THINK-ISRAEL BLOG-EDSOpinions And Editorials By Our Readers |
RELIGION, ISLAM, AND ATHEISMPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 01, 2015 |
If the essence of religion is a commitment to altruism, and if altruism is rooted in the concept of man's creation in the image of God, then Islam is not a religion but a perversion of religion, as well as a denial of the moral unity of the humanity. Islam should therefore be regarded as paganism with the veneer of monotheism. The mere fact that Muslims use children as human bombs or as human shields, thus sacrificing their own children in the name of Allah, is comparable to Canaanites who sacrificed their children to Baal. It follows that the language of contemporary public discourse errs most seriously when it identifies Islam as a religion. As others have observed, Islam is a political ideology. Thus understood, we should regard the leaders of this ideology, such as the Mullahs of Iran and the leaders of more than fifty Muslim states, as despots engaged in a monumental deception if not in willful self-delusion. These Muslims use the language and accouterments of religion to (1) garner respectability; (2) augment their power; (3) recruit the ignorant; and (4) fill their coffers. Moreover, by wearing the mantle of religion, these despots disarm non-Muslims, especially western liberals steeped in skepticism and moral pluralism, who are reluctant to expose Islam as a fraud lest they be accused of bigotry, the pejorative label of the secular mind. The above criticism is not ethnocentric. The falsity and pernicious character of Islam - and let us not be misled by nice Muslim acquaintances - can be substantiated by citing the views of the great Arab philosopher al-Farabi on the one hand, and the renowned sociologist Ibn Khaldun on the other. Both of these scholars rejected Islam with contempt. While al-Farabi deemed Islam irrational, Ibn Khaldun regarded Islam as "savagery." Sadly, were it not for the existential threat Islam poses to Civilization, the preceding disparagement of Islam is unfortunate, for this psychotic and ferocious "religion" has endowed a billion and more worshipers of Allah with some "meaning" to their otherwise ferocious and meaningless lives. At stake in this candid assessment is the survival of civilization. As Lou Harris has observed, civilization possesses four prerequisites: a stable social order, the co-operation of individuals pursuing their own interests, the ability to tolerate or socialize with one's neighbors, and a hatred of violence. Clearly, Islam lacks these prerequisites of civilization. Hence it is all the more remarkable that Dr. Wafa Sultan, a Syrian-born psychiatrist, now living in the United States, arrived at the unpleasant conclusion that Islam is not a civilization! We dare not remain silent about these ugly facts. We dare not be silent today as the world was silent in the 1930s about Nazism and its ascendency in Germany, whose imperialistic ambitions are comparable to those of Islam. For today Islam has access to weapons of mass destruction. We dare not distract ourselves by playing golf while Iran, the spearhead of Islam, is animated by the malediction "Death to America," and vows to "Wipe Israel off the map." That so-called moderate Muslims don’t rise against this scourge of humanity is a commentary on its character. The threat posed by Nazi Germany could have been nipped in the bud years before it invaded and conquered Belgium and France, to say nothing of the Nazi the death camps of which democracies, steeped in moral relativism, were silent. Today this relativism is ensconced not only in academia, but in the American White House! Today, while Islam is animated by a militant and fraudulent religion, America is steeped in "evangelical atheism." Epilogue. I hope to offer soon a positive message. But bear in that a rotting foundation must be removed before constructing a sound edifice. Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. Contact him at |
THE PALESTINIANS' REAL ENEMY: EUROPEPosted by Dave Alpern, January 01, 2015 |
The article below was written by Bassam Tawil who is is a
scholar based in the Middle East and regular contributor to
the Gatestone Institute web journal. This article appeared
December 28, 2014 on Gatestone Institute International Policy
Council and is archived at
Listening, in both English and Arabic, to the latest speeches of Palestinian Authority [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas and his fellow Fatah Central Committee members, we get the uncomfortable feeling that the Palestinian State, now being promoted in Europe, will not only be a threat to the stability of the entire region, but to us who have to keep living here, as well to those countries in Europe who promote it. As Palestinians discuss among themselves -- far from the diplomats in their five-star hotels -- rather than accept this "gift" that Europe seems determined to push down our throats, many people increasingly see no choice but to launch a "Palestinian Spring" revolution. It would not be, as you might think, to rid them of Israel but finally to rid us of our wretched leadership and corrupt system of government -- and to stop the European counties that are imposing this brutal system on us by financing it. We have been fortunate enough to see from Israel how a democracy works. So although a Palestinian Spring revolution might cause chaos in the region and elsewhere for a while, its chances of success are far more assured than in the other places in the Middle East, where it has been tried but has not always succeeded. We do not want to do this, of course, but if we are forced by Europe to have this corrupt dictatorship called Palestine, terrorist groups such as Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, and ISIS will flood the West Bank in less than week, and our lives will be even worse than what we have now. We simply do not know what else to do to defend ourselves from these "Goodists" of Europe. The Palestinian leadership, which represses people rather than confers with them, would of course deny all this to the European diplomats. The Palestinian leaders just want to keep the funds coming and keep their jobs. And of course, the European diplomats do not talk to us, the man on the street, the frustrated rest of us. They only talk to each other, their "counterparts," as they call them, in their air-conditioned meeting rooms and hotels. What we talk about is how the Europeans and their diplomats are paying our leaders to kill the Jews for them -- with their money but with our lives -- so that they can finish the job without getting their hands dirty and still keep on feeling good about themselves. And they evidently think that we cannot see through this plan. And to thank us they will to trap us under another corrupt Arab dictatorship? It is not the fault of the Israelis. In a weird way, the Israelis are just the other victims whom the Europeans -- in collusion with our leaders -- are manipulating us to hate. The Europeans pay our leaders to shape how we think. It is a brainwashing that never lets up. The Europeans put their own people on trial for "hate speech" when they have said nothing but the truth; and yet they pour millions into non-stop propaganda and bloodthirsty hate-speech on our government-controlled TV -- the only kind we have here. They fund any baseless sewage our leaders can think up. The usual claim is "occupation," but the Israelis are only "occupying" the West Bank because we -- in the form of Jordan -- occupied land promised to them, and then repeatedly attacked them. A more recent claim is "settlements," but the Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO] was formed in 1964, before there were any "settlements," so what exactly was it planning to "liberate"? If you look at any Palestinian map to this day, it encompasses the entire country of Israel. To the Palestinian Authority and many Arabs and Muslims, all of Israel is one big "settlement." Last week, Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi said, "Haifa, Jaffa, Acre and Nazareth are Palestinian, despite the Americans and the Israelis." Next week it will be some other pretext. What is becoming more and more clear is that just about everything going wrong here can be laid at the feet of Europe, at the feet of the leaders there who fund and cheer on the corruption and lawlessness which they would not tolerate in their own countries for a minute, but which they expect us to. Palestine is here, exactly where it always was. It has been lived in for 4000 years, by Arabs, Christians, Jews and anyone else who showed up. The Roman Emperor Augustus called it Iudaea. Later, in 135 CE, the Romans renamed it Syria Palaestina in an attempt to sever all connection to it by the Jews.[1] It was part of the Ottoman Empire until its dissolution in 1918, then called Palestine again under the British Mandate. After Israel's war of Independence in 1948, it was and still is called Israel. There never has been a Palestinian state. Ever. The West Bank was Jordanian, the Golan Heights were Syrian and the Gaza Strip was Egyptian. The truth is that PA President Mahmoud Abbas has been trying to turn the State of Israel into the State of Palestine. He has been trying to create confusion in Europe and at the UN -- evidently, unfortunately, with some success. He has been falsely accusing Israel of committing "genocide" in the Gaza Strip. Regardless of the fabricated numbers issued by Hamas, more than half of the 2,000 Gazans killed over the summer were Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist operatives, not "innocent civilians." It was Hamas that ordered its own people onto the roofs of apartment buildings in Gaza while Gazans were firing rockets, mortars and missiles into Israel. It was Hamas that used its own people as human shields to prevent Israel from being able to defend itself, or, when it did, so there would be more Palestinian "dead babies" to show to the intimidated television crews, to make Israelis look villainous.[2] It is Hamas that expresses in both its charter and daily statements the intention of committing genocide on the Jews -- not the Israelis, the Jews. Article 7 of the Hamas charter openly calls for the genocide of the Jews, an act "legitimized" by Islam, as part of the religious legacy of Muhammad's oral tradition (the hadiths).[3] Abbas has also been calling for a "peaceful popular resistance" against the Israelis, by "using all available means" within "international law" -- courtesy of Europe. "The Palestinian resistance," evokes brave Frenchmen daring to attack Nazis, not Palestinian terrorists driving cars into people, emerging from tunnels to kill and kidnap kindergarteners, or slaughtering old men while they are praying. The truth is that Mahmoud Abbas' appeals to world leaders are to help him circumvent the Israeli government, peace negotiations and legally binding peace agreements, all in order to achieve a Palestinian state unilaterally -- without having to recognize Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people and without reaching a final status agreement with it. If I were Israeli, I would understand that when Mahmoud Abbas says he wants a safe passage between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, as well as full control of air and sea lanes, he means he wants to receive arms from Iran without interference. So, are we actually accusing the Jews of "genocide" while it is we who are striving kill all of them and drive them "into the sea"? Are the Europeans actually buying this nonsense? We all ask ourselves: If Europeans like to feel so righteous about themselves, then why are they acting as the accomplices and accessories to criminals? Does that not make them criminals, too? It is Abbas, who, instead of distancing himself from Hamas's ISIS-like dreams of establishing an Islamic Emirate on the ruins of Israel, has yoked himself to the same Islamist terrorist ideology. He and his close associates are not only trying to sidestep negotiations to which both sides committed themselves in the 1995 Oslo II Accords, but they daily keep whipping up violence. He also clearly seems to be to be hoping that European countries and the United Nations will recognize Palestine as a state even before it promises to end the daily violence, which now will be funded even more lavishly, thanks to the new Palestinian rapprochement with the major funders of terror, Qatar and Iran. ![]() It is clear that Abbas, despite constant tensions, instead of siding with Muslims who genuinely believe in peace, and who condemn terrorist organizations such as Hamas and ISIS, actually sides with Hamas. Hamas is his partner in the "Unity Government" between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Both Palestinian governments commit war crimes and distort the true meaning of Islam. Furthermore, the Palestinian Authority, Fatah and Hamas continue to promote violence. The government-controlled PA TV calls for attacking Israelis, and daily honors terrorists and calls for funds to be given to their families. Much of these funds are supplied by the European Union, with no transparency or accountability despite years of efforts to have the amounts of this funding made public, as is required by law in the EU's own mandate. Therefore, we have no choice but sadly to conclude that the EU is just as cynical and corrupt as the sclerotic dictatorship to which it is trying to consign us. Mahmoud Abbas and his associates in the Fatah Central Committee have been continually escalating their anti-Israeli rhetoric -- the result of his surrender to the might of Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Instead of trying to beat Hamas, which is clearly beyond his capabilities, he has joined Hamas -- the coward's way out ever since Hamas threw him out of the Gaza Strip in disgrace in 2007, when he barely escaped with his life. Hamas has continued to try to kill Abbas, as he found out to his shock last summer. But apparently, Abbas keeps on hoping. s the proverb says: a Muslim doesn't let himself get bitten by the same snake twice. Hamas follows the Muslim Brotherhood's murderous ideology, which seeks only to impose itself on the entire world, in direct contravention of the Qur'an, which states that people are not to be converted to Islam by compulsion (Qur'an 2:256). Even Jordan's King Abdullah II, in the United Nation on September 24, 2014, said that there was a civil war in the Islamic world between the terrorist extremists and genuine Muslims. If European leaders really cared about us, instead of sending money to us to help rid them of the Jews, they would help us find a better leadership -- a leadership that would care about the daily lives and well-being of its people instead of just taking more and more free money from Europe. It is now a big business for the Palestinian leaders, and comes with no conditions; why should they stop? Even now, after the crushing defeat of Hamas, no one in Europe has even suggested that Hamas should be disarmed and the Gaza Strip demilitarized as a condition before funding its rebuilding. Do European leaders honestly think we will have better lives in a "Palestinian State"? At least now we do not have Hamas occupying more land and exchanging the abuses we suffer now for religious fanatics' abuses that would be even worse. If we are going to be honest with ourselves, as we here can see here every day on the ground, Israel has never called for the destruction of the Palestinians; and research strongly suggests that they have never tried to "destroy the Palestinians" or any other ethnic group -- not Christians, Muslims, Kurds, Yazidis or Copts. Israel has never said or done anything that indicated any plan to destroy the Palestinian people. On the contrary, Israel, while protecting itself, has done its utmost not to harm Palestinian civilians, even though it could inflict untold damage if it wished. We laugh about how fortunate we are to have Israel as our "enemy;" that everyone should have an enemy like that. Can you imagine what a massacre of the Jews -- and Christians and others -- would be like if Iran or ISIS had the weapons Israel has? On the contrary, it is we, the Palestinians, who for decades have been calling for the destruction of the "Zionist entity" and for driving the Jews into the sea. Some of us still act to achieve that aim. The current leadership here, of course, has, as usual, been seeking to turn these feelings of rising anger and frustration against Israel. But increasingly the people here see through that and keep talking about the literally hundreds of millions of euros a year the Europeans are giving to the leadership and politicized so-called "human rights charities" to keep it that way. Here, people are now saying that the real problem is not Israel and, certainly -- laughably -- not the lack of a peace accord, as much as the Americans, like Neville Chamberlain 1938, might like to have one to wave at gullible viewers. Israel is tough, yes, but has largely been fair -- more than one can say for other countries in the region. Israel, so long as it is not provoked, has been a remarkably decent neighbor. Not everything is perfect by far -- there are problems and have been unspeakably savage revenge attacks by a few Israelis here and there. But those have always been exceptions, and have always been severely condemned and punished by the Israelis, not celebrated and glorified, as with the Palestinian leadership. It is to this Palestinian leadership whom these European leaders would like to abandon us: a government that not one of them would want to live under for a day. ISIS operatives are already in the Sinai Peninsula, planning how to take over Egypt, and with their eyes set on Libya. Is this really what the Europeans want? Notes: [1] H.H. Ben-Sasson, A History of the Jewish People, Harvard University Press, 1976, page 246. "When Archelaus was deposed from the ethnarchy in 6 CE, Judea proper, Samaria and Idumea were converted into a Roman province under the name Iudaea." [2] Terror Tunnels: The Case for Hamas's Just War against Hamas by Alan M. Dershowitz. Rosetta Books, 2014. [3] Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (saas) as saying " The last hour would not come unless the Muslims fight the Jews. The Jews. The Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say, 'Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him.'" AbdallaSahih Muslim, Kitab al-Fitan wa Ashrat as-Sa'ah, Book 41, 6985. Contact Dave Alpern at |
PA TO JOIN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTPosted by Israel_politics2, January 01, 2015 |
PA to Join International Criminal CourtAliyah Figures at Highest in a Decade; France Leads the Way Leading Publishing House Wipes Israel Off Its Map'Israel Must Take Off the Kid Gloves With the PA'IDF Lets Arabs Plow on Jewish Land in SamariaFrench Anti-Semitic Comedian Abandoned by AlliesStudy Shows Greenhouse Emissions Helping Tropical ForestsPolice Chief Awards Elite 'Arab' Undercover Unit 1. Report: PA to Join International Criminal Courtby Arutz Sheva Staff Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas is to apply immediately to join the International Criminal Court, senior officials said Wednesday, after the UN Security Council rejected a resolution to recognize the PA as a "Palestinian state". Abbas will sign the Rome Statute later Wednesday, adhering to the founding treaty of the ICC, where the Palestinians could potentially sue Israeli officials for war crimes, several top officials told AFP. Meanwhile, the PA is to meet Wednesday over the next steps in its campaign for statehood after the failed UN bid. Abbas was to gather with top officials in his base of Ramallah at 1630 GMT and brief them on his plans in a speech to be broadcast live by PA television. Meanwhile the PA's unity partner Hamas responded sharply, with Hamas spokesperson Fawzi Barhum responded to the UN vote, telling AFP "this was a unilateral decision taken by Abu Mazen (Abbas) who has taken the Palestinian decision-making process hostage." He called it a "new failure" by Abbas. The PA had warned that if the resolution failed, they would seek to join international organizations including the International Criminal Court, and seek to sue Israel. Such a move would be a direct violation of previous agreements signed with Israel. The text's failure had been likely ever since the Palestinians unveiled a first draft in September which drew strong US opposition for setting a 12-month deadline for reaching a peace deal and 2017 as the date by which Israel would have to cede Judea and Samaria, expelling all Jewish residents and withdrawing its military presence. In the event, the resolution failed to secure the necessary nine votes in the 15-member council to pass and Washington was spared the diplomatic embarrassment with Arab allies of wielding its veto. The Palestinians have had the option of applying for membership of the ICC and a raft of UN agencies since late 2012 when it won recognition as a UN observer state. But they had agreed to hold off during nine months of abortive US-brokered peace negotiations with Israel that collapsed in mutual recrimination in April. The apparent decision to turn to the ICC could backfire, however. By joining the Rome Statute the Palestinian Authority - and particularly Hamas - will also be exposed to potential Israeli lawsuits for war crimes including the deliberate targeting of Israeli civilians and use of Palestinian civilians as human shields. In a recent interview, the PA's envoy to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) admitted the PA has no hope of pressing charges against Israel in international courts - because Palestinian terrorist groups are far worse violators of international law themselves. 2. Aliyah Figures at Highest in a Decade; France Leads the Wayby Arutz Sheva Staff Wednesday marks the last day of 2014, and year-end figures released today by The Jewish Agency for Israel and Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption show it has been a record year for aliyah (immigration). Around 26,500 new immigrants arrived in Israel in 2014 marking a 32% increase over last year and a ten-year high - all this despite Hamas's summer terror war against the Jewish state. France led the list of countries of origin for the first time ever, with almost 7,000 new French immigrants, more than double the 3,400 who came last year. The sudden increase comes partially as a response to the skyrocketing of violent anti-Semitism in the country, and has led the Jewish Agency to advance programs encouraging and facilitating aliyah for French citizens. While France may top the list, Ukraine saw the largest increase in immigrants, with numbers shooting up by 190% compared to last year and reaching 5,840. There too the increase is partially explainable by the ongoing instability and conflict in the country. However, the majority of immigrants came from stable, advanced nations. "2014 was a year of record-breaking Aliyah. This year also saw a historic shift: for the first time in Israel's history, the number of immigrants who came to Israel from the free world is greater than that of immigrants fleeing countries in distress," said Chairman of the Executive of The Jewish Agency Natan Sharansky. Sharansky continued "this trend is evidence of Israel's attractiveness as a place where it's good to live, as well as of the success of our joint efforts to promote aliyah and strengthen connections between Jews around the world and the State of Israel." "As we forecast further increases in aliyah from around the world, I very much hope the next government continues to join The Jewish Agency in maintaining aliyah encouragement and immigrant absorption as top priorities," he concluded. French aliyah - 10,000 next year? Minister of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption Sofa Landver (Yisrael Beytenu) joined in praising the figures, saying "this year we mark a ten-year record of aliyah and a 32% increase over last year in the number of Jews who reached the conclusion that they have no other country." "I am excited to see the fruits of our many efforts to encourage aliyah, but we have not yet reached our goal. Our ministry continues to work together with all relevant parties to promote the ingathering of the exiles, a vision that has accompanied the people of Israel since the state's establishment," said Landver. "We expect that some 10,000 new immigrants will come from France alone next year, and we will surpass 30,000 immigrants from around the world – and even more," predicted the minister. The year-end statistics revealed that aliyah from Western Europe, driven by the sharp rise from France, rose by 88% to a total of 8,640 immigrants. Aliyah from the former Soviet Union rose by 50%, reaching 11,430 with the notable increase from Ukraine. Likewise, aliyah from the United States remained strong reaching 3,470, an 8% increase from last year. Over half of the immigrants in 2014 were under the age of 35, with 5,300 of them being children. The oldest immigrant made aliyah at the age of 104 from France, while the youngest was a 20-day-old infant from the US. Around 2,500 of the immigrants work in engineering and technological fields, and over 1,000 doctors and health professionals made aliyah, along with roughly 600 artists and athletes. 3. Leading Publishing House Wipes Israel Off Its Mapby Ari Soffer, Ari Yashar One of the world's largest publishing houses is distributing school Atlases in Middle Eastern countries which totally erase any reference to the State of Israel, it has been revealed. HarperCollins' subsidiary Collins Bartholomew, which specializes in maps, are selling "Collins Middle East Atlases" to English-speaking schools in the Gulf states which depict Jordan and Syria extending all the way to the Mediterranean Sea. Collins Bartholomew told The Tablet that the reason they wiped Israel off their maps was that including the Jewish state would be "unacceptable" to their customers in the Gulf states. They added that the change to remove Israel was meant to incorporate "local preferences" - apparently the local preference that Israel not exist. The Bishops' Conference of England and Wales condemned HarperCollins for the move, with Bishop Declan Lang of the Conference's Department of International Affairs telling the paper "the publication of this atlas will confirm Israel's belief that there exists a hostility towards their country from parts of the Arab world." "It will not help to build up a spirit of trust leading to peaceful co-existence," added Lang. Dr. Jane Clements, director of the Council of Christians and Jews, also spoke to The Tablet about the maps, saying they delegitimize Israel for the students who use them. "Maps can be a very powerful tool in terms of delegitimizing 'the other' and can lead to confusion rather than clarity. We would be keen to see relevant bodies ensure that all atlases anywhere reflect the official UN position on nations, boundaries and all political features," said Clements.t 4. 'Israel Must Take Off the Kid Gloves With the PA'by Shimon Cohen, Ari Yashar Amid the hullabaloo of primaries voting for Likud on Wednesday, Arutz Sheva spoke with the party's Deputy Environmental Protection Minister Ofir Akunis about the vote, as well as the Palestinian Authority's (PA) failure the night before with its UN Security Council resolution. The PA unilateral demand for recognition as a state and Israeli withdrawals by 2017 did not achieve the needed nine votes, which in any case would likely have led to an American veto shooting down the move. "The Israeli attempt to convince the world to reject unilateral moves has succeeded," said Akunis. "We succeeded in convincing important countries that you can't breach agreements and bring an arrangement viewed by the Palestinians as a victory. I'm happy for the Palestinian failure." Akunis's comments refer to the fact that unilateral moves such as the one taken by the PA at the UN is in breach of the 1993 Oslo Accords. The response to the move, according to Akunis, is that "we need to apply sovereignty on Judea and Samaria. Their unilateral move needs to be hit by a clear response - applying sovereignty and pushing settlement." PA chairperson Mahmoud Abbas now reportedly is determined to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) to sue Israel for "war crimes," to which Akunis says "we have to take off the kid gloves." "From the other side there's an attempt to goad Israel by all means. The world rejected this process and it's possible to convince other sources to reject the Palestinians on all fronts," said Akunis. "The Western world is sobering up and understands that there's no partner on the other side." While the world might be starting to understand there is no partner, Akunis said he is relatively certain Hatnua chairperson Tzipi Livni doesn't understand that. She recently joined with Labor to form a list that polls estimate could get roughly as many seats as Likud. "I don't trust her. She will never admit to her failure (in peace talks). She said that we need to sit in a room and talk even when she knew that it was impossible. There's no peace partner on the other side," said the deputy minister. Speaking about the primaries and upcoming elections in March, Akunis said "I haven't changed my positions and I don't intend to change them. I always supported the settlements, I'm a supporter of the whole land of Israel (including Judea and Samaria), oppose a Palestinian state and am for building throughout the country." "I don't change positions and I reason that if we stand firmly on this position in the Likud in general elections we'll gain voters," he added. According to Akunis the upcoming elections don't place Likud against the political "center," but rather against the left, which he says includes Moshe Kahlon's Kulanu party, Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid, Labor and Meretz. 5. IDF Lets Arabs Plow on Jewish Land in Samariaby Ido Ben-Porat, Ari Yashar Arab farmers in the Shiloh Bloc of Samaria, where Arab assailants have in the past caused massive damage to Jewish agriculture, prepared to arrive Wednesday to plow adjacent to the Jewish communities of Esh Kodesh and the Yeshuv Hada'at Farms, under the permission of the IDF. The plowing was given permission by the IDF's Civil Administration which manages Judea and Samaria given that the region has yet to be annexed, and apparently was given after the Arab farmers turned to the High Court claiming ownership to the land. However, the High Court has yet to discuss the case and there is no evidence backing up the ownership claims - that hasn't stopped extremist leftist groups from influencing decision makers to allow the entrance to farmland adjacent to Jewish houses. Arab residents of the towns Jaloud and Kusra are to arrive to plow accompanied by members of the radical left, after Jewish residents demonstrated against the move Tuesday night, marching towards the town Migdalim on a path passing not far from Kusra. There has been high tension between Esh Kodesh and Kusra, after 25 Jews touring the area were nearly murdered back in January. Despite Arab claims that the Jews were in Kusra to commit "price tag" vandalism, it was revealed the Jews were nowhere near the village when a mob of Arabs attacked them. "People doing 'price tag' don't go in the middle of the day, don't go about without means of defense, and don't do it in a group," argued Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir at the time. The lands being opened for Arab farmers to plow on Wednesday are adjacent to Esh Kodesh, Ahiya and Yeshuv Hada'at in Samaria's Binyamin region. "Defense Minister (Moshe) Ya'alon is using the residents to conduct a cynical political process and try to wink at Likud voters from the leftist side of the map," read an announcement by residents. "It's a shame that the defense minister appointed for the security of the residents brings Arabs in to plow inside the communities, thereby critically harming their security." The permission for the plowing is made more ironic by the fact that the IDF destroyed 600 fruit trees in Esh Kodesh in January, on the same day just before the clash near Kusra, which many charged was caused by the Arab residents feeling emboldened by the IDF activity. In addition, there have been attempts to frame Esh Kodesh residents of harming Arab agriculture in the region. Shevah Stern, head of the Likud's "National Headquarters" faction and a candidate in the Likud primaries running for the party's Knesset list, requested that Ya'alon prevent the plowing adjacent to Jewish houses due to the security risk. "It is unthinkable that something like this should occur," said Stern. "I turn to the defense minister personally from deep familiarity with him and say, Ya'alon, don't let this lethal danger happen. The plowing is under IDF permission, and in your hand (is the ability) to stop the danger. I and all residents of Shiloh Bloc rely on you and ask you not to disregard the matter." "I hope that a true and long-reaching solution will be reached to deal with the Palestinian requests that an not based on anything, and I will act from within the Knesset to strengthen the security of Judea and Samaria residents in particular, and of all Israel," concluded Stern. 6. French Anti-Semitic Comedian Abandoned by Alliesby Ben Ariel Dieudonne, the anti-Semitic French comedian who made headlines last year over his "reverse Nazi salute" is making headlines again, this time as his own friends turn against him over his connections with racist groups. The British Independent newspaper reported on Tuesday that several black supporters of Dieudonne, including former bodyguards, have turned against him, complaining of his increasingly close connections with white, allegedly racist, groups in France and what they claim is his supposed obsession with personal enrichment. Their disillusionment is based partly on Dieudonne's alliance with Alain Soral, an essayist and activist who has himself been accused of anti-Semitism. These ill-sorted comrades – the campaigner against the oppression of black people and the former official of the far-right Front National – launched a political party last month called Reconciliation Nationale. In response, reports the Independent, former supporters of Dieudonne have started an internet campaign to undermine the black comedian's fervent support base in the poor, multi-racial suburbs surrounding French cities. Among other things, they have posted on the internet an extraordinary exchange of emails earlier this year allegedly sent between Soral and a Guinean model called Binti Bangoura. Soral, 56, is a champion of traditional family values and an overtly anti-Semitic polemicist, but also a self-declared "expert on picking-up women", who has published a book on the "sociology" of pick-up techniques and has claimed 700 conquests. Bangoura claims that after an email exchange, Soral suggested a relationship and sent an inappropriate image of himself. When Bangoura, 33, rejected Soral's advances, he allegedly sent her further emails in which he said, among other things, that "whites think black women are wh**es, which most of them are" and "your fate will be to be a wh**e for Jews". Bangoura has started a legal action against Soral for racial abuse, noted the Independent. Soral did not deny making the comments but said they had been "taken out of context” as part of an "outpouring of mud" to discredit his alliance with Dieudonné. Dieudonne is the inventor of the quenelle gesture, a reverse Nazi salute that has become extremely popular in anti-Semitic and extremist circles across the French-speaking world and worldwide. Despite Dieudonne's insistence it is a gesture of discontent against the establishment, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has called it a "gesture of hatred" and "an anti-Semitic gesture." He was widely accused of promoting anti-Semitism and already has a string of convictions in France for hate speech and other related offences, and saw his performances banned by French authorities due to their virulently anti-Semitic content. Other former supporters of the comedian claim that – despite frequent appeals for money to pay his fines for anti-Semitic comments – Dieudonne is very wealthy man. They complain that the comedian has failed to invest money in the causes for downtrodden people he champions in his shows. A former Dieudonne bodyguard, named only as Jessie, told the newspaper Liberation, "In truth, they don't give a stuff about Palestine, the black cause, or social inequalities." 7. Study Shows Greenhouse Emissions Helping Tropical Forests by Arutz Sheva Staff A new research study led by NASA has reversed commonly held theories about carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, finding that the emissions in fact are absorbed by tropical forests at a higher rate than they are released by them, leading to a boost in growth in the forests. The study found tropical forests absorb 1.5 billion tons of CO2 annually, using it to grow. Overall the forests and other vegetation absorb around 2.7 billion tons of CO2, about 30% of the amount emitted by humans, reports the British Daily Mail. "This is good news, because uptake in boreal forests is already slowing, while tropical forests may continue to take up carbon for many years," said Dr. David Schimel, a researcher at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California who headed the study. Data until now had been interpreted to suggest tropical forests were releasing more CO2 than they absorb. But the new study finds the opposite is true - tropical forests use much more CO2 to grow at faster rates than previously thought. The research led by Schimel was published in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, and was based on computer models, satellite imagery, data from forest plots and photosynthetic experiments, all coming together to detail how forests absorb CO2. Schimel warned that given the results, the disastrous effects of deforestation in tropical forests takes on whole new dimensions, and that they should be preserved by all means. "The future tropical balance of deforestation and climate sources and regrowth and carbon dioxide sinks will only remain a robust feature of the global carbon cycle if the vast tropical forests are protected from destruction," stated Schimel. 8. Police Chief Awards Elite 'Arab' Undercover Unitby Yoni Kempinski, Ari Yashar Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino on Tuesday visited a base in the Judea and Samaria region of the Border Patrol's special mista'aravim unit, an elite squad of undercover forces disguising themselves as Arabs to covertly stop terror. In the course of his visit, Danino presented commanders of the unit with the Police Commissioner's Shield of Excellence award for the unit's impressive accomplishments over the years. This is the second recognition Danino has given the unit recently; during Hanukkah in a visit with President Reuven Rivlin to a base in Judea, he awarded two mista'aravim soldiers a decoration for outstanding performance in a recent arrest of a terrorist while showing bravery despite the high risk to their lives. While at the base on Tuesday, Danino was given an overview of the secretive unit's activities and met with the combat soldiers. "In a period in which terror raises its head in the world and in Israel, the people of Israel have someone to rely on," said Danino. "Anonymous and daring warriors who act without fear, far from the limelight to defend every resident of the state." "I came to express my appreciation and thanks to you, the mista'aravim unit of Judea and Samaria, whose actions are not exposed to the public eye, whose deeds in their overwhelming majority are not published and cannot be published, but whose contribution to the security of civilians of the state cannot be measured in gold," continued the police chief. Danino stated "in my name and in the name of the Israeli police, I came to thank you. I am proud of you, the entire police is proud of you and also the entire public." The unit's missions have led to the complicated and classified arrests of hundreds of terrorists, many of them coming just a step before the terrorists conducted lethal attacks on innocent civilians. Counter-terrorism is the specialty of the mista'aravim with their unique abilities to infiltrate the Arab street and go unnoticed while assuming numerous identities. For many years the unit has tipped the scales in Israel's favor during the unrelenting fight against Arab terrorism. Rare video footage (in Hebrew) showing the unit's activities arresting terrorists in Gaza, as well as their training methods to ensure Arab civilians and human shields are not wounded in the course of their missions. Contact |
The article below was written by Khaled Abu Toameh who is an Israeli Arab journalist, lecturer and documentary filmmaker. Abu Toameh writes for The Jerusalem Post and for the New York-based Gatestone Institute, where he is a senior distinguished fellow. He is a producer and consultant for NBC News since 1989. His articles have also appeared in numerous newspapers around the world. This article appeared December 31, 2014 on Gatestone Institute International Policy Council and is archived at |
It is ironic that while Palestinian Authority [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas worked hard to win the support of the international community for his statehood bid at the UN Security Council, he failed to persuade many Palestinians to back his move. Palestinians representing various factions, including Abbas's own Fatah faction, publicly came out against the draft resolution that was presented by Jordan at the U.N. earlier this week, and which failed to pass a Security Council vote yesterday. ![]() Their main argument is that the resolution compromises the rights of the Palestinians and includes concessions to Israel that are unacceptable to most Palestinians. The fierce opposition to the resolution shows that Abbas does not have a mandate from his people to embark on such a move. Abbas's critics accuse him and a number of his advisors of "hijacking" the decision-making process and acting on their own. Fatah and PLO leaders say they were never consulted about the resolution, which calls for setting a timeline for an Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines. Jamal Muheissen, member of the Fatah Central Committee, said that he and his colleagues learned about the draft resolution from the internet. They argue that Abbas and his top advisors had never presented the resolution to PLO and Fatah leaders before submitting it to the Security Council. Several Palestinian factions even called on Abbas to withdraw the resolution from the Security Council -- an appeal that fell on deaf ears. Hours after the resolution was submitted to the Security Council in New York on Monday, six Palestinian groups issued an urgent appeal to Abbas to withdraw immediately, claiming it compromises Palestinian rights on refugees, prisoners, Jerusalem and borders. The Palestinian groups that issued the appeal against the resolution are: Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front-General Command and Al-Sai'qa. These groups are opposed to the resolution not only because of the purported concessions it offers on the issues of refugees, prisoners, Jerusalem and borders, but also because it calls for a resumption of peace talks with Israel under the auspices of the US. "We are opposed to a return to the path of 'futile' negotiations," the groups said in a joint statement. "Our people have the right to pursue resistance in all forms." Some Palestinians vowed to work toward thwarting the resolution; saying they would not allow Abbas and a few Palestinian officials in Ramallah to "turn their back on a majority of Palestinians." Hassan Asfour, a former Palestinian Authority minister and member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, advised Abbas to "throw the ominous resolution to the nearest wastebasket." Asfour added: "There's still a chance for President Abbas to return to his people before it's too late. It's time for Abbas to return to the national oath he made to defend the homeland and the legitimacy of the Palestinian cause." Other Palestinians have accused Abbas of "high treason" for submitting a resolution that does not meet the national aspirations of the Palestinians and offers "far-reaching and dangerous" concessions to Israel. Palestinian political analyst Fayez Abu Shamalah called for a commission of inquiry to hold those behind the resolution accountable. "The unclear nature of the resolution represents political treason at the highest level," he charged. "The Palestinians have been deceived." The widespread opposition among Palestinians to Abbas's statehood bid at the Security Council is a clear sign that many Palestinians remain opposed to any form of concessions to Israel. It is also an indication of fierce opposition among Palestinians to the resumption of peace talks with Israel. Those who opposed the Palestinian resolution also argue that Abbas should have gone instead to the International Criminal Court to file "war crimes" charges against Israel. For many Palestinians, punishing Israel should take priority over any peaceful establishment of a Palestinian state. But the opposition to the resolution, which envisaged a two-state solution, also shows that many Palestinians continue to believe that violence, and not diplomacy, will bring them closer to achieving their goals. As Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar put it, "This Palestinian resolution is catastrophic and has no future on the land of Palestine. The future belongs to the resistance. We will continue to work to liberate all the land and achieve the right of return for Palestinian refugees. Hamas will not accept anything less than all the lands that were occupied in 1948." Contact Daily Alert at |
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO Y'ALL !!!!Posted by Fred Reifenberg, January 01, 2015 |
![]() ![]() ![]() Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at |
The article below was written by Tzi Ben-Gedalyahu
who is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George
Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in
rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian
metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for
several years before joining the Jewish Press. This article
appeared January 01, 2015 and is archived at
![]() The Israeli Supreme Court has accepted a petition by a human rights group arguing that the home of the Jerusalem Arab who nearly assassinated Yehuda Glick should not be demolished. Regarding the terrorists from the Har Nof massacre, the justices rejected the appeal against Israel's destroying the homes of the terrorists. The court also ruled that the home of a tractor terrorist can be destroyed. Glick was almost killed but made a miraculous recovery and stood on his own today for the first time since he was shot four times in the chest two months ago. The human rights lawyers argued that the policy has not undergone a legal review for several years, and that demolition of homes as punishment and deterrence violates international law against collective punishment. The justices stated there are "moral dilemmas" with the policy, but that the gravity of the murders justifies Israel's policy. Justice Elyakim Rubinstein, who wrote the ruling for the panel of three justices, warned that security officials in the future will have to provide evidence that the policy is effective. That puts the defense establishment in the position of having to prove an hypothesis. How can it provide evidence that terrorism would be worse if homes were not destroyed? How can it prove that the policy works? Because there were "only" two deadly terrorist attacks a month instead of four? Or perhaps the court wants to know if victims like Glick "only" were wounded and not killed? On the other hand, the justices did have the intelligence to note that there is no need to destroy the home of the Jews behind the gruesome murder by fire of an Arab youth. Their reasoning was, according to the court, that the almost universal denouncement of the murder by Jews makes it obvious that demolition is not needed to deter other Jews from killing Arabs. Contact GWY123 at |
US WILL TURN THE SCREWS ON ISRAEL ...Posted by GWY123, January 01, 2015 |
Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Notice on thing missing from this article? Yes. Zaki Shalom assumes we actually buy into the "two state solution" mantra. [He doesn't try to explain why the "two state solution" is a genuine "solution".] Will the United States Attempt to Renew the Political Process after the Israeli Elections? This article was written by Zaki Shalom who is a member of the research staff at the Institute for National Security Studies and the Ben-Gurion Research Institute at Ben-Gurion University. He has published extensively on various facets of Israel's defense policy, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the role of the superpowers in the Middle East, and Israel's struggle against Islamic terror. His work has also focused on the study of Israel's nuclear option, both in historical and contemporary perspectives. He is the author of numerous articles and several books, including Israel's Nuclear Option: behind the Scenes Diplomacy between Dimona and Washington (Sussex Academic Press and Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, 2005), and Ben-Gurion's Political Struggles, 1963-1967: A Lion in Winter (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006). This article was published January 01, 2015, as INSS Insight No. 651 |
After the Israeli elections, the US administration might intensify its efforts to bring Israel and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table. Moreover, despite President Obama’s image as a lame duck, the fact that he is nearing the end of his second term in office may actually stir him to expend greater energy to promote an Israeli-Palestinian political settlement, in part through increasing pressure on Israel to soften its positions. Furthermore, it is not inconceivable that when he brings the weight of his office to bear on the Israeli government to renew talks with the Palestinians, the administration will make use of the "political tsunami" Israel has experienced over the last few months. It is possible that some members of the US administration estimate that the post-election Israeli government will thus be more flexible both on the notion of renewing the talks and on mutually agreeable understandings with the Palestinians, if only to prevent heightened tension with the United States. In a December 18, 2014 conversation with 28 European ambassadors, US Secretary of State John Kerry asserted that until after the Israeli elections on March 17, 2015, the United States will not allow the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. In Kerry's view, insofar as such a resolution would be framed without the input of the Israeli government and would challenge its policies, adoption would only strengthen the elements in the Israeli right opposed to the peace process. Kerry did not rule out some kind of future Security Council intervention in the peace process, but refused to go into detail. His remarks came in advance of the Palestinian Authority's attempts to promote a Security Council resolution recognizing a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders and calling for an end to the occupation by 2017. The Palestinians subsequently defied the United States position that the initiative at the Security Council was unacceptable, and on December 30, 2014, submitted their proposed resolution. The resolution, however, failed to muster the required Security Council majority, thus obviating any need for a US veto. Kerry's statement and the US vote are in line with the administration's Middle East foreign policy principles, as expressed in a speech given at Bar-Ilan University on December 9, 2014 by US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro. In terms of the Israeli-Palestinian political process, the ambassador emphasized that the administration is committed to achieving a settlement based on the two-state vision and that it continues to look for ways to renew the talks, while remaining opposed to unilateral steps on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides. Nonetheless, the administration feels it is not realistic to expect the talks to be renewed before Israel's coming parliamentary election. In an aside, the ambassador advised against drawing hasty conclusions from the recent United States midterm elections. His comments, like statements made by Kerry on the political process, were almost certainly meant to express the Obama administration's reservations regarding the widespread sense in international and Israeli circles that United States resolve and effectiveness on the international arena in general and in the Middle East in particular have weakened, and that this weakness has become more pronounced because of the political divide in the administration's own institutions. The assessment that the President will find it difficult to advance any policy not to Israel's liking relies in part on the fact that the Republicans, with their strong show of support for Israel, now control the Congress, and they will likely not allow the administration to bring all its potential pressure to bear on Israel in an attempt to promote the political process. However, as the ambassador explained, the fact that the administration is working with a Republican Congress does not mean that US foreign policy will be paralyzed, particularly as the US constitution gives the president wide foreign policy latitude. On December 19, 2014, President Obama signed the United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act, passed by Congress with a decisive bipartisan majority, defining Israel as a "major strategic partner" of the United States. The act includes several practical paragraphs designed to enhance Israel's strategic relations with the United States and its strategic capabilities. Paragraph 3(6) of the act, speaking of strategy and policy, states that "It is the policy of the United support the Government of Israel in its ongoing efforts to reach a negotiated political settlement with the Palestinian people that results in two states living side-by-side in peace and security." This statement again indicates that in tandem with its commitment to strengthen Israeli security and its strategic relations with the United States, the administration is determined to take steps designed to advance its own national interests, including the renewal of the Israeli-Palestinian political process. These various developments suggest that after the Israeli elections, the administration might intensify its efforts to bring the Israelis and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table. Moreover, despite President Obama's image as a lame duck, the fact that he is nearing the end of his second and last term in office may actually stir him to expend greater energy to promote an Israeli-Palestinian political settlement, in part through increasing pressure on Israel to soften its positions. Furthermore, it is not inconceivable that when he brings the weight of his office to bear on the Israeli government to renew talks with the Palestinians - whether, as will be determined by the elections, such a government is led by right wing parties or by parties from the center of the political map - the administration will make use of the "political tsunami" Israel has experienced over the last few months. The growing international recognition of a state of Palestine, especially by governments and parliaments in Europe, reflects the shrinking support for Israel's positions on the Palestinian conflict. It is possible that some members of the US administration estimate that the post-election Israeli government will thus be more flexible both on the notion of renewing the talks and on mutually agreeable understandings with the Palestinians, if only to prevent worse tension with the United States and a deepening of the rift between the two countries. Contact GWY123 at |
OBAMA'S 2014, A RECORD YEAR--Posted by Midenise, January 01, 2015 |
The article below was written by John D. Trudel., who has authored two nonfiction books and five Thriller novels: God's House, Privacy Wars, Soft Target, Raven's Run, and Raven's Redemption. He graduated from Georgia Tech and Kansas State, had a long career in high-technology, and wrote columns for several national magazines. He lives in Oregon and Arizona. |
Indeed, fact checkers had a field day with President Obama this year. The Washington Post alone awarded him a total of 47 (actually 49; see update below) Pinocchios, plus one Upside-Down Pinocchio (the worst possible rating). Here they are, in chronological order: "Unprecedented inspections help the world verify every day that Iran is not building a bomb." (Two Pinocchios, 2/6/14) "We've got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion." (Four Pinocchios, 2/24/14) "We didn't have billions of dollars of commercials [for ObamaCare] like some critics did." (Two Pinocchios, 4/4/14) "Today, the average full-time working woman earns just 77 cents for every dollar a man earns ... in 2014, that's an embarrassment. It is wrong." (Two Pinocchios, 4/9/14) "Thirty-five percent of people who enrolled through the federal marketplace are under the age of 35." (Two Pinocchios, 4/22/14) "[Republicans'] willingness to say no to everything - the fact that since 2007, they have filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation that would help the middle class just gives you a sense of how opposed they are to any progress[.]" (Four Pinocchios, 5/9/14) "I want to announce a few more steps that we're taking that are going to be good for job growth and good for our economy, and that we don't have to wait for Congress to do. They are going to be steps that generate more clean energy, waste less energy overall, and leave our kids and our grandkids with a cleaner, safer planet in the process." (Two Pinocchios, 5/16/14) "At the beginning of my presidency, we built a coalition that imposed sanctions on the Iranian economy, while extending the hand of diplomacy to the Iranian government." (Three Pinocchios, 6/2/14) "When you talk about the moderate opposition [in Syria], many of these people were farmers or dentists or maybe some radio reporters who didn't have a lot of experience fighting." (Three Pinocchios, 6/26/14) "So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class." (Three Pinocchios, 7/15/14) "If Congress fails to fund it [the Highway Trust Fund], it runs out of money. That could put nearly 700,000 jobs at risk." (Two Pinocchios, 7/16/14) "Keep in mind, I wasn't specifically referring to ISIL [as a jayvee team]." (Four Pinocchios, 9/3/14) "Over the past eight years, the United States has reduced our total carbon pollution by more than any other nation on Earth." (Two Pinocchios, 9/25/14) "If we hadn't taken this on, and [health insurance] premiums had kept growing at the rate they did in the last decade, the average premium for family coverage today would be $1,800 higher than they are. Now, most people don't notice it, but that's $1,800 you don't have to pay out of your pocket or see vanish from your paycheck. That's like a $1,800 tax cut." (Two Pinocchios, 10/17/14) "Health care inflation has gone down every single year since the law [ObamaCare] passed, so that we now have the lowest increase in health care costs in 50 years-which is saving us about $180 billion in reduced overall costs to the federal government and in the Medicare program." (Three Pinocchios, 11/6/14) "We've created more jobs in the United States than every other advanced economy combined since I came into office." (One Pinocchio, 11/11/14) "Well, actually, my position hasn't changed [on immigration executive action]." (Upside-Down Pinocchio, 11/18/14) "Understand what this [Keystone XL pipeline] project is. It is providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else." (Three Pinocchios, 11/20/14) "If you look, every president - Democrat and Republican - over decades has done the same thing. George H.W. Bush - about 40 percent of the undocumented persons, at the time, were provided a similar kind of relief as a consequence of executive action." (Three Pinocchios, 11/24/14) (Updated to add this entry) "The history is that I have issued fewer executive actions than most of my predecessors, by a long shot. ... If you ask historians, take a look at the track records of the modern presidency, I've actually been very restrained." (Two Pinocchios, 12/31/14) Contact Midenise at |
This article is from NGO Monitor. It appeared January 01,
2015 and is archived at
Decade-long campaign by European government-funded groups, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty The decision by the Palestinian Authority to sign the Rome Statute, a step towards joining the International Criminal Court (ICC), follows more than a decade of intense lobbying and propaganda campaigns by NGOs (non-governmental organizations). These groups promote legal warfare, or "lawfare," against Israel, according to Jerusalem-based research institute NGO Monitor. Detailed research by NGO Monitor documents the role of NGO superpowers such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, as well as European-funded NGOs Palestinian Center for Human Rights, Al Haq, Diakonia, and FIDH, in lobbying for such a move. "Attempting to litigate the highly charged Arab-Israeli conflict in the ICC could spell the end of the court, and the NGOs and their European funders will be responsible," said Anne Herzberg, NGO Monitor Legal Advisor. "While the Palestinian leadership and the NGOs may get some short-lived propaganda victories in their political war, they may soon find they got more than they bargained for." NGO Monitor notes that European governments are major funders of the NGOs involved in these campaigns, often through secretive and irresponsible processes that lack transparency and accountability. Palestinian Center for Human Rights is funded by the EU, Norway, Ireland; Al Haq receives funding from Ireland, Belgium, Spain, and Norway; and FIDH is funded by France, EU, Sweden, Norway, and Ireland. Diakonia, a Swedish church-based NGO, is primarily funded by the Swedish government. One of the main mechanisms for supporting legal warfare against Israel is the Secretariat, a joint funding framework of Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland. Managed by the Institute of Law at Birzeit University, the Secretariat has supported NGOs' legal campaigns in accordance with the Palestinian political narrative and goals. "Ironically, in order to convince governments to support the ICC, Human Rights Watch has argued for years that the court would never be exploited for political maneuvers by the Palestinians." continued Ms. Herzberg. "Once again, Human Rights Watch has been proven wrong." The campaign to prosecute Israeli officials at the ICC is bolstered by Israeli NGOs, such as Adalah andYesh Din, which promote the falsehood that the Israeli justice system lacks due process in order to justify efforts for politicized international "war crimes" cases. Both are funded by European governments and the New Israel Fund (NIF). Ms. Herzberg concluded, "Given that the Palestinians have committed tens of thousands of war crimes against Israeli civilians, they may find themselves facing prosecution not only for war crimes but crimes against humanity and genocide." Contact Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer and editor of the website, an activist pro-Israel website. He now lives in Jerusalem. Contact him at |
EXHIBITION "ITBACH EL YAHUD" (MURDER THE JEWS)Posted by Nurit Greenger, January 01, 2015 |
"The power of the word" shows art work in which is displayed the writing, "Itbach el Yahud" "Daa"s" (Meaning ISIS), and "In blood and fire we will redeem Palestine". This week' at Sapir College, they are presenting the exhibition "The Power of the Word" which, according to the college's definition on its Facebook page: "Is attempting to bring and express in art form the actual civil conflicts that have received forms and new faces in the recent months." In the frame work of the exhibition there is a display of the work of the artist David Reev and it exhibits three hamsas ("Latifa's hands) on them are embedded the captions: "Daa"s" (ISIS), "Itbach el Yahud" and "With blood and fire we will redeem Palestine". Attorney Avital Tzhor approached the college President Prof. Omri Yadlin demanding that the exhibits are removed from the exhibition stating: "These type expressions are not within the legitimate artistic or political conversation of the state of Israel, and they constitute direct contribution to the increasing radicalization and incitement against Jews and Israel processes, while legitimizing terrorism and calls for racism." Furthermore, attorney Tzhor noted that, "As an Israeli academic institution that is awarded funding from the state, the Sapir College must not give a platform to racist and terror supporting expressions, disguised as a legitimate artistic exhibit." Subsequently, attorney Tzhor approached the prime minister and the acting finance minister demanding to activate Provision of Section 3(b) of the Foundations of the Budget and reduce the budgets transferred to the college, because it provides support for incitement to racism, for violence and terrorism and also for the support of armed struggle, or acts of terrorism by an enemy state. The exhibition "Itbach el Yahud" violates the freedom of expression," the students of Sapir College say. I think it gives a seal to Arab-Muslim terrorism. Students at Sapir College say: "A strike in the name of freedom of expression." I propose they move to Gaza, or join ISIS but the exhibitors of this exhibition have no room in Israel! The Sapir College student association claims that the provocative exhibition may violate the relations between Arab and Jewish students at the institution's fabric. "The words represent the discourse in the Middle East". Is the fabric of relations between Arab and Jewish students at the institution depends on the delivery to the home service of terrorists and their supporters? If so, shame on the college. Remove all those involved in this exhibit form, let them go to study in Gaza or Ramallah! The hamsa exhibit on which is inscribed Itbach el Yahud was stolen and in my opinion it is good it was stolen. Here is why and who is behind the "theft": The hamsa on it inscribed the caption: "Iitbach el Yahud" was not stolen, rather simply someone removed it from the wall and tore it into small parts to stop the incitement in public against the Jewish people. Unbelievable! Jews, in their Jewish sovereign state of Israel, in an academic institution that is supported by the state, by all taxpayers' funds, are going brainwashed in favor of the incitement, violence, and murder, almost daily, against them. The students are going head down in an Israeli college that has become the homeowners' association of terror and does not serve as a home for progress, education and peace. And there are no reactions, no heroism and no tiny bit of self-respect and clear and strong dissent that in the Jewish state this will not happen. Defending Israel does not end as soon as one ends his or hers military draft service. Then again, the hamsa was not stolen. It was taken down from the wall, with pride, and was thrown under the chair in the room adjacent to the exhibition hall and there is its place, with head down, under the chair! Lexicon has a meaning, lexicon can kill, words can kill. Contact Nurit Greenger at This article is archived at |
NY Times Discusses P.A. LawfarePosted by Richard H. Shulman, January 01, 2015 |
Jodi Rudoren's headline about the P.A. going into lawfare is, "Palestinians Set to Seek Redress in a World Court." Redress implies rectifying. That's taking the P.A. side. Actually, the P.A. violates its agreements and is terroristic. The P.A. needs rectifying, not Israel. Why is the P.A. joining the International Criminal Court (ICC)? Rudoren tells us it is to pursue statehood. No, it is to defame Israel. Defamation is a step toward destruction. Those Muslims want not a state for its own sake, they want to destroy the Jewish state. This is the goal of jihad, which the NY Times masks. The switch to lawfare came after the Security Council rejected a statehood resolution that would "end Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory." There never was a "Palestinian" country, so there is no occupation. So when Abbas refers to Israeli "aggression" against "our country" he is lying about "our country" and is lying about "aggression." The many attacks he incited or planned against Israel is the real aggression there. He asserts that in his region, the "Palestinian cause is the key issue to be settled." I'd say the key issue is whether the Mideast Muslims can stay civilized or whether they will continue to rampage in jihad as ISIS and Iran are doing. The Palestinian Arabs have no cause, it's contrived to justify jihad. The State Dept. opposes the lawfare, which it thinks impedes what "most Palestinians" want. He implies they want statehood. They don't. They want to seize Israel. What they want is negative, just jihad. Rationalizing Abbas' application to the ICC, an Arab leader said that Abbas had to try something new to restore credibility lost to Hamas. The article does not explain why Hamas is more popular than Fatah and Abbas. Here's why. Hamas fought Israel, whereas Abbas negotiated. Diplomacy failed, and the war was self-destructive. But fighting is honorable, those people believe. They didn't mind that Hamas fought via war crimes. As a whole, that is a barbarous people. They don't deserve a state nor international support. Why doesn't the Times explain all that? I think the reason is that the Times is anti-Zionist. It rarely lets in a good argument for Israel. PM Netanyahu considers the application to ICC an aggressive, unilateral act. Is he right? Not discussed. Also unstated is that that act is banned by the Oslo Accords, ratified by the P.A., U.S., and Israel. A photograph shows Abbas marking 50 years of the Fatah movement. No hint is given that Fatah committed numerous terrorist acts, murdering thousands of Israelis. Shurat HaDin (Israel Law Center) is identified as having filed war crimes complaints against Hamas. Abbas said that his application to the ICC means that other P.A. officials could become sued as a result. That is not complete and not correct. The Times should have consulted Shurat HaDin. Abbas knows that Shurat HaDin has prepared a lawsuit against him as a citizen of Jordan, which already belongs to ICC, and was holding off in case he didn't join the ICC. A Palestinian Arab academic criticized the P.A., but in doing so, referred to Israel as a "de facto apartheid regime." That is slander. What kind of a newspaper repeats slander without at least asking for specifics and giving the other side an opportunity to rebut? The Times leaves readers with false defamation as "information.' ACCOMPANYING EDITORIAL The editorial alleges a "Palestinian dream of an independent state." Can the editors really not know that the whole propaganda apparatus, including what is called education, promotes the Islamist dream of destroying an independent state, Israel? Most of the P.A. people have been indoctrinated to believe that. Don't Times editors read polls of P.A. residents? If the editors were frank about this, they would have no excuse for advocating a "two-state" set-up. PM Netanyahu is steadily expanding Jewish communities in the disputed Territories, and that makes a two-state set-up decreasingly likely, the editors assertion. But they cite no examples. He authorized one new community. Others get more houses, but remain within their boundaries. Jewish communities sit on no more than 5% of the Territories, so the notion of a great expansion and inability to set up an Arab state are exaggerated. How unfortunate, it is, feel the editors, that Abbas applied to the ICC, because that "has given Israeli hardliners new ammunition to attack the Palestinians and reject peace talks." Since the P.A. is engaged in jihad, what the Times calls "peace talks" are jihadist attempts to gain by diplomacy what they can't win by force of arms. Israelis who oppose jihadist diplomacy are not "hardliners" but sensible. Most Israelis agree with them. However, the editors call them a name, to make them seem a minority and to slight their views. It's easier to defame a patriotic Israeli view than to debunk it. The editors refer to P.A. intent to bring charges against Israeli officials. But Israel doesn't commit war crimes, the P.A. does. Its charges would be fabricated. The P.A. is hoping that the ICC will be as unfair to Israel as is the UN. The editorial hope is that these events will prompt both sides to compromise for peace. Israel has made many compromises, the P.A. has not. Nor do the Times and State Dept. itemize any tangible compromises they expect of the P.A., only what they want of Israel. They fail to acknowledge that what they want would deprive Israel of defensible borders. I take all that as proof of bias against Israel and disinterest in peace. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses are a regular feature on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
MAKING JUDEA AND SAMARIA JUDENREINPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 01, 2015 |
Jews in modern times have exalted men with silver tongues. Perhaps this is why Benjamin Netanyahu has been PM longer than any of his predecessors, despite his not very courageous reputation. How else are we to account his interminable "negotiations" with the Fatah-led Palestinians on the one hand, and his failure to suppress Hamas on the other - despite Israel's overwhelming military power? His timidity can't be explained away by American constraints and world opinion, for that is precisely why dauntless courage is required of any Israeli Prime Minister. Churchill did not have at his disposal the enormously disproportionate power over Nazi Germany that BB has over Fatah or Hamas. BB never even thinks of victory, judging from his long standing rejection of proposed abrogation of the Oslo Agreement, and despite its having been violated countless time by the Palestinian Authority (PA), as Netanyahu's own office has recorded. In fact, so far as I am aware, he has never publicly complained to the United States about the PA's ceaseless violations of the security arrangements prescribed by the Wye Memorandum which he himself consummated in October 1998, even though Wye obligates the United States to oversee those security arrangements. It were as if the Likud leader, no less than any Labor leader, does not want to return to status quo ante regarding the disposition of Judea and Samaria. This means that, like Labor, BB wants Judea and Samaria to be in the hands of the Arabs lest this heartland of Israel become a haven for a prolific Jewish population that would render Israel's secular parties politically impotent. I am suggesting that there is a surreptitious and mutually self-serving agreement between the Likud and Labor parties - in effect a Machiavellian accord - to make Judea and Samaria Judenrein. Contact Paul Eidelberg at |
The article below was written by Alina Dain Sharon who is a
journalist fluent in several languages, she had contributed
reporting for several international and U.S.-based news
outlets, including the Deutsche Welle broadcasting
organization in Bonn, Germany and the news
service in the US. Her worked has also been published by the
Los Angeles Times, the Baltimore Sun, Germany's Juedische
Allgemeine Wochenzeitung, the Jerusalem Post, the South
African Jewish Report, the Toronto Jewish Tribune, the New
York Jewish Press and more. This article appeared January
01, 2015 on Algemeiner and is archived at
Since its founding in 1948, Israel has found Muslim-majority allies hard to come by. Yet an improbable romance continues to develop between the Jewish state and Azerbaijan. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon took a surprise trip to Azerbaijan in September, marking the first-ever visit by the holder of his position to a Muslim-majority nation in the Southern Caucasus region. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and former president Shimon Peres have also visited Azerbaijan, and Azeri dignitaries have made the trip to Israel. Though it is most often attributed to a shared interest in combating the threat posed by Iran, experts say the blooming Israeli-Azeri friendship goes much deeper. ![]() "Having a close link with a Shiite-majority nation helps shatter the notion of an Islamic rejectionist front against Israel," said American Jewish Committee (AJC) Executive Director David Harris, who in 2012 received the "Dostlug" Order of Friendship, Azerbaijan's highest honor for a foreign citizen, from Azeri President Ilham Aliyev. "For Azerbaijan, located in a tough neighborhood, Israel is a very valued source of economic and strategic assistance." While warm Israeli-Azeri ties have received increased media attention of late, the phenomenon is not a new one. Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, recalled a sympathetic environment for Jews and Israel when the 52-member umbrella group visited Azerbaijan in 2006. "We were taken aback by the welcome we received, by the freedom enjoyed by the Jewish community, the fact that Israeli flags fly in the synagogues, that when we met with Jewish students on campus and asked them about anti-Semitism, they said they never experienced it, nor anti-Israel expressions, except from very limited groups," Hoenlein said. Dr. Avinoam Idan-the senior fellow with the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore as well as a University of Haifa professor-told that Azerbaijan often comes under attack from violent Islamist groups, including some sponsored by Iran, which borders Azerbaijan in the south. The chief foreign policy concern of Israel in recent years, meanwhile, has been the advancement of the Iranian nuclear program. "Azerbaijan also views strong ties with Israel and the Jewish world as an important part of achieving strong ties with the United States, which have waned in recent years," said Idan, who served for seven years in the Israeli embassy in Moscow during the fall of the Soviet Union, when he was intimately involved in establishing diplomacy between Israel and the Caucasus nations. "Azerbaijan is geopolitically a very strategic country," said Hoenlein. "There are tens of millions of Azeris living in Iran. The [Jewish community and Israeli] relationship with central Asian countries, generally, I think is very important. They are under pressure from Russia, from Islamic fundamentalists, from Iran, from Wahhabism, and we have to do a [good] job to help bolster them." Yet Azeri officials prefer to downplay the role of the Iranian threat in their nation's relationship with Israel. Mammad Talibov, counselor of political and legal affairs at the embassy of Azerbaijan in Washington, D.C., told that "we always point out that our bilateral relations are neither linked with, nor aimed against, any third parties." "Simply put, our relationship with Israel is not about Iran," he said. "It is about Azerbaijan and Israel. We have robust economic relations, especially in the area of technology, [and] defense ties, and [we] work together to promote peace and tolerance. We are also proud that the Azeri Jewish community serves as a bridge between the two nations." Asim Mollazade, a member of the Azeri parliament and chairman of the country's Democratic Reforms political party, expressed the same sentiment. He told that Iran "is not so important [of a] factor in making Azerbaijan and Israel friends and partners," and that the "basis of our relations is [the] historic links between Jews and [the] Azeri people." Mollazade, however, did acknowledge that both Azerbaijan and Israel face threats in their respective turbulent regions, chief among them "international terror," which means "cooperation on security issues is important for our partnership." Rafael Harpaz, Israel's ambassador to Azerbaijan, told that there are currently about 30,000 Jews in Azerbaijan, though the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee estimate is about half that number. The Azeri Jewish community includes the "Mountain Jews" (who have lived there since the 5th century AD), Ashkenazi Jews, and a small number of Georgian Jews. "I have never been in a place like this in my life. You see what happens in Western Europe, but here you can [openly] waive an Israeli flag outside," Harpaz said in an interview translated from Hebrew. Last year, when a new Torah scroll was dedicated at a synagogue in the Azeri capital of Baku, the ceremony was attended by Muslim, Russian Orthodox Christian, Albanian-Udi Christian, and Catholic leaders. "Where else in the world can you see such a thing?" Harpaz asked rhetorically. Idan said that while anti-Semitism was prevalent in the more Slavic parts of the Soviet Union, Jewish life in the southern Caucasus countries-mainly Azerbaijan and Georgia, where there were large Jewish communities-"was even during Soviet times a completely different reality." People like Aliyev, the current president, grew up having very positive relations with Jews. "Aliyev often cites his Jewish teachers as having a very formative influence on him," Idan said. "We are proud of [our] centuries-old traditions on inclusiveness," said Talibov. "Azerbaijan and Israel are friendly countries, and Jewish citizens of Azerbaijan are proud citizens of our nation. We see this as very normal." In Israel, meanwhile, there is a large community of Jewish immigrants from Azerbaijan, who made aliyah from the 1970s through the early 1990s, at the time of the Soviet Union's collapse. Idan noted that at the government level, Azerbaijan was one of the only Muslim-majority nations that did not publicly criticize Israel during the recent Gaza war, despite pressure to do so from other Muslim countries and from some Azeris who called for an embargo on oil sales to the Jewish state. Azerbaijan supplies 40 percent of Israel's oil through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline. "Israel doesn't have experience in the field of energy [in areas like drilling, exporting, and financing]. We just recently discovered natural gas, [and] we don't have many energy engineers," said Harpaz, meaning Israel learns about those disciplines from Azerbaijan. Israel, in turn, has greater experience than Azerbaijan in fields such as trade, telecommunications, cyber-technology, agriculture, medicine, and tourism. "We are willing to share [expertise] with our friends the Azeris," Harpaz said. "There is a lot of activity by Israeli companies [in Azerbaijan]." In early December, during the BakuTel-2014 20th Azerbaijan International Telecommunications and Information Technologies Exhibition, President Aliyev himself visited the national pavilion of Israel. Fourteen Israeli companies participated in the exhibition. Israeli cultural delegations, from groups like the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, have also visited Azerbaijan. Currently, the Azeri national airline Azal flies twice a week between Baku and Tel Aviv. Azal did not stop flights to Israel during this summer's Gaza war, even when other airlines—including American carriers-temporarily did so. Aliyev's positive attitude about Israel was also evident back in 2009, when then Turkish Prime Minister (and now president) Recep Tayyip Erdogan publicly chastised Israel's president, Peres, during a panel at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. "When it comes to killing, you (Israel) know well how to kill people," Erdogan said at the time. What was not publicized, according to Idan, is the fact that immediately after the encounter between Peres and Erdogan, there was a private meeting scheduled between Peres and Aliyev. But after Erdogan's comments, Aliyev "decided to open his meeting [with Peres] to the media and he made an effort to clearly show his support for Peres and Israel," said Idan. Yet Aliyev is not a controversy-free figure. Allegations of financial and electoral corruption have long been associated with his government. Most recently, the Azeri government ordered the arrest of journalist Khadija Ismayilova, who is known for reporting on corruption in Azerbaijan. Many viewed her arrest to be politically motivated. "Broadly speaking, we are deeply troubled by restrictions on civil society activities, including on journalists in Azerbaijan, and are increasingly concerned that the government there is not living up to its international commitments and obligations," said U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf. Jewish leaders Hoenlein and Harris both took issue with sentiments that internal developments in Azerbaijan should affect Israel's relationship with the country. "Countries that have demonstrated friendship to their Jewish communities—even though their records on human rights issues and other things are not perfect, and we know that-we have to try to encourage them to change, but at the same time to recognize the progress that has been made and the importance of the relationship with them," Hoenlein said. "Full democracy and transparency can take decades to develop," said Harris. "And if these were the sole litmus tests for foreign relations, then both the U.S. and Israel would have far fewer partners." Despite its warm relationship with Israel, Azerbaijan does not yet have an embassy in the Jewish state. Talibov called this a "technical issue," saying his country is "working with the Israeli side on the matter." Idan said that the lack of an Azeri embassy in Israel may stem from Azerbaijan's fear of backlash from Iran and other Muslim-majority nations. Yet the case of Azerbaijan proves that "having an embassy is not a condition for the advancement of relations between nations," he said. "[Azerbaijan] is a fairly rare example of a Muslim country on the one hand, and on the other hand a country that has such a close relationship with a country like Israel," said Idan. Contact Algemeiner at |
IRAN IS GETTING AWAY WITH MURDERPosted by YogiRUs, January 02, 2015 |
The article below was written by Jeffrey Goldberg
who is an American-Israeli journalist. He is an author and a
staff writer for The Atlantic, having previously worked
for The New Yorker. Goldberg writes principally on
foreign affairs, with a focus on the Middle East and Africa.
This article appeared December 30, 2014 on The Atlantic
and is archived at
![]() In an interview in late 2006, I asked then-Senator Barack Obama to talk about the challenges to rational deterrence theory posed by the behavior of rogue states. "Whatever you want to say about the Soviets," Obama answered, "they were essentially conservative. The North Korean regime and the Iranians are driven more by ideology and fantasy." of Sunni radicalism. Earlier this year, I asked Obama the following question: "What is more dangerous: Sunni extremism or Shia extremism?" His answer was revealing, suggestive of an important change in the way he has come to view the Iranian regime. He started by saying, as would be expected, "I'm not big on extremism generally." And then he argued-in part by omission-that he finds the principal proponent of Shiite extremism, the regime in Tehran, more rational, and more malleable, than the main promoters of Sunni radicalism. "I don't think you'll get me to choose on those two issues," he said. "What I'll say is that if you look at Iranian behavior, they are strategic, and they're not impulsive. They have a worldview, and they see their interests, and they respond to costs and benefits. And that isn't to say that they aren't a theocracy that embraces all kinds of ideas that I find abhorrent, but they're not North Korea. They are a large, powerful country that sees itself as an important player on the world stage, and I do not think has a suicide wish, and can respond to incentives. And that's the reason why they came to the table on sanctions." Since becoming president, Obama has made the argument that Iran could be induced, cajoled, and pressured into compromise, a view that has been proven provisionally, partially, correct: Sanctions, plus Obama's repeated (and, to my mind, at least, credible) threat of military action, convinced Iran to temporarily halt many aspects of its nuclear program in exchange for limited sanctions relief. But Obama and his international partners have been less successful at bringing Iran to permanent denuclearization. Without Iran's assistance, Assad would have fallen a long time ago. A long-term, verifiable arrangement that keeps Iran perpetually a year or more from nuclear breakout is surpassingly important for the national security of the United States (as Obama noted in this interview); for the health and safety of America's friends in the Middle East; and for the cause of nuclear nonproliferation in the world’s most volatile and dangerous region. Over the past year, the two sides of international nuclear negotiations have apparently moved somewhat closer to each other, and when the second round of talks came to an end without achieving a deal, both sides agreed that yet another negotiation extension was in order. As Iran and its interlocutors move into what stands to be the fateful year for these negotiations, a credible deal does not look to be achievable; so far, at least, the Iranians seem unwilling to make the truly creative concessions necessary to meet the West's minimum requirements. Especially if a deal is ultimately proven to be unachievable, another question will arise: Is the price the U.S. has paid to reach this elusive deal too high? An admirable aspect of Obama's foreign-policy making is his ability to coolly focus on core issues to the exclusion of what he considers to be extraneous matters. This is also, however, a non-admirable aspect of his policymaking, in particular when the subject at hand is Iran’s role in supporting the killer Assad regime in Syria. Obama seems to believe that a nuclear deal is, in a way, like Casaubon's key to all mythologies: Many good things, he believes, could flow from a nuclear compromise. In an interview last week with NPR's Steve Inskeep, the president suggested that a nuclear agreement would help Iran become "a very successful regional power that was also abiding by international norms and international rules. "This, he said, "would be good for everybody. That would be good for the United States, that would be good for the region, and most of all, it would be good for the Iranian people." This is a wonderful notion, the idea that the end of Iran's isolation could lead it to moderate its more extreme impulses. But there isn't much in the way of proof to suggest that Iran's rulers are looking to join an international order whose norms are defined by the United States and its allies. In fact, there is proof of something quite opposite: Iran seems as interested as ever in becoming a regional hegemon, on its own terms. And its supreme leader, and his closest confidants, have made it clear, over and over again, that he is not interested in normalizing relations with the United States. Across the greater Middle East, Iran's efforts to extend its influence have been blunt and brutal: It supports Shiite insurrections in Yemen and Bahrain; it attempts to manipulate Lebanese politics through its Beirut-based proxy, Hezbollah; it intervenes in Gaza and against the already-fading hope for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Arab crisis; and certainly its unceasing threats to eradicate a fellow member-state of the United Nations, Israel, suggest that Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has a vision for Iran that differs from Obama's. But nothing underscores the Iranian regime's imperialistic, hegemonic nature more than its support for the Assad regime in Damascus. Without Iran's assistance, Assad would have fallen a long time ago. The death toll in Syria is more than 200,000; half of Syria's population has been displaced. These dark achievements of the Assad regime would not have been possible without Iran. Thousands of Hezbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps troops and advisers, plus Iranian weaponry, have made all the difference for Assad. As a recent study by the Middle East Institute states:
There was no commensurate effort made by opponents of Assad to help those Syrians who were trying to overthrow him. President Obama called on Assad to go, but kept the U.S. on the sidelines through the first years of the Syrian civil war, for reasons he has explained in many places, including here. Today, the U.S. and its allies are fighting in the Syrian theater, but they are fighting Assad's putative enemies, the Sunni extremists of ISIS, not Assad and his Iranian allies. And yet ISIS is a derivative problem of a larger crisis: Without Assad-which is to say, without Iran-there would be no ISIS "caliphate" in Syria in the first place. The midwives of ISIS are Assad, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, and Ayatollah Khamenei. If Assad had been overthrown early in the civil war, a more moderate, multi-confessional Syrian government could have plausibly emerged to take its place. The early rebels, who frightened the Assad regime to its core, were not seeking to build a cross-border caliphate on a foundation of medieval cruelty; they were simply seeking to remove Assad's boot from their necks. As the Assad regime, with Iran's invaluable help, recovered from the first blows of the rebellion, many Sunni Syrians, seeking help everywhere but finding it mainly among radicals, became radicalized themselves. This was an explicable, if not justifiable, reaction to the mortal threat posed by what they saw as a massed Shiite threat. Earlier this year, in a conversation about the Obama administration's Middle East strategy, Senator John McCain brought me up short when he criticized the president for launching attacks on a symptom of the Syrian civil war, ISIS, rather than its root cause. He told me that the U.S. should be battling the Assad regime at the same time it attacks Sunni terrorists. I asked him the following question: "Wouldn't the generals say to you, 'You want me to fight ISIS, and you want me to fight the guys who are fighting ISIS, at the same time? Why would we bomb guys who are bombing ISIS? That would turn this into a crazy standoff.'" McCain answered: "Our ultimate job is not only to defeat ISIS but to give the Syrian people the opportunity to prevail as well. ... If we do this right, if we do the right kind of training and equipping of the Free Syrian Army, plus air strikes, plus taking out Bashar Assad's air assets, we could reverse the battlefield equation." There is even less reason to believe today that the Free Syrian Army, such as it is, is capable of fighting the Assad regime (and ISIS) effectively. So at this late stage, McCain's policy prescriptions may be unrealistic. But his diagnosis of the core problem seems tragically accurate. "I don't think ISIS would exist if Bashar al-Assad had been removed two or three years ago," McCain told me when we revisited the question earlier this month. He was on his way out until the Iranians brought in 5,000 Hezbollah fighters, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps came in, to train Assad's troops and provide them with weapons, including the barrel bombs, which are horrible weapons of war." McCain argues that the Obama administration has avoided confronting Assad in part for fear that doing so would alienate Assad's patrons in Tehran, the same men who are in charge of the nuclear file. "The whole theory hinges on a major breakthrough in the nuclear talks, that once they get their deal, Iran will stop funding Hamas, stop supporting Hezbollah, stop destabilizing Yemen, that they'll join us in fighting extremism. So they have to get a nuclear deal at all costs, and not do anything in Syria. This is just so farfetched it's delusional." I wouldn't go so far as to call proponents of this theory delusional, but let's say that they are not approaching the issue of leverage in an effective way. Gary Samore, a former Obama administration official who was in charge of the National Security Council's Iran nuclear file, told me this month that he would use Iran's deep exposure in Syria to U.S. advantage. "Confronting Iran forcefully in Syria and Iraq increases chances for a nuclear deal because Iran will only meet our nuclear demands if it feels weak and vulnerable," Samore wrote in an email. "Conversely, Iran's sense that it is winning in Syria and that it is indispensable in Iraq decreases chances for a nuclear because the Supreme Leader won't make nuclear concessions if he feels strong and ascendant." Is it likely that Obama will move toward a policy of containing Iran in Syria, and away from his more accommodationist stance? Arab states that count Iran as an enemy and the U.S. as a friend have asked him repeatedly over the past two years to treat Iran as a root cause of the Syrian catastrophe. But Obama appears focused solely on achieving a nuclear deal with Iran, in part because he seems to believe that Iran is ready to play the part of rational and constructive actor, rather than extremist would-be hegemon. I hope he's right, and I hope he achieves a strong nuclear deal, but I worry that he is empowering an Iranian government that isn't about to change in any constructive way. In the meantime, the Iranian regime continues to get away, quite literally, with murder. Contact YogiRUs at |
EXPLAINING THE PAST - LOOKING TOWARD THE FUTUREPosted by Moshe Feiglin Campaign Headquarters, January 02, 2015 |
The article below was written by Shmuel Sackett who is a religious Zionist leader. He co-founded both the Zo Artzeinu and Manhigut Yehudit political movements in Israel. During the 1990s Zo Artzeinu opposed the Oslo Accords through civil disobedience. |
As I am sure you know by now, yesterday's Likud primaries didn't work out the way we expected. We worked very hard at advancing Moshe to a high point on the Likud list, but Moshe managed only to win spot #27 - considered an unrealistic spot in the March 17th general election. I must state that Moshe was not the only good, solid Knesset member that Likud members rejected; Tzippy Hotoveli - a Deputy Minister in the current government - won just one spot before Moshe (#26), which is ALSO considered very unrealistic. To understand what happened to Moshe, please read this quote from the Maariv (NRG) website: "Two weeks ago, we reported about a deal being worked on against Feiglin. The goal of this deal was to insure that Feiglin receive an unrealistic spot on the Likud list and it succeeded exactly as planned. The deal was orchestrated by Prime Minister Netanyahu and implemented via Knesset members Chaim Katz, Yariv Levine, Zev Elkin and Danny Danon" How nice... While we understand the system and realize that every candidate has to worry and push him/herself, we will never understand why candidates actively work AGAINST others in the same party. Thanks to the hard work of these politicians, the current Likud list contains two former members of Kadima and SIX people who SUPPORTED the Gaza Expulsion Plan. Do the members of Likud really prefer these people to Feiglin and Hotoveli? Based on yesterday's results, our strategy team sat today (at my house) for over 4 hours to discuss our next move and we are happy to report that we have set forth a very serious action plan. We will be revealing this plan to our membership on Monday night - 7PM - in a hotel in Jerusalem. (Exact location is being worked on) At that time, Moshe will deliver the keynote address and will explain our direction. Without revealing the plan, allow me to simply state the following: While we do not plan on taking the Likud to court for (yet again) election cheating, nor will we be challenging the results in any way, we do not plan on "taking a breather". Our future is clear and bright and our focus of building alternative leadership remains our top priority. We will continue our dream of turning Israel into a strong and proud Jewish State and we will not rest for a minute until that goal has been achieved. Please do not feel bad or sorry for us. Hashem only does good things - even though it may not seem clear at the time. The events which we have been reading in the recent Torah portions, specifically about Joseph and his brothers, seem very odd and difficult, yet when the master plan was revealed, it all came together. We are there as well. Yesterday's setback will only be temporary and we promise to IMMEDIATLEY bounce right back up and keep moving closer to the goal. A lot of rumors will be flying around and we do not plan on denying any of them! On Monday night, things will be made very clear and we are certain you will love the direction we have chosen. Thank you for your support, trust and confidence. Stay on the team - we still have a job to do! We will publicize a full report on the conference for all those who cannot make it. Contact Moshe Feiglin Campaign Headquaters at |
The article below was written by Carl in Jerusalem. Carl
in Jerusalem blogs at Israel Matzav. This essay is archived at
![]() Draftsman Eugene Rostow argued for years that UN Security Council Resolution 242 was not intended to force Israel back to the 1949 armistice lines. Now, in an upcoming article in the Chicago Journal of International Law, Northwestern University Professor Eugene Kontorovich proves by comparing 242 with five other Security Council resolutions that dealt with territorial withdrawals that Rostow was right: The Security Council never intended to try to force Israel to withdraw to the '49 armistice lines and never intended to make 'settlements' illegal. Kontorovich cites five pre-167 UN withdrawal resolutions obligating withdrawals of: the USSR from Iran in 1946, the parties to the Israeli-Arab 1948 war to withdraw to positions held on October 14 in 1948, North Korea to withdraw from South Korea to the 38th parallel in 1950, Belgium to withdraw from Congo in 1960 and India-Pakistan to withdraw to August 5 positions in 1965, as decisive in explaining the resolution. He writes that the USSR had to withdraw from "the whole" of Iran, that Belgium had to withdraw from "the territory" (whereas 242 is missing the definite article "the") of Congo and that the other three resolutions give definitive dates or markers for withdrawal. In contrast, Kontorovich writes that 242 intentional dropping of "the" and leaving out of a set date or geographic marker shows that the UN intentionally left the issue vague - which he argues could be a decisive proof for the pro-Israel reading of the resolution that Israel only has to withdraw from some territories as agreed in negotiations. Next, the article cites 13 more territorial withdrawal resolutions post-1967 running all the way up to a 2012 resolution ordering Sudan and South Sudan to withdraw to their set borders where the word "the" appears five times, signifying an obligation of a complete withdrawal, and the other resolutions also appear to signal a full withdrawal. Former UN Ambassador and Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs Director Dore Gold responded to the article saying, "Unfortunately there are voices that believe the whole discussion of the absence of the definite article 'the' in 242 is being picky. What they don't understand is that the language of the resolution was drafted at the highest levels of US government at the time." Contact Sergio HaDaR Tezza at |
CENSORSHIP, "MENTAL ILLNESS" OVERRUN FRANCEPosted by Midenise, January 02, 2015 |
The article below was written by Guy Milliere who is senior fellow of the Gatestone Institute, is also a Professor at the University of Paris. He has published 27 books on France, Europe, the United States and the Middle East. He is the authors of thousands of articles published in France, Israel and the United States. His last book, The Resistible Rise of Barack Obama, is an analysis of the policies and consequences of the Obama administration. He is working on an autobiography, Dissident, that will be published next Spring. This article appeared January 01, 2015 on Gatestone Institute International Policy Council and is archived at |
France is now a country where critical remarks on Islam are systematically banned from mainstream media and where any negative sentence about the Muslim religion leads to fines, payment of damages, and censorship. And it is a country where so-called "anti-racist" organizations, heavily subsidized by the government, fight for the most part only a single "racism": "Islamophobia." Words such as "Islamism" or "radical Islam" have disappeared from the vocabulary of journalists and politicians, and are replaced by fuzzy words: "radicalism" and "extremism". The only people apparently allowed to speak freely of Islam to large audiences are those who describe it as a religion of peace and unlimited love. Take, for example the recent case of Christine Tasin, a founder of Riposte Laique [Secular Response]. She went to Belfort on October 15, 2013, to make a video news report on a temporary slaughterhouse installed for the Muslim feast day of Eid El Adha, which commemorates Ibrahim's obedience to Allah in offering to sacrifice his only son. Upon her arrival at the slaughterhouse, the manager asked her to leave. He also called her an "Islamophobic racist." She answered that she is, actually, Islamophobic, but not racist; and added that "Islam is rubbish." The verbal exchange was filmed. Muslim associations filed complaints against her. ![]() On August 9, 2014, a court declared Tasin guilty of making "statements likely to provoke rejection of Muslims," and she was sentenced to a heavy fine of 3,000 euros ($3,700). Tasin responded by saying that the court had acted as if it were an "Islamic court" and that it was showing "submission to Sharia." She appealed the judgment. The appeal judgment, delivered on December 18, constituted a repudiation of the first judgment; all charges against Christine Tasin were dropped. The same day, a case against Marine Le Pen, president of the populist National Front party, concerning statements she made in 2010 about the "occupation" of the street by illegal Muslim prayers, was also dropped. Some might think that these two decisions are encouraging signs, showing that the French justice is not completely muzzled and that some judges still maintain an independent spirit. A broader look, however, calls for caution. In the previous months, many French who publicly criticized Islam and its consequences were severely condemned by France's justice system: On June 5, Pierre Cassen and Pascal Hillout, two other members of Riposte Laique, were sentenced to an extremely heavy fine of 21,200 euros ($26,000) for having written that "street prayers, veils and mosques" were "symbols of occupation and conquest." On April 10, author Renaud Camus was fined 4,000 euros ($5,000) for having said in 2010 that Muslim culture was slowly "replacing" French culture. Three years earlier, in February 2011, writer and political journalist Eric Zemmour was sentenced to a fine of 1,000 euros ($1,250) and a payment of 10,000 euros ($12,500) to various associations and leagues. He had said during a talk show that "the majority of drug dealers in France are black and Arab Muslims." The judges considered this was an "incitement to racial discrimination." Zemmour is currently facing a media storm because of an interview he granted to an Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera, in which he said that "Muslims have their own Civil Code, the Koran" and live "in neighborhoods that the French are gradually leaving." He added that France faced a "risk of chaos and civil war," and that Muslims might have to go. In writing his article, the Italian journalist used the word "deport". Zemmour did not use the word; he was, nevertheless, accused of having used it. Countless complaints were filed against him. The main French "anti-racist" organizations asked all his employers to fire him. One of them, I-television (a rolling news TV channel), did so immediately. The French Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, called for street demonstrations against Zemmour. This is the first time in the history of modern France that an Interior Minister has publicly called for street demonstrations against a journalist. Faced with incessant complaints and attacks, Riposte Laique decided in March 2013 to relocate its operations and its website to Switzerland, where laws are less severe and where judges are less politicized than in France. France is nonetheless the country where the two perpetrators of the worst anti-Semitic terrorist attacks committed in the name of radical Islam on European soil were born and raised: Mohamed Merah, the killer of three Jewish children and a rabbi in a schoolyard in Toulouse in March 2012, and Mehdi Nemmouche, the murderer of four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels in May 2014. France is also the main European provider of jihadist recruits to the Islamic State. More than 1,000 French citizens are fighting in Syria and Iraq. Two of them have been spotted in a beheading video. Polls show that French citizens in ever-increasing numbers are concerned about the rising proportion of unintegrated Muslims in the country, the endless expansion of no-go zones, the increasing number of Islamic converts, and the "replacement" of the French people. Christine Tasin, Pierre Cassen, Pascal Hillout, Renaud Camus, and Eric Zemmour say out loud what thousands of people think without daring to speak. Judicial harassment exacerbates frustration and leads many to believe that the mainstream media and leaders of major traditional parties lie about the facts and conceal the truth. The National Front is now the top political party in France. Marine Le Pen is presently leading the polls for the 2017 presidential election. Her victory is unlikely, but it is no longer impossible. The "risk of chaos and civil war," evoked by Eric Zemmour, is constantly growing. On December 20, Bertrand "Bilal" Nzohabonayo, walked into a police station in Joue-les-Tours, in the Loire Valley, and, screaming "Allahu Akbar" ["Allah is Greater"], stabbed three police officers. He was then shot and killed. The police and media said immediately that he was a not an Islamist but a "mental patient," although they later admitted that he seemed to be a supporter of the Islamic State. On December 21, another man (no word yet on his identity), also screaming "Allahu Akbar," drove his car into a crowd in Dijon, and was then captured by police. The police and the media also said that he was a "mental patient," but they admitted he has family ties in North Africa. On December 22, a third man, also screaming "Allahu Akbar" ploughed his van into a Christmas market in Nantes. He then stabbed himself, and is in hospital. The police and the media said that he was a "mental patient." He will be sent to an insane asylum. No one knows how many "mental patients" are ready to act and scream "Allahu Akbar" in France. Police unions have said that if too many "mental patients" decided to act, the police would not able to protect the population. They added that there were not even enough police to protect police officers likely to be attacked. Mental patients, screaming "Allahu Akbar," are storming France. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said, "We have never faced such a danger." He has not defined the danger. He decided to send a thousand soldiers to patrol the streets. He did not say if they were supposed to fight mental illness. On December 23, a fourth man screaming "Allahu Akbar" was arrested for "violent behavior" in the city of Le Mans. He was sent directly to a psychiatrist, of course. He is a "mental patient." Authorities strangely said he might be "contagious." Contact Midenise at |
"PALESTINE" AND THE ICCPosted by Eretz Israel Shelanu, January 02, 2015 |
The article below was written by Reuven Berko.Dr.
Reuven Berko has a Ph.D. in Middle East studies, is a
commentator on Israeli Arabic TV programs, writes for the
Israeli daily newspaper Israel Hayom and is considered
one of Israel's top experts on Arab affairs. This article
appeared December 31, 2014 on The Investigative Project on
Terrorism(IPT) and is archived at
The Palestinian Authority's latest unilateral attempt to gain recognition as a state without negotiating any concessions failed Tuesday. But other mischief remains in play, including Wednesday's move to join the International Criminal Court (ICC). Earlier this month, "Palestine" was upgraded from "observer entity" to "observer state" at the ICC. It was another milestone on the Palestinian Authority's road to international recognition as a state without having to negotiate directly with Israel, make any concessions, or commit to a genuine dialogue for peace, a unilateral stem directly violating both the Oslo Accords and UN Resolution 242. Countries supporting the move know - but are apathetic to the fact - that their actions only reinforce the PA's intransigence and destroy any motivation the Palestinians might have had to compromise on any issue that would bring about a just peace for both sides. The Palestinian Authority's dream to try Israel in the ICC for so-called "war crimes" in the Gaza Strip is the height of absurdity. The PLO won international recognition after it claimed to have abandoned terrorism against Israel. If its operational wing, the Palestinian Authority, manages to penetrate the international legal network, sign the Rome Convention and bring Israel to trial for its activities in the Gaza Strip, senior PLO and Palestinian Authority figures will immediately find themselves in the ICC accused of their own crimes. The Palestinian national consensus government, with Rami Hamdallah as prime minister and Mahmoud Abbas as "president," is a coalition with Hamas, whose suicide bombers blew themselves up in Israel on busy streets and in crowded public places and caused thousands of deaths and maimings, to say nothing of abducting and murdering three teen aged boys just six months ago. The Palestinian government is responsible for the war crimes committed by Hamas this past summer, including launching long-range rockets at densely populated cities, among them Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and sending its death squads to murder Israeli civilians indiscriminately. Israel conducts military operations against Palestinian terrorism with pinpoint precision and in accordance with the best international legal and moral criteria. This past summer, as always, it warned the civilian population before it attacked terrorists, whose leaders had fled like rats into the basements of hospitals to wait out the war. In contrast, Palestinian terrorist organizations deliberately attacked the Israeli civilian population; they uttered no word of regret or sorrow, and certainly did not appoint a committee to investigate. While Palestinians bemoan their failure to carry out a mass slaughter of Israeli civilians and destroy the country's infrastructure, mainly thanks to the Iron Dome aerial defense system, Israel is undertaking a comprehensive examination of complaints lodged by Palestinians, Israelis and the international community regarding possible illegal actions taken by Israeli soldiers and officers during Operation Protective Edge. No country comes close to Israel in following the letter of the laws of warfare. Arab countries, many of which are currently engaged in mutual slaughter, cannot even approximate Israel's conduct when it comes to morality. Needless to say, no Palestinian or other terrorist organization has ever examined its own behavior the way Israel constantly does. There are many Palestinians honest enough to admit - although not brave enough to do so publicly - that if they had the weapons Israel does, not one single Israeli would be left alive. Article 7 of the Hamas charter decrees the total annihilation of all the Jews in the world. Mahmoud Abbas, Hamas' partner in the Palestinian national consensus government, had the unmitigated gall to stand before the UN General Assembly and accuse Israel of genocide. The Palestinians have received symbolic recognition for their "state" from the parliaments of Britain, Spain, France, Sweden and the EU, but they still have a long road to statehood if they cannot come to terms with Israel. Hamas's recent attacks on the Israeli civilian population and the current chaos engulfing the Middle East have forced Israel to take extreme precautions regarding its security and not to accept any of the more adventurous international solutions for the conflict which will endanger its security. The regional conflicts and massacres in the Middle East show the Palestinian issue isn't the key to peace. This chaos clearly indicates that there is no connection between the general regional tragedy and the Palestinian issue. Nevertheless, there are still many people who cling to the fiction that resolving the Palestinian issue will, like a magic wand, cure all the ills of the Middle East. It is obvious that the Gulf states, rather than dealing with the marginal Palestinian issue, are deploying to face the threat of a nuclear Iran, the drop in oil prices and America's weakness in dealing with the Middle East. In view of the worsening schism between the Russian-backed Shi'ite bloc of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon on the one hand, and the Sunni bloc of the rest of the Arab-Muslim world on the other, the repeated demands of the emir of Qatar (with Turkish backing) to solve the Palestinian issue while encouraging the Islamic terrorist organizations are ridiculous. Qatar, Turkey and their friends in the EU behave as if the utterly irrelevant Palestinian issue had anything to do with the current situation in the Middle East. In reality, the Palestinian issue is not even floating around the perimeter of the Middle East's problems, despite Qatar's efforts to bring it center stage. It is grotesque that, aside from Arab extremists in Israel who support Qatar and Turkey, Israeli extremists are indulging in provocation to aggravate problems unnecessarily. These provocations include the settlements, the fairly unnecessary Jewish national homeland law and the obsession of the Messianic Jews with praying on the Temple Mount although it is forbidden by Jewish religious law. The attempts of extremist Jews to change the status quo serve only the unfounded claim of Palestinian subversives that Al-Aqsa mosque is in danger of destruction. Furthermore, the Shi'ite regime in Tehran, blithely ignoring America's pathetic declarations, marches steadily towards an atomic bomb. It is also becoming clearer that the Iranians have tightened their hold on Sana'a, Baghdad, Damascus and Beirut. In the meantime, the Sunni states suffer from internal schisms, polarized by Turkey and Qatar, which support the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, ISIS and other Islamist terrorist organizations in the Middle East and Africa. The terrorist organizations, the fruit of the poison tree of Qatar and Turkey (which has given a safe haven to Hamas arch-terrorist Salah al-Arouri) are an internal threat to the Arab regimes, as the Muslim Brotherhood is an internal threat to Egypt. Turkey and Qatar. Qatar patched up relations with Egypt and the Gulf states recently, but supports the terrorist organizations with money, arms and training bases, revealing its agenda to exploit the chaos in the Middle East to impose a radical Islamic regime on the region, a new Ottoman Empire, at the expense of enlightenment and progress. The situation is explosive, anomic and rife with contradictions. Turkey, in its desire to destroy the Assad regime and the pro-Iranian administration in Baghdad, supports terrorist organizations such as ISIS. It also supports Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, endangering Israel and Egypt, both American allies. America, Turkey's ally in NATO, bombs ISIS, thereby strengthening the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon (Hizballah) axis, sworn enemies of America's other ally, Israel, instead of weakening it. And when Israel allegedly strikes strategic weapons meant for Hizballah, the enemies of the Assad regime, among them Turkey and ISIS, are immediately strengthened and Israel is condemned by Russia, which supplied the weapons to Syria and attacked Ukraine. Within the Middle East's tangle of tragedy, refugees, destruction and slaughter, ISIS issued the Islamic laissez-faire for the rape of women taken captive: Yazidi women, Christian women, Jewish women. The manifesto of sexual horror appeared alongside the bombings, destruction of mosques and churches on the heads of worshippers, murders and beheadings that have made incomprehensible the steps taken by Europe against Israel, an island of sanity in a sea of Islamist madness. They have turned the UN commission headed by William Schabas, a proud anti-Semite, who is supposed to investigate objectively the "war crimes" committed by Israel into yet another chapter of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Schabas, the man who will judge Israel's actions, has accused the Jewish state of war crimes in the past, has refused to classify Hamas as a terrorist group, and has a record of defending Iran's nuclear weapons program as understandable and a defensive necessity. The European Union, long an enclave of regression and a cat's paw for violent radical Islam, is trying to destroy Israel. Although Hamas has launched thousands of rockets at exclusively civilian targets (they only hit military bases when they fly off course) and is developing longer-range and more lethal rockets, the EU countries take no notice. They refuse to understand that the Palestinian Authority can barely rule the West Bank and has no chance of competing with Hamas' popularity in the Gaza Strip, especially now that the Europeans, in their endless folly, have taken Hamas off the list of terrorist organizations. Abbas has even threatened to stop the Palestinian Authority's security coordination with Israel, a delusional idea because it is Israel that keeps him in power. Without Israel, the Palestinian national consensus government is a lost cause. In 2006, without security coordination with Israel, Fatah lost the Gaza Strip to Hamas, which threw Fatah supporters from the rooftops of high-rise buildings and kneecapped others. Abbas, a notorious Holocaust denier, deliberately uses the figure six million when counting the number of Palestinians scattered around the world as "refugees." It is a pathetic attempt to link the Palestinians to the number of Jews slaughtered by the Nazis in Europe. In reality 600,000 original Arabs fled Israeli territory in 1948 and their descendants can in no way be considered refugees today. Abbas cynically clutches the so-called "right of return" of the "six million Palestinian refugees" as a way to destroy Israel demographically. It is absurd that the Jewish people, one of the oldest civilizations in the world, has to seek recognition and permission to exist from the newly-formed Palestinian Authority, itself torn by internal strife and power struggles. However, demanding that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state is meant to show, at the symbolic-semantic level at least, that the Palestinians are sincere in their desire for peace. Unfortunately, Abbas cannot bring himself to do that. Instead he uses the pulpit of the UN to declare that the Jews "pollute" the holy places of Islam and Christianity in Jerusalem. While Abbas bemoans the fact that Palestinians with no claim whatsoever on Israel cannot move en masse into its territory, he and the rest of the world conveniently ignore the absurd situation in which the descendants of the original refugees living in various Arab countries are not citizens, do not have the "status" of refugees, cannot hold most of the well-paying jobs, and basically have no civil rights at all. Israel, on the other hand, took in 800,000 Jewish refugees expelled from the Arab countries, without receiving reparations for the trillions of dollars of assets they were forced to leave behind. EU leaders, reading from texts scripted by the Islamist terrorist organizations, are far more "shocked" by the so-called "war crimes" committed by Israel than by what their own ancestors did to the Jews, which can never be forgiven. The Europeans, who bear the responsibility for what happened to the Jews in Second World War, are trying to represent the Israelis as committing worse crimes than the Europeans who willingly, and in some cases eagerly, co llaborated with the Nazi, as a way of shifting the mark of Cain from their own foreheads. They have to accept and openly declare that not one single Palestinian will enter Israel under the fictitious "right of return" and that if the "six million" Palestinian refugees want to return, they will return to the Palestinian state that may actually be established some day (a catastrophe in its own right). Allowing "Palestine" to change its status in the ICC from "observer entity" to "observer state" is not a solution to any problem the Palestinians may have. Rather, it is another roadblock on the peaceful road to statehood. If the Hamas-Fatah terrorism conglomerate receives legitimacy from the nations of the world, the day is not far off that ISIS will have the same status with the support of the EU, and the Islamic Caliphate will achieve its manifest destiny. The recent dangerous European court decision to take Hamas off the list of terrorist organizations is another milestone on Europe's suicidal race to hell. The Americans, in the meantime, use their veto in the Security Council to support Israel, although facing the global typhoon of radical Islamism and terror they are like Hans Brinker, finger in the dike (Israel) to keep the tsunami of Islamist terrorism from engulfing Europe. Contact Eretz Israel Shelanu at |
I have previously written about the group 'Jamaat Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Bayt al-Maqdis' ('The Group of Supporters/Partisans of the Islamic State in Bayt al-Maqdis') here and here.:// Based on the data at the time (which was before Jamaat Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis' pledge of allegiance to the Islamic State [IS] to become 'Sinai Province'), my conclusion was that the group appeared to function as IS' network in Gaza, acting as a supplier of fighters- most notably claimed 'specialists'- to IS in Syria/Iraq, while apparently doing propaganda work for IS under the guise of 'Ansar al-Shari'a- Gaza.' However, it is now clear that there is considerable controversy even within pro-IS circles about the nature of this claimed group, whose statements are solely released via the IS-aligned jihadi forum al-Platform Media. Most notably, critics assert Jamaat Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Bayt al-Maqdis does not have meaningful visual evidence to substantiate its existence, a line made on the assumption that there is no overlap with the group calling itself 'Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Gaza' under whose name a video was released of claimed operations against Israel during the summer 2014 war. Emblematic of these criticisms is a series of tweets put out by pro-IS Twitter user "Khilad al-Qurashi" (@saeb_f4), who wrote on 21 December 2014:
Al-Qurashi adds a brief note about the prominent pro-IS Palestinian account 'al-Nusra al-Maqdisia' that is playing a role in the organized unofficial IS support network on Twitter, affirming:
Al-Qurashi's point, to be sure, is a sound one making the crucial distinction between 'nusra' ('support') and 'bay'ah' ('pledge of allegiance') in Arabic. For IS, it is not enough merely to show 'nusra', one has to declare bay'ah. Al-Qurashi concludes with an address to Jamaat Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Bayt al-Maqdis:
Conversely around the same time, al-Platform Media user "Abu al-Layth al-Hashimi al-Baghdadi" wrote a lengthy post "in defence of Jamaat Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Bayt al-Maqdis": Since the rise of Jamaat Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Bayt al-Maqdis and its descent to the field of jihad with all force and weight, it has dealt with the present situation in word and deed. And unlike others, we have only gotten to the point of hearing of its existence on social media sites and forums. And subhanu Allah, the mujahideen of the group do not hesitate to undertake any work whether in Gaza or the West Bank without both many of the people and even brothers in manhaj hastening and competing to attack them! And they characterize the group with unfitting qualities that should also not come from a monotheist Muslim. So what is the matter with you!! [And what]'s gotten into you! Oh brothers of manhaj... By God, it is as though I see the hatred and malice emanating from your eyes out of resentment and hatred of them. Is this an imposition on whoever bears the banner after your retreat and delay? Is this an imposition on whoever stretches forth his hand to you and calls on you to show solidarity, unity and agreement on united work? For they have only seen from you harshness, denunciation and belittling of the extent of their work. But also the matter has come to the point that you attribute their jihadi work and their killing of the three settlers in the West Bank to the Hamas movement even as it did not claim the deed...Is it to this degree resentment has blinded you?! Is it to this degree arrogance has blinded you?!...Oh you who have attacked the brothers in Jamaat Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya, who made you authorities over the Salafi jihadi movement in Palestine?! And who are you to speak in the name of the Salafi jihadi movement in general to accept those you accept and condemn those you condemn?! Why do you rush to attack them, pursuing the matter with an unrighteous face, and accuse the group falsely of publishing releases stolen from you? For by God, you must show me only one release it announced on al-Minbar al-'Ilami al-Jihadi [al-Platform Media] or Twitter that shows their stealing your releases! Who are you not only to speak in the name of the Salafi jihadi movement but also to distance yourselves from what they did to a Rafidite association? [...] Oh sons of the Sunna and Jamaat [Sunnis], why do you not rejoice in the striking of a Rafidite association?...You have said that the damages to the association were simple but if you yourselves had bothered to read the group's statement where they said that the explosive was small in size and it is but a warning that if things continued and the Shi'a were not prevented and their associations were not closed, the next one would be greater! [...] It should be noted that the latter post does not address the criticisms or points raised by al-Qurashi in a substantive way. Based on the competing lines of argument, it seems a better assessment of Jamaat Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Bayt al-Maqdis is that at best it is not *the* IS network in Gaza-Sinai but rather just a tiny underground group among a number of pro-IS entities in what is a very fragmented Salafi jihadi movement, which is not at the present time wholly aligned with IS as al-Qurashi claims. Note though in particular al-Qurashi's instructive comments on the existence of multiple 'Ansar al-Shari'a' brands, for example. An obvious question for observers is that if Jamaat Ansar al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi Bayt al-Maqdis were *the* IS network in the area, why does it not simply merge with Jamaat Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis to become part of Sinai province? The group may well have funnelled some specialists via Sinai to the Syria-Iraq arena to have representation in IS' ranks, but the group's real significance on the ground is somewhat in doubt. Its membership may well comprise no more than a handful to a couple dozen individuals, with a token presence in the West Bank. The issue of multiple divisions and lack of unity within the Salafi jihadi movement in Gaza also points to its shortcomings in potential to undermine the Hamas government. Faced with weak and fragmented rivals, Hamas may not feel the need to launch a comprehensive crackdown at the risk of hurting its image as a 'resistance' movement to Israel, tolerating the departure of these ideological types to the Syria-Iraq battlefield where they are unlikely to be able to return to Gaza. In short, things are still very much in Hamas' favour in Gaza, and while the IS brand may prove more and more appealing to its Salafi rivals, that does not necessarily lead to a united organized movement to pose a serious challenge to Hamas' rule now or for the for seabble future. At the minimum, a timescale of 5-10 years should be expected for a meaningful shift in dynamics, if any. Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi is a graduate from Brasenose
College, Oxford University, and a Jihad-Intel Research Fellow
at the Middle East Forum. This article appeared January 02,
2015 and is archived at
The article below was written by Tova Dvorin who is a News
correspondent for IsraelNationalNews/Arutz Sheva. English
geek. Coffee addict. And always up for an interesting
conversation. This article appeared January 02, 2015 on Arutz
Sheva and is archived at
CEO allegedly said he 'can smell black people,' 'Jews stick together,' launched tirade against Americans. ![]() A discrimination lawsuit has been filed against Revlon cosmetics CEO Lorenzo Delpani, according to the New York Post, for making bigoted remarks against African-Americans, Jews, and Americans in general. Delpani, an Italian native who rose to the position in 2013, allegedly made a number of the comments during business meetings according to the plaintiff, former Revlon scientist Alan Meyers. The CEO, who is also said in the suit to have personally bullied Meyers, said that he was "surprised" that there were not more Jews in the company as the main shareholder, Ron Perelman, is Jewish. His reasoning was that "Jews stick together." He added that he was thankful that Perelman "isn't like that anymore." Delpani also made comments against black people, saying that he "could smell a black person when he entered a room" after a meeting in South Africa. The suit claims that Delpani also hated "dirty" and "small-minded" Americans, and that he couldn't wait to get back to a "real" country, and once launched a tirade in which he compared America to Islamic State (ISIS). Meyers was specifically targeted by Delpani as well, he claims, and was fired from the company after four years when he complained about company-wide issues and Delpani's behavior. He is seeking punitive damages for the stress the ordeal has caused him, which include numerous health problems. Revlon responded that they would "aggressively fight these baseless claims and this frivolous action," according to the Gazette. Arutz Sheva, also known in English as Israel National News, is an Israeli media network identifying with Religious Zionism. Contact Arutz Sheva at |
The article below was written by Jodi Rudoren who became
Jerusalem bureau chief of The New York Times in May,
2012, after 14 years as a reporter and editor at the paper.
She previously served as the paper's education Editor, deputy
metropolitan editor and Chicago bureau chief. This article
appeared January 01, 2015 on The New York Times and is
archived at
The political fallout from the Palestinian move Wednesday to join the International Criminal Court is likely to be swift and profound. Israel is expected to withhold tax transfers to the Palestinian Authority, restrict officials' travel and possibly advance settlement activity in sensitive spots in the West Bank. The United States Congress may cut off $400 million in aid to the Palestinians. The already dim prospects for renewing peace talks now seem null. But legal repercussions from last summer's war between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, or Israel's settlements, would take longer and face many hurdles. The cases Palestinians plan to bring against Israel, and potential counterclaims against Palestinian officials, are unlike any the International Criminal Court has tackled in its dozen-year history. The Hague court, facing new scrutiny after the collapse last month of its case against the president of Kenya, may be wary of wading into the fraught politics of the Middle East, though doing so could help it rebuff longstanding criticism of its emphasis on pursuing African despots. "It may jump at the chance because it's under fire," Geoffrey Robertson, a British lawyer and author, said of the court, which he follows closely. "This is an opportunity to get out of the endless African wars and to do something which is very much in the public eye, and very much of public importance," he added. "It would be a new and possibly productive way to deal with the cloudy legalities." But other legal scholars said the United Nations' estimate that about 1,500 civilians were killed in Gaza might not meet the court's threshold for "unimaginable atrocities that deeply shock the conscience of humanity." Michael P. Scharf, the dean of the Case Western Reserve University law school in Ohio, said that past cases "involved hundreds of thousands or at least tens of thousands of deaths," and that the court "requires that they be committed as part of a policy or plan, and not simply incidental to attacks on enemy targets." As for the settlements, Robbie Sabel, an international law professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said delving into them would put the court in the awkward position of essentially defining the borders of a Palestinian state. "Up to now the crimes they have dealt with are mass murders and rapes, not where a border is, an issue which is clearly political," said Mr. Sabel, a former legal adviser to Israel's Foreign Ministry. "My assumption is that on the political issue of where the border should be, whether East Jerusalem should be part of the Palestinian state, they would hesitate." Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said in a statement Thursday that he expected the court to reject the Palestinian Authority's "hypocrite application at once," but experts on international law said the court has indicated that it would not reject the application. Israel, like the United States, is not a member of the International Criminal Court, but Dore Gold, an adviser to Mr. Netanyahu, said Thursday, "the arena is not just The Hague." "If they want to open up the legal arena, Israel has many tools," Mr. Gold said on Israeli radio. Citing cases in which victims' families have sued Iran in American courts for sponsoring terrorism, he added, "if there is property belonging to the Palestinian Authority in the United States and the Palestinian Authority is involved in terror attacks against Israeli citizens, we can help them with claims all over the world." The papers the Palestinians signed Wednesday acceding to the Rome Statute, which established the court in 2002, will soon be delivered to the United Nations secretary general and distributed to the court's 122 member countries. There is then a 60-day waiting period before any member state can ask the court's prosecutor to look at the Palestinian situation, or she could decide to do so on her own. A self-defined "court of last resort," it would have to determine that Israel's justice system had not genuinely addressed accusations of war crimes. There are also technical questions regarding the contours of Palestinian territory, the definition of Palestinian citizenship and the timetable for potential cases. Even preliminary inquiries can last for years. Some experts say any incidents since the court was created are fair game, while others say the court can deal only with matters since the United Nations General Assembly upgraded Palestine's status to nonmember observer in 2012, or perhaps only after the Palestinian Authority joins the court in March. Shawan Jabarin, director of the human rights group Al Haq, said the Palestinians would submit a request for retroactive jurisdiction to last June 13, to coincide with the period being considered by the United Nations Human Rights Council's commission of inquiry. Mr. Jabarin said the commission, with which Israel has refused to cooperate, would provide an initial report in March that could serve as a road map for the Hague court. Separately, his group and others have been documenting allegations of Israeli war crimes in Gaza, and are working with the Palestinian Authority to prepare complaints about Israeli settlements. "The crime is not just the rape and the widespread killing or something like that, but also to transfer civilians and to confiscate land and to destroy property," Mr. Jabarin said. "It's a different way of rape, it's a different way of killing, it's a different way of destruction." The court defines a war crime as "the transfer, directly or indirectly, by the occupying power, of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies." Nearly 700,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, territory Israel captured from Jordan in the Arab-Israeli War of 1967; experts said settlers were unlikely to face prosecution, but charges could be aimed at government officials who provided incentives to lure them. "Crimes of aggression" may be added to the court's mandate in 2017, possibly including the annexation of lands - which Israel undertook in East Jerusalem as well as the Golan Heights - military occupation and the blockade of coasts, as many international critics refer to Israel's restrictions on Gaza's waterways. But the court has not yet dealt with such issues. Experts said thousands of complaints had been submitted - one in 2011 urging that the pope and three top Vatican officials be prosecuted for "abetting and covering up" the sexual assault of children by priests - but very few pursued. (The church abuse case was not.) In November, the court's chief prosecutor declined to investigate the Israel Defense Force's deadly storming of a flotilla of ships delivering aid to Gaza, saying the "small number of victims" was not sufficiently grave. Joining the court would also open Palestinians to prosecution. Shurat HaDin, an Israeli legal organization, pre-emptively sent complaints to The Hague against President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority and Khaled Meshal, a leader of the militant Hamas faction, as well as one about Turkey's occupation of Cyprus in 1974, hoping this would deter prosecution of Israelis. Mr. Scharf, of Case Western, said any action in The Hague was "likely to unfold over a period of several years," if at all. Gaza "is not a case the I.C.C. prosecutor is eager to take on, given its immense geopolitical implications," he said in an email, and although settlements "may be inconsistent with international law," the court was "highly unlikely to consider them a crime against humanity or war crime." After the criticism she faced over the Kenya case, he added, "I would think the I.C.C. prosecutor would be more cautious." The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to |
THE END OF THE MONOPOLY OF ISRAEL'SPosted by Yoram Ettinger, January 02, 2015 |
"The demographic issue has become a source of profound controversy in Israel. Many see the demographic processes as a threat to the future of Israel as a state that is both Jewish and democratic, thereby necessitating rapid disengagement from the Palestinians, whether by means of a negotiated settlement or unilateral steps. Others dispute the need for panic, pointing instead to data indicating much more moderate trends: the Jewish majority will continue and even grow, both in the State of Israel proper and in the whole of the western land of Israel, certainly if the Gaza Strip is excluded... "...In 2013 the Institute for Zionist Strategies published an updated, comprehensive study... The most significant differences [from the "demographers of doom"] indicate that the number of Palestinians in the PA is lower by 0.7-1.3 million than the number presented by the more alarmist approach and the data of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Moreover, the data shows a Jewish majority in all of [the area west of the Jordan River] today and a more significant majority in the coming two decades, especially if the Gaza Strip is excluded from the equation. "This study contends that despite the forecasts of a demographic disaster, the Jewish population of the land of Israel has grown significantly over the last 120 years. According to the report, in 2012 the population in western Israel reached 10,755,000 (differing from Prof. DellaPergola's 12 million), which included a greater Jewish population of 6,332,900 (i.e., those who are eligible for Israeli citizenship according to the Law of Return though not necessarily Jewish according to religious law, or individuals unaffiliated religiously who nonetheless align themselves with the Jewish people); 4,109,000 Muslims (2,726,000 in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank); 181,000 Christians (52,000 in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank); and some 132,000 Druze. The rate of the expanded Jewish population is 59.14 percent of the total population of the western land of Israel [and a 66% Jewish majority in the combined area of Judea, Samaria pre-1967 Israel]... "The study indicates a decreasing trend in the annual growth of the Arab population and a much more drastic decrease starting in 2030. It attributes the decrease in Arab annual growth and rates of reproduction to improved educational levels, the expansion of urbanization and modernization trends, the emigration of Arab youth abroad, and the aging of the Arab populations, leading to an increase of death rates. In fact, the continuation of the trend, alongside the increasing natural growth rate of the Jews in Israel, leads to equal rates of natural growth of Arabs and Jews... "Similar assessments may be found in the work of Yoram Ettinger and Guy Bechor, who speak about erroneous demographic notions. According to Ettinger, the inflation of the number of Palestinians living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip is a Palestinian reaction to waves of Jewish immigration to Israel meant to scare the Jewish population and Israel's leadership; [according to the first Head of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics] it is 'a civil intifada.' Ettinger also speaks of false demographic projections. In 1967, for example, the demographic establishment called on Prime Minister Levi Eshkol to withdraw from Judea and Samaria lest the Jews become a minority by 1987. In August 1988, Arnon Soffer warned of an Arab majority by 2008. Soffer and DellaPergola had ruled out further significant waves of Jewish immigration, but nonetheless more than one million immigrants arrived from the Commonwealth of Independent States. Ettinger sums it up as follows: 'The claim that the Jews are doomed to become a minority west of the Jordan River and that geography must be conceded in order to save demography is either phenomenally mistaken or scandalously misleading.' In December 2013, Ettinger presented the findings of a comprehensive demographic study...These findings support the trends he had previously identified and findings presented in a comprehensive study conducted by the Institute for Zionist Strategies. The three key points of the study are:
"For many years, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics ignored data on net-emigration, instead noting thoroughly unrealistic positive net-immigration data (50,000 annually)... However, data actually indicates Palestinian net-emigration of some 20,000 annually.... "The data provided by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics on deaths is much lower than what is reasonable by any demographic standard. This is a familiar pattern, attributable in part to the Palestinians' desire to continue enjoying the support of international organizations provided on a per capita basis. "More than 300,000 Arabs carrying blue Israeli identity cards live in Jerusalem. They are counted twice - once by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics [as Israeli Arabs] and once by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics [as West Bankers]. This is also true of [over 100,000] Palestinians who become Israeli citizens or residents as a result of family reunifications..." Shabbat Shalom and Happy New Year! Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is a consultant on US-Israel relations as well as the Chairman of Special Projects at the Ariel Center for Policy Research. Formerly the Minister for Congressional Affairs to Israel's Embassy in Washington, DC, Ettinger also served as Consul General of Israel to the Southwestern US. He is a former editor of Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder, and is the author of the Jerusalem Cloakroom series of reports. Contact him at And visit his website: |
On occasion of the 50th anniversary yesterday of "the Launch" of the Fatah movement in 1965 when the organization carried out its first terror attack against Israel by attempting to blow up the National Water Carrier, Fatah is still promoting violence as "legitimate resistance" and Martyrdom-death as an ideal to strive for. During December, Fatah posted several items on its official Facebook page that either promote the use of arms to fight Israel or encourage Palestinians to seek death for Allah. One text compared Mecca with Jerusalem: Posted text and text on image: "If the ground of Mecca is for worship, the ground of Jerusalem is for Martyrdom-death (Shahada)." [Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page," Dec. 12, 2014] ![]() Another text described Fatah as the movement that "has taught us to love the homeland, and to love to die for it": Text on image: "We owe much to Fatah. It is looking at us with Yasser Arafat's eyes, and is revealed to us through his black keffiyeh (head dress), so that we may take shelter in its shadow and keep its revolutionary symbolism. O young [Palestinians], Fatah is calling you. It is the mother that bestowed on us all the tenderness, hope, honor, dignity and pride. It has taught us to love the homeland, and to love to die for it. It has taught us that the right can neither be taken [away] nor given." [Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page", Dec. 30, 2014] ![]() Other posts glorified the rifle or advocated the use of weapons, as this post: Posted text: "Take up your arms again, so that your enemy won't find rest" [Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page", Dec. 22, 2014] A picture of a masked Fatah fighter holding a rocket also illustrated this message, with the text: "We were created to resist - the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades (Fatah's military wing) - Al-Asifa Army" [Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page", Dec. 30, 2014] ![]() ![]() Another Fatah Facebook post contained a video in honor of Fatah's anniversary. This image, showing pictures of Arafat and PA Chairman Abbas, is a poster from the video displaying the text: "Fatah will carry on the struggle in all its forms until the liberation of the land and the man." [Facebook, Fatah - The Main Page, Dec. 22, 2014 ![]() Similarly, the following text emphasizes the ongoing "revolution": "Fatah - a revolution that never dies." [Facebook, Fatah - The Main Page, Dec. 23, 2014] ![]() In October 2014, when Palestinians were rioting and carrying out terror attacks in Jerusalem, Fatah posted the following statement and image, also encouraging the use of violence: ![]() At the time, Palestinian Media Watch documented many such statements and even direct promotion of terror attacks by Fatah, and PA leaders who called for "sacrifices and blood". Even PA Chairman Abbas implicitly encouraged violence when he told Palestinians to prevent "in any way" Jews from going to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Fatah has also used its anniversary to glorify past terror attacks. One Facebook post included a poster from the 5th anniversary of "the Launch" of Fatah, on Jan. 1, 1970, showing images of what appear to be terror attacks in various Israeli cities. ![]() Posted text and on image: "Fateh everywhere; Lydda [Lod], Tel Aviv, Haifa, Eilat" [Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page", Dec. 29, 2014] Itamar Marcus, Director of Palestinian Media Watch(, is an authority on Palestinian Arab ideology and policy. He was Israeli representative to the Tri-Lateral Anti Incitement Committee established under the Wye accords, and has written reports on Palestinian Authority, Syrian and Jordanian schoolbooks. Nan Jacques Zilberdik is an analyst at PMW, focusing on the opinions and messages of the Palestinian Arab leadership as transmitted to the Palestinian Arab public, with an emphasis on the impact on peace, messages and values communicated to children, and glorification of terrorists. |
IT WAS A ROUGH ROAD FOR U.S. FOREIGN POLICY IN 2014Posted by LinkedIn Pulse, January 02, 2015 |
The article below was written by Carl Schreck who is an American biologist specializing in comparative endocrinology of fishes, best known for his contributions to our knowledge of stress in fish. This article appeared January 01, 2015 on LinkedIn Pulse and is archived at |
When Islamic State (IS) militants seized the Iraqi city of Fallujah in January, U.S. President Barack Obama likened the current crop of jihadists to a "JV team," compared to Al-Qaeda. Six months later, IS jihadists overran Iraq's second-largest city, Mosul, which they still control. Three months after that, Obama vowed to vanquish "these terrorists [who] are unique in their brutality" and warned that they could pose a threat to the United States "if left unchecked." The militant group's unexpected and meteoric rise was among the numerous crises in the turbulent foreign policy waters the Obama administration navigated in 2014, from a hot war in Ukraine to talk of a new Cold War with Russia, an ongoing civil war and humanitarian crisis in Syria, to a seemingly unbreakable impasse in Israeli-Palestinian relations. "Overall, the year has created the impression that it's an administration that's besieged," former U.S. State Department official David Kramer told RFE/RL. Foreign policy analysts say 2014 proved to be a year in which various international crises diverted Obama's energies from the domestic front and compelled him to deploy American military and economic might to try to stamp out fires in various corners of the globe. "I think the president has made pretty clear that he would like to, as he says, focus on 'nation-building at home,'" said Richard Fontaine, a former National Security Council staffer under Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush. "And the problem is that the world isn't going to let him or any other president do that to the exclusion of the rest of the world." Strange Bedfellows In Syria The rise of IS militants also presented complications in Obama's handling of the raging civil war in Syria, where he says President Bashar al-Assad has lost legitimacy for "ruthlessly murder[ing] thousands of his citizens." U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel conceded in October that Assad "derives some benefit" from U.S. military action targeting IS militants, who are also battling Assad's forces. Obama said weeks later that Washington is not considering coordinating with Assad to fight IS forces. "There's no expectation that we are going to in some ways enter an alliance with Assad. He is not credible in that country," Obama said, adding that his administration was also not discussing removing Assad. The issue of balancing the fight against IS militants and the White House's position on Assad was the subject of a memo sent by Hagel to Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, in October in which he expressed "concern about overall Syria strategy," a senior U.S. official told CNN. A month after he wrote the memo, which was first reported by The New York Times, Obama accepted Hagel's resignation amid reported tensions between the Pentagon chief and the president's closest advisers. Hot War, Cold War The so-called "reset" policy with Russia launched in Obama's first term had been on the rocks at least since President Vladimir Putin's return to the Kremlin in 2012 after a four-year stint as prime minister. But the overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, a Kremlin ally, in February amid massive street protests in Kyiv and other major cities sparked a series of events that plunged U.S.-Russian ties to lows unseen since the end of the Cold War. The Kremlin proceeded to invade and annex Ukraine's Crimea territory in March, and fighting then erupted between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists that U.S., EU, and Ukrainian officials accuse Moscow of backing. Since the conflict between Ukrainian forces and the separatists exploded in April, more than 4,600 people have been killed in eastern Ukraine. The conflict has left more than half a million people internally displaced and forced hundreds of thousands of others to flee the country, according to UN officials. The Obama administration and EU allies imposed several waves of sanctions against senior Russian officials and wealthy businessman close to Putin in order to punish Moscow for its role in the conflict. These measures, Obama has argued, are taking a significant toll on the Russian economy, which has seen its currency’s value plunge and is facing a potential recession amid tumbling global oil prices. But U.S. lawmakers have criticized the White House for not taking a more forceful stand against Russian aggression, including by providing lethal military aid to Ukraine. Meanwhile, pro-Russian rebels continue to control areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, however, and 85 percent of Russians approve of the job Putin is doing as president, according to a November poll by the respected Levada Center. 'Poison' Atmosphere The collapse of U.S.-brokered peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians in April marked the second unsuccessful attempt by the Obama administration to facilitate a lasting agreement and strained ties between Washington and Tel Aviv. Months after the talks ended in an impasse, Israel launched a massive offensive in the Gaza Strip in a campaign to halt rocket fire by Hamas militants into Israeli territory. The Israeli operation left more than 2,000 Palestinians dead, most of them civilians, while dozens of Israeli soldiers were also killed. The pressure on Washington as a broker in the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate continued in December when the Palestinian Authority announced a draft UN Security Council resolution demanding an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands by November 2016 -- a move rejected by Israel. 'Big News' The Obama administration did boast of major foreign policy successes in 2014, including a landmark agreement with China on climate change last month. Under the agreement, which the White House described as "big news" in announcing it on Twitter, the United States would slash its carbon dioxide emissions by up to 28 percent by 2025 compared to 2005. China, meanwhile, announced that its emissions would peak in 2030. Meanwhile, negotiations by the United States and other world powers with Iran over its nuclear problem have not fallen through completely. The sides failed to reach a comprehensive deal with Iran on its nuclear program by the self-imposed November 24 deadline but have have extended the deadline until July 1, 2015. A deal could be complicated by a push by U.S. lawmakers to impose further sanctions on Tehran, which Western powers fear could obtain nuclear weapons. Iran claims its nuclear program is intended exclusively for peaceful purposes. Question Of Strategy Obama faced withering criticism in 2014 for what political opponents describe as a lack of strategy and vision for his foreign policy, which 54 percent of Americans disapproved of as of December 9 compared to 50.7 percent at the beginning of the year, according to the Huffington Post's poll tracker, based on regularly updated data from 25 pollsters. Much of this criticism has, unsurprisingly, come from Republican lawmakers, though officials from his own party questioned his approach to global crises as well. After Obama told reporters in September that "we don't have a strategy yet" for combatting IS militants in Syria, U.S. Senator Al Franken (Democrat-Minnesota) wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder that he was "troubled" by the comment. The White House, meanwhile, ultimately did formulate what it called a strategy to "degrade and destroy" IS militants, one that included waves of air strikes targeting jihadists both in Iraq and Syria and authorizing the deployment of more than 3,000 troops to Iraq. It was a dramatic re-engagement of U.S. military forces in Iraq for a president who fulfilled a campaign promise in 2011 by declaring an end to the American-led war in Iraq and bringing U.S. troops home after nearly a decade of conflict there. Obama has repeatedly reassured war-weary Americans that U.S. military personnel in Iraq will be advising local forces and not be sent into combat. Fontaine, the former NSC staffer and president of the Washington-based Center for a New American Security, told RFE/RL that Obama's reluctance to move boldly on several policy fronts -- including with "meaningful arming of the Syrian rebels" and a residual force in Iraq -- can be traced to his wariness of his predecessor's policies. "Some of the worries the world has and some of the events that have happened are at least arguably due in part to the desire to pull back from what the Obama administration saw as the excesses of the Bush administration's engagement abroad," Fontaine told RFE/RL. Whether Obama's last two years in office will offer any respite on the foreign policy front remains unclear. Less than a week before his resignation was announced, Hagel told the U.S. political talk show host Charlie Rose last month that his greatest concern is whether the United States and its leaders are "going to be able to get through this time, which is a very defining time and a difficult time." "I told [Obama] not too long ago, 'I don't know of a time that's it's been more difficult to be president of the United States or lead in this country than right now," Hagel said. Contact LinkedIn at |
HARPER/CREMATIONS PRESENTSPosted by Marion Dreyfus, January 02, 2015 |
Hey, kids, try these on for size. Our new textbooks, history books and fashionable geography, revised, updated and revisited. The New York Times wrote an op-ed asking why, if the Republic found the election of Robert Dole so onerous, the people didn't hold a plebescite or something, a second election, to rectify the uncomfortable win of the WWII hero and Republican, husband of Liddy Dole. (And she likes this pet-name under this formulation.) The war in the disputed Falklands, waged by the British under PM Margaret Thatcher, assisted by an aged Winnie Churchill well past his sell-by date, was alas lost to the Argentinians, and the Brits turned tail and returned, frigates between their navy, to the emerald Isle, but without their legendary millennial territory. It is now, of course, dubbed the Malvinas everywhere, including the UK texts taught to the largely Wahhabist students of the UK. Kim Jong Il, still ill, hands over the North Korean barrens to his daughter, Kim jong Kimberly, a pretty little thing also fond of basketball. She is engaged to an American athlete, Dennis Rodman, who has just left the bedside of his former fiancee, Angela Basset. Sen. Edward Kennedy succeeded in re-election after he decided against driving Mary Jo Kopechne home following a senatorial after-hours carouse with senate aides attended by all female secretaries and all-male Senate staffers. Kennedy is happily ensconced in a retirement home in Boca, frequently entertaining his playboy nephew, William Kennedy Smith, who is occasionally up to his old tricks of climbing trees as a prank, peering into women's dorms. Hyannis, the longtime Kennedy family preserve, is now in the possession of Steve Jobs, still going strong in his creative electronics mold, though considerably poorer, given the failure of his pet computer innovations of the '90s and '00s. And this: Saddam Hussein, still living large in hius capacious palace in Baghdad, has genially handed the reins of his Iraqi domain to paradigms-in-chief, Cusay and Uday, for managerial continuity. The Hussein brothers appear often in the backrooms of clubs, dragging attractive young wives of other men into their lairs for a touch of R&R (rape and recuperation). Iraq continues its long, slow smolder as it is kept in check by the Hussein brothers. Achmadinejad, the little sad grocer in Tehran, is said to be becoming expert in the mystic arts of Hom's major industry, exotic carpet weaving. His silken output command fees in excess of $10,000 for a room-sized floor covering. Guaranteed to last. Diplomats to Iran's little peacable kingdom are as usual enjoying the embassy with its luxe pools and amenities. Iran has been most cordial to our vast embassy crew, and they write home to regale Stateside families how much they enjoy the sunny clime, as well as the frosty AC. The Antarctic, now in the bearish sphere of USSR influence, has been declared a Nyet-Go zone, as the Soviets and Vladimir Putin extract minerals and precious commodities from the icy substrate, thereby increasing their country's output to oil, wooden nested dolls, and permafrost extracts. Three NASA projects are slated to attempt landing on the Moon, as it is expected that a fine source of cheese maybe thus explored. First-time viewers are eagerly anticipating the landing, and the Space station to be set up is expected to lure in mucho dinero to the NASA boom down in Cape Truman. Having won the war, Japan has instituted mandatory Kan'ji coursework in all secondary schools, and lunchrooms across the land feature wasabi and sushi-but the soy sauce is modified sodium from that current in Tokyo, as scientists have realized the toll taken on little stomachs by too much NaCl. The Deutsche curricula have been suspended for the past 60 years, as the Midnight Sun emperor decided German was too taxing on the throat and vocal chords of most speakers. And since the Japanese beat all the rest of the armies in 1949, Germans and Germanic were dispensable. Or this: The bastard child of Stanley Ann Dunham, a multi-married amateur anthropologist and former pornographer's model for a petty Communist drug seller cum photographer in Chicago, was successfully aborted, following the Roe v. Wade court decision. And Ms. Dunham married a local boy, moved to Tallahassee, and began teaching Cultural byways of the Middle East, having instead of her first abortee child two others, both Caucasian, who have become credits to her race. Both are moderate socialists in good standing, dabbling in comic-book culture at every Comic Con to grace their sector of successful Detroit c.2014, and both have purchased but rejected the annals of radicalism peddled by one Saul Alinsky. Oh, and President Ted Cruz recently jailed former SecSt Hillary Clinton for crimes linked to Benghazi, along with an unspecified number of coconspirators involved in the ambassadorial conflagration and deaths of many American servicemen and diplomatic corps. Her dresser and fashion consultant, Huma Abedin, was given special dispensation to visit Ms. Clinton, a widow, in jail for style consults every month or so. She has sort of renounced her Muslim Brotherhood linkage. Time will tell. The State of Israel, a never-was, has been economically excised from the atlases of Harper/Cremations, so as not to damage the feelings of clients in the Middle East, those who ply their dinars and dirhams to revise textbooks to suit their mindset and wallets. Funded by the great gas and oil finds in the Med, named Qeviathan and Kamarisk, they have money to burn. So from the Sea to the Sea, Jordan, peaceful Syria and Mahmoud Abbas run a quiet casino of Mafia-like accountability and cautious income. All are invited into the Magic kingdom. Contact Marion Dreyfus at |
The article below was written by Alexandra Zimmern who is an Events Officer at National Review Institute, Revised and edited letters sent to the United States Trade Representative, Wrote and published summaries of bilateral and regional free trade agreements for the USDEC. This article appeared January 02, 2015 on Israpundit and is archived at |
College students today are facing the most serious threats to their civil liberties. ![]() The infamous Boycott, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns and "apartheid week" displays on college campuses are not the only threat to Jewish students. A much greater threat looms: the inability for students to publicly defend their beliefs. While universities claim to be havens of open debate and intellectual curiosity, they are in reality black holes of political correctness. On campus, only certain ideas are worthy of consideration and Zionism is definitely not one of them. This culture doesn't just threaten members of the Jewish community, who are terrified to challenge those who accuse Israel of the most heinous crimes. Rather, it threatens all of us who value free speech and its ability to encourage criticism, debate, and original thought on college campuses. While speech codes are thought to be a thing of the 90s, the truth is that college students today are facing the most serious threats to their civil liberties. From "trigger warnings" to "free speech zones," universities are slowly training students to become hypersensitive and incapable of deviating from ideologies that are in vogue. But unlike the 90s, universities are now controlling speech in a much more insidious manner. Speech codes today manifest in vague and poorly written policies that try to protect students against harassment, sexual assault, and bullying. Seemingly, these policies serve the best interest of students who face these issues on campus. But practically, they give university administrators the power to punish students for harmless speech protected by the First Amendment, while ignoring due process for the accused. It is shocking how many universities have such policies. Lehigh University, for example, defines harassment as "...unwelcome statements, jokes, gestures, pictures, touching, or other conducts that offend, demean, harass, or intimidate." I suppose they weren't planning to invite Sarah Silverman (or any other decent comedian) anytime soon. Georgetown University’s Code of Student Conduct includes punishable measures against incivility defined as behavior that "disrespects another individual." Since when is being disrespectful a crime? In Minnesota, St. Olaf College has a policy that disallows "creating or posting material that is offensive" on a campus computer. In other words, no emailing political memes, cartoons, or opinion articles...all of which could potentially offend someone. Therein lies the real danger. How can we punish students or professors for saying something that might be understood as disrespectful? And should universities have the authority to decide what does and does not fall under these definitions on a case-by-case basis? For many students, the positions that conservatives take on social issues are offensive: anti-gay marriage, anti-abortion, etc. But that shouldn't mean that these positions are illegitimate and that those who hold these opinions should be discriminated against. These policies, though, allow for exactly that. The problem for Jewish students is that showing support for Israel on campus can be very offensive to anti-Israel students. Despite being the only progressive democracy in its region, many college students are absolutely convinced that Israel is to blame for all the problems of the Middle East. University departments, professors, and student groups are all actively pushing an anti-Israel agenda through divestment campaigns, apartheid week protests, and bigoted propaganda. They create a colonialist narrative that depicts Israelis as powerful white Westerners taking over an indigenous and vulnerable Arab population. As such, students regularly accuse Israel of crimes against humanity and label her supporters as promoters of those crimes. Emboldened by anti-free speech policies created by administrations and by a "PC" culture, students are outraged when their peers try and pollute their egalitarian learning environment with offensive ideas (i.e. a Jewish state). So when pro-Israel students openly defend Israel against her haters, breaking down the intellectually homogeneous bubble Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and its followers try to create on campus, students are left with no other option but to silence their opponents. Examples of this are endless. In 2011, SJP at Rutgers barred Jewish protestors from their 'free and open to the public' event that equated genocide in the Holocaust to destruction in Gaza. While most guests entered for free, as advertised, those with Jewish garb were forced to pay an entrance fee or leave. At UCLA, in an attempt to silence his message and demonize his character, anti-Israel students disrupted the then US ambassador to Israel, Michael Oren, during his speech on campus. The first one to do so shouted, "Michael Oren, propagating murder is not an expression of free speech" as he took the stage. Others joined in, cheering, booing, and screaming at him while he tried to address the audience. Perhaps one of the most egregious assaults on campus free speech happened in 2006 at San Francisco State University. Members of the College Republicans, in an anti-terrorism protest, stomped on the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah (both US-designated terrorist organizations). The student protestors were unaware that these flags contain the word "Allah" inscribed in Arabic. Offended by the protest, a student went to the administration complaining that the demonstration created a "hostile environment." Officials agreed and soon after informed the president of College Republicans that the school would be taking disciplinary action. Were the College Republicans being insensitive to their peers? Perhaps. But insensitive speech is protected speech and cannot be criminalized by universities. At my own school, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the newly formed pro-Israel organization Madison Israel Club (MIC) has already experienced the dangers of idea discrimination. A student leader in MIC recently submitted an opinion piece to the student newspaper discussing matters related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In it, the author argues that the core issues in the conflict, such as Hamas' vile use of human shields, are often ignored in American media and on college campuses. Shortly after he emailed the op-ed to the newspaper, a student editor responded with some suggestions. She asked if she could change the sentence that read, "Hamas regularly uses its own civilians as human shields" to "[Hamas] has been implicated in using its own civilians as human shields" (emphasis added). Doing so, the editor claimed, would allow the author to make his point while not conclusively stating that Hamas has in fact used civilians as human shields. This fact, she wrote, "has no definitive proof." While her claim that there is no definitive proof that Hamas uses civilians as human shields is in itself troubling (there is overwhelming video and photographic evidence of this), perhaps what is most disturbing is her push to change the author's an opinion piece. Must all editorials be based entirely in objective, definitive, empirical evidence? If that were the standard, surely they would never be able to allow anti-Israel authors who accuse Israel of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide to publish anything, ever. I would argue that these anti-Israel claims are rooted in intolerance, perhaps even anti-Semitism. Still, they should not be silenced because of their offensive nature. Opinion articles are supposed to be full of controversy, bias, and information that may or may not be agreeable to readers. If we are concerned about egalitarianism then the answer is not to limit speech, it is to encourage it. It is not the place of college newspaper editors or university administrators to determine what kind of material college students can or cannot be exposed to. The anti-speech movement on college campuses has implications far beyond the pro-Israel movement. It is a dangerous trend towards stifling debates and dismissing legitimate points of view. Ironically, the effort to create tolerance and equality by being overly cautious about what is said has only created an atmosphere of fear for those who have unpopular opinions. Administrators need to be training students to think critically and openly, rather than granting them the ability to filter ideas that may be unpleasant and punishing those who stir harmless controversy. The real education, after all, is not in the classroom. It is outside-where students consider, challenge, and debate their ideas. To destroy these critical opportunities is to destroy the educational process itself. Ted Belman is a retired lawyer and the Editor of Israpundit. He made aliya from Canada last year and now lives in Jerusalem, Israel. Contact him at This article was published January 02, 2015 in Israpundit and is archived at |
NY Times Discusses P.A. LawfarePosted by Richard H. Shulman, January 02, 2015 |
Jodi Rudoren's headline (NY Times, 1/1/15, A1) about the P.A. going into lawfare is, "Palestinians Set to Seek Redress in a World Court." Redress implies rectifying. That's taking the P.A. side. Actually, the P.A. violates its agreements and is terroristic. The P.A. needs rectifying, not Israel. Why is the P.A. joining the International Criminal Court (ICC)? Rudoren tells us it is to pursue statehood. No, it is to defame Israel. Defamation is a step toward destruction. Those Muslims want not a state for its own sake, they want to destroy the Jewish state. This is the goal of jihad, which the NY Times masks. The switch to lawfare came after the Security Council rejected a statehood resolution that would "end Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory." There never was a "Palestinian" country, so there is no occupation. So when Abbas refers to Israeli "aggression" against "our country" he is lying about "our country" and is lying about "aggression." The many attacks he incited or planned against Israel is the real aggression there. He asserts that in his region, the "Palestinian cause is the key issue to be settled." I'd say the key issue is whether the Mideast Muslims can stay civilized or whether they will continue to rampage in jihad as ISIS and Iran are doing. The Palestinian Arabs have no cause, it's contrived to justify jihad. The State Dept. opposes the lawfare, which it thinks impedes what "most Palestinians" want. He implies they want statehood. They don't. They want to seize Israel. What they want is negative, just jihad. Rationalizing Abbas' application to the ICC, an Arab leader said that Abbas had to try something new to restore credibility lost to Hamas. The article does not explain why Hamas is more popular than Fatah and Abbas. Here’s why. Hamas fought Israel, whereas Abbas negotiated. Diplomacy failed, and the war was self-destructive. But fighting is honorable, those people believe. They didn't mind that Hamas fought via war crimes. As a whole, that is a barbarous people. They don't deserve a state nor international support. Why doesn't the Times explain all that? I think the reason is that the Times is anti-Zionist. It rarely lets in a good argument for Israel. PM Netanyahu considers the application to ICC an aggressive, unilateral act. Is he right? Not discussed. Also unstated is that that act is banned by the Oslo Accords, ratified by the P.A., U.S., and Israel. A photograph shows Abbas marking 50 years of the Fatah movement. No hint is given that Fatah committed numerous terrorist acts, murdering thousands of Israelis. Shurat HaDin (Israel Law Center) is identified as having filed war crimes complaints against Hamas. Abbas said that his application to the ICC means that other P.A. officials could become sued as a result. That is not complete and not correct. The Times should have consulted Shurat HaDin. Abbas knows that Shurat HaDin has prepared a lawsuit against him as a citizen of Jordan, which already belongs to ICC, and was holding off in case he didn't join the ICC. (On 1/2/15, the same reporter acknowledged that Shurat HaDin filed ICC lawsuits against Abbas, to pre-empt him.) A Palestinian Arab academic criticized the P.A., but in doing so, referred to Israel as a "de facto apartheid regime." (That is slander. What kind of a newspaper repeats slander without at least asking for specifics and giving the other side an opportunity to rebut? The Times leaves readers with false defamation as "information." ACCOMPANYING EDITORIAL The editorial alleges a "Palestinian dream of an independent state." Can the editors really not know that the whole propaganda apparatus, including what is called education, promotes the Islamist dream of destroying an independent state, Israel? Most of the P.A. people have been indoctrinated to believe that. Don't Times editors read polls of P.A. residents? If the editors were frank about this, they would have no excuse for advocating a "two-state" set-up. PM Netanyahu is steadily expanding Jewish communities in the disputed Territories, and that makes a two-state set-up decreasingly likely, the editors assertion. But they cite no examples. He authorized one new community. Others get more houses, but remain within their boundaries. Jewish communities sit on no more than 5% of the Territories, so the notion of a great expansion and inability to set up an Arab state are exaggerated. How unfortunate, it is, feel the editors, that Abbas applied to the ICC, because that "has given Israeli hardliners new ammunition to attack the Palestinians and reject peace talks." Since the P.A. is engaged in jihad, what the Times calls "peace talks" are jihadist attempts to gain by diplomacy what they can't win by force of arms. Israelis who oppose jihadist diplomacy are not "hardliners" but sensible. Most Israelis agree with them. However, the editors call them a name, to make them seem a minority and to slight their views. It's easier to defame a patriotic Israeli view than to debunk it. The editors refer to P.A. intent to bring charges against Israeli officials. But Israel doesn't commit war crimes, the P.A. does. Its charges would be fabricated. The P.A. is hoping that the ICC will be as unfair to Israel as is the UN. The editorial hope is that these events will prompt both sides to compromise for peace. Israel has made many compromises, the P.A. has not. Nor do the Times and State Dept. itemize any tangible compromises they expect of the P.A., only what they want of Israel. They fail to acknowledge that what they want would deprive Israel of defensible borders. I take all that as proof of bias against Israel and disinterest in peace. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses are a regular feature on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
The article below was written by Kevin Glass who is
Director of Policy and Outreach at the Franklin Center for
Government and Public Integrity. This article appeared
January 02, 2015 and is archived at
![]() Under California's Safe and Responsible Drivers Act, illegal immigrants will be able to apply for drivers licenses this year. Before, a legal social security number was required for a license in California, but under the new law as many as 1.4 million illegal immigrants are expected to be granted licenses.
