The recent Boston Marathon bombing suggests that Muslim jihadists, adept at using America's permissiveness against her, may be refining some new terror tactics.
- Taking advantage of America's respect for individual and religious freedom of action, Islamists have expanded their influence in our courts, banking system, and schools. The American administration has directly helped jihadist infiltration by endorsing the Muslim Brotherhood and the Saudis; by allowing members of terror-connected Islamic groups into our security agencies, the State Department and the White House; and by deflecting examination of Islamic practices by our security agencies.
- Over the years the ambition of the terrorist foot-soldier has been broadened from a focus on local issues — separatism, nationalism — to an all-consuming passion to promote Islamic law and practices globally, whether he operates at home or abroad.
- In the future, global jihad will go local. Terrorist acts are less likely to be huge and spectacular and demanding choreographed coordination. Terror will increase but will employ Lone Wolf and small-group terrorists, who can act with less training and more freedom of action. More advantage will be taken of particular events and places, where the crowd itself and the congregation of TV cameras will amplify the impact of the blast or shooting, so less complex planning and equipment will be needed.
A Salafist is a Muslim dedicated to restoring Muslim control over everyone else in accordance with Islamic practices and preachings, as determined by Mohammad. There are doctrinaire differences in that the Shi'ite Muslims, whose lead country is Iran, await the return of an Imam and the majority Sun'ni Muslims, with Saudi Arabia as lead country, work for the restoration of the Caliphate. Even among the members of a group of allies, there are rivalries, squabbles that can turn nasty and shifts in degree of cooperation. Whatever the dynamics of the volatile configurations, the goal remains the same: in the coming social structure, Sharia law will be universal. Muslims will be top dog and everyone else — Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, animist, atheist — will have these choices: convert to Islam, be a subservient dhimmi or be dead.
Mohammad was the Ideal Muslim. Whatever Mohammad said and did has merit and should be emulated by every Muslim — from outright lying to gain a political-religious advantage to beheading the apostate to taking a child bride. It is heresy to suggest the religion should be modified and some of its more primitive components soft-pedaled. Democracy, human rights, humanitarianism are meaningless albeit useful terms; the goal is Islamic supremacy. The West believes Islamic religious fundamentalists and radicals are an aberration. They are not. They are the pious Muslims; they are the serious believers in doing what Islam commands. What we call "extremists" are Salafists — and they are respected even by impious Muslims.
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is Salafist. Wahhabist Saudi Arabia is Salafist. Al-Qaeda, started by members of the MB, is Salafist. Hamas, produced by MB, is Salafist. All Al-Qaeda affiliates, associates, franchises, subsidiaries, derivatives, spin-offs, offshoots and imitators are Salafist. Most of the seasoned rebels who killed Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and those now fighting Bashar al-Assad in Syria are al-Qaeda Salafist. The Muslim mullahs preaching in most of the mosques in the West are Salafist. The Muslim theologians and scholars teaching Muslim practices on TV are Salafist. Major Muslim donors to American elite universities are Salafist. In America, the executives and directors of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the American Muslim Council (AMC), the Muslim Student Association (MSA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), the Muslim World League (MWL), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) are Salafists.[1]
Muslim terrorist splinter groups all over the world are Salafist. Every single recent Lone Wolf or small-group Muslim terrorist has been a Salafist. The perpetrators of the Marathon bombing are no exception.
Major promoters of Sharia Law and Muslim piety don't just do terror. This is a slightly modified version of how I described the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood last May:[2]
"Over the last eighty years, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has devoted its time, resources, energy and money — all of which it has in prodigious amounts — to a single cause. It has outlined general plans, structured and restructured the steps in the plans and refined them. It has developed clever social engineering methods, often using the target country's ideology against itself.
- In Europe, it takes advantage of the belief in multiculturalism to make Europe support the indigent and highly fertile immigrant Muslims that are bankrupting it. Where ever Muslims have a local majority — at a school, in a neighborhood — they demand their life style be followed; and, when they can, they create enclaves for themselves, where non-Muslims are not let in, not even firemen and policemen.
- In America it is using our concern for the underdog and our belief in democracy and freedom for all to force undemocratic practices: installing sharia banking, demanding sharia courts, demanding special perks at work and halal food at school, harassing Jewish students at universities and intimidating university administrators so they take no action, building a huge mosque in a predominantly Christian area, holding up traffic while they pray on busy city streets, forcing jobs to conform to their ideology rather than performing the requirements of the job (clerks refusing to sell alcohol, cab drivers refusing to transport seeing-eye dogs come to mind) and intimidating the media so that media people censor themselves.[3]
- In Gaza, Hamas, an MB offshoot, has done better than most Arab countries in damaging Israel. This, and active recruitment, has had a positive effect in radicalizing Israel's Arab citizens. Hamas has a "military" arm and a political arm. The separation is a comfort to European countries; they can pretend their money is not supporting terror. The Territories, under control of the Palestinian Authority (PA), are more secular, but, as in Gaza, their clerics call for suicide bombings against Israel, their children are encouraged to kill Jews, and their Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade carry out acts of terror. The Arabs in the Territories expect Israel to provide them with water and power, while they takes pot shots at the men that come to maintain the services. Most of children clinics' money in Israel itself goes to treat the severe ailments of Arab children that are the products of generations of cousin marriages. After years of suffering terrorist acts, there is movement to withdrawing some welfare benefits and pensions from the families of convicted terrorists.
- In the Middle East and in Asian countries where Muslims are the majority, the non-Muslim minorities are treated brutally.
All in all, the MB — using a host of implementers, well-wishers and useful idiots — has carefully implemented a complex set of small and large interacting activities across the globe, all in the service of making Islam dominant and inflicting sharia law on all the countries on the planet. A formidable task. But by now, they often know what is likely to work. They know when to efface themselves and when to be bold. They know how to win at the game of power politics."
This section deals with how the American government's implemented policies and the preachings of influential opinion setters have contributed to the infiltration of our institutions by jihadists. We first look at the general picture. We then explore more intensively two particular pools of contributors to frank terrorism: ideologue educators who encourage a hate-America attitude and politicians/administrators who stifle intensive monitoring of potential terrorists. It goes without saying that as the Administration leads, the media follow.
In the last decade, the quiet jihadist invasion of American institutions has progressed smoothly. Their activities have been aided and abetted by America's intentional and unintentional support of Islamic fundamentalists, in particular, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). There was a a minor glitch last September in Benghazi,[4] but then President Obama realized he didn't have to sneak guns to the Syrian rebels in Fast and Furious fashion, out of fear that the public might discover that a large number of them ended up in the hands of Al-Qaeda. Instead, we could give the weaponry from Gaddafi's storehouses directly and openly to our friends, the Saudis and the Muslim Brotherhood, and let them distribute the weaponry to the anti-Regime rebels. Al-Qaeda fighters of course continue to be a prominent component of the rebellion. In ancillary activities, we stepped up broadcasting how much more dastardly the Syrian regime was than the noble rebels. And the Administration reassured us that the MB was moderate; it was secular; it was a friend of the West.
Radical Muslims have discovered that a small number of people can start multiple organizations, each of which can protest loudly and act in a pseudo-independent fashion. They can also amplify their message by joining inter-faith and human rights groups, where they can cloak themselves in the respect given to the host organization.[5] Using ideology, money and flattery, they are able to rely on the unstinting help of those Western politicians and media people who reassure us that Islam is a religion of peace and loving-kindness. And the apologists for Islam never let them down.
In America, jihadists are working to bypass our Constitution and readjust our institutions more to their liking. Thanks to the political ideology and/or passivity of some Americans, in some areas their job has been as hard as slicing through butter with a hot knife. Stealth jihad is not tracked by the main news media, so relatively few are aware of how extensive Muslim infiltration has been. Or how rapidly it is growing.[6]
Ideological shifts are affecting our courts, where American judges have acted as if Sharia law has standing in American courts. In practice it means stacking the deck in favor of the husband in family disputes among Muslims.[7] When civil courts rule on the basis of Sharia law, they apparently assume such rulings won't eventually affect non-Muslims. But they do, in, for example, restricting food choices because pork is banned or because only halal meat is made available. In the public sphere, we have long had laws on the books to prevent funding of terrorism, such as the channeling by terrorist-front groups of tax-exempt donations to Hamas. But these laws don't work automatically. Someone has to invoke them and act on them, and government agencies don't necessarily act in a timely fashion.
The courts have also been used to hamper the dissemination of information on stealth jihad. Lawfare is a term coined to describe "the manipulation of Western laws and judicial systems to achieve strategic military and political ends. [It] often manifests as frivolous lawsuits designed to silence, punish, and deter those who publicly speak and report on militant Islam, terrorism, and their sources of financing."[8] Lawfare is unnecessary in Muslim countries where, in a dispute between Muslim and non-Muslim, the word of the Muslim is automatically accepted. But it was an effective way for rich Arabs to wage war against the West in the West. American authors were sued for libel in foreign countries for publishing accurate information about Islam; America was then expected to enforce the ruling against the author. Since 2010, we have had a law called Rachel's law, to protect defendants. It began when Rachel Ehrenfeld, who had published a book here in America, was sued in England by Khalid bin Mahfouz, an Arab with a great deal of spending money, who took advantage of Britain's libel laws, which are less stringent and place the burden of proof on the defendant, not the plantiff.[9] Unfortunately, a frivolous lawsuit — a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, a SLAPP suit — can still be filed in this country and still take up-front time, energy and money. SLAPP suits cause radio and TV stations and newspapers to self-censor; they condition publishers to avoid trouble by rejecting material critical of Islam. [10]
Our banking system has been infiltrated. Sharia banking — in which a percentage of the profit is given over to Islamic sources to donate to charities of their choice — is popular enough that courses are offered in it.[11] Sharia banking has become the nose of the camel into the tent of the American way of life, in that, along with its attractive banking features that appeal to Western bankers, it brings in Sharia laws and practices and attitudes that by themselves are unacceptable in American society.[12] Citizen Warrior has published an excellent article called "If the Majority of Muslims Are Peaceloving People, Do We Really Have Anything to Worry About?"[13] His well-written and detailed answer is: "yes." We might add that even if only 10% of the 1,618,000,000 Muslims around the world[14] are willing to do violence against their own and host countries, that is 161,800,000 people — which is more than half of the total population of the United States.[15]
Even our knotty problem of illegal immigration has a connection to stealth jihad. Our politicos usually present the number of illegal immigrants currently in the USA as being in stasis — the count remains at 11-12 million, which implies that no new illegals have entered the country through badly-monitored borders and/or they have added no dependents to the count. We are also supposed to believe that we are dealing only with Christian Mexicans. The many prayer mats and Korans found at the border are ignored,[16] as is the fact that thousands of Latin Americans have converted to Islam, both in their native countries and after they come to the States. The Union of Islamic World students claims more than 50,000 people from South America have converted to Islam in the last 10-15 years[17]
The political bases of countries in South and Central America are also under assault. Carl of Jerusalem wrote about Hezbollah's infiltration of Venezuela and its partnership with a Mexican drug lord, Joaquin Guzman of the Sinaloa Cartel.[18] He asked:
"What if some of those Mexicans stealing across the border into the United States are adherents of 'radical Islam' who are forming Hezbullah cells in the United States? What if? You can bet that it's happening. And now, President Obama is granting them amnesty so that they can stay in the US. What could go wrong?"
Videos always show new converts to Islam talking about peace and the brotherhood of man. So why are so many of the acts of terror committed by newbie converts? The implications of the high degree of conversion to Islam among the prison population has been ignored.[19] This is particularly dangerous in that a group of new converts can form an informal terror cell that is continued when they are freed — and because of its 'family' structure, it is almost impossible to penetrate. Would we not be better off if agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security spent its time prohibiting the entry of Salafist Muslim clerics in our prisons rather than murmuring that our dedicated military personnel are potential terrorists?[20]
If there's a silver lining in the Marathon bombing, it is that the policies of our political leaders' are coming under scrutiny. During the Obama administration, the serious but unaddressed concern has been that by using high-level government contacts, Islamists can bypass vetting procedure and readily obtain access to state secrets.[21] That is why it is particularly nervous-making that the Muslim Brother has infiltrated the Obama Administration itself, with the cooperation of the Administration.
The Center for Security Policy (CSP) has produced a 10-part set of videos on the Muslim Brotherhood penetration of American government agencies on all levels, including the White House, the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department, the Pentagon, NASA and the Department of Homeland Security. The executive summary on video by Frank Gaffney, President of CSP, is here.[22]
Unhappily, our educational institutions — so important to inculcating the next generation's perceptions and attitudes — are also contaminated. They have too often become a source of Islamic promotion. In our public schools, as Bruce Thornton has written, the United States is portrayed as "a global villain guilty of crimes against humanity. A mentality is fostered that is receptive to domestic and foreign policies predicated on American guilt and the need to make reparations for historical crimes, whether by foreign aid, global retreat, or the surrender of sovereignty to international organizations."[23]
I do hope it's understood I'm not suggesting a totalitarian and forced praise of everything Americans do. But does America's generosity and fair-mindedness need to be ignored? It is ironic that globalist political ideologues are all for diversity but can't acknowledge that it is the diversity of individuals, small communities and regionalism that shaped our composite character as a republic unified by a set of rules and principles set down in our Constitution. It is sad that hard-left ideologues can only appreciate racial, economic and class diversity, not people and idea diversity. They praise diversity but promote uniformity and equality of education and material benefits, which somehow always end up in the control of the central government. Perhaps if they really respected diversity, they would believe the Muslim Jihadist, who bluntly says he wants a uniform law, Sharia, for everyone, with no margin of diversity and that he is willing to kill divers people to accomplish his goal.
