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Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, July 31, 2009. |
This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: I've lost count of how many times I've returned from a photo shoot with something unexpected, but that is what makes photography an ever-exciting adventure. This week's shot is sent out in honor of Tu B'Av, the 15 of Av, which falls this week on Tuesday evening and Wednesday. The full moon of Av is known as Israel's Valentine's Day and is a popular day for weddings. I took this photo during a walk along the beach at Caesaria, while photographing the ancient Roman aqueducts for my stock library. I knew the stone arches would look their best bathed in the golden glow of afternoon sunshine, but I didn't foresee the glorious sunset which occurred that day nor the couple who arrived at the same time I did. The biggest obstacle to getting this shot was my concern that my subjects might not want to be photographed. I knew the silhouette would render them unidentifiable, so I wasn't worried about invading their privacy. Still, I didn't want to spoil their moment, so I chose a 70-200 mm zoom lens and maintained a comfortable distance from the strangers, who obliged my purpose by ignoring me. I waited until the fireball dipped below the arch and their heads and then I positioned myself so the human forms fell directly between my lens and the sun. As with every silhouette, it's critical to set the exposure for the
bright light in the background. This requires closing the aperture
and/or raising the shutter speed significantly. Since very little
light is falling on the arch or couple from the direction of the
camera, they are rendered totally black. I also shot this image
without any people in it, but placing a person in a photo gives scale
to the setting and, in this case, stimulates the wistful notion that
we, too, could be sitting there some day.
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by ZOA, July 31, 2009. |
A new poll has found that the overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews (70% to 15%) support autonomy for Palestinians, not the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, believing that this better serves Israeli interests. (Even among left-wing Kadima voters, 72% supported autonomy over statehood, with 16% disagreeing). The poll also showed high levels of support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisting on a Palestinian construction freeze in Judea and Samaria should Israel agree to a freeze on Jewish construction in these territories (71%-20%). Additionally, almost the same number of Israeli Jews believe that it is as important to keep building in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) as it is to build in the Galilee and the Negev (43%-48%). The poll, conducted by the respected Maagar Mohot Survey Institute on July 26, also found that nearly two-thirds of Israeli Jews (62% to 27%) believe that Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas seeks ultimately to replace Israel rather than merely establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel. Also, Israeli Jews believe by a margin of 58% to 12%, that future Palestinian leaders will not honor agreements that Abbas may sign. Additionally, 64% of Israeli Jews believe Israel would not be able to trust international pledges for its security in return for withdrawing Jewish communities from Judea and Samaria, as opposed to merely 9% who think it could (Zack Colman, 'Poll: Israelis wary of PA leadership, Jerusalem Post, July 24, 2009; 'Maagar Mochot Poll finds strong support for Palestinian autonomy over sovereign state, freeze on Palestinian construction to match Jewish freeze,' Independent Media Review & Analysis,' July 24, 2009). ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "This latest poll confirms strongly other recent poll results that show Israelis do not support the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state, do not trust the PA leadership and therefore oppose concession to them in return for signed agreements and also that they are opposed to freezing Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria. Several polls in recent months and years have clearly supported these findings. "Just as 62% of Israeli Jews today do not believe Mahmoud Abbas to be a genuine peace maker who accepts Israel's permanence and legitimacy as a Jewish state and just as 58% of Israeli Jews today do not trust future PA leaders to honor any agreement Abbas may sign, a nearly identical number 63% believed, according to a December 2008 War and Peace Index poll, that the Palestinians do not accept Israel and would destroy it if they could. Or, again, just as 64% of Israeli Jews today believe Israel would not be able to trust international pledges for its security in return for withdrawing Jewish communities from Judea and Samaria, 59% of Jewish Israelis were found in an October 2007 Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research poll to oppose major concessions, like dividing Jerusalem, even in return for a peace agreement. "These results and others like it show the Israeli Jewish public understands that the PA and its leadership are not peace-partners and therefore oppose a concessionary policy to the Palestinians, especially one leading to the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state. This poll and others clearly show that they oppose the racist plan being pushed upon Israel by the Obama Administration that demands that no Jews be allowed to build legally authorized homes in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, while insisting that Israel permit even illegal Arab building in these territories. President Obama has gone around the world apologizing for the U.S. for dictating policy to other countries, yet forcefully dictates policy to Israel."
The Zionist of America (ZOA) was founded in 1897, and is the oldest pro-Israel organization in the United States. The ZOA works to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations, educates the American public and Congress about the dangers that Israel faces, and combats anti-Israel bias in the media and on college campuses. Its past presidents have included Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and Rabbi Dr. Abba Hillel Silver. Its current president is Mort Klein. |
Posted by Jason E. Gold, July 31, 2009. |
I watched one of my favorite romantic comedies the other evening, Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. In the film, he plays a hedonistic weatherman sent to Pennsylvania to cover the Groundhog Day festivities. He ends up getting stuck there with his crew and reliving the same day over and over until he begins to clean up his act. Because he retains the memory of each day's events, this helps him evolve and eventually get things right. More and more, the political comedy of current-day Israel reminds me of that movie with Bibi in the Bill Murray role. After all, the country, while desperate for change and real leadership, keeps returning to the same pathetic group of people that just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper and no one seems to be waking up and getting it right. Really now, did anyone truly believe that Bibi 2 was going to be any different than Bibi 1? Did anyone believe that the man who helped throw 10,000 Jews out of their homes in Gush Katif was suddenly going to toughen up on the issue of settlement building? Did anyone doubt that he and Ehud Barak would figure out a way to muzzle and neuter Avigdor Lieberman (not that Lieberman was going to be a figure of deliverance but at least he had the promise of some testosterone/backbone)? Did anyone believe that Bibi's speech at Bar Ilan was going to hold water? Menachem Begin may have started the recognition process of a mythical "palestinian" people by going to Camp David but Bibi seems hellbent on finishing it by openly proclaiming a two-state solution and naively expecting the world to buy into his fantasy of a demilitarized state. In the meantime of course, Ehud Barak meets with George Mitchell and then presto, hilltop communities, buildings, etc magically start coming down at the hands of a new elite unit being designed to take down Yesha. And while all this is happening, good, misguided people like Ketzeleh, Michael Ben-Ari, Effie Eitam, and Aryeh Eldad stand yelling on the sidelines but are completely impotent to do anything. Why? Because instead of listening to what Feiglin was saying and joining the Likud, they took hundreds of thousands of good people into small, negligible sectoral parties that while comfortable in their internal sameness, would ultimately have no say in Bibi's plans. Just think what would have happened if these leaders and all their people joined Likud. Do you think Bibi could contemplate doing what he is doing now? Do you think that the settlement/settler hater Barak would even be in government? Imaging a top row leadership in Likud of Feiglin, Katz, Ben-Ari, Eitam, Eldad, etc. Right now, Bibi is both laughing at these people while grateful that they did not heed Feiglin's call. It just amazes me how often Feiglin is right about this and about Bibi's coming implosion. But you know, let me now quote a Manhigut supporter on Sarah Honig's column in the Jerusalem Post (which I highly recommend) that sums it up quite nicely: "Reading Sarah Honig's insightful articles pushes the reader into a steep decline of despondency. Week after week her brilliant insights into the workings of the government puts the spotlight on the inadequacies of the Israeli Leadership. It only seems to be getting worse. Our Jewish Leadership is totally devoid of Jewish pride I thought that the bottom had been reached when not long ago a senior member of the government and entourage were forced to enter the meeting room through a kitchen door as the other party refused to sit with The Israeli contingent unless they complied with this outrageous request. Honig's article, "In The Footsteps Of Sam Lewis's Suck-Ups" on July 10, 2009, recalling Prime Minister Begin's attitude toward the then US Ambassador Sam Lewis should (but won't) serve as an example to today's politicos. The more Israel acts like a powerless beggar, that's the way it will be treated. Before the elections, voters hoped that Netanyahu would have changed his stripes. Now, the electorate has seen him in action...no backbone, no Jewish pride and he FOLDED LIKE A FAN, in dealing with the American government. 'Nuff said. Contact Jason E. Gold by email at jason.gold@lincolncapitalpartners.net This article was
posted July 12, 2009 on the Jewish Leadership Blogsite:
Posted by Shaul Ceder, July 31, 2009. |
This was written by James Kirchick and it appeared July 21, 2009 in the New York
Post. It is archived at Israel Unity Coalition
PRESIDENT OBAMA IS TREATING OUR FRIEND LIKE A FIEND, AND TURNING PUBLIC OPINION AGAINST AN ALLY When Barack Obama was running for president, he vigorously reassured voters of his firm commitment to America's special relationship with Israel. Indeed, he worked to beef up his pro-Israel bona fides long before he even announced his intention to run. In a 2006 speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Obama recounted a helicopter tour over the Israeli border with the West Bank. "I could truly see how close everything is and why peace through security is the only way for Israel," he said. In that same speech, Obama called the Jewish State "our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy." During the primary and general election campaigns, Obama dispatched a stream of high-profile Jewish supporters to canvas Florida, and in a 2008 AIPAC speech, he went so far as to declare that Jerusalem must remain the "undivided" capital of Israel. For all the qualms that anti-Obama "smears" would depress support in the Jewish community, Jews rewarded Obama with nearly 80% of their votes, more than they gave John Kerry. Just six months into the new administration, however, it is becoming increasingly clear that those who harbored suspicions about Obama's approach to the Middle East had good reason to be worried. A confluence of factors including his administration's undue pressure on Israel, a conciliatory approach to authoritarian Muslim regimes, and the baseless linkage of the failed "peace process" to the curtailment of the Iranian nuclear program point to what could become "the greatest disagreement between the two countries in the history of their relationship," as Middle East expert Robert Satloff recently told Newsweek. This dramatic shift in American policy began several months ago when the administration signaled that it would make the cessation of Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank the centerpiece of its policy to revamp the region. And that approach, mostly hinted at through anonymous leaks, became as good as official when Obama delivered his vaunted address to the Muslim world in Cairo earlier this month. In that speech, Israel (and, specifically, its policy of settlement construction) was the only state to merit specific criticism from the president of the United States. Among all the degradations and injustices in the Middle East, from the abhorrent treatment of women in nations like Saudi Arabia, to Syrian-backed assassinations of pro-sovereignty politicians in Lebanon, to the arrest and imprisonment of gay men in Egypt, the leader of the free world singled out America's one, reliable democratic ally in the region for rebuke. Obama's strategic worldview assumes that once the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict is resolved, other problems in the Middle East will be
easier to fix, if not solve themselves. "We understand that Israel's
preoccupation with Iran as an existential threat," National Security
Advisor Jim Jones told George Stephanopoulos last month. "We agree
with that. And by the same token, there are a lot of things that you
can do to diminish that existential threat by working hard towards
achieving a two-state solution."
BY ESTABLISHING THIS CONNECTION, the fate of the entire region thus hinges upon the resolution of a problem that hasn't had a solution for over six decades. This is an awfully convenient view for those who enjoy the status quo, which is why so many Arab despots cling to it, and it's discouraging to see the Obama administration joining them. "Linkage" is faulty for two reasons. The first is intrinsic to the peace process itself, as it is going nowhere. And it will continue to go nowhere for at least as long as Hamas a terrorist organization constitutionally committed to the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews rules the Gaza Strip, which it has controlled since violently seizing power in the summer of 2007. But it's not just Hamas that remains hesitant to work with Israel. To see the continued intransigence of the Palestinians, witness their bizarre reactions to Benjamin Netanyahu's momentous speech last week, in which the Israeli Prime Minister, for the first time in his career, announced his support for the two-state solution so obsessively demanded by the international community. The Palestinian Ambassador to Egypt denounced Netanyahu's pledge as "nothing but a hoax." The PLO Executive Committee Secretary called Netanyahu a "liar and a crook" who is "looking for ploys to disrupt the peace endeavor." A spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said that, "The speech has destroyed all peace initiatives and [chances for] a solution." And these are the so-called "moderates." The second reason why "linkage" is a faulty premise, and why the Obama administration is so foolish to pursue it, is that the problems of the Middle East are not inspired by the lack of a Palestinian state. The biggest crisis in the Middle East right now is Iran's mad quest for nuclear weapons. Nothing even comes close. Even the Arab states whose citizens, we are told, cannot rest due to Palestinian statelessness are letting the world know that their foremost concern is a revolutionary Islamic theocracy with nuclear weapons (As the dramatic and inspiring street protests in Tehran over the past week have amply demonstrated, what really rouses the Muslim "street" is the venality and cruelty of the region's authoritarian governments, not far-off Zionists reluctant to give Palestinians a state). These regimes know that Iran, thus armed, will be able to act with far greater impunity that it already does, causing more trouble for coalition forces in Iraq, ordering its proxy armies of Hamas and Hezbollah to ramp up attacks on Israel and stir chaos in Lebanon, and support radical elements throughout the region. It would also set off a regional arms race, with Saudi Arabia and Egypt as the next likely proliferators. Yet the Obama administration does not seem to realize that stopping an Iranian nuclear bomb ought take precedence over the stalled "peace process." In his otherwise admirable remarks about the significance of the Holocaust and the hatefulness of its denial in his Cairo speech, Obama did further damage by paying obeisance to the Arabs' false narrative about Israeli's creation. In neglecting to affirm the Jews' historic claim on the land of Israel, Obama confirmed the Arab belief that they are paying for the crimes of mid-twentieth century Europe. Obama's narrative in the minds of his audience portrays the Jews, however awful their misfortune, as occupiers, not indigenous neighbors. The Cairo speech provided Obama with an opportunity to call on the Muslim world to acknowledge that Jews are as much a part of the Middle East and its history as are Persians and Arabs, Sunnis and Shia, Druz and Christians. He failed in that task. Unfortunately, the President seems to be paying no domestic political price for turning on Israel. Given the historic support that the American public has shown for the Jewish State, this is in and of itself a disturbing sign. But when an American administration's rhetoric and diplomacy render Israel the obstinate actor and portray its supposed recalcitrance as the main obstacle to peace, public opinion will follow. The percentage of American voters who call themselves supporters of Israel has plummeted from 69% last September to 49% this month, according to the Israel Project. Meanwhile, only 6% of Jewish Israelis consider Obama to be "pro-Israel," a Jerusalem Post poll found, pointing to a disturbing gulf between the two nations. There are even signs of rising anti-Semitism, as a survey by Columbia and Stanford professors found that 32% of Democrats blamed Jews for the financial crisis. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 31, 2009. |
This was written by Tovah Lazaroff and it appeared in the
Jerusalem Post
The United States admitted this week for the first time that it accidentally helped fund the illegal construction of a Palestinian building in a park located on the edge of the former Shadma military base in the West Bank's Gush Etzion region. ![]() In 2007, the nearby Beit Sahour Municipality constructed the park with funding from abroad, in an area which Palestinians call Oush Ghrab (crow's nest). The park, which is used by Beit Sahour residents, hosts a building with a small kiosk for events, a stone terrace, a soccer field, a playground and the largest wooden rock climbing tower in the area. Some $281,000 was provided for the park by the United States Agency for International Development, an independent federal agency that provides economic, development and humanitarian assistance world-wide. A large white sign stating that USAID contributed to the "Peace Park" hangs on the gate at the entryway to the complex. A spokesperson for the US Consulate in east Jerusalem told the Jerusalem Post on Wednesday that American funding was given to the project in two installments, the first in November 2007 and the second in August 2008. The spokesperson did not know how much of the money went toward the stone building in the park, which was built illegally. When the funds were given, USAID believed that all the necessary permits had been obtained for the structure. It realized its error several months ago and has been working with the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories to see a solution. The issue was brought to the media's attention by MK Arye Eldad (National Union), who visited Shadma earlier this week in his capacity as a member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. "It is impossible that the US government that protests and demands that Israel will stop what they call illegal building will be involved in funding illegal building," said Eldad. He wrote a letter to the US ambassador to protest the funding. Right wing MKs, activists and settlers have fought for the last three years to keep the Israeli government from ceding to a request from the Palestinian Authority to allow Beit Sahour to use the stone and dirt hilltop that overlooks the new Nokdim and Tekoa road. The Beit Sahour Municipality would like to construct a new hospital at the site. In advance of any resolution as to jurisdiction of the site, the Beit Sahour Municipality constructed the park on the back slope of the hill, away from the Nokdim and Tekoa Road. On Wednesday, as workers heated coals and dusted off a soda bar for a night time party for teens, Johnny Badra of the Beit Sahour Municipality, who runs the park told the Jerusalem Post that the former military base stood on land that had belonged to Beit Sahour before the Six-Day War. He pointed to the nearby apartment buildings: "The only buildings you can see here belong to Beit Sahour." Badra admitted that construction had started on the structure without a permit, but when the civil order came and issued a stop work order, the municipality ceased building, he said. As a result, he said, the parking lot had yet to be paved, the open air theater was still unfinished and there was a section of the building right under the roof, where one could still see the construction beams because there was no wall. Among the organizations which use the facility is an American-based non-governmental group, Paidia International Development, which runs leadership training programs there for Palestinian teens. A spokesman for the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories told the Post that some sections of the park were legal, while others still needed permits. The Beit Sahour Municipality, he said, was still in the process of obtaining the necessary permits for the park, including for the building. He added that the municipality was also in dialogue with his office over a permit for the hospital. Settlers and right wing activists have objected to any Palestinian development on the site for both security and historical reasons. Activists, including the group Women in Green, hold weekly protest activities at the site on Fridays. "We will fight for every piece of land that belongs to us," said Nadia Matar of Women in Green. But this hilltop, which overlooks the road leading into Jerusalem's Har Homa neighborhood, had particular strategic significance, she said. In the past settlers have told the Post they feared that if a hospital were built on the site, terrorists would be able to shoot at passing cars. Matar added that Israel should have learned from the 2005 Gaza withdrawal about the dangers of giving away land.
Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com
Posted by Saul Goldman, July 31, 2009. |
This was a debate conducted by Jamie Glazov between Alan Dershowitz
and Melanie Phillips.
and it comes from Front Page Magazine
Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev's Soviet Union and is the co-editor (with David Horowitz) of The Hate America Left. He edited and wrote the introduction to David Horowitz's Left Illusions. His new book is United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror. Email him at jglazov@rogers.com. |
In this special edition of Frontpage Symposium, we are honored to have with us: ![]() Melanie Phillips, a British columnist and author whose articles appear
regularly in the Daily Mail newspaper and focus on political and
social issues. Visit her site at www.melaniephillips.com.
and ![]() Alan Dershowitz, a professor of law at Harvard. He is the author of many books, including, most recently, The Case Against Israel's Enemies.
FP: Melanie Phillips and Alan Dershowitz, welcome to Frontpage Symposium. Melanie Phillips, let's begin with you. You and Alan are in the midst of a debate at the moment. Tell us what it is about. Phillips: Like many others, I respect Alan's efforts to defend Israel and the Jewish people against the firestorm of global hatred. The difference between us is over the part being played by President Obama in that firestorm; and at a deeper level, what I perceive as the 'cognitive dissonance' over this among liberal American Jews. I was astonished by Alan's article
The real point about the settlements issue is that Obama is treating Israel as if it is the obstacle to peace in the Middle East, airbrushing out six decades (and counting) of Arab aggression and putting pressure on Israel while soft-soaping genocidal Iran. Obama has torn up America's previous understandings with Israel while making no demands of the Palestinians, even though they are the aggressors and there can be no peace unless they accept Israel as a Jewish state, which they have said explicitly they will never do.
In view of Alan's remarks about the settlements, we need to know whether he himself also believes that it is Israel which is the main obstacle for peace. If he does not, he needs to explain why he ignored Obama's egregious double standards in piling pressure on the Jewish victims of Arab and Muslim aggression while cosying up to their would-be exterminators; why he ignored the fact that Obama wants Israel to enable a state to come into being for people who say they will never accept Israel as a Jewish state; and why he still gives Obama 'the benefit of the doubt' in the light of all this.
But the settlements issue wasn't the worst of it. Incomprehensibly, Alan has ignored Obama's deeply shocking Cairo speech. In this, the President falsely asserted that the Jewish aspiration for Israel derived from the Holocaust thus repudiating Jewish history and religious identity, effectively denying that the Jewish people are in Israel as of right, and endorsing the central lie of Arab and Muslim propaganda. He conspicuously refrained from committing himself to defending Zionism and the Jewish people against attack and incitement to genocide, but did commit himself to defending their attackers against 'negative stereotyping'. And he also subtly suggested an equivalence between the Nazi extermination camps and the Palestinian 'refugee' camps. How can Alan possibly give the 'benefit of the doubt' to someone with such attitudes?
Alan's further remarks suggest that the explanation lies in his Manichean view of the world which blinds him to the obvious. He appears to think that liberals support Israel while right-wingers do not. He says Israel must not be turned into a 'wedge issue' in America as he thinks it is in Britain and Europe, where Israel has become a target of virulent hatred for the Left while the Right remain 'more supportive'. He also claims that I have advised American Jews to vote Republican; that I don't want American Jews to remain Democrats; and that I do not believe that 'one can be a true liberal and a true supporter of Israel.'
All of this is complete nonsense.
Israel is not a political wedge issue in Britain. Hatred of Israel
courses through both Left and Right, Labour and Conservative
politicians, the professoriat and suburbia. It is Alan who has made
support for Israel a partisan issue. According to him, liberals
support Israel while its enemies are confined to the fringes of Left
and Right. What planet is he on? In the US, 'New Realist' Republicans
unite in their detestation of Israel with Democrat professors, the
Democrat-leaning media and the liberal Christian churches; it is the
Christian Right who are Israel's most passionate supporters.
Contrary to Alan's claim, I did not advise American Jews to vote Republican. Nor did I say I didn't want them to remain Democrats. I hold no particular candle for the Republican party. I have no wish for American Jews generally to vote one way or the other. I simply want them to acknowledge the danger that Obama poses to Israel and the free world.
In any event, the issue is not Democrats v Republicans; after all, both parties have been cool or worse towards Israel in the past. The issue is simply this particular far-left Democrat President. Alan seems to think Obama is a 'liberal' who supports Israel. But all the evidence from the get-go has been that he came from a radical, far-left milieu which he never left; that he belonged for two decades to a church that preached hatred of Israel; and his closest friends included the likes of the anti-Zionist Rashid Khalidi and Samantha Power, who said American aid to Israel should be cut and given to the Palestinians instead and that criticism of Barack Obama all too often came down to what was 'good for the Jews'. Against such creatures, Alan puts all his faith in the presence in the administration of Dennis Ross. But Obama is using such Jews as 'human shields' not least because they too converge around the mistaken belief that 'the settlements' and a Palestinian state are the breaker issue.
Alan's political partisanship is really very troubling. He argues that Obama must be supported because Republican support for Israel under George W Bush, which was linked to the war in Iraq, alienated younger voters. But it was not the Republicans who linked Israel to Iraq it was the enemies of Israel and the Jewish people on both Left and Right who falsely claimed, a la Mearsheimer and Walt, that Israel had manipulated the Bush administration into war. It is quite remarkable to argue that American Jews should not vote Republican on account of this bigotry which has driven politics off the rails in both America and Britain. It is also wholly illogical to argue that Obama should be 'given the benefit of the doubt' and 'taken at his word' on account of this.
But then just as astoundingly Alan also says: 'The vast majority of Jews were on the winning side, and that is good for Israel.' The idea that because their guy won that must be good for anyone is just bizarre. It means that whatever Obama does it's good that American Jews helped bring him to power to do it. But what if as is becoming ever more apparent Obama sides with the Arab and Muslim world against Israel and the west, either through conviction or opportunism?
It seems to me that for the 80 per cent of American Jews who voted for Obama, liberal issues are so important or maybe wearing their liberal credentials on their sleeve by voting Democrat is so important that they just cannot acknowledge the down-side of a liberal Democrat President. The first consideration, as Alan states in terms, is that American Jews must always vote for the Democrats; their actual policies are a secondary issue. Alan says he has supported Republicans in the past and also campaigned against Jimmy Carter's lies. I don't doubt that he may have supported Republicans for tactical reasons in certain situations. But the default presumption is that liberals are Good and everyone else is The Right and therefore Bad. That's why Alan helped bring Carter to power in the first place before 'buyer's remorse' set in big time.
Alan says I don't believe that one can be a true liberal and a true supporter of Israel. This is not only grossly untrue but demonstrates that he really does not understand the issue at all. I don't think the liberal views held by Alan and others prevent them from supporting Israel. I think they prevent them from acknowledging that other liberals don't support Israel.
Incidentally, I happen to consider myself a true liberal (in the English sense) but maybe we'll have that discussion another time.
Dershowitz: What does Melanie Phillips, a staunchly right wing supporter of Israel have in common with Noam Chomsky, a rabidly hard left Israel basher? They both believe that liberalism is incompatible with support for Israel, and that Israel's only true friends are right wing conservatives, Christian fundamentalists and neo-conservatives. They are both dead wrong, though their views are widely shared by many extremists on the hard right and hard left.
For years, I have travelled the world speaking at countless
universities, making films, writing hundreds of columns and seven
books trying to convince young people that they can be both liberal
and pro-Israel, that they do not have to surrender their progressive
politics in order to support the Jewish state, and that an important
part of why I am such a committed Zionist in precisely because Israel
is a state committed often imperfectly in practice to liberal values
such as equal rights for women and gays, freedom of expression,
religious freedom, environmental protection, the progress of
scientific technology on such issues as stem cell research and the
purity of arms in the military defense of its citizens.
I am also a strong supporter of Israel's right to defend itself against aggression, such as that which emanated from Southern Lebanon and Gaza, as well as from threats such as that posed by Iran's nuclear weapons program. I favor targeted killing of known terrorists who cannot be arrested, preemptive actions such as the destruction of Egyptian and Syrian airplanes poised for attack in 1967, and preventive attacks such as that conducted against Iran's nuclear reactor in 1981.
Since 1973, while strongly supporting Israel, I have also been critical its settlement policy. I favored territorial adjustments necessary to assure Israel's security, consistent with UN Resolution 242, but I've opposed building civilian settlements in areas which should eventually become part of a peaceful independent Palestinian state that recognizes Israel as a Jewish state. Since 1973, I have strongly favored the two-state solution to the Middle East conflict, because I believe it is the only alternative that will allow Israel to remain a democracy with a Jewish majority that is a Democratic Jewish state. I have never deviated from these positions, even when they were opposed by Israeli governments Labor, Likud or Kadima. In these respects my views are similar to those of many leading Israeli intellectuals such as Aaron Bharak, Amnon Rubenstein, Amos Oz and Itamar Rabinowitz. They are also consistent with the views of many non-Israeli supporters of the Jewish state such as Irwin Cotler. Although I don't purport to speak for them, I believe that none of us think that the settlements are the major, or even a major, barrier to peace. But expanding these settlements will make it harder to implement the two-state solution. The major barrier to peace is and remains Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The best evidence of that was Arafat's turning down the generous offer make by President Clinton and Ehud Barak at Camp David and Taba. I completely supported that offer and continue to do so.
All of this could have easily been determined by anybody who was familiar with my extensive written and spoken record on these issues.
For years, I have been repeatedly and viciously attacked by the
hard Left for my liberal advocacy of Israel. I have been called a
"ziofascist," "zionazi," "right wing fanatic," "neocon" and even
by Noam Chomsky "not very bright."
I expect these attacks, in part because liberals have always been the bane of hard left radicals. Social Democrats were hated by Communists; center-left political parties, labor unions and academics have long been viewed by the hard left as arch enemies. Where Israel is concerned, it has been an important element of hard left propaganda, particularly on university campuses, that Israel is a right-wing, conservative indeed reactionary cause, supported only by Republicans, neo-Cons, Christian fundamentalists and right wing Jews. The hard left, on the other hand, claims to be champions the Palestinian cause, almost to the exclusion of every other cause, except its strident anti-Americanism.
I have learned how to deal with hard-left criticism and have I believe effectively debated Chomsky and others of his ilk by persuading students that it's ok to be a liberal and a supporter of Israel indeed that the principles underlying liberalism should incline any rational person to support Israel (though not all of its policies and actions).
Recently, however, the attacks on me for my support of Israel have come mostly from the hard right, particularly from hard right supporters of Israel who favor expansion of West Bank settlements and oppose the two-state solution. They seem to believe that one does not qualify as a true supporter of Israel unless one supports expansion of the West Bank settlements and opposes the two-state solution. Now, an additional litmus test for being accepted as a supporter of Israel is strident opposition to President Obama and his efforts to bring about a peaceful resolution of the Middle East conflict and to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. (One of my hard right critics Dan Friedman echoed Chomsky in calling me "not very bright.")
Representative of this new litmus test is Melanie Phillips who believes that Barack Obama is hostile to Israel, that he is a "hard left Democrat" President, that he is a captive of "a radical, far left milieu which he never left," and that he represents the same anti-Israel attitude as his former minister and "the likes of anti-Zionist Rashid Khalidi." This is simply not the Barak Obama that I know and voted for. No one who fits this characterture would have gone to Sderot and announced that ""if someone was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop that, and I would expect Israelis to do the same thing." No one who fits that characterture would have appointed Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, Dennis Ross (who she also attacks) as an advisor on Iran and Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff. If I believed that Barak Obama were as anti-Israel as Phillips wrongly claims, I would abandon support for him in a New York minute and lead the opposition to him as I have with regard to Jimmy Carter. But I respectfully disagree with Phillips' assessment of Barak Obama's intentions and attitudes, though I always keep an open mind and a watchful eye.
Recall that I ended my Wall Street Journal article which so appalled Phillips by criticizing Rahm Emanuel for linking American efforts to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons with Israel's actions with regard to the settlements. I insisted that this "disturbing linkage" should be disavowed by the Obama administration. I also argued strongly that the option of attacking Iran's nuclear targets as a last resort should not be taken off the table. Finally, I cautioned that:
Phillips is right to criticize some of the things President Obama said in his Cairo speech. I too am critical though I don't believe that he "subtly suggested an equivalence between the Nazi extermination camps and the Palestinian refugee camps." That requires a paranoid and hateful reading of his words.
The reality is that Barak Obama is the most powerful leader in the world today. American Jews helped elect him to that position, because we believe and continue to believe that he is best for America, best for the world and best for Israel. It makes absolutely no sense, based on the current record, to try to turn American Jews against him and him against American Jews. It is critically important that we retain our ability to influence American policy toward Israel both through the executive and legislative branches.
Phillips understands nothing about how the American political system works. This is not surprising since she seems to understand little about the British political system where she lives. It is completely false to suggest that there is no difference between the left and the right in Britain. I just returned from a week long visit to Great Britain where I have visited on numerous occasions and spoken on several university campuses and met with political leaders on both sides. I have also spoken to Jewish leaders in Great Britain. There is a clear difference between the hatred of the hard left which supports extreme measures such as boycotts, divestment and war-crime prosecutions and the far more balanced attitude that many moderates and conservatives have toward Israel. This is true throughout Europe where conservative political parties are far less opposed to Israel than are leftist parties. In this respect, Europe is very different from the United States, where as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi correctly observed, "When it comes to Israel, Republicans and Democrats speak with one voice." I want to keep it that way, and I want to continue to persuade young people that support for Israel is consistent with their progressive and liberal values.
Both Melanie Phillips and Noam Chomsky oppose me in this regard. I understand why Chomsky takes the position he takes. I do not for the life of me understand why Melanie Phillips has joined this enemy of Israel in trying to persuade young Americans, particularly students, that liberalism is incompatible with support for Israel and that a President, who most of them deeply admire, is a strident enemy of the Jewish state. The vast majority of Americans support Israel, oppose expansion of the settlements and favor the two-state solution. We are right and Melanie Phillips is wrong. You can be a strong supporter of Israel and yet oppose the settlements and favor the two-state solution.
I don't know who Melanie Phillips thinks she is kidding when she describes herself as a "true liberal," even in the English sense. She is a strident, right wing ideologue who is using Israel to try to recruit young Americans to her conservative causes. Sorry, but we aren't buying it. We will continue to support liberal policies while continuing to support Israel in the manner that we feel is best for Israel, for the United States and the world. I wish we could present united front on the issue with which we agree, but Phillips would rather see sharp divisions based on ideology. (That is an important difference between ideologues and pragmatists.)
If Israel ever becomes a cause of the right wing alone, and an anathema to liberals, this will weaken Israel in America as it has in Europe. So let's continue to disagree on issues that we disagree namely the settlements and the two-state solution while agreeing on those issues with which most supporters of Israel do agree: namely Israel's right to defend itself against aggression, to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, to refute unfair attacks from the United Nations and the international community, and to continue to thrive as a Jewish democratic state.
Phillips: What a very revealing response.
Choosing to ignore most of my arguments, Alan resorts to character assassination on the basis of how 'right-wing' and indeed predatory I am. Oh dear. It is a hallmark of the Manichean left that they mask the weakness of their position by damning all who disagree with them as right-wing and therefore evil. Indeed, Alan brackets me with the most evil person he can think of Noam Chomsky. Me and Chomsky, eh, shoulder to shoulder! You really do have to laugh. Desperate, or what?
Then I'm apparently 'using Israel to recruit young Americans to my right-wing causes'. What paranoia is this? What young Americans? What right-wing causes?
I defend Israel and the Jewish people because they are under vile
attack. I also defend the bedrock values of western civilisation. That
means upholding truth against lies, freedom against tyranny and
justice against the moral inversion which regards third-world
aggressors as victims and their victims as aggressors precisely the thinking demonstrated by Obama. That's not right- or left-wing but moral and in accordance with Jewish precepts.
Alan repeats the bizarre falsehood that I find liberalism and support for Israel incompatible. On the contrary, I support core liberal values as opposed to the libertinism or brutal and anti-human utilitarianism that he endorses. But the crucial point is that, unlike him, I don't support Israel because it is one type of society rather than another. He has said repeatedly that he supports Israel largely because it is 'liberal'. The inescapable implication is that he would not back it if it did not support stem-cell research, abortion, gay rights and all the other causes by which Alan defines virtue. Such support is shallow, meretricious and narcissistic.
He is right that we disagree over the settlements and the 'two-state solution', but not for the reasons he gives. It is telling that he doesn't bother to find out the facts but makes wild assertions about me which are untrue (doubtless the approach behind his ignorant and absurd bluster about Britain). I have never been a supporter of 'greater Israel'. I have no wish for the settlements to expand. I have always disapproved of them as a trap for Israel. As for 'two states', I would have no problem with a Palestine that would live in peace alongside Israel.
Unlike Alan, however, I respond to the evidence of what is actually happening. Israel is being demonised on the false claim that the settlements and the 'occupation' of the West Bank are illegal. They are not. They and therefore Israel are being presented by Obama and others as the main obstacle to peace. They are not. If Israel were to leave the West Bank, it would turn Islamist overnight and become an Iranian proxy on Israel's doorstep. That is why I cannot support a state of Palestine.
This brings us back to the main issue. Alan has still conspicuously failed to answer the points I have made. How can he support a state of Palestine run by people who declare they will never accept Israel as a Jewish state? How can he support Obama when he puts the thumbscrews on Israel and casts it as the villain but puts no pressure on the Palestinians and cosies up to Iran?
How can he support Obama after that Cairo speech in which he upheld the Arab lie that the Jews' claim to Israel rested upon the Holocaust, represented the Palestinians' six-decade aggression as 'the pain of dislocation', and drew an equivalence between not just the Nazi extermination camps and the Palestinian refugee camps but between the Shoah and the 'undeniable' fact that 'the Palestinians have suffered in pursuit of a homeland'? Astonishingly, Alan denies this is what Obama said. His ideological partisanship runs so deep it prevents him seeing what is there in black and white.
He says Obama can't be anti-Israel because his heart bled for Israeli victims in Sderot. How naive can you get? This is the same Obama who would turn Israelis in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem into sitting ducks for Palestinian rockets and bombs sited just down the road.
Alan hides behind Hillary, Dennis Ross and Rahm Emanuel. But Obama has skillfully constructed an administration composed of Israel-bashers, appeasement-minded 'new realists' and peace-process zealots several of them Jews all converging on precisely the same agenda to destroy Israel's security.
Finally, let us not forget how long it took before Alan acknowledged that the Jimmy Carter he had assiduously supported was the same Carter accusing Israel of 'apartheid'. How then can we take seriously a word Alan says? As he shows us ever more clearly, his obsession with his own 'liberal' image simply blinds him to the unpalatable reality that others can see.
Dershowitz: Melanie Phillips urges her readers not to "take seriously a word Alan says," presumably because I do not accept her "lashon harah" her malicious evil words about Barak Obama and his administration.
At bottom, Phillips cannot recognize the difference between friends, even critical friends, and enemies. She regards Barak Obama as a strident enemy of Israel, and now she apparently includes me in that category, calling my alleged support for Israel "meretricious," which means "insincere."
Israel faces real dangers from Iran, from Hamas, from Hezbollah, from the United Nations, from hard left academics and from anti-Semites. Barak Obama, on the basis of his record thus far, does not fit into any of those categories. He recently met with leaders of the major Jewish organizations in the United States. These leaders represent the widest variety of political and ideological viewpoints. I do not believe that a single one of them came away from the meeting believing the extreme characterizations Phillips has made of Obama. Some were critical of certain positions his administration has taken and certain statements he has made. I share some of those criticisms. Recall that I led the campaign against the Obama administration's appointment of Charles Freeman so much for "ideological partisanship." I will continue to oppose policies or statements by this or any other administration that I believe are deleterious to Israel's security.
At this meeting, President Obama again declared himself to be a true friend of Israel and "reiterated his unshakeable commitment to the security of Israel and reiterated his commitment to working to achieve Middle East peace."
By describing the Obama administration as "composed of Israel bashers," and by accusing Obama himself of being anti-Israel, Phillips engages in the serious sin of crying wolf. She has lost all credibility to then criticize this administration if it were to do anything that seriously undercut Israel's security.
She accuses me of endorsing "brutal, anti-human utilitarianism," and being a card-carrying member of the "Manichean left." What is she talking about? She accuses me of supporting "a state of Palestine run by people who declare they will never accept Israel as a Jewish state." Has her hatred of me so blinded her that she has not read my repeated statements that a Palestinian state must recognize Israel as a Jewish state, be demilitarized and reject violence? She totally confuses civilian settlements with complete abandonment of the West Bank. As far back as 1973, I made the distinction between territorial adjustments consistent with United Nations Resolution 242 and even military occupation to protect Israel's security, on the one hand, and civilian settlements which do not serve the security interest of Israel on the other hand. She admits that expanded settlements are" a trap for Israel." So why is she so exercised about a policy that opposes such a trap?
Finally, she accuses me of being a fair weather friend of Israel because I support its liberal policies. She is right that if Israel were to turn against these values if it were to become an oppressive theocracy, like all Muslim countries today, that subjugates women, discriminates against gays and subjects science to religious censorship I would become extremely critical of any such nation. Israel will never become such a country because, fortunately, the vast majority of Israelis reject the extremist views of Melanie Phillips.
The extreme right wing approach that Phillips supports has not brought about peace. I firmly believe that the Obama administration is anxious to move the peace process forward in a manner that protects Israel's security. A secure peace will be good for Israel as well as for the rest of the world. But peace will never come so long as Iran is permitted to develop nuclear weapons. For me and for most American and Israeli Jews, that is the line in the sand. As I wrote in my original Wall Street Journal article, "it's important to be vigilant for any signs of weakening support for Israel's security and to criticize forcefully any such change." But crying wolf over the settlements, which Phillips herself characterizes as "a trap for Israel," and over a few ill-chosen words, which deserve calibrated criticism, will inevitably diminish the impact of harsh criticism if such becomes necessary over Israel's security.
Maintaining unity over the security of Israel is essential. Melanie Phillips has undercut that unity by her vicious personal attacks against me and by her message to supporters of Israel not to "take seriously a word Alan says." I hope that readers will continue to take seriously what I write, and I hope the Obama administration will also take my words and criticisms seriously. They certainly will pay no attention to the biased ranting of Melanie Phillips.
Phillips: I was wrong. There was even worse than Chomsky. I now stand accused of perpetrating the metaphysical evil, no less, of lashon harah. From which we learn that it's apparently not just misguided but actually evil to criticise Obama.
Alan cites Obama's meeting with Jewish leaders as evidence of his 'unshakeable commitment' to Israel's security. This is the same Obama who told American Jews before the election that Jerusalem would never be divided, took it back the very next day and now has instructed Israel not to build in east Jerusalem, on land lawfully purchased from an Arab family, on the false basis that such building is illegal.
What Obama says to American Jews, in a meeting carefully choreographed to exclude those who would rock the boat, is less important than what he says and does to Israel.
Obama wants the Palestinians, who say they will never recognise Israel as a Jewish state and who continue to incite hatred and terror against it, to be rewarded for their unremitting aggression while he singles out Israel for punishment and appeases and strengthens Iran.
It is Alan who links the settlements and the 'two-state solution'. He still doesn't get my point that the settlements are irrelevant to a true solution, and fixating upon them as Obama is doing is merely a device to bash Israel.
Straight after asserting that Obama is a true friend of Israel, Alan nevertheless hypothesizes that he might 'seriously undercut Israel's security'. But if so, I would have 'lost all credibility to then criticize' because I have committed 'the serious sin of crying wolf'. So if what I am now saying proves to be true, my analysis will have been a false alarm. What kind of logic is this?
And just what is my 'extreme right wing approach?' As I have said, I have no problem with a demilitarised Palestine that recognized Israel as a Jewish state and rejected violence. But I can't see it happening; so I believe Israel should be fully protected, international law upheld and the Palestinians not rewarded for their aggression. What's right-wing about that?
It is for readers to judge which of us has resorted to 'vicious personal attacks'. Yes, Jewish unity is very important. But what's more important is to speak up against all who jeopardize the safety of Israel even when they are Jews with stars in their eyes.
Dershowitz: I did not start the personal attacks that have, unfortunately, characterized this exchange. I wrote an op-ed in which I argued that we should "be vigilant for any signs of weakening support for Israel's security" from the Obama administration, especially if they "were to shift toward learning to live with a nuclear Iran and attempt to deny Israel the painful option of attacking its nuclear targets as a last resort." (Interestingly, the only member of the Obama administration that has suggested this course is Secretary of Defense Robert Gates a Republican holdover from the Bush administration). I suggested that "getting tough on settlement expansion should not be confused with undercutting Israel's security."
This article provoked Phillips to attack me as "blind," "obsessive," "irrational," "bizarre," "lamentable: and "Manichean." She questions my support for Israel, calling it "meretricious," and urges both supporters and opponents of Israel not to "take seriously a word Alan says." In her attack on President Obama, she uses words such as "vile," "appaling," "reckless," "hostile," and "lethal for both Israel and the free world," declaring Obama, Biden, Clinton, Ross and the rest of the Democratic Party to be irredeemable enemies of Israel. Her personal attacks on Obama accusing him of being no different than the bigoted Reverend Wright and Rashid Khalidi goes beyond criticism of policies, which is appropriate, and into the realm of ad hominem.
Phillips does not understand the reality of the American political
system. She has given up on Obama and the Democrats and would turn the
pro-Israel community against this administration based on his position
on Jewish settlements and a few ill-chosen words in a speech (that I
have criticized). She declares war on the world's most powerful ally
of Israel, characterizes him as an enemy of Israel. I do not want to
see any President of the United States become Israel's enemy. Nor do I
want to see the pro-Israel community lose its ability to influence the
President as Phillips has. It may make Phillips feel good
and receive applause from right wing admirers to try to
turn the world's most powerful leader into an enemy. But it hurts
Israel, hurts the Jewish community and lessens our influence on
matters relating to Israel's security.
Now, please, can we end this unproductive name-calling and get back to creating a united front in support of Israel where it needs support with regard to the existential threat from Iran.
FP: Melanie Phillips and Alan Dershowitz, thank you for joining Frontpage Symposium.
Mathew Hausman considers Alan Dershowitz and Liberal Jews Obama's "Useful Idiots".
The intellectual swords have been drawn. Jewish conservatives and independents have openly questioned Jewish liberals' commitment to Israel in light of their continued support for Barack Obama, who is hostile to Israel even as he apologizes to the Arab-Muslim world for the sins allegedly committed against it by the West. Sixty-seven years ago, many Jewish organizations remained silent as the Holocaust unfolded and refused to lobby Franklin D. Roosevelt to act. But as cowardly or misguided as their conduct was, it did not involve affirmative lobbying on behalf of German interests or values.
The Jewish liberal establishment today openly criticizes Israel's right to self-defense, uncritically accepts the Palestinian national myth, supports the demand for a freeze on settlements, belittles the threat of a nuclear Iran, and condones the historical revisionism underlying Mr. Obama's Middle East policies. Unlike the Jewish establishment's failure during Holocaust, the conduct of today's liberal elite actually empowers Israel's enemies, and thus threatens the safety and security of the Jewish People in Israel and in Diaspora.
During last year's presidential campaign, liberal Jews mobilized to market Mr. Obama as safe for Israel and good for the Jews despite his known associations with antisemitic and anti-Israel zealots (e.g., Jeremiah Wright and Rashid Kalidi) throughout his political career. There was no way to rationalize away his troubling associations, but his liberal and left-wing advocates were secure in the knowledge that most Jews would vote Democratic anyway. Thus, despite a few window-dressing remarks here and there about America's special relationship with Israel, they never really called on Mr. Obama to acquit himself.
His actions immediately after the election quickly validated his critics' concerns. Even before taking office, for example, he sent Robert Malley as a special envoy to the Middle East to meet with representatives of the Syrian and Egyptian governments the same Robert Malley who had met with members of Hamas on behalf of Mr. Obama during the campaign. Malley's vitriolic track record concerning Israel and his published sympathies for Hamas and Hezbollah were well known and should have generated serious questions among President Obama's Jewish supporters. Instead, mainstream liberals were silent and left-wing ideologues actually praised the President for showing "even-handedness."
Mr. Obama continued down this troubling path after his swearing in. Perhaps indicative of his views on the Middle East, he tabbed Charles Freeman to chair the National Intelligence Council, despite Freeman's history as a shill for the Saudi government and - like Malley - an apologist for Hamas and Hezbollah. When his nomination was torpedoed, President Obama stood by while left-wing partisans invoked Walt and Mearsheimer and blamed the mythical Jewish lobby for sullying Freeman's reputation. Thereafter, Mr. Obama consistently and publicly blamed Israel for the failure of the peace process while routinely refusing to hold the Arab world accountable for rejecting Israel's right to exist and promoting terrorism.
Even more alarming, Mr. Obama validated Iran's claimed need for a nuclear program, openly courted despots, dictators and antisemitic regimes, and endorsed the so-called Saudi peace initiative, which is simply a thinly disguised prescription for Israel's demise. And yet the majority of his liberal supporters failed to challenge him or even suggest that his acts and omissions might be signaling a significant change in American foreign policy. Some even continue to promote the President's troubling foreign policies actively and uncritically. Democratic Congressman Robert Wexler, for example, has made several trips to Jerusalem recently to lobby for a moratorium on settlement construction, despite his reputation as a strong supporter of Israel.
However, for some, the façade finally began to crack after Mr. Obama's speech in Cairo, where he distorted Jewish history, regurgitated the propaganda myth that Israel was a European invention foisted upon the Arabs, falsely blamed Israel and the so-called settlements for stalling the peace process, and ignored the long history Arab colonialism, intransigence, rejectionism and antisemitism. His speech was obsequious to the point of embarrassment. Finally, some of his Jewish supporters began to question his motives and intentions with regard to Israel. But even as some liberals finally began asking the right questions, many others grew ever shriller in their defense of Mr. Obama, arguing that we owe him the benefit of the doubt, with no regard for his anti-Israel credentials or the increasing litany of words and deeds evidencing his bias.
In his Jerusalem Post blog, for example, Allan Dershowitz articulated his continuing belief in Mr. Obama, arguing among other things that, despite some "troubling" remarks in Cairo, his policies - and indeed those of the Democratic Party - are best for Israel. However, this position is simply not tenable in light of the plain substance of the Cairo speech, a point driven home by Spectator and Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips in her written response to Professor Dershowitz's column. Among other things, Ms. Phillips questioned how an intelligent person and self-proclaimed supporter of Israel could defend Mr. Obama without critically analyzing his very public comments and actions. This criticism is validated by, among other things, the President's insulting snub of Israel's prime minister in Washington, his near pathological focus on the "settlements," and his implication that Israel must curb its population growth.
The sparring between Professor Dershowitz and Ms. Phillips continued in the press and has crystallized the essential element of the debate: namely, that Jewish liberals support Mr. Obama not because of his views on Israel, but because he represents a secular liberal agenda that they support. Their affinity for Mr. Obama has absolutely nothing to do with his policies on Israel and the Middle East. Concern for Israel and traditional Jewish values is only incidental to the vast liberal mainstream. Israel is not a primary issue for many liberals, and is even considered an embarrassment by the political left, whose gut response to affirmations of Jewish values and history is to reject them, adopt the narrative of Israel's critics and opponents, and condemn Israel automatically, unquestioningly, and without hesitation.
In contrast, Jewish political conservatives and independents are more willing to distinguish transient political issues from core Jewish values, including support for Israel and for her preservation as a Jewish state. Jews who do not identify as liberal are more vocal both in their support of Israel and their discomfort with the President's clear acceptance of the Arab narrative, his consistent public flogging of Israel over "settlement expansion," and his deafening silence regarding Arab-Muslim culpability for terrorism, rejection of Israel, and the continued state of war.
Unfortunately, the liberal Jewish mainstream does not seem to have learned from history, and comparisons with the Jewish supporters of Franklin D. Roosevelt are as apt as they are striking. Like Mr. Obama today, President Roosevelt had many Jewish allies who advocated his political programs with an almost religious fervor. In fact, Roosevelt appointed a number of Jews to government posts, or relied on them as trusted advisors, including the financier Bernard Baruch, Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau, presidential speech writer Samuel Rosenman, and Congressman Sol Bloom, then Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. And yet, when it came to standing up for the Jews of Europe, Roosevelt did not want to get involved and did not seem to care for Jews who did.
A stark example of Roosevelt's indifference to the Jewish suffering in Europe was his acceptance of a report by his special envoy to the Middle East, Lt. Col. Harold Hoskins, who called for a censure of Zionist "propaganda," which he claimed would upset the Arabs and derail the American war effort. Of course, much of this "propaganda" consisted of publicizing the extermination of European Jewry and the need for policy-based rescue efforts. The report was supported by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who advocated a do-nothing attitude with respect to stopping the genocide or organizing efforts to save the victims. Some well-placed Jews, including Sol Bloom and Samuel Rosenman, reportedly endorsed the Hoskins report. Based on this report, administration officials met with Jewish movie moguls and requested that they not produce any movies about the plight of the Jews in Europe, which they claimed would be injurious to Jewish and American interests. Hollywood caved and all such movies were shelved.
When news of the genocide gathered momentum, some Jewish spokesmen, such as the Reform Rabbi Stephen Wise, did the administration's bidding and attempted to minimize or discredit the reports and keep the Jewish community from mobilizing, causing a "distraction" to the war effort, and embarrassing Roosevelt. Moreover, many of Roosevelt's Jewish political allies attempted to paint those Jews who openly lobbied on behalf of their brethren in Europe as obstreperous rabble rousers, often undercutting their lobbying and advocacy efforts.
In one well-known instance, for example, Jewish supporters of Roosevelt undermined the efforts of the Aggudat ha-Rabbonim, which organized the "Rabbis' March on Washington" in 1943. The march was conceived by Hillel Kook, a/k/a Peter Bergson, and involved some 400 Orthodox rabbis, including Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, who would become one of the most respected rabbinical authorities of the 20th Century. On the advice of some of his Jewish advisors and prominent Jewish Democrats, Roosevelt refused to meet with the group. These rabbis were Orthodox and many were immigrants, and they did not look like their assimilated, secular brethren who had worked hard at cultivating their American appearances and their social and political credentials. Like a vapor in the night, Roosevelt slipped away through the backdoor of the White House to avoid facing the rabbis.
Even more blatant were the attempts to undercut the Bergson Group, led by Kook and screenwriter Ben Hecht, who wrote and produced the traveling pageant entitled, "We Shall Never Die." Despite post-war revisionist claims to the contrary, the Final Solution was in fact common knowledge in the United States in 1942, and the Bergson Group conceived the show to publicize the plight of European Jewry and stimulate a national call to action. The pageant was first staged at Madison Square Garden in New York and thereafter travelled to other major American cities, including Washington, where it was seen by Eleanor Roosevelt. Rabbi Wise, the American Jewish Committee, and other Jewish establishment organizations attempted to suppress the show, and the AJC even requested the IRS to investigate the group's finances. But Kook and Hecht were intrepid. The show was credited with finally inducing Roosevelt to establish the War Refugee Board in 1944, although he still opposed unlimited immigration to the United States and British administered Palestine, and its efforts were largely viewed as too little, too late.
The question troubling to many historians is what motivated Rabbi Wise, the AJC, and other Jewish citizens and organizations, to oppose organized efforts by Jews to save Jews at a time when the failure to act meant certain death. One of the uncomfortable answers is that saving foreign Jews was not a priority for Roosevelt. While Roosevelt certainly seems to have tolerated acculturated Jews who looked like "normal" Americans and supported his political agenda, he seems to have had little use for those who looked and acted like Old World stereotypes. Or he may simply have felt no kinship and, accordingly, no moral responsibility. Unfortunately, many of "his" Jews may have felt the same way, falling prey to the Diaspora mentality that has always caused certain elements of the Jewish population to reject their own and identify with external values, and even with their oppressors. Or it could be that they deluded themselves for political reasons into thinking that supporting the President's war effort was the best way to save the Jews of Europe.
Is there a difference between the Jews who blindly supported Roosevelt and those who support Mr. Obama and his destructive foreign policy today? As morally ambiguous as the actions of Rabbi Wise, the AJC and others may have been, they were arguably not actively aiding or abetting the Axis powers or strengthening Germany's ability to perpetrate genocide. Moreover, Israel did not yet exist, and many saw the United States as the Jews' greatest chance for salvation. Thus, although they may have convinced themselves that supporting Roosevelt, and by extension the war effort, afforded the best opportunity for saving European Jewry, they were not intentionally taking actions to empower those who sought to exterminate the Jewish People. Moreover, they were not supporting a president who actively sought dialogue with murderous regimes or who was attempting to appease governments that threatened or engaged in genocide.
In contrast, Mr. Obama fawningly courts an Arab world that openly seeks the destruction of Israel and the Jewish People, and actually lends credence to the Arabs' unhistorical claims and polemical grievances. This President also continues to seek dialogue with an Iranian regime that has specifically stated its intent to "wipe Israel off the map." Thus, Jews who support Mr. Obama are directly supporting policies that compromise the safety and security of Jews in Israel and in Diaspora. Moreover, left-wing Jews who act as apologists or actively advocate for the Arab cause, who support Hezbollah and Hamas, and who belittle the threat of a nuclear Iran, are directly bolstering regimes that have sworn to destroy Israel.
The obstructionist efforts of Roosevelt's Jewish political allies, their failure to lobby Roosevelt to act in defense of the Jews of Europe, and their opposition to a boycott of Nazi Germany before the war certainly cost Jewish lives during the Holocaust. Although the standard justification by these progressives was that they intended to assist the war effort and thereby save Jewish lives, such explanations were recognized as hollow rationalizations by many others, including the Bergson Group, the Aggudat ha-Rabbonim, and American followers of Zeev Jabotinsky. Rationalizations aside, the conduct was clearly indefensible. Yet, it is difficult to imagine that even the most rabidly assimilationist Jewish organizations of Roosevelt's day would have knowingly supported or facilitated Germany's efforts to carry out the Final Solution.
In contrast, today's liberal apologists and left-wing extremists adopt positions that give succor to Israel's enemies, and continue to support a foreign policy that is clearly prepared to offer up Israel as a sacrificial lamb. Similar to their progressive forebears who slavishly supported Roosevelt without critical scrutiny, many of today's liberal and left-wing activists claim that they are actually acting in the Israel's best interests when they support demands for a freeze on settlements, lobby for the creation of a Palestinian state, view the Arab "right of return" and the division of Jerusalem as legitimate items for discussion, or argue that Israel should be a bi-national state instead of a Jewish one.
In order to claim that such advocacy is in Israel's best interests, those who make the argument must supplant real history with political propaganda. They must ignore that Islam has always considered Jews as monkeys and pigs, treated them as a subjugated people within their own land, and that any land incorporated into dar al-Islam (the world of Islam) through conquest can never go back to its "infidel" owners. They must likewise ignore the years of Arab rejectionism that preceded Israel's declaration of statehood and the existence of any "settlements." They must also ignore the Arab-initiated wars of extermination, that Palestinian peoplehood was a myth created in the 1960s as a tool to challenge the legitimacy of Israel, and that there was never a country called Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. Finally, they must ignore the continuing history of Arab incitement, as reflected in the Palestinian Charters (whether those of the PLO or Hamas), which call for Israel's destruction and reject any permanent peace with Israel.
These facts are difficult to ignore, however, and those Jews who do so must either be ignorant or naïve in the hope that the Arabs don't really mean what they say. But such hope requires that a fairly significant leap of faith be imposed upon Israel, which having been required to defend herself from annihilation since her modern rebirth, is far better qualified to determine what risks she is willing to take.
Then, there are those left-wing Jews who know the history but simply do not care, or who really don't want Israel to survive as a Jewish state. Their motivation is not borne of some naïve belief that everybody can learn to live together in mutual respect. Rather, they simply do not want Israel - or traditional Judaism - to continue to exist. They condemn Jewish nationalism and the Jewish belief in a biblical birthright as obstacles to peace, and yet refuse to condemn the unhistorical myth of the Palestinian people and the religious basis for Muslim antisemitism and rejection of Israel.
It seems absurd that Jewish leftists could support Islamic regimes while vilifying the Jews' rightful, historical claims; or that they could condemn Jewish religious beliefs while validating Islamic religious intolerance. Vladimir Lenin was said to have coined the term "useful idiots" to refer to vocal communist sympathizers in the West. The Soviets used these people to spread the word, but regarded them contemptuously for their willingness to be manipulated. One could credibly apply the term to liberals and leftists who support Islamists in their war against Israel, but who are nevertheless considered Jewish infidels worthy only of contempt.
Thus, there is a difference between today's liberal and left-wing polity and the progressives of Roosevelt's era. While it cannot be denied that progressive behavior during the World War II was reprehensible, it did not take the form of active support of Nazi Germany or the Axis Powers. Moreover, the United States was actually engaged in a war against Germany, and her success would clearly benefit any Jews who happened to be left alive. In contrast, by engaging and legitimizing the Arab-Muslim opponents of Israel, the Jewish left affirmatively facilitates the advancement of an agenda that is hostile to Jewish interests, and in its extreme manifestations condones extermination. Moreover, in undermining the Israeli nationalists, today's left-wing would weaken Israel without any objective proof that the Arabs truly want to negotiate a permanent peace that recognizes Israeli or Jewish sovereignty. These are acts of commission that go much further than the acts of many progressives during Roosevelt's time.
In this age of instant information, it is inconceivable that any Jewish political groups could claim that their actions are borne of ignorance. Therefore, the ultimate question facing those who knowingly undercut Israel is how far they are willing to go for the sake of a political agenda that has historically ostracized and abandoned Jews who remain true to themselves and their values.
How far indeed?
Contact Saul Goldman at gold7910@bellsouth.net
Posted by Hands Fiasco, July 31, 2009. |
This comes from www.icej.org |
Leftist Gush Shalom to target US groups supporting settlements The left-wing organization Gush Shalom has launched an effort in the US to challenge the tax exempt status of non-profit groups which support Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria. Gush Shalom has stated that it will soon target Nefesh B'Nefesh, Christian Zionist philanthropies, the Jewish National Fund and the World Zionist Organization in its new campaign. "This is incredibly outrageous", responded David Halevy, the head of Shuva Israel, an organization singled out in the recent Gush Shalom report. "They have the gall to do this after receiving so many millions of dollars from foreign governments supporting left-wing organizations that influence activity in Israel", he told The Jerusalem Post. Halevy noted that the money his group receives is used to subsidize schools, libraries, youth activity, women empowerment training and other benevolent projects in the settlements. Contact HandsFiasco at handsfiasco@webtv.net |
Posted by Seth J. Frantzman, July 31, 2009. |
News reports of Goldman Sachs recent windfall in profits would make it seem that it was some sort of a gladiator who had received ill-gotten gains. One report called it part of a "narrowing concentration of financial power." Robert Reich, a former Secretary of Labor labeled it one of the "last of survivors" as if it was some exotic dinosaur that had emerged from the dust of a meteor strike. In a way it had, earning $3.4 in its second quarter. The well known economist and columnist Paul Krugman was critical. For him Goldman's success is "bad for America" because its business model is based on the very things that supposedly brought on the financial crises of 2008. Goldman is accused of practicing "bad habits" which make another crises more likely. According to Krugman it was the financial firms that "directed vast quantities of capital into the construction of unsellable houses and empty shopping malls." He made no mention of Fannie Mae and the U.S government's role. And there is a bugbear behind it all, a "financial lobby" that is setting the stage for another disaster. This critique of Goldman's profits and its payment of bonuses, estimated at $770,000 per employee, can be found on the political right as well where Glenn Beck has raked it over the coals for being in bed with the government and insinuated that it was involved in some corrupt deal with former treasury secretary (and formed Goldman executive) Hank Paulson. But this scorn for Goldman should make us all take a step back. Why is Goldman being punished for success? Goldman Sachs made the correct choices before the financial disaster of 2008. It got rid of its exposure to sub-prime mortgages. Talking heads seem to forget that Hank Paulson forced the banks to take federal money and that several banks, such as Wells Fargo, didn't want the money and would not have taken it without the government's insistence that all financial institutions were 'in this together' as part of a way to reassure the markets. Goldman took its taxpayer bailout and promptly paid it back. It should be thanked for this not scourged. Unlike Goldman other American companies are a continued drain on the economy, such as AIG which has become a black hole of taxpayer bailouts. To date it has received $150 billion, by contrast Goldman received $12.9 billion. America has an aversion to giant corporate monopolies and thus fears that Goldman may now be too big are valid. But the insinuation that its success, its profits and its bonuses are somehow ill-gotten and wrong represent a cultural disconnect that seems to applaud failure with a sort of schadenfreude. Would it be preferable if Goldman Sachs was still on the federal dole? Would it be preferable if it was still deep underwater in toxic sub-prime assets? Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio complained that out of work Americans have hurt feelings by seeing Goldman's windfall. Douglas Elliot of the Brookings Institute claimed "it does not feel right that bankers should be making so much money." There was a time when Americans applauded success but the current crises seems to have made people secretly wish for failure because we should all be 'in this together'. But we are not in this together and the success of Goldman will point the way to more corporate successes and less unemployment. It already employs 29,000 people, which we should applaud, rather than wishing that they be laid off. Krugman blames Goldman for profiting when other banks failed; "Goldman made profits by playing the rest of us for suckers." This is tantamount to saying that Toyota made ill-gotten profits by successfully understanding that building efficient reliable cars was better than building SUVs. Toyota didn't make us suckers by taking GM's market share. Toyota was successful in its business just as Goldman was successful in its. Goldman's survival is similar to the seeming survival of Ford. Should we condemn Ford for not having failed like the rest of its industry? After all we want it to be 'in this together' with us? While the idea of Goldman Sachs executives receiving millions in bonuses seems gratuitous when millions are out of work it is not logical to extend the appearance of impropriety to condemnation of the company because others are suffering. It is simply not true. The Goldman model has proved resilient and its brokers have proved far sighted. That is how fortunes are made and lost. In the wake of the 1929 crash a little known financial analyst named Benjamin Graham began to write a book on investing. That book, 'Security Analysis' became Warren Buffet's central influence. Buffet today is not only fabulously wealthy but also a major employer of Americans. Learning from our mistakes and building wealth again so that America remains an economic power and source of inspiration should be a goal in the wake of this recession. Instead it appears some prefer that we point fingers at those who survived and profited and pull them down as well like a bunch of children at school jealously destroying a fellow student's winning science project. READING AYN RAND IN TEHRAN
The bestselling book, Reading Lolita in Tehran, the author Azar Nafasi narrates her experience of living in Iran during and after the revolution of 1979, the subsequent hardships she faced as a lecturer at the University of Tehran and her decision to leave the country in 1997. The book's central focus is the story of a secretive book club the author founded in 1995 where her and seven female students read Western authors and discussed women, sex and marriage. Among the books the author exposed her students to were works by Jane Austen, Henry James, Gustave Flaubert, Saul Bellow, Joseph Konrad and the ubiquitous Vladamir Nabokov. She brought them great canon of Western literature and through this asked the students to examine their lives in Iran. In the end, although the book was translated into 32 languages, it came in for harsh criticism by the academy, the thinkers, the progressives, the liberals and the Islamists in the West. Hamid Dabashi, a professor at Columbia claimed that it was part of "Orientalism" and that "By seeking to recycle a kaffeeklatsch version of English literature as the ideological foregrounding of American empire, Reading Lolita in Tehran is reminiscent of the most pestiferous colonial projects of the British in India." He referred to Nafasi as a "native informer" and "colonial agent". Odd, considering that it was Nafasi who stayed in Iran after the revolution and Dabashi who has suckled at the breast of the Western academy. But why be surprised, the Western progressive institutions are the primary sponsors of radical Islamist thought. The West produced other harsh criticism. Fatameh Keshavarz, a literature professor at Washington University, and another expat Iranian, claimed that the book was had "damaging misrepresentations" about Iran. Odd again considering that it was Nafasi who lived most of her life in Iran and not Keshavarz, the Western Islamic nationalist. Seyed Mohammad, for once an actual Iranian living in Iran and teaching at Tehran University, also claimed that the book was Orientalist. Dabashi, the Columbia University professor (coming from a university that already sponsors other extremists such as Abu el Haj and Khalidi) even criticized the cover of the book, which depicts two headscarf clad women; "the denoted message here seems quite obvious: these two young women are reading Lolita in Tehran they are reading ('Lolita'), and they are in Tehran (they look Iranian and they have scarves on their head). The connoted message is equally self-evident: Imagine that illicit sex with teenagers in an Islamic Republic! How about that, the cover suggestively proposes and asks, can you imagine reading Lolita in Tehran? Look at these two Oriental Lolitas! The racist implication of the suggestion as with astonishment asking, 'can you even imagine reading that novel in that country?' competes with its overtly Orientalised pedophilia and confounds the transparency of a marketing strategy that appeals to the most deranged Oriental fantasies of a nation already petrified out of its wits by a ferocious war....equally evident in this cover is the whole genre of colonial picture postcards of young Algerian women staged, produced and bought by the French colonial officers. Malek Alloula has studied these pictures in The Colonial Harem (1995)." But Dabashi's point is worth exploring. Lolita is about illicit sex with teenagers. But is this western? In a recent story from South Africa we read about Fatima Hassam who was married to her husband Ebrahim for 39 years. One day when returning from vacation she found that Ebrahaim had married a second wife, a young girl named Maggie who converted to Islam for the marriage and is now called 'Mirriam'. Lolita is only western insofar as it is Islamic. And therein lies the problem. Exposing Muslims to Madame Bovary or the Great Gatsby is exposing them to a Western Culture that was primarily an Islamic one, full of family honour and shame and women locked indoors. In general exposing Muslims to "western culture" today would only encourage greater Islamism, which is embodied by the likes of Dabashi and most of the Western elite who champion Islamism, convert to Islam, coddle Islamic 'culture' and support Islamic law. What might be more helpful is to bring the Muslims translations of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged. Rand hated tradition, despised the love of the masses, was disgusted by intellectualism and progressive intellectuals who coddled Stalinism and she was an independent woman, a sexual consumer of men who modeled her male protagonists on her male ideal and her female characters on herself. But in the end the entire process is worthless. If they read Western literature they are "collaborators" and "native informers". Anyway the West's primary intellectual accomplishment in the last 200 years is freeing itself from the church only to become enthralled with Islamism and support a new inquisition. Muslims, particularly Muslim women, do not need the curse of the West, which would sooner lock them in closets and banish them from public view legalizing shariah law, than given them air to breath. Seth J. Frantzman is a graduate student in Islamic and Middle Eastern
Studies, living in Jerusalem. Contact him at sfrantzman@hotmail.com
and visit his website:
Posted by Mendel Siegel, July 31, 2009. |
I received this from Sasha F (alex@fliegler.net) yesterday. You must go immediately to the website of the US Consulate in Jerusalem. http://jerusalem. usconsulate. gov/ Let me know whether you can find ANYTHING about Israel. As of 11:00 p.m. EST, every single entry/article/ announcement is about the "Palestinians" or the "West Bank." NOTHING about Israel. Nothing. Nada. Gornisht. Zip. In addition, there is an option to link to an Arabic version of the site but not one for Hebrew. I wrote back I was unable to connect with Secretary Clinton using the address you have. Note that there is an UNDERSCORE(_) between std and alp. I contacted the US State department at the e-mail address, wrote my question and was informed that the contact was disabled. Whatever that means. UPDATE: From Delta Vines (delta_vines@sbcglobal.net), August 5, 2009 My friend Skyepuppy (http://www.skyepuppy.blogspot.com/) posted (on her blog) some discontent regarding the website for the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem. I ventured a look for myself. It appears that every thing on that website refers to services the U.S. provides for the "Palestinians". To avoid confusion, I emailed the consulate to ask about the role of the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem. FURTHER CLARIFICATION: From Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu in Arutz-Sheva August 6, 2009
Email From Amcytryn When my son applied for [American] citizenship for his younger children, the Arab who took the material said he would hear from them, didn't give him a copy, and did nothing to process the request. It looks like conditions have changed drastically and we are no longer permitted to use the embassy in Tel Aviv or is it any more desirable than the consulate. Contact Mendel Siegel at mendelofjerusalem2@yahoo.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 31, 2009. |
This was written by Hilary Leila Krieger and it appeared
yesterday in the Jerusalem Post
One of the former AIPAC staffers once accused of illegally sharing classified information with Israeli officials lashed out at the FBI Thursday following comments from an FBI's informant that anti-Semitism had been a motivation for the case. "Within the counter-intelligence bureaucracy of the United States government, there is a virulent ideology about Israel and Jews," Steven Rosen, one of the two former officials from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee charged in the case, told The Jerusalem Post. "What these guys believe is that there's a Jewish cabal, a Jewish conspiracy." Larry Franklin, who supplied Rosen with classified information as part of an FBI sting, was quoted Thursday in The Washington Times as saying that anti-Semitism "was part of this investigation and may have been an initial incitement of this investigation." He said FBI investigators "asked me about every Jew I knew" in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, where he worked as an Iran analyst and came into contact with Rosen and his co-worker Keith Weisman in their capacity as employees of AIPAC, which dismissed them after the charges were filed. Those charges were dropped by the government this spring. The 12-year sentence imposed on Franklin for passing on classified information was subsequently reduced to probation. "One agent said to me, 'How can an Irish Catholic from the Bronx get mixed up with all these...,' and I finished the sentence for him: 'Jews?' And I proceeded to tell him that Christ and all the apostles and even his mom were Jewish," Franklin also told the Times. "So it was that sort of thing. And just sarcastic turns of the phrase from time to time. You know, I felt dirty sometimes." The FBI did not respond to a Post request for comment by press time and the Times reported that FBI Assistant Director John Miller declined to address the charges of anti-Semitism. "We have no way to respond to third-hand characterizations of partial statements allegedly made by unnamed FBI employees several years ago," the Times quoted Miller as saying. "If Mr. Franklin would like to make a formal complaint about the conduct of any FBI employee, there is a process to do." Franklin also couldn't be reached by the Post for comment. Rosen, though, said he had heard statements similar to Franklin's from other individuals questioned in the multi-year probe, which lead to charges being filed in 2005. He took issue with the questions the FBI asked about why AIPAC officials such as himself were in touch with the Israeli Embassy or why US officials were in touch with AIPAC. "Why is that suspect? How could AIPAC not be in touch with the embassy of Israel?" he asked. "They were trying to put a stigma on the very idea of government officials talking to AIPAC." But Morris Amitay, who was executive director of AIPAC from 1974 to 1980, had a different take on the FBI questioning, which he himself also underwent. He recalled being asked, in connection to his former AIPAC role, "Why would you have contact with anyone at the Israeli Embassy?" But he chalked that up to "ignorance on the part of the FBI" and "a complete lack of sophistication," rather than pervasive anti-Semitism. "I think I was being asked stupid questions, not malicious questions," he said, adding that the interest of law enforcement officials in Israeli ties stems largely from the case of Jonathan Pollard, a former US Navy analyst who is serving a life sentence for passing secrets to Israel. Some officials have maintained that Pollard worked in collaboration with another, never-found, spy. Still, Rosen said the Jewish community needs to do more to counter the attitude toward Jews and Israel found in US counter-intelligence agencies. "There needs to be a systemic campaign" against these attitudes, he declared. "The organized community as a whole has left this job undone and it's time to do the job." Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, said, "We've been aware that there is a layer of bigotry. Government service is not immune." He pointed to meetings and complaints the ADL has pursued with government agencies, including the CIA and the Pentagon, over the treatment Jewish staff have received, particularly those with ties to Israel and Israelis who have had problems getting security clearances. He said that he would be willing to raise the issue raised by the AIPAC trial with the appropriate authorities as well, but that to do so required complaints by affected individuals. Franklin or others with direct knowledge of what the FBI had done "would have to be willing participants," he said. Still, Foxman was glad that Franklin had spoken up. "It's important. It raises the issue." Rosen also expressed satisfaction that Franklin was going public with his experience, particularly since Franklin is not Jewish. "I'm glad he's speaking out about it, because it's courageous to speak about it," he said. "I'm grateful because it's the truth and nobody's willing to say there's anti-Semitism inside agencies of the US government, when it's right there." Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 31, 2009. | ||||||||
This comes from yesterday's Jihad Watchand is a set of correspondence between David Littman and Newsweek. ![]() 'The Myth of Eurabia' Newsweek's front page and main article ignores Bat Ye'or's analysis and turns down a reminder letter. | ||||||||
Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 31, 2009. |
This was written by Jennifer Rubin and it appeared in
Commentary magazine
Mary Robinson, U.N. Commissioner and former president of Ireland, is being awarded the Medal of Freedom by Obama. Well, isn't that just dandy. Who is Mary Robinson? You may remember her role in presiding over the infamous Durban I Conference. At the time she joined Rashid Khalidi at Columbia University (no, you can't make this up), this report summarized the objections to her hiring, given her record in overseeing the infamous Israel-bashing event: Columbia has "become a hotbed of anti-Israel haters," said the president of the Zionist Organization of America, Morton Klein. "It's especially astonishing that a school with such a large Jewish population would insult Jewish people by hiring these haters of the Jewish state of Israel." The groups also blame Ms. Robinson for allowing the Durban conference to become a global platform for anti-Israel venting. Ms. Robinson, as the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, rejected many American demands to remove anti-Israel language from final conference documents. "Under Mary Robinson's leadership the Human Rights Commission was one-sided and extremist. In her tenure at the HRC, she lacked fairness in her approach to the Israeli/Palestinian issue," said the chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, James Tisch. "I am hopeful for the sake of her students and the reputation of Columbia that as she enters the world of academia she will demonstrate more balance in her views." Recently deceased congressman and human-rights champion Tom Lantos had this to say: Mary Robinson's lack of leadership was a major contributing factor to the debacle in Durban. Her yearning to have a "dialogue among civilizations" blinded her to the reality that the noble goals of her conference had been usurped by some of the world's least tolerant and most repressive states, wielding human rights claims as a weapon in a political dispute. But Durban was not the only blot on her record. As Michael Rubin pointed out in this 2002 column, in her capacity as president of Ireland, she also happily provided millions of dollars of support to the PLO, which were used in terror attacks: During the last four years of Robinson's tenure, the European Union donated large sums of money to the Palestinian Authority. Ireland even held the presidency of the European Union for the second half of 1996. During this time, Arafat siphoned large amounts of European aid money away to pay for terror. Robinson can plead ignorance, but documents seized during the recent Israeli incursion into the West Bank revealed that the Palestinian Authority spent approximately $9 million of European Union aid money each month on the salaries of those organizing terror attacks against civilians. While European officials like Robinson looked the other way, the Palestinian Authority regularly converted millions of dollars of aid money into shekels at rates about 20 percent below normal, allowing the Palestinian chairman to divert millions of dollars worth of aid into his personal slush fund. And then in her post-Durban career, she proceeded on the same Israel-bashing course that has made her infamous among supporters of Israel: Robinson's post-Durban record is little better. On April 15, Robinson's commission voted on a decision that condoned suicide bombings as a legitimate means to establish Palestinian statehood (six European Union members voted in favor including, not surprisingly, France and Belgium). The vote came after Robinson initiated a drive to become a fact finder to investigate the now-famous massacre in Jenin (also known as "the massacre that never happened"). There are no words to describe how atrocious a selection this is. But it does speak volumes about the president's sympathies. And now, will the same voices that condemned her appointment to Columbia step forward? We hope. Somewhere, Tom Lantos is weeping. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 31, 2009. |
STATE OF DENIAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS Half my critics ponder evidence, including mine, and debate issues. The other half fight without regard to evidence, rather than debate. They accept any claims against Israel before it is checked and after it is disproved. They let nothing interfere with their Western-movie-cardboard-storefront stereotype of Zionism, Israel, and Jews. One way they deal with my articles, which present evidence and cite earlier articles for more evidence, is to ignore the evidence. They ignore the content of the articles. Disliking the title and conclusion of the article, they denounce the whole article and me. Strangely, they don't denounce my sources. They generalize: Israel bad, Arabs good. If helps them not to be logical. Their view of Jews is, Jews are too prejudiced to be fair about the Arab-Israel conflict. All Jews stick together. Except all the leftist Jews, such as Noam Chomsky and Rabbi Lerner. When my pro-Arab critics deal with Jews with whom they disagree, they forget about the Jews who agree with them. Not fair. The Nazis used to condemn "the Jews" as being Communists. The Communists used to condemn "the Jews" as being "cosmopolitan," i.e., not tied to the Soviet Union. Jews get it from all sides. Arabs, thinking other people solidly divide along confessional (religious) lines, as in Lebanon and Iraq, urge that there be a minimum quota of Arabs in the U.S. Executive branch to "represent" the Arabs. This confessional stereotype causes them to suspect all Jews in the federal government of being Israeli agents, formally or informally. Somehow such Arabs don't notice the many leftist, appeasement-minded Jews in government, such as "Baker's Jews" and Obama's Chief of Staff Emmanuel. Actually, Jews, like Protestants and Catholics, have a diversity of views. (People contend that not all the Palestinian Arabs want terrorism. Polls, however, show that most do. The whole society there is run in behalf of jihad. Nobody dares protest. Tolerant dissidents don't count, there.) Can't dispute my facts with other evidence? Call me a name. Defamation works in their circles. I am not qualified to discuss the issue, because I am a Jew? Only gentiles may discuss the issue? And what is the gentiles' record? Gentiles have practiced a certain amount of discrimination. But Western society is diverse in views, so one should deal with individual cases. What do these critics know about me? Nothing but what they read. Whence, then, their speculation about my having bad motives? About my conspiring with others? That is not sincere debate, that is smear, akin to street-fighting. It doesn't belong in our forum. They try to cram me into their narrow stereotype of Jews. I have worked with some Jewish organizations and walked out on some. I think for myself and I study news and documents. But one claimed that I follow an AIPAC line. Why? Because she stereotyped AIPAC as the archetypical Jewish lobby. She judged me by very few articles out of my 600 on display and my 18,000 in all. A number of my articles dispute AIPAC's strength and ideology. However, those critics don't have the big picture. The make snap judgments fitting stereotypes. Misrepresentation is another of their tactics. One put words into my mouth, and then condemned me for what I actually had not written. Another accused me of "cherry-picking" international law, to support my argument. At least she recognized that I had cited some international law. Others don't. Did I cherry-pick? No. My procedure assumes that most people have heard the powers that be. The ruling class has and pursues personal interests, sometimes at odds with their national interests, not objectivity. As a result, most people have misconceptions. This is true of many issues, not just of jihad. Therefore, in the course of a dozen articles, I presented both side's cases. Regarding international law, as well as Arab claims, I state the Arab case as well as my own analysis. I have to, in order to refute it. I have discussed international law with three leading experts and read their briefs: Dr. Paul Riebenfeld, deceased, Douglas Feith, and Dr. Malvina Halberstam. I read the explanations of State Dept. official Eugene Rostow involved in UN resolutions and Arthur Goldberg, who wrote UN Resolution 242. They explained the popular distortions of their documents and selective quoting from the Geneva Conventions so as to condemn Israel for nothing that the conventions really prohibited. I analyze all aspects. That is not cherry-picking. This is working out a conclusion. I am fallible, but those who condemn Israel do cherry pick. They quote parts of laws out of context, and omit other law altogether, such as the Palestine Mandate, still determining the legal status of the Territories. They do not take up the points my sources and I bring out. Just as the law is complex, so is the question of human rights, as in the Gaza war. War is not conducted before a jury. Not all aspects of war are clear immediately or even after investigation. People purport to be witnesses. Are they reliable? Claims are made. How do we evaluate competing views? The critics' standard is, if it's against Israel, they believe it. No analysis. They exhibit little background information against which to judge it. My approach: First, ideology. The jihadist ideology is to do anything for the cause. That includes murder and deceit. They may attack primarily civilians always to demoralize them and sometimes to exterminate them. They may risk their own civilians both to inhibit Israel (because they know that Israel really doesn't like to kill civilians and doesn't want infamy for doing so) and to criticize Israel hypocritically if Israel does find sufficient military necessity to attack a munitions depot in a house. Hamas can count on the international humanitarian organizations to condemn Israel unjustifiably. The humanitarian organizations have become political or ideological, with double standards against the Jewish state. I haven't only said so, but showed it. The IDF ideology is to give civilian lives top or a high priority. A friend of mine was an IDF psychologist, who specialized in sensitivity training toward Palestinian Arabs. The result is to refrain from some attacks and some military surprise, in order to spare enemy civilians, and when attacking, to try to spare civilians. Israel has taken measures that no other country has, such as warning whole cities of civilians to evacuate, and telephoning house residents to evacuate, so only the forts and arms depots are bombed. Israel has the most humane war ideology and the worst public relations. Go figure! Second, the record. Human Rights Watch had to retract a number of important accusations against Israel. The UN had to admit its haste in condemning Israel, several times. A French Court, despite its prejudice in favor of French TV, eventually found the TV presentation of the death of an Arab boy at the hands of the IDF a fraud. Other investigators found no evidence of the boy's death. The PLO stages such scenes. The State Dept. traditionally is anti-Zionist, having opposed the formation of the Jewish state and reneging on its promises to Israel. Third, the methods used. The UN several times voted its conclusions before it sent out investigators. Its votes come from biased governments, perpetrators and allies of human rights violations. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch focuses on Israel and gives the Arabs almost a free ride. They come up with unverified statements from local Arabs without considering that those people may be terrorists or pro-terrorist. They rarely consult the IDF, to get its videos and explanations. The hysterical, blood libel still emanating from Arab governments and mosques make them a most unreliable source. All this is beyond the ken of certain anti-Zionists. They keep bringing up long-disproved accusations. One who ignores the frequent and widespread Arab dancing in the streets upon news of successful terrorism against the U.S. or Israel, including 9/11, brings up the instance of six Israelis detained when filming 9/11. They did film it; they weren't celebrating it, as first alleged. The last thing Israeli Jews would want is destruction of the U.S.. U.S. authorities realized the police were being cautious and that the youths were not hostile to the U.S.. My various articles flesh out these summaries. Rather than paraphrase
the human rights issues in Gaza, I am including links to two more
analyses of them. I was particularly impressed by the high level and
objectivity of the scientist, himself an active humanitarian:
THE U.S.-ISRAEL AGREEMENT ON SETTLEMENTS Governments often discuss terms, agree verbally, and file a record of agreement. Dov Weissglass, aide to PM Sharon, with whom Pres. Bush made an agreement on settlements, explains that the verbal agreement was on exceptions to the Roadmap provisions. On December 18, 2003, PM Sharon detailed both his Gaza evacuation plan and the Bush agreement assurances, which gave Sharon confidence [really cover] in proceeding with evacuation. "The text of the speech was read, analyzed, and carefully studied everywhere, and especially in the United States. Yet nobody, either here or there, stood up or protested: "What construction? What agreement?" The speech was met with loud applause, among others by the US ambassador to Israel at the time who was among the guests of honor at the Herzliya Conference, and who recently made a point of denying the existence of the agreement in an article he wrote." "Talk such as 'there was never such agreement,' "'these were only verbal understandings," or 'if there was an agreement, it was violated by Israel, and in any case it should be annulled given the changing circumstances' is reminiscent of a person who at court claims that he never signed a promissory note, while at the same time arguing that he already paid it in full a long time ago." "A former senior White House official, Elliot Abrams, wrote recently that Clinton is wrong, and that an agreement was reached. "I was there," he noted in a Wall Street Journal article last week." The Arab-Israel conflict is delicate. U.S. guarantees and verification will be made. U.S. reneging and denial of its agreement breaches the necessary trust. Who will accept a Presidents' pledge, if his successor asks, what pledge? (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 7/2). I remember the conditions on which Sharon accepted the Roadmap. The U.S. cannot hold Israel to the Map without those conditions. I also remember Pres. Bush's letter. It was uncomfortably vague, for me, but what Israel says it means was clear enough in the letter. Hence Clinton and Obama denials of any such agreement or conditions are deliberate falsehoods. What else? The whole Obama administration duplicity is disgusting and dismaying. For an example of what U.S. pressure gets Israel to do, see here:
FALSE REASON GIVEN FOR ROADBLOCK DISMANTLING PM Netanyahu dismantled many roadblocks to increase Arab mobility,
at the risk of Israeli civilian lives. He did not admit it.
Instead, Israel implied there was no significant risk. [That falsely
implies that roadblocks never were needed.] One result: Obama
demands more Israeli risk. Another result will be terrorist attack.
The Israeli response should include authorizing an outpost (Dr.
Aaron Lerner,
Israel has had to restore roadblocks repeatedly, after acceding to U.S. pressure to remove them. It is an exercise whose repetition speaks ill of the Palestinian Arabs, the U.S., and Israel, for murder, accessory to murder, and weakness to the point of betrayal, respectively. DOUBLE STANDARD ON BLOCKADE OF GAZA Both Israel and Egypt maintain a partial blockade of Gaza. Only Israel receives criticism for it. Those who criticize Israel as inhumane for blockading, do not criticize Egypt as inhumane for blockading. That demonstrates still another double standard against Israel. It also exposes as pretext the professed humanitarianism of the protestors against Israel. If they cared about the people of Gaza, they would protest to Egypt, too. Then, again, if they cared about the people of Gaza, they would protest to Hamas for causing the blockade, for attacking gates through which humanitarian aid otherwise would go, for stealing humanitarian aid, for diverting foreign aid to jihad instead of to the people, and for using the people as human shields. The same diversion of humanitarian aid to jihad and to personal use should provoke a great international outcry against Abbas' Palestinian Authority (P.A.). Instead, the EU and U.S. keep allocating more foreign aid to the P.A. and blame P.A. economic problems on Israel. A similar double standard exists in America over foreign aid. People complain about U.S. aid to Israel. They do not complain about the equally expensive subsidy of Arab groups, some of which are terrorist and imperialistic and all of whose peoples hate America. It's not the expense that bothers complainers against aid to Israel. They either are just anti-Zionist or don't know the issue. For more on the blockade, see here:
OBAMA'S DELUSION ABOUT JIHAD I met someone familiar with the public personalities involved. This person gave me insights that I share with you, undocumented. President Obama and Chief-of-Staff Rahm were Chicago activists who view the rest of the world from their Midwestern municipal perch. Narrow! Rahm is a left-wing radical. They are full of the conceit that Arab leaders don't mean their threats, the way Chicago politicians may not, and that the fast-talking Obama and Rahm could persuade them to make peace. This attitude is delusional. My observation is that the thousands of murders after Arafat made peace, and the PLO dedication of its whole society to carrying out its threats, should disillusion Obama-Rahm. After years of indoctrinating their people in jihad, if Arab leaders tried to stop the incitement and imperialistic claims, admit the years of misinforming the people, and urge tolerance of infidels, their hate-filled people would purge them. Arafat feared assassination by Hamas. How is Obama diplomacy going? Putin lectured Obama for 45 minutes. When Obama asked the Saudi King to make a small gesture to Israel, he refused, as everybody knows. Less known is that the King lost his temper and gave Obama a tongue-lashing. He had to apologize to Obama. To see Obama misstatements about jihad, see here:
DOES TERRORISM BOOST THE PRESTIGE OF ISLAM? The Indian government recorded the phone calls between the Mumbai terrorists and their handlers in Pakistan. Here are key points from the translation. The handlers instructed the terrorists to kill every non-Muslim they can, including hostages no longer useful in shielding them from police. The terrorists were not to be taken alive. They referred to their chief being a major-general [implying complicity by the Pakistani Army]. The assault team was told they were contributing to the "prestige of Islam," and "in the name of Allah," for "Allah is with you." (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 7/2). Does terrorism boost the prestige of Islam? Is Allah with those who murder innocent people? What do you think? I'd like to hear from Muslims whether those terrorists speak for you. I'd also like to hear from those who think that the only problem with Radical Islam is Israel. In a few weeks, I may be documenting hundreds of instances of millions of victims of jihad all over the world. What ethnic cleansing in Pakistan! ANOTHER PALESTINIAN ARAB DESECRATION When Israel expelled the Jews from Gaza, they also expelled them from four communities in northern Samaria, turned over to the Palestinian Authority. Now Arabs raided an unauthorized yeshiva in one of those towns, Homesh. Ignoring beds and other personal equipment, the vandals burned the copies of the Talmud and Five Books of Moses. Yeshiva students buried the ashes, saved a few pages, and suggest
that the government reconstitute an even larger town of Homesh as its
answer to Arab intolerance
So far, the government has no response to this religious desecration. Therefore, no deterrence. (I am not discussing the complex legal situation.) IDF CANCELS TRAINING ON MT. HERMON, FOR WILDLIFE Finding out that military training on the top of Mt. Hermon, in the
Golan, would harm the unique and delicate wildlife in summertime, the
IDF canceled training there in summers
Israel has a mixed record, but its Society for the Protection of Nature In Israel, whose tours I took, has been correcting one track emphasis on building. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, July 30, 2009. | |
Subject: Automotive Industry Challenge... Dr. David Cole
Monday morning I attended a breakfast meeting where the speaker/guest was Dr. David E. Cole, Chairman, Center for Automotive Research, (CAR and Professor at the University of Michigan ). You have all likely heard CAR quoted, or referred to in the auto industry news lately. Dr. Cole, who is an engineer by training, told many stories of the difficulty of working with the folks that the Obama administration has sent to save the auto industry. There have been many meetings where a 30+ year experience automotive expert has to listen to a newcomer to the industry, someone with zero manufacturing experience, zero auto industry experience, zero business experience, zero finance experience, and zero engineering experience, tell them how to run their business.
Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, July 30, 2009. |
This was written by Alexander Zvielli, a veteran Jerusalem
Post staffer, and it appeared July
23, 2007 in Jerusalem Post
On this day, as we mourn the destruction of both the First and Second Temples, it seems fitting to recall a little-known story of how a Roman emperor stood ready to rebuild the third temple. He acted not out of love for the Jewish people, but because he was a pagan who despite its ascendency despised Christianity. The Roman Emperor Julian, who ruled 361-363 CE, called on the Jews to return to the Land of Israel and rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem. Whatever his motives, he showed our ancestors unusual respect and understanding. Julian was hardly an ordinary emperor, though history has failed to pay sufficient attention to his policies. In Julian, the Romans had a just ruler and brave soldier. He was a modest man who labored to relieve the distress of his subjects while endeavoring to connect authority with merit and happiness with virtue. As a young soldier Julian subdued, against the odds, the German threat in Gaul with a small force. He ruled ancient Gaul with wisdom and authority, hardly ever seeking a personal gain. He slept on the ground with his legionnaires, earning their respect. Julian was an excellent organizer, an honest judge, a writer and a philosopher. Brought up as a Christian, Julian rejected the religion and turned back to the paganism of Greek and Roman days. He argued that Christianity would weaken and ultimately destroy the Roman Empire. As a result, he attempted to restore Hellenism, which earned him everlasting Christian disdain. Known to Christians as Julian the Apostate, the emperor restored pagan temples and the cult of the old Roman gods. These were to be served by a reform-minded pagan clergy with high moral character, who would compete with the Christian clergy in meeting the religious needs of the people. Julian remains famous for having declared absolute freedom for all religious beliefs making him perhaps the first leader to extend toleration of religion to all Romans. ON THE July 19, 362 C.E., Julian left Constantinople and arrived in Antioch to prepare for the invasion of Persia. However busy he must have been, he met with "the chiefs of the Jews." The details of this fascinating meeting, preserved only in Christian sources, are cited in Michael Avi Yona's The Jews under Roman and Byzantine Rule A Political History from the Bar Kochba War to the Arab Conquest. Julian, who wanted to form a common cause with the Jews against Christianity, asked: "Why do you not sacrifice to God, as required by the laws of Moses?" The Jews replied: "We are not allowed by our laws to sacrifice outside our Holy City. How can we do it now? Restore to us the City, rebuild the Temple and the altar, and we shall offer sacrifices, as in days of old." He promised: "I shall endeavor with the utmost zeal to set up the
Temple of the Most High God."
THE RESTORATION of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem would, in Julian's opinion, defeat the Christian argument of replacement theology that the Church was the true Israel, and that the Temple's destruction and the subsequent exile was the just punishment suffered by the Jewish people for the Crucifixion. The Temple's restoration, Julian figured, would persuade Christian converts that God still favored the Jewish people. As an army commander, embarking on a war against a formidable Persian enemy, Julian could also expect that the Jews of Mesopotamia would assist his legions. But there can also be no doubt that Julian's attitude of fairness and his respect for the stubborn stand of the Jewish remnant played a role in his desire to achieve a Jewish restoration. In his "Four Letters" addressed to the Jewish people, Julian recognized their dire situation and appealed to them to join him in his campaign. That's a vast difference from the Persian ruler Cyrus, who had only allowed the Jews to rebuild the Temple; Julian virtually ordered them to do so, and perhaps, upset by their initial hesitation, appointed Alypius, a pagan native of Antioch and his best friend, to supervise the work. In a letter to the Jewish Patriarch Hillel II, residing in Tiberias,
Julian abrogated the entire gamut of anti-Jewish
legislation and recognized Jewish authority in Israel, including the
right to levy taxes.
ACCORDING TO the Christian sources, there was considerable initial enthusiasm among the Jews of Diaspora. Many purses were opened. But other leading Jews were confused and apprehensive. The community had only recently suffered yet another painful defeat in the failed uprising against Gallus (351 C.E.), which erupted in protest against discriminatory anti-Jewish legislation. The Patriarchate had lost Lydda, the few remaining settlements in Judea and several vital Galilean villages. The people quoted a verse from Daniel (11:34): "Now when they shall stumble, they shall be helped with a little help; but many shall join themselves unto them with blandishments. " The Jews were doubtless divided between those who believed that Julian was a savior and those who remembered Rabbi Simon Ben Eliezer's warning against the youthful enthusiasm of the second generation after the Bar Kochba disaster: "If children tell you: 'Go, build the Temple do not listen to them.'" Above all, could Jewish hopes depend on the fortunes of one man? In the end, no attempt was made to set up a temporary altar and offer
sacrifices on the former Temple grounds, as the Maccabeans had done.
While the Jews could not oppose the will of the Roman emperor, they
could drag their feet. Apparently the majority did. They remembered
Rome as Amalek, not as a benefactor.
THE WORK ordered on the Temple's foundation advanced slowly. It took time to provide silver spades and pickaxes, since no iron was allowed to be used. And then, according to the Roman writer Ammianus, "balls of fire" supposedly erupted from the foundations and rendered the place inaccessible. The Christian majority of Jerusalem described this fire in glowing terms, as a splendid miracle, a further proof of the rightness of Christianity. The Jews suspected Christian arson. Meanwhile Alypius, Julian's pagan friend, seemed hardly in a hurry to carry out the emperor's order. At any rate, the opportunity to rebuild the Temple was lost. Notwithstanding the lack of Jewish sources for this fascinating episode, there can be little doubt that Julian's failure resulted in yet another deep national trauma, traces of which can be found among anti-Zionist circles in our own time. Moreover, the failures of the 67, 112 and 135 CE Jewish uprisings, other bloody skirmishes with the Roman and Byzantine Christian regimes, and the further trauma of Julian's endeavor were more than the Jewish nation could bear for many generations. With Julian's death came the Emperor Jovian, a faithful Christian, and a Church-led assault on Jews and Judaism. And so it was that by the time of the Persian and finally Arab conquests of Jerusalem, the local Jewish population was a mere remnant of a once-thriving society. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, July 30, 2009. |
Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a research associate at the BESA Center and a lecturer in the departments of Arabic and Middle East Studies at Bar-Ilan University, is a 25-year veteran of IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinians and Islamic groups. This article appeared as
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish nation-state, or as the rightful homeland of the Jewish People, is a necessary condition of any future Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Arab and Islamic leaders have rejected this demand. The reason for Arab inability and unwillingness to consider Netanyahu's demand is the fact that the Islamic world is ideologically incapable of according legitimacy to the State of Israel, for deep-seated religious, nationalistic and historical reasons. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has set out five conditions for the conclusion of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal involving establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. The first, and the hardest for the Arab world to accept, is Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish nation-state, or as the rightful homeland of the Jewish People. In fact, it is close to impossible, because Islam is intrinsically incapable of according legitimacy to the State of Israel for the embedded ideological reasons detailed below. The First Component: Religion According to Islam, the Jewish religion was invalidated by the birth of Christianity, which in turn was invalidated by the arrival of Islam. This concept was set down in the Koran: "Surely the true religion with Allah is Islam" (Chapter 3, Verse 19). Thus Allah does not recognize any other religion besides Islam. Islam according to its own perception brought the message of truth to the world, after the Jews and Christians changed and distorted the word of Allah given to them. In light of their conduct, Allah removed their religious role and theological message and passed it to the Muslims, who are the sole "believers." Thus, Islam's basic approach is not that it came to the world to exist alongside other religions as equal among equals, but to replace them. A conclusion from this is that Judaism as a religion has lost its significance and role in the world. If so, how could one establish a Jewish state? And how could one claim that land can be holy to Judaism after this religion has been declared null and void? And since when do Jews members of a meaningless religion have the right to a state in any land, after they betrayed Allah and refused to accept Din al-Haqq "the religion of truth," Islam? In practice, Islam recognized the Jews as "people of the Book" and not as infidels, although on condition that they live under Islamic rule as "dhimmis" protégés of Islam, and "pay the Jizya (per capita tax) with willing submission." (Koran Chapter 9, Verse 29). However, once they conquered land, and killed and deported Muslims, they lost the privileges granted to them by the "Pact of Omar." Therefore, Israel's demand that Islam recognize it as a state for the Jewish People contradicts the most basic tenets of Islam, which view Judaism as null and void. Israel's demand actually requires Islam to recognize Judaism as a legitimate religion even though God himself stated in the Koran that "whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, will never be accepted" (Chapter 3, Verse 85). The Second Component: Nationality Judaism is perceived in the Islamic world as a communal religion, without either an ethnic or national basis. There are other instances of this. The people living in Iraq consist of many religious groups: Muslims, Christians, Sabaiis, Mandeans, Yazidis, and Jews. They are all members of the Arab nation, all sons of the Iraqi people and they all have a place in Iraqi land. There are Arab Iraqi Muslims, Arab Iraqi Christians and Arab Iraqi Jews, all members of religious communities which are part of the Iraqi people. The same goes for Yemen which has Arab Yemenite Muslims and Arab Yemenite Jews, and for Morocco and the rest of the Islamic states, which have Jewish, Muslim, and Christian communities. Furthermore, from an Islamic perspective this is a way to view other countries: the Jew in Poland is Polish from an ethnic perspective and Jewish from a religious perspective. The French Jew is a member of the French nation who practices Judaism. Thus, there are no ethnic Jews in the world, just as there are no ethnic Christians or Muslims. Suddenly, Jewish communities declare that they are one people, sharing the same ethnic background, as if all the Jews in the world look alike, speak the same language, share customs and cuisine, and dress in similar fashion! This is the "great lie" of the Zionist movement, according to Islamists: creating a Jewish people out of nothing, and trying to convince the world at large that a Jewish People does indeed exist. Even worse, these Jewish communities have decided to migrate to Palestine, to "displace" the original inhabitants and to establish a state, whose name has no connection to the Jewish people but to the mythological Sons of Israel. So, from the Islamic perspective, how can one recognize this state as the "State of the Jewish People" an ethnic group that does not really exist? The Third Component: Land Palestine was sanctified as Muslim land by two acts. The first was its conquest during the period of Khalif Omar bin al-Khattab in the third decade of the seventh century. This placed Palestine within the group of countries which were under Islamic rule, like Spain, Sicily and part of the Balkans, and which must be returned to the bosom of Islam. The second act was the Islamic tradition which claims that the Khalif Omar declared Palestine, from the sea to the Jordan, as Waqf (holy endowment) land, consecrated for all Muslim generations forever. So how can the Jews whose religion is illegitimate and who are not an ethnic people demand that the Muslims recognize the conquest of the land of Palestine which is holy to Muslims alone? Ideological Realities Thus, according to Islam, the State of Israel is not legitimate. From a religious point of view, Judaism is void. The Jewish nation is an invention of the Zionist movement. The land called "Israel" is considered Islamic Waqf land, consecrated for Muslims. Netanyahu's insistence on recognition of the state as a Jewish nation-state contradicts the Islamic faith, and questions the very essence of Islam, whose relevance is based on the invalidity of Judaism (and Christianity as well). Therefore, there is no escape from the conclusion that Israel's struggle for survival is religiously based, even if externally it assumes the form of a territorial struggle. It does not matter what its size, Israel will never gain recognition by the Arab and Muslim world as a legitimate state. Similarly, international documents which legitimize the "Jewish State," such as United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 of 29 November 1947, are viewed by Muslims as illegitimate. Many say: "You are turning a territorial conflict into a religious one," when they mean to say that territorial concessions would facilitate the recognition of the Arabs and Muslims in the legitimacy of the State of Israel. Such a statement assumes that the Arab and Muslim world is as secular as our own, and shares our concepts, values and priorities. This is the result of Israeli and Western ignorance of all that is related to Islam and the Arab world, derived from the fact that Westerners do not understand Arabic and Arab and Islamic culture. Israelis and Westerners alike are not exposed to the harsh truths which are expressed in the local tongues, and are well-concealed by spokesmen of "inter-religious dialogue." Recognition of Israel as a legitimate Jewish nation-state has no hope or chance as long as Islam perceives itself and itself alone as "the true religion with Allah." Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Louis A. Romo, July 30, 2009. |
I hope you like my "warning" in a loose style poetic form and publish it. I recently sent the following e-mail to Mr. Netanyahu. with today being the 9th of Av, I think it is a real warning that is in a more "readable" form FOR many people who would not ordinarily read through a regular op-ed. sincerely,
I truly believe the noose is being tightened deliberately against Christians now to intimidate them for when the real clamp down on Jews begin. With obama's openly "kill the elderly" by denying them health care we are now just as bad as Nazi Germany in 1930. Euthanasia was extremely popular in America before wwII |
Gather around all yea nations of the earth, sing with gladness and plot no evil against the Lord.
HE that scattered Israel long ago has re-gathered him from all countries.
Read the Scrolls of life and follow your star through coming cleansing fire.
My Beloved Israel, Keeper of the sacred holy book, Hold my trembling hand, listen to my plea!
Look in the mirror called truth and see America's stealthy stealers and CEO looters! 3-piece suited thieves; like vultures plucking in quietude; clients delude, God exclude. America lewd and nude.
Remember, O'Israel, YOU are HIS SERVANT JACOB, Seed of Abraham, whom HE has chosen.
For YOU, Jacob, were chose long ago to protect and uphold divine revelation without abdication.
With you by HIS side Messiah shall reign on 7th day, a thousand years of peace.
Mr. Romo is a non-denominational Christian. He lives in Stockton California. |
Posted by Cpocerl, July 30, 2009. |
This is by Ambassador John Bolton and it appeared as a Wall Street
Journal Opinion piece
Mr. Bolton, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, is the author of "Surrender Is Not an Option: Defending America at the United Nations" (Simon & Schuster, 2007). After years of failed diplomacy no one will be able to call an attack precipitous. |
Legions of senior American officials have descended on Jerusalem recently, but the most important of them has been Defense Secretary Robert Gates. His central objective was to dissuade Israel from carrying out military strikes against Iran's nuclear weapons facilities. Under the guise of counseling "patience," Mr. Gates again conveyed President Barack Obama's emphatic thumbs down on military force. The public outcome of Mr. Gates's visit appeared polite but inconclusive. Yet Iran's progress with nuclear weapons and air defenses means Israel's military option is declining over time. It will have to make a decision soon, and it will be no surprise if Israel strikes by year's end. Israel's choice could determine whether Iran obtains nuclear weapons in the foreseeable future. Mr. Obama's approach to Tehran has been his "open hand," yet his gesture has not only been ignored by Iran but deemed irrelevant as the country looks inward to resolve the aftermath of its fraudulent election. The hardliner "winner" of that election, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was recently forced to fire a deputy who once said something vaguely soothing about Israel. Clearly, negotiations with the White House are not exactly topping the Iranian agenda. Beyond that, Mr. Obama's negotiation strategy faces insuperable time pressure. French President Nicolas Sarkozy proclaimed that Iran must re-start negotiations with the West by September's G-20 summit. But this means little when, with each passing day, Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile laboratories, production facilities and military bases are all churning. Israel is focused on these facts, not the illusion of "tough" diplomacy. Israel rejects another feature of Mr. Obama's diplomatic stance. The Israelis do not believe that progress with the Palestinians will facilitate a deal on Iran's nuclear weapons program. Though Mr. Gates and others have pressed this fanciful analysis, Israel will not be moved. Worse, Mr. Obama has no new strategic thinking on Iran. He vaguely promises to offer the country the carrot of diplomacy followed by an empty threat of sanctions down the road if Iran does not comply with the U.S.'s requests. This is precisely the European Union's approach, which has failed for over six years. There's no reason Iran would suddenly now bow to Mr. Obama's diplomatic efforts, especially after its embarrassing election in June. So with diplomacy out the door, how will Iran be tamed? Mr. Gates' mission had extraordinary significance. Israel sees the political and military landscape in a very inauspicious light. It also worries that, once ensnared in negotiations, the Obama administration will find it very hard to extricate itself. The Israelis are probably right. To prove the success of his "open hand," Mr. Obama will declare victory for "diplomacy" even if it means little to no gains on Iran's nuclear program. Under the worst-case scenario, Iran will continue improving its nuclear facilities and Mr. Obama will become the first U.S. president to tie the issue of Israel's nuclear capabilities into negotiations about Iran's. Israel understands that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent commitment to extend the U.S. "defense umbrella" to Israel is not a guarantee of nuclear retaliation, and that it is wholly insufficient to deter Iran from obliterating Israel if it so decides. In fact, Mrs. Clinton's comment tacitly concedes that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons, exactly the wrong message. Since Israel, like the U.S., is well aware its missile defense system is imperfect, whatever Mr. Gates said about the "defense umbrella" will be politely ignored. Relations between the U.S. and Israel are more strained now than at any time since the 1956 Suez Canal crisis. Mr. Gates's message for Israel not to act on Iran, and the U.S. pressure he brought to bear, highlight the weight of Israel's lonely burden. Striking Iran's nuclear program will not be precipitous or poorly thought out. Israel's attack, if it happens, will have followed enormously difficult deliberation over terrible imponderables, and years of patiently waiting on innumerable failed diplomatic efforts. Absent Israeli action, prepare for a nuclear Iran. Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com |
Posted by Rock Peters, July 30, 2009. |
I believe Obama is an anti-Semite and I know that he is anti-Israel. Do me a favor and post this forwarded article on your site. I am trying to raise funds to produce a series of national PAC TV commercials that will end the Obama regime quickly. Have you seen my latest work "Fly Infidel Airlines"? It's on my site under POEMS. You'll get a laugh. Yours in Liberty, Rock Peters
In FOUR Years of Obama in the White House 1) Obama will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapon which will give Muslim terrorists "Weapons of Mass Destruction" we will see WMD Muslim terrorist attacks in the US and around the world. a nuclear Iran will mean the total annihilation and the END of Israel, (a Second Jewish Holocaust.) 2) Obama will finish his socialization and nationalization of the US economy; this will stifle human initiative, destroy our standard of living, bankrupt the US economy which will mean the END of the Free Enterprise System and the END of Capitalism in America. 3) Obama will attempt to infringe upon and take away our right to bear arms, try yo pass "Hate Speech" laws and do all he can to silence conservative talk radio which, will be the END the American liberty we enjoy today. 4) Obama will give amnesty to 25,000,000 illegal aliens and 99% of them will register Democrat which will mean the END of the Republican Party, the END of the two party system and the END of the America as we know it. TAKING ACTION Will we Americans sit by and watch as Obama systematically dismantles and destroys our country and betrays Israel? We absolutely can not wait four years for the next election. Obama must go immediately. After six months in office Obama has still not released his birth certificate. I have created an explosive national PR campaign, a series of powerful TV PAC commercials that will bring incredible, unbearable public pressure on the Obama White House to prove his eligibility. Unite with us in launching these commercials on the air across the USA, dethroning Obama and saving our nation. NOTE It is possible that Obama's destruction of America is intentional. Obama may very well be functionally insane. Israeli psychologist, Dr. Sam Vankin, (the world's leading expert on NPD) has stated that Obama shows clear signs and has all the symptoms of "Narcissistic Personality Disorder." Obama is undoubtedly an anti-Semite and he has deep seated animosity for the United States. ![]() Can this person really be in our White House? Fact: America will not and Israel may not survive four years of Obama. |
Posted by Daniel Mandel, July 30, 2009. |
One of the small, but interesting, indeed significant, things to have emerged from the Alan Dershowitz Melanie Phillips FrontPage Magazine debate over the Obama Administration's policies towards Israel is the manner in which Dershowitz seeks a security blanket in the existence of individual Obama Administration figures deemed pro-Israeli. Yet, his is a curious argument: it tacitly concedes that the President's background and the record of at least some of his relevant advisers and appointees and thus the auguries regarding the likely direction of policy under his stewardship have indeed given reason for worry. Consider some of these advisers and appointees: Zbigniew Brzezinski, who lauded the 2006 Mearsheimer-Walt demonization of the pro-Israel lobby a demonization Dershowitz himself felt impelled to rebut; General Merrill 'Tony' McPeak, who thinks American Jewish voters prevent the U.S. playing a constructive role in bringing about peace; Robert Malley, who has urged an imposed settlement on Israel and advocated negotiations with Hamas; Samantha Power, now on the National Security Council, who has also advocated external imposition of a settlement on Israel; George Mitchell, now Special Envoy to the Middle East, whose response to the outbreak of the Palestinian terror wave in 2000 was to call for more Israeli concessions before demanding Palestinians fulfill their already existing, unfulfilled obligations under Oslo; and Daniel Kurtzer, who largely blames Israel for the 2000 Camp David negotiations failure. Yet pro-Obama Israel supporters frequently ignore these officials' records and point to other officials, or even the same ones, in the conviction that they are Israel's friends or that their mere presence foreshadows cordial American-Israeli relations:
Now, in FrontPage, Dershowitz has done the same thing. Scolded by Phillips for ignoring as formative influences on Barack Obama his own radical past associates deeply hostile to Israel, Dershowitz caviled, "No one who fits that characterture [sic] would have appointed Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, Dennis Ross (who she also attacks) as an adviser on Iran and Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff." The case for skepticism regarding Clinton and Emanuel has been made by others. However, when it comes to Dennis Ross, liberal, pro-Obama Israel supporters speak as though they are on a sure thing. Before Obama's election, the New Republic's Marty Peretz, another liberal champion of Israel, said any misgivings he had were allayed by the presence on Obama's team of the "clear-headed" Ross. Ross was to be found last year seeking to reassure Jews that it was kosher indeed meritorious to vote for Obama. But is Ross' own record of judgment and deeds reassuring? In an interview with me eight years ago, Ross was candid about the mistakes President Clinton and he committed in working for an Arab-Israeli peace. He was explicit about their having fatally ignored Palestinian terror and incitement to hatred and murder: [I] believe that we ... became so preoccupied with this process that the process took on a life of its own. It had self-sustaining justification. Every time there was a [Palestinian] behavior, or an incident or an event that was inconsistent with the process ... the impulse was to rationalize it, finesse it, find a way around it and not allow it to break the process. Holding the Palestinian leadership responsible for the failure of the Oslo process, Ross concluded, "I don't believe that one can focus now on the solution. You have to focus on management and defusing of the conflict." However, last year, campaigning for Obama, Ross could be found declaring that "the Bush administration walked away from peace-making for more than six years." Apparently, what Ross told me in 2001 to be impossible he now believes should have been tried ceaselessly since about that date. What made Ross change his mind? Apparently, the notion that, while Arafat could not make peace, Mahmoud Abbas ("whose intentions, I think, are for peace") and his cohorts can and will with U.S. support. The trouble is, precisely such supportive efforts were the sum total of the Bush Administration's approach and it proved a failure. The Bush Administration accepted (over strenuous Israeli objections) the Roadmap peace plan in April 2003, which ordained immediate Israeli concessions and redeployments in response to untested Palestinian reforms. It pressured Israel into concessions like the perilous abandonment of the Gaza/Egypt border. It engaged ceaselessly with a reshuffled pack of veteran Arafat loyalists Mahmoud Abbas, Saeb Erekat, Nabil Shaath, Ahmed Qurei, with Salaam Fayyad later added to the deck claiming these amounted to new Palestinian leadership. This embrace of Arafat loyalists was not the result Ross' confidence in Abbas' moderation notwithstanding of the Palestinian Authority (PA)'s dismantling the apparatus of terror or the ending of the incitement to hatred and murder that feeds it. Terrorists are not jailed in fact, Mahmoud Abbas explicitly ruled out doing that already in 2005, contrary to Oslo and the Roadmap. Glorification of terror within the PA remains the norm and Abbas himself has described wanted terrorists as "heroes," publicly mourned dead terrorists (George Habash) and congratulated the families of living ones (Samir Kuntar) on their release by Israel. In short, the logic of dealing with Arafat loyalists involves feigning ignorance of all this. Thus, George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice liberally showered Abbas and the PA with praise, money ($600 million of U.S. taxpayer's money in Bush's last year) and arms for undetectable moderation. Under Obama, all that has changed is the magnitude of the taxpayer funds remitted to the PA (some $900 million in 2009) and the volume of pressure applied to Israel to make concessions to it. Ross served throughout the two Clinton Administrations as Middle East envoy. Where is he now? As of last month, he carries the unwieldy title of Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for the "Central Region," having been quickly shifted from the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia brief he took up only months ago within Clinton's State Department team. Whether this move presages increased or reduced influence for Ross remains to be seen. But even assuming that Ross occupies a position of influence and authority, the question is: will he serve as a bridle on the Obama Administration's heavy-handed tendencies to bully Israel, as in the present fracas over Israel building homes for Jews in Jerusalem or the West Bank? His own record affords little reason to think so. On his conduct during the Oslo years, as he conceded in 2001, Ross did not call a halt to a policy of pressure on Israel and indulgence of the PA. But his record is longer than the Oslo years. In 1992, for example, Ross and his State Department colleagues, wishing to prevent Arafat from boycotting upcoming peace talks, persuaded the George H. W. Bush Administration to strongly condemn Israel in the U.N. for expelling a dozen Palestinian ringleaders after a series of lethal terror attacks on Israelis. Then, as later, Palestinian terrorism was insufficient grounds for upsetting diplomacy that we now know led no-where but to bloodshed. And when last year Marty Peretz took Robert Malley to task for hostility to Israel, Ross joined Sandy Berger, Dan Kurtzer, Martin Indyk, Aaron Miller and other Clinton era advisers in indignantly repudiating Peretz's critique. In short, Ross' is not the record of someone who will readily oppose pressure on Israel from within the inner sanctum of an Obama Administration if these get in the way of the latest 'peace process.' Liberal supporters of Israel like Alan Dershowitz who bank on Dennis Ross to provide a countervailing influence within the Obama Administration should take note. Daniel Mandel is a fellow in history at Melbourne University, director of the Zionist Organization of America's Center for Middle East Policy, and author of H.V. Evatt and the Establishment of Israel: The Undercover Zionist (Routledge, 2004). This article appeared today on Front Page Magazine
Posted by Levi Sokolic, July 30, 2009. |
NOTE: The Marquardt-Bigman article is available as a Think-Israel May-June 2009 feature. |
She rightly takes Antony Lerman to task. But one part of the context of the psychosis of people like Lerman is to understand English society, and particularly its chattering classes. The English in general have an insane and almost incomprehensible hatred of victims and fall over themselves to succour the perpetrators of violence and to protect them from their victims. In England if a victim does anything other then passively submit they will be prosecuted and probably more harshly then the criminal. Indeed, even a passive victim is liable to arrest and prosecution. If an English person behaves beastly to you, they are outraged when you defend yourself and attack them in return. This is not something only of the idiot left. It is general in English society. Regards
Contact Levi Sokolic by email at LSokolic@aol.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 30, 2009. |
PAKISTAN OBJECTS TO U.S. EXPANSION OF AFGHAN WAR Pakistan opposes the U.S. surge in Afghanistan. It fears a Taliban flight into Pakistan. Contradicting itself, it also denies U.S. complaints that Taliban take refuge in Pakistan. Pakistan tells the U.S. it should negotiate with the Taliban, instead of fighting them. [Since the Taliban goal is imposing their radical version of Islam, how can the U.S. negotiate them into standing down?] Why doesn't Pakistan capture the fleeing Taliban, and end the war? Not enough troops available in that sector. Most of the best troops are guarding the border with India (Eric Schmidt, Jane Perlez, NY Times, 7/22, A1). Why the border with India? They would profess fear of an Indian invasion. However, if Pakistan kept the peace with India, India wouldn't have any reason to invade. Instead, Pakistan harbors and trains terrorists who attack India, especially its Kashmir province. (Later articles will document that.) Pakistan is doing what S. Arabia and Egypt do: fight terrorists who threaten the regime, but condone terrorists who take jihad abroad. Those three countries have played the U.S. for suckers. U.S. policy failures rarely are averted or reviewed. We got into the Afghanistan war when the U.S. drained USSR strength by arming Afghans against the USSR. We let Pakistan deliver our arms. They gave the arms to jihadists. When the Soviets left, the jihadists took over. Nevertheless, the U.S. continued to trust Pakistan as an ally. The U.S. then ignored years of reports that Pakistani intelligence assisted terrorists against India. Now our Secretary of State is trying to gain the trust of India. Good luck. OBAMA ADMITS HIS IRAN POLICY Persistent reporters got President Obama to stop feigning high-sounding hopes for human rights in Iran. He doesn't care that the regime smashed its people's democratic hopes. Ambassador Rice poses in the UN as a champion of human rights, but she, too, accepts Iran's brutality. All Obama cares about is a dialogue with just such a rogue regime, regarding nuclear weapons. But he doesn't expect dialogue until, without a logical connection, he forces Israel to allow sovereignty to Abbas' Arabs, despite their jihadist policies, bad for America. "To recap, take a Holocaust-denying president who has advocated
genocide and the elimination of the Jewish state, a government
hell-bent on acquiring weapons of mass destruction, said government's
brutal repression of its own people, and the subsequent "re-election"
of the aforementioned maniac, and what do you get? A call from Obama
to isolate this regime? An urgent campaign to impose harsh sanctions?
Immediate support for the destruction of their nuclear sites before
it's too late? No. Obama's focus is delivering Israel to the same
Islamic audience he stroked in Cairo
For more on this, see here:
OBAMA'S ANTI-DEMOCRATIC POLICY Pres. Bush II started out upholding democracy. Liberals criticized him for it. Pres. Obama immediately abandoned and even opposed democratic movements. "FROM IRAN to Venezuela to Cuba, from Myanmar to North Korea to China, from Sudan to Afghanistan to Iraq to Russia to Syria to Saudi Arabia, the Obama administration has systematically taken human rights and democracy promotion off America's agenda. In their place, it has advocated 'improving America's image,' multilateralism and a moral relativism that either sees no distinction between dictators and their victims or deems the distinctions immaterial to the advancement of US interests." The President of Honduras violated a Supreme Court order against one of his moves against democracy. He replaced the Army chief as another. His Congress deposed him, but the U.S. has calls that a "coup." "While Obama's supporters champion his 'realist' policies as a welcome departure from the 'cowboy diplomacy' of the Bush years, the fact of the matter is that in country after country, Obama's supposedly pragmatic and non-ideological policy has either already failed as it has in North Korea or is in the process of failing. The only place where Obama may soon be able to point to a success is in his policy of coercing Israel to adopt his anti-Semitic demand to bar Jews from building homes in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria." These policies are impractical. For example, the Arabs now believe they need not to move toward peace, because Obama will make Israel yield to them. [Their demands would render Israel vulnerable to conquest by them.] "Why, with blood running through the streets of Iran, is he still interested in appeasing the mullahs? Why, with Venezuela threatening to invade Honduras for Zelaya, is he siding with Zelaya against Honduran democrats? Why, with the Palestinians refusing to accept the Jewish people's right to self-determination, is he seeking to expel some 500,000 Jews from their homes in the interest of appeasing the Palestinians? Why, with North Korea threatening to attack the US with ballistic missiles, is he refusing to order the USS John McCain to interdict the suspected North Korean missile ship it has been trailing for the past two weeks? Why, when the Sudanese government continues to sponsor the murder of Darfuris, is the administration claiming that the genocide in Darfur has ended?" "The only reasonable answer to all of these questions is that far from being non-ideological, Obama's foreign policy is the most ideologically driven since Carter's tenure in office. If when Obama came into office there was a question about whether he was a foreign policy pragmatist or an ideologue, his behavior in his first six months in office has dispelled all doubt. Obama is moved by a radical, anti-American ideology that motivates him to dismiss the importance of democracy and side with anti-American dictators against US allies." "For his efforts, although he is causing the US to fail to secure
its aims as he himself has defined them in arena after arena, he is
successfully securing the support of the most radical, extreme leftist
factions in American politics."
I agree, but am less puzzled about Obama. Remember his candidacy's zig-zagging daily, not only on his policies but on what he had said? Remember his legislative record of voting "present," so as to duck almost all controversial issues? He avoids unpopular stands on issues not central to his ideology. This may be clever but it also is cowardly and unethical. Also unethical is his posture, at odds with his policies. I find that in some key ways, every President is worse than his predecessor. That is subjective current pain always seems more intense than past pain. To further round out our view of Obama policy on democracy, click
ISRAEL'S FOREIGN MINISTER, BETWEEN THE LINES Israel's Foreign Minister Liberman rated his meetings with E.U.,
Canadian, and U.S. officials as successful. He recommends that Israel
devote more attention to the friendlier states. He said that, having
internal problems, Holland and Denmark are more understanding of
He does not seem to be the pathetic figure that his partisan detractors aver. However, his assessment of meetings may be self-serving. He hints that Holland's and Denmark's understanding is due to their masses of hostile, indigestible Muslims. Why just hint at the precarious state of European civilization? The West tip-toes so as not to offend, and the jihadists murder. A Lighter Touch: Chairman Bernanke praised his Federal Reserve Board's protection of consumers. It must be comforting to consider the loss by consumers of much of their savings, jobs, and houses as a mark of one's excellent protection of them. OLD BUT FORGOTTEN U.S. DOUBLE STANDARD ON ISRAEL The U.S. has condemned Israeli punishment of terrorists by demolishing their houses. The U.S. ignores the powerful deterrence, when persisted in. Instead, the U.S. becomes civil libertarian about it. It calls this unfair to other residents, whose complicity with their terrorist relative usually has not been proved in court. Meanwhile, the U.S. seized houses, ships, and cars, in which even a tiny amount of illicit drugs was found, without having proved in court that the owners knew of drug presence. In some examples, it is clear they didn't know. One standard for the U.S., another for Israel (Alan Dershowitz, Contrary to Public Opinion, 1992). Reminding ourselves of that U.S. double standard puts current and new U.S. double standards in perspective. Double standards are a human trait. Suppose something of yours is missing. If you think that someone in your household lost it, you resent it. When you realize you lost it, you forgive sooner. That trait may be more common in, say, the U.S. and the Organization of Islamic Conference, which can get away with more. I think that some of the resentment against the U.S. was due to its frequent sermonizing while behaving inconsistently with its declared principles. But always remember that other resentment is due to our good fortune, hard work, and obstacles to their imperialism. Dershowitz wrote that in a war, civil liberties must give way to some extent to national security protection of the people's very lives. He fails to recognize that Radical Islam is at war with Israel, giving Israel greater leeway in opposing terrorism. That shows the disadvantage of Western societies that try to wage war without acknowledging that it is a war permitting some military rules. President Bush stumbled over that problem, because he tried to conduct considerable wars without proper mobilization, as if everything else were normal. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL VERSUS ISRAEL Amnesty International (A.I.) issued a 117-page report on the recent war in Gaza. 109 pages were about Israeli forces and only 8 pages were about terrorist forces. Those 8 pages do acknowledge that Hamas rocket fire at Israeli civilians was a war crime, but claims to have found no evidence of much other Hamas war criminality alleged by Israel. How does it know? For example, it asked Atta Rmeilat and other Arab "eyewitnesses" if they saw any rockets launched from alongside his house. They said no. Their testimony cannot be verified. The report ignored Hamas abuse of its Israeli prisoner. A.I. denied Hamas use of human shields. It ignored a video showing some such usage and an independent report on it. A.I. calls Israel the occupying power in the Gaza Strip, from which Israel left. The report has some aggressive quotes from Israeli troops, taken out of context. Macho talk does not prove over-aggressive action. [Apparently it did not use that quotation technique against Hamas, which makes many threats.] Other A.I. reports blamed the start of the war on Israel, which was responding to rocket attacks, made even during truces. In this report, "Amnesty advocates an international arms embargo, which would deny Israel's basic right to self-defense in the face of daily security threats and attacks. The authors repeat calls on the international community to 'exercise universal jurisdiction' in national courts against 'alleged perpetrators' of war crimes. This encourages the 'lawfare' campaign to delegitimize Israel." The 117-page pamphlet is part of A.I.'s Durban plan, to isolate
Terrorist launching of thousands of rockets on Israel was not the cause of the IDF incursion hoping to stop such launching? Is that too logical for A.I.? Having established that war crime, why didn't A.I. pair it with the related war crime of Hamas fortifying civilian areas, from which it launched the rockets? If you were a Muslim in Gaza interviewed by A.I., would you accuse Hamas of anything? Want to be killed? Maybe you belong to Hamas. "Eyewitnesses!" AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL VERSUS SAUDI ARABIA Amnesty International (A.I.] accused S. Arabia of a "sustained assault on human rights," in the name of fighting terrorism. The government secretly arrested, tortured, or killed thousands, in this effort. Being a world power, S. Arabia gets away with these crimes (NY Times, 7/23, A16). I inserted this to show some balance by A.I.. It does not show balance where Israel is concerned. There, A.I. has a blind spot. I am not able to judge this report. A government needs some civil rights leeway in a war, particular a war on terrorists, in an age when they can travel to take vengeance. On the other hand, a government may abuse people's rights unnecessarily in that fight. Some dictatorships claim to be fighting against terrorism or Communism, but really are repressing their own dissidents unrelated to terrorism or communism. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Arutz-Sheva, July 30, 2009. |
Stone Vessel with 'Priestly Inscription' Uncovered In Jerusalem This was written by Hana Levi Julian and Gil Ronen and it appeared in today's Arutz-Sheva. |
Vessel discovered near the Zion Gate may be inscibed with a 'priestly code' and the Name of G-d. Also found were snails for making 'tekhelet.' ![]() "Such stone vessels were used in connection with maintaining ritual purity related to Temple worship, and they are found in abundance in areas where the priests lived," Gibson reported. "We have found a dozen or more on our site over the past three years. However, to have ten lines of text is unprecedented. One normally might find a single name inscribed, or a line or two, but this is the first text of this length ever found on such a vessel," he said. Although the letters are clearly visible it will take some time before their meaning can be discerned due to the style of the writing. Gibson estimated in his preliminary report that it could take up to six months to translate the inscription. "It is written in a very informal cursive hand and is quite difficult to read," he explained. Initially, Gibson thought the inscription was written solely in Aramaic. However, a group of experts consulting on the matter was not convinced; they say there is a possibility that the text contains the sacred name of G-d and is deliberately cryptic. ![]() "Stephen Pfann, of the University of the Holy Land, is leaving open the possibility that it is Hebrew. He has also suggested that the text might have had meaning within a closed circle of priests, similar to texts at Qumran," said Dr. James D. Tabor, co-director of the dig. The excavations, which lasted several months, were carried out under the auspices of the Jerusalem branch of the Nature and Parks Authority. At least 30 people per week "sacrificed their own money, time, and hard labor to advance this important effort," according to Gibson, who said the results "have been simply astounding, the finds quite spectacular, and the whole area has been transformed." He added that the excavation site was in ancient times "precisely at the center of Herodian/2nd Temple Jerusalem...we have extraordinarily well preserved ruins from the 2nd Temple period, culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE." It is that terrible holocaust that is commemorated, as well as the destruction of the First Temple, on the Fast of Tisha B'Av. ![]() Excavations began on June 14, in the same site where previous archaeologists had probed the earth searching for clues to Israel's history in the 1970s. This time around, structures from the First and Second Temple periods were discovered, including a mikvah (ritual pool) left almost completely intact, a vault, and a room with two ovens. Buildings from the Byzantine and early Islamic periods were also uncovered, as well multiple coins, intact lamps, ceramic and glass vessels, bits of jewelry and similar items. Tekhelet snails found? Also uncovered were at least half a dozen Murex snail shells with holes drilled through them. "Prior to our excavation one or two such shells had been found in all of Jerusalem," Gibson said. "That so many would be found at our site further supports our supposition that we are in a priestly residential area." ![]() Murex snails were cultivated in ancient times at sites along the Mediterranean Sea, and a royal blue dye was extracted from them. "According to some experts this blue color was used for the priestly garments, as well as the tzitzit or threaded tassels worn by all pious Jews of the period," he explained in his report, referring to the Biblical tekhelet the thread of blue that G-d commanded male Jews to include in the ritual fringes on the corners of their garments. "Speak to the Children of Israel and bid them that they make fringes on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of each corner a thread of blue (tekhelet). And it shall be for you as a fringe, that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of G-d, and do them..." (Numbers 15:38-15:39) Such fringes are worn by observant Jews to this day, although the thread of blue is no longer included, since the precise technology for making the dye has been lost. |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 30, 2009. |
This was written by Bill Gertz and it appeared yesterday in the
Washington Times
www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jul/29/former-double-agent-says- fbi-turned-on-him/?feat=home_top5_shared |
Larry Franklin, the former Pentagon analyst convicted of revealing classified information, says he worked undercover as an FBI double agent to gather information on the pro-Israel lobby in the United States before the bureau turned on him and pressured him to plead guilty to spying for Israel. Talking to a U.S. newspaper for the first time since his arrest five years ago, Franklin told The Washington Times that he wore a portable recording device for the FBI to capture conversations between Keith Weissman, a lobbyist for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and Israeli Embassy official Naor Gilon and that he cooperated on other matters during a 10-week period in 2004. He said he never sought to spy for Israel and felt betrayed when the same FBI agents whom he had assisted suddenly told him to get an attorney and threatened to send him to prison for disclosing classified information to AIPAC officials and the Israeli Embassy. "I cooperated without a lawyer because I thought we were on the same side," Franklin said in a wide-ranging interview with The Times last week at the office of his attorney, Plato Cacheris. "And I was dumbfounded. I had no money, I told them, for a lawyer. They assigned me a lawyer who was paid by the government who wanted me to sign something that was anathema to me, an abomination." FBI Assistant Director John Miller declined to comment on the case or Franklin's cooperation. Franklin eventually pleaded guilty to releasing classified information on Iraq and Iran and was sentenced in 2006 to nearly 13 years in prison. A federal judge reduced the sentence to probation and spared him from having to spend any time in prison after considering his cooperation with the FBI and the Justice Department. Franklin had been a top Pentagon analyst on Iran during the early days of the George W. Bush administration and acknowledged he was talking to the news media and AIPAC officials because he was concerned about the administration's plan to go to war with Iraq without a policy for containing Iran. Franklin said the FBI first pressed him about working undercover in an investigation into alleged Israeli spying in the United States in May 2004, after he had become a subject of investigation into whether he provided sensitive information to reporters at CBS News on Iraqi exile leader Ahmed Chalabi's relations with Iran. He said his FBI handlers convinced him that AIPAC analysts Steven Rosen and Mr. Weissman were "bad people" and that the agency needed his help in making a criminal case against the pro-Israel lobby officials. The two AIPAC officials were eventually indicted, but this spring after years of legal wrangling the government reversed course and dropped all charges against them. Prior to his FBI work, Franklin said he began talking to AIPAC officials in an attempt to influence the Bush administration over a policy dispute about Iran prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The two-year dispute involved setting U.S. policy on Iran in a national security presidential directive. "The differences were insoluble between the secretary of defense's office represented by me, an Iran desk officer, and a couple of others and the State Department. And CIA was kind of in the middle," he said. Mr. Franklin said that as part of the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans a special analytical group in the office of Douglas J. Feith, then the undersecretary of defense for policy he also felt an urgency to influence Iran policy because he knew in advance the dates for the March 23, 2003, invasion of Iraq. "And not having a policy on the country next door [to the one] that you are invading I thought was a problem," he said. "I knew what the Iranians had prepared for us in Iraq. Sure, they were glad we would knock off Saddam. But as soon as we got in, they were not going to allow us to succeed, nor were they going to allow us to pull out without pain." Franklin, who held a "top secret" security clearance during his Pentagon work, said the Iranians had prepared "an entire mosaic of agents and cooperatives inside Iraq before we had invaded." "And I knew we would be coming home in bunches of body bags if we didn't do something to frighten Iran into neutrality," he said. Senior Pentagon officials, he said, mistakenly thought the United States could "persuade Iran to be part of the solution and not part of the problem" in Iraq. However, Franklin was convinced that Iranian officials would not cooperate and that Tehran remembered U.S. support to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988. "So I wanted to delay and shock the National Security Council staff into convincing [National Security Adviser] Condoleezza Rice and others that, hey, maybe we ought to think this out a little more because there was so little time," Franklin said. His plan was to use Mr. Rosen and Mr. Weissman to relay his concerns to the National Security Council (NSC) staff. Instead, the AIPAC officials, without telling Franklin, took his information, some of which was classified, to Mr. Gilon at the Israeli Embassy and to a Washington Post reporter. "I felt betrayed by Rosen and Weissman because I had risked everything for what I had thought were the interests of our republic," he said. "And, yeah, second of all, I felt very disappointed in the FBI." Abbe Lowell, the lawyer who successfully represented Mr. Rosen and Mr. Weissman, disputed Franklin's account about his interests in talking to the AIPAC officials. Franklin, Mr. Lowell said, sought AIPAC's help, through Mr. Rosen and Mr. Weissman, beyond the effort to reach the NSC as part of an "ideological war with the Department of State." "His request of them was to try to get AIPAC to weigh in on his side of the group at [the Department of] Defense," Mr. Lowell said. "It was not singularly focused on the NSC." Mr. Lowell said Mr. Rosen and Mr. Weissman had no immediate comment on the case. Spokesmen for AIPAC and the Israeli Embassy also declined to comment. Mr. Lowell said Franklin did not have access to all the conversations and transcript records he obtained from the government while representing the two AIPAC officials during the case. He said that the records are classified and that he could not discuss them. Franklin, a former reserve colonel in the Air Force who worked undercover as an intelligence officer in Israel, said Mr. Gilon "was a source of mine, registered at [the Defense Intelligence Agency], and I wrote several intelligence information reports, which I cannot go into, that detailed the information that he gave me." The comments were used during a broadcast on CBS News and "a few weeks later, I was notified that I was a subject of interest," Franklin said. He pleaded guilty in October 2005 to illegally disclosing classified information on Iran and Iraq, and in January 2006 was sentenced to 12 years and seven months in prison. Franklin never served prison time because a federal judge reduced the sentence to probation and 10 months in a halfway house after the espionage case against Mr. Rosen and Mr. Weissman was dropped by federal prosecutors in May. On May 1, Dana J. Boente, the acting U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, said in a statement that when Mr. Rosen and Mr. Weissman were indicted, "the government believed it could prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt based on the [espionage] statute." However, subsequent unfavorable court rulings produced a "diminished likelihood" of winning at trial and the case was dropped, he said. The government was then required to submit a motion to reduce Franklin's sentence based on the plea agreement and sought an eight-year prison term. However, based on his attorney's appeal for no prison time, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis sentenced him on June 11 to probation. Franklin said his cooperation with the government was a factor in the judge's decision to reduce the sentence. "I didn't do anything morally wrong," Franklin said. "I was totally motivated by love of this republic and knowingly risked my job, my clearance and the welfare of my family because I thought it was important to do." Franklin also illegally kept 83 classified documents at his house in West Virginia but said he did so "because I needed to keep up my expertise that both the secretary and deputy secretary [of defense] that is [Donald] Rumsfeld and [Paul] Wolfowitz depended upon. "I never showed a document, never gave a document to anyone ever," he told The Times. "The only other illegality I performed was I talked blurted out on May 20, 2004, over a phone call from CBS, from "60 Minutes." They were doing a show on Chalabi, and I said: 'Don't ask me for any good news about Chalabi 'cause he had just met with a nefarious Iranian who was guilty of killing Americans.' " Mr. Cacheris, Franklin's attorney, said that the FBI sought the guilty plea from Franklin because the Bureau hoped to use his testimony in its case against AIPAC and that it did not make any promises to him in exchange for the cooperation. "Unfortunately, Larry wasn't astute enough to find out during the time of his cooperation what was going to happen," Mr. Cacheris said. Franklin said he agreed to the plea deal because he hoped it would keep him out of jail so he could take care of his seriously ill wife. He thanked Mr. Cacheris for coming to his rescue in the case. Once one of the U.S. government's leading intelligence and policy analysts on Iran, Franklin said he does not favor using force to take out Iran's nuclear program. "I'm not in favor of an attack," he said, noting that he wrote an internal paper in the late 1990s on Israel, Iran and nuclear weapons. Franklin said U.S. policy should be "regime change without war," and he had a list of eight or nine things that could be done to help the Iranian people overthrow that regime. He said he hopes to give some advice to President Obama or his staff on how to deal with Tehran. Iran, he said, was able to put down recent protests over the disputed presidential election because the opposition forces do not have strong leaders and lack a cohesive ideology. Franklin said the key to ousting the cleric-backed regime is for Iranians to launch a "Ghandi-esque" nationwide strike that would bring the ruling leadership to a standstill and prompt the regime to use force against the opposition. "There are a couple of divisions of pasdarans [internal security troops] whose names I can't mention who are trained just to do this," he said, "to protect ... the leadership center in Tehran. They would have to fire en masse on the people, and they are not confident enough to do this. "And as soon as the people realize that there is a break in the will of the mullahs and the veterans of the Iran-Iraq war that are now in high positions in Iran, as soon as they sense there is a break in the will, it's over." Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 30, 2009. |
The article below was written by
Yisrael Medad, who resides in the Shiloh community and blogs at myrightword.blogspot.com.
An apocryphal story is told of Napoleon Bonaparte entering a darkened synagogue and observing weeping Jews, sitting on low stools. Asking what misfortune had occurred to cause such behavior, he was informed that it was the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av. On that day, as Napoleon learned, Jews commemorate the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the fall of the Fortress of Betar. The day, marked with a 25-hour fast and a public reading of the book of Lamentations, signifies not only the loss of Judaism's singular holy site but the end of independent political sovereignty and the eventual expulsion, a second time, into exile. On hearing that story, Napoleon exclaimed: "A people that cries these past 2,000 years for their land and temple will surely be rewarded." Today, the 9th of Av, there are many new threats to Jerusalem, including the recent diplomatic dissing of Israel by the U.S. Fortunately, the words of President Obama and other U.S. officials have served to reinforce a consensus among Israelis that Jerusalem must remain exclusively under Israeli control and that even communities of Jews living outside the former Green Line, the armistice line drawn after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, must remain a part of Israel. A liberal Washington think tank, the Center for American Progress, recently conducted a panel discussion based on the premise that the Old City of Jerusalem is the main impediment to solving the Israeli-Arab conflict. The group's plan recommends that Israel and a future state of Palestine appoint a third-party administrator that would run and police the city. An audience member who asked why the status quo could not be retained was informed by a panelist that that "would be too intangible." We have to hope Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton knows better than to upset the status quo. As longtime diplomat Dennis Ross informed us in his book, The Missing Peace, the only new idea Yasser Arafat raised at Camp David in 2000 was that the temple didn't exist in Jerusalem, claiming it had been located in Nablus. Her husband, then-President Clinton, was astonished at this. Instead of "Holocaust denial" we were given "temple denial." U.S. policy toward Jerusalem has long tended toward the "denial" side of the equation. If an American living in Jerusalem gives birth to a child in either West Jerusalem or post-1967 East Jerusalem, for example, her progeny is not recognized by the U.S. as being born in Israel. The birth certificate and passport will list only a city name Jerusalem as the place of birth. This rule follows the U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual, which notes: "For a person born in Jerusalem, write JERUSALEM as the place of birth in the passport. Do not write Israel, Jordan or West Bank ..." The "logic" for this is that Israel is considered by the United States to be "occupying" territories including Jerusalem whose final status must be negotiated. As State Department spokesman Ian Kelly admitted on June 22, before being reined in, the recent Obama administration fixation on a "settlement freeze" also targets neighborhoods in East Jerusalem whose Jewish population's "natural growth" is to be halted. And there is more State Department trickery. Births of children of American citizens in any of the Arab towns or Jewish communities outside of Jerusalem and beyond the Green Line will have their birthplace noted, as per the above-mentioned regulations, as the "West Bank." Is the "West Bank" a state? Is the State Department engaged in creating new states? This is an illogical and quite unreasonable bureaucratic situation. On the one hand, the State Department has fashioned a new "state" while, on the other, it is ignoring Israel's status in its own capital. The "West Bank" never existed as a geopolitical entity until April 1950, when Jordan annexed the area. That annexation, incidentally, was considered by all the world except for Britain as an illegal occupation. Yet the U.S. has established the "West Bank," with the stroke of a pen, as if it were a state entity. If the U.S. insists on using boundaries dating to 1948, shouldn't it also use the place names in use at that time? "Judea" and "Samaria" were both names written into the U.N. partition resolution. A baby born to U.S. citizens in Shiloh, for example, should therefore be registered as having been born in "Shiloh, Samaria." Today is a day of lament for a long-ago event seared into the collective memory of Jews the world over. But the contemporary pressures the Obama administration has brought on Israel have created another lamentable situation between the two nations. This year, the ancient fast days will also provide an outlet for contemporary frustration over issues of sovereignty, political independence and security. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Moshe Rosenblatt, July 30, 2009. |
Last time a german leader said "Juden Raus" (Jews Out), six million jews were murdered, including 1.5 million children. And a total of more than 20 million people lost their lives because of the arian-nazi racism. Astonishingly, an israeli leader, Ariel Sharon, in his last years as Prime Minister of Israel, implemented a new Juden Raus in the Gaza Strip. The result was devastating: more than 7.000 missiles of many kinds, were launched from Gaza to cities and villages in Israel, murdering and woundering citizens, including children. Juden Raus is probably, the worst racist demand!!! Now, the new president of the United States of America the first black president comes with this same racist demand to our Prime Minister Netanyahu. Obama demands a Juden Raus from Judea and Samaria, so that a new criminal arab-islamic country may emerge, completely "clean" of jews. I can't understand how can a president of USA be black and racist at once! I could explain to president Obama that there is only one single international enforceable decision upon the ownership of Judea & Samaria (and also Gaza strip): the decision of the League of Nations during the San Remo Conference in 1920 that gave all those areas to the jewish people; that this decision was reiterated and ratified at the creation of the United Nations in 1945 (item 80 of chapter 12 of The Charter of the UN). I could explain to him that all the other decisions upon the jewish-arab conflict (the decision on the division of Palestine, the 242 and 338 decisions, etc.) were only "recommendations" because they were based on chapter 6 of the charter above and not on the 7th chapter which permits the UN to use force against the country which oppose their decision. I could explain to him that all the wars are caused only because of non-democratic regimes; that all the wars are always between dictators or between a dictator and a democracy; that 2 democracies never went to war one against the other, so that Israel, as the only democratic country in the area, can never be culpable of any war. I could explain to him that for Islam, there is no place for a non-islamic country, not only in the Middle East but in the whole world, because there are only 2 places in the world: The House of Islam (Dar el Islam) and The House of War (Dar el Harb). So, whatever place that is still not islamic, is a place of war. I could explain him that the name Palestine was robbed by the arabs from the romans; that never existed any "palestinian people"; that they never had a country of their own, a capital of their own, a language of their own, a religion of their own or money, stamp or whatever characteristic sign a nation has; that this is a fabricated people commited to one single aim: the destruction of the State of Israel. I could explain him a lot of things but, when he comes to us with a racist demand like Juden Raus, he probably wouldn't listen to anything else. Fortunately, there can be another possibility. Maybe, just maybe, Obama demands Juden Raus from Judea & Samaria because he knows that the moment a new palestinian country is established, all the jews left there will be slaughtered by these barbaric arabs that call themselves "the palestinian people". If this is the case, I'm happy to know that, after all, he is not a racist. On the other hand, if such is the case, why is President Obama so eager to build a criminal country, made of murderers, whose leader, Mr. Abu Mazen, says clearly that he does not even recognize Israel as the Jewish Country? But then again, if Mr. Obama wants so much to create a new arab-islamic country as racist as all other arab-islamic countries doesn't it make him a racist as well ?!
Moshe Rosenblatt, M.D. lives in Hadera, Israel. Contact him at mosrosen@bezeqint.net.
Posted by LEL, July 29, 2009. |
This is by Carol Gould and it appeared on Pajama Media
Pajamas Media[1] readers will be aware of the worrying events that unfolded on June 17, when a London debate on Sharia law between Douglas Murray of the Centre for Social Cohesion and Anjem Choudary of al-Muhajiroun was terminated. The discussion had to be canceled due to disturbances inside the venue, Conway Hall, when al-Muhajiroun's "security men" objected to male guests wishing to sit with women. A protracted standoff in Red Lion Square ensued. Giles Enders, chairman of the South Place Ethical Society, which runs Conway Hall, took to the stage and said he was canceling the event, telling the crowd, "I am not prepared to have fundamentalist thugs in our hall preventing people from coming in. We do not condone segregation." In July another alarming event unfolded in London that has sinister connotations for the future of free speech in this country and in Western democracies. It revolves around Jonathan Hoffman, who is vice chair of the Zionist Federation; he is a gentle and self-effacing man with whom I appeared on Press (Iranian) TV on June 12[2] in a debate against Ilan Pappe, Hajo Meyer, and moderator Alan Hart on anti-Semitism and Israel. (During the "debate" moderator Hart bellowed at Hoffman that he would be evicted from the studio[3] if he did not stop spouting Zionist propaganda. It was a viscerally searing broadcast for me; I had told Hart to bring Hoffman along and he ended up being repeatedly bullied until I threatened to walk out of the program if this did not stop.) Hoffman tried to book a place at Toynbee Hall for the July 12 launch of Ben White's new book, Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner's Guide.[4] The book-signing and lecture were sponsored by War on Want,[5] a registered charity. (They are supposed to be politically neutral, right?) To his astonishment Hoffman was told he would not be welcome at the launch and that he would not be allowed entry to Toynbee Hall! I will pause here and say it was a blessing in disguise that I delayed by a week or so writing up this story. It has now become an international issue because Ronald Lauder, [6] president of the World Jewish Congress, has made it known to the British Charity Commission that he wants War on Want investigated for breach of its guidelines. It appears Hoffman's offense was to have raised objections at a previous anti-Israel event attended by some of the organizers of the Toynbee Hall launch. What is so appalling about the banning of Hoffman is that an "official statement" was issued by War on Want's executive director, John Hilary: "War on Want welcomes all members of the public to our events. Mr. Hoffman alone has been told he will not be welcome on Thursday because he is known for causing serious disturbances at public events on this issue." Hoffman commented later that when he had raised objections to biased propaganda at another event, the police had been called. This was used as justification for his banning by War on Want. "I heckle the anti-Semites," he said [7]. "And they call the police so that at the next meeting they can ban me, saying 'the police had to be called last time.' And the police are always annoyed to be called out on false pretenses. It's called 'free speech provided we like what you say.'" To his credit Hoffman went to Toynbee Hall on July 12 and stood outside distributing a leaflet he had compiled, citing errors in Ben White's book. In a letter seen by the Jewish Chronicle, Ronald Lauder has made it clear that Ben White's book promulgates the use of the expression "Israeli apartheid" and that this "incites hatred and contempt for the state of Israel." He added that the recent definition of anti-Semitism by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia states "denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination ... is a racist endeavor." Hoffman's leaflet [5] refuting many of Ben White's claims made these points: Colin Chapman features three times: He is the author of Whose Promised Land, which revives the ancient Christian canard of "supercessionism" the belief that because the Jews denied the divinity of Christ, God transferred His favors to the Christians while the Jews were cast out as the party of the Devil. This doctrine lay behind centuries of Christian anti-Jewish hatred. ... In April 2000 Nelson Mandela came to London and spoke to the Board of Deputies of British Jews. ... [He said]: "Israel cannot be expected to withdraw from the Arab territories which she legitimately conquered when the Arab states wanted to [wipe] her out of the map of the world." No mention of "apartheid" in Israel from a man who spent 27 years as a prisoner of the loathsome apartheid regime in South Africa. To add salt to the wounds of supporters of Israel, Ben White is having an American tour this summer! The fact is that the followers of Ben White, one of whom made the standard accusation at the lecture that the Palestinian viewpoint is muzzled in Britain because the media are controlled by others (translate: Jews), did not want debate. They wanted to spread the usual mantras about the "genocidal, ethnic cleansing, apartheid Israelis." That anyone was banned from the book launch is yet another disturbing case of the left and its radical allies bullying individuals and curtailing free speech. This creeping censorship by an increasingly strident left, along with the proliferation of radical Muslim groups who effectively destroyed the Douglas Murray event, must be challenged at every juncture. Britain's and America's cherished legacy of freedom of speech is under threat and must not be allowed to die. Footnotes:
Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Cpocerl, July 29, 2009. |
This is from AP and the Jerusalem Post staff,
A Gaza man is being held on suspicion of bludgeoning his daughter to death with an iron chain because he discovered she owned a cell phone, human rights groups said Wednesday. The groups added that the victim's three brothers were also detained. The woman, a 27-year-old divorced mother of five, was apparently the tenth victim of a so-called "honor killing" in the Palestinian territories and among Arabs in Israel this year. A police spokesperson confirmed that the man had turned himself in, but did not provide further details. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to media. Human rights groups said the man believed his daughter used the cell phone to speak to a man outside the family. They added that she was beaten so severely she suffered a cracked skull. Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com |
Posted by LEL, July 29, 2009. |
This article was written by Ralph Peters and it appeared
yesterday in the New York Post |
YOU'VE sacrificed all your family had to build your modest dream home by a lake. Now a wildfire races toward you. A former friend phones from his mansion across the water, ordering you not to call the fire brigade he's sending a servant to discuss things with the flames. Meanwhile, your rich buddy insists you tear down the tree-house you built for your kids: It annoys the local thugs he wants to befriend. That's Israel's position today. Iran blazes with nuclear ambitions. Key leaders in Tehran have called, without cease, for the "Zionist entity's destruction." And Israel's former ally, the United States, implies that the situation isn't that serious. No, what's most important to the Obama team is a total freeze on Jewish settlements on anything the State Department's Bureau of Politically Correct Geography decides is Arab land. Preventing a long-established settler from building a new room for a growing family is more important than halting Iran's weapons program. It's true: Iran might not use the nukes it intends to acquire. But if you were raising your children in Tel Aviv, how would you like your chances? Pick an arbitrary number. Say the odds are only one in five that Iran would actually launch nukes at Israel. In Washington, that might seem like a reasonable calculation. In Jerusalem, the "only" part would sound like pure irony. President Obama's position may evolve as he comes to grips with reality (his views on Russia are already maturing, if Joe Biden can be believed). But he appears to have come to the Oval Office with an anti-Israel chip on his shoulder put there by left-wing associates over the decades. What our president presents as even-handedness toward the Palestinians not only ignores countless facts and the lessons of history but also encourages Arab intransigence. Why compromise, when Washington's backing away from Israel? The road to peace if there is one doesn't lead through tolerance of those who want every Jew dead. Yesterday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates visited Israel. For six hours. A very good man thrust into an uncomfortable spot, the SecDef must have spent much of his time "explaining" the new Obama doctrine as expounded by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week. Clinton test-marketed the administration's willingness to accept a nuclear-armed Iran. Instead of trying to prevent Tehran's acquisition of such weapons, she told our regional allies (real or imagined) that we'd respond by extending a "defense umbrella" to negate the effects of Iranian nukes. Except that it wouldn't. What good would such a defense umbrella be to Israel after its destruction? And one suspects that, with Tel Aviv a wasteland, "cooler heads would prevail" and there would be no response in kind, that we'd all just "deplore" what happened and hold conferences to insure it "never happens again." Apart from its bewildering reluctance to try to understand Iran's leaders on their own terms, this administration clearly doesn't grasp the dynamics of nuclear proliferation among rogue regimes. When one more bad actor gets nukes, the increase in the threat of nuclear war isn't plus-one-more, but exponential. While I doubt that the majority of Iranians want to risk launching nuclear weapons at Israel, wars aren't unleashed by the masses, but by determined leaders. And for all its other weaknesses, Iran has tough guys at the top: After all, ruthlessness is what's kept them in power for 30 years. Our government's shift from the position that a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable to the stance that a nuclear-armed Iran can be handily deterred could prove to be the most dangerous error the United States ever made in the Middle East a high standard, indeed. Our president is good at sending signals not least, when he sends the wrong ones. When he spent several days in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, lavishing praise on Islam and slyly comparing Palestinian misfortunes with the Holocaust, he sent one signal. When he sent Secretary Gates to calm down those troublesome Israelis, he sent another. This administration must stop living in a fantasy world in which monstrous fanatics will do what we want because we're suddenly nice to them. You don't deter butchers who believe they're on a mission from their god by complimenting them on their rich history. The only hope albeit a slim one for peace in the Middle East is to make it clear that our support for Israel is steadfast and unwavering, that Israel will endure and its enemies must accept its existence. The current rift between the Israeli government and the Obama administration isn't about expanding settlements in the West Bank. It's about declining courage in the West. Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com. |
Posted by LEL, July 29, 2009. |
This was written by Abraham H. Miller
and it appeared in Pajamas Media
Simone Bitton[1] is a French-Israeli director who numbers among the 479 Israelis who called for a complete boycott of Israel during the Israel Defense Forces incursion into Gaza to stop rockets from exploding in Sderot. Obviously, Bitton exempted her own endeavors from the call. Bitton has now directed the film Rachel, a documentary on Rachel Corrie. If there is any doubt regarding Bitton's politics or the film's slant, note that the documentary tours film festivals along with Cindy Corrie,[2] Rachel's mother and a propagandist for the likes of Hamas[3] and the International Solidarity Movement[4] groups committed to Israel's destruction. One would expect Bitton's work to be showcased by the usual gaggle of progressives and ultra-liberal church groups intent on destroying the Jewish state. But in the San Francisco area? The Jewish Film Festival shows Bitton's work. Peter Stein,[5] the festival's director, knew exactly what he was doing in selecting this film. Stein was familiar with both Bitton's work and her politics. He invited the American Friends Service Committee, now helping with the boycott of Israeli goods, to participate in the showing. Stein also had on his board Rachel Pfeffer, the interim director of Jewish Voice for Peace a group committed to the destruction of the Jewish state. (Since Rachel Pfeffer's outing as JVP director, her biography on the festival web site has been thoroughly cleansed.[6]) Despite protests which have further fractured a sharply divided Jewish community, Rachel and the film festival are moving forward with the film in the name of free speech and open debate. Typically worthy aspirations, but in this case? A smoke screen. Cindy Corrie has been up and down this community more times than the Hayward geological fault. Name an Israeli-bashing leftist group, and you'll find its headquarters lies somewhere within five miles of the Berkeley campus. For several years, Berkeley's Hillel[7] didn't celebrate Passover, but it did celebrate Cinco de Mayo, a holiday that is not even celebrated throughout Mexico. But for leftist Jews, it's better to align oneself with the revolt of the oppressed masses in Puebla, Mexico, than with Jews throwing off Pharaoh's yoke of slavery. Berkeley Hillel, under the ever-vigilant eye of the Jewish community, brought in the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine, a lead organization in the anti-Israel boycott, to disseminate its propaganda to impressionable and naïve Jewish students. Berkeley Hillel could not have better served the bidding of the anti-Israel left and their Muslim allies than if it had turned over the organization to them. If you want to get a forum in the San Francisco Bay Area Jewish community, you need to be anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, or preferably both. Cindy Corrie is not the only Cindy to get access to the community calendar here Cindy Sheehan has also been a popular speaker. Yes, the Cindy Sheehan who said that her son died because the Iraq war was fought for Israel and orchestrated b neocons. This is a message she now denies but which others persist in claiming she wrote.[8] Cindy Sheehan got a platform at the Berkeley-Richmond Jewish Community Center. When the members of San Rafael's Osher-Marin Jewish Community Center were not embracing the delicate bouquet of a good Sonoma pinot noir, they were sniffing after Cindy Sheehan, giving her a platform for a book reading and signing. You might not be able to get Obsession the video about radical Islam shown in some of the synagogues here (it is too pro-Israel). But you will get Sheehan. So no the local Jewish community is screening Rachel not out of free speech concerns, but due to strong support for its message. Why the Jewish community would choose to subsidize propaganda directed at the destruction of Israel is the real issue. Why would they play fast and loose with lies designed to undermine the legitimacy of the Jewish state? Why would they welcome people whose political mission is the killing of Jews? Quickly justifying its clumsiness in dealing with this event, the organized Jewish professional community has issued a statement that gives new meaning to the term "sophistry." The organized community claims to be "working behind the scenes," at which they are so adept that no one ever knows what they are doing or can see any consequences of their work. What few in the organized community want to acknowledge publicly is that this community is inundated with a sizeable group of leftist, self-loathing Jews who are Jews when it is convenient to propagate their leftist agenda. As a non-Jewish acquaintance of mine, who is familiar with the people who run the festival, put it: "Most of these people don't give a damn about Israel and wish it would disappear. To them, Israel is an embarrassment." He, incidentally, shares that vision. Cindy Corrie traffics in sympathy for her daughter, but I have not read a single interview where she shows the slightest compassion for the mothers of the other dead Rachels whose deaths were brought about by people her daughter sought to protect and whom she venerated. Nor does Cindy Corrie display the slightest insight into her daughter's role as a facilitator of mass murder of innocents. Maybe Cindy Corrie should look in the mirror and ask herself why she let her daughter walk into a war zone run by terrorists, where there were daily confrontations between people trying to kill Jews and the Israeli military trying to stop them. Maybe Cindy Corrie should turn some of her anguish toward Evergreen State University, which provided academic credit for this indulgent stupidity. In continuing her daughter's work, Cindy Corrie is not promoting peace, she is promoting human carnage. To someone like me who remembers being taken by my grandmother to a storefront in Chicago's Lawndale so I could help her cull through the lists of death camp survivors looking for the names of her sisters (we found one of four), I am unable to comprehend the behavior of these leftist Jews. As someone who remembers the pride that ignited a room of immigrant Jews and displaced persons when the first newsreels were shown of Jews (then called "Palestinians") fighting for a homeland, I am incapable of imagining how these leftist Jews have been permitted to control a major community event. They are propagating the seeds of their own destruction. Neither their leftist politics nor their pathetic condemnation of everything Israel does to defend itself will save them if the ideology, politics, and people they so mindlessly support should ever come to power. Enamored of Marx, they should remember one of Marx's most insightful and prophetic statements (probably taken from Georg Buchner): "Like Saturn, the revolution devours its own children." URLs in this post: [1] Simone Bitton: http://www.pacbi.org/etemplate.php?id=917
Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Daniel Mandel, July 29, 2009. |
Some attention is being paid at the moment to Honduras a small Latin American country that would normally be off the radar screen. The reason is the unseating of its aspiring tyrant, Manuel Zelaya, who, keen to become president for life, illegally attempted to hold a referendum to alter the Honduran constitution to give him that power. He was deported by the military, acting at the behest of the country's Supreme Court and Congress. The evidence of Zelaya's bad faith is clear. Article 4 of the constitution limits the president to one four-year term. It also decrees that only Congress can initiate and approve referendums for constitutional amendments. Nonetheless, in May, Zelaya tried to initiate a referendum anyway. When the Supreme Court stopped him, he tried to circumvent its ruling by taking a poll that was simply a referendum under another name. Zelaya's own Liberal Party, which controls Congress, opposed him and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the court and his own attorney-general all declared a poll illegal. Zelaya proceeded anyway. Lacking legally printed ballots, he demanded them of the army, which is empowered to distribute such materials, and sacked its commander, Gen. Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, when he refused to comply. The court then called on Zelaya to reinstate Velasquez, but he refused. Instead, he called on his mentor, Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, to send ballots by plane. When the attorney general demanded that the ballots be confiscated, Zelaya ignored him and called on his supporters to seize them at the Air Force base and distribute them. At this point, the attorney general called for Zelaya's arrest for treason. The Supreme Court duly ruled 15-0 for his removal for contravening Article 239, which states that "whomever changes or attempts to change" Article 4 "will be immediately removed from public office." When ballots were nonetheless distributed on June 27, authorities, fearing Chavez-style orchestrated unrest, moved to arrest and deport Zelaya. As prescribed in the constitution, his place was taken by the president of Congress, Roberto Micheletti, who confirmed that the elections due in November would be held. Has democracy and legality ever been put to a clearer test? Yet, remarkably, almost no one outside Honduras is standing up for Honduras and mostly everyone is condemning it. Not only has Zelaya found predictable, vociferous support from veteran democracy dissolvers like Chavez, Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega and Bolivia's Evo Morales, but also from the U.S. The Obama administration, so diffident about commenting on a rigged and blood-spattered Iranian election, suddenly discovers its voice for "legitimacy" in Honduras on behalf of its subverter. Lacking U.S. leadership, the world's democracies, whose fight this should be, acquiesced on June 30 in this beat-up of a small, harmless power, producing what may well be the only unanimous U.N. General Assembly resolution, which condemned Zelaya's removal. Never has a deposed autocrat enjoyed more immediate or unanimous diplomatic support. Nor is such support confined to words: the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank have both frozen loans to Honduras, bordering nations have cut off trade and Standard & Poor's has foreshadowed a credit downgrade. Ambassadors have been withdrawn. The U.S. has halted military aid. The State Department says it's working at "resolving" the "crisis," but that's double-talk: The crisis ended when Zelaya was removed. The current crisis is a manufactured one aimed at restoring the last one. This has been a lost decade in Latin America, in which the radical left has subverted democracy in one country after another: Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Ecuador. In 2003, on President George W. Bush's watch, the U.S. not only looked on but provided the duress a threatened aid cut that compelled Bolivia's lawful president, Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, to be resign. Today, Chavez soul mate Evo Morales, who orchestrated much of the violence and sabotage that led to Sanchez de Lozada's downfall, sits in his place. But past practice provides no excuse for President Obama to foist upon a small democracy a corrupt and lawless president now clearly reviled by his countrymen. If the White House continues on its current course, then the mea culpas that Obama expresses so extravagantly on behalf of past American conduct elsewhere in Latin America and the world will for once have profound truth when uttered by one of his successors to Zelaya's victims. Daniel Mandel is a fellow in history at Melbourne University.
