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In this Issue, we start by examining hoaxes -- the kind the Muslims play upon the rest of the world, and the ones they inflict on themselves.
There was a science fiction story a half century ago about a culture that worshipped a god-person, the Supreme Being named, if I remember rightly, Garoma -- well, something like that. As the story develops, we learn that his psychiatrist who knows everyone's secrets believes himself the real power behind the throne, while Garoma is just eye candy for the crowds. Shaggy dog past the number of people who believe they are the real power to the one who really does hold the world in his power. As the story ends, Garamo is being paraded down the street, and everyone screams enthusiastically, "Help us, Garoma." -- including the ultimate holder of power.
By analogy, the Arabs and their pro-peace marxist Pals are excellent at creating realistic hoaxes. With the help of the lackey-media, these hold up, at least until someone looks at them logically. Or until someone takes a photo of the directors setting up the hoax.
What is also becoming clear is that apparently it is as easy for the hoaxsters to fool themselves as it is to fool anyone else. They begin to believe their own lies. The world then can not be trusted. Whoever doesn't agree with them must be lying. Whoever denies Arab claims is conspiring against the Arab world. It can't possibly be that they themselves are not credible. This is not a mentality that is attuned to progress or new knowledge. It won't reject ideas that don't stand up to experience. Indeed, the opposite is true. The world and all within it must conform to the notions the Arab know to be true. There is no room for argument.
So it is that what starts out as a mild self-serving lie becomes a
self-induced deception. For the lie to be maintained, the environment
often needs to be restructured. The hoax is the natural medium to
refit the environment to the proper shape, to provide the right context.
ALL SIZES of believability.
Some assertions have such shock value, their sheer impossibility is ignored.
In August 2009, the Swedish journalist Donald Bostom created a
blood libel against the Jews out of whole cloth. He claimed some
Palestinian Arabs told him how their dead son was taken away by the
IDF and returned with large stitches in his midsection. The
implication was clear: the Jews were ripping the organs out of
innocent terrorists for organ transfer. When you get past the shock
value, this is giggle-making. Organs from bullet-riddled terrorists
are not suitable for organ transfer. Extracting, preserving and inserting
vital organs are tricky procedures; they aren't done under field
conditions. What's interesting is that the dead terrorist's relatives
initially denied that he was an involuntary organ
donor. Way at the other end of the scale of taking a bizarre
interpretation seriously has been the universal reaction to the
announcement that the Saudis had captured a Mossad spy -- a vulture.
The bird was equipped with a
ring with "Tel Aviv University" written on it and a
global positioning satellite (GPS) so the Israeli researchers could
keep track of their subjects, the birds. Naturally, the Saudis
suspected the bird of spying for Israel. Almost everyone treated the
story with sarcasm. No one insisted that the Jews come up with
evidence the vulture was not a spy. Nor did the Jews volunteer any
evidence. It was a pleasant change from the pathetic way Jews explain
that, gee whiz, the Temple Mount really does belong to us, honest.
Don't ya read the Bible? Who but reactionary Marxists ever
doubted it?
The non-people who call themselves Palestinians but can't pronounce
"Palestine", having no P sound in their language, assure us
that Israel is occupying their land. Many people who believe them that
Israel is occupying Palestinian land are just ignorant of the facts.
And who can blame them? Israel hasn't been forthcoming about getting
the news out that the same authority that made Mandated Palestine into
an irrevocable trust for the Jews divided the 99.9% rest of the
Ottoman Middle East into Arab states. If Israel isn't legal, then what
makes the Arab states legal?
Too many Israeli diplomats and politicians seem incapable of using
plain and simple facts that buttress Israel's ownership of Israel and
the Territories. They don't firmly state the land is Jewish by
history, by Bible, by devotion and habitation over the centuries, by
irrevocable International Law, and by conquest. No sir. Either they
talk about security, which doesn't really address the question of
ownership. Or they talk about the disputed land! Why in the
world would Jews describe their land as disputed? It is Jewish.