When I first heard that the Boston had been bombed, I was enormously surprised. All the signs (to me) said it was Muslim terrorism. But why would a Muslim terrorist bomb Boston? It's a good friend. In sixty years, Boston has shifted from the home of the Brahmins and intellectuals who inhabited the top level of a class-structured society, where you could easily tell someone's socio-economic status just by knowing where he lived, to intellectual defenders of multi-whatever-ism and anti-Americanism. It was now using its traditional ability to construct a well-turned phrase on behalf of diversity, heterogeneity, anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism. (Only the last is a leftover from the previous dominant Bostonian culture.) The new Boston prides itself on its progressivism, which is so in tune with the Far Left, it even includes unabashed adherence to the Palestinian fantasied history and reflexive condemnation of the Jewish State. Intellectuals and churchmen accepted the notion that the motley bunch of Arabs that came into Palestine mostly after 1900 were native, while the Jews who reclaimed their homeland with the approval of the international community were invaders. They'd been brought up on this under the previous culture, when many of their cousins taught at the American University of Beirut. In turn, they taught it to their students and parishioners.
So why in the world would anyone in the Islamic terrorist
community want to bomb Boston? Bostonians loves
terrorists freedom fighters. Many schools take pride
in denigrating America. They hate conservatives. Of course
I knew progressivism was retrogressive and it was regurgitating the
Power-to-the-People, Hate-AmeriKa (no typo) Marxist slogans of the
1960s. But it was definitely in vogue.
So why do something so wrong-headed as bombing Boston? Perhaps Boston's current ideology has had an impact.
As some have noted when reviewing the biographies of the Tsarnaev brothers, it doesn't engender patriotism and love of America in a political refugee if he is told in his American schools by his American teachers that America is responsible for much of the world's problems and for disrupting his own life. John J Ray put it this way:[24]
Ever wondered why the 9/11 bombers and many other Muslim terrorists were Western-educated? It's because the combination of the anti-Americanism they get from Western educators (including Leftist American educators) and the violence preached by Islam make an explosive mix." [...] Dzhokhor is a normal American kid. Raised on anti-American messages from the media, from their high school, at their university, and from Hollywood, normal American kids are bombarded with a national self-loathing designed to destroy America's exceptional culture and values.
[..]Now we get to the interesting part. A graduate of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS) has had years of anti-American claptrap crammed down his throat. Instead of, "Why would a normal American kid do this?" a better question is, "Why don't all CRLS graduates become anti-American terrorists?"
PC-Prog media widely quoted a retired CRLS history teacher, Larry Aaronson's shocked reminiscences about Dzhokhor. Aaronson told The Boston Globe, "This is a progressive town, the People's Republic, and how could this be in our midst?" Larry Aaronson, a longtime Rindge and Latin teacher who knew Dzhokhor and who lives three doors down from the brothers on Norfolk Street. "I'm at a loss. I'm at a total and complete loss." Aaronson is an acolyte of the raving PC-Prog, traditional-America-hating deceased "revisionist historian," Howard Zinn.
(Let me just add to John Ray's remarks that Dzhokhor's older brother, Tamerlan, also went to the prestigious Rindge and Latin School.)
Anti-Americanism promotes an educational environment beneficial to any group antithetic to the West. But our educational institutions go further. They specifically paint an attractive image of Islam. Saudi money has bought an academic sheen to their hate attacks on Jews and their whitewash of the nature of Islam. The January-February 2012 issue of Think-Israel discussed the infiltration into our elite educational institutions, including essays on a conference hosted at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard that was "the academic equivalent of a 'Kill the Jews' rally, featuring shoddy academics, notorious for fabricating data and advancing dishonest arguments to delegitimize Israel. Professors from the Kennedy School lent a veneer of intellectualism to ordinary trashy anti-Semitism."[25]
The Kennedy School has also influenced texts and workbooks used by
local schools in the greater Boston area and as far away as Anchorage,
Alaska.[26] Incidents
where public school children were taken to local mosques and
encouraged to pray in Muslim fashion have been reported.[27]
The practice of introducing school children to Islam by having them
participate in Islamic practices isn't confined to the Boston area.
Gadi Adelman has written of similar practices in Texas — this time
high school girls were encouraged to don burqas.[28]
In our public educational system, textbooks do not say
anything derogatory about Islam, no matter how factual, no matter how
mild. (An excellent
overview by Alyssa Lappen may be found
here.) K12 textbooks in California, Texas and Florida have
extolled Islam, influenced by a Muslim group that also develops lesson
plans to instruct school children.[29]
The damage the Obama Administration has done by endorsing the Muslim Brotherhood and their front organizations isn't the only way it has hurt our ability to identify potential terrorists. Intent on being responsive to Muslim complaints, it has also hampered our ability to put together information on terrorists. In 2009, the term jihadist was purged from government agencies documents. Jihad was redefined as the Muslim version of finding one's inner self or perhaps as a strenuous tightening of our spiritual abs. Terrorists were now to be called extremists. Terror and Islam were no longer allowed in the same sentence in the official vocabulary of government agencies. Discussions that didn't bland down criticism of Islam were cloroxed out.
The FBI Lexicon[30] was purged of terms judged offensive to Muslims. Terror and Islam are no longer linkable in the official vocabulary of government agencies. The lexicon of the FBI Training Manual on Counter Terrorism was purged of terms such as sharia and Muslim Brotherhood, and even Hamas and al-Qaeda.[31] Counter terrorism experts such as Steve Emerson and Stephen Coughlin, with years of experience and deep understanding, were banned from speaking at US Government counter terrorism conferences. Lower-level officials soon grasped that it wasn't career-promoting to pursue information that would stir Islamic wrath. Accurate assessment deteriorated. Acting on fuzzy information fizzled out. Intimidated by the Muslim campaign of condemning any criticism of Islam as islamophobic and by the knowledge that Muslims were held in high regard by the Obama Administration, administrators were afraid to take effective action, even when someone made his agreement with violent Islamic ideology very clear. When Major Nidal Malik Hasan of Fort harangued others with his Salafist ideology and insisted "that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire,"[32] they simply ignored it. Even though Hasan's shooting spree at Fort Hood in November 2009 was preceded by his shout 'allahu akhbar', it was called 'workplace violence'; no mention was made of militant Islam. Michael Mukasey points out that this willful ignoring of the real issue filtered down from above: "If tone is set at the top, recall that the Army chief of staff at the time said the most tragic result of Fort Hood would be if it interfered with the Army's diversity program."[33]
Robert Spencer wrote on October 24, 2011 in FrontPage Magazine [34]:
"Deputy U.S. Attorney General James Cole declared Wednesday at a conference in Washington that he had 'recently directed all components of the Department of Justice to re-evaluate their training efforts in a range of areas, from community outreach to national security.' This 'reevaluation' will remove all references to Islam in connection with any examination of Islamic jihad terror activity. The Obama Administration has now placed off-limits any investigation of the beliefs, motives and goals of jihad terrorists." [Emphasis added.]
"[Salam al-Marayati of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)] complained that training materials reflected 'bigoted and inflammatory views on Muslims, including claims that 'devout' Muslims are more prone toward violence, that Islam aims to 'transform a country's culture into 7th century Arabian ways,' that Islamic charitable giving is a 'funding mechanism for combat' and that the prophet Muhammad was a 'violent cult leader.'
"[Al-Marayati] and hard-Left journalist Spencer Ackerman in Wired take for granted that such assertions are false, without bothering to explain how or why. Apparently they believe that their falsity is so self-evident as to require no demonstration; unfortunately, however, there is considerable evidence that they are true, and that in banning such materials, the Obama Administration has essentially banned the truth."
A major reason given for such an action, which obviously reduces the chance of uncovering an embryonic terrorist plot by a relatively-unknown group, is fear of targeting the Muslim community, which might increase hate crimes against it. In 2008, there were 1606 hate crimes in the USA, "65.7 percent of them were committed against Jews. Against Muslims? 7.7 percent," making hate crimes against Jews some 8 to 9 times the number of hate crimes against Muslims that year. The number of anti-Muslim incidents has remains relatively low: 107 in 2009, 160 in 2010, 157 in 2011, even though some were insignificant — a trampled flower bed at a mosque was listed as an incident. Depending on the year, the number of hate crimes against Jews is 5 to 10 times the number of hate crimes against Muslims — and the Muslims are likely responsible for a large percentage of them.[35] Moreover, the Muslims spend huge sums of money to demonize Israel on campuses and in churches. It is an interesting fact that no matter how they balloon the figures on anti-Muslim hate crimes, not a single Muslim has been killed in a hate crime since 1996, the earliest report available[36].
The data bases we rely on, the information painfully collected by our intelligence agencies at great expense, can no longer be taken at face value. When it comes to the Muslim community — currently, our most significant source of terrorist activity — information suggesting terrorist ties isn't accessible in ordinary searches of government data bases.
As we now know, this had consequences in that it delayed our recognition of the threat Tamerlan Tsarnaev posed. Russia asked the FBI to look into the older brother's activities. There were some red flags. According to the FBI website for press releases:[37]
"Once the FBI learned the identities of the two brothers today, the FBI reviewed its records and determined that in early 2011, a foreign government asked the FBI for information about Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The request [updated information indicates there were multiple requests and warnings by Russia --bsl] stated that it was based on information that he was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer, and that he had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country's region to join unspecified underground groups.
"In response to this 2011 request, the FBI checked U.S. government databases and other information to look for such things as derogatory telephone communications, possible use of online sites associated with the promotion of radical activity, associations with other persons of interest, travel history and plans, and education history. The FBI also interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev and family members. The FBI did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign, and those results were provided to the foreign government in the summer of 2011. The FBI requested but did not receive more specific or additional information from the foreign government."
Frank Gaffney had this to say about the FBI statement:[38]
"The Bureau says it 'did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign, and those results were provided to the [Russian] government in the summer of 2011.' Unfortunately, this statement seems to say more about the politically imposed limitations on the Bureau's ability to understand and identify the roots in jihad of such terrorism than provide an accurate assessment of the elder Tsarnaev's behavior."
Even if the Bureau were to take it upon itself to ignore Administration political pressure and do its job properly, how are operators supposed to work without a vocabulary that is both precise and nuanced? To realize how Orwellian things have become, consider this problem: how can a counter-terrorist expert organize small clues and vague hints about a possible Muslim ... terrorist, when he is forbidden to bring the two terms together in a single context? How does he construct a biography when he is forbidden to use his knowledge of the features of Islamic terrorism when the subject is a Muslim? How does he extract information from a data base when he can't search on terrorism and jihad? As we have seen, the Administration has taken pains to see that possibly incendiary but accurate and precise terms that would identify a potential terrorist are not readily accessible in their data bases.
I can't confirm this myself, but someone knowledgeable about computer retrieval of information from restricted government databases has reassured me that all that happened was they revised the data to meet the new requirements (at great cost) but they also created new inquiry scripts so that the underlying relationship could still be retrieved by operators in the know. Of course, the agencies couldn't advertise this fact. This meant that the many people with access to the databases but without knowledge of how painfully to retrieve information linking Islam and Terrorism didn't obtain this information when they searched the database.
To date, U.S. National Security documents still omit references to Islamic extremism and jihad. Rowan Scarborough of the Washington Times[39] writes of some general consequences now blatantly obvious.
... some analysts are asking whether the 2009 edict and others that followed have dampened law enforcement's appetite to thoroughly investigate terrorism suspects for fear of offending higher-ups or the American Muslim lobby. It is not just the case of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a radicalized jihadist whom the FBI questioned in 2011 and cleared of terrorism links. At least five Muslims have attempted mass destruction in the U.S. since 2009, undetected beforehand by law enforcement and the intelligence community:
- Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad opened fire at a military recruiting office in Little Rock, Ark., in June 2009, killing one soldier.
- Najibullah Zazi, who said he was a member of al Qaeda, tried to detonate bombs in New York City's subway in September 2009.
- Army Maj. Nadal Malik Hasan opened fire at a soldier processing center at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13.
- Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to explode a bomb hidden in his underwear onboard a flight to Detroit in December 2009.
- Faisal Shahzad attempted to detonate a car bomb in Times Square in May 2010.