This article appeared today in Philadelphia Daily News
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 29, 2009. |
POLLARD'S INNOCENCE MEANS WEINBERGER'S GUILT Alan Deshowitz was a defense counsel for Jonathan Pollard. Dershowitz had access to then Secretary of Defense's private written admissions that, says Mr. Dershowitz, contradicted his sworn testimony that Pollard was the most harmful spy, though he merely helped a U.S. ally, when other spies were turning military secrets over to our enemies. Top security officials told Dershowitz that Weinberger was lying. Unfortunately, neither Dershowitz nor the special prosecutor couldn't do much with this knowledge, not even state it in detail, because it was classified. Over-classification is a means of injustice. It enabled Weinberger presumably to commit perjury and he and other officials to cover up the crimes of top officials. Lower ranks paid, as did Pollard. Isn't that customary! (Contrary to Popular Opinion by A. M. Dershowitz, p.180.) Pres. Bush Sr. abused his authority to pardon his whole Cabinet in advance! THOMAS FRIEDMAN: IT'S A CLASH WITHIN A CIVILIZATION Thomas Friedman interprets the "war on terrorism" as giving moderates time to reform their society. The great clash is "...a war of ideas within Islam a war between religious zealots who glorify martyrdom and want to keep Islam untouched by modernity and isolated form other faiths, with its women disempowered, and those who want to embrace modernity, open Islam to new ideas and empower Muslim women as much as men." To retard modernity, Radical Islam represses real education. ""it is no accident...that since 2007, the Taliban and its allies have bombed, burned, or shut down more than 640 schools in Afghanistan and 250 schools in Pakistan..." In such a clash, the role of the U.S. military cannot be just military. "The U.S. military has gone through a huge learning curve. They really get it. It's all about building relationships from the ground up, listening more, and serving the people of Afghanistan." (NY Times, 5/19, Op.-Ed., with some ideas from author Greg Mortenson.) I think that Friedman is right but still misses a major problem. Radical Islam is both trying to take over Islam and also take over the rest of the world. My question is how moderate is non-Radical Islam. Beware a careless embrace of modernity! Modernity also includes hedonism, anarchy, and purposelessness. Observant Muslims scorn Western immorality. I share much of the Muslims' feeling about that, because modernism contradicts eternal and higher values, and destroys Western civilization from within. Many Muslims would not join us against Radical Islam, if they thought they simply were exchanging Radical Islam's depravity for Western depravity. ARABS TRY TO DRIVE JEWISH FARMERS OUT OF ISRAEL 16793 Bedouin and other Israeli Arabs are trying to drive Jewish farmers out of Israel. They attack in daytime and on the farmers' own property. During some attacks, the Arabs frankly admit it. They attempt lynching, threaten murder, and inflict great losses upon Jewish farmers, some of whom gave up their farms. The Arabs break into farms owned by Jews, rustle the Jews' livestock, set their own flocks onto the Jews' grazing land, and attack and try to kill the Jewish farmers. This happens in the Negev, where Bedouin demand "protection" money, and in the Galilee. Kibbutzim had had to install fences. The government does little about it. A farmer may file a hundred complaints, and police may interrogate suspected Arabs. Claiming to be under-staffed, police rarely arrest Arab rustlers. Punishment is minor. The police close most of their cases under the excuse, "insufficient public interest." To fill the vacuum, young Jewish veterans have formed The New Guardians organization, like the one in the pioneering days when Jewish communities needed protection from Arab marauders. The veterans are volunteers. They depict themselves as aides to the police, not replacements. Using an old law, they confiscate temporarily sufficient property of the raiders to cover losses, until the matter is resolved. This has some deterrent effect. The New Guardians profess a religious Zionist love for the Land. "The organization would love to be superfluous and would like to see the government put an end to the proliferation of unlawful flocks which have not been inoculated, illegal building, police inaction and protection payments. At this point, they need help to continue their aid to farmers and to encourage legislation that will give the landowners more authority to act to protect themselves. They also want to create a grassroots movement that will lead to enhanced ideological convictions and a change in attitude towards the problem (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 7/1). Will this problem get addressed by the so-called right-wing government? I have been reporting major and extensive rustling and vandalism for years, because the Western media ignores it how many critics of Zionism know about it? The greater shame is, the supposed Jewish state ignores the problem and even had punished Jews who defend themselves, then claims it is a government of law. Years ago, the late Rabbi Meir Kahane was vilified for suggesting that Israeli national security required the Arabs to emigrate. He wasn't politically correct. It is another instance in which liberal ideology is impermeable to reality. Liberals want to be tolerant, but if one is tolerant with people of violent, primitive, acquisitive values, they impose violence upon good people. It is like letting delinquent students get away without limits to misbehavior. Doesn't work. PLO REASSURES ISRAELI ON JOSEPH'S TOMB Mr. Gershon Baskin of the Israel/Palestinian Center for Research and Information received a letter from a bureau chief of Abbas reassuring him that the PLO respects the Oslo accords it signed. Since the accords recognize the sanctity of Joseph's Tomb as a Jewish holy site, so does the PLO. What good is that letter? The PLO let its people burn and desecrate Joseph's Tomb [more than once]. The PLO left it in that state for years (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 7/1). Jewish visitors to Joseph's and Rachel's Tomb have been attacked, even killed, and now need an IDF escort. Hebron's Arab mayor declared that if he gained control over the Cave of the Patriarchs, he would bar Jewish worshippers. The PLO and P.A. and their nice Palestinian Arab people violate the Oslo accords in all the important ways, especially in their violent intolerance. These are the people whom the U.S. and the Left expects to make peace with the Jews, but those Arabs have been violating the existing peace agreements in serious ways, having murdered thousands since coming to terms. The U.S. must think that this is the age of miracles. WHAT SHALL ISRAEL DO WITH THE SHRINKING DEAD SEA? Like many bodies of water and ice, the Dead Sea has been shrinking drastically. The shrinkage exposes dry land. What should be done about it? Let commercial interests encroach on it? Bring in replacement water from the Red Sea or the Mediterranean? That may dilute the remaining, famed Dead Sea healing waters. The government of Israel thought to protect the newly exposed terra firma by declaring it state land. Immediately the Palestinian Authority accused Israel of stealing land that the Arabs want ((http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 7/1). The Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth. It has been selected as a finalist in the New 7 Wonders of Nature online competition. Competitors include the Amazon R., the Galapagos Islands, the Grand Canyon and the Maldives (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 7/21). The Dead Sea buoys not only my body but my spirits. Next vacation: Grand Canyon. At first the P.A. objected to the competition, because it wasn't consulted. That disqualified the project. Then the P.A. relented (IMRA, 7/22). I think Israel made a deadly mistake in not annexing most of Yesha and encouraging Arab emigration. It cannot co-exist with violent religious fanatics. SAUDI ARABIA TO BUILD AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY Saudi Arabia will start an aircraft industry by assembling British Typhoon jets and fabricating some parts (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis). Iran has its own, advanced military industry. Jordan has started one. Countries that get these industrial newcomers started jeopardize future business and influence in restraining their bellicosity. The U.S. ties U.S. military aid to Israeli purchases of U.S. military products. That way, Israel forfeits some of its own Army purchases. Israel had to drop its own aircraft industry, despite technical success but with cost overruns. The U.S. also demands that Israel terminate valuable deals, though the U.S. does sell and even give arms to Israel's main enemies. Keeping Israel dependent, the U.S. periodically threatens and does withhold certain equipment from Israel. U.S. foreign aid often is a cover for U.S. subsidy, contradicting the U.S. pretense of favoring free trade. Israel remains hooked on its foreign aid, not that it remains a major part of Israel's budget, but subsidy has that corrupting effect. TROOPS ARREST HEBRON ARAB OVER KNIFE The Muslim in charge of Islamic religious services at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron complained of the arrest of a 23-year-old Arab there, "in the pretext of possession of a knife. He condemned the military actions carried out by Israeli occupation forces on a daily basis, to citizens on the way to visit the Haram al-Sharif from the various towns, saying that such practices aimed at closing in on the citizens and draining the old town of its population." (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 7/.1) I have reported many instances of Arabs actually or intending to stab Jews, and didn't bother reporting dozens of others. But the Arab leader calls the youth's arrest a pretext, the way his leaders regularly call slain terrorists civilians. They don't admit criminality. Must be an Israeli plot. Actually, Israeli police are loathe to arrest Arabs, even when rioting. Not that Israel doesn't frame people, but it frames Jewish nationalists, as reported a few years ago. Enough Muslim Arabs commit crimes even in holy places and use women and children to assist terrorism, to warrant frequent inspection. The notion that inspections are meant to get Arabs to depart is paranoid and disproved by Israel's siding with Arab squatters against Jewish property owners in Hebron and Jerusalem. Arabs often make up charges without foundation, for propaganda. Other articles of mine demonstrated this, readers please take notice. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by John David Lewis, July 29, 2009. |
We are hearing a lot now about Israel's creation of "Jewish" settlements on "Palestinian land." These settlements are created, we are often told, to extend the "apartheid state" of Israel by squeezing out the local populations and establishing a superior Jewish ruling class. Typical here is CBS News anchor Bob Simon, who in January of 2009 described Israel as an "apartheid state." To understand this it is instructive to read an Israeli Supreme Court ruling, the Decision on Katzir, dated March 8, 2000, which applies directly to the issue of land, and to the rights of Arabs under Israeli law. A Jewish group, the Katzir Cooperative, which accepts only Jewish members, had received land from the Israeli government for a settlement in 1982. The group later tried to prevent an Arab couple from building a home in this settlement. The Arab couple sued. In the ruling, the Supreme Court summarized the basis of the suit as follows: "The Petitioners claim that the policy constitutes discrimination on the basis of religion or nationality and that such discrimination is prohibited by law with regard to State land." The Court heard the case, and ruled against the cooperative. This section from the ruling is direct and clear about the principle at stake: The Court examined the question of whether the refusal to allow the petitioners to build their home in Kaztir constituted impermissible discrimination. The Court's examination proceeded in two stages. First, the Court examined whether the State may allocate land directly to its citizens on the basis of religion or nationality. The answer is no. As a general rule, the principle of equality prohibits the State from distinguishing between its citizens on the basis of religion or nationality. The principle also applies to the allocation of State land. This conclusion is derived both from the values of Israel as a Democratic state and from the values of Israel as a Jewish state. The Jewish character of the State does not permit Israel to discriminate between its citizens. In Israel, Jews and non-Jews are citizens with equal rights and responsibilities. The State engages in impermissible discrimination even it if is also willing to allocate State land for the purpose of establishing an exclusively Arab settlement, as long as it permits a group of Jews, without distinguishing characteristics to establish an exclusively Jewish settlement on State land ("separate is inherently unequal"). On principle Israeli law is not religious; it is secular. Many of the "settlements" are Jewish and we might assume that establishing Jewish enclaves in the Jewish state would be encouraged. But the law gives them no privileged status. The Jewish state is not akin to the Islamic state of Iran in which clerics rule or to Saudi Arabia, in which an ancient religious text is the law of the land. In Israel, all are equal in principle before the law. While under Israeli control, Jerusalem is an open city. People of all religions and of no religion can walk around freely, protected by Israeli law. There is an important limitation here. Many of the areas that Israel was forced to take in self-defense, following the 1967 and 1973 attacks, are under military law, because Israel's enemies have not ended the war, and because these areas have not been formally annexed. The source of this problem is the Arab leadership, who refused to accept an Arabic state next to Israel, as called for in the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, November 29, 1947, and rather declared war on Israel. Unremitting suicide attacks were the source of the later separation wall. But this is all the more reason to end the war, eliminate the ambiguity, and extend Israeli law and its principle of non-religious discrimination fully into those areas. Palestinian opposition to Jewish towns as well as the ruling of the Israeli court demonstrate where the commitment to apartheid lies, and it is not in Israel. Palestinian leaders do not thank Israel for its instructive example in separating politics from religion, while pressing to instill such principles in their own society. They rather condemn Israel, and demand its withdrawal under threat of force. Dr. John David Lewis is VIsiting Associate Professor, Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program, Duke University. Contact him by email at classicalideals@yahoo.com and visit his website: www.classicalideals.com. The author thanks Boaz Arad for his assistance. |
Posted by Susana K-M, July 29, 2009. |
House Dems Carry Islamists' Water Dear All, we do not want to live under Saharia law. It is humiliating. Stop Islamization. Stop all these preposterous ways of making billonaires trained to hate and kill. Stop them before it is too late. President Obama does not practise Islamic Cult. Now is the precise moment to show the world that America can still be the World´s leading country and has a democratic President. |
Seven House Democrats have written Attorney General Eric Holder invoking a list of grievances from radical Islamist groups and asking that Holder meet with representatives from those groups to hear their concerns. The grievances include the use of convicted felons as informants in mosques, alleged religious profiling of Somali Muslims in Minnesota and elsewhere and allegations that the FBI is working with foreign governments to question American citizens who are terror suspects. In the letter, the representatives said: "These concerns raise legitimate questions about due process, justice, and equal treatment under the law. We hope you will meet with American Muslim leaders to ensure that core American values are respected for all Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity, or faith. For your convenience, we have attached a contact list of American Muslim leaders." These issues have been pushed by radical Islamist groups for months. The letter's close tracking of the interest groups' positions indicates that their officials dictated its terms for the members of Congress to sign. In fact, the nine entities all are listed in exactly the same sequence in this release from the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). The April 2009 release also cites two of the same issues as in the letter to Holder. The letter was signed by California representatives Loretta Sanchez, Adam Schiff, Mike Honda and Lois Capps, along with Ohio representatives Mary Jo Kilroy and Dennis Kucinich. Northern Virginia Congressman James Moran joined the group. Moran serves on the House Appropriations Committee subcommittee on defense. Schiff and Honda serve on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies. Kilroy sits on the House Homeland Security Committee. Schiff also serves on the House Judiciary Committee and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Many of the groups listed for Holder to meet have radical histories and agendas. For example, the Islamic Circle of North America adheres to similar ideology as the Jamaat-i-Islami, which calls for Islamic revolution and creating an Islamist state in Pakistan. In the U.S., ICNA aggressively proselytizes among non-Muslims. The Muslim Public Affairs Council argues that Hizballah should not be a designated terrorist organization. Three other groups listed for contact have direct roots in the Muslim Brotherhood, an international movement based in Egypt which seeks the creation of a global Islamic state, or Caliphate. Those groups include the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim Students Association, the Muslim American Society's Freedom Foundation, which is run by a convicted felon and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Prosecutors included CAIR on a list of unindicted co-conspirators in the prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and development, considered the nation's largest terrorism-finance case. FBI case Agent Lara Burns labeled CAIR a front group for Hamas during sworn testimony last fall. While CAIR claims to condemn terrorist attacks, it has not been able to specifically condemn Hamas suicide bombings or Hizballah bombings of civilian communities In a 2000 interview with Al Jazeera (translation here), CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad defiantly refused to criticize Hamas or Hizballah: "We do not condemn nor will we condemn any liberation movement inside Palestine, or inside Lebanon. If they want us to condemn a liberation movement inside Palestine, or Lebanon, they must condemn Israel dozens of times at all levels at all times. We will not condemn any organization. We are not under anyone's hammer. We are in the country of freedom. Why should we renounce principles?" This is the leadership Holder is asked to meet. As reporter Mary Jacoby recently noted (free registration required): CAIR "has been working to stoke tensions in local Muslim communities over FBI investigative tactics. CAIR is angry at the FBI, because the bureau embarrassed it. How? By cutting off contacts with CAIR's national leadership last year. Why did the bureau do that? Because evidence in a major terrorism-support prosecution in Texas showed CAIR's origins as a propaganda arm of Hamas." Indeed, a letter from an FBI congressional liaison states that the Bureau can't rule out an ongoing "connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS" and would cut off outreach communication with the group until it can. Letters like the Democrats' letter to Holder representing constituents' concerns are not unusual and are "part of the propaganda war that goes on beneath the surface all the time and part of their efforts to undermine law enforcement," said Bob Blitzer, who led the FBI's domestic terrorism section in the 1990s. He said he encountered "a couple hundred" letters of this nature during his career. Each is handled seriously because members of Congress signed the letters. Many of the representatives who signed this letter have a history of supporting CAIR. For example, Kucinich sent a video message praising the organization to the CAIR-Chicago 4th Annual Banquet on February 23, 2008: "As the Council on American-Islamic Relations meets I want to pledge to you. I continue to pledge for your efforts to make sure that the powerful message of Islam, a message of peace and reconciliation reverberates. I want to make sure that you know that you have a friend in the United States Congress." Sanchez has repeatedly attended annual CAIR banquets in Anaheim. Likewise, Honda spoke at CAIR's 2006 national banquet in Virginia, where called his hosts "the civil rights group that will speak on behalf of the community." Capps is included on a page of laudatory statements about CAIR, saying "I applaud CAIR for its important role in advocating for civil liberties, enhancing the understanding of Islam, and condemning acts of terrorism." Moran is included on the same page, saying "It is through the activities of groups like CAIR that cooperation-rather than competition-between the various faiths can be achieved." Honda is quoted saying "CAIR's commitment to social justice and civil rights for all Americans will help our country to ensure that respect and tolerance exists for people of all religions and ethnicities." In their letter, the representatives accept the claims of defendants in two criminal cases unqustioningly, despite sworn testimony to the contrary. In Irvine, Cal., Ahmadullah Niazi, has been indicted on immigration charges. His brother-in-law has served as Osama bin Laden's security coordinator and Niazi is accused of lying about communication with him and a visit to Pakistan to see him. He also told an FBI informant that he considered bin Laden to be "an angel" and repeatedly discussed bombing buildings in California. Niazi's supporters say he was entrapped by an agent provocateur and emphasize the informant's criminal record for forgery. They point out that Niazi even went to authorities in 2007 to report that the informant was discussing terrorist plots. In sworn testimony during Niazi's bond hearing in February, FBI agent Thomas Ropel III said Niazi went to authorities only after learning of a separate terror-indictment involving an informant and collaborated with CAIR official Hussam Ayloush to accuse the informant of being the terrorist. Niazi then lied repeatedly about his conversations with the informant. For example, Niazi claimed that he and the informant had discussed jihad once or twice, when agents already possessed "at least 15 to 20 such conversations." The following exchange took place between Ropel and Magistrate Judge Arthur Nakazato: Agent Ropel: "We had discussed conducting terrorist attacks and blowing up buildings. We had discussed Mr. Niazi or anybody talking about sending money overseas and Mr. Niazi said none of those things were ever discussed between himself and this individual. And we had personally listened to recordings in which Mr. Niazi had instigated these conversations with that individual." Another case involving informants four New York men were arrested after planting what the defendants thought were bombs outside New York synagogues. Their indictment alleges they also wanted to shoot down U.S. military planes. The informant issue raised in the letter isn't expected to generate much excitement. It is "normal" to see informants in criminal investigations have felony records of their own, said Barry Sabin, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division. There are guidelines and layers of supervision to ensure the sending informants into houses of worship are necessary investigative steps. That's a point FBI Director Robert Mueller made in testimony March 25 before the Senate Judiciary Committee: "I will say that we do not focus on institutions, we focus on individuals. And I will say generally if there is evidence or information as to individual or individuals undertaking illegal activities in religious institutions, with appropriate high-level approval, we would undertake investigative activities, regardless of the religion." [Emphasis added] In Minneapolis, CAIR has complained of religious profiling in the investigation and urged people not to meet with the FBI without an attorney present. This has triggered a backlash from some members of the Minneapolis Somali community, who have repeatedly demonstrated against CAIR for, in their view, hindering law enforcement efforts to stop the recruitment of young men to return to the African nation to engage in jihad. At least 20 young men are believed to have traveled from Minneapolis to Somalia in the past year, with one killing himself in a suicide bombing attack. Three other young men from Minneapolis have been shot and killed in Somalia in the past two months. Two men have been indicted in connection with facilitating travel for the young men to Somalia, where they were to join up with the al-Shabab terrorist group. These are among the grievances for which Holder is being asked to devote his attention. That the representatives would accept at face value the claims of an organization the FBI has concluded is not "an appropriate liaison partner" is disturbing. CAIR has documented roots in a U.S-based Hamas support network. Among secretly recorded wiretaps in evidence in the prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development are conversations including two CAIR founders about deceiving Americans about their political ambitions and the outright declaration that "war is deception." Before carrying their water again, the politicians may wish to find out whether the war ended. Contact Susana K-M at suanema@gmail.com |
Posted by Yoram Ettinger, July 29, 2009. |
Tomorrow (July 30, 2009) commemorates the most calamitous day in Jewish history Tisha' Be'Av (9th day of the Jewish month of Av) which highlights the critical need to nurture national memory/history, as a prerequisite for survival and growth. It is also a prerequisite to avoid another day of national calamity! Enclosed you'll find my version of Guide for the Perplexed on Tisha' Be'Av. Hang in there,
The Ninth Day of Av (Tisha' Be'Av) 2009 1. Napoleon was walking at night in the streets of Paris, hearing sad voices emanating from a synagogue. When told that the wailing/lamenting commemorated a 586 BCE catastrophe, he stated: "Any People which solemnizes its ancient history is destined for a glorious future!" Memory is deliverance; Forgetfulness is oblivion. 2. The Ninth Day of Av the most calamitous day in Jewish history is the 9th day in the 11th Jewish month: 9/11! Fasting on Tisha' Be'Av commemorates catastrophic national destructions, as well as the moral causes for the destruction. It was first mentioned in the book of Zechariah 7:3. 3. Major national calamities in Jewish history occurred on the Ninth Day of Av (July 30, 2009): *The failed "Ten Spies/tribal presidents" (VS. Joshua & Caleb) who slandered the Land of Israel, preferring immediate convenience and conventional "wisdom" over faith and long term vision which prolonged the wandering in the desert for 40 years. 4. The Ninth Day of Av is the central of the Four Days of Fast, which commemorate the destruction of the First Temple: 10th Day of Tevet (the onset of the siege that Nebuchadnezzar laid to Jerusalem), 17th day of Tamuz (the walls of Jerusalem were breached), 9th day of Av (destruction of both Temples) and 3rd day of Tishrey (The murder of Governor Gedalyah, who maintained a level of post-destruction Jewish autonomy, which led to a savage Babylonian murder and exile). 5. The Ninth Day of Av culminates the Three Weeks of Predicament ("Yemey Beyn Hameitzareem" in Hebrew), starting with the 17th day of Tamuz, when the walls of Jerusalem were breached by Nebuchadnezzar (1st Temple) and by Titus (2nd Temple). 6. The month of Av represents Faith in G-D (in spite of calamities) and a transformation from Curse to Blessing & Consolation, which is also represented by the two Hebrew letters of AV ("Aroor" = cursed and "Barookh" = blessed). The Hebrew letters of AV constitute the letters of Father (a synonym to G-D) and the first two letters of "EVEL" (mourning). The transformation from Curse to Blessing could forge one's character, as suggested by the numerical value of AV (Aleph=1 and Bet=2), which is Three, the combination of the basic even and odd numbers (King Solomon: "A triangular string/knot cannot be broken"). The zodiac sign of Av is a lion, which represents the Lion of Judah, rising in the aftermath of destruction. Aharon the embodiment of human kindness died on the 1st day of Av. 7. The Ninth Day of Av concludes a series of three Torah readings (Haphtarah) of Jewish calamities (two by the Prophet Jeremiah and one by the Prophet Yeshaayahu, and launches a series of seven Torah readings (Haphtarah) of consolations (by the Prophet Yeshaayahu). 8. The Book of (5) Lamentations (The Scroll of Eikhah by Jeremiah the Prophet, who prophesized the destruction, the exile and the deliverance) is read on the Ninth Day of Av and since the first day of Av. The numerical value of Eikhah is 36, which is equal to the traditional number of righteous Jewish persons. The Hebrew meaning of Eikhah could be construed as "A reproaching How Come?!", as well as "Where are you?" (Why have you strayed away?). The first three Hebrew letters of Eikhah mean "How" and the fourth/last letter stands of G-D. Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is a consultant on US-Israel relations as
well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for
Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to
Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul
General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of
Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem
Cloakroom series of reports. Contact him at yoramtex@netvision.net.il
Posted by Michael Travis, July 28, 2009. |
This article is by Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. and is archived on The Last Crusade website: www.thelastcrusade.org |
![]() Forget 9/11. Forget the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Forget the fatwahs of al Qaeda and its sister organizations. Forget the scores of attacks that have occurred or been thwarted on American soil during the past eight years. Americans, according to a Gallup poll, are less concerned about terrorism than at any point since August 2004 with only 36 percent saying they are very or somewhat worried that they or a family member will become a victim of a terrorist attack. Americans' collective level of worry about terrorism is the lowest recorded since August 2004 (34 percent) and down sharply from the all-time high of 59 percent recorded in October 2001, just after the September 11th attacks. Thirty percent now say they are not too worried about the threat of another terrorist attack and 34 percent say they are not at all worried. In a separate Gallup Poll, a scant 1 percent of the Americans surveyed mentioned terrorism as the most important problem facing the United States. Although President Obama, apart from Bubba Bill Clinton, is the only U.S. Commander-in-Chief never to serve in the Army, 73 percent of Americans say they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in the Obama Administration and the Democrat majority in the House and Senate to protect them from future acts of terrorism unchanged from 2006. Two-thirds of the liberals in America, according to a recent ABC poll, maintain that Islam is a peaceful religion that poses no threat to the country. Sixty-two percent of the registered Democrats and Independents concur. Islam, the ABC pollsters discovered, is more apt to be seen unfavorably by less-educated adults, Southerners and senior citizens than by their counterparts. Compared with the ABC poll of October 2001, unfavorable views of Islam have increased by 23 points among senior citizens, 19 points among conservatives, 18 points among Republicans and 12 points among Southerners. There's one group liberals among whom unfavorable views of Islam have declined, by 11 points. These findings are supported by the collapse of the market for books dealing with terrorism. Harry Crocker of Regnery, the publisher of such works as Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer and America Alone by Mark Steyn, says that books on terrorism no longer sell well. The new attitude of the American people goes a long way to explain the failure to drum up a substantial number of protestors to decry the convention of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an Islamic group with espouses terror attacks against Israel and the United States, at the Oak Lawn Hilton Hotel on the outskirts of Chicago. The subject of the gathering was "The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Capitalism." The event, according to the Chicago Sun Times, attracted 800 Islamists but less than fifty people showed up to protest. Hilton Oak Lawn General Manager Rick Harmon said Hizb ut-Tahrir (Arabic for "the Party of Liberation") used its own name when it reserved the room for the conference, but the hotel was not aware of the content of the event, which includes lectures entitled "Capitalism is Doomed to Fail," "The Global Rise of Islam," and the "Role of Muslims in America," until after the contract was signed. Harmon said the hotel is open to all kinds of meetings, including presumably gatherings of Muslims who are intent upon the destruction of America and its economic system. Hizb ut-Tahrir, according to Islam expert Walid Phares, offers indoctrination that prepares al Qaeda and other terrorist groups for the jihad against Israel and the United States. It is a global Sunni network. Some prominent members included 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed; Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the commander al Qaeda in Iraq; Asif Muhammad Hanif, a British jihadi who blew himself up outside a bar in Tel Aviv, killing four people (including himself) and wounding more than 50; and Omar Bakri Mohammed, a imam currently banned from Britain who praised the 9/11 attacks, raised funds for Hezbollah and Hamas and called for attacks on the Dublin airport where U.S. troops transferred there en route to Iraq. In his book, How the Khilafah Was Destroyed, Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zalloom, the former global leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir, says anyone who rules by a non-Islamic system should "either retract or be killed ... even if this led to several years of fighting and even if it led to the killing of millions of Muslims and to the martyrdom of millions of believers." Hizb ut-Tahrir's official ruling on the permissibility of hijacking planes says, "If the plane belongs to a country at war with Muslims, like Israel, it is allowed to hijack it, for there is no sanctity for Israel or for the Jews in it." Interestingly for Americans, one of the organization's more recent leaflets, published in March, calls for the declaration of "a state of war against America." Former member Ed Husain, who left the Muslim organization and denounced it in his book The Islamist, says: "The only difference between Islamists from Hizb ut-Tahrir and jihadists, is that the former are waiting for their state and caliph before they commence jihad, while the latter believes the time for jihad is now." Hizb-ut-Tahrir is outlawed in Russia, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and numerous Muslim countries (including Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia) that regard it as a radical, subversive, terrorist organization that spreads "hate and violence" and seeks to overthrow their governments. But the group remains off the State Department's terror watch list and remains free to expand its operations throughout our country.
Contact Michael Travis at michaelmgr@gmail.com
Posted by LEL, July 28, 2009. | |
This was written by Alan M. Dershowitz,
Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Harvard Law School.
It is archived at
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Hamas, the terrorist organization that specializes in targeting civilians, has now decided, according to a New York Times headline, to shift "from rockets to culture war" in an effort to garner public support for its cause. Part of its ongoing public relations campaign is to portray the Israelis as the "new Nazis" and the Palestinians as the "new Jews." In order to bring about this transformation, it must engage in a form of Holocaust denial that erases the historical record of widespread Palestinian complicity with the "old Nazis" in perpetrating the real Holocaust. It has become an important part of the mantra of Hamas supporters that neither the Palestinian people nor its leadership played any role in the Holocaust. Listen to Mohammad Ahmadinejad talking to students at Columbia University: If [the Holocaust] is a reality, we need to still question whether the Palestinian people should be paying for it or not. After all, it happened in Europe. The Palestinian people had no role to play in it. So why is it that the Palestinian people are paying the price of an event they had nothing to do with?...The Palestinian people didn't commit any crime. They had no role to play in World War II. They were living with the Jewish communities and the Christian communities in peace at the time. The conclusion that is supposed to follow from this "fact" is that the establishment of Israel in the wake of the Nazi genocide of the Jewish people was unfair to the Palestinians. Central to this claim is that neither the Palestinian people nor their leadership bore any responsibility for the Holocaust, and if any reparations are owed the Jewish people, it is from Germany and not from the Palestinians. The propounders of this historical argument suggest that the West created the Jewish state out of guilt over the Holocaust. It might have been understandable if a portion of Germany (or Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, France, Austria, or other collaborator nations) had been allocated for a Jewish homeland but why Palestine? Palestine, according to this claim, was as much a "victim" as were the Jews. I hear this argument on university campuses around the United States, and even more so in Europe. The truth is that the Palestinian leadership, supported by the Palestinian masses, played a significant role in Hitler's Holocaust. The official leader of the Palestinians, Haj Amin al-Husseini, spent the war years in Berlin with Hitler, serving as a consultant on the Jewish question. He was taken on a tour of Auschwitz and expressed support for the mass murder of European Jews. He also sought to "solve the problems of the Jewish element in Palestine and other Arab countries" by employing "the same method" being used "in the Axis countries." He would not be satisfied with the Jewish residents of Palestine many of whom were descendants of Sephardic Jews who had lived there for hundreds, even thousands, of years remaining as a minority in a Muslim state. Like Hitler, he wanted to be rid of "every last Jew." As Husseini wrote in his memoirs, "Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: 'The Jews are yours.'" The mufti was apparently planning to return to Palestine in the event of a German victory and to construct a death camp, modeled after Auschwitz, near Nablus. Husseini incited his pro-Nazi followers with the words "Arise, O sons of Arabia. Fight for your sacred rights. Slaughter Jews wherever you find them. Their spilled blood pleases Allah, our history and religion. That will save our honor." Not only did Husseini exhort his followers to murder the Jews; he also took an active role in trying to bring about that result. For example, in 1944, a German-Arab commando unit, under Husseini's command, parachuted into Palestine and with the intention of poisoning Tel Aviv's wells. Husseini also helped to inspire a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq and helped to organize thousands of Muslims in the Balkans into military units known as Handselar divisions, which carried out atrocities against Yugoslav Jews, Serbs, and Gypsies. After a meeting with Hitler, he recorded the following in his diary:
Hitler assured Husseini about how he would be regarded following a Nazi victory and "the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere." In that hour, the mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. It would then be his task to set off the Arab operations that he had secretly prepared. Husseini's significant contributions to the Holocaust were multifold: first, he pleaded with Hitler to exterminate European Jewry and advised the Nazis on how to do so; second, he visited Auschwitz and urged Eichmann and Himmler to accelerate the pace of the mass murder; third, he personally stopped 4,000 children, accompanied by 500 adults, from leaving Europe and had them sent to Auschwitz and gassed; fourth, he prevented another two thousand Jews from leaving Romania for Palestine and one thousand from leaving Hungary for Palestine, who were subsequently sent to death camps; fifth, he organized the killing of 12,600 Bosnian Jews by Muslims, whom he recruited to the Waffen-SS Nazi-Bosnian division. He was also one of the few non-Germans who was made privy to the Nazi extermination while it was taking place. It was in his official capacity as the leader of the Palestinian people and its official representative that he made his pact with Hitler, spent the war years in Berlin, and worked actively with Eichmann, Himmler, von Ribbentrop, and Hitler himself to "accelerate" the final solution by exterminating the Jews of Europe and laying plans to exterminate the Jews of Palestine. Not only did the Grand Mufti play a significant role in the murder of European Jewry, he sought to replicate the genocide against the Jews in Israel during the war that produced a so-called Nakba. The war started by the Palestinians against the Jews in 1947, and the war started by the Arab states in 1948 against the new state of Israel, were both genocidal wars. Their goal was not merely the ethnic cleansing of the Jews from the area but their total annihilation. The leaders said so and the actions of their subordinates reflected this genocidal goal. They were aided in their efforts by Nazi soldiers former SS and Gestapo members who had been given asylum from war crime prosecution in Egypt and who had been recruited by the grand mufti to complete Hitler's work. It is also fair to say that Husseini's pro-Nazi sympathies and support were widespread among his Palestinian followers, who regarded him as a hero even after the war and the disclosure of his role in Nazi atrocities. The notorious photograph of Husseini and Hitler, together in Berlin, was proudly displayed in many Palestinian homes, even after Husseini's activities in the Holocaust became widely known and praised among Palestinians. Husseini is still regarded by many as "the George Washington" of the Palestinian people, and if the Palestinians were to get a state of their own, he would be honored as our founding father is. He was their hero, despite more likely, because of his active role in the genocide against the Jewish people, which he openly supported and assisted. According to Husseini's biographer, "Large parts of the Arab world shared [Husseini's] sympathy with Nazi Germany during the Second World War.... Haj Amin's popularity among the Palestinian Arabs and within the Arab states actually increased more than ever during his period with the Nazis." In 1948, the National Palestinian Council elected Husseini as its president, even though he was a wanted war criminal living in exile in Egypt. Indeed, Husseini is still revered today among many Palestinians as a national hero. Yasser Arafat, in an interview conducted in 2002 and reprinted in the Palestinian daily Al-Quds on August 2, 2002, called Husseini "our hero," referring to the Palestinian people. Arafat also boasted of being "one of his troops," even though he knew Husseini was "considered an ally of Nazis." Today many Palestinians in East Jerusalem want to turn his home into a shrine. (Ironically, it is this home that was bought by a Jew to build the controversial Jewish housing development in East Jerusalem.) It is a myth, therefore another myth perpetrated by Iran's mythmaker-in-chief as well as by Hamas and by many on the hard left who seek to demonize Israel that the Palestinians played "no role" in the Holocaust. Considering the active support by the Palestinian leadership and masses for the losing side of a genocidal war, it was more than fair for the United Nations to offer them a state of their own on more than half of the arable land of the British mandate. The Palestinians rejected that offer and several since because they wanted there not to be a Jewish state more than they wanted their own state. That was Husseini's position. Hamas still takes that position. Perhaps their new "culture war" will finally cause them to reconsider and to accept the two state solution. EDITOR'S NOTE: To call the locals "Palestinians" is incorrect. They never owned or ruled the region the British renamed Palestine. Most of them or their parents migrated to the region after 1900. They were of various ethnic groups and owed allegience to the clan and/or Muslim cleric; their commonality was that they spoke Arabic, as least as one of their languages. The "Palestinian people" wasn't invented until 1964. And there never was a Palestinian state or country. Before Israel became a state and was part of Mandated Palestine
(Palestine was a ancient name resurrected by the British to name what
had been a very small part of the Ottoman Empire), it was the Jews who
were called Palestinians. They read the Palestinian Post (now
the Jerusalem Post) and played in the Palestinian Philharmonic;
and they participated in World War 2 as the Palestine Brigade.
Posted by HandsFiasco, July 28, 2009. |
Dexter Van Zile, a lifelong Christian, asks what type of god inheres in the so-called peacemaking ministry of Anglican Priest Naim Ateek, founder of Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center. Dexter Van Zile is the Christian Media Analyst for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America. This article appeared in Jewish World Review.
Anglican Priest Naim Ateek is making the rounds in support of his most recent book, A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation (Orbis, 2008), in which he falsely accuses Israel of perpetrating a "slow and creeping genocide" against Palestinians who have one of the fastest growing populations in the world. Apparently, leveling false accusations at the Jewish people and their homeland is not enough to get one barred from polite society in 21st century America. So much for history progressing in an upward spiral. In February, Ateek, founder of Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, appeared at churches in Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. And on July 18-20, Ateek appeared at a number of venues in the Puget Sound region of Washington State. In addition to appearing in churches, Ateek appeared for the first time before a congregation of American Jews at the Kadima House in Seattle. The centerpiece of Ateek's Puget Sound tour was his June 20, 2009 appearance on Weekday, a radio show hosted by Steve Scher and broadcast on KUOW, an NPR station in Seattle. During his radio appearance, Ateek returned to a persistent theme in his writings: the notion that the god described in some of the Hebrew Scriptures is a primitive, violent and territorial god who cares only about Jews. During the interview, during which Scher lobbed softball questions, Ateek described Palestinian liberation theology as a way of helping people understand "how the Bible has been abused by Jewish religious extremists and Christian Zionists [who are] using the Bible against the Palestinians." According to Ateek, "people quote from Genesis that G-d has given the land to the Jewish people. So the land is given by God so they have a divine right to the land and the Palestinians have no rights. They need to go. It is the wrong way of interpreting scripture. Palestinian liberation theology comes to really help people understand that the message of the Bible is not about a god who is a person concerned about a piece of land here or there, but a god of justice, a god of peace, a god of compassion." During the interview, Ateek stated that some books in the Hebrew canon most notably Daniel and Jonah offer a critique and an alternative to this "exclusive, bigoted god who says I'm gonna go with you to war, I'm gonna kill your enemies." Scher, who did not raise concerns about Ateek's use of anti-Jewish polemics from the New Testament against the modern state of Israel, also failed to address a central question that needs asking: What type of god is propounded in Ateek's so-called "peacemaking" ministry? It's an obvious question given Ateek's criticism of the exclusive and bullying god that he says Jews and Christian Zionists use to justify Israeli policies. Ateek, who condemns belief in a god that would direct its blessing exclusively toward the Jewish people, propagates the agenda of a god who directs its judgment and anger at Israel, especially its Jewish inhabitants. Ateek does not openly confess allegiance to such a deity in fact he denies doing so. Nevertheless, his commentary about the Arab-Israeli conflict provides a resting place, an ark, for just such a god. For example, during his appearance on Weekday, Ateek asserted that the "Today the Jewish people are not suffering. They are the oppressors. ... They can be relieved from their suffering if they do justice. I think part of the suffering of the Jewish people, or Israeli, I mean not Jews I mean because there are still more Jews outside Israel than there are Jews there they can have greater security. Israel doesn't want peace. That's part of the problem and Israel wants to get rid of the Palestinians and that's unfortunately what has been happening. So Israel can relieve itself from so much suffering if it does justice in that sense." On this score, Ateek accords Israel with the power to unilaterally bring an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict through concessions and peace offers. In Ateek's logic, the fact that Palestinians have engaged in persistent acts of violence against Israel is proof of Israeli intransigence not Arab rejectionism. Exactly who wants to get rid of whom in the Middle East? For Ateek, Israel's offer at Camp David in the summer of 2000, its acceptance of the Clinton Parameters the following winter, its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005, and Olmert's 2008 offer to withdraw from 93 percent of the West Bank are meaningless. Despite these and other concessions and withdrawals, Ateek regards violence against Israel as Israel's fault. In sum, nothing Israel does is good enough for the god who animates in Ateek's sermonizing, and very little of what the Palestinians have done wrong is worthy of divine judgment, or even a benign admonition. For example, on October 5, 2000, soon after the beginning of the Second Intifada, when a real peacemaker would be calling for calm and for an end to violence, Ateek issued a statement that portrayed Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount on Sept. 28 as a "violation" and a "desecration" and asserted that "It was right for our Palestinian Muslim brothers and sisters to stand up in the defense of their holiest place, al-Haram al-Sharif, when it was being threatened and desecrated." On its face, "standing up in defense of their holiest place," seems like a pretty benign affirmation of nonviolent action, unless of course one takes into account the fact that five Israelis had been killed by Palestinian violence in the two weeks before Ateek issued this statement. While Ateek gives close scrutiny to the theology of Christian Zionists and Jewish extremists, he gives light treatment to the theology motivating Muslim violence against Jews and the Islamic refusal to accept the notion of a sovereign Jewish state. His painstaking exegesis of the Hebrew scriptures and repeated invocations of Christianity's universalism which are invariably targeted at Jewish beliefs and policies testify to a god obsessed and offended by the Jewish refusal to accept Christianity, and silently indifferent to a Muslim intolerance toward Jews. Muslim theology regarding the land and the Jewish people plays a significant, if not dominant, role in fomenting violence against Israel in the Middle East, but neither Ateek nor the group he leads, Sabeel, address these subjects in a meaningful way. One question that Scher could have asked of Ateek is why he spends such a disproportionate amount time condemning Christian Zionists, who have never blown up a bus, and the small number of Jewish settlers whose violence toward Palestinians, while condemnable, does not even come close to the misdeeds perpetrated by groups like Hamas and Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade against Israelis. The story Naim Ateek tells about the Arab-Israeli conflict, cloaked as it is in the language of Christian peacemaking, attests to the existence of a deaf, dumb and blind god who would use Muslim and Arab violence against Israel as a scourge against the Jewish people. Such a god is not worthy of worship. Contact HandsFiasco at handsfiasco@webtv.net |
Posted by Cpocerl, July 28, 2009. |
This was written by Aaron Klein and it appeared yesterday in World
Net Daily
![]() JERUSALEM President Obama's policies against Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank were slammed as "racist" today by participants in a rally drawing about 2,000 Israelis in front of the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem. "George Mitchell go home!" yelled protestors in front of the U.S. government building. Mitchell, Obama's envoy to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is here discussing the American administration's call for a halt to all Jewish settlement activity, including natural growth or accommodating the needs of existing Jewish populations in the areas in question. The protest began in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official residence. Marchers then made their way to the U.S. consulate about one block away. "Obama should not be pressing Israel to compromise and freeze building in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem," protest organizer Yaacov Steinberg told WND. "All these steps in the past just brought more Palestinian terror and showed Israeli weakness," said Steinberg, director of a coalition of West Bank Jewish organizations. Speaking at the rally, Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, who heads the prestigious "Nir" Torah seminary in the West Bank city of Kiryat Arba, called Obama a "racist." "How dare he tell the Jews where they can or can't live! The era when Jews were banned from living in different places has ended," Waldman exclaimed. "Obama beware. This insolence will bring about the downfall of the American leadership. Anyone who dares give an order to prevent Israeli life in Jerusalem or anywhere else in the land of Israel is destined to fall," he said. Pinchas Wallerstein, director of the Yesha council of Jewish communities in the West Bank, told the crowds, "This week the American pressure reached new highs that are a shame to democratic societies." Wallerstein was referring to the summoning of Israel's ambassador to Washington last week by the State Department to demand a Jewish construction project in eastern Jerusalem be immediately halted. "It's absolutely an outrageously racist policy," Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told WND. "Especially in light of how Obama should be sensitive when it comes to anything that would remotely constitute discrimination of people based on ethnicity or religion." ![]() The construction project at the center of attention, financed by Miami Beach philanthropist Irving Moskowitz, is located just meters from Israel's national police headquarters and other government ministries. It is a few blocks from the country's prestigious Hebrew University, underscoring the centrality of the Jewish real estate being condemned by the U.S. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly rejected the State Department demand, telling a cabinet meeting Sunday that Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem was not a matter up for discussion. "Imagine what would happen if someone were to suggest Jews could not live in or purchase [property] in certain neighborhoods in London, New York, Paris or Rome," he said. "The international community would certainly raise protest. Likewise, we cannot accept such a ruling on East Jerusalem," Netanyahu told ministers. ![]() In a statement released to WND, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, long considered one of the most powerful Jewish groups in the U.S., took strong issue with the U.S. demand against Jewish construction in Jerusalem. "We find disturbing the objections raised to the proposed construction of residential units on property that was legally purchased and approved by the appropriate authorities. The area in question houses major Israeli governmental agencies, including the national police headquarters." "The U.S. has in the past and recently raised objections to the removal of illegal structures built by Arabs in eastern Jerusalem even though they were built in violation of zoning and other requirements often on usurped land," read the statement. The group's statement pointed out Moskowitz's housing project formerly was the house of the infamous mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who spent the war years in Berlin as a close ally of Adolf Hitler, aiding and abetting the Nazi extermination of Jews. Al-Husseini was also linked to the 1929 massacre of Jews in Jerusalem and Hebron and to other acts of incitement that resulted in death and destruction in what was then called Palestine. Some Palestinians have expressed a desire to preserve the building as a tribute to Husseini. Historically, there was never any separation between eastern and western Jerusalem. The terminology came after Jordan occupied the eastern section of the city, including the Temple Mount, from 1947 until it used the territory to attack the Jewish state in 1967. Israel reunited Jerusalem when it won the 1967 Six Day War. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is from US 4 Israel (us4israel@gmail.com). The demonstration came just days after Independent Media Research and Analysis (IMRA) published a surprising poll by a prestigious polling company, Maagar Mochot, according to which Israelis regard settling Judea and Samaria as almost as important as the heavily subsidized national enterprise of settling the Negev and Galilee. Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 28, 2009. |
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH CONDEMNS IDF DRONES Human Rights Watch (HRW) held a fundraiser in S. Arabia. The HRW pitch was that it focuses disproportionately on Israel. S. Arabia violates human rights infamously. This sale of HRW bias undermines HRW's ethical pretensions. Exploiting publicity over the timing of the Goldstone [UN] inquiry into Gaza combat, HRW and related organizations issued reports on the subject. HRW condemned yet another weapon usage by the IDF, involving drones. Goldstone and other UN investigatory commissioners had condemned Israel during combat, based on media and HRW, in which he was an official, and other NGO reports. When this was made known, Goldstone's biased conflict of interest was revealed [and his methodology compromised]. He resigned from the HRW board. The condemnation was that Israeli usage of drones inflicted unnecessary casualties. HRW documents only six incidents and 29 alleged civilian deaths. Israeli and P.A. human rights groups allege that 42 drone attacks killed 87 civilians. That is a low level of undesirable casualties for so much combat, especially considering that Hamas put military facilities among civilians. HRW claims that the IDF did not take adequate precautions. How would it know, when it doesn't consult with Israel? HRW based its claim, as usual, on unidentifiable witnesses and researchers. They assert that there was no known military activity in the area warranting Israeli attack. HRW made the same claim in the Lebanon War, despite the overwhelming evidence of military activity. HRW had to retract, then. In this instance, the main witness is an Arab boy whom the Arab NGO, Al Mezan, reported had died weeks before the incident. The Israeli NGOs were not operating in the theatre of operations. Casualty figures by P.A. NGOs, such as the Palestinian Center for Human Rights are notoriously inaccurate. They often include terrorists among the civilian toll. [Makes good propaganda for its side.] An earlier HRW report accused Israel of using white phosphorus improperly as a weapon. The basis was Arab alleged witnesses. A 2006 HRW report into the Gaza beach incident also was based on "Palestinian researchers." Then HRW reviewed IDF evidence. It had to admit that the IDF was not targeting civilians. War is complex, and HRW, which lacks expertise on it, fails to allow for its complexity. It seems determined to criminalize each Israeli weapon. During the 2006 Lebanon War, HRW declared that an Israeli attack at
Qana caused massive casualties. Israel suspended combat for a couple
of days. Hizbullah was able to re-supply itself at least somewhat in
that time. This enabled Hizbullah to fight longer. More war. Later,
HRW revised its claim
How would Israel defend itself against unidentified or unavailable witnesses it cannot cross-examine or even comment about? HRW depends on P.A. researchers, allied with the terrorists. The P.A., and especially Gaza, is not known for freedom of thought and objectivity. Well, neither should HRW be. HRW routinely accuses Israel of targeting or being careless about civilians. Actually, IDF doctrine is not to target or be careless about civilians, though accidents happen. Arab doctrine is to target civilians and be careless about their own. Nevertheless, HRW hardly pursues real Arab war criminality. By mostly ignoring Hamas war crimes, HRW undermines its own credibility when it fixates on Israel. ISRAEL LETS SEWAGE EQUIPMENT INTO GAZA Israel let equipment into Gaza for repairing a sewage treatment plant. This was in addition to 100 humanitarian trucks [a frequent occurrence, and the almost unrestricted tunnel smuggling from the Sinai]. The Israeli news brief described the sewage officials as under the
direction of the Palestinian Authority regime in Ramallah
Why didn't the U.S. think of dispatching humanitarian aid to Nazi Germany during WWII? The German people were just as supportive of Nazi racial theory, ethnic cleansing, and imperialism as are the Palestinian Arabs, who admire the Nazis, but the Arabs call those policies jihad. Is it humanitarian to help such people, who, over all, support inhumane regimes in barbarism against innocent victims? HOW ISRAEL HANDLED WOULD-BE BLOCKADE BREAKERS A ship from Cyprus was sent with goods to Gaza, for the stated purpose of breaking Israel's partial blockade of Gaza. On board were some prominent people [acting as human shields]. One complained that Israel objects to Hamas' violence, but the ship was a non-violent way to break the blockade. The Israeli Navy warned the ship to turn back. The captain refused.
Eventually, the Navy stopped the ship, but agreed to transfer the
humanitarian goods to Gaza. Israel explained that anyone having
humanitarian goods for Gaza may send them through the regular entry
points, in coordination with Israel
That was tactful. The ships' non-violent way to break the blockade is not a legitimate answer to the blockade. The problem is that unrestricted shipments to Gaza enable Hamas to arm, thereby leading to future increases in violence. Therefore, those prominent passengers who think they are being humanitarian really are supporting warfare with the purpose of genocide. All Hamas has to do is end its Radical Islamic ideology, become civilized, and make peace. JERUSALEM TO HALT MOST DEMOLITION OF ARAB HOUSES Mayor Barkat of Jerusalem said he would halt 70% of the demolitions of illegal Arab houses in eastern Jerusalem. This comes after he clashed with Secretary of State Clinton, who criticized demolitions. Now he cites some vague reason (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/29). Clinton has condemned Israel for legal Jewish building and for demolishing illegal Arab building in eastern Jerusalem. Doubly unfair. Mayor Barkat should not have accepted dictation from a foreign country. He should have told Clinton that Israel has a foreign minister, does the U.S.. A Lighter Touch: Besides reading Alan M. Dershowitz' Contrary to Popular Opinion, I'm reading the Beck Diet Solution, train your brain to Think like a thin person. It's good to have something to read while snacking. FOREIGN MINISTER BARAK FOR TEMPORARY FREEZE Israel's Foreign Min. Barak proposed a temporary freeze on Jewish
construction in Judea-Samaria. Cabinet members objected, lest it would
become precedent for a permanent freeze. They also object to
unilateral Israeli concession
I think that the objections are wise. The State Dept. and other foreign anti-Zionist agencies strive to turn Israel's conditional or temporary responses into unconditional or permanent responses, calling it precedent. Negotiations could drag out, making the freeze permanent. Unilateral concessions are discriminatory. Why not ask for a freeze on Arab construction? ARAB ARSON AGAINST YITZHAR JEWS IN SAMARIA 500 Jews live in Yitzhar, Samaria, a number of times attacked by neighboring Arabs claiming the Jewish community's land. By violence, claim they it. This time, after setting fire to the Jews' crops, an Arab mob was waiting for the Jews to come to try to put out the fire. The Arabs smote the Jews with stones. One youth suffered an eye injury. Some Jews fought back. Using riot control methods, the Army dispersed the Arab mob
What is wrong with this story? What is wrong is the Army merely dispersing the Arab mob instead of arresting them and demanding long prison sentences for arson and attempted murder. How does the rest of the media treat such stories? It rarely reports Arab attacks on settlers and Jewish leftist incitement of local Arabs. It may report allegations of Jewish destruction of Arabs' olive trees, usually faked by the Arabs. The media leaves the impression that settlers are the ones out for trouble. The few times that Jews respond to extreme provocation, the media makes them out to be the villains. Is this an example of what to expect in "two democratic states, side-by-side in peace?" REPERCUSSIONS OF OBAMA'S MURKY TALK ABOUT ISLAM In Cairo, Obama sought to improve relations with Islam. He "...praised the Muslim community in the U.S, whose values he said incorporate tenets of Islam." Capitalizing upon that speech, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is distributing 100,000 annotated copies of the Koran to U.S. leaders. This is to "reach out" and educate them about Islam. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) characterizes CAIR as "a product
of the Islamic Association for Palestine, and other media have accused
it of promoting militant Muslim views. CAIR previously has been funded
in part by the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, some
of whose former officials recently were convicted for funneling money
to terrorist groups."
To the ADL characterization of CAIR as Radical Islamist, which is a fascist version of Islam, I would add that over the years, I have been reporting CAIR's consistent and constant support for accused terrorists, its false accusations against others, and its officials touting terrorism at conferences. Questions? (1) Which tenets of Islam does the U.S. Muslim community incorporate? Is CAIR part of the U.S. Muslim community? It incorporates the tenets of jihad by terrorism and deception. (2) Can we depend on a Radical Islamic group to annotate the Koran fairly or propagandistically? (3) How much does such a book "educate," compared with Muslim clergymen's radical teachings that hundreds of millions follow, repression of women and minorities, and their widespread imperialist jihad? Don't Americans need a deeper background preparation? CHANGES IN RADICAL ISLAM Under pressure by Hamas, half the leaders of Islamic Jihad want to merge with it. Hamas wants this unity when and if it forms a coalition government with Fatah. The other half of Islamic Jihad finds Hamas insufficiently radical. In Egypt, the government now reserves 40 parliamentary seats for
women. The Muslim Brotherhood perceives that as a ruse for diluting
its parliamentary delegation. It therefore will run radical female
candidates. Muslim Brotherhood youths criticize the leadership for not
adapting their ideology to less restrictive, more modern ideas
Radical Muslim organizations tend to have pragmatic factions that make temporary compromises in order the conquer, and absolutist factions that consider it religiously dishonorable to even deal with impure foes. The West tends to get taken in by the pragmatists. Each society has its blind spots. This kind of naivete is the West's blind spot. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Dr. Natalio Wengrower, July 27, 2009. |
EDITOR'S NOTE: Background: During World War 2, when the Nazis were rounding up Jews to send them to their deaths, most Western politicians did little to save Jews and high-level bureaucrats intentionally hindered organized rescue efforts. Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, was an outstanding exception. He saved many thousands of Hungarian Jews, by supplying them with protective passports. Read the biography of this courageous man on the website of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. |
The Wallenberg Foundation is a global-reach educational NGO that spreads all around world the deeds of the Holocaust Rescuers. Visit its website at www.raoulwallenberg.net, The Foundation has branches in New York, Berlin, Jerusalem, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires. More than 200 hundred Heads of State and Noble Prize Laurates comprise our Honorary Members Board. Among other initiatives we are now working in the editions of free-access e-books, with no commercial purpose. Please, find below the link to a list of e-books already edited:
Natalio Wengrower is with the Wallenberg Foundation. Contact Dr. Wengrower at www.raoulwallenberg.net |
Posted by LEL, July 27, 2009. |
This was written by Laura Rosen Cohen, a Toronto freelance
writer. It appeared in National Post |
"I have the highest respect for the religion of Islam, and recognize the heroic efforts of many religious leaders in contemporary Iran to stand up to the repressions wrought by the ruling system," says Jewish human rights activist Irwin Cotler. "I refuse to associate these crimes generically with the mullahs of Iran, and I deplore any attempt to do so," he continued in his July 24th letter to the editor. And thus began yet another misguided chapter of the never-ending Jewish and liberal quest for the Islamic world to "like us". Cotler's bizarre statements have little to do with reality. Iran is where religious fervour, led by a religious leader the Ayatollah Khomeni, brought upon the Islamic revolution. It is religious fervour inspired by a perverse interpretation of Shiia Islam that motivates Iran's genocidal leader, with the continued blessings of the religious establishment. It has been said that a definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Certainly, there can be no better explanation for Jews, and particularly liberal Jews to keep trying new ways of currying favour in the eyes of the Islamic world. How many strategies have been tried? Too many to list in one short article. But a few noteworthy projects deserve a mention. In Israel, the Jews have tried to give away "land for peace", and that has failed miserably time and time again. Egypt is a despotic regime, with the fanatic Muslim brotherhood gaining more political ground each passing day. It maintains a frigid and grudging "peace" with Israel and the "peace" with Jordan is only measurably more civil. Israel sends civil aid to disaster zones all over the world, performs open-heart surgeries on Arab babies, gives Arab Israeli citizens full rights under the law, and even treats Palestinian terrorists at Israeli hospitals, but it's still not enough. Israel has Arab members of the Knesset, and despite the terrorist threat implicit in it, successive Israeli leaders continue to commit to the founding of a Palestinian state. But that's still not enough for the Muslim world. In the Jewish diaspora, and under the heavy influence of socialist and Marxist dogma, liberal Jews pour small fortunes into "inter-faith" causes, conferences and dialogues in the hopes of finding "greater understanding" with the Islamic world in general and in particular with the Palestinians. Dear fellow Jews, what is so hard to understand about "we hate your guts, and will continue to kill and maim you"? Just last week, an "inter-faith" Rabbi, the guest speaker at an ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) conference was shocked ... shocked to hear that one of the guest imams felt that Jews deserved the Holocaust because they turned their backs against Allah. What is so hard to understand about that? Jews continue to support the Liberal party in Canada, and the Democratic party in America, despite the obvious and undeniable evidence that their true friends are on the Christian, Zionist political right. Unfortunately, their commitment to liberalism trumps their commitment to their own people. Here in Canada, the multi-cultural outreach by Jews to Muslim Canadians continues with the Canadian Jewish Congress funding such initiatives as scholarships for Somali Canadians. Where is the reciprocity in these activities? When was the last time you heard about the King Abdullah scholarship for Jews? Or the American Muslim scholarship fund for Jews? Have you ever been to a Jewish conference where a genocide or an individual death of a Muslim person was described, in theological terms, as being justifiable? Have you ever heard a Jew celebrate when a Muslim has been murdered? When is the last time a Jew gleefully beheaded an enemy, video taped it and uploaded it onto YouTube? Jews: get this through your head once and for all. The Islamic world, under its current leadership, is just not into you. Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 27, 2009. |
From now through Tisha B'Av, which is Thursday, you can watch, online, the movie "Home Game," sponsored by the Friends of Gush Katif. If you have not yet seen it, take an hour to watch it, and then share the URL with others. It may bring you to tears, as it did me when I saw it, or may evoke a stoic rage. It is, without a question, painful viewing. But important viewing. ~~~~~~~~~~ This is the story provided in the main via video that had been
taken by residents of the expulsion from Gush Katif of 10,000 Jews
in August 2005. It is told within the framework of the basketball
tournament that the young people of Gush Katif engaged in every
summer, and their decision to play their last game, in Netzer Hazani,
as the soldiers were literally at their gate to force people to leave.
~~~~~~~~~~ It's important, first, because it is part of our history. A shameful part, as this operation should never have happened. This is why it is appropriate viewing for the Nine Days of Tisha B'Av: We are taught that we brought the destruction of the Temple mourned on Tisha B'Av because of causeless hatred and how we mistreated each other. The lesson must not be lost, especially now. ~~~~~~~~~~ But beyond history, there are very compelling reasons in the here and now to be in touch with this. We need, first, to be reminded of the responsibility we bear for the suffering of the Jews expelled from Gush Katif some of whom still do not have permanent homes, and many of whom have lost livelihoods and suffered enormous emotional and psychological damage. We are speaking, you must understand, about some of the finest of Israel's citizens, people who were and to a large degree still are idealistic and passionately Zionist, religiously observant and hard-working. Netzer Hazani, I am happy to report, has now, finally, re-established itself in a new home. See: http://www.netzerhazani.org/ ~~~~~~~~~~ Then, a powerful lesson must be drawn from this bitter time: Never again! Never should we pull Jews from homes in the Jewish land. Never again should we relinquish Jewish land. We are facing the most horrendous of times, as the world rallies against us and challenges our legitimacy and our right to our land. On a purely pragmatic level: The current government, whatever our discontent with it, should not be weakened from within. For the alternative a government coalition headed by Tzipi Livni would be a nightmare and our undoing. It is our task to continually let those in power know that we don't want them to cave, that our backs are stiffened and we expect theirs to be stiffened as well. It is our job to communicate to Prime Minister Netanyahu our on-going expectation that he must stand strong against those who would diminish us and weaken us. Fax: 02-670-5369 (From the US: 011-972-2-670-5369)
~~~~~~~~~~ Please, see Mordechai Kedar, a lecturer in the Department of Arabic and a research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, on the issue of Israel concessions in Jerusalem. "...the struggle over settlement in Jerusalem is at heart a struggle over Israeli sovereignty in the city, based on 3,000 years of Jewish history in the holy city, long before Washington was the capital of the United States, Paris the capital of France and Cairo the capital of Egypt. Jerusalem, and particularly the area of the Temple, embodies the hopes and is the focus of the prayers of the Jewish people since it went into exile 1,940 years ago. Right on!
Kedar also alludes to something else in passing that I had thought about but not put into writing: There is a sort of poetic justice in Jewish housing [i.e., in Sheikh Jarrah] being built on the property that once belonged to the Mufti of Jerusalem, "Haj Amin al-Husseini, who volunteered to recruit tens of thousands of Muslims for the Nazi extermination machine." ~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to the several people who pointed out to me that I recently referred to George Mitchell as John. (John Mitchell was Nixon's attorney general. As he is deceased, it would be difficult for him to visit Israel now.) Yes, it's George. He arrived here from Syria yesterday, and the tone was all sweetness and light. Netanyahu, at yesterday's Cabinet meetings, declared: "...even within the fabric of friendly relations between allies there are points over which there is not full agreement." I confess readily enough, as I have before, that this tone does not bring comfort to my heart. Rather, I start to wonder what concessions are about to be made by us in order to bring us to a "friendly" relationship with the US. Vigilance is required. ~~~~~~~~~~ But Mitchell's tone was also conciliatory. In his first meeting, which was with Defense Minister Barak, he declared that differences with Israel were "discussions among friends," and "not disputes among adversaries." There was no announcement of a resolution on the settlement issue. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mitchell chose to focus on the issue of a "comprehensive peace." While still in Syria, he had told reporters: "I told President Assad that President Obama is determined to facilitate a truly comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace." And he implied that bringing Israel and Syria back to negotiations was something that was imminent ("near term"). It is certainly something that the US is pushing. Netanyahu, in his recent statement on the subject, said we were prepared for a resumption of talks with Syria, without preconditions on either side. You will remember, however, that Assad has been adamant about the need for us to concede the Golan as a pre-condition to negotiations. At the same time, Netanyahu made it clear that we had no illusions about Syria, explaining that the government: "...had serious doubts as to whether Syria is really committed to making peace with Israel, because it had forged a close alliance with Iran, it continues to arm Hezbollah, and continues to undermine Lebanon's independence. And Damascus, the capital of Syria, continues to serve as a center for Palestinian terror groups. ~~~~~~~~~~ After the meeting with Barak, Mitchell took off for Cairo, at the request of Mubarak. This was unexpected, as the Mitchell-Mubarak meeting was scheduled for tomorrow. On the face of it, it seems clear that Mubarak wanted to clarify certain things before Mitchell held further meetings here in Israel. And here you have it: When he first arrived here, Mitchell indicated that "I participated in meetings with several Arab leaders, in which we are urging them to take meaningful steps towards normalization as gestures of their own statements that everyone in the region shares the vision of comprehensive peace..." Today, the tone is different, as Mitchell, returned here, said Arab normalization "will come further down the road in the [peace] process." Amr Moussa, head of the Arab League, who is Egyptian, has declared, after meeting with Mitchell: "...the Arabs will not take any step of normalization as a sacrifice for Israel....There will be no Arab steps before Israel stops its policy of settlement building." Perhaps the meeting with Moussa was Mubarak's real purpose in asking Mitchell to come to Cairo. It's all more than a bit wearisome. We face here the core of the problem in what is called the "Arab-Israeli conflict": the inherent Arab hostility to Israel, and refusal to accept her as a full and sovereign partner in the region. The worst thing, apparently, is to appear "weak" in front of other Arab nations with regard to Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~ I quoted Amnon Lord the other day, who said that something positive that has resulted from the recent situation is a rapprochement between Israel and Egypt. He elaborated, referring to "Egypt and Israel hugging each other tightly in the dark." "In the dark," says it all. Egypt would deny any embrace of Israel clearly IS denying it, as we see with regard to the message delivered to Mitchell. Unless this embrace can happen in the light of the sun, the situation, while perhaps less ominous on some fronts, is far from where it should be. ~~~~~~~~~~ Let us. then, turn our attention for a moment to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who was here earlier today and met with Netanyahu, with whom he discussed several defense and security issues most notably Iran. The intent was to reassure us as Gates said the US and Israel saw "eye-to-eye" on Iran, and that diplomatic engagement with Iran would not be open-ended. But it was also to get us to cool it, with regard to plans to attack Iran, so that American diplomacy would have an opportunity to bear fruit. Here he had no success. Barak, who met with Mitchell after Netanyahu had, told him that we were taking no options off the table. "This is our position. We mean it." ~~~~~~~~~~ Gates indicated that Obama is still hoping that Iran will come to the negotiating table though why he imagines there might be fruitful negotiations with the Iranians totally eludes me and is looking for an answer to them regarding their willingness to talk with the US by September, when the UN convenes again. Hopping over to Amman, Jordan, Gates enlarged upon the US position, saying that if the Iranian response to talks was negative, the next step would be sanctions with a number of punitive measures, possibly to be undertaken simultaneously. Let's hope so. ~~~~~~~~~~ Please see Barry Rubin's latest piece, "Fatah's power structure spells trouble for peace with Israel." Rubin asks: "Why are Fatah's leaders so rarely discussed? Because to do so immediately shows there isn't going to be any comprehensive peace agreement in this generation and that the designation of Fatah as 'moderate' rests on a rather broad definition of that word... "The end of Abbas's career is in sight. There is no conceivable consensus candidate to become head of Fatah, the PA, and/or the PLO. Equally, there's no leadership willing to make any comprehensive peace agreement with Israel. The Palestinian movement's troubles may get much worse. "How can such huge factors be ignored by those many people and governments in the West acting as if a quick resolution of the conflict is both possible and such a high priority?"
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Cpocerl, July 27, 2009. |
This was written by Zahid Hussain, and it appeared in The
Times of London
Murad Ali, one of five schoolboy suicide bombers rescued from a Taliban training camp, looks haggard beyond his 13 years. He was thrilled at first when he was given a gun, but Murad told The Times last week of his ordeal at the hands of the Islamists, who have kidnapped 1,500 children like him to prepare for their fatal missions. Murad was studying in class five in Mingora, the main city in northwest Pakistan's Swat Valley, when the Islamists abducted him and took him to their remote mountain base in Chuprial. Looking drained in his smudged clothes and dirty sandals, he gave a glimpse into the short life that awaits boys who are taken by the Taliban. The next stage of his training included 16 hours a day of physical exercise and psychological indoctrination. "My instructor told me that martyrdom is the biggest reward of Allah," Murad said quietly. Another boy, Abdul Wahab, 15, said that the Taliban lured him to the camp from his studies at a madrassa Islamic school in Mingora. "I was told that it was a religious duty of every Muslim to get training to fight the enemies of Islam," he said. He said that he did not appreciate what he would be asked to do. "I panicked when a few days later I was told that I would be getting training for suicide bombing," he said. The Army believes that between 1,200 to 1,500 boys as young as 11 who were trained in Swat to become suicide bombers were recruited after the Pakistani Government signed a peace deal with the Taliban in February, handing over control of the valley to the militants. The agreement broke down after the Taliban started advancing on Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, which led to a military offensive that has all but driven the militants from the region. The boys were rescued after the Taliban were forced to abandon their camps. Many are still missing, however, having been sold to militants in other areas...The Taliban turned to children as potential suicide bombers because they were impressionable, less likely to be detected, and better able to reach their targets. "They are told that the Pakistani Army has become an enemy of Islam, as it is fighting for Christians and Jews," said a senior official involved in the interrogation of potential suicide bombers who have surrendered or been captured. On the day of a planned attack, the designated suicide bomber is taken to a mosque to be congratulated for being chosen by God. "Sometimes he is also heavily drugged before the attack," the official said. The children were told that they should not allow anyone, even their parents, to get in the way of jihad. "You must not hesitate even to kill your parents if they are on the wrong side," said Kurshid Khan, 14, who was selected for training which could have taken him to South Waziristan. The lawless region bordering Afghanistan is controlled by Baitullah Mehsud, the head of Pakistan's Taliban. Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com |
Posted by Yaacov Levi, July 27, 2009. |
This was written by Yehudah Lev Kay and it appeared in Arutz-7
(IsraelNN.com) Police and IDF forces evacuated 10 youth from the Netzer outpost in Gush Etzion Monday as activists throughout Judea and Samaria began an operation to establish 11 new outposts in defiance of international pressure. At Netzer, which lies between Alon Shvut and Efrat, police and IDF forces came along with the regional commander, Eran Makov, to assure the 10 youth did not go through with their plans to build a structure at the site. "They pushed us around a little bit, cursed at us," said Yair, who was at the evacuation. "But they didn't arrest any of us. We're going back already to build again." At other outposts, the work proceeded more smoothly. Near Ma'ale Michmash, around 30 youth began to build a structure at the new Inbalim outpost, while at Tzuryah, near Avnei Hefetz, organizer Matanya said that hundreds of youth had shown up to build "in defiance of the Americans." The "11" outpost operation was conceived by the Land of Israel Faithful as an answer to international pressure on Israel not to build in Judea and Samaria. It was designed to mirror a similar operation in 1946, when Jewish Zionists built 11 new outposts in the Negev, leading the UN ultimately to recommend that the Negev become part of the Jewish state. The rest of the modern 11 outposts will go up on Tuesday, the second day planned for the operation. In Oz Yonaton, near Kochav Yaakov, Michael said youth would add a second structure alongside the "Obama" hut, which they jokingly named for the U.S. President for "encouraging further settlement in Judea and Samaria." Another new outpost is going up Tuesday near Neriya with the name of Givat Egoz. Youth have inhabited the site for a half a year and police have yet to bother them. They say families are now interested in moving in. "With G-d's help we want to tell the whole world that they cannot tell us what or how to build," said Rachel, the organizer at Givat Egoz. "This is our country, and no one else should interfere." Contact Yaacov Levi at jlevi_us@yahoo.com |
Posted by Olivier Guitta, July 27, 2009. |
A wind of optimism blew over Beirut after the recent general elections won by the pro-Western March 14 bloc in an overall serene atmosphere. Thanks to this, Lebanon has been enjoying so far one of its best tourist seasons in a while. But this might be over soon because of the agenda of extremist elements that have been recently reactivated. The first usual suspect that has been involved in recent incidents is the Shiite militia Hezbollah. The party of God has built over the years a state within a state and has beefed up its military capabilities after the war with Israel over the summer of 2006. Hezbollah can boast a much more robust and sophisticated army than the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) has. According to various reports Hezbollah has rebuilt an arsenal of over 40,000 rockets. And this in clear violation of UN resolution 1701 that was passed at the end of the 2006 war and also under the nose of the UNIFIL forces stationed in the south. This issue came to the fore with a bang: indeed on July 14, an arms cache belonging and "actively maintained" by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon blew up. That is the conclusion of a just released UN report. On July 15, a UN investigative team was prevented to physically investigate the matter by individuals that a recent UN report describes as members of Hezbollah. According to that same report, these individuals were seen hauling boxes from the explosion site and intended to destroy evidence. A few days later 14 soldiers of UNIFIL were wounded after Shiite "demonstrators", that happened to be quite well organized, threw stones at them. Interestingly, Hezbollah maintains that the "demonstrators" were just villagers defending their land. Hezbollah MP Ali Fayyad went as far as criticizing UNIFIL for not respecting the specificity of the villages and private property. Naim Kassem, Hezbollah's number 2, also turned around the situation accusing UNIFIL of having made a mistake by trying to enter a house without coordinating with the Lebanese army. That last remark is quite telling since the LAF composed of about 30% of Shiite elements has been suspected by many analysts of leaking information to Hezbollah. This latest incident is just the tip of the iceberg and Hezbollah's active rearming is worrying numerous Western diplomats. A possible worsening of the situation in southern Lebanon is very much in the cards and even though some believe that Syria has no interest in igniting a fire, Tehran, Hezbollah's other major supporter, might have another view. Shiite extremists are not the only ones that have been in the news in Lebanon recently. Sunni extremists linked to Fatah al Islam, a terror group loosely linked to Al Qaeda and that fought the LAF in Nahr el Bared in 2007, were arrested on July 21 by the LAF. This cell was composed of ten members hailing from various Arab countries and one from Greece. The ringleader, a Syrian national, traveled to six Arab countries in 15 days and his group was planning attacks against UNIFIL and Israel. Interestingly this cell was using a billboard advertising agency as cover to spy on UNIFIL forces and LAF as well. Once again Lebanon is used as a fighting ground for extremists of all kinds. Foreign countries are also very much meddling in domestic affairs. For proof, Saudi Arabia and Syria, respectively the main supporters of the March 14 bloc and the March 8 coalition (that includes Hezbollah, the Shiite Amal and the Christians of General Aoun), have not agreed on the composition of a government and therefore everything is at a standstill. It is high time that the Lebanese people can decide of their fate themselves but unfortunately that is just wishful thinking at this point. Olivier Guitta is an Adjunct Fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a foreign affairs and counterterrorism consultant. You can read his latest work at www.thecroissant.com/about.html |
Posted by Steven Plaut, July 27, 2009. |
This is by Alon ben Shaul and it was published on the IsraCampus website http://www.isracampus.org.il/third%20level%20pages/Editorial %20-%20Alon%20Ben%20Shaul%20-%20Yuri%20Pines.htm |
Yuri Pines is a Hebrew University professor, who wishes all settlers' homes would be destroyed, including that of Lebanon's IDF hero Major Roi Klein, is a self-confessed anti-Zionist. He is disgusted by "Israeli propaganda" that portrayed Palestinians as terrorists. He justifies the Intifada violence and dreams of its success. He is also a supporter of traitor-spy Azmi Bishara. As a soldier he refused to serve in the territories and called students and lecturers to do the same. "An Israeli soldier in the West Bank is a criminal..." he once said. The Ukraine-born lecturer of Early Imperial Chinese History is a member of the Communist Party and even defends China's record of human rights. Many Israelis may still recall Major Roi Klein who saved his soldiers' life by shielding them from a hand-grenade lobbed at them during the second Lebanon war. Many of them were also shocked when they learned that the High Court ruled that his home in the Settlement of Eli, where his widow and two children live, would be demolished, alongside 11 other homes deemed to be built illegally. But when Yuri Pines (his last name is pronounced like the male sex organ), a Jerusalem associate professor of imperial Chinese History, received an email it which he was asked to add his name to a petition against the demolition, he went ballistic. "I hope that not only his house would be destroyed, but also the entire settlement!" And for a good measure he added, "And that the terrorist-settlers will be dispersed into the four corners of the world." He was using the Hebrew term "mitnahablim," which is a coined word that rhymes with "settlers" but means terrorists. One of the students at his department, who distributed the petition but preferred to maintain his anonymity, was outraged. "He is entitled to his views and could erase the email, but we were shocked by a reaction of an academic whose salary is paid by a public institution." Pines himself was unrepentant. He told Ma'ariv: "This is my position. I replied not as a lecturer, but as a person who holds a political opinion. I am in favor of a complete annihilation of the settlements' project and a return to the Green Line. The Hills Youth are my enemies." Pines is proud of his ideological convictions. When he lived in Kiev, the town of his birth, he did not at first believe Soviet propaganda about Israel. But he was quick to change his mind and "adopted anti-Zionist stands" upon his arrival to his parents' adopted new country. In the early 1970's, at the age of 15, he realized that "much of the Soviet criticism was not based on lies, but had a solid background," as he once claimed on a website called "G21." On the other hand, he claims he was "wise enough" not to be brainwashed by Israeli propaganda. "I was and remained heretofore disgusted with official propaganda which portrayed Palestinians as a backward nation incapable of producing anything but coward terrorists." And he went on: "I was even disgusted and astonished by the belief in Jews being the 'chosen people', in the 'eternal Jewish rights' and the need of all Jews to gather in Palestine." In his disgust, the Hebrew University senior lecturer concluded that he must be a member of the worst anti-nationalistic organization in the country and joined the Stalinist Israeli Communist Party. Before he started his military duty he had informed the IDF that he would never serve beyond the Green Line or 1967 border. Pines elaborated: "A French soldier in Algeria, a US soldier in Vietnam, an Israeli soldier in the West Bank or Lebanon may claim that he is serving the country, but in fact he is a criminal, and serves criminal ends." He added that he "would never join forces that shoot demonstrators, and would never perform any other kind of dirty job, such as serving at the checkpoints aimed to prevent Palestinians from moving on to their land..." He obviously does not see any other use for the checkpoints that have foiled so many suicide bombing attempts. "The future of Israel is evidently post-Zionist" As a conscript Pines served six months in military jails and then two more prison terms when he was a reservist. He also refused to participate in the 1982 Lebanon war. He confessed to have demanded longer jail sentences as part of a public opinion stunt, but the IDF avoided the trick and eventually sent him to serve in the Negev, before dropping him from the service role altogether. Pines was a "trouble maker" not only as a soldier, but also as a student. In the 1980's he was twice put on disciplinary probation following his participation in "massive violet protests" and "assaults on security guards," which he organized on Mount Scopus. As a lecturer, he did not miss any opportunity to urge his colleagues and students to follow in his footsteps. He was one of 287 Israeli academics who signed a petition in which they expressed "admiration and support of those of our students and lecturers who refuse to serve as soldiers in the occupied territories." Army service was described by them as "carrying out orders that have no place in a democratic society founded on the sanctity of human life." In other words, the army has nothing to do with preventing Arabs from massacring Jews. In June 2001 he signed a petition in support of arch-traitor Azmi Bishara's infamous speech in Damascus, the same Bishara that expressed his loyalty to the Hizbullah and fled the country following his support of the terror organization during the second Lebanon war. Bishara fed the Hizbullah intelligence information to assist it in shooting rockets at Israeli targets. As a true believer in Bolshevism, Pines accepted unchallenged not only Soviet propaganda, but also the Chinese disinformation. The oppression of Tibet? The persecution of the Falun Gong sect? Human right abuses? Those are all "pure fiction," insists the learned Hebrew University scholar! During the Olympic Games in Beijing last year he wrote an article in Haaretz in which he accused the West of envy. And why? Because China is different, yellow and threatening, above all successful. The critics of China are nothing more but "cynical racists" and "ignoramuses" that spread "half truths" and "unexamined clichés." He even rebuked those who condemn China's assistance of Sudan's actions in Darfur. The real villains are of course the Americans in Iraq and the Israelis in the territories. He adds: "The Americans are white, and therefore are entitled to speak in the name of democracy and Christian compassion. It can not be helped that the Chinese are too different and therefore always guilty." And as for Israel, he has no doubt that its future "is evidently post-Zionist." He believes that it is about time to dismantle the settlements that threaten to cut economic ties with her. All for the "long-term interest of the country." And this is a university professor, promoting Stalinist anti-Zionism, at an Israeli university funded by the Israeli taxpayer... Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Justice for Jonathan Pollard, July 27, 2009. |
![]() Not long after I was sentenced to life in prison for my service to the State of Israel, I was interviewed on "60 Minutes," an American television news program. I was escorted to the interview by 2 NSA agents with my hands and legs bound in chains. A moment before they placed me in front of the cameras, the agents removed my chains. They also tried to remove my kipah from my head, by force. I fought to keep my kipah because it is the consummate symbol of my very being. And the agents fought to take it away because it is the ultimate symbol of my very being. They grabbed my kipah and threw it to the ground, threatening to cancel the interview. Left with no choice, against my will, I submitted to the interview without my beloved kipah. The kipah symbolizes everything we believe in as Jews: a) our eternal devotion to the Holy One Blessed Be He, the one true G-d of Israel; b) our unity and mutual responsibility as B'nai Yisrael, the People of Israel; and c) the indivisibility of the Holy Land of Israel, our eternal gift from the Creator of the World. Similarly, wearing a kipah is a sign of a Jew's acceptance of the sovereign yoke of Heaven. The Holy One Blessed Be He is our Help and our Shield forever. My kipah declares that I fear no man, only G-d. Although I have been abandoned for 24 years by the State which I faithfully served and I have been sorely afflicted by those who keep me captive, "I believe with perfect faith" that "I shall not die; I will live! And I shall tell the deeds of HaShem"! Please pray daily, with all your heart and all your soul, for a full healing and for the immediate release of all of Israel's captives and its MIAs, and we are: Ron ben Batya (Arad)
In Japan:
In the USA:
"And those redeemed by HaShem shall return and will come to Zion rejoicing and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads!" Amain! Ken yihi ratzon!
Posted by Irwin N. Graulich, July 27, 2009. |
Hi. Here is my latest article which has stirring in my soul ever since I saw that despicable sign at The Israeli Day Parade. Thanks. Irwin |
First they deny The Holocaust. Then, when it suits their agenda,
they invoke it. Hard to believe that the above title was a featured
poster/sign which was given a prominent display by The New York City
Police Department who even guarded the demonstrators during the
Israeli Day Parade on Sunday, May 31st, 2009. Here is the actual
Of course we must permit freedom of speech in America. However, where does such freedom end and "screaming 'fire' in a crowded movie theater" begin? Providing these evil protestors with a revered spot on Fifth Avenue and 58th street, where hundreds of thousand of schoolchildren marched by, seems rather outrageous and harmful. Common sense dictates that these radical haters who taunted the parade marchers young and old, with their heinous message, simply be moved one block west. Or is the purpose of the police force to allow and even encourage incitement? Imagine an equally despicable sign about slavery at an African American parade? No way that such a venomous message would be permitted. Polls show that a majority of Palestinian Arabs and quite a large number of Muslims actually agree with such outrageous sentiments about re-opening Auschwitz. We heard these very same chants during the Gaza War protests. But I thought The Holocaust never really happened. Well, you cannot have it both ways, guys. The world must remember that this renewed Nazi-like propaganda is not hyperbole or an isolated incident, but rather, a recurring theme throughout the Arab Muslim media. And by the way, the only reason that the Arab and Muslim world does not indeed follow through on Hitler's dream, is because it cannot. Every time they attempt to confront Israel, they lose more land, more soldiers and more honor. Israel can make minced meat out of the entire Arab world, just like it did in every war against it. That is a military fact. All Arab countries fear Israel and constantly invoke the excuse that, "Well, Israel is the fourth strongest army in the world" which it is. Iran would not dare despite what the skinny little midget with the scruffy beard says daily. In spite of the sick ideologies found on Al Jazeera and heard throughout the rest of radical Muslimania, the world is adamant about Israel giving up most of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. This land grab will accomplish only one goal the creation of a state at Israel's border that advocates genocide against Jews. I mean is that a joke or what? Wake up Obama, Hillary and George Mitchell. Two state solution my tuchess!!!! Russia, France and the EU continue their immoral pressure to stop the natural growth of Jewish settlements. With the Obama Administration now jumping aboard the Auschwitz-Birkenau train, the world is enraged at little ol' Israel for building town houses in the West Bank, although they are not bothered by Palestinians building rockets and weaponry. The new American administration just does not get it. So far, Hillary, Barak and George Mitchell have learned absolutely nothing from the words and treatment of America coming out of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan today. What Obama's Middle East policies have neglected to ascertain from history is that if one dismisses Jew hatred as merely a Jewish problem, which was done in 1939 and from 1948 to the present, we make a terrible mistake which will literally "blow up" in our faces. Had the world acted when the enemies of the Jews bombed Israeli buses, bar mitzvah parties, seders, kindergarten classes and pizza shops, we may not have experienced 9/11, the London subway bombings, a Bali nightclub massacre, the deaths inside the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, the massive train destruction in Madrid, or the recent Mumbai attacks where almost 500 people were murdered or wounded. Naturally, the terrorists carefully sought out the only 6 Jews in the city, out of a population of 14 million. The rhetoric, the hatred and the threats pour out of the West Bank and Gaza. Virtually every Muslim country has produced the most despicable ideas about Jews and Israel in their newspapers, tv stations and radio broadcasts, making the Nazis look like Boy Scouts. Yet the world has conveniently turned a deaf ear on the anti-semitic, anti-Israel sentiments. Getting tough with Israel is the PC thing to do. After all, building neighborhoods where Jewish children learn ethics and Bible is much worse than Arab neighborhoods where children learn to hate and build suicide bombs. If you think the anti-semitic sign in New York was horrendous or the political cartoons comparing Jews to Nazis and monkeys found in the Arab/Muslim media daily are way over the top, then just listen to the actual words of President Abbas. He recently told the Jordanian newspaper Al-Duster: 1) "I am against an armed struggle against Israel because we can't do it. But in the coming stages, things may change." 2) "We reject the proposal of the Jewishness of the state of Israel..." 3) "I was honored to be the one to shoot the first bullet in 1965. We taught everyone what resistance is..." 4) "I don't demand that Hamas recognize Israel." 5)" IDF counter-terrorist operations in Gaza were worse than The Holocaust." Yet the PA/Fatah is considered moderate, while Likud and Netanyahu are somehow considered extremist, thereby positioning Likud and Hamas as morally equivalent extremists. Good trick! How about this truism compared to Hamas, Stalin and the communists were moderates. Hamas is in business for one reason, and one reason only to kill Jews and destroy Israel. That is their raison d'etre. In fact, Likud and Netanyahu are more moderate than any conservative government in the world and yet they are constantly being attacked as far right. The fact remains that the Arabs could have had their own state in 1948, but they were much more interested in destroying the tiny Jewish one. Well boys, you have to pay a price for such attempts. Arab Palestinians have been given innumerable chances by the Jewish Palestinians to create their own state, torn out of biblical Israel yet al Husseini (1947), Arafat (2000) and Abbas (2008) all rejected those overly generous offers in order to attempt another Jewish extermination. Well, there cannot be endless chances. Are you kidding? Three strikes and you're out. Israel left Gaza completely in August, 2005 which included evicting Jews from established neighborhoods that had been built out of desert wasteland. Only two days after the evacuation, every Jewish home and every Jewish greenhouse was totally destroyed by the Palestinians in Gaza because, after all, who wants to touch or look at a Jewish made greenhouse. Gaza proceeded to elect a Hamas government, whose major platform was the destruction of Israel, which led to the immediate launching of rockets against Israeli civilian population centers. Hamas knew that their efforts would ultimately lead to a massive Israeli response, culminating in Operation Cast Lead. The Hamas leadership could not have been more pleased, because their strategy had finally worked. For them, the only thing more prized than dead Jews are dead Palestinians who would be featured on tv and newspapers throughout the world. Al Jazeera and CNN with 24/7 coverage of dead women and children. I mean, how great is that? Imagine the same exact imagery in 1945, showing German women in Dresden sprawled dead amidst the rubble, and babies disfigured burned to a crisp in Hiroshima. Had Ted Turner's cronies been running the media at that time, the world would be speaking German or Japanese today. When will our political leaders realize the significance of a protest sign that calls for another Holocaust? Israel and Jews are a lighting rod that attracts the worst currents in the world. Jewish hatred eventually becomes American hatred which turns into hatred of all Western democracies. Indeed, they are all part of the same evil hate group. Amazingly, those pathetic socialist countries throughout Europe have learned all the wrong lessons from WWII and The Holocaust. Europeans should have learned that one of the most noble human causes is to fight evil. Instead, they learned that fighting is evil. Once again, they chose to follow the wrong sign. Irwin N. Graulich is a motivational speaker on morality, ethics, religion and politics. He can be reached at irwin.graulich@verizon.net |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, July 27, 2009. |
This was written by Penina Taylor and it appeared July 6, 2009 in the
Jerusalem Post
The writer, now the director of Shomrei Emet Institute for Countermissionary Studies and the founder of Torah Life Strategies, spent over 17 years in Christian and Messianic outreach and missions before returning to the Jewish faith. |
I am completely misunderstood. As a countermissionary, people think that it's my goal in life to make people miserable, to persecute poor Christians living in our country and to tell people what they should believe. Nothing could be further from the truth. People think that a countermissionary's raison d'être is to destroy freedom of religion and to create within Israel a state similar to that of the Muslim countries that surround us, where no one has any freedom to believe anything other than those beliefs held by the thugs who hold power. Again, wrong. Some people think I hate Christians. Wrong also. Believe it or not, the purpose of a countermissionary is ultimately to improve Jewish-Christian relations. As it says in Robert Frost's poem, "Mending Wall," good fences make good neighbors. By teaching Jews why we are not Christians and by teaching Christians to respect our boundaries, we improve relations between the two faiths. Blurring the lines between the two faiths doesn't serve to bridge the gap caused by fear and misunderstanding; it weakens Judaism and causes Christians to have less respect for the Jewish people. Breaking down the walls breaks down the distinctiveness and the different callings of each faith system, and only fosters more hatred and fear. The purpose of the countermissionary is to strengthen the Jewish
people and to teach Christians that we have reasons for choosing to
reject their faith. When they can understand and accept this, we can
progress to a level of rejecting their faith without rejecting them
as people, and the two peoples can live side-by-side in mutual
respect and understanding, agreeing to disagree.
WHEN WE say that it should be illegal to proselytize in Israel, we are not saying that a Christian doesn't have the right to believe as he wishes or even to worship God as he sees fit. What we are saying is that a Jew has the right to live in the Jewish state in freedom, without needing to worry about being harassed by someone trying to convince him that his faith is not good enough, that he needs to accept Christianity's concept of God to be able to even have a relationship with God in the first place, or that his child will be convinced to abandon the faith of his forefathers. We are asking the Christian to exercise true friendship. The message
we are sending to our Christian friends is this: The Jewish people
who live here would like to make a request of you. Please don't
proselytize while you are here. If you are truly our friends, you
won't. Why? Because friends are friends with no strings attached. We
understand that your faith and belief system compels you to share
what you believe with all who do not, regardless of their own
personal faith or lack thereof.
WE UNDERSTAND that your Bible instructs you to make it a priority to share your faith with the Jewish people, since Jesus was Jewish. Some even say that because of this they owe the Jews a debt of gratitude. But gratitude is best shown with respect to the person on whom it is being bestowed and not with respect to the giver. Please show us that you respect us by not trying to convince us to change our beliefs. We understand that the reason you feel compelled to share your beliefs with us is that your faith teaches that without a belief in Jesus, no one can have a relationship with God. Please remember that the Jewish faith has always taught about having an intimate relationship with God and it did this thousands of years before Jesus or the New Testament. The vast majority of us are either immigrants or the children and grandchildren of immigrants. We came to this country because we wanted live in a Jewish state. Had we not wanted this, we might have chosen to live elsewhere. Please respect our faith and our feelings and refrain from proselytizing while you are visiting our home. Good fences really do make good neighbors, and countermissionaries really ae misunderstood. We are here to build, not to destroy; to foster greater understanding, not to promote hatred. But we do this only through strengthening Judaism, not by blurring the lines between it and Christianity. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Steven Shamrack, July 27, 2009. |
Land Reform and Land Politics. 1. Shin Bet head Yuval Diskin told a cabinet meeting recently that the Palestinian Authority is working secretly to prevent Jewish organisations from buying property in East Jerusalem. 2. An Egyptian sheikh living in Qatar has given Hamas $21 million to buy buildings in eastern Jerusalem where the outlawed terrorist organisation, as well as the Palestinian Authority, is trying to establish a power base Voting for the recent land reform bill had to be cancell ed in the Knesset on Wednesday as even seven government ministers refused to participate in the vote. Most of the Knesset felt this would hand the country over to private speculators and hostile-to-Israel elements. "Why do we want to sell the holy Land of Israel to become another piece of real estate?" said Zevulun Orlev, Jewish Home MK. Jewish Land in Transjordan. The Israel Land Fund, which has bought land and dozens of houses for Jews in predominantly Arab parts of the Jerusalem area, is now eyeing property once owned by Jews in neighbouring Transjordan. Fund chairman Aryeh King told AFP, "There are thousands of Jewish properties in Jordan which were purchased during the Ottoman era and under the British mandate" adding, "We have records of the ownership." (Transjordan was a part of the Palestinian mandate, which was allocated for the Jewish state Eretz Israel. After the British illegally ceded it to Bedouin refugees from the Saudi peninsula, Jews were forced out!) Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak No news agency has reported that French President Nicolas Sarkozy supported PM Netanyahu's call that Israel is a state for the Jewish people, but most of them wrote that the French President called on Israel to shut down construction on West Bank settlements. Discriminated against in Jordan without International Condemnation. Jordan has begun revoking the Jordanian citizenship of those people defined by officials as Arabs with roots in Judea and Samaria. The new policy robs thousands of residents of the kingdom of civil services. (Maybe it is also time for Israel to revoke the citizenship of Arabs and let them move to Sinai to build their own independent country!) Enemy Recognised the Value of Israeli Self-hating Media. The Prince of Bahrain, Sheik Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, has called on Arab leaders to talk to the Israeli media to facilitate Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. Iron Dom Failed Iran Must be Stopped. Israeli defence officials say three tests in the US of a missile defence system meant to shield Israel from Iranian attack have been aborted over the past week. An upgraded version of the already-deployed Arrow 2 was being tested off the coast of California when communication glitches between the missile and the radar led US defence officials to abort the tests. (The US has been undermining Israel's determination to stop the Iranian nuclear program by promoting a defensive program!) Iran-PA Meeting Fraternization of the Enemies. The Palestinian Authority's top negotiator Saeb Erekat said he had met Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki a week ago in Egypt. He rejected reports that these were the first such talks, saying the two had been meeting since 2006. Short-sighted Appeasement Does not Work. Israel is planning to remove 23 " illegal outposts" from the West Bank in the course of a single day in response to mounting US demands that it halt all settlement activity. Some 1,200 people will be evacuated. (No international outcry against atrocities, which are committed against Jews!) No Crisis. There is no crisis in relations between Israel and the United States, despite a lingering dispute which will be settled " soon" over settlement construction in the West Bank, Israel's new ambassador to Washington announced. (Just damaging to Israel's fake PR campaign, but who cares about the feelings of Jews or the sovereignty of their country! And every little international piglet feels free to dictate to Israel what to do, without any diplomatic sensitivity or restraint!) Lebanon Violating 1701 UN is Silent. Israel accused Lebanon of violating United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 on Tuesday after the explosion of a Hizbullah arms cache hidden inside a southern Lebanese town. The blast occurred inside the village of Hirbet Selm, some 20 kilometres north of the Israel-Lebanon border. The cache contained dozens of 122mm Katyusha rockets as well as high-powered machine guns." This is a major violation of resolution 1701," one official said. "The weaponry was stored inside a village and is proof of our long-standing claim that Iizbullah uses civilian infrastructure to hide its weaponry." What Economic Crisis? The United States has promised $30 million to rebuild the Palestinian camp of Nahr el-Bared in the north of Lebanon. And the United States will transfer $200 million to the PA to help it cover its budget crisis. (The US has no funds to fix its own infrastructure and health system, but money is always available for sustaining the fake refugees. Why aren't the US tax-payers asking why?) What Peace Process? Almost 50% of Palestinians believe that neither the Fatah nor Hamas is interested in signing a reconciliation accord, according to a study done by the university of Nablus, published by the PA. Quote of the Week: "There is conclusive historical and archaeological evidence that there has been an unbroken Jewish presence in Jerusalem since 438 CE, 200 years before the Arab conquest in 638 C E. The Jewish claim, therefore, is not based on biblical and historical rights alone. Jews have always been permanent residents of the Old City, and since 1820, the Jews constituted the largest single community there." Rev. Douglas Young, statement by Evangelical Christians in 1971 Before the age of phony political correctness even the adversaries of Jews admitted the truth. Today they are all silent! International Law and IDF's Military Practice. Col. Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, told a conference in Jerusalem on June 18, 2009: The battlefield in any kind of war is a place of confusion and chaos, of fast-moving action. In the type of conflict that the Israeli Defense Forces recently fought in Gaza and in Lebanon, and Britain and America are still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, these age-old confusions and complexities are made one hundred times worse by the fighting policies and techniques of the enemy. Islamist fighting groups study the international laws of armed conflict carefully and they understand it well. They know that a British or Israeli commander and his men are bound by international law and the rules of engagement that flow from it. They then do their utmost to exploit what they view as one of their enemy 's main weaknesses. Their very modus operandi is built on the correct assumption that Western armies will normally abide by the rules, while these insurgents employ a deliberate policy of operating consistently outside international law. Civilians and their property are routinely exploited by these groups, in deliberate and flagrant violation of international laws or reasonable norms of civilised behaviour. Protected buildings, mosques, schools, and hospitals are used as strongholds. Legal and proportional responses by a Western army will be deliberately exploited and manipulated in order to produce international outcry and condemnation. Hamas' military capability was deliberately positioned behind the human shield of the civilian population. They also ordered, forced when necessary, men, women and children from their own population to stay put in places they knew were about to be attacked by the IDF. Israel was fighting an enemy that is deliberately trying to sacrifice their own people, deliberately trying to lure you into killing their own innocent civilians. And Hamas, like Hizbullah, is also highly expert at driving the media agenda. They will always have people ready to give interviews condemning Israeli forces for war crimes. They are adept at staging and distorting incidents. When possible the IDF gave at least four hours' notice to civilians to leave areas targeted for attack. The IDF dropped over 900,000 leaflets warning the population of impending attacks to allow them to leave designated areas. The IDF phoned over 30,000 Palestinian households in Gaza, urging them in Arabic to leave homes where Hamas might have stashed weapons or be preparing to fight. Many attack helicopter missions that could have taken out Hamas military capability were cancelled if there was too great a risk of civilian casualties in the area. During the conflict, the IDF allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza, even though delivering aid virtually into your enemy 's hands is to the military tactician normally quite unthinkable. By taking these actions the IDF did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare. Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has been publishing an Internet editorial letter about the Arab-Israel conflict since August 2001 and has a website www.shamrak.com. He can be reached by email at StevenShamrak@gmail.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 27, 2009. |
EUROPE'S ROLE IN THE "PEACE PROCESS" Overshadowed in the so-called "peace process" by the US, Europe is trying to regain the limelight by sponsoring official visits and conferences. One in June-July is designated for examining Europe's role. But the conferences do not examine its role. We shall. Europe subsidizes radical NGOs that contradict their stated beneficial or benign goals by invalid Israel-bashing in behalf of the Arab and Durban agendas. These agendas defame Israel as committing apartheid and war crimes. Their purpose is to use those war cries to rope people into ostracizing Israel. Those NGOs will utter whatever would motivate people, true or not. During the Oslo process, Europe turned large sums of money over to Arafat, mistaking him for a moderate. He divided the bounty mostly between foreign bank accounts and terrorism [and hiring people in order to coopt allegiance]. Now, Europe finances "lawfare" against Israeli officials. This is a kind of dirty warfare by judiciary. Thus the current case in Spain by the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, is funded by the European Commission, Norway, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and other governments. The EU claims that it finances political NGOs in Israel just for specific projects. Actually, Europeans finance almost the whole operation of those NGOs. These NGOs, such as B'Tselem, Yesh Din, Machsom Watch, Bimkom, Ir Amim, Adalah, and Mossawa, seek to overturn government policies. Rather than "strengthening the forces of moderation," they promote anti-Israel boycotts, proposals to combine Israel with the Palestinian Authority (P.A.), thereby eradicating Jewish sovereignty if not the Jewish people, and "submitting tendentious claims to UN committees." What should the conferences discuss: "How does this happen? Who guides these decisions? Why are European government funds for NGOs used to undermine compromise, mutual acceptance and the two-state solution that Europe claims to support?" [Not that P.A. statehood would be a solution.] If the EU wanted to monitor the NGOs, it is not setup to. "...there is no coordinator or central data source. European transparency regulations are ignored in this area, and no records or protocols are available for NGO allocations under European Commission programs. The names and possible conflicts of interests of the policy-makers are hidden from public scrutiny. Evaluation processes, if any, are secret, making it difficult to explore constructive changes. The E.U. tries not to have its role evaluated. It rejects calls for revaluation. It imposes gag rules or censors documents" (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/29 from Gerald Steinberg, Director of NGO Monitor, in Jerusalem Post). How much of a subversive Israeli Left would there be, without foreign subsidy? How much would that Left be able to give the false impression that they speak for many Israelis? Israelis have found the Left wanting. But the leftist elite is entrenched in the levers of society. U.S. DIPLOMACY RETARDS ARAB REFORMS? U.S. badgering of Israel for concessions to the Arabs gives the Arabs an excuse for postponing further pre-existing commitments. They say they are waiting for Israel to comply. They enjoy U.S. hectoring of Israel (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/29). Worse, the Arabs harden their negotiating position. Now, Abbas refuses to negotiate unless Israel agrees to a complete building freeze in the Territories and in Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority never has met any significant obligation, nor does it offer to freeze its own building. One hears indignant leftist, media, or foreign governmental demands that Israel negotiate with the P.A.. PM Netanyahu said he is willing to, without pre-conditions. The P.A. has pre-conditions. Why isn't that indignation directed against the P.A., for demanding rather than negotiating? The problem is not lack of negotiations but belligerent Arab intent. The Saudi initiative comprises surrender terms, designed to preclude Israeli survival. NEW ISRAELI TACTIC AGAINST ZIONISM? The government offers to transfer outpost residents into new houses to be built deeper inside older municipalities. Residents decline the offer, perceiving it as a first deceptive step in major Israeli withdrawal. They met all the conditions of legality, just needing a government signature as a formality. The government procrastinates and delays signing final approval. That does not warrant indignation for those residents as being in "illegal" communities or outposts. They went through the proper procedure, which included permission to build. Indignation should be turned against a procrastinating, hostile government. The Migron outpost has a problem. Its 43 families live on a hilltop overlooking the highway to Jerusalem. That is strategically important to national security. Nevertheless, the government threatens to tear it down. "Residents of Migron emphasize that though some of the land on which Migron was founded is officially listed as Arab-owned, these Arabs had never come forward to make their claim, nor had they ever cultivated these lands until Peace Now sought them out and encouraged them to do so." This led to a court suit (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/29). In that area, land ownership is complex. Some owners didn't register their property, usually for tax evasion. They may have had proxies feign ownership. Cultivation of state land may enable squatters to claim state land legally. Arabs plant or herd livestock on land owned by Jews, then claim the land for themselves. These issues require careful adjudication, not pre-formed opinions. EXCLUSIVE REPORT ON NETANYAHU'S ANTI-ZIONISM A personal source in Israel informed me of an issue and a rally for it not covered by the media. PM Netanyahu is putting land owned by the Jewish National Fund up for sale to the highest bidder. Apparently he did not announce any restrictions on the sale. This means that S. Arabia or its proxies could bid the highest and end up owning much of the land in Israel. Think of the implications for the Jewish state, then! In protest, a rally was called by both the Left and the Right. Many Israeli leftists live on land owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) or enjoy adjoining JNF parks. They don't want it bought out from under them. Right-wingers at the rally found no sympathy from the left-wingers over their living on state land in Judea-Samaria, that might be taken away from them. There wasn't much unity on this issue. In disunity, there is weakness. Each side gets picked off separately. For the Left, the matter was more self-interest than national interest. They care more about retaining their residences, than about alienating parts of the Land of Israel and putting it into enemy hands. In a prescient statement, Rabbi Kahane once said, "If you take Torah out of Zionism, you end up with Dizengoff." He was referring to Dizengoff Square, frequented by secularist Jews who lack Jewish education and a drive for national self-preservation. [The secularist domination of Western Europe is bringing the same self-centeredness and defeatism about defending its own civilization from barbarism.] Netanyahu is said to be making the sale for money. I don't think so. His sale conforms to the leftist ideology expressed in leftist ideological Israeli Court rulings. That ideology is a multiculturalism that supports the culture of an enemy seeking to destroy Jewish sovereignty the Jewish people, and therefore Jewish culture. What a misguided ideology that would invite mass-murder! I believe that this sale is one of Netanyahu's surreptitious anti-Zionist tactics. Another tactic is his compromise proposal to the U.S. to freeze most building in Judea-Samaria, when Israel is not obliged to freeze anything and cannot make peace if land there is held by the enemy. Netanyahu should tell other countries to keep out of Israel's affairs, their obvious hostility giving them no standing. Another objection to the sale is ethical. This land was bought by the Jewish people I remember the little white collection cans with a blue Star of David. They bought it for Jewish national development, not for the Arabs who even before statehood used terrorism to try to drive Jews out. Large tracts took large sums and brokers skilled at overcoming anti-Jewish restrictions. Most Jews were poor, so the sums had to be accumulated collectively. JNF land belongs to the Jewish people and is not at the disposal of the State except by chicanery. Netanyahu is engaging in land theft. Netanyahu's land sale program is as foolish and fraudulent as the so-called two-state solution. The "two-state solution" proposes an Arab state purged of Jews, and a Jewish state leaving in the million Arabs. If anything is a double standard, that is. Ethnic cleansing is a strange program for the liberals who propose it. The program to sell off JNF land arises from the liberal concept of a state for all its citizens. That is liberalism carried to an extreme. If Israel were a large country at peace, it might make ethical sense. Not being large, encouraging the growth of another nationality within can prevent the Jewish national development for which the Jewish state was reconstituted. Besieged by belligerent Arabs and support without, and subverted by Arabs within and the radical NGOs subsidized by the EU, it is folly to encourage the growth of a vengeful and irredentist nationality. Strengthening the Muslims, who have threatened genocide, is far from ethical. It is suicidal. Does liberalism now stand for Jewish national suicide and physical mass-murder? The sales plan is fraudulent liberalism. Being clever, Netanyahu must know it. Then he must either be anti-Zionist, regardless of his misleading rhetoric and his pejorative label of "hardliner," or he succumbs under pressure. Some hardliner! ISRAELI ARAB SHOPPERS FLOCK TO JENIN Israeli Arabs are flocking to shops in the Palestinian Authority (P.A.), including Jenin, now that Israel has removed many checkpoints. They are boosting the P.A. economy, whose wares are cheaper. The U.S. sought this boost. The shift has dampened the Israeli Arab economy, especially in Jerusalem (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/29). Removing the roadblock to Jericho may let the casino there go back into business. It had been siphoning off Israelis' money the P.A. doesn't let its own people gamble there for the benefit of P.A. officials and Israeli partners, including Israeli officials who were supposed to be negotiating in behalf of Israel but looked out for their investment in the casino. Boosting an enemy economy at the expense of one's own seems like a poor way to defend against an enemy dedicated to exterminating one's own people. PM Netanyahu claims that this would prepare the P.A. for peace. No evidence offered for such a risky step. Equally bitter foes in S. Arabia and Kuwait have richer economies. Then what does the economy have to do with their jihad, which is based on their radical view of religion and uses their wealth in its behalf? (Incidentally, the media likes to call the Saudi View "conservative," but its view is covered more precisely by the new term, "Radical Islam." ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE LIMITS When Saddam started a war on Iran, Israeli military intelligence estimated that his forces would overrun Iran's within a couple of weeks. The war lasted eight years, ending in a ceasefire. Such are the limits of military intelligence. Dr. Aaron Lerner points out that similar over-confidence could prompt Israel to cede more strategic depth in return for defense technology http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/29, by Shlomo Gazit, former head of military intelligence) of transitory value. Israel also was caught by surprise in 1973 and had under-estimated Egypt's power to cross the Suez Canal. Better to prepare for the worst. Thus prepared, one can always handle better scenarios. U.S. GRANTING SCHOLARSHIPS TO PALESTINIAN ARABS The U.S. is granting scholarships to Palestinian Arabs so they can learn to help build a state (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/29). They may study how to help destroy the Jewish state, which is the main goal of the Palestinian Authority. That is why they studied bomb-making at an Arab college in Jerusalem. A Lighter Touch: Foreign Affairs Quarterly raises the question of the future of the free market system. That's what they call our economic system, in which government demanded that businesses issue sub-prime mortgages, and businesses expect government subsidies, government insurance, government bail-out, and government military purchases by congressional district. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Arutz-Sheva, July 27, 2009. |
The move to Yesha and Jerusalem continues to outstrip growth elsewhere and is a further obstacle to US policy that "settlements are illegitimate." This is called "600,000 Jews in Yesha, Eastern Jerusalem Stymie US Plans" and was written by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu. |
There are now more than 600,000 Jews living in Yesha (Judea and Samaria) and eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem that were restored to the Jewish State in the Six-Day War in 1967 but which the United States never has recognized as part of Israel. The Obama administration, continuing a change that began last when Condoleezza Rice was Secretary of State, has labeled the neighborhoods, such as Har Homa and Gilo, as "settlements." The number of Jews living in Judea and Samaria alone has crossed 300,000, and the growth rate by the end of the year is likely to reach five percent or more, creating an obstacle to U.S. President Barack Obama's campaign against the communities as "illegitimate." Most of the growth has come in cities, such as Modi'in and Beitar Illit, which generally are lumped with smaller towns and hilltop outposts as "settlements." The figures, issued by the Civil Administration, do not include residents of several outposts. The growth rate in Judea and Samaria, known as Yesha, was 2.3 percent for the first six months of the year, according to the report. However, the growth rate by the end of the year may be more than twice as much because of a traditionally large increase in home sales and rentals during the summer vacation. The move to Judea and Samaria probably would be higher, but American-imposed building restrictions have prevented people from building their own houses. Real estate agents have reported that prices for the remaining empty houses have soared as people race to move into the remaining supply of housing. More Jews also are moving into eastern Jerusalem, where the U.S. has concentrated efforts to impose a building freeze. Approximately 300 families, most of them with several children, are living in several neighborhoods, some of them where Jews owned homes nearly 100 years ago but were expelled by the British during Arab pogroms in the period of the British Mandate. Hundreds of other families were forced to leave the Old City when it fell during the War of Independence in 1948. National Union party chairman MK Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh) responded to the Civil Administration statistics by calling on every Jewish family to "give birth to an additional child this year as a Zionist response to the decrees of Barack Hussein Obama." Comment on this story |
Posted by Batya Medad, July 27, 2009. |
I've been asked by a number of people if I'll be at that demonstration against United States interference in Israeli affairs. No, I won't be there. It's not that I'm in favor of America butting in, giving us orders. G-d forbid. Simply, I don't put the blame on America. Israel just has to say: "No!" Tell the American envoys, ministers, ambassadors etc that we don't have time to talk. I'm willing to demonstrate by the Israeli Prime Minister's Residence and remind him that he was empowered (there's no direct election for PM) by the Israeli citizens to be Israel's Prime Minister, not Obama's "poodle." Especially having been raised and educated in the United States, I have no doubt, no doubt at all that America would cut out the pressure if we sent them packing. The American government has enough trouble with a sinking economy, health care issues and Iraq. They wouldn't fight us if they saw they would lose. Our security is up to us! When we do the right thing, G-d will give us more strength. If we act weak and tired, it will be a self-fulfilling prophesy. Batya Batya Medad lives in Shiloh.
She can be reached by email at
Shilohmuse@yahoo.com or visit her website
Posted by Dr. Salem, July 26, 2009. |
Obama better start thinking about the next election, because if this is any sign, he has already lost it.
And Israel may be the easiest of all the nasty problems that he has to deal with.
'50 million US Christians back Israel' This below is by
Sam Greenberg, Jerusalem Post correspondent, and it appeared
in The Jerusalem Post.
WASHINGTON Christian supporters of Israel who gathered in Washington last week did not just sit through policy briefings and lobbying sessions; they danced the hora, blew a shofar, sang Hatikva and celebrated all that they love about Israel. Pastor John Hagee Whether repeatedly standing up to cheer for speakers or dancing to Israeli tunes, the over 4,000 animated attendees of the fourth annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Washington conference made their passion for the State of Israel absolutely clear. For two days, the participants learned about Israel, its history, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, how to effectively defend Israel, what America's government should do, how to deal with Iran and how to lobby elected officials. On Wednesday participants met with their elected officials in Congress to voice their support for Israel. "We're here to tell you and the people of Israel that there are 50 million Christians in this nation who support you and the State of Israel," said CUFI founder John Hagee to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who joined the conference via satellite. "Your unwavering friendship strengthens us," said Netanyahu, noting that CUFI is helping open a new chapter in Jewish-Christian relations. Within the Jewish community, there has been disagreement over how to deal with this vocal support. The most common concerns expressed are that CUFI supports Israel in order to bring about Jesus's "second coming"; that the organization is too right-wing politically and that allying with a group with controversial views on a range of other issues might hurt the community. In response to The Israel Project's Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi's decision to speak at the CUFI conference, left-wing Israel advocate J Street, on its blog, asked, "Does allying the pro-Israel community further with Pastor John Hagee by appearing at his conference hurt or help [Israel's cause]?" Laszlo Mizrahi said that in her quest to form an effective Israel coalition, she does not rule out allies because of their views on other issues. "The fact that I am speaking at a CUFI event doesn't mean that I endorse every thought all their leaders ever had," she said in an e-mail, echoing the sentiments of other Jewish organizations who cooperate with CUFI on Israel advocacy while setting aside other differences. For their part, CUFI agrees that groups should join it in support of Israel, even of their views on other issues do not line up. Leaders did make clear, however, that CUFI has no conversion goals. As for the "end of days" theory, Western Regional Coordinator Randy Neal said that while some people do believe that the second coming will occur when all the Jews inhabit the land of Israel, "That's not what drives us." "What drives us is the biblical mandate to stand with Israel and the Jewish people," said Neal. Speakers at the conference also acknowledged that the Jewish community is justified in being initially skeptical of Christians suddenly forming a strong coalition in support of Israel. "Christians have brought it on themselves," said Florida Director Pastor Scott Thomas, referencing historical Christian violence towards Jews. Founded in 2006, CUFI now claims over 220,000 followers throughout the US. Recurring themes brought up by most of the conference speakers were the many aspects of Israel's right to exist and expand, a sense that the Obama administration was unfairly pressuring Israel to stop expanding and an urgent need to address Iran. Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, joined in criticizing Obama's Middle East policy. He said he did not believe in Obama's theory that sowing some discord between America and Israel will give America legitimacy to negotiate with Arab states. While CUFI is still confident of its ability to advocate for Israel under the Obama administration and a heavily Democratic Congress, some experts and CUFI leaders expressed concerns that with the current political climate, advocating CUFI's position might become slightly more difficult. However, there was no doubt that Congress remains a strong ally of Israel. "Support for Israel in America I think has been so strong largely because Americans have been so pro-Israel, and we dare not let that erode," CUFI Executive Director David Brog said. To continue advocating for Israel, CUFI's newest frontiers are establishing CUFI chapters on college campuses and pioneering the first CUFI trip to Poland and Israel, to take place this year. "We want to broaden our base in three ways: We want to broaden it theologically, demographically, and politically," Brog said. At the Night to Honor Israel, Sen. Joseph Lieberman was given the Defender of Israel Award. "This [convention] is a miracle," said Lieberman, who has previously spoken at the conference. "It is all of you... who are the most important defenders of Israel." Ambassador to the US Michael Oren and Tourism Minister Stas Meseznikov expressed similar sentiments in their remarks. Israel is also trying to reach out to the Christian community, establishing the Prime Minister's Task Force on Global Christian Relationships, on which Hagee will serve. Contact Drsalem@drsalemsmiles.coom |
Posted by Susana K-M, July 26, 2009. | |
Netanyahu Tells Obama All Of Jerusalem Is Open To Jews President Obama's campaign to take control of Jerusalem from the State of Israel intensified over the weekend. Michael Oren, Israel's Ambassador to the United States was summoned by the Obama administration and told that Israel must stop building in Jerusalem Jewish homes in what is wrongfully called East Jerusalem. The administration disturbed the Jewish Sabbath to deliver this order because the lame duck President of the Palestinian Authority had asked them to stop Jewish people from moving into parts of Jerusalem. In the past, Israel would respond to an American request like this with quiet acquiescence. But this time, Israel's Prime Minister, speaking on behalf of his coalition and his country set down a new course for relations between Israel and the United States of Barak Obama. Netanyahu said, "There is no prohibition against Arab residents buying apartments in the west of the city and there is no prohibition barring the city's Jewish residents from buying or building in the east of the city. That is the policy of an open city that is not divided." He continued,"We cannot accept the notion that Jews will not have the right to buy apartments specifically in Jerusalem. I can only imagine what would happen if they were forbidden from purchasing apartments in New York or London: there would be an international outcry. This has always been Israel's policy and this is the policy of the current government." Netanyahu also stated that Jerusalem is the "unified capital of the Jewish people, and sovereignty over it is indisputable." We applaud Netanyahu and his government for setting the record straight. Send the Prime Minister an email supporting him in this decision. While we have been warning that Obama would move against Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem we are saddened that he has taken this course. Once again we urge you get as many people as you can to sign the united Jerusalem petition. It is the best way to keep informed about the battle for Jerusalem and to learn about ways you can help defend the capital of the Jewish people. Below: in One Jerusalem, Obama Clarifies: Israel Is The Problem Not The Palestinians
| |
President Obama invited a very select group of Jewish leaders to the White House. Like all his events, Obama made sure that his supporters dominated the room. Flanked by staffers Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod, Obama overloaded the guest list with left leaning American Jews. Groups like Peace Now, The National Jewish Democrat Council, and J Street, all of whom oppose the the elected government of Benjamin Netanyahu, were included among the typical "major Jewish organizations." Obama made sure that groups supporting the right wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu were a distinct minority. From a few published reports and other sources, One Jerusalem has pieced together a picture of what took place at this meeting. In short, Obama made it clear that he feels Israel must be pushed to make a deal with the Palestinians which means that Obama is planning to force Israel to compromise on Jerusalem, settlements, the West Bank, and possibly the right of return. He will not be dissuaded by facts on the ground (more on this later), and he sees a moral equivalency between the plight of the Palestinians and the needs of the State of Israel. When Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Major Organizations made the case that progress on the Palestinian front comes when there is "no daylight" between the policies of the United States and Israel, Obama responded that despite overwhelming support by President Bush no progress was made. When Hoenlein pointed out that under Bush, Israel took the momentous step of withdrawing from Gaza (One Jerusalem opposed this action) and previously under other friendly Administrations went the extra mile, like adopting The Road Map, Obama refused to let these facts change his mind. Our friend Rick Richman
But Obama reiterated his commitment to forcing Israel to give Palestinians what they want. In other words he does not want to be deterred from his prejudices by the facts. One Jerusalem has been warning Israel's supporters that the Obama Administration is dead set on using all its power to force Israel to capitulate even if it means dividing Jerusalem and weakening its defenses. We must continue to recruit people in the campaign to defend Israel and Jerusalem. Signing our Jerusalem petition is a sure fire way to stay informed about important news that you will probably not get anywhere else and to learn insider analysis. As Obama's troubles at home multiply, look for him to show
leadership by beating up on Israel. We need to be prepared to fight
Contact Susana K-M at suanema@gmail.com
Posted by Hillel Fendel, July 26, 2009. |
Tracking Illegal Bedouin Outposts |
Dozens of nationalist activists made their way to the Bedouin city of Rahat in the Negev on Sunday, with the goal of documenting the rampant illegal construction there and demanding that the government put a stop to it. Rahat, population 44,000, is located north of Be'er Sheva and Ofakim the only Bedouin community in Israel to have city status. Hundreds of local Israeli-Arab residents warned the Jews not to arrive in the city, threatening to throw rocks and shoes. In at least one case broadcast on Army Radio, a Bedouin resident said that activist Baruch Marzel would receive a "bullet in the head" if he arrives. The march was headed by MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari (National Union), Marzel, and Itamar Ben-Gvir of Hevron. The police managed to create a large buffer zone between the Jews and Bedouin, who flew black flags, chanted "Death to Marzel," and threw rocks. No one was hurt other than one policeman who was hit by a rock. MK Ben-Ari said, "We are here to direct the spotlights of Israel at one of our worst failures in recent years. Instead of taking care of this major land theft and rampant law-breaking, the authorities prefer to hide their head in the sand and ignore what's going on. Beinish is busy trying to destroy [fallen Lebanon war he Roi Klein's house [in an outpost in Eli in Shomro as well as homes in Haresha that were lawfully built and that Defense Minister Ehud Barak refuses to approve! Here in the Negev there are thousands of illegal outposts and a complete takeover of land, and no one says a word. We want the lights of the law to shine here as well." Ben-Gvir made the following announcement on the bus traveling to Rahat: "We are going to Rahat as a tracking team to check the illegal construction in Rahat. Unfortunately, the rule of law in Rahat is in danger. We feel the severity of the ongoing illegal Bedouin construction in the south, and we are coming to tell them that they are not in charge. Whoever has cameras, we ask that you please document what you see, and we will use these photos, as well as other evidence collected by others in Rahat and all over the south, to flood the Supreme Court with a series of petitions against illegal construction and lawbreakers." 170,000 and Growing The Bedouin population in the Negev is estimated at close to 170,000 and growing. Half of them live in Rahat and six other towns that were built for them, and the remainder live throughout the Negev in various illegal encampments. Hillel Fendel is Senior News Editor for Arutz-Sheva (www.Israel National News.com). |
Posted by Yehudah Lev Kay, July 26, 2009. |
Nationalist activists in Judea and Samaria (Yesha) plan on establishing 11 new outposts on Monday and Tuesday this week. They say the move is in defiance of international pressure to freeze construction in Yesha, and hearkens to Zionist history in 1946, when Jews set up 11 outposts in the Negev in defiance of the British Mandate. "The nations of the world don't want us here," say flyers publicizing the 11 new outposts. "We will answer by strengthening our ties to the Land of Israel and building new communities." The flyers urge activists to participate in founding the new neighborhoods. The 11 new neighborhoods are to be established as follows: Inbalim (Bells) next to Maaleh Michmash in Binyamin "We call on the entire public to come and support the new communities," said Daphna Ronen, a member of the Land of Israel Faithful, which is organizing the new outposts. "We are sending a strong message to the people of Israel and the people of the world that we love the land and we are here to stay." The 11 outposts are meant to mirror the 11 Negev communities Zionist activists set up in 1946 in defiance of the British Mandate, which had recommended earlier in the year that most of the Negev be partitioned to an Arab state. Overnight, the activists managed to change the situation on the ground in the Negev, and the UN ultimately recommended in 1948 that the Negev be included as part of the Jewish state. Most of the 11 are now flourishing communities. "Just as then, so it is now," the flyer reads. "Building new communities throughout Judea and Samaria is the only way we can return the State of Israel to being independent, flourishing and growing, protect our national interests, and stand up to international pressure." Yehudah Lev Kay writes for Arutz-7 (www.Israelnn.com). |
Posted by Cpocerl, July 26, 2009. |
This article below is entitled "PM must learn from past leaders, defy
US Administration"
and it was written by Yoram Ettinger. It appeared as an
opinion piece in Ynet News
http://www.ynetnews.com/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/ CdaArticlePrintPreview/1,2506,L-3750386,00.html |
Twenty five towns in the United States, from Massachusetts to Oregon, bear the name of Jerusalem Salem. This is a reflection of the unique bonds that exist between the USA since the 17th century Pilgrims and the Founding Fathers and the Jewish capital, land, history and religion. The US Congress the most authentic representative of the American People has passed a series of bills and resolutions reaffirming the role of Jerusalem as the indivisible capital of the Jewish State and the appropriate site for the US embassy in Israel. US constituents and their representatives on Capitol Hill are aware that 3,000 years before President Obama entered the White House, and 2,770 years before the US gained its independence, King David entered the City of Jerusalem the Heart of the Jewish People. However, notwithstanding his speech at the 2009 AIPAC Conference, Obama wishes to repartition Jerusalem, to prohibit free Jewish construction and entice Arab construction there. Obama does not recognize pre-1967 Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish State. In 1949, at the end of the War of Independence, the US Administration, Europe and the UN exerted brutal pressure on Prime Minister Ben Gurion to refrain from declaring Jerusalem as the capital, to accept the internationalization of the city, and to abstain from establishing facts on the ground. They also leaned on Israel to "end the occupation of the Negev" and absorb and compensate the 1948 Arab refugees. Ben Gurion's response was immediate and appropriate. He declared Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish State, relocated government departments and agencies to Jerusalem, expanded construction all the way to the ceasefire lines, directed a massive number of Olim (immigrants) to Jerusalem and upgraded the transportation infrastructure to the city. Ben Gurion's determination and defiance clarified to the US that neither Jerusalem nor the Negev was subject to negotiation. It accorded Jerusalem the space required for security and development for the next generation. In 1967, the US Administration and the international community threatened Prime Minister Eshkol that the reunification of Jerusalem, and any construction beyond the 1949 ceasefire line, would undermine severely Israel's global standing. Eshkol replied firmly by annexing the Old City, the eastern suburbs and substantial land reserves and built the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood (beyond the ceasefire lines.) In 1970-1972, Prime Minister Golda Meir defied the (Secretary of State) Rogers Plan, which called for Israel's retreat to the pre-1967 lines and for the transfer of the Old City to the auspices of the three religions. She laid the groundwork for a series of satellite neighborhoods around Jerusalem (beyond the "Green Line"): Neve Ya'akov, Gilo, Ramot Alon and French Hill. These neighborhoods provided Jerusalem with the land required for development until today. Dramatic expansion needed In 2009, President Obama is exerting psychological pressure on Israel to repartition Jerusalem, which would rob the city of essential land reserves. This land constitutes the prerequisite for the dramatic enhancement of Jerusalem's transportation, residential and industrial infrastructures, which are critical for the transformation of Jerusalem from a city of net Jewish emigration to a city of net Jewish immigration. An appropriate fast-track-response to Obama which would be aimed at attracting entrepreneurs, job-creation, affordable housing, as well as providing Jerusalem with the developmental space for future generations should include:
Such dramatic enhancement of infrastructure requires an equally dramatic expansion of Jerusalem's city limit: eastward to the Dead Sea, Herodion and Mt. Ba'al Hazor, westward to Modi'in and Kirayt Sefer and southward to Beitar Ilit and Gush Etzion. The battle over Jerusalem necessitates that the Jewish State join forces with the US public and its representatives in the House and Senate. This is the time to resurrect the 1999 initiative which was co-sponsored by 84 Senators to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem. This is the time to encourage Israel's friends on the Hill, and especially the Chairmen of the Congressional and Senatorial campaign committees, to revisit bills and resolutions, which highlighted Jerusalem's indivisibility as the capital of Israel. Jerusalem's growth requires as it did during Ben Gurion's, Eshkol's and Golda's terms a defiance of the US Administration. On the other hand, succumbing to Obama's pressure would exacerbate Jewish emigration from Jerusalem, subjecting the Jewish capital to its worst security and demographic threats since 1967. Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com |
Posted by CPocerl, July 26, 2009. |
Islamist apologists insist Islam is a religion of peace...is it a kind and forgiving religion for this 8-year old girl? And how is this not child abandonment? Time for some pro-active legislation in Arizona! This is a AFP news item about a gang rape by young boys of an 8-year old girl in Phoenix, Arizona's Liberian community. |
One of four boys charged with raping an eight-year-old Muslim girl in Arizona last week will be prosecuted as an adult. The details of the case have shocked local officials and provoked outrage across the United States after the parents of the young victim disowned her on grounds she had "shamed" her family. Officers responding to screams from an empty shed in an apartment complex on July 16 found the partially-clothed girl and four boys aged 9 to 14 running away. The four boys had lured the girl into the shed with chewing gum. They held her down and took turns raping her for about 10 to 15 minutes, according to Phoenix police. The girl's parents shocked officers when they said she had brought shame to the family and did not want her back. "This is a deeply disturbing case that has gripped our community," Maricopa County lawyer Andrew Thomas said. "Our office will seek justice for the young victim in this heartrending situation." The girl is now in the custody of Arizona Child Protective Services. No charges will be filed against the parents, police said. "They didn't abandon the child," Phoenix police sergeant Andy Hill said. "They committed no crime. They just didn't support the child, which led to CPS coming over there." The oldest boy, a 14 year-old, will be tried as an adult on charges of kidnapping and sexual assault. The other three boys aged 9, 10, and 13 were charged as juveniles with sexual assault and kidnapping. "We've had young people who have been victims of sexual assault, but the thing that distinguishes this is the age of the victim, the age of the suspects and the response of the parents," Sergeant Hill said. More information at
Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com |
Posted by Steven Plaut, July 26, 2009. |
"Affirmative Action" at the University of Haifa: Supervisor of the Tantora Massacre Fabrication Affair promoted to Full Professor The University of Haifa just decided to promote Prof. Kais Firro to
the rank of full professor, despite the fact that Firro has very few
academic publications to his record. Firro is best known for having
been the formal thesis advisor to the anti-Israel extremist Teddy
Katz, in which the thesis fabricated an imaginary "massacre" of Arabs
in the village of Tantora by the Alexandroni battalion of the Palmach
during Israel's War of Independence. Katz later admitted in court that
the allegation was a fabrication. For details, see this:
Firro is a radical anti-Israel Druse, who has published anti-Israel propaganda in the Journal of Palestine Studies, a PLO-run journal, including an article entitled "Druse and the Nakba." His "academic" publication record consists of two books about the Druse and two books about Lebanon. He has a very small number of articles appearing in academic journals, although has quite a few that appear in anti-Israel propaganda magazines like the Journal of Palestine Studies. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Avodah, July 25, 2009. |
This is by Michael J, Totten and it appeared in Commentary
Last week, the New York Times published an article about "signs of hope" in the West Bank (and in the city of Nablus in particular) that refreshingly breaks with the standard narrative of Palestinian desperation and misery. The Israeli military recently closed down its checkpoint into the city, along with other checkpoints elsewhere in the territories. The economy is growing instead of contracting. Downtown is full of shoppers. Islamist scolds have backed off. Police make sure passengers have fastened their seat belts. It sounds like Nablus has more or less become a normal Middle East city. Earlier this year in Jerusalem, Palestinian journalist Khaled Abu Toameh told me how much the West Bank surprises visitors now. "The other day," he said, "someone came for the first time ever to this part of the world, and he called me and asked me to take him to Ramallah. So I drove him to downtown Ramallah, and we stopped there. The man was shocked. He said, 'Where are the refugee camps? Where are the mud houses? Where's the poverty?' I said, 'Why are you asking me these questions?' He said, 'I'm shocked. Look how nice it is.' " ![]() I laughed out loud because I had a similar experience myself three years ago before the recent improvements. I didn't expect to see "mud houses." As far as I know, no one has ever reported the existence of "mud houses" in Ramallah. The usual Palestinian narrative, though, seems to encourage some people's vivid imaginations. But I was still startled by what Ramallah actually looked like. I expected to see, and to write about, squalid living conditions. I had already seen the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, and the awfulness of those places is hard to describe. I figured Ramallah wouldn't be that bad, but I didn't expect it to look so much better than lots of cities, and not just refugee camps, that I've seen in the region. It was in early 2006, shortly after Hamas won the election, when I took a taxi from the Qalandia checkpoint outside Jerusalem to Ramallah with a Palestinian man named Sufian. Here, in part, is what I wrote at the time: I stepped out into a surprisingly pleasant urban environment. Ramallah didn't have the glitz of Beirut or the French-Arab Mediterranean charm of a city like Tunis. But it beat the pants off Cairo, one of the biggest tourist destinations in the whole Arab world. It looked a lot like Amman an Arab city with a pretty good reputation. It was so much nicer than Baghdad, it's pointless to even make the comparison. I have not visited Gaza, even though I've tried twice, but I have looked inside from the Israeli side of the border. What I could see didn't look pretty. I'm inclined to take more seriously the reports of misery and deprivation in there. Still, here is a photo of Gaza. Here is another. I'm not sure when they were taken. If Gaza is indeed a gruesome place now, it wasn't always that way. (Hamas and its wars can't have done the place too many favors.) According to the New York Times, though, the West Bank in general is much nicer now than it was even when I saw it. Not only Bethlehem and Ramallah but also Nablus is now said to be doing okay. Draw whatever political conclusions you want. I'm not sure what to make of it. My colleague Max Boot was with me in Jerusalem earlier this year when Toameh told us about the reporter who was stunned by the distinct lack of misery he expected to see. Boot asked Toameh if better economic conditions meant better political conditions. Toameh said, "No." That was six months ago. He might have been wrong, and what he said might no longer be true. The New York Times does note that Fatah is trusted more now than Hamas for whatever that's worth. Either way, reports of the West Bank's lax security measures and economic improvement are more common these days than they were. It's refreshing to see foreign correspondents describe the place as it is instead of as the desperately impoverished Israeli-ruled prison it's reputed to be.
Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 25, 2009. |
This is by Véronique Chemla
and it appeared July 17, 2009 in
Front Page Magazine
Véronique Chemla is a Paris-based investigative journalist. She holds the Diploma and a diploma (DEA) in 20th Century History of the Institute of Political Studies of Paris (Sciences Po). She writes articles for FrontPage Magazine, American Thinker, Guysen International News and L'Arche. Email her at veroniquechemla@orange.fr. |
![]() On July 13, 2009, French Minister of Justice Michèlle Alliot-Marie asked the Parquet (a panel of magistrates under her authority, authorized to request penal sanctions in defence of the general welfare) to appeal 14 of the 25 sentences pronounced on July 10 against members of the Gang of Barbarian on trial for the anti-Semitic murder of Ilan Halimi. Those 14 sentences are lighter than the sanctions recommended by the Avocat general [roughly equivalent to the state's attorney or public prosecutor]. On July 17, the Parquet announced it had appealed sentences for four more Gang members. Maître Francois-Pascal Gery, counsel for Gang ringleader Youssouf Fofana, the convicted killer of Ilan Halimi, said that his client was appealing his life sentence. Last week, fearing light sentences, several French Jewish organisations called for a gathering before the Justice Ministry. After the verdict was announced, they asked the Minister to appeal. According to the French legal system, only the Parquet and the defendants can appeal penal sanctions. Plaintiffs are only allowed to appeal for civil damages. On July 13, at 7 pm, several hundred people, most of them Jewish, gathered peacefully on a side street leading to Place Vendôme, where they were kept at a distance from the Ministry. They thanked the Minister for her decision and called for "Justice for Ilan." Then a delegation composed of Jewish community leaders and Patrick Lozèls President of CRAN (umbrella group of Black organizations) met with one advisor of the Minister of Justice. They emphasized the importance of holding the appeals trial in open court, with access to the media and the public, so that it would serve its pedagogical purpose. The trial held this spring covered several attempted kidnappings in addition to Ilan Halimi's murder. They all had the same modus operandi. In December 2005, Gang of Barbarians chief Youssouf Fofana asked Alexandra S. to lure Michael Douieb, a Jewish music producer. On January 5, 2006 she met Mr Douieb and asked him to drive her "home" to a building in the Parisian banlieue of Arcueil, where Jean-Christophe S and Youssouf Fofana were waiting for him. They beat Douieb with iron bars while Youssouf Fofana shouted: 'Dirty Jew, croak, you filthy kike! Neighbours, who heard Douieb shouting, reacted and his assailants fled. Marc K., a young Jewish salesman, was lured by "Léa" (Audrey). He was wary and did not answer her messages. Ilan Halimi, a young Jewish salesman aged 23, was lured by "Yalda" and kidnapped on January 20, 2006. He was held by the Gang and tortured for 24 days in an apartment, then in a basement in Bagneux, a banlieue south of Paris near Arcueil. Youssouf Fofana asked the modest Halimi family for a high ransom, because he was convinced that Jews have money and stick together. No ransom was given. Youssouf Fofana stabbed Ilan Halimi and set him in fire on February 13, 2009, near the Sainte-Genevièlve-des-Bois train station (Parisian suburb). Ilan Halimi was found naked, with burns over 80% of his body. He died during the transfer to the hospital. Ilan's mother Ruth Halimi co-authored with Emilie Frèlche an account of the ordeal 24 jours, la vérité sur la mort d'Ilan Halimi (24 Days, The Truth about Ilan Halimi's Death) in which she severely criticizes the tragic errors of the French police, including the refusal to admit the anti-Semitic motive of kidnappers. The trial started on April 30, 2009 before the Paris Juvenile Criminal Court. Because two of the defendants were under 18 in February 2006, all of the defendants were tried together, behind closed doors (huis clos). Journalists and the public were not allowed to attend the hearings. French Jewry expected a lot from that trial, since it has faced a dramatic wave of anti-Semitic acts since the Intifada II; the most severe crimes were the 2003 murder of Sebastien Selam and the murder of Ilan Halimi in 2006. Since he was arrested in 2006, Youssouf Fofana has dismissed more than 30 lawyers. During the trial, he rejected all four of his lawyers, including Isabelle Coutant-Peyre who is married to the terrorist "Carlos" because he suspected her to be Jewish! The presiding judge, her assistants, and the jury 5 women, 4 men retired to deliberate. Jurors' names are chosen at random on electoral lists. The verdict was publically pronounced on July 10, 2009, during Shabbat...probably to reduce the number of Jewish spectators and their reactions. Youssouf Fofana was sentenced to life imprisonment, with no possibility of parole for 22 years. 24 accomplices were sentenced from 18 years in prison to six months suspended, and two accomplices were acquitted. While hearing his sanction, Youssouf Fofana smiled and applauded. The defendants' lawyers were satisfied because the Court "did not make an example." Ilan Halimi's family was represented by a famous lawyer Maître Francis Szpiner[1]. On July 10, Maître Szpiner expressed satisfaction that the Court had acknowledged that Ilan Halimi's murder was anti-Semite and sentenced Youssouf Fofana to the most severe penal sanction. Nevertheless, he deplored the lenient sentences pronounced for a dozen accomplices who played essential roles as the "lure," jailers, and torturers. He invited the Ministry to appeal those sentences. Some facts may explain that verdict. The Court wanted to judge a case, not a phenomenon. Jurors were impressed by the distinction, established by the Avocat Général in the course of the hearings, between two types of anti-Semitism. Fofana had numerous accomplices, and they represent members of Black Blanc Beur France (diversity). Maybe jurors wondered if their own children might be influenced by someone like Youssouf Fofana. The trial revealed the Islamization of France: some Gang members had converted to Islam when teen-agers and attended the same Salafist Mosquee as Youssouf Fofana. "This trial is also the trial of our society," wrote Richard Prasquier, the president of the French Jewish umbrella organization CRIF. Maître Muriel Ouaknine-Melki, who represented Mr Douieb, deplored: "Youssouf Fofana answered questions about his murder of Ilan Halimi without expressing any regret. It was painful to hear such barbaric behaviour. Philippe Bilger, the Avocat general [roughly equivalent to the state's attorney or public prosecutor] asked him: 'Don't you think that by your act you made anti-Semitism odious?' All the lawyers for the plaintiffs were indignant. Maître Szpiner asked Mr Bilger: 'Is there an anti-Semitism that is not odious?' The Avocat général answered: 'No,' but his answer was confused. And that is the problem. And I started to bring out any form of anti-Semitism among the defendants. One of the accomplices answered my question that, four or five times a day, she heard 'Ne mange pas comme un jeuf!' (Don't eat like a Jew), which means 'Don't eat like you're stingy!' And she was not shocked hearing those words." Moreover, Maître Muriel Ouaknine-Melki stigmatizes the Avocat general Philippe Bilger's réquisitoire (recommendations to the jury) that "distinguished a violent anti-Semitism represented by Youssouf Fofana and a 'trivial' anti-Semitism represented by his accomplices. But there are not two kinds of anti-Semitism, one which is tolerable and the other unacceptable. Any form of anti-Semitism is violent." Many of the sanctions recommended by the Avocat general were lighter than what would be expected. Maître Muriel Ouaknine-Melki wonders about the appropriateness of Philippe Bilger's interview in the weekly magazine Paris-Match a few days before the verdict was pronounced. Philippe Bilger evoked his father who "was sentenced at the Liberation of France to 10 years forced labour for collaboration with the enemy." He dismissed "intellectuals who try to pass for Sartre when they are nothing more than essayists of the fleeting moment, masters of flattery, and blind to the universal. I'm thinking of Alain Minc, Jacques Attali, Max Gallo, André Glucksmann. And of course Bernard-Henri Lévy." All but Gallo are Jewish. Maître Francis Szpiner deplored: "In the mind of the Juvenile Criminal Court presided by Judge Nadia Ajjan and the Avocat general Philippe Bilger, the motive of anti-Semitism only applied to Youssouf Fofana. It was not attributed to his accomplices." Richard Prasquier, cited in the July 17 edition of the online daily Mediapart, comments: "It may be that some people see anti-Semitism every where. But others, like Philippe Bilger, minimize it. Maybe that is Philippe Bilger's way of seeing things he underplays anti-Semitism. That's what is troubling about Mr Bilger...that's what arouses suspicion." Two major Magistrate's Unions criticized the Minister of Justice's decision. They argued that it was a political act. They were dubious about the interest of a new trial, which might again be held behind closed doors (huis clos). However, on July 8, 2009, Deputies François Baroin and Jack Lang registered a motion for legislation that would give the Juvenile Criminal Court the option to decide whether hearings should be public or not. The proposed measure will be voted at the Parliamentary session this fall. The Ministry was also criticized for yielding to alleged pressures from a [Jewish] community seeking revenge. On July 16, Minister of Justice Michèlle Alliot-Marie justified her decision by referring to "the interests of society and keeping the peace". Maître Francis Szpiner insists that the Minister of Justice simply exercised her right to appeal, as the defendants would have appealed if they had been dissatisfied by the judgement. Furthermore, Magistrate and writer Denis Salas told the Catholic daily La Croix: "Plaintiffs have asked for reforms of penal law more and more frequently in recent years. After young Karine's death, French legislators created "a real life imprisonment." La Croix concluded that the Halimi family's request to political authorities for a new trial and revision of the rules for huis clos can be seen as another step in reform of penal law. (Special thanks to NP) [1] Maître Szpiner has represented SOS Attacks, an organization that defended victims of terror, as well as France 2 and Charles Enderlin in the "al-Dura controversy" before the Court of Appeal against Media-Ratings Director Philippe Karsenty in 2008.
Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com
Posted by Ted Belman, July 25, 2009. | ||
A number of times I have identified this strategy in less exact terms. In yesterday's article Obama wants to end the legacy I got more specific. "Obama wants to destroy the Israel Lobby as defined by Measheimer and Walt. He want's to sever the relationship that has existed between the American people and Israel."
What he doesn't mention is this news item
You can see how this fits into Obama's strategy. In my 2006 article "The Conspiracy to Shrink Israel" I extract from a conversation Henry Kissinger had in 1975 with an Iraqi diplomat. "Kissinger: I think, when we look at history, that when Israel was created in 1948, I don't think anyone understood it. It originated in American domestic politics. It was far away and little understood. So it was not an American design to get a bastion of imperialism in the area. It was much less complicated: And I would say that until 1973 the Jewish community had enormous influence. It is only in the last two years, as a result of the policy we are pursuing, that it has changed, This has always been the policy and goal of the US government. Obama is just trying to make it happen sooner rather than later.
Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer who recently made aliyah and now
lives in Jerusalem. He is
editor of the IsraPundit.com website, an activist pro-Israel website.
Contact him at tedbel@rogers.com
Posted by Jacob Gur, July 25, 2009. |
The following letter entitled THE VISION was delivered
Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs XXIX:18) |
I beseech you, do not support the doomed-to-fail road map for Israel; Israel is a distinguished long-established sovereign State, before the so-called quartet countries subsisted. Do not pressure Israel to harbor in its Land hardly visible on the world's Atlas Arab murderers who pledge to annihilate it. As I am writing, 10 young Yeshiva students were murdered by Arab thugs in Jerusalem, in the same Yeshiva I studied. Do not take part in committing a crime Against the Children of Israel. Blot out the plot. Don't let history judge you and compare the USA to the Roman heathens And to the Eevil British Empire-masters of slavery-who perpetrated the African/American Slave-Holocaust. They Occupied and enslaved Colonies over the globe, and viciously blockaded the shores of Israel against the children of Israel Who struggled to escape from the European Diaspora, and return to their homeland. Thus, Britain enabled Hitler's Henchmen and European Hooligans exterminating more than six million of the children of Israel in 33 mass-production Death camps, and in countless death ditches. But take heed: After the terrible Holocaust the Children of Israel liberated The Land of Israel with the precious blood of Holocaust survivors, and with the blood of more than 35,000 of our parents, Siblings, sons and daughters. We rebuilt and purified our desecrated Land, and as per Jeremiah 31: 17 thy children [came back] to their own Land. Soon we shall purify Mount Moriya and restore the TEMPLE* in Accordance with our Law the TORAH. We shall tolerate no more Holocausts against our people. Today we have the Proficiency, capacity, and constitutional rights to eradicate the Arab murderers from the Land of Israel, practically the Same as the USA is actually doing now, not just in America from sea to shinning sea, but thousands miles across the ocean The USA invaded 2 (two) Arab countries with massive military forces by air, sea and land, in order to punish/avoid terrible 9/11's which are still on the horizon. The USA, thus far sacrificed more than 4,500 of its sons, and over 35,000 wounded, and maimed. Untold bereaved American families and trillions of tax payer's funds drained all in order to punish and eradicate Arab perpetrators of heinous crimes against humanity. Do not heed to the corrupt U.N., to the ungrateful so called E.U., whom the U.S. rescued from Hitler, or to the U.S. Jimmy Carters the ardent followers of the notorious father Coughlin and Gerald Smith. We shall drive out the Arab murderers the same as the freedom fighters in the IRGUN and LECHI drove out the British/Nazi oppressor from the Land of Israel, and opened the gates of the Land of Israel for the Children of Israel from the Diaspora. Do not repeat the blunder of former Presidents' ill advisors leaving the Iraqi butcher Saddam Hussein at large. Wipe out Bin-Ladens' thugs, the despicable Al-Qaida and the Taliban to avoid severe nine elevens on innocent human beings of the days to come because they will come. Unfortunately, the present Israeli regime caused enormous blood shed by caving in to Arab murderers, to the corrupt United Nations, to the hostile Europeans, and to pseudo friends in the U.S. This regime shall ultimately be removed from power, and brought to justice. Those responsible for banishing children of Israel from their Land will be Severely punished a Paradigm for the future Generations. Let's peruse verbatim the declaration of President Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President 1801-1809. President Jefferson is the Author of the Declaration of Independence, and the architect of the United States Constitution: "The Children of Israel are the sacred beings who have brought down from heaven the everlasting FIRE, which has Illuminated with IT the entire world IT IS the religious source, the spring and the fountain out of which the rest of the Peoples have drawn their beliefs and religion." Visit YAD V'SHEM in Jerusalem and like President George W Bush, your heart will fall in faint. Morons of the present regime, who coincided to divide Jerusalem the eternal capital of the Land of Israel shall be punished and be remembered in shame and everlasting contempt. In conclusion: We shall never rely on miracles, on pseudo allies, or wait just to retaliate; we shall preempt, and destroy the Hitlers/Hamans of today, and the Hitlers/Hamans clad in Arab dress of the days to come because they will come as we, IRGUN Freedom fighters have destroyed Saddam's nuclear installations to rubble, in spite of the fury of the corrupt UN, the EU and ironically also our "Friends" the USA, joined them and condemned Israel. What a disgrace! In the final analysis: The blood-stained world shall at no time see an Arab state in Eretz-Yisrael. The Revelation of the Law at Mount Sinai.