Period. And we won't give it or sell it or have the world sucker it
away from us. But no, the diplomats talk about disputed land, showing
us they are taking the high ground, the fair way, the way to doom.
HOAXES. It is too early to say whether they will be as memorable
or as effective as the Mohammed al Dura hoax. According to Arab eye
witnesses, he was shot by the Israelis. When eventually people got
around to calculating possibilities based on where the Israelis were
and where Mohammed was, the investigators were left with two
possibilities. Either Israelis can shoot around corners and fire in
circular trajectories. Or they couldn't have hit the boy, who just
happened to be crouching in line of sight and a short distance away
from some Arab sharp shooters.
And then there was Rachel Corrie, one of a group of young people
sent by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) to shield Arab
homes from the IDF and prevent the IDF from destroying the tunnels
for smuggling weapons that exited in these houses. Maybe she'd even
get a chance to shield some Gazan Arabs, going about their business
of killing Israelis. Eye witness members of her group asserted that
she was deliberately run over -- twice -- by a bulldozer. This gained
her the right-on-target moniker, St. Pancake of IHOP, because such an
experience would flatten anyone. Actually and miraculously, ISM's own
photos show her 3-dimensional. And definitely alive A.T. (After
Tractor). Her cell phone (cropped in later photos) seems not to have
suffered damage. Things changed of course. She was taken by ambulance
to an Arab hospital. She either died there or earlier in the
ambulance -- the pictures of a bunch of guys without face masks
standing around Rachel on the "operating" table or posed near an
X-ray machine aren't convincing. The latest examination of the
evidence indicates she was struck by some debris thrown by the
tractor's shovel. So she died either at the hands of her Arabs
handlers or as a result of her injury. It would be ironic, wouldn't
it, if it was by a stone of the type the press reassures us can't
kill anyone when flung by an Arab delinquent. Either way, her death
gave the pro-Palestinian cause a gift beyond price.
Some Arab hoaxes involve entire villages and the collusion of the
press. In Jenin, the Arabs claimed a large number of people --
anywhere from 500 to 5000, depending on the speaker -- were killed by
the IDF. Arab leaders and eye-witnesses claimed the Jews buried the
bodies in mass graves to cover up the massacre. The number of dead
turned out to be 50 something, and most had been terrorists or those
helping the terrorists. In another ambitious enterprise, Hezbollah,
with the collusion of Human Rights Watch and photographers for the
main stream press tried to set up a "massacre" in Qana in 2006. They
were foiled by a systematic examination of the data by many
independent bloggers (See here.)
Caroline Glick's essay (see here.) deals with several kinds of small-stage but
deadly hoaxes. She describes an Arab that inadvertently killed his
own livestock and blamed the Jews. More typically, the Arab steals
crops and livestock from the Jewish farmer and when confronted
accuses the Jew of doing the stealing. The police routinely side with
the Arab. She also reports the routine way that the Jews of Judea and
Samaria are made to appear to be fanatics who hate Arabs. The Jews
are manipulated into or trapped in a dangerous situation where they
can escape only by injuring one or more of the conspiring Arabs.
Conveniently, photographers, complete with professional equipment,
are present. The photos of this moment, and only of this moment, are
distributed as proof the Jews like injuring Arabs. And she writes of
a recent death that embeds a libel within the routine harassment of
IDF soldiers. The local Jewish Marxists don't reserve Friday for
Sabbath preparations. Instead, they drive to the Arab village of
Bi'lin to join Jew-haters from foreign lands and some local arabs
with nothing better to do to attack the separation fence near Bil'in,
thus baiting the IDF soldiers who have the miserable duty of guarding
the fence, while attempting non-violently to fend off these reckless
civilian attackers. Just recently on January first, the IDF was
accused of having caused the death of one of the demonstrators, who
inhaled tear gas. When the propaganda fumes dissipated, it was
discovered the victim was standing well away from the rioters and the
tear gas.
