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"An invitation to Annapolis," by Ellen W. Horowitz,
"Munich 1938, Annapolis 2007" by Chaim Szmidt, Read it at Freedom's Cost.
[Submitted by TM.,
"The Libel Tourist video", Rachel Ehrenfeld speaking. See this
documentary at The Libel
Tourist blog. Also viewable at
[Saudis fund terrorists; ultimate objective -- to impose Sharia
(Muslim Law) on everyone.]
"Mandate for Palestine: The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights" by Eli
E. Hertz. Download it at
Myths and Facts website. Or download it directly
by clicking here. A Hebrew version is also available. [Israel's
right to Biblical Israel (the "West Bank") is irrevocable by
international law.]
"Questions And Answers About Israel, Annapolis, And 'Peace'" by
Steven Plaut ( Read it at the
Jewish Press. [Why Israel should not go to Annapolis.]
"Anti-Americanism Dangerously Misunderstood, While Israel is Still
Expected to do all the Heavy Lifting," by Phyllis Chesler. Read it at
Chesler Chronicles. [Israel gives. Gets grief. Gives more. Gets no
"Stacked Deck! Peace conference invitee list revealed." by Batya
Medad. Read it at
Shiloh's Musings. [Hail, hail, the gang's all here and Israel gets
to play the sacrificial lamb.]
"Honest Broker or Dangerous Scam?" by Batya Medad. Read it a
Shiloh Musings. [Blair and Rice aren't honest brokers. They're
"Annapolis..." by Chaim Szmidt. Read it at Freedom's Cost.
[Olmert buys off countrymen who could bring his administration down and
kowtows to administrations that could wipe out his country.]
"November 1947 and Annapolis déjà vu," by Elder of
Ziyon" Read it at
Elder of Ziyon. [However failure or success is measured at
Annapolis, the day after there will be violence.]
"Quo Vadis Annapolis?" by Yoram Ettinger. Read it at
The Ettinger Report. [Arabs view peace as just another a tactic to
defeat their enemies.]
"Jerusalem" by Akiva. Read it at
Mystical Paths. [Jerusalem is too important to Judaism to lose
"Condi's Fatal Error" by Arlene Kushner
( Read it at
Front Page Magazine. [Sec-State Rice's judgment is poor.]
"The Annapolis Summit" by Bernice Lipkin. Read it at
Think-Israel. [This "peace process" is as wrong-headed as the
previous ones. We need a new paradigm for peace.]
"Surprise... Not! Palestinians Abuse Their Own Kids!" by Barbara.
Read it at Barbara's
Tchatzkahs. [Monster Alley isn't where you make a deal.]
"Annapolis: The very definition of antisemitism" by Anne Lieberman.
Read at Boker
tov, Boulder. {Annapolis applies a double standard. That's anti-Semitism.]
"Dangerous Times We Live In," by Ralph Levy. "Motivation" by Ralph Levy. Read it at
Ralph's Rants. [Why the push by the Bush administration? Ralph speculations.]
"Ancient History" by Ancient Clown." Read it at
Lest we forget.
[Breaking treaties isn't a new concept that needs time to understand.]
"Coordinating Committee to Save Jerusalem and other items" by Yid With
Lid. Read it at
Yid with Lid. [Catch up with what many bloggers are writing.]
"Every Party Needs A Pooper," by Jeff Dunetz. (
"At Annapolis, Will Israel Sink Or Swim?" by Yisrael Medad
( Read it at
Arutz-Sheva. [Annapolis proposals sound upbeat but they are in
Israel's worst interests.]
"Israel should say to US, 'Bring it on?'" by Ted Belman. Read it at
IsraPundit, November 15,
2007. [Saying "no" to America's goal of creating a Palestinian State
could be very good for Israel.]
" Let's give them a state!" by Carl in
Jerusalem. AND WE LISTED THE RALLIES To Defend Jerusalem And
Biblical Israel and the integrity of Israel.
Biblical Israel is slated to become the next Gaza. Judaism's
historical homeland -- part of Jerusalem and Samaria and Judea (the
"West Bank") -- are being given away for empty promises of peace.
Shalom International buses. Contact $25 per seat.
Alan Wolf ( has a van leaving from New Jersey -- seats
6. If you are organizing a car pool, write Bob Kunst at
AFSI: Monsey Tours bus leave from 31st between 7th and 8th Ave., NYC at 7:00 A.M. for Annapolis.
Do what you can. Call people. Get a group together and go down to a
rally. Do what you can. Send donations to "Defend Jerusalem," P.O.Box,
402263, Miami Beach, Fla. 33140.
Call the Israeli Embassy and Consulates and email Knesset members.
You'll find addresses at the end of "Editorial: The Annapolis Summit
just below. Contact the White House. People will be lobbying Congress
Monday-Wednesday, November 26-28.
Do what you can.
Union Square across from Macy's
Friday, November 23th, 2007
11:00AM - 1 PM
Sponsored by Stand With Us/San Francisco Voice for Israel. It
is pro-Israel and will counter the Women in Black's annual anti-Israel
rally taking place in Union Square.
Lafayette Park in front of White House
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Starts at Noon.
Need Info? Contact Bob Kunst at 305-864-5110
Sponsored by Shalom International and Coalition to Defend
Jerusalem ( Rally will be followed by a walk
to the Holocaust Museum
Mount of Olives
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Starts at 5:30 p.m.(17.30)
Need Info? Contact Eitan at 050-723-9438 or
Hebrew: English:
Sponsored by One Jerusalem. Join Natan Sharansky and Israelis
from all parts of the country. Buses will leave from the Jerusalem
Theater (corner of Chopin and Marcus, Talbiyeh) Sunday at 5 p.m. (and
return about 8 p.m.) Reserve by calling Shalom Helman, 052-477-6275 or
Jerusalem is the eternal undivided capital of the Jewish people.
"Torch of Friendship", 3rd St. and Bisc. Blvd
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Starts at Noon
Need info? Call Carole Flato at 305 527 8137
outside the Israeli Consulate
2nd Avenue at 43rd Street
Monday, November 26, 2007
12 noon to 2 p.m.
Need Info? Call Eva Costabel at 917-553-6042. Buddy Macy at 973-785-0057
Bring posters, fliers and plenty of energy
Congregation K.I.N.S. of West Rogers Park
2800 W. North Shore
Monday, November 26, 2007
7 P.M.
Need Info? Call 773 465 3900
Sponsored by Chicago Rabbinical Council. Join in a Massive Prayer
Townhall Meeting for members ofCongress and staff.
Cannon Building HOB 121, (Metro: Capitol South, Orange/Blue lines)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
12 noon to 5 p.m.
Sponsored by CIPAC and Richard Hellman, moderator.
Need Info? Contact Robert Turk. Tel: 860-238-7543; Cell:
Townhall Meeting on expected severe impacts from Annapolis
Meeting. Sponsored by Christian Lobby for Israel, Jewish, Christian
and educational organizations, Richard Hellman, moderator. Public is
invited but space is limited -- first come, first seated.
Gate 1, Naval Academy, King George and Randall St.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
11 A.M. - 2 P.M.
Need Info? Call Bob Kunst at 305-864-5110
Sponsored by Shalom International and Coalition to Defend Jerusalem
Returning to NYC at 8:00P.M.
Travel time each way: approx 3/12 hr.
To make a reservation: Call Barry at 212 828 2424 or email
Bus Fare: $30
Bring your own lunch.
Bus trip is sponsored by Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI)
Bernice Lipkin is managing editor of Think-Israel.
November-December 2007 Featured Stories
Background Information
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