The first Temple was built by King Solomon 480 years after the Children of Israel came out of Egypt(950BC)It was destroyed by the Heathen Nebuchadnezzar in 580BC. He looted the treasures from the Temple and enslaved Children of Israel known as the Babylonian Diaspora. The second Temple was destroyed by the barbarian Roman heathens in 70A.D. after 2 brutal wars. They invaded Jerusalem, looted, the Temple, enslaved and banished Children of Israel from their Land. At that time there was no Islam, Muhammad was not programmed yet, nor the myth of 72 pending virgins for Arab suicide bombers...Even the United States of America, the so-called New World was not yet discovered But we the children of Israel existed and survived millenniums of persecutions and Holocausts in the blood-stained world. Jacob Gur, a Talmudic scholar, a former commander in the IRGUN. He was tortured and was almost executed by the evil British regime. Ultimately they exiled him from the Land of Israel. Jacob Gur is the author of The Enemy Within, Fear Factors, and The Five Chapters. Contact him by email at Jacob@jackgur.com and visit his website at www.jackgur.com |
PRESIDENT OBAMA'S GREAT PYRAMID SCHEME: The Two-State Solution as Final Solution
Posted by Rav Dov Fischer, July 24, 2009. |
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The Two-State Solution is indeed the most immoral suggestion of them all. It is a lie built on a foundation of mendacity. And, with it now having been sanctified in the President's Cairo Speech in Egypt, it can be termed The Grand Pyramid Scheme. Back in President Barack Obama's America, the laws on the books clearly prohibit people from telling African Americans that, "sorry, you can't live in this neighborhood." Does anyone doubt that Justice Sotomayor would uphold those laws? The Bigotry of Banning Jews from Living in a RegionImagine how many American communities over the years could have resolved their racial issues simply by agreeing that Blacks need to be removed completely from "White neighborhoods," and Whites removed from "Black neighborhoods." Maybe James von Brunn would not have gone on a shooting rampage at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum if there were a compromise agreement that Jews may not establish residential communities in or near Washington, D.C. Separate but equal. Quite a concept! Only, that's a racist concept. Part of America's greatness is that we evolved as a society over two centuries to reject that concept. See, e.g., Brown v. Board of Educ. of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483, 74 S. Ct. 686 (1954), overruling Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537; 16 S. Ct. 1138 (1896). Similarly, we are appalled by the bigotry in the Middle Ages and into the 1940s marked by governments segregating Jews from communities in Germany, Poland, Austria, or Hungary say, to relocate them into their own ghettoes. And it is equally bigoted today to advocate a public policy that forcibly would segregate Jews from communities in Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank") or anywhere else in Israel. But that bigotry what else can it rightly be called? ironically defines the Obama Administration's Mideast program, now being pushed hard by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and being sold to American Jews in private meetings with the President's Jewish chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. It is a policy aimed at ethnically cleansing Jews out of a region in the world, rendering it Judenrein. And it is a policy whose moral failing further is eroded by the colossal transformation of historical fact into hysterical fiction unfolding before our very eyes. "Palestine" Is Another Name for Israel, and That Entirety Is the Land that "Palestinian Arabs" Want for Their "Palestine" Country Not a "West Bank" Without a NameThe "West Bank" is not the west bank of anything. There is no waterway, ocean, sea, or river in Hebron or Tekoah or Karnei Shomron or Ariel. Nor in Shiloh, Maaleh Adumim, Beitar, Shechem, Gush Etzyon, or Beit Lechem (Bethlehem). The nomenclature is fallacious, itself reflecting history's great cover-up: There is no such thing as an "Arab Palestinian Homeland." That land always has been Jewish, except when it was up for grabs like a basketball "jump ball." The Arabs never came down with that ball to put it into play. There is no "Palestinian people," and the only "Palestine" that ever existed was synonymous with the Jewish homeland that later was renamed "Israel." Rent a copy of the movie "Exodus." Listen dispassionately to the dialogue. Don't take sides. Just listen for definitions. The British, fairly or unfairly, are depicted as the bad guys in the movie, trying to keep the Jews out of "Palestine." Paul Newman is trying to get the Jews into "Palestine." Everyone watching the movie perceives that "Palestine" is a name that refers synonymously with "Israel." Thus, what we seem to have here is a failure to communicate. It could not be simpler: For the past two thousand years, since the Romans renamed the land as they expelled and exiled its Jews, "Israel" always was "Palestine," and "Palestine" always was "Israel." There never ever was an Arab Palestine entity. Who, after all, ever was its leader? Try to name any leader who ever in history led the sovereign "Palestinian Arab" people of "Arab Palestine." What year was it founded? What was the name of its capital city any capital city? Where is the drawing or photograph of its seat of government, or the place where its governmental leader lived? What was the name of its currency? Whose face, what slogan was on that currency? When did it fall? In which Olympic Games did it compete? Which issue of Encyclopedia Britannica had an entry for its government? Can anyone answer any one of these questions? Anyone? Anyone? Consider this way: The American city of Palestine, Texas was founded in 1846. It was so named in honor of an early settler there, Daniel Parker, who hailed from Palestine, Illinois. That Palestine was chartered in 1811. It drew its name in 1678 from the French explorer, Jean LaMotte, who looked at the land and named it "Palestine" because it reminded him of the Biblical Promised Land of the Jews, flowing with milk and honey. No one associated "Palestine" with the Arab community, not even in the 1600s. Rather, the name was associated with the Jews and their Biblical Promised Land. The same with Palestine, Arkansas and East Palestine, Ohio. The "West Bank" is a ridiculous name for a land that has fewer ocean-front properties than Arizona. The "West Bank" of what? Hebron is not on the west bank of the Jordan. Nor is Shechem. Nor Bethlehem. Nor Karnei Shomron, Maaleh Adumim, Ariel, Beit El, Tekoah, nor so many others. It would sooner make sense to rename New Jersey or Arkansas "the West Bank" (Hudson River, Mississippi River). But those territories have names of their own, reflecting a real history of people who named the land. The Arabs call that section of Palestine/Israel the "West Bank" because, despite 1500 years' time for Islam to leave its mark on the region and more than two millennia of Mideast word-play, the Arabs have no other name for the land. What country what people has no name for its own land? And they cannot bear to call it by the names it always has borne: "Samaria" and "Judea." Not that the Arab world has problems with using other Biblical names Lebanon, Tyre, Sidon, Damascus, Bethlehem. They just cannot use that one Yehudah, Shomron because once they find themselves compelled to justify their terrorism on grounds that "we Palestinians have the eternal right to return to our eternal home, the great Arab country of Yehudah/Judea," the jig is up. For decades, from its founding in December 1932 until two years after Israel's 1948 sovereignty was established, the Jewish newspaper in Israel for Anglophones was the "Palestine Post"; it was not re-named "The Jerusalem Post" until 1950. Jewish people in the 1930s and 1940s had blue charity boxes on their kitchen counters to raise money for the "Jewish National Fund for Palestine," and the Bergson-Merlin "American League for a Free Palestine" raised money for Menachem Begin's Irgun. When the PLO the Palestine Liberation Organization was founded in 1964 to Liberate Palestine, they were then holding the "West Bank" (under Jordan occupation) and Gaza (Egypt occupation), but their effort to Liberate Palestine did not include throwing Jordanian babies out of windows or killing Egyptian athletes in a passionate drive to return to their olive trees in Bethlehem. The history of 1964-1967 clearly demonstrates that they did not care about Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank"). Rather, they wanted then what they want now: Tel Aviv and Haifa and all Jerusalem. That is what "PLO" meant in 1964 when they were founded to "liberate Palestine." "Palestinian Refugee Camps" and Logo Images Now Worn by Their Terror Groups Remind That the Goal Remains Now As When the "P.L.O. Palestine Liberation Organization" was founded in 1964: to "Liberate Palestine" by Conquering and Destroying IsraelThe "West Bank" and Gaza were theirs for the taking in 1964. But they did not want it. The PLO's founder, Ahmed Shukairy, and Yasser Arafat his successor wanted pre-1967 Israel. To this day, the logo on their stationery and on their respective terrorist uniforms is that of pre-1967 Israel. "Palestine" in the "West Bank" only? Two states? It is such a fabrication, such a lie. Just look at the facts on their ground: Understand that they have built "Palestinian Refugee Camps" in Jenin, in the "West Bank." How can a real people ("Palestinians") in their own real land ("Palestine") living under their own government (the "Palestine Authority") be dwelling in "refugee camps" in their own land? Similarly, how can they have Palestine "refugee camps" in Gaza, now that the land is under sovereign Hamas control? These actual open facts on the ground evidence the mendacity, the lies, stuff, and nonsense. Webster says that a "refugee" is "one who, in times of persecution or political commotion, flees to a foreign power or country for safety; as, the French refugees who left France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes." Merriam-Webster, in pertinent part, says that a "refugee" is "an individual who has left his or her native country and is unwilling or unable to return to it . ..." So: are these Arabs residing in Jenin and Gaza "refugee camps" indeed refugees these "Palestinians" living in the "West Bank" and Gaza under the "Palestinian Authority"? If so, from where do those "Palestinian" refugees originally hail? If the "West Bank" and Gaza are not the "homeland" to which they yearn so that they someday may be "liberated" from their "refugee" status well, where is their "homeland"? The answer could not be more clear and manifest: In the "West Bank" and Gaza they are "refugees." The "West Bank" is not their home, they know it, and they evidence it. They want Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem. That is the home they ultimately seek, in their effort inexorably to destroy Israel. And that is the reason that no "Palestinian" leader can utter the words: "Yes, in any final peace agreement, we will recognize the land set aside for Israel as a Jewish nation-state." And no amount of Jew-to-Jew lobbying by Rahm Emanuel can change the facts. Rather, the integrity of the Jewish American community is compromised by the insult and patronizing attitude that presupposes a community can be influenced to act against its own interest merely by sending it an emissary who presents himself as "one of our own." In Black America, there is a sad history of Caucasian carpetbaggers working through the quintessential "Uncle Tom." We do not need an "Uncle Rahm." Zionism Humanely Avoided the Moral Failings of America the Greatest Beacon of Freedom Ever Created by Seeking to Build Fraternally Alongside Landed Neighbors Rather than to Force-and-Death-March Them into "Reservations" of Internal ExileIn America, we do have a variation on "internal refugee camps." They are called "Indian reservations" or "reservations for Native Americans," and they reflect not only adversely but deeply shamefully on those who put them there: American governments like that of the Andrew Jackson Administration, whose Government adopted and implemented terrible, horrible crimes of conscience against the Native Americans. This country's highest elected leaders, in full and open view, at some point 150-200 years ago made a chilling determination that has been swept from the American national conscience and institutional memory: For the United States, founded inexorably as a White European settler polity, to survive and flourish, with its borders open to new immigrants from around the world, there would need to be a complete and forcible uprooting and expulsion of the native American population "Indian Removal." For example, "it will relieve the whole state of Mississippi, and the western part of Alabama, of Indian occupancy, and enable those States to advance rapidly in population, wealth, and power. It will separate the Indians from immediate contact with settlements of Whites ... enable them to pursue happiness in their own way, and under their own rude institutions ... and perhaps cause them gradually, under the protection of the Government, and through the influence of good counsels, to cast off their savage habits, and become an interesting, civilized, and Christian community." Consequently, Native Americans were uprooted from Florida, from North Carolina, from Georgia, from states that many Americans today cannot imagine housed Native Americans. Their land was forcibly seized. Treaties and land contracts with them were breached notoriously and brazenly, torn up unilaterally, and they were forced on Hitler-like mass death marches to places "reserved" for them. This really happened in America. America did this, implemented in the open by our highest echelons and without mercy, to displace and uproot the Native American population. It is deeply painful to visit the "Trail of Tears". Or to learn certain details of the Second Seminole War. There are monuments all along the miles and miles where the Native Americans walked their death marches. And they were resettled into reservations with such sops as permission to run casino gambling free from government interference. That is what America did after our Government determined that, to create the kind of country envisioned by the Founding Fathers a country that truly has emerged in history as the greatest and most kind, benevolent, and charitable country that people ever have created, with the greatest respect and love for freedom and decency that any society ever has registered "those people had to go." In all, by the time the U.S. federal government had ended "allotment" in 1934, that policy had cost Native Americans at least 90 million acres of their land, two-thirds of the land they had owned half a century earlier. Kenneth H. Bobroff, "Retelling Allotment: Indian Property Rights and the Myth of Common Ownership," 54 Vanderbilt L. Rev. 1559, 1561 & n.5 (2001) (citing OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEP'T OF THE INTERIOR, INDIAN LAND TENURE, ECONOMIC STATUS AND POPULATION TRENDS 6 (1935)). Today we compound the shame by designating our Native Americans as mascots for our sports teams: Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins, Florida State Seminoles, Kansas City Chiefs, Chicago Black Hawks. But Israel never did that. As Jews lived in a land that was and has been our patrimony for 3,000 years, we engaged Arabs as neighbors. We engaged the Arab community with respect. We desired to build with them. So we encouraged their participation in our society, in our government, in our Parliament. Yes, Israel would be a Jewish nation-state, in a world that already recognizes more than twenty Arab states. There are so many Arab countries, even with names like United Arab Emirates, that they even have an Arab League. And for us, as Jews, there is one country to which we trace our heritage and legacy. Until 1948 it was called "Palestine," and "Palestine" was renamed "Israel" when the country became independent. Only One Jewish Homeland: Passionately Loved Without Interruption and Yearned-for Through 2,000 Years of ExileThis land of "Palestine" or "Israel" always has been the Jewish homeland. For 2,000 years from the time that the ancient Roman Empire conquered Jerusalem, expelled Jews from the Land, and re-named the land "Palestina" to eradicate its Jewish character in the popular memory to this day we have continued praying three times daily for a return to Palestine/Israel. We fasted several times every year in tearful memory of events that led to Jews being exiled from the land 2,600 years ago by the Babylonians and again 2,000 years ago by the ancient Romans. We adopted customs, at the core of our Jewish identity, to remember Palestine/Israel. So, in all our prayers these past 2,000 years, we have faced Palestine/Israel during our prayers. We literally coordinate our synagogue architecture to assure that we pray facing Palestine/Israel. In America, we pray facing East, and in Russia we pray facing West. In Africa, we pray facing North. At all our weddings for these past 2,000 years, the groom breaks a glass under the wedding canopy in memory of the destruction of the Holy Temple in East Jerusalem and the exile from Palestine/Israel. When we visit someone whose relative has died, we console the mourner with our hopeful prayer: "May [G-d], the One Who is in Every Place, console you among the rest [of us], who mourn for [the fall 2,000 years ago] of Zion and Jerusalem." As we dance with the bride and groom, we sing as we have sung for 2,000 years "There yet again will be heard in cities throughout Judea and in the streets of Jerusalem the sounds of rejoicing and sounds of happiness, the sound of the groom and the sound of the bride." For 2,000 years we have taken a day out of our lives each summer to mourn for the fall of Jerusalem: devoting the night and day to reciting tearful lamentations, fasting, crying, dimming our lights for much of the day, refusing to sit comfortably on chairs but instead sitting on the floor or overturned chairs. For 2,000 years we have left partially unpainted a section of every home in which we have lived, partially incomplete to remind us that East Jerusalem, with her Temple destroyed, is partially incomplete. Even after our every meal, we have recited a prayer for 2,000 years asking that G-d restore and rebuild Jerusalem. Do Americans the deepest, most patriotic of my countrymen know the precise day on which the British burned down the White House during the Madison Administration in the course of the War of 1812? The Temple in Jerusalem was burned on the Ninth Day of Av. How do we Americans commemorate that incineration of the White House? Jews have never forgotten the eternal connection with the Land of Israel. And Jews continued living in that land. In 1929, Arab marauders still were perpetrating massacres, trying to remove Jews, for once and for all, from the City of Hebron, the City where our Biblical ancestors Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, Leah lie interred at the Cave of Makhpelah. New waves of Arab massacres from 1936-1939 sought to drive Jews out of Shechem/Nablus. Within half a century, Jews were back. Again. In an Era of Mass Population Exchanges, the Arab World Hatefully Drove out 700,000 Jews and Confiscated All Their Property and Assets, Even as Israelis Pleaded with Their Arab Neighbors to Remain and Build a New Western Democracy TogetherAnd yet, as a Jewish State was coming into being, we sought to live in peace with Arabs living there. Jews in Israel still seek to live in peace with them. Even as they forcibly expelled as many as 700,000 Jews from the various and respective Arab lands, lands like Yemen and Morocco, Syria and Iraq driving them out, confiscating their land and portable property, confiscating their liquid assets, driving them into exile between the late 1930s and early 1950s Israel was pleading with landed Arabs to remain within her borders, to remain and live side-by-side in peace. Maybe many of those Arab residents would have remained behind if leaders of the invading Arab armies did not impel them to leave, to abandon their homes, essentially to get the heck out of the darned way during the planned extermination of the nascent Jewish State, as the Arab legions marched on Palestine/pre-Israel to drive the "Jews into the sea." Many Arabs did indeed flee, as a result. They opted to get out of the way. Not as many Arabs left Israel as the number of Jews who forcibly were driven out of the Arab lands at the time. But many left. Perhaps 400,000. Perhaps more. And the vast majority of those who chose to leave departed not from Gaza nor from the "West Bank" but from the core of Israel itself. That is why they do not perceive a "Palestine homeland" in the "West Bank" or Gaza as their home, as a resolution of anything. It would be like telling someone who fled France, for one reason or another, that he will be "restored" to a "home" in neighboring Germany. Imagine your own situation: you have been forced out of your home, perhaps by a force majeure, in Teaneck, New Jersey or Brooklyn, New York and your insurance company offers you a replacement home in Boise, Idaho or Butte, Montana. Is that "good enough" a replacement, given that it all is in the same country? So, how does a "home" in Berlin restore exile from Paris? And how does a "home" in Bethlehem restore a perceived exile from Tel Aviv or Haifa? Those questions' answers are the reasons that the logo of the uniform is what it is, why the "refugee camps" are where they are, and why the "Two-State Solution" fails by ignoring the reality that "Palestinian Arabs" cannot accept Tel Aviv, Haifa, and West Jerusalem as "Jewish." Those Arabs who left Israel could have stayed. The Jews asked them to stay. Unlike the 700,000 Jews who were driven into exile from homes in Arab lands, those Arabs were not driven out. Unlike Native Americans, they were not driven off their lands. And unlike other exiles, they were put into concentration environments Arab "refugee camps" by their own people. While the nascent State of Israel gamely was constructing a home and frantically was working to absorb the huge influx of landless, destitute Jewish exiles and refugees from Arab lands, the Arab world was building concentration camps and reservations for their own people, fellow Arabs, where those emigres would languish. Half a century later, while the Jewish refugees from Arab lands have seen their children become doctors and computer programmers, world leaders, attorneys, business moguls, plumbers, contractors, entertainment executives, and anything else out there, the children of those Arab emigres have become the victims of the world's most heinous example of cynical self-hatred. They remain in "refugee camps" that are historical anomalies and today are thoroughly anachronistic. They remain on international welfare, under the rubric of a cynically anti-Jewish United Nations agency, the "United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East" (UNRWA), which runs the camps and their schools, and has a vested interest namely, preserving their own existence, preserving their own continued employment and pay checks, preserving their jobs in perpetuating the historical crime of refusing to let the residents be absorbed into their local environments. During the last century, the world has seen so many tragically painful "population exchanges" play themselves out on the world stage. Greek ethnics were forced out of Bulgaria and into Greece, while Bulgarian ethnics were forced from Greece into Bulgaria. In 1922, under the League of Nations, 1.25 million Greek Orthodox ethnics were transferred from Turkey, and half a million Moslems were transferred reciprocally to Turkey from Greece. Fridtjof Nansen, the guy who oversaw the population exchange, was awarded the 1922 Nobel Peace Prize for his effort. In 1940, under the Treaty of Craiova, there was a massive population exchange: 80,000 Romanian ethnics were forced into Bulgaria, and 65,000 Bulgarian ethnics forced out of Romania. After World War II, between 14-16 million ethnic Germans were transferred out of Central and Eastern Europe, and into Germany. Poland and the Soviet Union exchanged populations: between 1944 and 1946, some 2 million people, Polish ethnics sent to Poland from the Ukraine and Ukrainians sent out of Poland, were transferred. More than 5 million Hindus and Sikhs were forced to India from the regions that became Pakistan, and more than 6 million Moslems were pushed out of India and into Pakistan. The Cynicism of the Fabricated "Palestinian Refugee Problem"...Where are the languishing Bulgarian refugee camps? Greek refugee camps? Romanian refugee camps? Polish refugee camps? German refugee camps? Ukrainian refugee camps? Hindu/Sikh refugee camps? Where are the Bosnian Moslem refugee camps? Why is there no massive international welfare apparatus in the rubric of a United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the [Bulgarian/ Greek/ Romanian/ Polish/ German/ Ukrainian/ Hindu/ Sikh/ Bosnian/ Vietnamese/ Cambodian/ Rwandan/ Darfur] refugees? How is it that no one even thinks to ask? And is it comprehensible that, at a time of national economic challenge within America, the United States funds more than one fourth the cost of this nonsense to the tune of nearly $100 million annually? By contrast, Saudi Arabia funds less than one percent ($2.5 million), and Kuwait less than that. Can there be anything that evidences more forcefully how cynical this entire mendacity is? The OPEC oil cartel raises our oil costs to the point of disrupting our national economy, and we responsively fund a massive, multi-national welfare infrastructure for those of their people whom they, unique among all countries into which emigrants have sought haven, have confined to concentration centers for more than half a century. What people holds and concentrates its own brothers and sisters in "refugee camps" for half a century and more? And, to make matters more bizarre, these people in the UNRWA "Palestinian refugee camps" are the descendants of those who departed their homes voluntarily, gambling that their departure would facilitate the Arab Legions' rapid success in obliterating the Jewish presence from the face of the earth, driving the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea. Indeed, it was their leading spiritual leader of the time Haj Amin el-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who overtly and demonstratively allied the pan-Arab cause with Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. Yet, people who have persecuted the Berber minority of Algeria, the Coptic Christian minority of Egypt, the Bahai minority of Iran, Christians in Saudi Arabia even enslaving Black Christians in the Sudan would have the temerity to equate Zionism with racism and to compare Zionists to Nazis. There are nations and peoples who, over the centuries, have ventured into Africa and forcibly expatriated tens of thousands of Black Africans to become slaves in theirs and others' countries on other continents. But in all the world, in all of human history, Israel is the only country that ever expended national human and financial resources, risking her citizens' lives in daring midnight sorties and dangerous trans-continental rescue missions, aimed at liberating tens of thousands of Black Africans from persecution and bringing them out of Africa, out from slavery and into freedom. ... And the Cynicism of Imposing on Israel a "Two State Solution" in the Face of America's Long-Term Commitments and Repeated Promises to a Time-Tested Friend and AllySo what "Two-State Solution" are President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Mr. Emanuel talking about? The irony is that this pressure from President Obama and Secretary Clinton comes at a time when not a single prominent political leader on the Israeli political scene even advocates building new Jewish communities ("settlements") in Judea and Samaria. There rarely before has been a more pliable Israeli government. All Bibi Netanyahu advocates, minimalistic and inadequate though it be, is the right for Jews to expand within a legal community for natural increase. And even that now is to be proscribed, despite understandings with the prior American President and his Administration that America would respect that Israeli right if Israel would agree to abandon Gaza and pursue other parts of the ill-conceived "Road Map" structured by former President George W. Bush and his foreign affairs expert, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. So Israel ceded Gaza, and the Road Map played out by extending all of democracy's virtues to the now-liberated Gazans. Freed to vote their hearts' content, they elected into office the worst terrorist goons freely elected to a democracy's high office since the National Socialists got out the vote in 1933 Germany. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel, refuses to live in peace with Israel, and refuses to recognize prior signed treaties with Israel. Now, President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Mr. Emanuel emulate Hamas in one of the three critical immoralities: they unilaterally abandon America's prior policy and refuse to abide by America's understanding of the past that, if Israel compromises by ceding Gaza, she nevertheless may expand already established communities in Judea-Samaria to allow for natural increase. For a team with the demonstrated ability to pull isolated passages from the Quran, it would be instructive to refresh consciences by recalling a few passages of the agreements that President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon reached, with the exchanges amplified between their respective advisors Condoleezza Rice and Dov Weisglas. America expressly contracted in writing to recognize the new post-1949 and post-1967 realities: namely, that Israel now has major population centers in areas in Judea and Samaria, and therefore there will be no returning to the 1967 borders. Nor does anyone else in the Judea-Samaria ("West Bank") region have a better, more legitimate claim to the land than does Israel. Mexico has a better claim to California and Texas than the terrorists of Fatah and Hamas have to Judea and Samaria. At least Mexico can tell you the years they were sovereign there, the Mexican governmental leaders who oversaw the land, the currency they circulated there, and the years that Mexico lost sovereignty over their land in California and Texas. Pressuring Israel to Abandon Her Security While Turning a Blind Eye, Deaf Ear, and Silent Tongue Towards a Concerted Vitriolic Hate Campaign Against Jews That Has Poisoned Children's Minds and Adults' Hearts Through the Next Generation, Even as the Hate Campaign Materially Has Breached and Thus Has Rendered Void and Nugatory Every Israel-Arab TreatyThere is more, so much more. America expressly contracted in writing that, if Israel were to cede Gaza, America would require that Abbas and his "Palestinian Authority" stop the hate-filled anti-Jewish and anti-Israel incitement among the population he leads: the hate-filled TV telecasts, the hate-filled radio broadcasts, the hate-filled summer camps, the newspapers of hate and their crossword puzzles of hate, the school textbooks of hate. Yet the hate continues unabated. Even teaching hate to the youngest of children. There is no comment or condemnation by President Obama or Secretary Clinton, and Rahm Emanuel continues unabated as point man for selling the "Two-State Solution" to American Jewish groups. No Israeli relinquishing of land to Mahmoud Abbas or Hamas will bring anything but more Jewish suffering and more Jewish vulnerability, as the weapons Hamas placed in Gaza to ruin life in Israel's South (Sderot, Ashdod, Ashkelon) and the weapons Hezbollah placed in South Lebanon to reach into Israel's northern coastal plain (Haifa, Hadera) next aim to bring the cities of Tel Aviv under rocket fire exposure from Samaria and Jerusalem from Judea. This is the reality on the ground so different from the effort painted by propagandists to score points. Just as so much is confused about the everyday physical interface between Israelis and Arabs living in Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank"). Understandably, when a foreign visitor sees long lines of "West Bank" Arabs waiting to be permitted through Israeli security check points to enter pre-1967 Israel, the delay seems curious. "Why does Israel subject them to such intense inspection?" the visitor wonders. "How terrible the life under 'occupation!'" Well, a closer look reveals that terrorists with a proven record of bringing mass murder cross through those borders, too. Some are armed with body explosives. Others carry minuscule portions of explosives that, when combined with other minuscule items smuggled by other terror couriers in their cell, have caused horrific tragedy in the past. And that is the reason for the security fence and the long, long, slow, slow lines at that fence. The fence was built to reduce the carnage. Indeed, upon reflection, is the experience of body inspections at that border all that different from the way that America treats aliens coming across our southern border? Or through our airports? To get into a domestic flight, even American citizens are expected to remove all their metal items even keys, pens, nickels, even a dime. And even octogenarian travelers every single one of them have to remove their shoes for inspection. And elderly people with heart pacemakers have to subject themselves to individualized security checking, full-body wanding. As do people who have had metal splints or rods inserted into their limbs during surgery. Meanwhile, in Israel, every Jewish Israeli must subject himself to inspection regularly throughout each day. Israelis must open their bags and purses for inspection, and submit to metal-detector body searches every time they enter a bank or post office, pick up a bottle of milk at the supermarket, enter a mall or train station, or visit a hospital or medical clinic. Young Israeli men and women are frisked closely and methodically before they enter nightclubs. These daily "humiliations" extend to body searches at weddings, bar mitzvahs, and even when attending regular synagogue services. Similarly, Jewish schoolchildren in Israel are surrounded by perimeter fences, with armed guards at schoolyard gates. By contrast, Arab schools and villages do not require such fences. Guards are not required at Arab shops, cafes, restaurants, movie theaters, wedding halls or schools. Arabs in the "West Bank" do not need armed guards to accompany their every school trip or youth movement hike because they are not targets of terrorism. Thus, the claim that Israel treats Arabs unfairly when slowly securing the safety as people enter pre-1967 Israel from the "West Bank" is mendacious. Israel is fair and reasonable to them why else would they be lining up, seeking entry? (One does not see Jews lining up to enter Libya or Syria.) The Facts on the Ground: Every Israeli Retreat Has Invited Anti-West Arab Terrorists to Arm and Militarize, Rain Unprecedented Destruction, and Launch New Deadly Battle Fronts of Rocket Fire at Israeli Cities That Previously Had Been SecureIn Israel, there are Orthodox religionists who debate with Jewish secularists whether Jews ever, under any circumstances, may depart from land that G-d promised in the Torah to the Jewish Patriarchs. That is a debate that fascinates and engages religionists (in whose number I am counted). "Realists," by contrast, simply need to look at the facts on the ground: Israel ceded land in Southern Lebanon in return for promises of peace. Instead, Hezbollah seized the region and has turned it into a rocket-firing gallery aimed at Israel. Israel ceded land in Gaza in return for promises of peace. Instead, Hamas seized the region and has turned it into a rocket-firing gallery aimed at Israel. Every single fact on the ground evidences that any Israeli cession to Abbas in Judea or Samaria will create a new front of incessant rocket barrage, and will add yet another rabidly anti-American, anti-West polity in the Middle East, which will arm itself and be armed by Iran and her cohorts. If Israel retreats from any land in Judea or Samaria, it first will fall into the hands of Mahmoud Abbas, who lived a life as Arafat's Number Two (ancient history?), denies there was a Holocaust as described by Western historians (recent history?), and who explicitly rejects the notion that Israel can be called a "Jewish State" (this week's history). And he and his Fatah terrorists are the least of the problem because they already are out-polled among their residents by Hamas, who won the last election freedom, democracy, as promised under the Road Map's vision and who transparently are bent on destroying Israel (as well as Abbas himself). The Grand "Two-State" Pyramid Scheme should remain in Cairo and at the Pyramids. The "Two-State Solution" is nothing but another term for a "Final Solution." We Jews do not do so well with Final Solutions.
Rabbi Dov Fischer is with the Young Israel of Orange County (YIOC), in Irvine,
California. YIOC conducts a full range of Shabbat services,
Jewish-study and Torah classes, Jewish social programs and
celebrations, and a part-time yeshiva for teen boys to deal with the
crisis in teen Jewish education in Irvine and Orange County.
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Posted by Jared Israel, July 24, 2009. |
As Iran's nightmare rulers continue to beat, 'arrest' (i.e., kidnap), torture and murder the truly heroic participants in Iran's Democratic Revolution (see videos below), the Western leaders who bombed Yugoslavia over phony stories of imaginary Serbian terror do nothing about the all-to-real Iranian clerical Fascist terror, with Obama-Clinton leading the pack by begging Ahmadinejad to meet with them, thus effectively puffing up this swaggering Mussolini-remake. To help understand why, I urge you to read the 2003 TENC article, "How Iran & the West Planned Islamism for Afghanistan." It includes important, buried news about the powerful IDLO (International Development Law Organization), an inter-governmental body that designs and trains people for legal systems in so-called developing nations, and which is controlled by the E.U. (especially Italy) and the U.S. The TENC article reports that the IDLO hosted a December 2002 meeting in Rome, mainly of foreign ministry officials and Islamist jurists, including three from Iran's clerical regime. The purpose? To plan a Shar'ia constitution for Afghanistan, that is, a constitution that requires the government to adhere to Islamic law. The meeting was fully reported on the IDLO website and covered by Associated Press, ANSA (the Italian wire service), and other wire services, but searching the Lexis-Nexis media archives, we found that, with the exception of an entirely uninformative piece in the BBC (it managed not to mention either the IDLO, Iran or the Islamist jurists!) no English, German, Italian, Spanish or French-language media picked up this story, and that's including so-called alternative media. It was big news, but the silence was deafening. Big news, including this AP report on the consensus of this meeting attended by foreign ministry delegations from the most powerful states in the world: "The conclusions of that meeting were that Islamic law has 'all the elements that are really required to underpin a human rights agenda and a modern state agenda which are completely compatible with international standards,' said William Loris, director-general of the International Development Law Organization, which trains lawyers and judges in developing countries." So in countries condescendingly (and often ludicrously) described as 'emerging' or 'developing,' Shar'ia is all they need; so says the IDLO of Rome. The Italian foreign ministry, which has been overall in charge of creating the Afghan Shar'ia system, hosted another Afghanistan conference in Rome in July 2007. The Bush administration delegation was headed by Richard A. Boucher, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs. The Ahmadinejad-Khamenei delegation was headed by Mehdi Safari, the Islamic Republic's Deputy Foreign Minister for Asia, Pacific and Commonwealth of Independent States. In a speech to the conference, Safari embraced what the so-called international community is doing in Afghanistan and I hope you are sitting the rule of law: [Excerpt from Islamic Republic of Iran representative's speech starts here] We [i.e., the Iranian regime J.I.] hope this gathering will lead to further cooperation between the international community and the government of Afghanistan for institutionalizing the full rule of law there. We believe that the holding of [this] international conference on Afghanistan provides solutions for the Afghan people and will pave the way for the realization of their goals and objectives. Notice that speaking to his peers, with virtually no chance that his words will be reported by the media, this Ahmadinejad-Khamenei representative shuns the propaganda attacks that create the public impression of intense hostility between Iran, on the one side, and the U.S. and European leaders, on the other. I believe these mutual attacks are staged for dramatic effect, just like the theatrical denunciations one sees in wrestling matches on U.S. TV, to give people someone to root for while hiding cooperation. Supporting my view, we see that, out of the public view, Deputy Foreign Minister Safari is deferential to the Great Satans, welcoming their invasion of a neighbor, their establishment of what is manifestly an imposed government, their imposition of a Shar'ia legal system (that's the "rule of law," so dear to the Ahmadinejad-Khamenei regime), and, in oiliest tones, anticipates that the international takeover "will pave the way for the realization of their goals and objectives." My translation: 'By imposing Shar'ia (thus outflanking the many Afghan secularists), by punishing the unruly Taliban so that they will submit to control from Tehran, and by permitting the Iranian mullahs a free hand in Afghanistan, the international community has performed splendidly, just as when they eliminated the mullahs' deadly enemy, Saddam Hussein. For which services the mullahs most graciously exclaim: Thank you, o wondrous beings! Anything else you can do for us, just let us know!' Why has the 'international community' welcomed Iran into Afghanistan, when, obviously, the Iranian mullahs have the goals of crushing anyone who resists Islamist rule and of establishing regional hegemony, goals already partly achieved in Iraq, thanks to the Western invasion? Why, unless either: A) The U.S. and European governments (and the Vatican, which basically runs the Italian government) get involved in massively expensive invasions and embrace clerical-Fascist states (i.e., Iran) without giving a thought to the consequences, or Now why would the establishment want that? Because they consider Iranian-style Islamism, which ruthlessly suppresses critical thought and all secular organizing (for example, by trade unionists), and which disseminates the mind-rotting 'theory' that 'the evil Jews' run the world, as excellent for controlling and suppressing potentially rebellious populations in Muslim-majority countries. Could this be why Prof. Brzezinski's star pupil Barack Obama has talked out of both sides of his mouth about the struggle in Iran, saying that he regretted all violence but that the U.S. did not have observers on the ground so he couldn't be sure what had happened, while legitimizing Ahmadinejad by begging him to meet with the U.S., and this while the Iranian clerical Fascists were murdering more and more people? Did Obama and Clinton bet that the mullah-thugs would be able quickly to silence the Iranian people and that people in the West would quickly lose interest? If so Obama and Clinton have lost their bet. What are they going to do now? The two videos below, filmed spontaneously by ordinary Iranians, provide an intimate look at the forces contending in Iran. In the first, we see Basij militiamen beating two captured protesters in a parking garage, then apparently shooting one. Filmed at deadly risk to the filmers, the militiamen are seen clubbing their helpless captives casually, without apparent emotion, just as if they were machines. They are just rubble inside. Watching them, please recall Hillary Clinton's equally machine-like statement of June 29th: "There is not yet a final outcome of the process that they're [i.e., Iranian leaders J.I.] engaged in internally to demonstrate to their own people the credibility of the electoral process that has just been completed." To display the video, please go to
The second video shows students at Kashan Universty, about 300 km south of Tehran, conducting a protest in their school. We don't have the slogans translated (help appreciated!), but the song they sing for the first half of the video is "Yar-e Dabestani-e Man" ("My elementary schoolmate"), written by Mansour Tehrani for his 1980 film "Az Faryad Ta Terror" ("From Cry to Assassination"): Translation: "My elementary schoolmate
Our desolate and uncultured wilderness
To display the video, please go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sRGGXfGUqI [1] Footnote: To read this AP dispatch, go to page 2 of "Press Clippings on IDLO Afghanistan Roundtable & MFA Conference
Rome, December 2002," at
The program of the 2002 IDLO conference, including a list of participants, can be read on the IDLO website at
[2] A streaming video of Mehdi Safari's speech at the 2007 conference can be seen at
For additional information on the 2007 "Conference on the Rule of
[Shar'ia] Law in Afghanistan," go to the Italian foreign ministry
website at
Italy is "the lead nation in the reconstruction of the Afghan justice system, operating in the field through the Italian Justice Project Office (IJPO) created in 2003."
[3] To view a video of Hillary Clinton's "Remarks at the Top of the Daily Press Briefing" of June 29, 2009, go to
This article is available at www.tenc.net and
is archived at
Posted by David Meir-Levi, July 24, 2009. |
Sh'lom Y'all, Has hell frozen over? This is the first time in the past 9 years that I have been following it, that the NY Times deals honestly with some aspect of the dire threat posed by Islamofascist Jihad to our civilization. Not comprehensively, not analytically, and not with even a hint of alarmist vocabulary, but at least honestly. Same re the Friedman article. Praising the military? Condemning the Taliban in honest terminology regarding their psychotic misogynistic pathology? I wonder if the NY Times and Friedman are experiencing a learning curve. This is more than just a hypothetical question. If the NY Times is acknowledging the real dangers, and reporting on FBI concerns, then it is easier to convince those who distrust alternate media sources by using the NY Times. (from the Thomas Friedman article at the bottom of this email): It is no accident, Mortenson noted, that since 2007, the Taliban and its allies have bombed, burned or shut down more than 640 schools in Afghanistan and 350 schools in Pakistan, of which about 80 percent are schools for girls. This valley, controlled by Tajik fighters, is secure, but down south in Helmand Province, where the worst fighting is today, the deputy minister of education said that Taliban extremists have shut 75 of the 228 schools in the last year. This is the real war of ideas. The Taliban want public mosques, not public schools. The Muslim militants recruit among the illiterate and impoverished in society, so the more of them the better, said Mortenson.David ML (1) "Radical Islamists Slip Easily Into Kenya" by Jeffrey Gettleman,
(2) "Teacher, Can We Leave Now? No"
by Thomas L. Friedman, July 19, 2009, NYTimes,
(3) "A Call to Jihad, Answered in America" by Andrea Elliott, July
12, 2009, NYTimes,
(1) and (2) are available on the New York Times website. (3) is posted below. |
MINNEAPOLIS The Carlson School of Management rises from the asphalt like a monument to capitalist ambition. Stock prices race across an electronic ticker near a sleek entrance and the atrium soars skyward, as if lifting the aspirations of its students. The school's plucky motto is "Nowhere but here." For a group of students who often met at the school, on the University of Minnesota campus, those words seemed especially fitting. They had fled Somalia as small boys, escaping a catastrophic civil war. They came of age as refugees in Minneapolis, embracing basketball and the prom, hip-hop and the Mall of America. By the time they reached college, their dreams seemed within grasp: one planned to become a doctor; another, an entrepreneur. But last year, in a study room on the first floor of Carlson, the men turned their energies to a different enterprise. "Why are we sitting around in America, doing nothing for our people?" one of the men, Mohamoud Hassan, a skinny 23-year-old engineering major, pressed his friends. In November, Mr. Hassan and two other students dropped out of college and left for Somalia, the homeland they barely knew. Word soon spread that they had joined the Shabaab, a militant Islamist group aligned with Al Qaeda that is fighting to overthrow the fragile Somali government. The students are among more than 20 young Americans who are the focus of what may be the most significant domestic terrorism investigation since Sept. 11. One of the men, Shirwa Ahmed, blew himself up in Somalia in October, becoming the first known American suicide bomber. The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert M. Mueller, has said Mr. Ahmed was "radicalized in his hometown in Minnesota." An examination by The New York Times, based on interviews with close friends and relatives of the men, law enforcement officials and lawyers, as well as access to live phone calls and Facebook messages between the men and their friends in the United States, reveals how a far-flung jihadist movement found a foothold in America's heartland. The men appear to have been motivated by a complex mix of politics and faith, and their communications show how some are trying to recruit other young Americans to their cause. The case represents the largest group of American citizens suspected of joining an extremist movement affiliated with Al Qaeda. Although friends say the men have never thought of carrying out attacks in the United States, F.B.I. officials worry that with their training, ideology and American passports, there is a real danger that they could. "This case is unlike anything we have encountered," said Ralph S. Boelter, the special agent in charge of the F.B.I.'s Minneapolis office, which is leading the investigation. Most of the men are Somali refugees who left the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in two waves, starting in late 2007. While religious devotion may have predisposed them to sympathize with the Islamist cause in Somalia, it took a major geopolitical event the Ethiopian invasion of their homeland in 2006 to spur them to join what they saw as a legitimate resistance movement, said friends of the men. For many of the men, the path to Somalia offered something personal as well a sense of adventure, purpose and even renewal. In the first wave of Somalis who left were men whose uprooted lives resembled those of immigrants in Europe who have joined the jihad. They faced barriers of race and class, religion and language. Mr. Ahmed, the 26-year-old suicide bomber, struggled at community colleges before dropping out. His friend Zakaria Maruf, 30, fell in with a violent street gang and later stocked shelves at a Wal-Mart. If failure had shadowed this first group of men, the young Minnesotans who followed them to Somalia were succeeding in America. Mr. Hassan, the engineering student, was a rising star in his college community. Another of the men was a pre-med student who had once set his sights on an internship at the Mayo Clinic. They did not leave the United States for a lack of opportunity, their friends said; if anything, they seemed driven by unfulfilled ambition. "Now they feel important," said one friend, who remains in contact with the men and, like others, would only speak anonymously because of the investigation. The case has forced federal agents and terrorism analysts to rethink some of their most basic assumptions about the vulnerability of Muslim immigrants in the United States to the lure of militant Islam. For years, it seemed that "homegrown" terrorism was largely a problem in European countries like Britain and France, where Muslim immigrants had failed to prosper economically or integrate culturally. By contrast, experts believed that the successful assimilation of foreign-born Muslims in the United States had largely immunized them from the appeal of radical ideologies. The story of the Twin Cities men does not lend itself to facile categorizations. They make up a minuscule percentage of their Somali-American community, and it is unclear whether their transformation reflects any broader trend. Nor are they especially representative of the wider Muslim immigrant population, which has enjoyed a stable and largely middle-class existence. Even among the world's jihadists, the young men from Minneapolis are something of an exception: in their instant messages and cellphone calls, they seem caught between inner-city America and the badlands of Africa, pining for Starbucks one day, extolling the virtues of camel's milk and Islamic fundamentalism the next. "Allah will never change the situation of a people unless they change themselves," Mr. Hassan, the engineering student, wrote in a Facebook message he posted on April 15. "Take a sec and think about your situation deeply. What change do you need to make?" Generation of Refugees Shirwa Ahmed climbed the worn, concrete steps of Roosevelt High School on his first day as a freshman in September 1996. A slim boy with a watchful gaze, he was one of hundreds of Somali teenagers who had landed at the school in southeastern Minneapolis. Some had never seen a drinking fountain. Others did not know how to hold a pencil, recalled the school's principal, Bruce Gilman. They carried unspeakable traumas. A number of the students had witnessed their parents being killed. "It's almost unimaginable what some of these kids went through," Mr. Gilman said. The country they had fled, on the eastern tip of Africa, was embroiled in a civil war that had left it without a functioning government since 1991. The anarchy reached American televisions two years later, when warlords shot down two Black Hawk helicopters, killing 18 United States soldiers. By then, tens of thousands of Somalis had died and a mass exodus had begun. A generation of Somalis grew up in the overcrowded refugee camps of northern Kenya, where malaria, scorpion infestations and hunger took their toll. Tales of America sustained them. Clean water was said to flow freely in kitchens, and simple jobs like plucking chickens paid handsomely. Proof came in the cash sent by a first wave of refugees who had arrived in the United States in the early 1990s. Minneapolis, with its robust social services and steady supply of unskilled jobs, quickly became the capital of their North American diaspora. When they ended their shifts as cabdrivers or janitors, many Somalis retreated from American life. They had transformed a blighted stretch near the Mississippi River into a Little Mogadishu, commandeering a grim collection of cinderblock buildings known as the Towers a onetime fictional residence of the heroine of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show." They cut their hair at Somali barber shops, prayed at Somali mosques and organized themselves along the same clan lines that had divided them for decades, calling on tribal elders to settle family disputes and community rifts. If the adults kept their distance from American culture, their children had little choice but to dive in. At Roosevelt, Mr. Ahmed was a quick study. He memorized Ice Cube's lyrics. He practiced for hours on neighborhood basketball courts. He took note of the clothing and vernacular of his African-American classmates, emulating what he could. His pants sagged, but never too much. He spoke of "homeboys" and used the "n" word, but gave careful regard to the school's rules. When a classmate's purse was stolen, it was Mr. Ahmed who dutifully turned in the thief. Much as he tried, he failed to fit in. You're not black, his peers taunted. Go back to Africa. Somali and African-American students clashed frequently at the school, but Mr. Ahmed seemed ill-suited to the fight. Taciturn by nature, he recoiled at the taunts, his close friend Nicole Hartford said. "How can they be mad at me for looking like them?" she recalled him saying. "We're from the same place." Even as Mr. Ahmed met rejection at school, he faced disapproval from relatives, who complained that he was mixing with "ghetto people," Ms. Hartford recalled. It was a classic conundrum for young Somalis: how to be one thing at school and another at home. Developments in the homeland, followed obsessively by the adults, held little interest among teenagers. They rolled their eyes at the older men known as "the sitting warriors," who debated clan politics with such gusto at one Starbucks that the staff bought a decibel meter to ensure that the noise did not rise above legal limits. Yet young men like Mr. Ahmed remained tethered to Somalia by the remittances they were pressed to send. After school every day, he joined a stream of teenagers headed for the airport, where he pushed passengers in wheelchairs. He sent half of his income to Somalia, to "relatives we don't even know," his friend Nimco Ahmed said. The war had torn families apart, and fathers were in short supply. Somali boys struggled most visibly. The financial strain on families like Mr. Ahmed's, which was headed by an older sister, proved staggering. Of the estimated 100,000 Somalis in the United States, more than 60 percent live in poverty, according to recent census data. After graduating from high school in 2000, Mr. Ahmed seemed to flounder, taking community college classes while working odd jobs, friends said. But he had done better than many peers, who turned to crime and gangs like Murda Squad and Rough Tough Somalis. At the root of the problem was a "crisis of belonging," said Mohamud Galony, a science tutor who was friends with Mr. Ahmed and is the uncle of another boy who left. Young Somalis had been raised to honor their families' tribes, yet felt disconnected from them. "They want to belong, but who do they belong to?" said Mr. Galony, 23. By 2004, Mr. Ahmed had found a new circle of friends. These religious young men, pegged as "born-agains" or "fundis," set themselves apart by their dress. Their trousers had gone from sagging to short, emulating the Prophet Muhammad, who was said to have kept his clothes from touching the ground. Perhaps none of Mr. Ahmed's contemporaries had undergone a transformation like that of Zakaria Maruf. A short boy prone to fits of rage, Mr. Maruf began running afoul of the law at the age of 14. For a time, he fell in with the Hot Boyz, a violent street gang. He seemed to crave recognition. Known on the basketball court as Zak, he was a mediocre athlete, but he pushed himself harder than anyone else, recalled his coach, Ahmed Dahir. Mr. Maruf threw himself into Islam with the same intensity, becoming a fixture at a mosque near the Towers, where he mastered the call to prayer. "He had an ego the size of Minnesota," one fellow mosque member said. "It was, 'Look at me.' " Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Maruf were sometimes seen preaching to kids on the street, offering their own lives as examples of reform. Yet they continued to struggle. Mr. Maruf's criminal record had foiled his search for a job. When he proposed to a young woman in 2005, her parents scoffed, one friend recalled. They did not want their daughter winding up "on welfare," they told Mr. Maruf, who worked at a Wal-Mart. "They think that life is about money and material things, but watch what that will do for them," Mr. Maruf told the friend one afternoon, sitting slumped at the mosque. He seemed to be searching for a clean slate. Both he and Mr. Ahmed would find it thousands of miles away. A Political Awakening In 2006, an Islamist movement swept through Somalia and seized control, giving the country its first taste of peace in a generation. The group, known as the Islamic Courts Union, promised to end 15 years of internecine violence by uniting Somalia's clans under the banner of Islam. Key ports were reopened, and order was restored to the capital, Mogadishu. In Washington, officials of the Bush administration saw a threat to East African stability. Hard-line factions of the Courts were thought to be sheltering Qaeda operatives and had declared a jihad against neighboring Ethiopia, a predominantly Christian country. In December 2006, Ethiopian troops crossed the border and routed the Islamist forces with intelligence support from the United States, beginning a two-year occupation. These events triggered a political awakening among young Somalis in Minneapolis. They had long viewed their homeland's problems as hopelessly clan-based, but the Ethiopian campaign simplified things. Here was an external enemy against which young Somalis could unite. Spurred by a newfound sense of nationalism, college students distributed T-shirts emblazoned with the Somali flag and held demonstrations during a frigid Minnesota winter. The protests took on a religious dimension as well. While the United States had defended the Ethiopian invasion as a front in the global war on terrorism, many Somalis saw it as a Christian crusade into a Muslim land. They were outraged at reports of Ethiopian troops raping Somali women, looting mosques and killing civilians. If the Ethiopians were seen as infidel invaders, an insurgent group known as the Shabaab "youth," in Arabic was emerging as "freedom fighters." In its online propaganda, the Shabaab conflated nationalist sentiments with religious ideology, following a tactic honed by Al Qaeda. The Shabaab began releasing videos portraying Somalia's struggle as part of a global movement to defend Islam and restore its rule. Foreign recruits were promised "victory or martyrdom" for enlisting. Several American converts to Islam joined up. The recruitment of the Twin Cities men can be traced to a group of Somali immigrants from Northern Europe and other countries who, in 2005, traveled to Somalia to fight with the Islamist movement, a senior law enforcement official said. A handful of those men later went to Minneapolis, the official said, and helped persuade the first large group from the Twin Cities to leave for Somalia starting in late 2007. That first wave consisted of men in their 20s and 30s who had been fixtures at the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center, the largest Somali mosque in Minneapolis. They included an emergency medical technician, a former waiter, a car-rental employee and Shirwa Ahmed, the onetime Roosevelt student who now wore a thick beard and silk gown. That fall, Mr. Ahmed announced to friends that he was moving to the Middle East to study Islam. After he left for Saudi Arabia to make hajj, the obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca, his nephew wrote to a friend, "My uncle is a changed man." The following spring, Zakaria Maruf, the former gang member, vanished. Shortly after his disappearance, two teenage boys walked into a travel agency near the Towers, clutching their Somali passports, recalled Abia Ali, an accountant at the agency. Ms. Ali recognized the boys from the mosque and suspected that they planned to follow Mr. Maruf to Somalia. She warned the mosque's leaders, who alerted the boys' parents and then summoned a meeting with the mosque's young members. "All this talk of the movement must stop," the imam, Sheikh Abdirahman Sheikh Omar Ahmed, recalled telling the crowd. "Focus on your life here. If you become a doctor or an engineer, you can help your country. Over there you will be a dead body on the street." In the audience were several young men who would soon disappear. 'Our Best Kids' If the first men who left for Somalia had struggled to find their place in America, the boys to follow were "our best kids," in the words of one uncle. Mohamoud Hassan outdid most of his peers at Roosevelt High School in 2006, becoming one of the few Somali boys to make it to college that year. He stood out at the University of Minnesota. Answering to the nickname Snake, the tall, lanky freshman wore a black cotton beret and a pencil-thin moustache. Women found him clownishly charming, occasionally giving in to his pleas for their "digits." The engineering major tried to cultivate a more serious image, writing poetry, debating politics and poring through "The Autobiography of Malcolm X," his friend Hindia Ali recalled. Even his closest friends found Mr. Hassan an enigma. He had come to the United States without parents or siblings and looked after his ailing grandmother in a dim apartment in the Towers. He longed to return to his homeland, both to experience it for himself and to rebuild it. It was a common obsession among his friends. "It's just this missing piece of us," his friend Ruqia Mohamed said. After the Ethiopian invasion, a circle of listeners sometimes gathered around Mr. Hassan at the Coffman student center. Mr. Hassan, then the vice president of the Minnesota Somali Student Union, defended the occupation, posting an essay on Facebook assailing the insurgents as "a handful of thugs." But over time, he began to see things differently. Mr. Hassan's interest in the Islamist movement dovetailed with his own religious transformation, friends said. In the fall of 2007 he began downloading sermons onto his iPod and soon was attending the Abubakar mosque. By then, Mr. Hassan had become upset by the reports of rapes in Somalia and set out to learn more about the insurgency, one friend recalled. He began talking of joining the movement as early as February 2008, around the same time that a friend from the mosque Mr. Maruf, the former gang member left for Somalia. "I wanted to go, so I got to know him," Mr. Hassan said in a recent telephone conversation from Somalia with a Minneapolis friend. That May, he was incensed by a United States military air strike that killed Aden Hashi Ayro, a leader of the Shabaab, along with at least 10 civilians. "How dare they?" Mr. Hassan demanded one afternoon at the student center. "Who is the terrorist?" Mr. Hassan and another university student searched the Internet for jihadist videos and chat rooms, the friend said. They listened to "Constants on the Path to Jihad," lectures by the Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who is suspected of inciting Muslims in the West to violence. While Somali nationalism had initially driven the men, a friend said, their cause eventually took on a religious cast. They became convinced that Somalia's years of bloodshed were punishment from God for straying from Islam, the friend said. The answer was to restore the Caliphate, or Islamic rule. "They saw it as their duty to go and fight," the friend said. "If it was just nationalism, they could give money. But religion convinced them to sacrifice their whole life." Over the next few months, the men communicated frequently with Zakaria Maruf, who was then in southern Somalia trying to recruit men in Minneapolis to join him, said a senior law enforcement official and a lawyer, Stephen L. Smith, who represents one of the men Mr. Maruf approached. Mr. Maruf reached out through listservs and conference calls arranged by a teenage boy who distributed 800 numbers and passwords so people could listen in. Mr. Maruf had little trouble finding an audience for his pitch in the Twin Cities; he had shuttled boys from the Abubakar mosque to basketball games, and a recording of his call to prayer was a ring tone on the cellphones of young Somalis. In his calls, listeners heard him boast that he had gotten married, had a child and become a governor for the Shabaab. The onetime stock boy with a criminal record was now a figure of authority, if one believed his claims. "He was the 'I'll take you to the battlefield' person," one acquaintance said. Despite all the spirited talk of the jihad, Mohamoud Hassan, the engineering student, seemed to waver, friends recalled. The tipping point, one said, may have come that September when a close friend was shot dead outside a youth center the fifth slaying of a young Somali in the Twin Cities in a year. "I used to think that death only happens to old people," Mr. Hassan told his friend Ruqia Mohamed. "But he was young my age. I guess I could die tomorrow." Mr. Hassan began spending much of his time with a small group of men that included a pre-med student, an electrical engineering student, a white 27-year-old convert and a pesky 17-year-old Roosevelt senior. The boy, known as Little Bashir, had memorized the Koran and talked of going to Harvard. The men acted secretive, friends recalled, meeting alone in a study room at the Carlson building, where Mr. Hassan and the pre-med student worked as uniformed security personnel. In late October, the group visited University Travel Services, near the Towers, accompanied by an older man with a gray beard who introduced himself as their uncle, the manager of the agency said in an interview. The "uncle" explained that the men wanted to buy tickets to Somalia, and were waiting for passports. Soon after, the young men returned by themselves and paid cash for their tickets, roughly $1,800 apiece, the manager said. They left on different days to avoid drawing attention, a friend said. Mr. Hassan drove to Chicago, where he boarded a plane to Dubai on Nov. 1, according to an itinerary obtained by The Times. By the eve of the United States presidential election three days later, all of the men were gone. Training for Jihad As word spread in Minneapolis that a new group of men had disappeared, another piece of jarring news came from Somalia: Shirwa Ahmed had blown himself up. On Oct. 29, 2008, he drove a car packed with explosives into a government compound in Puntland, a region of northern Somalia. The bombing was among five attacks that day coordinated by the Shabaab, which left more than 20 people dead in the group's campaign to eliminate enemies and show their might. The F.B.I. investigated and sent Mr. Ahmed's remains to Minneapolis in November. By then, Mr. Hassan and his friends were journeying in the opposite direction. A close friend said the men were met by Zakaria Maruf, the recruiter, and taken to the southern port city of Merka, where they stayed in a "welcoming house" run by a Somali woman whom the men called Mama. By January, most of the men were at a training camp in southern Somalia, following a strict routine that Mr. Hassan and others described to their Minneapolis friends in phone calls. They woke before dawn to pray and study the Koran. They engaged in rigorous training, running obstacle courses and learning to make bombs. As foreign recruits, they received special treatment. These mujahideen slept in a different bunker and were considered to have a higher status, the friend said. Mr. Hassan was struck by the diversity of the fighters, who included Chechnyans and converts from Europe. "I am looking out into the field and I see so many different colors," Mr. Hassan told the friend by phone. If becoming a jihadist usually means parting with life in the West, the men from Minneapolis soon broke with tradition. They frequently communicated with dozens of friends in the United States whom one acquaintance described as "the homeys they left behind." Two friends showed The Times the Facebook communications of four of the men, including one whose profile picture was, until recently, of Osama bin Laden. One exchange on Facebook distilled the push and pull: "'Sup dawg," one of the men wrote to a friend in late December. "Bring yourself over here" to "M-town," the message continued, where the men carry "all types of guns." "I ain't goin' over there man," the young man answered. "Dats the same reason we came 2 America Locco." Mr. Hassan and the others claimed to be enjoying their adventure. They had grown up hearing tales about the winding Shabelle River in southern Somalia and the rich taste of camel milk. When they finally swam in the river and drank the milk, they called their friends in Minneapolis, their voices dreamy. The men seemed to revel in their new identity as fighters. One day in March, Mr. Hassan's friend the pre-med student was talking on the phone with someone in Minneapolis when he opened fire with his AK-47. He was checking "to see if it worked," the person recalled him saying. But there were cracks in the men's bravado. While on a boat headed to a Shabaab stronghold in the south, the high school student known as Little Bashir began vomiting so violently that he lost his glasses, his mother said in an interview. After he told her this by phone, she fetched his prescription and read it to him, hoping he would somehow find an optometrist. It was hard to imagine this 17-year-old a frail, bookish boy who had delighted in calculus making his way through war-ravaged Somalia, friends of his said. "I doubt that he could even pick up a handgun," said Mr. Galony, who had tutored the boy in chemistry. If the others seemed hardier, they still had moments of weakness. They missed movies and basketball, deodorant and boxer shorts, they told friends back home. One of the men, who suffered from heartburn, asked if anyone could send him a box of Tums by DHL. Their longing for life in America came and went. They encountered more serious challenges in Somalia. By the time some of them entered training, the Shabaab was fast losing popularity. The Ethiopian troops had pulled out, making way for a new Somali president, Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the same man who had once led the Islamist movement to which the Shabaab formerly belonged. "Some of them wondered who they were fighting," one friend said. The jihadists' conversations with their Minneapolis friends sometimes turned testy. Two of the friends said in interviews that they, like many Somalis, had become sharply critical of the Shabaab. The group has carried out beheadings, amputations and the fatal stoning of a 13-year-old rape victim. In April, the Shabaab fired several mortar rounds at a plane carrying Representative Donald M. Payne, a New Jersey Democrat who was leaving Somalia after meeting with the president. "What, are y'all retarded?" one of Mr. Maruf's friends, a college student, chided him in a phone call. "He's our only friend in Congress." "You have been brainwashed by the media," Mr. Maruf shot back. Later, the student thought back on the conversation. "Sometimes they will talk and you're like, Are you trying to prove this to me or to yourself?" she said. "They have this inner struggle." An Inquiry Intensifies Ralph S. Boelter had a robust résumé by the time he took over the F.B.I.'s Minneapolis office in early 2007. He had worked on white-collar crimes in Boston and violent gangs in Los Angeles. He had investigated the leak of the C.I.A. officer Valerie Wilson's identity. Returning to the Midwest put Mr. Boelter, a square-jawed Wisconsin native, back on familiar ground. But less than two years later, he found himself tasked with one of the most complex terrorism cases since Sept. 11. "Never did I imagine that I would step into this here," Mr. Boelter said one recent afternoon. In the years since the Sept. 11 attacks, Somalis had remained largely under the law enforcement radar while other Muslim immigrants primarily Arabs and South Asians experienced the brunt of the raids and scrutiny. While federal investigators had tracked the movements of American recruits to the Shabaab since at least early 2008, the F.B.I.'s case did not swing into high gear until after Shirwa Ahmed's suicide attack that fall. Investigators in Minneapolis approached Somalis on the street, in their homes, at the Abubakar mosque and on the University of Minnesota campus. Brandishing photographs, the agents asked questions about community figures like the imam of the mosque and its youth director. As the inquiry wore on, community leaders say, more than 50 people were subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury in Minneapolis and another jury was convened in San Diego. In April, F.B.I. agents raided three Somali money wiring businesses in Minneapolis. By then, the investigation had expanded to smaller Somali communities in Boston; Seattle; Portland, Me.; and Columbus, Ohio. Somalis in Minneapolis, by turns frightened and intrigued by the inquiry, came up with a Somali code name for the F.B.I. agents in their midst: Fadumo Bashir Ismael. Mr. Boelter tried to counter the negative attention by appearing on Somali television and radio, encouraging people to cooperate with investigators. Yet he has revealed little about the case itself. The scope and intensity of the investigation, he said, is merely commensurate to the danger posed by the men. "If American citizens are joining the Shabaab, the potential threat domestically is serious," Mr. Boelter said. "I think they could be commissioned to come back. Or they could do it on their own because they are philosophically aligned with the Shabaab or Al Qaeda." Senior Qaeda leaders have aggressively promoted Somalia as the latest destination for foreign fighters, said Evan Kohlmann, a terrorism consultant who frequently works for the government. In recent months, a small number of Qaeda operatives have reportedly sought sanctuary there. Analysts find the alliance troubling because Al Qaeda has long sought recruits with American and European passports who can cross borders more freely, said Bruce Hoffman, a professor at Georgetown University who studies terrorism. There are indications that three Twin Cities men have returned, possibly after defecting from the Shabaab. A friend of the men still in Somalia said they had no thought of attacking America. "Why would I do that?" the friend recalled the pre-med student, Adbisalan Ali, saying on the phone last spring. "My mom could be walking down the street." The central question driving the F.B.I. investigation is whether United States citizens have provided material support to the Shabaab, either in the form of personnel or money. Three local acquaintances of Mr. Maruf, the recruiter, sent him small amounts of money at his request, according to one of the friends and a lawyer for the others. It is not known how the young men who followed him to Somalia paid for their trips. Two of the teenage boys were seen knocking on doors at the Towers last summer, asking for donations for "an orphanage." The full dimensions of the recruitment effort also remain unclear. A close friend of several of the men described the process as "a chain of friendship" in which one group encouraged the next. "They want to bring people they are close with because they need that familiarity," the friend said. "They created their own little America in Somalia." The manager of University Travel Services said that since November, he had turned away at least 20 men looking to buy tickets to Somalia, adding that the requests had slowed considerably. Meanwhile, some Somali parents in the Twin Cities have taken to hiding their sons' passports. The tension in the community has turned inward at times. Last March, the uncle of Burhan Hassan, the boy known as Little Bashir, testified at a Congressional hearing on the case that the mosque had been "brainwashing" the young men and had possibly raised money for the Shabaab. The mosque's leaders denied this, in turn accusing the family and others of shirking responsibility for their own children. "That's their obligation, to know where their kids are going," said Omar Hurre, the mosque's executive director. A Struggle to Understand For many older Somalis in Minnesota, the deepest mystery is why so many young refugees would risk their lives and futures to return to a country that their parents struggled to leave. The mother of Burhan Hassan had been trying to persuade him to escape to the United States Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, said the uncle, Osman Ahmed. The boy had been calling from Somalia, telling her that he was "fine" and that he missed her cooking. "There is no future for me in America anymore," she recalled him telling her. "If I come back they'll send me to Guantánamo." But he finally agreed to leave, and in late May his mother wired him about $800, Mr. Ahmed said. Ten days later, on June 5, she picked up the telephone to learn that her son was dead. He had been shot in the head, a stranger on the phone told Mr. Hassan's mother. Some of the boy's relatives suspect that he was killed to prevent him from cooperating with the American investigation. F.B.I. officials have declined to confirm Mr. Hassan's death. Months have passed since the older members of his group completed their training in Somalia. Lately, they seem "hardened" and at times radical, a Minneapolis friend said. During one call, the friend asked Mohamoud Hassan, the engineering student, what it was like to kill people. He told of getting "an adrenaline rush," the friend recalled, and joked that he and his friends compared "body counts." Two weeks ago, they spoke again and the conversation turned to the killing of Little Bashir. One of the men had referred to his passing as "martyrdom" in a recent Facebook posting. Mr. Hassan seemed to agree. "Allah knows how to pick," he said. "The family's feeling sad, but we're feeling happy for him." Ramla Bile contributed reporting from Minneapolis and Margot Williams from New York. David Meir-Levi is an American-born Israeli, currently living in Palo Alto. His expertise is in Near Eastern studies and the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He is Director of Peace and Education at Israel Peace Initiative (www.ipi-usa.org). Contact him at david_meirlevi@hotmail.com |
Posted by David Bedein, July 24, 2009. |
The question is: Does PM Netanyahu not know this? |
This week, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu praised the nation of Bahrain for endorsing the Saudi Peace Initiative, also known as the Arab League's Peace Initiative, which the Israel Prime Minister characterized as a step to peace and reconciliation with the state and people of Israel. THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE, WRITTEN ONE WEEK AFTER THE SAUDI INITIATIVE WAS SPAWNED, CLARIFIES THAT THE SAUDI INITIATIVE IS BASED ON FLOODING ISRAEL WITH 4 MILLION ARAB REFUGEES AND THEIR DESCENDENTS The question is: Does PM Netanyahu not know this? In this article published in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz,[1] Professor Itamar Rabinovich president of Tel-Aviv University, former Israeli ambassador to the United States (1993-96), chief Israeli negotiator with Syria during the premiership of Yitzhak Rabin, a prominent figure of the Israeli peace camp, and renown expert on the history of the Middle East explains the advantages and drawbacks of the Saudi initiative. Following are excerpts from the article: "The Beirut Summit" Vs. The Arab Summit Resolutions "The events of the past few days have given rise to a strange and embarrassing situation. In theory, the Arab world has adopted the peace plan put forward by Saudi Arabia, and has presented an attractive formula for the final resolution of the conflict, while Israel has not responded concretely and continues to be caught up in the cycle of violence." The Syrian Interpretation: No True Normalization "A hint of things to come appeared in Syria's reaction, which closed ranks with Lebanon and came out against the Saudi initiative. Immediately afterward, President Bashar Assad was invited to visit Saudi Arabia, and at the conclusion of his visit we were told Syria had adopted the Saudi peace initiative after being assured that the Israeli withdrawal to the borders of 1967 would be interpreted according to Damascus's conception." The Arabs Add More Conditions "However, along with this statement, the summit conference published a concluding statement that emphasized, among other points, that Israel must allow the Palestinians to achieve all their rights, including the guarantee for the [Palestinian] 'right of return' of the Palestinian refugees on the basis of legitimate international resolutions and on the basis of principles of international law including General Assembly Resolution 194. The Arab leaders also emphasized their support for Lebanon to use all legitimate means in regard to the liberation of its territory from Israeli occupation up to the recognized international border, and they asserted that peace and security in the region mandate that Israel affiliate itself with the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and open its nuclear facilities to international supervision." Footnote [1] Ha'aretz, April 7, 2002. David Bedein is Bureau Chief, Israel Resource News Agency.
(http://Israelbehindthenews.com). He is president of
Center for Near East Policy Research.
Contact him by email at media@actcom.co.il
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Posted by Bert Prelutsky, July 24, 2009. |
The other day, I received an e-mail from a lady who let me know she was in the habit of forwarding my articles to her daughter who's away at college. Apparently, she felt I could provide the young woman with an antidote to her left-wing professors. I wished her luck, but I didn't hold out much hope. After all, by this time, the young coed has been immersed in public education for 13 or 14 years. Let a child be raised by wolves and you shouldn't be too surprised if, upon being rescued, his table manners leave something to be desired. I'm not engaging in hyperbole when I say that I'd sooner send a youngster to Florida during hurricane season than to most colleges. As I see it, he or she has a very good chance of surviving the hurricanes. Their hair might get mussed, but at least their brains wouldn't be scrambled. Frankly, I'm surprised that there are any young conservatives left in America. They deserve to be on the list of endangered species. Considering the amount of pressure they face from peers and professors, I am in awe of those with the gumption to stand their ground. If the nation's Founding Fathers came back to life, I believe they'd recognize them as the progeny of those Americans they last saw hurling tea into Boston Harbor, fighting at Lexington and freezing at Valley Forge. However, I also believe that after taking a good look at America
today, they'd shake their heads and wonder how, after such a glorious
beginning, we'd wound up in this pitiful condition. How did we go from
George Washington to Barack Obama in, historically speaking, the blink
of an eye; from the man who refused to be king to the man who would be
SPEAKING OF OBAMA, the White House is trying to convince us that the recent date night that took him and the missus to New York, along with his usual entourage, cost the taxpayers a mere $24,000. That's supposed to be the total amount of the roundtrip flight, the two helicopter rides, the limo, dinner and the show. Fat chance. My brother-in-law in Michigan had a heart attack last year. His heart must be working just fine now because it didn't stop when he got the bill for the 50-mile helicopter ride to the hospital. It was $12,000, and that was one-way, and without a squad of Secret Service agents riding shotgun. I guess the good news for those of us who had to pay the freight is that Obama's mother-in-law is still hanging around the White House, so he probably didn't have to spring for a babysitter. But next time he and Michelle want to step out, I wish he'd just ask for the car keys and 20 bucks for burgers and a couple of cokes. On a more serious front, I sincerely hope that when the president goes in for his annual check-up, the doctors at Bethesda will do a brain scan. Surely something must be terribly wrong with a man who seems to be far more concerned with a Jew building a house in Israel than with Muslims building a nuclear bomb in Iran. Burt Prelutsky is author of "Conservatives Are From Mars, Liberals Are From San Francisco (A Hollywood Right-Winger Comes Out of the Closet)." He has been a humor columnist (L.A. Times), a movie reviewer (Los Angeles magazine), a freelancer (NY Times, TV Guide, Modern Maturity, Sports Illustrated, Washington Times, etc.) and written for TV (several movies, plus episodes of MASH, Mary Tyler Moore, McMillan & Wife, Dragnet, Diagnosis Murder, etc., etc.) Contact him by email at burtprelutsky@aol.com |
Posted by Point of No Return, July 24, 2009. |
The stench of hypocrisy is rising from the current furor surrounding US objections to the redevelopment by a Jewish owner of the Shepherd hotel once itself owned by the pro-Nazi Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini in the 'Arab' Sheikh Jarrah district of Jerusalem. Jewish construction is seen as an obstacle to peace; burgeoning Arab construction in Jerusalem (much of it illegal) is not. You only have to read Justus Reid Weiner's research exposing the construction boom in thousands of Arab units in Jerusalem, much of it lavishly funded by Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states and the Palestinian Authority, to understand that peace is not the issue. On the contrary, over the last several years, the Arabs have been engaged in a political and demographic race for control of Jerusalem. To the US government and the European Union, everything is black-and-white: in their eyes west Jerusalem is 'Jewish', and east Jerusalem, where Israeli sovereignty is not recognised under international law, remains 'Arab'. In truth, this simplistic view ignores the fact that the eastern part of Jerusalem only became Jew-free when the thousands of Jewish inhabitants were 'ethnically cleansed' from the old city in 1948, scores of synagogues destroyed and cemeteries desecrated during 19 years of Jordanian occupation. The city was reunited when the eastern side of the city was recaptured and annexed in 1967 by Israel. The issue of land ownership in Jerusalem is far more complex than the Obama administration and the EU would have us believe. Mount Scopus the original site of the Hebrew university campus and the Hadassah hospital remained a Jewish enclave in Jordanian-controlled territory. It is also a little known fact that hundreds of thousands of Arab squatters in 'Arab east Jerusalem' live on land still owned by the Jewish National Fund. The JNF purchased hundreds of individual parcels of land in and around Jerusalem during the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Some ended up under Jordanian control. In 1948, on one of these parcels the UN built the Kalandia refugee camp, seizing the land without permission from the owners, the JNF. As Gil Zohar explained in his 2007 Jerusalem Post piece other parcels of land in 'Arab' east Jerusalem were cut off from their Iraqi and Iranian Jewish owners after they came under Jordanian rule. In total 145,976 dunams* of Jewish land is said to have come under Jordanian control. ((Jewish property claims against Arab countries by Michael Fischbach, p 85). Another 16,684.421 dunams of Jewish land in the rural West Bank including the Gush Etzion settlements, land between Nablus, Jenin and Tulkarm, and in Bethlehem and Hebron were seized by the Jordanians after 1948. The Golan Heights are almost universally considered 'Syrian' territory and yet the JNF lays claim to 73,974 dunams in southern Syria (op cit, p36). The earliest purchase was made in the 1880s. On the macro-level, it is estimated that Jews living in Arab countries owned some 100,000 sq km of deeded property, equivalent to four or five times the size of Israel. Many cities in the 'Arab' Middle East and North Africa had large Jewish populations. Baghdad was a quarter Jewish. When over 90 per cent of Iraq's Jews left for Israel in 1950 51, property seized by the Iraqi government included three hospitals, 19 Jewish schools, 31 synagogues and two cemeteries. In Egypt mansions belonging to wealthy Jewish families became embassies, residences and public institutions. Jihan Sadat still lives in a mansion once owned by the Castro family, and president Mubarak reputedly has the use of a villa owned by the Smouha family. The international community gets into a huff when Jerusalem property once owned by Arabs is legally bought by Jews. Across the Arab world, Jewish property has been abandoned, sequestered or sold well below market value as Jews left in haste or were driven out. The West is sanctioning the principle that the Arab world must be Jew-free (Arab states have almost succeeded in this task, having banished 97 percent of their Jewish population). The takeover of millions of dollars' worth of Jewish homes, shops, offices and communal property by Arabs has never been considered provocative or an 'obstacle to peace'. Double standard, anyone?
UPDATE: (with thanks Lily) : the irony that the Shepherd hotel in Jerusalem should have been owned by a man committed to making the Middle East Judenrein has not been lost on Avigdor Lieberman who has ordered a photo of al-Husseini meeting Hitler to be disseminated by the Israeli foreign ministry. [*] 1 dunam= 1,000 sq. metres Visit the Point of No Return Website at
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Posted by LEL, July 24, 2009. |
This article was written by Joel B. Pollak, a recent Harvard Law graduate and the author of
Don't Tell Me Words Don't Matter: How Rhetoric Won the 2008
Presidential Election.
A grave injustice is being committed against the Palestinian people perhaps among the greatest in their history. Thousands are being systematically robbed of their citizenship, made stateless once more by a hard-hearted government that pays lip service to peace and the two-state solution, but which seems determined to undermine both. Israel? No the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the monarchy that occupied the West Bank from 1948 to 1967 and which has long had an uneasy relationship with its Palestinian majority. Now, cynically claiming that it has the Palestinians' best interests at heart, the regime of King Abdullah II has begun removing the citizenship of Palestinians with roots in the West Bank. Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads: (1) Everyone has the right to a nationality. The Jordanian policy is a clear violation of these fundamental rights. Thus far, it has been met with protest in Amman and mild complaint from the Jordanian media. Yet the rest of the world has been silent. That includes the world's leading human rights organizations. As of this writing, the front page of Amnesty International's website features an appeal for Israel to cooperate with the UN's "independent" fact-finding mission on Gaza, but nothing on Jordan. Human Rights Watch, which recently bashed Israel for the benefit of donors in Saudi Arabia, has yet to react. The official explanation given for the decision to revoke the citizenship of Jordanians of Palestinian origin is that Jordan wants to send a signal to the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu: Jordan will not allow Israel to "resettle" Palestinians in Jordan. Never mind that the people who are losing their citizenship were "resettled" in Jordan decades ago. It seems probable that the real motive of the Jordanian decision is to entrench the control of the Hashemite monarchy to stave off demands for democratic reform. The rise of democracy in Iraq and the recent protests in the streets of Tehran have created new expectations that the region's autocrats are desperate to subdue. So, too, with Jordan. Though it is among the more liberal Arab states and enjoys both peace with Israel and free trade with the U.S., the monarchy is fragile. Its decision to strip Palestinians of their citizenship puts the peace process at risk by creating the false expectation that Israel will absorb millions of Palestinians currently outside its borders. Yet that is a risk the monarchy seems prepared to take to protect itself. The Kingdom's decision may be also regarded as a response to President Barack Obama's new Middle East policy. Emboldened by Obama's harsh approach to Israel and his meek support for democratic movements in the region, Jordan has taken the opportunity to restore "stability," using Palestinians once again as the political pawns of the Arab world. Neither Obama nor Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voluble in recent days on the need for Israeli concessions and "self-reflection" has criticized Jordan, though the U.S. has a great deal of leverage there. The Palestinian diaspora, so quick to protest when Israel defends itself against Hamas terror, is nowhere to be seen. When Netanyahu appointed Avigdor Lieberman as his foreign minister, there was global alarm. Lieberman was already notorious for his radical and reprehensible suggestion in 2004 that Israel might one day strip its Arab citizens of their citizenship. Yet now Jordan has begun to do exactly that, and the world has encouraged it through stark indifference. The issue ought to be an urgent priority for the UN Human Rights Council. Ironically, Jordan was re-elected to a seat on the council in May the same election that saw the U.S. join the council as well. If U.S. membership is to mean anything more than a legitimization of the council's anti-Israel bias, it must raise the issue of Palestinians in Jordan before the council's next session opens in September. Until then, this episode serves as a reminder not only of the casual disregard of Palestinian human rights in the Arab world, and the anti-Israel bias of much of the human rights community, but also of the risks of subjecting American prerogatives to the judgment of international institutions run by countries that violate at home what they try to enforce abroad. The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, passed in the aftermath of the Civil War, prevents the government from depriving any American of his or her citizenship. Theoretically, Jordanian citizens enjoy constitutional rights of their own, but the Jordanian constitution begins its section on rights with a disclaimer: "Jordanian Nationality shall be defined by law." For the Palestinians of Jordan, their country's leadership in the UN Human Rights Council and subscription to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are of little use or comfort against the arbitrary powers of their government and the passivity of the international community. As the U.S. takes its seat on the council, theirs is a sobering example, and a warning worth remembering. Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 24, 2009. |
This was written by Baron Bodissey and comes from the Gates of
Vienna website
Cultural Enrichment News When this unpleasant story first surfaced, I wasn't certain that it was an example of cultural enrichment. Since all the reports came from the Swedish media, they were at pains to make sure that the reader had no clue as to the ethnicity of the participants. However, since then the facts have emerged, and now the father is on trial. This is the most significant sentence in The Local article: "Despite the fact that the children are born in Sweden, two of them needed interpreters in court." These boys are 17 and 18 years old, and were born in Sweden. But they don't speak Swedish. Their older sister, however, has grit: despite never having gone to school, she was determined to learn Swedish, and she did. The father is blaming everything on the mother, which means that he must be desperate, because it is shameful and humiliating for any Muslim man to acknowledge that his wife controls the household. He can expect to be an object of ridicule among his fellow Muslim prison inmates. Thus does Sweden reap the rich harvest of Multiculturalism, more than two decades after the seeds were sown: Children Tell of 'Hell' Under Abusive Father Three children of a father accused of abusing and imprisoning his family spoke out on Thursday as the trial of the 58-year-old kicked off in Uppsala in eastern Sweden. Despite the fact that the children are born in Sweden, two of them needed interpreters in court. They testified about abuse, fear and never having attended school. The father warned of the dangers of Swedish society, telling his children they would be raped and lobotomized and that all Swedes were racists. "If all the children in Sweden were lobotomized, why are they so happy?" recalled one of the daughters, according to the Aftonbladet newspaper. Between September 2003 and March 2004, the children were confined to the family's apartment, never leaving the dwelling once, according to public prosecutor Johan Strömbäck. Three of the children have sought compensation totaling 148,000 kronor ($20,000) for deprivation of liberty (frihetsberövande), including missing out on their education. During a morning court hearing, three of the man's four children testified about their experience while confined by their dominating father, who is a native of Iran. The 17-year-old son related how he peered out of the bathroom window and watched other children play, thinking that "we want to go to school, we want to live like other children." "It was hell, it's impossible to describe. If I think about it, my entire soul quakes," he said. His brother, who is a year older, described how he spent long periods crying and crying, and talked about his desire to go and play football with other children. But he wasn't allowed to go outside, or to have any friends. "We always got to play the quiet game," explained one of the sons, according to the Upsala Nya Tidning (UNT) newspaper. "I remember one time when I was horsing around loudly and he took me to another room and forced a glass jar filled with pepper in my mouth." Both brothers needed the assistance of an interpreter, but their 22-year-old sister testified in clear Swedish. She said that she had to fight to learn the language, despite the fact that she was born in Sweden, just like her brothers. She explained that she clearly remembered how smug her father was when he learned that children who were not residing in Sweden were exempt from compulsory school attendance. "He has deprived us of our rights as Swedish citizens," the daughter said. "I've never attended school, either in Iran or in Sweden. Not one single minute." The children's mother also testified during the emotionally charged hearing. "They don't know what the inside of a school, or a classroom, or a bank looks like," she said. "I sometimes felt like he had control our breathing." Shortly after her husband's arrest on June 27th, the woman filed for divorce, citing that the man had abused her and the children for 20 some years. She has also requested that she be given sole custody of the two children who are still under 18. The youngest child, a 16-year-old daughter was treated differently than the others, and doesn't believe she was deprived of her freedom. Prosecutors were delayed in bringing charges against the man after uncertainties arose regarding his identify. According to the original indictment, the father is listed as being 68-years-old, but according to Strömbäck he is actually a decade younger. "He says himself that a mistake was made in the translation of his original documents," the lawyer said. When the 58-year-old man took the stand in the afternoon, he denied all the accusations against him, claiming his wife and children were lying. He said his children had made up their stories out of fear of their mother. "She's taken over the whole family and controls their lives, not me," he said. He claimed that his wife was a "fundamentalist" and wanted to send the children to schools in Iran run by mullahs. The father also refuted accusations that he had beaten his children. "I'm against violence, it's the mother who is violent," he said. "She does what she wants in the name of Islam." He said his children did in fact attend school in Iran and that there are diplomas to prove it at the country's education ministry. However, the 58-year-old was unable to produce any diplomas in court. According to him, the children's mother forbade them from attending school in Sweden. "They want to make me look like a monster," he said. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Truth Provider, July 24, 2009. |
Dear friends, Within a few hours yesterday (July 23, 2009), NPR carried three stories reported from Israel, all three infested with lies, biases and historic inaccuracies. There can only be one conclusion: NPR has adopted a deliberate anti-Israel policy and has decided to serve as a propaganda vehicle for the Arab cause. 1) NAQBA: In this 5pm segment, NPR discussed the inclusion of the term "naqba" (catastrophe in Arabic) in Israeli school study books. The Arabs use the term to describe the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. The former Israeli Minister of Education, Yuli Tamir, serving in Ehud Olmert's government, a woman with strong leftist socialist views, decided to include the term in the study books. The current Minister of Education has decided, correctly, to remove the term. The NPR segment began with Robert Siegel announcing that in 1948 millions Palestinian, yes, he said millions, became refugees. The true number is around 700,000 refugees. Siegel did not mention that at the same time, similar number of Jewish people were expelled from Arab countries, thus they had their own "Naqba.". By the mid-1950s all these Jewish refugees were absorbed, integrated and settled in Israel while the Arab countries continued to encarcerate their brethren in refugee camps until this very day. The so called "Naqba" was therefore perpetuated by the Arabs themselves and there is no reason on earth why Israeli study books should mention it from the Arab point of view without a full explanation of the entire truth. Only Arabs were interviewed by NPR for the story which was completely one-sided. 2) ROAD SIGNS: Immediately following the "Naqba" segment, yet another slanted story was aired. This time about the decision of the new Israeli Minister of Transportation to change Israeli road signs to their Hebrew pronouncaition. Israeli road signs are in three languages, Hebrew, English and Arabic. Each language uses the respective name. For instance, on the road sign to Jerusalem the Hebrew calls the city Yerushalayim, the English calls it Jerusalem and the Arabic calls it El Quds. Israel is the the country of the Jewish people and its official language is Hebrew. There is no reason on earth why road signs should have foreign pronouncaitions of cities. Nowhere in the world will you find any road signs allowing foreign names. Even in America cities and locations with Hebrew names are pronounced in Hebrew (Mount Pisgah for instance, not Mount Summit). Yerushalayim is the Hebrew for Jerusalem. It should be written as such phonetically in English and in Arabic. In the segment, an Arab lady was interviewed. She complained that the Israeli government is deliberately wiping off the Arabic names as they appear in the Islamic holy scriptures. Again, the NPR correspondent failed to confront the woman with the truth. In the Koran the name El QUDS (Jerusalem) does not appear even once!!! Many countries are in the process of changing locations and cities to their original historic names, Mombai instead of Bombay, etc. Yet, NPR, again interviewing only Arabs and presenting only the Arab view, took offence at the Minister's dcision. Now, pray tell me, what has this to do with NPR to begin with? Don't they have other stories to tell from Israel? 3) GALILEE LANDS: Later at night, yet another story from Israel, this time about lands in the Galilee in northern Israel. We hear a lot about demolition of Jewish homes and communities in Judea and Samaria. What we do not hear about is the demolition in Israel of houses built illegally (without permits) by Jews and Arabs. In fact, in order not to create a rift, the Israeli authorities for year have demolished mostly illegally built Jewish constructions and refrained from demolishing Arab homes. The trouble is that the Arabs got used to building illegal homes with impunity. Because of the inactivity by previous Israeli governments which failed to enforce the law, the problem has grown to enormous proportions particularly in the Galilee, where Arabs are grabbing public lands and are practically building a state within a state. No government anywhere in the world would allow such behavior. I heard it from a Jewish farmer in the Galilee who told me how his private lands are encrouched by his Arab neighbours. He needs to be on daily guard because the Israeli police does nothing to protect him and his legal rights. Finally, the new Israeli government has decided to do something about it. Mind you, nothing is done in Israel without a court order. All sides can appear and plead their case. None of this was told on NPR. We only heard the Arab side. Yet another crying Arab was interviewed, whose house was demolished. He was not even asked by the NPR correspondent if he built his house without a proper permit. Friends, as I said, NPR is now an American Al Jazeera. I shall not be surprised when it is revealed that NPR receives massive donations from Arab sources. If this is the case, why do decent Americans continue to contribute to this biased organization? Your Truth Provider,
Yuval Zaliouk writes the Truth Provider columns. To subscribe, send an email to ynz@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 24, 2009. |
PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY STREET CRIME DOWN Now that the buildup of Palestinian Authority (P.A.) police cities has ended anarchy there, business is picking up fast. Rising with it is popularity of Fatah. Hamas, by contrast, is kept under partial embargo, so it loses prestige. The U.S. is pleased with the improvement, because Abbas "favors a two-state solution." PM Netanyahu wants to help the P.A. economy in Judea-Samaria, contending that this would make a basis for diplomatic conflict resolution. Arabs complained about remaining Israeli restrictions, such as not letting the P.A. have another telephone frequency, which would promote competition and lower prices. An Israeli general attributes increased P.A. street security to Israel's picking off terrorists and recent P.A. fighting to ward off a Hamas coup. The U.S. claims it is training P.A. forces for the fight (Ethan Bronner, NY Times, 7/17). While the U.S. gives credit to P.A. police for fighting Hamas, the
P.A. released a first wave of Hamas detainees If Abbas favors a "two-state solution," he would have stopped teaching his people that Israel, itself, is "occupied," and he would have accepted Olmert's generous Territorial offer. He is an unrepentant jihadist. He and the U.S. seek to whittle Israel down into defenselessness. If Israel and the U.S. want the P.A. to defeat Hamas, they wouldn't give hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza, much of which goes to paying Hamas salaries. Some hawk, Netanyahu is! His reputation is a handle for castigating him even while he moves towards the positions of his critics. They did that to Bush, too. The Arabs and the NY Times deny Israel credit. Israel paid its P.A. enemy hundreds of millions, but the Arabs just complain. The Times and the State Dept., demanded that Israel help the P.A. economy by dismantling checkpoints. Israel dismantled most, but Israel's critics begrudge acknowledgment. The U.S. equates P.A. street order with fighting terrorism. How insincere! Can't trust those diplomats. However, Fatah itself is a terrorist organization and boasts of it in front of Abbas. The pretense is that this temporary show of Arab responsibility should be rewarded with a state. Order is only one requirement for statehood. What Fatah would do with a state, based on its history and ideology, is make war. NETANYAHU WARNED AGAINST DEALS WITH HAMAS Two Kadima Party officials warned Israeli PM Netanyahu against
making a deal with Hamas, except for prisoner exchange. Ex-Foreign
Minister Livni said such negotiations contradict Netanyahu's campaign
promise. They would legitimize Hamas, a terrorist organization wanting
to conquer Israel. They might help shoehorn Hamas into a coalition
regime with Fatah, further legitimizing Hamas I agree in general, but find Israeli prisoner deals lopsided against Israel and likely to cause more kidnapping. They pose the additional problem of releasing many terrorists. Livni is a poor one to offer advice. Her policy of defeatism failed, but she doesn't realize it. She stands out, along with Netanyahu, for warning, when out of office, what they do, when in it. Campaign promises not to negotiate with terrorists have been violated for years. Israel is too inhibited to use sufficient force in dealing with terrorists. Despite the anti-Zionist outcry over Israeli resistance to terrorist aggression, Israel rations its military response. Livni mistakenly assumes that Fatah is a moderate alternative to Hamas. It isn't. Fatah is just as jihadist, though less restrictive internally. Why differentiate between the two terrorist groups? Appeasement-minded ideologues want to pretend that they can make peace with Fatah by means of anti-Zionist concessions. This is a scam, like most politics. Things are not what they seem. NEW CONSTRUCTION FROZEN IN JUDEA-SAMARIA Israel's Minister of Housing Atlas reports that since the
Netanyahu regime formed, the Defense Minister has not approved any
Jewish building in the Territories. This is an unannounced, informal
Politics in Israel and in the U.S. are underhanded. While Israeli diplomats somewhat defend Jews' building rights, Israel clandestinely curbs those rights. When the U.S. demands that Israel curb Israeli Jews' building rights, it knows that Israel has curbed most of those rights. Israel's major concession, however, is not enough for the West. It wants full surrender. It wants Israel not so much humiliated as on the way to withdrawal from the communities. Hence it opposes their reinforcement with "natural growth" within existing building limits. Hence it labels Jerusalem as a "settlement," despite abut 3,000 years of a Jewish presence. Israel should learn to say none of your business. Again, things are not what they seem. WESTERN OVERTURES TO HAMAS "The American government and the European Union are making efforts to include Hamas in a broader diplomatic effort that would include a long-term cease-fire with Israel, reconciliation among Palestinian factions and support for renewed negotiations with Israel on the basis of the Arab peace initiative." "...the U.S. is following the Hamas stance and hopes that the group will alter its views and adopt a two-state solution." "Meanwhile, four senior Republican and Democratic figures, including former president Jimmy Carter and former secretary of state James Baker, called on President Barack Obama to initiate a dialogue with Hamas without delay. Speaking during interviews organized by the Foundation for Middle East Peace, Baker said that just like the U.S. found a way to begin dialogue with the PLO, it must do so with Hamas. Baker noted that it is impossible to make peace with people if you are unwilling to talk with them." (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/28). That is diplomatic camouflage. What do they really mean? Should the Arabs, who have been making and militarily losing wars against Israel for decades, now set the terms for ending it? The Saudi initiative is not for peace but for crippling Israeli defense. This would start wars and end Jewish sovereignty. Western diplomats pretend otherwise, because they are anti-Zionist, appeasement-minded, or want to seem to have accomplished something. Baker and Carter are so anti-Zionist, that their praise for Obama would shame him, if he were any better than they. Politicians with posture, without conscience. The so-called two-state solution is less drastic, but more of the same. Setting up a terrorist state run by Fatah or Hamas would give terrorists the sovereign right to import heavy arms for a major war. The sad fact is that the Arabs are far from willing to end jihad and really make peace. Reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah either would enable Hamas to defeat Fatah or both to jointly defeat Israel. Naïve to expect Hamas to mellow. They like to murder in the name of their faith. Their religious view has not reformed. A long-term truce is what Islamic ideology endorses for preparation for war. For their opponents, a truce means renewed war later, when the Muslims have become stronger. Nothing in it for the opponents. Baker erroneously depicts U.S. reconciliation with the PLO as positive. That was billions of dollars, thousands of Israeli casualties, and thousands of Christian refugees earlier. Now, anti-American terrorists run both parts of the Palestinian Authority. They oppress their people and indoctrinate them in religious bigotry and violence. This was one of the worst among many blunders by the State Dept.. This is true, given the precarious state of a declining Western civilization under assault by leftist multi-culturalism and Islamic jihad. Baker isn't even right in his notion that one must talk with people to make peace. Some conflicts die out without negotiation. Some negotiations, as with Communists and Radical Muslims, complement their war effort. The West fails to detect the jihadist preference for struggle over peace. This is an ideological conflict, but the U.S. fails to tackle Radical Muslim ideology and Europe has become demoralized about its own ideology. When the recalcitrant party finally wants peace, or it is beaten into submitting to one, negotiations rapidly conclude the pre-existing desire for peace. For decades, the Arabs have been negotiating while becoming more indoctrinated in belligerence. The West is seeking some combination of pressure, Israeli defeatism, and masked language that would paint Israel into a corner while the diplomats would declare success. This kind of thing happened before Hitler negotiated; Hitler made peace pacts; Hitler broke them. Same with jihadists. This is simple, but too hard for most Westerners to understand. Western overtures to Hamas vindicate Hamas recalcitrants. ISRAEL LOSING SUPPORT ON AMERICAN CAMPUSES Surveys show that Israel or its policy is losing support on U.S. campuses. One explanation is that Israel, having a strong army, no longer is seen as underdog. Dr. Aaron Lerner noted that the survey result has been disseminated for decades (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/29). It has been. I think this is a long-term trend, still continuing. American Jews now know less about their history, being more assimilated into a know-nothing American culture. Organizations such as the Zionist Organization of America and StandWithUs, have campus affiliates to provide information resources to Jewish students. Many campuses now are dominated by leftist-oriented political correctness, which is anti-Israel. Campuses have large numbers of Muslims, who try to intimidate dissent with threats of violence. Some are on the faculty, pursuing jihad in the classroom via propaganda, as do many leftists, nominal Jews among them. There is a tendency to sympathize with underdogs. This sympathy might make sense in sports, but war is no sport. One side in the Arab-Israel conflict wants to conquer or exterminate the other. That is evil, whether the Muslim Arabs are the underdog or not. But are they the underdog? No. Most of Israel's wars were much closer than most people realize. It wouldn't take much for Israel to lose, especially if, as world diplomacy is striving to get Israel to do, it concedes more strategic territory. Iran and other enemies are developing weapons of mass-destruction without serious international hindrance despite their record of having used such weapons and their threat to incinerate Israel. Islam is patient; Israel lacks long-range, Jewish strategy. Egypt has a military equal to Israel's. Jordan and S. Arabia have smaller but modern forces. Israel is beset with self-doubt and a fifth column that, together with foreign public opinion, makes Israel's military almost useless in the kinds of warfare facing it lately. The Arabs have almost all the Muslim governments behind them. They control UN voting and influence other governments. The U.S. prevents Israel's military victories from translating into diplomatic ones that might end jihad. If Israel loses, the Muslims would murder the Jews; if the Arabs lose, the U.S. rearms them. There is a growing international movement to ostracize Israel, despite the one-way bigotry emanating from its Arab adversaries. The stage is being set for the world to silently approve of another Holocaust. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Barbara Sommer, July 24, 2009. |
This was written by Eric Fingerhut
![]() WASHINGTON (JTA) While criticism of President Obama's demand for an Israeli settlement freeze has been relatively muted among U.S. Jewish organizations, this week's Christians United for Israel conference here provided the opportunity for some prominent Jews and Christians to level some public complaints. Far and away the most forceful came from U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.), one of the more hard-line Democrats in Congress. Berkley told the group of Christian Zionists on Tuesday that "to pin the peace process" on the settlement issue "is absolutely foolhardy." "To publicly dress down the State of Israel is a huge mistake," she said to a huge ovation from the 4,000 delegates at the group's fourth annual conference. CUFI founder and chairman Pastor John Hagee also weighed in when he introduced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who appeared via satellite Tuesday to speak to the crowd. Hagee told Netanyahu that "50 million Christians" support "Israel's sovereign right to grow and develop the settlements of Israel as you see fit and not yield to the pressure of the United States government." (The prime minister did not address the settlement dispute.) A few hours after Netanyahu's speech, Hagee reiterated his criticism of the Obama administration, although he refrained from identifying the president by name. "America is singling out Israel" in the Middle East, the pastor said. "Despite all of the risks Israel has taken for peace, our government is pressuring Israel to take more risks. Hello Congress, we're putting pressure on the wrong people here. You want to get tough, get tough with the terrorists, not the only democracy in the Middle East." Hagee and his organization have been a source of much debate in recent years. AIPAC and some other Jewish organizations have embraced their efforts to create an Evangelical Christian pro-Israel lobby. But some critics complain that CUFI supporters hold ultra-conservative views on abortion, gay rights and church-state separation, and fear the organization could end up working to oppose Israeli peace moves. (CUFI leaders insist they would never work against the decisions of the elected government.) During the presidential campaign last year, Republican nominee John McCain accepted an endorsement from Hagee, but later renounced it after revelations regarding past comments made by the pastor, including his claim that the Holocaust was divine punishment. Hagee offered explanations for several of the most incendiary comments and denied claims that he was anti-Catholic, and several of his Jewish allies firmly rejected efforts to paint him as anti-Semitic. While McCain eventually distanced himself from Hagee, CUFI's Jewish allies have stood by him and the organization. Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, attended this year's event. Hoenlein pointed to the administration's request that Israel not proceed with the construction of 20 apartments in the Sheik Jarrah neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem, and asked why Obama's people haven't told Palestinians to take down "illegal structures" in the city, but "legal structures are a problem." U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), who accepted CUFI's Defender of Israel Award on Tuesday evening, appeared to offer some criticism of the Obama policy, although it was much gentler. "The chief obstacle to peace in the Middle East is not Israelis living on the West Bank but the regime in Tehran," he said. The banquet Tuesday night also included greetings from the new Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, a speech from Jewish radio talk show host Dennis Prager and a muscial performance by Dudu Fisher. A number of delegates at one point danced the hora during the singing of "Hava Nagila." *** Some dovish activists and organizations have expressed concerns for years about CUFI possibly opposing the policies of the Israeli government, but these days several Jewish groups on the left are doing just that and it's CUFI telling the White House not to pressure Israel. On Wednesday, CUFI delegates took that message to Capitol Hill. The delegates told their members of Congress that they should not "pressure" the Jewish state but respect "Israel's democratically elected government" and "work with them," said CUFI Executive Director David Brog. Brog said CUFI would not be specifically addressing the settlement issue, but added that it was worried that recent pressure on Israel over settlements could "extend to territorial concessions" as well. The message is that the United States should respect Israel's wishes if it wants to be more "cautious," said Brog, because "Israel has demonstrated it will make painful concessions for peace," but the Palestinians and the Arab world have not. "Israel is a sovereign state," said CUFI Florida state director Scott Thomas, senior pastor at Without Walls Central in Lakeland, Fla. "We'd like to see the pressure off our ally" and on others in the Middle East. CUFI delegates also asked for congressional support on two pieces of Iran-related legislation: the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act, which would impose sanctions on companies that help Iran import or produce refined petroleum, and the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act, which authorizes state and local governments to divest from companies investing in Iran's energy sector and protects fund managers who divest from lawsuits. *** The fact that thousands of Christians had come to Washington motivated solely by their love for Israel is a key sign of the "changing" relationship between Jews and Christians, Netanyahu said during his remarks. "For centuries, the relationship between Christians and Jews was marked by conflict rather than partnership and friendship," the Israeli leader said. "But this is changing. A new chapter in the relationship between us is now being written." "Today millions of Christians stand with Israel because they stand for freedom, millions of Christians stand with Israel because they stand for truth, millions of Christians stand with Israel because they want to see a genuine peace in the Holy Land," said Netanyahu, who received a thunderous standing ovation when he initially appeared on the video screen. Hoenlein also noted that relationship in a fiery speech to the conference. He said he was there to fulfill the religious principle of Hakarat Hatov, "recognizing the good, recognizing those who stand up for us." Comparisons drawn between 1939 and the present, which some have made in recent years because of the threat of Iran to the Jewish state, are inaccurate because there are now "tens of millions of Christians who will not be silent and stand with the State of Israel," Hoenlein said to a standing ovation. Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, founder and president of The Israel Project advocacy group, sounded a similar theme after taking part Monday in a panel discussion at the CUFI gathering titled "Committed to Israel's Destruction: Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas." "The fact that I am speaking at a CUFI event doesn't mean that I endorse every thought all their leaders ever had, or that I expect them to endorse everything we have said or ever done," Mizrahi told JTA. "I do, however, appreciate that 3,000 Americans have come to Washington to stand with Israel." Still, many in the Jewish community remain wary of allying with Christians on Israel something that CUFI leader Thomas said he understood. "I'd be a bit leery and questioning myself," he said. "We're trying to reverse a history of anti-Semitism and replacement theology. "We're going to continue to keep the hand extended," Thomas added, and hopefully Jews will realize it is "genuine." Thomas also reiterated what CUFI leaders have emphasized repeatedly that their support of Israel is not related to Christian eschatology which says Israel has a central role in bringing about the second coming of Jesus Christ. That has nothing to do with their backing of the Jewish state, they say, because there is nothing they can do to speed up that process. "This is not apocalyptic," Thomas said. "We don't control future events." Thomas said his support is based in Genesis, which in Chapter 12 states that God will bless those who blesses the Jews and curses those who curse the Jews, and said that his Christian faith couldn't exist without the foundation of Judaism. *** Although he didn't go into details about what he meant, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told CUFI that U.S. policies in the Middle East must be "firmly grounded" in Judeo-Christian principles. "Reaching out to the Muslim world may help in creating an environment for peace in the Middle East, but we must insist as Americans that our policies be firmly grounded in the beliefs of the Judeo-Christian tradition upon which this country was founded," said Cantor, the House minority whip and the only Jewish Republican in Congress. *** Apparently unhappy with some of the media coverage of their organization in previous years, Christians United For Israel didn't allow reporters to roam the Washington Convention Center talking to delegates during the conference, and the media was escorted from the press room to the halls where conference events took place. And just in case delegates happened to meet up with anyone from the media outside the convention hall, they were urged to avoid them by conservative Christian activist Gary Bauer, who was moderating a panel discussion on Tuesday afternoon. "Try hard to resist the temptation," he told the crowd of 4,000. "These folks are not really on our side" and "want to make Israel look bad." CUFI officials did arrange interviews with pre-selected delegates per media request. *** Berkley marveled at the reception she received. After insisting that the wish of some for the "elimination" of the State of Israel would never happen, the Jewish Nevada Democrat received a standing ovation. "If I wasn't so Jewish," she quipped, "I'd think about converting right now." *** The Weekly Standard's executive editor, Fred Barnes, also spoke Tuesday afternoon, declaring that his publication was "the most pro-Israel magazine" in the United States.
Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 24, 2009. |
The big guns are being sent. Coming here in the week ahead are US Med-East envoy John Mitchell, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, US National Security Advisor James Jones with some 10 members of his staff, and the most recent addition to this group, and from our perspective the most desirable Dennis Ross. They are not, as I understand it, coming as one entourage although clearly it's not accident that they will all be arriving in the same week. There will be separate discussions, the topics being mainly settlements and Iran. This is being represented as something positive an enhanced communication between the two countries. ~~~~~~~~~~ Netanyahu, being Netanyahu, found it necessary yesterday to make what is perhaps best described as a "conciliatory" statement (another adjective that fleetingly occurred to me is "nauseating"), in advance of these visits, concerning the fact that Israel "value[s] efforts of Arab states to advance peace initiatives," and believes the "spirit of reconciliation" expressed in their approach may lead to a regional peace, etc. etc. Please keep in mind, as you read this, what I wrote yesterday regarding the intransigence of the Saudis with regard to making gestures towards Israel. The Saudi plan is non-negotiable and requires us to move back to pre-67 lines, take in "refugees," and all the rest. Yesterday Netanyahu for the first time expressed interest in this plan, but only if it is NOT a final, non-negotiable offer. But they're not going to soften and he certainly knows it. So this is game-playing for appearances to a large extent. ~~~~~~~~~~ This statement doesn't mean he will necessarily cave in any particular way (although he might), so much as it indicates a desire to tell them, "See, I'm on board." This is his style. At any rate, it is, once again, appropriate to let him know that we absolutely want him to stand strong and not cave. Please, take the time to do this:
~~~~~~~~~~ I make the observation here that Obama's very rigid stance and unreasonable demands on us have made it more difficult for Netanyahu to appear to cave. We cannot count on a continuation of this situation (even though it IS likely to continue) as a way of ensuring that our rights will be protected. We need to know, quite simply, that we have leaders who will protect us. ~~~~~~~~~~ Please see this article by Amnon Lord, editor of Makor Rishon. He provides an excellent analysis regarding the dynamics between Obama and Netanyahu.
Lord writes that the one positive that may come out of this is a rapprochement between Israel and Egypt, who share common concerns. I note in passing, for whatever it's worth, that the Netanyahu statement yesterday was made at the home of the Egyptian ambassador to Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Susana K-M, July 24, 2009. |
This was written by Rachel Raskin-Zrihen. |
DATELINE CALIFORNIA The border city of Cynicville on Thursday voted to ban Latinos from living in a six-square-block area of town. The move seeks to end decades of controversy over allegations that Latinos are practicing "ethnic cleansing" against the city's non-Latino population, which has, nevertheless, grown exponentially since before such reports began circulating. Plan proponents argue they're fed up with Latinos buying and building homes for themselves in neighborhoods in which non-Latinos have lived for generations and claim for their own. Non-Latinos and their supporters also continue defending the long-standing practice of periodically anonymously hurling Molotov cocktails into Latino neighborhoods as part of their resistance strategy. Many worldwide regularly criticize Latino reaction to the sometimes deadly attacks, and a recent poll suggests 90 percent of respondents favor creating Latino-free zones in Cynicville and elsewhere to eliminate the escalating violence. OK, now before you go off and organize a massive protest, let me assure you the above account is fictional. No one is suggesting Latino-free neighborhoods in California, despite the illegal immigration controversy and the proximity of Mexico and the rest of Latin America as potential ethnically appropriate living areas for that particular group. It's meant to illustrate how ugly such a suggestion would be, and I think most people get it. Until you substitute the word "Jewish" or "Israeli" for "Latino," and "disputed territories" for "Cynicville," that is, and, suddenly, the whole thing makes perfect sense to a whole slew of folks who would never stand for it otherwise. I don't get it. This ongoing issue, which is heating up as President Obama's increasing pressure on Israel to stop building housing in parts of Jerusalem "claimed" by the Palestinian Arabs for a future state, threatens to turn reason on its ear in the same way Anti-Semitism always does. I have several questions about this widely-shared stance. If I claim Paris for my summer home, do I get to have it? What's wrong with housing being built? I mean, is there such a thing as "Jewish apartments" as in the apartments themselves having some sort of religious or ethnic affiliation that could contaminate any non-Jew who moved in? And what's wrong with Jews living anywhere they want to, just like everybody else? I'm fairly certain there is nowhere in Israel where Arabs are prohibited from living. Such a thing would be huge international news that would surely draw righteously indignant calls for the immediate dismantling of the "Zionist entity." What it looks like to me, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong, is that most of the world recognizes the idea of an Arab-free Israel as racist, but views the concept of a Jew-free Palestine as somehow essential. Why is that? How can that be justified? It strikes me as exactly the same thing, yet it keeps being presented as somehow different. And just looking at it from a realistic, factual viewpoint, there are more than 20 Arab countries, several of which surround Israel Jordan comes immediately to mind where Palestinian Arabs could live under Arab rule, if that's what they want. But there is no other Jewish country. No place else Jews can live under Jewish rule. And no place else on the planet that contains the several-thousand-year history of the Jewish people in its bricks and mortar, in its soil and in its very air. If there is some other explanation besides outright anti-Semitism for this strange, otherwise inexplicable phenomenon, I'd like to know what it is. Contact Susana K-M at suanema@gmail.com |
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, July 23, 2009. |
Read this article in regards to this traumatic Nazi-like experience by a beautiful Hareidi (Jewishly observant) family at Frankfurt Airport in Germany. Perhaps a Moslem's apparently very comfortable in his skin in Germany. My understanding from posts following a related article on http://www.vosizneias.com is that it is not an isolated event. There are other Jews going to Israel from France with a stop over in Germany with similar experiences to relate. I wonder what action Frankfurt airport's personnel if not police dept will take in response to complaints? There was only one witness to what occurred and that witness is willing to testify. Sonia |
Parisians Michael and Devorah Sitbon were heading to Eretz Yisrael, making a stop-over in Germany. Their experience is one that will leave emotional scars for a long time to come. German diplomatic officials have received an official complaint, promising the allegations will be investigated. Apparently one of the German border police spat on Devorah's Israeli passport, and the couple accompanied by their four young children were threatened, humiliated and targeted with racial epithets. Michael, 28, explains the incident was extremely painful, adding Devorah, 27, is a grandchild of survivors. He added the stopover in Herman was strictly due to financial consideration it was simply the cheapest ticket they could find Michael goes on to explain that once the border policeman saw the Israeli passport, he spat on it and then their troubles began. Realizing they had only a short time to make their connecting flight, the policeman detained them, deciding to check each child against the passport photo, traumatizing all the children ranging in ages from 4 weeks to 4-years-old. The parents had to pick each child up next to the passport photo, and while holding the child, the guard made sounds mimicking gunfire. The couple did land in Israel on Friday morning, and they reported the incident to the German Embassy in Israel. Michael adds that they are no stranger to anti-Semitism living in France, but the ordeal they endured in the Frankfurt Airport was on a level they never experienced in their lives. They said they hope to never set foot in Germany again. |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 23, 2009. |
First things first. I am on call. My daughter-in-law should please G-d be delivering within the week, and when she does it is my job to be with the other children. So...if I disappear quite suddenly, you will understand that this is the reason why. Priorities. My grandchildren keep me sane, warm my heart, make me laugh, and provide a key motivation for everything I do. ~~~~~~~~~~ There are things we would hope would end: things that should end because they are foolish or dangerous. And yet they are promoted anyway. One of those "things" is the current policy of Obama with regard to pushing for the establishment of a Palestinian state and a "two-state solution." You've certainly read often enough here why this is unacceptable policy an infringement of our legitimate rights, and neither an intelligent nor viable policy. But none of this stops Obama. His approach is bad news from beginning to end, and yet he persists. I provide here a consideration of various aspects of the overall situation none remotely positive. ~~~~~~~~~~ Laura Rozen, writing in "Foreign Policy" less than a week ago, took another look at Obama's trip to Saudi Arabia where he met with the Saudi King Abdullah at his horse ranch after his Cairo speech in early June. Rozen cites sources that say the meeting did not go well from Obama's perspective. According to one source, the goal of the visit was moving the Saudis toward a show of a reciprocal gesture to Israel. The author cited University of Vermont Saudi expert F. Gregory Gause, who said, "I can't imagine Obama pressing the Israelis on settlements without expecting the Arabs to do something. He is pushing the Israelis, but he wants to show that in pushing them, it's also bringing the Arabs closer [to peace with Israel]. He wants the Saudis to make some gesture to make it easier for the Israelis to stop settlements. "And my reading of the Saudis, is they are not interested." Chas Freeman, cited by Rozen, agrees. Remember Freeman, who finally withdrew from consideration for a US intelligence post because of his connections to the Saudis? We can assume he knows them. They're not interested in gestures, says Freeman. For them there is nothing to negotiate. They made their stand with the 2002 "peace plan." If the Israelis and the PA work out a final deal, then there will be normalization. If not, there is nothing. "Washington has repeatedly misunderstood or been deluded about the Saudis..." So, when Obama was in Riyadh, he got, as David Makovsky of the National Institute for Near East Policy put it, "the back of their hand." According to one unnamed former US official cited in this piece: "The more time goes by, the more the Saudi meeting was a watershed event. It was the first time that President Obama as a senator, candidate, or president was not able to get almost anything or any movement using his personal power of persuasion." http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com:80/posts/2009/07/17/ revisiting_obamas_riyadh_meeting ~~~~~~~~~~ Last week, Secretary of State Clinton said in a speech that: "Progress toward peace cannot be the responsibility of the United States or Israel alone. Ending the conflict requires action on all sides.... Arab states have a responsibility to support the Palestinian Authority with words and deeds, to take steps to improve relations with Israel..." Makovsky says this is "a kind of recalibration of the Obama administration's approach....When the secretary of state says she needs [Arab states'] help in word and deed and that the Arab peace initiative is just a beginning and there is much more to do, this administration is trying to resist easy characterizations that they are only leaning on one side." But resisting characterizations is one thing, and producing results is something else. And what the Obama administration envisions here is simply not going to happen. ~~~~~~~~~~ Things are not exactly going swimmingly with regard to the PA itself, either. Tony Karn, writing in Time, said the other day that: "PA leader Mahmoud Abbas's political weakness has effectively neutered him as an effective peace interlocutor. He is engaged in an epic power struggle with Hamas, which not only controls Gaza but also is the ruling party of the democratically elected Palestinian legislature. And his influence is waning even in his own Fatah organization. It has become conventional wisdom internationally that no credible peace process is possible without the consent of Hamas." ~~~~~~~~~~ But let's carry this further. Just today, Khaled Abu Toameh, reporting in the Post, said that Rafik Natsheh, a member of the Fatah Central Committee, and a close associate of Abbas, has declared, in Al-Quds Al-Arabi, that "Fatah does not recognize Israel's right to exist, nor have we ever asked others to do so." A clarification is in order. Fatah, the party of Arafat and of Abbas, is the major constituent element of the PLO. It was the PLO, considered the official voice of Palestinian Arabs, that negotiated Oslo with Israel. The Palestinian Authority was established as a interim administrative body by virtue of Oslo agreements. It is commonly understood, and it is myth, that with Oslo the PLO had recognized Israel's right to exist. Arafat had written a letter saying that offending clauses in the PLO charter that called for Israel's elimination would be removed. But what actually happened is that a committee to do this was established and then it never met. In addition to which, Arafat signed the documents of the Oslo Accords but they were then never formally ratified by the PLO. All of this is without taking into consideration that Fatah has its own charter that calls for Israel's elimination. We're dealing here with the nonsense recently verbalized by Mohammad Dahlan that Fatah as a constituent element of the PLO did not necessarily itself endorse what the PLO did. This was the line Dahlan used to Hamas, saying it could join a unity government whose officers would recognize Israel, but Hamas itself would not have to. Says Natsheh now, "All these reports about recognizing Israel are false. It's all media nonsense."
And this is the "negotiating partner" with whom Obama expects Israel to "make peace." Why let reality get in the way of what he imagines can be done? ~~~~~~~~~~ Fatah expects to hold its first general assembly in twenty years on August 4, in Bethlehem. Maybe. There are some objecting to the locale, in "occupied" territory (as Israel would have control over who entered for the conference). And then there is concern that Hamas will not let members of Fatah in Gaza out in order to attend. If this happens, the conference will be cancelled. Natsheh says that calls now to get Fatah to drop the reference to armed struggle from its charter will come to nothing: Fatah will retain its commitment to the option of pursuing "all forms" of armed struggle against Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~ Add to all of the above an announcement that indicates the PA is continuing to identify with/honor terrorists. This is at the heart of the incitement issue. Issa Qaraqi, recently appointed PA prisoners affairs minister, has announced that streets in PA-controlled areas of Judea and Samaria are going to be named for some 100 Palestinians serving terms of 20 years or more in Israeli jails. This is part of the PA's expression of "solidarity" with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. The fact that they are focusing on the "martyrs" with lengthy sentences means we are talking about people who killed Israelis or participated in terror attacks. "This is the legitimate right of the Palestinians," he declared. "We have the honor and duty to honor our prisoners in recognition of their sacrifices and steadfastness in Israeli prisons."
And so, my American friends, please send this link to your elected representatives in Congress. Tell them you object to the Obama administration pushing Israel to negotiate with the PA when it behaves this way. For your Congresspersons:
For your Senators:
And, while you're at it, cull a few lines from this and write a brief, factual letter to the editor of your local paper, protesting as well. Make noise, please! This is just one more in a series of outrages. ~~~~~~~~~~ If anything, the Obama policy on Iran is even worse. On Tuesday, Sec. Clinton, in Bangkok, said: "We want Iran to calculate what I think is a fair assessment: that if the United States extends a defense umbrella over the region, if we do even more to develop the military capacity of those (allies) in the Gulf, it is unlikely that Iran will be any stronger or safer." The implied message here, to Iran, is not to think it will dominate the area if it acquires nuclear weapons. But that also implies a willingness to accept a nuclear Iran, that would be somehow contained. Israel in particular Dan Meridor, Minister for Secret Services has expressed dissatisfaction with this position. "Now, we don't need to deal with the assumption that Iran will attain nuclear weapons but to prevent this." ~~~~~~~~~~ At least the US is moving to secure tight monitoring by 10 uranium-rich nations with regard to sales of uranium to Iran, which will likely have depleted its own supplies by 2010. Israel will be cooperating in this effort. ~~~~~~~~~~ Here in Israel, we are continuing to hold tight with regard to pressures being put upon us. The fact of the matter is that Obama, in pushing on us to stop building of a housing complex for Jews in eastern Jerusalem simply stiffened a good many backs and garnered additional support for our rights. Our claim to Jerusalem is a sensitive matter. Worthy of note is a statement by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, which represents 52 groups: "The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations has long advocated and supported the unity of Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Israel. As such, we believe that legal construction by residents of the city should be allowed. We find disturbing the objections raised to the proposed construction of residential units (in eastern Jerusalem) on property that was legally purchased and approved by the appropriate authorities..." This was released by Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman and Alan Solow, Chairman. While Hoenlein was reported as having challenged Obama statements during his meeting with leaders of 14 Jewish organizations, Solow, a Chicago supporter of Obama, promoted that meeting. But now Obama has gone too far even for him. ~~~~~~~~~~ But look how the pressure escalates: Israel's ambassador to France, Daniel Shek, was called into France's foreign ministry offices today for a meeting with the ministry's political director. According to a ministry spokesman, he was told: "An immediate freeze in settlements, including in east Jerusalem, is indispensable for preserving the two-state solution and allowing the resumption of negotiations." The gall of these people is unmitigated, and we must, we must continue to stand strong. Why is it "indispensable for allowing the resumption of negotiations"? Because Abbas, relying on the pro-Arab tilt of US policy, has said so. The French foreign ministry, you will note, isn't contacting the PA and saying, "What is it with you guys? You want negotiations? Cool your demands. You negotiated with Israel last year, even though there was building going on in settlements." As has been pointed out before, Obama's positions have been counterproductive to his stated goal of promoting negotiations for peace. ~~~~~~~~~~ This leads us to an excellent column, "Listen to the Left," by Evelyn Gordon. Says Gordon: "When even hard-core Israeli leftists are speaking out against Obama, left-of-center American Jews can no longer pretend there is no problem." One problem of concern to leftists here is the fact that, according to Aluf Benn, "Obama never tried to communicate with the Israeli public. [He] spoke to Arabs and Muslims, but not Israelis. His neglect increased fears that we do not have a friend in the White House." Then there was 'the administration's pathetic attempt to deny the existence of understandings on settlement construction. It was possible to accuse Israel of violating its promises, or to say that the policy had changed, and explain why, but not to lie." On top of all of this, according to Benn, "the more time passes, the more it appears that the demand to freeze settlement construction was meant to demonstrate a distancing from Israel. [Obama has turned a settlement freeze] into a matter of honor [and] when the argument is about who is stronger instead of the real issue, anyone who urges Netanyahu to give in to Obama will be accused of being unpatriotic. And the Israeli left does not want to be backed into that corner." ~~~~~~~~~~ Columnist Yoel Marcus then added his observation that "there is something naive, not to say infuriating about his policy of dialogue and about the whistle stops he has chosen in his travels regarding our issue. He spoke in Turkey, he spoke in Egypt, he appeared before students in Saudi Arabia, Paris, England, Ghana and Australia. "Even there the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was mentioned...The only place he hasn't been is Israel. He has spoke about us, but not to us." (emphasis added) Finally, wrote Marcus, "Obama assumed he did a great thing when he spoke in Cairo about the Jewish people's suffering in the Holocaust, [the] implied distortion that we deserve a state because of the Holocaust [is] infuriating. "As a leader who aspires to solve the problems of the world through dialogue, we expect him to come to Israel and declare here courageously, before the entire world, that our connection to this land began long before the Israeli-Arab conflict and the Holocaust, that 4,000 years ago, Jews already stood on the ground where he is now standing." http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1248277865525 &pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull ~~~~~~~~~~ "The Good News Corner" A delegation of five Muslim doctors from Senegal came to Jerusalem recently for a week long training seminar on a special technique in circumcision a clamp method developed by Israeli doctors because studies show that circumcision reduces by 65% the chances of being infected by AIDS. This seminar is part of a major cooperative effort an Israeli civilian initiative that will involve eight Israeli hospitals, and the health ministry and national medical association of Senegal. Israel had previously sent three teams of doctors to Swaziland to teach these techniques, which are not well known there, as part of an experimental project. (The bad news is that when the organizers of this program approached Arab medical organizations and invited their staff to attend, they were met with refusal.) Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, July 23, 2009. |
This was written by Aaron Klein for World Net Daily
JERUSALEM In a nearly unprecedented move, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party this week worked in an official capacity to block an attempt by Jews to move into a home in Jerusalem. The incident took place just days after the U.S. protested a legal Jewish construction project in Jerusalem and Fatah showed a newfound boldness to solidify an Arab hold of the city. The Palestinians claim eastern sections of Jerusalem as their future capital. "We are permitted to resist any existing illegal settlement activity whether it's in Jerusalem or anywhere else," Dmitri Ziliani, a spokesman for the Jerusalem section of Fatah, told WND. According to Israeli law, however, the PA cannot officially act in Jerusalem, although Israeli police this week did not arrest the Fatah activists. On Tuesday, Ziliani and about a dozen Fatah activists, including PA Minister for Jerusalem Affairs Hatem Abdul Qader, holed themselves up inside a home in the Sheik Jarra neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem to block an attempt by Jews to move into the house. The home was originally Jewish, but its occupants were chased out during countrywide anti-Jewish Arab riots in 1929. Arabs then squatted on the property, with one family, the Hejazi family, becoming the de facto occupants until recently. Jewish groups say they legally purchased the property from the Hejazi family but that following Fatah pressure the family denied selling it back to the Jews despite documentation and even video evidence showing the sale went through. Fatah the past few months has executed four Arabs for selling land to Jews. The case is being disputed by the Arab family in an appeals court, although one court, whose ruling is legally binding, ruled in favor of the Jews. Those Jews showed up at the property Tuesday, backed up by Israeli police, only to find the Fatah activists inside. Ziliani told WND it was not the first time Fatah acted in Jerusalem the past few weeks to thwart Jews from moving into homes in the city. "There has been more than one house in the past four to five weeks where groups of settlers tried to break in to the house and form a new reality on the ground. We resisted and will continue to act," Ziliani said. Fatah is not the only agency actively working to thwart Jewish residency in eastern sections of Jerusalem. The State Department last weekend summoned Israel's ambassador to Washington to demand a Jewish construction project in eastern Jerusalem be immediately halted, it has been confirmed. The Obama administration has called for a halt to Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank in line with Palestinian claims on eastern Jerusalem as a future capital, even though the city was never a part of any Palestinian entity. The construction project at the center of attention, financed by Miami Beach philanthropist Irving Moskowitz, is located just meters from Israel's national police headquarters and other government ministries. It is a few blocks from the country's prestigious Hebrew University, underscoring the centrality of the Jewish real estate being condemned by the U.S. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly rejected the State Department demand, telling a cabinet meeting Sunday that Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem was not a matter up for discussion. "Imagine what would happen if someone were to suggest Jews could not live in or purchase [property] in certain neighborhoods in London, New York, Paris or Rome," he said. "The international community would certainly raise protest. Likewise, we cannot accept such a ruling on East Jerusalem," Netanyahu told ministers. Historically, there was never any separation between eastern and western Jerusalem. The terminology came after Jordan occupied the eastern section of the city, including the Temple Mount, from 1947 until it used the territory to attack the Jewish state in 1967. Israel reunited Jerusalem when it won the 1967 Six Day War. While the U.S. strongly protests any Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem, it has been actively aiding Palestinians building illegally on Jewish-owned land in eastern sections of the city, WND has exposed. Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Chuck Brooks, July 23, 2009. |
This was written by James Kirchick and entitled "The Obama Lobby."
It was published yesterday in the Forward |
When the self-described "pro-Israel, pro-peace" group J Street was founded over a year ago, many in the Jewish community predicted that it would have little to no influence in the shaping of American foreign policy. While American Jews are indeed overwhelmingly left-of-center in their political orientation, they also happen to hold rather hawkish views on Israel. A 2007 American Jewish Committee survey found that the overwhelming majority of American Jews believes that Israel "cannot achieve peace with a Hamas-led, Palestinian government" and that "the goal of the Arabs is not the return of occupied territories but rather the destruction of Israel" views sharply at odds with J Street's support for engagement with Hamas and its tendency to accuse Israel of hindering the peace process. J Street's moral relativism was on full display in its reaction to last year's Operation Cast Lead. None other than Rabbi Eric Yoffie, head of the Reform movement and one of America's most prominent liberal Jewish leaders, admonished the organization in these very pages, describing its denunciation of Israel's military operation against Hamas as "very wrong" and "deeply distressing." Despite its claims, J Street does not represent mainstream Jewish opinion in this country, let alone in Israel, where the Jewish population was nearly unanimous in its support for Cast Lead. Yet notwithstanding the Jewish community's rejection of J Street's vision, the organization seems to have garnered the support of the most important constituency of all: the Obama administration. On July 13, J Street's executive director, Jeremy Ben-Ami, joined a select group of Jewish leaders for a White House meeting with President Obama. The purpose of the meeting was to smooth over tensions that have emerged between the pro-Israel community and the administration, tensions sparked by the latter's propensity for publicly pressuring and criticizing Israel. It is in the execution of this strategic gambit forcing Israel to do things that its leaders and populace do not want that J Street will prove to be of great value to Obama. Both Obama and J Street have fixated upon the subject of settlements. Both seem to believe that a settlement freeze holds the key to unlocking Middle East if not global peace. In their analysis, only American pressure can lead to a solution, as the Israelis are too hidebound and paranoid to understand what is in their own best interest. (Indeed, Obama reportedly told the assembled Jewish leaders that Israel needs "to engage in serious self-reflection" something at which our president, as the author of not one but two memoirs, can claim not inconsiderable expertise.) Who keeps preventing the full flowering of the necessary American leadership? In the J Street narrative, it's establishment Jewish organizations, which distort American foreign policy by shielding Israel from pressure that would otherwise lead to peace. And who better to counter the influence of the so-called "Israel Lobby" than other Jews? J Street and the constellation of far-left "pro-Israel" organizations put a kosher stamp of approval on Obama's bizarre hectoring and moral equivalence. By casting Israel as the obstructionist, as the "drunk" driver whose car keys need to be taken away (as Ben-Ami put it in one of his more candid moments), Obama will have a free hand to compel the parties to the peace table. And once gathered there, another Oslo accord can be forced upon a recalcitrant Israel (whereupon the disastrous consequences of that agreement the erection of terrorist infrastructure, a deterioration of the Palestinian economy, deepening mutual distrust will be repeated). To this end, J Street seems to spend almost all of its resources bashing supporters of Israel. Those who disagree with the organization's positions are routinely denounced as "right-wing" or "extremist." Rather than draw attention to the murderous antisemitism, terrorism and impending nuclear-armed theocracy that Israel must confront, J Street prefers to churn out countless blog posts, press releases and op-eds denouncing the people who it believes are the real impediments to peace: stalwart defenders of Israel like Pastor John Hagee, Senator Joe Lieberman and former House speaker Newt Gingrich. At the same time, the organization goes out of its way to defend those whose support for the Jewish state is dubious at best. In recent months, J Street has adopted an obscure freshman congresswoman from Maryland, Donna Edwards, as a cause célèlbre. In January, after the conclusion of Cast Lead, Edwards was one of a handful of representatives to vote "present" on a resolution expressing support for Israel's right to defend itself. When local Jewish leaders rightly criticized her, J Street raised $15,000 for Edwards in a matter of hours. Ben-Ami issued a defiant statement declaring, "This is exactly how for decades established pro-Israel groups have enforced right-wing message discipline on Israel in Congress." (Notice the labeling of a resolution introduced by Nancy Pelosi and supported by 390 members of Congress as "right-wing.") The effect of J Street's backing of figures like Edwards will be the emboldening of Israel's critics (who, like the Obama administration, will always be able to point to J Street to validate their "pro-Israel" bona fides) and the weakening of the strong, bipartisan support that the Jewish state has always enjoyed in Congress. A Greenberg Quinlan Rosner poll released last month found that only 46% of registered voters believe that Israel is committed to peace, down from 66% right before Obama took office. Furthermore, only 44% believe America should support Israel, down from 71% a year before. It's impossible to isolate a single cause for this decline in sympathy for Israel, but surely the change in tone from the White House has played a substantial role. Even more distressing is that ostensibly "pro-Israel" activists are aiding and abetting this dark transformation in public attitudes. Contact Chuck Brooks at chetz18@aol.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 23, 2009. |
Since Obama's supporters believe in international agreements, his Administration tries to make Israel seem in violation of them. Israel isn't. The agreements it made with the U.S. are not binding treaties, but understandings. Obama wants to evade the U.S. promises in those understandings, and demand no specific compliance by the Arabs, which is supposed to precede Israeli compliance, but hold Israel to its promises that were based on the U.S. promises. The Roadmap is not binding. Israel is under no obligation to halt any construction. Even if the Geneva Convention applied to the Territories, it prohibits states from transferring populations into foreign countries, not individuals from moving into Territories that are not countries and not foreign; rather, they are unallocated parts of the Palestine Mandate, to which Israel is paramount heir. Israel did sign the 1976 International Convention for Civil and Political Rights, which bars religious and national discrimination. Therefore Israel is legally obliged to allow Jews to build in the Territories and in Israel. The Roadmap violates that international law. In effect, Obama is demanding that Israel break international law. p>Another Obama violation is of a binding Security Council resolution,1373, and of U.S. law prohibiting the financing of terrorism. The U.S. transfers hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza, controlled by Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization, which siphons off much of that money. P.A. Prime Minister Fayad admitted that U.S. funds pay the salaries of Hamas terrorists. The U.S. also demands that Israel violate 1373 by facilitating commerce from Gaza, transferring cash to Hamas-controlled banks, and let into Gaza dual use materials. The U.S. is pressing the P.A. to incorporate Hamas into its government, a severely criminal proposal. [Actually, the PLo is terrorist, too.] The Administration also aids Hizbullah terrorists. During the war with Israel, the Lebanese Army aided Hizbullah. The Lebanese Army has kept UNIFIL from stopping Hizbullah rearmament. Since then, Hizbullah gained greater influence over the Lebanese Army. Nevertheless, the Administration gives arms to the Lebanese Army. On a lesser matter, the Administration violated the 2008 US Foreign Operations Bill, barring U.S. aid "for the purpose of recognizing or otherwise honoring individuals who commit or have committed acts of terrorism." The U.S. is financing a P.A. computer center named to honor a Fatah terrorist who murdered 37 Israelis (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/26 from Caroline Glick). Pinchas Wallerstein, head of the Yesha Council, might have been referring to Pres. Obama, when he referred to the type of person "who has the erasure of Zionist settlement in Judea and Samaria at the top of his political agenda and is only adopting legal terminology to decorate himself with" Israelis (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/28). Let the Obama administration cease its phony criticism of Israel on grounds of legality and ethics, as it reneges on U.S. promises to Israel and as it supports terrorists! Here is a non-partisan approach to Presidential illegality. Let us indict: (1) Bill Clinton, for the war crime of indiscriminately bombing Serbian civilians; (2) George W. Bush, for the possible war crime of endorsing torture of prisoners; and (3) Barak Obama, for aiding terrorism. Since those terrorists are anti-American, Obama may have done the most harm to the U.S.. ISRAELI UNIVERSITY CONFERENCES ON INTIFADA Tel Aviv University recently held one of the frequent one-sided conferences on relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The agenda is entirely about Arab complaints and not at all about Jewish suffering. The organizers' notion of balance is to have Jewish anti-Zionists [or self-haters] along with Arab anti-Zionists and Communists. The participants do not acknowledge an Israeli right to self-defense. In academic terminology, they engage in Israel-bashing. The latest conference took up psychological damage to Arabs in the Territories and Israeli troops serving there. The agenda omits psychological damage to Israelis from: (1) Thousands of rockets fired at them by genocidal Islamo-fascists; (2) Being attacked by suicide bombers and snipers; (3) Having to devote much time to active reserve duty, to defend against terrorists; (4) Holocaust deniers who demand mass-extermination of living Jews; and (5) Frequent claims that Jews drink the blood of gentile children (Prof. Steven Plaut, 6/26). The conference agenda, notated by Prof. Plaut, proved his claims about the Israel-bashing monopoly of the speakers and their topics. U.P.I. WAR SCARE OVER CAPTURE OF ISRAELI SPIES Lebanon has arrested 40 people who allegedly spied for Israel both at a high level and in depth. If true, this would be severe blow to Israeli intelligence but also reveals a severe weakness in Hizbullah. Israel did have excellent intelligence it put to swift use in the recent war with Hizbullah. The U.P.I. asserts that both sides feel vulnerable now, Israel for having lost spies, and Hizbullah for wondering how many are left and what Israel knows. It claims that both sides want to strike at the other, over this, especially Israel, because it is headed by PM Netanyahu, called a "hawk." Meanwhile, Netanyahu called for negotiations with Syria, and Syria said that if the result is not to give it the Golan, it would take it by force (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/27). Evidence for this U.P.I. war scare? None. U.P.I. makes the common mistake and anti-Israel defamation of calling Netanyahu a hawk, as if he wants war. The evidence indicates otherwise. The Arabs are hawks. Abbas threatens war, too. PM NETANYAHU FINALLY ASSERTS ISRAELI INDEPENDENCE "Netanyahu said he told Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi during his visit to Rome last week that 'we do not want others to tell us how to run our lives in Israel." (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/28). Will he tell it to the U.S.? And will he tell it more forcefully? A Lighter Touch: The Senate introduced the Produce-Safety, Label Truth Bill. It would require produce distributors to label every piece of produce with a point-of-origin code and a designation whether organic. Print must be large enough to be visible with a magnifying glass, in strong light. Every piece! Remember, a bunch of grapes has about 70 grapes or pieces. IRAN'S RESPONSE TO OBAMA'S CRITICISM President Obama's mild criticism of Iran's repression was "consider looking at the families of those who've been beaten or shot or detained." Iran's President Ahmadinejad replied with another blow to Obama's attempt to settle differences civilly by threatening, "If you continue your meddlesome stance," "the Iranian nation's response will be crushing and regret-inducing." He called the U.S. President's criticism of his crackdown on dissidents "unconventional, abnormal and discourteous." (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/28). The discourtesy was by Admadinejad's threats. The U.S. often speaks up for democracy and humaneness, Obama less than Bush, but both came to support the Palestinian Arab terrorists, who are both undemocratic and inhumane. The terrorist idea of democracy is have one election. If they win, keep power and oppress the people. If they lose, seize power and oppress the people. Their idea of humaneness is to execute residents who alert Israel to a pending attack on its civilians. COURT FINDS JEWS DIDN'T TAKE ARABS' LAND The Israeli newspaper, Maariv accused the Jews of Maale Rehav'am, in Judea-Samaria, of having built its 30 houses on private land belonging to Palestinian Arabs. That community is one of those which Obama demands the Jews vacate. The Jewish community sued the newspaper for libel. The Court found that the Jews did not take Arabs' land. It fined the newspaper a few thousand dollars and ordered it to apologize publicly. No major media carried the story exonerating the settlers (Prof. Steven Plaut, 6/28). The media left the false notion in people's minds. OVERLOOKED CLAIM OF JEWS TO JUDEA-SAMARIA People contend that the Jews have a lesser claim to Judea-Samaria, because they didn't live there before 1967. Not true. They did live there, at Hebron and other places. Decades of pogroms ethnically cleansed them and barred them. The pogroms were less successful in Jerusalem. Britain barred Jewish development of the Transjordanian province, in order to accommodate Arab refugees from S. Arabia (Prof. Steven Plaut, 6/28). Britain illegally shut off Jewish immigration west of the Jordan River, too, but invited in Arabs. Shall the basis of barring Jewish "settlements" in the cradle of Jewish civilization be Arab ethnic cleansing of Jews? ISRAEL INVENTS BETTER SOLAR POWER Israel has invented the first modular solar power generator. Unlike existing types, when one module breaks down, the rest continue generating power. Modularity makes it simple to meet varying power needs for smaller and larger and growing towns just add more modules. The system super-heats air, which then turns turbines, which generate electricity (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/26). This is another of many Israeli innovations of benefit to mankind, which I report as an offset to the usual one-sided publicity against Israel. Why do you suppose that Israel rarely gets credit or public notice for such innovation? HAMAS REPEATING HIZBULLAH SCAM ON PRISONERS A few years ago, Hizbullah and Israel arranged a lopsided prisoner exchange a couple of Jews for hundreds of Arabs. Evidence was strong that the Jewish prisoners were deceased. The Israeli media ignored the evidence. It wasn't until the corpses were returned, that the Israeli public learned they had been duped. The incident demonstrated the media's unscrupulousness in behalf of its appeasement of the Arabs, and the government's folly. It seems to be happening all over again with Hamas. Hamas officials are being cagey about whether its Israeli prisoner is alive. Israeli officials are not asking and insisting. In any case, Hamas may be making suckers out of Israel, again (Dr. Aaron Lerner, http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/28. The media fails to point out the immorality of Hamas trying to get terrorists released. If Israel followed Judaism, it would not release one for hundreds, who surely would perpetrate more kidnapping and murder. Israel repeats its mistakes, because the Left is too imbued with the politics and ideology of appeasement to adequately admit mistakes and re-evaluate their ideology. They do not study the enemy's ideology, but incorrectly assume that the enemy thinks like themselves. Arabs do that with some of their accusations against Israel, incorrectly assuming that Israel must be doing the wrongful deeds that they would do if they could. When vicious Radical Muslim organizations find that they can pry their members out of Israeli prisons by offering dead Israelis, they are likely to kill them. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by David Ha'ivri, July 23, 2009. |
Editor's Note: The Dry Bones cartoon was not part of the original article. |
![]() Knesset Members Zev Elkin, Tzipi Chatubeli, Michael Ben Ari and Gidon Ezra held session of the Knesset sub committee on security in Yehuda and Shomron today while touring Jewish communities in Shomron that have been classified as un-authorized outposts in 2005 Sasson report. The fact finding tour hosted by Shomron regional council head Gershon Mesika was made in-order to allow Israeli law makers to evaluate conditions of Shomron communities which Israel's ministry of defense has announced that it will take action against. Gidon Ezra of the Kadima party was a lone voice among follow Mks he expressed his agreement that Israel should restrict building in communities such as Rechlim and Nofi Nechmia and that he doesn't think that moving people from one community in the Shomron to another is wise because eventually they will need to be moved again. Other officials said that the government must revise the Sasson report and find ways to approve communities established after 2001. committee head MK Zev Elkin pointed out that the Sasson report was never officially authorized by the government of Israel and has no official standing. MK Chatubeli said that arrangements must be made to give legal standing to existing communities, She stated that the majority of the communities in question are located on state owned land and technically can be appoved. MK Ben Ari said that in the few cases like Migron in which part of the land is owned by individual Arabs, that those owners can be compensated, but that the Jewish communities dare not be moved under any circumstances. Shomron regional head Gershon Mesika told the visiting parliamentarians that the government must not stand in the way of growing communities who are developing. He asked that educational institutions be left out of the political debate and stated that because of the freeze on building in the region there is a large lack in classrooms in area's elementary schools. As for threats of forced removal of residents and demolition of Jewish homes Mesika said that the people of the Shomron will not copy the response of the people of Gush Katif and that an assault on our communities will not be met with love and kisses. "forced expulsion of Jews from their home in Shomron will be met with real opposition and will lead to grave consequences". David Ha'ivri director of the Shomron Liaison Office said "The
State of Israel prides itself for being a western democracy. Why is it
then that the State shows a blind eye to structures built throughout
the country by Arabs who make no effort to apply for registration. All
of the said "illegal" Jewish homes on the hills of Judea and Samaria
have been registered and applied for building permits and could be
approved in a minute by Ehud Barak who refrains from doing so due to
his own political agenda. You would expect left wing liberals to speak
out against racial discrimination. But it the case of Jews they seem
to feel that doing so is fine."
David Ha'ivri is Director, The Shomron Liaison Office. From USA: Phone
1-512-961-7059. From Israel: Phone 052-607-1690. Website: www.yeshuv.org
Posted by Saul Goldman, July 22, 2009. |
This was written by David Hazony and it appeared July 20, 2009 in CommentaryMagazine.com. |
We knew it would come to this. Over the weekend, the Obama administration showed just how radical the shift in U.S. policy toward Israel has been. It has demanded that the Israeli government withdraw the municipal approval of a building project in the Eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. The land that houses the old, run-down Shepherd Hotel, which is to be replaced by an apartment building, was lawfully purchased by Jews. No matter: That part of town is seen by Washington as a "settlement." Today, U.S. officials made it even clearer when they reportedly told both sides that they see no difference between Eastern Jerusalem and rogue settler outposts in the middle of the West Bank. Understandably, the Israeli government has rejected the directive, and some reports suggest that the Israelis may have deliberately leaked the demand, for it plays to Netanyahu's image as standing tall against American pressure. Washington has a longstanding tradition of doublespeak when dealing with Jerusalem. On the one hand, Obama himself couldn't help but declare his commitment (subsequently retracted) to a unified Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty while campaigning for office and he even promised to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv, which is not the capital by any definition of the term, to Jerusalem. At the same time, he is not the first presidential candidate to make that promise, nor the first one to forget about it when in office, in the process ignoring the express will of Congress. It's those pesky State Department folks, you see, who keep advising successive presidents that now is not the right time. For 60 years, Israel's executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government have found their seat in Jerusalem, and Israel's "closest ally" still keeps its embassy by the beach. At least we Jerusalemites don't have to worry about all those diplomat vehicles taking our precious parking spots. It gets weirder. As I have pointed out before, the United States does not appear to recognize Israeli sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem West or East. A federal-court ruling earlier this month underscores the simple fact that any American citizen born in Jerusalem, regardless of where he lives, gets a U.S. passport with the country listed as simply "Jerusalem." U.S. citizens living in Jerusalem cannot get help at the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv; they are directed to the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, which answers directly to Washington, rather than to the embassy. Again, this stuff has been going on for a long time. It begins with a fundamental attitude on the part of successive American administrations, really dating back to the 1947 UN partition plan putting the city under "universal" governance. The point is, the reasoning goes, we don't fully see the logic in giving Israel full sovereignty of Jerusalem. It's not just about placating the Arabs, although that's a big part of it; it is, after all, a city of international importance. Why should only Israel have it? So in the interest of fostering a constructive dialogue with an American diplomatic universe that seems to have no interest whatever in Israel's position on the subject, I'd like to toss out a few brief reminders.
Israelis see any separation as similar to the one Israel has with Egypt and Jordan: a full border, with strict crossings and a fundamental divorce of economic life. This is essential to any deal the entire idea of giving up land in exchange for peace comes with the heavy baggage of decades of terror attacks. But such a separation, we have been told repeatedly, is anathema to the Palestinians themselves, who rely heavily on Israeli jobs for their living and see any real separation a form of "siege" turning their territory into a "prison." (If you don't believe this, ask yourself how the Gazans would react if Israel were to lift the sea and air restrictions on the Strip: Would they say "we are now free" or "we are still under siege"?) This problem is little discussed but will become a deal breaker the moment anyone starts talking seriously about borders or dividing the city. Jerusalem is not just a consensus issue in Israel but also a deeply personal one. There is no erasing the thousands of years of yearning for Jerusalem in Jewish texts, nor the heart-wrenching failure of Jewish forces to capture East Jerusalem in 1948, nor the national catharsis of its reunification in the Six Day War, nor over four decades of astonishing development and construction and tourism and flourishing of religious life for all faiths since then. The idea that now, suddenly, a new American president, speaking of "settlements," will change this reality is not simply offensive and alienating to Israelis only but also to Jews the world over. Rather than recognize his failure in the Middle East so far, Obama is exacerbating it. Israelis do not like to be bullied, and this is far more likely to steel the Israeli public's resolve against American pressure than weaken it. Contact Saul Goldman at gold7910@bellsouth.net |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, July 22, 2009. |
Our Daughters and Sisters Imprisoned by Arab Men This was written by Braha Bender and it appeared June 17, 2009 in Hamodia. |
This leaves me shaken. It keeps me up at night. Two nights I have not been able to fall asleep, visions of what I just heard dancing in my head. She is out there, alone and helpless. She is our sister. She is a Jew. And she is suffering. Most of us are not aware of this tragedy. But she is desperate for our help, desperate to get back her life. The life her Arab husband has stolen from her. One Less Jew It doesn't begin with abuse. Arab-Israeli men begin pursuing Israeli women by befriending them. Often the men are driven by their dreams of taking over the Jewish State. The obliteration of the Jewish people is their goal, and capturing one Jewish girl means one less Jew to worry about when the revolution comes. One less Jew in the world. First the Arab tricks the girl into trusting him by giving her gifts, chocolates and money. Then he convinces her to marry him and move with him to his native Arab village. Then he locks her in the house, and the beatings begin. The Jewish women stolen away in this manner are madeto serve as slaves for the entire Arab family. Rebbetzin Rachel Baraness of The Jerusalem House took it upon herself to care about and help these Jewish daughters. Eighteen years ago Rebbetzin Baraness met a Jewish girl with black and blue bruises all over her neck. She asked where the marks came from and learned about the nightmare of Jewish women married to Arabs who live in their villages where their lives become worse than being in a prison camp. She learned that trying to escape these tyrants puts them at risk of death, and that risk becomes much greater if they try to leave with their children. She learned that these women had often lost touch with their families; many had lost the contact with their families, or their families were clueless as to how to cope with the magnitude of their trauma. She learned that these young women needed a home to escape to. First one, then the next, then the next came to live in the widowed Rebbetzin Baraness's home. Soon the need for a larger facility demanded further financial support. The aid of the Charity of Light Fund was enlisted. The Jerusalem House, a shelter facility for Jewish girls and women escaping Arab men, was born. No Immunity Who is the girl who is crying from pain? Whose face do you see? Do you see your neighbor's daughter's face? Do you see the face of the Bais Yaakov girl in the supermarket? Of course not. You assume that this can't happen in our circles. But what about the frum girl who naively responded to the young Arab boy who delivered the family groceries from the supermarket every week? She didn't mean anything... she was just being polite... but he ensnared her. What about the seminary student who walked by a construction site and attracted the attention of the Arab construction workers there? Consider a typical supermarket. Aren't the majority of the workers Israeli girls working alongside Arabs? Daily favors, compliments, and gifts have swallowed up the common sense of some good girls. Many Arabs are actively pursuing Israeli girls right now as you read this article. Since the founding of the State of Israel, more than 3,000 Israeli girls have lo aleinu succumbed and "converted" to Islam and married Arab men via the Muslim courts. Not all of them are from impoverished or dysfunctional homes. A recent Jerusalem House resident had met the Arab she married at her job. Rebbetzin Baraness and other Jerusalem House staff hold lectures for the sake of educating the public about the dangers young Arabs represent to their girls. Parents must warn their daughters. Rescue Operations "In all my years in the field I have never seen a Jewish girl [in] a relationship with an Arab where he did not ... [abuse] her," says Reb Levi Chazen. "Rescuing a Jewish girl from an Arab village means risking your life" to save a life. Reb Levi Chazen is financial manager and staff member of the Jerusalem House. One girl was the daughter of a Jewish woman married to an Arab man. When the daughter began asking too many questions about her Jewish heritage, the men of the family locked her in an attic. Beatings and starvation were just the beginning. When her mother found out that the girls' brothers were planning to murder her within a few days, she managed to smuggle the information to her daughter in the attic. That night, realizing she had nothing to lose, the young Jewish girl jumped out of the attic window and fell three stories to the concrete below. She lost all her teeth and broke her jaw, but, with the kindness of Hashem, her arms and legs were functional enough for her to escape from the Arab village. The now homeless girl was living on a park bench when someone began to speak with her, found out her story, and sent her to The Jerusalem House. She had no money, no water to shower, no clothes but the filthy rags on her back. She knew no one. She was hungry. Her jaw was broken and she had no teeth. Jerusalem House took this girl in, cared for her, fed her, provided a clean place to live and medical care. If it hadn't been for the Jerusalem House, where would this girl be today? "I Made a Mistake" Saving a Jew from an Israeli Arab village is life-threatening, and the new military borders between Palestinian territories and Israel make rescue missions that much harder. However, the drive to survive can overcome even military barriers. Israeli soldiers at a military base bordering a Palestinian governed Arab village recognized a certain middle-aged Arab woman, wearing the traditional chador, head covered by a scarf wrapped tightly around her face and neck. Every day, at the same exact time, this woman would walk outside the village lugging a big bag of trash, and toss it in a garbage dump outside the village boundaries. Every day she would inch closer and closer to the military base, until one day she threw a rock at the soldiers. Before returning her aggression, the Jewish soldiers noticed a note wrapped around the rock. "I made a mistake," it said. "I am a Jew but I married an Arab. Save me." The note explained that she was rarely allowed outside the house. Could they please help her? They devised a plan to rescue her, and the soldiers brought her to The Jerusalem House. Her gratitude and relief knew no bounds. Unhappy Ending The Jerusalem House's success rate is approximately 85%. Unfortunately, there are some unhappy endings. One Jewish woman who turned to The Jerusalem House for help explained that she had been married to an Arab man for decades. They had met in Israel and she had soon "converted" to Islam and moved to live with him in Shechem. However, as her Arab husband was about to be exiled from the country due to his terrorist activities, the couple moved to Jordan and left two teenage daughters behind, in Israel. The Jewish woman got back to Israel with her son on the pretense that she was coming to visit her daughters. Once inside the country, she turned to the Jerusalem House for shelter. The shelter is only for women without children. For the women who do manage to escape with their children, the Jerusalem House provides safe houses around the country where, shrouded in anonymity, their furious Arab husbands cannot find them. An apartment like this was provided to the woman and her son who had escaped from their terrorist husband and father in Jordan. They were well on their way to a new life. But one day Jerusalem House staff members found the apartment empty. "They didn't even leave a note," says Reb Levi Chazen dryly. Why did they leave? Had their suffering affected them so thoroughly that they believed they were not worth saving? Rehabilitation The rehabilitation process at the Jerusalem House involves counseling, psychiatric treatment if needed, and provision for the girl's physical needs including clothing, food, toiletries, and everything else. "These girls arrive with nothing," Rebbetzin Baraness explains. "They have no clothing, no money. They've been beaten. They're broken people. They're entirely helpless." But caring and love can change a great deal. Sometimes in the middle of the night, someone just needs to talk. She's feeling depressed or frightened. Perhaps she is remembering her terrible life as an abused wife and wonders if she can ever be normal. Rebbetzin Baraness is a straight-talking, unpretentious woman. She quietly describes the love and warmth she lavishes on the girls every day. It's simple, really. Love heals. Treatment and understanding and safety heal. Group support heals. Rebbetzin Baraness also provides the girls with the skills to eventually lead an independent life of their own. "I don't let them sink," she says. The Jerusalem House provides some courses in basic skills the girls may lack. The girls are given many Torah shiurim. They have not lived a Torah life or kept mitzvos in a long time, if ever, and need to learn. "The girls respect me when they see me keeping Shabbos, so they keep it as well," Rebbetzin Baraness explains."And the new girls who come to the shelter have the older girls as role models as well." Rebbetzin Baraness has married off about 700 of "her girls" to bnei Torah over the past 18 years and isn't planning on stopping any time soon. New Beginnings As we speak about the important rescue-and-rehabili tate work being done, Rebbetzin Baraness and Reb Levi Chazen tell me that a Jerusalem House wedding is scheduled to take place that night. "This girl came to us after being in and out of mental hospitals ten times. She had met an Arab in Eilat," Rebbetzin Baraness says. "He 'converted' her to Islam, married her and took her to live with his family. They enslaved her and beat her. She did not know how to escape." Managing to escape from the Arab village after many months, the girl admitted herself to a mental hospital, hoping that the facility could protect her from the fury of her Arab captors who sought to kidnap her and take her back to keep working for them. "The husbands always come looking. We keep them [hidden] until the search has ended. It takes months," says Reb Chazen. But the girl was not mentally ill (though she was traumatized), so the mental hospital soon discharged the girl into the custody of a sister who did not know how to cope with the traumatized young woman. The sister sent the girl back to the mental hospital. The cycle repeated itself until the sister turned to Rebbetzin Baraness, begging her to take care of her sister. That was a year and a half ago. The Jerusalem House team of professionals and the love of Rebbetzin Baraness took effect quickly. "Tonight she will be marrying a ben Torah," I was told. Thanks to the Jerusalem House, another life is saved. Thank G-d the Jerusalem House was there for her and so many others. Mitzvas Pidyon Shevuim The Jerusalem House is the only shelter for Jewish women battered by Arabs in the world today. Yad L'Achim works in conjunction with the Jerusalem House as Yad L'Achim does not have any shelter facilities. Once they have rescued an Israeli girl from an Arab village, they send her to the Jerusalem House. But the Jerusalem House can only afford to shelter 25 young women at a time. "It really is just a matter of money. If we could double our shelter space today, there would be 60, 70 girls knocking on our door by tonight," Reb Levi Chazen says. Harav Ovadiah Yoseph and many other Gedolim strongly endorse the Jerusalem House. Perhaps if the need were known, it would be filled. You can help these girls right now by making a donation through PayPal at http://www.thejerusalemhouse.com. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The Jerusalem Education Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. The Jerusalem House has been endorsed by Chief Rabbis Ovadia Yosef, Mordechai Eliyahu and Avraham Shapira z"l. Their individual endorsements can be read at http://www.thejerusalemhouse.com and donations can be made by mail to The Jerusalem Education Fund, Inc., 45 East City Line Avenue, PMB 352, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-2421. To save a Jewish girl's life and the lives of her children, please call Reb Levi Chazen at 972-52-300-3293 or e-mail levi@thestoryofhope.org Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, July 22, 2009. |
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The Miracle Of Fleeing Arabs The 1947 partition of Palestine left the Jewish state with a 40 percent Arab population. Miraculously, the Arabs took off. Their flight started almost a year before the conscious Jewish policy of expelling the fifth column. Unlike in the previous periods of civil unrest, Arabs fled the country rather than temporarily moving into the hills. They fled without a hope of return, for they took their animals and belongings, and wouldn't have realistically expected their villages to remain intact. Israeli leaders draw attention to the isolated calls by Arab leaders for the villagers to flee, ostensibly to clear the area for Arab military operations. No Arab villager would buy such nonsense. All of them understood that the Syrians and Jordanians wanted their emptied land. God performs miracles without violating the laws of nature (that's why there are atheists), and so the Arab flight was prompted by decades of unrest, a crumbling patriarchal society, a closed economy, spiraling clashes with Jews, loss of traditional leadership, and fear. Most Palestinian leaders argued against fleeing the country, but the peasants were of a different opinion. Jews, for their part, slowly switched to Plan D, attacking first the Arab villages, most of which willingly or not housed militias, and eventually cleansing the land of Arabs to gain a contiguous Jewish state. Out of hopelessness and fear of retaliation, the majority of Arabs fled Israel in two waves: amid the clashes before the proclamation of Israeli independence, and after the Jews had won the war. Much smaller numbers of Arabs fled during the war itself. The near-absence of Arab flight from Galilee demonstrates that Jews did not plan to evict them; Arabs fled only the zones of intense conflict, rather than the entire Jewish state. Arabs that remained in Galilee developed into a demographical time bomb, and created an Arab majority in many parts of the Jewish state. Despite the huge influx of Jews since 1948, the Arab population of Israel continued to rise, from 10-19 percent to 34 percent among the Israeli young today. In order to create a Jewish state, Jews had no choice but to make the Arabs go. Jewish actions followed the cruel logic of war and state-building, nowhere more clear than in Dir Yassin. That village, like many others, had an implicit non-belligerency agreement with Jewish settlements, but eventually succumbed to Arab guerrillas and bandits. Many villagers from Dir Yassin joined the bandits, and raided Jewish caravans to Jerusalem and the settlements. Pervasive ownership of firearms, the Islamic sanction of robbery, unemployment, and the youth bulge assured the village's militancy. In the attack on Dir Yassin, Haganah forces shelled the village while Irgun and Lehi fighters stormed it, naturally being unable to discriminate between the full-blown militants and armed teenagers. Some women were also caught in the fighting. Testifying to the fierceness of the battle rather than an atrocity, Irgun subsequently paraded the survivors from Dir Yassin through Jerusalem and sent them into the city's Arab sector. Arab propaganda, however, made the operation into a massacre and frightened many Arabs into fleeing. In terms of killed-for-fled efficiency, Dir Yassin stands out as a brilliant example of good military practice. In PR terms, Dir Yassin became a disaster for Israel for a single reason: Jews admitted it as such. No Palestinian talks about the Egyptian forces of Ibrahim Pasha or the British razing the Arab towns, though the Egyptian atrocities and British cruelties far exceeded Dir Yassin, Kfar Qasem, and all other infamous points of Jewish-Arab clashes. People complain of the things it makes sense to complain of. The Egyptians and the British offered Palestinians no opportunity to vent their grievances, but Jews were receptive to the enemy's cries and got more cries in return. Israeli Arabs: From Terror To Security A very small part of the Israeli Arab population is actively involved in terrorism, but not many are required. A handful of terrorists can disrupt the life of a small state. So far, the immense intelligence networks of Israeli security services intercept almost all the terrorists' attempts, but the entire network will go down as soon as the Arabs develop some basic counterintelligence capabilities. When the PLO was butchering Israeli informants in the 1970s, the intelligence networks quickly evaporated. Israel's successes in intercepting terrorists stem mostly from the tacit and overt cooperation of the terrorist bosses. They have grown rich and lazy, no longer want to fight Israel, and only need to show their supporters some ongoing activity. They welcome Israeli interception of terrorist attacks, as they don't want to endanger themselves by allowing the confrontation to spiral. The most dangerous Palestinians are the silent and contented ones. They consume massive Israeli subsidies, disregard Israeli law (tax evasion, grand theft, illegal construction), enjoy mind-boggling preferences (draft exemption), and breed to become a democratic majority. The number of Arabs in Israel increased by a factor of eleven since 1948. The moderate Arabs fool the Jews that they "only" want equality. But what makes a state Jewish if Arabs and Jews are equal there? True equality presupposes that the Law of Return applies to Jews and Arabs alike, that both (or neither) are mentioned in the national anthem. If Arabs constitute a third of Israel's young, then the flag of Israel should be one-third Islamic green. If Arabs are equal, they should be allowed ministerial portfolios and assignments in the Ministry of Defense and Shabak, and they should receive their part of Jewish donations to Israel. And indeed, Arabs now receive part of the Israeli Bonds purchased by the common Jews in America. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Lee Caplan, July 22, 2009. |
This was written by Gil Ronen and it appeared today in
Arutz-7 |
(Israelnationalnews.com) The International Crisis Group, an investigative think tank connected to billionaire George Soros, has issued a report on the current influence of the religious Zionist movement and ways in which its opposition to further Israeli retreats can be overcome. Soros, who was a major contributor to Barack Obama's presidential campaign and who is vehemently opposed to the "Israel lobby" in the United States, is a member of the Crisis Group's executive committee. After conducting extensive research in Israel, including dozens of interviews with Jewish leaders, senior and junior officials, rabbis, military men, residents of Judea and Samaria and many others, the group's analysts concluded that the government needs to "rein in" the "settlerment enterprise" and stop showing "lenience toward anti-Palestinian violence or hateful incitement, especially with a religious content." However, they also note that Israel's religious right has "deep roots," and that "even its most militant expression cannot be dealt with exclusively through confrontation." Advocating what some may see as a divide-and-rule approach to the religious Zionists, the report's authors believe that the religious right's opposition to further Israeli pullouts can be minimized if an agreement reached between Israel and Arabs marks exactly where the border between Israel and the PA will pass, thus making it clear which communities can keep on growing and which are on the chopping block. The report also warns of a drift by ultra-orthodox Jews towards nationalistic positions, and recommends that the United States and other "foreign actors" attempt to woo ultra-Orthodox parties like Shas and United Torah Judaism by involving them in the diplomatic process. Early compensation The group suggests that "an early evacuation compensation package for Jews in Judea and Samaria could help persuade some settlers to leave voluntarily, narrowing the problem to a smaller group," whereas "for those who value their attachment to the land over their attachment to the state, efforts could be made to examine how and under what conditions they might live under Palestinian rule and the extent to which Palestinians might accept them." The report also suggests that "unlike what happened with the Gaza disengagement, the government could start early planning for settler relocation by building alternative homes inside Israel proper." It claimed that "the 2005 disengagement from Gaza went remarkably smoothly" but made no reference to police forces' separating babies from their mothers and did not offer any comment on the government's failure to fully carry out promises to help the expulsion victims re-establish their homes and find work. Serious snoopers While the report does not list its authors by name, it is known that one of them is Crisis Group senior analyst Nicolas Pelham, a former veteran BBC correspondent and an expert on Arab affairs, who has been conducting extensive research in Israel in recent years. ![]() The group prides itself on being "the leading independent, non-partisan source of analysis and advice to governments and inter-governmental bodies worldwide on the prevention and resolution of violent conflicts." The group's analysts have left few stones unturned in their quest to understand the history, ideology and personal makeup of the religious-Zionist movement. Judging by the quotes that appear in their report, they have received some form of cooperation from dozens of interviewees, including an unnamed former head of the Shin Bet; Rabbi Dov Lior of Kiryat Arba; Religious Affairs Minister Yaakov Margi; Motti Karpel, Editor of Nekuda; former MK Benny Elon; Yesha Council head Danny Dayan; Yitzhak Pindrus, who is described as an "ultra-orthodox deputy mayor of Jerusalem and close adviser to Rabbi El-Yashiv [sic]"; an "ultra-orthodox chief administrator" at "Tel Tzion settlement"; an "ultra-orthodox settler and reserve soldier" at "Adam settlement"; a "Lubavitch Torah college lecturer" at "Immanuel settlement"; a "Torah college teacher" at Mea Shearim; a municipal official at Modiin Illit; Edah Haredis representatives at Mea Shearim; a Torah college teacher at Nachliel; residents of Amona, Migron and Maskiyot and numerous others. According to the secretary of a religious seed group in central Israel, a researcher for the group went so far as to disguise himself as a religious Jew in order to enter a seed group's synagogue in Ramle.
