Christian subjects, must not ever again be tolerated in any future relationships between Israelis and their Arab enemies. What we witness today is Israeli caretaker Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, bending the knee constantly and making endless concession to the deceitful leader of the Palestinian Authority, the Holocaust denying Mahmoud Abbas. This Arab leader is not interested in peace with Israel. He is interested only in taking what ever he can from the foolish Olmert and giving nothing, absolutely nothing, in return. And that is because as a Muslim he is not permitted to make peace with a non-Muslim. Yet the terminally obtuse Olmert, and so many liberal and leftwing Jews inside and outside of Israel, remain infuriatingly blind to these simple facts. Israeli leaders of the future must understand that the frigid cold peace that exists between Israel and Egypt, and Israel and Jordan, is no more than an armistice. They must realize once and for all the historical fact that Islam does not and cannot make a permanent peace with a non-Muslim neighbor. Islam mandates that only when the non-Muslim enemy is stronger and cannot at the time be defeated, can a ceasefire (dressed up as a peace treaty) be accepted for the good of the umma (Islamic community). But as soon as the enemy is considered weak and foolish through making, for example, pointless peaceful overtures and concessions, then war is an obligation demanded by the Quran. For this reason, the Arab and Muslim world launched its many wars against the Jewish state. Only by God's grace did Israel survive but at a terrible cost in Jewish blood. Such new Israeli leaders must look to the Torah and into their own people's biblical history. They must see again the nature of their enemies as spelled out in crystal clarity by the Almighty through the words of the Jewish prophet Jeremiah: "They dress the wound of my People as though it we're not serious saying, Peace, peace, but there is no peace. We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, and behold trouble!" I think of the disasters that Israeli leaders like Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Yossi Beilin brought upon the Jewish state. They were the architects of the Oslo Accords, which we now more accurately call the Oslo War. The premise of those failed accords, which have inflicted terrible suffering on so many Israelis, was for Israel to accept that its ancestral and biblical lands can be given away to implacable enemies in order to make them peaceful and accept what was left of the Jewish state. It predictably failed for all the reasons stated above. The Midrash teaches that we are like a sheep among seventy wolves. Only the great Shepherd (God Almighty) can protect us from all of our enemies. We are instructed to do what we can to defend ourselves. But at this time it seems that no recent Israeli government has been able to face the task of protecting the residents of Israel. Look how the communities of southern Israel groan under the Arab missile blitz from the Gaza Strip while the Israeli Government of Ehud Olmert remains ever timid to the point of national humiliation. We must pray to God, the true guardian of Israel, to protect us. In this I am mindful of the Jewish prophet, Joel, who reminded the ancient Jews that the covenanted land must never be given away, for as he said: "In those days and at that time when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgement against them concerning My inheritance, My people Israel, for they scattered My people among the nations and divided up My land: Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision." Joel, speaking God's words, then proclaimed: "The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the sky will tremble. But the Lord God will be a refuge for His people, a stronghold for the people of Israel." Victor Sharpe is the author of the highly acclaimed book: Politicide The attempted murder of the Jewish state. |
Posted by Ellen Horowitz, November 23, 2008. |
Some may find the concept of jail sentences for missionaries to be a bit draconian, but it's worth noting that lawyers representing missionaries and messianics in Israel are trying to stop counter-missionary legislation and activists by claiming they are in violation of two laws against incitement. a) The first law forbids the destruction or desecration of any religious icon or item that a group holds sacred. In this way the missionaries will have a free hand to openly proselytize without opposition, because spreading the gospel is considered a religious tenet of evangelical Christainity. That means if we are found destroying a missionary tract which has been handed to us (which is the halacha), or if we attempt to stop a missionary from approaching our children, we could be in violation of incitement laws. If interested, write: yadlachm@netvision.net.il The petition is in Hebrew at
Ellen Horowitz lives in the Golan Heights, Israel with her husband and six children. She is a painter, an author and a columnist for Arutz-7, www.Israelnationalnews.com. Email her at ellenwrite@bezeqint.net |
Posted by Mechel Samberg, November 23, 2008. |
Source: National Council of Young Israel, November 21, 2008 http://cnpublications.net/2008/11/21/reclamation-not-occupation/ Editor's Note: Although Biblical texts cannot constitute a legal basis for land ownership, the following article illustrates the strong historical, cultural, and religious connections that Jews have to Judea and Samaria. It is tie that the "international community" recognizes that the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria are built on liberated and reclaimed Jewish lands and not on "occupied Palestinian territory." See Also: "A Jew Visits Bethlehem" by Israel Zwick,
Most important, in these three places as well as elsewhere, the nations of the world, shamefully joined by substantial numbers of our Jewish brethren in Israel and America, believe that the Jews of Israel are criminal settlers and occupiers of these areas. [1] From time immemorial almost two millennia we felt confident when we would read the well-known Midrash about our undisputed claim to at least three specific places in Eretz Yisrael. According to the Midrash, Jews would not be accused by the nations of the world of being treacherous, illegal occupiers of these three places since the record would show that these areas were purchased by Jews, each for a good price (Bereishit Rabbah 79:7). The earliest purchase was the one we read about in Parashat Chayei Sarah where Avraham Avinu insisted on purchasing the Cave of Machpelah from Efron, the Hittite. While initially Efron offered the piece of land gratis to Avraham, our patriach insisted on paying for it. And pay he certainly did. Four hundred shekels of silver could very well be worth in the many tens of thousands of dollars these days. The second purchase of land in Eretz Yisrael was made by Ya'akov Avinu. We read about that in Parashat Vayishlach (33:18-20) when Yaakov returned to Eretz Canaan from Padan Aram. He acquired a plot of land from the children of Chamor, the father of Shechem, for 100 kesitah. That plot of land, in Shechem, we are also told at the end of the book of Yehoshua (24:32), was where the Jews who conquered the land of Canaan under the leadership of Yehoshua buried the bones of Yosef. In Yehoshua, the fact that Yaakov purchased that plot of land is quoted directly from the original reference in Parashat Vayishlach. The third plot of land that was purchased outright was what we call today the Temple Mount. David ha-Melech purchased that from Aravna, the Yevusi who owned a silo on what was to be the future site of the first Bet ha-Mikdash. The cost was 600 gold shekels where each of the twelve tribes contributed 50 shekels (Divrei haYamim I, 21:22-26 as well as Shmuel II, 24:24). Here, also, when David approached the original owner, the gracious offer was made to gift the plot of land. But David, like Avraham, refused the gift and paid royally for the spot where he built an alter. One would think that these three places would have been undisputed territory based on these biblical sources. But the reality is that these three places, especially in our times, have become points of contention and conflagration with the Palestinian Muslim population. The Cave of Machpela needs massive protection in order for the Jews to use it as a hallowed place for prayer and for Torah study. There are times when Muslims will desecrate the places within the cave that are considered to be holy to the Jews even though the Muslim population considers areas in the Cave of Machpela as holy prayer halls. The traditional grave of Yosef was destroyed in October 2000 by Palestinian thugs when the Israel Defense Forces withdrew from the area under intense fire. As I write these shared lines, by arrangement with the IDF, bus loads of all sorts of Jews come to the destroyed tomb of Yosef in the middle of the night to offer their prayers and supplications as well as to return for Torah study. As for Har haMoriah, the mountain on which David built an alter to be incorporated into the first Bet ha-Mikdash, that is probably the most contentious of all the areas. Most important, in these three places as well as elsewhere, the nations of the world, shamefully joined by substantial numbers of our Jewish brethren in Israel and America, believe that the Jews of Israel are criminal settlers and occupiers of these areas. [2] When the modern return to Eretz Yisrael from Europe became a widespread movement in the last decades of the 19th century, among the many talmidei chachamim who worked tirelessly to see that Jews made aliyah rather than flock to America, was the distinguished rav of Bialystock, Rav Shmuel Mohilever. He dedicated much of his life to the backbreaking task of organizing plans and maintaining endless contacts with Jewish leaders and communities throughout Europe. He spared no effort on behalf of the Shivat Tziyyon movement which was the precursor to the Zionist efforts of Dr. Theodore Herzl and his World Zionist Congress. Mohilever, a consummate talmid chacham, was not only a visionary but labored with specific plans and programs on behalf of the Chovevei Tziyon movement and groups. His contract with the Bialystok community allowed for him to be absent from his many duties in that Jewish metropolis for several months a year so that he could travel throughout Europe and work on behalf of the resettlement mission he championed until his dying day in 1898. Mohilever, considered to be one of the founding fathers of what came to be known as religious Zionism, commented on the length to which the Torah describes the negotiations that Avraham entered into with Efron and his Hittite people over the purchase of the Cave of Machpela. He repeatedly reminded his generation that this episode in the Torah comes to teach us that in modern times, as in the days of Avraham, in order to reclaim the land promised to Avraham's descendants, every step of land would have to be purchased for hefty sums (quoted in A.I. Greenberg, Itturei Torah, 1:183). [3] The reclamation of the land would not only take massive amounts of money. All of the early leaders, known as precursors of modern Zionism, wrote about the necessity of the Jewish magnates Montefiore, Rothschild, and dozens others -to lead the efforts to reclaim the land step by step. It would take a huge infusion of cash. "Cash" in mishnaic Hebrew is "damim." At the same time, all of the major talmidei chachamim who led the movement of return to Eretz Yisrael also realized, and clearly wrote, that a Jewish protective police force to defend the legal acquisitions we make in reclaiming the land is absolutely necessary since it will also cost us "damim," the same Hebrew word which means blood. True, without the philanthropists, the land could not be reclaimed. But without the defenders of our legally acquired land, that would cost us the ultimate human sacrifices they would be ready to make, Avraham's descendants could not hold on to the land that they purchased. It would take damim (money) as well as damim (blood). Follow the whole of sefer Bereishit and you will see that this follows a pattern reflecting the facts of life for us, since our return to our Promised Land was the identical pattern of life for our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. Our rabbis taught that "ma'asei avot siman la-banim." What happened with our forefathers is surely a sign of what can be expected of life by their descendants. Contact Mechel Samberg at mechelsamberg2@yahoo.com |
Posted by Daisy Stern, November 23, 2008. |
This comes from Yesha Bulletin
Emergency campaign against two state solution. WE MUST STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR ERETZ ISRAEL! The Federman Farm inside Kiryat Arba was destroyed recently in the middle of the night by the IDF. The Federman family [9 children] and the Tor family [5 children] were thrown out of their beds in only their nightwear. The destruction reminds us of the destruction of Gush Katif 3 years ago, and then the destruction & violence of Amona. Today, WIG went down with a truck jammed full of beds, sheets, kitchen equipment, dried food, toilet paper, pens and games for the children and MORE, much more. ![]() As Elisheva said after this abomination "15 years of marriage and
our home destroyed in moments" The response to our truck load was
great! Our hearts are warmed", they said at your love. For our part we
saw their courage; the rebuilding and the song on Sinai's guitar as
well as in their hearts as they depend on the God of Israel rather
than the violence of an anti-semitic government. The Jews WILL live on
the hills of Israel!
How you can help? Write dobiim@yeshabulletin.com To hear Nadia Matar and Women in Green click here. ![]() Contact Daisy Stern at daisystern1@gmail.com |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 23, 2008. |
The impossible two-state solution prepared by President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as evolved by James Baker III was never intended to actually be two states. Once the second state of "Palestine" came into being, the intention was to remove the first state of Israel. This would be accomplished by the same method as evolved in Gaza. Once Israel surrendered Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley, the Golan Heights and those parts of Jerusalem that were occupied and desecrated by Jordan for 19 years from 1948 to 1967, the Jihadists (holy warriors for Islam) would smuggle massive amounts of weapons in. They would make the abandoned territories into a huge firing base from what was the peaceful, thriving, productive State of Israel. The State Department's "Road Map" was not created for peace but, was used merely as a ruse by the Washington Arabists to pacify and recruit the Leftists in Israel and America. Their bait was the ephemeral word of "Peace" which draws Leftist Jews like flies to garbage. The two-state Peace Plan was never intended as a good solution to Arab hatred but, more of a dedication to Israel's elimination. People like James Baker, Brent Scowcroft, the Bush family dynasty so connected to Saudi Arabia's crude oil knew the bait cast out and trolled under the nose of a Leftist-dominated Israeli government would appeal to their natural inclination of retreat and surrender. The Two-State architects knew that the moment the Arab Muslims were in a dominant position, sitting on abandoned territory, they could and would launch a saturation missile attack of huge proportions. The Hezb'Allah Terrorist organization in the Lebanon north of Israel has re-stocked since the 2006 Lebanon War up to 40,000 missiles ready for launch. Naturally, Syria and Iran would coordinate with their missiles (some chemicals). Hamas has built deep fortification in Gaza and, like Hebz'Allah, armed them with medium and long range missiles. The Olmert government has fled into deep denial about the danger and refuses to engage Hamas offensively, despite daily, continual missile and mortar attacks under the guise of a 6 month cease-fire. Don't expect Egypt to remain peaceful, especially when President Hosni Mubarak is gone and the Muslim Brotherhood dominates. All of this is known by the Road Map architects. They know their history. At least, they should. Israeli Leftists close their eyes to our own history and pretend that agreements with Muslim Jihadists will hold. The only Peace that will hold will be one born of Israeli Jews' strength of arms. That is the only Peace that the radical Muslim Islamists will ever respect. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 23, 2008. |
![]() Ze'ev Jabotinsky 1880-1940 was a giant in Zionist history, standing for the sort of proud Jewish integrity that kept us strong. He came out of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century as a journalist, who ultimately achieved much acclaim for his writing. The pogroms of Kishnev spurred him to organize Jewish self-defense units and to participate in the sixth Zionist Congress. He promoted the use of Hebrew and the establishment of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. During WWI, he was instrumental in forming a Jewish Legion. After the war he became a member of the Zionist Executive and a founder of Keren Haysod. Taking issue with the policies of the Zionist Movement, he established the Revisionist Zionist Alliance, which promoted immediate founding of a Jewish state. Within the Revisionist movement developed the Betar youth movement, which taught young people nationalism; the Irgun, the military arm of the movement; and the New Zionist Movement, the political arm. It was the Revisionists who promoted illegal Jewish immigration into Palestine after the British blocked it. Once Israel was founded, well after Jabotinsky's death, the Revisionist Movement melded into Herut, which was a precursor to today's Likud party. ~~~~~~~~~~ Jabotinsky, who has been described as "both a visionary and a warrior," made immeasurable contributions to the Jewish state. I have thought over the years that he has been much neglected, and I have wondered how many really know about him any more. Thus it gives me pleasure to have this opportunity to write about him. ~~~~~~~~~~ And the opportunity? Seems Jabotinsky has a name-sake grandson, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, who, just hours ago, stood with Binyamin Netanyahu at Likud headquarters in Tel Aviv to announce that he would be running in the Likud primary next month. Netanyahu, elated and excited, said, "Things have come full circle. It is a privilege for the Likud to have such a man in its ranks." Replied Jabotinsky: "I admit I'm excited. It's a privilege to join the movement. The last time Jabotinsky [his grandfather], Begin [Benny's father, Menachem] and Netanyahu [Binyamin's father, Benzion, still alive at 93] served the Jewish public was in World War II, when they tried to save Europe's Jews from annihilation. Today we are a team again and we want to do everything we can to meet the challenges Israel is facing." ~~~~~~~~~~ Arutz Sheva cited Jabotinsky as having said in a Yediot Ahronot interview that Oslo made things "500 times worse." A "Palestinian" state, he said, "would be the base for the international terror of Al Qaeda and Hezbollah with Iranian funding. If they opt for that we will reach a situation in which instead of 1,400 [Jewish] dead there will be 30,000 dead. They will not hesitate to use chemical weapons against us." ~~~~~~~~~~ And how about this, as well: Yaakov Turkel, who served as a justice on Israel's High Court for ten years, until 2005, has given an interview to Arutz Sheva in which he says that the High Court did NOT order the eviction of the residents of Beit HaShalom in Hevron. Rather, the court put it in the hands of the State and gave authorities the freedom to decide whether or not to evict it said the State MAY evict. "When the Defense Minister said he would abide by the Supreme Court ruling ordering the Jews' eviction," Turkel said, "this was very much not to my liking, since there was no such order... This misunderstanding has caused the great rift in the religious and right-wing's trust in the Supreme Court." ~~~~~~~~~~ The question, I would say, is whether Barak knew full well that he didn't have to proceed with eviction but opted to put the onus on the court. The article cites Public Security Minister Avi Dichter (Kadima) who said last week: "The ruling is not a recommendation, and we will implement it exactly as written [saying in 30 days no Jews would be living in the building]. We have no intention of straying from the Supreme Court ruling, which is the law." Arutz Sheva suggests that Dichter must not have read the ruling. ~~~~~~~~~~ I will follow up on this. Justice Turkel puts much of the responsibility for the misunderstanding on the media, which comes as no surprise the media is in the main anti-"settler." But why were there no lawyers in the past days who raised this issue? It does change matters. ~~~~~~~~~~ As to Hevron, some 20,000 visitors were estimated to have been in the Jewish Quarter of the city over Shabbat because of the Torah portion. Some have remained because of the political situation. There were a handful of incidents, involving youngsters from the outside, but for the most part things were peaceful. ~~~~~~~~~~ There was a report today that officers in the IDF Central Command were worried that when Barak give orders to evacuate Beit HaShalom soldiers and police who live past the Green Line (and figure they may be next) or those with a nationalist orientation may refuse to participate.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il
and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info
Posted by Bob Kunst, November 23, 2008. | |
Dear "Chosen" Activists: There are 3 important statements below on the state of the mess we are in. I urge you to review each statement as to the crisis we all face and that you pray on Thanksgiving and everyday that we get through it, by actually doing something about it. It's in G-d's hands and G-d helps those who help as well. We are running out of time unless you change direction in terms of your own activism. This isn't about Dems. vs. GOP, or Libs vs. conservatives, or Likud, Labor, or Kadima. It's whether Israel and America and the West are going to survive altogether. Do you understand this issue? On Monday, Nov. 24, 2008, The disgraced Olmert will be meeting with an equally disgraceful Bush at the White House, to again see how both can screw Israel and the Jewish nation. Of course the zillion e-mails I get is also about how Obama will do bad things to Israel, instead of what Bush is already doing and is being dismissed by those of you more interested in protecting the Republican Party than either America or Israel. I truely can't listen to it anymore. You've had a year and have failed. We who have been doing all of these 67 rallies/protests and nearly 700 media to keep the issues alive, have done our mitzvots on a shoe-string and still have made a huge dent, with little to no support or recognition from those of you doing your Obama-bashings and anti-Islamic attacks. Not that they aren't worthy, but how about dealing with the full picture of the horrors we face and for G-d's sake, what you're going to do about any of it, either in the U.S. or Israel, which needs a re-awakening, big time before the collective suicide takes places that endangers all of us. You scream at the media who is anti-Israel, but again, outside of some petitions, and your pc writings, you won't do anything about creating the alternative to this madness. Al Qaeda's #2, called Obama a 'House Negro', while Hillary Clinton will be the new Sec.of State, to either continue the enormous damage that Bush/Rice/Olmert/Livni have already done to Israel, or to go into another direction, which is suggested by us below. In these very dangrous times, we have to be "David", with G-d's help, versus "Goliath":our failed Jewish leaders, EU, UN,Bush/Rice/Olmert.Livni, Obama etc. In this 'emergency' we only have till Feb. 10, 2009 for the Israeli elections and also the inauguration of Pres. Obama on 1/20/09, to set into motion our plan of action and agenda. If Livni prevails, G-d forbid, then with Obama, Israel is lost and that dividing Jerusalem and Israel means the end of the Jewish state and the next major war and vulnerability to the whole Jewish nation. We must be very highly visible in our resistance and agenda. We are the new "Maccabees'. Since "Oslo" and its failures, we've been told and sold out, without debate, of the need of the '2 states' that divides Jerusalem, the heart of the Jewish state, brings a corridor between Gaza and West Bank, both Bush and Obama support, which brings the terrorists closer to the heart of Israel and major population centers....and the next war and end of the "Jewish State", while unleashing anti-semitism globally. It is already out of control again in Europe. So what is news? Except our collective silence allows it. The '2-state' final solution of the Jews, is 'anti-semitism' and as blatant an attack upon the Jewish religion, "Covenant", history, identity, struggle and contribution of Jews, as anything out there....... Israel, with G-d's help, has always been the center of the world from its inceptions. Two factors are responsible. Jewish history in exile with both Christian attacks upon Jews and our faith, for 2000 yrs.(Crusades, Inquisition, Pogroms, Holocaust) and still going on and the Muslim attack upon Jews and our faith for the last 1700 years....Arab involvement with Hitler, 5 Arab wars and 2 Intifadas and still going on. Why isn't any of this also on the table and in the public's eye as to why we oppose the madness? The 'Road Map', proposed by Saudi Arabia, responsible for global terrorism, global oil blackmail of the world's economies, '9/11", etc...is pushing this scenario and is backed by, the Bush/Rice/ Olmert/Livni fiasco, mainstream Jewish leadership and media, as well as EU, UN and as of last week, the government of Australia, which is an omen on where Obama will be going as well. But is the '2 State' scenario, the ONLY avenue and also the weakest avenue that sets us all up for a great fall?...... or is there another approach, which is the federation of Arabs in Judea and Samaria with Jordan and Gaza Arabs in a federation with Egypt? Our Jewish Jerusalem, for over 3000 yrs. isn't negotiable, while we also show respect of other faiths there as well. Jerusalem, our Eternal Capital that re-inforces our faith and G-d's home....as well as our 5000 yrs. of 'occupying' and 'liberating' this land, so that even the Israeli Arabs have more education, health care, freedom, pensions, etc. than any other Arab in the Arab world. So why isn't the debate on this level instead of always playing defense amidst a continual bodycount based on the other very wrong considerations of '2-states' that will end the Jewish state? Given the above issues, what can we do? Remind every Jew and the world that there is another and better way, the federation way, that will work, and does not appease those bent on our collective destruction, while we show respect and inform the world, who we Jews really are and what Judiasm is all about and what happens to those who bless Israel and those who curse Israel and wish us harm. 1. While Shalom International/www.defendjerusalem.net has done 67 events/rallies and nearly 700 media from Oct. 2007 through this Nov. 2008, and we broke the 'silence' and led the protests at Annapolis, at the White House, State Dept., both national conventions etc.....and have been the most visible Jewish group in the world on a continuous level, WE NEED A REALLY HUGE RALLY ON THESE ISSUES AND BEFORE OBAMA IS INAUGURATED AND THE ISRAELI ELECTIONS AND TURN THIS INTO AN INTERNATIONAL EVENT....if you want to do something besides e-mails. a. I suggest that we take the ad we did for the Jerusalem Post, as the nucleus of this effort for both Israel and Obama and a re-awakening of the Jewish world and Israel. 2. In uniting this effort, we will be the New Voice within the Jewish leadership that overcomes and is the missing link to the '2-state' farce and dangers they've created. This will move the entire Jewish movement and Christian Zionist movement as well to push this immediate effort as part of a continual campaign, with a new Israeli government and with this effort to get the Obama effort to also be a part of this, or major resistance to him as a result. 3. We MUST let the Israelis know that if they continue to support Livni and the division of Jerusalem and Israel and invite the next war as they have so far done, that this weakness is also inviting a giant renewal of anti-semitism across the world, based on this weakness giving the anti-semites another opportunity to come after us. This is totally unacceptable and endangering us all. Therefore we are saying to the Israelis, either get on board and really save yourselves as well as ourselves, or we are no longer going to fund those in Israel. In other words we must push this alternative as part of the package on funding. We cannot allow anything to be taken for granted. What Olmert/Livni have already done is so damaging and we must get these issues off the bargaining table once and for all. 4. We MUST tell our story. The Israelis and Jews barely tell who they are, what they stand for, how we have suffered and struggled and contributed to the world, while being the world's 'scapegoat', we are also the nucleus of the world's history and we are also the world's 'conscience.' We must also tell of our blossoming the desert, while the Arab world has left the Arabs into refugee camps as a proxy to continue the war against the Jews. These same Arab countires have rejected PA Arabs in their own countries. They have $trillions in oil revenues but care less about the PA, except to keep killing Jews. a. We must do this in film, on the Internet, with our own Al Jazeera, public t.v., and our own tv network, etc., and visibility with our bumper stickers, buttons, tee-shirts, etc. that we are not afraid to be who we are and stand up for what we belive in. We must take over the media with an entire new outreach of what is really going on here and also to support the other victims of Islamic Nazism, from its relationship to Hitler to attacking everyone they see as 'infidels' from Jews, to Christians, Hindus, Bhuddists, etc. In other words, we must organize the grassroots world in opposition to these monsters that want to finish off what Hitler started and all are vulnerable to. 5. All of the above effort and more will save Jerusalem, save Israel, save America and the West, and save ourselves. a. All of the above and more will hasten the arrival of the Moshiach and realize what G-d wants from us. 6. Part of this effort has to be a global campaign to stop Iran from getting nukes and how we impact EU and UN and Obama and gang with this effort. a. Those countries who participated in the Holocaust, the grand theft, and allowed the slave laborers, and Nazi war criminals to escape, and now have allowed commercialism and crosses over the world's largest Jewish cemeteries, the death camps, are now supporting the end of the Jewish state, which is the '2-state' scenario. 7. We must redefine Israelis identity and role in all of this as caretakers for the history of the world, that is both the moral thing to do, but is the only thing that matters in our collective survival and not the existing betrayals to all who fought and died for being Jews. This goes beyond the secular politics and the religious politics. We must stop Israelis attacking Jews for being Jews in this effort, which is precipitating this collective suicide. Israelis must stop feeling guilty for having defeated and won over 5 Arab wars and 2 intifadas, with G-d's help, in order to be in this key position to save the planet, as well as ourselves, while honoring all who came before us. 8. This is what G-d said to Ishmael and this is what G-d said to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob about this land and this is what real Christians and Muslims believe and this is what has happened to both Christians and Muslims who wanted peace with Israel and the Jews. Our Torah is thousands of years older than Christianity and Islam of which both are based. We don't have to take a back seat to anyone and especially to their political agendas. a. You can't give away what G-d gave to our forefathers and to us and millions of Jews have been murdered for. 9. Directing all of this to the EU/UN/Obama, and that network, which means getting back the death camps, as well as to the Israelis government. 10. Directing all of this to the EU/UN/Obama and how to stop Iran from getting nukes.
THE 10 POINTS MENTIONED ABOVE WILL TAKE MAJOR NETWORKING, MAJOR FUNDRAISING, A FULL-TIME AND PAID EFFORT, but what is the choice here? G-d forbid, lose Jerusalem, Israel, America the West? We can do it. G-d is waiting for us to do it and will help guide us in all of this. You can make this happen and we will help as we have done daily this past year. Yours in Shalom, Bob Kunst
This essay below was written by Don Feder. It is entitled "The
Tragic Predictability Of The Jewish Vote" and is a November 17, 2008
GrassTopsUSA Exclusive
Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer who is now a political/communications consultant. He also maintains his own website, DonFeder.com | |
Back in the 1980s, during the euphoria of the Reagan-era, Neo-cons like Norman Podhoretz and Irving Kristol predicted a seismic shift in Jewish voting patterns. Once American Jews discovered that voting Republican was crucial for the survival of the Jewish state, they'd naturally align themselves with the party that actually believes in national security, we were assured. It never happened. After this year's election in which Barack Hussein Obama got 77% of the Jewish vote we can confidently say it never will. Once again, in 2008, most American Jews voted their religion liberalism. Some minorities have a clearer perception of where their interests lie. According to the American Muslim Task Force for Civil Rights and Elections, nearly 90% of Muslims voted for Obama, only 2% for McCain smart Muslims, dumb Jews. If there was ever a year in which Jews should have been forced to reconsider their robotic loyalty to the Democratic Party, 2008 was it. The Democratic presidential candidate should have set off alarm bells in the head of the average Jewish voter from his whack-job pastor's anti-Israel ravings, to his multiple ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, to his Middle East donors, to his terrorist cheering section, to his refusal to condemn Jimmy Carter's meeting with Hamas Jews should have broken out in a cold sweat at the thought of this ideologue directing U.S. military and foreign policy. That they didn't reflects the triumph of the heart over the head. It's not that Jewish voters were unaware of the reality of Barack. The Republican Jewish Coalition spent beaucoup bucks broadcasting the facts through e-mailings to Jewish voters and ads in Jewish periodicals. Jewish voters just didn't care. My friend Rabbi Aryeh Spero says roughly 40% of Jewish voters are intellectually tied to the left marching in lockstep to the beat of MoveOn.org, the anti-war movement, George Soros, Barney Frank, etc. Along with other dogmatic utopians, they actually believe that any enemies we have are of our own making, that America has generally been a force for oppression and exploitation in the world, that terrorism is born of poverty and despair (rather than a murderous fanaticism), that America must do perpetual penance for past mistakes, and that a Palestinian state will usher in the messianic age. I could go on, but it's too depressing. Another 25% Spero describes as "traditional, though not necessarily Orthodox. They take into account what's best for America, Israel and Jewish survival." They usually vote Republican. The last 35% are not inveterate leftists. Intellectually, they may understand the dangers of voting for an Obama. But they are connected to the Democratic Party by an emotional umbilical cord. In the end, no matter how convincing the evidence or sound the reasoning, they'll go with their hearts. Hence, through a process of self-hypnosis, most Jews have programmed themselves to believe the impossible. In the American Jewish Committee's 2008 survey of Jewish Opinion (conducted September 8-21), by 53% to 36%, Jews said the Democratic Party is more likely to make the right decisions in dealing with terrorism than the GOP doubtless on the principle that appeasement works. By the same lopsided margin (52% to 32%), those surveyed said Democrats also were more likely to do the right thing when it comes to Israel. They probably reached that conclusion when Jimmy Carter pronounced Israel an apartheid state, and Nancy Pelosi crawled to Syria, wearing a headscarf. That McCain had an unblemished, 20-year record of support for Israel, Obama is surrounded by advisors who are hostile to Israel, and Iranian Television described the latter as "highly educated" and "eloquent," mattered not in the least. The AJC survey highlighted another reality. Among American Jews generally, support for Israel is a low priority. When asked: "Which one issue would you most like to hear the candidates for president discuss during the 2008 presidential campaign," 54% said the economy, 11% picked health care and only 3% chose Israel. To the question, "Would you support or oppose the United States taking military action against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons," 47% of Jews said they'd oppose America moving to save Israel from nuclear annihilation, 42% would support it, and 11% were unsure. This is perhaps the clearest indication that a significant segment of the Jewish community either doesn't give a damn about Israel or is delusional. Even though Iran is led by a raving anti-Semite and Holocaust-denier who's said Israel "should be wiped off the face of the Earth" even though Iran was voted most likely to commit nuclear suicide if it could take Israel with it, a plurality of Jews still said they'd oppose U.S. military action to forestall a second Holocaust. Hey, Pat Buchanan, most Jewish voters who've taken a stand on Iran agree with you! No wonder there were so many Buchanan votes in Palm Beach County in 2000. On one crucial point, there must be no confusion: There's nothing remotely Jewish about the Jewish vote. As Jewish author Dennis Prager notes, if there was a connection between Judaism and liberalism, those Jews grounded in Torah and most committed to living a Jewish life, would be the most liberal. Democratic presidential candidates would carry Borough Park and Crown Heights in Brooklyn by a landslide every time, while Manhattan's Upper West Side would be painted red. The opposite is the case. The AJC poll found that as Jewish observance went up, support for Obama went down. Obama had the support of just 13% of Orthodox Jews, compared to 59% of those affiliated with Conservative Judaism (which bears no relation to political conservatism) and 62% of Reform Jews. McCain got 78% of the Orthodox vote. Exit polling showed that of those American Jews living in Israel (overwhelmingly Orthodox) who cast absentee ballots in the U.S. election, 76% voted for McCain. The term Jewish vote is meaningless. It signifies nothing. Today, most Americans who call themselves Jews are ethnically or nostalgically Jewish. They may, occasionally, participate in Jewish rituals involving dreidels or bagels. They are not, however, Jewish in the sense that their grandparents or great-grandparents were not even close. In this regard, they are like so-called Catholic voters. For most, their Catholicism consists of being born into a Catholic family and attending mass on special occasions. Their knowledge of Catholic dogma is nearly nonexistent. Most think the pronouncements of the Bishop of Rome quaint at best, but feel no obligation to follow his prescriptions. Thus, 56% of "Catholic voters" cast their ballots in this election for the candidate who, as an Illinois legislator, voted for infanticide, and in the past campaign promised to allow the federal judiciary to impose gay marriage on the states, by repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. How hopeless are Jewish voters? By a margin of 3-to-1, they voted for the man who:
It's interesting to speculate on why Republicans, in the face of bitter experience, determinedly pursue the Jewish vote. Jews represent just 3% of the electorate though they are more heavily concentrated in swing states like Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. But Republicans, many of them serious Christians, see themselves as the standard-bearers of our Judeo-Christian heritage. How does that work when the descendants of those who stood at Sinai reject them? The answer: Those Jews also reject the Judeo-Christian ethic and the historic mission of the Jewish people to repair the world under the rule of God. The Republican Jewish Coalition should close its doors. Its budget, and anything else the GOP spends on wooing Jewish voters, should be equally divided between building more Orthodox Jewish day schools (thereby encouraging the Orthodox to have more children) and transporting evangelical Christians to the polls on Election Day. That would do more to help Israel and to assure Jewish survival than the money wasted quadrennially on trying to bring a message of reason to the mega-meshugeneh. Bob Kunst is Pres., Shalom International (www.defendjeruslem.net). Contact him at 305-864-5110 or shalominternational@mindspring.com |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 22, 2008. |
International law originally intended to protect victim nations from predatory nation is in practice no more. Unholy predator nations make up their own laws to fit their schemes. Hitler had his Supreme Courts; Stalin had his and every Arab Muslim country has theirs. The tragedy grows when America and Europe accepts these criminal laws as legal. What is even more painful is that this Israeli government has adopted the rule of illegal law. This essay is by Caroline Glick. It appeared November 20, 2008 in
the Jerusalem Post.
A Somali pirate and a former US defense secretary are flying to London for vacation. One of them is stopped at immigration at Heathrow airport and arrested on suspicion of committing war crimes. Which one do you think it was? On Tuesday, Somali pirates, sailing in little more than motorized bathtubs, armed with automatic rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, and sustained by raw fish and narcotics, successfully hijacked the Sirius Star, a Saudi-owned oil tanker the size of a US aircraft carrier. The tanker was carrying some $100 million worth of crude oil. News of its capture caused global oil prices to rise by a dollar a barrel. The next day, Somali pirates attempted to hijack the Trafalgar, a British frigate, but were forced to flee by a German naval helicopter dispatched to the scene. They did manage to hijack a Chinese trawler and a cargo ship from Hong Kong. They nearly got control of an Ethiopian ship, but it, too, was saved by the German Navy that heeded its call for help in time. Piracy is fast emerging as the newest old threat to stage a comeback in recent years. Over the past week and a half alone, 12 vessels have been hijacked. And according to the International Maritime Bureau, in the three months that ended on September 30, Somali pirates attacked 26 vessels, capturing 576 crew members. Britain's Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs) assesses the ransoms they netted at between $18m. and $30m. And with financial strength comes increased military sophistication. The US Navy expressed shock at the pirates' successful hijacking of the Sirius Star. The pirates staged the hijacking much farther from shore than they had ever done previously. Beyond the personal suffering incurred by thousands of crew members taken hostage in recent years, piracy's potential impact on global economic stability is enormous. In the Gulf of Aden, where the Somali pirates operate, US shippers alone transport more than $1.5 trillion in cargo annually. One of the unique characteristics of pirates is that they appear to be equal opportunity aggressors. They don't care who owns the ships they attack. On August 21, Somali pirates hijacked the Iran Deyanat, a ship owned and operated by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards-linked Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line (IRISL). In September, the US Treasury Department designated IRISL as a company that assists Iran's nuclear weapons program and placed it under stiff financial sanctions. Iran Deyanat's manifest asserted that its cargo included minerals. Yet shortly after the pirates went on board they began developing symptoms such as hair loss that experts claim are more in line with radiation exposure. According to reports, some 16 pirates died shortly after being exposed to the cargo. Just this week, a second Iranian ship this one apparently carrying wheat was similarly captured. Then, too, in September, pirates seized the Faina, a Ukrainian ship carrying 33 Russian-made T-72 tanks. The Ukrainians and Russians claimed that the tanks were destined for Kenya, but it later emerged that they may have been seized en route to Sudan. So, ironically, in the case of both the Faina and the Deyanat, pirates may have inadvertently saved thousands of lives.
THE INTERNATIONAL community is at a loss for what to do about the emerging danger of piracy. This is not due to lack of capacity to fight the pirate ships. On Monday an Indian naval frigate, the INS Tabar, sank a pirate "mother ship" whose fleet members were attacking the Tabar in the Gulf of Aden. NATO has deployed a naval task force while the American, French, German and other navies have aggressively worked to free merchant ships under attack by pirates. As David Rivkin and Lee Casey explained in The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, the problem with contending with piracy is not so much military, as legal and political. Whereas customary international law defined piracy as a threat against all nations and therefore a crime for which universal jurisdiction must be applied to perpetrators, in today's world, states are unwilling to apprehend pirates or to contend with them because they are likely to find themselves in a sticky legal mess. In centuries past, in accordance with established international law, it was standard practice for naval captains to hang pirates after capturing them. Today, when Europe has outlawed capital punishment, when criminal defendants throughout the West are given more civil rights than their victims, and when irregular combatants picked off of battlefields or intercepted before they attack are given at a minimum the same rights as those accorded to legal prisoners of war, states lack the political will and the moral clarity to prosecute offenders. As Casey and Rivkin note, last April the British Foreign Office instructed the British Navy not to apprehend pirates lest they claim that their human rights were harmed, and request and receive asylum in Britain.
THE WEST'S perverse interpretations of human rights and humanitarian law, which bar it from handling one of the most acute emerging threats to the international economy, is a consequence of the West's abdication of moral and legal sanity in its dealings with international terror. In the 1960s and 1970s, when international terrorism first emerged as a threat to international security, the West adopted international treaties and conventions that tended to treat terrorism as a new form of piracy. Like piracy, terrorism was to be treated as an attack on all nations. Jurisdiction over terrorists was to be universal. Such early views were codified in early documents such as the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft from 1970 that established a principle of universal jurisdiction over aircraft hijackers. Similarly, in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the US, the UN Security Council passed binding Resolution 1373, which also compelled member states not only to treat terrorists as illegal combatants who must be universally denied any support of any kind, but to take action against anyone involved with or supporting terrorists in any way. That is, as in piracy, the tendency of states contending with terrorism has been to view it as an act requiring universal jurisdiction, compelling all UN member states to prosecute offenders. And yet, over the years, states have managed to ignore or invert international laws on terrorism to the point where today terrorists are among the most protected groups of individuals in the world. Due to political sympathy for terrorists, hostility toward their victims, or fear of terrorist reprisals against a state that dares to prosecute terrorists found on its territory, states have managed to avoid not only applying existing laws against terrorists. They have also refrained from updating laws to meet the growing challenges of terrorism. Instead, international institutions and "enlightened" Western states have devoted their time to condemning and threatening to prosecute the few states that have taken action against terrorists. The inversion of international law from an institution geared toward protecting states and civilians from international lawbreakers to one devoted to protecting international menaces from states and their citizens is nowhere more evident than in the international community's treatment of Hamas-controlled Gaza. One of the reasons the international community has failed so abjectly to take reasonable measures to combat terrorism is because international terrorism as presently constituted is the creation of Palestinian Arabs and their Arab brethren. Since the 1960s, and particularly since the mid-1970s, Europe, and to varying degrees the US, have been averse to contending with terrorism because their hostility toward Israel leads them to condone Palestinian Arab terrorism against the Jewish state.
THE INTERNATIONAL community's treatment of Hamas-controlled Gaza epitomizes this victory of politics over law. Both the US and the EU have labeled Hamas a terror group. That designation places Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas, under the regime of UN Security Council Resolution 1373. Among other things, Resolution 1373 requires states to "freeze without delay funds and other financial assets or economic resources of... entities owned or controlled directly or indirectly by [terrorists]." That is, the resolution requires UN member states to end all financial and other support for Hamas-controlled Gaza. The resolution also requires UN member states to "cooperate [with other states] to prevent and suppress terrorist attacks and take action against perpetrators of such acts." This means that states are required to assist one another and in the case of Hamas, to assist Israel in combating Hamas and punishing its members and supporters. While it can be argued that given the absence of a binding legal definition of terrorism, states that do not designate Hamas as a terrorist organization are not required to abide by the terms of 1373 in dealing with Hamas, it is quite clear that for states that do recognize Hamas as a terror group, 1373's provisions must be upheld. And yet, the EU and the US have willfully ignored its provisions. They have steadily increased their budgetary support for the Palestinian Authority while knowing full well that the Fatah-led PA in Judea and Samaria is transferring money to Hamas-controlled Gaza to pay the salaries of Hamas employees. More disturbingly, the US and the EU as well as the UN demand that Israel itself sustain Hamas-controlled Gaza economically. The UN, EU and the US have consistently demanded that Israel provide Gaza with fuel, food, water, medicine, electricity, telephone service, port services and access to Israeli markets, in spite of the fact that international law actually prohibits Israel from providing such assistance, and in fact arguably requires Israel to deny it. Recently, supported by the UN, and in connivance with Hamas, European leaders began supporting illegal moves to end Israel's maritime blockade of Gaza, which was established to block weapons and terror personnel from entering and exiting the area. Expanding this trend, this week Navanethem Pillay, the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights, called for Israel to end its blockade of the Gaza Strip, perversely calling the blockade a breach of international and humanitarian law. This inversion of the aims of international law from protecting states and innocent civilians from attack to protecting aggressors from retaliation has brought about the absurd situation where terrorist ideologues and commanders such as Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi are feted in Britain while retired Israeli and American generals are threatened with arrest. Germany welcomed Iranian President and genocide proponent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to visit and indicted former US defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld for crimes against humanity. Belgium allows Hamas and Hizbullah supporters like Dyab Abu Jahjah, who calls for attacks against Jews, to operate freely, but indicted former prime minister Ariel Sharon for crimes against humanity. The consequence of this absurd state of affairs is obvious. The international law champions who argue that international humanitarian law provides a nonviolent means for nations to defend themselves against aggressors have perverted the purpose and meaning of international humanitarian law to such a degree that the only way for nations to protect themselves against pirates, terrorists and other international rogues is to ignore international law aficionados and secure their interests by force. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 22, 2008. |
OLMERT'S STRATEGY This is the news: Briefed about Gaza, PM Olmert said that a war with Hamas is "inevitable." This is his logic: 1. To get a few months of relative ceasefire, Israel allows Hamas to build up an army and fortifications in Gaza; 2. Israel admits that this army would inflict considerable casualties upon Israeli forces entering Gaza in force; and 3. Olmert admits that this war is inevitable (IMRA, 11/11). Do you see any common sense to letting an enemy force build up and attack, instead of catching the enemy before it has much firepower? That is about as foolish as having withdrawn from that part of the Jewish homeland in the first place, including from Jewish communities contiguous to Israel. The contiguous Jewish communities and undeveloped areas could have been annexed. STRATEGY FOR JERUSALEM ARAB VOTE FAILED Israel allows non-citizen Arab residents of Jerusalem to vote in municipal elections. Israeli billionaire Arcadi Gaydamak promised much to the Arabs, hoping they would push him into the mayoralty. The P.A. instructed them to boycott the election. Very few voted (IMRA, 11/11). He lost. Serves him right. I wouldn't grant them even the municipal franchise. They are an enemy people. Their boycott shows that at least they heed enemy orders. Those orders may be enforced by P.A. police, to whose infiltration of eastern Jerusalem Israel closes a blind eye. HINT OF OBAMA'S MIDEAST POLICY During the presidential campaign, Obama said he would not have meetings with Hamas until it recognizes Israel and its pact with the P.A. and ends terrorism. A campaign aide, Robert Mally, was fired when it came out that he had been meeting with Hamas. Soon after being elected, Obama appointed Mally a senior foreign policy advisor. His job is to tell Egypt and Syria that the new administration would take their interests more into account (Arutz-7, 11/11). Their interests are in imperialism, jihad, and genocide. What does Obama think the US interest is? ISRAEL PREPARES OBSOLETE DEFENSE Israel is investing a fortune in reinforcing houses within current range of rockets in Gaza and in the Iron Dome defense system. The Iron Dome system could not cope with the faster, heavier mortars that Hamas has imported during the respite that the Olmert-Livni regime gave Hamas in return for a temporary [and partial] ceasefire (IMRA, 11/12). As the range and explosive power of Gaza rockets increases, houses further away will come under attack and the armor on nearer houses will be inadequate. Hiding doesn't work. Solution: invade Gaza and disarm Arabs. The best defense is a good offense. That was Pres. Bush Jr.'s notion, in invading Iraq. ANOTHER PIPE BOMB CAUGHT AT CHECKPOINT (IMRA, 11/11.) The Arabs and supporters complain that checkpoints humiliate them. Let them complain that terrorists make them necessary. As for humiliation, I don't feel humiliated when searched. I resent Muslim terrorists for making searches necessary. ANTI-SETTLER PROPAGANDA Israeli leftists and P.A. allies have a videotape allegedly of settlers beating up Arab olive pickers near Hebron. The Israeli media and politicians emphasized this news and condemned settlers. The government declared a settler menace to democracy, and vowed to punish settler violence and curb their civil liberties. At two separate hearings for the accused settlers, the film was submitted as evidence. Both judges found the film heavily edited to distort. The film did not show who started the fight, though the unarmed Jews wore prayer shawls, as if on the way to prayer. One could see Arabs and leftists beating Jews. After the Jews had disengaged, an Arab threw a large rock at one's back. The judge condemned the police for not arresting the Arab for that unprovoked attack. The media ignores the exposure of the hoax. Other Arab films were blood-libel hoaxes, such as the death of al-Dura and the Jenin and Kfar Kana massacres. Few right-wing Jews are anarchists. The Left is violent and well-funded [from abroad, including New Israel Fund]. It supports Arab violence and smears Jewish self-defense, such as inspection of Gaza fishing boats, smuggling arms. While the Israeli left uses the hoaxes to make the Right seem criminal, their foreign allies use them to make the whole country seem criminal (Prof. Steven Plaut from Caroline Glick, 11/11). Antisemitism has been globalized! DELUSIONS ABOUT PEACE Uzi Landau is running for Knesset for the Yisrael Beitenu Party instead of for Likud. He stated why. Both parties would cede territory to the Arabs, he wouldn't. However, Likud endorsed the Oslo process for P.A. sovereignty. The other Party does not believe in land for peace, but peace first, then negotiating. It is delusional to negotiate for peace with a P.A. that is indoctrinating a whole generation in suicide bombing, he said. After the P.A. institutes conditions for peace, such as eradicating terrorism and ending indoctrination in war, one may negotiate. For now, there is war. During war, one strives for winning, not for compromising. Victory makes the enemy compromise (Uzi Landau in IMRA, 11/18). Israel negotiates for peace, but the Muslim Arabs negotiate for war. Most of those who say there is a peace process don't realize this. Some of those who say there is a peace process do realize this, the cynical deceivers! THERE IS A CYCLE OF VIOLENCE Here is the cycle of violence: (1) Terrorists attack civilians; (2) Israel captures terrorists; (3) Israel releases terrorists, for goodwill; and (4) At least a third of released terrorists resume terrorism. Released prisoners have murdered 180 Israelis [and wounded others]. Some goodwill! PM Olmert seems to be trying to empty Israeli prisons of terrorists and the country of Jews (Arutz-7, 11/18). The usual meaning of "cycle of violence," assumes that Israeli retaliation against terrorism incites the Arabs to additional terrorism. False assumption! The Arabs do claim to be seeking revenge, and revenge is important in their culture. However, the Arabs are at war. War involves attacking whenever and wherever one can. The Arabs call it retaliation to put a better face on aggression. Proof is that Israel has tried absorbing attacks without responding. Nevertheless, the Arabs keep attacking. They always come up with a pretext. That's how they are. We should learn to disregard their phony excuses. Israel is like someone in a boxing ring who doesn't know he is expected to keep fighting. He asks, let's be friends; sometimes he punches back. JEWISH AGENCY AGAINST JUDAISM? The Jewish agency prepares immigrants for life in Israel. Immigrants are allowed to invite guests. Many of them want to learn about Judaism. Finding no opportunity within the institution, they invite rabbis in. Rabbis found themselves, not other guests, barred or stonewalled (Arutz-7, 11/18). IRAN'S MISSILE DEFENSIVE? Iran advises that its new, 1,200-mile missile, is purely defensive. It poses no threat to other countries (IMRA, 11/17). Iran claims that it doesn't intend to attack other countries, unless attacked first. Are you reassured? BUDGET DISPUTE HAMPERS DEFENSE The IDF bought a system of proven effectiveness in destroying rockets and mortar shells and their launchers. The system is idle, while sections of the IDF dispute which section should pay the fee for using the system. The fee is much less than the cost of armor-plating roofs of buildings (IMRA, 11/17). Is that the way to run a government? WHEN WILL ISRAEL REALIZE IT IS AT WAR? The government is awaiting permission from the Attorney-General to take fight back hard against Gaza, which keeps attacking Israel and building for a bigger war. "The High Court of Justice forbids deliberate power outages in the Strip, we have to transfer food into Gaza, and artillery fire is still banned." No wonder Hamas is defiant! The lawyers don't realize Israel is at war (IMRA, 11/17). I'm saddened as one friend after another tells me that his child is studying law. Lawyers impoverish our economy and ruin Israeli national security. ISRAELI MILITARY INTELLIGENCE Mr. Yadlin said that Syria's Assad is ready to sign a peace agreement if the US gets Israel to hand him the Golan and promises him significant quantities of arms. Yadlin failed to assess the outcome for Israel of a heavily armed Syria on the hills about it. What kind of military intelligence is that? (IMRA, 11/18). It is thoughtless, like most Israeli government findings. TURNING THE TABLES ON BOYCOTT OF SETTLERS A new movement in Britain is making progress in organizing an international boycott of goods made in the P.A.. It explains that the P.A. has been oppressing Christians and women, including a sort of apartheid, and commits war crimes. The leader's parents were tortured to death by Hamas, and he converted to Judaism (IMRA, 11/18). Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, November 22, 2008. |
![]() http://4batya.blogspot.com/ |
Posted by Eleazar ben Yair, November 22, 2008. |
For Immediate Release:
NEW YORK This Monday, November 24th, the UN will commemorate its annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People with a film depicting Jews as Nazi-equivalents and a public exhibit mourning the sixty years of Israel's existence. "The event is an annual reminder that the UN's real agenda is to delegitimize the birth and the perseverance of the state of Israel," said Anne Bayefsky, Editor of EYEontheUN.org. Monday's observance marks November 29, 1947 the day that the UN voted to establish a Jewish and an Arab state in Palestine a decision accepted by the Jews and rejected by the Arabs. This year's observance is being held a week early due to scheduling conflicts. As in years past, there will be a formal meeting Monday morning of the Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, a film, an afternoon meeting of the General Assembly on the "Question of Palestine," and the opening of a public exhibit in the entrance to the UN's New York headquarters. Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan referred to November 29th as "a day of mourning and a day of grief," and the usual procedure is for UN member state after UN member state to use the opportunity to grieve for the suffering of the Palestinian people at Israeli hands. The General Assembly is scheduled to adopt another six resolutions condemning only Israel for violations of human rights. The total number of resolutions criticizing Israel expected to be adopted at this fall's General Assembly is 20, as compared to only four resolutions critical of human rights records in any of the remaining 191 UN member nations. The 2008 installment of what is in essence a repeat of the "Zionism = Racism" allegation, will be the public showing of the film "La Terre Parle Arabe" or "The Land Speaks Arabic." The film draws parallels between the Nazis' final solution and the alleged Zionist design for Palestinians. It is commonly billed with these words: "...the late-19th century Zionists...drew up plans, put them into practice, then...used... force, often brutal." Here is some of the script for the UN public's edification: "Christians and Muslims alike...unite in their hatred of Zionism...I preferred to die as a martyr rather than be governed by the Jews ...We were against the Jews...The number of Jews increased constantly...The children cried ...The Hagana had no mercy, no pity. Zionists! They were Zionists!... The Jews were shooting at us, they were facing us...The Jews yelled "turn around you bastards, you dogs." They machine gunned us...They started killing people who were asleep...[We]...found a poor woman ... pregnant. They had killed her and the baby came out of the womb. They started slaughtering them until morning." The exhibit to be opened at 6 p.m. on Monday in the UN lobby the public entrance through which school children from across the United States and tourists from around the world pass every day is entitled "The Palestinians: 60 years of struggle and enduring hope." Bayefsky comments: "The "sixty years" of struggle is telling. It puts a lie to the alleged root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict as an "occupation" that began with the 1967 war. The real complaint is the alleged wrong of the creation of the State of Israel itself." She adds: "The carefully selected word "struggle" also speaks volumes. What the UN glorifies as a struggle is a series of wars launched by Arabs to annihilate the state of Israel beginning in 1948, and the ongoing "struggle" of Palestinian and other Arab terrorists dedicated to the same end." Past UN Palestinian Solidarity Day observances have included: a.. The display of a map in Arabic with the State of Israel missing altogether "Anyone hoping to see an Israeli flag flown in addition to a Palestinian one in celebration of the UN partition plan that approved a two-state solution, should not hold their breath," said Anne Bayefsky, Editor of EYEontheUN.org. She continued, "the UN tradition of mourning the creation of the state of Israel continues." EDITOR'S NOTE: The report on EU's massive funding of the Palestinian Arabs is available at http://eufunding.org.uk/FPC2004Report.pdf or at http://www.think-israel.org/nov08pix/EUaidsPA04report.pdf Contact Eleazar Ben Yair at eleazar_benyair@yahoo.it |
Posted by Bryna Berch, November 22, 2008. |
When Bill Clinton was leaving the White House, he pardoned a billionaire fugitive from justice on his last day in office, As George Lardner Jr. writes today in the New York Times, The billionaire was Marc Rich, a commodities trader, and his pardon is a subject of discussion again because Eric Holder, Mr. Clinton's deputy attorney general at the time and a key figure in the clemency process, is reported to be Barack Obama's choice for attorney general. In the years since the Rich pardon, Mr. Holder has said he "never devoted a great deal of time to this matter." He also told an interviewer that, in hindsight, he wished that the Justice Department had been "more fully informed" about the case. As someone who helped cover the story for The Washington Post, I think the issue is far more complicated and deserves more scrutiny if Mr. Holder is to become our top law-enforcement official. Jonathan Pollard's spying killed no one. Jonathan Pollard is not a sleezoid. Jonathan Pollard acted to protect Israel, America's best (and maybe only) friend in the Middle East. He gave Israel the information it was supposed to receive through regular channels. Yet he has sat in prison as long and in many cases longer than convicted spies who spied for countries such as Russia and jeopardized the lives of Americans abroad. He has served his time. President Bush could end the unfair treatment Pollard has received before he leaves office. Write him and ask him to pardon Jonathan Pollard. Jonathan has suffered long enough. ASK PRESIDENT BUSH TO DO THE RIGHT THING. Nationwide White House Call-In for Jonathan Pollard
Every call is tallied by subject matter.
From Israel, use 077-566 4305. Callers are charged as if they made a regular local call. This article below was written by Sharon Roffe-Ofir today for Ynet |
Esther Pollard sends emotional letter to PM Olmert, urges him to bring up her husband's release in upcoming meeting with President Bush; after more than 20 years in prison, time is right to free Jonathan, she says. ![]() The end of George W. Bush's term in office marks a golden opportunity for the release of Jonathan Pollard, imprisoned in the US for more than 20 years now, his wife Esther wrote in an emotional plea to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Saturday evening. "You have a golden opportunity to act resolutely in order to return my husband home alive!" wrote Pollard's wife in her letter to Olmert, just before the PM heads to Washington. Today, more than ever, the release of her husband could mark the "crowning glory" of both Olmert's and Bush's term in office, she wrote. Pollard is serving his 24th year in an American prison but his wife, who has been tirelessly fighting to secure his release, believes that Olmert's upcoming farewell visit to the US is a unique opportunity that could see her husband freed from his long incarceration. "Senior American officials who in the past objected to his release now say that the more than 20 years he spent in prison are more than enough, while others believe Jonathan is a victim of injustice," Esther Pollard wrote. "I know that Mr. Bush is willing to release Jonathan, but no official request to that effect has been made by the State of Israel." "Washington is waiting to hear that the State of Israel is finally willing to take responsibility for her agent," Esther Pollard said. "Jonathan has been languishing in an American prison for 24 years now for his service on behalf of the State of Israel. I'm certain that if you ask Mr. Bush to release him now, he will respond positively to the request."This week, Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving, which is traditionally the time for granting pardons. Esther Pollard is hoping that this year her husband's name will be on the list of those who are released. "I would like to express my support to Mr. Olmert," she said. "This is a golden opportunity, and the timing is just right I wish him success in taking advantage of it." Pollard's wife added that the entire Israeli public supports the struggle for the release of her husband. "Jonathan is suffering terribly, both physically and emotionally, after so many years of incarceration under very difficult conditions," she wrote. "You have no idea, Mr. Prime Minister, of the kind of appreciation and admiration you will receive from all sectors of the Israeli public when you return from your meeting with President Bush and step off the plane with Jonathan. " |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 21, 2008. |
Before Shabbat I would like to touch upon a number of subjects, some of which may be re-visited next week. The International Atomic Energy Agency announced on Wednesday that a search of the site in Syria that Israel had bombed revealed "significant" amounts of uranium particles. The agency is stopping short of saying definitively that the bombed building was a reactor, but evidence is sure pointing in that direction. ~~~~~~~~~~ The IAEA has also indicated that Iran may now have enough low grade enriched uranium to build one bomb. While the uranium would have to be further enriched and the delivery system developed, this information is ominous and deeply troubling. According to the Times of London, intelligence sources are saying this makes it more likely that Israel will hit Iran. ~~~~~~~~~~ It was revealed on Thursday that Olmert and Barak had paid a secret visit to Amman on Tuesday to speak with King Abdullah, at his invitation, regarding the violence in Gaza. Abdullah says a large scale military operation into Gaza would foment unrest in the region that might unsettle the Hamshemite kingdom. His position seems to be that the populace of Jordan, which has a Palestinian majority (Abdullah's Hashemites are a minority), would become restive at the prospect of Israeli action against Palestinians in Gaza. This makes the assumption that the Jordanian street identifies with Hamas. But until very recently the perspective was that it was radicalism coming from Hamas that threatened the king's throne. Growing Hamas influence in Judea and Samaria caused unease in Jordan, which indicated a distinct preference for an IDF presence at its western border. There was a time when the king would have been pleased to see Israel take on Hamas strength. What has happened is that Jordan presumably feeling threatened by prospects of a negotiated Palestinian state at its border run by PA forces unable to restrain Hamas decided to shift its position vis-a-vis Hamas. Thus, Jordan reestablished relations with Hamas in August. And thus, Abdullah was asking Israel's leaders to refrain from military operations in Gaza. In fact, according to the very reliable Khaled Abu Toameh of the Post, Abdullah apparently delivered a message from Hamas saying that it wishes to sustain the ceasefire. Said King Abdullah, the key to stability in the region is an Israeli-Palestinian peace. This irks me no end for the implication here is that Israel would be remiss in defending herself and should "try harder" to achieve that peace. As if we haven't already done more than we should have in that direction. ~~~~~~~~~~ Tzipi Livni obliquely referred to this meeting in a statement saying that while we value our relationship with our neighbors, ultimately we must do what is in Israel's best interest. According to Abu Toameh, the king was told at the meeting that there were no plans in the near future to take out Hamas in Gaza, but that more limited military actions were possible. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, reports are that the newly introduced, US-trained PA security forces in Hevron have arrested 250 Hamas terror suspects. This is said to be a first. What I wait to hear is that these 250 are tried and imprisoned as appropriate. The usual PA practice is to maintain a revolving door in its prisons. ~~~~~~~~~~ Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has announced most appropriately that Israel will not be attending the Durban Review Conference, being called Durban II, which is to be held in Geneva in April. Durban I, which was billed as a UN-sponsored conference to combat racism, degenerated into an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic frenzy. The most scurrilous anti-Semitism came from an NGO forum held in tandem with the conference. This second conference is supposed to review progress made on the issues since that first 2001 conference. Evidence is strong that it's heading in the same direction. See www.eyeontheUN.org run by Anne Bayefsky for documented information on what is transpiring. On November 8th, Bayefsky reported that the UN preparatory committee for Durban II has released an "outcome document" to be presented at the conference that demonizes Israel and Israel self-determination. What it implies is that Israel is an apartheid racist state that is guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. What is more, the document thwarts efforts to stop terrorism and attacks freedom of expression. ~~~~~~~~~~ In a parallel effort to delegitimize Israel, Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire, who won the peace prize in 1976 for her work with Catholics and Protestants in northern Ireland, suggests that the UN should suspect or expel Israel because of the blockade of Gaza. Why is it that these very self-righteous people never talk about what Hamas is doing to innocents in Israel? ~~~~~~~~~~ I've written extensively on the happenings in Hevron with regard to Beit HaShalom, and so I must touch on this. There are reports now of violence in the area, but the IDF is saying this is the work of "outsiders." Leadership in Hevron, which is not violent, is seeking to calm matters. Additionally, MK Uri Ariel (NU) has asked the Shabbak to investigate whether some of their own operators, servings as provocateurs, may be at work here. Lest you imagine this is far-fetched, I assure you that it is not. It has happened before. When a situation is volatile, there are elements who stir matters up and foment violence to blacken the names of those who are protesting a government position. It is prudent to reserve judgment here until more is known. The weekend will be tense, as thousands of visitors will be coming to Hevron for Shabbat. ~~~~~~~~~~ This related item is interesting: Shimon Peres, who is in England, has, according to Israel National News, told members of the British parliament that the government was willing to give most of Judea and Samaria to the PA, but it would be difficult to dismantle Jewish towns (in which 250,000 Jews live) without causing civil war. Good that he realizes this. ~~~~~~~~~~ Hopefully, come February (and elections), the whole issue of an Israeli government ready to give away large swaths of Israel will become moot. Polls are showing Likud with a substantial lead over Kadima. Depending on the poll, Likud is expected to gain 32-34 seats, with Kadima having 23-26. Labor is way down, with only 8-10 seats. In fact, Meimad has broken with Labor now because it has always received the slot for the 10th seat on a combined list and is now afraid there will be no tenth seat; they will run their own list. The prediction is that the entire right wing will achieve sufficient seats to comfortably form a coalition. As of yet, however, there is no gain shown in the polls for a combined NU-NRP list. ~~~~~~~~~~ Livni is gearing up to come out swinging against Likud as elections draw closer. Netanyahu (sounding strangely like Peres) has been promoting negotiations with the PA based on economics and not political issues. He claims that he can help the Palestinians succeed economically and only this way can peace follow that more of the same negotiations now are doomed to failure. So be it, if this is his focus and not giving away the land. Netanyahu has come out against division of Jerusalem, as well. ~~~~~~~~~~ My information from several quarters is that Uzi Dayan, who was once considerably to the left, has shifted his position to the right. He now sees Oslo has having been a disaster. Dayan has joined Likud. ~~~~~~~~~~ Uzi Landau, meanwhile, formerly a member of Likud, is moving in another direction. He left Sharon's cabinet in protest against the disengagement, and now has announced that he is joining Yisrael Beitenu even though he disagrees with some of the positions of party head Avigdor Lieberman. Landau will have the number two slot on the list. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Family Security Matters (FSM), November 21, 2008. |
This was written by Newt Gingrich and it appeared in FSM
Newt Gingrich is the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and author of "Winning the Future." Feedback: editorialdirector@familysecuritymatters.org. |
There's a term that's commonly applied to the economic systems of some Asian and Latin American countries. It's "crony capitalism." Crony capitalism is when government controls significant parts of the economy. Under this kind of bureaucratic micromanagement, politicians not the free market call the shots. And that means that the decisions that control the economy are of necessity political decisions, not economic ones. Crony capitalism is bad for government. Economic power in the hands of politicians breeds corruption. Crony capitalism is bad for democracy. Individuals and businesses outside favored industries have an unequal voice in self-government. Crony capitalism is bad for business. Politicians wedded to the status quo stifle growth and innovation. And there's one more thing about crony capitalism: It's come to America. Predatory Politicians Practicing Crony Capitalism Created the Economic Crisis It's the nature of crony capitalism to expand for government to acquire more and more of the economy. The agents of this expansion are elected officials. Call them "predatory politicians." Crony capitalism practiced by predatory politicians is at the root of the current financial meltdown. In exchange for campaign cash and support for favored constituents, predatory politicians aided and abetted the government-backed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as they created and fed the subprime mortgage market . Now Predatory Politicians Are About to Make It Worse And to fix the mess they created, what have predatory politicians turned to? Why, more crony capitalism of course. First, they designed Wall Street bailouts in which a former chairman of Goldman Sachs got a blank check to disburse hundreds of billions of dollars to his former colleagues on Wall Street. Then they took over an insurance company at a hugely inflated cost. Now predatory politicians want taxpayers to fund a bailout of three bloated, stagnant companies that have been losing money for years, one of which is currently hemorrhaging over $1 billion a month. The Detroit Three: An Investment Only a Predatory Politician Would Propose To reward the unions that helped produce its electoral victory, the newly empowered Democratic Congress is proposing that American taxpayers pony up $25 billion to bail out the Detroit Three automakers, Ford, GM and Chrysler. Democrats are using the current financial crisis as their excuse to bailout the autos. But in fact, the Detroit three were unprofitable long before the current crisis hit. According to one economist, GM and Ford made more money-losing investments in the 1980s than any other U.S. companies. And the Detroit money pit only got deeper in the ensuing two decades. Since 1998, GM has been losing an astonishing $1.5 billion a month. That's an investment only a predatory politician would propose. Bringing Fannie and Freddie Style Accountability to the Auto Industry One of the things that makes crony capitalism so profitable for politicians is that Washington exempts itself from the economic and financial rules it imposes on private industry. For example, in 2003, federal regulators discovered that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had engaged in Enron-style accounting fraud. But while executives at private companies who engaged in similar fraud went to prison and Congress responded by imposing the draconian and business-killing Sarbanes-Oxley bill on private businesses Fannie and Freddie executives barely received a slap on the wrist. One of the reasons was House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.). Frank fought tenaciously against the regulation that would have held Fannie and Freddie executives accountable and might have averted the financial crisis. Now Chairman Frank wants to bring his particular style of crony capitalism to the auto industry. Any Detroit Bailout Government Board Should Be Subject To Sarbanes-Oxley On "Face the Nation" this Sunday, Chairman Frank announced that not only would he push for a taxpayer bailout of the Detroit Three during the special session of Congress this week, but he would also create a government oversight board for the three companies in effect, a board of directors made up of predatory politicians. I believe that it would be a mistake for the taxpayers to be forced to bail out Detroit. Companies at which union workers make $71 an hour in wages and benefits compared to just $47 an hour at Toyota's U.S. plants are not going to be saved by a $25 billion government check. But if Democrats do find the votes to bring crony capitalism to Detroit, Americans should at the very least insist that any government board of directors created for the auto industry be subject to the criminal penalties and lengthy prison sentences in Sarbanes-Oxley. What's fair for the rest of us is fair for predatory politicians. A Chance For President-Elect Obama to Deliver Real Change The solution to our economic problems, be they in Detroit or on Wall Street, isn't more crony capitalism; it's economic growth. While politicians in Washington are constantly calling on taxpayers to put up more and more money to bail out flagging businesses, there are practical things that wouldn't cost the taxpayers a penny that we could do to make America a better place to create jobs. One of these things is to repeal Sarbanes-Oxley. As my wife Callista and I outline in more detail in this video, Sarbanes-Oxley has had the unintended consequences of stifling innovation, killing new business start-ups and driving listings overseas. President-elect Obama won an historic victory two weeks ago on the promise of delivering change to the American people. Bailing out the Detroit auto dinosaurs is not change. It is crony capitalism in service of a failed status quo. President-elect Obama should stand up to congressional Democrats and say "no" "no" to saddling future generations of Americans with the bill for today's crony capitalism. That would be change we could believe in. |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, November 21, 2008. |
![]() ![]() Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il. Additional images are available at http://4batya.blogspot.com/ |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 21, 2008. |
HAARETZ MISREPORTS HAMAS Haaretz journalist Amira Hass reports that if Israel recognized the western Palestinian Arabs' "national" rights, and gave them a state within the 1967 borders, Hamas would offer Israel a long-term truce. Dr. Aaron Lerner remarked, "Shame on Amira Hass for declining to spell out what this means." It means that for all the Territories and part of Jerusalem, Hamas will suspend shooting while it pours into Israel millions of people who can trace a family link to the area and it prepares its army to join the influx in bringing down the state. It is a most ungenerous offer (IMRA, 11/9). By omitting explanation, Mr. Hass makes this traditional Muslim ruse seem like a peace offer. It works! Israel's Left is willing to be deceived repeatedly. GAZA GETS FUEL Hamas is halting the importation of fuel from Israel. Almost everything Gazans need is smuggled in from the Sinai. Israeli military officials admit that the blockade is failing (IMRA, 11/9). Hamas attacked the gates where Israel was sending gasoline trucks in. Israel had to pull back. Hamas denounced Israel for withholding gasoline, and threatened to shut down the Gaza power station for pretended lack of fuel. Staged media events include filming children holding candles in a room, as if no electricity, but it was daytime and the room was darkened artificially, to deceive audiences (IMRA, 11/10). How mendacious to fake a need for sympathy! The success of the tunnels does not stop the usual anti-Zionist media and phony humanitarians from putting on long faces and denouncing the Israeli blockade as causing hardship. This includes the anarchists and Euro-parliamentarians on the third ship to reach Gaza from complaining of lack of medicine in Gaza. Quite a commentary on the media that it keeps falling for staged Arab news. RABIN'S SECOND THOUGHTS At the Rabin assassination memorial, Prof. Efraim Inbar said that Rabin came to find the PLO still terrorist and Oslo not working. Had he lived, he might have decided to reverse Oslo (IMRA, 11/10). That is just what Barry Chamish said and what I remember. Mr. Chamish believes that that is why Rabin was assassinated. I remember that Peres also hated Rabin, his rival for the premiership. SECRECY IN GOVERNMENT Pres. Bush approved and streamlined a secret procedure for raiding al-Qaida in foreign countries not officially at war with us. Our forces could move fast, while intelligence was still fresh. Each raid needed high authorization. Officials found some intelligence not reliable, and withheld approval (NY Times, 11/10). I am proud of our armed forces having become that sensible and even efficient. I thank Pres. Bush for protecting us. I don't think he should have kept the new policy secret from the people. I can, however, see another side to that. Politically, he would have gained had he informed the electorate. What definitely should be kept secret are methods, plans for particular raids, and perhaps results. If a raid takes place in a country without publicity, the country's government may not react and may be pleased. If it is publicized, the foreign government may feel impelled to react and to restrict the US. Publicity of our protecting ourselves and other people, in these days of pacifism and appeasement, harms our reputation. Our reputation is of great concern to liberals. Unfortunately, our media feels entitled to publicize military plans. The quarry escapes. We look foolish. How important is reputation? If other countries have reason to distrust or oppose us, because of reputation, we become less able to pursue our national and international interests. On the other hand, we should not forfeit pursuit of important national security, which in the case of squelching international rogue states and movements, is in the international interest, merely because it may harm our reputation. Security outweighs the approval of wrong-headed people. Find the happy medium! When I mentioned to a liberal, that as Iran assembles nuclear weapons, and neither Bush nor Obama seem inclined to stop them, she said, "If we raid Iran, the rest of the world wouldn't like us." I replied, "I don't give a damn about what the rest of the world thinks, when our survival is at stake. Will you be pleased that we preserved what the rest of the world thinks is some purity of reputation, when you, a New Yorker, sees the mushroom cloud courtesy of Iran?" Our duty is to save ourselves, liked or disliked for doing so. How much do these foreigners really like us, if we let ourselves get killed? Thomas Friedman has an answer. He remarked about the roar of foreign approval over our election results, that as soon as Obama were to protect US national interest by force, that approval would vanish. Do they think that when Obama puts diplomacy first, he'd never use force? Considering the enemies we have, ones preparing to attack us again, he is going to have to act like a President, instead of talking like a messiah. What conceit, liberals have, to imagine that everything we do is up to us! It is the same self-centeredness of which they accuse Pres. Bush. GAUGE OF HOW EVIL THE UNO IS Antisemites rant and call for mass-murder, in the UNO. They are accepted and even applauded. The UNO was set up to stop mass-murder. If Hitler could come back and make the same speech, would they applaud him? GLOBALIZATION & REGULATION It seems that Republicans say, "Shoot it or drill it," whereas Democrats say, "Tax it or regulate it." In this era of globalizing, where does regulation fit? Here is my understanding of it, opinion only, and of an early stage in globalization. It's based on The Lexus & The Olive Tree. In the industrial revolution era, regulation abounded in the industrialized states. Regulations differed country-to-country, but tended to control extensively. In the globalized era, I think that most governments will regulate, regulations will be more standard and for making order. They will not get into such detail. Companies increasingly want investors and sales globally. To attain that, they must have standard, transparent accounting and other practices. Their governments need sound economies and business law. Regulation must assure that. Otherwise, hedge funds and other global investors and purchasers will pull out. They have done so, over the years. Russian business, replete with confiscation, nationalization, and lack of law and order discourage foreign investors. Same for the P.A.. The present international crisis may make the lesson sink in. Investors no longer will assume that foreign stock exchanges and business rules all have the same, high standards of reliability. Other aspects of governmental regulation cannot run afoul of international investors, or they become counter-productive. Tax too high or spend too much, and the economy repels investors and rich taxpayers. Regulate too much out of line from other countries, and the investors outsource or move out. I hope globalization does not impede environmental regulation. A major point in the Democrats' campaign was to blame the financial crisis on de-regulation which, in general, Sen. McCain favors. The NY Times emphasized that. Then its Magazine section contradicted that with some facts, that bank regulation started by Congress and in 1988, before Bush's time and with Democrats sharing responsibility. As the newspaper keeps covering the story, it mentions earlier financial shocks here and there. Our watchdogs in the media, legislative and executive branches, and in the financial profession, slept. RABIN ASSASSINATION COMMEMORATION The whole week is devoted to paeans for the saint who wasn't. The speeches hammer home the big lie that the Right incited its followers until one committed the deed. All right-wingers are presumed guilty by association, and free speech was and remains the culprit. Don't dare criticize Rabin's policy even now! Now that PM Olmert continues those policies, he promotes the notion of collective guilt, even though he belonged to Likud then, criticizing Rabin. What right-wing conspiracy? Not one rabbi or prominent right-wing leader was found to have approved of assassination before it or afterwards. A few Kahanists might have applauded, but they may have been agents provocateurs. Half the country opposed Rabin's policy, without proposing violence. How did those policies pan out? The Oslo "peace process" armed the PLO, which killed about 2,000 Israelis. If we criticize that, are we the arrangers of murder? [Or were the Oslo schemers?] The commemoration should be a day of education that assassination disrupts democracy, and does not justify repression of freedom of speech. In the wake of the murder, dissidents were defamed, harassed, arrested, and indicted. The commemoration has degenerated into partisan beatification of Rabin. It develops a cult in which his proposals become unchallengeable, like theological canon, instead of controversial and perhaps seen as counter-productive. It demonstrates the Left's monopoly of the media, also a danger to democracy. What a hideous spectacle, when politician Ehud Barak screamed that right-wing opponents are a "cancer!" Despite lack of evidence, the Left blames the Right for the bombing of far-leftist Prof. Sternhell. The Right is depicted as inherently violent, but few within it are violent. Violence, however, is in the record of the Left. Every day, leftists commit violence against Israeli troops trying to keep terrorists out of Israel. In addition, "The Left produced the spies and the traitors, including Mordecai Vanunu, Azmi Bishara, Tali Fahima, Marcus Klingberg, and including the ring of espionage and terror operated by kibbutznik Udi Adiv (today a lecturer in political science at the Open University) in the 1970s. Those with long memories will remember the earlier campaigns of leftist violence against the Right in the 1940s, the "season," the sinking of the Altalena, the betraying of members of the Edsel to the British by the Left, the gangs of street thugs operated by Ben Gurion to beat opponents, etc." A constructive Rabin Day, devoted to stopping political violence and promoting open political debate, would set the record straight. Instead, the period is a pretext for distorting the record, dividing the country, and gaining political advantage at the expense of democracy (Prof. Steven Plaut, 11/10). PERES INVITES RIGHT TO RABIN RALLIES, BUT He said that the commemoration should be against violence and for peace. He invited the Right to participate and define their method for attaining peace, so long as they don't call Oslo a disaster (IMRA, 11/10). How the Left doesn't believe in free speech! Nor in reality. FARMING OR EXPLOSIVES? Israel bans chemical components of explosives from Judea-Samaria. Its forces have been confiscating such materials there. Most of them are of dual use, the other use being agriculture (IMRA, 11/11). The article did not make clear whether there are fertilizers and pesticides that are not components of explosives, that could be substituted. P.A. Arabs use great amounts of pesticides. I guess they should switch to organic farming. That would be better, all around. In any case, imagine the explosions, if Israel did not patrol there and have checkpoints! THE NETANYAHU ALTERNATIVE Likud's candidate for the premiership, Benjamin Netanyahu, said he would start his regime by ending political negotiations with the P.A. He would switch to economic negotiations. He would try to build up the P.A. economy. He thinks economic peace must precede political peace (IMRA, 11/11). It is difficult to comment about a mere slogan, which is what he uttered. If he built up the P.A. economy, and the religious motive for war remains, he'd have made the enemy stronger. Therefore the P.A. must stop its indoctrination in jihad. If the P.A. maintains its corruption and lack of business law, its economy won't build up and it won't develop democratic institutions. Has Netanyahu a comprehensive economic and institutional reform program? Let's see it. Warning: the Muslims do not want the Jews to tell them what to do. Their hatred reduced their economic cooperation. What's Netanyahu's formula? ABBAS: ISRAEL OFFERED THE P.A. PARTS OF JERUSALEM (IMRA, 11/11.) Olmert had denied that he even discussed it. Who is telling the truth? Olmert acts in secret, and Abbas lies. I remember that years before, the Arabs claimed that Israel had made offers I found so outrageously contrary to the Jewish national interest, that I didn't believe them. It turned out that the Arabs were not exaggerating. Put nothing beyond Israel's leftist leaders! BORDER WITH EGYPT HEATING UP Bedouin looted and burned Egyptian checkpoints at the Israeli border south of Gaza. They kidnapped 70 Egyptian police. Both sides suffered casualties. Egypt is moving tanks there, to put the rebellion down (IMRA, 11/11). The news brief does not specify the Bedouin grievance. Bedouin smuggle into Israel goods and aliens. The conflict may be over that. Or is it a pretext to move tanks close? FUELISH PROPAGANDA FROM GAZA Here is the strange way jihad operates in Gaza. Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza, after Hamas fired rockets at Israeli cities. The world condemned the blockade but not Hamas. Israel relented, letting in humanitarian goods food, fuel, and medicine. Israel continued furnishing electricity to Gaza. Hamas stole some of the goods and hogged the electricity for manufacturing rockets. Hamas attacked the entry gates, forcing trucks back. Then it complained about hardships of its people. Hamas made those hardships! This proves that Hamas doesn't care about its people, only about propaganda against the Jewish state. The propaganda is effective Israel rarely comments, and does not make counter-propaganda. The government of Israel pulls its punches or sympathizes more with the enemy, instead of protecting its own people from the rockets. Indeed, it accepted a truce that lets Hamas accumulate rockets for the next war. The usual anti-Israel crowd pretended that the Gazans were starving, though the food went through. Meanwhile, smugglers increased the number of tunnels from Sinai so that they import commodities as well as arms. Nevertheless, Hamas cries hardship, and the rest of the world condemns Israel for it. Egypt easily could eliminate the smuggling, but does not. Israel keeps thanking Egypt for its desultory effort against smuggling and urging it to try harder. The government of Israel pretends that Egypt is at peace with it. In allowing the arms smuggling, Egypt is conducting a war of attrition against Israel. As usual. Recently a Sinai-Gaza fuel pipeline was set up. That proves Egyptian complicity with Hamas. Gaza has enough fuel. Because of that, Hamas advised Israel that it soon would stop importing fuel from Israel. In the latest development (from IMRA, 11/12), Hamas shut its electricity generator, claiming it had insufficient fuel. It has sufficient fuel. Hamas imposed this further hardship on its people, in order to rally world public opinion against Israel more. The world falls for this type of ruse. For example, the NY Times reported what Hamas said (11/11), not what happened, which is different. In this way, that newspaper lends itself to jihadist propaganda. Has the paper no standards of decent journalism, in its anti-Zionist vendetta? Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Jewish Community of Hebron, November 21, 2008. |
(Retired) District court judge Uri Struzman joined harsh criticism of the Supreme Court ruling dealing with Beit Hashalom in Hebron. Judge Struzman participated in one of the cases used by Supreme Court Judge Ayala Procatzia and quoted in her decision. In a critical and scholarly article written by Judge Struzman, he reviews that case ("Mishmar Ayalon") and proves that it actually contradicts Judge Procatzia's ruling in the Hebron case, and definitely cannot be used as a precedent for her ruling. "If the Mishmar Ayalon case should obligate the Supreme Court in dealing with the area under contention in the "Bayat HaChum" (Brown House referring to Beit HaShalom) until the issue is clarified, they would have had to prevent their removal from the building," writes Judge Struzman. However, in fact, the Judge contorted the significance of the fundamental principal which can be concluded from that case, as with the other case ("Hamotral HaKafti"), which Procatzia also utilizes in her decision. Judge Struzman also mentions that that Procatzia herself participated in a third parallel case (RY"A 5518/98). In this decision, Judge Procatzia did not conclude that the situation must be returned to its previous position prior to a judicial clarification of the issues, as a necessary obligation, rather as "an accepted procedure." In addition, the other judges on that panel, Judge Englard and the Court President Barak agreed with her approach. It is very strange that Judge Procatzia's decision on Beit Hashalom, does not agree with her previous decision in a parallel case. In light of previous precedents, "the Supreme Court should have refrained from a decision based on the fundamental of "the time has passed," and to refer the case to the district court to decide the question of temporary holding of the building," writes Judge Struzman, and concludes with pointed words: as the present court has not done this,... it is not strange that the settlers are screaming that justice has not been served, rather that the judge's political opinions have been the basis for their decision." It should be noted that Judge Struzman does not relate at all to twists and lies that appear in the section dealing with the factual side of the court decision. He is unaware of the twists and lies and therefore assumes that what is presented is accurate, and also concludes that on the basis of the facts presented in the decision, from a legal standpoint, the supreme court decision is contorted and a sham. You can contribute directly in Israel to The Jewish Community of Hebron, POB 105, Kiryat Arba-Hebron 90100, email: hebron@hebron.org.il or phone: 972-52-431-7055. In USA, write to The Hebron Fund, 1760 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11230, email: hebronfund@aol.com or phone: 718 677 6886. |
Posted by Mechel Samberg, November 21, 2008. |
This article was written by Ali Waked and is archived at
'The Israelis make threats, but after each threat they withdraw and evacuate,' PRC spokesman says after IDF recruits vacated from base near Gaza. Adds: Palestinians' faith and determination will bring more victories "The evacuation of Zikim serves as further proof that the IDF is going from defeat to defeat," a spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) told Ynet after the military base, a basic training facility located in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip, marked the end of its instructional activities on Wednesday. "It began with the withdrawal from Lebanon (May 2000), the pullout from Gaza (August 2005), the defeat in the Second Lebanon War (summer 2006) and, of course, the daily beating from the Palestinian resistance," Abu Abir said. "Zikim won't be the last place from which Israelis will be evacuated." According to Abir, it is the Palestinians' "faith and determination, which Israel lacks, that will bring more victories and evacuations. "The Israelis are hesitant, and mostly run away. The rocket that landed on Zikim is only a tool, just like the rockets that were fired at the settlements," he added. "The force behind the rocket is the Palestinian resistance's determination, which has shown that it is not deterred by planes, helicopters, tanks, assassinations or massacres." 'The Israelis make threats, but after each threat they withdraw and evacuate,' PRC spokesman says after IDF recruits vacated from base near Gaza. Adds: Palestinians' faith and determination will bring more victories "The evacuation of Zikim serves as further proof that the IDF is going from defeat to defeat," a spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) told Ynet after the military base, a basic training facility located in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip, marked the end of its instructional activities on Wednesday. "It began with the withdrawal from Lebanon (May 2000), the pullout from Gaza (August 2005), the defeat in the Second Lebanon War (summer 2006) and, of course, the daily beating from the Palestinian resistance," Abu Abir said.
According to Abir, it is the Palestinians' "faith and determination, which Israel lacks, that will bring more victories and evacuations. "The Israelis are hesitant, and mostly run away. The rocket that landed on Zikim is only a tool, just like the rockets that were fired at the settlements," he added. "The force behind the rocket is the Palestinian resistance's determination, which has shown that it is not deterred by planes, helicopters, tanks, assassinations or massacres." ![]() Abir continued to say that "the Israelis make threats, but after each threat they withdraw and evacuate, which only goes to show that they realize any operation in Gaza will have severe consequences. Eventually, the war will take place inside the home they stole from us. Ynet first reported on the military's intent to remove all new recruits from Zikim in June, when Deputy Chief of Staff Major-General Dan Harel announced a new policy, under which new recruits would be assigned to their designated units immediately after being drafted, and those units would be responsible for their basic training. The new policy called for one of the IDF's basic training facilities to be closed down, and Zikim was subsequently chosen. A new division is scheduled to take over the base in June 2009, but the IDF has yet to name it: "Unfortunately, this move is clouded by great uncertainties, due to disagreements within the army about the need to reassign the base and the nature of its reassignment," Zikim commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Dror Ben Hur, wrote in a letter distributed to the officers on the base.
Contact Mechel Samberg at mechelsamberg2@yahoo.com
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 21, 2008. |
This comes from the Joshua Pundit website and is archived at
![]() Iran reportedly now has enough enriched uranium to manufacture it's first nuclear bomb. That estimate comes from nuclear experts who've been extrapolating data from the latest IAEA report. Given the feckless nature of the IAEA and the fact that they're not alowed to see everything, Iran is likely much further along than that. Considering the missiles they've tested, which can hit Europe as well as Israel, the hour is much later than we think. Assuming Iran gets nukes, how likely are they to use them? Can't we live with a nuclear Iran the way we lived with a nuclear Soviet Union? Don't bet on it. `Living with it' would be akin to learning to live with a live rattler in the house...except Iran would be more dangerous. For one thing, there's the distinct possibility- I'd say it's almost a certainty that Iran would provide nukes down line, to the terrorist groups it sponsors and is closely allied with for use against the West. Such attacks could be very hard to trace back to Iran an dby then it might be too late anyway. And if the fingerprints were the least bit uncertain, would a President Obama and a Democrat Congress have the will to rspond appropriately in the face of massive political opposition and street theater from their constituency on the Angry Left? Even worse, in some ways, is the idea that Iran might not use the bomb...but instead would use it as a threat to coerce `respect' from the West, and use their nuclear might to blackmail OPEC to pump up the price of oil and gas and beef up its leadership of the Islamist bloc while fomenting conventional terrorism and Iran-based Islamist takeovers. What lots of people who think a simple diplomatic solution is possible don't consider is that Iran may actually be seeking a confrontation with the West as a 'divine mission'. Notice I said Iran, not Ahmadinejad...important to remember that he's merely a hired hand of the Supreme Council of Guardians and Khameini. To fully understand what we're dealing with here, we need to throw out the notion that we're dealing with a Western mindset, and examine Iran's theological and psychological makeup. All streams of Islam believe in a divine saviour, known as the Mahdi, who will appear at the End of Days. Several Islamic demagogues have raised vast armies and taken territory by utilizing this belief through history. Iran's dominant Shia "Twelver" sect believes this will be Mohammed ibn Hasan, regarded as the 12th Imam, or righteous descendant of the Prophet Mohammad. He is said to have gone into "seclusion" in the ninth century, at the age of five. His return will be preceded by chaos, war and bloodshed. After a cataclysmic battle with evil and darkness, the Mahdi will lead the world to an era of universal Dar Islam..domination of the world by Islam and Sharia law, batta bang, batta bing. Are Ahmadinejad, Khameini and the Supreme council now pushing for a clash with the West because they feel safe in the belief of the imminent return of the Hidden Imam? And are they trying to speed up things in the hope of hastening his reappearance? Here's something to consider from Iran and Ahmadinejad's recent history. During the Iran-Iraq War, the Ayatollah Khomeini imported 500,000 small plastic keys from Taiwan. After Iraq invaded Iran in September 1980 and the Iranians initially suffered military reverses, Khomeini recruited Iranian children, some as young as twelve years old, and packed them off to the front. There, they marched across minefields toward the enemy lines in human waves, clearing a path with their bodies. Every one of them had one of those Taiwanese keys hung around his neck...and the children were told that these were their Keys to open Paradise. No joke. These children who ran to their deaths in suicide attacks were part of the Basiji, a mass movement created by Khomeini after the Revolution in 1979 and put on the front lines after the war began. The Basij Mostazafan or "mobilization of the oppressed" was a volunteer militia, most of whose members hadn't even turned 18 yet. They went by the thousands, willing martyrs for Khomeini and the regime. Today the slaughter of the Basiji is a source of Iranian legend and national pride...believe it or not. Since the end of the Iraq war in 1988, the Basiji have vastly increased both in numbers and influence, as a cadre of loyal heroes of the Islamic Republic. They've been used mostly as religious police to enforce Sharia in Iran, and as Allah's own storm troopers against dissidents. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, served as a Basij instructor during the Iran-Iraq War, and is now the poster boy for the movement. That black and white scarf Ahmadinejad wears ins't a Palestinian kefiyah, but a basiji scarf. Recruited from the more conservative and impoverished parts of the population (the exact social class Hitler used for the SA), the Basiji swear absolute loyalty to the Supreme Leader Ali Khameini, Khomeini's successor. During Ahmadinejad's run for the presidency in 2005, the millions of Basiji all over Iran got solidly behind Ahmadinejad in every Iranian town, neighborhood, and mosque and pushed his presidency. He was their guy..and the regime's. Re-examine that little bit of information for a second...the man who trained children to blow themselves up for Allah at the Mullah's behest is now the country's president. Turn it over in your mind. The inmates have definitely taken over the Persian asylum. And this suicide/martyr complex is deeply engraved in the Iranian/Shia psyche. After all, why be afraid when the Hidden Imam is on his way? Something else to consider is Iran's perception of how America and the West has reacted to any confrontation or provocation. In 1979, the Iranians got away with something no other country has ever done, even in wartime. They seized a US embassy and held our diplomats hostage for over a year...and the Carter Administration did nothing about it. This perception has been reinforced since then by our retreats from Beirut after a Hezbollah suicide attack, our failure to deal decisively with Saddam after defeating him in the first Gulf War and continuing through our retreat from Somalia...not to mention our `nuanced' and indecisive response to having 3,000 of our fellow citizens slaughtered while a significant portion of the adherants of the Religion of peace celebrated it as one happy victory for the Great Jihad. And why wouldn't the mullahs feel that way? Until very recently our leaders couldn't even bring themselves to call the enemy by its right name. Iran sees us a power in retreat...eager to recoil after any forceful response by the Islamic world. And Iran considers itself the rightful standard bearer of a resurgent Caliphate Islam. Diplomacy only works when you are dealing with people that perceive they have something to lose. Sanctions and multilateral diplomacy has been and will remain a waste of time. Aside from the fact that Russia, China and certain members of the EU are unlikely to abide by them, the black market is alive and well, especially when you have oil and gas to sell. So where's that leave us? The key to solving this little dilemma is to remember that we're not only dealing with Iran's nukes. We are dealing with Iran as the leader of jihad and the Islamist movement which is exactly how Iran sees itself. President Bush touched on this when he compared `Militant Islam' with the communist menace of the Cold War. Except that the mullahs and their pals have a very different mindset in some ways. The communists actually cared about staying alive. Are we prepared to be half as ruthless and thorough as the mullahs are towards us to preserve our lives and freedom? So far, we haven't. Fascinating it is that President Bush was in such a lather to get us into Iraq, where the nukes weren't, and has been so reluctant to deal with the real threat in Iran. It will go down as perhaps the greatest failure of his presidency, in an administration absolutely chock full of failed policy. Unless something drastic happens, or the Israelis do the job of taking out Iran's nukes themselves, we will pay in blood and treasure for that failure.
Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com
Posted by Eleazar Ben Yair, November 21, 2008. |
![]() The PPS set is here. Open it with a Presentation Program such as
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Contact Eleazar Ben Yair at eleazar_benyair@yahoo.it
Posted by Stan Goodenough, November 21, 2008. |
After Jews have lived in Denmark for hundreds of years, the 7000-strong community that resides there today may be forced to leave. The country's legislators are studying a proposed law that would make the biblically-mandated Jewish rite of circumcising baby boys a crime. Ynetnews reported in Israel Thursday that Denmark's National Council for Children (NCC) has recommended the legislation of a law banning circumcision of boys under the age of 15. Circumcision argued the NCC of the rite that has been practiced without protest for thousands of years by millions of circumcised men - "is the irreversible damage to a child's body before he is given the chance to object." The cutting off of a fold of skin on a boy was comparable to so-called female circumcision, the council further claimed, triggering withering scorn from Denmark's Chief Rabbi, Bent Lexner "The comparison between circumcision and the intentional mutilation of the female sex organ in certain societies is simply complete nonsense," Lexner said. The controversial proposal has won support from Denmark's Ethics Council, meaning that only the parliament's medical committee can intervene and prevent it from being heard, Ynetnews said. Stan Goodenough is a Christian Zionist; a South African national; a Mayflower descendant; an 18-year resident of the State of Israel.Jerusalem Newswire is a news service operating out of Jerusalem,
Israel, that provides a condensed source of the most important daily
news stories out of the region together with what we believe to be
pertinent analyses and commentary. This article is archived at
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 20, 2008. |
It seems fairly pervasive. And I'll provide just two examples here, both touching on issues I've raised in the last day or two: In response to increased launching of rockets from Gaza, Defense Minister Barak placed a closure on Gaza several days ago. Barak, however, has now received an official IDF assessment saying that the closures are not hurting Hamas at all, because it is using the dozens of tunnels under the Philadelphi Corridor to bring in whatever they wish (other than fuel). Yet in spite of the fact that what is being done is not proving effective, the closures will remain in effect. Explained a ministry of defense official: "We cannot allow the Palestinians to fire rockets into our cities without a response." This really inspires confidence that our cities are well defended, does it not? To understand this statement, however, you must read the subtext: We don't want to do a major military operation into Gaza, but if we do nothing we'll be pressured in that direction. And so, we re instituting the closures. Even though they have no effect on Hamas, they give the Israeli people the impression that we're tough. One might weep from this. ~~~~~~~~~~ And then we have the on-going situation with Beit HaShalom in Hevron. Today I noted a piece on this subject that ran on YNet, written by Dror Etkes, who is with the very far left Yesh Din organization. The title of the piece: "Yet another illegal settlement." Subtitle: "Takeover of disputed Hebron home another illegal attempt to create new settlement." Huh? Yes, lunacy, but studied lunacy with an agenda. I am sharing it here to show what the good people of Hevron contend with in terms of accusations. Why call Beit HaShalom an "illegal settlement"? Because these are buzz words intended to immediately defame and delegitimize. Etkes speaks of displacing Palestinians who have lived in the area for generations and secret plots by the Jews. ~~~~~~~~~~ Because positions such as his are so often encountered in the media (and YNet was content to run this), I thought it important to touch very briefly on the facts and the background here. The Jewish connection to Hevron is impeccable and ancient. It begins with the Torah and Avraham's purchase there of a burial cave and surrounding fields. It continues with King David, who was anointed king there and ruled from that city for seven years. Judah Maccabee did battle in Hevron in the second century BCE, when the city was re-established as Jewish, following destruction of the First Temple. In Second Temple times, Herod built the huge structure that stands atop the original burial caves, which remains to this day. In the two millennia since, there has been a pattern of Jews holding fast to this city either as a remnant people or in larger numbers, at different historical times. I cannot but merely mention this complex history here: In the 15th and 16th centuries, Sephardi Jews from Spain and Portugal established a vibrant community that lasted for 400 years. They were joined by Kabbalists and then in the late 17th and early 18th century by Ashkenazi Jews including Lubavitch Hassidim. A major synagogue had been constructed, and other substantial buildings, within a Jewish quarter. There was scholarship and commerce. ~~~~~~~~~~ The destruction of this ancient and venerable community came with the Arab massacres of 1929. The violence was instigated by the Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, who later became an active supporter of the Nazis. He was, it should be noted, the mentor of Yasser Arafat. The Mufti's goal, quite simply, was the elimination of the Jewish community of Hevron. To that end he instigated and made false charges that Jews had set fire to the Al Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. (Just as the Islamic Movement of Israel makes similar charges today.) The Arab rioting began following inflammatory sermons and went on for hours, with the indiscriminate slaughter of women, children and the aged. The rioters, wielding weapons, went from house to house, crying, "Slaughter the Jews." The British, who controlled the area under the Mandate for Palestine, decided it was easier to move the survivors out of Hevron than to defend them. Thus the ancient community came to an end. ~~~~~~~~~~ When the British pulled out, and the War of Independence was over, the Jordanians controlled the area, and they made it entirely Judenrein. No re-establishment of the ancient community was possible. This possibility arose only after 1967, when Israel gained control of Judea, and of Hevron. And even then, there were difficulties as successive governments showed considerable reluctance to cooperate. A core of committed and courageous people has persisted, however. They have been called kooks, and worse, but they have a vision that is solid. They understand that the legacy that is Hevron and the Ma'arat Hamachpelah the Cave of the Patriarchs cannot be abandoned. Not if we are to hold our heads up and claim our rightful place in this land. Not if we are to remember who we are. There is no way to surrender our heritage because of Arab violence. And they know full well that no Jew would be permitted to pray at the Machpelah if not for the presence of the Jewish community there. Influential Muslims in the area have conceded as much. (Look what happened when the Tomb of Joseph was turned over to the PA and subsequently vandalized and destroyed.) They know, as well, that our claim to Jerusalem is weakened if Hevron is relinquished. Ultimately, the people returned to the area that was the old Jewish Quarter of Hevron, and they acquired buildings that had been Jewish. Acquired them through meticulous legal processes and purchases not via illegal seizures. They acquired other buildings for residential purposes legally as well ~~~~~~~~~~ With the unfortunate advent of Oslo and its subsequent agreements, much of Hevron was officially turned over to the PA. But not all of it. There is an official agreement signed by Binyamin Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat with regard to a division of the city, with one portion roughly 20% controlled by Israel; it includes the Machpelah and what was the old Jewish Quarter. Jews have a right to live there. Understand: Jews have a right to live there. This is not remotely an "illegal settlement." Actually, the Jewish community of Hevron felt threatened by this agreement, as the Arabs were irritated that they hadn't gotten the whole city, and represented the Jews as interlopers. There has been Arab violence over the years none more horrendous than the murder in 2001 of ten month old Shalhevet Pass, who was shot by a sniper on a nearby hill who aimed directly at her head. As to the building under question now, which is firmly and solidly within the area under Israeli control: No one was living in it for years before the Jews moved in. No Arabs were displaced. Understand this as well. ~~~~~~~~~~ I am absolutely convinced of the legitimacy of the Jewish purchase
of Beit HaShalom, just as I am convinced of the insidious political
motivations of the government officials who would push out the
residents now. For a detailed run down of the legal issues, you might
want to see the Hebron website at:
I am not confident that justice will be done in this matter, just as justice has not been done in several similar incidents over the years. But I am confident that the Jewish community of Hevron will persist. The very least we can do for them is to understand their position and to salute their courage. What is encouraging is that a greater number of Israeli citizens, not resident in Hevron, have gotten weary with what is going on and are ready to stand with them. ~~~~~~~~~~ Right now the IDF is saying they may forcibly evacuate the building after Shabbat as many visitors are expected over Shabbat because of the Torah reading regarding Avraham's purchase of the cave. I have also noted that Minister of Religious Affairs Yitzhak Cohen is urging that nothing be done until after the elections in February: "This is an explosive public issue that could lead to the worst of all. Dealing with this crisis should be to the point and disconnected from any political influences." (emphasis added) To which I say Amen. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, November 20, 2008. |
Here are overlooked facts in the current Middle East situation. The text has been circulating among websites. |
1. Nationhood and Jerusalem. Israel became a nation in 1312 B. C. E. Two thousand years before the rise of Islam. 2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel. 3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B. C. E., the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years. 4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C. E. lasted no more than 22 years. 5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit. 6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran. 7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem. 8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem, facing Mecca. 9. Arab and Jewish Refugees: In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier. 10. The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution and pogroms. 11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the same. 12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into th e Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own peoples' lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey. 13. The Arab Israeli Conflict: The Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation. The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itself each time and won. 14. The P. L. O. 's Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, and has supplied them. 15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths. 16. The U. N. Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel. 17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel. 18. The U. N was silen t while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians. 19. The U. N. was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemete ry on the Mount of Olives 20. The U. N. was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like a policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. These are incredible times. We have to ask what our role should be. What will we tell our grandchildren we did when there was a turning point in Jewish destiny, an opportunity to make a difference? Contact Barbara Sommer at sommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 20, 2008. |
I discussed issues with a fervent Obama supporter. Her many lapses of knowledge about broader issues made it difficult to converse. Each point she made, I disputed; each point I made, required explanation. My conservative friends despair of discussing politics with liberals, most of whom are indoctrinated with a mental strait-jacket. The conservatives, by contrast, do not automatically endorse their incumbent or candidate. They think more independently. I can see the years of NY Times and NPR campaigning against Zionism in liberals' knowledge gaps and misconceptions. It doesn't occur to them, mostly Jews, to be skeptical of what they are told. Centuries of having been deceived should keep Jews on their toes. Unfortunately, most of them don't have centuries of culture in their minds, they don't know much about it. Likewise, most of them are unacquainted with the history of 20th century appeasement. They fall for current arguments in its behalf. If they examined their assumptions, they might grasp the false underpinnings. They usually don't. They march to the polls, and many of my friends marched other voters to the polls, like sheep. Liberals still do not realize that jihad is international. They imagine each war by Muslims against us as isolated. When one country attacks us, liberals want us perhaps, perhaps to fight back against that country, but certainly to wait passively for the next front to open up against us, to the advantage of the enemy. If we fought WWII like that, we'd have beaten Japan first, but found Nazi Germany might have controlled Europe and its resources, and not been short of oil Liberals have a litany about the Iraq war. They lament our casualties as if high, though they are among the lowest in history. They think the second Iraq war was solely about oil and a-bombs. They think that Pres. Bush lied about it, whereas their Democratic leaders lied about it. They forgot about the Security Council resolutions that Iraq violated. Their notion is one of collective security, you know, the arrangement that was supposed to fend off Hitler but didn't. When it comes time to enforcing the UNO resolutions, then they back off. So much for their support for collective security! It's collective insecurity. Talk, then die. They want to go back to more discussion by diplomats. That is just what hardened fanatics or imperialist dictators want. We'd be better off scuttling the UNO. The same hypocrisy, unconscious I'm sure, applies to their notion of opposing dictatorship and genocide. They criticized the US, during the Bush incumbency, for supporting dictatorship and not thwarting genocide. One of the more oppressive dictators and a perpetrator of genocide was Saddam Hussein. When Pres. Bush overthrew him, the same liberal critics suddenly were not for toppling dictators and thwarting genocide. They failed to say that at least we did something for those people, saving hundreds of thousands of lives and prevented future aggression, as Saddam was rebuilding his armed forces. Liberals won't give an inch. The liberal litany is that more discussion would rally more countries to align with us or persuade the enemy not to align against us. They forget that we tried that for about ten years each with Iraq, Iran, and N. Korea (and western Palestinian Arabs against Israel). The Democrats misled them. Pursuit of failed policies should lead people to inquire why they failed, not insist on trying again. Elementary. Our enemies develop nuclear weapons during our procrastination. Our alternatives may be difficult, but delay reduces them. As for gaining allies, they all are "fair weather friends." They are with us until the first terrorist attack against them or until the enemy offers them more business. Sanctions can't work unless everybody piles on. Russia and China won't. My friend saw my globalization book by Thomas Friedman. She likes him. I don't. She called him objective. Her standard: He criticizes the Arabs as much as Israel. Not true. In any case, his criticism of Israel is virulent and existential. His criticism of the Arabs usually is for anti-Americanism or for stubbornly refusing to accept the tremendous concessions offered by former PM Barak and the tremendous and unilateral sacrifices that former Pres. Clinton offered. The Arab refusal frustrated Friedman's campaign to eviscerate Israel. Objective? Friedman admits that he detest Israel. He claims that occurred when they set up certain, unspecified policies towards the Arabs. Not true. He was a student activist against Israel years earlier. People like he, who claim not to like "Israeli policies on the Arabs." might tell us where they stand on the Arabs' policy towards Israelis to murder them. Indignation only against the Jews is... No matter what I say to most liberals, they don't acknowledge anything. The best they do is have no answer. And yet they think my views must be rigid. They think that I see things in black and white, because I am adamant against jihad. Sometimes it is more reasonable to see the enemy as black and policies and motives as grey. I saw the Nazis and Communists as total enemies. They were. Their protégés, the Arab Muslims, are, too. I see multiple reasons for policies that some of my friends don't. They can be simplistic about causes and about solutions. My reaction depends on the issue and the facts. I analyze the facts before drawing a conclusion. The NY Times has ready-made conclusions about Israel, and then selects facts to suit, not very carefully about whom it quotes. Next day, my friend said she had tried to resist my contentions, because they are scary. She sees their sense. She came through. Facts and reason prevailed over emotion. THE PUZZLING ECONOMIC CRISIS Most of us have lost money from this ever-deepening economic crisis. Karl Marx didn't have a theory that covers it it didn't result from an oversupply of goods. We are just beginning to sense what happened. Our leaders are no further. They attribute it to "greed" or de-regulation. What evasions! Just like a doctor who names your disease without offering a remedy, our leaders toss labels without knowing the remedy. They suggest what won't work, but costs a lot. This crisis, however, was predicted. It had precedents. Nobody paid attention. Who predicted it? Two books explained that our society has changed as much as it did in the industrial revolution. The authors realized the implications. One was Alan Toffler's The Third Wave. The other was Thomas Friedman's The Lexus and the Olive Tree. Mr. Friedman explained the bundling of mortgages. He warned that the Internet enables extensive swift investing. Fortunes flow in and out of countries, ruining them temporarily, if they have unsound business practices. We had unsound business practices. If I had read those books a decade ago, I would not have lost much. If our leaders learn from them now, they could help us adapt to the extensive change. FRIGHTENING TALK WITH A LIBERAL One of my guests looks mild, but is a flaming liberal. He regrets the Bush, Jr. years as "lost years." Quoting Thomas Jefferson's approval of a periodic revolution, he said that liberals should have assassinated Bush and risen up against the government. He said liberals should acquire assault rifles. Upon noticing my lack of elation over Obamas election, hee asked why. I said half a sentence, and he truculently interrupted. I said, "Am I not supposed to finish a thought?" He waited. As soon as I referred to something Thomas Friedman said about globalization, he interjected that since Mr. Friedman approved of starting (I think he means starting) the Iraq war, he lost confidence in that pundit's judgment and so he won't pay attention to anything further from him. I said that I see we have no basis for discussion. Thank goodness for globalization! It diverted Friedman from his obsession with his anti-Zionism. I dislike Friedman, but respect his observations about globalization. I detest Obama more than my guest detests Bush. I think that Obama policies deprive us of a future, whereas Bush protected us until the critics cowed him. But I'm not getting an AK-47. (Conservatives probably have rifles.) Most violent revolutions end with brutes in charge. INTERNATIONAL TERRORISTS Saudis captured in Iraq claims they were treated like commodities to be sold to different organizations. They probably will be repatriated. S. Arabia claims success in rehabilitating captured terrorists. The prisoners' guardians demand punishment for clerics who issued fatwas authorizing terrorism (IMRA, 11/7). I usually omit unverified Arab claims. This one, however, may reveal a weakness in terrorism. I don't know whether S. Arabia does re-educate terrorists or its program is an excuse for their evading punishment. What is their recidivism rate? The recidivist rate of released Palestinian Arab terrorists is estimated variously, something like 50%. I bet that if Israel demolished all terrorists' houses, and confiscated funds allotted from abroad to rebuild them, the rate of terrorism against Israel would fall. SYRIA TEMPTS OBAMA 89% of US Muslims voted for Obama; 2% voted for McCain. It is not clear whether they voted against the Bush policies or for Obama's origin as Muslim. Obama's foreign policy advisor, Jimmy Carter's former advisor, Brzezinski (a rabid anti-Zionist) said that Obama's foreign policy would give priority to the western Palestinian Arabs and to reassuring Russia and China of our neutrality. Syria announced that if Obama "changes" US policy towards Syria and presses Israel into a final status agreement with the P.A., Syria would restrain Hizbullah and Hamas (IMRA, 11/7). The King of Jordan urged Obama to compel a pact (IMRA, 11/10). The King's exhortation is heard from many, over the years. Just "restrain?" Not eradicate? That is no better than a truce. It's the old Islamic ploy: get a tangible concession that shifts the balance of power, in return for a temporary, easily reversible truce. Then renew the war on better terms. It's a lot like, but worse than, the truce that Faust made with Satan for immediate relief. I don't think that Russia and especially China believe we threaten them. They are aggressor states, seeking hegemony over land or foreign resources. ISRAEL RAIDS JENIN TERRORISTS Sec. Rice visited Jenin and praised its restoration of law and order on the street. Upon her departure, Israeli forces raided Jenin terrorists, because P.A. police, whom she praised, do not (Arutz-7, 11/10). Remember this, when I criticize Obama next year, to remind yourselves that the State Dept. always is anti-Zionist, pro-Arab, and duplicitous. VATICAN-MUSLIM MEETING Both sides agreed to oppose terrorism, even if in the name of God. The Pope said he wanted to work together with Islam on their shared values (IMRA, 11/7). They share few values. Islam is Catholicism's existential enemy. Their agreement is like the old Communists-non-Communist Popular Fronts. The Communists used to their acceptance and power to try to dominate the others. A recent ploy adopted by Muslim states, and not just by Islamists, is to pretend to oppose terrorism and not be our enemy, so they gain acceptance. Actually, they oppose terrorism only against themselves. They support other terrorism. They define terrorism such that Muslims claiming to be fighting against occupation or for national liberation can use the terrorists' banned methods. The Pope was scammed. SENSE & NONSENSE ABOUT OBAMA Nonsense: Some Israeli journalists suggested that Israel follow America's example, by electing an Arab as Prime Minister. The difference is that blacks do not want to exterminate or oppress the rest of the people, but Arabs do in Israel. Sense: The stock market has been going down for months. Right after the election, it went down a lot, for another two days. Some of that may be the investors' growing realization that Democrats often mess up the economy. [Obama wants to raise general taxes and taxes on dividends and capital gains. Stocks become less attractive.] Obama won largely because the public blamed Bush [and his successor] for the financial crisis. The people remain largely conservative, passing propositions against political correctness. US Jewry voted 4:1 for Obama. Conclusion: non-Orthodox Jews have lost their Jewish solidarity (11/7 from Prof. Steven Plaut, an economics professor). GAUGING EGYPT'S INTENT Although Egypt's economy has been expanding, so has its masses' misery. The government fears rioting as well as agitation by democrats and Islamists. Haaretz says that Egypt, which now has excellent pilots and absorbs new technology, and whose forces are a match for Israel' s, couldn't afford a war. Mubarak may go to war to divert attention from his failure (IMRA, 11/7). Notice that lip service aside, Israel has neither a quantitative nor a qualitative edge! "TWO STATES FOR TWO PEOPLES" That's how Israel's Foreign Min. Livni puts her goal of negotiations with the P.A.. The Palestinian Arabs already have a state, called Jordan. Then splitting the Territories off from Israel to make another Palestinian Arab state would be three states for two peoples. However, the Palestinian Arabs are not a separate people. They are of the Arab nation, same religion, culture, and history, with minor regional variations. The western Palestinian Arabs largely are of relatively recent immigrant families. The Arab nation has 21 countries or so. Then splitting the Territories off from Israel for form another Arab country means 23 states for two peoples. Where is the principle? The principle is to keep whittling Israel down into indefensibility. OPINIONS LAG BEHIND REALITY A friend spoke with an Israeli man. He told her not to worry about Iran, Israel will do what it has to do. She accepted his bravado. I think he imagines Israel still to be as it once was. Iran is no pushover. First, Israel would have to possess the will to act. Olmert and Livni lack that will. Second, Israeli forces would have to get there. They would have to fly through hostile territory or Iraq. Pres. Bush reportedly refuses to give Israel the secret codes by which the Israeli planes could signal non-belligerency to the US forces. Otherwise, US forces would fire at the "blips." Third, Israeli forces would have to be prepared and capable. The recent war in Lebanon demonstrated lack of preparedness and incapability, particularly by the Olmert-Livni regime. Israel committed too small a force, equipped it poorly, interfered with it unwisely, and quit before having accomplished enough, accepting a disastrous agreement that the Livni-Olmert team thinks great, even as Hizbullah now threatens Israel existentially. Would that I were wrong! WHAT LIBERALS DON'T SEE ABOUT THE USE OF MILITARY They think as if we are back fifty years: if an enemy doesn't invade us, we needn't fight the enemy. Al-Qaida did attack us, first abroad, then here. Liberals don't want to admit that al-Qaida has allies who are part of that war. Some are getting weapons of mass-destruction. Shall we wait for that attack? LIVNI DEFENDS RETREATS Israel's Foreign Min. Livni upheld her regime's retreats from Gaza and Lebanon. She praised her arrangement of withdrawal from the second Lebanon War as sparing Israel years of warfare with Hizbullah. She simply called the abandonment of Gaza "good" (IMRA, 11/8). No, she foisted on Israel years of existential threat from Hizbullah's and Hamas' tens of thousands of rockets. She ruined 10,000 Israelis, expelled from Gaza. If her regime attacked Lebanon in force, Israel would have won swiftly. Smashing Hizbullah would have regained deterrence against Syria. Periodically, Israel could re-enter to keep Hizbullah down, when attempts were made to revive it. RABIN MEMORIAL Leftist political leaders again used the annual Rabin memorial as a platform to denounce the Jewish nationalists and blame them collectively for the assassination of Rabin. Their accusations are a form of incitement to violence or trampling of civil rights that they accuse the Right of. They praised Rabin, but ignored his last speech, which opposed P.A. statehood and urged Israel to retain most of the Territories. Police not only expelled some protestors, but tore up their signs and beat them up (Arutz-7, 11/9). The hypocrites ignore his speech. Israeli "democracy" in action. POLLOCRACY Israelis take a lot of polls. Polls pack a punch, convincing voters to stay home, when one candidate is said to be far ahead. Politicians deceive people about many polls. They change the results, they lie about the date taken, or publish only favorable parts. Local politicians sometimes make up a poll and attribute it to a respected pollster (Arutz-7, 11/9). Polls steer weak-minded people. Unfortunate! ISRAEL DIDN'T PREPARE THIS BEFORE? Defense Min. Barak said that the Cabinet should consider the legality of large-scale return fire at rocket launchers in Gaza. He recommended having the Attorney-General give the Cabinet a legal opinion on this. After all this time, Min. Barak still hadn't done this? (IMRA, 11/9.) As Dr. Lerner has pointed out, Israel rarely prepares for anything, but a year ago, he had suggested getting a legal opinion. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Herb and Miki Sunshine, November 20, 2008. |
This is by Tzipora Liron and it appeared in Arutz-7
"I have done justice and righteousness leave me not to those who oppress me." For a long time, I stare at the words in my little Tehillim (Psalms) book. Something about them touches me. Only recently I began to learn about the life and teachings of Rabbi Meir Kahane. It was at a lecture last Shavuot, about the sanctification and desecration of G-d's name. The lecturer quoted from a book by Rabbi Kahane. At that point, about half of the audience suddenly got up and left. This reaction fascinated me, so I stayed until the end and listened intently. Then, I scraped together all my courage and asked the lecturer to lend me the book. It was Listen World, Listen Jew. I've read some more of Rabbi Kahane's books since and warmly recommend them all, by the way. Actually, that was not my first contact with the rabbi's ideas. When I converted to Judaism overseas, one day our teacher suddenly drove us to a shooting range. There, he just said: "I will not let any one of you go to the conversion Beit Din unless you learn to shoot a gun first. You want to be Jewish, fine. A Jew has to know how to defend himself. And if you say you can't do this because you are afraid or a pacifist or whatever, I demand from you that you do it, for me and my family that was murdered by the cursed Nazis." I never forgot that lesson. Our teacher sometimes mentioned Rabbi Kahane's name, but, thanks to pressure from the synagogue's establishment, he never went into the details. Because of the establishment's reaction, I always thought that "Kahane" meant something unspeakably radical, a taboo topic beyond any range of normal discourse, something one best stayed far away from. I'm glad that now, after my Aliyah, I got a second chance to learn more about the life and teachings of a man who literally gave himself to his people. He upheld Jewish pride into the face of a world that, for 2,000 years, had shamelessly persecuted and murdered Jews. He taught disaffected, lost teenagers that "Jewish is beautiful". He fearlessly fought anti-Semitism and challenged anyone daring to harm Jews, from American neighborhood bullies to the Soviet Union and Arab terrorists. He went to jail again and again on behalf of his people; often enough jailed even by his own people. Could there be a more intensive way of living Ahavat Israel? And Ahavat HaShem. For years, I had been saying the Sh'ma Israel prayer day after day, but I never really understood what it means when it says, "...with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your resources. Let these words that I command you today be on your heart." It was only from Rabbi Kahane's teachings that I understood that this really means placing G-d's will above our own, to transform it into our own; that you can't keep anything for yourself because your life is not your property, but a deposit from G-d. Accepting Ol Malchut Shamayim ("the Yoke of Heaven") I never before understood how beautiful this concept is. Rabbi Kahane lived it. He loved G-d and held up the Torah uncompromisingly. He acted not out of personal considerations, but in order to fulfill G-d's will and to restore the Jewish people to their task as G-d's chosen nation on Earth, destined to live in a society of Divine holiness in Eretz Israel. Last Sunday, on the 18th of Cheshvan, was Rabbi Kahane's 18th yahrzeit. I had the honor to attend the graveside ceremony held at Har HaMenuchot and the assembly in Jerusalem after that. At the assembly, Rabbi Yehuda Kroizer, dean of the Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea, encouraged the audience to spread knowledge about Rabbi Kahane's teachings, especially his major work Ohr HaRaayon The Jewish Idea. He said that "like there is a Chabad house in every city, you should make your house a 'house of the Jewish idea' wherever you are... and learn, even with just one study partner." Well-known right wing activist Baruch Marzel, in his speech, called out to the audience: "If Rabbi Kahane was with us today, he surely wouldn't want us to waste an entire evening on a memorial ceremony. He would get up and say what needs to be done tomorrow morning." Marzel then did exactly this by reminding the audience of the urgent need to prevent the impending expulsion of the Jewish families living in the Shalom House in Hevron and announcing the planned march with Israeli flags through the Israeli-Arab village of Umm el-Fahm, which is scheduled to take place in about two weeks. Rabbi Kahane's teachings live on among the Jewish people and what he did has left a lasting impact beyond the close circle of his followers. I'm convinced that many around the country feel that he was right and admire him, even if they don't dare to admit it openly. They are afraid. Given the hate campaign by the media and some government officials against the right-wing and the settlers of Judea and Samaria, that's no wonder. A huge, precious and dedicated part of our own people, and among them especially the followers of Rabbi Kahane, are slandered, harassed and even, absurdly, depicted as a greater threat than Arab terrorism. All this in order to embrace the real deadly enemies, for the sake of unrealistic peace accords and the next "disengagement" under the watchful eyes of America and Europe. What if that's not how we want things to be? One aspect of countering this detrimental development is indeed education and outreach. Of course, it's not the only aspect, but it is important as a foundation. It is precisely the people standing outside, drenched in the "rain" of the left-wing media hate campaign who need to be reached. They need to know the alternative. Authentic Jewish values have to be brought back into the mainstream and that's a task for all who care about Israel, not only the followers of Rabbi Kahane. It can succeed even by simple means. If a single, well-prepared lesson on a few clear Jewish concepts worked wonders on me, it can work on others, too. Perhaps I'm too optimistic, but something inside me doesn't want to give up and doesn't want to return to obediently swallowing the media propaganda stew, and to silently watching Israel undermining it's very existence. I look back at my Tehillim booklet, at the outcry of King David: "I have done justice and righteousness leave me not to those who oppress me." Let the voice that dared to speak the truth not be silenced. Rabbi Meir David Kahane gave everything for the Jewish people; may G-d avenge his blood. Herb Sunshine is a lawyer, qualified to practice in U.S.A. and Israel. He and his wife Miki live in Jerusalem. Contact them by email at sunshine.h@012.net.il |
Posted by Joel Himmelfarb, November 20, 2008. |
During his masterfully executed presidential campaign, Barack Obama didn't stumble on too many issues. One exception was Middle East terrorism specifically his position toward Iran and its allies Hamas and Hezbollah. After delivering a powerful speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in June, in which he denounced Tehran and its terrorist allies, Obama went out of his way to distance himself from anyone who suggested that putting pressure on Israel would help achieve Mideast piece. His skill in doing this helped Obama to win close to three-quarters of the American Jewish vote. ![]() Dennis Ross But some recent comments by one of his senior foreign-policy aides, former State Department Middle East negotiator Dennis Ross, hint that many of these Jewish voters could eventually face buyer's remorse about voting for Obama. In a little-noticed interview with the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz published October 28th, Ross suggests that the United States should support stepped-up diplomatic efforts to engage Tehran, Damascus and the shaky Palestinian Authority in an effort to achieve "peace." Taken together with some of Obama's controversial comments during the campaign, Ross's remarks suggest that Washington and Jerusalem could face a tumultuous four years especially if Israeli voters elect peace-process skeptic Benjamin Netanyahu when they go to the polls in February. During a televised debate last year, Mr. Obama said he would engage in dialogue without preconditions with hostile regimes including those in Iran and Syria. The Illinois senator later depicted Hezbollah a Lebanese terrorist group that has killed hundreds of Americans and receives upwards of $100 million in annual aid from Tehran as an organization primarily interested in domestic "reform." "It's time to engage in diplomatic efforts to help build a new Lebanese consensus that focuses on electoral reform, an end to the current corrupt patronage system, and the development of the economy that provides for a fair distribution of services, opportunities and employment," Obama said. This was too much for columnist David Brooks, who has often written sympathetically about Obama's candidacy. The statement, Brooks wrote, had the "whiff" of appeasement. "Is Obama naïve enough to think that an extremist ideological organization like Hezbollah can be mollified with a less corrupt patronage system and some electoral reform?" Brooks asked. When Brooks telephoned the senator in May asking him to clarify his remarks, Obama allowed that Hezbollah was not a legitimate political party, and that the group's connections with Iran and Syria made it a "destabilizing organization." But Obama also stated that the United States needs a foreign policy that examines "the root causes of problems and dangers." The Illinois senator said Hamas and Hezbollah both have to be forced to understand that "they're going down a blind alley with violence that weakens their legitimate claims." Obama's comments had an almost surreal quality to them. Hamas and Hezbollah are sworn to Israel's destruction, and have been committed to this for decades. They are heavily subsidized by Iran, and routinely distribute literature recycling anti-Semitic canards like the notorious "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and describe Jews as relatives of apes and pigs. In this context, how are their "legitimate claims" about social and political matters today any different from Adolf Hitler's claims in the 1930s about the onerous nature of the Versailles Agreement after World War I? Historians of all political stripes have spent decades debating whether Versailles was too draconian and inadvertently aided the rise of Nazism. But it didn't change the reality that, whatever grievances Germans had, Nazism was a monstrosity that had to be defeated. The same is true today of Islamofascist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. During the presidential campaign, Obama was dogged by the fact that such people took a "glass half full" approach to his presidential candidacy. "We like Mr. Obama, and we hope he will win the elections," said Ahmed Yousef, a Hamas political adviser. In an April interview with WABC Radio in New York, Mr. Yousef added hopefully that Obama wants "to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community, but not with humiliation and arrogance." In his interview with Ha'aretz (published less than one week before Mr. Obama was elected president) Ross attacked the Bush Administration for failing to push forward with Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. "When you don't engage, you leave the way open for your adversaries to actually gain more. The Bush administration wanted to disengage for its first six years in office," Ross said. This policy "actually strengthened Hamas' hand, because Hamas' argument is [that] there is no possibility for peace. The least you want to do is show that there could be an alternative answer." Actually, what the Bush Administration did was to give Israel a much-needed respite from the disastrous "peace process" put together by Ross and the Clinton Administration during the 1990s, which Yasser Arafat imploded in the fall of 2000 by launching a terror war. During the early years of the Bush Administration, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon launched a military operation which destroyed much of the terrorist infrastructure in the West Bank that flourished in part due to the policies instituted by Ross. Sharon's decision to build the West Bank security fence during the respite period brought the number of suicide bombings in Israel down to almost zero. Ross wants to apply the same principles of "peace process fetishism" (Commentary magazine's description) to negotiating with Iran. He said that Obama wants to talk to Tehran as a means of getting others "to apply more pressure on the Iranians." This is simply absurd if other countries decide to play hardball with Iran, it will be because they perceive that there will be economic and diplomatic benefits from doing so, not because of some childlike desire to copy the United States. Finally, Ross expresses hope that Israel and Syria will be able to achieve peace at the negotiating table (although he doesn't explain how this would be any different from the experience between 1993 and 2000, when the Ba'athist regime sabotaged every American and Israeli effort to reach a peace agreement.) Early indications are that the new administration's approach to the
Middle East will be a mixture of feel-good speechifying and naïveté.
Joel Himelfarb is an editorial writer for The Washington Times.
This article appeared today in Family Security Matters (FSM)
Posted by Moshe Feiglin, November 20, 2008. |
Translated from the Hebrew article in the Makor Rishon newspaper. |
What did you think, dear Hebronites? That if you paid an outrageous price, photographed and filmed the transaction for the 'Peace House' and the Arab seller standing on his head and swearing by the tail of the horse of Muhammad that the building is his and he is selling of his own free will that you could rest easy? Did you think that the law would be on your side? That the Supreme Court would answer Amen? What, beloved brothers, did you think? You simply do not understand that we are currently facing destruction. As far as Israel's decision makers are concerned, Hebron and all of Judea and Samaria no longer exist. Israel's 'leaders' are completely subservient to the legal/media/cultural/financial/security/academic elite that vigorously clutches the steering wheel of our Titanic. In the good old days of Gush Emunim, Zionism still existed. There were forces in the Zionist Left that supported settlement throughout Israel. Gush Emunim took full advantage of that breach and with a combination of determined settlement of the land and legal and bureaucratic toil it dotted Yesha with Jewish settlements. But today we are on a completely different page. The elites have conquered the country and closed all the breaches. Gush Katif established by the Labor party in the most legal of procedures is dust. The elites are just waiting for their next opportunity. After Amona, Kadimah's popularity took a plunge and Olmert withdrew his Convergence plan and the continued struggle against the settlers. But it seems that the period of grace is drawing to an end. What is happening now at the Peace House is the awakening of the monster. So now what do we do? First, we must understand that the main objective of the government mechanism today is the destruction of all the settlements in Judea and Samaria. Our Sages teach that in times of shmad, destruction, we must not make the slightest retreat. It is a zero sum game and every retreat will be used to facilitate further destruction. Second and much more important. There is no relevant political arena outside the Likud. The Likud is not just another party. It is the national battle field. The rightist parties that were and that will be are completely irrelevant. We saw solid proof of that last week, when former head of the National Religious Party Eitam knocked on the door of the Likud and was not accepted. The faith based public must connect to the large national camp and make its voice heard inside the Likud. The direction that the Likud takes is determined by its members. If just a fraction of the energies of the faith based public was redirected from struggling over every house to making its influence felt in the Likud we could have been assured an impressive number of faith based Likud MKs and a much more Jewish-values oriented Israel. Now you will remind me that the Likud destroyed Yamit and that the Likud destroyed Gush Katif. That is completely true. But the responsibility for that is on the shoulders of those people who ran off to hide in their sector-based parties instead of joining up with the broad national camp and wielding their influence there. Just think of the Likud as the parliament of the entire national camp. Everybody is welcome to join and to vote. Instead, we prefer to stay outside and demonstrate. The monster that has awakened now in Hebron may wait until after the elections to rear its head again. It doesn't even care who wins. What to do now? Run to register for the Likud! Let's get Moshe Feiglin elected to the Knesset! Let's make Israel the Jewish state that we've always dreamed of! Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) is a group of people inside the Likud party who want to see Israel adopt a more Jewish character. Moshe Feiglin, its cofounder, has emphatically said he does not want a theocracy, but he does want a State based on Jewish values. The Manhigut Yehudit website address is http://www.manhigut.org. To learn more about Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) and to read their plan for Israel's future, visit www.jewishisrael.org. Or contact Shmuel Sackett, International Director (516) 330-4922 (cell) |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 19, 2008. |
In Shmuel Rosner's Jerusalem Post article below, he speaks of a new paper which urges President-elect Barack Obama to "get tough" on Israel's alleged nuclear weapons. Please read his article slowly and thoughtfully. But, before you do, allow me to give you some commentary. October 30 to November 1, 1991 Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir attended the Madrid International "Peace" Conference. He was urged not to go but, he ignored the warnings. He assumed he could handle everything. As it turned out, as predicted it was like a "Kangaroo Court". Shamir and the other Israelis were thrust into an ambush arranged by then Secretary of State James Baker III and Baker's 3 infamous Jew-boys (as they came to be known): Dennis Ross, Aaron David Miller and Daniel Kurtzer. These 3 were selected by Baker because they were ambitious, Leftist Jews and could be depended upon to take their marching orders from Baker and the ever pro-Arab U.S. State Department. They are now advising Obama on how best to deal with Israel, as they did before. While they denied playing any significant role at the Madrid Conference, it was reported by those present that they bounced from room to room, pressuring, making recommendations and otherwise guiding the tenor of those meetings. While Ross, Miller and Kurtzer were doing their lobbying, mostly biased toward the Muslim Arab countries' position, I had an uneasy thought. I sensed and wrote then that I thought the Baker team would urge some Arab Muslim country's representative to ask for a "Nuclear-Free Zone" in the Middle East. Sure enough, near the end of the Conference, like a well-oiled scheme, the Egyptian representative did ask for a "Nuclear-Free Zone", in effect, eliminating Israel's deterrence to enemies that far out-number her. Since it was well-known that Israel probably had a Nuclear Deterrence (and was the only country in the area to be so endowed) clearly, the objective of this proclamation was, as pre-planned, to eliminate Israel's deterrent capability. If Israel obeyed those "diktats" that would translate into Israel having to face Muslim Arab aggression with conventional weapons only and limited man-power compared to the huge population of the surrounding Arab Muslim countries. That was Baker and his team's objective. Without a Nuclear Deterrence, Israel could be invaded with forces superior in numbers and arms. Without a Nuclear Deterrence, Israel could be driven, if not into extinction (G-d forbid), certainly into submission and forced to accept any compromise or surrender on Muslim Arab terms. Remember the word: Islam means "Submission". I would presume that you, the reader, knows what that could mean to the Jewish nation of Israel. Israel would be forced into a dangerous compromise of territory, return of descendants from the 450,000 Arabs who left in 1948 now dubiously claimed to number 3 to 5 million, loss of precious ancestral sites like the Temple Mount, the Cave of the Machpelah (our Patriarchs and Matriarchs), loss of scare fresh water resources under the Judean, Samarian mountains and the Golan Heights which Israel might be forced to surrender, loss of the defensive positions on those mountains and Heights, loss of homes, farms, factories, synagogues, schools just like what happened in Gaza. Can't we learn from that bitter experience? Israel cannot afford to (or simply refuses to) re-settle the 10,000 Jewish men, women and children that her corrupt government "ethnically cleansed" from the 21 thriving communities in Gush Katif and the 4 in the Northern Shomron. How then could she possibly re-settle 400,000 more from their homes in Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley, the Golan Heights and those parts of Jerusalem that were occupied and desecrated by Jordan for 19 years from 1948 to 1967? Regardless, this is the plan driven by the Bush family, Condoleezza Rice, James Baker, and now to be carried forward by Obama and his advisory team of Arabists. It appears that Ross, Miller, Kurtzer who were later joined by Martin Indyk, Baker's Jew boys all are now advising Barack Obama. They have re-sold that old kettle of dead fish (a Nuclear Free Zone) to the Obama advisory team. Keep in mind that many of Obama's advisors are notorious anti-Semites from years past: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robert Malley, Gen. James Jones, Jimmy Carter and Robert Gates who have been deeply linked to James Baker for years. Then there is Condoleezza Rice, scurrying to input her personal and State Department hostility into the Obama camp to insure continuity. Hillary Clinton requires more analysis given (his and her) relationship to Yassir Arafat and having been given honorary status at every Islamic Conference. Israel has not spoken abut her Nuclear Deterrence but, everyone assumes it is there in volume. The Arab Muslims do not dare attack in complete confidence and assurance that they will survive an Israeli counterstrike. The only unknown is Iran which operates on several tracks. The worst of which is their joyous acceptance of being utterly destroyed by Israel in retaliation IF Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hits Israel with even one nuclear bomb or a "dirty" radioactive bomb. Why? Because, if they die in battle against the "infidel" (non-Muslim), they would all go to Allah's warrior heaven with all the benefits they believe they will each receive: 72 virgins, rivers of honey, 'et al', as fed by the martyr-myth in Islam's blood-cult. Israel can deal with Terrorists, providing American and European Arabists do not tie Israel's defensive capability (as they have) behind their backs. In order to overthrow Israel, the main objective would be to force Israel into scraping her Nuclear Deterrence. Then the numerous Muslim Arab armies could attack and ignore their losses to Israel's conventional arms, knowing that they had much greater depth in forces which would eventually wear down Israel's conventional man-power and equipment. Many forces are at work spreading the myth that, if the Palestinians were pacified with a State of their own, they would cease their terror attacks against Israel. Moreover, they would cancel their Charter to eliminate the Jews and the Jewish State. However, the myth continues that such nations as Syria and Iran would no longer use Terror globally. Adding to that myth, then the Arab League would also cancel their Koranic-based PLO Charter to eliminate the non-Muslim "infidel" State of Israel. While the concluding and cessation of Global Terror is a matter of fiction to date, it serves oil-driven Arabists as an adequate excuse to disarm Israel, thus appeasing the Arabs. |
"Pressuring Israel To Suspend Nuclear Activity Will Not 'Build
A world free of nuclear weapons is a desirable thing. A Middle East in which no country will be touting nuclear weapons will also be a positive development, providing the countries involved also live generally peacefully and do not try to destroy one another. The Institute for Science and National Security in Washington one that deals with such matters regularly has a new paper that Israeli media was quoting this week with an enthusiasm reserved for two things only: nuclear doomsday scenarios and major developments in reality-TV shows (it is even calling the paper a "study", a sure way of making a big deal out of not much). The paper, one must admit, does include a controversial recommendation: The Obama administration should make a key priority of persuading Israel to join the negotiations of a universal, verified treaty that bans the production of plutonium and highly enriched uranium for nuclear explosives, commonly called the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT). As an interim step, the United States should press Israel to suspend any production of fissile material for nuclear weapons. Toward this goal, the United States should change its relatively new policy of seeking a cutoff treaty that does not include verification. I expect such recommendations to become more frequent in the coming months, and so do some Israeli officials familiar with such matters. This will have two reasons: 1. some members of the Obama camp will be receptive to such ideas. 2. this is also a sign that the international community found no way of stopping Iran, and is now looking for new solutions to the problem of a nuclearized Middle East. In fact, the authors of this new paper do understand that the problem starts with Iran: Because of growing insecurity in the Middle East resulting from Iran's nuclear progress in defiance of United Nations Security Council demands, other countries will likely start to consider their own options, perhaps including the acquisition of nuclear weapons. So do they go to the source and take care of Iran (thus, maybe avoiding the resulting nuclear race)? Not really. They have no solution for Iran. David Albright, the principal author of this paper, does not believe in the military option, and also doesn't have any other brilliant ideas other than "robust diplomacy" which really means nothing. Don't blame him for that Albright, a real expert on nuclear issues no doubt, isn't the only one who didn't yet find a way out of the Iran crisis. And he will not be the only one to find the solution for Iran in Dimona. After all, pressuring Israel will presumably be much easier for the US than pressuring Iran. But here's the problem: Where Albright and Andrea Scheel see a plan that "would establish international confidence in the peaceful nature of Middle Eastern nuclear programs", Israel will see a plan concocted by people who failed to deal with a neighborhood bully and turned their attention to other places as to avoid a necessary confrontation. This is not establishing "confidence in the peaceful nature..." but rather establishing disbelief in the ability of the international community to deal with aggressors. In fact, applying the pressure that the authors seem to want will achieve the exact opposite of their intended outcome unless a miraculous way will be found with which Iranian plans will be tamed: it will make Israel even more suspicious, and much less prone to give up on whatever capabilities it might have to defend itself. And rightly so. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 19, 2008. | |
Beit HaShalom, or Peace House, is a four-story building in Hevron along the main road called Worshippers' Way that runs from Kiryat Arba to the Ma'arat Hamachpelah (Tomb of the Patriarchs) that was purchased by Jews in 2005. Since March 2007, twenty families have lived in this house, which is now the center of a major dispute. There are serious and painful implications to what is taking place. In spite of clear legal documentation that the building had been purchased from a Palestinian by the Jewish community via a mediator, the original owner is denying that he ever sold the house. (It must be noted that it is a serious, potentially capital offense in the PA for an Arab to sell land to a Jew which fact provides context to his denials.) In the course of proceedings, the Jewish community of Hevron submitted a tape recording, made without coercion, in which the previous owner acknowledges having sold his property. The courts declined to listen to this recording. Ultimately the issue made its way to the High Court, which on Sunday ruled that civil courts must make the final decision, but that in the meantime, the residents of the house had three days in which to vacate. Today was that deadline. This is a more detailed description of these events by Benny
Katzover, who heads the Samaria Settlers' Committee:
~~~~~~~~~~ The issue here is one of essential justice as the house was legally purchased and no law prevents such a purchase. It is also about the right of Jews to own property in the land of Israel. The decisions being made here are clearly political: As Jewish Community of Hevron spokesman Noam Arnon observed, if this were not a Jewish home in Hevron, this would not be happening. That is, if the Arab ownership of a home were challenged, or if the dispute were taking place within Green Line Israel, there would not be a rush to evict residents before the dispute was resolved. In fact, from prior reading I have the distinct impression that there is solid precedent for allowing residents to remain (if they have been resident for some months) until resolution. What is more, the Court named the State, at its request, as the temporary custodian of the property, so the State could decline to force eviction. What we are seeing here is a government and in particular a defense minister, prior to an election, making decisions that will impress left wing voters, who are being courted in an electoral battle against the more right wing Likud. It is, again, the demonization of the "settler." The rush to appease the Arab demand. Arabs would rather see all Jews gone from Hevron, which happens to be the second holiest city in Judaism, and a city to which Jews have rights by law and agreement with the PA. What we are seeing is a readiness to trample those rights. In my book, those Jews who are residents in Hevron are heroes, doing the work for all of Israel. A great deal more is at stake than the rights of the 20 families as significant as these rights are. This is part of a pattern that diminishes Jewish rights to the land and accedes in every instance to Arab demands. As the move to pull back is made, our right to be here at all is reduced. If Jews cannot live in the second holiest of our cities, then where? ~~~~~~~~~~ What we may face, again, is the absolute obscenity of Jews evacuating Jews from their homes, as the government moves to act by sending in the IDF to forcibly evict the residents. Those residents will not go willingly. And they will be backed by thousands who believe in the right of the residents to stay where they are. A meeting was held in preparation for what is expected to follow. Those participating in resisting the eviction, when it comes, are being called upon not to be violent. They will, however, defend themselves. Five new families including MK Nissim Ze'ev (Shas) have moved into the building in a display of solidarity. And other MKs, prominent among them Aryeh Eldad and Uri Ariel (NU-NRP), have spoken out on behalf of the residents. MK Otniel Shneller (Kadima) has stated that he "has no doubt that the Peace House was bought according to the law and that it is important for the security" of Hevron. [Important because it provides a Jewish presence on the road that worshippers utilize.] ~~~~~~~~~~ And now at the last minute, actually the IDF has announced a delay in its move to evacuate the building. Clearly the fear of violence was a major factor in reaching this decision. Barak will holding a meeting tomorrow to review plans for the evacuation. The Post is reporting that if the evacuation is carried out, it will be at night, some weeks from now, without prior notice so that activists will not have time to regroup. They shouldn't count on this however, as I expect great vigilance in this matter. ~~~~~~~~~~ It is a great irony that our Torah reading for this Shabbat includes the story of the purchase by our father Abraham of the Cave of the Machpelah for the burial of his wife, Sarah. The first property in the land of Israel purchased with scrupulous care by the first Jew. ~~~~~~~~~~ To voice protest about the anticipated evacuation of Beit HaShalom: Ministry of Defense Ehud Barak
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Livni
Fax is the most effective means of communicating.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il
and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info
Posted by Buddy Macy, November 19, 2008. | |||
Contact Buddy Macy by email at vegibud@gmail.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 19, 2008. |
SOMALIA FALLING Somalia's two main cities are under siege. The rest of the country is under unified Islamist control and oppression (IMRA, 11/17). That means order. Violence against the citizenry now comes only from the Islamists. Pres. Bush had helped free the country from the Islamists, before. He got no credit for it. Nobody is watching, now, as the Islamists get back in. The consequences of our side's defeat there have not been analyzed. What happened there? These backward countries, such as Somalia and Afghanistan, that really are not countries, cannot get past corrupt warlordism to unify and ward off the Islamists. The Islamists know how to maintain central control. COST OF JIHAD Jihad in the Mindaneo section of Philippines has displaced 600,000 people (IMRA, 11/17). I think that is a reflection on the religion of Islam, which made war on the Christians. WHEN ISRAEL WILL INVADE GAZA The government stated that it would invade Gaza when "conditions are ripe." Dr. Aaron Lerner asks if that means when many Israelis are killed from Gaza (IMRA, 11/17). The media fails to ask the point of waiting while the enemy builds forces. Giving such a vague prescription for invasion, such as "ripe," is a way of blustering without letting oneself be held accountable. It's a shameful government, so pathetic that it doesn't know it should be ashamed of itself. THE ENEMY WITHIN A teacher's aide, an Israeli Arab, was about to enter university. Terrorists asked her to help kidnap a Jew and bring a suicide bomber into Israel and lead her to a crowded place. She agreed to do it, but was arrested, instead (IMRA, 11/17). Isn't it nice that Israel lets Arabs live in their country, whereas in neighboring areas, the Arabs don't let Jews live amongst them! Difference is, Jews don't commit terrorism but Israeli Arabs increasingly do. TURKEY TURNED Turks are almost unanimously anti-American. They insult their secular foundation. They are in NATO but unreliable (Op. Cite.). Bar them from EU! ISRAELI DISCRETION Likud Party representatives met with representatives of both US campaigns. The meeting was for getting acquainted and exploratory. Likud would not endorse either candidate, for that would be interfering in the US election (IMRA, 11/3). It also would make an enemy of the non-endorsed candidate, who might win and make more trouble for Israel. It also would annoy Americans. Antisemites would refer to such an endorsement as evidence that Israel tries to run the US. Certain Islamist terrorist leaders felt no compunction about endorsing Obama. Americans did not seem to notice and ask why they prefer Obama. In some past Israeli elections, the US clearly hinted that it preferred Labor candidates. Those candidates won. Observers believed that at least one time, the tacit US endorsement swayed many Israeli voters to go along. They lacked the sense to investigate the US motive. I think that if they did, they would have repudiated the endorsed candidate's party. WHICH IS THE REAL EU? Having declared Hamas a terrorist organization, the EU imposed a boycott of Gaza. Nevertheless, an EU delegation visited Gaza and invited Gaza legislators to visit the EU. An EU statement attempted to justify the visit by asserting that the legislators were elected democratically. Some delegates criticized Israel for its own, partial blockade of Gaza (Arutz-7, 11/4). So the EU may boycott Hamas, but Israel may not? That is a double standard. The EU violates its own boycott. Its attempted justification for doing so is the method of election of Hamas legislators. What is the principle here, that the alleged method of election determines whether the victorious candidates are within the pale of civilization? What about their throwing rivals out of the windows, afterwards, as Hamas did? Either the EU worships the false god of democracy, or this odd respect for supposedly democratically elected candidates in a fascist dictatorship is a pretext for business as usual and for harming Israel as usual. HAMAS NEEDS MORE TRUCE TIME The IDF raided Gaza to destroy a tunnel between Gaza and Israel. The tunnel was built for sneaking gunmen into Israel, where they would kidnap Israeli soldiers for [extortionate] ransom. It had just been completed (IMRA, 11/5). [Now Hamas needs more time for the truce, to replace that tunnel. Israel is sure to oblige.] Did we say truce? Hamas fired dozens of rockets and soe mortar shells at Israel, on 11/5. Hamas said the rockets were in retaliation for that raid. The Israeli Air Force identified a rocket launcher and fired at it, killing a member of Islamic Jihad, who was with it (IMRA, 11/5). Hamas expects Israel to let it kidnap Israeli soldiers, else it retaliates. Fair? ISRAELI STRATEGIC THINKING? An Israeli arms expert said he is not worried by Egypt's upgrading its already formidable military, and whose navy far outclasses Israel' s, and whose training is geared towards invading Israel. After all, he said, "Before the current era, and before the world wars, European powers held drills with their neighbors in mind." Yes, and then Germany invaded, he failed to say (IMRA, 11/4). Israel has not even protested against the years and decades of US taxpayer funds building Egypt's military up to this level. Now they pretend their strong enemies present no danger. LIVNI MISSTATES THE REFERENDUM TOPIC The Israeli election is shaping up as a referendum on Jerusalem and the Golan. Foreign Min. Livni refuses to state her party's position. Considering her appeasement-mindedness and reticence on the subject, one may suppose her party would cede those areas. She, however, tries to miscast the election as a referendum on which party can best negotiate Israeli withdrawal from part of Jerusalem and all of the Golan. The actual referendum is on whether Israel should withdraw from those areas. Israelis generally do not want to withdraw. They do not believe that a resulting pact, called a peace agreement, would mean peace, nor that the Jewish people should forfeit those inherently Jewish areas. They do not believe that any assurances given about maintaining Israeli security would be honored (IMRA, 11/5). Assurances usually are lies or are temporary. The US has backed off assurances to Israel when called upon to honor them. ELECTION WITH VOTERS IN THE DARK [No, this time I'm not referring to the US election but to the Israeli election. Sec. Rice told reporters that until negotiators agree on all issues, there is no deal between Israel and the P.A., even though they may have agreed on some of the issues. She said that she and the negotiating parties will keep those tentative, partial agreements, until then. This means that although Israelis call the election a referendum on the negotiations, the people won't know what concessions they are voting for. Therefore, the election won't be democratic enough for them to knowingly change what the government proposes. At one point she mentioned that the P.A. needs good security forces to support a democratic government. She did not cite any steps towards P.A. democracy, which at present is not democratic. Rice repeatedly referred to the goal of setting up an Arab state (IMRA, 11/6). She did not refer to any goal of making peace nor of enhancing Israeli security. Of course, carving a second Palestinian Arab state out of the Jewish homeland would degrade Israeli security. This is especially true when that second Palestinian Arab state is run by terrorists, whether the ones in Gaza or the ones in Judea-Samaria. Won't any major journalist ask how this negotiating process is bringing peace and what steps is the P.A. taking to democratize? Someone might answer that peace would emerge from satisfying the Arab drive. But it won't satisfy the Muslim drive. The Muslims, including Abbas, state plainly that they don't consider Israel, as a Jewish state, legitimate. P.A. propaganda arouses its people to want to conquer Israel. Effective security forces that the US supposedly is helping the P.A. develop would be a tool for that conquest. It is clear that the US is building the P.A., the Army of Lebanon, and Egypt up to the task of destroying Israel. Do you think that the anti-Zionist State Dept. has not figured this out? BEST JOKE OF THE ELECTION? Perhaps the best joke about that election was in a letter to the Times. Recalling McCain's and Guiliani's scorn about "community organizer Obama," the writer said now they know what an organizer can do. OBAMA'S FIRST APPOINTMENT President-Elect Obama appointed as his Chief-of-Staff a Representative who raised the most money for the campaign. The appointee is said to be conversant with economic issues, which the Administration considers paramount. He had worked for Pres. Clinton. He was the one who pushed PM Rabin to shake hands with Arafat. Thousands of Israeli casualties later, that same aide is said to be eager to help conclude another such agreement (IMRA, 11/6). What could be more stupid, than to wish for another agreement that gets thousands more Israelis killed? This time Israel has no margin of safety. The US would lose that ally. Whether the motive be vicious anti-Zionism or naivete about jihad, forfeiting a US ally to a US enemy, as the P.A. is, this is stupid. Will the energetic Obama is not going to become Israel's Disbander-In-Chief? IS THIS THE ACT OF A DEMOCRACY? Every year, some Israelis commemorate the assassination of PM Rabin, while others meet to publicize the evidence that it was an inside conspiracy. This, 13th year, police pressured the landlord of the meeting hall to cancel the lease for the protest meeting. Organizers found an outdoor area in which to hold their meeting, but police disrupted their visual presentation. Why did police do that? MK Eldad now wonders whether there might be something to the conspiracy theory (Arutz-7, 11/7). Free speech? I read all the evidence and it conclusive. There should be a retrial, but justice system is under ideologically leftist control. That system framed a patsy. Oh, says Prof. Plaut, the accused pleads guilty. Police brutality and police charges against the accused's family could account for that, besides what is said to be his drugged appearance. IDF SHOULD HAVE NIPPED ATTACKS ON IT IN THE BUD "In Judea and Samaria for many years. Leftist groups have regularly participated in organized violence against security forces and Jews in hotspots like Na'alin and Bil'in, have been conducting "tours" of Hebron that disturb the Jewish community there and stir up resistance to its very existence, and have taken part in innumerable acts of violence against Jews and their property." The IDF asked Israel's security agency for intelligence needed for a restraining order against the activists. Hitherto, it moved only against right-wingers (Arutz-7, 11/7). Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Seth J. Frantzman, November 19, 2008. |
1) Liberalism: "Americans discriminate against Obama because he is black, so let's vote for him because he is black." November 2nd, 2008 Seth J. Frantzman Liberalism: "Americans discriminate against Obama because he is black, so let's vote for him because he is black." One of the odd things to come out of the 2008 election is the claim that people wouldn't vote for Obama because he was black and thus the odd claim that he needed to be supported because he was black. As if to tell us, 'thank god, Jesus has come to cleanse the temple', our media is telling us that this is the most important U.S election of our lifetime; "this 2008 election is a milestone that may put a black man in the White House." And yet, oddly, at the same time we are being served odd tripe alongside this dish. The media tells us that the election shouldn't be about race. Then it tells us that Obama would be leading by more points if it weren't for the racism of Americans. Senators Murtha and Biden both tell us that 'Americans are having a hard time voting for a black man.' And now we learn that in fact it is our 'subconscious' racism that is keeping Obama down. This is how the race scam works in the United States. We are presented with a candidate. We are told he is black. Then we are told that if we vote against him we are racist and even if there is no evidence for that racism we are told that we are 'subconsciously racist' and then when that doesn't work we are told that we can participate in a 'milestone' event by putting a 'black man' in the white house. This rubric of racism, whereby we are first told we are racist, then convinced that we are 'subconsciously' racist and then told to like something merely because of its racist, thus making us racist even if we weren't in the first place, is part of the great lie that is 'lets talk about race.' That was the title of Nicholas Kristof's piece in the New York Times on October 30th, 2008. Kristof tells us that a recent study by Harvard's Project Implicit showed that "the mind balked at accepting a black candidate as fully American...[which shows] the gulf between out conscious ideals of equality and our unconscious proclivity to discriminate...[We] associate the idea of 'American' with white skin." One might accept that there is some truth to some of this. But Kristof takes the reader one stop further, exhorting us about how the "2008 election is a milestone that may put a black man in the white house." Kristof is subconsciously telling us something as well. He is telling us that we are all secret racists and to make up for our racism we must vote for Obama, not because Obama is a great candidate, but because he is a "black man" and we need to make this year a "milestone." Where is all the evidence for this 'secret' racism and this unconscious racism that is keeping Obama's poll numbers down and keeping people from voting for him, because as Joe Biden reminds us "a difficult time just culturally making the change, making the move for the first African American president in the history of the United States of America." Are we kidding ourselves? What poll numbers and media attention and support does Obama need in order for us to prove that we are not all 'unconscious' racists? Does he need 90% of the vote? Is it enough that only 70% of NBC media coverage of him is positive or does it have to 95%? It seems the constant claim that 'unconscious' racism is keeping Obama down and that we are having "trouble" electing a black candidate is designed to make us non-racists feel bad about ourselves and vote for Obama merely because of his race in order to prove that we are not racist. This is a brilliant tactic on the part of those, like Biden, Murtha and Kristof, who peddle it. But it is also a very low political tactic and it is, ironically, racist. There is nothing more racist than selecting a candidate because of his race. There is nothing that does less justice to the cause of equality and to African-Americans than voting for a man because of the color of his skin rather than the content of his character. 2) How much hate does the Obama victory engender?
How much hate does the Obama victory engender?: One of the outcomes of the election of Obama was an avalanche of hate directed against those who refused to be taken in by the idea that "if you don't vote for him you are racist and not progressive." So now those seen as 'behind the times' are being told they are the embodiment of evil, with all sorts of insults and slander being heaped upon them. One of the odd dividends of the Obama victory has been the hate
being dished out against those, like myself, who did not vote for this
new Jesus. It began with the pre-election idiocy dished out by
Nicholas Kristoff in the Times, accusing everyone who didn't
vote for the new Kennedy of being 'secret' racists. Then after the
But the odd gloating and baseness never ends. Paul Krugman writes again on November 9th that "if you're an American and the election of the first African-American president didn't stir you, if it didn't leave you teary eyed...there's something wrong with you." Teary eyed? Is that what we are supposed to be? Just over some skin color? Is that all we are to be measured by? That's the tragedy of liberalism, in its obsession with multi-culturaism, it cannot see beyond race and judges solely on this fact, which is disturbing. Did they get teary eyed when Condi rice was our National Security Advisor or Coin Powel was our Secretary of State or when, in 1866, the first black American, a genuine former slave, was elected to the Senate. I guess we weren't tear eyed back then when Senator Bruce took his oath. But that may have been because we judged better back then. And yes, we were Republicans back then. And yes, some of us were white, male and conservative. Leftists condemn us at their peril. They support candidates based on the color of skin and weep for no reason. It is precisely because liberals support Obama based on skin color that they have decided those who didn't support him were 'racists'. How funny to see how racism actually works. 3) Cheering for nothing: lies about Obama at home and abroad
Cheering for nothing: lies about Obama at home and abroad: One cartoon that appeared after the Obama victory showed a black man hugging a white man in the U.S and foreigner cheering that "Yes they can." This implies that America is some sort of 'behind the times' racist place that has finally caught up with the world. Its odd, because we don't see Christians running Muslim countries or Muslims being elected to run European countries. Who are they to cheer for us Americans? The world should examine its own soul and its own failings for it is more of a racist cesspool than America. Its time for the world to stop living vicariously through the U.S, blaming it for its problems and then celebrating for it as if the world is America. It is not. Every newspaper and media outlet is on about it: "nation elects first black president." It is as if one should be proud just to have a change of skin color in the white house (something long predicted in Hollywood movies from Dave Chapelle's comedy to 24 to Morgan Freeman as President in Deep Impact. When asked how he felt playing the first black president he said "I'm not playing the first black president, I'm playing a president who happens to be black." Thank you Mr. Freeman.), as if that were all it is, as if a man or woman is nothing but his skin color. Truly this is the most base act of man, the most base instinct and savage judgment, the lie that permeates all of our liberal presumptions about people. It is the lie of race. It is the greatest lie, made even more of a lie in the case of Obama, because he is not connected, culturally, ethnically or historically, to the heritage and history of Black Americans. But that is all the more great for him, for we can say that his path is more interesting. But it is not the same path that Mr. Jesse Jackson or David Dinkins represented. And yet we are deceived because we see that skin color and pat ourselves on the back and say "I am good today, we are good today, we overcame racial divides and we did it, we expelled the sins of our past, we have elected a black man." You see it in the smiles and adoration of the public, the semi-orgasmic displays of raunchy cheering and excitable youth, the people that are happy because they feel they have done something good, that by voting they took part in a 'civil rights struggle'. That is good for them perhaps. It is good for Americans, especially leftists, to feel good about themselves. Even rightists it seems are overtaken, Brit Hume and the rest of the hard men and women of Fox News were all over emotion. "We did it." I am happy for Mr. Obama. His energy is a positive thing. His blank slate, the fact that we know nothing about his policies, thoughts or beliefs, may bode ill or good. After all, untested young men have achieved great things, lest we forget Henry V or Alexander the Great. Obama is, of course, first an American and he embodies many things about America, the least of which is his skin color and the phony obsession with it. At his worst we must say of him, as John Gotti said of Paul 'Big Pauly' Castellano; "we got the boss we got." But the greatest lie concerning Mr. Obama is not the lie being told at home, it is the lie being told abroad. Zvi Barel wrote in Haaretz on November 4th in an article entitled 'Arab Commentators want to be able to admire America again' about how the Arabs feel about Obama. Hamad al Majid wrote in Asharq al-Awsat in London that the election of Obama is a positive thing because "it will put an end to the white man's monopoly on the White House." Lets pause for a moment and reflect on this statement. An Arab is celebrating the fact that the white man's monopoly is ending in the U.S. But what race is the Arab? He is not black and in this base world if one is not black or Asian they are white. Do Arab nations elect black leaders? Egypt had Sadat and he was murdered. In Sudan they simply genocide the blacks, such is their admiration for them. In Saudi they still import blacks as slaves. In fact the Arab world is full of racism towards blacks who are referred to variously as 'Abd' (slave) or as 'Kaffir' (infidel). In places where there are concentrations of formerly enslaves blacks, such as in the Bedouin village of Rahat in Israel or in southern Iran, southern Morocco, Niger, Mauritania, Sudan, northern Egypt or Somalia we find that those blacks are subjected to rape, genocide, assaults, harassment, discrimination, verbal abuse, enslavement and suppression. We might say its 'like the Old South'. The irony that Arabs cheer for Obama because he is black would be as ironic as Apartheid South Africa cheering had Jesse Jackson won when he ran for president. But the lies and hypocrisy doesn't end with the white Arabs. As revealed previously a survey taken in Europe showed that while Europeans wanted America to have a minority as president (and the word 'minority' is probably a fairer and more accurate description of Obama than to call him either 'Black' or 'African-American'). But those same Europeans didn't want a minority running their country. This hypocrisy of the European and the Arab and others is illustrated no better than in the cartoon that appeared in the New York Times on November 6th, 2008. It shows a white man hugging a black man in the U.S. The black man is weeping. And standing outside the U.S are five figures seeming to represent Europe, the Arab world, Asia and Africa. The five figures are cheering "Yes they could!" The insinuation is that America is some bastard child of the world, a place of racial divisions and hatred and discrimination where the people cannot see past race. They are cheering for us? As if we need their approval? Are we kidding ourselves. Lets just recall a few things about America. Was it Europeans who fought wars to end slavery. No. Was it Arabs? No. Was it Asians? No. Was it Africans? No. It was Americans. We are the only nation to have fought a war to end the institution of slavery. That is no mere thing. We only fought a war to end it because it was an institution never practiced in half of the country. But while the U.S outlawed slavery in 1863 it seems that slavery still continues in parts of Africa and the Arabian peninsula. They cheer for us? What of the other minorities? When the Irish were starving from the Potato famine did they not come in the hundreds of thousands to the shores of United States? When the Jews were called up for 30 years of brutal service in the Tsarist army where they were raped of their religion was it not the U.S that granted them entry? In fact it was the U.S that granted all the unwanted Europeans entry. And yet today they cheer for us? Is it because we took their "tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free." We took them all. Asians, Hispanics, Africans of every tribe, Cubans, Haitians (a country of freed slaves that the U.S was the first to recognize by the way), Germans. We took them. And now their former oppressors cheer for us? We turned these poor huddled masses into strong men and we sent them back to their former lands to defeat the scourges of their past. We sent them back in legions upon legions of men to defeat Nazism and Communism and all the other brands of evil that the world has conjured up. But it has not stopped. The genocides continue, recently in Rwanda, and in Darfur. The cleansing of minorities continues and is covered up. And yet they cheer for us? I am suspicious of a savage world that cheers for us. We do not cheer for them. We never cheer because we know what the world is capable of. We Americans have not seeked the approval of the world ever and it is unfortunate that we do now. We have done things on our own time and usually before the world has done them. We have ended slavery with our own strength, not because some European asked us to. We have granted rights to women and given men without property the vote. We have had our Bill of Rights and our right to guns and our abortion rights. All absent of the world telling us how to do it. And they cheer for us? It is like the man who is in the sewer cheering for the man who has already pulled himself out. We are out of the cesspool. But the world is still in it. The world lives vicariously through the U.S. If it makes them happy that is great. But they shouldn't kid themselves that they are like us. White genocidal Arabs shouldn't pretend that they are really cheering for the 'black man'. It's the same black man who they support the murder of in the Sudan. And his children are just old enough to be stoned alive in Somalia. So don't cheer for us. Look into your own soul and ask yourself why you are so happy. Is it not because you, as a world, have failed so miserably and that we Americans have always done so much better? So we have Obama. We have the boss we got. Who do you have? 4) Where are the world's Obamas: More stupidity
Where are the world's Obamas: More stupidity: Now people in the world are saying "where is our Obama?" Israelis are saying they need an Arab prime minister and the French are trying to find an 'Obama'. This racist idiocy that believes a country is better off just because it has someone different at the helm is tragic. Should Leon Blum have been judged based solely on his being Jewish and not on his socialist ways? Should Indira be judged based solely on being a woman and not on Operation Blue Star? Judge people based solely on one quality and one then finds they may very well be blamed for that one quality. Hatred, idiocy, and other myths were not the only thing engendered by the Obama victory. Now the newspapers are asking throughout the world 'where is our Obama'. The week of November 8-15th saw the headline in the New York Times 'Where is Europe's Obama.' Bradley Burston wrote in Haaretz that He desires to see an Arab elected the prime minister of Israel so that Israel will have its 'Obama.' There is something deeply foolish in all this. People are simply unable to judge this election beyond skin color. They believe that France needs a black president now, regardless of his policies. It is as stupid as judging former French president's Leon Blum and Mendes-France based on the fact that they were Jews. But were they any good? One was a socialist and perhaps his social programs were more influential or damning than his Jewishness? No. That couldn't be. Its enough that he was Jew in a nation of gentiles. An inability to see past his Jewishness means that he must be judged solely on that, on the idea that the 'Other' is positive based solely on his being the 'other', regardless of his politics. Is it enough to judge Golda Meir and Indira Gandhi on being women, or on their ordering Operation Blue Star and waging the Yom Kippur war in a semi-disastrous manner? But they were women. That's enough. Can we judge between Elizabeth and Victoria, or must we seem them as the same, women, regardless of Elizabeth's role in fighting for the Anglican church and repelling the Spanish Armada? Judge them only as women and we cannot see their failures and their greatness. The oddity of this is that Europe has had the 'other' in power. Holland had its Ayan Hirsi Ali, a Somali born women turned women's rights activist and fighter against Islamism. But she was run out of the country, first by death threats and then threats to deport her. England has its Lord Ahmed. It had its Disreali. It had its Stanley Baldwin, a man distinguished not by his skin color but his average workaday demeanor and humble nature. Russia has had its Obamas. It had Stalin, a Georgian, and a whole host of other foreigners and non-Russians, running the country during Soviet times, from Khruschev to Beria and Mikoyan, not to mention all the Jews such as Kamanev, Zinoviev and Trotsky. Should they be judged on their ethnicity alone? If so then the Jews certainly come off badly for their role in Communism, a link often made by Nazism and even by Churchill. Judge them on something more than skin and we might see more nuance. But in our world we can only judge on skin color, an odd byproduct of leftist run wild whereby in order to make up for the racism of the past we do the opposite, we become positive racists, judging people positively for being an other. Colleges in the U.S often reward points for certain things, such as being a 'legacy' or from some minority or some region. But that has overflowed into society as a whole. Now any old 'other', especially if he comes from one of the romantic 'others', will do. This is a dangerous savagization of society, a return to the base instincts of the tribe, except that the instinct is now reversed, instead of suspecting the 'other' we love him more. The men of the hill country of Appalachia would not be impressed. In the 17th century their songs, idioms and poems mostly justified hatred of the stranger: "Put the stranger near the danger" and "All bad and no good on the back of a stranger." The New York Times has relegated Appalachia and the South now to being 'out of touch' because these were some of the few districts that went more Republican in 2008, apparently because they are backward and racist. The Times celebrates the end of the appearance of "southern accents" in the halls of Washington. People celebrated this fact in 1865, and it was so for many decades. But the South and the hill country have an odd way of returning to America from time to time. Maybe they judged Mr. Obama on being a stranger, as Republican Saxby Chambliss supposedly said something along the lines of "look the other folks are voting." But such are the dangers of racism. Define a man by his race and one finds that one gets both ends of the stick, those who hate him based on his race and those who love him based on his race. Is that truly such an accomplishment for society? So does the world need its Obamas? Not if it just means that we get a change of color and religion in some places. It is society itself that needs reforming, the extreme-secular liberalism of Europe and the Islamism found elsewhere. Changing the color of the president may not be enough unless the 'change' embodied in the color will help the world role back immorality and terrorism. Contact Seth J. Frantzman at sfrantzman@hotmail.com and visit his website: http://journalterraincognita.blogspot.com These essays appeared on his website. |
Posted by LEL817, November 19, 2008. |
This essay appeared today in Israpundit
Marc Charisse, editor of the Evening Sun of Hanover, Pennsylvania, recently announced his intention to drop Diana West's column from the newspaper because, as he put it, West "never met a Muslim she didn't hate." [His editorial is at http://www.eveningsun.com/ci_11005076.] This ready conflation of the defense of Western civilization and its rights and freedoms against Sharia supremacism with "hatred" is, of course, something we see at Jihad Watch every day. Here is Diana West's blazingly brilliant response: To the Editor: Contact the poster at lel817@yahoo.com |
Posted by Daily Alert, November 19, 2008. |
This was written by Khaled abu Toameh and it appeared in the Jerusalem Post
Palestinian Authority officials in Ramallah accused Hamas on Tuesday of staging the latest blackouts in the Gaza Strip in a bid to win sympathy and incite the Palestinian public against Israel and the PA. ![]() Palestinians hold candles as they march during a demonstration against Gaza fuel cuts. Photo: AP The officials said that contrary to Hamas's claim, there is no shortage of basic goods, medicine and fuel in the Gaza Strip, largely thanks to the many underground tunnels along the border with Egypt. This is not the first time that Palestinians have accused Hamas of staging Gaza blackouts under the pretext that Israel had cut off fuel supplies to the district's power grid. Earlier this year, Palestinian journalists in Gaza City told The Jerusalem Post that scenes of Palestinian children and women holding lit candles in the dark had been staged by Hamas and some Arab satellite TV stations. "There's no shortage of fuel in the Gaza Strip and the Electricity Company is continuing to function normally," said a PA official. "Our people in the Gaza Strip have told us that the blackouts are all staged as part of the Hamas propaganda." Another PA official noted that Hamas's lies reached their peak last January when its legislators held a meeting in a darkened hall of the Palestinian Legislative Council while light could be seen coming in through the curtained windows. The official accused Al-Jazeera of serving as a platform for Hamas's propaganda machine by airing staged footage of children and women during candlelight protests in the streets of Gaza City. "There's enough fuel in the Gaza Strip," he said. "Even when Israel reduces the fuel supplies, Hamas continues to smuggle tens of thousands of liters through the underground tunnels." The Fatah-controlled Pal-Press Web site on Thursday quoted a senior official in the Gaza Electricity Company as saying that Hamas has been stealing fuel supplies intended for the power grid. The official, who asked not to be identified, also denied claims by Hamas and Al-Jazeera about power outages in large parts of the Gaza Strip. He noted that 70% of the Gaza Strip's electricity came from Israel and Egypt, while the remaining 30% were being supplied by the local company. "Hamas has seized more than 220,000 liters of fuel that was intended for generators belonging to our company," he revealed. "There's no shortage of fuel and as such there is no reason for a crisis." The official also disclosed that Hamas militiamen had been forcing the company to cut off power supplies to some areas in the Gaza Strip so as to create the impression that the outage was due to a lack of fuel caused by the ongoing closure of the border crossings.
The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free
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Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 19, 2008. |
This was written by
Richard Beeston, Catherine Philp and Oliver August and it appeared
today in
The Times (UK)
Britain re-established high-level intelligence links with the Syrian authorities as David Miliband made his landmark visit to Damascus yesterday, according to senior Syrian officials. The move, first raised earlier this year at a meeting in New York between the Foreign Secretary and his Syrian counterpart, Walid Moualem, was a key objective of the Syrian visit. The newly revived intelligence relationship could be hugely beneficial to Britain. Syria is known to have one of the best intelligence-gathering systems in the Middle East, in particular in tracking the movements of Islamic extremists into Iraq and around the region. "Miliband asked Moualem in New York whether he could re-establish intelligence links at a senior level" after lower level contacts, a Syrian official said. Mr Moualem invited Mr Miliband to take intelligence officials with him on the trip to Damascus. Mr Miliband's visit, the first by a British foreign secretary for seven years, was touted as an opportunity to test Syria's willingness to engage with the West, lifting it out of its current isolation. Washington has long insisted on isolating Syria but with a change of administration and attitude looming, Britain and France are leading efforts to lure Damascus out of the solitude it has found itself in since it was implicated in the murder of the former Lebanese Prime Minister, Rafiq Hariri, three years ago. Mr Miliband urged Syria yesterday to take a more active role in the peace process between the Israelis and Palestinians by first reaching its own peace deal with the Jewish state. Damascus and Jerusalem have recently talked on four occasions under Turkish auspices. Mr Miliband said: "We welcome the four rounds of talks that have taken place ... and we hope that they will be taken forward with new force." Mr Miliband met President Assad for the first time during his visit, which, it was hoped, would draw the attention of Barack Obama, the President-elect, away from America's economic malaise and back towards the Middle East. In their first phone call since the US election, Gordon Brown emphasised that Mr Obama's foreign policy priority should be the Arab-Israeli conflict, which he sees as the key to other concerns in the region, including the threat of a nuclear Iran. Joshua Landis, an American expert on Syria, said the visit was "a message from the British to Obama. Like the French, they want the US to push Syrian-Israeli peace. Negotiations between Syria and Israel began last May, but the Bush Administration was unhappy about the dialogue and refused to support them." Syria has long supported Hamas, which does not recognise Israel's right to exist and opposes the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's peace talks with it. Along with hosting exiled Hamas leaders, Syria also aids the Lebanese Shia movement Hezbollah. One of Israel's conditions for peace is that Damascus severs these links. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Naomi Ragen, November 19, 2008. |
This was written by Melanie Phillips and it appeared
November 11, 2008 in the Daily Mail
With all eyes fixed upon the political excitements in the U.S, few have paid much attention to a trip made by the Prime Minister several thousand miles in the opposite direction. A week ago Gordon Brown, accompanied by his new best friend the Business Secretary Lord Mandelson, went cap in hand to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states to ask them to help bail out the stricken economies of the West by pumping billions into the International Monetary Fund. It is more than a little strange that the British Prime Minister should have apparently taken it upon himself to speak on behalf of the IMF. But the real concern is that asking for help from Saudi Arabia is not like tapping your friendly neighbourhood bank manager for a bigger overdraft. No, this loan comes with a devastating IOU nothing less than a big slice of control over Britain and the West by a regime at the heart of the attempt to bring about the Islamisation of the free world. Granted, this country is facing a truly grave financial crisis. But does this mean we should remortgage the future of the West to those whose most radical elements are actively engaged in seeing it destroyed? Alarming I have long been concerned by Britain's failure to acknowledge the true nature of the threat from global Islamism. This latest move is yet more alarming evidence of that process. Saudi Arabia is at the root of the Islamic onslaught against the West. It is Saudi's Wahhabi form of Islam which, along with its Shi'ite counterpart in Iran, aims to restore the dominance of Islam in the world and destroy rule by `unbelievers'. It is Saudi money which has fuelled the enormous spread of Wahhabi mosques, preachers and educational institutions in this country, delivering the message of holy war and radicalising countless thousands of British Muslims. And it is this Saudi ideology which was the inspiration for Al Qaeda. True, Al Qaeda turned upon Saudi itself on account of its ties with the U.S. As a result, Saudi regards Al Qaeda as its mortal enemy, and as such co-operates with Britain and the U.S in combating it. But sometimes, to rephrase the old adage, our enemy's enemy is not actually our friend, but our enemy as well. Saudi Wahhabism seeks to conquer the West through a pincer movement comprising violence on the one hand and cultural infiltration and takeover on the other. At the very least, Saudi Arabia speaks with the most lethal of forked tongues, and we should actively be seeking to diminish its influence over our affairs. But instead our Prime Minister is effectively offering it yet more opportunity to control us. Mr Brown claimed he did not want such investment to be used to gain political influence. But Lord Mandelson blurted out the truth when he acknowledged that the Saudis and other Gulf states would expect a bigger role in global institutions in return. Takeover: The Islamic world has already bought Manchester City football club. This should be enough to chill the British marrow. Islamic influence is already spreading in Britain and the West, way beyond Muslim communities themselves. The Islamic world is buying a financial stake in increasing numbers of Western institutions. Among its latest acquisitions are Manchester City Football Club, which was sold to the ruling family of Abu Dhabi, and Barclays Bank, which has secured an almost £6 billion capital injection from Abu Dhabi and Qatar. Extremist Islamist ideas are also being spread through Islamic study centres attached to our universities. According to Professor Anthony Glees, eight universities including Oxford and Cambridge have accepted more than £233.5 million from Saudi and Muslim sources since 1995, spreading radicalism and helping create within Britain two separate identities and sets of allegiance. 'Bribery' Shockingly, Saudi blackmail has also forced Britain to suspend its own rule of law by ditching the bribery investigation into the arms deal between Saudi Arabia and BAE systems, in response to an explicit threat made by the Saudi authorities that, if the case continued, `British lives on British streets' would be at risk. Those aren't my words, they are from Britain's former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles. Thus, the Islamists are already pulling British strings through the supremely manipulative combination of the threat of violence and the lure of unbridled wealth. Apparently oblivious to all this, however, Mr Brown has pledged to make London the global centre of Islamic banking. Accordingly, Britain's major banks are eagerly embracing sharia finance, on the basis that it is a source of vast wealth. What they fail to realise is that sharia is also a project for Islamising society, and wherever it is embraced it will use its position to do precisely that. The assumption is that sharia banking which has at its heart the prohibition of interest accords with ancient Islamic religious principles. Not so. Sharia banking was devised by mid-20th century Islamist ideologues specifically to further their strategy for global Islamic rule by creating separate administrative systems. Muslims are required to donate a proportion of their income to charity, including the money that goes through the sharia banking system. Yet in many instances, the clerics deciding where this `charity' money should go are the spiritual godfathers of terror, such as Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi, who supports suicide bombing in Iraq and Israel, and Sheik Muhammed Taqi Usmani, who has admitted he ran a madrassa that supported the Taliban, yet who sits on the sharia supervisory board of the Dow Jones Islamic Index Fund. It's no surprise, then, that many charitable donations end up being channelled straight into terrorist organisations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. But apart from being a global money-laundering exercise for terrorism, sharia banking is also a beachhead in the attempt by radical Islam to infiltrate British and Western society. 'Seductive' The key point is that sharia does not recognise the superior authority of the secular law of the land. Sharia financial institutions may not be making this clear they don't want to frighten people away but at some future time they may do so. This is how they will endeavour to spread sharia beyond their own territory. There are already examples of sharia regulations over-riding commercial decisions. Citibank, for example, launched the Saudi American Bank (SAB) in Jeddah and Riyadh. In 1980, the Saudis abruptly seized the SAB, denied Citibank all future profits and ordered it to train Saudi staffers because the bank was judged insufficiently Muslim. When trillions of pounds and dollars become locked into Islamic banking and Saudi and other Islamic institutions, who will be in a position to argue with the Islamists when they finally call in their IOUs? But our politicians and financiers seem blind to this prospect because they are mesmerised by the seductive prospect of so much wealth. Moreover, the British establishment does not believe that what we are being subjected to is a religious war. That is why their response to the steady encroachment of Islamic radicalism in our society is so weak. And that is why I fear the British Prime Minister is in danger of selling this country to those who are intent upon undermining our most treasured freedoms. More than giving hostages to fortune, he is enabling fortune itself to hold Britain hostage. Naomi Ragen is an American-born novelist and journalist who lives in Jerusalem. She can be contacted at www.naomiragen.com, where you can subscribe to her newsletter. |
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, November 18, 2008. |
This is called "U.S. Treasury Department to Host Shariah Compliant Financing Forum!!!" and was written by Brigitte Gabriel. It appeared on the Acti for America website http://www.actforamerica.org. |
In association with the Islamic Finance Project of the Harvard Law School, the U.S. Treasury will be hosting a forum entitled "Islamic Finance 101." You read this correctly. As the humorist Dave Barry writes in many of his columns, "I am not making this up." Indeed, despite the fact that we in ACT! for America and others have been warning about the infiltration of shariah (Islamic law) into our society for some time, to witness how quickly it is happening causes me to tremble inside. Our own U.S. Treasury is hosting a forum aimed at educating "staff from U.S. banking regulatory agencies, Congress, Department of Treasury, and other parts of the Executive Branch." So what is Shariah Banking you ask? Sharia banking was created by radicals like Sheik Qaradawi, a terrorist who today is banned from entering the United States and Great Britain. Who today leads international Islamic Finance agencies. How does he describe Shariah Finance? "I like to call it Jihad with money, because God has ordered us to fight enemies with our lives and our money." Everything in me wants to shout from the highest house top "Will enough Americans wake up in time??? Have our leaders become so blinded with greed that they are willing to sell our soul, and endanger our national security, in exchange for Arab money?" To view a PDF image of the official U.S. Treasury description and agenda for the forum, please click here. According to the Treasury document, the purpose of this forum is "...to help inform the policy community about Islamic financial services, which are an increasingly important part of the global financial industry." Speakers include: Assistant Treasury Secretary Neel Kashkari. If that name sounds familiar it's because he is the person Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson designated to manage the government purchase of distressed assets called for in the $700 billion "bailout plan." My dear members, the "Trojan horse" is within our gates. How we as the "grassroots" of America respond to this threat over the next year will greatly determine whether we begin to expel this threat or go the way of Britain and Europe. We are now in the process of producing a video that details what Shariah financing is, its implications, who's involved on Wall Street and our efforts to stop it. You will receive notice of it by email within a couple weeks. We need your activism and involvement on every level to help us protect our country. Please forward our emails to your friends and family and urge them to subscribe to receive them directly. Get involved with our chapter network. We are going to need to organize on the grass roots level to put pressure on our banking system and even boycott some major banks to stop this Islamic shariah financing. More information will be forthcoming forth in the future. We also continue to need your financial support as we forge ahead with this important work. If you haven't joined our Patriot Partner program, go to http://www.actforamerica.org/index.php/donate to find out how you can support us in this way. If we are going to win the struggle against Islamofascism, we need to have the necessary supplies in our "warchest" to fight effectively. I greatly appreciate your help and am honored to have you as a member of our ACT! for America family. Always devoted,
Alpha Natural ResourcesAsset Acceptance Capital Corporation
National Security and Financial Risks: Islamists are attempting to impose Shariah Compliant Finance (SCF) on Western institutions to use our own financial strengths against us. The most serious problem with SCF is that it legitimates and institutionalizes Shariah law (i.e., Islamic law), a theo-political- legal doctrine violently opposed to Western values. With $1 -$2 trillion petrodollars annually looking for an investment home, blind exuberance is driving financial institutions to adopt SCF, without even a minimal baseline for legal compliance. This willful blindness, and lack of both transparency and due diligence may cause SCF to be the next sub-prime crisis, but this time with deadly consequences. Legal Risks: Western financial institutions which adopt SCF may have criminal and civil exposure to claims of aiding and abetting sedition and the material support of terrorism, securities fraud, consumer fraud, racketeering, and antitrust violations, as well as exposure to tort claims for sedition and terrorism, and for the violation of internationally recognized norms of the law of nations. Terror Financing Mechanism: SCF as monitored wby paid Shariah law advisors to U.S. banking institutions must "purify" certain return on investment (ROI) dollars that do not meet Shariah law standards. This money must be donated to Islamic charities including some that promote Jihad and support suicide bombing. Investment disclosures state that these profits can be as high as 6% of profits of investments. With $800 billion already in SCF assets, the potential for billions of dollars to be siphoned off for terrorism is real. This would be a serious criminal violation of U.S. law. Consider this example: Shariah Mutual Funds promote themselves as "ethical funds." To be Shariah-compliant, they donate "tainted" revenues to Shariah-compliant "charities." A post 9-11 U.S. investor in a Shariah-compliant "ethical investment" is not told that Shariah law also requires imposing Shariah as U.S. law, execution of gays and female apartheid. Is he a victim of consumer fraud? Is this same post 9-11 investor unwittingly funding terror? The government has shut down the three largest Shariah-compliant charities in the U.S. the Holy Land Foundation, Benevolence International Foundation, and the Global Relief Foundation after proving they funded terrorist organizations. The American taxpayer deserves answers to these questions. The Center for Security Policy (CSP) is meeting directly with members of Congress, US. regulatory agencies and Wall Street financial institutions in order to ensure the enforcement of existing U.S. laws on sedition, disclosure, material support of terrorism, and money-laundering. CSP is committed to revealing the civil liability and criminal exposure of Shariah law and Shariah-compliant finance. WHAT IS SHARIAH LAW? Understanding Shariah law is integral to understanding the dangers
of Shariah-compliant finance. Shariah law is Islamic law dating back
to the 7th century and is today the law of the land in Saudi Arabia,
Iran, Sudan and the law under which the Taliban operates. Recent polls
reveal that only 10-15% of Muslims worldwide want to live under this
all-encompassing system of Islamic jurisprudence that covers all
aspects of a Muslim's life including religious, social, political,
and military obligations. However, with a current population of 1.5
billion Muslims, this translates to a huge pool of Jihadist recruits
and supporters a base of approximately 150 225 million Muslims.
