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Why are so many Israeli Jews enthusiastic - or at least acquiescent - about other Jews being forced out of Gaza? From conversations and emails I've had, these are some/many/all the reasons, in no particular order.
BBC and CNN have made major innovations in how to present the news. The old way of praising a good ad writer was to say he was someone who could make you buy a broken pencil without an eraser. The new hero is a TV presenter who can make you weep for the monster who blows himself up while you feel nothing - or maybe some annoyance - for the people he destroys and their families. Not that they ignore families. The sad interview with the Arab family, who have just discovered the bomb they helped fashion was fantastically successful, has become stylized.
The choice is not much better in this country. Much of what one
would regard as newsy news - almost sensational news - is not
published or is played down. For example, a young Arab woman was badly
burned while cooking when a gas container exploded - no, you can't pin
this on the Jews. She was the recipient of skin grafts donated by
several hospitals in Israel and was receiving post-surgery treatment
at the Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva. On June 20th, at the
behest of Abbas' Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, she put explosives in her
underpants, and swore in a most unladylike fashion when she was unable
to detonate them. Her longtime ambition had been to commit suicide
while murdering a lot of Jews; she'd been looking forward to killing
lots of Jewish children in the hospital. Videos of this exist. Stills
can be made from videos. Have you seen this in your newspaper or on TV
- Fox News excepted?
On many skinheady blogsites, you can read that the Washington
Post and the New York Times are Jew-owned. That is supposed
immediately to tell the reader that they are pro-Israel and not to be
trusted. It tells me that these bloggers either can't read words of
more than one syllable or have never actually read either of these
rags. Pro-Jewish and pro-Israel they ain't.
Sadly, some influential commentators and analysts have joined the
rest of the media. Norman Podhoretz's essay in last April's
Commentary (read
surprised many disagreeably, including his own daughter, who lives in
Israel. Of his arguments, some, in the space of a few months, have
become obsolete. In fact, I'm not sure Podhoretz will agree with
Podhoretz once the reality of the retreat from Gaza sinks in; and as
more of the side possibilities come to pass - like seeing resisting
Jews, some as young as 12, put in the jails from which recidivist Arab
terrorists are released. And while the families of Arab children
taught to throw stones and bombs are not considered child abusers, the
parents of the youngsters in jail have been threatened that social
services will take away their children because they have been
negligent parents letting their children take part in civil
disobedience exercises. [As an aside - this comes from Dr. Arieh Eldad
- when some of the jailed youngsters were threatened that they'd be
taken from their parents, they giggled and said, "Put us in foster
homes and within two weeks, those homes will be orange."]
In point of fact, Podhoretz discounts the data - he doesn't deny
it, he just gives it insufficient weight - because he puts his faith
in George W. Bush, who won't be president long enough to change the
Arabs but might be in power long enough to give the Arabs time to
severely? mortally? weaken the Jewish state. Ironically, the worry of
the pundits that democracy will destabilize the Middle East is already
coming true. Israel is beginning to fight itself, not its enemies.
The Palestinians are an 'ersatz' people, a glossy face behind
which the Arab states hide. The Arabs are still dedicated to a
Israel-free Middle East. The Arabs who occupy Biblical Israel are a
stalking horse for the Arab states, which will gobble up the spoils,
should they succeed in destroying Israel. Bush seems to acknowledge
that the core hostility comes from Israel's neighbors, but that
doesn't mean he's about to force the Saudis to accept Israel.
The new political religion is that Democracy will conquer all. Does
anyone think a "democratic" Iraq, into which we've poured billions of
dollars, is going to acknowledge the legitimacy of the Jewish State?
Democracy only means the most of the people have a say some of the
time in the decisions their government makes. ALL of the Arabs have
been fed an enriched diet of hatred of the Jews since the Mufti of
Jerusalem's time - Arafat only intensified it - so they will
democratically decide to kill off Israel. Feeding the Palestinian
Arabs, clothing them, and giving them jobs and medical care and
something called "dignity" ain't going to change that. They are NOT
like us. When's the last time you thought it was a good idea to kill
a girl because she was raped? When's the last time you fantasized
beheading someone who'd injured you? When's the last time you bought
bigger panties, to have room for explosives.
The problem, of course, is that the Arabs don't play "share." When
Gaza goes, they'll shoot at communities considered "real Israel."
Sharon's government knows this. Forty-four towns in Israel proper have
been designated as in the war zone. In America, you are entitled to
easy government-secured funds if the hurricane hits you. In Israel,
it's when Arab bombers and missile throwers damage your house, with,
maybe, you in it.