As the AP notes, this wouldn't be the first state to provide drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, but it would be opening the largest illegal immigrant population in the country to a program that would grant drivers licenses. Contact Jonathan Garthwaite at |
AL SHARPTON'S THUGGISH "FUND RAISING"Posted by Edward Cline, January 03, 2015 |
Having had my stomach full of news about Al Sharpton, the card sharp of racism, I decided to search the Internet for more information on him. Quite by chance in the course of my search I happened upon a few articles which detailed how Adolf Hitler was able to persuade so many German businesses and industries to support the burgeoning and noisy NSDAP (the National Socialist German Workers Party, or the Nazi Party) from the 1920's on up through his accession of the Chancellorship in 1933. I read many of these articles and book reviews, suspecting, and as it turned out, rightly, that Al Sharpton's methods of garnering public and not-so-public support and money for his National Action Now (NAN) organization, emulated those of Hitler and the Nazis. A black "NSDAP," or, if you will, a National Socialist Black Workers Party (NSBAP)? Or, just plain NAN? Sharpton professes much interest in and anger over the plight of the "economically oppressed and exploited" black man. If there is any truth to Sharpton's rants, it is that the Democratic Party and its economic policies are responsible for black unemployment and also its "social" policies of keeping blacks dependent on government largesse (aka, handouts and entitlements). Or, as some pundits would have it: Keeping them on the welfare state plantation. But this is something Sharpton will never recognize or permit. Manumitting blacks from Democratic possession and thralldom would liberate them from him and from government dependency. Hitler's addresses to German businessmen were, to put it mildly, preliminary shakedowns. Later, after he seized power in 1933, would come the arm-twisting, openly soliciting the "cooperation" of big business - or else face nationalization and/or a one-way trip to a concentration camp. Reading up on how Hitler cajoled, persuaded, and subtly threatened German business executives and tycoons to support the Nazi Party with financial donations or at least to speak well of it or not actively oppose it concerning the Party's vision and plans for economic recovery, I noted that Sharprton's extortionate methods differ not a whit from Hitler's. Hitler gave over 5,000 speeches during his career as a political activist and agitator and later as Fuhrer. He spoke frequently at business get-togethers and formal meetings of various business associations. At the same time, most of these businessmen and associations gave in nearly equal sums to the various competing parties that were vying for political power in the Reich of the Weimar Republic, except to the Communists. Like many American companies today seeking protection from expected political mischief, they played both sides of the fence and then some. Sharpton apparently studies the field of American businesses to spot ones that might be open to boycotting and public browbeating over alleged discriminatory practices against blacks (and sometimes against Latinos) and makes his move. In typical "community organizer" style, he employs the Alinsky tactic of targeting a "mark," isolating it, and fulminating against it with as much fiery media-friendly bombast as his limited vocabulary can muster. He invents problems where none before existed. Sooner or later the "mark" caves under scurrilous publicity (with a big assist from the MSM), makes concessions, and donates money to NAN. Like his ally in race politics, Jesse Jackson, Sharpton poses as a firebrand for justice, but his notion of "justice" is of the liberal, Progressive brand, "social justice." He declaims in his semi-literate, raucous way for entitlements rather than civil or natural rights. His sole skill has been to set fire to asbestos. He is a career arsonist of racial harmony with a vested interest in social turmoil and political conflagrations and likes to see that harmony go up in smoke. He is a racist and race hustler with a stake in racism. Without racism, real or imagined, he, like Jesse Jackson, would be an obscure Baptist preacher in a store-front church no one would have any reason to know about. The New York Post's article of June 15th, 2008, "Rev. Al Soaks Up Boycott Bucks" listed several companies that were subjected to Sharpton's card sharp tactics.
Most corporate donors enter Sharpton's House of Contrition and Reparations with their eyes wide open and with little doubt about the nature of their "support" - that it's nothing more than Mafia-style "Pay us not to break your windows or your kneecaps" protection money. "We support those that support us," wrote Sharpton and the Rev. Horace Sheffield III, president of NAN's Michigan chapter, in a letter to American Honda. "We cannot be silent while African-Americans spend hard-earned dollars with a company that does not hire, promote or do business with us in a statistically significant manner." More briefly, Sharpton promises not to put the squeeze on companies that surrender to his extortion.
Extortion is extortion and it is a criminal offense.
Unlike Hitler, who was maneuvering for the German chancellorship, Sharpton isn't aiming for the White House (except as a frequent guest of Barack Obama when they probably yuk it up over the number they're both pulling on the country - "We're fixin' those gun-clingin' honkies real good, ain't we, Bro?"). The Conservative Tribune has a more dramatic way of listing all the companies Sharpton has in his pocket. Not all the media is duped by Sharpton's antics and pose as a "civil rights" advocate. Not even National Public Radio (NPR), the federally licensed and subsidized emitter of the party line, denied Sharpton's deleterious role in race relations. Kelsey Dallas of the Deseret News reported last August, during the Ferguson riots and destruction:
Sharpton is no more "committed to nonviolence" than was Hitler in annexing Austria and invading Poland. Or France, or Belgium. He has an amorphous army at his beck and call to picket companies with noisy chants and to commit violence, invariably drawn from the Left. The only thing Sharpton's mobs lack is uniforms by Hugo Boss. The New York Post reported in 2008:
Carlson should not be so surprised that the current President of the United States would fraternize with a thug. After all, he nominated another racist thug, Eric Holder, to be his Attorney General. Obama and Sharpton are birds of a feather. However, as Newsmax reported on December 20th:
Well, so does Islam. I'm surprised that CAIR and Louis Farrakhan haven't weighed in much publically on the issue. Brinsley posted on his Facebook page a quotation from the Koran, verse 8:60: "Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah." I can picture Sharpton nodding his head in agreement. Strike terror, and then pick their pockets. Columnist Michelle Malkin touches on Sharpton's criminal past in her October 19th, 2009 column, "Yes, let's talk about Al Sharpton's racial demagoguery, shall we?" in which she all too briefly describes Sharpton's Tawana Brawley hoax in 1987, his provoking anti-Semitic riots in Brooklyn in 1995, and his fatal Freddy's Fashion Mart adventure in Harlem in 1995. Al Sharpton is just one "poster child" among many Progressive radicals dedicated to stirring up racial conflict and overall social turmoil. He is the spawn of moral relativism, who, in an age of reason, would not have a chance to rise above his mean malevolence to attain anything more than the obscure notoriety of a loud-mouthed bigot. In a civilized society, his basic nasty character would get him into barroom fights and more often than not deservedly have the crap beat out of him, either by a "cracker" (his favorite term for whites) or by a "brother" who also would have had enough of his mouth. Edward Cline is an American novelist and essayist. He is best known for his Sparrowhawk series of novels, set in England and Virginia before the American Revolutionary War. Contact him at |
LEGALIZATION OF AMONA IN COALITION DEALPosted by Ted Belman, January 03, 2015 |
The article below was written by Ido Ben-Porat, and Ari
Yashar and published today January 02, 2015 on Arutz Sheva and
is archived at
![]() Jewish Home MKs Ayelet Shaked and Orit Struk arrived at Amona in Samaria on Thursday, where they met with residents and promised to take action against the High Court ruling last Thursday ordering the destruction of the entire town within two years. In the meeting the legal circumstances were discussed - there is no evidence behind the Arab land claims against the town and not even an Arab claimant; further, large parts of the community have been legally purchased. The MKs then spoke about political actions they are hoping to take for the town. "The Jewish Home legal crew will prepare in a future coalition agreement clauses arranging the legal status of settlement in Judea and Samaria," said Shaked, possibly referring to an adoption of the 2012 Levy report which proved Israel's presence in the region is legal under international law. The call for action echoes those made by Shevah Stern, head of the Likud's "National Headquarters" faction, who called on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to commit to legalizing Amona ahead of the elections. It also echoes calls by Rabbi Yair Frank, the rabbi of Amona, for Likud and Jewish Home candidates to obligate themselves to defending Amona. Attorney Avichai Boaron, a resident of the town who is a candidate in Jewish Home primaries, told the MKs about the legal complexities of the town's status and the danger of the precedent-setting High Court ruling. "The court didn't accept the position of the state, both regarding the land which doesn't have a concrete claimant on it, and also allowed an unspecific claimant that has no connection to the land to sue the residents and be paid by them," said Boaron. The attorney continued "these two points in which the position of the state wasn't accepted in effect pave the way legally for the evacuation of thousands of homes, built dozens and more years ago and located on private property that has no concrete claimant against it. This ruling essentially invites the submission of numerous petitions by leftist organizations against old building on private property." Struk on Thursday condemned the High Court ruling, particularly by comparing it to the court's decision on Wednesday to suspend the demolition order on the home of Mu'taz Hijazi, the Islamic Jihad terrorist who tried to murder Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick. Ted Belman is a retired lawyer and the Editor of
Israpundit. He made aliya from Canada last year and now lives in
Jerusalem, Israel. Contact him at This article
was published Today in Israpundit and is archived at
The article below was written by Sharyl Attkisson who is an
Emmy award-winning investigative journalist, is a senior
independent contributor to The Daily Signal. She hosts
the Sunday morning news program "Full Measure" and wrote the
New York Times bestseller Stonewalled." Send an email
to Sharyl. This article appeared December 31, 2014 on the
Daily Signal and is archived at
![]() It neither "exonerates" nor "debunks." It specifically states that it is not the final word on Benghazi. Yet national press outlets claimed all of the above about the House Intelligence Committee report on Benghazi released on Nov. 21. It neither "exonerates" nor "debunks." It specifically states that it is not the final word on Benghazi. Yet national press outlets claimed all of the above about the House Intelligence Committee report on Benghazi released on Nov. 21. This is a Daily Signal news analysis. See more of Sharyl Attkisson's reporting. The Daily Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation. We'll respect your inbox and keep you informed. The Washington Post stated that "the panel's findings were broadly consistent with the Obama administration's version of events," though many of the administration's versions of events have been discredited or proven incorrect. USA Today portrayed the report as a sweeping effort that "cleared the Obama administration of any wrongdoing" and the Associated Press claimed the report concluded "there was no wrongdoing by Obama administration officials," though it didn't examine most aspects of the administration's actions regarding Benghazi. For example, the committee did not attempt to dissect White House actions or decision-making. And it did not generally "assess State Department or Defense Department activities" (page 4). What the House Intelligence Committee did do was focus on a narrow slice of Benghazi: the intelligence community. As such, the report largely defends the CIA. It is nothing more or less than another in a series of compartmentalized investigations into the Benghazi debacle. The House Armed Services Committee focused on actions of the Pentagon, largely serving to defend military interests. The Accountability Review Board focused on actions of the State Department, though it chose not to interview some key players, such as then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. ![]() Each investigation occurred over a different time period amid two years of evolving accounts by Obama administration officials as new information filled in blanks or contradicted previous official accounts. In some instances, investigations produced findings that contradicted one another or documentary evidence. And no single investigation on Benghazi to date has heard from all relevant witnesses or had full access to complete information. So why did some in the news media adopt the spin of Democrats such as Intelligence Committee Rep. Adam Schiff, who claimed the report "completely vindicated" the White House? Some media even used the charged language of the Obama administration, disparaging those investigating the many contradictions and unanswered questions as "conspiracy theorists." ![]() The Huffington Post claimed the Intelligence Committee report "torched conspiracy theories." AP and USA Today claimed it "debunked a series of persistent allegations hinting at dark conspiracies." Slate likewise stated that the committee had "debunked Benghazi conspiracies." The articles advance limited and sometimes inaccurate representations of the committee report. They fail to acknowledge the countless documented instances in which the Obama administration provided false or conflicting information about Benghazi and hid information entirely from public view. Contradictions At times, the committee report-as it defends the intelligence community's performance during Benghazi-flies in the face of evidence. It relies heavily on witnesses who have previously given inaccurate information or testimony: then-CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. 1) The committee concluded, "the CIA ensured sufficient security for CIA facilities in Benghazi." Yet security was insufficient to prevent terrorists from overrunning the CIA Annex, killing two of the four Americans who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2012. 2) The committee found "no evidence" of a "stand down order." But that is at direct odds with testimony from some eyewitnesses. Three security operators stated they were given a "stand down" order in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. 3) The committee appeared to focus on technical utterance of the words "stand down" and "order" rather than the spirit of the allegation: that willing responders were delayed or prevented from providing urgent help. For example, the committee acknowledged that CIA Annex team members "wanted urgently to depart the Annex" to "save their State Department colleagues" but that the chief of base in Benghazi "ordered the team to wait" to assess the situation (page 21). Also, the committee didn’t address the case of the Foreign Emergency Support Team in the United States, which began "packing its bags" to respond to Benghazi, only to have the State Department block its deployment. ![]() 4) The committee found "no evidence" of "denial of available air support" and stated that, "he CIA received all military support that was available" (page 24). But testimony provided earlier to the House Armed Services Committee acknowledged that the military could have launched an F-16 fighter jet and decided against it. "The mentality of everybody was, [launching an F-16] doesn't make sense. ...Now, in hindsight, 20/20, we know that there was another attack at 5:15 in the morning," U.S. Africa Command General Carter Ham previously testified. In addition, the president's principle military adviser, Maj. Gen. Darryl Roberson, previously acknowledged in testimony to another congressional committee that military aircraft could have buzzed the hostile Benghazi crowd to try to scatter it. "So there is a potential you could have flown a show of force and made everyone aware that there was a fighter airborne," Roberson conceded to the House Armed Services Committee. Further, there were U.S. military assets in Djibouti that remained untapped. A former U.S. ambassador to East Africa stated, "The [Benghazi] compound was under siege for almost nine hours. The distance of 1,900 miles is within the range of the 'combat ready' F-15s, AC-130s and special forces." 5) The committee found “no evidence of an intelligence failure." Yet there was obviously an intelligence failure, since terrorists bearing heavy arms and rocket-propelled grenades planned and successfully executed multiple attacks on the Benghazi compound and Annex. Another intelligence failure documented by the committee is the flawed analysis by a Washington, D.C.-based CIA officer who reportedly convinced Morell to advance the YouTube video narrative even though the CIA station chief on the ground in Libya had said that was not the case. 6) The committee accepted Morell's claim that the talking points were not on the agenda of a Sept. 15, 2012, White House Deputies Committee meeting prior to U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice's advancing the incorrect spontaneous protest narrative on Sunday TV talk shows (page 29). However, internal emails show that Obama Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes specifically convened the meeting to discuss various agencies' disputes about the talking points. ![]() 7) The committee accepted Morell's testimony that changes to the talking points were "in no way due to White House political influence" and were just "a reflection of how little we knew at the time" (page 30). However, documents show the State Department had voluminous information about terrorist links and had already notified Libya, in no uncertain terms, that Ansar al-Sharia was responsible for the attacks. Inconsistencies Though the Washington Post claimed the committee's findings were "broadly consistent with the Obama administration's version of events," they differed in many substantive respects. 1) The Obama administration initially claimed no security requests were denied. But the committee confirmed the State Department repeatedly denied security requests (page 16). 2) The Obama administration initially claimed there was "a robust American security presence inside the compound, including a strong component of regional security officers." But the committee found there was a handful of State Department diplomatic security agents who were apparently unarmed when attacked. 3) The Obama administration repeatedly blamed the attacks on a mob motivated by a YouTube video and initially claimed there was no meaningful evidence of terrorist involvement. But the committee stated that all of the Obama administration officials interviewed "knew from the moment the attacks began that the attacks were deliberate terrorist attacks against U.S. interests. No witness has reported believing at any point that the attacks were anything but terrorist acts" (page 25). 4) The Obama administration initially claimed, in March 2013, that government press officials made no changes to the Benghazi talking points. But the committee found that CIA public affairs officials made three critical changes to the talking points (page 30). ![]() 5) Morell initially claimed he had no idea who changed the Benghazi talking points. But the committee confirmed that Morell was directly involved in making and overseeing key talking points changes to remove mention of terrorism and al Qaeda. 6) The Obama administration initially claimed the attacks were an outgrowth of protests. But the committee found "there was no protest" (page 2). "Exoneration"? Although USA Today claimed the committee "cleared the Obama administration of any wrongdoing," the actual report makes numerous references to administration officials doing things wrong. 1) The committee confirmed that the Obama administration's public narrative blaming the attacks on a YouTube video was "not fully accurate." 2) The committee stated that the process to develop the inaccurate talking points was "flawed" and "mistakes were made." 3) The committee found that Morell wrongfully relied on his incorrect analyst in Washington, D.C., instead of his correct chief of station in Libya, who explicitly stated the attacks were "not spurred by local protests" (page 27). Furthermore, the "Additional Views" appendix to the committee report, submitted by Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., and three other Republicans, found the following: 4) Morell "operated beyond his role as CIA deputy director and inserted himself into a policy-making and public-affairs role" when he removed references to terrorism from the talking points (Appendix 1, page 7). 5) Morell provided testimony that was "at times inconsistent and incomplete" (Appendix 1, page 7). 6) The Obama administration failed to exert "sufficient effort to bring the Benghazi attackers to justice" (Appendix 1, page 8). 7) The Obama administration's response to the attacks was marred by "inadequate interagency coordination" and "devoted inadequate resources to this effort and lacked a sense of urgency" (Appendix 1, page 8). ![]() 8) Senior State Department officials, including then-Secretary Clinton, placed U.S. personnel "at unnecessary risk" by dismissing "repeated threat warnings" and denying requests for additional security (page 2). 9) Senior U.S. officials perpetuated the "YouTube" narrative that "matched the administration's misguided view that the United States was nearing a victory" over al-Qaeda. 10) The administration's "failed policies continue to undermine the national security interests" of the United States. 11) There was a "failure of senior U.S. officials to provide for the defense of U.S. interests against a known and growing terrorist threat." 12) The State Department "failed to provide sufficient security for its facility in Benghazi" (page 3). 13) The Obama administration perpetuated a "false view of the terrorist threat" that "did not comport with the facts" (page 4). Missing the Mark Even as some news reports stated that Republicans had in essence "exonerated" the Obama administration on all counts, Chairman Rogers attempted to correct the mischaracterizations. In an op-ed published Dec. 10, Rogers stated, "Some have said the report exonerates the State Department and White House. It does not." ![]() He went on to state that his committee looked only at narrow questions as they pertain to the intelligence community. For that reason, he said, the committee did not interview key eyewitnesses from the Department of Defense and the State Department. It remains unclear how so much news reporting could miss the mark as far as it did. One news article claimed the Intelligence Committee report concluded Rice innocently relied on bad intelligence on Sept. 16 when she advanced the spontaneous protest. Yet the actual report clearly states that the committee has no idea what the White House communicated to Rice before she presented the talking points. A news article unequivocally stated that "it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees, who made the wrong call" on the nature of the attacks. Yet the report is clear that it did not examine the role of political appointees or figures in the White House, State Department or Defense Department. Eight Investigations In reporting on the House Intelligence Committee's Benghazi report, numerous news outlets headlined that there have been seven investigations on Benghazi and that an eighth is underway-the House Select Committee on Benghazi. ![]() The implication is that Benghazi has been more than thoroughly examined and those who support continued inquiry are beating a dead horse. Indeed, eight investigations might be overkill if each had been comprehensive and duplicative, and had turned up no new information. But each has uncovered new facts or different versions of facts as Obama administration accounts have continue to evolve. The necessity of further investigation isn't a function of how many probes have been held, but of their depth and quality as well as the contradictions unearthed and the quantity of outstanding questions. In those respects, one easily could argue there haven't yet been enough investigations into Benghazi. The Heritage Foundation is an American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. The foundation took a leading role in the conservative movement during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, whose policies were taken from Heritage's policy study Mandate for Leadership. Heritage has since continued to have a significant influence in U.S. public policy making, and is considered to be one of the most influential conservative research organizations in the United States. Contact The Heritage Foundation at |
A VIEW FROM AARON'S WINDOWPosted by Nurit Greenger, January 03, 2015 |
Aaron Adirim holds half an hour radio talk show each Saturday, at 6:00 p.m. on KRLA AM 870, Los Angeles. That is where I heard of Aaron. What got me so interested in him to have asked to interview him is not the top of technology window manufacturing plant he owns, which he regularly advertises on the radio station, but his rare and so very positive and "right on" views on life and the real world we live in. On the last day of 2014 I drove to meet Aaron at his factory. We immediately "clicked". That is because his world and life views are catchy and should spread like wild fire. The interview was "all over the map." I tried to navigate it but my interviewee has so much to say and tell he simply jumps from one topic to another. He is as genuine as genuine comes. Sitting in his large and comfortable office, my first question was: "How come you are always so positive?" AA: "The world is so complicated and it is rather difficult to find your space under the sun to be comfortable and happy." Born in Riga, today the capital of Latvia, then part of the USSR. In 1974, young Aaron, then 26 year old, with nothing but his shirt on his back and with the values of the old world he left behind embedded in his soul, all alone and without command of the English language he arrived to the USA. Aaron continues replying to my question, "How come you are always so positive?": "Living in a society where I am judged by what I represent, here in America, and not by how many members of my family are communists, which is how communist USSR mistreated its citizens, makes me have a positive outlook." "The values I took with me and along which I live by comprise my character and personal values. I do not love money, rather personal accomplishments drive me." "My way of thinking is that in my pact what you do is more valuable than having money. When I used to earn $90.00 a week I thought that making $200.00 a week will make me rich and happy. However, reality is much different. Reality is that whether you earn $200.00 a week, or $400.00 a week it will not bring happiness into your life. It is because you will always spend more than you have earned. After all, I met many rich people who were miserable." I asked: "Why were they miserable?" AA: "I learned to live with what I have and be happy. They do not." Aaron wants to leave for the world a legacy of meaning. He wants to create something that people would find valuable, that would make more people happy from what they do regardless how expensive or inexpensive it is. That is the way he lives by. When I listen to Aaron, many thoughts run through my head. He makes you think, he makes you evaluate your own life. His life experience may not be that much different than of many other people's life experience only that he handles matters so differently, so refreshingly. When he turned 40 he already accomplished all he wanted. Loving wife, good home life and success in business. He met all his goals at that time. However, he was miserable and could not figure out what is the purpose of going on with life. From his home back in Latvia he learned to be responsible and take care of everything around him but forgetting himself in the process. He sunk into a deep depression that lasted two years. During that time he self-analyzed himself and his surroundings daily. At the end his self-analysis he had found the answer and from that moment on he became fulfilled, satisfied, content and most curious individual. I asked: "The gist?" AA: "I discovered what I like without considering the surroundings; it was not money or things. It was fulfilling my needs first. I made a conscious and subconscious decision to never allow the negative to take over my life and never allow anger to fester." During the years of depression and self-analysis, he gave consultation to clients only upon their request; he did not seek to work. One client was a national window manufacturer. His advice did not sound right to that client who thought Aaron's idea will not work, is somewhat crazy. Aaron saw a challenge right in front of his eyes. He had to prove to himself his ideas can and will work. He was going to create something that does not exist but will work. In New York, where his life was well established, he packed up his belongings and family and drove, almost non-stop, across country to Los Angeles, a new territory, where he had no ties or connections but where the weather was more favorable. "I am not afraid of 'just do it,'" he asserts. Aaron was 55 year old then. To start anew was no easy task. But remember, he has found his peace and he had no fear because he knew who he is and what he wants to do. "And what has happened is Los Angeles?" I asked. AA: "I started a window company ( and I was back to taking care of others, today over 40 families. The same cycle, different person, still impulsive but most content." Aaron holds two masters degrees in journalism and marketing and advertising from NYU. He speaks five languages and has traveled the world. We go back to Q and A: "What does it mean to be a positive individual" I asked. AA: "To me, that means separating the bad from the good. When something bad happened to you, it is in the category of life happens. Close the chapter, deal with it, and get over it and with it. You are a happy individual because you are happy with yourself, "he say while sitting content is his chair after recently dealing with some health issue. I say, try it yourself, it may work for you too. At work, at his staff meetings he does not go over sales and how many windows were sold. He teaches his staff how to be happy. "A happy salesperson brings in the sale," he explains, "and the achievement, without the pressure, only with a happy face makes him or her successfully happier." "Risk is everything," says Aaron. He came to California, an unknown territory and started a window company with a design that did not exist. Today, his 16 years old well-managed company is proud of its 16,000 satisfied customers. With 750,000, top of the line in design and engineering, windows and doors later he takes his energy elsewhere. Aaron is a great believer is advertising and he has been advertising on radio for a decade. With that he gets a chance to speak about his windows, as well as he is an avid listener to radio programs. "Some luck has played here, and our reputation is implacable," he says proudly. Each radio personality he has met and was advertising his windows on his show wanted to talk with him not only about the company and its products but also about his approach to life, which was projecting from Aaron's soul and being. Dennis Prager from KRLA 870AM; Bill Handel from KFIAM; Doug McIntyre from KABC 790AM; Howard Stern, Jim Thornton from 1070 in Los Angeles, Rick Dees and many others all talked about Aaron's California Deluxe Windows (CDW) company. After having his commercials on radio for almost a decade, radio people started involving his own voice in his radio commercials. Thereafter radio account executives suggested he will go on radio live to speak a little about his company and the products and service it offers. Listeners' response was overwhelming so the Radio management decided that instead of a one minute commercial with his own voice they will extend the platform to a talk show. Aaron agreed to first conduct half an hour show, now each Saturday, at 6:00p.m, on KRLA 870AM, Los Angeles. "I never prepare for the show. I do not have a script, yet, I never repeat the subject twice," he claims. My last question: "From where do you learn, from where your life's wisdom comes?" AA: "First, from living life. Second, by finding the things that make me happy, regardless of who say what and the obstacles that may be but are not. Always be more daring and curious than you are normally. Do not be afraid of anything, let life happen to you." It is the first day of the year 2015. If you redirect your thinking, if you choose to find happiness within your life frame, you may be just as happy and content as Aaron Adirim is. Try it, according to him it will work. Contact Nurit Greenger by email at Visit her blog: |
The Druze community number close to 120,000 in Israel. They live primarily in the Galilee and the Golan Heights, and are classified as a separate religious group, with their own courts and their own jurisdiction in matters such as marriage, divorce, and adoption. The Druze religion has its roots in Islam, but although some members consider themselves "Muslim," they have been recognized as a separate religion. During the reign of the Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt, in the 10th and 11th centuries, the Druze religion was formed, combining tenets of Islam with the philosophy of the Greek and Hindus. The Druze do not accept converts. They believe that anyone who wanted to join the religion had a chance to do so in the first generation after it was started, and that everyone who is alive today is reincarnated from a previous generation. The religion is heavily monotheistic, and has ties to the world's three main religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Their prophets include Moses, John the Baptist, Jesus and Mohammed. Their most revered religious figure is Jethro, father-in-law of Moses. A tomb built over his believed burial site, at the Horns of Hittin near the Kinneret, is a gathering place for members of the Druze faith, and every April, the Druze meet there to discuss matters pertaining to the community. Despite a few holy sites which have become official gathering places for the Druze, the Druze generally spurn the concepts of ceremonies and rituals. There is no official liturgy or prayer book, no holy days or fast days, and no pilgrimages. They accept 'The Seven Precepts', which they believe are the essential components of the Pillars of Islam. The precepts, which form the core of Druze faith, include truthfulness in speech, belief in one God, protection of others, and the belief that every hour of every day is a time to reckon oneself before God. Druze believe that the various rituals and practices adopted by the three major faiths have turned those believers away from the "true faith." The first Druze began settling in modern-day Lebanon and northern Israel centuries ago, and the largest Druze community in the Galilee is called Daliyat el-Carmel, situated on the Carmel Mountains. During the British Mandate, the Druze purposely kept out of the Arab-Israeli conflict; when the 1948 War broke out, the Druze fought on the side of Israel. A minority of Druze who live in the Golan Heights protested when the Israelis annexed the land from Syria, following the Six Day War. Few of them have accepted full Israeli citizenship, and remain Syrian citizens. The rest of the Druze, however, are full members of Israeli society. The Druze have mainly found employment in the fields of social work, security services, and prison personnel. A new program has been started to help the Druze gain entry into Israel's lucrative high-tech sector. They have also become prominent members of the IDF and of the Knesset, where they hold a disproportionate number of seats relative to the size of their community. In addition to holding prominent military and political positions, the Druze are active in the realms of sports, media, the arts, and literature. Israel Commentary israelcommentary@comcast |
ISRAEL'S GOOD NEWS NEWSLETTER TO 15TH MAY 16Posted by Michael Ordman, January 04, 2015 |
ISRAEL'S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Switching off antibiotic resistance. Researchers at Israel's Weizmann Institute have found new RNA-control switches ("ribo-switches) for genes encoding antibiotic resistance and discovered that these switches are actually "turned on" by the antibiotics themselves. The switches could be turned off by future treatments.
Israeli doctors save "no chance" Cyprus baby. (TY Beverly) No
newborn with a heart defect like that of Cypriot baby Vassilios
had ever survived. But Jerusalem's Hadassah Medical Center was
willing to treat him. After an anxious journey to Israel,
Hadassah surgeons achieved the "impossible" and after 10 days
Vassilios and his happy parents returned to Cyprus.
Hadassah saves Al Quds student with organ failure. (TY Beverly) Palestinian Arab student Sara al Katzroy collapsed whilst jogging. She was brought from Jericho hospital to Jerusalem where Hadassah doctors used a Molecular Adsorbent Recirculation System (MARS) to save her liver. Sara now wants to become a nurse.
Doctors save Palestinian Arab boy who fell into boiling jam. (TY Barbara Sofer) One of Barbara Sofer's 68 reasons to love Israel includes this amazing report of how doctors at Jerusalem's Hadassah Medical Center managed to save the life of Mohamed - a Palestinian Arab toddler who fell into a vat of boiling jam.
Eye spy. Two people have regained their eyesight after receiving the corneas of the late former Mossad chief Meir Dagan, who died March 17 after a long battle with cancer. Avraham Gian, 81, and an unnamed 70-year-old woman received the corneas at Tel Aviv's Ichilov Hospital.
Heart implant is a success. (TY Atid-EDI) UK medical journal The Lancet reported the first implants of the interatrial shunts from Israel's V-Wave (see previous newsletters). In less than 1 hour, each of 10 Canadian patients suffering poor left ventricular function received new implants and were discharged home next morning.
ISRAEL IS INCLUSIVE AND GLOBAL Alcohol/Smoke-free Woodstock. Jerusalem's Sobar Music Center
is presenting the first-ever alcohol/smoke-free Community
Woodstock festival on 8th Jun. Sobar provides an exciting and safe environment for teens and young adults from all over Jerusalem.
An Israeli photo for Mother's Day. Although Mother's Day is not a holiday in Israel, this photo of an Israeli mother who has just given birth to triplets, will be an eye-opener to anyone believing lies from the BDS idiots.
When things don't go right. A computer glitch meant that an entry to a Chinese auction run by Israeli cancer charity Ezer Mizion didn't get processed. Ezer Mizion called the donor to apologize, refund the donation and give a prize. The donor was so impressed that they not only refused the refund but they donated more.
Aid to victims of Canadian wildfire. Israeli humanitarian organization IsraAID is helping many of the 90,000 evacuees from the wildfire in Alberta, Canada. IsraAID volunteers are providing social and psychological support. Once the fires have been extinguished another IsraAID team will go in to help clean up the debris.
US and Israel expand energy cooperation. US Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and Yuval Steinitz, Israel's minister of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources, have signed an agreement to foster R&D, drive down the costs of clean energy technologies and encourage collaboration between top energy scientists.
China signs seven more agreements. (TY Hazel) Israel and China have signed seven academic cooperation agreements with Chinese universities. These include the establishment of joint Israeli-Chinese study institutes, as well as investments in student exchange programs.
Another agreement with NSW. The Agricultural Research Organisation of Israel and the University of Sydney signed an agriculture agreement focusing on teaching, training and research activities in the areas of dairy, poultry and aquaculture. It follows a (1st May) R&D agreement between New South Wales and Israel.
2 million likes from Brazil. The number of Brazilians who have "liked" Israel's Ministry of Tourism Facebook profiles in Portuguese has exceeded 2 million. It is part of the ministry's strategy to attract pilgrims from Brazil to visit the Holy Land. Brazil has the largest Catholic population in the world. Thousands of Egyptian Copts visit Israel. (TY Hazel) So far in 2016, at least 5,700 Coptic Orthodox Christians have travelled from Egypt to Israel - one thousand more than for the whole of 2015. The Copts previously banned pilgrimages to Israel, but in Nov 15, the new Coptic Pope Tawadros II came to Jerusalem.
NATO upgrades Israel's status. (TY Hazel) NATO has upgraded
its ties with Israel. Israel will now be able to open offices at
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's headquarters in Brussels
and complete a credentialing process for its representatives. The step "will help boost Israeli security", said PM Netanyahu.
Israel at 68 is not isolated. Ambassador Yoram Ettinger writes about Israel's links with NATO, Turkey, India, China, plus tech giants such as Oracle, Cisco and Intel.
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Water tech for Sau Paulo. Professor Jerson Kelman is CEO of
SABESP - the water company for Sau Paulo, Brazil's financial
center, with a population three times that of Israel. He has come
to Israel to learn how Israeli tech can help SABESP overcome Sau
Paulo’s water shortages.
Desalitech wins award - in Abu Dhabi. Israel's Desalitech won the Breakthrough Water Technology Company of the Year award at the 2016 Global Water Awards in Abu Dhabi. Desalitech's closed-circuit reverse osmosis desalination system counters the slow build-up of salinity in aquifers and waterways.
Second in International Robotics competition. A team of students from Israel's Rothschild-Hashomron High School in Binyamina came second at the prestigious international FIRST Robotics Competition in St. Louis, USA. Over 20,000 students from 24 countries pitted their robots against one another in completing set tasks.
Unhealthy food banned from Israeli schools. New Israeli Education Ministry guidelines prohibit selling or serving of sweets, snacks, and sugary or fatty foods to school and kindergarten students throughout Israel. Replacements include low-fat spreadable cheeses, avocado, whole-wheat pasta and bread, fruit and vegetables.
Cleaning solar panels in India. Israel-based Ecoppia is building a plant in India to manufacture its robotic solar cleaners at a new, state-of-the-art facility near Chennai. Ecoppia's robotic cleaning system uses controlled air flow to push the accumulated dirt off the solar panels
Don't pay the bad guys. The technology of Israel's Tipalti
ensures that companies never make payments to individuals or
companies that are on government watch lists. Tipalti did $2 billion of sales last year.
Dyson fan shows Israeli air quality status. British
engineering giant Dyson has linked up with Israel's BreezoMeter to
allow users of Dyson's new Pure Cool Link fan to compare indoor
air quality, humidity, temperature and pollen count with outdoors.
Nearly 9,500 Londoners die annually from exposure to pollutants.
3D printers refurbish Israeli planes. Israel Air Forces' Aerial Maintenance Unit is using 3D printers to print aircraft parts in order to keep 30-year-old planes flying. The technology has attracted original manufacturers Boeing and Lockheed to see how the upgrades can make the planes perform even better than when new.
ECONOMY & BUSINESS Seven million barrels of oil. The latest estimate of Israel's
Hatrurim oil reservoir, north of the Dead Sea, is 7 million
barrels - worth around $321 million at today's prices.
Another $0.9 billion of reserves. Israel's reserves of foreign currency shot up another $900 million at the end of April to another record - $95.685 billion. The Bank of Israel is trying to counter the strength of the Shekel.
First incubator agreement with China. (TY Hazel) Israel's Alon
MedTech Ventures incubator, is signing a cooperation agreement
with Tsinghua University, one of China's leading universities. This is the first cooperation agreement of its kind between an Israeli technology incubator and a Chinese entity.
Israeli chocolate for China. Israeli chocolatier Max Brenner
opened its first branch in China. The Beijing branch, located at THE PLACE mall in the city's financial district, is the latest of 65 worldwide storefronts. The company also recently opened the doors of its fifth Japanese branch, near Tokyo Disneyland.
Hainan airlines begins Beijing - Tel Aviv route. (TY
algemeiner) China's Hainan Airlines has begun operating a direct
Beijing - Tel Aviv route three times a week. Hainan Airlines is China's largest privately-owned airline. Israel is to increase its annual marketing budget for China from 1 million to 15 million shekels.
Prize for best Olympic startup. Israel's Hype Start-Up Foundation is offering a 100,000 Euro ($113,000) prize to attract startups, entrepreneurs and veteran companies to develop apps and technology that will enhance the Olympic experience for fans, broadcasters, players, and anyone else connected with the games.
Another purchase for Frutarom. Israel's Frutarom has paid $8.2 million for Germany's Extrakt Chemie - maker of natural extracts including some used to treat liver diseases, digestive problems and prevent infections. Frutarom's fifth acquisition of 2016 is active in Denmark, Switzerland, France, Austria and Australia. Frutarom also has opened a state-of-the-art center for R&D, marketing, and production in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Intel spends $1 billion in Israel annually. (TY Atid-EDI) Global microprocessor manufacturer Intel spends an annual average of $1 billion on procurement from 1,000 different Israeli suppliers. The company has spent $10 billion on procurement in the Israeli market over the past decade.
Security eyes are opened wider. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel's Magal
S3 has acquired Canada's Aimetis for around $14 million. Aimetis’
IP video management software will enhance the state-of-the-art
perimeter intrusion detection systems developed by Senstar - a subsidiary of Magal.
CULTURE, ENTERTAINMENT & SPORT Opening more doors. (TY Nevet) I reported previously (27th Dec) about "Open a Door to Israel" - the nine giant screens, shaped as doors, which visitors open to learn about Israel's heritage, music scene, family life, education and innovation. Here is a new video about the exhibition, which is now in Paris.
Tel Aviv opens its doors. Open House Tel Aviv (May 26-28) will open up to the public 140 of its most architecturally and historically notable private buildings.
Salvador Dali's Zionist works. A selection of 25 paintings
from Salvador Dali's little-known "Aliyah" series has gone on
private display in New York. The biblical and Zionist-themed
paintings were commissioned in 1967 for the 20th anniversary of
the state of Israel.
Helen Mirren to host Genesis Prize ceremony. Oscar-winning
actress Dame Helen Mirren is to host Israel's Genesis Prize
ceremony on 23rd June in Jerusalem. Dame Helen said "My
connection to Israel and the Jewish people has truly been a part
of making me what I am today, and I am very excited to be
returning to this great country."
Beyonce commissions Israeli designer. Israeli fashion designer, Inbal Dror, is designing a line of dresses for Beyonce's much-anticipated world tour "Formation." The award-winning singer fell in love with the dress Dror designed her for the Grammys earlier this year. 20 Eurovision stars visit Israel. (TY Jacques) A month before the 61st Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm on May 14, 20 international artists were invited to a three-day-trip across Israel. Plus, a promotional video and a new hi-tech video of the Israeli entry "Made of Stars" set against Tel Aviv's Azrieli towers.
Good start for Israeli golfer. Israel's 24-year-old Laetitia Neck, the first golfer from Israel to qualify for the LPGA Tour, surged into a two-shot lead in the opening round of the Yokohama Tire LPGA Classic in Prattville, Alabama. She ended the tournament at eight-under-par and tied for 15th place, winning $17,659.
Israel beats Iran to win 12 karate medals. A delegation of Israeli youth won 12 medals in an international Shinkyokushin Karate event in Lucerne, Switzerland, overcoming a team from Iran along the way. Over 300 competitors from 18 countries took part in the event.
Another gold-winning Judoka. Israeli judoka Gili Cohen won the
gold medal in the up to 52kg category at the Grand Slam Baku
tournament in Azerbaijan. She defeated Italian rival Odette Giuffrida, winning the highest honor of her career so far and significantly increasing her chances of competing in the Rio Olympics.
THE JEWISH STATE Happy 68th birthday. Jerusalem Post's Barbara Sofer lists 68
reasons to be proud of Israel as it celebrates its 68th
Independence Day. There is one that I hadn't reported previously
- included now in the Medical section. And TY Sharon for this article showing how Israelis journey from Yom HaShoah to Yom Ha’Atzmaut.
Lighting the torches. I reported previously (on 1st May) that
Christian leader Father Gabriel Naddaf will light a torch at the
Israeli Independence Day torch ceremony. Other honorees include the widow of Israel's first astronaut, a deaf Holocaust survivor, a Nepal aid worker, IDF soldiers and everyday heroes.
Robots play Hatikvah on xylophone. As part of their holiday series, Technion students have built something special for Israel's Independence Day - the world's most Zionist robot.
Come home for a visit. JNF Missions are experiences unlike any
other. In addition to visiting many of the cultural, religious and historical highlights of Israel, JNF Missions transcend the boundaries of a standard trip and provide participants with a deeper connection to the land and people of Israel.
Outstanding Zionist immigrants. (TY Janglo) There are six
winners of the Sylvan Adams Nefesh B'Nefesh Bonei Zion Prize for
2016. The award recognizes outstanding Anglo Olim - veteran and recent - who encapsulate the spirit of modern-day Zionism by contributing in a significant way towards the State of Israel.
NYC boy donates all his Bar Mitzvah money to Israel. Noah
Helfstein from New York has donated all his Bar-Mitzvah money,
$76,000, to bring the first-ever "Maker Bus" - a mobile technology
lab - to less fortunate children throughout Israel. The advanced 3D printer on the bus allows the production of almost any object.
Contact Michael Ordman at |
Israel faces a twin peril, far more menacing to its survival as the nation-state of the Jewish people than the Iranian nuclear program or a Palestinian state. ![]() The minute we leave South Lebanon we will have to erase the word Hezbollah from our vocabulary, because the whole idea of the State of Israel versus Hezbollah was sheer folly from the outset. It will most certainly no longer be relevant when Israel returns to its internationally recognized northern border. - Amos Oz, "Try a Little Tenderness" (Interview), Haaretz, March 17, 2000 The ultimate test of this agreement will be a test of blood. If it becomes clear that [the Palestinians] cannot overcome terror, this will be a temporary accord and... we will have no choice but to abrogate it. And if there is no choice, the IDF will return to the places it is about to leave in the upcoming months. - Yossi Beilin, Ma'ariv, November 26, 1993 The nightmare stories of the Likud are well known. After all, they promised Katyusha rockets from Gaza as well. For a year, Gaza has been largely under the rule of the Palestinian Authority. There has not been a single Katyusha rocket. Nor will there be any Katyushas. – Yitzhak Rabin, radio interview, July 24, 1995 I realize that what follows may raise a few eyebrows -m some in disbelief, some in disapproval. I have no doubt it will ruffle feathers - on both sides of the political divide - but if the unpalatable truth is to be dealt with, it must be addressed squarely and honestly. For unless the problem raised in this column is adequately addressed before the election, it will, like the ones before it, be meaningless, with roughly the same policy being adopted, no matter which party wins, and no matter what they promise their electorate. Indeed, the only difference is likely to be in the degrees of enthusiasm or reluctance with which they adopt it. Grave twin peril Today, Israel is facing a twin peril, far more menacing to its prospects of survival as the nation-state of the Jewish people than the Iranian nuclear program or a Palestinian state. This is the threat entailed in Israel's wildly delusional and dangerous - and at times decidedly disloyal - political Left, on the one hand; and a hopelessly impotent and incompetent political Right, on the other. Indeed, were it not for the existence of both these components of the dual danger, it is quite possible that neither the Iranian nor the Palestinian threats would exist - or at least, both would be greatly diminished. If the Left were not so dangerously delusional, it would not matter that the Right was so hopelessly incompetent. Alternatively, if the Right were not so appallingly incompetent, the dangers entailed in the delusions of the Left would be far less severe. It is the simultaneous occurrence of these components that generates the deadly combination, which renders Israel not only incapable of contending effectively with the harrowing range of external threats it faces, but in fact sustains, indeed intensifies them. The guru, the architect and the general The three introductory excerpts starkly underline the veracity of this grim assessment. The one from author Amos Oz, widely revered ideological guru of the political Left; the second by former left-wing politician Yossi Beilin, arguably the principle architect of the Oslo Accords; the third, and perhaps the most stunning, from the late Yitzhak Rabin, lionized as "Mr. Security," responsible for the practical implementation of those accords. On the one hand they illustrate how utterly out of touch with reality the left-wing proponents of political appeasement and territorial concession are. On the other, they bear damning testimony to the hopeless ineffectiveness of the right wing. In view of the catastrophic failure of the Left's policy paradigm, it is inconceivable that anyone continuing to espouse such hazardous hallucinations could still be, not only politically relevant, but comprise a significant, arguably dominant component of mainstream political life in Israel. The fact that the Right has not been able to marshal the intellectual depth, ideological vigor and political acumen to dispatch this demonstrably delusional doctrine to the garbage heap of history, with all the scorn and ridicule it so richly deserves, is as incomprehensible as it is inexcusable; that advocates of this dangerously detrimental dogma not only persist in peddling their fatally flawed formula, but can still mount a credible challenge for leadership of the nation, is beyond belief. Oslo the defining divide In Israeli politics, of course, the real divide between what is called "Left" and "Right" is determined far more on positions on defense and foreign policy, than on socioeconomic matters. Indeed, an avowed free-market advocate, who avidly supported a policy of dovish concessions, would be considered a Leftist. By contrast, a strong advocate of enhanced social welfare who held uncompromisingly hawkish views would be considered a right-winger, even an "extremist" - a term somehow reserved only for that side of the political divide - which in itself is a reflection of rightwing political ineptness. (Accordingly - as a methodological aside - it is quite plausible that changing the prevailing political jargon from the misleading "Left vs Right" to a "Doves vs Hawks" divide, may not only be far more appropriate, but have practical implications in the marketability of hardline positions that extend well beyond the realm of mere terminology. But that is a topic for a separate column.) In this regard, the Oslo process was in many ways a seminal event that crystallized the essential fault line that separated Left from Right and threw it into sharper relief than ever before. For the first time, overt support for what once had been a bipartisan anathema - i.e. Palestinian statehood and negotiations with Arafat’s PLO - became an acceptable part, indeed the hallmark centerpiece of mainstream left-wing political identity. With impressive resolve, resources and resourcefulness, the radical Left managed to convert a position that was not only negligibly marginal, but borderline treasonous, into a respectable mainstream opinion, and a fashionable badge of enlightenment and moral superiority to be proudly flaunted. Dramatically disproven but never discarded This in itself is a harsh indictment of the political capability of the Right. But things are much worse. For little has changed despite the horrendous consequences of the endeavor to implement the Oslo agenda, that wrought trauma and tragedy on tens of thousands of Israelis, and death and destruction to even more Palestinian Arabs. Thus, with facts and logic in its favor, with prudence and experience on its side, the Right has been manifestly incapable of vanquishing its left-wing rivals. Inexplicably, despite the fact that the Left's political credo of "land-for-peace" has been dramatically disproved, somehow it has never been discredited - and certainly never discarded. After all, ever since ceding the Sudetenland to the Nazis in 1938, the endeavor to appease despots by offerings of territorial sacrifice has failed catastrophically. In the context of the Arab-Israel conflict, territorial retreat - whether negotiated or unilateral - has failed whenever it has been attempted: Almost immediately as in the 2005 Gaza disengagement; within months in Judea-Samaria, which erupted into a gory post-Oslo surge of suicide terrorism; after several years in south Lebanon, following the IDF's ignominious flight in the wake of Ehud Barak's capitulation to left-wing NGOs in 2000; or after several decades as in Sinai, which is fast deteriorating into a savage jihadist-controlled no-man's-land, with no good outcomes remotely conceivable. But for the grace of God... One can only shudder at the thought of the situation Israel would now be in, had it heeded the exhortation of the land-for-peace proponents who urged relinquishing the Golan Heights to Assad, whom they deemed was someone Israel could “do business with" - i.e. surrender land to. It is only by the grace of the good Lord (or Lady Fortune), rather than prudent Israeli policy, that we are not facing the grim prospect of Islamic State platoons deployed on the shores of Lake Kinneret and the murderous al-Qaida affiliate the a-Nusra Front on the cliffs overlooking the city of Tiberias and the greater part of the Galilee. Yet amazingly, in a recent poll, when asked, "In light of the spread of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, has this affected your stance regarding Israeli territorial concessions in the West Bank?" almost 75 percent of left-wingers surveyed said their attitudes had been unaffected; while almost 20 percent were now more ready to make such concessions. Not a single person who identified themselves as "Left" indicated that he/she was less inclined to make concessions in view of the rise of Islamic State! Even more astonishing - and unmoored from reality - is the left wing's response to last summer's military campaign in Gaza, as reflected in the manner in which it is gearing up for the election. The persistent public support for the Left - especially for a seemingly revitalized Labor Party headed by the dodgy duo, Tzipi Livni and Isaac Herzog - reflected in current polls dramatically underscores how ineffectual the Right has been in conveying its credo to the electorate. Impervious to facts; immune to reason For the indelible lesson that Operation Protective Edge should have seared into the national consciousness is that it starkly illustrated the hazards of a short 50-km. border, abutting the sparsely populated rural South. How then could any political entity be taken seriously when it is so impervious to facts and immune to reason that it ignores this lesson? How could any political entity garner support for a policy that advocates establishing a long 500-km. border that not only abuts the heavily populated urban Center, but places the country's only international airport within mortar range, and its main traffic arteries within tunnel reach? But this fiasco is, in many ways, merely the continuation of the exasperating and demoralizing phenomenon the voting majority has had to endure since the mid-'90s - the bizarre spectacle of parties with (relatively) hawkish platforms, repeatedly winning elections, but then almost immediately thereafter embracing the failed policy of the defeated dovish rivals, which they urged voters to reject. It would be far more than an empty cliche to state that although the Right regularly wins elections, it never really gets into power. (For a detailed explanation of this highly detrimental and distortive characteristic of the Israeli political system, see my previous columns "Understanding Politics in Israel: The Limousine Theory" and "The Limousine Theory (con't.): Irrefutable illustrations; egregious examples.") Half-baked and harebrained There is little way to account for this dismal result other than the intellectual bankruptcy of the Israeli Right. For with so much in its favor, the fact that it has not consigned the demonstrably dangerous delusions of the Left to political oblivion - or at least to irrevocable irrelevance - can only be accounted for by its impotence and its incompetence. There are no good reasons for the current depressing political outcomes - although excuses abound in abundance. It is not a matter of disparity in resources. The Right ostensibly has held the reins of government for well over half a decade, but has done nothing to harness the resources at its disposal to promote - at home and abroad - the political credo it was elected to promote. In the field of private philanthropy, too, there are excuses not reasons. After all, for every George Soros on the Left, there is a Sheldon Adelson on the Right. Sadly, nearly all the philanthropic funds available on the Right have been channeled into causes which however noble, can make little impact - even if they are hugely successful - on the strategic outcomes crucial to the future of the country. Finally, there is the matter of the Right's alternative to the Left's land-for-peace paradigm. For years, the Right refrained for offering any detailed alternative and restricted itself to repudiating the Left's two-state prescription. For this it was severely, and rightly, criticized. Lately, several alternatives have been proposed. Regretfully, most of these have been, at best, half-baked, at worst, hare-brained, and likely to produce outcomes no less undesirable than the two-state paradigm they were intended to replace. In previous columns I have critiqued several of these proposals, and in the coming weeks in the run up to the election, I will revisit them with the hope of inducing positive changes. For unless there is a far-reaching enhancement in the intellectual fare offered the voter, the grim choice confronting him/her will once again be between a delusional Left and an incompetent Right. Martin Sherman ( is the founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies |
![]() Turkey is formally a NATO ally. But Erdogan-led Turkey has not behaved as an ally or a friend of the US for years. It is a mystery why the Obama Administration refuses to acknowledge that Turkey is a Trojan horse in NATO, and that Ankara undermines American interests in the Middle East and elsewhere. Turkey is a NATO ally, and President Barrack Obama has called the current President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, his best friend. But Erdogan-led Turkey does not behave as an ally or a friend of the US. This is not a new development. Erdogan and his Islamist party, the AKP, have ruled Turkey since 2002. Erdogan's Turkey has gradually distanced itself from the West, adopting domestic and foreign policies fueled by Ottoman and Islamist impulses. Turkey has been on the road to an authoritarian regime for several years. Infringements on human rights have gradually increased. In truth, Turkey has never had a political system with checks and balances able to constrain attempts to consolidate power around one politician. In recent years, Erdogan has weakened further the few constitutional constraints against the 'Putinization' of the Turkish political system. The longer Erdogan rules, the more power hungry he seems. His authoritarian personality becomes clearer every day. The press is hardly free. Erdogan arrests even Islamist journalists that are critical of his policies. His party has infiltrated the judicial system and the police. Foci of power, such as the bureaucracy, the banking system, industrial associations and trade unions have been mostly coopted by the AKP. Opposition political parties are largely discredited. The military, once active in politics as the defender of the Kemalist secular tradition, has been successfully sidelined. From a realpolitik perspective, the domestic political developments, deplorable as they may be in Turkey, could be ignored by the democratic West as long as Ankara continues to be a useful ally. Unfortunately, Turkey no longer qualifies as a trusted ally. The most recent examples of nefarious Turkish behavior are its support of ISIS and Hamas. Turkey is playing a double game on the issue of the Islamic State. It pretends to cooperate with the US policy in the attempt to contain radical Islam, but actually Turkey supports ISIS. It allows volunteers passage through Turkish territory to join ISIS in Iraq. ISIS receives logistical support via Turkey, and sends its wounded militants for treatment there. Turkish military forces stood idly by the besieged city of Kobani, just across the Turkish border, while the Islamists killed Kurdish fighters. Finally, Turkey denies the American air force access to Turkish bases; forcing the US to use far away bases when attacking ISIS targets. Turkey is also openly supporting another radical Islamist organization - Hamas. Despite the fact that the West regards Hamas a terrorist organization, Ankara regularly hosts Hamas representatives that meet the highest Turkish dignitaries. Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, has a rabid anti-American position. Moreover, Salah al-Aruri, a senior Hamas operative, operates out of Istanbul. Recently, the Turkish branch of Hamas was involved in a series of attempts to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel, and in orchestrating a coup against the current leadership of the Palestinian Authority. Such behavior should not surprise policy makers in Washington. In 2003, Ankara denied the request from Washington to open its territory so that the US military could attack Saddam Hussein's forces from two separate fronts. AKP-ruled Ankara also defied American preferences on Syria, a country allied with radical Iran and on the American list of states supporting terrorism. In January 2004, Bashar Assad became the first Syrian president ever to visit Turkey. In April 2009, the two states conducted their first ever joint military exercise. No other NATO member had such close relations with the authoritarian regime in Damascus, which has been closely allied with Iran for several decades. Turkey further deviated from the Western consensus in 2008 by hosting Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir twice. Bashir, who was charged with war crimes and genocide in Darfur, presided over an Islamist regime. Turkey even welcomed the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for a visit in August 2008. No Western country has issued such an invitation to the Iranian leader. Additionally, Erdogan congratulated Ahmadinejad immediately after his re-election in June 2009. When it comes to Iran's nuclear threat, Ankara, unlike its NATO allies, has refused to adopt the U.S. stance on harsher sanctions, fearing in part the economic consequences of such steps. In June 2010, Turkey voted at the UN Security Council against a US-sponsored resolution meant to impose a new round of sanctions on Iran. Turkey also has consistently defied advice from Washington to tone down its anti-Israel statements and mend relations with an important American ally. All American efforts in this direction have failed. There is also a clear divergence between the US and Turkey on important global issues such as Russia and China. For example, the US. wanted to send ships into the Black Sea via the Bosphorus Straits during the Georgia war in August 2008. Turkey flatly denied several such requests on the pretext that the military vessels were too large. Moreover, Turkey proposed the creation of a regional security framework involving Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, that left out a NATO role. More blatantly, Turkey has failed to participate in the Western economic sanctions imposed on Russia during the recent Ukraine crisis. Dissonance exists also with regards to China. While the US fears the rise of China, Turkey sees this country as a potential economic partner and not as a problem. It held military exercises with China. Ankara even considered purchasing anti-aircraft systems from Beijing, an incredibly brazen position for a NATO member! It is not clear why Washington puts up with such Turkish behavior. The Obama administration seems to be unable to call a spade a spade. It refuses to acknowledge that Turkey is a Trojan horse in NATO, and that Ankara undermines American interests in the Middle East and elsewhere. Prof. Efraim Inbar is Director of the BESA Center. A veteran authority on the Arab-Israeli conflict and strategic developments in the Mideast. Expert on Israeli strategic doctrine, public opinion on national security issues, nuclear matters, U.S. Middle East policy, U.S.-Israel relations, Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy, and Israel-Turkey relations. Contact BESA Center at |
In the largest Muslim country in the world, hundreds of Jews have rediscovered their lost Jewish identity. Rabbi Tovia Singer joins Jeremy Gimpel in-studio to discuss the remarkable story of how he was invited to speak for three days in Indonesia, and while there discovered lost Jews from Peru, Holland and Asia and never left. Today, he serves as a rabbi in Jakarta. Listen to how these pioneers of spirituality are now living as Orthodox Jews among Muslims at the end of the world. Rabbi Singer tells Jeremy that, "this is a sign that we are approaching the Redemption as more lost souls are returning to their source." Jeremy Gimpel is an educator, politician and presenter of "Israel Inspired", a podcast that has had 12 million views on YouTube. He is also the Deputy Director of the World Mizrachi Movement. Contact Jeremy Gimpel at |
"NOT A CRISIS"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 04, 2015 |
Mahmoud Abbas would certainly like us to think it is a crisis. He wants us cringing in fear. But he's going to be disappointed on this score: On Wednesday, Abbas made a show of filling out membership forms for a variety of international organizations. But filling out forms is not applying. On Friday night, that step was taken, when Riyad Mansour, Palestinian Arab envoy to the UN - acting on behalf of the "State of Palestine" - submitted to the Secretariat of the UN in New York applications to join some 20 international treaties. Key among these was the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court at the Hague. (The Rome Statute is the founding treaty of the ICC.) A UN spokesman confirmed receipt of the documents and said they were being reviewed. ~~~~~~~~~~ The process of joining the ICC requires 90 days from the time the application is submitted. But Abbas didn't even wait for the ink to dry on the application he filed before moving forward. On Thursday morning the PA filed a request with the Dutch Embassy (the court is in the Hague, in Holland – the Dutch have a consulate in Ramallah) requesting that Israel be investigated for alleged war crimes committed during the 50 days of the Gaza war this summer. I see this as grandstanding and not a move that has legal legitimacy at all. But what we're seeing is that Abbas, who hesitated for some time in filing with the ICC, seems ready to go full steam ahead now, and is talking about leveling every charge he can come up with against Israel, including retroactively. I even read about the idea the Palestinian Arabs have that they can charge Israel with "war crimes" because of the "settlements." ~~~~~~~~~~ The ICC has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals (not states) for the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. It is able to exercise its jurisdiction only when certain conditions are met. The process is not simple or automatic. In point of fact, it is exceedingly doubtful that what Abbas is attempting to do will yield anything resembling the results he says he wishes to achieve. The ICC will not take seriously any petition registered by the PA for investigating Israeli officials until "the State of Palestine" is recognized as a member of the Court. It is Fatou Bensouda, of Gambia, Chief Prosecutor at the ICC, who has responsibility to make this initial determination. ![]() Should she, after initial consultations, decide that Palestine is a state, qualified to lodge complaints, she must then determine whether these complains merit investigation. If she does determine so, she would begin with a preliminary investigation. But this in no way guarantees that a full criminal investigation would follow. Says international law professor Robbie Sabel, of Hebrew University: "I assume that they will start a preliminary examination. But the prosecution will soon find that it's an entirely political issue, and unless Israel goes mad and decides to start committing mass atrocities, which it won't, the prosecutor will be reluctant to proceed with an actual criminal investigation." Determination of a basis for a full investigation depends on many factors, including complex issues of jurisdiction and gravity. Generally, charges can only be brought for alleged crimes committed in territory over which a state has jurisdiction after that state has joined the Court. The charges against Israel for events that occurred last summer would be questionable. The fact that these charges involve Gaza further complicates the matter, because it may be determined that Hamas and not a "Palestinian state" is in charge there. Then there is the question of whether charges could be brought against Israel for "settlements," as Israel is not a member of the court and the court only has jurisdiction over crimes committed within the territory of members of the court. And there is the fact that the court, according to the Rome Statute, the jurisdiction of the court is limited to the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole...unimaginable atrocities that deeply shock the conscience of humanity." Even in the unlikely event that Abbas were to succeed in achieving a full criminal investigation against key Israeli figures, there would be no final result for years because of the complexity of the process. ~~~~~~~~~~ According to Alan Baker, international lawyer and director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, this entire action seems to be a PR bluff that Abbas hopes will pressure the US into agreeing to a Security Council Resolution. Might be. PA officials are already making noise about calling for another vote at the Security Council. As there are now new temporary members of the Council, more predisposed to supporting a "Palestinian state" unilaterally established, the US would have to veto to block it. ~~~~~~~~~~ My guess, however, is that Abbas is severely overplaying his hand, if he thinks he can pressure the US. The State Department has registered great irritation with Abbas over this behavior, and there are members of Congress calling for penalties (withholding of funding) because of the ICC gambit. ~~~~~~~~~~ The question is whether Abbas is really seeking a SC resolution that "creates" a state. There are yet other ways of looking at the situation. And so I share here an article by Yishai Schwartz in the New Republic that seems to me an astute analysis of Abbas’s gambit. Things are not always what they seem to be on the surface, and where Abbas is concerned it's best to seek the devious motivation. (Emphasis added) "...on Wednesday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas formally requested membership in the International Criminal Court. Coming in the middle of Israeli elections, these actions-which are sure to infuriate Israelis and strengthen the Israeli right-seem rather self-defeating, and Americans committed to Mideast peace are bewildered... "The New York Times editorial board warned that 'Mr. Abbas's actions will almost certainly make the situation worse, setting back the cause of statehood even farther. By taking this tack before the Israeli elections, which are set for March 17, he has given Israeli hard-liners new ammunition to attack the Palestinians and reject new peace talks.'"Underlying these responses is the assumption that Palestinian leadership...would prefer to negotiate with [Netanyahu's] more conciliatory alternatives, Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni. It is this assumption that creates the apparent conflict between Palestinian priorities (a negotiated settlement with Israel) and actions (weakening Israeli doves in the middle of election season). This assumption is faulty. Palestinians likely view Netanyahu's opponents as wolves in sheep's clothing; Herzog and Livni appear reasonable to the world but are unlikely to offer anything that Palestinians consider acceptable. In the absence of a prospective agreement, negotiations are about optics of blame rather than substance-and in that world, Netanyahu is Palestinians' best option. "Imagine for a moment that a sudden surge brings the Israeli center-left to power. From the statements and past actions of figures like Livni and Herzog, we have a fairly good sense of what to expect: respectful and earnest negotiations that culminate in an offer similar to-and likely less generous than-those offers made by Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert to Abbas and his predecessor, Yasser Arafat. These offers were both, of course, rejected as inadequate for Palestinian needs. And in the years since, the position of the Palestinian leadership-on refugees, on Jerusalem, on borders-has only hardened and gained more international legitimacy. The gap between the parties has only widened from a decade ago, but even then the truth was clear: The most that Israelis will offer is less than the least Palestinians will accept. "Abbas knows this...he must...recognize that politically, a right-wing Israeli government is a diplomatic triumph. International support for Palestinians plummets when Israel is led by leftist leaders who make concrete offers...[that the PA is going to refuse]..." ~~~~~~~~~~ As to Israel's response to Abbas's ICC membership application, it is, as would be expected, furious. The announcement has already been made that Israel has frozen the transfer of about $125 million from tax funds collected for the PA.,7340,L-4610793,00.html The PA is screaming "theft," but it owes the Israeli Electric Company a fortune. ~~~~~~~~~~ In addition, Israel is "weighing the possibilities for large-scale prosecution in the United States and elsewhere" of PA officials including Abbas. These cases might be put forward via "non-governmental agencies and legal groups that can file lawsuits abroad," rather than via the Israeli government. ~~~~~~~~~~ At the opening of the weekly Cabinet meeting this morning, Prime Minister Netanyahu said that: The Palestinian Authority is "opting for a confrontation with the state of Israel" and "we will not sit idly by. We will not allow them to drag IDF soldiers and commanders to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. " is the heads of the Palestinian Authority, who struck an alliance with the Hamas war criminals, who should be held accountable. "The IDF will continue to defend Israel with determination and force, and just as they defend us, we will defend them with the same determination and force." Appropriately said. However, if Netanyahu has received advice that the PA efforts at the ICC will likely come to nothing, there is, as well, a bit of grandstanding in this statement – with regard to not allowing them to drag IDF soldiers to the ICC, etc. Grandstanding, as in, it's an election time and the nation must know that I am strong. ~~~~~~~~~~ This leads me directly into a brief discussion of what I have termed the political circus... Actually, I realized a while ago that while this metaphor is catchy - with its image of multiple activities going on at once, with someone on a high wire and a second person seeking to control lions, while a third is balancing balls in the air - it delivers the wrong message. For a circus suggests fun activity, and I don't notice many - with the possible exception of Naftali Bennett - who are having fun where this election campaign is concerned. Quite the contrary. It is an amorphous and somewhat ambiguous affair, with far far too many tensions. The Likud has held its primary - to determine its list for the elections - and I conceded readily enough that I am disappointed in the results, which were less solidly nationalist/right wing than I had hoped they would be. As was to be expected, Netanyahu soundly trounced challenger Danny Danon to head the list; Danon is number 10 on the list. Following Netanyahu in the top 15 slots are Gilad Erdan - not someone to get excited about, then Yuli Edelstein, Yisrael Katz and Miri Regev - all quite good. But in slot six, a weak Silvan Shalom, followed by Moshe Ya'alon, who has been a severe disappointment. Number eight is a top notch Ze'ev Elkin, with a weak Tzachbi Hanegbi following. Yariv Levin and Ofir Akunis - slots 12 and 15 - are both top notch, with Yuval Steinitz and Gila Gamliel both OK but not enormously strong. Avi Dichter, in slot 20, is not good news. Should Likud garner 24 mandates, then the passionately Zionistic Ayub Kara would get back into the Knesset, and I would love to see that. Missing is Tzipi Hotovely, who had been a fiery MK with some good instincts. And Moshe Feiglin, whose ouster, it is being strongly suggested, involved machinations behind the scenes. ![]() There is no "Wow!" for this list, no matter how delighted Netanyahu declared himself to be. ~~~~~~~~~~ I spoke above about the fact that Bennett may be having fun. He "starred" in a couple of entertaining recruitment videos for Habayit Hayehudi. The recruitment has now ended, but a vigorous drive increased the number belonging to the party, which will have an effect on the primary for this party, yet to come. Bennett seems to be stretching to make the party as inclusive as he can. (See below.) The slogan that has been adopted is that the party is for "those who love the people of Israel, the Land of Israel and the Torah of Israel." ~~~~~~~~~~ Lieberman, head of Yisrael Beitenu, is all over the place, and coping with significant corruption charges - not against him but rather several members of his party. Painful. Shameful. Eli Yishai, who did make a nationalist statement a while ago, has not yet clearly defined the nature of his party. While Shas, from which he withdrew, is imploding. Head Arieh Deri - embarrassed by a video in which deceased religious head Rav Ovadiah Yosef severely criticized him - submitted a resignation, but has since hinted he will continue to lead the party. And the Herzog-Livni duo? As far as I am concerned, the less said about them the better. Perhaps it is here that the circus metaphor most aptly fits, because I see them as clowns. Their positions, their criticisms of the government, do not seem truly serious at all. But - go know! - according to the polls, there is a segment of the population that would vote for them. Enough said for one go-round. ~~~~~~~~~~ Ahmed Tibi, an MK who heads the United Arab list - Ta'al is loyal to the Palestinian Authority, even though he holds Israeli citizenship. This is commonly known. He once served as an advisor to Arafat. Yesterday he led a procession to the Temple Mount and raised a Palestinian flag there, declaring, "Al-Quds [Jerusalem] is Arab and the capital of Palestine and the Al-Aksa mosque is a place of Muslim prayer." Are we crazy, that loyalty to the State is not required of those who sit in her Knesset? With this, we are charged with being apartheid. Ironically, the Israeli Arabs seem to have the very worst representing them in political parties. ~~~~~~~~~~ But there is a flip side to this story here, with Anett Haskia, an Arab Muslim Israeli whom Tibi calls a traitor. Her three children have served in the IDF and she is encouraging Arab Israeli youth to do national service to give back to their country. She calls the Arab Israeli MKs a "fifth column bent on Israel's destruction." And she is running for the Habayit Hayehudi list. Interesting, to say the least. Refreshing. Contact Arlene Kushner at and visit her website: |
HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS OILY PETTIFOGGER ...Posted by Paul Lademain, January 04, 2015 |
Juan Cole's strident anti-Israel, pro-Islamic agit-prop, apparently uttered for the purpose of fracturing the nation of Israel, is consistently pushed by Craig Brown, the co-founder of an NGO doing business as: "Common Dreams." Common Dreams publishes an online blog []; Brown promotes himself as a "progressive" and, as its editor, he selects the content for Common Dreams' Online. (His late wife, Lina Newhouser co-founded this NGO.) Brown enrolls a cadre of writers, many of whose ideals and ideations we share, but we are constantly perplexed as to why Brown hews to the views of Juan Cole, an embittered anti-Israel termagant who apparently has abstained from any research of international law associated with the founding (during the Twenties) of what was then known and internationally recognized as the Jewish Homeland of Palestine. In short, Cole focused his education almost exclusively on Islam and ignores the multi-millenial history of Jews and their communities that existed for centuries throughout the entire region of Palestine and the entire middle east --- including the region of Medina that eventually was incorporated into the new state of Saudi Arabia. Cole ignores the fact that along with the rise of fascism and its embrace by Islam and the nazi political party, Jews were driven out of their ancient homelands by Muslim forces; he ignores the fact that most of these Jewish refugees retreated to or were driven by arabist armed forces into the new state of Israel. He consistently ignores international law that established the boundaries of what was then called Jewish Palestine (now "Israel") whose borders are detailed in the treatise written by the late Prof. Howard Grief: "The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law." (FACT: Cole, as well as the US X-POTUS, Jimmy Carter and his notorious Secy. of State, deliberately ignore the plight of close to a million Jewish refugees who were driven, empty-handed, from their ancient homelands.) We have attempted to reason with Brown on the subject of Israel and its sovereignty over the lands the arab invaders currently covet, but to no avail. His technique is to immediately dismiss any contradiction of or to his pan-arabist views and typically responds with ad hominem attacks on those who dare to criticize his anti-Israel views. Other methods are thus called for. I have borrowed some words written by Bernie Sanders in his opening assault on the TPP trade agreement [] recently published by Common Dreams (We can only "tend to agree" with Sanders because we are in no better position than others who have so far been barred from examining the terminology and terms of the proposed Trans Pacific Partners trade treaty.) So, here's how we would go about introducing an attack on Juan Cole's pan-arabist dramaturgy: "Mr. Cole's proposals for dismantling the nation of Israel is a design for disaster; a schemata designed to protect the interests of the largest and wealthiest middle-eastern and northern european oil czars at the expense of the civilian population of Israel, world-wide consumers, advances in medical research and the environment, while undermining Western Values that defeated fascism and the nazi party. His malevolence toward the Jewish State is designed to destroy some of the most civilized people in the world: Jews and Muslim Israelis, alike." (This intro should be followed by one or two memorable attacks on Cole's pro-Islamic/anti-Israel blather --- and please don't expound excessively on Cole's opinions before attacking his views, which self-defeating habit characterizes what a handful of Israeli "in-tell-leck-shu-all-show-offs" tend to do as a preamble to their customarily defensive, excessively polite, and therefore ineffective rebuttals.) FYI: here are Bernie Sanders words published by Craig Brown's online blog presented by his "Common Dreams": "The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement designed to protect the interests of the largest multi-national corporations at the expense of workers, consumers, the environment and the foundations of American democracy. It will also negatively impact some of the poorest people in the world." Contact Paul Lademain by email at |
AN ISRAELI ON VACATIONPosted by GWY123, January 04, 2015 |
An Israeli is on vacation and is visiting a zoo in England when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside his cage, right under the eyes of her screaming parents. The Israeli runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the Israeli brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him profusely. A reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter says to the Israeli: 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've ever seen a man do in my lifetime. The Israeli replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really. The lion was behind bars. I just saw this little girl in danger and acted as I felt right.' The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this doesn't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page. So, what country are you from, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?' The Israeli replies, "I'm from Israel. I serve in the Israeli army and I vote for the Likud." The journalist leaves. The following morning the Israeli buys the paper to see news of his actions, and reads, on the front page: "RIGHT-WING ISRAELI ASSAULTS AFRICAN IMMIGRANT AND STEALS HIS LUNCH." And that pretty much sums up the media's approach to Israel these days Contact GWY123 at |
THE ISLAMIZATION OF BRITAIN IN 2014Posted by Ted Belman, January 04, 2015 |
The article below was written by Soeren Kern who is a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Gatestone Institute, and Senior Analyst for Transatlantic Relations at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estrategicos / Strategic Studies Group. One of the oldest and most influential foreign policy think tanks in Spain, the Strategic Studies Group is closely tied to Spain's center-right Partido Popular/Popular Party and former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.
A political scientist by training, Soeren specializes in European
politics as well as US and European defense- and
security-related issues. He is also an essayist on European
anti-Americanism and the roles of America and Europe in the
world. This article appeared January 04, 2015 on Israpundit
and is archived at
The Muslim population of Britain reached 3.4 million in 2014 to become around 5.3% of the overall population of 64 million, according to figures extrapolated from a recent study on the growth of the Muslim population in Europe. In real terms, Britain has the third-largest Muslim population in the European Union, after France and Germany. Islam and Islam-related issues were omnipresent in Britain during 2014, and can be categorized into four broad themes: 1) Islamic extremism and the security implications of British jihadists in Syria; 2) the continuing spread of Islamic Sharia law in Britain; 3) the sexual exploitation of British children by Muslim gangs; and 4) Muslim integration into British society. What follows is a chronological review of some of the main stories involving the rise of Islam in Britain during 2014. In January, an analysis of census data showed that nearly 10% of the babies and toddlers in England and Wales are Muslim. The percentage of Muslims among children under five is almost twice as high as in the general population. By way of comparison, fewer than one in 200 people over the age of 85 are Muslim, an indication of the extent to which the birth rate is changing the religious demographic in Britain. Also in January, Muslim fundamentalists threatened to behead a fellow British Muslim after he posted an innocuous image of Mohammed and Jesus on his Twitter account. The death threats against Maajid Nawaz, a Liberal Democrat Party candidate for British Parliament, added to the growing number of cases in which Islamists are using intimidation tactics to restrict the free speech rights of fellow Muslims in Europe. On January 16, a Muslim woman was arrested by counter-terrorism police at Heathrow Airport as she was preparing to board a flight to Turkey. Nawal Masaad, 26, is accused of trying to smuggle £16,500 ($27,000; €20,000) in her underwear to jihadists in Syria. She and her alleged co-conspirator, Amal El-Wahabi, 27—a Moroccan who does not work and claims British social welfare benefits for herself and two young sons—were the first British women to be charged with terrorism offenses linked to the conflict in Syria. On January 23, the head of Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism unit, Commander Richard Walton, revealed that 14 British minors were arrested on charges linked to the Syrian conflict in January alone, compared to 24 for the whole of 2013. He said it was "almost inevitable" that some fighters would try to mount attacks in Britain upon their return. On January 16, British Islamist Abu Waleed outlined his vision of an Islamic state in Britain, and called for Christians to be humiliated so that they would convert to Islam. In a video, he said:
Bristol, the city council approved a controversial plan to convert a former comedy club into a mosque. In Cambridgeshire, a Muslim group submitted plans to convert a warehouse into a new mosque. In Cambridge, locals opposed a plan to build a £17.5 million ($28.5 million; €21 million) mega-mosque, claiming it could be "front for terrorism." In Blackburn, home to nearly 100 mosques, city councilors were urged to reject a plan to open a mosque in a residential neighborhood. In Southend, local residents celebrated after a four-year battle resulted in the closing of an illegal mosque. In Newton Mearns, south of Glasgow, plans were abandoned to build a mosque within the grounds of a school in one of the most affluent suburbs of Scotland, due to local criticism of the move. In Catherine-de-Barnes, a tiny village in western central England, local residents objected to plans for a large, Muslim-only cemetery, which will include space for 4,000 followers of Islam to be buried, and 75 parking spaces for visitors. The village has a population of just 613, which means the cemetery could eventually hold six-and-a-half times as many people as Catherine-de-Barnes itself. In February, official statistics showed that net immigration to the United Kingdom surged to 212,000 in the year ending September 2013, a significant increase from 154,000 in the previous year. The new immigration data cast doubt on a pledge by Prime Minister David Cameron to get net migration—the difference between the number of people entering Britain and those leaving—down to the "tens of thousands" before the general election in May 2015. Separately, data released by the National Crime Agency showed a 155% rise in British children groomed by sex gangs during 2013. Also in January, a Muslim extremist who hacked a soldier to death on a London street in May 2013, launched a taxpayer-funded appeal against his murder conviction. Michael Adebolajo, 29, who tried to behead the British soldier Lee Rigby with a meat cleaver, maintained that he should not have been convicted because he is a "soldier of Allah" and therefore Rigby's killing was an act of war rather than premeditated murder. Adebolajo and his co-defendant, Michael Adebowale, 22, were found guilty by a jury in December 2013, and were sentenced on February 26. Adebolajo was given a "whole-life" prison term and Adebowale was given a minimum term of 45 years. Adebolajo's brothersaid his sibling was the victim of "Islamophobia." On February 16, The Sunday Times reported that about 250 British jihadists who went to train and fight in Syria had returned to the UK and were being monitored by the security services. Senior officials said the high number of "returnees"—five times the figure that had been previously reported—underlined the growing danger posed by "extremist tourists" going to the war-torn region. MI5 and police said they feared that "returnees" could be preparing a Mumbai-style gun attack on civilians, possibly in a crowded public place in London. On February 14, three Muslim vigilantes who terrorized innocent members of the public as the self-styled "Muslim Patrol" were banned from promoting Sharia Law in Britain for a period of five years. In March, British authorities launched an investigation into the source of a document that purportedly outlined a plot by Muslim fundamentalists to Islamize public schools in England and Wales. The four-page document described a strategy—dubbed Operation Trojan Horse—to oust non-Muslim head teachers and staff at state schools in Muslim neighborhoods and replace them with individuals who would run the schools according to strict Islamic principles. Also in March, a report entitled, "Easy Meat: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery," showed how officials in England and Wales were aware of rampant child grooming—the process by which sexual predators befriend and build trust with children in order to prepare them for abuse—by Muslim gangs since at least 1988. Rather than taking steps to protect British children, however, police, social workers, teachers, neighbors, politicians and the media deliberately downplayed the severity of the crimes perpetrated by the grooming gangs in order to avoid being accused of "Islamophobia" or racism. Meanwhile, official figures revealed that record levels of Muslims are serving jail sentences and that the numbers are still growing. Across England and Wales the proportion has risen from 8% one decade ago to 14% now. In London, the figure is 27%, which is more than double the 12% of the capital's population who are Muslim. On March 27, ITV News reported that the problem of honor-based violence and forced marriages in England is "worse than people think," but that many people are afraid of speaking out because they do not want to be branded as being "racist." Claire Phillipson from Wearside Women in Need said:
On March 13, the Law Society, the main professional association representing and governing the legal profession in England and Wales, issued ground-breaking guidance to help lawyers draft Sharia-compliant wills and estate planning documents. The move effectively enshrined Islamic Sharia law in the British legal system for the first time. In April, the British government launched a public consultation on whether or not to introduce student loans that are compliant with Islamic Sharia law, which forbids loans that involve the payment of interest. Critics said that the dispute over interest-bearing student loans follows stepped-up demands for Sharia-compliant banking and insurance as well as credit cards, mortgages and pension funds, which—taken together—are contributing to the establishment of parallel Islamic financial and legal systems in Britain. Separately, Lloyds Bank was accused of reverse religious discrimination after dropping overdraft fees for Muslims but not for others. The bank said that non-Muslims would have to pay up to £80 (€97, $135) a month for an overdraft, but that for Muslims "there won't be any charges." Meanwhile, the fast food giant Subway removed ham and bacon from almost 200 outlets in Britain and switched to halal (Arabic for "permitted" or "lawful") meat alternatives, apparently in an attempt to please its Muslim customers. On April 9, Home Secretary Theresa May published her annual report on the government's strategy for countering terrorism. The report concluded that battle-hardened British jihadists returning from the war in Syria now pose the most serious threat to British security. On April 17, the Sheffield Crown Court found Aras Hussein, 21, guilty of beheading his girlfriend, Reema Ramzan, 18, with a kitchen knife in her apartment in Sheffield in June 2013. He was sentenced to life, with a minimum of 20 years in prison. On April 30, a jury at the Manchester Crown Court heard how Ahmed Al-Khatib, 35, murdered his wife for becoming "too westernized." The prosecution told the jury that the mother of three had been "in fear of her husband" and "believed he might one day kill her." She eventually sought help from the police and a lawyer. The prosecutor said:
On April 19, the Charity Commission, a government agency that regulates charities in the UK, announced a crackdown on Muslim charities that send money to jihadist groups in Syria. On April 24, British counter-terrorism officials launched a nationwide campaign aimed at encouraging Muslim women to contact the police if they were concerned that their family members or close friends might be preparing to travel to Syria to fight. Also on April 24, a group of British lawyers launched a new organization called "Sharia Watch UK" to "highlight and expose those movements in Britain which advocate and support the advancement of Islamic law in British society." The group called Sharia law "Britain's Blind Spot." In May, a senior adviser to Lutfur Rahman, the extremist-linked mayor of the heavily Islamized London Borough of Tower Hamlets, threatened Muslim riots unless people stop questioning the manner of his re-election. Rahman narrowly won re-election on May 23 as an independent, but the result was cast into doubt amid dozens of reports of voter intimidation and a chaotic count that took more than five days to declare a final result. Rahman was expelled from the Labour Party in 2010 after The Telegraph revealed his close links to an Islamic extremist group, the Islamic Forum of Europe. On May 19, a jury in New York found Abu Hamza, the former imam of Finsbury Park mosque in north London, guilty on all 11 counts following a four-week trial. The one-eyed, handless Hamza was charged with organizing a terrorist camp in the US, taking hostages in Yemen and sending one of his followers from London to train with al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. The guilty verdicts followed a lengthy battle over his extradition from the UK, which began in 2004 but was only carried out in 2012. At the same time, Scotland Yard and MI5 were accused of ignoring warnings that Hamza was establishing an international hub of terrorism in London as far back as 1999. Despite Abu Hamza's conviction, Britainremains the world's leading recruiting ground for al-Qaeda. On May 16, the Telegraph reported that Aminu Sadiq Ogwuche, a British-born "ringleader" of the Islamist group Boko Haram, responsible for kidnapping hundreds of schoolgirls in Nigeria, was radicalized while studying at a British university. Ogwuche, the son of a retired Nigerian colonel, was said by fellow students at the University of Glamorgan in Wales to call himself "The Lion of Allah" and threatened to cut off the hands and feet of non-Muslims while living in the UK. On May 9, the mother of Nicky Reilly—a convert to Islam who tried to blow up a restaurant packed with diners in Exeter in 2008—told the BBC's Radio 4 that the would-be suicide bomber was turned into "a loaded gun" by Islamic extremists in Britain. The 22-year-old changed his name to Mohammad Abdulaziz Rashid Saeed-Alim in 2004 in tribute to the jihadists who attacked New York on September 11, 2001. Kim Reilly said: "They were telling him he would be in paradise with 44 virgins, and he believed it." On May 7, Pizza Express, a British restaurant chain, revealed that halal meat was being used in all of its chicken dishes in all of its 434 restaurants across the UK. Under Islamic law, chicken can only be eaten if the bird's throat has been slit while it is still alive. A Koranic verse is also recited during the ritual. On May 15, it emerged that at least a dozen top universities, including Oxford University, have been secretly serving halal meat to unsuspecting students. On May 30, a Somalian doctor with a practice in Birmingham was struck off the medical register after he was found by a medical malpractice tribunal to have told an undercover reporter how to arrange female genital mutilation abroad for her two nieces. In June, Tablighi Jamaat, a radical Islamic group committed to "perpetual jihad" to spread Islam around the world, edged one step closer to building one of the world's largest mosques in London after a star Muslim opponent of the controversial project was intimidated into silence. The proposed mega-mosque would be built on a 16-acre site near the Olympic Stadium, and would have a capacity for more than 9,000 worshippers. On June 17, British Prime Minister David Cameron warned that British citizens and other Europeans fighting alongside Islamist insurgents in Iraq and Syria posed the biggest threat to Britain's national security. But on June 22, the Financial Times reported: "The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has halved its counter-terrorism budget even as officials warn of the most severe threat to the UK from overseas terror groups since the London bombings in 2005." Also on June 22, the Sunday Times reported that British jihadists are faking their deaths on the battlefield in Syria in an attempt to return to the UK undetected. In one instance, the martyrdom of a fighter in Syria was announced by his colleagues on social media, only for police to arrest the "dead" individual at the port town of Dover. The Times also reported that a British jihadist using the nom de guerre Abu Rashash Britani recently posted a message on Twitter that said: "When we establish khilafah [an Islamic state], a battalion of mujahideen shud head to UK & capture David Cameron & Theresa May and behead them both:)" Another jihadist from Birmingham named Junaid Hussain tweeted that the "black flag of jihad" will soon fly over Downing Street. He also tweeted: "Imagine if someone were to detonate a bomb at voting stations or ambushed the vans that carry the casted votes. It would mess the whole system up." Hussain re-tweeted a warning from a like-minded countryman for British people to "watch out," because "we'll come back to the UK and wreak havoc." Meanwhile, a 19-year-old jihadist from Portsmouth named Muhammad Hassan promiseda “killing spree” of British citizens if he were ever to return to Britain. On June 16, a new law entered into effect, which makes forced marriage a self-standing criminal offense in England and Wales and is punishable by up to seven years in prison. Research commissioned by the government estimates that up to 8,000 young women in Britain are the victims of forced marriages each year, but charities say the actual number is far higher because many victims are afraid to come forward. On June 12, the BBC reported that some Muslim families in Britain have begun hiring bounty hunters to track down the victims of forced marriage who try to run away. On June 25, Britain became the first Western nation to issue Islamic bonds, completing a plan that was more than seven years in the making. Investors placed £2.3 billion ($3.9 billion) of orders, more than 11 times the amount of bonds on offer. On June 24, the Minister of State for Universities and Science, David Willetts, said that a Sharia-compliant alternative to the conventional student loan could become available in the UK beginning in 2016. He said: "It would be a tragedy if any student, particularly a Muslim student because of concerns about so-called interest rates, were put off from going to university." He added: "This does not mean we are introducing Sharia law in the UK." On June 6, the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) admitted that non-Muslim soldiers are unknowingly being fed halal meat on military bases. Also in June, an investigation found that all of the chicken and lamb meat being served at the University of Warwick is halal. A first-year student commented:
On June 9, government inspectors found that the library at Olive Tree Primary School, a Muslim school in Luton, included books that advocate stoning and lashing. Leaders of the school accused the inspectors of "Islamophobia." In July, analysts at SITE, a group that monitors radical Islamic propaganda, reported that a growing number of British women have moved to Syria to raise children under the Islamic State. One such woman is Aqsa Mahmood, a 20-year-old woman from Glasgow, Scotland who left for Syria in November 2013. Mahmood attended private schools and had wanted to become a doctor, but she dropped out of university without warning and vanished overnight in order to become a jihadist and marry an IS fighter. Using the jihadist name of Umm Layth (Arabic for "Mother of the Lion") Mahmood uses social media to encourage other British Muslim women to leave their families behind and join the jihad in Syria. She wrote: "Once you arrive in the land of jihad, the Islamic State is your family." On July 3, the Inner London Crown Court sentenced six Muslims to a combined 36 years in prison for attacking two black men with a baseball bat because they were not Muslim. Judge Ian Darling said: "Not only was there a religious aspect to this offense, but there was an undoubted racial element." On July 4, a British jihadist who uses the nom de guerre Abu Osama told the BBC's Radio 5: "If and when I come back to Britain it will be when this Khilafah, the Islamic state, comes to conquer Britain, and I come to raise the black flag of Islam over Downing Street, over Buckingham Palace, over Tower Bridge and over Big Ben." On July 6, a British jihadist using the alias Abu Dugma al-Britani, warned that the Islamic State would capture Downing Street and hold executions in Trafalgar Square. Using Twitter, he wrote: "Downing Street will be a base for Muslims. Trafalgar Square is where public executions will take place. Army of Islamic State is coming." On July 8, Lord Richard Scott, a former British Supreme Court judge, called on Christians to marry Muslims to tackle Islamophobia. He said:
On July 14, a Muslim checkout worker at a Tesco supermarket in London refused to sell non-Muslim customer ham and wine because it was Ramadan. The checkout clerk told Julie Cottle that he would not touch the items because they are considered forbidden by Islam and advised her to use the self-service tills instead. When Cottle complained to the manager, he backed the worker's right to refuse to serve her because it was the holy month of Ramadan and he was fasting. Tesco later apologized for the incident and said the worker had been "spoken to. On July 18, a government report leaked to the Guardian revealed that a group of Islamic fundamentalists, mostly men of Pakistani origin, infiltrated the management of at least ten schools in Birmingham, sometimes breaking the law in order to introduce Muslim worship and sex segregation. Their activities were unimpeded by council officials who were fearful of allegations of Islamophobia and who forced ousted teachers to sign gagging clauses rather than treating their complaints seriously as whistleblowers. On July 28, the Star City entertainment complex in Birmingham barred non-Muslims from entering a cinema because they were not celebrating the Islamic festival Eid. One non-Muslim complained on Facebook:
In August, data released by the Office of National Statistics [ONS] showed that Mohammed was the most popular given to boys born in Britain in 2013. Although the ONS claimed that Oliver was the top name with 6,949 boys, it was in fact Mohammed when the top three spellings for the name (Muhammad, 3,499; Mohammed, 2,887 and Mohammad, 1,059) are combined to yield 7,445 boys. On August 21, it emerged that there are now more British Muslims fighting for the Islamic State than for Britain's military. On August 23, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, warned that radical Islam is on the rise and "imperiling our way of life, threatening to undermine the values that have been bitterly won over the centuries." He called on Britons to "recover a confidence in our own nation's values. For too long we have been self-conscious and even ashamed about British identity." He added:
On August 26, Alexis Jay, the leader of an independent inquiry in the sexual abuse of children in Rotherham, released a horrifying report that found that gangs of mainly Muslim men of Pakistani heritage had groomed, terrorized and abused at least 1,400 girls, some as young as 11, in Rotherham over a 16-year period between 1997 and 2013. On August 31, the Independent on Sunday reported that a House of Commons committee would launch an investigation into whether Tony Blair's Labour government knew about the Rotherham child abuse scandal as far back as 2001, but refused to act because of his government's desire to pacify Muslim communities. On August 30, a straw poll conducted by the BBC's Saturday Morning Live Show found that 95% of respondents said that they think multiculturalism in Britain is a failure. In September, new census data showed that the number of Muslim children in Birmingham was greater than the number who are Christian for the first time. Of Birmingham's 278,623 children, 97,099 were registered as Muslim and 93,828 as Christian. There were also 54,343 children who were recorded as following no religion, showing the rising trend of atheism in the country. On September 12, London Deputy Mayor Stephen Greenhalgh warned that London children under the age of ten are being "trained to be junior jihadis," a disturbing sign of the growing extremist threat in the capital. He said:
On September 5, it emerged that networks of Islamic radicals are recruiting British jihadists through mosques and prayer centers. Previously, most British jihadists were recruited via online networks. But a combination of a Turkish border clampdown and a focus by counter-terrorist police on taking down online networks has made recruitment on the ground more important. On September 3, eight Muslim men were charged with sexually abusing girls under the age of 16. The charges followed series of police raids involving 120 officers in the Thames Valley. On September 9, five Muslim men went on trial in Sheffield, accused of trafficking a 13-year-old girl for sex. On September 10, the government announced that Muslim students will be offered Sharia-compliant interest free student loans in an effort to get more Islamic pupils to go to university. In September, a customer at a Leicester branch of KFC was refused a hand-wipe as it might offend Muslims. Graham Noakes, 41, said staff at the fast food chain's outlet in St George's retail park refused to give him a hand-wipe because it was against its halal policy. Staff said this was because the wipes are soaked in an alcohol-infused liquid and alcohol is forbidden in the Koran. In October, a 75-year-old retiree was arrested for "racism" after saying "I'm not Muslim" when he was asked to remove his shoes at security at Stansted Airport. Paul Griffith was charged with causing "racially or religiously aggravated harassment, alarm or distress." In October, a taxi company in Rochdale, a town tainted by a child sex-grooming scandal perpetrated by Muslim gangs, began offering customers "white" or "local" drivers on demand. The move came after two local drivers of Pakistani origin were jailed for their part in the rape and trafficking of young white girls. On October 23, the BBC reported that a memorial for Lee Rigby, a British soldier who was murdered by two Muslim converts in May 2013, will not bear his name. Greenwich Council said a stone would be placed in St George's Chapel garden, opposite Woolwich Barracks where Rigby was based, but that the memorial would pay tribute to all fallen servicemen and woman. Local MP Nick Raynsford said that a Rigby memorial would attract "undesirable interest from [Islamic] extremists." On October 16, a new report showed that in just six months, nearly 2,000 women and girls in England were treated by the National Health Service after undergoing female genital mutilation [FGM]. In September alone, 467 female patients in England were newly identified as having been subjected to FGM. The data published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre [HSCIC] were the first official figures to have been published on the numbers of FGM cases seen in hospitals in England. On October 30, a new study found that child sexual exploitation has become "the social norm" in many parts of Greater Manchester. The report—Real Voices, Child Sexual Exploitation In Greater Manchester—estimated that nearly 650 children reported missing in towns across Greater Manchester in 2014 were at risk of child sexual exploitation or serious harm. But despite almost 13,000 reports of child sex abuse in the past six years, only about 1,000 people have been convicted. The report's author—Labour MP Ann Coffey—was criticized for failing to address the fact that many street grooming gangs are made up of Muslim men. She said it would be "wrong" to focus on "Asian" gangs targeting teenage girls. On October 30, a Populus survey found that one in seven young British adults has "warm feelings" towards Islamic State. A tenth of Londoners and one in 12 Scots view Islamic State favorably, but sympathy for the militant group reaches its highest levels among the under-25s. In November, British police foiled an Islamist plot to behead Queen Elizabeth at a Remembrance Day event at the Cenotaph, a war memorial situated on Whitehall in London. In London Borough of Croydon, a couple from Afghanistan threatened to kill their daughter if she rejected a forced marriage and to behead her if she contacted authorities for help. On November 5, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, told an international terrorism conference that his officers are "struggling to cope" with the speed of immigration and because many of those coming to Britain speak different languages and hold different views of authority. On November 16, senior officials at Scotland Yard advised British police officers not to wear their uniforms on the way to and from work amid concerns that Islamic extremists are plotting to target them on the streets. On November 10, The Times reported that British intelligence officials warned senior ministers that the scale of terrorist activity is so great that an attack is "almost inevitable" in the coming months. On November 26, the British government unveiled sweeping new counter-terrorism measures which—if approved by Parliament—would give the United Kingdom some of the "toughest powers in the world" to fight Islamic terrorism. On November 12, the BBC reported that the British Islamist Abu Rumaysah skipped bail after being arrested on terrorism charges and is thought to be in Syria, despite being banned from leaving the UK. Rumaysah left London on a bus bound for Paris after blundering police failed to confiscate his passport. On November 2, 60 Minutes aired an interview with Rumaysah, who said:
On November 1, a new report by Sharia Watch UK exposed the activities of Islamist speakers on British university campuses. The report—Learning Jihad—documented how Islamists are making anti-Semitic remarks, deriding Western notions of human rights, advocating female genital mutilation and calling for a raft of strict Sharia punishments such as stoning adulterers to death. On November 11, the new Muslim owner of the exclusive Bermondsey Square Hotel in London abruptly banned alcohol and pork from the bar and grill at the hotel, in order to run it "in accordance with Sharia law." The £220 ($340)-a-night hotel is believed to be one of the first in the UK to introduce the strict Muslim policy, but staff said the changes have caused business to plummet, with many reservations cancelled. Also on November 11, it was reported that thousands of Muslim school children in East Lancashire were being offered a pork-based vaccine as part of a major new flu immunization program. The new nasal spray, which is made with gelatin derived from pigs, is part of a pilot project, but Muslim leaders complained that the decision not to offer an alternative was "outrageous" because they consider the spray to be 'haram' or sinful. Public Health England, which is leading the project, said in a statement: "There is no suitable alternative to [the porcine-based] Fluenz [vaccine]." On November 13, police in Manchester arrested 13 members of human trafficking gang after a pregnant woman was duped into travelling to England before being sold into a sham Sharia law marriage. The 20-year-old Slovakian woman, who was 25 weeks pregnant, was tricked into flying to Luton airport in May believing that she would be able to meet her sister. After meeting a man at the airport who claimed to be her sister's friend, however, she was taken to an address in Oldham. She then discovered that she had been sold to a Muslim man who had paid the gang £15,000 (€19,000; $23,000) to provide her a sham marriage. Police say the purpose of the marriage, which took place under a Sharia ceremony in Rochdale in July, was to improve the man's chances of avoiding deportation from the UK. On November 10, the BBC reported that police in Rotherham not only ignored, but actively obstructed investigations into child abuse victims, apparently because the perpetrators were Muslim. On November 19, the Birmingham Mail reported that the Birmingham City Council "buried" a politically incorrect government-funded report that revealed to sexual exploitation of young white girls by Muslim men. The author of the report, Jill Jesson, told the newspaper that the report was never published and all copies were to be destroyed. She said:
On November 24, the Law Society withdrew controversial guidelines for lawyers on how to draft "Sharia compliant" wills amid complaints that they encouraged discrimination against women and non-Muslims. The guidelines advised lawyers on how to write Islamic wills in a way that would be recognized by courts in England and Wales. They set out principles that meant women could be denied an equal share of inheritances while unbelievers could be excluded altogether. In December, a radio presenter for the BBC Radio 4's Feedback program, Roger Bolton,wrote an article for the Radio Times, a weekly magazine, in which he warned that British school teachers are afraid to teach their students about Christianity out of fear of offending Muslims. Bolton said that this was creating a generation of British youth who are ignorant about Christian culture and its role in British history. He cited a study that found that a quarter of British children indicated that they have never read, seen or heard of Noah's Ark,' that a similar proportion had never heard of the Nativity, that 43% had never heard of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and that 53% had never read, seen or heard of Joseph and his coat of many colors. On December 10, a new report by a human rights group exposed the vulnerability of Muslim women living in Islamic "marriages" in the UK. The report—Equal and Free? 50 Muslim Women's Experiences of Marriage in Britain Today—found that the widespread practice of polygamy has left Muslim women without legal rights upon "divorce," entirely dependent on their "husbands" for financial support, and often unable to leave sham "marriages" for fear of social ostracism or bringing "shame" to their family. On December 11, the House of Lords held debates on female genital mutilation [FGM] and the "impact of Sharia Law on the United Kingdom." Lord Faulks, Minister of State for Civil Justice and Legal Policy, cited research that "revealed that approximately 60,000 girls are at risk of FGM in the UK." In the following debate, Baroness Cox said: "The establishment of Sharia courts or councils in this country has promoted the application of gender-discriminatory provisions in ways which are currently causing considerable distress for many women." She also asked why "polygamy is allowed to flourish" in Britain even though bigamy is illegal. Finally, December saw the launch of the faceless "Deeni Doll," (deeni is Arabic for "faith") which is adorned with a traditional hijab headdress, but has no nose, mouth, or eyes, in order to comply with Islamic rulings regarding the depictions of facial features. The toy, which retails for £25 ($40), was designed by a former teacher at a Muslim school in Lancashire. She said:
Ted Belman is a retired lawyer and the Editor of Israpundit. He made aliya from Canada last year and now lives in Jerusalem, Israel. Contact him at |
I once entered a beautiful, sea-breezy, Gaza during Israeli rule. Mr. Cohen dramatically enters the dusty, crumpled, reeking territory of Gaza now, and finds himself "nowhere. "The difference is due to Islamic jihad instead of free-enterprise. Mr. Cohen fails to make that clear. Hence his laments for the poor residents of Gaza harm Israel's image, because he insinuates much blame by Israel. Few people go to Gaza, he notes. That was true before the recent war. Who would want to? Yes, Gazans are miserable. Mr. Cohen thinks that radicalizes them. How could they get noticeably more radical? What Mr. Cohen observes is not entirely one-sided and not entirely false. That makes his sinister effect invidious. For example, I agree that the recent war "changed nothing," except that it postponed an immediate massacre of Israelis. He foresees another war, as Hamas test-fires improved rockets. So do I. We disagree on why or what to do about it. The problem is, the last war was incomplete. Israel left Hamas mostly intact and still in charge. Israel withdrew its troops and accepts Hamas weapons testing and build-up, instead of considering that illegal activity a provocation to be ended. Israel's truce there reminds me of the premature truce for the Korean War. Had the U.S. liberated N. Korea, we would not have to fear destruction by N. Korean lunatics now testing the nuclear means for doing it. Israel needs to find a way to explain publicly that it recognizes the hypocrisy of most criticism of it, and that unless it achieves the destruction of the Hamas war-making machine, cease-fire now means letting Hamas resume war soon and at greater destructive capability. That is not a way of attaining what the world purports to want, an end of killing. Mr. Cohen, on the other hand, finds it urgent to end the "lockdown" of Gaza. He does not defend that stated assumption. He forgets that the embargo started to prevent full arming by Gaza. Nor is this "lockdown" so complete, Mr. Cohen contends. When do critics of Israel acknowledge the many humanitarian exceptions to the blockade? Instead, there is a cry that Israel should let cement in for reconstruction. They forget the immorality of ending penalization of Gazans for the aggression that those Arabs generally approve of and want to continue. They forget that Hamas aggression has boosted Hamas popularity vis-a-vis Fatah. The Arab people want war! Israel did let in cement. Enough cement has been siphoned off by Hamas to rebuild terror tunnels, a major means of waging effective war. Where are the UN inspections of cement to prevent its military diversion? Where is Mr. Cohen's complaint about the failure of that UN part of the truce? Where is his complaint that Hamas takes unfair and fatal advantage of Israel's humanitarian concessions of letting in some cement for civilian purposes, to serve military purposes? He is not fair. Have Israel's critics a sinister motive? Instead, Mr. Cohen interviewed the director of UNRWA, to hear about the cement shortage. Mr. Cohen fails to discuss the reason for the shortage. What makes the people of Gaza eager for another war? Mr. Cohen finds it is because they have nothing to lose, so he was told by a Hamas adviser. They may say that, but that is superficial. They've been eager for war, before. He makes them seem like people who want peace if they can get it. They always had the option of peace. But they chose war. Islamic culture should be taken into account, in assessing what Muslims want. Mr. Cohen assumes it is as materialistic as Western culture. It is not. Muslims put religion first. Read what they say repeatedly -- they can get by on less income, because the cause (jihad) matters more to them. They don't mind dying for jihad. Hamas and Fatah could work together to prevent violence, he believes. They need unity in order to convene serious peace talks. Unity of two terrorist organizations would produce peace? Pipe-dream. However, he knows they are not likely to cooperate. He describes how dysfunctional they are. He appears not to realize that both factions favor violence. How could he have missed that? The desirability of peace talks is taken for granted. What have 80 years of peace talks accomplished? What could they accomplish with religiously fanatical bigots who prefer war? "Gaza is shameful." Moralist Cohen leaves blame hanging, thereby implying some for Israel. Shameful to whom? To Israelis who offered peace, or to Hamas that forced Israel to defend itself from war crimes?" Hamas has a vile Charter, admits Mr. Cohen. Why doesn't he admit that Fatah has an equally vile Covenant, a charter for religious war? A moralist who wants peace should not propose empowering those who want war. A moralist should recognize evil better than Mr. Cohen does. FBI PROFILES TRANSLATORS HAVING FOREIGN TIES This NY Times article is a lengthy complaint and lament about the FBI profiling of Muslim translators having foreign ties. The FBI profiling started after 9/11, and has expanded. Originally the program was for newly hired personnel having access to classified information. Now it reaches back to employees hired earlier. A long-term employee calls that unfair, but does not explain why the FBI should be more careful with newer employees. The concern was that foreign governments could blackmail FBI employees into collaborating, to keep their relatives abroad from being harmed. Therefore, security checks become more frequent for those who are profiled. They feel discriminated against and at a dead end in their careers. Their feelings are described. They claim to be barred from certain assignments, but no evidence is given. These people are notified of their inclusion in the program, but profess not to know why they are in it. [Isn't it obvious?] They complain that there is no indication of their having done anything wrong, but still they are tested (Eric Schmitt, NY Times, 1/4/15, A1). There may be some injustices here, but the article mostly is gossip. National security must come first. If the government waited until criminals are caught red-handed, where's the security? The article omits crucial points that I wrote about, years ago: 1. When the federal government was desperate for translators of Arabic, some Israelis in the U.S. offered to translate. The FBI turned them down because they had ties to Israel and were Jewish. Their inherent loyalty was suspected, not that Israel would blackmail them over the safety of their relatives. They wanted to help their new country against a common enemy. By omitting this fact, the Times, as usual, incorrectly makes it seem as if Muslims are the only aggrieved party. There was real discrimination against Jews. 2. The article also omits reference to the extensive and dangerous Soviet infiltration of U.S. security agencies. It would help readers to understand the issue if it knew that government concerns were realistic. Some Muslim translators of Arabic were taken on, instead of the Israelis. A couple of the Muslims were caught tipping off terrorist organizations what the government knew about arrested terrorists. How ironic! Why did the Times omit that justification for the program? I hope that the government exercises its discretion now better than it did about the Israeli-American translators. I wish that the Muslim translators were more realistic and fair. HOW "PROGRESSIVE" TEMPLES TREAT ISRAEL The Times Magazine discussed the dilemma that some "progressive" rabbis and their congregations feel about their devotion to Israel at war in Gaza. They have imbibed the accusations against IDF conduct; they think Israel is occupying at least Judea-Samaria. Their solution is statehood for the P.A. Arabs, which they call a "two-state solution." (Jason Horowitz, 12/21/14, page 18). [I put it as statehood just for the P.A. Arabs, because the Jews already have a state. It is a rather tiny state. The U.S. Chiefs of Staff thought it could not be secure.] Congregants at Temple Micah in D.C. wept about Israeli war conduct. They railed about Israelis killing children. They feel alienated from what they call a "right-wing" government in Israel and from a U.S. Congress that acts reflexively as if Israel can do no wrong. But they also are upset by more leftist American Jews who chant, "Stop the murder, stop the hate, Israel is a racist state." [I find the accusations against Israeli military conduct false, perverse, and prejudiced, as I have written often. Israel did not commit war crimes, but the Arabs did. Where is the "progressive" moralists' annoyance with the Arab side? The article does not cite evidence about, or give meaning to, two-state, right-wing, Congress, and what is wrong with the far leftists' chant.] [Why shouldn't Congress side with Israel against Islamist murderers of Israelis, just as other Islamists kill Americans?" Rabbi Zemel addressed these issues in his sermon. He said, "I am so ashamed" by the reprisal murder of an Arab boy. He denounced the ultra-nationalism that he said dirtied "the greatest ethical tradition in history. [It is not ethical to be ashamed of what someone else does. I denounce the murder of an Arab boy and also consider it counter-productive. What the apparent Jewish murderers did is not my responsibility. Therefore, I feel no shame about it.] [He should have explained "ultra-nationalism" and why it contradicts Judaism, based partly on nationalism. I wonder whether he got it right.] His daughter is troubled, too, but also is troubled by Jews who are progressive except when it comes to Israel. [The "progressive" view often supports policies that harm the middle and lower classes. Their means of political action often are illiberal.] He asserted that one may disagree with the President of the U.S. but not the Prime Minister of Israel. [No evidence cited. It is too easy to disagree with the Prime Minister of Israel, in a global mood of antisemitism. One doesn’t need facts or logic to do it. One just writes for the NY Times. It is getting difficult for Americans to disagree with the U.S. President, as he illegally gets the IRS and regulatory agencies to punish or repress you.] Rabbi Zemel also declared that to solve Israel's problem, "Jewish genius" is needed. [I find the notion of "Jewish genius" or "Yiddishe kopf" conceited. Much of the article diverges into the fortunes of the Democratic Party [which many Reform Jews seem to confuse with, or substitute for, Judaism.] According to Pres. Obama, some U.S. Jews feel that unless you are pro-Likud, you are anti-Israel. Liberals thought Obama willing to "push Israel toward peace." The rabbi wonders whether Hillary Clinton would still retain a good feeling toward Israel or be tough enough to correct Israel. The article states that she had no empathy for Arab losses. [They mean "no sympathy."] On the other hand, the article contradicts itself by admitting that Hillary Clinton is an opportunist, meaning she has no principles. [Why would they consider voting for an opportunist? Why should anyone sympathize with bigoted aggressors who want to expel or murder all the Jews of Israel?] Sec. of State Clinton decried the "antidemocratic" tendencies of Israel's right wing. [Clinton and Obama, whose foreign policy has been almost a total failure practically and morally, have no business forcing Israel to do anything. The author talks about democracy, but wants a foreign country to force Israel into policies that Israel's leaders were elected to avoid. That is another of the article's contradictions.] Earlier, liberal Jews had appreciated Pres. Obama's "more nuanced" position on supporting Israel, one that reflected the debate in Israel about policy. He wanted J Street to give Israel's critics cover, so that one could agree with Pres. Obama's criticism of Israel without being thought anti-Israel. [J Street is anti-Israel, and so is Obama. I've explained why at length, elsewhere.] Pres. Obama has turned to other matters, such as curbing Iran's nuclear program. [More correct would be to suggest that Pres. Obama has turned his attention to unleashing Iran’s nuclear program, as he relinquishes sanctions and Iran refuses to agree to even the little that Obama now asks.] The problem for Jewish voters is that they routinely vote Democratic, so that Party takes them for granted and they have no Jewish influence over it. In Jerusalem, "Muslims and Jews clashed over holy places." [A fairer statement would be that Muslims attacked Jews at holy places." Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses are a regular feature on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
FACTOIDS NOT FACTSPosted by Stephen/Michal Kramer, January 05, 2015 |
What's a factoid? According to one definition, it's a questionable or spurious (unverified, false, or fabricated) statement presented as a fact, but without supporting evidence. (Wikipedia) Factoids are what passes for knowledge among Westerners who vilify Israel and describe it as apartheid, neo-Nazi, warmongering, and more. Advocates for Israel are often ignorant of many facts themselves, hindering their ability to easily counter the fabrications hurled against Israel. Is a primer for those who wish to have quick retorts to factoids, I present the following. It helps to keep in mind what our Jewish guide in Rome, Micaela Pavoncello, replied when I asked her how she answered Jewish and Gentile critics of Israel. Micaela said, "I tell them to go and learn something about Israel and then we can have an intelligent discussion." |
"EVERYONE" KNOWS THAT: Palestine is the original name of Israel. No, in 132 CE the Roman emperor Hadrian renamed Judea and the Galilee, "Syria Palaestina," in an effort to eradicate the Jewish identification of the region. The Arabs were the first inhabitants of Israel. No, Abraham and his tribe entered Canaan about 1,800 BCE. Moses/Joshua led the Israelites from the desert into Canaan in about the 13th century BCE. ( The Arabs entered the region of Greater Syria during the Arab conquest of 634 CE, after the death of Mohammed. The Muslim faith was founded in Israel. No, Mohammed founded Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. Jerusalem is the Muslim's holiest city. No, Jerusalem is the Jews' holiest city. It is the third holiest city for Muslims, after Mecca and Medina. Palestine is an ancient Arab country and Jerusalem was its capital. No, there has never been a Palestinian country or state. Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jews for 3,000 years. Lod was the regional capital of the Palestine district for the Umayyad dynasty (661-750). After 80 years the capital was moved to the new city of Ramla. ( Jerusalem was briefly a capital of the Christians during the Crusades, from 1099-1187. Arabs have always been the majority in Palestine. No, the Arabs, who came lately to the region, were one of many peoples who have lived here. Except for the brief Christian reign, the only kingdoms here were Jewish, dating back to the time of King David, 3,000 years ago. In Jerusalem, Jews have been the majority at least since the mid-18th century as well as in antiquity. Before Israel's independence, the Arabs living in Mandatory Palestine called themselves Palestinians and published the Palestine Post newspaper. No, the Jews called themselves "Palestinians" and had institutions such as the Palestine Electric Co., the Palestine Symphony Orchestra, the Palestine Post, etc. After Israel's independence in 1948, "Palestine" was replaced by "Israel." The Arabs began to call themselves "Palestinians" after 1967. Before that they identified themselves mostly as "Arabs." The UN partition Plan in 1947 called for a Jewish and a Palestinian state. No, the plan stipulated a Jewish and an Arab state. The Arabs accepted the Partition Plan. No, the Arabs rejected the plan and immediately began organized attacks against the Jews. After declaring its independence in May 1948, Israel attacked five neighboring Arab countries, vowing to throw the Arabs into the sea. No, the reverse is true. Israel's conflict with the Arabs is over territory. No, the Arabs' goal is to replace the State of Israel with the State of Palestine, or perhaps a Caliphate. That's the reason why "Land for Peace" will never work. During the War of Independence, the Jews captured the Old City of Jerusalem and ethnically cleansed it of Muslims. No, Jordan captured the Old City in 1948 and cleansed it of Jews, destroying all the synagogues and desecrating the graveyards. Jerusalem has been divided for most of its 3,000 year history. No, in all of its history Jerusalem was divided only for 19 years, from 1948-1967, when the Jordanians captured the Old City. During the 19 years (1948-1967) that Jordan annexed the "West Bank," and Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Arabs clamored for an independent state. No, the PLO was founded in 1964 (in Moscow) and agitation for a Palestinian state gained momentum only after 1967. In 1967, the Jews perpetrated a sneak attack on Egypt and Syria, vowing to throw the Arabs into the sea. No, it was the reverse. The Jews have no right to build settlements (communities, that is) on "Palestinian land." No, Judea and Samaria are the ancient homeland of the Jews. Since the Six Day War, Jews have returned to communities settled before 1948 (i.e. Hebron, Jaffa, Golan Heights, Gush Etzion) or have built new communities on unused land or land purchased from its owners. Judea and Samaria are archaic, Biblical names and the West Bank is the proper name for this "Palestinian land". No, the term West Bank was invented by the Jordanians in 1950, to accord with the country's change of name from Transjordan to Jordan. Judea and Samaria were the names used by Britain, the League of Nations, and the United Nations in the first half of the 20th century. Incidentally, the name "Palestine" had long been anachronistic until Britain revived it for the Mandate for Palestine. (Names on maps and in atlases are inherently political and should be recognized as such.) In 1973, on the holiest day of the Muslim calendar, the Israelis pulled a sneak attack on its Arab neighbors, vowing to throw the Arabs into the sea. No, it was the reverse. Since the Oslo Accords of 1993, the Israelis have never made the Palestinian Arabs a peace offer. No, the Palestinian Arabs have turned down numerous offers, even ones that included almost everything that was demanded - most notably Ehud Olmert's 2008 plan ( In the only Palestinian Authority election, Mahmoud Abbas was elected to a lifetime presidency. No, Mahmoud Abbas was elected for a term of 4 years in 2005. His term of office ended in January, 2009, though he remains in office unofficially. Israel alone closes Gaza's borders and occupies it. No. In 2006, the Israelis pulled all its troops and civilians out of Gaza but retained control of its borders, except Gaza's border with Egypt. Both countries keep tight control of their border crossings in an attempt to prevent terrorists and weapons entering Gaza. When the Israelis left Gaza, the Palestinians took advantage of their newfound freedom to build a viable state. No, the Hamas leadership has continued to pursue its goal to destroy Israel, instead of building a Palestinian state. Israel returned to Gaza after 1995 and threw Fatah party members off of rooftops. No, after Hamas won the 2006 election in Gaza, it murdered many Fatah supporters, even throwing some off of rooftops. For no apparent reason, Israel has attacked Gaza continuously since 2006. No, Israel has been shelled by thousands of rockets since withdrawing, in addition to terror attacks across the border fence and through tunnels under the fence. After an Israeli soldier was thought to be captured by Hamas during Operation Protective Edge (2014), Israel executed a dozen Israelis in the street, ostensibly suspecting them of collaborating with Hamas (despite the fact that they had been in prison). No, that was the Hamas regime in Gaza. Israel is an apartheid state. No, non-Jewish Israeli citizens have equal rights with Jewish citizens. This charge can be quickly refuted by a visit to Israel, where Arabs are part of the "landscape" in entertainment and work venues, the hospitals, the universities, shopping centers, and on the streets. There are no segregated facilities. Beyond the 1949 Armistice Line, there are restrictions on Palestinian Arabs, who have yet to come to peaceful terms with Israel. These restrictions are necessary to protect the safety of Israelis, who have suffered hundreds of terror attacks perpetrated by Arabs. The Israeli security barrier is an "apartheid wall." No, the barrier was built to help prevent infiltrators, and also terrorists intent on carrying out bombings, murders, kidnappings, etc. It has been quite successful, largely because it is augmented by preemptive Israeli security force activities beyond the Green Line (1949 Armistice Line). About 97% of the barrier is an electronic chain link fence. The rest is a 30 ft. high wall. ( Some people, when learning the facts, are capable of changing their minds about the conflict over Israel. They are worth talking to. It's best not to argue with others who don't wish to be "confused" by the facts. In their case, take Micaela's advice and tell them to educate themselves before broaching the subject again. Steve Kramer was born and raised in Atlantic City. He is an opinion journalist and author who made Aliya in 1991. Prior to that, Steve was in business in New Jersey after graduating from Johns Hopkins University. |
Ten Points Regarding the Fundamental Breach by the Palestinians of the Oslo AccordsPosted by PMW Bulletin, January 05, 2015 |
The article below was written by Amb.Alan Baker who
is Director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the
Jerusalem Center and the head of the Global Law Forum. He
participated in the negotiation and drafting of the Oslo
Accords with the Palestinians, as well as agreements and peace
treaties with Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. He served as legal
adviser and deputy director-general of Israel's Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and as Israel's ambassador to Canada. This
article appeared in the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
and is archived at
The article below was written by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik. Itamar Marcus, Director of Palestinian Media Watch(, is an authority on Palestinian Arab ideology and policy. He was Israeli representative to the Tri-Lateral Anti Incitement Committee established under the Wye accords, and has written reports on Palestinian Authority, Syrian and Jordanian schoolbooks. Nan Jacques Zilberdik is an analyst at PMW, focusing on the opinions and messages of the Palestinian Arab leadership as transmitted to the Palestinian Arab public, with an emphasis on the impact on peace, messages and values communicated to children, and glorification of terrorists. This article is archived at |
Colorful paintings of maps that erase Israel and label it "Palestine" were recently displayed at an exhibition in Lebanon, funded by Norwegian People's Aid, a Norwegian NGO, whose funders include the Norwegian government and other international donors. The above map is entitled, "This is the area of Palestine," and text on the map says the area of "Palestine" is "27,009 square kilometers," a figure that includes all of Israel. Another map shows "The borders of Palestine," listing the Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. In this map, Israel is also turned into "Palestine." A third map displays "the cities of Palestine," and includes the Israeli cities and towns Beer Sheva, Jaffa, Acre, Haifa and Safed. [ accessed Jan. 4, 2015] Norwegian People's Aid lists the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) as donors for its "development cooperation in Lebanon." [ accessed Jan. 4, 2015] But the funding of the exhibition of Palestinian maps that erase the existence of Israel may involve even more international donors. Norwegian People's Aid stated in its annual account from 2012 that it was also supported by the US State Department, USAID - US Agency for International Development, the EU and UN, the Dutch and Swedish ministries of foreign affairs, Germany and other governments, in addition to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and NORAD - the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Norway, Canada, the US, and all those mentioned as funders are active partners in the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. However, the maps of "Palestine" they helped fund, which present a world without Israel, are significant impediments to reaching a permanent agreement and lasting peace. Last year, Palestinian Media Watch reported that a UN official in Lebanon posed with a "map of Palestine" that erased Israel. At the time, the UN responded to PMW's report claiming that the map was pre-1948. PMW explained that this was a poor excuse as the map clearly included a large flag of the Palestinian Authority (which was founded in 1994), indicating PA sovereignty over Israel at the present time or in the future. The current exhibition was named "This is Palestine" and the maps were painted by Palestinian children in Lebanon. The exhibition marked the 50th anniversary of "the outbreak of the 'Palestinian revolution,'" reported the official PA daily, referring to the first terror attack that Fatah, headed by Yasser Arafat, carried out against Israel in 1965 - an attempt to blow up Israel's National Water Carrier. Norwegian People's Aid describes the goal of its work with Palestinian refugees:
In 2013, Palestinian Media Watch's reports on the PA practice of rewarding imprisoned terrorists with salaries led to significant Norwegian criticism of the PA, and demands that the PA stop paying salaries to terrorists. The following is a longer excerpt of the report on the Norway-funded exhibition:
Contact PMW Bulletin at |
The article below was written by Tim Brown who is an
author and Editor at,, and He co-hosts NorthWest Liberty News
radio each week day from 4-5pm EST with Jim White and
occasionally hosts Bradlee Dean's Sons of Liberty Radio show
from 2-3CST. This article appeared January 03, 2015 and is
archived at
Barack Hussein Obama is strutting around, boasting of his ending the war in Afghanistan. However, let's be reminded of one United States Marine's father's reply to a condolence letter from Obama, in which he rebuked the idiot-in-chief over the rules of engagement that have led to the deaths of many of America's servicemen. This past week, the US commander of NATO declared the end of the mission against the Taliban in Afghanistan. Obama followed up with a statement declaring, "Our combat mission in Afghanistan is ending and the longest war in American history is coming to a responsible conclusion." However, I want to take the opportunity to remind people of what Barack Obama has done that has resulted in the deaths of many of our men who serve in the armed forces. ![]() Steven R. Hogan, father of fallen US Marine Lance Corporal Hunter D. Hogan took the condolence letter he received from Barack Obama and wrote with his own hand the following:
Mr. Hogan, I salute you sir and express sincere condolences for the sacrifice you have made of your son. For that, I am deeply saddened and I truly mean that, never being able to imagine one of my own son's lives being sacrificed in such a manner. But more than that, thank you for stating so clearly what I have heard from other family members who have lost their loved ones under Barack Hussein Obama in Afghanistan. Billy Vaughn, father of fallen Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn, who died aboard Extortion 17 along with 37 others including nearly two dozen SEALs, told me the exact same when I interviewed him in August 2013. Vaughn called Obama's rules of engagement "ridiculous, if not criminal" and later would declare, "The greatest threat the US faces resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue." Yet, all that has come from the Vaughn's message about the issues regarding Extortion 17, which Billy outlined in his book "Betrayed: The Shocking True Story of Extortion" 17 as told by a Navy SEAL's Father has been nothing more than a brief congressional hearing to appease them, which has produced nothing. Though the "end" of the Afghanistan War has been declared and Obama has claimed that Afghanistan is "not going to be a source of terrorist attacks again," Kia Makerechi says that is not really the truth. She writes:
Obama has sympathized with his Muslim brothers. He could care less for America's sons who give their lives in the battle under a treasonous, usurping president, who has the interests of America's enemies in mind more than the interests of America. Steven Hogan's letter merely illustrates that fact. Contact Midenise at |
VERY TRUEPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 05, 2015 |
"The Truth can hurt for a while, but a Lie can hurt forever." |
VERY TRUE ---must read and forward! It will take a little longer to read but must read. This is not for any specific religion, but it's true! The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim The Beltway Snipers were Muslims The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim The Underwear Bomber was a Muslim The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims The London Subway Bombers were Muslims The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims The Beirut U.S. Embassy Bombers were Muslims The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims The Beirut Marine Barracks Bombers were Muslims The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims The First World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims The Bombay, Mumbai, India Attackers were Muslims The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims The Nairobi, Kenya Shopping Mall Killers were Muslims The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims The Sydney, Australia Lindt Cafe Kidnapper was a Muslim The Peshawar, Pakistani School Children Killers were Muslims Think of it: Hindus living with Jews = No Problem Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem Jews living with Atheists = No Problem Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem Christians living with Jews = No Problem Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem Hindus living with Christians = No Problem Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem Muslims living with Jews = Problem Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem Muslims living with Hindus = Problem Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem Muslims living with Shintos = Problem Muslims living with Atheists = Problem Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem Muslims living with Christians = Problem MUSLIMS LIVING WITH MUSLIMS = VERY BIG PROBLEM **********SO THIS LEADS TO ***************** They’re not happy in Gaza They're not happy in Egypt They're not happy in Libya They're not happy in Iran They're not happy in Iraq They're not happy in Yemen They're not happy in Pakistan They're not happy in Syria They're not happy in Lebanon They're not happy in Nigeria They're not happy in Kenya They're not happy in Sudan They're not happy in Morocco They're not happy in Afghanistan ******** So, where are they happy? ********** They're happy in Australia They're happy in Belgium They're happy in France They're happy in Holland They're happy in Italy They're happy in Germany They're happy in Spain They're happy in Sweden They're happy in Denmark They're happy in the USA & Canada They're happy in Norway & India They're very happy in England (UK) (Loads of Welfare Benefits) They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame? Not Islam... Not their leadership... Not themselves... THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN! And they want to change the countries they're happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy and finally they will be get hammered! Islamic Jihad: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION ISIS: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Qaeda: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Taliban: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Boko Haram: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Nusra: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Abu Sayyaf: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Badr: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Muslim Brotherhood: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Lashkar-e-Taiba: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Ansaru: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Jemaah Islamiyah: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Abdullah Azzam Brigades: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Shabbab Somalia: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION AND A LOT MORE!!!!!!! Think of it. Contact Paul Eidelberg at |
THE U.S. POLITY: A WONKY FIT - SOL W. SANDERSPosted by American Center for Democracy, January 05, 2015 |
The article below was written by Sol W. Sanders who
is journalist specializing in Asia with more than 25 years
in the region. He is a former correspondent for Business Week,
U.S. News & World Report and United Press International. This
article appeared January 05, 2015 in the American Center for
Democracy and is archived at
![]() The polls tell us that those Americans interested in politics are split almost evenly into two groups: those who approve of President Barak Hussein Obama's leadership and those critical of it. Further analysis shows something quite basically different between the two groups — and disturbing for those of us who want a country rich in diversity but engaged in a constant healthy exchange of ideas. The President's supporters are what my mom in her retirement among the elderly in Florida, with some envy, used to call "the alright nicks". They are members of an elite who either financially or politically — or both — have disproportionately profited from the system. They see themselves, and their nominal leader, Obama, as tapped by some unseen but knowing source to lead — especially to guide a rabble (excluding themselves, of course) which does not know its own interests and therefore what is best for them. In fact, their numbers have recently been reinforced as the economy has marginally improved and the noise around Administration scandals and policy failures has dissipated with time in a fast moving society. (IRS persecution of political opponents, veterans dying because of ill-treatment at the VA, the sacrifice of lives at Benghazi, massive infractions of border security, mishandling of government lands, near collapse of the president's personal security – Poof! Gone With the Wind!) The other half of the politically oriented are fervent, if sometimes highly prejudiced, critics of Obama's policies — or, indeed, the lack thereof in many avenues of leadership where he is counted among the missing. Domestically, they perceive inhibiting bureaucratic intervention or neglect of the always marginally effective governmental actions which could speed the economic recovery out of the disaster of 2007-08. Abroad, they see perennial crises deepen with a strategy of withdrawal of American power in areas where it has long been the arbiter, indeed, the presumed leader by the other foreign participants. Any attempt by the critics to entertain a meaningful debate is largely ignored by the Obama followers whose allegiance to their leader lies elsewhere than in loyalty to issues. In reality, the Obama coalition is a motley crew whose interest in their leader is largely pro forma — that is, loyalty as a member of an ethnic or an interest group rather than based on broader issues or an attachment to ideology. Some might take issue with this argument, of course, claiming that Obama, himself, is an ideologue of the left and has the support of what constitutes the American left in politics. That has some validity, of course. But as a scion of the amateur radicalism of the 1960s, I would argue Obama and his followers' allegiance to leftwing politics is more sloganeering with as little understanding as their 60s mentors had of the long traditions of socialism and its offspring in Western thought. Rather, the Obama coalition is a collection of Alrightnicks. There is the rapidly growing political class of government employees headed by his appointed superbureaucrats, many circulating through the revolving door of Washington government appointments and lobbying. It doesn't take long for a visitor Inside the Beltway, the anointed circle of Washington, D.C., and some of the country's wealthiest counties in Maryland and Virginia that surround it, to know that they are passing through a world all its own — often inured from the rest of the country's trials and tribulations. There is, of course, Obama's following among Afro-Americans — who however disenchanted with the little accomplished by the Administration in pushing the economy, and therefore the fortunes of their impoverished and crime-ridden ghettoes, feels it has no choice but loyalty to the first Afro-American chief executive. The media, of course, are kept — best explained by Pat Moynihan's dissection more than a generation ago of the capital press corps. He saw how — even before the print media began to collapse under the dynamics of the digital revolution — working class newspapermen had turned into media elite as they moved off to the suburbs to join the ruling class. There is Hollywood glitz, of course. Recently revealed cynical backstage exchanges have shown just how meaningless on both sides of the footlights Tinsetown's is the glamour that rubs off on the Administration. More difficult to explain, of course, are the small but highly influential Jewish followers of Obama — although they have in so many ways built themselves into the Establishment in the shortest order, perhaps, of any once discriminated American minority. That they ignore Obama's war on Israel is camouflaged by the increasing lack of liaison between younger Jews and Israel and the continuing barrage of empty statements from Obama's spokesmen (some of them Jews) of the unbreakable U.S. alliance with Jerusalem. Bringing up the rear is the traditional support for any president which is part of the American political scene, backed by the increasing influence of what Harry Truman rightly described as the most powerful executive in the world, accumulating strength contrary to the efforts of the Founding Fathers in the Constitution to limit it, as the world and the U.S. becomes an increasingly complex society to govern. Looking at these two bumping mobs, we may well be at an historic crossroads just now. For all the myriad reasons, the electorate has seen fit not only to give the Congressional opposition its greatest strength since the 1920s, reinforced with similar movement in most of the state legislatures and governors' mansions. With what has been an all too incompetent leadership, that powerful control of the legislature branch — and has so often been argued, the courts, too, follow elections — the Republicans now have an opportunity to force a discussion of issues rather than of emotional loyalties. If they avoid the siren song of its few media sympathizers and reject "comprehensive" solutions to vast problems, but instead tend to the nitty-gritty of legislative minutiae, there will be a contest. It means avoiding such catastrophes as the pretension that myriad problems of one sixth of the economy could be solved with the bumbling as well as bogus ideology of Obamacare in a single piece of legislation. Obama – or his most intimate counselors, whoever they are – has had a great deal of luck. But he does exhibit the art of a demagogue in directing the Greek chorus from his bully pulpit. Whether by happenstance or design, he has managed by moving immediately without the Congress on such issues as immigration and environmental regulation, to obscure the massive electoral victory of his opponents last fall. (The prostituted media helped, of course.) Someone at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue obviously sees what otherwise would be a gross violation of separation of powers as the way to bull through the lame duck years. But, for the moment at least, the ball is now in the Congressional Republicans' court. Let's see if they know how to ace it! Contact Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld. She is Founder and CEO of the New York-based American Center for Democracy and the Economic Warfare Institute. The American Center for Democracy and its Economic Warfare Institute is dedicated to exposing and monitoring nontraditional threats to the nation's political and economic freedoms and national security. |
The article below was written by Raymond Ibrahim who
is a Middle East and Islam specialist and author of Crucified
Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (2013) and The
Al Qaeda Reader (2007). His writings have appeared in a
variety of media, including the Los Angeles Times, Washington
Times, Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst, Middle East Quarterly,
World Almanac of Islamism, and Chronicle of Higher Education.