Contact Lee Caplan at leescaplan@yahoo.com
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 22, 2009. |
PM OLMERT'S UNKNOWN PROPOSAL ON JERUSALEM In 2008, PM Olmert showed Palestinian Authority (P.A.) head Abbas a map offering the P.A. 93.5 93.7% of Yesha, a land swap of 5.8%, a safe-passage corridor from Gaza to Judea-Samaria, a small refugee-return as a "humanitarian gesture," and Jerusalem outside Israeli sovereignty and run by Saudis, Jordanians, Israelis, the P.A., and Americans. This is typical of the half-baked ideas that Israeli leaders call plans. These ideas benefit Israel's enemies and not Israel. 'Israeli leaders and media fail regularly to evaluate or even note the consequences. The consequences of this idea would be dire. The same was true of the Olmert-Sharon expulsion of Jews from Gaza [and the Olmert-Livni ceasefire in Lebanon that let Hizbullah build a mightier force of rockets]. Consider Jerusalem. Olmert's idea was a prescription for a
sovereignty vacuum quite possibly leading to another war of attrition
and then a regional war When Jerusalem was divided, before 1967, the Jordanian sector sniped at the Jews. A tiny state under siege would be unwise to reduce its size further, in behalf of sworn enemies (S. Arabia, Jordan, and Fatah/Hamas) and unstated enemies (the State Dept.). To cede sovereignty over its own capital would be folly. You can imagine how the Arabs and State Dept. would treat Jewish worship and construction! After all, S. Arabia remains in a state of war with Israel! It would set precedent to admit some Arabs in as returned refugees. Actually, most of the refugees died out. These would be just their descendants of mostly fairly recent immigrant families. Many so-called refugees claimed that status only for welfare benefits. The original refugees left almost entirely voluntarily or under Arab orders, after having attempted to exterminate the Jews. And then the Arab states expelled their Jews. Israel doesn't owe Arab refugee families anything, certainly not to let them back in to join Israeli Arabs and P.A. Arabs and foreign allies in the continuing struggle to conquer Israel. Nevertheless, the State Dept. would argue that Israel's acceptance of some refugee descendants admitted the justness of the Arab case for immigration to Israel. Israel would not be admitting that. But the State Dept. is not honest, it is biased. So are most other governments. They would insist that what Olmert meant as a one-time "goodwill" gesture is precedent. They would demand more and more entry for Arabs who were brought up to hate Israel and the Jewish people. The flow of Arabs would be in the wrong direction for Jewish national security and for peace. Another reason for finding these ideas half-baked is their untested and actually disproved assumption that they bring goodwill. The appeasement-minded Israeli leaders' proposed goodwill is genuine. Unfortunatelly, Muslim Arabs don't think like that. They are hard bargainers. They think in terms of what they have to do to conquer. They are, after all, in what they deem a holy war. They may accept offers that make Israel weaker and themselves stronger, in preparation for the next showdown. They consider Israeli offers as weakness. They feel this vindicates the justness of their own cause, and they become more incited. Finding their enemy weak, Muslim Arabs press for more concessions. So does the State Dept.. Therefore, those concessions create ill will and are destabilizing. It is rather late in jihad for Israel and the West still not to understand Arab and Radical Islamic culture. Leftist Israeli leaders, who proposed or approved of goodwill concessions to the Arabs, fail to review the results of those concessions. Instead of learning that they don't work, they propose variations on the same theme. Repeating mistakes is not intelligent. Those objections to the plan are in addition to the overall objection that the areas involved should fall under Jewish sovereignty; leave to the Arabs their own countries. NETANYAHU'S FALSE NOTION OF DEMILITARIZED STATE MK Eldad raised this further issue. First, PM Netanyahu was pathetic to announce in principle the right of another people to set up a state within the Jewish homeland. Second, his notion that demilitarization can be imposed upon a state was tried before. It failed. It was tried in Germany, after WWI. Germany secretly arranged with the USSR in 1922 for military training in the Soviet Union and for arms supply in surreptitious ways. World War II ensued. Incidentally, Walter Rathenau, the Weimar Republic's Foreign Minister who helped sponsor the secret pact, was Jewish. MK Eldad wouldn't put it past appeasement-minded Jews to help a Palestinian Authority (P.A.) state circumvent military restrictions (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/26). The P.A. evades all its agreements now, including military restrictions. Once sovereign, it would have eager foreign help. Israel would be roundly condemned if it tried to enforce the restrictions. In the earlier case, France wanted to reverse Germany's most blatant violation, fortification of the Rhineland, but Britain threatened it with war, if it did. Let Israel not repeat that sad history! For more on Netanyahu's view, see here:
IRANIAN OPPRESSION, ARAB THUGS, & ISRAEL Iranians abroad demonstrate against the oppressive regime at home. The
émigrés seem united in this. They implore Israel for technological
help, as against government jamming of their broadcasts. Demonstrators
in Iran have captured some regime-paid thugs, and found that they are
Arabs from Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority, presumably from
Hizbullah and Hamas. Demonstrators claim that the regime has slain
hundreds. It pursues wounded ones into hospitals
The regime has many thousands of Revolutionary Guards. Why import
thugs? Perhaps because the regime is paranoid, as you would see
A Lighter Touch: A politician is someone who stands up for what he does not believe in. WHY IS U.S., NOT ARABS, NEGOTIATING WITH ISRAEL? A journalist asked State Dept. spokesman Philip Crowley, isn't the problem a need for a peace accord between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, not between Israel and the U.S. over settlements? (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/26.) Answers: (1) The Arabs won't compromise, so the U.S. tries to wrest concessions from Israel and then boast it is "closing the gap." This becomes a vicious cycle, especially as the Arabs raise new demands. (2) The State Dept. and Pres. Obama are anti-Zionist. I think that as the U.S. declines and loses influence, our Presidents try harder to pressure Israel for a phony peace agreement that the Presidents can boast of as a success, in the short run. For more on the U.S. not being an honest broker, see here:
IS ISRAEL'S SUPREME COURT ANTI-ZIONIST? Retired Israeli Supreme Court chief justice Aharon Barak related his views about Zionism. He thinks that Israel should be a Jewish state in that Jews have priority in immigrating. Then he used the same term as Israeli Arabs and others opposed to Israel being a Jewish state, for what happens once those immigrants arrive. He said then Israel should be a democratic "state for all its citizens." "Barak also criticized Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria as an 'occupation,' and said the Israeli presence there leads to human rights offenses and racism elsewhere in Israel." Reversing the ethnic groups in the cruel expression with which the Arabs announced their military goal in the 1948 and 1967 wars, Barak claimed that most Israelis now want to throw Israeli "Arabs into the sea." Critics in Knesset said this speech proves that an anti-Zionist agenda has taken over the Supreme Court (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/26). Does Barak really care about human rights and racism? "Barak's presence on the Supreme Court produced anti-democratic restrictions to freedom of speech and to the trashing of any form of checks and balances on the court's 'activism,' and led to an explosion in anti-Jewish racism by Israeli Arabs and Jewish leftists." (Prof. Steven Plaut, 6/28). Informed readers recognize that the terms Barak used are code words that sound respectable as a cover for an ethnic agenda. I think he maligns Israelis, and that the major problem is human rights offenses against the Jews by the Palestinian Authority and Israel. Why doesn't he recognize some of it? The speech does not prove that the Court injects its personal bias into its rulings. The rulings do prove it. Barak admitted it when he defended basing his rulings on "enlightened opinion," meaning his own opinion. My articles have cited the undemocratic nature of the Court, being a self-appointed body, lacking separation of powers and not ruling on the basis of Israeli law. Without Constitutional limits, the Court, indulges excessively in personal opinion favoring the Arabs and hampering Jewish rights. Israel often is not a state of its Jewish citizens. For an example of oppression of Jewish rights, see here:
Anti-Jewish bias is in Israeli universities, too. For an example,
see here:
ISRAEL'S FALL-BACK ARGUMENT ON JUDEA-SAMARIA Israel is attempting a fall-back argument to persuade the U.S. government to let the Jews build to accommodate the natural growth of the resident population of Judea-Samaria, but not bring in more people from the State of Israel. The argument has to do with the small numbers of people involved and their minimal effect upon the Territories as a whole. The facts back the argument. Israel's natural grown argument, however, falls on deaf ears and hard hearts. It becomes haggling. [This after all is an era of unfriendliness towards the Jewish people, fear of the Radical Muslims, and U.S. lies about previous agreements.] In focusing narrowly on natural growth, Israel forfeits its broader rights. The broader rights are the better case. "Natural growth" is a fall-back argument. This argument is unwise, like the storekeeper who argues that his investment in the store entitles him to remain in it. If he doesn't affirm and prove his ownership rights to the whole building, what good would be sympathy, if any, for his investment in a store in a building someone else, uncontested, claims to own? Thus Israel's fall-back argument not only implicitly concedes its case to the Territories, but also to Israel, itself. The only difference between Jews developing the State of Israel and the Territories is an insignificant armistice line between them. That line was set up because the Arabs rejected the League of Nations' attempt to correct the historic injustice done [in part by the Muslim Arabs] to the Jewish people. The Arabs started wars over it, ending at one point at that Green Line armistice point. If the Jews don't have a right to the eastern side of the armistice line, what right have they to the western side? What is the Jewish people's broad, underlying claim to Judea, Samaria, and Gaza? "One might expect more national pride and a clearer, more lucid statement [than 'natural growth'] from a government that believes Judea and Samaria are inseparable parts of the historic homeland, and at the very least sees the 'settlement blocs' as an inseparable part of the State of Israel in any final status accord." [So is the Golan.] Simon Maccabaeus, the Chanukah hero commemorated for helping to liberate Judea and Judaism from Greek rule from Syria, said, "We have neither taken other men's land, neither do we hold that which is other men's: but the inheritance of our fathers, which was for some time unjustly possessed by our enemies." There are "...historic, religious, legal and sentimental links that bind the people of Israel with Hebron and Beit El" in the territories..." Jews "...are not occupiers in our own country and that there are Jews for whom this land is holy, just as it is holy to Palestinians Jews whose connection to these pieces of land are bound by love, the Bible, tradition, nature and beauty." The Jewish people rejoined their surviving kinsmen in the Land of
Israel, part of which became the State of Israel, on the basis of
having a right to do so, not on the basis of national security
Study the historical documents leading to implementation of modern Zionism! These include the Balfour Declaration, the WWI peace accords, the Palestine Mandate, the Geneva conventions, the UN Charter, and the Bible. Study the commentaries about them by experts in international law, such as Dr. Paul Riebenfeld. The Palestine Mandate recognized the Jewish people's pre-existing rights to their country on both sides of the Jordan River and their right to settle closely on the land. How many partitions of their country must the Jewish people suffer in behalf of a nation whose states exceed the area of the United States of America? In behalf of a nation whose pressure on Britain got Britain to bar Palestine to millions of Jews whom Hitler at first was willing to let out of Europe, but murdered when the Arabs, Britain and the rest of the world barred most? If this were a just world, security would be a valid argument. Another partition of the Jewish people's homeland not only would violate the Jewish people's rights, it would cede secure borders to the Arab nation that, now in a religious fervor, would commit another Holocaust. U.S. diplomacy would bring not only injustice, but millions of murders. What American should want that? Religious claims are delicate if not subjective. There are some general misunderstandings about them we should clarify. The main Islamic claim to the Land of Israel is that it once conquered it, so it is entitled to it. That argument is based upon a hegemonic view of religious entitlement, with a foundation of imperialism. Ponder that. I have seen quotations from Islamic scholars, conveniently forgotten by our contemporaries, acknowledging that the Holy Land belongs to the Jewish people. Same for Jerusalem. Same for the Temple Mount. Even the holiness of the Temple Mount to Islam is based upon one interpretation denied by many Islamic scholars, and that is not logical since the Quran refers not to "Jerusalem" but to the "furthest mosque" that Muhammad visited in a dream when there were no mosques in Jerusalem. So long as Israel allows other religions access to their holy places, which it does, and so long as the Muslim Arabs deny access, as they try to do in Jerusalem, Hebron, Joseph's Tomb, and Rachel's Tomb, the Muslims cannot in fairness base a political claim to Jerusalem on religion. Many people, including Jews, hear without comment Muslim religious claims to the Land of Israel. These same people scorn Jewish religious claims to the land of Israel. My next sentence is not judging the rival claims. Why the double standard in accepting as a procedure for claiming territory a Muslim religious case, but rejecting as a procedure for claiming territory a Jewish religious case? Earlier articles discussed migrations, wars, and other factors. As for U.S. foreign policy, it is intrusive and abusive. That is just what Democrats suspected of Bush. Actually, that is steady State Dept. policy against Zionism. Israel should tell the U.S. to busy itself with reversing its decline and certainly not assist the jihadists to gain more power and have a triumph to boost recruitment. The trouble with Netanyahu's defense is it is on the defensive. He pleads with frosty powers to be reasonable, he's not doing too much for them to complain about. A better defense is: (1) Show that the other side is criminal and undeserving; and (2) Affirm one's full national rights so clearly and proudly, that the U.S. would have to back off. Make it seem not personal but nevertheless uninformed or vicious of the U.S. to interfere with Israel. To see how much the Palestinian Arabs would claim, if they could,
see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Aryeh Zelasko, July 22, 2009. |
This is a bit of progress but like so much that comes out of the Dati "camp" it is half hearted and doomed to failure. Once again the burden of action and responsibility is foisted on the youth. All of us, today and not tomorrow, must pick up a telephone and call our soldier sons and make it clear to them that we expect them to remain loyal to their mission, namely, the defense of the people and the land, and not, Heaven forbid, participation in the destruction of settlements and the handing over of portions of the homeland to the Arab enemy. Why not call our husbands, wives, friends and relatives who work for the Government and tell them to resign their jobs? Bring the whole rotten system to a grinding halt. For those who are too frighten to resign, let them go on sick leave or whatever. Furthermore, instead of focusing on the limited but important issue of Yeshah, focus on the entire country. Netanyahu has betrayed the nation. Insist on his resignation and new elections. Accept only one outcome, Netanyahu's resignation and new elections. As long as the adults in the Dati "camp" hide behind their children and expect them to bear the brunt of this struggle, there can be no chance of success. When the sons will see their fathers fighting, they will not have to be told what to do. This article below was written by Nadia Matar of Women In Green. It is called "A Tale of Two Border Patrol Policemen and Seven Settlers." |
Yesterday the Arutz 7 web site had a film in which we see two Border Patrol policemen attacking a Jewish demonstrator, from the lovers of Eretz Israel camp, and sadistically abusing him. According to most of the responses to the report, the public was shocked by the Border Patrol violence. I, however, am no longer surprised by any police violence. I was shocked by something that, in my humble opinion, is more serious: by the inaction and lack of response by the seven Jews, settlers, who stood by,still, to what was happening and did not step in. I must point out that they did politely express their protest: "Hey, stop abusing him," "What's going on here," "Enough," but they did not physically intervene. This scene reminds me of the old sad joke about the eight Jews who are walking around in Europe and two non-Jews come towards them. One Jew asks the others: "Oy vey, what will we do? We are eight and they are two! Let's run away!" I want to ask the young men who are seen in the film, who were present during the sadistic abuse of their friends: Master of the Universe! In the film you look at least 18 years old. Strong youth, who might even have undergone some krav maga (self-defense) training. Why didn't you defend your friend? According to the film, you could easily have overpowered the two Border Patrol policemen, and taken their hands off your friend's face, so they would at least have stopped choking him! I know that they filled all your heads not to raise a hand against a policeman or soldier, but they meant to say that we should not initiate violence. Here, this was a case of self-defense, against an attack. Anyone who defends himself against police violence, or any other kind of violence, is not violent, but is simply defending himself or his fellow. Obviously, it is important to film and document the event, so that the police will not be able to concoct a fake case of "assaulting a police officer." I wouldn't have made anything of this, if such scenarios didn't repeat themselves over and over again. The picture presented by the film reminds me of the fury I felt when I watched a recording of the events of Amona, in which we see a policeman enter a room and bring down his club again, again, and yet again on dozens of the people sitting on the floor in the room. My initial anger was naturally directed against the policeman, but after a few seconds I said to myself: Master of the Universe! How is it that, of the dozens of young men in the room, a few didn't get up, to take the club away from the policeman's hands! And if the reports are correct, that all the young folks there were handcuffed, to prove their being nonviolent, then they should have gotten up on their feet and used their feet until the policeman stopped raining down blows on them. This isn't violence, this is self-defense. Thetime has come to look at the conduct of our public in light of the attacks against us. The late Adir Zik always said that a considerable part of our public is sick with the "second-rate" disease. That is, it suffers from feelings of inferiority to the secular-leftist public. Others would say that we learn baseless love too extremely, so that we have lost the ability to be angry with those who do us injustice. Yet others will say that the genes of the galut (exile) are still embedded within us. Whatever the reason, the time has come to stop the policy of turning the other cheek. No more hugging a soldier or policemen who comes to destroy our home, and we won't let a violent policeman carry out his designs without defending ourselves. Does this mean that we have to be violent? Should we act like our ultra-Orthodox brothers? Many have said that if we had struggled over every house in Gush Katif like the ultra-Orthodox behaved this week after the mother's arrest, we would still be in Gush Katif. Possibly. But what can we do ... our public isn't capable of that, and perhaps that's all for the best. Our strength lies elsewhere: the way for our camp to stop the expulsion decrees is (1) nonparticipation by our soldiers in the destruction mission, certainly not in the innermost circle, but not even in the outermost one. The mission of destroying the outposts cannot be implemented without the army. Thank God, there are tens of thousands of young men from our camp in the army. All of us, today and not tomorrow, must pick up a telephone and call our soldier sons and make it clear to them that we expect them to remain loyal to their mission, namely, the defense of the people and the land, and not, Heaven forbid, participation in the destruction of settlements and the handing over of portions of the homeland to the Arab enemy. (2) A nonviolent, but mass, struggle: our camp numbers hundreds of thousands of Jews loyal to Eretz Israel who understand that the destruction of 23 outposts is the first phase of the destruction of the entire settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria. If and when we will have to defend the outposts, it must be clear to us all that we are not going to work, we are not going to study in the yeshivah or the girls' mikhlalah (seminary), but we are taking to the streets and going to the outposts in our masses, sitting in on the main roads and preventing the security forces from reaching their target. If necessary, we will remain a day, two days, or even a week. This isn't a demonstration. This is a battle, a battle for the private and national home. These two principles would have saved Gush Katif and northern Samaria. Unfortunately, they were not put into practice, because of rabbis who opposed refusing orders and leaders who organized bombastic two-hour demonstrations at the Western Wall and in Malkhei Yisrael Square, but were incapable of leading a true struggle. Now is the time to correct the mistakes that were made in 2005. This is even more actual and urgent today, when we were informed of the preparations by the IDF and the Border Patrol for the destruction of 23 outposts. For the young people who were seen in the film and all other youth, the time has come to participate in courses in krav maga and self-defense. Not in order to be violent, Heaven forbid, but for the reasons of self-defense, mutual responsibility, and the defense of Eretz Israel. Aryeh Zelasko lives in Beitar Illit, south of Jerusalem. He is Director of Sales and Marketing of Israel Visit (www.israelvisit.co.il) which provides information and an internet buying facility for American visitors to Israel. He writes, "Stop complaining and fight back! Here's how: |
Posted by Arutz-7, July 21, 2009. |
This was written by Zalman Nelson. |
Support for PM's Jerusalem Stand The battle of words over Jewish rights to build and purchase homes in Jerusalem continued Monday and Tuesday with statements from the U.S. State Department and prominent Jewish groups. Assistant Secretary of State Philip Crowley told members of the media that the U.S. continues to oppose Israeli construction in eastern Jerusalem, but he added that the Jewish state's rejection of American demands is not a new issue. "We have made our views known to Israel. Our views are not new either, that this kind of construction is the type of thing that should be is the type of issue that should be subject to permanent status negotiations, and that we are concerned that unilateral actions taken by the Israelis or the Palestinians cannot prejudge the outcome of these negotiations," Crowley said. He noted that the State Department is "working hard through George Mitchell and others to create conditions so that you can have a resumption of negotiations that would lead the parties to address these final status issues." Crowley confirmed that U.S. special envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell will be in the region later this week. The recent tension began when Israel's Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren was urgently summoned to the State Department over the weekend to hear that Israel must stop a private construction project at the site of the Jewish-owned Shepherd Hotel in eastern Jerusalem. Rejecting American officials' demand to halt the project, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that Jewish residents of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel and the Jewish people, can purchase homes in any area of the city just like Arab residents can. "Jerusalem is not included in discussions with the U.S. about a settlement freeze," he said. "This is the policy of an open city, an undivided city that has no divisions according to religion or national affiliation." Orthodox Groups Praise Netanyahu Prime Minister Netanyahu's comments and his stated position on the future of Jerusalem earned him commendation Monday from the National Council of Young Israel (NCYI), a coordinating agency for Orthodox congregations in the U.S. and Canada. "It is essential that we tell the Israeli government that we support them and stand together with them in their effort to protect the Jewish homeland," NCYI President Shlomo Mostofsky said in a press statement. "Prime Minister Netanyahu needs to know that hundreds of thousands of American Jews and countless friends of Israel wholeheartedly endorse the idea that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel." He praised the prime minister's "unequivocal declaration that Jerusalem's sovereignty is not in dispute, and that Israel will not bow to external pressure that attempts to dictate Israeli policy on Jerusalem," said Mostofsky, who urged American Jews to contact the Israeli Embassy to voice their support for Netanyahu's position on Jerusalem. The Orthodox Union (OU) Jewish umbrella organization joined NCYI in supporting Netanyahu and rejecting U.S. pressures. "The Orthodox Union disagrees with the position of the United States that, like Jewish settlement activities in other areas of Judea and Samaria, Israel must not permit new Jewish residency or construction is eastern sections of Jerusalem. We remain partners with you... for the continued preservation of Jerusalem's unity as the Jewish people's holy and eternal capital." In a statement, the OU pledged to "continue our commitment to Israel and Jerusalem through our service programs at our Israel Center in Jerusalem and through our advocacy for Israel's interests in Washington, DC." The Shepherd Hotel property has been owned by Dr. Irving Moskowitz since 1985. The Land of Israel activist has built other projects in eastern Jerusalem as well, most notably the Maaleh HaZeitim neighborhood in what local Arabs have dubbed Ras el-Amud, below and to the south of the Temple Mount. |
Posted by Maayana Miskin, July 21, 2009. |
This appeared today in Arutz-7. The Israel Land Fund, a group dedicated to restoring Jewish property in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, is reportedly looking east. According to AFP, the organization plans to begin buying historically Jewish properties in Jordan as well. Many Jews purchased land in what is now Jordan during the British Mandate, when such land was seen primarily as part of the greater Land of Israel. In 1946 Jordan declared independence as an Arab, Muslim country. Two years later, the state of Israel declared independence, and Jordan's rulers confiscated Jewish-owned land in their own country for state use. Israel Land Fund chairman Aryeh King told AFP that his organization has proof that thousands of properties in present-day Jordan were historically Jewish, adding, "We have records of the ownership." The plan is in its early stages, and no properties in Jordan have been bought to date. Purchasing would likely take place with the help of Jews in Europe, King said, as Israelis are prohibited from buying land in Jordan under Jordanian law. The same Jordanian law is enforced by the Palestinian Authority, which views the sale of land to Jews or Israelis as a capital offense. The Land Fund manages to circumvent PA law by buying land through middlemen. In many cases, the group also helps Arab sellers to flee the country in order to avoid PA retribution. Jewish properties bought or reclaimed by the Israel Land Fund in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria are guarded and used to build homes for Jewish activists. It was not clear what would be done with property reclaimed in Jordan. AFP noted that if the plan were to succeed, it could cause anger in Jordan, where anti-Israel sentiment runs high despite a 1994 peace treaty. Maayan Miskin is a writer for Arutz-7 (www.Israelnn.com). |
Posted by Yehoshua Halevi, July 21, 2009. |
This is one of Yehoshua Halevi's Golden Light Images. Yehoshua Halevi writes: "HOW I GOT THE SHOT: Some years ago, health food proponents tried to promote carob as an alternative to chocolate. From a nutritional standpoint, carob may in fact out-duel chocolate, but I never fell for this gastronomical ruse and stood by my favorite sweet. It wasn't until years later that I encountered my first carob tree, which is native to Israel and grows widely in the warm, Mediterranean climate. This particular tree sits upon the rocky plateau of Mount Arbel in the Galilee, growing alone among the rocks and a few grassy weeds. It is known simply as "The Carob Tree," with a short trail by the same name leading to it from the parking lot. Summer is a difficult season to photograph in any locale, but especially in two-season climates where months without rain leave the landscape dusty and parched. I arrived late in the afternoon looking for a broad shot of the Kinneret from atop Mt. Arbel's lofty cliffs, but found this shot the moment I walked past the tree and looked back toward the setting sun. I positioned myself so the bottom set of rocks, aglow with afternoon light, formed a triangle at the base of the photo. The lines forming the two sides of this triangle combine with its peak to lead the viewer straight to the subject and also form two additional triangles whose peaks all meet at the base of the tree. Even though I was shooting directly into the sun, I managed to avoid what would have been a formless silhouette of the tree's crown, which is lit by the light reflecting off the rocks. I may not appreciate the carob fruit, but I do admire this tree's ability to take root and thrive in such an austere location.
Contact Yehoshua Halevi by email at smile@goldenlightimages.com
and visit his website:
Posted by LEL, July 21, 2009. |
This was written by Matthew M. Hausman and appeared on Israpundit
The intellectual swords have been drawn. Jewish conservatives and independents have openly questioned Jewish liberals' commitment to Israel in light of their continued support for Barack Obama, who is hostile to Israel even as he apologizes to the Arab-Muslim world for the sins allegedly committed against it by the West. Sixty-seven years ago, many Jewish organizations remained silent as the Holocaust unfolded and refused to lobby Franklin D. Roosevelt to act. But as cowardly or misguided as their conduct was, it did not involve affirmative lobbying on behalf of German interests or values. The Jewish liberal establishment today openly criticizes Israel's right to self-defense, uncritically accepts the Palestinian national myth, supports the demand for a freeze on settlements, belittles the threat of a nuclear Iran, and condones the historical revisionism underlying Mr. Obama's Middle East policies. Unlike the Jewish establishment's failure during Holocaust, the conduct of today's liberal elite actually empowers Israel's enemies, and thus threatens the safety and security of the Jewish People in Israel and in Diaspora. During last year's presidential campaign, liberal Jews mobilized to market Mr. Obama as safe for Israel and good for the Jews despite his known associations with antisemitic and anti-Israel zealots (e.g., Jeremiah Wright and Rashid Kalidi) throughout his political career. There was no way to rationalize away his troubling associations, but his liberal and left-wing advocates were secure in the knowledge that most Jews would vote Democratic anyway. Thus, despite a few window-dressing remarks here and there about America's special relationship with Israel, they never really called on Mr. Obama to acquit himself. His actions immediately after the election quickly validated his critics' concerns. Even before taking office, for example, he sent Robert Malley as a special envoy to the Middle East to meet with representatives of the Syrian and Egyptian governments the same Robert Malley who had met with members of Hamas on behalf of Mr. Obama during the campaign. Malley's vitriolic track record concerning Israel and his published sympathies for Hamas and Hezbollah were well known and should have generated serious questions among President Obama's Jewish supporters. Instead, mainstream liberals were silent and left-wing ideologues actually praised the President for showing "even-handedness." Mr. Obama continued down this troubling path after his swearing in. Perhaps indicative of his views on the Middle East, he tabbed Charles Freeman to chair the National Intelligence Council, despite Freeman's history as a shill for the Saudi government and like Malley an apologist for Hamas and Hezbollah. When his nomination was torpedoed, President Obama stood by while left-wing partisans invoked Walt and Mearsheimer and blamed the mythical Jewish lobby for sullying Freeman's reputation. Thereafter, Mr. Obama consistently and publicly blamed Israel for the failure of the peace process while routinely refusing to hold the Arab world accountable for rejecting Israel's right to exist and promoting terrorism. Even more alarming, Mr. Obama validated Iran's claimed need for a nuclear program, openly courted despots, dictators and antisemitic regimes, and endorsed the so-called Saudi peace initiative, which is simply a thinly disguised prescription for Israel's demise. And yet the majority of his liberal supporters failed to challenge him or even suggest that his acts and omissions might be signaling a significant change in American foreign policy. Some even continue to promote the President's troubling foreign policies actively and uncritically. Democratic Congressman Robert Wexler, for example, has made several trips to Jerusalem recently to lobby for a moratorium on settlement construction, despite his reputation as a strong supporter of Israel. However, for some, the façade finally began to crack after Mr. Obama's speech in Cairo, where he distorted Jewish history, regurgitated the propaganda myth that Israel was a European invention foisted upon the Arabs, falsely blamed Israel and the so-called settlements for stalling the peace process, and ignored the long history Arab colonialism, intransigence, rejectionism and antisemitism. His speech was obsequious to the point of embarrassment. Finally, some of his Jewish supporters began to question his motives and intentions with regard to Israel. But even as some liberals finally began asking the right questions, many others grew ever shriller in their defense of Mr. Obama, arguing that that we owe him the benefit of the doubt, with no regard for his anti-Israel credentials or the increasing litany of words and deeds evidencing his bias. In his Jerusalem Post blog, for example, Allan Dershowitz articulated his continuing belief in Mr. Obama, arguing among other things that, despite some "troubling" remarks in Cairo, his policies and indeed those of the Democratic Party are best for Israel. However, this position is simply not tenable in light of the plain substance of the Cairo speech, a point driven home by Spectator and Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips in her written response to Professor Dershowitz's column. Among other things, Ms. Phillips questioned how an intelligent person and self-proclaimed supporter of Israel could defend Mr. Obama without critically analyzing his very public comments and actions. This criticism is validated by, among other things, the President's insulting snub of Israel's prime minister in Washington, his near pathological focus on the "settlements," and his implication that Israel must curb its population growth. The sparring between Professor Dershowitz and Ms. Phillips continued in the press and has crystallized the essential element of the debate: namely, that Jewish liberals support Mr. Obama not because of his views on Israel, but because he represents a secular liberal agenda that they support. Their affinity for Mr. Obama has absolutely nothing to do with his policies on Israel and the Middle East. Concern for Israel and traditional Jewish values is only incidental to the vast liberal mainstream. Israel is not a primary issue for many liberals, and is even considered an embarrassment by the political left, whose gut response to affirmations of Jewish values and history is to reject them, adopt the narrative of Israel's critics and opponents, and condemn Israel automatically, unquestioningly, and without hesitation. In contrast, Jewish political conservatives and independents are more willing to distinguish transient political issues from core Jewish values, including support for Israel and for her preservation as a Jewish state. Jews who do not identify as liberal are more vocal both in their support of Israel and their discomfort with the President's clear acceptance of the Arab narrative, his consistent public flogging of Israel over "settlement expansion," and his deafening silence regarding Arab-Muslim culpability for terrorism, rejection of Israel, and the continued state of war. Unfortunately, the liberal Jewish mainstream does not seem to have learned from history, and comparisons with the Jewish supporters of Franklin D. Roosevelt are as apt as they are striking. Like Mr. Obama today, President Roosevelt had many Jewish allies who advocated his political programs with an almost religious fervor. In fact, Roosevelt appointed a number of Jews to government posts, or relied on them as trusted advisors, including the financier Bernard Baruch, Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau, presidential speech writer Samuel Rosenman, and Congressman Sol Bloom, then Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. And yet, when it came to standing up for the Jews of Europe, Roosevelt did not want to get involved and did not seem to care for Jews who did. A stark example of Roosevelt's indifference to the Jewish suffering in Europe was his acceptance of a report by his special envoy to the Middle East, Lt. Col. Harold Hoskins, who called for a censure of Zionist "propaganda," which he claimed would upset the Arabs and derail the American war effort. Of course, much of this "propaganda" consisted of publicizing the extermination of European Jewry and the need for policy-based rescue efforts. The report was supported by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who advocated a do-nothing attitude with respect to stopping the genocide or organizing efforts to save the victims. Some well-placed Jews, including Sol Bloom and Samuel Rosenman, reportedly endorsed the Hoskins report. Based on this report, administration officials met with Jewish movie moguls and requested that they not produce any movies about the plight of the Jews in Europe, which they claimed would be injurious to Jewish and American interests. Hollywood caved and all such movies were shelved. When news of the genocide gathered momentum, some Jewish spokesmen, such as the Reform Rabbi Stephen Wise, did the administration's bidding and attempted to minimize or discredit the reports and keep the Jewish community from mobilizing, causing a "distraction" to the war effort, and embarrassing Roosevelt. Moreover, many of Roosevelt's Jewish political allies attempted to paint those Jews who openly lobbied on behalf of their brethren in Europe as obstreperous rabble rousers, often undercutting their lobbying and advocacy efforts. In one well-known instance, for example, Jewish supporters of Roosevelt undermined the efforts of the Aggudat ha-Rabbonim, which organized the "Rabbis' March on Washington" in 1943. The march was conceived by Hillel Kook, a/k/a Peter Bergson, and involved some 400 Orthodox rabbis, including Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, who would become one of the most respected rabbinical authorities of the 20th Century. On the advice of some of his Jewish advisors and prominent Jewish Democrats, Roosevelt refused to meet with the group. These rabbis were Orthodox and many were immigrants, and they did not look like their assimilated, secular brethren who had worked hard at cultivating their American appearances and their social and political credentials. Like a vapor in the night, Roosevelt slipped away through the backdoor of the White House to avoid facing the rabbis. Even more blatant were the attempts to undercut the Bergson Group, led by Kook and screenwriter Ben Hecht, who wrote and produced the traveling pageant entitled, "We Shall Never Die." Despite post-war revisionist claims to the contrary, the Final Solution was in fact common knowledge in the United States in 1942, and the Bergson Group conceived the show to publicize the plight of European Jewry and stimulate a national call to action. The pageant was first staged at Madison Square Garden in New York and thereafter travelled to other major American cities, including Washington, where it was seen by Eleanor Roosevelt. Rabbi Wise, the American Jewish Committee, and other Jewish establishment organizations attempted to suppress the show, and the AJC even requested the IRS to investigate the group's finances. But Kook and Hecht were intrepid. The show was credited with finally inducing Roosevelt to establish the War Refugee Board in 1944, although he still opposed unlimited immigration to the United States and British administered Palestine, and its efforts were largely viewed as too little, too late. The question troubling to many historians is what motivated Rabbi Wise, the AJC, and other Jewish citizens and organizations, to oppose organized efforts by Jews to save Jews at a time when the failure to act meant certain death. One of the uncomfortable answers is that saving foreign Jews was not a priority for Roosevelt. While Roosevelt certainly seems to have tolerated acculturated Jews who looked like "normal" Americans and supported his political agenda, he seems to have had little use for those who looked and acted like Old World stereotypes. Or he may simply have felt no kinship and, accordingly, no moral responsibility. Unfortunately, many of "his" Jews may have felt the same way, falling prey to the Diaspora mentality that has always caused certain elements of the Jewish population to reject their own and identify with external values, and even with their oppressors. Or it could be that they deluded themselves for political reasons into thinking that supporting the President's war effort was the best way to save the Jews of Europe. Is there a difference between the Jews who blindly supported Roosevelt and those who support Mr. Obama and his destructive foreign policy today? As morally ambiguous as the actions of Rabbi Wise, the AJC and others may have been, they were arguably not actively aiding or abetting the Axis powers or strengthening Germany's ability to perpetrate genocide. Moreover, Israel did not yet exist, and many saw the United States as the Jews' greatest chance for salvation. Thus, although they may have convinced themselves that supporting Roosevelt, and by extension the war effort, afforded the best opportunity for saving European Jewry, they were not intentionally taking actions to empower those who sought to exterminate the Jewish People. Moreover, they were not supporting a president who actively sought dialogue with murderous regimes or who was attempting to appease governments that threatened or engaged in genocide. In contrast, Mr. Obama fawningly courts an Arab world that openly seeks the destruction of Israel and the Jewish People, and actually lends credence to the Arabs' unhistorical claims and polemical grievances. This President also continues to seek dialogue with an Iranian regime that has specifically stated its intent to "wipe Israel off the map." Thus, Jews who support Mr. Obama are directly supporting policies that compromise the safety and security of Jews in Israel and in Diaspora. Moreover, left-wing Jews who act as apologists or actively advocate for the Arab cause, who support Hezbollah and Hamas, and who belittle the threat of a nuclear Iran, are directly bolstering regimes that have sworn to destroy Israel. The obstructionist efforts of Roosevelt's Jewish political allies, their failure to lobby Roosevelt to act in defense of the Jews of Europe, and their opposition to a boycott of Nazi Germany before the war certainly cost Jewish lives during the Holocaust. Although the standard justification by these progressives was that they intended to assist the war effort and thereby save Jewish lives, such explanations were recognized as hollow rationalizations by many others, including the Bergson Group, the Aggudat ha-Rabbonim, and American followers of Zeev Jabotinsky. Rationalizations aside, the conduct was clearly indefensible. Yet, it is difficult to imagine that even the most rabidly assimilationist Jewish organizations of Roosevelt's day would have knowingly supported or facilitated Germany's efforts to carry out the Final Solution. In contrast, today's liberal apologists and left-wing extremists adopt positions that give succor to Israel's enemies, and continue to support a foreign policy that is clearly prepared to offer up Israel as a sacrificial lamb. Similar to their progressive forebears who slavishly supported Roosevelt without critical scrutiny, many of today's liberal and left-wing activists claim that they are actually acting in the Israel's best interests when they support demands for a freeze on settlements, lobby for the creation of a Palestinian state, view the Arab "right of return" and the division of Jerusalem as legitimate items for discussion, or argue that Israel should be a bi-national state instead of a Jewish one. In order to claim that such advocacy is in Israel's best interests, those who make the argument must supplant real history with political propaganda. They must ignore that Islam has always considered Jews as monkeys and pigs, treated them as a subjugated people within their own land, and that any land incorporated into dar al-Islam (the world of Islam) through conquest can never go back to its "infidel" owners. They must likewise ignore the years of Arab rejectionism that preceded Israel's declaration of statehood and the existence of any "settlements." They must also ignore the Arab-initiated wars of extermination, that Palestinian peoplehood was a myth created in the 1960s as a tool to challenge the legitimacy of Israel, and that there was never a country called Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. Finally, they must ignore the continuing history of Arab incitement, as reflected in the Palestinian Charters (whether those of the PLO or Hamas), which call for Israel's destruction and reject any permanent peace with Israel. These facts are difficult to ignore, however, and those Jews who do so must either be ignorant or naïve in the hope that the Arabs don't really mean what they say. But such hope requires that a fairly significant leap of faith be imposed upon Israel, which having been required to defend herself from annihilation since her modern rebirth, is far better qualified to determine what risks she is willing to take. Then, there are those left-wing Jews who know the history but simply do not care, or who really don't want Israel to survive as a Jewish state. Their motivation is not borne of some naïve belief that everybody can learn to live together in mutual respect. Rather, they simply do not want Israel or traditional Judaism to continue to exist. They condemn Jewish nationalism and the Jewish belief in a biblical birthright as obstacles to peace, and yet refuse to condemn the unhistorical myth of the Palestinian people and the religious basis for Muslim antisemitism and rejection of Israel. It seems absurd that Jewish leftists could support Islamic regimes while vilifying the Jews' rightful, historical claims; or that they could condemn Jewish religious beliefs while validating Islamic religious intolerance. Vladimir Lenin was said to have coined the term "useful idiots" to refer to vocal communist sympathizers in the West. The Soviets used these people to spread the word, but regarded them contemptuously for their willingness to be manipulated. One could credibly apply the term to liberals and leftists who support Islamists in their war against Israel, but who are nevertheless considered Jewish infidels worthy only of contempt. Thus, there is a difference between today's liberal and left-wing polity and the progressives of Roosevelt's era. While it cannot be denied that progressive behavior during the World War II was reprehensible, it did not take the form of active support of Nazi Germany or the Axis Powers. Moreover, the United States was actually engaged in a war against Germany, and her success would clearly benefit any Jews who happened to be left alive. In contrast, by engaging and legitimizing the Arab-Muslim opponents of Israel, the Jewish left affirmatively facilitates the advancement of an agenda that is hostile to Jewish interests, and in its extreme manifestations condones extermination. Moreover, in undermining the Israeli nationalists, today's left-wing would weaken Israel without any objective proof that the Arabs truly want to negotiate a permanent peace that recognizes Israeli or Jewish sovereignty. These are acts of commission that go much further than the acts of many progressives during Roosevelt's time. In this age of instant information, it is inconceivable that any Jewish political groups could claim that their actions are borne of ignorance. Therefore, the ultimate question facing those who knowingly undercut Israel is how far they are willing to go for the sake of a political agenda that has historically ostracized and abandoned Jews who remain true to themselves and their values. How far indeed? Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Cooperberg, Gary M., July 21, 2009. |
B"sd It never fails to amaze me to see how our enemies consistently demonstrate examples of self respect which Israel dare not emulate... because we have no self respect. King Abdullah, of the alleged Kingdom of Jordan, reacting to Israeli statements that Jordan is Palestine, has begun to revoke Jordanian citizenship of so called "Palestinians" living in his country, which is about 70% of the population. By so doing the King hopes to maintain the "Jordanian" character of his country and prevent the so called "Palestinians" from ever taking over. He also seeks to reinforce the goal of building a new PLO state on Israeli soil. Rather than be upset at this new move, the Israeli government can and should emulate it. We should use this new precedent as justification to strip all alleged "Palestinians" living in Israel of their Israeli citizenship. Following the example of the King, we need not expel anyone just yet, rather permit them to continue living in their homes as long as they adhere to Israeli law. They would simply lose Israeli citizenship and thus not be able to vote or run for office. This would preserve the Jewish character of the state of Israel and prevent the ever-growing Arab population from democratically turning Israel into Palestine. This is truly identical to the motivations of King Abdallah! Of course, in addition, it is vital that we incorporate Judea, Samaria and Gaza as part and parcel of the Jewish State. Thus, if the so called Palestinians wish to build a new state, let them do it in Tunis or Saudi Arabia... never on Jewish soil. Of course no Knesset Member has the courage to introduce such a bill as it would immediately find him labeled a racist. Yet now we have the example of our best peace partner, King Abdallah, who has already enacted such a law and is beginning to implement it. Certainly he is not a racist. I urge everyone to write letters, faxes and emails to the Prime Minister of Israel and all Members of Knesset pointing out this very incredible opportunity to save the state of Israel from self destruction via democracy. Project Shofar is dedicated to spreading these truths wherever it is possible to do so. It is sounding the alarm, to Jew and Gentile alike,to open our eyes to the G‑dly process that is presently underway, and work to support it. We dare not stand idly on the sidelines. If you would like to support the concepts espoused by the Voice from Hebron, and the physical work of Project Shofar, see here to make a donation. Or, you can send a tax deductible contribution to:
Contact Gary Cooperberg by email at gary@projectshofar.org and visit the website: http://www.projectshofar.org A Voice from Hebron by Gary M. Cooperberg
Posted by David Meir-Levi, July 21, 2009. |
If you encounter someone who harbours the illusion that Israel is oppressing the Palestinians, remind them that: from 1855-1947, when the Zionist endeavour was expanding, and investing millions of dollars (in those days that was money) into reclaiming swamps and irrigating the desert in "Palestine", the Arab population grew almost 400%, as did the area's GDP, industrial infra-structure, ports, and other signs of very good and improving economic health....in large part due to the Zionist endeavour and all of the economic improvements and modernization that Zionist Jews (and the British) brought to "Palestine". And what has this RENEWED military occupation of the West Bank brought to the Palestinians? read articles #2 and #3 below. Note their provenance....not Israel-friendly sources. And note article #1....The settlements are not the problem. Israel's sovereignty over the West Bank is not the problem. When Israel is in control, the Palestinians prosper. There is no "brutal occupation". There is no "harsh repression". Now put these articles together include also Robert Fulford's article, below: The problem is the fact that there is no Palestinian leadership capable of negotiation with Israel, and that there is one and only one thing that the fragmented and fratricidal Palestinian leadership agrees upon: the destruction of Israel. Write Obama a letter and point this out to him. His pressure on Israel to freeze settlements is not just counter-productive.....it is dangerous and harmful to Palestinian and Israeli interests, and to US interests as well. David ML |
1.) "Breathing life back into Nablus"
July 17, 2009 from slicing up knefi, the sticky cheese-based dessert for which his home town of Nablus is famed. Two years ago the northern West Bank town was a stronghold of armed Palestinian militant groups. And just three months ago, the six Israeli roadblocks and checkpoints that had ringed it for nine years had all but killed its economic life. Most residents could leave only by two routes on foot or through checkpoints which often had long queues. Israel says its system of closures and checkpoints in the West Bank is necessary to stop potential suicide bombers and other attackers, but many Palestinians have long viewed it as a form of collective punishment. International efforts to boost the Palestinian Authority security forces have already borne fruit in Jenin, which saw movement restrictions eased last year. And in recent weeks, Israel has deemed security gains sufficient for it to take what it describes as the "calculated risk" of removing and easing many key roadblocks and checkpoints across the West Bank. Cars now drive within a few minutes through Hawarra, Nablus's main checkpoint; the other roads in and out of the city have reopened. Headscarved women pick through piles of shoes and bags as Arabic pop plays from loudspeakers on the newly bustling streets. A cinema opened its doors in the city last month for the first time in 20 years. Dozens of busloads of Israeli-Arabs have been coming to shop on Saturdays since April, when Israel began allowing them to cross the West Bank barrier from northern Israel, one day a week. Political graffiti and posters of militants that have died are being replaced with signs saying "Welcome to Nablus, the economic capital". Palestinian policemen are enforcing new seat belt laws. Change is possible' In a complex perched on a rubble-strewn hill outside the town centre, Tony Blair, Middle East envoy for the international community and former British PM, toured the gleaming tiled floors of the Nablus Hyatt this week. "We didn't bring the swimming trunks," he quipped by the new hotel's large, pristine pool. Tasked with improving the economic situation in the West Bank, he has pushed hard for the removal of the checkpoints. "Two years ago, I couldn't have come here, there were militia in the streets," he said. "There's still massive amount to do, but providing we keep building on the security and the economics, and then we add to that a credible political negotiation, what Nablus shows is that change is possible." Suleiman Daifi, a member of the hotel's board, says the $3.1m that a group of local figures ploughed into the facility was a "very dangerous investment". The complex opened in April and is not yet covering its costs. But the management say the removal of the checkpoints and Israeli-Arab visitors have boosted business 20-30%. Israel's new, right-leaning prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has made much of the phrase "economic peace". In opposition, he used it to refer to plans to boost economic activity in the West Bank as he did not consider the Palestinians, split between the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority and Hamas, ready. Since coming to office, and under pressure from US President Barack Obama to kick-start peace talks, he has advocated political negotiations alongside economic measures. But while he reluctantly backed the principle of a demilitarised Palestinian state, he has issued the new demand that the Palestinians recognise Israel as a Jewish state, and refuses to freeze all settlement activity. Mr Daifi said he believes the peace process is "stuck". "I think economic peace is a joke," he said. "The economy will not be sustainable if there is not a sustainable political situation." Mr Blair said he believes American efforts will lead to the relaunch of a "credible" peace process "in the next few weeks, next few months". 'Root of the problem' On Wednesday, the IMF issued an unusually upbeat economic forecast for the West Bank, predicting 7% growth but only if Israel continues to ease restrictions. But Essam al-Qudu, who has to travel all over the West Bank as manager of a company which installs security systems, said there is no guarantee the checkpoints will even stay open. He says there is already a "different atmosphere" in Nablus. But he remembers the short-lived wave of optimism and freedom of movement in the wake of the 1993 Oslo peace accords, which gave way to heavy closures as the second Palestinian intifada or uprising broke out in 2000. "Netanyahu wants to concentrate on the economic situation as if all Arabs become rich they will forget the political issue... that's wrong." "The main root of the problem is the political situation an independent state for us," he said. Story from BBC NEWS:
2.) "Signs of Hope Emerge in the West Bank "
NABLUS, West Bank The first movie theater to operate in this Palestinian city in two decades opened its doors in late June. Palestinian policemen standing beneath new traffic lights are checking cars for seat belt violations. One-month-old parking meters are filling with the coins of shoppers. Music stores are blasting love songs into the street, and no nationalist or Islamist scold is forcing them to stop. "You don't appreciate the value of law and order until you lose it," Rashid al-Sakhel, the owner of a carpet store, said as he stood in his doorway surveying the small wonder of bustling streets on a sunny morning. "For the past eight years, a 10-year-old boy could order a strike and we would all close. Now nobody can threaten us." For the first time since the second Palestinian uprising broke out in late 2000, leading to terrorist bombings and fierce Israeli countermeasures, a sense of personal security and economic potential is spreading across the West Bank as the Palestinian Authority's security forces enter their second year of consolidating order. The International Monetary Fund is about to issue its first upbeat report in years for the West Bank, forecasting a 7 percent growth rate for 2009. Car sales in 2008 were double those of 2007. Construction on the first new Palestinian town in decades, for 40,000, will begin early next year north of Ramallah. In Jenin, a seven-story store called Herbawi Home Furnishings has opened, containing the latest espresso machines. Two weeks ago, the Israeli military shut its obtrusive nine-year-old checkpoint at the entrance to this city, part of a series of reductions in security measures. Whether all this can last and lead to the consolidation of political power for the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority based in Ramallah, as the Obama administration hopes, remains unclear. But a recent opinion poll in the West Bank and Gaza by the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, a Palestinian news agency, found that Fatah was seen as far more trustworthy than Hamas 35 percent versus 19 percent a significant shift from the organization's poll in January, when Hamas appeared to be at least as trustworthy. "Two years ago I couldn't have even gone to Nablus," said Tony Blair, the former British prime minister who serves as international envoy to the Palestinians, after a smooth visit this week. "Security is greatly improved, and the economy is doing much better. Now we need to move to the next stage: politics." The aim of American and European policy is to stitch Palestinian politics back together by strengthening the Palestinian Authority under the presidency of Mahmoud Abbas, which favors a two-state solution with Israel, while weakening the Islamists of Hamas, who rule in Gaza. Fatah says it will hold its first general congress in 20 years in early August to build on its successes, but it remains unclear if the meeting will take place. The Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says it shares the goal of helping Mr. Abbas, which is why it is seeking to improve West Bank economic conditions as a platform for moving to a political discussion. The Palestinians worry that the political discussion will never arrive and say the Israelis are doing far too little to ease the occupation. Still, they point with pride to the many changes in the West Bank. Meanwhile, the Israeli-led economic siege of Gaza continues, letting in only humanitarian goods. That sets the desired contrast between the territories into sharp relief but causes enormous suffering and anger. Asked to explain why the West Bank's fortunes were shifting, a top Israeli general began his narrative with a chart showing 410 Israelis killed by Palestinians in 2002, and 4 in 2008. "We destroyed the terrorist groups through three things intelligence, the barrier and freedom of action by our men," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity in keeping with military rules. "We sent our troops into every marketplace and every house, staying tightly focused on getting the bad guys." But he added that the 2006 legislative electoral victory by Hamas, followed by its violent takeover of Gaza in 2007, led Mr. Abbas to fight Hamas. Palestinian troops have been training in Jordan under American sponsorship. There are now several thousand men trained in that way, and their skills, along with those of the European-trained police force here, have made a huge difference. An important element in making the Palestinian force effective, American and Israeli officials say, was taking young Palestinian men out of the ancestral grips of their villages and tribal clans and training them abroad, turning them into soldiers loyal to units and commanders. The Israeli general said that in the past year and a half, Israeli and Palestinian forces had shot at each other only twice, and in each case there was a meeting to restore trust. Speaking of the seriousness of the Palestinians, he added, "Twice in recent months we have been amazed." The first time was during Israel's military invasion of Gaza when Palestinian police officers kept the West Bank calm during protests. The second was in June when the security forces clashed twice with Hamas men in the city of Qalqilya, fighting to the death. The Israelis have pulled their forces to the outskirts of four cities, greatly reduced the number of permanent checkpoints and promised to help industry develop. They say the Palestinians now need courts, prisons and trained judges. Mr. Blair agreed but said there was much more Israel should do, like ending the growth of settlements and taking away dirt mounds and other barriers. In addition, he said, Israel should allow greater Palestinian development in the 60 percent of the West Bank it fully controls. Palestinian business leaders are incensed at the Israeli limitations. Paltel, which operates the only Palestinian cellphone company, says Israel will not permit it to place its towers on the land it controls. That forces Palestinian customers to pay roaming charges for many calls, and allows Israeli cellphone companies to offer lower rates. For more than a year, Israel has promised to free a second frequency so that a competitor to Paltel can provide cellphone service, but it has not yet done so. This leaves the Palestinians skeptical. "I fail to see any indications that Israel wants to help the Palestinian economy," Abdel-Malik al-Jaber, vice chairman of Paltel, said. Still, his company has invested millions in the past year in call centers and customer service because of the increased security and disposable income. As Nader Elawy, manager of Cinema City, the new movie theater here, put it: "We now have law and order. You can really feel the change." David Meir-Levi is an American-born Israeli, currently living in Palo Alto. His expertise is in Near Eastern studies and the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He is Director of Peace and Education at Israel Peace Initiative (www.ipi-usa.org). Contact him at david_meirlevi@hotmail.com |
Posted by Buddy Macy, July 21, 2009. |
Prime Minister Netanyahu, NO!!!!! The destruction of the 23 "illegal outposts" would be an assault upon Israel's sovereignty and would contradict her moral, legal, historical and religious rights to all of the land west of the Jordan River. In addition, as one who studied history to learn its practical lessons, you should know that the act of appeasement would only motivate Israel's enemies to expect MORE...and to fight for it. I urge you in the strongest of terms to NOT commit this anti-Jewish act of treason and extreme weakness. Most sincerely, Buddy Macy
This is an excerpt from: "IDF planning to evacuate all outposts in
one day" By Yoel Marcus |
Amid the increased tension between the United States and Israel surrounding construction in the settlements, the Israel Defense Forces is drafting a plan to evacuate 23 illegal outposts in one day. The IDF is now conducting preparations to forcibly evacuate 23 illegal outposts in one day. The plan was formulated by the security establishment, with the knowledge of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...... Police on Monday evacuated three illegal structures in various outposts...... Contact Buddy Macy by email at vegibud@gmail.com |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, July 21, 2009. |
This was written by Sara A. Carter and it appeared July 2, 2009 in Washington Times |
![]() Pakistan's top Taliban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, is buying children as young as 7 to serve as suicide bombers in the growing spate of attacks against Pakistani, Afghan and U.S. targets, U.S. Defense Department and Pakistani officials say. A Pakistani official, who spoke on the condition that he not be named because of the sensitive nature of the topic, said the going price for child bombers was $7,000 to $14,000 huge sums in Pakistan, where per-capita income is about $2,600 a year. "[Mehsud] has turned suicide bombing into a production output, not unlike [the way] Toyota outputs cars," a U.S. Defense Department official told reporters recently. He spoke on the condition that he not be named because of ongoing intelligence efforts to catch Mehsud, a prime target for a U.S. and Pakistani anti-Taliban campaign. An apparent U.S. effort to kill Mehsud last week failed. On Sunday, the Pakistani government offered a reward of about $615,300 for information leading to the capture of Mehsud, dead or alive. The U.S. State Department has offered a bounty of $5 million for Mehsud, who is thought to be hiding in the tribal areas near the Afghan border. Suicide bombings have become frequent in Pakistan in the past year, including high-profile attacks on hotels frequented by Westerners, as well as on Pakistani police and military installations. There has also been a spate of such attacks directed at U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan. The U.S. official said the price depends on how quickly the bomber is needed and how close the child is expected to get to the target. "[Mehsud] produces these suicide bombers, which are sold or bartered, which can be used by [Afghan Taliban leader Mullah] Omar's Taliban or ... other groups," the U.S. official said. In some cases, he said, the children are kidnapped and then sold to Mehsud. Using child suicide bombers "is the grim reality of the Taliban Frankenstein that now threatens to overwhelm the Pakistani state," said Bruce Riedel, a Brookings Institution scholar who chaired a review of Pakistan-Afghanistan strategy for President Obama. Efforts to reach a spokesman for Mehsud were not successful. The use of children in war is not unusual in Afghanistan or the tribal regions of Pakistan. During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, many pre-adolescent boys became mujahedeen or freedom fighters. There is a different cultural perspective here about the age at which a boy becomes a man, said Sher, a former Afghan freedom fighter who asked to be identified only by his first name to protect himself against Taliban retribution. "Fighting is not the issue," Sher, who took up arms against the Russians at age 13, told The Washington Times by phone. "What is unusual is making these young fighters into suicide bombers," he said. "That was not common in Afghanistan, not even in the past. These children are brainwashed to believe things that are not even true. It is a crime against God." In other conflicts, such as that between Israel and the Palestinians, suicide bombers are generally older, at least in their late teens or early 20s. Suicide attacks mounted by Mehsud have killed prominent officials and politicians, including former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, and hundreds of civilians. The attacks have begun to shift sentiment among Pakistanis against the Taliban. The government has mounted an offensive to clear militants from areas close to the capital, Islamabad, although Pakistani authorities have failed to catch local Taliban leaders. Pakistani officials have said their next target is the rugged region along the Afghan border where al Qaeda and the Taliban fled after U.S.-led forces toppled the Afghan Taliban government in Kabul in 2001. Last week, Mehsud narrowly escaped a U.S. drone attack that killed approximately 80 people who were attending a funeral in South Waziristan in Pakistan's tribal region. U.S. officials were watching the funeral by video feed from the drone, which flew high above the scene, concealed by clouds. The drone strike was the closest the U.S. had come to killing Mehsud in the past year, U.S. officials said. Pakistani officials told The Times that Taliban commander Qari Hussain, who was a close aide to Mehsud, was killed in the attack. Hussein was one of the main trainers and recruiters of suicide bombers, a Pakistani government official said. "He was a very important figure to Mehsud," said the official, who asked to remain anonymous because of the nature of his work. "However, Mehsud escaped the attack. Believe me, there will be no tears for Mehsud in Pakistan when he is killed." The Taliban is a formidable enemy to the Pakistani people and government, Mr. Riedel said. He said the Pakistani government's current military strategy against Mehsud is promising, but only time will tell whether it will succeed. A second U.S. Defense Department official with expertise regarding the Taliban told reporters that al Qaeda and other Pakistani militant groups created by the Pakistani government to fight rival India have helped Mehsud stage suicide attacks. The official, who also asked not to be named because of the nature of his work, said there had been a "convergence" of militants based in the tribal areas "supplemented, financed, probably trained, inculcated, by al Qaeda elements" and also "Punjab-based Pakistani terrorist groups." "It's the relationship between the three elements that is producing
effective suicide bombers and sustaining a suicide-bomb campaign
inside Pakistan," the official said.
Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 21, 2009. |
This should bring the most important question NOW to the table..... About that place in Palestine called Jordan. in fact, Queen Rania as a so called Palestinian, young Queen Rania's position ... is therefore now also questionable. After all, the majority of Jordanians are in FACT what they call
themselves PALESTINIANS. Unless we once start to accept: there is No
such a Nation as Palestinians.
What was the Palestinian culture and language? What was their government? (Arafat was an Egyptian born in Cairo.) The Arab-Palestinian national movement didn't come about until 1964. Who were their leaders? Why was no Palestinian state created while Israel was under Islamic rule? Or in 636 A.D. when Arabs marauders came through? From Israel's inception some 3250 yrs ago, many have come and gone. So tell me where the Palestinians fit in this history? There has never been an established Palestinian government. Indeed, the word Palestine was first used by the Romans and is not even an Arab word. The Arabs came into Israel during the Babylonian Exile and again after the Roman Period, but they never were a nation or had a national identity in Palestine, and there was never a written record of the Palestinians as ever having been a nation prior to the re-establishment of the Jewish State of Israel. Their only national identity is vis-a-vis that of the Jewish State since Great Britain arbitrarily and illegally chopped out 78% of Mandated Palestine destined to be the Jewish State and put it administratively under control of the Hashmites. So they got their got their identity. (Hell bend over.) It's not a nation; it's a region.... Named ironically by a foreign power ... into something invented.... by those WHO were after only one issue ... POWER! The current debate on the inevitable future of the Palestinian Nation seems to ignore one simple fact: Palestine has no past and was never a sovereign nation. The closest thing the Palestinian people have to a history is that there was once a British Colony from which they had stolen their modern name. This historical fact leaves the so-called Palestinians with a far more blundering claim to Israel than illegal Mexican immigrants would have to the United States. Any one who glances at the history books can see that the Palestinian people have no past prior to 1948. But what do you call 2 million or so people who don't seem to be citizens of any known state? They certainly are not citizens of the Jewish state, even if some of them currently live under Israeli rule, and I cant see many Arab nations running to adopt a population that routinely burns American flags and fires automatic weapons during funerals of what they call martyrs but what residens of the free world call terrorists. So, more important than the question "where is their past", is the question "Where is their future"? Not in my back yard, I hope. The article below was written by Khaled Abu Toameh and it appeared in
the Jerusalem Post
Jordanian authorities have started revoking the citizenship of thousands of Palestinians living in Jordan to avoid a situation in which they would be "resettled" permanently in the kingdom, Jordanian and Palestinian officials revealed on Monday. The new measure has increased tensions between Jordanians and Palestinians, who make up around 70 percent of the kingdom's population. The tensions reached their peak over the weekend when tens of thousands of fans of Jordan's Al-Faisali soccer team chanted slogans condemning Palestinians as traitors and collaborators with Israel. Al-Faisali was playing the rival Wihdat soccer team, made up of Jordanian-Palestinians, in the Jordanian town of Zarqa. Anti-riot policemen had to interfere to stop the Jordanian fans from lynching the Wihdat team members and their fans, eyewitnesses reported. They said the Jordanian fans of Al-Faisali hurled empty bottles and fireworks at the Palestinian players and their supporters. Reports in a number of Jordanian newspapers said that the Jordanian fans also chanted anti-Palestinian slogans and cursed Palestine, the PLO, Jerusalem and the Aksa Mosque. Prince Ali bin Hussein, chairman of Jordan's National Football Association, strongly condemned the racist slurs chanted by the Jordanian fans, saying those responsible would be severely punished. Baker al-Udwan, director of Al-Faisali team, also condemned the behavior of his team's supporters. He said that a minority of "outcasts" and "corrupt" elements were behind the embarrassing verbal and physical assault on the Palestinian soccer players and their fans. "We condemn this uncivilized demeanor and welcome any step that would result in the elimination of this tiny group of parasites," he said. Tarek Khoury, chairman of the Wihdat team, instructed his players to abandon the field as soon as the Jordanian fans started hurling abuse against Palestinians and the Aksa Mosque. Palestinians said that the confrontation with the Jordanians was yet another indication of increased tensions between the two sides. "Many Palestinians living in Jordan are convinced that the Jordanian authorities are trying to squeeze them out," said Ismail Jaber, a West Bank lawyer who has been living in the kingdom for nearly 20 years. "There is growing discontent and uncertainty among Palestinians here." He and other Palestinians said that Jordanians' "hostile" attitude toward them had escalated after the rise to power of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu earlier this year. Several Jordanian government officials, they said, are convinced that Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman are secretly working toward turning Jordan into a Palestinian state. As a preemptive measure, the Jordanian authorities recently began revoking the citizenship of thousands of Palestinians, leaving many of them in a state of panic and uncertainty regarding the future. The Jordanians have justified the latest measure by arguing that it's aimed at avoiding a situation in which the Palestinians would ever be prevented from returning to their original homes inside Israel. Since 1988, when the late King Hussein cut off his country's administrative and legal ties with the West Bank, the Jordanian authorities have been working toward "disengaging" from the Palestinians under the pretext of preserving their national identity. That decision, said Jordan's Interior Minister Nayef al-Kadi, was taken at the request of the PLO and the Arab world to consolidate the status of the PLO as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. "Our goal is to prevent Israel from emptying the Palestinian territories of their original inhabitants," the minister explained, confirming that the kingdom had begun revoking the citizenship of Palestinians. "We should be thanked for taking this measure," he said. "We are fulfilling our national duty because Israel wants to expel the Palestinians from their homeland." Kadi said that, despite the new policy, Palestinians would be permitted to retain their status as residents of the kingdom by holding "yellow ID cards" that are issued to those who have families and homes in the West Bank. He said that Palestinians working for the Palestinian Authority or the PLO were among those who have had their Jordanian passports taken from them, in addition to anyone who did not serve in the Jordanian army. The Jordanian minister said that the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank had been notified of the decision to revoke the Jordanian citizenship of Palestinians. A PA official in Ramallah expressed deep concern over Jordan's latest move and said that it would only worsen the conditions of Palestinians living in the kingdom. The official said that PA President Mahmoud Abbas raised the issue with King Abdullah II on a number of occasions, but the Jordanians have refused to retract. Asked by the London-based Al-Hayat daily where the Palestinians should go after they lose their Jordanian passports, the minister replied: "We're not expelling anyone, nor are we revoking the citizenship of Jordanian nationals. We are only correcting the mistake that was created after Jordan's disengagement from the West Bank [in 1988]. We want to highlight the true identity and nationality of every person." Kadi claimed that the kingdom was seeking, through the new measure, to thwart an Israeli "plot" to transfer more Palestinians to Jordan with the hope of replacing it with a Palestinian state. "We insist that Jordan is not Palestine, just as Palestine is not Jordan," he stressed. "We will continue to help the Palestinians hold on to their Palestinian identity by pursuing the implementation of the 1988 disengagement plan from the West Bank." Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by David Frankfurter, July 21, 2009. |
I agree with the EU funded, anti-Israel organization MIFTAH. NGO-monitor
reveals So how can I agree with them?
They say that "Mideast
So with all the racist hoo-hah trying to stop Jews from building on
legitimately purchased land in our own capital, let me ask MIFTAH to please
start campaigning for the return of ALL the stolen lands over the 1967
armistice lines starting with Jerusalem and its surrounds. For example
the Palestinian "refugee camp" of Qalandiya, stolen from its legitimate
Jewish owners by none other than the venerable UN. Or the other hundreds
and hundreds of acres in Jerusalem specifically earmarked for Jewish
settlement at the time of its legal and legitimate purchase from its
original owners by the Jewish National Fund, permanently usurped by Jordan
when they invaded Israel, now closely built with illegal Arab-occupied
structures. Read about it at
Maybe the first "illegal settlement" that the IDF should be called to vacate
is the one first built the UNRWA office in Qalandiya.
As usual, please post your comments here
David Frankfurter is a business consultant, corporate executive
and writer who frequently comments on the Middle East.
To subscribe to his 'Letter from Israel', email him at
david.frankfurter@iname.com. Or go to
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 21, 2009. |
PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY SECRET POLICE Like the STASI secret police in the former East Germany, the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) secret police recruit widely. They enroll taxi drivers, street vendors and others, in exchange not prosecuting their violations of license regulations. The secret police and officials' bodyguards treat their own people arrogantly and elicit bribes. The P.A. secret police complained that Israeli removal of the
checkpoint to Jericho leaves them more checking to do, themselves
Fewer P.A. Arab problems are due to Israel's presence than to its absence. Here is a more favorable view of how the P.A. police operate:
HOW FATAH COMPETES WITH HAMAS Fatah presented some skits before its leaders, to illustrate superiority to Hamas. "Significantly, the competition between Fatah and Hamas supporters is based not on who has built more Palestinian infrastructures, nor on who has promoted peace, but rather on who can take credit for more terror." In the skit, Hamas boasts of having kidnapped an Israeli soldier, but Fatah surpasses it by having "arrested" two Israeli reservists in Ramallah in 2000. In fact, Fatah lynched the pair, and the skit shows one of the killers showing the crowd his bloodied hands (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/25 from Palestinian Media Watch). The lynch mob savagely cut them to pieces and paraded what was left. Abhorrent! The head of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority, Abbas, was present. He did not chide the players for boasting of their terrorism against Israel (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/26). What does that tell you about Abbas, about his people, and about their supposed yearning for peace? For more on Hamas-Fatah rivalry, see here:
PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY POLICE TO OPERATE AT NIGHT The Palestinian Authority (P.A.) and Israel arranged that the P.A. police would operate in some of their cities at night. Up to now, they didn't. Israel raided those cities to capture and kill terrorists whom the P.A. left alone. Night operations would enable the P.A. to keep better order. The
IDF retains its overall responsibility for security. If it learns of
imminent terror attacks, it would enter those cities to stop them
In other news, Abbas scoffed at Israel for not making a firm commitment to stay out of those cities. But if the IDF did, Abbas could let terrorism grow. Unclear is whether, at night, his forces would apprehend terrorists. I think not, or they already would have been doing so in daytime. For a broader view on P.A. defense, see here:
ISRAELI RELEASE OF TERRORIST PRISONERS The Almagor Terrorist Victims Association [whose leaders I've met] report that Israel released 6,912 terrorists from 1993 1999. Of them, 854 resumed terrorism, killing 123 Israelis. From 2002 2006, released terrorists killed another 177 Israelis. Although it is important to strive to free Israelis kidnapped by terrorist organizations, massive release of terrorists enables them to claim many more victims. It isn't worth it (Morton A. Klein, Zionist Organization of America, 7/16). Sometimes hundreds of Arab prisoners were released as if it would earn goodwill from the Palestinian Authority (P.A.). The P.A. demanded more releases, and complained as if release were a right, regardless of what the convicts had done and how much their crimes violated P.A. agreements. Releases also taught the Arabs to attempt more kidnappings, as a way to retrieve more prisoners. There is no evidence of Arab goodwill being earned. Jihad does not "forgive" infidels for good behavior. The jihadist ideology has a religious imperative for conquest by any means. Westerners should not expect Radical or other Muslims to act on the basis of Western premises. Islam has its own values. Sometimes hundreds of Arab prisoners were released in exchange for one or two Israelis, living or dead. Results were similar. In accepting corpses, Israel encouraged murder. Remember the Western movies, in which the bounty hunter tells a prisoner wanted dead or alive that he may as well kill the fugitive, to avoid resistance! The movies may be fiction, but were true to life about that. PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY CLAIMS THE WAILING WALL Mohamed Sobeih, chief Palestinian Authority (P.A.) delegate to the Arab League, told reporters that the Wailing Wall belongs to al-Aqsa Mosque, which belongs to Muslims (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/26). Arabic often does not get translated into idiomatic English. Sometimes it is flowery, often it is cagey. It relies upon Muslim audiences understanding their history and culture, to derive full meaning from what sounds in English innocuous and incorrect. What did Sobeih really mean? He did not explain who built that wall. It was built by the ancient Judeans, or Jews, as the western retaining wall for the Temple. Sobeih really was claiming the Wall, the way the P.A. and Islam does the whole Temple Mount, and other Jewish holy sites, as exclusively Muslim sites. They would not want to admit to the more egalitarian and tolerant Americans that the faith they profess is exclusivist. It is almost a free-for-all in claiming Jewish-Israeli land. For
more on that, see here:
IDF WITHDRAWAL FROM PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY CITIES We reported before on Israel's dismantling most checkpoints and withdrawing troops from four Palestinian Authority (P.A.) cities. These actions have occurred before. Each time, terrorists get through. An estimated thousand Israelis lost their lives as a result. The removal of checkpoints compounds the blunder in leaving security to the P.A., because the P.A. lets terrorists out, and the lack of checkpoints lets terrorists through. Another part of the arrangement is that Israel, assuming that the
P.A. wants to fight terrorism, will identify wanted terrorists and
their locations to the P.A.. When this happened before, the P.A.
warned the terrorists off or took them into protective custody
The theory is that this time, with U.S. training, the P.A. will fight terrorists. Since the P.A. has not used its opportunities to fight terrorism last week, why should it be expected to this week? Why four P.A. cities, instead of trying out one? If the P.A. arrested and imprisoned for two years 500 terrorists from one city, it would have some credibility for demanding a chance in more cities. Can't evaluate IDF withdrawal from P.A. cities without considering
IDF removal of roadblocks, so please see here:
ISRAELI TV'S KEY OMISSION ON ARAB PRISONER Israeli TV channel 2 featured the mother of an Arab prisoner of Israel, serving multiple life sentences. She baked a cake for him and for Hamas' Israeli prisoner, Shalit, as a mother who hopes these sons would be released soon. The presentation omitted the reason her son was serving life sentences. Israel does not sentence many prisoners to life. Terrorists convicted of attempted murder get only a few years jail time [if not released under some lopsided trade, one Israeli for hundreds of Arabs]. The Israeli courts fail to recognize that attempted murder merely was less efficient that actual murder, so they release attempted murderers after a few years, giving them, now more experienced, an opportunity to try again. Many do. Some succeed. Apparently the TV executives felt that if they informed the public
of the reason for the Arab's life term, the morally relative,
sentimental equating of the two prisoners would collapse out of
absurdity, no sympathy for the Arab prisoner gained
"June 25, 2007: Nearly two years after the kidnapping, the Israeli
human rights organization B'Tselem issued a statement saying,
'International humanitarian law absolutely prohibits taking and
holding a person by force in order to compel the enemy to meet certain
demands, while threatening to harm or kill the person if the demands
are not met.'"
The terrorists' imprisonment was deserved, Shalit's was not. To equate them is unethical. Shalit was kidnapped despite peace agreements. He is held under inhumane conditions; the Arabs are not. Arab prisoners had excessive privileges, which they abused to foster terrorism, inducing a counter-reaction. Want an idea of what P.A. TV is like? see here:
PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY RELEASING MANY HAMAS MEN The Palestinian Authority (P.A.) released 40 Hamas prisoners. It
pledged to release hundreds more, to offer reconciliation to Hamas
So much for P.A. police fighting terrorism! The P.A. has returned to what was called a "revolving door" policy on terrorist prisoners. What has the State Dept. to say about that, as it demands that Israel rely upon the P.A. to fight terrorism? SUDAN FLOGS WOMEN WHO WEAR PANTS Sudan has "public order police," who enforce Islamic law in public places. In a Khartoum café, those police arrested 13 women for wearing trousers. On the spot, the police publicly flogged 10 women. The penalty can be up to 40 lashes. One of the women is appealing (NY Times, 7/14, A11). That is what European women have to look forward to, as their liberal immigration and welfare policies and their disinclination to bear children let Muslims become a higher proportion of the population and radicalize. Whipping is barbaric sadism is no answer to narcissism. I think that Sudan's theology is neurotic. But shouldn't New York women wear something longer than underwear? How about trousers? Women object to being regarded for their bodies, but dress to distract with them. I don't think that my opinion should be incorporated into a dress code, however, the issue is personal, as is vulgarity. To see how reform is impeded by the Muslim government's opposition
to it, see here:
MOFAZ PLAN FOR ARAB STATE WITH TEMPORARY BORDERS Kadima Party leader MK Mofaz proposes establishing a Palestinian
Arab state in the Territories with temporary borders. Final borders
would be negotiated later. If the Cabinet adopts his plan, he would
try to lead his Party into the Cabinet
Details? None. Anticipate endless negotiation, border warfare, and uncertainty for those at the edges, without security. That is, Arab sovereignty would enable the Palestinian Authority state to build up terrorist forces and let them through. How would Israel get back land it gave up? The plan has no stated purpose, though neither does any other plan for Arab statehood. These plans enable jihadists to strike Israel, consolidate territory, and threaten new areas. The lip service to democracy that proponents often give, by saying that the Arab state should be democratic, is self-delusion if not deception, since jihadists are anti-democratic. If the jihadists had democracy, they still could oppress and invade. Israeli politicians propose without thinking things through. U.S. politicians propose without the media thinking plans through. For another example of failing to think ideas through, see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 20, 2009. |
This was written by Jonathan Tobin and it appeared yesterday
in the Jerusalem Post
Jonathan Tobin is executive editor of Commentary magazine and a contributor to its blog Contentions at www.commentarymagazine.com. jtobin@commentaryma gazine.com |
When US President Barack Obama met with 15 representatives of American Jewish organizations on July 13, Haaretz reported that he told them that he wanted to help Israel achieve peace but that if they were to benefit from his well-intentioned counsel, Israelis must "engage in serious self-reflection. " The breathtaking condescension toward the Jewish state that this remark betrays, as well as the implicit dismissal of the last 16 years of Middle East history, says a lot about Obama and the direction in which American foreign policy is heading. The fact that Israel has already gone through several periods of serious self-reflection and made costly sacrifices in terms not only of territory but in blood has no significance for the president. Here a just a few items that the president seems to think don't matter in assessing the situation: The failure of a generation of peacemaking including the Oslo Accords and the successor agreements associated with that process, the 2000 Camp David summit, the second intifada, the withdrawal from Gaza, the subsequent use of that territory as a terror base and the failed attempt just last year to get the Palestinian Authority to take yes for an answer on statehood for its people. All have apparently been swept down the White House memory hole. In the age of Obama, like a fundamentalist religion that dates all events as being either before or after a divine revelation, that which occurred prior to his election is meaningless by definition. Rather than play down his penchant for quarreling with Israel, Obama is proud of it. Indeed, he asserts that such conduct is actually a virtue, since his hammering of Israel is merely "honest talk" that should be interpreted as the highest form of friendship. Obama's obsession with picking a fight about growth in Jewish settlements in the territories is a classic misdirection play. The US had already agreed that calls for settlement freezes couldn't apply to those communities that it had acknowledged Israel would keep in any peace agreement, let alone in Jerusalem. But Obama has repudiated that pledge partly out of his determination that he must invalidate everything his predecessor did, and partly because settlements are a useful cudgel with which beat Binyamin Netanyahu and the rest of the government Israelis elected only a few months after Obama's own victory.
EVEN MORE important, the entire premise upon which his demand for Israeli reflection is based is false. So long as both the supposedly more moderate Palestinian Authority and the extremist Hamas movement that governs Gaza have no interest in peace on even the most generous terms that Jerusalem can offer a detail upon which the PA's leaders have been quite explicit Obama's pressure ploy is pointless. Though Obama speaks to Jewish groups of equal pressure on the Arabs, everything that the administration has done and said in its short time in office makes it clear that the president's sole target is the government in Jerusalem, not the terrorists running Gaza or the corrupt Fatah functionaries in Ramallah. Taken together with his appeasement of the Arab and Muslim world as reflected in his Cairo speech and a feckless policy of engagement on Iran that continues to extend legitimacy to a regime that has already forfeited its credibility with its own people, one would think that Obama would be in trouble with his Jewish supporters. Though there have been rumblings from some Jewish leaders that expressed worries about Obama's attitude to Israel, the passive response to the downgrading of the alliance with Israel cannot be denied. There are those who believe that the continued support for Obama can be traced to a lack of enthusiasm on the part of most American Jews for Israel's current government and settlements, though others go so far as to say that it also shows a general lack of interest in, let alone support for Israel, among liberal Jews. It is true that unlike the Israeli Left which has been completely marginalized by the Palestinians' rejection of peace, the Jewish Left in the US is currently riding high. The spectacle of the small J Street lobby a group that exposed its extreme nature last December when it opposed Israeli military efforts to stop missile attacks on its southern towns from Gaza strutting into the White House alongside representatives of large mainstream groups illustrates the new political reality of Washington in 2009. But the overwhelming majority of American Jews who voted for Obama last year did not back him because they anticipated that he would pick pointless fights with Israel to advance a peace process that Palestinians scorn. Most did so because they are partisan Democrats and share his views on domestic issues. But there is no way that he would have won as much as three-quarters of the Jewish vote had not most believed him when he claimed he was a supporter of Israel. Contrary to the boasts of the left and the fears of the right, most Jewish Democrats still care deeply about Israel.
IN RESPONSE to writers like myself who have called for Democrats to speak truth to power and hold Obama accountable for his policies, some of those who vouched for Obama during last year's campaign have said that the president's offenses are not yet egregious enough to warrant a rebuke. Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, a man whose long and honorable record of support for Israel is beyond question, attempted to defend Obama's positions in a recent op-ed in The Wall Street Journal and then later in responses to critiques of it. He continues to believe that having a popular liberal Democratic president who claims to be a supporter of Israel is good for the Jews even if some of his policies are open to question. But Dershowitz's half-hearted apologias betray a worry that perhaps he was fooled by the president's campaign promises. Jewish Democrats don't have to jump to the Republicans. If, as Dershowitz avows, pro-Israel Democrats have influence on the administration, then let them use it before things get even worse. It is worth recalling that in 2002, when statements by secretary of state Colin Powell made it appear as if a Republican administration was taking a similarly "evenhanded" approach to Israel's attempts to defend itself against a Palestinian campaign of suicide attacks, conservative evangelicals were not slow to act. This group, as integral to George W. Bush's coalition as Jews are to Obama's, deluged the White House with calls for strong support for Israel and got results. Had a Republican done and said the same things that Obama has in the last six months who can doubt that he and other Democrats would be demanding that Jewish Republicans repudiate their party's leader? The question remains what will be the tipping point for Jewish Democrats at which it will be impossible for them to go on pretending that they did not elect the most hostile president to Israel since the first George Bush? If the current trend continues without a strong negative reaction from Jewish Democrats who raised money for Obama and voted for him, then we are entitled to ask why they are either silent or rationalizing a policy that they know is wrong. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Amil Imani, July 20, 2009. |
This comes from Atlas Shrugs
![]() And so it begins again. On July 8 I reported here that once again the Muslims have taken to rampaging, destroying and setting alight the streets of France. The media has abetted the fifth column with cowardly silence. As if the state mandate on a media blackout will make this escalation go away. But this is not just in Europe; the same dhimmi submission in the media is rife in America. What better example than this week's piece in Newsweek: Why fears of a Muslim takeover are all wrong. Craven. This is from "Blackout: Violence in France" in Brussels Journal. ![]() The French Interior Ministry has issued orders to the prefects not to communicate to the media the crime statistics for the nights of July 13-15. The cartoon at the top shows Marianne, the woman symbolizing the French Republic, watching the "official" weather report: "More sun tomorrow" it says, as it pours outside. Le Monde has a long article about the news blackout: [...] Only the figures for the night of July 13-14 were published: "Some 500 vehicles" were burned, the worst ever recorded for the eve of the national holiday. Despite repeated requests to the Interior Ministry, and the DGPN [similar to the FBI], no figures were forthcoming for the night of July 14-15. These orders have been strictly applied. The different prefectures contacted by Le Monde refused to respond, citing "ministerial instructions." Regional news media reported the same problem. The daily La Provence issued an unofficial report that was much less favorable than 2008: 41 cars and a day-care center in Marseilles burned. [...] Some bits of news have leaked through. An article at the conservative blog François Desouche (based on a report in the newspaper Le Parisien) describes the use of firecrackers against the police, in the suburb of Tremblay-en-France, department of Seine-Saint-Denis. This was the second time in a few weeks that police on patrol were drawn to a group of youths. Masked by their clothing they threw firecrackers and rocks at the police. Also, in the city of Evry, four or five large packs of firecrackers were stolen by a group of hooded individuals who broke into the fair grounds thanks to the inadequate number of guards. Agnèls Moutet-Lamy, the spokesman for the Socialist mayor made light of the event: "That can always happen. There's nothing to worry about." However, Jean-Charles Béraud, an expert in pyrotechnics, stated that firecrackers "can become a monstrously dangerous weapon. A mortar can be propelled 120 meters and create an explosion 80 meters in diameter. It can kill someone. Even one large firecracker can rip apart a hand." Using the daily La Provence as its source, another article at François Desouche relates the violence in Marseilles on the night of July 14: A fire ravaged 5 hectares close to residences. ![]() Two helicopters pouring water on the fire and a fierce battle waged
by the marine firemen were needed to bring the fire under control. A
day-care center was partially burned. A row of cypress trees bordering
a nursery school went up in smoke. One individual was arrested as he
threw rockets on the marine firemen who had come to put out a trash
can fire. Fires were set in the four corners of one neighborhood,
while trash cans and cars burned in others, notably with the help of
Molotov cocktails. While the firemen went on one call after the other,
the police fell into what appears to be an ambush. Bullets were fired
at them and diverse projectiles were thrown in their direction. One
policeman was slightly injured by a rock. The anti-crime brigade
arrested one individual in possession of a 22-caliber rifle.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The shifting demography contributes to white
timidity in France as in the rest of Europe. To see the changes in
population proportionality between Europeans and their Muslim
see this video.
Amil Imani is an Iranian-born American citizen and pro-democracy activist residing in the United States of America. Imani is a columnist, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. He and his family escaped Iran after the radical Islamic revolution.
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, July 20, 2009. |
This was written by George Jochnowitz, A version of this review appeared in the March/April 2006 issue of Jewish Currents. This is a review of the book Buried by the Times by Laurel Leff. (Cambridge U Press, 2005, xxi+426 pages, $29 hardcover). |
Jewish secularism did not exist for Arthur Hays Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times from 1935 until his semi-retirement in 1961. Time and again, Laurel Leff makes Sulzberger's position explicit: "Being Jewish was solely a religious, not a racial or ethnic orientation, he maintained, that carried no special obligation to help fellow Jews." (13). Sulzberger never asked himself whether there would have been a special obligation to help Jews had he felt that being Jewish was a racial or ethnic orientation He would have said no in any event. But what about helping fellow human beings? Sulzberger maintained that Jews were exactly like everyone else. (12) Shouldn't one help anyone who is in danger? Sulzberger probably would have agreed. Unfortunately, another factor was at work. He was afraid of an anti-Semitic backlash. Anti-Semites make a number of charges against Jews. One of them is vulgarity, something Sulzberger worried about, as he wrote in 1930: "A vulgar Christian is merely someone who does not concern me a vulgar Jew is a direct charge upon me. I am being judged with him according to the standards of my fellow Americans." (23) There were accusations even more serious than vulgarity. Some were obviously false, like the charge that Jews used the blood of Christian children to make matzos. Others were clearly true, like the assertion that Jews owned influential newspapers, in particular, The New York Times. Vulgarity and influence are two very different charges. Jewish anti-Semites tend to focus on vulgarity. Walter Lippman, who was not connected with The New York Times, was a Jewish anti-Semite. In 1922, he said, "The rich and vulgar and pretentious Jews of our big American cities ... are the real fountain of anti-Semitism.... You cannot build up a decent civilization among people who, when they are at last, after centuries of denial, free to go to the land and cleanse their bodies, now huddle together in a steam-heated slum" cited in Ronald Steel's Walter Lippman and the American Century. How one can be rich and vulgar and pretentious and reside in a slum is not explained. Perhaps he considered Central Park West a slum. Lippman did not take his own advice and go to the land to cleanse his body. Nor did he ever praise the socialist kibbutzniks who did so. Lippman's analysis reflects not only prejudice but stupidity, something I find quite hard to understand. I remember, when I was a student in Paris in 1958, joining other Americans studying at the Sorbonne at a sidewalk café and reading Lippman's columns aloud to each other from the International Herald Tribune. We admired his intelligence, his clarity, the accuracy of his analysis. It was a shock to learn about his shallow fear of being taken for a vulgar Jew who lived in an apartment with steam heat. Anti-Semites who are not Jewish typically consider Jews a threat and so focus on Jewish power. Influence is not the same thing as power; indeed, having a great deal of influence and very little power is a dangerous situation. Arthur Hays Sulzberger knew this. Had the Times been really powerful, instead of merely influential, Sulzberger might very well have tried to save more Jews. There was a Jew whom Sulzberger saved. Her name was Bertha Sulzberger, a 68-year-old distant cousin related by marriage. She was one of many refugees from Germany living in a camp in France "with not enough water and practically without food supply," as reported by the Times. (86) Many of these refugees already had American visas, but the American consulate in Stuttgart, where many of the visas had been obtained, would not release their papers, and so they had to go through the process again, as reported in the Times. (88) The Times reported the story but never questioned the fact that American consulates in Europe were making it extremely difficult for people to get visas and for people who already had visas to be able to use them. France's Vichy government wanted the refugees to leave and go to America, but Secretary of State Cordell Hull said that it couldn't accept them because "no distinctions shall be made between refugees on grounds of race, nationality or religion." Leff tells us, "In an editorial the only one that addressed the plight of Jews in France although it never referred to Jews the Times defended the State Department's position." (92) Sulzberger, in the meantime, had $2,000 deposited in a bank in Havana, and a Cuban visa for Bertha was issued. Unfortunately for Bertha, the visa was issued in Lisbon, and the nearest port was Marseilles, and there were months more of red tape. When Bertha received her papers, there was a new problem. "The State Department had instructed its diplomatic and consular officers to deny visas to anyone who had parents, children, a spouse, or siblings living in territories controlled by Germany, Italy, or Russia." (97) Once again, the Times editorially defended this needless, cruel position. Bertha, luckily, no longer had living relatives in any of these countries and so was allowed to enter Cuba and eventually got to the United States. How awful that one was "lucky" not to have any more living relatives in Europe during World War II. Bertha's son, Fritz Sulzberger, who had come to the United States before his mother's internment and eventual rescue, wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Times complaining about the fact that Jews refugees from Germany were being considered enemy aliens: "But who are these aliens? Were they not the first victims of Hitlerism? Did they not lose home, profession, friends and everything which makes life worth living through the brutality of Hitler Germany ... Will they never find rest?" Arthur did not publish his cousin's letter, feeling it not be wise to publish such a letter from "a man who is not yet a citizen." (100-101) Unlike Walter Lippman, Arthur Hays Sulzberger was not a Jewish anti-Semite. Instead, he was both stupid and frightened. Lippman was an intelligent man who only became stupid when he had to explain and defend his inherently stupid prejudice. Sulzberger, on the other hand, was too stupid to know that it is not true that Jews are simply people who believe in the Jewish religion. He didn't know about anthropology and sociology, which were less a part of common discourse in his day than in ours. Perhaps he had never heard of Joseph Arthur Gobineau (1816-1882), who wrote that only the Aryan "race" possessed the supreme human virtues, or of Wilhelm Marr (1818-1904), who introduced the term "anti-Semitism" since he felt that Jews should be hated no matter what their religion. But he had certainly heard of Hitler, who was determined to exterminate Jewish atheists and Christians of Jewish descent. Still, he thought that Jews should not be singled out for rescue despite the fact that they had been singled out for persecution. Doing so would be adopting Hitler's view that religion is not what defines Jews as Jews. Sulzberger was stupid enough to think that rescuing people from racism was the same thing as espousing racism. And Sulzberger was scared. He was not able to think that it was morally acceptable to own an influential newspaper and to use it to save lives if the lives in questions were those of one's own people. That would be crossing the barrier between influence and power. Jews were hated because they were viewed as powerful, and Sulzberger was afraid of being hated. He was afraid that if his power saved Jews, all Jews would be hated even more than before. Of course, if Jews had really been powerful, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened. Could The New York Times have saved more Jews? We can never be sure. Would government policies about issuing visas and forcing Jews go reapply in distant cities have been changed if say the Times had not waited for two months to report the massacre at Babi Yar and had not described the victims as "no fewer than 50,000 Russians and Ukrainians"? The Times was being misleading. The victims were Russians and Ukrainians, of course, but they were killed because they were Jews and because Jews were being exterminated, not because they were enemy nationals who happened to get in the way. Would the public have sympathized with the Jews or turned against them? We know that after the knowledge of Hitler's policies became more widespread, in particular, after the Eichmann trial in 1961-62, sympathy for the Jews and horror at what the Nazis had done increased. In fact, today anti-Semites often feel they have to deny that the Holocaust took place. One incident is described in which publicity almost helped. A group of 232 rabbis had visas to go to Latin America but had to travel through the United States. Their passports had been forged and the State Department declared them invalid. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau felt the rabbis should be allowed to escape nevertheless. He contacted Sulzberger, who would not help. He then got in touch with Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles, who leaked the story to Washington columnist Drew Pearson. Pearson broadcast the story on his radio program, and the Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, gave in and recognized the visas. It was too late; the rabbis had been shipped to the death camps. (261-62) If Sulzberger had acted, if the story had appeared earlier, 232 lives might have been saved. Sumner Welles, who tried to publicize what was happening to the Jews and to save them, was himself a victim of prejudice. He was gay. A scandal broke, but the press did not dare report it because people did not speak of homosexuality in those days. Welles resigned because of the combination of the lurking scandal and his rivalry with Secretary Cordell Hull. Thus, two different taboos worked against rescuing Hitler's victims: being pro-Jewish in the case of Sulzberger and being gay in the case of Welles. On March 20, 1944, the German Army marched into Hungary, where there were still 800,000 Jews. President Roosevelt, after much prodding, issued a statement condemning "one of the blackest crimes in all history ... the wholesale systematic murder of the Jews of Europe." (267) The next day, Roosevelt's statement appeared on the front page of the Times. The Office of War Information beamed broadcasts to Hungary and elsewhere "urging citizens not to participate in the persecution of Jews and to record the names of those who did." (279) Apparently it worked, at least for a while. In July, the Hungarians stopped deporting Jews. Then the Germans moved into Budapest in late August and started the deportations again. The hiatus made a difference. The Nazis never quite finished the job of taking the Jews of Budapest to Auschwitz. The United States was able to save some of the Jews of Budapest by threatening the perpetrators. This was in 1944, when millions had already been killed. Could the United States have acted in other ways? Primo Levi, in the chapter called "Cerium" of his wonderful set of memoirs The Periodic Table, writes that he and his fellow prisoners were delighted when the allies bombed the chemical plants at Auschwitz because they knew the raids were directed against the Nazis and not the prisoners. If the chemical plants could be bombed, why not the crematoria and the gas chambers? Why not the railroad lines leading to the camp? What if there had been more publicity? What if the Times had featured news about the extermination of the Jews? Would American policy have been different? The Times, as a matter of fact, ran very many stories about what we now call the Holocaust. They were almost never on page 1, the editorial page, or the Week in Review. They hardly ever mentioned the word "Jew." Leff writes, "In fact, from September 1939 through May 1945, the Times published 1,186 stories about what was happening to the Jews of Europe, or an average of 17 stories per month." (2) I was four when America entered the war and eight when it was over. I knew that my father, who had a brother and four sisters living in Krakow, never expected to see them again. I knew that one of my cousins, Zygmunt, had gotten out of Poland and was alive in the Soviet Union. He wrote letters to my parents, at first in Polish, and then when I was old enough to write to him myself, letters to them and to me in English, which he knew quite well. He now lives in Israel and we still correspond, by e-mail, in English. If I, a child, knew, why didn't everybody? But then, my parents and I hadn't gotten our information from the Times. Repeating and featuring a story makes a great deal of difference. How many people know about the massacre of between 500,000 and one million communists in Indonesia in 1965 and 1966? Very few. How do I know? I read it in the Times long ago. The news was there, but it wasn't featured and wasn't reported often enough. How many people know about the starvation of between 30 and 60 million people in China between 1959 and 1961? Not many, although the information is available and has appeared in articles and books, among them Hungry Ghosts by Jasper Becker. If the citizens of Nepal knew about the famine, the Maoist movement there would have no support. If the citizens of China knew that the famine was caused by Chairman Mao's policies during the Great Leap Forward and not by a natural disaster, China would have a different government today. The Times still could run op-eds and magazine articles about this famine. The news would then get to China. After the war was over, Arthur Hays Sulzberger was still a frightened fool. Leff writes, "He ended his membership in the old Spanish and Portuguese synagogue his forefathers founded because the congregation sang Hatikva at a gathering, and resigned as a trustee of Emanu-El." (328) A distant relative of the Ochs family, Sulzberger's in-laws, named Elsbet Midas Gerst, had written an account of her family's flight to Holland, her years there, her capture, her 10-day train ride to Auschwitz without food or toilet facilities, and her rescue by the Soviet Army. No other complete telling of the World War II experiences of a single person had been published at that time. Other Ochs relatives sent this to Sulzberger, who forwarded it to the magazine editor with a note saying, "You will be interested in this, although I don't suppose there is any news value in it." (318) That was the end of that. Leff's summary of Gerst's account (294-95) suggests that a copy still exists. The Times could still run it in the magazine section. Perhaps some other publication (Jewish Currents?) could ask for a copy and print it. Today, genocide is taking place in Darfur, but the Holocaust is over. However, there are people calling for the extermination of the Jews. One of them is the leader of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who, according to WorldNetDaily (October 23, 2002), has said "if they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." The same Nasrallah, according to a report in The New York Sun by Pranay Gupte, spits on the ground when he mentions Jews (March 14, 2005). We are not told what he does when he is indoors. Now that Syrian forces have left Lebanon, Hezbollah may possibly become an important player in the government. The Times did not write about Nasrallah's calls for genocide in the past, but if it turns out that he gains power, his views on the subject of Jews are quite important. A report in the Jewish Week on February 4, 2005 by its Washington correspondent, James D, Besser, says that a delegation of students from a Presbyterian seminary in San Francisco met with Hezbollah leaders in last June. The Presbyterian Church has decided to divest its holdings in companies doing business with Israel not China or Saudi Arabia or Sudan meaning they consider Israel the worst country on earth. The Times has given little attention to this issue. Perhaps a change has taken place. An editorial on April 22, 2005, entitled "Crosses, Crescents and Stars" refers to the fact that Israel is the only nation on earth that may not join the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The issue is in the news because the American Red Cross is exerting pressure to end Israel's isolation. But maybe there is another reason for the appearance of this editorial. Could it be a response to Laurel Leff's book? |
Posted by Frankfurter, David, July 20, 2009. |
Dear Friends, Four items caught my attention in today's newsbag: 1. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. the terrorist Abu Mazen) accused Israel of trying to "Judaicize" East Jerusalem.[1] Excuse me! Why is it that the PA controlled Waqf won't let Jews even move their lips in case they might pray at the edge of the Temple Mount? Exactly who is trying to push their religion and wipe out someone else's? In which cities in the world is it illegal for the adherents of a particular religion to purchase land or live? Friends, the answer is not Israel. I believe that it is only the Arab world (including the Palestinian Authority) that is allowed to practice such racist apartheid practices. 2. And pushing this Palestinian racism with even the most absurd of arguments is the British consulate,[2]which doesn't seem to have shed its anti-Semitic and pro-Arab tendencies from the days of the British Mandate over Palestine. In objecting to a Jewish owned hotel venture in East Jerusalem, "The U.K. envoys also expressed concern that construction activity so close to the consulate could lead to an intelligence leak." I guess they are not worried by Arab neighbours but being close to Jews might make their limited brains fall out. 3. And at last something sensible. No wonder it didn't make it to the mainstream media. Israeli officials took a step on behalf of captive IDF soldier Gilad Shalit,[3] preventing 15 French diplomatic officials accompanied by Jerusalem consular officials from entering Gaza, where they hoped to take part in Bastille Day festivities. A source stated that Israel cannot permit them to celebrate a day of freedom while Gilad Shalit, who also has French citizenship, remains hostage to Hamas terrorists, now in his fourth year of captivity. 4. Who killed Yasser Arafat? Every good Palestinian can believe his government controlled press. The Israelis are responsible for everything bad in the world, no? Palestinian Media Watch[4] reports that there is new competition for the coveted title of Mr Evil. Seems that PLO leader (and PFLP terrorist) Ahmad Jibril told the secret that everyone has been whispering since Arafat got ill. He claims concrete evidence that jolly Yasser had AIDS, and that's what killed him. The official PA position is, of course that the "cursed [Jewish] apes and pigs" of Israel poisoned Arafat, with permission of the US together with French medical co-conspirators. Al-Jazeera chimes in with the latest conspiracy theory that Mahmoud Abbas was the perpetrator. Who cares, you ask? The interesting thing is that the PA, which has "no power" to stop the racist anti-Jewish, anti-Israel and pro-terror incitement on its state controlled media, was able to immediately ban Al-Jazeera from the Palestinian Authority airwaves for its incitement against the hard done-by Abu Mazen. Footnotes 1. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1101542.html
David Frankfurter is a business consultant, corporate executive and writer who frequently comments on the Middle East. To subscribe to his 'Letter from Israel', email him at david.frankfurter@iname.com. Or go to http://www.livejournal.com/users/dfrankfurter/ |
Posted by Paul Lademain, July 20, 2009. |
Here is the latest (below) from TIP (the Israel Project). What we gathered from their email was support for yet another "two state" solution which entirely ignores the past "two state solution" of 1948 that resulted in the loss of 90% of the promised Jewish Palestine when a large chunk of land long promised to the Jews was handed to the Hashemite Islamics in order to create the new state of Jordan. We are the Secular Christians for Zion and we oppose any more "piecing away" of Israel for ANY reason. We say: "No more 'piecing away' for peace" and "Restore Jewish Palestine from the ocean to the sea the way Israel (aka: Jewish Palestine) was originally promised and intended to be." We blame the Brit Foreign Office for making a mess out of the Middle East and then using Brit propaganda and the Saudis and Carter and the Clintons to shuck blame for British stupidity onto the Israelis, whose leadership under Peres, foolishly rushed in to accept the blame. We support Joseph Farah and we say his latest article (May 19, 2009) says it all and says it right. Contact Paul Lademain by email at lademain@verizon.net |
Posted by AFSI, July 20, 2009. |
In the Orwellian world in which we live, one still cannot follow the logic of the latest information on "permission" being given to Israel to attack Iran's nuclear holdings. Iran threatens the entire world, not just Israel, with its build-up of nuclear power. Any attack by Iran would drastically affect the oil producing countries of the Middle East, as well as the security and economies of Europe, America, and the world. Instead of providing assistance to Israel for having the will and skill to prevent Iran from accomplishing its nuclear goals, the world leaders will "allow" Israel to do the dirty clean-up work for them in exchange for "painful concessions." These concessions might mean removing 300,000 Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaria. They might also include dividing Jerusalem in order to satisfy the hunger of the Arab leaders seeking "peace" with Israel. In other words, in order for Israel to have the privilege of putting its soldiers and civilians on the firing line in order to remove Iran's nuclear threat, Israel must uproot its citizens and reduce the size of its country to an indefensible nine mile wide swath of land. Can this be tolerated? Alert your Congressional representatives to the absurdity and dangers of this situation. Action: Contact Congressman Gary Ackerman, Chairman of the Middle East and South Asia subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee: 202-225-5021 Contact Congressman Howard Berman Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Comm. 202-225-5021 Contact: Congressman Dan Burton, Ranking Member of the ME & SA subcommittee of the HFAC: 202-226-8467 Contact: Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Comm. 202-226-8467 Americans For a Safe Israel/AFSI is a pro-active pro-Israel advocacy group. AFSI may be contacted by mail at 1623 Third Ave., Suite 205, New York, N.Y. 10128 (Tel: 212-828-2424; Fax: 212-828-1717); by email at afsi@rcn.com; or by accessing its website: www.afsi.org. Helen Freedman is Executive Director. |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 20, 2009. |
MOVIE REVIEWS: IRAQ WAR; U.S. JEWS I saw two movies that should interest you. One was a documentary, "Yoo Hoo Mrs. Goldberg." It portrayed the writer-actress of American's first and high-quality sit-com. Although antisemitism pervaded America then, this program was the most popular one, appealing to all ethnic groups, because of its heart-warming portrayal of family life. Audiences didn't mind Mrs. Goldberg's Jewish accent, neighbors and observation of some Jewish ritual. The program helped bring Americans together. That's the best of America. The other movie, "The Hurt Locker," showed daily suspense in the war in Iraq. I ask veterans to comment on my review, because my military service did not involve combat. U.S. troops in Iraq constantly faced ambush from guerrillas posing as civilians. The enemy set off bombs that killed many of their own people. Horrible! The GIs were capable and brave. We owe them a debt. Some risked their lives for particular Iraqis, but one officer seemed to deny a civilian medical treatment. I did not care for the troops' culture of drinking, smoking, and punching each other for fun. The emotional stress laid on soldiers in long and repeated tours of combat may be blamed on the chief executives, Congresses, and media through the Clinton and second Bush administrations, for reducing the military and not restoring troop levels, and then making war with inadequate resources. That was unfair to the regular and reserve troops. It seemed to me that G.I. units should have had Iraqi troops with them for training, to help save their own country, and to translate. I think the U.S. troops took too many chances with the population. Shouldn't the Iraqi and U.S. governments have worked out a code of conduct, whereby the population would have been instructed beforehand to follow troops' orders immediately or be shot if potentially a menace? Someone advancing despite orders to halt, someone too slow to lay down his weapon, someone on a cell phone near the bomb squad as it approaches a roadside bomb tell them once, tell them twice, then shoot. Otherwise, the guerillas abuse soldiers' humanitarian instincts, and kill them. One problem with that recommendation is that local populations are quicker to resent collateral damage by foreign troops than intended damage by troops of their own ethnicity. Another problem is that Americans second-guess our troops too critically. During the Vietnam War, I was appalled by the carpet-bombing of Hanoi civilian areas, destroying villages commandeered by Vietcong, "in order to save them," etc.. Having forgotten such mass-casualties of the past, Americans make too much of the relatively minor collateral damage now, for which I commend the Pentagon. I hope the new rule, to verify intelligence again shortly before bombing a suspected enemy hideout, helps. There was international hysteria about Israeli troops in Gaza.
Nevertheless, they didn't use artillery, and didn't demolish cities.
They fought only where enemy forces were. The took many measures to
minimize civilian casualties. I think that the IDF took too many
chances in recent wars, going beyond the requirements of international
law, thereby incurring unnecessary casualties. (For reports on combat
in Gaza, start by clicking here:
UN COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS ABANDONS CONGO After 15 years, the UN Council Human Rights has stopped monitoring abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. What is the situation in the Congo? Congo "...security forces continued to act with impunity throughout the year, committing many serious abuses including unlawful killings, disappearances, torture, and rape. Security forces also engaged in arbitrary arrests and detention. Harsh and life-threatening conditions in prison and detention facilities, prolonged pretrial detention, lack of an independent and effective judiciary, and arbitrary interference with privacy, family, and home also remained serious problems. Security forces retained child soldiers and compelled forced labor by civilians. Members of the security forces also continued to abuse and threaten journalists, contributing to a decline in freedom of the press...Discrimination against women and ethnic minorities, trafficking in persons, child labor, and lack of protection of workers' rights continued to be pervasive throughout the country...Armed groups continued to commit numerous, serious abuses some of which may have constituted war crimes including unlawful killings, disappearances, and torture. They also recruited and retained child soldiers, compelled forced labor, and committed widespread crimes of sexual violence and other possible war crimes." The Council assigned a special rapporteur assigned to the Congo in 1994. In 2004, the UN downgraded that post to "independent expert." In 2008, it abolished that post, but considered Congo abuses in closed session. Now the Council decided to disregard Congo abuses. The Council President ordered members not to discuss in public the decision or material about the Congo. The same session that spent one minute on the Congo, to make that decision, spent six hours on "human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories," i.e., Israel-bashing (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/24 from EYEonthe UN). There is no "Palestine" now. UN behavior demonstrates disinterest in human rights, interest in Israel-bashing. UN and human rights NGO declarations about Israel are a cover for bias. To see other difficulties with the UN Human Rights Committee, click
OBAMA POLICY ON IRAN COLLAPSING President Obama withheld even his tepid remarks about Iranian popular protests and brutal government reaction, until Congress made caustic remarks about it. Obama's policy of conciliation is collapsing, as Iran's regime loses legitimacy and it [and N. Korea] reacts over-defiantly (Israel Resource Review, 7/15). Standard Islamic and dictatorial reactions treat foreign conciliation as weakness. For more on Obma policy logic, see here:
P.S. to Readers: On Protocol The Examiner seeks high-quality discussion. That is difficult over the anonymous Internet. Also, people of some other cultures may not understand the Western way of intellectual debate. Let us have real debate and not personal accusations and general name-calling. Each article must be limited in size and scope. It can not repeat what is in all the earlier articles, so as to be a full history. Therefore, let comments stick to the sub-topic, i.e., to the content of the article, and not accuse the writer of bias because this sub-topic out of his 500 articles on the Examiner since April didn't cover the whole gamut of Zionism! It would not be proper, in a discussion on, say, prisoner release, to counter with, in 1920 the Zionists stole Arab land (which, by they way, they purchased). If you treat your marriage that way, as when one spouse asks, "I'd like you to do more housework," and the other counters with, "And you let the children over-indulge in sweets," you'll need a divorce lawyer. This is not the forum for irrelevant tit-for-tat, which is the way some people argue. Not here, please! JEWS DONATE UNWITTINGLY TO ANTI-ZIONIST CHARITY The New Israel Fund (NIF) presents itself as Pro-Israel, emphasizing its subsidy of Ethiopian immigrants [and abused women]. However, most of its subsidies go to Israeli-Arab NGOs that claim to be non-political, but "openly and unabashedly dedicate themselves to removing the Jewish character of the state of Israel" and taking Jerusalem away from Israel. These organizations falsely accuse Israel of massacre, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and intentionally killing journalists. They use the funds to promote anti-Zionist propaganda, and claim that the Israeli Hebrew media encourage killing and destruction. Some Jews have learned who are the beneficiaries of the NIF, but donate unwittingly to it. You see, they donate to their local Jewish federations, some of which, in turn make grants to NIF. Foundations that make grants to the NIF include: "Ford Foundation, grant organizations such as the Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation and the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, as well as various Jewish communal federations such as the Jewish Federation in New York, the Durham-Chapel Hill Federation and the Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids." (David Bedein & Samuel Sokol, Israel Resource Review, 6/24. The source asked the NIF press office for comment on the article, but it declined.) IDF NEW TECHNOLOGY PERMITS SABBATH OBSERVANCE The IDF is developing and installing devices with automatic timers and
other features than enable religiously observant soldiers to enter
gates or have food cooked on the Sabbath without violating religious
strictures against working on the Sabbath
For instances of IDF bias against religious Jews, see here:
For a broader picture of changing religion, see here:
PM NETANYAHU SEEKS COMPROMISE ON SETTLEMENTS PM Netanyahu was in Europe, trying to get support from European
officials for some compromise on settlements. He was seeking their
approval to exempt from a construction freeze to allow natural growth.
They refused
Why doesn't he tell them that he sees no reason for any freeze on Jewish building, while the Palestinian Arabs continue to build illegally on a large scale, contrary to their Oslo agreements. He should match that with an observation about their fairness when they demand that Jews vacate from the P.A. but not that Arabs vacate from Israel. I think he bends over backward to be too reasonable, whereas they are anti-Zionist and unreasonable. For more on Netanyahu's position on Arab sovereignty, see here:
BRIBE WAY THROUGH GAZA BORDER TO EGYPT? Two Egyptian police officers were arrested for accepting $5,000 each to let Gaza Arabs through the border into Egypt (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 7/15 from Maan News). Egypt denies that arms are smuggled into Gaza, although periodically it makes a show of destroying a few tunnels out of hundreds and confiscating some arms. It was thought that the smuggling goes on because officials believe in it, extort from it, or fear Bedouin resentment if Egypt does something about it. This is the first evidence I recall of border bribery. For other problems with Israeli dependence upon Arabs for security,
see here:
JEWISH AMERICAN AND ISRAELI OPINION OF OBAMA Do Jews consider President Obama pro-Israel? 79% of American Jews do. 6% of Israeli Jews do. Israeli disenchantment with Obama cuts across political lines. Who is right? Israelis prove Obama's hostility by his comparing the Palestinian Arab [terrorist] struggle against Israel with the legitimate S. African and U.S. slave struggle. They also cite his false claim that Israel got its legitimacy from the Holocaust, whereas they know the Zionist movement won world recognition well before it. [If not for the Holocaust, in which the Arabs pressured Britain to bar Jews, millions of Jews would have survived and found haven in the Palestine Mandate, and won statehood earlier. The Soviets also held back hundreds of thousands of agriculturally trained Zionists.] "Obama's great success in maintaining support among American Jews owes much to the fact that most American Jews do not pick up the same messages from Obama's statements as do Israeli Jews. Whereas Israeli Jews recognize that it is morally obscene, strategically suicidal and historically inaccurate to suggest that Israel has no rights to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and that Jews have no right to live there, American Jews do not intuitively understand this to be the case. Consequently, while Israeli Jews recognize Obama's calls for a total freeze in Jewish construction in these areas as inherently hostile, most American Jews do not." It would take a major educational effort to enlighten U.S. Jewry. Even
then, their waning solidarity with Israel, now no greater than that of
Americans as a whole, may inhibit their reaction to Obama's
propaganda. On the other hand, they and Americans as a whole, support
Israel much more than they do the Palestinian Arabs
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by LEL, July 19, 2009. |
This was written by Barak Ravid Haaretz
correspondent. It is archived at
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem was not a matter up for discussion. The prime minister's comments came after the U.S. State Department told Israeli envoy Michael Oren that Israel must halt a construction project in East Jerusalem. Netanyahu told ministers at the weekly cabinet meeting that Jerusalem is the united capital of Israel and that all citizens are allowed to purchase property in any part of the city they choose. "Imagine what would happen if someone were to suggest Jews could not live or purchase [property] in certain neighborhoods in London, New York, Paris or Rome," he said. "The international community would certainly raise protest. Likewise, we cannot accept such a ruling on East Jerusalem," Netanyahu told ministers. This is the policy of an open city, he said, and Israel would not accept a stance that counters that civil right. "Israeli Arabs are not forbidden from buying houses in west Jerusalem and Jews must be granted the same right in the eastern part of the city," he added. The State Department summoned Oren over the weekend to advise him that the project developed by American millionaire Irving Moskowitz should not go ahead, according to both Israel Radio and Army Radio. Moskowitz, an influential supporter of Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem, purchased the Shepherd Hotel in 1985 and plans to tear it down and build housing units in its place. The hotel is located near a government compound that includes several government ministries and the national police headquarters. In response to the request, Oren told the State Department that Israeli construction in East Jerusalem was no different than in any other part of the country. Jerusalem could not be considered along the same lines as settlements, he said, adding that Israel would not accede to this demand. Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Yaacov Levi, July 19, 2009. |
This was written by Hillel Fendel and it appeared in Arutz-7 (www.IsraelNN.com). |
(IsraelNN.com) With the Obama administration turning the corkscrews upon Israeli sovereignty in its capital, the spotlight focuses once again on the growing Jewish presence in neighborhoods such as Shimon HaTzaddik. Arab squatters face eviction this week. The U.S. State Department has made an unprecedented demand upon its ally Israel to stop lawful construction in its capital specifically, at a property owned by activist Dr. Irving Moskowitz in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. The municipal housing plan calls for the site of the Shepherd Hotel to become a 20-unit apartment complex. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and other government ministers have categorically rebuffed the American ultimatum, as did Ambassador Michael Oren when he was called to the State Department to hear the U.S. demand. Arabs in Shimon HaTzaddik Face Eviction Just below the hotel, seven Jewish families and an all-day Torah-study program, known as a Kollel, are trying to renew the old Jewish neighborhood of Shimon HaTzaddik. Several Arab families that have squatted on the property since Jordan took control of eastern Jerusalem in 1948 continue to refuse to leave and face possible eviction this week. The area, where Simon the Just and elders of the Sanhedrin were buried over 2,000 years ago, was a thriving Jewish community from 1895 until 1948, when it was evacuated by the British army during the Arab riots preceding the War of Independence. When Israel returned to all of Jerusalem in 1967, Arabs were living there and appeared to be heading for Jewish obsolescence. However, one day in 1998, a young man named Yair Lieberman happened on the site, looking for the grave of Simon the Just and found one of four synagogues that had been in operation there several decades earlier. The inscription above the door clearly identifies the synagogue, and the hollow where the Holy Ark had been was also clear to the eye. Amazingly, the Arab living next door had just completed digging foundations, planning to annex the synagogue structure to his own home. Just in time, Lieberman informed then-MK Benny Elon of his find. Elon contacted the official owners of the property, the Jerusalem Community Council, and they authorized to take over the property in its name. Elon arrived with several dozen activists, and not without Arab opposition and even violence, they ultimately succeeded in renewing the synagogue's Jewish past. Today, a Kollel operates on the site, and seven Jewish families live there. Some 20 Arab families live there as well, and have been faced with several eviction orders most of which have been resisted in one way or another. This week, the date set by a court two months ago for an eviction, Israeli justice will be tested once again: Will the homes be emptied to make room for the Jewish owners to move in or not? Contact Yaacov Levi by email at jlevi_us@yahoo.com |
Posted by Barry Rubin, July 19, 2009. |
Reality keeps impinging on the four main illusions regarding the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the ideas that: peace is possible in the not-distant future; that there's a Palestinian negotiating partner which wants a two-state solution; that there's a serious Palestinian negotiating partner capable of reaching and implementing an agreement; and that the failure to end the conflict is due to Israel. Now we may be at the start of another Palestinian implosion, this time in Fatah, the ruling party of the Palestinian Authority (PA), and the PLO, the less-important but still existing Palestinian political umbrella group. The latest development is a very public feud between Fatah leader and long-time PLO "foreign minister" Farouq Qaddumi, and PLO and PA head Mahmoud Abbas. With the word "moderate" endlessly and exaggeratedly applied to Fatah, it is easy to forget that the group's perennial most popular leader is Qaddumi, a man who opposed and still openly opposes the Oslo agreement and a two-state solution. Given this opposition, Qaddumi, unlike many other Fatah leaders, long refused to move to Gaza or the West Bank. It should be stressed, however, that Qaddumi could probably if a conflict broke out muster more support in the organization than the bureaucratic and uncharismatic Abbas. Indeed, the only real asset Abbas has is the Western aid which subsidizes the PA and, indirectly, Fatah and the PLO. Qaddumi has now accused Abbas of murdering former PLO, PA, and Fatah leader Yasir Arafat, in partnership with Israel no less! Of course, Israel is often blamed for this even by supposedly "moderate" Palestinian leaders or intellectuals aligned with Abbas. The truth is that Arafat, who was always in poor health and never exactly a physical fitness fanatic, received poor medical care, further delayed by the movement's refusal to deal with the reality of his illness. Let's pause here for a moment. If Palestinian leaders lie about each other so shamelessly, shouldn't Western journalists, politicians, and human rights' groups consider how much more of an incentive they have to lie about Israel? Israel is accused of all sorts of misdeeds based on statements by Palestinians who view such lies as part of their propaganda effort. Shouldn't that be taken into account and such claims discounted without hard proof? Let's return, however, to the Palestinian political action. Why this feud between the two top non-Islamist Palestinian leaders?
In August, Fatah is supposed to hold a general congress, but these meetings are often postponed. Internal elections have been repeatedly postponed. Indeed, the reelection of the PA's leader has also been postponed, in part due to the fact that the PA can't control elections in the Gaza Strip and cannot be entirely sure it would defeat Hamas on the West Bank. Palestinian politics, in short, are in a gigantic mess. They aren't going to get better for a long time and might get worse. The PA and Fatah could descend into anarchy, or an even more radical leadership could emerge, putting its priority on an alliance with Hamas. Western aid and hope of Western diplomatic support (not for a compromise peace but to make Israel give the Palestinians whatever they want with no reciprocity or compromise on their part), keeps people talking about a "two-state" solution in English. But they are chomping at the bit to demand openly that all of Israel become part of Palestine. They already do it in Arabic every day. And these are the leaders and the group and the regime that U.S. and European policy depend on to make the tough compromises needed for peace with Israel? These are the shaky leaders and unstable organizations which much of the world is rushing to give control over a state? To paraphrase what they say in the movies' legal declaimers: Any coincidence between the dominant Western analyses and actual Palestinian politics is purely coincidental. Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), with Walter Laqueur (Viking-Penguin); the paperback edition of The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan); A Chronological History of Terrorism, with Judy Colp Rubin, (Sharpe); and The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley). To read and subscribe to MERIA, GLORIA articles, or to order books, go to http://www.gloria-center.org This article is archived at
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 19, 2009. |
President Obama invited a small group of Jewish organizations to the White House for a meeting on Monday, July 13 to discuss the increasing concern and fear of American Jews of Obama's hostile policies toward Israel while making no serious demands of the Palestinian Arabs. Media reports about the meeting were numerous. The media reports included the following: "Jewish leaders left their meeting with President Obama 'glowing'.it became clear.the bulk of the organized Jewish community is in full support of his peace efforts including the demand for a complete freeze of Jewish settlements.the meeting yielded a broad understanding that the administration's decision to take its dispute with Israel to the public will not be challenged by American Jews." "I believe the President got the impression that there is broad support within the community for his policies, and some differences on the tactical level," said Rabbi Steven Wernick, Executive Vice President of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of the Union For Reform Judaism, said in the meeting that expanding settlements was not in the interest of Israel, of the US or of American Jews. 'Nobody in the room questioned it' Yoffie said of the response of the other Jewish leaders in attendance. 'Not one person in the room said to the President, "You're wrong on that." Obama's statement that he would not avoid public disagreements with Israel went unchallenged.' Another article reported, "there was concern about an imbalance in pressures placed on Israel as opposed to on the Palestinians and the Arab States.the President indicated he had a sensitivity to the perception of that imbalance and had to work harder to correct that perception.the 2 leaders of AIPAC asked friendly questions about Saudi Arabia and Iran.no one took issue with Obama's fractured history of the Middle East.Obama told Jewish leaders at the White House that Israel would need to engage in serious self-reflection." Media reports also discussed who was not invited: "Some of Obama's loudest critics the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA).were among the notable absences from the list of those invited to the White House". The White House was careful to exclude Jewish leaders it deemed too inimical to the President's Mideast agenda. While J Street and American Friends of Peace Now were welcomed at the White House, Team Obama conspicuously snubbed far more dedicated supporters of Israel Morton Klein, President of the ZOA. The JTA speculated that Klein may have been boycotted by Obama because the ZOA President recently said Obama could turn out to be the 'most hostile' US President in Washington relations with Jerusalem. Morton Klein has also been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and most of the Jewish media criticizing President Obama's policies toward Israel. But one would think that Obama, who of all people is a stout exponent of engaging some of the world's harshest critics of US policy, would want to accord the same courtesy to Morton Klein, whose views of the administration are nowhere near as denunciatory as the invectives directed against Obama by Iran's Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez. Yet Morton Klein was kept out of the way at a safe political distance. It does not seem like Peter Bergson was present at the White House with leaders of 14 Jewish organizations. The meeting appeared to be a scripted minuet in conflict avoidance made easier by excluding ZOA who has been openly-critical of the President's stance..why did not any of the organizations invited for the sit-down with the President this week object to the exclusion of the ZOA from the meeting. ZOA and its leader Morton Klein would have been pretty direct with the President, if allowed to speak." Absent from the table were those organizations who questioned the President's policies regarding Israel. No ZOA, no JINSA, no CAMERA. Groups supporting the right of Jews to live in eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria were not invited. The President invited 16 leaders but excluded the strongly pro-Israel Zionist Organization of America. Influential groups were left off the guest list. This meeting was an attempt to confront the growing concern about his policy toward the beleaguered Jewish state. Obviously the President had decided not to seriously debate the issues at the gathering since ZOA was locked out of the meeting." Even a DRY BONES cartoon was written about ZOA's exclusion. ![]() ZOA President Morton A. Klein said, "The ZOA was deeply disappointed and troubled that the Jewish groups did not make clear that the issue of settlements has nothing to do with attaining a real peace agreement and both distracts and camouflages the real basis for why the peace process has failed. Whether 300,000 or 325,000 Jews live on only 3% of the land in Judea and Samaria has virtually nothing to do with preventing peace. Preventing peace, it should have been made clear to Obama, is the Palestinian Authority's refusal to arrest anti-Israel terrorists; refusal to outlaw terrorist groups; end incitement to hatred and violence against Jews and Israel in their schools, media, and speeches; their continuing to glorify terrorists by naming schools, streets, sports teams, and computer centers after them; disseminating heroic posters of suicide bombers throughout Arab towns; excluding Israel from their maps; Abbas' Fatah party's new emblem showing all of Israel covered with an Arab headdress, next to a large rifle, with Arafat in the middle; and not accepting and teaching the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish state. All of these actions are required in virtually every signed agreement from Oslo to Wye to the Road Map. "We need a major public conversation about the anti-peace, pro-terror actions of the Palestinian Authority not whether Jews should be allowed to move into Ariel, Maaleh Adumim, or eastern Jerusalem. But the participants, representing American Jewry, acted as if Obama's policy of not allowing the moving of one additional Jew into eastern Jerusalem, Judea or Samaria is fine. They should have argued for the right of Jews to live in these territories It is utterly racist and anti-Semitic to insist that Jews cannot build within the borders (we're not even talking outside the borders) to their own communities in Judea and Samaria, whereas Arabs can build everywhere, including within Israel itself. Quite apart from Israel's own historical, legal and religious claims to the territory, this land was also earmarked by the League of Nations in 1922 for the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland. In 1967, Judea and Samaria were captured by Israel from Jordan, an illegal occupier from 1948 to 1967 whose annexation of the territory was recognized by only two countries and which in 1988 renounced its claims to the territory. In short, this is unallocated territory under international law. Obama should have been reminded that the Israelis gave away half of Judea & Samaria, all of Gaza, and even made offers to give away 97% of Judea & Samaria and establish a state. But Abbas and the Palestinians never took yes for an answer. "The ZOA also regrets that this opportunity was not used to take issue with Obama's anti-Israel Cairo speech which supported false Palestinian claims. They should have corrected him on his false claim that Palestinian Arabs were displaced by Israel in 1948; that Palestinian Arabs have been suffering trying to establish their own state for 60 years; that Jerusalem isn't secure for Muslims and Christians; that there are seven million Muslims in America; that Palestinian suffering was equivalent to Jewish suffering during the Holocaust (meaning the Israeli Jews are like Nazis); that Palestinian suffering is equivalent to Black suffering during South African apartheid and slavery in America. The leaders should have taken issue with his never using the term "terrorism" and instead using the Palestinian euphemism for 'resistance'. After all, Obama was a 22 year member of a church whose Pastor regularly condemned Israel and supported Palestinians; he gave his church $25,000 for many years and called his hateful pastor a 'great man' and 'my mentor'; he himself made speeches saying Hamas and Hezbollah have legitimate claims; his close friends included harsh haters of Israel like Professor Rashid Khalidi and Ali Abuneinah not to mention his closest friends in the Senate include Chuck Hegel and Richard Lugar who are harsh critics of Israel; and he attended the Israel and Jew basher Louis Farrakhan's million man march. "We should have asked the President why is he going around the world apologizing for America's having dictated to foreign countries what to do, yet the President continues to publicly make demands of what Israel must do. But we thought Obama said that friends should be able to criticize each other as he does Israel. We thought he has repeatedly said he wants to listen to other people's ideas even if they differ from his and will adopt them if they're good. "We find it sadly ironic that President Obama publicly supports negotiating with and engaging evil enemies of America like Iran and Venezuela, but was unwilling to engage at this face-to-face meeting with pro-Israel organizations that disagree with him. This is an inappropriate position that Obama is taking especially in light of the fact that the Zionist Organization of America is not only the oldest pro-Israel group in the United States and a Charter member of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations but the ZOA has been right in their analysis of every issue. We opposed Oslo as likely leading to nowhere but disaster; we said Arafat was still a terrorist after the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993; we predicted the Gaza Withdrawal would lead to more missiles against Israel and further tragedy; and we predicted, based on his record, that Abbas would not be a reliable and motivated peace partner. Those invited did not take these same correct positions that ZOA took. ZOA is also among the most quoted and published Jewish groups in the US today. As the Wall Street Journal has said, "ZOA is the most credible advocate for Israel in the United States today." The Jerusalem Post added, "The ZOA is one of the most important and influential Jewish groups in the US today." While congressional leaders like Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) said, "What the ZOA does is to speak the truth even when the truth is inconvenient to various powers-that-be." And Republican Minority Whip Congressman Eric Cantor (R-VA) said, "The ZOA is the moral compass for all of us in Congress as far as US relationships in the Middle East are concerned." "But ZOA will continue our work as rational centrists and speak out on issues based on the facts and not on hopes and dreams. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Herb and Miki Sunshine, July 19, 2009. |
This was written by Rabbi Meir Kahane and it appeared in the New York Times, June 16, 1975. His essays are distributed by Barbara Ginsberg, who writes: "Anyone reading
this Rav Kahane article and is not on my personal list to receive the
weekly articles written by Rav Kahane and would like to be, please
contact me at: barhow@netvision.net.il " They are also available at
Time is always on the side of the tenacious. Conversely, it is the enemy of the weary and pushes tired men into the search for compromises that are often more the product of despair than of common sense. This is precisely what is occurring today in Eretz Yisroel, the Land of Israel. Eight years after 2.6 million Jews were saved from extinction, and less than two years after the near-catastrophic Yom Kippur war, larger and larger numbers of those who were almost slaughtered seek to return again to the moment of truth. Forgotten is the insanity of ments from Cairo, Damascus, Amman, Beirut, Baghdad and Fatah. Forgotten are the pledges to throw us into the sea, wash Tel Aviv clean with Jewish blood and eliminate the "gangsterstate" of Israel. Forgotten are the insanity of borders that saw the coastal strip with its million Jews under the guns of Arab armies just miles away. Forgotten are our own projections of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians dead. Forgotten are the borders that saw settlements on the plain lying naked beneath the Golan Syrian guns; the Sinai with its Egyptian armada within spitting distance of our cities. But most often forgotten are the hatred, the solemn pledges of extermination, the school textbooks with their poisonous venom, the days of May and early June, 1967, when the mobs were lashing about in an agony of anticipation of the great Jihad, about to begin. What were the demands in those days when there were no June 5, 1967 borders to which to return? What were the Arabs marching to war about then? Forgotten is the reality of Arab refusal to recognize an Israel that is even one dunam square. Forgotten is the never-changing reality of Hebronism. What is Hebronism? It is the Arab policy of extermination of the Jew who seeks to live in his own land. It is the reality of that summer day of 1929 that saw Jewish men, women and children slaughtered in the streets, homes and shops of Jewish Hebron. Hebronism is the Arab policy that would be the rule for us every Monday and Thursday could our enemies only accomplish it. We are inundated with all kinds of illusions and elusions. Let us return this land or that and we will have peace. Let us not dare to settle Jews in Eretz Yisroel lest it anger the Arabs and jeopardize peace. Let us recognize the existence of a Palestine people, for that will bring peace. Let us reach peace and brotherhood with the Arabs by territorial concessions and by giving them electricity and indoor toilets. What kind of a Jew believes that he can buy Arab national pride with an indoor toilet? What Jew does not, after all these years, recognize that the Arab will not compromise on that which he considers to be his land, and who views every Jewish kindness as a weakness to be exploited? Our enemy, in the long run, is weariness. It is against this that we must struggle, against the weariness that rises to a crescendo with the frustrating cry of : When will it finally end? Only weak people surrender to time. Strong and tenacious people know that there may never be an end to the struggle and the sacrifice but they also look about and see what their refusal to surrender has accomplished. There is now a state and today a big one in much of our Eretz Yisroel; a Jewish state with nearly three million souls and many more to come. None of this would have come about had we listened to the intellectual precursors of our modern-day "doves." In the name of peace there would be no Jewish state; in the name of morality there would be no free Jewish nation. Eretz Yisroel, the Land of the Jewish people exists. Perhaps peace will come some day, but until that time let us not listen to delusions. Strength, tenacity and trust in G-d; this and this alone assures Jewish survival. Herb Sunshine is a lawyer, qualified to practice in U.S.A. and Israel. He and his wife Miki live in Jerusalem. Contact them by email at sunshine.h@012.net.il |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 19, 2009. | ||||
This was written by Sabina Amidi and it appeared in the
Jerusalem Post
| ||||
![]() In a shocking and unprecedented interview, directly exposing the inhumanity of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's religious regime in Iran, a serving member of the paramilitary Basiji militia has told this reporter of his role in suppressing opposition street protests in recent weeks. Iranian women protest in... He has also detailed aspects of his earlier service in the force, including his enforced participation in the rape of young Iranian girls prior to their execution. The interview took place by telephone, and on condition of anonymity. It was arranged by a reliable source whose identity can also not be revealed. Founded by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 as a "people's militia," the volunteer Basiji force is subordinate to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and intensely loyal to Khomeini's successor, Khamenei. The Basiji member, who is married with children, spoke soon after his release by the Iranian authorities from detention. He had been held for the "crime" of having set free two Iranian teenagers a 13-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl who had been arrested during the disturbances that have followed the disputed June presidential elections. "There have been many other police and members of the security forces arrested because they have shown leniency toward the protesters out on the streets, or released them from custody without consulting our superiors," he said. He pinned the blame for much of the most ruthless violence employed by the Iranian security apparatus against opposition protesters on what he called "imported security forces" recruits, as young as 14 and 15, he said, who have been brought from small villages into the bigger cities where the protests have been centered. "Fourteen and 15-year old boys are given so much power, which I am sorry to say they have abused," he said. "These kids do anything they please forcing people to empty out their wallets, taking whatever they want from stores without paying, and touching young women inappropriately. The girls are so frightened that they remain quiet and let them do what they want." These youngsters, and other "plainclothes vigilantes," were committing most of the crimes in the names of the regime, he said. Asked about his own role in the brutal crackdowns on the protesters, whether he had been beaten demonstrators and whether he regretted his actions, he answered evasively. "I did not attack any of the rioters and even if I had, it is my duty to follow orders," he began. "I don't have any regrets," he went on, "except for when I worked as a prison guard during my adolescence." Explaining how he had come to join the volunteer Basiji forces, he said his mother had taken him to them. When he was 16, "my mother took me to a Basiji station and begged them to take me under their wing because I had no one and nothing foreseeable in my future. My father was martyred during the war in Iraq and she did not want me to get hooked on drugs and become a street thug. I had no choice," he said. He said he had been a highly regarded member of the force, and had so "impressed my superiors" that, at 18, "I was given the 'honor' to temporarily marry young girls before they were sentenced to death." In the Islamic Republic it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin, he explained. Therefore a "wedding" ceremony is conducted the night before the execution: The young girl is forced to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard essentially raped by her "husband." "I regret that, even though the marriages were legal," he said. Why the regret, if the marriages were "legal?" "Because," he went on, "I could tell that the girls were more afraid of their 'wedding' night than of the execution that awaited them in the morning. And they would always fight back, so we would have to put sleeping pills in their food. By morning the girls would have an empty expression; it seemed like they were ready or wanted to die. "I remember hearing them cry and scream after [the rape] was over," he said. "I will never forget how this one girl clawed at her own face and neck with her finger nails afterwards. She had deep scratches all over her." Returning to the events of the last few weeks, and his decision to set free the two teenage detainees, he said he "honestly" did not know why he had released them, a decision that led to his own arrest, "but I think it was because they were so young. They looked like children and I knew what would happen to them if they weren't released." He said that while a man is deemed "responsible for his own actions at 13, for a woman it is 9," and that it was freeing the 15-year-old girl that "really got me in trouble. "I was not mistreated or really interrogated while being detained," he said. "I was put in a tiny room and left alone. It was hard being isolated, so I spent most of my time praying and thinking about my wife and kids." EDITOR'S NOTE: This is so incredible a story that I checked
for confirmation. The first two was posted recently on
Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Avodah, July 19, 2009. |
This DEBKAFile Special Report is archived at
Netanyahu: Take Jerusalem off the table Opening the weekly cabinet session Sunday, July 19, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu sharply rejected the US State Department demand handed to Israeli ambassador Michael Oran to put a stop to construction work at the Shepherd's Hotel site in Jerusalem. The abandoned hotel is located between the Arab neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah and Mount Scopus, where the Hebrew University and Hadassah are situated. Netanyahu stressed the issue of construction in Jerusalem, capital of Israel and the Jewish people, is not open to discussion. Hundreds of Arab residents have purchased apartments in the west of the city without difficulty, he pointed out, and there is no bar on Jews buying or building on the eastern side. Building permits are issued by city authorities for Jews and Arabs alike in the open, undivided city of Jerusalem, said Netanyahu. The Shepherd's Hotel site originally belonged to the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini and his heirs turned it into a hotel in the years between 1948 and 1967 when Jews were forbidden to set foot in Jerusalem. In the 1980s, the Husseinis sold the site to American businessman Irwin Moskowitz who intends building a Jewish housing estate there. DEBKAFile's political sources add: The left-wing Meretz party leader Haim Oron predictably supported the US demand issued in response to a protest from Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas. This circular process has become a regular feature of US-Israeli relations, usually beginning with left-wing Israeli activists "alerting" the US administration to Jewish construction activity on the West Bank and Jerusalem in order to trigger a Palestinian complaint and invoke American pressure on the Israeli government. Moskowitz has devoted himself to purchasing land from Palestinians in east Jerusalem for the construction of Jewish neighborhoods. Likewise, Jewish neighborhoods abutting on east Jerusalem and the West Bank, such as French Hill and Pisgat Zeev, have in recent years attracted a growing number of Palestinians apartment purchasers. Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 19, 2009. |
Well, old Barack Hussein has finally done it. This megalomaniac who thinks he controls everything has gone too far: In the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, there is a compound that was legally purchased by American businessman Irving Moskowitz in 1985. All papers are in order. The site originally belonged to the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, a Nazi collaborator and mentor of Yasser Arafat, and later became the Shepherd hotel. Plans now are to replace the hotel with a housing complex of some 20 to 30 apartments, to be purchased by Jewish families. But Mahmoud Abbas was disturbed about these plans, because this would "shift the demographic balance" in the city. Which is to say that he covets eastern Jerusalem and wants to see it stay predominantly Arab. (Clarification: It is predominantly Arab not because this was the historical situation, but because Jordan rendered the area Judenrein from 1949-67.) ~~~~~~~~~~ Reports are that Abbas complained to the Americans. And what happens when Abbas protests? Seems that the American president jumps. Michael Oren, our ambassador to the US, was summoned to the State Department and told that the Obama administration wanted us to stop the building. "Nothing doing," Oren told them. What's important here is that, no only will we refuse, but that PM Netanyahu was reportedly incensed about this, saying that Obama had "crossed a red line." The issue here is very clear: Jerusalem united is undisputedly our sovereign capital. Jews are allowed to build, and live, anywhere in the city. "This has always been Israel's policy and this is the policy of the current government," declared the prime minister. "...There is no prohibition against Arab residents buying apartments in the west of the city and there is no prohibition barring the city's Jewish residents from buying or building in the east of the city. That is the policy of an open city that is not divided." ~~~~~~~~~~ In a press conference today, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called this demand "odd": "Thousands of Arab families build houses in Jerusalem, in the [primarily Jewish] neighborhoods of Neve Yaakov and French Hill, and I've never heard any comment on the matter from the United States or Europe. I'm trying to put this delicately: It would be very strange if Jews were discriminated against in Jerusalem of all places, especially in light of the fact that it is not an isolated site; this is the heart of the city, very close to the Government Compound and Israel Police Headquarters." Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein said, "A demand to cease construction in a neighborhood situated only several meters from the Hebrew University proves how dangerous it is to be dragged into a debate on settlement freeze, which will lead us to a total demand to freeze our normal lives throughout the entire State of Israel." ~~~~~~~~~~ I would like to imagine it may be hoping too much, but perhaps not that this will stiffen the backs of our government officials more broadly with regard to American demands. For it can be seen that there is no end, and no respect for our rights. There will always be another demand. ~~~~~~~~~~ The municipality of Jerusalem also weighed in on this issue, with a statement that reflects a principle of enormous significance: "The Local Planning Committee of the Jerusalem Municipality operates according to equal criteria for all issues of construction permits, without regard to race, creed, gender, religion, or national identity of the resident or property owner." Imagine if we tried to prevent Arabs from building legally in the city. It seems that the world finds this acceptable only where Jews are concerned. And the Palestinians deign to refer to Israel as apartheid?? ~~~~~~~~~~ We can readily extrapolate from this issue to the broader issue of building in Jewish communities beyond the Green Line, as well. Picture the furor that would ensue if we said that in Judea and Samaria no Arab could add to his house, and no Arab city could build a nursery school. But to attempt to impose this on Jews? Hey, that's another story. We're dealing here with essential human rights., and the notion that they can be selectively withheld. ~~~~~~~~~~ Perhaps in line with this thinking, spokespeople for our government have decided not to use the term "natural growth" any more, with regard to why building is needed in settlements. Instead, the term "normal life" will be used with regard to the need for continued construction. I rather like the explanation of Herb Keinon in the Post: "If Israel [were to eventually agree] to a freeze except for "natural growth," then if anyone moved to a home in a settlement who was not a returning son or daughter, or was not born there, then Israel could be accused of lying, since this type of movement is migration and not natural growth. ~~~~~~~~~~ It should be mentioned here that former PM Ehud Olmert has finally made a statement in an op-ed in the Washington Post that appeared Friday with regard to our understanding with the US on settlements. Of course there was a US-Israeli understanding, he says. The criteria he describes are much as we've heard from other sources: construction would be within current borders, no new land would be allocated or confiscated for settlement construction, no new settlements would be constructed, and there would be no provision of economic incentives to promote settlement growth. Wrote Olmert: "during the run-up to Annapolis and in meetings there [in 2007], I elaborated to the US administration and the Palestinian leadership that Israel would continue to build in the settlements according to the above criteria. "Let me be clear. Without those understandings, the Annapolis process would not have taken on any form. Therefore, the focus on settlement construction now is not useful." Interestingly, in line with the new phraseology adopted by the government and purely coincidentally, I'm sure Olmert wrote that the understandings created "a proper balance to allow essential elements of stability and normality for Israelis living in settlements..." ~~~~~~~~~~ Apparently pleased with Obama's response on the building in eastern Jerusalem, PA prime minister Salam Fayyad has again appealed to him to "come up with a plan and a timetable for its application that will...put an end to Jewish settlements and Israeli offensives, and lead to serious negotiations." ~~~~~~~~~~ PA negotiator Saeb Erekat has declared that Netanyahu is "hampering peace" by supporting Jewish housing in eastern Jerusalem. There is no middle ground, he said there can be building in settlements (eastern Jerusalem being a "settlement" by the PA definition) or there can be negotiations, but not both. ~~~~~~~~~~ I am quite certain that Erekat's statements carry less than no weight here, especially as the prime minister's office has registered outrage at a recent meeting Erekat had in Sharm el-Sheikh with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, saying it stands in stark contrast to the Palestinian refusal to negotiate with the Netanyahu government. Said spokesman Mark Regev, "It appears...that [the Palestinians] have no qualms and place no pre-conditions upon dialogue with the most extreme and violent enemies of peace." ~~~~~~~~~~ Shin Bet head Yuval Diskin, in a report to the Cabinet today, said that Hamas has moved from the military to the political arena in an attempt to undermine PA president Mahmoud Abbas. Meanwhile, Egypt has set a new deadline of August 25, for a unity agreement between Fatah and Hamas. They never give up, do they? How many times now have I written that Egyptian negotiators had thrown up their hands in despair and cancelled further efforts to achieve that unity government? ~~~~~~~~~~ Diskin further reported that the Palestinians were increasing their activities in eastern Jerusalem in order to enhance their presence in the city. He said that there is ongoing, clandestine PA activity in eastern Jerusalem meant to stop Jews from buying land in the area. Arab land brokers who sell property to Jews are persecuted, prosecuted, and sometimes even sentenced to death. Hamas, added Diskin, has been working get a foothold in the Jerusalem. The Muslim Brotherhood's senior cleric, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has allotted $21 million for the purchase of property in the city in order to establish a Hamas infrastructure. Most troubling. Diligence is essential. ~~~~~~~~~~ Two very fine articles I recommend: "Self-exiled by guilt," by Sarah Honig deals with a slip made by Mahmoud Abbas on July 6, which puts the lie to his claim that he a "refugee" and was driven from his home in Sfat by Israeli troops. Seems he and his family left voluntarily: The 1929 uprising? A pogrom in which 21 Jews were butchered by Arabs, in action instigated by the Jerusalem Mufti (the very same one who once owned the property upon which Jews will now have homes). Please, read this painful story, and this important piece of history.
~~~~~~~~~~ And then this very perceptive piece by Abraham Miller, "For Liberal Jews, Obama is the Messiah."
~~~~~~~~~~ "The Good News Corner" All over the world, bee colonies are collapsing, thus endangering agricultural production. An Israeli company, Beeologics, has developed a medication, Remember, that helps to strengthen the resistance of bee colonies to the virus that causes the collapse. Successful trials in the US on millions of bees show that besides combating the virus, the medication increases the longevity of bees and increases honey production. __________ What is known as "drug on drug interaction" can kill: You take one drug prescribed by a doctor and buy another over the counter. Or you have different doctors that prescribe different medications. While each is safe standing alone, sometimes in combination the drugs can have harmful or even lethal affects. An Israeli company RX-DrugOn has now developed a way to handle this potential problem: The DrugOnCard, a smart card that will be able to be presented each time a drug is purchased, will carry complete information about what you are taking. It comes with a pre-installed (and regularly updated) database of potentially dangerous drug interactions, and will alert the pharmacist if a problem is detected. _________ The desert rhubarb, Rheum palaestinum, a rare plant found only in Israel and neaby Jordan, is believed to be the only one in the world that is self-irrigating. Its broad leaves have grooves and channels that funnel minute amounts of rainwater directly to the roots of the plant. It can collect up to 16 times more water than other plants growing in the same arid environment. In addition, the water that is funneled goes 10 times deeper into the sand than rain that lands directly on the sand. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Avodah, July 19, 2009. |
This was written by Robert Fulford and it appeared July 11, 2009 at National Post. Contact him by email at robert.fulford@utoronto.ca |
The clouds that normally obscure events in the Middle East start to recede when Khaled Abu Toameh begins talking about the future of Palestinians and Israelis. This relationship, the key to his future life as an Israeli Arab, has been the subject of his journalism for more than two decades. What he's learned contradicts beliefs held by much of the world, and differs sharply from what we expect from someone with his background. He was in Toronto this week, talking to a few journalists. He's a Muslim-Arab, son of an Israeli-Arab father and a Palestinian-Arab mother. When he was studying at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, he went to work for Al-Fajr ( "The Dawn"), the Palestine Liberation Organization newspaper. He left when he realized it would never print anything but propaganda. Hoping to be a real journalist, he began working with foreign reporters covering Israel. Eventually, he produced TV documentaries and wrote for Britain's Sunday Times and other papers. For the last eight years, he's been the Jerusalem Post's specialist in Arab affairs. "I am an Arab Muslim and the only place I can write honestly is in a Jewish newspaper," he says. Other Arab journalists envy his freedom. He believes the so-called "peace process," begun with the Oslo Accords of 1993, has been a tragic failure and holds little promise of success. Over 16 years, the peace process has brought war and plenty of it. It has disillusioned both Arabs and Jews Arabs because they haven't acquired the independence and honest self-government they wanted, Jews because security has become more elusive than it was two decades ago. Even so, the United States and others believe the virtue of the peace process is self-evident. The Palestinians are now divided between two bloodthirsty sects Fatah, which holds fragile power in the West Bank, and Hamas, which controls Gaza. Their conflict has cost nearly 2,000 Palestinian lives and shows no sign of abating. At the moment, Fatah has 900 alleged Hamas operatives imprisoned in the West Bank without charge. Some of them may well be Hamas sympathizers, Abu Toameh says, some not. In any case, Fatah has arrested them mainly to show foreign governments that it is "cracking down." Fatah, of course, is considered the "moderate" Palestinian force, as opposed to radical Hamas. Abu Toameh thinks neither of them could be called moderate by any sensible Arabic speaker. Fatah makes moderate sounds in English but in Arabic sounds as anti-Semitic and anti-American as Hamas. Abu Toameh sees no moderates on either side. Both factions suppress moderate opinion wherever it raises its head, which is apparently not often. "This is not a power struggle between good guys and bad guys," he said in a recent speech. "It is a struggle between bad guys and bad guys." He wishes they were fighting over what would be best for Palestinians. "But they're only fighting over money and power." The West spends a fortune propping up Fatah, in return for its relatively benign rhetoric. But Fatah remains unpopular. West Bank Arabs take its corruption for granted and now suspect that it's controlled as well as backed by the Americans. Anyone who listens to Abu Toameh has to consider that U. S. President Barack Obama is now part of the problem. Great fortunes stolen by Fatah officials are only occasionally reported in the West. When Abu Toameh first suggested foreign journalists tell this story, he was asked by some of them if he was paid by the Jewish lobby. Other reporters explained that information on Palestinian corruption simply didn't fit into the stories their editors wanted, about Palestinians oppressed by Israelis. Most of the world believes, often with passionate intensity, that Jewish settlements on land claimed by Arabs limits the chances for peace. Abu Toameh disagrees. "I wish the settlements were the problem," he says, because it can be solved by the Israelis. If settlements were the problem, he argues, then Gaza would now be at peace. After all, the Israelis pulled out in 2005. But the result has been war war among the Palestinians, war with Israel. "The real obstacle to peace is not a Jew building a settlement but the failure of the Palestinians to have a government. Is there a partner on the Palestinian side for peace talks? No." What is to be done? He thinks Israel should simply wait until the Palestinians stop killing each other and create a credible political entity that can make a deal. Peace will then become possible. Contact Avodah at Avodah15@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Jerry Gordon, July 18, 2009. |
![]() Professor Tariq Ramadan, Swiss citizen and grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hassan al Banna won a rversal yesterday by the US Second Circuit Court in Manhattan of a lower court decision barring his entry to the US to take up a tenured position at the University of Notre Dame's Kroc Center for International Peace studies in South Bend Indiana. The ACLU and other allies on the academic left in America mounted a legal defense to lift the bar against his Visa preventing him coming to the US. The State Department barred Ramadan from entry in 2004, in large measure, because he had written a check for $1,336 to a charity affiliated with Hamas, a designated foreign terrorist organization. In the interim, Ramadan is the author of "Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation" and other works extolling the doctrine of European Islam, a code word for the Islamization of Eurabia. Nidra Poller, ex-Pat American writer in Paris, wrote me this morning with this trenchant comment: "not that particularly to lapdogs to the Muslim Brotherhood! Is there no limit?" My colleague at the New English Review, Rebecca Bynum, noted this in her Iconoclast post on this mind numbing court decision: Professor Ramadan had said in an affidavit that he was not aware of any connections between the charity, Association de Secours Palestinien, and terrorism, and that he believed the organization was involved in legitimate humanitarian projects. Do we assume that Judge Sotomayor, presently going through US Senate Confirmation hearings, participated in this ruling? Ramadan knew what he was doing when he wrote the check to Hamas. After all he's the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hassan al Banna, of which Hamas is an affiliate. Then there were the thousands of taped Friday sermons distributed by the Islamist publishing house,Tawhid, that this taqiyyah artist flooded French Mosques with Muslim Brotherhood hate cant and rhetoric. This is a travesty of justice. Now, we suppose that Ramadan can travel to the US and take up physically his tenured position at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana and send the same Muslim Brotherhood tapes to radical Mosques, here. Ramadan and his 'double speak"about European Islam has been exposed in a book, "Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak of Tariq Ramadan" by author Caroline Fourest. Fourest noted this about Ramadan: When speaking to a Muslim audience, in particular young Muslim under his guidance, Tariq Ramdan, never criticizes Hassan al-Banna or the Muslim Brotherhood in any way. He does, of course, emphasize certain aspects, but he remains true to the doctrine of the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood leader is clearly identified as the model to be imitated....Far from expressing any reservations about the fanaticism that is an integral part of Al-Banna's ideology, he accuses those who point out the unsavory aspects of his political and family heritage of conspuracy and post-colonial racism. Contact Jerry Gordon at jerry_gordon38@yahoo.com.
This appeared on the Iconoclast website and Israpundit
Posted by Olivier Guitta, July 18, 2009. |
In his speech in Cairo, President Obama mentioned no less than three times the headscarf sometimes worn by Muslim women. Each time, his purpose was to stress "the right of women and girls to wear the hijab" but never their right not to wear it. It was as if it had never occurred to the president that this sartorial practice could be anything but wholly voluntary. The French, whose 2004 ban on the hijab and other religious attire in public schools Obama was indirectly criticizing, are more attuned to the use of the headscarf as an instrument of domination by religious extremists. It was Muslim women seeking relief from pressure to cover themselves whose complaints led ultimately to the French ban. Now the issue has cropped up again in the form of a call, endorsed by French president Nicolas Sarkozy, to ban the total veiling of the face. It all started in mid-June when André Gérin, the Communist mayor of Vénissieux, a suburb of Lyon, who is also a member of the National Assembly, proposed a parliamentary commission to investigate the burqa (an outer garment covering a woman from head to toe) and the niqab (which veils the whole face except the eyes) as oppressive to women. His resolution stated: A woman wearing a burqa or a niqab is in a state of unbearable isolation, exclusion, and humiliation. Her very existence is denied. The sight of these imprisoned women is intolerable when it comes to us from Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, or other Arab countries. It is totally unacceptable on the soil of the French Republic. A few days later, in a historic address to parliament, Sarkozy said the burqa is not "welcome in France." This "is not a religious issue," the president said, "but rather a question of freedom and of women's dignity." Neither the burqa nor the niqab is common in France, but their precise incidence is unknown. According to Gérin, more than 100 women in Vénissieux (which has a population of 60,000) wear the burqa. About a dozen of the 200 or so marriages solemnized each year at the town hall are problematic for officials because the husband refuses to allow his wife to remove her covering. One local official recounted that a man covered his wife's picture on her ID because he did not want the clerk to see her face. According to Abdelali Mamoun, an imam in Guyancourt, near Paris, the number of "ninja women" the slang term for women in burqas or niqabs is growing exponentially. Of the Islamists who are behind this trend he said, "Even if they are not jihadists, they hate the West, they spit on the kuffars, the infidels, but they take advantage of all the French social services instead of settling in a Muslim land as dictated by their doctrine. Their duplicity hurts French Muslims." Not everyone agrees. A young Moroccan woman named Faiza, who had moved to France in 2000 with her new husband and who wears a niqab, became something of a celebrity in June 2008, when the authorities refused to grant her French citizenship. The reason: Her "radical practice of her religion" produces "behavior incompatible with the essential values of the French community, especially the principle of equality of the sexes." Interestingly, Faiza does not come from a highly religious family; she adopted an Islamist way of life only after arriving in France. Still, her husband couldn't see what was so shocking about the niqab. "We, too, are shocked by certain things," he said, "fags living together openly, couples that don't get married, half-naked women in the streets." He and Faiza tried to emigrate to their dream country, Saudi Arabia, but gave up in the face of bureaucratic complications. Still, they keep in touch with a Saudi "religious adviser" who gives them guidance for everyday life. Fadela Amara, secretary of state for urban policies and former president of a feminist organization defending Muslim women, Ni Putes Ni Soumises (Neither whores, nor submissives), has urged the banning of the burqa. Said Amara, herself a Muslim, "The burqa confiscates a woman's existence. By and large, those who wear it are victims. ... I favor banning this coffin for women's basic liberties. ... The burqa is proof of the presence of Muslim fundamentalists on our soil and of the politicization of Islam." Some women on the left, whether Greens or Socialists, respond that a ban would solve nothing and would result in some Muslim women's being totally sequestered in their homes. To which Amara responds, "Freedom is not negotiable. I would ask those who oppose the proposal to try wearing a burqa." Because of her outspoken position, Amara has received death threats, and two men have been arrested. Indeed, even conservative Muslims are not exempt from the wrath of the extremists. One imam close to the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, the UOIF (Union des Organisations Islamiques de France), was recently assaulted by two radicals for failing to defend Muslims with sufficient vigor on a TV talk show. The imam had clearly stated he opposed banning the burqa and had sharply criticized secularism. But that was not enough for his assailants, who insisted he should have actually endorsed the burqa. Of the major Muslim organizations in France, the UOIF comes closest to doing so: It acknowledges that some religious leaders call for the wearing of the burqa. While other groups note that such covering is not required by the Koran, none goes so far as to condemn the burqa. Interestingly, all the Muslim organizations agree that the state should not get involved in the issue. The president of the French Muslim Council said he was shocked by the debate, which he regarded as stigmatizing Islam. As for French Muslims generally, a large majority of them are secular and therefore are not represented by the organizations participating in the French Muslim Council. Most do not expect women to wear even the hijab, much less to cover their faces. For now, the matter is in the hands of the 32-member parliamentary commission created by Gérin's resolution, which is due to report its findings on the burqa and the niqab in January 2010. It is surprising that the issue has generated so much controversy, considering that others in Europe have paved the way. In Holland, face coverings are forbidden in schools and public transportation; in Sweden, Italy, Luxembourg, and some Belgian cities, the burqa is banned. The Arab media, especially the Saudi press, have provided obsessive daily coverage of these developments. Every commentator concludes that France is a dreadful, bigoted place. One column in Al Riyadh depicted France as a land of Crusaders propagating an ideology of racism and hatred of Islam and the Koran. To prove his point, the columnist noted that the French government had been harassing "its good citizen" Roger Garaudy, an infamous Holocaust denier who converted to Islam. The writer took comfort only in the thought that this France won't be around much longer, since it will have a Muslim majority by 2050. Olivier Guitta is an adjunct fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a foreign affairs and counterterrorism consultant. |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 18, 2009. |
This is a News Release by ZOA.