Shariah law authorities, some of whom are now being paid handsomely by
Barclays, Dow Jones, Standard & Poors, HSBC, Citibank, Merrill Lynch,
Deutschebank, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, UBS, Credit Suisse and
others have the power to dictate Shariah compliance as deemed by
"scholarly consensus" on matters of finance, family, penal law,
apostasy, and war.
Contact Sonia Nusenbaum at nusenbaum@juno.com |
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 18, 2008. |
This myth of the poor poor Transjordanians must end!!!!!! This comes from Agence France-Press and is archived at
PARIS, July 8, 2008 (AFP) The international community has paid out nearly a billion dollars in direct aid to the Palestinians in six months, officials of the International Donors' Conference for the Palestinian State said here late Monday, while hitting out at Israeli restrictions on movement by Palestinians. The chair and the co-chairs of the Paris conference, which last December came up with pledges of donations totalling 7.7 billion dollars over three years, 'strongly welcomed' the process of disbursing the funds. The international community has paid out more than 920 million dollars in six months in direct budgetary support and signed for one billion dollars of bilateral agreements with the Palestinian Authority for development projects, according to a communique from the chair and co-chairs released by the French foreign ministry. 'This unprecedented level and rapid disbursement of contributions demonstrates the strong support of the international community to the Palestinian government,' said the statement by Quartet special Middle East envoy Tony Blair, European External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner and a Norwegian representative who met at the French foreign ministry. 'The priority over the coming months will be to secure contributions of Arab League members. These will be crucial to finance the budgetary gap and to support the Palestinian institutions,' it went on. The chair and co-chairs said it was 'essential that the Palestinian government maintains a rigorous fiscal policy in relation with the future disposable revenues and contributions.' But 'restrictions by the Government of Israel on Palestinian movement and access continue to weigh heavily on the economic outlook. 'Without a significant lifting of such barriers in the West Bank, and a relaxation of the restrictions on humanitarian and commercial flows to the Gaza Strip, there is a much-reduced prospect for private sector recovery, public and private investment programmes will continue to be delayed, and consequently any economic recovery will continue to be inhibited.' The Paris conference was aimed at boosting still fragile hopes for peace launched at the latest Palestinian-Israeli peace process in Annapolis, Maryland in late November 2007, aimed at working for a Palestinian state by the end of 2008. Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Gary Bauer, November 18, 2008. |
With much of the country focused on the economic crisis, the mortgage meltdown and billion dollar bailouts, this is a good time to draw your attention to another looming financial crisis the growing acceptance of Sharia finance in America. I suspect this is a new topic for many of you, but it is one you need to know about as it threatens our values and our national security. Our friends at the American Congress for Truth have produced a short video that explains Sharia finance and why it is so urgent that more Americans learn about this looming threat. Go to www.actforamerica.org to watch this video. Share this report with friends and family members, and encourage them to visit the site, too. We must not allow the current economic crisis to be exploited by our enemies. The meltdown on Wall Street must not become an excuse for radical Islam to gain acceptance on Main Street. So, please visit www.actforamerica.org today. Take a stand for our American values by opposing Sharia finance. We are working with leaders on Capitol Hill, like Rep. Sue Myrick of North Carolina, who has developed an excellent "Wake-up America" agenda, to alert more Americans to the dangers our nation and Western Civilization face from radical Islam. While many believe that the 2008 elections will usher in a new era of "hope" and "change," our enemies are not going quietly into the night. In fact, there are more warnings indicating that Al Qaeda is eager to test Western resolve with another "spectacular" attack against the United States. Meanwhile, congressional liberals and so-called "peace activists" are agitating for the new administration to repeal or rollback many of the laws that have greatly aided our homeland security efforts, including the terrorist surveillance program. Gary Bauer is the president of American Values. Contact him at gary.bauer@mail.amvalues.org. And visit the website: http://www.ouramericanvalues.org |
Posted by Alrabaa Sami, November 18, 2008. |
Karin in Saudia Arabia
![]() "Karin" is a real story of a German woman, who lived in Saudi Arabia for a while and fell in love with a Saudi. Later, this love turned into a devastating nightmare. The Saudi "Morality Police", notorious for their bestial brutality, raped Karin and threw her in prison. Her crime was, she was driven alone downtown by a taxi-driver. Her German-Saudi baby son was taken away and she was deported to Cyprus without passport and money. Muna, a young Moroccan woman was luckier. She managed to smuggle herself and baby after one-night marriage with Sultan, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, you can marry and divorce a woman in her absence. All you need is a religious man and two male witnesses. This is exactly what happened to Karin; she was married in her absence. Muna never saw any marriage or divorce papers. Mimi and Najat were brutally stoned to death. Najat, a deaf-dumb was caught by the "Morality Police", suspected of being a prostitute. In reality she was waiting for her brother to pick her up in front of shop window. The Morality Police Chief quickly passed sentence on Najat. He wrote, among other things: "Najat was working as a prostitute and was caught in the very act of picking up a client. We advise that she be stoned to death..." Two muttawas (Marality Police) delivered the document to Prince Salman, the governor of Riyadh. He jotted down a verdict to match the suggestion, then signed it. Najat was to be publicly stoned to death the following Friday. Mimi, a house-maid from the Philippines, was denounced by the wife of Karin's lover. She was picked up by the "Morality Police" and also stoned to death. These stories happen very often, and people are defenseless towards them. There are no courts in Saudi Arabia, and the princes there possess absolute power. Nisrin, a Bangladeshi woman, who married a Saudi, was deported and the marriage was annulled. Before that she was raped by one of those "Morality Police". A Saudi who belongs to an important tribe, cannot just marry anyone. Mohammed, a Syrian truck-driver had both hands amputated for allegedly stealing the truck he was driving. Very few atrocities like the ones I'm reporting reach the international media. In March, 2002, the Saudi Morality Police prevented school girls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing the correct Islamic dress. As a result 15 girls were burned alive." My stories are a pattern that happen day in day out. When you study Islam; the Quran and Shari'a, and live in Saudi Arabia for a while, you find out that the Saudis are in fact applying the Islamic law. "The woman who commits adultery must be stoned to death."(Quran, 36:18). "And (as for) the man who steals and the woman who steals, cut off their hands as a punishment for what they have earned, an exemplary punishment from Allah; and Allah is Mighty, Wise." (Quran 5:38). For more details, check out http://europenews.dk/en/node/13862 and "Understanding Muhammad" by Ali Sina. The book also shows that not only the Saudi regime and its religious fanatic establishment are oppressive, but also other groups in society: Saudi men oppress and ill-treat women, and Saudi men and women oppress abuse foreigners. When I delivered the manuscript of this book to friends outside of Saudi Arabia, asking them to read it over, their response was uniform: they shook their heads in disbelief. Nobody in the civilized world seemed able to fathom the extent of the arbitrariness and atrocities to which victims in Saudi Arabia are subjected. To them, it was incredible. Some remarked that I was telling stories about the actions of monsters from another planet. They could not believe that any human could act as a Saudi corrupted by power does. |
Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, November 18, 2008. |
![]() This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: Anyone who encountered me toward the end of my recent three-day foray to the north would have seen the effects of rising three consecutive mornings well before dawn and schlepping my gear and ambition through dewy trails and prickly underbrush until darkness and exhaustion set in. After 583 km of travel by car and several more on foot and 652 shutter releases, I can reveal that I brought home five excellent landscapes. If I were a hunter, which I sometimes imagine I am when out in the wilds with my camera, I would have settled for bagging one lion. So five is a roaring success! Just north of Kiryat Shemona, a few seconds before the itinerant Israeli runs out of country, is a small valley below the town of Metula, where farmers have planted groves of pear, plum, olive, and pomegranate, along with grapes and an assortment of other greenery. I had noted this bucolic spot in the past as a potential shooting location in the right season. That moment arrived on Nov. 6 at 3:42 p.m. Turning onto a rare paved road that descended into the valley and up the far side, I found a position looking across the valley and into the setting sun. I thought at the time I had missed the moment, because there were already deep shadows on the upslope and the sun was so low I had to shade my lens with my left hand to reduce the extreme glare. Staring into the sun as I composed, I could barely see what spread out before me and I was concerned that the shadowed areas would appear as black in the final image. In retrospect, the final result as shown above is nearly perfect. The shadows miraculously fall along the outer edges of the composition and provide depth and contrast while the golden sunlight paints a swath down the center of the frame. The play of light and shadow combine wonderfully to create a beautiful, warm autumn afternoon feel.
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 18, 2008. |
OLMERT'S STRANGE REQUEST PM Olmert said that before he could decide what to do about Gaza, he needs a proposed set of options from the IDF. The IDF replied that it had given him that. Now the decision is up to him (IMRA, 11/16). I remember that the IDF had done so, not long ago. Is Olmert procrastinating? ATTORNEY-GENERAL DELAYS CRITICAL OPINIONS Months ago, the government of Israel sent a request to the Attorney-General for a legal opinion on whether it may open fire on rocket crews in populated areas of Gaza and on whether it may cut off the supply of electricity. He has not sent the answer. PM Olmert has not pressed him. And Vice-PM Ramon said that the delay in invading Gaza is letting Hamas build up a force that would exact a much higher toll (IMRA, 11/16). Another procrastinator. Those clowns in the government must be amusing the Arabs but not the Jews. AMOS OZ CALLS FOR A POPULAR FRONT REGIME IN ISRAEL The writer-politician calls for Labor and Meretz politicians and those who supported Dov Chanin, "Stalinist" candidate for Mayor of Tel Aviv to form a popular front or a single party grouping. In other words, Labor, that stands for much appeasement, isn't radical enough for Amos Oz. He wants a popular front regime, i.e., an alliance with Communists (IMRA, 11/16). In 1993, he said an autonomous, demilitarized P.A. must show that it renounces its belligerent Covenant, the demand to flood Israel with alleged refugees [my wording], and terrorism, that it will control their fanatics, and it will allow Jews to live amongst them. Otherwise, Israel will send its forces in and smite them. The P.A. violated all those reasonable demands. Mr. Oz ignored the violations (IMRA, 11/16). Israel is finding it difficult to send forces back in. LIVNI'S STATEMENT ON CEASEFIRE She said, "The rules regarding Gaza are clear: If there is quiet and the time is not used [by terrorists] to prepare the next attack, Israel will keep the situation calm." Doesn't she realize that the ceasefire does not prohibit Hamas from using the time to make rockets, tunnels, and bunkers, so long as they don't shoot? If she doesn't, what is she? If she does, why doesn't the media expose her? The media is lazy or, as usual, is protecting leftist demagoguery (IMRA, 11/16.) HOW MUCH COULD OBAMA DAMAGE ISRAEL? Astrologers talk about an alignment of cosmic forces magnifying the power of each. Physicists talk about a tuning fork being reinforced by harmonizing soundings from other sources. In politics we have a ganging up on the Jews more widespread than ever before. An international lynch mob is forming. Why don't more people see the signs of it? I anticipate anti-Zionist machinations by Obama and his circle. He may get away with it, because, besides general media reluctance to criticize him, the media has defamed the "settlers" for years or left the public uninformed. American Jewry has been misled to the extent that it knows the issue at all. It has little understanding of the history of Israel, the tactics of Islam, or international law. It is more moved by foreign opinion than by its own people's needs. The Muslim states, Muslim colonists in the West, and mosques have been defaming Israel and the whole Jewish people for years. W. Europeans consider Israel a grave danger to peace, i.e., peace at any price, i.e., peace at the price of sacrificing the Jews. The Soviet agenda is back. What about Israel? Israel is divided: an authoritarian ruling class uses police state tactics against a decent people. The regime is appeasement-minded and even hostile towards Judaism and Zionism. The media is leftist and far leftist. Those are all the ingredients needed for bringing down the Jewish state. Will the Muslims wait for US diplomacy to erode Israeli borders more, or will they be too impatient? Will they wait for the government of Israel to expel the Jews from Judea-Samaria and break national morale? Will they use non-conventional weapons or conventional ones? Will Israel even fight back? Could it, if the initial attack cripples its communications? Some friends think this is the "end of days," and the Messiah will intercede. How will it end? Why are the decent people voiceless? Where are the "moderates?" How come my liberal friends are unable to think this through? Those secularists have as much faith that "Israel will do what it has to," as my Lubovicher friends have that a higher power will protect Israel. Do they expect the messiah when there is little faith and there are no ruling circles and armed forces on the side of justice and determined? QUAINT PROTOCOL Israel held a ceremony for turning its Gaza front over to a new commander. Heads of state visit a country and review its military honor guard. What does the review accomplish? Waste of time and money. The world moves fast, its leaders have real troops to position, no time to amble by an honor guard. MODERATES IN DISGUISE? Mohammed Fa'iz Matstafah Abu Krek belongs to the Tanzim, a militia of Fatah, the supposedly moderate organization of Abbas. Most of his squad pledged to refrain from terrorism, in exchange for amnesty by Israel. Krek was arrested in Nablus for making explosive vests for suicide bombers (IMRA, 11/16). It must be clever of that moderate to disguise himself as a terrorist. Sec. Rice is very pleased that all those moderates are patrolling P.A. cities. She concludes that having reduced street crime, the P.A. earned the confidence of Israel that it can safely withdraw from Judea-Samaria. That's a non-sequitur. I haven't heard lately whether the Arab crime wave against Israeli property has abated, but street crime in the P.A. does not affect Israeli security. Guns in the hands of the Tanzim does. It affects it adversely. The very force that the US is building up for Abbas endangers Israeli security. American troops that freed Iraq from a mass-murderer can be proud of their accomplishment. What do US troops training mass-murderers, called P.A. police, feel about their work? THE END IN IRAQ? While the Democrats are awakening to the US victory in Iraq, the Republicans do not seem to notice that a new defeat may be looming there. The Prime Minister of Iraq quietly has been firing the anti-corruption officials appointed by the US. Corruption is soaring. US foreign aid to Iraq is stolen (NY Times, 11/18). The Iraqi people would become disgusted with their corrupt regime. What is supposed to get done won't. The country is likely to fall apart. Islamists are good at appealing against corruption. If our aid is wasted, so was our war effort. What a mistake not to have gone after S. Arabia and Iran, the font of funds for madrassas, radical mosques, and insurgency! BREAKING GAZA BLOCKADE A fleet of ships carrying supplies and staffed by international activists is preparing to head for Gaza. Its purpose is to break Israel's blockade of Gaza (IMRA, 11/17). The tunnels already broke it. The people are fed. These do-gooders are helping an Islamo-fascist regime. Some humanitarians! Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Herb and Miki Sunshine, November 18, 2008. |
This article is entitled "Republican Decline And Not Only That" and was written by David Basch. |
Studying the Wall Street Journal figures on the US presidential election, it is evident that Protestant Christian voters moved away from Republicanism. Elsewhere it was pointed out that right wing Christian voting was down by 4,000,000 voters. These alone though not the only factors made a great difference in results and helped bring in Obama. Some have alleged that it was the dispiriting McCain campaign that was responsible for this alienation. For myself not a Christian Sarah Palin's announcement of McCain's support for a Palestinian [Arab] State in the last weeks of the campaign came with shocking force. It could have been a similar shocker to Right Wing Christians, who apparently voted with their feet. As was reported, American Jewish voters in general gave Obama 78% of their vote. This was obviously not because Obama was more supportive of Israel than McCain since Obama did not disguise his support for a Palestinian [Arab] State. So this issue was not overly relevant in the decision of these Jews. On the other hand, Right Wing religious Christians do see Israel as a more important issue in their calculations than American Jews and even of some Israelis. It is therefore possible that this issue could have played an important part in the decision of Christians to defect from Republicanism. And while this may not have affected Jewish voting overall, that
McCain too resembled Obama in his support for a new Arab State
in Israel, McCain's support may, nevertheless, have served as a
facilitator in the Jewish vote. For such Jews who indulged
their liberal obsessions could then declare to the more conservative
voting Jews that this vote was not cast at the cost of Israel
since McCain offered no alternative.
THE OUTCOME IS VERY SHOCKING SINCE IT IS EVIDENT that support for a Palestinian Arab State is bipartisan despite the fact that this policy is based on falsifications of history and injustice toward the Jews and that its advent will be achieved at the expense of a greatly weakened Israel. Since the only reason Israel survives in the Middle East is because of its strength, such a strengthening of the Arab side will make more likely the eventual destruction of Israel the most universal, implacable, and cherished goal of the Arabs. The Arabs are enthused at US and world support for them and the real possibility that the Muslim-Arab goal of eliminating Israel will be achieved. The irony is that the US, under cover of supporting democracy, actually sells itself out in supporting the twin Arab tyrannies of Fatah and Hamas that weaken the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. Alas, the result will be a vanished Israel and with it a largely vanished Jewish people that will then only survive in forms such as Satmar Chassidism that rejects a humanly-achieved resurrection of the ancient Jewish commonwealth. Such Jews will be satisfied to be frozen in the pose of yearning on the Grecian vase a youth forever yearning for his love and she being eternally fair. I can't help believing that this outcome, which seems ever more likely to be the result of the bipartisan US policy, will not only be disastrous to Israel and the Jews but will also be achieved at the weakening of traditional Christianity what has been one of the great staples of the US ethos that had seen in the rebirth of Israel an important religious sign. This weakening will be accompanied by the weakening of political unity in the US and its role in the world as well of the weakening of the West against the Islamic threat. The West, in this battle, will be without that once "unsinkable aircraft carrier" at the Eastern end of the Mediterranean, which was Israel. Herb Sunshine is a lawyer, qualified to practice in U.S.A. and Israel. He and his wife Miki live in Jerusalem. Contact them by email at sunshine.h@012.net.il |
Posted by Justice for Jonathan Pollard, November 18, 2008. |
This is by Hillel Fendel and it appeared today in Arutz-7
(IsraelNN.com) A massive and concerted effort is being made to bring about the release of Jonathan Pollard from prison after 23 years directed both at PM Olmert and Pres. Bush. In the knowledge that outgoing U.S. President George W. Bush is currently preparing a list of possibly hundreds of American prisoners to pardon, the goal of the international campaign is to have Jonathan Pollard included. Many feel that this could be Pollard's last chance, after 23 years in prison. With Prime Minister Ehud Olmert scheduled to leave in a few days for a parting visit with U.S. President George W. Bush who will leave office in two months' time, just a few weeks before Olmert is to be replaced massive pressure is being exerted on Olmert to ask Bush for a pardon. In addition, a phone-in campaign to the White House, in which concerned citizens ask Bush directly to let Pollard to go home, is also getting underway. The Washington phone numbers are: 202-456 -1111 or 202-456-1414. A film is being circulated via the Internet, in which a host of public figures from both sides of the political spectrum are heard to express their opinions and feelings in favor of Pollard's urgent release. Among them are former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Danny Ayalon ("the issue must be on their agenda at the parting ceremony"), former Justice Minister Amnon Rubenstein of the Meretz party, former IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Moshe Yaalon, former radical left-wing MK Lova Eliav, Nobel Prize winner Prof. Yisrael Aumann ("I feel personally ashamed and I apologize"), former Supreme Court justice Tzvi Tal, journalist Mati Golan, Prof. Reuven Orda of Tel Aviv University, Makor Rishon editor Amnon Lord, Prof. Eli Pollack, Technologiot editor Dorit Aldoubi, former Deputy Education Minister Moshe Peled, and many more. The film ends with this message: "Mr. Prime Minister: This is your responsibility! Do not miss this chance! Bring Pollard back home alive!" To see the film (in Hebrew), click here.
In addition, dozens of rabbis from throughout the State of Israel have signed an open letter to President Bush, stating simply: "As a G-d fearing people, we feel a humane and ethical duty to write you concerning a deeply heartfelt matter. Mr. Jonathan Pollard is currently serving his 23rd year in prison. He is ill and his condition is serious. We respectfully request that you act mercifully towards him. Please grant him clemency as a humanitarian gesture to the Jewish People and the State of Israel. "With G-d's blessing, Mr. Pollard's release will bring only good to the United States and the American People." The letter is signed by nearly 200 rabbis, including past and present Chief Rabbis, members of the Chief Rabbinate Council, chief rabbis of cities and regional councils, and more. Not for What He Did, But for What Was Done to Him Pollard was convicted on one count of passing classified information to a U.S. ally Israel and lost the chance to ever directly appeal his sentence simply because of a technical oversight by his then-lawyer, Richard Hibey. As the JonathanPollard.org website explains, "Hibey, astonishingly, failed to file a time-limited statement of intent to file a direct appeal. This failure too gross to be a mere oversight then prevented Jonathan Pollard from ever exercising his constitutional right to a direct appeal of his sentence." Attys. Eliot Lauer and Jacques Semmelman, who took on the Pollard case many years later at no charge, later made a claim of "ineffective assistance" on Pollard's behalf, Semmelman explaining, "I was appalled at the quality of the legal representation Jonathan received. It became apparent to us that Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life not because of what he did, but because of what was done to him." Reach Justice for Jonathan Pollard by sending an email to justice4jp@gmail.com |
Posted by Paul Lademaine, November 18, 2008. |
For Immediate Distribution Successful Launch of Boycott of Palestinian Arab Goods and Services VANCOUVER, November 10 Organizers of a new world-wide campaign to boycott imports of goods and services from so-called Palestine today expressed satisfaction with the inroads they have made in this regard. Boycott of Palestinian Goods and Services (BPGS) CEO Muhsir Mutawakil said he is looking forward to global distributors shifting their imports of agricultural and horticultural products from Gaza and the West Bank towards other sources. "The Islamic oppressive regimes in Gaza and Ramallah are enforcing apartheid rule against 120,000 Palestinian Christians and over 2 million women. This religious and gender apartheid must stop at once," he said. He noted that the multinational business community is sensitive to handling tainted products from exporters who are engaging in war crimes. Accordingly, there should shortly be a measurable decline in shipments to Western markets, including Canada, of flowers, soap, handicrafts, olive oil, figs, dates, pita and Cremisan wine from "Palestine." Mutawakil also reported successful discussions with the services industry in Canada, Australia, the USA and the UK. "There is a growing realization that fostering business dealings and exchanges in the travel, professional, educational and medical sectors with these apartheid-based regimes is counter-productive. Already, commitments made for 2009 are being renegotiated or dropped entirely," he said. The BPGS campaign is proud to be receiving the assistance of lay and religious publics in the developed world. It is confident that just as apartheid South Africa was brought to its knees by the boycotts of international civil society, so too will the brutal Hamas and Abbas occupiers of Gaza and the West Bank be defeated by NGOs like us world-wide. For Editors: Muhsir Mutawakil is a Palestinian Arab from the town of Rafah in the Gaza Strip. His parents were tortured to death by the Hamas gang currently ruling Gaza. He converted to Judaism in 1994. For further information:
Contact Paul Lademain by email at lademain@verizon.net |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 18, 2008. |
For nine days I have been away from my computer, celebrating my Mom's 90th with family in MA. I returned today to learn that my computer will be out of commission for half of tomorrow. And so, I begin here with a brief run-down of various events, with more to follow soon. When last I wrote, I reported on the November 5th mission of Robert Malley to Cairo and Damascus on behalf of president- elect Obama. He delivered a message, according to Middle East Newsline, of Obama's readiness to be more responsive to Egypt's and Syria's concerns. This alone is unsettling, but must be followed by additional information: Malley had been an advisor to Obama until last May. But when Malley not only recommended that Hamas be dealt with directly but told The Times that he himself had had regular meeting with Hamas, it caused a furor. Thus it was announced that Obama had distanced himself from Malley, who would no longer serve an advisory function. Ben LaBolt, an Obama spokesman, said then that Malley "has no formal role in the campaign and will not play any role in the future." (emphasis added) But here he is now, serving on behalf of Obama. Questions serious questions are being raised about Obama's integrity in this regard. It should be noted that Malley's father Simon was of Syrian extraction, but lived in Egypt; he was passionately anti-Israel. This makes son Robert an ideal person to deliver conciliatory messages to Syrian and Egypt, and sheds light on the direction in which Obama may be going. ~~~~~~~~~~ Regardless of Obama's actual position regarding matters in the Middle East, perceptions also matter. >From various sources I am picking up concerns that the Arab world rightly or wrongly sees Obama as being in their pocket. This perception can have serious implications, and I will be following this closely. From one very knowledgeable source, we have this: "...the Muslim world from Iran to Libya regards President-elect Obama as its own. Even Al Qaida quietly sees Obama as a tool in Islamic expansionism." From an Obama aide we have a statement regarding Obama's support for the Saudi "peace" plan, which calls for Israeli pull-back to pre-67 lines. ~~~~~~~~~~ Also to be watched closely is the situation with regard to an escalating number of rocket attacks with both Kassams and more dangerous Katyushas on Sderot and neighboring areas from Gaza. Tzipi Livni says that this situation represents a "fundamental violation" of the "ceasefire." What she doesn't acknowledge is that there IS no ceasefire. If the attacks continue, she declared, a response that would be "harsh and painful" would follow. This is difficult for me to report on, because what is going on is not tolerable, not something any sovereign nation should tolerate. That "harsh and painful" response is long overdue. Ehud Olmert talks about pressure on Hamas via keeping crossings closed. Hamas fights back here with PR that fallaciously represents the people of Gaza as enduring inhumane conditions. The fact is that humanitarian supplies are always allowed in, but the world buys into the Hamas version of events quite readily. And Ehud Barak? He has cautioned that we should not get "carried away" because the "ceasefire" is in our best interest. Said he: "...if the Gaza factions want to resume the truce, we will consider it in a positive light." We're talking about more than "resumption" actually we're looking at the possibility of "renewal," as the original terms are about to expire. ~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the heart of the problem: At the Sunday Cabinet meeting, Olmert declared: "The responsibility for breaking the calm and creating a situation of recurrent continuing violence in he South lies entirely with Hamas...Let no party come to the government of Israel and claim otherwise..." See, world, he is saying, ever so defensively, we have a right to respond, because they're the bad ones. "They started it," as it were. The catch is that even if they weren't "breaking the ceasefire," we would have a right to pre-emptive action because of the incredible strengthening of weapons and troops Hamas is carrying on inside of Gaza. An Israeli airstrike on a launching area on Sunday killed four gunmen. ~~~~~~~~~~ An issue to be watched and explored: Who is calling the shots now, Livni or a very lame-duck Olmert? This is in regard, in particular, to the negotiations with the PA. How much weight do Olmert statements have, when Livni is on a different wave length? And to what degree will the world, and most particularly the Quartet, attempt to hold us to injudicious Olmert statements, such as a recent one stating that we really must withdraw to close to the pre-67 lines? What undercuts Olmert most are the declarations by Abbas (this is not new) that what Olmert proposes is insufficient. Abbas still insists they must have it all. ~~~~~~~~~~ Moshe Ya'alon former IDF Chief of Staff fired by Sharon for his outspoken stance against the disengagement, and currently a senior distinguished fellow at the Shalem Center's Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies has announced that he will be running for the Knesset with the Likud. His readiness to become politically active is most welcome, and his addition to the Likud roster confers even greater strength on the party. ~~~~~~~~~~ From the inside, just yesterday, I learned that there is enormous discontent with Ehud Barak, head of Labor, from within the Labor party. ~~~~~~~~~~ Jerusalem mayor-elect, Nir Barkat, a secular business, promises to bring Jerusalem a new dynamism. It is to be fervently hoped so. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, November 18, 2008. |
Since I frequently give my opinion, when forwarding something, I don't see why this time should be any different. Having sent my opinion that the Democrats, and BO, would win the election, without any question, and I knew about some of the info in this article, I now predict that either nothing will be done, or something will be covered up, and excuses will be made to avoid a civil war, etc. etc. Should justice prevail, it will polarize the people to extremes, as a lot of emotions went into the decision making process, at election time..... READ ON.... This is by Devvy Kidd and it appeared in News With
News |
"Would you rather have one tyrant 3,000 miles away or 3,000 tyrants one mile away?" Mel Gibson as Benjamin Martin, The Patriot This is the latest on the Obama citizenship crisis and then some research resources for you on major issues. ![]() In my last column, Part II, was devoted to the growing crisis over Barack Hussein Obama refusing to prove he is a natural born citizen; see here. You can get involved with the effort to contact electoral college delegates to stop their vote on December 15, 2008 by clicking here; those links are identified as such. New developments Dr. Alan Keyes filed a lawsuit in California, November 14, 2008: 'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birth location. Alan Keyes lawsuit warns America may see 'usurper' in Oval Office. "The California secretary of state should refuse to allow the state's 55 Electoral College votes to be cast in the 2008 presidential election until President-elect Barack Obama verifies his eligibility to hold the office, alleges a California court petition filed on behalf of former presidential candidate Alan Keyes and others." Let me focus on Leo Donofrio's lawsuit which I covered in Part II of my last column. Leo is asking you to please write a short letter to Justice Clarence Thomas now that his case is docketed. You need only ask Justice Thomas to hear Leo's case on an expedited basis because Obama's refusal to prove he's a natural born citizen is building into a constitutional crisis that cannot be allowed to progress to the swearing in process should the electoral college actually go ahead and vote him in on December 15, 2008. Provide the case title and name: Leo C. Donofrio, v. Nina Mitchell Wells, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey
The Honorable Associate Justice Clarence Thomas
I have been exchanging emails with Leo and he continues to reinforce the main issue of 'natural born citizen'. His latest posting for your convenience: "Barack Obama's official web site, Fight The Smears, admits he was a British Citizen at birth. At the very bottom of the section of his web site that shows an alleged official Certification Of Live Birth, the web site lists the following information and link thereto: FactCheck.org Clarifies Barack's Citizenship "When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom's dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.'s children. "Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982." That is a direct admission Barack Obama was a British citizen "at birth". "My law suit argues that since Obama had dual citizenship "at birth" and therefore split loyalties "at birth", he is not a "natural born citizen" of the United States. A "natural born citizen" would have no other jurisdiction over him "at birth" other than that of the United States. The Framers chose the words "natural born" and those words cannot be ignored. The status referred to in Article 2, Section 1, "natural born citizen", pertains to the status of the person's citizenship "at birth". "The other numerous law suits circling Obama to question his eligibility fail to hit the mark on this issue. Since Obama was, "at birth", a British citizen, it is completely irrelevant, as to the issue of Constitutional "natural born citizen" status, whether Obama was born in Hawaii or abroad. Either way, he is not eligible to be President. Should Obama produce an original birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii, it will not change the fact that Obama was a British citizen "at birth". "Obama has admitted to being a British subject "at birth". And as will be made perfectly clear below, his being subject to British jurisdiction "at birth" bars him from being eligible to be President of the United States. "As I have argued before the United States Supreme Court, the 14th Amendment does not confer "natural born citizen" status anywhere in its text. It simply states that a person born in the United States is a "Citizen", and only if he is "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. "Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution of the United States: "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States." "The most overlooked words in that section are: "...or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution..." You must recall that most, if not all, of the framers of the Constitution were, at birth, born as British subjects. "Stop and think about that. "The chosen wording of the Framers here makes it clear that they had drawn a distinction between themselves persons born subject to British jurisdiction and "natural born citizens" who would not be born subject to British jurisdiction or any other jurisdiction other than the United States. And so the Framers grandfathered themselves into the Constitution as being eligible to be President. But the grandfather clause only pertains to any person who was a Citizen... at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution. Obama was definitely not a Citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution and so he is not grandfathered in. "And so, for Obama or anybody else to be eligible to be President, they must be a "natural born citizen" of the United States "at birth". It should be obvious that the Framers intended to deny the Presidency to anybody who was a British subject "at birth". If this had not been their intention, then they would not have needed to include a grandfather clause which allowed the Framers themselves to be President. "If you click through to Factcheck.org, a more detailed discussion as to why Obama was a British citizen at birth explains the relevant statutes: "When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom's dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.'s children: All of Leo's court filings are posted on his site; click here. Barack Hussein Obama is a 'creation.' He has had so many names, no one can keep track of his real history. He refuses to release his records for Harvard and Columbia. It has been reported that Obama attended Harvard under a foreign student classification and that is the reason he refuses to open his records. An individual obtained Obama's SS registration form (selective service); click here and scroll down until you see the form. Obama reportedly traveled to Pakistan in 1980 and 1981 using an Indonesian passport. I am working on getting documentation on that. This web site presents the final, very technical report on the document produced by the Obama people in June. After studying the credentials of the individual and the analysis, I feel the case has been made the Certificate of Live Birth released by Obama's camp is a forgery.
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, AKA BARRY SOETORO, aka Barry Obama, aka Barack Dunham, aka Barry Dunham is simply an empty husk delivered up as the messiah and answer to America's problems when he's nothing but a fake and a devout Marxist. If this constitutional issue isn't decided by either the courts or the electoral college on December 15, 2008, and Obama is sworn in, when the truth does come out, and it will, we will truly have a mess of monumental proportions. Even a pro-abortion supporter (who calls abortion murder) of Obama is now questioning why won't Obama produce a real, legal document? "In the closing weeks of the election, however, I became increasingly disturbed by the mainstream media's avoidance of forthright dealing with several controversies that had been dogging Obama even as every flimsy rumor about Sarah Palin was being trumpeted as if it were engraved in stone on Mount Sinai. For example, I had thought for many months that the flap over Obama's birth certificate was a tempest in a teapot. But simple questions about the certificate were never resolved to my satisfaction. Thanks to their own blathering, fanatical overkill, of course, the right-wing challenges to the birth certificate never gained traction. What Congress and the media won't tell you My incoming email is simply more than one person can handle; I can't answer all the questions coming in on issues like social security, the IRS and so many more. This is column number 415 for NWVs. I have written thousands in almost 20 years; a huge number of them are on my CD. By the time this column is posted, I'll be well on my way to the West coast. God willing, I will return home to West Texas around December 3, 2008. Because I won't have a column for a couple of weeks, what I've done is take a half dozen of the biggest issues like health care and put together a compilation of columns. That way, in your spare time (no chuckling, please), you can use these references for research and get the truth. Also, many of my columns as well as Dr. Edwin Vieria and others are available for free on audio on my web site. Click here. You can listen on your computer while doing things around the house or download to your IPod or a CD and listen while driving or on the commute train or plane. Additionally, I have a limited selection of must view videos on my web site. Please feel free to also download those and get them out to family, colleagues and friends. Click here. America is not a democracy. Popular web sites and "progressive" sites all push for the destruction of this country when they chirp "Our democracy!" America's legal form of government is a constitutional republic. Please learn the difference and stop supporting mob rule. Fisher Ames, a founding father said: "A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way." Benjamin Rush said: "A simple democracy is the devil's own government." John Adams said: "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." What can I do? is the common question. The ballot box is dead, this last election proves it beyond any doubt. The same Congress, with a whopping 17 "new" faces, will go back in in less than two months. Come January, our thrust has to be to the states as I have written about and an all out, constant assault (not violence) on the U.S. Congress. There is no other way until the final break down, and then no one can't say we the people didn't do everything the right way first. As my regular readers know, but perhaps not new readers, I always provide my source reference material. At the end of my columns are additional resources. Over almost 20 years I have learned from warriors; experts in their respective fields on all these issues. Because time is so short, I have made every effort to get the most credible and legally factual information available for you to get the truth. Unless we're all on the same LEGAL battlefield, Americans will continue to demand more failure instead of the constitutional solutions that held us true for so long - until the special interest groups began purchasing the favors of Congress about a half century ago. We are now at the end of all the corruption as the system has rotted to near extinction. That compilation file is here:
EDITOR'S NOTE: The cartoon above is not part of the article. It was done by
Joel Barbee, who describes himself as "an obsessive, compulsive,
conservative cartoonist. He is addicted to life, liberty and the
pursuit of fish! Of long standing." The cartoon appeared November 24,
20008 in World Net Daily,
Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il.
Additional images are available at
Posted by Zeev Shemer, November 17, 2008. |
When do we give up trying to fix the world? When exactly do we realize that most of our efforts are in vain? When do we accept that some things are just beyond our reach? For years, thousands of us have been reading about the abuse of the left. We have been complaining about the corrupt leaders of Israel. The corrupt Justice system, the corrupt police force, the insane Oslo-groupies and the dirty Israeli mafia. For years we have suffered and shared the sad stories of murder, expulsion, imprisonment and abuse. We have been at many funerals together and at many memorials. At many protests and demonstrations. We share common goals, common aspirations and common concerns. Yet no matter what we do, because of our guilt-ridden non-violent approach, we always come out empty handed. We complain, we cry, we vent. But we change nothing, we affect nothing, we impress no one. We remember Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky, how he ran around Europe warning Jews of the impending horrors that soon after took place. How he was met with the same disdain and distrust that most liberal Israelis feel about us. How his words went unheeded and the tragedies that fell upon six million Jews poured mercilessly upon them while Ze'ev was ostracized, humiliated, and persecuted by the very establishment that today holds hands with our enemies and destroyers. We remember when Rabbi Kahane warned us back in the 80's about the Arabs' increasing fury and unchallenged violence. How he spoke of Arabs shooting at Jews; he spoke about suicide bombers blowing up buses with school children, restaurants, and shopping malls years before it happened. How he too was met with disgusting displays of contempt. Not long after he was murdered, Rabin and Peres handed over thousands of machine guns to a new invented police force, and an army of bombers, snipers and savages began to take a tremendous toll on our people. They hear us, our left-wing opponents. Don't think they don't. But they dislike us and will continue to dislike us. We represent everything they don't want for themselves. They will never give up their power, even now that they are becoming the minority they will continue to dominate. They know that we will stop at whining. They know that the Amir incident was not exclusively our doing. They know about the mole Raviv and how the Shabak conned a group of frustrated Jews to do the unthinkable. They were conned to take the fight to the next level. So Barak, Olmert, Beilin, they know they have nothing to fear. They know they can and will continue to trample over the rights of Jews and they know that at night they can rest at ease. They know that we will never go beyond venting, beyond, crying, screaming, writing, dreaming and most of all, whining. Funny thing is, that the same contempt that the left has for us, Ahmedinajead has for them. Unfortunately for us, if their boat goes down, so do we. Ze'ev Shemer
Ze'ev Shemer is a college teacher in Israel. He holds a Master's Degree in Education and specializes in Judaic Studies and Language Arts. Ze'ev is a master of Aikido and Ju-Jitsu and teaches pre-army cadets. Contact him at zeev.shemer@yahoo.com |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 17, 2008. |
It is written that, IF a criminal comes to steal, he will also be ready to kill you. Then you are mandated to kill him first. One cannot risk his life or that of his family. Criminals come in all shapes, sizes and titles. As for confiscation of weapons, that started in earnest under the Yitzhak Rabin-Shimon Peres regime with the intent to disarming the settlers so that they may be driven out of their homes without resistance. Now it continues under the Olmert regime with some old, some newer traitors who will expose all of Israel's population to a reign of Terror with saturation missile attacks from improve fire bases. The text below is by Mordechai Sones; it is on the Confiscation of resident's weapons and danger to life. |
To: Rabbi of Yishuv Nachaliel, HaRav Uriel Houbara, shlita: Shalom u'Vracha, We are hereby bringing before the Rav an urgent request for a ruling regarding pikuach nefesh (saving of endangered lives), detailed as follows: Because our communities and the roads leading to them are constantly surrounded by danger, a sudden army or government order to confiscate our weapons would appear calculated to signal an official willingness to place our lives and the lives of our families in greater danger. Recently, the army committed a surprise weapon confiscation that has stripped our communities of what little defenses we had. Therefore, it has become clear that there is complicity at the highest levels to abandon Judea and Samaria, including Arab attacks, targeted evacuations, and evictions of outposts and other yishuvim ("settlements" "yishuv", sing.) to help maintain process momentum. There are other indications that a Palestinian State is planned to be announced in the coming year. In the past, Israel government officials promised they would not uproot "a single yishuv". Their betrayal of that promise is especially significant as they also stressed that they never said they would not allow the Palestinians to chase us out themselves or slaughter us in a first strike attack. Credible military eyewitnesses have reported Palestinian first strike capability within 20 minutes of every yishuv in Judea and Samaria. As the world's attention is focused on Gazan missiles, IDF counter-strikes, evictions of outposts, and Israeli political intrigue, the coming abandonment of Judea and Samaria is being obscured in a craftily orchestrated international protest against Israel's building of the wall as if it were an Israeli trick for pushing back the Green Line here and there and not an instrument to facilitate the carving off and eviction of the Jewish communities that should be protesting the fact that they happen to be on the "wrong side" of the wall to make a Jew-free Palestine. All of the nine major tyrannical regimes of the twentieth century confiscated the weapons of the populations they planned to murder or terrorize en masse. The nine regimes are listed below: Ottoman Turkey
Of the nine regimes, not one announced its intentions to its victims. All the victims were deliberately fed disinformation until the last minute in order to induce them not to resist. This may explain the transparent story repeated by each ravshatz (Civilian Security Coordinator and IDF-Settlement Liaison), including our own, Mr. Ilan ben-Shabbat, that our weapons are "not actually being confiscated; they will merely be under lock and key with me in the gun rooms, to be distributed in an emergency". 1 Although the IDF often promises weapons to be made available to the Yeshans (Judeans and Samarians) once a PA onslaught is imminent, the order to release and distribute such weapons would depend on an Israeli cabinet decision. A PA first strike's chances of success would increase if a handful of IDF officers issued orders to the yishuv ravshatzim not to resist, but to evacuate. Such orders would have to come from the top, of course, i.e. the Prime Minister him/herself. Knowledgeable disinformers may in fact not know the government's full strategic picture of implementing the betrayal, but have been briefed in meetings with IDF officials on talking points, and guided on what lies to put out facilitating such a betrayal to ensure maximum surprise and shock value against those being disarmed and attacked. As a matter of fact, six years ago, this same Ilan ben-Shabbat, then able to speak the truth without the constraints imposed by his paymasters in the army, went on record in the community's weekly newsletter more than once, saying: "Weekly Newsletter, Yishuv Nachaliel; Parshas B'Ha'aloscho (and also) Shelach, year 2002: The Ravshatzim are therefore stuck in the middle; they have a difficult job, they are loyal citizens, and they are the constant target of kvetching instead of meaningful community support. This will only undermine their ability to stand up for you to make the clear and right decision at the vital moment. The government's goal is the successful evacuation of Judea and Samaria, with as little casualties (to themselves) as possible. The methods they are using against us to achieve this goal: Planting false hopes for Yeshans to cling to and postpone plans to resist; are all designed to produce one key end-result: Jewish paralysis to allow for the swift collapse of Judea and Samaria. Meanwhile, on the frantic night of the eviction, several contradictory thoughts, emotions, pressures, and confused loyalties will have been calculated to create extreme psychological stress and paralysis for each ravshatz: A phase of sustained killings, terror, and other harassment which is gradually demoralizing the general population and especially the ravshatzim and their families for years; These same techniques used successfully to betray and abandon the SLA in Lebanon, and the residents of both Yamit and Gaza, are being used against us in Judea and Samaria. SLA Commanders could have saved Southern Lebanon but were given orders from the IDF to betray and abandon their positions. The ravshatzim may be given similar instructions in face of PA attack. Just like the one night when SLA platoon commanders could have saved the SLA, so will the Ravshatzim have a brief chance to save Yesha (Judea and Samaria). Under these circumstances, the ravshatzim will unfortunately be the ones upon whose shoulders will rest the terrible decision if our community will survive as a community after a sudden stroke of eviction or abandonment. The day may come when the ravshatzim will have to give the orders to open the gun rooms and help or at least allow the Yeshans to engage in effective nonlethal resistance against an IDF-led eviction, or effective lethal resistance against an Arab first strike. We must address these issues now, to ensure the survival of your community and Judea/Samaria as a whole for as we know, Judea and Samaria must stand together lest Israel fall. Whether your ravshatz will stand with the group for abandonment and betrayal, or stand with us for the rescue of our yishuv and our country has become the question. We are not the ones forcing this question. The diplomatic appeasement by our government to many other nations sworn to our national destruction has created this question. For us the only question remains either to surrender, or to draw the line with our lives rather than going like sheep to the slaughter. Because we Yeshans have not been providing the answer, the answer is being made FOR us, which will further demoralize us. So unless we draw the line, it will be drawn for us in an indefensible way. If we don't draw this line now, there are no other lines for Israel to draw. The world recognizes people's right to defend their homes against aggression, and once they fail to defend those homes, the world also recognizes that they have forfeited the legitimacy of their claims to them. In 1948 the Arabs were told by their own armies to run and they ran. By the world's criteria, they lost their claim to the land when they ran. Yeshan's willingness and preparation to defend themselves against lethal or nonlethal attempts to evacuate them is Yesha's key to survival at this point. The amount of time people in yishuvim will have to hold will be temporary it will be limited. The Iraqi army will not come against us PA forces plus PA eviction units will have limited time. If the first strike/eviction against yishuvim is not a fait accompli within a day or two, Yeshans still wavering whether to evacuate may begin finding the courage to resist. The key factors affecting yishuv survival are the weapons, training, and organization to withstand an assault; the food, fuel, and ammunition to outlast a siege; plus an organized system to provide early warning for when an assault would take place. We are asking the Rabbis to present this information to the ravshatzim, and to make clear to them that the laws of Pikuach Nefesh obligate them to commit to their historical role in saving Judea and Samaria. When the mad night of betrayal comes, they will be the ones who can empower, or at least not interfere in Yeshans self-defense. And effective Yeshan self-defense is what it will take to buy that crucial 24-48 hours for Israel to reject the policy of acquiescence in abandonment. While the battle to collapse the abandonment policy continues, those inside the yishuvim already understanding the threat can take practical countermeasures. If the Yeshans do not summon the courage to take effective countermeasures against eviction, they will have acquiesced in their own betrayal by default. And in the eyes of the world we will have forfeited the moral right to our homes and our land. Because the hills on which our homes sit are the strategic backbone of Israel, our obligation to defend them goes beyond our obligation to protect our property from theft. The survival of Israel itself is at stake. Despite official attempts to confiscate and limit the weapons and ammunition available to yishuvim, each yishuv still has more weapons, ammunition, and trained personnel on hand than was available for the heroes of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. In the historical sense, it was their heroism that placed these resources in our hands, and it would be immoral for us to squander them in paralysis when Israel's own survival is at stake. But by exposing the covert eviction preparations, we can diminish the political support for the abandonment of Yesha and eliminate the element of surprise. If we adopt effective countermeasures, we can neutralize the threat of eviction. If all the Rabbis will cooperate, with full support of the community, in ruling thus to all the Security Coordinators, it will make it much easier for each ravshatz to know that he is not alone on the contrary, many ravshatzim are extremely concerned about the situation we understand the difficult situation in which they have been placed by the government, and we wish to strengthen and encourage them to do the right thing. Therefore, we are urgently requesting an Halachic ruling from the Honorable Rabbis based on the unbiased, unbribed (former) testimony of the greatest yishuv security experts there are the ravshatzim themselves that confiscation of our weapons constitutes a grave and immediate danger to the people of our communities, both within the yishuv and on the roads, and pikuach nefesh overrides everything. We therefore request that the Rabbis rule that as a matter of pikuch nefesh, the ravshatzim must immediately return all the weapons and equipment to all the residents like before, and to inform the army that they cannot be party to a deed that will endanger all the families who rely on them and trust in them, because it is the ravshatz's job is to protect them. With much respect, Mordechai Sones sones@barak.net.il cc.: Rabbis of the Jewish People in Every Place
Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 17, 2008. |
This is from MEMRI, Iran/Reform Project, Special Dispatch | No. 2118 | November 17, 2008. |
In an article published in the liberal Arab e-journal Elaph, Muhammad al-Ta'i, chief editor at the Basra-based liberal Iraqi satellite TV channel Al-Fayhaa, writes that the slogans promoted by Arab dictatorships have left their citizens traumatized. He concludes his article with a plea to leave slogans aside and to consider the true common good. Following are excerpts from the article:(1) "Give a Dirham and Kill a Zionist!" "'Give a dirham and kill a Zionist!' This slogan used to be inscribed on the walls of elementary schools in Iraq, like the Al-Mirbad Elementary School in Al-Khandaq and the Al-Futuwwa School in the Al-Jumhuriyya neighborhood in Basra. "When I was young, I used to collect the requested dirham which was 50 fils by putting aside 10 fils each day from my daily allowance. This way, at the end of the week, I could give [the dirham] to the school, after I had deprived myself of eating the tasty sweet called burmah, settling for buying half a sambusa, or bread and chickpea soup for just 15 fils, in my attempt to implement the 'nationalist' slogan! "When we grew up, learned, and became aware of the true facts, it didn't take long before we discovered that this 'nationalist' slogan, like the others, was a lie. And so were the 'Nationalist and Pan-Arab Education' books that were distributed by the ruling Ba'th party in order to play with our feelings and emotions and to steal our dirhams just as [the Ba'th party] stole our oil for four decades, while the pockets of those who proposed and inscribed the slogan were lined with our dirhams!" "Hundreds of Thousands of Iraqis Disappeared Because of 'Love of Nation'" "The terms 'collaboration,' '[dirty] machinations,' 'treason,' and, [on the other hand,] 'the good of the nation,' 'nationalism.' and 'love of nation' used to be repeated constantly, with only the government knowing the standards and principles that explained and governed them the same government that sacrificed the entire people in the name of defending national unity. This is what the leader of the previous regime did in his wars in the name of nationalism those 'nationalist' wars that were nothing but defense of the dictator's throne. "Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis disappeared because of 'love of nation,' and millions emigrated in an attempt to save themselves from the dictator's 'nationalism.' "This scene is still being repeated in many Arab countries. We would see the 'citizens' of these countries executed, arrested, and tortured for treason because they had (supposedly) made contact with foreigners. At the same time, the state-owned newspapers in those countries would write about the government's 'nationalism' when they achieved some diplomatic victory through a deal with that same country that [ordinary] citizens had been executed for having contacts with..." People Were Left with "A Restricted Manner of Thinking Based on a Huge Number of Slogans" "All of these contradictions left the citizens everywhere and especially in Iraq in a state of confusion. These contradictions cast them into a cultural crisis and a restricted manner of thinking based on a huge number of slogans... "Perhaps the issue of accords with [other] states is the best example of this especially those accords or understandings with the countries called 'colonialist,' or described as 'imperialist.' In general, these accords were depicted as treason, or those who signed them were accused of being foreign agents. "This left the traumatized citizens with the following questions: Should the government of Qatar be considered treasonous and a collaborator in the eyes of its people, given that the U.S. has its largest military base there? Should Saudi Arabia be considered a collaborator because of its excellent and warm strategic relations with the U.S.? Is Jordan a collaborator and a traitor because of its direct relations with Israel? And should the same be applied to Egypt, the land of Arabism?... "It is difficult to get clear answers to these questions, [given] the accumulation of slogans and the traumas the citizens receive from their governments. Thus, the citizen is afflicted with despondency, hopelessness, and terminological confusion like between 'nationalism' and 'collaboration,' or between 'sovereignty' and 'subservience [to foreign powers].' "In this way, talk about sovereignty becomes preferable to attaining the good of the nation and of the citizens. The traumatized citizen does not know that [true] subservience [to foreign powers] is when his children starve and die of illness and become mentally disturbed due to poverty while he walks on a sea of oil! And he doesn't know that [true] independence is improved living standards, good education, and free quality health care... "Let us leave the slogans to those who want to shout them repeatedly, so we can get back the dirhams that were stolen in the name of the slogan with which I opened this article and likewise the dinars that are stolen every day under various designations and terms that are not much different than that slogan. "This is just a call to think, far removed from the slogans and from the political and psychological traumas that the dictatorships produced [in the past] and are still producing, to this day." Endnote: (1) www.elaph.com, November 11, 2008; www.alfayhaa.tv, November 10, 2008. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Dr. Aaron Lerner, November 17, 2008. |
Livni grossly misrepresents deal. "The rules regarding Gaza are clear: If there is quiet and the time is not used [by terrorists] to prepare the next attack, Israel will keep the situation calm. Foreign Minister Livni speaking on 15 November 2008 Livni: We will not hesitate to use force in Gaza if necessary JPost.com Staff, The Jerusalem Post. Nov. 15, 2008 (www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1226404739474&pagename= JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull) Question: Which is worse? A. Livni is so clueless about the agreement that she thinks it does not allow the terrorists to prepare to attack Israel. or B. Livni knows she can get away with misrepresenting an incredibly reckless and irresponsible understanding because she knows that the Israeli media, out of a poisonous combination of support for her and laziness won't point it out. |
IMRA asked Mark Regev, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Foreign Press Adviser, the following question in English, on 19 June 2009 five hours after the "calm understanding" went into effect in the Gaza Strip: Is the manufacture and assembly of rockets prohibited in the Gaza Strip during the calm period and if so is this an actionable violation Israel has the right to act against such activity? Mark Regev called back shortly later with the following statement: The understanding with Egypt talks explicitly about the total cessation of hostile fire from Gaza into Israel and about an arms embargo on Hamas. That's what the agreement explicitly relates to. IMRA: So they can run their rocket production and assembly lines inside the Gaza Strip without it being a violation of the agreement. Regev: Once again. They cannot import any military equipment into Gaza for the production process. IMRA: Right. But whatever they have at hand they can use to manufacture and assemble. Regev: They cannot shoot it. IMRA: They can't shoot it. Very good. Now they can also set up bunkers. They can bring in bulldozers and equipment and set up bunkers lining the border with Israel and build tunnels as long as they don't go through them and as long as they don't shoot from them Right? Regev: They cannot shoot at us. IMRA: They can't shoot but they can do everything else. Regev: That's what the agreement is about. You are correct. IMRA: Thank you very much. Regev: Always a pleasure sir. Dr. Aaron Lerner is Director of IMRA, Independent Media Review and Analysis, an Israel-based news organization which provides an extensive digest of media, polls and significant interviews and events relating to the Israeli-Arab conflict. Its website address is http://www.imra.org.il Write him at imra@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, November 17, 2008. |
This was written by Diana West and it appeared today in Jewish World Review (www.JewishWorldReview.com). |
Let me rephrase the question: Are we as dumb as Obama thinks? Before answering, let me lay out the background that prompts the question. Last spring, back when Hamas, the Muslim-Brotherhood-linked terror group dedicated to the annihilation of Israel through jihad, endorsed the Obama's candidacy, the young Democratic candidate was still assumed to falter when it came to support for Israel, the United States' greatest and most beleaguered ally in the Middle East. Obama may well have rejected Hamas's support, but those were still the days when the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and sidekick Lewis Farrakhan were making at least some news for both their anti-Semitic, anti-white views and their support for Obama. Those were also still the days before Hillary Clinton's ship of state completely foundered and sunk. Obama did a few things to pivot off the Hamas endorsement and his alliance with the Farrakhan-connected Wright, whose church newsletter, don't forget, actually made room for terrorist propaganda by Hamas chieftain Mousa Abu Marzook. Obama spoke of his "unshakeable commitment" to Israel, and when John McCain noted that Obama was Hamas' choice for president, Obama called that fact a "smear" and said McCain had "lost his bearings." Obama also publicly criticized former President Jimmy Carter for meeting, also last spring, with leaders of Hamas, a rancid charade complete with hugs for living terrorists, and red roses for dead ones (at Arafat's grave). Obama declared, "I have a fundamental difference with President Carter and disagree with his decision to meet with Hamas. We must not negotiate with a terrorist group intent on Israel's destruction. We should only sit down with Hamas if they renounce terrorism, recognize Israel's right to exist and abide by past agreements." Well, Hamas hasn't renounced terrorism, recognized Israel's right to exist or abided by past agreements the three conditions for parleying with Hamas as enumerated by the "international community." This week, however, top Hamas adviser Ahmed Yousef the same Hamas official who endorsed Obama last spring revealed to an Arabic newspaper that during the presidential campaign, aides to Obama were already, as Obama might say, "sitting down" with members of the terrorist organization. "We were in contact with a number of Obama's aides through the Internet, and later met with some of them in Gaza, but they advised us not to come out with any statements, as they may have a negative effect on his election campaign," Yousef told the London-based Al-Hayat. According to Yousef, Al-Hayat reported, Hamas's contact with Obama's advisers was "ongoing, adding that he was still on good terms with some of the aides he had befriended while residing in the U.S." How interesting. "While residing in the U.S." that is, before fleeing the country to avoid arrest on terror-related charges in 2005 Yousef worked for the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), a Muslim-Brotherhood-affiliated organization founded by Hamas chieftain Mousa Abu Marzook (the same Marzook whose propaganda appeared in Wright's church newsletter) that served as the political command of Hamas in the United States. Along with an interlocking network of Islamic organizations, the UASR has since been designated by the U.S. government as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial. This raises a fascinating question. Which aides to the next president of the United States might Yousef have "befriended" while "residing in the U.S." - in other words, while Yousef was serving Hamas? One possibility is Robert Malley, the pro-Hamas, Arafat-revering on-again/off-again Obama adviser who heads the Middle East program at the George Soros-funded International Crisis Group (ICG). Last spring, Malley "severed his ties to the Obama campaign," as The New York Times put it, after learning that "the Times of London was preparing to publish an article disclosing direct contacts he had with Hamas." At that time, Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, said: "He has no formal role in the campaign and will not play one in the future." Really? Last month, Forbes.com reported on Malley's October meeting with Syrian strongman Bashar Al-Assad, noting that Syrian government-controlled media which, in one case referred to Malley as "a senior adviser to Barack Obama" reported that discussions included Malley's explanation of "the role ICG would have in briefing the new U.S. administration about Syria's important role in the region." ICG, not incidentally, is home to assorted luminaries of the notably anti-Israel persuasion, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, retired Gen. Wesley Clark (who called U.S. support for Israel's 2006 war against Hezbollah a "serious mistake"), and another on-off Obama adviser, Samantha Powers. Naturally, there's more. This week, Middle East Newsline reported that President-elect Obama recently sent "senior foreign policy adviser" Malley to Egypt and Syria where he "relayed a pledge from Obama that the United States would seek to enhance relations with Cairo as well as reconcile with Damascus." According to an unnamed aide, "The tenor of the messages was that the Obama administration would take into greater account Egyptian and Syrian interests." No denial so far from the Obama administration-in-waiting on this report, which is beginning to bounce around Israeli media. As for the Hamas story about secret contact with Obama aides, an Obama spokesman recently told The Jerusalem Post, "This assertion is just plain false." Time will tell, of course. There is no doubletalk fancy enough to disguise a new era of accommodation of jihad terrorists bent on Israel's and the West's destruction, if that is the era we are heading into. Or is there? This takes me back to my original question: Are we as dumb as Obama thinks we are? I'm afraid really afraid we are. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Ari Bussel, November 17, 2008. |
The focus of Israel's Prime Minister's Conference on Export and International Cooperation held in Jerusalem last week was on Israel's "secret weapon" innovation, with a particular emphasis on water and alternative energies and on the financial crisis which has just started to affect Israel. Much like the United States, Israel is unprepared. It faces a spiraling down effect due to the global financial collapse, all reinforced by the winds of an impeding war now blowing. Only ten days ago most experts and commentators in Israel dismissed the idea that the global financial crisis will ever reach Israel. "The banks are strong, they are solid," it was said, "we did not allow rampant lending." Israel, the superpower, was beyond (or below) reach, it was "immune." This miraculous protection lasted only a few days, exposing those too sure of themselves. The tone then changed drastically, with opposite ways proposed to address the crisis now inevitably affecting rather than skipping Israel: act now or wait and act later when the situation deteriorates even further. One camp claims we need to be ready, but not to use the toolbox at the disposal of the decision makers quite yet. Increased investment in infrastructure projects is urged, and everyone is called to detach themselves from the freeze of inaction due to the upcoming elections in three months' time. Expectations yield a far greater snowball effect than is desired or can be handled, it is argued, resulting in a call for calm in view of the impeding storm. The other camp says that an extreme situation requires immediate, extreme measures. It urges immediate approval of the stalled (the Government is entangled arguing about NIS500m, about $150m). Individuals and small companies, the cells that drive the economy, should be assisted. Any bureaucratic obstacle should immediately be eliminated, and implementation of projects that are in the planning and evaluation stages should be commenced without delay. The first approach seems to mimic the drastic steps taken to counter the Great Depression of 1929. These efforts may be useful long term efforts, but their relevance to the current crisis will prove minimal. Interestingly, it was WWII that diverted all attention to an intense war effort and helped the United States exit the aftermath of the Great Depression. The second approach calls to do the right things that need to be done any way. Eliminate bureaucracy, focus on doing, not bickering, have a long term view rather than a very short one. While necessary, these steps are insufficient to resolve the crisis. Less than two weeks ago we were very sure that the global financial crisis will pass over our heads, leaving us unaffected. The first layoffs and 800 pink slips were an indication of what is to come. Looking back at statements made just days ago, we realize how foolish we were. Let us not make the same mistake with the intensified threats all around us. Lessons from the USA In the United States, just a month ago, Congress rejected at the beginning of the week allocating $700b to a rescue plan, only to approve it at the end of the same week after members of Congress were told that rejecting this emergency funding plan will most likely necessitate activating the National Guard stationed in major cities throughout the USA to ensure peace and order. Given the doomsday scenario; the funding was approved. Two things happened during that week: Initially when there was a public outcry, the value of the Dow Jones Industrial index lost a trillion dollars in one day. [In the weeks that followed, another two to three trillion were wiped off.] So the short term deliberation to save 0.7 trillion cost, at a hand wave of the free market forces, the full sum and then some 40% more. The second interesting occurrence that week was that the approval when finally reached was already discounted by the market that viewed it "insufficient" and wanted more. There was no end for an insatiable hunger, the very same uncontrollable greed which dominated the market for the past several decades. A remedy is not pouring money into the marketplace to quest the thirst of those greedy brokers-banks-corporations that continue to make profits beyond anyone's expectations. After all, it is always Other People's Money on the line, not theirs. What is required is the utter destruction of the system, from its very foundations. We are about to suffer greatly, whichever course of action is followed. Thus, let us follow a path that will enable us to emerge better, leaner, more independent and free for the next century from the same root causes. The remedy is not intended for the virus that controls the body but for the patient. Lacking this course of action, the virus will continue to exist. Who is the patient? You and me, our friends and neighbors, the person answering the phone when we call for service or the teller greeting us at the doctor's office. Our life savings have diminished in value tremendously. Our future income will be taxed to repay all these trillions of "rescue dollars" committed to the benefit of those who brought about the global collapse. Our credit will be cut, stopped, eliminated. What would we do when our credit cards are not honored any more? What is one to do when there is no money for rent and food? Help should be for individuals, family owned and small- and medium size companies. They are the engine that makes the economy go round. They go to work, innovate, create, serve the country. They raise families and take care of their parents and grandparents. They depend on each other. They are us and we are the promise of a better tomorrow. The Price of Gasoline and the Automotive Industry Let us look at two culprits and use the same tools we utilized before: short vs. long term action and action geared at correcting the problem and helping those affected, not at those who created the situation in the first place and are responsible for it. When the price of gas in the USA went from about $1 to $2 we were all chocking. It was prophesized that if the price reaches $2.5, everyone will stop driving. We continued past that ceiling to $3, then $3.5 and $4. When the price reached $4.5 in Los Angeles, people stepped back. Traffic at the center of Los Angeles was still heavy as always, but the freeways were emptier. $4.5 was an upper limit. We transferred our income and savings to the oil companies which kept hording billions in net profits every day. The US bank accounts were transferred en masse to the nations that control the natural reserves of oil and natural gas. Here and there the following notion had surfaced: Every time we filled up a tank of gas, we supported those intent on destroying us, paying for future terrorist activities against the USA. The notion did not leave a lasting impression. Instead of focusing on relieving our dependency on oil, the government was unconcerned. Texas had very close ties with the President, so did the Saudis. The government should have stepped it to nationalize all supply of oil, regulate the "free market forces" which really were neither "market" nor "free," and find alternative sources of energy to lessen our dependency. None was done. Now that the price of oil dropped back to below $60 a barrel, any incentive to follow such a plan dissipated. Another major culprit is the automobile industry. The industry has been announcing losses in the tens of billions per quarter, begging at times, threatening other times, that if it does not receive an immediate injection of tens of billions of dollars, another doomsday scenario will follow. While I think of myself an educated person, I do not know to explain how can a company lose billions per quarter. CLOSE THE COMPANY, AND DO IT NOW. Instead, the automobile industry went to the US Government and asked for more, then more and now even more cash. Is this the solution? Our second lesson teaches it is not. Eliminate those who are power- or money hungry, for in the greed race that cannot be satisfied, they are the cause of the problem. It is the automobile industry that could have taken some "small change," say a few hundred million dollars, and invest this amount into R&D. Alternatives to gasoline were available a hundred years ago and were buried by the automotive industry not-to-see-the-light-of-day. The technologies exist. We must rid ourselves of our dependency on foreign oil and oil in general, and the time to do so has already past, so we live on borrowed time. If money is to be poured (in the form of billion of dollars), let it be used toward a 2008 Manhattan Project. Who knows what we may find or create?!? Paying the Price and Preparing for Hardships of the Near Future Let us be clear: The financial crisis will affect every one of us, wherever we are. We must get ready now. People who have no jobs cannot afford to drive and have no money to pay for basic necessities such as food, medicine, basic clothing and a roof over their heads. These people are us, and we have to prepare now to take care of ourselves in the months and years to come. These would be very difficult times, but we will find the strength from within to face the challenges and prevail. The pioneering spirit of the United States will once again surface, and working together, we will emerge a better society, victorious. The time to start preparing is now, saving every penny of all these billions which are being thrown around as if there is a never-ending stream, abundance of cheap money. Our focus will have to be on two segments of the population: those who cannot take care of themselves and those that need to be taught so they can continue and become our future. Education will have to be revamped, reworked, recreated. Basic knowledge, basic values, all that has been ignored, forgotten or not properly taught will have to come into being again, and we will prevail there is no other choice. The financial crisis, a result of the complete collapse of responsibility at all levels the personal, corporate and Wall Street has now affected all those who participated in the decades-long orgy. The time to pay the dues has arrived. It was not that many years ago that business schools throughout the USA started teaching ethics in the workplace. The trigger was a pointed finger at their graduates who were so blind sighted by money and power, they forgot the most basic ethics. Too little, too late, as it was the very same business schools who failed to produce responsible managers in the first place. GREED was the driving force and when accompanied with NO RESPONSIBILITY, it thrived. Continuing to feed this cycle is the wrong way to go. Israel Closing a Full Circle In such trying times, either we find an inner strength as a society to protect the dignity of human beings, or we would lose semblance of humanity and become animals. When people hurt, animalistic tendencies surface, resulting in hatred, racism and bigotry becoming rampant. With these, anti-Semitism already strong and flourishing will explode, attacking Jews throughout the world. We close a full circle and return to the Jewish Homeland, Israel, the only home and shelter for the Jews. Israel, the World's Compass, the constant focus of the World's attention, fulfills many purposes. Its role as a safe haven must not be minimized. It is the one place held to a higher standard because we deal with it all the time, from the Los Angeles Times front page articles every morning through associating it with anything that happens around the world. Israel is more than a country, it is an idea of a better time, of a far away place of science and technology and literature and arts and music, of miracles not yet fathomed and history that binds humanity. Israel, thus, is an idea that is cherished and hated simultaneously. Israel is us, a light for the nations. It must be protected and it must prevail. As a doomsday scenario is fast approaching, the storm forces are gathering, the first to suffer will be the weak, then the Jews. As we close the first decade of the 21st Century, with a modern State of Israel, we must realize the importance of a strong Israel, to itself, to the Jews of the Diaspora and to the world. Then we must do all we can to protect it, thus protecting ourselves. Reporting from Israel,
Contact Ari Bussel at aribussel@gmail.com and visit his website:
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 17, 2008. |
FIND HEBREW WRITING FROM KING DAVID'S TIME A letter about government, in primitive Hebrew, was found on a shard near the Elah Valley, site of the David-and-Goliath encounter. It was written more than 3,000 years ago, at the time of King David (Arutz-7, 10/31). NORWAY FINANCES P.A. JEW-HATE To avoid P.A. embezzlement, Norway directly finances the P.A. media, controlled by Abbas, himself. Norway's Foreign Minister said that this media rarely broadcasts bigotry against Israel, and that the P.A. seeks peace with Israel. Palestinian Media Watch finds P.A. incitement against Israel at its peak. That media almost constantly denies Israel's existence and defames the Jewish people. Hundreds of maps in the newspapers and on TV label Israel's cities, such as Haifa and Safed, "occupied." This year, P.A. newspapers glorified every murderer of Jews as a "martyr." Dozens of shows, especially children's programs, deny Israel's existence. [The people accept their indoctrination. Then how can they be called innocent and peace-loving?] Here are some examples. "PA officials and others have been quoted in official Fatah-controlled media accusing Israel of deliberately infecting Arabs with AIDS, of spreading drugs within Arab areas, of murdering babies and planning to destroy the Al-Aksa mosque located on the Temple Mount. " P.A. newspapers accused "Israeli settlers of bringing cases full of rats to Jerusalem's Old City and releasing them in Arab neighborhoods. The rats are unusually large and ferocious, and are immune to poison. The idea is, to "force Arabs from Jerusalem." [How could Jews move in? The rats would spread, too!] "Two P.A. newspapers and TV accused "Zionists of lining Arabs up in front of death pits and shooting them, of burning Arabs alive, of forcing Arabs to work in labor camps and of running a Nazi death-camp type 'selection' in which Arabs were chosen for death or deportation." No evidence presented (Arutz-7, 10/31). Of course not, it's fabricated to make the Israelis seem like Nazis. TERRORIST RUNS FOR ISRAELI CITY COUNCIL A woman served a prison sentence for failing to inform authorities of a terrorist attack. Belonging to the cell, she had helped suggest civilian targets. Her term ended, she is running for the City Council of Sakhnin, in Israel. She declares herself proved capable of handling herself [as a terrorist.] Her Party, Hadash, thinks recommending targets for terrorism is commendable (IMRA, 11/1). Terrorists should lose their citizens' and residency rights. PERES: IGNORE REALITY He recently said, ""Peace is like love. In order to love you must close your eyes and open your heart." He made the same statement other times. He does close his eyes to the reality of Islamic Jew-hate (IMRA, 11/1). So does the Israeli government. While it closes its eyes, its people get murdered. HOW THE ARABS CAN AFFORD ARMS Russia has canceled billions of dollars of Libyan debt to it, in return for Libya's promise to buy Russian arms. Libya hasn't bought any yet, but it offered its space as a port for the Russian Navy (IMRA, 11/1). Russia canceled billions of dollars of Syrian debt, and now sells arms to Syria. When Syria was heavily in debt, short-sighted Israeli strategists cited that debt and Syria's poor economy as the basis for declaring Syria no longer a strategic menace to Israel. Dr. Aaron Lerner said that conditions change, the strategists were myopic. He was right. The US canceled Egypt's multi-billion dollar debt to it, though it was an aggressor (but not Israel's). It has given Egypt $60 billion, with which Egypt built a first class military. With that $60 billion, we could have had enough troops in Iraq. Iran arms Hizbullah, if not also Syria. S. Arabia has transferred some of its arms to other Arab states. All for a primitive ideology of warfare that the planet cannot sustain. EARLY ZIONISTS ON THE LOCAL ARABS The anti-Zionist "new historians" quote some Zionists' dairies out of context to make it seem that they wanted to expel the Arabs. In the Middle East Quarterly, Prof. Judea Pearl quotes in context and fully from early Zionist pamphlets and public speeches on the subject by Ben-Gurion, Jabotinsky, Sokolov, and Chaim Weizmann. They said that the Arabs must be respected and not ejected. Ben-Gurion chided a European Jew who thought the Arabs should be deported (MEForum, 10/31). But the Arabs rejected living in peace with the Jews. They tried and still try to expel and exterminate the Jews. Therefore, the well-meaning tolerance of the early Zionists has been proved counter-productive. It must be abandoned, both for Jewish survival and for preservation of Jewish self-determination and sovereignty. It is time to get the Arabs out of the country. LIVNI PROTESTS DECISION TO LET OLMERT NEGOTIATE Israeli law supposedly forbids interim regimes from making basic commitments. What is more basic than negotiating territorial give-away for the hope of peace? Nevertheless, the Attorney-General ruled that this law does not apply to negotiation. Foreign Min. Livni, who hopes to replace PM Olmert after the coming elections, protested against the Attorney-General's ruling. She wants to arrange the give-away, herself (IMRA, 11/2). The solution is simple. She and MK Netanyahu should declare themselves not bound by concessions of a government that so lost national confidence as to have to resign under threat of indictments. POOR ASSESSMENT OF P.A. FORCES An update on the status of P.A. forces in Judea-Samaria dealt with Israel's goal for it and only one of the risks those forces pose to Israel. The update found that the P.A. forces reduced ordinary crime but did not root out terrorism. Rooting out terrorism is the goal of the Road Map and Oslo. Arming the P.A. poses the risk of those arms falling into the hands of Hamas terrorists. The assessment omits the other major risk. That is the risk of the P.A. directing those forces against Israel. Abbas has warned that if he doesn't get what he wants from negotiations, those forces that Israel authorized and the US trained and armed would turn those arms on Israel. He demands what would destroy Israel, so he is not likely to get what he wants. That means war (IMRA, 11/1). Most P.A. troops are terrorists. Their arms already are in the hands of terrorists. DIPLOMATS TO SAIL TO GAZA? The travel agents seeking to break Israel's blockade of Gaza, announced intent to bring a shipload of diplomats there (IMRA, 11/1). After Israel let three ships through, anti-Israel diplomats find Israel too afraid to stop anybody, so they are going, too. Israel needs a pro-Israel policy. WHAT DO MUSLIMS THINK OF THE U.S.? A Saudi prince claims that most Muslims believe that the US wants to destroy Islam (IMRA, 11/2). Do they? How do they adopt such nonsense? America doesn't defend itself enough from the Islamists, aids terrorists in P.A., etc.. ISRAEL TIED UP IN SEMI-CIVIL WAR? The Israeli Left is demanding detention of right-wingers for non-existent, exaggerated, or provocateurs' threats. The exaggeration is used to defame all settlers and religious Jews. The Left gives almost no outrage nor coverage for an Arab party that nominated a terrorist as candidate and praised her for having identified where terrorists could bomb the most Israelis (IMRA, 11/2). The Left started by setting thugs on right-wing opponents, sabotaged the escape of Soviet Jewry, informed on Jewish rebels who helped end British occupation, destroyed Moroccan immigrants' tie to Judaism, and appeases the Arab enemy. It monopolizes the media and uses dictatorial tactics and defamation. ISRAELI ELECTION CAMPAIGN Foreign Min. Livni calls the election a referendum on negotiations. She declined to specify the basic goals of her negotiations. How are voters supposed to vote in a referendum without being offered choices? Many prominent figures are running in Likud primaries (IMRA, 11/3). They must sense victory. LEFT'S DOUBLE STANDARD Israeli law forbids a transition government from undertaking significant action. Thus the Supreme Court recently ruled that caretaker PM Olmert may not appoint judges. Attorney-Gen. Mazuz, however, ruled that Olmert may negotiate the cession of the Golan Heights and Israel's water supply there. Mazuz rationalized that appointing judges is legal action, whereas negotiating is political and therefore permitted. [Why?] This is a double standard. The Left, including Mazuz, permits anything that advances its agenda of appeasement of the Arabs or of multi-culturalism, etc.. When outgoing PM Netanyahu closed the illegal PLO office in Jerusalem, he was enforcing the law, taking a legal action, but the Supreme Court issued an injunction against him. That is because his action was contrary to leftist ideology of appeasement. Never mind the law, the Left puts appeasement first. "...the Left uses the rhetoric of democracy not to advance liberal norms and the rule of law in society but to destroy them both in the interest of advancing the Left's political interests." Education Min. Tamir champions women's rights, but refuses to criticize Arab clitoridectomy as barbaric, because she puts multi-culturalism first. Likewise, the US Left, including other women, criticized Gov. Palin over her femininity, just like sexists. They abandoned feminist values in order to oppose the Republican. Wasn't there enough to discuss about her record in Alaska? (Caroline Glick in IMRA, 11/3.) Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Steven Plaut, November 17, 2008. |
Getting tired of Moslems who claim there was never a Jewish Temple up on the Temple Mount? Who insist that all the Jews are just Khazar interlopers and that Jesus was a Palestinian Arab? Or the self-hating Tel Aviv University professors who claim the Jews have never been a people, unlike the Palestinians, who go back to the Jebussites? Well, sit back and watch the fireworks! Read about the Moslem scholar who insists Mohammed never existed! It will be fascinating to see how the Islamists, always fond of Holocaust Denial, react when a Moslem scholar engages in Mohammed Denial! This article below was written by Andrew Higgins November 15, 2008 From the Wall Street Journal Almut Schoenfeld in Berlin contributed to this article. Write to Andrew Higgins at andrew.higgins@wsj.com Professor Hired for Outreach to Muslims Delivers a Jolt Islamic Theologian's Theory: It's Likely the Prophet Muhammad Never Existed |
MUNSTER, Germany Muhammad Sven Kalisch, a Muslim convert and Germany's first professor of Islamic theology, fasts during the Muslim holy month, doesn't like to shake hands with Muslim women and has spent years studying Islamic scripture. Islam, he says, guides his life. So it came as something of a surprise when Prof. Kalisch announced the fruit of his theological research. His conclusion: The Prophet Muhammad probably never existed. Theology Without Muhammad Read a translated excerpt from "Islamic Theology Without the Historic Muhammad Comments on the Challenges of the Historical-Critical Method for Islamic Thinking" by Professor Kalisch. Muslims, not surprisingly, are outraged. Even Danish cartoonists who triggered global protests a couple of years ago didn't portray the Prophet as fictional. German police, worried about a violent backlash, told the professor to move his religious-studies center to more-secure premises. "We had no idea he would have ideas like this," says Thomas Bauer, a fellow academic at Munster University who sat on a committee that appointed Prof. Kalisch. "I'm a more orthodox Muslim than he is, and I'm not a Muslim." When Prof. Kalisch took up his theology chair four years ago, he was seen as proof that modern Western scholarship and Islamic ways can mingle and counter the influence of radical preachers in Germany. He was put in charge of a new program at Munster, one of Germany's oldest and most respected universities, to train teachers in state schools to teach Muslim pupils about their faith. Muslim leaders cheered and joined an advisory board at his Center for Religious Studies. Politicians hailed the appointment as a sign of Germany's readiness to absorb some three million Muslims into mainstream society. But, says Andreas Pinkwart, a minister responsible for higher education in this north German region, "the results are disappointing." Prof. Kalisch, who insists he's still a Muslim, says he knew he would get in trouble but wanted to subject Islam to the same scrutiny as Christianity and Judaism. German scholars of the 19th century, he notes, were among the first to raise questions about the historical accuracy of the Bible. Many scholars of Islam question the accuracy of ancient sources on Muhammad's life. The earliest biography, of which no copies survive, dated from roughly a century after the generally accepted year of his death, 632, and is known only by references to it in much later texts. But only a few scholars have doubted Muhammad's existence. Most say his life is better documented than that of Jesus. Sven Muhammad Kalish "Of course Muhammad existed," says Tilman Nagel, a scholar in Gottingen and author of a new book, "Muhammad: Life and Legend." The Prophet differed from the flawless figure of Islamic tradition, Prof. Nagel says, but "it is quite astonishing to say that thousands and thousands of pages about him were all forged" and there was no such person. All the same, Prof. Nagel has signed a petition in support of Prof. Kalisch, who has faced blistering criticism from Muslim groups and some secular German academics. "We are in Europe," Prof. Nagel says. "Education is about thinking, not just learning by heart." Prof. Kalisch's religious studies center recently removed a sign and erased its address from its Web site. The professor, a burly 42-year-old, says he has received no specific threats but has been denounced as apostate, a capital offense in some readings of Islam. "Maybe people are speculating that some idiot will come and cut off my head," he said during an interview in his study. A few minutes later, an assistant arrived in a panic to say a suspicious-looking digital clock had been found lying in the hallway. Police, called to the scene, declared the clock harmless. A convert to Islam at age 15, Prof. Kalisch says he was drawn to the faith because it seemed more rational than others. He embraced a branch of Shiite Islam noted for its skeptical bent. After working briefly as a lawyer, he began work in 2001 on a postdoctoral thesis in Islamic law in Hamburg, to go through the elaborate process required to become a professor in Germany. The Sept. 11 attacks in the U.S. that year appalled Mr. Kalisch but didn't dent his devotion. Indeed, after he arrived at M.nster University in 2004, he struck some as too conservative. Sami Alrabaa, a scholar at a nearby college, recalls attending a lecture by Prof. Kalisch and being upset by his doctrinaire defense of Islamic law, known as Sharia. In private, he was moving in a different direction. He devoured works questioning the existence of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Then "I said to myself: You've dealt with Christianity and Judaism but what about your own religion? Can you take it for granted that Muhammad existed?" He had no doubts at first, but slowly they emerged. He was struck, he says, by the fact that the first coins bearing Muhammad's name did not appear until the late 7th century six decades after the religion did. He traded ideas with some scholars in Saarbr.cken who in recent years have been pushing the idea of Muhammad's nonexistence. They claim that "Muhammad" wasn't the name of a person but a title, and that Islam began as a Christian heresy. Prof. Kalisch didn't buy all of this. Contributing last year to a book on Islam, he weighed the odds and called Muhammad's existence "more probable than not." By early this year, though, his thinking had shifted. "The more I read, the historical person at the root of the whole thing became more and more improbable," he says. He has doubts, too, about the Quran. "God doesn't write books," Prof. Kalisch says. Some of his students voiced alarm at the direction of his teaching. "I began to wonder if he would one day say he doesn't exist himself," says one. A few boycotted his lectures. Others sang his praises. Prof. Kalisch says he "never told students 'just believe what Kalisch thinks' " but seeks to teach them to think independently. Religions, he says, are "crutches" that help believers get to "the spiritual truth behind them." To him, what matters isn't whether Muhammad actually lived but the philosophy presented in his name. This summer, the dispute hit the headlines. A Turkish-language German newspaper reported on it with gusto. Media in the Muslim world picked up on it. Germany's Muslim Coordinating Council withdrew from the advisory board of Prof. Kalisch's center. Some Council members refused to address him by his adopted Muslim name, Muhammad, saying that he should now be known as Sven. German academics split. Michael Marx, a Quran scholar at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, warned that Prof. Kalisch's views would discredit German scholarship and make it difficult for German scholars to work in Muslim lands. But Ursula Spuler-Stegemann, an Islamic studies scholar at the University of Marburg, set up a Web site called solidaritymuhammadkalisch.com and started an online petition of support. Alarmed that a pioneering effort at Muslim outreach was only stoking antagonism, M.nster University decided to douse the flames. Prof. Kalisch was told he could keep his professorship but must stop teaching Islam to future school teachers. The professor says he's more determined than ever to keep probing his faith. He is finishing a book to explain his thoughts. It's in English instead of German because he wants to make a bigger impact. "I'm convinced that what I'm doing is necessary. There must be a free discussion of Islam," he says. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Jake Levi, November 17, 2008. |
This is by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu and it appeared in Arutz-7 (IsraelNationalNews.com). |
With a bitter history of the expulsion of Jews from the Gaza and northern Samaria regions three years ago and the violent expulsion of residents from Amona two years ago, nationalists warned they will stand against all force aimed at evicting Peace House residents. Leaders have called on backers to protect the Peace House in Hevron "with their own bodies" to prevent the government from carrying out a High Court ruling Sunday ordering the expulsion of more than 20 families. The court rejected evidence that Jews bought the building and said all residents must leave until the issue is settled in a civil court. Slamming the court for carrying out a leftist agenda while totally ignoring evidence that the building was legally bought, a coordinating committee decided Sunday night to encourage more families, including public figures, to join the families in the large structure. "Rabbi Eliezer Waldman of the Nir Yeshiva called upon all rabbis to come and defend Beit HaShalom with their own bodies. Other rabbis joined Rabbi Waldman in his urgent call," the committee stated. Among additional families moving into the Peace House, located on the road from Kiryat Arba to Hevron, is Knesset Member Rabbi Nissim Zev (Shas), according to the committee. The High Court gave the residents three days to move out, but Hevron leaders estimate no action will be taken until next week because of the presence of thousands of Jews expected this week for the Sabbath when Jews around the world recite the portion of the Torah that begins with the legal purchase of the Cave of the Patriarchs by Abraham. Several people have said police will be involved in all-out war if they try to carry out the High Court ruling, and Hevron spokesman Noam Arnon said he will ask outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to intervene and prevent violence. Micha'el Ben-Horin, an IDF officer with two sons who are commando soldiers, warned that that any expulsion attempt will bring with it "violence, hatred, polarization and a weakening of the IDF." He said he personally would escort the Peace House residents out of the buildings if the government were to uphold High Court rulings that Jews can pray on the Temple Mount. Hevron leaders condemned the court decision as being part of an agenda to act against nationalists while ignoring incitement against them by leaders who oppose a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria. Initial reports by the Israeli media indicated a campaign against nationalists would continue, and Voice of Israel government radio said that statements against the High Court, calling it a "High Brothel" and "High Court of Sodom," are incitement. Media commentators also recalled the murder of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, who was assassinated by Herzliya resident Yigal Amir. They are portraying nationalists as disregarding the law. However, surveys have shown a continued dwindling faith by Israel in the court and political system, which has been accused of prejudice and bias. The committee for defending the Peace House will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Kiryat Arba Sports Hall. Leaders of the Hevron community who are in the United States have cancelled their plans to appear the annual Hevron dinner and are returning to Israel in order to help organize support aganst the court ruling. HEVRON HOUSE BUYER VOWS TO FIGHT FOR RIGHTS
(IsraelNN.com) For the first time, the buyer of the Hevron building from which the government wishes to throw out the Jews speaks out. In this exclusive footage, Morris Abraham speaks from his Brooklyn home, with interviewer David Wilder of the Hevron Jewish Community. The money changes hands; what about the property? Can't see player above? Click here for the exclusive interview. Condensed transcript: Wilder: "You purchased Beit HaShalom in Hevron with your family five years ago, and now we're being threatened with expulsion. What do you intend to do?" Abraham: "We will continue to fight the government officials, who are illegally throwing us out of our home. We have presented documents, and video recordings showing the payments to the Arab owner for the home, and cassette tapes of the Arab owner saying that he received all the money for the home, and that he has begun to fix it up for us. We will continue to fight for our legal rights for our home. We won't allow the government to throw us out; my family members were thrown out already once before, in 1929 by the Arabs [after the murderous pogrom], and this time we won't allow it. Anywhere in the free world, people are allowed to live in their home and this is certainly true in our homeland of Israel, where our forefather Abraham bought the land close to 4,000 years ago." Contact Jake Levi at jlevi_us@yahoolcom |
Posted by David Wilder, November 16, 2008. |
This coming Shabbat we read in the weekly Torah portion how Abraham purchased Ma'arat HaMachpela for 400 silver shekels (in today's term's, about $750,000). The story is told in the Bible in great detail how Abraham haggled with Efron the Hittite and finally bought the double cave to bury there his wife Sarah. What if...? What if Abraham had lived today in the 21st century? Abraham cannot reach out directly to Efron. If Efron knew that Abraham the Ivri the first Jew, wanted to buy his land, he would refuse outright, knowing that the punishment for selling to a Jew is instant death by the hands of the country's elders. So, Abraham approaches Fony the Hittite, pays him a lot of money, and asks him to be a go-between, to purchase the caves for him. Of course, after raising the price a few times, Fony the Hittite agrees. He then approaches Efron with an offer that cannot be refused: 400 silver shekels for a dungeon, a cave, and some of the property around it. Efron jumps at the offer and taking the money, finds his way to his cave to count the cash, making sure he didn't get ripped off. Unknown to him, a secret camera from the roof of the cave films his greedy act. Being satisfied that the money is in order, he returns to sign the contract with Fony the Hittite. This act is also filmed, just for the history books. Fony takes the contract and films to Abraham, who can now announce the funeral plans for his dearly departed wife. A few hours later the procession begins. The casket is followed by Abraham and Isaac and thousands of others who respected this righteous woman. Unknown to them, others, from the IIA (Israelite Intelligence Agency) have infiltrated the crowd and too are taking part in the mourner's ceremony. As Abraham reaches the cave, a few hundred black-uniformed special security forces jump out from behind the rocks, trees and bushes. "STOP," they scream! "You have no permission to enter the caves of Machpela. They do not belong to you!" Abraham, having some experience with these kinds of people, pulls out the contract and films, sets up his laptop, and screens the transactions, saying, "you see I really did buy the caves they belong to me!" The IIA forces aren't taken by surprise. The head honcho dials quickly and within moments a panel of Hittite judges have taken their seats in front of the caves, blocking the entrance, waiting to hear the case before them. The IIA forces call on Efron: Did you sell this cave to Abraham? Efron: Of course not. Abraham calls to G-d and says: Now it's Your turn. G-d takes the stand. The judges huddle and whisper hurriedly to each other. A few moments later they announce: We reject Abraham's testimony and that of G-d. We are the highest force on earth. Even G-d must obey us. The caves must stay with Efron. Abraham may not bury Sarah there. He must leave immediately. Take the body and go. Abraham shrugs at G-d, looks at his son, and they all turn around and walk away. The caves of Machpela remain with Efron, and Sarah remains unburied. That's the way it probably would have been had Abraham lived today. Morris Abraham, the righteous Jew who purchased Beit HaShalom with his father Mickey, told me this morning: "We will not be driven out of our home a 2nd time. We were expelled by the Arabs and the British in 1929 my family was forced to leave its home in Hebron. We will not be exiled again, again expelled from Hebron, this time by the Israeli government. Just as Abraham purchased Ma'arat HaMachpela almost 4,000 years ago, so too did we, the Abraham family, buy property in Hebron. It was all done legally. We have the documents, the videos and the recordings. It belongs to us, and we will live there!" With the help of G-d. The judges, the attorney general, the defense minister, whatever they may think, are not above G-d, and justice will win out. It may take some more time butBeit HaShalom will be ours. Without any doubt! See interview with Morris Abraham:
Emergency Assembly TOMORROW Tuesday, 20 Cheshvan, November 18, Sports Auditorium in Kiryat Arba CALL ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND ASK THEM TO PLEASE COME!! AND OF COURSE FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO ABSOLUTELY EVERYBODY! Attending: Knesset Members from Ichud Leumi, Kadima, Yadhut haTorah and Shas: MKs Uri Ariel; Otniel Shneller, Menachem Porush, Nissim Zeev. Kol haKavod to MK Nissim Zeev from Shas whose family is moving into Bet HaShalom for the duration!! Attending: Rav Lior, Rabbi of Kiryat Arba; Rav Waldman, Rosh Yeshivat Nir;Rabbi Levinger, founder of Hebron Jewish Community, Tzvi Katsover and Malachi Levinger, Outgoing Mayor and Mayor Elect of Kiryat Arba; Daniella Weiss; Noam Arnon and more. Egged bus 160 from Jerusalem will leave Central bus Station at 6:20pm, 6:40pm and 7:00pm A bus will leave Efrat at 7:30pm by reservation only: 0505500834 or 02-9931484 Background: The Israeli Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the residents of Bet HaShalom in Hebron have three days to evacuate their legally purchased homes. For thousands of years, Jews have bought houses and fields in Eretz Yisrael even the Ottoman Empire didn't deny them that basic right. It has taken a post-Zionist, post-Oslo Israeli government working hand in hand with a hopelessly politicized judicial system to adopt a racist policy of preventing Jews from buying and holding property in the Jewish homeland. The rights of the Jewish People in Hebron are not subject to debate. They are eternal rights that are thousands of years old. Whoever denies Jews the right to buy property in Hebron, weakens their rights everywhere in the Land of Israel. The struggle over Beit HaShalom is:
The battle over Beit HaShalom is therefore the battle of every Jew. ENDORSING: Jewish Community of Hebron Kiryat Arba Hevron Municipality- Bet Hashalom residents- Loyalists of Eretz Israel- Chomesh Tehilla- Women in Green- HaMateh leHatsalat HaAm VeHaarets- Youth for Land of Israel- Sanhedrin- Mateh Shabbat Chaye Sarah- Virashtem Ota- Mattot Arim- Committee for Eretz Israel- Gush Katif expellees- Nahalal Forum David Wilder is spokesman of The Jewish Community of Hebron. You can contribute directly in Israel to The Jewish Community of Hebron, POB 105, Kiryat Arba-Hebron 90100, email: hebron@hebron.org.il or phone: 972-52-431-7055. In USA, write to The Hebron Fund, 1760 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11230, email: hebronfund@aol.com or phone: 718 677 6886. |
Posted by Irving Kalet, November 16, 2008. |
I am attaching a "Letter to the Editor" which I wrote to the newspaper, "Haaretz", here in Israel (where I live).This letter appeared in the English Edition of Haaretz on 22 December 2003. It is the letter, as originally printed in Haaretz. I would add a lot more to it today but the basic idea is there. As mentioned in the original letter I believe that the question of the Arabs of Israel is the issue that almost all politiicans on both sides of the political spectrum in Israel, are afraid to talk about in public. However, it is a major question in Israel and has been one for sixty years. I hoped to open up a real discussion of the issue, at that time. I think that the question of the Arabs of Israel, and their relationship to the State of Israel, is still one of the major issues facing Israel, more so today, after a number of events in the past few years. I am submitting my article for publication on your website with the hope of getting some honest discussion going. Thanking you in advance
In all of the left-wing suggestions for peace agreements, the final result is a Palestinian state, which is almost 100 percent Palestinian, and a Jewish state which at the moment has at best a Jewish population of about 80 percent. And almost every serious demographic prediction says that this percentage will become substantially smaller in the near future. I might mention that the percentage of Jews and Palestinian Arabs has remained almost the same within the Green Line since the creation of the State of Israel, 55 years ago, despite the aliyah of millions of Jews. The Israeli right-wing suggestion that somehow we can continue to exist as a democratic Jewish country with another 2,000,000 Palestinian Arabs under our control is untenable. But, so is a withdrawal to the pre-1967 borders which leaves Israel as a country which will lose its overwhelming Jewish majority in our children's lifetime. Furthermore, our policy for the past 55 years towards the problem of the large Palestinian Arab minority within the Green Line has been based on contradictions, which are irresolvable unless we become a binational country. I do not have to go into all of the problems, but just two of them are enough to demonstrate the contradictions. First, how can any proud Palestinian Arab sing "Hatikva"? Second, how can Israel, as a democratic country with mandatory military service, allow a 20 percent minority of its citizens not to serve in its defense forces, because this minority group identifies with an enemy, one of whose goals has been to kill Jewish citizens of our country? The question is, how do we solve the problem mentioned above, with a minimum of human suffering? We, in the near future, under either a bilateral agreement or a unilateral act, are about to "transfer" tens of thousands of Jews from the West Bank back into "Israel." For example, the Geneva Accord leads to a number which is close to 100,000. The amount of human suffering which will be involved in this movement can only be imagined. And yet many of us, including myself, believe that if this "transfer" will somehow improve our situation, then it should be done. However, paradoxically, a similar move, of even a small number of Arabs, would be looked upon as inhuman, by many within Israel and certainly by many who live outside of Israel. My proposal is that we return to the idea of partition, but "political partition," meaning that the Palestinian Arabs presently living in Israel physically remain here, but that they become citizens, along with the other Palestinians, of the new Palestinian state, which will eventually arise in the West Bank and Gaza. Unlike the Jews in the West Bank, the Arabs presently living in Israel will not have to "physically" move, but they will no longer be citizens of the State of Israel. They will have political autonomy within the State of Israel. But, they will vote in Palestine. They will control their own local life education, health, sanitation and so on. But, Bialik or other Israeli writers will not have to be part of their educational system, if so desired; Hebrew will not have to be studied, if so desired; and the flag of Israel and the national anthem of Israel will no longer have to be their flag and their national anthem. Let us all try to be honest, both Arabs and Jews, and try to redefine ourselves and our national ambitions in such a manner, so that the national aspirations of both sides are satisfied. Contact Professor Kalet at kalet@bezeqint.net |
Posted by Jake Levi, November 16, 2008. |
This comes from Ruth Matar, Nadia Matar and Anita Finkelstein (omen in Green). who write: As we are writing this email, we have been told that the Supreme Court has announced its decision regarding Bet Hashalom in Hebron: despite the fact that the Jews brought all the proofs necessary to prove that Bet Hashalom was properly and legally bought, the Israeli Supreme Court has ordered to evict the Jewish legal owners. The Jewish residents have three days to leave willingly, otherwise the government will evacuate them by force. |
During a century of Zionist history, the Left has gone to great lengths to prevent the Right from attaining leadership. The leftist factions generally utilized a two-pronged strategy to defeat their political opponents: by labeling their victims as public enemies, they justified their physical persecution. They kidnapped, tortured, beat, and murdered men on the Right and then congratulated themselves for their crimes. The Murder of Da-Haan Leftist violence started with verbal followed by physical attacks on leaders of the farmer communities of the First and Second Aliyah by workers of the left. It continued with the extradition of the Nili underground espionage network and with the failed murder attempt of the "Hashomer" organization on Yosef Lishanski, one of the Nili leaders. There were other political assassinations, such as the murder of chareidi politician Dr. Israel Da-Haan in Jerusalem in 1924 by Haganah commanders in Jerusalem led by Avraham Tehomi. Commanders of the Haganah also stole weapons from the warehouses of the rival "Haganah Leumit" organization. Vicious Attacks Against Beitar Members A new level of organized thuggery was reached with the savage beatings of Beitar Movement members all over the country by "Plugot HaPoel" groups belonging to the Histadrut. A typical attack took place during Passover of 1933, when hundreds of men armed with clubs and metal bars fell upon a group of Beitar youth, aged 12 to 14. Twenty-four children, some of them badly wounded, were hospitalized. The Arlozorov Blood Libel In June 1933, Zionist leader Dr. Chaim Arlozorov was murdered. Three innocent men, Abba Achimeir, Avraham Stavsky, and Meir Rosenblatt, were charged with the crime when their only real crime was their membership in Beitar. Kidnappings, Torture, and the Murder of Eliyahu Shlomi The war against the Revisionists continued in 1939 with the kidnapping and torture of Irgun men. The attacks climaxed with an attack by hundreds of thugs on a Beitar camp in Hertzliya on August 18, 1940. Eliyahu Shlomi was murdered and seven of his friends were wounded. The Small Saison In April of 1942, a new red line was crossed. The Shai, the intelligence service of the Haganah, organized a manhunt in which dozens of Lechi fighters were kidnapped, cruelly tortured, and finally extradited to the British. This ugly operation was called "The Small Saison (hunting season)." The Big Saison Between November 1944 and January 1945, the "anti-terrorist unit" of the Haganah kidnapped, tortured, and handed over about 200 Irgun fighters to the British. Most of the men were expelled to holding camps in Africa. The man responsible for this operation, called "The Big Saison," was David Ben-Gurion. The operation's commanders were Yigal Alon followed by Shimon Avidan. Sadistic interrogators under the command of David Shaltiel beat and tortured their prisoners with terrible brutality. Irgun commander Ya'akov Tavin was held in a barn in Ein Harod for six months, handcuffed to a bed, where he was forced to defecate and urinate. Before interrogations he was sprayed with hoses; during interrogations the nails of his fingers and toes were torn out, his limbs were scorched with white-hot metal, and other horrors too graphic to describe were perpetrated. Teddy Kollek the Collaborator In the years that followed, the Haganah continued to hand over Jewish fighters to the British and to sabotage Irgun operations. Teddy Kollek, who liasoned with the British in his capacity of Jewish Agency communications officer, was a prominent collaborator. The Haganah led the British to the hiding place of the Lehi fighters Menachem Luntz and Shabtai Druker in Moshav Yavne'el on April 6, 1943. The fighters were surrounded and fought bravely to their death. The Second Small Saison Acts of kidnapping and torture continued in 1947 ("The Second Small Saison"). On January 11, 1948, two Irgun fighters, Yedidya Segal and Moshe Levi, were kidnapped in Haifa. Yedidya was brutally tortured to death by men of the special forces of the Haganah. Moshe Levi was injected with dangerous chemicals meant to act as a "truth serum" that irreversibly damaged his health. He was released after the murder of Yedidya Segal was exposed. On April 8, 1948, twelve Irgun men sent to reinforce Mishmar Hayarden were attacked next to Ginnosar by a Palmach force of 100 men. They were savagely beaten and their weapons were confiscated. Mishmar Hayarden was left with no reinforcements, helping the Syrians to conquer the moshav later in the war. The Altalena Massacre In June 1948, the newly formed provisional government of Israel ordered the newly established Israeli Defense Forces to open fire on the Altalena, an Irgun ship carrying 900 immigrants, including Holocaust survivors, and arms to fight the battle of Jerusalem. Most of the immigrants barely managed to jump from the ship before it was blown up off the shore of Tel Aviv. Senior Palmach commander Yitzchak Rabin gave the order to open fire. Aside from bombing the ammo-heavy ship with cannons, sniper fire was directed at people in the water who were trying to reach land from the burning ship. Sixteen Irgun men were murdered in the attack, and hundreds of Jewish volunteers coming to Israel to fight the Arab enemy were arrested and humiliated. Murdered by the Shai During the War of Independence, two Irgun men were murdered without trial by the Shai, the Haganah's intelligence branch. They were suspected of unintentionally killing Haganah men in an operation against the British in 1947. The Irgun men were fighting as soldiers in the 3rd and 9th Brigades of the united Israeli army. While battling the Arab enemy, they were shot in the back to make it appear that they were killed in combat. After the Creation of the State Unfortunately, once the State came into being, the dominant Mapai party did not call for national reconciliation and unity. Instead, the Left's suppression of the Right moved from physical violence to civil and social discrimination. In the 50's, Irgun and Lehi fighters were prosecuted, ostracized, and banned from employment or advancement in many areas of public life. It was difficult for them to find jobs, and they were barred from joining the security forces. The Kastner Blood Libel The Shai created fictitious underground organizations so they could cook up new blood libels against the Right. When Israel Kastner was murdered by agents of the Shai on March 4, 1957, the murder was pinned on a fictitious right-wing underground movement. The Likud's rise to power in May 1977 put a temporary end to the incitement against the Right. For the first time in 44 years, the Left was in the opposition and briefly on the defense. But if the Left feared that once in power, the Right would treat it as it treated the Right, they quickly discovered that Menachem Begin truly sought a government of national reconciliation and unity. The Left, never interested in reconciliation but only in power, bided its time. Oslo and the Renewed War Against the Right In 1993, Yitzchak Rabin became prime minister and signed the Oslo Agreement with mass murderer Yasser Arafat. Israel's public enemy number one now became the "enemies of peace," those citizens opposed to Oslo, which included most prominently the Jewish residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. A campaign of hate and delegitimization was directed at the "settlers" which successfully marginalized them, preventing the growing mass public dissatisfaction with Oslo from becoming a decisive political force. Over the course of fifteen years, hundreds were arrested, beaten, and humiliated, thousands were harassed, and hundreds of thousands were intimidated. The government adopted methods such as fabricated criminal files, anti-democratic administrative detentions, and destruction of private property. It reached the point where ordinary civil and human rights were suspended when it came to those branded as "settlers" or "right-wing extremists." This process, sanctioned by a politicized court system and a cheering media, successfully suppressed effective opposition to the anti-Zionist drift of a post-Zionist government. The (Anti-)Jewish Division of the Shabak Its name changed, but not its methods: the State's intelligence branch was now called the Shabak instead of the Shai, but it continued to instigate operations designed to falsely discredit the Right. A special department was actually created for this purpose. The Shabak recruited agent provocateurs such as Avishai Raviv ("Champagne") who founded fake underground organizations like "Eyal" and incited unbalanced figures like Yigal Amir to violence  all for the purpose of destroying the legitimate and democratic opposition to Oslo and Israel's post-Zionist leadership. An entire population was dehumanized and demonized in the service of this goal. The Rabin Murder Blood Libel On November 4, 1995, Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin was murdered by an apparently lone assassin with a strong connection to Shabak agent Avishai Raviv. The entire right wing public was blamed for the murder and its leadership was singled out for a campaign of legal harassment and public condemnation. Non-official investigations of the murder have advanced dramatically, and once their conclusions are published, they will dwarf the Arlozorov blood libel. The Expulsion In the summer of 2005, a crime of epic proportions was perpetrated against the Jewish People as a whole and against 8,000 of Israel's most loyal and productive citizens in particular. Bulldozers of the State of Israel destroyed twenty-five blossoming Jewish communities in Gush Katif and Northern Samaria, and soldiers of the Jewish State dragged 8,000 men, women, and children out of the homes and farms that they had diligently and lovingly built over the course of a generation. The campaign of degradation and vilification against the people of Gush Katif and Northern Samaria that preceded their exile was especially heartless and ugly. Once Gush Katif was handed over to Palestinian terrorists to use as a base for continued warfare against Israel, the leftist government announced "The Realignment Plan," an extension of the Gush Katif expulsion in Judea and Samaria. This plan called for the expulsion of another 70,000 Jews from their homes and the destruction of 60 additional towns and villages. While Israel's abysmal failure in the Second Lebanon War temporarily froze this plan, the Left has lately resumed its efforts. The Sternhall Provocation The blatant harassment of ideologically strong individuals and communities in Judea and Samaria who live quietly on their land and the glaring disregard for their civil and property rights has been the order of the day for the past few years. To justify the unjustifiable and to remind the public who Israel's real enemy is in the wake of the approaching elections, it was time for a new blood libel against the Right. A leftist professor who has spent his career inciting violence against the "settlers" was attacked by some shadowy group that  surprise, surprise  appears to bear the hallmark of past Shabak fictions. A Second "Big Saison" Circa 2008? During these days the government has been issuing new decrees almost daily against the national camp in general and the citizens of Judea and Samaria in particular: expulsion orders, restriction orders, administrative detentions (indefinite imprisonment without legal process), police violence, the prohibition of demonstrations, cutting off water and electricity to Jewish settlements, the destruction of settlements  all accompanied by the familiar, strident denunciations of the "violent extremists" on the right. If the public makes clear that it knows what the real score is  who the violent ones really are and who is really trampling democracy  perhaps we can avoid a "New Big Saison" in 2008. Conclusion: Women In Green has noted the growth of a new phenomenon, a new tool in the Left's bag of dirty tricks not mentioned in the inventory above: the government is allowing outsiders into Judea and Samaria to foment constant clashes and conflict. Foreign "anarchists" and anti-Israel activists of all stripes have banded together with Israeli traitors and Arab activists to stir up trouble and undermine the Israeli army presence and the state's security needs in Judea and Samaria. These groups are funded, whether secretly or openly, by foreign, anti-Zionistic and anti-Semitic organizations, often with the cooperation of Muslim and Arab terror organizations. They are protected by an unholy alliance within the government, the Israeli press, and the judicial system. They are encouraged by a cultural and intellectual elite that lauds Israel's enemies while excoriating her defenders. May the people of Israel rise above their sectarian quarrels and differences to address the huge existential threats to Israel's existence in the coming elections. Distributed as a public service by Women for Israel's Tomorrow  Women in Green. Contact us to order booklets at http://www.womeningreen.org Bibliography:(in Hebrew) Arieh Yitzhaki, "The Cain Syndrome" (to be printed in the coming months
Contact Jake Levi at jlevi_us@yahoolcom |
Posted by Tom Carew, November 16, 2008. |
UN 242 did NOT provide for this, but only for deliberately unspecified withdrawl from occupied territories.