He was born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents
born and raised in the Middle East, which has provided him
with equal fluency in English and Arabic. His understanding of
the two the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets positions him
to explain the Middle Eastern culture to the West. This
article appeared January 05, 2015 and is archived at
Speaking before Al-Azhar and the Awqaf Ministry on New Year's Day, 2015, and in connection to Prophet Muhammad's upcoming birthday, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, a vocal supporter for a renewed vision of Islam, made what must be his most forceful and impassioned plea to date on the subject. Among other things, Sisi said that the "corpus of [Islamic] texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the years" are ":antagonizing the entire world"; that it is not "possible that 1.6 billion people [reference to the world's Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world's inhabitants—that is 7 billion—so that they themselves may live"; and that Egypt (or the Islamic world in its entirety) "is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands." The relevant excerpt from Sisi's speech follows (translation by Michele Antaki):
Note: It is unclear if in the last instance of umma Sisi is referring to Egypt ("the nation") or if he is using it in the pan-Islamic sense as he did initially to refer to the entire Islamic world. Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer and editor of the website, an activist pro-Israel website. He now lives in Jerusalem. Contact him at |
2014 BDS ROUNDUP: VICTORIES, DEFEATS AND THE IN-BETWEENSPosted by IAM e-mail, January 05, 2015 |
Editorial Note The year that just ended was pivotal for the BDS movement and its opponents on many fronts. AS Alexander Joffe from the Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME), below states, BDS opponents take credit for the fact that no additional academic association passed a formal BDS resolution. This is widely attributed to the fact that the American Studies Association (ASA) has suffered a furious backlash to its BDS decision. BDS proponents take credit for developing alternative ways to highlight "Israel's continuous occupation of the Palestinian territory." One of the more popular ways is to "empower" scholars in a particular discipline to launch their own private versions of BDS, be it through signing petitions or regulating access to academic publications or conference. For obvious reasons, this type of unofficial "gray BDS" is hard to fight without infringing on the freedom of academic editors and others to make decision as to who appears in their journals and or conferences. It is noted that "gray boycotters" have become proficient in camouflaging their decisions with seemingly bona fides arguments. As a matter of fact, Professor Rivka Carmi, president of Ben Gurion University identified "gray boycott" in liberal arts as one of the concern for Israel. Students advocating BDS came up with a new technique to boycott Israeli products on campus under the notion of "microaggression." For those not familiar with the arcane language of political correctness, the concept was first used to redefine what constitutes racism and anti-minority sentiments. Unlike the more overt types of speech and behavior, microaggression is said to be committed when a member of a minority is exposed to a "brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to certain individuals because of their group membership." Palestinian activists on campus have broadened the definition to include situation whereby some type of Israeli food or beverage is served in the cafeteria. Accordingly, serving Sabra humus at Wesleyan University should be considered an act of microaggression against Palestinian students, along with SodaStream at Harvard. Even when the ban on the products were reversed by the administrations on the two campuses – fearful of running afoul of US ant boycott laws - the resulting discourse became another "teaching moment" to educate the student body. The fact that the discourse occurred on two prestigious campuses was an added bonus. Looking for indications of the future of BDS based on the 2014 experience, one trend stands out; clear cut victories and defeats will be increasingly replaced by the hard to fight "in between." The article below was written by Dr. Alex Joffe is an
archaeologist and historian specializing in the Middle East and
contemporary international affairs. Educated at Cornell University
and the University of Arizona, he is currently a Shillman-Ginsburg
fellow of the Middle East Forum, a research scholar at the
Institute for Community and Jewish Research, and a contributing
writer for Jewish Ideas Daily. His web site is This article appeared January 01, 2015 on the
Algemeiner and is archived at
The end of the fall semester saw continued BDS successes in academic organizations but failures in other areas. In political terms, recognition of Palestine continued among European countries. Coupled with American comments about possible sanctions over Israeli construction activities, the symbolic European recognition votes implies sanctions should a negotiated settlement not be reached. The most important BDS development took place in an American academic organization. The American Anthropological Association (AAA) held several panels on BDS at its annual meeting. While no pro-BDS resolution was proposed, a resolution opposing BDS was defeated. As expected, discussions were dominated by pro-BDS speakers. The organization has also appointed a task force, made up of BDS supporters, to advise the executive committee on how to proceed with BDS and is distributing pro-BDS materials to members. It is widely expected that a BDS resolution will be introduced and approved at next year's meeting. The AAA decision to endorse 'further debate' and thus lay deeper foundations for future BDS resolutions follows a similar decision by the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) at its annual meeting in November. The support of these academic associations for BDS is significant. Unlike the much smaller American Studies Association, the AAA and MESA are both large and may be said to represent the public face of their academic disciplines. The process by which diverse opinions are stamped out in academic disciplines and political conformity is enforced is well-documented (as is the procedure of holding political votes in association business meetings). But the role of academic associations in this process, as clearing houses for personal contacts, forums for acceptable theories and attitudes, information regarding jobs, grants and other elements of disciplinary practice, has not been studied. The implicit endorsement of BDS by two major academic organizations will certainly intensify implicit pressures to comply within each discipline. In this regard, in contrast to the passive-aggressive approaches taken by the AAA and MESA, the American Historical Association rejected a BDS resolution in part on the grounds that it went beyond areas "of concern to the association, to the profession of history, or to the academic profession." In another development with wide-ranging implications, UAW Local 2865, which represents 13,000 University of California graduate teaching assistants and graduate student workers, has adopted a BDS resolution. A total of 2168 votes were cast; 1411 favor and 749 opposed. Opponents complained both before and after the vote that the union had invested considerable resources in support of the resolution and had even harassed anti-BDS members at the polls. National UAW officials had warned the local in advance that the resolution was inimical to the local's interests and that "we would find it difficult to ask our members to support your union in a labor dispute with the University of California so long as you are engaged in activities that are fundamentally hostile to their interests." The resolution calls on teaching assistants not to "take part in any research, conferences, events, exchange programs, or other activities that are sponsored by Israeli universities complicit in the occupation of Palestine and the settler-colonial policies of the state of Israel." Discussions organized by the union's BDS caucus before the vote featured speakers who made it clear that the goal of BDS was the complete elimination of Israel. In response to the union vote, a California state assemblyman, along with a coalition of Jewish groups, demanded and has received assurances from the university administration that anti-Israel bias in University of California classrooms remains formally forbidden. The union vote demonstrates, however, the extent to which current undergraduate education and future faculty members are compromised by BDS. Two other incidents showed the willingness of BDS supporters to politicize mundane aspects of university life. At Wesleyan University Israeli-owned Sabra brand hummus was briefly removed from campus stores at the demand of the local chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine. A university official denied the move political but claimed that the university was "looking into stocking multiple brands of hummus to give students a choice of products." BDS activists had targeted Sabra hummus since at least the spring, and had recently begun placing stickers on containers. In May the student government had passed a resolution urging the university endowment divest from firms involved in the "Military occupation of the West Bank." As with earlier BDS efforts aimed at Sabra, the Wesleyan ban was swiftly reversed by the university. Sabra will be stocked by university stores along with other brands of hummus. BDS supporters decried the decision as politically motivated. In another more symbolically important development, Harvard University's dining services temporarily removed Sodastream machines from dining halls. The Sodastream company makes carbonated water devices and is located in an Israeli industrial zone across the Green Line but will be relocating to the Negev. It has been the subject of intense BDS protests. News reports indicated that during the spring the Palestine Solidarity Committee and Harvard Islamic Society "noticed that the filtered water machines in certain dining halls had Sodastream labels on them." One of their supporters was quoted as saying "These machines can be seen as a microaggression to Palestinian students and their families and like the University doesn't care about Palestinian human rights." After meetings between activists and university's dining services, the latter "agreed to remove SodaStream labels on current machines and purchase machines from other companies." The story was widely circulated and the Harvard decision was subjected to considerable ridicule. In response, the university president, Drew Faust, and Provost, Alan Garber, announced that the dining services decision would be investigated and that "Harvard University's procurement decisions should not and will not be driven by individuals' views of highly contested matters of political controversy. If this policy is not currently known or understood in some parts of the University, that will be rectified now." Harvard officials then backtracked and claimed that they were unaware that the university dining services had dropped Sodastream products. A statement from the dining services claimed they had "mistakenly factored political concerns raised by students on a particularly sensitive issue into a decision on soda machines. As the president and provost have made clear, our procurement decisions should not be driven by community members' views on matters of political controversy." Noted Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker also released a letter he had written to Faust and Garber in which he expressed his objections and decried "the idea that students are to be protected from "discomfort" or so‐called "microaggression" when they are exposed to beliefs that differ from theirs." This type of public expression of opposition to BDS is unusual. The Sabra and Sodastream affairs show that BDS supporters are willing to politicize areas such as university food services and represent temporary successes as outsized victories. But while these specific decisions have been reversed, the larger BDS success is inculcating the idea among students that every choice of hummus or carbonated water is a supreme ethical decision that must be made against Israel in order to fit into university culture. In the political sphere comments attributed to the State Department suggested that the Obama Administration was considering a variety of sanctions on Israel over continued building in Israeli communities across the Green Line, and particularly in Jerusalem. These leaks were quickly denied by the administration. The message behind the leaks has been interpreted as giving license to European states to consider their own sanctions against Israel. European states also continued to adopt symbolic resolutions recognizing the state of Palestine, moves also intended to pressure Israel regarding negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. These should also be juxtaposed with the growing trend among European cities to condemn Israel, end relationships with Israeli counterparts and to ban Israeli goods. While these moves have been rejected by political organizations such as Britain's Labour Party, the larger implication is the ongoing criminalization of Israel in Europe and acceptance of Palestinian calls for its destruction, in part through BDS. Contact IAMe-mail at |
THE ISLAMIZATION OF FRANCE IN 2014Posted by Winston Israel News, January 05, 2015 |
The article below was written by Soeren Kern who is a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Gatestone Institute, and the Senior Analyst for Transatlantic Relations at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estrategicos / Strategic Studies Group. One of the oldest and most influential foreign policy think tanks in Spain, the Strategic Studies Group is closely tied to Spain's center-right Partido Popular/Popular Party and former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.
A political scientist by training, Soeren specializes in European
politics as well as US and European defense- and
security-related issues. He is also an essayist on European
anti-Americanism and the roles of America and Europe in the
world. This article appeared January 04, 2015 on Emanuel A.
Winston Blog and is archived at
According to a confidential French intelligence document leaked to Le Figaro, a form of Muslim ghettoization is gaining ground within the French school system. The report says that Muslim students are effectively establishing an Islamic parallel society completely cut off from non-Muslim students. More than 1000 French supermarkets, including major chains such as Carrefour, have been selling Islamic books that openly call for jihad & the killing of non-Muslims. A report estimates that 60% of the prison population in France, or 40,000 prisoners, are "culturally or originally" Muslim. The Fresnes Penitentiary near Paris launched an experiment that involves isolating radical Muslim prisoners in a separate unit to prevent the radicalization of other prisoners. Muslim prisoners clashed with prison guards to protest the new measure. An Ipsos survey found that 66% of French people believe there are too many foreigners in France, & 59% believe "immigrants do not try hard enough to integrate. According to the poll, 63% of French people think that Islam "is not compatible with French values." The Muslim population of France reached an estimated 6.5 million in 2014. Although French law prohibits the collection of official statistics about the race or religion of its citizens, this estimate is based on several recent studies that attempt to calculate the number of people in France whose origins are from Muslim majority countries. This implies that the Muslim population of France is now roughly 10% of the country's total population of 66 million. In real terms, France has the largest Muslim population in the European Union. Consequently, Islam was an ever-present topic in newspaper headlines during 2014. What follows is a chronological review of some of the main stories about the rise of Islam in France during 2014: On January 1, Interior Minister Manuel Valls announced the most anticipated statistic of the year: a total of 1,067 cars & trucks were torched across France on New Year's Eve, a "significant reduction" from the 1,193 vehicles that were burned during the annual ritual on the same holiday in 2013. Car burnings, commonplace across France, are often attributed to rival Muslim gangs that compete with each other for the media spotlight over who can cause the most destruction. An estimated 40,000 cars are burned in France every year. On January 6, two 15-year-old boys from the southern French city of Toulouse—home to Mohammed Merah, the Islamist who murdered seven people in & around the city in March 2012—ran away from home to become the youngest-ever European jihadists to join the fighting in Syria since the war there began in 2011. During a press conference on January 14, French President François Hollande revealed that more than 700 French nationals & residents—more than twice that of previous estimates—have traveled to fight in Syria. On January 19, French Interior Minister Manuel Valls said more than a dozen French nationals under the age of 18 are active as jihadists in Syria. Meanwhile, a court in Versailles on January 8 convicted Cassandra Belin, a 20-year-old convert to Islam, for wearing a full-face Islamic veil in public, & threw out her bid to have the country's burqa ban declared unconstitutional. She was also convicted of threatening three police officers at the time of her arrest, which sparked three days of rioting in the Parisian suburb of Trappes in July 2013. She was given a one-month suspended prison sentence for the clash with the police & a €150 ($200) fine for wearing the veil. Finally, an Ipsos survey published on January 21 found that 66% of French people believe there are too many foreigners in France, & 59% believe "immigrants do not try hard enough to integrate." According to the poll, 63% of French people think Islam "is not compatible with French values." In February, French Islamists sued the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo for blasphemy for publishing a cover page that Muslims said was offensive. The League of Judicial Defence of Muslims (LDJM) brought the case before the criminal court in Alsace-Moselle, a region that was twice annexed by Germany & still retains part of the old German code, which includes the crime of "blasphemy." Blasphemy is not a crime in the rest of France. But Alsace's blasphemy law covers only Catholicism, Protestantism & Judaism. There is no redress for Islam. The editor of Charlie Hebdo, Stephane Charbonnier (Charb) said: "We know in advance that the trial will not go through because Islam is not in the code." The magazine's office in Paris was firebombed in November 2011 after it published special edition called "Charia Hebdo" (Sharia Hebdo) & listed the Prophet Mohammed as its editor-in-chief. On February 17, French counter-terrorism police thwarted what they said was an imminent attack by a returning jihadist from Syria. Police said the man, identified as a 23-year-old named Ibrahim B, was preparing to strike in the southern French region of Cote d'Azur. Police found some 900 kilos of explosives in the suspect's temporary apartment near Cannes. On February 25, a 14-year-old girl from the southeastern French city of Grenoble was intercepted at the airport in Lyon. She had a one-way ticket to Istanbul & was about to board the plane. Police were alerted after the girl sent her father a text message saying she was running away from home because she had been selected to "join the jihad" in Syria. In March, a militant Islamist website published a series of posters calling for attacks on France & for the assassination of President François Hollande in retaliation for the country's policies in Mali & the Central African Republic. The al-Minbar Jihadi Media Network, a well-known Islamist website, created six posters as part of a campaign called, "We will not be silent, O France." One of the posters read: "To our lone-wolves in France, assassinate the president of disbelief & criminality, terrify his cursed government, & bomb them & scare them as a support to the vulnerable in the Central African Republic." On March 4, a 27-year-old French convert to Islam named Romain Letellier (alias Abou Siyad al-Normandy) was convicted of using the Internet to disseminate terrorist propaganda & to promote participation in terrorist acts. A court in Paris sentenced him to one year in prison & two more on probation. The case was the first using a law passed in December 2012 that makes "cyber jihad" a crime. Also in March, a Salafist group known as Anâ-Muslim ("I am Muslim") called for a boycott of France's local elections, which were held on March 23 & March 30. The group, which is a non-profit organization recognized by the French state, said that Muslims should not vote because "voting is an act of submission, while abstaining is an act of resistance." On March 31, police arrested four Muslim boys (three Turkish brothers between the ages of 13 & 15, & one 17-year-old from Morocco) for gang raping an 18-year-old woman as she left the main train station in Evry, a commune in the southern suburbs of Paris. During police questioning, the minors said that they attacked the woman because she was French & "the French are all sons of whores." The boys were jailed for rape and—unusually in France—reverse racism. In April, a confidential intelligence document leaked to the French newspaper Le Figaro revealed that a form of Muslim ghettoization is gaining ground within the French school system. The report says that Muslim students are effectively establishing an Islamic parallel society completely cut off from non-Muslim students. The 15-page document, dated November 28, 2013, includes 70 examples—headscarves in school playgrounds, halal meals in cafeterias, chronic absenteeism during Muslim religious festivals, clandestine prayers in gyms or hallways, & so on—of the Islamizing trend in schools throughout France. The document says that Muslims are engaged in a "war of attrition" aimed at "destabilizing the teaching staff." It adds that Muslim fundamentalists are circumventing the law that bans religious symbols in schools, & that self-proclaimed "young guardians of orthodoxy" in many schools are exerting pressure on Muslim girls. On April 23, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve unveiled a 20-point anti-radicalization strategy aimed at preventing French citizens or residents from waging jihad in Syria & other conflict zones in the Muslim world. The plan also aims to combat the radicalization of young French Muslims at the earliest stages of indoctrination. A counterterrorism expert interviewed by the newspaper Le Parisien said he believed the plan is aimed primarily at reassuring the public, "but in terms of effectiveness in the fight against terrorism, the effect is zero." Others said the plan is a political ploy by President Hollande aimed at blunting the rising popularity of the anti-immigration National Front party, which captured a record number of city council seats & mayoralties in local elections held in March. National Front party leader Marine Le Pen told RTL Radio that the government's plan is cosmetic. She said: "It does not attack the root of the problem—the speech in some mosques that are genuine calls to jihad. Nor does the plan attack recruiters & funding from foreign countries known to support terrorist fundamentalism, such as Qatar." On April 26, the German news-magazine Focus reported that the French government paid $18 million to the Islamic State in Iraq & the Levant [ISIS] for the April 20 release of four French journalists held captive in Syria for more than 10 months. Citing NATO sources in Brussels, Focus said that the ransom money was personally delivered by French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. French officials denied that any ransom was paid, but the French newspaper Le Parisien wrote: "According to our information, the DGSE [French foreign intelligence service] negotiated directly with the rebel group. There can be no doubt that a payment was made." The 31st congress of the Union of Islamic Organizations in France [UOIF], held in Paris from April 18-21, was turned into a Muslim anti-Jewish "hate fest" when keynote speaker Hani Ramadan—a prominent Muslim leader from Geneva & the brother of Tariq Ramadan, a Swiss professor banned from entering the United States—blamed Jews & Zionism for a litany of maladies all over the world. "All the evil in the world originates from the Jews who have only one thing in mind, realizing the dream of Greater Israel," the French daily Le Figaro quoted Ramadan as telling the congress, one of France's largest & most prominent Islamic events. "Against these international schemes of the Zionist power there is only one rampart: Islam," he added. In May, an ornate theater in the historic Fontainebleau Palace was renamed after the ruler of Abu Dhabi, who funded a multi-million euro project to restore the site. The 400-seat Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan Theater was first opened in 1857 by Napoleon III. Critics said the renaming was a sad commentary on the future direction of France. On May 28, Europol, the law enforcement agency of the European Union, reported that France was the terror capital of Europe during 2013:
On May 30, police arrested a French jihadist over the fatal shooting of three people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels on May 24. Mehdi Nemmouche, a 29-year-old French national from the northern town of Roubaix, was arrested at the Saint-Charles train & bus station in Marseille during a random search for illegal drugs. He was a passenger on an overnight bus that was travelling from Amsterdam to Marseille via Brussels. In June, Prime Minister Manuel Valls increased the government's estimate of the number of French nationals fighting in Syria to 800, including about 30 who have died in the conflict. Valls said:
On June 8, a 28-year-old non-Muslim man in the northeastern city of Reims was attacked on a train by two Muslims who said they were upset that he was eating a ham sandwich in their presence. On July 1, the European Court of Human Rights upheld the French ban on wearing full-face Islamic veils in public. By a vote of 15 to 2, the judges ruled that the ban does not violate the European Convention of Human Rights. The ruling dismissed a case brought by a French woman against the state for breach of religious freedom. On July 9, it emerged that 29-year-old Algerian butcher living in the southeastern French town of Vaucluse, & a "senior member" of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb [AQIM], were plotting to blow up the Eiffel Tower & the Louvre Museum. The man, known only as Ali M, was on his way to train with AQIM jihadists in southern Algeria when he was arrested. On July 22, the Administrative Court of Lyon overturned an earlier ruling by the Grenoble Administrative Court that required the director of the Saint-Quentin-Fallavier penitentiary in the town of Isere to serve halal meals to Muslim inmates. The court in Lyon found that because there is already a vegetarian alternative, an additional halal meal is unnecessary. Also in July, it emerged that more than 1,000 French supermarkets, including major chains such as Carrefour, were selling books openly calling for jihad & the killing of non-Muslims. Books such as "La Voie du Musulman" (The Muslim's Path) were distributed as part of "quot;Operation Ramadan," an initiative to promote the sale of Islamic publications in France. According to the newspaper Le Figaro, distributors ignored petitions to remove the books & French authorities had no legal basis to ban them. In August, a poll found that a staggering 15% of people in France support the Islamic State [IS]. Among those between the ages of 18 & 24, 27% said they had a positive view of the IS, while 22% of those between the ages of 25 & 34, & 20% of those between 35 & 44 supported the jihadist group. The largest share of IS opponents was composed of people aged 45 to 54. On August 22, police arrested two teenage Muslim girls for plotting to bomb the Great Synagogue of Lyon. The two, aged 15 & 17, were arrested & interrogated in Venissieux, a suburb of Lyon in southeastern France, & Tarbes, a town in southwestern France. The two had never met in person but had communicated via social media. They were charged with engaging in a conspiracy to commit terrorism. On September 1, an appeals court in the northeastern town of Châlons-en-Champagne upheld a ban on a Muslim engineer from accessing nuclear sites, citing his links with "jihadist networks." The 29-year-old was working for a company subcontracted by the energy giant EDF & had been granted access to nuclear installations as part of his job throughout 2012. But in March 2013, the man was refused entry to the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power plant. The court said management was allowed to prevent those "undergoing a process of political & religious radicalization" from accessing sensitive sites. His lawyer called it a case of "Islamophobia." Also in September, the head of the Sorbonne University in Paris personally apologized to a student who was "humiliated" after being asked to take off her Muslim headscarf. The incident occurred on the first day of a geography class on September 16, when the female professor asked the student: "Do you plan to keep wearing that thing in all of my classes?" The professor continued: "I am here to help you integrate into professional life & this headscarf will cause you problems." After the student refused to comply, the professor told her to leave the class. A 2004 law prohibits the wearing or open display of religious symbols in all French schools, but it does not apply to universities. The Muslim student is now calling for the professor to be disciplined so that it does not happen again. On September 29, the French supermarket chain Auchan apologized after a weekly newspaper advertisement included a black plastic toy machine gun featuring a crescent moon & star. Auchan said it was "very sorry if some people were offended by the presence of religious symbols" on the toy gun, which was quickly withdrawn from store shelves. In late September, eleven members of the same family—a man, his mother & two sisters, along with their respective spouses & children, including a six-month old baby—from the southern city of Nice disappeared overnight & were believed to have left for Syria. The father of one of the missing women said his daughter had converted to Islam. "I saw how religion played a bigger & bigger part in her life," he said. "Perhaps I should have reacted." In October, it emerged that more than half of the inmates in French prisons are Muslim. The "shock figure" appeared in a report produced by Guillaume Larrive, a deputy with the opposition Union for a Popular Movement [UMP], as part of an "action plan" to tackle Islamic radicalization in French prisons. The report estimated that 60% of the prison population in France, or 40,000 prisoners, are "culturally or originally" Muslim. On October 4, the managers of the Paris Opera issued a memo to staff ordering them to deny entry to anyone whose face is covered. The move came after a Muslim woman—apparently a wealthy tourist from the Persian Gulf—was asked to leave a performance of La Traviata at the Opera Bastille on October 3 after she was spotted sitting in the front row wearing a niqab face veil. A 2010 law bans anyone from wearing clothing that conceals the face in a public space. On October 13, residents in the eastern city of Strasbourg alerted police when they saw a group of amateur jihadists undergoing paramilitary training in a park while shouting "Allahu Akbar"("Allah is greater") & brandishing fake machine guns. When police arrived at the scene, a group of seven Muslim men threatened them, calling them "infidels" & promising to "avenge their dead Muslim brothers." Also in October, a French company called Capital Biotech announced the development of a so-called "Halal Test" that enables Muslim consumers to detect—within minutes—the presence of alcohol, pork or other "forbidden ingredients" in food. The company is tapping into the French halal market, which is valued at € 5.5 billion ($6.8 billion) annually. In November, French jihadists fighting with the Islamic State released a new propaganda video in which they urge Muslims living at home to carry out terrorist attacks in France. The video states: "Allah says in the Koran, 'March forth, whether light or heavy.' What is your excuse? Then operate within France. Terrorize them & do not allow them to sleep due to fear & horror. Kill them & spit in their faces & run over them with your cars." Also in November, the mother of a 16-year-old boy who travelled to Syria via Turkey in 2013 filed a lawsuit against the French government for failing to prevent him from leaving France. It is the first case of its kind in France. The mother, identified as Nadine D, said that despite his young age, he was allowed to leave the country without a passport, using only his national ID card. In an interview with the daily newspaper Le Parisien, Nadine said: "Given current events, the border police should have at least questioned a minor travelling alone to such a destination. Common sense should have led them to ask him why he was going there, if he had family ties there & why he was not accompanied." On November 13, the first French jihadist to stand trial after returning from Syria was sentenced to seven years in prison. Flavien Moreau—a 28-year-old who was born in South Korea & was adopted by a French family but who turned to crime as a teenager & converted to Islam in prison—travelled to Syria in December 2012. But he managed to stay in Syria for less than two weeks because he was unable to withstand a strict ban on smoking imposed by the Islamist militants. He was detained in France in February 2013 after counter-terrorism police intercepted communications in which he said he was looking for fake ID to return to Syria. On November 14, the Foundation for Political Innovation released a wide-ranging opinion poll that found that French Muslims are far more likely to espouse anti-Semitic views than non-Muslims. The report said: "Muslim respondents are two to three times more likely to be prejudiced against Jews. The more religious a Muslim is, the more anti-Jewish he becomes. Thus, when 19% of all non-Muslim respondents adhere to the notion that 'Jews have too much power in the field of politics,' the rate is 51% for all Muslim respondents. It is 37% among those reporting only a 'Muslim origin’ but 63% among those who say they are 'believing & practicing Muslims.'" On November 23, French police closed down a Paris-based pro-Palestinian Islamic charity called Pearl of Hope (Perle d'espoir) for raising up to €100,000 ($125,000) for jihad in Syria & Iraq. Police say the group used legitimate charity work as a front to funnel covert funds to jihadist groups. The president the charity, Yasmine Znaidi, 34, & her partner, Nabil Ouerfelli, 22, are the first French citizens to be charged with financing terrorism since the war in Syria began in 2011. Znaidi responded by saying: "My crime is to be Muslim." French authorities say they are currently monitoring more than ten other Islamic charities & associations. Meanwhile, the Fresnes Penitentiary, situated on the outskirts of Paris, launched an experiment that involves isolating radical Muslim prisoners in a separate unit in an effort to prevent the radicalization of other prisoners. The experiment began on October 15, but only became public knowledge on November 13, after a dozen Muslim prisoners clashed with prison guards to protest the new measure. In December, the Administrative Court in Nantes ordered municipal authorities in La Roche-sur-Yon, a town in the traditionally Roman Catholic region of Vendee in western France, to remove a nativity scene from the town hall because it violates the 1905 secularism (laicite) law separating church & state. Meanwhile, the mayor of the southern city of Beziers, Robert Menard, has refused to obey orders to remove a nativity scene he installed in its town hall. The mayor says he is fighting to preserve France's Judeo-Christian traditions. Observers say the government is cracking down on Christianity because it does not want to be accused of discriminating only against Muslims. "The anti-Islamic climate is causing a crackdown on other religions," sociologist Jean Bauberottold Le Nouvel Observateur weekly magazine. On December 9, Marcel Mortreau, the mayor of Sarge-les-Le Mans, a small town in northwestern France, announced that the local school district would not be providing Muslim children with special meals that comply with Islamic law. He invoked "secularism" to justify the decision concerning 27 Muslim students out of a total of 220 students who eat at school canteens. Mortreau said: "When we ask the catering service to make two meals, it is an additional burden. The school canteen is a public service based on the principle of secularism. One must respect the principle of religious neutrality in school canteens." On December 17, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve revealed that French authorities have thwarted five terror attacks (he did not provide details) & dismantled 13 jihadist networks since August 2013. As of December 15, more than 1,200 French nationals or residents have left for Syria & Iraq, a figure that has more than doubled since the beginning of 2014. The government estimates that 60 French jihadists have died on the battlefield & that 185 have now returned to France. According to Cazeneuve, about one-third of French jihadists are recent converts to Islam. On December 20, Islamic radical Bertrand Nzohabonayo entered a police station in Joue-les-Tours in central France shouting "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is greater") & stabbed three police officers. The man, a 20-year-old French citizen who was born in Burundi, was shot dead by police. Investigators later said the "lone wolf" terrorist was a supporter of the Islamic State. ![]() On December 21, another "lone wolf" shouting "Allahu Akbar" ploughed his car into pedestrians in the eastern French city of Dijon, injuring 11 people. Police said the man was "apparently unbalanced" & that "for now his motives are still unclear." Finally, a new novel by the award-winning French author Michel Houellebecq predicted that France will be under Muslim rule in less than a decade. The book—entitled Soumission (Submission, a clear allusion to the word "Islam," which in Arabic means submission to the will of Allah)—describes how the French Socialist party helps Mohammed Ben Abbes of the fictitious Muslim Brotherhood party to become the president of France in the 2022 elections. Just days after taking office, Ben Abbes moves to speed up the Islamization of France by implementing Islamic Sharia law. Contact Winston Israel News at |
A DIPLOMAT POSES AS A FRIEND OF ISRAELPosted by Richard H. Shulman, January 05, 2015 |
words of wisdom |
Background: Dennis Ross, diplomat and think-tanker, wrote an op-ed made to sound fair to Israel. It's the perfect way to con readers into thinking his plan is pro-Israel. Its subtle anti-Israel bias is a specialty of the State Dept. and the New York Times, which published it. We will examine that bias. What is Dennis Ross' record? Mr. Ross was one of several diplomats known as "Baker's Jews." Martin Indyk, Richard Haas, and Aaron Miller were the others. James Baker was the notoriously anti-Israel Secretary of State. His Jews did his dirty work against Israel. Their Jewish origin and Mr. Indyk's Orthodox practice threw people off their guard against anti-Zionist machinations. When Pres. Clinton was ready to release Jonathan Pollard, as he had promised, Dennis Ross persuaded him not to. Mr. Ross did not argument that Mr. Pollard deserved continued incarceration. He argued for keeping Pollard as a bargaining chip. Clinton acquiesced. So Pollard was mistreated in order that the U.S. coerce a dangerous concession for Israel to give its unrepentant Arab enemies. That Machiavellian mind set is the context in which to understand the writings of Dennis Ross. He pursues the State Dept. policy of cajoling Israel into giving up disputed Territories in exchange for a worthless Muslim promise of peace. It is worthless, because Islamic doctrine permits deceit in behalf of jihad. The P.A. has been violating its Oslo peace agreements, which Arafat told his fellow Muslim diplomats was a ruse. Remember, the State Dept. opposed the formation of Israel, sought to rescind Jewish statehood, and basically seeks terms favoring the Arabs and criticizes only Israel. Op-Ed: What would result from P.A. membership in the International Criminal Court? Nothing, states Ross. Membership in the Court and in other international agencies is symbolic of statehood, not its substance. The P.A. was offered a final settlement several times, but refused. Why? P.A. culture, he asserts, is based on a sense of injustice; concessions to Israel are considered wrong. Any leader who agreed to any concessions would be ousted. Ross suggests that Europeans who want to help the P.A. gain sovereignty should make it costly for the P.A. to refuse reasonable terms. Europe should hold Palestinian Arabs accountable for rejecting a solution. The UN makes demands only of Israel, so why shouldn't the P.A. appeal to the UN? UN resolutions are counter-productive. They deepen Israeli distrust of foreign one-sidedness. Instead, wait out Israeli elections for an Israeli regime probably more amenable to territorial concessions. Let Israel keep the settlement blocs adjoining Israel. If Europeans go through the UN, let them make a balanced resolution, not one which sets borders on the 1967 lines. Offer Israel something equally specific, such as: (1) "security arrangements that leave Israel able to defend itself by itself;" (2) Withdrawal tied to the P.A. performance on security and governance; and (3) Resolve the Arab refugee issue that allows Israel to retain its Jewish character. The P.A. probably would reject such conditions. If so, make it pay a price (NY Times, 1/5/15). Ross's suggested conditions are deceitful. There are no decent security conditions for Israel, as the U.S. Chiefs of Staff once figured out, unless Israel has the mountainous areas of Judea-Samaria, which means most of the Territories. That means Arab withdrawal. Why expect Israeli withdrawal to be tied to P.A. performance, when the P.A. violated all the conditions of the Oslo peace agreements without U.S. objection. And who judges P.A. performance? As if Ross doesn't know that Oslo kept it out of Israeli hands and in the hands of those who favor the P.A.. The Arab refugee issue is resolved. That is, Arabs countries barred many refugees from jobs and citizenship. Israel bears no responsibility for Arab flight that was almost entirely voluntary and in a war that the Arabs started for genocide. Ross missed a key element in explaining why the P.A. would reject conditions. The missing element is Islam. Islam holds that once an area is conquered by Islam, it belongs to Islam permanently, and if liberated from Islam, it must be taken back. Israel is such an area. Muslims consider it anti-Islam to refrain from re-conquering Israel. If Ross admitted the Islamic motive, then he would have to admit that the conflict is primarily religious. Religious conflicts are not open to compromise and territorial adjustment, the basis for his proposed solution. He claims that P.A. society is based on a sense of grievance. Jihadists fabricate grievances the way imperialists always do. The real grievances are Israel's against frequent Arab aggression, terrorism, and bigotry. Since Ross expects the Muslim side to reject conditions, why offer the P.A. still another chance to reject them? Ross refers to reaching specific agreements or paying a price, but he does not indicate specifics or prices. In no way does he suggest how to make the P.A. accountable. Here are some conditions for making the P.A. pay the price:
Why does Ross speak about the P.A. paying a price without stating any conditions? Does he lack imagination? No. Here's my guess. He is part of the State Dept. cohort that negotiates vague terms or secret terms, that the parties later argue over. The State Dept. gets Israel committed to general terms. What sounds good in principle ends up poor in practice. So much the worse for Israel! The advice to wait for a more concession-oriented Israeli regime is cynical. The whole U.S. approach mistakes the jihad against Israel for a territorial dispute. Territorial concessions to Islam cannot end a holy war by Islam. Islam insists on conquering. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
Why is the Israeli Government anti-Zionist?
2. There are over 3,000 illegal Arab apartments in Jerusalem. No action is taken against them. 3. While there are 18 Police Stations in Jerusalem, there isn't one Police Station in the Arab populated quarter, a den of violence. 4. In November, there were 571 assaults against Jews in Jerusalem. This is more than the total assaults against Jews in the rest of the world combined. The government of Israel is still trying to get the acceptance of the rest of the world. They don't realize that is about as likely as European Jews getting the acceptance of the Nazis! Where did the Leaders of the Fake People Come from?
SAEB EREKAT Born April 28, 1955 - Jordan, still Jordanian citizen. SARI NUSSEIBEH Born in 1949 - Damascus, Syria. MAHMOUD AL-ZAHAR Born in 1945 - Cairo, Egypt. FAISAL ABDEL QADER AL-HUSSEINI - Born in 1948 - Bagdad, Iraq. Note: The family of Muhammad Abbas moved to Tzfat from Damascus, Syria! Muslim Countries Can Kill Any one They Want!
Egyptian border troops shot dead a Palestinian youth as he tried to cross illegally from the Gaza Strip. The three youths taken into Egyptian custody said they came for cigarettes to sell back in Gaza. (No International Condemnation of Egypt - it is not Israel!) Food for Thought by Steven Shamrak
ISIS Terror Arrived to Gaza
UNSC Rejected Resolution on Palestinian State
The UN Security Council has rejected a Palestinian resolution calling for peace with Israel within a year and an end to Israel's occupation by 2017. The resolution failed to muster the minimum nine "yes" votes required in the council for adoption. Eight countries voted in favour of the motion - China, France, Russia, Argentina, Chad, Chile, Jordan, Luxembourg - two opposed - US and Australia - and five abstained - UK, Lithuania, Nigeria, Korea, Rwanda. (Voting result has revealed the anti-Israel attitude of 'Ugly Nothing' members - by abstaining members of UNCS said that they recognize the blunt unlawfulness of the resolution by do not support the existence of Israel! There are over 36 million slaves and even more millions of genuine refugees world-wide, but as usual members of the United Nation care more about putting Israel through another humiliation.) Deliberate Farcical anti-Israel Smear Campaign
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has urged the International Criminal Court (ICC) to reject the Palestinians' request for a membership because they did not rank as a state. Abbas signed the document in response to a failed UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution that would have set a deadline for Israel to end its occupation of territories sought by the Palestinians. (Abbas knows that this anti-Israel attempt will also fail. Instead of seeking peace, the PA is deliberately, with the help of anti-Semitic Western friends, conducting an anti-Israel campaign in order to de-legitimize the Jewish state.) Hamas has a New Master
Hamas' political leader Khaled Meshaak was forced to quit his old headquarters in Damascus after abandoning his long time host Bashar Assad. A deal struck between Egypt and Qatar could force the Hamas leader to settle in the Iranian capital. This would afford Tehran a foothold in the Gaza Strip, its second Mediterranean outpost on the Israeli border after Lebanon. Fake People Faking Population Number
The latest demographic survey of the Palestinian population by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics overestimates the number of Palestinians resident between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan by around 1.2 million. Why Wait for United Nations?
Likud Central Committee chairman Danny Danon, who is challenging Binyamin Netanyahu for leadership of the party, called on Israel to respond to an expected UN recognition of the Palestinian Authority (PA) as the "state of Palestine" by declaring sovereignty in Judea and Samaria: "We must clarify in the clearest terms to the world that every unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state will bring Israeli sovereignty (over Jewish land)," declared Danon. (Netanyahu is a gutless Zionist but skillful politician. For a while he managed to keep people who advocate the Zionist ideal from any real chance to be elected to the Knesset. How strange - he is a leader of a surpassingly Zionist party!) NATO Member Becoming an Islamic Terror State
Hamas political chief Khaled Mashal addressed a crowd at an event held by Turkey' ruling party, the AKP, and was even personally introduced by Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. "Inshallah we will liberate (all) Palestine and Jerusalem again in the future," Mashal said. Another Bogus Apology
One of the world's leading publishing houses has been forced to apologize for distributing atlases which literally erased Israel from the map. HarperCollins had been distributing the atlases via its subsidiary throughout Arab countries in the Middle East, depicting Jordan and Syria extending all the way to the Mediterranean Sea. ISIS Recruitment is anti-Israel Popularism
Recent pledges of allegiance to ISIS from Sunni jihadi groups in the Syrian Golan Heights and from Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula have ISIS poised to attack Israel from the north and south. ISIS could launch attacks on opposite ends of Israel in an effort to attract more Arab recruits, similar to what deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein attempted to do when he launched Scud missiles into Israel in the 1991 Gulf War. Something to Learn from Muslim States
"Unacceptable" Fakery of Friendship
The US State Department described Israeli actions as "unacceptable" 87 times in 2014, with only three countries being more "unacceptable," making Israel the fourth most "unacceptable" country. Israel ranked between North Korea and Pakistan. Schizoid Behaviour of our Muslim 'Friends'
Ridley Scott's new biblical epic 'Exodus: Gods and Kings' has been banned in Egypt because of 'historical inaccuracies'. Censors objected to claims that the Pyramids were built by Jews. Cinema owners in Morocco were given a 'verbal' directive not to show the movie. (Moses is considered a prophet in Islam and Muslims, theoretically like Christians, believe in Torah. But, there is a big abyss between theory and practice! What about artistic freedom? Jews may not been built pyramids, but neither Egyptian - according to some theories, which are suppressed by official Egyptologists!) Arab Terrorists Start Young
Two PA teens were arrested in connection with a firebombing that left an 11-year-old Israeli girl fighting for her life. Ayala, who suffered third-degree burns over most of her body, remained in serious but stable condition Know the Enemy even in Peace Time
No Bridges to Peace
Hamas turned back 37 Gaza war Orphans from a bridge-building trip to Israel. They got as far as the Erez border crossing where the Hamas authorities turned them back, barring the visit at the last minute. Hamas apparently went back on an initial agreement (as usual) to allow the youths to enter Israel. Quote of the Week:
"Israeli politicians and commentators use passive expressions. They talk about how other nations need to change their views instead of forthrightly putting their view. This is the language of weakness and insecurity. It comes from a perception of them in the world - the perception of being dependent on others. It is not how sovereign nations speak and behave!" - a female layer, an Internet comment Nice Speech but Deceitful Deeds!
UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, spoke at Downing Street to mark Chanukah 2014. A week later the UK voted 'abstain' at UNSC Resolution on Palestinian State. ...The second dedication I make is to the state and people of Israel. Britain is a friend of Israel, a good, a candid, a trusted friend of Israel, and that is how, as long as I'm Prime Minister, it will always stay. I know that it happened on the other side of the world, but I think the appalling events in Peshawar, where we saw 126 children murdered, I think is a reminder, whether we needed it, that there aren't bad terrorists and less bad terrorists - there are terrorists. They kill. They maim. They want to create terror by doing appalling things. The only good terrorist is one who gives up their weapons and decides to pursue their aims through peaceful means. And you know that in Israel more, perhaps, than any other country in the world. (He did not mention Jewish kids terrorized by ten of thousand rockets fired from Gaza.) So let us be clear: there is no moral equivalence between an Israeli government that wants to defend its people and its territory against attack, and terrorists that want to kill as many people as they can with the weapons and the bombs and the missiles that they throw over Israel's borders. And this country will always be a staunch friend of Israel...(He deliberately failed to mention the so-called Palestinians at all and Hamas as a terrorist organisation in particular!) Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has a website at He can be reached by email at |
The article below was written by Rabbi Brenner Glickman who is |
Tonight, I will tell you a story. It is the true story of a seemingly inconsequential man who, driven by passion and determination, has accomplished the extraordinary. It is a David and Goliath story of our times, and it continues to unfold. When you hear this story, I think you will agree that someone needs to write a book about this man. I can't believe that no one has yet. Our hero's name is Stephen Flatow. He is a real-estate attorney in northern New Jersey. He does title work, mostly, out of a small, cluttered office. He is well-regarded in his field, but not especially well known. He makes a living. He is famous, however, in other circles, as an activist. His courage and determination are unmatched. This lone man has stood up to the greatest powers and has not blinked. He has challenged the State Department, the Justice Department, the courts, and the largest banks in the world. He has failed and prevailed, stumbled and triumphed, over and over again. He does not quit. He is driven by the love of his daughter, a daughter who was killed by a suicide bomber twenty years ago. This is his story. Alisa Flatow was a student at Brandeis University. She chose to spend a semester studying abroad in Jerusalem. After a few months in Israel, she and her roommates decided to spend a weekend at a beach resort in Gaza. This was 1995, soon after the Oslo accords, and Gaza was still under Israeli control. It seems unfathomable now, but people used to vacation in Gaza at the beach resorts. On the way to the beach, their bus was struck by a van filled with explosives. The terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the killing. even Israeli soldiers riding on the bus were killed. Alisa was severely wounded, but she did not die right away. The terrorist van was filled with shrapnel that exploded through the windows of the bus and struck her head. She was unconscious, but her body was unharmed. The doctors called her father in America, and told him to come right away. When he landed in Ben Gurion airport, government agents met him on the runway, and escorted him straight from the plane to the hospital. By the time he arrived, Alisa was brain-dead. The doctors offered their condolences, and asked the father if he would be willing to donate her organs. This was not a simple question. The Flatow family was Orthodox and observant. It was not customary for Orthodox Jews to donate organs, and they were not sure it was allowed by Jewish law. So the parents called their rabbi and asked what to do. He told them to donate the organs, and so they did. That single act became a sensation in Israel. To understand its significance, I need to give a little background information. There is much in Jewish law and custom that would discourage organ donation. It has been our longstanding tradition to treat a dead body as sacred. Our custom is to watch over it, cleanse it, and prepare it carefully for burial. The body is buried whole and unaltered. That is why rabbinic authorities have generally discouraged autopsies. But organ donation is special. It presents the opportunity to save a life. In Jewish law, the saving of a human life takes special precedence. You can violate just about all the other commandments if you can save a life. Therefore, Jewish law does not just allow organ donation, it requires it. Reform and Conservative rabbis immediately encouraged organ donation, and by the 1970s, Orthodox rabbis did as well. The problem was that most Jews in Israel were not aware of this. The rates of organ donation were extraordinarily low. Israel was part of a European consortium of organ sharing nations, but was suspended because too few Israelis were registered donors. It was a stunning irony for a nation famous as an innovator of advanced medical technologies. The problem was that Israelis knew about the tradition of burying a body whole; they were not so aware that their rabbis allowed organ donation. Throughout the 1970s and 80s, various medical groups and the government in Israel tried to educate the public, but nothing worked. Organ donation rates were terribly low. People were desperate for organs, but few were donating. It just wasn't what people did. And then the Flatows offered their daughter's organs to the people of Israel. The news made headlines in every newspaper throughout the nation. Her heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, and corneas were able to save six lives in Israel. Notably, at least one of the recipients was Arab Palestinian. The people of Israel were amazed, and grateful. They had felt so alone in suffering against terrorism, and here this family from America made such a gesture. They felt that the world Jewish community was with them. We were one. Days later, Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin came to Washington DC and spoke before a gathering of 12,000 American Jews. What he told them would be printed in newspapers throughout America. He spoke about what Alisa's gift meant to the Israeli people. "Today," he said, "her heart beats in Jerusalem." There is more. After Alisa's death, the Flatows lives were shattered. Alisa's mother withdrew into herself and her home. But the father, Stephen, decided to take action. He wanted justice. It was widely reported that the State of Iran was the sponsor and financial backer of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It angered him that there were no consequences for Iran. They had funded his daughter's murderers, and no one was doing anything about it. The bomber himself was killed. The terrorist ring was being pursued by Israel. Stephen Flatow decided to take it upon himself to go after Iran. A lawyer by training, he sought justice through the courts. He had a brilliant idea. If he and other victims of terror could file suit against Iran, they could exact punishment on the regime. They would make it costly for states to sponsor terror, and then maybe Iran would think twice about doing it again. But there was a problem. United States law did not allow private citizens to sue foreign governments. It was expressly forbidden. So Stephen Flatow went to Washington to change the law. His senator, the Jewish Frank Lautenberg, happened to be in Israel at the time of Alyssa's death. He took a special interest in her family and drafted legislation. Flatow testified before congress, and even gained the backing of President Clinton. Congress passed the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1996 to make an exception to the longstanding rule. In cases of state-sponsored terror, individual US citizens could sue foreign nations for damages in US courts. It was the first victory. It did not last. The courts threw it out. So back to Washington he went for a new law, one written specifically to override the objections of the court. Once again he sued the state of Iran in a US court. But his time, one of his allies became an adversary. The Clinton administration began to see Flatow as interfering in national diplomacy. The White House was against Iran, but they did not want Flatow dictating the terms. So the U.S. Department of Justice intervened in the case, and actually filed a brief in support of Iran and against the victims of terror. Once more, Flatow returned to Congress and this time he got a third law that gave citizens even more strength to sue foreign governments, this time with teeth. Finally, in 1997, he received his judgment. A court ruled in favor of the Flatows and against Iran. The family was awarded $26 million in compensatory damages, and over $200 million in punitive damages. But the issue was hardly over. How do you collect money from a rogue state? They weren't paying. Stephen Flatow devised a plan. Since the United States had ended diplomatic ties with Iran following the rise of the Ayatollah, the Iranian embassy in Washington and the residence of the Iranian ambassador have been in control of the United States Government. The State Department holds them in trust with the goal of returning them to Iran someday when relations resume. Stephen Flatow now had a ruling that said the Iranian government owed him $247 million. He sought possession of the embassy and the residence, property owned by Iran. The State Department refused. They feared that if the United States confiscated sovereign property here, our embassies and properties abroad would become threatened. So instead, they paid Flatow $20 million from US funds with the understanding that the United States would collect that money from Iran someday. Stephen Flatow was furious. His goal was not to get money. His goal was to make Iran pay so they would stop sponsoring terror. He had won in court and he had received money, but Iran had still not paid one cent. And this leads to the third chapter of this amazing saga. Stephen Flatow did not give up. He began to look for other assets in the United States that were owned by the government of Iran. Officially, there were none. United States sanctions prohibited Iran from doing any business in the United States, or for anyone to do business with Iran in the United States. But Flatow had suspicions that a charitable foundation in New York was actually a front, laundering money for the Iranian regime. Why would the Iranians funnel their money through New York? Because the financial exchanges are there, and you can't get anything done internationally without going through New York's markets. Iran's economy, its nuclear weapons development, its sponsorship of Hezbollah and other jihadists groups – all required moving money across currencies. They needed a secret foothold in New York. The Alavi Foundation was established decades ago by the Shah to promote Iranian culture abroad. It owned a gleaming skyscraper on 5thAvenue in Manhattan, between Rockefeller Center and the Museum of Modern Art. Ivan Boesky used to office there. Stephen Flatow did a lot of digging, and then filed papers in court demonstrating that the foundation and the building were secretly operated by the Iranian government. And if they belonged to the state of Iran, they were subject to his financial ruling. Stephen Flatow's case was a civil matter, but it came to the attention of a young analyst sitting in a cubicle at the Manhattan District Attorney's office. If what Flatow was saying was true, there was some serious criminal wrongdoing going on. That young analyst's name was Eitan Arusy. Before he starting working for the District Attorney, he served in the Israel Defense Force as a spokesman. He was one of the first responders to the scene of the carnage on the day that Alisa Flatow's bus was bombed. He had a special interest in the case. The district attorney's office did their own digging, and came to the same conclusion as Flatow – the Alavi Foundation was actually a front for Bank Melli, the State of Iran's government-owned national bank. But how did the Iranians do it? How did they get their money in and out of the United States? The district attorney's office soon discovered that two European Banks, Credit Suisse and Lloyds of London, were moving money and falsifying documents for the Iranians. When the FBI raided the records of the charity, they found vast deposits from Credit Suisse and Lloyds. The banks cooperated with investigators. They provided emails and memos detailing how they took Iranian money and sent it to the United States in their own names. Without admitting guilt, Lloyds agreed to pay a fine of $350 million, and Credit Suisse $536 million. They were not alone. It was soon discovered that most of the major European banks were laundering money for the Iranians into the United States, in direct violation of US law. Barclays Bank settled in 2010, paying the United States $298 million. In 2012, ING, Standard Chartered, and HSBC also settled. HSBC agreed to pay $1.9 billion. Then came the big one. While all these banks were making deals with the US government, two employees of BNP Paribas became whistle blowers. They shared with investigators that their bank had laundered tens of billions of dollars of Iranian money. They had also laundered money for Sudan while its regime was committing genocide. BNP is the largest bank in France. This summer you may have seen the news. BNP became the first bank to admit guilt in laundering money for the Iranian government. They agreed to pay $8.9 billion in fines to the United States. It was far and away the largest penalty ever paid by a bank in history. The New York Times headline said it best: "A Grieving Father Pulls a Thread that Unravels BNP's Illegal Deals." A dad lost his girl. The hole in his life will never be filled. He thinks about her every day. He never gives up. He is a small-time attorney doing title work in New Jersey. But his tenacity and his grit and his smarts were beyond anyone's estimation. This one man in New Jersey uncovered an international conspiracy of bank fraud. The story is not over. Stephen Flatow is not done. The man who instantly changed the culture of organ donation is Israel is trying to do the same here in America. He takes every opportunity to speak to Orthodox congregations to encourage organ donation. Though the rate of donation consent in America is strong at 60%, the rate among Flatow's fellow Orthodox Jews is only 5%. He is on a mission to change that. He and his wife have also established a foundation in Alisa's name. They sponsor young Jewish women from around the world to take a semester of study in Jerusalem. The money they have received in their fight against Iran is now sponsoring women's Torah study and the vitality of the State of Israel. And, in the months ahead, he may finally achieve his goal of making Iran actually pay. A federal judge has the ruled that the assets of the Alavi Foundation be liquidated. The gleaming office tower in New York and other properties around America will be sold and the proceeds will go to the victims of Iranian-sponsored terrorism. That will be Iranian money. Finally, Iran will pay a price. All of this because of one man in Northern New Jersey. One man who never quit. Earlier this summer, I did my own digging and I found Stephen Flatow's contact information. I sent him an email. Dear Mr. Flatow, My name is Brenner Glickman and I am a rabbi with a congregation in Sarasota, Florida. I admire you and am writing a sermon about you and your family for this High Holidays. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for Israel and America. You are an inspiration. He replied the same day: Dear Rabbi Glickman, Thanks very much for your note. But it's really Alisa who has been the source of strength and encouragement these past 19 years. As I like to remind people, I'm still her father and we do anything for our children. Contact YogiRUs at |
The article below was written by Jim Kouri who is
founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security,
public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, an editor for, a columnist for, and a contributor to WPTF, Raleigh, North Carolina.
He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington
Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug
war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of
public safety at St. Peter's University and director of
security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country.
In addition, he's a commentator for newsradio WPTF, Raleigh, NC,
and editor of Conservative Base Magazine
( Kouri also serves as political
advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael
Moriarty. This article appeared on and is archived
![]() The former Acting Cyber Security Director at the Department of Health and Human Services was yesterday sentenced to 25 years in prison for possessing and trading child pornography with other members of a underground child sex trafficking ring. NBC News reports that Timothy DeFoggi, 56, was caught in an FBI sting that saw the arrests of six other visitors to a network of child pornography websites. "Using the same technological expertise he employed as Acting Director of Cyber Security at HHS, DeFoggi attempted to sexually exploit children and traffic in child pornography through an anonymous computer network of child predators," Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell said in a press release. According to the Department of Justice, DeFoggi used a Tor-based website from May 2012 to December of 2012, in which he "accessed child pornography, solicited child pornography from other members, and exchanged private messages with other members in which he expressed an interest in the violent rape and murder of children." At one point DeFoggi sent a message to a fellow member suggesting they meet, "to fulfill their mutual fantasies to violently rape and murder children." DeFoggi was charged with "engaging in a child exploitation enterprise, conspiracy to advertise and distribute child pornography and accessing a computer with intent to view child pornography." Contact COPmagazine at |
The article below was written by Diana West who is a
journalist and columnist whose writing appears in several high
profile outlets. This article appeared January 04, 2015 on
Family Security Matters and is archived at
![]() In the spirit of sermons and soda water, Mark Durie provides a clarifying essay that opens the historical horizons on last month's deadly Martin Place jihad siege in Australia by comparing it to a strikingly similar jihad attack against picnickers in Australia on New Year's Day, 1915 (via Ruthfully). In discussing these and other cases of "individual jihad" (including reference to the Dutch colonial experience in Aceh) where Muslim killers answer the Islamic call to jihad, Durie demonstrates that the go-to, feel-good explanations about "lone wolves" and "crazies" have no more relevance than fairy tales to explaining the chronic threat of Islam in the West. Some excerpts below.
Contact Family Security Matters (FSM) at info@ |
THE DEATH OF PATRIOTISMPosted by FSM Security, January 06, 2015 |
The article below was written by Lawrence Sellin, PhD who a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. Colonel Sellin is the author of "Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution ". This article appeared December 27, 2014 and is archived at is |
![]() The next two years will be the most dangerous in the history of the United States. It may lead to the end of American history. The Republican establishment is powerless to oppose Obama in any significant way because they are being held hostage. Obama's lies have become Republican lies, which they have embraced and made their own. Although the challenges facing the country present clear dangers, America will not be brought down by unsustainable debt, social chaos, a moribund economy or weakness in the face of foreign threats, all of which have been planned and instigated by our own government, but by the irreparable damage to the Constitution and representative government perpetrated by the very people, who have sworn an oath to uphold them. Most prospective government officials, whether Democrat or Republican, now pursue office, not to support the Constitution and serve the American people, but to obtain power, and to use that power to accrue professional and financial benefits for themselves and their major donors. All the traditional means for citizens to seek the redress of grievances have now been blocked by a self-absorbed permanent political elite unaccountable to the American people. From the perspective of the ruling class, elections are formalities, nothing more than occasions to redistribute power among select Democrat and Republican elites. For the financiers, it does not matter who wins as long as they can continue to influence policy through their lobbies and political contributions. Ordinary Americans are little more than indentured voters to a power-hungry and greedy bipartisan dictatorship. Case in point is the darling of the Republican establishment and pre-anointed 2016 Presidential candidate Jeb Bush, who, if elected, intends to govern like Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson. According to the Los Angeles Times, Bush only recently left his position with Tenet Healthcare Corp., a company that has actively supported and benefited from Obamacare. Last year Bush earned both cash and stock worth about $300,000 from Tenet and sold $1.1 million of Tenet stock in 2013. For our ruling elite, patriotism is just a campaign slogan or a tool to extract ever more sacrifices from ordinary Americans in order to satisfy their ever-increasing thirst for power and money, all at the expense of the Middle Class. On July 26, 2014, Anna Bernasek, reporting for the New York Times, wrote that according to a study financed by the Russell Sage Foundation, the inflation-adjusted net worth of the median U.S. household in 2013 was only $56,335 - a decline of a whopping 36% from the median household net worth of $87,992 in 2003. The deathblow to patriotism was struck in 2008 when, pressured by a biased, left-leaning media, a spineless Republican leadership joined the Democrats in refusing to vet Obama in violation of the Constitution or even common sense. Out of fear or complicity, a conspiracy of silence has descended upon the public discourse regarding all questions related to Obama's background and fitness for office. Despite the enormous historical and Constitutional implications, the politicians and the media, not only have remained silent, but have actively suppressed legitimate inquiry The self-interest of politicians and journalists has trumped patriotism. Rather than risk the truth, they have chosen to risk national survival because disclosing the truth about Obama would expose the rampant corruption of our political and media elite, reveal their acquiescence in Obama's violations of Constitution, uncover their willful ignorance of his alleged felonies and confirm their participation in the greatest election fraud and Constitutional crisis in American history. It was the acceptance by the political-media establishment of the Big Lie that led to the fundamental transformation of America according to the dictates of the radical left and militant Islam. We have a government that has, at least figuratively, enlisted in the ranks of our enemies and is bearing arms against us. Over the next two years, Obama will peel back his own onion to reveal its extremist core, realizing the worst excesses of the 1960s, like Bill Ayers in a black face. Barack Obama may have presided over the death of patriotism, but he had many willing accomplices, all eager to sell out their country for thirty pieces of silver. Contact Family Security Matters (FSM) at info@ |
Beinart is utterly idiotic. Zionism is the national liberation movement of an actual nation. The Palestinians haven't in any way demonstrated that their nation can be defined by anything other than terrorism and anti-Semitism. It is a nation imbued with an evil spirit. Even the Irgun would call the British and tell them that there was a bomb about to go off. Sadly, the Israeli press thinks Beinart is an astute observer of the conflict that can be resolved reasonably (if only Israel surrenders its rights). Unfortunately, wars are not won by reason but by courage and by actually killing the enemy. The Arabs, however, will not demur on the mass murder of the Jews. The real tragedy is that too many Jewish leaders and thinkers have come to, as Aristotle would have said, the wrong opinion. The objective is not a two state solution. The article below was written by Peter Beinart who is Associate Professor of Journalism and Political Science at the City University of New York, a Contributor to The Atlantic and National Journal, a Senior Columnist at Haaretz and a Senior Fellow at The New America Foundation. He has published three books, including The Crisis of Zionism in 2012. This article appeared January 06, 2015 on and is archived at |
Zionists didn't win statehood by making their opponents comfortable. And the Palestinians won't gain freedom on their knees. ![]() Good editors are good skeptics. Writers assert; editors are supposed to demand evidence that their assertions are true. Since Dennis Ross, a former American envoy to the peace talks, did not encounter such an editor before publishing his recent New York Times op-ed denouncing the Palestinian bid to enter the International Criminal Court, let's imagine how such a conversation might have gone. We'll take the op-eds' four main points in turn. 1) The ICC bid is useless
2) The Palestinians are never held responsible
An editor with access to Google might ask how exactly all this qualifies as "giving the Palestinians a pass?" He or she might also ask – since Ross declares that, "peace requires accountability on both sides" – when the United States has responded to Israeli transgressions by cutting its aid. Did the Obama administration publicly threaten aid cuts in 2010 when the Netanyahu government humiliated Joe Biden by announcing new settlement growth while he was in Israel on a fence-mending trip? Or in 2011 when Benjamin Netanyahu flew to the White House to publicly reject Barack Obama's proposal for a peace deal based on the 1967 lines plus land swaps? Or in 2012 when Netanyahu practically campaigned for Mitt Romney? No, no and no. "So who, exactly," the editor might ask, "is getting the pass?" 3) It's the Palestinians' fault that there's no two-state deal
A smart editor would notice the silences right away. Offer number two came from Olmert, an Israeli prime minister. Ross slams Mahmoud Abbas for not accepting it without acknowledging that Abbas had a proposal too, which Olmert didn't accept. Offers one and three came from the United States. Ross blasts the Palestinians for not answering to them more positively but, strikingly, never mentions the Israeli response. In January 2001, after Clinton unveiled his parameters, his press secretary declared "that both sides have now accepted the president's ideas with some reservations." Both sides. Israeli – and some U.S. – officials believe the Palestinian reservations were more problematic. Maybe so. But Ross lets Israel off the hook entirely. His rendition of the Kerry talks is even worse. It's true that Abbas did not respond positively to a proposal the Americans made last March. (Although since that proposal – unlike the Clinton parameters – is secret, it's hard to judge its merit). What Ross doesn't say is that Israel never accepted the American proposal either. As Martin Indyk, Kerry's special envoy for the peace process, told me, "We went beyond where Netanyahu was prepared to go to get Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) into the zone of a possible agreement. So the U.S. proposal that Abu Mazen did not respond to had not yet been agreed to by Netanyahu." And in a post-mortem two months later, a senior administration official said that "There are a lot of reasons for the peace effort's failure, but people in Israel shouldn't ignore the bitter truth – the primary sabotage came from the settlements." Ross leaves that out too. 4) The Palestinians are professional victims
Then there's Ross' idea that "Palestinian political culture" sees "concessions to Israel as illegitimate." The Palestine Liberation Organization publicly recognized Israel's right to exist as a sovereign state 22 years ago. Benjamin Netanyahu publicly rejected the Palestinians' right to the same thing last summer. Yet it's the Palestinians who suffer from a pathology of intransigence. Reasonable people can debate the timing of the Palestinians' UN and ICC bids. But beneath these tactical questions lies this core truth: The Palestinians will get nothing while on their knees. If Benjamin Netanyahu's prime ministership has done anything, it has borne out the truth that Frederick Douglass spoke long ago: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." As a liberal, I want the Palestinians to demand nonviolently. As a Zionist and a pragmatist, I want them to demand a state alongside Israel, not in its place. But as a Jew who this week begins reading the Book of Exodus – which calls us to "remember the heart of the stranger" – I cannot deny the Palestinians' right to demand the same freedoms that we demand for ourselves. And I cannot ask them to wait. It would be wonderful if Palestinians could win those freedoms without causing Jews discomfort. But it hasn't happened that way because it never happens that way. People are not given freedom; they take it. "What matters is not what the goyim say," said David Ben-Gurion, "but what the Jews do." Mahmoud Abbas is finally taking that maxim to heart. He's tired of relying on the benevolence of Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama. He's doing it the Zionist way. Were Dennis Ross in his place, I suspect he would too. Contact Saul Goldman at |
TORTUREPosted by Midenise, January 06, 2015 |
The article below was written by George Everett "Bud" Day who is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and Command Pilot who served during the Vietnam War. He is often cited as being the most decorated U.S. Service member since General Douglas MacArthur, having Received some seventy decorations, a majority for actions In combat. Day is a recipient of the Medal of Honor. The article appeared June 17, 2009 and is archived at |
I got shot down over North Vietnam in 1967, a Sqdn. Commander. After I returned in 1973...I published 2 books that dealt a lot With "real torture" in Hanoi. Our make-believe president is Branding our country as a bunch of torturers when he has No idea what torture is. As for me, I was put thru a mock execution because I would not respond.. Pistol whipped on the head....same event.. Couple of days later... Hung by my feet all day. I escaped and a couple of weeks later, I got Shot and recaptured. Shot was OK...what happened afterwards was not. They marched me to Vinh...put me in the rope trick, trick...almost Pulled my arms out of the sockets. Beat me on the head with a Little wooden rod until my eyes were swelled shut, and my unshot, Unbroken hand a pulp. Next day hung me by the arms...rebroke my right wrist...wiped Out the nerves in my arms that control the hands....rolled my fingers Up into a ball. Only left the slightest movement of my L forefinger. So I started answering with some incredible lies. Sent me to Hanoi strapped to a barrel of gas in the back of a truck. Hanoi ...on my knees...rope trick again. Beaten by a big fool. Into leg irons on a bed in Heartbreak Hotel. Much kneeling--hands up at the "Zoo". Really bad beating for refusing to condemn Lyndon Johnson. Several more kneeling events. I could see my knee bone thru Kneeling holes. There was an escape from the annex to the Zoo. I was the Senior Officer of a large building... because of escape...they started a mass Torture of all commanders. I think it was July 7, 1969...they started beating me with a car fanbelt. In the first 2 days I took over 300 strokes...then stopped counting Because I never thought I would live thru it. They continued day-night torture to get me to confess to a non-existent Part in the escape. This went on for at least 3 days. On my knees... Fan belting...cut open my scrotum with fan belt stroke. Opened up Both knee holes again. My fanny looked like hamburger...I could not Lie on my back or sit. They tortured me into admitting that I was in on the escape...and That my 2 room-mates knew about it. The next day I denied the lie. They commenced torturing me again with 3- 6- or 9 strokes of The fan belt every day from about July 11 or October 14 1969. I continued to refuse to lie about my roommates again. Now, the point of this is that our make-believe President has declared to the world that we (U.S..) are a bunch of Torturers...Thus it will be OK to torture us next time when they Catch us...because that is what the U.S. Does. Our make-believe president is a know nothing fool who thinks That pouring a little water on some one's face, or hanging a pair of women's pants over an Arabs head is TORTURE.. He is a meathead. I just talked to MOH holder Leo Thorsness, who was also in my squadron, In was John McCain...and we agree that McCain does Not speak for the POW group when he claims that what we did was Torture...or that "water boarding" is torture. Our president and those fools around him who keep bad mouthing Our great country are a disgrace to the United States. Please pass This info on. Feel free to use it to point out the Stupidity of the claims that water boarding...which has no after torture. If it got the Arab to cough up the story about how he planned the attack on the twin towers in NYC ... Hurrah for the guy who poured the water. Contact Midenise at |
FRONTLINE DEFENSEPosted by Jewish Policy Center, January 06, 2015 |
West Bank An Israeli military court found Hebron resident Hossam Qawasmeh guilty of "participating in the kidnapping and murder of Naftali Frenkel, Eyal Yifrach and Gilad Shaer on June 12." Qawasmeh, who is said to have confessed to organizing the killings, was given three life sentences in prison. On January 4th, the Israeli government announced it had arrested at least three Palestinians in November suspected of planning ISIS-inspired attacks against IDF troops. Israeli settlers threw stones at a U.S. diplomatic convoy visiting the West Bank village of Turmus Ayya on January 2nd. The diplomats had been examining Palestinian allegations that settlers uprooted thousands of Arab olive trees in recent weeks. No one was injured during the incident. Israeli troops shot a Palestinian throwing rocks at cars in the West Bank on December 29th. The man subsequently died in the hospital and the IDF said it would launch an investigation into the incident. Authorities arrested two Palestinians suspected of throwing a Molotov cocktail at a passing Israeli car, critically injuring an 11-year-old girl. The girl suffered severe third degree burns and her father was also injured. ![]() Israeli police arrested four Palestinians at a checkpoint near the West Bank city of Jenin. A search of the suspects' vehicle uncovered numerous pipe bombs. Subsequent interrogations revealed the men planned to attack IDF personnel. Gaza The IDF began a controversial troop reassignment in early January, withdrawing soldiers stationed at all but the closest three towns to Gaza. Local residents protested the military's decision, but officials insist that new fences and electronic monitoring equipment will provide adequate protection. On December 19th, Palestinian militants fired a rocket into Israel. No injuries were reported but the IDF bombed a Hamas weapons factory in response. An Israeli soldier was shot and injured during a routine patrol near Kibbutz Kissufim a few days later on December 24th. The IDF launched a retaliatory air strike that killed Hamas commander Tayseer al-Ismary. During the unrest, the IDF deployed two Iron Dome batteries near Beersheba and Netivot. Israeli intelligence suggests Hamas terrorists are preparing for their next war with Israel, diverting dual-use materials away from civilian rebuilding efforts in order to rearm and reconstruct underground tunnels. Specifically, the group is readying new short range rockets that can fall under Iron Dome's reach. Hamas is also positioning its forces to launch new, larger-scale incursions into Israel via tunnels and the sea. On December 23rd, Hamas held a military exercise in southern Gaza, simulating cross border raids and kidnappings. A European Union court ruled on December 17th that Hamas must be removed from Europe's list of terrorist organization. The court claimed that European Commission officials must use stronger evidence than press and internet reports to justify a terrorism designation. Legislators can appeal the decision within two months. Hamas officials in Gaza say Qatar has not stopped funding the terrorist organization following a conflicting statement from a high ranking Egyptian diplomat. Cairo had been in talks with Doha to end financial assistance to Hamas over the group's support for insurgents in Sinai. Other sources suggest that Hamas leader in exile, Khaled Meshaal, could relocate Hamas' headquarters from Doha to Tehran, following a constructive trip and high level meetings with the Iranian leaders last month. Other reports suggest Meshaal could seek refuge in Turkey. ![]() Sinai Egyptian authorities estimate another 1,200 homes could be demolished as the government expands a 500m buffer zone to 1km along the Gaza border. Middle East Monitor reports that the military may expand the zone to up to 5km in some places. Egyptian officials reported 14 militants had been killed during various operations in December. The Egyptian military killed a "highly dangerous terrorist" and arrested 297 other suspects during a series of raids ending on December 27th. Meanwhile, jihadists killed two troops in a roadside bombing and shot one policeman on a motorcycle the same day. On January 5th, four police officers were injured from a bomb planted at an apartment building near al-Arish. Militants bombed the main natural gas pipeline through the Egyptian coastal city of al-Arish on December 23rd. Emergency services were able to contain the fire while the security forces attempted to locate the eight suspected bombers. Local media reported that the incident marks the 27th such attack on the Arab Gas Pipeline, which has caused a dramatic decrease in hydrocarbon exports to Jordan. Golan Heights The Syrian army claimed to have shot down an unmanned IDF Skylark-1 drone near the border village of Hader. Israeli officials refused to comment on the incident. Vice News released a video report detailing how Israel's hospitals and field medics treat rebel fighters from Syria. Lebanon The Israeli government began work on a new underwater barrier between northern Israel and the southern Lebanese area of Ras al-Naqoura. The fence will include a sonar detection array that can alert the IDF if Hezbollah divers try infiltrating from the sea. Contact Jewish Policy Center at |
Abbas decrees life imprisonment for selling land to Israelis: "Life imprisonment with forced labor for the clandestine transfer, leasing or selling of lands to a hostile country or its citizens" PA Mufti and Supreme Fatwa Council: "Anyone selling Palestinian real estate to the enemy [is] a traitor to Allah and His Messenger, as well as to his religion and homeland" The article below was written by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik. Itamar Marcus, Director of Palestinian Media Watch(, is an authority on Palestinian Arab ideology and policy. He was Israeli representative to the Tri-Lateral Anti Incitement Committee established under the Wye accords, and has written reports on Palestinian Authority, Syrian and Jordanian schoolbooks. Nan Jacques Zilberdik is an analyst at PMW, focusing on the opinions and messages of the Palestinian Arab leadership as transmitted to the Palestinian Arab public, with an emphasis on the impact on peace, messages and values communicated to children, and glorification of terrorists. This article is archived at |
Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas has announced a decree that any Palestinian who sells land "to a hostile country or its citizens" is now punished with "life imprisonment with forced labor": "[Abbas] instituted life imprisonment with forced labor for the clandestine transfer, leasing or selling of lands to a hostile country or its citizens. The previous penalty for the duplicitous transfer of land was temporary forced labor." [Official PA TV, Oct. 21, 2014] The [Palestinian] Supreme Fatwa Council, chaired by the PA Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, added that selling land to "the enemy" not only violates PA law but violates Islamic law as well: "The Council designated anyone selling Palestinian real estate to the enemy a traitor to Allah and His Messenger, as well as to his religion and homeland, and [decreed that] he is to be shunned by all Muslims. The [Palestinian] Supreme Fatwa Council, chaired by the PA Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, added that selling land to "the enemy" not only violates PA law but violates Islamic law as well: "The Council designated anyone selling Palestinian real estate to the enemy a traitor to Allah and His Messenger, as well as to his religion and homeland, and [decreed that] he is to be shunned by all Muslims." PA TV news reported that this was in response to Palestinians who sold land to Israelis in Jerusalem in the Silwan neighborhood. (See sources below.) Official PA TV further reported that Adnan Al-Damiri, the official spokesman of the PA Security Forces, "has confirmed that the Security Forces will settle accounts with anyone thinking of selling lands or apartments to settlers anywhere in the homeland": Adnan Al-Damiri, official spokesman of the PA Security Forces: "We will persecute anyone who violates the sanctity of the Palestinian lands, real estate and holy places in Palestine, whatever his title, nature, ID card (i.e., Israeli or Palestinian) or place [of residence]." Palestinian Media Watch has documented that when the PA refers to "the homeland" it includes both PA areas as well as all of Israel. Official PA TV News reported that "the previous penalty for the clandestine transfer of land was temporary forced labor." PMW reported that in 2012, the PA sentenced a man to 15 years of hard labor for selling land "to a Jew":
A similar punishment was given in 2011 to someone for selling land "to the enemy." The following are longer excerpts of the three reports by official PA TV News: Official PA TV newsreader:
[Official PA TV, Oct. 21, 2014] Official PA TV newsreader:
[Official PA TV, Oct. 23, 2014] Official PA TV newsreader:
Adnan Al-Damiri, the official spokesman of the PA Security Forces:
[Official PA TV, Oct. 23, 2014] Contact PMW Bulletin at |
UNRWA'S "PEACE STARTS HERE" CAMPAIGN SILENTLY DIESPosted by Israel Behind the News, January 06, 2015 |
This article appeared January 05, 2015 on Elder of Ziyon
and is archived at
In 2010, to some fanfare, UNRWA launched a campaign called "Peace Starts Here." Its flagship video, only viewed some 11,000 times in four
years, uses the word "peace" a lot but never really defines what
it means by peace. Not once is Israel mentioned and there is no indication that even one cent of this "peace" program is being spent on teaching Palestinian Arabs to co-exist peacefully with Israel.
Instead, UNRWA is calling all of its programs "peace" in order to raise money for the things it already does, which have nothing to do with the normal definition of peace. If you don't believe me, here is how UNRWA itself describes the program. See if you can make any sense of it. ![]() Isn't that clear? To UNRWA, peace isn't what we normally call peace. Indeed, UNRWA spends no time or money on actually teaching its refugees that Israelis are normal human beings, let alone people to make peace with. No, UNRWA knows that its funders lover the word "peace" so it plastered the word on top of programs that may be useful or interesting, but none of which promote real peace. I don't know how much UNRWA spent on a series of about 18 videos showing off various programs that they all label "peace" – showing off a rehabilitation center or teaching breakdancing to Gaza kids. Each video must have cost tens of thousands of dollars. None of them besides the one shown above had over 10,000 views. They all point back to a very slick "Peace Starts Here" webpage which also must have cost tens of thousands of dollars. Unfortunately, you can no longer visit this page. The domain has lapsed. How much was spent on this colossal waste of time, effort and money? Too bad that a UN agency funded by the world's countries isn't transparent enough to tell us. Contact Israel Behind the News at |
PASTRIES IN PLATTSBURGHPosted by Hineni, January 06, 2015 |
The article was written Rabbi Yisroel Jungreis who
is the rav of Hineni, the internationally-known Torah outreach
organization founded in 1973 by his mother, Rebbetzin Esther
Jungreis. This article appeared January 07, 2015 on the Jewish
Voice and is archived at
![]() ![]() This past June our family enjoyed a most wonderful simcha as my niece was getting married in Montreal, Canada. A serious scheduling problem emerged, however, when we learned that my son Meshulum was required to take his 9th grade algebra regents exam at his school in Brooklyn on the Friday morning after the wedding. Since we all wanted to be at this special chasuna (wedding), we decided to put our thinking caps on and devise some workable options. Truth is, at first glance, none of the choices available to us seemed to be very appealing. Choice A: Meshulum just not attending the wedding. Choice B: Take the regents exam on Friday morning in New York and try and catch an Erev Shabbos flight to Montreal. Choice C: Take the regents exam in August in the middle of camp. Choice D: Take the regents exam the following December. Suffice it to say, these were all difficult choices, After making some inquiries and conducting some research, I was informed that the northern most town in the State of New York (the one closest to the Canadian border) and a 90-minute drive from the wedding hall was Plattsburgh. Some of you may recognize the name as it is the home of a college in the State University of New York system. The thought occurred to me that perhaps Meshulum might be allowed to take the exam at the local high school in Plattsburgh. I then contacted the principal of the high school to find out if an arrangement such as this would be at all possible. His name was Mr. Guhrlock and he seemed quite accommodating. I had e-mailed him my son's requisite school records along with a copy of his passport and everything fell into place for the 8 am exam. I was beyond pleased and so very grateful that Mr. Guhrlock understood our situation and was happy to make it all very easy for us. Thoughts of my father, HaGaon HaRav Meshulum HaLevi Jungreis, ZT'L, began to swirl in my head. He had always taught me that I should never go anywhere empty handed. It was then that I thought the perfect gift to express my enormous appreciation would be to buy the biggest box of the famous "rugalech" (pastries) from Schribers bakery in Brooklyn. After all, such delectable treats would be such a welcome surprise, since no one in Plattsburgh had seen or even tasted anything like this. It was the very least I could do to show my Hakoras Hatov (appreciation) for this huge favor. After picking up my son, I asked Meshulum how he thought he did on the exam. He responded that he had passed and we were all very happy, considering he did not take the exam in a place that was familiar to him. At that juncture, Meshulum made a very insightful observation. He said, "Abba, everyone in this school was so friendly to me. It was amazing to me and I was made to feel so very comfortable." I said to Meshulum, "Wow, that's really special." The next day I e-mailed Mr. Guhrlock with a message of my own. I told him how very grateful we were for his efforts in easing an otherwise stressful situation. I also relayed to him what Meshulum had said about everyone at the school reaching out to him in a genuine welcoming manner and with such friendliness. How wonderful it was for both the students and staff to be sensitive to a boy taking a major exam in a new environment and that included everyone in the school that he came in contact with. I told Mr. Guhrlock that he should be very proud of his fine school. Mr. Guhrlock took no time in responding to me and said that my e-mail "made his day." In fact, he said, "I shared it with our entire student body at the very last assembly before summer vacation." He also assured me of his further assistance by saying that if we ever find ourselves in a similar predicament we should not hesitate to contact him, BUT, he added, "don't forget the pastries." I think the lessons that can be derived from this experience is that if someone does you a favor or even if they just did something nice, we should call or write them and let them know in no uncertain terms that their efforts were tremendously appreciated. After all, everyone deserves a "Nachas" report. Moreover, we never know just how much our words can impact someone (either positively or negatively) and we must be ever vigilant with them. But when we speak with genuine kindness, thoughtfulness and caring we can truly brighten someone's outlook and transform their day to one of cheer, success and confidence. In the words of Shlomo HaMelech: "Death and life is in the tongue." Let us use our words wisely and to bring happiness to others. Rabbi Yisroel Jungreis is the Rav of Hineni, the internationally renowned Torah outreach organization founded in 1973 by his mother, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis. He lectures extensively on Torah related topics and delivers a weekly "Lunch and Learn" shiur in the boardroom at JP Morgan Chase. He is the co-author of Torah For Your Table published by Shaar Press Contact Hineni at |
"FRENETIC PACE"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 06, 2015 |
Where to begin in these days of turmoil, both at home and abroad? I think I'll start at home, with the weather. A major winter storm is due to start here within hours. It is predicted that the north, Jerusalem, and high places in Judea and Samaria will see considerable snow between now and Friday. In other places there will be torrential rain, hail, thunderstorms and flooding. As long as I don't lose my electric power, I'll keep writing. ~~~~~~~~~~ From snow, to heavier issues regarding the Palestinian Authority: The US State Department has criticized Israel's declared intention to withhold collected taxes from the PA because of Abbas's application for membership in the ICC. Spokeswoman Jen Psaki delivered one of her typical, vastly irritating statements: "We're opposed to any actions that raise tensions. Obviously this is one that raises tensions." Translation: "Yes, I know the PA did something deplorable, but be nice. We don't want to make them angry now, do we?" Well, actually, yes, I think we do. ~~~~~~~~~~ I had alluded recently to the fact that while we are about to withhold PA tax money, the PA owes the Israel Electric Company enormous sums of money. And now, lo and behold, the Israel Electric Company seems to have come to its senses. Or, perhaps more accurately, I should say that they've been given a tacit nod from the government that allows them to take a necessary and sensible position. Israel Electric Company CEO Eli Glickman has now sent a letter to Israel's security chiefs, letting them know that there may be a certain amount of "unrest" in PA-controlled areas because a decision has been made to limit the supply of electricity in those areas. That is because the PA and the Palestinian-Arab controlled Jerusalem District Electric Company owe the Electric Company 1.7 billion shekels (well over $400 million). The PA buys the electricity from IEC and then sells it to PA-controlled municipalities. Glickman has written that, "the debt imposes a heavy burden on the company's cash flow..." and IEC "as a supplier of an essential service that is committed to all its customers, is obligated to begin working in the coming days to collect [outstanding funds]" either by limiting supply of electricity or refusing to connect new customers.,7340,L-4611713,00.html At last! Please do note that service will be reduced, not curtailed. And I am quite certain that nothing has been initiated that would affect service during the predicted storm. ~~~~~~~~~~ It must be pointed out that the failure of the PA to pay this bill is not an indication of a simple lack of funds, but rather of a highly inappropriate utilization of funds. There is, for example, the matter of "salaries" paid to the terrorists in Israeli jails (with the amount of the salaries higher for those who committed more heinous crimes). And then, of course, there is the enormous corruption in the PA, so that, while the Palestinian Arabs receive the highest amount per capita in international funding of any group, a good deal of that money seems to "disappear." Please see, "The 10 year klepto-dictatorship of Mahmoud Abbas": "Like any dictator, [Abbas is] corrupt. His predecessor, Yasser Arafat, was accused of embezzling billions of dollars of money meant for the Palestinian people, with US officials estimating the man's personal nest egg at between one and three billion dollars. In line with his role model, after whom he named his own son, Abbas has continued this ignominious tradition." ~~~~~~~~~~ What must be asked, however, is why the Israeli government is not simply turning over to the Electric Company the money that is being withheld, so that a good part of the money owed by the PA for electricity would be covered. The fact that this is not the case suggests that the government knows now that the money is being held only temporarily as a gesture, and that ultimately it will be given to the PA. Or that there is at least the possibility of this decision being made, in response to international pressure. ~~~~~~~~~~ The PA application for membership in the ICC does not require the US to act – beyond, perhaps, closing a PLO office temporarily. But, according to recently passed US legislation, no funding may be provided to the PA if "the Palestinians initiate an International Criminal Court judicially authorized investigation, or actively support such an investigation, that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians." Both Israel and members of Congress are watching the situation closely. ~~~~~~~~~~ When reports came out very recently indicating that non-governmental Israeli organizations might be the ones to pursue charges against the PA in courts outside of Israel, my thoughts went immediately to Shurat Hadin. And here you are: "Shurat Hadin said it would be sending copies of the ready-to- file complaints to Abbas, Mashaal, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, and many others so that they could see directly what they will face if they go beyond signing the Rome Statute and take the final step of filing war crimes complaints against Israelis." They're fantastic. ~~~~~~~~~~ International lawyer Alan Baker, Director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, has now drafted "Ten Points Regarding the Fundamental Breach by the Palestinians of the Oslo Accords." It is the considered legal opinion of Ambassador Baker that (emphasis added): In "petitioning the UN, the International Criminal Court and international organizations to recognize them and accept them as a full member state, and by their unification with the Hamas terror organization, the Palestinians have knowingly and deliberately bypassed their contractual obligations pursuant to the Oslo Accords in an attempt to prejudge the main negotiating issues outside the negotiation. "This, together with their attempts to delegitimize Israel among the international community and their attempted actions against Israel's leaders, has served to frustrate any possibility of realization of the Oslo Accords, and as such the Palestinians are in material breach of their contractual obligations." "...according to the accepted and universally recognized laws of contracts and international agreements, a fundamental breach enables the injured party to declare the agreement void and is freed from any further obligations pursuant to the agreement or contract. Therefore the fundamental breach of the Oslo Accords by the Palestinians is indicative of their conscious decision to undermine them and prevent any possibility of their implementation. As such they have rendered the Accords void...Israel has the legitimate right to declare that the Oslo Accords are no longer valid and to act unilaterally in order to protect its essential legal and security interests." A very important legal opinion. But fairly meaningless if Israel does not act accordingly. ~~~~~~~~~~ Matters have not been exactly peaceful here in the political sphere, aka the "political circus." A few highlights: There were some irregularities discovered in the voting in the Likud primary, which were challenged by Tzipi Livni. After some re-counting was done, she found herself just 55 votes shy of taking the (realistic) 20th slot from Avi Dichter. She says she is not giving up yet. There have been some other readjustments of slot assignments according to the recount. But I will not report on details until it is all final. Netanyahu made a statement regarding campaign plans for the Likud that involved some future legislation that would change electoral procedures. But this is campaign talk. If and when such legislation is proposed, I will write about it. ~~~~~~~~~~ For some many days the Herzog-Livni duo, according to the polls, was either slightly ahead of Likud or neck and neck with it. Now polls are showing Likud pulling ahead. Predictions are that a right-wing religious coalition might be composed of as many as 69 mandates. At present, neither the newly founded party of Michael Ben-Ari nor that of Eli Yishai is shown to make the cut-off (3.75% of the vote)for getting into the Knesset. Shas is, unsurprisingly, showing at only a fraction of its current strength. A similar drop in mandates is showing for Yisrael Beitenu (Lieberman) and Yesh Atid (Lapid). A word about Lapid here: He has admitted on IDF radio that he went into the Finance Ministry, "a bit power drunk...we should have listened to advice more." He sure was power drunk, and he did damage in the process. Perhaps he thinks making this confession will square him with the voters, but I do not. Moshe Feiglin has announced that he is leaving Likud. His plans are a bit vague. Either he'll start a new party (we need another party, yes?), in which case he recognizes that he will not be in the Knesset next time around. Or he'll join with another nationalist party now, in hopes of securing a realistic place on a list. Ben-Ari has invited him; it is not clear to me at all if Feiglin has sufficient voter influence to bring Ben-Ari's party into the Knesset. New people are joining parties at a rapid clip – including from the broadcasting world and the entertainment world. Let's see who makes the cut once lists are announced. Up-coming soon is the Habayit Hayehudi primary; not every party determines its list via primary. ~~~~~~~~~~ I close with this upbeat opinion piece by Guy Bechor: "The Arab oil era is over." "As the Gulf states are left with no money to spend and are experiencing internal shocks, the era of destructive Arab power is coming to an end; the Israeli mind and innovation era, on the other hand, is just beginning. "The most dramatic news in 2014 almost went unnoticed: The United States lifted the restrictions on American oil exports, and as of the first day of the new year it has begun exporting oil to the world. "No one believed this would happen so fast, but the US is already the world's biggest oil manufacturer, bigger than Saudi Arabia, thanks to the oil shale technology which changed the world of energy... "As the year 2015 begins, we are facing a new world: A world of a revolution of information, mind, personal strength, innovation and inventions. And in this world, Israel is a real princess... "Israel is becoming a close friend of countries which were distant in the past but are close today, like India, Japan, China and South Korea. They too understand that those who are not innovative and lack a creative mind will just not be. And in this field, Israel has a lot to offer them, just like they have a lot to offer in return.",7340,L-4611200,00.html As I hear the wind howling outside my window, I am able to smile. Contact Arlene Kushner at And visit her website at |
SHURAT HADIN SUES P.A. LEADERS FOR WAR CRIMESPosted by Richard H. Shulman, January 06, 2015 |
The P.A. applied for membership in the International Criminal Court (ICC). Immediately, Shurat HaDin, the Israel Law Center, filed lawsuits against several P.A. leaders for war crimes. The filings ask that the accused be arrested. More suits are involved than previous releases indicated. Newly indicted were Fatah members: PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, Jibril Rajoub; and PA intelligence chief Majed Faraj. Previously indicted are Abbas, as of last November, and Hamas and its head, Khaled Mashaal, as of last September. Fatah boasted on Facebook and elsewhere, during the recent Gaza war, that its projectiles killed and injured Israeli civilians. Those are war crimes. Shurat Ha-Din head Nitsan Darshan-Leitner said that the P.A. wants to use the ICC to punish Israel while the P.A. gets away with terrorism against its own people and Israelis. For example, the three associates of Abbas are accused of such crimes against humanity as widespread murder and torture of P.A. residents (Avi Lewis, Times of Israel, 1/5/14 via Shurat HaDin email). Good to see an anti-terrorist group being imaginative, sensible, and more proactive than reactive. By acting against terrorists, the organization benefits mankind as a whole. Shurat HaDin often represents Americans who suffered from terrorism. Note that the Israel Law Center acts against those who committed crimes not only against Israelis but also against P.A. Arabs. Many NGOs commit Israel-bashing in the name of Palestinian Arabs, but the Israel Law Center actually tries to help those people. The P.A. double standard about wanting to prosecute Israelis and not have its own leaders is typical of dictatorships but especially of Islamists. Islam feels that it is entitled to wage jihad by almost any means available, including aggression, but that non-believers have no right to defend themselves. Jihadists calls Israelis aggressors when Israelis defend themselves. Having boasted of committing what are war crimes, Fatah won't have a comfortable defense. If it admits in court what it did, it would be confessing. If it denies what it had boasted of doing, then it would be exposed as an empty braggart. The earlier accusations came under ICC jurisdiction because of citizenship in Jordan, a member of the ICC. I don't think Jordan would arrest Mashaal. Would Israel arrest some of the others? Abbas? Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
ZARIF REJECTS ENRICHMENTPosted by GWY123, January 06, 2015 |
The article below was from FARS News Agency on January 06, 2015 and is archived at |
![]() TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's top negotiator in the nuclear talks with the six world powers dismissed the possibility of Iran's uranium enrichment outside its borders, adding that the entire world has accepted the country's enrichment right. "Today, no one speaks of enrichment outside Iran. Today no one has a word about (Iran's right of) enrichment in principle since today enrichment and moving towards industrialized enrichment has been accepted as an inalienable reality and no one doubts about it anymore," Zarif said, addressing Iranian legislators at the parliament on Tuesday. "Today, no one speaks of suspending enrichment. Today no one speaks of closing Fordo (enrichment facilities) or Arak (heavy water reactor) (both in Central Iran)," he added. Zarif referred to the fatwa (religious decree) issued by Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei that has placed a strong religious ban on the acquisition, possession and use of atomic bombs, and said even the US and western leaders lay emphasis on this fatwa as an indication of Iran's true opposition to the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs). "Today, our sides in the negotiations have well realized that Iran is committed to talks, but hates to be despised," he underscored. In relevant remarks in December, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani underlined the nation would never give up its inalienable nuclear rights. "Today like before we will continue our resistance on the path of the country's national interests and goals as well as our religion," President Rouhani said in a meeting with a group of elites and war veterans in Golestan province, Northern Iran. The Iranian president reiterated that resistance would help the nation to embrace victory in all areas and achieve its goals. "You should not have any doubt that the G5+1, the western world, the eastern world and the region all are in need of constructive interaction with Iran," President Rouhani added. He reiterated that Iran is today at a juncture that the world has accepted its basic nuclear rights, and said, "The world today has accepted the nuclear enrichment to take place on Iranian territory." "The world has accepted that we have Arak heavy water reactor; the world has accepted that we continue our activities in Fordo." Rouhani underlined that the world had accepted that the time for imposing oppressive sanctions against Iran was over. He pointed to the removal of "oppressive sanctions" as an inalienable right of the Iranian nation, and said, "You should have no doubt that Iran will become triumphant and Iran will be better off next year." Contact GWY123 at |
![]() A young Hindu couple in the Punjab dared to marry for love—but without permission from the bride's family. Sandeep Rani and his wife, Khushboo, knew enough to flee their homes and to seek a court order of protection, which the Punjab and Haryana High Court granted them. They did not know enough to go into permanent hiding or to move far, far away. Instead, they returned to their home village of Mugowal and showed their court order to the local police in Hoshiarpur. Apparently, the police chose not to protect them. However, the police also claim that either the couple did not "accept protection" or did not advise the police as to their exact whereabouts. An investigation is underway. In any event, on the night of January 3rd, the couple were killed by five masked men. They were horribly stabbed and hacked to death with knives and swords. This killing was up-close, ugly, and very personal. One must ask why. According to our 2012 study in Middle East Quarterly ("Hindu vs. Muslim Honor Killings"), the main reason that Hindus perpetrate honor killings (and only in India, not in the West) is related to caste violations. Hindus are not supposed to marry out of their caste. However, this tragic couple belonged to the same caste—they were Dalits (formerly and shamefully known as the "untouchables" or as "the oppressed"). However, they apparently grew up in the same village. Perhaps they were members of the same sub-gotra. Hindu perceptions of honor, known as maryada in many Indian languages and as ghairat in Urdu and Pashto, are different from Muslim perceptions. Among Muslims, first cousin marriage is preferred. Hindus are not supposed to marry anyone from the same sub-caste (gotra). One wonders whether this was the killing offense. In addition, Hindus are not supposed to marry without parental or, really, paternal permission. Often, they are not supposed to choose their spouses. According to a Hindu Religious Council Leader, "Love marriages are dirty...only whores can choose their partners." But aren't most honor killings due to female misbehavior, and aren't most honor killing victims Muslim girls and women? The answer is: No. We found that Hindus do perpetrate honor killings and one cannot claim that this is due to Sharia law. Tribalism may be the root of this custom. We also found that at least 40 percent of the time, unlike Muslims in next-door Pakistan and in the West, Hindus honor murder young men as well as women. Muslims rarely do. Khushboo's family followed this pattern. In our study, the average age of honor-killed victims among Hindus was 22; Sandeep was 24, his wife Khushboo was 22. Sandeep Rani's mother, Udham Kaur, has identified Khushboo's father, Sodhi Ram, as one of the killers. (She claims that his mask slipped). Also, Sandeep Rani's father, Parkash, was stabbed when he tried to protect his son. This suggests that the couple believed they had the support of Sandeep's parents and may explain why they returned. Impoverished Dalits cannot survive without extended family networks. Thus, Hindu views about the importance of arranged marriage, the Hindu definitions of honor where marriage is concerned, the nature of poverty, the naive but understandable attachment to one's family and native village, coupled with police inaction, all led to this latest honor killing tragedy in India. In sharp contrast to their Pakistani counterparts, Indian government officials have vigorously condemned honor killings. In 2010, a Haryana Court sentenced five men to death for the honor murder of a young couple who had married despite being members of the same sub-caste, while also giving life sentences to the head of the khap panchayat (religious council) that ordered their deaths. Let us also consider that while religious and tribal traditions remain barbaric, the secular democratic Indian government is at war against these customs, and that young lovers are also daring to push the traditional boundaries. Phyllis Chesler is an American writer, psychotherapist, and professor emerita of psychology and women's studies at the College of Staten Island |
The article below was written by Penina Taylor who
is an international Jewish Inspirational and motivational
speaker, life coach, and author. This article appeared
January 06, 2015 on United with Israel and is archived at
![]() Terrorists planned on dressing up as religious Jews before entering a wedding hall and shooting as many guests as possible. They were caught, but that ploy has worked before. On Tuesday, the Jerusalem District court convicted three Arab residents of Jerusalem for conspiring to carry out a terror attack on a wedding hall in the Bayit Vegan neighborhood of Jerusalem last month. Anas Awisat, Basel Abidat and Ahmed Sorour, had planned on dressing up as ultra-orthodox Jews before entering the wedding hall, posing as guests, in order to shoot everyone there. ![]() According to Channel 10, the terrorists selected that particular venue because Awisat had been employed at the hall and was familiar with the premises. He knew that events there usually had an attendance upwards of 1,000 people, facilitating the murder of a large number of Jews at once. A joint operation by the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) and the Israel Police revealed that the three had made contact with a Palestinian-Arab arms dealer, who sold them two small machine guns and an Uzi for $50,000. During the month of December, the terrorists visited the building to survey its layout, determining where entrances and exits were located. However, they were caught before they could carry out their plans. According to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), since last summer, Hamas has been encouraging would-be attackers to disguise themselves as religious Jews when leaving on a terror mission. Hamas repeatedly broadcasts a video encouraging such attacks, including tutorials on how to dress. This is not a new phenomenon, however, as suicide bombers and kidnappers have long been instructed to dress as Jews in order to blend in with the crowd before committing an attack. ![]() In the 2001 Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing in downtown Jerusalem, terrorist Ahlam Tamimi dressed as an Israeli university student before entering the permises. He killed 15 people and wounded more than 130. This past summer, the two terrorists who kidnapped and murdered three teenagers – Naftali Frankel, Gilad Shaar and Eyal Yifrah – disguised themselves as religious Jews and specifically acquired a vehicle with Israeli license plates in order to trick the boys into thinking it was safe to enter the car. The recent massacre at a Jerusalem synagogue in the Har Nof neighborhood was carried out by terrorists who worked at a neighborhood grocery store. The terrorist who shot Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a Temple Mount equal-rights activist, outside of the Menachem Begin Heritage Center was employed by the Terasa restaurant located inside the building. Contact |
These are comments that we received.
Dear Leaders and Friends, It's time for us, under Heaven to unite against the evil destroyer of Islamist terrorism which includes ISIS and Hamas and the PA and many other groups. Answer this young girl that we will do everything we can to destroy this evil. Sincerely, Joe and Renanah Gemeiner The co-pastor of Infinity Bible Church in the New York City Bronx borough (William Devlin) said that he and Ismael had spoken with about 10 women who had escaped from the Islamic State, either by crawling through bathroom windows or simply making a run for it. Not only were the conditions in the Yazidi refugee camps "unbelievable," but, according to Devlin, "the violence toward women is (an) international disaster and it's genocidal." "Many of the Yazidis that have been captured and enslaved have committed suicide," he said during his radio appearance on Dec. 22. "Today, we actually had the unfortunate view of a young Yazidi woman, 20 years old, who had been kidnapped from Sinjar four months ago and then enslaved and then took her own life by slitting her throat. Then ISIS, the Islamic State, actually put a picture of her dead body on their Facebook website. These atrocities continue." ![]() A young Yazidi woman, recently married, reportedly committed suicide after being abducted by Islamic State militants. She appears in these undated photos. The United Nations estimated in October that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (IS, ISIL or ISIS) had executed about 5,000 Yazidi men and abducted 5-7,000 women, who were being sold or kept as personal sex slaves in houses in ISIS-controlled towns. In a previous interview with The Christian Post, Ismael shared that he had been told by surviving friends and neighbors from his hometown in Sinjar that Islamic State militants had been keeping 6-7 women inside each of these houses and were "raping them on (a) daily basis, on (an) hourly basis." The United Nations estimated in October that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (IS, ISIL or ISIS) had executed about 5,000 Yazidi men and abducted 5-7,000 women, who were being sold or kept as personal sex slaves in houses in ISIS-controlled towns. In a previous interview with The Christian Post, Ismael shared that he had been told by surviving friends and neighbors from his hometown in Sinjar that Islamic State militants had been keeping 6-7 women inside each of these houses and were "raping them on (a) daily basis, on (an) hourly basis." Contact Ticker at |
The article below was written by Amb. Alan Baker who is an Israeli expert in international law and former ambassador of the state of Israel to Canada. He is the director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and a former partner in the Tel Aviv law firm of Moshe, Bloomfield, Kobo, Baker & Co. He was a military prosecutor and senior legal adviser in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and represented the Ministry of Defense at international conferences, and then joined the Foreign Ministry as legal adviser. He participated in the negotiation and drafting of agreements and peace treaties with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the Palestinians. In January 2012 he was appointed by Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to the three member committee chaired by former Justice Edmund Levy to examine the legal aspects of land ownership in the West Bank. This article appeared January 05, 2015 on Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and is archived at |
Contact Truth Provider at |
The Terrorist Attack on Charlie Hebdo - First Hand AccountPosted by American Center for Democracy, January 07, 2015 |
The article below was written by Claire Berlinski who is an American novelist, freelance journalist, travel writer, biographer, editor and consultant who lives amid a menagerie of adopted stray animals in Paris. This article appeared January 07, 2015 on American Center for Democracy and is archived at |
If I sound incoherent, it's because I am shaken. The reasons will be obvious. I had no intention of reporting on this from the scene of the Charlie-Hebdo massacre. I was walking up Boulevard Richard Lenoir to meet a friend who lives in the neighborhood. But the moment I saw what I did, I knew for sure what had happened. A decade in Turkey teaches you that. That many ambulances, that many cops, that many journalists, and those kinds of faces can mean only one thing: a massive terrorist attack. I also knew from the location just who'd been attacked: Charlie-Hebdo, the magazine known for many things, but, above all, for its fearlessness in publishing caricatures of Mohamed. They'd been firebombed for this in 2011, but their response — in effect — was the only one free men would ever consider: "As long as we're alive, you'll never shut us up." They are no longer alive. They managed to shut them up. The only thing I didn't immediately know was how many of them had died. All of them, it seems, or close enough. So did two police officers who had been assigned to protect their offices. Twelve are dead for sure; I assume that number will rise; seven are seriously injured. It was at the time I was there unclear how many were wounded. And the attackers are still at large. Given that two police officers are dead, now doesn't seem the time to say what comes to mind about the fact that the assailants escaped. It will say this much though: if they're not dead before nightfall, I'll say exactly what comes to mind, respect for the dead be damned. I did what I could as a journalist but — since it wasn't my plan to be one — I was there with neither a camera nor even a notebook. And it didn't seem the time to ask the police to prioritize me. There were more than enough journalists on the scene and I doubt I'd have done better than they will. What we know is this: at least two masked attackers. Kalashnikovs. Gunmen who shouted, "We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad." Rumors of a rocket launcher, but I suspect we should wait for confirmation on that; eyewitnesses tend to get confused about these things, especially when unused to seeing them. The latest tweet on Charlie Hebdo's Twitter account was a cartoon of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (above). This was the worst terrorist attack in Europe since the London tube bombings of 2005. If I'm correct — I have not checked carefully — it was also the worst in France since the Nazis were running the place. I was there only by luck: I had no desire to see this. Luck is probably not the right word. I wish I hadn't seen it. But lucky, certainly is the right word to use in noting that I was running late, and thus there a few minutes after the fact. Had I not been running late, it's fairly obvious what might have happened. They weren't discriminate in their targets. There wasn't much for me to do. I didn't even have a pen on me. I spoke to a cameraman from France 3, to make sure I understood the facts. I didn't ask if I could quote him, so I won't use his name. But his comment summed up the sentiment. "This is the kind of thing you expect in Pakistan. And now it's coming here." While I didn't get any photos, Buzzfeed is running a few. They warning that the images are "disturbing." I'm so sorry if you find them disturbing, readers, but take a good long look at them anyway: they're nothing compared to what I saw, and what I saw wasn't "disturbing images"; they were "people who until this morning were alive, but this afternoon are dead." ![]() ![]() They included figures not apt to be household names in America, but certainly household names here: Charbonnier, Cabu, Wolinski, Verlhac; all alive this morning, and all of them now dead. President François Hollande said the trivial: "No barbaric act will ever extinguish the freedom of the press." That the statement is self-falsifying seemed to bother him little: That barbaric act literally extinguished the press. Literally. They are dead. Their freedom is thus of little relevance. That I'm shaken is of concern to no one; my emotions are not the point. The entire city is shaken. So much that even my cab driver — I had to catch one to get home; the streets were otherwise blocked off — didn't even ask me to pay the fare. When I said I was a journalist, and in a rush to say what little I knew, his response was, "Forget about the money. Just hurry." The assailants are as yet at liberty. I hope they'll be dead by the time you read this. But if not:. You want me too? Come get me. Because nothing short of killing me — and many more of my kind — will ever shut us up. And if you don't believe that now, you'll believe it very soon. Because there are more of us willing to die for that freedom than those of you eager to take it from us. And soon you will find out that those of us willing to die for that freedom are also much better at killing than you. So come and get me. Je suis Charlie. And have a good long look at the cartoon below. Because you may have been able to kill its authors, but you sure didn't kill what they created. And nor will we ever let you. There are things I'm not allowed to say on Ricochet. But if I were allowed to say them, this is what I'd say–though I'd add a few other words. Go ahead. Make my day. Because you've got no idea what we're capable of when we are pushed too far. And you are more than pushing your luck. ![]() Contact American Center for Democracy at |
The article below was written by Batya Medad, who was
New York-born Batya Medad made aliyah with her husband just weeks after their 1970 wedding and has been living in Shiloh since 1981.
Political pundit, with a unique perspective, Batya has worked in a
variety of professions: teaching, fitness, sales, cooking,
public relations, photography and more. She has a B.S. in Journalism, is a licensed English Teacher specializing as a remedial teacher and for a number of years has been studying Tanach (Bible) in Matan.
Batya blogs on Shiloh Musings and A Jewish Grandmother. This
article appeared June 01, 2015 on Arutz Sheva and is
archived at
Can Peace really be negotiated with the local Arabs aka or so-called Palestinians sic? Israeli policy has been based on such a premise for a dangerously long time. I'm not just talking about the past few years. Many Israeli leaders have been dreaming of this since even before the beginning of the State of Israel. Labor Zionists have considered Peace to be something attainable if only we'd... Never have mainstream Israeli leaders dared accept the unpleasant fact that there is absolutely nothing we can do to make the Arabs accept a viable Jewish state here. They, meaning we though not me and my ilk personally, have tried everything possible to show how nice, friendly and tolerant we can be. Whatever other country would accept enemy wounded into our hospitals as proof of "apology" for shooting back after being attacked? Yep, it does sound pretty dumb. And in the sixty-six years of Israeli statehood, so many different negotiated plans have been proposed, and they've all been failures. And unfortunately most, if not all, have been unilateral concessions by Israel. Each one leaving us smaller and weaker. The reason that the great 1967 victory of Land, in the Six Days War wasn't fully embraced by Israeli policy is that the movers and shakers of the time considered that Land to be what the Arabs wanted in exchange for peace. The Israeli leadership was wrong on both counts.
Here we are decades later, and after the invention of a "Palestinian People" sic, and they still don't want to negotiate peace with us, because they don't want a Jewish State in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheva etc. Shiloh isn't the problem. The latest Arab tactics totally bypass negotiations with us. That's because the Israeli plan for negotiations for a "two state solution" is for Israel to have power over the new Arab state. The Arabs don't need us for a state, because so many countries and international bodies already recognize a state called "Palestine." Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer and editor of the website, an activist pro-Israel website. He now lives in Jerusalem. Contact him at |
NAME THE DISEASE- ISLAM- IN ORDER TO SEEK THE CUREPosted by Americans for a Safe Israel, January 07, 2015 |
Another Declaration of War by Islam Against the West ![]() What Offends a Muslim We who understand the violent nature of Islam and have written and protested against it have been labeled "right wing extremists" by the media. We who have witnessed the tremendous growth in Muslim populations in Europe and have warned the Western world about the dangers it has brought have been labeled "Islamophobic." We wish we didn't have to say "we told you so", but that is exactly what needs to be said. Frankly, if the latest horrific Islamic terror attack against the French weekly satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo does not shake people out of their apathy and wake people up to the dangers of Islam, then literally, all is lost. Islam is on the march and the Western world is in decline. When an American administration spokesperson TODAY refers to Islam as "a peaceful religion", then we have lost. When President Obama's statement about this latest Islamic terror attack in Paris, taking the lives of at least 12 innocents, and wounding many, has him name the "perpetrators" as "cowardly and evil" rather than identifying the Islamic war against the west, we have lost. When Islamic terror attacks are called "workplace violence", then we have lost. What will it take to wake us from our slumber? What will it take to admit that we in the West have been asleep at the wheel for decades, while Islam marches on? AFSI most recently addressed this in its December 23, 2014 email. Yes, we have been called "right wing extremists" and "Islamophobic". Yes, the mainstream press and the politically correct politicians continue to deny the inherent violent nature of Islam. As former Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann has said,"Political correctness is more potent than truth." And yes, we will continue to support Israel against the real nutcases and extremists who try to destroy Israel, world Jewry, and our Western way of life. While Islam is a global threat, President Obama and his PC coterie continue to deny this truth. Incredibly, or perhaps, predictably, there are many examples of this denial. Here are just a few:
Charlie Hebdo has a long record of mocking, baiting and needling French Muslims. If the magazine stops just short of outright insults, it is nevertheless not the most convincing champion of the principle of freedom of speech. France is the land of Voltaire, but too often editorial foolishness has prevailed at Charlie Hebdo. This is not in the slightest to condone the murderers, who must be caught and punished, or to suggest that freedom of expression should not extend to satirical portrayals of religion. It is merely to say that some common sense would be useful at publications such as Charlie Hebdo, and Denmark's Jyllands-Posten, which purport to strike a blow for freedom when they provoke Muslims, but are actually just being stupid.
'The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam' And finally, a piece by Giulio Meotti in today's Arutz Sheva: I Fear Being a Writer in Europe Contact Americans for a Safe Israel at |
ISRAEL IS A DEMOGRAPHIC BOOM STATE; STOP THE FEAR MONGERINGPosted by Lori Lowenthal Marcus, January 07, 2015 |
Once again an "official" report on the numbers of Palestinian Arabs v. Jews is used to herd people into the 'smaller is better' Israel-view. ![]() The Demographic Doom Bomb (DDB) threat is dropping once again. The DDB was first dropped on David Ben-Gurion, back before the rebirth of the Jewish state. Ben-Gurion was told then that Jews will become a minority in their own land in the not-too-distant future. Today, everyone who will listen – and too many are listening – is told that soon Jews will be a minority in their own land, and that is true with a vengeance if the disputed territories are annexed. But the people lobbing the DDB are relying on population numbers from the Palestinian Arab census bureau. That center makes several (intentional or otherwise) errors: it undercounts Arab deaths, it over counts Arab births, it double-counts Arabs, it fails to count altogether Arab emigration and it counts Palestinian Arabs living abroad. At the same time, that census bureau undercounts the rocketing Jewish birthrate and the ever-continuing and increasing rate of Aliyah. And upon what do the Israeli Jewish demographers rely for their predictions? Why, the Palestinian Arab numbers, of course. In 1944, an Italian demographer, Roberto Bacchi, informed Ben-Gurion that the Jewish state would be a non-starter. Bacchi warned Ben-Gurion against the undertaking because the 600,000 Jews ready to pioneer was not a sufficient critical mass. By the 1960's, according to Bacchi, the Jews will be a minority in the state. In his best case scenario – about which Bacchi was not sanguine – by 2001 there would only be 2.3 million Jews in Israel. Well, Bacchi was wrong then and so are his demographic theory heirs, Sergio DellaPergola of Hebrew University and Arnon Sofer, of Haifa University. Those two continue the doom and gloom prognostications, even though it's consistently been proven wrong by reality. But the predictions have taken root and multiplied, more rapidly than have the non-Israeli and Israeli Arabs in their predictions. The reason this is relevant today, in 2015, is that the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics just released a new report. It contains projections based on 2014 data. These data, like Bacchi's information, are wielded as kryptonite to subdue any thoughts about Jewish sovereignty in parts of the Middle East. Back in the '40's it was used to deter any thoughts of a Jewish state in the region at all. Now it is being used to forestall talk of annexing territory beyond the Apartheid Green Line, beyond which all foes and even some friends demand no Jew should live. After reading one article in particular which continued the tradition of treating the truth as false and the flawed as truth, The Jewish Press sought some answers. In a wide-ranging interview, former Ambassador and ardent iconoclast Yoram Ettinger of the American-Israel Demographic Research Group once again patiently shared why the "official" Israeli numbers are so skewed, and what that means for everyone's understanding of the DDB. Ettinger was skewered in some articles by Bacchi's disciples. But that's okay with Ettinger, so long as he's allowed to respond. Bacchi's disciples, according to Ettinger, get their numbers wrong primarily for the same reasons he did: they failed to comprehend the enduring lure of Aliyah, and they failed to understand fertility reality both for Jews who make Israel their home and the same for Israeli Arabs. They all vastly underestimate the will of Jews to make Aliyah to a hostile, largely inhospitable region. But Ben-Gurion and his peers built it, and boy did Jews come. And they are still coming. They are coming in numbers Bacchi could never imagine, and they keep coming despite DellaPergola and Sofer's refusal to acknowledge that reality. The other reason their numbers are off the mark is that, despite their insistence to the contrary, the birthrate for Israelis is not consistent (as in downward spiraling) with the rest of the West, while the birthrate for Arab Israelis and those living more western-style lives is. Lori Lowenthal Marcus is the U.S. correspondent for
The Jewish Press. A graduate of Harvard Law School, she
previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in
Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her
by email: This article appeared
January 07, 2015 on the Jewish News of the Jews,
Israel & the World and is archived at
THE MORAL RESPONSIBILITIES THAT COME WITH POWERPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 07, 2015 |
Whether the American people likes it or not, and whether other people like it or not, the United States, having become the most powerful nation on earth, is morally responsible for maintaining law and order on this planet. No other people on earth have the physical capacities and spiritual prerequisites as well as the experience of more than a century to fulfill this moral obligation. Therefore, the American people, whose primary foundational document, the Declaration of Independence, proclaims the immutable and universal authority of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, the document that endows the American people with their national as well as a supra-national identity, must do everything in their power: First, to render by lawful means their ill-chosen President, Barack Hussein Obama, a multicultural moral relativist, to political impotence. Second, to prevent Iran, the world's leading terrorist state, from producing or obtaining nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles or any other weapon of mass destruction. The American people must not and dare not shirk the moral responsibilities that come with power Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party |
A NAME ON THE MAPPosted by Tabitha Korol, January 07, 2015 |
Collins Bartholomew, the map-publishing company of world-leading publishers, Harper Collins, removed Israel from its Geography Atlas to accommodate "local preferences." In other words, in the interest of selling maps to an enemy that hopes to also wipe America off the map, the company was willing to erase Israel, as well as dispense with scruples, integrity, conscience, ethics, and credibility. Let' s take this a step further. I understand that Muslims cannot abide truth; thus they invented the accusation of Islamophobia – to squelch all things that reveal their essence. Islam is at war with the world and reality, and has been since the seventh century. Their culture is a dedication to war and conquest, so that even their people may not grow and prosper. From the moment their children are born, they are robbed of the human spirit – freedom, creativity, imagination – and are twisted into becoming hardhearted "weapons of mass destruction" against their perceived enemies. In the name of their god, they attempt to erase the past by destroying ancient artifacts, refute history to support their own supersessionist narrative, and call "offensive" all actions that lay bare their true nature, barbarism. Above all, Islam teaches hatred of Jews, not to mention Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, idol worshipers and animists. But above all, it is the Jews, because Mohammed could not convert the Jews in Mecca, so he beheaded all the Jewish men. Yet, Muslims are still tied to Judaism through Abraham – and perhaps resent it. Muslims also need the Jews to blame for their failures and adversities, and while they also claim Jewish successes and world contributions for their own, it has been said that they also feel the shame of having to do so. Why else would there be a traveling world exhibition called "101 Inventions," for which they claim scholarship and ingenuity, but whose originality may be traced to Jews and other captives forcibly converted to Islam? Why else would they begin claiming Moses, Jesus, Christopher Columbus, and Albert Einstein as Palestinian or Muslim, even if there were no Palestinians or Muslims during the times of Moses and Jesus? Each defeat in wars begun by the Muslims against the Jews was yet another intolerable humiliation, particularly when five Muslim armies (Egypt, Lebanon, Transjordan, Syria, and Iraq) attacked, but were bested by, what they thought would be a defenseless, fledgling, ragtag army of starved, beaten Jewish survivors from Europe. Failing in conventional warfare, they began a psychological war with the help of the uninformed, the envious, the angry, and those who are eternally predisposed to hate for their own reasons. This war includes the influential propaganda that Jewish achievements have actually been at the expense of others and that Jews are therefore the cause of every earthly ill. Islamists have discovered that what they, themselves, do may readily be blamed on the Jews. Muslims have actually broadcast their plan to create an all-encompassing world Caliphate, but peddle the idea that it is the Jews who rule the world. It suits the Muslims to keep their brethren in a constant refugee status in Gaza and the West Bank in order to garner world sympathy (and cash) and to lay claim to territory illegally occupied by Jordan and Egypt, although the land is both legally and historically Jewish. Through the centuries, Muslims were never interested in working what was then a desolate wasteland, but now insist that flourishing Israel is theirs. In the surrounding Muslim lands, the majority continues to live in age-old poverty and ignorance under tyrannical regimes; this too is blamed on Israel. If the rainfall is inadequate and unequally distributed through the year in this sub-tropical zone, Israel is liable for not supplying water. If their women and children die as a result of being placed among jihadist rocket launchers, Israel is impugned. They accuse Israel of Palestinian genocide, when, in fact, the Palestinian population has dramatically increased, doubling in size with each new generation; and of apartheid, when the reality is that Muslims have banned Jews from Islamic countries. The war is also against pluralism, individual rights and freedoms, liberal democracy, and Western ideas of progress, and this has become a collective Islamic obsession. Yet the horrific crimes that Muslims commit against their fellow Muslims and Christians are swept under the prayer rug, hidden by the media and not addressed by world leaders. If the Jews cannot be incriminated for these crimes, then the mere mention of kidnappings, beheadings, honor killings, rape and assorted acts of cruelty are forbidden topics. And this is where our schools and teaching materials fail us. Except for a perfunctory early timeline on which one might find a designation for Ancient Israelites along with Assyrians, Babylonians and other defunct civilizations, world history studies begin with Ancient Rome and Greece, although the Jews have substantially contributed to human development. The framers of our US Constitution derived their morals, ethics and standards of behavior from Cicero and English Common Law, which drew from biblical law given to the Hebrews by God. Exodus reveals that the Hebrews had a representative form of republican government, not unlike the system created in the Constitution. And while appropriate credit is given other countries, Israel's contributions in medicine, science and technology to society at large has been overlooked, as is her eternal capital, Jerusalem, which is referenced 823 times in the Hebrew Bible, 161 times in the Christian Bible, and never in the Qur’an. Many history textbooks devote a disproportionate number of chapters to Islam. Jerusalem is cited as the city where Mohammed ascended to heaven on a winged horse, but rarely as Israel's capital. Mohammed has been praised for "impressive leadership skills" but not for his methods of rapine, brutality, and slaughter. There is never mention of Islam's butchery of 80 million Hindus in India, their skulls piled to mountainous dimensions and their cities burned to the ground; of the all-but-complete annihilation of Iran's Zoroastrians; or of the trickery used to enslave Iran's Sogdiana, take healthy men to replenish their Arab army, and annihilate the masses. Neither is there word about Muslims' killing perhaps as many as 400 million "infidels" over 14 centuries. If today's publishers have made a small correction on a map or two when it was called to their attention, is that sufficient? Have they reviewed all their products (textbooks and maps) for accuracy? No. Absolutely not – not until they are called to task by parents and school boards, and not until the books and maps are thoroughly reviewed by trusted people, rewritten, and distributed anew. It takes the indoctrination of only one generation to completely change the nature of our country. Adding Israel and her name to a map, which can then be defaced by the "offended" students, will not bring enlightenment to a world that is plummeting into darkness. Tabitha Korol, who began her political writing with letters to the editor after her retirement, earned an award from CAMERA (Committee on Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) "in recognition of outstanding letter-writing in 2009 to promote fair and factual reporting about Israel." She was cited as one of America's modern-day, articulate, patriotic women in Frederick William Dame's Three American Fur Hat Fighters for Freedom. Her essays appear on Arutz Sheva, Canada Free Press, Centinel2012, Jewish Press, Maggie's Notebook, NewMediaJournal, News Nation Brewing, Dr. Richard Swier, Tea Party Express, and others. She revised a book of Holocaust survivors' accounts for publication, and proofreads/edits for a monthly city newsletter. |
At the end of last month, the Egyptian courts of Alexandria delivered a verdict to ban annual visits to the historic mausoleum of Moroccan Rabbi Yacoub Abu Hasira in the nearby village of Demto. After thirteen years in the court system, the Administrative Court of Alexandria issued a definitive verdict to abolish the annual celebrations of the Rabbi's birth on the merit of evidence that Jewish visitors "violate public order and morality and use the opportunity to desecrate the land of Egypt." In response to the verdict, Israelis requested to have the tomb of Abu Hasira transferred to East Jerusalem. Egyptian authorities denied their request. The Jewish tradition to journey to the Demto Abu Hasira tomb began in 1907. Jews from around the world -- in particular, France, Morocco and Tunisia -- made the week-long pilgrimage each year to the Demto tomb to celebrate the Rabbi's birth (December 26 through January 2). The new ruling now forbids this. Until now, Egypt has always allowed foreign Jews (except for Israeli Jews) to visit the Jewish historical landmark despite the fact that virtually all Jewish-Egyptian citizens have been expelled from Egypt since the Nasser regime – only twenty Jews reside in Egypt today. Israeli Jews were only allowed visits into Egypt after the signing of the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Special permission was sought from the Sadat government to allow organizing celebration tours (pilgrimages) to the Abu Hasira mausoleum and shrine. This current ruling has put an end to these tours. Who was Yacoub Abu Hasira, and why is his birthday celebrated? His original name was Jacob Ben Massoud, and he was born in 1805 in southern Morocco. Jewish narrative depicts him as an aged rabbi leaving Morocco by ship on a journey to the Holy Land. During his trip the ship sank, and he clung to a mat (hasira) until he safely reached the shores of Syria. Upon his return from the Holy Land he chose to travel by land. While transiting through Egypt he died, but the miracle of his journey to the Holy Land has been kept alive. Critically, last month's court ruling also includes an order for Egypt's Minister of Antiquities to remove the Rabbi Yacoub Abu Hasira mausoleum from the records of Egyptian Antiquities where it is officially designated a historic monument. The tombs physical conversion into a mausoleum and simultaneous entry into the records of Egyptian Antiquities can only be considered a second miracle in the Abu Hasira story. Egypt, with its climate of relentless racial bias and paranoia against Jews, is more likely to disavow Jewish-Egyptian history than to embrace it. But the reason for the tomb's designation has more to do with a political decision made by the ambitious former Egyptian Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, in preparing for his bid for the head of UNESCO and the favor he sought for that upcoming election. This occurred shortly before Egyptians and their courts began to stir up the issue of prohibiting visitors to the Abu Hasira tomb. Today, Hosni denies that the tomb conversion and upgrade in 2001 was his doing, citing a committee's responsibility for it. However, as Culture Minister, committee decisions came through him, and now his response to distance himself from his efforts to seal Egypt's Jewish heritage only serves to highlight his bigotry. At the time, advocating for the rabbi's tomb had been politically useful for Hosni in mitigating the impact of one of his previous ideas, publicly declared, to burn all Hebrew books found on the shelves of Egyptian libraries. He was widely known for this anti-Semitic initiative (never materialized) both inside and outside of Egypt which ultimately deprived him of the UNESCO position. Grievances from Egyptians concerning the Abu Hasira mausoleum and Jewish celebrants began as early as Sadat's 1977 visit to Israel as a form of indirect opposition to Sadat's show of friendliness toward the Jewish state. Years later, during Mubarak's presidency, a heated debate began in 2001. Poor villagers expressed gratitude for the increase in local business during the week-long visits. Although they claimed the Jews were harmless, and no harm would come to them by allowing the festivities, the opposition expressed the standard complaint that Jews in Egypt were a national security problem. Brainwashed by mosque indoctrination and the public school system, Egyptians tend to believe that Jews coming to Egypt from Israel are spies for the Israeli government. Town's people backed by Muslim Brotherhood members in the Egyptian Parliament began a case in the Alexandria courts and won an injunction against the Jewish celebrants. A ruling was issued prohibiting the pilgrimage. But this verdict was appealed and reversed within the same year. The warfare against Abu Hasira continued. In 2010, Jews around the world were warned by Israeli authorities and the Egyptian embassies that attending the pilgrimage might be dangerous in view of the Muslim Brotherhood rise to power and anti-Jewish graffiti smeared on the mausoleum walls. A national television talk show videotaped the Jewish Abu Hasira festivities and saw nothing wrong, but bystanders claimed they saw vicious acts. One witness recalled seeing "slaughtering of pigs in the streets." A reporter from the Egyptian press described "hysteria and half-naked dancers, unethical behavior." Chancellor Jaber Qasim, Deputy General of Sufis, ranted that, "the pilgrims are a plot and plan of Zionism to rape the nation by claiming that Jews have roots in Egypt..." This frenzy -- fabrications and hysteria -- was the "evidence" used by the courts to decide last month's verdict -- ignorance and prejudice once again leading to the discrimination of minorities. This court ruling now sets a precedent whereby every non-Muslim religious monument, artifact and sacred place in the historic registry becomes vulnerable to the whims of Egypt's biased courts. In the first place, Egypt's courts do not have jurisdiction over the status of antiquities or the registry of monuments in the Ministry of Culture where its protection act has the absolute authority. It is not the job of the courts but rather for panels of experts to decide. Moreover, this case sets a precedent which directly contradicts Egypt's constitution – Part 1, Article 4 and Chapter 3, Article 47-50, 64 – which declares freedom of religion and respect for all religions. Israeli authorities have now launched a complaint with UNESCO where the Abu Hasira mausoleum is recorded as a historic Egyptian monument. Ashraf Ramelah, founder and president of Voice of the Copts, has recently given testimony to the Canadian Parliament on the revolution taking place in Egypt. Please visit to read more. |
HAREDIM AND THE STATE: A POSSIBLE TURNING POINTPosted by Robert Hand, January 08, 2015 |
The article below was written by Isi Leiber who is a
Belgian-born Australian-Israeli international Jewish leader
with a distinguished record of contributions to the Jewish
world and the cause of human rights. This article appeared
June 01, 2015 on the Jerusalem Post and is archived at
Whoever ultimately forms the next government would be doing a great disservice to the nation and sowing the seeds of future disaster were they to allow themselves to be extorted by the haredim ![]() Although election fever currently dominates the national agenda, we should also recognize that today the state is at a turning point in its evolving relationship with the haredim (ultra-Orthodox) – undoubtedly the most significant longterm challenge to Israeli society. In 2012, the haredim accounted for one-sixth of the Jewish population. Currently they comprise 25 percent of school first-graders. They constitute the fastest-growing sector by far. While frequently characterized as aliens, there is much in the haredi lifestyle to emulate. They shun hedonism and live modestly, focus on family values and have an exemplary commitment to charity within their own ranks and maintain their high spiritual levels despite the materialism surrounding them. Lamentably, Ashkenazi haredi rabbis determinedly created a cordon sanitaire to protect their followers from contamination by the outside world. Whereas successful waves of aliyah have been integrated, haredim move in the opposite direction by withdrawing further from the nation and educating their youngsters to spurn the state, displaying open contempt for Independence Day and Holocaust commemorations and even refusing to include prayers for the state or the wellbeing of the IDF in their synagogues. Unfortunately Sephardi rabbis – despite bitterly resenting the condescending manner in which the Ashkenazim patronized them – nonetheless replicated them. They increasingly substituted their traditional tolerant Sephardi lifestyle with the stringent Ashkenazi haredi approach, even emulating their black hats and Polish attire. They formed the Shas party in 1984, which at its peak in 1999 had 17 Knesset seats and today 11. Haredi rabbis sought to compete in their display of greater zealotry. In their state-subsidized school system, even minimal secular education was banned. Ironically, today, Maimonides with his worldly knowledge would not qualify to teach in their schools. This approach ultimately led to the disastrous haredi rabbinical injunction urging their followers to devote themselves to fulltime learning Torah and eschew worldly pursuits such as earning a livelihood – a concept utterly unprecedented in Jewish religious life. This resulted in the impoverishment of the entire community with the majority unemployed and dependent on welfare throughout their lives. With the massive demographic expansion of this sector, if the tide is not soon reversed, the nation will suffer catastrophic economic repercussions. The exemption from military service which Ben-Gurion originally granted to 400 yeshiva students has mushroomed to 50,000 and the haredi refusal to share the burden of defending the state enrages all sections of society. For a lengthy period, the haredi one-dimensional political parties held the balance of power, enabling them to extort disproportionate funding for their coffers, massively expanding their educational networks which exclude any secular curriculum. In recent years they have begun to impose their standards on the wider community. Despite their long-standing contempt for the Chief Rabbinate, they hijacked the institution, facilitating the appointment of puppets, some of whom were mediocre, incomparable in stature, piety or learning to former Zionist chief rabbis such as Rabbi Yitzhak Halevi Herzog and Rabbi Shlomo Goren. The primitive depths to which haredi chief rabbis descended was exemplified with such comments by former Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, who remarked: "When yeshiva attendance is low, as on holiday evenings or prior to Shabbat, more IDF soldiers are injured and killed." The current Chief Rabbi David Lau was only elected after undertaking not to endorse any amendments to conversions or marriage procedures without the prior approval of the extremist haredi hierarchy, headed by Rabbi Avraham Sherman. Despite the presence of some 300,000 immigrants from the former Soviet Union who are not considered halachic Jews and the urgent need for innovation and flexibility within the halachic framework to facilitate conversions, the haredi rabbinate has behaved inexcusably by placing every conceivable obstacle to deter potential converts. The total absence of compassion and the blind bureaucratic demands to prove Jewish ancestry back several generations, create havoc especially among children of Holocaust survivors and Russian Jews who frequently lack access to such documents. The haredi rabbinate also introduced an unprecedented and draconic approach wherein conversions may be retroactively annulled. Rabbi Sherman even sought (unsuccessfully due to High Court intervention) to annul the conversions of thousands who had already been converted by state endorsed rabbis. That such issues can be dealt with compassionately within the framework of Halachah was demonstrated by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's courageous innovative approach to the Ethiopian aliyah. Had leading Ashkenazi haredi rabbis at that time had their way, none of the Ethiopians would have been considered Jews. Resentment against haredim intensified as evidence of corruption and malfeasance within the rabbinate mushroomed, climaxing with the indictment of former Chief Rabbi Metzger on charges of bribery, money laundering and obstruction of justice. Yet amazingly, despite widespread loathing of corrupt and extremist rabbis, the past two decades has witnessed a dramatic increase in religious tradition and observance, especially among Israeli youth. Polls indicate that 80 percent of Israeli Jews believe in God, 61 percent favor conducting public life in accordance with Jewish tradition, 85 percent believe it is important to celebrate Jewish festivals in a traditional manner, 90 percent celebrate the Passover Seder, 68 percent fast on Yom Kippur, 67 percent have family dinners, light candles and make kiddush on Shabbat. These polls reflect a dramatic swing of the pendulum against the militantly secular Israeli society of half a century ago. The trend had been buffered by a burgeoning number of nonobservant Israelis adopting a religious lifestyle (baalei teshuva). No longer holding the balance of power after the last elections, the haredi parties were excluded from government. This has led to a review of some of the disproportionate funds siphoned to them and the introduction of policies designed to induce more of them into the work force. The outgoing government initiated important legislation designed to ensure that haredim be obliged to share the burden of military or national service. However, at the insistence of Yesh Atid, the legislation included provisions criminalizing draft evasion – a populist measure only to be implemented in the future which merely provided ammunition for the haredi zealots to gain support and threaten to fill the jails with their followers. To proceed constructively in this area, this legislation should be refined and the government should rather concentrate on restricting the flow of funds to haredim refusing to serve or seek employment. There are dramatic societal changes among the haredim. The implosion of Shas is not merely based on personality conflicts between Aryeh Deri and Eli Yishai but was inevitable after the death of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, whose charisma and standing was the foundation for the party's unity and electoral success. Ethnic grievances aside, most Shas supporters are more traditional than haredi, passionately love the Jewish state and are not anti-Zionist. Those who have not been brainwashed by their rabbis would serve in the IDF. Among the more moderate Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox, who should be described as non-Zionist rather than anti-Zionist, the recent wars have made an impact and the shocking terrorist massacre at the Har Nof synagogue has jolted many into a realization that we are one people. There is also the extraordinary impact of Habayit Hayehudi. Naftali Bennett has brilliantly projected religious Zionism to the forefront and transformed his party to include traditional and nationalist secular elements into its ranks. He has succeeded in breaking down the iron barrier that separated the observant from the nonobservant Jews and if this process continues, it could dramatically enhance the Jewish identity of the people. We are today at a crossroads in which polarization between the haredim and other Israelis could be reversed. This would nationally enhance traditional Jewish values and create a greater level of tolerance toward streams outside the strictly Orthodox framework. After all, what is preferable: a Conservative or Reform Jew who does not observe Halachah but believes in God and seeks to include certain Jewish traditions and values or an atheist Hebrew-speaking Canaanite who has no knowledge or exposure to Jewish tradition or history? The new government will determine the outcome. The haredim are likely to lose seats but will remain an important bloc, presumably still offering to sell themselves to the highest bidder. Both Netanyahu and Herzog will seek to accommodate them. If they join the next government without holding the balance of power, this would not be problematic. But efforts must be maintained toward altering the socio-economic structure of the haredi community and directing it toward becoming a productive sector of the economy. The same applies to haredi control of the religious establishment. Haredim are free to adopt whatever standards they wish for themselves, but the Chief Rabbinate must cease imposing on the entire nation their stringent halachic approaches toward personal status issues of conversion, marriage, divorce, and burial. The recent legislation which decentralizes control of the rabbinate and authorizes the establishment of municipal conversion courts under the authority of local rabbis must be extended to provide additional scope for more moderate religious Zionist rabbis to service the people. Whoever ultimately forms the next government would be doing a great disservice to the nation and sow the seeds of future disaster were they to once again allow themselves to be extorted by the haredi zealots. They should agree to enable haredim to live their lifestyle while constructively creating conditions that will encourage them to share the burdens as well as benefits of Israeli citizenship. Isi Leibler's website can be viewed at He may be contacted at This column was originally published in the Jerusalem Post and Israel Hayom Contact Robert Hand by email at |
ISRAELI JEWS SUPPORT ANNEXATIONPosted by Israel_politics, January 08, 2015 |
[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: This poll features several questions that require a tremendously dangerous leaps of faith: "appropriate security arrangements" I would strongly recommend that pollsters add a second question whenever they ask such a question: "do you believe that appropriate security arrangements exist"?] Which of the following two possibilities would, in your opinion, better ensure the future of the state of Israel? Jews/Arabs/General Public Annexation of the territories and the establishment in the entire territory of one state under Israeli rule 41.0%/29.4% /39.1% A division of the land and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state beside the state of Israel 43.1%/58.8%/45.7% Don't know/Decline to answer 15.9%/11.8%/15.2% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 1. What is your position on conducting peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority? Jews/Arabs/General Public Strongly in favor 32.0%/73.3%/38.9% Moderately in favor 23.6%/16.4%/22.4% Moderately opposed 12.6%/0.7%/10.6% Strongly opposed 22.4%/5.7%/19.7% Don't know/Decline to answer 9.3%/3.8%/8.4% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 2. Do you believe or not believe that negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority will lead in the coming years to peace between Israel and the Palestinians? Jews/Arabs/General Public Strongly believe 10.2%/53.3%/17.3% Moderately believe 20.1%/20.4%/20.1% Moderately do not believe 20.2%/13.9%/19.2% Do not believe at all 45.1%/11.6%/39.6% Don't know/Decline to answer 4.4%/0.8%/3.8% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 3. In your view, did the political situation in Israel justify or not justify dissolving the Knesset and declaring new elections? Jews/Arabs/General Public I'm sure it justified it 18.6%/40.7%/22.3% I think it justified it 18.2%/29.7%/20.1% I think it did not justify it 23.9%/18.7%/23.1% I'm sure it did not justify it 31.4%/5.9%/27.1% Don't know/Decline to answer 7.9%/4.9%/7.4% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 4. Between the following two issues, which is the issue that will determine which party you vote for in the upcoming elections? Jews/Arabs/General Public The party's stance in the political-security area 32.8%/28.8%/32.1% The party's stance in the socioeconomic area 40.6%/35.6% /39.8% Both to the same extent (do not read) 18.0%/11.7%/17.0% Other/Neither of those (do not read) 4.7%/11.2%/5.8% Don't know/Decline to answer 3.9%/12.6%/5.4% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 5. Who, in your opinion, is best suited out of all the following individuals to serve as Israel’s next prime minister? Jews/Arabs/General Public Netanyahu 34.4%/8.9%/30.2% Herzog 17.7%/10.1%/16.5% Bennett 10.5%/3.3%/9.3% Kahlon 4.2%/4.9%/4.3% Liberman 5.3%/2.5%/4.9% Lapid 2.6%/2.6%/2.6% Livni 6.3%/10.5%/7.0% Don't know/Decline to answer 18.9%/57.3%/25.3% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 6. In your view, which bloc of parties has the greatest chance to form the government after the upcoming elections? Jews/Arabs/General Public The right-wing bloc 59.8%/18.8%/53.0% The center-left bloc 24.4%/51.9%/28.9% Don't know/Decline to answer 15.8%/29.4%/18.0% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 7. And which bloc would you want to form the government after the upcoming elections? Jews/Arabs/General Public The right-wing bloc 54.8%/15.7%/48.3% The center-left bloc 32.5%/63.3%/37.6% Don't know/Decline to answer 12.7%/21.0%/14.0% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 8. Which of the following two possibilities would, in your opinion, better ensure the future of the state of Israel? Jews/Arabs/General Public Annexation of the territories and the establishment in the entire territory of one state under Israeli rule 41.0%/29.4% /39.1% A division of the land and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state beside the state of Israel 43.1%/58.8%/45.7% Don't know/Decline to answer 15.9%/11.8%/15.2% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 9. Recently more and more European parliaments have been calling on their governments to officially recognize the Palestinian state. In your opinion, does recognition of a Palestinian state before a peace agreement has been signed contribute to Israel's national interest or damage it? Jews/Arabs/General Public Contributes to the Israeli national interest 10.0%/20.1%/11.7% Damages the Israeli national interest 69.8%/34.3%/63.9% Does not affect the Israeli national interest 12.9%/23.2%/14.6% Don't know/Decline to answer 7.2%/22.4%/9.8% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 10. What is your opinion on the following statement: even in return for a permanent peace settlement under U.S. sponsorship, which would include appropriate security arrangements, not even some of the settlements in Judea and Samaria should be evacuated. Jews/Arabs/General Public Strongly agree 30.0%/18.7%/28.1% Moderately agree 17.7%/21.8%/18.4% Don't agree so much 17.5%/26.9%/19.1% Don't agree at all 29.0%/19.8%/27.5% Don't know/Decline to answer 5.8%/12.7%/7.0% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 11. And what is your opinion on the statement that in the framework of a permanent peace settlement under U.S. sponsorship, which would include appropriate security arrangements, the Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem could be transferred to Palestinian control? Jews/Arabs/General Public Strongly agree 18.1%/17.4%/18.0% Moderately agree 19.7%/27.0%/20.9% Don't agree so much 14.9%/24.7%/16.6% Don't agree at all 40.9%/16.0%/36.8% Don't know/Decline to answer 6.3%/15.0%/7.8% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 12. In your opinion, to what extent should Israel take into account the United States's position when it makes decisions on political-security issues? Jews/Arabs/General Public Not at all 18.7%/30.7%/20.7% Quite little 31.8%/28.6%/31.3% Quite a lot 30.4%/15.8%/28.0% A great deal 15.5%/12.8%/15.0% Don't know/Decline to answer 3.6%/12.1%/5.0% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 13. Some say it makes no difference who forms the next government and what its policy will be; the peace process with the Palestinians is stalled and there is no chance that it will advance in the foreseeable future. What is your opinion on that statement? Jews/Arabs/General Public Strongly agree 37.3%/19.3%/34.3% Moderately agree 23.3%/31.4%/24.7% Don't agree so much 16.4%/18.5%/16.7% Don't agree at all 18.5%/20.5%/18.9% Don't know/Decline to answer 4.5%/10.3%/5.5% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 14. On the political-security issue, where is each of the following parties located: on the right, in the center, on the left, or are the party's positions on this issue unclear at the moment? Habayit hayehudi (headed by Naftali Benett) Jews/Arabs/General Public Right 72.2%/22.7%/64.0% Center 7.0%/10.2%/7.5% Left 3.1%/18.1%/5.6% Not clear at the moment 8.9%/44.1%/14.8% Don't know/Decline to answer 8.7%/4.9%/8.1% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% Meretz (headed by Zehava Gal-on) Jews/Arabs/General Public Right 6.2%/10.7%/6.9% Center 3.2%/21.1%/6.2% Left 72.2%/21.6%/63.8% Not clear at the moment 7.4%/42.9%/13.3% Don't know/Decline to answer 10.9%/3.6%/9.7% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% Kulanu (headed by Moshe Kahlon) Jews/Arabs/General Public Right 21.8%/9.1%/19.7% Center 30.8%/17.9%/28.7% Left 4.7%/21.5%/7.5% Not clear at the moment 25.2%/49.2%/29.2% Don't know/Decline to answer 17.4%/2.3%/14.9% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% Yesh Atid (headed by Yair Lapid) Jews/Arabs/General Public Right 7.7%/15.3%/9.0% Center 46.5%/17.7%/41.7% Left 23.8%/15.0%/22.4% Not clear at the moment 14.4%/45.9%/19.6% Don't know/Decline to answer 7.5%/6.2%/7.3% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% The joint Labor-Hatnuah list (headed by Herzog and Livni) Jews/Arabs/General Public Right 4.9%/11.5%/6.0% Center 26.4%/16.1%/24.7% Left 50.3%/20.2%/45.3% Not clear at the moment 10.1%/45.8%/16.0% Don't know/Decline to answer 8.3%/6.4%/7.9% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% Shas (headed by Aryh Deri) Jews/Arabs/General Public Right 41.4%/18.9%/37.7% Center 23.3%/15.2%/22.0% Left 7.1%/19.8%/9.2% Not clear at the moment 16.6%/40.9%/20.6% Don't know/Decline to answer 11.5%/5.3%/10.5% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% Ha'am Itanu (headed by Eli Yishai) Jews/Arabs/General Public Right 52.1%/13.0%/45.6% Center 10.8%/18.0%/12.0% Left 1.7%/13.2%/3.6% Not clear at the moment 18.1%/50.1%/23.4% Don't know/Decline to answer 17.3%/5.6%/15.4% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% Likud (headed by Binyamin Netanyahu) Jews/Arabs/General Public Right 70.5%/21.9%/62.5% Center 12.0%/14.6%/12.4% Left 3.9%/17.5%/6.1% Not clear at the moment 6.9%/41.7%/12.7% Don't know/Decline to answer 6.7%/4.3%/6.3% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% Yisrael Beiteinu (headed by Avigdor Lieberman) Jews/Arabs/General Public Right 51.4%/20.2%/46.3% Center 19.3%/10.3%/17.8% Left 4.8%/16.8%/6.8% Not clear at the moment 17.2%/46.4%/22.0% Don't know/Decline to answer 7.2%/6.3%/7.0% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 15. Do you intend to vote in the upcoming elections? Jews/Arabs/General Public I'm sure I will 75.4%/49.2%/71.1% I think I will 14.1%/12.9%/13.9% I think I won't 3.3%/14.3%/5.1% I'm sure I won't 3.5%/21.3%/6.5% Don't know/Decline to answer 3.7%/2.2%/3.4% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 16. (Only for those who said “I think I will or I'm sure I will Have you already decided which party you will vote for? Jews/Arabs/General Public Yes 58.7%/63.6%/59.3% No 40.0%/33.8%/39.3% Don't know/Decline to answer 1.2%/2.6%/1.4% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% 17. (Only for those who said “I think I won't or I'm sure I won't) What is the main reason that you think or are sure that you will not vote? Jews/Arabs/General Public There is no party whose positions accord with my opinions 13.2%/22.5%/20.0% It makes no difference who one votes for because it does not change the situation anyway 37.2%/25.8%/28.9% It is hard for me to get to the voting booth where I have to vote 6.0%/5.7%/5.8% I won't be in Israel on the day of the elections 10.7%/2.8%/5.0% Other 30.8%/22.1%/24.5% Don't know/Decline to answer 2.2%/21.1%/15.9% Total 100.0%/100.0%/100.0% The Peace Index is a project of the Evens Program for Mediation and Conflict Resolution at Tel Aviv University and the Guttman Center for Surveys of the Israel Democracy Institute. This month's survey was conducted by telephone on December 29-31, 2014, by the Midgam Research Institute. The survey included 600 respondents, who constitute a representative national sample of the adult population aged 18 and over. The survey was conducted in Hebrew, Arabic, and Russian. The maximum measurement error for the entire sample is 4.1% at a confidence level of 95%. Statistical processing was done by Ms. Yasmin Alkalay. The Peace Index: December 2014 Date Published: 07/01/2015 Survey dates: 29/12/2014 - 31/12/2014 The picture that emerges from the Peace Index survey conducted on December 29-31 (before the results of the Likud primaries were announced) indicates that the right remains the dominant political force among the Jewish public. Who will set up the next government? About 60% of the Jewish public thinks the right-wing bloc has a better chance to establish the new government while only 24% believe the chances of the center-left bloc are better. When we asked which bloc the interviewees preferred to establish the next government, the gap had indeed narrowed a bit but the clear preference for the right remained: 55% preferred a right-wing government compared to 32.5% who preferred a center-left one. A comparison between the two questions shows that there are some who prefer a center-left government but still view the right as having better chances. The prevailing position (52%) in the Arab public is that the center-left bloc has the better chance to form the next government, and an even higher rate (63%) also prefers that it be the bloc to do so. To which bloc do the Jewish parties belong? Less than three months before the elections it appears that the various parties positions on the political-security issue are not completely clear. The two parties most identified in the Jewish public with the political-security right are Bayit Yehudi led by Naftali Bennett (72%) and Likud led by Binyamin Netanyahu (70.5%). Two other parties that are perceived by a certain majority as right-wing, though not as decisively as the two previous ones, are Ha’am Itanu led by Eli Yishai (52%) and Yisrael Beiteinu led by Avigdor Lieberman (51%). Shas led by Aryeh Deri is also more perceived as right-wing (41%) than as a centrist (23%) or leftist (7%) party. The parties most identified with the left are Meretz led by Zehava Galon (72%) and Labor-Hatnuah (the Zionist Camp) led by Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni (50%). Only two parties are identified by the highest rate as centrist on the political-security issue, though in these cases, too, not overwhelmingly so: Yesh Atid led by Yair Lapid (center's 46.5%, left's 24%, right's"8%) and Kulanu led by Moshe Kahlon (center's"31%, right's22%, left's5%). The data show, therefore, that the Jewish public is not sure about the political-security location of a considerable portion of the parties, especially with regard to (in order) Kulanu (not clear's"25%), Ha'am Itanu (18%), Yisrael Beiteinu (perhaps because of what is being said about Lieberman's centralization, and Shas (17% each). An interesting and somewhat disturbing finding in terms of political literacy is that among the Arab interviewees the highest rate of respondents (41%-50%) said, regarding each of the Jewish parties they were asked about, that it was not clear to them where it was located on the political-security right-center-left spectrum. Who is best suited to serve as the next prime minister? The dominance of the right is also clearly evident in the Jewish interviewees’ answers to this question. At the top of the list is Netanyahu with a preference rate of 34%. Although that is not a high rate in absolute terms, it certainly stands out compared to other candidates; the next highest preference rate is Herzog’s at 18%. In other words, the rate of those who see Herzog as the best-suited candidate for the prime minister’s post is about half the rate of those who see Netanyahu as most qualified to serve in the position, something that does not augur well for Herzog and his associates. In third place is Naftali Bennett with a preference rate of 10.5%, while Tzipi Livni comes in fourth with 6%. That is, the two leaders of the clearly right-wing parties—Likud and Bayit Yehudi's are preferred by 45% of the Jewish public while the two prominent leaders of the center-left bloc receive a joint preference rate of only 24% (the other leaders who were presented to the interviewees's Lieberman, Kahlon, and Lapid's each won a few percentage points from those who prefer that they head the government, not changing the overall picture). There is, then, a leader who is definitely preferred, but he too does not enjoy the preference of more than one-third of the public, a low rate considering that he is an incumbent candidate. The clear preference that the right-wing bloc enjoys among the Jewish public seems to raise a question about the fact that a much larger number (41%) said that the issue determining which party they will vote for is the socioeconomic one (only 33% chose the political-security issue as electorally decisive for them). For this seeming contradiction there are at least two explanations that do not preclude each other. First, it may be that many still believe that the right is better suited than the center-left to deal with the national problems in the socioeconomic area as well. Second, it is possible that the preference for the socioeconomic issue is merely a declarative statement's that is influenced by the prominence given this issue in the media discourse, while on the emotional level the public is closer to the political-security domain and will vote accordingly. Among the Arab respondents the highest rate chose the socioeconomic issue as deciding which party they will vote for (36%, compared to 29% who chose the political-security issue). However, a high percentage (24%) either said that another issue will influence their electoral preference or that they do not know what will influence them one way or the other. As for the candidate best suited to serve as prime minister, a majority (57%) of the Arab interviewees declined to respond or did not know; this is consistent with their difficulty in locating the Jewish parties on the political-security right-center-left spectrum, as we reported above. Among those who did have a preference regarding the identity of the candidate for prime minister, Livni and Herzog received the highest rates (10% for each) while the rest of the candidates received smaller rates. Was there a need to hold new elections and do you intend to vote? A majority of the Jewish public (55%) thinks the political situation in Israel did not justify holding new elections. The tendency to deny the need for elections is consistent with the prevailing assessment that the new government, too, will likely be formed by the right-wing bloc. As for taking part in the elections, a very large majority (89.5%) declared an intention to vote, of whom 75.4% reported that they are sure they will vote. On the question of whether the voters have already decided which party to vote for, it turns out that 59% have already decided while 40% have not yet done so. The various parties, then, can still try to convince a considerable percentage of the “floating†voters to give them their vote. At the same time, taking into account the perception of bloc affiliation of the parties we have reported on, it appears that, for the undecided, the choice of whom to vote for will mainly be between the parties perceived as belonging to the same bloc and not between parties belonging to different blocs. That is, if there are changes in the voters’ preferences, it appears that they will be mainly within blocs and not between blocs. Among the Arabs, whose level of support for the current government has been low throughout its tenure, a clear majority (70%) sees the holding of new elections as justified. In our survey 62% of the Arab respondents said that they were sure or that they thought they would go to vote, and of these about two-thirds had already decided which party to vote for. What is the preferred solution to the problem with the Palestinians? In the Jewish public we found a balance between, on the one hand, the rate who think that even for a peace agreement worked out under U.S. sponsorship that would include appropriate security arrangements, not even part of the settlements in Judea and Samaria should be evacuated (48%), and on the other, the rate of those who disagree with that position (46.5%). A balance also emerges in the responses to the question of which possibility would better ensure the future of the country: annexation of the territories and the establishment of a single state under Israeli rule (41%) or a division of the land and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state beside Israel (43%). However, a majority of the Jewish public (56%) now opposes the idea that in the framework of a permanent peace settlement under U.S. sponsorship that would include appropriate security arrangements, rule over the Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem could be transferred to the Palestinians. We wanted to know to what extent, in the Israeli public’s opinion, Israel should take into account the U.S. position on questions concerning a solution of the conflict with the Palestinians. About half of the Jewish public (50.5%) thinks Israel should not take it into account or should do so only a little. Conversely, 46% believe that the U.S. position should be taken into account to a great or a very great extent. In the Arab public, which apparently regards the United States as an actor that does not promote its interests, a majority (59%) thinks Israel should not take the Americans into account regarding its policy on the conflict. Given that most of the Jewish public prefers the right-wing bloc, the numerical balance between the supporters and opponents of a territorial compromise apparently indicates that some of the right's supporters in fact prefer the two-state solution, but think the right can better represent Israel's interests in permanent-status negotiations. In any case, a majority of the Jewish public (61%) thinks that no matter who sets up the next government and whatever policy it adopts, the peace process with the Palestinians is stalled and there is no chance of it progressing in the foreseeable future. In the Arab public the rate of those who think the situation is at a standstill is in fact somewhat smaller than among the Jews (51%), but it is higher than the rate of those who think there is a chance of progress in the negotiations in the foreseeable future (39%). The involvement of international actors: A large majority of the Jewish public (70%) thinks the growing trend among European parliaments to call on their governments to officially recognize a Palestinian state before a peace agreement is reached damages Israeli's national interests. This figure indicates that even among supporters of a two-state solution, the majority does not think the initiative of these Europe parliaments is beneficial to Israel. This position is more widespread, as one would expect, among those identifying themselves as right-wing or in the center (74% in both camps), but even on the left the rate of those who think the European initiative harms Israel's national interests (53%) is considerably higher than the rate of those who believe it contributes to those interests (28%). Negotiations indexes: General 50.7 (Jews 44.4) The Peace Index is a project of the Evens Program for Mediation and Conflict Resolution at Tel Aviv University and the Guttman Center for Surveys of the Israel Democracy Institute. This month's survey was conducted by telephone on December 29-31, 2014, by the Midgam Research Institute. The survey included 600 respondents, who constitute a representative national sample of the adult population aged 18 and over. The survey was conducted in Hebrew, Arabic, and Russian. The maximum measurement error for the entire sample is 4.1% at a confidence level of 95%. Statistical processing was done by Ms. Yasmin Alkalay. Contact |
The article below was written by Mike Gonzalez who is
senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation, is a widely
experienced international correspondent, commentator and
editor who has reported from Asia, Europe and Latin America.