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), has learnt that Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas has shut down within the PA Al-Jazeera, a major media that is not under his control, for "incitement" against him and the PA. That being the case, why has not Abbas closed down PA media, which he completely controls, for incitement against Jews and Israel, as required by required under the signed Oslo agreements and the 2003 Roadmap peace plan? Al-Jazeera, the most popular network of choice among Palestinians, was shut
down on Abbas' orders for committing "incitement" after it aired comments on
July 14 by senior Fatah member and PLO foreign minister Farouk Kaddoumi who
accused Abbas personally of involvement in an alleged plot to kill Yasser
Arafat. The Palestinian Information Ministry said in a statement,
"Al-Jazeera has always dedicated a wide portion of its broadcasts to
incitement against the
Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority" and PA
Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said yesterday that he commissioned PA Attorney
General Ahmed Al-Mughni to take the legal procedures necessary to prosecute
Al-Jazeera ('PA shuts down Al-Jazeera's West Bank offices,' Maan News
Agency, July 15, 2009).
PA media regularly glorifies terrorists and terrorism against Israel and commits incitement to hatred and murder against Jews and Israel:
ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "It would be hilarious were it not so serious that the PA, when it finds allegations against it aired in the Arabic media to be 'incitement,' it is able to act immediately to shut down the media. This is now clearly the case, even when the media outlet in question is Al Jazeera, the most popular cable network in the PA and throughout much of the Arab and Muslim worlds. "Conversely, when the PA-controlled media broadcast toxic and vile anti-Jewish and pro-terror propaganda, the PA, which is committed under several agreements to outlaw such media, does nothing and permits it to continue in sowing poisonous seeds of hatred throughout Palestinian society. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Gabrielle Goldwater, July 18, 2009. |
This was written by Hillel Neuer and Marissa Cramer
and it appeared today in National Post of Canada.
Hillel Neuer is executive director of UN Watch, and Marissa Cramer is a Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fellow at UN Watch. |
Last week, not for the first time, the world witnessed state-sanctioned violence against protesters in Iran and China. Yet the United Nations was instead focused on Israel, due to unprecedented hearings held by a UN inquiry into the Gaza conflict of six months ago. This was precisely the goal of the body that organized the inquiry, the discredited UN Human Rights Council. The inquiry's lead investigator is former international prosecutor Justice Richard Goldstone. From the beginning, the terms of his mandate have been unclear. The original council resolution in January began by finding Israel guilty of "massive violations," and then created a "fact-finding mission" to support its pre-determined conclusion. At the Human Rights Council, where tyrannies are the majority, such upside-down justice is the norm. Goldstone, however, claims that he accepted the task which had been rejected by former UN rights chief Mary Robinson only after the council president expanded the examination to include both sides. In contrast to the original mandate, Goldstone speaks only of "alleged" violations. In other words, he is trying to conduct a genuine inquiry despite having been appointed to a farcical one. It's a tricky feat. When the inquiry last week invited not only Palestinians to speak, but Israeli victims as well, Goldstone introduced something new to the UN. He deserves particular credit for inviting Noam Shalit, father of abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, held incommunicado by Hamas since 2006, and denied access to the Red Cross. Yet whatever balance Goldstone may bring, the inherent problem with his mission is that it plays into the collective strategy of the council's repressive regimes, which is to cover up abuses in places such as Iran, China, Pakistan, Russia, Egypt and Zimbabwe all ignored this year and instead shine a permanent spotlight on Israel. Consider the council's sense of "proportionality": More than three-quarters of all its condemnatory resolutions have been against one country Israel as well as five out of its nine emergency sessions on country situations. As a permanent feature of every regular session, it has one agenda item for violations around the world, and another specifically on Israel. Except for a handful of censures of North Korea and Burma, the world body has virtually ignored the UN's 191 other member states. But didn't the council in May hold a session on Sri Lanka? Yes, but one that actually praised the government, instead of holding it accountable. Comparing the UN session on Sri Lanka with the January session against Israel, the one that created Goldstone's mission, is illustrative of the double standards that plague the 47-nation council. At first glance, the conflicts this year in Israel and Sri Lanka appear similar. In the backdrop of territorial disputes, both countries fought terrorist groups that target civilians and use them as human shields, and in both cases, innocent civilians became casualties. But if one examines their actual conduct, the two cases are different. First, according to the Times of London, the death toll of civilians in Sri Lanka is more than 20,000. By contrast, even according to Palestinian figures, the toll in Gaza was approximately 1,000 meaning that Sri Lanka killed over 20 times more civilians. Second, Israel undertook extensive measures to prevent harming civilians while fighting in a densely-populated region, using leaflets and personal telephone calls to warn civilians to seek shelter. According to British Colonel Richard Kemp, no military in history had ever taken greater precautions. Sri Lanka, by contrast, never claimed to do any of this. And while Israel made humanitarian pauses every day, Sri Lanka failed to do so, and shelled civilians trapped in its self-proclaimed "no-fire zones." Third, while Sri Lanka cracked down on journalists and doctors who dared to publicize the government's actions against civilians, Israel tolerated vehement criticism every day in newspapers, the Knesset and from pro-Palestinian NGOs. In sum, the war-time actions by Sri Lanka were far worse than Israel's. Yet at the council, it was Israel that got slammed and Sri Lanka praised. Though a minority of well-intended democracies forced the council to debate Sri Lanka, the repressive majority determined the outcome. With no shame, they adopted a resolution written by Sri Lanka itself, lauding "the continued commitment of Sri Lanka to the promotion and protection of all human rights." Despite calls for an inquiry into violations by High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, Sri Lanka was completely left off the hook. The lesson from the Sri Lanka session should not go ignored by Justice Goldstone: The road to harmful council resolutions is paved with good intentions. Even if his mission presents a somewhat balanced report and that does not mean equating a terrorist group that deliberately targets civilians with a democracy that seeks to defend itself while avoiding such casualties it is unclear what the council would do with it. Nothing will prevent the majority of Islamic states and their allies from endorsing the inevitable sections on Israeli criminality while ignoring the rest. One thing is certain: Justice Goldstone's mission has already served the council's rulers by keeping the spotlight where they want it, and by lending the wayward institution, and particularly its handling of Israel, a credibility it most assuredly does not deserve. Gabrielle Goldwater lives in Switzerland. Contact her at III44@aol.com |
Posted by Carrie Devorah, July 17, 2009. |
A notice on a door glass on 19th Street is worthwhile passing forward. Greg Maziarz, property manager for 1145 19th street warned tenants and passerbys of FLASH MOBS. Maziarz was passing forward information provided to him by MPDC, the Metropolitan Police Department. " Flash mobs could potentially disprupt traffic, entery/exit from train stations and businesses. American student activists from across Washington DC will gather for flash mobs in solidarity with Iranian students, pronounced Project Nur, the student led initiative of the American Islamic Congress. On Friday July 17, students will gather at Union Station and then proceed to various DC locations for the flash mob gatherings. A flash mob is an electronically organized event that creates the appearance of a seemingly random gathering of people. Participants gather and perform an unusial action for a brief moment then quickly disperse." The flash mob locations and times were stated on the memorandum issued by REIT Management and Research LLC, property management division. The point of notice here is NOT this particular FLASH MOB expectation but the model now being used by protesters to attack and disperse in seemingly spontaneous but in fact planned demonstrations initiated and disseminated electronically through technology ie. but not limited to youtube, twitter, etc. In New York, a similar event in Central Park was called WILDING. Today is is called FLASH MOB. Take note from a planning perspective and take note from a security perspective. This is how to stay secure publicly share information disseminated by police. This notice was taped to the building door by the building's pro active Special Security Officer. Carrie Devorah is a freelance photographer. Contact her at carriedev@gmail.com |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, July 17, 2009. |
This was written by Julia Gorin
and it appeared July 14, 2009 on Gorin's website
As I've written repeatedly, this whole enviro doomsday and global warming nonsense is the bogeyman that scared leftists and inept governments which have already surrendered to Islam use to distract from real threats. So here, finally (in May), we have a Muslim leader encouraging precisely this kind of sublimation: 'Climate Change' Is the Terrorist the U.S. Should Be Fighting, Muslim Leader Says The Environmental Protection Agency announced last week that greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare, and on Monday, the agency held the first of two hearings to hear what the public thinks of its finding. Now, here comes blaming a scapegoat for the non-existent threat, the bogeyman: At a midday press conference, environmental activists and two members of Congress blamed former President George W. Bush and the oil and gas industries for the alleged global warming crisis. At the same time, they heaped praise on the Obama administration.(Rep. Jim) Moran (D-VA) praise[d] the Obama administration for finally recognizing "the importance of global warming" and for being "ready to use EPA the way it was intended to be used." Indeed, the EPA was meant to break the U.S. economy. So that these socialists can turn around and say, "See? We told you capitalism doesn't work!" An old but wise email that I've kept explains this whole thing: You wonder why people fear white supremacists more than Islamofascists, La Raza, etc. Liberals tend to be cowards who are always afraid of the wrong things. They are afraid of our president, the Patriot Act, hearing the name of God or Jesus, and global warming. They are afraid of their food, their appliances and their medications. They want to reassure themselves that the big, bad man in the room is some Christian white guy, like John Ashcroft, because deep down they know he poses no real threat. Freud called it displacement. Leftists are too scared to be scared of the right things. And so they create less scary things to be scared of. And what they were too scared to fear at that comment session at EPA headquarters but the one thing truly worth fearing was the 800-pound gorilla in the room, the Muslim leader. The Muslim leader directing them to focus their attention on the environment so the caliphate can proceed unhindered. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Daily Alert, July 17, 2009. |
This was written by Yaakov Katz and Herb Keinon and it appeared in the Jerusalem Post |
A day after releasing a damning report on Operation Cast Lead, and amid accusations that it is operating without transparency, the group Breaking the Silence on Thursday presented The Jerusalem Post with its donor list for the year 2008, which included several European governments. ![]() On Wednesday, Breaking the Silence released a report including testimonies from 26 unnamed soldiers who participated in the campaign and which claimed that the IDF used Gazans as human shields, improperly fired incendiary white phosphorous shells over civilian areas and used overwhelming firepower that caused needless deaths and destruction. On Thursday, military sources and NGO Monitor a Jerusalem-based research organization raised suspicions regarding Breaking the Silence's setup as a nonprofit limited company and not an amuta, or nonprofit organization. The difference is that an amuta is required by law to publicly declare the identity of its donors. A limited company is not always required to do so. "From our work, going through the files of dozens of Israeli nonprofits, we feel that groups like this that are not listed [as an amuta] raises a lot of red flags," said Prof. Gerald Steinberg, the head of NGO Monitor. In response to the claims, Breaking the Silence presented the Post with its donor list for 2008.
The NGO also received funding from the New Israel Fund amounting to NIS 229,949. In 2007, Breaking the Silence received a total of NIS 500,000, and in 2008 it managed to raise NIS 1.5 million. "We have nothing to hide," said Yehuda Shaul, one of the heads of Breaking the Silence. "We are open to complete transparency and are prepared to share this information with the public." The 110-page report, which included videotaped testimonies in which soldiers' faces were blurred out, did not represent a cross-section of the army. Rather, they were troops who had approached the group or were reached through acquaintances of NGO members. Two were junior officers and the rest were enlisted personnel. Many questioned the overwhelming use of force. One soldier said the army used weapons such as mortars and white phosphorous "to show off its strength." Another soldier said white phosphorus artillery shells were used to ignite a house suspected of housing munitions. "The house went up in flames," he said. In response to the IDF Spokesman's assertion that Breaking the Silence did not submit the report prior to its publication, Shaul said he sent the report to the IDF via e-mail 24 hours before it was published. A senior IDF officer responded that even if the report was sent 24 hours before publication that would not have been enough time to properly investigate the findings. "It appears to us that the organization's real motive was to slander the IDF and not to initiate a thorough investigation," the officer said. "If it had wanted to allow for a real investigation it would have given us the identities of the soldiers, the location where the alleged crimes took place and other identifying parameters." Shaul rejected this assertion as well and said the report included unit names as well as most of the locations. One senior security official noted the Breaking the Silence report came fast on the heels of highly critical reports issued earlier this month by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the International Committee of the Red Cross, giving the impression that the groups were coordinating the timing of their reports to "magnify their impact." The Breaking the Silence report was for the most part based on hearsay and rumor, and not facts, the senior security official said. Meanwhile, reports that Human Rights Watch used its work against Israel, and its withstanding "pro-Israel pressure groups" as a selling point to solicit funds in Saudi Arabia, are creating waves in the blogosphere, with Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic monthly asking HRW's executive director Ken Roth in an e-mail exchange if this was indeed what the group did in Riyadh in May. "Did your staff person attempt to raise funds in Saudi Arabia by advertising your organization's opposition to the pro-Israel lobby?" Goldberg asked Roth, in the exchange that he posted on his blog Wednesday. "That's certainly part of the story," Roth responded. "We report on Israel. "Its supporters fight back with lies and deception. It wasn't a pitch against the Israel lobby per se. Our standard shpiel is to describe our work in the region. Telling the Israel story part of that pitch is in part telling about the lies and obfuscation that are inevitably thrown our way." According to an article that appeared in May in the Saudi English-language newspaper The Arab News, a delegation of senior members of HRW were in Saudi Arabia and were commended at a dinner attended by prominent members of Saudi society, human rights activists and dignitaries, for work on Gaza and the Middle East as a whole. According to the newspaper, HRW presented a documentary and spoke on the report it had compiled "on Israel violating human rights and international law" during the Gaza operation. "Human Rights Watch provided the international community with evidence of Israel using white phosphorus and launching systematic destructive attacks on civilian targets. Pro-Israel pressure groups in the US, the European Union and the United Nations have strongly resisted the report and tried to discredit it," Sarah Leah Whitson, director of HRW's Middle East and North Africa Division, was quoted in the Saudi paper as saying. Roth admitted to Goldberg that the dinner included people connected to the government, including "a guy from the national human rights commission," which is a government body, and "someone from the Shura Council." The Shura Council is Saudi Arabia's state-appointed religious leadership, a council which, as Goldberg pointed out, oversees, on behalf of the monarchy, the imposition in the kingdom of the strict Wahhabi interpretation of Islamic law. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's spokesman Mark Regev said in response that "Human Rights Watch has admitted conducting a fund-raiser in Saudi Arabia with the Saudi elite, with representatives of different branches of the Saudi government in the room. They also admitted that they have used their criticism of Israel as a fund-raising tool in dealing with Arab audiences. "Surely this fundamentally undermines the objectivity and the credibility that all too many in the past have attached to their reports." Regev's comments come two days after the Prime Minister's Office said Jerusalem would begin waging a more aggressive battle against NGOs it deems biased against Israel.
The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free
daily alerts, send an email to daily@www.dailyalert.jcpa.org
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 17, 2009. |
This was written by Miriam Jordan.
It appeared in Wall Street Journal
The U.S. agreed to resettle 1,350 Palestinians displaced by fighting in Iraq, marking the largest resettlement ever of Palestinian refugees in the nation. The decision appears to signal a shift in Washington's previous position against resettling Palestinians out of concern about the potential impact on U.S. relations with Israel and the Arab world. The resettlement, which is slated to begin this fall, is likely to illicit strong reactions from people on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A State Department spokesman said the U.S. is responding to an appeal from the United Nations' refugee agency, UNHCR, which has been providing assistance to some 3,000 Palestinians stuck in three makeshift camps in the desert in the Syrian-Iraqi border region. Middle Eastern scholars and refugee experts believe Washington felt pressured to help solve the humanitarian crisis created by the U.S.-led invasion. Some of the Palestinians have lived in the camps for more than three years. "These particular Palestinians are a fallout from the Iraq War," said George Bisharat, a professor at the University of California Hastings College of Law, who specializes in Middle Eastern law. "The Obama administration had to take some responsibility for the consequences of the invasion." However, resettling such a large number of Palestinians in the U.S. is a potentially volatile issue. Many Arab countries interpreted President Barack Obama's speech in Cairo last month as an attempt to put U.S. relations with Islamic nations on a new course and dissipate the strain that characterized ties during the Bush administration. They see the offer of accepting Palestinian refugees as an early sign of a new openness. Meanwhile, some supporters of Israel are concerned that the resettlement might alter the U.S.'s approach toward Israel. Ziad Asali, president of the American Task Force on Palestine, a Washington advocacy group, applauded the U.S. decision, calling it "a significant step ... consistent with the new U.S. message of accommodation and finding solutions with the Muslim world." However, Mr. Asali cautioned that it is bound to irk Palestinian and Arab leaders who interpret U.S. willingness to resettle Palestinians which comes with full rights such as citizenship down the road as "a conspiracy to liquidate the Palestinian refugee issue." With the exception of Jordan, no country in the Middle East has granted citizenship to Palestinian refugees. Many Arab countries believe that fully integrating large numbers of Palestinian refugees would undercut their demand for an independent state. At least one pro-Israel group in the U.S. deems it a mistake to absorb the Palestinian Iraqis, who were welcomed by Saddam Hussein and regarded as loyal supporters of his regime. "We don't think that Washington should be bringing in a group of people who we know were publicly and consistently hostile to the United States and its closest ally, Israel," said Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America. An Israeli government spokesman said that "Israel has no official position on this internal American issue." Like other refugees, the Palestinians will be resettled across the U.S., based on where resettlement agencies partnering with the U.S. government decide housing and job opportunities are available. Refugees who have relatives in the U.S. are likely to be settled near their families. Palestinians moved to Iraq after Arab-Israeli conflicts in 1948 and 1967, and following the Gulf War in 1991. The community grew to nearly 35,000. "Saddam Hussein made a point of using Palestinian refugees to show solidarity with the Palestinian cause," said Bill Frelick, refugee-policy director at Human Rights Watch in Washington. The preferential treatment bred resentment among many Iraqis. After Baghdad fell to U.S.-led forces in 2003, Palestinians became a target for harassment and violence, including bombings and murder. A particular point of contention had been the government's provision of subsidized housing for Palestinians, often at the expense of mostly Shiite landlords who received little rent from the government in return. After Mr. Hussein was deposed, many landlords evicted their Palestinian tenants, who are mainly Sunni Muslims. Driven out of Baghdad and other cities, the Palestinians tried to flee to neighboring Syria and Jordan, which already host hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees. When those countries blocked their entry, the displaced Palestinians sought refuge in camps that lack basic infrastructure and jeopardize their health and safety, said Mr. Frelick. In October, the UNHCR issued an appeal to countries traditionally open to resettlement for urgent action after fruitless calls for help from humanitarian organizations. "It is priority that all these camps close by the end of the year because conditions are not sustainable," said Tim Irwin, a UNHCR spokesman in Washington. The U.S. committed to absorb the largest number of Iraqi Palestinians. Sweden, the Netherlands and the U.K. also joined the effort, he said. So far, 24 Palestinian refugees have been resettled in the U.S. The remainder are expected to arrive by early 2010. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Simon McIlwaine, July 17, 2009. |
This is entitled "IDF Soldiers Give
Testimonies To Counter Gaza War Crimes Claims." It was written by
Cnaan Liphshiz and it appeared in Haaretz
http://www.standwithus.com/app/iNews/view_n.asp?ID=1117 |
A newly released collection of anonymous accusations of alleged human rights abuses by Israeli soldiers in Gaza has prompted reservists who served there to deliver signed, on-camera counter- testimonies about Palestinian terrorists' use of Gazans as human shields. The dozen English-language testimonies were delivered in response to a report by Breaking the Silence, an organization which says it is attempting to collect accounts by Israel Defense Soldiers in order to expose "moral corruption" within the IDF, as explained in the movement's Website. The accusations were made by anonymous people who said they were reserves soldiers, and whose faces were blurred in filmed talks. Some recounted hearing from other soldiers that the IDF used Palestinians as human shields during Operation Cast Lead in January. Others said they recalled destroying Palestinian property.
"WE CAME UPON AN AMBULANCE FROM A LOCAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL," Pinchas Sanderson from Jerusalem recounted in an American accent in his counter-testimony. The 29-year-old U.S.-born student is one of three native English-speakers who appear on the new website www.soldiersspeakoutout.com. "It was suspicious because there was a very old lady in the ambulance of a children's hospital. Inside we found three RPG rocket launchers," he said. "We couldn?t believe someone would use an ambulance to move them." Johannesburg-born Jeremy Lipshitz, 24, recounted in a South African accent how his unit discovered a Hezbollah hideout in Lebanon but was ordered to hold fire. Lipshitz, a reserves Intelligence Corps field combatant who settled in Ra'anana after making aliyah six years ago, said it was because the terrorists were using civilians as human shields." Shane Goodson, a 23-year-old reserves paratrooper from Herzliya who in 2005 also came to Israel from South Africa, Pretoria, described how the IDF is made up of "ordinary Israelis with families, jobs and a respect for family values." Another testimony by an Israeli-born commando soldier talks about him ordering his soldiers to clean up a Palestinian home after they were in it, and how they collected items from their own food parcels from home and gave them to the family. The SoldiersSpeakOut group, which encourages soldiers to send in their filmed testimonies via the video sharing site Youtube, describes itself as "a grassroots movement that wants to show the voices of real Israelis." The new movement is supported by the international Israel-advocacy group StandWithUs, which specializes in high-tech quick response projects in English to what is perceives as anti-Israel bias. "Breaking the Silence are misleading in their name and their aim," remarks U.K.-born StandWithUs Israel Director Michael Dickson. "There is no silence to break. Israeli society is open, democratic and self critical. This one-sided and shoddy report fails to stress the context of the war as a battle against Hamas terrorists hiding behind civilians." "All testimonies collected by Breaking the Silence are by combat soldiers whose names and full details are known and documented by the organization," said Ran Goldstein, a spokesperson for Breaking the Silence. "We do not reveal their details as per their request." Goldstein said the organization encourages any soldier to come forth with their testimony, be it for Breaking the Silence or for Soldiers Speak Out. "But violent reactions to testimonies, such as we've seen from the army, are not acceptable," he added. Dickson added that Breaking the Silence "omits names, ranks and facts" and the fact that the group receives funding from the EU and the British Embassy in Tel Aviv "merits investigation." Goldstein said is response that all donations to his nonprofit are "transparent and available for inspection." "THE IDF HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF MANY THINGS..."
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has over 700,000 citizen soldiers and reservists who are expected to live up to the IDF's ethical standards. In any army, some soldiers violate the rules of combat. In the IDF, all alleged violations are investigated, and offenders are punished. Yet today, there is an attempt to defame the IDF through allegations that there were instances of misconduct during Israel's Gaza operation. The accusionations are based on unverified hearsay, and are proving to be false. Many IDF soldiers feel a deep sense of injustice at how some are misrepresenting them and the IDF. We want to tell you, the public, about our personal experiences. Listen to our stories on this site. Hear OUR stories. go here. NEW IDF ALLEGATIONS 'BREAKING THE SILENCE' REPORT New testimonials have been added to Soldiers Speak Out, a website that features eye witness accounts from IDF Soldiers JERUSALEM (July 15, 2009) A wave of IDF soldiers have come forward to video their positive, eye-witness testimony to www.soldiersspeakout.com, outraged by a report recently released by 'Breaking the Silence', which alleges misconduct by IDF soldiers during Operation cast lead towards Palestinian civilians. READ here. ![]() SOLDIERS SPEAK OUT AGAINST NEW UNSUBSTANTIATED ALLEGATIONS IN RESPONSE TO Breaking The Silence' Report, NEW TESTIMONIALS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO SOLDIERSSPEAKOUT, A WEBSITE THAT FEATURES EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS FROM IDF SOLDIERS SOLDIERS REQUESTED THAT STANDWITHUS LAUNCH WWW.SOLDIERSSPEAKOUT.COM TO SHARE THEIR PERSONAL AND POSITIVE COMBAT EXPERIENCES WITH THE WORLD "Breaking the Silence are breaking the rules for any kind of serious reporting" JERUSALEM (July 15, 2009) A wave of IDF soldiers have come forward to video their positive, eye-witness testimony to www.soldiersspeakout.com, outraged by a report recently released by 'Breaking the Silence', which alleges misconduct by IDF soldiers during Operation cast lead towards Palestinian civilians. StandWithUs, an international education organization, created the website at the request of IDF members in its student programs who felt compelled to speak out. www.soldierspeakout.comcontains testimonials from soldiers who share their personal, positive and humanitarian experiences of serving in the IDF. (This independent initiative is not coordinated with either the IDF or the Israeli Government.) "Breaking the Silence is breaking the rules for any kind of serious reporting", said Michael Dickson, Israel director of StandWithUs, "They are a fringe group with a political agenda who have collected anonymous 'testimony,' the majority of which is based on hearsay and rumor. One account is from a soldier not even present at the time of the alleged grievance. In contrast, the soldiers featured on soldiersspeakout.com give testimony on camera without their face blurred and from their own personal experience." Explains Roz Rothstein, international director of StandWithUs, "we created this website because a few isolated allegations from 'anti-war' Israeli soldiers are being used to defame the IDF. Yet the IDF has over 700,000 citizen soldiers and reservists thousands of whom served in Gaza who try to live up to its high ethical standards. To slander an IDF campaign on the basis of the anonymous reports of around 0.2% of those serving at the time is ridiculous." The soldiers talk both about the challenges of facing a terrorist enemy that embedded itself with civilians for protection and about their determination to keep to the army's moral code of conduct in this situation. Idan, who served in an elite Givati unit, talks about his ordering of his soldiers to clean up a Palestinian home after they were in it and how they collected items from their own food parcels from home and left it for the family. Lior, a combat soldier in the Gaza campaign, recounts instances of seeing individuals who they suspected were terrorists, but they were not sure so they did not shoot. Another soldier, Yaron, concurs, telling of the order he and his comrades were given to avoid civilian casualties. Noam, an officer in the Givati unit discusses how many booby-trapped houses they faced and how the bombs would have killed both IDF soldiers and Palestinian civilians had they not been disarmed. The new footage on www.soldiersspeakout.com joins other testimony in which soldiers share experiences rarely told by the international media. Nina, a 25 year-old IDF medic who served in Gaza, recounts how she and other IDF soldiers treated wounded Palestinian men, women and children and arranged for them to be flown to Israeli hospitals for medical care. She explains that IDF medics are taught not to see nationality, but rather to treat the wounded with the severest injuries first, even if they are terrorists. Amir, a military reserve paramedic in the Givati unit in Gaza, confirms Nina's account. "I was present when injured Palestinians were flown out by IDF chopper to Israeli hospitals. Imagine the cost of that helicopter, but we believe that human life is of the highest value their identity doesn't matter." Amir's video relates how he helped a pregnant Palestinian woman in labor while he was searching for terrorists in Gaza. "Breaking the Silence are misleading in their name and their aim," remarks Dickson, "There is no silence to break. Israel is an open and democratic society that regularly investigates its own actions, but this one-sided and shoddy report fails to stress the context of the war a battle against Hamas terrorists hiding behind civilians and it omits names, ranks and facts about soldiers and their stories. That this one-sided group receive funding from both the EU and the British Embassy in Tel Aviv deserves to be investigated." The Soldiers Speak Out website is at www.soldiersspeakout.com The soldiers are prepared to conduct interviews by request Please email mdickson@standwithus.com StandWithUs, an international, non-profit Israel education
organization, hosts speakers and conferences, offers website resources
and creates brochures and materials about Israel that are distributed
globally. Based in Los Angeles, the organization has offices across
the U.S. and in Israel and the UK. SWU was founded in 2001 in response
to the public's need and desire for mainstream information about the
Arab-Israeli conflict. StandWithUsCampus helps college students
challenge anti-Israel bias.
Simon McIlwaine is with Anglican Friends of Israel
(www.anglicanfriendsofisrael.com). Contact him at Simon.McIlwaine@ormerods.co.uk
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 16, 2009. |
OBAMA & THE MEDIA "In free societies, the media's primary responsibilities are to report current events to the public, place those events into an historical context to enable the public to understand how and why they occurred, and to present the public with the options for going forward. It is due to the media's historic role in maintaining and cultivating an informed discussion and debate about current affairs that they became known as democracy's watchdog. When media organs fail to fulfill their basic responsibilities, they degenerate quickly into democracy's undertaker." An uninformed public can't make wise decisions. U.S. Presidents also should stand up for what is right. Obama does not. Nevertheless, the media genuflect to him. While masses of Iranians risked their lives to protest against their dictatorship, Obama hedged and dithered for eight days. Finally he produced a statement too mild to encourage the masses. He did not make us proud. Nevertheless, the media fall all over themselves with praise for him as responsible for all world progress since his election. They illogically credit his non-encouragement with encouraging the protestors. They illogically credit his signal that he would not help Lebanese independence with defeating Hizbullah. The media ignored the Christian Lebanese leader's warning against Hizbullah and the accompanying solid Christian vote. When N. Korea tested a long-range missile, Obama slashed anti-missile defense. His appeasement encourages their increasing defiance. The media called a UN inspection plan for N. Korean shipping a great victory, without informing us that the program lacks enforcement. [Obama does have to be careful not to give regimes an excuse to blame problems on U.S. interference.] The NY Times reported Ayatollah Khamenei's sermon against the protestors without mentioning his attributing the protests to Zionist agents and "his long rant against the US for the FBI's 1993 raid on David Koresh's Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas." Had the Times done so, readers would understand "just how demented Khamenei's views of the world are, they might come to the conclusion that Obama's intense desire to sit down with him, and his constant pandering to Iran's 'supreme leader' are ill-advised and counterproductive." They might conclude we cannot reconcile with an Ayatollah "who calls Americans 'morons' and...chants 'Death to America,' Death to Britain' and 'Death to Israel.'" ABC is devoting five programs to Obama's medical care proposals, none to opponents' responses, and denying them advertising time, too. Censorship? Obama has abandoned the U.S. role of leadership. He may be becoming an international laughing stock (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/23 from Caroline Glick). Let him abandon the U.S. role of bullying, including bullying of Israel. He also should stop appeasing international bullies, such as Khamenei. For more on Obama's Iran policy, see here: http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-7095-NY-Israel-Conflict- Examiner~y2009m7d13-The-meaning-of-Iranian-protests STATUS OF SMALLER TERRORIST GROUPS IN GAZA The damage that Israel inflicted on Hamas' military structure was expected to enable the smaller, Salafist terrorist groups to evade Hamas supervision and expand their membership and activities. Didn't happen. They fragmented more, and are less effective (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/24 from MEMRI). To understand more about the relationship between Hamas and Fatah,
see here:
U.S., ISRAELI, INDIAN HEALTH RESEARCHERS UNITE At the initiative of Yeshiva University in New York, its public health researchers will engage in joint projects with researchers from the University of Haifa and from India. All three parties believe that this combination will give them insight into international health problems. Yeshiva U. considers this project further indication of the inappropriateness of internationally boycotting Israeli universities (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/24). ISRAEL RETURNS TO TRADITIONAL PEDAGOGY The Singapore model of pedagogy, in which pupils memorize syllables and words, has done poorly in the early grades in Israel. Israel is reverting to the traditional, successful method of teaching Talmud Torah. For example, at age 5, they start teaching Torah, or the Hebrew Bible. At age 10, they teach the Mishna, or commentaries on the Bible [at least in religious schools]. You see, at a tender age, children learn more emotionally, knowledge and skills. Later, they are able to learn more cognitively, and understand comparisons and opposites, in which the commentaries specialize. The Hebrew elementary school method of teaching reading includes more joy, singing, repetition, re-reading, and interaction between student and class. To facilitate this, the seating is in a semi-circle facing the teacher (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/24). A country of immigrants must make learning the language and culture easy. But education is more complicated than most people realize. Politics and ego interfere. Israeli public schools have lax discipline. Education reform in the U.S. often overlooks the curriculum, so that if the country were to succeed in teaching the students to read, write, and count, there remains the question of whether those students are prepared to be good citizens and sensible parents and consumers. For a broader view of Israeli education, see here: http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-7095-NY-Israel-Conflict- Examiner~y2009m7d7-Israels-greatest-weakness-Jewish-education ISRAEL OVERCOMES U.S. TECHNICAL OBJECTIONS Israel wants to buy the latest U.S. fighter plane, but the U.S. had three major technical objections to how Israel would manage the aircraft. Israel overcame those objections. Price remains undetermined. "Israel has argued that due to operational requirements, it needs to have the ability to repair damaged or broken computer systems in 'real time' and cannot wait for a computer system to be sent to Europe for repairs in the middle of a war." The U.S. has consented to letting Israel maintain the aircraft, itself. Israel proposed a way satisfactory to the Pentagon for Israel to install some of its own communications and electronic warfare software, without Israel having access to top-secret, proprietary software in the main on-board computer (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/24). It was tempting to read into initial U.S. objections a political motive. For other news on U.S. arms for Israel, see here:
U.S. GOT ISRAEL TO REMOVE MOST CHECKPOINTS Security in Judea-Samaria improved. Then Israel acceded to U.S. demands to remove checkpoints. It took down 60% of them, so far this year. Israel also is vetting Palestinian Authority (P.A.) businessmen and giving them cards enabling them to enter Israel on business. Advocates of checkpoint removal credit P.A. forces for the improvement in security. Opponents do not. They credit IDF raids and P.A. pre-emptive and self-defense against Hamas, which may be temporary. Israeli security officials note that terrorists' motives have not
abated. They consider removal of checkpoints irresponsible
All too often, the removal of checkpoints has been exploited by terrorists, who struck through or where the checkpoint had been erected to thwart previous terrorist attack. Should Israel remove checkpoints, in view of polls like this:
"CHURCHES & ENVOY ATTACKED IN IRAQ" Five Christian churches were bombed in Baghdad. Several deaths, more wounded, property damaged. Muslims were hurt too. One of those Muslim victims lamented that the terrorists don't care whom else they hurt besides their victims. "Christians, a beleaguered minority in an overwhelmingly Muslim nation, have routinely faced sectarian attacks, forcing many to flee the country. The bombings on Sunday, though, appeared to be one of the largest single coordinated assaults against churches and Christians in Baghdad." (Steven Lee Myers, NY Times, 7/13, A4.) Radical Islam in action. And not that the victims deserve it. Muslims are finding that that the Radical Muslims in their midst, despite having strict morality in certain respects, are most evil, even depraved. The ends do not justify the means, and the means shame the ends. There is further evidence of the centuries-long but more recently increased pressure to expel the former Christian majority from the Mideast. But when it happens in the Palestinian Authority (P.A.), anti-Zionists falsely blame it on Israel. The accusers of Israel don't cite incidents or means by which Israel, is supposed to exert this influence, which is not in Israel's interest. Many incidents have been reported of the PLO and Hamas exerting such influence. Isn't that a damning indictment, "Christians, a beleaguered minority in an overwhelmingly Muslim nation"? Why should they be beleaguered? If religious domination is so important to the Muslim majority, that enough of them persecute Christians to force Christians out, why the reluctance to recognize the same intolerance behind the Arab-Israel conflict, carried on with antisemitic preaching, such as "the Jews are descendants of apes and pigs?" ITALY ON ISRAEL-ARAB NEGOTIATIONS Italy's Foreign Minister Frattini urged PM Netanyahu to open negotiations with Palestinian Authority head Abbas. He must have forgotten that it was Abbas who refused to open negotiations with Netanyahu (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/24), and that Netanyahu offered to negotiate with Abbas without preconditions. Abbas has preconditions, a.k.a. non-negotiation demands. To see Egypt's plan, see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by HandsFiasco, July 16, 2009. |
This was written by Aaron Klein and appeared today in
World Net Daily
Activists here have launched a campaign using Barack Obama's name to construct Jewish housing projects on West Bank hilltops in defiance of the U.S. president's demands for a halt to all Jewish building in the strategic territory. "Mr. President, your policy that aims to destroy the Jewish communities of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem will no longer go unchallenged," states a press release from the Obama Hilltop Project. "We aim to rally the worldwide pro-Israel community to support the rebirth of these communities and counter your unjust, illegal policies." The goal is to increase the Jewish presence in the West Bank, beginning with the re-establishment of the town of Homesh, which was one of four Jewish communities evacuated by Israel during the country's 2005 retreat from the Gaza Strip. Critics pointed out the West Bank evacuations served no practical purpose other than to send a signal to West Bank Jews they might be next on the chopping block. Homesh was not taken over by the Palestinians, and the Israeli army continued to operate there. Indeed, the Israeli court system recently has ruled Jews can still be present in Homesh, leading to the establishment there of a Torah center. Now activists are looking for donations of any amount to help them expand Homesh, including a new hilltop community to be named after Obama. Those making online donations are being encouraged to also send a formal letter to Obama making the White House aware of the effort to support Jewish growth in the West Bank. The letter states: "Mr. President, your current foreign policy contradicts the most sacred values of the Jewish Nation. It is written in our holy Torah, 'The Lord your God will bring you into the land that your ancestors possessed, and you will possess it; he will make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors." (Deuteronomy, 26:3-5). Good people throughout the world will continue to support Jewish building and growth in all parts of our sacred land of Israel." The effort is being supported by multiple organizations, including Shalom International, the Jewish community of Hebron and the Homesh First Movement. "We are aware of the fact that Obama is very interested in the issue of our presence in Judea and Samaria. So we will call a hilltop there in the name of Obama in his honor," David Ha'Ivri, a spokesman for the West Bank's regional Jewish council, told WND. The Obama administration recently demanded Israel halt all settlement activity, including natural growth, in apparent abrogation of a deal made by President Bush to allow for natural growth. The deal was forged just prior to Israel's 2005 retreat from the Gaza Strip. It was confirmed by Sharon aide Dov Weissglas in 2005 and in a Wall Street Journal column last week by Elliott Abrams, a former deputy national security adviser to Bush who reportedly negotiated the arrangement. The deal was in line with an official letter from Bush the year before stating Israel cannot be expected to withdraw from the entire West Bank and that the Jewish state would retain major settlement blocs there. The West Bank borders major Israeli cities and is within rocket-firing range of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Israel's international airport. Military strategists long have estimated Israel must maintain the West Bank to defend itself from any ground invasion. Terrorist groups have warned if Israel withdraws, they will launch rockets from the West Bank into Israeli cities. Many villages in the West Bank, which Israelis commonly refer to as the "biblical heartland," are mentioned throughout the Torah. The book of Genesis says Abraham entered Israel at Shechem (Nablus) and received God's promise of land for his offspring. He later was buried in Hebron. The nearby town of Beit El, anciently called Bethel, meaning "house of God," is where Scripture says the patriarch Jacob slept on a stone pillow and dreamed of angels ascending and descending a stairway to heaven. In that dream, God spoke directly to Jacob and reaffirmed the promise of territory. And in Exodus, the holy tabernacle rested in Shiloh, believed to be the first area the ancient Israelites settled after fleeing Egypt. Contact HandsFiasco at handsfiasco@webtv.net |
Posted by UCI, July 16, 2009. | |
President Obama is currently pressuring Israel toward peace negotiations with Palestinian Authority Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, while ignoring Fatah-led PA intentional deception to use "peace negotiations" as a stepping stone to conquer all of Israel in line with their June 9, 1974 Plan of Phases set forth in Cairo, Egypt. This Urgent Action Alert would request that President Obama demand the Palestinian Authority rescind their public statements (in Arabic) made by public officials on Palestinian TV. As recently as July 7, 2009, Kifah Radaydeh, Fatah Regional Committee member, Jerusalem, said, "Peace is a means; and the goal is Palestine." How can Israel be expected to negotiate with people who openly confess they are using peace deceptively toward their goal of the destruction of Israel? Their commitments are only intended to fool the international community in order to gain financial assistance.
We hope you agree with this letter. You may make whatever changes you like. It is addressed directly to President Obama. Copies will automatically be sent to Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Clinton. The Obama Administration must hear from us!
UCI The Unity Coalition for Israel (http://www.israelunitycoalition.org) is "the largest worldwide coalition of Jewish and Christian organizations, with more than 200 groups representing millions of people dedicated to Israel. Though we have many different backgrounds, we have one common goal: A Safe and Secure Israel." "Israel is not just a Jewish issue. Millions of Christians resolutely endorse the principle of peace with security for the state of Israel. Because we work closely together and speak with a united voice, our message is being heard!" |
Posted by Susana K-M, July 16, 2009. |
For one Hungarian family, being Jewish was a curse. Then basketball changed everything. The writer, Talia Carner, is a novelist living in New York. She has just completed her fourth novel, Jerusalem Maiden. Visit her online at www.TaliaCarner.com. |
When she crawled out of the cellar, she was forever fearful of being a Jew. Susan Horvath was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of faces of murdered children who exposed her family's buried secret. She could have been one of them. Standing rooted to the floor in the Children's Memorial in Jerusalem's Yad Vashem, Susan could not control her sobbing. All her life, her mother had denied any connection to these children by denying her Judaism. Her mother had broken the curse that was the Jews' lot in Hungary. Susan's son, Josef, was raised with no knowledge to the family's Jewish past. How could Susan have ever imagined that he would lead her here to confront her mother's suppressed history? Jewish Rumblings Josef Horvath, age 24 and 6-foot-6, was playing in the Hungarian basketball league when someone asked him whether he wanted to play in the 1993 Maccabiah games. "It would be two weeks of fun," they said. A dormant connection to Jews rumbled at the back of his mind. He had heard that his maternal grandmother, Aranka Lowinger, had been born Jewish and that all her eight siblings married Jews. But he also learned that as World War II raged, the "lucky ones" among them were first crowded into the Budapest ghetto; the less lucky were sent directly to Baden Baden concentration camp. Aranka, the only one in her family married to a non-Jew and isolated from her family hid in a cellar throughout the war. In 1942 she gave birth to her daughter, Susan. By the time Aranka crawled out of the cellar, she was forever claustrophobic of small spaces and fearful of being a Jew. She discovered that all but one sister had been murdered. She wished to forget it all, to disassociate herself from anything that would ever again make her a victim of such hatred, from anything that would threaten her infant daughter with the fate of the Jews. She wished for a new, just world. Enter the Communists, the allies who fought the Nazis, her family's persecutors. The Communists offered a vision of a fair and impartial world, one which she was grateful to embrace. In the coming years, Aranka raised Susan to share her belief in the Communist ideology and secularism. Years later, when Susan decided to marry a non-Jew, Aranka supported her choice that would further obliterate track-marks that might surface one day and bring disaster. Fall of Communism Until Josef was 18 years old, there had never been a discussion of anything Jewish in his household. A chance visit to the Jewish cemetery in Budapest made him wonder for the first time about the Jews of his city past and present and about his grandmother's deceased family. He was sickened by the notion of the dozens of cousins he could have had; Aranka's only sister to survive the war was no longer alive. A rumor that one sister, once believed dead, was now living in Israel could not be verified from behind the Iron Curtain that isolated Hungary under Communist rule. The synagogue's strange, foreign language left him perplexed. As a student at the university at Budapest, Josef found himself drawn to fellow students who identified themselves as Jews and he began to read about Jewish history. Once, he ventured into a synagogue, but the strange, foreign language left him perplexed, only emphasizing the divide between himself and the Jews. In 1992, when asked to play in the Maccabiah Games the following year, that stirring of interest mixed with his sense of Jewishness, and finally his sense of adventure and youthful curiosity propelled him to go. Nothing had prepared him for the experience of marching into the Ramat Gan stadium in a sea of Jews. And here he was, a part of a historical turning point, as 1993 was the first time Hungary participated in the Maccabiah Games after the fall of Communism. Seventy athletes marched under the Hungarian flag all Jewish, all proud. Within days, competing against Jews of all nations, Josef was seized by a transformative sensation of coming home. While he dribbled the basketball, an important piece of himself clicked into place. His spirit soared higher than any scored basket. Back home after the Games, the basketball team decided to stay together in the Hungarian League. More significantly, as Josef played, socialized and toured with his Jewish teammates, he found himself soaking up knowledge. Bonded to his new friends by the Maccabiah experience, he no longer felt awkward returning to the synagogue for Shabbat services. Late-Life Brit Soon, the then-chairman of the Maccabi Hungary, Andras Bleyer, recognized Josef's leadership skills and began assigning him official roles, including attending the yearly Maccabi World Union Plenum in Israel. In 1998, Josef was elected as the chairman of the 100-year-old Maccabi Hungary Fencing and Athletic Club. The organization, insular under Communism, "had neither fencing nor athletic programs," Josef quips, his brown eyes twinkling. But it was this assignment that made him feel he was finally reclaiming his "Jewish soul." His powerful transformation had to be matched by the final act of accepting the covenant with his new-found people. In 2000, at age 32, Josef had a Brit Milah, circumcision. "In one week, I was all better," he comforts those who wince at the idea. "And I was so much more complete." While building a career as a civil construction engineer and a consultant to Israeli investors in Budapest, Josef searched for a soul-mate. He found his match in Henriette, a lively woman whose inner strength and commitment to establishing a Jewish home equaled his own. But the family's tale of lost-and-found Judaism did not end here. Josef's sister, Judith, was 18 months older and a runner. She had no interest in her brother's process of reclaiming his Jewish heritage, when, in 2001 she was diagnosed with advanced thyroid cancer. The disfiguring surgery removed glands and tissues from chin to collar bone. Six months later, in remission from cancer, Judith accepted Josef's suggestion to begin training as a long-distance runner for the 2005 Maccabiah Games. As she started practicing 5 to 15K tracks, she started asking questions, and soon joined Josef for Friday night services at the synagogue. Before long, Shabbat dinner at the Horvath family became a festive ritual that also included Josef's father, a non-Jew who watched with amusement and respect as his children sang and prayed over a feast of Jewish delicacies. In 2003, for the first time in her life, Josef's mother, Susan, attended a Passover Seder at the Jewish Community Center in Budapest. Yet she could not shake her apprehensions. She was frightened of this new path her children followed, vulnerable to unimagined persecution and suffering that has too frequently been the lot of the Jews. The following year, when Josef's wife gave birth to their first son, Aron, she objected when Josef decided to mark Aron and possibly doom him with circumcision. Little Aron did receive a Brit Milah on the traditional eighth day. "At the right age," Josef remarks. Walking Tall In 2005, Susan's phone rang. The young woman from Israel identified herself as Julie, the daughter of Aranka's sister whose whereabouts had dissolved into the miasma of the family's tragic demise. Unable to resist meeting her only cousin, the following year Susan braced herself for emotions she had always kept under wraps and joined Josef and Henriette for the annual Maccabi Congress in Israel. She met Julie and her Argentina-born husband and three Israeli-born children. Neither spoke Hungarian, but the bond was instantaneous and clear. Susan and they belong to the same clan. She watched one evening as her son Josef strutted with little Aron perching on his shoulders. The boy's wide, grayish-blue eyes were full of wonder at a world in which he would grow walking tall as his father did at that moment, a confident and secure Jew. At Yad Vashem, she finally faced the horrors of her mother's life. It was on the following day, during Susan's visit to Yad Vashem, that she journeyed into a dark tunnel of history and to a world lost to her in more ways than she could count. For the first time she faced the horrors of her mother's life and her mother's choices. On the bus ride back to Tel Aviv, salty tears were still lodged in Susan's throat as she stared out the window at the strange land of rocks and low shrubs, of bluish mountains framed by pine groves. This was a land where her ancestors' presence forced itself back into her life. To ignore her family history had ceased to be an option: her daughter Judith wore a large Star of David necklace resting against her neck scar, representing the faith she believed had saved her life. Today, as Josef prepares to bring the Hungarian team to Israel for the 18th Maccabiah in July 2009, Susan watches with trepidation as anti-Semitism is on the rise in Hungary, an alarming prelude to the annihilating force that she and her mother always feared. But having been to Israel, Susan's fear for the fate of her Jewish grandchildren has abated. For Jews around the world, the thriving Land of Israel is a bastion of promise and hope. Contact Susana K-M at suanema@gmail.com |
Posted by Honest Reporting Canada, July 16, 2009. |
Will the media ever learn? In March 2009, Ha'aretz published a story alleging "war crimes" and serious ethical failures on the part of the IDF in Gaza. Predictably, many international media outlets repeated the allegations without bothering to do any rudimentary checks. Subsequently, it was revealed that the soldiers' testimonies were based on nothing more than rumours and hearsay, causing acute embarrassment to Ha'aretz and serving up a salutary lesson for those media outlets that reproduced such shoddy journalism. Now, Israeli non-governmental organization Breaking the Silence has published a new report reliant upon testimonials from soldiers who served in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. Once again, allegations of "war crimes" and misdemeanours are based on second-hand evidence and hearsay. Defending the IDF operation against charges including the use of human shields, Golani Brigade commander Col. Avi Peled stated that one of the soldiers who testified in the report was not even in the field at the time: "He told his commander about a week [during] which he wasn't even in the field. He reported about what he heard happened." The IDF has issued an initial response to Breaking the Silence that can be viewed on the Canada-Israel Committee's blog by clicking here. NGO Monitor's Dan Kosky points to the Breaking the Silence report's central problems flawed methodology and absence of any reasonable research standards (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/jul/15/ israel-army-breaking-silence): "By Breaking the Silence's own admission, the allegations are comprised of "the testimony of around 30 combatants" a fraction of the thousands of Israeli combat troops deployed during the Gaza conflict. This extremely narrow and presumably hand-picked sample is an absurd basis on which to pass judgment, and even these limited testimonies were entirely unverifiable. Once again, Canadian and international media outlets rushed to publish a story from another flawed source. While the Toronto Star gleefully pushed the story to its front page in yesterday's edition, the Globe & Mail featured a special report from freelancer Orly Halpern on page 10. Other Canadian media also covered the story, including: CBC.ca, CBC Newsworld, CBC Around the World, CBC Radio's The World This Hour (Listen Here) and The Current, CTV.ca, CTV Newsnet, Global National, City TV International, Toronto Sun, Edmonton Journal, Edmonton Sun, Le Devoir, Montreal Gazette, Waterloo Record, Hamilton Spectator, Le Nouvelliste, London Free Press, Radio-Canada radio (Listen Here), Radio-Canada.ca, Radio-Canada's Le Telejournal, and Halifax's Chronicle Herald. The Globe & Mail's Orly Halpern even wrote on her personal Twitter page: "I'm reading a really moving report which I will be writing about for the Globe and Mail. It makes me sick to my stomach." This statement begs the following question: Can an objective and balanced story emerge when emotions rather than facts are the driving force? With this in mind, Halpern's report was marred by many missing facts. Unlike the CBC's and Toronto Star's reports, Halpern failed to mention why Israel carried out "Operation Cast Lead," which was designed to prevent Palestinian terrorists from firing rockets into southern Israel. No mention was made that Hamas has been accused of war crimes by Israel along with several human rights organizations. Also missing from the report was any reference that there were Israeli casualties in the war. Again in contrast to the CBC and the Star, the Globe's report only described the Palestinian casualties from the 22-day conflict. Even more remarkable though was that Israel's adversary in the conflict, Hamas, was not even mentioned in this report! Furthermore, Halpern's statement that "Israel destroyed more than 3,000 homes and damaged some 20,000 others in some cases entire neighbourhoods were razed" lacked any attribution. While this may be a claim made by Amnesty International, Ms. Halpern presented this statement as fact, whereas in reality it would be almost impossible to determine who was responsible for the destruction and damage of the homes given Hamas' booby-traps, secondary explosions, etc. Commendably though, CTV Newsnet (Watch Here) allowed Israeli spokesmen Yigal Palmor over 6-minutes to rebut the allegations made by Breaking the Silence. While Toronto Star reporter Oakland Ross noted that "Israel insists its armed forces took heroic measures to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza" and that "Last month, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan, Col. Richard Kemp, told a Jerusalem audience the IDF did more to safeguard the welfare of civilians during Operation Cast Lead "than any other army in the history of warfare." How You Can Make A Difference: Breaking the Silence has succeeded in gaining the international publicity that it sought. Many media outlets, most notably the Globe & Mail, have demonstrated their propensity to uncritically publish unverifiable accounts from non-governmental organizations that feed their own unquestioning narrative of Israel and the IDF. Please send your considered comments to the Globe and Mail at: letters@globeandmail.com and refer to Orly Halpern's July 15 report entitled "Report reveals deadly Israeli actions in Gaza" citing some of the many deficiencies we pointed out. Honest Reporting monitors the media for inaccuracy and unfairness in how they report the news about Israel. Ther website address is http://www.honestreporting.com. Contact them by email at action@honestreporting.com |
Posted by Gerald A. Honigman, July 16, 2009. |
 The rabbi below, like too many Jews, while meaning well, unfortunately still has his head stuck in the sand like an ostrich and kvels at the idea that a President invited him to the White House...But for what reason were these particular Jews invited???? To give a Jewish stamp of approval to what Obama has in store for Israel which should have been obvious long before the election to anyone who truly had his senses working which 78% of American Jews proved they didn't. Do the volumes of disturbing evidence need to be rehashed yet again? If so, let me know... The settlement issue is intimately tied to Israel's future borders not its pre-'67 9-15-mile wide Auschwitz/armistice lines existence. Now, please read these two editorials by myself for necessary background and then the JTA recent report carefully and see what the story and linkage is between UNSC Resol.242 and the settlements...That's what the fight with Obama and the others will be largely about...Forward this to others if ya think they'll read it in order to give them a broader perspective about what this fight over the settlements is really all about. http://www.ekurd.net/mismas/articles/misc2009/6/article20.htm http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/5221 http://jta.org/news/article/2009/07/13/1006510/ obama-gets-jewish-support-on-peace-push-questions-about-style Below is an article by Joanne Palmer about Rabbi Wernick's visit to he White House. This is the introduction. Shalom, Chevre, |
Rabbi Steven C. Wernick, who has just become executive vice president and CEO of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, was among the 16 national Jewish leaders invited to the White House on July 13 for a candid conversation with President Barack Obama about the issues most important to the President and the American Jewish community. Subjects included the economy, the environment, healthcare, and poverty, but the focus was on foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East. President Obama stressed that his commitment to Israel is deep and true; his posture with Israel is no tougher than with the Palestinians and both will benefit equally from peace in the region. "President Obama asked us to understand that although we might eventually have some disagreements about tactics and strategy and of course tactics and strategy are very important he wanted to reassure us that his administration has not and is not and will not jeopardize Israel 's security," Rabbi Wernick said. "Whatever approaches they take to these issues are done with the very best of good faith for what they believe is in the best interest of Israel, of the region, and of the United States. "I was honored to have been included in the meeting," Rabbi Wernick said. "I think the fact that the president of the United States invites these conversations, and really listens to us, is extraordinary, and a testament to our democracy. I believe that President Obama enjoys broad support in the Jewish community, both politically and personally. And I am heartened to know that President Obama sees the Conservative movement as one of the anchors of the Jewish community." At the meeting, Rabbi Wernick gave one of President Obama's aides a document describing United Synagogue's positions on foreign and domestic issues. As the document, which you can find below, shows, the White House and United Synagogue are in close agreement on a number of issues. Rabbi Wernick was quoted in an article in the L. A. Times
one sent by Reuters
one sent by AP
and one by the Washington Post/Newsweek
Gerald A. Honigman, a Florida educator, has created and conducted counter-Arab propaganda programs for college youth, has lectured on numerous campuses and other platforms, and has publicly debated Arab spokesmen. His articles and op-eds have been published in both the print media and on websites. Contact him at honigman6@msn.com or go to his website: http://geraldahonigman.com/blog.php |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 16, 2009. |
In fact, a good deal of what I'm going to write about here is downright ugly, if not totally obscene. According to The Times (London) a deal is being worked out in which an Israeli strike on Iran would be facilitated by the international community in return for Israeli concessions on settlements and "peace negotiations." Don't know if it's true or not, but the first thing that ran through my mind, quite honestly, was that this might, after all, be the quid pro quo that Netanyahu has hinted at when he has suggested that he might make decisions he otherwise would not because in these "extraordinary times" he must consider our security first. The next thing that I thought was that this, if true, is both obscene and insane. And a few other unmentionable things to boot. (Note to Dick: My "exasperation" is REALLY showing now.) Is the world doing us a favor to "allow" us to attack Iran? It is Israel that will be doing the world a favor, as the whole world, starting with Obama, has proven itself to be craven, and breathtakingly, narrow-mindedly self-serving, with regard to Iran. ~~~~~~~~~~ I'm no military strategist, and I cannot, in the end, make informed judgments as to how much would be gained with regard to international support for our efforts. It could be that this support would provide critical elements that might seriously improve our ability to achieve military success. But from my gut, as a non-military strategist, I have the desire to see us tell the world where to get off. One thing does seem to be the case: We're preparing to hit Iran. Whether it turns out we actually do or not, we are getting ready. There are hints, and various articles afloat, that suggest that things are simmering still inside of Iran and the position of the mullahs is not what it was just a short time ago. So there is just a tiny, tiny sense that we don't know yet how this will play out. (Sandra?) ~~~~~~~~~~ Back to Obama. With all I wrote about that meeting, and the diligence I devoted to giving an accurate picture, I ended up omitting one piece of information that had leaked early: As Barak Ravid wrote in Ha'aretz: "Obama told the leaders that he wants to help Israel overcome its demographic problem by reaching an agreement on a two-state solution, but that in order to do so, Israel would need "to engage in serious self-reflection." He's pushing us in order to "help" us? Right... The condescension of his tone. The insult of it! And the idea of the least self-reflective of men (he doesn't need to self-reflect, for he's perfect) saying this to Jews, who are the most self-reflective of people neurotically, agonizingly so. It's a parody, really. ~~~~~~~~~~ And yet, in spite of this, the American Jewish Committee put out a statement (thanks to all who sent it) by Jason Isaacson, its director of government and international affairs, who was at the Obama meeting: "The President could not have been clearer that his primary motivation in seeking to re-energize an Israeli-Palestinian peace process is Israel's long-term security." In my humble opinion, Jason Isaacson should hang his head in shame. How could he possibly believe this, when it's clear how Obama is courting the Arab/Muslim world? Isaacson also said: "Nor could he have been clearer in the priority he assigns to building international unity against Iran's drive for nuclear weapons capability." And here we have the hint of the "link" between our concessions and "building international unity." Apparently this is all right with Isaacson. If this is a representative sample of American Jewish "leadership" than American Jews are in even more trouble than I thought. ~~~~~~~~~~ Barak Ravid has written another article about Obama, this one concerning the "peace plan" that he is expected to be unveiling soon. It will provide a "framework" for negotiations, and a "binding timetable," in order to obligate the parties to make progress. Been there. Done that. Didn't he notice that this was sort of what Bush had in mind? It ain't gonna work. How do you, from the outside "bind" two parties to make an agreement by a certain date when they cannot come to terms? But here's where it gets a bit vague: "A senior Western diplomat" says the US is only interested in pursuing this after the settlement issue and the matter of pro-Israel gestures from the Arab states are resolved. Remember, I wrote about this: What we seem to be seeing is that if we don't resolve the settlement issue with Obama, then he won't pressure us with a timetable. ~~~~~~~~~~ Sounds crazy, of course, but what this means is that he needs to know first that there's a certain amount of readiness to offer concessions, for he realizes that otherwise his plan is dead in the water. But his plan is dead in the water anyway. Let's follow this a bit. There has been talk about some sort of "compromise" with us with regard to allowing us to complete housing construction in Judea and Samaria that has already been contracted or begun. Ravid says that the US shifted its position on a total freeze partly because of a recognition that it's not possible. But there is also another reason: "...the refusal on the part of the moderate Arab states, led by Saudi Arabia, to make significant normalization gestures toward Israel. In all probability, when the Americans understood that in any event they would not obtain substantial gestures from the Arabs, they decided to reach a compromise with Israel." Well, then. US diplomats are eager to show there is "achievement" in the "process" by getting us to compromise on the housing issue. But it apparently doesn't occur to them that if the Arabs won't agree to any steps toward normalization, they are also not going to move towards "peace."
~~~~~~~~~~ As obscene as anything I'm writing about today is this, and it's more difficult because it's a source of internal shame: Major Roi Klein died three years ago in the Second Lebanon war, the noblest of heroes. He threw himself on a hand grenade, thereby absorbing the impact of its explosion into his own body and saving the soldiers under his command. The epitome of all that is selfless, his last words (as befits a believing Jew) were "Shema Yisrael." The State posthumously awarded him the Medal of Valor. ![]() His widow and children live in the Hayovel neighborhood of the community of Eli, near Ariel, in Samaria, about 30 minutes from Jerusalem. This neighborhood has received government services for more than a decade, but never was fully "authorized." Peace Now and Yesh Din, two anti-Zionist organizations on the far left, took themselves to the High Court with the claim that 11 houses in the Hayovel neighborhood were on Arab-owned land. According to local residents, part of one house, only, extends onto Arab land, and the rest were built on state land. Claims are often made and sometimes verification is not as easy as it should be. (There have been other Peace Now charges that were later demonstrated to be false.) At any rate, the Court ruled with Peace Now. Eleven houses in Eli are due to be destroyed. One of them is the Klein home. This is simply wrong, wrong, wrong. Sometimes it's an issue of human decency, and not legality. This is how the State treats the widow of a genuine hero? ~~~~~~~~~~ Following the ruling, the Land of Israel Legal Forum sent an appeal to Defense Minister Ehud Barak, asking him to honor Major Klein by authorizing his family's home as legal. "Will your hand, as that responsible for destroying the home of this hero of Israel, not tremble as you sign the demolition order?" asked Forum chairman Nachi Eyal. "If there remains any significance to 'our duty to the fallen' now is the time to prove it." The letter said: "With your signature, you could turn his home 'legal,' but you refuse... The law does not require you to destroy the home of a hero of Israel who gave his life for his people. If there is any legal way to prevent this travesty, you must make use of it." Please, see this site for a petition to sign, to save the Klein house:
100,000 signatures are being sought about 30,000 have been secured so far. It's in Hebrew. Scroll down to the form. The first field is for your complete name (and it will accept it in English) and the third is for your city. Both are required. (The second, for your age, is optional.) Then hit the Hebrew word "chatimah" (signature) which is in red, at an angle on the form, to register your name on the petition. ~~~~~~~~~~ I'm reading reports of major fires raging in the hills outside of Jerusalem. Haven't seen it with my own eyes yet, but will undoubtedly be deeply saddened when I do. These wooded hills outside of Jerusalem are so beautiful, and the trees so valued. Arson is strongly suspected. Firefighters from all over the country have been called in.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il
and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info
Posted by Judith A. Klinghoffer, July 16, 2009. |
Here we go again. The justly dreaded Saudi "morality" police, enthusiastically supported by the country's interior minister, recently acquitted by the courts for causing the death of "four youths in a car accident after chasing them on suspicion of being with unrelated women." For in Saudi Arabia, to be accused of being in the company of unrelated men, amounts to a death sentence: Saudi Arabia's religious police are being blamed for the death of two sisters who were murdered in what is known as an 'honor killing' by their brother after the sisters were arrested for allegedly mixing with unrelated men.The Society for Defending Women's Rights in Saudi Arabia said the religious police arrested the two sisters, aged 19 and 21, thus putting their lives in danger. Their brother shot them to death in front of their father when they left a women's shelter in Riyadh on July 5, according to Saudi news reports. The practice known as honor killing is a daily occurrence in Saudi Arabia. The incidents are staged to look like a suicide or an accident, Wajeha Huweidar, a Saudi women's rights activist told The Media Line. ... "I think the religious police had a big role in this crime and many other crimes," said Huweidar. "When a woman gets arrested for mingling with a non-male relative, that means her life is ended. She gets to go to a prison or to a women's shelter and her family will not come to pick her up. The Saudi male guardianship system doesn't allow women to be released without the presence of their male guardian." Violence against Muslim women continues a pace as the list of crimes collected by in the recent bulletin of the oppression of women makes clear. And it merely covers the last, unexceptional, few weeks. And just so that you, as I was first tempted to be, are not encourage by the very existence of an outspoken Saudi activist like Wajeha Huweidar note that she has been prevented from leaving the country because she did not have permission from her guardian. Yes, women need such permission even to have elective surgery. HRW Middle East director Sarah Leah Whitson asserts that it is time to get real: The Saudi government is saying one thing to the Human Rights Council in Geneva but doing another thing inside the kingdom.It needs to stop requiring adult women to seek permission from men, not just pretend to stop it. This is the brutal reality behind the American and French presidents argument over Muslim female headgear, as absurd as it may seem. Non Muslims groups, such as Hassidic Jews and Amish Christians, may have dress codes but those abandoning them are not risking violent retribution. In other words, when Barack Obama chooses to be silent on dishonor murder and vocal on the Burka, he takes the side of the oppressors and there is no use pretending otherwise. Moreover, his pretense has consequences. It is a small wonder that the Afghani president dared world opinion by signing a bill which Legalizes Rape and Starvation of Women: This week, Afghan President Hamid Karzai signed legislation which among other things, allows Afghan men to starve their wives if they refuse to have sex with them. The measure was an amendment to a law which have husbands the right to force themselves on their wives, if they did not consent. Some NATO countries (not the U.S.!) have threatened to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan as a result of the measure... The new law has touched-off riots in the streets of Kabul, as hundreds of women protested the law which would be unthinkable in a civilized society. However, groups of men from Kabul's largest Shia madrassa also took to the streets and attacked the women. The event has been completely ignored by the American press. Well, the American press is too busy following in Obama's footsteps to disrespect anything any Muslim leader or cleric says or does. In other words, Muslim women, like the Iranian people, are on their own even when it comes to moral support. And, just so that we make no mistake, Muslim women are in danger in the West too as demonstrated by dishonor murders in such places as Texas, New York or Malmo, Sweden. Oh, yes, there are "good news" from Saudi Arabia. Hence, only 3 eyewitness are needed for a rape conviction instead of four! That should make conviction easier, don't you think?! Contact Judith Apter Klinghoffer by email at jklinghoff@aol.com |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg |
![]() Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il
Go to to see more of his graphic art at
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 16, 2009. |
ISRAELI VIEW OF ARAB PEACEKEEPERS IN GAZA Dr. Aaron Lerner, head of IMRA, asked the opinion of Prof. Yaacov Bar Siman Tov of the Hebrew University Dept. International Relations about the proposal to send foreign Arab peacekeepers in Gaza. The professor approves, following the example of an international force in Lebanon. He thinks it kept Hizbullah from renewing warfare. Dr. Lerner wondered how successful UNIFIL was, inasmuch as Hizbullah amassed about 30,000 missiles under its nose. The professor acknowledged that the foreign troops could become human shields and might not prevent arms smuggling into Gaza (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/21). PM Netanyahu said that the measures for demilitarizing southern Lebanon and Gaza did not work (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/22). One can't say UNIFIL prevented combat. First Hizbullah had to rearm, and UNIFIL's presence kept Israel from preventing that prerequisite for major combat. When Iran gives Hizbullah the signal to fire the rockets, would UNIFIL stop it? Some people think that the Arab view is omitted by the major media
and by me (see
PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY ACCUSES HAMAS The Palestinian Authority's (P.A.) official newspaper, Al-Hayat
Al-Jadida, accused Hamas of money-smuggling via women and patients
traveling abroad for treatment. If true, this would further justify
Israeli checkpoints The P.A. accuses Hamas of more specific and more severe misbehavior
than it accused Israelis of. To see a P.A. reason to fear Hamas, click
POLICE ARREST PRO-ARAB ANARCHISTS NEAR BAT AYIN Bat Ayin is the Jewish community in Judea-Samaria where an Arab terrorist came, murdered one boy, and tried to murder another [but was fought off]. A week later, Arab threw stones at Jews having a religious ceremony there. People from that community later started building a synagogue on state land on a nearby hill, from which Arabs would monitor Jewish movement below. The Jews are harassed almost daily by the increasingly present foreign anarchists, Israeli leftists, and Arabs. Seven anarchists were arrested for trying to provoke a fight with resident Jews (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/21). Such stories rarely hit the major media, interested just in
possible settler violence. To see more on who is targeted with
violence, see here:
ISRAELI BORDER POLICE TRAINING IN HUMAN RIGHTS Arab groups were scheduled to instruct Israeli border police on the
human rights of Arabs they may encounter. On hearing of that, Orit
Strook, head of the ]Jewish] Organization for Human Rights in Judea
and Samaria, secured an appointment from the head of the Border Police
to instruct border police on the human rights of Jews they may
encounter as they demolish outposts
For more on Israeli need for human rights training in treatment of
Jews, see here:
LEFT'S REACTION TO TIANANMEN SQUARE MASSACRE A few days after the massacre in China, civil rights attorney Alan Dershowitz had his associate telephone prominent American leftists noticeably vocal about civil rights violations in democracies. Most claimed to be unavailable for comment. None would condemn China for shooting or running over hundreds of students. This included Noam Chomsky, professed champion of underdogs, and the late William Kunstler, who wouldn't condemn a supposedly "socialist" regime. No condemnation came from the Nation, National Lawyer's Guild, Guardian, other Marxist weeklies, and the PLO. The same democracy-bashing leftist groups also were silent about Saddam's poison-gassing of Kurdish civilians, mass-executions in Syria, and Iranian mass-murder of Bahai. They don't care about justice, just about ideology. Their pretended interest in human rights is phony, one-sided. The test of good faith humanitarianism is to object to atrocities by every side. The test of good faith upholding of free speech is to defend it for all sides (Alan M. Dershowitz, Contrary to Popular Opinion, 2002). For more on Dershowitz' views of censorship and self-censorship,
see here:
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION APOLOGIZES TO DURBAN II The Durban II conference by the UN's Human Rights Commission ran as anticipated. The opening speech was an antisemitic speech by Iran's President, to which the Secretary-General sat through without objecting. The product was one-sided and exclusively anti-Israel resolutions. The Obama Administration apologized for not having attended and
thanked delegations for working to improve the results. However, one
can see that the results add to bigotry
Durban II owes the apology. Obama should apologize for apologizing to bigots. He is too appeasement-minded, not a defender of decency. To read about Obama already having upset U.S. Jewry, though they are
quiet about it, see here:
For a skeptical view of humanitarian organizations, see here:
ISRAEL RECONSIDERING ITS SALES OF DRONES TO RUSSIA Russia signed a contract to purchase Israeli drones. Then it admitted that it was buying the few just to learn the technology for building its own. Therefore, Israel is reconsidering that sale (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/22 from Jerusalem Post). To see what Russia does with its arms development, see here:
E.U. AND ISRAEL SIGN COOPERATION AGREEMENT The Israel and European Commission were to sign on to economic cooperation (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/22). This was the agreement that the E.U. threatened to withhold unless Israel adopted E.U. policy towards the Territories. Israel budged but didn't concede. ARAB WOMAN HEADS ISRAELI HOSPITAL DEPT. "Dr. Suheir Assady is the first Muslim woman to" head a large hospital department in Israel" and one of the few in Mideast. This is the Nephrology Dept. of Rambam Hospital in Haifa. She has impressive qualifications and goals (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/23). For problems in Arab-Jewish coexistence in Israel, see here:
IRAN DEMONSTRATES DOUBLE STANDARD AGAINST ISRAEL If ever an issue demonstrates the world's double standard against Israel, it is the non-reaction to violent oppression in Iran. The world has little to say, as the Ayatollah's goons murder Iranians demonstrating peacefully for democracy. Obama, who has so much to say against Israeli settlements, practically ignored the Iranian murders. The human rights organizations, which seize upon false accusations against Israel, ignore the irrefutable carnage in Iran (Israel Resources Review, 7/13 from Ben Caspit & Ben Dror-Yemeni of Maariv, 6/22). The double standard is against Israel, but not particularly in favor of Muslims, who are the major victims in these Iranian police state tactics. I would like Muslims abroad to deny that Islam condones the methods of Iran's theocracy and to affirm their opposition to the oppression there. To read about Iran's crazy accusations, see here:
STATUS QUO EGYPT Renowned Egyptian Scientist Farouq Al-Baz laments that his once great country fails to reform. It grows just in population and builds over agricultural land, while the "Asian tigers" far surpass it (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/23 from MEMRI). It also grows in military might, thanks to U.S. taxpayers. For a bit on what to expect from Egypt, see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Moshe Feiglin, July 16, 2009. |
"We will pass over armed before the LORD into the land of Canaan, and the possession of our inheritance shall remain with us beyond the Jordan.And Moses gave unto them, to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and unto the half-tribe of Manasseh the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, the land, according to the cities thereof with their borders, even the cities of the land round about." (From this week's Torah portion, Matot, Numbers 32:32-33) Once again this week, Israeli tourists were denied entry to Jordan because they had tefillin (phylacteries) in their luggage. Tourists who look too religious, even if they do not have Jewish religious items in their bags are not allowed to enter the Hashemite kingdom. "We do this for the safety of the tourists," the Jordanian government justifies itself. In other words, while we have signed a peace treaty with you, for which we received a huge amount of territory in the Aravah, a steady stream of water at the expense of dehydrated Israel, civilian flights in Israeli skies, profitable tourism and more that didn't really reflect the feelings of the Jordanian "nation." Deep down, the Jordanians do not want peace with you. They want to eliminate you. By the way, in Jordan, it is still a capital offense to sell land to a Jew. The Jordanians seem to remember the Torah verses that include both banks of the Jordan River within the boundaries of Israel. The Jews prefer to forget. Ze'ev Jabotinsky's movement, Beitar, has already officially deleted its founder's claim to both banks of the Jordan from its platform. But believing Jews cannot delete verses from the Torah. That is why the Jordanians fear G-d fearing Jews. The Jordan tourism issue is amazingly similar to the Temple Mount tourism issue. At the entrance to Judaism's most holy place, a strange differentiation is made between religious looking Jews or those Jews with religious articles in their bags and between Jews who do not look religious at all. The first group is delayed, their religious articles are confiscated and they are closely scrutinized while they are on the Temple Mount. The "normal" group enters the Mount with no delay and nobody pays them much attention. Both the Jordanian and Israeli authorities are onto something. Deep in their subconscious, they understand the spiritual bond between the Nation of Israel and its entire land, with the focus on the Temple Mount. They think that it is just the "religious" who express this bond, and they do what they can to disconnect the two. Jew haters outside Israel are not concerned by religious Jews who have no connection to their land just look at Achmadinijad and the Satmers. Jew haters in Israel are not concerned by Israelis who have no connection to their religion. But when we will have Jewish leadership that will attach all those strings a complete nation with complete faith in a complete land the Jew haters of the world will really have something to worry about! Shabbat Shalom,
Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) is a group of people inside the Likud party who want to see Israel adopt a more Jewish character. Moshe Feiglin, its cofounder, has emphatically said he does not want a theocracy, but he does want a State based on Jewish values. The Manhigut Yehudit website address is http://www.manhigut.org. To learn more about Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) and to read their plan for Israel's future, visit www.jewishisrael.org. Or contact Shmuel Sackett, International Director (516) 330-4922 (cell) |
Posted by Nurit Greenger, July 15, 2009. | |
For everyone's attention: Are the Jewish-Israeli villages and towns in Judea and Samaria legal or illegal? For once and for all we put the record straight! Way too often we hear that the 'settlements programme' that followed the 1967 occupation of Judea and Samaria, an area many still elect to call the 'West Bank' so it sounds or appears to be a foreign territory and not part of the Land of Israel are regarded by most international bodies as a serious violation of international law. Many writers, commentators, media broadcasters, officials in many countries, anti-Israel activists, whether organizations or individuals, and people who simply lack the basic and correct facts and knowledge insinuate that this view is based on the interpretation of Article 49 of the Geneva Convention as well as a series of UN Security Council resolutions' that deem the settlements to be illegal. Personally I do not think that a Jew making his home in Judea of Samaria is an illegal act. But who am I to doubt the 'pundits' and their claim it is? So I presented this long overdue question to Eli Hertz of http://mythsandfacts.org/ who is número uno expert in this filed and here is the result that we all need to know and recite to those culprits who argue that homes of Jews built or are about to be built in Judea, Samaria and ['East'] Jerusalem are illegal. Eli Hertz divided the topic into two parts: 1. 'Geneva Convention' Article 49These two points will answer the legal aspects of Jews' right to settle in any place, meaning any place between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The term "occupied territory," which appears in the Fourth Geneva Conventions, originated as a result of the Nazi occupation of Europe. Though it has become common parlance to describe the West Bank and Gaza as "occupied territories," there is no legal basis for using this term in connection to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Background: The language of Article 49 was crafted in the wake of World War II and the Nazi occupation an occupation that led to a war of aggression in which Nazi Germany attacked its neighbors with impunity, committing a host of atrocities against civilian populations, including deportation and displacement of local populations in occupied Europe. Millions were sent to forced labor camps and those of particular ethnic origin, most notably the Jews, were sent to their deaths in the gas chambers. The drafters of Article 49 were concerned with preventing future genocide against humanity. Using the Geneva Convention to describe the situation in Israel is ironic since Israel customarily follows international humanitarian law without being told or forced to do so by outside authorities. Even a cursory look at the West Bank and Gaza will show that Article 49 is clearly inapplicable. But that has not stopped critics and enemies of Israel, including members of the UN and organs such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) from using the Geneva Convention as a weapon against Israel even when statements by authoritative analysts, scholars and drafters of the document contradict everything said by those who distort history for politically motivated reasons. What do legal experts, scholars and world-respected expert say in reference to Article 49's applicability and relevance to the Israeli-Arab conflict? Article 49, Paragraph 1 prohibits: "... Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country ..." Israel does not forcibly and arbitrarily deported or transferred innocent "protected" Arab-'Palestinians' from the 'Territories' into areas within the 1967 Green Line. Occasional deportation of individuals to "any other country" is based solely on security matters and is permissible under Paragraph 2 of the Article. As to the use of the term "occupied territory" "... from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power ..." Professor Julius Stone,[i] a leading authority on the Law of Nations, categorically rejected the use of the term 'occupied territory' to describe the territories controlled by Israel on the following counts: First, Article 49 relates to the invasion of sovereign states and is inapplicable because the West Bank did not and does not belong to any other state; legally, it is "unallocated territory." Second, the drafting history of Article 49 [Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War] that is, preventing "genocidal objectives" must be taken into account. Those conditions do not exist in the Israeli case. Third, settlement of Jews in the West Bank is voluntary and does not displace local inhabitants. Moreover, Stone asserted: that "no serious dilution (much less extinction) of native populations" [exits]; rather "a dramatic improvement in the economic situation of the [local Palestinian] inhabitants since 1967 [has occurred]." Article 49, Paragraph 5 is of a particular interest. The "Occupying Power" may not " ... detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war ..." It is worth pointing out the reality on the ground. Local Palestinian terrorists bomb makers and other unlawful, hostile and deadly combatants are operating from within the civil population designated by this Article as "Protected persons" causing death and misery to their own 'brethren.' Article 49 Paragraph 6 Arab opposition to Jewish settlements is based on the last paragraph of Article 49. The "Occupying Power" may not "... deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies." Professor Eugene V. Rostow, a drafter of UN Security Council Resolution 242 and international law expert, concludes that the Convention is not applicable to Israel's legal position and notes: "The opposition to Jewish settlements in the West Bank also relied on a legal argument that such settlements violated the Fourth Geneva Convention forbidding the occupying power from transferring its own citizens into the occupied territories. How that Convention could apply to Jews who already had a legal right, protected by Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, to live in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was never explained." Rostow reminds us that: The Mandates of the League of Nations have a special status in international law. They are considered to be trusts, indeed 'sacred trusts.'.... A trust does not end because the trustee dies [or] resigns. ... UN Article 80 was specifically created in 1945 to protect the Jewish right of settlement in Palestine under the mandate against erosion in a world of ambitious states. The legal rights of settlements survived the British withdrawal in 1948. Rostow states: "This paragraph of Article 80, commonly known as 'The Palestine Article,' was debated and passed with the problem of the Palestine Mandate very much in mind." Several leading indicator demonstrate that Palestinians (when not engaged in hostilities) are better off under Israeli control than under their 'brethren' in neighboring Arab states. Palestinians' standard of living continued to rise steadily in the early 1980s but dropped sharply under corrupt self-rule that was a consequence of the Oslo Accords, plummeting to an all-time low since September 2000 when Palestinians again opted for armed conflict. The infant mortality rate of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank is far lower than the rate in most of the rest of the Arab world. In the West Bank, for example, the infant mortality rate was 21 for every one thousand births, while in Egypt it is 59 and in Saudi Arabia it is 58 per thousand births respectively. The data imply that the same Palestinian Arabs enjoy human rights superior to their brethren in most Arab countries. The "Mandate for Palestine," an historical League of Nations document, laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in western Palestine, a 10,000-square-mile area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an entitlement unaltered in international law and valid to this day. The legally binding document was conferred on April 24, 1920, at the San Remo Conference, and its terms outlined in the Treaty of Sèlvres on August 10, 1920. The Mandate's terms were finalized and unanimously approved on July 24, 1922, by the Council of the League of Nations, which was comprised at that time of 51 countries,[iv] and became operational on September 29, 1923. The "Mandate for Palestine" was not a naive vision, briefly embraced by the international community in blissful unawareness of Arab opposition to the very notion of Jewish historical rights in Palestine. The Mandate weathered the test of time: On April 18, 1946, when the League of Nations was dissolved and its assets and duties transferred to the United Nations, the international community, in essence, reaffirmed the validity of this international accord and reconfirmed that the terms for a Jewish national home were the will of the international community, a "sacred trust" despite the fact that by then it was patently clear that the Arabs opposed a Jewish national home, no matter what the form. Many seem to confuse the "Mandate for Palestine" [The Trust], with the British Mandate [The Trustee]. The "Mandate for Palestine" is a League of Nations document that laid down the Jewish legal rights in Palestine. The British Mandate, on the other hand, was entrusted by the League of Nations with the responsibility to administrate the area delineated by the "Mandate for Palestine." Great Britain [i.e., the Mandatory and Trustee] did turn over its responsibility to the United Nations as of May 14, 1948. However, the legal force of the League of Nations' "Mandate for Palestine" [i.e., The Trust] was not terminated with the end of the British Mandate. Rather, the Trust was transferred over to the United Nations. Eli Hertz
Contact Nurit Greenger by email at 4nuritg@ca.rr.com. Visit her blog:
Posted by Steven Plaut, July 15, 2009. |
Date: November 2, 2068
I would like to thank all of you men, women, cyborgs for attending my lecture this evening, despite the leak in the metrodome over the city that is allowing in some rain. I hope you did not have too much trouble finding parking for your personal commuter rocket devices in the university guest space station. I have been asked to sum up for you an era of Middle East history that took place before most of you were born, though it is fully documented in the standard knowledge chips you all have dangling from your rocket ignition keychains. It is truly difficult for those of us alive today to understand the depth of foolishness that led to the demise of the state of Israel earlier in the 21st century. But I wish to remind you that the events took place back when humans still lived in the most primitive conditions, operating mechanical computers with screens rather than bio-thinking supplementals; when humans drove those suicidal machines called automobiles and crashed into one another. Israeli political leaders, journalists and academics had for years infected the nation with a bizarre disease called Acute Settlerphobia, or AS. The plague of AS was inculcated with such massive determination that few in the country were able to immunize themselves against its mind-freezing symptoms. Those infected became mentally paralyzed, incapable of contemplating any solution to life's problems which did not include the idea that the settlers were responsible for all terrestrial problems. So you see, the temptation to adopt the "Two States for Two Peoples" solution was based not only on overwhelming international pressure but on the insistence of Israel's own political and intellectual elites that this formula would put an end to the Middle East conflict once and for all. There were, of course, plenty of reasons for skepticism. Israel had just a few years before abandoned the Gaza Strip, removing all of its soldiers and civilians. The result was the launching of thousands of rockets and countless other terror attacks against Israel by the Gaza Palestinians. Clearly an intelligent being or even an average cyborg should have understood that Gaza was serving as an illustration of what Israel could expect from any further territorial capitulation. But the leaders of Israel kept repeating what the Americans, Europeans, and others were chanting in global unison. They kept saying that no one could really knew what the Palestinians would do with their new state under the "Two States for Two Peoples" formulation until they got it. By repeating endlessly the hope that maybe the Palestinians would morph into civilized neighbors once they had their own state, and that anyway there was no alternative but to give the idea a try, Israel's opinion shapers eventually snookered the masses into into agreeing to "Two States for Two Peoples." Exactly 14 minutes after "Two States for Two Peoples" was implemented, the state of Palestine opened up a barrage with tens of thousands of rocket launchers, mortars and other low-tech means of warfare still being used by armies back in the early 21st century. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem were nearly obliterated. Following the massive rocket attacks on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem attacks that (naturally) were completely unexpected by Israel's political establishment and chattering classes came the final blow from Palestine. Masses of troops and volunteers from other Muslim states, especially Iran and Pakistan, who'd flooded into Palestine to defend it from the Israeli aggressors, were on the march. Large groups of Palestinian infiltrators attacked what was left of Israel near Netanya, cutting all north-south highways and dividing the country in half. Thousands of Jews living in isolated towns and communities in the Galilee were lynched by members of the Galilee Liberation Front, their beheaded corpses left alongside the roads. Palestinian rocket crews had earlier shut down Israeli airports, and missile barrages had made Israeli sea ports too dangerous for any ships to enter. So there was no escape for the Jews. Remaining pockets of Jewish resistance were placed under siege, their residents starved into submission. (Kibbutz members under siege were so desperate, they were actually reduced to eating kosher food.) To the very last, nearly all Israeli politicians insisted that the turn of events was completely unexpected and could not have been foreseen by anyone. Shortly after Israel was completely overrun, U.S. President Al Franken and French Prime Minister Abu Jihad announced that Two States had at last been achieved for Two Peoples the Palestinian and Jordanian peoples. They appealed to countries around the world to allow the surviving Jewish refugees from the dead Zionist entity to enter their countries, but only Micronesia acquiesced. Next week's guest lecture will be on the history of the now extinct Christian community of Europe. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by AFSI, July 15, 2009. |
PRESSURING ISRAEL UNDERMINES AMERICA'S INTERESTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST This is the title of an ad run by AFSI in the New York Times on Wednesday, September 17, 1997. We see that twelve years later, the U.S. government, led by President Barack Obama, is once again pressuring Israel into a path of self-destruction, as well as one that will harm America. In the ad, we quoted a statement made by Yasser Arafat on Jan. 30, 1996 to a group of 40 Arab diplomats in Stockholm. More than three years after he committed himself to the 1993 White House "peace" signing, he said: "You understand that we plan to eliminate the State of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian State. We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion...We now need all the help we can get from you in our battle for a united Palestine under total Arab-Moslem domination!" Following Arafat's statement, his Fatah PLO organization systematically began a terror campaign against Jews that included homicide bombings, kidnappings, shootings, and ongoing incitement to riot on PA radio, TV, the press, the mosque, the schools, and the marketplace. Underlying all of that is the unchanged PA Covenant calling for Israel's destruction as a doctrine of faith. Today, Hamas controls most of the PA territory and Mahmoud Abbas, Arafat's right hand man, is the so-called leader with whom Israel is pressured into making "peace." The Arabs have been made so arrogant by President Obama's persistence in pushing the "two-state solution" that they understand all they have to do is wait for America to do the take-over job for them. The harm done to Israel by this program is self-evident. What is the harm to America? Are we served by reducing Israel from a strong, independent U.S. ally and co-guardian of the stability of the region to a shrunken client-state, whose very survival is threatened on all sides? If America embraces terrorist leaders, rejecting Israel, its one democratic ally in the Middle East, what will be the cost in American lives if a new attack against U.S. interests occurs in the Persian Gulf? The absence of a strong Israel Defense Forces deterrent could tip the balance against America. Is America ready to take that chance? We hope not. It is time for a reassessment of U.S. policy in the Middle East, based on American values and interests. Americans For a Safe Israel/AFSI is a pro-active pro-Israel advocacy group. AFSI may be contacted by mail at 1623 Third Ave., Suite 205, New York, N.Y. 10128 (Tel: 212-828-2424; Fax: 212-828-1717); by email at afsi@rcn.com; or by accessing its website: www.afsi.org. Barry Freedman is Executive Director. |
Posted by Yoram Ettinger, July 15, 2009. |
In 1967, Israel demolished the military forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Consequently, Israel developed the "Low Probability Arab Offensive" concept. The 1973 War along with Mideast unpredictability and objective intelligence constraints devastated that concept, threatening the Jewish State with oblivion. In 2003, following the US occupation of Iraq, Israel recycled the "Low Probability" concept. Israel assumed that the US military in Iraq precluded the possibility of a conventional Arab offensive on Israel's eastern front a lethal threat to Israel's "soft belly" (Jerusalem and greater Tel Aviv). However, in 2009, that concept has been rendered obsolete by the gradual US evacuation of Iraq and by the lowered US military profile in the Mideast, which have energized Mideast radicals. The gradual US withdrawal from Iraq should free Israel from the "Low Probability" delusion, thus preventing a 1973 War-like disaster. It should put to rest the illusion that the US military presence in Iraq is a fixture, thus supposedly permitting dramatic cuts in Israel's defense budget, while lowering the critical significance of the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria to Israel's survival. The potential implications of the drastic change in US policy from an offensive and defiant posture to one of retreat and engagement highlight the unpredictable, treacherous and brutal nature of the Mideast. It mandates a very high security threshold, especially for the besieged Jewish State. For instance in 1969, Libya was transformed abruptly from a US to a Soviet ally. The largest US (overseas) air force base, Wheelus, became, overnight, a Soviet base. In 1979, Iran was switched violently from the "US Policeman" in the Gulf to a chief "Anti-US Gangster." In 1980, Iraq invaded Iran in violation of their peace treaty, while avoiding US surveillance facilities in the region. In 1989, the Communist USSR collapsed and policy-makers deluded themselves about peace dividends and the end of the war era. However, the globe and particularly the Mideast, have become less-certain, less-predictable, less-stable, less-familiar and therefore much more threatening. In 1990, Iraq violated its peace treaty with Kuwait, plundering and raping the sheikhdom. In 1993, the Israel-PLO Oslo Accord was concluded and Shimon Peres authored "The New Middle East," claiming that borders and territory lost their significance. But, instead of peace, the Oslo Process ushered in an unprecedented wave of hate-education, non-compliance and terrorism. The IDF and Israel's Secret Service had to reenter Judea and Samaria, in order to defend Israel's "soft belly" in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the 9-15 miles coastal plain (pre-1967 Israel). In 1948/9, Jordan's King Abdullah broke his commitment, to Golda Meir, to refrain from fighting the Jewish State. In 1966, King Hussein breached his commitment to the US to prohibit US-made tanks from crossing the Jordan River. In 1967 and in 1973, King Hussein was forced by Egypt and Syria to join the wars against Israel. During 1968-1970, King Hussein provided the PLO with logistical and operational bases for anti-Israel terrorism. In 1990, King Hussein collaborated with Saddam Hussein. How would the toppling of Jordan's Hashemite regime (by pro-Iran, pro-Syria, or pro-Hamas/PLO terrorists) impact the Israel-Jordan peace treaty and the potency of the Eastern Arab Front threat on the Jewish State?! The expected completion of the US retreat from Iraq and the minimization of the US as a global policeman would exacerbate local, regional and global conflicts in the Mideast, would intensify pro-Arab Russian, Chinese and North Korean involvement, would escalate Iranian and Syrian belligerence and would fuel Islamic terrorist subversion against Arab regimes in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Sheikhdoms. The progressive US withdrawal from Iraq sheds light on the potential of uncertainty, instability, treachery, non-compliance and violence in the Mideast, irrespective of Israel's policy or existence. Mideast precedents behoove the Jewish State to base its policy on realistic Mideast scenarios and not on lethal wishful thinking, such as the "Low Probability Concept." The Mideast requires (especially) Israel to maintain a high security threshold, which protects its most vulnerable eastern flank: The mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria, which constitute the "Golan Heights" of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv; the most effective tank obstacle in the region (3,000ft steep slope dominating the Jordan Valley in the east); a dream platform for invading the 9-15 miles sliver of flat land along the Mediterranean Sea (2,000ft moderate slope in the western mountain ridge). Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is a consultant on US-Israel relations as
well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for
Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to
Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul
General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of
Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem
Cloakroom series of reports. Contact him at yoramtex@netvision.net.il
Posted by David Frankfurter, July 15, 2009. |
Over the years we have seen Israel on the losing end of an ongoing propaganda war that has increasingly besmirched its image in the media and has increasingly affected the realpolitik of the world in which we live and operate. The pattern is consistent. The Palestinian lobby starts with a lie which is so unbelievable that we belittle it or even ignore it. The lie is repeated often enough until the world believes it and even our natural supporters in the Jewish Diaspora begin to adopt it, repeat it and reinforce it. It then becomes a reality we have to deal with. Eventually even the Israeli government toes the line. Frankly we are fools. And if we ever thought "never again!", why don't we fight back? Let's understand how it works. The "big lie" was most famously defined by Hitler in fact in a "big lie" hidden within a "big lie" he accused the Jews of using the tactic: "...in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation... would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying." Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X United States Office of Strategic Services wartime description of Hitler's Psychological Profile showed how he used the tactic: His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it." And the Palestinians adopted Hitler's ways. Amongst their own public and in the international arena. Let's take, as an example, the "illegal" settlements beyond the 1967 armistice line, in what is "rightful Palestinian territory", that have become in the world's mind the only "obstacle to peace". If Israel would only abandon the settlements, the world would support Israel, peace would miraculously descend from heaven resolving the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, magically diffuse over the entire Middle East, and the Messianic era would usher in world peace. Leaving aside whether one thinks that settlements are a good idea, a bad idea, should be dismantled or not, are a blessing or a curse the fundamental assumptions are simply balderdash. The Arab world rejected Israel and launched non-stop wars and terrorist campaigns against Israel's citizens before a single settlement existed beyond the 1967 armistice lines. At least some "post-1967 Settlements" were re-established on Jewish owned lands, where the surrounding Arab neighbours had massacred the inhabitants during one or another of these violent attempts to purge the region of Jews. There are many eminent international lawyers who would contend that the vast majority of the settlements in Judea and Samaria are perfectly acceptable under international law. Most telling, however, is the experiment which thoroughly tested and disproved the idea that removing settlements or Jews from "Palestine" will somehow magically lead to peace. In September 2005, all the settlements in the Gaza strip were voluntarily abandoned. The Gaza strip was made completely Judenrein or Jew-free. We all know the results. The world "rewarded" Israel by allowing Prime Minister Ariel Sharon address a near-empty plenum of the UN, and then promptly placed all blame for Palestinian failures on Israeli shoulders. Instead of an opportunity for state-building, the Palestinians chose a path of self-destruction and terrorist war against Israel. Rocket attacks, suicide bombings, and internal violence and corruption didn't let up for a moment. And the infant Gaza economy was deliberately destroyed from the inside. But, we are told, Hamas did all of this, and that the Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) led Palestinian Authority is "different", "moderate" and "responsible". Another big lie. The very same Abbas led Palestinian Authority was in power in Gaza when Israel left. Hamas didn't come to power until June 2007 some twenty months later! And Abbas' Fatah political party, which also controls the Al Aqsa terrorists, has (in Arabic only, of course) consistently agreed with Hamas. Just last week, a Fatah activist once again declared on PA Television that they don't want peace. As Fatah strong man Mahmoud Dahlan explained on PA Television in March, the Palestinians will not recognise Israel; any contrary statements are purely designed to obtain international funds and support. Is it any wonder that Abbas refuses Benjamin Netanyahu's unconditional invitation to meet to discuss peace? Don't misunderstand me. I am in favour of anything that has a reasonable chance of bringing peace to our region. But Israel is being pushed to make huge one-sided high-risk concessions, for which it gets little or nothing in return; all on the basis of a web of lies that have been thoroughly disproved, but repeated often enough, loudly enough and from high enough places that the world either pretends to or really does believe. And this is just one the most recent example of the way the Palestinians and the world have adopted Adolf Hitler's "big lie" principle to outflank the Jews. But how to fight back? The only way I can think of is to tell "the big truth". Start calling out the truth loudly enough, clearly enough, often enough that it begins to stick. Call every bluff in no uncertain terms. Don't defend. Fight back. But it takes each and every one of us to do it. Loudly. Publicly. Every time. What truths can we tell? How should we tell them? Please post your ideas and comments at my website for everyone to read. David Frankfurter is a business consultant, corporate executive and writer who frequently comments on the Middle East. To subscribe to his 'Letter from Israel', email him at david.frankfurter@iname.com. Or go to http://www.livejournal.com/users/dfrankfurter/ |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 15, 2009. |
EGYPT PROPOSES A GAZA-ISRAEL DEAL Egypt proposed a comprehensive deal over Gaza, which Israel is considering: 1. Temporary Gaza administration including Hamas but under Abbas. Foreign Arab troops could get into a fight with Israelis, triggering general war. P.A. forces would be restrained from hampering Hamas moves to take over. Hamas could prepare for a war with Israel remember, the foreign groups that were supposed to supervise imports into Gaza either didn't, and Egypt falsely denies much arms smuggling into Gaza and takes Israeli complaints as an insult. Has Israel thought through the implications? It usually doesn't
Israeli officials have been appeasement-minded, too idealistic, or corrupt. They concentrate on the stated arrangements and not on likely outcomes. I see a sinister purpose to Egypt's plan, not peace. The Muslim Arabs don't believe in peace. Beware their plans in the name of peace! For more on foreign plans, see here:
PALESTINIAN ARAB NGO SUES ISRAEL IN CANADA Under cover of humanitarian charters, NGOs agitate against Israel. Their alleged humanitarianism does not extend to condemning Hamas for deliberately firing on Israeli citizens. They manipulate international legal rhetoric, as by suing Israel in foreign courts, for their political agenda. This time, the P.A. NGO, Al-Haq asks a Canadian court ti overturn the Oslo accords and set boundaries for an independent Arab state in the Territories. So far, the courts rule such ideological warfare out of their jurisdiction, including other cases brought by Al-Haq for propaganda and harassment. Your euros and dollars wasted. An Israeli court found the director of Al-Haq, Shawan Jabarin, to be a terrorist activist. Al-Haq is financed by northern European governments and Ford Foundation (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/21 from NGO Monitor). POLITICAL PARADES IN ISRAEL? Israeli homosexuals parade in Jerusalem, whose religious residents consider that inappropriate for a holy city. The marchers say it is their right. Usually police follow Supreme Court suggestion to direct their route away from the center of the city. Police, however, intend the next march to be in the center of the city. In reaction, National Union M.K. Ben-Ari is urging Jews to parade in
the centers of Israeli Arab cities. Ben-Ari wants them to exercise
their right to demonstrate with Israeli flags there, and to document
illegal Arab construction there. He put it, ""There must be one law
for everyone." "The right to march cannot be just for left-wing
radicals." The Supreme Court said marching is their right, but the
last time, police limited the number of Jewish marchers to 50 and kept
them in the periphery
One's opinion of this may depend on one's views. Provocation may be intended. On the other hand, the government over-zealously enforces building laws against religious Jews and under-enthusiastically against Arabs, even though the Arabs are bidding to capture the country. The government justifies its enforcement against Jews as maintaining the rule of law. But it doesn't maintain the rule of law in many Arab cities. The Arabs threaten riots. The government cannot properly handle riots, doesn't prepare to, and fears criticism if it did. In that sense, Ben-Air is opposing second-class citizenship for himself. For more on unequal law enforcement in Israel, see here:
FATAH FUGITIVE FROM GAZA ASKS ISRAELI ASYLUM Hamas men shot a youthful Palestinian Authority (P.A.) policeman for
loyalty to Fatah. He sneaked into Israel, where he was jailed for it,
but then authorities offered to let him return. He said they'd kill
him, this time. Instead, he asked for asylum in Israel or to be turned
over to the P.A. in Judea-Samaria
Remember when the PLO revolted against Jordan, which shot many, and the rest fled, many taking refuge in Israel? Israel is murderous, they declare, until they come up against fellow Arabs. By the same token, thousands of Arabs have been moving into the western parts of Jerusalem, lest they become part of the new Arab state they are said to crave. They prefer Israeli freedom and benefits. For more on the cruelty of Hamas, see here:
In elections at Jordan's 14 professional organizations, Islamists
mostly retained control of them
Will King Abdullah keep Jordan's Army out of their hands? YESHA LOBBY EXPLAINS OUTPOSTS TO KNESSET The Yesha Lobby has sent detailed and explanatory maps to Members of Knesset, to disabuse them of mistaken notions about outposts. The mistaken notions are that the outposts all comprise a few, recent set up, temporary buildings. Actually, some have been there for years, in permanent structures, and with a dozen or more families. Most settlements have completed all requirements for legal status
years ago, except the last one, getting the signature of the Defense
Minister. Defense Ministers have been withholding signatures for
political reasons
If Defense Min. Barak affixed his signature, the main controversy over legality would end. He is abusing his position for politics. Worse are those who express indignation against "illegal" settlements, as if their residents broke some law. Hypocrites are the leftists, such as that very same Defense Min. Barak, who demand that Israel prove it is a government of law, by tearing down "illegal" settlements and especially outposts. Most of the outposts are within areas owned by municipalities. For more on outposts, see here:
"ZIONISTS" BEHIND IRAN PROTESTS, SAYS KHAMENEI Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, said that "dirty Zionists"
and their media were behind charges that his regime cheated the
opposition out of the election
I hadn't realized that millions of Iranians are fans and dupes of the Israeli media. Their own pre-election polls put their candidates far ahead of Khamenei's. Iran and the Arabs routinely blame their internal rivalries on Israel. They need Israel to divert attention from their own failures to serve their own countries. MUSLIM LEADERS ACCUSE PEPSI OF BEING ZIONIST PLOT A Muslim religious leader in Egypt accused Pepsi of having formed in
order to send money to Israel. Hamas member of Parliament Salamah had
said the same, accusing large companies of being established by
Pepsi and I were around long before Israel was founded. Pepsi's
origin had nothing to do with Zionism. These accusations are hilarious
much pretense and extreme credulity. To amuse yourselves by more
wild accusations, and to evaluate the reliability of Muslim Arab
claims, see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 15, 2009. |
This was written by Jeremy Sharon and it appeared in the
Jerusalem Post
The decision made this week by the British Foreign Office to cancel export licenses for Israeli warship parts is not the first time Her Majesty's Government has embargoed arms to Israel. In 1969, Harold Wilson's Labour government reneged on its promise to supply Israel with the advanced Chieftain tank, a project which Israel had helped develop. So the fact that the Foreign Office, notorious for its unbalanced approach to affairs in the Middle East, has once again decided to embargo Israel should not come as much of a surprise. But the UK's concern for how its military equipment will be put to use by the IDF rings rather hollow when considering the list of other countries to whom the UK has recently supplied arms; countries which have not fallen foul of Westminster's new "ethical" standards for weapons exports. ![]() In 2008, while the civil war in Sri Lanka was raging, Britain sold $22 million worth of armored vehicles, machine gun parts and semi-automatic pistols to the government in Colombo. During the course of the Sri Lankan army's assault on the last Tamil Tiger strongholds from January to May this year, approximately 20,000 civilians were killed. The Foreign Office said of the cancelled Israeli contracts "We do not grant export licenses where there is a clear risk that arms will be used for external aggression or internal repression." The Sri Lankan army appears to have killed more than 40 times the number of civilians in its campaign against the Tamil Tigers than were killed in the IDF's Operation Cast Lead in Gaza earlier this year, but we have yet to hear of any restrictions on British arms exports to Sri Lanka. And the story doesn't end there. In recent years, the UK has sold arms to Algeria during the civil war there between 1991 and 1999. Components for air-to-air missiles were sold to Pakistan during the period of Musharraf's undemocratic rule. Recent British arms exports to China include components for military navigation equipment and naval radar, military aero-engines and technology for the production of combat aircraft. And the Foreign Office approved the sale of shotguns and sniper rifles to Saudi Arabia, as well as signing a contract with the Kingdom to supply it with 72 Typhoon fighter jets. The double standard which the British Foreign Office has applied in defining which countries are suitable customers for British arms is quite breathtaking. China threatens Taiwan, occupies Tibet and brutally oppresses its own people. Relations between Pakistan and India in the earlier part of this decade were extremely volatile and the countries even teetered on the edge of nuclear conflict in 2001-2002. And the atrocious record of Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses is well documented. Yet, oddly, none of this has prompted London to embargo weapons to any of these governments, despite its declared parameters precluding the export of British arms to countries which might use them for external aggression or internal repression.
BUT THE HYPOCRISY of the recent announcement is not perhaps the most concerning aspect of this affair. What is more alarming is the specific focus of the embargo, namely Israel's actions during Operation Cast Lead. The cancellation of the export licenses would seem to imply that Britain views Cast Lead as Israeli "external aggression". It is extremely wearisome to continually repeat the same facts and arguments, but after Israel absorbed 10,000 rocket and mortar attacks over eight years into its sovereign territory, defining the IDF's operation in Gaza as aggression is quite an Orwellian turn of phrase. If Cornish separatists were to shell Plymouth or Welsh separatists would shell Liverpool, how long would it take the British government to send in the Royal Marines? Not very long, one imagines. What this embargo says is that the UK denies Israel the right to self-defence. This was already made clear during Cast Lead when British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, just two days after the operation began, issued a call for an immediate cease-fire. Miliband ostensibly did not want Israel to destroy Hamas' rocket arsenal, did not want Israel to destroy Hamas' smuggling tunnels and did not want the extremist, rejectionist, Islamist terrorist group that is Hamas to be defeated. Civilian casualties are always sustained in war as the UK knows from its operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. But this does not mean that wars are therefore automatically illegitimate, much less defensive wars undertaken after the utmost provocation. Britain's decision to cancel the export licenses is perfectly in keeping with its generally supine foreign policy, which, with regard to the Middle East, seems to be dictated largely by domestic political concerns. From Miliband's meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in Damascus last November to the recent meeting between the British Ambassador to Lebanon and a senior Hizbullah official, the UK's stance seems to be avowedly on the side of belligerent and reactionary forces in the region. Golda Meir said that the British decision to cancel the Chieftain contract was like "a bomb exploding above Israel's head". The most recent cancellation is far less serious, but it throws into sharp relief the fickle and self-serving nature of Israel's so-called friends.
Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com
Posted by Susana K-M, July 15, 2009. |
This was written by Arnold Ahlert |
Talk, as the old saying goes, is cheap. It gets even cheaper when it is completely undermined by events which reveal it to be nothing more than rank hypocrisy. For revealing such hypocrisy, thoughtful Americans owe a debt of gratitude to a most unlikely source: North Korea. Every day the world is becoming a far more dangerous place, due in large part to the proliferation of nuclear technology and the improvements in missile delivery systems being made by some of the most despicable actors on the planet. When nations like North Korea, Iran and Pakistan are "raising their nuclear game," the more vulnerable other nations become to nuclear attack. That being the immutable reality, pure logic as opposed to puerile politics would dictate anything the United States can do to prevent itself and its allies from being vulnerable would be the ultimate no-brainer. Enter cheap talk. The Obama administration has decided to gut funding for a defensive missile shield which has finally proven itself technologically capable of "hitting a bullet with a bullet" and protecting those nations who have it from being nuked. Furthermore, it is reneging on a deal to put such a shield in Eastern Europe in order to placate the Russians, and also as a means of "persuading" Iran to give up its own nuclear ambitions. Enter rank hypocrisy. Prior to the July 4th weekend, it was reported that North Korea was intending to test long-range ballistic missiles, possibly aiming them in the direction of Hawaii. So what did the Obama administration do? Secretary of Defense Robert Gates immediately deployed our defensive missile shield, aka the Terminal High-Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) system and SBX radar to our 50th state. Both systems are still in the developmental stages, which means they may or may not have been successful if North Korea had been dumb enough to lob an ICBM over Honolulu, et al. Yet it is quite revealing that the same administration which talks about the lack of need for such a system was more than willing to deploy it at the first sign of a genuine threat even as they endeavor to de-fund its subsequent development. Why the disconnect? The triumph of adolescent egotism over real-world maturity. We have an administration inhabited by people who genuinely believe that dulcet diplomacy is a more-than-viable substitute for military preparedness. In other words, as long as we're "nice," everyone else will be nice too. North Korea was "nice" enough to prove the utter futility of that worldview. Yet in true adolescent fashion, the Obama administration will not be dissuaded from its conviction that a defensive missile shield is a waste of time and money. Americans should ask themselves what's worse: paying for a shield with the possibility of never having to use it, or "paying" for not having a shield if some megalomaniac immune to sweet-talk decides a nuclear one-off would raise his stature among our enemies. Do we want to be capable or incapable of preventing an American city from being nuked? That the question even needs to be asked is mind-boggling. Contact Susana K-M at suanema@gmail.com |
Posted by LEL, July 15, 2009. |
This was written by Daled Amos and it appeared on his website:
http://daledamos.blogspot.com/2009/07/ israel-from-painful-concessions-to.html |
Back in 2003, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon made it clear that the time was right for peace: The Israeli Prime Minister reiterated his readiness to recognise a Palestinian state and to make "painful concessions" in return for "real peace". But he hedged on whether he would evacuate Jewish settlements. That reluctance prompted the Palestinians and the Israeli left to question his sincerity. "Painful concessions" became the catchphrase that would be repeated over and over by both Sharon and then by Olmert, just as evacuating the Israeli settlements has become the concession de jure for Israel to make (the Disengagement having been a mere appetizer). Then, Israelis were told by their leaders what would have to be done to proceed further on the evasive road to peace. Now we have gone from evasive to invasive as Israel now finds itself lectured by the US not only that it simply has not done enough, but that it needs a political time-out, while it sits in the corner and considers what it really should be doing under the tutelage of Obama. Obama informed the meeting of Jewish leaders that he himself has created an opportunity that not only did not exist before, but may not come again: Mr. Ben-Ami (of J Street) said in an interview that the president ''did a masterful job of pushing while hugging.'' Mr. Obama spoke of a ''rock-solid strategic alliance with Israel,'' he said, but also strongly defended his call for Israel to stop building Jewish settlements in Palestinian territories. He said Mr. Obama argued that he is the right man, at the right time, to press for a lasting Middle East peace agreement. Marty Peretz notes the air of condescension: It is, after all, they whose country is the target of an armed and ideological cyclone that Obama has done precious little to ease. He brought nothing back from Riyadh and Cairo, absolutely nothing except the conviction of the Arab leaders that they need do nothing but sit and wait until the president squeezes one concession after another out of Jerusalem. William Kristol, on the other hand, notes the absurdity: "Serious self-reflection!" It's really good that Barack Obama is reminding the leaders and people of Israel to engage in that. I hope they're up to it. After all, what do Israelis know about reflecting on, and living with, the life and death consequences of political decisions? What do Bibi Netanyahu and Ehud Barak and Moshe Ya'alon either as individuals or as leaders know about war and peace? These are guys and the Israelis are a people who just coast along, taking an easy path, never debating, never thinking, never questioning, never second-guessing...and never making or asking their fellow citizens to make sacrifices. This comes from the new leader of the US [leader of the Free World? (gulp)] whose inexperience becomes more apparent as his approval numbers sink. Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, and David Axelrod, on the other hand they're seriously self-reflective individuals. Look at their wide experiences at peace and in war. Look how they've had to grapple with life and death decisions for decades. For them, it's not just talk and spin and positioning. The American president and his advisors they've made personal sacrifices, they've come to grips with the tough choices over their decades of accomplishment in public life. They've got the standing to lecture the people and leaders of Israel on the need for self-reflection. What it boils down to is that while Obama may be the president of the United States a position that he earned politically that does not mean that Obama has earned the right to lecture another country about its very survival, an issue that both the leaders and people have struggled with for decades. Obama's amateurish remarks will gain him no points on the international stage. UPDATE: Rick Richman gives a little history that perhaps Obama should reflect on: After the Palestinians rejected an offer of a state at Camp David in 2000, rejected the Clinton Parameters in 2001, and conducted a terror war against Israeli civilians from September 2000-2002, Israel nevertheless agreed in 2003 to the "Performance-Based Roadmap" for the creation of a Palestinian state, despite reservations about the manner in which that plan would actually be implemented. Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com. |
Posted by Nurit Greenger, July 15, 2009. |
The eagerness to appease those one cannot be appeased, the lack of leadership of these organization and their divisiveness rather than unification power, their anemic influence yet their eagerness to be in the front line of invitees to meet Hussein is sickening. Who are they representing? Not me! You?! Who do they speak on behalf of? Not me! You?! Have they consulted with all of Israelis to speak on their behalf? Perhaps Obama needs to invite 100 Israelis representing the entire Israeli population from the Left to the Right? Who are these "leaders" to make any decision for Israel, from their confront zone in the USA? Besides of collecting money to help Israel, 70% never reach the target it was collected for, what else do they do to help Jews in the USA and Israel!? This is not a direct issue of Jews in the USA; it is the issues of the State of Israel's right to survive and Israelis' right to simply live? What a Chutzpa these people have to "represent" Israel? Who in Israel they represent? It is like going to my son to decide on an issue for me, to which he will say NO, go to my mother; she needs to decide! It is her issue not mines! If these "leaders" were real leaders with cajunas, they would have said to Hussein in uniformity: when you stop your relentless pressure on Israel asking her to make detrimental to her existence concession, the past have proven to be so very wrong, and when you stop airbrushing and revising our Jewish Nation's history, and when you begin telling the truth based on facts about the conflict, which is really the Arabs, not Israel's, unstoppable war to achieve their final goal, to annihilate the State of Israel, and when you finally begin implementing real, not Hollywood style, pressure on the Arabs, to unconditionally recognize Israel as a Jewish State, to stop dreaming of the "right of return" and to stop inciting anti-Semitism and hateful propagandas against Israel, Israelis and Jews and the infidels, who are the American people, we have nothing to discuss, Mr. President! We have had enough of Israel and Jew bashing! But each organization and its "leader" is for itself; they are all fighting for the same donated dollar and they do not do much good for Israel or Jews! These organizations will never speak out publically in the fear of risking their access to the President they worked so hard to elect. Since the major Jewish organizations have too much vested in Obama and the Democratic Party the backlash against Obama's anti-Israel strategy will have to come from a grass-roots level. I am sick of all of them! With kind regards,
The article below was written by Ruth King and is called "Missing at the Conclave with President Obama." Ruth King is editor of OUTPOST, the magazine publication of Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI). |
First I want to assure you that 'Americans for a Safe Israel 'was not among the Israel "support" organizations invited to meet with President Obama. We are rather proud of that fact. (List of participants below) Since the Camp David Hudna (means temporary and non binding truce between muslims an infidels so the muslims can regroup, strengthen and then attack again) we have opposed all Israeli concessions. It is also rather risible to our ears to hear Barack Hussein Obama tells Israelis and their American supporters that Israel and the Palarabs must both sacrifice for peace. Last time we heard that was when later Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signed a hudna with Yasser Arafat and that was indeed followed by a huge sacrifice...all on Israel's part In the murderous rampage that segued Oslo Accords, hundreds of Israeli families "sacrificed"...with children and young mothers killed in a Tel Aviv cafe, at pizzeria in Jerusalem, in bus stops, supermarkets, on hikes, at celebrations in Netanya, to name a few. The list is endless and the late Prime Minister Rabin and Simpleton Shimon Peres assured us all that the victims were "casualties of peace." (If this is called peace, we do not want it!) I guess the victims of the town of Sderot are also "casualties of peace' just like the young soldiers lynched by the Arab mob in Gaza and the families who were wiped out in their cars in Judea, or the orphaned children and the students in the university cafe in Jerusalem. I say be damned to anyone who dares to ask for Israeli sacrifice. Let the Arabs sacrifice their spurious claim to a spit of land that is not much larger that the King Ranch in Texas. But unfortunately history repeats, and repeats and repeats itself with the same nostrums and a revolving set of characters, from where the last stage was left, determined to solve a "conflict" which is really an unrelenting Arab war against Israel. Here is a passage from OUTPOST of December l997: "Now, one may ask, what lessons, if any, have the fans of the "peace process" learned from Israel's fall from international grace? And, what lessons, if any, have been learned by observing Washington's response and retreat from principles and self-interest? After all, those who urge Israel to "take chances for peace", do so by implying that America will not permit Israel to be attacked and possibly destroyed. Furthermore, what lessons are learned by the pseudo-statesmen among America's Jewish "leaders", now that a thug like Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov is a major player in the Middle East? And, what of France's new prestige in the region? France, it should be recalled has virtually institutionalized anti-Israel bias in all of its political parties, left and right, alike. As the song says "the answer is blowing in the wind," i.e. the hot air that emanates from those, in Israel and in the Diaspora, who continue to promote Oslo and its evil progeny." If the grandees who bowed to the President had guts and dignity, they would have presented a unanimous declaration. They might have read the following letter which Prime Minster Menachem Begin sent to Ronald Reagan in September of 1982. Addressed simply to "Ron" and signed "Menachem," it states: "What some call the 'West Bank,' Mr. President, is Judea and Samaria, and this simple historic truth will never change. There are cynics who deride history. They may continue their derision as they wish, but I will stand by the truth. And the truth is that millennia ago there was a Jewish Kingdom of Judea and Samaria where our kings knelt to God, where our prophets brought forth the vision of eternal peace, where we developed a rather rich civilization which we took with us in our hearts and in our minds, on our long global trek for over 18 centuries; and, with it, we came back home. By aggressive war, by invasion, King Abdullah conquered parts of Judea and Samaria in 1948; and in a war of most legitimate self-defense in 1967, after being attacked by King Hussein, we liberated, with God's help, that portion of our homeland. Menachem Begin's words are as valid today as they were then, but both Israel and American Jews seem to have forgotten their historic, religious, and strategic mandate. I reread it with great melancholy because for me it underscores the extent to which Israel's subsequent leaders lost their way and for all their posing and strutting America's purported Jewish leaders have lost their sway. Ruth King
Participants in the meeting of Jewish organization with Obama: Alan Solow, Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Lee Rosenberg, President-elect, AIPAC and David Victor, President, AIPAC Malcolm Honlein, Executive Vice Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Abraham Foxman, National Director, Anti-Defamation League Jason Isaacson, Director of Government and International Affairs, American Jewish Committee Nancy Ratzan, President, National Council of Jewish Women Kathy Manning, Chair, Executive Committee, United Jewish Communities Andrea Weinstein, Chair, Jewish Council for Public Affairs Marla Gilson, Washington Director, Hadassah Stephen Savitsky, President, Orthodox Union Rabbi Steven Wernick, Executive Vice President and CEO, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President, Union for Reform Judaism Ira Forman, Chief Executive Officer, National Jewish Democratic Council Debra DeLee, President and CEO, Americans for Peace Now Jeremy Ben Ami, Executive Director, J-Street .
Contact Nurit Greenger by email at 4nuritg@ca.rr.com. Visit her blog:
Posted by Paul Rotenberg, July 15, 2009. |
The release of the Irbil Five is a continuation of a shameful policy. This article below was written by Andrew C. McCarthy, a senior fellow at the National Review Institute and author of Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad (Encounter Books, 2008). This appeared July 11, 2009 in National Review Online http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZjY0MjkwOWVkYTNlYzE2ZjM 1N2E5M2M0MTdiYTI3MzM=http://article.nationalreview.com/?q= ZjY0MjkwOWVkYTNlYzE2ZjM1N2E5M2M0MTdiYTI3MzM= |
There are a few things you need to know about President Obama's shameful release on Thursday of the "Irbil Five" Quds Force commanders from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) who were coordinating terrorist attacks in Iraq that have killed hundreds yes, hundreds of American soldiers and Marines. First, of the 4,322 Americans killed in combat in Iraq since 2003, 10 percent of them (i.e., more than 400) have been murdered by a single type of weapon alone, a weapon that is supplied by Iran for the singular purpose of murdering Americans. As Steve Schippert explains at NRO's military blog, the Tank, the weapon is "the EFP (Explosively Formed Penetrator), designed by Iran's IRGC specifically to penetrate the armor of the M1 Abrams main battle tank and, consequently, everything else deployed in the field." Understand: This does not mean Iran has killed only 400 Americans in Iraq. The number killed and wounded at the mullahs' direction is far higher than that likely multiples of that when factoring in the IRGC's other tactics, such as the mustering of Hezbollah-style Shiite terror cells. Second, President Bush and our armed forces steadfastly refused demands by Iran and Iraq's Maliki government for the release of the Irbil Five because Iran was continuing to coordinate terrorist operations against American forces in Iraq (and to aid Taliban operations against American forces in Afghanistan). Freeing the Quds operatives obviously would return the most effective, dedicated terrorist trainers to their grisly business. Third, Obama's decision to release the five terror-masters comes while the Iranian regime (a) is still conducting operations against Americans in Iraq, even as we are in the process of withdrawing, and (b) is clearly working to replicate its Lebanon model in Iraq: establishing a Shiite terror network, loyal to Iran, as added pressure on the pliant Maliki to understand who is boss once the Americans leave. As the New York Times reports, Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, put it this way less than two weeks ago: Iran is still supporting, funding, training surrogates who operate inside of Iraq flat out. ... They have not stopped. And I don't think they will stop. I think they will continue to do that because they are also concerned, in my opinion, [about] where Iraq is headed. They want to try to gain influence here, and they will continue to do that. I think many of the attacks in Baghdad are from individuals that have been, in fact, funded or trained by the Iranians. Fourth, President Obama's release of the Quds terrorists is a natural continuation of his administration's stunningly irresponsible policy of bartering terrorist prisoners for hostages. As I detailed here on June 24, Obama has already released a leader of the Iran-backed Asaib al-Haq terror network in Iraq, a jihadist who is among those responsible for the 2007 murders of five American troops in Karbala. While the release was ludicrously portrayed as an effort to further "Iraqi reconciliation" (as if that would be a valid reason to spring a terrorist who had killed Americans), it was in actuality a naïve attempt to secure the reciprocal release of five British hostages and a predictably disastrous one: The terror network released only the corpses of two of the hostages, threatening to kill the remaining three (and who knows whether they still are alive?) unless other terror leaders were released. Michael Ledeen has reported that the release of the Irbil Five is part of the price Iran has demanded for its release in May of the freelance journalist Roxana Saberi. Again, that's only part of the price: Iran also has demanded the release of hundreds of its other terror facilitators in our custody. Expect to see Obama accommodate this demand, too, in the weeks ahead. Finally, when it comes to Iran, it has become increasingly apparent that President Obama wants the mullahs to win. What you need to know is that Barack Obama is a wolf in "pragmatist" clothing: Beneath the easy smile and above-it-all manner the "neutral" doing his best to weigh competing claims is a radical leftist wedded to a Manichean vision that depicts American imperialism as the primary evil in the world. You may not have wanted to addle your brain over his tutelage in Hawaii by the Communist Frank Marshall Davis, nor his tracing of Davis's career steps to Chicago, where he seamlessly eased into the orbit of Arafat apologist Rashid Khalidi, anti-American terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and Maoist "educator" Michael Klonsky all while imbibing 20 years' worth of Jeremiah Wright's Marxist "black liberation theology." But this neo-Communist well from which Obama drew holds that the world order is a maze of injustice, racism, and repression. Its unified theory for navigating the maze is: "United States = culprit." Its default position is that tyrants are preferable as long as they are anti-American, and that while terrorist methods may be regrettable, their root cause is always American provocation that is, the terrorists have a point. Paul Rotenberg lives in Toronto, Canada. Contact him at pdr@rogers.com |
Posted by Paul Rotenberg, July 14, 2009. |
This was written by David Bernstein and it appeared yesterday in
the Wall Street Journal.
A delegation from Human Rights Watch was recently in Saudi Arabia. To investigate the mistreatment of women under Saudi Law? To campaign for the rights of homosexuals, subject to the death penalty in Saudi Arabia? To protest the lack of religious freedom in the Saudi Kingdom? To issue a report on Saudi political prisoners? No, no, no, and no. The delegation arrived to raise money from wealthy Saudis by highlighting HRW's demonization of Israel. An HRW spokesperson, Sarah Leah Whitson, highlighted HRW's battles with "pro-Israel pressure groups in the US, the European Union and the United Nations." (Was Ms. Whitson required to wear a burkha, or are exceptions made for visiting anti-Israel "human rights" activists"? Driving a car, no doubt, was out of the question.) Apparently, Ms. Whitson found no time to criticize Saudi Arabia's abysmal human rights record. But never fear, HRW "recently called on the Kingdom to do more to protect the human rights of domestic workers. There is nothing wrong with a human rights organization worrying about maltreatment of domestic workers. But there is something wrong when a human rights organization goes to one of the worst countries in the world for human rights to raise money to wage lawfare against Israel, and says not a word during the trip about the status of human rights in that country. In fact, it's a virtual certainty that everyone in Whitson's audience employs domestic servants, giving her a perfect, untaken opportunity to boast about HRW's work in improving the servants' status. But Whitson wasn't raising money for human rights, she was raising money for HRW's propaganda campaign against Israel. Someone who claims to have worked for HRW wrote to me, "I can tell you that the people on the research and policy side of the organization have little, if any, contacts with people on the donor side." If that's true, apparently this is yet another exception HRW makes for Israel: Ms. Whitson, who gave the presentation to potential Saudi donors, is director of HRW's Middle East and North Africa Division. Also, as a Nathan Wagner comments at OpinionJuris: "Surely there is a moral difference between raising funds in free nations through appeals to ideals of universal human rights and raising money in repressive nations through appeals highlighting pressure brought against their enemies. [Moreover], the former type of fundraising does not imperil the organization's mission, but fundraising Bernstein highlights does, since any significant reliance on such funds will necessarily mute criticism of the repressive government." Finally, some would defend HRW by pointing it that it has criticized Saudi Arabia's human rights record rather severely in the past. The point of my post, though, is not that HRW is pro-Saudi, but that it is maniacally anti-Israel. The most recent manifestation is that its officers see nothing unseemly about raising funds among the elite of one of the most totalitarian nations on earth, with a pitch about how the money is needed to fight "pro-Israel forces," without the felt need to discuss any of the Saudis' manifold human rights violations, and without apparent concern that becoming dependent on funds emanating from a brutal dictatorship leaves you vulnerable to that brutal dictatorship later cutting off the flow of funds, if you don't "behave." Paul Rotenberg lives in Toronto, Canada. Contact him at pdr@rogers.com |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 14, 2009. |
This was written by Alex Sorin and it appeared today in the
Jerusalem Post
Jews and Muslims once worshiped together at the Dome of the Rock, and many Jews considered it to be the Third Temple, according to research compiled by Dr. Moshe Sharon. In his study, "The Shape of the Holy," the Hebrew University professor theorizes that the Dome of the Rock's construction challenged Christian dominance in the city, and that the Islamic tradition of the Prophet Muhammad's Night Journey and ascension to heaven from this spot was an invention to legitimize their presence in Jerusalem. Islamic tradition ascribes the conquest of Jerusalem to a number of glorified Muslim rulers, but Sharon believes this to be a fabrication, saying Jerusalem capitulated to a minor commander out of choice rather than necessity. "The tradition about its conquest was shaped at least a century after the event took place and it was no longer possible for the first association of Islam with Jerusalem to remain mundane," writes Sharon. The city was a bastion of Christian relics and glory, epitomized in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Church of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives. Between the two sat the desolate rectangular complex where Herod's Second Temple once stood, which intrigued the Muslims who learned of its connection to Koranic prophets Abraham, David and Solomon. Before the Arabs entered the city, Jews held the belief that the perforated rock on Mount Moriah was present in Solomon's Temple, a tradition that the Muslims adopted. "There is reason to assume that Muslims together with Jews attached themselves to the rock and Jews had developed around it annual pious rituals," writes Sharon. Islamic tradition attributes construction of the Dome to ruler Abd al-Malik, and according to Sharon it symbolized Solomon's Temple, a notion accepted by Jews of the time. The tradition of the Al-Aksa complex as the site of Muhammad's Night Journey developed years later. "It was built to symbolize the renewal of the Solomonic Temple, and an early Jewish Midrash known as Nistarot Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai hailed the Muslims as the initiators of Israel's redemption and a Muslim ruler as the builder of the House of the Lord. Abd al-Malik acquired his Divine authority by rebuilding a mighty symbol for his temple, and was the new Solomon," writes Sharon. Other pre-Crusades Islamic traditions regarding the Dome of the Rock highlight a heavy Jewish role at the site. "One tradition says, 'The Jews used to light the lamps of Bayt al-Maqdis.' Bayt al-Maqdis is the exact Arabic rendering of the Hebrew Beit Hamikdash, and is reminiscent of the lighting of the Menorah in the Temple," writes Sharon. Other Islamic traditions mention Temple customs practiced by Jews in the Dome, such as the use of incense, oil lamps and prayer services conducted by wuld Harun, Arabic for "the sons of Aaron." "There is nothing remotely Islamic in these rituals and the traditions insist that they took place on Mondays and Thursdays. These days have no meaning in Islam but are of particular sacredness in Jewish tradition," writes Sharon. In the final section of his work Sharon builds on the research of Tuvia Sagiv, attempting to prove that the foundations and design of Al-Aksa replicated the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, which the Roman Emperor Hadrian had built on the Temple Mount. Noting that all Roman Temples of Jupiter had an almost identical design, Sharon compares the schematic of the ruins of a Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek to that of the Al-Aksa complex. "Jupiter's Temple in Baalbek had exactly the three features which we find in the Al-Aksa complex: the polygon building in the front where the worshipers assembled, the open space where the god's statue stood and the rectangular main temple. The same symmetrical line which goes through the three components of Jupiter's Temple also goes through the Al-Aksa complex, and both plans fit each other perfectly," writes Sharon. Sharon and Sagiv's theory is potentially incendiary because it suggests the Al-Aksa complex was built on pre-existing foundations and was not designed according to Muhammad's famous Night Journey to Jerusalem. Sharon's research, which questions the Islamic justification for the Dome's existence and describes similar patterns in Jewish and Muslim worship, has inflamed some figures in Israel's Islamic community. "We Muslims believe that Jews have no right to a single inch in front of the Al-Aksa Mosque, the whole complex everything within the walls of the holy site. Jews have no right to worship there under the ground, above the ground or in between the skies," said MK Sheik Ibrahim Sarsur, who heads the Islamic Movement in Israel. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, July 14, 2009. |
This article below comes from IMRA (imra@netvision.net.il) PA Need Not Hurry, Israel Keeps Offering More FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
For annotated version:
"Refugees" owed $140 billion Palestinian Authority (PA) senior official and head of its negotiations department, Saeb Erekat, has said in a detailed interview with an Arabic newspaper that no Jews should be permitted to stay in a Palestinian state, that Palestinians have an "absolute right" to the eastern half of Jerusalem and that, as Israel's negotiating positions have weakened and been concessionary over the years, the Palestinians should agree to nothing now and allow Israel to concede still more. Erekat's remarks in an interview with Jordanian daily, Al-Dustour:
ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "Saeb Erekat has demonstrated in detail that the PA remains opposed to Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state. He has provided further proof though none is needed to show that the PA demand that Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem become judenrein is official Palestinian policy. Conversely, he has shown that the PA's Salaam Fayyad's recent words in English to an American audience which implied that Jews would be allowed to live in a future Palestinian state were fraudulent. Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Carrie Devorah, July 14, 2009. |
Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U. S. needs to know.... Something happened... H.R. 1388 was passed yesterday, behind our backs. You may want to read about it. It wasn't mentioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen. Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA. This is the news that didn't make the headlines.... By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza. The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States, was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4. Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order
provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to
individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the
Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of
January 2006.
LET'S REVIEW...itemized list of some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since his inauguration: His first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory. These important, and insightful, issues are being "lost" in the blinding bail-outs and "stimulation" packages.
Doubtful? To verify this for yourself, go to
Carrie Devorah is a freelance photographer. Contact her at carriedev@gmail.com
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 14, 2009. |
This was written by Ron Kampeas and it appeared in JTA
WASHINGTON (JTA) Top Jewish organizational leaders expressed support for President Obama's Middle East peace strategies at a White House meeting but said the president must do a better job of showing he expects hard work from all sides, not just Israel. Obama's meeting Monday afternoon with 16 Jewish leaders from 14 groups comes after weeks of tense exchanges between the Obama administration and Israel's government over freezing Jewish settlement construction in the West Bank, prompting expressions of "concern" from some U.S. Jewish organizational leaders. "The view was expressed among the organizations at a minimum there was concern about an imbalance in pressures placed on Israel as opposed to on the Palestinians and Arab states," Alan Solow, the chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, told JTA. "The president indicated he had a sensitivity to the perception of that imbalance and had to work harder to correct that perception." One participant quoted the president as saying that "there's not a lot of courage among the Arab states; not a lot of leadership among the Palestinians." The consensus was that on substance, Obama had the support of the room when it came to his peacemaking strategies or, at least, he did not face opposition. The meeting comes as Obama faces sharp criticism from Jewish conservatives in the media who claim the president is bent on scaling back U.S. support for Israel. In particular, critics have cited the Obama administration's repeated calls for an Israeli settlement freeze in the West Bank. At least two of the leaders of centrist organizations who attended the White House meeting Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League and Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations have said they are increasingly hearing from people who are worried about Obama's intentions, including some who voted for him. Liberal groups are rejecting such claims, saying that the president and his approach to advancing Israeli-Palestinian talks enjoy the support of most American Jews. The two representatives of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, president David Victor and president-elect Lee Rosenberg, asked non-confrontational questions about Saudi Arabia and Iran, respectively, and did not press the settlements issue. Rosenberg and Solow, who are both from the Chicago area, were major fund-raisers for Obama's presidential run. Some of Obama's most ardent critics including the Zionist Organization of America and the National Council of Young Israel were among the notable absences from the list of those invited to the White House. Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, delivered a ringing endorsement of Obama's demands for a settlement freeze, saying that settlement expansion was not in Israel's interest. Such pronouncements are likely to reinforce the growing perception in the Israeli government that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is unlikely to garner significant support among U.S. Jews should the disagreement with Obama over a settlement freeze escalate into a full-scale confrontation. Top officials close to Netanyahu are debating how to treat the reluctance among U.S. Jews to back what they now call "normal living" conditions in the settlements a euphemism for natural growth. Some Netanyahu advisers suggest writing off much of the U.S. Jewish community in the short term, maintaining relations only with those groups sympathetic to Netanyahu. Others suggest intensive outreach to left-leaning Jews. Concerns about a potential confrontation may be moot. The United States and Israel reportedly are close to agreeing to a formula that would allow Israel to finish about 2,500 "almost complete" units now under construction in the West Bank. That would allow Israel to claim settlement growth was continuing while the Obama administration would describe it as an effective freeze. The only signs of contention from Foxman, the ADL's national director, and Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Presidents Conference had to do with how Obama was handling his demand for a settlements freeze, not with its substance. Hoenlein said that peace progress was likelier when there was "no daylight" between Israel and the United States. Obama agreed that it must always be clear that Israel has unalloyed U.S. support but added that for the past eight years, referring to the Bush administration, there was "no daylight and no progress." "There was a lot of appreciation by the broad spectrum of the Jewish community of the president's clarity on Israel and the absolute alliance between Israel and the United States," said Nancy Ratzan, the president of the National Council of Jewish Women. It was Foxman who raised the concern of a perception that Obama was leaning harder on Israel than on the Palestinians and Arab states. Obama conceded the point to a degree saying it was the result of "man-bites-dog" coverage of a relatively unusual circumstance: a U.S. president pressuring Israel. He said he would make it clear that he expected the Palestinians to contain violence and end incitement, and that Arab nations should make gestures toward Israel commensurate with Israel's concessions. "If you really read everything he's written and said, it is clear there are multiple parties that have obligations and steps," said Jeremy Ben Ami, director of J Street, a left-wing pro-Israel group. "He's going to call out the Palestinians and the Israelis and the Arab nations." On the issue of Iran, Obama said his strategy of outreach as a means of persuading the Islamic Republic to end its nuclear weapons program was still in place, although he recognized that the Iranian government was entrenching itself in the wake of riots triggered by June 12 elections denounced by many Iranians and westerners as rigged. Obama said progress had been made in persuading other nations, especially Russia, to sign on to his carrots-and-sticks strategy on Iran offering incentives and threatening a harder line. The emphasis was on foreign policy, but Obama fielded questions on domestic issues, including his efforts to introduce universal health care and end hunger among American children. Also present at the meeting were representatives of Americans for Peace Now, the Orthodox Union, the United Jewish Communities, Hadassah, the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and the American Jewish Committee. A day after the meeting, the OU expressed concern at Obama's repeated pledges to be "even-handed" in dealing with Israel and its Arab interlocutors. "The Orthodox Union asks our President to recognize that there are no moral equivalencies between Israel, which has acted time and again to defend itself while actively seeking peace, and those who reject Israel's legitimacy and make war against her," OU President Stephen Savitsky said in a statement. Participants said the meeting, at a round table in the White House's Roosevelt Room, was relaxed and friendly. "The comfort level was magnificent; there were no notes," said Ira Forman, CEO of the National Jewish Democratic Council. Obama teased Rahm Emanuel, his chief of staff, and David Axelrod, his top political adviser, both of whom attended the meeting and are Jewish. "If Axelrod or Rahm ignore you, don't blame me," he said. Ha'aretz published a story last week in which it claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netayahu had privately referred to both Obama aides as self-hating Jews. A Netanyahu spokesman, Mark Regev, was later quoted by The Plum Line blog as denying the claim, saying "I've never heard the prime minister use such language." Meanwhile, one of Obama's most prominent Jewish backers, Alan Dershowitz, has received harsh criticism from some Jewish conservatives for writing an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal defending the president. The critics are accusing Dershowitz, a Harvard Law School professor with a long track record of fighting anti-Israel efforts on campus, of essentially abandoning Israel out of loyalty to the Democratic Party. In response, Dershowitz wrote a piece in FrontPageMagazine.com saying he believes that "a young, extremely popular African American President who supports Israel, even if he disagrees with its policies regarding settlement expansion, would be far more influential with mainstream Americans and with people throughout the world than an old conservative Republican, who also supported Israel." "That is why," Dershowitz wrote, "I gave, and continued to give, President Barack Obama the benefit of the doubt in his dealings with Israel." Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by HandsFiasco, July 14, 2009. |
It's a sure bet that Yisrael and supporters of both Yisrael and justice have had more than enough of this evil antisemite. He's like a European Jimmy Carter. Good riddance! This below was a Jerusalem Post editorial and is archived at
Javier Solana has had enough. After 10 years as the European Union's foreign policy chief and despite all the treasure and energy he has poured into Middle East peacemaking the physicist-turned-diplomat is heading into retirement with Iran on the cusp of an atom bomb, Hamas solidifying its control over Gaza, and Mahmoud Abbas as recalcitrant as ever. ![]() On July 11, Solana gave a speech to the Ditchley Foundation in London which made headlines. Like many diplomats and intellectuals, Solana appears to regard a Palestinian state whose establishment under viable terms, it apparently needs stressing, Israelis support as some kind of regional cure-all. Reading between the lines, it's as if he believes that the mullahs in Iran will stop grabbing for regional hegemony, stealing (rigged) elections, and pursuing nuclear weapons; that Arab autocrats will guide their polities toward tolerance and representative government; that Shi'ites and Sunnis will stop blowing each other up; that Kurds, Copts and Baha'is will gain equality. The Taliban in Afghanistan will liberate women from their burqas; North Africa's Islamists will lay down their weapons; al-Qaida will disband. And millions of restive, alienated Muslims throughout Europe will find a sense of belonging, allowing tranquility to prevail in the continent's inner cities... If only the Palestinians had a state.
THE FRAMEWORK for Palestinian statehood Solana referenced in his London speech included the Clinton Parameters and the Geneva Initiative. Israelis find these, whatever their imperfections, broadly acceptable as points of departure for negotiations. It was on January 7, 2001 that then-president Bill Clinton called for the creation of a contiguous Palestinian state on most of the West Bank; for the incorporation of settlement blocs into Israel, and for land swaps as necessary. Palestinian refugees, he said, could "return" only to a non-militarized Palestine. The European-financed Geneva Initiative similarly called for settlement blocs to be annexed to Israel and for a demilitarized Palestinian state. It also insisted that a solution to the refugee issue had to be found in "Palestine," not Israel. Tellingly, Solana chose to ignore the fact that Ehud Olmert, at the end of 2008, had essentially offered Abbas a turbo-charged version of the Clinton Parameters. Abbas said no, insisting that Israel pull back to the 1949 Armistice Lines and permit itself to be demographically smothered by Arab "refugees" in their millions. Solana's speech then went off on a tangent about settlements about how many more Jews lived in Judea and Samaria today compared to when the Oslo Accords were signed. Solana knows that were Israel and the Palestinians to agree on permanent boundaries, settlements situated on the Arab side of the border would, in all probability, be uprooted. It is the Palestinian propensity for violence and intransigence that has robbed Israelis of any incentive to abandon the Jewish heartland. Solana's fixation with settlements obfuscates and plays to the galleries, but does not genuinely illuminate why peacemaking has stalled. Next, he turned to Hamas: "Whether we like it or not, Hamas will have to be part of the solution." Full stop. Not a word about the Quartet's principles on recognizing Israel, ending terrorism and abiding by past Palestinian commitments. He did offer a circumspect critique of the "binary character all or nothing" of the Arab Peace Initiative, which he admitted would have to be "nuanced."
SOLANA THEN offered a way forward toward creating a Palestinian state: "real mediation." By this, he appeared to mean imposing a solution, and a timetable for its implementation. If the parties didn't go along, he'd have the UN Security Council essentially codify the "real mediation" with its imprimatur. The contrasting reactions to the Solana speech are instructive. The Palestinians' creative interpretation had Solana calling for the Security Council to recognize a Palestinian state in line with their maximalist stance by a certain deadline; even if Israel does not. Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said: "We do not object. It's time for the international community to stop treating Israel as above the laws of man." The reaction of Israel's Foreign Ministry was that peace had to be built on negotiations, not imposed. Plainly, the Palestinians trust that an internationally imposed "peace" would mostly ignore Israeli concerns, while catering to theirs. Israelis do not disagree.
Contact HandsFiasco at handsfiasco@webtv.net
Posted by Lee Caplan, July 14, 2009. |
(IsraelNN.com) The home of the most decorated hero killed in the Second Lebanon War, Maj. Roi Klein, will be torn down as a result of a High Court ruling handed down on Monday. The ruling came in response to a petition filed by Peace Now for the demolition of 12 homes in the HaYovel neighborhood of Eli in Samaria. One of the homes in that neighborhood belongs to the Klein family. Maj. Klein was killed when he leapt onto a live hand grenade to save the lives of his troops. Peace Now claimed that the homes were built illegally. A High Court panel headed by Supreme Justice Dorit Beinisch accepted the group's claims. As written in Arutz-7, "Yesha Activists Say 'Peace Now' are Informants": (IsraelNN.com) The grassroots residents' councils of Binyamin and Samaria (Shomron) reacted Tuesday to a new campaign by Peace Now by saying that "Peace Now's gang of informants should thank the settlers for providing them with employment." The article below is called "Pressure on Israel to Continue," and was written by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz. It appeared today in Arutz-7. |
(Israelnationalnews.com) U.S. President Barack Obama assured 15 leaders of Jewish American organizations of his commitment to Israel, but he also insisted he would continue to publicly press the Jewish State to conform to his vision of Middle East peace. Hosting the Jewish delegates in the White House on Monday, Obama said that Israel needs "to engage in serious self-reflection" if it is to succeed in reaching a resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The American president repeatedly made it clear that in his view this can only mean the creation of an Arab state within Israel's current borders. He presented the "two-state solution" as a solution he wishes to promote to deal with Israel's purportedly precarious demographic situation. President Obama also said that he will continue to press his administration's demands on Israel urgently and publicly, regardless of opposition from the Netanyahu government. Keeping American disputes with Israel from the public eye, as he claimed was done in the past, has not served the interests of peace, Obama informed his guests. He likened this decision to the open and honest conversation needed among close friends. At the same time, Obama stated, his administration would not adopt a foreign policy inimical to Israel's security needs. Some of those present suggested that a visit by President Obama to Israel would go a long way to assuring the Israeli people of that commitment. Obama expressed approval of the idea. Regarding Iran, the U.S. leader said that he remains in favor of dialogue. If the Iranians reject that approach, he added, "we will have to see how we proceed. But it would be a mistake to talk now about what we're going to do and how we're going to do it." The hour-long meeting included the heads of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, the National Council of Jewish Women, the UJC, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Hadassah, the Orthodox Union, the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the Union for Reform Judaism, the National Jewish Democratic Council, Americans for Peace Now, and the far-left J Street lobby. The president excluded from the meeting the strongly pro-Land of Israel National Council of Young Israel, a synagogue federation, and the Zionist Organization of America. Contact Lee Caplan at leescaplan@yahoo.com |
Posted by David Bedein, July 14, 2009. |
The PLO and Hamas web sites have worked over time in the last few days, proclaiming that Philadelphia Rabbis Arthur Waskow and Rabbi Shai Gluskin had organized a fast day this coming Thursday (see www. FastforGaza.net) to protest what Rabbis Waskow and Gluskin describe the Israeli "blockade" of Gaza, with claims that Israel is not allowing food and humanitarian supplies into Gaza. The only fly in the ointment is that there is no Israeli "blockade" of Gaza. What is going on is that Israel restricts munitions and building material into Gaza that could be used for the war effort against Israel. Only two weeks ago, Palestinian and Israeli business people gathered for a meeting of the Israeli Palestinian Chamber of Commerce, with the report that Israel now exports two billion shekels of products to Gaza and thirteen billion shekels worth of products to Palestinians who live in Judea and Samaria on the west bank. Last week, more than a dozen reporters visited the Sufa Trade junction where Israeli products of all kinds are shipped into Gaza. Some of the items were luxury items like 10,000 bottles of Head and Shoulders Shampoo, along with every food product and medical supplies imaginable. Yet the Palestinian information machine grinds out daily reports of deprivation and hunger in Gaza, ascribing it to Israel's "blockade", with stories that Israel simply does not allow food and medical supplies into Gaza to feed the 1.2 million residents of Gaza, half of whom dwell in UN refugee camps for more than 60 years. under the premise and promise of the "right of return" to their villages that they lost in the 1948 war in southern Israel making them the only refugee population that the UN refuses to resettle. Rabbi Waskow was called and asked to respond to the fact that no blockade exists. He would not return the phone call. Rabbi Gluskin said that he was too busy to respond to the question as to where it was that he had heard of an Israeli "blockade" of humanitarian supplies to Gaza. Yet Rabbi Waskow and Rabbi Gluskin have manage to recruit 55 Rabbis from around the United States to join them in a fast to protest an action which Israel is not taking against the Palestinian population. It will be instructive to see how many of these 55 Rabbis show up at the Sufa junction to observe the daily routine of Israeli trucks delivering food and medical supplies to GAza. David Bedein is Bureau Chief, Israel Resource News Agency. (http://Israelbehindthenews.com). He is president of Center for Near East Policy Research. Contact him by email at media@actcom.co.il |
Posted by Hillel Fendel, July 14, 2009. |
Yitzchak Herskovitz, 78, wins a critical battle in his 16-year legal struggle to regain control of his property from Arab squatters in Jerusalem. |
Court Nixes Arab Squatters Yitzchak Herskovitz, 78, has won a critical battle in his 16-year legal struggle to regain control of his property from Arab squatters in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem District Court ruled in his favor that the contested property, in southern Jerusalem's Givat HaMatos neighborhood, in fact belongs to him. Herskovitz must now begin the complex process of having the illegal trespassers removed from the site. It appears clear that the police will have to be involved, and/or that the squatters will appeal the ruling yet again. "In the current climate of tensions surrounding the hesitation to destroy illegal Arab structures and evacuate Arab squatters," said a source close to the case, "it is hard to be optimistic that this case will end very soon." The Case Began in 1993 The saga began in 1993, when Herskovitz filed suit in the Jerusalem Magistrates Court against an Arab clan, the Tsalah family, who was living on his land near the Beit Tsafafa and Gilo neighborhoods of Jerusalem. After more than a decade, Herskovitz won the case; the Arabs appealed the ruling and lost again, and the squatters were to have been evicted. But the Arabs then took the initiative, and sued Herskovitz, claiming ownership of the property and thus delaying the eviction. After 18 months, they abruptly withdrew their case; Herskovitz says this was purely a "stalling maneuver." A month or two later, before the police had a chance to carry out the eviction orders, the third trial in the series began, with the Arabs once again filing an ownership suit in the District Court. That trial finally ended in April of this year, and its final ruling has now been handed down: victory for Herskovitz. Police Delay "One of the things that bothers me," the feisty and colorful Herskovitz told Israel National News, "is that the police, by stalling and not carrying out the eviction orders at various opportunities, enabled this whole thing to be dragged out for so long. For instance, in 2008, they could have evicted the Arab squatters, in accordance with court order, but did not and instead asked for an extension of a few months!" Expedition Request Worked Several weeks ago, Herskovitz filed a request to expedite the final ruling. He wrote that at the "ripe young age" of 78, and not in the best of health, and after 16 years of what he calls "legal shenanigans by those who stole my property," he deserves to have the ruling hurried up. Herskovitz further wrote that the squatters "withdrew their original court suit only in order to re-file it again later, for the purpose of dragging out the process for many years. This was carried out in bad faith and with bad intentions, and expresses their lack of respect to the judicial process. They knowingly and frequently perjured themselves, out of scorn to the court and to my rights, and sensing that they are immune to punishment." The request concludes by asking for expedition of the final ruling, "lest I miss the opportunity to use and enjoy my property forever." The request appears to have done the job, as the ruling need not have been issued before April of next year. At the same time, Herskovitz is attempting to collect on a previous ruling that was handed down in his favor a requirement that the squatters pay him rent while the case is being processed. The squatters have not paid for seven months, however, Herskowitz said. Hillel Fendel is Senior News Editor for Arutz-Sheva (www.Israel National News.com). |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 14, 2009. |
This was written by Melanie Phillips and it appeared
yesterday in the Spectator
So now the veil is well and truly ripped off. All the warning signs have been there for months: Foreign Secretary David Miliband's boilerplate leftist agitprop about Operation Cast Lead in Gaza; Britain's pressure on the EU to renege on the agreements it made with Israel and boycott produce from the settlements; Miliband's statement that Jerusalem should be the capital of 'Palestine' as well as of Israel. Now there has been a step-change. Ha'aretz reports that the British government has revoked a number of arms export licenses to Israel following the Gaza war. Five export licences have been revoked over spare parts for ships' guns. The decision apparently resulted from heavy pressure by both members of Parliament and human rights organizations. The unhinged malevolence over Cast Lead can no longer be brushed off as the foamings of the far-left and its acolytes in the media, NGOs and fashionable society. This is the British government now acting to punish Israel for defending itself against relentless rocket attack by an enemy bent on its destruction. It says Israel's actions were 'disproportionate'. What is it talking about? The actual evidence showed that the proportion of civilians killed in Gaza was very small far smaller than might have been expected given the tactics Hamas was using of embedding itself within the population. The claims of large numbers of civilians and children killed were fabricated by Hamas and recycled by the Israel-bashers of the UN and media. Far from being 'disproportionate', Cast Lead was a carefully targeted operation which, given the circumstances, was astonishingly successful in its aim of confining its attack to terrorist operatives. The only people claiming 'disproportionate' are enemies of Israel. Now the British government has openly joined them. Even now, however, the Foreign Office is in weaselly fashion attempting to deny that this is what it is. This partial arms embargo, it says, is not a partial arms embargo because all export licenses will continue to be considered individually: 'Future decisions will take into account what has happened in the recent conflict. We do not grant export licenses where there is a clear risk that arms will be used for external aggression or internal repression. We do not believe that the current situation in the Middle East would be improved by imposing an arms embargo on Israel. Israel has the right to defend itself and faces real security threats. This said, we consistently urge Israel to act with restraint and supported the EU Presidency statement that called the Israeli actions during operation Cast Lead "disproportionate.' Sorry, but an embargo is an embargo. An act of ideological spite is still an act of ideological spite. The false flag of 'disproportionality' is hoisted only by those who find it 'disproportionate' that Israel should ever defend itself against the Palestinians by military means at all. Israelis are expected instead passively to die under rocket and bomb attack or perhaps live in shelters for ever. That's proportionate. It is time now for all decent people of goodwill everywhere to boycott NGOs like Amnesty, War on Want and all the others who are pushing these obscene lies and libels about Israel. No decent person should have anything to do with these organisations. No-one should give money to these inciters of hatred and purveyors of lies. They have sided with the forces of genocide and Islamic fascism against the Jewish people, truth and conscience. They have become a force for evil in the world. As for the current British Labour government, it can no longer be counted a friend or ally of Israel. The odious Miliband made this as plain as could be when he called two months ago for a 'new coalition of consent' between the West and the Islamic world. He went on: Decisions taken many years ago in [the Foreign Office] are still felt on the landscape of the Middle East...Ruined Crusader castles remain as poignant monuments to the religious violence of the Middle Ages. Lines drawn on maps by colonial powers were succeeded, among other things, by the failure to establish two states in Palestine. There was only one reason why a Palestine state did not arise, and that was because the Arabs refused precisely such a proposal offered not just by the 'colonial' power, Britain, but again in 1947 by fiat of the United Nations. As Miliband did not recall, the Arab response was a rejection of a state of Palestine and a war of extermination against Israel instead. This in turn followed decades in which Arab rejectionism of 'two states' and of the Jews' right to be in their historic homeland at all was directly related to the systematic British appeasement of Arab terror. Britain's history in Palestine was in fact one of repeated betrayal of its pledges to the Jewish people made under international law, and its appeasement of Arab tyranny. Let us not hear any more sickening cant from Gordon Brown about how he learned to love Israel at his father's knee. In this latest act of malice, Britain has merely reverted to shameful colonial type, courtesy this time of the post-modern left. It's déjà vu all over again Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 14, 2009. |
NETANYAHU ON PALESTINIAN ARAB SOVEREIGNTY Benjamin Netanyahu described the flaws in granting the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) sovereignty with restrictions: (1) Once independent, it can nullify restrictions, even if Israel disagrees. Netanyahu said it already happens. Under mere autonomy, in which Israel retains overall responsibility for security, Arafat flouted every Oslo restriction. He smuggled in weapons, polluted water sources, built an army, made military arrangements with Iran and others, and created terrorism instead of fighting it. When Israel entered the P.A. to oppose terrorism, the world investigated Israel, not the terrorists. As Netanyahu put it "...saying yes for a Palestinian (Arab) state means no for a Jewish state and yes for a Jewish state means no for a Palestinian state." Problem is, he said that in 2002 (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/20). Although events have confirmed his perspective, he may be caving in
to demands for statehood now. He's a political weathervane. But he
knows better. For more on his view of Arab statehood, see here:
SETTLER LEADERS TARGETED? Three leaders or their relatives were victims of Arab automobile homicide attempts at about the same place within a couple of days of each other. For those attempts to have been unrelated seems statistically improbable. The trio were: Anat Cohen, a leader in Hebron and sister of a leader of an outpost; David Matar, husband of the leader of the anti-Oslo organization, Women in Green; and Yaakov Cytryn, whose father accused Yigal Amir of being a secret service agent even before Amir was said to have assassinated Rabin. The father was held in solitary confinement for month. Another son was framed for attempted murder, but won release on appeal (Barry Chamish. 6/21). Chamish has pointed out other attacks on settler leadership. Arabs do drive into cars of Jews. Chamish believes a rogue secret service team sets Jews up. His books have persuaded me that the rogues helped Peres assassinate Rabin and make Amir the patsy. To learn about other official Israeli oppression of religious Jews,
see here:
ARAB VIEW NEGLECTED BY COLUMN? A reader contended that the Arab view is neglected in my forum and in general. Not neglected by me. I often debate it. In order to debate it, I must disclose it. I do so more frankly than most, but without the name-calling done by some. Unfortunately, critics read into my writing what they want to find, including hatred. What is there are facts leading to conclusions and self-defense, not hatred. I have an old-fashioned notion about differing views. I remember the Nazi and Soviet Communist eras. Those ideologies were anti-intellectual, dishonest, and murderous. I used to argue with Communists and fellow travelers, but they rarely responded to facts and reason. They just said, right or wrong, whatever would advance their point. Their ideology sought to take over the world and oppress it. They waged hot or cold war on the U.S. and others. The U.S. had no obligation to give Nazi or Communist propaganda a forum or to take it seriously, because those radical ideologies were fraudulent and supported enemy goals. Radical Islam is much the same. Nevertheless, false claims by Radical Islam and other belligerent propaganda have credence by the West. In much of the Western media, those points prevail. The Left has taken up the Arab line. Consider Newsweek or the NY Times. They rarely explain the Jewish nationalist view. They usually express Israeli leftist and Muslim Arab anti-Zionist views, without correcting their misstatements and misconceptions. Why do anti-Zionists claim that the Arab view hardly gets heard? (1) Arabs may believe that if one is not almost wholly behind them, he is against them. The U.S. government cannot or will not take down Israel, itself. It tries, however, to deprive Israel of secure borders, leaving the Arabs to do its dirty work. When the U.S. vetoes inflammatory, one-sided, and defamatory UN resolutions, the U.S. is accused of siding with Israel; (2) They like to complain and appear as underdog. You doubt that? Haven't you noticed their effort to deny the Holocaust, so that they can monopolize sympathy?; and (3) The antisemitic canard that "the Jews" control the media if not the whole world (but somehow can't stop countries from arming the Arabs nor the Arabs from making war on Israel. Full of inconsistency!) NY TIMES REVIEWS DENNIS ROSS' BOOK Howard W. French reviewed Myths, Illusions, and Peace. Mr. French wonders how Mr. Ross was able to keep his high-level appointment to the State Dept. through administrations of different political parties (7/8, C4). The answer is simple. Administrations change, but the traditionally anti-Zionist State Dept. does not. Ross works well in that setting. He was one of what were called "Baker's Jews," who did Sec. Baker's dirty work against Israel. I find Ross more frank and honest than the others, especially when out of office. DERSHOWITZ AGAINST CENSORING REDGRAVE Contrary to Popular Opinion by Alan M. Dershowitz, 1992, Pharos Books, New York a full explanation of civil liberties issues in laymen language. Very useful. In the section on Vanessa Redgrave, Mr. Dershowitz acknowledges that she is a great actress. But he also informs one that she is a leader of the Workers Revolutionary Party, a Trotskyite Communist group in Britain. It was subsidized by Libya and the PLO, and in return, spied for Libya on Jews' activities in British government, industry, and communications. [What did Libya want it for?] She has described the American film industry as Zionist dominated, and Zionism an international menace like Nazism. Her Trotskyite party, supposedly left wing, collaborates with fascistic groups such as the National Front, against Jews and Zionism. [Hypocritical.] A Communist, she has expressed hatred for the U.S.. For murderous extremism, she was blacklisted in Boston. She objects to that, but has urged artists to mix work with politics, as for example, to blacklist those with whom she disagrees. For example, she has tried to get the British Actors Union to boycott Israeli audiences and blacklist Israeli artists. She approves of English universities blacklisting Zionist speakers. She has advocated political assassination of Israeli artists, in case they have helped Zionism. [Note, she proposes assassinating people "in case" they may have done something. If they subsidized some Jewish refugees from Arab states, would that warrant capital punishment? So long as they are Israeli Jews. What bigotry!] Dershowitz sums up Vanessa Redgrave as "...a naïve fool, nasty hypocrite. He believes that Americans can distinguish between her vicious politics and her profession. He recommends not blacklisting her artistry to punish politically. Once started, government censorship expands yet backfires. Private censorship is a problem, too. Yes, reluctant to patronize those whose views they reject, people want to urge others not to patronize them, too. Then they suggest withholding venues, and we have a full boycott. Dershowitz' theme is that it is easy to support freedom of speech for whose who express our own views. Those who don't are equally entitled to free speech and our defense of it, and opponents are free to debate them. I hope that my critics, who think I shouldn't be allowed to write, see this and the best of democracy and of America. I notice that the ones who most want me fired have the fewest arguments with which to debate me. I notice that some of them openly identify with a totalitarian ideology. UNIVERSITY OF HAIFA AGAINST JEWISH STUDENTS Update: The University of Haifa was embarrassed over its barring of Jewish students and faculty from a speech by the head of a Radical Islamic group. So it denied having done so, but also explains why it did so for their own benefit. Now come witnesses that guards beat up some of the Jews barred supposedly for their own benefit. The administration mistakenly denies any legal right to bar the sheik, who exhorted to jihad. What he did was illegal (Prof. Steven Plaut of Haifa U., 6/21). As if to prove Prof. Plaut's point, someone else from Haifa U.
commented in my prior article on it (see:
University Vice-President Amos Gaver admitted having kept the
Jewish students out of the auditorium, contrary to what my commentator
claimed IN DEFENSE OF ARABS Standard English is my first language, but not some of my readers'. As a result, some of them misunderstand me to be insulting all Arab Muslims. Unlike some of those same readers, I don't engage in insult but only in issues and who advocates what. Neither do I believe that all Muslim Arabs advocate the same. The problem is, they misinterpret my use of generalization. I will try to be clearer in my own wording. You know, generalization is the basis for science and logical deduction. One gathers facts and identifies trends. One explores trends and discerns which are true in general. That does not mean they are 100% true, but one can reach general conclusions that cover most cases. Since people can adapt, there always is hope that they may change for the better. That should be understood without having to be stated. Much of my writing is about Radical Islam. Radical Islam is an ideology that has a fascistic, bellicose interpretation of Islam. There may not be a clash between Islam and other civilizations, but the Islamists are clashing with them, including with their own. Its adherents are variously termed Islamo-fascists, Radical Muslims, or Islamists. Those terms, and arguments against the ideology and its adherents, do not apply to other Muslim Arabs nor to other strains of Islamic interpretation. Some readers thought I meant them to. Arguments depend on context. Many of my articles are about western Palestinian Arabs. In them, references to "the Arabs" may mean just those. The term is a generalization. It includes the ruling class, which often is all that counts in setting policy under military rule. It also refers to the rulers' followers and to those who have a similar ideology but are not in power. I find that Fatah and Hamas vie for power but share the same religious drive to destroy Israel by any means. Polls of the Arabs in the Palestinian Authority find that most do support the current holy war, including terrorism. There probably are some western Palestinian Arabs who are not dissembling in avowals of peaceful intent, but they are marginalized in their society, without voice, and not organized. They are outside my generalization, which is a pragmatic one. My articles have praised some outstandingly decent Muslims, whom I
admire for their qualities of integrity and tolerance, including the
ones who spoke at a rally of the Human Rights Coalition Against
Radical Islam, mentioned in an earlier article I had less success. On my Army base in the U.S., I met four soldiers from a foreign language unit. They were: of German origin, a Turk, a Greek, and an Arab. We spent time together. I found some things in common with the Turk and the Greek, because my grandparents came from a Turkish City that they still called Constantinople, formerly the Byzantine capital. The descendant of German origin was a fine young American. The Arab, however, refused to shake my hand or be friendly with me, because I was a Jew. He was prejudiced. I was not. I think that the best of modern tolerance slowly is making its way into the Arab world. I think that although the U.S. cannot impose democracy on any country any more, it was right to have offered it to Iraq. The people seemed to like it, as they do in Iran. The hasty U.S. departure from Iraq did not give the new ways a chance to gel. Iraq is veering back into confessional separation and rivalry. But we got a glimpse of Arab potential there. Would that my Arab readers join me in hoping for the best from their people, and not denounce me for not supporting the worst. When we disagree, I may be mistaken, but they show themselves up when, without evidence, they call me a liar. Sometimes non-Radical Muslims take umbrage at my exposes of Radical Muslims, and not just by misunderstanding my intent. They seem to have a reflexive, psychological defense mechanism, whereby one Muslim may identify with all others, regardless of who, when non-Muslims are concerned. Consider the civil wars between Islamists and non-Islamist Muslims. Often, not only don't Westerners get outraged over the Islamist holy war and terrorism, though they get outraged over Israeli self-defense against the same phenomenon. Neither do many Muslims with access to the media. Some of my sources send me news of terrorism from the Muslim world, and I look for their objection. I don't find much. On the other hand, if Westerners join the beleaguered non-Islamist Muslims, killing some Islamists in the process, and perhaps during combat killing some civilians, non-Islamist Muslims tend to express outrage at the infidels killing Muslims, the same Islamists who try to kill the non-Islamist Muslims complaining. I think some similar indignation is directed at me. It gets carried to an extreme. I debate, but some of my critics abuse. If you've seen their comments, you've seen some intemperate language. That is uncalled for, at least in the society of Western adults. This may be a cultural difference, rather than a difference in individual maturity and parental upbringing, as it is with some of my Western critics. Some of the critics do not debate, they engage in verbal warfare. Let's have dialog, not street fighting! They question my sources but provide no backing for most of their own assertions. They engage in unsupported generalities, and ignore my specific cases and explanations. They mostly do not contest my points, just snipe against me personally. I take it that they really accept my points or have no counter-arguments. They are fighting verbally, but don't know why. Intelligent readers will not be persuaded by them. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Daily Alert, July 13, 2009. |
The original article is in Hebrew and it appeared in Maariv:
To the members of the UN Human Rights Council Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict:
The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to daily@www.dailyalert.jcpa.org |
Posted by Olivier Guitta, July 13, 2009. |
June 12 was election day in Iran. But in another Muslim country, local elections were also conducted that very day. It was in Morocco and the outcome was very little commented and when it was, the analysis was most of the time flawed. Indeed the Western media and various experts declared that the Islamists were decimated and that they were now history. Think again! In fact, the main official Islamist party, the PJD (Parti de la Justice et du Développement), a loose offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, is far from dead and one could make the case that it got its best results ever. Abdelillah Benkirane, the PJD's General Secretary, succinctly summed up the outcome of the elections, "We've won" and in a way he is right. At first sight, it is easy to see why some pundits called the PJD's defeat: in absolute terms the party garnered only about 6% of the votes. But to put things in perspective it ran only for 8,000 seats out of the about 27,000 in play i.e. about 29%. The PJD smartly targeted the cities where it is quite popular and was quite successful because it finished actually first in towns with over 35,000 inhabitants. And more importantly the PJD finished first in Rabat, the kingdom's capital and Casablanca, the economic capital. With political alliances the PJD is one way or another in the driver's seat in Rabat, Casablanca and Kenitra. Will it be able to enforce its very strict conservative religious agenda that runs counter to what Morocco stands for? This remains to be seen. In the meantime, the PJD has joined forces with the Socialist Party, the USFP, and has de facto lost its "pariah" label. The PJD has now become a party like all the others and is likely pretty content with this newly acquired status. In fact, two years ago the West was afraid of an Islamist tsunami in Morocco and is now clearly relieved that it did not occur. But with a flawed analysis, the West is missing the big picture that little by little the Islamists are gaining ground, controlling cities and penetrating the core of Moroccan society. Like in most countries, the Islamists are not really in a rush to seize power: the tortoise always beats the hare in the end? Another lesson from these elections is that the monarchy has made a mistake than can empower the Islamists in the future. Indeed the party that won these elections is a brand-new outfit less than a year old called Parti Authenticité et Modernité, also know as PAM, run by a close school friend of King Mohammed VI. PAM's leader, Fuad Ali El Himma, was Interior Minister until August 2007 when he abruptly resigned to start what he called a "movement", and not a political party. Nobody was really fooled and surprise the PAM became a party a few months later. It went on drawing political figures from various political leanings that had only in common the fact that they were heavyweights in their region. The party has been quite handsomely financed so far and interestingly ran on no political platform per se. Not surprisingly, the close connection to the King had made the PAM more or less a "monarchist" party and has pushed back the efforts of opening and democracy in Morocco. This strategy is already having backlash effects since some of the other parties, such as the PJD and USFP, are mounting an "anti-PAM front". This mistake could embolden the Islamists of the PJD and make them even more popular: exactly the opposite of what the king most likely wanted. Olivier Guitta is an Adjunct Fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a foreign affairs and counterterrorism consultant. You can read his latest work at www.thecroissant.com/about.html |
Posted by Susana K-M, July 13, 2009. |
This comes from European Forum on Antisemitism based in Berlin,
Germany. Contact them by email at
and visit their website:
The purpose of this document is to provide a practical guide for identifying incidents, collecting data, and supporting the implementation and enforcement of legislation dealing with antisemitism. Working definition: "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities." In addition, such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for "why things go wrong." It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits. Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:
Examples of the ways in which antisemitism manifests itself with regard to the State of Israel taking into account the overall context could include:
However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic. Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic materials in some countries). Criminal acts are antisemitic when the targets of attacks, whether they are people or property such as buildings, schools, places of worship and cemeteries are selected because they are, or are perceived to be, Jewish or linked to Jews. Antisemitic discrimination is the denial to Jews of opportunities or services available to others and is illegal in many countries. Contact Susana K-M at suanema@gmail.com |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, July 13, 2009. |
This was written by Mark Steyn and it appeared July 12,
2009 in Jewish World Review.