Making it very hard for the analyst to put together the jigsaw puzzle by hiding some pieces and destroying others isn't the worst of it. The way higher-ups in the military ignored Major Hasan's behavior suggests that even if the information is sufficient, for political reasons, no action will be taken. As it is, the government has thwarted its own agencies on all levels from making the best use of the resources they have. Matthew Vadum makes the point this way: "It's not that much of an exaggeration to say that the FBI could not have done anything about Tsarnaev unless he strapped on a suicide vest in front of them, called them 'infidels,' and detailed his abominable plans."[40]
In one area, we have had successes. The intelligence community has been successful in ferreting out long-range, well-organized, multi-national plots before they happen. Intelligence groups listen to chatter over emails and social networks. When some action is ready to pop, chat frequency goes up. As irony would have it, the success we had in stopping well-structured operations contributed to the development of the Lone Wolf gambit. But the Administration have been reluctant to look at where they are most likely to be found. As Representative Peter King (R-NY:) said:[41]
"... we know that Al Qaeda is shifting its tactics. It's not going to be attackers from overseas. We've been able to prevent that. They are getting people in our country who are under the radar screen, who have clean records. We saw it with the Times Square bomber, the subway bomber in New York, and now we've seen it, it appears, in Massachusetts. 99 percent of the Muslims are outstanding Americans. The fact is that's where the threat is coming from. When the FBI was after the Westies, they went to the Irish community. When they were after the mafia, they went to the Italian community. If you know a certain threat is coming from a certain community, that's where you have to look."
We know that many mosques are petrie dishes chock full of nutrients for developing and grooming terrorists. But we do, and should, keep our hands off religious practices. The wholesale closing or monitoring of mosques would conflict with a fundamental feature of our democracy. But maybe we need to act when we have solid evidence the preacher isn't preaching Live a Life for Allah but Kill Americans for Islam. And we need to take seriously that too often, the mosque is the first node in recruiting foot soldiers for jihad. And, understand, it doesn't matter whether the building where Muslims gather and are inspired to dedicate themselves for the greater glory of Islam is called a mosque or a community center, a cultural center or a society.
A report from Arutz-Sheva[42] noted
"The mosque attended by the two suspects in the Boston marathon bombings 'has a curriculum that radicalizes people,' according to the interfaith group Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT). The mosque has reportedly been associated with other suspected terrorists and is affiliated with the controversial Muslim American Society, APT says. APT reports that the Cambridge mosque's sister mosque in Boston, the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, has hosted speakers who have defended terrorism. A former mosque trustee was seen on video calling on Allah to kill Zionists and Jews, the group says.
"APT head Charles Jacobs says both mosques teach an anti-Western brand of Islam that includes mistrust of law enforcement and opposition to the American style of government. APT's director of research, Ilya Feoktistov, said funding for the Boston mosque came primarily from Saudi sources."
Oren Dorell[43] presents a well-rounded description of the Islamic Society of Boston mosque in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the mosque the Tsarnaev family attended, and some of its infamous attendees, including American-educated Aafia Siddiqui, who holds a B.S. degree from MIT and a Ph.D. from Brandeis. She was arrested for planning a chemical attack on New York City.
From USA Today: "[The Board of trustees member Anwar Kazmi] said: 'This kind of violence, terrorism, it's just completely contrary to the spirit of Islam." The April 24, 2013 issue of ACT! for America addressed the "Wasn't me" response of the Mosque:
First, they claim that because the FBI and Homeland Security partner with them they can't possibly be extreme. This is a classic Muslim Brotherhood tactic — co-opt law enforcement leadership to provide cover and credibility.
Second, they claim they are the targets of modern-day "McCarthyism" and use propaganda techniques to smear their critics—another Muslim Brotherhood tactic.
Piggy-backing on an alleged partnership with American security agencies and then counter-attacking is indeed the normal way an Islamist reacts when attacked. It is important we learn their strategies.
Salah Choudhury has provided us with a classic instance of how mosques serve as starter groups for Islamism.[44] The Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) is a Muslim missionary and revival movement since the 1920s, when it was started in India and spread to South Asia. It appears to be non-political and is active around the globe, with some 70-80 million active followers. Its announced mission is to preach to those whose desire to practice authentic Islam has weakened. It is very good at taking over mosques and preaching its Salafist ideology. Terrorism may not the organization's intended activity but TJ shares with Salafist terrorists a devotion to promoting the lifestyle of the founder of Islam. Knowingly or not, it has helped smuggle funds from the Saudis to Chechen terrorists[45] and provided cover for jihad recruiters. It has earned a reputation as a "gateway to terrorism", where the ultimate "objective is a 'planned conquest of the world' in the spirit of jihad." It is funded by the Saudis and, whether by consent of the TJ leadership or not, "TJ serves as a de facto conduit for Islamist extremists and for groups such as al Qaeda."
A reliable strategy is for a facilitator/recruiter to identify listeners who appear to desire more than the TJ benign message, and "put them into small prayer circles or study groups where they can be more easily exposed to jihadist ideology. [Of course, it also has been shown that a person with friends or relatives who ascribe to radical ideology can more easily be radicalized]." Star recruits from those who join at a local mosque are eventually invited for military training. Several TJ spin-offs have developed into active terrorist groups while individual members have gone on to commit Lone Wolf acts of terror. In the USA the American Taliban John Lindh, the Lackawanna Six, and the Oregon cell that conspired to bomb a synagogue were all involved with Tablighi missionaries. As Choudhury makes clear, "Tablighi Jamaat has more to do with political sedition than with religion."
Given the problems they have had with Muslim insurgency, it is not surprising that the Russians pay attention when someone attends a mosque known as a place frequented by suspected terrorists. Russia initially warned the US govt in 2011 about Tamerlan BEFORE he went to Russia. Presumably, they were monitoring Tamerlan's contact people in Dagestan. Likely, Tsarnaev would be under some degree of surveillance while he was there.[46]
Tamerlan traveled to Russia in January 2012 and returned in July. He stayed with his father in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan. He was learning to read the Koran at a nearby conservative Wahhabi mosque. Presumably, he met with the same people he'd been talking to by phone before he went off to Dagestan. What we don't know is whether they vetted him or were on the foot soldier level. Russian investigators are looking into possible links between Tamerlan and some local terrorists, Mahmoud Mansur Nidal and William Plotnikov, both of whom were killed in a firefight with Russian forces. Tamerlan went back to Boston two days later.[47]
Chechnya is one of Russia's Islamic republics, which has for some four centuries been fighting for independence from Russia, with bloody brutality on both sides. The Russians have alternated between wooing the Muslims and harshly restricting them.[48] The sore point for the Chechens is that infidels — Russians — are occupying what they considered Muslim land.
Fox News[49] provides a brief summary of recent Chechen history,
"The conflict in Chechnya began in 1994 as a separatist war, but quickly morphed into an Islamic insurgency dedicated to carving out an independent Islamic state in the Caucasus. Russian troops withdrew from Chechnya in 1996 after the first Chechen war, leaving it de facto independent and largely lawless, but then rolled back three years later following apartment building explosions in Moscow and other cities blamed on the rebels."
[...] "the Islamic insurgency has spread to neighboring provinces, with Dagestan, sandwiched between Chechnya and the Caspian Sea, becoming the epicenter of violence with militants launching daily attacks against police and other authorities."
Much has been made of a putative distinction between Chechens who are fighting for independence and Resurgent Islamists. It is said that while the Islamists seek a global Muslim empire, the nationalists care only about making the Chechen nation independent of Russia, preferably as an independent state. But think about it for a moment. An independent Chechyna would be not only Muslim, which it is anyway, but free to practice and spread fundamentalist ideology, using its inbred violence and viciousness — as it has done in recent years. Semantically, there is a difference in objectives, but in practice it seems to becoming a distinction without a difference. FoxNews[50] has pointed out:
"By now, it has been well-established that Chechnya is home to both separatists who want independence from Russia and Islamic radicals who see their cause as more global. . Looking back, arrest reports and security studies show Chechen terrorists have been involved in a string of plots over the last several years in European and other countries, dropping clue after clue that they had aspirations beyond attacking Russia.
"Of particular interest is a group formed in 2007 called the Caucasus Emirate (CE), led by Doku Umarov. Two sources tell Fox News that investigators are exploring potential links between Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the suspect who died in a shootout early Friday in Boston, and the group — though the organization has publicly distanced itself from the plot.
"...The CE is now part of a global jihadi revolutionary movement or alliance," said a 2011 report on the organization by the Center for Strategic and International Studies."
If there were an Olympic competition for the place producing the most inhuman monsters, Chechnya would give the Palestinian Arabs strong competition. Ben H. England recounts some of the cold-blooded terror attacks by Chechens, including, in 2004, their taking hostage some 1200 people who happened to be in a school in Beslan.[51] The mentality that allowed the Chechens in the hostage takeover to terrorize, starve, dehydrate and kill over 300 people, including many young children, was not an aberration but a valued feature of the society. I wouldn't be surprised if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a dreamy-faced, poetic type, needed to overcome his inner nature to prove himself a member in good standing in a society built on primitive barbarism.
The question has been raised: how much did the anti-Government violent ideology in Chechnya influence the brothers, so they could take pride in murdering a group of ordinary people. There's probably no simple answer. It is true that they have been living in the States for over a decade, but it also true that the members of the family traveled freely back and forth and maintained phone contact across continents. Moreover, other elements need to factored in. Tamerlan's mother has said she and her son became religious within the last 2-5 years in the USA. The younger brother, Dzhokhar, has said the family was influenced by "the sermons of Anwar al Awlaki, [who] preached that women are responsible for rape, and Dutch politician Geert Wilders should be decapitated." Shoshana Bryen[52] has suggested that:
"Saudi money and Saudi Wahabi ideology were gasoline on the fire. If they moved the Chechen uprising into Sunni expansionist jihad, they could also have sponsored the Tsarnaev brothers in the U.S. Tamerlan, an aspiring boxer, appears to have had no job; Dzhokhar was a student. Their parents had returned to Russia and they were estranged from their uncle. How did they pay rent and tuition? Or pay for the white Mercedes Tamerlan was reported to drive? Tamerlan told his uncle, 'God will provide.'"
We are so far from being certain of motivation, some question the relevence of the fact that the perpetrators were Sunni Muslims from the Caucasus Mountains. The conspiracy theories that unite the hard-left and nut-right, both of whom accuse American intelligence agencies of instigating the Boston bombing, are easy to shrug off. But there are other possibilities that are much less likely but that may need to be pursued. While the majority of Salifists belong to one or another Sunni group — as did the Tsarnaev family — Reza Kahlili has suggested Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have been a follower of Iran's Ayatollah.[53]. If this is the case, the bombing may have been done to help bring on Armageddon, which is required for the return of the Mahdi. Kahlili speculates that
"...the Chechen brothers were likely recruited and trained by other assets connected with Hezbollah operators with centers in South Asia to carry out their terror attack and then abandoned so there would be no link to Iran.
"The regime's Quds Forces, along with Hezbollah, have long been recruiting and training terrorists with a focus in Herzegovina, Chechnya, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other parts of the world, extending into Latin America. A new focus in the recruiting is on Sunni Muslims and non-Arabs to avoid any trace back to Iran and Hezbollah and to either present an apparent link to al-Qaida or individuals acting on their own, the source said."
It may be that the story of the Brothers Tsarnaev is more complicated than is yet known. It may be that other determinants, not yet discovered, were in play. However the brothers became capable of cold-blooded slaughter, as Daniel Greenfield has written[54]
"Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev did not become radicalized. They became religious. They embraced a transnational ideology which applied not only to them, their mosque or their community, but to the entire world."
And that might be as close as the Western mind can get to understanding the workings of a 21st century mind that deliberately fashions itself on the words and deeds of a 7th century barbarian.
This is a rough time line of the family's history. It will almost certainly need revision when the facts become better known.[55] For our purposes, however, it isn't the minutiae of the portrait of the family that are of interest. What we are seeking are the brush strokes that are reproduced in a fairly new genre: the Westernized terrorist.
The family history is important if only because it underscores some of the features that often are clues that we are dealing with salafists determined to bring about a triumphant Islam. In this case, these descriptors are spot on.
If someone is suspected, we can expect these responses from him or his spokesmen: he will act the victim and be piteous. He will blame someone else. He will declare they are out to get him. He's being framed. Or, contrary wise, he will claim to be working with people in the government — Homeland Security or the FBI. (These days, it might well be true.)
Several family members, even those who claim not have been in touch with the Cambridge Tsarnaev branch in quite a while, angrily deny the brothers were guilty. The victims of the bombing don't seem to concern them. The 'boys' were set up; it's a mistake; they were really working for the government; the government is not to be trusted. They demand to be shown proof, then declare the visuals and audios are fake. The father insisted someone framed them — See here.[60] The aunt in Ontario who brought them into USA insisted that the picture of the boys walking in single file was staged. "They were set up." — See here.[61]
The mother, in particular, is memorable. If one ignores the facts, she is believable. Of course she could actually be in denial and, though dry-eyed, grief-stricken. Whatever her emotions, she gives a superb performance which reminds us, once again, that a good offense is the best defense. She would be well cast as Lady Macbeth, except that Lady Macbeth took responsibility for urging her husband to commit murder. I expect we will discover she was the dominant one in the family, the one who persuaded her sons to promote Islamic supersessionism actively.
"America was going to
be safe. America took my kids away from me. My kids were not
Mother: "I saw interesting video last night. Like it
was paint, not blood."
Nice twist: when asked if she believed that, she replied,
"That's what I want to know. Everyone is talking about it, that this is a show."
video here.
"What have you done to my son. Why did they have to kill
him? Why I go there [to America]. I thought America is going to, like,
protect us, our kids, it's going to be safe."
