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by Elyakim Haetzni


Backs Against The Wall

In a public debate in a school in the center of the country, a student arose and addressed a direct question to a representative of the Left: "Do you really want to tell us that such a thing is possible -- a 'demilitarized Palestinian State'? Do you, yourself, believe this?!"

The questioner had no need of facts or arguments. The examples from Lebanon and the Gaza Strip were fresh enough in everyone's memory. The students had no doubt that if Judea and Samaria were handed over to the Palestinians, their school would become a target for rockets. Knowing the map, they realized that if Kassam missiles simultaneously flew from Lebanon, Gaza, and Judea and Samaria, there would be nowhere else to run. All that needed further explanation was that an international force on our borders would not save us -- there is already talk about international troops separating between Israel and the terrorists in both Gaza and the "West Bank", when it becomes Palestine. Such foreign intervention would paralyze us militarily, and politically we would become a protectorate, stripped of sovereignty. Not to mention the impotence and ineffectiveness of international forces, proven in Lebanon, Somalia, Serbernitsa, and now in Darfur.

The student, in her question, like the child of Andersen's parable, saw no need to list what clothing the king was lacking, because everybody could see the King of Peace -- naked! And if the heroic effort made via the Oslo Accords to wring out of Fatah an announcement of recognition of Israel led with the Intifada to an end soaked in blood (1500 murdered Jews and at least three times that many Arabs killed), it is easy to guess what can be expected from a Palestinian Hamas-controlled "government", which despite all the pressure continues to proclaim openly its credo: the destruction of the State of Israel.

When such is the situation, the question, "What is the solution?" is idiotic, if not spiteful. Faced with Nazism, for example, what point was there to the Free World's seeking a "solution"? They had only one choice -- to fight or surrender. Israeli leaders who try to avoid this clear-cut choice are like the statesmen and generals of France in 1940.

Thus, Prime Minister Olmert, who proclaimed in New York, "We are tired of fighting. We are tired of being courageous. We are tired of winning. We are tired of defeating our enemies" -- is unfit to lead a nation facing war. Worse, with such an attitude, if he weren't actively involved in politics it is unclear whether he would remain in Israel or follow in his two sons' footsteps and leave.

The Leftist, defeatist minority has forgotten that Zionism has already endured for more than a hundred years, and has even reached remarkable achievements without any "solution". To our great good fortune, however, the vast majority is ready to fight, and longs for victory. Spearheading the optimists are the residents of Judea and Samaria, the so-called "settlers", who present a different sort of solution, the Zionist solution: settlement, Aliyah and consolidation -- spiritually, economically, technologically and militarily, until perhaps the great-great grandchildren of today's Arabs internalize that we, too, like them, are here to stay. The settlers do not dream at night about peace, yet they have no doubt that over the course of time peace with the Arabs is possible, on condition that they become convinced that it is unavoidable. And this persuasion is precisely what is missing from official Israel, which broadcasts weakness and loss of direction.

Is there any other way, after the political solutions have failed so miserably (Oslo, disengagement, realignment) and after the military has failed to find an answer to the Qassam fire?

Renewal Of Settlements May Be Only Response To Deter Enemy

We have no choice but to return to the path that has served us for 100 years -- resulting in all we have achieved thus far: The Zionist solution.

Logic dictates that if a place that was emptied out of settlers immediately turns into a rocket launching pad or a terrorist training camp (as occurred in the Gaza Strip, in the settlements of Dugit, Nisanit and Neve Dekalim), we have a duty to establish new settlements in Judea and Samaria along the mountain ridge which strategically commands the entire Coastal Plain, and to strengthen existing settlements -- and do all this as fast as possible.

Professor Arnon Sofer, a lecturer at Haifa University, took his students to visit the Jordan Valley, where he proclaimed to the media that without an Israeli military presence in the Jordan Valley, Israel's existence is endangered. He added that since a military presence without a civilian rearguard has not chance of enduring, we have to strengthen Jewish settlement in the Jordan Valley (which the Jewish Agency stop supporting in accordance with the "Disengagement" policy).

One of the Northern Samarian Jewish settlements from which the army withdrew, and from which it uprooted and expelled the Jewish residents, is Sa-Nur. Now the Army says that since Northern Samaria is becoming a Hezbollah base threatening the entire Sharon region, we have to reestablish a permanent army base at the abandoned, destroyed Sa-Nur. The government has as yet rejected that request, correctly understanding that the army's return would be interpreted by the public as a government announcement of the Disengagement's failure. In other words, it would constitute an admission that the rift between the people and the Land and all the unfairness and all the billions of shekalim of damage done were all for naught. Today, Jews are bypassing army checkpoints and secretly visiting those two key settlements that were destroyed in Samaria -- Sa-Nur and Chomesh. A settlement group is being organized for renewed settlement there, and on Chanukah there will be a mass march towards the two settlements. [See here.]