According to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, we only have 96 months left to save the planet. I'm impressed. 96 months. Not 95. Not 97. July 2017. Put it in your diary. Usually the warm-mongers stick to the same old drone that we only have 10 years left to save the planet. Nice round number. Al Gore said we only have 10 years left three-and-a-half years ago, which makes him technically more of a pessimist than the Prince of Wales. Al's betting Armageddon kicks in January 2016 unless he's just peddling glib generalities. And, alas, even a prophet of the ecopalypse as precise as His Royal Highness is sometimes prone to this airy-fairy 10-year shtick: In April, Prince Charles predicted that the red squirrel would be extinct "within 10 years," which suggests that, while it may be curtains for man and all his wretched works come summer of 2017, the poor doomed red squirrel will have the best part of two years to frolic and gambol on a ruined landscape. So, unless you're a squirrel, don't start any long books in 95 months' time, because time is running out! "Time is running out to deal with climate change," said Steven Guilbeault of Greenpeace in 2006. "Ten years ago, we thought we had a lot of time." Really? Ten years ago, we had a lot of time? Funny, that's not the way I remember it. ("Time is running out for the climate," said Chris Rose of Greenpeace in 1997.) So what's to blame for this eternally looming rendezvous with the iceberg of apocalypse? As the British newspaper The Independent reported: "'Capitalism and consumerism have brought the world to the brink of economic and environmental collapse,' the Prince of Wales has warned. And in a searing indictment on capitalist society, Charles said we can no longer afford consumerism and that the 'age of convenience' was over." He then got in his limo and was driven to his other palace. It takes a prince, heir to the thrones of Britain and Canada and Australia, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea and a bunch of other places, to tell it like it is: You pampered consumerists are ruining the joint. In the old days, we didn't have these kinds of problems. But then Mr. and Mrs. Peasant start remodeling the hovel, adding a rec room and indoor plumbing, replacing the emaciated old nag with a Honda Civic and driving to the mall in it, and next thing you know instead of just having an extra yard of mead every Boxing Day at the local tavern and adding a couple more pustules to the escutcheon with the local trollop they begin taking vacations in Florida. When it was just medieval dukes swanking about like that, the planet worked fine: That was "sustainable" consumerism. But now the masses want in. And, once you do that, there goes the global neighborhood. By contrast, as an example of an exemplary environmentalist, the Prince hailed his forebear, King Henry VIII. True, he had a lot of wives, but he did dramatically reduce Anne Boleyn's carbon footprint. I always enjoy it when the masks slip, and the warm-mongers explicitly demand we adopt a massive Poverty Expansion Program to save the planet. "I don't think a lot of electricity is a good thing," said Gar Smith of San Francisco's Earth Island Institute a few years back. "I have seen villages in Africa that had vibrant culture and great communities that were disrupted and destroyed by the introduction of electricity," he continued, regretting that African peasants "who used to spend their days and evenings in the streets playing music on their own instruments and sewing clothing for their neighbors on foot-pedal-powered sewing machines" are now slumped in front of "Desperate Housewives" reruns all day long. One assumes Gar Smith is sincere in his fetishization of bucolic African poverty, with its vibrantly rampant disease and charmingly unspoilt life expectancy in the mid-forties. But when an hereditary prince starts attacking capitalism and pining for the days when a benign sovereign knew what was best for the masses he gives the real game away. Capitalism is liberating: You're born a peasant but you don't have to die one. You can work hard and get a nice place in the suburbs. If you were a 19th century Russian peasant, and you got to Ellis Island, you'd be living in a tenement on the Lower East Side, but your kids would get an education and move uptown, and your grandkids would be doctors and accountants in Westchester County. And your great-grandchild would be a Harvard-educated environmental activist demanding an end to all this electricity and indoor toilets. Environmentalism opposes that kind of mobility. It seeks to return us to the age of kings when the masses are restrained by a privileged elite. Sometimes they will be hereditary monarchs, such as the Prince of Wales. Sometimes they will be merely the gilded princelings of the government apparatus Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi. In the old days, they were endowed with absolute authority by God. Today, they're endowed by Mother Nature, empowered by Gaia to act on her behalf. But the object remains control to constrain you in a million ways, most of which would never have occurred to Henry VIII, who, unlike the new cap-and-trade bill, was entirely indifferent as to whether your hovel was "energy efficient." The old rationale for absolute monarchy Divine Right is a tough sell in a democratic age. But the new rationale Gaia's Right has proved surprisingly plausible. Beginning with FDR, wily statists justified the massive expansion of federal power under ever more elastic definitions of the Constitution's commerce clause. For Obama-era control freaks, the environment and health care are the commerce clause supersized. They establish the pretext for the regulation of everything: If the government is obligated to cure you of illness, it has an interest in preventing you getting ill in the first place by regulating what you eat, how you live, the choices you make from the moment you get up in the morning. Likewise, if everything you do impacts "the environment," then the environment is an all-purpose umbrella for regulating everything you do. It's the most convenient and romantic justification for what the title of Paul Rahe's new book rightly identifies as "Soft Despotism." The good news is that, at this week's G-8 summit, America's allies would commit only to the fuzziest and most meaningless of environmental goals. Europe has been hit far harder by the economic downturn. When your unemployment rate is 17 percent (as in Spain), "unsustainable growth" is no longer your most pressing problem. The environmental cult is itself a product of what the Prince calls the "Age of Convenience": it's what you worry about it when you don't have to worry about jobs or falling house prices or collapsed retirement accounts. Today, as European prime ministers are beginning to figure out, a strategic goal of making things worse when they're already worse is a much tougher sell. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Eli E. Hertz, July 13, 2009. |
Righteousness and Justice are on Our Side |
Before the Zionist movement assumed concrete form, among the first to express approval of the return of the Jews to Palestine was John Adams, the second President of the United States, who wrote to Maj. Mordecai Manuel Noah, the first American Zionist, as follows: "I really wish the Jews again in Judea, an independent nation; as I believe, the most enlightened men of it have participated in the amelioration of the philosophy of the ages; once restored to an independent government, and no longer persecuted, they would soon wear a way some of the asperities and peculiarities of their character. I wish your nation may be admitted to all the privileges of citizens in every part of the world. This country (America) has done much; I wish it may do more and annul every narrow idea in religion, government, and commerce" (1819).President Woodrow Wilson (the twenty-eighth President, 1913-1921) was the founder of the League of Nations for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919. Wilson's efforts to join the Unites States as a member of the League of Nations were unsuccessful due to oppositions in the U.S. Senate. President Wilson was the first American president to support modern Zionism and Britain's efforts for the creation of a National Home for Jews in Palestine (the text of the Balfour Declaration had been submitted to President Wilson and had been approved by him before its publication). President Wilson expressed his deep belief in the eventuality of the creation of a Jewish State: "I welcome an opportunity to express the satisfaction I have felt in the progress of the Zionist movement in the United States, and in the allied countries, since the declaration of Mr. Balfour" (August 31, 1918). President Warren G. Harding expressed support for a Jewish home in Palestine: "It is impossible for one who has studied at all the service of the Hebrew people to avoid the faith that they will one day be restored to their historic national home and there enter on a new and yet greater phase of their contribution to the advance of humanity." (June 1, 1921). The Lodge-Fish joint resolution of both Houses of Congress of the United States unanimously endorsed the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people," confirming the irrevocable right of Jews to settle in the area of Palestine anywhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea: "Favoring the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." President Warren G. Harding signed the Lodge-Fish joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine (September 21, 1922). Writing to the Zionist Organization of America, Harding stated: "A long-time interest, both sentimental and practical, in the Zionist movement causes me to wish that I might meet the members of the organization and express the esteem which I feel in behalf of the great movement" (June 25, 1922). President Herbert Hoover stated: "On the occasion of your celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, which received the unanimous approval of both Houses of Congress by the adoption of the Lodge-Fish Resolution in 1922, I wish to express the hope that the ideal of the establishment of the National Jewish Home in Palestine, as embodied in that Declaration, will continue to prosper for the good of all the people inhabiting the Holy Land" (October 29, 1932). President Calvin Coolidge ratified the Convention between the United States and Great Britain a relationship governed by international law. The U.S. (not a member of the League of Nations) Government maintained that her participation in WWI and her contribution to the defeat of Germany and the defeat of her Allies, entitled the United States to be consulted as to the terms of the "Mandate for Palestine." The outcome of this request was a Convention [Treaty] between the United States of America and Great Britain with respect to the rights of the two governments and their nationals in Palestine. The Convention which contains the entire text of the "Mandate for Palestine" including the preamble word-for-word was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries in London on December 3, 1924; Ratification advised by the Senate, February 20, 1925; Ratified by President Calvin Coolidge, March 2, 1925; Ratified by Great Britain, March 18, 1925; Ratifications exchanged at London, December 3, 1925; Proclaimed, December 5, 1925. The United States of America upon ratifying the said Convention formally recognized the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country. Eli E. Hertz is president of Myths and Facts, Inc. The organization's objective is to provide policymakers, national leadership, the media and the public-at-large with information and viewpoints that are founded on factual and reliable content. Contact him at today@mythsandfacts.org |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, July 13, 2009. |
This was written by Anne Bayefsky and it appeared in Jewish World Review. Anne Bayefsky is a senior fellow of the Hudson Institute, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust and editor of www.EYEontheUN.org. Why does Obama treat the two so differently? |
Speaking in Ghana on Saturday President Obama lectured Africans on local repression, corruption, brutality, good governance and accountability. The startling contrast to his June speech in Cairo was revealing. Stroking Muslim and Arab nations has become the hallmark of Obama's foreign policy. In Egypt, he chose not to utter the words "terrorism" or "genocide." In Egypt, there was nothing "brutal" he could conjure up, no "corruption" and no "repression". In Ghana, with a 70% Christian population, he mentioned "good governance" seven times and added direct calls upon his audience to "make change from the bottom up." He praised "people taking control of their destiny" and pressed "young people" to "hold your leaders accountable." He made no such calls for action by the people of Arab states-despite the fact that not a single Arab country is "free," according to the latest Freedom House global survey. Before the Muslim world Obama donned the role of apologist-in-chief. Over and over again his examples of shortfalls in the protection of rights and freedoms were American: the "prison at Guantanamo Bay," "rules on charitable giving [that] have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation," impediments to the "choice" of Muslim women to shroud their bodies. Christian Africa was to be treated to no such self-flagellation. In a rare tongue-lashing for Africans from any American president, he chastised: "It's easy to point fingers and to pin the blame of these problems on others. Yes, a colonial map that made little sense helped to breed conflict. But the West is not responsible for the destruction of the Zimbabwean economy or wars in which children are enlisted as combatants, tribalism and patronage and nepotism and corruption." He might equally have said to the Arab and Muslim world: "It's easy to scapegoat Israel and blame your problems on the presence of Jews-albeit on a fraction of 1% of the territory inhabited by the Arab world-but Israel is not responsible for poverty, illiteracy, torture, trafficking, slavery and oppression rampant across your countries." But he did not. In Ghana he pointed to specific heroes that had exposed human rights abuse, singling out by name a courageous investigative reporter. In Egypt, though journalists and bloggers are routinely threatened, jailed and worse, no such brave soul came to mind. In a Christian African nation he said, "If we are honest, for far too many Africans, conflict is a part of life, as constant as the sun. There are wars over land and wars over resources. And it is still far too easy for those without conscience to manipulate whole communities into fighting among faiths and tribes." To the Arab and Muslim world he could have said: "Since the day of Israel's birth Arab and Muslim countries have made conflict with Israel a part of life, warring over land and manipulating whole communities into fighting in the name of Islam to render the area Judenrein." Instead, he turned on the only democracy in the Middle East and said the presence of Jews on Arab-claimed territory-settlements-is an affront to be "stopped." It didn't matter that agreements require ultimate ownership of this territory to be determined by negotiation or that apartheid Palestine is hardly a worthy pursuit. From Ghana he chided Africans: "No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery. That is not democracy, that is tyranny, even if occasionally you sprinkle an election in there. And now is the time for that style of governance to end." For an Arab and Muslim audience he cooed: "America will defend itself, respectful of the sovereignty of nations and the rule of law. And we will do so in partnership with Muslim communities, which are also threatened." Ghanaians will likely turn the other cheek, secure enough to take it and even be grateful for the spotlight. But Obama's double-standard is not a victimless crime. The disparity between the scolding he gave in Ghana and the love-in he held in Cairo illuminates an incoherent and dangerous agenda. In his lofty, but empty, rhetoric in Ghana, Obama promised "we must stand up to inhumanity in our midst," pledged "a commitment to sanction and stop" warmongers and embraced the Zimbabwe non-governmental organization that "braved brutal repression to stand up for the principle that a person's vote is their sacred right." These are devastating words for Iranians struggling valiantly to keep the hope of democracy alive but forced to bear witness to the contradiction. Betrayed, they have watched the Obama administration pledge to move forward on negotiations with illegally ensconced Iranian thugs-at the very same time their victims are being rounded up, tortured and readied for show-trials in advance of certain execution. On Friday, Obama, and the rest of the G-8 with his blessing, announced that thinking about more sanctions on Iran can wait until September. And then we can expect yet another round of Security Council dickering over minimalist responses to more Iranian stalling tactics-until an Iranian nuclear weapon is inevitable. Though it is 2,202 days since the U.N.'s atomic energy agency first declared that Iran was violating the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, Obama pretends legitimizing those same nuclear-proliferating fascists makes it more likely the clock will stop ticking. Iranians standing up for their allegedly "sacred rights" know Obama has it exactly backwards. Speechifying about "our interconnected world" and "common interests" in Ghana was cold comfort to the voices of Muslim dissidents and Jewish victims deserted in the Obama wilderness. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Cpocerl, July 13, 2009. |
This is from IPT, the Investigative Project on Terrorism
Click on the following links to see the conference video:
![]() Hizb ut-Tahrir, an international movement seeking to re-establish an international Islamic state or Caliphate and to indoctrinate Muslims into supporting jihad, wants to step up its recruitment efforts in the United States. On July 19, the group, whose alumni include 9/ 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and suicide bombers, will hold a conference entitled "The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam" in the Grand Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel in Oak Lawn, Ill, a Chicago suburb. For decades, Hizb ut-Tahrir America (HTA) has operated covertly, holding these Khalifa (Caliphate) conferences in the United States under the name of front organizations. But that has begun to change. Last fall, the group issued a leaflet in its own name urging Muslims to boycott the U.S. elections. The group just released this video promoting the July 19 conference. According to the conference website, the program includes a question-and-answer session and two panels; one entitled "Capitalism is Doomed to Fail," the other "The Suffering Under Capitalism." The conference initially was scheduled for the Aqsa School in Bridgeview, Ill. But the school withdrew, claiming Hizb ut-Tahrir officials "misrepresented themselves." An official said the group approached the school in late April claiming it wanted to hold a bazaar-type event in July that would involve selling traditional food and clothing. School officials said that when they learned the real purpose, they cancelled and refunded the group's deposit. While solid numbers are difficult to come by, there is little question that Hizb ut-Tahrir's worldwide membership has grown substantially since the September 11 attacks, says Madeleine Gruen, a senior analyst with the NEFA Foundation. In 2003, estimates of HT membership ranged from 10,000 to 100,000 people worldwide. Today, by contrast, the group (currently active in more than 40 countries) has approximately 100,000 members in Indonesia alone and "many thousands" more around the world, Gruen told IPT News. In the United States, Hizb ut-Tahrir's following is estimated at no more than a few hundred. The decision to hold this month's conference under its own name is a sign that the group is preparing to raise its profile. Once that is achieved, Gruen adds, its cadres are supposed to establish "an Islamic government and military" in order to take Hizb ut-Tahrir's message to the world. HT seeks to fuse an ideology combining orthodox Islam, Marxist-Leninist economics, anti-Semitism and opposition to Western democracy into a political program to bring back the Caliphate. Despite its public rhetoric about nonviolence, Hizb ut-Tahrir has "precisely the same ideology and objectives" as al Qaeda, Gruen told IPT News. And HT has a much larger membership base to recruit from, she added. While it refrains from carrying out terrorist actions itself, Hizb ut-Tahrir glorifies jihadism and excoriates the terrorist organization Hamas as being too soft on Israel. In a leaflet posted on its website July 1, HT said that if the Caliphate were in existence, all of "Palestine" would be rid of "the usurpation of the Jewish occupiers" and brought "to the fold of the Islamic state." HT was founded in 1952 in Bayt al-Maqdis, a Jordanian-occupied suburb of Jerusalem, by Sheikh Yaqiuddin Al-Nabhani, a man whose philosophy had been shaped by the Muslim Brotherhood. After he concluded that the Muslim Brotherhood was too moderate, Al-Nabhani formed Hizb ut-Tahrir. After its involvement in failed coup attempts in Egypt and Jordan, HT was banned throughout the Middle East. It moved to Western Europe, and after the fall of Soviet Communism the group spread into Central Asia. HT is obsessed with the purported evils of the United States, President Obama and the capitalist system. A look at its website found articles with titles like "Bailouts and bonus culture shows [sic] the corruption of democracy;" "Obama Offers Sugar-Coated Poison for the Region!" (a recap of the President's recent visit to the Middle East); and "G20 Leaders attempt to salvage the last vestiges of Capitalism." A common theme is that Muslims in Pakistan should not join with the U.S. military in fighting against the Taliban. "Fighting Muslims is a great evil, which only benefits America," reads one typical entry on the HT website. A posting entitled "Obama's words will not hide America's ugly face of Colonialism" said of the President's speech to Muslims in Egypt last month: "Although this appears a seemingly positive gesture towards the Muslim world, the actions of his government appear every bit as ruthless as the Bush administration. [Obama] differs only to the extent that, unlike Bush who spoke with frank hatred, he uses 'soft power' and personal charm to cover his intentions." Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesmen have emphasized that their organization does not engage in terrorism. They claim the U.S. and Pakistani governments seek to suppress the group because they fear its advocacy of "justice" for Muslims. Critics say the argument is a sham. "The freedom and justice HT seeks by overthrowing democracy can often only be attained through violence," said Zeyno Baran, senior fellow and director of the Hudson Institute's Center for Eurasian Policy in July 2008 testimony before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. In her testimony, Baran added: "HT is not likely to take up terrorism itself. Terrorist acts are simply not part of its mission. HT exists to serve as an ideological and political training ground for Islamists. And I have called them a 'conveyer belt to terrorism.' " Terrorists who have been members of Hizb ut-Tahrir include Al Qaeda's Mohammed; Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, who was originally a member in Jordan; Hambali, head of the East Asian-based terror group Jemaa Islamiya, and Asif Muhammad Hanif and Omar Khan Sharif, who were recruited by Hamas to carry out suicide bombings at a Tel Aviv seafront bar. Read more about HT's record as a "conveyor belt" for producing terrorists here. In a June 2001 article in its publication Al-Waie, Hizb-Ut-Tahrir issued a fatwa on suicide attacks which said that "all ways and means which a Muslim uses to kill unbelievers is [sic] permitted as long as the enemy unbeliever is killed." It is acceptable to "blow yourself up amongst their military encampments or blow yourself and them up with a belt of explosives." HT has been banned in Turkey and Germany for distributing literature that includes incitement to hatred and violence against Jews. In a paper for the Manhattan Institute, Gruen pointed to one leaflet distributed by the group titled: "And Kill Them Whenever You Find Them, and Turn Them Out From Where They Have Turned You Out." It stated that: "Jews are a people of slander. They are treacherous people who violate oaths and covenants. They lie and change words from the right places. They take the rights of the people unjustly, and kill the Prophets and the innocent." The leaflet then encouraged martyrdom operations against Jews. Despite the incendiary message, law enforcement's hands are tied when it comes to a group like Hizb ut-Tahrir, said Bob Blitzer, who formerly headed the FBI's counterterrorism efforts. "Preaching violence is not enough reason to arrest anyone," he said. "Law enforcement is probably aware of this group and is checking them out" to the extent that it can under the law. The danger is that as a result of exposure to HT's extremism "someone on the edge gets radicalized and takes it to heart and commits a violent act," Blitzer said. That doesn't mean the government is powerless. Given that Hizb ut-Tahrir conferences typically include sympathizers from numerous countries, federal homeland security officials should expect supporters of the group to try to enter the United States in order to attend the Khalifa Conference, Gruen said. The United States Code bars from the United States any alien who "endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization." But in the past the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (the federal agency chiefly responsible for stopping foreign supporters of extremist groups from entering the United States) has been asleep at the switch when it comes to HT. In 2007, Hizb ut-Tahrir had a booth right next to the Department of Homeland Security at a conference sponsored by the Islamic Society of North America a Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the federal government's successful prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Dan Vara, a former attorney for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Florida, has been at the forefront of many key enforcement matters involving counterterrorism and counterintelligence. He says ICE has ample legal authority to prevent Hizb ut-Tahrir's foreign supporters from entering the United States. "I would rake them over the coals on these issues" related to HT's support for the Taliban and advocacy of Hamas violence, Vara said in an interview. For example, Section 1182 of the United States Code allows consular officers or the attorney general to bar from the United States "any alien who endorses or espouses terrorist activity or support of a terrorist organization." That section also provides that "Any alien whose entry or proposed activities in the United States the Secretary of State has reasonable ground to believe would have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States is inadmissible." Hizb ut-Tahrir has a right to peacefully assemble and discuss whatever
ideology it chooses. U.S. law enforcement, however, has a right to
invoke the law and prevent foreign Islamists seeking to attend the
conference from entering the United States.
Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 13, 2009. |
Because I've run up against that perennial problem of insufficient hours in the day, and because I wrote a major article today (hopefully to be shared very soon), and worked on my UNRWA report to boot, this posting will be exceedingly short. But there are a couple of items I want to share here. ~~~~~~~~~~ The Double Standard: Obama was in Ghana over the weekend and delivered a talk to the Ghanaian Parliament. Among his words to them were these: "This is a new moment of great promise. To realize that promise, we must first recognize a fundamental truth:...Development depends upon good governance. ~~~~~~~~~~ These words you've just read could should!! be directed to the Palestinian Authority: The PA, rife with corruption. The PA, with its weak institutions. The PA, where clans and mobs sometimes rule the street, and the veneer of democracy is so thin that dates for elections are rearranged. Obama understands the need for reform when it comes to Ghana. Ask yourself why he doesn't see the need for it in the Palestinian Authority. Why, instead of delivering sound advice regarding reform and development, he promotes the formation of a Palestinian state as quickly as possible. Then, ask your elected representatives these very same questions. ~~~~~~~~~~ For your Congresspersons:
For your Senators:
Why does the US government cut the PA slack? Why does Obama not ensure that the Palestinians have established good governance before promoting a state? We now know that he understands these issues, so what is going on here? ~~~~~~~~~~ The answer, of course, is that he CARES about Ghana and wants to see it succeed, but his promotion of a Palestinian state is designed to serve other ends. His concern is not intrinsically for the democratic and commercial success of such a state. It matters little to him if the Palestinians have good governance, and even less if this Palestinian state presents a security risk, or an existential risk, to Israel. What matters is that he can say to the Muslim/Arab world that he is courting look, look what I made happen! I am your friend as none other. Then ask yourself, and your elected representatives, why Obama should be permitted to pursue this course when it's clear the PA is not ready and good cannot come from what he intends. ~~~~~~~~~~ The Palestinian Media Watch has released a bulletin that describes the words of Fatah activist Kifah Radaydeh, who was interviewed on PA TV. "...we perceive peace as one of the strategies, but we say that all forms of the struggle exist, and we do not rule out the possibility of the armed struggle or any other struggle. The struggle exists in all its forms, on the basis of what we are capable of at a given time, and according to what seems right... See here for the interview on Youtube:
~~~~~~~~~~ "The Good News Corner" Last Friday, in The Jerusalem Post magazine, columnist Barbara Sofer wrote a splendid piece, "A jest for health," about medical clowns who work in the service of cheering up those who are ill, and frightened especially children. The clown project was started as an experiment, called "Dream Doctors," in Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem, in 2002, during the heavy days of the intifada. Now these very special clowns work in hospitals all over Israel. I will not attempt here to tell the story of one extraordinary clown, Chris, who hails from France. Read the piece in its entirety and you, too, will be moved, and impressed. But I did want to repeat one statement of his here. "Why," he was asked, "would you choose to do this in Israel? Why not France?" Said Chris: "I went around the world, and when I got to Israel I saw that it was very special. It had something unique that nowhere else has. A spirit. A goodness. People are hard don't think they're not but they're good." Amen to this. Amen.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 13, 2009. |
ATHENS (JTA) A campaign in Greece to raise money to rebuild a Chrisian Palestinian hospital in Gaza allegedly destroyed by Israel appears to be a scam, JTA has learned. The hospital that was the focus of a campaign, which included the participation of Greece's president and foreign minister, never actually existed. For nearly a week in February, Greece's official state television network inundated viewers with news about a telethon that would take place Feb. 9 to raise money to "rebuild the Christian hospital in Gaza that Israelis destroyed with their bombs" during the Israeli army's operation there in January. In its announcements, the network made clear that it was referring to a specific Christian hospital destroyed by Israel. The telethon included recorded video messages by Greek President Carolos Papoulias and Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyianni, along with a parade of Greek politicians, singers, public personalities and trade unionists. Many used the telethon to cast broadsides at Israel. The campaign raised $1.67 million, according to telethon organizers, who said little Greek children had gone so far as to break their piggy banks to offer $14 to Palestinians in need. A JTA investigation revealed, however, that no Christian hospital was on the list assembled by the United Nations and the Red Crescent Society of structures in Gaza damaged and destroyed as a consequence of the Israel-Hamas war in January. JTA spoke to two Palestinians living in Gaza who are active in or former members of nongovernmental organizations there, both of whom looked into the issue independently. Both reported that the only Christian hospital in Gaza, Al Ahli, was used during the war and did not receive a scratch. Al Ahli, which was started by the Church of England, is owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, a diocese of the Anglican Communion. Outside the city there is also small medical center supported in part by the Near East Council of Churches that was destroyed during the war. One of the Palestinians demanded to know where the money from the Greek telethon went. Asked who decided that the telethon money should go to a hospital that turned out to be fictitious, the president of ERT/NET, the TV station that broadcast the program, Vangelis Panagopoulos, told JTA that "ERT does not organize these things but simply provides the time slot. The event was organized by the General Confederation of Greek Workers" Greece's main trade union organization "and the Foreign Ministry." Reached by JTA, a spokesman for the General Confederation of Greek Workers said, "Ask the Greek Foreign Ministry and [Foreign Minister] Bakoyianni they know." During the telethon, the union of engineers in Greece, known as TEE, announced that it would rebuild the hospital for free. Yet in a phone conversation with JTA, TEE said it participated in the telethon under the impression that if there were a project to build, the union would build it. No "Christian hospital" was mentioned, the union said. But a statement released by the TV station the day after the telethon specifically said that "The [Christian] hospital, which will be designed from the start by the engineers of the TEE, will provide its services to people in the area." Asked about the subject in a chance meeting with JTA, Greece's ambassador to Israel, Nikos Zafiropoulos, denied knowing anything about the matter and said the Greek Consulate in Jerusalem handled all matters in the West Bank and Gaza. Five days later a Greek financial newspaper, Kerdos, published a small item requesting proposals for a project to be funded by $1.67 million raised in the telethon. It was the first public acknowledgement that the Christian hospital claim had been a lie. "A project is being sought in Gaza to be financed by the money raised from the Solidarity Telethon organized last February by the Technical Chamber of Greece and another nine trade union organizations in cooperation with Greek Public Television," the item read. "A delegation of the bodies involved will visit the area in the near future in order to decide where the 1.2 million Euros raised for a project that will provide substantial services to all the area's residents will be allocated." No one was taking responsibility for the situation. The spokesman for the Greek Foreign Ministry, Gregory Delavekouras, said, "Along with the Ministry of Health, it was our intention to raise money for the restoration of schools and hospitals, and more specifically for the medical center," he said. Delavekouras could not say how the "medical center" morphed into "the Christian Hospital of Gaza" on TV. One thing is certain: In a six-hour telethon loaded with Israel bashing, the Greek public was deceived that money contributed would go to rebuild a Christian hospital destroyed by the army of the Jewish state. What remains unclear is whether organizers deliberately perpetrated the fraud or the telethon had fallen into the deception by accident. ATHENS (JTA) A campaign in Greece to raise money to rebuild a Chrisian Palestinian hospital in Gaza allegedly destroyed by Israel appears to be a scam, JTA has learned. The hospital that was the focus of a campaign, which included the participation of Greece's president and foreign minister, never actually existed. For nearly a week in February, Greece's official state television network inundated viewers with news about a telethon that would take place Feb. 9 to raise money to "rebuild the Christian hospital in Gaza that Israelis destroyed with their bombs" during the Israeli army's operation there in January. In its announcements, the network made clear that it was referring to a specific Christian hospital destroyed by Israel. The telethon included recorded video messages by Greek President Carolos Papoulias and Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyianni, along with a parade of Greek politicians, singers, public personalities and trade unionists. Many used the telethon to cast broadsides at Israel. The campaign raised $1.67 million, according to telethon organizers, who said little Greek children had gone so far as to break their piggy banks to offer $14 to Palestinians in need. A JTA investigation revealed, however, that no Christian hospital was on the list assembled by the United Nations and the Red Crescent Society of structures in Gaza damaged and destroyed as a consequence of the Israel-Hamas war in January. JTA spoke to two Palestinians living in Gaza who are active in or former members of nongovernmental organizations there, both of whom looked into the issue independently. Both reported that the only Christian hospital in Gaza, Al Ahli, was used during the war and did not receive a scratch. Al Ahli, which was started by the Church of England, is owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, a diocese of the Anglican Communion. Outside the city there is also small medical center supported in part by the Near East Council of Churches that was destroyed during the war. One of the Palestinians demanded to know where the money from the Greek telethon went. Asked who decided that the telethon money should go to a hospital that turned out to be fictitious, the president of ERT/NET, the TV station that broadcast the program, Vangelis Panagopoulos, told JTA that "ERT does not organize these things but simply provides the time slot. The event was organized by the General Confederation of Greek Workers" Greece's main trade union organization "and the Foreign Ministry." Reached by JTA, a spokesman for the General Confederation of Greek Workers said, "Ask the Greek Foreign Ministry and [Foreign Minister] Bakoyianni they know." During the telethon, the union of engineers in Greece, known as TEE, announced that it would rebuild the hospital for free. Yet in a phone conversation with JTA, TEE said it participated in the telethon under the impression that if there were a project to build, the union would build it. No "Christian hospital" was mentioned, the union said. But a statement released by the TV station the day after the telethon specifically said that "The [Christian] hospital, which will be designed from the start by the engineers of the TEE, will provide its services to people in the area." Asked about the subject in a chance meeting with JTA, Greece's ambassador to Israel, Nikos Zafiropoulos, denied knowing anything about the matter and said the Greek Consulate in Jerusalem handled all matters in the West Bank and Gaza. Five days later a Greek financial newspaper, Kerdos, published a small item requesting proposals for a project to be funded by $1.67 million raised in the telethon. It was the first public acknowledgement that the Christian hospital claim had been a lie. "A project is being sought in Gaza to be financed by the money raised from the Solidarity Telethon organized last February by the Technical Chamber of Greece and another nine trade union organizations in cooperation with Greek Public Television," the item read. "A delegation of the bodies involved will visit the area in the near future in order to decide where the 1.2 million Euros raised for a project that will provide substantial services to all the area's residents will be allocated." No one was taking responsibility for the situation. The spokesman for the Greek Foreign Ministry, Gregory Delavekouras, said, "Along with the Ministry of Health, it was our intention to raise money for the restoration of schools and hospitals, and more specifically for the medical center," he said. Delavekouras could not say how the "medical center" morphed into "the Christian Hospital of Gaza" on TV. One thing is certain: In a six-hour telethon loaded with Israel bashing, the Greek public was deceived that money contributed would go to rebuild a Christian hospital destroyed by the army of the Jewish state. What remains unclear is whether organizers deliberately perpetrated the fraud or the telethon had fallen into the deception by accident. Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by Ariel Ben Yochanan (Andras Bereny), July 13, 2009. |
No justice done for Jews, for a number of reasons. 1.) The court's ruling is according to "Democratic Republic of Israel" law, not Torah Law. According to Torah, these buildings to be demolished are legal. Andras Bereny lives in Kfar Tapuach in the Shomron. Contact him
at bereny@tin.it. This is an unpublished talkback on "Court criticizes
State over illegal outposts" and copies of it are sent to Justice
Beinish and PM. Netanyahu It appeared in the Torah Revolution blogspot
Posted by N. Natan, July 13, 2009. |
With Barack Hussein Obama, Israel will become more and more isolated and dwarfish. But with the Restoration of its founding Temple, Israel will become a beneficent giant. The finality of Jerusalem Temple was the Celebration and Perpetuation of the Moral Pact between The Eternal and Mankind, Moral Pact preserved in the Ark of the Covenant, and which allowed, progressively, authentic Democracy to blossom in its essential Moral compost, and to serve as model for the entire World. This essential Moral Pact cherished in the Temple was, everyday, ritually (or symbolically) purified and renewed by live Source Waters as required by Biblical Prescriptions, human societies being able only to survive through appropriate Rites. These live purifying Waters, which came from the Etam Sources and Solomon Pools, flowed to Jerusalem by sole gravity in an Aqueduct, which crossed the Tyropean ravine on a bridge ("Wilson's Arch"), situated north of the "Wailing Wall", at about 5 meters below the present ground of the Wailing Wall, in order to penetrate into the rocky underground of the nowadays Esplanade of the Mosques ("Haram"). Then, still by sole gravity and without the use of any utensil, these Source Waters flowed ceaselessly downstream to the Temple, and among others, to the Mikweh (Purification Bath) of the High Priest which was located inside the walls of the Jewish Sanctuary, at the upper storeyof the Parwah House standing near the Temple above the surface of the Court : These ever-flowing live Source Waters allowed, thus, the daily purifying rite of immersion of the High Priest, upon whom depended the ultimate Purification of All Israel, as prescribed by *YHWH*. THIS RELIGIOUS HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, FAITHFULLY AND ENTIRELY PRESERVED UP TODAY in the rocky entrails of the Esplanade of the Mosques (and which can be checked by anybody including by UNESCO) signifies beyond dispute that the Temple of Jerusalem could only stand, in reality, DOWNSTREAM from the "Haram". And the present deep-rooted collective belief concerning the erroneous Site of the Jewish Temple is the successful result of a scheme played magisterially by Divine Roman Emperor Hadrian, and later firmly caped by the Islamic conquerors. One can find, the precise and detailed data concerning this Religious underground Hydraulic System, unique in Antiquity and also the new authentic History of the Temple of Jerusalem, at www.jerusalem-4thtemple.org. Natan
Post Scriptum: Israel deserves far better than its present sclerotic Archaeology Nomenklatura... Contact the poster at n.natan@jerusalem-4thtemple.org |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 13, 2009. |
NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN POLICY Everyone has heard of the Council on Foreign Relations, In Manhattan. Fewer have heard of the high-powered National Committee on Foreign Policy, also in Manhattan. The Council is a large, active, non-profit, American organization of former diplomats and private individuals conversant in foreign policy. The Committee has meetings, reports, e-mailings, and a bi-monthly magazine. Its most significant work, however, is conferences by leading members with foreign counterparts. Unbound by official duties, participants may be more frank. The Committee believes that this has helped unfreeze certain foreign relations. see here for its web site, particularly its report on a
conference with Muslims on the Mideast: I find that and other Committee reports thoughtful, but with some even-handedness replacing accuracy. The section on Muslim Arab culture was generally reliable. Its description of the Arab psychological drive for "honor" and shame-avoidance, endorses what I have written about. This drive motivates policy in ways that the relatively more rational-based West does not understand. A participant said that the Arab conquerors didn't think Palestine was the Jewish homeland, and their descendants consider Jews there as aliens, because the Jews were not in control then. Not valid. Ancient Arabs were acquainted with Judaism, including its Zionist element and millennial civilization in Israel before Islam originated. A Jewish army helped liberate Palestine from the Byzantines. How odd of the imperialist occupier to consider Jewish natives alien! The Palestinian Arabs once were thought more ready to make peace than other Arabs. That notion was refuted later by reference to the Islamic motive for the conflict, exacerbated by Radical Islam, strong among the Palestinian Arabs. The report on Security Council Resolution 242 makes important reading. It missed the basis for the war, which the other report attributed mainly to religion. Egypt barred Israel from the Suez Canal. As if just opinion, Israel is said to have called that an act of war. The report later states that the discriminatory closure violates international law [and an international convention], so it was an act of war! This is an important point, because the Arabs present their case as ethical by calling their aggression, defense. and Israeli defense, aggression. The West strove for a 1967 ceasefire on the first day of the war, to stabilize the situation. What does "stabilize" mean? The report admits that on the first day, the Israeli Air Force defeated the Arabs. I believe that the U.S. did not want Israel to gain a solid enough victory to deter further Arab aggression and to shake the Arabs into a begrudging peace. On the other hand, it might not have. THE EVOLUTION OF GOD Reviewer Paul Bloom describes portrays Robert Wright's clever [but old] theory that human belief and scripture about God have evolved along with human civilization. That theory has some truth, but also is flip, generalized, and biased. The book depicts Yahweh of the Hebrew Bible as a savage, murderous, show-off warrior. The slight concession was, "But at least Yahweh had strong moral views, occasionally enlightened ones, about how the Israelites should behave." This is biased. The Bible spanned hundreds of years. In that time, the notion of the deity evolved. It incorporated ideas about moral behavior and mercy. Why did author and reviewer overlook that, which accords with the book's theory? The faulty description buttresses the antisemitism of cursory readers of the Bible. "Wright argues that each of the major Abrahamic faiths has been forced toward moral growth as it found itself interacting with other faiths, on a multinational level..." Again, too generalized. Upon acquiring power, Christianity persecuted other ethnicities for hundreds of years. Its Western branches had a reformation, but only in the last half of the 20th century did they mellow significantly. The culture of prejudice lives on, even as the faith wanes in Europe. The Vatican still seems to harbor designs on Jerusalem. Europe and old line U.S. Protestants have become anti-Zionist as a form of antisemitism. Russian Orthodoxy did not eradicate its antisemitic attitudes, though the Russian government has. Islam was moderating, but did not tie this tendency down with an official Reformation. Much of it recently has been regressing to its early intolerance, violence, and jihad, locked by fundamentalism. I think the author equates the three faiths unjustifiably. That is the way of moral relativism, which in our time can be less ethical than the religions that the secularists mock. The book correctly differentiates between sacred text and interpretation, but fails to admit that recent Islamic teachings uphold the original texts. The author praises religions even if their leaders advocate wrongful policy. I think that how the leaders define a religion and what their followers believe turns the theoretical texts in an actual religion. Oral tradition counts! Small comfort that some texts are moderate when the faithful are not! The modern tendency is to condemn past generations' ethics, without taking historical conditions into account at all. How would the author have recommended the Hebrews, escaping from slavery, deal with the Amalekites who attacked them for nothing, others who would not give them safe passage, and still others who raided them? Come to think of it, has Israel's situation changed that much? (NY Times Book Review, 6/28. Not having read the book, I can't tell whether some ideas are the author's or the reviewer's.) FATAH VS. HAMAS, WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Some media have reported Fatah or Palestinian Authority (P.A.) arrests of Hamas men as cracking down on terrorism, in behalf of Israel. [It is not meant to benefit Israel, as Abbas' hostility towards Israel proves. It is meant to make Israel feel secure about relinquishing control over P.A. cities to the P.A. police.] The actual story is different. The rivalry between Fatah and Hamas
has grown more bitter. Fatah propaganda against Hamas has become
severe. Recently the P.A. broadcast videos supposedly of Hamas torture
of Fatah men In a violent culture, P.A. rivalry is expressed violently. That does not rule out semi-reconciliation. But reconciliation is unlikely, because Hamas has tortured and executed many Fatah men, not just disarmed or even arrested them. Hamas threatens to take over the P.A. and do the same in Judea-Samaria. Fatah is beginning to fight back. This fight has nothing to do with Israel, though Abbas' U.S. supporters allege that it does. Abbas and his Fatah remain terrorist in ideology and in its media and education. It still is up to Israel to raid the P.A. and pick off terrorists, inspired by P.A. indoctrination and adulation. To that, the U.S. advisors turn a blind eye. For more about their rivalry, even in a silly form, see here:
THE MEANING OF IRANIAN PROTESTS "Up to now, the current mass protests in Iran have had three prominent characteristics: 1. They were not directed by the leaders whom the demonstrators support; Egypt criticizes the global attitude toward the protests. Most of
the world is restraining its criticism of the election fraud, out of
deference to nuclear negotiations it hopes to conduct with Iran. Egypt
deem that too cautious and encourages Iran to continue to repress
protest and enforce the electoral fraud
In addition, it removes pressure on Iran. Less pressure encourages Iranian obduracy on nuclear matters. However, I put no stock in negotiations, for, being disunited, the UN has little leverage over Iran. SYRIA STONEWALLS UN ON NUCLEAR PLANTS The U.S. has accused Syria of obstructing UN investigation of Syrian nuclear weapons development. Syria claimed that the factory bombed by Israel in a suspiciously remote area of Syria was for something else. The first UN inspection of the bombed site found man-made nuclear material and that the structure of the building was for nuclear fabrication and not what Syria claimed. The UN has a growing list of questions that Syria doesn't answer.
Syria forbids the UN inspectors from returning
Nuclear proliferation is so serious, that mankind must stop being naïve about it. Countries develop nuclear weapons secretly, whether they sign the international treaty or not. We can't depend on the treaty. Like most legislation, competing or dissimulating lobbies fashioned that treaty. It contains loopholes. There isn't enough will to enforce it. It becomes an excuse to do nothing, while the angel of death gathers forces. Some countries are responsible about nuclear arms, others are not. That is the key question. Syria and Iran are aggressors and Iran's version of Shiism is like a death cult. This death cult, and frank statements from Iran's former President Rafsanjani that Iran can afford to lose millions, if it wipes out Israel, refutes the reader's blase assurance in which he said it wouldn't matter if Iran gets and uses nuclear weapons, Israel could wipe Iran out. Maybe yes, maybe now. Want to find out, at the cost of, say, 25 million lives? Another lesson from Syria's behavior is that countries cooperate for evil purpose. A reader chided me for writing "evil axis," but it is useful. Syria got its start from N. Korea, for one. Some evidence exists that it got much from Saddam, too. For further discussion on the nuclear arms treaty, see here:
CO-EXISTENCE IN JAFFA & NAZARETH A Jewish Orthodox group, Bemuna, wants to build a couple of hundred housing units in a predominantly Arab neighborhood of Jaffa. Arabs and non-religious Jews oppose this as a matter that would upset the delicate co-existence in Jaffa. They claim that the Jews propose to dilute Arab concentration. The Jewish groups say they would stabilize a declining area, and come as good neighbors. Meanwhile, Arabs are moving into Nazareth, also of mixed population. The Arabs and non-religious Jews do not oppose this as likely to upset the delicate co-existence. Why the inconsistency? (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/20 from Jerusalem Post). They are not frank. I will be. The Arabs have resumed their original struggle to take over the country. They move into Jewish towns, often as bad neighbors. Earlier articles have described their insults to Jewish women, bullying of boys, and noise. The Arab struggle is overlooked by the secular Jews, but any Jewish counter-measure is called racist. Hypocrisy. I have read of Jewish alarm-sounding over this struggle. Jewish Orthodox groups do move into deteriorating areas to bolster them and make continued Jewish residency tenable. Jews moving into Arab areas usually are good neighbors. Sometimes the Arabs receive them well, but more militant Arabs may organize resistance. My part-Israeli friend tells me that Israeli Arabs are not a problem for the state. That does not jibe with the fact that Israeli officials rarely enter Israeli Arab towns, at least not without a heavy police guard. Jerusalem is another mixed city. To see how that works out, besides
the Muslim stoning of Jews, see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Buddy Macy, July 12, 2009. |
Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Z. Lieberman are the parents of Hillel Eliyahu Lieberman who. as Rabbi Lieberman writes, "HY'D, fulfilled the mitzvah (religious obligation) of making aliyah, thereby trailblazing in the true pioneering spirit, the settlement of the Holy Land of Israel, just as our American forefathers had created the first colonies of this young nation in the Western hemisphere by building settlements (towns and villages). Unfortunately, as a result of the mirage of the Oslo Agreement's promises of peace that could not become a reality, a violent intifada left him a victim of cruel, deceitful Arab terrorism as he walked, wrapped in a prayer shawl on the Sabbath between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in the Year 2000, to his institution of higher Torah learning, Yeshivat Od Yosef Chai, located in the Tomb of Joseph in Shechem (a.k.a. Nablus), Samaria."q Rabbi Lieberman is on the Rabbinical Board of Flatbush (Vaad Harabbonim of Flatbush). Contact him by phone at (718) 951-8585 |
President Barack Obama's Kenya showed true loyalty to Israel during the Entebbe rescue of hijacked Air France Israeli passengers. While we Americans live with increased post-9/11 surveillance to prevent terrorism on our shores, Israelis courageously live "normal" daily lives as the Hamas in Gaza (until recently a flourishing strip of Jewish homes, synagogues, schools and farms) aim Kassam rockets at babies in Sderot, a town in the Negev. In no way can we agree to contracting the too vulnerable borders of Israel by wedging in (G-d forbid!) a PLO/Hamas "state." One must witness the injured Israelis and their respective families taking care of their most basic needs, the courage to face the morrow by building the beloved Land of the Bible, the philanthropy of sharing hi-tech, state-of-the-art medicine, pure water, paved roads, electrical grids with Arab villagers. Recently, a Samarian Jewish doctor treated a feverish child of a neighboring sheik and received profuse, grateful words. The next morning, an Israeli driver passing the sheik's village down the hill, was hit with rocks hurled by the sheik's villagers. When asked why, the sheik responded that he had no control over his people. Therefore, we Americans must ensure the security and military strength of the sole democracy in the Middle East, our ally, Israel, and never allow a "two-state" scenario. Sincerely,
Contact Buddy Macy by email at vegibud@gmail.com |
Posted by Moshe Phillips, July 12, 2009. |
With Alaska Governor Sarah Palin back in the headlines it is worth recalling that some pundits attempted to draw parallels between the then Republican Vice-Presidential nominee and former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, the then newly minted female head of Israel's Kadima party. Those pundits were wrong. On the surface, Palin and Livni did seem to have much in common. They are both active, thin, stylish, married women with children. Each entered politics in the 1990's and are only six years apart in age. Both were among the mere a handful of women in their respective countries to rise to the highest echelons of political and government leadership. Both were running in national elections in 2008. Livni started her political career in the Likud party, a party often inaccurately characterized as a right wing. Livni is a pragmatist who, along with many other Likudniks, chose to defect to Kadima a new party created by three of the foremost career political opportunists Israel has produced: Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert and Shimon Peres. The differences between Livni and Palin are considerable. Among the profound differences is that Livni is not a social conservative. Witness that Livni spoke at a homosexual activist event held as part of Gay and Lesbian Pride Month in Tel Aviv on June 1, 2009 at the park's homosexual Pride Center. The myriad of differences of opinion between the two women on social and other issues are far beyond the scope of this essay. What is significant is that there is another woman in Israeli politics named Tzipi that brings Palin to mind. In a June 10, 2009 column, CNN's Tom Foreman wrote that Palin's supporters were "those who thought she was a fresh voice of conservative reason who is in touch with the needs and desires of working folks." Knesset Member Tzipi Hotovely is a thirty year old attorney and freshman parliamentarian, who also fits Foreman's description well. She is the Knesset's youngest member. Hotovely, a member of Likud, grew up in the religious Zionist community of in Israel. A former Ph.D. candidate at Tel Aviv University, she earned degrees Bar-Ilan University. She was active with the Bnei Akiva religious Zionist youth organization and attended Bruria, a well respected women's center for Torah studies in Jerusalem. Tzipi Hotovely first gained national attention in Israel as a pundit on Israel's most prominent political debate TV show think PBS's "The McLaughlin Group." Reporting on her TV experience, the January 26, 2009 Jerusalem Post stated: "She became a household name in Israel through a weekly political television show called Moetzet Hahachamim (Council of Sages), which pitted her against top veteran journalists. She was the only woman, only right-winger and only religious panelist, yet held her own against a cadre of left-wing, aging secular men." Hotovely described herself in an interview with the Brooklyn-based newspaper The Jewish Press as a "religious right-winger." Last May, she sponsored a Knesset conference on entitled "Alternatives to the Two-State Outlook" that included Knesset members from multiple parties and generated international media attention. On July 6, 2009, The Jerusalem Post described Hotovely's recent efforts as "A long-awaited rebellion against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu by Likud MKs." Netanyahu claimed at an Israeli cabinet meeting that his government created consensus on the controversial "two states for two peoples." The next day a letter of protest was issued. Hotovely had crafted the letter and had gathered the signatures for it. Half of the Likud Knesset faction signed her letter. According to The Jerusalem Post, the letter included the following: "We Likud Members of Knesset are turning to you due to reports that you would agree to freeze settlement growth temporarily in parts of Judea and Samaria, despite our promise to the voters to continue building in the settlements..." Hotovely is a strong supporter of Israeli settlements, stated to The Jewish Press: "I think and believe that if the Palestinians really want to have peace it shouldn't mean Israel has to withdraw from the settlements, because the settlements are part of our Jewish history. The Jews lived in Hebron, in Beit El. These are biblical places. Hebron is the place where King David began his kingdom. I don't think it's something we can let go, because what is Zionism all about? Zionism is really about going back to Zion, going back to Jerusalem, going back to all those biblical places. We need to start talking about the peace process without removing people from the settlements." Many Israeli prime ministers were generals or combat veterans, including Sharon, Rabin, Barak and Netanyahu. Tzipi Livni worked for the Mossad. However, Hotovely is quite different. In a speech about Abraham Lincoln given at Hillsdale College on May 8, 2009, Professor Allen Guelzo of Gettysburg College noted: "If we mean by 'hero,' merely a sword-swinging swashbuckler on a spree, we will find little of that here ... this is because heroism is not about skull-cracking. It is, first of all, about profound moral conviction." Hotovely and Palin are rising political stars and both share forceful moral convictions. Neither one will be out of the headlines for very long. Both warrant more than our attention though, both are true patriots, and both deserve our best wishes and our sincerest prayers. Moshe Phillips is a member of the executive committee of the Philadelphia Chapter of Americans for a Safe Israel / AFSI. The chapter's website is at: www.phillyafsi.com and Moshe's blog can be found at http://phillyafsi.blogtownhall.com. |
Posted by Yid With Lid, July 12, 2009. |
President Obama is facing a major crisis in the Middle East, a crisis of his own doing. Every element of his Middle East plan has gone to hell in a hand-basket. Obama's overall philosophy has been the only way to bring peace to the area (and win the War on Islamic Fascism) is to have all of the complicated solutions to all the complicated issues worked out all at once. To that end he tried to
Let's take a look at what happened:
His public blasting of Israel has weakened his support among American Jews who initially "bought into" his pledge that he was a "friend" of Israel. Especially when the news came out that Obama was breaking a pledge made to Israel by the Bush administration. At the same time the administration miscalculation has given ammunition to the Palestinians, who prefer the status quo to any peace negotiations. President Abbas has declared that he would not resume negotiations until there was a settlement freeze: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says he will not resume peace talks with Israel until there is "a complete halt to settlement activities." In an interview published Sunday with the Egyptian weekly October, the PA president insisted that a halt to construction in West Bank settlements was not a Palestinian condition, but rather a condition set by US President Barack Obama.
So where does all this leave Obama's Middle East policy? In ruins. While the US continues to press Israel for a settlement freeze, the administration is impotent because every element is falling apart. Syria and Iran aren't looking for engagement. He has turned the Israeli populace against him and strengthened the hand of Prime Minister Netanyahu. At the same time he as eroded his own support among American Jews and other US friends of Israel. He cannot count on support of the Arab League nations and has given the President of the Palestinian Authority and "out" from re-entering negotiations. Any US pressure on Israel will remain only on a "verbal" level; there will be no sanctions or loss of aid. The administration has come to the realization that it cannot punish Israel because even if there was a compromise on settlements, the other side is not going to embrace peace. President Obama's misjudgment of Israel, the Palestinians and the Arab States will so on lead to the President putting the Middle East on the back burner so he can concentrate on efforts that have a chance to succeed. This comes from the Yid with Lid website and is archived here. It is written by Sammy Benoit, who has a serious need for financial help in order to continue his very excellent site. You can contribute by going to his website http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com and scrolling down the left column or go directly here. |
Posted by Paul Lademain, July 12, 2009. |
There is only one identifiable group of people who settled and civilized the region historically known as Palestine and the Jewish tribes did so even before this region was given that name and this group was then known as the Hebrew tribes of the Jews. Jews have lived in and cultivated the region of Palestine for millennia. As for the Arabs, they, with many other ethnicities, merely used the region as a footpath. The region of Palestine was widely known and recognized by the Europeans and Americans as the Homeland of the Jews. The League of Nations recognized Palestine as the Jewish Homeland. In fact, and in or about 1932, Abdullah the First of what would soon become the new state of Saudi Arabia urged the Brits to recognize his conquest of the Arabian Peninsula and declare him the monarch of a new theocratic dictatorship with the argument that the Brits owed their recognition to him inasmuch as they had already declared, twelve years earlier, that Palestine was the Homeland of the Jews. Decades later, when the Saudis were first bursting with petrol dollars, they hired X-POTUS Jimmy Carter to help them steal the lands of Jewish Palestine and give it to the Islamic gangs. The idea that Palestine was a homeland for Arabs is a complete fiction invented by the Baptist bigot Jimmy Carter after he received a huge loan from Ghaith Pharaon-and-friends for to save Carter's peanut farm. (Did the Goooberman ever repay his Islamic benefactors?) Thereafter, the X-POTUS bowed to the Egyptian invaders and together with the cunning assassin, who changed his name to "Yasser Arafat" invented a new name for the arab invaders they re-named them "Palestinian" the instant they slipped over the border from Yemen and Egypt into Israel and its territories. They achieved this inadmirable deception with the help of the Saudis and the UAE. And all of them were aided and abetted by certain bureaucrats in the US State Department, whose operations were deeply entwined with Enron International and Bahrain and the Saudis. So, when the Islamic who goes by the name of Zaher Boulos, issued a "cry of solidarity with the Palestinian people who hold strong to the establishment of a Palestinian state that is independent with Jerusalem as its capital and the return of the refugees to their homes" at the annual conference of the Forum of Journalists, an I'lam affiliate of which he is also coordinator HE COULD ONLY BE REFERRING TO THE JEWS SINCE THEY ARE THE ONLY TRUE PALESTINIANS. He could NOT be referring to the Islamics who never owned, settled in, or civilized the region known as Palestine. What this means is that even the invading Arabs know that Palestine is the homeland for the Jews. Were it otherwise, there would be legal grounds to dismantle Saudi Arabia. Because as the founder of Saudi Arabia declared, Saudi Arabia owes its very existence to the recognition of Palestine as the Jewish Homeland. Anything and everything else to the contrary is rubbish. A Lie. A fakery that must be put down. Viva Israel from the Secular Christians for Zion. We say: Restore Jewish Palestine from the ocean to the sea the way Israel was agreed to be. Contact Paul Lademain by email at lademain@verizon.net |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, July 12, 2009. |
This comes from IMRA Independent Media Review and Analysis. Visit their website at www.imra.org.il and contact them at imra@netvision.net.il |
Subject: [Extrapolation from MEMRI] Fatah official implies when Gen. Dayton trains and arms enough of us we will attack Israel? " all forms of the struggle exist, and we do not rule out the possibility of the armed struggle or any other struggle. The struggle exists in all its forms, on the basis of what we are capable of at a given time, and according to what seems right... " From the Bulletin, July 12, 2009 Palestinian Media Watch. From "Fatah official: 'Our goal has never been peace. Peace is a means; the goal is Palestine.'" by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik Palestinian Media Watch: The PA will resume violence and terror against Israel when Fatah is "capable," and "according to what seems right," Fatah activist Kifah Radaydeh says in a PA TV interview. She states openly that peace is not a goal for Fatah: "It has been said that we are negotiating for peace, but our goal has never been peace. Peace is a means; the goal is Palestine." Radaydeh says that "armed struggle" has not been ruled out and will continue, depending on how "capable" the PA forces are. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT WHEN FATAH REFERS TO "PALESTINE", it is routinely referring to all of Israel. Some examples:
Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Pocerl, July 12, 2009. |
[Editor's Note: This has appeared on the Internet in different forums. When it appeared on www.topix.com, Anonymous Proxy noted:
Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com |
Posted by Doris Wise Montrose, July 11, 2009. |
This was written by N. Shuldig. It appeared in Jewish Magazine
If we could say that there was a bright spot in the gloomy and somber history of the holocaust, perhaps we could point to the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. If in all the dark and disgusting annals of recent history, when Jews were led to murder like sheep let to slaughter, when Jews were tortured for fun, it was the revolt in the Warsaw ghetto. This alone stands out as a monument to the Jewish ability to resist the Nazi onslaught. Yet I believe that it is precisely in the story of the uprising that the deeper cause of the holocaust can be seen. Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933. His plans were obvious from his speeches and his book, Mein Kampf, first published in, yet we find that the Jews did not seem to be particularly worried or anxious at that time. As Hitler became stronger and bolder and began instituting his laws against the Jews, and allowing atrocities to take place against the Jews, most German Jews felt that this would pass. After all, was not Germany an enlightened country; wasn't Germany one of the first countries to give Jews equal rights; didn't Jews serve in the German Parliament, the Bundestag, and distinguish themselves in the first World War? Jews enjoyed equal rights in Germany from the mid 1800's and participated fully in the nation's affairs. Yet with all of this goodness bestowed upon them from the previous German governments, 1933 saw the beginning of the oppression of the Jews in Germany. Jewish stores and offices were officially boycotted; Jews were refused work and fired; Jewish children were not welcome in public schools. As the years progressed, the oppression increased. In 1938 Kristallnacht increased the persecution and began a series of wanton killing and confiscation of Jewish properties. It was not until 1941 that Auschwitz was chosen to be the first extermination camp. * * * Let us now look at Warsaw: Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 and by October 6th the country was under German control. One year later, on October 2, 1940, the Warsaw Ghetto was created. It was an area surrounded by a wall three meters high which was topped by broken glass and barbed wire. By April 1941 the ghetto population exceeded 500,000, many refugees deported by the Germans from towns in surrounding areas. People lived in sub-human conditions. Starvation and death on the streets of homeless children was not an uncommon sight. Round ups by Germans and summary executions became common in the streets. Disease was common amidst the filth. The uprising did not begin until January 18, 1943 when the Germans began a planned deportation of the Jews. The bulk of the rebellion took place from April 19 until May 16, 1943 when the German successfully destroyed the armed resistance movement. Although the ghetto had been created in October of 1940, it took over two years for the Jews to begin a resistance movement against the Nazis. Although knowledge of mass murders circulated amongst the Jews, no action was taken. What caused such a long delay for Jews to begin to fight? Rumors had come into the ghetto as to the true intentions of the Nazis and the ghetto population had seen clearly with their own eyes how brutal they were treated, starved, tortured and executed, yet, resistance came late. Why? At that time there were much divergent opinions amongst the Jews in political ideology and religious matters. Jews were Bundists, (a socialist leaning Russian workers party member) who had close links with the Polish Socialist Party. The communist Jews sympathized with Stalin who had distrusted the Polish Communist Party and ordered that it be disbanded in 1938. The left wing Zionists were basically the most militant Jewish group. They believed in fighting against the Nazi threat by organizing massive resistance. The left wing Zionists included HaShomer HaTzair, Dror and the Hekhalutz movements. Also there was the Right Poale Zion and the Left Poale Zion groups. There were the various religious groups and there were assimilated Jews. There were even Jews who had converted to Christianity but were considered Jews by the Nazis and put in the ghetto. However most Jews fell into the category of being non-affiliated but just plain and simply Jewish who could influence them? And then there were the criminals who would sell information or steal material just to survive. In order to have an armed revolt it required co-operation and planning. It required trust and training. It necessitated working together and sharing resources which were indeed very few. It required a conviction that one Jew could depend upon the other. It was March 1942 that the leaders of the Communists and the left-wing Zionist first came together in a meeting in Warsaw. They wanted to unite all the organizations to actively resist the Nazis however the Bund leaders refused to join to any group that did not have the same interests of the international Bund party. It decided to have its own fighting group and refused to co-operate with the others. In addition, there were Jews who belonged to the Nazi-run civilian administration of the ghetto and also Jewish policemen who were in the employ of the Nazis and then there were those who (generally because of desperation) believed the Nazi lies of resettlement. The religious Audath Israel party believed that a rebellion would bring destruction to the ghetto and believed that a miracle would take place. The others argued that they were all doomed anyway; let them die fighting. The difficulty of organizing a rebellion under circumstances when cooperation was at best a minimum and mistrust from group to group instilled a desire to shun the other made a successful rebellion almost a impossible goal. By the time the Jewish groups organized themselves it was late. Their efforts to contact other underground Polish groups were met with suspicion and sometimes anti-Semitic feelings; never the less, they tried to acquire weapons from the Polish partisan movements. The Polish underground movement was anti-Semitic and had no desire to help Jews. It is my opinion that the animosity between the various groups especially among the Jewish groups kept them from working with one another. As one of the Bund members said as he sat down to negotiate with the representatives of the Zionists, that if it were not for the accursed ghetto conditions they should not be sitting at the same table. The difficulty of each group accepting the other coupled with the chasm created by the differences in political and social outlook make co-operation extremely difficult. I believe that one of the greatest contributions that caused Jews to be lead to death with no resistance. It seems to me that from the side of the Jews that their inability to put aside their own petty priorities and work for the good of the general caused many more deaths than if the Jews had put down their group isolation and smug superiority and worked together from the beginning. It was not until it was too late, and too little when the various sides decided to work together, but when they did, the few determined fighters caused many casualties in the Nazi army and interfered with the carrying out of death camp deportations. We are living in a post holocaust period. Yet the threats to the Jews living in the land of Israel are now coming from a fanatical and tyrannical Iran. Yet no one seems overly concerned. We Jews seem to be living in our wonderland, the political leaders can not seem to get together to make a stand against Ahmadinejad and the Iranian nuclear program. The Israeli parliament can't agree on any method of ending the increasing terror on its border and seems each day coming closer to giving the (Arabs) their own government with out seeing any concessions from them. Are we falling into the trap that the Jews in Europe did some sixty-seventy years earlier? Why do we not learn from history the horrors that crazy dictators like Ahmadinejad can bring? Doris Wise Montrose is with Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors (CJHSLA). Contact her at doris@cjhsla.org. CJHSLA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to the promotion of Western values against the dual threats of complacency at home and political Islam abroad. |
Posted by Chuck Brooks, July 11, 2009. |
This was written by Abraham H. Miller and is entitled "For Liberal Jews, Obama Is the Messiah." It was posted in Pyjamas Media. |
The difference between radical Muslims and liberal American Jews is that the former seek to become martyrs, while the latter aspire to become victims. In an ironic twist of fate, radical Muslims and liberal American Jews were made for each other. This ideological symbiosis is sufficient to give pause to the presence of intelligent design. But like all things that seem to emanate from a higher power, there is a paradoxical twist. It is not themselves that liberal American Jews want to sacrifice on the altar of victimhood; it is their Israeli brethren. Barack Hussein Obama received nearly eighty percent of the Jewish vote and still garners strong approval among America's Jews. In contrast, only 1 six percent of Jewish Israelis support Obama. Even before the election, Israeli Jews, unlike their sycophantic American brethren, saw through Obama. 0 Israelis were the least supportive population anywhere in the Western world of the inexperienced politician turned presidential candidate. To support Obama, liberal Jews had to engage in a set of incredible mental gymnastics. They had to ignore his twenty-year relationship with the anti-Semitic minister Reverend Jeremiah Wright. They had to ignore his strong personal relationship with the virulent anti-Zionist 0 Rashid Khalidi. They had to ignore his statement to the Iowa caucuses that no one has suffered 2008-10-12 22:34:07 more than the Palestinian people. They had to ignore his support of his Kenyan cousin and genocidal strongman 2008-10-12 22:34:07 Raila Odinga, an advocate of Sharia. They had to ignore 39c06bffeeb74bb7346c7960ebb07ce5 Obama's own Muslim heritage. They had to ignore that anti-Israel policy experts such as 1 Samantha Power (who now has her own special seat on the National Security Council), Susan Rice, and General James Jones had the real inside tract on advising Obama on the Middle East. Since the election, Obama's policies toward Israel have been treacherous, and the reaction of the liberal Jewish community can only be described as inconceivable. When Obama demanded a freeze on the settlements, including organic growth and building in East Jerusalem, the reformed rabbis could barely wait to support him. Even the 2008-10-12 Jewish Daily Forward editorialized on behalf of freezing settlements, as if the settlements were the obstacle to peace and prior exchanges of land for peace had actually resulted in the reign of peace rather than the rain of rockets. Obama's unwillingness to do what first world nation states traditionally do honor the commitments and obligations of a prior administration should have generated outrage from the Jewish community. After all, Obama summarily and capriciously dismissed the commitments the Bush administration made with regard to the settlements commitments that were made, according to 0 Elliot Abrams, to secure Israel's painful withdrawal from Gaza and Northern Samaria.If for no other reason than the inconceivable precedent that will impair all of our future international relations, liberal Jews, ever concerned about the fine points of law, should have been up in arms. But their support for Obama was unflinching, their outrage, absent. Obama's Cairo speech linked Israel with the Holocaust, ignoring both 3,500 years of Jewish history and European history of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The speech then went on an embarrassing rant of moral equivalence by comparing the self-imposed suffering of the Palestinians to the Holocaust. Even so, liberal Jews did not wince. The Obama administration's embrace of the myth of the Israeli Defense Forces being responsible for civilian casualties in Gaza a justification for the administration's refusal to sell advanced helicopters to democratic Israel though they have been totally willing to sell them to the military dictatorship of Egypt did not produce outrage. The administration's refusal to sell advanced fighter aircraft to Israel has caused no concern among liberal Jews. The establishment of George Mitchell in an unprecedented resident envoy post in Israel, staffed by a band of anti-Zionists, has produced not even so much as a whimper. After all, one thousand useful-idiot rabbis signed a petition authored by the infamous Brit Tzedek calling for such an envoy, although it is doubtful that even the idiot rabbis expected George Mitchell and his anti-Zionist henchmen would be staffing the operation. Still, the Brit Tzedek signatories have not asked for their names to be withdrawn from the petition nor have they articulated any public regret. The foreign policy theme of the Obama administration has been that George W. Bush and his neocon advisers have caused the world's international political crises. Bush, who possesses a strong personal vision of foreign policy and an [16] IQ higher than the ever vaunted John Kerry, is caricatured as a simpleton manipulated by a Jewish cabal. Let us hasten to remember that George W. Bush would not have waited to condemn the Iranian regime as it shot demonstrators in the street nor would he have [17] stood on the side of Hugo Chavez in the Honduran coup. George W. Bush has a vision of America. Barack Obama only possesses a vision of himself. No one manipulated George Bush, and it is an anti-Semitic ploy to characterize Bush as a simpleton manipulated by Jews. But liberal Jewish hatred of George W. Bush is so pronounced that, even at the expense of the libel of Jewish exploitation of Bush's alleged incompetence, such images are totally compatible with liberal Jewish thinking. They are also its mainstay. Obama's anti-Israel stand will not find opposition in the Jewish community; it will find endorsement. Liberal American Jews embrace victimhood. The idea of a tough Israel willing to defend itself is counter to the psychological needs of the liberal American Jewish community, needs that might best be described as battered-wife syndrome. If Palestinians in Gaza launch missiles at Sderot, it is because Israel has done something wrong. "Oh, Palestinians only launch missiles and suicide bombers because they have no other way to protest. If only Israel gave them more land. If only Israel took up the road blocks. If only Israel apologized to them for causing them to blow up pizza parlors, discos, and shopping malls. If only Israel understood their culture." Most Jews can no more abandon their liberalism than can non-Jews. Take the liberals I have encountered in Berkeley who looked at the tragedy of 9/11 and said, "It's our foreign policy." They said it with all the delusional smugness that they were saying something profound and not something illustrative of a psychological deficiency or mental disease. They too needed to justify victimhood, and again with someone else actually being the victim. Obama represents the wedge between Israelis and liberal American Jews. For the latter, Obama still garners high numbers in the polls; among the former, it is hard to find an Israeli Jew who does not understand the threat Obama presents to his very survival. Liberal Jews are generally a secular people, but they are not a godless people, and in Barack Obama, they have certainly found their messiah. * Contact Chuck Brooks at chetz18@aol.com |
Posted by Gerald A. Honigman, July 10, 2009. |
Finally, at long last, another native people, besides Arabs, is staking its claims to a slice of the justice pie in the Middle East a region proclaimed by Arabs to be solely their own, despite the presence of scores of millions of native, non-Arab peoples in those lands. A story by Sam Dagher in the July 10th New York Times reported that Kurds were going ahead staking claims to the huge fossil fuel deposits sitting under land in northern Iraq on which they have lived for thousands of years before an Arab ever arrived there. It was land promised to Kurds as an independent state after World War I, but was aborted on behalf of Arab nationalism in collusion with British petroleum politics especially after the League of Nations' Mosul decision in 1925. A united, Arab-dominated Iraq arose instead in the British Mandate of Mesopotamia, with the oil of the Kurdish north attached to it. The British miltary helped suppress the Kurds' response to this. As I have written for years now, while the dreams of a viable, federal Iraq looked good on paper, in reality, they were most probably merely American pipedreams as well-intentioned as they were. Long ago, Arab nationalism won out over a multi-ethnic Iraqi nationalism in the land, and hundreds of thousands of Kurds have been slaughtered by Arabs. Arabs have spoken of any Kurdish independence as the creation of another Israel; i.e., how dare anyone but themselves stake any political claim in the region. Keep in mind that one half of Israel's Jews were refugees from so-called "Arab"/Muslim lands. The Times reported that Susan Shihab, a member of Kurdistan's parliament, said she no longer had faith that the rights of Kurds under the federal constitution from 2005 would be respected. She has a lot of company in this line of thought including anyone who has objectively followed the quest of non-Arab peoples for any semblance of respect and equality in "Arab" lands. Berbers in North Africa are now being told that they must name their children with Arab/Islamic names, and both they and Syrian Kurds are not even allowed to use their own non-Arab languages as just a few of too many other examples of this blatant Arab racism. And the same United Nations still having hissy fits over Israel's security fence (designed to keep Arabs from murdering its kids), continues to act deaf, dumb, and blind about the Arab subjugation of tens of millions of non-Arab peoples. The West and the current and last several American administrations in particular are and have been determined to create the Arabs' state #22, their second one in the original 1920 Palestine Mandate. Jordan was created from the lions' share of the land after 1922. That that new Arab state, run by Mahmud Abbas and his "moderate" Fatah, will no doubt be hostile to its tiny Jewish neighbor and sees "negotiations" only in terms of its earlier, openly-professed Trojan Horse and destruction-in-phases scenario planned for Israel is a given. Hamas, to its credit, is simply more honest and won't even indulge in word games regarding the acceptance or rejection of Israel. Despite this, the world is intent on shoving what will likely be yet another Arab terror base down Israel's throat but this time, Tel Aviv, Israel's Parliament, main airport, main seaport, Jerusalem, most of its population in its narrow nine to fifteen mile wide waist, and so forth will become the main Arab targets (this time courtesy of American arms) not more remote areas like Sderot in the south, after Israel's withdrawal from Gaza several years ago. Recall the ten thousand rockets and mortars launched from Gaza against Israeli civilian centers after that withdrawal. There's a lesson to be learned from that by anyone with functioning neurons... Unlike Arabs vis-a-vis "their" kilab yahud Jew dogs, Kurds don't want to deprive Arabs of their own just, due rights and have never terrorized Arabs. The problem has always been that most Arabs define their rights in terms which negate any at all for everybody else. Where, for example, is it written that Arabs are entitled to have sole claim, with the exception of Iran, over all of the region's fossil fuel deposits? The oil in the region around Kirkuk sits on Kurdish land. It is as Kurdish as the Arabian Peninsula's is Arab. That Saddam and his Sunnis forcibly Arabized the area earlier did not change this. The Kurds have learned their lessons from the not-so-distant past regarding America, the Brits, and their Arab neighbors. Both the Brits and America used and abused Kurds repeatedly for their own interests then abandoned them to Arabs who slaughtered them en masse soon afterwards. Shi'a Arabs have recently been more tolerant towards Kurds than their Sunni counterparts because they needed Kurds as a counterweight to Sunnis who repeatedly blow the Shi'a apart. But, thanks to America's overthrow of Saddam, the Shi'a are now in the ascendancy, and they too have no intention of granting any non-Arabs their just due. Kurds know this, and hence the current developments as reported in The New York Times. If the world's roadmap insists that Arabs must have a 22nd state, then it is certainly well overdue for thirty-five million truly stateless Kurds to at long last gain their one. Anything less despite the potential problems (and there won't be problems creating a latter-day Arafatian Fatahland or Hamastan?) will be sheer, nauseating hypocrisy. On January 5, 2010, my book dealing with this overall topic will be released for the new book year. It is titled, The Quest For Justice...The Arab-Israeli Conflict In Greater Perspective. Please watch for it. It is not just another book about the Middle East. Gerald A. Honigman, a Florida educator, has created and conducted counter-Arab propaganda programs for college youth, has lectured on numerous campuses and other platforms, and has publicly debated Arab spokesmen. His articles and op-eds have been published in both the print media and on websites. Contact him at honigman6@msn.com or go to his website: http://geraldahonigman.com/blog.php |
Posted by Susana K-M, July 10, 2009. |
This was written by Hillel Stavis
and it appeared today in
American Thinker
Samuel Huntington? Montgomery Watt? Charles Emmanuel Dufourcq? Andrew Bostom? Are you looking for the most perspicacious source on historical Islam? Forget about 'em. Turn to Max and Dave Fleischer, two Manhattan cartoonists from the 1930's and their monumental analysis of The Jihad: Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Baba's Forty Thieves (1937) Denied a place at the Disney table (it was reputed that Signor Disney cared little for followers of the Mosaic Persuasion), the Frères Fleischer started King Features Syndicate during the depression, featuring the intrepid mariner who would prove to be Mickey Mouse's chief rival for the next two decades. Popeye the Sailor Man was born to Midwesterner Elzie Segar (pronounced like the proverbial 5 cent CEE-gar) in the late 1920's. His entourage, brilliantly assembled to resemble the eccentricities that were the stuff of an American cultural stew that consisted of an anorexic girlfriend, a mooching, hamburger-munching sidekick and a lout who would take on the persona of every bully from Tojo to Hitler, whichever villain was at hand. In 1937 (following the so-called "Arab Revolt" in Palestine of the previous year), the Fleischers chose the Middle East as Popeye's showdown with the forces of darkness). I'm not suggesting that events thousands of miles away from Manhattan had anything to do with the cartoon, but who knows? Twelve years later, Avedis Derounian, writing as "John Roy Carlson" tried to awaken the world to the growing threat of militant Islam in his epochal Cairo to Damascus with a prophetic chapter entitled "Islam Uber Alles". Could Popeye have pre-dated all the academics with his battle in the desert against the Jihad? The cartoon opens with Bluto as the classic Jihadist, Abu Hassan, at the head of the raziah (cf. Koran, Sura 8, verses 41-44 and the divvying up of loot), singing, "Your wives and children and money, too And, indeed, Abu Hassan proceeds to steal everything in the town from Wimpy's hot dogs to a poor bystander's teeth. He then makes his fatal error by enslaving Olive Oyl. No "in-FYE-del "(that's what Abu Hassan calls Popeye) worth his salt could abide this as Popeye demonstrates by thoroughly thrashing him. In the process, he calls on his never-failing, turbocharged can of spinach, commanding it to miraculously open by invoking, "Open, SEZ ME!" The local villages are spared, their wealth returned, western feminism is back on track (with Olive Oyl's release), Wimpy is free to freeload and American values are triumphant. What else do we need to know about combating Jihadists? Popeye was no practitioner of "Soft Power" and "Nuanced Approaches". He knew a thief and a bully when he saw one. Let's learn from his resolve and be "strong to the finich." Contact Susana K-M at suanema@gmail.com |
Posted by David Bedein, July 10, 2009. |
Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon and a slew of Israeli officials who promote trade relations with the Palestinian Arab population conducted a press briefing on Wednesday, July 8, 2009. Israeli government officials explained why it is that Israel now lifts security measures over the Palestinian Arab population despite the refusal of the ruling Palestinian Authority to dismantle or to disband the well organized terror groups that operate under the direct command of that same Palestinian Authority: Israeli civil administration officials proudly proclaimed that the Palestinian Authority is now Israel's largest trading partner. Israel currently exports 13 billion shekels of products to the Arab population in Judea and Samaria. and another 2 billion shekels of products to Gaza. There are very few imports from the PA into Israel. From the transcript of Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon's briefing: Question from David Bedein: "Is there any understanding, from Israel's point of view, that Abbas has taken any measures to disarm or to disband the El Aqsa Martyrs Brigade or any other terrorist groups under him. Or, the last three nights on Palestinian television they are celebrating Fatah, past Fatah murders of Israelis, any commitment in Israel over the frequencies of Palestinian television.... Answer from Mr. Daniel Ayalon No, we are still expecting to see a real move over there, and as I mentioned, of course we do appreciate General Dayton's work to build capacity over there. But of course much more, a lot more, substantially a lot more can be done by the Palestinians to dismantle the infrastructure that is to collect illegal arms, to disband and outlaw all the terror organizations. Nothing has been done in this area, not to mention of course, the incitement, the curriculum and all that...." In other words, profits for Israeli companies override security considerations. Israel's interest in the profits of Israeli companies from the Palestinian Authority trumps the responsibility of Israel to protect its citizens. At the funerals of the next victims of the PLO, keep in mind that "greed wins". David Bedein is Bureau Chief, Israel Resource News Agency. (http://Israelbehindthenews.com). He is president of Center for Near East Policy Research. Contact him by email at media@actcom.co.il |
Posted by Daniel Mandel, July 10, 2009. |
The other week, responding to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech that envisaged creating a demilitarized Palestinian state, perennial Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak noted, "I told President Obama that solving the crises of the Arab and Muslim worlds goes through Jerusalem." The week before, General David Petraeus, head of the U.S. military's Central Command, said, "Hezbollah's justifications for existence will become void...if the Palestinian cause is resolved." The notion that the Israeli/Arab conflict lies at the core of Middle Eastern problems has been popular among the political class for years:
In fact, it was this very idea that led America in 1991, vigorous and prestigious in the Middle East after vanquishing Saddam Hussein in Kuwait, to try and terminate it. At the time, American time and talent might have been better utilized urging Arab allies to liberalize their tyrannies or on off-setting the destabilizing constellation represented by Syria's Assad and the Iranian mullahs. Instead, then-U.S. President George H.W. Bush and his Secretary of State, James Baker, chose to think that solving the Arab-Israeli conflict was central and achievable much like President Obama does today and George W. Bush did before him. Yet, even before Bush and Baker gave international sanction to the centrality myth, history had already pronounced it a nonsense. The Arab-Israeli conflict had no bearing on the Algerian war in the 1950s; Egypt's invasion of Yemen, the bloody emergence of the Ba'athist dictatorship in Iraq, or the Aden Emergency, all in the 1960s; or the Libyan-Chad war in the late 1970s; or the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, which claimed a million lives; or Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait in 1990. Nor did it have any bearing on events that were to follow like Saddam's subsequent massacres of hundreds of thousands of Kurds and Shia, the Taliban seizure of most of Afghanistan, or the descent of Somalia into a Hobbesian arena of rival militias. Nonetheless, Bush and Baker convened the 1991 Madrid Arab-Israeli peace conference, which was succeeded by the Oslo process between Israelis and Palestinians. All must now agree that the results were the opposite of peace and reconciliation in that conflict, or any other. But Oslo's collapse failed to induce a reappraisal of either the alleged centrality of the Arab-Israeli conflict or its capacity for resolution. The same James Baker was to be found reinvigorating the old centrality chestnut as co-author of the 2006 Iraq Study Group, which again declared regional peace and progress to be hostage to a resolvable Arab-Israeli animosity. However, reality still fails to oblige. Israelis, long reconciled to the idea of a Palestinian state and still largely of the view that a peace settlement would entail creating one, no longer believe that doing so will bring it peace and therefore oppose it. Negotiated withdrawals in the West Bank and unilateral ones from Gaza and southern Lebanon having failed to bring peace and acceptance, Israelis oppose more concessions. Indeed, examining the words and deeds of the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, Hamas in Gaza, and the temper of Palestinian opinion favoring terrorism and rejecting Israel's existence, the only possible conclusion is that Palestinians neither accept Israel as a Jewish state, nor revile terrorism against it performed in their name, nor see Palestinian statehood as a goal whose attainment should change either of these facts. But supposing for a moment that none of this were true and the conflict presently resolvable, it would still be difficult to see what possible influence an Israeli-Palestinian peace could produce elsewhere in the Middle East.
This being the case, declaring that the Israeli-Palestinian impasse lies at the heart of regional turbulence and global threat is not an assertion about the importance of producing an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. Rather, it is a formulation whose origins lie in hostility to Israel's existence, a hostility that precludes the prospect of terminating the conflict even as it blames Israel for it. It is an insinuation of Israeli illegitimacy and guilt, made by the devious (Abdullah, Mubarak) and restated by the credulous (Ban, Blair). Into which category President Obama falls remains to be seen. Interestingly, President Obama shied away from explicitly calling the Arab-Israeli conflict the core issue in the Middle East in his Cairo speech last month: there, it became the second of four such issues, the other three being unspecified "violent extremists" (al-Qaeda and their ilk), nuclear proliferation and democracy (more precisely, the lack thereof) in the region. Nonetheless, the pride of place the Obama Administration is giving the Arab-Israeli issue; the overt connection it has drawn between it and the resolution of other matters, like Iran's drive for nuclear weapons; and its endorsement of the Arab demand that Jews stop moving to the West Bank and even eastern Jerusalem, are all hallmarks of a belief in its centrality. Burying the myth of Arab-Israeli centrality, however, is easier said than done, because so many are invested in it. For Arab despots, continuing blissfully unhindered in their repressive ways requires getting the U.S. to desist pestering them about pesky matters like human rights. This is best achieved by persuading the U.S. that the key to a liberalized Middle East lies in its working to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict first. This in turn leads successive administrations into pursuing Arab/Israeli diplomatic debacles for whose inevitable failure it can then be blamed by Arab despots. U.S. support for Israel which can be made to mean anything short of cutting off diplomatic and trade relations with it will supply the necessary alibi for further conflict and the continued elusiveness of Arab warmth for America. For Western politicians in this context, the word statesmen grates demanding further Israeli concessions in another foredoomed peace bid allows them to gratify Arab tyrants who export Muslim radicals to their shores while hoping for the best. Short of resolution, let alone a program, for resisting Islamist encroachments at home, this is what passes for the strategy of the free world today. In short, Middle Eastern pathologies caused and exacerbated the very conflict whose solution is now held out at as their cure. But as any doctor knows, treating symptoms rather than causes effects no cure; still less so, when the patient is only marginally responsive to palliative treatment. Invasive surgery on a weakened body lacking any prospect of success serves no purpose unless the purpose be malign. Breaking out of this dangerous, self-defeating cycle of delusion and distraction will be painful for the U.S. and the West. Expect therefore much continued avoidance and denial in Western chanceries. Daniel Mandel is a fellow in history at Melbourne University, director of the Zionist Organization of America's Center for Middle East Policy, and author of H.V. Evatt and the Establishment of Israel: The Undercover Zionist (Routledge, 2004). This article appeared in the Free Republic
Posted by Ted Belman, July 9, 2009. |
I can't recommend enough, this 1958 one hour interview of Abba Eban by Mike Wallace. Once you get by the cigarette commercial, which is a real blast from yesteryear, you will see in the interview, an antisemitic interviewer intent on repeating on national television, in the most watched show in the US, every charge against Israel that the most scurrilous people make, and the brilliant responses from the incomparable Abba Eban, Israel's Ambassador to the UN. Eban's responses were deftly and will delicately stated. They succeeded in turning all the horrific charges Wallace made into Israel's favour, with dignity and irony, and in so doing showed Wallace up for the antisemite he was. Wallace continued in his venomous ways and 40 years later
broadcasted a one hour program on violence at the Temple Mount which
CAMERA covered in Mike Wallace's Middle East Problem.
In late 1990, Wallace reported on Arab riots on the Temple Mount, in which several thousand people stoned Jewish worshipers at the Western Wall before beleaguered Israeli police shot some rioters in regaining control. He based his report almost exclusively on Palestinian sources, choosing Palestine Liberation Organization mouthpiece Daoud Kuttab as main production consultant, ignored key Israeli sources, took then-Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek's comments out of context, and spliced in a pre-riot tape of then-Foreign Ministry spokesman Benjamin Netanyahu rather than tape a post-riot interview. Essentially, Wallace's report reversed the order of events, making it appear that the stone-throwing riot followed the police shooting rather than led to it. The same mentality Wallace represented is now ensconced in the Whitehouse. Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer who recently made aliyah. He is editor of the IsraPundit.com website, an activist pro-Israel website. Contact him at tedbel@rogers.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 10, 2009. |
IDF SHOWS ANTI-RELIGIOUS BIAS Jewish religious law forbids public sexual immodesty. The Army puts on entertainment that offended religious students, who walked out on it. The IDF Chief of Staff issued an order that religious students
stay during the performance but may avert their eyes. He insisted they
stay for what he calls group solidarity. His only concession was to
ask the program managers to find content more suitable for religious
The concession may be just lip service. Entertainment should no more be forced upon people than were Christian services at West Point upon cadets of varying faiths. What effrontery, to make morally upstanding people sit there but tell them to avert their eyes! This Chief of Staff actually is undermining group solidarity, because he is breeding resentment. He is a caricature manifesting the Ultra-Orthodox experience of the IDF being a place where licentious and aggressively irreverent secularist commanders embarrass religiously observant Jews and make it difficult for them to serve their country militarily, and by extension, help preserve their faith from genocidal Muslims. Then the secularists turn around and complain that the Ultra-Orthodox don't serve much in the military. Since the demographics of the Jewish population shows increasing proportion of Ultra-Orthodox, the secularist military policy is a rear-guard intolerance that undermines national security and maintains secularist-religious tension. I don't go so far as the Ultra-Orthodox, and I don't mind mixed bathing in old-fashioned bathing suits. But women are walking around Manhattan in amatory garb that I think has gone to far in that direction. I have walked out on shows replete with sexual vulgarity and excessive profanity that much of the audience tittered over. I was not threatened with the stockade for doing so. To read about other anti-religious bias in Israel, see here:
HOUSING & DEMOGRAPHY IN JERUSALEM The new mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, stands accused of canceling 12,000 apartments intended for religious Jews, in favor of adding 14,000 for Arabs. One ruse is to construct apartments so as not to suit Jews' religious needs. The administration also is turning a Jewish-owned area into a garbage dump. His Master Plan also is alleged to lay out Arab governmental buildings in Jerusalem, officially to remain an Israeli city. This portends future division. "It is also noted that certain employment designations such as
higher education, government, bio-technology and medicine will be
granted preferential treatment, thus discriminating against the
hareidi (Ultra-Orthodox] sector, in which these fields are less
popular." This sounds as if the Mayor and Premier secretly plan to divide Jerusalem and also are responding to complaints that the City is "too Jewish." These are not the plans of an independent Jewish state, pursuing national cultural and security needs and being tolerant of more observant Jews. A key national security issue for the country's capital is not to allow its city to be largely surrounded by enemy cities, as Jerusalem already is, and not to be infested with a large enemy fifth column, that the often illegally resident, Arab stone-throwers constitute. It is less clear that the newly favored industries are intended to discriminate. They are the same industries proposed for other cities, such as New York, because they provide an anchor less polluting and with a more stable future. In my opinion, Israel not only doesn't owe anything to the hostile Arab aliens. A personal Israeli source commented that thousands of Ultra-Orthodox now are studying in those fields. The source acknowledged that the Army is the traditional tool for secularizing religious Jews, hence the reluctance of Ultra-Orthodox to serve. Some of the commanders may simply be insensitive, rather than deliberately irking the Ultra-Orthodox. "How can one know what the mayor and prime minister are secretly planning? I believe that these people are capable of doing such things. The truth is that I don't trust almost any secular politicians, because the vast majority today are cosmopolitans and internationalists, and likely self-loathing Jews who are groveling for non-Jewish approval. Their promises to defend Jerusalem and Israel in their election propaganda and speeches, are at most tenuous and easily surrendered by bribes as fleeting as an unrolled red carpet when they arrive in Washington." "If Sharon could throw the Jews out of Gaza, [you should] believe that Bibi can do the same in Yesha. Obviously, all these giveaways are done secretly and suddenly sprung on the people as a fait accompli when it's too late to oppose it." "You see that the news constantly mentions that the Arab sector is increasing proportionately in Jerusalem, but one government after another does nothing to shore up Jewish Jerusalem." I note that when the government does attempt to build more houses for Jews, foreign governments and Israeli leftists object. They think it's all right for the government to help Arabs and for foreign Arabs to subsidize Arab housing in Israel, but not for the same to be done for Jews. They must think Israel is an Arab state. My source explains that housing prices in Jerusalem have tripled in six years, largely because officials do not let the supply of housing rise up to meet demand. As a result, Ultra-Orthodox try to move into secular neighborhoods, and then friction arises. Whose fault is that? Think there would be peace co-existence in Jerusalem? see here
RECENT POLLS ON SETTLEMENTS Haaretz took a poll of Israelis. It found general approval
of PM Netanyahu's initial incumbency. Then there was this: "Should
Israel continue to build in the settlements even at the cost of a
clash with the US? Yes 46% No 44% Don't know/refuse reply 10% [IMRA:
this question did not explicitly mention "natural growth." Polls that
do have found stronger support for continuing construction]. For my prior article on this, see here:
DID JIMMY CARTER HAVE A REVELATION? In 2007, Carter had "...demonstrated extreme and total ignorance about the geography, demographics and even traffic patterns of the area, when he said about Judea and Samaria, '...their choice hilltops, vital water resources and productive land have been occupied, confiscated and then colonized by Israeli settlers. Like a spider web, the connecting roads that join more than 200 settlements in the West Bank, often for the exclusive use of Israelis, Palestinians are not permitted to get on those roads... This divides this area into small Bantustans, isolated cantonments.'" "Anyone who has traveled through Judea and Samaria would be astonished at those words. The roads are replete with both Jewish and Palestinian vehicles, and it is the Jewish communities settled on barren land that are isolated. In addition, there is abundant Palestinian land outside of the Jewish communities which is richly cultivated, and kilometers of land that lie fallow." Upon hearing that Jimmy Carter planned to visit the Gush Etzion settlement bloc. Many Israelis urged cancellation of the visit or protest against it. The host was asked how he willingly hosts that enemy of the Jewish people. Carter previously had urged Israel to give in to all the immediate demands of the Arabs. Before coming, Carter had forbidden press questions. Then he met local victims of Arab terrorism. His host explained the history of Gush Etzion. As soon as the cameramen arrived, Carter dashed out and addressed them. "I think I've done more listening than talking this afternoon... This particular settlement area is not one that I envision ever being abandoned... this is part of the settlements close to the 1967 line that I think will be here forever." Goldstein said, "He said he saw things here that he never saw before." The article likens this story to that of Bilaam, an anti-Hebrew prophet, who meant to curse the Jewish people but into whom God put words of praise for them (Israel Resource News Agency, 7/7 from Jerusalem Post.) What Carter said does seem miraculous. For Carter's prior statement, see here: AMNESTY INTL.: ISRAEL & HAMAS DID WAR CRIMES Amnesty International (A.I.) accused both Israel and Hamas of having committed war crimes during combat in Gaza. The report condemned unjustified Hamas rocket fire against Israeli civilians, which violated the laws of war and drove thousands of Israelis from their homes. The report condemned the IDF "unprecedented" scale and intensity of attack, which, it claimed, took hundreds of civilian lives. A.I. also accused Israeli soldiers of forcing civilians to stay in houses they took over for military purposes, but exonerated Hamas of using human shields. The IDF did not comment on the houses. The IDF did condemn A.I. for ignoring Israeli efforts to minimize civilian casualties. [The implication is that it would be more difficult for A.I. to accuse Israel of war crimes, crimes involving slaying civilians by intent or willful negligence, if A.I. acknowledged the IDF's extensive, I would say, "almost unprecedented" effort to minimize civilian casualties.] The IDF said its own investigations found adherence to international law. ["Purity of arms" happens to be a matter of pride by the Israeli Army]. There were a few unfortunate incidents with civilians, but they were due to Hamas fighting from among civilians. Hamas upheld its conduct by claiming it was just fighting against the "occupation" (Alan Cowell, NY Times, 7/3, A6). An example of bias in previous reports by the major human rights organizations was to count as civilians terrorists sought out by the IDF but who at the time were not initiating combat. What a biased definition of "civilian" or ""non-combatant!" I don't know whether those organizations switched to a fairer definition. A.I. bias becomes obvious when you recall that Hamas' entire method
of warfare has been by war crimes, illustrated in my earlier articles,
starting with (please see here) If you are an Israeli soldier who wishes to respect a mosque, but you find that the Muslims don't respect the holiness of the mosque enough to keep arms and troops out of it, and they are firing from it at you, you have the right, under international law, to self-defense. International law holds Hamas accountable for endangering civilians by putting munitions in their areas. Thus Hamas fired at Israeli civilians and fortified and fired from civilian areas. Hence I find its whole method of combat war crimes. Why didn't A.I. reach the same conclusion? Because its position is political and prejudiced? After Hamas fired 7,000 rockets at Israeli civilians, while Israel restrained its forces and accepted ceasefires that Hamas then broke, I think that the Israeli assault on just the fortified portions of Gaza was not unprecedented, not very intense, not sufficient, and not A.I. business. Areas of Gaza that Hamas did not make war from, were not attacked by Israel. Israel pursues only military objectives, including dual infrastructure. Imagine if Hamas were not war criminal terrorists and religious fanatics, and fortified only undeveloped areas (and negotiated rather than commit aggression). There would have been almost no civilian casualties. Yes, Israeli forces made a few mistakes. That is not a war crime and it is obvious that Israel, unlike Hamas, does not have a policy of war crime. The civilian casualties were very few, considering how many were endangered by Hamas. If A.I. were more interested in human rights than in condemning the Jewish state, it would have come down hard on Hamas, for endangering its own people wholesale. As for "occupation" which it never was, Israel removed its people from Gaza and imposed a partial blockade only when Hamas abused its imports to fashion a war machine and use it. Hamas uses the term, "occupation," not only erroneously but also as an excuse for its own crimes and wars. Hamas, being Islamist, wants to impose a caliphate upon the world. Therefore, it makes war regardless of whether there is an occupation. Nor does it sincerely negotiate peace, and, like Arafat, any negotiation is to advance its prospects in war. The IDF took many steps to reduce civilian casualties. For example, it warned civilians out of specific buildings, letting terrorists get out too. That meant higher Israeli casualties. Was it worth it? Was it required? I think not. Did Israel gain any recognition for its sacrifice? Not from A.I.. One lesson for Jews from this is to pay less attention to foreign or gentile opinion, and do what is necessary to survive. The cause is just and the means still would be fair. I cited the newspaper report. I don't have the time to read the 117-page A.I. report. I think that more will be revealed. I evaluated the newspaper report partly by how A.I. usually conducts itself. Let's anticipate my critics' reaction. They will cite the newspaper report uncritically, and only that part condemning Israel. They have done the same with earlier reports. They will totally ignore Israel's side of it, poorly presented as it was. They will know nothing about the bias of A.I., Human Rights Watch, and the NY Times. They will ignore my analysis in this and in past articles. Israel and the U.S. nevertheless subsidize the Gaza regime. To
review that, see here: BELIEVE ARABS, N.Y. TIMES, "HUMANITARIANS?" First one needs to have read the pertinent international law as reviewed by legal scholars, to have studied regional history and culture when scholars were reliable rather than driven by ideology, to have studied media bias, and to have lived through several decades of adulthood. Then one can compare what the various parties claim happened with what you know happened. For example, I was ear-to-the radio in June 1967, when Egypt and Syria boasted that they had destroyed Israel's Air Force and were invading by ground force. Israel fought instead of talked. At the end of the 6th day, the Arab belligerents had no air forces and their ground forces were mostly destroyed. Israel ended up with territory the Arab invaders had controlled. Egypt and Syria still claim to have won that military encounter. Whatever Israel claimed proved correct. Why should anyone give credence to Egyptian and Syrian accusations against Israel? The Palestinian Authority (P.A.) and supporters continue blood libel against Israel, about poisoning wells and candy, spreading AIDS and rats, and committing genocide. Meanwhile, the Arabs experience little disease and their population grows. Why take seriously the claims of pathological liars? It takes more knowledge, judgment and experience to find the NY Times biased. After a while, one recognizes repeated use of false propaganda techniques. These include one-sided emotional tone, selection of whom to interview and quote, and length of coverage; hasty condemnation of Israel before investigations establish the facts; starting historical accounts from Israeli victory and capture of land, but not from the time of Arab aggression; stating only the anti-Zionist position on international law; quoting what people say, regardless of their credibility and of the facts. In addition, the media has the old problem of deadlines and the new one of dictatorships censoring them. People trust human rights organizations, because they say they are for human rights. Unfortunately, one finds similar bias in them to that in the NY Times. In addition, they condemn Israel without hearing its account and on the basis of unverified sources who may be participants. They counted as civilians terrorists whom the IDF pursued and caught, when not in uniform or in combat. Then they claimed that Israel picks on civilians. They count civilian casualties against Israel, though those casualties were caused because the terrorists fought behind them or stored munitions in their houses. Like the media, these organizations have a double standard and a biased agenda. I have worked out whom to trust and to what extent. If a usually reliable source reports a new event, I may caution readers to wait until the dust settles. When a claim that supports my view does not seem correct, I say so. I value my integrity. When critics who adduce no evidence simply accuse me of lying for not sharing their conclusions, I wonder about their standards. Most of my articles state their immediate source. In response to your curiosity, I'll be trying to include my source's source. After citing the source, I usually raise questions, make clarification, or make comments. When my articles don't state their source, they are entirely editorial. Unlike a frequent practice of the NY Times, many of my editorials state their bases. Since my purpose is to explain what the media states, and correct what it misstates, naturally I editorialize about much news. I condense the news, capturing its essence, as a time-saving service for readers. The NY Times takes a lot of space to obfuscate what I can clarify in less space, but it takes me more space to correct its many misleading statements. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Yoram Ettinger, July 10, 2009. |
1. The Mideast context since the 7th century : The most fragmented, conflict-ridden, unstable, unpredictable, volatile region; no inter-Arab comprehensive peace, no compliance with all inter-Arab agreements, no ratification of all inter-Arab boundaries, no Arab democracy; the cradle of Islamic terrorism, homicide bombers, hijacking, Improvised Explosive Device (IED), car-bombing and modern day hate-education. 2. Judea and Samaria, the cradle of Jewish history, consists of two over-towering mountain ridges: A 3,000ft steep eastern slope above the Jordan Valley the most effective tank barrier in the region; a 2,000ft gentle western slope a dream platform of invasion to the 9-15 miles sliver along the Mediterranean (pre-1967 Israel). Judea and Samaria constitutes the "Golan Heights" of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the coastal plain and the 4 mile wide corridor between the coast and Jerusalem. 3. Israel 's security predicament in perspective: The width of pre-1967 Israel (without the over-towering mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria) is equal to 1/90 of the width of Texas, the distance between JFK and La Guardia airports, between Wall Street and Columbia University, between the Pentagon and Mt. Vernon, roundtrip between Kennedy Center and RFK Stadium, the length of DFW airport, less than the width of San Francisco, Miami and Washington DC, less than the distance between downtown London and Heathrow Airport, roundtrip between Albert Hall and the Tower of London and between Bois De Boulogne and La Place de la Bastille. 4. A 16 mile radius "killing zone" was established by the US Command in Bosnia, in order to safeguard the personal security of US servicemen. A 9-15 mile sliver along the Mediterranean, over-towered by the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria, cannot safeguard the national security of the Jewish State. 5. A Deadly Oxymoron : Defensible borders for the Jewish State on the one hand, and a giveaway of the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria on the other hand in the Mideast context constitutes a deadly oxymoron. Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is a consultant on US-Israel relations as
well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for
Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to
Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul
General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of
Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem
Cloakroom series of reports. Contact him at yoramtex@netvision.net.il
Posted by Carrie Devorah, July 9, 2009. |
It's never what you say, it's how the journalist choosing to interpret it does. Yes it did happen. Yes she did snap it in fact whirling around to make sure I saw her cross BUT professional courtesy should always be... a source said... Oy. Life lesson learned...: When I congratulated Miss Kournikova with the common Hebrew/Yiddish expression "mazel tov," the Russian beauty asked what that meant. When I explained it means congratulations and good luck, Miss K snapped, "I am not Jewish can't you see my cross?" Carrie Devorah is a freelance photographer. Contact her at carriedev@gmail.com |
Posted by Moshe Feiglin, July 9, 2009. |
There is an intrinsic symmetry between Israel's on-going full cooperation with Pollard's captors and our inability to bring other captives home. (Israelnationalnews.com) The painful history of soldiers who have fallen into the hands of terror organizations did not begin with Gilad Shalit. First, we must remove businessman Elchanan Tennenbaum from the list of captives. Tennenbaum was an unusual case. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, for his own corrupt reasons, pressured his ministers into paying an exorbitant price for Tennenbaums' release. But barring that aberration, the last time that soldiers returned alive from terrorist captivity was in the Jibril deal of 1985. The list of soldiers kidnapped by terrorists is long and merciless: Ron Arad; Givati fighters Rachamim Alshich and Yosef Fink; the soldiers kidnapped from Har Dov Omar Suweid, Benny Avraham and Adi Avitan; Nissim Toledano; Ilan Sa'adon; Avi Sassportas; Yaron Chai; Nachshon Wachsman; Aryeh Frankental; Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev. With the exception of Nachshon Wachsman, Israel employed the same method of extended negotiations to bring its soldiers home. Not one of them came back alive. Israeli is currently employing the same method in Gildad Shalit's case. Until the reprehensible Jibril deal, Israel's policy on captives was completely different. The main option was military action. Sometimes that action failed, as was the case with the hostage children of Avivim. Sometimes military action succeeded, as in Entebbe. Generally, no negotiations were conducted. And if there were negotiations, the price paid for the release of prisoners was reasonable, as prescribed by Jewish law. Israel paid for dead bodies with dead bodies. We can certainly claim that the Jibril deal and the wholesale release of terrorists that ensued was the main catalyst for the first Arab intifada that began a short time afterwards. The number of Israeli citizens either directly killed by the newly released murderers or indirectly killed by the murderous momentum created by that release is frighteningly disproportionate to the number of soldiers that came home as a result of the deal. Paradoxically, in the 24 years that have passed since Israel decided to pay "any price" to save its captive soldiers, it has not brought one soldier home alive. But it has brought about the cruel deaths of almost two thousand Israeli citizens men, women and children. "Any price" means all the terrorists imprisoned in Israel. It does not mean military action, because, after all, war is negative. So "any price" is not any price at all. I am not sure that the protesters for Gilad Shalit would be willing to bomb Gaza and deal with all the international condemnations and boycotts that we would have to face until the Hamas would release him. Israel isn't even willing to cut off the electricity in Gaza to bring Gilad home. "Any price" is really a euphemism for any pacifist action that will appease the extreme Left while affording media star status to the politicians who pay it. If we take the facts of the past 24 years into account, then we can safely say that whoever demands to free Gilad "at any price" is actually sentencing him to death. I hope that I am wrong, but the real meaning of "any price" is that there is no price. The terrorists understand that time is on their side. The more cruel they are, the more they conceal information, and even if they, G-d forbid, murder their captive and bargain for his body, the price that they will exact from Israel will only rise. Furthermore, due to the fact that the price that Israel is willing to pay for Gilad does not include war, and the fact that the continued incarceration of terrorists (in luxury conditions) does not bother the enemy very much, the optimal choice as far as they are concerned is to perpetuate the current status quo. After all, the situation in which Israel is daily humiliated and demeaned will end when Gilad is released. So why release him? "Nothing to kill or die for," sang John Lennon. This approach has developed deep roots in Israel since the first Lebanon war. The infamous demonstration of 400,000 (that number is extremely inflated) leftists and the entire leftist movement that reared its head during that war heralded the dubious postmodern pretense that war is absolute evil and meaningless, and that all we have to do is to imagine a different reality and then everything will work out. The highly acclaimed film Waltz With Bashir, which portrays the first Lebanon war, projects this pretense. It describes a war with no rhyme or reason. I was an officer in the first Lebanon war and I can say that this was not the feeling of the soldiers whom I encountered. Just like any other facet of life, one sees war through the lens one brings from home. As soon as Israel declared that its main goal is to "return its soldiers home alive and well" no captive has returned. Since the first Lebanon war, the Left has fitted the Nation of Israel with glasses that see war as illegitimate and shameful, no matter what. From that time on, preserving the lives of Israel's soldiers became the supreme value. When the enemy realized this, after the Jibril deal, the odds for bringing captive soldiers home alive plunged. As soon as Israel declared that its main goal is to "return its soldiers home alive and well" no captive has returned. Something else happened exactly 24 years ago. Israel betrayed and abandoned its agent, Jonathan Pollard, to American captivity. There is an intrinsic symmetry between Israel's on-going full cooperation with Pollard's captors and our inability to bring other captives home. The Nation of Israel is one body, whether in Israel or in the Diaspora. When the betrayal virus attacks one organ, it quickly spreads throughout the body. Jonathan Pollard saved us from regional threats because we are Jews. But we have abandoned him because we prefer to see ourselves as Israelis and to see him as an American problem. As soon as we turned our backs on our Jewish identity, we lost the ability to remain loyal to our Israeli identity, as well. First appearing on the NRG website. Translated from the Hebrew.
See the original English article here:
Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) is a group of people inside the Likud party who want to see Israel adopt a more Jewish character. Moshe Feiglin, its cofounder, has emphatically said he does not want a theocracy, but he does want a State based on Jewish values. The Manhigut Yehudit website address is http://www.manhigut.org. To learn more about Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) and to read their plan for Israel's future, visit www.jewishisrael.org. Or contact Shmuel Sackett, International Director (516) 330-4922 (cell) |
Posted by Allan E. Mallenbaum, July 9, 2009. |
Terrorist Chief Admits Arab-muslims Left Home Voluntarily in 1948; Not Driven Out As Refugees. I've transmitted several published statements by Arab leaders who admit in Arabic that the muslims abandoned their homes voluntarily and were never evicted by the Israelis. But the "refugee mythology" persists and the Western media, and governments, whether ignorantly or deliberately continue to perpetuate this fallacy and use it to pressure Israel to give away more and more "concessions." Now we have another statement by Arafat's second-in-command, the terror chief who made possible the Munich Olympic Massacres, that his own family left their homes voluntarily not as forced refugees. This statement was made on Arabic TV and will never be covered by Western media, primarily because their "reporters" can't speak the language and rely on propaganda, I mean "News Releases" from the Arab-muslims. Important: Note the comments from Joan Peters' myth-shattering book, "From Time Immemorial." Although dated, it is still a classic and very worthwhile reading today.
Fatah chief Mahmoud Abbas says the Arabs of the Galilee city of Tzfat left in 1948 not because they were driven out, but on their own volition. Many biographies of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas imply that his family became "refugees" because of the War of Independence in 1948. For instance, a BBC profile on Abbas when he succeeded Yasser Arafat as PLO chairman in 2005 writes, "In the light of his origins in Safed in Galilee in what is now northern Israel he is said to hold strong views about the right of return of Palestinian refugees." Answers.com states, "As a result of the Arab-Israel War of 1948, he became a refugee." Wikipedia articles on the topic say the same all giving the impression that the Abbas family was driven out and became homeless. However, Abbas himself co-founder of Fatah with Arafat, and known then as terrorist leader "Abu Mazen" now tells a different story. Speaking with Al-Palestinia TV on Monday, Abbas admitted that his family was not expelled or driven out, but rather left for fear that the Jews might take revenge for the slaughter of 20 Jews in the city during the Arab pogroms of 19 years earlier. In the words of Abbas: "I am among those who were born in the city of Tzfat (Safed). We were a family of means. I studied in elementary school, and then came the naqba [calamity, namely, the founding of the State of Israel ed.] At night, we left by foot from Tzfat, to the Jordan River, where we remained for a month. Then we went to Damascus, and then to our relatives in Jordan, and then we settled in Damascus. The "rebellion" Abbas referred to was a series of brutal Arab attacks on Jewish towns in the summer of 1929. Nearly 70 Jews were slaughtered in their homes in Hevron, 20 in Tzfat, 17 in Jerusalem, and others were murdered in Motza, Kfar Uriah and Tel Aviv. [Keep in mind that this was before Israel was re-established, and there was no territorial conflict, just Jew-hatred! AEM] The memory of the slaughter, Abbas said, "brought our family to understand that the military balance had changed, and that no longer had military forces in their real meaning. There were only young people who fought, and there was an initial action. They felt that the balance of power had collapsed and they therefore decided to leave. The entire city was abandoned based on this thought the thought of their property and saving themselves." Return to Roots in Damascus It is notable that the Abbas family moved back to Damascus, as that is likely the place where it had originated less than 90 years earlier. Joan Peters, in her scholarly work "From Time Immemorial" on the Arab population of Israel, writes that in 1860, "Algerian tribes moved from Damascus en masse to Safed." She notes that the Muslims in the city were mostly descended from Moorish settlers and from Kurds more evidence negating the claim that the Arabs in the Land of Israel had been there "from time immemorial." Hillel Fendel is Senior News Editor for Arutz-Sheva (www.Israel National News.com). |
Posted by Moshe Phillips, July 9, 2009. |
While keen observers of Israel's political scene clearly understand that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is Israel's most Americanized prime minister in its history, little is ever discussed as to what this means for the future of Israel's political system. Prime Minister Netanyahu has spent more time in the U.S. than any of the previous twelve prime ministers in Israel's history. Because of this, his perception of the world has clearly been affected. In a starkly American way, he is an enthusiast for democracy, egalitarianism and civil liberties. Netanyahu, in his well publicized June 14, 2009 speech at Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, stated that, "I share the desire of the President of the United States to bring about a new era of reconciliation in our region." Netanyahu believes that if the Islamic states that surround Israel will just embrace post-modernism as it regards democracy, egalitarianism and civil liberties and put the Koran on the back shelf that there will be peace. In Netanyahu's fantasy, a vibrant regional economy central to his vision and western education will remake the conflict. Ultimately, his view differs from Obama's in nuance only. While often depicted in the media as a hardliner, a rightist, or a hawk, he is no more these things than was former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Netanyahu is, in the realm of ideas, a post-modern disciple; there is nothing essentially conservative or classical in his world-view. He sees religiosity as something best left in the past; he is the consummate pragmatist. From his previous stint as Israel's prime minister from 1996-1999, Netanyahu should have learned that the political structure of Israel must be fundamentally changed if he and his Likud party are to ever achieve the kind of hegemony in Israeli politics and culture that the socialists held from 1948-1977. We should expect the following from Netanyahu:
The goal is to manipulate the Knesset landscape so that the current twelve parties will be whittled down significantly. The change in the threshold will cause one combined far left Jewish / Arab list and one combined far right / Orthodox Jewish list to be created. Netanyahu's goal is to create a system with just two parties within the next two to four elections. Likud and Labor will be increasingly portrayed as Republicans and Democrats. Factions will develop within each party just as has taken place within American politics since Teddy Roosevelt. Netanyahu will make moves in the future to change the system even more. Both Tzipi Livni's Kadima and Avigdor Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu parties will be placed into the vise and, if at all possible, eliminated or forced to negotiate a merger. The settlers in particular would have their political clout diminished to a potentially fatal level. Netanyahu, however, with his obsessions of all things American, will not support a constitution for Israel and will continue to marginalize this fundamental flaw within the Israeli body politic. As constitutional scholar Dr. Paul Eidelberg has pointed out, there is an enduring "myth that Israel is a functioning, free democracy with a constitution, representative districts and a balance of powers similar to the U.S. system." Netanyahu will do nothing to destroy that myth while maintaining the status-quo after all; he has been one of its greatest beneficiaries. Postscript: The book The Myth of Israeli Democracy: Toward A Truly Jewish Israel by Paul Eidelberg is a must read. Order the book and share it with everyone you know who is concerned about Israel's future. Eidelberg has long sought the introduction of a bicameral legislature and the direction election of members of Knesset. Those innovations will go a long way in revitalizing Israel's wellbeing.
Moshe Phillips is a member of the Executive Committee of the
Philadelphia Chapter of Americans for a Safe Israel AFSI. The
chapter's website is at: www.phillyafsi.com and Moshe's blog can be
found at http://phillyafsi.blogtownhall.com. This column originally
appeared on July 8, 2009 in American Thinker:
Posted by Daily Alert, July 9, 2009. |
The US is generally reluctant to resettle Palestinians, but these are refugees from Iraq who have been targeted since the invasion. This was written by Patrik Jonsson, staff writer of The
Christian Science Monitor
Reporter Patrik Jonsson talks with CSMonitor.com's Pat Murphy about the US State Department giving asylum to Palestinians living in an Iraqi refugee camp. |
Atlanta The State Department confirmed today that as many as 1,350 Iraqi Palestinians once the well-treated guests of Saddam Hussein and now at outs with much of Iraqi society will be resettled in the US, mostly in southern California, starting this fall. It will be the largest-ever resettlement of Palestinian refugees into the US and welcome news to the Palestinians who fled to Iraq after 1948 but who have had a tough time since Mr. Hussein was deposed in 2003. Targeted by Iraqi Shiites, the mostly-Sunni Palestinians have spent recent years in one of the region's roughest refugee camps, Al Waleed, near Iraq's border with Syria. "Really for the first time, the United States is recognizing a Palestinian refugee population that could be admitted to the US as part of a resettlement program," says Bill Frelick, refugee policy director at Human Rights Watch in Washington. Given the US's past reluctance to resettle Palestinians it accepted just seven Palestinians in 2007 and nine in 2008 the effort could ruffle some diplomatic feathers. For many in the State Department and international community, the resettlement is part of a moral imperative the US has to clean up the refugee crisis created by invading Iraq. The US has already stepped up resettlement of Iraqis, some who have struggled to adjust to life in America. The resettlement of Iraqi Palestinians is "an important gesture for the United States to demonstrate that we're not heartless," says Alon Ben-Meir, a professor of international relations and Middle Eastern studies at New York University. But some critics say the State Department is sloughing off its problems onto American cities, especially since in this case the Palestinians were sympathizers of Hussein, who was deposed by the US. "This is politically a real hot potato," says Mark Krikorian, director of the conservative Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, adding, "[A]merica has become a dumping ground for the State Department's problems they're tossing their problems over their head into Harrisburg, Pa., or Omaha, Neb." SADDAM'S GUESTS Palestinian refugees came to Iraq in successive waves over several decades, first in 1948, then in 1967, and in 1991. They were treated well under Hussein but were also used to attack Israeli policies, and their presence was resented by many Iraqis. After Hussein was deposed in 2003, many of these Palestinians were driven out of their homes and now live "at the mercy of the weather" in rough camps along the Syrian and Jordanian border, says Mr. Ben-Meir. The number of Palestinians in Iraq has fallen from around 34,000 to an estimated 15,000, with about 2,773 living in camps, according to the State Department. The US, which takes in about 80,000 refugees annually, hopes to bring 17,000 Iraqi refugees this year. CATEGORIZED AS IRAQI REFUGEES While the US generally doesn't accept Palestinians, Todd Pierce, a spokesman for the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, says that the Iraqi population of Palestinians falls under a different category from those in Gaza and the West Bank. Each applicant will be carefully scrutinized for terrorist ties, he adds. The US reluctance to accept Palestinians is because it "doesn't want the refugee program to become an issue in its relationship with Israel," says a diplomat in the region, who requested anonymity because he is not cleared to talk to the press. But these Palestinians, he says, will be processed as refugees from Iraq. Mr. Krikorian says the US should be the last refuge for those fleeing persecution. Only Jordan of all the Arab countries routinely grants citizenship to Palestinian refugees, he notes. More recently, says Mr. Frelick, Jordan has also shut its borders to Palestinians coming from Iraq. Frelick, who has visited a camp on the Jordanian border, said the
Iraqi Palestinians are "apolitical," and "basically desperate, scared,
miserable, and ready to just get out of Iraq."
The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free
daily alerts, send an email to daily@www.dailyalert.jcpa.org
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 9, 2009. |
SEC. CLINTON MAKES A FALSE DENIAL? Sec. Clinton said that Pres. Bush made no informal or enforceable oral promises to Israel. In 2002, however, she was one of the U.S. Senators who voted to endorse Pres. Bush's written promise to PM Sharon that areas of large Jewish population in the Territories would remain part of Israel, if an Arab state were formed in those Territories (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/18). Bush's letter may not be enforceable. However, it was a strong moral commitment. Based on it, PM Sharon made some painful tangible concessions. If the U.S. now reneges, because the promise is not binding, then Israel ought to nullify the Annapolis document and the disputed Road Map, which are not binding. As Dr. Aaron Lerner recommends, based on this example of persistent U.S. reneging, Israel should stop making concessions to the U.S. without gaining tangible concessions in return, first. Bad enough that the U.S. reneges. But the way that the U.S. reneges is effrontery it denies having made the promise we witnessed. This is not the first such instance. The U.S. is no honest broker. That key lesson Israel had better absorb. Americans should not put total trust or distrust in any Administration, but should know that the State Dept. is committed to anti-Zionism. When Clinton lost the primary, her supporters regretted her defeat. In her new post, she is confirming her detractors who consider her an opportunist. Is it just Clinton or the whole U.S. foreign policy establishment
that dissembles? see here for Obama's pretended frankness:
ECONOMICS OF GAZA PARTIAL SIEGE MISSTATED A group that plans to sail a shipload of cement to Gaza said that Israel should not continue to make money by requiring materials for the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) to come through its ports (6/19). The group makes the siege seem to be done for money. It is done for counter-terrorism. This is war, declared by the Arabs. Sieges are as old as history. If Gaza had its own port, it would import heavy weapons. Can't be allowed! Israel banned cement shipments to Gaza. It doesn't make money from what it doesn't let through. It bans cement, because the last time it let in cement and steel, Hamas used most of it for bunkers and weapons. The group and other protestors pretend these materials are used only for civilian buildings. Protestors contend that Gaza should be allowed to rebuild from the war. Why should Israel let it? Most of the buildings destroyed were used by Hamas for warfare. The war isn't over, just suspended. Who makes money from shipments to the P.A.? Israel may get some port fees, but it loses a lot of money from terrorist destruction in Israel. When Israel allows shipments in, it collects excise taxes for the P.A.. Hamas exploits the siege to tax what it smuggles. Those taxes are a main support for it. To see how Hamas uses the money it gets, see here:
RATIONAL NETANYAHU VERSUS IRRATIONAL OBAMA In reply to Obama's Cairo speech and his campaign against Israel, PM Netanyahu's speech cited fact and reason to uphold Jewish rights. Rationality won't persuade the Obama circle, because it has a morally relative, anti-intellectual, anti-rational, post-modern ideology. Consider the Administration's reaction to N. Korea's nuclear violations. Instead of working with U.S. allies to impose forceful sanctions, Obama works with N. Korea's allies to get a UN resolution without forceful sanctions. Result: N. Korea isn't stopped and even threatened nuclear war. It gets worse. Obama's theory is "that no enemy is unappeasable and no ally deserves automatic support. Far from standing with the democratic dissidents now risking their lives to oppose Iran's sham democracy, the administration has reportedly expressed concern that the current post-election protests will destabilize the regime. [After protests against his timidity, he did sound a bit tougher.] Obama has also refused to reconsider his decision to reach a grand bargain with the ayatollahs on Iran's nuclear weapons program that would serve to legitimize their continued grip on power." How the N. Korean and Iranian rulers must be laughing at Obama! Obama's Cairo speech refusing "to make a moral distinction between a nuclear-armed Iran and a nuclear-armed America makes clear that he is not interested in forging a factually accurate or morally clear-sighted foreign policy." U.S. moral ambivalence or siding with the enemy is apparent in the Arab-Israel conflict. Netanyahu explained that Arab refusal to accept Jewish sovereignty is responsible for the constant wars. He tried to alleviate U.S. pressure on Israel by accepting another Palestinian Arab state under conditions that mean peace, such as being demilitarized. This means Israel will be seen as hanging back rather than as moving ahead on a sound policy of its own. Gaza is militarized and Gen. Dayton is partly militarizing the rest of the P.A.. Unfortunately, Netanyahu asked that the U.S. guarantee that the new Arab state be demilitarized. One cannot depend on the U.S. to honor a commitment to do that. One can depend on the U.S. to trick Israel into further weakening itself vis-Ã -vis the Arabs. The U.S. would lie about Arab compliance, the way Pres. Clinton lied to Netanyahu that the PLO was complying with Oslo and had changed its Covenant, and the way his successors lie about PLO compliance with the Road Map. Israel must do the job, itself (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/15 from Caroline Glick.) The US did nothing about the PLO 16-year failure to eradicate terrorism. The U.S. does not have many allies that would stand with it against N. Korea's illegal nuclear proliferation, even though they can't make money thwarting the U.S., the way they can with Iran's illegal nuclear proliferation. To trace back Netanyahu's policy on this, start by clicking here:
SARKOZY WANTS TO PICK ISRAELI CABINET MEMBERS France's President Sarkozy urged that PM Netanyahu replace Israel's Foreign Minister Lieberman with the Labor Party's former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. Complaints have been made that Lieberman is too tough on the Arabs. Sarkozy says that when he hears Lieberman, he wants to pull out his hair. Netanyahu expressed confidence in his Cabinet Member. Lieberman's office condemned Sarkozy's interference in Israel's internal affairs (Ethan Bronner, NY Times, 7/1, A11). Sarkozy is a wild card. He has lost so much respect in his own country, how impudent of him to interfere in another! Such interference goes on because Israel stands for it. France is only piling on, joining the U.S.. Foreign officials get away with it, because Jews give explanations, rather than tell off meddlers. MK Livni comes from a different party, so her entry into the Cabinet would unravel the coalition. She is perhaps the worst possible candidate, considering that Peres and Barak are otherwise occupied, Olmert is disgraced, and Sharon is incapacitated. She was responsible for the ceasefire in Lebanon that predictably let Hizbullah recover, and Hizbullah dominating Lebanon and posing a strategic threat to Israel by tripling the missiles it had before the recent war there. She is a defeatist who hampers Israeli survival and doesn't know that her policies failed. No wonder foreign officials hostile to Israel prefer her to Lieberman! In evaluating Lieberman, they think he is ultra-nationalist. I wish he were. Israel needs a government that stands for Israel, not for the EU, U.S., and the Arabs, as Livni does. But he is not ultra-nationalist. He campaigns with inflammatory rhetoric, to seem more security-minded than rivals, who are conning the electorate likewise. The people vote for security and they get appeasement. For another article in Sarkozy, see here:
IS THERE A SEPARATE PALESTINIAN NATIONALITY? The Islamist and former Member of Knesset, Azmi Bishara, "is now in hiding, wanted by Israel for espionage and treason for providing the Hezballah with intelligence during the 2006 war (designed to help it shoot rockets at the Jews)." Bishara said, "I do not think there is any Palestinian people at all. I think there is an Arab people. I always thought this. I think the 'Palestinian people' is nothing but a colonialist invention. When was there ever such a nation or people?" Two states for two people, indeed! (Prof. Steven Plaut, 6/19.) Considering that there is not a separate Palestinian nationality,
the efforts to give them a state is ethically flawed and dangerous.
For more on those efforts, see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Yuval Zaliouk, July 8, 2009. |
Dear friends, The following article from today's NY Times is surprising not for its contents but because of its writer: Dennis Ross. Ross is a Middle East advisor to President Obama and a long time US Middle East envoy and negotiator who served under President Clinton. The article seems to be in complete contradiction to President Obama and supportive of the so call Neoconservatives who influenced the thinking of Obama's predecessor, President Bush. In this article, Dennis Ross is of course correct. Resolving the Israeli "Palestinian" conflict will not result in resolving all the other Middle East and Islamic conflicts, as so many anti-Israeli voices like to claim. It also indirectly supports my thinking that there is no urgency in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict, since it will not change anything anyway. Bush was right after all. Get the point? Your Truth Provider,
The excerpt below is from an article called 'Myths, Illusions, and
Peace' and was written by Dennis Ross and David Makovsky |
Of all the policy myths that have kept us from making real progress in the Middle East, one stands out for its impact and longevity: the idea that if only the Palestinian conflict were solved, all the other Middle East conflicts would melt away. This is the argument of "linkage." Neoconservatives have always rejected it, given their skepticism about Arab intentions and their related belief that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be resolved. While realists have been the most determined purveyors, this myth transcends all others and has had amazing staying power here, internationally, and in the Middle East. In fact, few ideas have been as consistently and forcefully promoted by laymen, policymakers, and leaders alike. One need not look too far for examples of linkage's pervasiveness. Note the words of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in early 2008 when, standing next to George W. Bush at a joint press conference following their talks in the Sinai resort town of Sharm al-Sheikh, he recounted their conversation: "I emphasize that the Palestinian question, of course, is the core of problems and conflict in the Middle East, and it is the entry to contain the crisis and tension in the region, and the best means to face what's going on in the world, our region I mean by that, the escalation of violence, extremism and terrorism." King Abdullah of Jordan made much the same argument during an interview with an American television network in 2006: "I keep saying Palestine is the core. It is linked to the extent of what's going on in Iraq. It is linked to what's going on in Lebanon." Not only Middle Eastern leaders see the Palestinian issue at the heart of all other regional problems. Brent Scowcroft, former national security advisor to Presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush, echoed this basic point of view in an essay published in early 2007: A Vigorously renewed effort to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict could fundamentally change both the dynamics in the region and the strategic calculus of key leaders. Real progress would push Iran into a more defensive posture. Hezbollah and Hamas would lose their rallying principle. American allies like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf states would be liberated to assist in stabilizing Iraq. And Iraq would finally be seen by all as a key country that had to be set right in the pursuit of regional security. Similarly, the Iraq Study Group, cochaired by James Baker and Lee Hamilton, placed special emphasis on the idea of linkage: "To put it simply, all key issues in the Middle East the Arab-Israeli conflict, Iraq, Iran, the need for political and economic reforms, and extremism and terrorism are inextricably linked. Such bold statements are rarely qualified. In effect, they are guided by a central premise: that ending the Arab-Israeli conflict is prerequisite to addressing the maladies of the Middle East. Solve it, and in doing so conclude all other conflicts. Fail, and instability even war will engulf the entire region. The major problem with this premise is that it is not true. There have been dozens of conflicts and countless coups in the Middle East since Israel's birth in 1948, and most were completely unrelated to the Arab-Israeli conflict. For example, the Iraqi coup of 1958, the Lebanon crisis of 1958, the Yemini civil war of 1962-68 (including subsequent civil wars in the 1980s and '90s), the Iraqi Kurdish revolt of 1974, the Egyptian-Libyan Border War of 1977, the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88, the Persian Gulf War of 1990-91 (including Iraqi Kurdish and Iraqi Shiite revolts of the same year), the Yemeni-Eritrean and Saudi-Yemeni border conflicts of the mid-1990s, and the US-Iraq War, begun in 2003. Many of these conflicts were long, bloody, and very costly. The Iran-Iraq War along lasted eight and a half years, cost in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and took between six hundred thousand and one million lives. Yet this conflict, like the others listed above, would have taken place even if the Arab-Israeli conflict had been resolved. Since the origins of so many regional tensions and rivalries are not connected to the Arab-Israeli conflict, it is hard to see how resolving it would unlock other regional stalemates or sources of instability. Iran, for example, is not pursuing its nuclear ambitions because there is an Arab-Israeli conflict. Sectarian groups in Iraq would not suddenly put aside their internal struggles if the Palestinian issue were resolved. Like so many conflicts in the region, these struggles have their own dynamic. In addition, as tragic as the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has become, it has not spilled over to destabilize the Middle East. There have been two Palestinian Intifadas, or uprisings, including one that lasted from 2000 to 2005 and claimed the lives of 4,000 Palestinians and 1,000 Israelis but not a single Arab leader had been toppled or a single regime destabilized as a result. It has remained a local conflict, contained in a small geographical area. Yet the argument of linkage endures to this day, and with powerful promoters. Why does it persist? And why has it been accepted among top policymakers as if it is factually correct? Yuval Zaliouk writes the Truth Provider columns. To subscribe, send an email to ynz@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 8, 2009. |
I would like to begin today with Caroline Glick's latest piece, "Avoiding an American Ambush," which addresses issues I wrote about in my last posting. After discussing Obama's immovable radical ideology, Glick says: "Since the Netanyahu government took office three months ago, the Obama administration has placed inordinate pressure on Jerusalem in a bid to coerce it into making massive concessions to the Palestinians. These concessions are demanded not for peace, but simply for the sake of placing pressure on Israel. Obama wishes to pressure Israel to show his good intentions to the Arabs and Iran. ~~~~~~~~~~ Repeatedly, press reports indicate that there are two positions within the government with regard to standing strong against Obama. Those who would put up a fight include Ya'alon, Begin, and Lieberman. Those who are seeking "compromises" with the US are, of course, Barak, who is the voice of Labor inside the government, and Dan Meridor, who is to the left within Likud. And then, Netanyahu. who is always linked with these two. Thus do we have the babble about how the bonds between Israel and America are eternal and unbreakable. And thus is it Barak who is doing the major negotiating on the settlement freeze issue. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman just gave an "interesting" reason as to why he couldn't do that negotiating. As he lives in Nokdim a community that is part of Gush Etzion, near Tekoa, in Judea he explained that he might be accused of having a conflict of interest. Well, I don't buy it: he lives in Nokdim because he has a certain philosophy in terms of the right of our people to live in Judea and Samaria, and there's no reason why that philosophy shouldn't be brought to bear in negotiations. Barak also has a vested interest that could be called a conflict of interest he represents a party that doesn't adhere to this philosophy. In fact, he's willing to do a "temporary freeze" on settlement construction. If not Lieberman, why not Strategic Minister Ya'alon, who lives in Maccabim-Reut (Modiin), inside the Green Line? Why not? Because Netanyahu is giving substantial weight to the left-wing member of his coalition. ~~~~~~~~~~ Barak's latest meeting with Mitchell was held in London two days ago, and it wasn't pretty. It was said that "progress" was made on the issue of freezing settlements. Barak assured Mitchell that we would evacuate 23 "illegal outposts" within weeks or months, not years. As one senior minister, who preferred to remain anonymous, told YNet: Barak made this offer "in exchange for nothing." Where is Netanyahu's principle of reciprocity? ~~~~~~~~~~ This question of reciprocity is significant in several contexts. And I want to back up for a minute and look at Netanyahu's own words as he began his position at the helm of the new government. "We are not living in normal times," he told us. We are confronting "extraordinary dangers" and he must consider this as he makes his decisions, for it is his job as prime minister to keep us safe. The obvious implication of this was that in return for certain concessions to Obama we would find ourselves in a better place with regard to attacking Iran. What we would get wasn't clear, but apparently there would be some quid pro quo: Approval to fly over Iraq? Some bunker busters we sought? After his Bar Ilan speech, last month, when he uttered the words "Palestinian state," I said I was not yet ready to second guess him. And Caroline Glick at that point expressed a similar feeling, saying, "...If his speech succeeded in blunting US pressure on Israel even temporarily on the Palestinian front, and... Netanyahu has gained the opportunity to act on the Iranian front..." ~~~~~~~~~~ Well, this week Netanyahu gave Obama that phrase he so much coveted": "two states living side by side." It was like a punch in the solar plexus, and what makes it worse is that there is no evidence of anything forthcoming from the US. Obama had his chance. While he was in Russia yesterday, journalists queried him about Biden's remark that Israel was a sovereign nation and can decide for itself about attacking Iran. His answer made headlines: The US has "absolutely not" given Israel the green light to attack Iran. "We have said directly to the Israelis that it is important to try and resolve this in an international setting in a way that does not create a major conflict in the Middle East...[it is] very important that I'm as clear as I can be..." So much for that. The Washington Times reported yesterday that Netanyahu has pointedly not asked the White House for assistance in a possible attack on Iran, or for permission [WHY would we need "permission"?] since it was feared that the US would say no. In fact, National Security Advisor Uzi Arad is of the opinion that Biden's comment about our being a sovereign country that can make its own decisions was not directed at Jerusalem at all, but at Teheran. This, says, Arad, was to distinguish the US from Israel and make it clear to the Iranians that the US would have no part in whatever Israel might decide to do. And so, as there seems to be no quid pro quo after all, there also seems no reason to cut Netanyahu slack with regard to concessions to Obama he is inclined to make. I suppose one might make the case that Netanyahu at one time thought, or hoped, there would be a quid pro quo, because Obama had made a link between handling Iran and progress on the "peace process." But now he has to have been disabused of this now he certainly must understand how obstinate and devious Obama truly is. ~~~~~~~~~~ One other note on Iran and the US, before leaving the topic: US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm Mike Mullen spoke yesterday about Iran acquiring nuclear weapons: "I believe Iran is very focused on developing this capability, and I think when they get it, or should they get it, it will be very destabilizing." (Is this news?) But then he said an attack on Iran would also be destabilizing. He gave a nod to the Obama policy: "There is a great deal that certainly depends on the dialogue and the engagement..." But then said something we almost never hear from the Americans any longer: "The clock is ticking, that's why I'm as concerned as I am...I think we need to do that [dialogue] with all options remaining on the table, including, certainly, military options." A rational thought! Like a breath of fresh air. ~~~~~~~~~~ The concessions that we're making don't end with phraseology. Defense Minister Barak has approved the transfer of 1,000 Kalashnikov rifles to the PA. Before they are transferred, ballistics tests are done so the weapons can be identified if they are used in a terror attack. ~~~~~~~~~~ This is all in line with the philosophy of strengthening the PA security forces, ostensibly so that they can fight terrorism (thereby permitting the pullback of IDF forces). US Security Coordinator Lt.-Gen. Dayton is currently training troops toward this end. The PA, however, has run into a problem: They are having trouble recruiting people for the three additional battalions 2,000 soldiers they hoped to add to the existing four battalions that have already been deployed in Jenin, Hebron, Jericho and Bethlehem. There has been a good deal of speculation as to why this is happening. Perhaps young men are still scarred by the Intifada, maybe they are too cynical. But what I suspect is a key reason hasn't been mentioned at all: They don't want to take on their brothers in Hamas. At the end of the day, the people with allegiance to the PA (and that is likely a tentative allegiance), and those who are Hamas-affiliated are bonded in a variety of ways. These young men who are potential recruits may be asking themselves why they should do the bidding of the US, and challenge their own people in the process. Many is the quote I've encountered that expressed this very sentiment. ~~~~~~~~~~ And then we must ask how effective those who already serve in the existing battalions will be at actually battling terrorism. Will they have the willpower to do what the IDF has been doing? Rhetorical question. Palestinian Media Watch tells us that on PA TV, on June 29, PA Minister of Prisoners Ashraf al-Ajrami spoke with pride about the bravery of the "security forces" of the PA during the Intifada: "Now they [Hamas] are speaking [disparagingly] about the [PA's security forces, calling them] 'Dayton Forces.' These [security] forces paid the heavy price in the second Intifada, both as Shahids [Martyrs] and as prisoners. The greatest number of prisoners is from the security forces sector. They are the ones who bore arms and carried out the greatest and most important operations [terror attacks] against the Israeli occupation..." Dayton would say that today's forces are being vetted more carefully. And yet... and yet... They're doing ballistics tests on those rifles for a reason. ~~~~~~~~~~ The European Commission issued an outrageous statement on Monday, saying that Israel's settlement policy strangles the PA economy and makes it more dependent on European aid. "...it is the European taxpayers who pay most of the price of this dependence." This apparently came from EC representatives in Jerusalem. The charge is that we expropriate fertile land for settlements, build roads that only serve settlers, and put up checkpoints all of which inhibits economic growth and makes the Palestinians dependent on the Europeans, who have this year already paid more than 200 million euros ($280 million) to help cover the Palestinian budget deficit. There are a host of responses to these unreasonable charges. That the Palestinians, by virtue of terrorism, make the checkpoints necessary. That no Palestinian land is being appropriated for settlements (remember the talk is of construction within existing borders of settlements). That the single worst deterrent to economic growth in the PA is the high level of corruption, which funnels money into private pockets so that it doesn't end up where it should. The Europeans bear enormous responsibility here, for they have over the years been very lax in demanding transparency with regard to how their money is expended. In a fury, our foreign ministry summoned EU ambassador to Israel, Ramiro Cibrián-Uzal, to register a protest. The ultimate irony is that the PA economy in Judea and Samaria grew by 5% in 2008, while in Gaza during that period there was decline (this is before Cast Lead). The very thing that pro-Palestinian people are screaming about building in the settlements in point of fact provides solid income for Palestinian workers who don't want to see the building stopped. Israeli government sources said that the charge that the Jews are to blame for the Europeans having to give money to the Palestinians "borders on anti-Semitism." I would concur. ~~~~~~~~~~ I have acquired additional names of Likud faction members who signed the letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu initiated by MK Tzipi Hotovely protesting his advocacy of a Palestinian state. In total, so far, my understanding is that the following signed it: Gilad Erdan, Yuli Edelstein, Ayoub Kara, Gila Gamliel, Danny Danon, Miri Regev, Tzion Pinyan, Carmel Shama, Yariv Levin, and Ze'ev Elkin. I believe there may be another two or three names. I remain most curious as to where top tier Likud right wingers such as Benny Begin and Moshe Ya'alon stand with regard to this letter and have not abandoned attempts to learn more. ~~~~~~~~~~ "The Good News Corner" An Israeli company, BiondVax Pharmaceuticals, is developing a universal flu vaccine that would be effective against any flu, including pandemics such as the swine flu, for a period of five years. Clinical trials are about to begin. ~~~~~~~~~~ Israeli architect Eyal Amitzur has invented a new game that is a three-dimensional spin-off of the very popular Sudoku. Called Tredoku, the game utilizes the same rules as Sukoku, but is played with variable three-dimensional shapes. Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by David Ha'ivri, July 8, 2009. |
Homesh First group has called on the public to attend a burial service for Holy Torah books that were burnt by Arab vandals at the Yeshiva that operates at the site of the town of Homesh which was demolished by the government as part of the 2005 disengagement program. The event was called for 4pm today, July 8 at the site of Homesh which since July 2005 has been closed to Jews by the Israeli military. ![]() Jewish activists mourning the desecration of the Torah books were to set out by foot through fields to avoid IDF check points, so not to be stopped on the way. At 3PM buses of yasam riot police and boarder police began to fill out the entire area leading to Homesh. It became obvious that an additional desecration was about to take place. Homesh First organizers decided to avoid confrontation with the police forces and announced to the activists that the event would be postponed and that the notice for the new time of the burial event would be sent only by text messages directly to the activist and not publicized elsewhere so the the authorities would not have time to re-group.
David Ha'ivri is with the Shomron Liaison Office. Contact him at
haivri@gmail.com and visit www.yeshuv.org
Posted by Amil Imani, July 8, 2009. |
The anniversary of the 18 Tir, the Iranian Students National Uprising, is once again upon us. The 18th of Tir (July 9th) has become a symbolic struggle and resistance against the tyrannical, totalitarian and barbaric Islamic regime in Iran. The very brave and courageous freedom loving Iranians have been challenging the very fabric of the Islamofascists'rule in Iran. In a show of solidarity, both in Iran and abroad, Iranian people have demanded a total annihilation of this totalitarian state of Islamic barbarity and terror, which lacks even the most basic human compassion and human rights. The flowers of victory will once again blossom and the celebration of life over death will begin. But until then, we must struggle against fanaticism with all our strength. We must end poverty, prostitution, drug addiction, ignorance and disease. At this crossroad in history, we must pledge our dedication to the service of Iran and freedom for all Iranians. Iranian people must become masters of their own destiny. The Islamic Republic has been the major sponsor of domestic and global terrorism for the past 30 years. In addition, the Islamic Republic has been sponsoring terrorist groups in the Middle East such as Hezbollah and Hamas and those who have bombed Khobar Tower and Buenos Aires Jewish Center and most recently, fanning the flame of insurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan, causing many death to the American soldiers. The Islamic Republic's leaders have used a multitude of tactics to circumvent decisive international action. They have used everything in their power to silence the Iranian people at home and abroad. Inside Iran, they use executions, public hangings, torture, maiming and many more inhumane punishments. Abroad, they have assassinated hundreds of dissidents. Today, Iran is perhaps the only nation in the world where the overwhelming majority of its citizens (more than ninety-percent, according to an unofficial poll) oppose the clerics. This explains why tens of thousands of Iranians have been imprisoned, tortured or executed by the current Islamic regime. Regrettably, for the past 30 years, the European countries have taken an appeasement policy, and Russia and China have directly supported the Islamists in Iran and have built its massive terror machines. This alone, has impeded the efforts by the Iranians in Iran to unseat the regime in Tehran. Today, the Islamic Republic has no legitimacy, whatsoever. Students and workers are protesting in Tehran and across Iran, by the thousands on a routine basis. The middle class have expressed their disgust with the regime by voting, in every so-called election, for the most anti-regime candidate on the ballot. Of course, by boycotting the last election (selection) resulted in a fanatical person, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Yet, this is still not a fair battle. The mullahs possess all the money and power, the people are still hungry and poor, and dissidents have been unable to come together for their common goals. For the past 30 years, the world has maintained its silence in reporting the truth of the Iranian dilemma. They have engaged in doing huge business with the killers of the innocent Iranians. The world adamantly and shamefully ignored the aspirations of more than 90-Percent of the Iranians whose only demands were freedom, justice, liberty and equality in Iran. Iranians have been betrayed by giant-oil-cartels and money hungry, opportunists and backstabbing nations. To the leaders of the free world: On June 12, 2009, the Iranians overwhelmingly said No to Ahmadinejad and No to Ali Khamenei. Today, Iranian's most fundamental rights are systematically and brutally violated. You no longer can remain silent. If you believe the Iranian people deserve freedom and true democracy, and deserve to take their future into their own hands, then join us. You can redeem yourselves by ceasing doing business with the Islamic terrorists in Iran. Iran must be free and she will be. You need to know we will not forget. The events of 18 Tir, 1999 have created a bitter taste toward the Islamic oppressors. A. D. Benoist said, "The highest measure of democracy is neither the 'extent of freedom' nor the 'extent of equality', but rather the highest measure of participation." We need you to make time to come out and participate in these gatherings over and over again. In the past, one of the major hurdles in achieving full democracy and the rule of law in Iran has come from the self-interest and people who have been attempting to plunder the society for their own personal gain. It should not be the same scenario today. If we desire to achieve freedom and remain free then we need to avoid self-interest and work for our national interest and in the spirit of teamwork. Knowing what we all know, the onus remains on us, the true Iranian patriots, to set aside our differences and UNITE our forces, once and for all, for the purpose of liberating Iran and conducting a healthy and fair referendum under the watchful eye of the international community. Let each of us assume a personal responsibility for the success of this endeavor. No bystanders. No snipers from the sidelines. Every one of us needs to be a fully engaged participant in this great battle of hearts and minds and ideas. Let us stop talking about unimportant issues and peripheral concerns. Let us concentrate our efforts to bring down this foreign enemy in Iran, the Islamofascists. The survival of the Iranian nation and its identity depends upon it. Human beings cannot create an ideal world of peace and tranquility under totalitarian, despotic and tyrannical regimes, such as the Islamist regime in Iran. Individual freedoms would be brutally repressed. The individual would be at the mercy of the merciless despots. Based upon the general reaction among Iranian opposition groups, it is clear that the time has come to form a new brand of political opposition; a united force whose sole propose will be a regime change in Iran and the establishment of the rule of law. My reference to political opposition should in no way be confused with the egotistic, antagonistic, confrontational political activism kind of politics that thrives on lies, segregation, and deception. I am honored to align myself with the new visionaries that are politically matured, disciplined and truly nationalistic. In my opinion, an organized opposition could play a critical role in bringing about a regime change in Iran sooner than we had imagined. These initiatives would weaken the Islamic Republic's fabric from inside and outside and will give hope to millions of hopeless Iranians. My fellow compatriots, we must have vision. Vision is never about seeing the obvious. It's about looking ahead; it is about seeing what is not there YET. It's often about seeing the potential behind the obvious. If we want to see what is really going on, we will need to learn to spot what is not there, and then act on it. The clock is ticking and our indecisiveness could cost us dearly. We all may have outstanding eyesight, but how's our vision? Let us emphasize that revolutions are successful only when they succeed in replacing a totalitarian state with a democratic state, not creating another oppressing dictatorship. We need to create a government which will secure greater personal freedom and liberty for all Iranians, a government which moves, decidedly, away from dictatorship and proceeds, confidently, towards democracy. Elements of revolution have already started to come together and have yet to reach their full stature. Not one act but a process, revolution never develops in a straight line. It goes through numerous phases and stages. As we move forward in implementing this important demonstration, we are determined to establish a grassroots organization which, effectively, monitors and supports the ongoing efforts to find the best way to initiate new freedoms. Behind all events, behind all movements, behind all unrest and all revolutions, there have always been great driving forces. The driving force should be our passion for a larger freedom and liberty and the rule of law in our homeland. My fellow compatriots and people of the world, once again I call upon all of you to be united with our Iranian brothers and sisters in Iran on July 9th, on the anniversary of the 1999 student uprising. We must continue to support them until every Iranian is free. I ask you to support their aspirations for a self-rule and their expectations for an era of peace, freedom, prosperity and independence. My fellow Iranians, this is no longer a choice; it is simply a duty and an obligation as an Iranian. Amil Imani is an Iranian-born American citizen and pro-democracy activist residing in the United States of America. Imani is a columnist, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. He and his family escaped Iran after the radical Islamic revolution. This article is archived at
Posted by Daily Alert, July 8, 2009. |
This was written by Ehud Ya'ari, who is the Middle East commentator for Israel's Channel 2 Television and the author of eight books on Middle Eastern affairs. |
WHAT we have witnessed in Iran in recent weeks is a military coup conducted through the ballot boxes. Policymakers and analysts have been talking for a long time about the possibilities and prospects of a change of regime in Iran. Well, I have news for everybody change of regime in Iran has taken place. The re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a second term as Iran's President represents the emergence of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp as a military dictatorship pushing aside the clerics and mullahs. It's a new Iran in many ways. It's an Iran in which the Supreme Leader, despite what you will read in most of the Western press, is not the real victor in the election. He manipulated the elections in such a way as to have Ahmadinejad re-elected. Now, however, the Supreme Leader works for Ahmadinejad, rather than the other way around. It's a new Iran because it's no longer the Islamic Revolution regime as we have known it since Khomeini took over in 1979. Ahmadinejad's Government is already 60 per cent Revolutionary Guard, and the Iranian parliament is 40 to 50 per cent ex-Revolutionary Guard officers. This election sees the takeover by this group and their allies completed. Everybody has heard Ahmadinejad's statements his regime's very clear views on eliminating Israel and the very aggressive and confrontational foreign policy. The three other candidates, each in a different manner, objected to the way Ahmadinejad ran Iran's nuclear program, hinting very strongly that they did not necessarily see an advantage in the short-term acquisition by Iran of nuclear weapons. One of them suggested they negotiate with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and with Germany, and offer guarantees that the country would not be "going the military way". This very fierce debate had never been heard in Iran before. But the debate is one point and the declared result of the election is something else which is that two-thirds of Iranian voters are said to have supported Ahmadinejad. Those other voices from within the ruling regime will now be marginalised.