At one point, she cried out
"If they are going to kill him. I don't care. My oldest son is killed, so I don't care. I don't care if my youngest son is going to be killed today. I want the world to hear this. And, I don't care if I am going to get killed too. And I will say Allahu Akbar!"
Can she honestly deny that her sons are guilty? She was close to her sons and lived with them during the critical months when at least Tamerlan was solidifying his devotion to Islam. The more we learn, the more it becomes plausible that she was, at the very least, a cooperative participant in the plot to terrorize the people gathered to enjoy the Marathon. She sounds as ardently committed to the Islamic cause as her sons.
There are family ties to a terrorist group or members in a family are dedicated to achieving a Muslim state.
We know nothing about how active members of the family here and in Russia are — or are not — in establishing an independent Muslim state or fighting for a Muslim cause elsewhere. But the Cambridge Tsarnaev family seems never to have broken ties with the homeland. They may have become more religious only recently, but their older son was named after Tamerlane, a Muslim arch-fiend from the Middle Ages, a man noted for the huge number of people he had slaughtered. They named the younger son Dzhokhar, which suggests they are also Chechen nationalists. According to Wikipedia[62]:
"During the existence of the separatist republic, the city [Grozny] was renamed Dzokhar-Ghala in 1996, and Chechen separatists sometimes continue to refer to the city as Dzhokhar or Djohar; it was named so after Dzhokhar Dudaev, the first president of the separatist Chechen Republic of Ichkeria."
Many in the Russian Islamic republics still confine their ambition to creating independent Muslim states. But these days, many are dedicated to the global advancement of Islam. Both groups seem to believe that once land is occupied by Muslims, it is Muslim forever.
The father returned to Dagestan a year ago. He doesn't seem to have a pension or any way of supporting himself. It's not clear he's even capable of working because of his heart condition. Why would he leave a city with some of the best medical treatment facilities in the world to go back to a relatively primitive country? The son is willing to devote six months to get his Russian passport renewed, but leaves before processing is complete. The mother flees the country to avoid arraignment on a shoplifting charge. At least that makes sense.
The suspect has unexplained funds when he has only a low-paying job or no job.
Tamerlan didn't work at a regular job, if at all. Yet he has the money to buy bomb parts, drive a Mercedes, talk on the phone to people overseas and take a long trip abroad. Dzhokhar is at college, where his room is said to reek of marijuana. Where is the money for his room, board, books, auto, entertainment and recreational drugs coming from? If he's a supplier and making enough to live this well, when does he have time to go to classes? Katherine's probable earnings seem insufficient to support both brothers in the style they have chosen. Their mother may have made money at her home that she didn't report, but she left the country in August 2012.
The suspect is a recent convert or has become conspicuously more religious.
It seems when someone converts to Judaism, he gets involved in helping his community and his library grows. A Christian convert may have the impulse to share his blessed state with those still living in sin or ignorance. Converts to Islam become aggressive apologists and often terrorists. As Wikiislam observes:[63]
Although terrorism is not exclusive to the Islamic ideology, it should be noted that a disproportionate number of terrorists are Muslims who are motivated by the teachings of Islam. Peter Neumann, a Professor of Security Studies at King's College in London, has noted that Western converts were "overrepresented among jihadists", and a 2011 study found that 55% of US born Muslims arrested for Islamic terrorist activities were converts to Islam.[64]
The only convert involved with the Tsarnaev family is Tamerlan's wife, Katherine. She seems to be an exception to the observation that people who become converts have a statistically high probability of becoming terrorists. Her lawyer claims she worked 70-80 hours a week outside the home so she could not know about her husband's learning to construct explosives. On the other hand, "Anne Kilzer, a resident of Belmont, Massachusetts, who used to visit the Tsarnaev home to get beauty treatment from Tamerlan Tsarnaev's mother, said whenever she visited the apartment, Katherine Tsarnaev was always there with the baby and her mother-in-law. ... She added that she thought the apartment was so cramped and crowded that it 'would have been difficult for Tamerlan to hide criminal activity from his wife'."[65]
These statements aren't necessarily contradictory. Katherine may not have started working until her mother-in-law left the country or wasn't working the days Kilzer came. The boys probably didn't begin to gather material for the bomb until after both parents had left the country. If Katherine actually worked 80 hours a week, she could have been too tired to notice anything when she was home. If the 80 hours were a 3- or 4-day work week that included sleeping at the patient's home just to be there if needed, she would probably have been awake enough to see what was going on. One thing I do wonder about. By April 2013, only Tamerlan, Katherine and their child were living in the apartment. Tamerlan was babysitting his daughter on Monday April 15. So who took care of the child when Tamerlan left to set off bombs at the Marathon?
There is no question that Tamerlan and his mother dramatically and conspicuously changed their life styles. In the fall of 2011, the Russian Government contacted the CIA to inform them that both Tamerlan and his mother had become religious militants. Whenever credible information is received that might link an individual to a terror operation or group, his name is added to a terror watch database. It doesn't mean he's guilty, but it doesn't hurt to make a note, in case something else turns up. So the CIA asked that the names of the Tsarnaev mother and son be added to TIDE, the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment Database. "About six months earlier, the FBI investigated Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, also at Russia's request, one of the officials said. The FBI found no ties to terrorism."[66]
Looks like the Russians were right. Tamerlan had given up his drinking, smoking, boxing and grown a beard. The only thing he didn't give up was his not working. He spent his time exploring his religion. He insisted his mother and wife wear the hijab. The signs turned out to be significant. In an interesting paper, Tawfik Hamid[67] suggests that an enhanced commitment to Islamic radicalism can often also be detected in small ways by the knowledgeable:
"The more a Muslim becomes radicalized, the more likely he/she will demonstrate peculiar behavior in something that may be as simple as a greeting. [...] Other signs that the FBI could have missed include the speed with which Tsarnaev responded to certain questions, his way of drinking, using his right or left hands — and even his foot — as well as making certain types of facial expressions."
The suspect attends a mosque where the cleric preaches anti-Americanism and/or the mosque seems to be a gathering place for people advocating violence.
The mosque the Tsarnaev family attended was a strong defender of Islamic practices and is considered to be soft on terrorism. It is overtly anti-Semitic. Nevertheless, it apparently wasn't radical enough for Tamerlan. As reported by the Daily Mail (UK):[68]
"Tamerlan was reportedly thrown out of the mosque after sparking a 'shouting match' with an imam who had held up assassinated civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr as an example of a man to emulate. He was eventually readmitted, but one member of the congregation, who gave his name only as Muhammad, told the LA Times: 'He had an anger inside ... I can't explain what was in his mind'
Suspect has been caught shoplifting and/or selling off stolen goods
It seems an amusing side issue that the mother was arrested a year ago when caught shoplifting for the second time. However, Debbie Schlussel has pointed out that shoplifting may be a serious indicator that the thief is involved with a terrorist group.[69]
"Muslim theft rings tied to Hezbollah, HAMAS, and other Islamic terrorist groups are responsible for a large amount of theft from stores across America. They then sell the merchandise on the black market and often use the process to finance jihad. It's, after all, "halal money" permissible money under Islam, just as welfare money is, because it's stolen from the non-Muslim infidels. Was Zubeidat involved in frequent theft to finance her sons, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and their Islamic jihad against America?"
Her story on how the shoplifting happened is rather like her way of absolving her sons. In both cases, there's the contrast between her rubbery way of discussing motives and her incisive behavior when doing what she feels is necessary. Here are some extracts:
"Ms. Tsarnaeva said in the interview that her shoplifting charge was simply the result of a misunderstanding. She had been suffering from a bout of depression, she said, and when she was feeling bad she would try to give her children a lot of gifts 'so that they had everything.'
"She said she had bought a lot of clothes for her daughters online. She went to Lord & Taylor to return some of the items, but had no receipt.
"She said she had had another shoplifting incident, and the case was resolved when she agreed to see a psychologist.
"A female crime-prevention officer at the Natick Lord & Taylor told police that she had seen Ms. Tsarnaeva through a drape over the fitting room door using scissors to remove security tags from the dresses and stuff the dresses into a bag she had been carrying, according to court records. The security guard told police she also saw Ms. Tsarnaeva cut small holes into two other items of clothing and attached security tags she had removed onto the damaged clothing, before returning them to a clothing rack in the store, court records said. According to the guard, Ms. Tsarnaeva then walked past cash registers and out of the store without paying for seven dresses [valued at $1,624]."
The Benghazi Massacre inquiry — which I judged should be on an impeachment-level[70] — pretty much fizzled out when the Administration used misdirection (blaming the attack on an anti-Muslim video and focusing the public's attention on General Petreaus's sex scandal),[71] suppression of information (the Benghazi personnel who witnesses the terrorist attacks on Americans have still not been interviewed by the press), unadulterated stonewalling and straight-faced lying. And there was no reaction by the press. Even the more extensive information on the Government's Fast and Furious Operation — a program that was both incredibly stupid and dangerous — is being examined at a snail's pace.[72]
Seemingly sensational probabilities in the Benghazi story were left untouched by the main stream media.
Two issues are particularly important:
First, It was likely that the Government was running guns to the Syrian rebels, where much of the weaponry was coming from Gaddafi's looted storehouses. But the details need investigation. How did Ambassador Stevens fit in — was he coordinator or patsy or both? Was Turkey middleman? What were they getting out of it? Did the local terrorist group raid the CIA compound in Benghazi for its own reasons or were they acting for others? Is it significant that the Government refued to renew the contract for excellent security for the Ambassador, who lived and traveled in a very dangerous area? Does it mean the Ambassador's assassination was an inside job? Or is the lack of adequate security yet another example of a bureaucracy being stupid?
Secondly, the whole issue of who in the higher reaches of the government knew of the attack and, more importantly, why they did nothing, has been obscured. We are sure from Tyrone Woods marking the positions of the enemy mortar that he had reason to expect help for the beleaguered CIA personnel. We are sure there was help available within reasonable distance. We know the Government had a team knowledgeable on man and material resources — they know who can do what, where they are, and what equipment they have. Our taxes pay for superb instant response personnel. Yet, aside from the two ex-Seals who came on their own, none came during the attack, while the locals the State Department had hired as replacement security walked away. Panetta's statement that 'you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on' was not challenged by the press, even though the marines have rapid reaction troops for just such occasions. Considering that the two ex-Seals were able to fight the terrorists for hours, think what the addition of a few trained fighters would have meant.
The drone overhead was also relaying information back in real time to various units and to the State Department and the White House. We now are fairly sure that the information reached Washington within minutes or at most 2 hours from the start of the attack. which continued for some 8-9 hours in two major bursts. It is beyond belief that Obama and his cohorts didn't know of the attack — the procedures in place ensure that they would have to know — and/or didn't go to the Incident Room to view the attack in real time. It is also known that many of our tactical resources may be available but they require specific traceable commands of the Commander-in-Chief (not after-the-fact insistence that some unspecified they were told to help.) So, to put it bluntly, did the president watch a snuff film and then leave the room without giving the appropriate orders or did he go to bed early without giving the appropriate orders?
I've made this side-excursion to the Benghazi scandal for a reason. Because of it, many of us have little confidence in the integrity of our Government or in their ability to act wisely. We wish we could be more certain that they have contributed to the success of Islamic jihad unintentionally and didn't give their support deliberately, with consequences understood.
Two recent important articles deal openly and powerfully with this concern. Stella Paul[73] gives voice to our exasperation that the impulses of the authorities to stop Islamic terrorism are being thwarted by the dictates of a Muslim President, who, by his own words, is sympathetic to Muslim concerns. She and Lauri B. Regan[74] spell out the ways that President Obama's reluctance to recognize the dangers of Salafism have already endangered America. In point of fact, the Obama administration's facilitation of Muslim stealth jihad in America is a big part of the problem. Blocking and purging critical information, minimizing the extent of the infiltration, mislabeling the character of the Muslim Brotherhood and the meaning of jihad, using our legal system to help jihadists stay out of jail, and ridiculing and demonizing those that defend the Constitution while accrediting those who promote Sharia law — this is not how to deal seriously with Resurgent Islam's war on the West.
Right now, the strength of the public's anger at the Marathon bombers and the surge of patriotism seem to have intimidated the administration and the media. There's been no attempt as yet to call this act of terror run-place violence.
By Friday, the news media — including the New York Times — had admitted it was jihad. They actually used the words: Terrorism and Islam in the same breath. Even Prez. Obama did; well, not right away, but by the day after the bombing.
As Michael Mukasey bluntly says: Make No Mistake, It Was Jihad[75]. He has concerns about how the investigation will be handled, given the Administration's reluctance to deal with radical Islam's hatred of America.
"For five years we have heard, principally from those who wield executive power, of a claimed need to make fundamental changes in this country, to change the world's — particularly the Muslim world's — perception of us, to press "reset" buttons. We have heard not a word from those sources suggesting any need to understand and confront a totalitarian ideology that has existed since at least the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920s.
"The ideology has regarded the United States as its principal adversary since the late 1940s, when a Brotherhood principal, Sayid Qutb, visited this country and was aghast at what he saw as its decadence. The first World Trade Center bombing, in 1993, al Qaeda attacks on American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, on the USS Cole in 2000, the 9/11 attacks, and those in the dozen years since — all were fueled by Islamist hatred for the U.S. and its values."