By chance and before the Friday riot at which Jawaher abu Rahmeh
was said to have died from inhaling tear gas, I received this email
from some one I've known for many years. He is now serving in the IDF:
These later hoaxes do have this in common with the Corrie and al
Dura classics. Eye witness participants are part of the hoax. They
deliberately lie. Earnestly and with wide-eyed innocence, they malign
Israel and the IDF. They libel Jews living in Samaria and Judea
without hesitation. It's probably not as surprising as it seems on the
surface that many of these fellow travelers are Jewish. What matters
to them is their Marxist ideology, not the accident of birth that made
them Jewish.
One such eyewitness is Jonathan Polack, a founder of Israeli
Anarchists Against the Wall and a member of the Popular Struggle
Coordination Committee. As reported by Jason Edelstein of NGO Monitor
in a 4Jan11 NGO article entitled "NGO's Lack Credibility on the Death
of Jawaher Abu-Rahmeh,"
(click here.) Jonathan Pollak stated, The article notes several contradictions to Pollak's statement
that, in the confusion of a 1000-person riot, complete with rock
throwing, yelling, rushing around and tear gas fog and fumes, he
witnessed Rahmeh taking an active part in the demonstration, and saw
her being put into the ambulance. According to the girl's mother, they
were standing together on a hill looking down at the rioters. Moreover,
It has also been reported that he said
"Rahma suffered from severe asphyxiation caused by the
tear gas. ... She had poison in her body that was the same
active ingredient in the tear gas."
In 2005, ignoring massacres, intifadas, stone-throwing gangs,
suicide-bombers and individual acts of murder by Palestinian arabs, he
wrote, "Though Palestinians have employed nonviolence since 1929, they
have seen little evidence that it will help them to achieve freedom."
But he did feel the unified non-violent actions of Israeli and international
activists [carrying out such non-violent acts as throwing stones at
soldiers and ripping out parts of the fence - bsl] was effective.
These setups are not just silly whoppers or even nasty inventions
by some nasty-minded Arabs. These hoaxes are taken seriously because
these stunts and plots are certified by respected and seemingly
respectable Israeli organizations: B'tselem, Yesh Din, Gush Shalom,
Peace Now, Physicians for Human Rights in Israel, etc. These
organizations don't just attest to the veracity of the creator of the
purimspiel. In many cases, they help plan the operation and
supply the necessary props. It is becoming a rule of thumb that if an
lsraeli NGO has peace or human rights in its name, the
probability is high that its activities are aimed at helping to
destroy Israel.
"We participate in the weekly Bil'in riots every Friday.
You can see them on the youtube, but you'll only see half of what
happens there. Because the people who film it are anarchists. What
happens there is the Arabs who live in Bil'in come the security fence
and start pulling it down. We push them away with tear gas (which is
really harmless---i breathed a lot of it), and then they start
throwing hundreds of rocks at our soldiers. So we go in and throw some
more tear gas. This continues for a couple hours until they get tired
and go back home. The people who film this, cut out every part that
shows the Arabs throw rocks and just leaves the parts that show us
throwing tear gas. But that's media..will never change... But I am
careful.. I dodge the rocks real good :-) ."
I saw that Jahawer
take an active role in the protest...I saw how they put her in the
ambulance that took her to the hospital. I know with certainty that
she arrived there and stayed there, and later died at the hospital."
("Did Palestinians lie about protester's death?" From Hanan Greenberg,
YNET, January 4, 2011)
Anarchists Against the Wall's Pollak
claimed that he tweeted about the incident during the demonstration.
However, his tweets from during and soon after the demonstration do
not mention Abu-Rahmeh, only "mass amounts of tear-gas." The first
mention of an injury from "tear-gas inhalation" was Friday night at
8:16 PM, hours later.
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