WE HAVE A FEW YEARS in which to deter Iran from acquiring nuclear arms. The reason is Iran will never stage a nuclear "breakout" from the non-proliferation regime for a bomb or two. If Teheran goes for a breakout, it will only do so for an arsenal it doesn't make sense otherwise. The efforts are not just focused on uranium enrichment. They are building a heavy-water reactor in Arak for plutonium. But they are not yet at the point where they have enough material for an arsenal at which time a political decision will be made about whether to build nuclear weapons or not. The Arab states have made it clear that if Iran has a bomb, they will follow. Egypt has reignited its nuclear program for peaceful purposes, such as medical isotopes. Saudi Arabia will acquire nuclear weapons from the Pakistanis. It has a long-term understanding with Islamabad regarding this. I think we in the Middle East are sentenced to a long period of ambiguity in which it's quite unclear what Iran's nuclear status is. I believe that this ambiguity is the preferred policy of the Iranians at this point playing their own game of ambiguity while moving as fast as they can to develop nuclear technologies in both enriched uranium and plutonium. They want as soon as possible to be as close to the nuclear threshold as Japan currently is. In the Middle East, Iran and its regional and nuclear ambitions define the only political and diplomatic game in town overshadowing all other issues. It's the only game for the Arab states as much as for the Israelis. At the moment, US President Barack Obama is not going to get very far in his dialogue with the Iranians. But I believe that, down the road, there will be the possibility of some understandings between the US, the Europeans and the Iranians. And it is the Arab states, not the Israelis, who are telling Obama to please not cut a deal with Iran behind their backs or at their expense. The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to daily@www.dailyalert.jcpa.org |
Posted by David Frankfurter, July 8, 2009. |
Dear Friends, A European Commission technical assistant has created a storm by making political statements about Israel's settlements in the West Bank, blaming Israel for the waste of European Taxpayer's money. Al-Jazeera (amongst others) reports the unnamed official as saying "[I]t is the European taxpayers who pay most of the price of this dependence, including US 280 million dollars so far this year, because settlements prevent the PA from functioning normally." This Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has put the clerk in his place with a well worded rebuke, delivered to the head of the EU delegation in Israel. They not only point out what utter nonsense the man uttered, that he has no place taking a political stand, that his legal assumptions are way off base, that the economic assumptions are out of line with the facts on the ground, that in fact the West Bank economy has improving even at a time when the rest of the world economies are shrinking and that the politics that obviously drives him to speak out are not in synch with European or even Palestinian interests. What the Israeli government did not say is something that has been shouted out by many independent critics for years that the EU and many European governments have DELIBERATELY AND KNOWINGLY CHOSEN to throw money at the Palestinian cause, knowing full well that it is wasted being diverted to support violence and corruption. And every time a new report scratches away the thin veneer of respectability pasted on this blatant waste of public funds, European officials find another layer to patch it over. This time, however, the old canard of "it's all the Joos fault" simply reeks of base anti-Semitism. If it is of any relevance, the Funding for Peace Coalition website or the website of the Taxpayers Alliance or my own archive will give you plenty of background about the known waste of international donations to the Palestinian cause. David As usual, comments are welcome. Please post them at http://dfrankfurter.livejournal.com/118177.html David Frankfurter is a business consultant, corporate executive and writer who frequently comments on the Middle East. To subscribe to his 'Letter from Israel', email him at david.frankfurter@iname.com. Or go to http://www.livejournal.com/users/dfrankfurter/ |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 8, 2009. |
NETANYAHU AND OBAMA ON SETTLEMENTS, ETC. Was PM Netanyahu's speech a surprise? "It is not shocking that Netanyahu would set out the conditions under which he would agree to the establishment of a Palestinian [Arab] state. The Obama administration's obsession with creating one in Israel's heartland as quickly as possible regardless of the character of Palestinian society, Palestinian support for the destruction of Israel, and the close ties the U.S.-sponsored Palestinian Authority shares with global terror groups and state sponsors of terror...made it necessary for Israel's premier to make it very clear what must happen before Israel will agree to proceed on this path." The speech exposed "...just how radical the Palestinian and Arab position on Israel is. The Palestinians reacted to Netanyahu's speech with calls to war in retaliation for his demand that they recognize Israel's right to exist. This is not the sort of behavior one might expect from supposedly 'moderate Palestinian political leaders." "Obama and his advisors have made clear that their view on the settlements is not based on facts. It is based on their acceptance of the false Arab narrative of the Middle East conflict. They accept Arab historical revisionism that places the cart before the horse by claiming that Israel's presence in the disputed territories is the cause of the conflict, when in fact Israel's presence in the disputed territories is a consequence of their continuous attempts to invade and destroy Israel. Since the Obama administration's view is based on a false assertion, it is impermeable to fact and rational argument and therefore it is unlikely to change." "It was absolutely necessary for Netanyahu to respond to Obama's false and hideous assertion that Israel owes its creation to the Holocaust. And in explaining that the Holocaust could only happen because Israel didn't exist at the time and by setting out the true 3,500-year-old Jewish connection to the land Netanyahu provided a necessary corrective to Obama's move to write the Jewish people out of the history of the Middle East. Here too, Obama's position is based on an Arab myth most enthusiastically propounded today by the likes of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Jews are interlopers in the region." If the Palestinian Arabs start another war with Israel, the Obama administration, which already is curbing sales of arms to Israel, may side with the Arabs [even though the Arabs start the war]. If Iran is allowed to get nuclear weapons, it may blackmail the Arab states or threaten to have its proxies overthrow their regimes unless they end their treaties with Israel and reopen hostilities. How did Iran's election affect Israel? Having an America-hating
fanatic steal the election makes it easier for Israel to bomb Iran's
nuclear facilities without much opposition from the Iranian people or
the Obama regime
Israel had better realize that appeasement never works. There is no
end to U.S. demands upon Israel, as you can get an inkling of, if you
see here:
The U.S. has over-extended itself. It needs to learn humility before it is too late. THE FALLACY OF U.S. EVEN-HANDEDNESS Israel's Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau said that in a year, nobody will remember PM Netanyahu's condition of demilitarization and recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. They will remember only that he was willing for there to be another Arab state. "'The attempt of the highly respected U.S. President Barack Obama to introduce symmetry into his attitude to the region is erroneous,' Landau said. 'There is no symmetry between those who observe human and civil rights, and those who hand out candies when Israelis and Americans die in horrible suicide attacks, as we have seen in September 2001.'" (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/16). David Wilder, head of the Jewish community in Hebron finds warns that when Netanyahu is replaced, his predecessor may accept the principle of Arab statehood but not enforce the conditions Netanyahu set for that statehood, conditions Netanyahu knows the Arabs will not honestly meet. Wilder thought the principle betrayed the Jewish people, to carve another Arab state from the Jewish homeland (Hebron Today, 6/16). The State Dept. tends to ignore the conditions restricting a policy. Sometimes the Obama regime goes beyond symmetry to side with the Arabs regardless of the facts and the Arabs' misbehavior. The Administration policy is perverse. One wonders why this president is highly respected. One can always respect the office, without respecting what the incumbent does in or to the office. Kevin Phillips, in Bad Money, which I've recommended before, contends that President Bush brought the U.S. into disrepute. One of the means alleged was by pressing for democracy in many countries. I think Mr. Phillips put it unfairly. Most of Bad Money explains that decades of U.S. government collusion in inflating the finance industry bubble weakened the economy so much, and dragged other economies down, earned legitimate disrespect. Bush had only partial responsibility for that. The Bush effort to increase democracy gave millions hope and helped several countries. That should be to our credit and to his. Remember, earlier presidents were criticized for bolstering dictatorships. The question is whether we helped give other countries the opportunity to become democratic or tried to force them to. If other countries, that either are undemocratic or put commerce before freedom of other peoples, scorn U.S. encouragement of democracy, why respect them? If Obama panders to dictators, he is no credit to America, but if, he recognizes that we no longer are a commanding power and cannot get much accomplished, then he is practical. For more on whether the U.S. is even-handed and whether
even-handedness is fair, see here:
PRESIDENT OBAMA LEFT UNCORRECTED President Obama said, "...I think the parties on the ground understand that if you have a continuation of settlements that, in past agreements, have been categorized as illegal, that's going to be an impediment to progress." It was a false statement that his staff left uncorrected. Are they afraid to contradict him? No past agreements classified settlement activity as "illegal." The Roadmap and Annapolis understandings were not agreements with legal import. Annapolis was a U.S. statement. The Roadmap was endorsed by Israel with 14 reservations that the U.S. has ignored. It does not have much legal import, either. The binding agreement is the Oslo Accords. Oslo allows Jewish
building, bans only illegal Arab building.
Where does Obama get all his misconceptions? Why doesn't AIPAC correct him? Why doesn't Israel declare the Map void, because Israel accepted it only with reservations that the US rejects, and Oslo void, because the other parties violated it extensively? For a link back to reviews of Obama's errors about Israel, click
VAGUENESS IN NETANYAHU'S OPENNESS TO ARAB STATE The Jerusalem Post analyzed PM Netanyahu's openness to an Arab state in Gaza and part of Judea-Samaria. He explained that its being non-militarized means it may have police to keep internal order but not possess heavy weapons. Dr. Aaron Lerner lists the main problems with that: (1) Who decides whether the new state violated the terms of its formation; (2) Who does what, about it; and (3) How does the violation affect the new state's independent status. Third parties ignore Palestinian Arab (P.A.) violations. Egypt denies that arms are being smuggled into Gaza, though smuggling them by the ton is big business there. Israel had said it would treat violations by invasion, but rarely does and is less likely to do so in future. Could Israel revoke P.A. sovereignty, over the violations? Not if the P.A. is sovereign. Under sovereignty, the P.A. could invite a Syrian Army to range itself just outside Jerusalem for the purpose of... Already the P.A. and Israel contend over the armored personnel
carriers Russia offers the P.A.. The P.A. wants to mount heavy machine
guns on them; Israel considers such weapons unnecessary for keeping
order, necessary for war
The Palestinian Authority has extensively been violating the Oslo Accords, upon which its autonomy rests, since signed in 1993. The U.S. was supposed to judge the P.A. in violation, but instead falsely certifies compliance. The U.S. just suggests that the P.A. "try harder. The 10 battalions that Gen. Dayton wants to develop the P.A. army into seems to be to be big enough to make a serious assault on Israel, as Dayton warned they are likely to do. CARTER'S LATEST PRO-TERRORIST, ANTI-ISRAEL POINT Former U.S. President Jimmie Carter met with the head of Hamas. He emerged describing Hamas as tolerant peace-lovers and Israel as brutal. That is not new. What is new is that he is asking the U.S. to delete Hamas from its list of terrorist organizations. Carter did not explain why he suggested that (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/ Arutz-7, 6/17). Hamas has not changed tactics, covenant, or propaganda. Why does he think it suddenly just wants a state in the area Israel acquired in self-defense? Many people think that area should become a state, but fail to explain why, other than expose their ignorance that: (1) The area is on the other side of an armistice line, which is of no significance; (2) There already is a Palestinian Arab state, not that there should be, because the Palestinian Arabs are not a separate nationality, the Arabs already have 99% of the Mideast outside Iran, and the area in question is part of the Jewish people's homeland; and (3) The claim that the Arabs would be satisfied with the Territories is contradicted by what they tell their people, that all of Israel belongs to them, and indeed, when they could have had that area, they declined it in favor of trying to seize Israel and exterminate the Jews. HIZBULLAH MAY BE GREATEST LONG-TERM THREAT TO U.S. Former Homeland Security director Chertoff said that Hizbullah may be the greatest long-term terrorist threat to the U.S.. He explained that Hizbullah is better trained, armed, and positioned than al-Qaida. By better positioned, he means it is entrenched in Lebanon. It also has operatives in the Western hemisphere, mostly south of the border (617, lost source). For an idea which way the wind is blowing in Lebanon, see here:
APARTHEID IN ISRAEL Haifa University allowed the head of the Islamic Movement [actually a Radical Muslim movement], Sheikh Raed Salah, speak to students there, but barred Jewish students. That's apartheid (Prof. Steven Plaut, 6/17). The University said that when Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman came to speak, it barred Arabs, in order to prevent an incident. The sheikh urged his listeners to commit suicide bombing (Plaut, 6/18). In other words, he urged sedition. In anticipating Arab violence against any Jews in the audience, the University expressed belief that the two peoples cannot co-exist in peace. The sheikh proved it right. This report is a special case, but for more on discrimination in
Israel, see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Martin Sherman, July 8, 2009. |
Israel needs leader willing to face Obama and say: 'No, you can't' |
"...for the first time we have reached a national agreement on the two states for two people concept." Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at cabinet meeting, June 5, 2009. In uttering these words, Benjamin Netanyahu proved himself to be unworthy of the leadership of the nation. For they clearly show that he lacks either the political wisdom or the political will for the task. The stark contrast between Netanyahu's cabinet statement and his first rousing and resolute address to the Likud Central Committee as premier in 1996, evoke feelings of profound sadness, bitter disappointment, and deep concern. His opening words then to the eager crowd were: "There will be no Palestinian State." Rarely does history afford leaders of nations a second chance to redeem themselves. Netanyahu is one the fortunate few who has been afforded such an opportunity. Sadly he has proven unworthy of the extraordinary favor fate granted him, His mettle has been tested and found wanting. His capitulation however reluctant to the notion of "two-states" which he has rejected reflects a failure of will or of intellect or of both. The essential point for the Israeli leadership to grasp and for the Israeli public to internalize is that the conflict between Israel, as the nation-state of the Jewish people, on the one hand, and both the Palestinians and the wider Arab world on the other, is neither complex nor complicated. Any attempt to characterize it differently reflects neither erudite sophistication nor progressive enlightenment but rather, ill-informed ignorance at best and disingenuous denial at worst. For the unvarnished truth is indeed brutal and binary: In the narrow sliver of land between "The River" and "The Sea" there can prevail and eventually there will prevail either exclusive Jewish political sovereignty or exclusive Arab political sovereignty. The side that will endure will be the side whose political will is stronger and whose political vision is sharper. Who will protect Palestinian state? This is not a pronouncement motivated by ideological fervor or religious zeal. Rather, it is based on a cold, dispassionate analysis of the prevailing geopolitical parameters that characterize Israel's strategic environment. Over a decade ago, this writer cautioned that "...the structure of the bargain required to be struck between (Israel) and the Arabs seems inherently irresolvable. For whatever appears to be even minimally adequate...for Israel, seems to be totally inadequate... for the Arabs." Maj. Gen. Giora Eiland, former head of Israel's National Security Council, made precisely the same point recently: "...the maximum that any government of Israel will be ready to offer the Palestinians and still survive politically is much less than the minimum that any Palestinian leader can accept." For while the demands that the Palestinian state be demilitarized, that it be barred from forging military pacts or from controlling its airspace may seem reasonable to Israelis as a minimum requirement for maintaining their national (and personal) security, they are in fact wildly unreasonable, and totally unrealistic by any objective international criterion. For to condition recognition of nationhood on national defenselessness is clearly absurd indeed virtually self-contradictory. After all, one cannot profess to a desire to allow the Palestinians to "govern themselves" and then promptly proceed to demand the prerogative to determine in which areas they will or won't be permitted to govern themselves. One cannot purport to recognize the right of a people to statehood and then negate their right to defend their state. To expect acceptance of such a far-fetched notion is foolish, and to hope that it could be effectively maintained or monitored in the unlikely event of it being implemented, is to be completely detached from reality. For should the Palestinian state be threatened by some adversary other than Israel, who will be called on to protect it? Or are we to assume that Palestinian state will be totally immune from enmity with all other nations? Or would Israeli youth be called on to shed blood to defend Palestinians in some internecine intra-Islamic dispute? Unfeasible and ephemeral Oratory acumen, however impressive, is not substitute for substantive content. Nor are semantic acrobatics a durable prophylactic against the consequences of that content or lack thereof. Within hours, the misgivings of those critical of the Bar-Ilan speech began to materialize. Many pundits were quick to pounce on the absurdity of the demands for demilitarization. Barely a day after the address, it was reported that the EU had dropped the original Quartet demands that Hamas "forswear terrorism, recognize Israel or accept previous PLO agreements with Israel"; and prominent Israelis such as author A.B. Yehoshua were rejecting Netanyahu's insistence on Israel being recognized as the nation-state of the Jews, while rebuking him for being obstructive and for making "unnecessary" demands on the Palestinians. There are, in fact, only two possibilities regarding Netanyahu's Palestinian policy prescriptions. He either really believes that they constitute a feasible prescription for practical implementation of policy or he does not. If the former is the case, there is cause for great concern regarding the prime minster's judgment, and his grasp of reality. If the latter is the case and the proposals were intended as nothing more than a verbal smokescreen, this will quickly become apparent and only serve to undermine Netanyahu's stature, and reinforce his (hitherto largely undeserved) reputation for deviousness and duplicity. In the final analysis then, Netanyahu's proposals are either delusional or deceitful; his policy prescriptions foolish, fanciful or fraudulent. Whatever the case, they bestow little credit on himself or his country. He has, in principle, accepted the general outline of the failed Oslo-concept, which he resolutely rejected for almost two decades. However, as Netanyahu himself has pointed out, and as both the Hezbollah and Hamas have very tangibly demonstrated, even if the Palestinian state was not fully militarized, even without heavy artillery, armor or aircraft, renegade radicals could easily paralyze the country with light and primitive weapons that either are unauthorized or ostensibly not in violation of the stipulated restrictions. With dizzying speed, the demilitarized-state formula will be exposed indeed is already being exposed as unfeasible and ephemeral. Regrettably, Netanyahu seems to have forgotten a simple truism: To persuade you must persevere. If you do not persist in articulating your true beliefs, there is little reason to expect others to be convinced of their merits. If victory is the imposition of one's will on the adversary, Netanyahu has left little doubt as to who has imposed their will on whom and gave the Palestinians every reason to believe that victory over the Jews is at hand, or at least, in sight. These are perilous times for Israel. Netanyahu's volte face has made them even more so. Today, the nation needs a leader who has the intellectual power, the ideological commitment and the political will not only remind the Israeli public that in Hebrew "Yes we can" translates in "Im tirzu ein zu agada" (If you will it, it is no dream), but also a leader with the resolve to resist the American administration and say: "No, you can't." Dr. Martin Sherman is a political scientist at Tel Aviv University with degrees in geology, physics, finance and political science. He is active in the Jerusalem Summit conferences and has written extensively on the politics of water in the Middle East and the necessity for Israel to safeguard its water supply.
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, July 8, 2009. |
You see any television news coverage over Chinese Moslems rioting over demands for a Moslem State be carved out for them in China? How about China's brutality in response? See any rush to condemnation and unremitting coverage in US media? CNN? CBS/NBC/ABC/FOXNEWS public taxpayer funded radio/television stations? These reports emanate from the UK providing favorable coverage for Moslem victims of Chinese brutality. Photos provided in these reports. Hear of any UN SC/GA calls for meeting to condemn of China? The mobilization of the entire organization toward establishing a Moslem State? Below is an article written by Peter Simpson entitled "The
worst clashes since Tiananmen: At least 156 dead as ethnic unrest
spread in China." It was published yesterday in Mail Online See also the articles in Bester News
China was last night facing spreading ethnic unrest in the worst violence the country has faced since the Tiananmen Square demonstrations. Chinese authorities took no chances and poured armed police into the ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar to try to stop further street battles. There were also reports last night that the Communist government in Beijing had blocked access to the internet, not just in the troubled region but in the capital and in Shanghai, in an attempt to stop the protesters from communicating. This blurry video image of a man covered in blood, offers us a glimpse of the deadly ethnic violence in Urumqi, China, the capital of western China's Muslim region Deadly blows: This blurry video image of a man covered in blood, offers us a glimpse of the deadly ethnic violence in Urumqi, China, the capital of western China's Muslim region ![]() ![]() Echoing recent events in Iran, Some residents in Urumqi, Xinjiang province's regional capital, said they had been told there would be no internet access for 48 hours. 'Since yesterday evening I haven't been able to get online,' store owner Han Zhenyu told Reuters by telephone. The websites of the Urumqi city and Xinjiang regional governments were also down. The unrest in Kashgar followed Sunday's ethnic violence in the provincial capital of Urumqi which left 156 dead and around 1,000 injured the worst civil unrest since the massacre at Tiananmen Square 20 years ago. ![]() Hundreds of protesters have been arrested as riot police patrol the two major cities, setting up road blocks and trawling the streets for 'ring leaders'. Some 3,000 ethnic Uighurs took to the streets in Urumqi, burning and smashing vehicles, houses and shops. They were demonstrating after deadly ethnic-based clashes between Uighurs and Han Chinese in southern China last month. ![]() State television showed footage of bloodied Han Chinese who had allegedly been attacked during the protest by the mainly Muslim Uighurs, many of whom seek independence from China. There was no immediate explanation of how so many died, but witnesses claimed police fired on protesters. 'First they [People's Armed Police] fired tear gas at the students outside Xinjiang University in Urumqi. Then they started beating them and shooting them with bullets. Big trucks arrived, and students were rounded up and arrested,' a 36-year-old restaurant worker told reporters. Dead bodies lie next to the corner of a building in Urumqi, China, the capital of western China's Muslim region during the deadliest ethnic violence in decades on Sunday, July 5 Other reports said some protesters had been crushed to death by armoured vehicles. The state news agency, Xinhua, quoted a government statement blaming separatist Uighurs based abroad for orchestrating the violence. China labels some Uighur separatist groups as terrorist. Xinjiang's top Communist Party official, Wang Lequan, called it 'a profound lesson learned in blood' and said authorities 'must take the most resolute and strongest measures to deal with the enemies' latest attempt at sabotage.' Beijing maintains a tight grip on religious, political and cultural life in Xinjiang, and says economic expansion is bringing prosperity but Uighurs claim the Chinese are committing cultural genocide. 'We are extremely saddened by the heavy-handed use of force by the Chinese security forces against the peaceful demonstrators,' said Alim Seytoff, of the Washington, D.C.-based Uighur American Association. 'We ask the international community to condemn China's killing of innocent Uighurs.' he said. The unrest comes as the government ramps up security ahead of October's 60th anniversary of Communist rule. WHY THE VIOLENCE? The demonstrators had been demanding justice for two Uighurs killed last month during a fight with Han Chinese co-workers at a factory in southern China. Tensions between Uighurs and the majority Han Chinese are never far from the surface in Xinjiang, China's vast Central Asian buffer province, where militant Uighurs have waged a sporadic, violent separatist campaign. Uighurs make up the largest ethnic group in Xinjiang, but not in the capital of Urumqi, which has attracted large numbers of Han Chinese migrants. The city of 2.3 million is now about overwhelmingly Chinese a source of frustration for native Uighurs. Many Uighurs yearn for independence for Xinjiang, a sprawling region rich in minerals and oil that borders eight Central Asian nations. Critics say the millions of Han Chinese who have settled here in recent years are gradually squeezing the Turkic people out of their homeland. But many Chinese believe the Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gers) are
backward and ungrateful for the economic development the Chinese have
brought to the poor region.
Note: See the original article for additional pictures.
Posted by Paul Williams, Ph.D., July 7, 2009. |
U.S. Marines Protect Afghan's Poppy Fields |
![]() Hey, guys, don't pick the poppies. That's the order from the Obama Administration to the 4,000 Marines presently engaged in Operation Khanjar or "Strike of the Sword," an invasion of the Taliban infested Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan. The Marines of Bravo's Company 1st Platoon sleep beside groves of poppies Troops of the 2nd Platoon walk through the fields on strict orders not to swat the heavy opium bulbs. The Afghan farmers and laborers, who are engaged in scraping the resin from the bulbs, smile and wave at the passing soldiers. The Helmand province is the world's largest cultivator of opium poppies the crop used to make heroin. ![]() Afghanistan grew 93 percent of the world's poppy crop last year, with Helmand alone responsible for more than half of the opium production in the country, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Heroin, as it turns out, represents the only staple of the Afghan economy. The country manufactures no domestic products for exportation and the rocky terrain yields no cash crops except, of course, the poppies. The poppies fuel the great jihad against the United States and the Western world. More than 3,500 tons of raw opium is gleaned from the poppy crops every year, producing annual revenues for the Taliban and al Qaeda that range from $5 billion to $16 billion. Destroying the fields could very well put an end to terrorist activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But the Obama Administration remains intent upon protecting the poppies so that the Afghan farmers and local drug lords can reap the benefits of what purports to be a bumper crop. Many Marines in the field are scratching their heads over the situation. Jason Striuszko a journalist embedded with the U.S. Marines in Garmser, reports that many of the leathernecks are scratching their heads at the apparent contradictions calling in airstrikes and artillery on the elusive Taliban while assuring farmers and drug lords that they will protect the poppies. "Of course," Striuszko says, "those fields will be harvested and some money likely used to help fuel the Taliban, and the Marines are thinking, essentially, 'huh?'" ![]() "It's kind of weird. We're coming over here to fight the Taliban. We see this. We know it's bad. But at the same time we know it's the only way locals can make money," said 1st Lt. Adam Lynch, 27, of Barnstable, Mass. Richard Holbrooke, the Obama Administration's top envoy in Afghanistan, says that poppy eradication for years a cornerstone of U.S. and U.N. anti-drug efforts in the country has only resulted in driving Afghan farmers into the hands of the Taliban. The new approach, Holbrooke maintains, will try to wean the farmers of the lucrative cash crop by giving them help to grow other produce, like wheat, corn and pomegranates. Most of the 33,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan operate in the east, where the poppy problem is not as great. But the 2,400-strong 24th Marines, have taken the field in this southern growing region during harvest season. An expert on Afghanistan's drug trade, Barnett Rubin, complained that the Marines are being put in such a situation by a "one-dimensional" military policy that fails to integrate political and economic considerations into long-range planning. "All we hear is, not enough troops, send more troops," said Rubin, a professor at New York University. "Then you send in troops with no capacity for assistance, no capacity for development, no capacity for aid, no capacity for governance." Staff Sgt. Jeremy Stover, whose platoon is sleeping beside a poppy crop planted in the interior courtyard of a mud-walled compound, said the Marines' mission is to get rid of the "bad guys," and "the locals aren't the bad guys." "Poppy fields in Afghanistan are the cornfields of Ohio," said Stover, 28, of Marion, Ohio. "When we got here they were asking us if it's OK to harvest poppy and we said, 'Yeah, just don't use an AK-47.'"
Dr. Paul L. Williams blogs at http://thelastcrusade.org
Posted by Shaul Ceder, July 7, 2009. |
This was written by Jack Engelhard and it appeared in Arutz-7
We can't discuss Barack Obama's views on Israel and the rest of the world until we face the fact that he is a Muslim. This is not an accusation; if anything, it testifies to America's goodness and forgiveness. And if there is doubt about his being a Muslim, we have the man at his own word. In his speech from Cairo University, he told the Muslim world, 'I am your brother.' That is not exactly what he said, but this is the quote: "I am a Christian, but my father came from a Kenyan family that includes generations of Muslims." ![]() We know, however, that it's not possible to be both, but if it is, his gravitational pull seems more inclined towards Mecca. We remember that he a president of the United States of America bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia. This was quite exceptional, as America tips its flag to no nation. This time it did down to the waistline. As of the moment, Obama has not yet found a suitable church for himself and his family; and the guess here is that he may be in search of a suitable mosque. That, or he'd rather not offend the sensibilities of the Muslim world by attending Christian services. Muslim sensibilities are important to Obama. He has vowed "to fight negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear." He has said nothing about fighting negative images of Christians and Jews. Negative images of Israel especially are not hard to find. These negative images seem to be coming mostly from the White House itself, which appears to fault Israel for all the wrongs in the Middle East and elsewhere. Obama's top international priority has been the "settlements." He demands a halt to Jewish growth in the "territories" and it's here that we need to understand Obama's Muslim roots. The Muslim answer to Israel has always been "no". The Three No's of Khartoum (1967) still live: "No peace. No negotiations. No recognition of the Jewish State." Now, understanding this, we can begin to understand Obama. This is not political. This is part conditioning, part heredity that causes a man to succumb to the world's oldest grudge. We call this "reflex". We can assume that he became a Christian, and joined Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Chicago church, only for political convenience, since America is not a Muslim nation. On the other hand, yes it is. "America is a Muslim nation," Obama told his brothers in his speech from Cairo, "one of the largest in the world." There was no mention of America's Judeo-Christian heritage. Commentators are reluctant to use the M-word for Obama for fear of being termed bigots. By running from the word "Muslim" they, the politicians and the pundits, delegitimize the Islamic faith and fall into the trap of which Obama speaks, that of stereotyping Islam. (Unfortunately, suicide bombings and honor killings and beheadings are facts. Daniel Pearl is not a stereotype and neither is Osama Bin-Laden.) Obama merits respect whatever faith he chooses, but we would respect him even more if, honoring his father truly, he declared straight up: "I am a Muslim. So what?" Americans are a generous people and we will accept the lineage of any man as long as his heart is in the right place. Instead, Obama is still playing the Christian card. His 20 years at the side of Rev. Wright is no argument. It is not Christian to sit for sermons that slur Israel and damn America. True Christians are respectfully aware that Jesus was one of "them Jews" quotes that come directly from the lips of the man who pastored Obama for two decades and who, for some strange reason, is firstly named Jeremiah. Jeremiah is the prophet who comforted the weeping Rachel by assuring her exiled children that they would be returned to the Promised Land. Good message to send this White House. We're in trouble if Obama continues to be swayed by false preachers and corrupt sovereigns. No liberty can be found among the potentates to whom he genuflects. For the salvation of America and Israel, we can only hope that this
president yields to his finer instincts when he prays to whatever he
calls heaven, God or Allah.
Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il
Posted by Bob Kunst, July 7, 2009. |
Dear "Chosen" activists: We made international news yesterday and today... with our rally at the White House. There were thousands of people at the White House, from all over the world, who were also taking photos of our 50+ folks with large banners: "Support Israel to Destroy Hamas", "Protect and Defend America and Israel", "Obama Bad For America and Israel", "Obama/Hillary Betray America and Israel" and many other signs. We had people from NY, Pa., Fla. and the Metro D.C. area. Six folks had protested with us at the "Annapolis" Summit we led opposition to on April 27, 2007. Susan, was now here, while we had leafleted together in Jerusalem when we rallied to Keep Jerusalem United, when the Pope was there in May. Folks wanted to organize a local chapter of Shalom International and so far on this trip we've had such meetings in Philly and Boca Raton to put this membership organization into major focus. We got e-mail addresses from Indiana, Pa., NJ, NY, Dallas, Grand Rapids, among the very many who took flyers, got sticker and buttons. Only 3 negatives to us: One guy screaming at us that we 'kill Palestinian children'; one woman asking us if we knew 10 Palestinians? And 4 from Israel who attacked us being there. This last one was explosive and Park and Metro police came over to separate us and no problems. WE did have support from Israelis from N.J. and N.Y. who appreciated us being there and when we spoke .....with Rabbi Krantz from Silver Spring Jewish Community Center, Joe Orlow with Jewish Activist Radio Network, and myself, folks stopped, listened and we had their support. While we protested against Bush on a dozen occassions, at the White House, this was our first against Obama, and 'again', when we showed up and stated our case, folks from all over the world responded positively with us. Folks understood our challenge to Obama's politics. He did not come out the winner. We did. People are very uneasy with Obama's politics on all levels. You have to be in the streets at the White House to understand this, since the media is not giving us the true picture of where folks are really at. There was also a protest at the White House, of Tamils, oppressed by the Sri Lanka government, who are putting people in concentration camps. The Tamils stopped their rally to hear us and we also showed solidarity with them, in that Iran's Little Hitler, who wants to wipe Israel off the map, with his nukes, Obama is allowing, this 'Little Hitler", also sent chemical weapons to the Sri Lanka government that was used to kill 25,000 Tamil. We made the connection. Does anyone think that Iran won't use those nukes on Israel if they are already doing it to the Tamils with chemical weapons and wouldn't those weapons also be used against Israel? This morning at 7 AM, I was interviewed on Arutz Sheva. Gabrille and Divorah from Altoona, PA. also took pictures and video to send to them and to us for more visible distribution and today, I'm also on WFTL in Fl. to state our case. Our Message below, must get out to the masses, and is why we are leading our community and doing it nationally and internationally, by breaking the silence and the capitulation of those who have created this mess we are all facing. Showing resistance is vital. What kind of Jew would support dividing Jerusalem, Jewish for 3000 yrs. and belongs to every Jew in the world and all Jews murdered for being Jews? What kind of Jew would support the same insane 'land for peace' politics, which led to WWII and the Holocaust, the last time and by the same forces wanting to finish what Hitler started to kill all Jews worldwide now? What kind of Jew would allow Obama to equate the Holocaust with 'Arab humiliation'? What kind of Jew would allow Obama to negate our 5000 yr. history which is the history of the world? What kind of Jew would accept being told that we can't reproduce in our own land, which is anti-semitism and genocide politics and the 'Jew Free' agenda of the Nazis, German and Islamic, allied with each other in WWII and the Holocaust? We Jews and Christians and others do have the self-respect and understanding and know-how, to voice our opposition to the Obama scenario, that is endangering both Israel and America, with his weakness and his Israel-bashing politics. Christians and Hindus have also been visciously and murderously attacked by Muslims Nazis and we have to unite all of these forces with the common purpose to resist this tyranny and great danger we all face. We rally for ourselves, for our beloved Israel and America and we network with those who agree and we mobilize with a host of levels, not just via mass media. We just don't communicate via the internet. And we don't wait for our Jewish members of Congress or the supposed loyal opposition, to get off their duffs to counter this madness coming from Obama. Their silence has only encouraged more of this horror. We eduate everyone, who have only heard one side of the story and in doing this propaganda war, we counter the lies from our enemies, who want all of us dead in Israel and America, and we cannot make peace with, a convenient slogan from the unrealistic and anti-semitic Left. We win by showing up and letting Obama and the terrorists he supports know, that they have opposition and we are not collaborating with them with any silence, which tragically is what has happened within Jewish politics from AIPAC etc. who are willing to go for 2-states and the division of Jerusalem and sell us all out. We are building ''movement', with offering real answers to the stupidity and evil facing Israel and the rest of us "Infidels". When all those folks we encounter agree with us, that is a very important feeling of encouragement and makes us escalate as a result. We are showing that we are not afraid, which invites a bigger participation with those who agree with us. We are taking nothing for granted and no one for granted. We counter the dangers, which besides being great therapy in fighting back, is also a warning to our enemies, that their attacks won't be easy for them on any level either. We are offering the alternatives. We are the Maccabees. We are on the front lines. We are showing high visibility with our righteous cause via tee-shirts, stickes, buttons, banners, rallies, media and now we must pursue our own radio and tv networks to maximize impact. We must go on the offense with law suits and grassroots memberships across the nation and planet. We have already reached very many millions across this world in the 970 news interviews we've done, to explain our issues and role model leaders in implenting this agenda, since Oct. 2007. We help Israelis and our fellow Jews and Christians,etc., not to feel isolated. We show Americans that if Israel is sacrificed, America is next. America is the 'Big Satan', no matter how Obama wants to appease, bow, grovel, and capitulate to the very forces who want 'Death to Israel' and 'Death to America.' We offer real hope from so much of the naive, foolish and counterproductive politics and apologies from the existing Jewish organization so-called leadership, that has enslaved the community as a whole, with their lack of performance, that we have already overcome and with their holding back the frustrations, we are experiencing as a result of their lack of reaction to the threats we are facing and they have helped to create. We are the most successful and most underfunded effort in the world, that with a real financial base could turn this whole process around on all of our behalfs. WE know what to do and just need the resources. We are already affecting policy. See Veep Biden's quote yesterday on ABC that Israel has the green light to attack Iran if it needs to. Is this a reaction to the severe blowup within the Jewish community of Obama supporters appalled at Obama's 'Cairo' speech and attack upon Israel and the Jewish nation, and our visibility to emphasize it and mobilize against it? We know that when Israel appears weak, that all Jews and all 'infidels' are vulnerable. We know that the best defense is a good offense and we have a great one. We know that when we show up, so does the public, in giving us their support. We know there is a hunger for the truth, that reflects the gut feelings of the grassroots, which we provide and get positive reaction as a result. The enemies don't expect this and this is again our victory in not giving up or giving in. We are winners, not losers. We are a 'role model' of activism and why our network is increasing on a huge level with every effort. We have put out 10,000 bumper stickers and each car that says: "Keep Jerusalem United" and "Protect and Defend America and Israel" is seen by thousands daily in every community where these stickers exist. We are experts in the propaganda war. We believe in our Covenant with G-d, our 5000 yr. history, our identity, our struggles, sufferings and contributions to the world and we promote all of it including our faith, our freedoms, our goals.....and let me repeat.....WE AREN'T AFRAID but are required to respond, as the conscience of the community and our committments to it. Great ideas and folks have emerged in this last trip. WE need every soldier in this war. WE need your donations as a vital part of doing what has to be done. Please go to www.defendjerusalem.net and donate via paypal or by mail to: Mishkan Sholomo, c/o Defend Jerusalem, P.O.Box 402263, Miami Beach, Fla. 33140. Please invite us to speak to your groups, no matter the size of town or city. Please, no excuses. WE need every person to respond to this appeal on whatever level you can do to move this process. Bob Kunst is President of Shalom International. Contact him at 305-864-5110 or visit www.shalominternational.com Also visit www.defendjerusalem.net |
Posted by Cpocerl, July 7, 2009. |
This comes from the Strategy Page website
http://www.strategypage.com/qnd/iran/articles/20090706.aspx |
July 6, 2009: The government has systematically hunted down demonstration leaders, and those who were using blogs, Twitter and social networking sites to get news out of the country. This has put a halt to large demonstrations in the capital. At least twenty people were killed during the crackdown, several hundred injured and over a thousand arrested. Foreigners, or Iranians working for embassies or foreign news organizations, are being released, as well as the few foreign journalists who were picked up. The government is planning to prosecute many of those arrested, especially those responsible for getting embarrassing (to the government) news out of the country. The government has, for two decades, been studying the mass revolutions of 1989, and the 1990s, that brought down all those communist dictatorships, and believe they have developed methods of preventing a similar fate for themselves. Unlike the former communist states, the Iranian dictatorship has the loyalty of 20-30 percent of the population. This is where the Revolutionary Guard and Basij come from, and a lot of these guys are willing to die to maintain the clerical dictatorship in Iran. The communists of 1989 had lost most of their true believers, so a mass revolution in Iran will have to be a bloodier affair, and also be a battle between Islamic radicals and moderates (including non-Moslems). The senior clerics appear willing to fight to the death, and their opponents are, more and more, willing to deal with that head on. Meanwhile, no matter how successful the government was in suppressing the demonstrations in the capital, it was a defeat for the government. More people were radicalized, and dissention in the clergy became visible. The Iranian Islamic radicals are losing. Long term, they are lost. But like any tyranny in decline, there's the danger that the clerical dictatorship will go out with a bang, not, as the Soviet Union did, with a whimper. And if it is with a bang, it could be a very loud and destructive bang if the clerics have nuclear weapons. Iraq and Afghanistan are officially quiet about the turmoil in Iran, but unofficially both countries would like to see the Iranian Islamic radicals out of power. The current Iranian government lets its radicals interfere with the neighbors, supporting terrorism in both Iraq and Afghanistan. But the neighbors know that any kind of Iranian government would be overbearing and prone to throw its weight around. Iran has been the neighborhood bully for thousands of years, and no one expects that to change, no matter how many times Iran changes governments. July 5, 2009: The Association of Researchers and Teachers of Qom (ARTQ), which speaks for the majority of senior clerics and religious faculty, issued a statement calling for a new election and denouncing the recent vote, and the violence against protestors. The ARTQ represents rank and file clerics, who have not yet been appointed to the several dozen senior clerical positions that, in effect, control the government. The ARTQ did not represent the views of all these lower ranking clergy, but obviously spoke for a majority. July 1, 2009: Cell phone text messaging was turned back on in the capital, now that there are no more demonstrations. But now more senior members of the clergy are criticizing how the government conducted the election, and doubting the legitimacy of the vote count. This includes the aggrieved loser, Mir Hossein Mousavi (who is not a cleric, but a politician who led the government during the 1980s) and former president Mohammad Khatami. Now the government has a rebellion within its ruling elite. June 29, 2009: Police released five of the British embassy employees it had arrested, in response to many European nations threats to recall their ambassadors, but says some of the embassy employees will be put on trial. The government warned the opposition that there would be more arrests and violence if the demonstrations did not stop. The demonstrations have diminished, but they still occur. There are fewer people in the crowds, as the government terror tactics have worked. Cell phone text messaging was turned back on in most of the country, except the capital. June 28, 2009: Police and Basij are now raiding hospitals to arrest injured demonstrators who are being treated for injuries. Many suspected demonstration leaders are being arrested at home at night, to increase the terror effect, and discourage others from leading demonstrations. Government voting officials announced that they had done a partial recount and that the outcome was the same, and that there was no voting fraud. The government then called for an end to demonstrations. But the demonstrations continued, this time using different tactics (like just silently moving down a street towards a government building or a mosque.) These demonstrations are attacked by police anyway. June 27, 2009: The Basij and Revolutionary Guards were sent into the wealthier neighborhoods of north Tehran and invaded homes where people were chanting anti-government slogans from the rooftop. This has been going on at night for several days. This was a tactic used thirty years ago to bring down the monarchy. The Basij terror tactics against families who are chanting has reduced the number of people doing this. The police and Revolutionary Guard have also arrested over 200 of the usual suspects (known leaders of opposition groups.) These are interrogated to obtain more names. Police also arrested nine Iranian employees of the British embassy, and accused them of fomenting riots and disorder. Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com |
Posted by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz, July 7, 2009. |
Several Europeans, involved in an Egypt-based terror cell affiliated with al-Qaeda, received training in Gaza by Palestinian Authority factions. The cell was plotting to bomb energy pipelines between Israel and Egypt, as well as to carry out Europeans in the terror cell reportedly underwent arms and explosives training by Palestinian Authority factions in Gaza. surveillance of Israeli traffic through the Suez Canal. An Egyptian police investigation also revealed the flow of al-Qaeda funds from Gaza to Egypt. According to a report by the Egyptian newspaper Al-Masri Al-Youm, an ongoing investigation into the February 22, 2009, bombing in the Al-Hussein Square in Cairo turned up startling evidence of al-Qaeda's connections in Gaza and of the group's operations in Egypt. Accused by police of perpetrating the attack at the popular tourist spot, which killed a French girl and injured two dozen others, are three Belgians, a man from France, another from the United Kingdom, two brothers from the PA and five Egyptians. Several of the Europeans in the terror cell reportedly underwent arms and explosives training by Palestinian Authority factions in Gaza, where they also received funding. After making their way into Egypt and joining the Arab cell members, according to police, the group perpetrated the Cairo bombing and was planning to attack Israeli targets in Egypt. The two brothers in the cell, Hisham and Ahmed Abd El-Rahman Khalil al-Saie from Gaza, were under the direct command of a fugitive Egyptian al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist currently living in the PA. The al-Saie brothers were instructed to head an operation to bomb energy pipelines between Egypt and Israel, as well as to provide reconnaissance intelligence for a future maritime attack on Israeli traffic through the Suez Canal. The al-Saies infiltrated Egypt through one of the many smuggling tunnels connecting the Hamas regime and the Sinai Peninsula. Egyptian police seized weapons, explosives, anti-tank rockets, car bombs and explosive belts belonging to the busted terror cell from houses in a village in northern Sinai. In addition to the operational details, the Al-Masri Al-Youm report revealed, police learned how al-Qaeda in Gaza has been able to transfer funds into Egypt. The French citizen accused in the Cairo bombing investigation allegedly also handled smuggling cash to the Egyptian wife of the fugitive al-Qaeda operative currently in Gaza. Egyptian police are investigating whether the cell currently under investigation was also somehow related to al-Qaeda bombings of Sinai resorts in 2005 and 2006. Nissan Ratzlav-Katz writes for Arutz-7 (www.IsraelNN.com), where this article appeared today. |
Posted by Hillel Fendel, July 7, 2009. |
(IsraelNN.com) Lt.-Col. (res.) Danny Baz, a secular Israel Air Force pilot from Herzliya, says the Jewish pioneers of Judea and Samaria are Israel's strategic weapon. In an open letter published in several sources in recent weeks, Baz writes, "Most of us do not have the tools to understand the greatness of the strategic and historic contribution of the settlers; if we are still here in a few hundred years, our descendants will be able to chalk this up to the settlers' credit." Excerpts from the letter: Many years ago, I flew low over Judea and Samaria, and a strange sensation filled my body. A totally secular Jew, a lover of Israel I thought I saw angels... Later on, I realized that what I had seen was angels and the sons of angels who were sent, by holy destiny, to save the land of our forefathers from gentiles and from the lost souls of our own nation. Hillel Fendel is Senior News Editor for Arutz-Sheva (www.Israel National News.com). |
Posted by Cpocerl, July 7, 2009. |
This article was written by Charles Lingerfelt of the Kurdish American School. It was published July 5, 2009 on the http://www.myspace.com website. Contact Mr Lingerfelt at charles.lingerfelt@gmail.com |
Thirty thousand scientists and NASA say Global warming is a farce! So, why are we not drilling for our own oil here in the USA? Why are we shutting down the coal mining, putting people out of jobs? Who wants to drive one of those little cars around all the BIG trucks on the roads? Not me. It won't happen...been there, done that, and lived to tell about it. Americans are being scammed! The "Bakken," as it is known throughout America, is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. People in California, Nevada, and other states need to "wake up," and vote Pelosi, Reid and all the other traitors OUT OF OFFICE! Regardless of 'Party affiliation.' I'd say to all states involved, take control of your state and get this out to the USA only, it is in your hands, and those states will be able to have no sales tax whatsoever, and, will be able to give back to the people like they do in Alaska. But, I hope the people in your state will never allow this information to be conveyed to China or Japan ~ but kept in the USA. The 'Cap and Trade' bill which just passed in the House in Washington D.C., has many things in it that we are not going to like. In order for us to sell our homes, an "environmental inspector" will have to come into our homes and make sure we have double pain windows, sufficient insulation, all the newest low-electricity appliances and an electrical outlet used to hook up electric cars. What used to be able to be "negotiated" between the seller and the buyer, now must pass through a governmental agency. I know this sounds "unbelievable," but it is true. Most of us know about this "Bakken oil find" in North and South Dakota, and Montana. But read this article to the end. It puts a spin on it as to why this huge find has not been tapped yet. Could the OPEC countries, and our commitment to them, be a big part of the problem? WILL ANY AMERICAN REALLY PUSH FOR IT!!? The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April ('08) that only scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man, was it ever big. It was a revised report (hadn't been updated since '95) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and extreme eastern Montana. Check it out: The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska 's Prudhoe Bay, and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable... at $107 a barrel, we're looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion. "When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea," says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature's financial analyst. "This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years," reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It's a Formation known as the Williston Basin, but is more commonly referred to as the 'Bakken.' And it stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada. For years, U. S.oil exploration has been considered a "dead end." Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves....and we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And, because this is "light, sweet oil," those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL! 1.That's enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 41 years straight. THE FOLLOWING IS DATA FROM 'THE STANSBERRY REPORT ONLINE': U. S. Oil Discovery Largest Reserve in the World! Stansberry Report Online 4/20/2006 Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President George W. Bush mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this mother lode of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling? They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates:
and it's all right here in the Western United States. How can this be? How can we not be extracting this? It is because the environmentalists and others have blocked all efforts to help America become independent of foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people dictate to our lives and our economy......why? James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we've got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East more than 2 TRILLION barrels untapped. "That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today," according to The Denver Post. Do you think 'OPEC' will drop its price even with this find?
Think again! It's all about the competitive marketplace. Think OPEC
just might be funding the environmentalists?
Got your attention/ire up yet? I hope so!! Now, while you're thinking about it ......and hopefully P.O'd, about it, do this: Pass along this information to all your family and friends. If you don't take a little time to do this, then you should put a towel in your mouth the next time you want to complain about gas prices ~ because by doing NOTHING, you've forfeited your right to complain! Now, I just wonder what would happen in this country if every one of you sent this to everyone in your address book. (Use the "email a friend function below this article, or copy the URL above and send it to your friends and family) By the way, this info is all true. Check it out at the link below.
GOOGLE it, or follow
this link.
It'll blow your mind!!
EDITOR'S NOTE: This was sent in by Yuval
Zaliouk. It is a paper written by Dr. David Evans
and it an analysis of the scientific evidence for global
To view it or download it as a PDF file,
see here.
Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com
Posted by Barbara Sommer, July 7, 2009. |
This was written by Gil Hoffman and it appeared in the Jerusalem
www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1246443735607 &pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull |
A long-awaited rebellion against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu by Likud MKs began to emerge on Monday when a group of hawks inside his faction sent him a letter urging him to build in Judea and Samaria and not to agree to the formation of a Palestinian state. MK Tzipi Hotovely initiated the letter a day after Netanyahu told the cabinet that his government had brought about a consensus on the need for two states for two peoples. Channel 2 reported that half of the Likud faction had signed the letter. The signatories include deputy minister Ayoub Kara and Danny Danon, Miri Regev, Tzion Pinyan, Carmel Shama and Yariv Levin. "We Likud MKs are turning to you due to reports that you would agree to freeze settlement growth temporarily in parts of Judea and Samaria, despite our promise to the voters to continue building in the settlements," the MKs wrote in the letter. "The Likud has always been in favor of natural development in Judea and Samaria, including during the election campaign." The letter included quotes from Netanyahu himself supporting natural growth in the West Bank from as recently as May. The MKs lashed out at Netanyahu for supporting the creation of a Palestinian state. "As Likud members, we cannot support a two state solution on principle," the MKs wrote. "[Such a solution] is neither possible, nor proper, due to the moral right of the Jewish people to the land and for security reasons. Saying otherwise delegitimizes the Israeli struggle for the land." Levin said the letter was "too gentle" from his point of view, but that it should be seen as the first warning against Netanyahu that the patience of the MKs who signed it was wearing thin. Asked whether the rebellion had begun, he said calling it as such would harm their effort. In Monday's Likud faction meeting, Danon accused Netanyahu of "defrauding Likud voters" by supporting a Palestinian state, which he said was opposed by a majority of Likud members and MKs and even by a majority of the nation. Netanyahu responded in the meeting that his statements in favor of a demilitarized Palestinian state had led to key diplomatic achievements, including the Quartet calling on the Palestinians to declare an end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as part of a peace agreement. Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, July 7, 2009. |
This article appeared today on the Anti-Terrorism Coalition (ATC)
The Anti-Terrorism Coalition (ATC) and two other organizations operating on Facebook have been targeted by Facebook. Members of the ATC, the Facebook-based American Infidel (AI) and the Facebook-based Infidel Forces (IF) have been banned from the popular networking website. The hardest hit of the groups was IF, which has seen its entire leadership and other key members banned. IF was involved in taking over hostile (Islamic terrorist, pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, racist, radical leftist and other collectivist) groups. According to IF leader Jack Johnson, his group was in control of at least 150 hostile groups and 15 20 friendly (anti-terrorist, patriotic, rightist and other freedom-loving) groups (including some groups that had been "liberated" from enemy "occupation"). The attacks came as IF was in the middle of reinforcing their groups with additional administrators, in order to be ready for exactly such a scenario as this (on Facebook, if all of a group's administrators are banned, any group member can make him or herself an administrator). After the banning of Mike Jenkins IF's second in command yesterday afternoon, it is believed that at least 95% of IF's groups are no longer under IF control and thus have the potential to easily fall into enemy hands. Several members of American Infidel were also banned, including two administrators of the American Infidel group itself. It is unclear if these individuals were in control of any other friendly groups. In addition, several undercover operatives of both AI and IF have been banned by Facebook, as well. They had been involved in infiltrating primarily terrorist and pro-terrorist groups operating on Facebook. The attacks also directly impacted the ATC. On Sunday, July 5, around 15:30 EST, Jack Turner, the head ATC representative on Facebook, received messages from members of AI and IF, asking for urgent assistance, primarily in securing the groups they had controlled. Mr. Turner immediately moved to join as many of the groups as he could find and make himself an administrator of them. However, within about 10 minutes, he too found his account deactivated by Facebook. Later the same day, another ATC member also had problems with his account, but it appears that he is still unbanned. The state of the ATC fan page on Facebook is still unknown. This is not the first time that Facebook has targeted rightists, anti-terrorists and other freedom-loving groups and individuals, while doing absolutely nothing about Islamic terrorist, pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, racist, fascist, Nazi, communist and other hostile groups. The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) another friendly group that has been involved in combating these hostile groups has also been targeted by Facebook and Islamic hackers multiple times. Facebook has generally taken no action against Islamic hackers and other hostile groups (doing so only when faced with massive pressure from groups such as the JIDF); while banning JIDF leader David Appletree every few weeks for absolutely no reason. Only through massive emailing campaigns by anti-terrorist Facebook members does Mr. Appletree's account get reactivated. In another instance, Facebook did absolutely nothing while Islamic hackers took over a massive pro-Israel group. Interestingly, it rarely hesitates to stop anti-terrorist operations on its site. This story is developing... Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 7, 2009. |
AN ENGLISH JEW INSPECTS GAZA Having heard reports of "wanton slaughter and destruction" by Israeli forces in Gaza, Yvonne Green, an English Jew, used her press card to enter Gaza. She declined a meeting with Hamas officials, since she had come to witness damage and suffering, not talk politics. Ms. Green found surgical attacks on Hamas' infrastructure, such as "the explosives cache in the Imad Akhel Mosque, of the National Forces compound, of the Shi Jaya police station, of the Ministry of Prisoners." She saw the people in Gaza ignoring Hamas except that they feared it. They scorned Hamas, for retreating to the tunnels and leaving the people to cope in the war zone. The people denied that allegations of thousands of wounded being treated abroad. Gaza's Shifa hospital, built by Israel, had spare capacity for alleged wounded. Specific IDF warnings enabled the people to evacuate from facilities to be bombed, without getting wounded. They denied indiscriminate attacks. People denied that UNRWA's Al-Fakhora school, visibly intact, suffered 40 casualties inside. Israeli missiles left their mark on the road outside the school, where Hamas had been firing. UN and media reports alleging that the IDF has struck that school had no basis. [Please remember that for future UN reports.] There was conflicting testimony about a house that the IDF was supposed to have killed many people in. The observer noticed the building intact and evidence of explosives having been stored there and exploding, instead of, or in addition to, a minor IDF attack. Since the family there belonged to Fatah, and some members still were missing, perhaps Hamas took the opportunity to purge the family and score a P.R. coup against Israel at the same time. Green saw "no homeless, walking wounded, hungry or underdressed people." Retail business was booming. Women indicated they had been ordered to sit on rubble and complain of homelessness. [Remember the photos? Pictures lie.] Israel curbed Hamas preparations for a major attack on Israeli civilians while largely sparing Arab civilians (Jewish Political Chronicle, spring 2009, p.25 from Jerusalem Post, 3/2.) For earlier reports on the extent of casualties and damage in Gaza,
start by clicking here:
ISRAEL'S GREATEST WEAKNESS, JEWISH EDUCATION The large secular sector of Israeli Jewry tries to get children educated without teaching them much about Jewish tradition. If they don't know why there should be a Jewish state, they won't defend it (Ruthie Blum Leibowitz, Jewish Political Chronicle, spring 2009, p.26, from Jerusalem Post, 3/23). COLOMBIA PARTY LEADER CONDEMNS IDF FOR KUNEITRA As part of a truce with Syria 35 years ago, Israeli forces withdrew from part of the Golan Heights [before annexing the rest]. Carlos Kaveira Diaz, head of the Polo Party of the Republic of Colombia recently toured Kuneitra, in the Syrian sector. Syrian officials showed him the destruction there. They alleged wanton killing by Israeli forces. The Colombian leader condemned Israel for brutal destruction and killing. By contrast, Israel rebuilt most of its own areas damaged by Arab
Kuneitra passed back and forth between Syrian and Israeli forces, in wars that Syria precipitated. Naturally, as both sides fought for control over it, it sustained damage. However, this damage was done by both sides. Most of the city was not damaged. Syria is keeping the damaged area in a state of disrepair, and exaggerating its extent, for propaganda. Syria deceived its guest. Did the guest later ask Israel for its side of the story? How would he feel if he learns that he was lied to by Syria? If there really were a powerful "Zionist propaganda machine," as the other side alleges, Israel would be contacting many people and correcting the misimpressions given them by the Arabs. Eventually, half the world would resent the Arab leaders for fooling it. To read of a similar defamation of Israel over exaggerated damage, see here (An English Jew Inspects Gaza) The Arabs know this. HAMAS CALLS "JEWISH STATE" REQUIREMENT RACISM After PM Netanyahu said that peace requires that the Arabs
recognize Israel as a Jewish state, not just as an independent state,
Hamas called the demand "racist"
Half the Arab states are called "Islamic" republic /kingdom of such-and-such. Some bar Jews. The rest oppress Jews and other minorities. The Palestinian Authority and Jordan impose life sentences or worse on those who sell land to Jews. Hamas enforces strict Islamic law on Gazans. Why shouldn't the Jewish people have a haven from Muslim persecution in a state of their own, in which to pursue their own national destiny? Isn't it inconsistent of Hamas to deny another people to achieve voluntarily what it imposes upon its own people by beatings? Hamas' comment reflects the fundamental reason that the Arabs don't permit peace. They do not recognize the right of Jews to their own state, primarily for not being Muslims and secondarily for not being Arabs. Hamas' goal is a caliphate comprising the whole world, including the United States. It wants to impose Islamic law upon everybody. This is a major world problem. To get an idea whether Palestinian Arabs sincerely want a state,
see here:
EXAMPLE OF U.S. UNRELIABLE WITH ISRAEL Congress approved U.S. funding of the P.A. contingent upon P.A. compliance with the Oslo Accords. The P.A. has never complied. Nevertheless, the White House certified that the P.A. was compliant. The subsidy went through. Henry Kissinger previously had explained that Israel has to be
cautious or perish. The U.S., however, doesn't have to be. If it
acknowledged violations, it would have to act against them, implying
that its initiatives failed, or do nothing, reneging on its promises
to Israel. The U.S. prefers not to admit that the Arabs are violating
a ceasefire unless the evidence is incontrovertible
Kissinger put it too mildly. Even when the evidence is clear, the White House lies about Arab compliance. It also lies about Israeli non-compliance. The U.S. fails to comply with its own obligations. Surprised? Recent financial reports indicate that pension fund trustees hire only managers that won't admit that the fund is under-funded. The trustees don't want to have to contribute more to the funds. They pretend that everything is all right. So did Citigroup et al. Congress has not properly addressed Presidential abuse of its waiver privilege. For more on U.S. unreliability toward Israel, see here:
PM NETANYAHU FLAW ON P.A. STATEHOOD PM Netanyahu said that Israel would reserve the right to invade a
P.A. state [if it re-militarizes, commits aggression, or what?]. He
failed to indicate how he would establish that it re-militarized or
how he would have the right to invade
ZOA President Morton Klein asks whether the world would withdraw recognition of the Arab state, when it violates the conditions of statehood. "The ZOA believes that Prime Minister Netanyahu should have laid out all Palestinian obligations under written agreements that are required, and stipulated that they must be observed for at least one year before Israel comes forward and examines what further concessions Israel should give. For example, Prime Minister Netanyahu should have demanded that the PA media, mosques, schools and youth camps verifiably stop preaching violence and hatred of Jews and Israel. He should have demanded that Israel be placed on PA maps, atlases and PA stationary. He should have demanded that Palestinian schools, streets and sports teams named in honor of suicide bombers and other terrorists are renamed. He should have called for the abrogation of Fatah's Constitution, which calls for terrorism and Israel's destruction. He should have demanded that the PA arrest and jail the hundreds of terrorists on Israel's wanted lists, are imprisoned or extradited to Israel. He should have demanded that Abbas make regular, numerous speeches in Arabic preaching peace with Israel and denouncing the immorality of terrorist murder of Israelis (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/19). Abbas does the opposite. How would he make it first de-militarize, before becoming a state? If he sets up an almost-state, I think that the world would recognize it as a full state. Then it would have the right to re-militarize. For more on Netanyahu's self-contradictory views on Arab statehood,
see here:
IRANIAN ACCUSATIONS AGAINST BAHAI & BBC [The Bahai religion is a small one, practiced primarily in Iran and Israel. The Islamic Republic of Iran persecutes it. In Israel, the beautiful Bahai temple and grounds in Haifa are a tourist attraction.] Supporters of Iran's President Ahmadinejad claim that "BBC" stands for Bahai Broadcasting System. They accuse the Bahai of being secret Zionists and spies for Israel. In 2008, Iran arrested several Bahai as spies, as insulting religious sanctities, and as propagandizing against the Islamic Republic. Their trial is imminent (Samuel G. Freedman, NY Times, 6/27, A13). You can recognize those charges as typical of dictatorship,
hysterical about opposition. To see how Iran dishonors its
international agreements, see here:
CONTRASTS BETWEEN ALGERIA & MOROCCO Algeria just had a Soviet-style election. Morocco just had a free one greater citizen interest, officials' sense of responsibility, and full female participation. Morocco allows Christians and Jews to practice their religions openly. The law permits conversion from Islam. The government is investing much in education the economy, and in integrating its diverse ethnic groups. Its monetary reserves exceed its debt. As an example of tolerance, it allows alcohol to be sold in supermarkets (Rachel Ehrenfeld, head of American Center for Democracy, in Manhattan, 6/17). Ehrenfeld usually is reliable. I hope that this report is representative of Morocco. I don't think that the sale of alcohol is a great reform, but that is personal opinion. FAYYAD, PALESTINIAN ARAB REFORMER? Like Abbas, Palestinian Authority (P.A.) PM Fayyad has no power
base, but is trusted by the U.S.. However, Fayyad continues paying
salaries to the 12,000 members of Hamas' military force. He integrated
leaders of the Iranian-backed Fatah militia known as Al-Aqsa Brigades
into the P.A. forces being trained by U.S. Gen. Dayton, supposedly to
fight off the Iranian-backed Hamas. The deals he made with warlords
keep him in power but reflect instability. The Fatah Central Committee
distrusts him. Both Fatah and Hamas dislike his control over finances,
economic reforms, and non-violent opposition to Israel. They fear that
reforms might ameliorate the armed struggle. This instability
undermines U.S. efforts to promote Arab state-building. It also raises
the question whether the P.A. is in a position to negotiate with
For an idea of what the P.A. has accomplished, see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Steven Shamrak, July 7, 2009. |
Don't Tell Jews Where They Can Live!
Barack Obama is taking what he and his administration refer to as "a more balanced approach to Middle East policy." It means the U.S. government is now using its clout with Israel to insist Jews, not Israelis, mind you, but Jews, be disallowed from living in East Jerusalem and the historically Jewish lands of Judea and Samaria, often referred to as the West Bank. I want you to try to imagine the outrage, the horror, the outcry, the clamouring, the gnashing of teeth that would ensue if Arabs or Muslims were told they could no longer live in certain parts of Israel let alone their own country. Of course, that would never happen with "a more balanced approach to the Middle East." It's the 1930s all over again. This time, it's the enlightened liberal voices of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama who are telling Jews where they can live, how they can live and how far they must bend if they want to live at all. ...Israel is being reduced to "Auschwitz borders." Jews have already been told they can no longer live in the Gaza Strip. Now they are being told they can no longer choose to live in any of the areas being set aside by international elites for a future Palestinian state. ...Obama and Clinton and, thus, by definition, you and me, the taxpayers of the United States have determined they will yield to the racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic demands of the Palestinian Authority that no Jews be allowed to live in their new state. ... It is the official policy of the Palestinian Authority that all Jews must get off the land! Why is the United States supporting the creation of a new, racist, anti-Semitic hate state? Why is the civilized world viewing this as a prescription for peace in the region? Why is this considered an acceptable idea? Is there any other place in the world where that kind of official policy of racism and ethnic cleansing is tolerated even condoned? ... Now, keep in mind, there are already quite a few Arab and Muslim states in the Middle East. Many of them already forbid Jews to live in them. Some prohibit Christians as well. But now, the only Jewish state in the world, and one that has a claim on the land dating back to the days of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is being told Jews must keep off land currently under their own control, but destined for transfer to people who hate them, despise them, want to see them dead and will not even accept living peacefully with them as neighbours. ...I say, "No more ethnic cleansing. No more official anti-Semitism accepted. No more Jew-bashing. No more telling Jews where they can live, how they can and if they can live." Food for Thought.
The civil war has just ended in Sri Lanka after almost 30 years of fighting. It took a few weeks and the world has already forgotten about it or has never really cared! In spite of similarities of the conflicts, Israel has had no such luck. Due to Absence of Lateral Thinking. The mayor of Jerusalem opened the parking lot on the request of police who said illegal parking in the nearby Old City was blocking emergency vehicles. The mayor tried to appease ultra-Orthodox concerns by not charging for parking and hiring non-Jews to administer the lot. (Wouldn't placing removable restriction barriers and towing away illegally parked vehicles before Sabbath be a better solution?) Cooperation the PA Style. The PA has boycotted the forming of an official committee to place the Dead Sea among the Seven Wonder of Nature, and a result, the Dead Sea will not participate in the next world competition. A Step Toward Self-reliance. The Israeli navy has dropped plans to purchase U.S. made warships, originally planned on purchasing either the small Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) from Lockheed Martin or similar corvettes built by Northrop Grumman, and instead is exploring the possibility of a home-grown military shipbuilding industry. Quote of the Week: "Through the mercy of fools all justice is lost." Ramban's comments on: "do not show any pity" (Deuteronomy 7:17) News Items External Political Interference Must be Stopped. French President Nicholas Sarkozy told Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last week to replace Avigdor Lieberman with Tzipi Livni as Foreign Minister. (What would the reaction of French people be if Netanyahu told Sarkozy to dump French Foreign Minister Kushner? Our enemies, disguised as friends, have never had any respect for Israel's sovereignty.) Israeli Sub Crosses Suez Canal. An Israeli defense official said Saturday the Dolphin-class submarine made the passage last month from a Mediterranean navel base and able to reach the Persian Gulf off Iran in days. It can fire cruise missiles. Iran is under three sets of UN Security Council sanctions for refusing to freeze its uranium enrichment program. News the Main-stream Media is Quiet About. Hamas has rejected the report by Amnesty International, which accused the Islamic radicals who rule Gaza of ''war crimes.'' The accusations are based on the launching of hundreds of rockets and missiles on the civilian population in southern Israel from Gaza. The Enduring Peace. Just last month, Abbas rejected the idea of a Jewish state and recently met with Palestinian youth leaders where he held up a framed map of Palestine clearly labelled in English that covered all of Israel. "I say this clearly: I do not accept the Jewish State, call it what you will," Abbas said during the meeting in Ramallah. And, it is not and an accident or a joke! News that was not reported by the international media: Below is a short list of terrorist activities Israel has endured during the past few months of 2009. Would any government tolerate such an indignity? Why does Israel? "June 8: Ten gunmen approach the Nahal Oz border crossing between Gaza and Israel, with a large quantity of explosives loaded on horses, seeking to infiltrate Israels border and kidnap IDF soldiers. The gunmen opened fire on an IDF force by the crossing, which returned fire, killing four militants. "May 22: Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) operatives open fire at IDF soldiers by the Kerem Shalom goods crossing along the Israel-Gaza border. The soldiers return fire and kill the terrorists. "May 22: An IED (Improvised Explosive Device), targeting an IDF patrol, explodes near the Karni crossing. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) claimed responsibility for the attack, although it did not result in any casualties. " May 19: Iran-backed Hamas fires a Qassam rocket, hitting a Sderot home. Two victims were treated for shock and the home was moderately damaged. "May 3: An Israeli soldier is stabbed in the neck and moderately injured when getting off a bus in Ramat Gan, near Tel Aviv. The Arab attacker fled the scene, but was caught the next day. "April 29: An IED device explodes by the Erez Crossing in the Gaza Strip. There were no casualties. Members of PIJ and the Fatah-affiliated Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack. "April 13: The Israeli Navy discovers an unmanned vessel off the coast of the Gaza Strip. Upon approaching the boat, it exploded but caused no damage. The navy suspected that hundreds of tons of explosives were aboard the boat and the target was a navy ship. "April 7: A resident of Jabal Mukaber in East Jerusalem tries to run over three policemen in Sur Baher (another neighbourhood in East Jerusalem) with his vehicle. The policemen, who sustained minor injuries, shot and killed the terrorist. "April 4: Basma Awad al-Nabari, 15, opens fire on Israeli Border Police at the Shoket Junction in southern Israel. The police try to persuade al-Nabari to turn herself in, but fail. When she continues to shoot they return fire and kill her. "April 2: An axe-wielding terrorist enters the settlement of Bat Ayin in the West Bank and murders 16 year-old Shlomo Nativ, and attempts to murder a 7-year-old child. Another resident scuffles with the terrorist but he manages to flee the scene. "March 31: IDF soldiers discover four terrorists placing an IED near the Gaza Strip security fence. Two terrorists were killed in the ensuing gun battle and large quantities of explosives are found. "March 21: Police foil a terrorist attack in Haifa. A private vehicle wired with explosives is found outside the entrance of the Lev HaMifratz shopping mall. Approximately 100 pounds (45kg) of explosives are found in the vehicle. "March 7: An Israeli civilian sustains minor injuries when stones are thrown at him near the city of Hebron in the West Bank. "March 5: A Palestinian drives a bulldozer into a police patrol car in Jerusalem. The bulldozer crosses the intersection, ploughed into the car a number of times, overturning it, jamming the car against a street light and a bus on the other side of the street. A policeman sustains light injuries. "March 5: An anti-tank missile is fired at an IDF patrol on the Israeli side of the Gaza border security fence. "March 1: Nine rockets hit towns and communities in the Western Negev. One rocket hits a house in the city of Sderot. In a separate incident, an Israeli civilian sustains inuries when stones are thrown at his car, north of Ramallah. Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has been publishing an Internet editorial letter about the Arab-Israel conflict since August 2001 and has a website www.shamrak.com. He can be reached by email at StevenShamrak@gmail.com |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, July 7, 2009. |
This was written by Larry Domnitch. |
Heroic actions spoke on that triumphant day. It took Israeli commandos minutes to conduct one of the greatest and most daring rescue missions in modern history, in Entebbe, Uganda, on July 4, 1976. Not meeting the terrorists' demands could result in a massacre. During those brief fateful moments, good triumphed over evil; the innocent were saved and the terrorists who threatened them were routed. It was 11:30 pm Saturday night. The seventh night that over 100 Israelis, non-Israeli Jews, and the twelve-member Air France crew were held in the Entebbe airport since the PFLP (Popular Front Liberation Palestine) terrorists and two West German supporters, members of the Baader Meinhof gang, hijacked a jet while on the ground in Athens. Supporting the terrorists and giving them cover was the Ugandan regime under Idi Amin Dada. In the prior decade, Uganda had received military and non-military aid from Israel prior to severing ties in 1967. The plane was bound from Tel Aviv to Paris. It was diverted to Benghazi airport in Libya for refueling and then headed for Entebbe. The final deadline to meet the hijackers' demands and release forty terrorists held in Israel and thirteen in West Germany, Switzerland, France and Kenya, was steadily approaching. Negotiations managed to postpone the approaching July 1 deadline for three days. On July 1, the non-Jewish passengers were released by the terrorists. The Air France crew chose to stay with the remaining hostages. On July 3, French diplomats involved in the negotiations stated that there was no hope for an agreement. Releasing the terrorists would embolden them to continue such operations. Not meeting the terrorists' demands could result in a massacre. As international attention was focused upon the events, Israeli planes made their way to Uganda flying under radar over the Red Sea, in order to avoid detection by Egyptians and Saudis. They soon landed and the operation commenced. That night, the weary hostages were sound asleep except for a group of five playing bridge. The hijackers were also within the complex. There were also about eighty Ugandan troops guarding the building. At that moment, three Hercules personnel transports with Israel's elite Sayeret Matkal commandos, along with medical teams, had just landed at the well-lit Entebbe airport without suspicion. The commandos drove toward the terminal in a Black Mercedes with Land Rover escorts, tricking Ugandan guards to believe that Idi Amin was visiting. Guards soon approached the vehicles and were shot, the ruse was now over. Time was of the essence. A few seconds delay could foil the entire operation. Taking a chance that the airport complex was not booby trapped, they headed toward the hostage compound. Nearby, seven parked Soviet-made MIGS were hastily destroyed, preventing pursuit of the Israeli aircraft after the operation. The commandos were just a few hundred yards away. They burst in, alerting the stunned hostages that they were Israelis and to keep low. Some shouted out the word nes, Hebrew for "miracle". Over the next 45 seconds, there were bursts of gunfire, and then the firing ended. The hostages were quickly escorted on board the Hercules transports, which headed home to Israel via a brief stop in Nairobi, Kenya, for refueling and medical treatment for some of the wounded. The entire raid lasted fifty-three minutes. It took fifty-three minutes to thwart the plans of the PFLP.The operation was so daring, the Israeli cabinet repeatedly deliberated, and only decided to proceed at the last minute, within hours of the deadline. The mission's overall commander, Brigadier-General Dan Shomron, later described the daring and extreme difficulties of the rescue mission: "You had more than one hundred people sitting in a small room, surrounded by terrorists with their fingers on the trigger. They could fire in a fraction of a second. We had to fly seven hours land safely, drive to the terminal area where the hostages were being held, get inside, and eliminate the terrorists before any of them could fire." The seven hijackers and approximately twenty Ugandan troops died. Three hostages were killed during the gunfire exchange. Israeli Commando Surin Hershko was paralyzed when he was shot while on a diversionary tactic. One passenger, Dora Bloch, a Jewish British citizen, who was hospitalized earlier for stomach pains, was murdered the next day by Ugandan soldiers. The rescue operation, originally named Operation Thunderbolt, was renamed Operation Yonatan in honor of the operation's commander, Yonatan Netanyahu, 30, who was cut down by a Ugandan sentry as he was about to enter the compound. Netanyahu believed from the outset that the plan was doable and his confidence influenced government leaders and his fellow commandos. On that day, one of Israel's greatest soldiers had fallen. That day, which also happened to be the American bicentennial, forces that threaten freedom were routed by courage and daring. In the UN General Assembly, some praised the mission, others condemned and criticized. No matter. All words aside, heroic actions spoke on that triumphant day. Thirty three years later, as the threat of terrorism looms large, Entebbe stands as a model of victory and of how victory is achieved.Tammuz 14, 5769 / 06 July 09 Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Patrick Dempsey, July 6, 2009. |
Is there a bias against Jews saving Jews during The Holocaust? The reason I ask is: it appears that Dr. Reszo Kasztner disappears from view when the worth of nearly 1,700 saved Jews is being considered. Dr. Kasztner's posiiton demands better, is to be congratulated. Can we too easily forget that a Jew, under constand threat of 'resettlement East' faced down the killers and saved not just one 'world entire'? What too does this say for the 15,000 Strasshof Jews, saved by an intervention from Dr. Kasztner? Surely the world must recognise these efforts in Kasztner's saving of a 'universe entire'? I am just a gentile here, spitting in the wind, accused of being a Jew lover for my work, but none the less committed to ensuring both negationists and deniers are starved of the invective they require. Their vile trade does not need any assistance from a world unconcerned with the fate of another Jew, Dr. Rudolf (Reszo) Israel Kasztner. My work goes on! Perhaps my 4th. Book should attempt to honour a Jewish hero, who dealt with the devil and delivered him a blow, some 1,700 + 15,000 strong? Maybe this is somewhat churlish of me, I don't like [Hannah] Arendt's work, it seems to me that banality is almost an apology. A bit like Gitta Sereny when we are confronted by Stangl, and maybe he isn't such a monster, just a mass murderer then! I would like to write my next book about the real criminals, those who stood by and allowed 6,000,000 innocent Jews to be slaughtered. Contact Patrick Dempsey at pd1010@hotmail.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 6, 2009. |
NETANYAHU ACCEPTS ARAB STATE, BUT PM Netanyahu said he would accept another Palestinian Arab state with certain conditions. The main ones are that it must be demilitarized, with guarantees, and have ended its incitement to terrorism. He gave the U.S. State Department something to work with, against Israel. It will come up with various insincere guarantees. The U.S. has begun proposing other areas to demilitarize, such as the Golan and the Jordan Valley. If the IDF pulls back from the Golan, and Syrian forces race forward, could the IDF return its forces back to the Heights before Syrians gain the commanding position? Not necessarily (Dr. Aaron Lerner, http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/25). U.S. guarantees are as sub-prime as mortgages to people with little income. The U.S. reneged more than once on guarantees to Israel. Can Netanyahu be serious in using the word, "guarantees?" He should have said, "Autonomy without sovereignty." That would reserve Israel's overriding security authority. Accepting State Dept. proposals with reservations does not work. The State Dept. ignores reservations and uses Israel's acceptance to jack up the proposal towards the Arab position. Remember PM Sharon's 14 reservations when he otherwise accepted the Road Map? The State Dept. ignores them. The NY Times even accuses Israel of violating the Road Map when it balks over violations of its reservations. The U.S. considers Israel physically obliged to implement, but the Arabs only theoretically obligated to implement. Israel must reject outside brokers. Netanyahu should firmly but politely explain the error of Obama's policy. Obama and other would-be brokers, such as Russia, the UN, Turkey, and Egypt, side with the Arabs and disdain Jewish national rights and security. To cover their partisanship, they falsely proclaim themselves "honest brokers." Israel should thank them for stated intent, but decline their offers so as not to put them into conflict with their own policy. It is difficult to figure out what Netanyahu is up to. Over the years, he has proven himself weak under pressure, appeasement-minded, and tricky in his wording. Did he deliberately open the door to State Dept. maneuvering? Who needs brokers? The Arabs won't negotiate with Israel? That is a sign of their truculence not of an interest in peace. They are too good for the Jews? That is a sign of their intolerance not of an interest in peace. Can't come to terms? That is because jihadists do not make genuine peace. It really is up to the Arabs. They started the wars for religious reasons. They need to reform their religious motives. Why don't they stop preaching bigotry and violence? They need to reform their whole society, imbued with violence and hatred. Brokers cannot do that. Nor do most brokers want to, being on the side of the Arab aggressors. They want to produce an agreement, however risky for Israel: (1) So they can pretend to have accomplished something but to further their ideology or relations with the Arabs; or (2) To undermine Israel and lead to war. How reliable is Netanyahu? For a discussion of that, see here:
OUTPOST TOURISM IN SAMARIA For only about $13 and donations, Boundary Tours drives people in a bullet-proof bus to outposts in Samaria. Passengers see scenery, a winery, a farm, places in the news, and most important, they meet "settlers." Tourists find out what it is like living there and what really is happening there. Boundary Tours believes that with personal contact comes understanding. [Translation: their message has not gotten out, and their situation has not been reported accurately or fairly.] So far, only Israelis have taken the tour, tens of thousands of them, all sorts.
Tomer Tzanani of SOS Kfar Saba is the tour coordinator. His telephone # is
054-7631232. The general e-mail address of the organization is sos-israel@neto.net.il. They say that security is better, now
I got a private, half-day tour of the area. I describe it in an 8 and a half page report, more amusing than my usual. Since the Examiner prefers shorter articles, I'm not publishing that report unless your comments express sufficient interest. Outpost tourism is made possible by checkpoints, for example, click
THE "DUMBO QUESTION" IN ISRAELI POLLS ON SETTLERS Supposed to elicit opinion, polls often are skewed to conceal it. Leftists slant polls by asking the "Dumbo question." Dumbo was a flying elephant in children's cartoons. Only there, can elephants fly. The Dumbo question is, if elephants could fly, would you approve of such-and-such. Knowing that elephants cannot fly, people may answer yes, since no consequences come of their affirmation. Likewise, pollsters ask Israelis whether, if the Palestinian Arabs ended their defamation, violence, and jihad, would the Israelis approve of withdrawing from settlements. Israelis, knowing that those conditions are highly improbable, sometimes say yes. The pollsters then misrepresent public opinion, and proclaim that the Israelis are willing to withdraw. The proclamation is based on a trick question. Based on such questions, the Institute for National Securities
Studies makes policy recommendations
I hope my critic from Haifa reads this. He thinks the polls show Israelis favoring an end to settlements. Imagine the polls if Netanyahu had the courage to uphold their being extended rather than practically apologizing for them and upholding just "natural growth" in the already built-up areas! Jews make a big mistake when they don't assert their rights. POLL OF PALESTINIAN ARABS ON TERRORISM "Among Palestinians, 51% support and 46% oppose launching of
rockets from the Gaza Strip against Israeli towns and cities like
Sderot and Ashkelon."
Murder Jews and call Israeli efforts to stop the bombardment "aggression." For a glimpse of what causes Arab terrorism, see here: U.S. JEWS UPSET BY OBAMA'S CAIRO SPEECH Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice-president of the Conference of
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations says that Jews of
all political persuasions, including staunch Obama supporters, are
upset by Obama's speech in Cairo. They note his false statements,
unfair equating of the two sides, and troubling omissions
It took them long to catch on. They must be reluctant to find the
candidate of hope dashing their hope. If that upsets them, what must
they think of Obama if they were to see here? UNIFIL FINALLY ACTING IN LEBANON? Hizbullah has tried to attack Israel and its embassies, without success. Hizbullah also has a shortage of troops, believed to be due to having broken its promise to restore facilities destroyed by Israel in the recent war Hizbullah started. Up to now, UNIFIL and the Lebanese Army operated outside villages, where Hizbullah stored most of its rockets. Israel suspected that Hizbullah was going to resort to a missile broadside against northern Israel. To prevent that, UNIFIL finally began entering Lebanese villages, in search of illegal Hizbullah arms caches. It found 20 Katyusha rockets ready for launching. UNIFIL thwarted attacks on its forces planned by Hizbullah. Lebanese news agencies reported Israeli Defense Forces moving to
the border
Arab reports of Israeli military movements have been false, before. Await confirmation. UNIFIL said it couldn't investigate inside Lebanese villages, without permission from the Lebanese Army. A quasi-ally of Hizbullah, the Lebanese Army did not grant permission before. This indicates how unsatisfactory was the truce agreement negotiated by former Israeli Foreign Min. Livni. Her agreement enabled Hizbullah to amass tens of thousands of rockets and become the main faction in Lebanon. Will UNIFIL finally become useful and effective? BRIEFING ON A STATE DEPARTMENT BRIEFING ON ISRAEL A reporter asked the State Dept. briefer to comment on a Palestinian Authority (P.A.) complaint. The complaint is that Israel's planned removal of its forces from four cities is a sham, because Israel reserves the right to return them. The briefer, as usual, made no substantive comment. He just called it "progress" (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/26). Why so reporters keep coming to briefings that duck the issues? Israel's reservation makes sense, because the P.A. allows terrorism to build up where the IDF is not present. The P.A. is the fraud. So are the State Dept. and its protégés, the U.S. presidents, who praise the P.A. for restoring order. The P.A. still, contrary to critical agreement, fosters rather than eradicates terrorism. I find many reporters' questions slanted against Israel. They have become part of the conflict, rather than observers reporting all aspects of it. For more on media bias, see here: CHANGE YOUR OUTLOOK ON JIHAD & THE ECONOMY Not only do people tend to "preach to the converted," but to seek out preachers to echo their sentiments. This makes sense for well-informed people, unless carried too far. The world is changing so fast, that the basis for many of our beliefs is disappearing. We need to keep re-evaluating our beliefs. Let's use the economy as a personal example to illustrate. Attempting to be prudent, I invested only a small percentage of my savings in stocks. Based on decades of experience, and on my broker's advice that Citigroup is one of the biggest banks, "too big to fail," I bought some of its stock at $30/share. It fell to about $5. Technically, the government didn't let it fail, by giving it tens of billions of dollars. Nevertheless, I lost 5/6ths of what I invested in it. From my perspective, I'd say Citigroup failed. Those who got our billions succeeded. Conclusion: business has been changing so much, and taking risks they feel the government (with our money will back) that we no longer should believe that a company's size protects us. The beliefs of my friends are multi-cultural. One friend thinks it would be backward for Israel to deny citizenship to Arabs. Her view has been tried there and in Europe. Europe soon may be taken over by Muslims and oppressed. Arabs form a fifth column in Israel, as they radicalize. Ignoring that trend and the threat to civilization in Europe, my friend argues that not all Arabs in Israel are hostile to Israel. Newsflash: the overwhelming majority are hostile. Polls, marches chanting "death to the Jews," and law-breaking that reflects contempt for Jewish sovereignty and property rights reflect this. What that friend doesn't know is that the Israeli Arabs are bidding once again to take over the country, with help from Arafat's Arabs, foreign Arabs, and the appeasement-minded West. That friend needs to realize that the world is changing, and her ideas of tolerance would allow an imperialistic faith to advance towards conquering hers. Actually, this is an old idea. The Talmud warns that too much mercy for the cruel can allow the cruel to harm the merciful. Then where is tolerance? DEBATING CRITICS One can enjoy the interchange with readers who can exchange ideas, debate situations, and learn. Others, however, uncritically accept all statements, including conspiracy theories, against Zionism and none in favor, have smatterings instead of an historical basis, lack a sense of proportion, and do not respond to one's points, they just make counter-points. They are no fun. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 6, 2009. |
The Sunday Times (London) reported two days ago that Mossad head Meir Dagan has assured Prime Minister Netanyahu that Saudi Arabia would allow Israel's jets to fly over the kingdom in an action against Iran. According to this report, Dagan had met with the Saudis on this issue earlier in the year. Our government, however, swiftly denied the report. It was, said the prime minister's office, "thoroughly incorrect and baseless." Does this mean it isn't true? Perhaps, but not necessarily. There is some logic to thinking that Saudi Arabia which is alarmed by Iran's nuclear efforts would not stand in the way of our attempts to eliminate that threat. Such are the games being played, however, that the Saudis would never publicly admit to even passively cooperating with Israel against a Muslim state. Perish the thought! And so, part of the understanding would require us to deny that there had been any cooperative communication with the Saudis. ~~~~~~~~~~ Former US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, who recently met with Arab leaders in the Gulf, weighed in with similar thoughts: "None of them [Arab leaders] would say anything about it publicly, but they would certainly acquiesce in an overflight if the Israelis didn't trumpet it as a big success." In fact, said Bolton, while these leaders would be privately relieved they would condemn Israel at the UN. ~~~~~~~~~~ This Arab reluctance to in any way show predisposition towards Israel or to admit having cooperated with Israel is both a sign of the on-going Arab-Israeli conflict and a cause of it. Last week I wrote about Congressman Wexler and his promises of "normalization" with the Arab nations if we would only take the "tiny, tiny" step of freezing settlements. A day after his interview appeared in The Jerusalem Post, the paper ran an editorial, "Calling their bluff," which ended with this: "Let Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Special Envoy George Mitchell make their normalization calls on the Arabs publicly, and with the same zeal that has characterized their calls for a settlement freeze." Enough of the secret back-door whispering. We are here to stay in this part of the world, we are a legitimate sovereign nation. It's time this was acknowledged. Thus, in my opinion, is Netanyahu's demand that we be recognized as a Jewish state important. ~~~~~~~~~~ On Sunday, Obama sent a letter to Morocco, seeking the assistance of that nation in normalizing relations with Israel and promoting the "peace process." Why Morocco? Because Morocco's King Mohammed VI already has warm relations with us and is outside the norm for Arab nations. This sort of doesn't count. There is not going to be anything parallel from Saudi Arabia. Their claim is that they've done enough by sponsoring the "peace initiative" of 2002 which calls for normalization if we pull back to '67 lines, take refugees and all the rest. David Weinberg, of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, says that then-Crown Prince Abdullah first spoke to The New York Times about this in 2001 after 9/11, when the reputation of the Saudis was, shall we say, a bit sullied. It was a shrewd PR attempt to create an image of Saudis as "peacemakers" and not terrorists. By 2002, the terms had hardened. And now, says Weinberg, "According to news reports, Washington can't seem to squeeze any commitments about normalization from the Saudis, even if Israel freezes all settlement activity and paints the Jerusalem Old City walls in the Saudi national colors." ~~~~~~~~~~ This leads us full circle to the question of whether the Saudis would allow us to fly in their air space on our way to bombing Iran's nuclear facilities. We don't know. But there remains the possibility that the Saudis fear Iran more than they hate us. ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile Israel has begun a push for an international back-up plan should the US efforts at negotiations with Iran fail. "Should"? That's polite diplomat talk. The more honest word is "when." Say our diplomats, a plan for "paralyzing sanctions" has to be in place before that day arrives, and work on drafting the sanctions must begin immediately. But the Obama administration heaven help us! is not cooperating. You see, if Teheran gets word that the US is working on these sanctions, say US diplomats, then the Iranian leaders will know the US isn't serious about advancing talks. And so, even though the US diplomats don't think chances of success in negotiations with Iran are good, they don't want to reduce the possibilities. What more can possibly be said about this reasoning? ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, I believe we're seeing a certain amount of muscle-flexing by our military: Recently, in a change in policy, we sent an advanced Dolphin-class submarine through the Suez Canal to participate in maneuvers in the Red Sea. And there is news that our air force will be taking part in a joint aerial exercise with an unnamed NATO state, and will be participating in an exercise at a Nevada air force base. In addition, we will be involved in a competition at an air force base in Washington state. A major focus of all of this is drilling for long-range maneuvers. ~~~~~~~~~~ Vice President Biden, in an ABC TV interview on Sunday, was asked if the US would stand in our way if Israel decided to take out Iran's nuclear capacity. His answer: "[The US] cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do. "Israel can determine for itself it's a sovereign nation what's in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else." I think I detect a subtle softening of the US position here perhaps because the prospect of success in negotiations with Iran is dim. Although this still doesn't tell us if the US would object to our flying over Iraq, or whether there might be some secondary back-up in a crunch. ~~~~~~~~~~ I cannot leave this subject, however, without sharing a perceptive comment by a friend of mine here: "Interesting how V.P. Biden can say that Israel is a sovereign state and can do whatever is in its interests when it comes to removing Iran's nuclear facilities, but not when it comes to building a few more structures in Judea and Samaria and, by the way, the eastern part of Jerusalem." (Thanks, Judith) ~~~~~~~~~~ This brings us, then, back to the subject of settlements and the US a subject that is likely to be on-going for a long time. On Friday, Ron Dermer, a "good guy" who is Netanyahu's director for policy planning, gave an interview to the Post. In a great many respects I found it a good piece. He insists, for example, that Israel hasn't "hoodwinked" the US with regard to settlements, we've been very above board. But I want to focus here on a statement he made that unsettles me. "There is a huge gap," he said, "between the conversation that takes place in the press on the settlements and what is said in the diplomatic arena..." His point is that the media have blown the issue out of proportion. His argument clearly the Netanyahu line is that the US-Israel relationship is so strong that if there is disagreement on just one issue the media focus on it.
I would challenge this on several fronts. But what strikes me as most obvious is that it has been Obama and his administration and not the media that have focused inordinately on the issue of settlements. Of all of the things he might have spoken about, he chose this subject to pressure us about in his Cairo talk. He set the tone, and it was continued in the misrepresentation of Hilary, who claimed there was no agreement between Israel and the US with regard to continued building. I don't want to see this issue minimized. And I don't want to think this is a set-up, preparing us for an "arrangement" on the issue of settlements arrived at between our government and our "good friends" in Washington. As I've said before, and will continue to say: Our right to build in Judea and Samaria goes to the very heart of our right to maintain a presence in the land that is the foundation of our ancient heritage. It is also a matter of legal right from the time of the Mandate in 1922. ~~~~~~~~~~ I strongly recommend Yisrael Medad's article from the LA Times, "In defense of 'settlements'":
~~~~~~~~~~ MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) is a freshman in the Knesset and one great up-and-coming lady. She has now initiated a letter to Netanyahu, signed by Likud right-wingers. It says: "We Likud MKs are turning to you due to reports that you would agree to freeze settlement growth temporarily in parts of Judea and Samaria, despite our promise to the voters to continue building in the settlements. The Likud has always been in favor of natural development in Judea and Samaria, including during the election campaign. "Among those who signed it," according to press reports, were deputy minister Ayoub Kara and Danny Danon, Miri Regev, Tzion Pinyan, Carmel Shama and Yariv Levin. Perhaps I can learn more about the entire list of those who signed it (although perhaps some signatories consider this a private communication at this point). At any rate, I can only be pleased by this news. If Netanyahu is going to be kept honest on these issues, it will be because Likud faction members are speaking out. Signatory Yariv Levin said that this "gentle" communication was a first warning to Netanyahu that the patience of those who signed the letter was wearing thin. ~~~~~~~~~~ At the Knesset faction meeting today, signatory Danny Danon who is strongly principled and feisty said that Netanyahu had "defrauded" Likud voters by supporting a Palestinian state, which is opposed by a majority of Likud members and MKs as well as by a majority of the country. Netanyahu responded, according to the Post, that "his statements in favor of a demilitarized Palestinian state had led to key diplomatic achievements, including the Quartet calling on the Palestinians to declare an end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as part of a peace agreement." That's what the Post says he said. But I read it and ask, did he really say this? Wouldn't a peace agreement if it were genuine have to include an end to the conflict? He considers it an achievement that he got the Quartet to call for this? If there were acknowledgement that we have a right to build in the settlements, and to retain settlement blocs in any final agreement, that would be a diplomatic achievement. Mr. Prime Minister, you're looking rather lame. ~~~~~~~~~~ One passing note in closing. Right-wingers, nationalists, such as Danny Danon, are routinely referred to in the media (which tilts left) as "hawks." This offends me. A "hawk" is war-like. People who seek to defend our rights as a Jewish nation are not war-like. Quite the contrary: we are more likely to end up with war if we cave and surrender our rights and appease. The reverse has also bothered me for years: Far left groups are referred to as "the peace camp." What? Because we refuse to give away our land this means we are against peace? The philosophy of "Peace Now" will never lead to genuine peace. ~~~~~~~~~~ "The Good News Corner" The Israel Antiquities Authority has announced the discovery on Shmuel HaNavi Street in Jerusalem of a huge quarry that was used in Second Temple times. Dr. Ofer Sion, who is the excavation director, believes that, "The stones that were quarried here were used by Herod to build the walls of the Temple." What has been uncovered as part of required routine exploration prior to construction is actually a small part of a series of quarries across Jerusalem that actually lowered the topography in the area around the Old City. The project which according to ancient historian Josephus took eight years boggles the mind. More than 10,000 people were trained for this work. Hundreds of thousands of stones were quarried, some as large as three meters by two meters by two meters. The stones were transported in a variety of ways, including by use of rolling wooden structures drawn by camels.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Tarek AHeggy, July 6, 2009. |
In the years between 1967 and 1973, when I was studying towards a degree in law and a Masters in general and comparative law, I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of the principles of Islamic jurisprudence. Later, while teaching at universities abroad, I set out to develop a wider knowledge of the subject. My readings took me beyond the circle of the four Sunni schools of jurisprudence to those of the Shiites (the most important of which is the Ithna'ashariyya or Imammeya), and the four main doctrines of the Khawarij (the most important of which is the Abadeya school prevalent in a small region of Algeria and in most of the Sultanate of Oman), as well as to other schools, such as the eponymous Al-Tabri and Al-Laith interpretations. Nor did my readings stop there. I found myself exploring other worlds closely linked to the field of Islamic jurisprudence, the most important being the doctrine of the Mutakallimun, or dialectical theologians, and delving deeply into the philosophical teachings of the Mutazalites and the Ash'arites. There was also the world of the Bateneyites in the history of Islam, to which I was introduced by a close friend, Dr. Mahmoud Ismail, whose writings on the thinking of the Khawarij, the Qarametta and of what he calls the other 'secret sects' of Islam served as one of my primary sources while studying the history of Islamic jurisprudence. In the course of a journey extending for over twenty years, I developed a strong aversion for those I call "worshippers of the word" and "prisoners of tradition", and a profound admiration for the proponents of reason, most notably, of course, Ibn Rushd (Averoess), whose championship of the primacy of reason was adopted by Europe and rejected by the Muslim world. Europe's gain was our loss: in turning our backs on Ibn Rushd, we lost a historic opportunity for development. A close reading of all Ibn Taymeya's works, as well as the works of his disciples, from Ibn Qaiym Al-Juzeya to Mohamed bin Abdul Wahab at the end of the eighteenth century, only deepened my aversion towards this trend and my admiration for the Mu'tazalites, who emphasized human responsibility in matters of religion, and for liberal thinkers who chose the path of reason over that of dogma, like Ibn Sinna (Avicenna), Al-Farabi and the leading exponent of this school, Ibn Rushd. When I compare some of the works of Al-Ghazali (Algazel), like "The Revival of the Religious Sciences" (Ihya' Ulum ad-Din), "The Criterion of Knowledge" (Mi'yar al-'Elm), "The Criterion of Work" (Mi'yar al-'Amal), "Salvation From Perdition" (Al-Monqeth Men al'Dallal), "The Essence of Orthodoxy" (Al-Mustafsah Men Elm al-Osoul) and the "Incoherence of the Philosophers" (Tahafut al-Falasifah), which are distinctly lacking in rationality, with the writings of Ibn Rushd, in which rationality reigns supreme, I am amazed that the battle waged between the exponents of these two distinct schools ten centuries ago should have ended up in a clear victory for Al-Ghazali and a crushing defeat for Ibn Rushd. Nowhere is the difference in the approach of the two men more evident than in their defining works: Al-Ghazali's "The Incoherence of the Philosophers" and Ibn Rushd's "The Incoherence of the Incoherence." I was also amazed at how historians of Islamic thought concealed the fact that Al-Ghazali was unfailingly supportive of despotic rulers, contrary to Ibn Rushd, who was a constant source of irritation for despots determined to keep their subjects in a state of intellectual inertia, thereby guaranteeing the perpetuation of the status quo and their continued unchallenged authority. For an active mind is the source of questions and questions lead to accountability and, as an enlightened friend put it, questions have eyes and answers are blind! I spent years trying to understand why the Muslims had chosen to follow the line advocated by Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, the proponent of orthodoxy and tradition for whom knowledge meant only knowledge of religion and who cancelled the role of the mind altogether by denying the possibility of acquiring knowledge through intuition, over the line advocated by Ibn Rushd, who upheld the primacy of reason and sowed the seeds of a renaissance we chose not to reap. Why were Al-Ghazali's ideas so readily accepted while Ibn Rushd's were rejected? I believe the answer to this paradox can be summed up in one word: despotism. At a time despotism in our part of the world was at its height, it is not surprising that Muslim rulers should have found Al-Ghazali's ideas more appealing than those of Ibn Rushd. The orthodox line was also more appealing to their subjects who, under the yoke of tyranny, found it safer and less demanding to go along with the views of those who required nothing more from them than a suspension of their critical faculties. In Europe, where the forces of enlightenment were locked in a confrontation with the clericalism that stifled intellectual initiative and rational thought, despotism was in retreat. This explains why, in the thirteenth century, a prestigious centre of learning like the University of Paris supported the ideas of the Arab Muslim Ibn Rushd over those of the European Christian Thomas Aquinas, the scholastic philosopher famous for his two-swords doctrine. Meanwhile, the Muslim world continued to be ruled by despots who brooked no challenge to their authority and an equally despotic religious establishment which decried the use of reason and demanded blind adherence to the authority of tradition. Closely linked as to methods, motivations and goals, these two factors created an atmosphere that was inimical to the unhindered pursuit of knowledge. Still, things were not only either black or white. True, the Muslims lost a historic opportunity to use Ibn Rushd's ideas as a springboard that could have placed them on a path similar to the one which took Europe from the obscurantist thinking of the thirteenth century to the vigorous intellectual climate which encourages debate, free thinking, general freedoms and creativity in literature, art and science. But it is also true that Muslims have known two "Islams", as it were, one that can be described as the Turkish-Egyptian model and one as the Bedouin model. While the former cannot claim to have attained the level of enlightenment, progressive thinking and freedom that characterizes the ideas of Ibn Rushd, it was nevertheless a gentle and tolerant Islam that could and did coexist with others. Indeed, non-Muslims living in the Ottoman Empire enjoyed more protection that any other minority living anywhere else in the world at the time. Under the Ottomans, Christians of the Levant and Jews in Arab countries lived in conditions very similar to the ones in which the Muslim subjects of the empire were living. Even when they were persecuted by certain rulers, like Al-Hakem bi Amr Allah, it was part of a general policy that made no distinction between non-Muslims and Muslims. Although this model of Islam can in no way be described as secular, it adopted an enlightened approach to religion, dealing with it as a system of spiritual beliefs rather than as a system that ruled all aspects of life and governed the affairs of society. Meanwhile, an altogether different model of Islam was taking shape among geographically isolated communities living far from coastlines and hence from exposure to the outside world. Their insularity provided an ideal breeding ground for the ideas of Ibn Taymema, Ibn Qaym Al-Juzeya and, towards the end of the eighteenth century, those of Mohamed bin Abdul Wahab. A collision between the two models of Islam was inevitable, and, in the second decade of the nineteenth century, they confronted one another on the field of battle. Under the command of Mohamed Ali's son, Tousson, then of his other son, Ibrahim, arguably the greatest of the Egyptian ruler's sons, the Egyptian army, and with it, the more enlightened Turkish-Egyptian model of Islam, emerged victorious. But the winds of change were blowing throughout the region, and the years that followed were not kind to Turkey and Egypt. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I brought an end to Turkey's ascendancy, while Egypt's influence receded as its economy and educational system declined. Meanwhile, the proponents of the model of Islam which demanded a strict adherence to the letter of scripture and slammed the door shut in the face of rationality, suddenly found themselves in control of vast wealth unprecedented in history. This gave them an enormous edge over their moderate rivals and allowed them to extend their influence into the traditional strongholds of the Turkish-Egyptian model of Islam, where they waged a systematic campaign to co-opt establishment personalities and institutions. The success of this campaign found its most salient expression in the emergence of fanatical movements like the Taliban, who interpreted the doctrines of religion on the basis of tradition alone and imposed a scholastic, doctrinal brand of Islam that left no room for the exercise of reason. This sorry state of affairs could have been avoided if the majority of Muslims had supported Ibn Rushd or if conditions had not forced the retreat of the Turkish-Egyptian model. In numerous lectures I gave in Europe and America, I tried to familiarize people with what I call Egyptian Islam which, until the nineteen forties, stood as a unique example of tolerance and flexibility. Noted for its acceptance of the Other, it was not pathologically obsessed with the fine print of scripture. While recognizing the divine character of the prophetically revealed laws, it also recognized that some of their provisions were formulated in the context of a different time, place and circumstances. Thus divinity was reserved for religion and did not extend to how mortals understood or chose to interpret its strictures. It was tacitly understood that there is a subjective dimension to the interpretation of any text, and that interpretation is necessarily coloured by the interpreter's cultural formation, knowledge and intellectual abilities. The voices now raised in the West in general and in the United States in particular to warn against the menace of "militant Islam" would do well to ask themselves a number of important questions: Who shut their eyes for many years to a general climate which allowed the militant model of Islam to spread unchecked and forced the civilized, humanistic Turkish-Egyptian model to retreat in disarray as economic conditions and educational institutions declined, leaving the way open to an invasion by the militant model? Who turned a blind eye to these developments for close on thirty years and are today bemoaning the way things have turned out? Tarek Heggy is an Egyptian political theorist, author and expert on the international petroleum industry. |
Posted by Devin Sper, July 6, 2009. |
The Obama administration's demands on Israel's new government that it cease construction of Jewish housing in disputed areas follow an old pattern. Three decades of failed U.S. attempts to broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace have each begun with pressure on Israel to demonstrate her good will by making concrete unilateral concessions such as land and the releasing of terrorists from Israeli prison. In response, the Palestinians are merely asked to make peace. Yet, when the time comes for the Palestinians to deliver on even this intangible and reversible obligation, they instead instigate a new wave of terror and the agreement falls apart. U.S. and other foreign diplomats then demand Israel make further irreversible concessions to appease the Palestinians and the pattern begins again. To add insult to injury, Israel is falsely accused of not fulfilling previous agreements whereas Palestinians are never held to their obligations. The current example is the Obama administration's claim that Israel is in violation of some unnamed previous agreement to stop building Jewish housing in disputed territory. For the record, no Israeli government has ever agreed to restrict the right of a Jew to live anywhere he wishes to, nor is it conceivable that any Israeli government will ever agree to such a proposition. An apartheid-like law forbidding Jews from living in certain areas would be rejected by any civilized country, and is certainly not going to be enacted by the Jewish state. Meanwhile the international community does not cite Palestinians incitement, bombings, rocketing of Israeli cities, kidnapping and murder of Israelis as violations of peace agreements. This pattern has been repeated so many times under the Carter, Clinton, and now Obama administrations that it cannot be attributed to either ignorance or innocence and is obviously a tactic intended to wring more one-sided concessions out of Israel. The pattern has been constantly repeated because it has been successful in gaining Israeli concessions; it has been singularly unsuccessful however, in bringing peace. Only by breaking this pattern and not by repeating a failed formula can real peace be achieved. Either the Obama administration has not learned the lessons of 30 years of failed land-for-peace process, or like some previous administrations, it seeks not peace but rather to curry favor with the Muslim world by paying in Israeli coin. This time however, pressure on Israel will not only fail to bring peace, it will fail to bring Israeli concessions. With few exceptions, Israelis across the political spectrum now realize that three decades of Israel's concessions have not brought peace, and have, in fact, precluded it. The turning point was the withdrawal from Gaza. Having withdrawn from every inch of the territory claimed by the Palestinian Arabs and sacrificing the homes of thousands of Israelis in the process, Israel received not peace but 8,000 missiles on Israeli cities and a Hamas government openly espousing Israel's destruction. This has brought about a belated recognition on the part of many Israelis that the Arab-Israeli conflict has never been a simple land dispute and therefore cannot be solved merely by moving Israel's borders; That the hatred of Israel's enemies has nothing to do with the size of the Jewish State or the location of her borders, but with her existence in principle. This epiphany regarding the true nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict is the primary reason Israelis reduced the once Labor dominant labor party to insignificance in the recent Israeli election and elected a government opposed to any further concessions to an unrepentant enemy. Prime Minister Netanyahu's clear explanation of the root cause of the conflict during his recent speech at Bar Ilan University gives voice to a more realistic view now shared by most Israelis. It is incumbent on American Jews, whether we agree with President Obama on other issues or not, that we encourage and support Israel to stand her ground against demands for further unilateral concessions. History has shown that such concessions do not bring peace but rather prevent it. Devin Sper is a senior fellow at the Center for Advanced Middle East Studies and author of The Future of Israel, winner of a 2005 GLYPH award. |
Posted by Paul Rotenberg, July 6, 2009. |
Thanks to Laya Crust who sent this to me. |
West Bank Dictionary The terminology that the media uses conveys so much! And we, the consumers of their news reports, are often so uninformed and/or unthinking that we swallow the hook embedded in the tidbits that they feed us. So it is that, on the West Bank, Jews live in "settlements" while Arabs live in towns, villages, and cities. And while we're at it there's the term "West Bank" itself. Like most folks, I'm comfortable with "West Bank" as a neutral, innocent, geographical phrase ..while the use of "Judea and Samaria" is politically motivated and is what the "settlers" and right wing Israelis call it ...right? Actually that's wrong! It's another rewrite of history that we've swallowed. Consider the following: "They (Judea and Samaria) are the definitive and proper political and geographic names for the region and have been in general use since Clearchus, a disciple of Aristotle. These two areas have no other names. These names were used during the League of Nations Mandate period. They appear in British government documents, United Nations documents including the UN Partition Plan of 1947. They appear in U.S. State Department documents, including a July 18, 1948 map. Even as late as 1961, the Encyclopedia Britannica refers to "Judaea" and "Samaria" in an article on "Palestine" (Vol. 17, p. 118). Trans-Jordan illegally invaded Judea-Samaria in 1948 and as a result of its aggression occupied that region. It then unilaterally annexed the area on April 4, 1950, which was recognized by only two nations, the United Kingdom and Pakistan. The Arab League, their Muslim supporters, anti-Israel elements and anti-Semites, deliberately sought to rob the region of its correct political and geographic name. They had to fabricate a brand new name for they could find no other name for the territory. Mislabeling was their technique of disinformation and de-legitimization. The "West Bank" was the name concocted by King Abdullah I of Trans-Jordan and his British advisors, allowing the king to annex land outside of his artificially "created" kingdom. He then changed the name of his kingdom twice, first to "The Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan" but that was quickly rejected since it gave the appearance of a kingdom only along the banks of the Jordan River. The name then was changed again to the "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan." The term "West Bank" eradicates all Jewish historical connection to the area. It is a sad commentary that many in the West, including the political left, many Israel's supporters, some Israelis themselves, as well as the naive and self-delusional who think the name does not matter, have acquiesced to this unilateral change of names and use it in common parlance. But the name does matter." Below: I've circled the Judea and Samaria regions on this detail of a French map of the area from 1791. ![]() ![]() Dry Bones: Israel's Political Comic Strip since 1973
Paul Rotenberg lives in Toronto, Canada. Contact him at pdr@rogers.com
Posted by Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah, July 6, 2009. |
Yitzhar: The Israeli Government's Jewish Expulsion Laboratory
(IsraelNN.com) "In what appears to have been a coordinated attack on Jews from Yitzhar, in Samaria, a group of Arabs set fire to agricultural fields on Monday evening and then released a barrage of rocks at people responding to the arson. IDF forces responded to the incident and dispersed the attackers. (Read the story here.)" Over the years, there quite a bit of attention has been on Yitzhar. Why Yitzhar? I'll tell you why. It's really quite simple. Yitzhar is by far the most ideologically-loyal town in the Shomron, and thus the biggest threat to the Israeli government. Take down Yitzhar, and most everyone else in the Shomron (Samaria) will get up and go quietly. Thus, Yitzhar has been one of the government's main [what I like to call] "Jewish Expulsion Laboratories," (That's expulsion, not propulsion.) experimenting with a variety of strategies to remove Jews from their towns and homes. 1. Torah-hating Jews and Yishma'elim (Arabs) have been given free reign to burn and destroy everything in their path. They have systematically burn fields, uprooted vineyards, including just before and during the Shmitah (Sabbatical) year, when Jews were powerless to do anything to repair most of the damage. Contact Yaaqov Ben-Yehudah by email at yaaqov.ben.yehudah@gmail.com |
Posted by Marc Samberg, July 6, 2009. |
This was written by Nathan Guttman and it appeared July 1, 2000.
WASHINGTON Former Pentagon Iran analyst Larry Franklin recently quit his job cleaning the restrooms at his local church in West Virginia. He still keeps his weekend job, mopping the floors at a nearby Roy Rogers restaurant. In recent years, Franklin also has gained experience in parking cars, digging trenches and cleaning cesspools. In between, he has been searching for a publisher for his book a manual for saving America from the Iranian threat. On June 30, Franklin marked the fifth anniversary of his meeting with FBI agents, in which he first learned he was a suspect in what would later be known as "the AIPAC case," referring to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Along with Franklin, two of the Washington lobby's senior officials were charged with violating the seldom-used federal Espionage Act of 1917. Although charges against the two other key players, former lobbyists Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, were ultimately dropped in May, Franklin pleaded guilty early on as part of a plea agreement and is preparing to serve his reduced sentence of 100 hours of community service and 10 months in a halfway house. Franklin's narrative of his ordeal, which started off with him being described on national news as the "Israeli mole" in the Pentagon, reflects a mixture of naiveté, frustration with government bureaucracy and a deep belief that his views must be heard, even if it meant breaking the rules. In retrospect, it was a practice in humility for the devout Catholic military analyst. "I've learned a lot by crawling on the ground," the 62-year-old father of five said in his first interview since the affair began in 2004. The lessons that Franklin has learned from his experience include the capacity by his colleagues and partners for as he sees it betrayal, and the persistence, he has concluded, of deep-rooted antisemitic sentiment in certain quarters of America's intelligence community. "I was asked about every Jew I knew in OSD [Office of the Secretary of Defense], and that bothered me," Franklin said. His superiors at the time were both Jewish: Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of defense, and Douglas Feith, undersecretary of defense for policy, whom Franklin believes was a target of the investigation. "One agent asked me, 'How can a Bronx Irish Catholic get mixed up with ...' and I finished the phrase for him: 'with these Jews.'" Franklin answered, "Christ was Jewish, too, and all the apostles." "Later I felt dirty," he added. Bound until recently by a plea agreement that barred him from speaking to the press, Franklin has refrained until now from telling his side of the story. But in the Washington office of his attorney, Plato Cacheris, Franklin seemed eager to share his experience. Cacheris, who took on Franklin's case pro bono, intervened time and again to warn his client against revealing information that is either classified or under a seal imposed by the court. Franklin was quick to agree, calling Cacheris his "angel" who saved him from prison. In exchange for his cooperation with federal prosecutors, Franklin was initially sentenced to 12.5 years in prison as part of his plea agreement. But before entering his plea in 2005, he was approached by two people who suggested he fake his suicide and disappear to avoid testifying in court. At the request of the FBI, to which he immediately reported the encounter, Franklin had several follow-up conversations on the phone with one of them. "I thought I was in a movie," Franklin said of the episode. Details of the event are still under court seal, and Franklin declined to identify the individuals who approached him or to offer further details. Franklin, w ho speaks seven languages and holds a doctorate in East Asian studies, tends to weave historical references easily into his discourse, from ancient Greece to the modern days. His concern is intense. Some in the government, he believes, "had some fantasy of a conspiracy" that had continued, unabated, after the 1985 arrest and 1987 conviction of Pentagon intelligence analyst Jonathan Pollard on charges of spying for Israel. According to Franklin, the investigators he dealt with believed "that Pollard had a secret partner, a mole, probably in the OSD." This quest to expose the mole, Franklin said, was, in part, "energized by a more malevolent emotion: antisemitism." In part, it was also fed by a deep suspicion toward Israel. "In the intelligence community," he said, "you refer to Israelis as Izzis and it doesn't have a pleasant connotation. They can't get away with kikes, so they say Izzis." This suspicion became clear to Franklin as he learned of the way investigators viewed activists of the pro-Israel lobby. He said it was made clear to him by the FBI that Rosen, then AIPAC's foreign policy director, was the target of the investigation and had been followed by the FBI for years. "The bureau told me Rosen was a bad guy," he said. Believing that he himself had "done wrong," Franklin agreed to cooperate with the FBI investigation. This cooperation culminated in a June 26, 2003, meeting at an Italian restaurant in Arlington, Va., where Franklin was sent by the FBI to carry out a sting operation against the AIPAC lobbyists. Before his meeting with Weissman, agents wired Franklin with microphones and transmitters and provided him with a fake classified document alleging there was clear life-threatening danger posed to Israelis secretly operating in Iraq's Kurdish region. Passing on the information would help seal the case against the AIPAC staffers. "At the time, I believed they were guilty," Franklin said of Weissman and Rosen. Yet he still came to the meeting with mixed feelings. He put the document on the table, but hoped Weissman would not reach out for it. "And when he did not take the document, I did breath a silent sigh of relief," he recalled. In retrospect, Franklin sees that moment as "one I am not proud of." Though Weissman didn't take the document, he read its content, which was allegedly classified, and the sting operation succeeded. Weissman hurried back to AIPAC headquarters with the supposedly classified information disclosed it to Rosen, who subsequently relayed it to an Israeli diplomat. Even without Weissman taking the actual paper, prosecutors, who were wiretapping all the players, felt they had enough of a case to press charges against both Rosen and Weissman for communicating national defense information. Franklin said he felt betrayed by the two former AIPAC staffers. He believed that he was sharing information with them so that they could pass it to other government officials, and was disappointed to learn they conveyed it to Israeli diplomats and to the press. "I do think they crossed a line when they went to a foreign official with what they knew was classified information," Franklin said. Rosen told the Forward in response: "Franklin did not expect us to warn the Israelis that they would be kidnapped and killed? That's like telling officials of the NAACP that there is going to be a lynching, but don't warn the victims, because it is a secret." For Franklin, ties with Rosen and Weissman were instrumental. He had grown frustrated with decisions made by his Pentagon bosses on Iraq and Iran, believing that regime change in Iran was the course America should pursue. Franklin warned that Americans Cwould return in body bags" from Iraq because of Iranian intervention, and called for a preliminary show of force against Iran before invading Iraq, but got no response. Viewing the AIPAC lobbyists as well connected, Franklin bypassed his superiors and asked Rosen to convey his concerns on Iran to officials at the National Security Council, to whom he believed the influential lobbyist had access. "I wanted to kind of shock people at the NSC," he said, "to shock them into pausing and giving another consideration into why regime change needed to be the policy." Franklin's attempt to reach out over the heads of his bosses was unsuccessful and eventually got him in trouble. In the June 11 sentencing session at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Judge T.S. Ellis showed little sympathy for Franklin's explanation of the reasons that led him to disclose the information. "Secrets are important to a nation. If we couldn't keep our secrets, we would be at great risk," Ellis said. Contact Marc Samberg at mechelsamberg@yahoo.com |
Posted by Saul Goldman, July 6, 2009. |
It is not a new world, at least if you take history seriously. It is the same old world, only the clothing styles have changed. We tried to make believe we were different and that the Zionist achievement created a new Jew that we called Israeli. But, we remain the old shtetl Jew, and this implies that we retain the old complexes such as victory guilt and the old style shtadlan diplomacy. We are different and the world will always see us as Jews. Accepting this as integral to our foreign policy and especially the way we train and educate our soldiers is essential. This conflict is not about territory; it is about ideology. It is about people who are transparently enslaved to an ideology of domination against a people that are free. But, these days freedom is too costly not only for Jews but for Americans as well. So in order to make this uncomfortable truth go away, make the Jews go away. This below was written by Daniel Gordis and it appeared July
3, 2009 in the Jerusalem Post. It is archived at
I wouldn't be surprised if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu were thinking of Tevye these days. Tevye was, after all, a quasi-pathetic character simply trying to make sense of a world changing far more quickly than he might have ever imagined possible. Having granted his daughter, Hodel, permission to marry Perchik the pauper, he wonders, "What am I going to tell your mother?" He didn't choose Perchik, and he doesn't really approve. But he is powerless. And when his wife expresses her dismay, the best explanation he can offer is "It's a new world, Golde." "It's a new world, Golde" is not a claim that Perchik is the right man for Hodel. Or that he'll ever make a real living. It's simply a claim that the rules have changed. And in a world with new rules, people must learn to act and respond differently. Tevye never says that, of course. But he is simple, not stupid; and he intuitively understands that he is going to have to learn to navigate his world in an entirely different way. Tevye is a not entirely inapt metaphor for Israel. We're living in world operating according to rules that we're just beginning to understand. Convinced of the legitimacy of at least much of our position, for years we ignored the warning signs that the world was turning on us, that it has grown tired of the conflict in the Middle East, and that it believes we are the reason the conflict will not subside. The world didn't change overnight. We simply weren't watching. NOW THERE is no more denying the new ground rules. Barack Obama is not really changing them. Perhaps he is shifting America's position, perhaps not. But more than anything, he is simply articulating infinitely more clearly than anyone else has what it is that the world has come to believe. And we are going to have to learn to operate not in the world we wish existed, but in the world that does exist. And in this new world, Israel is going to be held to standards that are infinitely less tolerant than the standards to which the rest of the world is accountable. Consider, after all, events of just the past few weeks. In the aftermath of the Iranian election, much of the world watched with admiration and hope as Iranians took to the streets to insist on their (supposed) democratic rights. When the Iranian government resorted to intimidation, silencing of the press, force and then murder, the world was horrified but it was also quiet. Where were the mass rallies across Europe and on those North American campuses where students were still to be found calling for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to back down? Where were the heads of state clamoring to get in front of television cameras calling for a new election? To be sure, the world was unhappy, but this was hardly an outpouring of support or of condemnation. Compare that to the world's reaction to the Gaza operation half a year ago. To be sure, the circumstances were entirely different. Iran's election is an internal matter, while the Gaza op was not. And other differences abound. But Israel was responding to eight years of shelling of its citizens in what is undisputedly its territory (unless one disputes the notion that any territory is legitimately ours which, in fact, is exactly Hamas' position); nonetheless, even before the urban warfare began, the world was unanimous and vocal that the operation had to end. An almost deadening silence in one instance. And deafening outcries of excessive force in the other. Welcome to the new world.
OR SUPPOSE that some number of Israeli Arab women decided that they were going to wear the burka as a means of intensifying their personal religious odyssey. And that in response to their decision, Netanyahu said, "In our country, we cannot accept that women be prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity," or that "the burka is not a religious sign, it's a sign of subservience, a sign of debasement I want to say it solemnly, it will not be welcome on the territory of the State of Israel." One can just imagine the world's outcry, the accusations of religious oppression, comparisons with apartheid South Africa or, yes, Nazi Germany. But substitute "the Republic of France" for State of Israel, and you have precisely French President Nicolas Sarkozy's words this week again, to a relatively silent international community of listeners. Or finally, recall Obama's twisting in the wind as he came to realize that his outstretched hand to Iran was not going to be shaken as warmly as he'd allowed himself to imagine. Eventually, he gave in to enormous pressure to criticize the Iranian regime's repressive measures. But his criticism was tepid he couldn't get over his fundamental sense that the world ought not meddle in Iran's internal affairs. A few days later, however, the press reported that Sarkozy had told Netanyahu that it was time to dump Avigdor Lieberman and restore Tzipi Livni. Sarkozy's advice, apparently, is considered moving peace forward. Obama's suggesting that Iran recount the vote would be meddling.
THERE'S NO point railing against a double standard that no one is even inclined to deny. Right or wrong, for better or for worse, we need to adapt. Israel is going to have to learn to get ahead of the curve. Had Netanyahu's speech at Bar-Ilan University, by most accounts a very good speech, preceded Obama's Cairo address, Israel would have been throwing down the gauntlet, challenging the Palestinians to recognize the Jewish state and to live in peace beside it. But coming when they did, Netanyahu's remarks were essentially seen as caving in to Obama too little, too late. That's what has to change. In this new world, the spotlight will almost always be on Israel. Settlement building. Roadblocks. Lieberman. We're going to have to learn to alter that. Make some accommodations, but demand clearly and unequivocally that the Palestinians do the same. Netanyahu, or whoever follows him, is going to have to learn to keep the ball, and the world's attention, squarely in and on their court. Like it or not, Israel needs to take the initiative, time and time again because nothing else will work. "It's a new world, Bibi," Tevye would have said. We don't have to like it. And it may not be fair, or just. But as we are wont to say, "zeh mah yesh" it is what it is. As Tevye understood, we can either adapt, exerting at least some control over our fates, or we can wistfully long for days when other rules prevailed, even as we get swept away by currents we've barely begun to comprehend. Contact Saul Goldman at gold7910@bellsouth.net |
Posted by Olivier Guitta, July 6, 2009. |
After the much dubious Iranian presidential elections and the popular revolt that ensued, the European Union took the lead in supporting the people of Iran. Most vocal were France and the UK compared to the tepid U.S. reaction. The Iranian regime did not wait long to blame the West and tension has escalated since local personnel from the British embassy in Tehran were detained by Iranian authorities. The EU is envisioning withdrawing all 27 ambassadors to Iran to protest. And it might be onto something? Former French president Jacques Chirac told The New York Times in Jan. 2007 regarding sanctions, ?The question is how can we impose sufficiently strong constraints on Iran. This is a difficult issue. One has to know what Iran can withstand or not. Iran has a regime that is still a bit fragile, a bit fragile. The last elections proved in particular that the President did not have all the authority one could have expected. This somewhat fragile regime is afraid. Afraid of what? Afraid of being contested. What does it want? It wants to maintain the regime of the mullahs. To maintain the regime of the mullahs, it needs to not be contested or threatened by the international community?. Iran is now being hit by this double whammy: domestic revolt and international isolation. But in order to increase pressure the EU and other Western nations should break off diplomatic relations with Tehran following the example of what France did in 1987-1988. In fact, from 1983 (the bombing of the French barracks in Beirut) to 1987, Iran sponsored terror attacks against France. From January 1, 1985 to March 31, 1986, Iran?s main terror proxy, Hezbollah kidnapped 13 French personalities in Beirut; among them one was murdered. Then on Dec. 7, two large Parisian department stores were targets of a terrorist attack. This was just the beginning of a terror campaign that lasted until September 1986 killing thirteen and injuring hundreds in the streets of Paris. Alain Marsaud, then head of the French counterterrorism unit, explained the responsibilities of the 1986 terror campaign in Paris this way, ? Iran, the sponsor of the attacks used a Lebanon-based Hezbollah network plus a Maghrebi logistic cell in order to convince France to change its foreign policy.? Also in its final report on the wave of attacks, transmitted to then Prime Minister Chirac, the DST (the French equivalent of the FBI) noted, ?Nothing could have been decided without the blessing of either Iranian parliament president Rafsanjani or Ayatollah Montazeri.? With that in hand, Chirac wanted to pressure the Iranians by humiliating them. He said, ?like all peoples, Iranians hate losing face. They have their dignities. So if you treat them like chimpanzees?? The best method according to Chirac to deal with Iran was to cut off diplomatic relations. He went as far as stating,? As long as you will behave like animals, we will not have diplomatic relations with you.? And so on July 17, 1987 France cut off diplomatic relations with Iran. They were resumed on June 16, 1988 only after the last French hostages in Lebanon were freed and Iran showed good will. France demonstrated in this example firmness, while taking risks of potential additional bombings and/or kidnappings. But nothing happened. It looks like Tehran did not bear its new image as a pariah on the international scene. Regaining its honor enticed Iran to compromise on some aspects. There?s no reason why this could not be done again today. Olivier Guitta is an Adjunct Fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a foreign affairs and counterterrorism consultant. You can read his latest work at www.thecroissant.com/about.html This article appeared today in the Middle East Times. |
Posted by Shaul Ceder, July 6, 2009. |
This appeared in YNet July 2, 2009. |
The State of Israel is "losing the Galilee" because of current government policies, Housing and Construction Minister Ariel Atias (Shas) said Thursday. Atias, speaking at an Israeli Bar Association conference in Tel Aviv, was reiterating the sentiments expressed by Jewish community heads in northern Israel and added that he sees "bringing the haredi community to the Wadi Ara areas as a national mission," noting the expansion of Arab communities in the north must be stopped. "The Arabs have nowhere to live, so they buy homes in Jewish places, which results in unwanted frictionÅ Some sectors have special needs and they need to live somewhat apart. The haredim, for instance, need synagogues and do not want any traffic on Shabbat. Seculars demand cultural facilities and other things. "We are one people and we need to find a way to live together. We have enough enemies on the outside," Atias said. According to the housing minister, "Mayors don't want mixed cities. We all saw the riots in Akko, we saw how dangerous it was. We can't toy with that. The reality is that different sectors do not necessarily get along. The many Arabs in Wadi Ara make it an undesirable place to live." Atias brought the example of the northern community of Harish, built near Wadi Ara: "(Former Prime Minister) Ariel Sharon started to bring Jews up there 15 year ago, but the project failedÅ what I want to do is to bring over the haredim as a way to continue that." MK Afu Aghbaria (Hadash) slammed Atias' statements, saying he may threaten the delicate fabric of relation between Jews and Arabs in the area. "I suggest he go see a doctor as soon as possible, to see if he has been infected with the (Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor) Lieberman strand racists' flu," he said. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Barry Rubin, July 6, 2009. |
Israel has put forward a serious peace plan which deserves international support from anyone serious about solving the Israeli-Palestinian and Arab-Israeli conflict. The cabinet's five-point proposal states: "The need for explicit Palestinian recognition of the State of Israel as the national state of the Jewish people. If these conditions are met, Israel will recognize an independent Palestinian state. Note that the plan claims no territory on the West Bank or even claims east Jerusalem. This program should be quite uncontroversial and represents what Israel needs to get to justify taking risks, making concessions, and believing the result will be a real, lasting peace. Why, then, is this plan so unacceptable to the Palestinian leadership? Supposedly, Palestinians are so victimized by "occupation" and eager to have their own state of their own that this would be a small price to pay. Regarding point one, if they are giving up all claim on Israel why should they care how it is defined? The Palestinian Authority's constitution defines Palestine as a Muslim, Arab state and their intention is to expel all Jews. If there are going to be two states for two peoples why not accept that Israel is for the Jewish people? The answer: because the Palestinian leadership certainly does not intend to let Israel live permanently as a Jewish state. Point two simply means that a Palestinian state would have military forces similar to what it has now. Since the PA already has the highest proportion of security forces to civilian population in the world, that should be sufficient. In addition, the Palestinian state wouldn't invite in other armies like Iran or Syria. But, after all, that's in the interests of a peaceful, stable Palestine since such forces would threaten the government's existence and provoke war with Israel. Point three says that despite the "international community's" poor record of keeping promises made to Israel in exchange for its past concessions, Israel is ready to take a chance to achieve peace. As for point four, a real Palestinian nationalist movement would be demanding such a provision. Don't Palestinian nationalists want Palestinians to live in Palestine to help create a strong, prosperous state? No. Instead, the PA demands that any Palestinian who ever lived or whose ancestors ever lived in what's now Israel must be let in to live in that country. This is a formula for massive violence and Israel's destruction which is why, of course, the PA insists on it. Point five is a no-brainer, right? Any peace agreement must be final. But, of course, almost all PA leaders regard getting a state as only a first step toward wiping out Israel. So they want to weasel out of even a two-state peace agreement ending the conflict. With no mention of keeping east Jerusalem or settlements, it should be clear that Israel's government has formulated a strategic stance far from being hardline. All those who say peace is easily obtainable should note: it is in theory but because of Palestinian positions it isn't in practice. If more evidence is needed, consider the June 22 policy speech of Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, which proves my point. First, Fayyad complains that Netanyahu presents an "Israeli narrative" of the conflict isn't that his job? while Palestinians have their own "narrative." But then Fayyad says he won't talk about it! Why won't he present that narrative? Because doing so would reveal too much about Palestinian responsibility for making peace impossible. Israel's narrative is clear: Jews want and merit a state; the conflict is due to Arab refusal to accept that state's existence. But if Palestinians accept Israel as a Jewish state, there's no bar to a two-state solution. This Israeli narrative doesn't block a two-state solution. In contrast, the Palestinian narrative is that Jews have no right to a state and all the land is Palestinian, Arab, and (for most) Muslim. This Palestinian narrative prevents a two-state solution since the conflict could only be settled not by Palestine's creation but by Israel's extinction. That's what Fayyad cannot admit. For this same reason he can't say Palestinians will resettle all refugees in Palestine, won't try to build the biggest possible army or bring in foreign troops, or will end the conflict permanently. Second, Fayyad says something amazing: the reason the peace process failed is the misconception "that it is always possible to exert pressure on the weaker side in the conflict as if there is no limit to the concessions that it could offer." He believes that so far this has been the PA. That's nonsense. Israel withdrew from most of the territory, let the PA bring in tens of thousands of Palestinians, establish its rule, build security forces, receive billions of dollars in international subsidies, and more. In exchange what did the PA do? Say to foreigners but not in its textbooks, mosque sermons, media, or speeches to its own people that it accepted Israel's existence. And also to stop some selected terror attacks. But now Fayyad and his colleagues advocate precisely the approach against Israel he says blocks peace. They view Israel as the weaker side, in relation to the West, and want those countries to force it into unlimited concessions. By feeding the PA's false belief that the West will press Israel into giving them a state without restrictions, Palestinian concessions, or even PA implementation of past promises, Western governments help sabotage any chance for peace. Instead, they should think seriously about supporting Israel's moderate, workable peace plan. Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs
(GLORIA) Center and co-author of "Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography" and
"Hating America: A History" (Oxford University Press).
His latest book is The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan).
Prof. Rubin's columns can now be read online at
Contact him at profbarryrubin@yahoo.com
This article is archived at
Posted by Lawrence Uniglicht, July 6, 2009. |
Mahmoud AhMADinejad wants "Israel wiped off the Map!" Ironically, many Iranian people want this guy, beneficiary of a recently rigged election, wiped off the map, loudly proclaiming "Death to the dictator!", publically spewing their intense feelings. Indeed, Mahmoud the Terrible is not exactly your typical Kumbaya figure in his part of the world, even going so far as to deny The Holocaust ever took place, even arranging a conference for kindred spirits, indeed doing whatever it takes to bash Jews as well as panic Jewish Israelis, keeping them in the crosshairs of his intense hatred amplified by an evolving nuclear missile system. Yet, there is a method to this despotic creep's madness, raising the price of his major revenue source oil by creating an atmosphere of instability, scaring the hell out of most folks by wagging his trigger finger while Iran's ever expanding cache of fissile material producing centrifuges keep spinning. This perceived loon threatens by implication to not only blow up oil tankers but our challenged planet as well, setting the stage for the coming of the twelfth Imam, a mythical character he presumably believes will morph Earth into a Shiite style Islamic caliphate, much to the chagrin of a majority of Arabs who happen to be Sunni and in fact don't care much for Shiites, as well as the rest of the world's populace or in his vernacular 'infidels'. All this, of course, can be gleaned from national media outlets worldwide. However, unbeknownst to most folks especially here in America, under our media radar, Iran could sink Uncle Sam's petrodollar thus our now teetering economy if it fully activates its commodity exchange, called a bourse, and begins to accept non-dollar currencies for crude oil; an abstract but deadly concept to us. The impact of that move would send seismic financial shock waves off the Richter scale throughout each and every nation holding our dollar denominated I.O.U.s called Treasury bills. Indeed, China, Japan, England, et al might very well decide to begin ridding their coffers of our most essential exports, three plus trillion greenbacks, consequently less valuable, dethroned from being the planet's primary oil trading currency. Now isn't that just dandy! I'll bet President Obama and his entourage of financial gurus remains well aware of this fact, thus hesitate to truly beat up on Iran's, at least from America's perspective, extortionists. Do you think just maybe, behind closed doors, they contemplate their nation's options with trepidation? So relying on our most essential export, the dollar, for economic salvation, forces America to perhaps tolerate some of the world's most unsavory characters. This is not good! The time has come for our sheltered population to unbury its head from the desert sand and smell the wafting odor of camel dung. Ignorance is not always bliss! Lawrence Uniglicht is a career civil servant. He advocates for the State of Israel with an American perspective. He writes, "Advocating for the disrespected underdog has been my passion, no doubt Israel falls into that category." Contact him by email at larose@snip.net |
Posted by Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah, July 6, 2009. |
B"H 7 of the Fourth Month 5769 Tonight, a couple of friends began alerting me about a film just released by Ilan Mizrahi, "Israel: Rise of the Right." (AlJazeeraEnglish YouTube) Ilan Mizrahi has spent 16 years photographing and filming right wing Israeli settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron. His film, Israel: Rise of the Right, looks at the followers of Rabbi Meir Kahane, an American-born rabbi and politician who proposed the mass expulsion of Arabs from Israel before he was assassinated in 1990. I immediately began asking around who this guy was, whether it was a hack job, or worth watching because [as has been said in Rabbi Binyamin Kahane's HY"D name] "We want everyone to think we are crazy. Then maybe they will leave us alone." The answer I got from my friend, political activist, the "Kalashnikover Rebbe" was quite surprising: There are a few facts wrong here and there, but it wasn't biased at all, shockingly so. He focused all on Baruch Marzel and Itamar Ben-Gvir. He did not acknowledge the other factions and Kahanists, but not to anyone's detriment. The four parts of the film are embedded below, together totaling 46 minutes. The film is mostly in Hebrew with English subtitles, with narration in English. When I finish the entire series, I will issue an update with synopses and commentary. In the meantime, whether you are religious or secular, right or left-identified, check it out, and judge for yourselves. Part 1 includes scenes of police treatment of protesters, the court battle to march in the Israeli Arab city of Um Al-Fahm, and the ironic appointment of Baruch Marzel to supervise the balloting in that cities during the Shevat 5769/February, 2009 Israeli Elections. Part 1 What I found interesting about Part 2 was that the accusations shouted by Arabs regarding a fascist [Israeli] state are much the same as I would hear [and sometimes say myself] in the [minority] Torah-loyal towns in the Shomron (Samaria). Also,... 1. Many of the "600 extremists" living in Hevron are actually somewhat mamlakhi (state-loyal) with a lot of cognitive dissonance. But, as the local saying goes, "A Hevron mamlakhi is nothing like an Ofra mamlakhi." Hardly extremists, they are simply pushed farther and more often than most other towns. 2. Purim is NOT the "Jewish Halloween." OY! 3. Like in Part 1, I got to see a lot of friends and acquaintances, like Gil'ad Pollack, who once described for me being [completely] strip-searched on the street and in front of female officers. Now, B"H, Gil'ad is married with children, but continues to be moser nefesh (self-sacrificing). Many "hilltop youth" get married young, like in many Haredi communities. Rabbi Meir Kahane HY"D once said that the greatest weapon the Arabs had was,...babies. His followers got the message. Fortunately, leftist and "post-Zionist" secularists did not. The birthrates of religious communities continues to be greater than nonreligious communities. Part 2 Part 3 mentions Eden Natan-Zada HY"D. I, myself, did not get to go to Eden's funeral. I knew him, though, I remember him as a sensitive and kind, young man. This part then shifts to singer Dov Shurin. Apparently, the courts cannot touch him for any "incitement," as he only uses p'suqim (verses) from Tanakh (Bible). However, we must not get complacent. I believe that it is only a matter of time before the Erev Rav-controlled government of Israel (GOI) attempts to censor Holy texts. Think I am crazy? Former MK Yossi Sarid (Meretz) already proposed such a measure back in 1998, to cancel the reading of Megillath Esther on Purim, due to its "racism." There is mention of the pogrom at Amona. Sultan Knish provides a comprehensive set of Amona videos, I recommend over the limited footage included in this film. Later, Gil'ad (8:20) provides his perspective on the "Arab-Israeli Conflict." Part 3 Part 4 begins with the situation of those Jews who were forcibly removed from their homes in Azza, back in 5765/2005. The film shows their makeshift bomb shelters they have been having to depend on to protect them from the barrage of rockets fired from Hamas in Azza. This part goes onto the elections, including the election of Dr. Micha'el Ben-Ari (National Union) to Knesseth. (By the way, the Likud Party is not, I repeat not, a right-wing party.*) The film culminates with the "Flag March" in Um Al-Fahm, the court battle of which was presented in the beginning of Part 1. Part 4 ********* *There is no such thing as "right" or "left," only Jewish and un-Jewish. Contact Yaaqov Ben-Yehudah by email at yaaqov.ben.yehudah@gmail.com |
Posted by Maurice Ostroff, July 5, 2009. |
Col. Richard Kemp is former commander of British forces in Afghanistan. |
To the members of the UN Fact-finding mission Since your mission has stated that it intends to seek advice from military experts, the assessment by an independent military expert of the stature of Colonel Richard Kemp, CBE will no doubt be of interest to you. Colonel Kemp is a former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan and a senior adviser on army issues to the British government. His military experience includes completion of 14 operational tours of duty around the globe. An audio recording of a highly relevant, January 2009, BBC interview with Colonel Kemp may be heard on http://maurice-ostroff.tripod.com/id199.html. Below are extracts. ".. I would say that from my knowledge of the IDF and from the extent to which I have been following the current operation, I don't think there has ever been a time in the history of warfare when any army has made more efforts to reduce civilian casualties and deaths of innocent people than the IDF is doing today in Gaza. In June 2009 Colonel Kemp spoke at a conference in Jerusalem. A video clip may be viewed here. During this talk he said "Terror groups do not ignore laws of armed conflicts. They know that their enemies are bound by these laws and try to exploit that. On a practical level they use civilian sites and on a strategic level they use manipulative means". .. deliberately using positions behind the shields of the civilian population not only did Hamas use the insurgent tactics I referred to earlier, they also ordered men women and children to stay in places where they knew the IDF would attack, deliberately sacrificing their own people, deliberately trying to lure you into killing their own innocent civilians. What are the other charges faced by the IDF that we British do not have to face to the same extent? It is the automatic Pavlovian assumption by many in the international media and international human rights groups that the IDF is in the wrong and is abusing human rights. So what did the IDF do in Gaza to meet their obligations to comply with the laws of war? Where possible the IDF gave at least four hours notice to civilians in areas to be targeted. Pilots of attack helicopter targets had total discretion to abort a strike if there were too great a risk of civilian casualties in the area. Many missions that could have taken out military targets were cancelled. During the conflict the IDF allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza. This sort of action would be regarded as risky and dangerous at the best of times, but the IDF took all those risks". I trust that you will find the above information useful in yoyur deliberations Sincerely
This is entitled "International Law and Military Operations in
Practice by Col. Kemp. The full transcript is
This is what he told a conference June 18, 2009 in Jerusalem:
Contact Maurice Ostroff by email at maurice@trendline.co.il |
Posted by Sadik Gergis, July 5, 2009. |
Please sign and forward our online petition calling for the removal of Congressman Keith Ellison from the Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism (CTFAS). We call on you to remove U.S. Representative Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) from CTFAS for conduct which is contradictory to the principles of the task force.
In February 2008, Americans Against Hate (AAH) took a delegation to meet with Congressman Ron Klein, for over half an hour, to show him proof of the above information and to ask him to remove Ellison from CTFAS. Klein said he was concerned about the information and said that he would confront Ellison with the material. He said that it would take him a week to decide whether or not to continue to allow Ellison membership in CTFAS. One week later, Congressman Klein's office said that he would not remove Ellison, stating that Ellison told him that he had "publicly denounced" and would continue to publicly denounce the anti-Semitism from the groups in question. To this day, Ellison has yet to denounce anything concerning these groups, anti-Semitic or otherwise. Instead, he continues to be involved with them, giving the keynote speech once again at MAS-Minnesota's annual convention and even allowing MAS-Minnesota to finance his trip ("pilgrimage") to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. As well, he gave the keynote speech at CAIR-Chicago's Muslim Youth Leadership Symposium (MYLS), where he allowed himself to be photographed shoulder to shoulder with Hamas operative and HLF trial co-conspirator, Jamal Said. Ellison's involvement in groups connected to terrorism and violent hate should make him ineligible. To read the complete petition, click here. Thank you. My question: Are our politicians naive or are selling the country for some cheap, worthless political gain? You should watch this movie: the Third Jihad. Why is the Islamist threat so dangerous?
Video: Islam cuts hand and feet.
This was distributed by the National American Coptic Assembly, Washington, D.C. |
Posted by Yoram Ettinger, July 5, 2009. |
Recent Israeli governments have underestimated the power of Congress |
President Obama and his advisors pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu to avoid intensive contacts with Congress. They claim that such contacts would undermine the Presidency, and would therefore damage US-Israel relations. However, refraining from such contacts would demote Congress into a "Supporting Actor," and thus would be an insult to the American People, to its representatives on Capitol Hill and to the US democracy, which regard Congress as a "Co-Starring Actor." In the long run, it would degrade vital Israeli interests and weaken US-Israel relations. In 1992, I was told by then Majority Leader, Senator George Mitchell: "Doesn't Israel realize that the US is not a monarchy and that the President is strong but not omnipotent?!" And, in fact it was Congress and not the President that stopped US military involvement in Vietnam (Eagleton Amendment,) Angola (Clark Amendment,) Nicaragua (Boland Amendment,) forced the USSR to let the Jews go (Jackson-Vanik Amendment,) approved emergency aid to the former USSR (Aspen-Nunn Amendment,) toppled the White regime in Pretoria (Anti-Apartheid Act,) provided Israel with emergency assistance following the 1991 Gulf War in defiance of Bush and Baker, etc. Recent Israeli governments have underestimated the power of Congress, as a result of the highlighted global profile of the President. Still, a US President is powerful, but unlike Israeli Prime Ministers he is not the chairman of his party and not the leader of his congressional slate. He does not anoint the Speaker, majority leaders and committee chairs. And he does not determine which bills should pass in Congress. The President is one of three arms of government, which are equal in power and independence. He is constrained by the decentralized Federal system, by an effective Separation of Powers and by an elaborate system of checks and balances, which are designed to prevent tyranny. The President initiates and executes policy, but Congress which is featured in the first article of the US Constitution possesses the "Power of the Purse" and the authority to change, suspend and initiate policy, prevent senior presidential appointments and add and eliminate government departments and agencies. While the relative presidential weight increases during national security crises, the relative weight of Congress is upgraded during financial crises. The confrontational or defiant nature of the President-Congress relationship constitutes a significant watchdog over US democracy. Israel's government assumes that the Congressional Democratic majorities provide President Obama with a "free ride." However, Senator Robert Byrd, President Pro-Tempore of the Senate has persisted in quipping at Democratic and Republican presidents: "Legislators are the servants of the Constitution, not the servants of the President." Cultivate ties with Congress Former Speaker, Democratic House Member Tom Foley, advised President Clinton in 1993 not to take House and Senate Democratic majorities for granted: "We won't be able to support all your ambitious policies, because our political life expectancy (running every two years) is different than yours (running every four years)." Clinton ignored the advice and caused the Democratic Party crash in the November 1994 election. The loyalty of the 535 federal legislators who represent districts and states more than political parties is first and foremost to their constituents, to the Separation of Powers and to the independence of the Legislature and only then to the President. Therefore, over 30 Democratic House Members supported the impeachment of Clinton, many Democrats opposed Clinton's free trade initiatives, caused Obama to rescind the appointment of anti-Israel pro-China Chas Freeman, forced Obama to boycott the UN Durbin II Conference and are not automatic supporters of Obama's proposals to close down the Guantanamo jail, to bail out Wall Street and the Detroit car makers, dramatically increase the national debt, etc. As the November 2010 congressional elections approach, and as economic recovery is further delayed, the more dependent Obama becomes on a willing Congress and the more independent and defiant will the legislators become. In 1891, six years before the First World Zionist Congress, in defiance of the US Department of State, 400 US dignitaries co-led by the Speaker of the House and the Chairman of the House International Relations Committee signed the "Blackstone Memorial," which called for a Jewish national home in the Land of Israel. In 1922, 26 years before the establishment of the Jewish State, The US House and Senate unanimously passed a Joint Resolution, reaffirming congressional support of a Jewish State between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean. The enhancement of Israel's critical interests and the demonstration of respect towards the US democracy, behoove Israel's Prime Minister to cultivate ties with Congress the most authentic representation of the US public, equal in power to the President, a bastion of support for closer US-Israel ties, which appreciates the unique covenant binding the US and the Jewish State: Democracy, shared Judeo-Christian values, mutual regional and global threats and joint strategic interests. Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is a consultant on US-Israel relations as well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem Cloakroom series of reports. Contact him at yoramtex@netvision.net.il This article appeared as an opinion piece in Ynet
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 5, 2009. |
This morning the weekly Cabinet meeting was held, and Prime Minister Netanyahu began by making a statement. It included the following: "We attained national consensus over the concept of 'two states for two peoples,' and the lines of agreement are first of all that the Palestinians must recognize the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish People and that also means that the problem of the refugees will be resolved outside of the State of Israel and that Israel needs and will receive defensible borders that also includes full demilitarization of the Palestinian territory. The development of the national consensus around these principles is the most important expression of the unity government." (Translation by Aaron Lerner of IMRA) ~~~~~~~~~~ On several levels this is less than constructive. It is jarring and disturbing to those of us who voted for a nationalist government it feels like a betrayal. But we need to look more closely at what he is doing here, or thinks he is doing, and what the repercussions may be. The Jerusalem Post ran this headline regarding Netanyahu's statement: "PM: Nat'l consensus on 2-state solution major accomplishment" The point here should be clear and it is a major one: The provisos, the terms, easily get lost. What people hear (or read) is that the prime minister of Israel is saying that there is a consensus inside of Israel for a "two state solution," and that he is proudly promoting this. From where I sit, that's a bad scene. ~~~~~~~~~~ Is there such an Israeli consensus? Polls vary, but we saw in February 2009 a poll indicating that 51% of Israelis opposed formation of a Palestinian state and in April that 49% disapproved of such a state, and only 44% approved. However, if you ask Israelis if they would approve a Palestinian state if... If it were demilitarized. If it were required to first recognize Israel as a Jewish state. If it were agreed that we would not take refugees. Well then, people say, maybe it would be all right. And the numbers in favor go up. And this is what Netanyahu is touting: HE has found the formula that makes it possible. ~~~~~~~~~~ Yet there is a distinct possibility that the Israeli public is being misled with regard to the actual feasibility of enacting the various provisos as spelled out by Netanyahu. Refusing to sign off on a deal unless the PA recognizes us as a Jewish state? This is an important issue, at the heart of the conflict. A good proviso. The Arabs must accept the legitimacy of our presence here. Similarly, the principle of resolving the refugee problem outside of Israel is critical. ~~~~~~~~~~ But this business of a demilitarized state is deeply problematic. I recommend an article "Why a Palestinian state can never be demilitarized" by Louis Rene Beres, a professor of international law. "...arguments for demilitarization will be a nonstarter. International law would not necessarily expect Palestinian compliance with prestate agreements concerning armed force...authentic treaties can be binding only upon states, a nontreaty agreement could be of no real authority. ~~~~~~~~~~ Then there is another, related issue to be considered: Netanyahu is seeking "international guarantees" on this, which means the international community would agree that we could invade the new Palestinian state if it abrogated its commitment to remain demilitarized. This is not a tenable proposition, and takes our defense out of our hands and involves third parties who would be loath to actually sign off on our going into a new Palestinian state. ~~~~~~~~~~ When one reads the material regarding the readiness of the Israeli public to accept the formation of a Palestinian state, the issue of demilitarization is key. People are for exceedingly valid reasons worried about the establishment of a Hamastan at our eastern border. But as it turns out, an element of the proposed deal that is among the most important to people may be the one that Netanyahu is least capable of actually delivering. ~~~~~~~~~~ Yet, with all of this, there is another factor of no small significance: Netanyahu also calls for "defensible borders" (a fact that got lost in many English translations). This means our security would not depend solely upon demilitarization of the Palestinian state. It renders less problematic the issue of whether demilitarization could be achieved. Our security, in the scenario proposed by Netanyahu, would require that we retain large swaths of Judea and Samaria. A nod to Aaron Lerner on this:
~~~~~~~~~~ Two things seem fairly apparent here. One is that Netanyahu is playing to the Obama administration, and perhaps to the Europeans, as well. This is his style, rather than being confrontational. I've written about it several times before, and now, in particular, the international pressure is intense. And then, that he is counting on the PA to refuse to sign off on a deal. Olmert offered considerably more than he is prepared to offer, and Abbas turned it down. Is Abbas going to accept a deal that rejects our responsibility for refugees, and insists they recognize us as a Jewish state, and provides them with considerably less than everything beyond the Green Line? Perhaps when elephants fly. Especially is this the case as Abbas has become even more intransigent because of Obama's stance. Thus Netanyahu is able to be the "good guy" in the eyes of the international community, while assuming there will be no price to pay. One can only assume that hardliners in the government such as Begin and Yaalon are silent because they see this as the very likely scenario. ~~~~~~~~~~ Many of us to the right would prefer a more forthright statement: This is our land. The Arabs have no right to a state here, and in any event a "two state solution" is not going to work. But we're not going to see this. Binyamin Netanyahu is skating on thin ice. He's counting on Arab refusal to compromise, and he's setting what may be dangerous precedents. But there is also another perspective to consider here: He may be setting genuine and realistic red lines for Israel. The world insists on a Palestinian state? OK. But here are our terms. This means going on the offensive diplomatically, rather than simply responding to what is demanded from the outside. If there is no back-tracking on these red lines. If they genuinely are red lines, we would be OK. I am not complacent. ~~~~~~~~~~ There are still discussions forthcoming with regard to the issue of settlements (Netanyahu will be meeting with Mitchell soon), and there remains unease about the degree to which he might cave on this. A freeze, even one that is ostensibly "temporary," would be a disaster and would represent a sell-out with regard to protecting our legitimate Jewish rights and interests in Judea and Samaria. ~~~~~~~~~~ There is a great deal more to explore, and I hope to be able to return a host of issues tomorrow. But I cannot close without mentioning a position being taken by the US government: At a G8 summit to be held next week, the leaders of the industrialized nations will be discussing new financial sanctions against Iran. The predisposition of most leaders is to push such sanctions. But the US, according to Haaretz, is working behind the scenes to prevent such sanctions from being enacted. "The Obama administration, according to the diplomatic sources, has discarded the notion of direct talks with Iran. However, the United States is still interested in re-engaging Iran through the renewed discussion of its nuclear program through the five permanent United Nations Security Council members and Germany. I confess, I read this article more than once, because it was hard for me to assimilate what is being said here. Tough economic sanctions, properly applied, could still bring Iran to its knees. And yet Obama would rather tread lightly here (play the good guy to Iran?) and put his hope in renewed negotiations with the permanent Security Council members? I asked myself if Obama genuinely imagines that there is any prospect for getting Iran to stop nuclear development via negotiations with the Security Council. And then, I wondered if perhaps he is certifiable. What does it take for the American populace to become genuinely terrified by the path down which their esteemed leader is taking them? Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, July 4, 2009. |
This was written by Gil Troy and it appeared in yesterday's Jerusalem Post Gil Troy is Professor of History at McGill University. He is the author of Why I Am a Zionist: Israel, Jewish Identity and the Challenges of Today. His latest book Leading from the Center: Why Moderates Make the Best Presidents, was recently published by Basic Books. He splits his time between Jerusalem and Montreal. |
This July 4th, we remember the shared interests, values, ideals, experiences, and enemies uniting Israel and the United States. These bonds are particularly important as a new American administration picks on Israel, while wooing America's foes. President Barack Obama himself has deemed the American-Israeli friendship "unbreakable." Yet, his zeal for criticizing Israel, and his initial hesitation even to criticize Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Iran, has unnerved Israelis. Celebrating national holidays and learning national histories help nations understand themselves better, clarifying values and priorities, sifting friend from foe. America and Israel could each learn from the other how to "do" holidays and history better. As an American Jew, born in New York, and bred in a Zionist family, my most exhilarating Fourth of July was in 1976. For months we had been building toward celebrating America's 200th birthday, especially with "Bicentennial Minutes." Every night on CBS television, a celebrity, Ed Asner or Lucille Ball, Walter Cronkite or Betty Ford, Nelson Rockefeller or Gerald Ford, described a moment from the American Revolution. That summer I went to Young Judaea's Camp Tel Yehudah ambivalently, not wanting to miss the tall ships from around the world that would sail around the Statue of Liberty on July 4th. All doubts disappeared in camp as history-in-the-making overrode the history to commemorate. Terrorists hijacked Air France Flight 139 and held all the Jews (and the brave flight crew) hostage at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. After Havdalah on July 3, when we heard that Israeli commandos had rescued the hostages, we all went crazy singing and dancing and high-fiving. Pride in Israel and pride in America reinforced one another that day: the Bicentennial healed an America reeling from Watergate and Vietnam as Entebbe healed an Israel still reeling from the Yom Kippur War. WHEN IT comes to celebrating national holidays, Americans could learn from Israelis. Israel's national calendar revolves around the traditional Jewish calendar. The major Jewish holidays unite so-called "secular" and religious Israeli Jews in a delightful symphony mixing the old with the new. Silly shticks like cheesecake on Shavuot and masks on Purim emphasize sacred values like the joys of learning and the joys of giving. Nationally, the most powerful holidays are Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel's memorial day followed immediately by Israel's Independence Day. The doleful siren's wail that stops traffic as the nation mourns its fallen soldiers and terror victims reinforces the glee that sweeps the country the day after. The historical experiences of founding the state as well as the repeated sacrifices imposed on thousands of Israelis to preserve the state remain immediate, vivid, emotionally raw. By contrast, the Fourth of July and Memorial Day, like most American holidays, are too frequently divorced from any meaningful rituals or deeper meanings. Some families mourn on Memorial Day, and some communities celebrate July 4th with reverence and appreciation. Alas, for most Americans, these holidays are more days off or sale days than days of reflection. YET, AMERICANS can teach Israelis about celebrating historical anniversaries and appreciating history more generally. Israelis should seek out more "teachable moments" fostering historical awareness and national pride. This spring, Americans could not avoid Lincoln's 200th birthday celebrations will Israelis even notice Herzl's 150th birthday next May 2 or his 105th Yahrzeit this Friday, July 3? Recently, (1860-05-02)the World Zionist Organization helped pass a law through the Knesset, launching the Herzl Memorial Day, first held in 2005. We need more such initiatives. Too many Israelis are losing touch with the heroic history explaining what Israel is all about. I recently entered my local bookstore on Emek Refaim in Jerusalem, seeking basic Hebrew texts about Israeli history, for school-age kids. There were slim pickings. I asked the sales clerk why there were so few choices, saying that American bookstores feature shelves filled with creative history books for kids. "We are not patriots here," she shrugged in reply. Those "Bicentennial Minutes," the 60-second snippets celebrating 1776 in 1976, boosted national pride when Americans were demoralized. The CRB (Charles R. Bronfman) Foundation in Canada funds The Heritage Project and Historica "to raise greater interest and awareness of Canada's past" by "linking what children see at home, on television and on computer screens to their studies at school." CRB developed the Bicentennial Minute Canadian style, telling stories of Canada's past, while developing various curricula and popular materials. In Israel, the schools in general need fixing, the history curriculum in particular need modernizing. Creative initiatives like "Toldot Yisrael" started by Aryeh Halivni, need funding and support. Halivni wants to record the testimonies of 5,000 people from Israel's founding generation recalling the struggle to establish the state. We need more books, movies, documentaries, computer games explaining the Zionist idea and Israel's historical fulfillment of it. Nationalism, patriotism, history itself, are not the exclusive preserve of the Right. Since the 1960s, too many conservatives have sought to dominate their national narratives, and too many leftists have ceded the field to the right, in both Israel and America. Barack Obama, among others, has spoken eloquently about the need for a bipartisan patriotism that is not the preserve of the Right or the Left. All democracies, but particularly America and Israel, need a strong civic sensibility, rooted in history. Americans need it because of their diversity; Israelis need it because of the continuing adversity this unique country endures. In movies, when someone gets knocked on his head and loses his memory, his first question when he wakes up is "Who am I?" Without memory we have no identity; without history we do not know who we are or who we should become. History helps provide the glue that keeps nations together and fosters the idealism necessary for nations to survive and thrive, especially amid today's challenges.
Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Gerald M. Steinberg, July 4, 2009. |
Almost six months after the combat ended in Gaza, the political and legal assault against Israel is just beginning. Last week, three superpowers the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Human Rights Watch (HRW), and Amnesty International published reports condemning Israel for "war crimes" and for the suffering of Gaza's population. In parallel, Richard Goldstone's UN inquiry was in Gaza taking testimony from anti-Israel NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and from Palestinian "victims." The outcome is clear, and there is no reason to expect it to change if Israel decided to cooperate with an inherently biased process. This onslaught highlights the difficulties that Israel faces in responding to efforts to criminalize legitimate defense in asymmetric warfare. In contrast, the answers provided by government officials are generally vague and defensive. The IDF, the Foreign and Defense ministries and the Prime Minister's Office still have not developed a coherent strategy or allocated the resources necessary to defeat this attack. Examination of these NGO publications highlights the façade of research without any substance. While frequently invoking the language of human rights and international law, reports by Amnesty and HRW demonstrate the absence of research expertise in this area. These international NGOs were founded in the 1970s to campaign for the release of political prisoners, and have gone far beyond their mandates and capabilities, particularly when dealing with Israel. Instead, they cut and paste civilian casualty claims from biased sources such as the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR.) The three reports published and publicized last week, like dozens that have come before, combine pseudo-legal rhetoric, technical allegations regarding Israel's defense against terror attacks, automatic sympathy for Palestinian victims, and condemnation of Israel. The images and the titles reflect these biases Amnesty's is headlined: "Operation Cast Lead: 22 Days of Death and Destruction. " Researchers led by Donatella Rovera claim they could not find evidence of the use of human shields by Hamas. In fact, the entire population of Gaza was one massive human shield, with weapons stored and fired from schools, mosques, hospitals and similar civilian structures (in one infamous case, during a live video broadcast widely viewed on Youtube.) Similarly, the 10-page ICRC publication ("Gaza: 1.5 Million People Trapped in Despair") consists largely of pictures of Palestinians and none of Israelis in Sderot the rights of Israelis are irrelevant, as they are in the case of the UN and the Goldstone commission. Gilad Schalit has also been erased (Amnesty buried him in a footnote referring to Israeli policy.) The kidnapped Israeli soldier is also the missing man what has been referred to as Goldstone's "kangaroo court." Such sins of omission belie the moral claims that are the foundation of international law. In addition to the moral facade, HRW's report ("Precisely Wrong") uses hi-tech language to attack the IDF's use of advanced drones. Here, the "war crimes" charges are based on six carefully chosen cases. The "evidence" comes from Palestinian claims of having heard and seen the arrival of these tiny and soundless weapons a superhuman feat. HRW's "military analyst" Marc Garlasco added dubious assumptions regarding the "impact mark of the missile and the fragmentation pattern" consistent with Spike missiles. Although a few reporters were professional enough to investigate the details, check with independent experts, and expose the dubious claims, most reports copied Garlasco's mix of fact and fiction without question. (They also omit mention of HRW fund-raising in Saudi Arabia that cites their anti-Israel campaigns.) These events, as well as the ongoing Goldstone inquiry, are part of the broader strategy of demonization adopted at the NGO Forum at the 2001 UN Durban Conference. The goal is to brand and isolate Israel as the new "apartheid" state. This strategy was applied in 2002 in the "Jenin massacre" myth, in 2006 in the wake of the Lebanon War, in the attempt to portray the "apartheid wall" as a violation of international law, and now in Gaza. In addition, numerous "lawfare" cases are being launched against Israelis by the same NGOs, and although one case in Spain was dismissed, hundreds of others will follow. In each wave, the UN's Human Rights Council, in which Iran and Libya play a central role, established biased "inquiries" providing NGOs with additional platforms. In Goldstone's inquiry, a statement submitted by seven Israeli groups (ACRI, Gisha, PCATI, HaMoked, Yesh Din, Adalah, and PHR-I) funded by European governments and the New Israel Fund, also invoked rhetoric like "collective punishment used against the civilian population," and "a disproportionate military assault." In contrast, Israeli leaders have belittled the exploitation of human rights and international law in this way. Few resources have been devoted to finding an effective response. But as in other forms of warfare, a counter-strategy will only succeed if it cuts off the resources and inflicts a cost on the perpetrators.
The writer is chairman of the Political Science Department at Bar-Ilan University and executive director of NGO Monitor. |
Posted by Amil Imani, July 4, 2009. |
Neda, the young and beautiful freedom-loving Iranian student was slain in cold-blood by the current Islamic regime in Iran. Almost instantly, Neda became, not only the divine call of the Iranian uprising, but, she symbolized the call for liberty around the globe. Here's the video of Richard Roth's report which contained the image of Neda. If either President Ronald Reagan or President John F. Kennedy were alive today, they would stand in solidarity with the Iranian people. In fact, they would declare "Today we are all Iranians." It appears the Iranian people are showing the world what a revolution looks like and some Americans have started paying close attention and taking notes. Neda knew the value of freedom. She died for it. Her blood was not wasted and she did not die in vain. Headlines have heralded the young woman as a martyr and some even dubbed her Iran's Joan of Arc. Not only has she become a "symbol of goodness" battling against her brutal oppressor, her story has laid open a much larger issue, freedom and liberty. There is a site dedicated to Neda proclaiming, "We are all Neda." Each year, on the fourth of July, we celebrate America's birth and independence. This is a day that the heart of every American must glow with pride and appreciation. On this special occasion, the Iranian martyr, Neda, has a special message for all freedom-loving Americans: "Do not take your liberty for granted" "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure," said Thomas Jefferson. I think Neda would have said, "I have given my blood for the cause of liberty for my country and I hope you don't have to give yours once again." We are going through some troubled times in America. We Americans need to wake up and realize that our the liberties and freedoms that we take for granted are slowly and inexorably being taken from us. Once we lose them, it will be very hard to get them back. Let the blood of the Persian freedom-fighter, Neda, inspire all of us to cherish our liberty. "We are fighting and dying on the streets of Tehran to have what you have had for more than two centuries. You, America, have been an inspiration to millions of us in Iran to become free, free to roam, free to grow, and free to bloom," Neda would have said. As we celebrate the 4th of July, it is my hope that all freedom-loving Americans remain mindful of how precious that day is to our country's storied history. On July 4, 1776, America declared its independence from England, the old white grandfather across the sea. The miracle of America happened and its dynamic birth rapidly changed the entire world. Neda would have wished her blood would cause the Iranians to gain their freedom and our two countries once again become the staunchest friends. America is a nation and an ideal, birthed by a group of visionaries that gave it the Constitution to nurture it and protect it. What makes America, "America the Beautiful," more than just a blessed land is your legacy, the Constitution. Sadly, the Constitution also makes for "America the vulnerable" by enshrining freedom that enables the malevolent to subvert and destroy America from within. You are the guardian of the Constitution. You and only you determine the health and survival of America. Democracy, by its accommodating and benign nature, is susceptible to corruption and even destruction by forces from within and from without. With this realization in mind, the founding fathers of our country enshrined the constitution to safeguard and protect the rule of the people. America is defined by the last phrase of our national anthem: The land of the free and the home of the brave. Freedom, in all its forms, is our greatest legacy, for which our nation has bravely fought many wars on many fronts against the unceasing assaults of totalitarianism of all stripes. Time and again, the flowers of our nation bravely sacrificed their lives to protect freedom and liberty. I am reminded of the words of our great President Abraham Lincoln when he, in 1863, described our nation as "a government of the people, by the people, and for the people." Is this still the case, or how much is government stealing from us? In 1776, our Founders stood up, put their lives and fortunes on the line and declared their freedom and independence from the chains and shackles of the King of United Kingdom. I hope all Americans, once again, unite for the love of freedom and are willing to stand up and declare their Freedom and Independence, not from the United Kingdom, but from the chains and shackles of our own government and its lackeys. First things first. Our highest priority is the preservation of this nation of the free. We have done what it took in the past and we must do what it takes now and in the future to safeguard our precious liberty. America is not perfect. Yet, it is the very best hope for a humanity struggling to find its humanness. America is worth defending. For the past 30 years, an illegitimate government of the Islamic Republic has been waging a brutal war against the entire population of Iran. For 30 years Iranians have been fighting for individual and religious freedom. Iranians have suffered so much, and they are risking their lives and ready to die so that the next Iranian generation does not have to live in the nightmare of a backward Islamic barbarity. As Iranians have started the fight for their freedom and liberty, we must strive to keep ours. We must put aside our minor differences that have divided us in the past and unite as one strong political force to restore our fading Freedom and Liberty. "The history of liberty is a history of resistance." In conclusion, I would like to thank all Americans who wrote songs and poems in remembrance of a freedom-loving Iranian patriot, Neda. My special thanks goes out to United States Senator McCain who spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate, remembering the champion of freedom, Neda, and to the honorable Congressman McCotter's beautiful eulogy about Neda's assassination by the direct order of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. I am eternally grateful for millions of people who have kept Neda's memory alive. Regrettably, President Obama has stated he wants to make a deal with Neda's murderers. America, now it is up to you to object to any negotiations with those who murdered our freedom-loving and innocent human being, Neda. Happy Independence Day, America! Amil Imani is an Iranian-born American citizen and pro-democracy activist residing in the United States of America. Imani is a columnist, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. He and his family escaped Iran after the radical Islamic revolution. This appeared in the New Media Journal
Posted by Sonia Nusenbaum, July 4, 2009. |
This was posted on the Mere Rhetoric website
This was inevitable. Wexler supposedly got out-and-out screamed at by FL constituents a few weeks ago for dishonestly defending Obama during the campaign. Other Jewish Dems are hearing the same thing: conservatives got Obama exactly right, while his liberal defenders set up the Jewish community for a predictable bait-and-switch. Two things seem to be making Obama's Jewish supporters nervous. The first is the obvious relish that Obama officials took in slapping around Israel. They're implementing exactly the plan they've had sitting on the shelf in exactly the way conservatives said they would, with exactly the results for the US-Israel alliance that conservatives predicted. The second is Obama's Honduras policy: "we won't meddle in Iran but we will meddle when Iran's de facto Western Hemisphere allies are threatened." Apparently certain members of this administration seem committed to taking a soft line with the mullahs. Who knew, right? So this morning Dershowitz who already had more than enough to personally answer for trotted out to double down on behalf of Obama's water carriers. It's almost like liberal groups felt Jewish voters peeling away and produced boilerplate for in-the-tank Jewish Democrats to forward to their wavering friends: Now, some of them apparently have voters' remorse. According to Malcolm Hoenlein... "President Obama's strongest supporters among Jewish leaders are deeply troubled by his recent Middle East initiatives, and some are questioning what he really believes." I hear the same thing from rank-and-file supporters of Israel who voted for Mr. Obama. Are these fears justified? Here's the thing about the arguments in this article: they're awful. I don't mean just tangled or opaque. They suck. Borderline incoherent. You get the sense that even Dershowitz can't quite believe he's making some of them. It's almost kind of sad, even if he should have known better. Anyway, this is going to take a while. Top-down: First there are the settlements. The Bush administration was against expansion of West Bank settlements, but it was willing to accept a "natural growth" exception... The Obama administration has so far shut the door on this exception. I believe there is a logical compromise... "Obama should make it clear to the Israelis that settlers should feel free to grow their families as long as their settlements grow vertically, and not horizontally,"... In other words, build "up" rather than "out." This sounds like the Google Earth test Israelis can build what they want inside settlement blocs but they can't cross the border although it's not entirely clear if this version would allow new buildings to be constructed within existing boundaries. That's not a trivial issue since you can't build a school on top of a shopping plaza. But none of that matters since "only vertical growth" isn't Obama's policy. It's just not. It might be nice if it was his policy. It might be helpful if it was his policy. But it's not his policy. His policy is a total ban on any kind of growth even in the Jewish Quarter of East Jerusalem. I'm genuinely baffled how Dershowitz can think that this little exegesis proves anything. I'm even more baffled how a few lines down he can tell pro-Israel voters not to worry as if "only vertical growth" was Obama's policy. Which, as a reminder, it's not. This seems fair to both sides, since it would preserve the status quo for future negotiations that could lead to a demilitarized Palestinian state and Arab recognition of Israel as a Jewish one results sought by both the Obama administration and Israel. Actually the White House has very deliberately backed away from the commitment to demilitarization that Obama floated back in May. A nice little bait-and-switch that Obama's pro-Israel supporters should be pretty familiar with. In any case: this part of the settlements section is more "not true" than "intellectually incoherent," but I thought I'd pause and mention it anyway. A majority of American-Jewish supporters of Israel, as well as Israelis, do not favor settlement expansion. This line about Israeli support for a settlement freeze is also probably untrue. But let's pretend that it is, or at least admit that it's close to 50/50. That means that Obama picked literally the only red line where Netanyahu is to the left of the Israeli electorate. It's a strange choice because even the Palestinians had implicitly accepted "growth within settlement blocs" as a valid negotiating position. Although Obama might believe he can use the issue to topple Netanyahu and get a more compromise-friendly Israeli government. Then it wouldn't be a strange choice at all. Really bad for Dershowitz's argument, but not strange. Thus the Obama position on settlement expansion, whether one agrees with it or not, is not at all inconsistent with support for Israel. It may be a different position from that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but it is not a difference that should matter to most Jewish voters who support both Mr. Obama and Israel. So having pretended that Obama's policy is what Alan Dershowitz would like Obama's policy to be, he now asserts that Jewish voters have no reason to worry. That seems almost intellectually dishonest. It's also empirically dicey because there's little to no Israeli support for a freeze in East Jerusalem or in the settlement blocs, which is what Obama is calling for. But it's the argumentative sleight-of-hand that really rankles. Now the Iran section, which is closer to the "not true" side of the spectrum. This part will be a little more link-heavy: The Obama administration consistently says that Iran should not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Nope. Obama has implicitly accepted an Iranian bomb by offering to extend the US's nuclear umbrella over Israel. Emanuel frightened many supporters of Israel in May by appearing to link American efforts to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons to Israeli actions with regard to the settlements. This is a disturbing linkage that should be disavowed by the Obama administration. Opposition to a nuclear Iran... should not be dependent in any way on the issue of settlement expansion. Yes it should be disavowed. But instead it was reaffirmed by Obama during his Cairo speech. But wouldn't it be cool if that wasn't true? The current turmoil in Iran may strengthen the Obama administration as it seeks to use diplomacy, sanctions and other nonmilitary means to prevent the development of nuclear weapons. But if these tactics fail, the military option, undesirable and dangerous as it is, must not be taken off the table. Too late. Gates already took it off the table. If the Obama administration were to shift toward learning to live with a nuclear Iran and attempt to deny Israel the painful option of attacking its nuclear targets as a last resort, that would be troubling indeed. It sucks how the Obama administration has gone out of its way to deny Israel that option. Israel has been getting set up to take the fall for Obama's diplomatic failures since before the inauguration. His surrogates have made it clear that even rumors of Israeli self-defense will be blamed for kneecapping US diplomacy. Brzezinski went so far as to say that even bringing up the possibility of military action would cause a "lot of resentment." Gates and Biden echoed that sentiment, which also made a random but convenient appearance in the NYT news section. But again wouldn't it be cool if that wasn't true? Thankfully, the Obama administration's point man on this issue, Dennis Ross, shows no signs of weakening American opposition to a nuclear-armed Iran. Actually Dennis Ross is no longer the Obama administration's point man on Iran, having been moved out of State and into the White House. He's actually been given a kind of promotion he's been relieved of his Iran-specific duties and given more responsibilities "than most mortals could hope to coordinate." Which is great for Ross, but less so for anyone making an argument premised on Ross being "the Obama administration's point man on" Iran. A related threat to Israeli security comes from Iran's proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas... The range of their weapons now extends to Israel's heartland... [The IDF] must retain the ability to prevent and deter rocket fire, even if it comes from behind human shields... There is no evidence of any weakening of American support for Israel's right to defend its children from the kind of rocket attacks candidate Obama commented on during his visit to Sderot. "No" is a really strong word. It's not one that I would use, say, in a world where the White House is pushing a Palestinian unity government that will let them fund Hamas and boosting the Lebanese security assistance that's crippling Israel's anti-Hezbollah efforts. There may be coming changes in the Obama administration's policies that do weaken the security of the Jewish state... with Iran's burgeoning nuclear threat, it's important to be vigilant for any signs of weakening support for Israel's security and to criticize forcefully any such change. But getting tough on settlement expansion should not be confused with undercutting Israel's security. Fair enough. "Getting tough on settlement expansion" a nice euphemism for how Obama is violating past US-Israeli assurances and expecting Israel to accept new assurances on a red line issue should only be interpreted as an attempt to detonate the US-Israeli alliance. The Iran stuff though that definitely undercuts Israel's security. |
Posted by Doris Wise Montrose, July 3, 2009. |
This article was written by Hugh Fitzgerald and it appeared July 1, 2009 in Jihad Watch |
The "Two States For Two Peoples Solution," discussed by Steven Plaut in a recent article, is a glib formulation that does not withstand scrutiny. Plaut noted how the idea depends on the repeated belief, by Israelis and by those who pressure Israelis, that "if we do this" then "MAYBE THEY [the Muslim Arabs] Will" do thus and so. Here is how Plaut puts it I quote unapologetically the entire list, for he puts it so devastatingly, that once you have read it, it cannot be unread: ....the whole "Two States for Two Peoples" campaign is nothing more than a special case of the "Then Maybe they Will" doctrine. YET THERE IS MORE to say about that "Two States for Two Peoples Solution" that is the object of Plaut's scornful analysis. For each part of this the "two states for two peoples" and the "solution" should be held up for inspection and ridicule. Let's start with the "two peoples." Who are these "two peoples" of which we hear so much? The "Two Peoples" are supposed to be the Israeli Jews and the "Palestinians." But the "Palestinians" in question are merely the local Arabs, as anyone will come to realize who stays for a minute to think about the matter and to put aside, for the moment, the incessant Arab propaganda since the Six-Day War that led to the invention of the "Palestinian People" and then to the "project" of their "construction," the "construction of that 'Palestinian' identity" see Joel Beinin, see Rashid Khalidi, see Joseph Massad. That "construction" is a weapon of war, a weapon of Islamic propaganda. It crumbles, upon inspection, into dust. For those "Palestinians," or rather, those local Arabs who are now called "Palestinians," are identical in every important respect, in language, in culture, in ethnic identity, and above all in the shared Total Belief-System, to other Muslim Arabs. They are proudly Muslim or, for the handful of remaining Christians, "Islamochristians" who have internalized the Muslim worldview. All of them proudly share see the PLO and Hamas charters the idea of a single Arab people, whose most important identifying mark after Islam itself (and for the "islamochristians" it can serve as a substitute for Islam) is 'Uruba, Arabness. The second is the naive notion of a "Solution." Americans appear to be particularly susceptible to this idea: everything can be called a "problem," and every problem has a "solution." No. This is not true, and never has been. There is no "solution" to what some might call the "problem" of human inequality, for example, but there are ways we manage to deal with this, including the legal equality which is not the same thing as forced equality of outcome that the American system attempts to protect, with varying degrees of success. There is no "solution" to political hysteria, or conspiracy theorists examples of human stupidity but one tries to keep them within manageable bounds. And there is no "solution" to what Islam inculcates, about which there is no ambiguity. It insists that between Muslim and non-Muslim there is a permanent divide between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb, the regions of the world where, in the former, Islam is dominant and Muslims rule, and the latter, the House of War, where non-Muslims continue to resist the natural and just and right dominance of Islam. That resistance whether by war, or by legal and political institutions that flatly contradict the Shari'a, or by other means is seen not as "defensive" but as constituting "offensive war" made against Muslims. When non-Muslims successfully resisted Muslim attempts, over a thousand years, to seize through military conquest more of Europe near Poitiers in the eighth century, or at Vienna as late as the seventeenth century, in the Muslim view these successful attempts were "offensive" in nature. And now Muslims have been allowed to move into Europe in large numbers, really only during the last several decades, and to multiply, while being supported by every possible benefit that generous welfare states can offer. Meanwhile, the indigenous non-Muslims, beset by economic worries (in large part, from the high cost of continuing to support a system that Muslim immigrants have everywhere managed to take full advantage of, and then some), have plummeting birth rates. There is no "solution" to the ideology of Islam. There is only a sober understanding, by those who are the intended victims of that ideology, and a making of common cause of all non-Muslims. This common cause should be based not least on an intelligent awareness of Islamic triumphalism, whereby any success against non-Muslims anywhere merely whets, and does not sate, Muslim appetites for further success. For in the mental background of history-haunted Muslims, especially Arab Muslims, are the first century or two of uninterrupted Arab conquests, a past that they keep hoping will again be their future. There is no "solution" to the Arab Jihad against Israel, or to the Jihad, carried out in the main by non-Arab Muslims, against India, or to those being waged within Thailand, or the Philippines, or in any number of non-Muslim lands. And in Western Europe, the "struggle" or Jihad to push back, to undo, the Infidels in the lands they still, preposterously, consider their own, is not not right now, while the Western world still possesses much greater military might military in nature. It does not involve qitaal and not even, as yet, terrorism. No, the main weapons of the Jihad in Western Europe are deployment of the Money Weapon, carefully targeted and well-financed and non-stop campaigns of Da'wa, and demographic conquest. The first can be halted by interdicting all Saudi and other aid from outside, and vigilantly monitoring the so-called "Muslim charities." The second can be undone by counter-campaigns, designed to immunize those targeted groups. I have already written on what could be done to make black prisoners far more resistant to the siren-song of Islam in prisons. And as to the third, there should be a halt to Muslim immigration, a return-to-sender of all illegal Muslim immigrants, and a stripping of citizenship from all those who cannot offer without perjuring themselves loyalty to the political and legal institutions that exist. There should also be other requirements, cultural and linguistic, demanded for naturalization, including a raising of the age of marriage, an enforcement of the laws against polygamy, a monitoring of the mosques to ensure that hatred of, and violence toward, Infidels is nowhere to be found (and that strips Islam of so much that makes Islam Islam). There should be enforcement of anti-fraud laws, so that the massive fiddling of the system by Muslim immigrants is halted, and those who have amassed wealth through that fiddling have it seized, systematically and relentlessly. All of these measures, as yet entirely unaccomplished, are reasonable, are justified, and would have immediate and steadily growing support. For more and more non-Muslims are becoming aware, despite their own appeasement-minded elites (particularly in all trans-national or multi-national groups, such as the upper bureaucracy of the E.U.), of what Islam means, of what Islam is all about. No "two peoples." No "solution." The very idea that everything is susceptible of "solution" puts one in mind of some of the criticisms of American naivete and assumptions that the world is always and everywhere malleable, to be set right by Yankee can-do-it-iveness. This is the kind of thing that did not escape notice from nineteenth century observers, from the days of Mrs. Trollope and Tocqueville to those of James Bryce, nor from native-born analysts of the American character, from Mark Twain to H. L. Mencken all the way to today, with you, dear reader, and with me. But if there is no "solution," there is a policy that will make things less, rather than more, dangerous for Israel and for the rest of the non-Muslim world. There is a policy that does not require doing violence to justice, to equity, and to history. There is a policy that will not lead to a whetting of Arab and Muslim triumphalism. And that policy requires getting used to, and not being upset by, the permanent existence of low-level strife between Israel and its Arab tormentors, who will never give up their desire to harm the state and people of Israel. But if the Israelis are not dictated to, not constantly pressured, not made the object of a thousand resolutions and kibitzing quartets loaded as any gambling den's dice, they can hold firm against the Jihad. And while they do, the rest of the Infidel world will be catching up in its own understanding of how it too is threatened by the very same ideology. And that will, or should, in the end lessen pressure on Israel, and make for an alliance among all threatened non-Muslims, no longer trying to cut their separate deals at the expense of this or that Infidel nation-state Israel, India, or a dozen others. No "solution" but permanent containment. That is the way to deal with the matter: Containment. It worked before. It is the only way. Doris Wise Montrose is with Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors. Contact her at doris@cjhsla.org. |
Posted by Shaul and Aviva Ceder, July 3, 2009. |
This was written by Ari Shavit, Haaretz Correspondent |
Seven months after Barack Obama's victory in the presidential election, it is still not clear what the United States' new strategic goal is: halting Iran's nuclear program, or learning to live with a nuclear Iran? It is also not clear what the new U.S. vision for the Middle East is: a partial but realistic peace, or a full but fictitious peace? It is not clear whether Obama's United States plans to isolate Middle Eastern extremists or encourage them. It is not clear what its attitude toward Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran will be. Nor is it clear whether it will leave Iraq victorious or defeated. But, on one issue, there is no doubt. In everything related to Israel, Obama's United States has adopted a tough-love strategy. "Tough love" is a loaded phrase. It has educational, emotional and sometimes even sexual connotations. It encompasses the paternalistic belief that the educator knows what's better for the pupil's welfare than the pupil does. Therefore, it has traditionally been associated with reform schools and patronizing conservatism. Recently, however, "tough love" has become the rage in liberal circles in Washington and New York. Democratic opinion leaders many of them Jewish have begun to speak with shining eyes about the need to administer a dose of tough love to Israel: to train it, wean it, set boundaries for it. To force it against its will to do what is good for it. Israel, for its part, has done quite a bit to bolster the tough-love advocates. The pampered Israeli-American princess abused its status as the apple of Uncle Sam's eye. For years, it made a mockery of the U.S. administration and embarked on a spree of settlements, checkpoints and illegal outposts. With reckless abandon, it threw off every yoke and waved a red flag at the good and the great in America's capital. Therefore, when Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel entered the White House, many people advised them to tame the rebel. And the president and his chief of staff received the advice enthusiastically. To the two tough guys from Chicago, the idea of loving Israel in a strong, painful manner sounded cool. The results can be seen almost every day on television screens throughout the world: an American policy taken straight out of a British public school. A diplomacy comprised of public reprimands. The new United States is trying to wean Israel from its bad habits by means of the teacher's ruler. Even as it bows and scrapes to Saudi Arabia and is scrupulously careful of Iran's honor, it humiliates Israel. The president's feet on the table were a message. The goal is a well-trained, obedient Israel. The United States is a superpower. If the United States wants a broken, battered Israel, it will get a broken, battered Israel. This is a collision between a tank and an ATV, between a stealth bomber and a glider. But the question the White House ought to be asking itself is whether riding roughshod over Israel serves its goals whether a crushed Israel is an American interest. The answer is unequivocal: no. Already, Israel's public humiliation is hurting America. It is making even moderate Arabs unwilling to contribute anything to advancing the diplomatic process. And without a significant Arab contribution, there will be no diplomatic process. But a continued tough love policy toward Israel is liable to do damage that is far more serious and irreversible. Without a strong Israel, a Middle East peace can neither be established nor survive. Without a strong Israel, the Middle East will go up in flames. Therefore, instead of playing games taken out of a basic training manual, Americans and Israelis must work in harmony. They must think outside the box and come up with a creative solution, based on listening to each other and mutual respect. They must jointly advance a genuine regional peace. The hour is late. Both Obama's government and Benjamin Netanyahu's government have made serious mistakes the last few months. But ultimately, both Obama and Netanyahu are worthy leaders who want to do the right thing. Therefore, the two must stop the dangerous game they are playing. The time has come to replace tough love with sensible, grown-up love. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Barbara Taverna, July 3, 2009. |
I was fortunate to receive this wonderful historical insight piece by email, and obtained permission to share it further from Benzion Olfsanger's daughter, Sharon Klaff, of London. |
I joined the South African Betar Movement in 1932, when I was studying engineering at the Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg. I well remember Jabotinsky's missions to South Africa in 1937 and 1938, over a total period of some six months, on behalf of the New Zionist Organisation, of which he was the president. In 1935, Jabotinsky and his Zionist Revisionist Party had concluded that the Zionist Movement was so undemocratic that it was impossible to change its leadership and policy. They were convinced that under the leadership of the Jewish Agency, Zionism was being liquidated. Jabotinsky and his party seceded from the then World Zionist Organisation and some 700,000 Jewish voters gave them the mandate to found democratically the new Zionist organisation. On 8th September 1935, at a conference in Vienna, the fundamental principles of the new people's movement were proclaimed with the membership of the new Zionist Organisation mostly drawn from the Jews of Eastern Europe. Jabotinsky described the lot of these Jews as a 'frozen stampede': they wanted to flee but there was nowhere to go because nobody wanted them. Therefore he propagated his Humanitarian Zionism, which comprised a ten year-plan for their orderly evacuation from the zones of distress in Eastern Europe, mostly Poland, and their settlement in a Jewish state in Palestine on both sides of the River Jordan. At that time there was no recognised state of Jordan, but simply trans-Jordan or Eastern Palestine, which the British had separated from Western Palestine in 1922, and had installed the Hashemite Abdulla as its ruler. Likewise in 1923 the British handed over the Golan Heights to the French Mandate of Syria. Jabotinsky warned that the eleventh hour had come for rescuing the Eastern European Jews by implementing the ten year plan, for which funds were urgently needed to propagate and organise. The New Zionist Organisation lacked a steady and reliable source of funds. However, there was then in South Africa an active, strong and sophisticated Revisionist Zionist Movement including the Betar. At that time there was also great prosperity in South Africa due to a boom in gold mining, construction and industrial expansion. Indeed South African Jewry ranked amongst the largest contributors of funds to the Zionist cause. With the local Revisionist Zionists functioning as a nucleus, Jabotinsky came to South Africa to elicit for the New Zionist Organisation. He addressed public meetings countrywide, which were enthusiastically attended by the Jewish communities, who donated generously and many non-Zionists joined the New Zionist Organisation. However, the South African Zionist Organisation, which comprised the General Zionist, Religious Mizrachi and Socialist Zionist parties respectively, and which was affiliated to the old World Zionist Organisation, opposed Jabotinsky and propagated a counter-campaign against him with the help of paid imported overseas propagandists. Jabotinsky initiated conciliation with the Federation to be negotiated at a proposed round table conference, but this was rejected by them. Nevertheless he was well received by both Jews and Gentiles, the media and government circles and much sought after by Jewish societies who organised banquets, dinner parties and drawing-room meetings in support of him for the purpose of raising funds. There was always a flow of visitors to his suite in the old Carlton Hotel in Johannesburg. I attended many of Jabotinsky's public meetings and never tired of listening to his spell-binding oratory. I particularly remember his first public meeting the Johannesburg Plaza Theatre. His theme was The Path to the Jewish State. He prepared his speeches in detailed programme, even to the jokes, nuances and pauses. He stood on the stage erect and at ease and spoke fluently in perfect idiomatic English for some two hours, using 'body-language' in imitative gestures to emphasise actions he was describing. As an orator he was a virtuoso having a presence that focused total audience attention onto him. The packed audience sat still, silent and enthralled and gave him prolonged and enthusiastic applause at the end of his speech. In June 1937, in my capacity as the only car owner in The Betar Movement, I accompanied Jabotinsky and his colleague Eliyahu Ben-Horin on a mission to the Jewish communities in the Northern Transvaal and adjacent Southern Rhodesia (present day Zimbabwe). This was a tour of some 3,000 kilometres which included, on the way back to Johannesburg, a trip to the Kruger National Park Game Reserve, which had been planned to give Jabotinsky a break from his strenuous work. At the Beit Bridge crossing entering Southern Rhodesia over the Limpopo River boundary, Jabotinsky presented his Nansen passport to the Rhodesian officials. This was a League of Nations passport conceived by the humanitarian Polar explorer, Nansen, and issued to stateless Russian exiles, Jabotinsky's birthplace being Odessa, Russia. It should be remembered that he became stateless when in the year 1929, the Palestine Administration arbitrarily exiled him from his home in Palestine where he was legally entitled to live. Consequently he was not hampered by allegiance to any non-Jewish state in his selfless, single-minded, fearless, relentless and prodigious drive to achieve a Jewish state. It should also be remembered that the Hebron Jews were massacred in that same year. Jabotinsky was a multi-talented genius. His talents comprised statesman, prophet, orator, linguist, soldier, lawyer, poet, journalist and novelist. He used all his talents in his fight for a Jewish state. He earned his living as a syndicating journalist, contributing to his own movement's funds. In his book, 'The Story of the Jewish Legion', Jabotinsky describes his successful three year struggle to persuade the governments of Britain, France and Italy to agree to the raising of a Jewish Legion, which participated in the British conquest of Palestine and in which Jabotinsky was an officer. In his novel 'Samson', he reveals his political philosophy. It was even claimed by some supporters that he was describing himself in this novel. I remember seeing in the year 1952, Cecil de Mille's movie, 'Samson', which was based on Jabotinsky's novel, and in which Victor Mature, Hedy Lamarr and a young Angela Lansbury respectively portray Samson, Delilah and Semadar. During the tour I had the unique opportunity of observing Jabotinsky, the private man at close quarters. I found this side of him to be courteous, kind, sociable, likeable, even-tempered, an unassuming but an alert and penetrating observer. He zestfully enjoyed the tour and sang when he was in a happy mood. He was devoid of arrogance, egotism and patronage. He never hated his communist and socialist ideological opponents, even those who vilified, denigrated and abused him. Nevertheless, if interrupted in an oration by provocative hecklers, he silenced them with harsh verbal whip-lashing. He had impeccable manners. He was indeed the living embodiment of that Hadar which he propagated to his Betar Movement. After the swift outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939, the eleventh hour had passed away, but the frozen stampede remained. Undaunted, Jabotinsky travelled to the USA on a mission to propagate the raising of a Jewish army to fight against Nazi Germany. There was opposition to his efforts both from USA government circles and the old World Zionist Organisation. He had a sudden heart attack and died in New York in August 1940 at the age of 60 years. In his will drawn up in 1935, he directed that he was to be buried where he died, and that his remains be reinterred in the future Jewish state only by order of its government. He was finally reburied in Israel in 1965, seventeen years after Israel's founding and 36 years after he was exiled, by order of the government of Levi Eshkol who himself had been a soldier in Jabotinsky' Jewish Legion. B Olsfanger,
Contact Barbara Taverna at bltaverna@yahoo.com |
Posted by LEL, July 3, 2009. |
This was written by Lauri Regan and it appeared in the
American Thinker
http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/07/ dershowitzs_weak_analysis_of_o.html |
Against the background of increasing world-wide anti-Semitism, Alan Dershowitz has been a helpful advocate for Israel, particularly given the paucity of Israeli support from the left. His piece in today's Wall Street Journal, however, falls far short of the mark. Dershowitz argues that Obama's strident policy on settlements is not an indication of America's lack of support for Israel. He is wrong to do so. First, Dershowitz claims that Obama's harsher approach toward Israel is rhetorical form over substance, cavalierly dismissing stated policy simply because he can envision an acceptable compromise. He bases his statement on a flimsy rationale of some perceived but unsubstantiated Jewish American support which is not exactly a reassuring stratagem for foreign policy. But what happened to Obama's insistence that "words must matter"? Is that rhetoric or substance? Furthermore, Dershowitz neglects to mention the seminal settlement related issues, such as the fact that the settlements are not illegal under international law and that the U.S. has no business meddling into the internal affairs of a sovereign nation. (It seems as though that policy only applies to hostile nations who are openly committed to the destruction of Israel and the U.S.) That Dershowitz has in the past made compelling arguments in favor of the legality of Israel's settlements is telling if not intellectually dishonest. Additionally, Dershowitz omits any mention of our past written and oral commitments to Israel supporting its right to natural settlement growth that, like other inconvenient facets of reality not fitting into Obama's grand scheme of weak-kneed appeasement, have been completely ignored. In discussing the most striking example of the administration's hostility toward Israel, the nonsensical linkage between a two state solution and a nuclear Iran, Dershowitz states that Rahm Emmanuel "appeared" to link the two issues, completely ignoring the numerous statements coming out of the White House indicating that this is in fact the administration's policy. Since there is no justification for such an appalling position, Dershowitz dances around the issue by calling it "disturbing" and suggesting it should be "disavowed." The Obama administration has done nothing to suggest it will drop this ultimatum or to indicate it is willing to get tough with Iran. Where is Dershowitz's outrage for a policy of risking the security of our nation's greatest ally to palliate the Arab world? What data points does Dershowitz cite to support his view that the Obama administration will change course relative to either Israel or Iran? Does anyone seriously believe that Obama would consider the military option? Dershowitz drops the ball on this point because there is nothing to suggest otherwise. That he mentions Dennis Ross as the administration's "point man" who publicly questioned the linkage of Iran and the settlement issue is vapid. Dershowitz omits the fact that the administration has replaced Ross as envoy to Iran. Dershowitz also claims there is no evidence to suggest weakening support for Israel's right to defend itself. What about the constant drumbeat of our administration's support for closing checkpoints, easing restrictions at the crossings, and handing over control of the West Bank to Palestinian armed militants, all under the convenient tripe of making life easier for those poor, unfortunate Palestinians? How about the billion dollars of support for Hamas? Dershowitz concludes that there is no reason to confuse Obama's policy on settlement expansion with undercutting Israel's security. There is plenty of evidence to the contrary. In justifying his opinion, Dershowitz states that: "Successful presidential candidates often soften their support for Israel once they are elected." The bait and switch Dershowitz refers to at the beginning of his article never occurred under Bush and it should not be acceptable under Obama simply because Dershowitz's liberalism allowed him to buy into the deceit dished out by Obama throughout the campaign. If he is having buyer's remorse, Dershowitz should whine to a different audience, but I expect that the readers of the WSJ found his justification for his vote "despite [Obama's] friendships with rabidly anti-Israel characters" to be pathetically lacking in reasoned analysis. Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com |
Posted by Fred Reifenberg, July 3, 2009. |
![]() Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at freify@netvision.net.il
Go to to see more of his graphic art at
Posted by Maurice Ostroff, July 3, 2009. |
Dear Professor Chinkin and members of the Fact-finding mission The final report on the Beit Hanoun Fact Finding Mission presented by you and Archbishop Desmond Tutu on on September 18, 2008, concluded with the laudable statement: "Addressing human rights violations suffered by individuals in Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territories must be the prime motivating force for members of the Council and others with influence in the region". Consequently, I ask to what extent you addressed two blatant, highly visible human rights violations during your recent visits to Gaza, namely the continuing incommunicado incarceration of Gilad Shalit and the prevalent incitement to genocide in mosques, schools and state controlled media in Gaza. Both are violations of human rights that clearly "must be the prime motivating force for members of the Council". I need not tell you that holding Gilad Shalit incommunicado and denying him the right of unfettered access to the Red Cross, as well as the right to send and receive monthly letters and cards is a blatant violation of the Third Geneva Convention that was continuing during your stay in Gaza. It was, and is, highly visible and should have been unavoidable by a mission tasked with dealing with violations of human rights, especially since it does not require the in-depth forensic investigation necessary to arrive at conclusions about other allegations on your agenda. Denial of POW rights to Shalit is not the only crime. The continued mental torture of Shalit's family compounds the crime immeasurably. What greater torture can there be than tormenting parents with 24/7 anxiety for three years about whether their son is dead, and if alive in what condition? As mental torture is included in the UN ban on torture, your mission cannot ignore the deliberate torture of Gilad's family by Hamas. It is disappointing in the extreme and contradictory to the declaration in your abovementioned report that the mission did not feel obliged to perform a simple human act of mercy by demanding to see Shalit so as to be able to convey a message of encouragement to his family. Incitement to genocide is also a violation of human rights punishable by law that falls within the scope of your above declaration. In my Youtube presentation to your mission I gave a few examples of dehumanizing incitement of the type described by Judge Goldstone as an essential factor in gross human crimes. (See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx-CW3UKoIg). A simple search on web the sites of PMW and MEMRI will reveal the widespread extent of this phenomenon that lies at the root cause of the conflict. I would appreciate your advice regarding the extent to which the two abovementioned violations of human rights were addressed while you had the unique opportunity to do so, during your close communication with the leaders who control these factors in Gaza. Sincerely
Contact Maurice Ostroff by email at maurice@trendline.co.il |
Posted by Hillel Fendel, July 3, 2009. |
Uri Lubrani, a former Israeli Ambassador to Iran and considered one of Israel's top experts on Iran, says United States policies are leading inexorably to a tragedy. Speaking with the Makor Rishon newspaper, Lubrani said, "Obama says he wants to reach an arrangement with the Iranians regarding a halt to the enrichment of uranium. In my best judgment, there is no chance of this happening. Iran of today is not the Iran of a month ago, before the riots, and the conditions in which the Americans had prepared for talks after the elections are no longer the same." "I fear that the Americans don't know what to do," Lubrani said, "but have don't yet realize that they don't know what to do. A tragedy is unfolding in front of our eyes. The tragedy is that the American administration actually will come to the conclusion, at the end, that negotiations have no chance but they will reach this conclusion a year or two too late, and in the meanwhile, the nuclear clock is ticking." Obama himself has noted that the situation in Iran has changed in recent weeks, but he has not mentioned any changes in his own policy. In response to a question from an Associated Press interviewer on Thursday, he said his is "not reconciled with [having to live with a nuclear-armed Ira, and I don't think the international community is reconciled with that. Now, how we get from what we know is required for international security which is a nuclear-free Iran how we get from here to there is a big challenge. And it's gotten more difficult in light of what's happened post-election in Iran." During President Shimon Peres's recent trip to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, Iran recalled its ambassador to Azerbaijan in protest, and the leaders of Kazakhstan told Peres that they would not sell uranium to Iran. Hillel Fendel is Senior News Editor for Arutz-Sheva (www.Israel National News.com). |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 3, 2009. |
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH ACCUSES ISRAEL ON GAZA A New York-based group, Human Rights Watch (HRW), issued a report about 29 civilians killed in Gaza by Israeli drones. The civilians were described as not easily confused with troops. HRW questioned whether Israel were careful enough. The report depended largely upon Arab "witnesses," whose credibility Israel questioned. Israel claims not to have known of those incidents. Israel tabulated 1,166 Arab fatalities in the Gaza operation. Of those, 709 were known gunmen, another 162 were of unknown status, and 295 were non-combatants. The IDF explained its methods for minimizing civilian casualties. It dropped 500,000 leaflets warning of the operation, made telephone calls to residents of buildings to be bombed, and turned some missiles back upon finding out that civilians had entered the target area (Christopher Drew, NY Times, 7/1, A14). The report did not claim that Israel deliberately attacked civilians. Neither did it assert that Israel did not take precautions. Those leaflets and telephone calls are extraordinary! Failing to take precautions would be a war crime. Some of my critics read into the HRW report unmade claims that Israel committed war crimes. I never heard of Israel's critics acknowledging Israel's good faith efforts nor Hamas' bad faith efforts. Are the critics denouncing in good faith? IDF Reply The report was unbalanced in failing to mention years of indiscriminate Hamas rocket attacks on civilian Israeli towns and Hamas' deliberately fighting from civilian areas. By investing civilian areas, Hamas was, in effect, using the civilians as human shields. Both are war crimes. By contrast, the IDF only sought military targets, though sometimes a broader bombing would have helped it. It ceased fire a few hours a day, to let in humanitarian supplies. Nevertheless, HRW concentrated on the few and minor unconfirmed problems with Israeli combat, and mostly ignored the constant, major, and obvious problems with Arab combat. More than obvious, "Documented evidence, from aerial drones, ground footage and independent accounts, prove, beyond all doubt, that Hamas deliberately exploited population centers including medical, educational, recreational and religious facilities to provide tactical cover for their terror activities." [Or to give critics a pretext.] The IDF kept investigating its own forces. It found some
unfortunate incidents, brought on by Hamas' fighting within civilian
areas. [Then blame Hamas for risking civilian casualties!] The IDF
continues to investigate claims as it receives them
CREEPING ISLAMISM IN TURKEY The Islamist ruling party in Turkey [AKP] has "a strategy for a creeping Islamization that culminates in a Shari'a (Islamic law) state not compatible with a secular, democratic order. The AKP does not advertise this agenda and often denies it." Turkish courts confirmed the secret agenda. However, in the name of democracy, the U.S. and the EU demand that countervailing Turkish circles accept the AKP positions subverting the military, judiciary, and educational system. This Western pressure is naïve, for it betrays the democratic elements in Turkey to the Islamists, who, as they consolidate power, crimp democracy. Democracy is not just rule by the majority but allows civil rights, minority opinion and cultural freedom consistent with constitutional order. In Turkey, democracy is a cover for creeping Islamism and the ending democracy. Can't expect much policy revision by Europe. Europe is losing sight of the values of its civilization [or is reverting to hedonism and apathy]. Europe doesn't understand what is happening to it. Europe has proved inept at ethnic problems. Ordinary reform in Turkey is not enough. Needed is fundamental reform, such as Europeanizing Islam. Turkish immigrants in Islamic enclaves in Germany are not like Europeans in matters of tolerance and democracy. The AKP head called their possible assimilation into Europe a "crime against humanity." In other words, he wants them to retain their hostility in exchange for German hospitality. [Sounds like preparation for introducing civil war to Europe.] If the Turkish immigrants assimilated into European culture, they could become a welcome and useful addition to Europe, whose population is declining. Can't expect much policy revision in Turkey. Islamists, being undemocratic, don't compromise. Thus, when the AKP legalized the head scarf, which signifies Islamization, and the Supreme Court found it contravened their secular constitution, the AKP threatened to shut the court. Many Europeans praised the AKP on this issue, as being moderate and democratic. As a result of the misguided European notion of democracy, moderate, secularist Turks feel abandoned by the West and alienated towards it. In Turkey, this issue is debated more honestly than it is in Europe. The only difference between moderate and jihadist Islamists is the use of ballots. The naïve West thinks that including Islamists in politics would tame it. It didn't in Gaza, Lebanon, and Iraq. Hamas and Hizbullah kept their militias, which contravenes democracy (Paul Marshall, Jewish Political Chronicle, spring 2009, p.11 from M. E. Quarterly, winter 2009). The Western foreign policy establishment has taken a counter-productive position on this. Secularist Europe actually is helping repress secularist Turkey! For another discussion of Turkish Islamism, see here: ANOTHER PALESTINIAN ARAB BLOOD LIBEL Palestinian Authority (P.A.) farmers, police, and media accuse
Israelis in Samaria of releasing wild boars to uproot Arabs' crops.
The Arabs did not explain how Israelis could tame wild boars and
direct them to damage Arabs' crops but not Israelis' crops. Actually,
boars have damaged Israeli crops near Haifa.
They also had claimed that Jews in Jerusalem breed and released rats to harm Arabs there. Again, how do rats distinguish Arabs from Jews? They also claimed that Israel spreads disease. Again, how does one confine bacteria to the other side of borders? Israel works on eradicating disease. Some Arab states refuse to cooperate with Israel on that effort of mutual benefit. The Arab accusations are like the weird blood libel charges that Jews, contrary to Jewish ethics and culinary practice which abhors blood in meat, kill Christian children to drink their blood. Now you see the kind of people that confront Israel. The Palestinian Muslims engage in this blood libel partly to mask
what they are up to, such as you would see if you see here: PSEUDO-SCHOLARSHIP BLAMES ZIONISM FOR WAR Psychology Prof. Bar-Tal of Tel Aviv University has spent his academic career campaigning against Zionism. He found Israeli textbooks bigoted. He did not analyze Arab textbooks, which contain blood libels and calls for genocide. He claims without evidence that the Arab-Israel conflict is kept alive by Jewish stereotypes of Arabs. He does not study Arab stereotypes of Jews. Prof. Bar-Tal calls Zionism the obstacle to peace. He claims that unless Israelis accept collective guilt for the Arab exodus, they won't be able to reconcile with the Arabs. He does not discuss Arab aggression as a cause of the wars. He does not poll them about their people's guilt. Such a poll would show that most of them don't want to allow Jews to stay in Israel. How can one reconcile with them, and aren't they an obstacle to peace? Prof. Bar-Tal conducted a survey, in which he finds that a substantial minority, 39% of Israeli Jews, accept collective guilt. His survey had asked whether Israel expelled some Arabs, in addition to those who fled out of fear or Arab military orders. It is an honest answer about expulsion, which was a small percentage of the total who left. He did not follow up to find out whether those Israelis felt the minor expulsion was wrong and whether they felt they were guilty for it. His survey was dishonest confirmation of his pre-judged conclusion. Bar-Tal demands that universities censor professors who publicize negatively his findings. He calls their criticism of him "McCarthyism." What he really seeks is to ban contrary views (Prof. Steven Plaut, 6/14 from Allpon Ben-Shaul) and that is a form of McCarthyism. The Muslim Arab war on Israel comes from built-in bellicosity, as
you can see if you see here:
U.S. TAXES FOR PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY HATE-TV? The Palestinian Authority (P.A.) exists as a mendicant. It is begging the U.S. and EU to build a television station for it to counter Hamas TV. If the P.A. wants to campaign on the theme that Hamas turned the Gaza Strip into a war base and caused most of their problems, why does the P.A. urge Hamas to form a coalition with it? The P.A. already has a TV station, plus radio stations, newspapers, and web sites. Their theme is denunciation of the U.S., EU, and Israel, which finance and arm the P.A.. The more the P.A. propagandizes this way, the more Arabs join Hamas, which declares itself ready to fight now. The P.A. media indoctrinates its people with the notions that Israelis are war criminals, colonialists, land thieves, cowards, vampires, child-killers, with whom peace cannot be made. Abbas blames Israel for most of his people's discontent. Then how can he propose making peace with them? If he does, his own people would consider him a traitor. Their anger is a fire that he can enflame but not quench. Why should the West finance another hate-TV station, one that works against peace? (Khaled Abu Toameh, Jewish Political Chronicle, spring 2009, p.24 from Hudson Institute, 3/3/09). Can you mortgage defaulters think of a better use of American tax revenues? Perhaps Abbas is just paying lip service to the goal of coalition with Hamas. That also is playing with fire. It also makes him look bad, when he announces that goal but fails to attain it. The U.S. government, mired in moral equivalency and anti-Zionism, fails to denounce the P.A. defamation and incitement to violence and war. Mostly it finds Israel's settlements an "obstacle to peace." It strives to get the Jews out of there, although Fatah doctrine is from there to get the Jews out of the rest of Israel. That means war. Nobody asks why the U.S. doesn't tell the jihadists to leave. Oh, I forgot. Our Presidents think that if they let Iran destroy Israel with nuclear weapons, or if they let the Arabs destroy Israel once it is shrunken into indefensible borders, those psychopathic Islamist killers would have slaked their blood lust and drop their talk about the U.S. being the Great Satan they must bring down. Hamas and Hizbullah leaders would tell their followers that they don't need to set up a global caliphate, after all, their cause is vindicated and complete, they can stand down, and puts away the guns that give them power. For more on discriminatory U.S. policy, see here:
In jihad as in other matter, human nature is to gain momentum from victories. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by Shaul Ceder, July 2, 2009. |
This was written by Israel Harel, Haaretz correspondent. It
appeared today in Haaretz
Anyone who acts like a doormat when he visits one foreign ruler should not be surprised when other rulers come along and act as arrogantly as the first. From day one we have let the world understand that we are a country with no self-respect, that we can be insulted and punched and will respond, if at all, with restraint and meekness. French President Nicolas Sarkozy was able to say what he said about Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman because for years Israel has been getting across the message: You can treat us arrogantly. It isn't the Americans who formulated the belittling and trivializing formula "natural growth" at which the Obama administration is now chipping away in an arrogant and bullying manner. An Israeli government, headed by Ariel Sharon, was responsible for the trivializing. And instead of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaring, here at home, that no independent nation can agree to have "natural growth" dictate its rate of construction, Defense Minister Ehud Barak has gone off to the United States to plead for this poor little lamb. And to whom has he gone? To the president? To the vice president? To the secretary of state? No. To an envoy, who holds the mere rank of ambassador. The State of Israel's defense minister has tried to extract an agreement to build kindergartens in Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria. And since George Mitchell has apparently sent the defense minister away empty-handed, the prime minister himself is about to go to him hat in hand. Maybe he'll change his mind. k Advertisement The British government is on the brink of collapse. And with what is the British foreign minister busy? He "completely deplores" an Israeli decision to build 50 housing units in the settlement Adam in Judea and Samaria. Foreign diplomats in Israel are speaking in a lordly way to Israeli statesmen, and foreign journalists are asking them questions that are often biased, intrusive and insolent. These correspondents would never allow themselves to behave so crudely in their own countries. And why shouldn't they? Here, after all, everyone including prime ministers feels obligated to justify himself to them and gratify them. Only rarely does someone put them in their place. The scorn for Israeli sovereignty and dignity runs from the lowest to the highest. Israelis, in contact with foreigners, tend to be self-abasing and massively critical of their country and its leaders. Those who excel at this in particular are people from Israeli organizations who get their funding from foreign governments and foreign NGOs, and in return, wittingly or not, serve their interests. Azerbaijan, a Muslim country, has a dangerous border with Iran. Many of its interests, especially economic interests, inevitably intersect with Iran's. About three weeks ago Iran's chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Hasan Firuzabadi, paid a surprise visit to Baku. The aim: to prevent a visit to the republic by Israeli President Shimon Peres. Although it was made clear to them that Iran would take a dim view should they refuse (and indeed while Peres was there, Iran recalled its ambassador), the Azerbaijanis rejected the demand outright. Azerbaijan is a country with self-respect. They made it clear to the bullying Iranians that no one was going to tell them which guests to receive, or to whom to export goods, or especially from whom to import. Only Israel fired the director general of its Defense Ministry, Amos Yaron, because that's what the Americans dictated. When the norm is to submit to pressure, the pressures only increase. If right at the start of the pressure campaign Netanyahu has bowed down to the Americans and given up his most basic principle opposition to a Palestinian state what is left for him to give when the next wave of pressure comes along? This is weakness and this is its wage. Contact Shaul and Aviva Ceder at ceder@netvision.net.il |
Posted by Ted Belman, July 2, 2009. |
The Arabs know what they want, and that is the end of Israel. The Jews are divided as to what they want. The left wants to get the hell out of the West Bank. The center, including Kadima and Labour, want to keep the settlement blocks containing most of the settlers but are prepared to uproot as many as 70,000 Jews, perhaps even 100,000. The right does not want to allow a Palestinian state to emerge, even if demilitarized. All are united in requiring an end of conflict and the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. Netanyahu is a centrist, though he campaigned on the right. In his response to Obama's Cairo speech, he demanded recognition of Israel as a Jewish state and was prepared to accept a demilitarized Palestinian state. He also demanded that Jerusalem be part of Israel and that Israel have defensible borders. Unfortunately, he was silent on his intentions regarding the settlers and the demanded settlement freeze. He did emphasize Israel's historical rights but went nowhere with them. If he was sincere in his demands, he would have said that until such time as the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state with defensible borders and a united Jerusalem, and until they accept a demilitarized Palestine, there would be no reason to proceed with negotiations. Having not done so, one must conclude that none of these are red lines. The Arabs weren't shy about totally rejecting demilitarization and recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. They also said that they wouldn't commence negotiations until there was a complete settlement freeze. I suspect that this position is for starters only, and if Israel agreed to a meaningful freeze, if not total, they would go along. Subsequent to Netanyahu's speech, Netanyahu has sided with Barak in being prepared to compromise on a freeze. In trying to avoid it, his government has been rejecting the freeze as being immoral or unjust or unworkable. They have been pleading for "natural growth". Nowhere do I hear the government of Israel insist on the right of Jews to live anywhere, particularly in their ancient homeland, or to reject the notion that such settlements are illegal under international law or to reject the constraints of the Roadmap regarding a settlement freeze. Nowhere does it reject the notion that Israel must withdraw from100% of the territories except for mutual exchanges. Netanyahu has not even banged his reciprocity drum by demanding that the Arabs stop their incitement and violence and get unified before any settlement freeze will be agreed to. Obviously, Netanyahu's remarks about the rights of Jews were throwaway lines for home consumption. Under no conditions should Netanyahu agree to a settlement freeze. Any time the Arabs want to stop the growth of settlements on "their land," they could compromise on all the issues, including borders, so that thereafter there would be no settlers or construction on their land. This assumes, without debating it, that the settlers would have to leave. I am reminded of the story we read on Yom Kippur of Rabbi Amnon of Mainz of whom it was demanded, convert to Christianity, or else, similar to the demand Obama made on Netanyahu, freeze settlements of else. Reb Amnon said in reply "Give me only three days to think about the matter then I shall bring you my answer." Netanyahu also replied something in the same vein, namely, let's discuss it. The Rabbi was horrified by what he had said and then explained his actions and change of mind. "In a moment of weakness I fell into sin and lied and made false promises. To save my life without defying my faith I sought the cowardly grace of three days in which to give you my answer. Netanyahu should likewise have said "no" and take what comes with with it. The reason that the settlement freeze is the most important issue for the Arabs is that so long as construction continues, time is not on the side of the Arabs. If they had a freeze in place, they could continue to be as intransigent and uncompromising as they have been. Concomitantly, it would put enormous pressure on Israel to capitulate. The Arabs don't want a state. They prefer to be the object of everyone's attention and largesse. Why give that up. For a state? Fuget about it. They will not compromise on the "right of return" or on recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. To do so would sell out the refugees and the Arab Israelis respectively. So where does Obama fit into all this? His hubris, aided and abetted by his anti-Israel staff, friends and State Department, convinced him he could succeed where countless others couldn't. To understand just how outrageous Obama's demand is read Joseph Farah's article Obama tells Jews where they can live It means the U.S. government is now using its clout with Israel to insist Jews, not Israelis, mind you, but Jews, be disallowed from living in East Jerusalem and the historically Jewish lands of Judea and Samaria, often referred to as the West Bank. I want you to try to imagine the outrage, the horror, the outcry, the clamoring, the gnashing of teeth that would ensue if Arabs or Muslims were told they could no longer live in certain parts of Israel  let alone their own country. Obama thought he could get the Arabs to be less withholding, particularly if he kissed up to them enough. That was his first error in judgment. Then he thought that he could force Israel to give in on settlements and that capitulation on Israel's part would win him friends in Iran and Saudi Arabia. No only was he wrong in this assumption, he was wrong to believe that he could put the squeeze on Israel in this way. Netanyahu could have said, we accepted the Roadmap based on an agreement made at the time which was described by Sharon at the Herzelia Conference. "Israel will deliver on all its obligations, including on the matter of settlement construction. There will be no construction beyond the existing construction lines. There will be no land confiscations meant for construction, no special economic incentives, and there is no construction of special settlements." If you now deny that agreement, we deny the Roadmap. Now that Mitchell reached no resolution of the issue with Barak, Mitchell won't be meeting Netanyahu for another two or three weeks. My how time flies when you are not having fun. When Bush Sr wanted to squeeze Israel, he froze loan guarantees just when Shamir needed the money to resettle the Russians, who were coming in droves. Obama, on the other hand, made no issue as U.S. re-approves Israel loan guarantees program. Recently JPOST reported Israel, US bridge gaps over fighter jet. A deal is close to completion for the purchase of the F-35 stealth fighter jet after the Defense Ministry and the Pentagon recently reached understandings on a number of IAF demands to integrate Israeli technology into the plane. On these two important matters, Obama chose not to impose linkage. Though he did attempt linkage with the Iranian issue, which appears now to be a dead letter. He has not been able to get the Arabs to make meaningful concessions, which was part of his original plans. So where does that leave him? If he can get Israel to agree to a settlement freeze, as I have written in the past, that would be victory enough. But it would be a serious mistake on Israel's part. At least the Administration is now speaking of a moratorium only. Time will tell. In the meantime, Israel should not agree to a freeze, even a temporary one. Of what significance is a temporary freeze unless it is considered a stepping stone to a permanent freeze. Its not too late for Netanyahu to find Rabbi Amnon's resolve. Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer who recently made aliyah. He is editor of the IsraPundit.com website, an activist pro-Israel website. Contact him at tedbel@rogers.com |
Posted by Alex Maistrovoy, July 2, 2009. |
Can a tango of a murderer and a suicide be considered "The Clash of Civilizations"? It is difficult to say the clash of which civilizations Samuel Huntington meant. Those who think he wrote about Islamic civilization on the one part and the West on the other part, make a mistake. There is no such conflict, it is inherently impossible. The events of the latest decades show that the civilizations in question are far from clashing. On the contrary, they co-operate and complement one another. Any conflict assumes that both parties have ideological oppositions, pride, courage, and desire to fight. If one of the parties has neither principles, nor will to resist, or at least aspirations to survive, the conflict does not exist. There is a simple absorption of one civilization by another, a kind of submission or assault. The situation becomes even more hopeless if one of the parties not only obediently submits to an aggressor and tyrant, but meets the conquerer with readiness and enthusiasm. Can there be a conflict between a sadist and a masochist; hatred and self-hatred; aggression and self-flagellation? Certainly not. Such pairs complement one another ideally. It is difficult to find more hatred of the West, than in the West itself. Listen and read what the representatives of the Western elite academicians, novelists and show-business stars say, and you will find no difference in their ideas and those of the leaders of Taliban or "Al Qaeda". Do the judgements of Tom Hayden differ from those of Mukdata al Sadr? Is Noam Chomsky or Susan Sontag different in their statements on the USA from Mullah Omar? Sean Penn hates America as strongly as the Islamists do. "Washington prepares genocide in Afghanistan ... The plan is ready, and will be carried out even if it causes the destruction of several million people within the next several months. But it excites nobody". It was told shortly after 9/11. By whom? Perhaps, by Bin-Laden or Ayman Zawahiri? No, it was told by Noam Chomsky, a liberals' idol on both sides of the Atlantic. Who described 9/11 as a "natural result of culture of violence, hunger and brutal exploitation"? It was a Nobel Prize Laureate Dario Fo. Who enthusiastically, with certain ecstasy and voluptuousness, wrote after the bloody orgy: "America, now it's your turn to understand how ruthless hatred can be!"? It was neither Mahmud Ahmedinedzhad, nor Nasralla nor Bashar Asad. These words belong to a popular British short-story writer Martin Louis Amis. Here is the statement of a French philosopher Jean Baudrillard, one of the pillars of Postmodernism: " It was "Al Qaeda" who did it but we had longed for it". And what about professors? Could the rhetoric of Osama Bin-Laden be compared with triumphal delight of Dr. Richard Berthold from University of New Mexico after 9/11: "Anybody who blows up the Pentagon gets my vote". David C. Hendrickson, a professor at Colorado College, compared George W. Bush to Stalin. Poor Stalin ... A refined sadist and pathological murderer, he would turn in his grave if he heard the professor. To be compared to Bush, who had not managed to destroy a handful of badly armed terrorists in Baghdad for five years. If Stalin's Red Army had occupied Baghdad, not only terrorists, but Baghdad itself would have stopped their existence in a week's time. And not a single one of the present liberals would have uttered a word of protest. The reason for it is: they admire force, and Stalin was the embodiment of force. The weak-willed politics of the present Western leaders is just a number of attempts to appease aggressors. It is the reflexion of servility and worship of force that impregnates the cultural establishment of the West. The liberals' passionate hatred of their own civilization reminds us of revolutionaries communists and anarchists of the beginning of the last century and their hatred of capitalism. At first sight we observe a certain ideological continuity. However, the initial impression is deceptive. Lenin, Trotsky and their followers had quite distinct political aims: firstly, full "redistribution" of property and its transfer it to the new "proletarian" elite; secondly, the world revolution and world supremacy. The first task was completely fulfilled. All of the czarist Russia elite: aristocracy, nobility and merchants were either killed or expelled. Stalin came close to the fulfillment of the second task. However, the inconsistent economic policy and the system crisis which struck the former USSR, prevented the realization of this grandiose plan. What are the aims of the Western liberal elite? They are none. There is no need to expropriate anybody because, contrary to the Russian marginals-revolutionaries, they belong to ruling establishment. As for the second purpose, their dominant position allows them to effectively and successfully promote liberal values to the most gloomy and musty corners of the modern world. Instead they consistently and purposefully destroy foundations of their own civilization, support the most ominous forces which dream of destruction of a free society. There is one more essential moment. Revolutionaries of the beginning of the 20th century were representatives of national minorities (Jews, Germans, Poles, Latvian, Georgians, Chinese). They despised Russia and Russian culture because they themselves were considered to be men of the meaner sort. On the contrary, the Western liberals are hundred-per-cent Americans, Englishmen, Frenchmen and Spaniards who according to the logic of things have no reasons to hate their countries and wish their destruction. Nevertheless, they are afflicted with desire to see their culture writhing in agony at the feet of triumphing Islamic fanatics and ordinary gangsters and demagogues of Hugo Chavez and his kind. So, we see a case of causeless, self-destructive hatred. This senseless and absolutely irrational self-hatred could be explained by only one thing: the suicide syndrome characteristic of cultures in their last stage of dying. In lack of ideals, vital forces, and even instinct of self-preservation they surrender themselves to barbarians, with flattering and even masochistic humility give themselves up to rough and despotic conquerors. ... When Alaric entered Rome, he was amazed by a great number of Romans who like Germans wore bears skins and worshiped German idols. Rome had submitted to barbarians long before it fell to their hands. There's a paradox in the fact that Alaric, Theodoric, and other German leaders did their best to preserve the heritage of ancient Rome. However, one can never expect the same from future conquerors of the West. If you wish to understand the essence of post-modernism read Michel Foucault, a French historian and philosopher. He wrote: "The death of God does not restore us to a limited and positivistic world, but to a world exposed by the experience of its limits, made and unmade by that excess which transgresses it." The West comes back to a starting point of the human being existence: chaos, senselessness, boundless permissiveness. According to all laws of dialectics, such system cannot exist for long time. Chaos requires suppression, a ruthless supervisor, a despot who will cruelly return human beings to their bounds. It will be fanatical Islam, and the Western elite is eagerly waiting for it. So the words of Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams about the inevitability of Sharia Law in Britain seem quite natural. *** Shall we see a true conflict of civilizations? May be, yes. Possibly, fast developing, dynamic India, and powerful China complete with other Far East "dragons", and Russia restoring its role of the "Third Rome" can resist the arising Islamic Caliphate. Probably also splinters of the Western Christian civilization will remain in Australia, New Zealand, some countries in East Europe or Latin America. But for the West it will be of no importance... Alexander Maistrovoy is a journalist with the Russian-language Israeli newspaper Novosty nedely. Contact him at amaist@lycos.com |
Posted by David Wilder, July 16, 2009. |
A few days ago I escorted a lovely woman originally from Guyana around Hebron. A writer, speaker and diplomat, she seemed very aware of the events taking place throughout the world and in Israel. But one thing perturbed her: Why were people like us Hebron residents, and others throughout Judea and Samaria seemingly persecuted by our own people? My explanation was very simple. "Understand, there are people who don't want us here because they believe we are living in, and occupying, an 'Arab' city, and are 'obstacles to peace.' These same people are convinced that we will sooner or later be expelled from Hebron and other communities in Judea and Samaria. However, it's not easy to decree expulsion. Such actions are quite harsh, and not easy to implement. Therefore it is necessary to prepare the public at large psychologically for such a possibility. "The best way to do so is to vilify the future victims of expulsion, creating an atmosphere whereby it seems that 'they deserve what they get.' In other words, an attempt is being made to delegitimize us, depicting us as 'enemies of peace,' and as such, 'opponents of the state.' That being accomplished, it is much easier to throw us out of our homes, no questions asked, no holds barred. "An example of such deception is the most common word used to describe people living in Judea and Samaria, as well as the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights. We are all lumped together in the category of 'settler.' Should I move to Tel Aviv, the moment my official identity card is stamped by the Interior Ministry, I am a 'resident' of Tel Aviv even if I've only lived there for a day. However, even after having lived in Hebron for 28 years, I'm still labeled a settler a word with negative connotations today, symbolizing 'colonization' or in the words of others, 'occupation.' Settlers equals occupiers equals evil."
AS WORLD pressure on Israel seems to be mounting, originating in Washington and running through Paris, Madrid, London and most other capitals, an even more disturbing element of delegitmization seems to be emerging. That is, the comparison of settlers with terrorists. A New York Times article by Ethan Bronner on June 6 overtly compares the Israeli Right to Hamas terrorists. Bronner wrote: "There are striking parallels between the hard-core opponents of a peace deal on each side." Quoting Yossi Alpher, he added: "Look at how settlers go to wealthy Jews and evangelical Christians to raise money, and how Hamas taps into a huge reservoir of Islamist money." This, of course, ignores the fact that Hamas's stated goal is the destruction of the State of Israel, and toward that aim it has participated in murdering thousands of Jews in cold-blooded terror attacks and has launched thousands of rockets into Israeli cities. It's implied that the "Jewish Hamas" has yet to reach such stages of bloodshed and violence. A series of articles written by Dina Kraft for JTA is titled "Special Report: Jewish Extremists." One article, headlined "Israel wrestles with settler challenge" depicts settlers as rampaging, radical and lawless. The article quotes attorney Michael Sfard, who represents the most left-wing groups in Israel but does not speak with anyone from Human Rights in Yesha, which represents a different point of view. In a second article called "The view from a West Bank hilltop," Kraft, writes about residents of such communities. "Critics, including some voices within the mainstream settler movement, say they pose a violent and dangerous threat to the future of Israeli democracy." Of course, this is said without quoting anyone by name. The author also refrains from speaking to anyone who has anything positive to say about hilltop youth or their communities.
TWO RECENT articles point in the same direction. Writing in Haaretz, Yair Sheleg seemingly rejects the comparison between Hamas and the Jewish Right, but readily accepts that there is Jewish terror: "I do not intend this as a justification of settler terror... It is not enough to fight terror; it is also necessary to drain the swamp in which it breeds." His solution is to leave Jews in Judea and Samaria following an Israeli withdrawal. "If it is possible to enable Palestinian sovereignty without uprooting 200,000 Jews from their homes, this would be the most just and moral solution of all. There is also a practical advantage: If the settlers do not accept the offer, the justice of evacuating them will increase." Sheleg conveniently forgets one significant point, that being the security of the Jews "morally left behind." The article is aptly titled, "Leave the settlers there." Writing in The Jerusalem Post, Larry Derfner, who offers a similar answer, did not forget this aspect of the issue: "I don't think there would be a wholesale slaughter of settlers in a newly independent Palestine, because I don't think any Palestinian leadership that made peace with Israel would want to enter the international community with such a thing on its head. But I do think there would be individual acts of revenge against settlers... and if a few nut cases, a few modern-day Masada types, want to die sanctifying God's name or something, I'm sorry let them."
NEXT MONTH will mark the 80th anniversary of the 1929 riots and massacres which left hundreds of Jews dead, wounded and maimed. The worst of these riots was in Hebron, where 67 were killed, 70 injured, and the survivors expelled by the then-ruling British. The 1929 massacre was the direct result of hateful incitement spewed out by the Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini against the Jews living in pre-state Israel. The day before the riots began, on Thursday, August 22, four Jews belonging to the Hagana, including Rahel Yanait, future wife of Israel's second president Izhak Ben-Zvi, visited Hebron. Warning the city's Jewish leadership of impending violence, they offered to leave weapons for self-defense. The weapons were refused because Hebron's Jews believed their Arab neighbors would protect them. That naivety led to the annihilation of a Jewish community that had existed for thousands of years. At present, the major source of incitement is not entirely clear. On the one hand, US President Barack Obama and the Europeans maintain exceedingly clear expectations; a total building freeze is only the first step. Following that, the demands to empty Judea and Samaria will certainly follow. That is no surprise. What is much more troubling and problematic is the systematic effort from within Israel to demonize our own people, even to the point that Jews do not really care if other Jews live or die. Some months ago I met a man in Hebron who identified himself as a journalist for a publication called Yisrael Hayom. The bottom line of our conversation was his concluding remark: "I think a good settler is a dead settler." Sheleg, Derfner, Kraft and others seem to be walking in the footsteps of the mufti, whose vile agitation led to the 1929 atrocities. Is this really the road Israel is traveling 80 years later? David Wilder is spokesman of The Jewish Community of Hebron. You can contribute directly in Israel to The Jewish Community of Hebron, POB105, Kiryat Arba-Hebron 90100, email: hebron@hebron.org.il or phone: 972-52-431-7055. In USA, write to The Hebron Fund, 1760 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11230, email: hebronfund@aol.com or phone: 718 677 6886. |
Posted by Cpocerl, July 2, 2009. |
This was written by Walter F. Roche, Jr., and it appeared June 30,
2009 in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
A district judge who held another ACORN worker for trial Monday on election law violations urged prosecutors to go after the real culprit, the organization that employed him. "Somebody has to go after ACORN," Senior District Judge Richard H. Zoller said about the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. "It's happening all over the country. All you have to do is turn on the television," he said, referring to voter registration fraud charges brought recently against ACORN and its workers in Nevada. "We will," Allegheny County Detective Robert F. Keenan promised as he wrapped up his testimony. A spokesman for District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr. said following the hearing that the county's investigation into members of ACORN and their activities during the 2008 campaign "remains open and active." "(T)here is quite a bit of activity aimed at determining if anyone else should be charged," Zappala's spokesman Mike Manko said. Eric E. Jordan, 20, of North Braddock became the sixth person ordered to face trial in Allegheny County. He is charged with soliciting a voter registration and interfering with county voter registration officials by submitted applications for himself in order to meet his quota for registrations. A seventh defendant faces a preliminary hearing next month. Zappala claims the ACORN canvassers engaged in voter registration fraud and a quota system for registrations, which is barred by state law. Olga Salvatori, Jordan's attorney, told the judge her client did not know a quota system was illegal. She said Jordan was told he had to bring in a set number of registrations each day or he would be fired. "ACORN should be charged, not my client," Salvatori said. But, argued Assistant District Attorney Matthew Robinowitz: "By accepting a job with a quota, he violated the law." Salvatori argued that Jordan didn't "interfere" with anyone because all he did was resubmit his own voter registration three times, changing his address or party affiliation. ACORN officials repeatedly have denied the organization imposed a quota system on workers, although they have acknowledged they had "standards" canvassers were expected to maintain. They did not respond yesterday to requests for comment. Salvatori said after the hearing it was unfair that her client and other workers were charged for such technical violations. "I didn't even know a quota was illegal until I looked it up," she said. "They go into poor neighborhoods and sign these people up. They tell them they have to meet minimum standards. How would (the workers) know what the law is?" Keenan testified that he questioned Jordan last spring about suspect voter registrations he filed. He said Jordan, who was in custody on unrelated charges, acknowledged during the interview that he had to get 10 to 12 registrations per day or he would be fired. Jordan attended the hearing but did not testify. County Elections Division Director Mark Wolosik testified that every time a voter registration application was submitted or resubmitted, county workers had to process the application and generate a voter card and other paperwork. Contact CPocerl at Cpocerl@aol.com |
Posted by Sadik Gergis, July 2, 2009. |
This was written by Mary Abdelmassih and distributed by the
National American Coptic Assembly. See
Another incident of a Muslim mob attacking, torching and looting Coptic Christian homes and shops took place today in the village of Meet El-Korashy, Meet Ghamr, after a Muslim young man died following a fight with a Coptic shopkeeper. State Security cordoned off the whole village and placed it under curfew. The Shopkeeper and his family were arrested and charged with murder. 19-year old Mohamad Ramadan Ezzat, student at the Al-Azhar Islamic Institute, returned an empty bottle of soft drink and asked for a refund. When the shopkeeper refused to return the refund money, witnesses say that Ezzat broke the bottle and attacked Emil, who stabbed him in self-defense with the sharp edge of the bottle glass. Ezzat was taken to hospital where he died the following day. Prosecution arrested the shopkeeper Emile, his two sons and and his wife, who were all charged with murder. Muslim witnesses told newspapers' correspondents that Ezzat broke the bottle to prove that it was his, and did not intend to stab the shopkeeper. According to the Egyptian newspaper ElYom Elsabe, people in the village, after hearing news of his death, gathered in the village awaiting the arrival of the coffin, which arrived under heavy guard. The funeral was attended by hundreds of people, all wailing and chanting slogans of 'Allah Akbar' and calls for revenge. When the villagers returned from the burial, they stoned Coptic homes, destroyed walls and set fire to the homes belonging to the Coptic family. The fire brigade arrived hours later because of the crowds, by that time the fire had consumed the Coptic homes. Some Muslim youth closed the road between the town of Zagazig and Mansoura, and forced trucks on the road to offload the day workers. Police arrested them the Muslim youth and imposed a curfew and closed all roads in and out of the village. Dr. Naguib Gobraeel, President of the Egyptian Union Human Rights Organization, sent an urgent appeal to the Minister of Interior and Director of State Security in Dakahlia asking for protection for the Coptic inhabitants whose homes are being torched, their shops looted and who are being forced to stay indoors. Many believe such acts of violence takes place due to the Egyptian Government's attitude of failing to apply deterrent laws on assailants on one hand, and the increase in 'Muslim mob justice' of taking the law in their own hands without fear of retributive justice, on the other. The most recent in this series of violent assaults took place in the Upper Egyptian village of Ezbet Boushra-East, on 6/21/09 when Copts were assaulted, their homes destroyed and their crops uprooted by a Muslim mob and the Egyptian State Security, 'on suspicion' that a holy mass was being secretly celebrated at a priest's home (AINA 6-22-2009). With every violent attack on Copts, the same scenario of events takes place. The State Security forces the Coptic victims to an unofficial 'reconciliation meeting', in which they are forced to give up their rights, and the perpetrators go unpunished. Such a 'reconciliation meeting' for the villagers of Ezbet Boushra-East is scheduled for 6/30/09; the outcome of this meeting is already known by the Copts. On June 26, 2009 the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) expressed its concern regarding this attack and called on the Egyptian Government to protect the Copts and their property. "This latest incident is another example of the upsurge of violence against Coptic Christians we have seen in the past few years," said Felice D. Gaer, chair of the Commission. "The Commission has long expressed concern that the Egyptian government does not do enough to protect Christians and their property in Egypt, nor does the government adequately bring perpetrators of such violence to justice." Condemning the latest attacks, Dr. Selim Naguib, President of the Canadian Coptic Association said on 6/29/09 "The Sectarian agenda for 2008 is full of bloody events, and barbaric attacks against the Copts. More than 70 cases of violations of the rights of the Copts took place only during that year. Not one week passes without hearing of attacks on the Copts." Violations ranged from attacks on churches and monasteries such as that of the Virgin Mary in Dronka and Abu Fana in Qasr Hur, Minya last June to those on congregations. "Even those praying within their homes are assaulted. Copts are prevented from praying and from building churches, so as not to 'hurt the feelings and sentiments of Muslims.'" "These crimes which have been perpetrated since the early seventies to the present day, are planned with the objective of the 'Islamization of Coptic families', by terrorizing them into enforced displacement and the breaking down of Coptic families," according to Dr. Selim. The assault on the Coptic villagers of Ezbet Boushra-East is the latest incident in a long series that goes back to the seventies, when on November 6, 1972, the Holy Bible Publishing House in Al-Khanka, on the outskirts of Cairo, was burnt down and its contents looted, followed by attacks on Coptic homes, because Copts in that area used it to celebrate Holy Mass without a license. Since that incident, the Copts have been at the receiving end of attacks that number in the hundreds and vary in magnitude from minor harassments to major assaults. A video called 'Copts Under Siege' is published in English by Free Copts, giving interviews with Coptic victims of sectarian attacks on churches (part 1, part 2). A vivid example of the Government's deliberate refrain from granting churches restoring permits is that of the village of Menkteen, Minya. The villagers had their church burnt down in 1977 before completion, in addition to the looting of their properties and shops by Muslims. They have been waiting for 28 years for a permit to complete the building of their only church. The photo shows the villagers recently praying at a child's funeral in the church ruins. Many Coptic NGOs share the same belief with the USCIRF that the problems of violent attacks on Copts might be solved if the Egyptian Government would finally pass the long awaited bill on the "unified law for building places of worship," which would put an end to all problems related to building and restoring places of worship. "If the Egyptian government would pass and implement such a law, it may help in stemming some of the violence targeting Christians who are forced to convert private homes and buildings into churches because they cannot get permission to build an appropriate place of worship," recommends the USCIRF report. The upsurge in violence against the religious liberties of the Copts has been encouraged by the Islamization process of the country by the late President Sadat and the support he gave to Islamic fundamentalists. He declared in 1970 "I am a Muslim president of a Muslim state," changing the constitution to make Islamic law (Shari'a) Egypt's main source of legislation. This step has relegated the Copts to the status of second class citizens. A study published this month by the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada found that discrimination against Christians is entrenched in Egyptian laws, particularly in the nation's constitution. Another contributing factor was the general discrimination and prejudice which is prevalent in the minds of the population at large. Underlying both of these problems is the spread of the militant Islamist mentality in Egypt. "With every Parliamentary session the Government does not even bring up for discussion the bill on the 'unified law for building places of worship,'" said Dr. Naguib Gibrael, President of the "Egyptian Union" Organization for Human Rights, "instead the state busies itself with laws such as traffic law, environment law and bird flu law." The question which Copts ask is how long they can hold on to their Christian faith when faced with a government that does not wish to find a solution to their dilemma.
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 2, 2009. |
Note to readers from abroad: Thank you for helping keep me from becoming insular and for enabling me to understand how better to address your concerns. HAMAS CRITICIZES BUSH & OBAMA Hamas accused former Pres. Bush of having described all Muslims as Islamo-fascists. They said he launched two "genocidal" wars against Muslim states. Hamas complained that incumbent Pres. Obama called on the Arabs to halt violence against Israel without asking Israel to cease violence against the Palestinian Authority. They say "resistance" by force is proper. Hamas' other complaints amounted to resentment that the U.S. does not adopt the total Hamas line (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/13). Pres. Bush specifically referred to the estimated fifth of Muslims who are Islamo-fascists, and not to the majority. The Hamas accusation is defamatory and inflammatory. It does not make a case but false propaganda for jihad. The U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were not genocidal but had only a fraction of the casualties in wars a generation earlier. The Iraqi dictator whom the U.S. overthrew was executed by his own people for genocide. Again, Hamas is defamatory, here by exaggeration and by citing these wars as anti-Muslim. Against Afghanistan, headquarters of al-Qaida, which attacked the U.S., it was obvious self-defense. Against Iraq, we saved Muslims from a mass-murderer. You wouldn't take Hamas complaints about humanitarian issues, if
you clicked here:
MUSLIMS OPPOSE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION ON WOMEN The UN Human Rights Commission wants a special rapporteur on women's human rights. The Organization of Islamic Conference of 57 governments opposes the move. One objection is that a rapporteur could not handle the many different national legal situations. The other is that the matter is one of cultural differences. Those who made that argument are notorious for unpunished honor killings and other oppression of women (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/13 from Hudson Institute). Should murder now be deemed a mere cultural matter? Sounds like a rationalization for defending a murderous culture. A reader pointed out correctly that honor-killing isn't limited to
Muslims. However, the organization of Muslim states defends the
oppression of women in their countries. For more about honor killing,
see here:
J STREET DISTORTS POLL RESULTS AGAINST ISRAEL Five polls found that the Israeli majority opposes ceding the
Israeli settlements to the Palestinian Authority. In a poll that put
the question concretely, that was the unequivocal answer. When that
poll just referred to the desirability of avoiding U.S. sanctions, and
didn't mention settlements, the respondents answered that they didn't
want U.S. sanctions on Israel. Ignoring the specific question, J
Street distorted the general question to claim that Israelis want to
cede the settlements. J Street took its own poll, asking questions
geared to prompt the answers it sought
NY Times writers and leftist Israelis regularly assert that most Israelis favor abandoning Judea-Samaria in its entirety, including all the settlements. The assertion ignores the non-fraudulent polls. I think that polls are abused and over-rated and people are
misinformed and dis-informed. (One of my categories of articles you
can click on to get to is Media Bias.) For a discussion of the
settlements controversy, you may start by clicking here:
UPDATE OF SUIT AGAINST SAUDI SUPPORT OF TERRORISM The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the lawsuit against S. Arabians for supporting terrorism, in fronts posing as charities. Left standing is a lower court ruling that half the suit, the part against Saudi government officials is invalid, because a 1976 law grants foreign government officials immunity. The other part of the suit may proceed against private Saudi financial and charity organizations. The 9/11 plaintiffs are backed by insurance companies that paid out billions (Eric Lichtblau, NY Times, 6/20, A12). Not made clear is whether the immunized Saudi officials acted in their official capacity or in a personal capacity, and whether the latter function is immune. U.S. PLANNING ISRAEL'S DEMISE? Encouraged by the U.S., Egypt and Syria are negotiating with Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) for a joint force of Hamas, Fatah and Arab states such as Egypt, the Emirates, S. Arabia, Morocco, patrol the Gaza Strip. Hamas could manufacture incidents that bring those foreign states into active war on Israel. The government of Israel ignores this development, preoccupied as it is with appeasing the U.S. over settlements. Neither does AIPAC speak up (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/16). It long has been a Palestinian Arab goal to drag everybody into struggling for them. This includes U.S. pressure on Israel and inveigling the Arab states into war on Israel. Most Arab states are in a state of war with Israel; the rest are in a cold war with Israel, their populations usually preferring it be a hot one. When Hamas or Fatah instigates a firefight with Israeli border forces, or fires missiles in order to invoke an Israeli counter-attack, what do you think the foreign Arab forces would do? Stop the Palestinian Arabs? Sit still and be denounced by their people? Or join in and claim that Israel committed aggression? The plan would deploy Arabs forces alongside Israel's cities. A swift thrust might not itself defeat Israeli forces, but it would disrupt their mobilization long enough for the main Arab armies to invade and conquer. Since the Arabs specialize in attacking civilians, a swift thrust and follow-up might kill enough to discourage the rest from staying in Israel, although who knows where they might find refuge? Israel was to be their refuge, but U.S. policy would deprive them of it. The most dire example of U.S. incompetence or is it malice, ignorance or is it warped ideology, is this attempt to get foreign Arab troops into Gaza, as part of a comprehensive deal that gets Jews out of Judea, Samaria, and Golan! Obama has turned from being the candidate of hope to the incumbent of despair. Was Obama elected to foster war? For more on U.S. schemes to emasculate Israel, see here:
PROOF MAY NOT BE ALLOWED AGAINST SAUDIS 9/11 victims and families are suing Saudi royalty for supporting terrorism. Such lawsuits adduce evidence running into the hundreds of thousands of pages. Under the Freedom of Information Act, plaintiffs secured Treasury Dept. documents showing that the International Islamic Relief Organization, which Saudi royalty supported strongly, subsidized terrorist organizations at least through 2006. Witnesses stated that another royalty-supported Saudi charity subsidized al-Qaida in Bosnia, and that a prince gave a couple of hundred million to a Taliban leader. [There is more, but I omitted it because it referred to a "suspected" charity. Suspicions should be investigated, not offered as evidence.] Someone anonymously leaked secret federal documents to plaintiff attorneys. It was eye-opening, but the Justice Dept. got the leaked copies destroyed. The Justice Department intervened in behalf of the accused, citing "potentially significant foreign relations consequences." "The Saudis and their defenders in Washington have long denied links to terrorists, and they have mounted an aggressive and so far successful campaign to beat back the allegations in federal court based on a claim of sovereign immunity." The Saudi side also claims that the evidence against them is flimsy rather than showing direct links to terrorism or to 9/11, and that it stereotypes Arabs as terrorists (Eric Lichtblau, NY Times, 6/24, A11). Here are some further considerations: (1) Plaintiffs and prosecutors should omit citing "suspected terrorist front," and save much time and money. My sources should exclude that non-evidence from their reports. They all should be careful about guilt by association, but on the other hand, conspiracies are about association; (2) Some of those Saudi princes are not diplomats. A later piece will explain why they qualify for diplomatic immunity; (3) When do the State Dept. and Justice Dept. not intervene in behalf of accused terrorists whom they favor, such as the Saudis and the PLO? In contending that awards for damages would impede U.S. foreign relations, they are admitting that U.S. foreign relations depend on coddling of America's enemies. The U.S. has no greater enemy than S. Arabia, one of the two main fonts of terrorism. S. Arabia subsidizes radical mosques and madrassas that indoctrinate in terrorism. But the State and Justice Departments don't want to let us defend ourselves from those enemies, and securing compensatory justice, by fining them for damages; (4) The reporter should have cited what the Saudis call stereotyping, so we could evaluate whether the accusation is valid; (5) Plaintiffs should not have to link those Saudis specifically to 9/11. If those Saudis donated to an al-Qaida front, then they are part of the terrorist conspiracy that at some point includes 9/11. Sophisticated Arab leaders, having access to their own intelligence agency, should not be allowed to donate to a terrorist front that calls itself a charity, but which they could reasonably be presumed to know transfers the money for terrorism, both terrorist fighting forces and to promote the ideology on which terrorism is based. In that sense, the whole Saudi regime is guilty. Now that petro-power is waxing and U.S. power is waning, it will be rather late if the U.S. even comes to the realization of who its true enemies are. IRAN RAPIDLY EXPANDING ITS NUCLEAR PLANT Iran expanded its nuclear plant at Natanz so much, so fast, that
the International Atomic Energy Agency monitors cannot keep up with
the additions. Iran soon will have 7,000 centrifuges
I make a distinction between nuclear powers that are responsible and those which are not. I think that the U.S. made a grave mistake in setting precedent in WWII, by dropping atomic bombs. People don't much foresee consequences, though sometimes they learn from experience. For a view of Iran's motive behind this piece on Iran's means,
see here:
UNEQUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT IN ISRAEL A Jewish groom picked up a handful of earth on the Temple Mount,
to bring to the wedding, for a ceremonial remembrance of Jerusalem.
A Muslim Waqf official stopped him; Israeli police enforced the
order. By contrast, the Muslims illegally scooped up and dumped
truckloads containing ancient Jewish artifacts, without being stopped
Getting away with a major violation doesn't justify a minor one, but the incident illustrates the unequal enforcement of law in Israel, against Jews. For a string of articles on Israeli discrimination against Jews,
see here:
OBAMA LOGIC ON FOREIGN POLICY, HEALTH CARE, ETC. "'If private insurers say that the market place provides the best quality health care, if they tell us that they're offering a good deal, then why is it that the government which they say can't run anything suddenly is going to drive them out of business,' Mr. Obama said." "That is not logical." (NY times, 6/24, A19). President Obama misstated what private insurers say. They don't say that the government can't run anything but that it runs most things poorly. It makes up for poor estimates and mis-management by raising taxes and giving its businesses privileges. That is how the government plans to save Medicare. Pres. Obama is not logical but distorts matters and then sounds plausible. This is true of his foreign policy, too. It is a form of demagoguery. In a prior article, on a lawsuit against Saudi royalty for subsidizing terrorism via charities, the government offered specious reasoning, too. It argued against the suit on the grounds that it would impede U.S. diplomacy. Then we let Radical Muslims get away with terrorism, because our diplomats favor them? In a series on Obama's Cairo speech, I reported or deduced many examples of false premises, logic and judgment, warped into service of counter-productive policies. For more on Obama logic, see here:
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
Posted by LEL, July 2, 2009. |
This was written by Greg Sheridan, Foreign editor
and it appeared today in the Australian
THE missing actor in the tragic and gruesome story of Iran since the stolen election of June 12 has been the Western human rights lobby. Where is it? What has happened in Iran is one of the pivotal events of our time. Tens of millions of Iranians voted against their demented President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the corrupt, clerical misrule he represents. No one seriously doubts the electoral fraud. With 40 million paper ballots to count, the Iranian authorities announced the result of the election two hours after polls closed. Supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi and the other opposition candidates were not allowed to scrutinise the counting. The margin of Ahmadinejad's alleged victory 11 million votes was patently absurd. The final touch: the alleged margin was almost identical across most parts of the country, despite huge regional and ethnic differences. The point is this was not meant to be a convincing fraud. It was a brazen, supremely arrogant exercise in brute power. The votes, in effect, were not counted at all. The process showed the absolute contempt in which the regime holds elections. It demonstrated the dictator's most important asset: the will to power. Since then the Iranian dictatorship has behaved with remarkable savagery. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians took to the streets to protest the stolen election and to vent their frustration at the medieval dictatorship they are forced to endure. For the first few days the regime let them protest. Then Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned them to get off the streets. What has followed has been one of the most brutal crackdowns on democratic sentiment in recent years. The regime acknowledges the deaths of 17 protesters. At least 40 Iranian journalists have been imprisoned. CNN, early in the business, reported 150 protesters had died in a single day. The hated Basij militia, a unit of the Revolutionary Guard, has savagely beaten hundreds of demonstrators. It has also stabbed, shot and clubbed to death many people. The image of the beautiful young Neda Agha Soltan as she lay dying after being shot at a demonstration, almost certainly by Basij militiamen, for a moment transfixed the world. Mousavi has described the rulers of Iran as "proponents of a petrified, Taliban-style Islam". Despite the regime's successful if crude reassertion of basic power, this is a vulnerable time for Ahmadinejad and his cohorts. It is not only that there is popular revolt and division within the clerics. There is also now a flowering international Shia debate about whether clerics should play a direct role in politics. Inside Iran, power has flowed away from Khamenei and the other clerics and towards Ahmadinejad and the Revolutionary Guard. But an ideologically based dictatorship is often at its weakest when it has to resort to crude military rule. This was the case when Poland declared martial law in 1981. It was then in plain sight for the world to behold: a military dictatorship, pure and simple. The flimsy rags of ideological purpose that global communism had conferred on the Polish government were stripped away. The Polish regime then, like the Iranian regime today, was to be seen in George Orwell's terms as simply a boot treading on a human face, over and over again. This is the undeniable story of Iran. So where are the Western demonstrators? Apart from ethnic Iranians, there has hardly been a single demonstration in any Western capital in support of the Iranian democrats. Yet isn't there a class, in Australia and in the rest of the West, of people deeply concerned about human rights? The class that Robert Manne and Judith Brett call the moral middle class? Weren't there thousands of demonstrators against the World Trade Organisation and G20 meetings in Australia because the global economy allegedly repressed the rights of poor people? What about the groups explicitly dedicated to human rights? In the twilight struggle against the communist empire, human rights groups played an honourable and at times indispensable role in gaining freedom for the likes of Soviet dissidents Andrei Sakharov, Natan Sharansky and countless others. It was a tremendous consolation to these dissidents when a US president, or indeed a humble human rights group, campaigned on their behalf. Recently I interviewed David Menashri, one of the great authorities in the world on Iran. He was born in Iran and studied for his PhD there. Now he is a professor at Tel Aviv University. He is in no sense a military hawk on Iran. He asked this simple question: "Can't the West exercise its moral muscles? What a gesture it would be if all the European nations, and Australia, temporarily withdrew their ambassadors from Iran in protest at what is happening there." The truth is the language and practice of human rights advocacy in the West has become completely corrupted by the postmodern ideologies of the contemporary Left. In this parallel universe all crimes are a subset of imperialism and the only true villains are the US, Israel and, for us, Australia. When Frank Brennan commented that the Victorian human rights charter had been ineffective in its own terms and had little to do with human rights, but had become "a device for the delivery of a soft Left sectarian agenda", he was, perhaps somewhat unconsciously, making a broader point about the debasement and collapse of authentic human rights advocacy in the West. Where are you on Iran, Louise Adler, happy to accuse Israel of war crimes without the slightest evidence, but apparently unstirred by the murder of hundreds of innocent civilians in Iran? What have you got to say, Antony Loewenstein, stupidly and inaccurately labelling Israel an apartheid state and approvingly quoted in the Iranian official media, but listless on your blog in the face of the Iranian repression? What about The Age's cartoonist Michael Leunig, who once drew a cartoon so morally obtuse, stupid and offensive that it was happily accepted by an Iranian newspaper in a competition for cartoons that would offend Jews (the cartoon was submitted without Leunig's knowledge), but who is apparently unmoved to draw an image in sympathy with young Iranian democrats? The conclusion must be that many Western human rights organisations, and many of the most self-congratulatory and morally vain posturers, are not interested in human rights at all. They are interested in advancing a soft Left sectarian agenda. Except, of course, that the word soft may be wholly misplaced. Contact LEL at LEL817@yahoo.com |
Posted by Arlene Kushner, July 2, 2009. |
This is not a time for niceties. And "disgusting" is simply a very fitting word to describe what Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee is saying. Wexler, who is (was?) here, met with Netanyahu yesterday and then gave an interview to Herb Keinon of The Jerusalem Post which appeared today. I was immediately struck by the oxymoronic tone of Keinon's description of Wexler: "a close political ally of US President Barack Obama and a stalwart Israel supporter." Nah, I doubt that there is any such animal today. I'm sure Wexler describes himself in these terms. But anyone who is close to Obama, and not challenging his stance on Israel, is suspect in terms of alleged support for Israel. I spoke the other day about how even J Street describes itself as pro-Israel. I'm not saying Wexler is necessarily where J Street is, but terms must be defined. Wexler, it happens, served as a Mid-East advisor to Obama during the presidential campaign. ~~~~~~~~~~ At any rate, Wexler says: "A request for a moratorium or freeze in settlement activity that can be mutually agreed upon by the US and Israel in the next several weeks is a tiny, tiny gesture and down payment to make when you look at potentially what is on the other side of the equation." A "tiny, tiny gesture," huh? How kind of him to diminish the importance to us of what's going on here. Freezing settlement construction means relinquishing, up front, our right to be in Judea and Samaria. It means negating both our heritage and our legal rights, because this is what a lying Obama who denies we had an agreement with the Bush administration wants of us. So maybe an even better word to describe what Wexler is saying is "enraging." Methinks that Wexler, a Jew, posing as a "friend," came here at Obama's behest to soften us up. ~~~~~~~~~~ What is it that is on the other side of the equation, according to Wexler? "...22 Arab countries being urged by the US to take significant steps now towards normalization with Israel." Gasp! Can it be? Is he really suggesting that "significant steps toward normalization" would be made by the Arabs if we froze settlement construction? Yes, he actually says that an Israeli moratorium on settlements would go a long way toward moving the "normalization" process ahead. Either he's a fool, or he thinks we are fools. And I strongly suspect it's the latter. Apparently Wexler missed the article by David Ignatius in the Washington Post that I referred to two days ago. Ignatius (according to the Jerusalem Post) said that an Arab diplomat told him that the Arab demand is not a settlement freeze, but an imposed settlement. ~~~~~~~~~~ There's so much to critique in Wexler's words that it's difficult to know how to continue. The "normalization" process he refers to includes such things as fly-over rights and cultural exchanges. That's all very nice but these are no more than peripheral perks. What I observe is that there is no mention of the fundamentals such as recognizing our right to exist as a Jewish nation and declaring an end to hostilities (Saudi Arabia, for example, having never signed an armistice agreement with us is technically still at war with us). Or how about a cessation of official government anti-Semitism? We relinquish our right to natural growth in Judea and Samaria and get the chance to do a cultural exchange with some Arab countries in return. Sounds like a great deal. We can send them some of our singers and maybe they'll send some dance troops. ~~~~~~~~~~ Keinon writes that: "Wexler bewailed that while the US demands on Israel were highlighted in the Israeli press, Washington's demands on the Arab world were not gaining similar attention. This man is shameless. Only a moron would believe this after Obama's Cairo speech, in which he came down on Israel, and ONLY Israel, with regard to the settlements, while kissing up to the Muslims. ~~~~~~~~~~ But it gets even worse, for Wexler says: "The president of the US does not have a view, or an opinion, or either a tactical or strategic posture on the government of Israel. The idea that the president, or anyone in any position of responsibility in Washington, is designing a process to undermine the policy or position or standing of the government of Israel is absurd." When you pick yourself up from the floor, where you've undoubtedly collapsed with laughter, you can continue to read... ~~~~~~~~~~ When Keinon asked why the Arab states don't make some gesture of normalization before we agree to a settlement moratorium, Wexler said this was "childish." "I want to call their bluff," he said. "I want to see, if Israel makes substantial movement toward a credible peace process, whether they are willing to do it. And if they are not, better that we should find out five or six months into the process, before Israel is actually asked to compromise any significant position." Please note that the onus is entirely on us in his scenario. He is asking for "substantial movement" on our part without any balanced reciprocity just as a "test." Then, too, he contradicts himself, because he speaks at one and the same time about "substantial movement" and says this would be before we are asked to "compromise any significant position." Now what does he have in mind? Maybe the "substantial movement" would be dismantling some major settlements, but we wouldn't be asked to "compromise any significant position," such as giving the Arabs half of Jerusalem, until later? ~~~~~~~~~~ Wexler declares himself to be confident that our government will agree to this moratorium on building in the settlements: "I don't see an equation where it is in Israel's interest to say no, so I believe Israel will say yes, under a certain set of qualifications that Israel will agree to. This is one hundred percent in Israel's national security interest." My friends, I can hear the voice of Barack Hussein, saying "Bob, old buddy, we go back a long way. Now, take yourself to Israel and do what you can for the cause." Since Wexler is one hundred percent wrong about what's in our security interest, let us hope and pray (pray, please!) that he's also wrong about Israel saying yes. But, better, let's help make certain that he's wrong. Presumably at this point you're as furious as I am. I suggested yesterday that Prime Minister Netanyahu needs to be contacted on this issue. Now I implore everyone to do this. He needs to receive a barrage of calls and faxes (faxes are good!) and e-mails on the subject. Please, act while you remember to do this, or post a reminder! And then share this with others and urge them to contact Netanyahu as well.
Urge him not to cave on this issue! Communication to our prime minister from outside the country cannot hurt. But most significant are messages from Israeli citizens. If you are an Israeli citizen, please identify yourself as such when sending your message, and pass this to other citizens. ~~~~~~~~~~ I will not make this posting unwieldy by providing the contact information for other members of the government. Instead, I advise you to go here:
and cull that contact information yourself. All MKs are listed with phone numbers and e-mails. Most also have fax numbers. Be in touch with those who have clout or reputation in Likud: Yaalon, Begin, Danon, Edelstein, Hotovely Sa'ar, Steinitz, Y. Katz. Contact, as well, Yishai (Shas), Hershkovitz (Habayit Hayehudi). And Foreign Minister Lieberman (Yisrael Beitenu). ~~~~~~~~~~ A light-hearted break here (because smiling keeps us sane): I had seen the cartoon below from Yaakov Kirschen, who does the delightfully on-the-mark Dry Bones cartoons, several times. Finally, today, I decided that I would share it with everyone. It is so in line with what I've been writing about. (Thanks, Roberta) With respect to this particular cartoon, Kirschen writes: "During the Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama primary battle, Hillary famously asked whether we'd feel safe with a President Obama answering a crisis phone call at 3AM. "What she was questioning was his sense of judgment. Well, it seems to me that it's 3AM, the phone is ringing, and I'm afraid that for a lot of us it's a wake-up call." ![]() http://drybonesblog.blogspot.com/2009/06/ obamas-3am-phone-call.html ~~~~~~~~~~ And then a couple of links also relevant to the topic at hand: See an article by David Wilder, spokesman for the Hevron Jewish community, "In the footsteps of the Mufti" a painful but important look at the vilification of "settlers." It's perhaps the height of irony that Jews living in the ancient Jewish city of Hevron, the second holiest of cities for Jews, which connects to the time of our father Avraham, are today called "settlers," as if they are usurpers.
~~~~~~~~~~ Then an informative posting by one Rachel Abrams on the Weekly Standard blog, "Among the settlers," written about Kfar Adumim in Judea. (Thanks, Micki L.) A couple of sentences in particular struck me: "Across the wadi is Mitzpeh Hagit, an 'illegal outpost' named for a daughter of Kfar Adumim murdered by a Bedouin terrorist as she hiked in the crevice ten years ago. 'This is a response of settlers to terror murders,' says our host, one of the original 18 settlers of Kfar Adumim. 'We don't rush out to seek revenge by murdering in return. We respond to it and honor the murdered by establishing outposts in their names.'" Many is the time that I have written about an "unauthorized outpost" (such as Maoz Esther outside of Kochav Hashachar) and explained, it was named for such and such, who was killed in a terrorist attack. But never have I made the point this clearly that we honor the murdered by building, rather than seeking revenge. Something greatly to be proud of. The flip side: More than once I have felt heart-sick that the Israeli government has deemed it necessary to take down a tent, or a few houses, erected to honor the memory of a murdered Israeli. That these memorials are immediately rebuilt is also something to be proud of. Blessed are the builders. ~~~~~~~~~~ Let me turn for a few moments here to the concept of "reciprocity" in our dealings with the PA a concept to which Netanyahu at least gives lip service. Whether it's more than lip service will soon be tested. The failure to truly honor such a concept is part of what infuriates me so very much about Wexler's (and Obama's) approach. One of the commitments that the PA has via Oslo and the Road Map is the elimination of all official incitement. Obama has spoken about this, but it isn't real and there is no intention of holding Palestinian feet to the fire on this subject. Easy to say, "And the Palestinians must eliminate official incitement." But what does this mean in real terms? Let's talk tachlis here (i.e., get down to serious stuff). The PA-produced textbooks lack maps of the area that have "Israel" delineated it's all "Palestine." The message that is being delivered to school kids via these maps is not exactly what we might expect if there were sincerity about "peace," with two states for two people living side by side... How about if new maps had to be introduced in all grades that did denote the existence of Israel? In truth the books should be re-printed, as there's a great deal more wrong with them than the maps. But we can deal with that later. Issuing maps now would be easier, cheaper, and achieved far more quickly. It could be a start a concrete act that would show good faith. The PA version, in Wexler's words, of a "tiny, tiny gesture." Americans how about raising this issue with your government in very concrete terms? How about insisting that your government start demanding real signs of commitment to peace from the PA? The place to go with this is to Congress. So I repeat here the sites for locating your representatives. Please, contact them, and share this with others who will do the same. (If your representative is Wexler, let him know what you think.) For your Congresspersons:
For your Senators:
In fact, while you are at it, how about writing letters to the editor proposing this demand of the PA. ~~~~~~~~~~ Before I leave the subject of incitement, I want to touch about one other issue courtesy of the Palestinian Media Watch, As Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook have written: "US law prohibits the funding of Palestinian structures that use any portion of their budget to promote terror or honor terrorists. But $200 million of the US's proposed $900m. aid package is earmarked to go directly to the Abbas government, which regularly uses its budget to honor terrorists." In fact... "The PA chose to name its latest computer center 'after the martyr Dalal Mughrabi,' who led the most deadly terror attack in the country's history. Her 1978 bus hijacking killed 37 civilians, 12 of them children, including American photographer Gail Rubin. The new center is funded by Abbas's office, which is bolstered by Western aid money. (Al-Ayyam, May 5, 2009) "Last summer the PA sponsored 'the Dalal Mughrabi football championship' for kids, and a 'summer camp named for martyr Dalal Mughrabi... out of honor and admiration for the martyr.' It also held a party to honor exemplary students, also named 'for the martyr Dalal Mughrabi,' under the auspices of Abbas and at which Abbas's representative 'reviewed the heroic life of the martyr [Mughrabi].' (Al-Hayat al-Jadida, July 23, 24 and August 8, 2008). All these PA-funded activities were to teach kids that a killer of women and children is a role model."
<> Don't close your eyes the way the government does, my friends. Scream long and loud about this, and demand accountability.
<> A bad sign: As of tomorrow, the checkpoint at Hawara, near Shechem in Samaria, will no longer check Arabs who are passing through on foot, only cars will be checked. But over the years Hawara has caught many an intended-terrorist who was on foot, carrying a long knife, or wearing an explosive belt. I myself over time have noted that when I reported a terrorist caught, very often it was at this one site. This, of course, is one more "good faith gesture" /concession. Are they crazy? <> ~~~~~~~~~~ <> This link, which ends this posting on an upbeat note, is a highly unusual version of Hatikva ("The Hope") our national anthem. I would not have thought that I would like it, but I really did. Maybe you will too.
Contact Arlene Kushner at akushner@netvision.net.il
and visit her website: www.ArlenefromIsrael.info
Posted by Steven Shamrak, July 2, 2009. |
Israel Must be self-Reliant! In a reversal of her stated position as a presidential candidate, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed that an Iranian attack on Israel would no longer be considered as an attack on America. Speaking during an interview on ABC TV, she said "I think there would be retaliation. And I think part of what is clear is, we want to avoid a a Middle East arms race which leads to nuclear weapons being in the possession of other countries in the Middle East." She would not, however, repeat her explicit statement from 2008 that the U.S. would be a part of such retaliation. When asked if her new statement was official U.S. policy, Clinton dodged the question, "I think it is U.S. policy to the extent that we have alliances and understandings with a number of nations (too evasive). I don't think there is any doubt in anyone's mind that, were Israel to suffer a nuclear attack by Iran, there would be retaliation." (After a nuclear attack, American 'retaliation' would bring little comfort to the remaining Jews in Israel! If some people did not have doubts about the US before they do now! The United States has never been an honest and reliable partner of Israel and many of its other allies which were sold out when it was convenient for the United States. Israel was assured by the US that the Oslo agreement would not move toward a two-states solution, but it did; the understanding about Jewish settlement which Israel had with president Bush has been ignored and unilaterally thrown into the rubbish bin by the new administration and there is no longer any commitment "to come to Israel's defence". After a nuclear attack there would be little need for the US to defend Israel. Self-reliance and pursuit of the Jewish National goal is the best option for the survival of the Jewish state!) The election in Iran has proved her wrong again. Only three months ago U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: I want to see what the president's engagement will bring... I think there's an enormous amount of potential for change, if the Iranians are willing to pursue that." Even president Obama admitted "The difference between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi in terms of their actual policies may not be as great as has been advertised," "Either way we are going to be dealing with an Iranian regime that has historically been hostile to the United States." Both Iranian presidential candidates are fundamentalists serving the Ayatollah's dictatorship. As Mossad chief Meir Dagan said "we mustn't forget Mousavi is the one who started the (Iranian) nuclear program." (Iranians are not willing to pursue change for peace just a cosmetic change! Israel can neither wait for the actual nuclear attack from Iran nor afford the stupidity of wishful thinking and policy of appeasement the Obama administration has adopted!) Food for Thought. Opening parking lots in Jerusalem on Sabbath, especially next to the 'Wailing Wall', the holiest Jewish place Isn't it like bringing a slab of ham to Mecca? Considering the response of the United States to one terror attack perpetrated by Al Quaida, what do you think the appropriate response by Israel should be after more than 60 years of continuous terror attacks perpetrated by or on behalf of fake nation, the Palestinians? "Obama and Clinton Lied Again! Elliot Abrams, who served under United States Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, took issue on Thursday with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's claims that there were no understandings between the Bush administration and Israel about construction for natural growth in Judea and Samaria. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Abrams said, "Despite fervent denials by Obama administration officials, there were indeed agreements between Israel and the United States regarding the growth of Israeli settlements on the West Bank." Emotional Cruelty of Hamas. Hamas cannot confirm or deny if captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is still alive, said an official authorized to speak on the issue. "The crazy war on the Gaza Strip wiped out everything so we don't know if Shalit is still alive or if he has died". He said that Israel still has to go ahead with talks to exchange Shalit for a number of Arab prisoners "whether the soldier was dead or alive." (For three years Hamas did not offer any proof of life, did not allow the IRC to visit Shalit, and changed its demands any time the negotiations came closer to an agreement. It means that since the abduction Hamas has been playing a cruel game!) That is What They were After. Long time PA diplomat Saeb Erekat
told the BBC that the Palestinians are currently in a position of
strength compared to Israel, thanks to the pressure Washington is
putting on the Netanyahu government. (Only self-respect and
determination to achieve the Jewish National
Goal Quote of the Week:
"You ought to let the Jews have Jerusalem; it was they who made it
famous." Winston Churchill to diplomat Evelyn Shuckburgh, 1955,
Descent to Suez; Diaries 1951-1956 Even he understood the
importance of Jerusalem for Jews!
Jerusalem Will Always be Ours.
"Unified Jerusalem is the capital
of Israel. Jerusalem always has been and always will be ours and it
will never be divided again," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
"Jerusalem will never be divided again" (To end any ambiguity and
painful speculation, the idea of a Jewish "Unified Jerusalem" and all
Jewish land must be adopted by the Knesset as the irreversible law of
the state of Israel!)
Islamic Brotherly Love.
The death toll from suicide truck bombing in
northern Iraq has risen to almost 80 and wounded 211 people, destroying at
least 50 buildings. It occurred in a busy area near a mosque in the town of
Taza, about 10 miles southwest of Kirkuk. (The different brands of Islam
have been hating each other, as much as they despise infidels, for
centuries. By isolating them the Western democracies will be able to prevent
an Islamic onslaught and contain the spread of
terror Will Biblical Ark be Revealed?
Patriarch Abuna Pauolos of the Ethiopian
Orthodox Church told reporters that the time had come to reveal the Holy Ark
before the world: "The Ark of the Covenant has been in Ethiopia for many
centuries. As Patriarch, I have seen it with my own eyes". But he failed on
Friday to make good on a promise of an announcement regarding the Ark of the
Covenant. (Was it a publicity stunt?)
Must the 'Show' Go on?
Syrian President Bashar Assad rejected
the offer of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a resumption of
peace talks between the two countries and stressed that Israel is well
aware that the basis for talks is full withdrawal from the Golan
Heights. (And this is after so many publicity stunts promotion of
Syrian interest to negotiate peace with Israel!)
Hypocricy of the Headlines.
"Israel seen as test of Obama's credibility"
"New Broom in Lebanon with the Same Attitude."
Lebanon will not conduct an
independent peace track with Israel and may not even join the Arab peace
initiative: "the Arab initiative includes many countries for the peace
process, and Lebanon will come as we see fit." said Hariri, the 39-year-old
so-called moderate leader of the largest parliamentary bloc, which dealt a
major setback to Hizbullah and its Syrian and Iranian backers, but his
hateful attitude toward Israel is the same as others!
"It Is Expensive to Live under Terror Threat."
A report in the Economist revealed that Israel has the
highest per capita spending on defense in the world. Israel's total
defense expenditure in 2008 was $16.2 billion, or a ratio of more than
$2,300 per person. The United States posted the second largest ratio
at $2,000 per person.
Illegal Arab Settlement on Jewish Land.
Over 100,000 Arabs Live Illegally on Jewish-Owned Land in Jerusalem and
Israeli government and JNF do nothing about it!*
Key land in Qalandiya and Kfar Akeb is owned by the Jewish National Fund
(JNF), which over the years has allowed tens of thousands of Arabs to
illegally squat on its land, resulting in the current Arab majority. The
organization bought the land in the early 1920s using Jewish donor funds for
the specific purpose of Jewish settlement.
Arabs first constructed facilities illegally in Qalandiya and Kfar Akeb
between 1948 and 1967, prior to the 1967 Six-Day War during which Israel
retook control of the entire city of Jerusalem. The bulk of illegal Arab
construction in Qalandiya occurred in the past 20 years, with construction
of several new Arab apartment complexes taking place in just the past two
years. Neither the Israeli government nor JNF took any concrete measures to
stop the illegal building, which continues today. (Why isn't President Obama
talking about this illegal expansion of Arab settlements?)
Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has been publishing an Internet editorial letter about the Arab-Israel conflict since August 2001 and has a website www.shamrak.com. He can be reached by email at StevenShamrak@gmail.com |
Posted by Justice For Jonathan Pollard, July 2, 2009. |
This was in yesterday's Associated Press. |
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. A federal judge sentenced a retired University of Tennessee professor to four years in prison Wednesday for passing sensitive information from a U.S. Air Force contract to two research assistants from China and Iran. Plasma physics expert J. Reece Roth was found guilty in September on all 18 counts of conspiracy, fraud and violating the Arms Export Control Act. The case marked the first time the government used the export control act to crack down on the distribution of restricted data, not hardware, to foreigners in a university setting. Prosecutors said Roth allowed the two graduate students to see sensitive information while they researched a plasma-guidance system for unmanned aircraft. Roth, 71, testified at trial that he didn't believe he broke the law because the research had yet to produce anything tangible. He said he received only about $6,000 from the contract. Roth, who is appealing his conviction, faced a maximum of 160 years in prison and more than $1.5 million in fines. The charges involved work performed from 2004 to 2006 on two Air Force contracts by Roth; graduate students Xin Dai of China and Sirous Nourgostar of Iran; and university spinoff company Atmospheric Glow Technologies Inc. of Knoxville. Prosecutors presented several documents suggesting research by Roth's university laboratory and Atmospheric Glow Technologies was restricted. Roth attempted to keep the sensitive research with an American graduate student and the rest with a foreign student, but eventually the data was shared. Roth also was accused of taking reports and related studies in his laptop to China during a lecture tour in 2006, and having one report e-mailed to him there through a Chinese professor's Internet connection. Atmospheric Glow Technologies has pleaded guilty to 10 counts of exporting defense-related materials, and Roth protege Daniel Sherman has pleaded guilty to conspiracy.
Reach Justice for Jonathan Pollard by sending an email to justice4jp@gmail.com |
Posted by GWZ, July 1, 2009. |
A national defense analyst says President Bush should be commended for keeping quiet about a discovery that could have blown his critics out of the water. Retired Major General Jerry Curry is a decorated combat veteran who served as an Army aviator, paratrooper, and Ranger during a military career that began during the Korean conflict. He recently wrote about a very under reported story by the Associated Press. According to the report, a large stockpile of concentrated natural Uranium, known as "yellowcake," reached a Canadian port to complete a top secret U.S. Operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad, and a ship voyage crossing two oceans. The Uranium material had been housed at a former Iraqi nuclear complex 12 miles from Baghdad. Curry says the president kept mum about the discovery in order to keep terrorists in the dark. "He made a very brave stand, a resolute stand..., in which he decided that he wasn't going to blab everything to the press," Curry commends. "...And in the meantime while he kept it quiet, he was buying time from the terrorists to get all that stuff out of the country. So that's what was done he just very quietly kept his mouth shut." "The press beat him to death for the last several years," he continues, "and now it turns out that, yes, there were weapons of mass destruction...." Curry also maintains that Saddam Hussein had an active nuclear program and the material could have been made into a nuclear weapon. President Bush's ac tions took courage, he notes, and all Americans should be thankful to have such a brave president who puts the welfare of the American people above personal considerations. .......................................................................... On July 5, 2008, the Associated Press (AP) released a story titled: Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq. The opening paragraph is as follows: The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program (a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium) reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.
Contact GWY by email at GWY123@aol.com |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, July 1, 2009. |
This was written by Aaron Klein and it appeared in World
Net Daily Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief, is known for his regular interviews with Mideast terror leaders and his popular segments on America's top radio programs. His newly released book is "The Late Great State of Israel: How Enemies Within and Without Threaten the Jewish Nation's Survival." Follow Klein on Twitter. 'Not a single Jewish home without Obama's OK' more Obamanation Official says U.S. guarantees make him confident Jews won't build in biblical territory |
TEL AVIV Not a single Jewish home will be built in the strategic West Bank without approval of the Obama administration and the Palestinians, Nimer Hamad, senior political adviser to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told WND. In spite of recent reports Israel will build 50 new homes in a northern West Bank Jewish community, Hamad said U.S. guarantees make him "confident" such housing will not actually be constructed. "The guarantees we received from the U.S. make us confident all the talks about the 50 houses in Adam are only a piece of meat (Defense Minister Ehud) Barak threw to the settlers," Hamad said. "I am not excited about these reports. I am confident no single housing will actually be built outside an agreement between the Palestinians, the Americans and the Israelis," he said. Barak's Defense Ministry approved the construction of 50 new homes in Adam, an existing West Bank community, as part of a wider plan to absorb residents slated to be evicted from an area called Migron. Migron is considered an illegal outpost since it wasn't constructed with Israeli government approval. The U.S. has demanded all illegal outposts be removed. The new houses in Adam would defy a demand by the Obama administration that Israel halt all settlement activity, including natural growth, in apparent abrogation of a deal made by President Bush in 2004. Barak was in New York yesterday to meet with U.S. Special Envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell in an effort to agree on a compromise formula on settlement construction. Sources in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office told WND that Barak favors a "temporary freeze" of Jewish communities and a declaration that the issue be resolved in talks with the PA. Top ministers in Netanyahu's cabinet, such as Vice Premier Moshe Yaalon, the strategic affairs coordinator, oppose a settlement freeze, fearing it will become permanent, according to sources close to Yaalon. Obama tells Jews to stop building in Jerusalem Earlier this week, WND quoted a top PA negotiator stating the Obama administration told the Palestinians the "golden era" of Israeli construction in sections of Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank will soon come to an end. "The U.S. assured us that for the first time since 1967, we are going into a period where there will not be allowed a single construction effort on the part of the Israelis in the settlements, including in Gush Etzion, Maale Adumum and eastern Jerusalem," said the negotiator, speaking from Ramallah on condition his name be withheld. Maale Adumim is located in eastern Jerusalem. Israel reunited the eastern and western sections of Jerusalem and the West Bank during the 1967 Six Day War. Eastern Jerusalem, claimed by the PA for a future state, includes the Temple Mount. The negotiator told WND the positions of the PA and U.S. regarding ongoing Jewish construction in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem "are closer than ever." "The U.S. used to differentiate between natural grown and adding new communities. Not anymore. No construction will be allowed, not even natural growth," the PA negotiator said. The negotiator claimed that while Barak might reach an understanding with the U.S. regarding possible West Bank movements, such a deal would be for Israeli political purposes and wouldn't translate into actual Jewish construction on the ground. The West Bank borders major Israeli cities and is within rocket firing range of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Israel's international airport. Military strategists long have estimated Israel must maintain the West Bank to defend itself from any ground invasion. Terrorist groups have warned if Israel withdraws, they will launch rockets from the West Bank into Israeli cities. Many villages in the West Bank, which Israelis commonly refer to as the "biblical heartland," are mentioned throughout the Torah. The book of Genesis says Abraham entered Israel at Shechem (Nablus) and received God's promise of land for his offspring. He later was buried in Hebron. The nearby town of Beit El, anciently called Bethel, meaning "house of God," is where Scripture says the patriarch Jacob slept on a stone pillow and dreamed of angels ascending and descending a stairway to heaven. In that dream, God spoke directly to Jacob and reaffirmed the promise of territory. And in Exodus, the holy tabernacle rested in Shiloh, believed to be the first area the ancient Israelites settled after fleeing Egypt. Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Barbara Sommer, July 1, 2009. |
This is by Moshe Arens and it appeared yesterday in Haaretz
Dealing with U.S. President Barack Obama constitutes a major challenge for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It has been a long time since America last had a president as powerful as Obama, who controls both houses of Congress and is wildly popular among the American public. It is from this advantageous position that Obama has decided to confront Israel, and now the Israeli prime minister has to decide how to respond. Meanwhile, the world's troublemakers in Tehran, Damascus, and Pyongyang are getting away with murder. As for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Syrian President Bashar Assad, Obama has decided to sweet-talk them. Meanwhile Kim Jong-il is still waiting to see how the U.S. president will deal with him, as North Korea continues to threaten the world with its nuclear-tipped missiles. The exception to it all is Israel Obama is telling Jerusalem in no uncertain terms what he expects from it. No doubt about it, the American leader has decided to use strong-arm tactics on America's long-time ally. He has carefully and deliberately targeted the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria as the focal point of the pressure he has decided to apply on Netanyahu. For years these settlements have been castigated by Israel's enemies, and even some of its friends, as constituting an obstacle to regional peace a sentiment also echoed by the Israeli left. With that kind of backing, Obama must have concluded that Netanyahu will have no choice but to buckle. That is why he and Hillary Clinton are keeping up the pressure. "The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements... It is time for these settlements to stop," he declared in Cairo. To leave no room for doubt, Clinton emphasized that Obama was referring to all settlements, including Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. Those who choose to take comfort in Obama's choice of words he referred to "legitimacy" rather than "legality," and talked about "continued" Israeli settlements are only fooling themselves. Obama has targeted all Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria as well as East Jerusalem's Jewish neighborhoods, and he does not intend to let go easily. Netanyahu made a serious error of judgment in trying to parry Obama's opening serve by explaining the need for additional settlement construction due to the "natural growth" of the Jewish population there. Referring to the space required for kindergartens, nurseries and homes for newlyweds does not convince someone who does not accept the legitimacy of continued settlement construction. Expecting heartfelt sentiments from your opponent in this game is not going to get us anywhere. Obama is playing hardball. While efforts to assuage the concerns of the Israeli public regarding relations with the U.S. by saying that the settlement issue is negotiable may leave an impression in Israel, they are falling on deaf ears in Washington. The right of Jews to live in Judea and Samaria is a basic principle not subject to negotiations. There is more at stake here than mere rights to natural growth. Britain tried to abrogate these rights in the infamous MacDonald White Paper of May 1939. That document ended up in the trash bin of history. The Arab Legion tried to deny this right from 1948-1967, after destroying the Jewish settlements in the area, only to be driven out in the Six-Day War. And today, too, no coalition of friends or foes is going to succeed in this endeavor. The Israel prime minister has to make this crystal clear. The gauntlet has been dropped and it has to be taken up. Succumbing to the pressure that is being applied on the settlement issue will only result in additional pressure on other issues, and before long Israel's position on matters of principle and substance will begin to crumble. This is not going to be easy, but Israel's staunch supporters in the U.S. will stand by it. It will be a test for the American Jewish leadership and for the people of Israel.
Contact Barbara Sommer at lsommer_1_98@yahoo.com |
Posted by Don Feder, July 1, 2009. |
Old joke: Walking down a street, a rabbi is accosted by an anti-Semite who tells him "The Jews are to blame for all of our problems." The rabbi replies, "You're absolutely right. It's all the fault of the Jews and the redheads." Puzzled, the anti-Semite asks, "Why the redheads"? The rabbi responds, "Why the Jews"? But for the left, anti-Semitism makes perfect sense almost as much sense as socialized medicine. Except for Islam (with which it's increasingly allied), the left has a near-monopoly on organized anti-Semitism. Last month, that geriatric Jew-hater Jimmy Carter was in Gaza condemning the "devastation" wrought by Israel's military incursion to stop Hamas rocket attacks. "The citizens of Gaza are treated more like animals than people," the man who put the ayatollahs in charge of Iran intoned. At the American International School in Gaza, damaged by Israeli bombs, Carter told citizens of Hamas-istan, "I have to hold back the tears when I see the deliberate destruction that has been wrecked against your people." That Hamas deliberately located a missile battery near the school is irrelevant to our pathetic ex-president. The author of Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid who's become the most prominent Western apologist for the Hitlerites of Hamas ("first of all, Hamas has to be accepted by the international community") Carter has never shed a tear for the Israelis killed by Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza or those murdered or wounded by Palestinian suicide bombers over the past decade. Next stop on Jimmy's trail of tears the S.S. cemetery in Bitburg, where he'll weep for the devastation wrecked against the German people, who were treated like animals by the Allies in World War II. For Carter, the political is also personal. In a 2006 story in the Jewish Forward, Carter was quoted telling senior aides prior to the 1980 election "If I get back in, I'm going to (expletive deleted) the Jews." James von Brunn, another octogenarian anti-Semite, is charged with the murder of a guard at the U.S. Holocaust Museum on June 10. The left was quick to blame everyone from Rush Limbaugh to FOX News for the crime. But a perusal of the alleged shooter's website reveals that he not only hates Jews, but also Christianity (which he considers a "Jewish hoax") and capitalism. Von Brunn wrote, "Socialism represents the future of the West." Von Brunn sounds a lot like Obama's former pastor and spiritual mentor the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. In a note he was carrying at the time of his arrest, von Brunn wrote that "Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do." At about the same time, Wright complained to a reporter that "them Jews" had denied him access to his disciple. "Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me .... He's got to do what politicians do. And the Jewish vote, the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) vote that's controlling him...that's talking this craziness on Israel because they're Zionists, they will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza (I thought it was apartheid. Maybe it's both.) the ethnic cleansing of the Zionists is a sin and a crime against humanity." The Zionists are in good company. As Rev. Michael Pfleger (another Obama bud) put it in a sermon at Wright's church, "America is the great sin against God." "God damn America!" the Rev. Jeremiah responds. Wright later apologized for his "them Jews" comment, claiming he meant to say "the Zionists" not "the Jews." Usually, anti-Semites say "Zionists" when they mean "Jews." and not the reverse. Obama does a full-waist bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, denies the Jewish people's historic ties to the land of Israel, equates Palestinian "suffering" to the Holocaust, believes it's his mission to fight "Islamophobia" and has a Middle East-team that could have been assembled by Carter. Sure, Obama is controlled by the Jews the way he's controlled by the National Rifle Association. Wright isn't the only member of the Democrats' blame-the-Jews club. A May poll by two Stanford University professors showed a third of Democratic voters buying into one of the oldest anti-Semitic myths world domination by Jewish bankers The survey asked respondents if "the Jews" were responsible for the current financial crisis. Of self-identified Democrats, 32 percent blame Jews "a moderate amount" to "a great deal" for our economic woes, versus 18.4 percent of Republicans. In other words, almost twice as many Democrats as Republicans believe sinister Jews are responsible for the collapse of the financial house of cards constructed by Congressional Democrats on a foundation of sub-prime mortgages. Ah, the Democrats, so tolerant, so minority friendly except for Jews. Pat Oliphant agrees with Wright that "them Jews" are engaged in a genocidal campaign against hapless Palestinians. Called the most influential editorial cartoonist in the world by the New York Times, in March, Oliphant produced a masterpiece worthy of Der Sturmer, depicting a sword-wielding giant goose-stepping as he wheels a fanged Star of David toward tiny, huddled figures of a woman and child labeled Gaza. The Magen Dovid is the international symbol of Jewry. (The Nazis forced Jews in occupied Europe to wear it on arm bands.) Oliphant's message was unmistakable: "Them Jews" (the same who are to some degree responsible for the financial crisis, according to almost a third of the Democratic Party) are engaged in apartheid, ethnic-cleansing and genocide in Gaza. When he contemplates the cruelty of it all, Jimmy Carter has to fight to hold back the tears. Oliphant is a party-line leftist who loathes both America and Christianity. In a 1993 cartoon, he had a frightened elephant labeled GOP being dragged by rodents into a building with an electric Cross that read "Religious Right." Oliphant chose interesting imagery for conservative Christians. Nazi propaganda films often juxtaposed scenes of Jews at prayer with rats swarming out of a sewer. If the left doesn't keep reminding us of how tolerant it is, we're apt to forget. On January 30, armed thugs invaded a Caracas synagogue, occupied the building for three hours, desecrated the Torah scrolls and scrawled graffiti like, "We don't want Jews here," and "Jews get out." Before the rise of Hugo Chavez, anti-Semitism was unknown in Venezuela, a nation with a Jewish population of 15,000. Now, it's almost a daily occurrence. Abraham Levy Ben Shimol, president of Venezuela's Jewish community, says: "You probably hear of many anti-Semitic incidents, but where we live, the anti-Semitism is sanctioned: it comes from the president (Chavez), through the government and into the media." In his 2005 Christmas Eve speech, Chavez charged: "The world has wealth for all, but some minorities, the descendants of the same people that crucified Christ...have taken over all the wealth of the world." (Emphasis added.) When a state prosecutor and Chavez ally was killed in a car-bombing in 2004, the president sent Venezuelan security forces to raid a private Jewish school in Caracas. Agents with sub-machineguns terrorized students, while a weapons search was conducted. You can't be too careful when dealing with adolescent Christ-killers. Chavez (who calls himself a lifelong Maoist) is enabled by prominent Democrats. A 2006 commentary by Ed Laskey in The American Thinker ("Democrats and the Anti-Semitism of Hugo Chavez") notes the Congressional fan club of the Latin Goebbels includes John Conyers, Jr. (D. MI), William Delahunt and Ed Markey (both D-MA). The People's Republic of Bay State is a bastion of Hugo-ism. Former Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy III (whose granddad, Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., thought Hitler was misunderstood), current head of the Citizens Energy Corporation, gets cheap oil from Chavez. This allows Kennedy to play Lord Bountiful to low-income households and build political capital while paying himself a six-figure salary. In return, Kennedy does PR for the Caracas regime. His cheap-oil commercials all note that the heating oil comes from "our friends in Venezuela" i.e. Chavez. On January 8, at an anti-Israel demonstration in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, organized by the leftist group ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), a lady in a hijab shouted at Jewish counter-demonstrators "Go back to the oven" (in reference to the Holocaust), and "You need a big oven, that's what you need." Instead of condemning hijab-lady, Emmanuel Lopez, ANSWER's Florida coordinator, assured us that the "vast majority of demonstrators," do not want to cremate Jews. In an effort to be even-handed, Lopez went on to call the Jews who were told to "go back to the oven," barbaric, racist, Zionist terrorists." (Lopez: "Zionism in general is a barbaric racist movement that really is the cause of the situation in the entire Middle East.") The anti-war movement tolerates anti-Semitism, when it isn't openly embracing it. A Hamas flag flew from the speakers' podium at ANSWER's 2002 National March for Palestine, Against War and Racism. Either ANSWER is so clueless that it doesn't know Hamas is virulently anti-Semitic or it doesn't care. (A character on a Hamas kids show, broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV, urges children to "Wipe out the Jews.") Even the Jewish left acknowledges this reality. In 2007, the San Francisco ADL held a conference (Finding Our Voice), described by the Jewish Telegraph Agency as "aimed at empowering Jewish progressives to respond to anti-Semitism of the left" a project destined to be as successful as Ayatollahs for Fair Elections. Here are seven reasons for leftist anti-Semitism: 1. Jew-hatred has deep historic roots in the movement. Karl Marx, who came from a Jewish family that converted to Christianity, was a raving anti-Semite. "What is the Jew's foundation in our world? Material necessity, private advantage," Marx wrote. Also: "What is the object of the Jew's worship? Usury. What is his worldly god? Money." Marx's hatred of Jews went beyond the class struggle. He described Polish Jews as "the smarmiest of races," called his opponent, Ferdinand Lassalle, a "Jewish Nig " and disclosed that the Ramsgate section of London was "full of Jews and fleas." All of the left's hatreds, manias and phobias have brought it to this magical moment. The expression "Islamo-fascist" has become so commonplace it's easy to forget that Allah's storm-troopers aren't the only fascists out there.
Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer who is now a
political/communications consultant. He also maintains his own
website, DonFeder.com.
Posted by Steven Plaut, July 1, 2009. |
I am about to deliver a lecture in a glamorous building in Riga, one of the best examples of the Art Nouveau architecture style that makes the capital of Latvia so famous. The large seminar room is filled beyond capacity. "This seminar is going to be a strange one for two reasons," I begin. "The first is that everyone in the room knows more about the topic I am about to discuss than I do. The second is that I want to begin by telling you about the Latvian roots of my family." That story began in Dvinsk. Today the town, renamed Daugavpils, is the second-largest city in Latvia and an industrial eyesore produced by Stalinist planning. Back in the 19th century it was included within the borders of czarist Belarussia. The city joined Latvia when it achieved political independence after World War I for the first time in modern history. Dvinsk's sizable Jewish community was best known for Rabbi Meir Simcha, one of the greatest Torah sages of his generation who was popularly called the Ohr Sameach after the name of his most famous book. Zayde was born Samuel Shaeffer in Dvinsk. In the last decade of the 19th century the wealthy Jewish banker Baron Maurice de Hirsch had purchased lands in Argentina, and Jews from Eastern Europe were fleeing there from the pogroms that were growing in viciousness during the dying days of the Russian empire. Samuel's parents were among those who signed up to go. They packed up their meager belongings, took their young son and his two sisters, and hopped on the horse-drawn wagon to make their way to the port. But, alas, the horse was too old for the task at hand and they literally missed the boat because of her. They returned to the poverty of Dvinsk. Things only got worse. An order came for Samuel to report for conscription for a 25-year term of service in the czarist army. He decided to flee the country for his life. A Jewish teenager in the town had recently died but his passing had not been officially recorded. Samuel took the papers of the dead youth, adopted the latter's last name of Steinman, and smuggled himself out just ahead of the czarist secret police. With a few coins in his pocket he escaped Latvia and made his way by foot all the way to Hamburg. He had been a tailor's apprentice back home (a profession he never liked much) and would work as a tailor in towns he traveled through for food money. From Hamburg he took a steamer to America, landing in Ellis Island in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty. He settled in Philadelphia, married a young Jewish woman from Galicia, and set up a tailor shop. He kept planning to change professions, but never did. Back in Dvinsk he had been examined by the local doctor before he left. A complete physical examination in those days consisted of checking the patient's tongue. The quack told him he thought he would be unable to father children. Samuel decided to prove him wrong, and had nine of them. The eighth of the nine is named Ida my mother. They spoke Yiddish at home. I picked up some expressions, but to my regret never learned it properly. Mom later married a refugee from Germany who did not speak Yiddish. They met in the middle of Israel's war of independence when Mom worked at the offices of the Magen David Adom and Dad came to donate blood. Our family joke always was that it was love at first stab. Zayde spent endless days sitting in the small tailor shop, sneaking away from work whenever he could to read Josephus. He did not trust the police. He told his children that when they came home late at night they should walk rather than run down the street, lest the police mistake them for thieves and attack them. Some of my best early memories were of spending time with Bubbe and Zayde in the rooming house they favored on their visits to Atlantic City. It was their chance to get away from the tedious tailor work. I remember the first time I saw the ocean there as well as my efforts to get Zayde to explain to me what made the waves move and hump. Zayde had strong likes and dislikes. He despised Frank Sinatra and would refer to him only as "that bum." He was convinced that the comedian Jerry Lewis was personally responsible for anti-Semitism in America. He adored Franklin Roosevelt and had a large poster of him hanging in his living room. (I shudder to think what he would make of my own free-market economics.) Meanwhile, Bubbe struck up a friendship with Bertha Cosby, the mother of superstar Bill Cosby. This was long before Bill became world famous and wealthy. They lived not far from the tailor shop. Our family used to hire Bill's struggling mother to help out in the house. She frequently worked as my babysitter, and helped out with the food at my bar mitzvah party. Bill was invited but did not come he had a date. Dad sold Bill his very first suit. By the late 1950s Zayde's family had grown so large that we often had to rent out ballrooms in hotels to hold Passover Seders. The first time I asked the Four Questions I mispronounced the words of the last one, believing it was referring to some mysterious Mrs. Bean (instead of "misubin"), and Zayde impatiently corrected me. But of course he could be very patient too, as when he came to my first violin recital and gallantly pretended not to be bored. And then there was the violent anti-Semite who lived down the block and who would torment him and the family, especially around Easter. One year the harassment was getting out of hand. At the Passover Seder, Zayde read the Ten Plagues and spilled out an unusually generous portion of wine after each one. He saved the "makos wine" from the Ten Plagues in a safe place and later knocked on the door of the anti-Semite, informing him our family was celebrating a holiday and that he'd brought him a large glass of wine so he could share in the festivities. The neighbor downed the glass happily. A few weeks later the neighbor's wife left him, and before the year was over he died of a heart attack. Zayde always claimed the Plagues wine had done the trick. I do not have the slightest doubt he was correct. Zayde died when I was a teenager. His last words were to demand that his sons empty his pants pockets of change lest the hospital staff steal it. The Stockholm School is the leading academic institute in post-communist Latvia. It is an elite university, a highly prestigious school, and the president of the country sits on its board of governors. Students come here to study from other parts of Europe. The professors at the school know that an economist in Israel has been conducting research on the real estate market in their own city of Riga, and they are greatly flattered by this. Latvia is a country with only two million people, almost half of them not ethnic Latvians, so by comparison Israel seems a huge cosmopolitan center. Prior to my visit I had become something of an expert on Latvian housing economics. That sounds more impressive than it really is, because I am just about the only academic on earth who has studied the subject. I have published a paper on Riga housing together with a Latvian graduate student of mine who took courses with me in Budapest and was able to obtain some usable data. Central Riga is charming, its beauty outlasting its long ordeal under communism, with a well-preserved set of fascinating architecture. They've put me up in an apartment in the building next to that in which the philosopher Sir Isaiah Berlin grew up. It has plaster Art Nouveau sphinxes in front of it and they probably go back to when Sir Isaiah was a yeshiva boy. Riga is a bit off the tourist beaten tracks. Israeli tourists, who seem to appear almost everywhere else on the planet, rarely make it to Riga. Its medieval guild houses, damaged badly in the war, have been rebuilt close to their original designs. A Museum of Terror, documenting Latvia's twin nightmares under Nazism and Communism, stands in the city center. I tour Riga and spend Shabbat in the one remaining active synagogue, located inside the town's walled Old City. The local Chabad rabbi has graciously offered to feed me. The language of communication for Jews living in Riga is Russian, which is also the first or second language for everyone else in Latvia. I manage to communicate with the older ones in my pidgin half-Yiddish-half-German. Some of the younger Jews speak Hebrew fluently. The synagogue makes a lavish kiddush after Shabbat prayers and the big attraction seems to be the generous glasses of vodka. In fact, I get the feeling some people come to services just for the shnapps served afterward. Two old timers at my table get into a noisy quarrel over which of them should get the unclaimed glass of vodka on our table. I bring about peace by offering them my own glass so they will not have to bicker. "But what about you?" they ask. I twirl my finger around my head to show what the extra-strong vodka does to it. Outside the walled city one is shown the location of the town's onetime Jewish center, including the Great Synagogue, today nothing but rubble, a park that is "home" to homeless dredges. The city's large urban market is held in old World War I zeppelin hangers. The large music hall has Jewish stars on its windows, placed there by the local Jewish philanthropists who raised the funds for the building before the war. Visiting Israeli academics are so unusual in Riga that the Israeli consul himself decides to come to the lecture. Besides the graduate students and professors present, there are also some Rigan bankers and developers. It is the largest turnout for an academic seminar they ever had, I am told. The crowd in the room settles down. "I am going to tell you about the economic structure of the Rigan housing market," I begin. "But before that I am going to tell you about my zayde, my grandfather, Samuel Steinman." I have a couple of old photographs of him as a boy with his family in Dvinsk and have converted them to electronic PowerPoint slides for the occasion. I tell them the story of my family's Latvian roots, about Zayde's escape from the Czar's secret police just as they were closing in, and about his journey to America. Once in America, he hoped to save up money to pay for his own parents' escape. Alas, they my great-grandparents died of starvation and disease before that was possible. Meanwhile Dvinsk was renamed Daugavpils and was incorporated into the briefly independent interwar republic of Latvia. It was devoured by Stalin as part of the Ribbentrop-Molotov deal with Hitler to divide up Europe. Following the genealogy, I launch into the academic lecture. I explain to them what is unusual about Rigan housing markets, and especially about the role of architecture in its pricing. I am the only one in the room who cannot pronounce the names of the neighborhood districts of Riga that I am analyzing, but they do not mind. Toward the end, I introduce them to Israeli humor. I tell them this is going to be the only seminar they ever attend in which they are shown a slide of (former Soviet president) Brezhnev and a slide of a toilet. The photo of the old geezer Brezhnev, who is still the butt of jokes in post-communist countries, is background to a slide with a table of statistical estimates concerning the effects on pricing of the "Brezhnev-era architectural design" in Riga. The slide with the toilet contains a table showing the effects on pricing of adding an extra bathroom to the design of housing units in the city. The school's provost attends the lecture and asks a lot of questions. When the talk is finished, he approaches me. "Some of the senior professors at the school and I would like to take you out for a dinner in your honor," he says. I hesitate for a moment. "That sounds wonderful," I say, "but I wonder if you would mind if we go eat at the kosher restaurant near the campus." (There is a small modest kosher restaurant in the basement of the Riga Jewish community center, underneath a theater.) I experience a moment of anxiety as I recall the mocking and snideness of some of my ultra-secularist university colleagues in Israel whenever someone requests that departmental lunches be held in kosher eateries. The provost considers my request for a moment. As he does, I see in my mind images of my grandfather sneaking through the alleys and back roads, fleeing for his life as a fugitive, and then of the 20th century's decades of horror for Latvian Jews. The provost breaks into a smile. Of course, he says, let's go there, we love that place. So the cream of the Latvian academic elite spends the evening in the little kosher restaurant with me, eating matzah ball soup and shashlik, drinking kosher wine, spinning academic yarns, listening to Yiddish and Hebrew songs playing in the background. And I sense my Zayde looking down, remembering his own terrors in his flight out of Latvia a century earlier. He is no doubt amused by the sight of his nerdy little grandson who once squeaked away on a violin and who raised a dozen cats all named George (including the females), now the honored guest from Israel being toasted and hosted by the Rigans, celebrating with the Latvian professors in the little kosher bistro. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist,
a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author
of "The Scout." He frequently comments both seriously and
satirically on Israeli politics and the left wing academic
community. Write him at splaut@econ.haifa.ac.il His website address is
Posted by Mr La, July 1, 2009. |
This was written by Chagit Rotenberg and was translated and adapted by Rochel Sylvetsky. The following is an article translated and adapted from the June 18 edition of the Hebrew-language weekly B'Sheva. |
It is hard to imagine a lynching in Israel's pastoral, sun drenched south the Negev but sheep grower Oz Davidian is alive only because he was able to break away for a few seconds from the Bedouin marauders who attacked him on his own property in broad daylight. He managed to dial the emergency hotline, causing his attackers to flee, not before they told him: "You will leave this place dead or alive. We will destroy your livelihood until you run away". Davidian needed stitches and surgical care. The Bedouins who tried to murder him are out of jail until the case comes to court. Two weeks ago, Davidian woke up to discover that all his sheep had disappeared. Israel's Border Police used scouts to find where the thieves, local Bedouins, had hidden them. The 30-40 complaints he has filed in the Ofakim police station over the last two years have had no deterring effect as the police simply interrogated and then released the offenders. Davidian's story is but one example of the surrealistic conditions under which farmers in the southern Negev and northern Galilee of Israel have been trying to survive. Arab and Bedouin marauders strike again and again in their attempts to force Israeli farmers to leave their land, situated well within the pre-1967 Green Line. Image removed by sender. Arab and Bedouin marauders strike again and again in their attempts to force Israeli farmers to leave their land. The beleaguered owners, whose financial losses are catastrophic, have turned to law enforcement agencies but found that police are understaffed. If a case finally gets to court, the punishments do not fit the severity of the crime. Eventually some of the farmers give up and allow the Arab aggressors to take over their land. Two years ago, this depressing picture began to change. A dynamic group of young Israelis formed a group called "The New Guardians" and began to help distressed farmers and sheep growers. The name was chosen to bring to mind the legendary "Guardian" group that arose to protect Jewish settlements from Arab attacks in the pre-State period from 1909 to 1920, when the area was under Turkish rule. Yoel Silberman, a combat officer, took an extended leave from the IDF to found the "New Guardians" group. He realized that his family, third generation farmers from Tzippori in the Galilee, were going to lose their livelihood if he didn't take action to guard their property. During the three-year period prior to Yoel's initiative, his father filed over 250 complaints against Arabs who cut his fences, caused tens of thousands of shekels worth of damage and threatened his life. Most of the police files were closed as being of "insufficient interest to the public." "One day we took our flocks out to graze on our land north of the (Jewish) Galilee town of Hoshaya", he recalls, "and found that Arab flocks had broken in. We got them out, but four Israeli Arabs from the nearby village arrived and began punching us and throwing rocks. They called my father to tell him that they intend to kill me. Border Police were there, but they and their vehicle were attacked as well. The next time they cut our fence, my father went to the police while we held up their flocks. Arabs followed him into Hoshaya, beat him and stole his car right in front of the town's offices. They were freed after several days in jail." Silberman set up a lookout post, highlighted with Israeli flags all around it, and little by little, people who identified with his idea began joining him. Two more guard posts sprang up, staffed with volunteers who kept watch 24 hours a day in other areas. The project expanded through the Galilee and is now being set up in the Negev as well, where paying "protection" monies or goods to avoid trouble with Bedouin neighbors is rampant. Silberman feels that the lessons of history have not been learned by the powers that be, but he is careful to stay within the parameters of the law. He defines his group as providers of extra help for existing law enforcement agencies. A hotline set up by the group is manned by 100 permanent and another 200 volunteer members who rush to threatened areas in real time and set up preventive ambushes at night. The Guardians take advantage of a property law called that allows a landowner to incarcerate invading livestock in equal value to damage inflicted on his property until the end of court procedures. "This perfectly lawful measure", he says, "makes them think twice before trespassing. When fences are cut we immediately call the police, estimate the damage, rope in the thieves' horses, cows and calves and file a complaint." The New Guardians are deeply ideological. "The problem has as much to do with our loss of attachment to the land and interest in self advancement and the easy life as it does with the trespassers' criminal acts", claims Silberman. "We have to discover and renew our ideology of love for this land. Those who attached to it most strongly will end up having it." It is not surprising that youngsters from religious Zionists high schools and religious and secular pre-army program students are a significant source of manpower for the New Guardians. He notes that kibbutzim once had no fences but now are enclosed and afraid for their youngsters to go out horseback or bike riding due to Arab attackers. "We also have to deal with the fear and insecurity caused by lack of solutions to the problem. We want people to feel secure in our homeland. Kibbutz Kfar HaNassi had a longstanding argument with Arab neighbors over an area of land and finally abandoned it to avoid continued violence, although it had been purchased by the Jewish National Fund over 100 years ago," he adds. The New Guardians have also come up with creative, positive ways to let their Zionism show. On Israel's Independence Day, they counter (Israeli) Arab pro-Palestinian Authority rallies, where PA flags are waved, with nearby "happenings" at which they sing the Israeli national anthem and dance and wave Israeli flags in order to show the joy and strength they feel on this holiday. The organization would love to be superfluous and would like to see the government put an end to the proliferation of unlawful flocks which have not been inoculated, illegal building, police inaction and protection payments. At this point, they need help to continue their aid to farmers and to encourage legislation that will give the landowners more authority to act to protect themselves. They also want to create a grassroots movement that will lead to enhanced ideological convictions and a change in attitude towards the problem. Contact the poster at mrla26@aol.com |
Posted by Richard H. Shulman, July 1, 2009. |
NETANYAHU THEN AND NOW ON TERRITORIES On 5/12/02, Benjamin Netanyahu "...explained to the Likud's Central Committee why Israel must oppose the creation of a sovereign Palestinian [Arab] state. Netanyahu warned that if a sovereign Palestinian state were established, that it would be impossible to enforce security restrictions and limitations on it, and that once created, the sovereign Palestinian state would continue to exist even though it defied the terms of the agreement under which it was established." Now Netanyahu restricts himself to conditioning statehood on eradicating terrorism. Informed people know that the Arabs have no intention of doing so. If they thought about it, and few do, they would understand that this is Netanyahu's way of denying statehood. Unfortunately, few people think about it. Netanyahu is not demolishing the falsehood on which the State Dept. demands for Israeli concessions are based (Dr. Aaron Lerner, http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/11). Cannot trust Netanyahu. He has used slippery wording to give an impression that gains him support and votes, but then betrays his countrymen's understanding and cites the opposite interpretation in that same wording. For part of the record on Netanyahu's stances, see here:
ISRAEL & U.S. SUBSIDIZING GAZA MORE Israel is building a pipeline from Israel to Gaza, to carry "fuel and natural gas." The Israeli Army considers this a humanitarian effort. "The U.S. is UNRWA's largest bilateral donor. In 2008, the U.S. provided $184.7 million to UNRWA..." (http://www.imra.org.il/ Independent Media Research & Analysis, 6/11). Power for Gaza electricity generators helps Hamas manufacture rockets. I don't think that humanitarian efforts are deserved by a people thoroughly behind terrorism and efforts to conquer Israel. I think that is inhumane to Israeli victims, past and future. It would be more humanitarian to let the Gazans move out, relieving Israel of their terrorism. My friend would object that not all the Arabs are like the terrorists. So what! An overwhelming majority are. The rest don't count politically. Gaza subsidy helps maintain an Islamist regime that radicalizes the Muslims. 7 While the U.S. forks money to terrorists, Americans are losing their houses because of policies by Wall Street representatives in the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations, including giving reckless speculators large sums that poorer people need. The subsidy is counter-productive, as one can infer after clicking
here: NY TIMES VERSUS SETTLEMENTS The NY Times enlisted Tony Judt to launch a broadside against Jewish building in Judea-Samaria, the Golan, and annexed areas of Jerusalem (6/22). Mr. Judt started with history, including his having lived on an Israeli kibbutz. [I found the history selective and irrelevant to his topic. It makes him appear like a good Jew, the way antisemites like to say that some of their best friends are Jews. Half the antisemites would accept him. He is notoriously anti-Zionist.] The main point of the Op-Ed was that settlements in the areas named above are illegal, as contrasted with legal settlements in what now is the State of Israel. [Poor contrast. The British Mandatory government banned Jewish immigration, land purchase, and construction. Britain thereby violated its Mandate, but called Zionist efforts "illegal." Do not give credence to prejudiced claims of illegality.] Judt refers to the areas named above as "Palestinian land seized in war and occupied ever since." [Calling them seized in war makes Israel's possession of them Israel seem illegitimate. That is because Judt conveniently omits the circumstances. The wars were started by Arab aggressors bent on genocide. International law provides that a country may retain such territory for its own security from future invasion. This makes sense. Thus for all of Judt's references to legality, he misstates by omission what international law allows.] [All of Israel was "seized" in war. That is because the Arabs did not let Israel become independent; the Jews had to fight back for it. Arab aggression forfeited any Arab rights to those areas of the Palestine Mandate, which was set up to form a future Jewish state. That Mandate had become part of international law, law that Judt omitted to mention, too. Therefore, the areas formerly of the Mandate that Israel ended up controlling were not foreign countries, but areas to which, when the Arabs rejected the terms of the Mandate, Israel had the best claim to. Then Israel does not occupy them and does not build illegally in them.] [The UN did not require any states in the Mandate. It merely suggested two more states, after Jordan was split off, and that Jerusalem be internationalized. Jordan invaded. Jordan tried to starve the Jews out of the New City of Jerusalem and forced them out of the Old City of Jerusalem. After the Old City reverted to Israeli control, and Jews were able to visit their holiest site, there, under what rationale should Israel building be declared illegal there? Judt did not refer to Jordan's illegal occupation of the Old City and of Judea-Samaria, which it tried to annex. Neither did he refer to Egypt's similar illegal seizure of Gaza. Judge makes elective mention and selective logic!] [Judt bases his case on the Geneva Conventions. Israel didn't sign them. The Arabs didn't, either, and their terrorism is an affront to it. So it doesn't apply. The Conventions intend to stop Nazi-like aggression and sending their own people into another country. Israel didn't commit aggression; Judea, Samaria, and Gaza were not in another country. The Golan was Syrian, but Israel annexed it.] [Furthermore, Jewish settlers didn't displace Arabs. The Territories are not foreign to the Jewish people but part of their homeland.] "...taken together, E. Jerusalem, the W. Bank, and the Golan Heights constitute a homogenous demographic bloc nearly the size of the District of Columbia...Some 'settlement.'" [I don't understand homogenous bloc.] [Nobody calls the whole area a "settlement." They call the separate towns settlements. "Nearly the size of the District of Columbia" signifies how small the area is. Judt omitted the key fact that Jewish settlements comprise about 5% of the total area. Infinitesimal! Total Arab areas exceed America's. Why the fuss?] Why did PM Netanyahu choose Bar-Ilan U. at which to give a speech not accepting the so-called two-state formula? He did it, because that university is "the heartland of rabbinical intransigence where Yigal Amir learned to hate PM Y. Rabin before heading off to assassinate him in 2005." [What rabbinical intransigence? Not explained. Is it like the documented Arafat intransigence? Not explained. Amir was prompted by an agent provocateur. Armed with blanks, he fired at Rabin's back, leaving no blood and Rabin capable of jumping into a limousine. It drove Rabin to a hospital, where he ended up with a bullet in the chest that broke his back. Amir couldn't have fired that bullet from behind Rabin. If he had, Rabin could not have jump into a limousine. The case was a set-up, a cover-up, and a smear. But Judt brings in this irrelevant emotional guilt-by-association so as to smear the settler movement. Hysterical?] According to Judt, Israel is America's "closest ally." [Actually, Britain is. But if Israel were, why is Judt trying to get America to make Israel vulnerable to still another Arab assault? Judt stresses legality, but what about genocide that his notion of legality would facilitate?] He suggests that if Netanyahu avoids expelling the Jews from the areas mentioned, "Israel's political elite would breathe an unmerited sigh of relief." [I guess that Judt doesn't know who Israel's political elite are. Much of them also believe in appeasing the Arabs.] [Judt tries to make it seem as if Netanyahu were trying to dupe Obama. Will this Op.-Ed enrage Obama? What does Judt think Obama is trying to do to Netanyahu, in pretending to be a friend of Israel? Netanyahu is deceptive, however. Earlier, Netanyahu deceived Israelis. No reason to think Netanyahu has become pro-settler.] The U.S. gives Israel about $2.8 billion a year. Judt claims that this enables Israel to settle Judea-Samaria. [That money is equivalent to the interest that the U.S. charges Israel for a loan long ago, and is a small proportion of Israel's budget. Therefore, I see this financial attack as another Judt attempt to harm Israel. Why doesn't Judt suggest ending U.S. aid to Egypt, used to prepare another war on Israel? His indignation in every case is selective against the Jewish state!] Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several
web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on
Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target
overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him
at richardshulman5@aol.com and visit his website:
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