The article below was written by Uzi Mahnaimi in Tel Aviv
and Sarah Baxter and it appeared today in The Sunday
Barack Obama is to pursue an ambitious peace plan in the Middle East involving the recognition of Israel by the Arab world in exchange for its withdrawal to pre-1967 borders, according to sources close to America's president-elect. Obama intends to throw his support behind a 2002 Saudi peace initiative endorsed by the Arab League and backed by Tzipi Livni, the Israeli foreign minister and leader of the ruling Kadima party. The proposal gives Israel an effective veto on the return of Arab refugees expelled in 1948 while requiring it to restore the Golan Heights to Syria and allow the Palestinians to establish a state capital in east Jerusalem. On a visit to the Middle East last July, the president-elect said privately it would be "crazy" for Israel to refuse a deal that could "give them peace with the Muslim world", according to a senior Obama adviser. The Arab peace plan received a boost last week when President Shimon Peres, a Nobel peace laureate and leading Israeli dove, commended the initiative at a Saudi-sponsored United Nations conference in New York. Peres was loudly applauded for telling King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who was behind the original initiative: "I wish that your voice will become the prevailing voice of the whole region, of all people." A bipartisan group of senior foreign policy advisers urged Obama to give the Arab plan top priority immediately after his election victory. They included Lee Hamilton, the former co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Democrat former national security adviser. Brzezinski will give an address tomorrow at Chatham House, the international relations think tank, in London. Brent Scowcroft, a Republican former national security adviser, joined in the appeal. He said last week that the Middle East was the most troublesome area in the world and that an early start to the Palestinian peace process was "a way to psychologically change the mood of the region". Advisers believe the diplomatic climate favours a deal as Arab League countries are under pressure from radical Islamic movements and a potentially nuclear Iran. Polls show that Palestinians and Israelis are in a mood to compromise. The advisers have told Obama he should lose no time in pursuing the policy in the first six to 12 months in office while he enjoys maximum goodwill. Obama is also looking to break a diplomatic deadlock over Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons technology. A possible way forward, suggested last spring by Dennis Ross, a senior Obama adviser and former Middle East envoy, would be to persuade Russia to join in tough economic sanctions against Iran by offering to modify the US plan for a "missile shield" in eastern Europe. President Dmitry Medvedev signalled that Russia could cancel a tit-for-tat deployment of missiles close to the Polish border if America gave up its proposed missile defences in Poland and the Czech Republic. Ross argued in a paper on How to Talk to Iran that "if the Iranian threat goes away, so does the principal need to deploy these [antimissile] forces. [Vladimir] Putin [the Russian prime minister] has made this such a symbolic issue that this trade-off could be portrayed as a great victory for him". Ross and Daniel Kurtzer, a former American ambassador to Israel, accompanied Obama on a visit to Israel last July. They also travelled to Ramallah, where Obama questioned Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader, about the prospects for the Arab plan. According to a Washington source Obama told Abbas: "The Israelis would be crazy not to accept this initiative. It would give them peace with the Muslim world from Indonesia to Morocco." Kurtzer submitted a paper to Obama on the question before this month's presidential elections. He argued that trying to reach bilateral peace agreements between Israel and individual countries in the Middle East, was a recipe for failure as the record of Bill Clinton and George W Bush showed. In contrast, the broader Arab plan "had a lot of appeal". A leading Democratic expert on the Middle East said: "There's not a lot of meat on the bones yet, but it offers recognition of Israel across the Arab world." Livni, the leader of Kadima, which favours the plan, is the front-runner in Israeli elections due in February. Her rival, Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of Likud, is adamantly against withdrawing to borders that predate the Six Day war in 1967. Ehud Olmert, the prime minister, last week expressed his support for Israel's withdrawal from the West Bank Golan and east Jerusalem. Tom Carew lives in Ranelagh, Dublin, Ireland. Contact him at tmcarew@yahoo.com |
Posted by Hillel Fendel, November 16, 2008. |
(IsraelNN.com) The Supreme Court has ordered the nearly 100 residents of Beit HaShalom in Hevron some 20 families and dozens of children to leave the house within three days. If they do not do so, it is assumed that they will be forcibly removed, at a time and date to be chosen by the police and/or army. The court also ordered the residents to pay 30,000 shekels half to the State for court costs, and half to the former Arab owner. The Supreme Court thus accepted the State's position in full, ignoring a cassette recording of the Arab seller admitting to a good friend of his that he had sold the building to Jews. The Court ruled that because of the "doubts" that have been raised regarding the occupants' acquisition of the property namely, the seller's claim that he did not sell it the situation should return to the previous status while the situation is resolved in a civil court. The leaders of the Jewish Community in Hevron plan to convene for an urgent meeting this afternoon to plan out their strategy for the next several days. Expulsion forces will not arrive any time in the next three days, according to the High Court ruling, and the Hevron pioneers will have to decide whether to issue a call for "reinforcements" to arrive after that time to try to rebuff an Amona-type eviction. Legal avenues which can only include another appeal to the Supreme Court will also be considered. Orit Strook, on behalf of the Hevron Jewish Community, issued this statement: "The Supreme Court's decision to steal Beit HaShalom from its Jewish purchasers came with perfect timing: Right in between the story of Sodom and Gomorra, and the story of the purchase of Hevron by Avraham. Yesterday, Jews in synagogues around the world read aloud the story of the evil people of Sodom and their destruction and this coming Sabbath we will read how Avraham purchased the Machpelah Cave in Hevron in which to bury his wife Sarah. Shas leader Eli Yishai, the Minster of Industry and Trade, said, "It is scandalous that the Court did not deal with the purchase contract itself or its legality, and it is outrageous that the Court would remove people when the purchase is clear and evident." MK Gilad Erdan's reaction was this: "The lack of willingness by the Attorney General and the Supreme Court to consider the clear evidence regarding the legitimate acquisition of the building is very regrettable, and creates a very bad public sense of injustice. It is a sharp blow to the public trust in our legal system." The Court based its decision largely on a _case that occurred two years ago_ (http://www.hebron.org.il/english/article.php?id=238), regarding a building in Hevron known as Beit Shapira. That case, too, involved the Jewish purchase of a building from its Arab owners and the court-ordered eviction of the Jewish residents despite the clear evidence that the house was in fact theirs. In what Strook called a "total distortion of precedents," the Court used the Beit Shapira case as an indication that the Jews "had found a system of writing purchase contracts and then unilaterally moving into the property, claiming that they had bought it, without the consent of the [other] party, thus creating a new situation ... This system cannot receive a judicial stamp of approval. Note: You can read about the Beit Shapira case by clicking here. Hillel Fendel is Senior News Editor for Arutz-Sheva (www.Israel National News.com). |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, November 16, 2008. |
This was written by Kathleen Parker and it appeared November
14, 2008 in Jewish World Review
Fresh ire aimed at former Harvard University President Larry Summers prompts the question: Shouldn't there be a statute of limitations on dumb things expressed in public? (Please say yes.) Forever accursed is the economist and Clinton-era treasury secretary for having raised more than three years ago the eensy-weensy possibility that innate differences between men and women might explain in part why more men than women reach the top echelons in math and science. His comments, though not completely without scientific basis, unleashed a millennium worth of female scorn, making Hell a suddenly attractive destination for the discriminating traveler in search of cooler climes. Research pointing to male-female differences that could partly explain different career outcomes is available to anyone in search of clues to the gender universe. But let's not go there. The social construct versus hard-wiring debate will continue unabated until the last woman utters: "No, honey, you stay in bed. I'll go see what that noise was." For these purposes, let's stipulate that Summers said a dumb thing. He didn't, really. Provocative, yes, but it was a question about theory, not an assertion of belief. Impolitic? Without question. Still, we'll call it dumb. Should said offense forevermore disqualify Summers from public service? Or even public appearances? Summers was driven out of Harvard following his remarks. In September 2007, he was dropped as the keynote speaker at a University of California Board of Regents meeting when a female professor circulated a petition to have his invitation withdrawn. Now, feminists have begun raising objections over speculation he might be considered for a second term as treasury secretary. Kim Gandy, National Organization for Women president, expressed her concerns to the Huffington Post. Gandy acknowledged that Summers is a smart guy on economics, but wondered whether his perceived bias would preclude women being hired within the department. That seems a stretch. There may be compelling reasons to appoint someone other than Summers, but his having said something dumb or at least unpopular once upon a time shouldn't be one of them. According to Financial Times business commentator John Gapper, Summers is "genuinely an inventive and original thinker and there are precious few of those." No mention of people skills, but haven't we had enough of hiring people according to their beer-a-bility? What say we call a moratorium on punitive measures for dumb things uttered while in the commission of "good stuff"? Many would benefit from such a moratorium. A few that come to mind: Howard "Arrrrrggggggg!!!!!" Dean; John "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it" Kerry; Andrew "He's (Bill Clinton's) probably gone with more black women than Barack" Young. The stainless steel-tongued Joe Biden gets his own page. Make that a booklet. Even Obama should get a pass for once saying he had campaigned in all 57 states with one to go, a mental detour interpreted by fevered minds on the right as proof that he's a secret Muslim. (There are aha! 57 member states in the Organization of the Islamic Conference.) One small slip, repeated and amplified, can have serious consequences. A new Beliefnet.com exit poll found that half of McCain voters think Obama is or was a Muslim, with 32 percent saying, "He used to be Muslim and still has too many connections to Islam." Although Republicans, led by the renowned neologist George W. Bush, are doubtless equally guilty of foot-in-mouth incursions (Trent Lott's infamous birthday paean to Strom Thurmond comes to mind), the GOP might benefit as much from an Adultery & Wide Stance Amnesty Act. Given all the words uttered in the course of a presidential campaign, some are going to be screamingly funny; others ridiculous; some embarrassing and still others painful. Covering all of the above, Biden, speaking to the Columbia, S.C., Rotary Club, all but boasted: "Hey, I'm from a slave state, too!" Well, dang, Bubba, why didn't you say so in the first place?! At the risk of a too-brisk segue, sometimes intelligent, thoughtful, talented people simply step in it. And though some misstatements are too delicious to ignore, there really ought to be a point at which good outweighs bad; when smart outpaces stupid. When even a screamer like Dean, who as Democratic National Committee chair rebuilt his party in all 57 states to run Republicans out of Washington last week, ought to be remembered best for the latter. Make that all 50 states. And give Summers a break. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Gerald Steinberg, November 16, 2008. |
This was published November 6, 2008 as "Doubles standards and the other 'occupations'"
in the Canadian Jewish News
www.cjnews.com:80/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15623&Itemid=86 |
The scale of Islamic (or Arab) occupation, settlement and racism around the world is far greater than anything that Israel is accused of In contrast to most of my colleagues, I am one of the pragmatists among Israeli political pundits neither left nor right on issues of territory and borders. In my vision of Zionism, the central goal is to maintain and strengthen Jewish democratic sovereignty in the Land of Israel, within the existing international and regional framework. I don't see how borders that reflect biblical Israel, and encompass millions of Palestinians, further this objective, but neither do I find evidence that a return to the armistice lines set after the 1948 Arab invasion, including a divided Jerusalem, will bring us lasting peace based on mutual acceptance. Which leaves a realistic, as distinct from messianic, middle ground to be defined and carefully nurtured. Based on this pragmatic and non-ideological perspective, I have lost patience with the torrent of self-righteous and hypocritical condemnations of Israeli "occupation" and false cries of "apartheid." The scale of Islamic (or Arab) occupation, settlement and racism around the world is far greater than anything that Israel is accused of, but this is never mentioned in polite or diplomatic company. The Arab tribes that followed Muhammad spread their conquest and settlement activities throughout the Middle East, and then kept going to central Asia, western Europe (Spain and Portugal), eastern Europe (to Kosovo and Albania), northern Africa, and east to Asia, including parts of India, (and what is now Pakistan), Malaysia, Indonesia, and southern Thailand. In these jihads, anyone who didn't accept Islam was simply killed there was no "resistance," because no one was left to resist. Unlike Israel in 1948 or 1967, these occupiers and settlers did not have the excuse of fighting for their lives against a powerful enemy sworn to "drive them into the sea." After many centuries (not decades), this Arab and Islamic occupation continues to be characterized by intolerance for different faiths and opinions. The brief period of enlightened Islamic rule, under the Umayyad Caliphate beginning in the 10th century in Spain (Al-Andalus), still left Christians and Jews as second class citizens dhimmis who were tolerated, at best, and often persecuted and expelled. But none of this is mentioned by the politically correct defenders of Islam in the United Nations (as it prepares for its Durban Review Conference), nor is it discussed by so-called "human rights" organizations, journalists, and academics and activists on campuses (York University being a case in point). Some Christian leaders and groups are no better in their obsessive attacks on "Israeli occupation," such as retired South African archbishop Desmond Tutu, as well as the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Lutheran leaders campaigning for divestment, the Mennonite Central Committee, Christian Aid, Caritas and others. They deign to preach to Israel while ignoring the history of occupation, mass murder of "non-believers" and expulsion in the histories of their own institutions. As the successors to the occupying armies that massacred and brutally persecuted Jews, they are certainly in no position to moralize or preach to Israelis. Europe and its former colonies are largely Christian societies today as a result of this violent and intolerant history the "occupation" continues. The claim that Muslim and Christian occupation and intolerance is all ancient history and, therefore, irrelevant while Israel's so-called "crimes" are recent is another canard designed to excuse the double standards. If morality (or rather immorality) had a statute of limitations, how many years would it take before these various occupations became legitimate and settlers turned into citizens? Would 20 years be enough? Or 60? Or perhaps 200 years? The bottom line is that pseudo-moral rhetoric should have no place in political considerations. Stripped of the self-righteous posturing, the emphasis on Israeli "occupation" and "settlement" should be recognized as simply another form of the ongoing racism and anti-Semitism that seeks to prevent the Jewish people from maintaining sovereign equality among the nations of the world. Gerald Steinberg is executive director of NGO Monitor and chairman of the Political Studies Department at Bar Ilan University. |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 16, 2008. |
ISRAEL'S BLUFF CALLED, AGAIN First, two ships sailed from Cyprus to Gaza, in defiance of Israel's blockade. The protestors boasted that they would end the blockade, but packaged their voyage as humanitarian, bringing medicine. Israel did not make clear how it would respond. It didn't stop them, fearing adverse publicity over barring medicine. The people who chartered the ship, however, claimed this as precedent. Israel denied it was a precedent. Israel said it would judge each incident individually. A third ship set out along the same route. It publicized its voyage as a similar one. Israel said that it would be turned back if it reached Israeli territorial waters. The ship reached Israeli territorial waters. Israel did not turn it back. The Arabs triumphed over Israel, again. Not so, Israel claims next time it may stop a ship. The Israeli government reinforced the lesson it gives the Arabs as in its threats but its failure to invade Gaza that it bluffs. The lesson for the government is not to bluff (IMRA, 10/29). But act! Don't let itself get shamed by murderers! FIND WATER TUNNEL IN FIRST TEMPLE PERIOD King David built his palace in Jerusalem in the 10th century BCE. That palace's remains have been found. Now a water tunnel beneath it, and integrated into it 3,000 years ago, also has been found. It is being cleared of debris (IMRA, 10/29). HAMAS WANTS TO EXTEND GAZA CEASEFIRE (IMRA, 1/29). Guess it hasn't built all the bunkers yet. PERES APOLOGIZES TO MUBARAK MK Lieberman noted that Israeli leaders often travel to confer with Mubarak, but Mubarak does not come to Israel. He said that if Mubarak wants to talk with Israeli leaders, let him come to Israel. If he won't come, "to hell with him." Pres. Peres apologized to Mubarak for Lieberman's remark (IMRA, 10/29). Mubarak often insults Israel, but never apologized. Israel should not apologize to him. It makes Israel seem weak. Weakness attracts aggression DISPUTE OVER HOW ARAB SHEPHERD WAS SHOT The IDF reports that a 67-year-old shepherd in the P.A. opened fire on them, as they undertook a counter-terrorism mission one night, near Jenin. They found other weapons and ammunition near him, besides the one he used against them. The man's son originally was reported by Israeli media as having said he was told of gunfire by neighbors. An hour after it started, he came upon his father being given first aid by Israeli soldiers, unsuccessfully. They guided an ambulance to the patient. The Israeli media later said that the man was shot while herding cattle at night through an Arab village. Arabs don't herd cattle at night or through their villages. They take them out to the fields in the daytime, and return them before night. Reuters, which has been caught falsify reports, claimed that the IDF let the man bleed to death (Arutz-7, 10/29) which is what the Egyptians, PLO troops, and Jordanians did to Israelis in other incidents. Did the P.A. pressure the son to change his story, to make Israel look bad? Israel treats the Arabs humanely. A few Arab individuals reciprocate. THE SON OF HAMAS LEADER WHO TURNED CHRISTIAN Mosab Hassan Yousef was interviewed in the US, where he fled. He always was questioning. He found things in Islam he didn't like. He studied Islam and Christianity objectively. Most Muslims really have no depth in their religion nor do they know much about Christianity. They get their notions about religions from their religious leaders, whose bias presentation makes followers miss the virtues of one and the vices of the other, in his opinion. Christianity as presented lovingly by Christianity differs greatly from Christianity as presented hatefully by Islam. His conversion meant abandoning culture and family, who still love him. Mosab says that his father was not cruel like the Hamas men Mosab found in control of the interior of the Israeli prison he served in. The Hamas leaders there suspected many inmates of cooperating with the authorities, tortured them, and murdered many (Jewish Political Chronicle, Fall 2008). Regain prison control! ARAB TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN ISRAEL Arabs in Israel have double the per capital number of traffic accidents as do Jews. "Among the reasons cited for the disparity between the Arab and Jewish sectors: Dangerous driving, driving under the influence of alcohol, non-use of seatbelts, speeding, unsafe vehicles, unsafe pedestrian behavior, and low-level infrastructures." (Arutz-7, 10/29). Some Jewish claims to attempted vehicular homicide may be mistaken. STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT BY ISRAELI GENERAL Gen. Amos Gilad, Director of Research for IDF Intelligence issued a strategic assessment for Israel. He concludes that Israel is in a good strategic position, because there are no alliances against it now, he is proud of the peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan, which have state-of-the-art militaries, and the P.A. and Syria may sign peace agreements with Israel (IMRA, 10/29). I think that his details were well thought out but his conclusions stem from disproved assumptions. A strategist should not assume without a basis. I am worried about Egypt and Jordan both having capable militaries. Both made multiple wars on Israel before they were Islamist, and both have powerful Islamist movements liable to take them over. Egypt acts like an enemy in many ways, violating the treaty that Gen. Gilad is proud of. Jordan is opportunist. For now, it seeks stability. In 1967, when Israel was thought vulnerable to other Arab forces, Jordan invaded. The king at the time regretted not having pounced in 1973 war. There are alliances against Israel. Iran and Syria are the declared core. Egypt likely would join when needed. Iran's proxies have tens of thousands of rockets. One should hope that the P.A. and Syria would not sign peace agreements with Israel. Israel's ruling class, like the general, confuse agreements with peace and make concessions for agreements that facilitate Arab aggression. So it was with Oslo. Islam doesn't feel bound by peace agreements. Shouldn't Israeli strategists ask how can Muslims reconcile peace agreements with their religious injunction to conquer the world? I wrote that a week before I read an 11/3 IMRA report that the Likud Party told both US campaigns that if it forms a government, it would not be obligated by any agreement reached with Syria by the interim Olmert regime. This is the first piece of sanity I heard from high-level politicians in Israel in some time. It is encouraging. ISRAEL'S FARSI CALL-IN RADIO Israel has a call-in radio program in Farsi. Persians telephone Germany, where they are switched to the program. Most callers praise Israel for being freer than Iran, denounce their Islamist regime for oppressing them, want bread instead of nuclear weapons, and hope that outside powers, including Israel, will destroy Iran's nuclear facilities and help free them from their regime (Jewish Political Chronicle, Fall 2008). Are the callers representative of Iranians as a whole? INDONESIA TO COOPERATE WITH ISRAEL Muhammadiyah, Indonesia's organization for emergency services, and Israel's Magen David Adom will work together on natural disasters (IMRA, 10/29). They don't let bigotry or political correctness impede relief to needy people. ISRAEL ARMY RADIO BIAS Popular broadcaster Dudu Alharar was fired by Israel Army Radio. He accused the station of doing so for the reason that most informed observers suspect, his right-wing view. He probably was the only right-winger left, and served as a modest balance. The other radio stations also are left wing. Media monitor Chani Lutz documented how Army Radio's popular Razi Barkai slants his programs against settlers. About settlers, he reports unemotionally except when exaggerating minor incidents. He curbs the time devoted to them, and applies negative group labels to them. About Arabs, he reports in the form of human interest, to arouse sympathy [gives them more time, and does not apply negative group labels]. For example, when police destroyed not only the unauthorized Federman house but its contents, and when they not only arrested Mrs. Federman but beat her and some of her children, Barkai allotted only half a minute to the police state tactics. He omitted the local mayor's condemnation of the farm's destruction. On the other hand, he repeatedly broadcast and emphasized the voice of the unknown local man who cursed the police, and he spoke derisively of settlers. Another example was after a P.A. Arab burnt down a Jew's house in Yitzhar, Samaria, and stabbed a boy. Yitzhar men entered the Arab's village, and threw rocks and shot in the air. Next day, Barkai did not interview anyone from the boy's family or from Yitzhar, and tried to head off a councilman's discussion of it. He devoted three minutes to Gen. Shlomo Gazit, who made the biased statement that skullcaps on IDF soldiers remind him of swastikas. A week later, the terrorist returned to Yitzhar, where troops shot him dead. Barkai did not report it and did not ask the IDF how come he was able to keep active for a week and try again. [Did the IDF search that village enough? Finally, six months ago, Arabs in the Galilee waved PLO flags and chanted, "We want a terrorist attack. With Jewish Peace Now members in Jaffa, Arabs called out, "In spirit and blood we will redeem you, Jaffa." Barkai stated the Arab incitement to violence once. He interviewed Arabs who called the incidents isolated and talked about peace. He tones down common Arab incitement and talks up occasional Jewish incitement (IMRA, 10/28). Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Aryeh Zelasko, November 16, 2008. |
This was written by Benjamin Maack and it appeared November
14, 2008
on einestages.de, Spiegel Online's history Web site.
To the question: "Could Terrorists Find a Bomb?" The honest answer is: Why not? The terrorists have the manpower, the money and the motivation. So again, why not? The real question to ask is: Which ones have they already found and where are they now? |
In a 1968 plane crash, the US military lost an atom bomb in Greenland's Arctic ice. But this was no isolated case. Up to 50 nuclear warheads are believed to have gone missing during the Cold War, and not all of them are in unpopulated areas. It was a little early to be swimming in the Mediterranean that year. But in early March 1966, Manuel Fraga Iribarne, the Spanish information minister at the time, and Biddle Duke, the American ambassador in Madrid, together with their respective families, plunged into the chilly waters off the Costa Cálida. Journalists from around the world had gathered on the beach of the small village of Palomares to report on the two families' spring bathing outing. Their interest would have been surprising, if it hadn't been for the hydrogen bomb lying on the ocean floor only a few kilometers away, a bomb with more than 1,000 times the explosive force of the one that flattened Hiroshima. Only a few weeks earlier, on Jan. 17, 1966, the worst nuclear weapons incident of the entire Cold War had taken place off Spain's southeastern coast. During an aerial tanking maneuver, an American B-52 bomber and a KC-135 tanking aircraft collided in mid-air at 9,000 meters (29,000 feet), and both planes exploded in a giant fireball over Palomares. There were four hydrogen bombs in the hold of the B-52. One landed, unharmed, in tomato fields near the village. The non-nuclear fuse detonated in two others causing bomb fragments and plutonium dust to rain down on the impact site. The fourth bomb fell into the water somewhere off the coast, burying itself in several meters of silt. But where exactly did it fall? In the weeks after the accident, Palomares looked like the set for a film about the apocalypse. On land, men wearing white protective suits and blue facemasks used Geiger counters to scan the ground for radiation. The fields were sealed off, and an entire harvest of tomatoes and beans rotted on the vine. The US government had the fields dug up and 1,400 tons of earth removed. The contaminated soil was then shipped to the United States for disposal. Dozens of American warships patrolled the coastline to seal off the area where a fisherman had seen the bomb landing in the water. It took 81 days to recover the nuclear weapon from a depth of 800 meters (2,600 feet). Expressing its shock over the events in Spain, the German daily Hamburger Abendblatt wrote: "More than any sandbox scenario, the bomb incident makes it clear what it means today to be 'living with the bomb'." Greenland's Stray Atomic Bomb The prospect of a stray, possibly damaged atom bomb lying somewhere on the ocean floor is truly horrific. Britain's BBC is currently causing an uproar with a report on the loss of an American atom bomb in 1968. When an American B-52 bomber crashed into the ice off Greenland, the conventional explosives in the bombs exploded, causing a large area to become radioactively contaminated by the plutonium that was released in the process. But what the US government kept secret for decades was that a reconstruction of the bomb components found at the site had revealed that a nuclear warhead was missing. It had apparently drilled its way through the ice in North Star Bay. It was never found. The loss of an atom bomb is not as rare an occurrence as one would hope. "The American Defense Department has confirmed the loss of 11 atomic bombs," says Otfried Nassauer, an expert on nuclear armament and the director of the Berlin Information Center for Transatlantic Security. "It is believed that up to 50 nuclear weapons worldwide were lost during the Cold War." Most of these highly dangerous weapons are still lying on the ocean floor. In April 1989, a fire on board the Komsomolez resulted in the sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine to a depth of 1,700 meters (5,500 feet) in the North Atlantic Ocean, together with two torpedoes and their nuclear warheads. On May 22, 1968, another nuclear submarine, the USS Scorpion, sank to a depth of 3,300 meters (10,800 feet) about 320 nautical miles south of the Azores. There were two nuclear warheads on board. Because of the considerable depths involved, neither the weaponry nor the nuclear reactors on both submarines have been recovered to date. Absurd 'Broken Arrow' A much larger number of atom bombs disappeared in plane crashes over the open ocean. "In the early days of the Cold War, the aircraft lacked sufficient range to cross the Atlantic on one tank of fuel," explains nuclear expert Nassauer. "Some bombers collided with their tanker planes, while others simply missed the tankers and, after running out of fuel, plunged into the sea." Between the late 1950s and mid-1960s, the most explosive part of the Cold War, US bombers carrying atom bombs were in the air around the clock, 365 days a year. Their four main routes passed over Greenland, Spain and the Mediterranean, Japan and Alaska. Only when the bombers became capable of flying across the Atlantic or Pacific on one tank did the frequency of accidents diminish. Probably the most absurd "broken arrow" (the Americans' code word for accidents involving nuclear weapons) happened on Dec. 5, 1965 on board the USS Ticonderoga. The aircraft carrier was en route from Vietnam to Yokosuka in Japan when a fighter-bomber emerging from one of the giant elevators that carry the aircraft from the ship's hold onto the deck plunged into the ocean. The pilot, the aircraft and the nuclear bomb on board sank to a depth of five kilometers (16,400 feet) and were never found. That incident was also kept secret for many years, partly because, when it was finally made public in 1981, it proved that the Americans had stationed nuclear weapons in Vietnam, after all. It also revealed that the United States had defied a treaty with Japan, under which the Americans had agreed not to bring any nuclear weapons onto Japanese territory. Blown Fuses The US military's rather nonchalant handling of its most dangerous toys was not limited to foreign countries. In fact, seven of the 11 nuclear warheads that are officially missing were lost at home in the USA. On Feb. 5, 1958, bomber pilot Howard Richardson had to jettison the hydrogen bomb he was carrying after colliding with a fighter jet. The bomb then disappeared in the shallow waters of Wassaw Sound, about 20 kilometers (12 miles) from Savannah, Georgia, a city of 100,000 people. Richardson, an experienced pilot, barely managed to land his aircraft at nearby Hunter Army Airfield. The crew of a B-52 that exploded on Jan. 24, 1961 as a result of a defective fuel line was less fortunate. Before the aircraft broke apart, the men managed to eject their dangerous cargo. One of the two hydrogen bombs was parachuted safely into a tree, while the other one went down in a swamp near the small city of Goldsboro, North Carolina, where it plunged an estimated 50 meters (165 feet) into the marshy ground and where it still lies today. The crash site remains a restricted military zone. But what made this incident famous was the bomb that landed in a tree. Five of its six fuses designed to prevent a detonation failed, with only the last one averting a nuclear explosion. After this near-disaster, the security systems in US nuclear weapons were revised, and Washington asked the Soviet Union to do the same. Could Terrorists Find a Bomb? To this day, these two incidents are a hotly disputed topic among experts, military officials, conspiracy theorists and the concerned citizens of Savannah and Goldsboro. Do the two bombs still pose a danger to the residents of these cities? "Weapons that are on the ocean floor are hardly unlikely to explode," says Nassauer. Nevertheless, he cautions, "perhaps this risk is somewhat greater with the bombs that were lost on land. But virtually nothing is known about whether such bombs can explode spontaneously." A completely different fear has taken hold since the terrorist attacks of Sep. 11, 2001. What happens if terrorists acquire one of the lost bombs? An unfounded fear, says Nassauer, noting that even the military, after using all means at its disposal, has failed to find or salvage the bombs. "Quite a few weapons are located in places that are still completely inaccessible with the means available to us today," says Nassauer. The real dangers lie in the area surrounding a crash site, and they include the possibility of explosion at the time of the accident and the effects of corrosion, which could allow radioactivity to escape over decades. In Palomares, for example, the nightmare continues after more than four decades. The sleepy village his since become part of a thriving tourist region. But in 2004, two pits containing radioactive soil were discovered at the site of future golf courses and luxury hotels. Extensive soil studies revealed that other areas were still contaminated. The Spanish government has confiscated the affected land, and in 2009 US troops will be deployed to decontaminate the area once again. More than 40 years after the first bomb fell on Palomares, several thousand tons of contaminated earth will be shipped to America once again. Aryeh Zelasko lives in Beitar Illit, south of Jerusalem. He is Director of Sales and Marketing of Israel Visit (www.israelvisit.co.il) which provides information and an internet buying facility for American visitors to Israel. |
Posted by Leib Reyder, November 16, 2008. |
While we expect that the merits of the specific allegations will be dealt with justly through the courts, one thing is very clear - Agriprocessors is being excessively prosecuted in a most unfair and discriminatory way. Hi, I signed the petition "The War on Kosher". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 15,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts. You can view this petition at:
Contact Leib Reyder at leib_reyder@yahoo.com |
Posted by Jack Lauber, November 15, 2008. |
This was written by Haviv Rettig and it is archived at
In 1972, Toronto high school music teacher Judy Feld Carr came across a news article in The Jerusalem Post that told of the tragic deaths of 12 young Syrian Jewish men who ran across a minefield while attempting to flee Syria across the Turkish border. "I saw the article and I couldn't get over it," Carr recalled in a phone interview with the Post 34 years after that fateful publication. The daughter of an independent-minded fur trader from Sudbury, Ontario, she could not sit helpless while Syria's Jewish community suffered. "So my late husband and I decided we had to do something about it." And she did. Spectacularly. Over the next 28 years, Carr masterminded from her Toronto home an international smuggling operation, complete with elaborate secret codes, meetings overseas with foreign agents and extensive bribes for Syrian officials, which rescued 3,228 Jews from persecution. Much of Carr's work remains secret. "Even today, more is hidden than known, and we still cannot expose in detail many of [Carr's] rescues," noted a recent article in IICC Magazine, the journal of the Israeli Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center. Edited by former senior IDF intelligence officer Brig.-Gen. (res.) Ephraim Lapid, IICC Magazine quoted "foreign sources, who revealed that Carr was involved in the creation of a secret and secure information network with extensive connections," both with "official and secret sources in Israel and private ones in America." The story began as a local philanthropic initiative. Distraught over the news article, Carr and her husband, Dr. Ronald Feld, organized lectures and a study day on Syrian Jewry. The participants learned of the persecution of Syrian Jews at the hands of the local Arabs and the regime, some of which continues to this day. They learned of the 1947 pogroms in which Arab mobs smashed homes and synagogues in the 2,500-year-old Jewish community of Aleppo; of laws from the 1940's barring Jews from purchasing land; of the Muhabarat (secret police) surveillance of Damascus's Jewish quarter; of the arrest and reported torture of Jews suspected of attempting to leave the country; and of the fact (recently cited in a 2001 US State Department human rights report) that Jews are the only minority in Syria whose religion is denoted in their passports and identity cards. But, once they understood the problem, "we didn't know what to do," Carr said. "So we decided to do what we knew best from [campaigning for] Russian Jewry. We decided to call Syria." It took almost three weeks ("We were about to give up.") and the help of a Moroccan Jewish phone operator in Montreal to finally get a phone call through to Syria. "The Syrians would shut the line to Canada as soon as we asked for a Jew," Carr recalled. She finally reached the home of a Jewish woman who was on the payroll of the Muhabarat. Luckily, the woman's husband was the only one home at the time, and though the call from Canada "almost gave him a heart attack," he divulged the name and address of Rabbi Ibrahim Hamra, who would become the Chief Rabbi of Syria. Following that initial gambit, Carr and her husband "knew we couldn't call again, and it wasn't a good idea to write a letter. So we came up with an idea to send a telegram in French [which is widely spoken in Syria] asking if Rabbi Hamra needed religious books. We prepaid the answer." Ten days later came the response, a veritable shopping list of Jewish books. And so began Carr's communication with the Syrian Jewish community. Though her husband died suddenly of a heart attack in 1973, leaving her alone with three children, Carr maintained and strengthened her fragile contact with Syria's Jews. When, in 1977, she married Donald Carr, he became her confidant and supporter, and one of only a handful of people around the world who knew about her clandestine activities. Toronto's Beth Tzedec synagogue, the largest in Canada, established the Dr. Ronald Feld Fund for Jews in Arab Lands, and Carr used donations to this fund to finance her work. "We had no overhead, no executive directors, no salaries. We didn't have dinners, cocktail parties, fundraising," she recalled. "We only printed thank-you cards." Even so, she said, she received quiet financial help from Jews throughout North America. "It spread by word of mouth across Canada from British Columbia to Newfoundland. Then there was a fund in Baltimore that sent their money," she said. At its outset, the fund "was only a link to the rabbi in Damascus, and later on to rabbis in Allepo and Kamashili," the only three towns in Syria where Jews were legally permitted to reside and even then restricted to ghettos, forbidden to own cars or to travel. "The rabbis wanted books, tefillin (phylacteries), tallisim (prayer shawls)," Carr related. Soon, the telegrams and Judaica shipments became a code. "I started inserting words into the telegrams, like 'who's in prison?'" she related. "Then the rabbi would answer with a name, hidden inside my address." In order to verify that the rabbi had received the books, Carr would write one verse of psalms inside a book, and Rabbi Hamra would reply with the next one. Eventually, the verses became a way of discussing events, and Carr began to receive updates and news from the community. As the code developed it took on additional elements, including terms taken from Chinese cooking and alcoholic beverages. Carr herself was codenamed "Gin." The operation was expanded to Aleppo when another Toronto woman, Hanna Cohen, whose brother was a rabbi in Aleppo, decided to visit him, "taking her life into her hands." Carr recalled that Cohen was arrested and interrogated, but then returned to Canada. She carried with her, hidden in her clothing, a letter for Carr "from the rabbis in Aleppo begging for books and begging to get out of Syria." And so, the network grew steadily. Through Syrian Jews who had escaped to Canada on their own, Carr slowly developed a network of contacts in and outside Syria. She communicated with Syrian government functionaries, judges and even Muhabarat officers, all of whom were brought together by the knowledge that there was money to be made in "selling Jews" to Judy Carr. She used this network to "to ransom the Jews and to pay off people on the escape route and negotiate prices." She funneled bribe money to Syrian officials through third parties and negotiated the Jews' release personally. Over time, with the cooperation of Israel's secret services, Carr had operatives moving in and out of Syria as well as ready in Turkey and Lebanon to collect escaping Jews and ferry them safely to Israel or elsewhere. One of Carr's most interesting stories concerns not Jews, but an ancient and priceless Keter, or Bible manuscript. The Damascus Keter, produced in Burgos in northwestern Spain in 1260 and taken to Muslim lands by Jews fleeing the Spanish Inquisition, was smuggled out of Syria by one of Carr's agents, hidden in stacks of documents. Today it resides in Israel's National Library in Jerusalem. All the time that Carr worked covertly to rescue Syrian Jews, she publicly lobbied Canadian officials, diplomats and Jewish organizations, never revealing her activities. All of them underestimated the woman with whom they were dealing, considering her an amateur activist tackling issues beyond her ken. "I never had any publicity. It had to be a totally secret operation," she said. "The world media doesn't look at Canada except for the weather report, so no one knew what I was doing." That changed in the late 1990's. In 1999, University of Toronto historian Harold Troper turned Carr's story into a book, The Ransomed of God: The Remarkable Story of One Woman's Role in the Rescue of Syrian Jews [re-released in paperback in 2007 as "The Rescuer"]. In May 2001, she was invested into the Order of Canada, the country's highest honor. Her story was "one of international drama and suspense," according to the office of Canada's Governor General, which awarded her the honor and praised her for her "selfless concern for others." She has also been recognized, albeit less prestigiously, in the Jewish world. The late prime minister Yitzhak Rabin thanked her for her "hard and dangerous work" in a 1995 letter, adding that Israel and Syrian Jews "will never be able to reward you as you deserve." She is also the recipient of the Simon Wiesenthal Award for Tolerance, Justice and Human Rights. But Carr, now a grandmother of 13, shies away from the publicity. Most of those she rescued don't know the identity of the person who, from far-away Toronto, cleared their path to freedom. "I've been to a few Syrian weddings and bar mitzvahs in Israel and Brooklyn," she said with embarrassment. "I don't like the kavod [honor], because they make me go under the chuppah (wedding canopy), and then they see who I was and that's not necessary. It's not necessary." Carr remains in touch with the rabbis of the communities, and with those she rescued from inside Syrian prisons and helped to flee to North and South America and Israel. "I gave a speech in Sao Paulo [Brazil] before Rosh Hashanah," she related, "and people there stood up and said, 'Judy, don't you know me? You took me out on the escape route.'" One of them was a Sephardi rabbi who carried with him a prayer book inscribed with Carr's handwriting. "He apologized because he knew my rules [forbidding carrying religiously identifiable objects on the escape route]," she said with pride, "but he said he put it in his pocket when he left, and it has brought him good luck." Contact the poster at yakovdov1@yahoo.com The AISH article includes a 12-min Interview with Judy Feld Carr, from CBC's "The Hour". This article originally appeared in the Jerusalem Post. |
Posted by Yuval Zaliouk, November 15, 2008. |
Dear friends, The quotes below from an Editorial by Jerusalem Post Editor
David Horovitz's speak for themselves Olmert's speech at the grave of Rabin serves to prove how desperately Israel needs a strong Prime Minister at the head of a strong national coalition, particularly now when a buffer against a new Obama administration is at the heart of Israel's survival. As for the latest on Obama, his anti-Israel advisor Robert Malley continues to be involved in the President-elect's foreign policy deliberations, in contradiction of Obama's campaign promises to the contrary. Surely we all must wait to pass judgement on Obama only after he occupies the Oval Office, but the initial signs are a source of deep worry for Israel. Your Truth Provider, Yuval. |
"Our presumed peace partner, offered all or almost all of the territory he seeks by a prime minister who, on the basis of Monday's speech, surely made plain in their face-to-face talks the willingness he now publicly espouses to also "relinquish Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem" simply said no. Humiliatingly rebuffed, the prime minister might have been expected to denounce such intransigence. He might have been expected to wonder publicly whether Abbas is any more serious than was his unlamented predecessor about reaching viable terms. He might have been expected to urge the international community to encourage Abbas to reconsider, for the good of our people and his own. But no. On Monday the prime minister pointed the finger of blame at an electorate that had chosen him to try to reach an accommodation, rather than at the "partner" who rejected it. In so doing, he both excused Abbas's intransigence and tacitly encouraged the international community to press Israel for concessions beyond the 100 percent Olmert has essentially conceded. This is not only a case of egregiously misdirected criticism. It is an invitation to the watching world to blame Israel for a failure that is not ours and seek to extract a consequent additional price an invitation to literally further squeeze Israel that has been issued, staggeringly, by our own prime minister." "WHAT OLMERT should have said is that the Israeli public entrusted him with the task of seeking an accommodation with the Palestinians and that he failed, in part because of his own decisions and actions but in still greater part because of the abiding Palestinian incapacity to genuinely internalize Israel's legitimacy." Yuval Zaliouk writes the Truth Provider columns. To subscribe, send an email to ynz@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Shalom Pollack, November 15, 2008. |
One of the off the beaten track areas of Israel that I enjoy taking adventureous visiters to are the southern Hebron Hills. As we drive south from Jerusalem passing through the very cradle of Jewish history with its rolling green hills along the Patriarchs and Matriarchs" path, or the " Road of Heroism" as it is some times called, we resist the magnetic pull to stop at Gush Etzion or Hevron and continue south, fully cognizent that more Jews walked on this path than on any other road in history. Soon, after passing the turn off to Hevron the rolling vineyards give way to another dimension of the Land. The rich vineyards and orchards become more sparse and gives way to a gradual descent into a dryer wider expanse. We are entering the border land of the Judean Desert. The southern Hebron hills stand as a senitel facing east and the desert as it rolls down towards the Dead Sea Here one can see the desert as far as the horizon It is to this land suspended between civilization and wilderness that young David sought refuge from a jealous King Saul. Here he locked horns with Naval the Carmelite and met his wife to be, the wise and beautiful Avigail. To think that we are gazing on the very same hills and ravines where this drama took place. The very same hills! Where the Bible truly comes to life. There is even a new Jewish pioneer town called Carmel just where it was in ancient times. Talk about "the children returning to their borders..! I always find it inspiring to visit one of these villages unannounced. Invariably the residents are only too happy to answer alll questions and more often than not invite you in for a visit. The smaller, the more vulnerable the village the more hospitable. I have some favorite tiny ones that I just love to bring unsuspecting visitors to They can not help but be affected, indeed bitten by the spirit. We come to our destination, Susyia. Today Susyia is a thriving village that attracts students form across Israel to their prestigious schools Its field school is home base for those who come to study the region for a day or a month where they take their touring very seriously. Next to modern Susyia is the excavated ancient town of Susyia. In the centuries when Jews were banned from Roman and Byzantine Jerusalem and from the center of the country, Jews were forced to cling to an existence on the fringes like the South Hevron hills. Unearthed recently is an entire Jewish town dating to the times of the Talmud. Homes, ritual baths, guard walls and towers to warn of approaching bandits, wells. burial caves, underground work shops and escape tunnles. An entire town unearhed And perched on the upper part of the town is the synagouge. Resplendent with an intricate weave of moasiac floors depicting Jewish symbols and Hebrew dedications and blessings, it was lovingly revealed by Israeli archeologists a few years ago. To think, a robust Jewish community lived right here where we sit. They prayed and conducted their business just where we stand. For hundreds of years Jews clung to the place until the Moslem conquest and the final expulsion or forced conersioon in the seventh century.. And today we are back. What a country! Please see snippets of my new DVD, "Israel Ancient Roots, Modern Miracle" at my website: www.shalompollacktours.co.il Regards
Shalom Pollack was born and educated in USA he has a Masters in International Relations. He lives in Israel, where he has been a licensed tour guide for twenty years. Contact him at shalompo@yahoo.com |
Posted by Steven Plaut, November 15, 2008. |
1. A front page lead story in Haaretz on Friday (Nov 14) began: "The continuing fighting around the Gaza Strip is surprising not only because it contradicts the prognosis of Israeli intelligence but also because it is completely in contradiction to the direct interests of both sides in the near future.." Got that? Put aside the fact that Haaretz runs editorials as if they are news stories on the front page. The real news here is that Haaretz finds it "SURPRISING" that the latest ceasefire "deal" with the savages did not hold and produced dozens of rocket attacks on Israeli civilians from the Gaza Strip in the past few days. But every single ceasefire "deal" over the past 16 years produced escalation of terror. So why exactly does Haaretz find THIS bout of rocket attacks "surprising." And the comment that the barbarism is "contrary to the interests of both sides" just proves that Haaretz is still living inside its little LSD trip and pretending that the savages have a real interest in reaching an accommodation with Israel, while Israel is the only obstruction to such a nice pastoral utopia. See http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1037264.html 2. In his weekend columns, Ben Dror Yemini, the deputy editor in
Maariv, has emerged as one the few decent and honest journalists in
Israel. While Left of Center, he freely bashes the Far-Left and the
anti-Zionists, including the tenured traitors. Meanwhile, this past
Friday, he has fried a newer fish, after noting the absurdity of Dan
Meridor rejoining the Likud (instead of recruiting himself into
MERETZ). Here is an excerpt from Yemini's column, translated by me
(the full column in Hebrew is here: 'I believe the conspiracy theories about the Rabin assassination to the same extent as I believe all those conspiracy theories about 911 in the US. No, the MOSSAD did not direct Mohammed Ata and no, the GSS (Shin Bet) was not behind the murder of Rabin. But in recent years, in spite of the passing of time, there are those who try to disseminate "question marks" about these, and not just a few isolated individuals or organizations. Even some people who seem on the surface to be sane have joined in. There are of course many who do not belong to any particular political wing yet get swept along because they do not know how to respond to the "evidence" presented by the conspiracists who challenge the official version. Afterword by SP: Yemini joins those who realize that pursuing infantile conspiracism has made the Israeli Right appear to be insane and irrelevant to so many Israelis, and has prevented the Right from having any effect on national policy. 3. Pestilinian Authority hands out death penalty against anyone who fights terrorism: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/128366 4. Billie Moscone-Lerman is an ultra-airhead, whose talking head is among the airiest. She is a journalist of sorts, and for a while had her own TV chat show, proving that state-run television that is not answerable or accountable can air even the stupidest, most boring, and silliest material. Anyways, the Billie has an article in Friday's Maariv about Dov Chanin, the Stalinist would-be KGB officer who ran for mayor in the Tel Aviv election and got a third of the vote. Since I doubt whether a single Russian-immigrant voted for him, he may have gotten half of the non-Russian Tel Aviv vote. The Billie sings his praise and her headline reads: "He is a communist but not in the sense of gulags. Rather, in the sense of dreaming of a better world." Got that? The Billie thinks there is a communism about dreams of a better world. Only in Israel could such a bimbo write for the national number two newspaper. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 14, 2008. |
REVIEWING FEASIBILITY OF SECURITY FENCE Fence or no fence, Hamas is holding Israel at bay under threat of strategic rocket attack. The same would be true of Judea-Samaria, if Israeli troops withdrew. Therefore, it wasn't the fence that brought Israel relative security from the P.A. in Judea-Samaria, it was Israeli troops. Despite the failure of security fences, the billions of dollars to complete, and its problems for residents and property-owners, Israel blindly pushes on with it. Are Israeli politicians afraid to admit they made a mistake? (IMRA, 10/28.) They would have to admit that the IDF still is needed to protect Israel from the P.A.. In turn, they would have to admit that Israel cannot buy peace with land, and that the P.A. should be destroyed and not appeased. Admit that their ideology demanded sacrifices for peace were futile, and they'd lose elections. Perhaps the real reason for the fence is to keep Jews out. It practically has been admitted that the fence separates the area that Israel wants to keep from areas it wants to cede, including areas that Jews live in. The government knows that those Jews won't protest by firing rockets into Israel. Think about that last statement! The government calls those Jews names, but and calls Abbas, who encourages the faithful to murder Jews, peace partners. ISRAELI LEFTIST AIDED FRANCE 2 BLOOD LIBEL A French court vindicated the French Jewish accuser of France2 TV as having fraudulently claimed that the IDF murdered an Arab boy, Al-Dura. Part of France 2's case was made by the son-in-law of Pres. Peres, surgeon Raphael Warden. Dr. Warden is active in the pro-terrorist group, Doctors For Human Rights. [If they were for human rights, they would not be anti-Zionist and pro-terrorist, since terrorists deny human rights.] Based on documents from a Jordanian office, he verified that the IDF shot the boy's father. An Israeli doctor who did examine Al-Dura's father, however, found that the injuries the father claimed to have received when his son was pretending to have been shot had been inflicted at least eight years earlier (Prof. Steven Plaut, 10/28). If people understood their own culture and that of the Muslim Arabs, would they adopt psychotic ideologies? Wouldn't they realize that Muslim Arabs and Western leftists lie for their ideologies rather than admit their falsity? Like Dr. Warden, the Western media accepts certain falsehoods without much question. TAKE A BAD BARGAIN TO SHOW IT'S BAD? Daniel Gordis finds two mistakes by Israel worth making. One was abandoning Gaza. It taught Israelis that withdrawal doesn't work. The other was exchanging live terrorists for dead Israeli soldiers. That showed young Israelis that Israel will do anything to get them back (Jewish Political Chronicle, Fall 2008). Yes, more Israelis learned that withdrawal is counter-productive. Those Israelis don't count. The Israelis who do count don't learn they want more withdrawals. A psychotic ideology drives them, and no scruples inhibit them. Doesn't matter what the majority thinks. Didn't the majority learn that Oslo doesn't work, yet Israeli regimes continue to pursue more Oslo-like pacts? No, trading for dead Israeli soldiers does not show that Israel will do anything to get its soldiers back. It didn't fight hard enough to force the enemy to return them alive. By agreeing to take them back dead or alive, the government guaranteed that those or other captured Israelis will be murdered before they are traded. By agreeing to a lopsided exchange, the government gave the enemy an incentive, that the enemy cites, to capture more Israelis. By appeasing the enemy and leaving them in power, and by releasing so many prisoners, the government perpetuates the war and the killing of young Israeli soldiers. No thanks! ISRAELI EDUCATION Israeli students "are unaware of the importance of a Jewish state and do not know why the fight for its very existence is still going on,.." This ignorance results from their secularist education (Op. Cit.) supervised by anti-Zionists. ISLAMIC "ANTI-DEFAMATION" CAMPAIGN The Organization of Islamic Conference is promoting an international resolution on religious defamation. It seeks bans on "offending" expression. Muslims define "offensive" subjectively. The resolution replaces bans on incitement to hatred and violence to what Muslims find, or pretend to find, offensive, however objective it be. "It empowers the state rather than the individual, and protects ideas rather than the person who holds them." (Ibid.) Being subjective, there is no standard. Muslins take offense at any statement of fact about Islam not showing it positively. They also object to critical analysis of Islam and to defense against defamation by Islam. They pretend great insult over humor about Islam. They who ban free speech and legitimate scholarship should have no hold over our speech! Let them start by reining in their own defamatory statements, in mosques and the media. Their Koran condemns other faiths. If they defend it as true, then truth is a defense put that in the ban! PLO ADMITS IT'S STILL AT WAR! The PLO was sued in a US court for acts of terrorism between 2001 and 2004. Its attorney, Ramsey Clark, did not deny that the PLO committed those acts. He claimed that those acts do not fit the international definition of terrorism but are acts of war. Acts of war do not come under judicial purview in the US. The judge disagreed. He said they fit the international definition. The PLO targeted civilians in a college and at a bus stop, with indiscriminate bombs. Thus although in the name of the PLO, Arafat signed agreements with Israel and the US to halt violence, and although his successor is supposed to be in a peace process, the PLO admits it continued its war. It also admits that it used means of terrorism, which are not legitimate acts of war. [Its denial that such means are terrorism is false propaganda, part of its war.] "That the PLO justifies 'merciless capability of indiscriminately killing and maiming untold numbers' suggests it remains the terrorist organization it has always been since its founding in 1964." "When will the diplomatic bright lights in Jerusalem and Washington figure this out?" (Daniel Pipes #876, 10/28). The diplomats and many journalist have figured it out. They only pretend there is a peace process, because they either believe in appeasement or they oppose Jewish national self-determination. The State Dept. and NY Times believe both. What excuse do US Jewish organizations have for not exposing the pretense? COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT The Geneva Convention outlawed "collective punishment" punishing innocents people as reprisals for others' crimes. The Convention was based on Nazi firing squads that chose at random 10 civilians for every Nazi killed by partisans. Nor does the Convention apply to Gaza, which is not party to it, and which is not under foreign occupation. Israel's critics claim it imposes collective punishment on Gaza, by partial blockade. In war, however, economic blockade is legitimate, as recognized by the UNO Charter. Even fuel may be withheld if taken by enemy forces, as Hamas does. The UNO has imposed economic blockades on Iraq and the Taliban, and Hamas attacks any Israeli it can, but those acts are not called "collective punishment." [If Israel does it, it is wrong?] Israel is not obliged to supply Gaza, which uses supplies to make war on Israel. Calling the blockade collective punishment is part of the strategy of de-legitimizing Israeli security by pretending its security fence is apartheid, killing terrorist leaders is a war crime, and self-defense is ethnic cleansing (Jewish Political Chronicle, Fall 2008).
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 14, 2008. |
I am going to go out on a limb here and take a wild stab at this. Let me guess, the tunnels are for the innocent children to play in. The article below by Khaled Abu Toameh comes via Dr. Aaron Lerner of
IMRA. It is called "Perfume, Viagra, lions and fuel smuggling is Gaza's growth industry"
and it appeared today in the Jerusalem Post
Lerner writes, With close to 1,000 tunnels operating and many truckload flowing through them daily, it is hardly a "cat-and-mouse game" for Egypt but instead that "Egyptians (are) reluctant to take tough measures against the smugglers". |
Sixteen months after assuming full control over the Gaza Strip, Hamas appears to be stronger than ever largely thanks to the growing number of tunnels that are used to smuggle goods and weapons under the border with Egypt. Israeli hopes that the embargo imposed on Gaza will eventually turn the impoverished Palestinians living there against the Hamas government seem unrealistic in light of the booming smuggling industry. According to sources close to Hamas, the number of underground tunnels has risen in the past two years to nearly 1,000. Once, Palestinian groups used the tunnels mainly to smuggle weapons into the Strip. But the tunnels have now become a vital tool in circumventing the Israeli commercial blockade of the district. It's no wonder the tunnels are no longer a secret, and foreign journalists are being invited to visit them and interview their owners. Hamas and its supporters have managed through a carefully planned PR campaign to market the smuggling tunnels as the only available means to prevent "starvation" in the Gaza Strip. Hamas leaders have even begun referring to them as "Tunnels of Life" because large supplies of food and medicine are being brought through them into Gaza on a daily basis. The longer the blockade continues, the more sophisticated the tunnel-digging process becomes. Today, engineers and well-trained excavators supervise the digging of most of the tunnels, some of which are equipped with electricity and phone lines. Some of the tunnels are said to have more than one opening on the Egyptian side so they can continue to function even after an entrance is discovered and closed by the Egyptian authorities. Hamas representatives said Thursday that while the tunnels wouldn't solve the major problems of the Gaza Strip in the long term, they were proving to be an effective tool in countering the Israeli blockade. When milk, flour and gas cylinders don't come from Israel, they are easily transferred through the many hundreds of tunnels. Who needs the Rafah border crossing to be reopened when one can get to Egypt via an underground tunnel? Who needs banks or Western Union when there can be subterranean transfers of cash? When Israel decided earlier this year to temporarily suspend fuel supplies to the Gaza Strip in response to the rocket attacks on Israeli towns and cities, the smugglers installed underground pipes that continue to pump gasoline into the Gaza Strip. As a result, motorists there pay nearly half the price they were paying several months ago to fill their cars. Underground smuggling has become one of the most profitable and sought-after professions in Gaza. Hundreds of unemployed laborers have joined the digging business, where monthly salaries range from NIS 2,500 to NIS 5,000. Most of the laborers used to work in Israel but lost their jobs because of the closure of the border crossings. "Today there's less demand for weapons in the Gaza Strip," said a veteran Palestinian journalist who has been covering the tunnels story for over two decades. "Today people want to eat and buy cheap goods from Egypt. That's why they are smuggling everything, including sheep, calves, lions, cigarettes, perfume, electrical appliances, food and even tens of thousands of Viagra pills." Both Israel and Egypt seem to have wearied of battling the underground tunnel trade. The two countries today realize that this is a cat-and-mouse game that needs to be dealt with on more than one front. The major problem Israel and Egypt are facing is that there is no one in the Gaza Strip to restore law and order along the border. On the contrary, Hamas has long been involved in the smuggling business, and its members are said to control many of the tunnels in Rafah. Once, the smuggling business was mostly run by influential clans and criminals. Today, it's an honor to be the owner of an underground tunnel, and many of the Gaza Strip's respected businessmen are said to be part of the industry. The smugglers are boasting that they are actually performing "patriotic" deeds, since they are helping their people circumvent the Israeli embargo. Seventeen Palestinian diggers and smugglers who were killed when their tunnels collapsed in the past few months have been declared shahids (martyrs) by Hamas and their families. This makes the Egyptians reluctant to take tough measures against the smugglers, fearing they will be accused by the Arab world of complicity in the "siege" against Gaza's 1.5 million Palestinians. Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 14, 2008. | |
Here we go again, the exaggeration of olive trees destroyed and more proof that the poor poor Transjordanians are getting much more money than they want you to know. Official figures from officials in the Palestinian Authority indicate that the number of trees damaged during the harvest constituted only 0.05% of the total harvested crop. This below is from IDF Spokesperson's Office, November 13th, 2008 | |
An Estimated 140 Million U.S. Dollars in Revenues in This Year's Olive Harvest in Judea and Samaria Approximately one month after the olive harvest began in Judea and Samaria, the vast majority of olives in the area have been successfully harvested, assisted by the early deployment of security forces in the region. This year, the harvest was made possible in many areas, including those close to Jewish communities and others in which the harvest was denied in recent years due to security or legal restrictions. During this period of time, a number of clashes occurred, but due to prior intelligence, security forces were able to immediately intervene to secure the harvest grounds. All forces were instructed to facilitate the safe continuation of the harvest and to enable its safe completion. Although most of the harvest did not require coordination with the IDF and Civil Administration, past experience and different security needs determined that certain areas called for advance coordination with the aforementioned bodies. Official figures from officials in the Palestinian Authority indicate that the number of trees damaged during the harvest constituted only 0.05% of the total harvested crop. As a part of preparations for this year's harvest, meetings were held between Civil Administration personnel and their Palestinian counterparts. The meetings included representatives of the various villages in the region, as well as important figures from the Palestinian Authority (PA) including the PA Olive Oil Department, and were held in order to coordinate a schedule for the harvest. In addition, Israeli security forces authorized the plan for the harvest, during which they would provide security, after conducting security assessments. Permits to harvest olives in the seam zone were granted to approximately 3,000 Palestinian workers for the duration of the harvest, as a part of a general enhancement in agricultural work enabled in that area. Information about the Olive Oil Industry:
EDITOR'S NOTE: Nevertheless, thanks to a partisan media, the myth has been established that Arabs are prevented from harvesting their crops. Their attempts at marauding Jews orchards are ignored by a media anxious to establish that the Arabs are the victims. This is a story about about an Arab raid that was thwarted.
Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 14, 2008. | |
Once again the 'disease virus' called the New York Times featured a propaganda display, telling all who would be so gullible to fall for it, that settlers want to leave their homes because the "West Bank" (Judea and Samaria the correct geographic terms) is besieged. In truth, 280,000 Jewish patriotic settlers living in Judea and Samaria have no intention of leaving. But, the NYT, under the Left-Liberal un-Jewish owners, the Sulzbergers, wish to start a Goebbels-like panic, both in Israel and in America. Leftists have always used propaganda trying to destroy the courage and beliefs of Jews so they will run away. This bit of printed trash uses the vague generalization of un-named settlers who are supposedly saying "The Settlement Enterprise is Doomed." Sounds like it came straight out of the mouths of Olmert, Livni, Barak, Peres and always the Israel-hating Rice. Ethan Bronner claims that "thousands of other settlers say they want to move back to within the pre-1967 borders of Israel". What is his evidence? Only 3 people are quoted by name, plus a Left-wing Knesset member, Foreign Minister and the new head of the Kadima Party, Tzipi Livni. Amongst the outright lies, falsehoods, twisting and spinning, a few good truths emerge. When any people do move out of their homes in Judea and Samaria, new families from Israel and abroad quickly move in. There is actually a long waiting list for homes in the mostly empty beautiful hills of Judea and Samaria. The Knesset member, avshalom Vilan from the very Left-wing Meretz party claims about 40% of the settlers are ready to go for a reasonable price. (I like "Vilan" last name so close to the correct word to describe him: villain.) Vilan is leader of a 'movement' called One Home, which wants to pass a Knesset law budgeting $6 Billion to buy the homes of the weak contingent, the opportunists, of settlers so they can start over again inside little Israel. This proposed law and budget points to the failure of the Israeli government to settle and find employment for the formerly self-sufficient, profit-making 10,000 Jewish men, women and children from 21 communities in Gush Katif/Gaza and 4 communities in Northern Samaria. Relying upon the Olmert government to pay for anything other than the political embezzlers of his own Kadima Party is a well-known waste of time. Israel could not possible afford the money, let alone the moral, ethical, security and sovereignty ramifications of surrendering Israel's historic ancient homeland, the Land G-d gave to the Jewish people in perpetuity. You may have missed the full page, full color ads in recent issues of the NYT, placed by the Leftists and the Saudis, with accompanying stories and editorials telling us how much the Muslim Arabs want "peace" with Israel and the Jews. If you saw them, that sick feeling in your throat wasn't acid reflux but merely vomit forming as Jew-hating un-Jews join the Jew-hating Muslim Arabs for a big push to end Israel's life as a Jewish State. I will feel no pity when our enemies corner the Kadimites and drag them off for Islamic justice. As for the American Jewish Leftists (too often in the self-proclaimed Jewish leadership), they too will cringe and mewl how, "it wasn't our fault that we were so anxious to betray the Jewish nation" so like the infamous "Judenratt" who thought that by betraying their fellow Jews, they were saving themselves and their families. Bronner goes on in his typical propagandistic tones, trying to sound fair, but he always circles back to his main theme of a so-called "two-state" solution, wherein Jews cannot possibly survive as the 3 to 5 million Muslim Arabs from surrounding countries flood the Jewish State in whatever Land Israel abandons. Look at how Gaza has become (as we and others predicted) a Global Terrorist firing base against Israel. The Arabs in Gaza have suffered a tremendous drop in their standard of living, income and safety. The Jewish employers have been driven away and Hamas now controls the Gaza District, with cruelty, terror, corruption and confiscation of the humanitarian aid and fuel Israel sends in. While this 2/3rd page article is typical of Leftist un-Jews, it is also the timing that bears scrutiny. In Israel, the out-going Olmert (who awaits indictment for all sorts of thievery), is pushing along with President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to evacuate all of Judea and Samaria. Additionally, they promote the pretense that a non-people should be given the sacred parts of Jerusalem as the capital of their second Muslim Arab Palestinian state. However, Mahmoud Abbas, current President of the Palestinian Authority (Yassir Arafat's 40 year partner, collaborator and financier) found even that "gift" unacceptable and wants ALL of Jerusalem as well as ALL of Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights. The Muslims would try to evict or murder all the Jews left living there. Another un-subtle tidbit with picture appears in the NYT Index on page 2 with several of the most egregious statements for the main article. However, this propagandistic tidbit has a photo of Orthodox Jews, dancing with Torahs in their Sephardic style cases. The juxtaposition of photo, the Torahs and the men show one man with his gun hanging over his shoulder and down his back. What message would you take from this if you didn't understand that these brave, pioneering settlers do live under threat of Muslim Arab Terrorists, entering their homes, yeshivas and fields to murder, burn and destroy? The other 2 color photos on page A6 with the Bronner article are also significant. The beautiful scenic photo of the Samarian hills, puts 2 young boys overlooking this view, with 2 small fences in front of them. What's the subliminal message? Do they want to "get out"? Or are they simply admiring the view? Then look at the small map of Judea and Samaria. Some of the settlements mentioned (from which the 3 mentioned settlers "allegedly" want to "get out". However, note the fragile strategic barrier that Judea and Samaria offers to the 70% of the Jewish population on the Mediterranean coastal plain. See how easy it would be for Muslim Arabs to fire down from the Judean and Samarian mountains, IF they ever achieved control of this precious, ancient homeland. Every Jew-hating Leftist wants Jerusalem to be "Judenrein" (Jew-free). That includes the Church of Rome who, for centuries wanted all Jews off the planet. Even as all branches of Christians are being brutally pushed out of Arab Muslim countries, they want to shut down and kill the Jewish State of Israel, the only country in the Middle East that gives them full freedom of their religion. The United Nations, which for many is truly a hell-on-earth for Jews, the most evil nations on the planet meet and plot the end of Israel. Strange, isn't it? Christianity came into being because an apostate Jew, Saul, had a vision out of his frequent epileptic seizures and a Jew became the Lord they worshipped. (Saul became Paul.) But, they not only didn't follow this adopted Jew's Jewish way of life as mandated by Torah law, but they deliberately planned to kill all of his Jewish family and descendants in an unending Genocide. Similarly, the Muslims since the time of Muhammed in the 7th Century, tried to emulate his teaching learned from his life among the Jews of Medina in the Arabian peninsula (now Saudi Arabia). Since their inception, the Muslim world has been on a killing rampage against Jews. One might say that the Jews, as "A Light Unto The Nations" succeeded in influencing barbarians and pagans to cease worshiping their invented gods and reverted to worshiping one G-d. But, in the end, they are still murderous assassins who wish the Light of the Jews to be extinguished so they, the Christians and Muslims, can fight it out as to who will own G-d and be Number One in the world, be King of the Hill or have a Global Islamic Caliphate.
Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Justice for Jonathan Pollard, November 14, 2008. |
See Also Hebrew Text at www.jonathanpollard.org |
B"H November 11, 2008 / 13 Cheshvan 5769 Dear President Bush, As a G-d fearing people, we feel a humane and ethical duty to write you concerning a deeply heartfelt matter.Mr. Jonathan Pollard is currently serving his 23rd year in prison. He is ill and his condition is serious.We respectfully request that you act mercifully towards him.Please grant him clemency as a humanitarian gesture to the Jewish People and the State of Israel. With G-d's blessing, Mr. Pollard's release will bring only good to the United States and the American People. Respectfully, Chief Rabbis of the Holy Land Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu former Chief Rabbi of Israel
Members of the Chief Rabbinic Council of Israel Rabbi Shar Yasuv HaCohen Haifa
Chaplains of Zaka Search and Rescue
Chief Rabbis of the Old Cities of the Holy Land Rabbi Dov Lior Holy City Hebron
Chief Municipal Rabbis of the Cities of the Holy Land Rabbi Shimon Almaliah Atlit
Chief Rabbis of Regional Councils of the Holy Land Rabbi Asher Zemel Lev HaSharon
To call the White House: 202-456 -1111 or 202-456-1414
Reach Justice for Jonathan Pollard by sending an email to
Posted by Robert Spencer, November 13, 2008. |
"You must destroy the West" so said a speaker at a recent conference featuring Islamic leaders in London. Below is my column in Human Events this morning: |
"You must destroy the West" so said a speaker at a recent conference in London. The conference featured Islamic leaders openly calling for the overthrow of the British government and the establishment of an Islamic state in Britain under the noses of British authorities who, just days before the conference, had announced a new crackdown against "hate speech" and "extremist" preaching. The episode was instructive or should have been for proponents of the Fairness Doctrine and "hate speech" laws in the United States. The conference organizer, Anjem Choudary, declared at the conference that "as Muslims, we will not submit to any man-made law, any government, or any prime minister Bush or Brown or Jacqui Smith. We submit to Allah." Instead of submitting, he called upon Muslims to rise up: "It is our religious obligation to prepare ourselves both physically and mentally and rise up against Muslim oppression and take what is rightfully ours. Jihad is a duty and a struggle and an obligation that lies upon the shoulders of us all. We will not rest until the flag of Allah and the flag of Islam is raised above 10 Downing Street." Choudary called on Muslims to dare to take the risks involved in participating in the violent overthrow of the British state. "There are three types of Muslims," he said: "those in prison, those of us that are on our way [to prison] and non-practicing Muslims. Brothers and sisters, if you do not fear your home being raided by the Kufar [non-believer] police, you are not enforcing the Sharia [Islamic law]." Speaking via a live feed from Lebanon, Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, a jihadist leader formerly based in Britain but now barred from returning to that country, exhorted the conference attendees: "Do not obey the British law ... .We must fight and die for Islam this is the map and road to Jennah [Paradise]." He praised Osama bin Laden and asserted that Muslims had no obligation to obey secular laws rather than Islamic law. Ironically, this conference came only two weeks after UK Home Secretary Jacqui Smith announced that the British government was taking new steps to stop "preachers of hate from spreading extremism in our communities." So would Choudary and the other conference organizers and speakers be arrested? Unlikely: a British Home Office official said that "the new measures ... only prevent individuals from coming here and spreading their hate in person." As such, they "do not cover" this jihadist conference. Later, the Home Office and London's Metropolitan Police played hot potato with the conference. A Home Office statement said that it wasn't their responsibility to determine whether or not any laws had been broken; rather, "it is for the police and the Crown Prosecution Service to investigate any breach of the law," to which a Police spokesman replied: "It's the Home Office that makes the laws. If it doesn't know whether something is against the law, then who does?" Good question and one that goes to the heart of the problem with "hate speech laws" in general. Even in the face of the London jihadist conference's open calls to destroy British society as it is currently constituted and impose Islamic law there, no one is quite sure what constitutes "hate speech" and why hate speech laws are so dangerous. "Hate speech," like the "fairness" that the Fairness Doctrine promises to establish, is in the eye of the beholder. Hate speech laws, like the Fairness Doctrine, are so vague in their application that law enforcement officials can easily become genuinely befuddled (like the UK's Home Office) as to what crosses the line and what doesn't and that very vagueness can make them a tool in the hands of those in power to silence dissent. As America welcomes a new President who counts among his supporters many who would like to see the U.S. enact laws like Britain's hate speech codes and the Fairness Doctrine, this London jihadist conference illustrates anew that such laws create more problems than they solve. As jihadists in Britain speak openly about their intention to overthrow the British government, British officials would be better off dusting off and enforcing old laws about sedition rather than trying to figure out if some dangerously vague new laws have been broken. Robert Spencer hosts Jihad Watch. This article is archived at
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 13, 2008. |
IRAN LINKS HOLOCAUST TO ZIONISM Iran satirized Holocaust studies with a cartoon book. The book contends that the Holocaust was fabricated in order to provide a pretext for a Jewish state. Proof: scholars are not allowed to evaluate the evidence of a Holocaust (IMRA, 10/27). Doesn't Iran know that the outline of a Jewish state was set up by the Palestine Mandate about 1920? That was years before the Holocaust started. I would say is that Zionist sentiment had not advanced very strongly among Jews until the Holocaust convinced the survivors that they needed their own country, and it convinced much of the rest of the world that they deserved it. The controversy over Holocaust denial is more complicated. Countries in Europe suffered enough from the Nazis, and try to ban its re-emergence. Part of that ban is to bar Holocaust denial, which would relieve the Nazis of much of their guilt. I don't approve of the ban. The US is freer about it. On the other hand, Holocaust denial often is used to slander the reputation of Jews, as if frauds, and to undermine their prior entitlement to their stolen homeland. Whereas scholars have worked with a mountain of evidence about the Holocaust, the deniers do not do scholarly work with the evidence but assert and speculate. They are "nuts." Serious scholars don't bother with nuts. Occcasionally, a scholar will show that some Holocaust denier is promoting antisemitism. (It is no coincidence that almost all Holocaust deniers are antisemitic.) When a prominent denier sued the critic for libel, the critic proved her case. I think that is an appropriate way to deal with deniers. I also think that, as time passes, and those of us who still remember the Holocaust dwindle, it behooves writers of textbooks to do more than just describe the Holocaust. They should insert a summary of some of the evidence, so succeeding generations don't think it is just a matter of opinion. For examples, textbooks should explain that voluminous Nazi records attest to the Holocaust, and Germany, which knew what happened, later paid reparations. Show scenes from US Army films of the bodies and ovens. Include some before-and-after Jewish population figures. Explain that the allies did not sympathize with the Jews and didn't try to stop the Holocaust, so how could the Jewish people deceive them about a Holocaust? Of course, the very notion that the Jewish people manipulate the rest of the world is, itself, antisemitic. In the end, Holocaust denial is based on antisemitism, a conspiracy theory about the Jews. The conspiracy theory and the antisemitism are the real frauds, here. Iran has concocted a Holocaust denial fraud in order to deny the Jews their state. Holocaust denial is a weapon of jihad. BARAK INVOKES EMERGENCY LAWS Since some Jews in Judea-Samaria resist destruction of unauthorized houses there, Defense Min. Barak will utilize "iron fist" emergency law authorizing arrests without warrant or charge. He says they undermine the state. He did not say the same for leftists protesting erection of the security fence. (Arutz-7, 10/28). Settlers undermine his rule a little, but his rule undermines the Jewish state a lot. He's taken police state and brutal measures against settlers all along, while allowing Arabs to keep police out of their Israeli towns while they break the law. His indignation is a political and ideological pose, not a stand on law and order. FATAH & HAMAS AGREE ON UNITY GOVERNMENT Both terrorist organizations announced acceptance of an Egyptian proposal for a unity government. [The difference between them is that] Hamas states in English that it won't recognize Israel and urges the murder of Jews there and abroad [but the Fatah-run P.A. states it only in Arabic, sometimes in code phrases]. Anticipating a Fatah-P.A. defense and crackdown against Hamas, Israel had released hundreds of terrorists, removed hundreds more from its wanted lists, and allowed the Fatah-P.A. to bring in weapons and deploy its troops, many of whom belong to terrorist organizations, in P.A. cities. Fatah may share its weapons and troops with Hamas (Arutz-7, 10/28). Hamas had predicted that the weapons going to Fatah will end up in Hamas' hands, just as they had in Gaza. Jewish nationalists warned that, either way, those weapons would be turned on Israelis, just as weapons supplied to P.A. forces had, before. Barry Chamish would call Israeli concessions to the P.A., made while it increasingly disarms the Jewish population, a conspiracy to get the Arabs to drive the Jews out of the Territories if not also of Israel. I had warned that, when Abbas talked about unity with Hamas, he indicated he was not anti-terrorist and Israel should have destroyed the P.A., not made concessions to it. ISRAEL THREATENS HAMAS AGAIN Israel threatened that if Hamas artillery fires on it, it would massively bombard Gaza towns. Israel did not define which of a dozen different conditions of aggression, involving its extent and target, would trigger retaliation. Israel had not implemented similar announcements. Hamas is likely to test Israel. Hence, no credibility and no deterrent (IMRA, 10/28). A threat can be vague, if credible. PHONY STATISTICS AGAINST ISRAEL Israel's "human rights" organization, B'Tselem, publishes the names, dates and circumstances of the deaths of P.A. Arabs killed in the war against Israel. [Why not of Jews, too?] It classifies the deaths as if Israel has wantonly killed a large number of Arab civilians. The categories mislead. In its 2007 report, B'Tselem claimed that Israeli forces killed 373 Arabs, of whom 131 were "civilians who did not partake in fighting when they were killed." Looks bad. Isn't. It applies "Not partake in fighting when they were killed" to terrorist in cars liquidated by missile strikes or who plan attacks, build bombs, etc.. Just because they weren't fighting at the moment does not make them civilians. They don't become civilians when the IDF takes the initiative. The report omits terrorists' affiliation. The heads of Hamas merely are "residents of Gaza" killed while "exiting the mosque," "traveling by car" and "sleeping." Since, Israel does not issue statistics, the UNO and others draw on B'Tselem's false statistics (Arutz-7, 10/27). ISRAEL'S SLOW-MOTION REACTION TO HAMAS Although not building many apartment houses in Gaza, Hamas is importing massive loads of cement. It uses the cement to build bunkers for rockets and tunnels under roads into Gaza, to be blown up beneath invading Israeli forces. In response, Deputy Defense Min. Vilnai reportedly reduced the amount of cement entering Gaza. He is considering barring all of it (IMRA, 10/28). Notice Hamas' "one-two punch" plan: fire upon Israel, decimate retaliators. Vilnai does too little, too late. What is he waiting for, for Hamas to complete its work? Is he afraid that the phony human rights organizations would criticize this as another hardship Israel imposes on the "poor Palestinians?" Why doesn't Israel explain to the world what Hamas is up to, and why Israeli defensive measures are necessary? Because Israel appeases the Muslims and fears critics. Israel has let itself become a media punching bag. INTERESTING CHANGE IN ISLAM Arab clerics have begun issuing fatwas authorizing women beaten by their husbands to fight back (IMRA, 10/28). Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Aryeh Zelasko, November 13, 2008. |
This comes from Science Daily
![]() ScienceDaily (Nov. 13, 2008) Â In archaeological excavations the Israel Antiquities Authority is carrying out at the behest of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, in the northwestern part of the Western Wall plaza in Jerusalem, a rare and impressive Hebrew seal was discovered that dates to the latter part of the First Temple period. The seal was found in a building that is currently being uncovered, which dates to the seventh century BCE to the time when the kings Manasseh and Josiah reigned. The seal will be shown today (Thursday, October 30, 2008) during a study day dealing with "Innovations in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Surroundings", organized by the Jerusalem Region of the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. According to the excavation director, archaeologist Shlomit Wexler-Bdolah of the IAA, "The seal, which apparently belonged to a private individual, is made of black stone, is elliptical in shape and measures 1.2 x 1.4 cm. It is adorned with an engraved decoration of an archer shooting a bow and arrow. The name of the archer is engraved in ancient Hebrew script next to him and reads LHGB (meaning: for Hagab). The name Hagab is mentioned in the Bible in Ezra 2:46, as well as in the Lachish Letters, which also date to the time of the First Temple". The seal was sent for expert evaluation to Professor Benjamin Sass of the Tel Aviv University and Dr. Tali Ornan of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. According to them the image of the archer was influenced by Assyrian wall reliefs in which archers are portrayed shooting bows and arrows such as those that are known from the Lachish relief. The image of the archer appears in profile: he is standing in a firing position with his right foot in front of his left. His face is portrayed schematically but his body, his dress and especially the muscles of his arms and legs stand out prominently. He is barefoot. His attire includes a headband and a skirt that is wrapped around his hips. A quiver hangs from his back and its straps are drawn tightly across his exposed chest. He is holding a bow and arrow in his hands. His right hand is extended forward holding the bow while his left is pulled back grasping the arrow. The seal is quite unique since this is the first time that a private seal has been discovered that bears a Hebrew name and is decorated in the Assyrian style. The seal attests to the strong Assyrian influence that existed in Jerusalem in the seventh century BCE. It is usually assumed that the owner of private seals were individuals who held government positions. We can suggest that the owner of the seal Hagab, who chose to portray himself as a Hebrew archer depicted in the Assyrian style served in a senior military role in Judah. In the building where Hagab's seal was discovered, archaeologist
Wexler-Bdolah has previously found a number of Hebrew seals of
individuals that held public positions, as well as ten handles of
storage jars for oil and wine that are stamped with royal impressions.
According to her, "This building was erected at the foot of the Upper
City, at a distance of about one hundred meters from the Western Wall
and it looks out over the Temple Mount. The walls of the structure
were preserved to an amazing height of approximately five meters. The
high quality of its construction and the artifacts that were
discovered inside it indicate that the building and especially its
inhabitants had a very important status in Jerusalem at the end of the
First Temple period."
Aryeh Zelasko lives in Beitar Illit, south of Jerusalem. He is
Director of Sales and Marketing of Israel Visit
(www.israelvisit.co.il) which provides information and an internet
buying facility for American visitors to Israel.
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, November 13, 2008. |
![]() Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il.
Additional images are available at
Posted by Seth FRantzman, November 13, 2008. |
"Could we imagine such a world"
If we didn't live in this world could we imagine it? Let us imagine that we didn't know this world and let us forget all the things we know about it and imagine that someone came and told a story about such a world. Lets say they told us about a place where women are bought and sold in the backrooms of dank apartments and in restrooms of dirty restaurants. They are placed on display nude and checked for their desirability before being handed over from one man to another for the equivalent of a month's worth of wages in society. Imagine a place where men from one country and from one religion travel thousands of miles to other lands and plant bombs so as to kill people they have never met and never interacted with and who have never harmed them. Let us imagine a place where those who benefit the most from the rights granted to them by society are the first to condemn that society and demand its destruction, they are the least likely to serve that society but instead demand that poorer people serve that society and die for it so that they can enjoy their freedom to hate the society that begat them. If we learned of such a place, where women are chattel, where people murder others for no reason and where the wealthy and the intellectuals, the most endowed and privileged members of society, hate their own countries, would we want to live in such a world? Would we really choose to live there? Would we think any of it makes any sense. Just think again about this world we have become used to. Think of this thing, terrorism, we have become used to. Think of our society where some members decide, on a whim, to blow up other members of the world for no reason. Think of the Madrid and London bombings and 9/11 and think about how those who carried them out were granted all the freedoms and welfare from those countries and they chose to murder people they had never met and then afterward their acts were described by the media as part of a 'struggle' and that they were 'militants' with 'grievances' and how intellectuals accused those who died of being 'Eichmans' and said that there was a 'myth of the innocent victim' and then said "revenge solves nothing." Why would we choose such a society? Who would? If someone said that this society is also a good one because it has 'democracy' and it has 'human rights' and 'freedom of speech' might we question what those things are if they produce things. We live in such a world and I ask, is such a world truly worth it? I mean is it worth anything? In our world where Islamic law is worshipped and loved in the West, where the Archbishop of Canterbury supports its implication and where we already have Shariah courts allowed to rule in domestic violence cases in the U.K. I ask, is such a world worth anything? And I ask you to consider this story: Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, a 13 year old girl in Somalia was raped by three adult males while on the way to her grandmothers. He took her to the police. They brought her to the Islamic Shariah court which pronounced her guilty of 'adultery' even though she was not married. She was brought to a football stadium where a 1,000 men gathered to watch her execution. She was led out and she asked of the men "what do you want from me." The grown men said to the 13 year old girl "We will do what Allah has instructed us." She saw then that they intended to kill her and said "I am not going. Don't kill me." They took her to a hole that they had dug in the ground and they buried her up to her neck, making sure the headscarf remained on her head lest her immodesty offend the men. 50 grown men stoned the 13 year old girl's head. They then brought nurses to see if she was dead. The nurses removed her body from the ground and said she was not dead. So they re-buried her and stoned her until she died. Amnesty International representatives and a "human rights activist" and other journalists were on the scene to witness what happened. A Unicef official from the UN was also nearby receiving reports. His name is Christian Balslev-Olesen. I will not use his first name again for he is an insult to that word and it should be stricken from his name. Why do we live in such a godless world? Let us think again about the story. A 13 year old girl. Let us pause. A 13 year old girl. She was raped by 3 grown men. She is accused of being the criminal and murdered by being buried up to her neck so that 50 grown men can stone her. I want to ask again. Why do we live in such a godless world? And think of her last moments. She can see the grown men, the same men that raped her. She can also see the Human Rights Activist. She can see the Unicef workers. She can see the BBC reporters. She can see Christian Balslev-Olesen. I want you to think again of this scene. A 13 year old girl is forced into a hole in the ground so that 50 grown men can stone her head. All the while Europeans stand around and take notes. A human rights activist takes notes. I want you to think again of this. This world. Our world. Is it a place that deserves justice? Is it a place that deserves humanity? Does it deserve anything? It deserves justice. Amnesty International deserves Justice for this. Unicef deserves justice for this. Human rights activists and the reporters present deserve justice for this. Mr. Braslev-Olesen, you deserve justice for this. Islam, that evil thing that destroys this world and takes the soul from humanity, that thing that rapes a 13 year old and then stones her, that thing that requires she be buried up to her neck so that grown men may stone her, Islam deserves justice. Will justice come to these things? No. Braslev-Olesen will return to his Villa in whatever European country he resides. Will someone one day put a knife to his throat and drag him to his back patio and place him in a hole and stone him to death? No. There will be no justice. Do these Muslims, these animals, do they, as they raise a stone over their head to throw at a 13 year old girl, do they have any humanity? Are they human? What kind of a man can do such a thing? In my mind the world is not worth our effort. Humanity is not worth anything. When the world media's representatives and the UN representatives can look on and do nothing, when grown men stone 13 year old girls and call its 'God's will', I cannot say we live in any sort of human society. We live in nothing. Will Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow ever return to us? Will she ever have her justice? It is on our shoulders to wait until Mr. Braslev-Olesen dies and then to seek out his grave and demolish it so that no memory of him remains. The name Braslev-Olesen is a curse on humanity, only slightly less a curse than that thing called Mohammed that was vomited forth in the 7th century. We can do that bit of justice for a 13 year old girl who died at the hands of men while another man sat by. May the UN and Islam be buried up to their necks in the blood they have watched be spilled and may they and this world die the death that both so brilliantly deserve. I can think of no other verdict for such a place. Our own comforts are meaningless if such crimes are committed. "The world will never know her name: (dis) honourable killings and
the war on women"
Hidden on a sidebar on page seven of the International Herald Tribune on November 5th, 2008 was the headline 'Girl is stoned to death by Islamists in Somalia.' The United Nations reported that a 13 year old girl who had been raped by three men and complained to police was taken by men, placed in a hole, and stoned to death. Under Islamic law she was accused of 'adultery', a crime punishable by death. We won't ever know her name. In her society she may not have even had a name that mattered. She was chattel, less valuable than a mule, a piece of meat to be raped for the pleasure of men and then stoned by those same men for 'dishonouring' her family. Take the recent case where the Tel Aviv District court judge Dalia Ganot freed five suspected human traffickers because, according to the judge, the prostitutes were not "forced into sex...no evidence was brought from which one can infer the existence of supervision or control over the movements of the plaintiffs or the scope of their work." According to reports "Ganot wrote in her ruling that the two complainants seemed to have freedom of movement, noting that one of the defendants said he took them to the gynecologist and the supermarket, as well as the beach and Superland." That is freedom of movement for a woman, a human being? If they are taken to a gynecologist once a month to make sure they aren't pregnant from being forced to have sex with 13 men a day? That is freedom of movement? But Ganot went further, noting that "it is normal for a pimp to be angry if his prostitute refuses to work on her period." But we don't even know the womens' names. There is also the recent story entitled; 'Brothels forbid prostitutes to use condoms to prevent evidence." 'Massage parlors' forbid their prostitutes from using condoms. One woman relates that "you work an eight hour shift..they [the owners] are the one's making the profits while we're taking risks." But the owner has the best interests of the men at heart: "the damage a woman carrier can do is horrendous." While the newspaper and other media investigators never have problems gaining entrance to these places the police seem oblivious. Or maybe we should think of the story of the Abu Ghanem brothers of Ramla who murdered Rim Abu Ghanem. Now through a plea deal they will receive only manslaughter charges because Rim was a woman and not a man and thus, apparently, not deserving of having her murderers jailed for murder. At Hebrew University there is Prof. Eyal Ben-Ari whose own female doctoral students accused him of sexual harassment and rape for more than a year and the authorities did nothing until a police investigation was opened and then, quietly, closed. In Europe a recent story out of Holland reveals the underside of legalized prostitution. Women were sold to brothel owners, forced to engage in sex with more than a dozen clients a day and the German-Turkish brothel owners forced the women to have the names of their 'owners' tattooed on their bodies. They were thus branded like cattle, sold like meat and will be tossed into the trash one day by their 'owners' like trash. Such is the fate of women in a democratic 'progressive' western society. We live in a harsh world which has little respect for women. This is not only an Israeli phenomenon. In New York there was Kitty Genovese who was beaten and murdered for half an hour while citizens looked on in New York in 1964. Had Kitty bean Carl there is no doubt people would have intervened. But 13 year old boys aren't placed in a hole and stoned to death while a UN agency refuses to even tell us their name either. We must fight for women's rights, especially the most marginal women, because no woman should die in our world in such a savage manner and not have the world know her name. "The importance of gun ownership"
When colt pistols first began marketing its firearms it called it the equalizer. "God made all men, Colt made them equal." This statement, from what should have been a stodgy gun maker and its clients, has a revolutionary, seemingly leftist, element to it. The gun, in the hands of the poor, makes them equal to the wealthiest man. In history it has usually been the inability to fashion weapons that has separated society so easily into classes. During the time of tribalism and hunting and gathering all the men in the tribe could usually fashion their own weapons, which were usually quite simple such as bows and arrows or spears and clubs. But as society progressed so did the weapons. Roman weapons were pieces of art, sharpened by master craftsmen. While slaves and savage peoples might surely steal them or get a hold them, they could not produce them. During the feudal period the weapons and amour of a knight were the work likewise of master blacksmiths. Not only health and good living separated the knight from the serfs, they simply had no chance against him should they revolt. This is why revolts never succeeded in feudal Europe. With the introduction of the rifle and the fact that it is even more complicated to make one would have assumed that the government and the wealthy would have been the only ones with access to such specialized weapons. But in fact Colt provided the people with a radical idea. In a country founded by men whose freedom and need to defend themselves meant they were literally swimming in a glut of weapons there was a natural attachment to having a gun at home. The outgrowth of this in the U.S was a robust firearms industry providing guns for the common man. The message of Colt is interesting. All men are equal. This statement is also made in discussing man before the law. But in outside society men are not equal. Colt provided humanity with an equalizer, a weapon, that no man, despite his wealth and power, could be protected from. This was brought brutally home in the assassinations of U.S president's Mckinley and Lincoln. Others were to come. Could a common man have brought down a king during the feudal period or a Roman emperor? The opposition to gun ownership and laws allowing people to kill burglars in order to defend their homes is distinctly a leftist position, ironically, and it is one grounded in the leftist knowledge that as the elites in society they do not want the poor being able to gun them down. One would have assumed the opposite. The left is the party of the 'people'. It needs the votes of the savage poor in order to win. But while the wealthy leftist politicians rely on the poor for votes they don't want the poor being able to kill them. The leftist ideology of a utopian society is built on an image of feudalism. This is why Simon Sebag Montefiore's Court of the Red Tsar was so interesting a read. It showed the degree to which Stalin's court simply remade the only feudal court of the Tsar. Serfs were no better off in either, in fact they perished in the millions under Communism and they were also slaves, except under Communism they were called 'peasants'. There is no surprise that such movements as Communism and Nazism made gun ownership illegal. They did not want the citizens to be equal to the officials. So we see in the U.S that those who oppose gun ownership the most, such as Rosie O'Donnel, usually live in gated communities, with armed guards. This is the great irony. The wealthy man says that the people should be denied their guns and yet they themselves have armed guards and 'armed response' security. In Israel the recent passage of the 'Dromi Law', named after a farmer who shot a Bedouin who was robbing his property, has made it easier for people to shoot to defend their property. Who opposes the law? The Communist and leftist political parties. They don't want the people to be armed. In the U.S by contrast we have the terrorist, Bill Ayers, who as a wealthy intellectual choose to try to murder poor people doing their jobs, such as policeman. Now, when challenged by reporters, he has the gall to call the police for help and ask the reporters to leave his 'property', an irony considering as an anarchist he objects to the idea of property. But his reaction is typical. As a wealthy leftist he denies the people the right to bear arms, but he wants his property and a police force to protect him. This is the classic response. Colt was right in the 1870s. It is even more right today. The right of a person to bear arms should not be infringed by a government. Everytime the right of the people to their weapons has been infringed terrible things have followed. The government cannot be trusted to have a monopoly on firepower, not under Rome or the Feudal knights or today. Man must always be able to reach for his equalizer in order to oppose tyranny. Contact Seth J. Frantzman at sfrantzman@hotmail.com and visit his website: http://journalterraincognita.blogspot.com These essays appeared on his website. |
Posted by American1627, November 13, 2008. |
This has appeared in various forums on the internet. |
Bombarding propaganda Qatar is one of CNN's major financier, you are getting sick of the repeated advertisement of Arab media tools how so hypocritically they show you their "equality" for everyone, covering the awful truth about oppressing all minorities, all those that are not Arab in the middle east who the supremacists Arabs think its' all "theirs". 'Inside the Middle East' For years, the Syrian born Hala Gorani was going up ranks her "inside the middle east" is still going strong. 'Inside the middle east' is basically an Arabic program that its aim is to hide its oppressive tyranny, in a region of totalitarian societies where no Arab country is true democratic or free (in the true sense, including the Iranian/Syrian occupied Lebanon the terrorized Hezbollahland), by exaggerating true or untrue stories that can be used to idolize Arab middle east. 'Inside the Middle East' will never show you the true (story of) repressed conditions of non Arabs such as: Kurds, Berbers, Jews, or non Muslims such as: Copts in Egypt, etc. Ugly 'Palestinianism' Also appearing in that Arab program which is only to "educate Americans only about the cherry picked stories Arabs want us to see"... is Ben Wederman, the notorious west bank based CNN terribly biased journalist, who never seems to find a spot to reveal the oppression of 'Palestinians' upon their people: whether its out of blind radical Islamic motivation or typical Arabisn dictatorship, or the Islamic apartheid against the minority Christian Arab community that live in fear and under persecution, or the genocide campaign that is rampant among most 'Palestinians to "eradicate" the "Zionist entity" or about the epidemic of 'honor killing' crimes, or about corruptive leadership that robs its own people ever since Arafat era, but Ben Wederman doesn't see any "use" in reporting these burning issues, he is instead a great spokesman for the 'Palestinian cause', an example from Nov 7-8 (2008), Ben had a program about "olives", supposedly just talking about olive oil... soon you saw the blatant despicable 'Palestinianim' as the Arab farmer talked about how "old" his tradition is and how the land is so "his"... nothing about Arab immigration into Israel-Palestine of course, that's a no-no mention in rewriting Palestine. He had his camera ready to film Israeli police dispersing a crowd that protested illegal Arab infiltrators into Jewish land... (the true story Ben didn't tell you) when he was asked politely by the police to evacuate the area he refused (after all, he knows very well he wouldn't dare refuse any order from the 'Palestinian' police... what he never bothers explaining his "situation" living in the west bank, how "neutral" a journalist can be), only the 3rd time when he made sure he had enough to portray the Israeli restrained cops as "bad occupiers" he said he is "going"... As if it wasn't enough with Arab tyrants' regimes "culture" infesting the mainstream media in the US, CNN made yet another Arab program, "MME" Market middle east, where one of the very first opening broadcasts was "naturally" about "how to help the "poor", "poor" "Palestinians" (no, not how the filthy rich Gulf oil Arabs should help, not those Arab regimes that have encouraged the Arabs not yet called "palestinians" in 1948 to evacuate Israel-Palestine, but how the west should rather help them), those self destructive guys, the violence-happy crowd, where bigoted Jihadism and militant racist Arabism was always mainstream, ever since the Mufti led the massacres in the 1920's the "creme de la creme" of the middle east. The Middle East Insider There's no room there for criticism of call for change in the diabolic 'Palestinian' society to leave hatred and terror behind and to choose education for their children and 'normal life' for themselves. There's no space for criticism of all Arab regimes that rule their people with an iron fist, Arabian middle east where synonymous with torture, no, not the light type attributed to the CIA in Gtmo., but the darkest kind, where most of all: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran (and its Hezbullah thugs) & Egypt are doing it with passion and special "tender love". That's true Islamism & Arabism, to keep committing the crimes in the Middle East and to show [fake] unity outside, that's the true "Middle East Insider". Contact American1627 at american1627@yahoo.com |
Posted by C.A. Fulghum, November 12, 2008. |
This comes from Arutz-7 (IsraelNN.com) and was written by X-Muslim. |
Shalom. As an Arab Muslim I once asked myself: Why do I hate Israel? I really thought about this question. After only a little deliberation, the answer was clear: because I am a Muslim and Islam is extremely intolerant. It's intolerance to everything non-Muslim that is the problem. But today I have rejected the teachings of Islam for this very reason. I have left Islam. As an Arab "Palestinian", living in an Arab country, coming from a Muslim family, I was brought up with hatred of Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims. Now I'm older, I have matured enough to view the world from a different perspective. I reviewed real history and studied the sequence of events before and since the restoration of the State of Israel. I decided to step outside the mindset of a typical Muslim. It didn't take long to realize that I was on the wrong track and I moved quickly to the other side. In order to be at peace with myself, I have come to reject the hatred of Israel and now love my former enemy. I have not embraced another religion, but I am seeking a new spiritual path. Why do the Arabs and Muslims have to reject the presence of a Jewish state in a tiny percentage of the land of the Middle East? Why does Islamic intolerance forbid other nations their right to exist in their own land? The whole world should realize that Islam is at war with all nations on the planet. In our Muslim societies it is not "the extremists", but the whole society infected with this hatred. It is in the mosques, the schools, in the media and in the homes of nearly every Muslim family. It isn't just Israel they hate, but America and Christians as well. Islam hates all other religions. In the case of Israel, its only fault is that it's a Jewish state that wants to live in peace within its borders. It's not a struggle of so-called "Palestinians" to establish a country and retain some land, which was never theirs I know, because I studied the real history. The real problem is racism and the intolerance of Muslims, the blind hatred and jealousy when seeing a flourishing, strong and modern country where people from other faiths can live peacefully. Why are the Jews forbidden to have a country? These people have contributed much to the world's culture and offered the best scientists, artists, doctors; and they have been victims of intolerance throughout history. Why are they forbidden to live in their national Zionist dream and return to their homeland, which was some desert which they cultivated and transformed into one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth? Why do the Arabs and the Muslim world have to take everything and claim every land they step on as theirs? "Palestine" never existed and should never exist and this is coming from me, an Arab classified as a "Palestinian." The creation of a Palestinian state would be the biggest threat to the existence of Israel and would not bring one day of peace to Israel. I know how my people think. Promoting such a state would be the equivalent of supporting the Nazis in their quest to destroy the Jews. Israel has already made the mistake twice of giving land for peace, once in Southern Lebanon and secondly in Gaza. We all know the terrible results: the expansion of Hizbullah's power in Lebanon and the creation of a terrorist state in Gaza. Hamas and other terrorist organizations now have the space to launch more terrorist attacks and hostile activities on Israeli cities and villages. Israel's right to exist shouldn't be open for discussion. Hamas, Hizbullah or Islamic Jihad, and the people behind them, must be destroyed. Nothing should hinder Israel's army to do whatever it takes to protect their people and ensure the safety of Israel, from Tel Aviv to the smallest settlement inside Israel, which should include Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). I don't blame the Israeli army for any defensive measure it takes. It fought Islamic terrorism long before any other nation faced their atrocities. The Israeli soldiers have been on the front line on behalf of the whole free world. I am proud to support the Israeli Defense Forces, the most civilized and humane army in the world, no matter how the media might try to portray them. One can't but respect the brave Israeli army, which puts its soldiers' lives at risk in order to protect civilian life in Gaza or Southern Lebanon, the same civilians who, in both places, voted terrorist organizations in to power. The same "innocent civilians" who deny Israel's right to exist, who never are held accountable for the democratic choices they have made. Yet still, the Israeli army, and in the most critical times of war, tries as much as possible to avoid harming them, even at the expense of losing lives on their side, as well as suffering tactical and strategic disadvantages because of their moral behavior. I salute the Israeli army; I can't but support these heroes, and bow in respect to the memory of their fallen ones. I can't but stand with Israel in its fight for its existence in this crazy part of the world. I used to hate Israel with a passion, but today I am proud to say that I have shed my hatred for Israel and it has transformed to a deep love, passion and respect for Zionism and all the values it stands for. I am proud that today I support the full restoration of Jerusalem. For the first time in my life I'm at peace with myself and in great harmony with what I believe in; standing with Israel and the Jewish people, who are the most forgiving and tolerant people on Earth. They must be praised for their deep dedication to their cause, and for their patience in their endurance of harm and hatred. Jerusalem should never be divided and the Temple Mount should also be liberated. All other religious groups in the world have free access to their most sacred sites; yet, the Jews still watch their holiest place, Solomon's Temple, under occupation. I can't but feel compassion for their dream; and I know that their fight is now my fight. Israel's existence and survival is really a test and responsibility for the whole civilized world. It's the battle against Islam's imperial quest to conquer the whole world. Israel is the fortress and stronghold for freedom and tolerance in the Middle East, the front line in the world's war against the tyranny of Islam. I have held my tongue for too long, but today a great burden has been lifted from my heart. I don't care if I've been considered a traitor by my people for loving Israel. It's an honor for me. If supporting Israel's right to exist is a sin, then I'm a sinner. I'm proud to be an Arab who stands with a country that should be emulated by all its neighbors. For the sake of its people and for the sake of the world's stability and freedom, I'm proud to say I love Israel. Even if I don't have Jewish blood in my veins, I know I am Israeli at heart. Long live Israel! Contact C.A. Fulghum at chasful@gmail.com |
Posted by Yoram Ettinger, November 12, 2008. |
Prime Minister Olmert contends that disengagement from Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem would secure the Jewish majority in Israel's capital. The Prime Minister is mistaken and misleading! His world view is based on erroneous assumptions and if implemented would doom the city demographically and security-wise. Each call for a retreat from Arab neighborhoods has enticed larger Arab immigration into the shrinking municipal lines of Jerusalem. Over 50,000 Arabs, bearing Israeli ID cards, who moved from Jerusalem to neighboring villages, have returned to the city since the initiation of Israeli calls for "Separation," "Fence" and "Wall." They have been joined by scores of thousands of illegal Arab immigrants, who have relocated to Jerusalem's city limit, in order to escape the ruthless PA regime. The more one shrinks the area of Jerusalem, the more one encourages Arab immigration to Jerusalem and the more one undermines Jewish demography there. Jerusalem's Jewish majority is threatened by Arab immigration (0.4% annual) and Jewish emigration (0.7% annually) and not by natural increase. In fact, the Bennett Zimmerman-led "American-Israel Demographic Research Group" has documented a tailwind to Jewish natural increase, while Arab natural increase in Jerusalem and west of the Jordan River has taken a steep dive. Jewish and Arab fertility rates (number of births per woman) have converged (3.9 births) for the first time since 1948, compared with a 4.5 Arab fertility rate in 2004. Arab birth rate is approaching, rapidly, the Jewish secular birth rate, as a result of a very successful integration by the Arabs into Israel's infrastructures of education, health, employment, commerce, banking, culture, sports and politics. The rise of Arab life expectancy is producing an older Arab society (more Arabs per 1,000 are in their 60s, 70s and 80s), while the Jewish society is growing younger, due to a substantial rise in the number of annual Jewish births, especially among secular Jews (mostly the Olim/immigrants from the former USSR). In order to leverage the Jewish demographic momentum, thus expanding Jewish majority, one must neutralize the trigger for Arab immigration (calls for retreat from Arab neighborhoods) and the trigger for Jewish emigration (employment and housing crisis). Contrary to the opinion of Prime Minister Olmert who considers Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods a demographic liability Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods actually constitute a geographic asset. They are located at the heart of major land reserves, which are critical to the resolution of Jerusalem's employment and housing crisis. Land reserves constitute the prerequisite for dramatically upgraded infrastructures of transportation, telecommunications, electricity, industries, education and housing, which are essential for an expanded employment base and more affordable housing. Entrepreneurs, capital, educators and researchers would be enticed into Jerusalem by a modern airport, high-speed train and freeways to Jerusalem from the coastal plain, a wide loop around the city, traditional and high-tech parks and lower-cost land for housing. A dramatic improvement of infrastructures cannot be accommodated topographically and geographically in downtown Jerusalem or west of the city. It can be easily accommodated by the sparsely-populated area east of the city all the way to the Dead Sea and Herodion, Gush Etzion in the south and Modi'in in the northeast. While such a dramatic expansion would entail the inclusion of up to one hundred thousand Arabs, it would simultaneously yield an all time high annual Jewish immigration along with upgraded Arab standard of living, which would produce faster decline in Arab fertility. On the other hand, disengagement from Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem would disengage the city from substantial land reserves, would escalate Jewish emigration from Jerusalem, would doom Jerusalem to the fate of Sderot and Western Negev Kibbutzim (which experience a post-disengagement security nightmare) and would pose the most lethal demographic and security threat to Jerusalem since 1967! Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is a consultant on US-Israel relations as well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem Cloakroom series of reports. Contact him at yoramtex@netvision.net.il |
Posted by J. Halevi, November 12, 2008. |
This comes from the November 10, 2008 World Net Daily
JERUSALEM Just one day after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas committed at a major summit to continue peace negotiations with Israel, his Fatah party launched a rocket attack at a Jewish city. There is information the attack yesterday was directly ordered by a top PA official, WND has learned. Yesterday, Palestinians in Gaza fired two rockets at Sderot, a populous city located about three miles from the Gaza border. No injuries or damage were reported. Members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group, the declared military wing of Fatah, called WND to take responsibility for the attack. They claimed it was carried out to protest a Hamas clampdown on Fatah plans to hold a memorial ceremony for late-PLO Leader Yasser Arafat, who died four years ago today. Al Aqsa leaders told WND the attack was carried out by a cell of their terror group calling itself the Ayman Judah Brigades, named after an Al Aqsa leader assassinated last year by Israel. (Story continues below) Security sources familiar with the Fatah attack told WND it was more likely that Abbas' group was attempting to postpone an Israeli decision to allow limited fuel supplies into Gaza starting today. Fatah, the sources said, figured that power blackouts in Gaza would prompt popular unrest and anger on the street toward the territory's Hamas rulers. Hamas last summer seized complete control of Gaza from Fatah. The security officials said there is specific information that a PA official who works in Abbas' office called for the Brigades rocket attack. The Fatah terror attack comes after Israel and the PA formally confirmed Sunday their commitment to continuing U.S.-backed negotiations when Sen. Barack Obama takes office in 2009. The parties agreed to negotiate based on the principles determined at the Annapolis conference, which seeks to create a Palestinians state, at least on paper, in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and eastern sections of Jerusalem. Igniting a firestorm of national outrage, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert yesterday stated in a speech mourning the assassination 13 years ago of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin that Jews living in the West Bank and parts of Jerusalem should prepare to be uprooted from their homes. In a speech televised on all major Israeli television channels, Olmert said Rabin "understood that if we want to maintain Israel as democratic Jewish state, we must concede to a lack of choice and to our great torments and give up parts of our homeland for which we dreamt for generations of yearning and prayers." "We must also give up Arab neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem and return to the seed of the territory that is the state of Israel up until 1967, with obligatory amendments as a result of the reality created in the meantime," he said. "The decision must be taken now, without hesitation, before ... the narrow window of opportunity to plant [that] solution in the consciousness of our people and the nations of the world vanishes in front of our eyes," Olmert concluded. Contact the poster at AmericanZionists@yahoogroups.com |
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 12, 2008. |
And this is supposedly the man Israel is to make peace with??? This is a news item from Israel Today
In a speech marking the fourth anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas told those gathered in Ramallah on Tuesday that they must continue on the path blazed by some of the world's most notorious terrorists over the past few decades. "The ways of the martyrs Arafat, Abu Jihad, George Habash and even [former Hamas spiritual leader] Sheikh Ahmed Yassin are the ways we recognize," declared Abbas. "The Palestinian leadership will continue to lead in the way of Yasser Arafat until a Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital." Abbas proudly announced that he had rejected recent offers by Israel to surrender nearly all of the eastern half of Jerusalem to the Palestinians in search of a final status peace agreement. Despite having served for decades as Arafat's right-hand man, Abbas is consistently portrayed by Israel and the West as a moderate and pragmatic leader who has eschewed the violent ways of the late PLO leader. Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 12, 2008. |
And this was encouraged by an Egyptian WOMAN!!!!! And it's hardly new. This is a news item from Israel Today
A female Egyptian lawyer has very publicly recommended that Palestinian and Israeli Arab men begin sexually harassing Israeli Jewish women as a means of pressuring them to leave the region and thereby bringing about the demise of the Jewish state. In an interview on the pan-Arab Al Arabiyah television network late
last month, Nagla Al-Imam said that Israeli women "are fair game for
all Arabs, and there is nothing wrong with this...this is a new form
of resistance."
In the interview, which was recently translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Al-Imam said her proposal does not include rape which she claimed the terrorists are too "moral" to contemplate but rather the threat of rape made palpable by overt sexual harassment. In its reporting on the interview, Israel National News noted that ever since signing a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, Egypt has been widely portrayed in the US and Europe as a "moderate" Arab nation dominated by secular people who reject violence and Islamic extremism. Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Avodah, November 12, 2008. |
This was written by Salah Nasrawi (AP/Washington Post)
Demonstrators in Cairo demanded Tuesday that Saudi Arabia release an Egyptian doctor sentenced to 15 years in prison and 1,500 lashes after he was convicted of malpractice reportedly after treating a Saudi princess. Raouf Amin el-Arabi, a doctor who has been serving the Saudi royal family for 20 years, was convicted last year of giving a patient the wrong medication. Egyptian newspapers reported that he was accused of driving a Saudi princess "to addiction." El-Arabi is in jail in Jeddah and is believed to have received at least one of his weekly installments of 70 lashes so far. Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com. And visit his blog at
Posted by Morris Sadek, Esq, November 12, 2008. |
This is by Ali al-Ahmed
and it appeared in the New York Post
Several Middle Eastern and world leaders will meet in New York this week under United Nations auspices to discuss the world state of religious freedom. The meeting part of an initiative of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz on religious dialogue is controversial. Abdullah, an authoritarian ruler, leads one of the most (if not the most) religiously oppressive regimes, which has amply earned its nickname "The Kingdom of Hatred." A recent US State Department report on religious freedom documents appalling trends in Saudi Arabia, which aspires to be the center of a major world religion yet still practices discriminatory policies toward other religions and oppression of other Islamic sects. Jews, Christians and all other non-Muslims are not allowed to practice their faith inside the kingdom. Their religious texts are banned, confiscated and destroyed. Saudi schoolbooks teach that Christians and Jews are the eternal enemies of Islam. (The textbooks reserve a special place for Jews, who according to these texts must be annihilated because they're responsible for every catastrophe that has befallen Islam and the world.) Other Middle Eastern countries are hardly better. Although some Arab leaders attempt to present themselves to the international community as supporters of religious tolerance and freedom, their public stance is no more than a public-relations exercise. The obvious question that the West should be asking these leaders during the conference is: What are they doing in their own countries to stop religious oppression? Despite their wealth, many Gulf countries remain socially and politically backward. Their leaders keep them that way. The Middle East's authoritarian regimes recognize that the absence of democratic institutions and religious and political freedoms is in many ways key to sustaining their rule and that opening up their countries socially and politically may endanger that. After 9/11, the Middle East's ruling families found themselves under heavy scrutiny from the Western media, which exposed the dire state of human rights in these countries and demonstrated that most of these countries are still run by absolute monarchies as family businesses rather than modern nation states. Although the Gulf governments remain unwilling to introduce changes to their societies that could threaten their dominance, they still had to engineer an image of themselves as benevolent and progressive rulers in response to the questions posed by Western media. Thus, their strategy has been to engage in window dressing for the benefit of Western audiences while maintaining repressive and discriminatory policies at home. This conference is one such effort. Shi'a Muslims in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain and Christian Copts in Egypt, to name but a few, suffer from political and religious discrimination in their societies. Naturally, countries that practice severe oppression of religious minorities and other dissenters remain breeding grounds for terrorism worldwide. The ideology of religious extremism that represses other groups at home with tacit government support eventually turns outward to find other targets Against all odds, there is growing public support in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and other countries for increased political participation as well as human rights and political freedoms. International organizations should direct their efforts to encouraging independent political and human-rights groups working within these countries to bring about change and hold the regimes accountable for failing to integrate religious minorities and ensure their freedom of worship. Allowing the current public-relations exercise to proceed will send the Middle East governments the wrong message that religious oppression at home will be tolerated as long as the regimes pay periodic lip service to religious tolerance abroad. Marris Sadek is president of the National American Coptic Assemby
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 12, 2008. |
This comes from MEMRI http://www.memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD211208 Special Dispatch Series No. 2112 As if this a shocker or something. |
Christian Culture
In his column in the Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam, 'Abd Al-Nasser Al-Najjar criticized the persecution of Christians in Arab countries, with a particular emphasis on the Christian population of the Palestinian Authority. [1] Following are excerpts from the article: "In Iraq, a crime is currently being committed another in a series of iniquities brought by the winds of change that came in the wake of the [U.S.] occupation, which sought to impregnate Iraq with the seed of democracy. [But] the [resulting] fetus emerged deformed and weird. The worst outcome of this situation is, possibly, the carnage against ethnic communities and minorities that has swept through Iraq. Neither Sunnis, nor Shi'ites, nor Christians, nor Kurds, nor Turkmen, nor [members of] other [groups] have managed to escape it. "However, the string of murders and expulsions of Christians, which has been going on for several months, is by far the most grievous - [and] it [must be taken as] a warning that hostility and crimes against minorities may spread to the neighboring countries [as well]. "Christians are being persecuted not only in Iraq, but in most Arab countries, regardless of their numbers there. They are subjected to every possible kind of discrimination, as well as expulsion. The problem is that it is not only Arab officials who are remaining silent [in the face of these crimes] [they do so] because their primitive mentality is centered on the cult of the ruler but, alarmingly, so are Arab intellectuals, the elites, non-government organizations, and leaders of the private sector. All these groups look on at these unprecedented [acts of] folly without apprehending the danger with which these crimes are fraught. "Statistics show that in 2005 the number of Christians in Iraq was as high as 800,000. By early 2008, it had dropped by half, [indicating] that 50 percent of Iraqi Christians had been expelled from their homes and lands. "Today, this problem is also rampant in Egypt, Lebanon, Algeria, and Palestine and while the situation may be slightly different in Palestine, the trend is the same. "Let us be honest with ourselves and courageously say out loud that Palestinian Christians are taking many severe blows, yet are suffering in silence so as not to attract attention. I do not refer here to the suffering caused by the occupation... but to actions of the past 20 years at least that is, since the beginning of the occupation in 1967 involving the confiscation of Christian property, especially in Bethlehem, Ramallah, and Al-Birah. "What makes things worse is that those who are plundering [the Christians'] property are either powerful [in their own right] or are backed by various elements, among them high-ranking military officials or influential members of large clans. "Attempts by the political leadership to partially rectify this situation have failed. Nor has the judiciary system been able to [resolve] many of the problems, which we still face today. Over the past few years, several of my Christian friends have told me of the harm they have suffered, including various threats, even death threats, for trying to gain access to their lands after they were taken over by influential Bethlehem residents. "Furthermore, there has been an attempt to marginalize Christian culture in Palestine, even though it is rich and deeply rooted [there]. This began with [accusations] of unbelief [against Christians] a move that ultimately harmed Palestinian society as a whole... "Despite all the injustices [against the Christians], no one has seen or heard of any constructive action to curb it and to [defend] the Christians' rights whether by the elites, by any of the three branches (executive, legislative, and judiciary), by non-government organizations, or even by the political factions themselves. [Such action should have been forthcoming] not out of kindness and compassion, but [due to] regarding Palestinian Christians as indigenous to this land, and [therefore] no different from us, with the same rights and obligations [as Muslims]. "But the most fundamental problem here may be related to culture. We continue to instill a horrific culture in our children, one that sees Christians as infidels... and as 'the other.' We need an injection of humanistic and national awakening; we must raise an outcry and stand up to restore the Christians' rights, of which they have been deprived [and we must do this] in order to preserve the demographic balance, which will safeguard the unity of our homeland and the justness the Palestinian cause. "[Let us] remember that the tribes of Arabia were Christian. The best writers and poets were Christian, as were [many] warriors and philosophers... It is they who bore the banner of pan-Arabism. The first Palestinian university was established by Christians. "Enough [examples]! It is not words that we need, but progressive attitudes, and the truth, so that it can be presented to tyrannical rulers, and so that clerics and old men will not be the only Christians left in the Holy Land and in the city of [Jesus'] birth." __________________________________________ [1] Al-Ayyam (Palestinian Authority), October 25, 2008. Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 12, 2008. |
JORDAN HARMS ITSELF TO SPITE ISRAEL The Mideast has great water shortages. A few dozen Mediterranean and European countries were to confer Jordan about remedies Jordan called off the conference because of "tensions" the Arab League has with Israel. "If anything, with the supplies of water in the region at critical levels and Israel's leading role in water conservation and desalination technologies, one would think that Israel's moderate peace partner Jordan would be particularly interested in promoting the conference rather than canceling it." (Dr. Aaron Lerner, IMRA, 10/23.) Jordan is no peace partner and no moderate. It signed a treaty with Israel because of prosperity it anticipated from it. Its people oppose the treaty. Jordan is called moderate, despite having made war on Israel twice, because Israel's rulers would rather pretend concessions to the Arabs bring peace. A major cause of Israel's shortage is that treaty. It conceded water and land to Jordan. Since less business was generated by the treaty than the Arabs wildly supposed, they are bitter against Israel, as if somehow Israel cheated them. Concessions don't mollify the Arabs. They take them for granted. The Arabs would rather boycott Israel than work together on regional problems. That's a definition of fanaticism. What a backward attitude! HOW UNIFIL PATROLS IN SOUTHERN LEBANON It stays out of villages, which Hizbullah fortifies. UNIFIL patrols along recognized patrol paths in rural areas that Hizbullah usually avoids. Then UNIFIL reports observing no Hizbullah movement! UNIFIL admits it won't risk casualties. As for the Lebanese Army, it operated during the Syrian occupation. That means it co-existed with Syria. After Syrian forces vacated Lebanon, the Lebanese Army was not purged of pro-Syrian commanders. That means it still is allied to Syria, which is to say, Hizbullah (IMRA, 10.24). Then why does the US spend million of dollars arming the Lebanese Army? Is the US unaware of that Army's loyalty to the enemy? If our Presidential candidates know about that misuse of taxpayers' dollars, I haven't heard. Then there's Egypt's navy, now superior to Israel's, thanks to US grants. What is that, which Jessie Jackson says about Israel directing US foreign policy? Ridiculous! Antisemitism always is. ROCKETS' RED GLARE, WILL ISRAEL STILL BE THERE Israel's Home Command foresees the enemy having ten times as many rockets as it fired during the Lebanon War, rockets that go further and explode harder. Not to worry, the officials say, Israel can handle it. But the Command still is not distributing gas masks to the population (IMRA, 10/26). They don't have enough anti-missiles and aren't sure how good they are. WHAT INNOCENT "PALESTINIANS?" "If polls showed the overwhelming majority of Palestinians [Arabs in the P.A.] opposed terror attacks then it could be argued that they are hostages of the Palestinian gunmen whose activities over the Oslo years led to the situation today. But what is one to think about 'innocence' when the overwhelming majority of Palestinians polled over the years actually supported terror?" (Dr. Aaron Lerner, IMRA, 10/24.) WORLD BANK ONE-SIDED The World Bank entirely blames Israeli restrictions on P.A. control of part of Judea-Samaria for the declining production there (IMRA, 10/24). The World Bank omitted these considerations: (1) Fatah extorts from businesses, so why should people invest there; (2) Since the P.A. lacks business law, why should people invest there; (3) By keeping its people at war, the P.A. discourages investment and requires Israeli restrictions on Arab movement to keep terrorists from attacking Israelis; (4) The P.A. steals or diverts to war billions of dollars a year in foreign aid, so how can the standard of living rise there; (5) The P.A. boycotts Israel and prevents Israeli businessmen from dealing with them; and (6) If the Arab population is growing so fast as the World Bank asserts, the P.A. is irresponsible for not encouraging birth control, but hundreds of thousands leave, so perhaps the population is declining, in which case per capita income is higher than what the World Bank maintains. How one-sided the Bank is! Why does it waste money on the P.A.? Anti-Zionist or incompetent? POLICE CHIEF SAYS THEIR LEADERS BETRAYED SETTLERS He said that he could not have expelled the Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria in six days without the secret connivance of settler leaders. The police allowed certain protests, he said, so the leaders would not seem like betrayers. He blames the year of preparation for expulsion with keeping the Police from dealing with organized crime (IMRA, 1017). That's just what Barry Chamish said. He says things first! SUTTON FAMILY AFFIRMS ALLEGATIONS AGAINST OBAMA Percy Sutton claimed that an Islamist had asked him, when he was Borough President, to recommend Obama to Harvard Law School. The Islamist raised funds for Obama to attend. The NY Times published a denial by a Harlem politician, Kevin Wardally, who claims to be a spokesman for the Sutton family. The Sutton family denies that Mr. Wardally is their spokesman and that they know him personally. They affirm Percy's claim (Daniel Pipes, #857, 10/26). Did the Times check its source with the family? CITIZENSHIP HAS ITS PRICE? A right-wing "MK's new slogan: No national service, no national insurance." (Prof. Steven Plaut, 10/26.) Makes sense. Want the privilege of citizenship, earn it by fulfilling the obligations of citizens. I know legal aliens who have spent decades in the US, without applying for citizenship. They explain that they enjoy all the benefits that citizens have, except for the vote, which carries with it jury duty. P.A. POLICE IN HEBRON The P.A. now has 2,900 police in Hebron, ostensibly to keep Hamas down (IMRA, 10/25). Haven't heard of their taking any action against Hamas gunmen. 2,900 is enough to massacre all the Jews of Hebron and 50,000 visitors. ISRAELI POLICE IN KIRYAT ARBA NEAR HEBRON The government calls the Federman house there an "unauthorized outpost." At 1:30 a.m., special anti-settler police arrived. The husband went out to see why, and was arrested. The police broke all the windows, entered, and smashed all the furniture. They beat mother and children systematically. Then they waved a sheet of paper they called an arrest warrant. They took the family outside and knocked down the house. They took the family to the station without clothing or baby formula. Then they returned them to the almost totally useless debris. An unknown person, either frustrated or a government provocateur cursed the soldiers' lives. The media reported the demolition, but not the beating and smashing of possessions, and emphasized the curse. Media and government are indignant about the cursing and want to arrest the curser as an "inciter." They call the curser and not themselves "extremist". (Arutz-7, 10/26). OBAMA'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE Having heard no further about the lawsuit to reveal Obama's original birth certificate, I wonder whether we were the victim of a hoax. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 12, 2008. |
This grab for land must end. The Arabs own all the ME except for one tiny sliver of land, Why can't they learn to share instead of be greedy and want it all? This comes from today's Israel Today
The office of Likud Party and Knesset opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday clarified that if elected prime minister in Israel's upcoming general election, he will halt the current land-for-peace process with the Palestinians, despite reports this week to the contrary. Netanyahu spokeswoman Dina Libster confirmed to the Associated Press what the Likud leader had told London's Financial Times last month: that he plans to put territorial negotiations on hold and focus on helping the Palestinians stabilize and grow their economy. Libster said Netanyahu views the land-for-peace negotiations that have been going on for over 15 years, and accelerated over the past year by US President George W. Bush, as a dismal failure. "Netanyahu does not want to halt talks, but he believes it's premature to talk about a final peace deal, and sharing control of Jerusalem is out of the question," Libster said. She noted that the Palestinians regularly point to their economic plight source of their terrorist tendencies, and so obviously that situation must be remedied before any viable agreement on other issues can be reached. Earlier this week Israeli media reported that Netanyahu had apparently backtracked on his peace process policy after meeting with and coming under pressure from international peace envoy Tony Blair and US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Aryeh Zelasko, November 12, 2008. |
I recently had a conversation with an Arab taxi driver. He also voiced his anger at the discrimination of Arabs in Israel. I asked him if he could name some thing he wanted to do that he was prevented from doing because he is an Arab. He get very agitated but could not think of anything. The idea that Arabs suffer any sort of serious discrimination in Israel because they are Arabs is total nonsense. Arabs are not involved in public service because one of the most basic prerequisites to entry into the civil service is prior military service. Arabs do not serve in the Army and as a result they do not enter the civil service. That is really 95% of the story. What is interesting about this latest GREPS from Olmert is why he said it at all. For whose ears was this meant? Is he trying to court the Arab vote for Kadima or is this to reassure his foreign backers? Below is a news item from Arutz-7:
Stop complaining and fight back!
(IsraelNN.com) "For sixty years there has been discrimination against Arabs in Israel. The discrimination is built-in and intolerable," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Wednesday at a session of the Knesset committee that is investigating why Arab citizens have not been incorporated into the public service. According to Army Radio, MK Ahmed Tibi, chairman of the committee, proposed establishing an apparatus to supervise the incorporation of Arabs into the Israeli public service. Aryeh Zelasko lives in Beitar Illit, south of Jerusalem. He is Director of Sales and Marketing of Israel Visit (www.israelvisit.co.il) which provides information and an internet buying facility for American visitors to Israel. |
Posted by Daily Alert, November 12, 2008. |
This was written by Matthias Küntzel, a Hamburg-based political scientist. he is the author most recently of Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11. This appeared as
11/17/2008, Volume 014, Issue 09 of the Daily Standard and is archived
It is a topsy-turvy world: At the United Nations an organization born out of the struggle against Nazi Germany and intended to embody the lessons of the Holocaust a head of state openly spouts anti-Semitic propaganda in an address before the General Assembly. Granted, he takes the trouble to denounce "Zionists" and avoid the word "Jew," but this dodge is transparent to any student of the Nazis. His speech is greeted with acclaim, and neither the U.N. secretary general nor any Western head of government bothers to object. The media are mostly silent. It happened on September 23, and the speaker was Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. A familiar figure at the U.N., Ahmadinejad has a history of using his turn at the rostrum to sermonize about his yearning for the return of the Shia messiah. This time, he went further, drawing inspiration also from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Zionists, he told the assembly, are the eternal enemy of "the dignity, integrity and rights of the American and European people" (this is the English translation of his remarks on the U.N. website). Although they are few in number, the Zionists "have been dominating an important portion of the financial and monetary centers as well as the political decision-making centers of some European countries and the United States in a deceitful, complex and furtive manner." Indeed, so influential are the Zionists around the world that even "some presidential or premier nominees in some big countries have to visit these people, take part in their gatherings, swear allegiance and commitment to their interests in order to attain financial or media support." In particular, even "the great people of America and various nations of Europe" are caught in the clutches of Jewish power: They "need to obey the demands and wishes of a small number of acquisitive and invasive people. These nations are spending their dignity and resources on the crimes and occupations and the threats of the Zionist network against their will." Yet liberation is near. "Today," according to Ahmadinejad, "the Zionist regime is on a definite slope to collapse. There is no way for it to get out of the cesspool created by itself and its supporters." For Ahmadinejad, of course, such talk is nothing new. Addressing the international Holocaust deniers' conference in Tehran in December 2006, he declared (in a speech translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, MEMRI) that "the Zionist regime will be wiped out, and humanity will be liberated" freed, that is, from the "acquisitive and invasive" minority he "outed" in New York as the real power behind Western governments. The sentiment is not so far from that expressed in a Nazi directive of 1943: "This war will end with anti-Semitic world revolution and with the extermination of Jewry throughout the world, both of which are the precondition for an enduring peace." Just as Hitler's utopia, his "German peace," required the extermination of the Jews, so the Iranian leadership's "Islamic peace" is conditioned on the elimination of Israel. Ahmadinejad's performance elicited applause from his audience and a warm embrace from the president of the General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, a 75-year-old Catholic priest and holder of the Lenin Prize of the former Soviet Union. D'Escoto is a close friend of Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega, in whose government he served as foreign minister from 1979 to 1990. This is the same Ortega who, four weeks after the Tehran Holocaust deniers' conference, joined President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela in welcoming Ahmadinejad to Latin America as a "a president willing to join with the Nicaraguan people in the great battle against poverty."
EQUALLY NOTEWORTHY WAS THE LACK OF REACTION to Ahmadinejad's U.N. performance in Western capitals with three exceptions. The German and French foreign ministers criticized Ahmadinejad's "blatant anti-Semitism," and Barack Obama expressed disappointment that the Iranian president had been given "a platform to air his hateful and anti-Semitic views." Otherwise Ahmadinejad's misuse of the U.N. to spread anti-Semitic propaganda didn't even register as a provocation. On September 23, the very day of his speech, Ahmadinejad was Larry King's guest on CNN. King offered the Iranian president an hour-long opportunity to hold forth as he pleased. The next day, in an article for Salon, the Iran specialist Juan Cole of the University of Michigan took Obama to task for his comments on Ahmadinejad. Cole quoted a single sentence from the U.N. speech one in which Ahmadinejad criticized the United States while ignoring the anti-Semitic passages. "Larry King got at the true Ahmadinejad," Cole insisted, whereas Obama "fell into the trap of declining to make a distinction between anti-Zionist views and anti-Semitic ones." Then on September 25, Ahmadinejad visited the New York Times. In the interview published the next day, he rehearsed his anti-Semitic notions without protest from interviewer Neil MacFarquhar. "Zionism," Ahmadinejad explained, "is the root cause of insecurity and wars ... What commitment forces the U.S. government to victimize itself in support of a regime that is basically a criminal one?" This was in striking contrast to the Times's outrage in 2003 when Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia delivered an anti-Semitic speech. Back then the Times wrote: It is hard to know what is more alarming a toxic statement of hatred of Jews by the Malaysian prime minister at an Islamic summit meeting this week or the unanimous applause it engendered from the kings, presidents and emirs in the audience. Not only that, but the Times concluded its editorial with a sharp rebuke to the European Union: The European Union was asked to include a condemnation of Mr. Mahathir's speech in its statement yesterday ending its own summit meeting. It chose not to, adding a worry that anti-Semitism displays are being met with inexcusable nonchalance. The Times is doing now what it so recently held to be "inexcusable." Sixty-three years after Auschwitz, then, has anti-Semitism entered "acceptable" discourse? Or is the New York Times actually fooled by a rhetorical trick? Where Mahathir was crude enough to denounce the machinations of "the Jews," Ahmadinejad attacks only "the Zionists." He says, "Two thousand Zionists want to rule the world." He says "the Zionists" have for 60 years blackmailed "all Western governments." He says, "The Zionists have imposed themselves on a substantial portion of the banking, financial, cultural and media sectors." Perhaps this is why he is hailed as an anti-imperialist star. But the Iranian president uses the term "Zionist" in precisely the way Hitler used the term "Jew": as the embodiment of evil. Even if the Iranian regime tolerates the presence of a Jewish community in Tehran, whoever holds Jews responsible for all the ills of the world whether calling them "Judases" or "Zionists" is propagating a potentially genocidal creed. In fact, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism have gone hand in hand for over 80 years, not only in the annals of Nazism but also in the intellectual foundations of the Iranian revolution. In 1921, the future Nazi ideology chief Alfred Rosenberg published a book entitled Zionism, Enemy of the State. In 1925, Hitler likewise attacked Zionism in Mein Kampf, warning that "a Jewish state in Palestine" would only serve as an "organization centre for their international world-swindling, ... a place of refuge for convicted scoundrels and a university for up-and-coming swindlers." Or does this reading of Hitler fall into Juan Cole's "trap of declining to make a distinction between anti-Zionist views and anti-Semitic ones"? As a scholar who can read the writings of the Ayatollah Khomeini in the original, Cole is surely familiar with Khomeini's anti-Semitism. And yet he passes over this anti-Semitism in silence, just as he passed over the offensive passages of Ahmadinejad's speech. Up until the revolution of 1979, Khomeini was entirely open in his choice of words. "The Jews wish to establish Jewish domination throughout the world," he wrote in 1970 in his major work, Islamic Government. "Since they are a cunning and resourceful group of people, I fear that they may one day achieve their goal." In September 1977, Khomeini declared: "The Jews have grasped the world with both hands and are devouring it with an insatiable appetite, they are devouring America and have now turned their attention to Iran and still they are not satisfied." The quotation comes from an official compilation of Khomeini's works published in Tehran in 1995. Starting in 1979, however, Khomeini substituted the word "Zionist" for "Jew," while leaving the fundamental anti-Semitism unchanged. The mullahs' regime disseminated the Protocols of the Elders of Zion throughout the world. In 2005, an English edition of the Protocols was displayed by Iranian booksellers at the Frankfurt Book Fair the very year Khomeini's fervent admirer Ahmadinejad was elected president. Today, the anti-Semitism of the Nazis is espoused in Tehran with all the zeal that fuels religious war. As Ayatollah Nouri-Hamedani, one of the regime's leading religious authorities, declared in a statement published in 2005 by the official Iranian news agency, Fars (but quickly pulled from the Fars website, according to MEMRI): "One should fight the Jews and vanquish them so that the conditions for the advent of the Hidden Imam are met." What makes the Iranian nuclear program so dangerous is not the technology, but the religious and anti-Semitic mission that the regime would use it to pursue. "Tehran... is pregnant with tragedies," Israeli president Shimon Peres told the U.N. General Assembly the day after Ahmadinejad's appearance. "The General Assembly and the Security Council bear responsibility to prevent agonies before they take place." And not only the General Assembly and the Security Council but Larry King, the New York Times, and the rest of us as well. The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to daily@www.dailyalert.jcpa.org |
Posted by Steve Kramer, November 12, 2008. |
The growth of Tel Aviv was a major challenge to the Zionism of the founding fathers some 100 years ago. This unexpected conclusion was proven to the audience at this year's first lecture of the (English-speaking) Friends of Tel Aviv University. Dr. Haim Fireberg, a specialist in urban history in the Jewish History Department of TAU, spoke to us on the topic: Tel Aviv and the Zionist Vision of Eretz Yisrael. The history of Tel Aviv began about a century ago the official centennial date is 2009. Actually, it began before that, in the dreams of hundreds of pioneers who came to Israel in the late 19th-century and who settled in the ancient port city of Jaffa. Chafing under the need to spread out from the crowded Arab city, in 1906 a group of pioneers formed a society called Ahuzat Bayit [homestead], to establish a new neighborhood based on scientific urban planning. In 1908, using funds borrowed from the Jewish National Fund, 12 acres of sand dunes northeast of Jaffa were purchased and divided into 60 plots. On May 21, 1910, Ahuzat Bayit adopted Tel Aviv as the name for the new city, acting in conjunction with two other pioneering societies. The name means "Hill of Spring" and it was chosen because of its associations with rebirth and revitalization. In addition, it had been used by Nahum Sokolow as the title of his Hebrew translation of Theodor Herzl's novel "Altneuland". In that book, Herzl described a European-style garden suburb next to Jaffa, containing wide streets and boulevards. With high hopes, the Jewish pioneers began the building of such a city. Tel Aviv was expected to be inhabited only by Jews who all spoke Hebrew. It's model was New York City. (Even today, Israelis like to think of Tel Aviv as a little New York.) The pioneers' ambition was to leave Jaffa and build on the dunes sounds like Zionism at its best. This was not the case, however, for all Zionists. From its beginnings, Zionism was a political movement of two main streams. The first was Social Zionism, a pastoral ideology which imagined a Socialist, agrarian homeland for the Jews, built on Jewish labor. It was led by David Ben Gurion and its adherents were mainly Russian socialists and communists. Revisionist Zionism, led by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, was a more nationalistic ideology and followed more closely the blueprint envisioned by Theodor Herzl. David Ben Gurion's faction became the most prominent in the Yishuv (pre-State Israel) to the detriment of the Revisionists. This being the case, the Social Zionists pushed for smaller, agrarian communities instead of large cities in the European mold. Obviously, the large city of Tel Aviv, populated by small shopkeepers and tradesmen, was not what Ben-Gurion was promoting. Tel Aviv's growing size and importance was in opposition to the Zionist rural ethos, even though it was what Herzl had foreseen and written about. The growth of the city was not without its problems. It couldn't be planned in the conventional sense because the ruling Ottoman Turks constrained Tel Aviv's growth during its first decade. However, within a decade the Turks were defeated in WWI and usurped by Britain. But the British were also intent on limiting the ambitions of the Jews throughout Palestine. Nevertheless, Tel Aviv's first mayor, Meir Dizengoff (a founding member of Ahuzat Bayit), was able to say in 1922 that Tel Aviv was "an ultra-modern city that is exclusively Jewish" and that it was the "most important Jewish experiment in 2,000 years". This rapid growth in Tel Aviv, especially in the 1930s with the influx of German refugees, was viewed with consternation by the Social Zionists, who were trying to build a "new Jew". Tel Aviv was bursting with bourgeois Jews who didn't know one end of a shovel from the other. Unfortunately for Ben-Gurion and his followers, the city dwellers could do very well without the produce of the Jewish agriculturists (there were plenty of Arab peasant farmers), but the country folk couldn't get on without the commerce that emanated from Tel Aviv. The only solution for the Social Zionists was to try to take control of the municipality. In the 1920s they went so far as to run Golda Meir for mayor of Tel Aviv. She lost. In the period between the early 1920s and Israel's War of Independence in 1948, Tel Aviv grew to be somewhat of a city-state. The Social Zionist leaders and the Histadrut (the huge, socialist trade union) watched glumly as the city tripled in size to 160,000 by the late-1930s, with a budget that eventually grew larger than that of the Jewish Agency, the Yishuv's largest institution. Nevertheless, Britain did prevent the city's leaders from enlarging the boundaries of the city. For example, the cities of Bnei Berak, Ramat Gan, Givatayim and Petah Tikva are all contiguous to Tel Aviv but remain separate. This is in contrast to New York City, which expanded to include Brooklyn, once America's third largest city, and three other adjacent areas. If it had been up to Tel Aviv's founders, the city would have become a metropolis stretching thirty miles along Israel's coast, as far north as Netanya. Jaffa, once the largest Arab city in Palestine, is today part of the Tel Aviv municipality. As we have seen, Tel Aviv began as a small suburb of Jaffa. But by 1936, with the outbreak of the Arab riots, Mayor Dizengoff urged that the Jewish Agency offices be opened in Tel Aviv. He also succeeded in establishing a separate port there. With these accomplishments, Tel Aviv had become totally independent of Jaffa and its port, segregating Jews in the new city from Arabs in the old town. The situation changed just a dozen years later, when during the War of Independence, Jewish fighters defeated the Arabs who were firing on them from Jaffa. The Jewish army conquered Jaffa in 1948 and the Tel Aviv municipality took effective control of all services there. In 1950, the reunification with Tel Aviv was formalized. Dr. Fireberg summed up his introduction to the history of Israel's first Hebrew city by contrasting the visions of Ben-Gurion and Dizengoff. Ben-Gurion venerated the old 19th-century European ideal of rural communities and medium-sized cities, with a large dash of socialism thrown in. Dizengoff shared Herzl's vision of a futuristic, thriving, and dynamic metropolitan society. As anyone who visits Israel can see, the visions of both men have been realized. Greater Tel Aviv has nearly 3 million people. Elsewhere in Israel, Jerusalem is our largest city, Haifa is the urban magnet of the North, and Beersheba is the rapidly growing capital of the South. The balance of Israel's 7 million citizens live in the many medium-sized cities, suburbs, and rural communities. I think that contemporary Israel represents a fusion of Theodor Herzl's vision for "Alneuland" [Old New Land] with the pragmatic Zionism of the founding fathers. Steve Kramer lives in Alfe Menashe. He has written a weekly opinion column for the Jewish Times of southern New Jersey (www.jewishtimes-sj.com) for the last ten years. He writes, "They're about history, politics, touring, or whatever excites me." |
Posted by Michael Freund, November 11, 2008. |
Recently, Britain has begun a campaign aimed at generating economic pressure on Israel over the issue of Judea and Samaria. Next week, the British Foreign Secretary is slated to visit Jerusalem, in an effort to turn up the heat on the Jewish state. Yet, as I point out in the column below, Britain's stance is patently hypocritical in light of the UK's extensive array of "occupied territories" around the world. Indeed, from Europe to South America to the Middle East to the South Pole, there is hardly a corner of the world in which Britain isn't involved in some territorial dispute or another as it obstinately clings to control over disparate chunks of terrain. So before London starts preaching to Jerusalem, they would do well to put their own house in order. Comments and feedback may be sent to: letters@jpost.com or to me directly.
Even as its armed forces are valiantly prosecuting the war on terror overseas, Britain's diplomats at home are doing their utmost to ensure that this will not be remembered as their country's finest hour. In a baffling turn of events, the government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown has quietly begun turning up the political heat on Israel in recent weeks, seeking to impose an economic choke hold on the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria. On November 3, the UK Independent newspaper reported that London is pressing the European Union to clamp down on imports produced by Jews living beyond Israel's 1967 borders. In a circular distributed to all 27 EU member states, the British Foreign Office grumbled that "there has been an acceleration in settlement construction," and it urged Europe "to look at how UK and Community policies can avoid inadvertently supporting or encouraging settlement activity." Israeli officials are said to be concerned that this may be the first step in a British campaign to bring about a total boycott of Jewish goods from Judea and Samaria. And so, while Palestinian terrorists in Gaza are busy firing rockets into the Negev, the British government is more concerned about Israeli tomatoes being grown in the West Bank. This latest British intrusion into Israel's internal affairs will likely get an additional boost next week, when Foreign Secretary David Miliband visits here and reportedly plans to raise the issue of settlement construction in Judea and Samaria with his hosts. WELL, IF the Brits want to have an open and frank discussion about "occupied territories," I say bring it on. A good place to start would be with Britain's own "occupied territories," which are far more extensive and widespread than anything it accuses Israel of possessing. Indeed, from Europe to South America to the Middle East to the South Pole, there is hardly a corner of the world in which Britain isn't involved in some territorial dispute or another as it obstinately clings to control over disparate chunks of terrain. The most famous of these, of course, are the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic, which are claimed by Argentina. Although the islands are of little economic value and are home to more penguins than people, Britain fought a brief war with Argentina over them in 1982 which left 900 dead. And just last week, the British sparked a diplomatic row with Buenos Aires by issuing a new constitution for the Falklands, which it said is intended "to protect UK interests." This prompted Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Taina to call a press conference at which he denounced the British for attempting to perpetuate "an anachronistic colonial situation." AND THEY call us stubborn occupiers? Half way around the world lies another fine example of British hypocrisy the Chagos Archipelago, which London refers to as the British Indian Ocean Territory. Both Mauritius and the Seychelles have strong claims to it as their own, but that didn't stop Britain from forcibly expelling all the inhabitants between 1965 and 1971 to make way for a military base it wanted to lease to the US. And though the Chagossians, as they are known, have repeatedly won court cases against the British government demanding their "right of return," the Brits will have none of it, and have largely left the islands' former residents to fend for themselves in exile. As prominent British columnist Matthew Parris put it in the Times of London last week: "The saga is a stinking disgrace, a slur on Britain's good name." Nonetheless, her majesty's government simply refuses to let go. Thousands of miles to the south, even the polar icecaps of Antarctica have not escaped London's lust for land. Britain has staked a claim to a whopping 1.7 million square kilometers of the South Pole's frozen terrain, part of which overlaps with territories claimed by Chile and Argentina. But the fact that it is stepping on other nations' toes, and ignoring their rightful claims, does not seem to trouble Britain's Foreign Office one bit. Back here in the Middle East, our neighbors in Cyprus continue to suffer from some good old-fashioned British colonial covetousness. While efforts are under way to reunite the Greek and Turkish controlled parts of the isle, Britain doggedly continues to cling to 254 sq. km. of Cypriot territory in the form of the Akrotiri and Dhekelia sovereign military bases. This has sparked the ire of Cyprus' new president, who vowed earlier this year to remove the British "colonial bloodstain" from his country. WHILE WE are on the subject of British colonialism, need we mention the territory of Gibraltar, which Spain wants back? And what about Northern Ireland? So before Britain decides to preach to Israel about the issue of "occupied territories," it would do well to put its own house in order. Put in perspective, it is clear that all of London's harrumphing about Israel's "occupied territories" is just a lot of duplicitous hot air. By contrast, Judea and Samaria are the ancient heartland of the Jewish people, the cradle of our civilization, and Israel has every right morally, historically, theologically and militarily to be there. The same can hardly be said for Britain's dubious claims to various specks of land at other nations' expense. As Winston Churchill once famously pointed out: "The English never draw a line without blurring it." And nowhere is that line presently more blurred than when it comes to London's barefaced hypocrisy on the subject of "occupation." Michael Freund served as an adviser to former Prime Minister Binyamin
This article appeared today in the Jerusalem Post and is
archived at
Posted by Avodah, November 11, 2008. |
This comes from Fox News
![]() Israeli archaeologists have discovered a 2,000-year-old gold earring beneath a parking lot next to the walls of Jerusalem's old city, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Monday. The discovery dates back to the time of Christ, during the Roman period, said Doron Ben-Ami, director of excavation at the site. The piece was found in a Byzantine structure built several centuries after the jeweled earring was made, showing it was likely passed down through generations, he said. The find is luxurious: A large pearl inlaid in gold with two drop pieces, each with an emerald and pearl set in gold. "It must have belonged to someone of the elite in Jerusalem," Ben-Ami said. "Such a precious item, it couldn't be one of just ordinary people." In a statement released Monday, the authority said the piece of jewelry was "astonishingly well-preserved." Finds from the Roman period are rare in Jerusalem, Ben-Ami said, because the city was destroyed by the Roman Empire in the first century A.D. Shimon Gibson, an American archaeologist who was not involved in the dig, said the find was truly amazing, less because of its Roman origins than for its precious nature. "Jewelry is hardly preserved in archaeological context in Jerusalem," he said, because precious metals were often sold or melted down during the many historic takeovers of the city. "It adds to the visual history of Jerusalem," Gibson added, saying it brings attention to the life of women in antiquity. Though Gibson dates the piece slightly later than the antiquities authority, to sometime between the second and fourth centuries A.D., he said its quality and beauty were impressive. Ben-Ami added that he expects more small, luxury items to turn up in future excavations. Earrings similar to this one have been found at archaeological sites throughout Europe, Ben-Ami said, where the Roman Empire also flourished. The authority said the earring appeared to be crafted using a technique similar to that depicted in portraits from Roman-era Egypt.
Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com. And visit his blog at
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 11, 2008. |
THIS IS THE INFORMATION AGE? For brilliant insight into where our society has been going and why, try Alvin Toffler's The Third Wave! It is therapy for puzzlement. Mr. Toffler would call this the information age. What information? Who is informed? I find people uninformed about important public matters. They don't think about them. They are unable to reason about them. They can emote, though. In their ignorance, they sometimes wield arrogance. They buy houses without money. They don't know that bubbles or bull markets don't last forever? They didn't last forever, before. Now the banks have been lent money by the Federal Reserve, but are too frightened to lend it, in turn, thereby stifling the economy that might otherwise recover. College graduates don't know why we entered the Iraq war. They haven't figured out, or haven't the grace to acknowledge, that basically we won it. They fail to discern from Obama's 20-year cleavage to Rev. Wright that Obama accepts Wright's radicalism. They think that the US President is responsible for everything, a child-like over-simplification. Well, it eases their consciences over their favorites' failure of alternative leadership. Whatever their newspaper advocates, they pick up as if the gospel, while deriding religious people for taking doctrine on faith. One could go on. Of course, everybody makes mistakes. The trick is to learn from them. That is difficult if one is too doctrinaire or doesn't study mistakes. INEFFICACY OF SANCTIONS/SUBSIDIES ON IRAN Sometimes financial sanctions or subsidies work; sometimes they don't. How can one predict success with them? US leaders assume that the measures will be equally effective with all comers. Experience does not support that assumption. As stated above, people often don't learn from mistakes. Rampant corruption in the Islamic world indicates that subsidies can influence individuals there. Policy is different. Muslims take religion seriously. They value it above economic success. I have learned about Arab Muslim culture that their notion of honor is not to maintain integrity as truthfulness. In behalf of Islam, they are glad to deceive. Their notion of honor is to advance Islam and not to end the conflict with infidels except for temporary respite. They would rather suffer from a poorer economy than accept Western conditions to desist from assaults on the West. Obama's notion of negotiating with them is naïve. That is, unless we have a much bigger military, which he does not suggest acquiring, we cannot back up our talk. Empty talk doesn't impress Iran. It embolden them. ABBAS COMPLAINS ABOUT SETTLERS Abbas has complained that the government of Israel is protecting settler rampages against Arab olive harvesters (IMRA, 10/20). Did he get this false notion from the Israeli media or from P.A. Arabs and their leftist Israeli provocateurs? The Arabs pretend to damage to olive trees, in order to claim compensation, gain sympathy, and defame settlers. They harvest or destroy settlers crops and claim their land. Arab "harvesters" try to infiltrate Jewish towns. They enjoy, up to a point, the protection of Israeli security officials. The officials accept their false complaints and mostly arrest innocent Jews. This jibes with Israeli government policy of getting the Jews out, so the Arabs can take over. The government can't see, or welcomes, the inevitable result: war. ISRAEL CEDING MORE CITIES TO P.A. CONTROL The Quartet, U.S., and P.A. are working on a plan by Defense Min. Barak for the P.A. to take over security control over one P.A. Arab city after another, in conjunction with lifting of Israeli roadblocks, to expedite the P.A. economy, and an economic development plan. The urgency here is "to maintain momentum on the ground in the absence of a [final] peace deal. The plan is to show Israel that it is getting more security, so it would remove additional checkpoints and thereby allow more economic activity. "This is then supposed to 'embolden the moderates'" by showing that the P.A. can "deliver." By encouraging this kind of cooperation and reducing the "trappings of the occupation," diplomacy could continue and enjoy some hope of success. The model has received much praise from the IDF, although officers in the Central Command stress that while Palestinian security forces are effectively restoring law and order in Jenin, they have yet to noticeably crack down on local terror elements. "And so the reward for not fighting terror is that Israel will make it easier for the terrorists to operate and give them more cities where they can operate in under the cover of the PA security forces." The plan may reduce street crime and improve traffic, but so what! Degrading Israeli security in order to "maintain momentum" is the disastrous way Israel handled P.A. violations of Oslo (IMRA, 10/20). Why does the IDF praise this plan? Why do the Quartet and US pursue it? In case you haven't noticed, the Quartet, of which the US is a member, is no friend of Israel and no foe of terrorism. FRANCE LIKE IN DAYS OF DREYFUS Middle East Quarterly interviewed Philippe Karsenty, founder and president of Media Ratings, an online French media watchdog. Mr. Karsenty had asserted that the Muhammad al-Dura tape (purportedly showing that the IDF shot the boy) is fake, that France's leading journalist, Charles Enderlin, who broadcast them was misled and misled people, and should resign. For that, Enderlin's France 2 TV network sued Mr. Karsenty for slander. Karsenty lost, then won on appeal. The article shows how restricted the French media are, that the French don't know it, why France is antisemitic now, and that Israel does not defend itself from such defamation as the Enderlin broadcast. Revealing! France 2 slandered Israel. Why doesn't Enderlin sue France 2? How does France define slander? "Under French law, defamation is the inability to prove the truth of a statement at the time the statement was made. This means that even if France 2 apologizes now and admits fault, I could still not win my case because the court could determine that when I published my statements, I didn't have enough evidence to assert that what I was saying was true. This is an absurd system of law." Since Israel is the slandered party, it is up to Israel to sue. The government has refused to sue. Why? "Because the Israeli government, apparently, would rather appease its enemies than fight back." In the first trial, the judge did not follow US-type due process and order the tapes shown, on the grounds that Karsenty had not seen the tapes when he made his accusation. But his accusation was based on others having seen the tapes and on what he deduced from circumstances. [Seeing the tapes would be definitive.] At the end of the tape, the boy was raising his elbow and looking at the camera, obviously not killed. Neither were there bullet wounds or blood, as if the film were staged. The film maker, who had been caught filming other staged events, offered to sell the film but refused to guaranty its authenticity. The film offered no basis for France 2 to accuse the IDF of murder.] The appeals judge did order the 27 minutes of film not initially shown publicly, to be released, but only within the court. No reason given. [I think the reason is not to show France 2 to be too far wrong.] The interviewer said that the 27 minutes of film looked staged and rehearsed. France 2 had some P.A. Arabs testify " ... that the Israelis shot at the father and son with planes, helicopters, and antitank missiles although there was no evidence of any of this on the tapes. Although the plaintiffs' witnesses sounded ridiculous, the judge said, 'They testified, and we shouldn't dismiss it [solely] because they are Palestinian [Arab]. They were there, and you were not'." [Dismiss it because it is ridiculous and Muslim Arabs often lie.] Why did the original judge order Karsenty to pay a very small fine? K arsenty thinks the judge was ashamed of having to obey orders to find Karsenty guilty. Karsenty finds the verdict did not read like an independent judgment. The government probably sided with Charles Enderlin partly because he is the country's chief journalist on the Middle East and because the President at the time, Chirac, wanted to show his alliance with the Arabs. The Israeli government took no action, because it was preoccupied. Officials not then involved claim it isn't their responsibility to correct the problem. Those who were involved don't like to admit they neglected the problem. Eventually, the government came to realize that slander gets quoted for ages, so it must be overturned. Nevertheless, it doesn't strip France 2 of press credentials. Israel and the US have forfeited the information war. The French media were silent because they not only appease the local Muslim population, they incite it against the Jewish population. They use it to pressure Israel, too they could give the film more publicity. The media knows it is over-dependent upon local "fixers" for news, but won't admit it. The media is pro-Arab, not because they like Arabs, but because they feel guilty over former colonialism. They resent Jews for exposing [extensive] French collaboration in the Holocaust. Pretending that Israel misbehaves now eases the French conscience over their collaboration with the Nazis. [That may be true, but it is not logical nor is it fair to blame other Jews for what some did.] The French media is "embedded" with the government. It refused to report on the trial. Even the private media there depends upon the state. The Soviet people knew they were being lied to, but the French think they know the truth. France's media is not free! Karsenty asserts that he is the pro-Arab one here, in that he opposes the duplicitous incitement of the Arabs into wars that cost them so much. He is discouraged by the continued French government cover-up and Israel's failure to come forward. He won't, himself, sue, because it costs too much. Sarkozy should apologize, but doesn't (MEFNews, 10/22, well documented). I think France now is no better in perpetrating the al-Dura hoax than France was in perpetrating the Dreyfus Affair. Then as now, the French government was antisemitic. The government falsely accused the Jews. The courts were unfair. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Israel Zwick, November 11, 2008. |
In commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht in Germany, November 9, 1938 While much of the world celebrates the historic election victory of Barack Obama, we should pause for a moment to recall the lessons of Kristallnacht, which are still applicable today. The following excerpt is reprinted verbatim from the book Der Fuehrer: Hitler's rise to Power by Konrad Heiden. This was translated from the German by Ralph Manheim, The Riverside
Press Cambridge, Houghtom Miflin Company, Boston, 1944.
Chapter 22, pages 555-556. Hitler was alone in publicly claiming the right to make a coup d'etat; he alone was supported in this claim by a section of public opinion; and this because he alone, amid the fury of this last impassioned struggle for freedom and power in Germany, believed himself able and willing to give society a new shape. In his first government proclamation he promÂised to solve the economic crisis 'with two great four-year plans.' 'Within four years,' he promised, 'the German peasant must be saved from pauperization; within four years unemployment must be ended once and for all.' Four years was the legal term of the new Reichstag, and by now he was determined to demand of the Reichstag four years of dictatorial powers instead of one: 'German people, give us four years' time, then pass judgment on us!' The vastness of his plans, now that he was in possession of state power to. carry them out, made a profound impression on the voters, though he did not reveal details and doubtless had not formulated any. Germany, he said, had 'become dismal and sad; our people have nearly forgotten happiness and laughter, as in Soviet Russia; and where people have laughed, it has been the laughter of despair.' Here he spoke the plain truth; and it was the official statistics that he summed up in the sentence: 'Of twenty-Âthree million potential wage-earners, eight to nine millions are condemned to unemployment.' He would promise no one that things could be better in a few days, weeks, or months; no, he would need four years; it would mean hard work for all- 'let no one believe that freedom, happiness, and life will suddenly come as a gift from Heaven,' for nothing whatever comes as a gift: 'We never believe in outside help, never in help that lies outside of our own strength, outside of our own people.' Therefore, he would make no cheap promises, and the first point on his program was: 'We shall not lie and deceive.' He saw no reason to explain the details of his plans to the disrupters; by their very questions about his program, they had shown that they understood nothing: 'For all programs are vain; the decisive thing is the human will, sound vision, manly courage, sincerity of faith, the inner will- these are the decisive things [uproarious applause]" A great will indubitably flowed through these speeches, a powerful magnetism gripped many who heard him. They promised no paradise. though some simple souls may have understood 'paraÂdise'; what Hitler really promised was that he would attack great problems with the big methods of a man who respects history. 'I have resolved to undertake the greatest task in German history; I am willing and determined to solve this task.' To this end he was prepared to shake the nation to its foundations, to break and remix souls; for this great task demanded great men, and 'therefore we shall break with all the products of a rotten democracy, for great things can come only from the power of the individual personality, and everything that is worth preserving must be entrusted once more to the power of the individual personality.' What Hitler promised was not that the hard times would end, but that they would acquire a meaning; the German nation should learn to look on itself as a task that could be solved; it should learn once more that action can help, and that 'it is better to make a mistake than to do nothing.' This accounts for the attraction of his propaganda; even in the horrors and injustice, a dulled and deÂmoralized public could sense the will to action. It is in the times of the greatest disappointments and fears that injustice is approved because it is a force, and (as the Wise Men of Zion said) the vilest deeds of statesmen are most admired. Contact Israel Zwick by email at israel.zwick@earthlink.net and visit his website: www.cnpublications.net |
Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, November 10, 2008. |
![]() This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: In my hometown, I have identified numerous locations with excellent lighting and background conditions and I know just what time of the day and the year to bring my portrait subjects to these sites for the best results. When I photograph in a new location, the first thing I look for is a suitable background. It may seem counter intuitive, but letting the background be your guide to both what and where to photograph will guarantee your subject remains the focal point of your image. Wandering among the fall colors of northern Israel last week, I discovered a plum orchard growing along the banks of the Hermon Stream, not far from Kiryat Shemona. Having invested the first rays of daylight in a grander landscape, I honed in on the smaller details of the season as the sun rose higher. This shot afforded two opportunities for varying the background. By lowering the camera angle slightly, I could set the leaves against a shadowy area that would turn almost entirely black and provide a nice emphasis to the bright color splotches. The second alternative is seen above: I lowered my tripod a few inches and raised the camera angle to bring a nearby tree and its assorted color patterns into the background. The background is still well out of focus and dark enough to give a kick to the brightly colored plum leaves. But what I really like about this composition is that the hint of color in the background suggests a larger picture of what the orchard looked like with dozens of trees at their peak forming a sea o f red, orange, and gold hues. Keep your eyes on the background and what's in the foreground will also be a lot more visible.