He served in the George W. Bush Administration first at the
Securities and Exchange Commission and then at the State
Department, and is the author of, "A Race for the Future: How
Conservatives Can Break the Liberal Monopoly on Hispanic
Americans,". This article appeared January 07, 2015 on The
Daily Signal and is archived at
![]() On Sept. 13, 2001, two days after 9/11, the Parisian daily Le Monde published an editorial titled "Nous sommes tous Americains," or "We Are All Americans" in the language of Moliere. It shocked many, not least Le Monde’s legions of readers. "How can we not feel, as we have in the gravest moments of our history, but profoundly in solidarity with this people and this country, the United States, with whom we are so close and to whom we owe our liberty, and therefore our solidarity," wrote the long-time editor of Le Monde, Jean-Marie Colombani. It was an extraordinary event, not least because Le Monde is a leftist publication not exactly known for pro-American affectations. Colombani's mention of the U.S. role in liberating France from Hitler's grip was stunning. There are many grateful Frenchmen who remember the GIs, but they are usually in places like Normandy and the Ardennes, not in the Left Bank of Paris. It is in this vein that many Americans are reacting today to the carnage in eastern Paris, where two gunmen invaded the headquarters of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 and wounding many others. The Daily Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation. We'll respect your inbox and keep you informed. The crime has all the look of a terrorist Islamic attack, as Charlie Hebdo delights in ridiculing all religions, including Islam. But the reason many Americans today are feeling that Nous sommes tous Francais runs deeper than mere alliance in the war on terror. Republican fellow feelings and memories of Lafayette and Rochambeau are suddenly awakened even in the most recalcitrant New England Yankee. The good feelings that followed 9/11 in Paris were quickly dissipated and France soon went back to being "a prickly ally," in Henry Kissinger's description. Colombani got a ton of letters from irate socialist readers who pretty much said, "I definitely am not an American." Likewise, here we will soon go back to our uneasy relationship with France. Just not today. Today is the day to remember and honor Alexis de Toqueville, the Frenchman who understood us better than many Americans, and to repay Colombani the favor by remembering the role the French played in our independence. Contact Daily Signal at |
THE WAGES OF APPEASEMENTPosted by Steven Plaut, January 08, 2015 |
Dear French People! We just wanted to thank you this week in Paris near the Bastille for having recognized the "right" of the "Palestinians" to have their own "state" in Israeli lands! We hope you enjoyed our thank you gesture. Signed, The Armed Lovers of Peace and Jihad Offering the French Land for Peace |
Never one to back down from a challenge, I have prepared a set of proposals for consideration by the French people, so they too can achieve a full, lasting, and just peace with their historic opponents. First, we all agree that territory must not be annexed by force. Therefore, we can also agree that Germany has a moral right to demand the return of Alsace-Lorraine, for the French aggression in 1945 and its consequent occupation must not be rewarded. "A full withdrawal for full peace" should operate here. Further, France must agree to the return and rehabilitation of all ethnic Germans expelled from Alsace-Lorraine after World Wars I and II, as well as all those they define as their descendents. But this, of course, is just the first step toward a solution, as no aggression can be rewarded—and France has much other stolen territory to return. It took Corsica from Genoa, Nice and Savoy from Piedmont; as the successor state, Italy must get back all these lands. By similar token, territories grabbed from the Habsburgs go back to Austria, including Franche-Comte, Artois, and historic Burgundy. The Roussillon area (along the Pyrenees) must be returned to Spain, its rightful owner. And Normandy, Anjou, Aquitaine, and Gascony must be returned to their rightful owners, the British royal family. Not even this not enough for the sake of peace. Brittany and Languedoc must be granted autonomy at once, recognizing the Breton and Occitan Liberation organizations as their legal rulers. This leaves the French government in control over the Île de France (the area around Paris). That, however, still does not solve the problem of the Holy City of Paris, sacred to artists, gourmets, and adulterers. The Corsicans obviously have a historic claim to the Tomb of the Emperor Napoleon, their famed son, as well as the Invalides complex and beyond. For the sake of peace, is it not too much to ask that Paris be the capital for two peoples? The French authorities must agree to prevent French Parisians from even entering the sacred tomb area, lest this upset the Corsicans. The Saint Chapelle and the Church of Notre Dame of course will be internationalized, under joint Vatican-art historical auspices. Indeed, the French should consider it a compliment of the highest order that so many people see Paris as an international city. The French have nothing to complain of. They will enjoy the benefits of peace and retain control of the Champs Elysees. Actually, come to think of it, even the Champs Elysees may be too much. Recalling the French position that Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel, perhaps the true French capital is not Paris at all, but Vichy. Steven Plaut is an American-born Israeli associate professor of Business Administration at the University of Haifa and a writer. |
The article below was written by Padraig Reidy who
is the former senior writer with the Index on Censorship.
This article appeared January 07, 2015 on The Telegraph
and is archived at
It is tempting to think the Islamic fanaticism is purely a reaction to the West, but jihadists kill because that is what they do. We'd forgotten about Charlie Hebdo. In 2011, the satirical magazine, firmly rooted in the anti-clericalism of the French left, was firebombed after it published an edition poking fun at Islam: "100 lashes if you don't die of laughter", read the cover. At the time, unthinkable in the light of today's attack on Charlie's office, there was "debate" over whether the magazine's cartoonists and editors had "gone too far". Bruce Crumley, a correspondent for Time, rushed to condemn not the bombers, but the scribblers. "Not only are such Islamophobic antics [as publishing cartoons] futile and childish," he wrote, "but they also openly beg for the very violent responses from extremists their authors claim to proudly defy in the name of common good. What common good is served by creating more division and anger, and by tempting belligerent reaction?" He went on: "Do you still think the price you paid for printing an offensive, shameful, and singularly humor-deficient parody on the logic of 'because we can' was so worthwhile? If so, good luck with those charcoal drawings your pages will now be featuring." The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to |
The answer is that it will have no effect upon the French. They believe that by standing in the streets with a sign or slogan about liberty is sufficient. The issue is not liberty. It is about the threat that Islam poses to western civilization. These young men are fighters in their own cause. They believe just as the simple un-sophisticated farm boys who after Pearl Harbor volunteered for the Marines and Paratroopers and who took the most horrific blows that the enemy could deliver. It is not about young people that are economically dis-advantaged. After all the entire Muslim population of the MIddle East, with the exception of Israeli-Arabs, live well below western standards. The issue is that after a long period of suppression the Islamic thirst for empire has been "re-fluxed" into the Islamic gut. This is a war upon the Judeo-Christian ethos. Our problem is that in another epoch when another vicious ideology arose in Europe (Nazism) the Europeans were passive and America had to actually invade Europe in order to save the French, Italians and others from Nazism. At least at that time the British, Canadians and Australians fought with us. This time I am afraid that there are too many of the enemy already occupying England and Canada. The article below was written by Seth Lipsky who is the founder and editor of the New York Sun, an independent conservative daily in New York City that ceased its print edition on September 30, 2008. This article appeared January 07, 2015 on Haaretz and is archived at |
And how will the free press feel, after it supported Edward Snowden or Julian Assange, if it discovers that closer state surveillance could have foreseen today's massacre? ![]() French soldiers patrol near the Eiffel Tower in Paris as part of the highest level of "Vigipirate" security plan after a shooting at the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, Jan. 7, 2015. Photo by Reuters The big question in the wake of the massacre at Charlie Hebdo is whether the slaughter will bring France out of its corner in the war on Islamic terror. France has seen some appalling crimes – including attacks against Jews – that could be linked, broadly, to the global war against Islamist terror. But the attack on the satirical weekly takes, by dint of its body count, things to a new level. It's hard to see how France, or any country, will be able to revert to the status quo ante. In France, there has been a kind of quasi war measured by what is known as the Plan Vigipirate. The plan was started in the 1970s by President Giscard d'Estaing and established a national alert system. Things were stepped up under the Plan Vigipirate in 1995, after a Jewish school was bombed and attacks began on the Paris Metro. The latter, which killed eight persons and injured scores, were the work of the Armed Islamic Group, which aimed to set up an Islamist state at Algeria. It's too soon to know the details of the attack on Charlie Hebdo, but French Francois President Hollande has declared it terrorism. The alert under Plan Vigipirate has been raised, at least in the Ile de France, to its highest level, after the assault on the Charlie Hebdo headquarters in the Rue Serpollet, which is among a labyrinth of narrow streets in the 20th arrondissement. The target can, in Charlie Hebdo, be seen as a kind of marker of the ideology of secular France. The magazine has been particularly unbridled in its mocking Islamists from a left-of-center perspective. It stood, courageously in the view of many, for the right of satire in the wake of the publication of the Danish cartoons. In 2011, Charlie Hebdo was fire-bombed after it issued one of its most famous covers, which "renamed" the magazine Charia Hebdo. he paper, while stridently secular, had also – particularly under its previous editor, Philippe Val – tilted toward Israel. I was reminded of that by an ex-colleague, Michel Gurfinkiel, a Paris-based pro-Israel journalist who characterized Val, a comedian, as having gone in the opposite direction of, say, Sine, another writer for Charlie Hebdo, and the comedian Dieudonne M'bala M'bala, who mocks Jews, uses a parody of the Hitler salute, and is banned from performing in France. Val left Charlie Hebdo several years ago. While at the paper, he took what Gurfinkiel calls a hard line that it was inappropriate to demonize the Jewish state. If it is confirmed that the attack was by Islamist terrorists – the audio of one film that was uploaded to the Internet appears to capture gunmen shouting "Allahu Akbar"("God is greatest" in Arabic) – all eyes will be on France to see what happens next. It's not that France has been entirely out of the fight on Islamic terror. A few hours before the attack on Charlie Hebdo, Agence France Press reported that the Charles de Gaulle, the aircraft carrier that is the flagship of the French fleet, would be deployed to the Gulf to take part in operations against the Islamist State. France, though, has always seemed to hang back a bit. Gurfinkiel calls this a "tradition," with the French authorities "hoping to know more" by leaving hostile elements at large in France while keeping an eye on them. That starts to look like a risky strategy in an era of so-called "lone wolf" terrorist attacks. France is still more than two years away from its next presidential election, but already its former president, the relatively hardline Nicholas Sarkozy is trying to position himself for a comeback. The impact of the attack on Charlie Hebdo could also be felt far from France, particularly because it targeted the press. The press has sought largely to stay neutral in the global war on terrorism or has tilted against the hawkish camp. But what position will the newspapers take after having expressed support for Julian Assange or Edward Snowden, if it turns out that this attack could have been foreseen by more aggressive collection and mining of the metadata? Contact Saul Goldman at Saul Goldman at |
THE IMPASSE IN IRAQPosted by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, January 08, 2015 |
However, is that really forthcoming? If not, why not?The new Iraqi premier Hayder Abadi — hailing from the Islamic Da'wah Party of his predecessor Nouri al-Maliki — is generally seen as a more conciliatory figure than Maliki, who is in contrast widely condemned for perceived sectarian policies that led to the deterioration in the security situation.However, reconciliation must entail more than mere allocation of government positions to Sunni political figures who have become ever more detached from their constituencies. It must also include reforms on the ground that will make Sunni locals more amenable to working with the security reforms and integrate them into the post-Saddam order. One place to start would be amendments to de-Ba'athification legislation that was initiated after the overthrow of Saddam's regime and came to be seen as 'de-Sunnification'. And in that regard, nothing seems forthcoming. The response to the Sunni protests of 2013 is instructive here. While it is widely claimed that Maliki did not attempt to make any concessions to protestor demands, such conventional wisdom is untrue. Through working with then deputy Sunni premier Saleh al-Mutlaq, Maliki allowed for meaningful reforms to de-Ba'athification to be put to parliament, but the legislation quickly died, most notably facing opposition from the Sadrists. It is indeed telling that when it came to this rather important issue on reconciliation, Maliki comes across as the moderate, illustrating the wider Shia political spectrum's reluctance to consider such reforms, fearful at least of a supposed return to the prior Sunni-dominated order. More recent attempts at Sunni empowerment in the form of provincial autonomy have similarly been put down across the spectrum, partly due to belief that greater autonomy would only create problems akin to the constant disputes between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Baghdad. Today, the notion of de-Ba'athification amendments is not even put to discussion. Indeed, the rise of IS, with the collapse of conventional army divisions caused by the group's conquests in the north of the country, has only compounded the impasse, because it has helped midwife the birth of dozens of Shia militias while strengthening in particular the hand of long-established Iranian proxies (Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Kata'ib Hezbollah, Badr), the last of which was awarded the Interior Ministry and has spearheaded military operations south of Baghdad and in the mixed province of Diyala. For the militias, the struggle is perceived — not wholly without justification — as existential in light of IS's genocidal anti-Shia sentiments. Yet that only further damages chances at reconciliation, as the general tendency among Shia militias is to treat all Sunnis in a combat zone as IS, which has resulted in ethnic cleansing in areas like Jurf al-Sakhr (south of Baghdad) and the wider Baghdad belt area. Considering that the militias are unlikely to simply disband and will seek to exert influence, Abadi's efforts will likely only be undercut further. This is well illustrated in the recent hostility shown by Kata'ib Hezbollah to Abadi's floundering National Guard legislation that aims to create local Sunni forces to fight IS, saying it will treat the formations as an 'American-affiliated Sahwa.' As the Iranian proxies in particular frame the recent upheaval as an American conspiracy against Iraq, such enmity is sure to create conflict and hinder a coordinated effort to roll back IS. But is the impasse wholly or primarily to be blamed on the Shia side? Stay tuned for part two, which will explore the issues regarding Sunnis and Iraq's impasse. (PART 2: THE SUNNI SIDE)
However, it does not follow that Iraq's impasse is solely the fault of the country's Shi'a. Any analysis must also address the issue of Sunni rejectionism: that is, an absolute unwillingness to accept the post-Saddam order, with aspirations for 'revolution' (thawra) in the overthrow of the central government. Such rejectionism is embodied in the fact that none of the main Sunni insurgent brands accepts the notion of working within the system. Rather, believing Sunni Arabs to be at least a plurality if not a majority of Iraq's population (an erroneous belief), they all currently aim for 'revolution' with fantastical notions of the conquest of Baghdad. Indeed, rejectionism has even more currency than during the height of the U.S. occupation as a perceived failure of the political process for Sunnis has given credence to the narrative of groups that have rejected the idea of working within the system all along, such as the Ba'athist-Sufi Jaysh Rijal al-Tariqa al-Naqshbandia (JRTN), widely considered the second most powerful insurgent group after the Islamic State (IS). Yet, this rejectionism has also helped facilitate the rise of IS, which initially worked with other Sunni insurgent groups in bringing about the downfall of the major cities of Fallujah, Mosul and Tikrit but has since come to dominate these places at the expense of the likes of JRTN. In one case, that of rival jihadi group Jamaat Ansar al-Islam, the group has been absorbed into IS through pledges of allegiance while the remainder has disbanded and quit the field. Despite such developments, the prevalence of rejectionism means that the wider insurgency generally remains in denial that the IS phenomenon constitutes a problem, such that there even tends to be avoidance of mentioning IS by name, with no honest condemnation of the worst of IS' excesses including the targeting of minorities like the Yezidis and Christians as well as destruction of shrines and heritage sites. The JRTN goes so far as to blame the government for these actions. Such denial and lack of attachment to reality can only amount to complicity in IS' crimes. With belief in the inevitability of 'revolution' and fighting IS not viewed as a priority, the Sunni insurgent groups with their rejectionism and support bases prove a huge obstacle to forming a coherent local Sunni force within Iraq to push back IS. Indeed, they all denounce current premier Hayder Abadi's National Guard plans and similar hopes to incorporate more Sunnis into the security forces as nefarious schemes aimed at destroying the 'revolution' and/or provoking an internal Sunni civil war to facilitate Iranian domination. Meanwhile, the coalition airstrikes targeting IS are presented as being part of a wider international war against Sunnis and Islam. Not all Sunni groups have avoided speaking frankly about problems with IS, but the results of localized open clashes have never gone in their favour, pointing to the weakness of a lack of a united Sunni front against IS. A case-in-point is the Salafi group Jaysh al-Mujahideen, which openly condemned IS in a lengthy tract issued in January 2014. The group clashed with IS in the locality of al-Karma in Anbar province in August 2014, but was forced to withdraw from the main town. Despite this major loss, nothing points to Jaysh al-Mujahideen members and/or leaders being open to the idea of working with the government against IS. In sum, Iraq's current round of major instability may not be as bloody as the dark days of the 2006 civil war, but with so many obstacles on both sides hindering a major accord between Sunni and Shi'a in Iraq, this phase of conflict is set to be a protracted war over many years to come Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi is a graduate from Brasenose College, Oxford University, and a Jihad-Intel Research Fellow at the Middle East Forum. Contact him by e-mail at |
The day after the attack, the remaining staff of Charlie Hebdo announced that publication would continue, with the next week's edition of the newspaper to be released on the usual schedule, but with a greatly increased print run of 1,000,000 copies. |
In the Planet of the Apes, there will be no more any Charlie Hebdos or Charb. Charb was mowed down along with dozen of his fellow Cartoonists and Writers in his office by Islamist gunmen who barged into the Paris office of the Cartoon magazine on January 7th 2015 Over the years this small satirical cartoonists' magazine Charlie Hebdos refused to bow down to threats of violence issued against their Caricaturing and Criticism of Islam and its prophet. The reason why Charlies won't exist but only the likes of uncritical apes has already been prophesied by the President of world's foremost democracy – "There will be no future in this world for those who 'blaspheme' the prophet" declared Obama-while mobs went on worldwide rampage, dragging another Charlie- an US ambassador in Benghazi besides killing scores of people, arson of churches and synagogues. The 'vast majority of peaceful Muslims' were obviously inflamed over a film that no one dared run in theatres, and still put on the Youtube-the innocence of muslims. Instead of standing up for the American Constitution and its First Amendment, the world wide mobs were assured by her President and liberals that there would be no place in future for such 'blasphemers'. By gunning down the entire editorial crew of Charlie in Paris, the Islamists merely showed us How so. It is reassuring that it's now clear there won't be any future for those who critique Islam and its prophet – though that shouldn't matter since 'vast majority' as we all must agree to believe about Muslims 'are always peaceful'. The Dhimmis are non-muslims who would be suffered a second class status; while as the Hadith spells out- 'shall ever have tongues tied and their lips clipped'. In other words, they shall not dare utter anything about Islam besides what Islam and its clerics tell them. Sadly, this all round submissive behavior and assurance to uphold the Threat by Islam to gag its criticism had left the few like Charlie Hebdo standing all alone in a world of dhimmis. MOHAMAD'S INSTRUCTIONS TO KILL CRITICS What is still ironical is that the world has agreed to this gag order by the toughs of Islam. It still goes by the rules of its Totalitarian dogmas, and carefully keeps away from public view the real motivation of all these assaults on lives and liberties. By pleading on behalf of Islamists and rephrasing threats our own leaders, media and establishment demands nothing short of the surrender of our freedoms. By deflecting attention away from the source of all this violent behavior of Islamists which is very plainly in sight in their sacred texts- the very lethal ideas contained in those texts are also kept beyond any possible critical Re evaluation. The hitmen merely execute those verses- like terrorists act out what pleases Allah, as it is described in those Scriptural texts. Where did the killers of Charlie Hebdo journos get their idea to silence the critics of Islam and its prophet? This not so hard to guess or fathom out, as Islam's sacred books clearly show what its founder wanted be done to the critics of the faith. Uqba bin Abu Muayt Uqba harassed and mocked Muhammad in Mecca and wrote derogatory verses about him (cf. Sura 83:13). He was captured during the Battle of Badr in AD 624, and Muhammad ordered him to be executed. "But who will look after my children, O Muhammad?" Uqba cried with anguish. "Hell," retorted the prophet coldly. Then the sword of one of his followers cut through Uqba's neck. Source: Bukhari, vol. 4, no. 2934; Muslim, vol. 3, nos. 4422, 4424.These three passages from the hadith depict Muhammad calling on Allah for revenge on this poet. See also Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad, trans. A. Guillaume, (Oxford UP, 1955, 2004), p. 308 (Arabic page p. 458). March 624: Asma bint Marwan Asma was a poetess who belonged to a tribe of Medinan pagans, and whose husband was named Yazid b. Zayd. She composed a poem blaming the Medinan pagans for obeying a stranger (Muhammad) and for not taking the initiative to attack him by surprise. When the Allah-inspired prophet heard what she had said, he asked, "Who will rid me of Marwan's daughter?" A member of her husband's tribe volunteered and crept into her house that night. She had five children, and the youngest was sleeping at her breast. The assassin gently removed the child, drew his sword, and plunged it into her, killing her in her sleep. The following morning, the assassin defied anyone to take revenge. No one took him up on his challenge, not even her husband. In fact, Islam became powerful among his tribe. Previously, some members who had kept their conversion secret now became Muslims openly, "because they saw the power of Islam," conjectures Ibn Ishaq. Source: Ibn Ishaq, pp. 675-76 / 995-96. April 624: Abu Afak Abu Afak, an centenarian elder of Medina, belonging to a group of clans who were associated with the god Manat (though another account has him as a Jew), wrote a derogatory poem about Muhammad, extolling the ancestors of his tribe who were strong enough to overthrow mountains and to resist submitting to an outsider (Muhammad) who divides two large Medinan tribes with religious commands like "permitted" and "forbidden." That is, the poet is referring to Muhammad's legal decrees about things that are forbidden (e.g. pork and alcohol) and permitted (e.g. other meats like beef and camel). Before the Battle of Badr, Muhammad let him live. After the battle, the prophet queried, "Who will deal with this rascal for me?" That night, Salim b. Umayr "went forth and killed him." One of the Muslims wrote a poem in reply: "A hanif [monotheist or Muslim] gave you a thrust in the night saying 'Take that Abu Afak in spite of your age!'" These are just the few among 40 others who lost place in their future, like Obama assures those who 'blaspheme' the prophet of Islam. So we can read clearly that the idea to kill and silence those who critique or slight Islam is very much mainstream and a core belief in its doctrines. This must make us then ask this question- do most Muslims agree with this precept of Killing Critics of faith or not? The motive doesn't belong to some terrorist group or a fringe that 'misinterpret' Islamic doctrines or some 'ideology' invented from thin air. It stems from the very demonstrative precept of its Prophet and enshrined as a fundamental tenet and sacred guideline for behavior towards Criticism. As long as Islam and its texts are revered and practiced in present form - the reaction of the Umma towards critics and any critique towards Islam, is bound to be the same as Charlie Hebdo. The precept in its Texts is clear towards violence and murder of Critics of Islam. Islam and its hit men demand Submission to this Sharia or Sacred Law that Apostates and Critics must be silenced or risk violence and killings. Charlie Hebdo's editor in chief and his dozen editorial team most valiantly stood up and said- "I would rather go down die standing, than live kneeling". Kneel down before whom? That is what is kept beyond question- Mohamad and his words. While Muslims accept both, without questions- the rest of humanity is also demanded that it shares the same Submissive outlook and behavior towards Mohamad and his words. Any refusal is made out as 'offensive' to 'sensibilities' and any defiance carries risk of violence and murders. This is an unreasonable demand to ape Muslims in their attitude and behavior towards Mohamad and his words, and should humanity comply with it? Should humanity remain quiet without questions or objections to the ideas of Mohammad, even if they are aware those ideas call for extermination and subjugation of categories of people-such as Idolators, Jews and Crusaders? To evade this most simple and basic question is to evade humanity's worst ever existential threat. For if we agree to 'tie our tongues', we agree to turn into Apes and make this free world a planet of the Apes. This worldwide Conflict now is at same stage when the residents of Mecca were told that a new creed amidst them called Islam expects them to behave. Most that resisted were killed and those who refused to shut up would be marked and eliminated. But one Charlie Hebdo in Mecca would remain defiant as this Terrorism keeps escalating and making most submit to its demands in return for peace. His name was Kab bin Al Ashraf, a Satirical Poet. September 624: Kab bin al-Ashraf Kab b. al-Ashraf had a mixed ancestry. His father came from a nomadic Arab, but his mother was a Jewess from the powerful al-Nadr tribe in Medina. He lived as a member of his mother's tribe. He heard about the Muslim victory at the battle of Badr, and he was disgusted, for he thought Muhammad the newcomer to Medina was a trouble-maker and divisive. Kab had the gift of poetry, and after the Battle of Badr he traveled down to Mecca, apparently stopping by Badr, since it was near a major trade route to Mecca, witnessing the aftermath. Arriving in Mecca, he wrote a widely circulated poem, a hostile lament, over the dead of Mecca.
Pro-Muslim poets answered Kab's poem with ones of their own, and that was enough for his hosts in Mecca to turn him out. He returned to Medina, writing some amatory verses about Muslim women, a mistake compounded on a mistake, given the tense climate in Medina and Muhammad's victory at Badr. For example, right after the battle Muhammad assembled a Jewish tribe, the Qaynuqa, and warned them as follows: "O Jews, beware lest God bring upon you the vengeance that He brought upon Quraysh [large Meccan tribe at Badr], and become Muslims." ... In late spring (April-June) Muhammad then expelled the Jewish tribe. Angered by the poems and now able to strike back after Badr and the exile, Muhammad had had enough. He asked, "Who would rid me of [Kab]?" Five Muslims volunteered, one of whom was Kab's foster-brother named Abu Naila. They informed him, "O apostle of God [Muhammad], we shall have to tell lies." He answered, "Say what you like, for you are free in the matter." They set upon a clever plan. Abu Naila and another conspirator visited Kab, and they cited poetry together, the three appreciating the art, and chatted leisurely, so the two would not raise suspicions of their conspiracy. Then, after a long time, Abu-Naila lied just as he said he would. He said he was tired of Muhammad because "he was a very great trial for us." Muhammad provoked the hostility of the Arabs, and they were all in league against the Medinans. Abu Naila complained that the roads had become impassable and trade was hampered, so that their families were in want, privation, and great distress. Kab, in effect, said to his foster brother, "I told you so." Then the foster-brother asked him for a loan of a camel load or two of food. Kab agreed, but only on the collateral of Abu-Naila's sons. The foster-brother refused, and Kab asked for his women, but he again refused. Finally, Abu Naila offered his and his conspirators' weapons. That arrangement provided the cover they needed to carry weapons right into Kab’s presence without alarm. Kab agreed, "Weapons are a good pledge." The two visitors departed, stopped by the other three, and told them of the plan. Not long afterwards, gathering their weapons, they went to Muhammad, who sent them off with this wish: "Go in God's name; O God, help them." They set out under a moonlit night until they made it to a fortress, one of several that the Jewish tribe had built in the rough environment of Arabia. In fact, the ruin of the fortress where Kab resided can be seen even today near Medina. They called out to him. Kab had recently married, and his wife, hearing their yells, said, "You are at war, and those who are at war do not go out at this hour ... I hear evil [or blood] in his voice." But the custom of hospitality in the Arab world was strong. Her husband told her that they were only his foster-brother and his foster-brother's partners, adding that "a generous man should respond to a call at night, even if invited to be killed." Kab came down and greeted them. Abu Naila suggested they go for a walk. The signal to kill was as follows: Abu Naila would run his hand through Kab's hair, complimenting him on his perfume, three times. This he did, yelling, "Smite the enemy of God!" Kab mounted a strong defense, so their swords were ineffective. Finally, one of the conspirators remembered his dagger, stabbed Kab in the belly, and then bore it down until it reached Kab's genitals, killing him. They made it back to Muhammad, but only after difficulty, since in the dark they had wounded one of their own. They saluted the prophet as he stood praying, and he came out to them. They told him that the mission was accomplished. He spat on their comrade's wound, and they returned to their families. Their attack on Kab sent shock waves into the Jewish community, so that "there was no Jew in Medina who did not fear for his life," reports Ibn Ishaq. Ibn Ishaq also clearly shows what they did with the five severed heads- they were brought to the presence of the Prophet amid frenzied howling of Allahu akbars. Kab al ashraf went down to his death standing- Some people whose anger pleases me say, "Kab b. al-Ashraf is utterly dejected." They are right. On that the earth when they were killed Had split asunder and engulfed its people, That he who spread the report had been thrust through Or lived cowering blind and deaf. Are we all Charlie hebdos? Je Suis Charlie or Je Suis Dhimmi? That is the question History poses before humanity today and it must make its choice. Its most powerful President is saying- there shall be no place in future for those who 'blaspheme' Islam and its prophet. While its hit men reenact the grim and chilling acts of murder and mayhem of 7th century Mecca. Would it be able to truly defy the Kalashnikovs and bombs to say what Charlie Hebdo's editor Charb Stephannier said loudly in Paris? Or what Kab in al ashraf composed walking the terrorized streets of 7th century Mecca in defiance of swords of Islam? "I would rather go down and die Standing, than kneel down and live?" That Submission is what Islam means and humanity is intimated and coerced into in all this Political Correctness about Islam. "That he who spread the report had been thrust through Or lived cowering blind and deaf" Blind to the menacing march of a triumphant Militant Islam and deaf to the warning voices against this totalitarianism and its approach of terror. Dr Aron Aronite is a medical practitioner by profession and a spiritualist by tradition. Contact Aronite at |
A EULOGY TO AN INSPIRATION, JOAN PETERSPosted by Israel Behind the News, January 08, 2015 |
The article below was written by David Bedein who is an MSW
community organizer and an investigative journalist. In
1987, Bedein established the Israel Resource News Agency at
Beit Agron to accompany foreign journalists in their coverage
of Israel, to balance the media lobbies established by the PLO
and their allies. Mr. Bedein has reported for news outlets
such as CNN Radio, Makor Rishon, Philadelphia Inquirer, Los
Angeles Times, BBC and The Jerusalem Post, For four years, Mr.
Bedein acted as the Middle East correspondent for The
Philadelphia Bulletin, writing 1,062 articles until the
newspaper ceased operation in 2010. This article appeared
January 08, 2015 on Israel Behind the News and is archived at
Joan Peters died Monday night at her home in Chicago. Her funeral will be on Thursday, January 8 at 10 AM at Anshe Emet, 3751 N. Broadway, in Chicago. Joan was best known for her landmark book: "From Time Immemorial," published in 1984, which caused unprecedented heartache to detractors of Israel. Joan's book was the first academic study published in the modern era which documented how the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, UNRWA, perpetuates the refugee status of Arabs who were displaced, or left voluntarily, during the War of Independence. Today, as Joan predicted would happen, UNRWA has become an integral part of efforts to undermine Israel's standing in the eyes of the world and in its own eyes. A 1984 review of Joan's book by Dr. Daniel Pipes analyzes the strength of her research: "Making use of work done by Kemal Karpat in the Ottoman records, Miss Peters ascertains the non-Jewish population in 1893 of the area that would later form Palestine under the British Mandate. She then divides this area into three parts: one without Jewish settlement, one with light Jewish settlement, and one with heavy Jewish settlement. She compares the non-Jewish population of each of these parts in 1893 and 1947, on the eve of Israel's independence. In the area of no Jewish settlement, the non-Jewish population stood in 1893 at 337,200; in 1947 it was 730,000, a growth of 116 percent. In the area of light Jewish settlement, the non-Jewish population grew in the same period from 38,900 to 110,900 or 185 percent. Finally, in the area of heavy Jewish settlement, the non-Jewish population grew from 92,300 in 1893 to 462,000 in 1947—or 401 percent. From these figures Miss Peters concludes that "the Arab population appears to have increased in direct proportion to the Jewish presence." Only a year after the publication of "From Time Immemorial", the UN General Assembly passed a resolution in December 1985 that rejected all efforts to require UNRWA to help Arab refugees engage in a process of resettlement and rehabilitation. Joan Peters had written at the time that Mordecai Ben Porat, a minister in the Israeli government was asked by Israeli Prime Minister Begin to research ways to settle the Palestinian Arab refugees in humanitarian conditions. However, Ben Porat was indeed thwarted in his efforts by the UN resolution preventing their move to new quarters, as explained above and concluded in Ben Porat's book, Will there Always Be Refugees, often cited by Peters: "Preservation of the image of miserable, homeless, and penniless refugees has... ruled out any possibility of dealing with the issues...the funds initially intended to erase the refugee problem have become a powerful instrument intent on preserving this very problem.". In an interview published in November, 2014 in the Sovereignty magazine, published in Jerusalem, Peters updated her scathing analysis of UNRWA "UNRWA has been perpetrating fraud against the Jewish nation and against the world since they became the only 'refugee' organ solely dedicated to one group of the world's refugees. The Arab refugees, who really ran or were displaced during Israel's War of Independence, were a small group when compared to the world’s hundreds of millions displaced during wars and strife. The Arabs were also a much smaller actual number than the Jewish Arab-born refugees forced to flee from Arab countries. But the Arabs were counted over and over, going back and forth from the refugee camps. As American congressmen have attested, fraud was committed constantly, aided by the almost totally Arab staff in the UNRWA employ", Now for a personal word. Joan's work inspired a metamorphosis in my career, as a social worker and as a journalist. Twenty seven years of professional devotion to UNRWA reform emanated from the inspiration that I received from Joan Peters, whom I interviewed in 1987. Joan Peters should be credited in her passing as the pioneer who generated concern over the fact that a bona fide agency of the UNITED NATIONS – UNRWA – actually preserves the indignity of Arabs confined to refugee conditions for 66 years under the specious premise of the "right of return" to Arab villages that existed before 1948. Many years ago, when Joan Peters was staying at the King David Hotel, I took my children to express appreciation to her for her courage. My I express that appreciation now to Joan Peters, as she is laid to rest. Contact Israel Behind the News at |
Editorial Note Ever since 1948, Palestinian academics compared Israel to a colonial state and, later, to apartheid state of South Africa deserving of boycott. The theme was picked up by Uri Davis, a card-carrying member of Matzpen who immigrated to England in the 1970s. Yet as hard as the Palestinians tried to make the case for apartheid and BDS it did not stick. The reason was simple: in the complex logic of academic discourse, Palestinian could not persuade the larger community that they were impartial analysts. Davis, the then virtually lone Jew, was considered too much of a political activist to make a credible argument. It probably did not help his credentials when he converted to Islam, married a Palestinian woman and joined the PLO. Enter the post-Zionists. On faculty of respectable Israeli universities, they recycled the old Palestinian charges under the guise of New History, New Sociology or New Whatever. Ilan Pappe is a case in point. Pappe, a member of the Communist party, has a history of radicalizing his own claims about the alleged Israeli atrocities committed by Israel in 1948. Even a perfunctory look at his books illustrates the trend; from a rather tepid recall of the 1948 war in his doctoral dissertation, Pappe has graduated to ethnic cleansing and, most recently, to "incremental genocide," quoted in the article below. In spite of shoddy and highly politicized scholarship, Pappe is a fixture in the BDS circles, incessantly quoted and summarized. It is hardly accidental that Omar Barghouti starts his review of the BDS achievements in 2014 with a reference to the "prominent Israeli historian Pappe." After more than a decade of such fawning references, Pappe is probably convinced that he is a "prominent" historian. Here is a simple test that Pappe should take; he needs to ask himself whether he would be considered "prominent" and constantly paraded if he were an Arab. The answer is a resounding No! After all, Pappe says the same things that many Palestinian and Arab scholars have said, but no one displays them all the time. The case of Benny Morris, is also pertinent here; as long as Morris was writing books supporting ethnic cleansing, he, too, was a hero to the BDS crowd, reverentially referred to as a "prominent historian." Once Morris had changed his political ideas and adjusted his texts accordingly, he was dropped like a hot potato by the BDS circles. Pappe probably does not have enough humility to take the test. But if he does, he would find out that he is a trophy of the BDS movement. |
2014: Shattering the Academic Boycott of Israel Taboo Israel's massacre in Gaza during the summer was its worst to date against Palestinians under its occupation. Its barbaric siege and systematic denial of basic needs to the 1.8 million Palestinians in the world's largest prison camp, the Gaza Strip, has been described as "incremental genocide" by the prominent Israeli historian Ilan Pappe and as collective punishment and a war crime by leading human rights organizations around the world Israel's ethnic cleansing and state-enabled fanatic settlers' violence against the indigenous Palestinian communities in Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and the Naqab (Negev) have reached an unprecedented intensity and criminality. Israel's parliament has shed any mask of supposed democracy, revealing the true nature Israel's regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid like never before. Yet, the BDS movement grew exponentially in 2014, and its growth in the academic field was no exception! Here are some highlights of the academic boycott of Israel developments in 2014: January: A BDS panel at the Modern Language Association was received by Israel and its lobby groups as another sign of the growth of BDS in mainstream academic circles in the U.S. February: The New York Times Editorial Board condemned attempts in the New York Legislature to pass a bill that would bar state financing for academic groups that support the boycott of Israeli universities. Dozens of leading Irish academics signed a pledge honoring the academic boycott of Israel until Palestinian rights are respected. March: University of Massachusetts Boston faculty and staff sign a statement endorsing the academic boycott of Israel. People's Books Co-op votes to join the BDS movement against Israel, instituting a consumer, cultural and academic boycott of the Israeli state. Dundee University students adopt BDS-related motions by an overwhelming majority--72.6 percent of those who participated in the vote supported the motion. A motion calling on the Students' Union of the National University of Galway (Ireland) to actively participate in the BDS movement passes by an almost 2 to 1 margin (1,954 to 1,054 votes) during a student referendum. April: the student senate at the University of California at Riverside vote to support a resolution sponsored by Students for Justice in Palestine calling on the university to pull its investments from US companies profiting from Israel's occupation. Graduate students at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque pass a resolution which calls for the divestment from companies profiting from human rights violations in occupied Palestine and at the US-Mexico border. May: Philosopher and activist Grace Lee Boggs and actor and activist Danny Glover sign a statement supporting the Palestinian call for the cultural and academic boycott of Israel. In the UK, the National Union of Students (NUS) Black Students' Conference adopts a motion in support of BDS. The Black Students campaign "represents the largest constituency of Black students in Europe and students of African, Asian, Arab and Caribbean descent, at a local and national level on all issues affecting Black students." In the autonomous region of Catalonia in the Spanish State, a campaign for academic boycott attracts the backing of over 800 academics, students and university staff. In addition, activists forced the Secretariat for Universities and Research in Catalonia to examine the campaigner's proposals aimed at ensuring the new deals for academic collaboration with Israel do not benefit institutions and companies that participate in Israel’s occupation. In California, the student government of the University of California at Santa Cruz passes a divestment resolution against companies involved in the Israeli occupation, the fifth of nine campuses of the UC system to do so. In Chicago, students at DePaul University, the largest Catholic university in the US, pass a divestment resolution despite conditions of fear and intimidation from Zionist groups. Students voted (54% to 46%) in favor of a referendum calling for divestment from companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Caterpillar for their complicity in Israel's violations of international law and Palestinian human rights. In Connecticut, Wesleyan University students vote to support divestment from companies profiting from Israeli military occupation in Palestine. In Florida, the University of South Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine gathers an unprecedented 10,000 signatures for a petition calling for divestment. The petition is the largest student petition in Florida history. June: An Israeli government-sponsored conference in occupied Jerusalem prioritizes fighting BDS as a strategic threat and threatens academics that are critical of Israel with "professional humiliation." July: In what was hailed as a victory for the global boycott of Israel campaign, the Federal Court of Australia dismisses a case waged by an Israeli-based NGO to find Sydney academic Jake Lynch in breach of the country's anti-racism laws. The African Literature Association (ALA) "endorses and will honor the call of Palestinian civil society for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. It is also resolved that the ALA supports the protected rights of students and scholars everywhere to engage in research and public speaking about Israel-Palestine and in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement." The Critical Ethnic Studies Association in the US endorses the academic boycott of Israel. The Student Association (VCASA) of the Victorian College of the Arts (Melbourne University, Australia) unanimously votes to become part of the BDS movement. US librarians, archivists and information workers, stressing their "ethical obligation to speak out in the face of injustice," call on their peers "to boycott and divest from companies profiting from Israel's occupation and colonization of Palestine." August: The national executive committee of the National Union of Students (UK), which represents 7 million students, adopts BDS. 1,200 University professors and researchers in Spain demand breaking academic ties with Israel. A letter, signed by 327 Jewish Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors, sponsored by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and published as an ad in the New York Times, condemned Israel's "massacre" in Gaza and called for a full boycott of Israel, including of its academic institutions. A large group of employees, faculty members, PhD students and researchers of the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), in The Hague, including 7 Prince Claus prize holders, call on the Dutch government to "officially implement boycott, divestment and sanctions against the State of Israel." Institute of Women's Studies at Birzeit University calls on "all scholars of the world, all women's organizations, all who fight for freedom and justice to take a clear stand against this racist state's continuous war crimes, genocidal acts, and violent rape culture. ...Stand by resistance to the occupation, joining the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) of these "academic institutions" ... More than 250 philosophers and political theorists call for a boycott of Israel. Over 100 Middle East Studies scholars and librarians call for the academic boycott of Israel. September: African National Congress (ANC) members and leaders should not travel to Israel as the party is in solidarity with the people of Palestine, ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe states, calling for a "cultural, academic and education boycott of Israel, including travel bans for members and leaders of the ANC, the alliance, members of Cabinet, Members of Parliament and government officials." October: More than 1,000 anthropologists from around the world call for an academic boycott of Israel. Several dozen Jewish Studies professors from universities and colleges in the United States and Canada condemnright-wing Zionist group's program of spying on students and academics that are critical of Israel. The Indian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (InCACBI) campaign to cut ties of the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi with Israel. New York Times best-selling author Junot Díaz, who received a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and won the prestigious MacArthur "Genius Grant," endorses the United States Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI). November: A high profile delegation of South African academics, former anti-apartheid leaders, educators and activists after a visit to the occupied Palestinian territory call for BDS against Israel. The Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA), a bi-national professional association, including peace and justice scholars, activists, and educators in the United States and Canada, joins the BDS movement. A huge win for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement at the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) annual conference in Washington: Participating members vote overwhelmingly, by a majority of 265 against 79, to adopt a draft resolution defending their right to boycott Israeli academic institutions. December: Despite a costly anti-BDS campaign, divestment organizers at UCLA celebrate a milestone victory for social justice with the passage of "A Resolution to Divest from Corporations Engaged in Violence against Palestinians." The resolution passed by an 8-2-2 margin. It was sponsored by 15 student organizations and endorsed by an additional 17, making for 32 total student groups in support of divestment. UCLA's vote marks the 6th student government out of 9 at the University of California campuses to have taken a majority vote in support of divestment from corporations that violate Palestinian human rights. University of California graduate student-workers ratify UAW 2865's resolution to join the Palestinian-led BDS movement, setting a historic precedent. The landslide, 65%-35%, vote is the first time that the membership of any major union body in the US has taken a stand against more than six decades of complicity by U.S. governments, universities and top labor officials in Israeli apartheid. Members of the American Anthropological Association overwhelmingly defeat a resolution opposing the academic boycott of Israel, proposed by Zionist groups. Out of 700 AAA members attending the session, only 52 supported the anti-BDS vote. Contact IAM |
"ALWAYS MORE"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 08, 2015 |
I begin here with a correction: When I last shared news of the electoral campaign, I mentioned irregularities in the Likud primary. And I spoke about the fact that one candidate demanded a recount and came close to securing a reasonable slot on the list as a result. This was Tzipi Hotovely, pictured below. My brain was not working when I wrote, however, and I typed "Tzipi Livni" instead. Many readers caught this. I appreciate it, because it means my readers are paying attention. But I also appreciate that just about every single reader who wrote to me indicated that he/she knew it was an error and that I meant Hotovely. ~~~~~~~~~~ And then a tribute to a very special lady, Joan Peters Caro, who passed away yesterday. Joan was a courageous journalist, devoted to truth, who wrote "From Time Immemorial," which documented poorly understood facts about the Jewish and Arab demography in the land in the years prior to and right after the founding of the modern State of Israel. Scrupulously researched, it is considered an indispensable resource by many who care about Israel as the Jewish state. ~~~~~~~~~~ Coming back to Tzipi Livni just briefly...Arutz Sheva says she claimed yesterday that she and Herzog would make Israel "popular" again – something she maintains Netanyahu could not do. This position, which I find deplorable, goes a long way to demonstrating what is wrong with the left. It is several years ago, when she was foreign minister, that she gave a talk at a conference I attended. She explained that we "had to" give away Judea and Samaria in order to make the world happy, as this was important. I got up and walked out. Would do the same today, of course. Our positions must be based on what is best for us, and we must stand up strongly for our rights, whether this makes the world "happy" or not. What is more, her claim that Netanyahu is responsible for the "increasing isolation" that Israel is enduring is just plain wrong. The UN and the EU are horrendously one-sided, but around the world we are forging new relationships with some states, and strengthening our relationships with others. Read about our growing ties with India, for example, or Japan. And the very quiet cooperation with the more moderate Arab states (something that would have been impossible not so long ago). We are not increasingly isolated. ~~~~~~~~~~ On the other hand, I was not exactly ecstatic about a statement made by Netanyahu on Tuesday, either: He says he is still in favor of a "two-state" solution, as he espoused it in his Bar Ilan speech of 2009, but the Palestinian Arabs have rendered this impossible: "I don't think withdrawing settlers is practical at the moment." ~~~~~~~~~~ I know exactly what is happening, as it is fairly obvious on the face of it: Kerry is telling Netanyahu he will support Israel in international forums. But, as the US opposes unilateral actions by the PA because negotiations are the way for the Palestinian Arabs to secure a state, Israel must be willing to consider coming back to the table to negotiate that state. And so, our prime minister is playing both sides. Yes, sure I'm for that state, he says for public consumption, but look, the PA has made it impossible for us to proceed. He's certainly correct, that the PA has made negotiating impossible. This is what makes the position of leftists who call for us to negotiate a state now so ridiculous. But, it is time for our head of state to say that a Palestinian state is not the way to go, in any event, because of Jewish rights in the land. He should not be going on record, once again, for that “two state solution.” ~~~~~~~~~~ United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced on Tuesday that the Palestinian Arabs will formally become a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on April 1. What is more, the court's registrar said yesterday that jurisdiction would date back to June 13, 2014. This is something I do not understand: retroactive jurisdiction. Bringing jurisdiction back to the middle of June means possibly giving the PA the opportunity to level charges against Israel for her actions in the Gaza war. (There are still issues regarding jurisdiction of place – as Hamas and not the PA is in control in Gaza.) ~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, the State Department has declared that the US does not believe Palestine qualifies as a sovereign state and doesn't recognize it as such and does not believe that it is eligible to accede to the Rome statute." ~~~~~~~~~~ International lawyer Alan Baker, writing for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, agrees with the US position. He says that the Secretary General should have refused to accept the request of the PA because the Rome statute limits membership to states, and explains why "Palestine" is not a sovereign state. Says Baker: "...the acceptance by the Secretary General of the Palestinian request is legally flawed and was determined under false pretenses – 'false' because there exists no sovereign Palestinian state, and 'pretenses' because of the pretension by the Secretary General as if such a state exists when he is fully aware that there is no legal basis for this." ~~~~~~~~~~ Senator Paul Rand (R-KY) yesterday introduced a bill that would immediately stop all US aid to the PA, until such time as the PA withdrew its application to the ICC. The bill is entitled, "Defend Israel by Defunding Palestinian Foreign Aid Act of 2015." Love it! Let's see how many Republicans stand up now. ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ There is no one reading this who is not aware of the horrendous Islamist massacre that took place at Charlie Hebdo in Paris, and I doubt there is anyone reading this who is not horrified and whose heart does not go out to those killed and their families. The news reports yesterday spoke of the many tens of thousands who crowded the streets in Paris and elsewhere in France, as well as in other countries, showing solidarity with those slain ('Je suis Charlie"). It is in this report that I found just a little glimmer of hope: out on the streets, not in their homes, staring at the TV and clucking. Is the world just possibly beginning to wake up? ~~~~~~~~~~ Last I wrote, I spoke of the major snow storm predicted. I even included a lovely picture of snow falling. But a slight rise in temperatures changed that scenario here in Jerusalem. Chilling to the bone cold, but not cold enough. We had fierce weather, but it was pouring rain, and hail, and sleet. They’re talking about snow for tomorrow. We'll see... Contact Arlene Kushner at And visit her website at |
The article below was written by Rob Gordon who is a
macroeconomist with a particular interest in unemployment,
inflation, and both the long-run and cyclical aspects of labor
productivity. He is the author of a textbook in intermediate
macroeconomics, now in its 12th edition, and has completed a
new book, The Rise and Fall of American Growth, to be
published by the Princeton University Press in
December, 2015. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2014 he was
elected as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic
Association in recognition of a long career of outstanding
contributions to scholarship, teaching, public service, and
the economics profession. This article appeared January 05,
2015 on National Post and is archived at
The Fort Edward blockhouse in Windsor, Nova Scotia is one of the the oldest wooden fortifications still standing in North America. It played a major role in the Explusion of the Acadians in 1755, helped defend Nova Scotia in the War of 1812 and, in a truly odd twist of history, assisted in the creation of the State of Israel. Fort Edward sits atop a wind-swept hill over looking the former mill town of Windsor. The town has bragging rights as the birthplace of ice hockey and hometown to some of the world's largest pumpkins. But there is another less known boast; in the summer of 1917, Windsor was home to some of Israel's founding fathers and the place where the forerunner of the Israeli Defence Force was forged. In the shadow of the blockhouse, hundreds of Jewish boys from New York, Montreal, Russia and Palestine first put on a uniform and learned how to handle a rifle. It was here that the Jewish Legion was formed up — one of the first all-Jewish military forces in modern times. Although the legion trained in Canada, the soldiers where never part of the Canadian army. They were considered British imperial forces and came under British command. Young recruit David Ben-Gurion arrived to train with the Jewish Legion on June 1, 1918. Like all the legion's recruits, Ben-Gurion was was paid 50 cents a day. The future first prime minister of Israel roughed in a bell tent and slept on the bare Nova Scotia earth. "In this camp there are all types to be found among Jewish people, from the most lofty‐minded idealists and the highly educated to coarse and evil‐minded individuals, born criminals,"is how Ben-Gurion described his first impressions of the camp in a letter to his wife Paula just days after getting Nova Scotia. One of Ben-Gurion's brothers-in-arms in Windsor was Ze'ev Jabotinsky, an ardent Zionist who was one of the co-founders of the Jewish Legion. Jabotinsky, like many of the legion soldiers, saw forming a Jewish military unit as essential to their dream of creating an Israel. While learning the ins and outs of military life in Nova Scotia in April 1918, soldier-poet Abraham Isserman wrote the following: "A million more must follow:
The coarse, the evil-minded and the lofty that Ben-Gurion trained with appear to have been well-treated by the local people of the Annapolis Valley town. One account in the local paper talks about the joyous celebration of the Jewish New Year in 1918 when 500 legionaries gathered at the Windsor opera for a kosher meal. On July 1, 1918 Windsor celebrated Dominion Day, the Jewish Legion was invited to take part but the soldiers wanted the "Jewish flag" to fly along side the Canadian and British flags. "At first they didn't fly the Jewish flag, and our boys were going to refuse to take part in the parade. I went to the major and demanded that the Jewish flag be displayed as well, and at once he gave the order to fly the blue and white flag," Ben-Gurion wrote to his wife. The 39th Battalion of the Windsor-based Jewish Legion was dispatched to fight the Turkish troops of the Ottoman Empire in June 1918. The legion fought in the Jordan Valley with the 39th Battalion, listing 23 dead. Many, many more were disabled or died because of malaria or other disease. But the First World War was coming to a close and that meant the Jewish legion was be stood down by the British. Still the legion achieved what many of its members wanted; formally-trained, professional Jewish soldiers stationed in the Middle East. And many of the legion's former soldiers formed the backbone of Jewish defence teams protecting villages. The rifle training, the marching in unison and the military mind-set learned at Fort Edward stuck with Ben-Gurion all his life. In 1996, a letter was discovered from the former prime minister of Israel to the mayor of Windsor describing the importance of what happened beneath Fort Edward in 1917-1918. "In Windsor one of the great dreams of my life — to serve as a soldier in a Jewish Unit to fight for the liberation of Israel (as we always called Palestine) became a reality, and I will never forget Windsor, where I received my first training as a soldier, and where I became a corporal." Today there is no mention of the Jewish Legion at Fort Edward. That should change, says Jon Goldberg of the Atlantic Jewish Council. "Its important what happened there. Important for Canada, Nova Scotia and Israel," said Goldberg in an interview. Goldberg had always heard rumours of the Jewish Legion, but only became fully aware of the unit and its Nova Scotia roots 15 years ago when he was shown a picture of the unit on parade at Fort Edward. Parks Canada has studied the contribution of the Jewish legion to the history of the Fort Edward, but so far the tale of the corporal-turned-statesman, and the 1,100 Jews who joined him, hasn't been publicly etched into the fort's official history. Perhaps that will soon change. The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to |
The article below was written by Hana Levi Julian
who is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass
Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State
University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and
senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to
her years working in broadcast journalism. This article
appeared January 09, 2015 on Israpundit and is archived at
Double hostage siege in Paris ends with 3 male Al Qaeda terrorists dead and at least 15 hostages free; four were killed in the kosher grocery attack. ![]() As many as 15 to 20 hostages taken captive at the Hyper Kacher kosher grocery by a member of a homegrown Al Qaeda terror cell were freed, just as the sun was setting Friday evening at the start of the holy Jewish Sabbath. Tragically, four were murdered at the start of the terror attack before police were able to rescue them. Although the terrible saga has now ended, the Association of Paris Rabbis warned members of the Jewish community to remain home and stay off the streets this Shabbat (Sabbath) because the streets are not safe in this "city still on edge." Shops in La Marais have been ordered shut for now. French police stormed the grocery a few minutes after special forces carried out a similar operation in a location on the other side of Paris against Said and Cherif Koachi. The two terrorist brothers came out with AK-47s blazing as special forces stormed the print warehouse where they were holed up in Dammartin-en-Goele, near Charles De Gaulle airport. Both were killed in the shootout. Said was trained in Syria and Yemen by Al Qaeda in the Arabic Peninsula (AQAP) and American Al Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki; he led the local terror cell. Police chose to attack after the terrorists had been awake for at least 48 hours, when their reflexes were dulled and they were suffering from the effects of severe sleep deprivation. Detonating charges set around the perimeter of the building, they began their attack with explosions and gunfire. Kouachi brothers' co-terrorist Amedy Coulibali likewise found himself under siege by police after holding shoppers hostage for hours at a kosher grocery and finally threatening to kill his captives if his "jihadi brethren" were attacked. His hostages were freed as the last blush of the sun's rays lit the horizon to begin the Jewish Sabbath. Ambulances on the scene gathered the injured and traumatized hostages and sped away to hospitals. Coulibali's girlfriend and the fourth member of the terror cell, Hayat Boumeddienne, was apparently not present in the grocery attack as was reported earlier, according to media reports, although she was involved in the murder of a policewoman in Paris on Thursday. Boumeddienne escaped and was still at large by nightfall in Paris. Ted Belman is a retired lawyer and the Editor of Israpundit. He made aliya from Canada last year and now lives in Jerusalem, Israel. Contact him at |
BALAAM NEEDS A GOOD PR REPPosted by Ted Roberts, January 09, 2015 |
I don't have a degree from the Harvard Divinity School nor am I a graduate of the Yeshiva. I did go to Hebrew school for six years and I've thought long and hard about our Chumash. I've even read it – yes, every word – more than once and I've come to the conclusion that there is one seminal message besides the obvious one that our G-d is all powerful; He monitors and judges our behavior. I'd like to add that he rewards good and punishes evil, but I see so many exceptions to that rubric that I concede it may only happen in the world to come – over the horizon of time. But the other theme that pervades the Holy text is the imperfections of our ancestors. Strange. The Creator of man seems to be saying that every man's heart is streaked with evil. There are few perfect players in the Great play. Oddly enough, one is a Moabite – Ruth – a lady of impeccable behavior. A Moabite! One of Israel's traditional enemies. And the grandmother, no less, of David. The Chumash, as usual – regardless of political correctness – speaks truth – a Moabite in the lineage of our Mosiach! There's another Moabite in the Chumash who, contrary to Ruth, gets a very bad press. It is Balaam, son of Peor, who is at least once in our Chumash is called a sorcerer. Not a nice occupation unless you want to be stoned to death. But that's only the beginning. He clearly is a marked man. First ridiculed, then insulted, then killed. But his misbehavior is hard to uncover. In short, he is summoned by the envoys of Balak – leader of the Moabites – who must face the Israelites in battle. Balaam's mission: curse the Israelites. The sorcerer, after consulting with G-d, turns them down. Refuses their fee. All Balak wants is for Balaam, whose reputation as a sorcerer is evidently first class, to curse the Israelite host. Balaam – faultless Balaam – says, no way "though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold". The envoys report their rejection to Balak, a king who is used to having his way. He sends a second, higher-level crew to recruit Balaam. Obedient Balaam again goes to G-d. And the Lord tells the sorcerer - who's between a rock and a hard place - go with them but only speak what I tell you. Mystery of mysteries: The next chapter begins with "God's anger was aroused because he went". But G-d just told him to go!! Puzzling. And now we encounter the additional enigma of the talking donkey – a story known to all first year kindergarten kids. Balaam mounts his donkey and sets out to join Balak. But an angel of the Lord blocks their way. The animal sees him and skids to a stop. Balaam, oblivious to the donkey's vision, whips him - evidently Balaam is an animal abuser, too – whereupon the creature pleads his case and reminds his master of his years of faithful service. Finally, the Lord (doubtlessly feeling sorry for Balaam's faithful creature who has angelic vision) opens the sorcerer's eyes to the angel. At last he understands and profusely apologizes for his astigmatism. He reports to Balak (who, remember has houses of gold and silver). "Curse the Israelites!" cries Balak. Balaam – ever G-d-fearing – consults again with his Heavenly Master. Instead, he is instructed to bless the Israelite host and we go through this scenario three times. And each time the prophet (or sorcerer, depending on your viewpoint) consults with His Majesty, in heaven, who basically goes along with the instruction; I will bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee. Balaam, at the mercy of blood-thirsty Balak, defies him and blesses Israel. Incidentally, upon looking down on the Israelite encampment, Balaam blesses them with the well-known prayer: "How goodly are thy tents O Israel". Other references to the maligned prophet seem to twist circumstances – Balaam wants to curse Israel, say some commentators – G-d says no. I, the veteran of six years of Hebrew School, don't read it that way. Evidently, the biblical author has it in for Balaam – and there is a one-sentence illusion to his misdeeds at Peor. A strange story. Balaam, who eventually follows G-d's wishes, is condemned. And comes in second to a four-footed, braying beast who can see angels while his master cannot. For some reason he is not exactly a hero in the eyes of Jewish history. I don't get it. It may be because he was a sorcerer – a blasphemous profession. Or maybe because he is an ally to the Moabite – but so was Ruth. Something rings hollow about the whole story; talking donkeys, Balaam's profession. When I get my degree from the Yeshiva I'll tell you the real story. In the meantime go to Numbers 22. What do you think? A HERETICAL VIEW OF TISHA B'AV Let's take a long, hard look at historical reality. Those ex-slaves called Israelites have escaped their Egyptian prison. And for the first time - like your six year old toddled off to school alone – in a strange, new world - they wandered eventually into Canaan, a land full of pagan playmates. The Almighty, who can see beyond the curve of the horizon of time, sees the temptations and snares set by the Amalakites, Jebusites, Amorites, and Philistines to entrap his people. He lectures Israel, his young one, incessantly. He seeks to impress them with his power. He splits oceans, he creates a constitution that we call the Chumash - he uses pillars of fire and smoke to guide them through this sandy deathtrap. He incessantly warns them to stay away from the idol worshiping heathens of the arid wilderness. He obsesses on loyalty because he is a G-d of morality, while the gods of this new world have no interest in crime and punishment, mercy and justice, mitzvot and goodness. So what do our primitive ancestors do the first time Father Moses leaves them unattended? Exactly what the mighty G-d of miracles forbade - they build, and worship with abandon, two golden bulls. Just like their pagan neighbors. Totally oblivious to miracles and sermons, they worship their inanimate idols. G-d must have done a divine double take as he glared down from his mountaintop. So much for loyalty. Well, good thing I sent Moshe with Torah, He's thinking. But maybe it should have been ten books. These people need rules. Sad to say, our misbehavior continued. We continued to barbecue beasts like our neighbors. Prayer? Unheard of. Beneficial deeds? Who cares. We continue to barbecue so our G-d may enjoy the fragrance. Our Creator's nightmare comes true. We worship randomly and indiscriminately. Dumb and dumber, we send scent and smoke heavenward just like the Joneses next door. Eventually, all this mimicry culminates in the Temple, which I've been trying to get to for two pages. The Temple is a giant butcher shop - a racket for the Levites and a cloud on our history that almost smothers the real Judaism. Obviously, we can't glory in its destruction since Jerusalem, too, suffered and there was terrible loss of life both in the Babylonian and Roman destructions. But as our sages say, the fall of a great Oak permits sunlight to nourish a thousand new seedlings on the forest floor. Destruction often clears the ground for follow-on cultural new growth. The leveling of the Temple took Judaism out of the hands of priests and Levites and put it in our hearts, put it in our home, gave a role to our women. And over hundreds of years we - along with other religions - dropped the sacrificial concept. High places, sacred groves, granite alters lost their magic. Deeds and morality overturned sacrifice. Who needed a temple? For this invisible G-d - is and was a warmth in your heart. Indestructible, never to be destroyed. Let us worship Him instead of feeding him livestock. Our prophets chorus this from 700 BC on. And who knew - certainly history doesn't comment - but the watching world - seeing our Temple in flames but Judaism, still alive - learned the same lesson. So, maybe there's a bright side to Tisha B'Av. Sometimes in the study of history we need to reexamine events and institutions that have been acceptable for millennia of dull tradition - not logic, but tradition. Tisha B'Av reminds me that one of those icons is our Temple. From what we read in the Talmud and Chumash, it was the heartbeat of Judaism. Really? An abbatoir drenched in the blood of victims - a government employment office for Cohans and Levites. And a shameful identification with the customs of our heathen Canaanite neighbors - maybe not quite as bad. A lamb took the place of your newborn infant. And we disclaimed sexual activity to spur crop and livestock propagation. Yes, we had the good taste to eliminate that. So, let's not be too hard on our forbears. But basically our Temple was little more than an elaboration of our neighbor's primitive habits of worship. Exactly what our invisible, morally-obsessed G-d in the Chumash told us to avoid. It was based on the oldest superstition in the world - Jewish or non Jewish. Before you sip your wine, spill a bit on the ground from whence it came. The gods of fire, earth, wind, and sun and fertility need a little graft - a small donation or they'd never give us more wine or rib steak or lamb chops or bread. The gods must be appeased. Furthermore, insisted the heathens, you needed children to help you work the land, so on occasion you'd murder one of them as the ultimate sacrifice. Such were the beliefs of mankind 3,000 to 5,000 years ago. Don't open a new business on Tisha B'Av - the 9th day of Av. Nothing good has ever happened on the 9th of Av. On 566 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar leveled Solomon's Temple - on 9 Av 70 AD the Romans destroyed the second Temple. And for goodness sake don't get married on the 9th of Av, either, for obvious reasons. I joke. But it was a fateful date - a date drowned in Jewish bloodshed. For that we should mourn. Dr. Ted Roberts is the founder of Pure Desire Ministries International and was the senior pastor of East Hill Church in Gresham, Oregon. Contact Roberts at |
The article below was written by Daniel Mael who is a senior at Brandeis University and writes for and the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity. This article appeared January 08, 2015 on Time Magazine and is archived at -selective-outrage/ |
On December 20, like other Americans, I was shocked when I heard about the horrific murders of NYPD Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. There was a clear consensus across the country that their execution-style murders were barbaric and grotesque. That night, however, Brandeis student leader Khadijah Lynch tweeted, "I have no sympathy for the NYPD officers who were murdered today" and "LMAO, all I just really don't have sympathy for the cops who were shot. I hate this racist, country." Lynch, a Brandeis junior, was an undergraduate representative for the African and Afro-American studies department. As a student journalist who frequently writes about the culture wars on campus, I knew her comments were newsworthy. Here was a student leader at a well-known American university publicly condoning cold-blooded murder. So I wrote a short blog post highlighting Lynch's public comments. These pieces usually generate a local response, but this post went viral. This was not Lynch's first bigoted tweet. In previous tweets since deleted, she has described Brandeis as "a social themed institution grounded in Zionism. Word. That a fanny dooly." And she cannot understand why "black people have not burned this country down..." She describes herself as “in riot mode. F... this country." After my story was posted, online commenters, both anonymous and identifiable, made morally repugnant and offensive remarks about Lynch. Some even made death threats. I immediately condemned these sentiments. A journalist does not control how others react to a story he writes. Now, however, I am the subject of a nasty and menacing campus backlash. "Kill the messenger" appears to be the "in thing" on the Brandeis campus. Students rallied to have me disciplined. Why? Because I reported a story worthy of public attention. Threats of violence against me have been made and a group of students demanded in an email that the Brandeis administration hold me "accountable for [my] actions" and kick me out of school just one semester shy of graduation. I was also accused of "stalking" Lynch by reporting her public tweets and thereby defaming her character because of comments made by others. The university administration sent me an email instructing me "to have no contact any way, shape or form" the student who sent that email. That contact ban has since been lifted. As far as I know, I have never spoken to this student in my time at Brandeis and would fail to pick him out of a police lineup. But if I were by chance to be in a room with this student, I could potentially face trouble in Brandeis's student judicial system, as "[a]ny alleged violation(s) of these conditions should be reported to the Dean of Students Office." In addition, the Brandeis Asian American Student Association went so far as to state that they took "no official stance on the opinions that Khadijah has expressed" but that they stood "in solidarity with" her – even though one of the murdered Brooklyn police officers was Asian. One student even wildly claimed that I supported the threats made against Lynch. A Brandeis official called Lynch's comments "hurtful and disrespectful." She resigned from her position in the African and Afro-American studies department. When I contacted Lynch for a comment about her tweets, she tweeted, "I need to get my gun license. Asap." That tweet has also been deleted. I have now been accused of being a racist and being in bed with white supremacists since I made Lynch's public tweets more public. In my meeting with the Brandeis public safety officials to discuss the threats made against me, I was told that I should consider changing my dorm room, and that it is a reasonable expectation that my car would be vandalized. They also recommended that I purchase mace at the local Walmart. Violent hatred directed toward any innocent is wrong—whether it is at student leaders at a university, police officers patrolling the streets, or student journalists doing their job. That many Brandeis students exhibit selective outrage and are willing to extol the virtues of free speech, but only when that speech confirms their preconceived biases, illustrates their hypocrisy in claiming to care about "civil rights." Indeed, and sadly so, the Brandeis student body provided a louder defense of Lynch's right to condone the murder of New York City police officers, and her hatred of America, than my right to report on it. It is the threat of violence, expulsion, and attack for voicing your views that keeps tyrants in power—as Wednesday's attack on satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo illustrates. The very marker of liberal societies is the ability to speak freely and openly regardless of who may be offended. There is no room for intimidation in the modern university, and campuses must aim to fulfill this ambition. In a column about this incident, Alan Dershowitz wrote, "So welcome to the topsy-turvy world of the academic hard left, where bigoted speech by fellow hard leftists is protected, but counter expression is labeled as 'harassment,' 'incitement,' and 'bullying.' Imagine how different the reaction of these same radical students would be if a white supporter of the KKK had written comparably incendiary tweets." Regardless of political ideology, it is imperative that Brandeis community members unite to reject the calls for violence or physical harm with the same fervor that we demand freedom of speech. In doing so we can help shape a better future for our community and America at large. It is our rule of law that ensures our freedom of expression and enables us to envision a more positive path forward. Joan Swirsky has been a longtime health-and-science and feature writer for The New York Times Long Island section and the recipient of seven Long Island Press Awards. She was a science writer for The Women's Record, writing over 175 articles on the issue of breast cancer on Long Island, publicly acknowledged as driving two redesigns of the New York State Study on breast cancer and as the first journalist in America to put the breast cancer-environment relationship "on the map" of public consciousness. |
ISRAEL'S SPLENDID ISOLATIONPosted by Joan Swirsky, January 09, 2015 |
However, the demise of the USSR (which facilitated the 1991 revocation of the USSR-sponsored "Zionism is Racism"), the affirmation of the USA as the dominant super power, the upgraded US-Israel mutually-beneficial cooperation, and the emergence of Israel as a global commercial and military high tech power, have enhanced Israel's global standing, dramatically expanding Israel's global networking, beyond Europe, into India, China, Russia, the former Muslim Republics of the USSR, Latin America, all irrespective of diplomatic setbacks The article below was written by Yoram Ettinger who is an editor and consultant who lives in Jerusalem. This article appeared January 12, 2015 on Kings and is archived at |
Notwithstanding the conventional claim that Israel is increasingly isolated, the multinational accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers determined that 2014 was a record year of overseas investments in Israel's high-tech industries: $15bn in acquisitions of 52 Israeli startups (compared to $7.6bn in 2013), in addition to $9.8bn raised by 18 Israeli companies in overseas stock exchanges (compared to $1.2bn in 2013). Once again, Israel's impact on global medicine, health, agriculture, irrigation, energy alternatives, science, cyber, homeland security and defense, as well as Wall Street, supersedes the impact of Gaza Strip. But, Israel is increasingly isolated... Since 1948, a recycled assumption has maintained (e.g., the 1975 "Zionism is racism" UN resolution) that an anti-Israel global Tsunami is about to smother the Jewish State, triggering unprecedented isolation, the collapse of its international standing and the breakdown of its ties with the US, unless it committed itself -- in the unpredictable, unstable, violent Middle East - to re-dividing Jerusalem, uprooting over 500,000 Jewish settlers, and retreating to a 9-15 mile sliver along the Mediterranean, which is dominated by the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria. However, the demise of the USSR (which facilitated the 1991 revocation of the USSR-sponsored "Zionism is Racism"), the affirmation of the USA as the dominant super power, the upgraded US-Israel mutually-beneficial cooperation, and the emergence of Israel as a global commercial and military high tech power, have enhanced Israel's global standing, dramatically expanding Israel's global networking, beyond Europe, into India, China, Russia, the former Muslim Republics of the USSR, Latin America, all irrespective of diplomatic setbacks. Thus, the Israel-India trade balance catapulted from $200mn in 1992 (following the 1991 establishment of diplomatic ties) to $5bn in 2014. According to the January 3, 2015 issue of the London-based Qatari daily, Al Araby al Jadid, the substantial improvement in the attitudes of Africa and India toward Israel reflects their growing benefits from Israel's advanced civilian and military technologies. "The shift in India's position will have an impact on the behaviour of other countries. Technology has also played a key role in the development of relations between Israel and China, which is interested in Israel's advanced technology to boost its economic capability, especially in industry and agriculture.... Israel's advanced technology developments have boosted its diplomatic ties and enhanced its security." According to Bloomberg, Israeli exports to Asia have soared significantly, from 13% in 2000 to 23% in 2014, equaling exports to the USA. But, Israel is increasingly isolated... The Israel-China trade balance has surged from $51mn in 1992 to almost $11bn in 2013, with China rising to Israel's second top export destination. Free trade agreement negotiations will be launched in 2015. The December 14, 2014 issue of the Wall Street Journal reported that China has joined the US, European and Russian investors, regularly visiting Israel's high tech parks in their search for companies, startups and investments. The giant Chinese insurance group, Ping An Insurance -- which has already invested in eight Israeli startups - considers the US and Israel as the two key arenas for venture investments. In 2011, ChemChina acquired Israel's Adama, a pesticides manufacturer, for $2.4 bn. In 2013, China's Fosun Pharma acquired Israel's Alma Lasers for $240mn. In 2014, China's Bright Food Group acquired a majority stake in Israel's Tnuva Food Industries for $960mn. But, Israel is increasingly isolated... The Israel-South Korea trade balance increased from $50mn in 1987 to $2.5bn in 2014, highlighting the surging commercial and military ties, featuring the global giant, Samsung Electronics and its two research and development centers in Israel, and additional global South Korean companies such as Hyundai Corp., Daewoo International, Posco Engineering, LG Electronics, Korea Aerospace Industries, Huneed, Firstec, KIA Motors, etc. Japanese companies are, gradually, venturing into Israel; and Singapore-based funds have invested in Israel's high tech, as demonstrated by Broad Peak Master Fund, which led a $15mn round of private placement in the Israel-Singapore Trax Technology. The Australia-based Allflex, the worldwide market leader in animal identification products, acquired the livestock monitoring and intelligent milking solutions Israeli company, SCR Engineers Ltd., for $250mn. But, Israel is increasingly isolated... Israel has substantially expanded its commercial and military ties with the former Muslim Republics of the USSR, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. According to the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, "over the last twenty years, the ties between Israel and Azerbaijan have improved drastically." Israel receives reliable oil supplies from Azerbaijan, while supplying Azerbaijan with advanced weapon systems (e.g., unmanned aerial vehicles), counter-terrorism systems and training, vital intelligence on Islamic terrorism and medical, irrigation, agricultural and cyber technologies. But, Israel is increasingly isolated... Bloomberg reported on December 9, 2014 that the European Union signaled interest in a possible pipeline to import Israeli offshore natural gas via Cyprus and Greece, in order to reduce reliance on Russia. However, there is another option of exporting Israeli offshore natural gas through Turkey, which has been a vicious critic of Israel, while expanding it trade balance with the Jewish State: $5bn in 2014, compared to $3.4bn in 2009. The harsh British talk toward Israel is contrasted by the British walk: a 28% and 38% increase of the trade balance Israeli export in 2014 over 2013. But, Israel is increasingly isolated... Or, not. Joan Swirsky has been a longtime health-and-science and feature writer for The New York Times Long Island section and the recipient of seven Long Island Press Awards. She was a science writer for The Women's Record, writing over 175 articles on the issue of breast cancer on Long Island, publicly acknowledged as driving two redesigns of the New York State Study on breast cancer and as the first journalist in America to put the breast cancer-environment relationship "on the map" of public consciousness |
AMERICAN JEWISH GUILT, FROM ROOSEVELT TO OBAMAPosted by Ira Silverman, January 10, 2015 |
Bad night. Couldn't sleep. "Every single French Jew I know has left Paris": Editor of Britain's Jewish Chronicle claims people are fleeing terror-hit French capital. And from Chief Rabbi of France: Flood of exodus to Israel, UK, other parts of Europe, and North America. A once 500,000 French Jewish community, at those numbers 10% of French Islam, unassimilated, held in separate communities, no-go Zones, where police are afraid to go for fear of getting shot like in Ferguson Missouri when the communist whites link up with the Black Panthers to kill whitey and cops. So it's now 400,000 French Jews and sinking fast. Quite the contrast to 1930s when the world knew death to Jews was coming but didn't give a damn and the American Jewish world from reform to hasidic cowered in fear and were afraid to blast Roosevelt for his closet anti-Semitism for he had an election in 1940 to worry about and isolationism was strong and no matter how many Kristallnachts occurred he was going to get reelected. Shows the importance of Israel which was not then. Today happens to be the first parsha of Exodus to be read. Never forget that in the war years and beyond until after the Vietnam War days, large elements of the Democrat Party were international and anti-Communist and devoted to Israel's survival, but over the last say post-Reagan years the Democrat Party has gone so far to the left with George Soros money and Tides Foundation and Kerry's wife and now Obama who loves Islam and hates Israel and the pathetic American Rabbi and Jew is a disgrace afraid to cut the cord and finally say, TO HELL WITH THE DEMOCRAT PARTY THAT LIVES ON THE BASIS OF TACIT SUPPORT FOR ISLAMIC TERROR TO DESTROY JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY BOTH. Contact Ira Silverman at |
Both in the Islamic world and the Western world, Muslims continued to attack and slaughter Christians. In Pakistan, "A mob accused of burning alive a Christian couple in an industrial kiln in Pakistan allegedly wrapped a pregnant mother in cotton so she would catch fire more easily, according to family members who witnessed the attack," reported NBC News:
Discussing this latest atrocity against Pakistan's Christian minorities, an AFP report states:
Two days after the Christian couple were burned alive, a policeman in Pakistan hacked a man to death for allegedly making blasphemous remarks against Islam. ![]() Dr. Nazir S. Bhatti, President of the Pakistan Christian Congress,wrote a letter to U.S. President Obama expressing surprise that the U.S. did not even bother to condemn the crime against the murdered Christian couple:
Meanwhile, in America itself, in Oklahoma, Jimmy Stepney, a Muslim, stabbed Jerome Bullock, a Christian, after Stepney had said that Muslims need to "step up" beheadings. According to Koco5 News:
The severity of the plight of Christians in the Middle East was further underscored by Dr. Alexander Yakovenko, Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, who wrote:
The rest of November's roundup of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed by theme and country in alphabetical order, not necessarily according to severity: Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches Bangladesh: Two Christian pastors from the Faith Bible Church of God were arrested for preaching the Gospel to Muslims. They could face two years in prison if convicted for "hurting religious sentiments" and luring Muslims to convert by offering them money. The pastors deny both charges. Police arrested the pastors and 41 other people, including Muslims, after a throng of Muslims disrupted a house meeting. According to a witness: "More than 100 Muslims headed by local Jamaat-e-Islami party members and Muslim clerics gathered at the house and started barking questions at the pastors—why did they propagate Christianity in the locality and convert some of them," and who gave them permission to preach to Muslims. "The pastors replied that it did not take any permission from any authority to propagate any religion and convert people to any religion. Suddenly the Muslims became apoplectic with rage, tried to pick a fight and started jabbing the pastors' faces." Egypt: Father Timothy Shakar, priest of St. Mina Church in Port Said, confirmed that two homemade bombs were planted near the St. Mina Church but caused no injuries, or losses of life or property. Police searched other churches in the region for more bombs. Germany: Nine men who had earlier broken into, vandalized, and robbed several Christian churches in the Cologne area—including by stealing money from the collection boxes and liturgical vessels—were caught during a massive raid. Apparently, all of the arrested are German by nationality, but Muslim by background and heritage. Some were also identified as "Salafis"—especially fundamentalist Muslims—connected to international terrorist organizations. Some had even raised hundreds of thousands of Euros from native (and naive) Germans to support overseas "charities," the proceeds of which actually went to terrorist groups such as ISIS. Iraq: As cries of "Allahu Akbar" emanated from surrounding mosques, Islamic State militants blew up yet another Christian church — St. George's Church and its associated nunnery in the city of Mosul — along with other non-Sunni sites. Separately, after breaking the cross from off the dome of the St. Ephrem Church dome (before and after pictures here) and selling its pews and other furnishings, IS transformed the church into a mosque and council seat for the jihadis. East Jerusalem: Despite constant and ever bolder attacks on a church, police refuse to respond to pleas for help from the Christian congregation. According to Morning Star News, "The attacks, driven by both intent to seize property and opposition to Christianity, have been mounted by young men with ties to Palestinian militants who for more than three months have been trying to force Living Bread Church from its rented building. Church pastor Karen Dunham and others have filed at least eight police reports about the assaults." The most recent incident took place on November 5, when the gas tank of a car owned by a church volunteer was filled with sugar. On November 2, a car owned by one of the pastor's relatives was stolen. And on October 16, three American Christians were injured while trying to repair a metal security door: A crowd of Palestinian men attacked them with box cutters, sticks, clubs and pepper spray. According to the church's attorney, authorities "have their [the assailants'] pictures, they have their names, they even have their national ID numbers, and still they do nothing... The level of brute force compared to the level of lack of response of the police force there is pretty shocking... It almost seems like if someone is going to go in and murder her [Dunham], that no one is going to lift a finger." Malaysia: Approximately 70 local residents in Petaling Jaya protested the construction of a church. They claimed the growing number of Christian places of worship in the area is part of an attempt to evangelize and convert Muslims to Christianity. An NGO, the local branch of Pertubuhan Sahabat, supported the claims of the Muslims. They argued that there are three churches in the vicinity, although close to 70 percent of the residents in the area are Muslims. According to a spokesman, "Even before the church is built, flyers on Christianity have been distributed to our homes, and this could confuse our children and divert them from the path of Islam." The vacant plot was previously occupied by squatters, a car park and several food stalls. Another local Muslim added "None of our neighbours are Christians, we can vouch for is an insult to Muslims to allow a church to be built here, but none of our representatives seem to have the time to listen to us.' One demonstrator hurled large rocks at the temporary steel fence around the vacant plot. JIHADI SLAUGHTER OF CHRISTIANS Kenya: Members of neighboring Somalia's Islamic group Al Shabaab—"the Youth"—hijacked a bus carrying 60 passengers in the town of Mandera, near Kenya's border with Somalia. They singled out and massacred 28 non-Muslims, the overwhelming majority of whom were Christian. According to an eyewitness, "When we got down, passengers were separated according to Somali and non-Somali. The non-Somalis were ordered to read some verses of the holy Koran, and those who failed to read were ordered to lie down. One by one they were shot in the head at point blank range." Nigeria: On November 10, a suicide bomb attack on a Christian secondary school as students gathered for morning assembly killed at least 47 people. The Islamic group Boko Haram—meaning: "Western education is forbidden"—is believed to be behind the blast. In a separate incident, Christians from the predominantly Christian city of Mubi in Adamawa state were tortured and killed after Boko Haram took control of the town. Churches and homes were torched throughout the city, which was renamed Madinat al-Islam, or "the City of Islam." In yet another separate incident, Boko Haram militants raided the mostly Christian town of Shani. According to a resident speaking to Reuters, "They rode on motorcycles and were more than 30 men. They started throwing bombs into houses...then the Boko Haram fired shots at people fleeing. They set ablaze the police station, houses and a telecom mast...I saw people fleeing, some bodies on the ground." Reuters continues: "The Sunni jihadist movement is fighting to revive a medieval Islamic caliphate in Nigeria’s north." PAKISTANI PERSECUTION A few days after the Christian couple, mentioned earlier, was burned alive, a 35-year-old Christian father of five known as "Mithu" was arrested on false charges by police and tortured to death in prison. According to the deceased’s brother-in-law: "It was a fake allegation, because the raiding party failed to recover any contraband from Mithu's person and his house...On the morning of Nov. 22, we were informed by Ilyas Gill, a local councilor, that Mithu had died in police custody because of heart failure... Young Christian men are made scapegoats to show police performance while the real culprits are carrying out their illegal activities right under the police's nose." Morning Star News adds: "Area police routinely round up young, impoverished Christians on false charges of drug peddling and bootlegging, and then force their families to pay heavy bribes in return for their elders had seen signs of torture on the body..." Christian families in a Punjabi village were forced to flee after a Christian man married a Muslim woman—an act forbidden by Islamic law. According to the Pakistani report, "The Muslims in this village became enraged when this occurred and began threatening them... When the news of the marriage was learned, the Muslims in Sahiwal attacked Shahab's [the Christian husband's] family as well as other Christian families in the village. The Muslims demanded that Ruksana [the Muslim wife] be returned immediately, according to Sharia which prohibits Muslim women from marrying a man from another religion... the entire Muslim community was threatening to kill Shahab's father and all of the village's Christians... The Christians' pleas for help from the local police were all in vain." And Qaiser Ayub, a 40-year-old professor of Christian background, was arrested and charged with insulting Islam’s prophet Muhammad. The computer science professor had been a fugitive avoiding the police since 2011, when he was first accused of having written blasphemous comments on his blog. DHIMMITUDE: GENERIC CONTEMPT AND HOSTILITY Denmark: In an apparent replication of the Islamic world's modus operandi, Muslim refugees in the European nation are persecuting Christian refugees. According to, "Christian asylum seekers are repeatedly exposed to everything from harassment to threats and physical abuse by other refugees in the asylum centers, simply because they have converted from Islam to Christianity." According to Niels Eriksen Nyman, who led the study, "There are certainly many more cases around the country than the ones we hear about in the church. I hate to say it, but I'm afraid that on some of the asylum centers there are some very unhealthy control mechanisms when the staff turns their back...I refuse to support Islamophobia, but we have a serious problem here." Two recent examples: "An eight year old Christian at the Center Sandholm was bullied and beaten by the larger Arab boys on their way to school. Now the boy nolonger [sic] dares to go to school. On the island Bornholm, somebody had tampered with a Christian asylum seeker's bike so that he crashed and broke both hands." Egypt: The Islamic State called on its followers to take the jihad to Egypt. Abu Mus'ab al-Maqdisi, a leader in the Islamic State, said in a statement titled "Advice to Egypt's Mujahidin" that "It is necessary to take the battle to Cairo, until the Sinai is safeguarded from the apostates [reference to Egyptian government] and becomes a rear base [qaeda] from which to expand the jihad." He also called on the jihadis in Egypt to "target the Copts," the nation's indigenous, Christian minority: "For targeting them, following them, and killing them is one of the main ways to serve the cause of our virtuous male and female hostages of the tyrants." Iraq: Christian homes in Tel Isqof were looted by Kurds who, after fighting the Islamic State, took control of the area on August 17. According to Agenzia Fides, "The city of Tel Isqof was occupied on August 7 by jihadist militias who already in June had conquered Mosul. Faced with the advancing of jihadists, the civilian population, mainly Christians, had fled to the autonomous Region of Iraqi Kurdistan, leaving the city deserted. Ten days later [on August 17], with a counter-offensive the Kurdish Peshmerga had regained control of the city. But it is precisely since then that [Christian] residents periodically return to the city to check the status of their homes, and acknowledge that the doors of a growing number of homes and businesses have been forced and property looted: money and jewelry, technical equipment and electronic instruments." As in the Islamic State, most Kurds are Sunni Muslims. Islamic State: IS issued a document breaking down the purchase prices of Christian and Yazidi women being sold as sex-slaves. Apparently these enslaved unfortunates are priced based on age— the youngest being the most expensive. The breakdown is as follows (with USD equivalency in brackets): 40-50 years old: 50,000 dinars [$43]; 30-40 years old: 75,000 dinars [$64]; 20-30 years old: 100,000 dinars [$86]; 10-20 years old: 150,000 dinars [$129]; 9 years old: 200,000 dinars [$172]. Spain: Real Madrid, a professional football (soccer) team, stripped the traditional Christian cross from its club crest as part of a deal with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi."It is believed the European champions' new crest, minus the Christian cross, was created so as not to offend Muslim sensibilities in the United Arab Emirates, where a marketing drive will take place," wrote the Telegraph. Club president Florentino Perez said, "This agreement will help the club to keep conquering the hearts of followers in the United Arab Emirates." Syria: As of November, Raqqa, which once had approximately 1,500 Christian families, had only 23 Christian families remaining in it—the others were driven out or killed by the Islamic State. Those few remaining were unable to leave the city for lack of resources or for reasons of age and health. On November 16 they were told that they must pay $535, an exorbitant sum (as seen above, human sex-slaves are being sold for as little as $43). "In all likelihood Christian families, impoverished by the war, will not be able to pay the tax and will have to leave their homes" or convert to Islam, as many elderly, debilitated Christians unable to flee have already done. ABOUT THIS SERIES The persecution of Christians in the Islamic world has become endemic. Accordingly, "Muslim Persecution of Christians" was developed to collate some—by no means all—of the instances of persecution that surface each month. It serves two purposes:
Accordingly, whatever the anecdote of persecution, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; apostasy, blasphemy, and proselytism laws that criminalize and sometimes punish with death those who "offend" Islam; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya (financial tribute expected from non-Muslims); overall expectations for Christians to behave like cowed dhimmis, or third-class, "tolerated" citizens; and simple violence and murder. Sometimes it is a combination thereof. Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales—from Morocco in the West, to Indonesia in the East—it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam—whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it. Raymond Ibrahim is a Middle East and Islam specialist and author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007). His writings have appeared in a variety of media, including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst, Middle East Quarterly, World Almanac of Islamism, and Chronicle of Higher Education. He was born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East, which has provided him with equal fluency in English and Arabic. His understanding of the two the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets positions him to explain the Middle Eastern culture to the West. This article appeared January 10, 2015 on Gatestone Institute International Policy Council and is archived at -christians-november-2014 |
THE SUICIDAL SILENCE OF SECULAR NIHILISMPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 10, 2015 |
As I wrote after gazing at the remains of the New York World Trade Center a week after 9/11, America can't win the war against Islam: America is trapped in the suicidal silence of nihilism. Nihilism prevents America from identifying her mortal enemy, Islam. America can't identify this enemy as evil as she once identified Nazism; and this she can't do because her ruling elites, politicians and judges, academics and journalists, are trapped in the last stage of the Enlightenment, the black hole of nihilism, the philosophy of the void. The philosophers of the Enlightenment, enough to mention Hobbes and Locke, Hume and Rousseau, were overt or closet atheists. They were engaged in a power struggle with the Church, with organized religion. Their primary target was the Old Testament on which Christianity stands or falls. They inaugurated a new world order: "Tolerance" and "Liberalism." The new world was promoted by public education. Liberalism became the dogma of democracy, of the secular democratic state. Today it's the carrier of multicultural moral relativism. Every level of education is permeated by this relativism. Relativism undermines the convictions of any tradition-based society. It disembowels any nation that derives its identity and purpose as well as its quiet confidence from the cherished ideas of Western Civilization. Science and technology made Western Civilization the paradigm of civilization. Multiculturalism has rendered this belief passe. Afro-Asian and feminist studies titillate college students far more than Plato and Shakespeare, to say nothing of the Hebraic ideas that were generated by America's colonial colleges, ideas that fructified America's socio-economic system. The loss of this intellectual and cultural background has rendered America psychologically incapable of dealing with jihadic Islam as evil. "I'm okay, you're okay," is the mindless adage on American college campuses. This stupefying nihilism has even afflicted Israel, via the cynicism or moral equivalency, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." Moral equivalence is enough for the U.S. to provide the consortium of terrorists called the "Palestinian Authority" with annual grants of hundreds of millions of dollars with hardly a peep from American tax-payers. No wonder: they have been anaesthetized for decades by the academic doctrine of moral relativism, which facilitated Barack Obama's path to the White House. The multicultural moral relativism to which Obama is addicted, and which prompted him to genuflect to a Saudi despot, prevents him from calling the recent massacre in Paris an act of Islamic terrorism. Obama is not stupid; but he lives in a world in which stupidity is indistinguishable from ignorance. Stupidity per se is incorrigible. Like catatonic schizophrenia, it's immune to logic and evidence. We live in a period of history whose mentality has been shaped by Hobbes and Hume. These atheists posited reason as the servant of the passions, above all by the Will. Today the will to denial reigns in the West, specifically the denial of evil. As the plebeian Hobbes taught, "evil" is nothing more than a word for something we dislike, a matter of taste. Philosophy works slowly as it insinuates its way from academe to the offices of government, the media, and the market place. The will to denial can be as powerful as the will to believe. Willful self-deception is evident in high places among fools who persist in believing that Islam is a benevolent religion. President George W. Bush called Islam a "religion of peace" the day after 9/11, celebrated by Muslims across the world screaming Allah Akbar! The Enlightened mind cannot or dare not believe that Barack Obama's "Holy Qur'an," worshiped by 1.6 billion human beings, is punctuated with falsehood and vicious ideas such as jihad, as scholars have said century after century. To believe that Muslims, who can be so gracious, can also be animated by Sura 9:111 of the Qur'an, which exalts the Muslim who "slays and is slain" for Allah, is an idea impossible for today's humanists to contemplate. Their minds have transcended the distinction between ignorance and stupidity: it's just "Islamophobia." Their intellectual counterparts of the Enlightenment called religion "Superstition," which the Age of Reason relegated to the trash bin. That's where the Taliban buries Reason, which they say "stinks of corruption!" Of course, the Taliban can be dismissed as "extremists." Here let us pause. The Taliban’s contempt for Reason exemplifies the Islamic madness that prompted the great polymath al-Farabi, a Muslim in dress only, to abandon Muhammad for the rationalism of Plato and Aristotle. The primacy of reason as opposed to the primacy of force is a basic principle of classical Greek philosophy. It is also a principle of Jewish philosophy. The deity of Islam, however, represents pure or absolute will or power, qualified by neither logic nor justice. Islamic theology is the ideational source of Islamic jihad. It sanctifies the massacre of non-Muslims. It permits and even encourages Muslims to use their own children as human bombs against infidels. We are dealing with the most ruthless religion on earth. The absolute hence unqualified Will of Islam's deity is the reason why Islam regards the Genesis concept of man's creation in the image of God as blasphemous. As Robert R. Reilly has observed, Islam "teaches that God is so infinitely transcendent that absolutely no comparison can be made between Him and anything else. There is nothing 'like' Him, certainly not man. The Judeo-Christian notion from Genesis of man possessing the Imago Dei is a scandalous blasphemy in Islam." [1] But this makes the Jews Islam's foremost enemy. As Reilly points out in his seminal work, The Closing of the Muslim Mind, during the late eighth and ninth centuries, a particular sect of Islam, the Mu'tazalites, consisting of Muslims influenced by Greek philosophy, fought for the primacy of reason in Islamic theology. The Mu'tazalites were defeated in the tenth century by a rival sect, the Ash'arites. The Ash'arites held the view—now regnant in the Sunni Muslim world of which the Palestinians are a part—that Allah's omnipotence precludes human free will. The Ash'arites asserted the primacy of absolute determinism or predestination. By so doing they rejected the Mu'tazalite teaching that man is responsible for his actions. Hence, instead of a God identified with reason, the Ash'arites posited a God whose absolute free will precludes the primacy of reason in human affairs. Given the Ash'arite supremacy in the Muslim mind, Muslim terrorists harbor no feelings of guilt in killing innocent civilians: it was the will of Allah. Hence it was only "logical" for Muslims throughout the world to scream Allahu Akbar in reaction to the slaughter of 3,000 infidels on 9/11. If this appears irrational, it must be understood (and be made known) that the primacy of will displaces the primacy of reason in Islamic theology, hence in human affairs. The Genesis concept of man's creation in the image of God is the theological source of Jewish rationalism. We are thus confronted by a paradox. The Age of Reason, i.e., the Enlightenment, was based on a rejection of the Judaic source of rationalism. We must therefore ask what underlies the rationalism (or "Reason") of the Age of Reason. Strange as it may seem, this Reason is based on a mirror image of Islamic theology, that is, on the primacy human will, more precisely, on the concept of man defined not as Homo sapiens but as Homo faber – man the maker. Contrary to the classical and medieval conception of reason, man can only know what he makes. He is the maker of ideas, of ideologies and technologies. He is the fabricator of capitalism and socialism, of democracy and fascism, of all religions under the sun. He is Allah in human form, unrestrained by reason or logic or justice! It all began with the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, the denial of given or revealed truths, of truths independent of human volition. In contrast, we see that Islam maintains that Allah, understood as pure or absolute Will, is not bound by any truths since Allah transcends reason. Islam therefore entails the moral relativism that animates the democratic world – except that this relativism applies to Allah, not to man! Let us reformulate this bizarre conclusion. Since Allah represents pure or absolute will, Islam posits the most radical theological voluntarism. This voluntarism logically entails unqualified irrationalism, which is nothing more or less than religious nihilism. Islam's religious nihilism appears in the present juncture of history as the antidote to the secular nihilism of the democratic world. The moral absolutism of Islam is the antidote to democracy's moral relativism. Paradoxical as it may seem, the moral relativism prevalent in the West applies to Allah understood as pure will unbound reason and justice. Allah may thus be deemed a mirror image of democratic man. Viewed in this light, Islamic nihilism-cum-terrorism is perfectly consistent with the ethos of democracy. But inasmuch as the secular nihilism prevalent in the democratic world logically excludes all moral constraints, there is no logical reason why America should not erase Islam from the map just as former Iranian president Ahmadinejad vowed to wipe Israel off the map, while chanting "death to America." Conclusion. The Age of Reason has metamorphosed into an Age of Unreason as witness the failure of America to identify in a forthright manner her mortal enemy, Islam. Suicidal nihilism has silenced the most powerful nation on earth. The seeds of this nihilism were planted by the philosophers of the Enlightenment, the atheists who scorned in utter ignorance the profound ideas embodied in the Creation Narrative of the Bible of Israel. In that Narrative is the all-important concept of man's creation in the image of God. This concept, as elucidated in my book, Rescuing America from Nihilism: A Judeo-Scientific Approach, provides the only solid foundation for the primacy of reason in human affairs. [1] Robert R. Reilly, "Bernard Lewis and the Arab Spring," Claremont Review of Books, Vol. XI, No. 3, Summer 2011, 68. Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. Contact Eidelberg at |
DEVOTION EQUALS HEROISMPosted by Nurit Greenger, January 11, 2015 |
Yonat Daskal, a medic angel in military fatigue. The war and its heroes. For the past two and half years Yonat Daskal. Now 23 year old, is working as paramedic at Magen David Adom, what is equal to the Red Cross in Israel, national headquarters, in Kiryat Ono, Israel. ![]() Yonat Daskal, a paramedic in action-Photo provided by Yonat Daskal I met Yonat when she arrived to Los Angeles to partake in Friends of Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) gala in November 2014. ![]() Yonit Daskal and the writer in November 2014 FIDF Gala It took time to get her to hold an interview with me as Yonat is a busy bee, working as a paramedic as well is a first year student in the medical sciences faculty at Ariel University, in Ariel city. Her ambition is to become a surgeon. "If, after studying for three years for my BA I graduate with high grades I will be accepted to four more year of medical school," she announces her ultimate goal. "But Ariel University does not have medical school," I noted questioning her plan to graduate as a doctor from this university? YD, putting me into the secret: "The philanthropist Sheldon Adelson is already in negotiations to build a medical school in Ariel University." She hopes that by the time she receives her BA degree, this medical school will be available to her. "So why did they chose you to be an honored guest at the FIDF gala?" I asked. YD: "Because I was the only female soldier to have entered, on foot, with the special Nachal Brigade into northern Gaza during Protective Edge-Solid Rock War this past summer. I was on vacation abroad when the war broke. I received the call to come back and serve." Without hesitation Yonat was on the first available flight back home." In one tough battle with Hamas there were ten wounded Israeli soldiers whom I treated. It was tough, every tough." After the rockets were fired toward us, one of the other two medics who were working with her realized that the soldiers wounded he will have to treat are his friends. "He went into a shock," she goes over the events. "There was crazy very loud noise, and deafening shooting everywhere. I grabbed his shirt, while we were going toward the wounded, and told him, 'I know that these are your friends and it is going to be difficult but we are going to be like a robot, and you have to compose yourself; we may not save all of them but we will save as many as possible; perhaps we will lose one but we will save five.' He got out of his shock frame of mind and it was awesome how the three of us, medics, worked so well together." The story she continues to tell is a one that only a person who was there can tell. "It was midnight and very dark and we were not allowed to use any light, not even a flash light. The soldiers brought the wounded to me and in the dark I was patting them and feeling their body to diagnose from where they were bleeding and where their wound was. I touched, I felt to know if they are conscious, form where they were bleeding. I treated one, and he was evacuated to be sent to the nearest hospital; I then changed gloves and went onto treat the next body, to feel him and treat him as much as I could and the chain continued and repeated itself and it felt as if it is never going to end. The army introduced dry plasma, in powder form, to which one mixes special water and that helped a lot." To one of the wounded she gave the plasma treatment after he lost consciousness and he survived, she reminisces and says again "this was great." NG: "What happened there exactly?" I was curious to hear firsthand from the warrior medic. ![]() Yonat Daskal-the warrior-Photo from Yonat Daskal YD: "Hamas fired three rockets which landed few meters away from our soldiers. The commanding officer was killed and ten soldiers got hit and I was there to treat them all." Half an hour into her treating the soldiers, "my angel arrived," she smiles. "There was one soldier wounded in his chest and I prayed for God to be with him. All of a sudden the Deputy Battalion Commander came over to me and said, 'a heart and chest surgeon is arriving with special vehicle to evacuate all the soldiers at once. God was really with them, it was great. It was one and a half weeks, 24 hours non-stop in the battlefield and 24 hours outside Gaza. The first shower I took, after a week and a half in the battlefield, was at Barzilai Hospital. If my girlfriends saw me how I looked they would have understood why 400 soldiers surrounding me are no threat to my modesty. Nothing happened but so much did happen." ![]() Yonat Daskal-first on Left during Protective Edge War-Photo from Yonat Daskal Originally. Yonat, now belongs to the IDF military reserve units, conscripted to IDF combat unit. For that she enlisted and committed to serve for three and a half years in a combat unit instead of the standard two year service, the time women serve in the IDF. NG: "What have you gained from the service?" I asked. Yonat smiles as she uses the word 'great' often. YD: "First professionally; I learned and understood that I have the medical profession virus, that medicine is my professional future. As an Israeli citizen who was raised in a Zionist, religious home, in Petach Tikvah, Israel, one of the first Jewish settlements in Israel, founded in the late 1800s, I wanted to enlist as a fighter. I knew I will be able to breathe the land, to feel it. And I did. I connected to the land, to her people, got closer to the population at large and got to know the people. I grew up, and I learned what is more important, what is less important in life. Because I am religious, none of my friends, all are religious, enlisted for military service and that put pressure on me. They told me, 'the military corrupts you, it is indecent,' they claimed. But the opposite is what I experienced. Serving was the smarted choice I have made in my life thus far. Though it was rather difficult to observe my religious practices, the soldiers in my unit understood my needs in this area and helped to make my life so much easier." ![]() Yonat Daskal the girl among the boys-Photo from Yonat Daskal Yonat is a real trooper. In a way I was jealous of her; I wished I could have had her field experience when I served in the IDF several decades ago. Yonat is reluctant to go into details about the war but she told me witnessed weapons hidden in a UNRWA school. "And that is not great," she revealed her opinion. "The IDF is amazing," she gets excited. "The Israeli military values life. It is an amazing defense force, fighting for the peace in the land and to protect the life of every citizen. The Arabs approach is wrong," she refers to the murder of four rabbis at Har Nof synagogue while they were praying. "The Arabs see a synagogue, a praying place, as a military operational room; it is a crime and all they want is war and more war." Yonat goes back to the medical profession: "The standard of medicine in Israel attests to the value of the life of the citizens of Israel," she sums up why she wants to contribute to the profession as a future doctor. "The IDF is the most humane military the world over. I assisted the Red Crescent to treat a pregnant Arab-Palestinian woman and performed the delivery in Ovdah checkpoint. I witnessed how all the citizens of Israel are treated with no connection to their religion. The IDF is the military that defends Israel not the military that defends the Jews." What is there to say, when you interview a brave warrior, a young woman who decided to give three and a half years of her life to serve her country and she will continue doing so when she becomes a surgeon. ![]() Yonat Daskal at the MDA headquarters-Photo from Yonat Daskal How about a medal of honor for Yonat Daskal, Mr. Prime Minister of Israel, whoever you will be in March 2015?! Contact Nurit Greenger by email at Visit her blog: |
Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz referred to the negotiations with Iran over the future of its nuclear program at an event in Washington. He claims Tehran is under major pressure and therefore now is not the time to make concessions to the Iranians, that could lead to a conflict ![]() Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, warns against concessions in the negotiations with Iran – with the deadline for the signing of an agreement on Iran's nuclear program approaching. He claimed "Iran is currently under major pressure, a pressure that has already brought about political change in Iran, so now is not the time for concessions". The comments were made at a farewell dinner in his honor at the Israeli embassy in Washington. Gantz stressed that Israel prefers that the agreement over limiting Iran's nuclear capabilities will be achieved through peaceful means, but the outcome of the negotiations with Tehran "should be the correct results, namely – not leaving any trace of nuclear capability in the hands of Iran, which could be use by it in the future. Other results may prolong the crisis and lead to a confrontation ". The Chief of Staff is currently in the US, having a round of meetings days prior to his resignation next February. Gantz will be succeeded by Maj. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot. Contact Eretz Israel Shelanu at |
LOVE THY NEIGHBORPosted by Moncharsh, January 11, 2015 |
Some non-Jews actually use their heads to think of the future and value what they have today. The article below was written by Robert Tait who is the
Telegraph's Middle East correspondent, based in
Jerusalem. He was previously Iran correspondent for the
Guardian, before being forced to leave when the authorities
refused to renew his visa. He has also been the Guardian's
Turkey correspondent based in Istanbul and Washington
correspondent for the Scotsman. He spends his spare time
trying to learn Farsi. This article appeared January 02, 2015
on The Telegraph and is archived at
Army volunteers prefer to be part of a Jewish state than an Arab one ![]() Sitting in front of the family Christmas tree dressed in military fatigues, Amir Shalayan seemed in no doubt about his identity. "When you go back back in religion, I consider myself a real Jew," he said, unabashed by the non-Jewish festive decorations in his living room. "Jesus was Jewish and he was observing the Shabbat (Jewish sabbath)." Mr Shalayan is in fact an Arab Christian, a category he refers to as "Aramean", but his strong identification with the Jewish faith is offered as explanation for his keen army service. It also accounts for his vocal support of legislation that envisages officially declaring Israel a Jewish state - despite the presence within its borders of around 1.7 million Arabs, including 161,000 Christians, more than 20 per cent of the population. The bill to designate Israel as "the nation state of the Jewish people" is supported by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and would deny collective national rights to the Arab minority and strip Arabic of its status as one of the country's official languages. Plans to table the bill were delayed after the Knesset, Israel's parliament, was dissolved this month and a general election called for March, but it is certain to be a controversial issue in the forthcoming campaign. Critics say that it will reduce the Arab population - Muslims and Christians alike - to second-class citizens in the land of their birth and ancestry. Mr Shalayan has no such qualms, citing the recent fate of Christians at the hands of jihadist extremists in Iraq and Syria to support his case. "I'm supporting the bill," he said. "I would rather be a second-class citizen under a Jewish state than a first-class citizen in an Arab state. "Arab countries don't have any system. They want to act according to Sharia (Islamic law). Christians have been persecuted all over the world and this is the only country (in the Middle East) that gives me the right to be Christian and practice my rituals." Mr Shalayan, 26, is one of a small number of Christians to have volunteered,to serve in Israel's armed forces - from which his co-religionists, like other Arabs, are exempt. This is in contrast to most Jews, for whom service is compulsory. Having spent three years in the Israeli navy, he now performs regular reserve duty and is a member of the Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum Association, which attempts to persuade other Christians to join the army. It claims to have recruited between 100 and 150 Christian volunteers since its establishment in 2012. Mr Shalayan says his motivation is simple: Christians should assimilate in Israeli society and serve the country which protects them. His military service and support for the Jewish nation state bill is music to the ears of Mr Netanyahu and the Israeli armed forces, which sent out voluntary recruitment notices to Christians for the first time this year in an attempt to woo young Christians into military service. Yet they are deeply unpopular among his co-religionists in Nazareth, the biblical childhood home of Jesus where Christians account for around 30 per cent of the population of 80,000. Most reject the idea of army service as an Israeli attempt to dilute their Arab identity and divide them from their Muslim brethren. Around Mary's Well Square, under the shadow of a vast Christmas tree and where locals of both religions mingled in cafes, bars and restaurants, many Christians also see the Jewish state bill as likely to further weaken their status. "I'm against Christians being enlisted in the army," aid Elias, 26, a dentist visiting Mama's Coffee Shop. He did not want to give his full name for fear of antagonizing his Jewish patients. "We are Palestinians, our ancestors were Palestinians, it doesn't matter which religion we are. If Israel lived in peace with other countries in the region and with the Palestinians, I would have no problem enlisting. But how how can you serve a country that kills your own people?" Elias also dismissed Mr Shalayan's attempts to re-cast Arab Christians as Aramean as "ridiculous", adding: 'They are just trying to fit into the mix of Israeli society." Israel decided this year to recognise Arameans - Christians descended from an ancient Semitic people originating in what is now Syria - as a national minority. The rule change allowed Syriac Christians to identity themselves as Arameans rather than Arab, a definition that has been seized upon by the army recruitment group that Mr Shalayan helped to found. It is roundly rejected by Riah Abu Al-Assal, the Nazareth-based Anglican Bishop of Israel and Palestine, who has held prayer sessions with Tony Blair and participated in delegations to 10 Downing Street when he was Prime Minister. "This is not the first time we have witnessed people in Israel of this kind," he said. "Years ago, there were people who said that the Christians here were Phoenicians and not Arabs. "For anybody to claim and say that Christians (in Israel) aren't Arabs, I tell them you will have to change the book (the bible). This was written long before there was a conflict between Jews and Arabs." On army service, Bishop Abu Al-Assal added. "My brother lives in Lebanon and has two sons and I have two second cousins here who are of army service age. How could they could they possibly serve when they might have to fire on their relatives in a future war?" That conundrum cut little ice in the Shalayan household in Upper Nazareth, a mainly Jewish modern new town overlooking the historic old city. "All the Arab say, you are going to kill your own people," said Bishara Shalayan, 59, Amir's father, who set up a political movement, called Sons of the Pledge and a Facebook page aimed at encouraging Arab Christians to join the army. "We don't want to kill anybody. We want to protect ourselves and serve the country we believe. But if my brother is a terrorist, I will kill him." Asked why more Christians had not joined his movement or followed his son to the army, he replied: "They're scared." Contact Moncharsh at |
A COUPLE OF CONTRIBUTIONSPosted by Ted Roberts, January 11, 2015 |
BALAAM NEEDS A GOOD PR REP I don't have a degree from the Harvard Divinity School nor am I a graduate of the Yeshiva. I did go to Hebrew school for six years and I've thought long and hard about our Chumash. I've even read it – yes, every word – more than once and I’ve come to the conclusion that there is one seminal message besides the obvious one that our G-d is all powerful; He monitors and judges our behavior. I'd like to add that he rewards good and punishes evil, but I see so many exceptions to that rubric that I concede it may only happen in the world to come – over the horizon of time. But the other theme that pervades the Holy text is the imperfections of our ancestors. Strange. The Creator of man seems to be saying that every man's heart is streaked with evil. There are few perfect players in the Great play. Oddly enough, one is a Moabite – Ruth – a lady of impeccable behavior. A Moabite! One of Israel's traditional enemies. And the grandmother, no less, of David. The Chumash, as usual – regardless of political correctness – speaks truth – a Moabite in the lineage of our Mosiach!. There's another Moabite in the Chumash who, contrary to Ruth, gets a very bad press. It is Balaam, son of Peor, who is at least once in our Chumash is called a sorcerer. Not a nice occupation unless you want to be stoned to death. But that's only the beginning. He clearly is a marked man. First ridiculed, then insulted, then killed. But his misbehavior is hard to uncover. In short, he is summoned by the envoys of Balak – leader of the Moabites – who must face the Israelites in battle. Balaam's mission: curse the Israelites. The sorcerer, after consulting with G-d, turns them down. Refuses their fee. All Balak wants is for Balaam, whose reputation as a sorcerer is evidently first class, to curse the Israelite host. Balaam – faultless Balaam – says, no way "though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold". The envoys report their rejection to Balak, a king who is used to having his way. He sends a second, higher-level crew to recruit Balaam. Obedient Balaam again goes to G-d. And the Lord tells the sorcerer - who's between a rock and a hard place - go with them but only speak what I tell you. Mystery of mysteries: The next chapter begins with "God’s anger was aroused because he went". But G-d just told him to go!! Puzzling. And now we encounter the additional enigma of the talking donkey – a story known to all first year kindergarten kids. Balaam mounts his donkey and sets out to join Balak. But an angel of the Lord blocks their way. The animal sees him and skids to a stop. Balaam, oblivious to the donkey's vision, whips him - evidently Balaam is an animal abuser, too – whereupon the creature pleads his case and reminds his master of his years of faithful service. Finally, the Lord (doubtlessly feeling sorry for Balaam's faithful creature who has angelic vision) opens the sorcerer's eyes to the angel. At last he understands and profusely apologizes for his astigmatism. He reports to Balak (who, remember has houses of gold and silver). "Curse the Israelites!" cries Balak. Balaam – ever G-d-fearing – consults again with his Heavenly Master. Instead, he is instructed to bless the Israelite host and we go through this scenario three times. And each time the prophet (or sorcerer, depending on your viewpoint) consults with His Majesty, in heaven, who basically goes along with the instruction; I will bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee. Balaam, at the mercy of blood-thirsty Balak, defies him and blesses Israel. Incidentally, upon looking down on the Israelite encampment, Balaam blesses them with the well-known prayer: "How goodly are thy tents O Israel". Other references to the maligned prophet seem to twist circumstances – Balaam wants to curse Israel, say some commentators – G-d says no. I, the veteran of six years of Hebrew School, don't read it that way. Evidently, the biblical author has it in for Balaam – and there is a one-sentence illusion to his misdeeds at Peor. A strange story. Balaam, who eventually follows G-d's wishes, is condemned. And comes in second to a four-footed, braying beast who can see angels while his master cannot. For some reason he is not exactly a hero in the eyes of Jewish history. I don't get it. It may be because he was a sorcerer – a blasphemous profession. Or maybe because he is an ally to the Moabite – but so was Ruth. Something rings hollow about the whole story; talking donkeys, Balaam’s profession. When I get my degree from the Yeshiva I'll tell you the real story. In the meantime go to Numbers 22. What do you think? A HERETICAL VIEW OF TISHA B'AV Let's take a long, hard look at historical reality. Those ex-slaves called Israelites have escaped their Egyptian prison. And for the first time - like your six year old toddled off to school alone – in a strange, new world - they wandered eventually into Canaan, a land full of pagan playmates. The Almighty, who can see beyond the curve of the horizon of time, sees the temptations and snares set by the Amalakites, Jebusites, Amorites, and Philistines to entrap his people. He lectures Israel, his young one, incessantly. He seeks to impress them with his power. He splits oceans, he creates a constitution that we call the Chumash - he uses pillars of fire and smoke to guide them through this sandy deathtrap. He incessantly warns them to stay away from the idol worshiping heathens of the arid wilderness. He obsesses on loyalty because he is a G-d of morality, while the gods of this new world have no interest in crime and punishment, mercy and justice, mitzvot and goodness. So what do our primitive ancestors do the first time Father Moses leaves them unattended? Exactly what the mighty G-d of miracles forbade - they build, and worship with abandon, two golden bulls. Just like their pagan neighbors. Totally oblivious to miracles and sermons, they worship their inanimate idols. G-d must have done a divine double take as he glared down from his mountaintop. So much for loyalty. Well, good thing I sent Moshe with Torah, He's thinking. But maybe it should have been ten books. These people need rules. Sad to say, our misbehavior continued. We continued to barbecue beasts like our neighbors. Prayer? Unheard of. Beneficial deeds? Who cares. We continue to barbecue so our G-d may enjoy the fragrance. Our Creator's nightmare comes true. We worship randomly and indiscriminately. Dumb and dumber, we send scent and smoke heavenward just like the Joneses next door. Eventually, all this mimicry culminates in the Temple, which I've been trying to get to for two pages. The Temple is a giant butcher shop - a racket for the Levites and a cloud on our history that almost smothers the real Judaism. Obviously, we can't glory in its destruction since Jerusalem, too, suffered and there was terrible loss of life both in the Babylonian and Roman destructions. But as our sages say, the fall of a great Oak permits sunlight to nourish a thousand new seedlings on the forest floor. Destruction often clears the ground for follow-on cultural new growth. The leveling of the Temple took Judaism out of the hands of priests and Levites and put it in our hearts, put it in our home, gave a role to our women. And over hundreds of years we - along with other religions - dropped the sacrificial concept. High places, sacred groves, granite alters lost their magic. Deeds and morality overturned sacrifice. Who needed a temple? For this invisible G-d - is and was a warmth in your heart. Indestructible, never to be destroyed. Let us worship Him instead of feeding him livestock. Our prophets chorus this from 700 BC on. And who knew - certainly history doesn't comment - but the watching world - seeing our Temple in flames but Judaism, still alive - learned the same lesson. So, maybe there's a bright side to Tisha B'Av. Sometimes in the study of history we need to reexamine events and institutions that have been acceptable for millennia of dull tradition - not logic, but tradition. Tisha B'Av reminds me that one of those icons is our Temple. From what we read in the Talmud and Chumash, it was the heartbeat of Judaism. Really? An abbatoir drenched in the blood of victims - a government employment office for Cohans and Levites. And a shameful identification with the customs of our heathen Canaanite neighbors - maybe not quite as bad. A lamb took the place of your newborn infant. And we disclaimed sexual activity to spur crop and livestock propagation. Yes, we had the good taste to eliminate that. So, let's not be too hard on our forbears. But basically our Temple was little more than an elaboration of our neighbor's primitive habits of worship. Exactly what our invisible, morally-obsessed G-d in the Chumash told us to avoid. It was based on the oldest superstition in the world - Jewish or non Jewish. Before you sip your wine, spill a bit on the ground from whence it came. The gods of fire, earth, wind, and sun and fertility need a little graft - a small donation or they'd never give us more wine or rib steak or lamb chops or bread. The gods must be appeased. Furthermore, insisted the heathens, you needed children to help you work the land, so on occasion you'd murder one of them as the ultimate sacrifice. Such were the beliefs of mankind 3,000 to 5,000 years ago. Don't open a new business on Tisha B'Av - the 9th day of Av. Nothing good has ever happened on the 9th of Av. On 566 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar leveled Solomon's Temple - on 9 Av 70 AD the Romans destroyed the second Temple. And for goodness sake don't get married on the 9th of Av, either, for obvious reasons. I joke. But it was a fateful date - a date drowned in Jewish bloodshed. For that we should mourn. Dr. Ted Roberts is a clinical therapist and pastor with the passion and skill to bring emotional healing to the body of Christ. Contact Roberts at |
ISRAEL'S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTSPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 11, 2015 |
As per the authors request below, I'm forwarding this to you and many others. He sends out this type of publication more than once a month. From this mere summary of highlights it can easily be understood how much good comes out of tiny Israel with a population of only 6.2 million Jews. Thus its no wonder that from the east and from the west, many come here for technology and to invest. For many generations the peoples of Europe have hated and very badly treated Jews there, while the Jews there as everywhere have been peaceful and productive members of those societies. Yet they have loved, supported and imported the muslims who hate them and do them much harm, many: live off of welfare there, refuse to work, rape what they refer to as mere "meat", demand never ending concessions and in the end kill their benefactors anyway. As its said, with friends like these...Maybe one day those so very wise ones of Europe - in their own minds, will wake up and smell the coffee? |
Anti-inflammatory treatment may prevent deadly infections. Ben Gurion University researchers have discovered accidentally that alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) could prevent deadly infections in immune system-compromised patients. Lethal bacteria in mice were practically eradicated by AAT therapy within 24 hours.
Wearable technology to analyze Parkinson's. (Thanks to Israel21c) Intel Israel has developed an advanced analytics platform for researching the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The system can work with smart watches linked to a smartphone and can handle 300 observations per second from each participant.
Teva launches generic antibiotics. Israel's Teva continues to help keep down US health costs by launching generic versions of two leading antibiotics - Zyvox (linezolid), and Nafcillin - injectable antibiotics for the treatment of severe infections. Teva also has launched a generic blood-pressure treatment.