If there is real change in the Administration's willingness to look at the Muslim jihad realistically, then, as Mukasey writes,
"Presumably the investigation into the Boston terror attack will include inquiry into not only the immediate circumstances of the crimes but also who funded Tamerlan Tsarnaev's months-long sojourn abroad in 2012 and his comfortable life style. Did he have a support network? What training did he, and perhaps his younger brother, receive in the use of weapons? Where did the elder of the two learn to make the suicide vest he reportedly wore? The investigation should include as well a deep dive into Tamerlan's radicalization, the Islamist references in the brothers' social media communications, and the jihadist websites they visited."
It is unlikely the bombing was a completely independent action by the brothers. Throughout the week following the blasts, the police suggested the weaponry was more than an amateur could construct. As it turned out, the recipe for constructing the actual explosive used — pressure cooker bombs — was available on an internet site produced by Al-Qaeda in its first edition. (You can read some of the fifth edition of Inspire, their magazine, here. An anonymous Western Muslim who had asked how to reach the jihad frontiers is told to stay home and carry out a Lone Wolf attack in a crowded area.)[76] But Robert Baer, a former CIA operative, believes that "the device does not precisely follow the Internet plans in Inspire magazine. If that's the case, there's a master bomber out there."[77]
Then too, as we saw above when matching Tip-off clues and actual events and behavior, the life of the older boy fits into the generic history of a trained Islamic terrorist:
If the Administration does not take a hard look at the likely sources of financial support and training, we will know they are back to labeling shooting sprees and explosions as acts of terror only if they are done by the (according to them) fast-disappearing Al-Qaeda. Otherwise bombings and shootings are considered to be unpredictable disruptions that have nothing to do with Muslim religious ideology. As of now, they assert that mayhem and murder by one or a couple of Muslims have absolutely nothing to do with organized terror. Government agencies act as if the Lone Wolf just wakes up one morning afflicted with what Daniel Pipes calls, Sudden Jihad Syndrome.[80]
The campaign to whitewash the latest act of Muslim terrorism may have already begun. Our new Secretary of State John Kerry has made statements that don't argue well for the Administration's understanding of jihad.
From Arutz-Sheva, April 22, 2013:[81]
"Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.
"Kerry told his hosts in Turkey that he understands the pain of the families whose loved ones were killed aboard the Marmara and added that he can understand their pain well, having just dealt with the families whose loved ones were slain in Boston."
Robert Spencer[82] immediately straightened out this twisted comparison:
"The people on the Mavi Marmara flotilla were genocidal Jew-hating jihadis, as you can see in the video above: they were chanting a jihad war cry recalling Muhammad's massacre of the Jews of Arabia: "Khybar, Khybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return."
The Nathan Hale website[83] added:
"Kerry's equating them with the victims of the Boston jihad bombings is monstrous, as is retailing yet again the Leftist and Turkish narrative that these were peace-loving folks victimized by the wicked Zionists. What is most tragic about this whole thing is that Obama strong-armed Netanyahu into subscribing to that narrative himself by apologizing to the Turks."
This photo shows Martin Richard, the 8-year old who was killed in the blast. He is standing with his sister and father. At a diagonal in back of him, circled in red and wearing a white cap is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, who murdered him.
When I saw this picture, I too made a comparison, one very different from Kerry's. Martin Richard is dead. His 7-year old sister Jane, who has been a dancer since she was three, lost a leg. I thought of the AFSI trip to Gaza I took in 2002. We spoke to Mrs. Cohen, the mother of three children who all lost limbs or parts of limbs when Arabs threw a bomb into their school bus.
"She looks like Julia Roberts, if Julia Roberts wore a hat and modest clothes. She is here with two of her children, one in her arms and a little one who runs around. Three of her older children lost limbs when Arabs threw a bomb into their school bus when they were on the way to school, 7:30 in the morning. One lost two legs, the other two children lost half a leg a piece. Every morning they went in the bus. Every morning she was afraid of a bus bombing."[84]
The families of the victims are in excruciating pain but I don't think the families of the Turkish murderers were in pain anymore than are the families of Arabs who lose their lives slaughtering innocent civilians. Typically, they celebrate and feel pride. In Gaza, the Palestinian Arabs, who like the Chechens, are strong contenders for the title of Nastiest Muslims On The Planet, mourned the Boston bombing as they always do when a disaster hits the West — especially when it's a man-made disaster created by one of their own co-religionists. As Ari Lieberman writes:[85]
"They danced in the streets and handed out candy and sweets to motorists and pedestrians alike... It is time for those in the West who sanctimoniously clamor for the creation of a Palestinian state, to take a closer look at the people they are advocating for. People who cheer when civilians are butchered deserve their own asylum, not statehood."
Frankly, I don't think that the European Union will reconsider its
support. But maybe in the States, our security agencies will restore
such terms as terror and
The official story on large-scale global terror hasn't seemed to change: we fought a small group of terrorists. We killed their leader and some of the higher echelon. Without them, al-Qaeda would soon fade away. Terrorism was finished. Actually, the opposite happened and al-Qaeda-influenced terrorism grew. But many in the media, following the party line, continued to insist al-Qaeda was all there was and it is just about dead. Fresh terrorist attacks were ignored and a terrorist who was caught was refashioned as victim. His sensitivity was emphasized. He was alienated. It was all the fault of the West. It was about what you'd expect from journalists educated to regard having a good word to say about America as sinful.
Will things now change in what is reported? It's hard to be optimistic.
Pres. Obama's second-term picks for high-level positions — John Kerry, Chuck Hagel and John Brennen — aren't, to put it mildly, proponents of aggressively rooting out Islamic jihad. In fact, John Brennan, now head of the CIA, believes that jihad is largely a personal quest for spiritual perfection. He has been quoted as saying: "Jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one's community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children."[86]
Moreover, the media have started blurring the picture by applying the soothing salve of sweet reasonableness. As an example, they assert Islam can in no way be responsible for the killing because Islam has a sophisticated and civilized regard for life as summed up by this statement from the Koran: "whosoever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whosoever kept alive one man, it shall be as if he kept alive all mankind."
The only difficulty is that it isn't a Muslim belief at all. As this video narrated by David Wood ( makes clear, the verse is Jewish and is attributed to the Jews in the Koran. It is definitely not part of Islamic teaching on how a proper Muslim should behave. According to Qu'ran 5:33, the Koran decrees: "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; ..."
Mischief is defined in the Koran in ways unfamiliar in the West. Essentially a mischief maker is one who violates Shariah: he/she works against Islam or becomes an apostate, teaches non-Islamic religions, dishonors the family by being raped, or performs other such heinous acts. His/her punishment, as detailed in the Koran, is death or mutilation in one of several specific brutal ways.
Muslim clerics are unlikely to give lectures on tolerance. They are more likely to give advice on how to beat one's wife[87] and marry a child literally still in the cradle.[88]
I must say that while it lasts, it's been a pleasure watching the news and TV media in hot pursuit of friends and relations of the Brothers Tsarnaev. Sure there was the usual hope/assurance that the killers would turn out to be American right-wing extremists (aka ordinary Americans) but, otherwise, it was almost like old times when news people habitually acted like pirahnas, ripping open Democrat and Republican, black and white, and most anyone of any ethnic group without hesitation. No taboos. The Boston Herald even forced Massachusetts to cough up the fact that three generations — the brothers, their parents (until they left the USA) and Tsarnaev's wife and 3-year old daughter — received welfare benefits as late as 2012.[89] In fact, we learned more minutiae about the Tsarnaev family and its friends and relations in less than a week than we know about even the broad outlines of the Benghazi massacre after eight months.
In this time of transition, a few, but still a substantial number, of the media are already lamenting that we brought the terror upon ourselves by alienating our Muslim immigrants or by not being sufficiently sensitive to their needs or by having friendships that anger them. It says something for the conditioning of the public that in the aftermath of a horrible reality that much of the country witnessed as it played on TV over and over again, this ritualized press reaction is still usable and isn't treated as the idiot output of a lobotomized press.
Well-known names in the media biz parroted their less-well-paid brethren. "Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw strongly suggested Sunday that America is partly to blame for the gruesome terrorists attacks in Boston, because the young Muslim men involved may have felt 'alienated' and angry over U.S. drone strikes on 'innocent civilians' in Muslim countries abroad."[90] Speaking with schmaltzy sadness, Geraldo Rivera mourned:[91]
"Regrets to my Muslim brothers/sisters. We know how Boston will aggravate life's friction. Now's the time for patience, pride & understanding,"
Say what? Some people seem completely incapable of learning from real life.
What we aren't hearing from the media is information about the growth of Islamic jihad and what America will be like if the Salafists get to impose Sharia law. Referring to Rivera's tweet, Robert Spencer said this about the fourth estate, which is supposed to be our early warning system, our swarm of investigators eager to attack corruption in the other three estates, our reliable source of accurate news:
"What is really amazing about this [Rivera's lament] is that it is so commonplace. No one — no one — who has any sizable public soapbox is calling on the Muslim community in the U.S. to clean up its act, stop the victimhood posturing and calls for Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement, and do something serious to address the preaching of jihad and Islamic supremacism in U.S. mosques. No one — no one — who has any public soapbox is calling on law enforcement and government to stop the politically correct nonsense and address the problem of Islamic jihad and supremacism seriously and realistically. Instead, Geraldo's is just one of a huge chorus of voices apologizing to the Muslim community in the U.S. for a nonexistent "backlash" and imaginary "Islamophobia."[92]
Raymond Ibrahim has excoriated the media for minimizing the brutal war Muslims wage against Christians in the Middle East. His remarks are equally applicable to Islamic jihad generally: "..the media, where we get our information, is the root source of this ignorance."[93]
Willful misdirection by the Press suggests our primary information distributors wear a heavy ideological filter that prevents them from accepting even the possibility that a society rigidly anchored in a religion that was established by a practitioner of violence and bloodshed might encourage violence and brutality in its followers. Barry Rubin makes the point this way:[94]
"I am strongly reminded of a discussion many years ago with a brilliant CIA psychiatrist who laid the foundation for understanding the thinking of modern terrorists. One of the things he did was to divide them into two categories. There were those whose parents would, at least generally, approve of their violent acts and those that wouldn't.
"He didn't mean here that the individual parents would cheer them—though that was possible—but that they were approved of by their social-intellectual milieu. That's why Islamist terrorists are numbered in the tens of thousands and people like Holmes and McVeigh can be counted on the fingers of your two hands.
"A few days ago I asked a first-rate, veteran journalist with much experience in this area whether she had ever interviewed parents who denounced their children's actions. She replied, 'No. And if they did they'd know enough to keep their mouths shut.' Of course, that would be because in Palestinian society they would be themselves isolated and renounced for opposing jihad or at least armed struggle.
"In the Boston case, the Tsarnaev brother's mother cheered them and blamed America. What is in play here is not alienation from America but hatred of it based on a pre-existing template, combined with a willingness to take its benefits as if they were owed to oneself."
Refusal to examine motives outside the politically acceptable ones, has meant the Press, while reporting on terror attacks around the world, doesn't attempt to generalize on what it sees. The media continue to ignore that Islamic terrorism may be a genuinely coherent global movement. It isn't just in the USA. And even our guilt-ridden media haven't tried to make the case that every non-Muslim country and every Muslim country run by the wrong sect deserves acts of terror. They would have to prove that is true in Mumbai, in India, in Israel, in England, in France, in Mali, in Sudan, in China, in Egypt, in Russia ... — a formidable job even for these experts in obfuscation.
Except perhaps to those subjected to groping by TSA personnel at airports, until the Boston bombing, terrorist attacks haven't been a pressing concern for a long time. Fear of more 9/11 attacks receded years ago. There have of course been Lone Wolf "incidents" but they've received relatively little media attention. Some of them — the ones that fail because of some amateur mistake by the perpetrator — have been used to convince us that lone wolves are idiots and of little danger. Even larger scale terrorist attacks are only on the news for a short time and then are forgotten.
It is surprising to discover that there were over 19,000 Islamic terrorist attacks world-wide from 1968-2004, and these were motivated more by religion rather than nationalism as time went on.[95] As of this writing, the Religion of Peace website lists some 20,742 deadly terror attacks that have been committed by Muslims since 9/11, which indicates a sharp increase in rate in more recent years: roughly the same number of attacks in a third of the time. Ordinary crimes are not included. As the tabulators point out, "We only include incidents of deadly violence that are reasonably determined to have been committed out of religious duty - as interpreted by the perpetrator. Islam needs to be a motive, but it need not be the only factor." Attacks that didn't lead to loss of life are rarely included. The Religion of Peace website also provides a database that lists each incident and information about it.[96] In another estimate, on October 11, 2011, USA special representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan Affairs, Marc Grossman, admitted that, as of October 2011, more than 19,000 Pakistani civilians have been killed in terrorist attacks since 2003.[97]
All estimates involving the number of Islamic terrorism acts or the number of people killed and injured are probably on the low side because not all attacks are picked up by news sources. Moreover, Western governments tend to play down Islamic terrorism. Many are smallish acts of terror that aren't big enough for us to mount any sort of response, but incrementally they drain us of resolve. Regrettably, ignoring terrorist activities hasn't made them disappear.