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by Naomi Ragen, November 10, 2008. |
Friends, Those bent on Israel's destruction are home-grown. It's with a heavy heart I send you this. Ehud Olmert, who after his ninth police interrogation has time to pick up his head and tell the world our capital city for thousands of years should be divided and handed over to terrorists. Livni-Barack who demonize the people who actually still believe in Zionism, unlike the corrupt politicians who side with Israel's enemies. Caroline Glick explains how another Pallywood film of settlers attacking Palestinians, proven a fake in court, is being used by the Left against their own brothers. Naomi This was written by Caroline Glick and it appeared in today's
Jerusalem Post
Two weeks ago, the Palestinians and their anti-Zionist Israeli and international partners finally produced a smoking gun. They had a videotape of evil settlers brutally attacking poor, defenseless Palestinians as they innocently picked olives with their enlightened supporters in a grove by the Tel Rumeida neighborhood in Hebron. The local media went into a feeding frenzy. The footage led the television news broadcasts. Photos taken from the video were plastered across the front pages of the newspapers. Radio talk show hosts denounced the criminal settlers and celebrated the guileless Palestinians and their heroic Israeli supporters. The Olmert-Livni-Barak government was quick to weigh in, promising stiff punishment for the Jewish fascists involved and a curtailment of their supporters' civil rights. In the weeks that have followed, and with elections looming, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have stepped up their attacks on the evil right-wing extremists. At Saturday night's memorial ceremony/political rally for slain prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in Tel Aviv, Barak called right-wing activists "cancers." He claimed that they are a "threat to democracy." And he pledged, "We will uproot this evil from within us." The crowd loved Barak's statement. The few audience members who might have booed him had already been beaten and arrested by police for disturbing the peace. A handful of anti-leftist activists from the student group Im Tirtzu came to Kikar Rabin carrying signs decrying leftist demonization of the Right. The police beat them and carted them off before the rally began. If it were true that settlers are marauding around Judea and Samaria beating innocent Palestinians, perhaps it would be possible to understand this assault against the Right. But as it works out, the videotape that was supposed to be the definitive proof that settlers are violent criminals was a fabrication. It was simply the latest anti-Israel snuff film brought to us by our friends at Pallywood Productions. These are the same creative filmmakers whose previous credits include the fabricated IDF shooting of Muhammad al-Dura, the Jenin massacre that wasn't, the Kafr Kana massacre that wasn't and a host of other notable blood libels. The inconvenient truth that these activists remain liars was exposed at the remand hearings of the settlers accused of beating the Palestinian olive harvesters. As the NFC news Web site reported exclusively on Sunday, the Palestinians showed their film as evidence against the arrested offenders in two separate hearings before two different judges at the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court. And at each hearing, after viewing the film the judges concluded that through heavy editing, the video had inverted reality. Both stated that it was impossible to know who began the fight the Palestinians and their Israeli and foreign supporters who beat the settlers, or the settlers who walked to the grove on Shabbat carrying nothing but their prayer shawls and hit them back. The judges also noted that one of the Palestinians threw a large rock at the back of one of the settlers after he and his friends had disengaged from the fight. The judges expressed anger and amazement at the police for failing to arrest the Palestinian who had clearly attacked the Jewish defendant without provocation. IT GOES without saying that the local media have chosen to ignore the court's exposure of the latest hoax. The truth doesn't fit their anti-right-wing narrative and so it isn't being covered. What the local media and politicians such as Barak and Livni who seek to criminalize the Right for political gain refuse to acknowledge is that their embrace of these lies not only harms the settlers, it harms the country as a whole. Although from the rap they've gotten from the political Left and its supporters in the media, it seems like right-wing extremists are both numerous and powerful, the fact of the matter is that the number of right-wingers who reject the authority of the state or would take the law into their own hands is tiny. And they are politically isolated both at home and abroad and have no money. In stark contrast, the anti-Zionist, Israeli Left is an integral part of a well-funded international movement actively engaged in waging political warfare not against the settlers, but against Israel as a whole. The end of this political war is Israel's destruction. The anti-Zionist Israeli Left advances this destruction both by directly assisting terror groups and by indirectly assisting terror groups through activities aimed at delegitimizing Israel's right to defend itself. The clear collusion between both Israeli and international anti-Israel leftist activists with terrorist groups like Hamas is nowhere more evident than in the terror-supporting International Solidarity Movement's newest spin-off, the Free Gaza campaign. On Saturday, this group broke the IDF's sea blockade of the Hamas-controlled Gazan coast for the third time in recent months by sailing a ship filled with rabidly pro-jihadist and anti-Israel European politicians from Cyprus to Gaza. According to a credible source with close ties to the operation, the Free Gaza campaign works closely with Israeli far-left groups including Anarchists against the Wall, Gush Shalom, Gisha, Machsom Watch, New Profile and Women in Black. These organizations are generously funded by the US-based New Israel Fund, by European governments and by anti-Israel church groups like the Quakers. The Free Gaza campaign's first ship, which arrived in Gaza in late August, was led by Israeli anti-Zionist activist and former lecturer at Ben-Gurion University Jeff Halper. The Free Gaza campaign is a clear assault on Israel's national security. Under the banner of "human rights," this new ferry service between Cyprus and Gaza is meant to compromise the country's ability to combat terror operations and to provide political support for Hamas. Crew members and passengers on board these boats meet with Hamas terror commanders in Gaza and coordinate future missions. Their newest campaign is to prevent the navy from interdicting fishing boats. Hamas and other terror groups make wide use of fishing boats to import weapons and transport terror personnel from abroad into Gaza. By demonizing the navy for interdicting fishing boats, and in open collusion with Hamas, the activists provide political cover for weapons transfers and jihadist maritime traffic into and out of Gaza. To date, Israel has chosen not to intercept the Free Gaza campaign's boats out of concern that taking such necessary action will prove a public relations disaster both at home and abroad. And this concern is reasonable. But by taking no diplomatic or military steps to prevent this terror-supporting traffic from continuing and expanding, the government allows these Israeli and European terror supporters to strengthen Hamas's war machine and legitimize Hamas's objective of destroying Israel. Official Israel's failure to act against this breach of its security is directly related to its support of Israeli anti-Zionist groups when they direct their guns at the Israeli Right rather than Israel as a whole. As a practical matter, it is difficult for the government to show that the Free Gaza campaign actively supports the war against Israel when it willingly embraces the bona fides of the Free Gaza campaign's supporters when they attack settlers, or when the government adopts these organizations' false assertion that the Right is the greatest threat to the country. By the same token, it is difficult for the government to discredit films purporting to demonstrate the human rights plight of Gazans as Pallywood propaganda flicks when the government accepts these films as accurate when their culprits are right-wing activists. BUT WHILE the domestic Left sees a distinction between its right-wing opponents and the country as a whole, the international community sees no distinction between the two. Indeed, the international community has used the cover that official Israel provides anti-Zionist activists for their settler vilifying activities in order to advance the cause of criminalizing Israel as a whole. Case in point is what has become known as the Durban II conference in Geneva. Durban I, it will be recalled, was the UN's 2001 "anti-racism" conference in Durban, South Africa. The conference, which took place the week before the jihadist attacks on the US, was an anti-Semitic hate-fest. The American and Israeli delegations walked out as Israel and the Jewish people were castigated as the greatest human rights abusers, genocide committers, apartheid propagators and general all purpose bad guys in the entire world. The Nazi-like propaganda emanating from the conference led to violent attacks against Jews all over the world. Durban I's resolutions also provided the policy blueprint for much of political warfare that has been waged against Israel by so-called human rights groups ever since. These include the violent demonstrations against the security fence organized by anti-Zionist Israeli groups, the Free Gaza campaign they support and the international boycotts against Israeli exports and academics they advocate. Today, the UN is busily organizing its follow-up conference that will be held next year in Geneva. As the watchdog group Eye on the UN reported over the weekend, the conference's organizing committee just met and approved most of the resolutions it is set to adopt at Geneva. These resolutions again castigate Israel as the chief violator of human rights in the world. Israel is accused of committing genocide, crimes against humanity and being an apartheid state. It is also condemned as the most serious threat to international peace and security. But of course, what starts with Israel doesn't end with Israel. The conference organizers have used the basic unanimity about Israel's criminal nature to launch an assault against the foundations of Western civilization. In addition to the numerous and repetitious attacks against Israel and Jews, the conference organizers passed multiple resolutions calling for the abrogation of freedom of expression and the criminalization of political speech in order to outlaw discussion of Islamic terrorism and block counterterror efforts in the West. Among the conference's chief organizers are Iran, Libya, Egypt and Cuba. Iran is the vice-chairman of the executive committee responsible for planning Durban II. Much of the language in the proposed resolutions is taken directly from resolutions passed at a planning session last year in Teheran. Israel had no hand in organizing this conference, which, following Canada, it announced it will boycott. But over the years, it could have taken actions that might have tempered or weakened the international coalition arrayed against it. If the government had outlawed anti-Israel groups like Machsom Watch, New Profile, Gisha, Gush Shalom, Women in Black and Anarchists against the Wall, rather than tolerate them on account of their activities against settlers, it could at least have weakened their efforts. Had they been disbanded, they would have had less capacity to legitimize and assist Palestinians and Europeans who engage in political warfare against Israel on the ground. By refusing to recognize the international consequences of their domestic battle against their political opponents on the Right, the Olmert-Livni-Barak government and the local media have strengthened Israel's enemies in their battle to destroy the country. Naomi Ragen is an American-born novelist and journalist who lives in Jerusalem. She can be contacted at www.naomiragen.com, where you can subscribe to her newsletter. |
Posted by Barry Rubin, November 10, 2008. |
This article appeared today in Jewish World Review
Dear President-elect Obama, They say that you prefer the name Barry, and so it pleases me no end that another Barry is finally president of the United States. In addition, I once worked as a community organizer, so we have two things in common. On that basis, then, I hope you don't mind my making some suggestions about how you might think about the Middle East. I'm not looking for a job in Washington. In fact, as I look back on my life, I note that if I'd been successful in some obsession for a US government post, I might have been a participant in such endeavors as the catastrophic mishandling of Iran's revolution, the failed US dispatch of troops to Lebanon, the botched trade of arms for hostages with Iran, the crashed peace process and the Iraq war. So don't be misled. Today, everyone's talking about how wonderful you are. Those are the people who want jobs, favors and access. There are others who want something else from you like control over Lebanon, Israel, Iraq or Georgia who are more likely to be psychopathic than sycophantic. Your expressed theme for your administration's Middle East policy can be described in one word: conciliation. You think that your predecessors made unnecessary enemies and blocked, rather than furthered, progress. Building on the basis of your perceived popularity and sincere goodwill, you believe that it is not so hard to make friends with Iran and Syria, soothe grievances that have caused Islamism and terrorism and solve the Arab-Israeli conflict. Good luck. We hope you succeed. But please bear in mind some important points.
This is no misunderstanding: it's a conflict. In the film, Cool Hand Luke, the noble convict (played by Paul Newman) jokes to the sadistic guards, "What we have here is a failure to communicate." The audiences laughed. What everyone has forgotten is that a moment later they shoot him dead. Harvard Law School meets the law of the jungle. You are going to talk to Iran, negotiate with Syria and try to buy the Palestinians or press the Israelis into making peace. It's your presidency and many Americans think rightly or not that this hasn't been tried enough. But please keep in mind four very important points for when the going gets rough: 1. How much do you offer them and at whose expense? Not too much, please. Iraq, for example: You want to withdraw and turn the war over to the Iraqis. This makes sense. But what will you do if Iran escalates to make your withdrawal look like a defeat and fill the vacuum subtly, of course, not too openly. And what do you do to combat Iranian and Syrian efforts to turn Iraq, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip into their sphere of influence? They will pump in money, pump up hatred and kill anyone who stands in the way. Making a good speech, apologizing for the past or offering more concessions won't work. If you think Afghanistan is easier to deal with than Iraq, the opposite is true. No one tames Afghanistan. Its endless conflicts are a product of geography, ethnic conflict, a macho militarist political culture and a very low level of development. In Iraq, the majority wants a stable resolution. In Afghanistan, the choice is permanent holding action or collapse. What happens when the Europeans hug and kiss you, then refuse to extend sanctions on Iran further? Will you remain Europe's favorite American president by asking them to do nothing? How will you convince the Saudis, Jordanians, Egyptians, Lebanese and others that you are their reliable protector against Iranian nuclear weapons and the advance of Iranian-Syrian power when they know how eager you are to make up possibly at their expense with Teheran and Damascus? Westerners are eager to resolve conflicts; revolutionaries want to use conflicts. You think grievances can be resolved; their grievances are insatiable. Make a concession, they ignore it and demand another. Withdraw from a territory, they occupy it and turn it into a base for the next advance. Explain that you feel their pain, and they add to your pain. This is what it is like to deal with extremists and ideologues. Right now you don't understand why Bill Clinton and George Bush couldn't solve a little thing like the Arab-Israeli conflict, defuse the massive hatred of America in the Middle East, end terrorism or turn radical Islamism into an ideology of peace. Don't worry. You will. Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and co-author of "Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography" and "Hating America: A History" (Oxford University Press). His latest book is The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). Prof. Rubin's columns can now be read online at http://gloria.idc.ac.il/columns/column.html. Contact him at profbarryrubin@yahoo.com |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 10, 2008. |
We have been predicting for some time that an assemblage of Leftists would bond with Israel's most dedicated enemies and flood us with "Peace Promises". Their ultimate goal is to disassemble the Jewish State of Israel so the Muslim Arabs can get on with their Global "Jihad" (Holy War for Islam) with Israel out of the way. In today's New York Times, November 10 (70th anniversary of Kristallnacht) the Leftist Center for Middle East Peace in Washington with its far Leftists Chairman, S. Daniel Abraham, ran a full page, full color ad on Page A7, featuring 54 flags of all the Arab and Muslim countries in the Organization of Islamic Conference. The only flag missing was the Israeli flag. This was intended since most (all!) of these Muslim nations support Global "Jihad" in the name of Allah and their Koranic mandate to annihilate the "infidel" (non-Muslim) Jewish State of Israel. We should thank S. Daniel Abraham for collating all the flags of israel's dedicated enemies. The conspiracy to overwhelm Israel to accept Muslim Arab and State Department 'diktats' is now in full sail. The Leftist Government of Israel's current Prime Minister (resigned but still in control to give away chunks of the Jewish country) and his Kadima Party is in full accordance, treason notwithstanding. President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza and former Secretary of State James Baker III, always close and obedient servants of Saudi Arabia, are pushing hard to evolve a document that will dictate the terms of Israel's surrender under the cloak of a Chamberlain-esque "Peace Umbrella". Many collaborators in this process each have their own agenda, none of which intend peace nor friendly relations with Israel. They only offer a giant "Hudna" (temporary "Peace"), fashioned after Mohammed's false peace, the Hudaybiya Treaty, with the Jewish Quarish tribe in Mecca 628 CE. This 10 year non-aggression pact, evolved by Mohammed ended in 2 years when Mohammed's army was stronger. He broke the treaty; massacred all the men, ravaged the women and, along with the children, were sold into slavery. Yassir Arafat always referred to the Oslo Accords as his Hudaybiya Treaty. Jews were easily maneuvered into vulnerable positions with this tactic, then and now. They died for their gullibility. Now we have S. Daniel Abraham (a Jew), kicking off a gigantic hoax, called a "Hudna", along with Bush, Rice, the Arab League, the Quartet (including the U.S. State Department, the U.N., the E.U. and Russia) plus all the Muslim states in the world and, presumably, Barack Obama the new President-Elect, who has been in the know for some time. His role is yet to be defined but, it is easily forecast. Experts on the Middle East have been forecasting such a scam for some time. It's conclusion as a time-line was accelerated as the Bush-Rice regime comes to an end. Add to the American lame-ducks, the Olmert-Kadima government, drawing to a close as criminal prosecution awaits its leader, Ehud Olmert. The time to launch this full scale offensive against Israel's best interests of security and sovereignty is right now. We have watched the momentum build in Israel among the Leftists, the Leftist Media and the corrupt Olmert government. Law has been put aside, as OImert send Israeli troops and Police against anyone who protests his policy of a perfidious surrender. Hopefully, the people of Israel will awaken in time to save the Jewish nation from inner betrayal and treason. Olmert is coming to Washington in early December to finalize his treason of the nation he betrayed and coordinate these plans with Bush and Rice. I have written often, most recently November 9th, about the pre-efforts to intimidate and silence the American Jews when the Washington Arabists, in collusion with Olmert, make their move to disassemble Israel. Much of these actions were hidden under the bombast of the American election. Now it's out in the open. Send everything to your Congressmen. Demand that, whether they be Democrats or Republicans, they must speak out urgently against making Israel another Sudetenland for a false "Peace in Our Time". Some already know that the Islamists will never give Israel peace just as they will never cease pushing to turn America into the foundation of a Global Caliphate for Islam, driven by Muslim "Jihad" (Holy War for Islam). If the Jewish Israelis do not take back their Government immediately, they face the prospect of either being driven out of all Israel or living under a Muslim regime as Dhimmis (Jews in Arab Muslim countries as a low subservient people) under the laws of strict Islam called Sharia Laws. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by World Congress of Russian Jewry, November 10, 2008. |
The World Congress of Russian Jewry held rallies to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Germany's Kristallnacht in nine European countries. Congress activists distributed badges depicting the Star of David and the sign 'November 9, 1938 Never Again' in the Russian, English and German to 10,000 people in various cities. People who wanted to support the action wore 'broken crystals' thus showing solidarity with victims of Nazism, the World Congress of Russian Jewry told Interfax on Monday. "Given the escalating threat of anti-Semitism, the World Congress of Russian Jewry's action is called to attract attention of German public to the events of the Nazi past, so that no one is left indifferent to hatred fueled crimes, extremism and ethnic intolerance," the Congress said. Deputy speaker of the German parliament Petra Pau, Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit, German MPs, cardinals and public figures wore the Stars of David at a memorial reception at the Berlin Jewish community center. "We have to admit that many Germans again share anti-Semitic attitudes. Almost every week extremists desecrate Jewish cemeteries and other Jewish facilities," Pau said. A mourning church service took place in Germany's city of Gelsenkirchen, while city authorities in Stadthagen passed a traditional Jewish Menorah to the local Jewish community. Street actions took place in Dortmund and Nenndorf. Stars of David were also handed out to residents of Warsaw. The Jewish History Institute was the center of commemorative events in the Polish capital. Contact World Congress of Russian by email at
Posted by Avodah, November 10, 2008. |
Hat Tip : Israel matzav |
A group of European parliamentarians met in Brussels over the weekend to deal with the politically charged question of whether UNRWA money should be used to 'resettle' 'Palestinian refugees' outside the Arab world. A gathering of hundreds of European parliamentarians who support Israel concluded over the weekend in Paris with a politically loaded discussion on the rehabilitation of Palestinian refugees one of the most sensitive issues facing Israeli and Palestinian negotiators. The debate, part of a conference sponsored by the Brussels-based European Friends of Israel, came amid a groundswell of parliamentary activity around the world, including in the US and Canada, to reroute funding from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the mammoth UN body that deals with Palestinian refugees and their descendants, towards the resettlement of some of the refugees and their descendants in third countries. The session, which was hosted by the Israel Allies Caucus Foundation, the international arm of the Knesset's Christian Allies Caucus, included addresses by European parliamentarians as well as by MK Benny Elon of the National Union-National Religious Party and MK Amira Dotan of Kadima. The two co-chair a new Knesset caucus on the rehabilitation of Palestinian refugees.For those who are unaware, 'Palestinian refugees' are treated differently than any other group of refugees that has existed in the modern era. And that's why they still exist more than sixty years after the State of Israel was founded. Much of the focus at Friday's discussion centered on the difference between UNRWA and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR), the main UN body that handles all other refugees around the world.While UNRWA's 25,000-strong almost exclusively Palestinian staff care for 4.5 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants, the UNHCR employs a staff of around 6,300 people to help nearly 33 million people in more than 110 countries. The event also dwelt on UNRWA's definition of Palestinian refugees, which includes not only the refugees themselves, but also their descendants, which critics say only serves to perpetuate the refugee crisis."We are asking why the UNHCR has the mandate to solve the problem of refugees and UNRWA does not," Elon said. "There are cynical political reasons to maintain the status of the refugees."UNRWA has repeatedly said that the issue of Palestinian refugees can only be resolved in the context of a future peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.And here's the hope and change? UNRWA concedes that the size of the refugee problem is made bigger but not prolonged by the UN's inclusion of the descendants of the Palestinian refugees, but insists that this is how the UN deals with refugees all over the world."We can learn from the UNHCR how to shift power energies and money to find tools that are already there," said Dotan, who praised UNRWA's humanitarian and educational work for the Palestinians in her address, but suggested following the success of UNHCR.She noted that UNRWA Commissioner-General Karen AbuZayd is slated to address the Knesset caucus, after a summer event was postponed due to scheduling conflicts. "The root of the problem is that these people are refugees because those who are dealing in the industry of hate are misusing them," said Paulo Casaca, a member of the European Parliament from Portugal."They are kept on a hate-machine," he said. "Instead of helping the refugees we are helping those who want to [use] the refugees against the State of Israel," he said."The EU has a moral obligation to examine the root of the problem instead of throwing money at the problem, as we have in the past," said Hannu Takkula, a member of the European Parliament from Finland."We have to start this discussion, because the system is not working," he added. "The problem for many is a lack of information." Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com. And visit his blog at
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, November 10, 2008. |
This is from http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Pages/Links.htm |
TheReligionofPeace.com is incredibly grateful for the surprisingly large amount of support that we've received across the Web since launching our site without fanfare several years ago. Many individuals have promoted us, often anonymously, and several Websites have been very gracious to include links to our site from theirs. We would like to return the favor and post a burgeoning list of links that provide further information about Islam. Obviously we cannot endorse everything that may be posted. TheReligionofPeace.com is not a political site and we also do not promote any particular religion. This will not be the case with most of the sites below, but they will also present good information that you may not be able to find on our site. Jihad Watch Excellent site by Robert Spencer (our inspiration) with a daily blog that should be required reading for anyone concerned over the apathy, arrogance and violence that seems endemic to the "Religion of Peace." Faith Freedom International Hey, you thought our site was tough on Islam? Islam Undressed Amazing amount of research from an extraordinary individual. Dhimmitude.org Non-Islamic life under Islam. Front Page Magazine Heavy politics on this site, but you'll find some excellent articles on Radical Islam posted almost daily. AnsweringIslam.org Billed as an Interfaith dialog site, this page offers a wealth of information on Islam in several different languages. Anti-CAIR This site keeps tabs on the radical "Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)," despite the well-publicized intimidation attempts. Prophet of Doom Excellent resource for discovering what the Qur'an and Hadith have to say about a variety of issues. Even most Muslims have no idea of some of the bizarre things that Muhammad did and said. MEMRI The Middle East Media Research Institute, an excellent organization that breaks the language barrier and monitors the Arab media along with other interesting services. Palestinian Media Watch A Self-Portrait of Palestinian Society. Sharon Chadha Excellent blog from one of our favorite Middle East experts. Militant Islam Monitor An online resource documenting the activities and identities of Islamist individuals and groups in the United States and abroad. Hindu Unity A good collection of articles, with an emphasis on the history of the Religion of Peace on the Indian subcontinent. The New Media Journal (Terrorism) The latest in the world of terrorism. Updated daily. Terrorism Awareness Project A campus-oriented research project that provides resources for students and other inquiring minds. Global Politician Islamic Awareness A links page to additional Islamic awareness resources around the web. Wiki-Islam A burgeoning project designed to present "all things Islam" from a critical point of view. Athena Intelligence Advanced research network on insurgency, terrorism, Jihad and Islamic radicalism. There are also several moderate Islamic sites on the Web that are run by courageous individuals dedicated to reforming Islam and bringing it into the 21st Century. We won't list them here out of respect that their views are probably not identical to ours, but they may be discovered on some of the other sites listed here. The House of Apostasy This site provides a round-up of ex-Muslim blogs. Apostates of Islam Ex-Muslims with a message. This is why the religion can't tolerate a level playing field. Islam Watch Islam under scrutiny by ex-Muslims. Khalas! A former convert to Islam turned apostate, ex-Muslim, freethinker, atheist, and vegetarian gone wild. Council of Ex-Muslims A forum for those who have left Islam, including an opportunity to discuss problems associated with their decision. Debunking 9-11 Conspiracy Theory Seriously, you've spent enough time looking at "Loose Change" and the other quack sites that build enormous exaggeration around small grains of truth, doubt or outright lie. Now find out why none of them can stand up to the truth. The Official Website of the Prophet Muhammad It's about time the prophet started blogging. Terrorism in Israel An itemized list of what the Israelis have had to put up with since the 1920's. Stop al-Jazeera This site exposes al-Jazeera's propaganda efforts in the West through on-going monitoring. http://www.zionism-israel.com Zionism and Israel Information Center http://www.zionismontheweb.org Zionism on the Web http://www.zionism-netfirms.com The Zionism and Israel Pages DivestTerror.org A site that is devoted to exposing companies that do business with nations that finance terror. Middle East Info.org An excellent site that presents well-organized facts on the Middle East and Israel. Dry Bones Blog An award-winning, Israel-based collection of cartoons that is updated every couple of days. In the Name of Allah One researcher's work into Islamic history and the Qu'ran. Masada2000.org A pro-Israel site with excellent articles. Crusade Media A news source that attempts to find the unreported stories that affect the lives of so many. Jihad Spin The "Religion of Peace" without the spin. Watson37.com D.C. Watson's American website. All About Muhammad A site that cuts through the political correctness and presents some good resources on Islam and its founder. My People Uprooted A saga of the Hindus of Bangladesh (and the genocide of millions at the hands of Islam). The Story of Islamic Imperialism in India What the "Religion of Peace" has been doing to the people of India. Jihad and American Medicine The author of two books that focus on an anticipated terrorism strike on the U.S. health care system. StandingUpToJihad.com "Defending freedom in a world gone mad." Attacks on Hindus and Sikhs What the Religion of Peace did to others in the Punjab in just one year (scroll to the end to see the list). Bare Naked Islam It isn't Islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you. Free Copts What's really happening to religious minorities in Egypt? Bangladeshi Hindu Life under Islam for Bangladesh's Hindu minority. Global Incident Map An up-to-the-minute listing and chart of all global terrorist incidents. United American Committee A non-partisan American group that is sponsoring a Rally Against Islamofascism on February 1st, 2006. Observatorio da Jihad Portuguese blog that monitors Jihad. Patriot Act Research Site An American site that has some interesting information on the famed anti-Terror measure. Sanningen Om Islam Swedish language blog. Jesus-Marie.com Islam A French-language page on Islam and its origins. InformazioneCorretta.com An Italian-language blog (translated, Honest Information) that also keeps an eye on the Middle East. Indo-American Kashmir Forum Monitoring Kashmir and the plight of the Pandits and Hindu minority. Iran Politics Club A English-language site dedicated to Iranian issues. Qatar Sucks An English-language blog dedicated to all things Qatar. Canadian Coalition for Democracies A good group that seeks to bring Canadian foreign policy in line with Canadian values. islam-documents.org An excellent French language site with many documents on Islam. French Resistance Action A French language blog. Paix Sans Ignorance A French language site that appears to be both anti-war and anti-Islam. SIOE England Stop the Islamisation of England blog. American-Infidels "The best hub on the internet for championing Western ideals and combating the radical Islamic movement." SOS France An excellent French-language site, the motto of which is "Struggle against Islam and its collaborationists." Sderot Media Center "The human face behind the headlines" (as in the Israeli civilians that Hamas is trying to kill on a daily basis). Politically Incorrect German-language news source. Is it possible for Muslims to reform Islam into a 21st century religion or is the dysfunction and hate simply too deeply rooted within the teachings and history of the faith? Obviously TROP is somewhat pessimistic about the possibility of widespread reform, but there are intelligent and compassionate members of the Muslim community who disagree with us. In our opinion, Muslims who not only denounce the radical elements of their religion, but actively work to end them, have earned the right to be heard. It is for this reason that we will be linking to Islamic sites here in the near future that we feel are run by sincere individuals genuinely interested in reform, co-existence and peace. We do not guarantee that everything said about Islam on any of the sites linked here is true, but if there are mistaken beliefs, then we would hope that they are sincerely held. Neither should our linking to any of these be misinterpreted as
their endorsement of us. Nor should anyone attempt to disparage them
with a false claim of association.
Contact the poster at nusenbaum@juno.com
Posted by Jaff Sassani, November 9, 2008. |
The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) was surprised by the outcome of the President elect Obama because he appointed few influential American with Jewish heritage. The IRI and It's supporter of the American with Iranian heritage whom they support the outdated Iranian Government policy toward the Jewish people in America and Israel. The war of word did not started by Israel and Jewish people around the world. The war started by the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini, and his follower. What you expect from the Jewish people around the world. They should surrender to Hitler Khomeini and his follower or start preparing themselves to avoid another holocaust. The Jewish people are very peaceful people they are not looking for war with other people on the earth. The Jewish people are smart; because they are smart by making money the looser around the world will hate them because they do not know how to make money. The Jewish people always thank full to Aryan (Iranian) leader the father of Aryan people thee Cyrus the Great who helped the Jewish people more than few thousand years ago. The hateful Khomeini from the Arab family origin used Iranian people against the Jewish people because of his Arab blood want to destroy Israel just like his forefather did in the beginning of Islam in Saudi Arabia 1400 years ago. The Iranian people could by destroy on the face of Earth because of the Hitler Khomeini revenge. What we are gaining to be the servant of the Arabs whom they destroyed our country 1400 years ago. Iranian people like Friday prayer leader Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (if he is not from Sayaid Arab family) are fool by getting the Iranian people mayhem so they can serve the Arab Imperialist whom they destroyed our country under the name of Islam. Long live the struggle of the Aryan (Iranian) people for freedom and friendship with Israel and Jewish people around the world. Death to Hitler Khomeini and his follower. Jaff Sassani
Jaff Sassanian is the nom de plume of a spokesman for the
Sassanians who live in Iran. Contact the group at
jaff.skdc@googlemail.com or SKDC_Service@jaff-sassanie.com. And visit
the website: |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 8, 2008. |
I have been following the seemingly isolated Federal attack on the Rubashkin Jewish Kosher meat plant in Postville, Iowa.(1) From the first, my antennae detected something like an arranged agenda over the Feds' zealousness. Long before a Kosher Meat processing plant in Iowa was 'allegedly' employing illegal aliens with false documents, 12 to 20 million illegal aliens were working in major plants and fields across America. They were not raided with the accompanying trial-by-Media as were the Rubashkin owners. But, this seemed to be "Jew-time" for the Feds. At first, it appeared to be a minor affair, with agreed corrective action to be undertaken to solve the complaints. Most people who paid attention to this already knew that the Unions initiated the Feds' extreme actions, not because illegal aliens were present but, because management did not allow the Unions to press all the workers into Union control. We have heard that the workers received higher wages and better benefits than they would under Union control. For other reasons, however, the Federal Government saw this as an opportunity, not so much to correct broken laws but, a "Get the Jews" action with a purpose of intimidating American and Israeli Jews. Having written about other "Get the Jews" doctrine for over 35 years, the Postville raid followed a certain pattern. For many examples, read the book by John Loftus, "The Secret War Against the Jews: How the Jews Were Betrayed by Western Espionage, 1920-1992" (2). This well-researched book speaks about the "Jew Room" initiated by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI and maintained by various branches of U.S. Intelligence. This was not a friendly gathering place, but rather something that resembled Heydrich's Wannsee Conference of Nazi high officials to decide their "Final Solution to Their Jewish Problem". Many in various other governments shared Hitler's philosophy during WW2. I will not outline those years but, the Postville raid and subsequent Media frenzy reminded me of the extreme hostility against the Jewish people and, especially, against Israel. Keep in mind the anti-Israel agenda which started in earnest when the State Department was unable to stop the United Nations from voting Israel into existence which infuriated the Muslim Arab oil countries and multi-national oil companies who were important to State for their oil and money! Harassing and subverting Israel, in deference to the Muslim Arabs became a permanent part of the State Department's inner agenda. Secretaries of State like James Baker III could better explain their role in harassing Israel. My mind reviewed such other events, as when then Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and Admiral Bobby Ray Inman used their positions to block any interchange of Intelligence of vital information that would affect Israel and/or America. Such sharing of intelligence was approved American policy in MOUs (Memorandums of Understanding), signed by several Presidents. Yet, Weinberger, on his own, cut off such exchanges and acted to cover-up efforts by Arab Muslim countries to build unconventional weapons of mass destruction such as poison gas to be aimed against Israel. Again, keep in mind, IF American Arabists were to succeed in their program to eliminate Israel in order to appease the Arabs, a number of things had to be accomplished: A cut-off of intelligence about what the Arab Muslims were planning and what weapons they had to use against Israel was crucial. This would include the types of weapons they were purchasing and building especially what are called WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), namely, NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical). Parallel to blinding the Israelis to that information was a much large "Black Operation" that of demonizing the Israelis and American Jews in the minds of the American people who supported Israel. The purpose was that, when the time came to divide up Israel into conquerable pieces, the American public and American Congress would remain passive and not protest. As you read on, I will remind you of some incidents designed to shape the thoughts of the American people against Israel and the accompanying process to silence American Jewry. (Let's continue.) Secretary of Defence Caspar Weinberger was eventually fired when he countermanded President Ronald Reagan's order for a U.S. battleship in the Mediterranean to shell Syria after they acted as enablers in the Terrorist Truck bomb against the Marine barracks, killing 242 American Marines 25 years ago. Caspar Weinberger hated Jews and especially the Jewish State of Israel. Weinberger did not operate on his own but had many collaborators especially among the Arabists in the State Department. Syria, you may recall was a lead player for the Arab Muslim world dedicated to destroying Israel and had to be protected at all costs even when they killed Americans. The number and frequency of Secretaries of State, representing the State Department, who visited Syria's Hafez al Assad was astonishing. No terrorist action, directly or indirectly, conducted by Syria's long-reaching Intelligence Services, were never truly punished because they had protectors in the highest offices in Washington. That continues to this day. Another event comes to mind that resonates in the "Get the Jews" doctrine. Condoleezza Rice, then National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush, convinced Bush to go along with the FBI sting operation against AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee).(3) Their objective was to accuse and try this Jewish organization in the Media. The ensuing publicity was to get control of AIPAC and reduce its ability to lobby Congress on behalf of Israel and against the plans of the Arab Muslims. Condoleezza Rice, similarly to Weinberger's motives and actions, seemed to demonstrate a strong dislike for the Jewish State's sovereignty and rights as a State to decide her own borders and capital. Rice evinces a strong pro-Arab bias. Some will recall that she was on the Board of the Chevron Oil Company and was decidedly pro-Oil, along with the Bush Dynasty and James Baker III. Therefore, intimidating AIPAC would also intimidate the Government of Israel and the American Jews to remain silent, whenever Rice demanded capitulation by Israel. She and State didn't want 'cooperation'; they demanded 'obedience'. Jews have a history of being intimidated as a minority in Europe, by the Church, by Hitler, by Stalin, by the Muslim countries' dictators where they lived for hundreds of years. Jews have every reason in history to be suspicious and frightened by Government interventions in their lives. It was NOT supposed to happen in America but, it did. Sometimes in big ways and sometimes in small operations like Postville. After the first high profile raid on the Postville Kosher, the Feds pulled out all stops to insure it was prominently featured in the flag-ship journals like the New York Times.(2) A few minor 'balancing' raids here and there were intended to make it seem like the Jews were not being especially targeted although they were. With an illegal alien population between 12-20 million working with forged documents, it is likely they would be found in almost every labor-intensive business in America. But, it would not look good to raid Swift, Hormel, General Foods and the dozens if not hundreds of animal slaughtering plants especially those owned and controlled by Muslims to produce Hallel meats (similar to Kosher but for Muslims). By arresting the Orthodox Jewish plant owners with threats of long prison sentences, repeatedly trumpeted in the Media the Feds were not only in a "Get the Jews" mode but, they were sending a nasty message to the larger Jewish community to shut up and go along. (And here's where the Yiddish phrase ordering Jews to "Sha! Shtill!" comes into vogue.) So, the Jews are supposed to 'shut up and go along' with whatever Bush and Rice were planning to do to Israel. That includes driving the Jews out of Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley, the Golan Heights, and those parts of Jerusalem occupied and desecrated by Jordan for 19 years from 1948 to 1967. That would force Israel to leave the vital defense posts on the Golan Heights and the mountains of Judea and Samaria which oversee the security and sovereignty of all Israel. One could assume that Barack Obama, as America's new President, will follow this policy of intimidation in order to please the Islamic oil-rich nations. One day after Obama's election, that is on November 5th, Obama sent his key advisor Robert Malley to Cairo where he met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, and to Damascus, where he met with Syrian President Bashar Assad. Malley was to relay the messages that relations with Egypt would be enhanced (with more military and civilian aid and advanced F-16 fighter jets to be sold to Cairo) and Obama would attempt to reconcile differences with Syria, reversing the policy of President Bush, who regards Syria as a leading supporter of insurgency in Iraq. (4) The Jew-Trap for AIPAC troubled the entire Media community who relied on leaks to expose wrong doings by the Government establishment. We all remember Water-Gate and Iran/Contra. Strangely, the U.S. State Department, Pentagon and the 16 American Intel Agencies also used 'leaks' to delicately pass information to foreign governments outside of conventional channels. IF the AIPAC Jew Trap worked, when the Rice and FBI set-up AIPAC 'sting' went to court, then the entire back channel message route would jeopardize all investigative journalists and open them to criminal prosecution. It would also stop whistle-blowers inside the government from exposing wrong-doing. In the case of AIPAC, they set up AIPAC as a target so Rice could use a normal and commonly used interchange of an informational back channel as a stick to beat AIPAC and Israel to force Israel to obey her and the State Department demands in order to appease the Arab Muslim oil-rich nations. Rice just visited Jerusalem again, to work out a seamless transfer of her plan to re-partition Israel over to the incoming Obama administration. It has been reported that Condi Rice's hostility stemmed both from State Department policy and from her youth when Southern White radicals bombed black churches, including one in Birmingham where 4 young black girls (one a friend of Condi Rice) were murdered. C. Rice transposed her hatred of the perpetrating white bigots onto the white Jewish Israelis and adopted the Muslim Arab Palestinians as 'her' oppressed Blacks. That seems to be the root cause of her zealous bias. C. Rice not only represented State Department anti-Israeli doctrine but her own bias. Although Jews were not involved in Ku Klux Klan and White Supremicists movements but were themselves often their targets. Note the "Freedom Summer" massacre when Andrew Goodman, a 20 year old white Jewish student, Michael Schwerner, a 24 year old white Jewish CORE organizer both from New and James Chaney, a 21 year old black man from Meridian, Mississippi were shot, June 21, 1964 for helping Mississippi blacks. (2) The film "MIssissippi Burning" memorializes these events and shows the white Klan in their full responsibility for these murders. To Rice and most black leaders, their sacrifice was irrelevant and, thus, the taught attitude of blacks to blame the Jews for their poverty. As Rice grew to maturity and a high position, her rage against whites could not be vented against the white establishment in which she worked, so in a twisted way, she equated Palestinian Terrorists with the oppressed blacks of her childhood. The AIPAC sting involved Larry Franklin (not Jewish) from the US Defense Department, telling 2 AIPAC staffers, Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, that Iran was building nuclear weapons while allegedly wearing an FBI wire. That was supposed to be a concealed secret??? Come on. Who would benefit besides Iran? Israel could lose her whole country as well as millions of Jews and Arabs. Iran could target Europe and/or America. I think Franklin did the right thing for the right reasons. Was he set-up? Was AIPAC set-up? It sure looks like it. So Israel and the Jews became Rice's surrogate target. Setting up the AIPAC sting fed her hatred to get even with the whites who had killed her friends. That 'set-up' allowed her another club with which to beat AIPAC, Israel, and the American Jews. Congress was not to be lobbied for Israel and American Jewry was to be frightened into silence. I cannot help but wonder if, in the AIPAC case, powerful Washington individuals, like James Baker III, C. Rice, Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright, Warren Christopher, William P. Rogers, Henry Kissinger among other high ranking diplomats and directors of the 16 American Intel Agencies also used back channel leaks to Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Russia and China knowing they were illegally by-passing the Intelligence Transfer Act. That illegal transfer would be particularly odious if their intent was to compromise Israel's defenses. All of this must come out in open court unless they use the National Security dodge as was done in Iran-Contra. There is much more to this issue but, this provides some background as to why the Feds went after the Kosher meat plant owned by the Rubashkins with such media over-kill. Mr. Sholom Rubaskin is the highest-ranking executive to face arrest in stepped-up immigration raids. Why did they arrest him in handcuffs with pictures for the Media? He wasn't a flight risk. Mr. Rubashkin and his father, both Lubavitch Hasidic Jews, built Agriprocessors into a kosher giant. They brought prosperity to the little town of Postville. Kosher consumers have faced meat shortages since the raid. While the Postville raid may seem a small matter, think of it as another piece of the puzzle, designed in the "Jew Room" of J. Edgar Hoover's FBI, to silence the Jews of America and Israel when full-bore attacks are mounted against Israel. (See a following article which speaks about the coming "full-bore attack", entitled "Shimon Peres Tells Us We Are Closer to Peace"). Strangely, Rice knew she could expect the usual defensive Jewish reaction when a Government attacked a Jew or a Jewish organization. In fear, taught by centuries of bias, hatred, confiscation, murder, etc... they would also adopt the 'Government' side and join in the attack to show how 'clean' they were of any wrong-doing. In this case, establishment Jews, most of whom do NOT keep Kosher, attacked the Kosher plant for not having been Kosher enough. Their umbrage was: How dare they hire illegal aliens? How dare they NOT allow the Unions to take over the workforce despite the fact that the workers actually had wages and benefits that exceeded Union levels? This major fact has been covered-up in this case, especially by trying the Rubashkins in the compliant Media. We Jews are well known to rush to the causes of all others but NOT our own. I suppose we think we will be better liked when we ignore our own people and our own rights. When the Jewish community succeeded in helping American Blacks achieve their rights, some Black leaders turned on the Jews in vicious hostility, while many adopted Islam whose Koranic credo maintained that Blacks were only fit for slavery. This was what Rice and other anti-Semites in government counted on in Israel and America. They recruited the Leftist Israeli government officials, like Olmert and Peres, who would stand for Palestinian rights even as they launched Rockets and Missiles, suicide bombed, shot, stabbed Jews and worked closely with Terrorist nations like Iran and Syria. Even if it meant their own families could be murdered by Palestinian Terrorists, they would opt to abandon vital defensive land, knowing it would be used as a fire base against the Jewish population. Thus, Olmert, Tzipi Livni, Ehud Barak, Shimon Peres and his other Leftists were easy recruits in their intended crippling of the Jewish nation. The pro-Arab State Department has studied Jews for years and know how we respond to fear. The Rubashkin Sting, that of invading the Kosher meat plant and how it would play in the Jewish community was anticipated, in synergy with other attacks with more now in formation. Jews not only quickly assumed guilt and blame but, then they themselves attacked their fellow Jews. It seemed a comparatively small event but, when added to the AIPAC sting, among many other Goebbels'-like accusations, then it assumes a greater significance. The question is: Will these attacks on the American Jewish psyche assist their planning when Bush, Rice, Baker and Zbigniew Brzezinski and perhaps Obama move to force the Israeli Leftists to commit national suicide? Do they plan for the American Jews at that time to be paralyzed with fear and unable to protest? None of this happened in a vacuum. "Getting the Jews" and appeasing the Muslim Arab oil States is an on-going program, likely to be picked up and increased by the new President Barack Obama and his selected advisors, some of whom have a well-documented record of hostility to Israel. Clearly, I see that the ghost of Cap Weinberger is in some way alive and well, as he hovers over his "Get the Jews" machinations. Remember that Weinberger's most egregious manipulation was the arrest with full media coverage and the 'in camera' trials of Jonathan and Anne Pollard. To review our extensive articles on this issue, please Google "Jonathan Pollard" by "Emanuel Winston". Important issues covered: "Injustice to" and "Lies about Jonathan Pollard"; "Warning of Iraq's WMD, including NBC to attack Israel"; "Shadow Government"; "the Jew-Room"; "How Ehud Barak abandoned Pollard in November 1985"; and more. You may see more than you could ever read at least 3,690 items. (5) ### 1. "After Raid, Federal Charges for Ex-C.E.O. at Meatpacker" New York Times 10/31/08 2. "THE SECRET WAR AGAINST THE JEWS: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People 1920-1992" by John Loftus & Mark Aarons St. Martin's Press NY 1994 pp. 193 3. "Lawrence Franklin Espionage Scandal" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Weissman & "AIPAC On Trial" by Justin Raimondo The American Conservative May 7, 2007 http://www.amconmag.com/article/2007/may/07/00013/ 4. "From Israel: The Beginning" by Arlene Kushner akushner@netvision.net.il Nov. 8, 2008 5. "Jonathan Pollard" by "Emanuel Winston" in GOOGLE Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Steven Plaut, November 9, 2008. |
While I doubt that anyone even considers Haaretz to be a newspaper any more, serving as little more than a daily dose of anti-Zionist apologia for Arab fascism and "Post-Zionism," nevertheless today's issue of the Palestinian daily printed in Hebrew is astounding even by the low standards this "newspaper" has set for itself. First, the banner headline is that the head of Hamas is willing to recognize Israel inside its 1967 borders. The only problems? It is written by Amira Hass, who is not a journalist at all but rather a full time anti-Israel propagandist, who has already been convicted in court of lying. So Haaretz would have Israel risk a Second Holocaust on the basis of a news story that Hamas recognizes Israel and all we have is Amira's word for it. Second, a closer reading shows that even Hass is not really saying Hamas recognizes Israel. She cites the head terrorhoid of the Hamas as saying that Hamas will agree to a temporary ceasefire if Israel agrees to go back to its 1967 borders, but not to a peace. (Hamas already agreed to a ceasefire of sorts where Israel did not go back to anything to avoid having its own leaders assassinated.) The "recognition" Hass is talking about would be Hamas acknowledging the fact that for the moment Israel is still in existence behind its 1967 borders. Then we have the celebration and endorsement of Dov Chanin, who is running for the mayor of Tel Aviv. Chanin is an unreformed Stalinist and leader in the Israeli communist party, dreaming of setting up Gulags from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean. That Haaretz likes communists is not exactly news. But the job of writing a sycophant piece endorsing Chanin for mayor was assigned to Ari Shavit, usually considered to be the most pro-Zionist and patriotic columnist in Haaretz! Chanin, by the way, said that if he does not get elected mayor, he will not even take up his seat as alderman in the Tel Aviv City Council I guess because he can do so much more for the jihad serving as a communist party member of the Knesset. Then we have an infantile column, appearing as a front page news item, by Haaretz' Neri Livni practically swooning with joy at Obama's victory and wondering whether Israelis, like Americans, can abandon their narrow-minded racism and selfishness. Haaretz cannot get enough of the slogan "Yes We Can" and uses it whenever it cannot decide which punctuation mark to use. Ultra-anti-Semite Gideon Levy has a column inHaaretz today proclaiming his deepest desire that Obama not turn out to be a friend of Israel (HIS title!). See it here: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1035415.html. That is because, according to Levy, a true friend of Israel would be one who helps the Palestinians throw the Jews into the sea. Then there is the report on how the terrorists and some members of the Eurotrash Left ran yet another pro-terror boat to Gaza to assist the Hamas, where Haaretz' headline, crayoned by Amira Hass, is "This is How WE Broke the Siege of Gaza (http://haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1035433.html )." Note the use of the first person plural pronoun. The firing of 13 Qassam rockets at the Negev is mentioned in passing by Haaretz, but on an internal page. It has about the same space as an item, probably fictional and carried only by Haaretz, claiming some Jewish kids in Hebron beat up a 6 year old Palestinian boy for no reason at all and hit him in the head with a stone. My suspicion is that every single story in Haaretz about settlers beating Palestinians is pure fiction. There is great coverage about the annual rally of deification for Yitzhak Rabin, held last night, in which speaker after speaker denounces "those who taught and inspired the murderer Yigal Amir." I wonder if they mean his law school professors. Ehud Barak, the fellow who fired 4000 katyusha rockets at my nose, was there screaming about the "cancerous" Israeli Right, meaning I guess that he would like those who disagree with his lunatic leftist ideas to be eliminated using chemotherapy and radiation? Then there is a story about how Israel "like a thief in the night stole the lands of Holocaust victims." Haaretzhas long tried to represent Israel as the moral equivalent of Swiss bankers and others who stole assets of Holocaust victim. Of course, in this case the real story is about a memo in 1946 in which lands bought by Jews whose entire families were presumed murdered in the Holocaust were simply taken over by the Jewish authorities in the pre-state land of Israel and used ever since. Big big scandal. Labor Party airhead Collette Avital postured her indignation about this immoral outrage. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 9, 2008. |
This was written by Mark Polok, editor of the Fall
2008 Intelligence Report
The Jews, they say, are "the synagogue of Satan."
They are not the offspring of the Biblical Hebrews at all. Instead, Jews, they claim, are descendants of the Edomites, an evil race spawned by Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, who was later known as Israel. Today's Jews are liars who falsely assert that they are God's "chosen people" in order to deceive the world. It is not the Jewish pretenders but them, they insist, who are uniquely favored by God.
"The Holocaust is a damn joke!" one of their more vicious leaders shouted in a recent confrontation with a Jewish man in Philadelphia. "Heil Hitler!"
Who are these haters of the Jews? They could easily be adherents of Christian Identity, the white supremacist theology that asserts that Jews are in league with Satan and that white people are the real descendants of the Biblical Hebrews. But, in this case, they are not. Instead, they are black men and women who inhabit the racist fringe of the growing Hebrew Israelite movement, a movement that asserts that Christ will soon return to destroy or enslave whites, Jews and others. Their ideology a phenomenon explored in detail in the cover story of this issue of the Intelligence Report has been growing more militant in recent years. "These are African-American groups with a theology that is the reverse of Christian Identity," says Michael Barkun, a Syracuse University professor who is the leading scholar of Christian Identity. "They're mirror images of each other." Christian Identity began as British Israelism, a theology spawned by well-heeled British Victorians who argued that European whites were descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, and thus were the long-lost brothers of the Jews, who descended from related tribes. The theology, which began as a fad in 19th century Britain, was a way of explaining, and justifying, the sprawling British Empire. Once it reached the shores of the United States, British Israelism morphed into an even more bizarre doctrine, one that identified Jews as the biological descendants of Satan who pretended falsely to be the chosen of God. The resulting theology Christian Identity found adherents among those who found the growing diversity of America threatening to the long-favored white race. Like Christian Identity, black Hebrew Israelism is a theology of dispossession but in this case, the dispossession is not the waning of special privileges long accorded to whites. It is the very real dispossession of people who were brought to this country in chains and have struggled ever since. Given that reality, it's not hard to understand how the black Hebrew Israelite narrative developed a kind of "revenge narrative," as Barkun put it. Much like the theology of the Nation of Islam, the Hebrew Israelite view of the world is in some ways simply a reaction to our country's history of white racism, white privilege and oppression of black people both during and after slavery. But, if we are to progress together as a nation, we can't excuse black racism just because we can explain it. Ethnic and racial hatred is still the scourge of our times. Serbs and Croats, Turks and Greeks, Chechnyans and Russians, Basques and Spaniards, Jews and Arabs the list of entrenched ethnic hatreds and antagonisms in recent history is virtually endless. At some point, it has to stop. As Martin Luther King Jr. once put it: "Violence begets violence; hate begets hate; and toughness begets a great toughness. It is all a descending spiral, and the end is destruction for everybody. Along the way of life, somebody must have enough sense and morality to cut off the chain of hate." Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 8, 2008. |
Jewish Temples never existed, says top Palestinian negotiator Official leading peace talks claims Israel trying to 'invent' historical Jerusalem link This was written by Aaron Klein and it appeared November 6,
2008 in World Net Daily
JERUSALEM The Jewish Temples never existed and Israel has been working to "invent" a Jewish historical connection to Jerusalem, the chief Palestinian negotiator asserted. Ahmed Qurei, the Palestinian Authority official leading all peace talks with the Jewish state, made the controversial statements in a small media briefing Wednesday attended by WND as well as by a Palestinian media outlet and an Arab affairs correspondent for a major Israeli newspaper. But the Israeli publication decided not to print Qurei's comments, while the Palestinian publication, the Al-Ayam daily newspaper, made news of the remarks. Qurei said "Israeli occupation authorities are trying to find a so-called Jewish historical connection" between Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, "but all these attempts will fail. The [Temple Mount] is 100 percent Muslim." "The world must be mobilized against all these Israeli attempts to change the symbols and signs of Jerusalem," he said. "There is nothing Jewish about the Al Aqsa Mosque. There was no so-called Jewish Temple. It's imaginary. Jerusalem is 100 percent Muslim." Continued Qurei: "The Arab world is called to interfere to stop the Israeli plans in Jerusalem, to stop the Israeli attempts to create a Jewish character to Jerusalem and the Al Aqsa mosque. Also to the Old City, which is the first step in the war to defend Jerusalem and Al Aqsa. "They are competing against time in order to create facts on ground in the surrounding the imaginary Temple," Qurei added. The chief Palestinian negotiator was reacting to the reopening last month of a long-closed synagogue just 100 meters from the Temple Mount. The holy structure, located in what is now known as the Muslim Quarter, was abandoned in 1938 in the wake of extreme Arab violence targeting Jews. At the time, thousands of Jews lived in the Quarter. The synagogue is closer than any other Jewish house of prayer to the Temple Mount. Qurei, who is considered moderate by U.S. and Israeli policy, has been leading talks with Israel initiated at last November's U.S.-sponsored Annapolis Summit, which seeks to create a Palestinian state, at least on paper, before President Bush leaves office. Israel is widely expected to offer the Palestinians near complete control of the West Bank and significant control of undisclosed parts of eastern Jerusalem. Holiest site The Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism. The First Jewish Temple was built there by King Solomon in the 10th century B.C. It was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. The Second Temple was rebuilt in 515 B.C. after Jerusalem was freed from Babylonian captivity. That temple was destroyed by the Roman Empire in A.D. 70. Each temple stood for a period of over four centuries. The Jewish Temple was the center of religious Jewish worship. It housed the Holy of Holies, which contained the Ark of the Covenant and was said to be the area upon which God's shechina or "presence" dwelt. All Jewish holidays centered on worship at the Temple. The Jewish Temple served as the primary location for the offering of sacrifices and was the main gathering place for the Jewish people. According to the Talmud, the world was created from the foundation stone of the Temple Mount. The site is believed to be the biblical Mount Moriah, the location where Abraham fulfilled God's test to see if he would be willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. Jewish tradition holds Mashiach, or the Jewish Messiah, will return and rebuild the third and final Temple on the Mount in Jerusalem. The Kotel, or Western Wall, is the one part of the Temple Mount that survived the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans and stands today in Jerusalem. Throughout all notorious Jewish exiles, thorough documentation shows the Jews never gave up their hope of returning to Jerusalem and re-establishing their Temple. To this day, Jews worldwide pray facing the Western Wall, while Muslims turn their backs away from the Temple Mount and pray toward Mecca. The Al Aqsa Mosque was constructed around A.D. 709 to serve as a shrine near another shrine, the Dome of the Rock, which was built by an Islamic caliph. About 100 years ago, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem became associated with the place Muslims came to believe Muhammad ascended to heaven. Jerusalem, however, is not mentioned in the Quran. Islamic tradition states Muhammad took a journey in a single night from "a sacred mosque" believed to be in Mecca in southern Saudi Arabia to "the farthest mosque," and from a rock there ascended to heaven to receive revelations from Allah that became part of the Quran. Palestinians today claim exclusivity over the Temple Mount, and Palestinian leaders routinely deny Jewish historic connection to the site, but historically, Muslims did not claim the Al Aqsa Mosque as their third holiest site and admitted the Jewish Temples existed. According to research by Israeli author Shmuel Berkovits, Islam previously disregarded Jerusalem. He points out in his book "How Dreadful Is this Place!" that Muhammad was said to loathe Jerusalem and what it stood for. Berkovits wrote that Muhammad made a point of eliminating pagan sites of worship and sanctifying only one place the Kaaba in Mecca to signify the unity of God. As late as the 14th century, Islamic scholar Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyya, whose writings influenced the Wahhabi movement in Arabia, ruled that sacred Islamic sites are to be found only in the Arabian Peninsula and that "in Jerusalem, there is not a place one calls sacred, and the same holds true for the tombs of Hebron." It wasn't until the late 19th century incidentally when Jews started immigrating to Palestine that some Muslim scholars began claiming Muhammad tied his horse to the Western Wall and associated Muhammad's purported night journey with the Temple Mount. A guide to the Temple Mount by the Supreme Muslim Council in Jerusalem published in 1925 listed the Mount as the site of Solomon's Temple. The Temple Institute acquired a copy of the official 1925 "Guide Book to Al-Haram Al-Sharif," which states on page 4, "Its identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to universal belief, on which 'David built there an altar unto the Lord.'" Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Paul Lademain, November 7, 2008. |
Open letter to the editors of the NYT: Why on earth do your editors utter such nonsense as ""The lesson of the last few months should be clear to all. Israel will have no peace with its neighbors or its own citizens without a peace agreement." We are the NON-evangelical Christians for Zion. We outnumber the radicals of every persuasion. We have this to say to you: Who are YOU to admonish the sovereign state of Israel? Aren't YOU people the same ones who constantly whine about anything Israel does? Are your Jewish owners ashamed of themselves? Trying to surrender to Sharia? In league with the Saudis? The NYT no longer shapes public opinion. You have become an agent provocateur. And a rude annoyance. The only road to "peace" with radical Islamics is by busting their chops. Brute force is all these greedy savages understand. We no longer tolerate them. Their obsessive-compulsive "religion" forbids them to engage in "peace" and the tawdry NYT editors cannot reform them. They would chop off your silly heads in a trice as soon as they no longer need you for to demoralize the American public. As for the Islamics? We want them to hie back to the Arabian desert preferably six feet under. Viva Israel Contact Paul Lademain by email at lademain@verizon.net |
Posted by GWY, November 7, 2008. |
This was written by Caroline Glick and it appeared yesterday in the Jerusalem Post (www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1225910057324&pagename= JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull) |
With Sen. Barack Obama's victory in the US presidential race, the stakes have been raised for Israel's February 10 general elections. Whatever the Obama administration's position on Israel may be, it will not be more supportive of the country than the Bush administration has been. And over the past year, the supportive Bush administration has decided not to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and not to support an Israeli effort to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. If Israel's next prime minister intends to prevent Teheran from acquiring the means to implement its stated aim of destroying Israel, he or she must be prepared to stand up to America. Indeed, the greatest diplomatic challenge he or she will likely face will be standing up to a popular new President Obama, supported by large Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress and the overwhelming majority of American Jewish voters. Over the past few days, the two contenders for the premiership Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu have demonstrated their starkly contrasting views of how to deal with a potentially hostile administration in Washington. Reacting to Obama's electoral victory on Wednesday, Livni made clear that from her perspective, the best way to deal with an unfriendly White House is to preemptively surrender Israel's national interests. In her words, Israel's election results "must reflect the country's interest in advancing the peace process, otherwise the international community, headed by the US, will try and push us in this direction." For their part, Netanyahu and Likud have shown that if defending Israel's national interests requires a confrontation with Washington, they will not shy away from it. Last week, Netanyahu surrogate MK Yuval Steinitz informed both US presidential campaigns that in the event that outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert pledges to surrender the Golan Heights to Syria, a Likud-led government will not respect his commitment. Livni understands that she cannot win the election by preaching preemptive surrender, and so she and her colleagues are ardently seeking to change the subject. They recognize that for Livni to win, she must persuade the public that she is not the hard-core leftist she has governed as for the past five years, but a centrist. To accomplish this goal, she is seeking to distinguish herself from Labor and Meretz while still maintaining her leftist support base. And she is trying to convince voters that Likud is not a credible alternative. Distinguishing herself from Labor and Meretz while keeping faith with the Left has been tricky for Livni, because it requires her to constantly contradict herself. She must make clear that she supports an Israeli retreat to the 1949 armistice lines and abdicates responsibility for preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons to the US and Europe, while appearing to reject the 1949 armistice lines and accepting that given the stakes, Israel is ultimately responsible for preventing Iran from going nuclear. Unable to renounce policies she herself has advanced and indeed invented, Livni has opted simply to refuse to disclose her positions to the public. She refuses to tell us what she has offered the Palestinians in her negotiations with Ahmed Qurei, or how she intends to deal with Syria and Iran, claiming unconvincingly that telling us what she stands for would damage Israel's national interests. Much to Livni's dismay, the public is already certain that she is a leftist. Consequently, her greatest challenge is convincing centrists who lean right that they cannot support Likud. To persuade them that Likud is unworthy, she seeks to define Likud as a party of extremists, hell-bent on destroying Israel's reputation in Europe and the US and on killing all hope of peace.
TO DEMONIZE Likud, Livni and her colleagues operate on two tracks simultaneously. First and most importantly, they have instigated violent confrontations with the hardcore fringe of the ideological Right. These confrontations serve to convince the public that the far-right fringe constitutes a threat to the state. Second, they seek to create a public perception of Likud as the sponsor of the hardcore fringe. By accomplishing this they hope to persuade the public that Likud itself is a threat to the country. On October 25 the government ordered the police and the IDF to carry out a surprise, middle-of-the-night expulsion of well-known right-wing hard-liner Noam Federman and his family from their home in Kiryat Arba, and to demolish their home. According to eyewitness accounts, the police used excessive violence against the surprised couple and their nine children. As could have been anticipated, the Federmans and their hot-headed, radical friends were enraged by the unprovoked onslaught. And as expected, Federman's supporters reacted by making offensive statements about the police and the IDF. The government pounced on these statements in a bid to castigate the far right, (of which Federman and his supporters comprise a small faction), as the greatest threat facing the country. Cabinet ministers were warned that these hard-line activists may try to assassinate them, attack IDF soldiers, or commit terror attacks against Arabs. Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced he will enact draconian measures against the far right in a bid to strip its activists of their civil rights and demoralize their followers. (In the meantime, the torching of a yeshiva in Acre and a synagogue in Ramle by Israeli Arabs went unnoted by the cabinet.) Presenting Federman and his colleagues as a strategic threat to the country will not suffice to bring victory to Livni. She must also link Likud and its leader to these far-right "enemies of the people." To this end, Livni and her colleagues accuse Likud of rejecting "peace." Likud's extremism, Livni argues, is demonstrated by the fact that "extremists" such as former science minister Bennie Begin and former construction and housing minister Effi Eitam are joining its ranks. Livni's strategy of projecting herself as a moderate by criminalizing the Right and claiming that there is no distinction between Likud and far-right activists is a reenactment of Olmert's strategy for winning the 2006 general elections. In February 2006 Olmert sought to define the Right in general and Likud specifically as a coalition of extremists by provoking violence between security forces and the far-right when he ordered the destruction of a number of homes in Amona. Hundreds of policemen and border guards were deployed to Amona where they essentially carried out a pogrom against hundreds of children and teenagers who were there to defend the homes from destruction. Initially, the events at Amona were misrepresented to the public as an example of right-wing fanaticism and violence against security personnel. Due to the media's open collusion with Olmert, it was only after the elections that the public learned the full extent of the police's premeditated brutality. In the meantime, Olmert invented a convenient right-wing bogeyman with which to scare the public and demonize Likud. Olmert's Amona strategy, which Livni seeks to implement today, advances the political fortunes of the Left in two ways. First, it directly promotes the fiction that Israel's chief enemy is the Right and so induces the public to feel uncomfortable supporting Likud. Second, and perhaps more importantly, the Amona strategy deflects public attention from Israel's real enemies Iran and its Palestinian, Lebanese and Syria proxies against which Kadima has taken no effective action. In 2006, the government's pogrom at Amona removed Hamas's electoral victory in the January 2006 Palestinian Authority elections from the top of the news. Hamas's electoral triumph had laid bare the folly of Israel's withdrawal from Gaza the previous summer and demonstrated that Kadima's entire electoral platform, based on repeating that withdrawal in Judea and Samaria, was a recipe for disaster and war. Today, with banner headlines decrying the right-wing menace filling the front pages of the papers, news of Hamas's transformation of Gaza into a new Hizbullah-stan, replete with bunkers built with concrete supplied by Israel, is relegated to the back pages.
IN 2006, Likud was in no position to counter the Amona strategy. It had just sustained a near-mortal blow when Ariel Sharon bolted the party to form Kadima. But now the tables have turned. Today it is Kadima that is in shambles. Sharon has been forgotten. Olmert resigned in disgrace. Livni failed to form a government. Today, Likud can discredit Livni's self-characterizations as a moderate by pointing to her far-left record as foreign minister. Netanyahu can reject her characterization of Likud as a far-right party by showcasing leftists like Uzi Dayan, Dan Meridor and Assaf Hefetz who are flocking to the party together with rightists like Bennie Begin and Effi Eitam. Likud, he can say credibly, is not a fringe party but a big-tent center-right governing party that welcomes all patriotic Israelis. If Livni's Amona strategy fails her, she will be forced to discuss her plans to preemptively surrender to the US, the Palestinians, Syria and Iran. And for Livni, a debate about her actual plans and current policies is a recipe for defeat. In certain respects, Livni's embrace of Olmert's Amona strategy toward the Right and her attempt to hide her far-left policies while presenting herself as a new sort of clean politician and engine of political renewal, echoes the strategy that Obama employed with such success in his bid for the White House. Like Obama, Livni wishes to convince the public to support her by not telling us who she is and what she intends to do, sufficing instead with her claim to be different from the other guys. It is far from clear that Livni will be able to pull off an Obama-like victory. She lacks his charisma. Unlike Obama, she has a public record of far-left governance and policy failure going into the election. And unlike Sen. John McCain, Israelis trust Netanyahu more than they trust Livni to protect the country's economy. Moreover, Obama benefited from the public support that the Democratic Party enjoyed after eight years of Republican control of the White House. In contrast, between its failed leadership in the war with Hizbullah and the corruption probes and criminal convictions of its leaders, Livni's Kadima is the discredited incumbent party. But still, all is not lost for Livni. Like Obama, she enjoys the full support of the media in her bid for power. In the past, media collusion has repeatedly sufficed to bring leftists posing as centrists to power. With all that is at stake in February's elections, it must be hoped that Livni's Obama strategy will fail her. Facing Iran on the one hand and a potentially hostile Obama administration on the other, Israel requires a leader like Netanyahu who understands that if preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons means butting heads with Obama, so be it. Contact GWY and GWY123@aol.com |
Posted by Teresinka Pereira, November 7, 2008. |
Time goes overcoming
Insomnia reigns at my nights
At which summit to aspire now
Contact the author at tpereira@buckeye-express.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 7, 2008. |
RE-EVALUATING HIZBULLAH We call it a terrorist organization. Yes, it is terrorist. It is more than an organization. Like Hitler's terrorist storm troopers, Hizbullah is a political movement with an army. An army! "RELIGILOUS" Very funny movie!. Offers something to think about. Actor Bill Maher is inherently funny, just to look at and hear. His main point is that mankind cannot survive if organized religion persists. He proves it with Islam. I think that Judaism poses almost no threat to mankind and that Christianity poses little threat. If so, the movie undermines the key message about survival by attaching the risk to faiths that don't menace. There was much about religion denying entry to Heaven to non-believers. The film would have been fairer to show that Judaism is an exception. Judaism just requires decent behavior. His next main point is that religion is absurd. He proves much of that. However, his proof is marred by the refusal of some clergy to meet with him. They realized that he intends to mock their faith. He felt he had to be rude to be funny. The clergy do have more thoughtful answers for their religions than he presented. I had known that Christianity largely copies earlier religions. I didn't know how extensive was the plagiarism. He might have stated that some of the Hebrew Bible stories were copied from surrounding religions, but the Hebrews gave them a moral turn. If religion does any good, the film did not show it. It is unbalanced. A scientist suggested that scientific standards of proof can't be applied to pre-scientific Bibles. He was laughed at. But he is right. On the other hand, the stories lack proof. One may believe some of them, but one cannot be sure. That lets in the discipline of analysis. One should take into account the historical and cultural context of the tales. Most people don't. They take the Bible literally and think that the religion is wholly of the Bible. Maher seemed conversant with the subject, but omitted much. For example, a Muslim woman asserted that the Koran says good things. That is sophistry. The Koran states both good and bad ideas about the Jews. How do Muslims determine which? It's like their explanation that they face Mecca when they pray. Originally, when Muhammad tried to convert the Jews, he told worshippers to face Jerusalem. So, too, Muslims take the later version of contradictory admonitions. The later, admonitions urge murdering the Jews! RE-EVALUATING HAMAS During the ceasefire, Hamas produced and imported thousands of rockets. Some of them have longer ranges than the immediate towns. Israeli policy has been to reinforce some buildings against rocket fire. Now that the range has increased, it could not possibly reinforce all buildings. Besides, is life in Israel supposed to be one of hiding in reinforced buildings? Isn't the answer to remove the source of the problem, Hamas [and Fatah], thereby ending the problem completely? (Dr. Aaron Lerner, IMRA, 10/18.) Hamas is thought of as a terrorism organization. It is a complete movement, with an army. Not just a terrorist organization, but an army! Was it disloyalty or stupidity by Olmert and Livni that arranged the ceasefire and thereby let Hamas get thousands of rockets, etc.? Couldn't they anticipate that Hamas would do that, especially when security officials and opposition figures warned them of it? Were they unable to think beyond the next few days? Was it disloyalty, stupidity, or hatred of fellow Jews by the Olmert-Livni regime that didn't realize that Israel could armor-clad a few buildings but not all in the nearby towns and that as the enemy increased the range and explosiveness of its rockets, the number of buildings would exceed the capacity of Israel to reinforce them at any time? To me, figuring out that a static defense would take too long, be never ending, be unfair to residents who want to go outside, and would let the enemy build up bunkers and bring in arms, is elementary. Now if Olmert and Livni are stupidly playing into the hands of terrorists, what do we say about the US officials and candidates and Jewish organizations, who assert support for Israel but do not point out the suicidal folly of Israeli policies? THE ONLY COUNTRY OF POGROMS NOW "The 200 Israeli Arabs who shattered the windshields of 110 Jewish cars, and burned and looted dozens of Jewish businesses in the city on the eve of Yom Kippur while shouting out, 'Death to Jews!' 'Allah Akbar!' and 'We'll kill you if you leave your homes!' couldn't have made their point any more clearly." "They don't like Jews. They don't want peaceful coexistence with Israel. They don't recognize the authority of Israel's laws. They don't accept their identity as Israeli citizens." Some Jews attacked Arab houses, in retaliation. Police took hours to come in. They did not stop PM Olmert asked both sides to cease violence and expressed sympathy for the Arabs. Acre Arabs now have a theatre festival claiming falsely that Israel is attempting ethnic cleansing against them and oppresses Arabs in Israel and the P.A.. "THE EVER-INCREASING radicalism of Israeli Arabs, who today openly and officially oppose the existence of the Jewish state, shows the imbecility of the government's plan to "separate" from the Palestinians by withdrawing from Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. Given that Israeli Arabs and Palestinian Arabs openly identify themselves as one society, there is no way to separate from the Palestinians." Caroline Glick says the answer is re-establishing law and order on both sides of the armistice line. Israel is establishing support groups for the offspring of polygamy, but not arresting the bigamous fathers. Israel's discrimination in favor of the Arabs has convinced the Arabs of the wisdom of keeping on taking the law into their own hands. That attitude is spreading to Jews, since government does not protect them (IMRA, 10/18). I think that the re-establishment of law and order should treat Muslim rioters as insurrectionists. Massively deport illegal immigrants and pursue land thieves, illegal builders, and tax evaders. Require national service from the Arabs. End discrimination in favor of Arabs, welfare for multiple wives, and withdraw welfare benefits from Jerusalem Arabs. Arrest Arab MKs for their treason. Make the Arabs want to emigrate. Learn how to make Israel's case against the Arabs. That is how to end the internal Arab threat and retain defensible borders. It is foolish for Jews to try to co-exist with Muslim Arabs. IRAN CELEBRATES FINANCIAL CRISIS To Iran's Ahmadinejad, the Western financial crisis proves democracy's failure. Meanwhile, the crisis curbs financial credit to Iran! He wastes a fortune on arms, raids foreign reserves, imposes ideology on the economy, and further distorts markets with price controls. Investors flee to real estate and people cannot afford housing, Inflation there is soaring, though government figures are fictional, and many factories don't pay their workers. High oil prices rescued Iran from the government's incompetence. Other oil exporters kept a surplus from oil sales, but Iran did not. Prices have since then fallen below solvency. Sec. Rice and others are offering to suspend sanctions. That's counter-productive. Better to let Iran sink itself and be a lesson to radical admirers in S. America (MEFNews, I think it was 10/20). Let Iran have less money for nuclear weapons! The regime won't reform. Let its people overthrow it! NOBODY STOPS INTERIM OLMERT FROM GRAVE MOVES PM Olmert asked Russia to ask Syria to reopen negotiations. He wants to give Syria the Golan. According to Israeli law, an interim government is not supposed to get involved in long-term matters of such grave consequence. The Attorney-General is supposed to tell the caretaker regime to desist. Why is he not enforcing the law? Why doesn't the major media raise the issue? (Dr. Aaron Lerner, IMRA, 10/20.) Answer: they like his policy; they apply law selectively. TELL ME ISRAELI LEADERS ARE NOT THE MOST STUPID!