Whereever the Jews draw a line, the Arabs will try to push further.
When the Arabs take over Gaza, there will be a new frontier and new
"friction points", Jewish towns the terrorists can reach without
even needing to take a bus. Jews will be 'advised' to leave. What's
the end point? Jews living on the beach of Tel Aviv and drinking
bottled seltzer water imported from Brooklyn?
Podhoretz talks about Israelis wanting a fence and evacuation
because they want separation between Jews and Arabs. I wonder how they
will have separation with a growing Arab population inside Israel? A
part of the Arab growth is from legal and illegal immigration. It's
curious but no one ever asks why is it, if Israel is so terrible to
the Arabs, why do they keep coming into Israel?
"Does a friend ask you to give up your home?" I asked. "Does a
friend ask you to give up your greenhouses? Gaza was sand before the
Jewish settlers made some of it green. Does a friend play
kissy-kissy with people that want to destroy you?"
"Listen," one said, "we're a small country."
They don't make the connection that in being accommodating, Israel
will become a much smaller country. If all the parts that some
politician is demanding and another politician is willing to do
without are amputated, Israel will be the size of Monaco - until the
next Arab strike.
This is truly spooky. It reminds me of a Life magazine article
during the Vietnam war. A large number of people were asked why we
were in Vietnam. They all said we were there for a reason. But their
reasons differed. It's rather like hypnosis. Typically, the person
hypnotized is told to do some bizarre task. The subject carries out
the task exactly. Asked why, he himself invents a reason.
I don't know if Sharon and cronies came up with the idea of
unilateral disengagement from Gaza or if it was some from the Bush
administration or Mr. X. But right now the Bush administration is
committed to a PA state - a contiguous state that encompasses
Gaza, Samaria, Judea and a chunk of Jerusalem plus an undefined
corridor that cuts Israel in half. Of course, the USA and even our
friends the UN and the EU say they are concerned with Israel's
security. But they aren't concerned with the psychological and
spiritual demoralization of Israel as pieces of Israel are amputated.
And has anyone considered what it will mean when some 400,000-500,000
Jews (that includes the 200,000 Jews living in the part of Jerusalem
William Burns of our State Dep't let slip is to be given to the Arabs)
have been moved out of their homes to make yet another country for the
Wouldn't it be more sensible to move the Arabs out of JewLand into
some place in ArabLand. After all, the Arabs own 99.9% of the Middle
East. Isn't that enough for them?
The Bush administration wants terrorism to stop, but like any
politician he will be satisfied with the appearance of a reduction.
Between Abbas keeping it down to "acceptable levels" and the
politicians and media ignoring all but major "incidents", it will
seem as if indeed terrorism has stopped. Note that Abbas has
not renounced destroying Israel; he's just willing to cool it
for a while, while he builds up resources for the next phase. And he
now has a large group of blooded killers (straight out of Israeli
jails) plus El Fatah and Hamas terrorists to back up any demand he
The Jews are usually cooperative; the Arabs know how to say NO. To
save face, the politicians will side with the Arabs.
Unfortunately, the Americans are getting like the Arabs - the more
you give up, the more they want you to give up. And no one has asked
why Israel should chop the land of the Jews - a 4000 year old people -
into two pieces so that a non-people, which at best can claim 40 years
of history, should have a thriving contiguous state.
What do I believe?
I believe Israel must change her attitude from thinking minimum to thinking maximally. If nothing else, the foreign politicians will go find some one easier to pick on. If Israel is to survive, she needs to stop being accomodating and reasonable and trying to figure out how little land she can survive on. She has to stop acting like a banana republic. She will earn respect from the world when she fights back seriously and starts defending her people and property. Otherwise, she will be nibbled to death.
I believe that if Israel put as much effort into asserting that the Palestinian Arabs should be absorbed in some part of the vast holdings of the Arabs as she does in fighting herself, she would be in a much better position.
I believe that giving the Arabs land that is Jewish by the Bible, by history, by the Mandate, by international law, by decency and morality and by conquest is confidence building for the Arabs and demoralizing for the Jews. And the Jews have more to lose and less margin to lose it in. If population transfer is no longer a dirty word - who says Sharon hasn't done something good - then transfer out the Arabs. It is NOT their land.
Bernice Lipkin is editor of Think-Israel.
This essay is based on an earlier version that was an Op-Ed in
response to an article that seemed to promote the disengagement.
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