Nano-particles to attack cancer. (Thanks to Israel21c) Israel's Quiet Therapeutics has developed "GAGomers," a new class of nano-particles (coated with glycosaminoglycan, or GAGs, a polysugar) that specifically target tumors and blood cancers based on a biomarker expressed on malignant tissue.
Success in antibody cancer therapy. Israeli biotech Compugen has announced positive initial experimental results for the first two of five of its candidate antibody cancer therapy (ADC) treatments. ADC therapy uses antibodies to target proteins present at high levels in cancer cells, releasing a toxic payload to kill the cells. Early detection of colon and uterine cancer. A breakthrough by researchers at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem will allow early detection and possible prevention of colon and uterine cancers. They have discovered a genetic mutation that can identify at-risk patients.
Leukemia treatment gets boost. The US FDA and the European Medicines Agency have awarded Israel's stem cell therapy developer Gamida Cell orphan status for its NiCord leukemia treatment. NiCord treats acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma and myelodysplastic syndrome. -drug-status-1000998856 Contact Paul Eidelberg at |
MURDOCH AGAINST PC; WORLD LEADERS BOW TO ISLAMPosted by Ms Benador, January 11, 2015 |
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke |
As I begin to write this article, a good feeling comes, the one of being validated by a powerful voice, as you will read later. Many have learned from history books, some may have lived in a Muslim environment for a couple of years, but overall their experiences come from some mighty 30-40 years ago and, honestly, that's no better reference than a book anymore. However, nothing can replace having recent and direct contact with Muslims in the Muslim world, work with them, become their friends, most likely because they thought they were addressing one of them, and sensed their contradictions, learned of the dire situation of their immigrant workers who have no right to import spouses or families to live with them, or the condition in which those workers are imposed to live in the Muslim world. Come to mind, those airline hostesses, or taxi drivers, Filipinos and other nationalities, who get the "privilege" to work in the Muslim world, but have to send their hard earned money back home, because they have no right to have their families with them. Want to speak of human rights now? Briefly, the situation of women in the Muslim world: Also more contradiction there: Depends of which women one is speaking about, which social class. Are you referring to the elite, the educated, professional women who have their way and keep husbands happy while at the same time hiding all Western luxury brands of sexy jeans, sandals, you name it, underneath their burkas? Or are you speaking about the lowest class women, who are almost on slavery? Take your pick... And, what about children's rights in the Muslim world? They teach hate to their children, they behead children who are not of their faith, and they have even made babies kick severed heads. After last week's commotion in Paris, European leaders are trying to utter their harsh reactions towards the cowardly massacre of innocents, at Charlie Hebdo and the Paris-Vincennes Kosher Supermarket. In all, a total of at least 17 people were murdered within less than 36 hours. But, in reality, the reaction of those leftist and corrupt "leaders" that are now steering the world into the hands of Islam, is too little too late and, above all, too hypocritical. While condemning the attacks, even the President of France, Francois Hollande and his Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, have rejected that the murderous massacres by Islamists Jihadists have anything to do with Islam. Here is what the French President had to say in his own words:
"Solidarity to families of the victims," "thankfulness to the police and the army," but no mention of Islam. The most the leftist president had to say was "...we must not make any confusion concerning these terrorists and fanatics that have nothing to do with the Muslim religion." Sure. Except that all their orgies of violent horrors and massacres are dedicated to the one and only, "Allah hu Aqbar." Granted, the French president added anti-semitism for good measure alright. His prime minister, on his part, has declared "war on Radical Islam." He implies, as all of them do, that radical Islam is separated, another entity that has nothing to do with, Islam. The globalist representative to the world, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has also joined the crowd of leaders ready to condemn the attack, while leaving open the doors to whitewash Islam at large. He said the attack was a "direct assault on a cornerstone of democracy," then added, "This horrific attack is meant to divide; we must not fall into that trap." Of course, "democracy" is also another utensil Islamists are using to advance their goals for world domination. Indeed, Muslims at large, as they migrate westward, are counting on democracy to live for now in their host countries, "peacefully", making believe that they are adhering to our mores, traditions and laws...until they will have the majority, which as any good student of Islam knows, will not take that long, thanks to their reproductive capabilities. In Germany, the leftist newspaper, The Local, journalists have joined their columns behind Chancellor Angela Merkel, who "deplores the new far-right group's 'hatred'. And, as The Local states, The anti-Islam demonstrations which have rocked Dresden with 18,000 people, have been followed by others in Cologne, Berlin and Stuttgart. Germans have even created their own anti-Islam institution: PEGIDA, the Acronym for Patriotische Europaer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West.) As expected, pro-Muslim democratic leftists translate Patriotism into such bad words as chauvinism and xenophobia, instead of keeping it to its strict meaning: Love of country and quest for one's compatriots well-being and safety. Added to today's roster of "globalist" leaders showing up in Paris, will be the leftist disguised in the wraps of right-wing Likud, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to support the rights of Muslim majorities no doubt and en passant, speak of the situation of Jews in France and remind that just before a new Holocaust happens, don't forget that "your home is Israel." Of course. Next in line is Mr. Coycat, Abu Mazen, the president of a non-country who in all certainty will not condemn Islam as the fruits of its hate, their Muslim terrorists, are anyway his supporters. Surely the French police and counter-terrorist divisions must be trembling in their pants today for what may or, worse, for what could happen. Meanwhile, the bottom line of this side story is that, leaders worldwide have failed to do their jobs. They were elected to protect their peoples and they have betrayed them for an Islamic agenda whose main goal is to advance Muslim world domination as swiftly as possible, given the favourable conditions on the planet. And, whoever is on pay by others, decided to go for the softer mode to deal with the horrors taught by Islam in their prophet's book, the Koran. Leaders, scholars, non-profit organisations who receive donations from ever dwindling donors, have cheerfully adopted the separation of Islam and terrorist violence, thus cynically advocating the innocence of Islam and Muslims in general, when the truth is that, in such a family-oriented society, there is nothing that happens without one's own family being aware of, and supporting one's actions. For even terrorists need to be nurtured and cared for. Good food, physical fitness, disciplined environment, all that is needed, plus and above all, the understanding of the cause and the commonality of interests. Families are the best vehicle to keep terrorists fit. Naturally, they are like fish in water. Terrorists are normal people, they look like normal Muslims or even normal people, if you will. Until the day the world learned what massacres they have committed. And, while even Muslims scholars in the West want Islam reformed, theirs are simply hollow words. Indeed, Islam should be reformed, but how, when the trouble is that for now, the prophet has instructed his people to massacre if need be to achieve world domination, to kill whoever does not want to convert to Islam, and so on. For now, Muslims of all venues are only using the weaknesses of Western democracy to get implanted in our midst, they demand equal rights and they are obtaining them, as they are so civil and polite...for now. They know full well that when the time will come, at the very most in one decade, they will be able to vote, propose sharia law to replace all the legal systems in the West. Then, they will exert their right, and one by one will cast their vote. Overwhelmingly, they will win. And so sharia will be instituted as the law of the West. In this path that mankind has chosen to follow, unexpectedly, a few days ago, a powerful voice has risen in the horizon as a glimmer of light in the darkness of the night. The powerful Rupert Murdoch has said it loud and clear: ![]() "Maybe most Muslims [are] peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible." Now maybe the mercenaries scholars and non-profit organizations, as well as cowardly politicians, will listen? It is all Islam and all Muslims who are responsible for the cancerous disaster they are imposing on the world. Simply put: Murdoch is right. Eliana Benadoris a strategic and risk consultant, adviser, opinion writer who was the founder of Benador Associates. Her website is Contact Benador at |
The article below was written by Chez Pazienza who
is an American journalist, author, television producer and
media consultant. This article appeared January 07, 2015 on
the Daily Banter and is archived at
The best way to both honor the memory of those killed today and to take a stand for all that Charlie Hebdo has stood for is to publish -- over and over again -- the images that led to today's violence. It's a cliché to say that this is what they don't want you to see, but it's never been more true. ![]() The French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo has spent a good portion of the past 44 years gleefully aiming its poison pens at the world's sacred cows. It's taken on the elite and the powerful, the corrupt and the unjust, and it's done it all in the name of using its absurdist sense of humor to knock down to size those who deserve to be. It's a publication that's as fearless as it is funny, evidenced by its willingness to use laughter as a weapon against radical Islam. Over the past decade, it's published several cartoons that not only depict images of the Prophet Muhammad -- considered blasphemy in Islam, punishable by death -- but take it one step further, openly ridiculing both the religious icon and the obsession of some of his followers with honoring to the point of madness the tenets of a book of stories published 1,400 years ago. Because of that willingness to refuse to cower before a deity and religion they didn't believe in, the editors and cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo have been the targets of attacks by extremists and have lived under the constant threat of violence. And yet, despite that, they never relented, continuing to satirize Islam -- and many other faiths, to be fair -- simply because they knew doing so was not only the purest and most necessary expression of freedom, but it was fun. It was fun to take jabs at subjects that people with no sense of humor decreed they weren't allowed to take jabs at. This morning in Paris, 12 people died for that freedom. They were killed in an attack by gunmen claiming to be affiliated with al Qaeda, gunmen who stormed the offices of Charlie Hebdo shouting, "Allah hu-Akbar," and executed ten people, including two police officers who tried to stop them. Among the members of the Charlie Hebdo staff murdered were some of its most famous cartoonists, people who drew the very images that so infuriated Muslim extremists. These extremists demanded that Charlie Hebdo not publish images of the Prophet Muhammad -- and the newspaper did it anyway. These extremists demanded that even those who don't believe in their faith submit to it -- and Charlie Hebdo said, basically, "Fuck you." The best way to both honor the memory of those killed today and to take a stand for all that Charlie Hebdo has stood for is to publish -- over and over again -- the images that led to today's violence. It's a cliché to say that this is what they don't want you to see, but it's never been more true. This isn't simply what they don't want you to see -- it's what they'll kill to stop you from seeing. But in the age of social media, they can't stop this. No matter what they do. They can't kill everyone. p>Je suis Charlie.![]() This was tweeted out this morning by Charlie Hebdo. It's the leader of ISIS and the staff offers him "best wishes." ![]() From October of last year. Muhammad being beheaded by an ISIS fighter. He's shouting, "I'm the prophet, you asshole," while his killer says back, "Shut your trap, infidel." ![]() 2011: Muhammad "guest edits" Charlie Hebdo. Translation: "100 lashes if you don't die laughing." This likely led the newspapers office to be firebombed a few weeks later. ![]() The follow-up cover to the Muhammad edition. Translation: "Love is stronger than hate." ![]() As a response to the Muslim reaction to The Innocence of Muslims, a cheap movie that was allegedly the impetus for the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Charlie Hebdo published this: Muhammad posing for a camera. On the left, the caption reads, "A star is born"; on the right, it reads, "The film that will set the Muslim world on fire." Muhammad is saying in the shot, "My ass? You love my ass?" ![]() This cover references the French film, The Intouchables. Translation: "Shouldn't laugh." ![]() In 2006, following the publication of the images of Muhammad in the Danish magazine Jyllands-Posten, which set off a firetorm of outrage, Charlie Hebdo republished the images and slapped this cover on the issue. Here, Muhammad is saying, "It's hard to be loved by these idiots." ![]() In 2002, the paper ran this: a cartoon depicting Muhammad picking "Miss Potato Sack." ![]() Translation: "Charlie Hebdo must be censored." Contact Narayana Sd at Narayana Sd at |
4 BIBLICAL SAYINGS THAT SPICE UP TODAY'S HEBREWPosted by David Hornik, January 11, 2015 |
![]() Click VIDEO here. As I noted in the first article in this series, "In the Diaspora, Hebrew was retained primarily as a holy tongue, a language of prayer and sacred study." But with the onset of Zionist settlement of the Land of Israel in the late 19th century, Hebrew gradually became the official language of the Yishuv, the prestate Jewish community, and then of the state of Israel itself. That, however, required a good deal of modernization and adaptation of classical Hebrew. The driving force behind that project was Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (1858-1921), a Lithuanian-born Jew who moved to Palestine in 1881 and—among much other activity on Hebrew's behalf—produced a 17-volume lexicon of ancient and modern Hebrew, sometimes working on it 18 hours a day. If Eliezer Ben-Yehuda could see today's Israel, he would know that his labors were crowned with great success. Hebrew now permeates all dimensions of Israeli life, from scientific studies to street slang. P. David Hornik is a freelance writer and translator living in Beersheva. His memoir, Destination Israel: Coming of Age and Finding Peace in the Middle East, is forthcoming later this year from Liberty Island. In addition to PJ Media his work has appeared on Frontpage Magazine, New English Review, American Spectator, American Thinker, The Times of Israel, the Jerusalem Post, the Jewish Press, Ynetnews, Israel National News, Moment, and others. David has long made his home in Israel, having grown up in the U.S.; his previous book is Choosing Life in Israel. |
TEL AVIV OPERA...Posted by GWY123, January 11, 2015 |
Maestro ditches opera after request to play 'Hatikva' denied Frederic Chaslin sought to play anthem in honor of the Paris victims, but Israel's principal opera company refused By Marissa Newman Times of Israel January 11, 2015, 3:55 pm 16 A French-Jewish conductor refused to appear at the Israeli Opera for a performance on Saturday evening, after the Tel Aviv opera house's management denied his request to play "Hatikva" in commemoration of the victims of the terror attacks in France last week. Parisian-born Frederic Chaslin had asked to say a few words and play the Israeli national anthem in honor of the 17 people killed in Paris last week — in the kosher supermarket siege and shootout at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine, and a policewoman killed separately — but was told the move would upset the audience. He subsequently left the theater, and an understudy conducted the performance. "It was refused to me," Chaslin wrote on Facebook regarding his request. "'It would upset our audience,' 'it is against the management's policies.' What management? What policy? Where am I? In a country supposed to be the sanctuary for all Jewish people in the world? Has the 'audience' of this country lost their souls? "As a result of course I refused to conduct tonight," he concluded. Chaslin was not immediately available for comment. A statement from the Israeli Opera in Tel Aviv-Yaffo condemned the Paris attacks, but insisted the theater must remain a haven from terror. "The Israeli opera is pained by tragedy and its aftermath and its heart is with the French nation and Jewish community," it said. "For the 30 years that the opera has been in operation, it has insisted on maintaining its routine even on the painful days of dozens of terror attacks and during wars. This is the way of the opera — not to allow terror to win and disturb the routine of our lives." With the "complex reality we live in" it would be necessary to "sing Hatikva nearly every day," it said. Chaslin, a celebrated conductor and composer formerly of the Santa Fe Opera, is the son of Holocaust survivors. He is set to conduct 10 more performances of the La Rondine opera this month, and the opera house said that to the best of its knowledge, he would conduct as scheduled. Chaslin is also slated to appear at UNESCO later this month for a concert commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Contact at |
"CRISIS"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 11, 2015 |
No way to be upbeat today, even with the outpouring of protest from people grieved and furious about the terrorist killings in France. Late Friday – before Shabbat - four French Jews were killed in a kosher market in Paris by an associate of the terrorists who attacked at Charlie Hebdo. Apparently he intended to take hostages, to trade for the release of his associates. In the end, four were shot dead and others were hidden in the market refrigerator by Lassana Bathily, a "Malian Muslim" employee [from Mali or of Mali extraction] and then rescued. The four killed were Yoav Hattab, 21; Yohan Cohen, 22; Philippe Braham, 40; and Francois-Michel Saada, about 60. ~~~~~~~~~~ Hattab, who was studying in France, was the son of the chief rabbi of Tunis. Leah Elyakim, of Israel, met him just weeks ago when he visited here for the first time. It had been difficult for him make his way here sooner, coming from Tunis. "He learned Hebrew, he knew everything about Israeli history, more than any of us," she remembered. "Every day we traveled, we walked around with an Israeli flag on his back. He said Israel was the only place he would walk freely with a Star of David or an Israeli flag. In France he never could have." "His dream was to move to Israel and serve in the army. [He had been] "so depressed when he had to return to France. He told me, 'when I get to Paris, I'll have to hide the flag.'" So he hid the Israeli flag, but shopped at a kosher market in Paris, and that did it. Make no mistake: These four were killed because they were Jews. There is talk now about bringing them to Israel for burial. I consider this enormously appropriate because of the statement this makes. ~~~~~~~~~~ A dear friend of mine, who lives in Paris with her family (and will likely see this), wrote to me last night: “Sadly this is just the beginning - finally the authorities have admitted its just a matter of when!!” Important, this honest recognition: There are Islamist cells throughout France and it will happen again. And again. There are now reports that terrorist sleeper cells have been activated.,7340,L-4613629,00.html And there is evidence of links the terrorists may have had to either Al-Qaeda or Islamic State. ~~~~~~~~~~ French aliyah (immigration into Israel) has grown a great deal in recent years. In 2014, 7,000 French Jews came, twice the number that had come the previous year. Natan Sharansky, head of the Jewish Agency, has reported that there were 50,000 inquiries about aliyah from French Jews in 2014. With the current attack, the actual aliyah is likely to increase significantly. Numerous Israeli officials, beginning with our prime minister, are encouraging this. Last night, Netanyahu spoke out to French Jews: "The State of Israel is not just the place to which you turn in prayer. The State of Israel is also your home. This week, a special team of ministers will convene to advance steps to increase immigration from France and other countries in Europe that are suffering from terrible anti-Semitism. All Jews who want to immigrate to Israel will be welcomed here warmly and with open arms. We will help you in your absorption here in our state that is also your state." ~~~~~~~~~~ Some French officials are disturbed by the prospect of a major Jewish emigration from France. (There are some 500,000 Jews in France – the largest Jewish community remaining in Europe.) Of particular note is the statement by the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valis, reported by Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic: “The choice was made by the French Revolution in 1789 to recognize Jews as full citizens. To understand what the idea of the republic is about, you have to understand the central role played by the emancipation of the Jews. It is a founding principle. If 100,000 French people of Spanish origin were to leave, I would never say that France is not France anymore. But if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure." I found this fascinating. They are saying they will send the army, if necessary, to protect the Jewish institutions of France. But my response is that they should have thought about this sooner. The French Republic is about to be judged a failure not just because it has not protected the community of Jews it had emancipated long ago, but because it has not been true to its principles in a host of spheres. Because there are enclaves of Muslims ("no-go zones governed by Sharia law) right in Paris and other locales, where the French police will not enter. And because essential freedoms presumably guarded by the French nation have been sacrificed. ~~~~~~~~~~ Says Alex Fishman, writing in YNet (emphasis added): "As long as Jews were the only ones getting killed, France avoided dealing with the Islamic terror. The red lights which should have been triggered several years ago didn't even flash for a second. France has opened its arms to Islamic terror. And the bigger the failure, the larger and grander the mourning rallies. his is a rule invented by politicians to cover up their own failures... "The French security services' failure in the past week was colossal and shameful, and indeed, France and all of Europe are being swept away accordingly in mass mourning rallies and protests of millions. (See below on this.) "But there is not a single protest or speech which can cover up the bitter truth: The Western European countries' security services in general – and France's security services in particular – are not prepared in any way for dealing with the radical Islamic terror. Not professionally, not legally and definitely not mentally... "Suddenly it turns out that all those red lights which should have been triggered several years ago, when the Islamic terror killed Jews, did not even flash for a second. The French security services insisted on not touching the Islamic terror, professionally and fundamentally. "There is no legislation in France which makes it possible to deal with the hundreds of people who left France to fight along with the radical Islamic movements. There is no legislation which defines Islamic terror as a problem, and therefore there are no agents in the problematic mosques. “The French intelligence services have zero ability to do something with the information they receive from foreign intelligence agencies about dangerous Muslims who have returned to France. And so the terrorists had no problem travelling on a train in France with Kalashnikovs in their bags. There was not a chance in the world that someone would stop them... "Who would have thought that the French people, who invented the modern intelligence, would reach such a low point. When France wants its intelligence to be extraordinary, it is. But it just didn't want, for political reasons, to deal with the Islamic terror...",7340,L-4613823,00.html ~~~~~~~~~~ There are politically correct concerns being voiced about a backlash against innocent Muslims – Islamophobia, they call it – as a result of the terror attacks. With regard to this, I share the observations of Lawrence A. Franklin writing in Gatestone (emphasis added): "A seemingly required inclusion in most reports on the recent mass murder in Paris was the rhetorical question posed by reporters has been: "Will these events invite a wave of anti-Muslim incidents"? Since these Islam-inspired murders, however, there have been only a few anti-Muslim actions -- all against property. "Under-reported, however, was how rapidly the assault against Charlie Hebdo migrated into an anti-Jewish mini-pogrom in the heart of Paris. What did shoppers in a kosher market, four of whom were slaughtered, have to do with the cartoon images of Mohammad? Nothing. But the assault on the HyperCacher Jewish kosher supermarket has a lot to do with the true nature of Islamic militancy. "It seems the drawings in Charlie Hebdo offended some true believers of Islam, but the mere existence of Jews also offends them... "In reaction to the murders in Paris, the French capital's Grand Synagogue was closed for the first time since World War II. In fact, synagogues all over Paris were closed. There were no Shabbat services this Saturday, the Jewish day of rest...In light of all the expressed concern about possible anti-Muslim incidents, claims on television, such as on CNN, that 'Muslims are the most persecuted people,' seemed jarring and wrong. "The Grand Mosque in Paris, like mosques all over the capital, was open for business on Friday, the Muslim day of prayer. Moreover, there was little discernible increased security around the Grand Mosque. It seems French security authorities were less worried about attacks directed at Muslim institutions than were America's media commentators. Perhaps they should have spent just a little time reporting on the anti-Jewish rioting that took place in the heavily Muslim neighborhood of Trappes, a suburb of Paris?” ~~~~~~~~~~ It is well understood that Obama embraces the same politically correct perspective, which translates into a policy protective of Muslims. I will note here that it has made the rounds of several blogger sites that Obama's press secretary said that, in light of the terror attacks in Paris, fighting Islamophobia would be given a priority by the president. However, I have not been able to locate a primary source for this. Thus, while I have no trouble believing that this would reflect Obama's position, I cannot verify this statement. What I can share here, however, is a piece by eminent anti-terrorist Steve Emerson, regarding the refusal to use the word "Islam" in association with terrorism: "The first comments came from Josh Earnest, the White House spokesman, who refused to even call the massacre an act of terrorism, but made sure to add the now typical non-sequitor which...routinely follows Islamic terrorist attacks, that 'Islam is a religion of peace' and therefore no [one] should associate the "extremists" in Paris with Islam. "Then President Obama issued his own statement, but in keeping with his administration's 6 year old prohibition on using the term 'Islamic terrorism,' he simply referred to the attack as 'terrorism' -- a vanilla term conspicuously devoid of any descriptive term explaining the motivation behind the attack.” There's more. See it here: ~~~~~~~~~~ Emerson reports that in 2012, Obama spokesman Jay Carney said, referring to the very same Charlie Hebdo Magazine that was attacked last week: "We are aware that a French magazine published cartoons featuring a figure resembling the prophet Muhammad, and obviously we have questions about the judgment of publishing something like this. We know these images will be deeply offensive to many and have the potential to be inflammatory." So much for defending freedom of speech. ~~~~~~~~~~ I mention this here not only to expose the appeasement of the Obama administration, but to point out where true courage in "telling it straight" can be found now: Amongst the cartoonists. And I want to spotlight one particular cartoonist, Yaakov Kirschen, originator of "Dry Bones." Says Kirschen: "I don't think that the political or religious leadership in the West is up to the job. I think they are cowardly. I think they are fearful and that's what we got. "I think what we have now, is that bizarrely, cartoonists are the front-line soldiers in the war to defend freedom of speech...I think cartoonists have become advocates and activists." Kirschen is involved in a cartooning project to fight anti-Semitism and apathy regarding persecution of Middle East Christians. You might want to lend support. See ~~~~~~~~~~ As I close today, hundreds of thousands, if not a million, people are winding up their march in Paris, a silent protest against terror. Among the leaders present are Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi; Israeli Ministers Naftali Bennett and Avigdor Lieberman are also in attendance. Something heartening about seeing such a turnout against terror. You want to believe it says something positive. But for me this has been seriously marred by the revolting presence of Mahmoud Abbas, who was not ashamed to show his face, as if he were also against terror. A good show. But let's see what, if anything at all serious, follows. Contact Arlene Kushner at And visit her website at |
END NAZIPHOBIA!Posted by Steven Plaut, January 11, 2015 |
Buried for decades deep inside the basements of the Library of Congress, researchers have just uncovered the following remarkable document dated December 7, 1942. It contains a call to the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, issued by 789 journalists from around the world and endorsed by dozens of chapters of Professors for Immediate Peace. Here is the text: |
Dear Mr. President and Mr. Prime Minister: We, the undersigned journalists and professors and other seekers of peace, call upon you to use your powers and influence to put an end to the blight that is eating away at the moral fabric of the societies of the Allied nations and weakening their resolve to pursue peace. We are referring to the form of bigotry and intolerance known as Naziphobia. For too long Americans and British fellow citizens have sat by passively while certain media outfits have vilified and insulted Nazis, mocking their sacred symbols and beliefs, belittling their ideological leaders. These manifestations of intolerance have fanned the flames of the current international conflict and have led to a prolonging of hostilities. Thoughtless English-language newspapers have even taken to referring to the Germans as "Krauts" and the Japanese as "Japs" or "Nips." Such language alienates the peoples in these countries and offends their sensitivities. This unbecomes us as civilized Western Anglo-Saxons. We demand immediate action to end Naziphobia and to foster an atmosphere of reconciliation. We demand that Spike Lee be immediately incarcerated for his offensive song mocking the German leadership and we demand that the Congress issue an official writ of apology to the German people for that. We demand that American and British schools expose their children to the principles of Nazi ideology in order to end the demonization and allow them to understand the Other. We demand an end to derogatory newspaper comments about "Aryans." We also insist that anti-German discriminatory laws in the US and Great Britain be erased from the books and that quotas preventing migration of citizens of the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire to the territories of these countries be eliminated. Let us recall whence the Angles and Saxons came to the British Islands in the first place and hence ultimately to the New World. Let us recall the great cultural legacy our ancestors received from these Teutons. It is time to understand the Other, not to demonize him. Let us prove our moral worthiness to our current adversaries by prohibiting publication of offensive Naziphobia propaganda and racist Reich-baiting. Let us criminalize the public burning of Mein Kampf and portraits of the Fuhrer. Let us punish those who defile the buildings of London and New York with offensive graffiti caricatures of Hitler and the Japanese Emperor. Peace may yet be restored if we purge ourselves of these manifestations of racism and bigotry! Stop Naziphobia! Let us move forward to peace and reconciliation! Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist, a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author of "The Scout." He frequently comments — both seriously and satirically — on Israeli politics and the left wing academic community. Write him at His website address is |
ISRAEL'S MINISTER WITHOUT APOLOGIESPosted by Moncharsh, January 11, 2015 |
The article below was written by Bret Stephens who is an American journalist who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2013. He works for The Wall Street Journal as the foreign-affairs columnist and the deputy editorial page editor and is responsible for the editorial pages of its European and Asian editions. From 2002 to 2004, he was editor in chief of The Jerusalem Post. This article appeared January 09, 2015 on The Wall Street Journal and is archived at |
It's election season in Israel, and so far the most talked-about campaign ad features an Orthodox politician in an unorthodox role. In a YouTube video that quickly went viral, Naftali Bennett plays a fashionably bearded Tel Aviv hipster with a compulsion to say sorry - especially when he's the one being wronged. A waitress spills coffee on him: He begs her forgiveness. His car gets rear-ended: He steps out to tell the offending driver how sorry he is. He sits on a park bench and reads an editorial in a left-wing newspaper calling on Israel to apologize to Turkey for the 2010 flotilla incident, in which nine pro-Palestinian militants were killed aboard a ship after violently assaulting Israeli naval commandos. "They're right!" he says of the editorial. At last the fake beard comes off and the clean-shaven Mr. Bennett, who in real life is Israel's minister of economy and heads the nationalist Jewish Home Party (in Hebrew, Habayit Hayehudi), looks at the camera and says: "Starting today, we stop apologizing. Join Habayit Hayehudi today." "For many years we've sort of apologized for everything," Mr. Bennett explains in his Tel Aviv office. "About the fact that we are here, about the fact that this has been our land for 3,800 years, about the fact that we defend ourselves against Hamas, against Hezbollah." It's time, he says, "we raise our heads and say, 'We're here to stay, we're proud of it, and we're no longer apologetic.'" The message has proved a potent one for the 42-year-old newbie politician, who only became a member of the Israeli Knesset in 2013 and immediately took a major ministerial post. The next parliamentary election doesn't take place until March 17, which is a double eternity in Israeli politics. But Jewish Home is polling well, and Mr. Bennett is being talked about as a likely foreign or finance minister in the next coalition government, assuming it's still led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud Party. Should a Likud-Jewish Home government form, it could represent a tectonic shift in Israeli politics. For 25 years, between Israel's capture of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the 1967 Six Day War and the 1992 election of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, every Israeli government had categorically rejected the idea of a Palestinian state. Then came the 1993 Oslo Accords with the Palestinians, after which Israeli governments of both the left and right, including Mr. Netanyahu's, effectively committed Israel to the two-state solution. Now the wheel is turning again. "The latest conflict in Gaza was a real earthquake for Israelis," says Mr. Bennett, referring to last summer's war. "For 50 days we were incurring missiles, and they just went on and on from the very place where we did pull back to the '67 lines. We did expel all the Jews. We did everything according to the book. The expectation might have been, we'll get applause from the world - 'you're OK; it's they who are attacking you' - but what happened was the opposite. The world got angry at us for defending ourselves." For decades, "land-for-peace" has been the diplomatically accepted equation for solving the Israeli-Arab conflict. Experience has shown Israelis that it doesn't always work as anticipated. Peace with Egypt, achieved after Israel agreed to return the conquered Sinai Peninsula, has proved durable. But Israel also withdrew all of its forces and settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005, and what it got was a haven for Hamas, which used it to fire thousands of rockets at Israel. Doing likewise in the West Bank seems to many Israelis a surefire way of achieving the same result over a larger territorial scale. Mr. Bennett, however, is making a deeper point. It isn't only the land-for-peace formula that has failed Israel. The other failure is what one might call land-for-love: the notion that, even if ceding territory doesn't lead to peace, it will nonetheless help Israel gain the world's goodwill, and therefore diplomatic and strategic leverage. Instead, after 20 years of seeking peace and giving up land, Israel's diplomatic isolation has only deepened. And, as he points out, it has deepened over disputes connected to Gaza - from which Israel withdrew - and not the West Bank, where Israel largely remains. "So why would I follow the bad model," Mr. Bennett asks, "instead of strengthening the good model?" The "good model," in Mr. Bennett's view, is some version of the current arrangement in the West Bank, or what he calls, per official Israeli (and ancient Biblical) usage, Judea and Samaria. "Judea and Samaria is imperfect," he allows, "but it's working. More Israelis and Palestinians are shopping together. Driving on the same roads. Working together. It's not ideal there. But it's working. People get up, go to work in the morning, come home alive." That's a depiction that critics of Israeli policy would furiously contest, claiming that current policy gives Jewish settlers privileged access to the land while consigning nearly two million Palestinians to Bantustan-like enclaves. That, they say, risks transforming Israel from a democracy into an ethnocracy and guaranteeing international pariah status. Mr. Bennett's answer is that it's the Palestinians who bear the blame for proving themselves unworthy of statehood. "They had all the opportunity in the world to build the Singapore of Gaza, he says. "They chose to turn it into Afghanistan." He also believes that it's better to find ways to make the best of a difficult situation than try to reach for a solution that is destined for failure. He wants a "Marshall Plan" to improve the Palestinian economy, "autonomy on steroids" for Palestinian politics - but no more. "The truth is that no one has a good solution for what's going on," he says. "We have to figure out what we do over the next several decades. Trying to apply a Western full-fledged solution to a problem that is not solvable right now will bring us from an OK situation to a disastrous situation. So the first rule is, do no harm, which is the opposite of the Oslo process." Worse, he adds, is that successive Israeli leaders have felt obliged to go along with a commitment to a two-state solution, even as few of them believe it's possible to achieve, at least with the current generation of Palestinians. As a result, he suggests, Israeli leaders can fairly be accused of insincerity. "We go along with this vision that is impractical, and then, we are surprised why the world is angry with us for not fulfilling that vision. You can't say, 'I support a Palestinian state' and then not execute according to that. I think people appreciate honesty." The comment is a not-too-subtle dig at Mr. Netanyahu, who formally embraced the idea of a Palestinian state in a landmark 2009 speech. Mr. Bennett was once the prime minister's protégé, and served as his chief-of-staff when Mr. Netanyahu was in the political opposition. But the relationship soured as Mr. Bennett went on to become director-general of the Yesha Council, the umbrella group for Israeli settlers, and became even more embittered when Mr. Netanyahu agreed in 2010 to a 10-month settlement freeze. Over the past year relations between the two men have alternated between threats by the prime minister to fire Mr. Bennett and threats from Mr. Bennett to quit the coalition. Ultimately, the two men are contesting for leadership of the Israeli right. Perhaps it should come as no surprise, given how much they have in common. Like Mr. Netanyahu, who spent much of his early life in the U.S., Mr. Bennett has strong American roots: Both his parents immigrated to Israel from California, and his English is fluent and all but unaccented. Like Mr. Netanyahu, too, who served in the Israeli special forces, Mr. Bennett was a commander in Maglan, a unit that specializes in going behind enemy lines. And like Mr. Netanyahu, who worked as a management consultant in Boston in the 1970s, Mr. Bennett lived and worked in New York City, where he founded and ran a cybersecurity company called Cyota, which he sold for a neat profit in 2005. Today, he notes with evident pride, 70% of Americans who bank online use software developed by his company. One difference, however, is that Mr. Netanyahu is a secular Jew, whereas Mr. Bennett, who wears the knitted kippa common to the religious-nationalist camp, is observant. His belief in the importance of holding on to land is therefore more than just a military or political consideration. It's fundamental to his world view. "If your vision is dividing Israel, then it makes no sense in building somewhere that's not going to be part of Israel," he says, again drawing an implicit contrast with Mr. Netanyahu. "If your vision is that you're not going to divide Jerusalem, then it makes all the sense in the world to build there. Because anyway it's yours." Mr. Bennett is equally critical of the government's handling of last summer's war with Gaza. The war, he says, took much too long, partly in a misbegotten effort to curry international favor. "I'll just remind you, there was an endless series of cease-fires with Hamas," he notes. "And I thought it was a profound mistake to talk to Hamas down in Egypt. You don't talk to terror organizations! We go in, do what we want to do, get out; if we need to hit them hard we keep it short and keep it very intense. Why do we talk to them?" Lest anyone mistake Mr. Bennett for an Israeli neoconservative, however, he's quick to disabuse the impression. "I don't believe in regime change, certainly not in the Middle East," he says. "When I look at the whole arena it's always the law of unintended consequences works. Look at Syria, look at Egypt. If you ask me how to deal with everything, and it applies here also, it's effectively deterrence - meaning don't mess with Israel - it's having a strong military with a tenfold edge on all of our enemies; it's having a powerful economy; and strengthening our Jewish character. And not giving up land anymore. If we apply these principles we'll be fine everywhere." So how should Israel- and for that matter the West - conduct a sober and realistic Mideast policy? I ask about Iran. "Iran's goal is not to acquire a nuclear weapon today," he says. "Its goal is to acquire a nuclear weapon tomorrow. So to say that we are postponing the breakout is not the issue. The issue is, do they have a machine that can break out within a relatively short time frame. Roughly 20,000 centrifuges can produce enough nuclear material for a bomb within about four or five weeks. That's not enough time for the West to identify a breakout. To create a coalition and act, you need about two years. What we need is for the whole machine to be dismantled, not for them to press the pause button." Mr. Bennett adds the standard Israeli refrain that the government is preparing for all contingencies and will not outsource its security, but he's quick to underscore that a nuclear Iran - with the inevitable consequent chain of Mideast nuclear proliferation - is not Israel's problem alone. "All this will flow over very quickly to the free world," he warns. The same goes for the broader problem of radical Islam. "Anyone who thinks - and I'm talking especially about Europe - that if you sell Israel you buy peace and quiet in Madrid and Paris, they've got it all wrong. Israel is the bastion against radical Islam hitting Paris, Madrid and London." I interviewed Mr. Bennett on Tuesday night. The following day, jihadists stormed the editorial offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, massacring 12 people. There will surely be more such attacks, possibly quite soon. Whatever readers think about Mr. Bennett as an Israeli politician, they might do well to heed his warning to the West: "The biggest danger for any organism is to not identify that it's being threatened," he says. "I want to hope that people realize that the source of danger and risk in the Middle East is not the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but the deep radical Islamic vision of forming a global caliphate." Contact Moncharsh at |
MORE THAN A MILLION MARCH IN PARISPosted by Nidra Poller, January 11, 2015 |
![]() The latest estimate is 1.5 million marching in Paris today. We have never seen anything like it. It's 5:20 PM as I start to write and the Place de la Republique is still filled with an overflow crowd that will probably never get to follow the route to the official destination at Place de la Nation, but that's not what matters. So far there have been no reports of incidents. I didn't expect the punk jihadis to turn up and face what looks like the entire population united against them. This is probably the safest day since September 30, 2000 when a different crowd massed in Place de la Republique with posters of Mohamed al Dura and shouted "Death to the Jews." But I was concerned about crowd control. The French are notoriously undisciplined, they mill around, don't queue up, park on the sidewalk and cross against the light. ![]() But today is different. The crowd applauds the police, applauds each other and itself. There is no rush or crush. The police control the flow, there is no pushing from behind. I've never seen anything like it since I settled here in 1972. And I have seen hundreds of demonstrations of every sort. This is not a demonstration, it is an affirmation. Je suis Charlie could translate into the long awaited awakening of the democracies. Or it might be one more ocean of illusion to drown in. ![]() I walked around for hours in the Marais, up and down the side streets, up and down the boulevards, between la Republique and la Bastille. People were pouring in from all directions, walking north, south, east and west. Nothing else seemed to matter. The winter sales, a national sport, began on the fateful Wednesday January 7th. By noon that day the fervor for bargains was replaced with the horror of the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Sunday, always a big shopping day in the Marais, is double triple during the sales. Hardly anyone in the shops today. No line at l'As du Falafel where fans wait patiently for an hour or more to get a table on Sunday. Every street was filled with I am Charlies on their way to Place de la Republique. The mood was calm, respectful, quietly determined. Like people at work, not like rowdy demonstrators defending special interests. ![]() There was hardly an in or out of the march. Everyone was in and it was everywhere. As if a leader had finally stood up and convoked the population to stand up and defend itself. Is François Hollande that leader? I doubt it, but he stood in the leader's stead today. Were the heads of state—about 60 in all—that flowed into Paris like the Parisians flowed into the Place de la Republique—the united front of democracies that will truly face up to and defeat jihad conquest? Hardly, but they stood in their place today. ![]() The immense spillover crowd that could not march down the designated routes on Boulevard Voltaire and Avenue de la République, filled the boulevard Temple / Filles de Calvaire /Beaumarchais wall to wall. Night is falling. What light will dawn? Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas marched a few meters away from each other to the right and left of François Hollande. That doesn't bring anyone closer to peace, it blurs distinctions, but the idea was to have open house in Paris today. With all its contradictions. The sinister ex-comic Dieudonne tweeted his intention to join the march. Reporters without Borders did not appreciate the presence of certain heads of state that are notorious for suppressing press freedom. True, but unless I am mistaken, neither Erdogan nor Rohani was present. Much is made of the shining diversity of the crowd—"an authentic cross section of French society," according to enthusiastic journalists on the ground. I don't think that was the demographic today. It's not a question of ethnic nitpicking but a necessary search for the truth. What I saw today, as I deliberately walked against the flow of the crowd, the better to see its composition, was something more like the silent majority. I have repeatedly ended my reports on the distressing situation in France in particular and the free world in general with words of hope. Democracies, I wrote, don't commit suicide. Even if today's "we are all Charlie" message was rather primary, it can mature. Democracy is not the happily ever after of societies composed of all the same, it is the non-violent way of negotiating differences. ![]() At least we can say that a million and a half people in Paris and hundreds of thousands all over the world offered a rousing show of hands...and feet to the aspiring caliphators in our midst. It won't be enough to send them slinking away like cowed dogs, but it is a start. ![]() Ceremonies for all the victims are scheduled tonight at the Central Synagogue, rue des Victoires, and in front of the kosher grocery store at Porte de Vincennes this evening. I will be on Voice of Israel radio at 7 PM Paris time this evening and on the Lisa Benson show at 9. The four victims savagely assassinated by Amedy Coulibaly in the Hyper Cacher market at Porte de Vincennes will all be buried this Tuesday in Israel. Nidra Poller is an American writer and translator who has lived in Paris since 1972. She has contributed to English-language publications such as The Wall Street Journal, National Review, FrontPage Magazine, and The New York Sun. |
A REPLY TO A MUSLIM CALIBANPosted by Edward Cline, January 11, 2015 |
On January 10th, Enza Ferreri ran on her blog spot an excerpt from the late journalist Oriana Fallaci’s predictions about the fate of Italy (and of Europe) in the face of unopposed mass Muslim immigration from the Mideast and North Africa. In the excerpt, she argues that the minuscule size of the activist, fundamentalist, jihadist element in any European Muslim population is irrelevant. It is the inescapably virulent ideology which that population also carries with it like leprous lesions that enables and emboldens the terrorism-minded among it.
He is, Fallaci continued:
He represents an advance force that intends to implement a total conquest of Europe to fashion a mammoth individual caliphate (with the cooperation of the behemoth European Union) or pick off each country singly to create many caliphates. He is here to aid in the conquest of Europe. He will refuse to assimilate or will assimilate only in non-essential ways, such as in his dress. He might even learn the native language. But, otherwise, he is here to command and lord it over non-Muslims. He is a foot soldier of Islam. He is "martyring" himself by enjoying a higher standard of living and an enhanced longevity not possible in his pest hole of origin. His pain and suffering stem from having to rub shoulders with the filthy kaffir and ogling the "exposed meat" of European women in their mini-skirts. He's ready to become "radicalized" by a "religion" that is radically primitive and totalitarian. He's ready to become an "extremist" or a "militant," or an "activist militant," or a "militant activist extremist" in pursuit of Muslim "justice" – which means murder, rape, and income redistribution through taxes to support a European welfare state. Those taxes also support prisons populated disproportionately by Muslim criminals. Name me the country without a large Muslim count of inmates. It must be Patagonia. Patagonia isn't a country, you say? Well, there you are. He carries two bayonets: Islam's, and the gilt-edged invitation of multiculturalism, diversity, and political/sensitivity correctness. Europe might be able to fight the first, militarily, and effectively (as France did in Mali, as its police and security forces did in the post-Hebdo hostage-takings), but its self-imposed Rules of Engagement with Islam forbid it to question Islam and whether or not it is benign or malign. That is an ideational conflict which the European elite (and American politicians) refuses to fight. Fallaci regarded Islam and its occupying, parasitical populations (aka, "settlers") as a cancer that has invaded an anemic body – anemic because the governments that invited them are unable or unwilling to form any practical policies to fight the invasion, the brunt of which falls on the indigenous population in terms of crime, taxes, harassment, anti-Semitism, enforced compliance with Sharia, and threats of violence. that are "no-go" zones for the police, firefighters, and the local and national law. No sooner had Ferreri posted her Fallaci column than a Muslim troll signed in and left a ranting diatribe against freedom of speech. He has since been answered by me and several other readers who found his assertions bizarre, ludicrous, and overwhelmingly hostile. He signed his rant with "IA" together with a link to his alleged organization – I searched for such an organization, found several Islamic "schools" of Islamic studies in London, but none of whose URLs matched the troll's URL. A search using his URL turned up nothing. The troll's name is Iftikhar Ahmad. A Facebook-style photograph of him was appended to his rant. A search on that medium turned up eight namesakes; not a one of them resembles him, none sports a Muslim-style beard, as he does, or any beard at all. They must be apostates. Iftikhar Ahmad's minor discourse in his lengthy comment on the blamelessness of Islam and Muslims and the wickedness of the West is such a tongue-twisting, mind-bending instance of Islamic taqiyya that it deserves a response. It is representative of the level of deception, falsehood, and dissimulation regularly practiced by Muslim spokesmen when addressing the West, and bought whole or in diet-conscious portions by Western politicians, liberal and leftist pundits, and the mainstream media. In this column I discuss only two paragraphs of Ahmad's entire diatribe. You will need to read the whole thing yourselves. I begin with his last paragraph. It's zanier than the best Marx Brothers routine.
Ahmad appears to be plagiarizing Al Sharpton. Whites are all devils. This is Sharpton talk in olive-skin. (That is Ahmad's complexion in his photograph). Ahmad forgets that Islam is not a race, it is an ideology subscribed to by the olive-skinned, by blacks, by Asians, and by whites. So much for that vaunted "racial prejudice" against Muslims. Charlie Hebdo was not a part of the French "power structure"; if anything, it and Charlie Hebdo were committed enemies of each other. Muslims are not "more often" the victims of terrorism, except during Sunni-Shi'ite slugfests in the Middle East and North Africa. Non-Muslims have not conducted any terrorist attacks in Europe or elsewhere, except for the very occasional paint- or pig's-blood splattered mosque. (Total casualties: one oinker.) The vast majority have been committed by...Muslims. Muslims are not a "demonized underclass" in any Western country. If anything, they're coddled and treated with kid gloves by governments, who go to great lengths to stop any vilification of them with speech laws. They are not a "poor people with little or no power." At last count, President François Hollande received 93% of the Muslim vote in France during the last election, which guaranteed that he would continue his coddling policies. As for Muslims being "poor" (aka, "disadvantaged," or kept at subsistence level, but how to explain all those photographs of roly-poly, burqa- or chador-draped women roaming European streets, pushing expensive-looking baby prams?). It's a universal practice among multi-married Muslim men in every European country to collect welfare state benefits for each wife, gauged again by the number of his other dependents, such as children. These people can afford so many cars in France that they burn about a thousand of them every New Year's Eve, and shop for newer models to replace them. It must be the Muslim version of French automotive industry subsidies, similar to our bail-out of General Motors. French economist Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850) discussed a similar economic fallacy: Breaking windows keeps the glassmakers in business. Someone in Moslemland must have read Bastiat’s Parable of the Broken Window, and had a brilliant, pyromaniac idea. The next to last paragraph of Ahmad's goes:
This is mostly sanctimonious drivel. Ahmad doesn't "sanction, encourage, or endorse' the “excessive" murder of twelve unarmed people, but, because they were "vicious, racist, and malevolent," that's okay with him. After all, they were as bad as drug dealers. Who'll miss them? The victims "trespassed" on his feelings and those of other Muslims, inflicting irreparable emotional and material damage. Ergo, even though Charlie Hebdo and its cartoonists never heard of Ahmad, they were "vicious, racist, and malevolent." "Non-excessive" assaults with, say, poisoned-paint-ball guns he would likely sanction, endorse and encourage, as long as the victims were only half-murdered. Or not. However, murder is murder and I don't think Ahmad grasps that the staff of Charlie Hebdo never committed murder, so it wasn't even an issue of an "eye for an eye." Charlie Hebdo wasn't engaged in tribal/clan warfare with Muslims. The publication simply despised their "religion." And no one ever frog-marched a Muslim and forced him to look at a cartoon of Mohammad. I raise a hypothetical question here: Had Charlie Hebdo, instead of mocking Mohammad with grotesque caricatures, instead regularly projected him as a noble-looking moral savant, as he is depicted in the bas-relief of him in the U.S. Supreme Court (complete with his ever-handy scimitar), would Muslims have minded it so much as to commit murder? The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in 1997 mounted a challenge to have the image removed, but the petition was dismissed by then Chief Justice William Rehnquist (for rather specious reasons). The one statement of his that defies my powers of interpretation is that Charlie Hebdo was "the Pharonic slave driver whipping the poor Hebrews of French society." It leaves me scratching my head, although it is clearly anti-Semitic. Ahmad is capable of his own "insulting" caricatures. In conclusion, Iftikhar Ahmad is a modern day Caliban, that beast with whom ship-wrecked Prospero in Shakespeare’s The Tempest had a love-hate relationship. There are countless clones of him out there. Ahmad apparently is a chatterbox who can talk your head off before he is moved to take it off. Not once in his rant did he challenge any of Oriana Fallaci's statements about the perils of letting in the Huns. Or submitting to the Borg. Or admitting herds of the Walking Dead. It was all about him and his "victimhood." Edward Cline is an American novelist and essayist. He is best known for his Sparrowhawk series of novels, set in England and Virginia before the American Revolutionary War. This article appeared January 11, 2015 on The Rule of Reason and is archived at |
SHE'S A MUSLIM WHO WENT ON TV TO TALK PEACE WITH ISRAELPosted by Ted Belman, January 11, 2015 |
The article below was written by Sharona Schwartz
who is a Middle East correspondent for TheBlaze. Prior
to joining the site, she was coverage manager at CNN's
Washington bureau. She also served at the network as
scriptwriter for Wolf Blitzer, State Department producer and
Middle East producer. She and CNN's Chief Medical
Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta received the Clarion award for
their report, "Sabrina's Law.". This article appeared January
11, 2015 on the Blaze and is archived at
A Muslim doctor who is a vocal opponent of radical Islam and an ardent supporter of Israel is blasting an Australian television program for plastering an interview segment in which she appeared with images depicting Israeli military strikes on Gaza even though the subject of her interview was not about the summer conflict. This, as one of the interviewers compared radical Islamism to what he called "extreme fundamentalist Christianity" in southern U.S. states which he alleged seeks to "stamp out Judaism and other forms of religion." Qanta Ahmed, a sleep disorders specialist who is currently involved in an Israeli-Palestinian coexistence project, this weekend described her experience back in November when she was interviewed by Australia's Weekend Sunrise program, calling it "a Muslim's ambush." During the interview segment on Australia's Channel 7, Ahmed described Project Rozana which supports the efforts of Israel's Hadassah Hospital to train predominantly Palestinian Muslim physicians from the West Bank. "As an ambassador for the Project, I was lock step with my ideals both as a physician and as an observing Muslim opposed to virulently anti-Semitic Islamism," Ahmed wrote on the British website the Spectator. When she later saw the interview, Ahmed wrote, "The shock was physical as I witnessed my exploitation. At each description of the pluralism and egalitarianism I had witnessed in Israeli medicine, the screen split to show the rubble of decimated North Gaza during the Israel-Hamas war, or the launching of an Iron Dome interception missile. Then the screen split to the Security Wall, shown from the Palestinian, not Israeli side." ![]() "Mortally wounded Palestinian children, injured in conflict were broadcast liberally. The war footage had clearly been assembled in advance of my live interview without prior knowledge of what I would say. In an unseen control room, to the producers' signal, as I responded with words like 'coexistence', 'integration' or 'pluralism', a technician pulled the trigger and rolled the stock 'Israel as a terrorist state' footage; detonating my truthful and universal message. I had been reduced to an instrument of rank media opportunism," Ahmed wrote. A review of the video also revealed one of the images wallpapered in the split screen next to Ahmed showed the stridently anti-Israel doctor Mads Gilbert in a Gaza hospital. This same doctor shortly after the 9/11 attacks told a Norwegian newspaper that he supported a terrorist attack on the U.S. ![]() Ahmed who calls herself a Zionist who supports Israel as the home of the Jewish people told the show, 'All of medicine and science in Israel is fully expressing coexistence collaboration. It's normal for Israeli Arab and Israeli Jewish faculty to be working together and people of Palestinian origin to be working together, but the outside world whether it's the United States or Australia often doesn't recognize that.” One of the show's hosts, Andrew O'Keefe, tried to temper Ahmed's argument by comparing Israel with the Palestinians and likening the dangers of radical Islam with other religions, including Christianity as practiced in the U.S. South. (Note: the interview took place before both the France terror attacks and the Sydney cafe hostage-taking). ![]() O'Keefe told Ahmed that she has gotten criticism over "your insistence that the state of Israel is a refuge, the only real refuge from a potential genocide against Jews and the same I guess would have to be said for Palestine and the Palestinians." Ahmed corrected him, saying that she's attacked predominantly because she's an "anti-Islamist Muslim" who calls Islamism a totalitarian ideology. The program host further said, "Any religious tradition is vulnerable to being hijacked for political or non-religious purposes to inculcate extremism. I think the debate here in Australia is centered around Islam, but meanwhile in Burma we have Buddhists running riot against Muslims attempting a genocide there; we have Hindu nationalism going crazy in parts of India; the southern states of America even now there is an extreme fundamentalist Christianity that's sought to stamp out Judaism and other forms of religion. So I think it's any religious tradition isn't it?" Ahmed said that while "any belief system can be galvanized into grounds for persecution … Islamism is extraordinary" due to the large number of its followers and powerful nations led by Islamist regimes. "It's much bigger than some of those things you've mentioned," Ahmed said. Now, Ahmed believes she "unwittingly collaborated in my own exploitation by the Australian broadcaster who chose to cast me not as an anti-Islamist Muslim physician volunteering in pursuit of coexistence but as a vapid tool serving the malignant media construct of a two-dimensional anti-Semitic caricature of Zionism." "This is neither journalism nor broadcasting; it's pure pro-Hamas propaganda," Ahmed wrote. "The producers hadn't bothered to insert Hamas foot-soldiers which include recruited Palestinian children and youth who wage war on Israelis, nor reveal the damage wrought by its hundreds of rockets on Israeli civilians (of whom 23% are non Jewish – mostly Sunni Muslim), nor did Australians see the industrially rendered labyrinth of Hamas tunnels so central to the recent conflict." "Weekend Sunrise prostituted my goodwill in the service of personal or official anti-Israeli and pro-Hamas propaganda," she wrote. "This is what Israel faces, that which no other nation embattled with the lethal threat of Islamism wrestles: the battle over narrative. ...Only Israel must be denigrated, reviled and excoriated in her efforts to secure citizens and territories from the ambitions of genocidal anti-Semitic Islamism," Ahmed wrote. "To be whored out as I strive as an ambassador for a philanthropic mission with universal reach, to be debased as an instrument despite my decades long authority as a physician and Muslim humanist is nothing but obscene," she concluded. TheBlaze reached out to the Australian station by telephone Sunday seeking comment, but an employee who answered would not provide any email or telephone contact information for those in position to comment. Update: Later on Sunday, Weekend Sunrise hosts Andrew O'Keefe and Monique Wright penned a scathing response in the Spectator insisting they had not exploited Dr. Ahmed. "To suggest that we came with any agenda, either designed to promote Hamas or to debase you, is insulting in the extreme," they wrote. "To impugn our show and our staff publicly and in such a hostile and defamatory fashion based solely on your own preconceptions about supposed media bias is plainly unethical." O'Keefe and Wright wrote that the interview segment showed that they were "very sympathetic" to Ahmed's argument on Islamism and expressed interest in both the Jewish-Muslim cooperation project at the hospital and her own presentation of Israel as a pluralistic nation. "Your suggestions that you were somehow set up as a stooge, that you were in any way 'ambushed' or exploited, or that our producer Iman had anything other than your best interests at heart in constructing the segment, are completely false," they wrote Of the Gaza footage, they offered a few explanations, including that some of it was shown without referencing the conflict. As they described other parts of the footage, the television personalities suggested that Palestinian-Israeli tensions are a cause for Islamist hostility, though Ahmed made the argument that extreme Islamist ideology is innately anti-Semitic. "Other parts of the footage was, perhaps, too bluntly illustrative of tensions between Muslim and Jewish populations in Israel and Palestine, on which so much of the Islamist hostility you discussed is based," they wrote. "And admittedly, we did use some footage that was inappropriate to what you were discussing at the exact moment it was played, but was very illustrative of what had been discussed prior to its display i.e. the grave injuries, both psychological and physical, sustained by children as a result of ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine," O'Keefe and Wright wrote. "This was merely an issue of timing and was in no way intended to cast you as 'tool serving the malignant media construct of a two-dimensional anti-Semitic caricature of Zionism.'" "There was nothing 'deliberate' or 'opportunistic' about it," they wrote, adding, "As a 'veteran media commentator' you must know that, from time to time, especially when the hosts veer off script to follow a particular train of thought of the guest, the wrong vision goes up at the wrong time. For that, I apologize. Sometimes these things happen on morning television." "We have here apologized for our minor mistake. You should seriously consider apologizing for your baseless and libelous comments against our staff," the Australian hosts added. Ted Belman is a retired lawyer and the Editor of Israpundit. He made aliya from Canada last year and now lives in Jerusalem, Israel. Contact him at |
INVITING VIOLENCE IN PARISPosted by John Cohn, January 11, 2015 |
Just days after France voted for the failed attempt to grant Palestinian Arabs an independent state in the disputed West Bank territories, Paris fell victim to terrorist attacks. While there has been outrage over these killings, as well as global concern that there not be backlash against innocent Muslims, the synagogues of Paris were closed this weekend but French mosques were open, reflecting where the real danger lies. Pictures of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas marching in the front row with genuine world leaders in Paris were soaked with irony as well as the blood of decades of terrorists' victims. Palestinian Arabs arguably invented modern terrorism and have mastered the art of inciting violence and killing civilians. Giving Abbas a place reserved for World leaders or formal sovereignty over Gaza and the West Bank will result in more murders not less. The article below was written by Reuters Staff and appeared
January 11, 2015 on the Jerusalem Post and is archived at
Security forces on the highest alert for the event, which will be attended by about 40 heads of state and government. ![]() PARIS - Dozens of world leaders including Muslim and Jewish statesmen linked arms leading more than an one million said participants in an unprecedented march under high security in Paris to pay tribute to victims of Islamist terrorist attacks. President Francois Hollande and leaders from Germany, Italy, Israel, Turkey, Britain and the Palestinian territories among others, moved off from the central Place de la Republique ahead of a sea of French and other flags. Giant letters attached to a statue in the square spelt out the word Pourquoi?" (Why?) and small groups sang the "La Marseillaise" national anthem. An organizer of the said the turnout could surpass one million. "Fantastic France! I am told there could be as many as 1.3 million to 1.5 million of us in Paris," Francois Lamy, the lawmaker charged by the ruling Socialist Party with organizing the rally, tweeted. ![]() The silent march - which may prove the largest seen in modern times through Paris - reflected shock over the worst militant Islamist assault on a European city in nine years. For France, it raised questions of free speech, religion and security, and beyond French frontiers it exposed the vulnerability of states to urban attacks. "Paris is today the capital of the world. Our entire country will rise up and show its best side," said Hollande in a statement. Seventeen people, including journalists and police, were killed in three days of violence that began with a shooting attack on the weekly Charlie Hebdo known for its satirical attacks on Islam and other religions as well as politicians. It ended on Friday with a hostage-taking at a Jewish deli in which four hostages were killed. Overnight, an illuminated sign on the Arc de Triomphe read: "Paris est Charlie" ("Paris is Charlie"). A video emerged featuring a man resembling the gunman killed in the kosher deli. He pledged allegiance to the Islamic State insurgent group and urged French Muslims to follow his example. A French anti-terrorist police source confirmed it was the killer, Amedy Coulibaly, speaking before the action. DISSENTING VOICES "We're not going to let a little gang of hoodlums run our lives," said Fanny Appelbaum, 75, who said she lost two sisters and a brother in the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz. "Today, we are all one." Zakaria Moumni, a 34-year-old Franco-Moroccan draped in the French flag, agreed: "I am here to show the terrorists they have not won - it is bringing people together of all religions." Among many children brought along to the march, Loris Peres, 12, said: "For me this is paying respect to your loved ones, it's like family ... We did a lesson about this at school." German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Italy Prime Minister Matteo Renzi were among 44 foreign leaders marching with Hollande. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu - who earlier encouraged French Jews to emigrate to Israel - and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas were also present. Immediately to Hollande's left, walked Merkel and to his right Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. France has provided troops to help fight Islamist rebels there. While there has been widespread solidarity with the victims, there have been dissenting voices. French social media have carried comments from those uneasy with the "Je suis Charlie" slogan interpreted as freedom of expression at all cost. Others suggest there was hypocrisy in world leaders whose countries have repressive media laws attending the march. The official estimate on attendance is due to be announced later. A 1995 protest against planned welfare cuts brought some 500,000-800,000 people onto the streets of the capital, while a 2002 rally against the far-right National Front's then leader Jean-Marie Le Pen afer he got into the run-off of that year's presidential election drew 400,000-600,000. Twelve people were killed in Wednesday's initial attack on Charlie Hebdo, a journal know for satirizing religions and politicians. The attackers, two French-born brothers of Algerian origin, singled out the weekly for its publication of cartoons depicting and ridiculing the Prophet Mohammad. All three gunmen were killed in what local commentators have called "France's 9/11," a reference to the September 2001 attacks on US targets by al Qaeda. The head of France's 550,000-strong Jewish community, Roger Cukierman, the largest in Europe, said Hollande had promised that Jewish schools and synagogues would have extra protection, by the army if necessary, after the killings. France's Agence Juive, which tracks Jewish emigration, estimates more than 5,000 Jews left France for Israel in 2014, up from 3,300 in 2013, itself a 73 percent increase on 2012. While there has been widespread solidarity with the victims, there have been dissenting voices. French social media have carried comments from those uneasy with the "Je suis Charlie" slogan interpreted as freedom of expression at all cost. Others suggest there was hypocrisy in world leaders whose countries have repressive media laws attending the march. Contact John Cohn at |
The article below was written by Anica Pommeray who is a
writer at the Times of Israel. This article appeared
January 11, 2015 on the Algemeiner and is archived at
![]() Paris, January 11 -Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a passionate and emotional speech at the Grand Synagogue in Paris tonight, where both he and French President Francois Hollande attended a special memorial service. Netanyahu said that "radical Islam," and not "ordinary Islam," was the enemy, along with the Iranian regime. "The radical Islamists do not hate the West because of Israel; they hate Israel because it is an integral part of the modern world," he declared to loud applause. "We cannot let Iran achieve nuclear capabilities. Israel stands with Europe, and Europe must stand with Israel." Netanyahu told the service, "Those who murdered Jews at a synagogue in Jerusalem and those who murdered Jews and journalists in Paris are part of the same problem. We must condemn them and fight them!" Netanyahu also reassured Jews wishing to immigrate to Israel of a warm welcome. "Any Jew who chooses to come to Israel will be greeted with open arms and an open heart, it is not a foreign nation, and hopefully they and you will one day come to Israel," Netanyahu announced, ending his speech with the rousing words "Am Yisrael Chai! Am Yisrael Chai!" ("the people of Israel lives!") The crowd at the synagogue enthusiastically joined in with Netanyahu. The service ended with the singing of both the French National anthem, "La Marseillaise," and the Israeli national anthem, "Hatikvah." In opening remarks at the gathering, Jo al Mergui, head of the Consistoire Israélite Central de France, said "Today France was in the streets, all of France...and the Jews of France were also in the streets to defend freedom of expression, to defend Charlie [Hebdo], to defend our democracy...because the Jewish people are democracy." "Through our History, the Jewish people, who have always been confronted with hatred, have never hated others... he added. "The synagogue may be the only place of worship where no one has ever supported the hatred for others". "The hatred of Jews and the hatred of democracy are the same thing and must be fought in the same way...I no longer want to hear that Jews are afraid. We are not afraid." After reading the names of the 17 victims of last week's terrorist attacks, France's Chief Rabbi Haim Korsia asked the crowd "what would France be without fraternity?" "The French people has done its duty. Until now, we always felt isolated. But that is not the case anymore...Now everyone must assume his or her personal duty". "It is in times like these that we must not live in sadness and mourning but in joy. That is what our faith teaches us. To change sadness into joy, that is what I wish for all of you”. Earlier on in the day, nearly two million people gathered in Paris and hundreds of thousands reportedly marched throughout the country, in a wave of "national unity marches" sparked by the deadly terrorist attacks. People were heard singing the national anthem La Marseillaise and chanting "Charlie" and "terroristes, assassines" (terrorists, murderers) throughout the streets of the French capital. Along with the now famous "Je Suis Charlie" slogan, people could be seen holding signs saying "Je suis Charlie, je suis policier, je suis juif" (I am Charlie, I am a police officer, I am Jewish) and "Le rire est plus fort que la terreur" (Laughter is stronger than terror). World leaders, including Netanyahu, British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas joined the beginning of the march. They observed a minute's silence before the march began. Dan and Yoni were among the demonstrators posted at Place de la Republique, at the heart of the Paris rally. Dan, 19 who lives just outside the city, expressed how the recent events filled him with emotion. "Our thoughts are with the victims' families today," he told The Algemeiner. "We were at the HyperCacher ceremony yesterday evening and we've been following the news non-stop for the past days." Regarding the consequences recent events may have on the country's Jewish community, Yoni, also 19, believes it is important to for French Jews to stay in France. "If we all leave, then they win!" Yvelise and Isaac, who have both lived in Paris for most of their lives, also joined the march on Sunday, holding a French flag in their hands. Though they wouldn't have missed the opportunity to participate in such an historic event, the couple expressed their disappointment in the rally's message. "We are not 'only Charlie'," Isaac told The Algemeiner. He "believes that "French media does not talk enough about the antisemitic acts that occur in the country." "Politicians are doing their job... [Prime Minister Manuel] Valls made a beautiful speech yesterday," Isaac continued, "but the media has to talk more about what is happening to Jews." Manuel Valls spoke to journalists shortly after leaving the rally to participe in a highly-anticipated ceremony at the Grande Synagogue of Paris. "The antisemitic dimension of [this attack] must be constantly recalled," Valls said. "What a beautiful day this was. Paris is the capital of the world today," he added, reiterating a declaration by President Francois Hollande made earlier in the day. The Algemeiner Journal is a New York-based newspaper, covering American and international Jewish and Israel-related news. Contact Algemeiner at |
IF THE TERRORISTS ARE NOT MUSLIM...Posted by Errol Phillips, January 11, 2015 |
This was written by Joe Pags and it appeared at Pitchfork
Patriots and archived at
![]() Contact Errol Phillips at |
THE MENDACIOUS MAPS OF PALESTINIAN "LOSS"Posted by David Hazony, January 11, 2015 |
The article below was written by Shany Mor who is a writer living in Paris and a former director for foreign policy on the Israeli National Security Council. This article appeared January 2015 on The Tower and is archived at |
Anti-Israel activists often use doctored maps to show Israel's supposed malfeasance over the past century. Such claims are made by people who, in the best case, have no knowledge of the facts, and in the worst case, have no moral compass. You can't walk very far on an American or European university campus these days without encountering some version of the "Palestinian Land Loss" maps. This series of four—occasionally five—maps purports to show how rapacious Zionists have steadily encroached upon Palestinian land. Postcards of it can be purchased for distribution, and it has featured in paid advertisements on the sides of buses in Vancouver as well as train stations in New York. Anti-Israel bloggers Andrew Sullivan and Juan Cole have both posted versions of it, and it occasionally creeps into supposedly reputable media sources, like Al Jazeera English. Indeed, it recently appeared as a "Chart of the Day" in the UK's respected magazine New Statesman. Beneath it was a tiny line of text listing its sources as the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and a CIA atlas from 1973. Given that the maps included information far more recent than 1973, the source struck me as slightly dubious. I contacted the staff writer who created the feature and asked him about it. He was very reluctant to admit that he had lifted it from anti-Israel propaganda sources, so he directed me to the 1973 CIA atlas. Unfortunately, nothing like the series appears in the CIA World Factbook and nothing like it could have appeared in an atlas published decades before several of the events it claims to portray. The writer then apologized for not being able to track down his sources any further and explained that he no longer works at New Statesman. He has moved on to The Guardian, and given that particular publication's attitude toward Israel, he should have no trouble fitting in. There is a reason why those who make use of these maps avoid examining their provenance or proving their accuracy: The maps are egregiously, almost childishly dishonest. But they have become so ubiquitous that it is worth taking the time to examine them, and what their dishonesty can teach us about the Palestinian cause and its supporters. In whatever form they take, the “Land Loss” maps show very little variation. The standard version looks something like this: ![]() Sometimes, a fifth map is added, this one dated 1920, showing the entirety of what was once British Mandatory Palestine in a single solid color, labeled "Palestinian." This accomplishes the seemingly impossible and makes the series of maps even more dishonest than before. Whether made up of four or five maps, the message of the series is clear: The Jews of Palestine have been assiduously gobbling up more and more "Palestinian land," spreading like some sort of fungal infection that eventually devours its host. There are some outright lies in these maps, to be sure. But the most egregious falsehoods transcend mere lies. They emerge from a more general and quite deliberate refusal to differentiate between private property and sovereign land, as well as a total erasure of any political context. This final point is especially crucial. It goes to the question of whether the Palestinians actually "lost" this land and the context of that alleged "loss." We could quite easily, for example, make a panel of maps showing German "land loss" in the first half of the 20th century. It would be geographically accurate but, without the political context, it would tell a completely misleading story amounting to a flat-out lie. And that is precisely what these maps are: A lie. Taking each map in turn, it is easy to demonstrate that the first one is by far the most dishonest of the lot. As far as I have been able to determine, it is based on a map of Jewish National Fund (JNF) land purchases dating roughly from the 1920s. The JNF was founded to purchase land for Jewish residents and immigrants in then-Palestine, and was partly funded through charity boxes that were once found in almost every Jewish school and organization in the West. Ironically, this map often adorned those ubiquitous boxes. The dishonesty of using an out-of-date map for pre-1948 Jewish land purchases is actually relatively minor. So is not omitting the political context: After 1939, Jews were forbidden from making any further land purchases by British authorities, a measure taken as a sop to Arab terrorism. Even the deceptive use of JNF land and only JNF land as a proxy for the entire Palestinian Jewish presence is but a trifle compared to the epic lie represented by this map: It deliberately conflates private property with political control. They are not at all the same thing. The simple fact is that none of pre-1948 Palestine was under the political authority of Arabs or Jews. It was ruled by the British Mandatory government, established by the League of Nations for the express purpose of creating a "Jewish National Home." It was also—contrary to the claims of innumerable pro-Palestinian activists—the first time a discrete political entity called "Palestine" existed in modern history. And this entity was established in order to fulfill a goal that was essentially Zionist in nature. But this lie is compounded by another that is even more epic in scope: Labeling every single patch of land not owned by the JNF as Arab or Palestinian. This was quite simply not the case. We have incomplete data on land ownership in modern Palestine, and even less on Arab property than Jewish property, partly due to the very complicated nature of property law in Ottoman times. But anyone’s map of private property in Mandatory Palestine from this period would be mostly empty—half the country is, after all, desert. It would show small patches of private Jewish land—as this map does—alongside small patches of private Arab land, as this map shamelessly does not. The next map is labeled 1947. This is inaccurate, as any other date would be, because the map does not represent the situation on the ground in 1947 or at any other time. Instead, it represents the partition plan adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947 as UN Resolution 181. It called for two independent states to be formed after the end of the British Mandate, one Jewish and one Arab. Needless to say, the resolution was never implemented. It was rejected by a Palestinian Arab leadership that just two years before had still been allied with Nazi Germany. The day after its passage, Arab rioting began against Jewish businesses, followed by deadly Arab attacks against Jewish civilians. Events quickly escalated into all-out war, with Arabs laying siege to major Jewish population centers—cutting off all supplies, including food and water. In some places, the siege worked, but for the most part, it was resisted successfully. At this point, with partition rejected by the Arabs and no help from the international community in sight, the Jews declared independence and formed what would become the Israel Defense Forces. The Arab states promptly launched a full-scale invasion, whose aims—depending on which Arab leader you choose to quote—ranged from expulsion to outright genocide. And the Arabs lost. At war's end in 1949, the situation looked roughly like the third map in the series—the first of the lot that even comes close to describing the political reality on the ground. I say "close" because it too is remarkably dishonest. It is only because one's standards of dishonesty have been stretched so far by its predecessors that it almost seems true. But, alas, it is not. The map is dated 1967. What it shows are the so-called "armistice lines," i.e., the borders where the Israeli and Arab armies stopped fighting in 1949. These lines held more or less until 1967. As far as Israel's borders are concerned, then, the map accurately presents the situation over those 19 years. But what lies on the other side of the line, in the territories that are today called the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, is again presented in radically dishonest fashion. These lands were not—not before, during, or after 1967—"Palestinian" in the sense of being controlled by a Palestinian Arab political entity. Both territories were occupied by invading Arab armies when the armistice was declared in 1949, the Gaza Strip by Egypt and the West Bank by Jordan. The latter was soon annexed, while the former remained under Egyptian military administration. This status quo lasted until 1967, when both were captured by Israel. In the 1967 Six Day War, which was marked by Arab rhetoric that was sometimes even more genocidal than 1948, Israel also took the Golan Heights from Syria and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, more than trebling the amount of land under its control. Israel has since withdrawn from more than 90 percent of the land it occupied—mostly in the Sinai withdrawal that led to peace with Egypt. Unsurprisingly, there are no heartfelt "Israeli Land Loss" maps representing this. The first three maps, then, confuse ethnic and national categories (Jewish and Israeli, Arab and Palestinian), property and sovereignty, and the Palestinian national movement with Arab states that ruled over occupied territory for a generation. They are a masterpiece of shameless deception. As we move to the fourth map, shameless deception is the only thing that remains consistent. This map, usually labeled either 2005 or "present," purports to show the distribution of political control following the Oslo process and the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. The patches of Palestinian land in the West Bank are areas handed over to the Palestinian Authority in the 1990s, mostly under the 1995 Oslo II agreement. Expanding upon the autonomy put in place after previous agreements in the Oslo process since 1993, this agreement created a complex patchwork of administrative and security zones, splitting the West Bank into areas of exclusive Palestinian control, joint control, and Israeli control. It was meant as a five-year interim arrangement, after which a final status agreement would be negotiated. Final status talks did indeed take place. But no agreement was reached. As in 1947, the principal reason was Palestinian rejectionism. This time, the Palestinian leadership rejected a state on over 90 percent of the West Bank and 100 percent of the Gaza Strip. They then broke their pledge not to return to the "armed struggle" and embarked on a campaign of suicide bombings and other terrorist atrocities that were not only morally indefensible but lost them the trappings of sovereignty they had gained over the previous decade. After tamping down the worst of the violence, Israel decided to leave the areas of the Gaza Strip it had not evacuated a decade before. The withdrawal took place in 2005. Two years later, the Islamist group Hamas took over the Strip in a violent coup d'etat. Since then, there have been two Palestinian governments—the Hamas regime in Gaza and the Fatah-led regime in the West Bank. Both of these regimes are marked with the same color on this fourth map, thus failing to acknowledge the split between the two regimes, though it is the first map in the series to correctly label areas under Palestinian Arab political control. Nonetheless, it does not distinguish between the sovereign territory of the State of Israel—or, in the case of East Jerusalem, territory that Israel claims as sovereign without international recognition—and territories in the West Bank that, according to agreements endorsed by both sides, are under Israeli control until a final status agreement. Taken together, what we have is not four maps in a chronological series, but four different categories of territorial control presented with varying degrees of inaccuracy. Those categories are private property ("1946"), political control ("1967" and "2005"), and international partition plans ("1947"). They are presented in a fashion that is either tendentiously inaccurate ("2005"), essentially mendacious ("1947" and "1967"), or radically untrue ("1946"). An honest approach would look very different. It would take each of these categories and depict how they developed over time. For example, basing ourselves on the most blatantly deceitful map, 1946, we might want to show the chronological development of private property distribution. But we'd first have to adjust the original series’ 1946 map by labeling only Arab property as Arab, rather than simply filling in the entire country with the desired color. It would be a lot of data to collect, and then we'd then have to repeat the effort for other years appropriate to the discussion: Perhaps 1950, after Israel and Jordan both instituted Absentee Property Laws; 1993, just before Palestinian self-rule began; or 2005, just after the disengagement from Gaza and the northern West Bank. The maps would have to be consistent as well, showing Arab property inside Israel as well as Jewish property in the West Bank and Gaza. I don't know if anyone has bothered to collect all this data, and I'm not sure what it would show in any case. What argument would it advance? That Jews and Arabs should be forbidden to buy land from each other? On the other hand, the categories of political control and international partition plans are quite easy to map out over time. Since the concern of those publicizing the maps above is Palestinian control of land, we can illustrate this with a more honest series of maps showing areas of political control, using the same years as the original—adding one for clarity. ![]() As seen above, 1946 has exactly zero land under Palestinian Arab control—not autonomous, not sovereign, not anything—as it was all under British authority. We could go further back in time, to the Ottoman era, for example, and the map wouldn't change in the slightest. 1947 sees no changes to the map, as Palestine was still under British control. Before the war in June 1967, control is divided between three states, and none of them is Palestinian. The 2005 map would be exactly as it is presented in the original series, showing the very first lands ever be ruled by Palestinian Arabs qua Palestinian Arabs. To clarify this a bit more, I have added a map from 1995, showing the withdrawals undertaken during the first two years of the Oslo process, just up to but not including the 1997 Hebron Protocol. In fact, if we zoomed in a bit more, we would see how the peace process of the 1990s resulted in the first time a Palestinian Arab regime ruled over any piece of land. This occurred in 1994 with the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza and Jericho. That control steadily expanded over more and more land during the years leading up to the failed final status talks. Much of it was then lost during the second intifada, but eventually regained as violence died down, and the Gaza disengagement even expanded it slightly. All of these Palestinian land gains have taken place in the last 20 years and every square meter of it came not from Turkey or Britain or Jordan or Egypt, but from Israel alone; and nearly all of it through peace negotiations. It is true that this is a smaller amount of land than that controlled by Israel—which is nonetheless an extremely small country by global standards. More importantly, however, it is small compared to what could have been ruled by a Palestinian state had the Palestinians not rejected partition and peace in 1947 and again in 2000. That is, had the Palestinians been motivated by the interests of their own people rather than the wish to destroy another people. One could very easily create a theoretical series of maps that would begin in 1947 and show the distribution of political control, not as it existed, but as it could have existed. In contrast to the previous series charting political control over the years, this series would map out the international proposals to partition the country. It would begin with the Peel Commission's 1937 partition plan, through the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) partition resolution, and end with the Clinton Parameters of 2000—which were very close to the rejected offers made by Israeli Prime Ministers Ehud Barak earlier that same year at Camp David and Ehud Olmert eight years later. But these international efforts to partition the land would be incomplete without a word or two about each side's reaction to the proposal. ![]() Here too there is a continuing trend of losses for the Palestinian side. Not loss of land, but loss of potential. Each successive rejection left the Palestinians with less and less to bargain with. Surely, there is a lesson in this. But it seems that, if the Palestinians are ever to learn it, it will not be with the help of their Western supporters. We could also make a set of maps that would present a story of Jewish "land loss." It would begin with the first iteration of the British Mandate, before Transjordan was split off and Jewish land purchases and immigration banned. We are forever being reminded that the Palestinians have supposedly conceded 77 percent of their historic claims already, implicitly saying that all of Israel proper somehow belongs to them. But territorial maximalists on the Israeli side are not wrong when they use the same standards to claim that they have given up 73 percent of what was promised to them, including Transjordan. It is the business of pro-Palestinian activists to privilege one of these claims over the other; but in fact, both are equally wrong: The idea that the Israeli "concession" of Transjordan entitles Israel to 100 percent of the West Bank is as absurd as the Palestinians' claim that their "concession" of Haifa entitles them to the same. A series of actual Israeli withdrawals, however, could fill a rather long series of maps. It would include the 1957 withdrawal from Sinai, the Disengagement of Forces agreements in 1974 and 1975, the staged withdrawals stemming from the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty in 1979 and 1982, the withdrawal from most of Lebanon in 1985, the staged withdrawals undertaken according to the Oslo Accords from 1994 to 1997, the unilateral withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000, and the complete withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. These maps, unlike those used by pro-Palestinian activists, have the benefit of being accurate, but I am not sure the case for "Israeli Land Loss" would convince anyone but the most partisan and ignorant of Israel's supporters. Perhaps the best way to illustrate the bankruptcy of the "Palestinian Land Loss" myth is to compare it to a similar situation elsewhere. An equally absurd set of maps could be drawn up of the Indian subcontinent before and after the end of British rule. It could start with a 1946 map of the entire subcontinent, labeling any private property owned by Hindus as "Indian" and the rest as "Pakistani." Hindus, after all, are 80 percent of India's population today, just as Jews are 80 percent of Israel's. It is absurd to consider anything not privately owned by Hindus under British rule as "Pakistani" when the state of Pakistan did not yet exist, but that is roughly the same as labeling anything not privately owned by Jews under the Mandate as "Palestinian." We could then put up a partition map from 1947, with West and East Pakistan next to a much larger India; as well as a post-partition map—perhaps from 1955—showing the land losses along the Radcliffe Line. Finally, we could draw a map from 1971 with East Pakistan shorn off into Bangladesh. A fervently dishonest person might call this series "Pakistani Land Loss," but it would be such an obvious piece of fiction that no one could possibly take it seriously. And no thinking person can take "Palestinian Land Loss" seriously. It is just as absurd and just as much a fiction. But it is also, in its own way, extremely destructive. Because these maps and the lies they propagate only encourage Palestinian rejectionism and violence; and as illustrated above, these have always left the Palestinians with less than they had before ![]() David Hazony is an American-born Israeli writer, translator, and editor. He is editor of The Tower Magazine, and a senior member of The Israel Project. Contact Hazony at |
SORRY BUT I AM NOT CHARLIE HEBDOPosted by Kit Goto, January 11, 2015 |
About 6 years ago during the height of wide spread of violent protects in the Islamic world against the western publications of the famous satirical carton of prophet Mohammad, Singapore government did advise its multi-media to exercise great responsibility in their reporting, in particular, the publication of that carton. Not many countries in the world really understand the importance of respecting one another's belief systems, traditions and cultures. Maybe they are blinded by such nice sounding slogans of freedom of expressions and human rights without knowing what they actually mean. Or are they reacting in such a manner to an alarming rise of radical Islam today? Singapore government has learned a lot from its early days of governing a multi-cultural society. To start off, I am all for free speech and expression. I am even running a campaign to push for the repeal of the sedition act. But no, I am NOT Charlie Hebdo. What's in it for free speech and expression? To walk about naked on the streets, to watch porn in public, to ridicule another religion, race, or even class of society as you like.... in the name of freedom of speech & expression. Can I be allowed to say anything just because I feel like it? Can I just walk around the mall and call anyone stupid if I don't like their face? Can I walk into a church and scream "Jesus is naked on the cross"?Can I walk into a temple and say "you guys are really unconcerned about the smoke from the joss sticks"? Nope. That's not freedom of speech & expression. It's a misuse of fundamental liberty. Freedom of speech & expression can never, and should never be absolute. There has always been a fine line between freedom of speech & expression and respect. It is sick and insensible to say that I should be allowed draw a cartoon ridiculing the faiths of others in the name of freedom of speech & expression. This very unfortunate incident has unraveled two ugly truths:
But what's even more unfortunate, is how many people overlooked the earlier one. With the constant taunting against the Quran & Prophet Muhammad, was Charlie Hebdo expecting the 1.6bil Muslim population to just sit down and let it be 'entertainment'? Google the Charlie Hebdo cartoon dressed in a militant outfit and holding an AK47. It reads: "Still no terrorist attacks in France - Wait, we have until the end of January to send our best wishes." That is not freedom of speech and expression. That is provocation. To every action, there would be a reaction. And was this something Charlie Hebdo foreseen? I leave that to your wise judgment. Now I am not saying that the killings are justified. It is not, and shall never be justified. Two wrongs don't make one right. An eye for an eye makes the world go crazier. So what's the problem here? What I see is a hypocritical and self-righteous Western culture and media, ridiculing the Islamic world in the name of freedom of speech and expression. Think about it. Mahasiswa Ganyang Contact Kit Goto at |
PARIS ATTACK: SENSE & NONSENSE; UNDERSTANDING TURKEYPosted by Richard H. Shulman, January 11, 2015 |
What shall we make of the atrocities inflicted by Radical Muslims? Unfortunately, Westerners, vent without studying and generalize from ideological preconceptions. Logical analysis of facts is a lost art. Freedom of speech should be exercised more responsibility and modestly, instead of stating crude opinions as if truisms. One Muslim stands out for decent insight. The liberal media treats him as all sinner and no saint. That is President al-Sisi of Egypt. He isn't confused. He makes no excuses. He declared frankly that Islam should re-form. Islam should not be a religion that people have to fear being killed by. Some other Muslims genuinely oppose the Radicals. The media usually ignore them. One of them in Germany, however, a trainer of Muslim teachers, did get full coverage in the New York Times of 1/10/15. The Wall St. Journal and New York Times have been discussing the Paris attack and, I think, misunderstanding many issues. The Times quotes people of different viewpoints, many mistaken or unreasonable. What views and what issues? One view is that all religions are violent, commonly referring only to the three Abrahamic ones. Spreading the blame is a common way to exonerate one religion. But it doesn't exonerate Islam to defame other religions as being equally bad. As evidence against Judaism and Christianity, people citing Bible stories. That is not evidence. People who have not studied the Bible, the history and the culture are not qualified to interpret the Bible. Nor is it fair to judge Christianity and Judaism by the Bible, because those two religions evolved far beyond the Bible. By contrast, Islam has not evolved much. It prides itself on being perfect and finished. Its ethos remains 7th century. The two modernizing religions overcame primitive views. Mixing the picture, Islamic scholars in the Middle Ages tried to reduce the bitterness and violence of their religion. Their rulings have become disregarded. Islam considers its original theories still applicable today. It retains its stories and injunctions about hating non-believers. Judaism considers its stories more applicable to the past and more descriptive than prescriptive. A contradictory view is that Islam is not violent, and that the Islamists distort Islam. When non-Muslims assert this, they may be ignorant. When Muslims assert it, they probably are practicing the Islamic principle of defending the faith by deceiving non-believers. Islam started violently. Muhammad set the example of beheading and enslavement. His goal was to convert or kill, except that Christians and Jews could be spared death but humiliated. Islamists remind Muslims to follow the founder's example except for sparing "people of the book." Roiling Islam is that after early centuries of triumph, they experienced centuries of backwardness. This confuses and dismays Muslims. They were promised a role of superiority. But they can see their societies failing. Nevertheless, they can't get themselves to follow successful examples. They become fighting mad. Daniel Pipes explains the mind-set of Radical Muslims. First, Islamist terrorism seeks to impose Islamic law. Terrorism succeeds when it intimidates opponents. Terrorist attacks that are scantily publicized have minimal effect. More often, however, the increasingly brutal Islamist terrorism angers opponents. They will resist imposition of Islamic law. [The surge in Iraq succeeded because Islamists alienated Sunni tribes.] Islamist bombing in Madrid did coerce Spain into removing troops from the Mideast. However, these terrorist attacks backfired:
Why do Islamists persist in counter-productive attacks? Dr. Pipes attributes it to their inclination to violence and their anger. They enjoy committing violence against enemies, as a sign of their superiority. They also gain a feeling of power. They feel they have recovered honor by striking back at Christendom, which has surpassed Islam in wealth and productivity. Preoccupied with revenge, they fail to plan strategically. They invoke the opposition that ultimately will defeat them, just as it defeated the earlier totalitarian regimes of Nazi Germany and the USSR (Daniel Pipes, The Washington Times, 1/9/15 Appeasers of Islam try to suggest that the Islamists have kidnapped the religion. No, Islamists are following it or restoring it. Appeasers also try to minimize the problem by asserting that most Muslims are not Islamists. Polls show that in many Muslim and Western countries, at least half the Muslims approve of the imposition of Islamic law. That is the basic goal of the Islamists. Even if most Muslims are not Islamists, that would not mean there is no problem. There certainly are enough Islamists to commit mayhem and even take over Yemen, Turkey, the Palestinian Arabs, almost Somalia, and, for a while, Egypt. Making the gauge of Islamist influence on whether Islamists are the majority is a Western misconception. Minorities can rule dictatorships. Daniel Pipes has concluded that in the long run, Islamist brutality and its menace to other Muslims is so great, that Muslims will turn strongly against it. Muslims are the most numerous victims of Islamic terrorism, so, naturally, they will become its greatest opponents. He also notes the falling population in many Muslim countries. They won't be ale to sustain jihad. But in the meantime, they make great trouble. They will radicalize many Muslim youths. We hear Muslims condemning acts of terrorism. That is prudent, but many celebrate terrorism. Abbas subsidizes terrorists. Arab Muslims don't even consider many of those acts to be terrorism. An Arab UN delegate may propose a code against terrorism, but exempt Muslim attacks on Israel as "resistance." But it is not who is fought that determines whether an act is terrorist. The criterion is how they fight. If dirty, and if targeting civilians, it is terrorist. Palestinian Arabs generally approve of wresting Israel from the Jewish people. They admit that to pollsters. Haven't the appeasers of Islam read those polls? Many Europeans are sidetracked by the issue of resentment of Muslims, because of the attacks. By sidetracked, I mean they will think the resentment is the major problem. It isn't. Radical Islam is the major problem. If non-Muslims over-react, however, they will produce problems. Mob action against Muslims would be both wrong and counter-productive. Besides, as Daniel Pipes points out, we need Muslims to help fight terrorism. The Establishment notes that radical non-Muslim political parties in Europe are raising objections to Muslim immigration. Some of those parties are demagogic. Let the Establishment take the wind out of the sails of the demagogues by resolving the immigration problem! Otherwise, the Establishment itself is partly to blame. The Establishment tries to silence and repress immigration reform. Repression is not working, because the Islamist problem is growing. The Establishment contends that Europe must retain its free immigration policy and especially its granting of political asylum. However many Muslims are not political refugees, they just sneak in. As for political asylum, at what point will Europeans realize that they are admitting dangerous people? Is their motto, "Let's give political asylum to defeated but intolerant Syrian Islamists, because we believe in tolerance"? As the newspapers point out, so many Muslims immigrate into France, that police haven't the resources to monitor sufficiently. Part of the opposition to immigration is due to existing high unemployment, acknowledges the NY Times of 1/8/15. The reset is chauvinism. The Establishment, however, has forfeited the credibility to set a moral tone against natives attacking mosques, because it long has condoned Islamist immigration and influence. The Wall St. Journal warns the U.S. that although it has a better record of integrating immigrants, American culture is more fragmented now. Its leaders are no longer confident in Western values. Internet agitators can swoop in and radical Muslim youth. Islamists are emboldened by U.S. military retreat. [Excessive multi-culturalism and pro-Muslim political correctness and censorship impede national self-defense.] The Journal believes that we need stronger surveillance, just when the Left is campaigning against it. Strong self-defense requires leadership that the U.S. now lacks. What to do? The Journal would consider arresting or exiling citizens who visit terrorist zones and join in jihad. Also recommended is tracking Muslim student groups and clerics. What an obvious mistake it was to have campaigned against New York City police for the legal monitoring it did (Ed., 1/10/15). We also need to end phony hate speech rules on campuses. U.S. leadership should explain the problem instead of, under Pres. Obama, obscuring it and trying to make the problem seem limited. Western countries shouldn't be allowed to bar non-Muslims from certain cities or neighborhoods. In other words, we need a comprehensive defense of our democratic and tolerant culture, not just a military and police response. UNDERSTANDING TURKEY President Obama considered Erdogan, head of Turkey's Islamist party, as a friend and U.S. ally. Pres. Obama persisted in that view even after Erdogan pursued Islamist policies and dictatorial power. What are the views of Turks and the policies of Erdogan about women? Here is what a Turkish reporter finds. At a feminist conference, Erdogan said that women must not be treated as equal to men. The Deputy Prime Minister Armc said that women should not laugh in public, it is not chaste. In their country, domestic violence, abuse, and sexual discrimination are typical. On the average, men kill three women a day, including by "honor killing". One third of marriages are underage. A third of Turks (the statistics apply both to men and to women) believe that women should be beaten, if they "deserve it," 60% that women should obey men, and 25% think it sinful for both genders to work in the same office. Erdogan said that boys and girls should not sit together at universities. Turkish women vote for Erdogan (Burak Bekdil, Hurriyet Daily News, 11/28/14 Interesting that Muslim women have been indoctrinated into believing they should be subservient. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
As I documented in my previous post, Jamaat Ansar al-Islam's Syria branch, whose parent Iraqi branch came to an end in August 2014 after most of its members gave allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) with the remainder quitting the field, appears to have had a two-way split reflected in a war between Twitter accounts. The Syria branch's previous official Twitter account- @ansarulsham- is claiming the dissolution of the group and allegiance to IS following the real example of Iraq, while @ansarulislam_sh claims to be the new official Twitter account of the Syria branch and denies allegiance to IS, saying that @ansarulsham has been hijacked. The question is which account represents the majority, and if it's @ansarulsham, whether that means the end of Jamaat Ansar al-Islam in Syria too. My conclusion so far has been that some serious defections have likely occurred but the schism is not fatal to those wanting to retain the group's separate identity. This post will document the ongoing evidence emerging from the Twitter wars between @ansarulsham and @ansarulislam_sh, and will accordingly be updated when necessary. As of today, the latter account is promising a statement on how @ansarulsham got hijacked. @ansarulsham has just responded:
Update (11 January) The Twitter account @ansarulislam_sh responds with a new full statement. I would note the following:
Below is my preliminary translation of the statement. Jamaat Ansar al-Islam
Statement for the people [...] In this critical time in the history of the Ummah in which the external and internal enemy has gathered with all its ranks against the Muslims, the fair observer finds that every just, agreeable Muslim is full of eagerness and interest in lightening, even if by a simple bit, the burden of oppression on them from eviction, forced displacement and death from the cold in the refugee camps. And we as the group of Ansar al-Islam had previously announced that we would reduce the media presence and issuing of statements for reasons that concern us and that we would focus on operational aspects...for the service of Islamic work generally and jihad in particular. And we were determined not to preoccupy ourselves with responses and media controversies and especially in that regard what serves the enemies' interest and increases division and separation among the Muslims and especially the companies who are the fuel of jihad, the support of the Ummah, and the ansar [supporters/partisans] of this religion, except that some compel us to go out of our silence such that we must issue a clarification and respond. And in that regard there is the jamaat ad-dawla ['group of the state'- i.e. IS, not recognizing its claims to statehood- cf. Jabhat al-Nusra], and that is because of their putting out false statements every now and then that Jamaat al-Ansar has pledged allegiance to them, that the group has dissolved itself, and that this is the group's last statement. [...] Although it is no new thing from the following of the people in the matter that we have attacked this sort of talk from them since the beginning of 2005 after the occupation of Iraq with their claims that Jamaat al-Ansar has come to an end and no one has remained, all the way until today, for once we hear that the group has come to an end and another time that it had pledged allegiance- and this was recently and not the last time in the month of Shuwwal 1435 AH/August 2014. And at that time they claimed that the ansar had given allegiance to the Dawla [IS], had dissolved their own group and confirmed this statement as the last of their releases. And we affirm with certainty that the one near and far should know that these words are falsehoods, and especially anyone who knows the ansar and the manhaj of the ansar, having counted and heard of the number of statements of allegiance of the ansar to the Dawla, the falseness of those claims should be clear to him as well as their inconsistency, but they have no respect for the intelligence of their readers but also they show disdain for whoever follows them and reads about them and for them. And the surprising thing from the disturbance of the people is that the ansar who had been judged by them [i.e. IS] as apostate Sahwa are also the ansar of bida' [innovation: a pejorative], with receptions and welcome celebrations held for them when some of those people pledge allegiance- and such events are publicised with the use of media deceit to inflate the numbers. But also attending these events and pledging allegiance in front of the cameras are those whom no one from the group knows and have never been among the ansar for one day. So the strange thing- and it's not strange- for the people is that those who had been judged the apostates yesterday have become their brothers today by nothing more than a pledge of allegiance, as though the pledge must translate to their reception. Indeed this matter has revealed something: namely, the power of the truth that the ansar bear as well as the soundness of their manhaj, while they [the IS guys] believe from the defect within them both that their version of Shari'a will not be fulfilled especially in Iraq except by destroying Ansar al-Islam, and that there must also be the deliberate exaggeration of the allegiance of a group of members differing in their true numbers, whether more or less: and they [those members] are in part compelled, [and in part etc.] forced, wishing, hating, aware of their [IS'] evil, guarding their own lifeblood, leaving something behind for the ansar, sitting and refraining from jihad, and such people were with the Ansar one day two years ago. And [the intended result] is that anyone who sees the affair will think the Ummah has given them allegiance. Verily we affirm to all the Muslims and the mujahideen of Jamaat Ansar al-Islam that the rumour of our allegiance to Jamaat ad-Dawla is completely divorced from reality. Further, the law, situation on the ground, the evidence, and the just of the Muslims and the Sunni mujahideen groups close to us and those among whom we live and whose interests and burdens we share and bear with them may bear witness that Jamaat al-Ansar is actually present on the ground. And indeed the group has continued to adhere to the pledge on which its imams and leaders set out as well as those who shed blood under its banner and those who are confined in the prisons of the Tawagheet [idolatrous tyrants] and remain steadfast under the sting of the whips of the apostates and disbelievers, and enduring in the face of the oppression of the oppressors and the overlording of the forces of extremism from the people of aggression and arbitrariness. Further, the group has not ceased bearing the banner pure, clean and firm on the basis of what the Ummah of Islam has agreed on from the principles by God's permission. And we give good tidings to all of them that we remain just as they have known us from before, and we are just as our Lord- exalted is He in the highest- has protected us by His favour, and we have not drifted or been pulled away to the projects of negligence during all these years despite the abundance of pressures, temptations, and the many offers to alleviate what had afflicted us from need and poverty. So by God's force and power, we will not be pulled away or enter into projects of negligence- the projects whose falsity the knowledgeable ulama' have borne witness against and that they are not binding on any of the Muslims. We are a people who follow and do not innovate. And whatever portends- whether attraction or terrorizing- so long as it is not on the permissable Hanafi path that the Seal of the Prophet brought, [we will not follow it]. With the knowledge that this statement of ours is not for the members of the Dawla who have decided that all that doesn't suit them, they disavow and declare to be false, even if it is nothing but the truth. And what doesn't come to them from their side, they are deaf and blind to it, even if it is true and the just ulama' have said it is so, they who have most authority on the matter on the basis of the authority of their tafsir [interpretation of the Qur'an etc.]. and those to whose imamates the Ummah has borne witness. Rather this statement of ours is for whosoever is interested in our affairs, asks about us, is concerned about our state of affairs, follows our news, and supports us such that he should require evidence and certainty of our situation. And it is for them lest they should be played, deceived, and believe the rumours, falsehoods and lies our enemies publish, for we are not the first about whom lies and falsehoods have been spread or the first to have been the subject of media campaign attacks...And he has spoken truthfully: he who has said that these people have brought the evil of separation and division on all the Ahl al-Sunna and they have not abandoned anything from that but have surpassed them in new qualities and descriptions that have not been mentioned in the writings of division and have abandoned most of the positive aspects regarding division. But also included is this ugly, contemptible matter and dangerous precedent that the enemies of Islam have not done until today- that is, the fact that they [the IS guys] claim something on the basis of credibility- when it also means entering into the groups' account, hijacking it, and distributing the statements against the group for the interests of the Dawla, with the rest of them silent and confirmation of it, from people claiming guardianship over the Ummah and that they have the right of obedience from all and publishing it in their releases. Is this the lie against the whole Islamic Ummah with the claim that the Ansar had given them allegiance and the hijacking of their official account? Does this deed enter into the realm of politics that war is deception? Are the Muslims the targets of this deception? Does not attributing to the speaker what he did not say constitute blatant slander against him just as the people of 'Ilm [Islamic knowledge] have determined? Do not lying and falsehood constitute a downfall for justice, a hole for nobleness, and an obstacle to the acceptance of witness/testimony? And does not the principle of sincerity and truthfulness in the Muslim rest on word and deed? Or are we in a time of giving credibility to the one who lies and declaring to be a liar one who tells the truth? Do not people have eyes and minds by which they can determine truth from falsehood? Should affinity with God- Exalted is He- and striving to realize His religion employ deception and delusion against the servants of God- Almighty and Exalted is He? Indeed we should thank God who has blessed us with enlightenment about the manhaj of the people from their words, actions, deeds, and behaviour. If they had any guidance or a rightly-guided man among them, they would condemn this clear wicked deed, their perpetration and confirmation of it, and subsequent silence about it. And it is thanks to God that we have made clearer the evil of their action and we are more certain of our case against it. And to clarify the situation more we submit the following points for the fair, generous reader, and our mujahideen brothers of the group: 1. We are companions of a cause in which we believe and we believe and trust in what we bear from Truth/Righteousness- and we do not claim it is limited to us alone- but we work on the basis of the manhaj of the noble predecessors. And we do not get distracted with a 'he said this, he said that' affair and everything that is said. And we will not be pulled into or descend to the level of whoever wants such things and does not have the credibility that he has lost, and others besides him, and those who do not refrain from the evil of what they do. And indeed it is a part of our religion and a sign of the just Sunni that he abandons quarrelling and dispute and preoccupies himself with justice and development. 2. It is with our words and confirmation that we affirm that we have not given allegiance to anyone. We bless and support any project that serves the society of the Ummah and realizes unity- unity of the hearts before the bodies- provided it is imbued with the precepts of legitimacy/law- the book and the Sunna in the understanding of the primordial ones- and the people of 'Ilm and justice have borne witness to it and given their support to it and that is not excised from our path- i.e. any preparation for unity- except a denier of the truth. And whoever has pondered and followed the path of the Ansar with the passing of the stages from the establishment until today, let him see it visually. 3. We inform and make clear to all who want to know our stance about the Dawla and pledging allegiance to it: we have kept silent about this matter all this time on account of observance of the attack of the Rafidites [Shi'a] and others besides them on the Sunni areas, except that they have refused to continue to allow us to remain silent about what we believe in this matter. Thus, we say first of all that it is from the manhaj of the Ansar that we have not, do not and will not deviate from the Ummah, especially the working 'ulama whose imamate has been acknowledged as the masters of the speech of truth and clear statement in any controversy that comes upon the Muslims [...] If we had said that we are among the most knowledgeable and enlightened of the people about the Dawla, the conduct of their leaders and their direction, we would not have avoided what is right. And it is from God's preference towards us that we are the first to have warned about what is the problem with their affairs that people discovered later on and after the wounds grew great. And our correspondances have not ceased with many of the good who were deceived by them at one time- with whosoever nourished them, gave them Shari'a legitimacy, killed us with the sword of letters of support for them until it finally dawned on them that they are just what we were warning about previously and they did not back then lend us their ears. And most of the messages have continued to be present until now. Were people to return and read what we had said from the beginnings of the jihad in Iraq, they would think that we are speaking about the situation today and against it, and had we been prevented from meeting with them at that time we would not be knowing what we know about them and most besides us would be ignorant of it (for it is now impossible for us to meet with them as Jamaat al-Ansar and we are not talking about those members who went to them and defected- for they are on this own state of affairs they have and are determined to stick to what has been taken upon them)- that is, ignorant of how all the contemporary people of 'Ilm struck up a unique consensus of its type- rarely ever coming together with one voice on an issue like this issue- affirming that it is not permissable to join the Dawla, the impermissability of remaining with them and assisting them in their fight against the Muslims. The Almighty has said: 'Whoever opposes the messenger after guidance has been made clear to him, and follows a path other than that of the believers, We will give him what he has taken and drive him into Hell, and evil it is as a destination'- Qur'an 4:115. This is Jamaat Ansar al-Islam's official decision and whoever leaves us and joins them, his words have no legitimacy for us whatsoever as he is known. 4. These rumours against the Ansar will not end so don't find most of them strange, especially above all from those who have left our ranks out of preference and flimsy reasons and unjustified legal reasons. It has become clear to us from following and studying their behaviour that the fire of their arbitrary whims will not go out and the Satan within them will not rest, and the evil defect of their deeds will not be covered as long as a heart beats and eye blinks in Jamaat al-Ansar, for they will not cease their efforts to curse, spread malice, create delusion and attempt to destroy the Ansar by any means they can. And we have clear witnesses and proofs as to what we say. 5. The lifespan of the lie is short, and the aversion of people, good disposition and nature mean there is no place for it even if it endures. And indeed deception of some of the people for some time is possible, but deceiving all the people and propagating untruth on them until the end is impossible, and especially on those who respect their minds and are not content with imitation, and their practice is the need for proof and clarity. 6. Righteousness is not known by men just as Ali- may God be pleased with him- said when al-Harith bin Haut al-Laythi opposed him after the battle of the Camel and the killing of Zubayr and Talha- may God be pleased with them. He said: "Do you think oh Amir al-Mu'mineen, that we think Zubayr and Talha- may God be pleased with them- were under shelter and are of the ten promised Paradise? So Ali, may God be pleased with him, said his well-known saying: "Oh Harith, you are possessed." Then he said: "Truth is not known my men but rather men are known for truth. Know truth recognizes its people. What this means is that truth and falsehood are not derived from power and weakness, but rather from the book of God [Qur'an] and what His Messenger has explained. And thus the Muslim is with Truth even if he passes through the stage of weakness with affliction, trial and test and he is not with falsehood even if he is powerful and strong. And whoever is like that is on the manhaj of Ibn Salul who became Muslim out of hypocrisy/lukewarmness after Badr when he saw the power of the Muslims, or on the manhaj of Pharaoh's people when they said 'Perhaps we will follow the magicians if they are dominant' [Qur'an 26:40], whereas the Muslim's manhaj is just as al-Fadeel (may God have mercy on him) said: "Be with truth even if the following is diminished, and shun falsehood even if loss increases. The necessity of remaining on the path of Tawheed is of the greatest mark of dignity." 7. It is among the marks of deceiving men and leading them into arbitrary whims to preoccupy oneself with Muslims established among the people of 'Ilm and the mujahideen, distract them, and draw them away from obedience with falsehood, dividing their word, and sowing disunity and hypocrisy among them. We ask God- Almighty and Exalted is He- to relieve us from that and set us on the best conclusion possible. Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi is a fellow at the Middle East Forum and a graduate of Brasenose College, Oxford University, with a degree in Classics and Oriental Studies. His work focuses on militant groups of all affiliations in Iraq and Syria, with particular interest in those of jihadist orientation. He has been cited in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Times (London), the Washington Post, and other publications. This article appeared January 10, 2015 on Pundicity Informed Opinion & Review and is archived at |
ISLAM IS THE PROBLEMPosted by American Center for Democracy, January 12, 2015 |
The article below was written by Sol W. Sanders who is journalist specializing in Asia with more than 25 years in the region. He is a former correspondent for Business Week, U.S. News & World Report and United Press International. This article appeared January 12, 2015 on American Center for Democracy and is archived at |
The worship of Mohammed's followers throughout their history has rarely constituted a religion of peace, contrary to repeated statements by leaders in the West – above all President Barack Hussein Obama. These have been made in their pursuit of trying to defuse the current crisis, but nevertheless are now a part of the problem. One might stretch to argue that Moses, founder of Judaism, had a "battlefield commission". But neither Jesus, Gautama nor Confucius, leaders or founders of the several other great world religions, advocated violence. Nor were they soldiers, as was Mohammed, the messenger who carried the word of Allah to his flock. Furthermore, virtually all Muslims accept that in his last decade of what may be a largely legendary life, he pursued that career with ferocity in the destruction of his Arabian peninsular enemies, most notably the contemporary Jewish tribes who refused to accept his new religion. The history of Islam is inseparable from its attempt to conquer alien societies and turn them forcibly to its belief. That code demands—unlike the other great religions today—unquestioned obedience to a legal as well as a moral code of contradictory but supposedly God-given dictums from the Koran and the accumulation of practices in the Hadith, pronouncements and activities surrounding Mohammed the man. Again today, as repeatedly in the past 1500 years, the West is fighting off a campaign of Muslim fanatics to overtake and replace its Judeo-Hellenist-Christian civilization. Rather than massive armies at the Tour battlefield in the eighth-century or at the gates of Vienna in the 16th and a hundred years later, this time the attacks are continual thrusts at the ineludiblely vulnerable "soft targets" of modern open societies. As incomprehensible as it is to Westerners and non-Muslim societies of the East, these fanatics are willing to die so long as they can bring pain and disaster on their targets. It is, as some Muslim fanatics have proclaimed proudly, that the rest of the world loves life and these psychotics worship death. When the leaders of the whole world—not excluding both Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s Mahmoud Abbas—came together in Paris for a demonstration of unity of purpose against this new threat to humanity, there was a missing figure. It was no accident, as the Communists would say, that Obama was not there among the leaders of most of the civilized world. In a tortured and benighted view of the world’s issues, Obama apparently believes that outreach to the Muslim fanatics through Islamic state leaders—including the mother hen of all the contemporary terrorists, the insidious Muslim Brotherhood—will appease the tiger. His closest advisers make desperate attempts to convince the rest of the world that the great mass of Muslims are innocents. True enough, but that they will be the “good” Germans with the Nazis or a dozen other historical instances, and will bring down the militants is highly questionable. Obama rides this tiger not only in great peril to the country he leads and to the world in general, but at the risk of his own role in history. Calling a blatant attack at Ft. Hood by a twisted mind—a psychiatrist indeed!—"workplace violence" not only distorts the real meaning of the incident making it impossible to deal with it, but this refusal to name the crime makes it difficult to meet out the modest reparations to the survivors. In the same vein, by not identifying the current worldwide campaign of terrorism—now into its second decade—as an outgrowth of Islam itself, he and his advisers make it impossible to understand it and mobilize to defeat it. At the United Nations, instead of a straightforward attack on the origins of this violence to all civilized society, Obama was busy warning against any attack on the sanctity of Mohammed’s name. (A documentary producer who had the audacity if however clumsily to challenge the relationship of Islam to the wave of terrorism is still serving a prison sentence, part of the design to obscure the martyrdom of four Americans at the hands of terrorists at Benghazi.) Nothing plays more into the lying of Muslim fanatics in dealing with their fellow citizens; they can carefully cite elements of their dogma which sanction deceit in their professions of innocence with nonbelievers. Any attempt to take on the long-awaited need to bring the religion of Mohammed to a test of modernity and contemporary morality is denounced. Earlier attempts were abandoned after a bitter debate in Andalusia, Spain, in the late 12th century when Ibn Rushid [Averroes], ironically sometimes called "the father of modern Western secularism”, was defeated in his efforts to find a synthesis of Hellenic, Judeo-Christian and Islamic values. Ironically Averroes contributed mightily to Western religious and philosophical thought. But his Islam retreated into the thousand-year bowels of a totalitarian conformity that imprisons it to this day. Those who call for a constructive new debate are quickly denounced as "Islamophobes"—even when they come from acknowledged scholars such as the eminent modern philosopher, Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger. It remains to be seen if Muslim leaders will rise to join Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who recently pleaded with Islamic clerics to examine their game. He argued Muslim "thinking" had stymied, that concepts "we have sacralized over the years" are "antagonizing the entire world". In practical terms of a hard-bitten military leader of the largest and most important Arab nation, he argued that it is not "possible that 1.6 billion people [a reference to the world's Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world's inhabitants—that is 7 billion—so that they themselves may live". He warned that Egypt (or the Islamic world in its entirety) "is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands." Again, it is no accident that the Obama Administration's relations with the al-Sisi regime hang by a thread while it has continued to court the likes of Turkey's increasingly Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (and with a lesser and lesser degree of success). It also continues to bemoan the fall of al Sisi's predecessors, the discredited Muslim Brotherhood. (Alas! That is also true of Hillary Clinton with her own close connections to the Brotherhood leadership through her principal aid, Huma Mahmood Abedin.) Recognizing Islam's relationship to the Muslim terrorists is critical if the U.S. and the world is to defeat this aberration before it destroys Western civilization through its steady depredations, always forcing restraints on our liberties in order to defend ourselves. Contact American Center for Democracy at |
Have been exposed to Muslems, in one way or another fro 65 years, both in France, as well as England, and via the media elsewhere. The article below was written by Jack Engelhard who writes a
regular column for Arutz Sheva. New from the novelist,
the inside-the-newsroom tell-all thriller, The Bathsheba
Deadline. Engelhard wrote the int’l bestseller Indecent
Proposal that was translated into more than 22 languages and
turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford
and Demi Moore. This article appeared January 11, 2015 on
Arutz Sheva and is archived at
I don't read the stars. But I could see the clouds. And when I gave the forecast, Arutz Sheva published it. The tragic events that took place in Paris over the past few days came as no surprise to readers of this column and from other commentaries that regularly appear on these pages. Going back decades, we kept warning that what comes to Israel will come to France and to all of Europe. Sadly, we were right...and we continue to sound the alarm. For my part, I don't read the stars. But I can see the clouds. Here is a selection from what I warned over the years from the clarity of being a pessimist. From "First, The Saturday People" -- Published in Arutz Sheva Sept 15, 2003, yes, 12 years ago. "As for you masters of Europe and your treachery; one day your sly anti-Semitism will come back to haunt you. Over the centuries, you have uprooted a thousand synagogues and replaced them with ten thousand mosques. Wait, now, and see what grows from the soil of Ishmael. Your churches are next. "For Sunday is coming, Sunday bloody Sunday." Also this incidentally from the same piece more than a decade ago: "Bush believes he has the answer. He is sending in 87 billion dollars to find Thomas Jefferson in that seventh century feud-crazed swamp that is Iraq. So now we sit back and wait for Iraq to become a light unto the nations, along with the 21 other backwater regimes that make up part of the Arab world. "Those who think it's all about Israel are indeed hiding under the covers. As they slumber, another mosque grows in Brooklyn. Certainly in Paris." From "Spare the Pieties" (on Gaza) – Published in Arutz Sheva, Jan 7, 2009 "Where were you when, throughout the years, thousands of jihadist bombs fell on Israel? The streets of Europe were empty. There were no pictures in the newspapers of grieving Jewish mothers and fathers. You called it 'peace' as long as the Arabs were doing the killing and the Jews were doing the dying. All was well with the world. "I've seen the photos of your candlelight vigils along the streets and boulevards of Europe, all of it; all these tears in the service of those terrorists whom you call your brothers. Indeed you are related to Hamas (and Fatah) as once before, a mere generation ago, you were related to Hitler's stormtroopers. Your angelic faces are touching - and disgusting. Your hypocrisy is transparent and nauseating.” From "We are not Related" – Published in Arutz Sheva, Feb 1, 2004 "There is good. There is bad. Blurring the lines between the two is what's got us into this fine mess. "Chaos happens when clarity is replaced by professorial mumbo jumbo. There are a million examples of absolute good and bad. I'll get the reckoning started as follows: Green traffic lights are good, red is bad; Einstein good, Hitler bad; liberty good, tyranny bad; wealth good, poverty bad; paycheck good, taxes bad; Sinatra good, Springsteen bad. See how easy this is? "Here's the paradox: Those of us who live in freedom are imprisoned for our own safety, and for reasons of political correctness, we dare not name the enemy, though it is not Jews or Christians who keep us trapped and trembling; bolting our doors and hiding under the covers. Cries of 'kill the infidel' do not come from our synagogues or churches. "I am an island. You are an island. We are an island. We did not make that choice. They imposed it on us." From "Sarkozy Offers French Expertise" – Published in Arutz Sheva, June 24, 2008 "Sarkozy has his own 'West Bank,' where rioting among 'foreigners' is frequent, but no Israeli leader would dare suggest that he vacate Paris and deport Parisians." From "Shared Values?" Published in Arutz Sheva, Oct. 7, 2003 "Here's a possibility. Maybe we have no shared values. They have their values. We have ours. Never the twain shall meet. Doesn't mean we have to hate one another. Doesn't mean we have to love one another. Just leave us alone. We don't bother you on the road to your mosque, and you leave us alone in our churches and synagogues "How's that for shared values? "For all I know, it was 'moderate' Islam that gave us 9/11, and it is moderate Islam that continues to give Israel 9/11 every single day. "Fanatical Islam hasn't been heard from yet." Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at |
The article below was written by Erich Follath who is German journalist and nonfiction author. Follath studied at the Universities of Tubingen and Munich German and political science and in 1974 a doctorate. As a student he traveled through Syria. Follath began his career as a journalist at the Star, for which he also as a correspondent from Hong Kong and New York City reported. As a reporter he saw 1999 the revolution in Iran. In 1994 he moved to the Mirror, where he took over the management of foreign correspondents. Since 1997 Follath writes as a diplomatic correspondent for the Mirror. Follath is also the author of numerous nonfiction, about the bestseller The legacy of the Dalai Lama: A God Hands (2007). He is also the author of detective fiction Who Shot Jesus Christ?, Of the Oberammergau Passion Play is located. This article appeared January 09, 2015 on Spiegel Online
International and is archived at
![]() At 11 p.m. on Sept. 5, 2007, 10 F-15 fighter bombers climbed into the sky from the Israeli military base Ramat David, just south of Haifa. They headed for the Mediterranean Sea, officially for a training mission. A half hour later, three of the planes were ordered to return to base while the others changed course, heading over Turkey toward the Syrian border. There, they eliminated a radar station with electronic jamming signals and, after 18 more minutes, reached the city of Deir al-Zor, located on the banks of the Euphrates River. Their target was a complex of structures known as Kibar, just east of the city. The Israelis fired away, completely destroying the factory using Maverick missiles and 500 kilogram bombs. The pilots returned to base without incident and Operation Orchard was brought to a successful conclusion. In Jerusalem, then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his closest advisors were in a self-congratulatory mood, convinced as they were that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was seeking to build a nuclear weapon and that Kibar was the almost-completed facility where that construction was to take place. They believed that their dangerous operation had saved the world from immense harm. But they also wanted to prevent the situation from escalating, which is why they didn't even inform the US of their plan prior to the bombing run. Olmert only called Washington once the operation had been completed. Orchard was also to remain secret in Israel so as to avoid anything that smacked of triumphalism. Nor did they want it to become known that North Korean nuclear experts had been spotted in Deir al-Zor helping out with the construction of the reactor. They hoped to provide Assad an opportunity to play down the incident and to abstain from revenge attacks. And that is in fact what happened. Assad complained about the violation of Syrian airspace and the bombing of a "warehouse," but the official version also claimed that the Syrian air force chased away the attackers. The public at the time did not learn what had really taken place. Now, secret information obtained by SPIEGEL indicates that the world is once again being misled by Assad. Syria's dictator has not given up his dream of an atomic weapon and has apparently built a new nuclear facility at a secret location. It is an extremely unsettling piece of news. Suspicious Uranium Particles Back in 2007, it proved impossible to completely quell rumors about the mysterious building complex in the desert and its possible military purpose. In contrast to Israel and Pakistan, Syria is a signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and is thus committed to using nuclear power only for peaceful purposes. And the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna demanded access to the site. In June 2008, Assad finally gave in to the IAEA's pressure and experts under the leadership of Olli Heinonen, a native of Finland, were allowed to inspect the destroyed Kibar facility. ![]() It quickly became apparent that Damascus had done everything it could to destroy all traces of what had been going on there. But the atomic detectives from the IAEA were nevertheless able to find suspicious uranium particles -- a discovery that the Syrian government sought to explain away as a potential act of sabotage. Though the IAEA noted that its investigation did not turn up definitive proof, the organization requested access to three other facilities due to ongoing suspicions. The IAEA suspected that the trio of nuclear sites may be connected to Kibar, particularly the suspected enrichment facility Marj as-Sultan, located 15 kilometers north of Damascus. The Syrians refused, angered by what they called "unfounded defamation." A clear picture of the background of the Israeli operation and the details of the commando raid was only made possible by a precise reconstruction by SPIEGEL in 2009, assembled following interviews with political leaders, nuclear experts and secret service experts. Assad, to be sure, denied having nuclear ambitions in a 2009 interview with SPIEGEL, saying: "We want a nuclear-free Middle East, Israel included." But the IAEA investigation report in May 2011 and a story in the New Yorker in 2012 made it clear even to skeptics that Syria had been playing with fire. "The Agency concludes that the destroyed building was very likely a nuclear reactor," the IAEA report notes with uncharacteristic clarity. Afterward, all activity ceased at the destroyed site, as shown by regularly analyzed satellite images of the area. But did that mean that the Israeli attack really brought an end to all Syrian plans for the development of a bomb? Continued Pursuit of the Bomb The factory had been on the verge of completion and many observers believed at the time that there could be a secret cache of fuel, at least enough for a year, standing by. According to IAEA research, Syria possesses up to 50 tons of natural uranium, enough material for three to five bombs once the enrichment procedure is completed. The Institute for Science and International Security in Washington D.C. likewise has strong indications for the existence of such stockpiles and expressed its concern in September 2013. "This large stock of natural uranium metal poses nuclear proliferation risks," the institute wrote. "It could be obtained by organizations such as Hezbollah or al-Qaida or undeclared nuclear programs of states such as Iran." According to findings of Western intelligence agencies, however, the situation is much more explosive than previously assumed. Based on documents that Spiegel has in its possession, the agencies are convinced that Assad is continuing in his efforts to build the bomb. Analysts say that the Syrian atomic weapon program has continued in a secret, underground location. According to information they have obtained, approximately 8,000 fuel rods are stored there. Furthermore, a new reactor or an enrichment facility has very likely been built at the site -- a development of incalculable geopolitical consequences. Some of the uranium was apparently hidden for an extended period at Marj as-Sultan near Damascus, a site that the IAEA likewise views with suspicion. Satellite images from December 2012 and February 2013 show suspicious activity at Marj as-Sultan. The facility, located not far from a Syrian army base, had become the focal point of heavy fighting with rebels. Government troops had to quickly move everything of value. They did so, as intelligence officials have been able to reconstruct, with the help of Hezbollah, the radical Shiite "Party of God" based in Lebanon. The well-armed militia, which is largely financed by Iran, is fighting alongside Assad's troops. Intercepted Conversations Intelligence agency findings indicate that the material was moved to a well-hidden underground location just west of the city of Qusayr, not even two kilometers from the border with Lebanon. They managed the move just in time. Marj as-Sultan ultimately did fall to the rebels, but has since been retaken by government troops. Since then, experts have been keeping a close eye on the site outside of Qusayr, one which they had largely ignored before, believing it to be a conventional Hezbollah weapons depot. Analysts compared earlier satellite images and carefully noted even the slightest of changes. Soon, it became clear to them that they had happened upon an extremely disconcerting discovery. According to intelligence agency analysis, construction of the facility began back in 2009. The work, their findings suggest, was disguised from the very beginning, with excavated sand being disposed of at various sites, apparently to make it more difficult for observers from above to tell how deeply they were digging. Furthermore, the entrances to the facility were guarded by the military, which turned out to be a necessary precaution. In the spring of 2013, the region around Qusayr saw heavy fighting. But the area surrounding the project in the mines was held, despite heavy losses suffered by elite Hezbollah units stationed there. The most recent satellite images show six structures: a guard house and five sheds, three of which conceal entrances to the facility below. The site also has special access to the power grid, connected to the nearby city of Blosah. A particularly suspicious detail is the deep well which connects the facility with Zaita Lake, four kilometers away. Such a connection is unnecessary for a conventional weapons cache, but it is essential for a nuclear facility. But the clearest proof that it is a nuclear facility comes from radio traffic recently intercepted by a network of spies. A voice identified as belonging to a high-ranking Hezbollah functionary can be heard referring to the "atomic factory" and mentions Qusayr. The Hezbollah man is clearly familiar with the site. And he frequently provides telephone updates to a particularly important man: Ibrahim Othman, the head of the Syrian Atomic Energy Commission. The Hezbollah functionary mostly uses a codename for the facility: "Zamzam," a word that almost all Muslims know. According to tradition, Zamzam is the well God created in the desert for Abraham's wife and their son Ishmael. The well can be found in Mecca and is one of the sites visited by pilgrims making the Hajj. Those who don't revere Zamzam are not considered to be true Muslims. North Korean Expert in Syria? Work performed at the site by members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard is also mentioned in the intercepted conversations. The Revolutionary Guard is a paramilitary organization under the direct control of Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. It controls a large part of the Iranian economy and also plays a significant role in Iran's own nuclear activities. Not all of its missions abroad are cleared with the government of moderate President Hassan Rohani. The Revolutionary Guard is a state within a state. Experts are also convinced that North Korea is involved in Zamzam as well. Already during the construction of the Kibar facility, Ibrahim Othman worked closely together with Chou Ji Bu, an engineer who built the nuclear reactor Yongbyon in North Korea. Chou was long thought to have disappeared. Some thought that he had fallen victim to a purge back home. Now, though, Western intelligence experts believe that he went underground in Damascus. According to the theory, Othman never lost contact with his shady acquaintance. And experts believe that the new nuclear facility could never have been built without North Korean know-how. The workmanship exhibited by the fuel rods likewise hints at North Korean involvement. What approach will now be taken to Zamzam? How will the West, Assad and Syria's neighbors react to the revelations? The discovery of the presumed nuclear facility will not likely be welcomed by any of the political actors. It is an embarrassment for everybody. For Syria and North Korea, both of which have periodically sought to shed their images as international pariahs. For Hezbollah, which hopes to emerge as Lebanon's strongest political power. A New Assessment But the new development also comes at an uncomfortable time for the US government. Despite all official denials, Washington is currently operating in the region more-or-less in concert with Assad in the fight against the Islamist terrorist militia Islamic State. Furthermore, following the well-monitored and largely efficient destruction of Syrian chemical weapons, the US, Britain and France all believed that Assad's ability to wage unconventional warfare had been eliminated. The possible development of a Syrian atomic weapon, should it be confirmed, would necessarily lead to a new assessment of the situation. The discovery presents a particularly difficult dilemma to Israel. The country has, to be sure, continued to bomb Hezbollah supply lines, but it apparently knew nothing of a possible new nuclear facility. Israeli leaders would be faced with the impossible decision between ignoring Zamzam or undertaking an extremely risky attack against a facility built deep underground. In contrast to 2007, bunker buster bombs would be required, with unforeseeable consequences for the environment. It would be an irresponsible decision, but one which Israeli hardliners could ultimately make. The international monitors in Vienna also don't look good, with IAEA boss Yukiya Amano having been deceived by Assad. In September 2014, the Japanese national urged "Syria to cooperate fully with the agency in connection with all unresolved issues." He hasn't yet received a reply. A sanction of last resort would be that of expelling Syria from the IAEA, an unlikely step given that Moscow continues to protect Assad, in the IAEA as in the United Nations. Islamic State recently invited IAEA inspectors to investigate in areas under their control. The terror organization conquered the area around Deir al-Zor several months ago and offered the IAEA the opportunity to have another look around the Kibar facility. But the Vienna-based organization declined, not wanting to provide Islamic State with any kind of legitimacy. Plus, Deir al-Zor is no longer the focal point. The international experts in Vienna now find themselves confronted with new challenges across the country on the border with Lebanon. Contact Daily Alert at |
The article below was written by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi who is a graduate from Brasenose College, Oxford University, and a Jihad-Intel Research Fellow at the Middle East Forum. Contact Al-Tamimi at This article appeared January 07, 2015 on Rubin Center Research in International Affairs. _source=activetrail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=GLORIA%20newsletter, %20Jan.%2012,%202015 |
It has become a truism that resolution of the current crisis in Iraq that has seen major cities — most notably Mosul — fall out of government control at the hands of the Islamic State (IS) will require some form of 'reconciliation' between the Shia majority that has led Iraq's governments since the U.S. invasion in 2003 and the Sunni Arabs, who likely constitute no more than 20-25% of Iraq's population but were seen as dominant since the formation of the modern Iraqi state. 'Reconciliation' in the predominant understanding is expected to entail some kind of central government outreach to Sunnis. However, is that really forthcoming? If not, why not? The new Iraqi premier Hayder Abadi — hailing from the Islamic Da’wah Party of his predecessor Nouri al-Maliki — is generally seen as a more conciliatory figure than Maliki, who is in contrast widely condemned for perceived sectarian policies that led to the deterioration in the security situation.However, reconciliation must entail more than mere allocation of government positions to Sunni political figures who have become ever more detached from their constituencies. It must also include reforms on the ground that will make Sunni locals more amenable to working with the security reforms and integrate them into the post-Saddam order. One place to start would be amendments to de-Ba'athification legislation that was initiated after the overthrow of Saddam's regime and came to be seen as 'de-Sunnification'. And in that regard, nothing seems forthcoming. The response to the Sunni protests of 2013 is instructive here. While it is widely claimed that Maliki did not attempt to make any concessions to protestor demands, such conventional wisdom is untrue. Through working with then deputy Sunni premier Saleh al-Mutlaq, Maliki allowed for meaningful reforms to de-Ba’athification to be put to parliament, but the legislation quickly died, most notably facing opposition from the Sadrists. It is indeed telling that when it came to this rather important issue on reconciliation, Maliki comes across as the moderate, illustrating the wider Shia political spectrum's reluctance to consider such reforms, fearful at least of a supposed return to the prior Sunni-dominated order. More recent attempts at Sunni empowerment in the form of provincial autonomy have similarly been put down across the spectrum, partly due to belief that greater autonomy would only create problems akin to the constant disputes between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Baghdad. Today, the notion of de-Ba'athification amendments is not even put to discussion. Indeed, the rise of IS, with the collapse of conventional army divisions caused by the group's conquests in the north of the country, has only compounded the impasse, because it has helped midwife the birth of dozens of Shia militias while strengthening in particular the hand of long-established Iranian proxies (Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Kata'b Hezbollah, Badr), the last of which was awarded the Interior Ministry and has spearheaded military operations south of Baghdad and in the mixed province of Diyala.For the militias, the struggle is perceived — not wholly without justification — as existential in light of IS's genocidal anti-Shia sentiments. Yet that only further damages chances at reconciliation, as the general tendency among Shia militias is to treat all Sunnis in a combat zone as IS, which has resulted in ethnic cleansing in areas like Jurf al-Sakhr (south of Baghdad) and the wider Baghdad belt area.Considering that the militias are unlikely to simply disband and will seek to exert influence, Abadi's efforts will likely only be undercut further. This is well illustrated in the recent hostility shown by Kata'ib Hezbollah to Abadi's floundering 'National Guard' legislation that aims to create local Sunni forces to fight IS, saying it will treat the formations as an 'American-affiliated Sahwa.' As the Iranian proxies in particular frame the recent upheaval as an American conspiracy against Iraq, such enmity is sure to create conflict and hinder a coordinated effort to roll back IS. But is the impasse wholly or primarily to be blamed on the Shia side? Stay tuned for part two, which will explore the issues regarding Sunnis and Iraq's impasse. THE IMPASSE IN IRAQ (PART 2: THE SUNNI SIDE)
The previous post discussed problems on the Shi'a side that hinder a more general Sunni-Shi'a 'reconciliation' in Iraq. Specifically, there is a general reluctance on the Shi'a political spectrum to address basic Sunni grievances on issues such as de-Ba’athification, and the phenomenon of Shi'a militiafication of the security forces has only further sidelined meaningful discussion of reforms to outreach to Sunnis. However, it does not follow that Iraq's impasse is solely the fault of the country's Shi'a. Any analysis must also address the issue of Sunni rejectionism: that is, an absolute unwillingness to accept the post-Saddam order, with aspirations for 'revolution' (thawra) in the overthrow of the central government. Such rejectionism is embodied in the fact that none of the main Sunni insurgent brands accepts the notion of working within the system. Rather, believing Sunni Arabs to be at least a plurality if not a majority of Iraq’s population (an erroneous belief), they all curr Indeed, rejectionism has even more currency than during the height of the U.S. occupation as a perceived failure of the political process for Sunnis has given credence to the narrative of groups that have rejected the idea of working within the system all along, such as the Ba'athist-Sufi Jaysh Rijal al-Tariqa al-Naqshbandia (JRTN), widely considered the second most powerful insurgent group after the Islamic State (IS). Yet, this rejectionism has also helped facilitate the rise of IS, which initially worked with other Sunni insurgent groups in bringing about the downfall of the major cities of Fallujah, Mosul and Tikrit but has since come to dominate these places at the expense of the likes of JRTN. In one case, that of rival jihadi group Jamaat Ansar al-Islam, the group has been absorbed into IS through pledges of allegiance while the remainder has disbanded and quit the field. Despite such developments, the prevalence of rejectionism means that the wider insurgency generally remains in denial that the IS phenomenon constitutes a problem, such that there even tends to be avoidance of mentioning IS by name, with no honest condemnation of the worst of IS' excesses including the targeting of minorities like the Yezidis and Christians as well as destruction of shrines and heritage sites. The JRTN goes so far as to blame the government for these actions. Such denial and lack of attachment to reality can only amount to complicity in IS' crimes. With belief in the inevitability of 'revolution' and fighting IS not viewed as a priority, the Sunni insurgent groups with their rejectionism and support bases prove a huge obstacle to forming a coherent local Sunni force within Iraq to push back IS. Indeed, they all denounce current premier Hayder Abadi's National Guard plans and similar hopes to incorporate more Sunnis into the security forces as nefarious schemes aimed at destroying the 'revolution' and/or provoking an internal Sunni civil war to facilitate Iranian domination. Meanwhile, the coalition airstrikes targeting IS are presented as being part of a wider international war against Sunnis and Islam. Not all Sunni groups have avoided speaking frankly about problems with IS, but the results of localized open clashes have never gone in their favour, pointing to the weakness of a lack of a united Sunni front against IS. A case-in-point is the Salafi group Jaysh al-Mujahideen, which openly condemned IS in a lengthy tract issued in January 2014. The group clashed with IS in the locality of al-Karma in Anbar province in August 2014, but was forced to withdraw from the main town. Despite this major loss, nothing points to Jaysh al-Mujahideen members and/or leaders being open to the idea of working with the government against IS. In sum, Iraq's current round of major instability may not be as bloody as the dark days of the 2006 civil war, but with so many obstacles on both sides hindering a major accord between Sunni and Shi'a in Iraq, this phase of conflict is set to be a protracted war over many years to come. Contact Gloria Center at |
GODLY PASSIONPosted by Nurit Greenger, January 12, 2015 |
When God asked Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses found many excuses as to why he is not the right person for the task. God did not let him off the hook, Moses was His chosen person. God, though got angry, not with Moses' excuses but with his inability to muster Godly passion for the assignment. And so, God infused that passion in Moses to lead the Israelites from bondage to freedom, a story that resonates till today about people who God freed from bondage; a story that has set the bar of the word freedom. In Poland the authorities forever had an issue to permit the practice of ritual Kosher slaughter. Once, of many, a delegation of rabbis in Poland stood in front of the ruler to ask for his understanding as to why Jews must have the right to conduct ritual Kosher slaughter. He did not understand. When the delegation returned home, the chief rabbi asked them: "Did you get the permit?" They replied: "No." The Chief Rabbi then told them: "You should have pretended fainting; then the ruler would have understood how important this matter is to Jews." What the rabbi in fact told the rabbis was that they should have had that inner Godly passion. Today the free world, at large, is lacking this Godly passion; it is ignoring the fact that Islam is at war with the free world. It is ignoring the massacres and genocides taking place all over the world. It is apathetic taboo. Why? Because the world is basically godless, it is lacking that Godly passion to take on Islam's and its attack on it. The world needs to faint when seeing what is taking place in Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Israel, latest in France, in fact all over the world, some we see and hear about, much we do not see or hear about. Without this passion, those who are apathetic, those who turn their eyes away are doomed. Why am I telling you all this you may ask. Because 9/11 should have been a wake-up call and it was not. Each murderous Islamo-Fascist terror attack that took place somewhere in the world should have riled the entire free world, but it did not. What happened in France this week should take France in a new direction regarding its Moslem population and its lslamo-fascist country within its own country, what they call there the 'No Go Zones' in France but not part of France. Will it all change? I doubt it, I say NO. I say Europe is finished as the Europe we have known and loved. As for the barbarian killing in France this week, here is what the Bible reads:
Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom – Nurit Greenger is an advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States and the Free World in general and sees Israel and the United States, equally, as the last two forts of true democratic freedom. Since 2006, she has been writing about events in these two countries. From Southern California, Nurit believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything. This post has been contributed by a third party. The opinions, facts and any media content here are presented solely by the author, and The Times of Israel assumes no responsibility for them. In case of abuse, report this post. |
WHY FRENCH JEWRY CANNOT AFFORD TO SLEEPPosted by Robert Hand, January 12, 2015 |
The article below was written by Hana Levi Julian who is Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism. This article appeared January 12, 2015 on the and is archived at cannot-afford-to-sleep/2015/01/12/ |
![]() It appears the Jewish community in France has more to fear than simple anti-Semitism in Europe. Jews have often ended up in history's crossfire when the winds of war were raging. This time appears to be no exception as the world wrestles with radical Islam. There are two main issues that are endangering French Jewry. The first danger can be likened to the proverbial clash of the stags, so to speak. And the Jews are underfoot. Or fodder. Al Qaeda is in competition with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), via its affiliates, each of which operates independently. An operative recruited by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP, led the first of last week's series of terror attacks in Paris. But the siege of terror was actually carried out by two separate teams from the competing terror groups who joined together for the purpose of making a statement in France. The first team, comprised of Cherif Koachi, 32 and his brother Said, 34, also included 18 year old Hamid Mourad and a fourth person – as yet unidentified – who drove the getaway car. That group is linked to Al Qaeda; Cherif had been recruited while on the streets and then in the jails of France. His brother Said had actually traveled to Yemen and met with AQAP leader Anwar al-Awlaki, and trained at the terrorist bases there. The second team – that of Amedy Coulibaly and his common-law wife, Hayat Boumedienne – belongs to ISIS. Coulibaly was seen on Sunday in the traditional terror shahid (martyr) video that was produced at some time prior to carrying out the attacks. Someone – possibly Boumedienne – uploaded the video to the Twitter social networking site two days after he died in a blaze of French SWAT team gunfire. In the video he appears to be seated below the flag of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, pledging allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The footage was authenticated by a former lawyer for the terrorist as well as by the SITE research group that tracks terrorist propaganda. "We managed to synchronize to come out at the same time. What we have done is completely legitimate, given what they have done. If you attack the caliphate, we will attack you," Coulibaly says in the video. It is clear that Al Qaeda and ISIS, rivals who compete for the prestige of being able to claim control over the world of terror, have nevertheless found a way to work together when the goal is worthy. This is the first instance in which the two groups are known to have collaborated on any operation. The Jews of France are a convenient target, where it is estimated that 1,000 Muslims have left to join the jihad abroad. Those fighters are expected at some point to return – as trained terrorists. Not so far away, in Belgium, a French terrorist with links to ISIS left a river of Jewish blood in his wake last May after slaughtering staff and visitors to the Jewish Museum of Brussels. Despite the massacre, it took months for Jewish community leaders to convince the government — the same leadership which hosts the headquarters of the European Union and the European Parliament — to increase protection to the site following the attack. Even though France has the largest Jewish population in Europe, it is dwarfed by that of the Muslim population, which more than 10 times larger. Muslims comprise 10 percent of the population of France; 6.5 million French citizens are Muslims. Only 500,000 are Jews. In 2012, an Al Qaeda terrorist of Algerian descent attacked a Jewish elementary school in Toulouse, murdering three children and a rabbi. Contact Robert Hand by email at |
ABBAS LEADING AN ANTI-TERRORISM MARCHPosted by John Cohn, January 12, 2015 |
Photographs in the Journal show Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the Paris anti-terrorism demonstrations. He is marching with French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, leading a group of forty world leaders. One 19 year-old student was reported by the Journal to have complained about the concurrent appearance of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who marched just steps away, and other published reports suggested that the French tried to discourage the Israeli's participation, although Jews were clearly terrorist targets. Paris synagogues were closed for fear of violence, while Parisian mosques stayed open. Abbas was a founding member of Fatah and a close confederate of Yasser Arafat. He is arguably one of the architects of modern terrorism, as over decades the Palestinians waged war on civilians, murdering Olympic athletes and perfecting the arts of incitement, airplane high jacking and suicide bombing, inspiring generations of terrorists who followed in Fatah’s footsteps. In the Palestinian Authority controlled territories, Abbas is allied with Hamas, and men like the grocery killer are honored. Abbas did not belong in a place of honor at a terrorism protest. His photographed prominence bordered on pornography. The French may all be Charlie, but they have yet to realize they are also now Jews. The article below was written by Stacy Meichtry, Ruth Bender and Inti Landauro. Stacy Meichtry is Paris Correspondent for the Wall Street Journal. Formerly covered Italy & the Vatican. Ruth Bender writes about French business and general news from The Wall Street Journal's Paris bureau. Her coverage areas include consumer issues, advertising and marketing, as well as the telecommunications industry and Inti Landauro writes about French industrial companies and general news from The Wall Street Journal's Paris bureau. His coverage areas include diverse sources from the Paris stock market to the Louvre Museum. This article appeared January 11, 2015 on the Wall Street Journal and is archived at -rally-1420973912 |
World Leaders Gather With Crowds to Show Solidarity After Terror Attacks ![]() France, joined by world leaders locked arm-in-arm, mounted its largest-ever demonstration Sunday in a defiant, if fragile, display of unity against the terror attacks that tore through its capital last week. More than three million people, many of different political and religious stripes, marched in rallies across the country. Nearly half of them flooded the streets of Paris, transforming its manicured avenues into rivers of humanity, a stunning turnaround for a city that only days ago was savaged by gunfire and bloodshed. Families and friends of the 17 people killed in the spree of violence moved solemnly at the head of the march. French President François Hollande and a row of leaders, who at times made for strange bedfellows, followed. German Chancellor Angela Merkel walked arm-in-arm with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shook hands with President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita of Mali, which doesn't have diplomatic relations with Israel. Neither President Barack Obama nor Vice President Joe Biden made the trip. But on the sidelines of Sunday's rally, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve convened a meeting of senior security officials from both sides of the Atlantic, including Attorney General Eric Holder to address terror threats. Mr. Cazeneuve said the group of officials agreed to work together to monitor foreign fighters returning from Syria and Iraq and to tighten border controls. Mr. Holder called for a summit on the global fight against Islamic extremism on Feb. 18. "We must deal not only with holding into account the perpetrators of such attacks," he said, "but also with the underlying causes." Authorities adopted exceptional measures to manage the rally's crowds and secure the safety of foreign leaders. Thousands of police were mobilized. Large swaths of the city were closed to traffic and subway stations shut. France and the rest of Europe have been on high alert since Wednesday, when Cherif and Said Kouachi, armed with AK-47 rifles, went on a deadly rampage in the newsroom of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. A third gunman, Amedy Coulibaly, killed a policewoman Thursday and four hostages at a kosher grocery store on Friday, according to authorities. The Kouachi brothers and Mr. Coulibaly were killed by police in simultaneous raids Friday that ended the three-day crisis. The violence traumatized France, puncturing public confidence in national security forces and sowing tensions in a country that is home to one of Europe's biggest Muslim populations. In Germany, meanwhile, police said they detained two suspects on suspicion of arson after a small fire at the Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper, which had reprinted front pages from Charlie Hebdo. Police said it wasn't yet clear whether there was a connection with the attacks in France. ![]() Crowds flocked to central Paris early Sunday, gathering in Place de la Republique under sunshine and blue skies. Antique cars and tractors paraded through the city, decked with the slogan, "Je suis Carlie," or "I am Charlie," in solidarity with the magazine. Some carried banners that said, "Not Afraid." The outpouring of tributes from all corners generated mixed emotions among the staff at Charlie Hebdo, a magazine that lampoons world affairs. "I won't be attending because I don't think it's my place to be there," said Laurent Leger, a journalist for the weekly, who added he had no disagreement with the rally. Patrick Pelloux, one of the first Charlie Hebdo contributors to arrive at the scene of Wednesday’s shooting, embraced Mr. Hollande at the rally. Mr. Pelloux and other magazine writers, wearing white headbands with "Charlie" scrawled on them, walked alongside family members of the four hostages killed in the kosher grocery, as well as relatives of the slain police officers. Demonstrators applauded as police cars streamed past. "I really cried over what happened," said Asta Issa Algueche, a 49-year-old Muslim whose sign read: "I'm a policewoman, Jew, Charlie, Muslim." At times, frustration swelled in the streets. Organizers kept people squeezed behind barriers in frigid temperatures for hours as Mr. Hollande and foreign dignitaries were ferried to the head of the procession in chartered buses. As the leaders arrived, plainclothes officers fanned out and police marksmen took rooftop positions. Police ordered residents off balconies and demanded they shut their windows. "Get inside! You can watch it on TV," a police officer told a woman seeking a glimpse of the visiting leaders. Some fed-up demonstrators set off on routes of their own, clogging the city's narrow byways. Thirty minutes into the march, the visiting world leaders dispersed. Contact John Cohn at |
KUMBAYA WON'T SAVE US FROM ISLAMIST TERROR AND HATEPosted by Human Rights Voices, January 12, 2015 |
The warm feelings on display in Paris and elsewhere around the world Sunday in response to the horrors of the past week, unfortunately, will do next to nothing to change the tide against Islamist terrorism. That explains why world leaders who support terrorism have no problem supporting Paris. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, now entering the eleventh year of what was originally billed as a four-year term, turned up to represent a would-be Judenrein state, where terrorism and the absence of the rule of law are the order of the day. Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu flew into Paris to glad-hand with free expression enthusiasts, notwithstanding recent arrests of teenagers in his country for "insulting" President Erdogan. The terrorist organization Hamas even issued a press release claiming that it "condemns the attack against Charlie Hebdo magazine and insists on the fact that differences of opinion and thought cannot justify murder." Setting aside the fact that Palestinians living under Palestinian authority do not have freedom of opinion and thought, gunning down Jews while shopping for food wasn't mentioned in the statement. Add all those "Je suis Charlie" signs, in solidarity with the magazine's victims. Except that the words on these signs are white on a solid black background, and the Hebdo images of the prophet Muhammad are nowhere to be seen. White words on a black background are not the reason Charlie Hebdo cartoonists are dead. And then there is France's Jewish problem. There is no getting away from the fact that to be Jewish in France in 2015, you might have to hide in a basement freezer if you want to survive a trip to the grocery store. Attacks on Jews in France in recent times – including torture, assaults, robbery, firebombing, rape, and murder – are too numerous to mention, each one soon forgotten by everyone but French Jews who continue to emigrate to Israel for refuge and solace. Evidently, France forgot 'first they came for the Jews.' In theory, it should be simple to connect the dots between slaughtering journalists, police officers, and Jews, in the same country over a mere three days. Freedom of speech, personal security, equality and freedom of religion are pretty much the essentials of democracy – and inextricably linked to one another. Standing in the way of this revelation, however, is an apparent widespread incapacity to distinguish trumped-up, irrelevant or misplaced grievances from real ones. Over the days of carnage, CNN regaled listeners with complaints about "unemployment" and "disaffection" among Muslim youth. We also swiftly heard detailed analysis of such things as the early loss of parents of the Kouachi brothers and the failed rap musician ambitions of Cherif Kouachi. And, of course, there is the elephant in the chambre – Israel. As terrorist Amedy Coulibaly put it to his Jewish captives – quoting Usama bin Laden – "we are the ones who will get peace in Palestine." That ought to sound familiar to French President Francois Hollande. On December 30, 2014 France voted for a Palestinian resolution in the Security Council, along with such bastions of democracy as Russia and China, and against the United States. The resolution trashed a negotiated path to a Palestinian state (and thus genuine Arab acceptance of a Jewish state). France explained its vote with the same arrogant message as Coulibaly. Now, the French President says Coulibaly's choice of a kosher market on behalf of Palestinians was "an appalling antisemitic act." But French Ambassador Delattre told the U.N.: "the cycles of violence are accelerating from Gaza to the West Bank via Jerusalem." That accusation came just four months after Israelis were forced to respond to 4,564 one-way rockets or mortars and 32 terror tunnels aimed at its civilian population from Gaza. Comparing the Israeli exercise of self-defense to the onslaught of a terrorist organization is an appalling act of modern antisemitism – and a green light to the Coulibalys of this world. It is clear why the leaders of Islamic states – where there is no democracy or freedom of religion or equality – were at a rally about the values of democracy, freedom of religion and equality. They understood that their contrived throne of perpetual victimhood was in danger. Sympathy for Jews and journalists is perceived competition. So they came out to thump their chests and cry "me too!" When everybody is "je suis" somebody, nobody is anybody at all. Anne Bayefsky is director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust.This article appeared January 12, 2014 and it is originally appeared on Fox News. |
Japanese View of the Palestinians – Couldn't have said it better! Talk about one picture being worth a THOUSAND words! cid:8A4C70C666AD4BFF8BACF9581522CF0E@Tom Is the world just plain stupid? An interesting questionnaire for Palestinian Advocates The article below was written by Yashiko Sagamori who is a
New York-based IT consultant. This article appeared June 23,
2011 on Atlah Times, Politics, World and is archived at
If you are so sure that" Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history," I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of Palestine:
You are lamenting the "low sinking" of a "once proud" nation.. Please tell me, when exactly was that "nation" proud and what was it so proud of? And here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people you mistakenly call "Palestinians" are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over — or thrown out of — the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War? I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day "Palestinians" to the Biblical Philistines: substituting etymology for history won't work here. The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel; they still cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil goal with military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it "the Palestinian people" and installed it in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally accept back the "West Bank" and Gaza, respectively? The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less claim to nationhood than that Indian tribe that successfully emerged in Connecticut with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least that tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so-called "Palestinians" have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel, and in my book that is not sufficient to consider them a nation" — or anything else except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled. In fact, there is only one way to achieve peace in the Middle East. Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side should, pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited on it. The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and accepting Israel's ancient sovereignty over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. That will mark the end of the Palestinian people. What are you saying again was its beginning? Can this story be presented any more clearly or simply? Contact Sanne DeWitt at |
SOME QUESTIONS FOR PUBLIC CONSIDERATIONPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 12, 2015 |
1. Withought going into a legal discourse into the "clear and present danger doctrine," which takes precedence: the right to freedom of expression or the right to life? 2. Does the right to freedom of expression include the right to advocate violation of the law? 3. Is it a criminal offense to publish a document that advocates the murder of non-Muslims? 4. Alternatively, would the prohibition of a document that advocates the murder of non-Muslims be an unlawful infringement on the right to freedom of expression and/or freedom of religion? 5. Would the publication of a document that denounces a doctrine that advocates the murder of non-Muslims be subject to criminal prosecution? 6. Is it unlawful to express hatred of a doctrine that advocates the murder of non-Muslims? 7. Does the right of Muslims to freedom of religion include the right of Muslims to suppress other religions, or to advocate their suppression in public demonstrations? Perhaps one of my readers with a law degree will be kind enough to offer a better formulation of these questions. Prof. Paul Eidelberg (Ph.D. University of Chicago), former officer U.S. Air Force, is the founder and president of the Israel-America Renaissance Institute (I-ARI),, with offices in Jerusalem and Philadelphia. He has written several books on American and on Jewish Statesmanship. His magnum opus The Judeo-Scientific Foundations of American Exceptionalism: Today's Choice for the "Almost Chosen People" is in process of publication. Prof. Eidelberg lives in Jerusalem. |
PRESIDENT SISI'S TACIT REJECTION OF LIBERAL PCPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 12, 2015 |
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi spoke out against Islamic extremism on New Year's Day, which coincided with the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. |
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi speaks to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad "We need a revolution of the self, a revolution of consciousness," he says Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has called for a "religious revolution," asking Muslim leaders to help in the fight against extremism. In a speech celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muḥammad, which coincided with New Year's Day, he said they had no time to lose. "I say and repeat, again, that we are in need of a religious revolution. You imams are responsible before Allah. The entire world is waiting on you. The entire world is waiting for your word ... because the Islamic world is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost. And it is being lost by our own hands," el-Sisi said. "We need a revolution of the self, a revolution of consciousness and ethics to rebuild the Egyptian person -- a person that our country will need in the near future," the President said. El-Sisi, himself a pious man, was elected in May after leaving the military to run for the office. A former defense minister, he led the ouster of Mohamed Morsy -- the Islamist who was Egypt's first democratically elected President -- and has long positioned himself as a more secular option, and defender against extremist views. "It's inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible that this thinking -- and I am not saying the religion -- I am saying this thinking," el-Sisi said. He continued: "This is antagonizing the entire world. It's antagonizing the entire world! Does this mean that 1.6 billion people (Muslims) should want to kill the rest of the world's inhabitants -- that is 7 billion -- so that they themselves may live? Impossible!" Prof. Paul Eidelberg (Ph.D. University of Chicago), former officer U.S. Air Force, is the founder and president of the Israel-America Renaissance Institute (I-ARI),, with offices in Jerusalem and Philadelphia. He has written several books on American and on Jewish Statesmanship. His magnum opus The Judeo-Scientific Foundations of American Exceptionalism: Today’s Choice for the "Almost Chosen People" is in process of publication. Prof. Eidelberg lives in Jerusalem |
ONCE A CERTAIN TYPE OF JEW DECIDES TO ABANDON HIS ...Posted by Paul la Demain, January 12, 2015 |
... Jewish heritage it ought to come as no surprise that he, like any other weak human being, has a tendency to justify his behaviour by fashioning every reason under the sun as to why Israel deserves to be abandoned, why Jews should be thrown under the bus, attacked, disparaged etc. etc. and of course its all Israel's fault, blah, blah, blah. Many believe he behaves like this to avoid being shunned or branded a coward or a fink. Does this adequately explain why the current publisher of the NYT --- (established by Jews, the Ochs and Sulzbergers) is a hybrid who reportedly announced that he is himself "not really a Jew," or some such words --- routinely savages Israel and white-washes the bloody travesties wrought by Arafat and his heirs against Israeli Jews and Muslims loyal to Israel? There are many other theories advanced as to why a Jew (erm ... former Jew, former hybrid Jew, or some-such mixed heritage person) might want to posture like this.