Pictures of some Muslim acts of terror shake us with their barbarism. This headline says it all: "Obama-backed Syrian jihadists behead pro-government Sunni cleric, then drag his body through the streets."[98] The practice isn't that rare. Other terror acts are just as horrible but much more commonly done. Throwing rocks at cars, shooting babies that are being held in their parent's arms, slitting the throats of a sleeping child — these have become hallmarks of Arab terrorism in Israel.
These are just some incidents that popped up in a cursory search:
Acts of terror in Israel are frequent.
Right now, for example, five Palestinian Arabs have been charged with plotting to kidnap Israelis and attack Jews at the Temple Mount. They had been trained and had received weapons from the bad terrorists, Hamas's military arm Izza a-Din al-Qassam, and from the good terrorists, the Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade wing in Samaria and Judea.[99]
Gil Ronen reported on April 23, 2013 that "Arabs carried out a rock terror ambush against a bus carrying children to school in Samaria Tuesday morning. No one was hurt. The attack took place on the Nahal Kana road, between Revava and Yakir. The bus was driving down a major road, not far from where a toddler, Adelle Biton, suffered grave wounds in a rock ambush five weeks ago... [She] is still in grave condition at the Intensive Care Unit of Schneider Children's Hospital."[100]
Many pro-Palestinian Americans have convinced themselves that the Arabs, being weak and poor and not well-equipped, have no alternative but to commit terror against mighty Israel, but they have nothing against Jews elsewhere. Without too much effort, they can stretch their 'understanding" to cover attacks on Israelis away from home in Bulgaria, where an Israeli tourist bus was bombed, and Mumbai, where a Chabad Rabbi and his pregnant wife were tortured and then slaughtered, and in Kathmandu, where "an Iranian national carrying a forged Israeli passport was arrested by Israeli Embassy personnel on April 13, 2013, amid fears that he was part of a plan to carry out a series of attacks against Israeli institutions and tourists in Nepal."[101] He was identified as Mohsin Khosravian by The Himalayan Times. "Khosravian was reported to have acquired the fake Israeli passport in Kuala Lumpur. He'd entered Malaysia with his Iranian passport on March 31, and recently traveled to Sri Lanka. Last year saw a series of attempted attacks on Israeli embassies and tourists in several Asian cities, thought to be revenge for a reported campaign of assassinations against Iranian nuclear scientists, which Tehran blamed on Israel."
But then the argument in defense of Palestinian Arab terrorism breaks down. It doesn't account for the frequent attacks on non-Israeli Jews outside of Israel. In France recently, a rabbi and his son were attacked in the Jewish quarter of Paris, according to Le Monde. The attacker is an Iranian who had escaped from a mental health hospital. (Mental hospital? Don't get your hopes up. Previous terror attacks on Jews have targeted young school children. And a young Jew was kidnapped and tortured for a prolonged time by a bunch of Muslims until he died. These were done by Muslims who were considered sane.) As Gil Ronen writes:[102]
"'He may be mentally ill but he is, first and foremost, an anti-Semite who attacked a Jew,' a French Jewish leader said of the assailant who stabbed a rabbi and his son in Paris. Meir Haviv, Deputy Chairman of Jewish umbrella group CRIF (Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France) told Arutz Sheva that the two were stabbed in the throat, and added that 'two more centimeters and it would have ended in death.'"
Terrorists don't confine themselves to targeting Jews. Westerns are equally at risk. Last December, Romania defused a series of planned terrorist attacks:[103]
"Authorities are holding 38-year-old Khzr Karim Friad of Iraq after he was arrested last week near the British Embassy in Bucharest while carrying a 22 cm-long knife...Friad came to Romania ... to protest the American and British military presence ... in Iraq." [...] Two Pakistanis associated with Al-Qaeda were expelled for planning a terror attack during the winter holidays. The previous August, eight Palestinians and a Pakistani affiliated with Hamas were expelled.
Another plot, closer to home, to attack a passenger train traveling between Canada and the USA was just uncovered in Canada.[104]
"... two men — Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, of Montreal and Raed Jaser, 35, of Toronto have been charged for planning an attack on a passenger train. (They were living in Canada but are not apparently citizens. Police didn't say where they are from. [Esseghaier wrote on his website that he is from Tunisia and has a degree in Industrial Biology and is in a PhD program in developing optical and electrochemical biosensors. Jaser is reported to be a Palestinian Arab and a citizen of the United Arab Emerates (UAE). — bsl] The plot was described as linked to al-Qaeda elements in Iran. al-Qaeda is Sunni and Iran is Shi'ite but they've occasionally cooperated."
The Israel Project[105] reports that "The U.S. Treasury revealed last year that Iran has allowed Al Qaeda to operate a pipeline to funnel money and fighters to support the organization's activities in South Asia. Iran denies the current allegation."
Of course, this too is explainable. In fact, if there is anything terrorists do well it is to have a real good reason for whatever they are doing. And it's always the other guy's fault.
Tim Arango of the New York Times reported on April 15, 2013 that "at least 37 people had been killed and more than 140 wounded in nearly 20 separate attacks, mostly car bombings, in Baghdad, Kirkuk, Hilla, Falluja, Nasiriya and Tikrit."[106] The intent was to disrupt local elections, the first since the American military withdrew. "Candidates have been assassinated, political gatherings have been targeted and, during Monday's violence, two schools in Hilla that were to serve as polling sites were blown up by homemade bombs, although no one was killed because the schools were empty."..."Aside from the election-related violence, Iraq's main Sunni insurgent group, Al Qaeda in Iraq, has strengthened itself in the period since American troops left at the end of 2011 and has spread its deadly operations beyond Iraq's borders by fostering Al Nusra Front, the jihadist group that has become one of the most successful fighting units in Syria battling to topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad."
After you figure out a good reason for destroying Iraq's fragile attempt at democratic practices, explain this one from the Christian Science Monitor, April 24, 2013. It's entitled "Mystery clouds deadly clash in western China with 'suspected terrorists'."[107]
This is the gist of the story with some additions: China has a province — the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China — that is inhabitated by different groups of Muslims that have always been treated gingerly. For example, the 1-child-per-family rule doesn't apply to them. Despite that, there have been sporadic outbursts with large loss of life, which the Chinese blame on a group called the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. The most recent clash between police and "suspected terrorists" took place when the terrorists were surprised in their house near the city of Kashgar. The terrorists took three officials hostage, killed them and twelve policemen. Six of the suspects were killed and eight were arrested. "The US State Department put the group on its terrorist watch list in 2002, but has since removed it amid doubts about whether the group is a real organization. [emphasis added]"
The Christian Science Monitor is mainstream so it's not surprising that people who take hostages and then kill them as well as killing twelve policemen, are just "suspected terrorists." I'm not sure what these dedicated Salafists have to do to prove they're the real thing.
And why attack China, which treats its Muslim population well, allowing them privileges other ethnic groups don't receive? This suggests Resurgent Islam may demand actions that are not tied to anything the victim has done or not done. Maybe a particular act of terror is done because it fits in this time and in this place and in this phase of Resurgent Islam's takeover of the planet.
Once upon a time, say some 30-40 years ago, it was easy to classify terror groups. Some were religion-based, some were political and thus could be secular. Sometimes it was a civil war, where the government and the terrorists was of the same ethnicity but different politics. Sometimes, as in Ireland, a difference in religion made sharing land impossible. Groups were organized and orders came from a central directorate. Protecting the linkages between the active members who would create the "boom," and the big-picture central planners became a major concern. Radical Marxists developed the use of organized pseudo-independent cells, a tactic from the French Revolution. Communication with — and even knowledge of — other local groups and with those on other levels of authority was limited to a minimum number of people.
Many still think of terror groups as completely secretive. Many still think a terror group must be a vertical, structured organization, with the control and direction handled by an irreplacable leadership on top. The American Administration seemed to believe America is Batman and Robin and when we eliminated Osama bin Joker, Al-Qaeda would soon wither away. Many believe terror groups are best differentiated by their objectives — local versus global concerns; religious versus political. Or by their extent — from being confined to a locale to having branches around the globe. Many take for granted there is always a built-in separation between the planners and implementers.
In many cases, this is all true. But newer patterns have been emerging.
1. The development of a multi-faceted organization to hide the terrorist components
By developing an organization with multi-faceted components, a terror group can wear a face of peace and humanitarianism or neutral scholarship to mask its real business. It can openly develop friendships, affiliations and business arrangements with like-minded groups. These groups can supply each other with money, encouragement, political support and new recruits. There is no fear the Government will interfere with such a chummy relationship. As Matthew Vadum has pointed out:[108]
"FBI agents aren't allowed to treat individuals associated with terrorist groups as potential threats to the nation. Federal Bureau of Investigation agents are to be instructed that 'mere association with organizations that demonstrate both legitimate (advocacy) and illicit (violent extremism) objectives should not automatically result in a determination that the associated individual is acting in furtherance of the organization's illicit objective(s),' the Touchstone [Training] document states."
The 2010 Flotilla to Gaza was the joint product of three such groups, seemingly working openly and with peaceful intent. The American-based pro-Palestinian organization, the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), claims to be non-violent but voices approval of the doings of Arab terror organizations such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad. ISM sent Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall inter alia to "Palestine" to act as human shields and to deflect IDF response. A co-founder of ISM, Hawaida Arraf, was with the flotilla. ISM brought in a large number of warm bodies to act as passengers. When the participants could keep their mouths shut about the actual goals, they made good cover.
The ISM was joined by Turkish assassins from the radical Turkish Islamist organization, the IHH. The U.N. calls the IHH a humanitarian NGO, but the intentions of the Turkish thugs were never peaceful. When the captain of the Mavi Marmara tossed overboard some of the weaponry they'd bought with them, they fashioned new weapons by tearing apart the boat's railings.[109]
Articles in the May-June and July-August 2010 issues of Think-Israel provide information on the interactions of the IHH the Muslim Brotherhood, with President Obama running interference to ensure Israel didn't react strongly. The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center has pointed out that
"in the 1990s and early 2000s the IHH had contacts with global jihad networks in the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Balkans, and provided them humanitarian assistance and logistic support (including the recruitment of operatives, the transfer of funds). However, during the Mavi Marmara affair, the Turkish government and the IHH repeatedly denied the organization's jihadist side, emphasizing, for obvious reasons, its humanitarian aspect."[ibid]
The largest funding for the enterprise came from the money men of the Malaysia-based Perdana group — the Perdana Global Peace Organization.[110] Its members are Salafists. Its membership includes the former prime minister of Malaysia, Mahthir Mohamad, a rabid anti-Semite. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who proposed building a mosque at Ground Zero, is another member. What these groups have in common is dedication to promoting Islam and/or destroying America and Israel, which Salafists regard as major enemies. Working together, they presented the world with a novel spectacular on the high seas, one that garnered much publicity.
Sea spectaculars, air spectaculars, and tunnel spectaculars are memorable but are unlikely to become bread-and-butter staples in the International Terror Arena simply because any such event takes too long to birth and is very complicated to organize and synchronize. The 9/11 operation was horribly effective, but led to procedural modifications on planes and in airports that would make such an operation much much harder to repeat, if it can be done at all. The Gaza flotilla of 2010 gained publicity by its novelty. But it was expensive and took years to implement. The organizers claimed the venture was humanitarian and was designed to bring supplies to the supposedly-deprived Gazans. The later discovery that the cargo consisted of out-of-date medical supplies and concrete for building Hamas safety bunkers — and could more simply have been delivered legally by truck — reduced the propaganda impact considerably. Another flotilla was assembled in 2011 but the excursion was stymied when organizers seeking to rent or buy boats were denied insurance and many of the participants who flew in weren't allowed outside the airport. The home countries of the activists actively discouraged the participants. The few boats that did eventually set sail in defiance of a ban by Israel and Greece turned back by themselves or were easily stopped. This year at the end of February, the flotilla of boats morphed into a convoy of trucks named the Mavi Marmara that was dispatched from Great Britain. It was no more effective in reaching Gaza and was even less a fun party for the participants. Lori Lowenthal Marcus[111] writes how in Benghazi five of them were abducted and two sexually assaulted.
2. A second innovation has been to make use of new ways to communicate, including social networks and throw-away cell phones; and paradoxically, there has been a lessened need to communicate.
One reason that Al-Qaeda did not wither away is that the leadership in Pakistan doesn't need continuous contact with the troops. Many are seasoned fighters, valued by the rebel forces in Libya and in Syria. Many are capable of fending for themselves with irregular boosts of support. Top-down control and direction isn't as necessary. What is important is that leaders and foot soldiers are imbued with the same sense of mission and have an unshakable trust in the ideology.
The same sense of mission exists in terrorists who are unaffiliated with al-Qaeda. Many of these may of course receive funding from Salafist groups other than al-Qaeda. Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood are prime sources of support.
3. A third difference is the change in what is emphasized in shaping the recruit.
It would appear that initial psychological conditioning takes priority over rushing the potential field operator to acquire physical versatility and learn trade craft and military skills. Vetters and trainers seem to invest considerable time and patience to instill a passionate dedication to serve the advancement of Islam.