Haaretz interviewed the head of Egypt's Navy. That navy is going to hold its biggest exercises, in celebration of its having sunk an Israeli ship some decades ago. The ships on display are more numerous than Israel's and outclass Israel's naval weaponry. The reporter found Israeli officials unconcerned about the Egyptian Navy's advantage over Israel's. Why? "since there is peace between the countries." (IMRA, 10/20.) The US gave Egypt the money for the build-up! Peace? Does a friendly country celebrate victory over Israel? Its military doctrine posits invasion of Israel. It violates the non-aggression pact with Israel by curbing trade and tourism with Israel. Its President refuses to visit Israel. It lets Hamas smuggle weapons into Gaza. Its people increasingly are Islamist and its government increasingly is considered illegitimate. It leads diplomacy against Israel? Israel doesn't have peace with Egypt, just a document. Egypt is biding its time. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Moshe Feiglin, November 6, 2008. |
For some reason, it is always the Jews who are deeply involved and sometimes responsible for the revolutions in the world. It is the Jews who are inexplicably driven to perfect the world in the name of some cause. If they are not busy perfecting the world for the Kingdom of the One G-d of Israel, then they will throw themselves into the perfection business in the name of communism, liberalism or some other ism. Whenever you peek behind a real revolution, you will discover a Jew pulling the strings. Barack Obama's meteoric rise to power is a revolution. It is difficult to describe this revolution because it has gone to great lengths not to describe itself. Time will tell exactly what revolution we dove into this week. But one thing is for sure it is a revolution, indeed. Who are the Jews who got Obama elected? On the surface, the answer is simple. Obama's campaign manager the brains behind the brilliant campaign of the young candidate who has never filled an executive position in his life belong, of course, to a Jew David Plouffe. Jews were prominent at every level of the Obama campaign, as well. But I do not think that it is the Jews on Obama's staff who created the revolution. The two Jews who got Obama elected are in completely different places. They are two Prisoners of Zion. The Jew more responsible than any other person for Obama's victory is my friend, Natan Sharansky. Sharansky is a man to be admired. His personal biography, captivating personality and uncompromising integrity have won him wide acclaim. If given the choice, Sharansky may not have chosen the path onto which G-d put him, but his image has become synonymous with the small man whose courage broke the Iron Curtain. Whether he intended to or not, Sharansky has become a cultural icon in the U S a beloved hero. He is the man who defeated America's challenger the USSR and proved that the human spirit can triumph against evil. Sharansky promotes traditional American values the values that inform the Republicans in general, and Bush in particular. Bush and Sharansky became close friends. It was easy for Bush to adopt the former Prisoner of Zion's doctrine as the resounding proof of the wisdom of his world view. Sharansky's book "The Case for Democracy," became Bush's second bible. According to Bush, the book became a permanent fixture on his night table and he referred to it often. Sharansky became a frequent and welcomed guest at the White House. Admirably, this modest man did not publicize the many meetings and personal relationship that he had with the US president. What does this have to do with Obama? Bush seems to have received the inspiration or reinforcement for his ill-advised quest to democratize Iraq from Sharansky. Bush Senior understood that the US could not enforce its values on a Muslim society. He made some serious mistakes in the First Gulf War but he did not entangle his country in an attempt to create an impossible reality on the basis of an appealing, but patently unrealistic theory. There is not and will never be democracy in Arab Muslim society. Democratic and Muslim values are mutually exclusive. America's embroilment in Iraq is not the result of poor military planning (although that is party of the problem) as the American Right attempted to claim. America's embroilment in Iraq stems from an unfounded and even childish world view. The mis-attempt to democratize Iraq is the point at which Bush's presidency began to collapse. Barack Obama's rise is just the flip side of the large shadow of Bush that hovered over McCain's campaign. There is another Jew a Prisoner of Zion who also has a hand in Bush's collapse. When Bush was elected to his second term, I sent him a letter that was personally delivered into his hands. I addressed him as a believing Jew writing to an American of deep faith. I congratulated him on his victory and wrote that I believed that the continued incarceration of Jonathan Pollard a righteous Jew who acted to save his brethren when they were in danger would result in a catastrophic term for Bush. The Biblical verse "and I will bless those who bless you and those who curse you, I will curse" is a guiding light for many believing Americans. George Bush forgot that verse and placed himself on the side of the cursed. But there is still a chance to rectify the situation. Jonathan Pollard has been rotting in a US prison more than double the time that Natan Sharansky was imprisoned in the USSR. Pollard's actions to save his brethren do not go down well with Israeli politics or with American politics, either. But now that Bush is leaving office, he can be motivated by his conscience instead of by politics, and pardon Pollard. We must do all that we can to put Pollard back on Bush's agenda. We must also be on the side of the blessed. Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) is a group of people inside the Likud party who want to see Israel adopt a more Jewish character. Moshe Feiglin, its cofounder, has emphatically said he does not want a theocracy, but he does want a State based on Jewish values. The Manhigut Yehudit website address is http://www.manhigut.org. To learn more about Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) and to read their plan for Israel's future, visit www.jewishisrael.org. Or contact Shmuel Sackett, International Director (516) 330-4922 (cell) Moshe Feiglin writes about his campaign" "Now is the time! Your donation can make Israel the Jewish State we've always dreamed of Join the team!" |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, November 6, 2008. |
This was written by Wesley Pruden and it appeared in
Jewish World Review
Now that all that business is settled, we can move on to something important the Campaign of '12. Picking candidates four years out is a dinner-party exercise, more fun than Trivial Pursuit but no more enlightening than spin-the-bottle. Nevertheless it's what Washington groupies and junkies do. There's the delicious prospect of what will inevitably be called gasp! "a cat fight." Sarah Palin vs. Hillary Clinton. Yum, yum. This assumes that (a) Gov. Palin wants a career in national politics and has caught an incurable case of Potomac Fever; (b) Barack Obama will reveal himself to be the sweet-talking, seductive empty suit with a feel-good speech for every occasion but maybe a one-reel wonder for all that; and (c) Hillary Clinton didn't really mean it when she said the chances of her trying again are approximately zero. Even a cautious bettor will be tempted to go for this trifecta. Hillary has only to watch and wait, to see whether Mr. Obama is headed for Mount Rushmore or to the dustbin, where history consigns honey-tongued pretenders. She and Bubba paid their dues, campaigning for the messiah with the appearance of rooting for him, even if they did it with fingers crossed behind their backs. Hillary was hard on the job yesterday in New York, working the lines of New Yorkers waiting to vote. Bubba worked Florida hard enough that he can credibly take credit for what the Democrats accomplished there. Sarah Palin, on the other hand, still has to prove that she's the real goods with no imminent sell-by date. The press never let up from the hour John McCain introduced her as his running mate, mocking her as "Caribou Barbie" who abandoned her children for politics and failed her husband to march hopelessly out of step with real women. When they roughed her up she didn't whine, and when the press ridiculed her children, she shoved them proudly in their faces, even the little boy with Down syndrome. The governor had been a beauty queen and could still give a good account of herself arrayed against women two decades younger than she, with her dazzling smile, trim ankles, red spike heels and a body that turns every male head. Some women could never forgive her for that. Not only was she bereft of an Ivy League credential, but she succeeded as a graduate of the University of Idaho, with credits from Hawaii Pacific University, North Idaho College and even a semester at something called Matanuska-Susitna College. She didn't have a master's degree in women's studies from Harvard, nor had she ever taken a course in art appreciation at Stanford. She didn't have a doctorate from Yale in the poetry of Nineteenth-Century Romania, nor had she written a learned paper for the Council on Foreign Relations on the politics of the Third Ten-Year Plan for Agricultural Reform in Uzbekistan. She was begging feminists with fancy credentials who had never accomplished anything to hate her, and they did. Her smarter critics knew better than to show up at a Palin rally, where crowds bigger than John McCain's and some of them approaching the size of Barack Obama's went bonkers when she stepped up to the platform. The multitudes cottoned to the plain way she talks, her lack of affect. She has the gift. Ronald Reagan had it first, the ability to connect with plain folks, telling it like the unwashed masses think things ought to be. Like Reagan and Maggie Thatcher, she was vastly underestimated early on, and comes across now as the real number. She didn't have time to polish her act this time. She made the mistake of listening to the men who coached her for the disastrous interviews with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric, who asked "gotcha!" questions prepared for them (they didn't know the answers themselves), and only when she "went rogue" did Sarah Palin capture her moment. She can take a lot from John McCain's last hurrah, beginning with a list of people never to hire for the Campaign of 2012. Anyone can cram for an exam; anybody can memorize the names of the assistant third secretary of the motor pool in Lower Volta or the name of the keeper of the seal of the People's Republic of Western Granola; these are the questions the chattering class uses as the test for intelligence. Sarah Palin has the opportunity to seize the falling flag, to keep it away from the Republican careerists perfectly satisfied to be lickspittles permanently subservient to the majority Democrats. This could be a hoot, this Campaign of '12. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Front Page Magazine (FPM), November 6, 2008. |
This is by Deborah Weiss and it appeared today in FPM
The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) is an Islamist supremacist organization. Composed of 57 member states with Muslim majority populations, the OIC is the largest Islamic body in the world. It is also the largest international organization of any kind, second only to the United Nations. It represents an estimated 1.5 billion Muslims across the Middle East, Asia and Africa. The purpose of the OIC is to promote Islamic values, to revitalize Islam's pioneering role in the world, to strengthen and enhance the bond of solidarity and unity among Muslim states, to support "the Palestinian struggle" and to defend Islam. Its charter claims that OIC works to promote peace, tolerance, and fight terrorism. However, its actions are dissonant with these claims, as it strives to define these words through the extraordinarily skewed views of radical Islam. Since 1999, the OIC has been pushing incrementally and strategically toward its goal of internationally outlawing all criticism of Islam, Muslims, Muslim theocracies, and Islamic extremism. Subsequent to September 11, 2001, it professed concern about alleged backlash against Muslims. In 2005, the OIC urged the United Nations Commission on Human Rights ("UNCHR") to pass a resolution called "combating defamation of religions." Although the title of the resolution referred to religions generally, the text cited concerns only Islam specifically. It lamented negativity towards Islam in the media and the use of broadcast, print and the internet to incite violence, discrimination or intolerance towards Islam and other religions. It revealed alarm over the backlash against Muslims since 9/11, and law enforcement measures that "target Muslims." It expressed deep concern over statements which "attack" religions generally, and Islam and Muslims in particular, and concern over the ethnic and religious profiling of Muslim minorities. It alleged that Islam was frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism. Additionally, it proclaimed that defamation of religions plays a role in the denial of fundamental rights of the target groups. The Commission urged resolute action to prohibit "racist, and xenophobic ideas and material aimed at any religion or its followers ... and to protect against acts of discrimination, intimidation, hatred, and defamation of religion." It called on the international community to begin a "global dialogue" on religious diversity and to combat defamation of religions. It further required the Special Rapporteur to report on the discrimination faced by Muslims and Arabs. Not surprisingly, the countries that voted in favor of the resolution included many Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Qatar, Kuwait, and Sudan, among others. Freer nations such as the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, and Japan, all voted in opposition to the resolution. The OIC's insistence on prohibiting defamatory speech against Islamic countries was without reciprocity. No effort to silence anti-Jewish or anti-Israeli speech has been made. At an OIC Special Session in 2006, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad freely expressed his goal to eliminate the "Zionist regime." Indeed, the OIC backs Iran's nuclear program, supports Hamas, and rationalizes 9/11. Moreover, the OIC insists that the definition of terrorism should exclude the killing of innocent civilians where there is a "legitimate resistance to foreign occupation," i.e. Israel. It is for this reason that the UN has been unable to pass a comprehensive convention against international terrorism. At the OIC's 2006 summit in Mecca, it adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding insults to Islam, going so far as to include "hostile glances" in its definition of Islamophic behavior. The immediate goal of the summit was to obtain "protection" for Islam in European parliaments and the UN including the Human Rights Council (which replaced the Human Rights Commission with the failed hope of becoming an effective advocate for human rights). It also proposed the creation of an "Islamic Council of Human Rights" and a "Charter of Human Rights in Islam." Both would be based on Sharia law and run contrary to the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 2007, the Secretary General of the OIC, Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, a "moderate" Muslim from Turkey, used the "International Day of Tolerance" to assert that freedom of speech is defiling Islam. He stated, "[M]uslims around the world are the first victims of intolerance. They are facing a campaign of hatred and prejudice, what is otherwise known as Islamophobia. This growing trend of Islamophobia has subjected them to discrimination including religious profiling and stereotyping. The right to freedom of speech is being used to defile the sacred symbols of Islam." He continued, "[I]t is high time that the international community considers enacting legal measures against defamation of religions and religious beliefs. I would urge the Alliance of Civilizations and the Human Rights Council to take pro-active action in this regard." The International Humanist and Ethical Union ("IHEU") warned that UN approval of a law combating defamation of religions would have grave implications for the freedom to criticize a religion or its practices. It explained that countries will have broad latitude in how they penalize the disrespect of religion because OIC's resolution did not define what constitutes "defamation." Further, the resolution failed to distinguish between defamation of religion and incitement to racial and religious violence. In March 2008, the OIC held a two-day summit in Senegal, where it produced a battle plan to combat Islamophobia. It would defend itself against all forms of free expression that could be interpreted as criticism of Islam, including that of cartoonists, film producers, reporters, politicians or governments. Countries that already regularly deny religious freedom and freedom of speech to their own citizens, demanded legal measures to have their oppressive rules be imposed internationally. "I don't think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy" explained Abdoulaye Wade, Senegal's President, and Chairman of the OIC. "There can be no freedom without limits." To support his argument, some OIC delegates pointed to European laws that criminalize holocaust denial and anti-Semitic rhetoric, as well as to UN charters that condemn discrimination based on religion. As a result of this summit, the UNHRC passed the resolution. Instead of fighting terrorism to make obvious that Islam and terrorism need not be affiliated, the OIC unveiled at its summit, the first report on Islamophobia. It consisted of 58 pages of real, perceived, and alleged claims of Islamophobia. Under "negative incidents," it cited numerous occurrences of Muslims threatening or committing violence against non-Muslims in response to factual reports on Muslim behavior. Negative reports about Muslims, even if true, resulted in claims of Islamaphobia. Some of the incidents reported as Islamophobic included: Wikipedia's refusal to cave into Muslims' demand to remove all depictions of the Prophet from its English language website; a report accurately stating Muslims were outraged by the opening of the first church in Qatar and insisting that Qatar is a Muslim country where others have no right to build a place of worship; the fact that Florida Attorney General (and former Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Crime in Congress) showed the movie "Obsession" to his staff; and the fact that the European Union requested Iran to drop the death penalty in its penal code for the crimes of apostasy, heresy, and witchcraft. Reports of threats made to Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, producer of the documentary "Fitna," were also deemed Islamophobic. Finally, the bulletin suggested that Islamophobia poses a threat to global peace and security. It proposed the use of legal instruments to prohibit Islamophobic speech, urged monitoring and compiling lists of Islamophobic incidents, and encouraged the persuading of others to believe that Islam is a moderate, peaceful and tolerant religion. In June of 2008, the OIC reported on the 2007 opening of its Washington, DC office which works to engage OIC politically. Karen Hughes, then-undersecretary of public diplomacy at the State Department, spoke at the opening ceremony. She lauded OIC's effort to pass the resolution on combating defamation of religions. She also advocated a program called "citizen dialogue" which she started in order to address Muslims' sense of isolation. However, Muslims abroad indicated that they were not interested in meeting with U.S. government officials or non-Muslim Americans, so she sent Muslim-Americans as envoys to foreign countries for the so-called dialogue. The OIC also boasted about the inroads it has made at the UN. It pledged to place Islamophobia at the forefront of its next summit in April 2009. Additionally, a rule has been implemented at the UNHRC, requiring that all speaker presentations and discussions omit any "judgment or evaluation about religion." The word "sharia" does not have to be expressly stated to violate this rule. All discussions must avoid making any mention of controversial fatwas (religious rulings) or human rights abuses that are implemented as part of Sharia or in Islamic countries. This includes, for example, protests against the forced marriages of young girls. The OIC construes the word Islamophobia very broadly, using it to include news reports, observations, and accurate accounts of violence or intolerance on the part of Muslims or Islamic theocracies. In effect, the OIC is requesting a legal exemption from free speech rights of any criticism of the effects of an extremist interpretation of Islam. Any individual, group, or government acting in the name of Islam would be entirely off limits for open debate or discussion. The obvious result of OIC's push to internationally outlaw defamation of Islam, would be not only to stifle free speech and freedom of religion, but to devastate efforts to fight human rights abuses and to counter terrorism. Fighting for human rights in Islamic countries might be deemed Islamophobic even if it pertains to the human rights of Muslims. Therefore, OIC's comment that Islamophobia jeopardizes global peace and security was not an expression of fear of Islamophobia. Rather, it was a warning that anyone who claims Islam is not a religion of peace might have violence perpetrated against him. Its simultaneous propaganda campaign to convince people that Islam is a "moderate, peaceful, and tolerant religion" demonstrates that its words and actions are at odds with each other. It's ironic that countries which follow an interpretation of Islam that disallows religious freedom or freedom of speech at home, are utilizing these very freedoms abroad to achieve their Islamist goals. By turning the definition of freedom on its head, free speech and religious freedom for non-Muslims can now be condemned as anti-Islamic. Claiming victimhood can score big political points in a free and compassionate society. If the OIC can convince people that those who stone women, behead apostates, sexually abuse minors, fly planes into buildings, and blow up subway systems are really the victims of evil, rather than the perpetrators, then the OIC's proposed restrictions on free speech will accomplish more damage throughout the west than 9/11 ever could. It is important to understand that only individuals should be afforded rights. Ideas, thoughts and religions should not be protected from criticism. There is no such thing as defamation of religion. To the degree that it is concocted, the rights of ideas and religions will stand in direct opposition to the rights and freedoms of humans. The right of free speech is, in part, designed to offend others. The Founding Fathers of the United States Constitution erected the First Amendment for the purpose of fostering cantankerous political speech. They believed that the way to counter offensive speech and bad ideas is to engage in more speech, espousing good ideas. In this case, however, it is the OIC that clearly has the bad ideas, and not the alleged defamers. Perhaps the reason the OIC seeks to prohibit free speech rather than to rebut it, is because it too knows that free speech works. |
Posted by Avodah, November 6, 2008. |
An excerpt from http://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/ |
An Olmert-Kurzer Kind of Jew... Last night the Israeli media was all excited that Rahm Emanuel, a Jew, a son of a yored, a former Israeli, was appointed as Obama's Chief of Staff. I'm describing him as "An Olmert-Kurzer Kind of Jew." because his father was in the Etzel, a Revisionist, like Olmert's and he's an American-first, Left winger promoting a Pseudistinian State like Daniel Kurzer. Emanuel stage directed the famous Rabin-Arafat handshake. "It was an emotional moment for him," according to public relations consultant Richard Mintz, who worked with Emanuel. "He would like nothing more than to participate in another peace agreement signing." That makes him the latest court Jew for us to worry about. He'll be sent here to badger us, in fluent Hebrew, to further endanger the security of the country. Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com. And visit his blog at
Posted by Joseph Black, Jr., November 6, 2008. |
My topic for today is the Fairness Doctrine, which is outstandingly unfair. It is also outstandingly hypocritical. The Fairness Doctrine, which is basically directed to the idea of balanced speech as speech relates to broadcasters, originated in 1949. Not surprisingly, its origin was substantially contemporaneous with the initial commercial provision of television sets to American citizens who could afford them at that time. Over the next 59 years, the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine was subjected to scrutiny by such authoritative sources as the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and the FCC. In 1987, the FCC decided to abolish the Fairness Doctrine. The same year, the U.S.Congress attempted to preempt the decision of the FCC and codify the Fairness Doctrine, only to have its attempt thwarted by a veto wisely executed on behalf of the American people by President Reagan. Undaunted, the U.S. Congress tried the same thing during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, but backed-off when President Bush threatened another veto. Fast-forward to 2008. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has recently stated her support for revival of the Fairness Doctrine. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) recently argued on Meet the Press that the same government intrusions applicable to some industries (e.g., banking) should be equally applicable to others (e.g., broadcasting). I don't know how the rest of you feel about it, but I don't see a meaningful comparison between banking and broadcasting where political speech is concerned. What this amounts to is the latest attempt on the part of the U.S. Congress one now dominated by Democrats to stifle what they do not want others to hear. In this case, it's about Democrats who don't want conservative right-wing talk radio shows to interfere with their liberal left-wing agenda. I began this textual tirade of mine by claiming that the Fairness Doctrine is both unfair and hypocritical. I hope I have managed to convince some that it is unfair. I will now describe why it is hypocritical. Some of the same lawyer-politicians in the U.S. Congress who have sworn to support, uphold, and defend the U.S. Constitution are now trying to convince the rest of us that they are exclusively qualified to decide what we should hear on talk radio. They have arrogated themselves to a position completely inconsistent with an oath they have long forgotten. They have no difficulty with the first amendment when it means that they are free to accept money from lobbyists to the end of maintaining their political standing. Their difficulty arises when they find themselves faced with the idea that they are representatives of the American people, including those American people given to listening to talk radio broadcasts which offend the ears of some of their representatives. I just hope President-Elect Obama proves to be as concerned with the rights of all Americans as were his predecessors President Reagan and President George H.W. Bush. Contact the author at patent12@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 6, 2008. |
HISTORICAL U.S. ELECTION? On election night, people reiterated that this is an historical election, the first Afro-American running and elected. The emphasis on that must have embarrassed people who preferred the other candidate. It's a racist pressure. New York Gov. Paterson went further, describing Obama as a descendant of American slaves. Obama is not. It was an historical election the American people elected the first pro-Islamist candidate, concealing his ideology and evidence of his Constitutional ineligibility. Conditions a year ago were difficult enough for any incoming President. Now they are impossible for someone with plans to expand the government while tax revenues are falling and the government has extended its credit to uncooperative banks. I would say that all elements should work together, but there isn't much chance of that. Speaker of the House Pelosi is partisan. Congress stopped making difficult decisions, instead over-spending to pander. Naivete and ignorance are widespread. Obama's radical ideology makes it difficult for the other Party to work with him. And what do we do with a President who could not pass a security test (as Daniel Pipes put it)? OBAMA'S WINNING FORMULA (1) Promise money to everybody except the top 5%; (2) Mention vaguely the "politics of hope for change rather than fear;" (3) Blame the country's problems on the incumbent President, ignoring one's own responsibility for them, and extend that blame to one's opponent for being in the incumbent's party; (4) Hide one's Islamist and criminal roots and enemy funding of one's education and of one's running mate's prior campaigns; (5) Get most of the major media to cooperate in that evasion, in ignoring daily changes in one's story, in muting or repressing the opponents' message, and in smearing the opponent's running mate; (6) Exert racial-guilt pressure on white voters; (7) Use the Internet to raise double the money as one's opponent, who had to rely on lagging federal funding; (8) Have luck: (a) A recession that diverts attention from the success of the war that one had called a failure; (b) An opponent who didn't explain his own plans well, didn't expose Obama's background and plans well, and selected a running mate inexperienced (like Obama); (c) Failed to articulate an immigration policy that, while fair to the US, would not alienate the Hispanic vote; and (d) Whose peripheral supporters went too far, turning legitimate concerns into smears; (9) A public that takes politicians at their word; and (10) Charm and a slick delivery. His victory came from Americans' idealism. Did he con them? ISLAM IMPOSING ITSELF ON WEST Two Christian pastors distributed literature in a Muslim area in England. Muslims called them racists and asked police to arrest them. This is one of the ways by which Muslims try to foist their views upon others, including their intolerance. "Such freedom of speech violations won't be an anomaly if the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which has a permanent delegation to the United Nations, succeeds in passing a UN resolution against "Defamation of Religion" Nobody in a Western country will be able to discuss the socio-political consequences of Muslim immigration, for fear of being labeled "Islamophobic" and slapped with a fine or even jail time." This is hypocritical, because Muslims produce bigoted textbooks, draw hate-cartoons, and attack as blasphemous Christians who express their views. "Islamists are increasingly using lawful Islamism, or non-violent and legal strategies, to spread Sharia, (Islamic law) in the West, encroaching on non-Muslim life ... " 1. "Sharia Finance; S. Arabia signed a new convention on discrimination against women, then admitted that it would follow discriminatory Islamic law. If a Westerner criticized S. Arabia for oppressing women, S. Arabia, especially if the Islamists' proposed ban on criticizing a religion were passed, would denounce its critics as hate-mongers (MEFNews, 10/11). No examples were given of workplace violations. It is difficult to refuse people short times off to pray, when their religion specifies times during the work day. NOT JUST PICKING OLIVES A group of Arabs arrived at a grove adjoining a Jewish town. Three of them were caught trying to infiltrate the town (IMRA, 10/11). ISRAELI-UNIVERSITY DEAL Foreign Western universities have a deal with Israeli leftist professors. They hire, quote, and give an audience to Israeli leftists. In return, the leftists bash Israel, and the university quotes them against Israel as if the university were fair to Israel because it hires Israelis. This incorrectly implies that all Israelis are fair and loyal. The leftists, especially far leftists, are not (MEFNews, 10/12). How naïve to accept the notion that if an Israeli says something, it must at least be fair to Israel! ON ARAB RIOTING IN ACRE more MK Hasson said, "For four and a half hours, he said, the Arab mob armed with axes and sticks roamed the Jewish neighborhood at will, smashing cars and house windows, while Jews cowered in their homes. Through all this time, the police did not interfere. When police protect Jews from Arabs, they get investigated and castigated. The Arabs separate their fellows from the rest of the country, and radicalize them. The Arabs are emboldened by the country's lack of leadership (Arutz-7, 10/13). Actually, the leaders are anti-Israel, not just lethargic. It's their leftist ideology. Foreign Arabs are concluding that Israel is falling apart and is ripe for conquest. Thus leftist ideology leads to war. SYNAGOGUE RECONSTRUCTION DENOUNCED The Ohel Yitzhak synagogue, about 80 yards from al-Aqsa mosque was reconstructed and reopened. The synagogue was built almost a century ago on land bought by Jews a half-century earlier. It was blown up by Jordanian artillery in 1948 (IMRA, 10/13) when Jordan started a war against Israel. The Saudi reaction was to demand international condemnation of Israel for allowing Jewish construction on the Muslim religious site, the Temple Mount, which an occupying power is not allowed to do (same day as above). The synagogue was destroyed by Muslim aggression. Now it's Jewish aggression to rehabilitate it? It was not on the Mount. The Mount is not solely a Muslim site, but the Muslims claim exclusive control and ignore Israeli sovereignty. Israel is not an occupying power. S. Arabia is intolerant, brazen, and false. Israel made a big mistake in allowing the Muslims de facto control over the Mount. They abuse that power, as was foreseen. RUSSIA CAUGHT ARMING HIZBULLAH A ship flying a Gibraltar flag received some cargo from Ukraine, was destined for Syria, was inspected in Bulgaria, and carried dual use pipes not on the manifest. The pipes had grooves indicating their use for missiles. Since Russia can ship openly to Syria, the secrecy of this shipment must be because the cargo really was going to Hizbullah (IMRA, 10/16). During the Soviet era, I learned not to believe anything the Soviets said. That is true, once more, now that Russia has fallen into the hands of a Soviet official. SYRIA & LEBANON ESTABLISH DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS They say they set up a Syrian diplomatic mission in Beirut and recognize each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty (IMRA, 10/14). Unconfirmed is that Syria has massed troops om the Lebanese border. Syria claims it is a small number of troops to reduce arms smuggling to Hizbullah. Syria is an ally of Syria. It wouldn't stop smuggling unless Hizbullah has enough. COALITION CONSIDERATIONS Kadima Party is trying to enroll the Shas Party in its coalition, so as to avoid new elections. Shas' spiritual mentor knows that Kadima is trying to give away holy sites and strategic borders. However, he usually reckons that it will take a long time for the appeasement to bring dire results, and in the meantime, he can extort financial concessions from the government for his faith's institutions. Poor reasoning. The appeasement is so drastic; events now move so fast, that he wouldn't have long to enjoy the largesse (Dr. Aaron Lerner, IMRA, 10/16). He might be better off bringing down the government and thereby compelling new elections, after arranging with Likud, likely to head a new coalition, for largesse. Unfortunately for that reckoning, polls indicate that Shas would lose seats and therefore clout in future demands. PRES. BUSH DESPERATE TO RESTORE REPUTATION He secretly offered to get Israel out of the Golan, if Syria would abandon Iran. Then he would boast about that "achievement" (Arutz-7, 10/17) as Israel falls to invaders and the US loses an ally. Then Syria would revert to its alliance with Iran. Bush is desperate, therefore dangerous. If he wants to achieve something, bomb Iran's nuclear plants. History would vindicate him for it. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, November 6, 2008. |
This was written by Julia Gorin and it appeared today
in Jewish World Review
The joyful African-Americans cheering the Obama victory across the country haven't been this happy since O.J. got acquitted. As we speak, Obama's Kenyan relatives are slaughtering bulls, goats and a chicken in honor of the victory. (And we thought Jimmy Carter had some embarrassing relatives.) A London Times reporter came bearing the gift of a sacrificial goat named John. So black people voted for Barack Obama because they think he's black. Muslims supported Obama because they think he's Muslim. Gays voted for Obama because he's rumored to be gay. And of course Democrats voted for Obama because he's a communist. Meanwhile, with a recent TV ad featuring exclusively Obama's white relatives, the campaign wanted white people to vote for Obama because he's white. But for me, the biggest issue is the unchecked Islamization that America is embracing as Europe did. And historically, only two forces have been able to keep down Islamists: communism and secular Muslim dictators such as Saddam Hussein. In Barack Hussein we have the best of both worlds, a phenomenon one might call Communislam. Since the West doesn't know how to keep Islamists down and Muslims will only put up with being kept down by one of their own an Obama dictatorship may not be the worst of all scenarios. None of what follows means to bolster the "Manchurian" smear that Obama has handily disproved (after all, the Manchurian candidate's programming was to get switched on upon his assuming office, while Obama's programming has been switched on the entire time.) But even though many want us to believe that Obama's Muslimness is just "internet rumor," this 1968 school registration indicates little Barry's religion as Islam. Later, he gravitated toward an anti-American, anti-white, anti-Jewish church that praises Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Given that the candidate himself gets confused about "my Muslim faith," I take heart that he could finally make the hajj in a December Surprise. A secular American Muslim dictatorship can give expansionist Islam a run for its money, and Obama already has mentioned his plan to annex an additional seven states. I also believe that in a way Obama could be good for national security. While I was at first hopeful for a Hillary nomination, given that the woman's enemies have been known to disappear, I now believe that it could very well take Obama to finally get Osama. Bill Clinton didn't do it. George W. couldn't do it. But I think now that we elected Barack Obama to the presidency, Osama bin Laden will finally die. From laughing his ass off. Indeed, the question isn't whether America is ready for a black president, but whether it's ready for a president whose middle name is Hussein and whose last name stresses the word "bomb." Apparently, that's exactly what we're ready for. Repeat after me: O-bomb-America, Plus, with a black Muslim president, it'll doubly dispel the popular notion that "Muslims are the new black man in America." This concept has never made sense. If Muslims are the new black man, why are so many blacks converting to Islam? They don't feel black enough? They don't like Jews or dogs either? Or do they just want a piece of the lucrative Muslim-led African slave trade? Regardless, if the saying is "Once you go black, you don't go back," see what happens once you go Muslim. You can't go back. Unless you're Barack Obama, of course. The semi-apostate Obama can walk on water indeed if he is still breathing after having left occasional Islam. The deification of him, meanwhile, lends Obama even more dictator creds which manifested themselves most recently when he suggested that folks take election day off to vote as the masses are required to do in places like Cuba. As well, a recent article noted that the unprecedented crowds that are a feature of Obama rallies are also a classic feature of third-world societies. For his part, Obama has repeatedly affirmed his third-world envy, citing third-way Europe as a model for America to follow. And being more like everyone else is precisely the "change" Americans crave. In Obama, they've got all the ingredients Africa, communism, charisma and Islam. Fortunately, we'll have Michelle Obama to bring the messiah down to earth with her ongoing attempts to humanize him. First, she told us that he's "snorey and stinky," then that he leaves the butter out and can't make the bed. In the family interview Michelle and the girls pointed out Obama's unstylish shoes, a worn-out belt, and pants he's had for 12 years. Coming soon as first lady: "You know, he's got holes in his underwear and will you look at that booger hanging off his nose! Just try counting the dandruff on that greasy head. Did you hear that? He totally just farted?" (Think of all the missed campaign slogans: "Send B.O. to the White House!" "America Deserves B.O." "B.O. is for Me!") Michelle's efforts may have been too effective, prompting Barack to choose Joe Biden, who last year affirmed, "You got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean..." We should be glad, meanwhile, that we averted the race riots that would have followed an Obama loss. Otherwise we may have had to repeat the Kenyan model, in which a presidential candidate whom Obama campaigned for, Raila Odinga, didn't win but had his supporters go on a killing and torching rampage until Odinga was made prime minister in a power-sharing arrangement. Now, if there's one thing that communist and secular Muslim dictatorships have in common with Islamists, it's their loathing of the homosexual despite the latter being such themselves. Openly gay people are not tolerated, and by supporting Obama gays may have handed their conservative foes a victory unlike any imagined. Failing to recognize that it is their lot and luxury in life to rage against the white Christian society that allows them to, gays have opted to potentially unleash forces that, rather than argue, simply drop cement walls on them. Gays likewise will put up with persecution only from one of their own, as evidenced by their love of gay-loathing Arabia. As someone who has nothing against any races, ethnicities or sexual orientations, I welcome a President Obama. After all, some of my best friends are anti-Semites. And just because the man surrounds himself with a multicultural cornucopia of Jew-haters doesn't mean that he himself hates Jews. Apparently, he just didn't know there was anything wrong with it. On that note, look what Obama has accomplished for the country with his candidacy alone: He has exposed just how many people here hate white people, America and Jews (they see in Obama the chance to change America's "pro-Israel" policy and finally deliver us from the Holy Land). Indeed, all I ever asked was for people to be candid about these things rather than hide behind "enlightened" politics. Now, thanks to the unflinching support for Barack Obama, whose anti-America, anti-Israel, anti-white, anti-capitalist alliances have been brought to light, we can all see where we stand. This is a momentous time in American history indeed. That's why this election year I made sure to do the typical Jewish thing and vote with Hezbollah. (My fellow Jews whom do you want answering the phone at 3:00 a.m. Obama or McCain to decide whether to press the red button and nuke Israel?) Candidate Obama has also managed to expose the extent of racism in this country. The racists give themselves away by mentally blocking out any compromising information about Obama. In other words, it has to be THIS black man and NOW because apparently no other suitable black man will come along. So they're settling for one who is 50% white and possibly only 6% black. That his Kenyan side is descended from slave traders shows how far we've come, America: about 360 degrees. They say you're racist if you don't vote for Barack Obama. But all the racists I know about are voting for Barack Obama. (Whom do you think "Seinfeld's" Michael Richards voted for after his N-word tirade last year? The white guy?) Indeed, Obama's candidacy was messianic in that it offers absolution for racists everywhere. The Obama candidacy has also achieved outing "Republican" Colin Powell as just another socialist brotha from the 'hood, his endorsement also shedding light on Powell's friendship with Saudi Prince Bandar, who bought Powell's wife a Jaguar. Which begs the question: If I'm not friends with people who use the N-word, why is Colin Powell friends with Jew-killers? Like I said, all the racists voted for Obama. Oprah Winfrey got into the Obama spirit, surprising her female viewership who thought she was their sister by coming out as a sistah instead. Condoleezza Rice decided to do the same for her last year in office. Obama of course enjoys lockstep support from black celebrities, including Chris Rock, Will Smith and even Stevie Wonder. (Why Stevie, though? You'd think if anyone would be color-blind?) Obama has downplayed the white side of his family, but as president he can make it up to us "typical white folks," as he calls the half of his family that raised him when the black half took off. If he is truly egalitarian, since Obama spent the first half of his life being black, he should spend the second half being white. Because right now he ain't representin'. Especially since his father was the black parent while his mother was white. So according to Jewish law, he's white. This whole election year has given us a much welcome escape from worries about jihad and the people who are trying to kill all Americans black, white and in between while we have a 1960s-era conversation about race. It's all been very provincial and quaint, and I'm sorry to see it end. Though with an Obama victory it won't have to. For the widely held hope that electing a black president will heal racial divisions in the country is mistaken. After all, you couldn't even go after Bill Clinton without Toni Morrison calling you a racist. On that note, it's worth pointing out that the Obama candidacy also served up some poetic justice. The dusty Clintons became the victims of their self-created monster mentality, and as soon as a bigger and blacker communist came along, we saw how quickly the previous untouchables became "white" "establishment" "capitalist" freaks. The trick will be to get Obama to and through the White House safely. There have been widespread fears that he w ill be assassinated. Given that most black victims fall prey to black-on-black violence, and the Clintons were the first black president, I'd say it's clear whom Obama needs to watch out for. (This notion became less farfetched once Hillary actually suggested it in June.) Speaking of the Clintons, we can see from the Clinton and Bush administrations that the difference between a Democrat and a Republican is that it takes a Republican longer to do the wrong thing. So let's not mourn a McCain loss too long. After all, why beat around the bush with McCain-Palin instead of installing men of action such as Obama-Biden? Bush wasted four years trying to be his own man and do the right thing, but in his second term he closed the policy gap between himself and Clinton, a policy gap that may prove even narrower between McCain and Obama. In the end, a Barack Obama presidency could serve as a wake-up call for the country. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. Like a drug addict, sometimes we need to hit rock bottom or in this case, Barack Bottom before we stop the self-loathing and misery-envying. After all, it took 9/11 for people to start appreciating what they had and loving this country again. So maybe having another disaster, such as a Barack Obama presidency, could put us back on track. If Barack Obama as won, then surely America deserves him. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Miki and Herb Sunshine, November 6, 2008. |
These are excerpts from the Magazine of the Authentic Jewish Idea, May-June 1989. |
In the Jewish State, a dream of ages becomes a nightmare. For 2,000 years the Jew had a dream. No matter where he lived in the Exile Morocco, Poland, Yemen, Russia, Iraq, Galicia the Jew dreamed the greatest of all possible dreams that of shivat Tzion, the return to Zion. The Jew of the exile, of humiliation, of fear, of terror, of pogroms and death, dreamed that some day he would go up from the fear and terror and humiliation and degradation; that a day would come when he the Jew would come home, would come home to his land, would have a state of his own, would exchange fear and terror and humiliation for sovereignty and pride and strength. A state in which never again would the Jew fear for his life or dread walking anywhere in his land. A Jewish State! The dream of generations! And so, today, we have a Jewish State. Through G-d's mercies and Jewish sacrifice, there exists, today, a sovereign Jewish State. The dream. The dream? There is no fear in the State of Israel? There is no humiliation? There is no terror? There is no gnawing sense of foreboding? Of "what will be?" Months and months, a year; more, of an Arab uprising. And the army of Israel that was able to smash Arab armies, nations; that won a war in Six Days, is unable to put on end to rioting by Arab women and children! They attack the soldiers with stones, with firebombs unafraid, taunting, cursing, hating. And the soldiers of Israel stand in frustration, hobbled by insane orders, drafted by confused politicians who are, themselves, ideologically bewildered and guilt ridden, unsure of the justice of their own cause and fearful of world reaction. The soldiers' hands are tied by insane limitations on their freedom to act in self-defense (The Central Command insists that soldiers attacked by stone throwing Arabs only fire into the air and warn the mob to stand back; then, if still alive or not seriously hurt, to shoot at one of the stone throwers, and then assuming G-d has been good to shoot at the crowd). Is it any wonder that so many soldiers simply do not enter areas of danger? Or, worse, back away from confrontation, knowing that if they do not shoot they may be seriously injured or worse, and if they do, they may be court-martialed, as so many of the finest elite soldiers have already been? And as the Arabs see the soldiers back away; and as they see that army policy is to allow them, more and more, to do whatever they wish in their own villages should it surprise us that they grow bolder and more confident, attacking soldiers and vehicles almost with impunity? Is it surprising that little, autonomous Palestine "states" are springing up daily in various Arab villages where one can see PLO flags flying boldly from minarets and private "armies" of youths training openly with hatchets and swords? And is there anyone who should be shocked as more and more Jews are attacked as they drive along highways in the liberated areas as well as on roads inside the State of Israel itself? And that is the greatest tragedy of them all! A Jewish State that rose to free the Jew from terror and fear. And today, in the Jewish State that did arise, there is terror; there is fear. Jews are afraid in their own land. In Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, the Jewish holy city, Jews are attacked daily, with stones and firebombs. Jews are murdered in cold blood by Arabs who are unafraid. Jewish automobiles and buses are regularly attacked, with Jews injured daily. Jews fear to go into the Old City of Jerusalem through the Arab sections. Rare are those who enter through Sha'ar Sachem (Damascus Gate). In Jaffa, buses are routinely attacked. Jaffa is not in the "occupied territories" but is rather the home of Israeli Arabs our Arabs, our loyal Arabs... In the northern Israeli city of Acre, Jews are physically attacked and less and less dare to go into the Old City there. Acre is a part of the State of Israel. Automobiles driving along the Wadi Ara highway are targets of Molotov cocktails and rocks. The number of Jewish automobiles using the highway has dropped by fully 50%. Wadi Ara is not in the "occupied territories." It is in the heartland of Israel, running between the cities of Hedera and Afula. In the Galilee, Israeli Arabs attack Jews, a grenade is thrown at a police vehicle, police arrest Arabs of Israel as members of terrorist groups. Soldiers are attacked as they hitch rides attacked, kidnapped, murdered. Women soldiers are forbidden to hitch rides and men are strictly limited. This is the free Jewish State of which the national anthem Hatikva, says: "To be a free people in our own land ... " The bitter truth is that the Jew is afraid in larger and larger areas of his own state land. And the bitterer truth is that the Arab is not. There is no area in the land, no part of Israel that Arabs avoid. They fear going nowhere at any time, day or night. Arab kiosks and stalls are to be found in every Jewish market place. There are no Jewish market places in Gaza or any other Arab town or city in any of the liberated areas or, for that matter, in any Arab village in Israel itself. The Arabs would never allow it ... The intifada grows bolder. And it will it must spread into the State of Israel, reaching into more and more Jewish areas. For in the Middle East, in the mind of the world of the Arab it is strength and weakness that set the tone. When the Arab sensed Jewish strength and a Jewish army unhobbled by anyone he sat in fear and passivity. When he began to sense rightly Jewish weakness, hesitation and fear, he rose up to carry out the never-ending dream the return of "Palestine," a dream to be built on the ruins of Israel, the Jewish State. The Arab sees Jewish weakness, hesitancy, impotence, indecision, fear and he prepares the sharpened hatchet and knife. And as the Arab sense of power, pride, victory and, above all justice of his cause grows and flourishes, so does there arise, like some noxious weed, a growing number of Jews stricken with a sickness of soul that can only be termed a kind of spiritual and psychological AIDS. Deeply troubled people, ridden with guilt, that time-dishonored Jewish disease, they were conceived in the psychoses of an exile of centuries, and born in the self-hate that afflicts so many of our people. Their guilt and self-hate drive them to question not only the justice of the Jewish presence in what they outrageously term the "occupied" lands, but even to doubt, in the recesses of their troubled minds, the very right of the Jew to have come to the Land of Israel in the first place, and take the land from the indigenous "Palestinians." To be sure, they are not only afflicted with guilt and self-hate, they also lack the courage to cure their affliction, for if it is true for them that the Jews are thieves and have stolen the land from the Arabs, then is not the moral solution for the leftist to stand up and give up, give "back" his kibbutz? Give it "back" to the poor Arabs? Of course, that is the normal step for a "thief" whose conscience has been stricken. But not only does the Jewish leftist and liberal in Israel suffer from a disease-ridden soul of guilt, he also lacks the courage to act on it by returning his "stolen" land. They wallow; do the leftists and self-proclaimed moralists, in this vomit of guilt, their self-hate growing in proportion to their lack of moral courage. And so, in a desperate effort to win a crumb of Arab forgiveness and to somehow soothe their own tortured soul, they are compelled to support the Arab position on every issue. They become trumpets of shrill criticism and attack on the State of Israel, on the Army of Israel, on the People of Israel. On themselves. They march for the poor "Palestinians," they bleed and weep for the "Palestinians," they demand a homeland for the poor "Palestinians." "The poor Palestinians?" Innocent victims of Israeli aggression? Land for peace? By all means. The Jews who were the victims of countless efforts to destroy them and who are the rightful owners will keep the land and be prepared to graciously give the murderous Arabs peace. And above all, no guilt! What causes a Jewish people that has suffered thousands of dead and tens of thousands of wounded and maimed at the hands of the Arabs, fail to understand that they are a cruel enemy, bent on destroying Israel and decimating the Jews? What causes Jews who see the brutality and treachery and viciousness with which Arabs massacre each other, refuse to see what our fate would be if we would be so mad as to give them the slightest opportunity to do to us what they dream to do to us? Above all, what makes a Jewish people that has only one land and has returned to that land, to feel guilty over it and to accept the myth of a "Palestine" and a "Palestinian people?" There is no Palestinian people and there is no Palestine! There is not, there never was, and please G-d, there will never be. If something is really yours you leap upon it, you proclaim it so and you take very step possible to insure that it will be yours forever. If you do not, then your pious speeches about ownership will be met with doubt and disbelief. And on the other hand, when the other side the Arabs daily, hourly, and loudly,. And proclaim that the land is "Palestine" what the world sees is an apparent choice between Arabs who claim that the land is theirs and who fight and die for it, and Jews who keep a "status quo" which is nothing more than "the occupied territories." What do we expect from any objective person? Herb Sunshine is a lawyer, qualified to practice in U.S.A. and Israel. He and his wife Miki live in Jerusalem. Contact them by email at sunshine.h@012.net.il |
Posted by Marc Samberg, November 5, 2008. |
I was able to get myself out last Wednesday night to the lecture at UC Berkeley that I posted last Wed. morning called "Why I Want to Kill You". Featured Speaker: Walid Shoebat, Walid Shoebat Foundation I recomend doing a general search on Walid Shoebat and Kamel Saleem or go to www.shoebat.com or also visit http://www.3xterrorists.com/. WAKE UP AMERICA. This is the truth from former terrorists. They were former MOSLEMS who grew up in that culture. Those who deny this are liberals, anti-Semites, Moslems who call these men traitors for converting to Christianity but what they say is still the truth. I have been posting the articles on the subjects discussed last night Others to do searches on are Noni Darwish and Brigitte Gabriel in case others want to hear what WOMEN from that culture have to say. A few of you may also say that Walid Shoebat is a fraud. For clarification, his vist to a bank was a "test run". He did NOT end up in prison for a bombing but for those of you who have followed this, itis FACT, he was in an Israeli prison. His relatives that testified nasty things about him in the press, are either criminals themselves or are expressivng sour grapes since he converted to Christianity. Contact Marc Samberg at marcsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Olivier Guitta, November 5, 2008. |
Not a week goes by now without Syria showing up on the radar. In fact, after I analyzed the recent slew of incidents and their possible interpretations in my article last week titled "It is Clutch Time for Syria," this week brought new puzzling developments. It all started with the U.S. raid in Syrian territory that allegedly targeted a major al-Qaida in Iraq recruiter, Abu Ghadiyah. While this happened five years too late, the timing seems odd. Interestingly, an Arab diplomat based in Beirut told the Saudi news Web site Elaph.com that the U.S. operation was not only destined to target al-Qaida facilitators but also to send a clear warning to Damascus. Indeed, the diplomat affirmed that Washington wanted to tell Syria not to think about invading Lebanon again. This follows several media reports which stated that U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice conveyed this message verbally to Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem when they recently met. Also reportedly the French President Nicolas Sarkozy administration told Damascus the same thing. Western nations started to worry when Syria moved 10,000 special forces to its border with northern Lebanon. Syria claimed the reason behind the move was to prevent al-Qaida-linked terrorists to enter Syrian territory and create havoc. This explanation is half-baked at best. Especially in light of what occurred this past Thursday when it was learned that Syria is also beginning to amass troops on the border with eastern Lebanon. Syria is indeed preparing its next move. In fact, three seemingly unrelated events are telling observers that something is afoot. First, on Oct. 29 Damascus decided to equip all schools and all administration offices with TV sets turned to the official state network. This is a sign that either Damascus is preparing an operation or expecting that it will be a target of air strikes and would like to be able to inform the population to evacuate. Second, Syrian authorities who disarmed all civilian units of the intelligence services at the onset of the Iraq war, have now reversed this decision and are starting to distribute light weapons to their agents. Third, Syrian troops have been removed from their posts at the Iraqi border. While this could be retaliation for the U.S. strike, it could also mean that Syria needs the troops somewhere else. Whatever the reason behind this Syrian positioning, it seems that Syria might try to profit from the transition period in the United States between the Nov. 4 election and the Jan. 20 swearing-in of the new president. Syria might not be the only country that will play opportunistically during these 11 weeks. The odds are things are going to heat up dramatically in the Middle East once again leaving the new president with a crisis on his hands. Olivier Guitta, an adjunct fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a foreign affairs and counterterrorism consultant, is the founder of the newsletter The Croissant (www.thecroissant.com).
This article appeared in Middle East Times
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 5, 2008. |
There is nothing to be said about the Obama win yesterday except that good things are wished for America. Things will play out over time. When and as it is appropriate, I will comment. ~~~~~~~~~~ From the perspective here in Israel, the important thing is to have a strong government that will speak for us effectively and defend our rights in the land. And, on this point I continue to be cautiously optimistic. Benny Begin, who has joined Likud, held a press conference yesterday with Binyamin Netanyahu. Since his very recent announcement to run on the Likud list, he has been barraged with old media clips showing him fiercely criticizing Netanyahu for the Hevron Accord. Now he said: "I saw that the media have taken clips from the attic that have no connection to the current reality...Adults can decide to overcome the problems of the past. "I joined the Likud to deal with difficult challenges that lie ahead and because I want to participate and have influence in the current ideological debate. "The reality has changed. People in Israel realize that there can no longer be illusions. The quest for diplomatic compromise has been tried by Israeli governments, and it led us nowhere but to increased violence." Saying that he is still opposed to surrendering any of our land, Begin declared that Netanyahu was now "more mature" and the public had "reawakened from its illusions." The picture he is painting is one of a confluence of events that makes the time ripe for a real shift in this country, away from what's been happening for several years. ~~~~~~~~~~ Netanyahu, for his part, said he had made no promises to Begin ruling out negotiations with the Palestinians. What I had read earlier, however, is that he did promise that there would be no negotiations on Jerusalem, and it is to be hoped that this makes serious negotiations a nonstarter. Of Begin, Netanyahu said, "I want help from his leadership and integrity to make the necessary changes to return security and economy and undertake an educational revolution." ~~~~~~~~~~ The issue of education, raised here by Netanyahu, is actually exceedingly critical. There is a tendency to focus on defense because if we are not secure in the land everything else becomes moot. But it is all connected. We have been stalemated in an impossible situation for as long as we have precisely because of a failure of (secular) education in this country. The very essence of why we're here and what matters to us as a matter of right and tradition and longstanding history has been removed from the educational process. Secular schools teach world history instead of Jewish history, and multiculturalism but not Jewish values. (This is not the case, I will note with the religious Zionist educational system which is why religious boys volunteer disproportionately for combat units in the army and are among our bravest and best soldiers. They understand and thus are devoted.) The fact that people have not been taught what they need to know brings them to being casual about giving up what is ours and incapable of making our case within the world. They have lost the Jewish narrative. Once upon a time, this was not the case. The exemplar of this was David Ben Gurion. Not a religious or observant man, he knew his Bible, knew our roots in the land and how we connected to it. And so, it is a hopeful thing indeed to hear talk about an educational revolution. ~~~~~~~~~~ Education was also uppermost in the thoughts of people within National Union and NRP as they called their press conference to announce their merger. Education, they said, would be the top priority because, according to MK Tzvi Hendel, of NU, we are dealing with "a crisis of values in politics and in every field in this country. The public understands that education is the foundation of everything." Speaking of values, it was wonderful to hear MK Zevulun Orlev, head of NRP, say that NRP by merging its list with NU in order to make one large party that everyone who believes in Zionism could join was "sacrificing itself" (that is, its unique and long-standing identity) to better fight for the nation's "soul." Instead of being small opposition parties, NRP and NU hope now to be part of a coalition that stands for the nation's values. Amen to this. The implications are enormous. ~~~~~~~~~~ The party representatives present at the press conference explained that the new merged list would include two "non-kippah wearers" (i.e., representing secular nationalists), four people not on either list previously, and two women. ~~~~~~~~~~ It is, to my thinking, only a tremendous and painful loss of Jewish values that can make this possible: Elisheva Federman whose home outside of Kiryat Arba was destroyed by authorities in the middle of the night was stopped by police and detained for interrogation yesterday. The police said they wanted to question her about assaults on police officers (throwing of stones) that took place during and after the destruction of her home by teens and young adults camping out on the site. Said Elisheva, it was ironic that the police "are charging me with their own crimes." She reports that she and her husband Noam were thrown to the ground and lightly beaten when they were driven out of their home. Now police insisted on taking a few strands of her hair for a DNA sample. A DNA sample? This is done when suspects face charges of serious crimes. "In this case," said a police spokesman, "because questioning had to do with assault, we took a DNA sample." This strikes me as unmitigated nonsense. Harassment. She is not a "suspect." This is not a case of needing to prove that she committed a particular crime. The police, as far as I can determine, simply wanted information on what others had done. The settler as criminal. ~~~~~~~~~~ Update on Beit HaShalom in Hevron: The 20 resident families have not been evacuated in spite of an order from Attorney General Mazuz saying they have to leave until the Court makes its decision with regard to the evidence brought that tape recording of the Palestinian seller verifying that he indeed did sell the house to Jews. This is most likely first because 50 members of Knesset wrote a letter asking that this not be done, and then because activists in numbers had gathered at the scene. The situation remains tense and uncertain, however. ~~~~~~ Last night and today a barrage of some 35 Kassams has been fired on Israel from Gaza, including three on Ashkelon and a few that damaged greenhouses. As far as I can determine a good percentage of these fell before a brief IDF foray into Gaza this morning and additional rockets fell following. The operation into Gaza consisted of special forces sent to blow up a tunnel that was being constructed to facilitate kidnappings (it would have run under the fence at the border into Israel). Our soldiers met resistance from Palestinian gunmen; in the ensuing battle, six Israeli soldiers were injured and at least six Palestinians were killed. ~~~~~~~~~~ A variety of mixed messages are now coming both from our military and Hamas: From our side has come a statement that we want to continue the ceasefire, as the quiet benefits the communities near the Gaza border. But at the same time there was an accompanying statement acknowledging that Hamas has been strengthening during the lull that began in June. This is maddening, for ultimately is it not in the best interest of these communities near Gaza for Hamas to grow even stronger and to have the capacity to launch attacks when they choose. Following this was a warning: that Hamas now knows we won't sit still for every plan they have, as evidenced by the fact that we just launched this operation. And so, we are being told, our military has to be prepared for the possibility that the ceasefire might fall apart, or that, alternatively, Hamas might claim that it wants to sustain the ceasefire but then launch a terror attack. Got all that? Hamas, for its part, has also declared a desire to sustain the ceasefire. It really does serve its interests now. But along with this came saber rattling. And even before this incident, Muhammad Deif, former head of Hamas's military wing surfaced to declare that Jihad would continue "until victory and martyrdom." One senses that the days of quiet may be coming to an end, as ultimately they were bound to. ~~~~~~~~~~ Condoleezza Rice is headed our way one last time, to assess the "peace" situation. She should pack it in now. As the two parties will not be drafting an interim document assessing what gains have been made in negotiations, she will be drawing up a report for the new administration that sets out the parameters of what she perceives necessary for achieving peace. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 5, 2008. |
This was written by Melanie Philips and it appeared
in the Spectator
So the answer to my question turned out to be yes, America really was going to do this. A historic moment indeed. The hyperbole for once is not exaggerated: this is a watershed election which changes the fate of the world. The fear however is that the world now becomes very much less safe for all of us as a result. Those of us who have looked on appalled during this most frightening of presidential elections at the suspension of reason and its replacement by thuggery can only hope that the way this man governs will be very different from the profile provided by his influences, associations and record to date. It's a faint hope the enemies of America, freedom and the west will certainly be rejoicing today. America has voted for change, apparently. Change from what, precisely? From Bush? But in the second term, Bush stopped being Bush. His foreign policy lurched from paralysis to appeasement (redeemed only by the strategic genius of Gen Petraeus and what price Petraeus now?) As Frank Gaffney wrote in the Washington Times yesterday, Bush's Treasury is about to open the way for sharia law to be imposed upon America's banking system. And it was a Democrat-controlled Congress that helped provoke the sub-prime lending crisis that triggered the current financial meltdown. What this election tells us is that America voted for change because America is in the process of changing not just demographically by becoming less white and more diverse, but as the result of a culture war in which western civilisation is losing out to a far-left agenda which has become mainstream, teaching American children to despise the founding values of their country and hijacking discourse by the minority power-grab of victim-culture. The reaction of conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic to this undoubted change not just in the US but in Britain too shows the intellectual disarray caused by these profound developments. They say politicians must stop trying to hold the cultural line and go instead with the flow of change. In Britain, the Tory party has adopted this strategy. Now there are Republicans saying the same thing. But John McCain is a Republican who does not fit the old template, who does subscribe to some of this 'change' agenda on a number of issues. As a result, he was incapable of attacking Obama on the most important grounds of all: that he stood for values inimical to America's founding principles. When he did venture into this territory, it was half-cocked and far too late, appearing merely like the desperate throw of a loser. The reason he couldn't do it earlier was that he had no coherent platform of his own. So why vote for a muddled and erratic quasi-'progressive' when the real thing is a rock star? It cannot be said too emphatically the Republicans lost this election. Obama ran a superbly disciplined campaign and he was an impressive candidate, particularly in his calm and stately demeanour throughout. The Republicans screwed up in government, they selected a hopelessly frail and erratic candidate, he ran a shambolic campaign. They deserved to lose. So now we are promised a change in America's fundamental values. And they really will be changed. Obama has said in terms that he thinks the US constitution is flawed. America's belief in itself as defending individual liberty, truth and justice on behalf of the free world will now be expiated instead as its original sin. Those who have for the past eight years worked to bring down the America that defends and protects life and liberty are today ecstatic. They have stormed the very citadel on Pennsylvania Avenue itself. Millions of Americans remain lion-hearted, decent, rational and sturdy. They find themselves today abandoned, horrified, deeply apprehensive for the future of their country and the free world. No longer the land of the free and the home of the brave; they must now look elsewhere. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by David Ha'ivri, November 5, 2008. |
Please forward to everyone you know. This might be the last chance. Call the White House and ask for Jonathan Pollard to be pardoned. Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461. Make the effort. It's a small one. But when there's a lot of small ones,... Call often. Bush is handing out pardons. NOW IS THE TIME TO ASK for what should have been done long ago. Please also include Yehonoton ben Malka Pollard in your prayers every day. Contact David Ha'ivri at hairi@gmail.com |
Posted by Michael Freund, November 5, 2008. |
While we may not like to acknowledge it, there is in fact anti-Semitism in Israel, as two recent Arab attacks on a synagogue and a yeshiva demonstrated. While some may dismiss these incidents as "political" or "nationalist" in nature, the truth is that when someone attacks a house of prayer or a Talmudical academy, they are attacking Jews and Judaism itself and no amount of sophistry can change this. As I suggest in the column below, it is time for us to stop sweeping this phenomenon under the rug, and to start taking steps to confront it head on. |
There is a new menace facing the Jews of Israel. And though you will never hear it said openly, let alone discussed at length, the fact is that anti-Semitism is alive and well in the Jewish state. Indeed, in just the past week alone, there were two incidents involving the wanton desecration of Jewish religious sites, both of which were more reminiscent of medieval Europe than of a proud and sovereign Jewish realm. Last Wednesday, two Arab youths tossed a flaming Molotov cocktail into the Adat Moshe Ve'Yisrael synagogue in Lod, which caught fire and suffered interior damage. Fortunately, nobody was inside at the time. Just a few days previously, three Arabs had firebombed the Ruah Tzfonit yeshiva in Acre in an attempt to burn it down. No one was injured, but the school's office went up in flames. It is easy enough to dismiss these events merely as passing blips on the radar, or as the type of senseless vandalism that strikes societies everywhere. Others will content themselves with the thought that political tensions lie at the root of the attacks. After all, even the police have termed the episodes "nationalistically motivated." But don't be fooled by such pseudo-sophistry. When villains attack a house of prayer in Lod or a talmudic academy in Acre, they are attacking Jews and Judaism itself. Their choice of target is indicative of whom they are aiming to hurt. Had the perpetrators been seeking to make a political statement, they could easily have chosen a political target. It is only when you really hate someone in a profound and nefarious manner that you go for the jugular, as the assailants did in these cases.
SURE, POLITICS may have fanned the flames, and last month's riots in Acre further exacerbated the situation. But the fire underneath was already there, and at its root lies a blazing and ancient hatred called anti-Semitism. So where is the outrage? Where is the outcry over this willful assault on Jews and Jewish tradition? When these kinds of incidents take place in any other country in the world, they are rightly and roundly denounced as anti-Semitism, and Jewish organizations clamor for the microphones to make statements and demand justice. Yet for some reason, when they happen here, everyone seems to fall silent. But Jew-hatred is Jew-hatred wherever it takes place. And however uncomfortable it might make us feel, we need to acknowledge that there is anti-Semitism in the Jewish state, and that steps need to be taken to counter it. These range from fostering more tolerance and greater education among Arab citizens to stricter enforcement of the law. In both Acre and Lod, the police caught the perpetrators of the attacks, and nothing less than the maximum sentence should be imposed on them. It needs to be made clear to other would-be arsonists of all stripes that when they attack public institutions or religious sites, they will be made to pay for their crimes. Public pressure to denounce such acts should also be brought to bear on various Arab religious and political leaders, and those who fail to do so should be called to account. There is simply no excuse for their silence in the face of such hatred. Apologists will suggest that such attacks are motivated by fear, but I believe precisely the opposite to be true. It is because of a lack of fear, a sense of impunity, that the assailants felt uninhibited about carrying out their plans. That, combined with a base hatred of Jews, makes for a combustible mix. Many of us are still uneasy with such a notion, if only because such things are not supposed to happen here. Israel was established to serve as a homeland and a refuge, a place where the ills of the Diaspora would be left behind, chief among them anti-Semitism. But like it or not, that hatred has followed us home, and it is alive and well here in our midst. And sweeping the issue under the rug, or chalking it up to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, will not make it go away. Michael Freund served as an adviser to former Prime Minister Binyamin
This article appeared today in the Jerusalem Post and is
archived at
Posted by Honest Reporting, November 5, 2008. |
All too often the media is quick to take Palestinian claims at face value, keen to fit the story to a preconceived narrative that protrays Israel as a serial human rights abuser while casting doubt on legitimate Israeli narratives. (See HonestReporting's "The Big Lies" interactive presentation for some of the most infamous.) Such was the case in July 2008 when a number of British media outlets reported that Mohammed Omer, a Palestinian journalist from Gaza, had been physically abused by Israeli security at the Jordanian border on his way back from the UK. It should be noted that Omer is the Gaza correspondent for the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, a journal known for its anti-Israel positions. HonestReporting UK, while recognizing that it may already have been too late to arrest the damage, disseminated, in full, the statement of Israel's official inquiry into Omer's allegations in order to counter this anti-Israel libel and to ensure that the statement remains on the web for the record. Despite this and CAMERA's further investigation into the allegations and faulty press reporting, which cast even more doubt on Mohammed Omer's credibility, the LA Times has chosen to rehash the Mohammed Omer story some three months later. The presumptive trigger for the LA Times's interest in this story is perhaps even less credible than Omer himself. Richard Falk, the UN Human Rights Council's "Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Palestinian territories occupied since 1967" has called for futher investigation. Falk is a person described by UN Watch's Hillel Neuer in a letter to the Jerusalem Post as: One with the moral compass to argue, as Falk did in 2002, that suicide bombings were the "only means still available by which to inflict sufficient harm on Israel so that the (Palestinian) struggle could go on." One with the political judgment to write, in a 1979 New York Times op-ed, that Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution "may yet provide us with a desperately-needed model of humane governance for a third-world country." One with the good sense to support as Falk has done openly and repeatedly conspiracy theories about the September 11, 2001 attacks. In March 2008, he told a radio interviewer that there are "a lot of grounds for suspicion" that the attacks were an inside job. In June, he called for an investigation into whether "some sort of controlled explosion from within" destroyed the Twin Towers. Finally, Falk praised "the patience, the fortitude, the courage, and the intelligence" of conspiracy theorist David Ray Griffin, to whose 2006 book, 9/11 and the American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, Falk contributed a chapter. Why has the LA Times revived a discredited anti-Israel blood libel promoted by a discredited Palestinian journalist and a discredited extremist at the UN? Please ask this question and send your considered comments to the LA Times letters@latimes.com remembering to include your full name, mailing address and daytime phone number (your number will not be published). http://frontpagemag.com/Articles/Printable.aspx?GUID= E71A692E-D52F-4B3A-AF44-720E838852A1 Honest Reporting monitors the media for inaccuracy and unfairness in how they report the news about Israel. Ther website address is http://www.honestreporting.com. Contact them by email at action@honestreporting.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 5, 2008. |
ISLAMIC LAW INFILTRATING THE WEST Islamic law implements hatred and primitive punishments. " ... under Shari'a law if you are accused of stealing, a hand and foot from opposite sides are amputated. If you are caught having an affair, the woman is stoned to death and the man is given 80 lashes. If you change religions, you can be charged under apostasy laws and given the death sentence by a legal Sharia court." "Through Shari'a, Islamists govern the private lives of individuals as well as regulate the social, political, and economic aspects of society. Islamism crosses national borders, with the final goal of asserting the Muslim ummah globally, with all non-Muslims as second class citizens. It is a totalitarian ideology, and Islamists do want to make Europe and the US Islamist states. Muslim cab drivers acted on Islamic law. Islam forbids drinking alcohol. Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis refused passengers they thought have alcohol. The court ruled that they don't have the right to impose their views on others. Another example is of the Muslim woman who refused to take off her niqba for her drivers' license photo. She took Islamic law over Florida law, though the state law made sense. (If the face is covered, a photo is not I.D.!) Muslims practice polygamy in the US, but don't register the multiple marriages, so they can defraud governments here of welfare and other benefits. Shariat "denigrates women, non-Muslims and the US Constitution. Policymakers must define the limits of religious accommodation in light of the Islamist agenda. Otherwise, democracy and true tolerance will be mere words with no meaning as Islamism spreads in the West." (Supna Zaida, editor-in-chief of Muslim World Today, MEF News, 10/7). EGYPT PROPOSES P.A. UNITY GOVERNMENT Among the principals of the proposal are the "sanctity of the resistance." (IMRA, 10/19). "Resistance" is the Muslim code word for terrorism against Israel. That's what Egypt is proposing. The unity would be of PLO and Hamas. Where does that leave the supposition that Hamas is extremist but the PLO is moderate? How could a moderate group unite with a popular and powerful extremist group? Only if the so-called moderate group is extremely foolish or, as I find, extremist, too. In either case, they would be uniting against Israel. Then Egypt is not, itself moderate. Nor is it at peace with Israel. LEFTIST HOISTED BY OWN PETARD Israeli leftists slander their own people. They accuse their government of having committed war crimes against Arabs. Based on their accusations, prominent Israelis are threatened with arrest, abroad. One general couldn't get off his plane in London, but had to return to Israel, lest he be arrested. [Since the arrest would be based on slander and bias, he could not expect a fair trial.] One such leftist is Ami Ayalon, Cabinet Minister without portfolio. Min. Ayalon is extremely appeasement-minded. He once ran the secret service. A Muslim in the Netherlands filed a complaint that Ayalon had tortured him. Most unlikely! In any case, now a far leftist has to be careful about going to Europe. The Left handled so much poison, that some stuck to itself (Prof. Steven Plaut, 10/7). NEED FOR UNO WELFARE REFORM UNRWA appealed for additional donations to meet humanitarian needs of Palestinian Arabs. Only the US pledged more, not the Arab states (IMRA, 10/9). Some Arabs states are rich, the US no longer so. Dubai is building the tallest building in the world. But the US and not the Arabs are criticized as stingy. UNRWA appeals for more and more subsidy for Palestinian Arabs. It is a separate agency from the UNO's regular refugee agency. The regular agency helps integrate refugees to become self-supporting. UNRWA helps the Arab states keep unchanged in the status of refugees the descendants of refugees and of those who pretended to be in order to get UNRWA aid. The Arab states' purpose is to keep those Palestinian Arabs as a wedge to divide Israel.
HOW MANY RADICAL MUSLIMS? Several years ago, Daniel Pipes suggested that 10-15% of Muslims are Islamist. A Muslim organization and writer asserted that he had no proof or evidence for his figure. Pipes explains that it is just an estimate, probably under-stated and varying geographically. He consulted votes, polls and membership lists. He defined his terms as wanting to impose Islamic law on the whole world, some would do so by violence, and as justifying suicide bombing and 9/11. This would mean there are 150 million Islamists, more than all Nazis and Communists ever, but also that here are 850 million non-Islamist Muslims (Pipes, #873, 10/8). P.R. INSTEAD OF CLOSING ARMS TUNNELS TO GAZA Amid fanfare, the US gave Egypt technology for detecting entrances to arms smuggling tunnels between Sinai and Gaza. Perhaps 10% of the tunnels were eliminated. There are more than a couple of years ago, so much so, that prices for smuggled goods fell. [Hamas taxes the smuggling, so it doesn't mind the occasional tunnel-closing]. To keep smugglers from becoming discouraged, Hamas compensates families whose members get killed by tunnel accidents or Egyptian demolition. Fleets of smugglers' trucks drive [along the very few roads leading to Gaza]. They cannot arrive undetected by police ordered to stop them. If Egypt were serious about ending the smuggling, it could shut it down without technology. Another way to end the smuggling would be for Egypt to move its part of the border-straddling town, which has the tunnel entrances that exit on the Israeli side, a few kilometers back. The desert has the room for that. Tunneling then would become too expensive (IMRA, 10/9). The arms smuggling has enabled Hamas to equip 20,000 30,000 gunmen. "In one place, dozens of large tents, each marking a tunnel work site, were pitched just yards from an Egyptian watchtower beyond the border wall." (IMRA, 10/10). Yards away, and the Egyptians didn't see it and see where the tunnel entrance is in Gaza? The media praise for US-Egyptian cooperation on this therefore is phony. It distracts from the continuing problem and the obvious solutions. ARAB RIOTING IN ACRE Israeli leaders express astonishment at the Arab riots in Acre. They shouldn't be surprised. Arabs have been rioting for years [or threatening to riot] to get their way. This is especially true in towns mixed ethnically, where they use underhanded tactics to drive Jews out. In Acre, an Arab leader exhorted the mobs to violence. The Arabs have found that Israeli police are lenient about riots and about the large-scale theft by Arabs. Hence, the Arabs are encouraged to continue their thievery and violence (Arutz-7, 10/10). The media reported it as if the Jews started this. In any case, it is an old problem, and the Arabs almost always are the culprits, leftist appeasement of them is their license, and their leaders their instigators. The answer is a Jewish return to sanity and Muslim emigration. WHO IS FIGHTING US IN AFGHANISTAN? A few al-Qaida. There also are Taliban, coming from Pakistan, where they can retreat into sanctuary. There are Central Asian Islamists, such as Chechens. Drug gangs help finance the insurgency. They make alliances with various tribes against the central government (IMRA, 10/11). Obamas thinks it's all al-Qaida. The US did not leave al-Qaida in functioning order there. Rather, central government is ineffective against warlords, criminals, and foreign Islamists. My liberal friends do not understand this. Most of the foreign NATO troops are not allowed to fight much. The US has shifted more troops to Afghanistan. The NY Times has pointed out that people from one tribe give the US false tips to bomb insurgents who turn out to be civilians from another tribe. The US can't rely upon the air war as much. RIVAL ARAB HACKERS Saudi hackers disabled some Iranian networks. In retaliation, Shiite hackers attacked Saudi networks. This cyberware warfare substitutes for constructive direction in life. The authorities don't mind, because it takes the hackers' minds off real problems in their societies. The youthful hackers don't know who their real enemies are (IMRA, 10/11). Their real enemies are their rulers and Islamists. Often they think their enemy is Israel. THWART FRAME-UP OF SETTLERS The Arabs and their Jewish leftist associates found a way to frame Jews for alleged destruction of Arabs' olive trees. The provocateurs come to prune the trees, but do so in a violent manner and then claim that settlers cut them down [though they may not be down]. Although no evidence ever was adduced against settlers, the media has condemned them and the government acts as if the Jews, instead of the Arabs and leftist accomplices, were guilty. In October, the security men at Yitzhar called the Army, after having seen some men enter an Arab's olive grove. The owner had not notified the Army he was pruning or harvesting, as he would be required to do. The intruders were caught pruning roughly, as if preparing a frame-up [but apparently were not arrested]. Then the nearby Arab village complained that the settlers had harassed them during harvest. Settlers say, don't believe the Arabs (Arutz-7, 10/12). Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Lemkin Realty, November 5, 2008. |
Date: Nov 5, 2008 5:11 PM
Tonite, I travelled to the University where I give my once a semester Torah class. B" the class went well. I then left the building with the Rabbis. We saw and heard the revelry of the students celebrating the Obama victory with their generous cups of beer in hand... We looked at one another and shrugged. I proceeded to the train station to go back to NYC, taking the 1130 PM train, tired and trying to discern what the victory meant for the Jewish people, the country, and the world. I heard the conductor, passengers and crew laughing celebrating the victory...none of which surprised me... and then 4 exuberant young people said to me "you must be upset? I asked "why"? They responded,"because Obama has won". again I asked "why should I be upset?" "because you are Jewish"..they answered.. I answered "did you know that polls have said aprox 80% of Jews most likely voted for Obama" they replied.. "but you are religious!". I replied with disbelief, "what??" They responded "the majority of religious Jews were supporting McCain". I asked "how do you know that?" "everyone knows that "they said". "Religious Jews know that the day of their power and their ruination of WALL STREET IS OVER, CHANGE IS COMING, OBAMA HAS PROMISED THIS." They walked away. I felt sick, and thought, wow, so maybe this is how the chapter for American Jews is ending. The cell phone rang and it is was my friend, Rabbi J.S. He shared with me the election results and asked me...'Do you know whar toight is?" "No" I answered. He stated "Tonight is the anniversary of KRISTALNACHT". My already distraught heart sighed. I then remembered the crying of Rebbetzin Y., the night of the Democratic national convention, 4 years ago... which fell on Tish B'AV. She asked:'what is going on in that room". She asked me "what danger is taking place?". "Look at our history!" as she cried further. That af course wa the night we were all introduced to President-elect Obama... HASHEM YIRACHEM.. zchor yimot olam.. says the pasuk. It is 3:24 A.M.. I just walked into my apt. I think it is time to GO HOME. Contact the poster at lemkinrealty2@gmail.com |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, November 5, 2008. |
This was written by Thomas Sowell
and it appeared in Jewish World Review
The politically clever way to get special privileges is to call them "rights"- especially "equal rights." Some local election campaigns in various states are using that tactic this year, trying to get special privileges through affirmative action quotas or through demands that the definition of marriage be changed to suit homosexuals. Equality of rights does not mean equality of results. I can have all the equal treatment in the world on a golf course and I will not finish within shouting distance of Tiger Woods. When arbitrary numerical "goals" or "quotas" under affirmative action are not met, the burden of proof is put on the employer to prove that he did not discriminate against minorities or women. No burden of proof whatever is put on the advocates of "goals" or "quotas" to show that people would be equally represented in jobs, colleges or anywhere else in the absence of discrimination. Tons of evidence from countries around the world, and over centuries of history, show that statistical disparities are the rule, not the exception- even in situations where discrimination is virtually impossible. Anonymously graded tests do not show the same results from one group to another. In many countries there are minorities who completely outperform members of the majority population, whether in education, in the economy or in sports, even when there is no way that they can discriminate against the majority. Putting the burden of proof on everybody except yourself is a slick political ploy. The time is long overdue for the voting public to see through it. Another fraud on the ballot this year is gay "marriage." Marriage has existed for centuries and, until recent times, it has always meant a union between a man and a woman. Over those centuries, a vast array of laws has grown up, all based on circumstances that arise in unions between a man and a woman. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that law has not been based on logic but on experience. To apply a mountain of laws based specifically on experience with relations between a man and a woman to a different relationship where sex differences are not involved would be like applying the rules of baseball to football. The argument that current marriage laws "discriminate" against homosexuals confuses discrimination against people with making distinctions among different kinds of behavior. All laws distinguish among different kinds of behavior. What other purpose does law have? While people may be treated the same, all their behaviors are not. Laws that forbid bicycles from being ridden on freeways obviously have a different effect on people who have bicycles but no cars. But this is not discrimination against a person. The cyclist who gets into a car is just as free to drive on the freeway as anybody else. The question is not whether gays should be permitted to marry. Many gays have already married people of the opposite sex. Conversely, heterosexuals who might want to marry someone of the same sex in order to make some point will be forbidden to do so, just as gays are. The real issue is whether marriage should be redefined- and, if for gays, why not for polygamists? Why not for pedophiles? Despite heavy television advertising in California for "gay marriage," showing blacks being set upon by police dogs during civil right marches, and implying that homosexuals face the same discrimination today, the analogy is completely false. Blacks had to sit in the back of the bus because they were black. They were doing exactly what white people were doing- riding a bus. That is what made it racial discrimination. Marriage is not a right but a set of legal obligations imposed because the government has a vested interest in unions that, among other things, have the potential to produce children, which is to say, the future population of the nation. Gays were on their strongest ground when they said that what they did was nobody else's business. Now they are asserting a right to other people's approval, which is wholly different. None of us has a right to other people's approval. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Contrarian Commentary, November 4, 2008. |
This is by Andy Martin, J.D.. Contact him at AndyMart20@aol.com |
Sheriff Tom Dart
Langdon D. Neal, Chairman
with copy to: United States Attorney's Office
Cook County State's Attorney
Dear Sheriff Dart and Chairman Neal: A few minutes ago, around 3:00 P.M., I was assaulted by someone who claimed to be a Sheriff's deputy. I was attempting to vote in the 19th precinct, 42nd Ward, 115 W. Chicago Avenue. Your alleged deputy was dressed like a crackhead, out of uniform, and hit me while wildly waving his arms, using profanity and threatening to arrest me because I wanted to write down his name (he had no visible identification). It was one of the most disgusting examples of Daley Machine goon squad tactics I have witnessed in my forty years fighting Daley Machine corruption. A Chicago police officer (Donovan, 18th District) witnessed the melee. Officer Donovan conducted himself in a highly professional and peaceful manner. I went to vote. Having wandered into the wrong precinct (which was closer to my home) where I saw multiple voting machines, I was surprised to see my precinct had only one machine. My precinct, which is more Republican, had only the single voting machine. I spoke with people that said other precincts had 6-10 voting machines. Obviously the Daley Machine is preventing people in white precincts from voting, and encouraging voting in black precincts. This is a serious federal civil rights law violation. Since there was only one machine, I was offered the option of a paper ballot. I marked my choices carefully with the pen I was provided. I was then told I had "over voted." One of the officials then began examining my "secret" ballot in the open. I became very irritated and said "I thought this was supposed to be a secret election? Why is my ballot being displayed and examined in the open." At that point the man who identified himself as Mr. Dart's Daley Machine goon ran over and started threatening me. He was yelling, acting abusively, using profanity and trying to intimidate me from continuing to vote. An Obama supporter who appeared to be under the influence also attempted to threaten and menace me for protesting the public display of my vote. The Dart goon then "ordered" me into the hall and attested to negate my ballot (one of the judges said that when the goon threatened me into the hall my vote was negated) and refused to show me any ID although he was dressed as a crackhead. He eventually pushed something in my face that I was unable to read or examine. During thus period, the goon was angry, abusive, menacing and manifested a desire to prevent me from voting. The controversy then moved back into the voting area, where the goon assaulted me while waving his arms uncontrollably. I checked my ballot with the machine reader, and the machine reader was not working properly. I had not over voted (I learned how to make a line between two points when I was two years old). Chicago has one of the worse reputations, if not the worse, for vote fraud and crooked politics. Today we saw it all: a goon, claiming to be a deputy sheriff but dressed as vagabond, who refused to identify himself and yet threaten to make arrests, and so forth. How can such a goon be on the public payroll? Oh, I forgot, he works for Tom Dart and the Daley Machine. I ask that you immediately and personally go to the 42nd ward, 19th precinct and remove this goon from harassing and intimidating any further voters. This man has no basis carrying a badge; he is an explosion waiting to happen. The idea that peoples' ballots are being held up and examined in public, thereby negating the secret vote, and that you are once again using inoperable machines to count votes, and putting fewer voting machines in white precincts than black ones, all constitute serious and immediate threats to the integrity of the election process. I ask that you carefully and fully document your investigation because a lawsuit over this incident and the denial of equal protection to white voters is very likely. Sincerely yours,
Contact the Contrarian Commentary website by email at contact@contrariancommentary.com |
Posted by Daisy Stern, November 4, 2008. |
Ofer Gamliel from Bat Ayin has just finished his 50th day of a hunger strike in jail, and is very ill and weak. I would like to ask people to daven for him. His name is OFER ben NAOMI. Ofer ben Naomi is serving a 15 year sentence for being part of the so called "Bat Ayin Underground". (He never harmed anyone). He is protesting the harsh conditions of his sentence in contrast to the lenient treatment of Arab prisoners. Since he started his hunger strike, the prison system has punished him by putting him in solitary confinement, and cutting off phone privileges and visits. He is not allowed to communicate with his wife Michal except through his lawyer. Please daven for OFER ben NAOMI and forward this to your friends. (posted by Haya Hava Shulman) Contact Daisy Stern at daisystern1@gmail.com |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, November 4, 2008. |
For background, to see David Wilder's blog-ed in the October 2008 Blog-ed page, click here. |
I just spoke to Marta Ramati, Elisheva's mother a few moments ago. She confirmed that Elisheva is arrested and was not allowed to nurse her baby. Also a few days ago, Tamar Edelstein interviewed Elisheva Federman for her radio show on Shleimus Haaretz and Elisheva said that they twisted the arm of her baby at the time of the expulsion from her home. I asked Tamar, who also spoke with Marta this morning and called me about it, what the charges were against Elisheva and Tamar said that she thinks it's because Elisheva kicked a police officer when they came in the middle of the night and beat up and arrested her husband and assaulted her and her kids and destroyed their home. (Whether or not this allegation is true, personally, if it is true, didn't he deserve a kick?) THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! Marta said that it the opinion of many that it's just a matter of time but they will also evict the residents of Beit Hashalom either forcefully like the Federman's home or use the excuse that it's too dangerous for them and then close it off as a military area. Contact Barbara Sommer at sommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard Shulman, November 3, 2008. |
SUBTLE BIAS ON JERUSALEM In the NY Times, Isabel Kershner described religious strife in Jerusalem. She reported a new monument to tolerance, around which Jewish children held hands. Do Muslims children? Not stated. She described the city as holy to three faiths, but it is not holy to Muslims. My earlier articles amply disproved the contemporary claim of holiness to Islam as political, amplified by a Western inclination to equate rival religions. She ignores the mendacious Muslim claim that no Jewish Temple ever was in Jerusalem [and that that contradicts Christianity]. Why? Facts and injustices which would strengthen the Zionist claim vis-à-vis the Arabs, don't get noticed by that traditionally anti-Zionist paper. The article refers to "East Jerusalem," as if a separate jurisdiction. Yes, it was captured from Jordan in 1967. Without further explanation, the impression is left that Israel took it from a rightful owner, Jordan. That innuendo leaves the incorrect impression that Israel is an aggressor and that the Jews have no legitimate claim to the area. As a minimum, fair journalism would put it, captured, "in self-defense." That would remove the taint of aggression from Israel; Jordan deserves the taint. Always giving that bit of history, why not add that it is "in the unallocated part of the Palestine Mandate for a Jewish national home?" Why always imply Arab entitlement and never show the basis for the Jewish claim? Then the article mentions Arab shooting and other murders of Jews, any Jews around. That's terrorism, but the perpetrators rarely are called and denounced as "terrorists" in liberal media, they are called "militants," as was our own, great, Martin Luther King. Many are the indignant editorials against Israel, and few are those against wanton murder of Israelis and Islamist indoctrination in violence by the whole P.A.. Instead, the newspaper calls the boss of P.A. media, Abbas, a "moderate" to whom Israel should cede what the paper never admits would be secure borders for Israel if it kept the area. So much the newspaper omits and steers its audience into pre-conceived bias! Ms. Kershner does admit that 200,000 Jews live in eastern Jerusalem, as do 250,000 Arabs. Then it's not an "Arab area," as the paper and diplomats usually claim. They want to help wrest it from Israel in behalf of an enemy trying to destroy Israel. That's called informing the public about a "peace process." Eastern Jerusalem is "territory the Palestinians demand as the capital of their future state." They demand it? So what! Their demands serve jihad. What are they entitled to, that non-nationality, that assemblage of hate-filled bigots, most of whom support terrorism? As for the Jews, "Israel considers all of Jerusalem as its united, sovereign capital ... " Considers? It is. Israel has it, the Arabs want it. Not equivalent. The key statement is, "Meanwhile, an increasing number of Arab families are quietly moving into Jewish areas on both sides of the 1967 line." No explanation of that. Why not? Read my explanation. Then you will understand why a newspaper that makes a crusade out of advocating non-existent Arab rights and denying genuine Zionist rights omitted an explanation. Explanation: Arabs are moving from the part of Jerusalem that they reckon PM Olmert wants to cede to the P.A., into the part that they reckon Israel would keep. Why? P.A. rule is oppressive and impoverishing. The Times can't admit that when it blames Israel for P.A. poverty and demands that Israel put more Arabs under full P.A. control. Under Israeli rule, resident Arabs get full Israeli welfare benefits. Should Israel give enemy non-citizens that? Remember when Israel told some Arabs that their residency permits for Jerusalem had expired years after they had moved away for? Everyone demanded that Israel renew the permits. Every American liberal media organ and NGO denounces Pres. Bush for telling any country other than Israel what to do. They accuse him of being high-handed. It is all right when he tells Israel what to do? The Times tells everybody what to do. It has the most conceit. Correctly put, most of the terrorism in Jerusalem now comes from Arab (Muslim) residents of Jerusalem. Should Israel let them stay and keep coming in? "Many Jewish residents say they live in trepidation. Arab residents charge that rather than trying to find a political solution for the city, Israel is trying to Judaize the eastern part and squeeze the Palestinians [Arabs] out." The first sentence is factual and justified by earlier examples of increasing terrorism. It probably could further be justified, if the journalist included reports on Arab behavior in mixed towns of Israel. The Arabs harass the Jews, commit hate and sex crimes against them, engage in block busting, etc.. They get away with it because the world ignores it and the government is afraid of the Arabs and hostile to the Jews. The second sentence is mere assertion. It gives the Arabs something to gripe about, even if false. That parallel reporting, supposedly morally neutral, boosts bigoted aggressors. Of course Israel seeks a political solution! The Times has reported the negotiations. The Arabs are lying. Is it the function of a daily to relay lies or news? No evidence is given that Israel tries to squeeze Arabs out, because Israel doesn't. Israel gives them residency, building, and welfare permits (I think foolishly). The Arabs do try to squeeze Jews out, by squatting and harassing. If that were reported, how would the Times justify its editorials demanding that Arabs be given territory, as if a solution? (Times, 10/18.) The Times should add that the Muslims have been driving Christians out of the holy land. Thus it isn't an Arab- Israel territorial conflict but an Islamic drive for exclusive control. The Times is too anti-Zionist to admit that. ILLOGICAL IDF Israel's military admits that the ceasefire and Egyptian monitoring of the Sinai-Gaza border enabled Hamas to smuggle in shoulder-fired anti-tank missiles, machine guns, and vast quantities of explosives. Nevertheless, it suggests extending the ceasefire for another half year of smuggling (IMRA, 10/16). HOW THE JEWISH STATE STORES JUDAICA The government of Israel expelled the Jews from Gaza and destroyed their synagogues or let the Arabs destroy them. Meanwhile, it stored the religious objects from the synagogues in warehouses. The government stopped paying the rent there, without building new synagogues for the expellees. Now religious objects are gathering mold and dust on the floor (IMRA, 10/16). OLMERT GIVES RUSSIA SOMETHING FOR NOTHING PM Olmert with Russian leaders. He started by giving them title, perhaps sovereignty, to some real estate in Jerusalem. Then he asked Russia not to arm Iran and Syria with balance-breaking weapons and not to continue helping Iran's nuclear factory. All he got from Russia was a promise to discuss it again. Suffering from a weakening economy, Russia wants the sales income. When Olmert mentioned Iran, at a press interview there, Russia cut off his microphone (IMRA, 10/7). People still deny that Putting is restoring the USSR. That's how Israel negotiates. Give something, beg, get nothing. It doesn't work. What makes Olmert think he can appeal to a sense of decency in a rogue state? Answer: the leftist neurosis that foreign countries, including enemies, will give Israel security. BUSH? THEY'RE ALL STUPID The US and Lebanon are setting up a joint committee to coordinate on military matters. The US is granting $63 million to the Lebanese Armed Forces (IMRA, 10/7). The Lebanese Armed Forces are allied to Hizbullah. Thus the US indirectly is helping Hizbullah. Since Bush's usual critics are not objecting, they acquiesce in his pretense that the Lebanese Armed Forces are a patriotic organization seeking to maintain Lebanese independence from Hizbullah and Syria and not to fight Israel. They are just as stupid as he. BIG GOVERNMENT SPENDING A Labor Party Leader, MK Avishay Braverman, had suggested not so long ago that the budget be increased by 2.5%, because [thanks to Netanyahu's curbing of budgetary excess], the economy was growing fast. Now he suggests that the budget be increased by 2.5%, because the economy is shrinking. He'd bill taxpayers coming and going. A spending increase would show that the government is not serious about recent economic reforms. The country would lose its favorable economic rating. Government would have to sell bonds to pay the increase, leaving less money for corporate bonds and investment. The government would not be able to reduce taxes on investment, a reduction intended to encourage more investment. In self-defense against the resulting recession, the public would stop discretionary spending, thereby deepening the recession. All for a few Labor Party votes. The public probably is smart enough to understand that, and cost the Labor Party votes for its pandering (Prof. Steven Plaut, 10/7). COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY Israeli Leftism has become an ideology of hatred. It hates settlers [and religious Jews]. It sympathizes with the jihadist enemy. If a few settlers attack some Arabs, the Left collectively blames all settlers. The Left excuses law-breaking by leftists [and Arabs] but demands enforcement of the law against settlers. One example is Shimon Peres' praise for leftist Abie Nathan, who operated a pirate radio station and boasted of his illegality, contrasted with the government's [probably illegal] shutting down of the settlers' Arutz-7 pirate radio station, which Arutz-7 claimed was legal. Another example is the Left's demand that the government demolish a few unauthorized outposts [usually a few houses within existing municipal bounds], and its condoning of tens of thousands of illegal housing units in Israel. Leftist champions of law and order are silent when anarchists attack Israeli troops erecting the security barrier. "Why is there extensive media coverage when police refrain from raiding an outpost due to fear of clashes with settlers, but not when police refrain from chasing Arabs who steal cars, cattle and agricultural equipment along the seam line between Jewish and Arab neighborhoods and in Judea and Samaria? Take, for instance, the many articles about the body of the Palestinian (Arab) shepherd whom the Palestinians accused the settlers of murdering and the silence that greeted the news from the police laboratory that there had been no murder at all, that a dud shell caused the shepherd's death. Are the facts relevant only when they hew to the line?" (IMRA, from Nadav Shragai, 10/8). Hypocrisy! Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, November 3, 2008. |
![]() This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: During a recent workshop with a group of young students, we spent an hour exploring one of Jerusalem's old neighborhoods looking for the hidden treasures of great photography: compositional frames. Using water pipes, tree trunks, a street sign and a hole in a wall, I taught the group of teenage boys how to crouch and bend their bodies, and their vision, to see through layers of depth and compose images with foreground frames that isolate the main subject. This photograph of a vineyard in the hills near Alon Shvut in Gush Etzion is a slight variation on that lesson in that the frame is the main subject, with the distant hills offering just a hint of the majestic fall landscape. To accentuate the vibrant colors of fall, there is no better technique than shooting directly into the sun and letting the light pour through the multi-colored, translucent leaves. That can create difficulties with lens flare on a cloudless day, but one easy solution is to find something to block the sun from shining directly into the lens. This photo demonstrates how making a tiny adjustment in the camera's position placed one leaf directly in front of the sun, allowing only a few select spikes of sunlight to filter through. Once you catch on to how easy this is, you may find you are seeing frames even when your camera is safely stowed away for the day.