Just theories, just opinions and thoughts engendered by the NYT's weird obsession with Israel, and its even weirder support of the arabs who were allowed to invade Israel under past Israeli regimes. Contact Paul Lademain by email at |
Will Europe Learn the Lesson?
Twelve people were killed in a shooting in Paris after masked gunmen shouting "Allahu akbar!" stormed into offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical newspaper. (The publication had been firebombed in the past after publishing cartoons in 2011 joking about Muslim religious leaders.) President Francois Hollande admitted that this was a "terrorist operation" in which journalists were "cowardly assassinated." How many times can we say "We told you so"? Not long ago, on November 18 2013, French President Francois Hollande laid a wreath at the grave of (the terrorist) Yasser Arafat in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Appeasement of Islam, especially Muslim terrorists, does not work! Will the anger created by this atrocious Islamic attach unite Europe in its fight against Islamic invasion and on slot (the real on) or will it be another 'white-wash' and many words will be said but nothing done to put the end to the travesty of Islamic global ambition? It can only be achieved by delivering a clear, unambiguous blow to Islamic terrorist organizations and to their sponsors - so-called moderate Arab states and Iran! Time to Admit Islam is a Problem
To defeat IS we should do more than just bomb its strongholds in the Middle East; we should no longer turn a blind eye to the violent nature of Islam. We should demand that those who settle in our countries cast aside values incompatible with ours. There is a huge problem -- also in our countries -- caused by the violent exhortations of Islam (crime, drug trafficking, rapes). Only when we face this truth will we be able to win this war we are in. Although the majority of Muslims are moderate, thousands of innocent civilians all over the West (and Middle East) have fallen victim to terrorists inspired by Islam. IS has announced that every citizen of the West is a target (as are others, even Muslims, who do not subscribe to their brand of Islam). 70% of Dutch Muslims consider the religious rules of Islam more important than the secular laws of the country where they are living We Must Unite to Confront Terrorism
"This attack on France is an attack on all of us. Free peoples everywhere must unite to confront radical Islamist terrorism and to protect ourselves against this threat to our common civilization." - PM Netanyahu tells French president in a letter of condolences. France is at War - but Jews are on the Frontlines
Some 700,000 people rallied throughout France on Saturday night and even more on Sunday, but most rallies appeared to focus on the Charlie Hebdo massacre, and not on the killings of Jews at the Hyper Cacher kosher store on Friday. Jewish Cartoonist Among Victims
Among the victims of Wednesday's terror attack in Paris was a Jewish member of the Charlie Hebdo staff, Georges Wolinski. The son of a Tunisian Jewish mother and a Polish Jewish father, Wolinski was a well-known caricaturist in France. Insult to Victims - Terrorists Invited to Paris!
The last person who should have been invited to the million-plus rally in Paris Sunday, said Israeli Minister Naftali Bennett, was PA Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas. "If we want to fight terror, we have to call it by name. Both Abbas and the Emir of Qatar, who was also invited to the rally, have their hands full of the blood of terror. How can the West fight terror if it is willing to live with terror?" (This is the prove that France, as all world, has no intention to fight Islamic terror!) Food for Thought by Steven Shamrak The recent terrorist attack in Paris highlighted that Europeans can't buy the 'protection' from Arab countries and Islamic terrorists by supporting enemies of Israel, the fake Palestinians, any more. They have been warned that the aim of Islam is world domination. Islamists, with full support of the non-existent Muslim 'silent majority', have declared the war against all infidels! Recently, ISIS clearly declared its agenda and the bloody, horrifying ways it is going to achieve it. "The War on Terror" is global - join Israel and start to fight it with complete commitment! Israel Freezes PA Tax Funds
Israel is delaying the transfer of taxes it collects on behalf of the Palestinians in retaliation for their application to join the Hague-based International Criminal Court. The move involves $127m in VAT and customs duties on goods. Israel has delayed payments in 2012 after the PA won a November 29 UN vote recognising Palestine as a non-member state and in May 2011 after Mahmoud Abbas announced a reconciliation deal with Hamas. (Delaying the tax payment does not work! Collected funds must be used as compensation for Jewish victims of PA terror and for financing anti-terrorist IDF operations.) Qatar Expels Hamas Chief
Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal was expelled from Qatar along with Muslim Brotherhood members. Turkey (a NATO members) is also a leading sponsor of Hamas, said it would welcome the seven leaders. As Qatar continues its shift away from the Muslim Brotherhood and its Gaza-offshoot Hamas in favor of stronger ties with Egypt and Saudi Arabia. (It proves again that so-called Palestinians are just pawns in a geo-political game of Arab/Muslim countries!) 'Friendly' Interference Again
The United States said it opposes a move by Israel to freeze the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority in retaliation for its bid to join the International Criminal Court. "This step is one that raises tensions as others do," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. The PA regularly fails to stand by its agreements, and owes Israel staggering sums, including over 1.4 billion shekels (over $360 million) in unpaid electric bills. ("Tensions" were never low. It is time for the PA to pay its bills!) Future of Israel/Jews as Envisaged by Fattah
The political party of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, Fattah, posted a drawn image online showing a large pile of skulls and skeletons with Jewish stars on them. It's not the first time Fatah created images have sparked anger. After three Israeli teens were kidnapped and killed last year, "The Facebook page for Fatah, the PA's main party, had a number of cartoons, including one showing the three teenagers as Jewish rats, wearing yarmulkes, caught on a fishing line," ('Friends' of Israel consider Fattah as more moderate than Hamas. At least Hamas is honestly admits that they want to kill all Jews.) Even France is Losing Patience with Abbas
France warned the PA against escalating a diplomatic battle with Israel after President Mahmoud Abbas said he would resubmit to the UN Security Council a resolution calling for the creation of a Palestinian state. France, one of the Council's five permanent members, backed the resolution despite some reservations. Corrupt Leadership of Fake People
The Hamas accused the Palestinian Authority (PA) of stealing international funds allocated to rebuilding Gaza. The PA is wallowing in at least $4.8 billion in debt due to epidemic mismanagement and corruption. According to Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri the real reason behind the delay in reconstruction of Gaza is that the PA has been messing with the reconstruction money and exploiting the suffering of Gaza's people." (PA and Hamas corruption has never been a problem - international donors are always happily support enemies of Israel!) Labor Erases 'Zionism' in Arabic Ad Campaign
The recently merged parties Labor and Hatnua have until now carefully listed the name "the Zionist camp" in their ads and posters. However, the two apparently decided the name wouldn't sell as well in Arabic - their new ad campaign targeting the Arab voter removes the name in favour of "the Labour party for peace and equality." (Just like the fake Palestinians - saying one thing to English-speaking audiences and another in Arabic to their own people, the Labor Party also speaks with forked-tongue.) Another 'Friend' of Israel is Barking
Echoing the US, the European Union (EU) condemned Israel's decision to freeze the transfer of taxes collected for the Palestinian Authority (PA) as a penalty for joining the International Criminal Court (ICC). Quote of the Week:
September 11 and the Bali bombing, unfortunately, did not bring the understanding of the politics of Islam to the Western homes. Only after the Madrid bombing did people of the Western countries come out of lethargic sleep, but for a short time. Too much attention was given to the Arab-Israel conflict during the last 50 years. Too much responsibility for global terror committed by Muslim terrorists is blamed on Israel. Information about the real source of the conflict is still being concealed from the public. According to Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens, Islam has a simple and direct four-point plan for establishing eventual world dominance. All steps are being implemented simultaneously:
World domination of Islam is the Goal! It is time to realize it. The war is global. It had started when Mohamed began spreading "the true religion" around the world, some thirteen hundred year ago. It is the war for survival of Western civilization and Israel is just caught in the middle of the fight between two giant religious ideologies. Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has been publishing an Internet editorial letter about the Arab-Israel conflict since August 2001 and has a website He can be reached by email at |
The article below was written by Yair Rosenberg who
is a senior writer at Tablet and the editor of the
English-language blog of the Israeli National Archives.This
article appeared January 12, 2015 on Tablet and is archived at
![]() Last month, BBC TV director Danny Cohen made headlines when he told a conference that he'd "never felt so uncomfortable being a Jew in the U.K. as I've felt in the last 12 months." Yesterday, his own station offered a textbook illustration of the very anti-Semitic attitudes that are becoming more openly expressed in Europe, and leading its Jews to question their future there. While covering Sunday's massive solidarity rally in Paris, BBC anchor Tim Willcox suggested that violence against French Jews might be understandable because they were collectively culpable for Israeli policies towards the Palestinians. In an interview segment, Willcox spoke with Hava, identified as an Israeli who had lived in France for two decades, and Aziz, a Frenchman of Algerian descent. The two said they'd met in an association where members study Arabic and Hebrew. Willcox asked Hava if she felt threatened in France, and she replied that she hadn't previously, but now she no longer felt safe. "We have to not be afraid to say that the Jews are the target now," she said. Willcox then offered an odd interjection: "But many critics of Israel's policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well." A confused Hava responded that "We cannot do an amalgam between—" before Willcox cut her off. "But you understand," he said, "everything is seen from different perspectives." To be fair, there is a long tradition in Europe of justifying violence against Jews by pointing to the alleged crimes of completely different Jews in the Middle East. Unfortunately for Willcox, that tradition is the anti-Semitic tradition, and he gave voice to it on the air. But don't take it from us. Just listen to former Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, who explicitly condemned the practice of using events in Palestine to legitimize European anti-Semitism, specifically in reference to the murder of Jews in France. In 2012, after jihadist Mohamed Merah brutally killed three Jewish children and a rabbi at a school in Toulouse, and claimed he did so in the name of Palestine, Fayyad lashed out at this rationalization for hate:
Commenting on Fayyad's words at the time, Bard College's Walter Russell Mead unpacked why those who justify violence against Europe's Jews by pointing to Israeli actions are so repugnant:
Willcox has since tweeted a tepid apology for what he calls a "poorly phrased question." Undoubtedly, Willcox had no intention to cause offense, and likely harbors no conscious prejudice against Jews. But this is precisely why his words are so disquieting. His blithe presentation of a textbook anti-Jewish trope on live TV is a testament to how hard it can be to expunge generations worth of anti-Semitic assumptions in Europe, even among those who believe they have moved passed them. If Europe is to live up to its ideals in the difficult days ahead, it will have to do a better job of confronting these entrenched attitudes. Contact Morey Schapira at |
Israel stands with Europe and Europe must stand with Israel. As the civilized world today stands with France against terror, so must it stand with Israel against terror. It is the exact same terror. (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser This article appeared January 12, 2015 on Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs MFA Newsletter. |
![]() On this day, all citizens of Israel and Jews around the world stand with France and the French people. I greatly appreciate the determined stance of the President of France, Francois Hollande, and Prime Minister Valls against any expression of anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism and against terror. This stance is important to France and it is important to the world. I wish to convey my condolences to the families of the journalists and police and all those innocent people who were murdered while realizing their most basic rights: freedom of expression, freedom of thought and freedom of belief, even the freedom not to believe. These are the values on which modern France is built and these are values that are worth fighting for. Today I marched through the streets of Paris, in one line with leaders from around the world, in order to say that terror must end. It is time that we fight against terror together. And I would like to use this opportunity to salute the French security forces who acted with remarkable bravery, as well as to express my appreciation to the Malian, who is a Muslim, who helped save seven Jews. My dear brothers and sisters, I came here from Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel, to share in your pain over the murders of Francois-Michel, Philippe, Yoav and of Yohan, who bravely tried to grab the terrorist's gun and was fatally wounded. The memory of our four holy brothers will be forever engraved on the hearts of our people. Unfortunately the people of Israel have experienced this pain. We have experienced it many times because we have been fighting against terror for many years, and like many in Israel, I am personally familiar with the wounds of terror as well as the agony of bereavement. As a soldier, I was wounded in an operation to free hostages who had been kidnapped on a Sabena airplane. My late brother, Yoni, was killed in Entebbe when rescuing the hostages kidnapped on an Air France airplane. For years, the best of our sons and daughters were killed in many terror attacks, and the finest of our fighters fell in heroic battles against terrorism, including just recently during Operation Protective Edge. Today we bow our heads in memory of the victims in Paris. However, as representatives of an ancient and proud people, we stand tall against evil because we can overcome it. "The more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread" – because truth and justice are on our side. And here is the truth: Our shared enemy is radical Islam, not Islam and not just radicals – radical Islam. This form of Islam has many names: ISIS, Hamas, Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, al-Shabab, Hezbollah; but they are all branches from the same poison tree. Although the various factions of radical Islam are given to local bloody conflicts, including amongst themselves, they all share the same aspiration: To impose a dark tyranny on the world, to return humanity one thousand years to the past. They trample anyone who does not share their path, first and foremost their Muslim brothers, but their greatest hatred is saved for Western culture, that same culture that respects freedom and equal rights – all the things they so despise. For this reason it is not a coincidence that radical Islam has sought to destroy Israel from the very day it declared its independence: Because Israel is the only Western democracy in the Middle East, because Israel is the only place that is truly safe for Christians, women, minorities, that respects all human rights. Well, here is another truth: Radical Islam does not hate the West because of Israel. It hates Israel because it is an organic part of the West. It rightly views Israel as an island of Western democracy and tolerance in an ocean of fanaticism and violence that it wishes to impose on the Middle East, Europe and the entire world. Israel is not under attack because of this or that detail of its policies, but rather because of its very existence and nature. But we are not the only ones under attack. Look around you: The entire world is under attack, the entire world – the Twin Towers in New York, the subways in London and Madrid, tourists in Bali, students at schools in Russia and Pakistan, a hotel in Mumbai, the mall in Nairobi. A very short path connects the issuing of the fatwa against the author Salman Rushdie, the murder of Theo van Gogh in Holland and the attacks on Jews in Israel and around the world – it is a short distance from this to the murderous attacks in Paris on the office of Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket not far from here. These are not isolated actions and we must see what they have in common. Otherwise we will not be able to fight against terror in methodical and consistent manner. We must recognize that there is a global network of radical Islam at work – a network of hatred, fanaticism and murder. I believe that this threat will only grow larger when thousands of terrorists come to Europe from the killing fields of the Middle East. The danger will grow much greater and will become a serious threat to humanity at large if radical Islam gains control over nuclear weapons, and therefore we must use all means to prevent Iran from acquiring an atomic weapon. We must support each other in this fateful struggle against radical Islamic fanatics wherever they are. Israel stands with Europe and Europe must stand with Israel. As the civilized world today stands with France against terror, so must it stand with Israel against terror. It is the exact same terror. Those who slaughtered Jews in the synagogue in Jerusalem and those who slaughtered Jews and journalists in Paris belong to the same murderous terrorist movement. They should be condemned in the same measure and they must be fought in the same manner. Only when the international community fights our shared enemy in a uniform manner will we know that we are on the path to victory. I promise you: Israel will continue to fight against terror. Israel will continue to defend itself and we know that when we defend ourselves, we defend the entire civilized world. Therefore, brothers and sisters, Jews of France, I would like to say to you what I say to our Jewish brothers and sisters from all countries: You have the full right to live in safety and tranquility as citizens with equal rights wherever you wish, including here in France. But Jews of our time have been blessed with another right, a right that did not exist for previous generations of Jews: The right to join their Jewish brothers and sisters in our historic homeland, the Land of Israel; the right to live in our free country, the one and only Jewish state, the State of Israel; the right to stand tall and proud at the walls of Zion, our eternal capital of Jerusalem. Any Jew who wishes to immigrate to Israel will be welcomed with open arms and warm and accepting hearts. They will not arrive in a foreign land but rather the land of our forefathers. God willing, they will come and many of you will come to our home. Am Yisrael Chai. Contact Robert Hand by email at |
The article below was written by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik. Itamar Marcus, Director of Palestinian Media Watch(, is an authority on Palestinian Arab ideology and policy. He was Israeli representative to the Tri-Lateral Anti Incitement Committee established under the Wye accords, and has written reports on Palestinian Authority, Syrian and Jordanian schoolbooks. Nan Jacques Zilberdik is an analyst at PMW, focusing on the opinions and messages of the Palestinian Arab leadership as transmitted to the Palestinian Arab public, with an emphasis on the impact on peace, messages and values communicated to children, and glorification of terrorists. This article is archived at |
Abbas' hypocrisy: Abbas participated in the anti-terror march in France, but the PA, PLO and Fatah continue to glorify terrorists who murdered Israeli civilians 5 terrorists who killed 10 Israelis
Today, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas participated in the anti-terror march in France following the last few days' horrific terror attacks in Paris, which the PA has officially condemned. Reporting on a conversation between Abbas and French President Francois Hollande, the official PA news agency wrote that:
However, as Palestinian Media Watch has documented, the PA and Fatah continue to glorify acts of terror against Israeli civilians. Just last week, 5 terrorists who recently killed a total of 10 Israelis were included on a list of "Martyrs of 2014" who "ascended" to Heaven, published in the bi-weekly Al-Asima distributed with the official Palestinian Authority daily. The terrorists on the list, who were called "Shahids" (Martyrs), which is the highest achievable status in Islam, and included the synagogue murderers who recently killed 5, 3 terrorists who killed 5 by running them over with cars and the terrorist who attempted to assassinate Rabbi Yehuda Glick. See descriptions of their attacks below. Another article described the terrorists as having died while "carrying out Martyrdom-seeking (Istish'had) operations." Al-Asima lists as its "general supervisor" Othman Abu Gharbieh, who is a member of Fatah's Central Committee and the Secretary General of the Popular National Conference of Jerusalem, the PLO institution that publishes this bi-weekly. A few days ago, Palestinian Media Watch reported on an article in the same bi-weekly that glorified a terrorist who stabbed two soldiers and encouraged Palestinians to carry out similar attacks "against Zionists." The following are the examples of the PA glorifying the terrorist murderers in the PLO-published supplement to the official PA daily: The following are the examples of the PA glorifying the terrorist murderers in the PLO-published supplement to the official PA daily:
"Martyr (Shahid) Amar Al-Natsheh, who ascended [to Heaven] while preparing an explosive device in the Al-Salam neighborhood of the village of Anata in occupied Jerusalem on June 15, 2014." "In addition, the excavator Martyr, Martyr Muhammad Jaabis from the village of Jabal Mukkaber, ascended [to Heaven] this year. The occupation accused him of carrying out an operation (i.e., terror attack) which killed a rabbi and wounded others on Aug. 4, 2014." "Martyr Mutaz Hijazi from the neighborhood of Al-Thuri in occupied Jerusalem, who carried out the shooting operation against the Jewish extremist rabbi, Yehuda Glick, on the morning of Oct. 30, 2014." "Martyr Abd Al-Rahman Al-Shaloudi from the village of Silwan, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, who was killed by the occupation after carrying out a car operation (i.e., terror attack by running people over with a car) which killed 2 settlers and injured others on Oct. 22, 2014." "Martyr Ibrahim Al-Akari from the Shuafat refugee camp, who also carried out a car operation (i.e., terror attack by running people over with a car) that killed 3 settlers and injured others on Nov. 5, 2014." (The terrorists murdered 2, -Ed.) "The cousin Martyrs, Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal, who carried out an attack with knives and axes in a Jewish institute (i.e., synagogue), killing 6 settlers and wounding dozens on Nov. 18, 2014." (The terrorists murdered 4 worshippers and one police officer, -Ed.)
Muhammad Jaabis carried out a terror attack in Jerusalem on Aug. 4, 2014, when he deliberately ran over and killed Avraham Walles with an excavator and injured 5 others when he flipped over a bus. Jaabis was shot and killed on the scene. Mutaz Hijazi - Islamic Jihad member and released prisoner who attempted to assassinate Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a prominent activist working to assure rights for Jews to visit and pray on the Temple Mount, on Oct. 29, 2014. The assassination attempt took place following a conference on establishing times and places for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. Glick was seriously wounded in the attack; Hijazi was killed soon afterwards when he opened fire on an Israeli police force that was attempting to arrest him. Abd Al-Rahman Al-Shaloudi - On Oct. 22, 2014, Al-Shaloudi deliberately ran over people waiting at a light-rail station in Jerusalem with his car, killing three-month-old Israeli-American Haya Zissel-Brown and Karen Mosquera, 22, of Ecuador, and injuring 7 others. He was shot by police while attempting to flee, and later died of his wounds. Ibrahim Al-Akari - Hamas terrorist from East Jerusalem who carried out a terror attack by car on Nov. 5, 2014, at a light-rail station in Jerusalem, killing 2 and injuring at least 13 others. He was shot and killed by Israeli police officers who arrived on the scene. Jerusalem synagogue terror attack - On Nov. 18, 2014, two Arab terrorists, Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal from East Jerusalem, entered a synagogue in Jerusalem and attacked worshippers with guns, knives and axes, killing 4 worshippers and a police officer. 7 people were injured, 3 of them seriously. The terrorists were killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli Security Forces that arrived on the scene. Contact Eretz Israel Shelanu at |
THE GALL OF THE GAULSPosted by Michael Freund, January 13, 2015 |
The fact that so many attacks in so many different parts of the world are carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam suggests that the problem goes much deeper ![]() For the past few days, the world's attention has been focused on Paris, where a band of Islamic terrorists went on a rampage, attacking the offices of a satirical magazine and a kosher market and brutally snuffing out the lives of 17 innocent people. Millions of people took to the streets on Sunday, together with dozens of world leaders, in a "unity march," as cries of "we are not afraid" echoed down the avenues and boulevards of the City of Lights. It was an impressive display, with all the theatrics and emotion of a Victor Hugo novel, and for a brief moment it appeared that perhaps, at last, France was awakening to the threat posed by Islamic extremism. But don't let the remarkable optics fool you. For, judging by the remarks and behavior of French President Francois Hollande, France has learned little, if anything, from the horrific events of last week. Take, for example, Hollande's remarks in a speech to the nation on Friday night, just hours after four Jews had been murdered by Muslim terrorist Amedy Coulibaly in the kosher store. Even though Coulibaly reportedly told his hostages, "I am Amedy Coulibaly, a Muslim from Mali. I belong to the Islamic State," Hollande nonetheless asserted that, “Those who committed these acts have nothing to do with the Muslim religion." Who does he think he is kidding? Hollande's stubborn insistence that terrorism committed by Muslims in the name of Islam and sanctioned by Muslim clerics has nothing to do with the Islamic religion is not only patronizing, it is patently absurd. It is wishful thinking parading as policy, which is nothing less than a recipe for disaster. After all, by what right does Hollande deem himself fit to opine regarding what constitutes "real" Islam and what doesn't? He may be France's commander-in-chief, but that doesn't make him theologian-in-chief. Moreover, the fact that so many attacks in so many different parts of the world are carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam suggests that the problem goes much deeper than Hollande is willing to admit. Consider the following: Who kidnaps schoolgirls in Nigeria? Muslim terrorists. Who beheads Westerners in Iraq and Syria? Muslim terrorists. Who fired thousands of rockets at Israeli towns and cities this past summer? Muslim terrorists. Who stormed a Jerusalem synagogue and murdered four rabbis at prayer? Muslim terrorists. Who threatens people with death for converting from Islam to another religion? Muslim terrorists. Who has forced Christians to flee parts of the Middle East they have lived in for 2,000 years? Muslim terrorists. Who crashed airplanes into the Twin Towers on 9/11? Muslim terrorists. See a pattern here? The list, of course, goes on and on. Indeed, in November 2014, the Institute for Economics and Peace released its Global Terrorism Index, which found that four Muslim terrorist organizations – Boko Haram, the Taliban, al-Qaida and Islamic State – were responsible for a whopping 66 percent of all terrorism-related deaths in 2013. According to the index, six of the top 10 countries with the most terrorism are Muslim: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Somalia and Yemen. The other four – India, Nigeria, the Philippines and Thailand – all have large Muslim minorities. Does Hollande perhaps think that this is all a coincidence? Adding insult to injury, the French president reportedly opposed the idea that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would attend Sunday's rally in Paris, with unnamed French sources saying that such a move would be “divisive." It was only after Hollande learned that Netanyahu planned to come anyway that he is said to have picked up the phone and called the Israeli premier to issue him a formal invitation. Not content to insult the prime minister of the sovereign Jewish state, France then went out of its way to invite Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to participate in the march as well as to announce that he would be given a special audience with the French president. What kind of message does that send? Surely Hollande is aware that Abbas forged an alliance last year with Hamas, the terrorist organization that calls for Israel's destruction, and that he has encouraged Palestinians to use "all means available" against Israelis in recent months, which is code for violence and terror. Anyone seriously committed to combating extremism would not have dared to ask Abbas to join Sunday's rally, let alone confer on him the honor of a private meeting at the Elysee Palace. Doing so was not only a desecration of the memory of the victims of terror, it was an act of sheer chutzpah, the gall of the Gauls. It demonstrated clearly that France's stand against terror is neither firm nor resolute. It is, instead, flimsy and selective. France won't acknowledge that the problem is Islamic terrorism, rather than generic "extremism," whatever that means, nor will it stand forthrightly with Israel in its own war on terror. I pray that there will not be any further attacks in Paris or anywhere else, and that French Jews and non- Jews will not have to live in fear. But with a myopic leader such as Hollande at the helm, France most likely has some very difficult days ahead. Michael Freund served as Deputy Communications Director in the Israeli Prime Minister's Office under Binyamin Netanyahu. He is the founder and chairman of Shavei Israel/Israel Returns -- and -- a Jerusalem-based organization that searches for and assists the Lost Tribes of Israel and other "hidden Jews" seeking to return to Zion. In addition, Freund is a correspondent and syndicated columnist for The Jerusalem Post. A native New Yorker and has lived in Israel for the past 16 years. Contact Freund at This article appeared January 12, 2015 on Jerusalem Post and is archived at |
The article below was written by Joel Greenberg who is an American-Israeli reporter in the Times's Jerusalem bureau, a one-time "resister" to the Israeli army, who served a jail term in 1983 for refusing to serve with his army unit in southern Lebanon. This article appeared December 31, 1997 on The New York Times and is archived at |
A Jewish militant who provoked rioting in Hebron and outrage in the Muslim world when she put up posters depicting the prophet Mohammed as a pig was convicted today of committing an act of racism and trying to offend religious feelings. Standing in a white T-shirt as the verdict was pronounced at the Jerusalem District Court, Tatyana Suskin, 26, wept as the judge, Zvi Segal, read for more than an hour from his 63-page judgment. A follower of the outlawed anti-Arab group Kach and an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, Miss Suskin was also found guilty of supporting a terrorist group and endangering life by stoning an Arab car. She faces a maximum penalty of 26 years in prison, although sentencing was put off to a later date. Miss Suskin was arrested in June after she plastered posters on storefronts in the Palestinian-ruled part of Hebron that depicted Mohammed as a pig stamping on a Koran. Pigs are considered unclean by Islam, and the eating of pork is forbidden under Muslim religious law. The incident set off days of street clashes in Hebron between Palestinian protesters and Israeli soldiers, and also enraged Muslims abroad. A man charged with killing nine German tourists in Egypt in September contended that he had been spurred to action by the posters. Last week, two other Jewish militants of Russian origin were arrested on suspicion of planning to hurl a pig's head into the area of Islam's third holiest shrine, Al Aksa mosque in Jerusalem's Old City, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which began today. In his verdict against Miss Suskin, Mr. Segal rejected defense arguments that she was emotionally disturbed, ruling that she had acted with cool calculation, fully aware of the consequences of her acts. ''The harm caused in this case is wide and offends all members of the Islamic faith,'' the judge said. Miss Suskin acted out of a ''patently racist motive'' and with ''clear intent'' to provoke hatred and violence, the judge asserted, adding that freedom of expression did not give her the right to put up the posters in Muslim neighborhoods of Hebron. Miss Suskin said she was not sorry. ''I don't agree with this conviction,'' she told reporters. ''I have nothing to regret.'' She added: ''The whole legal system is one big mistake. I didn't expect anything good from this system.'' Her lawyer, Shmuel Casper, argued that her right to freedom of expression had been infringed. ''It's time this country drew up a bill of rights so people will know whether a picture they draw or a postcard they send is a racist act,'' he said. ''She didn't go there to incite World War III.'' A day after Miss Suskin put up the posters while wearing a T-shirt with the clenched-fist symbol of Kach, she hurled a stone at a car driven by a Palestinian motorist, breaking its window, according to her indictment. She was convicted today of endangering human life on the road. Kach, which is banned in Israel, was founded by Meir Kahane, a radical anti-Arab rabbi who was assassinated in New York in 1990. Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist, a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author of "The Scout." He frequently comments — both seriously and satirically — on Israeli politics and the left wing academic community. Write him at His website address is |
ON "RADICAL" ISLAM AND OBAMAPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 13, 2015 |
Here are some synonyms of the word "radical": thorough, complete, total, comprehensive, exhaustive, far-reaching, profound, stringent. To use any of these synonyms to describe Islam is tautological, i.e., saying the same thing twice. That being the case, President Obama is correct in refusing to speak of "radical Islam" when referring to terrorist acts committed by Muslims. Consider this. By his own admission, Mr. Obama is a "cosmopolitan," and he identifies his philosophical outlook as "multicultural moral relativism." Hence, there is nothing about Obama's political and intellectual beliefs that would justify calling him as a "radical" American, which means he has loyalties which are not American, and which may even be deemed un-American insofar as he does not identify with America's foundational documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Federal Constitution – precisely why he has been called America's first "post-American President" – although it would be more correct to call him America's first anti-American President. This may explain why President Obama was not among the heads of state that went to Paris to honor the victims of Islamic terrorism, a phenomenon he denies as if the two words "Islamic" and "terrorism" constitute either a contradiction in terms, or a tautology. Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. Contact Eidelberg at |
INTOLERABLE THAT EUROPE JEWS NOT SAFE...Posted by GWY123, January 13, 2015 |
The article below was written by Jonathan Beck who is a writer for the Times of Israel. This article appeared January 13, 2015 on The Times of Israel and is archived at -begin-at-noon/ |
Merkel at tolerance rally in Berlin; France at war with radical Islam, says Marine Le Pen; Minister wants to send French immigrants to West Bank; Labor chooses Knesset slate The bodies of the four French Jews killed in a jihadist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris last week were laid to rest in Jerusalem at a ceremony marked by grief, resilience and outrage. The ceremony at the Givat Shaul cemetery was attended by Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Rivlin and other Israeli ministers and officials, including a French minister. Also Tuesday, Front National leader Marine Le Pen warned that "France is at war with Islamist extremism." The Times of Israel liveblogged developments throughout the day. 11:18 Bodies arrive in Israel The bodies of four French Jews killed in a jihadist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris arrived in Israel early Tuesday ahead of a funeral in Jerusalem. The four will be laid to rest in the Givat Shaul cemetery in Jerusalem at noon. Yoav Hattab, Philippe Braham, Yohan Cohen and Francois-Michel Saada were among 17 people gunned down in Paris during three days of bloodshed that shook France to the core and sent shock waves through its Jewish community, the third largest in the world. Cohen, 22, was an employee of the HyperCacher store; Yoav Hattab, 21, was a student of Tunisian origin and the son of the chief rabbi of Tunis; Phillipe Barham, 45, was an executive at an IT company, a father of four and the brother of a rabbi; and Francois-Michel Saada, 64, was a retired father of two. ![]() 11:18 Yoav Hattab memorial held in Bnei Brak As per the request of the Hattab family, a separate service is held outside a Bnei Brak yeshiva for Yoav Hattab, as the body lies in state. In an address outside the yeshiva, MK Eli Yishai says the four victims died while "working to honor the Shabbat." "But then the abhorrent terrorist came along, a terrorist who sought to murder Jews for being Jews, and brutally stole their lives," he says. Several hundred people attend the procession, according to the ultra-Orthodox Kikar HaShabat website, and will later continue to Jerusalem for the joint funeral. ![]() Contact GWY123 at |
MY DANGEROUS NEW YORK TIMES INTERVIEWPosted by Edward Cline, January 13, 2015 |
In a startling and unexpected turn of events, I was granted the opportunity to interview over lunch the two top journalists of the New York Times, Steven Wackenhut and Jody Faelton, with Barbara Goodish and Rashid Owst of the Washington Post standing by for moral support of its sister publication and who will write their own accounts of the interview. A somewhat incestuous zeitgeist, I thought, but there it is. The subject was the terrorist attack on the French newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, and the murder of twelve of its staff, together with three other terrorist incidents in Paris, including the gratuitous murder of a French policewoman and two hostage-takings by Islamic terrorists. What I focused on was the Times' report of January 7th, "'Dangerous Moment' For Europe, as Fear and Resentment Grow," which nattered on about the rising anti-Islam and anti-Muslim immigration feelings among non-Muslims in Europe. While Mr. Wackenhut and Miss Faelton did not write the story, they did not seem in the least uncomfortable with the idea of discussing another reporter's story, after we had established our talking points over the phone. I had wanted to interview the actual authors, Steven Erlanger and Katrin Bennhold, but was told by Mr. Wackenhut that they were unavailable for an interview, having been sent to Buffalo to report on the lake effect on that snow-bound city. I had been told by Mr. Wackenhut over the phone that being assigned a story in Buffalo was tantamount to being sent to Beirut, Lebanon, or some other strife-ridden foreign capital. "They were very excited about the assignment," remarked Wackenhut over the line. We were seated around an indoor cafe table in Le Occupe Bagatelle, quiet, a tony, secluded bistro just a block away from the garishly anonymous headquarters of the New York Times on Times Square. The place was once a tawdry pornography and sex toy arcade, one of many such enterprises which once populated Times Square and 42nd Street before the Square was Disneyfied. Here a glass of Evian mineral water goes for $7.50, and a minuscule chunk of Angus prime, about the size of my palm, topped with a handful of off-color Brussels sprouts or some other hapless vegetable, will sock you at $35.00, not including side dishes (or tax, or gratuity). We loosened up with some pungent house wine ("from our deepest cellar," the wine list read), at $11.00 a shot glass. I gather that meant the basement. God knows whatever else was still aging down there. Mr. Wackenhut is head of the overseas desk, having been the Times deputy bureau chief in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for several years, and then senior correspondent in Berlin and Buenos Aires. Miss Faelton has written about political and social women's issues her entire career, first for the Bismarck, North Dakota Bugle, then as foreign editor for the Arkansas Yahoo, before moving to the Times as women's issues editor. I did not enquire into the journalistic antecedents of the Post's Goodish and Owst. I let the Times and the Post engage in their tech talk and journalistic camaraderie before the waiter took our drink and lunch orders. I didn't want to frighten them yet with my extraordinary and soul-scouring questions. They were a jolly group and I was reluctant to spoil the mood. I sipped my mineral water. I'd already finished the colored vinegar. At one point, Mr. Wackenhut said with a chuckle and in an execrable French accent, "My nickname for Ulaanbaatar was 'Oulan-Bator,' or 'Ooh-la-la! That's better!'" The Post pair giggled. I guess they thought it was a sexual innuendo. Or something equally lascivious. But it was lost on me. Jody Faelton scowled and replied, "You told me once it was 'Oh, my ulcerous bladder!'" Mr. Wackenhut sighed and shook his head. "Oh, it was that, at times, Jo. That Mongolian rotgut they call a native port there really kept me jumping up to excuse myself. It was a lot like seasickness." "You must've drunk the water, too!" ventured Rashid Owst with a snicker. Barbara Goodish slapped her colleague on the back with a peal of laughter. Owst, I noted, wore a Keffiyah with an American flag pin affixed to one of its folds. The humor was over my head. There was more of that kind of banter until our orders came. In a show of gourmandish unity, the four journalists each had the shepherd's pie lamb ragout. I had the mesquite-roasted chicken breast, which was really quite good, all three forkfuls. It must have been a very small chicken. I didn't touch the limp-looking rabbit food on the side. I finished first, and sat twiddling my thumbs, waiting for my guests to look up from their ragouts. The four scribes finally finished them with a chorus of smacking lips. I took out my tape recorder and planted it on the table. I pressed the button. "Let's get down to business," I said. "Hold on," said Wackenhut, pushing his plate away with a burp. "Who's paying for this party? I forgot to ask over the phone." I shook my head. "The New York Times. It'll be getting free publicity from this interview. The least it can do is pay for the lunch. It’ll come at the price of a quarter-inch ad in the obituaries." Wackenhut signaled the waiter. He ordered a bottle of Glenlivet. "Four glasses, and leave the bottle," he said. "Put it on the same Times tab." The waiter rushed a way. "All right," said Wackenhut with reluctance and a frown. "We're talking about a tab of a grand tab here, you know, but...Shoot." He held up a hand. "Wait. You’re not going to be hostile, are you?" "That depends on your answers." "I mean, you're not going to pull a number on the Grey Lady like that bald guy does on The Revolting Truth all the time?" "Yeah, Cliff Clavin," chimed Jody Faelton. "He's always calling us a 'former newspaper.' How insulting!" "No, the bald guy is Andrew Klaven. Cliff Clavin was that jerk mailman barfly in 'Cheers.'" said Goodish. Wackenhut smirked. "Same intellectual class, as far as I'm concerned. And those gaudy shirts of his give me Tylenol head storms. He needs a fashion consultant." "And maybe a hair piece," giggled Barbara Goodish. Faelton leaned closer to me. "You know, we're thinking of filing a blasphemy suit against Klaven. You can't go around slandering the Grey Lady, just as you can't go making fun of Mohammad. She's an icon. A goddess. You can't disrespect her. Been around for over a century and a half. Well, not as long as Mohammad, but, still..." She paused and shook her head. "We are privileged, you know, exempt from such cruel mockery. There ought to be a law." "Let's stay focused, people," I interjected. Wackenhut and Faelton looked slightly offended, but sat back in their chairs and looked serious. "Now," I began, "that 'Dangerous Moment' piece your people wrote, seemed more about the paper's worry that Europeans are getting fed up with their government's immigration policies that seem to favor immigrants than it was about twelve of your journalist colleagues being murdered in cold blood – " "Asylum seekers," Wackenhut interrupted. "Freedom lovers," Faelton added. "Refugees," said Goodish. "Displaced persons," insisted Owst. " – and afford those immigrants favorable terms and treatment," I continued, "over the people who’re expected to 'tolerate' them with no evidence of reciprocation on the part of the Muslims and to foot the bill – " Wackenhut interrupted again. "Asylum seekers." I held up my own hand. "Allow me to quote from the article in question," I said, pulling out a marked-up clipping of the article. "'The sophisticated, military-style strike Wednesday on a French newspaper known for satirizing Islam staggered a continent already seething with anti-immigrant sentiments in some quarters, feeding far-right nationalist parties like France's National Front.'" "Fascists!" barked Wackenhut. "I saw those 27,000 Dresden Pedidas practicing their goose-steps!" "Right-wingers full of hate!" chimed Faelton. "Clinging to their wallets and purses!" "Far right fanatical bigots!" said Owst. "They've planted burning crosses on Muslim lawns, and in front of mosques!" "Racists!" said Goodish. "The videos of whites fighting back against their refugee gangs were disgusting!" Owst added, "We're steeling ourselves for the first massive anti-Muslim backlash. I've seen secret photos of those bigots fondling their whips!" I asked, "Why use the term 'seething'? It connotes an unreasoning emotional response to a threat, in this instance, of the swamping of a civilized society, with the connivance of a government, with adherents of an ideology that permits no tolerance or criticism of that ideology – " "Islam is a religion of peace," said Wackenhut calmly. "Any acts of violent extremism committed by Muslims in Germany or France or Britain or Spain or Belgium have nothing to do with Islam. They're committed by renegade Muslims who've never read the Koran." I made a face. "Even when they quote verses from the Koran, and post them on Facebook or in tweets?" "Imposters!" said Owst. "Phonies!" agreed Goodish. "Mental patients!" echoed Faelton. "Anyone can read the Koran!" said Wackenhut. "That doesn't prove anything! I mean, if I quoted repeatedly from Catcher in the Rye, does that mean I'm a Salingerite?" " – when it's actually Muslims who are emotionally motivated to attack non-Muslims, or non-Muslims who say something derogatory about Mohammad or who mock Islam's purported peaceful nature," I continued, finishing my observation. "There are so many buttons to push in the average Muslim mind I'm surprised that so many Muslims just sit on the sidelines and quietly perform cheerleading sets, because it would be difficult for their cheerleaders to perform leg-splits and pyramids sheathed in burqas and chadors. Difficult, and comic. Worthy of a Monty Python skit." Owst scowled. "That's not funny!" "It wasn't meant to be." I sat back in my chair. "As for charges of racism, it's Muslims who practice it, as when they consistently and repeatedly attack Caucasian men and women and Jews and even Hindus." Faelton's face grew ugly and she glared at me. "Eight times more Muslims have been killed by so-called Islamic terrorists than non-Muslims! J.K. Rowling said so!" I shrugged. "If that statistic is true, it simply points to the internal Hatfield-McCoy conflict within Islam, that's all. The Sunshine Sunnis hating the Shady Shi'ites and vice versa. Salacious Salafists at fisticuffs with the Awesome Alawhites. In terms of fundamentals, it's all one and the same show. Between the sects, details of doctrinal differences are irrelevant. All Muslims wear aluminum skullcaps." All four journalists pursed their bottom lips in a collective pout and pummeled me with their baleful expressions. I grinned and leaned forward. "I should add that the Post ran its own 'anti-immigration fears' piece, yesterday, 'Far right in Europe sees opportunity after wave of terror in France.'" I took out another clipping and read from the first paragraph: "The wave of terror that left 17 people dead in and around Paris has ushered in a new sense of insecurity across Europe – but also what could be a defining moment for the anti-immigration, anti-Islam forces of the far right." I tucked the clipping away. "So, on one hand there's a 'dangerous moment,' and on the other a 'defining moment.' Copasetic to the extreme, even to the contents of the two articles. An indecent instance of being on the same page." The two pairs of rival journalists glared at each other. "Copycat!" sneered Wackenhut. "Monkey see, monkey do!" Barbara Goodish shouted back. I could see that my interview was going nowhere except to the realm of the invective. The minds of these alleged journalists were so battened down in their insulating narrative they were incapable of answering objectively any objectively posed questions. These people were reason- and fact-proof. But, I gave them one more chance. "Mr. Wackenhut," I began, "what is the Times' position on President Barack Obama not attending the massive Je suis Charlie march in Paris last Sunday, and insulting the French by watching football playoffs instead?” Not that I put much faith into the march, but I didn't say that. Wackenhut wagged a finger at me. "We've taken him to task on many occasions for his poor optics," he said. "Time after time, he walks right into bad picture, on the golf course, in the Rose Garden, at Wendy's. And then he too often hams it up, like he was playing a planned prank on everyone." "And he can't sing, either," said Faelton. "He really ought to stay away from karaoke. It's all taking a toll on his poll numbers and eating into his popularity." Rashid Owst opined with a sigh, "If only the man didn't seem to take pleasure in flaunting his incompetence." He paused and shook his head. "Even at golf, never mind debt management and foreign policy." That was the first intelligent remark I heard from anyone during the interview. I made it the last. I turned off the recorder, tossed down the last drops of the Glenlivet, and rose, knowing it was pointless to go on. I said, "Thank you for your time. I've had enough." I turned and left the company. I was desperate for a smoke. But a few feet from the front door I encountered a man in a French Foreign Legion uniform being escorted to a table by the maitre ‘d. He looked a little stocky for a Legionnaire, having a barrel chest under a beribboned and be-medaled tunic. A fleeting memory of Buster Crabbe and La Boudin (The Sausage) crossed my mind. As I went out the door, I heard someone yell, "Mohammad is avenged!! Allahu Akbar!!" The blast propelled me clear down to Herald Square, and I landed in the lap of Horace Greeley. Bronze hurts. The pain caused me to wake up in a cold sweat. Edward Cline is an American novelist and essayist. He is best known for his Sparrowhawk series of novels, set in England and Virginia before the American Revolutionary War. This article appeared January 13, 2015 on The Rule of Reason and is archived at |
![]() The Islamists hacked her to death in broad daylight in Bangladesh and held the horrified onlookers at bay with firearms. On January 11, 2015, Anjali Devi, 57, was brutally murdered by a group of young men associated with Jamayat-e-Islami. She was a Hindu, living in Muslim-majority Bangladesh, an honored teacher of nursing at a medical college, a nurse who was concerned with proper hygiene for nurses. But the Islamist group Jamayat-e-Islami had issued a fatwa demanding that nurses wear hijab. By definition, doing so increases the risk of a nurse carrying a disease from one patient to another and violates operating room procedures. Bangladeshi daily newspaper The Independent reports that police are refusing to officially tie the attack to the group—"We are not pretty sure who the real assassin is, and the motive behind it (murder) is not clear yet."—but witnesses noted Devi's opposition to the hijab as the most likely reason for the murder. When it comes to adhering to Sharia law, Islamists in southeast and central Asia do not care about hygiene. They view this as tainted Western medicine, which dares defy Allah's will. In 2012, 2013, and 2014, aid workers were murdered for attempting to administer polio vaccines in neighboring Pakistan. This is the organization that was accused of having committed war crimes during the liberation of Bangladesh. In 2011, the International Crimes Tribunal charged their leaders, in absentia, with genocide, rape, abduction, confinement, and torture. The party was ruled "illegal." Nevertheless, the student organization remains and is known for extortion, violence, and terrorism. There is a student group that is active at Chittagong College. Anjali Devi taught at the Chittagong Medical College Hospital. Although the Bangladeshi government promised to protect young girls from forced child marriages, in November of 2014, the government did precisely the opposite and lowered the legal age for marriage from 18 to 16. Over one third of all Bangladeshi girls are married before they are 15; UNICEF reports that only "45% of adolescent girls are enrolled in secondary school. Even fewer attend regularly." In addition, the proposed policy change would "eliminate access to legal recourse for child brides aged 16-18 since they would be legally married and therefore not "child brides." When Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan in 1972, the drafters of its constitution considered equal rights for its citizens, including the guarantee of religious freedom. Ultimately, the constitution "acknowledges Islam as the state religion," even though Article 28 states that "Women shall have equal rights with men in all sphere of the State and of public life." This "progressive” equality cannot be enforced, particularly in private life, due to the presence of Sharia law. The Chittagong police have not yet "made any headway in the case" of the murdered nurse. Phyllis Chesler is an American writer, psychotherapist, and
professor emerita of psychology and women's studies at the
College of Staten Island. This article appeared January 12,
2015 on Breitbart and is archived at
While on the Times website I came across the following pages, with the caption, "Share your experiences as a Muslim in Europe, The New York Times would like to hear from Europeans, particularly Muslims, about their experiences." The link took me to a page with preloaded questions, such as: What types of anti-Muslim bias, if any, have you experienced or witnessed in your daily life? If you are Muslim, how comfortable are you practicing Islam in Europe? In the aftermath of the attacks, how might your life change, if at all? This led me to wonder if the Times had similarly solicited information from Christians in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran or Iraq, or gays, women or Christians in Gaza, Has it? There are, of course, no Jews to query in those places, but you could ask Israeli Christians how they are doing in the only Middle Eastern country with a growing Christian population compared to their co-religionists in neighboring Arab states... Likewise, at this time of trouble, I would think you would be soliciting the concerns of all Europeans, Christians, Muslims, Jews, agnostics and atheists. Similarly, I was struck that your paper asked, "What types of anti-Muslim bias, if any, have you experienced or witnessed". I think the lawyers call that a leading question.. In the memory of some Times readers, 6 million Jews were murdered by Europeans. And it was the synagogues of Paris, not the mosques that closed last weekend from fear of violence. I will not defend anti-Muslim bigotry, nor do I want to suggest some universal Islamic responsibility for acts of violence.claimed by the perpetrators to be in the name of Islam, but who has the most to fear? Or does that not lead to the story your reporters have already decided to write? The article below was written by Alan Cowell and Maia de la Baume. Alan Cowell is the senior correspondent for, based in London. After nine years with Reuters in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, during which he became the last Reuters correspondent to date to file dispatches by carrier pigeon, he joined The New York Times in 1981 and has covered stories in over 90 countries. Maia de La Baume is a reporter covering the European Parliament in Brussels. Prior to joining POLITICO, Maia spent 9 years at the New York Times in Paris, where she mainly wrote news stories and features about French politics and society. Before joining the Times, she worked at Le, and wrote a travel guide on Italy. Her work also appeared in the International Herald Tribune, Courrier International and Le This article appeared January 13, 2015 on the New York Times and
is archived at
On a day of mourning and defiance, brave words and choking sadness, funerals were held Tuesday in Israel and France for some of those who died in the attacks in Paris last week, and French leaders sought to prevent further attacks while reaffirming the values that their country regards as its defining strengths. Israel buried four Jews who were killed when a gunman seized hostages at a kosher supermarket in eastern Paris on Friday, the final day of a three-day rampage by Islamic extremists. In Paris, three coffins covered with the French tricolor were laid out at the central police station as a solemn President François Hollande led tributes to the three police officers who perished in the attacks. "They died so that we may live in freedom," Mr. Hollande said. To the officers' families, he said, "I assure you that all of France shares your pain." CLICK VIDEO HERE. The pallbearers walked to Chopin’s funeral march under a chill and sullen sky. Even when faced with attack, Mr. Hollande said, “our great and beautiful France does not bend; it remains upright.” On the same day, the National Assembly, the lower house of Parliament, overwhelmingly approved an extension of the military campaign against Islamic extremists in Iraq, and the authorities intensified their efforts to find associates of the extremist gunmen. ![]() The authorities in Bulgaria confirmed on Tuesday that they had arrested a French citizen who was believed to have links to Cherif Kouachi, one of the two brothers suspected in the attack on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday. The National Assembly also paid homage to the 17 people killed in the attacks, starting with the assault at the newspaper office. Twelve people were killed in and around the office, including two of the police officers. One was Franck Brinsolaro, 49, a police body guard assigned to protect the publication's editorial director, Stephane Charbonnier, who also died in that attack. Mr. Brinsolaro "died with his gun in his hand," Mr. Hollande said Tuesday as he bestowed posthumous Legion of Honor awards on the fallen officers. The others killed in the massacre, he said, "had only their pencils." The second officer who died there — Ahmed Merabet, 40, who was a Muslim — was killed on a sidewalk outside the newspaper building. The third officer, Clarissa Jean-Philippe, 27, was shot to death the next day in Montrouge, a southern suburb. A suspect in that shooting, Amedy Coulibaly, mounted the attack on the kosher supermarket on Friday, killing four men, as the authorities were closing in on the Kouachi brothers in a print shop northeast of the city. The rampage finally ended when special forces carried out almost simultaneous attacks on the supermarket and the print shop, killing the brothers and Mr. Coulibaly. "We must be relentless in the face of anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim acts," Mr. Hollande said Tuesday, "unrelenting in the face of apologists for terrorism and of those who carry it out, and above all of the jihadists who head for Iraq and Syria and who return afterward." On Monday, as France wrestled with whether to consider legislation similar to the USA Patriot Act in the United States, the French authorities announced an extraordinary deployment of more than 10,000 military personnel and thousands of police officers to guard sites regarded as at risk, including transportation hubs, major buildings and Jewish schools. The defense minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said Tuesday that the deployment was directed at "the same enemy" that France is fighting in the Middle East and in northern Africa, where 3,000 French troops are deployed. "The threat level is very high," Mr. Le Drian said, "and today, the new and serious element is that there is no dividing line between the external threat and the internal threat." There was no immediate confirmation of news reports that the weapons used in the Paris attacks last week originated outside France, but officials have said that at least one of the Kouachi brothers received training from Al Qaeda in Yemen. Muslim organizations in France issued a joint statement on Tuesday expressing concern at the "numerous anti-Muslim acts observed in these days" and calling on the authorities to guarantee the security of mosques. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel, members of her government and President Joachim Gauck joined a crowd of thousands at a vigil late Tuesday in Berlin. The vigil, organized by the country's Muslim leaders, was intended to show support for the victims of the attacks in France and for tolerance and peace. Against the backdrop of the Brandenburg Gate, lighted in the blue, white and red of the French flag, the political leaders linked arms with representatives of the country’s Muslims, Christians and Jews. Earlier in the day, the chancellor denounced all forms of racism or rejection of foreigners in a speech to the German Society Association in Berlin. "We have to turn decisively against everything which breeds prejudice against people who have foreign roots, or against those who are the weakest in society," she said. French intelligence and police officials cast a wide dragnet seeking possible witnesses or accomplices to the Paris attacks. The arrest of the French citizen in Bulgaria appeared likely to be the first of several in the coming days, as the authorities try to identify members of a terrorist network that may have been born in the working-class neighborhoods of Paris and strengthened in French prisons. The Frenchman, Fritz-Joly Joachin, has been held in Haskovo, Bulgaria, since Jan. 1, about a week before the attacks, on a European warrant issued after his wife accused him of abducting their 3-year-old son in France. The French authorities issued a second warrant on Sunday, charging him with "participation in an organized criminal group for the preparation of terrorist acts," said Pavel Jekov, a spokesman for the regional prosecutor's office in Haskovo, near the Turkish border. The warrant said Mr. Joachin had been in contact with at least one of the Kouachi brothers, although it did not say whether it was Chérif or his brother Saïd. Mr. Jekov said the warrant did not specify how Mr. Joachin was involved with the brother or provide evidence tying him to any specific terrorist attack. Even so, a court in Haskovo ruled on Tuesday that there was enough evidence to hold Mr. Joachin for another week, awaiting a formal hearing on whether he could be extradited to France. Contact John Cohn at |
Brian Lilley is a journalist, columnist, author, television show host, and the senior correspondent for the Sun News Network in Ottawa. In this eye-opening transcript of his interview with Peter "Pete" Hoekstra -- a Dutch-American politician and former Republican congressman from heavily Muslim Michigan-- the two discuss the imminent threat of terror facing Americans and Canadians. I thank Steve Emerson of IPT for forwarding this to me. |
Brian Lilley: Kill them and spit in their faces. Run them over with your cars. This the new video from ISIS with threats against Canada and other Western nations. The propaganda video was posted online by the terrorist group calls on Muslims to use whatever means necessary to kill Canadian civilians, police, members of the military. The video shows footage of the terrorist attacks in Ottawa, Montreal It also calls for American, French, British and Australians to be killed as well. I want to read off an RCMP internal email that I received talking about the video. It says 'The nine-minute video instructs to kill in any manner or way however it may be, not to ask for anyone's advice and not to seek anyone's verdict. Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military, for they have the same ruling.' The RCMP internal email went on to say 'Given the recent terror attacks in France and in Canada, this new threat should be taken seriously.' Pete Hoekstra is former Congressman and former Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. He joins us now from Washington. Congressman I have to ask you is this more of the same or is this to be taken seriously? I can tell you that Prime Minister Harper was giving a speech yesterday and my colleagues that were there say they haven't noticed that kind of visible level of security in quite some time. Pete Hoekstra: Well I'm just wondering how long the people in Canada, the United States are going to stand for their leaders who refuse to recognize this ongoing and continuing threat from radical Islam whether it's ISIS, whether it's al Qaeda. The threat is real, it is enduring and all they seem to do is play bunch ball, running from one attack to the next and trying to gauge whether it's now a new level or a new heightened security level. The bottom line is we've known for a decade that these radical jihadist groups want to attack us and they want to attack us in the homeland. Lilley: Prime Minister Steven Harper last week saying that the international jihadist movement has declared war on the whole world and specifically open, tolerant, democratic societies. That rhetoric is good in comparison to the Obama administration which won't use rhetoric like that, in comparison to our opposition leaders that still refer to these things as criminal activity. But beyond the rhetoric what do you actually do to tackle this? We had three arrests in the last few days here in Ottawa of people trying to join terror groups, but what is the larger issue at play? Hoekstra: Well the larger issue at play is number one you need to do what you can do to maintain security at home. The second thing is you need to take a look at what's going on internationally. NATO, it wasn't that long ago that they went into Libya, they overthrew the government of Muammar Gaddafi and then they left. Libya now on the northern coast of the Med, on the northern part of Africa, is now basically a lawless state. It has training grounds for ISIS and other radical jihadist groups. It is exporting terror from Libya into the soft underbelly of Europe. It is exporting terror to the Middle East and it's exporting terror down to the other parts of Africa. And the NATO leadership has no plan to confront this radical trend in Libya. They have no strategy to confront ISIS in Iraq. They have no strategy to confront ISIS in Syria. And these are the breeding grounds, these are the things that let radical jihadists convey the message that they are winning and why other people should be joining them. Lilley: And they do continue to receive followers from around the world. According to some reports hundreds a week coming from foreign countries around the world to join. Let me ask you this. You and I both opposed the Libya mission saying it could go badly. It did because they went in, they bombed and they walked away. Maybe they shouldn't be doing anything in Libya. But you can't just continue to go around the world and engage in bombing campaigns everywhere, so is there an answer for containing this or is it just fortress North America as far as your country and mine are concerned? Hoekstra: Fortress North America won't work. The borders that we have, they're just too long, they're too porous. We have to go back to the root cause, the root locations of where these groups are training, preparing their attacks against the West. They cannot have a safe haven. NATO has to recognize they have to live with the consequences of what happened in Iraq, what happened in Libya, and now need to develop strategies to fix those. It's not just ok to say, well you know what we made a mistake in Libya. I'm sorry, that is now a safe haven for radical jihadists that threaten so many other parts of the world. You have to come up and develop a strategy and a commitment to bring some sense of stability and normality and security back to Libya and other places where ISIS and al Qaeda now control large pieces of geographic territory. Lilley: All right Congressman we've got about 30 seconds left, it might not be enough time. But answer those that say this is all happening because of American military bases in Saudi Arabia and if we just left the Middle east tomorrow this would all go away. Hoekstra: I thought it was all because of Gitmo. The bottom line is radical jihadists they believe in their mission which is to convert the rest of the world to Islam. And if we don't to Islam they have the right and responsibility to attack us and kill us. It's much more than about a military base. Lilley: All right Congressman great talking to you al always. We'll chat soon I am sure. Hoekstra: Thank you. Related Topics: Pete Hoekstra, ISIS, Canada, RCMP, terrorist attacks, Harper, al Qaeda, radical jihadist, NATO, Libya, Europe The IPT accepts no funding from outside the United States, or from any governmental agency or political or religious institutions. Your support of The Investigative Project on Terrorism is critical in winning a battle we cannot afford to lose. Contact Naomi Ragen at |
WHEN A "JOKE"-- ISN'TPosted by Marion Dreyfus, January 13, 2015 |
Hey, Comedy Writers and Jon Stewart, listen up. Full Disclosure: I never write to shows, as I know they probably pay scant attention. They make the big bucks. Why should they listen to a groundling occasional viewer? But I was goaded beyond tolerance by Mr. Stewart's latest jibe against Israel. Of which, surprisingly, he appear to know little. His slurring aside after the Paris march that those who assembled were hardly (I paraphrase, so annoyed that I could not bear to listen a moment longer to this once-funny Jewish comedian of what I had earlier supposed was a high calibre of IQ pointage) paragons of free speech was initially well taken. Stewart mocked the march for free speech in Paris by indicating that the heads of state attending included mounds of despots and those hypocritically against free speech in their own domestic domains. Can't argue that. Representatives of Turkey and Jordan, African despotisms and Middle east duchies, were in attendance, all clutching the arms of the likes of Germany's Angela Merkel, and Francois Hollande, leftist tete of la bellicose France. He slashed at Egypt by just muttering its name, hesitating in well-oiled comic timing, and reaping a huge rolling thunder of audience accommodation. I mean, laughs. Laffs. But Egypt is, under Gen. Sissi, extraordinary in its efforts to rid his populous country of terrorists and malefactors of islamist stripe. He has in fact made an amazingly atypical (for a muslim leader) speech this past week urging leaders and imams of muslim states to let go the vile bonds of violence and destruction that is besmirching their faith. (Cult, rather.) Were Sadat alive today, and he made such a peroration against the turbulent crazies advocating extermination of the chief joy of the radicals--massacre, murder, mayhem and mishugas--Sadat would be slain. (Again.) Thus citing Egypt, today, as a laughingstock re freedom is particularly ...if we may use a word rendered astringent and offensive by the current uninformed and partisan resident duffer in the White House... "stupid." He gave an unearned jeer to Israel with his obnoxious throwaway alluding to Israel jailing cartoonists of the Palestinian stripe. Uh, no. Bibi Netanyahu was of course in the front ranks of the heads of state making their way down the Boulevard, despite the well-bruited efforts of lefty Socialist Hollande to prevent Bibi's attendance. Israel among all the nations of this seething area of the atlas is known for robust freedom of speech--as well as a notable tolerance for homophilia/same sex attraction, lesbianism, untidy free speech, no genital circumcision and female independence. To castigate Israel amongst the nations that hang people for infinitesimal infractions against the hauntingly unfortunate hadith and sura of the cherry-picked mishmash known as the Quran is nuts. Jon Stewart is of course a maximally angry chap, ha ha funny as he manages to be from time to time. Israel does not and never has arrested or slain anyone for cartoons. Including palestonians. And if those staff writer guys know anything about the caricatures that have bedeviled Jews for the past 100 years, unabated today in Der Sturmer-like precincts of the insane-tinged muslim knuckledraggers, the cartoons that have ceaselessly attacked Jews have been unremitting in their vileness, far surpassing anything Hebdo ever attempted. And Jews are subject 24/7 to these scurrilous and defamatory etchings, alluding to Israel as nazi-ish, as evil, as drinking blood, and all sorts of astonishing rubbish. For Jewish Jon to add to the vilification of Jews and Israel when we have just sustained the horrific murder of four [and profound injuring of many others who might bear the marks of this attack for decades] wholly innocent shoppers chosen because they were of Jewish descent--in a Kosher deli, what else would muslim thugs find on a Friday afternoon before the Sabbath?--is, have to say, unconscionable. I used to watch Stewart selectively, praying not to hear the puerility and delinquency of his sprinkled castigations-for-naught. Now, sadly, I shan't tune him in. I can't forget his tone-deafness when people are grieving for no cause but the savagery of those who listen, perhaps, to the inanities of the prime jokester, Jon Stewart, who reassures them in their hatred, because look! the Jewish comic is attacking Israel too; why do we have to apologize for our hatred when he says it to millions nightly? My guess is that Stewart was proactively undercutting crit of the boho president for not attending the march, which struck the world as abdicating the usual and rightful leadership role of the US--a role Obumbler has clearly told us he's not fond of and won’t be booster to. The march was dopey, says Stewart, so Obama's disgraceful failure to show up or send someone to stand in for the hegemon of the globe wasn't so atrocious. Good bye, "comedy" writers of the Jon Stewart (Jonathan Stewart Liebowitzshinskybergfeld, or something similar, right?) show. Shameful "jokes" like those cheap and untrue tossed-off insults by a master of the quip deserve a correctional slap. Especially when the "jokes" are lies. Marion D. S. Dreyfus is a journalist, a film critic and an intrepid traveler. She is currently in Wuchan, China, where she teaches at the University and does a radio talk show. Her address is: Marion D. S. Dreyfus, Reception centre 8301, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, English Department, Wuchang Branch, Nanhu, Wuchan, Wuhan 430064, P R China |
SOMALI PRIVILEGE?Posted by Tom McLaughlin, January 13, 2015 |
If you drive a taxi in Portland, Maine the best place to wait for a fare is the Portland Jetport. But, you need a special permit. There are only forty-five permits to be had and all are held by Somali and Iranian immigrants. Paul McDonough of Timely Taxi in South Portland claims that is discrimination against him as a white man and he filed suit against the City of Portland. Most of the jetport is in South Portland which is a separate municipality, but the terminal is in Portland, and that city owns the entire facility. It's city council decides who gets a permit. ![]() The Portland Press Herald ran a story about the suit January 2nd. I've been checking into it, but few city officials want to talk about it. It didn't help that radical Muslims this past week murdered people in Paris and focused the world's attention on Islamic terrorism. Most Somalis are Muslim and so are most Iranians. I'll keep digging though. ![]() Not getting much out of city hall or the jetport, but I'm learning a lot researching online. According to an article in the Bangor Daily News back in 2011, forty-nine out of fifty jetport permits were held by Somali immigrants and they held a press conference that year to announce legal action against the City of Portland. They were having difficulty renewing their jetport permits in person. Many were traveling back and forth to Somalia and it was hard to show up at the jetport to renew their permits. Hmm. If they're here in Maine fleeing oppression in Somalia, why are they going back so often? The civil war is still on. And, how can they afford it? ![]() When Somali taxi driver Jama Farah spoke at the 2011 Portland City Hall press conference, behind him was an unidentified man with an orange beard and orange skullcap. The beard struck me. According to another article by former US Attorney Andrew McCarthy on Somalis in Minnesota, a man named Abdullahi Ugas Farah with a "tangerine beard" once spoke for the radical "Islamic Courts" in Somalia and later was in Minnesota campaigning for Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Senator Al Franken (D-MN). When I punched "Abdullahi Ugas Farah" into Google Images, up popped a man with a tangerine beard and matching hat sitting next to Congressman Ellison. He wore glasses and a tan jacket just like the man at the Portland City Hall press conference. Both he and the spokesman were named Farah. Is it the same guy? Was a radical Muslim from Somalia at the Portland City Hall press conference? So far, I've gotten no response from Somali cabdrivers I contacted about the man's identity. Somalia's "Islamic Courts" spawned the terrorist group Al Shabaab which last year pledged allegiance to al Qaida. ![]() Stephen Salamone of S&S Taxi said he's been trying for years to get a jetport permit. "It's blatant discrimination," he said. A retired Portland firefighter, Salamone told me those permit holders get the best riders. "Fares go all over the state," he said, and "I can't even get an application. What do I need to do?" He suggests the city open a bidding process or make it a lottery. He wants a level playing field for everyone. An online commenter to the Press Herald story, wrote that she prefers to call McDonough's Timely Taxi and added: "[W]hen I arrive after his hours and must use a Jetport cab, I invariably get flack from the driver: 'no dog, no dog' when he is confronted with my Seeing Eye dog." ![]() The Portland Jetport is significant in the annals of Islamic terrorism since al Qaida terrorist Mohammed Atta boarded a plane there early in the morning of September 11, 2001. Three hours later he crashed another plane into the World Trade Center. Present and former FBI officials with whom I’ve talked still don’t know why Atta was in Portland. ![]() According to former US Attorney Andrew McCarthy: "Somalis began pouring into America in the mid-Nineties thanks to the State Department's refugee resettlement efforts ... In 2008, State was forced to concede that there had been immigration fraud on a massive scale: nearly 40,000 aliens admitted into our country after falsely claiming family ties to immigrants already here." Somali immigrants in Maine got national attention twelve years ago when nearby Lewiston, Maine Mayor Larry Raymond said his city couldn't handle any more of them because welfare money was running out. Charges of racism and bigotry rained down on him here in the blue northeast, but he didn't back down. Since then, mayors in Manchester, NH, Springfield, Massachusetts, and in many other American cities have said the same thing. ![]() Last August, a Lewiston Somali woman's ex-husband, Abdirahmaan Muhumed, died fighting for ISIS in Syria. He worked at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport and even had a security clearance! He had multiple wives and left nine children, including two from when he lived on Bartlett Street in Lewiston. He and his Maine wife traveled back and forth between Maine and Minnesota many times before they divorced. KMSP-TV in Minneapolis reported that at least 22 Somali immigrants traveled from Minnesota to Somalia to fight for Al Shabaab and twelve more went to Syria to fight for ISIS. Three quarters of the 900 taxi permits at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport are held by Somali drivers. ![]() Though some have passed through here, my research shows no radical Muslims living in Maine at present. Somalis with whom I've come in contact at various businesses in the Portland area seem very nice. As long as they're here legally, work to support themselves and assimilate, Mainers would welcome them. That so many are driving taxis is a good thing. That virtually all the plum jetport permits issued by the city went to Somali taxi drivers, however, is, at best, suspicious. I shall continue to investigate as Mr. McDonough’s lawsuit goes forward. Tom MacLaughlin A former history teacher, MacLaugjlin is a columnist who lives in Lovell, Maine. His column is published in Maine and New Hampshire newspapers and on numerous web sites. Email: |
The article below was written by Dave Bender who is video photography, production and editing, print, radio & tv spot news and features, website management, voiceover and narration, Hebrew to English translator. This article appeared January 13, 2015 on the Algemeiner and is archived at -terror-victim-slain-trying-to-rescue-toddler-video/ |
Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett on Monday described as "heroic" the attempt by 22-year-old Yohan Cohen to protect a toddler and thwart the terror shooting spree at a Paris kosher supermarket last Friday, Israel’s Ch. 2 News reported. ![]() Cohen, an employee at the HyperCacher kosher supermarket in the city's Porte de Vincennes neighborhood, was shot dead as he tried to protect a three-year-old and fire a gun that the Muslim terrorist, Amedy Coulibaly, had laid on a counter. Coulibaly, who was armed with several weapons, shot Cohen dead as he tried to operate the jammed weapon, killed three other shoppers, and critically wounded another four. "Your son was a hero," Bennett told Cohen's father, Eric, at a condolence call with the mourning family, held in the suburb of Sarcelle. "A young man took the assault rifle and wanted to shoot him," a hostage who gave her name as Sophie, told Europe 1 radio. Coulibaly, however, "was faster and he shot him in the throat. The poor young man just fell," she said, according to AFP. After a seven-hour standoff, French security forces broke into the store and shot the terrorist dead as he tried to flee, and freed the nearly 20 hostages. "All of Israel is sending you a big hug and love; we are proud of the education you gave him," Bennett said. Bennett told the family that their slain son represented a link in a heroic historic chain of the people of Israel, "from Abraham, through Moses, Bar Kochba and Yoni Netanyahu." Bennett, speaking as a representative of the Jewish State, added, "We are proud that you gave Yohan the education that brought him to be a hero." Yohan's girlfriend, Sharon, wrote several heartbreaking farewell remarks on her Facebook page. "What will I do without you?" she wrote. "We had made so many plans together. I will never forget our time together; you will forever be the man of my life." A family member said Cohen worked at the supermarket for the last year in order to finance their wedding. Cohen, along with Yoav Hattab, 21; Philippe Braham, 40; and Franasois-Michel Saada, 55, were laid to rest in a state funeral held in Jerusalem on Tuesday, attended by family, friends, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin, and other dignitaries, along with about a thousand mourners. Watch the video of the meeting between Bennett and Eric Cohen (in Hebrew): The Algemeiner Journal is a New York-based newspaper, covering American and international Jewish and Israel-related news. Contact Algemeiner at |
The article below was written and sent by the staff on The Israel Project and is archived at |
Senator Bob Casey (D-Pa.) on Tuesday warned that sanctions relief provided to Iran by the current interim Joint Plan of Action (JPA) had bolstered the Iranians' negotiating position in nuclear talks with the West, and suggested that lawmakers in Washington would vote to boost the leverage of American negotiators in coming months. Casey's remarks underscored longstanding concerns from Congressional lawmakers of both parties that the administration, which remains opposed to any such new legislation, nonetheless lacks sufficient leverage to extract meaningful concessions from Iran. They echo comments from other Democrats calling for increased pressure on Iran and increased Congressional oversight over the talks in general. Reps. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) and Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) had in October blasted the administration in the aftermath of reports that administration was planning to circumvent Congress in securing a nuclear deal with Iran. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) last week told the Jerusalem Post that the Senate was eager to advance legislation that would boost Western leverage by signaling to Iran that, should it fail to accept a robust deal rolling back its nuclear program, it would face new financial restrictions. Graham signaled that a relevant bill would be moved through committee by the time President Barack Obama gives his State of the Union address next week. Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) more specifically told reporters last week that a 2013 sanctions bill coauthored with Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), which was cosponsored by a majority of the Senate but which had never been brought to the floor for a vote, would be reintroduced in an updated form during the coming weeks. The disastrous pipeline rupture in the Arava provides an opportunity to test out new cleanup methods from Israeli academia. In one of the worst environmental disasters in Israel's history, between three and five million liters of raw crude oil gushed from a burst pipeline near the Evrona Nature Reserve in the Arava Desert on December 3 last year. In the chaotic days that followed, nature authorities employed many methods in the desperate race to contain the four-mile river of toxic oil and mitigate the deadly damage it caused to the Evrona's plants and wildlife. This emergency also provided an unexpected opportunity for Israeli innovators to test their solutions for treating contaminated soil, and results have been encouraging. Prof. Yoel Sasson tells ISRAEL21c that he and Dr. Uri Stoin from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem set up a pilot trial together with the Swiss Man Oil Group (MOG) to test their breakthrough technology for treating contaminated soil. Less than a year ago, MOG licensed the solution from Yissum, the university's technology-transfer company, and has been using it to clean up polluted sites from Siberia to Nigeria. Sasson and Stoin's chemical reagent spray quickly decomposes hydrocarbon molecules from the oil into carbon dioxide and water, which are safe in nature and sewage systems. Sasson explains that six years ago, he and Stoin were focusing on a solution for detoxifying flue emissions from coal power plants. At the university's Casali Institute of Applied Chemistry, their research team developed "scrubbers" containing oxidizing compounds to attack mercury and other toxic materials from flue emission and release leftover benign gases. Contact Israel Project at |
An individual who opposes the use the word "extremism" in connection with Islam, or with the behavior of Muslims who murder innocent human beings, has not only transcended the distinction between ignorance and stupidity, but has also obscured the language that differentiates what is human from what is subhuman. Indeed, such a creature has escaped the rational constraints and meaningfulness of language. No longer should the term "homo sapiens" be applied to creatures called "human beings." That such a creature may become the President of the United States is unexceptional since, according to Muslims who believe in Allah's Quran, most Americas are "pigs" and "dogs." That such Muslims regard most Americans as subhuman is a normative, not an extremist, Islamic doctrine. This Islam is personified by of the current President of the United States. In our age of moral equivalency, what some people call "terrorists" are nothing more than disliked "freedom fighters." In this age, there is no such thing as "Islamic Extremism" or "Radical Islam." Such language denotes value-judgments having no objective validity. Such terms should be expunged from the English language. It's about time that we heeded the refined teachings of higher education exemplified, for example, by the doctrine of Positivism or Logical Empiricism, a doctrine exalted at the bexst universities in Boston, London, and Paris. If we are to avoid hurting the feelings of others, all moral distinctions should be eliminated, especially words like "good" and "bad." Such words should be avoided even when house-breaking dogs. Dogs also have feelings. A RAGE AGAINST HISTORY - CLIVE S. KESSLER
Omitting foolish adjectices like "radical" or "exremist," Islam must be understood first and foremost as a punishment. Hence, we must heal ourselves before an ever succeed in helping Muslims to heal themselves. Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. Contact Eidelberg at |
JE SUIS TATIANAPosted by Steven Plaut, January 14, 2015 |
1. Where are the Je Suis Tatiana Protesters? Israel imprisoned Tatiana Soskin for drawing a cartoon of the
Prophet Mohammed as a pig. She was convicted and actually served
jail time. For details, see
Bibi Netanyahu was Prime Minister when this took place and his own Attorney General was responsible for this judicial atrocity! So when are pig cartoons in Israel NOT illegal? When they are anti-Semitic! The prestigious Israel Prize for sculpture was awarded to ultra-leftist junkyard "sculptor" Yigal Tumarkin in 2004 after he fashioned a pig wearing phylacteries, and on November 4, 1988 told Tel Aviv Magazine that when seeing haredi Jews he can understand the Nazis. For details see
More on the Tatiana Soskin Affair:
See also this: The judge in that judicial atrocity was later involved in other scandals. The judge who issued this verdict against Soskin is the SAME judge who ordered a rape victim to show the audience where her crotch was while she was being raped. Details in Hebrew here:
2. By the way, this is old but helps explain France: -fined-12-000-racial-hatred-claiming-Muslims-destroying-France.html 3. Inviting Abbas to a Paris rally against terrorism is like inviting Bill Clinton to a Paris rally against adultery. 4. The yellow frog syndrome:
5. Et tu, Bennett? Alas, it is true. Naftalli Bennett has joined the ranks of Israeli demagogues calling for an increase in the minimum wage, a move designed to price low-skilled workers out of employment altogether, a measure guaranteed to raise unemployment significantly and prevent young people from gaining labor force experience. The fact that the other political hacks, including those in the Likud, have called for such idiocy is no excuse. Bennett should know better! 6. The Rivka Carmi junta, which runs Ben Gurion "University," just convicted Professor Israel David of "harassment" for the now-infamous Zippergate Affair. Please read this backgrounder on Zippergate and pass this on to every potential donor to Ben Gurion "University": 7. Haaretz, the Palestinian newspaper printed in Hebrew, is truly upset by the terrorist attacks in France ... because they are causing so many French Jews to make aliya to Israel and so make the elimination of Israel and its replacement by a Rwanda-style "bi-national Palestinian state" so much more difficult! Israel's leftist media are terribly upset by the horrific event that took place in Paris. I am of course referring to the great cheering of Bibi Netanyahu when he spoke in the Paris synagogue, something that has shocked the Israeli media to their core. And while the international media covered the speech live, not a single Israeli TV channel did. State-run Channel One broadcast a soccer game. 8. Writing in the Palestinian newspaper published in Hebrew, Tel Aviv University's Aeyal Gross, promoter of transvestites, insists that criticism of anti-Israel extremist groups that pretend to be concerned with "human rights" is terror and McCarthyism. Ignoring the fact that every jihadi and anti-Semitic group in the world pretends it is only worried about human rights. "Today, the organizations that 'monitor' human rights organizations and academia and define criticism as anti-Israel, attempting to delegitimize it often through distortion, are amongst the greatest threats to the defense of human rights and democracy in general. The McCarthyism that characterizes these groups, and their attack on the Goldstone Committee, is meant to terrorize those who champion human rights and those who criticize their violation." -%20Criticism%20of%20Leftist%20Activism%20Threat%20to%20Democracy.htm Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist, a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author of "The Scout." He frequently comments — both seriously and satirically — on Israeli politics and the left wing academic community. Write him at His website address is |
HOW LUCKY IS ISRAEL?Posted by Michael Ordman, January 14, 2015 |
Last week, Ben Gurion University researchers made an "accidental" discovery, when testing an experimental anti-inflammatory drug, that could signify a breakthrough in the treatment of deadly infections. My immediate thought was how "lucky" the BGU scientists were - but in reality, the discovery followed the proscribed use of methodical testing procedures and meticulously careful observations. Here are some further recent cases of where Israelis definitely do not rely on "luck" when it comes to vital innovations and activities. Traditional cancer chemotherapies depend on the laws of chance in that sufficient numbers of cancer cells will be destroyed alongside the (unwanted) death of normal, healthy cells. Several Israeli companies, however, are working on removing this random, "splatter-gun" approach. One of these, Quiet Therapeutics, has developed the "GAGomer," a new class of nano-particle that specifically targets tumors and blood cancers. Another Israeli biotech, Compugen, has announced positive initial experimental results for two Antibody-Drug Conjugate (ADC) treatments. ADC therapy uses antibodies to target proteins present at high levels in cancer cells, releasing a toxic payload to kill the cells. Some say that those who inherit a high risk of cancer are simply "unlucky". That may indeed be the case, however with genetic screening, it no longer needs to be a question of luck as to whether the onset of cancer is detected and treated early enough to save their lives. So it is fortunate that researchers at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem have discovered a genetic mutation that can identify those at risk of colon and uterine cancers. Similarly, doctors and researchers no longer need to rely on luck when examining patients for the early onset of Parkinson's disease. Patients can now be monitored continuously, using smart watches linked to smartphones. The data is then transmitted to an advanced analytics platform developed by Intel Israel that can handle 300 observations per second from each patient. CLICK VIDEO HERE. On a Syrian street, a 23-year-old man was unfortunate to have been hit by a bullet that shattered his lower jaw and blew his teeth to bits. Luckily for him, he was rushed across the Israeli border and taken to Haifa's Rambam hospital where doctors implanted a custom-made 3D-printed titanium jaw in a pioneering operation. One day after surgery, the patient was eating and speaking. Meanwhile, a Palestinian Arab baby with heart problems suffered a heart attack whilst on his way to Jordan for treatment. Luckily for him, IDF medics arrived to resuscitate him and evacuated him and his grateful parents to Jerusalem's Hadassah hospital. CLICK VIDEO HERE. Many Israeli children were "lucky" to enjoy a couple of days playing in the snow that fell across the country. Following a request by the Palestinian Authority, the IDF have been helping to clear snow blocking roads to the PA city of Ramallah, helping to clear flooding in Tulkarem and pushing a not-so-lucky Palestinian Arab taxi driver out of frozen mud. Overseas, the Philippines has been very unlucky with the weather, as typhoon Hagupit (Ruby) has just devastated a country still reeling from last year's typhoon Haiyan. Luckily, an IsraAID emergency response team has again responded quickly with medical relief and humanitarian aid. Anyone unlucky enough to have lost their water supply due to a burst water main will appreciate the monitoring systems from Israel's TaKaDu. The water utilities that have engaged TaKaDu's services don't wait for a lucky phone call from a dutiful member of the public and instead are saving billions of liters of water otherwise lost through leaking pipes. CLICK VIDEO HERE. Having proved that Israelis don't rely on luck, I will conclude with two recent news stories where fortune (or something else) must have been involved. First, it was lucky that art historian Nirit Shalev-Khalifa stopped to answer her cell phone when she was driving away from Jerusalem. The tour guide that called her had just happened to be visiting Jerusalem's Ades "Great" Synagogue and seen someone begin some very amateurish restoration work. Nirit made a quick "U" turn, just in time to save the Stark Murals – an early 20th Century masterpiece of Jerusalem's Syrian Jewry. Finally, a baby faun in Hebron had a lucky escape from being eaten by poachers. Israeli police were busy uncovering a weapons and drugs cache when they heard noises coming from inside a barrel. Instead of dismissing the noise as just rats, they checked the barrel and found the faun (a protected species in Israel) chained up inside it. The faun was transferred to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo for medical treatment. Put your trust in Israeli ingenuity - you won't believe your luck. Michael Ordmanwrites a free weekly newsletter containing positive news stories about Israel. For a free subscription, email a request to |
ISLAM UNDER THE SPOTLIGHTPosted by Yaacov Levi, January 14, 2015 |
The article was written by Michael Devolin who has been a member of JDL Canada since the 1980s, and has served as the personal bodyguard to Meir Weinstein, National Director of JDL Canada, at several high-profile trials, including the Jim Keegstra hate crimes trial and the Imra Finta war crimes trial. This article appeared January 12, 2015 on Jihad Watch and is archived at |
"Muslims living in Canada or anywhere else are going to feel under the spotlight or feel that, somehow, they're implicated in what happened, even though they had nothing to do with it." –National Council of Canadian Muslims Representative Amira Elghawaby ![]() The above statement is the NCCM's public response to the terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine headquarters in Paris, France. Quite the usual and expected renunciations from Islam's silent majority. What is telling is the admission that most Muslims will feel they're "somehow implicated in what happened." How could any Muslim living the good life in a democratic country in the Western hemisphere not feel in some measure connected to this atrocity? This mass murder was carried out to punish those ordinary French citizens for merely satirizing the Prophet Mohammed and the religion of Islam. And how could these ordinary French citizens forget the golden rule about Islam and Muslims? That rule is: It's quite permissible for Muslims, even "moderate Muslims," to excoriate, even publicly besmirch Christianity or the Judaism and national aspirations of Zionist Jews, but Heaven forbid any "infidel" of any nationality should mock Islam for its proverbial violence and anti-Jewish hatred—a violence and a hatred that seem to follow this religion around like a fiddler's wife. Gary Clement, the cartoonist for Canada's National Post newspaper, writes of Wednesday’s horror: "The cartoonists and editors of Charlie Hebdo were murdered that day for doing, more or less, the same thing that I do. The ideas and images that flowed from the minds and pens of my fellow artists had sufficient power, were considered dangerous enough, to provoke an outburst of shocking violence." But, of course, the Western media continues inventing placating euphemisms (e.g. "Islamists") in order to deflect blame away from this so-called "religion of peace." The Western world is becoming impatient with what by now has become an Islam-in-hiding, but even more disgusted with this overt bloody version apologists reassure us could never be the real Islam but simply the original hijacked and transmogrified by Muslim terrorists. The simple truth is, what happened in France at Charlie Hebdo headquarters is merely another example of the religiously motivated violence that has been ceaselessly transpiring within Islam's sphere of influence since the time of the Prophet Mohammed. Only in this modern age, when religious violence of any other kind, of any other religion, would offend Western sensitivities, the wanton slaughter of journalists and cartoonists bold enough to tell the truth about Islam's darker side is become an elephant standing in our living room, and the bigger this elephant becomes, it seems, the more pretermitted its horrendous presence. Raphael Israeli writes in his powerful book Islamikaze, "...after long years of a steady but relatively meagre stream of violence in the name of Islam, on 11 September, this long-contained current of hatred and violence gushed out with unexpected force and fury, causing imagination to challenge reality and making it recoil." And we continue to recoil. The Western world's primary problem with Islam can be found in our failure to publicly condemn the incapability of our Muslim communities to "feel" implicated in the terrorism that is now overflowing into our streets. Our media and our politicians encourage the "moderate Muslim" NOT to feel "implicated in what happened." We assure our Muslim communities that Islam is NOT "under the spotlight." Meanwhile, every newspaper and media outlet in the Western Hemisphere is reporting on terrorist attacks daily without mentioning the fact that every terrorist is a Muslim, an overused obfuscation that does more to make Islam the salient—albeit silent—element in every report than if Islam had been blamed outright as the source of the terrorist attack in the first place. In 1942, during the Nazi occupation of France, and before she was deported to Auschwitz, Irene Nemirovsky wrote, "They're trying to make us believe we live in the age of the community, when the individual must perish so that society may live, and we don't want to see that it is society that is dying so the tyrants can live." The satirists and the cartoonists of the Charlie Hebdo magazine were murdered because they dared to be individuals and mocked certain elements of Islam that should cause good Muslims to feel implicated in Islamist terrorism. The "community" these Islamist terrorist have planned for us is one where no criticism of Islam is tolerated, where Christians and Jews and Buddhists are to run from the very thought of dissent. But this is not the future that Jews and Christians and Buddhists have in mind. We do not want a Caliphate and we want to say what we feel and what we think, and what we want, more than anything else, is to laugh at ourselves. Irene Nemirovsky also wrote, "I'm prepared to die but as a French citizen and I insist there be a valid reason for my death..." The French citizens of Charlie Hebdo magazine died as free French citizens, for valid reasons and without surrender, because they put Islam under the spotlight. Contact Yaacov Levi at |
Tonight, BBC Arabic will air a new documentary, Slaves of the Caliphate, which documents the horrendous plight of captured Yazidi girls and women. This film will be broadcast on BBC World on January 17, 2015. The first Yazidi sex slave to reveal her identity—Hamshe—talks about what happened to her and to others. Disclosed for the first time: in addition to being forced to sexually service ISIS jihadists, these girls and women were also forced to “give blood to wounded fighters." Activist Nareen Shammo has been keeping track of hundreds of kidnapped Yazidi; she has tried to locate them and negotiate their return. In December, 2014, Amnesty International released a report about the “abducted hundreds, possibly thousands of Yezidi men, women, and children who were fleeing the IS takeover...younger girls and women were forced to convert to Islam under threat of death. Younger women and girls, some as young as 12, were separated from their parents and older relatives and sold, given as gifts or forced to marry IS fighters and supporters. Many have been subjected to torture and ill-treatment, including rape." According to Amnesty, about three hundred of those abducted have escaped captivity. Amnesty interviewed 42 such women and girls. Amnesty considers what ISIS is doing "war crimes." According to The Daily Mail, "it is estimated that over 2600 women remain captive… (However), the Yazidi community in Iraq say that 3500 of its women and girls are still being held by ISIS." These girls and women are being sold as sex slaves for both pitifully small and outrageously large sums of money. Girls who are beaten and injured are allowed to recover and are then re-sold. ISIS's Department of Research and Fatwas issues legal/religious documents, posts them online, and gives them out in pamphlet form after prayers. This concerns the Sharia basis for the taking of captives and slaves. According to MEMRI, quoted in Newsweek, the pamphlet is titled: "Su'al wa-Jawab," ("Questions and Answers on Taking Captives and Slaves"). ISIS justifies capturing the women due to their unbelief in Islam: "Unbelieving [women] who were captured and brought into the abode of Islam are permissible to us." According to the pamphlet, ISIS members are permitted to have sex with the women: "Allah the almighty said: '[Successful are the believers] who guard their chastity, except from their wives or the captives and slaves that their right hands possess, for then they are free from blame [Quran 23:5-6]'." This can occur as soon as a woman is captured: "If she is a virgin, [her master] can have intercourse with her immediately after taking possession of her. However, if she isn't, her uterus must be purified. A female captive cannot be sold, however, if she has been impregnated by her 'owner.'" The pamphlet ends with these lines:
Some will insist that this interpretation of Sharia law is a "deviant" or a "perverted" form of religion. Some Arabists will tell us that the masses do not really understand Sharia law and that the experts who do are afraid of reining in their followers lest they be fired from their pulpits and shamed. Western human rights experts are very clear that such behaviors are barbaric and legally constitute "war crimes." If we do not stop ISIS in the Middle East they may be coming our way soon. Phyllis Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology at City University of New York. She is a best-selling author, a legendary feminist leader, a retired psychotherapist and expert courtroom witness. She has lectured and organized political, legal, religious, and human rights campaigns in the United States, Canada, Europe, Israel, and the Far East. Her work has been translated into many European languages and into Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Hebrew. This article appeared January 13,
2015 on Breitbart and is archived at
The article below was written by Maggie Fick who is This article appeared January 12, 2015 on Reuters and is archived at |
![]() ![]() The successful roll-out so far of a new "smart card" system to distribute subsidized bread has been a major achievement for Egypt's government, saving money while earning praise from families who no longer have to wake early to fight for loaves. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi appears to be succeeding where predecessors Hosni Mubarak and Mohamed Mursi both failed in the delicate task of reforming a system that has drained the state's finances while angering the population. While the government still has a long way to go to roll out the new system countrywide, success so far marks an important civilian achievement for the president, a former army chief mainly known for security issues, including a harsh crackdown against Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood followers. "In the time of Mubarak and Mursi, there was no organization at bakeries. People fought each other. Now we all take what we need and there’s bread for all," said Bakhita Ibrahim, a Cairo resident at a bakery in the Sayyeda Zeinab district. For generations, Egypt's government has fed the public by distributing subsidized flour to bakeries, which sell bread for as little as 5 piastres a loaf, less than one U.S. cent. The system turned Egypt into the world's biggest importer of wheat, draining the government's foreign currency reserves: Cairo spends $3 billion a year on imports for it. Nor has it pleased the public. Bread has been sold on a "first come, first served" basis, forcing people to queue up for hours in the morning to get it before it runs out, and sometimes leading to violence. Those who arrive at the bakery early sometimes buy extra bread to feed to their livestock. Meanwhile, those who arrive too late can get nothing. And bakers are widely accused of siphoning off flour to sell on the black market, profiting while running up the government's bills. Under the new system, families are issued plastic cards allowing them to buy five loaves per family member per day. Buyers no longer have to queue. Bakeries are paid for the subsidized loaves they sell, rather than being given a fixed allotment of cheap flour, making it harder to siphon off subsidies. "MORE ACCOUNTABLE" The cards have so far been introduced in 17 of Egypt's 29 provinces and consumption in those areas is already down between 15 to 35 percent, Supplies Minister Khaled Hanafi, who has led the reforms, told Reuters. Hanafi forecasts that once rolled out nationwide, the reforms will eliminate enough waste to enable Egypt to cut imports by 20 to 30 percent, without depriving needy citizens. While those figures could not be independently confirmed, they seemed to be born out at bakeries using smart cards in four provinces visited by Reuters, where bakers confirmed that they were making less bread due to the reforms. The reforms have made him "more accountable", says Hamdy Eid, a baker in Suez City, scene of some of the most violent demonstrations protests during the 2011 revolt that brought down Mubarak. Customers were lined up peacefully, presenting their cards to an employee who swiped them through a card reader. "In the past they have accused us bakers of stealing and working in the black market for flour," Eid said. In areas where the reforms have yet to be implemented, discontent with the old system still simmers. "I have to wake up at dawn to get bread to avoid big crowds," said Ibrahim Osman, a grocer in the southern city of Aswan. In Fayoum, just south of Cairo, housewife Samira Moustafa said she views bakers as "cheaters". POTENT MIX Bread and politics have been a potent mix for decades in Egypt, a nation that now has 90 million people, mostly poor. Mubarak's predecessor Anwar Sadat faced protests in 1977 after he tried to cut bread subsidies. Unrest broke out under Mubarak, notably in 2008 when the rising price of wheat caused shortages, and three years later bread was a rallying cry for the protests that finally toppled him. Mursi never managed to implement his plan for smart cards, blaming the bureaucracy for sabotaging reforms. Frustration and anxiety over the failure to fix subsidies helped fuel the protests that led to Sisi removing him from power. Even now, government officials tasked with implementing it worry whether the new smart card system is air-tight enough to squeeze out middlemen working the black market. "Those who depend on corruption are not easily going to go along with reforms," said a Supplies Ministry official on condition of anonymity. Hanafi, the minister, acknowledges that the old system had its "beneficiaries". He said he had held hundreds of meetings with bakers to win over their cooperation with the changes. "I had to convince them, I had to make compromises to reach this point," he said. "For 40 or 50 years this was a nightmare for Egyptians." Contact Daily Alert at |
The article below was written by Gil Troy who is an
American presidential historian and a popular commentator on
politics and other issues. He is Professor of History at
McGill University. This article appeared January 14, 2015 on
the Jerusalem Post and is archived at
Last week, as I finished the first draft of a book on Bill Clinton and the 1990s, as I contemplated the many relatives, friends, and colleagues who helped me in researching, writing, and editing, I had a rollercoaster week – along with so many others. It was a week for gratitude and anger. The modern world blunts both emotions, even though appreciating and repudiating, proportionately and appropriately, are essential acts of free, discerning, happy, balanced people. Writing books is a hard, solitary, often thankless, business. This lonely, overwhelming, often self-absorbed task ends with a lovely selfless ritual: writing acknowledgments. As the increasingly isolated author finishes, having burrowed ever-deeper into the project with the deadline looming -- dodging phone calls, shirking family responsibilities – reconnecting by acknowledging others is an elegant reentry strategy. Most of us take for granted all the emotional, intellectual, and logistical support we receive; very few have venues for such public thanks. My gratitude ranges from the profound to the prosaic: I appreciate the love, support, friendship, humor, forbearance, of my wife and four children, forced to time-travel with me; my Moynihan book imprisoned us in the 1970s, this one stuck us in the 1990s; at least we're approaching 2015. "The Clintons r such professor hogs!!" one son posted on our family What's Up, (as if the Clintons care...) I also appreciate all my little indulgences: jogging through Jerusalem; Bashar's low-fat goat cheeses; my Aroma Light Ice-Caffe fixes; my wife's chocolate chip cookies. Last week, while reveling in my cocoon, the love that sustains me, the inanities that distract me, the intellectual freedom that fuels me, the outside world intruded. I attended a moving memorial service for my friend Anne Heyman, who died tragically last year at the too-young-age of 52. Her life combined grand, heroic acts of philanthropy including founding Rwanda's Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village, with intimate acts of love and friendship. Celebrating her made me appreciate my good health, my family's well-being, and the inspiration I draw from my amazing friends. So many of them show in so many ways that, as Anne taught, "one person with a good idea can really change the world." The funeral of Adele Feit, an 87-year-old New Yorker-turned-Tel Avivi, who died peacefully after her morning coffee and a call to a college friend of 70 years, emphasized our debts to our parents' ordinary heroism: despite the travails they endured, their well-lived lives and all the good they created in North America and the Middle East, that we now enjoy. On a different note, the ugly charges made against Alan Dershowitz, an intellectual leader whom I have only met once in person but have applauded, occasionally criticized, and frequently learned from in print for decades, highlighted how easy it is to trash someone's reputation in the Internet Age. Anti-Israel forces have gleefully publicized the allegations, with no evidence beyond their hatred for his pro-Israel advocacy. Respecting the Western principle that everyone is presumed innocent unless proven guilty, knowing mutual friends who vouch for him, and considering the Jewish tradition of "hakarat hatov," acknowledging the good, now seems an opportune time simply to mount a hashtag campaign, tweeting #ThanksDersh to acknowledge his brave support for Israel. By Wednesday, fury at the evil menacing Paris ruined my Thanksgiving-in-January. Even as France and much of the world claimed to be saying "Non" to terror, my frustration rose as I heard "maybe" or "it depends," not "no." "Non" does not mean no when opinion leaders refuse to criticize Islamism clearly; when they fail to fight censorship boldly by reproducing Charlie Hebdo's controversial cartoons; and when they don't repudiate terrorism regardless of the justification. "Non" starts to mean "maybe" when apologists harp on "Islamophobia" or poverty or marginalization as excuses for the inexcusable, just as Palestinians have facilitated Islamist terrorism by rationalizing their targeting of babies, commuters, and coffee-drinkers with tales of woe. Millions of people have protested many injustices – real or imagined – for centuries without resorting to terrorist violence. Targeting innocents systematically is not some romantic "weapon of the weak"; it is a wicked weapon, regardless of the cause. And "non" starts to sound like "it depends," when Mahmoud Abbas, whose Palestinian national movement has done so much to normalize terrorism, and to mainstream the anti-Western, anti-democratic and anti-Semitic hatreds that fueled last week's violence, marches "against terror" in Paris even though he honors terrorists as "martyrs" at home. Inviting him was as delusional as pretending that Islam has nothing to do with Islamism. While fighting Islamism boldly, directly, honestly, we should honor the memory of Ahmed Merabet, the Parisian policeman gunned down outside the Charlie Hebdo offices. The cold-blooded murder of this Muslim by fellow Muslims demonstrates that Islamism menaces Islam; Islamists show no more respect for rival mosques or co-religionists than they do for synagogues or Jews. And we should acknowledge the heroism of Yohan Cohen, the hostage who died trying to seize the gun from the Hyper-Cachere terrorist. Cohen's murder symbolizes the many acts of bravery last week amid the carnage, including the daily courage of security forces and first-responders, in France and elsewhere, who fight terrorism and other scourges, protecting us 24/7. This topsy-turvy week reinforced an essential lesson. The terrorists seek to disrupt us. Therefore, living a good life, sticking to routines, charting our own paths, repudiates them. They can ruin individual lives but our collective determination to keep living normally means they will never triumph. They are the ones forced to hide in the shadows. We are the ones who live in the daylight, sustained by love, nurtured by freedom, fulfilling democratic visions.And it is that poetry of everyday life, I – and we all – should so happily acknowledge, especially now. Contact Midenise at |
LIES, DAMN LIES, PALESTINIAN PROMISES AND ABBASPosted by Truth Provider, January 14, 2015 |
The ultimate test of this agreement will be a test of blood. If it becomes clear that [the Palestinians] cannot overcome terror, this will be a temporary accord and... we will have no choice but to abrogate it. And if there is no choice, the IDF will return to the places it is about to leave in the upcoming months.
"Unless there is a far-reaching enhancement in the intellectual
fare offered the voter, the grim choice confronting him/her will
once again be between a delusional Left and an incompetent Right."
"The fact that the Right has not been able to marshal the
intellectual depth, ideological vigor and political acumen to
dispatch this demonstrably delusional doctrine to the garbage heap
of history, with all the scorn and ridicule it so richly deserves,
is as incomprehensible as it is inexcusable."
The phrases above are in descending order. And Abbas flying to Paris to march against terror is just another instance of takiyyah. The article below was written by Victor Sharpe who is a prolific freelance writer with many published articles in leading national and international conservative websites and magazines. Born and educated in England, he has been a broadcaster and has authored several books including a collection of short stories under the title The Blue Hour. His three-volume set of in-depth studies on the threats from resurgent Islam to Israel, the West and to Judeo-Christian civilization is titled, Politicide: The Attempted Murder of the Jewish State. |
There is an old saying that, "promises, like pie crust, are meant to be broken." This may be somewhat cynical but when it refers to the promises made to Israel by the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians, it is utterly apt. Never in the history of international diplomacy has so much dissimilitude been perpetrated for so long by one side - the PLO and it's grotesque offspring, the so-called Palestinian Authority. It's congenital untruthfulness and corresponding Israeli gullibility has resulted in disastrous and horrendous consequences for the embattled State of Israel. The Arab League created the PLO in 1964 - three years before the so-called "occupation" - and as an instrument to destroy the Jewish state. It soon came under the infernal leadership of Yasser Arafat. The same Egyptian born, Yasser Arafat, had tried to take over Jordan with his horde of terrorists but had been driven out and pushed into Lebanon by King Hussein in September, 1970. It was a bloodbath that resulted in the Jordanian Arab Legion killing thousands of PLO gunmen. Arafat's surviving PLO thugs then turned Lebanon, that once Christian nation, into a living hell with Christians massacred. Arafat's terror gangs were in turn eventually thrown out of Lebanon many years later by the Israel Defense Force (IDF). The PLO had made life in northern Israel intolerable due to their murderous infiltrations across the Lebanese-Israel border with the cold blooded killing of Israeli children. Remember, Ma'alot, Avivim, Kiryat Sh'mona? Regrettably, Arafat slipped through Israel's hands in Beirut and was allowed to escape with many of his thugs to Tunis, helped by the U.S. If he had been left to rot in Tunis, many, many lives would have been saved in subsequent years, but the deluded Israeli Left later invited Yasser Arafat to leave his well-deserved exile in Tunis and rebuild his terror regime, corrupt dictatorship and kleptocracy again; this time in the very heart of biblical and ancestral Jewish Judea and Samaria (the so-called 'West Bank'). The leftwing Rabin government even gave weapons to Arafat's growing army believing that it would accord with the Oslo Peace Agreement whereby security would be maintained by Arafat's goons. But, as anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knew, the weapons were instead soon used against Israeli civilians. These acts of towering and monumental stupidity by the Left led Israel down a road map to near self-destruction. Dr. Martin Sherman has tirelessly exposed the insanity and inanity of the Israeli Left while at the same time lamenting the inadequacy and incompetence of the Israeli Right. For instance, Dr. Sherman refers to the words of the leftist, Yossi Beilin, who is arguably the baleful architect of the catastrophic Oslo Agreement. Beilin wrote in the Israeli newspaper, Maariv, the following delusional screed about what would be done if the Palestinians continued their terrorism in defiance of the so-called Oslo Peace Accords: The ultimate test of this agreement will be a test of blood. If it becomes clear that [the Palestinians] cannot overcome terror, this will be a temporary accord and... we will have no choice but to abrogate it. And if there is no choice, the IDF will return to the places it is about to leave in the upcoming months.
Well, it never was intended to become a temporary accord by those pushing for its implementation and Israel was subsequently pressured by the U.S. not to return to the places it had so foolishly vacated - certainly not when the Clinton Administration invested so much into an agreement. After all, Clinton recognized the terrorist PLO and required Israel to begin undertaking the unthinkable - the abandonment of ancestral, biblical and strategic Jewish land to the arch-terrorist, Yasser Arafat. The die was cast on that fateful day when a somber Yitzhak Rabin shook hands with a grinning Arafat on the White House lawn. And what was promised to Rabin by the liar in chief, Arafat, was an amendment to the Palestinian Covenant that calls for Israel's destruction. It, of course, never happened. But what did happen was what we now call the Oslo War. In fact Arafat flew to South Africa immediately afterwards where, in a Durban mosque, he reassured his Muslim audience - in Arabic - that he would never make peace with the Jews. In 1994, Israel - the only party that has ever carried out its part of this Faustian bargain - transferred control of Gaza and Jericho to Arafat under yet another accord; this one called the Cairo Accord. Again, Arafat promised to increase his efforts to combat Palestinian terror attacks. His promise was made with a forked tongue and more Jews perished at the hands of Palestinian gunmen. But still the naive and deluded Israeli leaders persisted in carrying out the letter of the agreements they, oh, so foolishly signed. In 1995 the Jewish state transferred control of six cities in Judea and Samaria (the so-called 'West Bank') to Arafat as fulfillment of the Oslo-2 Accord. Again, Arafat promised to crack down on Palestinian terror against Israelis. It was all lies for with such creatures as Arafat, talk is cheap. Muslims are taught to lie to "infidels" in pursuit of Islamic aims. It is enshrined in the Koran and is called Takiyyah. So while Jewish corpses piled up, Israel yet again made even more concessions to the growing cancer of Arafat's Arab entity plaguing Judea and Samaria and all parts of Israel. And all the while the Israelis alone were urged to take, "risks for peace." Such risks with an implacable Muslim enemy mean ultimate national suicide. In January, 1997 Prime Minister Netanyahu gave away control of most of Hevron - one of the four Jewish holy cities - to what was now called the Palestinian Authority. And again, from Arafat's mouth spewed the bogus promise of combatting Palestinian Arab terror against the Jewish state. Can there be any understanding of why so many Israeli leaders and politicians continue to put their trust in the cynically duplicitous promises of the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians or in the arguably less than friendly Obama Administration and State Department? Even after all the dread experience of putting trust in the deceitful words of the PA, the Israeli leader, Ariel Sharon, in 2005 horribly expelled 10,000 Jewish souls from their villages and farms in Gaza. In return we all know the result: wars, terror, misery and nearly 12,000 missiles aimed at Israeli civilians to date. The so-called Palestinians - now under the leadership of Arafat's lieutenant, the financier of the Munich Massacre and a Holocaust denier, Mahmoud Abbas - will never carry out any commitments made to Israel. Abbas' trip to France to march against terror is just another example of Islamic Takiyyah. As I have written so many times before, where the Muslim foot has trod triumphal in the name of Allah, that land is forever in the Dar al-Islam (theHouse of Islam). If it is lost to the "infidel" then it enters the Dar al-Harb (the House of War) and it is incumbent upon every Muslim to wage eternal war until it is recovered. Thus, the Palestinian Authority, which is overwhelmingly Muslim, will never make peace with the Jewish state: Period. That being the case, any Israeli who still believes that there ever will be peace with the Palestinian Authority or - heaven forbid - with a state called Palestine, (one that has never existed as a sovereign state in all of recordedhistory) is terminally deluded and must never, ever be allowed to govern Israel or make any concession to any Muslim entity. Alas, we can expect the Livnis and the Herzogs and all their benighted leftwing followers to continue the "land for peace" lunacy that has brought Israel to the present tragic plight. With another election now due in March, the question remains: Will the result be another lost opportunity, another suicidal compromise, that brings yet another rudderless Israeli ship of state? Long overdue is for the Israeli Right to once and for all hammer away relentlessly to the Israeli public that the infamous euphemisms for Israel's destruction and death, namely "land for peace" and the "two state solution" must now be replaced with the only word that matters for Israel's survival: Sovereignty. The Jewish homeland must extend in every last centimeter from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. It is not enough to annex just Area C. The Right must end its absurd preoccupation with arguing why the Left is wrong and instead begin articulating why the indigenous people, the native people, the Jews, must not allow alien Arab enemies to lay claim to any part of its patrimony and God given Covenanted land. Oh, how the world will howl. But let it. Only then may the Right not only win elections but no longer see the electorate's trust in them betrayed by subsequent tragic concessions to the Left. The Right must transform Israel into a nation that, though still hated by a morally compromised world, nevertheless will be a strong Torah based nation feared and respected by its enemies. Martin Sherman is absolutely correct when he points to the utterly depressing reality in Israeli politics, namely the inability of the Right to finally defang the corrosive leftwing doctrine of appeasement and capitulation that always rears its ugly head. As he so cogently states in his most recent article published on January 1, 2015 titled: Delusional, destructive Left, incompetent, impotent Right: "The fact that the Right has not been able to marshal the intellectual depth, ideological vigor and political acumen to dispatch this demonstrably delusional doctrine to the garbage heap of history, with all the scorn and ridicule it so richly deserves, is as incomprehensible as it is inexcusable." And with an election coming soon, he ends with the following prescient words: "Unless there is a far-reaching enhancement in the intellectual fare offered the voter, the grim choice confronting him/her will once again be between a delusional Left and an incompetent Right." Contact Truth Provider at |
The article below was written by The Editors of
Commentary on February 01, 2015 and is archived at
The new era of deadly anti-Semitism in France began with the January 2006 murder of 23-year-old Ilan Halimi. Shortly after a Shabbat meal with his mother, Halimi was lured to a Paris slum, where he was ambushed by a gang. They held him captive for 24 days, during which time he was beaten, stabbed, burned with acid, mutilated, lit on fire, and tortured to death. Halimi's murderers were African and North African Muslim immigrants with ties to Islamic extremists. They called themselves the Gang of Barbarians. And they chose Halimi because he was a Jew. France's 5 million Muslims account for 10 to 12 percent of the country's total population. It is the largest Muslim population in Europe; it is also the most problematic. Several factors contribute to this reality. The first is radical Islam. Since the late-20th century, a Saudi-funded, anti-Semitic strain of Islamist radicalism has spread to all corners of the Muslim world. Many of France's recent Muslim immigrants from North Africa have brought their Islamist and jihadist sympathies to Europe. Indeed, a 2013 poll found that a startling 27 percent of French Muslims younger than 24 support ISIS. Second, nationalism is a foundational aspect of French life. Old nationalist allegiances have made it hard for well-meaning Muslim immigrants to integrate into society, as they have no direct ties to Metropolitan France. They live largely among themselves in banlieues, whose customs and norms closely resemble those of the inhabitants' countries of origin—not those of their new home. The doctrine of multiculturalism, the idee fixe of postwar Europe, has a strange relationship with French nationalism: Though it would seem nationalism's ideological opposite, multiculturalism offers rosy-cheeked cover to France's deep unwillingness to allow anyone without centuries-old roots to become "French." Nominally, according to the postmodern ideal of multiculturalism, no one culture is more virtuous than another. And so the anti-Western, anti-Semitic Islamism practiced by France's most dangerous citizens is not to be vilified, but rather understood and, ultimately, tolerated. As a matter of daily reality, however, multiculturalism allows the French to keep the Muslims separate—and unequal. And it allows some in France to entertain the belief that Jews, too, can never be French. France is also home to Europe's largest Jewish population. For decades after World War II, French Jewry thrived both as a vibrant community of co-religionists and as integral members of French society. While European anti-Semitism was far from extinguished, France seemed a living example of successful Jewish life in Europe after the Holocaust. Today, the Jewish population of France stands at approximately 478,000—the world's second-largest population of Diaspora Jews (after America's). But France's Jews are outnumbered by its Muslims 10 to 1. The unspeakable murder of Halimi in 2006 heralded a sharp turn back to Europe’s most notorious hatred, at the hands of its newest population. There have been thousands—thousands—of attacks on French Jews and Jewish sites in the years since Halimi was killed. These range from muggings to firebombings to the desecration of Jewish graves to murder. In March 2012, Mohammed Merah, a radicalized French citizen of Algerian descent, shot and killed Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, his two children, and another child at the Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse. The shooting led to further attacks. In retrospect, one of the more chilling incidents occurred in August 2012, when a French Islamist threw a grenade into a Kosher market in Sarcelles. Muslim attacks on French Jews increased more significantly still in the summer of 2014, during and after Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza. On July 13, dozens of North African immigrants stormed Paris's Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue, chanting "Allahu Akbar" and “Death to the Jews." The mob, wielding knives, clubs, and axes, tried for hours to get through the barricaded door to some 200 congregants on the other side. Police and representatives of France's Jewish Community Protection Service eventually dispersed the attackers. In July and August, there were a total of eight attempts to destroy or burn various synagogues in Paris. And in Sarcelles, mobs set fire to Jewish-owned business. All told, anti-Semitic incidents in France shot up an estimated 90 percent in 2014. From the Halimi murder to the attacks in January, the official French response has been one of sympathy for the victim and denial of the nature of the victimizer. On the afternoon of January 9, at the close of a week in which gunmen who claimed to be avenging the prophet Muhammad killed 17 French citizens, President Francois Hollande stood in front of television cameras and announced that the terrorists had "nothing to do with the Muslim religion." The ineffectual response of Hollande and his predecessors to the Muslim problem in their midst has sent many French into the arms of the National Front (FN). This far-right party, founded in 1972 and led today by Marine Le Pen, scored its biggest victory ever in municipal elections in March 2014. Le Pen is an outspoken opponent of Muslim immigration, but the FN is ultra-nationalist in every respect, and neither the party nor its supporters can be considered friends of the Jews. Far from it. Le Pen, daughter of FN founder and unabashed anti-Semite Jean-Marie Le Pen, supports a ban on the wearing of yarmulkes in public. And like many extremists before her, she has sought to make common cause with anti-Semitic figures from opposing parties. Thus the tentative rise of the French far right poses its own potential threat to France's Jews. This was exemplified on January 16, 2014, when 17,000 French nationalists gathered in central Paris for a "Day of Anger" and chanted, "Jews, get out of France," "Jew, Jew, France does not belong to you," and "The gas chambers were a bluff." Working-class French are increasingly drawn to both the far right and far left, both of which have a propensity to lay blame on the Jew. The battle lines are drawn. The French elite may occasionally condemn anti-Semitism, as did Hollande after the attack on the kosher market. And on January 11, Hollande, arm-in-arm with world leaders including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, led more than a million people in a march supporting the victims of the January attacks and condemning hate. But there are no substantive signs that France's leaders are prepared to stop the radical Islamists who have declared war on French Jewry. Meanwhile, members of the French working class are coming to see the Jews more and more as a hindrance to their own economic well-being. And Europe's steady turn against Israel has sharpened anti-Semitism of all stripes. Caught between the deadly reality of radical Islam and the potential manifestation of a neo-fascist revival, what are French Jews to do? For ever greater numbers, the answer lies in Israel. Last year, a record-high 7,000 French Jews immigrated to the Jewish state—more than double the year before. The Jewish Agency, which oversees immigration of Jews to Israel, now estimates that some 15,000 French Jews will make aliyah in 2015. Jews should have the right to choose to stay in France or anywhere else on the planet Earth they wish to live, from the center of Hebron to the top of Mount Everest. But the issue is not right but reality. Jews in France—and, given certain trends, elsewhere in Europe, from Great Britain to Scandinavia—have to consider their literal survival. II.
Jews should "not delude ourselves," Herzl wrote in his diary. The cause "is a lost one." The cause of which he spoke was the effort to secure equal rights to life and liberty for Jews as a minority population living among non-Jews. For Herzl, the Dreyfus case marked the conclusion to years of rumination about the existential condition of his people. In the wake of the Dreyfus conviction, Elon wrote, Herzl "finally made up his mind to lead a worldwide action on behalf of the Jews." Eighteen months later, Herzl published The Jewish State. This pamphlet, which changed the world in 23,000 words, is startling even today, not because of the power of its rhetoric but because of its unprecedented practicality. It does not advance uniquely powerful or memorably polemical arguments against anti-Semitism: "I do not wish to take up the cudgels for the Jews in this pamphlet," Herzl wrote. "It would be useless. Everything rational and everything sentimental that can possibly be said in their defense has been said already. If one's hearers are incapable of comprehending them, one is a preacher in a desert. And if one's hearers are broad and high-minded enough to have grasped them already, then the sermon is superfluous." The Jewish State is not a sermon. It is a blueprint. It was revolutionary because Herzl argued there was nothing to be done to "cure" anti-Semitism when Jews lived among non-Jews. It was a by-product of that coexistence. His answer was a step-by-step program for what Jews needed to do as a practical matter to continue to exist—what organizations they needed to establish, what tactics and techniques they needed to employ to secure the aim that was stated very plainly in his title. III.
Although he is now considered the founding father of the ideological right in Israel, the revisionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky was dedicated to a pragmatic, not a religious or historic, need for a Jewish national home in Palestine. He called it "humanitarian Zionism." As the anti-Jewish storm clouds over Europe gathered strength once again, Jabotinsky aimed for a simple goal: the rescue of as many Jews as possible. Jabotinsky, the most literate and literary of the early Zionist leaders, grew to disdain the arguments about what a "good" Israel ought to look like—thus, he dismissively called the project of other Zionist leaders an "amusement park for Hebrew culture." What Israel needed was not to become but to be. Jabotinsky died in 1940, before he could know the full measure of how desperately his humanitarian Zionism had been required. The Holocaust did not create the need for a Jewish state. It proved the need. "Who is willing and capable of guaranteeing that what happened to us in Europe will not recur?" David Ben-Gurion asked a UN commission in 1947. "There is only one security guarantee: a homeland and a state." The pervasiveness of anti-Semitism throughout the world continued proving the need after the state of Israel became a reality. Arab countries either expelled their Jews or made it impossible for them to survive without leaving. This resulted in an immediate refugee crisis: 850,000 Jews fled the Arab world in the years following Israel's independence. Nearly 600,000 settled in Israel. The Jewish state's absorption of those refugees was unprecedented; the immigrants nearly doubled Israel’s nascent population. Such a thing was only possible because of practical Zionism—the organizations and the banks and the bureaucratic systems originally envisioned in The Jewish State. The Jewish Agency was formally established in 1929 with immigrant absorption as one of its main areas of concentration. It took its name from Article Four of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine: “an appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the administration of Palestine in such economic, social, and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish National Home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine." Although the Jewish Agency had other functions, aiding aliyah was the reason it was kept intact after the founding. Ben-Gurion had wanted it to go out of existence but was overruled. The Israeli historian Anita Shapira explains why: Many in the Israeli leadership…recognized that the Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency (which had shared personnel) were experienced in organizing immigration and absorbing and settling immigrants. They therefore supported the organization's continued existence despite Ben-Gurion’s opposition. Keeping these organizations intact was again a practical decision, owing in part to Ben-Gurion's own demands. Early on, there were calls to slow the tide of immigration from lands east of Palestine or to impose requirements on prospective immigrants' health or ability to work. Ben-Gurion would have none of it. "We must bring the Jews of Iraq and all the other dispersions that are prepared or have to immigrate," he said, "as soon as possible—without considerations of property and absorption possibilities." And so they were brought. Not without immense difficulties, and not without creating social tensions that exist inside the Jewish state to this day. But there they are. They are still there. As are their children. And their grandchildren. And their great-grandchildren. The influx from Arab lands was not the only astounding wave of immigration. Soviet Jews, desperate for relief from institutionalized totalitarian hatred in the 1970s, found a crucial ally in U.S. Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson and Representative Charles Vanik, who successfully moved legislation restricting U.S. trade with countries, such as the Soviet Union, that did not permit oppressed minorities to emigrate. Jews began, slowly, to find their way to the other side of the Iron Curtain. The trickle became a flood with the Gorbachev government's liberalization and finally the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Today, there are 1.2 million Jews from the former Soviet Union in Israel, the third-largest Russian-speaking Diaspora after the United States and Germany. The Jewish Agency is now led by Natan Sharansky, who spent nine years in the Gulag for the crime of wanting to live as a Jew. And it is the Jewish Agency that will be there to aid the Jews of Europe over the coming years. IV.
And yet, to some of Israel's professed supporters, this is controversial. The classic opposition to Zionism outside the Jewish community has always been that the need for an Israel was and is not pressing, or that competing practicalities outweighed the need. Within the Jewish community, the most potent opposition to Zionism has had a religious source—in the belief among some in the ultra-Orthodox community that a state preceding the arrival of the Messiah is an idolatrous offense against God. The religious objection to practical Zionism, in other words, lies in its practical success. Today, within the Jewish community, anti-Zionist Jews do not pose much of a challenge. Now the real challenge comes from within Zionism itself—with the way practical Zionism has disappointed some Jews. These are people who have replaced practical Zionism with what might be called “conditional Zionism.” For the conditional Zionists, Israel was once the port of call for Jews adrift. Now, they say, the storm is over and the threat to Jewry comes more from what they see as the calamity that the storm has wreaked on the port. In his 2012 book The Crisis of Zionism, Peter Beinart insists he sleeps better at night "knowing that the world contains a Jewish state." His very next words, however, might count as a succinct motto of the conditional Zionists: "But not any Jewish state." If Israel does not behave as the conditional Zionists wish it to behave, if it does not enact policies the conditional Zionists wish it to enact, if it does not confront its own external challenges in a manner that salves the consciences of the conditional Zionists, then it is not deserving of their support. And what is the alternative to Zionism for them? In a darkly ironic passage in the book, Beinart points to Europe: "The vast majority of European Jews now live in democracies that ensure religious liberty." The Jews of France, warned not to wear yarmulkes or Stars of David or even, at times, go to synagogue, might disagree. The conditional Zionists have a way of mistaking a lull in the waves for a permanent low tide. Consider this sentence Beinart wrote only three years ago: "For the most part, young American Jews don't experience their campuses as hostile or anti-Semitic." In fact, crude anti-Zionism is ruthlessly enforced both among the faculty and the student body across American higher education. In their own words and actions, conditional Zionists implicitly acknowledge that the end of the need for practical Zionism is a necessary prerequisite for their own brand of Zionism—one in which left-leaning American Jews can use the State of Israel as their moral playground, the successor to Jabotinsky's "amusement park for Hebrew culture." While the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza was used as a pretext for the kind of popular violent anti-Semitic expression in Europe that the conditional Zionists had assured us was a thing of the past, in the United States the liberal Zionists were agonizing over the supposed irreconcilability of their progressive values with Israel's method of self-defense. "Israel Is Making It Hard to Be Pro-Israel," complained the headline of a New York magazine post by Jonathan Chait. He flubbed the facts of the conflict—"The operation in Gaza is not Netanyahu's strategy in excess; it is Netanyahu's strategy in its entirety," he writes, preposterously—but he was actually quite honest about his own brand of Zionism. He explains that his long-running definition of what it means to be pro-Israel includes "two possible qualifications: a sympathy for the country's history vis-a-vis its critics, or an ongoing support for its political stance in relation to its international foes." This is conditional Zionism, heavy on the "conditional." So what happens to the conditional Zionists' arguments when anti-Semitism reasserts itself with a vengeance? The answer comes from the academic Alan Wolfe. His latest book, At Home in Exile, purports to explain "why Diaspora is good for the Jews." Wolfe accepts, to some degree, the premise of practical Zionism. But then he caricatures it, asserting that the credibility of the Zionist project, at least as its most dedicated adherents see it, depends on the complete collapse of Diaspora life: Intentionally or not, a focus on diasporic success undermines that unity, for if Jews can flourish outside the Jewish state, the fundamental rationale for that state's existence is inevitably brought into question. Zionists did not build a home for some Jews so that others could treat it as a place to go on vacation. According to Wolfe, then, the Zionists' response is threat inflation in the service of particularism at the expense of universalism. Wolfe says Jews don’t appreciate, or don't permit themselves to appreciate, their good fortune. "Far from representing an appeal for the rights of powerless minorities to live in dignity," Wolfe writes, "repeated accusations of anti-Semitism under such conditions all too often lose their innocence." V.