The direction of training is not top down, as it is when the recruit is taught to react to orders precisely, or learns how to deal with particular contingencies on the job or is trained in a large number of military skills. Of course, teaching him at least basic tactics is still obviously important but the core of the indoctrination is to encourage future implementers to dedicate themselves totally to promoting Sharia and Islam's triumphant supersessionism. Mosque, friendships, TV lectures, family orientation and small study groups are indispensable resources. Once he is fueled by a passionate sense of mission, the foot soldier may accomplish much on his own with minimal or no direction — if he thinks like a Salafist, he will act like one. He can be encouraged to make use of the familiar and the available. He might work out a plan of his own — or will think it's his own. He may have acquired useful friendships during his time of inquiry and commitment that he trusts and can work with. Operations can often be based on skills the future terrorist has previously acquired — Aafia Siddiqui used her training to find recipes to utilize chemicals to make bombs to destroy New York landmarks.
The difficulties and the time involved in producing large-scale attacks make the use of the dedicated individual and small quasi-independent group of ideologues attractive. Using a recruit already in place and familiar with the environment rather than importing foreigners cuts down on many risks.[112] Coded and encrypted emails may remove some of the burden of necessary communication. It is a guess — and only a guess — that much of the advanced training can be duplicated in secluded compounds in the States[113] and in unused areas in unnecessarily huge mosques. Certainly, some of the physical preparation can make use of the local gym.
Despite the insistence of the media and government officials that the Lone Wolf is operating on his own, he will likely be affiliated with a larger terror group. In the future, in the West, when we find one or a small group of terrorists doing incredible damage to a specific iconic event or institution or building, when all shakes down, the terrorist(s) are likely to be linked via multiple nodes to a large enterprise like the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) or to al-Qaeda. There probably will be no direct links to MB or al-Qaeda leadership or to the countries where they reside. Connections will be virtual or third-party or choreographed so that the human components act out their roles in parallel but without direct interaction. In turn, the use of the Lone Wolf will make changes in how an event is produced. This segment examines two such areas: (1) interacting with and directing the human trigger; and (2) selecting where the event takes place.
The interaction of the local handler and the future terrorist
Resurgent Islam has now had years of experience in how to inculcate unshakable dedication to Islam. Clerics preach dedication in the mosques; recruiters customize the learning process to create a recruit willing to live and die for Islam; training can be made specific to the recruit's talents. The Lone Wolf and small-group activities may be coming into their own.
The Boston bombings may indicate a successful expansion of decentralized activity, where detached components are allowed more independent action. This would introduce more flexibility between the central organization and peripheral units. Some Lone Wolves and small groups might need a handler on site. Others might do well with support at internet distance. Some field hands can be let loose to develop their own plans. Others may serve as dry run testers of more complicated plots. The handlers can experiment with variations as long as the money for propaganda, training and supplies is plentiful. And it is.
In the future, there is likely to be more opportunity for roughly scripted rather than rigidly choreographed direction. The field workers may be given the plot and left to work out the details. Or some tasks may be carefully timed and detailed, while others are left for improvisation depending on circumstances. Or there may be an inconspicuous coordinator at the scene ready to intervene — but only if absolutely necessary. The next typical terrorist won't be one of a conspicuous horde like the Sheikh on the Mavi Marmora but, more likely, a Tamerlan clone. He/she may saunter or swagger and have the free walk of an American; he/she will perform horrible acts of slaughter in cold blood like a Salafist follower of Mohammad.
I'm not sure that in the long run that it makes much of a difference whether the recruit is a long-time immigrant from a Muslim country or is born in a western democracy. I'm not sure it matters whether the recruit took in revenge and violence with his mother's milk or acquired the capability to slaughter later in life. I'm not sure it matters whether he was craving for connection to a group that would make life decisions for him, or is accidentally sucked in by propaganda he discovered on the internet or in the mosque, or saw converting to Islam as a way to channel inner seething emotions. I'm not sure the end results will differ if the recruit behaves like an all-American boy among his peers or is withdrawn and alienated. By whatever route he arrived at his determination to kill for his religion, we need to remember he will be vetted by recruiters with much experience in selecting and conditioning usable human material and he will be encouraged to use his strengths. It is only the media that in retrospect will emphasize his sadness and insecurity and weaknesses.
Choosing the location of the event
The Marathon Bombing emphasized where acts of terror are likely to occur. The Marathon is a cherished event, a family affair, where a large crowd waited to congratulate a friend or relative on finishing. Backpacks were dumped all over the place. Onlookers had been waiting for hours and were not likely to be bothered by small oddities in a passerby. The explosion occurred at the finish line, where the TV cameras congregated.
Key components in forcing an act of terror into public awareness — aside from shock value — are amplification and repetition. At the Marathon this was provided by the victims themselves, and their official defenders. Hundreds of police milled around, when not even a couple of dozen would ordinarily be allocated. There were FBI TV announcements and minute-by-minute reporting and repeat reporting on TV and radio that concentrated the thoughts of the watching public on the manhunt, and occasionally turned our attention to collateral considerations such as the type of punishment to be meted out.
Perhaps the most important factor was an excited media doing its job properly. They did what they were supposed to do. They tracked the event and projected it onto our TV screens, over and over again. It amplified the significance and importance of the results. Thanks to the many high-resolution TV cameras, the sequence — a happy crowd, the two explosions and the spreading smoke, bewilderment, panic, the spontaneous help given the injured, the almost providential (actually well-trained) hospital personnel instantly available, the almost involuntary fleeing from the scene, the saving of the lives by volunteers who without instruction applied tourniquets to stop the blood flow of those who had lost parts of a limb — was recorded from multiple angles, almost as if this were a scripted movie.
We saw the casual crowd waiting for a particular runner or just enjoying the action. In the background in this picture, circled in red are the Tsarnaev brothers.
We saw the panicked crowd running in terror. In this picture, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in at stage left, standing at the corner of the building wearing a white cap reversed.
And we saw the relieved bystanders when the perpetrator was captured and order was restored.
The tragedy was relived and given yet more weight as we heard about the effect of the explosion from the relatives of the maimed and the dead. We also were treated to the shock, sympathy, anger, denial and implied threats of the Tsarnaev family and friends. For a week, this was a main news event, often blocking out the bad news of the economy and the increased development of nuclear devices. It even blocked out a terrible accidental explosion in a fertilizer factory in Texas that killed or injured a considerable percent of the population of the town.
In the Boston Marathon Massacre, three people were killed by the explosions and one guard was killed later. Not much of a yield, if the measure of success is number of lives taken. But think of it this way: for the price of a few guns and cheap explosives, Boston was completely paralyzed for a day. Its businesses, its schools, its social life shut down as if abruptly taken off life support.
When an operation works, it strikes fear that is not soon dissipated. Even when it is unsuccessful, the public may be inconvenienced from then on. Every time I need to remove my shoes at the airport, I am reminded of Richard Reid who packed explosives in his shoes in his "failed" attempt to set off explosives during a flight. When a act of terror is repeated in unrelated places at short but random intervals, it can govern where people congregate and where they will visit. In 2002 John Allen Muhammad and Lee Malvo shot people randomly in different places in the Washington D.C. area, In what looked comical, people were soon seen zigzagging when they couldn't avoid going on the street. Islamophobia can become a real fear of Islamic capricious power. It can intimidate possible victims into inaction.
Small-group acts of terrorism and fear-mongering by Lone Wolves are cost-effective.
And that may well be the most compelling reason for selecting this tactic. It can make do with few personnel and low-grade weaponry. Supplies are cheap and terror enthusiasts are plentiful. With reduced need for a large cast, synchronous operations and complicated equipment, the 'script writer' can more easily mock up a plot to use at an oncoming event that will guarantee attention.
Looked at coldly, the Boston bombing resulted in fewer deaths and maiming than the accidental explosion in a fertilizer plant in Texas, that occurred at around the same time, but the fear and panic it generated in the public was so much greater.
It might be argued that the presence of multiple cameras is a reason that terror managers should not pick a popular event because the time to identify likely perpetrators is significantly reduced. But so what? Given the teachings of a violent religion and the many talented handlers who know how to attract and shape the guy or gal who eventually lights the match, we are looking at thousands of potential recruits out there, idealistic saps just like the Brothers Tsarnaev.
A serious question is this: When stealth jihad has been making quiet but significant progress, why then did the Boston Marathon Massacre happen at all? The most likely reason is that some social engineer decided this was a good opportunity to weaken America's confidence considerably by having a traditional annual event literally blow up in people's faces. It is most unlikely that it had anything to do with what the victims of the bombs had done or not done. But the guilt-stricken will assume it is somehow America's fault.
There is a small chance it was initiated and implemented by a small group who had its own reason for the attack. If so, we are looking at one of the problems in using the Lone Wolf. The weakness in relying on the Lone Wolf marauder is that he and/or his handlers are not always controllable. They may be from splinter groups not under control of one of the giant Salafist groups. The Lone Wolf may be impatient or put his dream of notoriety and fame ahead of other considerations. The group may be anxious to try out some new weaponry of their own making. The Lone Wolf or his group's dedication may not have a veneer of reasonableness and civility that encrusts the Muslim Brotherhood. And if these two Boston brothers were completely on their own — which I doubt — they may have wanted to express their dedication to their all-encompassing Ideal Religion with brave deeds of their own construction and doing: brave deeds they had perhaps witnessed or been told about as children when living in the Caucasus Mountains.
Despite some obvious drawbacks, nevertheless, when the economists translate the cost of disruption, loss of property and work stoppage versus the small cost of dead terrorists and their weaponry — including back packs and pressure cookers — into monetary terms, this operation was an outstanding success. It may not have yielded as many repercussions as 9/11 but certainly it was strikingly more successful than the flotilla folly. At low cost, they destroyed the sheer pleasure of a popular Marathon, cost the city of Boston millions and millions of dollars, and won new respect for Islam. It is likely that the conversion rate will go up, as it did after 9/11 when some thought they were witnessing the power of Islam at work. We won't — but perhaps we should — look at each new convert as a potential terrorist, not as another adherent of the Religion of Peace, no matter what nonsense they spout.
Many terrorist innovations will continue to be tried out in Israel, which is occasionally allowed to try to stop missiles flying into Israel, but is never allowed by the world's media and politicos to finish the job by eliminating the source of the problem. It is also a safe place to practice, in that Israel has no death penalty and is so humanitarian it allows its terrorist prisoners to take college degrees that Israel pays for.[114] In the Boston bombing, reporters noted that the explosives were filled with carpet tacks and BBs to make the effects of the explosives more lethal. Arab terrorists have done this in Israel for over a decade. Israeli doctors in hospitals spend a great deal of time pulling nails out of young children injured by bomb blasts. There was one major difference. In Israel back in 2001, the "freedom fighters" coated the metal with rat poison. It was later determined that much of the rat poison was destroyed by the explosion. Rat poison wasn't used in Boston.[115] Incidentally, many of the doctors instantly on hand were trained by Israelis, who themselves have been forced by their home-grown terrorists to develop emergency treatments.
The beauty of small, self-regulated operations is that terror leaders no longer need to be there to direct operations. By now, they have trained sufficient middle-management to act independently and properly to accomplish their sacred mission. Local mosques — and more are built every day — teach dedication. In many mosques, the clerics spout hate and violence. Other mosques would never tell anyone to become a terrorist. But they can, and do, suggest people a potential recruit might want to meet. And they can also point him out to recruiters, who can pick him up away from the mosque. If he is judged useful, he will find he can obtain information, guidance and weaponry from them. They might even give him the Muslim version of a Birthright trip — he will be sent to a training camp abroad to learn some necessary attack-and-kill skills.
Once someone is hooked on the importance of furthering Imperial Islam, the rest is easy. And it may be very hard to track. The Tsarnaev Brothers lived in the same house. They had no need to email each other. They could talk openly. And with all the restrictions on labeling a Muslim a potential terrorist, who is going to be able to get a warrant to listen to the private conversations of an ordinary citizen living an ordinary life? Would we even want such an invasion of privacy?
The basic mission of resurgent Islam is to have sharia law reign supreme globally. In this country, that means supplanting the Constitution with sharia law. Islamists use a variety of strategies from stealth jihad, where they infiltrate our infra-structure and institutions, to acts of terror. They donate globs of money to universities to polish their image while intimidating authors and scholars so they fear publishing any criticism of Islam; they co-opt inter-faith organizations while supporting hate-Jews groups; they call Islam the religion of peace, but send out terrorists to condition the public to fear Islam sufficiently to work to appease Muslim demands. They have been supported by a hard-left group of Marxist academics, media people and politicians who long for the advent of globalism; they promote multiculturalism by denigrating and trying to terminate American exceptionalism. To make matters worse, the present Administration has a policy of catering to the Muslims, protecting them from criticism even if it means crippling or paralyzing its own apparatus and giving our self-proclaimed enemies access to restricted information — a bizarre policy considering that Resurgent Islam has declared war on the West. We had our Pearl Harbor day when they bombed the Trade Center and the Pentagon and tried to destroy the White House.