Yuval Diskin, Head of the General Security Service, together with Army's top brass, warns about large-scale weapons smuggling from Egypt (Sinai) into the Gaza Strip, above and below the route that divides between Egypt and the Strip, called the "Philadelphi Route". The I.D.F. abandoned this route immediately following the expulsion of Gaza's Jews and the obliteration of Gush Katif, for lack of any choice. The "Philadelphi Route" is a fourteen kilometer corridor, about 80-100 meters wide (yes, you read right -- meters!). The only thing that prevented a death trap and a killing field for the soldiers there was the Gush Katif settlements that protected the army's rearguard.

The cease-fire has the Israeli security establishment worried, chiefly because it enables the terrorists to introduce anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons capable of neutralizing the Israeli Armored Corps and Air Force. They can also bring in new types of gunpowder that can turn every missile hit into a massacre. Therefore, the Army is demanding renewed control of the Philadelphi Route, yet it is doubtful whether this is possible without establishing Gush Katif anew.

The residents of Sderot shouldn't have been sent to Eilat, but rather, closer to home -- to rebuild the debris of Nisanit, Elei Sinai, Dugit and Netzarim from where the Qassam rockets are being fired and where the army should be stationed. The settlements were originally set up there for this very purpose.

Renewal of the settlements -- this is the only response that may still deter the enemy, and it is also the answer to the ideological vacuum and emotional distress that has befallen the people. The idea of land for peace is no longer valid, the primary color is peeping through again -- The Land of Israel.

Jewish Presence On The Other Side Of The Fence

The Adam settlement, north of Jerusalem, has remained outside of the separation fence, albeit bordering the Jerusalemite neighborhood Pizgat Zeev. Susya and Beit Yatir have remained outside of the fence in the southern part of the Mount Hebron. Nonetheless, settlers disturbed by the separation from sovereign Israel rest assured. The fence is exactly where it is supposed to be, because the purpose of the settlements in the West Bank is to protect it from the "other side." Right from the start, settlements should have been built on the other side of the fence at a distance of a few kilometers apart.

The fence on the roads to Gush Etzion and Ariel traps drivers. How are they supposed to protect themselves against stones and hand grenades thrown from over the fence when the fence prevents them from responding and preventing further attacks? This "shot in the foot" has only one answer: Jewish presence on the other side of the fence as well.

The fence itself, whose efficiency in stopping terrorists has already been proven, will be dismantled and stolen very quickly if there is no military presence on the other side hinging on Jewish settlements.

A foreign army and foreign settlers are reminiscent of imperialism and colonialism; however, we are not strangers in our land, and we have the right to secure settlements as per the Zionist model of days gone by. Even the phrasing of the mandate, according to which the League of Nations handed Palestine to the British, determined that it recognized the Jewish people's right to reestablish its national homeland in Palestine, which of course included Judea and Samaria. Jewish leaders who called Judea and Samaria "occupied territories," making an effort to turn it into Palestine, are putting Israel's physical existence at risk while also taking away the spiritual, national-religious-historical ground that gives it its right to exist.

A Palestinian State west of the Jordan, facing Israel's rear, will make our country's life hell. The 300,000 Jews who settled in Judea and Samaria and the almost 200,000 in East Jerusalem are the last dam defending our coastal country from a Palestinian tzunami. Therefore, a responsible Zionist government that is not smitten with Leftwing defeatism would devote all its efforts and resources to achieving the one and only solution, the Zionist solution: settlement, settlement and more settlement -- to solve the Palestinian problem by settling a million Jews between Shechem and Hebron!

OK, I admit it: The writer of these lines loves Eretz Yisrael, the birthplace of the Jewish People, the Holy Land and the Promised Land, without any connection to security considerations. In his opinion, it is forbidden for any Jewish government to harm Eretz Yisrael, let alone to execute ethnic cleansing of its Jews, whatever the circumstances.

Yet love is a matter of the heart, and one can be convincing only by way of the brain. That is why this article demands a wave of renewed settlement in Judea and Samaria because it is required in order to save our country from indefensible borders that are a travesty. Truth be told, it would have sufficed to say simply that it is our ancestral inheritance.

Attorney Elyakim HaEtzni was among Hebron's first settlers and is a prolific publicist for Eretz Yisrael causes. Contact him at

This article is taken from an article published in the Jewish Press December 6, 2006 with excerpts from an article published November 21, 2006 in Ynet News,7340,L-3330783,00.html

Send responses, remarks and comments to Datya Yitzchaki, spokeswoman of the Eretz Yisrael Faithful, at


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