"Home is the place where, when you have to go there,/They have to take you in," wrote Robert Frost. For every French Jew at risk, for every Jew everywhere at risk, and for every Jew who chooses, Israel is home. Its existence before the Holocaust would have saved millions. Its existence after the Holocaust saved and created millions. Seventy years after the Holocaust, Jews in Europe are in need of it again. Alas, the promise Herzl offered at the conclusion of The Jewish State was dreadfully naive: "The Jews, once settled in their own State, would probably have no more enemies," he wrote. In two months, Jews will gather for the Passover seder and sing: "In every generation they rise up against us to destroy us." Anti-Semitism is a disease for which there is likely no cure. The existential necessity of Zionism after Paris is not only a fact. It is a charge for the future. Contact GWY123 at |
THE SAUDI ROLE IN SEPT. 11 AND THE HIDDEN 9/11 REPORT PAGESPosted by Ted Belman, January 14, 2015 |
The article below was written by Jeff Stein who is a
columnist and at Newsweek. Previously, he was the
SpyTalk columnist and National Security Editor for
Congressional Quarterlys website, CQ Politics. This article
appeared January 07, 2015 on Newsweek and is archived at
![]() Since the early days after the Sept. 11 attacks, when news emerged that most of the airline hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, dark allegations have lingered about official Saudi ties to the terrorists. Fueling the suspicions: 28 still-classified pages in a congressional inquiry on 9/11 that raise questions about Saudi financial support to the hijackers in the United States prior to the attacks. Both the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama have refused to declassify the pages on grounds of national security. But critics, including members of Congress who have read the pages in the tightly guarded, underground room in the Capitol where they are held, say national security has nothing to do with it. U.S. officials, they charge, are trying to hide the double game that Saudi Arabia has long played with Washington, as both a close ally and petri dish for the world's most toxic brand of Islamic extremism. One of the most prominent critics is former Florida Senator Bob Graham, a Democrat who co-chaired the joint investigation of the House and Senate intelligence committees into the Sept. 11 attacks. On Wednesday, in a press conference with two current members of Congress and representatives of families who lost loved ones in the attacks, he will once again urge the Obama administration to declassify the pages—a move the White House has previously rebuffed. "There are a lot of rocks out there that have been purposefully tamped down, that if were they turned over, would give us a more expansive view of the Saudi role" in assisting the 9/11 hijackers, Graham said in an interview. He maintains that nothing in them qualifies as a legitimate national security secret. Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican who has also read the pages, agrees. "There is no reason the 28 pages have not been made public," Jones told Newsweek. "It's not a national security issue." Parts of it, however, Jones said, will be "somewhat embarrassing for the Bush administration," because of "certain relationships with the Saudis." In July, the two co-chairman of a separate inquiry, commonly known as the 9/11 Commission, likewise urged the White House to declassify the 28 pages. "I'm embarrassed that they're not declassified," former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind) said at a press conference with his co-chair Tom Kean, the former Republican governor of New Jersey. "I assumed all along that our records would be public—all of them, everything. And when I learned that a number of documents were classified or were even redacted, I was surprised and disappointed. I am embarrassed to be associated with a work product that is secret." Referring to widely reported connections between Saudis and two future hijackers in Southern California, Kean added, "We did research on that particular episode in San Diego with Saudi Arabia and believe if you read the 9/11 report you'll find you want to find about that particular section. There is no reason to classify it anymore." Their live-streamed press conference at the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, D.C. received considerable attention. But Hamilton told Newsweek that he did not favor declassification of the 28 pages from the congressional investigation, just his own 9/11 Commission report. "I do not favor the declassification" of the the congressional probe's pages, he said in a telephone interview. He added that he had "never read" that section of the other probe and "I don't know what's in it...No one ever came to me and said you ought to read these pages." (He later amended that to say, "I can't say I've never read them; I have no recollection of having read them.") He evinced no interest in reading them now. "I haven't asked. I don't think I would," he said. "It depends on the terms of classification." Kean could not be reached for clarification of his own remarks. A confidante of both men, who asked for anonymity, said that confusion over their comments arose from "the somewhat confusing" manner the question was raised about the 28 pages in the press conference. According to Graham, a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Saudi officials "knew that people who had a mission for Osama bin Laden were in, or would soon be placed in, the United States. Whether they knew what their assignments were takes the inference too far." The 2002 joint congressional committee probe he co-chaired reported only that, "contacts in the United States helped hijackers find housing, open bank accounts, obtain drivers licenses, locate flight schools, and facilitate transactions." But in an interview with Newsweek, Graham said "the contacts" were Saudis with close connections to their government. "I think that in a very tightly controlled institution like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, activities that would be potentially negative to its relationship with its closest ally, the United States, would not have been made at any but the highest levels," he said. The Florida Democrat charged that there has been "an organized effort to suppress information" about Saudi support for terrorism, which "started long before 9/11 and continued to the period immediately after 9/11" and continues today. "I don't think that anyone in any agency, whether it was the CIA or FBI or others, made the decision to do this," Graham added, referring to the decision to classify the pages. "I think it was a decision made at the White House and the executive agencies that were responsible to the White House were told to keep this under rocks." The Obama administration has also kept the 28 pages under lock and key. President Obama ignored an April 14 letter from Jones and Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Ma), requesting that the documents be declassified. Two months later, they received a response from the director of national intelligence's legislative liaison promising "a coordinated response on behalf of the President," which never came. A White House spokesperson told Newsweek on Monday it would have no further comment. Likewise, Philip D. Zelikow, who was executive director of the 9/11 Commission, and has read the pages, thinks they should remains secret. Now a professor of history at the University of Virginia, Zelikow compared the 28 pages to grand jury testimony and raw police interviews—full of unproven facts, rumors and innuendo. If the government did decide to make them public, he said, "hundreds, if not thousands" of additional pages of interviews would also likely need to be declassified. In any event, he maintains, the Saudi connections were "a red herring." The roles of three Yemenis in the U.S. who supported the future hijackers, he said, is the real untold story of the attacks. "The more interesting story is where they"—the hijackers—"decided to settle here, and why," said Zelikow, whom Obama appointed to the President's Intelligence Advisory Board in 2011. On their part, the Saudis have also publicly called for the pages to be declassified. “Saudi Arabia has nothing to hide," Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi ambassador to the U.S., has said. "We can deal with questions in public, but we cannot respond to blank pages." With only 21 co-sponsors, the congressional resolution Jones and Lynch plan to introduce is not going anywhere. Meanwhile, Washington and the Saudi royals still maintain their decades-long, cozy relationship. This week Prince Khaled bin Bandar, chief of Saudi intelligence, arrived in Washington for "discussions on joint efforts to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)," according to the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations. Which is all the more reason why Graham persists in his efforts, however unlikely they may be to come to fruition. "Saudi Arabia," he said, “has not stopped its interest in spreading extreme Wahhabism." And there's a direct line, he maintained, running from the fostering of that ideology to the creation of the Islamic State. " a product of Saudi ideals, Saudi money and Saudi organizational support, although now they are making a pretense of being very anti-ISIS," Graham added. "That's like the parent turning on the wayward or out-of-control child." Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer and editor of the website, an activist pro-Israel website. He now lives in Jerusalem. Contact him at |
"RECURRING NIGHTMARE"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 14, 2015 |
How many times do we have to witness the funerals of innocent Jews cut down in their prime by terrorists? Sadly, a rhetorical question. We’ve already witnessed it too many times. And we know with a reasonable certainty that we are going to witness this yet again. ~~~~~~~~~~ Yesterday, the four Jews who had been killed last Friday in the kosher market in Paris – Yoav Hattab, Yohan Cohen, Philippe Braham, and Francois-Michel Saada - were brought to Israel for burial. All of Tunisian heritage, they were brought first to B’nai Brak, to the Kisse Rahamim Yeshiva, which is headed by Rabbi Meir Mazuz – spiritual head of the Tunisian community in Israel. MK Eli Yishai, also of Tunisian heritage, was among those who spoke. Referring to the fear people in Israel felt last Friday, before they knew the ultimate fate of the four, he observed (emphasis added): "This is what it is to be Jewish, one nation, one blood, one fate...The pain is enormous...but the souls of the martyrs are so high...they merit to be interred in the Land of Israel, for which our ancestors yearned for thousands of years. "Pray to our Father in Heaven, who will say, 'enough' to our suffering." ~~~~~~~~~~ The bodies were then brought for interment in the Har Hamenuhot cemetery in Jerusalem. During the services, each was wrapped in a blue and white tallit, and positioned next to a burning torch. Thousands attended the funeral. "This is not how we wanted you to come home, to the State of Israel," lamented President Ruby Rivlin. "We wanted you alive, we wanted for you, life." Here, among the mourners, a relative of Yoav Hattab: ![]() I want to circle back now, to a closer look at the events in Paris that occurred this past Sunday and Monday, and to some of the responses to those events: There has been a great deal written about the fact that France was not eager to have Netanyahu present at the march. Although details vary, the essential events seem to be clear. Netanyahu had not intended to come, but, on learning that Lieberman and Bennett would be there, changed his mind. Descriptions of precisely how disgruntled French President Hollande was on learning of this decision, and how rude the French were to our prime minister, vary with the sources. Some recount deep and genuine rudeness, others claim that Hollande made his peace with the situation and was reasonably courteous. There are stories about intentions to put Netanyahu on a second bus, and not the one with primary world leaders, and of his having to wait outside that first bus before he could enter. What we were able to see was that Netanyahu was placed in the second row, as the march began through the streets of Paris, and that he adroitly moved himself into the first row. He did this by reaching over to introduce himself to Ibrahim Boubakar Keita, the president of Mali, and then remaining at his side. ![]() I would say that the place of Netanyahu – the prime minister of Israel - at the front of the march should have been a given, for the simple reason that the intent, at least in theory, was to show solidarity with victims of terrorism, including four Jews whose lives had been taken precisely because they were Jews. But of course, it was not that simple. It never is. ~~~~~~~~~~ Reportedly, the reluctance of Hollande to have Netanyahu present had to do with not wanting to create a focus on the Israeli-Arab conflict, which would have been a distraction. But what did the French do, when learning that Netanyahu was coming? They invited Abbas, who apparently had intended to stay away. This strongly suggests a desire on the part of the French not to appear "biased" in favor of Israel, which is something else, is it not? That first line of the march, walked by heads of state, was no place for Abbas, no how. Hollande even met with Abbas privately that evening, to ensure that the message was clear. Please remember, France voted in the Security Council for the creation of a Palestinian state just two weeks ago. ~~~~~~~~~~ In several respects, Netanyahu was a thorn in the side of the French. First, because he kept reminding those who were paying attention that terrorism is terrorism, and that it should not be imagined that terrorism in Israel is somehow different or "lesser" (because, so the distorted rationale goes, it is fueled by the "occupation"). That terrorism has to be fought equally wherever it is, and that when that fight is mounted, Israel must be a part of it. Nor is he afraid to name the enemy. And then there is the welcome he extended to French Jews, to come home to Israel. Irks the French who are ever so eager now to show how they will protect "their" Jews. The army has been brought out to protect Jewish institutions. My observation: the million plus in the streets of Paris on Sunday did not exhibit the same degree of solidarity with the murdered cartoonists and the murdered Jews. Most of it was "Je suis Charlie," with considerably fewer signs evident declaring "Je suis Juif." The issue was freedom of speech more than it was freedom from venomous anti-Semitism. ~~~~~~~~~~ It was, it seems to me, enormously important to the Jews of France that the head of the State of Israel came out to stand with them. They are bewildered now. Frightened. Angry. And his presence gave them something positive. After the march, Netanyahu spoke at the Grand Synagogue of Paris. Here you have his very fine speech: The next day, he visited Hyper Cacher, the market where the Jews were shot down. There he said (emphasis added): "A direct line leads between the attacks of extremist Islam around the world to the attack that took place here at a kosher supermarket in the heart of Paris. I expect all of the leaders, with whom we marched in the streets of Paris yesterday, to fight terrorism wherever it is, also when it is directed against Israel and Jews." Yes, I can well imagine how eager the French government was for him to go home. ~~~~~~~~~~ The head of Europol, the European police organization, yesterday said there are as many as 5,000 European jihadis fighting in Syria [and Iraq]. This constitutes a huge security problem for Europe, which he says, suffers a "capability gap" in terms of dealing with the situation. These Muslim radicals with European citizenship, who go to fight with the Islamists, are further radicalized in Syria and Iraq – they are taught terrorist techniques, provided with weapons, and recruited to cause havoc on their return to Europe. Neither France nor the other nations of Europe are likely to get serious about combatting this. They have neither the will nor the procedures in place. Confronting this with seriousness would mean, at a bare minimum, tracking those who have left to join the Islamists, putting legislation in place that blocks their return, and establishing stringent enforcement policies and systems. ~~~~~~~~~~ The French Police have revealed that the guns used in the terror attacks last week came from outside of France. The size of the cachet of weapons that was uncovered suggests an organized network. ~~~~~~~~~~ From the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center we learn that the terrorists who created mayhem in Paris were connected with Al-Qaeda and ISIS. And that France has the largest number of nationals who have gone to fight with them. ~~~~~~~~~~ David Horovitz, editor of Times of Israel, considers the situation in "The death-cult ideology that France prefers not to name" (emphasis added): "...This time, too, [Hollande] pledged unity and vigilance in the battles against racism and anti-Semitism. What he didn't explicitly promise, then or now, however, was to tackle violent Islamic extremism. On Friday, indeed, he asserted in an address to the nation that 'these terrorists and fanatics have nothing to do with the Islamic religion.' "It would be nice to think that they didn't. But it is their perverted interpretation of obligation to that religion that they invoke in carrying out their acts of terror and fanaticism. " Islamist jihad cannot and will not be defeated if it is not honestly acknowledged. The enemies of freedom will not be picked out at border crossings, tracked on the internet, targeted, thwarted and ultimately marginalized if insistent self-defeating political correctness means those enemies are not even named. "Does anybody seriously believe, for instance, that France is about to launch a crackdown on Islamist groupings at its higher-education institutions, or devote serious resources to investigating potential incitement at local mosques? Are France and the rest of Europe about to introduce passenger profiling at EU entry points, in the way that Israel does? Is the EU set to sanction Turkey for facilitating the flow of radicalized European Muslims to and from the Islamic State terror group in Syria and Iraq? "Not terribly likely, is it, when the French president declares that 'these terrorists and fanatics have nothing to do with the Islamic religion'? Not terribly likely, is it, when the French president, reportedly, didn't want his day of dignified identification with the victims of terrorism spoiled by the presence of those, like Netanyahu, who might distract from the solemn harmony and focus furious attention, instead, on the specific cause, that great big elephant stuck in among the masses in central Paris: Islamic extremism? "Three and a half million people took to the street of France on Sunday in a show of solidarity for the latest fatalities of a ruthless ideology. But they couldn't bring themselves to call that death-cult by its name. "Do the last few days of Islamist murder in France constitute a watershed moment for one of the Diaspora's largest communities? The beginning of the end? I rather think so. "A watershed moment in the Western battle against Islamic extremism? I fear not." ~~~~~~~~~~ And let's close with some good news (which we badly need): [] Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin – 109 per 10,000 people – as well as one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed. [] In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the US (3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech). [] Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital funds right behind the US. Contact Arlene Kushner at and visit her website: |
THE CONNECTION BETWEEN ISLAM AND NAZISM: WHAT IS TO BE DONE?Posted by Paul Eidelberg, January 14, 2015 |
Winston Churchill defined Mein Kampf as "the new Koran of faith and war."[1] Consistent therewith, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the notorious former Mufti of Jerusalem, declared, "There is a definite similarity between the principles of Islam and the principles of Nazism." Although Hitler and Muhammad shared an enthusiasm for military adventurism and a hatred of Jews, still, their world views would seem to be diametrically opposed. Let us see. Hitler grounds his Jew-hatred in racism as well as atheism. His Jew-hatred flows from the sewers of nineteenth-century 'race theory.' Its calculated blasphemy, its materialism (despite Hitler's self-described 'idealism'), and most obviously its idolatry of a ‘master race,' ought to offend, and deeply offend, any serious student of the Koran. Islam calls for the conversion of all 'races' to Islam, and it does much more than merely call for such conversion—it conquers for it. Moreover, the insistent legalism of Islam sets strict limits on any would-be tyrant. To be sure, Islam is 'totalistic,' as are most religions. Islam seeks to explain and to regulate all of human life. This suggests that Islam is 'totalitarian.' Various scholars—Bernard Lewis and Daniel Pipes among them—deny this.[2] One may indeed conclude that Islam is not 'totalitarian' in the modern sense, since modern totalitarianism involves the all-encompassing power of the state and the exaltation of its leader. Hence it can be said that might does not make right for the Muslim, as it does for the Nazi, the Communist, or the Fascist. Besides, is it not obvious that for the Muslim God rules, not Hitler or Stalin? It may well be, however, that we are here dealing with half-truths which obscure Islam's linkage to Nazism. What links Islam to Nazism is the ethos of jihad. For both Islam and Nazism war is not merely a means to an end: mere conquest. War for both is a moral imperative: for the Nazi, to purge the world of racial impurity, for the Muslim, to purge the world of religious impurity. Both have or require an enemy: for the Muslim the 'infidel,' for the Nazi the 'Jew,' Accordingly, both Islam and Nazism aim at purifying i.e. conquering the world, and there is no limit to the violence that may be used to achieve that aim. The genocide perpetrated by Muslims against the Armenians preceded the genocide the Nazis perpetrated against the Jews. The Nazis regarded the Jews as a virus infecting mankind, something that had to be exterminated. Although Muslims reject this racism—for a Jew could convert to Islam—Islam's contempt for non-believers has much in common with the Nazi's contempt for non-Aryans, Jews in particular. As in Nazism, Islam has never respected the sanctity of human life; it has always regarded infidels, Jews or Christians, as devoid of human rights—as subhuman. Bat Ye'or has documented fourteen centuries of dhimmitude—the degradation and dehumanization of countless Jews and Christians.[3] Dhimmitude is inherent in the ethos of jihad—the most distinctive principle of Islam. Also inherent in the ethos of jihad, but which has no parallel in Nazism, is the will to martyrdom. The most horrific manifestation of this jihad ethos is the homicide-suicide bomber. Islam may forbid what may be termed 'personal' suicide but not in the ethos of holy war. That Arab parents can exult in their children being sacrificed as human bombs is of course mind-boggling. This pagan-like phenomenon indicates that the sanctity of human life is not a normative Islamic doctrine. Indeed, on page after page of the Koran¸ unbelievers are consigned to Hell—Islam's crematoria. If the will to martyrdom is construed in terms of sacrificing the individual for the sake of the community, then Islam converges with Nazism. While Muslims exalt the umma, the Islamic nation, Nazis exalt the volk, the Aryan race. Lost in both is the dignity of the individual. In Jewish law the individual stands on a par with the community, and such is his infinite worth or dignity that he cannot rightly be sacrificed for the sake of his community. (That Nazism regards Jews as 'selfish' should be understood in this light.) The dignity of the individual has no other rational source than the Torah's conception of man's creation in the image of God. Adam is an individual. It follows, given Islam's subordination of the individual to the collective, that Islam, like Nazism, rejects the God of the Bible! The same God also creates diverse nations, which attests to His infinite creativity. Both Islam and Nazism reject the existence of diverse nations. Both would impose on mankind a stultifying uniformity. The contrast with Judaism could hardly be more striking. Aside from the Seven Noahide Laws of Universal Morality, Judaism insists on differentiation and individuation. One nation should not impose order on others by erasing their salutary national differences. Diversity in unity, reflected in the twelve distinctive tribes of Israel, is a basic Torah principle.[4] Militant nations cannot tolerate much diversity, especially where the militancy is animated by a creed or ideology as in Islam and Nazism. In the case of Islam, its extraordinary military success and global expansion during the first hundred years of its inception was perceived by Muslims as 'proof' of Islam's validity and superiority. Might did indeed make right, in Islamic history. In fact, according to Islamic doctrine, the mere seizure of state power gives religious authority to its leader even if he is not a devout Muslim. The ethos of jihad has an ethics which is quite pragmatic, as one may expect from a militaristic religion. One might go so far as to say that Nazi militarism is jihad secularized—jihad without religious pretensions and obfuscations. Although literary Islam and Nazism have profound differences, these are of little significance to the victims of these militant doctrines. The one reduces human beings to dhimmis, the other to slaves. Militarism in a religious as well as in an atheistic creed means expansionism, murder, and degradation. In Islam, as well as in Christianity, belief in its founder is part of the creed. The Jews have suffered the consequences of rejecting both. Many if not most Christians have forgiven the Jews for their stubborn adherence to Judaism, a religion that does not proselytize and that seeks not external glory but internal perfection. The Jewish rejection of Muhammad always rankled Muslims and aroused their hatred. But with the progress of Zionism, the Balfour Declaration, and especially with the rebirth of Israel, fear began to take hold of Muslim clerics and rulers. So long as Jews were dhimmis, Muslims did not feel threatened theologically or politically. This is no longer the case, which is why Muslim leaders throughout the world have held conferences to confront the 'Jewish and Zionist menace' and have issued papers which could have been written by Nazis. Consider, for example, a 1968 international conference of Arab theologians held at Cairo's Al Azhar University—Islam's most authoritative university. The mufti of Lebanon referred to the Jews as the "dogs of humanity." They do not even constitute a true people or nation. Their evilness has been transmitted throughout their history by means of their cultural inheritance. By their behavior, the Jews have called forth the hatred and persecution of all the peoples with whom they have come into contact. They deserve their fate. As for the State of Israel, it is the culmination of the historical and cultural depravity of the Jews. It must be destroyed, having been established through aggression which is its congenital and immutable nature. This must be achieved by jihad.[5] The participants at this conference make no distinction between Judaism and Zionism. Their virulent statements against Jews and the State of Israel point to nothing less than genocide and politicide. For decades Muslim anti-Semitism, worldwide, has outpaced those of the neo-Nazis; "what was historically a Christian phenomenon"—largely transcended—"is now primarily a Muslim phenomenon."[6] "The mounting scale and sheer extent of this vehemently anti-Semitic literature and commentary in the newspapers, journals, magazines, radio, television, and in the everyday life of the Middle East [is indescribable]..."[7] Not only is Mein Kampf a fast-selling title in the region, but even in Egypt, which has a peace treaty with Israel, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has reappeared on a forty-one part Egyptian television program and in recycled form in Arab print media. And this is actually one of the least toxic of such excrescences. Palestinian Authority TV had this to say about Jews and Judaism: "Their Torah today is just a collection of writings in which those people wrote lies about God, His prophets and His teachings...To their prophets they attribute the greatest crimes: murder, prostitution, and drunkenness. The Jews do not believe in God ..." Meanwhile, in countless mosques Muslims are poisoned by recent Islamic sermons denigrating Jews:[8]
Der Sturmer is tame compared to the anti-Semitic cartoons of the Arab world.[9] Such is their hatred and loathing that Arabs depicts Jews as snakes, dogs, spiders, rats, and locusts. A chilling example of what this zoomorphism signifies may be gleaned from the Syrian celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. In that ceremony, "Syrian militia trainees [male and female] put on a show for Syrian president Hafez Assad. Martial music reached a crescendo as Syrian teenage girls suddenly bit into live snakes [some four or five feet long], repeatedly tearing off flesh and spitting it out as blood ran down their chins. As Assad applauded, the girls then attached the snakes to sticks and grilled them over fire, eating them triumphantly. Others [militiamen] then proceeded to strangle puppies and drink their blood."[10] Bearing also in mind that the Syrians exterminated some 18,000 Sunni residents of the city of Hama in 1982 with cyanide—to speak of Arab Nazis is not to succumb to hyperbole. _____Some scholars may contend that what has here been imputed to Islam should in truth be imputed to "Islamism." They allege that Islamism, as distinct from Islam, twists Koranic teachings to un-Koranic uses. The candid scholar will admit that the Koran lends itself to such twists, and much more clearly so viewed from the Sharia, Islamic law. Robert Westrich lists Koranic verses condemning a variety of vices imputed to certain Jews, including falsehood, distortion, cowardice, greed, corruption of Scripture.[11] But the fact that the Koran condemns these vices does not preclude those influenced by the Koran from attributing such vices to the Jews—the more readily so given the Koran's unrelenting degradation of non-believers. This degradation was canonized by the Umariyah—the legal code of the seventh-century Caliph Umar—which established dhimmitude. That dhimmitude was also construed as an act of charity or patronage hardly minimizes its dehumanization of Jews and Christians under Muslim rule. Indeed, as Bat Ye'or has shown, the condition of the dhimmi was in certain respects inferior to that of a slave.[12] Turning to the Middle East, if distinctions are to be made between Islam and Islamism, two are in order. First and foremost, Islamism is a rejection of Arab nationalism and, in this respect, a return to classical Islam. However, Islamists have been influenced by modernism, which makes the return to classical Islam impossible. Second, Islamism has adopted the anti-Semitic racism of Nazism. It is easy to see exactly where Israel stands with respect both to Arab nationalism and Islamism. Arab nationalism was always an instrument of state-builders, just as nationalism had been in Europe. It opposes the imperial state (except when a given nation-state decides to take on an empire), but loyally serves whatever state the state-builders envision. What are the Islamists, but Muslims who seek to seize control of the apparatus of the modern state, which they nonetheless reject as fragmenting the umma?[13] The existing regimes in the Islamic world are highly unlikely to change (except for the worse) by means of internal forces—'inside-out.' Despotism can be quite stable, making victory out of failure. Only a comprehensive geopolitical strategy can transform those regimes, 'outside-in.' [According to the first named author of this essay], such a transformation would require the radical transformation of the United States into an all-conquering, benevolent world power – hardly imaginable, unless another 9/11 drove America to desperation, and transformed this complacent democracy into a benevolent universal despotism, something beyond the will and wisdom of the American people, as well as beyond the secular mentality of contemporary political science. [1] Winston Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1948, p. 55. [2] See Bernard Lewis, The Political Language of Islam (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988), p. 31; Daniel Pipes, Militant Islam Reaches America (New York: W.W. Norton, 2002), pp. 39-40, who distinguishes between Islam and Islamism and regards the latter as totalitarian. [3] Bat Yo'er, Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations and Collide (Fairleigh Dickenson University Press, 2002), pp. 85, 87. [4] See Bezalel Naor (ed.), Of Societies Perfect and Imperfect: Selected Readings from Eyn Ayah Rav Kook's Commentary to Eyn Yaakov Legends of the Talmud (New York: Sepher-Hermon Press, 1995), pp. 7-10. [5] D.H. Green (ed.), Arab Theologians on Jews and Israel (Geneva, 1976), p. 8. [6] Daniel Pipes: "American Muslims vs. American Jews." Commentary, May 1999. [7] Robert Westrich, "Muslim Anti-Semitism: A Clear and Present Danger," The American Jewish Committee, 2002. See also the numerous examples of virulently anti-Jewish sermons culled by researchers in the FBIS Report: "Destroy the Jews, Americans: FridaySermons Slam U.S.-Israeli Plans Against Iraq, Arab Nation, January 24, 2003. [8] See IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis, [9] For an extensive collection of these cartoons accompanied by penetrating political analysis, see Arieh Stav, Peace: The Arabian Caricature, A Study of Anti-Semitic Imagery (New York: Gefen, 1999). [10] Jerusalem Post Magazine, October 21, 1983. [11] See Westrich, op.cit. [12] See Bat Yo’er, op. cit., p. 89. [13] The locus classicus of this view is Sayyid Qutb's Milestones. The book is widely distributed in the Arab world, and is easily available on the Internet. For an excellent commentary see Zeidan, op. cit. It might also be noted that the attempt by many Islamists to dominate existing state apparatuses by infiltration is right out of the playbook of the Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci. It is fair to say that Islamists have learned from radical modern thinkers 'right' and 'left.' Indeed, Arafat (to give only the most prominent example, aligned himself with the Soviet bloc throughout the Cold War, styling himself along the lines of a Mediterranean Castro. Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. Will Morrisey holds the William and Patricia LaMothe Chair in the American Constitution at Hillsdale College. He is the author of several books, including The Dilemma of Progressivism: How Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson Reshaped the American Regime of Self-Government and Regime Change: What It Is, Why It Matters. He has written for The New York Times, The Jerusalem Post, The American Political Science Review, and the Washington Times. |
The article below was written by Israel Moskowitz who is professor and Graduate Programs in Management and Information Technology. Moskowitz was also Chair, Academic Director and Clinical Assistant Professor, Management and Information Technololgy, Division of Programs in Business, New York University. This article appeared January 14, 2015 on and is archived at,7340,L-4615185,00.html |
Despite the recent stormy and cold weather, a piece of joyous news warmed the hearts of the residents of Kibbutz Lavi in the Lower Galilee this week. The Mittwochs, Michael, 92, and Marion, 90, two of the founders of the kibbutz, celebrated the birth of a new great-grandchild – their 100th. The Mittwochs were born in Germany, and both fled the country shortly after the Nazis' rise to power. After World War II, Michael, with a degree in chemistry from an English university, moved to Israel and joined the effort to help Holocaust survivors make their way to Israel. He was absorbed onto Kibbutz Kvutzat Yavne and that's where he met Marion, who also spent the war in England and immigrated to Israel under a forged visa. The two moved shortly afterwards to the Lower Galilee and were among the founders of Kibbutz Lavi, and also the first couple to wed at the young kibbutz. ![]() The couple had five children – Hadassah, the widow of the late Rabbi Menachem Froman of Tekoa; a second daughter who lives in Kiryat Shmona; a son, Eli Ori, who lives in Shilo and is the grandfather of the 100th great-grandson; a second son, a professor of astrophysics at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology who lives in Mitzpe Netofa in the Galilee; and a third daughter, who is the principal of a school in Gush Etzion for children with special needs. On Tuesday, Eli and his wife, Ofra, arrived at the kibbutz with their son, Gadi, his wife, Noa, and their five children to present the 100th great-grandchild to great-grandfather Michael and great-grandmother Marion. The boy was given the name Dagan Raz, after the late Major Dr. Dagan Wertman, 32, a Golani Brigade doctor who was at officers' school with Gadi and was killed during Operation Cast Lead. Gadi, the happy father and Michael and Marion's grandson, lives with his family in Ofra. "Dagan Raz is our fifth child, and it's amazing that our grandfather has raised such a magnificent family," he said. "This is our answer to Hitler, damn him," said Michael, the great-grandfather. "He tried to wipe us out and here we have brought the 100th great-grandchild into the Covenant of Abraham." "It's not just the number," added great-grandmother Marion. "All the children and grandchildren live in Israel and everyone wants to contribute to the country. We feel we have established a really big tribe." "This is the essence of Zionism," concluded their son, Eli. "Mom and Dad underwent severe hardships early on in their lives. They established a kibbutz and today we are all proud of their 100th great-grandchild." Contact Jacob Richman at |
FORCE, BLASPHEMY, AND FREEDOM OF SPEECHPosted by Edward Cline, January 14, 2015 |
Blasphemy is in the news. Blasphemy and Mohammad and Charlie Hebdo, most of whose staff was executed by Muslim terrorists in Paris on January 7th, including its defiant editor, Stephane Charbonnier ("Charb"), who prided himself in publishing cartoons that mocked Mohammad and implicitly Islam. The terrorists shouted "Allahu Akbar!" and "The Prophet is avenged!" The killers were hunted down and in turn killed. The new Charlie Hebdo issue, its front page featuring an ironic cartoon of Mohammad shedding a crocodile tear and holding a sign that reads Je Suis Charlie ("I am Charlie"), has sold out in France. Charlie Hebdo has been avenged, by the French authorities, by Charlie Hebdo's surviving staff, and even by the French public. But is this in issue of vengeance? Of tit for tat? Of an eye for an eye? No. it is an issue of force – of the initiation of force, and of retaliatory force. The Muslims who massacred twelve people at Charlie Hebdo initiated force in "protest" of the paper's continued mockery of a religious icon. Not a single Muslim was ever coerced to look at the cartoons. They did not write letters to the editor objecting to the depiction of Mohammad as a laughable, pathetic "prophet," they did not start their own magazine and publish their own outrageous cartoons. No. They invaded the offices of Charlie Hebdo and murdered twelve people. One of the killers subsequently invaded a Jewish food shop and murdered four Jews. In a brilliant display of retaliatory force, the French authorities extinguished both killers. That was justice, not vengeance. Vengeance is an emotional catharsis, sometimes justifiable, too often not. Justice must be based on facts, not on emotions. Two fine writers and indefatigable champions of freedom of speech, Diana West and Daniel Greenfield, have addressed the subject of blasphemy in recent columns. West explains why censorship, a government's or self-censorship vis-a-vis images of Mohammad, are Sharia-imposed and Sharia-compliant, and is a violation of freedom of speech or the voluntary negation of it, and that the West should submit to neither our own government's censorship and certainly not to Islam's. In her January 8th column, "The West Must Reject Islamic Blasphemy Law," West wrote:
West explains that we have been incrementally submitting to Sharia law for over two decades. The Islamic assault on freedom of speech is not the most recent instance of submission to Islam. From installing foot baths for Muslims in airports and other public and private venues because Muslims demand accommodation for their degrading prayer rituals, to removing Christian symbols in schools because they offend Muslim students, to purging FBI counter-terrorism training materials of all references to Islam and Muslims because that would be "illegal" "profiling," to criminalizing criticism of Islam, no matter how crass or cogent, as "hate speech," the steady Islamification of speech – a.k.a. censorship – goes on virtually unopposed by all but those who see the consequences and aren't afraid to point them out.
In the meantime, in other acts of submission, Duke University will broadcast every Friday the Muslim call to prayer from its Chapel tower. At Oxford University Press, authors have been prohibited from including images and references to pigs and sausage in any future children's books published by OUP. Are these instances evidence of fear of Islamic retribution, or just plain agreement that Muslims must not be offended? Daniel Greenfield, in his January 7th column, "The Importance of Blasphemy," brings his seemingly limitness range of perspective to the subject of Islamic blasphemy law. There isn't a single religion, he writes, that doesn't explicitly or implicitly "blaspheme" every other religion.
Greenfield drives home his point:
Greenfield concludes:
And to freedom of speech. To freedom of thought and the freedom to say what one thinks must be said. Even if it offends or insults the subject of one's thought. When we talk about blasphemy, we must also talk about censorship: force or the threat of force against the practitioners of blasphemy. Government censorship is the direct application of force; threats of censorship through murder and terrorism are what Islam is good at. Islamic censorship can be codified in the laws of an Islamic country; in non-Islamic countries with a purported separation of church and state (or of synagogue and state, or of mosque and state, or of Wiccan temple and state, what have you), Islamic allegations of blasphemy against Mohammad and/or Islam, can result in self-censorship. It achieves censorship without having to resort to government force to still the minds and pens and even Hollywood productions of expressions of one's estimates of Islam and its icons. A government becomes a criminal when it criminalizes free speech. Criminals, i.e., terrorists, without the intervention of the state criminalize free speech with murder and terrorism, can resort to direct force, or to intimidation, or the threat of force to inculcate self-censorship. The best species of censorship – if it can be called that – is simply to not look at or watch whatever it is that strikes one as blasphemy. For example, I'd never wish to or be tempted to watch a new TV series, HBO's "Girls," which, as Clash Daily, reported, without going into graphic detail, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams reflected on his daughter's scene involving simulated anal sex. This is not so much an instance of blasphemy as it is a repellant form of "entertainment" which I'm not really interested in auditing (not even in a critical essay). Random House, Yale University and other publishers and publications have implicitly become Sharia-compliant, offering the ostensible, lame excuse that they will not imperil their employees' lives by publishing a book, novel, or image that may offend Muslims and provoke an act of terror. However, the excuse is not so "lame." No company can function qua enterprise by becoming a fortress to deter or repel terrorists bent on killing the "blasphemers" and causing material destruction. Businesses are not in the business of erecting redoubts and parapets to repel armies of barbarians. That is the business of government. It is the task of government to protect one's freedom of speech or expression. It alone has the resources and the mandate to fight jihadist censorship with retaliatory force. But our government doesn't wish to protect freedom of speech. This includes our judicial system. To censor the expression of one's thoughts is to suffocate one's mind. But that is what Islam, which forbids questioning its tenets on pain of death, is all about. It not only forbids Muslims freedom of thought and speech, but is working tirelessly to forbid it in all non-Muslims. Islam is totalitarian, root, trunk, branch, and even twig. The huggy-bear moment of the Paris Je Suis Charlie march on January 11th was a nauseous thing to behold, because there wasn't a single "world leader" in it who wouldn't impose censorship – soft or hard – at the drop of a Mohammad cartoon. President Barack Obama, who did not march with the millions that day, has promised to put pressure on American journalists to shy away from offending Muslims, jihadists, and Islam, lest Muslims go on another shooting spree. A search of his executive powers does not turn up such an option. Not that such limitations have ever stopped our Islam-friendly, de facto Caliph-in-Chief. The Daily Caller revealed January 13th article, "White House: Will Fight Media to Stop Anti-Jihad Articles," that Obama will be pro-active in squashing blasphemous "hate speech" in the mainstream and alternative media. HIs press secretary, without dithering and without a single blush, claimed that:
Dancing between defending freedom of expression and wanting to stuff a sock in journalists' mouths with the agility of a pro tennis-player, Earnest added:
That's the "practical" course of action. After all, one shouldn't expect our government to propose destroying state sponsors of terrorism. That would be "Islamophobic" to the max, right? But, you read it here: Obama wants to "fight" anti-jihad columnists, not jihad itself. In the meantime, while the West refuses to declare war on Islam, Islam has declared war on the West. British imam Anjem Choudary opined, in a Breitbart column on January 14th, "Radical Imam Anjem Choudary Calls Charlie Hebdo Front Page 'Act Of War'" on the occasion of the publication of the new post-massacre Charlie Hebdo front-page cartoon, that the:
Choudary wants Western governments to impose the equivalent of "campus speech codes" on the Western media, whatever its form: journalism, books, images, the audio-visual media, and even on gestures. If I happened to be on the campus of Duke University, heard the adhan (the Muslim call to prayers) being broadcast and stuck my fingers in my ears, could that be interpreted as "insulting" Islam, or defined as "hate speech"? Very likely, in today's climate of thought-aborting political correctness – and of submission to an ideology inimical to Western civilization. Blasphemy, urges Diane West, may be our salvation, not our death knell. It could lead to letting the wind out of political correctness, as well. There was a time when everyone drew Mohammad. Let's everyone now take part in a "Blaspheme Mohammad Day." Edward Cline is an American novelist and essayist. He is best known for his Sparrowhawk series of novels, set in England and Virginia before the American Revolutionary War.This article appeared January 14, 2015 on The Rule of Reason and is archived at |
"GUARDIAN ... OF WHAT?"Posted by Tabitha Korol, January 14, 2015 |
The Guardian, supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, does for the reading public what Common Core books, also supported by the Gateses, do for American students – it provides a wealth of misinformation with an agenda. In its Global Development section, writer Liz Ford wrote of the role of girls and women under Islam, specifically Palestinians, and the violence to which they are subjected in their society. Because her itemization was inaccurate and lacking references, I can provide some specifics about their driving force:
The Palestinian National Authority Ministry of Women's Affairs (MoWA) is acknowledging its gender issues in order to work toward developing a Palestinian state. According to a report published by the Palestinian Authority in 2011, culture and tradition were often the main justifications for violence against women in "Palestine." Each of the reasons for humiliation and cruelty towards women is included in the Koran, some of which are noted above. Despite the report's admission that specified Islamic culture and tradition as the cause of abuse toward women, the Guardian's writer, Liz Ford, has chosen to blame Israel - the only country in the Middle East where all its citizens live in freedom and with equal rights. She has also called Israel an "occupier," when, in fact, the territory is "disputed." The territory has been Judea and Samaria for thousands of years, and Jordan annexed the area for a mere nineteen years (1948 – 1967) after the aggressive war against the new Jewish State. Thus, Ford's information was incorrect, misleading and inflammatory. The mistreatment of women by Arabs and Muslims began at least 14 centuries earlier. Note, too, that if we delve into the times of Jews in restricted areas (ghettos), in the Middle East, Spain, Italy and Eastern Europe, a loving Jewish family life is what kept them stronger under duress. Another study in the same report, conducted by UN Women in 2009, blamed the men's violence against women on the stress they felt after Israel's military strikes on Gaza in December, 2008. With that reasoning, Jewish men who suffered post-traumatic stress syndrome from the preponderance of Palestinian rocket fire on Israel or sudden attacks on the street should have been equally violent, but there are no reports of comparable familial abuse in Israel. Through World Wars I and II, we heard of no abuse between husbands and wives who were fleeing for their lives from the impending horrors. If anything, families were protective and more caring of each other. And, despite the constant conditions of war from neighboring Islamic states, Israelis were rated among the happiest people in the world – not stressed from spousal abuse. In fact, it is highly unlikely that Israel's medical, technological, and other creative innovations and advancements could have been made by abused, unhappy, depressed individuals. Are we to believe that Palestinian men have no self-control following military strikes on Gaza? By now, we have learned that Palestinian men have no self-control, period. In several previous articles, I have reported how the children are taught to hate and abuse animals, practice with weapons and hope to be shaheeds (martyrs), continue their training to behead live animals and captured humans, and increase their propensity for violence with staged "days of rage." They cover their faces uniformly, hiding human expression, thereby hindering camaraderie and bonding, and developing an insensitivity to others. They celebrate death with distributed sweets when a son is killed while murdering Jews. Men gather in plazas to relish stoning someone's wife to death. They have been robbed of all kindness and there is nothing left for even their own family members. Clearly, Islamic Sharia law, destroying freedoms and the sanctioning of hate, victimization, abuse, and killing, leads to dehumanization, pain, contempt, and despair. Another Guardian writer, Angela Robson, blamed the blockade for her husband's job loss and consequential beastly behavior. Ohio was fifth in the U.S. for job losses (more than 303,000) attributed to the non-oil trade deficit in 2007. Michigan lost 319,200 jobs, 7.5 percent of total employment lost. California ranked first in terms of actual job losses, 696,000. The Economic Policy Institute reported four million jobs lost nationally in the U.S. in 2007, 70 percent of the displaced jobs in the manufacturing sector. America had no comparable increase in spousal abuse. The Guardian has been repeatedly responsible for "news reports' that are nonsensical, but insulting and destructive, propaganda that appeals to the ignorant. It makes one wonder how they can benefit from lying about a democracy while supporting a tyrannical regime. Is the Guardian welcoming the Islamic takeover in the UK? Does it welcome an ever-growing welfare role of immigrants who will never assimilate, but who will amplify violence on the streets of England's fair cities, and ultimately impose Sharia laws on the land? The average citizen is alleged to be apolitical and unaffected. It makes one wonder just how many people in Merrie Olde England have lost sight of any lessons from WW II and are choosing to slumber again. James Madison, of English descent, wisely said, "The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty." Tabitha Korol, began her political writing with letters to the editor, earning an award from CAMERA (Committee on Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) "in recognition of outstanding letter-writing in 2009 to promote fair and factual reporting about Israel." Her op-eds have appeared in numerous publications. Tabitha revised a book of stories by Holocaust survivors from a Russian translation for publication in America. |
JEWISH MONOTHEISMPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 15, 2015 |
The teaching of monotheism is said to be the world-historical purpose of the Jewish people. But what precisely is Jewish monotheism? Is it the same as the monotheism attributed to Christianity and Islam? Let us begin at the beginning and review the First and Second Commandments:
From the First Commandment we learn that the God of Israel intervenes in human affairs. He is not only the God of Nature, but also the God of History. History must therefore have a purpose, and the Jewish People, whom God liberated from Egyptian bondage, must be the instrument of that purpose: "This people have I created that they may relate My praise" (Isaiah 43:21). To relate God's praise is to show how God's infinite wisdom, power, and graciousness are manifested in nature and in human history. The Jews were chosen, therefore, to be the educators of mankind. They were to exemplify a way of life guided by ethical and intellectual monotheism. Definitions
The second name of the Creator is "Elohim," translated above as "God." The third name is EH'YEH (Exodus 3:14), which refers to God as the Eternal Now. Consider first, HaShem: "Hear O Israel: HaShem is our God, HaShem is One" (Deuteronomy 6:4). Only HaShem is One; only HaShem has Absolute Unity. Absolute Unity is traditionally understood as that which is absolutely separate and distinguishable from all existing things. It is not subject to creation, destruction, change, or limitation; nor can it be described by any physical or mental category. Consequently, there is nothing we can predicate of HaShem. We say He is One, not to establish His Unity as we understand that term, but only to exclude plurality. When we attribute to Him existence, eternality, infinity, will, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, loving kindness, or any other perfection, it is only to negate their contraries, not to establish them as understood by the human mind. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8). Thus far, the traditional view. The traditional view also takes cognizance of the anthropomorphisms in the Torah and usually construes them allegorically. Thus, when Moses asks HaShem to see His glory, HaShem responds by saying that no man can see His "face," only His "back" (Exodus 33:20, 23). Suffice to say the following. HaShem, in His essence, is absolutely unknowable. This may be called the a priori aspect of HaShem, of which we can say nothing without succumbing to idolatry (a negative theology). But there is also the a posteriori aspect of HaShem, of which we can say something without succumbing to idolatry (a positive theology). This second aspect of HaShem is described in various ways in the Torah. These descriptions are necessarily anthropomorphic. They apply only to HaShem's manifestations or actions, else they would involve contradiction. For example, when HaShem asks Cain, who had just murdered Abel, "Where is your brother?" (Genesis 4:9), this obviously contradicts HaShem's omniscience. The contradiction is dissolved by bringing into juxtaposition two of the most important concepts of the Torah, both of which underlie human freedom and dignity: Repentance on the part of man, and Graciousness on the part of HaShem. (See Exodus 34:6.) Neither of these qualities could come into effect had Cain been summarily confronted by his crime, condemned and punished. In this example we see one of the purposes of anthropomorphisms: they help us understand the ways by which HaShem relates to men as well as the general ways He would have men relate to each other. (See the Drazin & Wagner English translation of the Onkelos Aramaic rendition of the Torah, which eliminates most anthropomorphisms and is the most literal and rational translation of the Pentateuch.) The fact that anthropomorphisms do not describe HaShem in Himself but only His manifestations is analogous to one of the strange and revolutionary principles of quantum mechanics. According to quantum theory, the macrophysical world—the world of sense perception—is a derived world. Though real, it is not, physically speaking, the ultimately real. To discover the latter we must grasp the microphysical world, the world of subatomic processes. What is distinctive here is that we can only know about the microphysical world indirectly, that is, by its macrophysical or observable effects. The spatial and temporal concepts used to describe these effects are really metaphors. They do not apply literally to the microphysical world itself (just as anthropomorphisms do not apply to HaShem in Himself). In fact, to attribute spatiotemporal properties to microphysical processes is to succumb to anthropomorphism in science. Returning to the First Commandment—"I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage" (Exodus 20:2)—this is the basis for Deuteronomy’s referring to the Chosen People as "belonging exclusively to Him." The First Commandment involves far more than a belief system affirming the existence of God. According to the philosopher Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, man must serve and try to commune with God, and this he can do through four media of experience: intellectual, volitional, emotional, and dialogical (i.e., prayer). In the present context we elaborate only on the intellectual medium:
Israel's first Chief Rabbi, Avraham Yitzhak Kook (1865-1935), who was well versed in philosophy writes: "Monotheism seeks to probe the unity of the world, of man, of the entire range of reality..." Rabbi Kook also maintained that Israel alone affirms "undiluted monotheism."[3] He admits, of course, that there are in the gentile world pious men, philosophers, men of God, but there is not a nation—besides Israel—whose soul, whose way of life, whose raison d'etre, signifies the Divine Idea in the world.[4] Also significant for Rabbi Kook is that unlike Judaism, gentile religions remain locked in a persistent struggle with indigenous cultures. These religions, he sees, were imposed on pagan nations which often revert to barbarism. Notice the frequent eruption of fratricidal wars of Arab-Islamic states. Notice, too, that Christian Europe has been periodically drenched in rivers of blood.[5] Notice, moreover, that unlike the Quran and the New Testament, the Torah is not the recorded source of a religion but the history of the divine founding of a nation. In Israel alone one cannot separate religion and nationality without destroying Israel’s essence. This fact distinguishes its monotheism from that of Islam and Christianity. Another difference: The founders of Islam and Christianity form an integral part of the faith. Thus, it is not sufficient to believe in the gospels of these messengers, but in the messengers themselves. This is why "holy" wars and forced conversions punctuate the history of these religions. How unlike Judaism, which claims no monopoly on heaven and prohibits proselytizing. Moreover, the Talmud teaches that "a heathen that studies the Torah is equal to a High Priest" (Avoda Zara 3a). We have here a magnanimous and gracious monotheism. Indeed, the Torah repeatedly reminds Jews that because they were slaves in Egypt, they should be all the more disposed to treat strangers in their midst with kindness. This does not mean that Jews are to tolerate those who do not abide by the Seven Noahide Laws, especially the prohibition against idolatry. Idolatry, according to Judaism, is the beginning and the cause of every evil, for example, the slaughtering of children in Moloch worship – which is comparable to Muslims using their own children as human bombs. Clearly, the First Commandment logically entails the Second, the elimination of all forms of idolatry. As previously defined, idolatry is the worship of any created thing, including the products of the human intellect, be it a philosophic or scientific theory, a political or religious ideology, or a particular form of government. Consistent therewith, let us equate idolatry with "reification" which may be defined as the postulation of any physical or mental existent, process, or law as autonomous or self-sustaining. Reification thus applies to any philosophic or scientific monism, dualism, or pluralism that attempts to explain the totality or any part of existence in terms of one or more independent or self-subsisting entities. The Torah therefore rejects the exaltation or fixation of any humanly constructed system of governance. It forbids fetishism, the complete devotion of the self to that which is bounded. "Six days shalt thou work..." and then the Shabbat: autonomy attained through devotion to the unbounded God. In the Second Commandment we behold a doctrine of rational freedom and progress. Let us now consider the name Elohim, which means "the Master of all forces" spread throughout Creation. The Malbim notes that the verb describing Elohim's actions appear always in the singular form, attesting to the Creator's being uniquely one, devoid of all multiplicity.[6] Significantly, the name Elohim is used exclusively during the first six days of Creation. Not until the seventh day, the Sabbath, is the name Elohim conjoined with Ineffable Name, YHVH. The difference between the two is this. YHVH is God in Himself, the ultimate source of all existence. But when referred to as the one who place limits, measures, and stable form on the forces of creation, He is called Elohim (see Deut. 4:39). This why YHVH relates to freedom and graciousness, while Elohim relates to the rigor of law or justice. Going further, the Zohar states that the term "saying," in the words "And Elohim said," is a creative utterance, a supernal form of energy, so that the universe may be understood as the concretized thought of HaShem.[7] "By the word of HaShem the heavens were made" (Psalms 33:6); and recall Proverbs: "With wisdom HaShem created the heavens and the earth." Turning to the third name of the Creator, EH'YEH—this is the name God instructed Moses to relate to the Israelites upon informing them of their forthcoming liberation from Egyptian bondage. Their liberation was but the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham:
In view of that lengthy passage of time, the enslaved Israelites needed to be taught that the God of their fathers should also be understood as EH'YEH, whose Hebrew letters spell the verb "to be" in its three tenses: I was, I am, I will be. This name explicitly reveals that the past, present, and future are all contained within the Eternal (which explains, by the way, how His foreknowledge does not logically exclude human free will). The name EH'YEH guarantees the fulfillment of God's covenant with Abraham, hence with the Jewish people, the vehicle of the Torah's world-historical program. The above names of the Creator indicate that Jewish monotheism involves a personal God Who is both transcendent and immanent (contrary to Islam whose Allah is impersonal and absolutely transcendent). Moreover, in Jewish monotheism there exists no intermediary between God and man (contrary to Christianity). However, even when men have acknowledged the First Commandment, they have ever exhibited a powerful tendency to violate the Second Commandment (for example, by worshipping the stars as a way of exalting HaShem). One may say, therefore, that the primary purpose of the Torah is to destroy idolatry—the worship of false gods. Indeed, mankind has produced an infinite variety of false gods, and none has a greater hold or longevity than the productions of the human mind. Men have exalted a phantasmagoria of political and religious ideologies, and they have blindly adhered to welter of philosophic and scientific theories, such as those which posit an eternal rather than a created universe. By diverting men from worshipping the one and only true God, idolatry leads to the glorification of what is merely human. Universalism versus Particularism Because the Jewish people have been the bearers of monotheism, many Jews emphasize the universalistic principles of Judaism. This emphasis is misplaced. As that penetrating literary critic Edward Alexander once wrote,"universalism is the parochialism of the Jews"! The basis of Judaism is not the universalism it bestowed on mankind, but particularism. If Jewish nationhood means anything it means a distinctive way of life, namely that illuminated by the laws and teachings of the Torah. For example, of the many laws that distinguish Jews from non-Jews, suffice to mention those pertaining to the Sabbath, the dietary laws, and those governing marriage and family purity. These laws preserved the identity of the Jewish people down through the ages. They not only distinguished the Jewish nation from all other nations, but spared them from the fate of nations whose existence depended on having a land of their own. Some nations have been conquered and eradicated. Others have been amalgamated with their conquerors. Still other nations have undergone evolutions and revolutions that fundamentally altered their character. Only the Jews have preserved their 3,300 year-old national identity. This they could do because, in whichever country they lived, regardless of its beliefs and customs, they adhered to the laws of their Torah, such as those just mentioned. It should be borne in mind that God created a world not only for diverse individuals but also for nations with distinct ways of life. However, for these ways of life to be mutually reinforcing and not mutually obstructive, they require the rational constraints of the Seven Noahide Laws of Universal Morality.[8] Rooted in ethical monotheism, these laws prohibit blasphemy, murder, stealing, immorality, and cruelty to animals, and the establishment of courts of justice to try violations of these prohibitions. It bears emphasizing that idolatry involves the worship of any created thing, including the products of the human intellect, be it a philosophic or scientific theory, a political or religious ideology, or a particular form of government. Such is the loftiness of the human intellect, that only its Creator is worthy of worship. It follows that to desecrate the Name of the Creator is to degrade humanity as well. Those who deny the Creator not only deny the source of human perfection; they also undermine the highest possible development of man’s intellectual faculties. Also, when men reject their Creator, they end by worshipping themselves or their own creations, be it an ideology or anything that gratifies their passions. The typical result is either tyranny or bestiality or vulgarity. Moreover, given man's creation in God's image, each individual is a center of purposes known to God alone. We must therefore be duly concerned about the life, property, and the honor of other human beings. (To damage a person's reputation is tantamount to murder.) Finally, given the fallibility of man's intellect, the Torah requires the establishment of courts of justice. The seven universal laws of morality may rightly be called a "genial orthodoxy." This genial orthodoxy transcends the social and economic distinctions among men: It holds all men equal before the law. It places constraints on governors and governed alike and habituates men to the rule of law. It subordinates to the rule of law any ethnic differences that may exist among the groups composing a society. It moderates their demands and facilitates coordination of their diverse interests and talents. In short, this Hebraic orthodoxy conduces to social harmony and prosperity. As just implied, the Noahide Laws can be elaborated in various ways and are therefore applicable to the variety of nations comprising mankind. Israel's world-historical function, therefore, is to provide mankind the example of a nation that synthesizes particularism and universalism, which it can only do as a nation consecrated to God. By affirming a plurality of nations, and by qualifying this particularism with laws of universal morality, Israel avoids the political, cultural, and religious imperialism of Islam, and which once animated Christianity. At the same time, Israel avoids the moral decay evident among democracies that have separated morality from public law. Despite its moral decay, contemporary democracy is commonly regarded as the touchstone of what is good and bad. Democracy thus constitutes the idolatry of the modern era. Mankind desperately needs Israel—of course, an Israel dedicated to God. Only a nation dedicated to God can inspire and elevate mankind. Leo Jung eloquently writes:
Although this is not proof that the Jews are the Chosen People, it provides evidence for the necessity of such a people. Scientist Gerald Schroeder puts it this way:[10]
Schroeder points out that being "holy" does not mean being intrinsically better. "God tells the Israelites that their being chosen is not because they have inherently superior virtues as a people" (Deut. 9:4-6). No, their being chosen "means to serve mankind as a visible and edifying symbol." It is in this light that we are to understand why the Jews alone have a universal history and were destined, after horrific dispersion (Deut. 30:1-5), to return to the Land of Israel where they are now the focus of mankind's hostile attention. Can it be that this hostility, unbeknownst to Jews and Gentiles alike, is the result of Israel's seeking to be like unto the nations? Can it be that the nations unconsciously despise Israel for not being what it was chosen to be—the God-bearing nation of mankind? [1] Judah Halevi, The Kuzari (Jerusalem: Sefer ve Sefer Publishing, 2003), 182, H. Hirschfeld, trans. [2] Joseph M. Soloveitchik, Worship of the Heart (Jersey City, NJ: KTAV, 2003), 4. [3] Zvi Yaron, The Philosophy of Rabbi Kook (Jerusalem: Eliner Library, 1991), A. Tomaschoff, trans., 55, 64. [4] Abraham Isaac Kook, Orot (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1993), pp. 148-149, B. Naor, trans. [5] Ibid., 15-151, 148, 233, n. 119. [6] Malbim, Commentary on the Torah (3 vols. t.d.; Jerusalem: Hillel Press, 1983), I, 27-28, Z. Faier, trans. See also Judah Halevi, 187. [7] The Zohar (5 vols.; London: Soncino Press, 1973), I. 68-69, H. Sperling & M. Simon, trans. [8] Hugo Grotius, the renowned seventeenth-century legal scholar, often cited the Noahide laws as an early source of international law. But as Aaron Lichtenstein has shown in The Seven Laws of Noah (New York: Z. Berman Books, 198l), these laws are actually general categories which involve no less than 66 of the 613 basic laws of the Torah codified by Maimonides. Also, to convey the humane and progressive character of this most ancient body of laws, Lichtenstein quotes extensively from that remarkable work, The Unknown Sanctuary, in which the French author, Aime Palliere, tells of how his knowledge of Hebrew led him to renounce Catholicism, how he sought to convert to Judaism, to which end he consulted the Italian rabbi, Elijah Benamozegh, who introduced him to Noahism as the "true catholicism." [9] Leo Jung, Judaism in a Changing World (New York: Jonathan David Publishers, 1939), 15-16. [10] Gerald Schroeder, The Science of God (New York: Broadway Books, 1997), 76-78. Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. Contact Eidelberg at |
The IDF must be prepared for three principal security scenarios in the near future, former national security adviser Maj.- Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror has said, naming them as a large-scale ground war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, attrition against Hamas in Gaza, and the possibility of a military operation in Iran. The military must prepare for these challenges while providing ongoing security, Amidror, a senior researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, said in a report published on the center's website. The feat "will be neither easy nor cheap," he added. "The most significant threat to Israel's very existence is the possibility that some time in 2015, Iran will reach a deal with the West that would allow it to pursue some form of nuclear military capability. This process will not come to fruition this year, but a bad deal with the superpowers would be an important milestone for Tehran," Amidror warned. Looking ahead to 2015, Israel faces threats posed mainly by non-state entities motivated by Islamic ideology. "The strongest of them is Hezbollah, which was formed with a dual purpose in mind: It represents Iran's long reach in the area and against Israel, while at the same time it aims to control Lebanon, where the Shi'ites are the largest ethnic group," Amidror added. Hezbollah most closely resembles an army, and its arsenal totals some 150,000 missiles and rockets, several thousand of which can target any area in Israel. "This rare and substantial firepower apparently even exceeded the firepower possessed by most of the European states combined," Amidror said in the report. Additionally, Hezbollah is armed with surface-to-sea missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, drones and modern anti-tank missiles. "It is well organized into a military-style hierarchy and appears to possess command and control systems of high quality. It was established by Iranian leaders, but its leadership has always consisted of Lebanese people who were closely linked to Iran's interests," the report continued. 'Hezbollah assisted the Shi’ites by providing for their needs in the civilian sphere as a base for building its military power." Hezbollah is busy with its intervention in Syria, a war it deems crucial for its own survival, according to Amidror. "It fights beside the Syrian Alawites because it needs them to stay in power. If Assad survives, Hezbollah's status in Lebanon will increase, as will its status in Damascus." Hamas in the Gaza Strip also constitutes a steadily rising security threat, one that is able to manufacture its own longrange rockets and tunnel grid. Hamas is left with 3,500 rockets after a 50-day war with Israel. Now, "the big question is the speed at which Hamas can regain the capabilities it has lost. For Hamas, the current regime in Egypt is a formidable obstacle. Hamas has the markings of a well-organized military organization, as well as an impressive ability to learn and improve," Amidror wrote. Islamic Jihad in Gaza cannot be discounted as a threat either. Amidror noted that in 2015, no real army threatens Israel's security any longer. Egypt's military does not hold Israel as a prime target, and Egyptian military leaders have yet to consolidate their hold on power, the former national security adviser argued. The Syrian army is completely engaged in the civil war, "and while it still possesses a substantial arsenal, its units have been compromised, its morale is extremely low, and many of its commanders fear for their lives if the other side should win. The once enormous Iraqi army, at one time seen as having the ability to change the balance of power on the eastern front against Israel, has ceased to exist." Additionally, Amidror stated, "the small but professional Jordanian army is looking east and north, toward the crumbling states of Iraq and Syria. Islamist terrorists are thriving within the power vacuum in both countries, and Jordan may already be in their crosshairs." Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, are arming themselves with the best of Western weaponry to prepare themselves for Iran. Radical jihadi elements are basing themselves in the Sinai Peninsula and Syrian Golan, but the threat they pose to Israel is less significant, due to their current lack of strength, he said. WAS THE FRENCH POLICE HUNT FOR BOUMEDIENE GENUINE OR A RIGGED SHOW? Hayat Boumedienne,Islamist terrorist French intelligence failures over the Charlie Hebdo terror attack will not be upstaged by the Unity March of millions that President Francois Hollande leads in Paris Sunday, Jan. 11, to dramatize the free world’s protest against Islamist terror. The case of Hayat Boumeddiene, the 26-year old wife of the terrorist Amedy Coulibaly who murdered four Jews in cold blood at the kosher supermarket, stands out. Friday, Jan. 9, after the police assault on the store, French security sources reported she had escaped with a stream of rescued hostages and reached Syria via Spain and Istanbul. In fact, she never was in the Paris store. The female terrorist had skipped France and arrived in Syria on Jan. 1-2, more than a week before the wave of terror first struck Paris at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. This could have been discovered simply by examining the records at French, Spanish and Turkish border posts. So did French security authorities plant a cock-and-bull story with deliberate intent? Or did they miss another cue after omitting to crack down on the three men with known jihadist connections before they struck? Western security sources have been playing up the three terrorists’ connection to the Yemeni headquarters of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). That is because, if ISIS was able to pull the strings for multiple terror in the heart of Europe, the air campaign that the US-led coalition of 20 countries including France is conducting in Iraq and Syria would look pretty tame. And its leader Abu Baqr al-Baghdad would be laughing. But was it really ISIS or AQAP which set up the three attacks which claimed 17 lives in three days? That is the big question. Said and Cherif Kouachi told French television shortly before they were shot dead that they belonged to Yemen Al Qaeda, whereas Coulibaly claimed he was acting for ISIS. This apparent contradiction raises the scary suggestion that the two murderous Islamic groups may have collaborated for the first time to hit France. That scenario assumes an even more ominous dimension in the light of the chatter picked up Sunday by US intelligence indicating that all Al Qaeda’s branches are preparing to follow up the Paris operations with a major campaign of terror in Europe. Boumediene's arrival in Syria ahead of the Paris attacks appears to part of a comprehensive plan for setting up a command and control center for this campaign or, possibly, to prepare safe asylum for the gunmen who manage to get away. If that is so, then the center of this campaign would be situated on ISIS - not AQAP – turf. The sight of many thousands of gendarmes and security officers rushing around in combat gear to chase the female terrorist may have helped reassure a frightened population, who were not to know the guardians of security were on a fool's errand. But the truth was that France's external security service (DGSE), anti-terror police branches and border authorities, who were supposed to operate in concert, fell down on the job and revealed their weakness to the enemy. Homegrown and foreign jihadis were shown to have established safe exit routes for reaching the Islamic battlegrounds of the Middle East and returning home - well trained, heavily armed and filled with hatred for the societies which bred them. Underground jihadist networks spent months undiscovered by the internal security service (DGSI) in the setting up of complicated multi-site operations, like the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket. And the Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN) took too long to run them to earth and eliminate them. After murdering the top journalists and cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo, the two Kouachi brothers emerged from the building packing two submachine guns, but none of the dozens of armed police outside was able to cut them down. And finally, thousands of French police and soldiers from various units put to siege the print works outside Dammartin-en-Goele, where Said and Cherif Kouachi were holed up for hours, with nearly 100,000 security officers mobilized across France. Still, they hesitated to break in. All this provides fodder for the trainers to inspire the next generation of jihadi terrorists for action that is guaranteed to win them prime time on all the world’s television screens. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
The article below was written by Matan Tzuri and Itamar Eichner. Matan Tzuri is a writer and authors at Ynetnews. Itamar Eichner is a diplomatic correspondent for Yedioth Ahronot newspaper & Ynet web site. This article appeared January 15, 2015 on and is archived at,7340,L-4615351,00.html |
Israel is officially boycotting a UN commission investigating possible war crime committed during Operation Protective Edge, known as the Schabas Commission, but this has not stopped Gaza border community members from testifying in front of the commission. In the past few days, several residents have given their testimony, including the mother of Daniel Tregerman – the 4-year-old Israeli boy who was killed by a mortar shell that hit his house towards the end of the summer Gaza war. Gila Tregerman from Kibbutz Nahal Oz gave her testimony a few days ago via Skype and answered questions asked by the commission's chairman William Schabas. She told him of the terrible sense of loss that befell her and of the IDF's attempt to prevent Israeli civilians from being attacked. "I told (him) of how Hamas shot from population centers clearly knowing that the IDF would not fire, and they were not wrong. The IDF really did not fire. Why? Because we do not attack innocent civilians." ![]() Tregerman told the commissioner that the IDF knew of rocket launchers that were located in populated areas and positioned to fire towards Israeli communities "and despite this (the IDF) did not fire because Israel saw the way Hamas was holding its citizens as human shields, children and adults." "In addition, I told him how we also became refugees during the days of the war and of all the difficulties that arose as a result," she said. The Schabas Commission was appointed by the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva in order to investigate the allegations of war crimes committed by Israel and Hamas during Operation Protective Edge. Schabas called on Israel to cooperate with the committee after it was appointed and rejected the accusation that he is "anti-Israel." "I don't hate Israel," Schabas said in an interview with Ynet in August, "I'm a friend of Israel. I was in Israel several times." Gila Tregerman was not the only Israeli to give testimony to the commission. A delegation of Israeli citizens who live on the Gaza border arrived in Geneva to give their testimony. One after another, over a period of a few days, each resident sat in front of the commission panel and delivered their testimony – spanning from half an hour to forty-five minutes. Each one of them recounted their experience of the summer war: Haim Yellin described his experience as head of a regional council on the Gaza border; Gadi Yarkoni and his wife Shoham from Kibbutz Nirim spoke of how Gadi was seriously wounded from the explosion of a mortar shell that landed in their community just an hour before the cease fire began. Ronnie Kissin, a member of the Kerem Shalom Kibbutz, explained the threat of terrorist infiltrating from tunnels within Gaza; Tamar Avni-Auerbach, director of social services of the Eshkol Regional Council, spoke with Schabas about the emotional state of the residents and the trauma they went through; Esther Bochshtev, who was an emergency welfare coordinator at Kibbutz Nirim, shared her impression of the treatment residnts received while they were under fire; and Nadav Goldstein, a member of Kibbutz Kfar Aza and the CEO of a local factory, described the damage that was done to the economy as a result of the security situation. Yellin, head of the Eshkol Regional Council, emphasized during his testimony that Hamas chose the path of terror despite "having 15 whole years to do everything for Gaza," and called on the members of the commission to stand against the attackers. "They also asked me about the IDF and I answered that we educate our sons to protect the State of Israel, to the point that they are willing to sacrifice their lives but they also know that killing is not the goal." Yellin also said that the commission members were interested to know how Israelis who are under threat continue to develop and grow and Yellin responded that "even when there are pirates and robbers at sea – the ship does not stop sailing. We do not stop developing because of terror. Our nation knows more than anyone what is war. We are willing to go with our testimony to the end of the earth." "We are not to blame for all the ills of the world and do not support terror. I asked the judge to make it clear to Europe and to the rest of the nations of the world that still have not understood that instead of investing energy in hate against Israel – that they invest in rehabilitating Gaza, in giving the Palestinians a horizon so that we will not meet here in another year," said Yellin. "Everyone holds responsibility for this." Contact Daily Alert at |
THE ISLAMIC STATE: ANOTHER ANGLE OF THE THREATPosted by Yoram Fisher, January 15, 2015 |
The article below was written by Reuven Paz who is an
Israeli expert on Islam and Islamist movements in the Arab and
Muslim world, the Arab minority in Israel, and Islamic
Fundamentalism. This article appeared November 19, 2014 on
INSS No. 631 and is archived at
The struggle against the Islamic State (IS) organiz ation led by the United States and its allies appears thus far to be something of a Sisyphean war: ineffective, limited to scratches on the surface of the jihadi pyramid, beyond the roots of the phenomenon, unable to end the civil wars in Syria and Iraq, and relegated to serve as another layer in the existing chaos in Syria and Iraq, and soon perhaps in part of Lebanon as well. The Syrian chaos in particular evokes conflicting interests among the various forces on the one hand, and a strange commonality of interests on the other, although this has still not led to practical alliances or actual cooperation among the various warring factions. At the center are President Bashar al-Assad and his regime; for its part, the Western coalition is unable to determine its position toward them. Assad has an interest in leaving IS and other organizations of its ilk intact so that the West will view them as the greater Satan. To the moderate liberal forces in Syria, which have largely disappeared from the public arena, it is not clear who is more evil, Assad or IS. Turkey is entering this labyrinth and giving mixed messages. Iran, Hizbollah, and the Kurds are also players, and their position in the various equations is not clear. Iran, after years of being the nuclear terror of the West, has become an ally of sorts of the United States. At times it seems that the United States and the Obama administration still fear the volatility of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict more than anything taking place in Mesopotamia. The destruction and devastation plaguing the Middle East is accompanied by a frightening thought in the Western world of IS alum ni returning to their native countries to undertake terror attacks, and perhaps even behea d innocent civilians. There is much panic, and coupled with the fear of the Ebola epide mic, the Western world has become increasingly anxious. It finds relief in airstrikes and partial humanitarian aid for the millions of refugees created by civil wars in the M iddle East. However, the more the fight against IS takes the fo rm of airstrikes and Western leaders do not even venture to hint that they might send gr ound troops into Iraq and Syria, the more attention is diverted from another aspect of t he IS problem. Alongside IS are many other such elements – the "classic" al-Qaeda; Jabha t al-Nusra, which is supposedly more moderate than IS; the Taliban, which is poised to take over Afghanistan again once the United States leaves; other violent jihadi groups throughout the world; and several hundred Islamist clerics, who by virtue of the free dom of the internet, are galvanizing their flock and moving them in apocalyptic directions. The West should be worried by the question of what causes so many young and not-so-young people from the West, Muslims and non-Muslims who have converted to Islam, second- and third-generation immigrants, to be so influenced by IS/jihadi propaganda that they join the struggle in relatively large numbers. This phenomenon is not new. It began during the struggle against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, and a similar situation developed during the war in Iraq in the 2000s. Those were years of phenomenal growth for the jihadi internet, which brought the Islamist struggle to every young person with a keyboard. Even beheadings were shown on the internet since 2002. Nevertheless, there were few such incidents and the number of volunteers was limited. Furthermore, in Iraq in the 2000s, most of the volunteers for jihadi organizations were Saudi extremists, but particularly over the past year, volunteering for IS and similar organizations seems to have become much more international, diverse, extensive, and on the rise. More and more, volunteering for the jihadi ranks in Mesopotamia has become similar to volunteering for the International Brigades organized in the 1930s for the Spanish Republicans’ struggle against fascism. Why are analysts and commentators in the West not as publicly disturbed by the growing number of volunteers for IS and similar organizations who are citizens of Western countries and by their motives, given the potential flood of terror liable to take place when these volunteers return home? Likewise noteworthy is the ease of volunteering and the short time that elapses between a decision to volunteer and implementation of the decision. Already in the past, a short transition from a decision to carry out a suicide attack/self-sacrifice to the actual execution, sometimes only a few days, was a known phenomenon. This was seen among population groups that underwent prolonged mental training, not necessarily organized, for the struggle against the enemy. There were many such examples among Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza; Afghanis; Sunnis in Iraq; and Shiites in southern Lebanon in the 1980s. These populations and societies had undergone training that included Islamic propaganda and justifications for the struggle against the occupier. The efforts to persuade young people from these societies to sacrifice their lives ran deep in society, were socially acceptable, and were infectious as we ll. Furthermore, among groups such as the Palestinians, in which many of those who perpetrated attacks were students with an academic education, sacrifice/suicide attacks were also carried out because the perpetrators saw themselves as being part of the so cial elite, whose role was to lead the masses in the struggle against the Israeli occupation. Such a vision, which smacks of romanticism and perhaps even altruism, appears to be typical, at least in part, of those who volunteer for IS and other such organizations at this time. It is difficult to explain why several thousand Muslims who live in the West want to go to Syria and join IS, while a large number of them have already realized this desire. Most are well integrated among the middle class, have a higher education, are not unemployed, and did not stand out for their ties to Islamist elements before they decided to volunteer. Their process of radicalization took place very quickly, within a few months, and led them to a quick decision to go to Syria. These volunteers serve as very fertile ground for the influence of the propaganda of IS and other such organizations. This propaganda says that the organization's struggle in Iraq and Syria is a heroic struggle to save the entire Muslim world, which is suffering/oppressed/deprived (mustazafin in the Islamic term) due to tyranny that is ultimately, according to their belief, a clear result of a Western, "crusader" plot. At this point, Israel, Judaism, and Jews are still not in the actual circle of enemies of IS and similar organizations, other than the radical groups operating in the Sinai Peninsula. But there is considerable concern that the day will come when they are viewed as targets for attack. A substantial number of the attacks in Europe in the past two years were against Jewish institutions. The unswerving faith in the righteousness of the Islamic struggle and the great speed with which IS is advancing – not only in Syria and Iraq, but primarily in the arena of threats to the entire West, in addition to threats against Arab countries – are stoking the imagination of younger and older Muslims in the West and very rapidly loosening the fetters of their decisions. The September 11 attacks gave rise to feelings that the end of days was near and to a belief in the approaching victory of Islam. Similarly, many who write on jihadi web site s today express apocalyptic feelings, either between the lines or in them. Western countries must take this significant aspect of the phenomenon into account with the same seriousness with which they calculate their military moves in the Middle East. To crush the head of the serpent with a bomb or a missile is in no way sufficient for a successful war against the phenomenon. Today it is seen in IS and other similar organizations, but no one knows how this will develop in the coming decade. Israel is also involved in protecting the Jews of Europe, who are a vulnerable population and a preferred target for organized and independent terrorists. Therefore, it must pay attention to the speed and scope of IS recruitment, and in coordination with security officials in European countries, it must think how to reduce the emerging threat and how to respond to it if it materializes. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
The article below was written by Ashley Pratte who is responsible for managing communications and media outreach for Young America's Foundation (YAF), through press releases, social media, interviews, and op-eds. She is also responsible for writing and updating pieces for the New Guard, the Foundation's blog. Previously, Pratte served as executive director for Cornerstone Policy Research & Cornerstone Action, a prominent conservative group in New Hampshire. Before her work at Cornerstone, she served as project director and press assistant to Rep. Frank Guinta (R-N.H.) and worked as the Volunteer Coordinator for his congressional campaign in 2010. She has made numerous appearances on the Fox News Channel, is a columnist for, and has been published in the Washington Times and Washington Examiner. This article appeared January 14, 2015 on Breitbart and is archived at -to-be-chanted-every-friday-at-duke-university/ |
![]() In a new initiative to promote religious pluralism, Duke University will broadcast the Muslim call to prayer every Friday on campus. The call to prayer—also known as "adhan"—will be chanted by the Duke Muslim Student Association. The prayer itself is set to start this Friday at 1:00 p.m. and will be broadcast and amplified from the Chapel bell tower on campus. As campuses continue to foster political correctness, they use it as a way to favor religions seemingly at war with Western Civilization and Judeo-Christian beliefs. Frequently, we see students fighting for their religious freedom on campus—especially Christians. We hope that Duke University will also allow equal opportunity for Christian students to gather to pray and respect their religious freedom. Duke University has a long history of fostering political correctness and hypersensitivity, from Chick-Fil-A's removal from campus, to hosting a the national Palestinian Solidarity Movement conference, and to canceling a pro-life event in their Women's Center on campus. Young America's Foundation called and emailed Duke University's associate dean of religious life, Christy Lohr Sapp, for comment but has yet to hear back. Ashley Pratte, spokeswoman for Young America's Foundation, spoke with the associate dean’s assistant who confirmed this story. Contact Moncharsh at |
ARE JEWS SAFE IN EUROPE?Posted by Asaf Romirowsky, January 15, 2015 |
![]() Last week's terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris underscored a fear that has been growing in recent years: Europe is no longer safe for Jews. The continent has seen 13 deaths related to lethal anti-Semitism since the summer of 2012. In addition to the four hostages killed last week in France at HyperCacher, four people were shot to death at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in May, and five Israeli tourists died when their bus was bombed in Bulgaria in July 2012. In addition, Jews were the target of 40 percent of all racist crimes in France in 2013, according to the European Jewish Congress and Tel Aviv University. One example: Late last year, assailants broke into a Jewish couple's apartment on the outskirts of Paris. They raped a woman, tied up the couple, and demanded, "Tell us where you hide the money. You Jews always have money." Last summer, eight synagogues, many packed with Jews, were attacked by mobs of demonstrators. Roger Cukierman, the president of France's Jewish umbrella association CRIF, said, "They are screaming, 'Death to the Jew.' " In Britain, the number of anti-Semitic incidents increased by 36 percent between January and June. In Germany, tens of thousands of protesters attacked Israel and Jews in Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, and other major cities during the height of last summer's military operation in Gaza. A young Palestinian was arrested for firebombing a rebuilt synagogue in Wuppertal in July. The first synagogue had been burnt to the ground during Kristallnacht, the Nazis' wave of violence against Jews in 1938. "There is a startling indifference in the German public to the current display of anti-Semitism," said Samuel Salzborn, a scholar at the University of Gottingen. It can be no surprise then that Amedy Coulibaly, the Islamist gunman responsible for the attack at the kosher market, told French journalist Sarah-Lou Cohen that he choose this store "because he was targeting Jews." Danny Cohen, the director of BBC Television, captured the widespread fear among European Jews:
The violence has reached such a point that even Sammy Ghozlan, founder of France's National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism, is fleeing to Israel. He said of his departure, "It's a message. ... We do not know how things will play out tomorrow." He's not alone. According to a recent New York Times article, "France was the largest source of Jews moving to Israel last year." Natan Sharansky, director of the agency that coordinates migration to Israel, predicted that 15,000 French Jews would emigrate in 2015, with perhaps 50,000 - a tenth of the population of about a half-million - leaving in the coming years. In 2013, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights polled about 5,800 Jews from nine E.U. countries. The unsettling results: 29 percent of the respondents were contemplating emigrating, and 76 percent believed anti-Semitism had increased over the last five years. The same study concluded that 24 percent of European Jews - 37 percent in France, 27 percent in Germany, 20 percent in Italy - had experienced some kind of anti-Jewish attitude. There are three lessons from the explosion of European anti-Semitism. First, hatred of Israel can no longer be separated from loathing of Jews. Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are one and the same. The hard-core anti-Israel protests that engulfed Europe showed that the demonstrators aimed to dismantle the Jewish state because of its Jewishness. Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called contemporary anti-Semitism "pretend criticism of Israel," an "expression of Jew-hatred at pro-Palestinian demonstrations." The second lesson is that mere opprobrium from European leaders is insufficient. To their credit, the foreign ministers of France, Germany, and Italy last summer condemned "the anti-Semitic rhetoric and hostility toward Jews [and] attacks on people of the Jewish faith and synagogues." But rhetoric is not enough. So the third lesson is the need for a zero-tolerance policy toward violent anti-Semitic rallies. And Europe should immediately adopt the U.S. State Department's definition of modern anti-Semitism, which includes anti-Zionism/Israelism. Finally, terrorist entities like Hezbollah and other jihadi networks should be banned. In sharp contrast to the United States, Europe allows Hezbollah's so-called political wing to operate and recruit within the 28-member European Union. Worse, with Europe striking Hamas from its terrorist list, there has been an active attempt to legitimize Islamist groups. Change must ultimately start at the grassroots, turning anti-Semites and their political and religious movements into pariahs. Absent this change, the safety of Jews, as well as European democracy, will continue to be jeopardized. Benjamin Weinthal is a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.Asaf Romirowsky is the Philadelphia-based executive director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East. This article appeared January 15, 2015 on Middle East Forum Promoting American Interests and is archived at |
"CHARLIE" MAKES THEM LAUGHPosted by Sarah Honig, January 15, 2015 |
It's decidedly the untrendy thing to say, but all the same it must be said: the "je suis Charlie" extravaganza is part and parcel of the political correctness that is steadily killing the West. ![]() It's the ineffectual affectation of those who seek to buck up their spirits while doing nothing real to actually improve their survival prospects. The sad fact of the matter is that the pen is not mightier than the sword and it never was. When civilizations clash, it's might that buttresses right. Without might, right perishes. In recent history, Nazism was defeated by armies and communism collapsed because facing it were military forces it couldn’t overcome. Kitschy slogans never melted the hearts of villains and pen nibs never deflected the thrusts of cold hard steel blades. Worse yet, the affectation serves to cover-up – often even to justify – cowardice. Self-appointed pen-warriors and their chic cheerleaders may posture and pretend, but the outright majority of them are the last on whom democracy can rely. With "je suis Charlie" still fresh on their lips, they already are doing their conformist darndest to sweep the truth under the rug and bamboozle all and sundry with hackneyed platitudes. A poignant example is the inanity that "love is stronger than hate," which theCharlie Hebdo magazine satirized after it was firebombed in 2011. The full extent of the Islamic menace is too daunting to confront and the solutions are too painfully incompatible with the gospel of multiculturalism that tolerates no heresy. No sooner was the first Paris barbarity committed then TV screens and op-ed pages the world over featured in unanimous bon ton a host of Muslim apologists with a single message: "the killings have nothing to do with Islam." Some of them, prestigious professors from hallowed halls of learning like Oxford, made sure to mention Israel's "crimes in Palestine" – the calumny that unfailingly unites the ostensible moderates and extremists on the Muslim spectrum. Genuine soul-searching and intellectual integrity should have called the slander into question, but no such miracle manifested itself. This acute moral failure ought to inspire skepticism about the apparent introspection and honesty of those who aim to dissociate Islam from the massacres zealously committed in its name. But keenly indulgent presenters at news outlets that invited the defenders of so-called mainstream Islam, never bothered to focus on this point. Sadly the media's own movers and shakers solidly subscribe to the anti-Israel vilifications which they resonate with undisguised relish. Put plainly, pen-warriors are hardly always necessarily on the side of right. Nowhere did any anchor press the question of why it is that Muslim terrorists are the perpetrators of all the ghastly atrocities around the globe – from Argentina, to the Philippines, to Australia, to Indonesia, to Thailand, to Pakistan, to India, to Russia, to Bulgaria, to Spain, to Britain, to Belgium, to Kenya, to Nigeria, to Canada, to New York, to Boston, to Fort Hood and, hardly least, to Israel and many targets more. Muslims are the mass-murderers in Syria and Iraq and the macabre decapitators in the name of Allah. It's deeply disingenuous to ascribe all this – as America's Commander in Chief Barack Obama does – to some amorphous, if despicable "senseless violence." This isn't the handiwork of irrational nutcases, of frustrated slum-dwellers or of random delinquents gone toxic. To treat this as nothing but a chance accumulation of disconnected crimes is to lose the war a priori. The notion that the criminals can be picked off and apprehended one by one is akin to fighting WWII by going after individual Nazis one by one and thereby expecting to defeat the Third Reich. Yet this is precisely the mindset Obama boosts. Europe's faint-hearted leaders – all high-priests of pluralism – are as eager to appease an enemy they'd rather not name and certainly not fight in a systemic and steadfast manner. Hence they all – in one language or another – essentially repeat what Obama said when addressing Turkey's parliament a few years back. He started off by expressing profuse appreciation "for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including in my own country." That led the way to his recurrent and persistent theme: "We are not at war with Islam." By inference, neither is Islam at war with America, or, for that matter with Israel – to say nothing of any other country where Muslim terrorists have set off an explosive device or two, taken hostages or separated heads from their bodies. Suicide-bombings, shooting sprees, skyjackings and associated mishaps – we learn from the leader of the sole superpower – are disagreeable felonies of which anyone anywhere is capable, without infrastructure, training, indoctrination, broad societal backing, etc. True to form, Obama has variously described the perpetrators of 9/11 as "a sorry band of men" or "some small band of murderers." Accordingly, what's needed to counteract them isn't resolute and rigorous self-defense – certainly not war – but something more akin to police action. Indeed, when Osama Bin Laden was terminated, it was along the lines of Melvin Purvis's 1934 trap for John Dillinger. The “public enemy” was gunned down without trial or fuss, just as Osama would be decades later. Like Dillinger, Osama – as per Obama – was just a super-obnoxious hood. That's why, when announcing Bin Laden's demise, the free world's leading light yet again made it his point to hone the message that "we are not – and never will be – at war with Islam." On the narrowest pragmatic plane the sentiment isn't without merit. Why would any democracy desire to take on the whole Muslim world? The last thing we wish or need – or ever wished or needed – is a clash of civilizations. But complicating our wishful thinking is the not-so-negligible matter of whether this is also how militant Islam interprets things. The issue is whether vehement Islam, whose inflammatory rhetoric reverberates worldwide, doesn't regard itself as being at war with us. Much as we abhor conflict, the choice isn't exclusively ours. In this context, gushing prodigiously about "moderate Islam" is farcical. At best – if it's at all real and not an expedient-cum-fraudulent façade – Islamic moderation cowers conveniently in a murky twilight zone, mostly mute. If the immoderate Islamists incite to battle, can we make do with sitting back, trying to see their point of view, making nice and attempting to sooth their frenzy with brotherly blandishments? This precisely is Obama's advice. It's not merely his tactic – not even a strategy – but his outright ideology. It's also the stuff of Europe’s cloud-cuckoo-land. It's inherently enticing and way easier than even just keeping tabs on known extremists like the Tsarnaev or Kouachi brothers. It's easier than imposing a system of administrative detention (invented and occasionally resorted to by democratic Britain) against identified fanatics already under suspicion. While it may grate against PC niceties, preventative internment of a few would assure the basic right to life of the many and won't necessitate around-the-clock shadowing of each individual potential butcher. We are at war and during wartime not every nuance of a host of civil liberties can reign supreme. Often, high-minded pronouncements about defending our civil liberties mask defeatism and Stockholm Syndrome symptoms. Thus throughout the West the agenda is to remove the seeming pretexts for Muslim rage. This is where we come in, big-time. We, Israelis, are the much-reviled purported fly in the Arab/Muslim ointment. As popular postmodern mythology has it, all which kindles Arab/Muslim enmity toward Israel are the territories Israel won in the 1967 Six Day War (never mind that said war was waged in classic self-defense, imposed on a beleaguered small nation openly threatened with genocide). Consequently much of what befalls Israelis/Jews is somehow their own fault and distinct from terror against ordinary folks. Hence, there was hardly the same outpouring of sympathy for the casualties at the Paris Jewish supermarket as for the Charlie Hebdo staff or the executed French cops. This calls to mind the censure of terror in 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI who singled out innocent victims in Britain, Egypt and Turkey but conspicuously skipped over Israel – just after a suicide bombing in Netanya. The inevitable signal this dispatches to terror kingpins is that their assaults on Jews, even if not condoned outright, nonetheless don't arouse the same moral indignation and emotional outrage. The inclination, subliminally or otherwise, to isolate Jews in a separate classification is pervasive. The assumption that the bad guys aren't primarily after non-Jews even offers a sense of semi-safety to the presumably uninvolved onlookers. The segregation of anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli terror into a different category is abetted by the two-faced denunciation of the Paris bloodshed by Mahmoud Abbas and his on-and-off Hamas partners in Gaza. They enable terror on a grand scale, but then deny culpability. They pro forma condemn carnage but endorse, glorify and bankroll the perpetrators. Sanctimonious pen-warriors don't take Abbas or Hamas to task for their wrongdoing and blatant deception. Europe's media further adds insult to injury by helping disseminate the false analogy between the demonized and dehumanized Jews of Hitler's Germany to Europe's Muslims who claim to be equally as collectively demonized. Disagreeable as it surely is to tar any group collectively, there's too much cynical PR profit in drawing this parallel for it to be taken at face value. Comparing Holocaust-era Judeophobia to Islamophobia is not only spurious but colossally galling. For one thing, Jews never engaged in terror against Germans. If anything, they regarded themselves as German patriots. Then comes the minor matter of Arabs having been among the most vociferous promoters of Judeophobia in Nazi times. They still are to this day. But Europe's self-acclaimed pen-warriors are loath to take note, expose the chutzpah and sincerely fight against mega-hypocrisy. With rare exceptions, they are nothing like the gallant guardians of their own conceited portrayals. Their syrupy catchphrases in the end give succor to the implacable enemies of us all. "Je suis Charlie" makes the jihadists laugh. Sarah Honig is a veteran columnist and senior editorial writer who joined The Jerusalem Post while still in her teens. She served for many years as The Post's political correspondent (a position she also held on the now-defunct but once-influential Davar), headed the Tel Aviv bureau at the Post and wrote daily analyses of the political scene, along with in-depth features. Honig is a mother, an artist and an avid collector of antique and vintage dolls. View Sarah's website at |
22 ISLAMIC TERROR CAMPS IN U.S.Posted by Yoram Fisher, January 15, 2015 |
I HAVE NOT CHECKED THIS -- I BELIEVE IT TO BE TRUE BUT FEEL FREE TO CHECK AND LET ME KNOW We are Charlie, indeed! 22 Islamic terror camps in U.S. Groups fly under radar as Congress seems unconcerned Leo Hohmann is a news editor for WND. He has been a reporter and editor at several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas and also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina. Last week's brazen attack by a "home-grown" terrorist cell in France that targeted the staff of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has sparked renewed interest in potential cells operating inside the United States. And there are many. The FBI is aware of at least 22 paramilitary Islamic communes in the U.S., operated by the shadowy Pakistan-based group Jamaat al-Fuqra and its main U.S. front group, Muslims of the Americas. With U.S. headquarters in Islamberg, New York, the group headed by Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani operates communes in mostly remote areas of California, Georgia, South Carolina, New York, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Michigan, Tennessee and other states. The FBI describes the MOA compound in Texas, called Mahmoudberg, as an enclave and "communal living site." Located in Brazoria County along County Road 3 near Sweeny, Texas, it was discovered more than 10 years ago by the FBI through a tip from an informant in New York. The Texas commune, in a heavily wooded area, is estimated by a local resident to encompass about 25 acres. It dates back to the late 1980s, the resident said, which is confirmed by the FBI documents previously reported on by WND. Pamela Geller, author of the Atlas Shrugs blog and the book "Stop the Islamization of America," has been following the militant training compounds since 2007. Most of the recruits living at these communes are African-Americans who converted to Islam while doing hard time in state or federal prisons, Geller says. They have operated "under the not-so-watchful eye" of the FBI since the early 1980s, she says, but few Americans are aware of their existence all these years later. Gilani's group operates a slick website in which a female narrator in one promo video waxes beautifully about how the group has rescued many young Americans from a life a crime, drugs and poverty. The group claims to focus on a ministry to "indigenous American Muslims." One would never guess from the video that the group trains young men and women in the use of small arms and military tactics. A January 2003 investigative summary by the FBI states: "The captioned investigation of the Muslims of America is based upon specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation thereof..." In a recruitment video captured from Gilani's "Soldiers of Allah," Gilani states: "We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America." Yet, the MOA is not on the U.S. State Department’s list of terrorist organizations. "Probably they haven't been raided because Jamaat al-Fuqra is not listed as a terrorist group by the U.S. government and because there is a great reluctance among government and law enforcement agencies across the board, no matter who is president, to appear to be anti-Muslim," Geller told WND. "These compounds say they’re peaceful Muslim communities, and the government wants to give the impression that such things can exist in the U.S. without any trouble." Indeed, MOA has operated freely under the watch of every president since Ronald Reagan. The group's leader, Gilani, moved to America from Pakistan in 1979 and has been developing his network of communes ever since. He was once investigated by the Pakistani government for possible involvement in the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Some reports say he has as many as 35 affiliated compounds throughout the U.S., although only about 22 of the sites have been verified. There have been run-ins with the law involving murder and financial scheming back in the 1990s. In 1991, after a MOA bomb plot in Toronto was foiled, a federal search warrant for three suspects was issued and a nearly 45-acre compound about 70 miles south of Dallas was raided. The location of the compound corresponds to a reference in an FBI document obtained by the Clarion Project that says about seven MOA members purchased property near Corsicana, Texas. Federal officials found four mobile homes; three military, general-purpose tents; and six vehicles. Also discovered were loose ammunition, books on counter-terrorism techniques and weaponry and various items with "Jamaat Fuqra Land" written on them. Another compound in Buena Vista, Colorado, was raided and shut down by state authorities in 1992. But there have been no raids on any of the encampments since the 1990s. See the penetrating investigative film that exposed the subversive plans of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, "Jihad in America: The Grand Deception" Murder, firebombing A 2007 FBI record states that members of the group have been involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings and one attempted bombing. "The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam, which includes the U.S. Government," the document states. "Members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani." The document also says Muslims of America is now "an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S." Robert Spencer, author of the JihadWatch blog and several books about radical Islam, says the communes operate much like Europe's "no-go zones," which are Islamic enclaves where adherents live under Shariah law and are off limits to non-Muslims. Police also tend to avoid the enclaves. "Yes, there are similarities. They're both very hostile to outsiders and have a history of hostility to law enforcement, and there has been evidence that police are hesitant to go into these communes just as they are in Europe," Spencer told WND. They are different in that they operate mostly in remote rural areas of the U.S., unlike the urban no-go zones in Europe's major cities. A mystical sect of Islam Gilani is a follower of Sufi Islam, an ancient mystical sect that believes in miracles, signs and wonders. Some Middle East historians have described the Sufis as more moderate and peaceful than their Sunni or Shiite cousins, but this is a mistake in Spencer's view. The Chechen jihad against the Russians was led by Sufis from the 19th century until the influx of Wahhabi Arabs in the late 20th century. And Hassan al-Banna, one of early leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, prescribed Sufi exercises for Brotherhood members, Spencer said. "They're more mystical, but that does not mean they reject the principles of violent jihad," he said. Muhammad al-Ghazali, a Persian philosopher and founder of the modern Sufi movement in the late 11th century, "was very clear and strong in speaking about the necessity of waging violent jihad," Spencer said. The FBI report on Muslims of America has been heavily redacted but clearly says the group has engaged in murders and fire bombings in the U.S. "So that's the FBI speaking not some Islamophobe," Spencer said. Gilani, who did not immediately respond to WND's request for an interview, teaches that Muslims should be self-sustaining and separate from the broader American culture. But he also purports to teach that they foster "good relations with our Christian brethren," according to the group's website. Watch MOA's promotional video below, casting itself as a mystical sect concerned about humanitarian-based rescues of Americans trapped in a life of crime and drugs. Christian Action Network did a documentary on the elusive Gilani in 2009. The documentary shows the Christians being greeted at the entrance to a compound in New York with tremendous hostility. "Christian Network was told by the local cops not to go there and not to bother them but they went anyway, and neighbors said they heard firearms training and all kinds of things going on there," Spencer said. Check out the Christian Action Network's acclaimed documentary, "Homegrown Jihad," which blew the whistle on Muslims of America communes and what its recruits are taught. According to their own video, the MOA groups are all about peace, miraculous sightings of Allah and the mystical healing of incurable diseases from AIDS to cancer. They also make a point of claiming to develop their brand of Islam within the framework of being good American citizens. This is all written off by Spencer as "window dressing" and Geller agrees. “All Islamic groups make similar claims – including the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, designated a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates," Geller said. "These claims have to be balanced against the group's others words, and its actions. MOA members have been involved in murders and firebombings in the U.S." They have also been involved in violence against other Muslims. The Islamic spiritual leader Rashad Kalifa was one of the victims. He was a Muslim scholar who translated the Quran into English and also developed a teaching based on a Quranic numbering system that marked him as a false prophet and a heretic by many Muslims, including those affiliated with the MOA. Kalifa was found stabbed 29 times in the kitchen of a Tucson mosque in 1990. One member of MOA was found guilty of conspiracy in the killing and sentenced to 69 years. "We should monitor them very closely. Hold hearings if necessary (in Congress)," Geller said. "Conduct a thorough investigation of each of these compounds with or without hearings." Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., was one member of Congress who tried to get her colleagues to pay more attention to groups like MOA, but had little success. "For years we've heard viable reports and seen photos and video tape suggesting Islamic jihadist training camps located in states such as Texas, Georgia and elsewhere. U.S. national law enforcement agencies have a duty to secure the safety of the American people – that is the number one duty of government," Bachmann told WND. But the federal government, and increasingly state and local governments, have been more concerned about offending Muslims and bowing to the wishes of Muslim Brotherhood front groups like Council on American-Islamic Relations, she said. "For law enforcement to fail to investigate reports of U.S.-based terror training camps or to turn a blind eye to incitement activities in U.S.-based Islamic centers is to intentionally avoid a tragic reality of American life," she said. "In retrospect, wouldn't it have been better for the U.S. military to have acted on their evidence and suspicions of the Fort Hood shooter? Wouldn't it have been better for the FBI to have investigated the Islamic center of Boston prior to the Boston marathon bombing?" "The clues to see Islamic jihad were and are in front of our eyes," Bachmann added. "If only our government had the political will to see and act upon them." Contact Yoram Fisher at |
On December 22, 2014 The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) hosted a panel discussing the book The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel, edited by Cary Nelson and Gabriel Noah Brahm. In addition to Professors Nelson and Brahm, the panel featured a number of guests. As already reported, the edited volume included chapters on issues ranging from BDS and academic freedom, to specific case-studies. The panel discussion and the questions from the audience expanded on the issue and raised additional question not covered in the book. Professor Cary Nelson (Emeritus, English, University of Illinois) Nelson asserted that BDS should matter to Israel because of its ideology and the social network that underpins it. BDS activists are socialized to fight Israel's supporters on campuses, they are highly motivated to the point that BDS has become their professional identity. Nelson noted that BDS supporters have penetrated academic associations, organize rallies that pretend to be academic. They thrive in the social sciences where many academics believe that classrooms should be used to teach about "justice" and "equality" and utilized for political recruitment. The anti-Israeli animus is widespread and in some cases paradoxical. For instance, the Jewish Studies programs in NYU, Columbia, Berkeley, California State U, and Toronto University do not offer courses on Israel. Going to educate the next generation of elites. Political events influence BDS movement. Omar Barghouti, Judith Butler nothing will satisfy them except dissolution of the Israeli State. Gabriel Noah Brahm (English, Northern Michigan University, Philosophy & Religion, HUJ) Brahm suggested BDS is anti-Semitic to the core and that "BDS people" have an "Israel fetish." Jewish BDS supporters like Judith Butler have a simple formula: "Zionism is the problem" – the solution is the Right of Return to the Diaspora where Jews have lived happily and thrived. Brahm pointed out that Zionism was also scrutinized from a philosophical perspective as well. For instance, Michael Marder & Gianni Vattimo Deconstructing Zionism: A Critique of Political Metaphysics stated that, unlike other nationalism that managed to adopt to twenty first century, Zionism was tethered to nineteenth century nationalism that focused on the state. On a less lofty level, there are academics like Steven Salaita who was rejected by the authorities of the University of Illinois after being offered a position. As Brahm put it, to "the anti-Semitic unconscious Salaita, Israel is an expression of "racism, colonialism, neoliberalism and sexism." Zvi Ziegler, (Emeritus, Technion and the head of the Forum to Counter Academic Boycotts) Ziegler presented a brief history of BDS. He noted that the Defensive Shield Operation triggered by the Natanya Park Hotel massacre in 2002, promoted the "propaganda machine" of anti-Israeli academics and first calls for boycott. Ziegler recalled that, the Israeli academy took sporadic steps to fight the growing BDS sentiments. It was only in 2013, after a number of professional associations in the United States called for academic boycott that the academic authorities decided to set up his committee. The professor listed four argument in fighting academic BDS; principal, fair play, utilitarian, and exposing false arguments (that the Israeli academics are not agents of the government). Professor Ilan Troen (Chair, Israel Studies Program at Brandeis University) Troen spoke about the paradigm shift in the academy triggered by Edward Said's book Orientalism that depicted Israel as a colonial state and Jews as an artificial, inauthentic people created by the European colonialists in order to dispossess the indigenous Palestinian People. He added that the Durban conference, where Zionism was declared to be racists and Israel an apprehend state, provided the organizational impetus for the BDS movement. Troen predicted that BDS can become a big phenomenon in the future. Professor Galia Golan (School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya) Golan focused on the critical question of whether BDS should be considered is anti-Semitic. She suggested that opposition to settlements, house demolitions, and the occupation, constitute a legitimate form of criticism. Golan also noted that from the standpoint of international law and BDS is a legitimate activity on two counts – it is nonviolent and is covered by the United Nations practices of providing a platform for a multitude of nongovernment organizations and movements. This said, Golan offered a few reservations. First, the BDS rhetoric is highly problematic- it challenges Israel's right to exist, it is anti- Semitic, and it is anti-political. Second, BDS is counterproductive in the sense that sanctions have a poor success rate. Sanctions worked against South Africa and Iran, but did not work in other cases. Third, BDS helps the Israeli right; the threat of sanctions generates fears in Israeli society and a national solidarity backlash. The rhetoric tends to prove Prime Minister Netanyahu correct when he warns against of Israeli destruction. In this scenario, the leftist BDS and the rightist Likud government feed off each other- a fact that Omar Barghouti acknowledged when he declared that "Netanyahu's polices are great for the BDS movement." Israeli academy is the wrong target for a BDS because it empowers right wing groups on campus. For instance, Im Tirtzu made a name for itself by protesting alleged left-wing radicalism on campus and even prompted the Knesset education committee to request information. BDS has no place on campus; it stifles debate and imposes censorship in a place that should be devoted to the exchange of ideas and intellectual freedom. Dictatorships have no place in a university, nobody benefits from shutting off of mikes. Golan added that Hillel in the United States would ban her appearance because she is too critical of Israeli policy. Select Comments from the Audience Mr. Michael Gross- a member of the Board of Governors of Ben Gurion University Gross spoke about Israeli academics who are involved in BDS, an issue that the book did not deal with. Gross focused on the leading role of some radical Israeli scholars in using their academic writings to justify BDS. He mentioned that many radicals are based in the Department of Politics and Government at BGU. He pointed out that the Department was censured by an International Evaluation Committee in 2013 on the grounds of heavy presence of left-wing, activist faculty. Gross commented that Professor Galia Golan was the only member of the Committee that issued a dissenting statement in support of the Department. Dr. Dalit Baum - formerly from Haifa University, a BDS Activist in the United States Baum explained that Israel Studies in the United States are highly politicized and no critique of Israel is allowed. Groups like Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) are all about policing the discourse and silencing the critique, in her opinion. Baum stated that the decades-old occupation of Palestinians lands drives BDS and creates problems for Israel. She noted that students need to hear the truth about the occupation and asked why there was no one on the panel to discuss the BDS resolutions. Contact IAM at |
A FRESH PERSPECTIVE: FIRST THEY CAME FOR THE JEWSPosted by Dan Illouz, January 15, 2015 |
The attack on the French magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' was an attack on Western values, but it was preceded by many anti- Semitic attacks that few paid attention to. ![]() J'accuse! The indifference of the French community to the wave of anti-Semitic attacks seen in France in the past decade is the precursor to the violent attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine. In 2006, 23-year-old Ilan Halimi was working in a cellphone store when an attractive young lady came in as a customer. After finishing her purchases, the customer asked for Ilan's phone number. Ilan gave it to her and they agreed to meet later on. The bait was set. When Halimi met with his date, what awaited him was nothing less than horror. He was kidnapped, held prisoner in an apartment in Paris for 24 days while being violently tortured. Reports speak of people in the neighborhood coming to that apartment to participate in his torture, as though it were a pleasant pastime. After over three weeks of horrible torture, Ilan Halimi was abandoned in a nearby forest. When he was found, he had burns on over 80 percent of his body. "Even an animal isn't treated that way," the police would later say. His crime? He was Jewish. Period. On March 19, 2012, after several attacks against uniformed soldiers, the Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse was attacked by a terrorist. The terrorist came around eight in the morning on a motorcycle and opened fire towards the schoolyard. The first victims were a rabbi who taught at the school and his two children. One of the children did not die immediately and tried crawling away. The terrorist shot at him as he was fighting for his life. He then went into the schoolyard, grabbed an eight-year-old girl and tried shooting her at close range. His gun jammed at that moment. However, the terrorist did not quit. He switched guns and shot this little girl point blank. The terrorist aimed his previous attacks at military personnel for what he believed to be war crimes, but what were the claimed crimes of these victims? Once again, their only crime was to be Jewish. From anti-Semitism to indiscriminate terrorism A famous quote, attributed to Pastor Martin Niemoller, describes the inaction of the German population to the rise of Nazism in Germany. In one of its versions, it says: "First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me." It seems that history is repeating itself. Just as German society failed to act against Nazism, so too is French society failing to act against radical Islam-inspired anti-Semitism. As violent and shocking acts of anti-Semitism began becoming a part of regular life in France, French society continued to embrace some very disturbing behavior. For example, Dieudonne M'bala M'bala, a French comedian and actor, has only risen in popularity since expressing his anti-Semitism. His recent campaigns included using a Nazi-inspired salute, the quenelle gesture, as a "protest" sign with obvious anti-Semitic undertones. Thousands of online supporters took pictures of themselves while demonstrating the quenelle in various locations, including the Auschwitz concentration camp. Dieudonné wrote a song making fun of the Holocaust, "Shoananas," which thousands of fans sing with him in all of his shows. These people saluting the quenelle or singing "Shoananas" are not just radical Islamic elements of France. Anti-Semitism has once again become a part of French culture, and it is becoming more and more popular. As can be expected, when a group uses violence against Jews, it is not long before it will start using violence against other values dear to the Western world. This latest wave of anti-Semitis m has recently translated into a wave of anti-Western attacks, with the attack on the popular magazine Charlie Hebdo. The attack against Charlie Hebdo has been described by many as an eye-opener – the September 11 of France. World leaders came to support France in a huge march in protest against these attacks. A magazine being attacked is a blatant siege against the bedrock of Western tradition: freedom of expression. It is an attack on the most basic French values: "Liberty, equality, fraternity." The personal tragedy of the families is unbearable and the national tragedy at this symbol being attacked is also great. However, one cannot help but wonder why the attack on Ilan Halimi or the attack on a school in Toulouse were not enough in order to wake up the French. Why were these attacks not "eye-openers?" Why did they need another "September 11" moment to get rid of their naivety and innocence? Why did world leaders not come to march in protest? Even more so, why was the focus of the huge march the attack on the Charlie Hebdo and not the anti-Semitic attack on the Jewish supermarket, Hyper Casher, that followed? The sad truth is that an attack on Jewish children is less shocking to France than an attack on a magazine. The diplomatic implications of the 'Charlie Hebdo' attack It is quite symbolic that the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine occurred one week after a groundbreaking UN vote on a Palestinian resolution against Israel. In that resolution, the Western world was united for Israel, with the exception of France, which sided with the Palestinians. It is time for France to wake up. The fight against Islamic terrorism is the same fight whether it is against Palestinian Islamic terrorists, Islamic State terrorists, al-Qaida or French Islamic terrorists. It is a fight between freedom and tyranny, between democracy and terrorism, between hope and hatred. In this fight, the Western free world needs to be united. The Western world must stand with Israel. By siding with Palestinians against Israel, France painted the Western world as weak and divided. It is time for Israel and France to work together with Australia, Canada, the UK, Spain, the United States and all other Western countries that were attacked or are threatened by Islamic terrorists in order to defeat this threat that wants to bring our civilization back to the Middle Ages. Will they do so? The way the French government handled the huge protest that occurred following the attacks on Charlie Hebdo is not an encouraging sign. While all Western world leaders were invited, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked not to come. Only after insisting he wanted to stand with Western values of freedom and democracy, as well as with French Jewry in this time of crisis, was he allowed. However, this was done only after inviting Holocaust- denying PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who sits in a coalition government with the Hamas terrorist group. Is it logical that the leader of a Western democracy, Netanyahu, only be invited to a march in support of Western democratic values and against terrorism, after a Holocaust-denying dictator that cooperates with terrorists, Abbas, was confirmed attending? French Jews, come home! Immigration to Israel has almost doubled in the past year, from 3,400 to 7,000 people. France has become the No. 1 country from which Jews immigrate. However, for the third-largest Jewish community in the world, after the United States and Israel, with over half-a-million Jews, this rise in numbers cannot yet be considered a true "wave." The right to the Land of Israel has nothing to do with anti-Semitism in other parts of the world. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, the place in which King David ruled and the Maccabees fought off the nation’s enemies. The return to Zion is justified even without the cause of anti-Semitism. However, anti-Semitism is definitely a reason, albeit a truly unfortunate one, for Jews to consider exercising this existing right. The new wave of attacks in France will surely make the number of Jews leaving France rise once again. Instead of looking at Canada or the United States, these Jews should simply come home to Israel and end a 2,000-year history of exile. Here in Israel, unlike in any other country in the world, when Jews are attacked violently – as often happens – Jews can put on the uniform of the IDF and fight back to protect themselves and their loved ones. Is there hope? The implications of the latest terrorist attacks can be numerous: from a more mature French society that will know to fight radical Islam, to more mature French diplomats that will know how to better treat their allies in the war on radical Islam and even to a French Jewish community that will bring to an end, for that community, a 2,000-year-old exile from Israel. However, unfortunately, the initial reaction of the French population unfortunately leaves little room for hope. Will this change or is it already too late? Dan Illouz is an attorney and a former legislative adviser to Knesset's coalition chairman; he previously served in a legal capacity at the Foreign Ministry. He is a graduate of McGill University Law School and Hebrew University's master's program in public policy. This article appeared January 15, 2015 on the Jerusalem Post and is archived at |
![]() The Islamic State released a shocking video clip showcasing how they apparently executed two men who seemingly admit to being Russian spies. The "novelty" in this clip is that the executioner who shoots the bound men is boy who appears to be about ten years old. Clarion Project cannot verify the authenticity of the executions themselves, but what is clear is that the Islamic State is educating young boys to carry out acts of ruthless violence and it is bragging about it. This video is being shared widely by Islamic State supporters on social media and it bears the logo of Al Hayat, the Islamic State's media department. At the beginning of the clip, a Russian-speaking interrogator questions the "spies" separately asking about their personal details, who sent them, how they entered the Islamic State's territory and what their mission was. Following the men's admissions, the clip cuts to a field where the two men are kneeling, their hands tied behind their backs. Behind them stands a jihadi militant and next to him, with a robotic gaze on his face, is a young boy about ten years old holding a handgun at his side. After the militant recites Quranic verses and pronounces the sentence, he nudges the boy forward. The boy takes a few steps forward, aims the handgun at the head of the first victim and fires. The boy turns and shoots the second man in the head, and then fires several additional rounds into the man's body to ensure he's dead. Below are several still images from the video. WARNING!!! - THIS VIDEO INCLUDES DISTURBING SCENES OF VIOLENCE. CLICK VIDEO HERE. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Contact Clarion Project at |
REFLECTIONS ON THE MURDERS IN PARISPosted by Ted Belman, January 15, 2015 |
The article below was written by Jonathan Spyer who is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center, and a fellow at the Middle East Forum. He is the author of The Transforming Fire: The Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict (Continuum, 2011). This article appeared January 12, 2015 on Middle East Forum and is archived at |
The Islamic world is currently in the midst of a great historic convulsion. This process is giving birth to political trends and movements of a murderously violent nature. These movements offer a supposed escape route from the humiliation felt at the profound societal failure of the Arab and to a slightly lesser extent the broader Muslim world. ![]() The escape is by way of the most violent and intolerant historic trends of Islam, into a mythologized and imagined past. The route to this old-new imagined utopia is a bloody one. All who oppose or even slight it must die. The simple and brutal laws of 7th century Muslim Arabia are re-applied, in their literal sense. The events of last week in Paris were a manifestation of this trend. These trends exist not only in the Arab and Muslim worlds themselves. Because of mass immigration from the Arab and Muslim world to western European countries, they are also powerful and present in immigrant communities in these countries. The Kouachi brothers and Amedi Coulibaly are the latest, and no doubt not the last representatives of this political world to impose themselves on us. The political trend in question is called political Islam. It manifests itself in its most extreme form in the rival global networks of the Al Qaeda movement and the Islamic State. But these, alas, are only the sharp tip of a much larger iceberg. Political Islamists are not all, or mainly, young men from slums. On the contrary, its adherents include heads of state, powerful economic interests and media groups, and prominent cultural figures. Some of these, absurdly, were even present at the "solidarity rally" in Paris. They rendered this event an empty spectacle by their presence. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu of Turkey, for example, came to offer his solidarity to the victims of journalists murdered by Islamists in Paris, just two days after the Turkish courts sentenced a pianist to a 10 month prison sentence, suspended for five years, for the crime of "denigrating religion (ie Islam)." More urgently, Turkey has been an active supporter of both Islamic State and al-Qaeda forces in northern Syria over the last three years. That is, Davutoglu was marching in condemnation of forces to which his own government has offered support. Political Islam is a reaction to profound societal failure. It is also a flight into unreality. It has nothing practical to offer as an actual remedy to Arab and Islamic developmental problems. Economic, legal and societal models deriving from the 7th century Arabian desert are fairly obvious impediments to success in the 21st. Where they are systematically imposed, as in the Islamic State, they will create something close to hell on earth. Where they remain present in more partial forms — as in Qatar, Gaza, Iran, (increasingly) Turkey, and so on — they will merely produce stifling, stagnant and repressive societies. But the remedy for failure that political Islam offers is not a material one. It offers in generous portions the intoxicating psychological cocktail of murderous rage and self-assertion, and the desire to strike out and destroy those deemed enemies — infidels who transgress binding religious commandments, Jews and so on. This is not the first time that Europe has encountered political phenomena based on murderous rage and utopias buried in the magical past. The European fascist movements produced precisely such a mix. But of course, this time around, the rage and the utopia derive not from European culture, but from an alien culture which has implanted itself among the Europeans. Here is the second part of the problem. Arab and Muslim societies may be basket cases, but they retain an exceptionally strong and vivid sense of themselves. It is the irony of history that this sense of self is precisely of a type that is bound to keep their societies mired in failure. But history favors irony, and this sense nevertheless remains powerfully experienced and hence politically potent. In this respect, the modern Islamic world resembles western Europe of 80 or 90 years ago, but not the contemporary continent. In contemporary western European societies, political Islam meets a human collectivity suffering, by contrast, from a profound loss of self. No one, at least in the mainstream of politics and culture, seems able to quite articulate what western European countries are for, or what they oppose — at least beyond a sort of vapid belief in everyone doing what they want and not bothering each other. The result is that when violent political Islam collides with the satiated, lost societies of western Europe, the response is not defiance on the part of the latter, but rather fear. This fear, as fear is wont to do, manifests itself in various, not particularly edifying, ways. The most obvious is avoidance ("the attacks had nothing to do with Islam," "unemployment and poverty are the root cause," "the Islamic State is neither Islamic nor a state," etc etc). Another is appeasement — "maybe if we give them some of what they want, they'll leave us alone." This response perhaps partially explains the notable adoption in parts of western Europe of the anti-Jewish prejudice so prevalent in the Islamic world. The ennui of the western European mainstream will almost certainly prevent the adoption of the very tough measures which alone might serve to adequately address the burgeoning problem of large numbers of young European Muslims committed to political Islam and to violence against their host societies. Such measures — which would include tighter surveillance and policing of communities, quick deportations of incendiary preachers, revocation of citizenship for those engaged in violence, possible imprisonment of suspects and so on — would require a political will which is manifestly absent. So it wont happen. So the events of Paris will almost certainly recur. And lastly, since the elites will not be able to produce resistance, it will come from outside of the elites. Hence the growth of populist, nationalist parties and movements in western Europe. But Europe being what it is, such revivalist movements are likely to contain a hefty dose of the xenophobia and bigotry which characterized the continent of old. None of this can, at present, be discussed in polite European society. But all of it is fairly obvious. For this reason, Europe's Jews are at present warily eying the door. As someone who was born in western Europe, and left it 25 years ago for Israel, I am happy to conclude that as a result of the efforts and sacrifice of many, Europe's Jews are this time around neither defenseless nor alone. Nor will their blood be free to be taken with impunity. Ted Belman is a Canadian lawyer and editor of the website, an activist pro-Israel website. He now lives in Jerusalem. Contact him at |
![]() Young teenage Muslim girls in Malaysia, wearing hijab, were so excited by popular Korean "boy" band B1A4 that they jumped onstage to hug and kiss (!) some musicians. They are now being asked to turn themselves in or face arrest. The girls are being accused of having shamed Islam, their race, and their religion with such a display of affection in public. They are viewed as having violated Sharia law by touching members of the opposite sex who are also infidels. Their "crime" was caught on video: The K-pop band is claiming that it was a staged drama, a "romance parody." Nevertheless, JAWI (The Federal Territories Islamic Affairs Department) will "apply for arrest warrants should the girls fail to cooperate in the investigation." JAWI is "investigating the girls for public indecency and outraging Muslims." Facebook and Twitter commenters claim that the girls "are ignorant about our religion." For all those who still believe that current Muslim-majority countries and Muslim leaders are "just like us" in the West, let me ask this question: Who can forget the American teenage girls and sometimes young women who swooned over Frank Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Grateful Dead? Black and white footage reveals American girls screaming, sobbing, jumping up and down, tearing at their hair, and sometimes jumping on the stage and having to be "escorted" away? Who can forget similar female fan behavior towards the New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, and One Direction? While many parents and religious leaders might have frowned or despaired of such behavior, the state did not come in to enforce religious law against such Dionysian female foolishness. Islamists are currently glorifying women who become (or who train) human homicide bombs. They are glorifying women who join ISIS to fight Jihad. In the summer of 2014, authorities identified four new terror groups in Malaysia, all bent on "creating a 'super' Islamic caliphate to rule parts of South-east Asia, including secular Singapore." The envisioned Caliphate is called the Daulah Islamiah Nusantara and covers Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, southern Thailand and southern Philippines. Malaysian militants are, as of January, 2015, "borrowing money to join ISIS in the Middle East." According to the South China Morning Post, as reported in the Christian Times, "59 Malaysians have already left their home country to join ISIS... at least two women have taken out a personal loan to pay for their passage to Syria to join ISIS." And yet they are arresting teenagers for a momentary display of public affection? However, some voices of sanity are also being heard. Former Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenavasan said that "arrest warrants against the Muslim girls who had hugged K-pop boyband B1A4 will 'traumatize them... for the rest of their lives.'" An anonymous voice on YouTube, allegedly a religious teacher, claims, "They were onstage with Allah's permission...they chose to stand up and Allah permitted them to be onstage." She pointed out that the girls should be shown love—that they were already shamed and may indeed learn from this experience. Phyllis Chesler is an American writer, psychotherapist, and professor emerita of psychology and women's studies at the College of Staten Island. This article appeared January 15, 2015 on Breitbart and is archived at -in-malaysia-for-hugging-k-pop-boy-band/ |
BOMBED, BURNED, AND URINATED ON: CHURCHES UNDER ISLAMPosted by Raymond Ibrahim, January 15, 2015 |
Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches Iraq: The Islamic State blew up the country's oldest Christian monastery, St. Elijah's. The 27,000-square-foot building had stood near Mosul for 14 centuries. For several years, prior to 2009, U.S. soldiers protected and sometimes used the monastery as a chapel. "Our Christian history in Mosul is being barbarically leveled," reported a Roman Catholic priest in Irbil. "We see it as an attempt to expel us from Iraq, [and] eliminating and finishing our existence in this land." Yet, when Col. Steve Warren, spokesman for America's military efforts against ISIS, was asked about the status of Christians in Iraq soon after the monastery's destruction, he replied, "We've seen no specific evidence of a specific targeting toward Christians." Kosovo: Muslims urinated in an Orthodox Christian church in Pristina, the capital. Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic condemned the desecration of the Temple of Christ the Savior: "Urinating in a sanctuary is shameful, uncivilized, vandalism." (Last year in Italy, Muslims broke a statue of the Virgin Mary and also urinated on it.) Stojanovic added that, "The quiet observation of the demonstrators by the police, as they entered the temple and urinated is also shameful." Serbian [Christian] sanctuaries in Kosovo are constantly desecrated," the deputy prime minister said. Algeria: On January 7, unknown vandals damaged, robbed, and wrote jihadi slogans on a church. Furniture, ritual objects, and money worth about U.S. $8,000 was stolen from Light Church in Tizi-Ouzou, around 62 miles from Algiers. According to Pastor Mustapha Krireche, "Thieves broke into the inside of our church through the window, because we installed a reinforced door very hard to force open. ... They took the music equipment like guitars, synthesizer, percussion, and sound equipment, plus a printer, the trunk of tithes, a sum of money, and other material." The assailants left Islamic supremacist graffiti on the church walls including "Allah Akbar ["Allah is Greater"]." The church was targeted at least twice before: in 2009, "about 20 Islamist neighbors tried to block the congregation ... from meeting for worship"; in 2010, a group of Muslims rampaged through the church building, trying to burn it down and damaging Bibles and a cross. Kuwait: Lawmaker Ahmad Al-Azemi said that he and other MPs will reject an initially approved request to build churches because it "contradicts Islamic sharia laws." He added that Islamic scholars are unanimous in banning the building of non-Muslim places of worship in the Arabian Peninsula. Mongolia: Days after a church celebrated Christmas, explosives were thrown into the stove chimney of a Kazakh house-church. As a result, "Believers decided not to come together for a while. They [are] afraid of a repetition of the explosions in the homes of believers," said a church leader. Large numbers of people had attended the church's Christmas services and local Christians believe that this turnout had "angered some of the local Muslims and led them to carry out the attack." Pakistan: Three churches were attacked:
South Sudan: Muslims "sent" from the Muslim majority in Sudan, a country in which Sharia law is enforced, are suspected of burning down a church building in its southern neighbor where there is a Christian majority. On January 16, members of the Sudanese Church of Christ in the refugee settlement of Yida awoke in the morning to find their place of worship in flames. "I learned that those who set our church on fire were sent from Sudan purposely," reported an anonymous church leader. The fire burned both the exterior and interior of the structure, destroying all of the chairs, a pulpit, and some copies of Bibles in Arabic. The following week his congregation of nearly 200 people held their prayer service in the open air in the remains of the charred church building, an adobe structure. Egypt: A makeshift bomb was found near a church on January 22. Father Paul of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt found what he described as a "foreign object" next to the garbage can outside of the Church of the Virgin Mary in Aswan. He took it to the authorities for analysis, and it was discovered to be a makeshift bomb. Separately, security forces arrested 10 Coptic Christians for trying to build a wall around a piece of vacant land in order to expand their current church into the territory or possibly even build a church. A church already exists in the village of Abu Hannas in Samalout, Minya but it is too small to serve the village's large Christian population. So the church purchased an unused piece of land next to it in the hope of expanding the current church or building another. Iran: Authorities from the Islamic Republic are trying to convert the Assyrian Christian church in Tehran into a mosque. The church was illegally confiscated two years ago, when church leaders were told that an Islamic prayer hall would be built there. ![]() Indonesia: Authorities in the Sharia-governed province of Aceh plan to remove tents built by Christians in which to worship after their churches were torn down late last year by authorities in response to Muslim violence against churches. The attacks left one dead and thousands of Christians displaced. The government claims that the removals were agreed to, as the tents were built only for Christmas services -- a claim that Christian leaders reject. When Sharia police and other officials arrived in early January to remove the tents, the congregation resisted. "Mothers, children, and youths blockaded them. They made their objections clear," said a pastor. Two church tents were torn down. Turkey: A Syriac Orthodox Church in Diyarbakir, considered to be a "unique heritage site," is believed to have been destroyed during fighting between the Turkish army and the Kurdish PKK. According to the last Christian family to flee the area, Fr. Yusuf and his wife: "My wife and I managed to escape the Church just moments ago with great difficulty... A few days ago, we already sent our children away in order to put them in safety. My wife and I, however, could not leave this ancient-old Church," which symbolizes the last living presence of the Arameans in this once flourishing Aramean city. "We heard the fighting coming closer to us and we felt the ground shaking more and more. Especially my wife got terribly afraid and then we both decided that we had to run for our lives. ... Not even at home or church we were safe. Our psychology has been greatly impacted by what we have experienced lately. ... We don't know what has happened to our Church, because we didn't dare to look while we were running for our lives. Now we have little hope left that there can be a future for us, Aramean Christians, to stay in the land of our forefathers." Muslim Slaughter of Christians Pakistan: At least three Christians were raped and/or tortured to death by Muslims: 1) A group of Muslim men went into a Christian district, abducted a 7-year-old boy, and took turns gang-raping him before finally strangling him to death with a rope. Locals found the child's body the next day dumped in a field: "[T]he body was sent for post-mortem examination which revealed that the 7-year-old was killed after being brutally raped," a local said. "The suspects belonged to rich families and were drunk when they kidnapped the child, took him away and they raped him." 2) A week later, another group of reportedly "rich and drunk" Muslims in a car accosted three Christian girls walking home from work. They sexually harassed them, saying "Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the pleasure of Muslim men." When the girls tried to run away, the Muslims chased them down in their car and ran them over, killing one 17-year-old girl. 3) A Christian man was brutally tortured to death by police in an attempt to get him to confess to stealing from his Muslim employer. Khurram, the son of Liaqat Masih, the 47-year-old slain Christian, was also tortured by police for the same reason; he shared his eyewitness testimony of the beating his father endured before expiring. Police stripped him naked, made him stand on a chair, tied his hands behind his back, and hung him from the ceiling, causing Liaqat's shoulders to become dislocated. Each time the captive's feet hit the floor, a police officer would pull the rope to lift him up again and continued applying tension to his arms and dislocated shoulders. Because both Khurram and Liaqat adamantly maintained their innocence during the ordeal, the officers continued to beat his tied-up father with wooden logs until he eventually died. About an hour into the beating, the guards noticed that Liaqat was no longer breathing. The officers then released the tension on the rope and laid the father's beaten body down in a pool of his own urine, said the son who watched. At the autopsy, doctors concluded that Liaqat died of a heart attack and failed to record the numerous injuries and bruises suffered during the beating. Bangladesh: ISIS claimed responsibility for the murder of an 85-year-old Muslim man for reportedly converting to Christianity. He was found lying in a coffin-like structure with blood on his chest. It is believed that he was stabbed to death while working at his homeopathic practice. According to the report, "Soldiers of the caliphate were able to eliminate the apostate, named 'Samir al-Din', by stabbing him with a knife." Although al-Din's son claims that his father never converted to Christianity and frequently prayed facing Mecca, One Way Church disagrees, stating that he was just "in a meeting of the church at Gopinathpur village on Jan 3" and that he had told others that his life was in danger. "The local church has shown us papers confirming his conversion to Christianity in 2001," said local police. Syria: A bomb attack on a mostly Christian neighborhood killed three people and wounded 10 others, all Christians. The attack occurred on January 24 in the Kurdish city of Qamishli. While rumors began that ISIS was behind it, according to one Christian leader, "So many people think that behind the bombing there could also be Kurdish masterminds and executors. It is another disturbing factor of this war: there is terrorism, but sometimes we do not know who really terrifies us." Dhimmitude Germany: In a letter to the Federal Minister for Special Affairs, Hegumen Daniil, Father Superior of St. George the Victorious Monastery in Gotschendorf and a member of the Integration Committee at the German Federal Chancellery, wrote:
Egypt: "The tombs of the Copts [Egypt's indigenous Christians] are being turned into garbage dumps." This was the message from Fr. Ayoub Yousef, who heads the Coptic Catholic church of St. George in the village of Dalga, in Minya, Upper Egypt. According to the priest, local Christian cemeteries are in a "piteous state," and all types of sewage and waste are being dumped into them to the point of filling the tombs. He has filed numerous complaints with the prime minister and many other officials "to no avail, to the point that the situation has become unacceptable" and urged "immediate intervention." Separately, during a televised Egyptian talk show that aired on January 18, Ahmed 'Abdu Maher, a lawyer, denounced Al-Azhar, the Islamic world's oldest and most prestigious university, for continuing to radicalize its students. By way of example, he said: "There is a book in Al-Azhar that calls for the forceful shaving of the heads of the Copts, placing a sign on their homes [so Muslims know where the 'infidels' live], and refusing to shake hands with them." As it happens, the Islamic State and similar Muslim groups all make it a point not to shake hands with "unclean" Christians -- one Egyptian cleric said he finds Christians utterly "disgusting" -- and that Christian homes should be distinguished with signs, as ISIS did when it placed the Arabic "N" (nun) letter on their homes in Mosul and elsewhere. Even forced head-shaving is being practiced. Back in 2013, jihadi groups in Libya abducted around 100 Copts and abused them—including shaving their heads. Turkey: Out of almost 2 million Syrian refugees within Turkey's borders, 45,000 are Christian and are finding that "life is only slightly better at best." Many have to pretend to be Muslims in public in order to avoid being attacked. They restrict their Christian worship to the privacy of their tents and homes. According to the report, "Another group of refugees in Turkey that was attacked is the Armenians. Zadig Kucuk reportedly found his 85-year-old mother murdered in December 2012, even though she was living in a large Armenian community in Istanbul. When her body was found, a large cross had been carved into her chest. There have also been incidences of refugees being beheaded." Iran: Instead of receiving much needed medical treatment, a Christian prisoner was instead given five additional years in prison. Ebrahim Firouzi was first arrested by agents of the Islamic Republic in 2013. He was later condemned by a court of law to one year in prison and two years' exile. After his sentence ended, Firouzi was kept in prison when new charges of "acting against national security" were levied against him. He remains in prison even though he has been suffering acute pain in the left side of his chest for over a year, and his condition has continued to deteriorate in the last three months. Kazakhstan: After he appealed the decision, a court in Astana, the nation's capital, increased the sentence originally handed to Yklas Kabduakasov, a convert from Islam, from seven years' house arrest to two years at hard labor in a prison camp. The father of eight was arrested last year on charges of "inciting religious hatred." He was convicted last November and allowed to go home to begin his seven years of house arrest. Local Christians believe the real reason behind the arrest of Yklas Kabduakasov is his conversion from Islam to Christianity and that he was sharing his Christian faith with Muslims. Mali: A Swiss Christian missionary, who was abducted for 10 days in 2012, has been kidnapped again in Timbuktu. On January 8, Beatrice Stockly, a woman in her 40s, was taken from her home before dawn by armed men who arrived in four pickup trucks. Militant Islamic groups are active in the area in which she lives and had launched two attacks in the previous weeks, one of them on a Christian radio station just before Christmas, which left 25 people dead. In 2012, when the jihadis ruled the area, they outlawed the practice of Christianity and desecrated and looted churches and other places of worship. Pakistan: Yet another Christian girl was abducted by a group of Muslim men, forced to convert to Islam, and marry one of her kidnappers. The girl, 15-year-old Saima Bibi, was alone in a village in the Kasur district when she was seized. The family filed a complaint with police against her captors. Her parents hope that providing a birth certificate verifying her underage status will prove useful in the case, as the legal age for marriage in Pakistan is 16. Police, however, already confirmed that Saima has converted to Islam and officials have documents proving the marriage. About this Series While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians by Muslims is growing. The report entitled "Muslim Persecution of Christians" was developed to collate some -- though by no means all -- of the instances of the Muslim persecution of Christians that surface each month. It documents what the mainstream media often fails to report. It posits that such Muslim persecution is not random but rather systematic, and takes place in all languages, ethnicities, and locations. Raymond Ibrahim is the author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (published by Regnery in cooperation with the Gatestone Institute. This article appeared on Gatestone Institute International Policy Council and is archived at |
This sort of new coverage actually justifies Terrorism and discourages Introspection or correctives among such groups. Some day muslims will themselves shame such propogandist media as one of the inducing factors that persuaded their misguidance, more than the propoganda of the ISIS types. |
How was the employment prospects in the countries left behind by their parents? Maybe North Africa must be better than Belgian flanders as anything must be better? Its ridiculous to note the acrobatics with words to suppress so much of simple facts that fly on the face everywhere- First note the repeated 'De-Linkings'- from Paris attacks and ISIS that has hosted videos after videos with clear Instructions to strike terror and with what means. The strenuous Decoupling from preceding events of French man slaughtering Jews, another Beligian selling the weapons used in Paris getting apprehended. Then fresh Links made to Economic deprivation that could be no more worse than North Africa and Catholic Belgium's Intolerance which cant compete with fundamentalist societies of North Africa- pinning blame on Belgium than the immigrant muslim North african belgians causing all this havoc. There are any number of countries having incomparably low prospects for its communities in Asia, but do we find this same resort to terrorism among say those 'marginalized Buddhists, or Christians? If this is just a joke, then no harm in such rhetorical reporting, but it isnt- people are getting killed. Its high time this sort of polemical nonsense with economic marxian class struggle apologias are supplied to Jihadis as if they are short of or need such 'Grievances' to bolster their rationale to strike terror. There are enough studies that establish fact that average Islamist Jihadi is often more well placed and with better educational qualifications with plenty of productive vistas open than to kill people, enslave women and rave like lunatics posing with chopped heads. This sort of new coverage actually justifies Terrorism and discourages Introspection or correctives among such groups. Some day muslims will themselves shame such propogandist media as one of the inducing factors that persuaded their misguidance, more than the propoganda of the ISIS types. Belgium's marginalized Muslims fight in Syria "out of despair" BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Western fighters in Syria and Iraq have found some of their most willing recruits in tiny Belgium, a chilling trend highlighted by the killing of suspected terrorists by police on Thursday and which likely has its roots in the despair many feel at home. Belgian police killed two men who opened fire on them during one of about a dozen raids against an Islamist group that federal prosecutors said was about to launch "terrorist attacks on a grand scale". While the attack on satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo has focused the threat of radicalised Muslims in France returning from Syria, per capita Belgium is the European country providing the highest number of citizens to fight with Syrian rebels in recent years, data shows. Even in absolute numbers, Belgium is third only to much larger France and Britain, with nearly 300 citizens travelling to fight between late 2011 and December 2013, according to the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation. The government estimates 170 Belgians are thought to be in Syria and another 40 are thought to have been killed, according to Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders, who said returned fighters are subject to investigation and monitoring. "We have seen Belgium at the centre of things for quite some time," said Matthew Levitt at the U.S.-based Washington Institute and who regularly travels to Belgium to study the issue. "You can see just walking around the capital," he said. Brussels is best known as the headquarters of the European Union. But away from the glass and steel buildings of EU institutions, joblessness among 18-to-25 year olds runs as high as 50 percent in the commune of Molenbeek across the city's industrial-era canal. While it is difficult to say exactly why so many young Belgian Muslims are heading to Syria, the seeds of anger and disenfranchisement are sown in the city's poorer quarters, according to former justice minister, Laurette Onkelinx. "Despair is certainly one of the key explanations," she told public broadcaster RTBF. "When you are in despair, when you have no future, you are much easier prey to preachers of hatred." Belgium has one of the highest percentages in the industrialised world of young people who are not in employment, education or training, according to the OECD. Many children of immigrants from North Africa, who parents came to work in Belgium's steel plants in the 1960s, feel marginalized now that the car plants and factories where they would have found work two decades ago have closed. Many also face discrimination for being Muslim, the largest minority religion in Roman Catholic Belgium and who make up about 6 percent of the population. Others were made to feel more ostracized by the extreme right Vlaams Belang party, which promoted intolerance of Muslims in the northern Flanders region. Inspired by radical Islamic preachers in Britain, the group Sharia4Belgium emerged in 2010, encouraging Belgian Muslims to leave to fight in Syria, although its leader is in prison and the group has now disbanded. "The fact that a lot of youngsters prefer to live under bombs than in 'hospitable, warm Flanders' as such is another proof against the government. Everything seems better than Belgium," the group wrote on its website. Contact Aron Aronite at |
SISI'S BRAVE NEW EGYPT?Posted by Raymond Ibrahim, January 15, 2015 |
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi continues to be the antithesis of longstanding mainstream media portrayals of him. First there was his historic speech where he, leader of the largest Arab nation, and a Muslim, accused Islamic thinking of being the scourge of humanity—in words that no Western leader would dare utter. This remarkable speech—which some say should earn him the Nobel Peace Prize—might have fallen by the wayside had it not been posted on my website and further disseminated by PJ Media's Roger L. Simon, Michael Ledeen, Roger Kimball, and many others, including Bruce Thornton and Robert Spencer. Instead, MSM headlines on the day of and days after Sisi's speech included "Egypt President Sisi urged to free al-Jazeera reporter" (BBC, Jan 1), "Egyptian gays living in fear under Sisi regime" (USA Today, Jan. 2), and "George Clooney's wife Amal risks arrest in Egypt" (Fox News, Jan. 3). ![]()
In other words, jihadi terror is a product of Sisi, whom the NYT habitually portrays as an oppressive autocrat—especially for his attempts to try to de-radicalize Muslim sermons and teachings (as discussed in this article). Next, Sisi went to the St. Mark Coptic Cathedral during Christmas Eve Mass to offer Egypt's Christian minority his congratulations and well wishing. Here again he made history as the first Egyptian president to enter a church during Christmas mass—a thing vehemently criticized by the nation's Islamists, including the Salafi party (Islamic law bans well wishing to non-Muslims on their religious celebrations, which is why earlier presidents—Nasser, Sadat, Mubarak, and of course Morsi—never attended Christmas mass). Accordingly, the greetings Sisi received from the hundreds of Christians present were jubilant. His address was often interrupted by applause, clapping, and cheers of "We love you!" and "hand in hand"—phrases he reciprocated. Part of his speech follows: CLICK PICTURES HERE. Once again, all of this has either been ignored or underplayed by most mainstream media. There is, of course, a reason the MSM, which apparently follows the Obama administration’s lead, has been unkind to Sisi. One will recall that, although Sisi led the largest revolution in world history—a revolution that saw tens of millions take to the streets and ubiquitous signs and banners calling on U.S. President Obama and U.S. ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson to stop supporting terrorism (i.e., the Brotherhood)—U.S. leadership, followed by media, spoke only of a "military coup" against a "democratically elected president," without pointing out that this president was pushing a draconian, Islamist agenda on millions who rejected it. So what is the significance of all this—of Sisi? First, on the surface, all of this is positive. That Sisi would criticize the Muslim world and Islamic texts and thinking—in ways his Western counterparts could never—and then continue his "controversial" behavior by entering the Coptic Christian cathedral during Christmas mass to offer his greetings to Christians—a big no-no for Muslim leaders—is unprecedented. Nor can all this be merely for show. In the last attack on a Coptic church, it was two Muslim police officers guarding the church who died—not the Christian worshippers inside—a rarity. That Sisi remains popular in Egypt also suggests that a large percentage of Egyptians approve of his behavior. Recently, for instance, after the Paris attacks, Amru Adib, host of Cairo Today, made some extremely critical comments concerning fellow Muslims/Egyptians, including by asking them "Are you, as Muslims, content with the fact that today we are all seen as terrorists by the world?...We [Egyptians] used to bring civilization to the world, today what? — We are barbarians! Barbarians I tell you!" (More of Adib's assertions here.) That said, the others are still there—the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafis, those whom we call "Islamists," and their many sympathizers and allies. Worst of all, they have that "corpus of [Islamic] texts and ideas" that has been "sacralized over the centuries" (to use Sisi's own words) to support them—texts and ideas that denounce Sisi as an "apostate" deserving of death, and thus promising a continued struggle for the soul of Egypt. Contact Raymond Ibrahim at |
ISLAMOPHOBIA: THE ORIGINS OF THE SPECIOUSPosted by American Center for Democracy, January 16, 2015 |
The article below was written by Clive S. Kessler who is is
Professor of Sociology at the University of New South Wales.