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 3, 2008. |
The good news here is that Likud is strengthening beyond anything that was imagined. Netanyahu is playing it incredibly smart. I wrote yesterday about Benny Begin re-joining Likud. He's well to the right. Then there's Uzi Dayan, centrist-left, who joined recently. Miri Regev, former IDF spokesperson, joined Likud yesterday. This has been followed by MK Effie Eitam (a religious nationalist currently with NU/NRP), who has expressed an interest in joining Likud. And word is that Dan Meridor formerly an MK with Likud and more centrist would like to be on the Likud list, just as very possibly former chief of staff Lt.-Gen (ret.) Moshe (Bogi) Ya'alon who was fired by Sharon for having the integrity to speak out against the disengagement might be. And there may be more: Danny Seaman, a tough and principled man, has suspended himself from his post as head of the Government Press Office while he considers the possibility of running for a place on the Likud list. While Marina Slodkin, a very popular Russian who demonstrates integrity, is thinking of moving from Kadima to Likud. And even this is not the end of those being drawn or encouraged to go with Likud. ~~~~~~~~~~ In a handful of instances, individuals, such as Meridor, are hoping to have slots on the list reserved for them. Most will run in the Likud primary for their places on the list. After the primary, an ordered list will have been established. How many of those on the list actually make it into the Knesset depends on how many votes, proportional to all votes cast, Likud garners. The political "star" quality of those announcing now will be a factor in pulling votes. And once the election is done, the caliber of those representing Likud promises to be elevated well over what we've seen of late in our government (which, if truth be told, isn't even saying much). ~~~~~~~~~~ The way matters are being structured, Likud would become a wide tent, accommodating many viewpoints. Yet, the party is being viewed as centrist-right, and it seems that it would tilt right. Nothing else would be acceptable to Benny Begin, certainly, nor to Ya'alon nor Seaman nor Eitam (should they join). ~~~~~~~~~~ Coupled with this is the announcement by National Union (consisting of the parties Moledet and Tekuma, with Ahi undecided as to participation) and the National Religious Party that they are disbanding in order to form a new right wing party. NRP is headed by a very active and outspoken Zevulun Orlev, and NU by Benny Elon, who is promoting the Israel Initiative (a plan for asserting Israeli sovereignty over the land while finding a solution for the Palestinian refugees). The goal is to establish a party that will be a home for all nationalists, whether religious or secular hopefully together also to draw more votes than these two parties have in the past. ~~~~~~~~~~ Aryeh Eldad, currently with NU and an outspoken man of great integrity, is apparently planning to resign and start a new party that he has been working on developing: Hatikvah, a secular nationalist party. I am sad about this prospect because I see it as a real possibility that the party might not pass the threshold for a seat in the Knesset and Eldad would be lost for at least an interim as an MK. He's too good a man to do without. ~~~~~~~~~~ This activity on the right, coupled with the Likud activity, promises the possibility of taking Kadima off the political map something which desperately needs to be done. ~~~~~~~~~~ The problem with all of the plans described is that we must wait three months now for elections and the horrendous administration we're enduring now can, for that interim, continue to do its damage. I wrote recently about the destruction in the middle of the night of the Federman home (complete with all its contents) outside of Kiryat Arba, and of the campaign to vilify the "settlers." This continues on all fronts. Tough-minded residents of Judea and Samaria communities tired of being cast as the bad guys, as the reason why there cannot be peace are speaking out and fighting back. But it's likely to get worse before it gets better. Activists including members of the Kiryat Arba municipality had begun to rebuild the Federman house. But it has been torn down again. Although I doubt that we've seen the last of this. ~~~~~~~~~~ And there's more coming down the road. There is the issue of Beit HaShalom Peace House, in Hevron, on the road, called Worshippers' Way, that leads to the Machpelah (the Tomb of the Patriarchs) from Kiryat Arba. The building, of considerable size, was purchased legally by Jews from a Palestinian some time ago. Twenty families have been living there for one and a half years now. But Arabs have protested and the government continues to challenge the right of Jewish residents to be there. Lawyers representing the Jewish community of Hevron have presented to the High Court a recording of the man who sold the house telling his friend, while under no duress, that he had done so. It was expected to finalize matters but the Court has not delivered a ruling. Tonight there is unease in Hevron because of observable police activity in the area and the speculation that a night time eviction of the families from Beit HaShalom may be in the offing. Word has gone out to activists to assemble there. ~~~~~~~~~~ Why is this happening? It's about pushing back the Jews in Hevron so that there can be full Palestinian control, never mind that Hevron is the second holiest of Jewish cities. It's what happens when Jews who have forgotten who they are govern. And it is what makes the political activity I've described above so very important. ~~~~~~~~~~ Arutz Sheva carried a quote from David Wilder, spokesman for the Jewish community of Hevron: "The building is ours, and any attempt to throw us out is immoral and illegal. It is the result of the wild incitement against the Jews of Judea and Samaria, especially as heard in the government's Cabinet meeting of yesterday, and in the media as well. But we will continue to buy property here whenever we have the chance, and, to put it simply: We will not give up!" And I say again, more power to them! Jews everywhere owe a debt of gratitude to these few who are mindful of our traditions and rights and are prepared to stand strong for them. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Emanuel A. Winston, November 3, 2008. |
The Israeli government is unable and unwilling to stop Hamas Kassam Rockets from raining down on Southern Israel. The Israeli government is unable and unwilling to stop Hezb'Allah from re-arming with 40,000 Katyusha missiles to rain down on Northern and Central Israel. The Israeli government is unable to figure out how to stop Iran from going nuclear. However, cheered by a lot of dedicated anti-Semites in the world, they have been able to show their true might...by razing various irrelevant "settler outposts". All of the above has been pushed by the Bush-Rice regime to appease the Arab Islamic interests. They have been able to teach these obstreperous teen-agers and "back-to-the-earth" settler families...who is Boss. Of course, these aforementioned settlers, having what might be called "authority issues", just go back and rebuild their shacks again...making the Israeli government look exceptionally foolish. Prior to WW2, the Poles knew that Germany was about to invade them. The Poles also found out that their corrupt government had failed to spend their taxes on modernizing Poland's military. In their anger and resentment at their own incompetency, the Poles instead of preparing for battle and trying to improve their forces turned their anger on their local Jews with pogroms and persecutions. This is what the Israeli government is doing today. They are attacking the pioneering patriotic settlers. They are also trying to undermine the religious Jews via discriminatory budget cutbacks. They are failing to respond to the real threats around them and are persecuting different segments of their own population instead. When the Israeli government under Olmert showed its utter incompetence against a small Terrorist organization (Hezb'Allah) instead of resigning, they chose instead to attack those Jews who would have fought with heart and won! Hamas? Hezb'Allah? Iran? No. But, just watch them send black-uniformed assault troops to attack an isolated settler shack, trailer-home or tree-house. Attacking your own body shows a pathological sickness of self-hate that requires a thorough cleaning out of Olmert's failed collection of psychological losers so the Jewish nation may survive. Huck Finn or any other rebellious teenager, would have no chance against them. Emanuel Winston is a commentator and Middle East analyst. His articles appear often on Think-Israel and Gamla. He is a member of the Board of Directors and a research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies (http://www.freeman.org/online.htm). Contact him at gwinston@gwinstonglobal.org |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, November 3, 2008. |
N. KOREA SPURS PROLIFERATION "Israel said there were six Middle Eastern countries which had obtained the means [to] produce doomsday weapons and ballistic missiles covertly from North Korea while ignoring commitments as members of the NPT and other arms-control regimes." Meanwhile, the IAEA " ... adopted a resolution unanimously urging North Korea to reverse steps it has taken to revive its dormant atom bomb program." (IMRA, 10/4.) That'll show 'em! Surely N. Korea does not want to defy the 145-member UNO group, the IAEA! Otherwise, the IAEA will hit it with another resolution. These international organizations and arms-control regimes do more harm than good. One means of harm is pretending to improve international security. That keeps countries really interested in international security, such as the US, from acting unilaterally, which Democrats think sinful. The other countries, which pretend to be doing something about world problems, which only get worse, don't think well of the US for actually doing something about world problems. But they let rogue states have the majority vote or a veto. For some of the other countries, which the US would ask to join it so the action is not unilateral, the UNO and related agencies serve as an excuse to decline. Another means of harm is to set up their protocols and UNIFILs with major shortcomings and loopholes that anybody but naïve or treasonous Israeli officials could see must fail. Thus under cover of UNIFIL ceasefire and monitoring, Hizbullah has built itself into a major strategic threat to Israel. Thus, under cover of IAEA, several countries have become nuclear powers. Some of those countries were able to gain nuclear technology through IAEA! That is some shortcoming! India and Pakistan did not sign onto IAEA, which also means IAEA is insufficient. We've learned that Iran is assembling nuclear bombs, while some agencies still are estimating that it would take Iran years to develop them. N. Korea is helping other countries develop missiles for delivering the nuclear bombs. Think of Iran! But oh, no, we mustn't do anything about Iran, Democrats tell us. Let Obama talk with Iran. Well, Obama may charm us, but he wouldn't dent those fanatics. Unfortunately, criticis intimidated Pres. Bush into inaction. At least, he is waiting until Iran destroys Israel. Then he might pound Iran. But then it might be too late for him, if Iran uses some of those six bombs for Washington, DC.. "Let sanctions work,!" we've been hearing for a decade. The Muslims pay N. Korea. N. Korea doesn't worry about sanctions, its rulers eat well. ISRAELI LEFTIST HYPOCRISY ON TERRORISM When Muslims commit terrorism, the Israeli Left urges us to "understand" terrorism. They said force doesn't resolve terrorism, dialogue does. After terrorism against Muslims or leftists, then before the police have any clues, the Israeli Left condemns the terrorism and the whole Right. It believes in collective guilt. It urges force against this terrorism (Prof. Steven Plaut, 10/5). How the Right does this, in a country whose media defames the Right and whose schools teach a leftist point of view, is not explained. WHO REALLY IS THE AGGRESSOR? Arafat pretended to be interested in statehood and peace, but when Barak offered him almost all of the Territories, Arafat made war. PM Sharon removed the Jews from Gaza, so his Army wouldn't have to defend them there. Why would Jews in Gaza require a defense, when the Arabs in Israel don't? Because the Arabs are the aggressors. If Israel laid down its arms, how long would it be before the Muslims would invade it? Days? If the Muslims laid down their arms, would Israel invade? Of course not. It is clear that one side seeks the destruction of the others. "Israel has suffered many horrible terrorist attacks in restaurants, hotels, city buses, trains, beaches, streets, universities, school buses, highways, banks, grocery stores, private homes, kibbutzim, parks, caves and fields. And if, God forbid, these same attacks occurred in the United States, our military would respond with decisive force and alacrity." (Prof. Steven Plaut, 10/5.) But the US tells Israel not to. CHECKPOINT PAYS OFF The US also tells Israel to dismantle checkpoints. For a second time in two weeks, Israeli troops caught a P.A. Arab trying to smuggle bombs through a checkpoint (IMRA, 10/5). The US asserts that checkpoints impede free economic movement in the P.A.. When P.A. people and goods can move more freely, so do terrorists. That would make life untenable there for Israelis. I think that that is what the US really wants, to get the Jews out any way it can. No conscience in our State Dept. MEDIA REPORTS & NON-MEDIA REPORTS The major media report that settlers are attacking soldiers and Arabs. The minor media report that some Land Of Israel youth activists came to where the Army is building a security barrier, sang patriotic songs, and brought the troops refreshments. Arabs attacked the youths, whom the soldiers defended. The Army demolished a new neighborhood that Jews built near Kedumim. Arabs set a brush fire near Kedumim, endangering residents and troops. The major Israeli media reported that Jews had set fire to an Arab olive grove. Arabs stoned cars returning there from the Jewish holidays. There have been other stoning and arson attacks and a stabbing, in recent weeks (Arutz-7, 10/5). Actual Arab crime in Judea-Samaria is far greater than falsely alleged Jewish crime. It also is more serious, involving murder and arson and crop destruction (IMRA, 10/5). Allegations of crop destruction against Jews usually are false or the crops were planted on Jews' land by Arabs seeking to usurp the land. ITALY'S COMPLICITY WITH PLO TERRORISM An Italian government had made a pact with the PLO, letting it operate in Italy if it wouldn't attack Italian targets. PM Cossiga knew that a PLO bomb went off in a train station, but claimed it was an accident. He blamed the Right for it. The PLO deliberately attacked Jews in Italy. In one or two instances, the government collaborated with the attackers. A few hours before the PLO attacked Jews at a Roman synagogue, Italian police removed their guards from it. The PLO murdered people at the El Al ticket counter in Rome. "Cossiga explained to Yediot, 'No Italian targets were hit. They attacked the Israeli airline at the airport. The murdered were all Israelis, Jews, and Americans." Murdering them did not end the pact. After the PLO hijacked an Italian ship and murdered an American Jewish passenger, the US forced the getaway plane to land in Italy. Italy refused to turn the fugitives over to the US. Italy claimed to be defying US bullying. [And it's the Europeans who don't like us?] "As Cossiga explained, 'Since the Arabs were capable of harming Italy more than the Americans, Italy surrendered to them.'" UNIFIL troops, under Italian command, are supposed to keep Hizbullah from arming. Cossiga claims that Italy extended its deal to Hizbullah, so neither party bothers the other. [Livni should have foreseen that.] PM Berlusconi is not likely to investigate, because to Italian Jews, he refers to Israel as "your government," as if they are not Italian. Caroline Glick goes on to show that Western policy is antisemitic (IMRA, 10/5). Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at richardshulman5@aol.com |
Posted by Jared Israel, November 3, 2008. |
Two former leaders of the Weatherman faction that sabotaged Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in 1969, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, who lived for a decade supposedly hiding from the Feds while claiming credit for the occasional bombing and/or armed robbery, and who are now exhumed in our post-modern world as socially prominent professors, have become an issue in the U.S. election. This due to the accusation that Ayers and Dorhn are linked to Barack Obama. The Republicans' accusation has been made from the far Right perspective that Obama's alleged links to Weathermen, whom the Republicans say are representative of the radical student movement of the '60s, show he is a hidden socialist. This is all quite misleading. To see why, we need to answer the question: who were the Weathermen? That done, we can examine what Obama and McCain are saying and not saying. Starting with Obama's defense, we will see that it incriminates him in ways not raised by McCain. And then turning to McCain, we will see that the Republican attacks on Obama's connections with the Weatherman are not only completely misleading, but hypocritical. Snobs with a License I have an unusual perspective on Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. You see, I know them. Not as friends. Quite the contrary. In the late 1960s, I was co-leader of the Worker-Student Alliance (WSA) caucus, the force within Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) that opposed the Dohrn/Ayers/Mike Klonsky alliance of Weathermen and the like-minded. The struggle within SDS was complex. Put briefly, the bone of contention was how SDS, which had become a mass-based student organization first because of the civil rights movement and then especially by organizing student opposition to the Vietnam war, should view the American people working people. Worker Student Alliance (WSA) caucus members argued that working people white and non-white were the key force for social change, that students should be won to a pro-working class attitude, and that in our campus struggles, for example as related to the Vietnam war, we should fight for that attitude. (E.g., many people argued that the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) should not be allowed to recruit and meet on campus because ROTC polluted the University as a Temple of Knowledge, and so on. We argued that this argument reflected a contemptuous elitism, implied a (non-existent) superiority towards the students who joined ROTC, and moreover misdescribed the university, which was an institution reflecting the nature of society, not some superior, ivory tower. We said ROTC should be banned from campus because it lured students, especially poorer students, into becoming officers in an unjust war. We said that, instead, these students should be given scholarships and decent jobs.) While we believed white people could overcome racism in common struggle with non-white people, over shared problems, the Weathermen viewed white American working people as being the problem. The Weathermen hid their ideology of contempt behind rhetoric about what they, oblivious to the irony, called "white skin privilege." I say "oblivious to the irony" because the Weathermen and their allies disproportionately came from upper class backgrounds. In any case, whatever their backgrounds, their ideology was a trendy adaptation of the contempt for supposedly 'crude' working people they had absorbed during their upbringings. They were snobs with a license. Self-scrutiny? Please. Self-indulgence and self-glorification were their watchwords, as they demonstrated. Today, it is distressing to see on the internet young people looking up to Ayers and Dohrn as heroes of the student movement of the '60s. It means that the Weathermen's terribly harmful effects are being recycled. In fact, the Weathermen were heroes only in their own minds. By the time the Weatherman faction crystallized as such in 1969, its members had precious little connection to campus campaigns against the war and racism. (Some, like Bernardine Dohrn never had.) The Republican Right calls the Weathermen Marxists and says everyone in SDS was a Marxist. This is wrong on both counts: 1) Many and possibly most of the rank and file people in SDS were liberals and even conservatives, angry about the war and racism. The Weatherman ideology was a mush of de Sade, Marcuse, Timothy Leary, Frantz Fanon (from whom they got deification of third world leaders and a tragically wrong-minded notion of the cleansing virtue of violence) and the PLO. (This at a time when the American Left, broadly defined, was not enamored of the PLO.) The Weathermen were into self-righteous, false-revolutionary posturing, extreme anti-Americanism, glorification of any demagogue who happened to be non-white, and grotesque self-indulgence. (They boasted that they all slept with each other all the time, but how they had enough brain cells left to remember doing so is a mystery since they routinely smoked anything that would burn and couldn't escape.) To see how little Weatherman 'thinking' had (and has) in common with Karl Marx, check out the articles Marx wrote during the U.S. Civil War. [1] The internal struggle in SDS came to a head at the June 1969 convention in Chicago. That convention opened with a debate between me, as a leader of WSA, and Mike Klonsky, an ally of the Weathermen and one of three elected SDS national officers. (The others were Bernardine Dohrn, the Weatherman chief who is now Bill Ayers' wife, and Fred Gordon, from WSA.) Klonsky attempted a sucker punch from the Super-Duper Left (that was Klonsky's pose he should have had a cape), reading a purported letter from Anna Louise Strong, an American living in China, purportedly conveying a message from no less than Mao Tse Tung, stating that those opposing the Weathermen et al. were counter-revolutionary, or words to that effect. In brief, I replied that I didn't know whether or not the letter was authentic, and if it wasn't, then shame on Mike Klonsky. However, I said, the letter might be authentic. If so, Mao was trying to dictate policy to the American student movement, which was struggling to work through very complicated problems about which he knew not a thing, and in which arguments he had no business interfering anyway, and if this was the case, then shame on Mao Tse Tung. This was received with tumultuous applause from the majority of delegates, including many who did not belong to any faction. They were much relieved to hear somebody challenge Klonsky's demagogic appeal to a new conformity. That opening debate was a disturbing omen for Dohrn and Ayers and Klonsky et al. As the convention progressed, the WSA delegates serious-minded people, who had joined SDS based on participation in various campaigns on campus and the appeal of good thinking these WSA delegates, who were experienced and thoughtful, were having productive discussions with other delegates who weren't in any faction about the politics and tactics of campus struggles, which the WSA people, unlike the Weathermen and the Klonsky-bots, actually knew something about. Seeing they could not defeat WSA politically, the Weathermen and friends tried various disruptive tactics, and finally instituted a plan to destroy SDS, with Bernadine Dohrn taking the floor and announcing to a stunned majority that those who opposed the Weathermen were henceforth and forever expelled poof! and then, in mercifully oblivious self-contradiction, leading a walkout of some hundreds of delegates i.e., a minority while the majority chanted "Shame!" I initiated that chant. In retrospect, I was mistaken. The Weathermen had no shame. Dohrn of the Living Dead Following their walkout, the Weathermen formed their own SDS, competing with the legitimately constituted organization "legitimately" because, after all, it was the Weathermen who had walked out. Now there were two national SDSs, each with its own version of the SDS newsletter, New Left Notes. With no WSAers present to scold them with talk about elitist attitudes and winning students to pro-working class ideas in the context of on-campus struggle against war and racism and in support of working people, Weatherman was free to express its essence. Which it did. For example, the Weathermen adopted as their hero one Marion Delgado, who they claimed was a Mexican-American child that put a slab of concrete on some railroad tracks, derailing a train and killing many people. I don't know if this tragedy in fact occurred, but that's what the Weathermen wrote in their version of New Left Notes. And they adopted as their slogan "Marion Delgado Live Like Him!" So, a) Weatherman advocated emulating a murderously disturbed child. And b) in specifically choosing a murderously disturbed Chicano child, and presenting him as the poster-child of their "revolutionary struggle," in what they called "the belly of the beast," they revealed the profound depth of racism that underlay their phony fight against "white skin privilege." Yeah, they wanted to serve third world people. On a plate. In the same way, their pose of adulation for manifestly corrupt and/or demagogic and/or undignified non-white leaders exactly the kind of leaders nobody would wish on anybody they respected was and is the flip side of the standard racist attitude, that it is natural for non-white people to have such leaders. The media ate it up and spewed it out. Weatherman, made large by media coverage, larger than death, had two terrible effects: 1) For many people, the widespread publicity about the Weathermen's ideas and actions discredited the very possibility of decent-minded social change, pushing people to the hard Right and greatly reinforcing racist attitudes. Big surprise there. The Weathermen are once again in the spotlight, and they are once again having a terrible effect. I will try to counter this effect in the context of refuting what Obama is saying about the Weathermen, and what the Republicans are saying as well. First I will deal with the web page where Democratic candidate Barack Obama answers the charge that he is close to Weatherman leader Bill Ayers. I will show that, in answering this charge, Obama spends most of the page falsifying the record in order to prettify Bill Ayers and his Weathermen, thus indicting himself far more harshly than his opponent John McCain does. And he lies a tricky lie, which makes one wonder about his past. After that, I will take on the Republican side, raising the question: if Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers are, as Republican nominee McCain says, monsters, then why are they unpunished monsters? Ayers and Dohrn came out in the open on December 3, 1980, a month after Ronald Reagan won the presidential election. Why didn't the Reagan Justice Department prosecute them on numerous possible (and extreme) felony charges, such as second degree murder? Why didn't Bush Sr. or Bush Jr.? I will show that the explanations (plural, and contradictory!) that the media has put forward for why the government failed to prosecute Ayers and Dohrn are not credible. The failure to prosecute Ayers and Dohrn, who have publicly confessed to committing murder, at least in the second degree, and other Federal and State crimes that have no statutes of limitations, and who have not confessed to, but are convincingly linked to, at least four murders in the first degree this failure supports the charge many people made in 1969: that key Weatherman leaders were (and still are) agents provocateurs with the assignment of destroying the very possibility of a decent Left in this country, associating the notion of social change with gangsterism and corruption. I will start my analysis with Mr. Barack Obama's defense of Mr. William Ayers. A Defense that Backfires During the Obama-Clinton Democratic primary contest, a debate moderator raised the issue of Obama's relationship with Ayers. In response, Obama's campaign website put up a special page, 40% of which is devoted to quoting various sources rejecting the notion that Obama's ties to Ayers are of any importance, and 60% of which is devoted to defending Weatherman Ayers. At the outset one might ask: why would Obama, who is known for brutally divesting himself of liabilities (e.g., when mentor Rev. Wright became a liability, Obama devoted one full hour to attacking him on TV), and for whom Ayers was and is certainly a liability, create a web page devoted to defending the reputation of Bill Ayers? Relying on misleading documentation, deception and outright lies, the Obama page depicts Ayers, and through him the Weathermen, as honest idealists, who in the very distant past engaged in "violent actions," but who have now turned into model social reformers. In this way, Obama, who is generally expected to become the next U.S. president, rehabilitates the Weathermen, thus giving a poison gift to the people of the world and attacking himself more harshly than McCain does. Obama's web page on Bill Ayers is 1200 words long. As noted above, less than 40% is devoted to downplaying the significance of Obama's relationship to Ayers. I will ignore almost all of this self-defense, since I am not in a position to judge the significance of Ayers sitting on the same boards as Obama, and the like. I will discuss only what I am in a position to evaluate: Obama's much-repeated argument that he was 8-years old when the Weathermen were active, and his arguments, taking up just over 60% of the page, defending Ayers, which I will refute point by point. It is stunning that the McCain campaign has not produced a detailed refutation of this web page. This failure, and the message delivered by Gen. Colin Powell, essentially ordering McCain to lay off Ayers, [2] suggest two things: 1) Obama is the candidate of the U.S. Establishment and 2) the rehabilitated Weathermen are slated to be used as role models for the Left, such as it is, worldwide. We are in a mess, my friends. And Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers helped get us there. Continued in Part 2 of this series: "Obama Sugarcoats the Weathermen" Footnotes and Further Reading [1] See the articles published in 1861-1862 in the New York Daily Tribune and Die Presse (Vienna), as collected in Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, The Civil War in the United States, Richard Enmale ed., New York, International Publishers, 1937. For example, see Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, "The North American
Civil War," Die Presse (Vienna), October 25, 1861, English
translation in op. cit., pp. 57-61, posted at
[2] On October 19, 2008 Gen. Powell endorsed Obama, pointedly telling McCain to stop talking about Bill Ayers: "And I've also been disappointed, frankly, by some of the approaches that Senator McCain has taken recently, or his campaign ads, on issues that are not really central to the problems that the American people are worried about. This Bill Ayers situation that's been going on for weeks became something of a central point of the campaign. But Mr. McCain says that he's a washed-out terrorist. Well, then, why do we keep talking about him?" The transcript of Powell's endorsement of Obama is posted at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27266223/ The transcript is backed up at http://www.tenc.net/a/arch/powell-msnbc.htm Jared Israel blogs at The Emperor's New Clothes (TENC) at www.tenc.net. To join, send a blank email to: join-emperorsclothes@pr2.netatlantic.com The additional parts of this series will be posted on the Emperor's New Clothes website. |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, November 2, 2008. |
This was written by Gavriel Horan and appeared on the www.Aish.com website. |
Defying the Samurai code of honor, Chiune Sugihara risked everything to save Jewish lives. When Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, Polish Jewry was trapped between two beasts, the Nazis to the West and the Communists to the East. On one side was certain death, on the other was spiritual destruction. There was nowhere to turn. As darkness set upon the European continent, the sun began to dawn in a far away land, where no one ever would have expected Japan, the land of the rising sun. Polish and Lithuanian Jews sought to escape across the barren Soviet wasteland to the Far East. Underneath the Nazis' very nose, thousands of Jews took refuge in Japan, amongst the Nazis' own allies. How did they make it through the iron curtain to safety? As many as 10,000 Jews owe their salvation to the actions of one man and his wife, who defied everything but their own morals to save lives. Rebel with a Cause Chiune Sugihara was born on January 1, 1900, in Yaotsu, a rural area in Japan, into a middle class samurai family. Although the samurai clans put great emphasis on honor and tradition, Chiune was a rebel for most of his life. Instead of following in his father's footsteps and becoming a doctor, he deliberately failed the medical school entrance examination and instead pursued a degree in English literature with a hope to someday travel abroad. The Japanese Foreign Ministry eventually recruited him to serve as Foreign Minister in Manchuria in 1918 where he met with great success. While in Manchuria, Chiune became fluent in Russian and German and ended up converting to Orthodox Christianity. Despite his success, Chiune quit his post in Manchuria in protest over Japanese mistreatment of Chinese locals. In 1935, he returned to Japan, where he married Yukiko Kikuchi and together they had four sons. In 1939, he became a vice-consul of the Japanese Consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania. When Russia took over Lithuania in 1940, annexing it to the Soviet Union, thousands of Jewish refugees attempted to obtain exit visas to escape the iron grip of Communism; they knew full well that if they remained behind, they would either be forced to give up their Torah lifestyle or be shipped off to the dreaded Siberia. Furthermore, everyone knew that it was just a matter of time before Hitler broke his pact with Stalin and began his conquest of the Soviet Union. The refugees included several of the most prestigious yeshivas of Europe as well as many of the leading Rabbis of the time. Leaving the Soviet grasp was not easy. The Soviets would only issue an exit visa to people possessing an entrance visa to a foreign country however it was almost impossible to find a foreign consulate who would grant such a visa. It was now Chiune Sugihara's moment to enter the stage. Saving Lives Every Moment Despite the refusal of the Japanese government in Tokyo to grant visas to anyone lacking the proper funds, Sugihara chose to defy official orders. From July 31 to August 28, 1940, Sugihara began to grant visas on his own initiative. During this time, he would spend 18 hours a day hand writing over 300 visas daily, more than one month's regular quota. He refused to take breaks to eat, knowing that every moment was a chance to save another life. At the end of each day, his wife recalled massaging his swollen hands. He promised the crowds of refugees gathered outside the walls of the consulate that he would not abandon them. He would keep writing until every single person had a visa. "It is the kind of sentiments anyone would have when he actually sees refugees face to face, begging with tears in their eyes," he said. "He cannot just help but sympathize with them. Among the refugees were the elderly and women. They were so desperate that they went so far as to kiss my shoes, Yes, I actually witnessed such scenes with my own eyes."(Levine, Hillel. [1996]. In Search of Sugihara: The Elusive Japanese Diplomat Who Risked His Life to Rescue 10,000 Jews from the Holocaust, p259). Sugihara continued to issue visas until he was forced to leave his post on September 4 when his consulate was dissolved due to the impending Nazi invasion. He continued to write visas while in transit, throwing them into the crowd of desperate refugees while he boarded his train. When the train began to depart from the station, he allegedly threw his visa stamp into the crowd, enabling the Jews to continue to write their own visas. If he was humanly capable of doing more he would have. He was forced to leave so many behind, and it broke his heart that he was unable to save more. From Obscurity to Honor Between 6000-10,000 Jews were rescued by his heroic efforts, second only in numbers to the Jews saved by Swedish diplomat, Raoul Wallenberg. Many of the refugees made it safely to Japan with no intention of continuing to another destination. Some 20,000 Jews survived the war in the Shanghai ghetto despite German pressure for the Japanese government to liquidate the Jewish refugees. In a legendary meeting between the Amshinover Rebbe and several Japanese generals, the question was posed as to why the German's hated the Jews so much. Without missing a beat the Amshinover Rebbe responded, "Because we are not Aryan like them, we are Asians." In 1945, the Japanese government unceremoniously dismissed Sugihara from his diplomatic service and to this day they deny that it was related to his behavior in Lithuania. From then on, he lived a low key existence for the rest of his life, working hard to make a living to support his family. He lived a quiet, humble life, and his story remained virtually unknown. He felt no need to talk about his accomplishments because he saw nothing extraordinary about them. In 1968, Sugihara was discovered by one of his beneficiaries, a diplomat to the Israeli Embassy in Tokyo. He was granted the honor of Righteous among the Nations by the State of Israel in 1985. He passed away one year later and only when a large delegation of Jews from around the world appeared at his funeral, did his story become known to the Japanese people. When asked about his motivations, Sugihara replied by quoting an old samurai saying, Even a hunter cannot kill a bird which flies to him for refuge. "I may have to disobey my government, but if I don't I would be disobeying God," he said. "There is nothing wrong in saving many people's lives... The spirit of humanity, philanthropy... neighborly friendship...with this spirit, I ventured to do what I did, confronting this most difficult situation and because of this reason, I went ahead with redoubled courage." (Levine, ibid) Visas for Life Chiune Sugihara's widow, Yukiko, passed away last month at 94. In her book, "Visas for Life," Yukiko describes her own feelings as she watched the crowds of Jews waiting outside the Japanese consulate in Lithuania: "We saw a little child standing behind his mother hiding himself in his mother's coat, and a girl with an expression of hunger and terror which made her look like an adult and some others crouching in fatigue." She had just given birth to her third child and recalled thinking that if those mothers loved their children as much as she loved hers, she must try to help them. She stood firmly behind her husband and was the driving force to keep him going despite all odds. "The Jews who passed through Kaunas still treasure the visas which my husband issued," she said. "They didn't forget what they shouted when we were leaving Kaunas station. 'We will never forget you. We will see you again.' I've heard that, as a people, the Jews never forget a promise." Today, over half a century and two generations later, there are over 40,000 people who owe their lives to Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara. We will never forget. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il This article can also be read at: http://www.aish.com/holocaust/people/Stamped_for_Life.asp Like what you read? As a non-profit organization, Aish.com relies on readers like you to enable us to provide meaningful and relevant articles. Join Aish.com and help us continue to give daily inspiration to people like you around the world. Make a secure donation at: http://www.aish.com/membership or mail a check to Aish.com, 400 South Lake Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701 |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, November 2, 2008. |
This is by Cinnamon Stillwell and it appeared today in The
American Thinker. View the original at
Cinnamon Stillwell is the West Coast Representative for Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum. She can be reached at stillwell@meforum.org. |
When voters go to the polls on November 4th, they will choose not only a new presidential administration, but also the candidate's circles of influence. In the case of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, this includes Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said professor of Arab studies and director of the Middle East Institute of Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. Much of the scrutiny surrounding Obama's long list of objectionable and radical alliances has focused on Khalidi, and with good reason. Despite Khalidi's claims to the contrary, facts indicate that he was a spokesman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) during the late 1970s and early 1980s, when it was listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department. (Khalidi's wife Mona also worked for the PLO's press agency, Wikalat al-Anba al-Filastinija, or WAFA, during that time and like her husband, is now at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs). Asaf Romirowsky and Jonathan Calt Harris, writing for Campus Watch in 2004, point to a June 9, 1982, Thomas L. Friedman column in the New York Times describing Khalidi as "a director of the Palestinian press agency." The salient section of the Friedman column can be viewed at Middle East studies scholar Martin Kramer's Sandbox weblog, along with information on Khalidi's involvement in the 1991 Madrid peace talks. According to Kramer, Khalidi "belonged to a six-person advisory panel which came to Madrid precisely to serve as a conduit between the official delegation and the PLO." Citing an October 23, 1991, New York Times article listing Khalidi as a member of this panel, Kramer notes that "the Israeli government was not all pleased with this addition." Finally, Kramer points to a February 19, 1978, New York Times article in which Khalidi is described as "an American-educated Palestinian who teaches political science at the American University of Beirut and also works for the P.L.O." It's unlikely that, as Khalidi contends, these were all errors of attribution. Khalidi certainly seems comfortable with the type of anti-Israel, anti-American propaganda the PLO and its allies peddle. In a January 27, 2003, article titled, "Attack Iraq?" in In These Times, he wrote the following: ...this war will be fought because these neoconservatives desire to make the Middle East safe not for democracy, but for Israeli hegemony. They are convinced that the Middle East is irremediably hostile to both the United States and Israel; and they firmly hold the racist view that Middle Easterners understand only force. For these American Likudniks and their Israeli counterparts, sad to say, the tragedy of September 11 was a godsend: It enabled them to draft the United States to help fight Israel's enemies. Such rhetoric hardly inspires confidence in Khalidi's teaching abilities, but his academic career has not suffered for it. Before his current position at Columbia, Khalidi taught political studies at the American University of Beirut in the 1970s and 1980s and then went on to become a professor at the University of Chicago from 1987 to 2003. It was there that Khalidi befriended Obama and launched a series of mutually beneficial dealings. The Arab American Action Network (AAAN), a Chicago nonprofit with decidedly anti-Israel leanings that was founded by Rashid and Mona Khalidi, sponsored a fundraiser for Obama's unsuccessful congressional bid in 2000. In turn, the Woods Fund, a nonprofit whose board included both Obama and Weatherman-terrorist-turned-education-professor Bill Ayers, provided grants totaling $75,000 to AAAN over 2001-2002. At a farewell bash thrown by AAAN to celebrate Khalidi's move to Columbia University in 2003, Obama, then an Illinois state senator, was one of his most vocal supporters. During Obama's speech, he recalled his many dinners at the Khalidi home, the "conversations that had challenged his thinking," and his hope "that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation." Nonetheless, Obama has tried to downplay his relationship with Khalidi. But the facts speak for themselves: Khalidi and Obama have far more than just a passing acquaintance. Khalidi's cousin, Tarif Khalidi, a professor of Arabic and Islamic studies at the American University of Beirut, put it plainly: "Obama was a very good friend of Rashid." The alliance between Obama and Khalidi makes perfect sense if seen in light of Obama's education at Columbia University during the 1980s. Although Obama refuses to release any information from that period, we know that he studied under the late Columbia professor and post-colonialist icon Edward Said. A 1998 photo of the Obamas and the Saids dining together at an event for the local Arab-American community at which Said gave the keynote address, suggests a continuing relationship. Not coincidentally, Khalidi was an intellectual follower of Said and now holds the chair at Columbia named for him. It's hard to imagine that Obama emerged from this triangular association without being influenced ideologically by these radical mentors. Despite pandering to pro-Israel and pro-American sentiment-depending on the audience-Obama's tutelage under Middle East studies professors who view America and Israel as imperialist powers responsible for virtually every shortcoming and failure in the Muslim world, including radical Islam, demonstrates quite the opposite. It doesn't take a leap of imagination to deduce that Obama's foreign policies would do the same. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Yid With Lid, November 2, 2008. |
![]() Islam considers women to be Dirty Creatures, who must be dominated by man. This isn't my opinion but this is what is described in the Faith's own writings: In the laws of Allah, a women is worth half a man. Women are dirty, vile, evil creatures that must be kept hidden. Following are few examples of example demonstrating woman's horrible status and treatment in Islam's own writings: The Quran: Sura (2:222) "They ask thee concerning women's courses. Say: They are a hurt and a pollution: So keep away from women in their courses, and do not approach them until they are clean." Sura 4:43 "Muslims, draw not near unto prayer ... (if) ye have touched women ... then go to high clean soil and rub your face and your hands." (Muslim women are pariahs and dirty)." Sura (5:6) "...if ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it." Maybe that's what makes it so easy for them to bury a 13 year old girl up to her neck but a black hood over her head and stone her to death. Her Crime, she was raped. Read the report below: Child of 13 stoned to death in Somalia 31 October 2008 A girl stoned to death in Somalia this week was 13 years old, not 23, contrary to earlier news reports. She had been accused of adultery in breach of Islamic law. Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was killed on Monday 27 October, by a group of 50 men in a stadium in the southern port of Kismayu, in front of around 1,000 spectators. Somali journalists who had reported she was 23 have told Amnesty International that they judged her age by her physical appearance. Inside the stadium, militia members opened fire when some of the witnesses to the killing attempted to save her life, and shot dead a boy who was a bystander. An al-Shabab spokeperson was later reported to have apologized for the death of the child, and said the militia member would be punished. At one point during the stoning, Amnesty International has been told by numerous eyewitnesses that nurses were instructed to check whether Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was still alive when buried in the ground. They removed her from the ground, declared that she was, and she was replaced in the hole where she had been buried for the stoning to continue. Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was accused of adultery, but sources told Amnesty International that she had in fact been raped by three men, and had attempted to report this rape to the al-Shabab militia who control Kismayo. It was this act that resulted in her being accused of adultery and detained. None of men she accused of rape were arrested. She was detained by militia of the Kismayo authorities, a coalition of Al-shabab and clan militias. During this time, she was reportedly extremely distressed, with some individuals stating she had become mentally unstable. Amnesty International has campaigned to end the use of the punishment of stoning, calling it gruesome and horrific. This killing of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow demonstrates the cruelty and the inherent discrimination against women of this punishment.
Contact Yid With Lid at yidwithlid@aol.com
Posted by Ali Sina, November 2, 2008. |
I must confess I was not impressed by Sen. Barack Obama from the first time I saw him. At first I was excited to see a black candidate. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident a wholesome presidential package. I was put off soon, not just because of his shallowness but also because there was an air of haughtiness in his demeanor that was unsettling. His posture and his body language were louder than his empty words. Obama's speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history. Never a politician in this land had such a quasi "religious" impact on so many people. The fact that Obama is a total incognito with zero accomplishment, makes this inexplicable infatuation alarming. Obama is not an ordinary man. He is not a genius. In fact he is quite ignorant on most important subjects. Barack Obama is a narcissist. Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of the Malignant Self Love, also believes, "Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist." Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism. He understands narcissism and describes the inner mind of a narcissist like no other person. When he talks about narcissism everyone listens. Vaknin says that Obama's language, posture and demeanor, and the testimonies of his closest, dearest and nearest suggest that the Senator is either a narcissist or he may have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Narcissists project a grandiose but false image of themselves. Jim Jones, the charismatic leader of People's Temple, the man who led over 900 of his followers to cheerfully commit mass suicide and even murder their own children was also a narcissist. David Koresh, Charles Manson, Joseph Koni, Shoko Asahara, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, Kim Jong Ill and Adolph Hitler are a few examples of narcissists of our time. All these men had a tremendous influence over their fanciers. They created a personality cult around themselves and with their blazing speeches elevated their admirers' souls, filled their hearts with enthusiasm and instilled in their minds a new zest for life. They gave them hope! They promised them the moon, but alas, invariably they brought them to their doom. When you are a victim of a cult of personality, you don't know it until it is too late. One determining factor in the development of NPD is childhood abuse. "Obama's early life was decidedly chaotic and replete with traumatic and mentally bruising dislocations," says Vaknin. "Mixed-race marriages were even less common then. His parents went through a divorce when he was an infant (two years old). Obama saw his father only once again, before he died in a car accident. Then, his mother re-married and Obama had to relocate to Indonesia : a foreign land with a radically foreign culture, to be raised by a step-father. At the age of ten, he was whisked off to live with his maternal (white) grandparents. He saw his mother only intermittently in the following few years and then she vanished from his life in 1979. She died of cancer in 1995." One must never underestimate the manipulative genius of pathological narcissists. They project such an imposing personality that it overwhelms those around them. Charmed by the charisma of the narcissist, people become like clay in his hands. They cheerfully do his bidding and delight to be at his service. The narcissist shapes the world around himself and reduces others in his own inverted image. He creates a cult of personality. His admirers become his co-dependents. Narcissists have no interest in things that do not help them to reach their personal objective. They are focused on one thing alone and that is power. All other issues are meaningless to them and they do not want to waste their precious time on trivialities. Anything that does not help them is beneath them and do not deserve their attention. If an issue raised in the Senate does not help Obama in one way or another, he has no interest in it. The "present" vote is a safe vote. No one can criticize him if things go wrong. Why should he implicate himself in issues that may become controversial when they don't help him personally? Those issues are unworthy by their very nature because they are not about him. Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations. The University of Chicago Law School provided him with a fellowship and an office to work on his book. The book took him a lot longer than expected and at the end it devolved into guess what? His own autobiography! Instead of writing a scholarly paper focusing on race relations, for which, he had been paid, Obama could not resist writing about his most sublime self. He entitled the book Dreams from My Father. Not surprisingly, Adolph Hitler also wrote his own autobiography when he was still nobody. So did Stalin. For a narcissist no subject is as important as his own self. Why would he waste his precious time and genius writing about insignificant things when he can write about such an august being as himself? Narcissists are often callous and even ruthless. As the norm, they lack conscience. This is evident from Obama's lack of interest in his own brother who lives on only one dollar per month. A man who lives in luxury, who takes a private jet to vacation in Hawaii, and who has raised nearly half a billion dollars for his campaign (something unprecedented in history) has no interest in the plight of his own brother. Why? Because, his brother cannot be used for his ascent to power. A narcissist cares for no one but himself. This election is like no other in the history of America. The issues are insignificant compared to what is at stake. What can be more dangerous than having a man bereft of conscience, a serial liar, and one who cannot distinguish his fantasies from reality as the leader of the free world? I hate to sound alarmist, but one must be a fool if one is not alarmed. Many politicians are narcissists. They pose no threat to others.. They are simply self serving and selfish. Obama evinces symptoms of pathological narcissism, which is different from the run-of-the-mill narcissism of a Richard Nixon or a Bill Clinton, for example. To him reality and fantasy are intertwined. This is a mental health issue, not just a character flaw. Pathological narcissists are dangerous because they look normal and even intelligent. It is this disguise that makes them treacherous. Today the Democrats have placed all their hopes in Obama. But this man could put an end to their party. The great majority of blacks have also decided to vote for Obama. Only a fool does not know that their support for him is racially driven. Let us call a spade a spade. This is racism, pure and simple. The truth is that while everyone carries a misconceived collective guilt towards the blacks for wrongs done centuries ago by a bygone people to a bygone people, the blacks carry a collective rancor, enmity or vendetta towards non-blacks and to this day want to "stand up" to the white man.. They seem to be stuck in 19th century. The downside of this is that if Obama turns out to be the disaster I predict, he will cause widespread resentment among the whites. The blacks are unlikely to give up their support of their man. Cultic mentality is pernicious and unrelenting. They will dig their heads deeper in the sand and blame Obama's detractors of racism. This will cause a backlash among the whites. The white supremacists will take advantage of the discontent and they will receive widespread support. I predict that in less than four years, racial tensions will increase to levels never seen since the turbulent 1960s. Obama will set the clock back decades ... America is the bastion of freedom. The peace of the world depends on the strength of America, and its weakness translates into the triumph of terrorism and victory of rogue nations. It is no wonder that Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, the Castrists, the Hezbollah, the Hamas, the lawyers of the Guantanamo terrorists and virtually all sworn enemies of America are so thrilled by the prospect of their man in the White House. America is on the verge of destruction. There is no insanity greater than electing a pathological narcissist as president. Go to Ali Sina' blogsite at http://www.faithfreedom.org/Author/Sina.htm |
Posted by Aukina Dokter, November 2, 2008. |
Federman House Being Rebuilt [For Background, see David Wilder's article in the October Blog-Ed page.] The Kiryat Arba municipality made an official decision to rebuild the farm destroyed last week by Special Yassam government forces, and hundreds have answered the call. It was decided not to allow the destroyed site to remain desolate of Jews, to rebuild it with city equipment, and to call upon Jews from all over to join the rebuilding efforts. Yehudit Katzover, one of the hundreds who are helping to rebuild the farm stated, "We refuse to remain silent in light of the pattern that is becoming clear here They wish to destroy and choke us off so that they can hand over the area for a Palestinian [sic] state.... We will not allow this to happen." Shmuel Ramati brother of Elisheva Federman, whose house was destroyed, pointed out "Let's not forget that all this is happening while the government cannot even get itself to destroy the home of the bulldozer terrorist murderer in Jerusalem!" Shortly after Ramati's remarks, a large group of people from the eastern Gush Etzion town of Ma'aleh Rehavam arrived on the scene to take part in the rebuilding effort. The Women in Green organization have begun collecting funds to help in the rebuilding effort. The details for sending funds are given below. Because this bank account is for different causes, you MUST add a note that the money is meant for the FEDERMAN-TOR families. Name of Bank Account: Amutat Siyua
Be sure to watch the following video, in which Elisheva Federman
describes, in English, the destruction of the Federman-Tor houses and
farm in Kiryat-Arba:
Contact Aukina Dokter at adokter@012.net.il |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, November 2, 2008. |
How exhausting it is the constant banter about McCain vs. Obama. What I have found particularly draining is my experience with pro-Obama people who simply don't/won't engage on the issues, so enchanted with their new "Hope" are they. I'm finding a saddening tendency to brush off every critique as not important, as well as an incredible amount of rationalization. And so, for the most part, I've had my say with one last mention of an article below. Then, it will fall as it falls. What I've been pondering is how Obama supporters are going to feel if Obama does win when things don't play out as expected: when there is not more hope in the country, but more fear, when divisions have increased rather than being reduced, and when our enemies are emboldened. ~~~~~~~~~~ Last week I cited from a major Jerusalem Post magazine article on Jews who knew Obama in Chicago. This past Friday there was a similar article about McCain and Jews in Arizona in the same magazine. A few short mentions are in order here. One of McCain's earliest supporters was Sid Rosen, a Democratic political activist who came to hear McCain at the Phoenix Kiwanis Club 28 years ago, before he held office. Rosen ended up telling him he would support him in any election. Among other things in McCain's favor, said Rosen, was that "He'd laid out the most incredible pro-Israel analysis I'd ever heard." And, points out Rosen, there were exactly two Jews in this Kiwanis chapter, so this was not a statement intended to garner support, but one of conviction. Morris Amitay, who served as AIPAC's executive director, says that McCain is 'instinctively pro-Israel." Farley Weiss, Phoenix lawyer agrees, recalling McCain's willingness to stand against his own party, criticizing President George H.W. Bush, who made disparaging remarks about Israel. Michael Bell, also of Phoenix, says he'll be voting Republican for just the second time in his life this week, primarily because of McCain's foreign policy and defense positions. And.."he's a proven commodity with Israel." George Weisz, a personal friend of McCain's, says he thinks McCain's affinity for Israel is connected to his own experience as a POW. He recalls McCain, after visits to Israel, talking about the "tenacity" of the population, "which shares the passion he has for freedom," and a bravery in the face of constant aggression. ~~~~~~~~~~ Criticism centers on McCain's quick temper and his conservative stance on domestic issues. But not a whisper of a suggestion that McCain has shifted positions to garner votes. Not so much as a hint about a McCain propensity to befriend radical Muslims or the possibility that he would be soft on terrorism. So, you take it as you see it. For me, the differences are glaring. ~~~~~~~~~~ I will be following the political events in Israel over the next three months, but with a cautionary word: Things change so rapidly that what happens today may have no import later. What seems to be the case now according to a recent poll Jerusalem Post poll is that the next government of Israel will be right wing. While Kadima and Likud are in a dead heat, the right wing bloc as a whole counting as right wing Likud, Shas, Israel Beiteinu, the National Union-National Religious Party and United Torah Judaism would pull down 64 seats compared to the left wing bloc Labor, Kadima, Meretz and the Arab parties would garner only 56. This would mean that Netanyahu would be able to put together a coalition, while Livni would not. ~~~~~~~~~~ This is good news: It is being reported that Benny Begin is about to return to a life of politics. He has met with Netanyahu and will be re-joining Likud, giving it enhanced credibility. Begin, the son of Menachem Begin, has a sterling reputation for integrity and honesty. As Begin is also strongly right-wing, Netanyahu's embrace of him may be an indication of the way Likud will go. Begin first served as an MK with Likud in 1988, but pulled out of the party in protest after Netanyahu signed over Hevron to the PA in 1997. He then tried to revitalize the Herut party of his father, joining in alliance with National Union, but resigned from politics when he found this unsuccessful. He has been working as the director of the Geological Institute, and until now resisted all pleas for him to return to politics. Clearly he sees now as a time when his presence can make a difference. ~~~~~~~~~~ While things are coming together on the right, on the left they seem to be falling apart: Livni has been courting Mofaz, whose support she badly needs, but so far he is resisting her. There is talk of her finding a way to place him second on the Kadima list, but his supporters are suggesting he won't take it. Ehud Barak, of Labor, now says, after having signed a coalition agreement with Kadima, that Livni is "honest" but not fit to be the next prime minister. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ehud Olmert is apparently proceeding with negotiations with Syria, as it's being reported that he has signaled to Damascus that the Turkish-mediated talks can continue. MK Limor Livnat (Likud), on getting wind of this, protested to Attorney General Mazuz that Olmert should not be permitted to do this because he heads a transitional government. Mazuz has declined to intervene. This is in spite of Mazuz's earlier letter outlining the responsibilities of a transitional government, which should not be making decisions that bind the government that will succeed it. What this makes Mazuz is best left unsaid. Livnat will be appealing to the High Court. ~~~~~~~~~~ The negotiations with Syria, as well as being inappropriate from an internal political perspective, are perhaps best described as untimely and senseless. There has been every indication that Syria is strengthening its ties with Iran and has participated fully in the rearming of Hezbollah. What is more, the US has now taken on Syria for its open border to Iraq, through which terrorists move. This is a time to make nice with Syria? ~~~~~~~~~~ There's been considerable talk about a "national reconciliation" conference to bring together Hamas and Fatah, under the active sponsorship of Egypt. It has all been sweetness and light, with both sides declaring themselves pleased and on board. Until now, that is. Hamas has now stated that it is "seriously considering" a boycott of the conference, scheduled for the 9th of this month, because of a recent PA crackdown on Hamas people in Judea and Samaria. If Hamas boycotts, there is no conference. That these tensions, which are endemic, surface, is no surprise. The question is whether they will be papered over for a bit. ~~~~~~~~~~ Please, take a look at my just completed UNRWA report the latest in a series. It consolidates previous information, and updates it. If you have need of basic, documented, hard-hitting information on this agency, which promotes the "right of return" and thus fosters terrorism, this a good place to look. So many have seen UNRWA as a benign humanitarian organization simply caught in a bad situation. Ain't so.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Babak Aryan, November 2, 2008. |
Hello daer sir or lady: Iam one Iranian citizen.Ithink usa is agreat country and the decision of the her would effect the whole world.
If usa cannot develope the cake wealth of usa would be fall in scenario of sweden after failed by Great ptre tezar of Russian.in 18 century. But ithink MARKET WOULD CAN BE DEVELOPED HORIZENTALLY AND VERTICALLY.
Ithink we must relook again to Theory of Adamsmith the wealth of nation.He said why the equality is not justice. and he tried to make model of societies,Hesaid abouth the different ecosystem like Chine was stable and have critical position please dont forget chine found problem in 19 century and 20 century and then could find progressive economic or he appoint to Bangalore acountry with high density population.... and without ebnough wealth ... and or made compatring English with usa and why the salary in usawas morethan from uk (for the good morethan rate of eco progressive) yesssssssss: how can usa found again her good engine economic............... please candaitory suggest it. Thankyou
Seeulater Contact Babak Aryan at homeyaryan@yahoo.com |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, November 1, 2008. |
![]() Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il.
Additional images are available at
Posted by Gerald A. Honigman, November 1, 2008. |
This is the weekend when Americans set clocks back an hour for daylight savings time. Thus, I guess it's only fitting that, given all the current fuss about the Los Angeles Times's refusal to make public even a transcript of Senator Obama's love fest with Professor Rashid Khalidi and his ilk (no doubt, Jews included), I'll turn the clock back as well ... but almost three decades. You see, Fox News means well, and while most of the mainstream media in general is either ignoring the story or downplaying it, Fox and even the McCain people themselves miss the real problem. It's not that Obama indeed has far too many friends, advisors, admirers, and so forth who are anti-Semites and/or anti-Zionists (not that there's really a difference one deliberately targets Jews for "special treatment," the other, in a post-Holocaust world, carefully revises the target to the Jew of the Nations), it's that those folks demand that all others see justice only through their own eyes. While I was a doctoral student decades ago, this problem was already well under way. Having to be employed full time for financial reasons while doing my earlier, nicely progressing doctoral work at the Kevorkian Center For Near Eastern Studies, a consortium of Princeton, Columbia, and New York Universities based at NYU in the '70s, my bread and butter job later required a move to the Midwest. As hindsight is always the best sight, I realized later how huge a mistake that was ... especially in those days. The Kevorkian has since gone the way of Khalidi's Columbia and too many other Middle Eastern Studies programs today. Part of my Columbus-based job involved guest lecturing at dozens of universities and colleges across a multi-state region to try to minimally balance resident anti-Israel professors. The Mid East Studies Association was already hijacked by Khalidi's buddies, and the only Jews that got/get ahead were/are those who out-Arab the Arabs in their hatred and vilification of Israel. In age when budgets were tightening, all remembered who buttered their own bread as well ... and this undoubtedly affected what was and wasn't presented to students in the classroom. Mucho bucks have been donated to such programs via the Arab petro-spigot. To simply get a somewhat fair not "pro-Zionist' hearing about Israel, students are usually forced to take courses offered by the resident Jewish Studies Department. And, as should be the case but in stark contrast to what will be described below they will get an honest appraisal of the imperfectly human quest of a resurrected Jewish nationalism. Let me present just a few personal examples... Having been invited to be one of several presenters at a Columbus Citizen-Journal-sponsored event before hundreds of people on the Middle East regarding American foreign policy considerations in the region, I prepared accordingly. As I was slated to be the last to present, I listened carefully to the others, but when I heard an Ohio State University professor switch gears to present about how those nasty Zionists stole poor Arabs' land Obama's friend Khalidi's same line I had no choice. I tore up my presentation, threw it into the air, and unleashed both barrels in response. After the presentation, I was approached by another professor who introduced himself as a representative of OSU's Middle Eastern Studies program. After a chat about where I did my earlier studies, he asked me if I'd consider resurrecting my doctoral work. I laughed and asked him if he had heard what I heard coming out of the mouth of his colleague. Why would I put my fate into such an academic program's one-sided hands? I was assured that there were others at OSU who could serve as my Ph.D. dissertation advisor. On that note, while still working full time, I reentered academia. Not wanting to drag this painful tale of woe out, let me just say that my initial gut reaction proved to be all-too-correct. The tenured chief honcho who covered the modern Middle East certainly knew who buttered his bread ... and into his hands I was placed. While teaching advanced classes on Arab-Israel themes, he never once mentioned such things as Britain's Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill's crucial Cairo Conference of 1921. It was that Conference which led to gift of almost 80% of the original 1920 territory of the Mandate of Palestine to Arab nationalism in 1922 with the creation of what would later be renamed Jordan. And the latter fact was never mentioned as well ... ! This in a graduate studies class. While also but a bit more subtlety than Khalidi promoting the theme of nasty Zionists and the need to create Arab state # 22 (2nd, not first, one in Palestine), Carter Findley never once mentioned the plight of over thirty million Kurds who remain stateless to date, who have been gassed and slaughtered by Arabs (and others as well), and who had their one best chance at statehood aborted by a collusion of British petroleum politics and Arab nationalism. My work on this subject can be found on the recommended reference list of Paris's acclaimed Institut d'Etudes Politiques Science Po. Indeed, the only time Findley ever mentioned Kurds at all was when he mocked their plight in Turkey. To his credit, the other professor ( I was his T.A.) invited me to do a presentation to students on the Kurds. Notice, however, that he too wouldn't touch this subject himself with a ten-foot pole. Afterwards, the Arabs in class caused such a commotion that I caught hell for merely presenting the plight of another non-Arab people besides Jews who were seeking a tiny slice of justice in a region proclaimed by Arabs to be purely Arab patrimony. The Arab genocide against blacks in the Sudan, subjugation and murder of Copts, Assyrians, Berbers, and so forth were going on back then as well ... and, again, not a peep out the Findleys, Khalidis, and their brother Hebrew derriere-kissers and hypocrites over any of this. As just one last personal example of the problem Obama's Khalidi-type friends and advisors present, let me return to Findley's graduate seminars. I'll never forget one Greek Orthodox woman who I'm sure has a great position at some university today. I can't think of her name, but I do remember her well. Her idol was Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who spent World War II in Berlin at Hitler's side and organized a division of Muslim Nazis, 'the Hanzar.' He also played a first-hand role in instigating the genocide of Europe's Jews, Serbs and Gypsies. After World War II, he actively recruited Nazi officers into Arab governments of the Middle East. When she presented her research on the Mufti at our doctoral seminar, all the above was either white-washed or mostly ignored altogether ... and Findley, of course her mentor and featured guest at her wedding sat through it all approvingly. Now, contrast this with my own research about Ze'ev Vladimir Jabotinsky ... the man most responsible in the early Mandate era for Jewish defense against Arab slaughter. Findley had no problem emphasizing his alleged "fascist connections." When it came time for me to prepare for the last leg of my doctoral work, guess who was denied a dissertation advisor? So much for that other professor's earlier assurance that not all teachers were of the same "persuasion" of the one whom I shared a stage with that night in Columbus. Wasted time, thousands of dollars, etc ... Left hanging in the wind, we moved to Florida not long afterwards. The above is too often the story on campus these days as well. A little bit of good news is that now there are at least some watch dog organizations and endeavors like Professor Daniel Pipes's Campus Watch and David Horowitz's Academic Bill of Rights. Still, academia largely proceeds full speed ahead, intimidating all who dare to disagree and dismissing critics simply as right wing fanatics. Israel continues to thus be placed under the high power lens of moral scrutiny by academic practitioners of the double standard, and woe unto all who beg to differ. So, my friends, the above is the real problem with Osama's Khalidi-type friends and associates. Being "pro-Arab" is not the concern as Fox, meaning well, has nevertheless presented the case. At least they have made an issue of this... The problem has always been that for Arabs, anyone who claims that scores of millions of non-Arabs (whom Arabs once conquered during their own imperialist expansions) also deserve a slice of the justice pie in the region is by definition anti-Arab. There is no justice other than Arab justice. To be pro-Arab one must demonize and deny any others any justice at all. Whether Obama's alleged statement about Israel's "genocide" against Palestinians (Arabs by another name most of whom came from elsewhere) and other gems reported to be on that unreleased LA Times video tape are true or not, Obama's admiration, association, and so forth of, by, or with the likes of Farrakhan, Rezko, Khalidi, Wright, Jackson, Brzezinski, Mr. Apartheid Israel Peanut, Malley, Soros, McPeak, Khalid Al Mansour, etc. and so forth have to be beyond coincidental. And this should be the cause of real concern even for those all-too-many let's jump onto the cattle cars for relocation again Jews. Gerald A. Honigman, a Florida educator, has created and conducted counter-Arab propaganda programs for college youth, has lectured on numerous campuses and other platforms, and has publicly debated Arab spokesmen. His articles and op-eds have been published in both the print media and on websites. Contact him at honigman6@msn.com or go to his website: http://geraldahonigman.com/blog.php |
Posted by Jack Lauber, November 1, 2008. | |
The letter below was written by Marc Prowisor. He is the former head of security for the Shilo region and today works with various security projects through out Yehuda and Shomron. | |
Friends The adventures in Israel never cease. The story goes that Rabbi Akiva upon seeing a fox running out of the Beit HaMikdash started laughing. In short, he explained to his students that despite this terrible omen of the present time, it is yet a sign of better times to come. The question remains, what to do until those times arrive and should we make an effort to bring them quicker and on a more positive note. A few years ago I spoke (privately among my peers) about the involvement of various individuals in government positions in creating a violent atmosphere throughout Yehuda and Shomron. Other topics were the signs of a repetition of violence based on facts in the field, and how the government is feeding this possibility. A while back Shimon Peres repeated his statement that Jews wishing to remain in Yehuda and Shomron are welcome to adopt Palestinian Authority citizenship. This in sync with the infusion of more Arab soldiers in the guise of policemen to Hevron and other areas. Again in sync with the latest act of taking more weapons out of the hands of active soldiers though out the communities of Yehuda and Shomron. Let's take a short break just to look at some of these facts.
Something is definitely wrong with this picture. There is at least one reason to smile at the mention of this news. As in the parable with Rabbi Akiva above, this is sign of better times, providing we act to make it so. I would like to say that the only enemy to the Jewish State of Israel are various Arab nations, but this is not so. We always hear the talk of the politicians of the concept of Two States, one Jewish, One Arab, living side by side in peace. Didn't we hear this in 1947? We hear that once the Jews are out of Yehuda and Shomron, there will be peace. Like Gaza????? Unfortunately, some of the loudest advocates of these not to be repeated mistakes are often from our own people. How can we smile while all this is going on, and what can we do in the face of this reality? There are a few facts that are constantly overlooked when discussing the land and the people of Yehuda and Shomron. We constantly hear of the demographic threat to Israel because of the birth rate of the Arabs residing in Israel, we don't hear how the birth rate of the Jews throughout Yehuda and Shomron is actually the highest in the country. We will soon see the face of Israel changing; this is a fact that is already taking place. The military in Israel has always been a source of pride to Israel and the Jewish people. Today we see all of the elite units, not just peppered but flowing with the residents of the "Yeshuvim". In all units, at all levels these young people have become the new pride of the country. It is no longer difficult to find a "minyan" in officers course or the top "Recon" units. Agriculture has returned to Yehuda and Shomron. This historically abundant place of olives and vineyards has been reborn to its former glory, but this time by the hands of Jews. Award winning wines and olive oils are not uncommon, and seeing "Kippahs" in the field is always an inspiring sight. Industry is growing by leaps and bounds. In all fields of business, up to the executive levels, from the sciences to hi-tech, we see the presence of this new face of Israel. The population grows everyday, and the "Yeshuvim" are filling up along with every new neighborhood created. Yes, we are building, because we are growing and will continue to grow. Those that demonstrate against this growth and hold hands with our enemies are shrinking and will continue to do so. Their shouts are their last efforts against the will of a people, and they will diminish soon. We have done this together, as one people, disregarding physical distances and overcoming the challenges our enemies have put and continue to put before us. It has been a difficult and painful journey, with blood, sweat and tears. But this same journey bears fruits beyond our wildest dreams. This venture that we set out to do with "Achdut" together has blossomed and provided a return that Wall Street veterans would envy. No wonder our enemies wish to hide this from the majority of our people, for we would only gain more strength from it. That is exactly what those that are against us want to avoid. >From another side, I often take security officials from around the world through Yehuda and Shomron. We discuss counter terror tactics, suicide terrorism and the real reality on the ground, not what is reported. They are always amazed how Israel hasn't destroyed the P.A. and Hamas, this coming from people who are not our supporters. One of my favorite places to take them is the lookout from Maale Levona. I point out Ben Gurion Airport, and how close it is. We discuss how if the "two state plan" comes into effect, Ben Gurion will be in Mortar and Kassam Range. Shut down the airport, shut down the economy, and bring devastation to the country. Mistakes are easy to make, recovering from them is another story. We find ourselves standing on a cusp in time. Change is not a possibility but inevitable. It is within our power to bring the change about sooner than later, and we can influence the direction in which we will go. The time is critical, and that is why we must make that extra effort now. A cornered animal may become more dangerous and is often still capable of inflicting a devastating blow. It is for this reason we must remain vigilant and strong. By increasing the strength of the communities in Yehuda and Shomron, we strengthen our people, all of our people. We return to them some the values that we were brought up with. Those of strength, self respect, honor, duty and more. Being a proud and strong Jew is a privilege and not something to apologize for. To recap some of things discussed, we can plainly see the direction that the world wishes to force on us, mind you by using our own people. The tactic being discussed is to disarm the Jews, arm the Arabs. Inflict pain on the Jewish residents of Yehuda and Shomron though economic and security means. Take away the heartland from the Jewish people and weaken them once again. I say NO! We can and will fight back and we will remain strong. We do this by being involved in the security of these communities, taking part with the various projects going on, by investing in businesses throughout the area, and boosting the economy. Achdut is the answer. Partnerships are the answer, in all aspects of life. We are not fools that moved into a bad neighborhood, we are the future, and together we hold the solution. I admit to speaking without tact, and this has not been proof read, but it is from the heart. Parshat Noach leads into Lech-lecha need I say more. I hope to see some of you on my next trip in. Shabbat Shalom Marc Prowisor
Contact Jack Lauber at yakovdov1@yahoo.com |
Posted by Walid Phares, November 1, 2008. |
This was in the October 30, 2008 issue ofAmerican
The financial drama that we've been living through is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of an attack against America. As I argued in previous writings, the first volley was OPEC's driving the prices at the pumps as high as needed to crack our economic resilience. The hard core (and ideological) oil-producing regimes have been trying to affect the minds of millions of Americans in the same way al Qaeda's propagandists did with the upset Spanish voters in March 2004. OPEC has just launched its second offensive possibly its last before Election Day to reduce petrol production as prices fell. After hitting US citizens with an economic meltdown, it wants to smack them with a goods shortage crisis to force them into making the ultimate decision: jump into another realm. The current economically-induced crisis is only a treatment to provoke a regime change in America. As odd as it is, the forces pushing for the change "they need" have set the US Presidential election as a mechanism to morph this democracy into the uncharted future that awaits it, if the polls are on target. Today Americans are readying, some have already begun, to elect a new President. This testimony I am putting forth aims at explaining my vision of this electoral benchmark in view of future developments, beyond November 4th, the next four to eight years and throughout the first part of the twenty-first century. This vote, more than any previous ones, can transform America's destiny radically, and with it, the future of many nations, particularly those civil societies suffering from oppression around the world. My analysis is not sent out to influence the outcome of the election, for it is too small a breeze in a universe of extremely powerful winds driving the electorate, on both sides of the debate. The arguments I am advancing in this piece are the least visible in the agendas of both camps, at least in the next few days. But in the next decade and perhaps as early as the next few years or even months, historians and citizens will reexamine the dimensions of this discussion of the overarching grave menace hovering over US national security. This is why, as a scholar studying conflicts, I am writing about this particular election. As an academic and counterterrorism expert, I do not get involved in partisan and strictly political processes. But as in 2004's Presidential election, this week's voting choice will affect the current and future national defense and survival of this country. Hence it is my duty as a citizen with knowledge in this field to share my views and projections with fellow citizens: For the choices given to voters are dramatically opposed in terms of defining the direction in which this country will move to defend its democracy and freedom around the world. The United States' Presidency is endowed with powers that can impact global history in addition to the evolution of America as a democracy and as a nation. In this era of confrontation with the global Jihadi threats and of proliferation of catastrophic weapons, the direction selected by the next US President will affect not only this generation but the next one as well. Hence, regardless of the voting results on the 4th and beyond, it is important to testify beforehand in writing, so that future readers would draw the lessons when confronted with similar choices. Therefore, my words will be rough and direct. The national security experience The US primaries produced two leaders and their running mates. With the utmost respect to their personal histories, sacrifices and achievements, are these three men and one woman the best choice that could have been given to Americans? Their supporters feel it is the case, while many others, including the partisans of those who were defeated in the parties' primaries, claim otherwise. In my realm of study and concentration the question is different, simply because I believe national survival trumps everything else, in these times of world threats. I frame it as follows: are the four contending politicians as aware of the enemy as the leaders of the enemy are aware of America's weaknesses and resources? We will see. But I argue that we've seen US Presidents learning on the job, including the current president. On the evening of September 10, 2001, President George W Bush knew much less than Senators McCain and Obama on the evening of November 3, 2008; yet he confronted the country's enemies for seven years while learning on the job. Today, the average citizen's instincts know more about the threat we're facing than the combined advisors of Presidents Clinton and Bush before the War on Terror, as per the 9/11 Commission findings. So based on their records, speeches, length of service and publications regarding the national threat, one can project that the four leaders America has to consider for the two top offices would be ranked as follows: Senator John McCain comes first, Senator Joe Biden comes second and Senator Barack Obama and Governor Sarah Palin come equally third. This ranking is quantitative and verifiable. Based on a simple examination of past decades regarding McCain and Biden, and years regarding Obama and Palin, the strict "experience factor" in matters of war and peace, national security and defense, undoubtedly among the four, McCain would be the top man for the job, followed by Biden. Hence since the Senator from Arizona has selected Palin as his running mate, he thus would assume the responsibility of her choice as his replacement if God forbid the worse were to happen. On the experience factor alone, it is ineluctable that, according to the famous phrase of Senator Hillary Clinton, I would trust the judgment of the former Navy Pilot, if awakened at 3 AM to address a national security calamity. But let's go beyond the mere "experience factor." Choice on strategic direction What counts at this stage, in addition to experience in matters of national security, is a sense of strategic direction into the future. Senator McCain often speaks of the man who will have to face incoming international crises. He is right on that point: conflicts are brewing and the next President will have to face them head on. Senator Biden has even alluded to crises being concocted to test Senator Obama (if elected). He may be right by accident. For I argue that what lies ahead of us is already happening and will happen: the forces aimed at confronting the United States and democracies around the world aren't holding their breath to decide if they will resume their offensives or drop their agenda, depending on who will seize the White House in November. These forces have their plans for both McCain and Obama. They do not tailor their world view based on the lucky winner of US election, rather they tailor their plans, speed and maneuvers to defeat America based on the direction adopted by the winner of the Presidential contest in this country. Therefore if the enemy wages future campaigns based on its perception of the next US President's world vision and "generates crises" accordingly, then it is logical to compare the strategic agendas of both candidates regarding the confrontation to come. In other words, if the direction taken by the new President is new, and both candidates claim they will execute change, then it is a must to check these "new directions" and compare them with the potential threats. Unfortunately the multiple debates between the Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees didn't leave us with significant information about the global vision of both campaigns as to what the threat is and how to defeat it. Perhaps the scrambling by both camps to respond to the dramatic financial crumbling kept them away from drawing the map of the future regarding the global conflicts we're engaged in. But that was a mistake in both camps, even though it was more politically profitable for the Obama ticket to concentrate on the economy, and it was a vital necessity for the McCain ticket to assuage the fears of everyday Americans, as polls showed the gap between the two camps. Economy is a hostage to National Security What both campaigns have failed to understand or were unwilling to admit is the broader context of the economic quick sands we're in. Surely there are financial and managerial reasons behind the meltdown which we're witnessing. But this failure is happening within the context of a wider economic war waged against the United States for strategic reasons. Two arguments should have been part of the debate. They will come to haunt the future of this country nevertheless. One: a systemic economic crisis even if rooted in domestic mismanagement cannot be resolved outside a healthier international environment. That is a reality which only future economists will confirm for us. Short of unleashing a full economic revolution leading to energy independence, America is doomed to swim in financial tensions and crises: the time of insulation from overseas pressures is over. We are seven if not seventeen years late for our vital fight of energy independence. Two: We are being attacked by an "oil empire," OPEC, which targets our ability to act internationally and eventually put us on our knees domestically. Not only our future economic renaissance is at risk but our present state of financial affairs is at a higher risk of further crumbling if we do not go on the offensive. Compare this with the state of the presidential debate: the answer is close to catastrophic. We're not even discussing it nor are we informing the public about the dangers looming on the horizons. The current economic crisis is only a piece of the mega economic debacle being prepared for us. The response to the current drama is not even economic and none of the campaigns have even addressed the mega level for fears of electoral snags. But if we compare the two candidates on strategic economic levels, we can conclude as follows: Obama offers to resolve the economic crisis separately from the mega economic confrontation worldwide while McCain only shyly hints at a wider scale beyond the corruption in Wall Street and the mismanagement in Washington DC. McCain wants to stop sending 700 billion dollars to "regimes who do not like us." Obama wants us "not to borrow cash from China to send it to Saudi Arabia." McCain timidly tells us there is a foe out there somewhere, while Obama doesn't. Between the blur and the blindness, I chose the first. Are we at war or not? Naturally McCain calls what we're doing since 9/11 a War on Terror. On Terror or on something else, that is another subject, but the former POW sees it as a "war," with a goal to attain and against a "foe." Obama rarely calls it a war, often putting the blame on the United States, and he is vague regarding the "enemy." In an article during the primaries, where my favorite candidate wasn't McCain, I wrote that a US President who doesn't see the enemy cannot defeat it. In the national election, I state even more emphatically that a candidate who does not admit that there is a war waged against our democracy can hardly defend us. I would understand if Senator Obama proposes to end the War on Terror as a whole. I would obviously disagree that he can, but I would see his rationale of a unilateral pull out of the conflict which, by the way, could explain his platform of "sitting down" with actual foes such as Ahmadinejad, Assad and others. The problem remains that his position regarding the "what is" is still unclear. Is it that he doesn't believe that we were attacked in a global manner, or is it that he believes that we provoked such a Jihadi campaign? Well, between Obama's non recognition of the conflict and McCain's basic attitude that we are at war, regardless of how to win it and when, I'd chose the latter. Defining the Threat In the last seven years, my main thesis in the defense of our democracy and of civil societies around the world recommended a clear cut identification of the threat. For if the latter was unidentified, unclear or subject to camouflage, the entire strategy of resistance to the menace would be ineffective and would put the homeland and allies under tremendous risk. President George Bush tried to identify the threat doctrine of al Qaeda, its allies and of the Iranian regime. But as of 2006, he retreated from educating the public on the foe's world vision. In this election campaign, we have two candidates with different visions on the threat. Senator McCain gives it a name: Radical Islamic Terrorism (he recently used the term "Jihadists" one time); and Senator Obama who doesn't identify the ideology of the terrorists. Naturally I would prefer the candidate who defines it, even if that definition needs to be improved, in this case, McCain. Iraq Senator Obama voted against invading Iraq. That is a legitimate position. But one would need to know on what grounds? If the argument was that it was a strategic mistake to topple Saddam Hussein while we hadn't found Osama Bin Laden, then the next challenge will be in Darfur. Will we allow the genocide against Africans to continue in Sudan if we still haven't found the leader of al Qaeda in Pakistan? If Obama's logic is about not engaging in any action as long as "Waldo" is on the run, US efforts in rescuing endangered populations are then doomed. But if the Senator from Illinois was opposed to the removal of Iraq's dictator because he prefers to leave the Shia and the Kurds to their horrendous destiny, then the matter is even more serious. Either way, I haven't seen or read an Obama explanation that considers the 2003 campaign in Iraq as a weakening of the War on Terror: For had this been the case, then Obama may have a legitimate point. But his votes in the Senate about the 2003 "invasion of Iraq," unless explained again, were an opposition to the War on terror not just the war in Iraq. [sentence corrected] If elected President, Obama will remove the troops from Iraq without disabling Iran's and Syria's abilities and ambitions to penetrate their neighbor. For if he intends to engage with Tehran and Damascus to cut deals over Iraq, how can the latter be equipped strategically to perform what coalition forces are now achieving? An abrupt letting down of Iraq will lead to a catastrophic domino effect in the region opening the path to Iran to reach the Mediterranean with all the unfathomable consequences on world peace. Undoubtedly the Bush Administration wasn't brilliant in managing the Iraq strategy. Surely there were other choices after Tora Bora in 2002 than Iraq. I'll address them in future writings. But since President Bush's team decided to do justice in Baghdad first, it could have done it faster, better and finished earlier. That is a valid critique of the Iraq war. Senator Obama's criticism is diametrically different. He was opposed to removing Saddam or any other dictator, by force or by any other means. The reality is that for a candidate "for change" as it is claimed, his platform seems to be of status quo, to the advantage of the Jihadists, Baathists and other authoritarian regimes from Tehran to Caracas. Senator McCain has criticized the management of the War in Iraq; and he was right. He wants victory to be the benchmark of withdrawal; he is also right. But I haven't read yet what constitutes victory in Iraq. My sense is that many in Washington DC traumatized by the Jihadi propaganda aren't sharing yet with the American public what's lying ahead for us. This Presidential campaign is between a candidate, Senator Obama, who is not telling the people that he is against the whole war on terror; and the other candidate, Senator McCain who is not telling the voters how much more serious this war is with the Jihadists. In this case I would trust McCain simply because he has told us that we can't quit, even though we need miles of explanations for what is next. Afghanistan and Pakistan Senator Obama stated that he would transfer troops from Iraq to Afghanistan to put pressures on al Qaeda. Taken as is, this statement is strategically sound. Moving forces from one battlefield to another is decided by strategists and is logical if the goal is to win in both places, i.e. in the war on terror. But I am still unsure if Senator Obama's grand plan is about winning the War on Terror since I haven't seen his grand strategy about the confrontation with the Jihadists. Actually his opposition to the Iraq campaign, unlike Senator Clinton's criticism, is based on opposition to the idea that we are in conflict with a worldwide web of radical forces. Until I read otherwise, my conclusion is that Obama's long term strategy is to end the global war with the Jihadists and replace it with deals-cutting policies with radical regimes and organizations. Hence in Afghanistan, his ultimate goal is to kill Bin Laden but to reintegrate the Taliban in Kabul. That would be the equivalent of eliminating Hitler but bringing back the Nazis to a post WWII Germany. His statements about attacking inside Pakistan if we have specific information about the location of Bin Laden are worrisome. He opposed sending troops to Iraq to save Shia and Kurds from Saddam, but he would order troops into a sovereign country, an ally and already at war with al Qaeda, to kill "Waldo." This proposition makes so little sense that I read it through the prism of reverse psychology. In fact, since Senator Obama wants to quit in Iraq, reconciliation with the Taliban in Afghanistan and a non-intervention in Darfur, he probably decided to claim "offensive" in the only place where it will not happen. A massive US attack in Pakistan to finish off al Qaeda, unless authorized by Islamabad, is contrary to all strategic logic and could enflame the sole Muslim nuclear power with the cataclysmic risks it entails. My sense is that the Senator chose to make this bravado in public precisely because he will never issue that order if he is elected. Instead he will direct his diplomats to "sit down" with the Taliban and try to cut a deal. Senator McCain's approach is more simple and pragmatic. He wouldn't oppose sending troops from Iraq to Afghanistan if the military strategists would recommend so. He said a surge in Afghanistan may provide similar results as in Iraq: possible. I am not privy to his plans for "winning" in Afghanistan or his emergency plans for a dramatic development in Pakistan. But between an Obama policy that would lose Iraq, re-Talibanize Afghanistan and risk a nuclear flare in Pakistan, I'd still go with a more modest but realistic approach by McCain until better strategies are designed in the next four years. Lebanon and Syria Senator McCain committed to implement UNSCR 1559; that is, to disarm Hezbollah and support the Cedars Revolution in Lebanon. Senator Obama wants to "sit down" with Bashar Assad, Hezbollah's ally. Obviously, I support McCain on this issue. Israel and the Palestinians Both Senators have committed to "the security of Israel." In election times this statement is standard. Both Senators said they will support a two-state solution. At this stage of the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, this is also a universally accepted deal. But Senator Obama's approach to the Iran and Syrian regimes indicates that he will press Israel and the Palestinian Authority to "sit down" with Hamas and Islamic Jihad as well. The pattern of bringing in the "radicals" (at the expense of the democracy-seekers) seems to be a future foreign policy doctrine for Senator Obama. In the case of the Israel-Palestinian process, it will only weaken the moderates among the Palestinians and undermine the rise of peace-seeking forces, knowing that Hamas ultimately doesn't want a Jewish state in the region and wants to obstruct the rise of a secular and democratic Palestinian state as well. Senator McCain, more cautious in this regard, supports the Camp David and Road Map processes, putting an Israel-Palestinian Authority agreement first. I would prefer this approach. Darfur Senator McCain would send US forces under UN sponsorship to help establish a protection zone for the African Muslim people of Darfur. Senator Obama's approach of "cutting deals" with Tehran and Damascus cannot but follow the same logic to "cut a deal" with Khartoum's regime. In genocide interventions, there are no deals to be cut other than saving people from dying and being ethnically cleansed. Hence, without hesitation, I would side with the McCain readiness to help "save Darfur" on the ground, a slogan used by Hollywood figures without advancing any practical solution to the genocide issue. Alliances Senator Obama's spokespersons claimed their candidate will build wider alliances and reestablish a multilateral approach to international relations. This is an excellent principle which I have been promoting in my last three books but the question is "alliance about what?" If Obama sought outreach to build the widest coalition of Governments to defeat al Qaeda and its ilk, this has already been done. If the projected alliance is to reach more countries, including those who oppose our confrontation with the Jihadists such as Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Sudan and North Korea then we will be defeating our original purpose. If Obama wants to enhance relations with Russia and India against the terrorists, he will have to define Jihadism as a threat, which he hasn't. He will have to agree with McCain and pre-2006 Bush that there are doctrines promoted by movements such as Wahhabism, the Muslim Brotherhood and Deobandism which are a common foe to this wide alliance he is seeking. But that would contradict his opposition to the concept of a full confrontation with the Jihadi web. If by new allies he means France, Germany, the UK, Spain, and other European democracies, they are already in the fight with our common enemies. Even China is at war with the Jihadists. So who does Obama want to include in the projected new alliance? Unless the new coalition will be among those who want to end the War on terror. Senator McCain's more modest approach doesn't add much to the existing web of alliances. If elected he should break the taboos with other counter Jihadi countries and widen that type of alliance. He should do better than President Bush. I still prefer the modest advance of McCain over the foggy designs of Obama. America's image Another slogan advanced by the Obama platform and inherited from the John Kerry Presidential agenda is the so-called "American image" worldwide and the necessity of reestablishing a "credible portrait." Well, this myth has to be aggressively responded to because it only serves the Jihadist propaganda. Indeed, what do we mean when we say that America's "image" has been muddied internationally? Is it because of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib? And who are the people upset with the US image? The Obama campaign and its intellectuals haven't answered much on this simply because this so-called PR problem is in fact a component of a Jihadi offensive worldwide to deter the United States from provoking democratic change in the Middle East. Washington's image is "ugly" by Salafi, Khomeinist and Baathist standards of course because American power (often used unintelligently) has caused the rise of freedom enclaves in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and beyond. That is why al Jazeera, al Aalam, al Manar and the Salafi web sites are exploding against "America's image." Surely the oil-producing regimes in the region and Hugo Chavez's oligarchic elite dislike American support of reformers and democracy forces. When America promotes democracy (with tremendous mistakes) of course the anti-democratic web will muddy its image. So what is the image the Obama policy would like to reestablish? The photo ops with Iran's Mullahs, Damascus' bloody dictator, Caracas's populist leader, or Khartoum's genocide perpetrator? Some Obama future Presidential advisors (if he wins) have been advocating a policy of humanitarian aid only. They argue that the US should act as a peace force only. Who are they kidding? Why wasn't the US able to send humanitarian aid to the Kurds before the removal of Saddam Hussein, or establish a corridor in Darfur as long as Bashir is obstructing it, or help the North Koreans from starvation? The "academic circus" who pretend to understand the world better than your average citizen have shown us their brilliance in the 1990s. They were given eight precious years of a post-Soviet era and they failed miserably. McCain's plan for a better American image isn't clear but US actions to give democracy a victory are the best long terms investments to get that image restored, because unfortunately, the systemic failure of the Bush Administration to use its own resources in the so-called war of ideas is a fact. A McCain White House will have to reform all resources authorized by the taxpayers to draw support around the world from hearts and minds. A McCain Administration will have a severe uphill battle to reach out to the natural allies around the world, and the Greater Middle East in particular: the peoples. Unfortunately, as we know from their advisors-to-be, an Obama Administration will cozy up with the oppressors worldwide as a way to "change" America's image. It will only send humanitarian assistance and cameras to cover the show if and when the bad guys allow it. That is not a change in image that the masses around the world would want to see. My choice is between the uncertain success and the certain failure, I take the first. Defeating Racism in America One noble cause I would support without hesitation is to see a minority man or woman become the President of the United States. What a joy to see the son of an immigrant, a matter I can relate with directly, enter the White House. This is the country I decided to emigrate to almost twenty years ago. In the past quarter of a century, I saw the nation I joined wholeheartedly rapidly rejecting racism. An African-American General in the Joint Chiefs of Staff, then Secretary of State, and then an African American woman becoming a national security advisor only to succeed her predecessor as a Secretary of State as well. A Middle Eastern American from Michigan becoming an Energy secretary, Hispanics and Asians across Congress and the executive powers including in the cabinet, and finally a half African American nominated for the Presidency of the United States, and very possibly a head of state in 2009. That's how racism has been defeated at the highest levels. But I resent the imposition of an ideological worldview on good hearted Americans under the aegis of the racism issue. For Senator Barack Obama to be nominated by a major Party is an ultimate defeat to racism. But his election to the Presidency is about his agenda not his (half) race. We would be all happy to see a minority becoming a President but not to use such an equation to give a pass to an international agenda which would hurt minorities and underdogs around the world. To defeat racism and oppression of minorities worldwide the next President of the United States should be determined to save Africans from genocide, ethnic minorities from persecution in the Middle East and women from suppression across the Third World. That mission isn't determined by skin color in Washington but by commitment to confront the oppressors of any type around the world. Had the Obama agenda been unequivocally pro-freedom internationally, rejecting concession to totalitarianism, and very precise in identifying the threat doctrines of the terrorists, then he could have won my support with little questions asked. The heart of the matter Unlike many of my colleagues with whom I share counterterrorism views for the future, my choice for the next President was not shaped by the most visible components of the debate. It wasn't "Joe the plumber," "spreading the wealth," the real estate crisis, the financial meltdown or the battle for taxes. These are crucial issues but I believe the economic problems we're facing need more than one presidency and a mixture of solutions to address them and solve them. Pure Socialism or unleashed Capitalism aren't going to fix the economy or satisfy the frustration of millions of Americans over the next decade. Maybe the two party system isn't able anymore to provide full answers in the 21st century. As a Political Scientist and a US citizen I think that the American system will correct itself gradually simply because there are no larger middle class societies around the world than the American one. The swing between liberal and conservative measures every decade or so are regulating factors until an appropriate system is found. But this normal swinging is now occurring during a world conflict and can be affected by outside forces aiming at the nation as a whole. It is Constantinople which is targeted, not its emperors. Those who are set on voting for Obama because they fear for their social security and healthcare and those who want McCain because they fear high government taxes are right to be concerned in their own way. I am concerned for a state of affairs where we may not have a national homeland, let alone either high taxes or a solvent social security program. Homeland Security First Yes, we need to live our lives the best we can; consequently, we need to make the best decisions about the next President and his agenda. But all that has to happen not in a void, but in the context of a secure homeland. Twice in this decade we saw the country vacillating. In September 2001, the coming down of the twin towers was an end of a peace era. Last September 2008, the coming down of our financial towers was an end of an era of economic security. Beware of a "September" that could bring down the towers of our national security. The flames of the urban uprisings in France, of the train bombings in Madrid, of the subway blasts in London and the school massacre in Beslan are only handwriting on the wall. The OPEC aggression against the US economy, the formation of gas cartels by Iran, Qatar and Venezuela with the enticement to Russia to join; all that are just ominous signs of what is ahead. And in such a world environment, US homeland security seems to be where the final game will be played. As an analyst of terrorist strategies, I do believe that the most dangerous stages for our national security are yet to come and my concerns are very high as to how to address them. The penetration of our systems, including educational, legal, bureaucratic, technological, defense and security by the Jihadists is ongoing and is projected to expand. The world may have harsh crises but no crisis can equate the collapse of US Homeland Security. Al Qaeda has often stated that it wishes to commit genocide of four million Americans, including women and children. Iranian President Ahmadinejad and his regime have openly stated that a world without America is possible and better. These attitudes, if anything, indicate that the American national homeland is a target, a real target. If the enemy is successful one time in blasting our defense system to the core, the entire debate about the economy is over because there won't be one to discuss. There are large segments in our society which have been disabled from understanding that the nation is at risk. They were made to think that this war against us is a matter of foreign policy and a President who can just "talk" to some people out there will simply solve it and maintain the paychecks flowing. Many among us don't understand that the world around us can simply crumble if we don't have leadership that can strike a balance between defending the country and the free world and at the same time managing the economy successfully. But the bottom line is that these two are linked, deeply linked. Senator McCain declared that the threat to the Homeland is a movement and an ideology, Jihadism. Senator Obama didn't tell us if that is his view as well. Instead we saw shreds of political alliances between his campaign and groups affiliated with this particular ideology. I am not impressed with the "Weather Underground" network story as much as I am concerned about the access the political Jihadists will have to US National Security. If that happens, Homeland Security will be at risk. Hence until I get answers to this fundamental question from Senator Obama's campaign, I do have a national security concern. Until then I can project a spread of Jihadi sympathizer networks within the country and even throughout many layers of Government. Over four years, and possibly eight, such a growth would become malignant. Over less than a decade, Americans could find themselves in situations never experienced since the Civil War. One ballot today regardless of the sincerity and good intentions of candidates in November 2008 can affect where and how future generations will have to fight for survival years from now. A strong counter argument was made to me about my concerns: among the national security advisors and experts to enter the executive branch with an Obama Presidency are people who see this threat with clarity, so why the concern? My answer as an analyst in Jihadi long term strategies is that, in the absence of a defense doctrine that identifies the threat, no one can guarantee that the enlightened counter terrorism experts potentially moving in as of January 2009 will be there the following year, in four or even eight years from now. This is the real bottom line. If the Obama campaign had provided a strategic document on the Jihadi threat, my entire case wouldn't have been necessary. I haven't seen such a document or even a simple statement. Moreover, what convinced me that we're dealing with a potential change toward the worse in US National Security are the writings and declarations of those who constitute the Senator's academic and security elite. In fact, not only we may get four more years of the Clinton eight years when the Terrorist doctrine was missed catastrophically but we could get four years of unparalleled threat growth. I do hope I am wrong and I am still hoping I will get answers before Election Day. Freedoms and Educating the public Last but not least, and for the first time since the end of the Cold War, there seems to be a concern about a scrupulous respect for freedom of the press and of expression in some "ideological" quarters of a potential Obama Administration. Although I do believe that the Senator from Illinois has kept a strong record on the necessity of a balanced debate regarding the nation's fundamental issues, and although Senator Biden has been a proponent of free speech, there are signs that radical groups could use Government positions to harass media that would be critical of an Obama Administration on national security grounds. What's more is the dangerous possibility that (short of a counter Jihadi doctrine) elements of Wahhabi and Khomeinist advocacy circles would take advantage of a "new direction" to strike at the counterterrorism community in the private sector, targeting the advances made for the last seven years in educating Americans about the threat. Such a development would be a red line for the nation's defense. To be direct about it, already under the Bush Administration, the Wahhabi and Khomeinist lobbies have wreaked havoc throughout the bureaucracy, blocking major reforms needed to educate civil servants and citizens to learn about the threats looming over the country and its next generations. Under a McCain Administration there are no guarantees that the "Jihadophile lobby" will recede, but chances are much higher for new counterterrorism education to make a breakthrough than under an Obama Administration. Under the latter, Muslim reformers in America won't have an equal chance with the Jihadi pressure groups to have their message received by their communities. Middle East dissidents will have their stories marginalized in the public sector so that it won't perturb the deals to "be cut with the regimes in the region." All that is predictable and projectable, hence the options are really limited if not set in terms of choice. The choice On the one hand, Senator Obama has a character to be admired and has skills to make other politicians jealous. He would make America look very good. Had we not been in a confrontation with the Jihadist forces worldwide, I would have gladly voted for him. Strange as it may be for many of my colleagues, his alleged "socialism" doesn't intimidate me, nor does his "radical liberalism." America's society will only absorb what it can digest. On the other hand, Senator McCain is a national hero and a product of real American traditions. I would have liked for him to have been elected in 2000 so that he would have been the Commander in Chief on September 11 (with all respect due to President Bush). There are other men and women who are also qualified to lead this nation in these politically and economically trying times such as Senator Clinton, Governor Romney and others. But our political process has selected McCain and Obama and one of them has to become the President. "Primo vivere" says the Roman adage. You've got to survive first and you've got to be free too. I have learned this the hard way. Hence in this 2008 Presidential election, I will vote on national security, that is national survival. All other issues are linked to our ability as a nation to make it through these very critical years. After having reviewed the two platforms from that perspective, and short of discovering what can change my analysis in the next few days, I wish Senator Obama good luck and, as a registered independent, I will vote for Senator McCain for the President of the United States. Ultimately Americans will decide about their future and whatever it will be, we will continue to try to make it better for our children. Dr. Walid Phares is an academic, author and analyst. |
Posted by Bryna Berch, November 1, 2007. |
"I was the debunking of a rumored Nostradamus prediction of the 9/11 attack that launched Snopes into Popular Culture as "the [supposed] Web Standard of Truth" in the first place." It was looking at the Snopes' site to determine the accuracy of material on Obama's relationship with the Kenyan Odinga that made me curious about just how neutral and accurate the Snopes site is. At issue, was: did friends of Obama contribute almost a million dollars to Odinga campaign? In dismissing a letter from missionaries in Kenya who said that "Obama under 'friends of Obama' gave almost a million dollars to ... Raila Odinga", Snopes decided "Friends of Obama" had to be a PAC and, probably accurately, pointed out there was no such PAC. They ignored that friends of Obama might literally be friends of Obama. Which was the case. This is by John Zuiderveld and was sent in by Kenneth
Timmerman. It provides us with some information about those who run
www.Snopes.com. It is entitled "Snopes.com exposed as a Leftist,
atheist, anti-Christian activist husband and wife team" and was posted
October 24, 2008 on The main point is that the site isn't as neutral as people believe. The Snopes do have a point of view. Personally, I'd trust them on UFO's and author attribution but I did catch them being slippery. They didn't LIE about there being no PAC named "Friends of Obama" or anything like it. But they did not consider that the money was donated by Obama's friends. So I'd be cautious about consulting them in areas where they have political and/or religious biases themselves. |
How many times have you opened an email with the following
as the lead-in?
Strict accountability to sources, once bedrock "foundation" requirements well established in every college 101 course, are conspicuously absent from common practice today. Ironically, this is "The Information Age", when information that once had to be extracted only by hard effort, now proliferates at out fingertips!!! One might reasonably ask, "But at what cost to our integrity have we lost interest in the sources of the information we rely upon, and by what forfeiture of our obligations as Christians to be ever vigilant, rejecting all deceitful pretenders?" "But Snopes has been the most popular tool for "ultimate verification" of accuracy/non-accuracy of information being floated around the Internet for years! (here comes the kicker) and they clearly reference all their sources!" The more sincere, honest, and perhaps most important question to ask might be, "Who selects those sources, and by what standards are their sources selected?" This is a WORLDVIEW question! Who would argue otherwise that popular delusions are all but epidemic these days?? Remember the old college exhortation from the '60's and '70's, "Question authority!!"?? It would seem well past time to pick this exhortation up again. But this time around, let's do it, please, with the sincerity and integrity that the Leftists of that day lacked and still lack today, now that they have finally gained full control of popular culture via the media, entertainment, education, advertising and yes, via our church pulpits!! As we understand so well from our reading and discussion at Christian Worldview Roundtable, all but a precious few churches, colleges, universities, and former bastions of principled higher learning have been universally corrupted (dumbed-down, if you will) by centuries of syncretism and perverted twisting of Biblical Truth, by the deliberate harnessing of the inherently evil preferences of mankind. In our meetings, we've been exposing and disseminating "self awareness" of where our culture sits today, teetering on the slippery precipices of moral, spiritual, social, and economic collapse, as decadent popular culture trends continue to swallow up the remnants of our once great American Christian culture right under our very noses. Why then, in light of the above cultural backsliding, do we turn to Snopes.com without exerting as much effort as checking background references of our "unbiased" and "objective" (and ever-so-convenient) online "arbiters of truth itself"?? The first BIG RED FLAG that jumped out at me on my very first visit to Snopes.com many years ago was the conspicuous absence of identification of the site's proprietors and authors on the web page header, as is the accepted practice with any legitimate Web site (their names appear only in the linked FAQ's), followed by the equally conspicuous lack of biographies anywhere on the site, or linked elsewhere, including the FAQ's! Doing some research, Snopes.com is no credentialed and peer reviewed board of truth standards as might appear to the uninitiated, as well as to those who neither take the time, nor (ahem you know who you are!) exercise proper discernment to give it the "smell test" before swallowing it hook, line, and sinker! Snopes.com is, in fact, an activist, Leftist, atheist, anti-Christian husband and wife team. They have both actively participated in a "documentary" designed to debunk Christianity as just another hoax, among the many hundreds of hoaxes debunked at Snopes.com. Exactly who are Barbara and David Mikkelson, and why, when attempting to analyze the TRUTH CONTENT of current "facts" as well as opinions and separate them from hoaxes, on the site (as practiced and relied upon thousands of times daily at that site), should anyone be willing to voluntarily GIVE AWAY one's precious reliance on sources of TRUTH and OBJECTIVE FACT to The Mikkelsons in these troubled times of rampant disinformation and falsehood yet! without having the faintest idea of either who they are, OR without any clue about what their WORLD VIEW might be?!?! I've done some research (see full source information at links provided below): The Mikkelsons are an "internet-savvy" couple who met on the Web, married, and founded the Snopes.com Web site in 1995. Snopes.com was inspired by the Mikkelsons' shared passion for debunking urban legends and hoaxes. There seems to be precious little information about them available, since neither is evidently any kind of accomplished author or researcher of any kind. Their academic credentials are unknown and unpublished publicly, and the Web is devoid of biographies on either of them. What is at least partially known about them has been published in one rare interview that I know of (see excerpt and link to source below). Other than that, their names (clearly identified with the Snopes.com site) appear in the credits of an atheist, Leftist, anti-Christian movie released in 1995 (see link provided below). Barbara and David Mikkelson have no children. They evidently raise both cats and rats as pets in their San Fernando Valley, CA home. Barbara is apparently devoted to the Snopes.com site full time, David does only part time work on the site, being a full-time programmer. Their income is derived from David's job and advertising from the Snopes.com Web site. The material presented below (again, see full source information at links provided!), which, if not as ultimately trustworthy as a source that we would necessarily want to rely upon as a reference, is I believe, nonetheless both substantial and significant in the context that I have used it here. It clearly indicates that Christianity itself has yet again been placed under attack as one of the Mikkelsons' choice targets, the debunking of which originally drew the couple together in the first place! Both Barbara and David participated (as actors) in the 2005 Atheist and Secular Humanist "documentary", The God Who Wasn't There, a film that attempts to debase, discredit, and refute Christianity as a hoax. I note with equal alarm that Wikipedia (which Snopes.com regularly cites as a primary source on a great number of their pages!) has also become accepted as another, (yet equally invalid) highly suspect "paragon" of Truth. Please note that Wikipedia, as the name implies, is a true "Wiki" that is, it's an open source, interactive Web site (akin to a blog) with or without adult supervision, as chance and circumstance may have it! with UNKNOWN CONTROLS (if any) as to the source and quality of its content at any given moment! I note with even GREATER fear (and yes, loathing) that many people I know have a tendency (conscious or otherwise) to count the relative number of Web hits delivered by a search engine (such as Google or Yahoo) on a particular search topic, and to assign "credibility" accordingly!!! This, when the ranking of Web hit returns on a search is determined, depending on the particular search engine, by arbitrary algorithms based on various combinations of factors, including both consensus (now there's a rock-solid assurance of truth NOT!) AND by how much a Web client pays for a search ranking on a particular category of searches!!!!! Because it has become such a dangerous popular Kulture practice today to confuse popularity with credibility, we now have the emergence of the controlling popular delusion, by which fools are now led in droves. Look around you. It's a Presidential election year. As we study The Truth Project, Gents, let us be very very careful to whom we so willingly donate unwarranted and voluntary precious gifts of attributes of Truth in these days of highly engineered, designer deceit. Such assignations of truth belong to Our Lord only! As Christians, we are bound as servants of our One Master to carefully guard ourselves against such carelessness, lest we be deceived. We are bound by our responsibilities as Christians not to be taken in by partial truths, which are always among the most powerful tools of The Deceiver! Yours in Christ,
SOURCES: (PLEASE ALWAYS CONSIDER THE SOURCE of your information, and don't omit the CONTEXT from which each source is taken, nor how it is used!): Please view the trailer to the movie The God Who Wasn't There, in
which the Mikkelsons are credited as actors (scroll down the page at
SUPPORTING REFERENCES: [*] NOTE ON THE ANNENBERG FOUNDATION AND ITS SUB-ORGANIZATIONS: As exposed frequently on Free Republic, the Annenberg organizations are Leftist-controlled organs dedicated to anti-American causes. Barak Obama has been associated with them as a former head of one of their sub-organizations. They own and control a similar online "source of authentic truth on the Web", factcheck.org. (1) Excerpt from "Interview With David Mikkelson:"
...Snopes.com is the work of the husband-and-wife team of David and Barbara Mikkelson, who have taken their passion for urban myths to the Web since 1995. The site is an encyclopedia of past hoaxes and myths, from classic e-mails purportedly from Bill Gates offering money for forwarding e-mail to friends, to recent reports of terrorists buying up UPS uniforms. (2.) Excerpt from the FAQ on the Snopes.com Web site:
Q: How come you sometimes analyze the content of political pieces, but other times you only verify who wrote them? SEE ALSO: Editorial at National Review Online
"Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodies?" (But who shall watch the watchmen?) Juvenal, a pagan Roman satirist "Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge?" Job 38:12 |
Posted by Various Readers, November, 2008. |
From Avodah (avodah15@aol.com) How Obama Got elected interviews with obama voters. They didn't
know details of who had said what or knew what.
From HaDaR (israel@verizon.net) Shabbat Shalom is Ashqelon. Thank you Sharon, Olmert, Livni, Netanyahu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcrdP3OEMnE&eurl From Ted Belman 911/114 The Plan To Control America, The Obama Strategy: Get Control of the Cockpit Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tlYHC7wYsY Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEyHONEX4lU Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk_CZVwQWCA Part 4: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2470841028297126909&hl=en From Michael from Milano (Michael@comunedimilano.org) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIblUsPaK3w (IAF at Auschwitz) From Aukina Dokter (adokter@012.net.il) The path to the final solution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDVaJXmCIjk and http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/191066.php From Bryna Berch November 9, 2008 Forcable expulsion of Hebron's "Beit Hashalom" Takes Settlers by Surprise. Security officials estimate that up to 300 settlers blockaded themselves inside the building. Shortly after the evacuation began Zaka reported at least 20 casualties including some who were unconscious. Unconfirmed reports claimed settler leader Baruch Marzel suffered a serious head injury. And From Aukina Dokter (November 11, 2008) If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn him the other also" So says the bible in the Gospel of Matthew. Yet on Sunday Greek Orthodox and Armenian Christians alike forgot these words as they clashed in a no-holes-barred brawl in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Israeli police were called to the scene to break up the fight as the clergy members punched, kicked and slammed religious artifacts on one another. 11/09/08If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn him the other also" So says the bible in the Gospel of Matthew. Yet on Sunday Greek Orthodox and Armenian Christians alike forgot these words as they clashed in a no-holes-barred brawl in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Israeli police were called to the scene to break up the fight as the clergy members punched, kicked and slammed religious artifacts on one another. 11/09/08If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn him the other also" So says the bible in the Gospel of Matthew. Yet on Sunday Greek Orthodox and Armenian Christians alike forgot these words as they clashed in a no-holes-barred brawl in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Israeli police were called to the scene to break up the fight as the clergy members punched, kicked and slammed religious artifacts on one another. 11/09/08If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn him the other also" So says the bible in the Gospel of Matthew. Yet on Sunday Greek Orthodox and Armenian Christians alike forgot these words as they clashed in a no-holes-barred brawl in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Israeli police were called to the scene to break up the fight as the clergy members punched, kicked and slammed religious artifacts on one another. 11/09/08 Breaking News: Greek Orthodox and Armenian Christians Battle It Out
Inside Church Of Holy Sepulcher
From Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Daily News Expelling Jews from Holy Hebron http://www.jewishtvnetwork.com/ From Tsila (Tsilagroup@yahoo.com) The House of Peace (Beit HaShalom) Hevron
In Hebron: Next to the Avraham Avinu neighborhood Arab demonstrators yelling: Death to Israel
From Bryna Berch This is an excellent talk by Nick Griffin of the British National
Party (BNP) on the Islamization of Europe. The BNP started as a
Fascist, anti-semitic party. But it has reinvented itself and is
devoted to protecting English culture in England. Its primary target
is Islam, because Islam is trying to overturn Western culture and
superimpose Sharia Law.
From GoodTeach (goodteach7@aol.com)
Must see and must pass on. Make an hour to see all these clips and pass them on ASAP. Only two days left to spread the word. Time is of the essence. May G-d be with us.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWH9P57qg3k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJsJPjHbin8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbXbwh4nXEQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEAcsEvFGOw&feature=related Muamar Khadaffi at a recent rally in Libya.
From Dov Stein (dbtc@actcom.com) This is Elisha Federman of Hebron, describing how the Israeli
Police came in the middle of the night and terrorized her children and
destroyed her home. The Olmert Gov't wants to give Samaria and
Judea to the pseudo-people, the Palestinians, and the Noam Federman is
a leader of patriotic Jews who understand that Samaria and Judea are
Biblical Israel. They house the roots of Judaism.
See also:
From Joshua Pundit blogspot in the hands of this Black conservative...a must see vid. Now this is one guy I'd love to see in politics.
From Jennifer Rubin
This Is the Khalidi Obama Embraced. Rashid Khalidi's lecture in June, 2007: his view on Israel is an eye-opener. Viewers curious about the views of the man whom in 2003 Obama gave a "warm embrace" (physically or verbally?) should skip to the fifty-minute mark on the video tape. You see, Khalidi tells us, the U.S. is repeating the same error of the Cold War in pursuing its war against Islamic terrorists. According to Khalidi it is the same "blind, foolish, reductionism." And the U.S. policy is designed according to Khalidi to "get Palestinians to destroy one another." And on it goes. His view of Israel? It is worse than "apartheid." Continue to the end of the tape when he is asked about the massive Israeli media conspiracy headed by none other than Mortimer Zuckerman. He doesn't quite buy into that, but his description of American Jews who control the money and votes to manipulate Congress sounds an awful lot like Mearsheimer and Walt's "The Israeli Lobby." Or General Tony McPeak for that matter. So it would be very interesting to see precisely what Khalidi said
in Obama's presence four years earlier. Was the rhetoric above the
sort of language which preceded the warm words of praise from Barack
Obama? The specifics matter, the context is crucial.
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