There is much in our political environment to encourage acts by small groups or singles. It is hard for a law-enforcement agency to uncover them without curtailing individual freedom of action and invading the private space of the country's citizens. Even if the FBI's success rate becomes much better and the Department of Home Land Security becomes even slightly effective, it is important to realize that our enemies can have a dozen failures and only one success, and still be ahead of the game. A single success and some partial wins still do the job of undermining the confidence of the populace and winning Islam respect. People who fear them will start to censor what they say about Islam. It will become even more important to try to avoid trouble with aggressive Muslims by catering to their complaints. They will get less rejection when they make outrageous demands in schools and in the workplace. Even now, they are allowed to disrupt traffic in Manhattan while they pray in the streets — to highlight that they don't have sufficient mosques. They even taxi in from the suburbs to help make the point. The rants in the mosques will becomes more treasonous, the mullahs secure in the knowledge that no one will dare stop them, lest they be labeled Islamophobic. Muslims will have an easier time recruiting new field hands. Gate keepers will become de facto dhimmis in an attempt to avoid confrontation with the Salafists.
Based on what we've seen that we are doing wrong in our approach to the rise in Muslim jihadist activity, some changes become obvious. (Some of the items below have not been commented on in this article.)
I am aware that we never seem to stop at some balanced midpoint, but we swing from one excess to its complementary excess. A struggle between privacy and collectivism of one sort or another may be the fate of humanity. But maybe one day we'll get it right.
End Notes
[1] See: Paul Austin Murphy, "The 1,300-Year-Old War Between Sunni and Shia Muslims," 17 April 2013, See: Brian Fairchild, Higgins Foundation, 2002, "Key Organizations Of The Islamist Infrastructure In The United States," See also for a larger list of sharia-based organizations.
[7] "Shariah Law Being Applied in US Courts," Originally posted October 31, 2011 by Da Tagliare,
[8] Brook Goldstein and Benjamin Ryberg,
Fordham International Law Journal, March 2013,
[9] Samuel A. Abady and Harvey Silverglate, "Rachel's Law,"
February 25, 2008,
[10] American Center for Democracy (ACD), "Strengthening Protections
For American Free Expression," April 2013,
[11] Marion D.S. Dreyfus, "Learning About Shariah Law In The Belly Of The A.B.A.," September 2008,
[12] "Shariah Finance Watch Has a List of Shariah Compliant Banks," Citizen Warrior,
[14] 2010 estimate,
[15] 311,591,917 - Jul 2011 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
[16] Christian Lopac, "Terrorists on the Border," August 3, 2012, See also, Scott Pelley, "Stopping Terror At The Border," CBS Evening News February 11, 2009,
[17] As of August 2010,
[18] March 24, 2013,
[19] Kathy Shaidle, "Islam in America, Part 2" February 10, 2009, See also: Hillel Fendel, "Islamic Influence in U.S. Prisons," April 28, 2010,
[20] America's Watchtower, "Homeland Security Classifies Returning US Veterans as Potential Terrorist Threat," April 15, 2009,
[22] See "The
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration" March 29, 2013 in
Frontpage Magazine
See also "A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House," October 21,
2012, by Steve Emerson and John Rossomando of IPT News,
See also: Clare M. Lopez, "History of the Muslim Brotherhood
Penetration of the U.S. Government," April 15, 2013,
[23] Bruce Thornton, "Is Leftist School Indoctrination Unstoppable?", February 13, 2013,
[24] "The motivations of the Boston bombers were both Leftist and Islamic",, April 27, 2013. See also April 22, 2013,, See also:
[25] See essays at
[26] Janet Tassel, "Taqiyya For Kids," January 15, 2012,
[28] Gadi Adelman, March 5, 2013,
[29] See, e.g., Alyssa Lappen, "Adopting Pro-Sharia Textbooks: When States Should Step In," January, 2012, And Robert Holland, "Distorted History Lessons," June 12, 2008,
[31] Kerry Picket, "Tsarnaev Warning Came as Brennan Purged Material 'Offensive' to Muslims ,"April 26, 2013, See also: The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report, "U.S. National Security Document Will Omit References to Islamic Extremism and Jihad," March 18, 2013,
[32] Nick Allen, "Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut", November 8, 2009,
[33] Michael B Mukasey, "Make No Mistake, It Was Jihad," April 21, 2013,
[35] Noel Sheppard, "Inconvenient Truth: 10 Times More Hate Crimes Against Jews Than Muslims," September 6, 2010, Also: Debbie Schlussel, "New FBI Hate Crime Stats: Again Jews, NOT Muslims, Majority Victims," November 22, 2010,
[36] Daniel Greenfield, "Not a Single Muslim Has Died Due to Islamophobia," January 12, 2013,
[37] April 19, 2013. See also: Bill Gertz, "Blind Eye: Conciliatory FBI policies toward Islamism hampered probe into Boston bombers," Washington Free Beacon April 23, 2013.
[38] "Connecting the Dots 101," Posted on April 22, 2013
[39] Rowan Scarborough, "Obama's scrub of Muslim terms under question; common links in attacks", April 25, 2013, The fourth name on the list, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the underwear bomber, was on the Government TIDE database at some point. Abdulmutallab's father had warned his son was becoming radicalized, but the Government didn't think the information was sufficient to keep him from flying. See Vadum's paper in End Note #40.
[40] Matthew Vadum, "Russia's Multiple Warnings About Tamerlan Tsarnaev," April 25, 2013, See also the satirical video: Also: "The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT), "Boston Bomber Exposes Islamist Secret, April 23, 2013,
[41] April 21, 2013,
[42] Maayana Miskin "Boston Suspects' Mosque Has Terror Ties", April 24, 2013, (
[43] Oren Dorell, April 24, 2013 issue of USA TODAY, See also Pamela Geller, and Tom Trento 4 videos on the Roxbury Mosque. Part 3 is at
[44] Salah Choudhury, "Starter Groups For Islamism: The Tablighi Jamaat; Asma's Iman Rauf And The Mosque At Ground Zero," May 28, 20100, See also: Fred Burton and Scott Stewart, "Tablighi Jamaat: An Indirect Line to Terrorism," January 23, 2008,
[45] B. Raman, "Chechnya Continues To Bleed," December 30, 2002,
[47] See also "Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev linked to Canadian jihadist William Plotnikov?", May 1, 2013,
[48] Alexander Maistrovoy, "Green Banner of Batu Khan", March 6, 2013, "think-israel.maistrovoy.greenbanner.html
[49] April 19, 2013, See also The Week Staff, "The Tsarnaev brothers' Chechnya connection," April 28, 2013,
[50] "Before Boston, warning signs Chechen extremists were plotting beyond Russia", April 23, 2013,
[51] Ben H. English, "A Short History Of Chechnya And Chechen Terrorism,"
[52] Shoshana Bryen,, Apr 23, 2013,
[53] "Boston Bombers Followers Of Iran's Ayatollah," by Reza Kahlili April 19, 2013
[54] Daniel Greenfield, "Islam's World War Came to Boston," FrontPage Magazine April 22, 2013,
[55] See also,0,15030.html
[56] Tom Parfitt in Makhachkala, "Boston bombers' mother Zubeidat Tsarnaeva says sons are innocent" The Daily Telegraph, April 23 2013.
[57] Jeralyn, Apr 28, 2013,
[58] "Aunt: Caught between 2 cultures, elder Boston bombings suspect struggled with Islamic identity," April 22, 2013,
[59] Deborah Sontag, David M Herszenhorn and Serge F. Kovaleski, "A Battered Dream, Then a Violent Path", April 27, 2013,
[63] "Converts to Islam",
[64] March 7, 2013, Henry Jackson Society.
[66] Eileen Sullivan And Julie Pace "Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, Bombing Suspect's Mom, Also On Terror List". April 26, 2013, See also, Vadum, End Note 40, for more on TIDE.
[67] Tawfik Hamid, "5 Lessons From Boston," April 30, 2013,
[68] Damien Gayle, "Feds quiz imams at mosque where Tamerlan attended before Boston bombings", April 2013,
[69] Debbie Schussel, "Details of Jihad Mommy Zubeidat Tsarnaeva's $1,600 "Shoplifting" (2nd Incident!); Muslim Merch Theft Often Finances Jihad" April 29, 2013,
[70] Bernice Lipkin, "The Benghazi Smudge-Out,"
[71] Martha Raddatz, "Petraeus Sex Scandal: Former CIA Chief Tells Friend He 'Screwed Up Royally'," November 29, 2012
[72] Tom Fitton, "Fast and Furious Killings," September 22, 2012,
[73] Stella Paul "I Saw Something, So I'm Saying Something." April 22, 2013,
[74] Lauri B. Regan, "Can A President Who Has Promised To 'Stand With The Muslims' Protect Americans?" April 23, 2013, has_promised_to_stand_with_the_muslims_protect_americans.html
[75] Michael B. Mukasey, "Make No Mistake, It Was Jihad, "April 21 2013, html?utm_source=Make+No+Mistake%2C+It+Is+Jihad&utm_campaign=ACD%2FEWI+BLOG&utm_medium=email
[76] Steven Stalinsky, "Issue V Of Inspire, The English-Language Magazine Of Al-Qaeda In The Arabian Peninsula — A General Review".
[77] "Robert Baer: Boston Suspects Didn't Act Alone," April 29, 2013, Real Clear Politics,
[78] osama's camps in chechnya
[79] See e.g., Al Skudsi bin Hookah, "The Shootout at LAX: the effrontery of the Jews", July 6, 2002," It's written from the Muslim point of view, out of the mouth of a mythical journalist. But the data are accurate.
[80] Daniel Pipes, "Sudden Jihad Syndrome," March 14,
[81] april 22, 2013
[82] Robert Spencer, "Israel surrenders under pressure from Obama, apologizes for defending itself against jihad flotilla, will pay victims' families,"
[83] April 22, 2013, See also:
[84] Bernice Lipkin, "The Settlements Revisited", November 11, 2002,‎
[85] Ari Lieberman, April 18, 2013,
[86] Kerry Picket, "Obama CIA Pick John Brennan in 2010: Jihad a 'Legitimate Tenet of Islam'" January 7, 2013, Also: Marc J Fink, January 13, 2013, "Debunking the 'Islamophobia' Myth", Islamist-Watch,
[87] January 4, 2007,
[88] Raymond Ibrahim, "New Saudi Fatwa Defends Pedophilia as 'Marriage'" July 21, 2011,
[89] Chris Casside, April 24, 2013,
[90] WND, "Brokaw: U.S. partly to blame for Boston terror," April 21, 2013, This is a masterpiece of ill-timed, badly-fitting explanations for an event Brokaw doesn't come close to understanding. He does get in a bunch of punches at right-wing bloggers and radio stations, "who are instantly jingoistic ..."
[91] "Geraldo Rivera expresses 'regrets' to 'Muslim brothers and sisters' over bombing," April 22, 2013,
[92] Robert Spencer, April 21, 2013,
[93] Raymond Ibrahim, "Muslim Supremacism and Media Dissembling," March 16, 2013,
[94] Barry Rubin, "The Truths About Terrorism Whose Names They Dare Not Speak," April 29, 2013, See also, The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT), "Boston Bomber Exposes Islamist Secret," April 23, 2013,
[95] See Bogen, K.T. and Jones, E.D. "Risks of Mortality and Morbidity from Worldwide Terrorism: 19682004, in Risk Analysis 2006, pp 45-49
[97] Pakistan Today,"Nineteen thousand Pakistanis killed in terrorist attacks: Marc Grossman," October 9, 2011,
[98] Graphic photos of this and other beheadings are at
[99] Yori Yanover, "5 Arabs Indicted for Temple Mount Shooting Plot," April 18, 2013,
[101] April 22, 2013,
[103] The website.
[104] April 22, 2013,
[107] Peter Ford, April 24, 2013,
[108] Matthew Vadum, "Terrorist? Don't Ask, Don't Tell," September 25, 2012,
[109] The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, "Examination of the weapons and equipment found on the Mavi Marmara indicates that preparations had been made in advance for an active confrontation with IDF soldiers," August 23, 2010,
[110] "Founder of Ground Zero mosque part of group that helped fund Gaza flotilla," June 5, 2010,
[111] Lori Lowenthal Marcus, "'Activists' Hoping to Help Breach Gaza Blockade, Raped in Benghazi," March 30, 2013, gaza-blockade-raped-in-benghazi/2013/03/30/
[112] Y. Carmon and H. Migron, New Trend in Al-Qaeda's Recruitment Efforts: American Muslims Should Carry the Burden of Jihad in U.S., October 19, 2010,
[113] What may be a Muslim paramilitary compound in Virginia has been identified, e.g., by Baron Bodissey, ("Jamaat ul-Fuqra in Virginia, Part 2," November 07, 2005. and Dr. Paul L. Williams, PhD, ("Virginia Muslim Paramilitary Compound Escapes Fed Scrutiny," April 5, 2010 An article by Chad Groening, ("Muslim paramilitary compounds springing up around America" May 25, 2007 stated: "A U.S. defense analyst and author says Americans should be very concerned about some radical Muslim paramilitary compounds that have sprung up around the country and that are surrounded with 'No Trespassing' signs. Greg Copley, president of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), says the compounds are often populated with former U.S. convicts who were converted to Islam in prison. These convicts, he contends, are connected to a Pakistani organization...Jamaat ul-Fuqra."
[114] "Palestinian Security Prisoner Receives PhD In Israeli Prison," September 5, 2010,
[115] Stephen Bryen, "Bio-Terrorism in Israel," December 12,
Bernice Lipkin is managing editor of Think-Israel. Contact her at This article was submitted April 30, 2013. Small revisions were subsequently made.