His main work is in the culture, society, religion and
politics of the Malay world, especially Malaysia. He also
pursues research into the social, historical and
civilizational relations between the faith communities of
Judaism, Christianity and Islam. His more general work centres
on the question of modernity and its varying cultural forms
and diverse civilizational expressions. This article appeared
January 15, 2015 on American Center for Democracy and is
archived at
![]() Dismissing criticism of the creed that spawns so many fulminators, fanatics and public dangers as mere prejudice ignores Islam's history, its embarrassment in failing to fulfill Divine admonitions to dominate and a scripturally endorsed contempt for rival religions. Hotheads and moderates alike, this is what Islam believes—the former simply exalt their faith with action. Between people formed within "Western culture" and those in "the world of Islam" there is and has long been much fear, mistrust, anxiety and resentment —some of it born of incomprehension (and therefore "remediable" simply by the provision of facts, mere information), and some, even much, of it born not so much of an ignorance (that simple facts can dispel) as a vague memory of an adversarial relationship, even of hostilities. * * * On both sides, non-Muslim and Muslim alike are heirs, although differently, to a long history of historical rivalry for world ascendancy between civilizations representing the second and third "successor" variants of the unfolding Abrahamic faith tradition of ethical prophetic monotheism. For a thousand years these two rivals, these two organizing frameworks for world order, faced each other across the Mediterranean — and for much of that time the world of Islam was the more powerful, far-reaching and culturally accomplished. We are, on both sides, heirs to that history. And we remain captives, often unaware and unknowing, of the still-potent passions and attitudes generated by that deep and long-lasting civilizational rivalry. A deep-seated amalgam of fear, mistrust, anxiety and resentment born of that rivalry is our living legacy of that history. We will only ever deal with those fears, and enable ourselves to engage unburdened with one another, by acknowledging, addressing and exploring their origins and nature, not by silencing all such discussion and banishing necessary consideration of the continuing effects of that history with bludgeoning cries of "Islamophobia!" For much of that period, the world of Islam was the more powerful of the two, and it came to feel comfortable in, and entitled to, that ascendancy. Indeed, the primacy of Islam long seemed, or was understood by most thoughtful Muslims, to be divinely vouchsafed, guaranteed. Islam was the completion of Abrahamic monotheism: the final, definitive and uncorrupted version. The self-defined doctrinal, or religious, superiority of this revelation and its human community seemed, to most leading adherents of this most worldly of faiths, to entail a divine guarantee of worldly success and political ascendancy—over both the followers of other, non-monotheistic faith traditions, and over the earlier but inherently flawed and now superseded or abrogated Abrahamic revelations, Judaism and Christianity, and the human communities of their followers. This started to change when the unitary world order of Western Christendom began to fragment. Its breakdown gave rise to the intellectual and scientific revolutions, to the Enlightenment and the Era of Emancipation, then to the world of modern industrial, technological, economic, social, cultural, administrative and military power. That is, European Christendom was reborn, or reconfigured itself as, "The West". In essence (and this again is how many Muslims saw it) the now ascendant West was simply "post-Christian Christendom". It was this powerful new world that, for two centuries (from the late eighteenth to the late twentieth centuries) established its dominance upon most of the non-Western world: and notably upon the world of Islam, not just across the Mediterranean but far further. Long confident of its primacy—of its ability and entitlement "to live in the world on its own terms" and to make its own history according to its own script—the world of Islam was now subject to the indignity and humiliation of being made subordinate to non-Muslims and made to live in the world according to an historical script not of its own making. More, it now also needed to explain to itself how this terrible reversal, not only of its own fortunes but also of what had long seemed the divine historical blueprint guaranteeing their own civilizational ascendancy, had come about. Theirs was a now humiliated, wounded and "disoriented" civilization. The contrast between the realities of their new historical situation and what had long seemed its divine assurance of enduring historical primacy generated a huge "cognitive dissonance", a basic existential bewilderment throughout Islamic culture and society worldwide: this is the so-called "crisis of modern Islam", of "Islam in the modern world". During its period of domination in modern times, there developed in the West a similar attitude (but no longer primarily religiously-based) of cultural superiority, an entitlement to continuing domination. But the rise of non-Western powers, non-Muslim and also Muslim, over the last half-century has already forced some revision of, and retreat from, those ideas borne of the era of "imperial domination and colonial rule". Many, beyond the world of Islam and also within it, are now making "polite" but tough and entirely justifiable criticism of the age of Western domination, of the "Western arrogance of power". Others are making far less polite criticism and are rejecting the West far more emphatically and forcefully. This latter group includes many who feel marginalized and disconnected, both within the "Islamic heartlands", with their majority Muslim populations, and also the disaffected and alienated elements within the "Islamic diaspora"—among the minority Muslim communities living amidst non-Muslim majority populations in the West. To these disaffected Muslims the ideas of radical Islam, and engagement in militant political action to express and advance them, exert a huge appeal. These ideas serve to articulate a profound sense of rage at displacement and disorientation. They also promote the deep and emphatic conviction that the forces which produced the great dislocation and disruption of the Islamic world lying at the source of their resentments are fundamentally illegitimate; and that the nations and states that have emerged or benefited from that devastating upheaval and from the overturning of the former Islamic ascendancy are an affront not just to them but against God Himself and the Divine Plan of History. Such views justify, so some people may easily come to feel, any and all kinds of extreme, radical action. Hence the "rage against the West". Not just against the West but against History itself. Against history, for having "gone wrong", taken a different path, abandoned the Community of the Faithful. For cutting them loose in a world, in a stream of unfolding human events, that were not of their own making, not according to their own "in-house" script, not—by what had long been thought a Divinely vouchsafed entitlement—in accordance with their own preferred, familiar terms. There is a problem, however, in ideologically "isolating" these militants and acting simply against them and their convictions, in a precisely targeted and specific fashion. This is because the ideas that frame their worldview and inform their actions are not really peculiar to, distinctive of, or unique unto them. Rather, they are the general views held by many, probably the great majority, of socially and doctrinally "mainstream", "conventional" and "traditional" Muslims. The greater difference, rather, is that radical Muslims take certain ideas that are basic to mainstream Islam very seriously, give them primacy, a special importance and meaning. More "committed" than the radicals, the militants not only take those ideas supremely seriously but also affirm them by offering themselves as ready "exemplars" of the seriousness with which they hold them—by insisting that those ideas be implemented, put in to action, even violently—or by "grooming" others to do so. The militants are personally prepared to take responsibility, and the initiative, for the bold and decisive enactment of radical Islamist ideas. That is, the militants are ready to do what the radicals take very seriously. And what the radicals take seriously most Muslims also, with greater or less passion, also routinely affirm. This needs to be stressed if Islamic terror promoted by radicals and militants is to be understood and, ultimately, addressed: The radicals' gospel is neither alien to nor markedly different from what most in the mainstream hold and adhere to as basic matters of Islamic faith and identity. That is why there needs to be open and honest discussion, some responsible public consideration, of those ideas—and of their origins, development and place within mainstream Islam, as a religion and more broadly as a religiously-based civilization, as it has evolved throughout its history. This history of civilizational rivalry and antagonism, and of the deep fear and mistrust thereby generated, between Islam and the West have profound and far-reaching implications, on both sides. If we are all to move forward, one cannot simply turn one's back on that—on both sides—historically formative antagonism, rivalry, fear and mistrust. One will get nowhere by simply denying and refusing to consider them. Or by pre-empting and precluding all possibility of their serious consideration by protective recourse to the catchcry "Islamophobia!"... ...How are modern and contemporary Muslims to construe and act upon the view that all that is good in Judaism and Christianity now lives on, improved and enshrined, within Islam; that Islam took over and incorporated into itself all that is good and true in Judaism and Christianity; and conversely, that what Islam did not take over from them is either inherently wrong or else historically damaged though corruption by its historic human custodians over the ages; that historical Judaism and Christianity are therefore abrogated revelations and now divinely repudiated faiths; that the Jews and Christians in today's world live on in human communities and forms of faith that are nothing more than surviving relics of earlier human religious history, broken shards, mere empty husks and not continuing repositories of genuine faith? Nothing can be done to change sacred texts. They are what they are. The crucial question is how modern people choose to live with and construe them, how they understand and work with them as modern people, how they apply that understanding to the modern world around them and to their engagement with it. Everybody thinks that their religion is best and uniquely true. That is given: nobody is asked to forgo that personal conviction. But others do not have what Islam has: the in-built, explicit and defining supersessionist denial of veracity and dignity to other major faiths. Yet in a faith community where there is great scope for flexible reinterpretation of the sacred word (which is to day in faith communities that have experienced and been greatly transformed by the intellectual impact of "modernity", which is not true of the Islam), these things are more easily handled. I the case of Islam things are not so easy. Islam, in its own self-understanding and in its central formulations of its position, combines the holding of such deprecatory views as a core feature of sacred doctrine, together with an absolutist position of "scriptural inerrancy" (that every word and syllable is divine, perfect, literally true, unalterable, and was even there in the mind of God before the world was created from that same template or blueprint). In such a religious tradition, one founded on that kind of doctrinal basis, there is a real problem. It is one that all Muslims, wherever they reside in today's globalized world, must face. How, one asks, do and will Australian Muslims as citizens of a democratic, religiously pluralistic, multicultural society address these dilemmas and challenges? How they do so is a matter of concern not only for them, amongst themselves—and therefore something to be settled quietly "behind closed doors". Rather, there needs to be serious and honest public engagement with non-Muslims of all kinds, but especially non-Muslims of other faiths, on these issues. Unless and until there is a clear readiness to address these questions, there will be a wariness among religiously and historically knowledgeable Australians about Islam, about some aspects of Islam. A justifiable wariness. What is involved here is not just "Islamophobia". Contact American Center for Democracy at |
Today (on the Hebrew calendar) is the anniversary of the death of Haym Salomon, a Polish-born American Jew who single-handedly raised most of the funds necessary to back the Continental army. And his devotion to the revolutionary cause did not end there, as Gershon Tannenbaum writes:
Contact Joan Swirsky at |
ISLAM, CAIR AND POLITICALLY CORRECT SPEECHPosted by Edward Cline, January 16, 2015 |
There was an interesting storm-in-a-teacup brouhaha last week that took place after the January 7th Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, between Rupert Murdoch and J.K. Rowling. Terrence McCoy, in his Washington Post January 12th article, "Why J.K. Rowling is so incensed about Rupert Murdoch's tweet about 'Moslems'," wrote:
Murdoch's tweet raised the hackles of numerous Muggles and mudbloods. Never mind that, overall, he was correct in his perspective. Observable facts and incontestable evidence must never get in the way of liberal/left and Muslim anger. Feelings, don't you know, determine reality, and manufacture facts. Enter Harry Potter to do battle with the evil media mogul.
Rather heated snoggery from someone whose political opinions are best presented in a refereed debate between Harry Potter and Voldemort. I'd like to ask Rowling what she defines as an "Islamic terrorist," as opposed to a "so-called" one. Are they the little green Martians from Mars Attacks!, or boleadora-armed Argentine gauchos who lost their way on the pampas? Has Rowling a glimmering of the internecine conflict between Sunnis and Shi'ites? Sure, the two sects slaughter each other by the bushel-full, but I doubt her grasp of the butchery is anything more than hearsay from the liberal/left press. But that squabble lead to McCoy's brief disquisition on the differences in meaning of the terms Muslim and Moslem. One is offensive to Muslims, and one is not. McCoy notes:
Instead, the British press employs the euphemism "Asian" to identify Moslems. Or Muslims. What have you. It was presumed that the Chinese, Japanese, Indonesians, Malaysians, Tibetans, et al. would not feel hurt or stereotyped.
I shall make it a point of composition to employ Mohammedan and Musselman, if I remember them. Also "raghead," "urban turban," "whirling dervish," and so on. I am not known for my delicacy of pen. I refuse to stand at the bar of any country's society of editors.
I would adopt the term Moslem from here on in, except that, from a coolly rational perspective based on causo-connections inherent in Islam, I see no difference in ideational content between the terms Muslim and Moslem and "Mawslem." If a jihadist gives himself to God as he is slaying infidels and being slain in turn, then he is necessarily evil, unjust, and an oppressor. And good riddance. Au contraire, Mr. McCoy and all those semantic bean-counters out there: From an Islamic terrorism standpoint, the terms are indeed synonymous and interchangeable. This leads us to the demand of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) that Fox News purge its anchors and guests of "Islamophobes." Islam authority Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch reported on January 12th:
Obviously, CAIR objects to what is said on Fox about the connections between Islam and the current onslaught of Islamic terrorism. It objects to anyone bad-mouthing Islam, especially when the "most notorious Islamophobes" have a strong national audience. It is not Argentine gauchos or crazed Amish who are attacking newspapers and murdering Jews. Not even by Westboro Baptist Church primates. It's Muslims. Devout Muslims. Obsessed Muslims. Muslims wishing to be true to Mohammad and Allah and the Koran. Muslims who have pledged unswerving fealty to the fundamental premises and tenets of Islam. Activist Muslims. Muslims who have given their lives to Islam. Muslims who are walking vehicles of nihilism. Muslims who hate life as much as their victims and prospective victims love life. Muslims who love death – or non-existence – and who wish to ensure that no one exists who loves living. I have not wondered long about the symbiotic relationship between secular politically correct speech and CAIR's notion of the correct way by which to perceive, judge, and discuss Islam. CAIR wishes to impose its own style of political correctness and politically correct speech on Fox News (and on most of the rest of the news media, and has done so quite successfully). CAIR fears the language of the truth. CAIR knows that Megyn Kelly, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and Brigitte Gabriel and others are not going to change their language or their outlook and positions on Islam and jihadists. So CAIR wants them off the air, so they can be neither seen nor heard. Doubtless CAIR is encouraged by the news that President Barack Obama has promised to lean on journalists to stop producing anti-jihad (or anti-Islamic) news and opinion pieces that cast Islam (and Hamas-Brotherhood-connected CAIR) in a bad light, ostensibly to prevent more Charlie Hebdo type Islamic jihad. CAIR wishes to convert Fox News into its own exclusive platform from which to propagandize Islam, to use itt as its own vehicle of dawa, with the cooperation of a blinkered, compliant newscast and Islam-friendly guests who will explain why Islam is a "religion of peace" and "Islamophobes" are the mortal, hateful enemies of mankind. CAIR wishes to propagate its Big Lie about Islam unopposed. See my two columns on politically correct speech and how it cleanses the mind of objectivity and clarity, warps or corrupts the evidence of one's senses, subverts one's intellectual honesty, and abets in the advancement of politically preferred speech and thought, "The Ghouls of Grammatical Egalitarianism” from from October 2013, and "Speechless Speech" from November 2010. As Western-conceived, secular politically correct speech is honed to protect the feelings and sensitivities of others – and the list of groups, ideas, expressions, and behaviors to be protected or scoured of "bias" is long – Islamic correct speech is calculated to protect the feelings and sensitivities of Muslims and to insulate Islam from gross criticism (a la Charlie Hebdo) and cogent. And there the twain between East and West meets in pernicious symbiosis. Western politically correct speech;, a product of the West's abandonment of reason, reality, and the ideas of the Enlightenment, empowers the CAIR-approved Islamic kind. Without that desertion, CAIR and its sister organizations such as the ICNA, ISNA, MSA, and a score of affiliated Islamic entities would never be able to make inroads in America. You say Muslim. I say Moslem. But jihadists are not going to call the whole thing off. Edward Cline is an American novelist and essayist. He is best known for his Sparrowhawk series of novels, set in England and Virginia before the American Revolutionary War. This article appeared January 16, 2015his own blog on The Rule of Reason and is archived at |
The article below was written by Dave Bender who video photography, production and editing, print, radio & tv spot news and features, website management, voiceover and narration, Hebrew to English translations. This article appeared January 15, 2015 on the Algemeiner and is archived at -idf-volunteer-stint/ |
A 12-year US Army Special Operations veteran who was severely wounded by an IED blast during his service in Afghanistan is now in Israel to help the IDF as part of a volunteer project, and to show support for the Jewish State, the Israeli 0404 News site reported Thursday. ![]() Brian Mast, who lost both legs and sustained other injuries in an attack in July 2010, arrived on Jan. 10 as a Sar-El program volunteer. The group's itinerary includes logistics and maintenance work on bases, hikes and field trips around the country, and seminars on Israel and Jewish life. Mast is volunteering at the Chaim Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv as part of his two-week experience, according to the group. The 34-year-old Ft. Lauderdale resident, a married father of two, told the news site that “having met IDF soldiers in my military travels throughout my years in service, and having grown up in a Christian home," along with his experiences among south Florida's Jewish population, helped form his pro-Israel worldview. " was always proudly touted by my parents what great allies the US and Israel have been, and simply making myself aware of current and modern historical events all played a role in me wanting to find a meaningful way to show my own support for Israel in a time when so many are forgetting that you are our true friend in the region, that you are in defense of attack and not the aggressor," Mast said. Mast, a student at Harvard, said anti-Israel demonstrations on campus during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza helped convince him to make the three-week visit to the Jewish State. "This past summer I was there studying," he said. "At the same time, I saw the anti-Israeli protest in the face of the attempted indiscriminate bombardment of Israel. It was then that I decided I needed to find a way to go help however I can and however [Israel] would have me." Mast said he's here to "get the most truthful assessment of what the daily hazards of life are as compared to someone on a sightseeing vacation," and added that he will "learn the threats faced every day from the firsthand accounts of those who defend against them each day." Contact Yaacov Levi at |
WESTERN FAILURE TO READ THE WRITING ON THE WALLPosted by Yoram Ettinger, January 16, 2015 |
In 539 BCE, Babylonian King Belshazzar ignored the writing on the wall – as interpreted by the Prophet Daniel – and was, therefore, annihilated by the Persians (Book of Daniel, Chapter 5). In 2015, Western civilizations must read the writing on the wall, desist from ambiguity, denial and political correctness and embrace clarity, realism and political incorrectness, in order to survive and overcome the clear and present lethal threat of Islamic takeover, which gathers momentum via demographic, political and terroristic means. While medical ambiguity, and the failure to diagnose lethal disease, cause personal misfortune, policy-making ambiguity and denial could trigger national and international calamities. History proves that Western ambiguity and the refusal to identify enemies – due to ignorance, gullibility, oversimplification, appeasement, delusion and wishful thinking - have taken root, yielding major strategic setbacks and painful economic and human loss. When it comes to reading the writing on the wall, Western eyesight has been far from 20:20, dominated by modern day Belshazzars, ignoring modern day Prophet Daniels. For example, during the 1930s, the writing was on the wall in glaring letters: Germany abrogated the Treaty of Versailles, which called for German disarmament, reparations and territorial concessions; German military spending skyrocketed, military conscription was reintroduced and the Rhineland was remilitarized; Germany withdrew from the League of Nations and annexed Austria. Still, on September 30, 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact, declaring "Peace for our time." He refused to recognize Hitler's strategic, global, supremacist goal, assuming that Hitler's appetite could be satisfied with a tactical, limited gain in Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland, thus signing a "peace accord” which triggered the "war of all wars." Hitler's master plan was highlighted in 1925-26 by the two volumes of the supremacist, anti-Jewish Mein Kampf (My Struggle), which is currently a best seller in the Muslim world, particularly in Iran and the Palestinian Authority. During 1977-79, President Carter did not read the writing on the wall, supporting Ayatollah Khomeini's battle against the Shah of Iran, who was in fact the US Policeman of the Persian Gulf. Overwhelmed by denial and wishful-thinking, and heavily influenced by the US foreign policy establishment, Carter ignored the litany of sermons delivered by Khomeini, which exposed the Iranian cleric as an enemy of Western civilization and civil liberties. He despised the US and aligned himself with the enemies of the US, while protected by a Palestinian-PLO praetorian guard. Thus, the US betrayal of the Shah eliminated a most effective and loyal strategic partner of the US, gave rise to the most lethal, conventional and non-conventional threat to vital US interests in the Persian Gulf, the Middle East and beyond and generated a robust tailwind to Islamic terrorism. In 1990, on the eve of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, the US stated that an Iraq-Kuwait military clash would be an intra-Arab, rather than a US, concern. The Bush/Baker Administration assumed that "the enemy of my enemy (Iran) is my friend (Iraq)," supplying Saddam with dual-use sensitive systems, providing him with $5bn loan guarantees and concluding a US-Iraq intelligence sharing agreement. The 1990 policy of denial triggered a conventional conflict, a $1.25 trillion cost to the US taxpayer, 4,500 US military fatalities, a surge of anti-US Islamic terrorism and a dramatic destabilization of the Persian Gulf. Since the conclusion of the 1993 Oslo Accord, Western democracies have refrained from reading the writing on the Palestinian (Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas) wall: hate education in grades K-12; unprecedented terrorism; systematic non-compliance with agreements; naming squares, streets and tournaments after terrorists; monthly allowances for families of terrorists; responding to Israeli retreats with intensified terror. In 2011, Western democracies denied the eruption of an Arab Tsunami, welcoming the violence on the Arab Street as an Arab Spring, transitioning the Arabs toward democracy. The Obama Administration embraced the Muslim Brotherhood (while turning a cold shoulder toward General Al-Sisi), refusing to recognize its well-documented intra-Arab terrorism, the offshoot of its motto: "Allah is our objective; the Qur'an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish." The 2015 failure to carefully read the Iranian writing on the wall could produce a nuclear conflict at a mega-trillion dollar cost to the US taxpayer, an unprecedented level of fatalities, a tidal wave of Islamic terrorism throughout the globe, including in the USA, decimation of the pro-US Arab regimes in the Persian Gulf and Jordan, an unprecedented disruption of the supply of Persian Gulf oil, further radicalization of the anti-US regime in Venezuela with ripple effects in Latin America, including Mexico, and additional tectonic eruptions of insanity throughout the globe. At stake is not only freedom of expression and the safety of European Jewry, but the survival of Western democracies. Solidarity demonstrations and eloquent speeches will not spare Western democracies the wrath of Islamic terrorism and domination, unless accompanied by clarity, realism and the willingness to take military, legislative and political action in order to thwart the writing on the walls of the mosques: submission of humanity to the Prophet Muhammad; submission of the Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jewish Kuffar ("infidel”) to Muslims and to Sharia' laws; Jihad - holy war on behalf of Islam - is the duty of Muslims; Waqf – Muslim land – is ordained by Allah; Dar al Salaam (the residence of the believers) must take over Dar al Harb (the residence of the Kuffar); and Islam-sanctioned Taqiyyah (dissimulation, deception and concealment of inconvenient data) aimed at shielding Islam and "believers" from "disbelievers." Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is an editor and consultant who lives in Jerusalem. |
The article below was written by Jan Willem van der Hoeven who is the founder of a number of ministries in Israel and Holland, was born in The Netherlands where his father was private secretary to Queen Juliana. A Middle East resident for more than 40 years, he lives in Anathot in Samaria – home of the biblical prophet Jeremiah. Jan Willem was principal founder of he International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), and today he is director of the Samaria-based International Christian Zionist Center (ICZC), which was established to stimulate and activate world wide Christian interest in, and support for, the state and people of Israel. |
I feel to write a brief but direct letter in the face of resistance that will almost certainly come from some quarters to the 'Australia Initiative' that has now gone out to raise up Christians - beginning in Australia and going around the world, to stand strongly and unequivocally with Israel's right to her land. As we know, too many Christians shy away from what is perceived political when it comes to standing with Israel or withstanding the enemies of the Jews. Please permit me to make a crystal clear point that I hope will help us identify the evil and the danger confronting Israel today, and help make us resolved as to how to position ourselves in relation to it. Many of us recognize that Christians by and large failed the Jewish people by keeping silent and/or looking the other way during World War Two. We have pledged, either in our hearts or even verbally or by our actions to the Jewish people today, that we will never be silent again. And yet, we are opting for silence. For 25 years now, I have watched a weapon being developed whose purpose is to destroy the Jewish state. This weapon has been shaped and maneuvered and pushed ahead with until today it stands on the brink of production. Virtually the whole world supports - and many nations have lent a willing hand to assist in - the manufacture of this weapon, even though its raison d'être to ensure Israel's eradication has been openly and clearly declared. More than this, we can all testify to the fact that Israel's very acquiescence under unrelenting international pressure along the stages of production of this weapon has increased the threat to Jewish life and in fact led to a terrifying number of deaths of Jews (and Arabs too). The weapon is the State of Palestine - one of the components the world is determined will comprise the Two State Solution. Everything about the creation of Palestine is immoral; everything about it is detrimental to Israel and spells death and destruction to the Jewish people in their homeland. I don't believe I need to substantiate this statement to those of you receiving this email. We have all been following this 'peace process' closely and for long enough. To take a determined and public stand against the Two State Solution is not to be political. It is to be true to our pledge to the Jewish people that we will never be silent again when the means to their destruction is being prepared. As Christians we should resist the evil of the Two State Solution with the same unswerving determination displayed by men like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who followed his conscience - against the appeals and counsel of many other Christian leaders - and did everything he could to oppose the enemy. Dietrich Bonhoeffer had watched with growing concern and alarm the development of the satanic weapon for the destruction of the Jewish people that manifested itself in his day. He identified the evil and, just two days after Hitler came to power, went on air to warn his fellow German believers of the threat posed by the Fuhrer. He was not being political. He was being righteous. And he was willing to lay down his life to resist the evil for the sake of his nation and to help save Jews. I would plead with all those I know who love the Lord and who love His Chosen People. Let us not succumb to the myriad efforts to obfuscate with theological or political reasoning the terrible truth that is as plain as the noses on our faces. Standing on the Word of God, on His everlasting covenant of the land; reminding Him of His numerous promises to restore long-scattered Israel and to keep them in this land, and not forgetting that the fate of our nations rests on whether or not they put their hand to the dividing of this land, may we unite our voices to publicly identify the Two State Solution as leading to just another attempted manifestation of the Final Solution - and pledge that with God's help we will oppose it with all of our might, as long as He gives us breath. For Zion's sake, Christian Zionists - we dare not hold our peace Contact Yaacov Levi at |
WORLD HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO BAN ISLAMPosted by Narayana Sd, January 16, 2015 |
There is something to said about how Muslims defend Islam what seems to anyone so obvious. Today Christianity, at least the non-evangelicals, discuss openly the support of Christianity to the racism, brutal slavery and colossal genocide of natives. The fact that civil war against slavery in US was fought by Christians against Christians, even recently they acquiesced to change Columbus day to Indigenous people day shows the continuity of soul searching. In Hinduism, the social evils of treatment of lower castes is so well discussed and today India's Prime Minister comes from a Backward Class. Hindus discuss the fairness of Rama asking Sita to prove her chastity with fire while being captive under Ravana. Religions discuss the weakness or out of place and time of the long held beliefs and are moving on. But Islam has never had opportunity to do so. Wafa Sultan, who still considers herself a Muslim, considered the 100 most influential person in 2006 by Time, says, Islam is a brainwashing machine. She talks about the 30 years of brainwashing she got in Syria about Jews that when she first came to US and met a Israeli Jew working as shopping clerk in US mall, she literally ran away from him fearing for her life. You ask the educated Muslims, they rant about how this Zionist agenda or Western agenda are cause of the problems they are facing. No doubt, oil economy and Western economic machine is exploiting them to the hilt, but the brutality of Islam is not a recent phenomenon, in fact it grew out of sheer brutality, when Muhammad realized all good and nice talk will not do, he has to kill, give incentives such as rape the infidel women to motivate for his expansionism agenda. He came up with all kinds of theories and revelations including sanction of deception to further his agenda. What is very discouraging is other than very few bright spots the chats of most educated Muslims do not even touch the issues inherent in Islam. I have asked Muslims how can you reconcile the fact that 50+ year old Muhammad seeking his six year old daughter-in-law, felt sexually attracted to a little girl who could be his grand daughter, forced his adopted son to divorce her and then had sexual penetration of barely nine year old girl. This is difficult to even talk about. Do one need a religion to tell this is wrong? I asked how can Muhammad kill the husband, aunts, uncles and every relative of Jewish woman Rubaiya in front of her and forced her to copulate with him the same night, does this look right? You hear again and again Muslims say, 'Peace be upon him'. Upon whom? In today's terms, at least in free societies, including Islamic societies, his actions such as pedophilia will invite major punishment. I asked about 90% of Jihadi verses (after removing repetition) in Koran, Sira and Hadith, calling to terrorize, threaten and saying infidels are same as urine, feces in Koran, Sira and Hadith, being drilled day and night in little Muslim children in the name of sacred verses given by God to Prophet, there is no answer. I asked them how is it not one, not even one Islamic country gives equal rights to non-Muslims, with what fairness Muslims demand special privileges in the countries to settle, there is no answer. I asked them how you can brainwash a woman to wear Hijab because she will arouse a man but a man can marry four women, what kind of Muslims citizens will this create in this day and age, there is no answer. Even the deception propagated in Islam is obvious to everyone recently, when Saudi Arabia condemned the killings of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists but at the same time giving 1000 lashes, years of jail punishment, to a Saudi for writing something against prophet. The world spoke in support of the victim, it did not matter whether he is a Muslim or not, but because he is another human being. One Muslim wrote to me, if Islam are so brutal, how come they did not wipe out Hinduism. The fact that Afghanisthan, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Malaysia and Indonesia were once Hindus escape the fact. The fact that ethnic cleansing of half million Hindus in Kashmir who are living as refugees in their own country for last 25 years escape their attention. The fact that 25% of Hindu/Sikh population of Pakistan reduced to 1%, mostly in just few months where literally hordes of Muslims raped mothers and daughters, escape them. They do not even care or comprehend the millions of people affected. That fact that more than 200,000 killed in nearly 30 countries just since 9/11 escape their attention. In fact, many Muslim organizations propagate the trash that West committed the terrorist acts and are naming Muslims as perpetrators. Muslims simply have not come to terms the sheer brutality and depravity of this religion that is estimated 220 million (including 80 million HIndus) killed since its inception. Islam itself chronicles the mountains of heads, rivers of blood and the sexual slavery. Their biggest concern for them is 250 Muslims reconverted to Hinduism by Ghar Vapasi program recently. What choices does the free world have? Is the fear of demographic changes in free nations irrational? There is no example where Muslims percentage increased they have not imposed Islam in the name of brutal Shariah law or discriminated non-Muslims. Malaysia declared Islamic with just 49% and have destroyed literally thousands of temples and have impoverished the non-Muslims in the name of Bhoomiputra program where special rights and privileges are given to majority Muslims only. The ethnic cleansing of countries, states and even villages, from Pakistan, Bangla Desh to Kashmir to border towns of West Bengal to a small village in Tamilnadu speaks volumes of ethnic cleansing once Muslim percentage increases, just in Indian subcontinent. Give me 24 hours, said one Islamic jihadist, 200 million Muslims will slaughter 1 billion Hindus, in India and it is played on TV again and again. Love Jihads, Rotterdams and sexual slavery of Yezidi women, this is one long continuum of Islamic brutality for last 1400 years and will continue to repeat if the world does not wake up. If we are serious about terrorism, given that Islam has not shown ability to reform itself, the world has no choice than to ban it. Wafa Sultan was right on mark when she said, 'the roots of terrorism is not political Islam, not radical Islam, not Jihadi Islam, it is Islam'. Contact Narayana Sd at |
THE GREAT FAILUREPosted by Ira Silverman, January 16, 2015 |
Why is it that probably 90% of the American world thinks Israel happened because of the Holocaust, the surviving Jews had to have a place to go. What's missing? On sheer demographics, the survivors from Europe who reached Israel, 300,000 tops. Not enough of population. Where did they come from? Later big exodus of Soviet Jews. So what happened in between? Where did the Sephardi come from when on creation of Israel it was largely Ashkenazi? THAT'S THE GREAT FAILURE. The American Jewish world and Israel has permitted THE WINGS OF EAGLES to be a forgotten chapter of history. Before, during and after the immediate creation, 750,000 to 800,000 Jews from the Arab world from Iran to Iraq to Egypt on and on every Moslem Arab country maybe not Morocco, forced to leave with the shirts on their backs, all property forfeited to the state. Falsely the cry of Arab refugees from Israel when Arab governments said stay with the Jews you die with the Jews when we kill them and a few other casualties of war and THE WHOLE WORLD THROUGH THE UNITED NATIONS HAS SPENT COUNTLESS BILLIONS ON THE ARAB REFUGEES IN QUOTES AND FEW TO NONE ARAB STATES HAVE TAKEN THEM IN AS CITIZENS, and no international money for the displaced Jews. But still from Jewish world nothing – no noise – from atheist to orthodox all of a sudden Jews don't know public relations, don't know law, can't make such a noise for the world to ask and demand that the Arab world repay the countless hundreds of billions to the Jews who were dispossessed of everything. Every so often Michael Savage makes a good case along those lines. Today was one of those days in light of Obama showing his hatred of Israel and warning Congress not to impose sanctions on Iran because he wants them to get the bomb – window now two months – so wouldn't even have to use it on Israel, could blackmail Israel to permit Judea and Samaria as Gaza for Hamas to be Arab state and then no more security – no amount of swaps of land and housing could ameliorate the fact that at every turn Israel would be minority like in Europe and Jews could be killed and beaten at every street corner and thus no immigration in and only people defeated giving up, no security in Israel either so the end of an independent state, the end of unrivaled scientific exploration that is the wonder of the world and the end of the Jewish experiment – AND NO VOICE FROM THE JEWISH WORLD CALLING OUT OBAMA FOR HIS JIMMY CARTER HATE, ESPECIALLY FROM THE CONTINGENT OF JEWS IN HOUSE AND SENATE WHO DO NOT BRING CREDIT ON THEMSELVES. Contact Ira Silverman at |
Military forces find, blow up 1,200-meter long tunnel with large amount of explosives, mortar shells; shaft opening located in smuggler's home. |
Egyptian forces uncovered a 1,200-meter long tunnel running from the Gaza Strip into the Sinai Peninsula with a large amount of explosives and mortar shells inside, the Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported on Saturday. The shaft opening was located inside an apartment belonging to an Egyptian smuggler. Egyptian army corps of engineers blew up the tunnel, which was reportedly equipped with telephone lines and electric lighting. Military officials said that they also had information on tunnels up to 3 kilometers deep located on Egyptian territory. Earlier in January, Egypt began work on doubling the width of a buffer zone along the border with the Gaza Strip to prevent militants infiltrating from the Palestinian enclave, security officials said. ![]() Smuggling tunnel between Egypt and Gaza (Archive photo: AP) The buffer was initially planned to be 500 metres (546 yard) wide, but is now being expanded by another 500 metres. The authorities began evacuating 1,220 homes in the area demarcated for the expansion of the zone, security officials said. "We have started evacuating the residents... but no houses have been demolished so far," one said. Construction of the zone comes in the wake of an October 24 suicide bombing that killed 30 Egyptian soldiers and wounded scores more. After that incident, Egypt declared a three-month emergency in parts of North Sinai, a remote but strategic region bordering Israel and Gaza. Egypt suspects Palestinian militants of aiding jihadist attacks against its security forces that have increased since the army ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013. ![]() Egypt hits Gaza border to clear buffer zone (Photo: AFP) The army has also stepped up destruction of tunnels from Gaza that it says are used to smuggle arms, food and money by the Palestinian militant group Hamas. It says it has destroyed more than 1,600 tunnels since Morsi's ouster. Jihadists in the Sinai Peninsula have killed scores of policemen and soldiers since the overthrow, vowing revenge against a police crackdown on Morsi supporters that has killed more than 1,400 people. ICC LAUNCHES PROBE INTO ISRAELI 'WAR CRIMES'
The prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, said her office would conduct its "analysis in full independence and impartiality". Her decision comes after the Palestinian Authority (PA) formally joined the ICCearlier this month allowing it to lodge war crimes and crimes against humanity complaints against Israel as of April. At the same time, the PA also recognized the ICC's jurisdiction retroactively, to cover the period during last summer's war in Gaza. "A preliminary examination is not an investigation but a process of examining the information available in order to reach a fully informed determination on whether there is a reasonable basis to proceed with a (full) investigation," Bensouda was quoted as having said. Depending on her findings, Bensouda will decide at a later stage whether to launch or quash the investigation, based on the initial probe, the report added. Israel condemned the decision as "scandalous", as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said in a statement that since “Palestine” is not a state, the ICC had no jurisdiction over it, according to the court's own rules. The probe is "absurd" since "the Palestinian Authority cooperates with Hamas, a terror group that commits war crimes, in contrast to Israel that fights terror while maintaining international law, and has an independent justice system," Netanyahu pointed out. Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman added that the sole purpose of the preliminary examination was to "try to harm Israel's right to defend itself from terror." In a statement he said the decision was "solely motivated by political anti-Israel considerations," adding that he would recommend against cooperating with the probe. The United States has expressed its objection to the PA’s move to join the ICC, with State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki having said last week that “the United States does not believe that the state of Palestine qualifies as a sovereign state and does not recognize it as such.” A similar comment was made by President Barack Obama in a conversation with Netanyahu earlier this week. Yoram Fisher lives on Kibbutz Kfar Blum Doar Na Galil Elyon. Contact him by email at |
ISLAMIC GENOCIDE IN NIGERIA - GOING GLOBAL?Posted by Americans for a Safe Israel, January 17, 2015 |
The article below was written by Daniel Greenfield who is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, a New York writer focusing on radical Islam, journalist and conservative blogger who is critical of Islam. He was born in Israel and today lives in New York City. This article appeared January 15, 2015 on Frontpage Magazine and is archived at holocaust-and-no-one-noticed-daniel-greenfield |
![]() While Western newspapers were debating whether or not to reprint the Mohammed cartoons, in Nigeria as many as 2,000 people were massacred by the Islamic State in Nigeria, also known as Boko Haram, in what is being called the deadliest attack by the Muslim group to date. Survivors described the Islamic State setting up efficient killing teams and massacring everyone while shouting "Allahu Akbar". "For five kilometers (three miles), I kept stepping on dead bodies until I reached Malam Karanti village, which was also deserted and burnt," one survivor said. There's a word for that. It's genocide. The Islamic State in Nigeria had reportedly managed to kill 2,000 people last year. This year they did it in one week. But we don't pay much attention to what happens in Nigeria unless there's a hashtag. No one has yet thought up a clever hashtag for the murder of 2,000 people. #Bringbackourdead doesn't really work. The Islamic State's next target is Maiduguri, the largest city in Borno with a population of over a million. Known as the "Home of Peace", if Maiduguri falls, the death toll will be horrific. The Catholic Archbishop, Ignatius Kaigama, warned that the killing wouldn't stop in Nigeria. "It's going to expand. It will get to Europe and elsewhere." Of course it already has, but not on the same scale. "We will conquer Europe one day. It is not a question of (if) we will conquer Europe, just a matter of when that will happen," an Islamic State spokesman had warned. "The Europeans need to know that when we come, it will not be in a nice way. It will be with our weapons." "Those who do not convert to Islam or pay the Islamic tax will be killed." Imagine that the burning towns and villages aren't in Nigeria or Syria. Imagine them in France or Sweden. It's not that great of a leap from armed cells carrying out attacks to a militia capturing entire towns and villages. They're different phases in the same conflict. Al Qaeda in Iraq went from a terror group carrying out suicide bombings to running a state in a decade. So did Hamas in Israel. There are already zones in Europe under the control of unofficial Sharia police. France has fewer Muslims than Nigeria and a more stable government with professional police and military forces. These two factors are the only ones keeping Islamic genocide at bay. The massacres in France were carried out by the same types of men and movements responsible for the killings in Nigeria and Iraq. They just aren't organized enough and still lack the numbers to conduct the same large scale genocide that they are already carrying out in Nigeria, Syria and Iraq. Two Islamic States, one in Nigeria and another in Iraq/Syria, are engaged in genocide. Obama delayed responding to ISIS until it was already engaged in genocide and was moving on Baghdad. His people have done everything possible to avoid responding to the Boko Haram genocide in Nigeria. The usual excuses are there. The central governments are compromised, incompetent and corrupt. The only possible solution is political. The real issue is poverty. Meanwhile the killing and the denial go on. The foreign policy infrastructure, the human rights NGOs and the self-important scribblers who presume to tell the world what is important in the pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post have fought hard to avoid connecting the killings by the Islamic State in Nigeria to the killings by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. And they have fought hardest of all to avoid connecting these killings to the thousands murdered in the streets of New York and the latest bodies strewn about Paris. The killings can be connected with three simple words; global Islamic genocide. The European intellectuals of the last century were too fixated on their vision of a better world to understand what was happening in Germany and Japan. And what had to be done about it. While they dreamed of a world government that would do away with war, the killing had already begun. The intellectuals of this century are equally unwilling to take their attention away from microfinance, climate change and world government to see the beginnings of a worldwide Holocaust underway. Genocide isn't new to Africa or the Middle East so they put it down to local tribal conflicts. Terrorism isn't new to America or Europe, so they blame political extremism. Like the elephant and the blind men who touched its trunk and thought it was a snake, they respond to the local manifestation of Islamic genocide by seeing a familiar local phenomenon; tribal war, political extremism or minority problems. And anyone who sees the big picture is instantly denounced as an Islamophobe. But what if the Muslim genocide of Hindus and Buddhists in Asia and the Muslim genocide of Christians and Jews in the Middle East are part of the same phenomenon? What if the Islamic State killers in Nigeria who shout "Allahu Akbar" during their massacres share a motive with the 9/11 hijackers who were told to "shout 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers"? What if a common bloody thread of Koran verses runs through the massacres of non-Muslims in the Philippines and Kenya, in Israel and Australia, in France and China, in Thailand and Syria? What if the acts of terror on the evening news are not random events, workplace violence, mental illness and political extremism, but the beginning of another global Islamic genocide? The rise of Islam was not based on faith, but on mass murder. Within a few centuries of the time that Mohammed had ordered the ethnic cleansing of Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula, the massacre of millions of Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists was underway across the Middle East through India and as far as Afghanistan. The Islamic Holocaust was the greatest act of mass murder in human history. And it is still taking place today over a thousand years later. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," George Santayana wrote. It would be a terrible thing indeed if we were condemned to repeat the mass murder of hundreds of millions and the eradication of entire civilizations under the black flag of the Jihad because we refused to remember the past or acknowledge the present. Because we were too afraid of being called Islamophobic to speak out for the dead around the world. It would be a terrible thing if the Nigerian village of today were to become a Swedish village tomorrow. It would be an even worse thing if the Muslim conquests of India were to be repeated in Europe. Genocide is an ugly word. It's a word that we have come to associate with villages in Africa or with old concentration camps in Europe. We don't think of it as something that can happen to us or to our children. But we should. The Islamic wars from Nigeria to Israel, from Iraq to Kashmir, are genocidal. Israel may become the first Western country to suffer Islamic genocide, but it will not be the last. 9/11 was the first Islamic mass murder of thousands of Americans, but it will not be the last. In the face of genocide, our first duty is to warn the world. Contact Americans for a Safe Israel at |
GIVE ME A YELLOW STAR!Posted by Fred Reifenberg, January 17, 2015 |
Give me a yellow star! A dreary, cloth patch sewn in the shape of a Star of David that every Jew was forced to wear in Nazi Germany along with every country the Germans conquered; every country in Europe, some even allied with Germany; every culture looking to expose the hated Jew. A yellow star worn by both my parents, while you, Europe, were standing by. That's what I am to you: The guilty Jew. The filthy Jew. The stealing Jew. The disgusting Jew. The less-than-human Jew. The Jew that can only do wrong – bomb innocent Muslim children - for that is, of course, all we do, all we ever aspired to as a nation, a race. The yellow star was forced on us. Rammed down our throats. It stood for dishonor and was associated with anti-Semitism, as you probably know. It was to be a badge of shame like Hawthorne's Scarlet letter. But 6 million times worse. Give me a yellow star. I want to wear a yellow star above my left breast where six million of my brothers and sisters were forced to don one. I want to walk around with a yellow star on every solitary piece of clothing I own. On my Armani suit, my Nike sweatshirt, Ralph Lauren sweater, my Champion hoodie, my Diesel jeans, my South Beach biker jacket. I’ll even wear it at the beach on my bare chest if I have to. I want to walk down the streets of Paris near the Marais and be seen by you European anti-Semites. Outside the Great Synagogue of Stockholm, the Torah Center in Bruxelles, the Anna Frank Memorial in Amsterdam, the Holocaust Museum in Berlin, outside the Sigmund Freud House in London. I want all of you to see me with it and hear you say: "Hey, here comes the Jew; he's not just like the rest of us. He's just a dirty Jew. A mass murderer. He kills Muslim children and then uses their blood for matzah, just like the rest of the Jews. They carpet bomb innocent people. They are useless except for their knowledge, their Nobel prizes, and their success. They kill children, those Jews. Don't you know? It's the Jews who own Hollywood, the media, the banks. They'e the scum of the earth. They steal. Hitler was right. Let's go spray-paint swastikas on his grandparents' graves. Let's go beat him up. Let's kill him. Let's murder a rabbi in Miami or Bruxelles." I want that yellow star. Europe, to me that yellow star is a symbol of almost everything I stand for. It's a symbol of surviving evil. It's heritage and knowledge. Tolerance and optimism. It's strength and confidence in the face of the weakness and insecurity of those not being taught well enough what their mothers should have taught them. That yellow star is education, resilience. It's right over wrong, and it is life. It is testament to all who tragically died wearing it, so that their future surviving brothers and sisters know never to be afraid of who they are again. Never to be silent again, never to apologize for surviving. Thanks to them and indeed, for them, this yellow badge ceased being a badge of shame a long time ago. It's my badge of honor. I survived your indifference, your stupidity, your inhumanity, your hatred, and your ignorance. For me, it's a yellow f**k-You-Europe-star. It's a star that blinds out any other emblem that preaches hatred. It drowns out the form, shape and color of swastikas, the black flags of ISIS and Al Qaeda, and the green of Hamas or the yellow of Hezbollah. Before being herded off to the gas chambers around 70 years ago, Jews wearing their yellow star were hearing 'Kill the Jews', 'Heil Hitler', 'The only good Jew is a dead Jew', 'Stealing Jew!' – and all that, before being ostracized from their communities, stripped of their belongings, property, identities, humanity and eventually, their lives. They were hearing Words. It happened in many other countries too. Like my father's country. A country he was expelled from for being a Jew. For being a dirty Jew. It - Always - Begins - With - Words. The same kind of words we're hearing now here on your social media. On your streets. At demonstrations. In conversations. Words that have nothing to do with Israel; Palestine; Politics; The Middle East or anything. You might not be all too happy with ISIS and Hamas, but if you aren't trying seriously to expose them for who and what they are, then you're not part of the solution, but part of the problem. You know nothing about your own history, nothing about the Islamic conquest of Europe from the year 626 until this very day – the holy Jihad, followed by the Islamic Caliphate. The world's abuzz right now with anti-Israel and anti-Semitic words. Anti-Semitic words that Jews like myself are used to. I'm talking to you, Dieudonne; Mel Gibson; Roger Waters. And the rest of you ignorant Jew-haters. And I'm talking to you, radical Islamic leaders, standing behind your pulpits preaching lies and hate and division in the name of Allah. And to you – 'innocent' bystanders in Europe: I'm talking to you -- supposedly liberal minded people – friends of mine, even – who spend way too much time talking about Israel fighting for its existence in a defensive war, "disproportionately" (as if the bombing of Dresden, the killing of Bin Laden, the invasion of Berlin by the Russian Army never happened) but very little talking about the hundreds of thousands being murdered in Syria. In Iraq. About people being murdered for being followers of any other religion save Islam. Very little talking about ISIS taking over the Middle East; displaying severed human heads on spikes; shooting people in ditches by the thousands; beheading journalists on YouTube. Very little time talking about Syrians being gassed or a semi-literate peasant turned Turkish Prime minister spewing the kind of virulent anti-Semitism which ends with only one thing. And don't forget 9/11, London's 7/7, Spain's Madrid train bombings or the Boston Marathon bombing, while you're at it. Take a good hard look at my yellow star. Look at where it came from. Look what was done after we, the Jews, were forced to wear it and then ask yourselves, are we doing the same to others? Us Jews? Us Israelis? Are we Jews hellbent on exterminating people? Is that really what we want? Or are others doing that which you think we’re doing! – others you refuse to be vocal about nor condemn with a simple post or click of your 'like' button. Here is what the German cleric, Pastor Martin Niemoller wrote: "First they burned their books and their synagogues, and I didn't speak out. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me". He wrote these lines in 1933 - too late – and he referred to the Nazis. But these words ring equally true in view of over 10% of the population in France now being Muslim, over 8% in Germany, over 6% in England; the neo-Nazis in virtually every European country, or the Nazi, Udo Voigt holding a seat in the Civil Rights Commission of the European Parliament. I, for one, Europe, am not going anywhere... Never again.Though some might wish it -- NEVER AGAIN! For anyone else reading this from afar, who might agree with what I'm saying, Jews and non-Jews alike: don't feel sorry for me, my family, my friends. Don't feel sorry for us. We're fine and we're not afraid, and we're here to stay. Don't be afraid for us, Europe, because I'm not intending to be a victim. None of us are. And I hope you aren't either, despite the warning signs. My yellow star is staring extremism in the face. Am I cool with the yellow star? You're damn right I am, totally! Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at |
Any enemy of the United States is an enemy of Israel. Conversely, any enemy of Israel is an enemy of the United States. This makes Barack Obama the greatest enemy of Western Civilization, which he hates and has brazenly displayed by returning a bust of Winston Churchill, who President John F. Kennedy, by an act of Congress, April 9, 1963 (Public Law 88-6; 77), declared an honorary citizen of the United States. I therefore invite all people who agree with me – and I am a citizen of both countries – to think of lawful ways to remove Barack Obama from his office as President of the United States, the man John Bolton, the illustrious former U. S. ambassador to the United Nations, scornfully called the first "post-American President." Let us consider some of the pernicious acts thus far perpetrated by this post-American President, and ponder those he may commit during his two remaining years in the White House.
By virtue of these and other acts of commission and omission, which manifest his political irresponsibility add incompetence, as well as his appeasement of Islamic terrorism, Barack Obama is emasculating America. Accordingly:
The Song of Moses is the last thing God commands Moses to tell the Israelites, although not the last thing Moses says to them. Moses' last words to the Israelites are his blessing, but we do not know that God told him to speak the blessing. God does tell Moses to write the song. This gives the song more authority than the blessing has, and God wants it that way. He wants every child of Israel to hear it and to sing it, to know it. God chose the Israelites to be His people, among all the peoples of the earth. God set down the terms and conditions of the Israelites' belonging in his Covenant, his laws. In taking this people as His own, God rules them in the most profound way in which any people can be ruled: God provides the Israelites with what students of politics, which is the activity of ruling and of being ruled, call a regime. A political regime consists of three dimensions: the person or persons who rule a community; the institutions by which he or they rule; the way of life that prevails in that community, given the example the rulers set, the commands they enact, and the directions in which the ruling institutions set them, guide them. A regime fosters a certain character in the people, a character formed as their souls attend to their rulers and live according to their laws and institutions. A good regime will foster good character; the rulers will rule for the good of the ruled. A bad regime's rulers will rule for their own good, and make the people fear them so much that they will not resist. To see this, consider my mother. She was born in Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey in 1912. But what if she had been born of the same parents in Moscow—Russia, not Michigan—that year?—five years before Lenin and his colleagues changed Russia's regime with the Bolshevik Revolution. She would have had exactly the same genetic constitution and the same family influences. Yet would she not have grown up with radically different schooling, experiences, expectations? Would she not have been a different person? Now think of anyone else you know and ask the same questions, make the same kind of comparison. Think of yourself. That is why regimes matter. In many crucial respects, the regime of your time and place makes you who you are. Who are the Israelites? God's people. That is who and what they are. God is not only the founder of their regime, as Washington, Jefferson, and the others are founders of the American regime; He is their regime, their ruler, their king, now and forever. Through Moses, he sets down their ruling laws and institutions, the form of His regime. And also through Moses, especially through Moses' example, He shows them the way of life he sets out for them to walk. All three of these dimensions of God's regime reveal the kind of character God wants His people to have, who he wants them to be. Just as he breathed His spirit into the clay he had formed to make the first man, making man distinct from all the other animals, so God breathed His spirit into the laws and institutions of the Israelites, making them distinct from all the other peoples. Canaan featured a number of small political communities, allied with and subordinated to Egypt. With the escape of the Israelites, Egypt declined and Canaan succumbed to increasing disorder. Meanwhile, the Israelites declared their subordination not of course to Egypt but to God; the Covenant amounts to a treaty solemnizing that alliance, a treaty they renewed by oath before entering the Promised Land. This treaty also amounts to a constitution, an 'institutionalization' of the regime of God for the good, the salvation, of the Israelites. If the basic principle of the treaty is obedience to God, the rightful ruler of the Israelites, the basic principle of the constitution extends that obedience to every aspect of the Israelite way of life while also establishing equality as the principle governing relations among the Israelites themselves. "Ye shall not respect persons in judgment; but ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of man; for the judgment is God's: and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto me, and I will hear it" (Deuteronomy 1.17). This principle even extends to foreigners who live among the Israelites. In liberating the Israelites from Egypt and bringing them to the Promised Land, God does not 'free' them in our sense of 'freedom.' He does not release them to do whatever they want. There is no such freedom. No one exchanges one regime for no-regime. There is always some form of rule. Even a man alone on a desert island quickly establishes a regime or daily regimen for himself, or he perishes. To achieve a good life for itself, a person or a nation needs wisdom, the practical understanding of how to get from where they are to the right way of life, the 'promised land, ' so to speak, of all human striving. Moses sees one big thing: God is the wisest of all, the One who knows man best because He created man, knows what 'makes man tick' because He was the one who made man tick in the first place. In choosing the Israelites and legislating for them, not leaving the form of their regime up to legislators who are all-too-human, God would establish them in the only genuine national greatness. Thus Moses teaches them: Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it. Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for? And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day? (Deuteronomy 4.5-8). In the words of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, “Every other nation became a nation through its land and then made laws for that land. But you became a nation through the Law and received a land for that Law.” Only the Israelites received their spiritual gift before they received their material gift, but that is the only right order in which to receive things, the only order that 'has its priorities straight.' The right way of life, the right regime, gives both life and the good life because God, the source of all life, is also the source of the true law that guides His people to the right way of life and because God is also the living ruler/protector of the God-obeying, Law-abiding people of God. All other peoples practice idolatry, the purpose of which was to draw the supposed deity to the place where the idol stands. But the true God chooses both the place and the people. An idol is literally mindless. Why would any true mind be drawn to it? Why should a human mind be drawn to it? The First Commandment is also first in importance: "Thou shalt have none other gods before me." (Deuteronomy 5.6). That sets the human mind straight, sets down the indispensable precondition for the right regime. The way of life of God's regime must be lived internally as well as externally, or it won't be lived externally for long. The Israelites tell Moses that they have heard him. God heard them and said to Moses, I have heard the voice of the words of this people, which they have spoken unto thee: they have well said all that they have spoken. O that there were such an heart in them, that they would feat me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever! (Deuteronomy 5.28-29) Fear of and love for God should animate the soul of every Israelite, leading each to love but never fear one another, each an image of that God but not himself God. Israelites live under a king, but He is a constitutional monarch. He rules His people through laws, and limits His own actions by treaty. He does so for the benefit of his people, as a good parent rules his children, not as a master rules slaves. Israelites were well-situated to know the difference between parental rule and masterly rule; they had already experienced masterly rule in Egypt. In exchanging Pharaoh's masterly rule for God's kingly rule they went from tyranny to justice. However, if God, being all-powerful, cannot be successfully mocked or finally thwarted, he can be disobeyed. Being made in the image of God, God's people—all peoples—can defy his just rule and attempt to escape all rule, achieve anarchy, or attempt to rule themselves, in some other regime. Further, if God's rule will truly benefit the ruled, they must consent to it—recognize its wisdom and justice. The Israelites must allow the wisdom and justice of God to enter into their souls. God and Moses tell the Israelites of the blessings, the benefits of such obedience, and then warn them at some length of the curses, the injuries, consequent to disobedience. It is for them to choose. They choose to ratify the Covenant. But God is not satisfied with this outward consent. He wants the Israelites' secret, inner consent. Loving the life-giving God, the One who loves you, gives you life. You did not create yourself; God knows you better than you know yourself and loves you better than you love yourself; because he knows you better than you know yourself he can love you better than you love yourself because he knows what is best for you, better than you do. Moses, who is about to die, without even entering the Promised Land he had led the Israelites towards for forty years, nonetheless urges his people to choose life. Moses follows his own teaching, obeys God. Upon God's command, he publicly designates Joshua as his successor. If Moses had been a petty, small-souled man he would have made it difficult for Joshua to succeed him. But he tells the Israelites: this is my man, this is God's man, now follow him. He further follows God's commands by writing down the laws, so that the regime will not only have a human ruler designated by God but a set of institutions by which they will be ruled. These laws are written down so that everyone will know them, not only the priests. The equality principle extends to Israelite law and Israelite institutions. Moses leaves the Israelites with a fully-formed regime before they enter the land God promised, and will now deliver. But God is still not satisfied. God reveals some things to man, but conceals other things. Man can disobey God, but he cannot conceal anything from him. God tells Moses, "I know their imagination." He knows that they intend to "forsake me, and break my covenant which I have made with them" (Deuteronomy 31.16). There are no secrets from God; He knows the people have not really chosen Him and His regime. "For when I shall have brought them into the land which I sware unto their fathers, that floweth with milk and honey; and they shall have eaten and filled themselves, and waxen fat; then will they turn unto other gods, and serve them, and provoke me, and break my covenant" (Deuteronomy 31.20). Their secret desire for the life of the body has already overcome their public profession of a desire for the life according to the way of God, the life of the spirit. They want the fruits of the land without the life-giving God who gave them the land, and created the land that bears the fruits they would consume. "Now therefore write ye this song for you, and teach it the children of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this song may be a witness for me against the children of Israel" (Deuteronomy 31.19). A witness: the people of Israel will be tried and punished by the just God for failing to deal justly with God. Consider, for a moment, what Moses must think and feel at this moment. He is 120 years old. He has devoted the final third of his life to teaching the ways of God to the children of Israel—Israel, who held onto God, despite injury, in order to obtain God's blessing, Israel, who would not let go of God. Israel's children are all too ready to let go of God. Moses never let go, either, continuing to obey God even after God punished him, preventing him from entering the Promised Land. Now, Moses learns, his whole project will fail. The children of Israel will enter the Promise Land, because God follows through on His promises, upholds His side of the Covenant, but they will betray God and Moses, be killed and driven off. Why should Moses obey God now, write a final song, sing it to this wayward people? One of the great rabbis has written, "You wish to sing praise while the crown is on your head. I would like to hear how you sing after being slapped in the face." God has now slapped Moses down twice. And yet Moses still obeys. He does so because he cares more about God's mission than he does about any mission of his own. Like God, Moses cares about the very long term, when God's people will return to God, working with Him to reconstitute the regime of God. The work of justice is not the work of a day, or even of forty years. It will turn out to be the work of millennia. God can wait; Moses, who can no longer wait, nonetheless remains faithful in his consent to the regime of Him who alone is truly just. Moses had sung to the Israelites before: at the beginning of the exodus, at the parting of the Red Sea by God, at the beginning of the liberation of the Israelites from the regime of tyranny. Now, at the end of the forty-year journey, he sings the song of the founding of regime of God. Songs are good for liberations, and good for foundings because songs lodge in your memory. You want people to remember the terms and conditions of their liberation, you need a stirring declaration of independence. Equally, you want people to remember the principles of their founding, the foundation of their regime. You want those principles in their souls, even if, especially if, they are tempted to depart from those principles—as they always are. The founding principle of Israel is not a principle but a person, the LORD. "Just and right is he." The LORD is so fundamental that Moses calls him the Rock, whose work is perfect. God had punished Moses after trying to draw water from a rock, instead of relying on the true Rock, the Creator who lives behind all rocks and all water. By calling God the Rock, the Rock of all rocks, so to speak, Moses accepts the justice of that punishment, the logic of preferring the Creator to the things the Creator creates (as Rabbi Ari Kahn has written). Moses says that the teaching of his song will drop as the rain on the grass. He wants his speech to have the same effect on Israel as the rain has upon the grass; he wants the earth to "grass grass," as the Book of Genesis puts it. He wants a kind of new genesis. He knows he will not get one, as the unstable and crooked people will defy the eternal Rock. The grass will not grow; it will wither, refusing God, the source of its life. This is why Moses begins the song by addressing neither God nor the people but the Heavens and the Earth, to God's creation, the result of God's life-giving intention from the moment of Creation, on. "Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise?" As befits a political community, Moses says "requite," the language of justice. Because the people do not fear God they think and act unwisely, imprudently, failing to perceive their own good, failing to honor their true benefactor, "they father that hath bought thee," made thee, established thee, as a father does his child. Aristotle, the wisest of political philosophers, identifies two kinds of monarchies, two regimes ruled by one person. The regime ruled by the one for the benefit of the one is a tyranny; it resembles the rule of the master over the slave. The regime ruled by the one for the benefit of the ruled is a kingship, resembling the rule of the parent over the child. The children of Israel are the children of the man who held fast to God. If they let go, they de-constitute themselves. Or so it seems for now. Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will show thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee." Who else could know about the days of old, in this society with no knowledge of books? The elders are the living links to father Israel, and before him father Abraham, and to God, the living Father of fathers, who established Israel as him whose children he would choose for Himself. "When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the LORD's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance." Man's injustice in building the Tower of Babel provoked God to separate humanity into nations. God then justly gave each nation their inheritances, as to so many sons. He set the bounds of the several nations in relation to the population of Israel. Jacob, who wrestles with God and holds on, inherits God's blessing and becomes 'Israel'; at the same time, God 'inherits' Jacob. God and Israel belong to one another. "As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: So the LORD alone did lead [Israel], and there was no strange god with him." God did not set Israel down on the land but lifted them up, forcing the eaglets out of the nest, catching them on her wings, making Israel “ride with him on the high places of the earth." The advantage of the heights is that you can survey all the earth, select its choicest riches, the fattest lambs, the finest rams, and "the pure blood of the grape," that is, the best wine, the red wine symbolic of the blood that is life. The eagle tends to her nestlings but readies them to see the whole of Creation, to select the choicest parts of it for themselves, and to deserve what they choose because she has nurtured the courage that lets them open their eyes and look at the world without fear, and thus really to see it, calmly and clearly. Now Moses lets the Israelites know that he knows their hearts, their secret thoughts, having learned from God. "But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation." The Israelites would eat the fat of the land, the best of Creation, but then grow fat in the bad sense—surfeiting itself on the physically best, ignoring the hard, demanding spiritual best: the God who created all physical things. Like spoiled children they will cease fearing their Father, kicking at Him in their tantrum. When one does not fear God he does not stop fearing altogether. He fears false gods: "They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations they provoked him to anger," sacrificing to devils, gods their fathers did not fear. But such gods did not form you. They are not yours, and you are not theirs; they lack a father's love of his own. They are not the eagle or the rock; they are neither He who soars to the heights, taking His people with Him, to see all Creation, nor are they the One who underlies everything, the permanent foundation of all Creation and especially of that portion of His Creation that is most like Himself, man, and of that portion of men most 'his own': Israel. "Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and has forgotten God that formed thee." The mind, the spiritual part of man, the part God breathed into the clay—this is what the fattened, spoiled child has covered up. He has turned his mind toward the satiation of the senses. If he ever stops fearing his false god he will not kill his fears altogether; he will begin fearing death, and other men. The true parent is jealous of the beloved child who goes astray. "And when the LORD saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters. And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a turnabout generation, children in whom is no faith." God will send them men to fear, but men who “are not a people," a "nation of fools" who will drive them out of the Promised Land. Rabbi Hirsch suggests that this paradoxical 'non-people' means a nomadic people, a people with no land of its own such as the marauding Amalekites. Whoever these people may be, they will number as one missile among a barrage of curses: fire, arrows, hunger, beasts and serpents. "The sword without and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs." No fear of God? Very well then: fear of everyone and everything that can harm.“I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men." They will be the nomads, now. Having forgotten Me, they will be forgotten, no longer one people with one true Ruler, one set of just laws, one right way of life. This would be an entirely just punishment, were the Israelites all that God needed to consider. But they are not. God sees that if he allowed Israel's enemies to scatter and destroy His people, the Amalekites would take credit for Israel's defeat. Were the Amalekites not "a nation void of counsel," of wisdom, they would understand that they, a no-people, could hardly overcome a people blessed with a rightly-framed regime on its own land. The Amalekites' regime and all of the regimes that make themselves the enemies of Israel and therefore of God are regimes that rest not on the Rock of salvation but on the soil of Sodom and Gomorrah. Their fruits are bitter and poisonous, not life-giving, not from God, the Source of all life. God intends Israel to enlighten the nations; Israel's utter destruction, just 'in itself,' would ruin God's 'geopolitical' plan for His Creation, above all for mankind. Not the Amalekites but God wields the sword of just vengeance. He will punish the Israelites; he will also punish their enemies. His justice towards Israel will not permit the elevation of Israel's enemies forever. "For the LORD will judge His people, and repent Himself for His servants, when He seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left." He will not merely punish but educate: "And He shall say, Where are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted, which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine, of their drink-offerings?" They are nowhere, and all peoples shall see that they are nowhere. Moses began his song with the desire to be heard. By its end his hearers have heard what God wants them to see. God has laid out His proofs, made His case before the jury of mankind. "See now that I even I, am He, and there is no god with Me: I kill, and I make alive I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. For I lift up my hand to heaven"—swearing, as in a court of law—"and say, I live for ever." God is more than the witness in this court. He is also judge and executioner in defense of the laws He has made and handed down. "If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will repay them that hate me. I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy." Far from a mere threat, the promised acts of God give mankind its only genuine hope. “Rejoice, O ye nations, with His people: for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and will render vengeance to His adversaries, and will be merciful unto His land, and to His people." Without such just punishment, dark gods would rule. The law of God expresses the love of God. And so Moses, knowing he will never live under God's regime in God's promised land, ends his song and tells his people to obey the laws of that regime in that land. Only such command and such consent, from one generation to the next, can save them. "For it is not an empty thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land." Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. |
Friday, January 9. A man was kneeling in prayer before the statue of the revered Madonna, with the photograph of a loved one in hand, in the small chapel of St. Barnabas in Perugia (Italy), when he was attacked by five "immigrants." The first thing they did was rip the photo from his hands. Next they unleashed their hatred against the image of the Virgin Mary. They broke the statue to pieces and then urinated on it. ![]() Don Scarda, pastor of St. Barnabas, said the event was led by five "foreigners." By the time police arrived at the chapel, the unidentified attackers had already fled. The incident has caused a stir among locals. Some have lambasted Pope Francis who is accused of appeasing immigrants—mostly Muslims—to wild extremes. Earlier he had said that "Migrants, through their own humanity, cultural values, expand the sense of human brotherhood." Although the Diocese condemned the act of sacrilege against the Madonna statue, it also followed the Pope's lead by absolving Islam of any responsibility for what happened. In the words of Monsignor Paolo Giulietti, the auxiliary bishop of Citta della Pieve, near Perugia:
Meanwhile, Pope Francis has called on Catholics and Western people in general to refrain from insulting other religions—namely Islam: "It's normal, it's normal [violence]. One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people's faith, one cannot make fun of faith." He made these statements on January 16, apparently in reference to the Charlie Hebdo massacre, when armed Muslims killed a dozen non-Muslims working for a satirical magazine that had mocked Islamic prophet Muhammad. One wonders if the Pope would call it "normal" if members of his own flock were to murder those who urinated on the Virgin statue? Thanks to funding from neighbors, the desecrated image could be restored and replaced in its original location. Hundreds of Catholics participated that day in a rosary of relief. Raymond Ibrahim is a Middle East and Islam specialist and author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007). His writings have appeared in a variety of media, including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst, Middle East Quarterly, World Almanac of Islamism, and Chronicle of Higher Education. He was born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East, which has provided him with equal fluency in English and Arabic. His understanding of the two the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets positions him to explain the Middle Eastern culture to the West. This article appeared January 17, 2015 and is archived at |
WORDS OF THE POPE ARE OFFENSIVE - AND DANGEROUS!Posted by Maxi Justice, January 18, 2015 |
I am offended by the words of the Roman Pope: shall I have the right to sock him in the face. The man has gone too far! I am offended. If you believe in freedom of expression, you will be too. Shall we censor the Bible, with its tales of Sodom; what about the generational curses of the New Testament; may we disguise the stories about Mohammed who married a child? Where does it stop? The Pope's remarks excuse Shari'a Law, honor killing, the father who kills his daughters or wives who, he says, shame him. Where does it stop? A cartoon? A newspaper editorial? A lecture? A book? A movie? A private conversation overheard at the market? Where does it stop? A punch in the nose? A flogging? A stoning? Beheading? Execution? Who decides what is offensive and how will it be determined if one has a right to retribution? Who will point the finger? Who will throw the stones? It is outrageous. I propose that the Pope resign as his predecessor did, or simply change places with him. The murdering of people because they have bad taste should not be excused by The Pope of Rome! It is so sad: I had had such hope and admiration for what was promised on the naming of this Francis! Sheila Mediena This article below was written by Nick Cohen who is an English journalist, author and political commentator. He is a columnist for The Observer, a blogger for The Spectator and TV critic for Standpoint magazine. He has written for the London Evening Standard and the New Statesman. This article appeared January 17, 2015 on the Guardian and is archived at |
Yes, words hurt, but that doesn't excuse a punchy pope. The pope's intervention in the Charlie Hebdo attack marks him out as anything but a liberal. ![]() He may once have been a bouncer, but the pope no longer looks like the kind of guy who can handle himself in a fight. Most opponents would fancy their chances of downing him with a knee to the pontifical plexus. Be in no doubt that, whatever his physical condition, the pope is still up for it. He will bellow the Latin equivalent of "come on then, if you think you're hard enough" – "agite tentateque si fortiores vos putatis", our classical correspondent tells me – and it will all kick off. After saying that he believed in freedom of speech, as everyone does, Pope Francis added the inevitable "but," as so many do. If a friend "says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch," he told reporters. Insults to religion invite the same violent response as insults to his manly pride and family honour. "It's normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others." Or to put it another way, the Parisian satirists had it coming. Why supposed liberals continue to believe Pope Francis is one of them is inexplicable to me. But then supposed liberals are becoming ever harder to understand. After the Paris attacks, the novelist Will Self claimed moral equivalence. Those who say "freedom of speech is an absolute right" – no one does, incidentally – have "a religious point of view". Mehdi Hasan, political director of the Huffington Post, agreed that freedom was fanaticism. He condemned "the hypocrisy of free-speech fundamentalists" and cited a thought experiment of an Oxford philosopher called Brian Klug. If an Islamist had joined the free speech rallies in Paris and applauded the murderers, Klug mused on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, he "would have been lucky to get away with his life". The demonstrators had their limits on free expression too. "They just didn't know it." Contemptuous laughter is the easy response. Dr Klug can play with his thought games for as long as he likes, but as he must know, no one has been murdered for criticising free speech. The supposed "free-speech fundamentalists" are not the killing type. Clerics and intellectuals run no risks when they criticise them. They don't have to worry about the safety of their families and colleagues, as the critics of actual fundamentalists do. The example of Self makes my point for me. When he denounced the freethinking George Orwell, I shrugged. Self was a conventional political thinker, who hid behind an obscure style, while Orwell expressed his dislike of the conventional left of his day in the plainest possible English. I could not expect Self to admire Orwell. In our most fevered dreams, however, neither I nor anyone one else thought that Self was putting himself at risk; that he would have to go on the run from "free-speech fundamentalists" who would make him pay for his "offence"in blood or force him to spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder The moral equivalence on offer here is immoral and bogus. But it is popular and potentially powerful. George Osborne says, if the Conservatives are re-elected, they will not only allow the police to arrest those who incite violence against others, as the police always should. The criminal justice system will also ban those who "spread hate" based on gender, disability, religion or sexual orientation, "but do not break the law". When the papacy, the PC and the Tories go into alliance you need more than contemptuous laughter to repel them. So let me concede acres of ground that are not worth defending. Yes, yes and obviously, there is no stupider cliche than sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. Most of us can remember words that cut deeper than wounds. The parent who says you are a failure. The lover who admits betrayal. The women who laugh at you. The men who humiliate you. The employers who dismiss your dearest ambitions with a snort. They leave scars that may never heal. Likewise, religious belief can be so much a part of your identity that an assault on it is an assault on everything that makes you who you are. If Observer readers find religious offence hard to understand, ask: have you ever found criticism of the left from the right or the sight of a confident Conservative leader so unbearable you were physically repelled, as I was by the sight of Margaret Thatcher? But understanding is not excusing in either the personal or the political. Think before you go along with the pope's argument that violence is the "normal" response to insults to family honour. Once the law accepted it was. A husband could beat a wife, who failed to stroke his ego and confirm his superiority and the police would dismiss the case as a "domestic". A man could kill a woman who had betrayed his honour and the courts would dismiss it as a crime of passion. Everyone tells white lies and spares the feelings of others. Absolute freedom of speech is impossible to imagine because no one could blurt out every thought that came into his or her head and expect to live among their fellow social mammals. But we do not now say that the woman who refused to lie to please her husband deserved to die. Nor do we call on the law to prosecute her for demeaning his macho pride with "hate speech". Move from the personal, and the attempt to say that those who refuse to tell white lies about religion are asking for whatever punishment the faithful gives them is sinister. Do I need to remind you that insulting the gods, the pope or the synagogue were the charges the faithful levelled against Socrates, Galileo and Spinoza? Or that insulting religion is everywhere the favourite charge of fanatics? In Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iran, where fanaticism has real force, they always use it against religious minorities and the secular and, indeed, against women demanding equal rights. Religion is a form of power. We do not have absolute freedom of speech, but we must protect our limited freedom to criticise power. Give up on that, dismiss it as rudeness or say that supporters of hard-won freedom are just as "fundamentalist" as their religious opponents and you abandon every inch of ground that has to be defended without so much as a fight. Contact Maxi Justice at |
CHURCHILL SAW IT COMING. READ HIS ENDING COMMENT.Posted by Yoram Fisher, January 18, 2015 |
There are no words to add to this!!! But Churchill saw it coming. Read his ending comment. Makes you think! IRAN 1970 ![]() IRAN 2012 ![]() AFGHANISTAN ![]() EGYPT (Cairo University) 1959 ![]() EGYPT (Cairo University) 2012 ![]() NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam) 1980 ![]() NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam) 2012 ![]() ...And some people still do not see a reason to worry! Winston Churchill 1899. "Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world." ![]() This is amazing. Even more amazing is that this hasn't been published long before now. CHURCHILL ON ISLAM Unbelievable, but the speech below was written in 1899. (Check Wikipedia - The River War). The attached short speech from Winston Churchill, was delivered by him in 1899 when he was a young soldier and journalist. It probably sets out the current views of many, but expresses in the wonderful Churchillian turn of phrase and use of the English language, of which he was a past master. Sir Winston Churchill was, without doubt, one of the greatest men of the late 19th and 20th centuries. He was a brave young soldier, a brilliant journalist, an extraordinary politician and statesman, a great war leader and British Prime Minister, to whom the Western world must be forever in his debt. He was a prophet in his own time. He died on 24th January 1965, at the grand old age of 90 and, after a lifetime of service to his country, was accorded a State funeral. HERE IS THE SPEECH:
Sir Winston Churchill; (Source: The River War, first edition, Vol II, pages 248-250 London). Churchill saw it coming. AND WHO TOOK THE BUST OF CHURCHILL OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE???? Contact Yoram Fisher at |
(A good friend of mine, conversant in Arabic, was kind enough to send me a summary, in English, of President el-Sissi's speech, It is posted below and reads about what I have been told from other sourses. It is a bombshell, especially compared with what other Arab leaders have been willling to say. Kudos to Pres el-Sissi who has, without question, put his own life in danger.) jsk The article below was written by Isi Liebler who is a Belgian-born Australian-Israeli international Jewish leader with a distinguished record of contributions to the Jewish world and the cause of human rights. This article appeared January 12, 2015 on Israel Commentary and is archived at |
The ill winds that have been gathering over Europe descended with a tornado last week in Paris with the barbaric Charlie Hebdo massacre, followed by the horrific terror attack at a kosher supermarket – a total of 17 dead in three days. But alas, the horrors will in all likelihood soon recede and life will continue as usual until the next attack. Let me say at the outset that, while obviously condemning the murders and unequivocally defending freedom of expression, I do not associate myself with the "Je suis Charlie" movement. In condemning these barbaric acts, we are not obliged to identify with the racism and vulgarity of the victims. Charlie Hebdo was obscenely offensive to Christians and Muslims and promoted vulgar anti-Semitic satire. On the other hand, some Mormons were presumably outraged by the satirical musical "The Book of Mormon" but that did not grant them license to embark on a killing spree of the producers. Western governments have yet to internalize the reality that what happened in Paris was not merely another instance of "terrorism" but a classic manifestation of the "clash of civilizations." Aside from murderous attacks primarily directed against Jews in Europe over recent months, there have been ongoing massacres and atrocities committed by Islamic terrorists throughout the world. To name a few: the butchering of 2,000 Nigerians this week in the wake of the Boko Haram enslavement of 300 schoolgirls; the murder of 130 schoolchildren in Peshawar, Pakistan by the Taliban; the barbaric videos broadcast of hostages being decapitated; ongoing mass murder in Syria and Iraq; oppression of women; and gruesome persecution, expulsion and murder of Christians in the Middle East. Today, as the global impact of Islamic fundamentalism with increasing manifestations of brutal terrorism grows exponentially, Western leaders lack the courage even to identify the enemy. It has ominous parallels to the struggle with Nazism. Then as now, Western governments initially sought to avoid conflict by appeasing the barbarians – which only served to embolden them. This originates in 9/11 when U.S. President George W. Bush, in his call for concerted military action against global Islamic terrorism, sought to placate his Arab allies by describing Islam as a "religion of peace." This absurd mantra was repeatedly chanted whenever Islamic terror was mentioned and has become an overused term of the political lexicon. But it was President Barack Obama and his administration that, despite the dramatic mushrooming of Islamic terrorism, must be held accountable for systematically denying its existence, even avoiding the term "Islamic terrorism." The same obstinate refusal to face reality and an effort to appease their increasingly radicalized Muslim communities motivated all European governments – in particular the French – to repeatedly state, despite all evidence to the contrary, that these acts of terrorism were unrelated to Islamic radicalism and were the actions of "lone wolves" or demented individuals. Even now, when the massacres were accompanied by calls of "Allahu akbar" and "We are avenging the Prophet Muhammad," French President François Hollande refused to use the word "Islam," merely referring to "obscurantist" forces. However, in stark contrast to Obama, Hollande at least condemned the kosher supermarket attack as a "dreadful anti-Semitic attack." Throughout the world, jihadist mullahs and preachers promote hatred and extremism. In European cities, second-generation homegrown Muslims and converts are indoctrinated to endorse and in some cases participate in jihad and the murder of infidels. Those who convert are not necessarily from the underprivileged, but "ideologues," many of whom belong to comfortable middle class families and are university graduates. But worse has been the unspoken acquiescence of most governments and the media, preventing any meaningful discussion of the threat from Islamic extremism. Apart from downplaying and often even denying the overriding Islamic element in acts of terror, governments and media have disgracefully branded as "Islamophobic' any serious effort to discuss and analyze the problem, even promoting "hate speech" legislation to stifle any such public discussion. The 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference has attempted to make blasphemy (i.e., criticism of Islam) a crime in international law. They have been further emboldened by the failure to immediately prosecute Islamic extremists who threaten violence against those who express criticism or dishonor Islam. What is truly ironic is that many of those on the Left who normally endorse the crudest outbursts against Christianity and Judaism, are the first to accuse any critics of Islam of Islamophobia and they display far greater concern for the sensitivities of Muslims. In many instances, Obama and European leaders have apologized and even groveled every time some crude outburst against Islam was expressed by individuals, many of whom were of marginal importance. Of course not all Muslims are terrorists. But the number of radicals is dramatically increasing and like al-Qaida in the previous decade, Islamic State is providing them with a sense of empowerment and imbuing them with a willingness to die in pursuit of their objectives. The Paris massacres exemplify what we can expect from the thousands of well-trained indigenous battle-hardened assassins imbued with a fanaticism to sacrifice their lives to promote Islam and terrorize infidels, especially Jews, after returning from Middle East conflict zones. While local Muslim leaders and heads of Islamic states condemned the massacres, it is chilling to witness the extent that popular public opinion, especially in the Arab world, supports terrorism. We should remind ourselves that it originated with the Iranian ayatollah's fatwa to murder novelist Salman Rushdie, which was overwhelmingly endorsed in the Islamic world. Even if only 20 percent of the Muslims are considered pro-jihadist – and there are in all probability more than that – this would represent two or three hundred million potential terrorists. To persist in denying the existence of such a huge Islamic terrorist presence is utterly delusional. Above all, this undermines the moderate Islamic forces striving to stem or isolate this poisonous fanaticism that has arisen from within. Yet the Obama administration has mollycoddled the Muslim Brotherhood (a more nuanced but nevertheless direct extension of the terrorist network) and condemned the leader of the largest Muslim Middle Eastern country, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. Ironically, in a historic and critical New Year address, largely ignored by the mainstream press, Sissi publicly expressed what Obama and Western leaders have been denying. He stated explicitly that jihadism and terrorism were linked to "he corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the centuries." He warned that this was "antagonizing the entire world," that "this umma is being torn, it is being destroyed... by our own hands," and that "we are in need of a religious revolution." Clearly, now that all parties engaged are no longer committed to democracy, this is a time to review our multicultural policies. Western governments must cease their groveling, impose draconian measures against Islamic extremists and intensify pressure on Muslim communities to purge themselves of these elements. Issues of civil liberties must be considered secondary when the safety of innocent civilians is at stake. If that requires special surveillance and interrogation of suspect Muslims, so be it. It is common sense, not bigotry, to racially profile and concentrate on those from whose midst 99 percent of terrorist outbreaks originate. It will require intensified penetration of mosques and Islamic community centers to identify and deal with those mullahs and fanatics promoting jihadism, including the Saudi financed Wahhabi outlets in the immigrant ghettoes. It will necessitate a rigorous monitoring of Muslim schools and Internet outlets to eradicate and prosecute the extremists who are transforming youngsters into beheaders. Failure to act will intensify the prevailing massive swing toward parties opposed to immigration and parties of the far Right like the National Front in France, whose leader, Marine Le Pen, is now the frontrunner in presidential polls. Jews have reassumed the role of the canary in the mine and are the first to be targeted, but the world would face the same threat if Jews did not exist. Israel has been at the frontlines confronting Islamic extremism but has received scant support. Indeed, until recently Western governments ignored the carnage in Syria, Iraq and other countries, preferring to concentrate on condemning Israeli housing construction in the Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem and regarding Israel as the major lubricant to Islamic extremism. French support of the PA application to the U.N. Security Council on December 30, obviously designed to curry favor with local Muslims, did not deter terrorists from committing their massacres in Paris a week later. For Jews, the writing has been on the wall for a long time. The virulence of the anti-Semitic hatred closing in on Jews in Europe (and elsewhere) is horrifying. Robert Wistrich, the world's leading scholar on anti-Semitism, says that anti-Semitism in France is now in "an advanced stage of disease" that cannot be reversed. There were a series of anti-Semitic murders in France and Belgium preceding the Paris massacre but they failed to raise the same level of outrage as the Charlie Hebdo murders. There were no popular campaigns saying "Je suis Juif." Indeed there seemed to be greater concern about "Islamophobia" than the targeted Jewish victims. Europe is today facing a crisis as serious as the confrontation with Nazism. If Western leaders continue behaving like Chamberlain and fail to stand up to this global threat, it could usher in a new Dark Age in which the Judeo-Christian culture is subsumed by primitive barbarism. The writing is on the wall. For Jews, the Zionist vision (The gathering of Jews into their own state of great power and dignity) has once again been tragically vindicated. If we must die with out boots on, so be it but our Hashem will protect us – of that there is no doubt) (Italicized notes by Jerome S. Kaufman) The relevant excerpt from Sisi’s speech follows (translation by Michele Antaki): "I am referring here to the religious clerics. We have to think hard about what we are facing—and I have, in fact, addressed this topic a couple of times before. It's inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire umma [Islamic world] to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible! That thinking—I am not saying "religion" but "thinking"—that corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the centuries, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. It's antagonizing the entire world! Is it possible that 1.6 billion people [Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world's inhabitants—that is 7 billion—so that they themselves may live? Impossible! I am saying these words here at Al Azhar, before this assembly of scholars and ulema—Allah Almighty be witness to your truth on Judgment Day concerning that which I'm talking about now. All this that I am telling you, you cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset. You need to step outside of yourselves to be able to observe it and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective. I say and repeat again that we are in need of a religious revolution. You, imams, are responsible before Allah. The entire world, I say it again, the entire world is waiting for your next move... because this umma is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.” Contact Israel Commentary |
The article below was published and written by Haaretz staff. Haaretz is Israel's oldest daily newspaper. It was founded in 1918 and is now published in both Hebrew and English in Berliner format. The English edition is published and sold together with the International New York Times |
The Wiesenthal Center's 2014 survey also includes the November synagogue attack in Jerusalem and the rape of a Jewish woman in Paris. ![]() The worst anti-Semitic incident of the past year involved a Belgian doctor who refused to treat a 90-year-old Jewish woman, according to the Wiesenthal Center's survey of the Top 10 worst global anti-Semitic or anti-Israel incidents of 2014. According to the survey, the doctor told the woman's son, who called a medical hotline on her behalf, "Send her to Gaza for a few hours, then she will get rid of the pain." The incident was reported by Joods Actueel, a local Jewish newspaper. It added that the woman's grandson, Hershy Taffel, had filed a complaint with the police. "It reminds me of what happened in Europe 70 years ago," Taffel was reported as saying. "I never thought those days would once again be repeated." Published on Monday, the Wiesenthal survey says 2014 "was a year of unprecedented explosions of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hatred." The list, it adds, "shows how pervasive anti-Semitism has become around the world and is tragically indicative of burgeoning threats and challenges to the Jewish people not encountered since the end of WWII." The second worst incident in the survey was the Jerusalem synagogue attack in November, which left four Jewish worshippers and one Druze policeman dead, as well as the two attackers. The survey also condemns the reaction of Jordanian parliamentarians, who prayed for the killers, and the condolence letter sent by the country's prime minister to their families. Third on the list is the rape of a Jewish woman in a Paris suburb in December and the beating of her partner. Other incidents on the list are the invitation of two "notorious Israel-bashers" to address a party meeting in the German Bundestag; the proposal of a Turkish newspaper columnist that Turkish Jews be taxed to pay for the damage to Gaza during the summer war; and the declaration by Sweden's deputy parliamentary speaker that the country's Jews should abandon their Jewish identity. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
WHY OBAMA BOYCOTTED FRANCE'S TERROR MARCHPosted by Joan Swirsky, January 18, 2015 |
The article below was written by Paul Sperry who is
formerly IBD Washington bureau chief, is author of
"Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have
Penetrated Washington." This article appeared on Stupid and is archived at
Two of the biggest mysteries surrounding Barack Obama's presidency involve his snubbing of close allies. Why did he kiss off the French in their terror grief? For the same reason he sent an Oval Office statue of Churchill back to the Brits: anti-colonialism. Anti-colonialism is the idea that Western countries got rich and powerful by oppressing and plundering poor countries and peoples, and that they continue to exploit minorities like Muslim immigrants within their societies. Obama's baffling decision to skip the anti-terror rally in Paris is rooted in this ideology, which he adopted from writer Frantz Fanon, a French-African revolutionary who played a major role in his intellectual development. If Fanon were alive today, he'd take solace in the Muslim terror siege of France. He'd also be proud of his Oval Office admirer's boycott of the French government's protest march. In 1954, Fanon left France for Algeria, where he joined Muslim rebels in their fight for independence. He railed against the French colonizers, claiming they were raping Algerian culture by banning the Muslim veil and other forms of Westernization — something French Muslims complain Paris is doing again today. The French government expelled Fanon from Algiers and threatened to arrest him if he caused more trouble. Fanon went on to pen a defense of the right for colonized people to use violence to gain independence. He titled his treatise, "The Wretched of the Earth." While Paris censored the book, it became a personal favorite of Obama. While attending Occidental and Columbia universities, he debated it tirelessly with other politically active black students, along with Muslim immigrants. Algerians, Tunisians, Moroccans and Senegalese eventually all gained their independence, and as part of decolonization, France began welcoming the families of migrant workers from the North African region. A trickle of Muslim immigrants quickly turned into a flood, and today France is home to some 6 million Muslims — the most in Europe. Now, African Muslims are in effect colonizing parts of France. Police have virtually lost control over some 750 urban immigrant enclaves that have become breeding grounds for jihadists like the two Parisian terrorists of Algerian descent and the one of Senegalese descent who slaughtered French journalists, police and Jews in a bloody two-day rampage in the City of Light. Fanon would absolutely relish such a turnabout. For Obama's part, there's no doubt he sympathizes with formerly colonized Africans and their children, a concern he repeatedly — and angrily — expresses in his memoir, "Dreams From My Father." As a student of Islam, Obama also sympathizes with Muslims' anger over French cartoons ridiculing their prophet Muhammad. In a 2012 United Nations speech, he asserted that "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." All this in mind, Obama saw the terror attack on French intellectuals and authorities by Franco-Algerian Muslims differently than other Western leaders and decided to boycott the greatest anti-terror rally ever held and one that demanded American representation. The White House says it was an oversight, but the snub clearly was calculated. Obama was the only Western leader absent, despite a clear travel schedule. He didn't even send his vice president in his place — or his attorney general, who was actually in Paris at the time. He was sending a message to the French, our oldest ally, as well as the British and other former colonial powers locking arms in solidarity. Obama is not a big fan of our other ally across the pond, either. Until the '60s, Britain colonized Kenya, and according to Obama, mistreated his father and Muslim grandfather (a story biographers now dispute). Winston Churchill was prime minister at the time, and became the object of family scorn. So, one of the first things Obama did when he moved into the Oval Office was pack up the bust of Churchill and ship it back to London, to the utter dismay of 10 Downing Street. It's not surprising Obama would be intellectually weaned on the writings of Fanon. The self-described "Mujahideen of Algeria" also agitated for Kenyan independence from Britain, making him a hero in the eyes of Obama's anti-colonialist father. Barack Hussein Obama Sr., was a Kenyan Muslim who hated the British even more than the French. The younger Obama also identified with Fanon's biracial background. Obama's Parisian snub is no puzzle. But to make sense of it, you first must understand Obama's twisted world view. He views all global events through the lens of Western colonialism and imperialism. Then, more narrowly, you must understand his acknowledged reverence for the militant anti-colonialist Fanon, who despised the patriarchal French establishment. Anti-colonialist sympathies explain Obama's French disconnection just like they explain his ongoing hostility toward Israel, his shocking appeasement of Castro and his retreat from Iraq, Afghanistan and the broader War on Terror. Contact Joan Swirsky at |
WHEN THE FOX PREACHESPosted by Yaacov Levi, January 18, 2015 |
The article below was written by Michael Devolin Michael Devolin is a Noachide and lives in Canada. Contact him at This article appeared January 17, 2015 in Jihad Watch and is archived at |
![]() "When the fox preaches, look to your geese." -German proverb No sooner had the blood dried (literally) from Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris, France than we hear of Oxford University Press' decision to censor from its publications any reference pertaining to pork or pigs, and all this because such allusions may offend Muslims. So much for "this little piggy went to the market" and the "three little pigs" and Black Forest Ham. No friends in this game. Never mind that no pig ever, purposely, set out in the morning to offend Muslim sensitivities. After all, pigs are only animals, eh? What's the world coming to? First, HarperCollins publishes a Middle East Atlas minus the State of Israel, and now Oxford University Press announces they intend to publish books with all mention of pigs or pork omitted. The Wolf is permitted but all pigs have to go. I've just read only this morning one blogger pointing out that Jews are also forbidden to eat pork and yet they've never demanded of the non-Jewish world that all mention of the three little piggies be erased from our consciousness. I think it's time to announce to Islam's 1.6 billion followers that it's now the non-Muslim world's turn to make incredible demands of the Muslim world and not the other way around, Oxford University Press and HarperCollins be damned. After America's 9/11, England's 7/7, France's Charlie Hebdo/kosher grocery store atrocities and lastly—but no less horrible—the many terrorist attacks in Israel committed by "devout Muslims" to date, I think it's long overdue that the West begins demanding from the Muslim world certain changes in cultural traditions. After all, the three little piggies never hurt anybody. Not so the madmen of Islam. OUP stated that "....we encourage some authors of educational materials respectfully to consider cultural differences and sensitivities." Well then, let us first "encourage" Muslim clerics "respectfully" to stop referring to our Jewish citizens as "the descendants of swine and monkeys," or to Israeli Jews as "Zionist pigs". Or even better, let the entire Muslim world stop referring to the non-Muslim as "infidel" or "kaffir", as though our choice to reject the religion of Islam outright was made out of hereditary weakness or immorality. Quite the opposite is true. Let's remind the 1.6 billion followers of Islam that those Muslims who purport to be following the real Islam (and I don’t fault them for that boast) are the same Muslims beheading journalists and aid-workers on YouTube or raping Kurdish women. I'm not especially worried that the "best and brightest" of Islam may be offended upon reading about pigs and pork and sausage. I'm far more offended to read too often that the Western world, from the bottom to the top, is being exploited and intimidated by the most devout of this extremely violent 7th century religion. We should be uncomfortably concerned that the Muslim world is offended by the existence of pigs upon Earth? We should be disconcerted that the Muslim world is enraged by the presence of a sovereign Jewish state in the very land Jews are indigenous to? I don't think so. Alexander Solzhenitsyn cautioned, "It is time in the West to defend not so much human rights as human obligations." Let the Muslim world live up to our morals—not us down to theirs. Let Western democracies make demands of Islam's leaders and imams and not the other way around. Since when does the fox preach to the geese? Worse yet, why would the geese ever pay homage to the fox? The fox does not have the welfare of the geese in mind. When the fox preaches, look to your geese. Contact Yaacov Levi at |
A MISCELLANY OF OBSERVATIONSPosted by Edward Cline, January 18, 2015 |
The Fallacy of Workable Tyranny I was asked to watch and rate the first episode of an up-and-coming series for Amazon Instant Video, which was an hour long, and to provide remarks. Here is an expanded version of my assessment of the episode, or what I would have said had there not been a word count limit set by Amazon. Please help us improve Amazon Instant Video by rating the video and audio quality of The Man in the High Castle Episode 1: The Man in the High Castle. I read The Man in the High Castle (or Tower) when it was first published decades ago, or a little after 1962, when I was still in high school. Interesting alternate history fiction. The production values of High Castle are in the same league as those of Fatherland, which differs significantly from the novel by Robert Harris; with House of Cards, a species of "contemporaneous" alternate history fiction, and which differs radically from both the novel by Michael Dobbs and the British TV version; and with V for Vendetta, which differs so radically from the original graphic novel that to describe the differences here would merit a separate column. The Amazon presentation of High Castle is being adapted by Ridley Scott of Blade Runner fame. The salient point about Amazon's High Castle, however, is that it stretches credibility about what would have happened had Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany won WWII, carved up the U.S., and militarily occupied the continent. The Japanese were savagely brutal in their conquests, as were the Nazis. Remember, for example, what the Japanese did to Nanking, China, and what happened to British, Indian, and Canadian men and women and their Chinese dependents after the surrenders of Hong Kong and Singapore. (Atrocities were the byword of all Japanese conquests, much as it is ISIS's today in Syria and Iraq.) This perspective is buttressed by recent revelations of the Japanese atrocities committed against American and Philippine POWs. American civilians here at home, black, white and Jewish, would have been brutally treated by both the Japanese and the Germans had the U.S. been conquered. Someone might object: Ed, this is just entertainment, get a grip. But my unshakeable fealty to history will not allow me to "entertain" any other possible scenario. Readers of my Cyrus Skeen period detective novels will know how close I hove to actual history. Totalitarian regimes, as a rule, do not reign over productive countries; they only loot them and if they survive at all it is only as parasites on neighboring countries willing to trade with them. This is why the Soviet Union lasted so long, as well as Red China (not to mention North Korea, Communist Cuba, Venezuela, etc.). Also, Americans in either the Japanese zone (the West Coast) or the Nazi zone (the East Coast) wouldn't have been able to move about as freely as they do in this production. Their movements would have been severely restricted and monitored. Further, the America depicted in this production looks prosperous, when just the opposite would be true. Germany looked prosperous in Fatherland, and Britain looked comfy in "V." In passing, I suspect Philip K. Dick's 1962 novel was inspired by George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) which was also a kind of alternate history novel. I have read nothing in his biographical information that would contradict that suspicion. "Realism" in Hollywood productions, however, doesn't necessarily mean the recreation of reality.The Left's Infatuation with Islam A reader commented on my column, "Islam, CAIR, and Politically Correct Speech", in which I dwell briefly on the word war between Rupert Murdoch and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling:
Frankly, I don't know what the "official" Objectivist position is on the Rowling novels. I don't think there is one. As for what Objectivism has to say about the copasetic relationship between the Left and Islam, this may have been articulated in various "official" and independent venues, but I don't much keep up with "official" Objectivist positions on anything, so there's nothing substantial I can say on that subject. Yes, the Left is as nihilistic as is Islam. It will side with any movement that will up-end or destroy moral, economic, and political norms. The Left is pro-gay, and will advocate legislation and judicial decisions that criminalize any actions or speech that can be construed to be anti-gay. It will celebrate florists, bakeries, and wedding photographers being compelled to accept gays as customers. Islam, however, throws gays from rooftops or hangs them. The Left says little or nothing about it. The Left always sides with blacks, provided blacks are portrayed as victims of a white culture, or of police brutality, and so on, but one never reads of the Left praising the black middle class or black intellectuals such as Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell. Islam, however, regards blacks, even black Muslims, as on a level with apes, or as subhuman. Islam has a thousand-year history in the black slave trade, especially in east Africa. After Omar Quadaffi was overthrown in Libya, Muslim gangs rounded up as many black Muslims and non-Muslims they could lay hands on, imprisoned them, and probably executed them. (This is not meat for one of Al Sharpton's rants, nor is the slaughter of blacks by Boko Haram in Nigeria, nor is the slaughter of black Sudanese. His silence is deafening.) Chicken Little leftists have little to say about that. The Left will champion women as long as they're eligible for entitlements, are portrayed as victims of a patriarchal society, and stand to be enriched by the usual Marxist shopping list of "rights." But Islam, as it should be clear to anyone by now, regards women as chattel or third-class citizens, rape-able at leisure, especially if they're taken prisoner by Muslim gangs such as ISIS, or are caught alone on a British or Swedish or Danish street and subjected to Muslim racism, or as many-wived baby factories, and as vehicles for additional welfare payments. Rarely does one read of a left-wing pundit deploring the Islamic treatment of women. That would not be in line with cultural diversity or multicultural tolerance and sensitivity. The Left and Islam are seemingly odd but nevertheless natural bedfellows. The Left allies itself with its ideological nemesis because it is as totalitarian in means and ends as is Islam. The Left enables Islam to spread and commit its depredations. The Left consciously or by default sanctions the stealthy imposition of Sharia in this country as a stew of “civil rights." On the other hand, Islam is not known to have much congratulated the Left for any political or social victories against America it may claim. The Left regards Islam as a kind of fellow traveler. Islam regards the denizens of the Left, once everyone is shackled by Sharia law, as prime candidates for hanging, beheading, raping, lashing, or working in the jizya salt mines, once the two totalitarian imperatives have been joined in marriage and Islam reigns triumphant. Members of the Left might then repair to the ACLU or the National Union of Lawyers to plead the injustices imposed on them – although by then those particular fellow travelers will have been replaced by the American Sharia Lawyers' Council. And then they'll learn that to question a Sharia ruling, or Sharia itself, is to deny that Allah is the one true God and that Mohammad is his prophet. Islam will have said to the Left "I divorce thee" three times. Even apostasy, they'll also learn to their dismay, is not a necessary requirement for the severest punishment. And they'll learn that the penalty for thinking is...death. Edward Cline is an American novelist and essayist. He is
best known for his Sparrowhawk series of novels, set in England
and Virginia before the American Revolutionary War. This
article appeared January 18, 2015 on his own blog in The Rule
of Reason and is archived at
WHAT DO BELGIANS REALLY THINK ABOUT JEWS?Posted by Robert Hand, January 18, 2015 |
As anti-Semitism blossoms in Europe, horrifically illustrated in last Friday's hostage crisis at a Paris kosher supermarket that saw four Jews murdered, what does the average person on the street in Belgium think about Jews? A new video seeks to find out, revealing shocking results. The video is an initiative of Rabbi Menachem Margolin, director general of the Rabbinical Center of Europe (RCE) and the European Jewish Association (EJA). In it, one Belgian said Jews in Israel are "doing the same" as was done to them by the genocidal Nazi regime in the Holocaust, which murdered six million Jews. He claimed Jews are "putting people in a ghetto...when they have been put in a ghetto themself (sic)." CLICK HERE TO WATCH Contact Robert Hand at |
IN DARK TIMES, REMEMBER WALLENBERGPosted by Algemeiner, January 18, 2015 |
The article below was written by Irwin Cotler who is a Canadian Member of Parliament, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and emeritus Professor of Law at McGill University in Montreal. In 2014, he was awarded the Raoul Wallenberg Centennial Medal. This article appeared January 18, 2015 on the Algemeiner and is archived at |
![]() It has been a dark January. Thus far, 2015 has brought tragic and infuriating terrorism, anti-Semitism, and assaults on liberty in France; a car bomb in Yemen that killed and injured dozens; and the massacre of thousands in Nigeria by Boko Haram, as well as yet another of the group's mass kidnappings. This is in addition to continuing mass atrocities and humanitarian crises in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Central Africa, Sudan, and elsewhere, and it comes on the heels of the deadly hostage-taking in Sydney, and the barbarous terrorist attack on a school in Pakistan that left more than a hundred dead, most of them children. At times like these, the evil in the world can feel overwhelming, and it can be tempting to cede to despair, aggravating the problem of the international community as bystander to atrocity and injustice. How appropriate, then, that January 17 was Raoul Wallenberg Day in Canada, in remembrance and tribute to this disappeared hero of humanity. Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, was a beacon of light during the darkest days of the Holocaust, and his example remains so today. Prior to his arrival in Budapest in July 1944, some 430,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported to the Auschwitz death camp in the space of ten weeks – the fastest, cruelest, and most efficient mass murders of the Nazi genocide. Yet Wallenberg rescued more Hungarian Jews from the Nazis than any single government, notably saving 20,000 by issuing Schutzpasses – documents conferring diplomatic immunity. He even went to the trains as mass deportations were underway, distributing Schutzpasses to people otherwise consigned to death. Other diplomatic missions followed suit, saving thousands more. Wallenberg saved an additional 32,000 by establishing dozens of safe houses in a diplomatic zone protected by neutral legations. He organized hospitals, soup kitchens, and childcare centres, providing human dignity along with the essentials of life. Moreover, when thousands of Jews were sent on a 125-mile death march in November 1944, Wallenberg followed alongside, distributing improvised Schutzpasses, as well as food and medical supplies. To Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi desk murderer who organized the mass deportations to Auschwitz, Wallenberg was the judenhund, the Jewish dog; to thousands of survivors and their families – many of whom have shared their stories of Wallenberg's bravery with me – he was a guardian angel. Finally, with the Nazis preparing to liquidate the Budapest ghetto as the war neared its end, Wallenberg warned Nazi generals that they would be held accountable and brought to justice, if not executed, for their crimes. The Nazis desisted, and 70,000 more Jews were saved. Regrettably, 70 years ago on January 17, Wallenberg was arrested by the Soviets, who had entered Hungary as liberators. He disappeared into the Gulag, and his fate remains unknown. Initial Soviet claims that he died in custody in July 1947 have since been contradicted by investigations, including the International Commission on the Fate and Whereabouts of Raoul Wallenberg, a group I chaired in 1990, and which included Nobel peace laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, Soviet scholar Mikhail Chelnov, former Israeli attorney general Gideon Hauser, and Wallenberg's brother, Guy von Dardel, who was the driving force behind the commission's establishment. In 1985, a U.S. Federal Court found the evidence "incontrovertible" that Wallenberg lived past 1947, "compelling" that he was alive in the 1960s, and "credible" that he remained alive into the 1980s; but precisely what became of him remains a mystery. It is tragic that, while too many of the Holocaust's guilty have lived out their lives in peace, this saviour of the innocent was detained and disappeared. Indeed, the person who saved so many was not saved by so many who could. Yet, while we pursue the moral obligation of discovering the truth of Wallenberg's fate, his legacy endures, reminding us of the power of an individual with the compassion to care and the courage to act to confront evil, resist, and transform history. In recognition of his heroism, Canada named Wallenberg our country's first honorary citizen 30 years ago. He has been granted the same distinction in Hungary, Australia, Israel, and the USA – where many states mark Wallenberg Day on October 5. There are monuments to him in cities around the world, as well as streets and schools that bear his name. In Paris, there has been a Rue Raoul-Wallenberg since 2007. Wallenberg is a shining example of how to confront overriding evil. By intervening to save civilians, he personified what today we call the Responsibility to Protect; by giving out food and medical supplies, he provided what today we call humanitarian relief and assistance; and by issuing his warning to Nazi generals, he prefigured the Nuremberg principles and what today we call international criminal law. At a time when it seems as though each day brings a new heart-wrenching catastrophe, let us be inspired by Raoul Wallenberg, who came face to face with the horrors of Nazism, and was moved not to despair, but to action. The Algemeiner Journal is a New York-based newspaper, covering American and international Jewish and Israel-related news. Contact Algemeiner at |
First, his statement that our schools should be turned into Islamic schools: "America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged, where the foundation is the Qu'ran," Carson stated, which can be heard in the video below. Then Carson joined with the other Muslims in our gov't in demonizing the Tea Party: "Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see [blacks] as second class citizens," Carson stated. "Some of them in Congress right now with this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me...hanging on a tree." And finally, perhaps the most disconcerting statement where admits that there is a plot to destroy the country and boldly stated that it 'can't be stopped', obviously showing his support: "It's unfortunate that there are those who are thinking that, at this convention right now, we're having secret meetings, that we're plotting to destroy this country." Carson followed up the statement with a challenge to law enforcement: "But I say to those [police officers] who are here undercover: Allah will not allow you to stop us." It is quite obvious that this man should in no way, shape or form be holding a public office in this country, much less be appointed to an intelligence committee where he has access to highly sensitive information regarding this nations security and the war on terror, which he seems to be a part of. Our nation has indeed been infiltrated to a very deep level. Civil war at this point certainly seems inevitable. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is set to appoint a Muslim lawmaker to the Intelligence Committee, congressional aides said Tuesday, giving him access to some of America's most closely held secrets in the war on terror. The move will come as the world is still grappling with an al-Qaeda death squad's massacre last week of journalists at the French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo, executed because they had published a cartoon of the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Rep. Andre Carson has attracted suspicion for his public statements, including a 2012 Islamic Circle of North America convention where he said America's schools should be modelled after Qur'anic madrassas. Moments later he warned undercover law enforcement skulking around the event looking for 'secret meetings' that 'Allah will not allow you to stop us.' Carson, a former police officer, represents Indiana's 7th District, an urban area that includes most of Indianapolis. He is one of only two Muslim members of Congress, the other being Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison. Voters sent him to Congress in a 2008 special election following the death of his grandmother, who held the seat before him. He was already a member of the House Armed Services subcommittee on intelligence, and once worked for the Department of Homeland Security's 'Fusion Center' – a data-sharing hub that merges intelligence collected by the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon and the Justice Department. But his elevation to the House Intelligence Committee, first reported by Politico, will cause rumbles among lawmakers who charge that the U.S. government – particularly the Obama administration – has studiously avoided linking Islam with the steady stream of deadly attacks that plague Europe, Africa and the Middle East. At the 2012 Islamic convention in Hartford, Connecticut, Carson said that 'America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged, where the foundation is the Qu'ran.' 'And that model that we are pushing in some of our schools meets the multiple needs of students.' He drew applause when he acknowledged the presence of undercover federal law enforcement in the audience – agents who were drawn to the event because of the high concentration of Muslim leaders. 'There are over 7 million Muslims in this country,' Carson told the crowd. 'And while we are under attack, we cannot retreat.' 'It's unfortunate that there are those who are thinking that, at this convention right now, we're having secret meetings, that we're plotting to destroy this country. But I say to those who are here undercover: Allah will not allow you to stop us.' After the speech made headlines, Carson's office released a statement saying he was misunderstood – and meant his remarks as a broad endorsement of religious education. 'Faith-based schools throughout this country have excelled because of innovative instructional methods and a willingness to engage different learning styles – whether visual, auditory, or kinesthetic,' he said. 'While I do not believe that any particular faith should be the foundation of our public schools, it is important that we take note of the instructional tools these schools utilize to empower their young people. Christian, Jewish, and Islamic schools have experienced notable success by casting off a one-size-fits-all approach to education, and this is a model we must replicate.' Carson was raised in a Baptist family, attended parochial schools, and converted to Islam as an adult in 1998. ![]() MADAME MINORITY LEADER: Nancy Pelosi, a former House speaker and the chamber's highest ranking Democrat, has reportedly decided to give Carson a slot on the all-knowing intelligence committee Although he was quick to backtrack on his advice about madrassas, Carson has never publicly addressed his comments about violent extremism and law enforcement's ability to stop it. Carson's press secretary did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In a Huffington Post interview two months ago, he reflected on his time as a police officer assigned to track terrorism and conduct counter-intelligence. 'What I learned is that in the U.S., as in the UK, it is impossible to fight the threat of global terror without help from Muslims,’ the congressman said. 'But there is a problem with institutional bigotry.' Carson also claimed that xenophobia has become exacerbated because of extremist elements [within Islam], but I still say that Muslims have to take control of our own destiny and to reclaim our destiny we have to engage in a political process.' Contact |
Just when you thought the Israeli government could not POSSIBLY get any stupider! Forget the ISIS threat. Forget the Hezb'Allah. Forget the Hamas Nazis. Forget the worldwide wave of anti-Semitism. Forget the economic problems of the country. The urgent matter that commands the attention of Israeli leaders this week is the "transgendered." A few months back, the Israeli Ministry of Health decided it would finance the "gender reassignment surgeries" of the "transgendered," meaning the surgical mutilation of mentally-ill people asking to make them look as if they are members of the opposite sex. You may recall that at the time I circulated a piece protesting the arbitrary discrimination in that decision, because it would not allow for public funding of species reassignment surgeries for people who believe they are dolphins trapped inside a human body. So cancer patients can just wait in line while the public funds are being spent to mutilate the genitalia of perverts. Anyway, now the Israeli Attorney General, after "consultations" with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Justice, and others, has issued a fatwa ordering the population registry offices run by the Ministry of the Interior to record as "female" any male transvestite asking to be recorded as such - including in cases where the male has NOT undergone genital mutilation "sex-change" surgery, and similarly for females wishing to be recorded as males without having bothered to do "sex change" surgery. The Attorney General insists there exist "professional criteria for assessment" to rule when a person has become a member of the other sex, even when no surgery has been performed. I suspect that these "professional criteria" involve a lobotomy of the Attorney General. A "panel of experts" already exists within the Ministry of Health to approve sex-change surgeries. And no, the surgeons involved are NOT prosecuted for assault and mutilation. The same panel will now be allowed to rule when such people have ALREADY changed their sex without having undergone surgery. That means, for example, that male prisoners can do their time in the female prisons, and the military will have to pretend that such "transgendered" people are actually members of the other sex. Haaretz, the Palestinian newspaper printed in Hebrew, is orgasmically happy about all this. The same radical Left that insists that circumcision is an abomination and violation of the human rights of infants just loves the idea of "gender reassignment surgery." Its report can be read here: You will love this part of the report about two men demanding to be registered in the population registry as women while retaining their doo dads intact: 'The two argued in the petition that they were not interested in sex reassignment surgery, and that making this a prerequisite is unreasonable. "The Interior Ministry position that there must be a correlation between the penis of the petitioners and their gender identity rests on an unfounded and outdated misconception," said the petition, filed by legal clinic attorney Hisham Shabita.' The population registry people were perfectly willing to register the two dudes as women as soon as they had mutilation surgery, but the dudes wanted to be registered as women while - er - keeping the equipment that allow them to extinguish camp fires like in the boy scouts. One of the dudes is a lawyer and he/she/it managed to change his registration to female in some places like the health insurance fund, but the income tax people and the banks refused to make the change. The army refused to allow him to live in a women's barracks when he was in service. I reprint here my earlier letter to the Minister of Health about this matter: An Open Letter to the Israeli Minister of Health about Species Reassignment Surgery To Yael German, Minister of Health From: Steven Plaut Re: Your proposal for new coverage of health insurance in Israel for "Sex Change" Surgery Dear Minister German: I read with great interest you new proposal to require Israeli "Sick Funds" or Health Maintenance Organizations to finance "Sex Change" surgeries for Israelis to be performed outside of Israel. The full story behind your proposal was reported in Haaretz this week - According to your proposal, the health funds would cover the costs of any Israeli seeking to mutilate himself or herself, or what you prefer to call "genital reassignment surgery." Now it is true that an Israeli approaching a surgeon and requesting that the surgeon slice off his or her pinky finger for no valid medical reason would be confined to a mental institution, and any surgeon performing such a request would be arrested for assault and mutilation. But you have the sensitivity and insight to appreciate that slicing off a pinky finger is a far worse form of bodily restructuring than slicing off sexual organs. In any case, I am appealing to you to make your proposal more encompassing and less discriminatory. Why should Israeli health institutions ONLY cover genital reassignment surgery? Why are you refusing to order the health funds to finance species reassignment surgery as well? After all, the failure to finance species reassignment surgery is causing suffering and hardship for many people who were mistakenly born into bodies of the wrong species. It is time to remedy this! Take me for example, Ever since I was the youngest of fellows, I have always felt that I should have been born a dolphin. I identify with dolphins, embrace dolphins, and see myself as part of the dolphin species. Sure, several psychiatrists have advised me to institutionalize myself in a loony ward. But this simply illustrates how unenlightened are so many of the medical professionals in Israel. Madame Minister, why should the Israeli health system not pay for the surgery required to allow me to live my life to the fullest as a member of the proper species to which I truly belong, rather than being trapped in an inappropriate body for my entire life? Why should I be denied the opportunity to replace my arms with fins? Why can't I have my own properly functioning tail? Why should I not be able to align my species identity so that I can mate with the other dolphins of my true self-understanding? My dream in life is to become part of a dolphin performance team in Sea World. But the obstinacy of the Israeli medical system is preventing me from fulfilling my dreams and living the life for which I was actually programmed, probably as far back as when I was in the womb. It is true that I am genetically human, but since when does genetic assignment count for anything? My true inner being is a dolphin, regardless of what genes I have been assigned. So Madame Minister, end this travesty! End this discrimination. Acknowledge species reassignment surgery to be exactly as legitimate and appropriate as gender reassignment surgery. Do it today! Cetaceanly yours, Professor Steven Plaut Steven Plaut is an American-trained economist, a professor of business administration at Haifa University and author of "The Scout." He frequently comments — both seriously and satirically — on Israeli politics and the left wing academic community. Write him at His website address is |
INTO THE FRAY: SISI OR ISIS?Posted by Martin Sherman, January 19, 2015 |
It's difficult to overstate the potential importance of the Egyptian president's New Year speech on Islam – and equally important to avoid overly optimistic expectations as to its practical impact. ![]() "Is it possible that 1.6 billion people [Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world' inhabitants – that is 7 billion – so that they themselves may live? Impossible!" – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Al-Azhar, January 1 "O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty." – Koran, Sura 9:123 "Violence... occurs between Muslims, on the one hand, and Orthodox Serbs in the Balkans, Jews in Israel, Hindus in India, Buddhists in Burma and Catholics in the Philippines. Islam has bloody borders." – Samuel Huntington, "The Clash of Civilizations?" Foreign Affairs, 1993 On New Year's Day, Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi delivered a remarkable address at Cairo's Al-Azhar University. The Obama-Sisi contrast He directed measured, but nonetheless severe, censure at much of the Islamic clergy, their interpretation of religious texts and their prescription for how Muslims should practice their faith in the modern day: "I am referring here to the religious clerics. We have to think hard about what we are facing – and I have, in fact, addressed this topic a couple of times before. It's inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire umma [Islamic world] to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible!" Ironically, Sisi spoke at the same venue that Barack Obama chose to deliver his 2009 "Outreach Speech" to the Muslim world. But the contrast between the two could hardly be more striking. As one US analyst deftly noted: "Obama began the 2009 speech by praising the same seminary that Sisi reprimanded," emphasizing "That [Obama's approach] is different from Sisi, who is trying to suppress the Brotherhood movement and push Al-Azhar's Islamic leaders toward modernity.": Sisi used the occasion to condemn the ongoing practices in the Islamic world, after having coercively removed the regressive and ruinous regime of the Muslim Brotherhood from power. By contrast, Obama heaped effusive praise on Islam, and insisted on places of honor for senior Brotherhood representatives – to the chagrin of his host, president Hosni Mubarak. Indeed, many consider Obama’s words and gestures in Cairo as providing a considerable – arguably, crucial – fillip in the process that swept the Brotherhood to power barely two years later. Revolution not reform Although Sisi was at pains to appear respectful to Islam as a religion per se, there was little doubt as to the grim view he took of the consequences of the manner in which Muslims were being instructed to observe their faith. "That thinking – I am not saying 'religion' but 'thinking' – that corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the years, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world!" he said. Sisi appealed to the religious establishment for a "more enlightened perspective": "I am saying these words here at Al-Azhar, before this assembly of scholars and ulema [top Islamic scholars] – Allah Almighty be witness to your truth on Judgment Day concerning that which I'm talking about cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset. You need to step outside of yourselves to be able to... reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective." But despite his ostensible deference, Sisi made no bones about what was called for. Not gradual reform but swift revolution. "I say and repeat again that we are in need of a religious revolution. You, imams, are responsible before Allah. The entire world, I say it again, the entire world is waiting for your next move," he urged. Tendency to appease Sisi is undoubtedly correct in his diagnosis of Islam as comprising "a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world." However, until recently the tendency of the "rest of the world" has been to appease rather than oppose, to understand rather than withstand, to excuse rather than expunge. Nonetheless, lately there does appear to be the beginning of rumbling discontent in the West, and indications that resistance to Islamic-inspired outrages is beginning to emerge – albeit far too timidly and far too slowly. It is still too early to assess whether the savage slaughter in Paris last week will prove a tipping-point in the mood toward Islam and shift it from angst to anger. There is, however, considerable room for skepticism. For despite the short-term uproar the killings at Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher has generated, the death toll pales when compared to far-greater Muslim-motivated atrocities perpetrated in the West without producing a sustained, resolute response to deal adequately with the manifest menace. With 17 dead, last week in Paris seems unlikely to become a watershed event. After all, the Madrid train bombings left 191 dead and 1,800 wounded in 2004; the London subway bombing 52 dead and 700 wounded in 2005; the Mumbai attacks almost 170 killed and over 600 injured in 2008, and the Moscow metro bombing 40 dead and over 100 injured in 2010. This of course is but a minute sample of a long, gory list of post 9/11 Muslim massacres, carried out in the name of their religious belief. Islam's bloody borders It is difficult to see why the ordeal in Paris, gruesome as it was, will produce the required stiffening of resolve. After all, the incipient clash between the Islamic and non-Islamic worlds has been part of the public discourse for over two decades. In his controversial – some might say, prescient – article "The Clash of Civilizations?" in Foreign Affairs (1993), the late Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington predicted: "The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future." He warned: "... the great historic fault lines between civilizations are once more aflame. This is particularly true along the... boundaries of the... Islamic bloc of nations, from the bulge of Africa to central Asia.... Islam has bloody borders." In a subsequent book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1998), Huntington wrote: "No single statement in my Foreign Affairs article attracted more critical comment than: 'Islam has bloody borders.'... Quantitative evidence from every disinterested source conclusively demonstrates its validity." Subsequent events and statistics strongly corroborate Huntington's contentions. Bloody borders (cont.) It is possible to fill tomes with examples of obdurate Islamic enmity to Judaism and Christianity. But Islamic intolerance is not confined to the monotheistic People of the Book. One of the most graphic illustrations of Islam's abiding rejection of all that is not Islamic is provided by the 2001 destruction of the giant Buddha statues in Afghanistan. The statues, which stood for 15 centuries (!) were designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, and were perhaps the best-known cultural landmark of the region. Despite all this, and ignoring international appeals, the Taliban government reduced the statues to rubble, in a determined, prolonged and complex effort. According to the then-Afghan culture minister, 400 religious clerics from across the country decided the "statues were un-Islamic." The Taliban's spiritual leader and supreme commander Mullah Muhammad Omar, proclaimed: "Muslims should be proud of smashing idols. It has given praise to God that we have destroyed them." The then-foreign minister told a Japanese daily: "We are destroying the Buddha statues in accordance with Islamic law... it is purely a religious issue." This implacable enmity toward the un-Islamic is reflected in the appalling statistics regarding Islamic violence. Some estimates indicate that since 9/11, there have been a staggering 25,000 lethal acts of Islamic terrorism. Islam's bloody innards In his Al-Azhar address, Sisi issued a stern warning: "... this umma [Islamic world] is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost – and it is being lost by our own hands." The warning is timely and accurate. For, as I pointed out in last week's column, as appalling as Muslim violence against non-Muslims might be, it pales into insignificance when compared to violence among Muslims themselves. In a sense, Sisi was echoing views Huntington articulated in his book: "Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and... obsessed with the inferiority of their power." Judging from the scope of the carnage, Islam's innards are if anything bloodier than its borders, and the enmity for fellow Muslims far outstrips that for the infidel. Quite apart from the well-known Sunni- Shia rift that has resulted in untold deaths, the myriad massacres in mosques, marketplaces and madrassas across Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere in the Muslim-dominated Dar a-Salaam (Zone of Peace) make it impossible for anyone other than a learned expert to decipher the patterns of intra-Islamic rivalries and the reasons for their lethal consequences. Sisi's passionate cry that the Muslim world is being torn apart at its own hands is corroborated everyday by a never-ending stream of blood-soaked facts. 'No stronger retrograde force exists...' Well over 100 years ago, in his book The River War (1899), Winston Churchill predicted with stunning prescience much of the realities which Sisi laments in his New Year address: "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful, fatalistic apathy." Churchill warned of adverse effects on Muslim economies and societies: "The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live... the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world." On Islam's attitude to women, he wrote: "The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men." Regarding conflict with the West, he provided an ominous caveat: "Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science... the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome... " Given the situation in Europe today, this is a prognosis that should not be lightly dismissed. Ataturk or Anwar Sadat? It's difficult to overstate the importance that Sisi's speech could have – and equally important to exercise sober caution in developing excessively optimistic expectations as to the practical impact it may have. Earlier this week, the influential US columnist George Will raised both the prospects and the perils: " head of the Egyptian state, Al Sisi occupies an office once occupied by Anwar Sadat who was murdered by Islamic extremists for his opening to Israel. This was an act of tremendous bravery by Sisi, and if the Nobel Peace Prize committee is looking for someone who plausibly deserves it, they could start there." Will Sisi be able to initiate a Kemalist-like transformation of Egypt as Kemal Ataturk did in Turkey just under a hundred years ago (and now disintegrating rapidly under the Islamist Erdogan regime)? The answer is far from certain. The times and circumstances in today's Egypt are vastly different – and arguably more daunting – than those in post-WWI Turkey. Egypt faces almost insurmountable socioeconomic challenges, and failure by Sisi to address them adequately will provide his numerous radical opponents much grist for their extremist mills to grind. Recent reports (The Jerusalem Post, January 12) that a newly exposed Islamic State-affiliated cell that "planned to assassinate government ministers, media personalities and businessmen in the coming days" dramatically underscore how a tragic rerun of political assassination in Egypt cannot be discounted. So while Sisi's endeavor should be warmly applauded – and supported – its chances of success are sufficiently uncertain – indeed, remote – that it would be more than imprudent of the West and for Israel to make any assumption of such success a basis for future policy. Sisi, ISIS & Israel The outcome of the titan battle between Sisi and Islamic State will, of course, have dramatic impact on Israel, particularly with regard to the fate of Sinai, and the ramifications this will have on our long southern border and the city of Eilat. But that is a topic for another – and somewhat depressing – article in the future. Martin Sherman ( is the founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies This article appeared January 15, 2015 on the Jerusalem Post and is archived at |
The article below was written by Reuters, Associated Press
staff and it appeared on January 19, 2015 and is archived at
Alberto Nisman had accused Argentine President of trying to hide Iran's role in 1994 attack; was due to testify in congressional hearing on day his body was discovered. Alberto Nisman, 51, the state prosecutor investigating the 1994 attack that killed 85 people - Argentina's worst ever bombing - said last Wednesday that Fernandez had opened a secret back channel to a group of Iranians suspected of planting the bomb. ![]() He had said the scheme intended to clear the suspects so Argentina could start swapping grains for much-needed oil from Iran. Ambito Financiero and other Argentine dailies reported Nisman was found dead in his bathtub in his flat in the luxurious Buenos Aires district of Puerto Madero. ![]() "Dr Nisman has died, we are investigating the cause of the death. In the coming days we will determine the cause of death with an autopsy. We found a weapon," prosecutor Viviana Fein told journalists gathered at the scene in the early hours. "I ask for seriousness, I ask for prudence." Late Sunday, federal police agents in charge of Nisman's protection alerted their superiors that he wasn't answering phone calls, according to a statement from the Health Ministry. When he also didn't answer the door, they decided to alert family members, according to the statement. When Nisman's mother wasn't able to open the door because a key was in the lock on the other side, a locksmith was called to open it, the ministry said. A .22 caliber handgun and a shell casing were found next to Nisman's body. Israel's foreign ministry expressed "deep sorrow" over Nisman's death. "Nisman, a courageous, venerable jurist who fought intrepidly for justice, acted with determination to expose the identities of the terrorists and their dispatchers," a ministry statement said. Lawmaker Patricia Bullrich told television channel TN that members of parliament would meet on Monday morning to discuss the situation. Nisman had been due to appear in front of lawmakers on Monday afternoon to explain his accusations against the president. The security ministry could not be immediately reached for comment. Argentine courts have accused Iran of sponsoring the 1994 bombing, a charge Iran denies. In 2013, Fernandez tried to form a "truth commission" with Iran to jointly investigate the bombing. She said at the time that the pact would reactivate the probe, but Israel and Jewish groups said it threatened to derail criminal prosecution of the case. The truth commission pact was later struck down by an Argentine court. Nisman had said the truth commission was intended to help get Interpol arrest warrants dropped against five Iranian suspects as a step toward normalizing bilateral relations. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
A WAR AMERICA CAN'T WINPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 19, 2015 |
This article was published nine days after 9/11, after I had seen with my own eyes the rubble of the World Trade Center, which I had previously visited on various occasions. I am publishing the article again for two reasons: first, because American scholars and politicians, as well as Israeli scholars and politicians – including Benjamin Netanyahu – persist in denying a clash of civilizations between Islam and the West, second, because my 2001 article, "A War America Can't Win" explains why Israel can't win her current war with the Palestinians. PART I. America can't win the war against international terrorism because the U.S. has failed to identify the enemy. The enemy is nothing less than Islam, and democratic, multicultural America is conceptually incapable of conquering such an enemy. We have here a clash of civilizations of world-historical significance. The United States, including its most notable intellectuals, obscure this clash by defining the enemy as "Islamic fundamentalism" or "Islamism," supposedly an extremist aspect of Islam. But as I shall now show, what is called "Islamic fundamentalism” is authentic, resurgent Islam. First, consider a booklet entitled Arab Theologians on Jews and Israel (1971) edited by D.F. Green. The booklet is a 76-page condensation of a 951-page volume containing papers presented at "The Fourth Conference of the Academy of Islamic Research" of Al Azhar University in Cairo (1968). Al Azhar University, it should be emphasized, is the Harvard of the Islamic world. Al Azhar is attached to the office of the President of Egypt and unofficially represents the theological-political position of that country, if not most of the Arab-Islamic world. Delegates from 24 countries attended the conference: Algeria, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, Sierra-Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togoland, Turkey, Uganda, Yemen, and Yugoslavia. Some 22 papers were presented by Islamic theologians and professors: Egypt 10; Lebanon 3; Jordan 2; Syria 2; Indonesia 2; and one each from Morocco, Iraq, and "Palestine." The papers frequently denote Jews as the "Enemies of God" or the "Enemies of humanity."One paper refers to Jews as "the dogs of humanity." The Bible of Israel is referred to in pejorative terms and as a counterfeit work. Jews are described as evil, as deserving the hatred and persecution of all the peoples with whom they have come into contact—and this was said in full awareness of the Nazi Holocaust! Also, the State of Israel is described as a culmination of historical and cultural depravity. Since the Conference portrays the evil of the Jews as immutable and permanent, the attending Muslim theologians and professors were prompting the Arab-Islamic world to annihilate Israel (politicide) and the Jews (genocide). This was not a conference of "Islamic fundamentalists," unless Islamic fundamentalism is authentic Islam! Second, the present writer has shown that the Israel-Egypt peace treaty of March 1979 did not diminish Egyptian hatred of Jews and Israel. (See my Sadat's Strategy, 1979.) Indeed, as the eminent Islamic scholar Bernard Lewis has noted, Egypt's anti-Jewish and anti-Israel propaganda increased after the signing of that treaty! Third, consider Professor Y. Harkabi's Arab Attitudes to Israel (1972). This 500-page volume documents hundreds of statements made by Arab rulers, scholars, journalists, and writers throughout the Arab-Islamic world vilifying Jews and calling for Israel's destruction. Harkabi makes no distinction between Islam and "Islamic fundamentalism" when he describes Islam as a "militant," "combative," and "expansionist" creed. Fourth, recall the Teheran Conference of October 1991 (which, by the way, took place two weeks before the October 30 Madrid "peace" conference sponsored by the U.S. and the USSR and attended by Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and PLO surrogates). Attended by a score of Arab and Islamic states, including Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the PLO, the Teheran Conference unanimously signed various resolutions calling for Israel's destruction. Egypt, despite its peace treaty with Israel, signed those resolutions! Again, this was not a conference of "Islamic fundamentalists" or of any single Islamic sect—Sunni, Shi’ite, or Wahhabi. Now for some basic principles. In The Political Language of Islam (1988), Professor Lewis notes that Islam divides the world in two: "the House of Islam (dar al-Islam), where Muslims rule and the law of Islam prevail; and the House of War (dar al-Harb), comprising the rest of the world. Between the two there is a morally necessary, legally and religiously obligatory state of war, until the inevitable and final triumph of Islam over unbelief. According to Islamic law books, this state of war could be interrupted, when expedient, by an armistice or truce of limited duration. It could not be terminated by peace but only by a final victory” (p. 73). The question arises: How should Muslims behave in territories previously conquered by Islam—for example Portugal, Spain, and the Balkans—but which were subsequently reconquered by Christians? According to certain Islamic jurists, it was the duty of Muslims to leave such territories and not remain under non-Muslim rule. Other jurists held that Muslims might remain under a non-Muslim ruler and were even obliged to obey his orders, provided only that Muslims were allowed to observe their religion. This ruling, however, was based on practical necessity. For as Lewis remarks, the territories conquered by Christians would then become part of the House of War, "subject, when circumstances permit, to jihad and reconquest" (p. 106). (This has obvious implications for Israel and its Muslim citizens.) Finally, it should be noted that the destruction of the World Trade Center is the manifestation of a war between East and the West. PART II. ...Unbeknownst to the West, and unacknowledged by Israel's ruling elites, the 1948 War of Independence was a civilizational war, one that has been going on to this day. Thus, in a lecture sponsored by the Arab League in Cairo, 'Abd al-Rahman al-Bazzaz, Professor of Law at the University of Baghdad, who later became Iraq's Prime Minister, declared in 1962: "The existence of Israel... is a flagrant challenge to our philosophy of life and the ideals for which we live, and a total barrier against the values and aims to which we aspire in the world." Islam perceives Israel both as a Jewish and secular democratic state that threatens the religio-political power structure of the Islamic world. Tyrannies do not like democracies on their borders. But let us probe a little deeper into the conflict between the East (here limited to Islam) and the West, with which Israel finds itself precariously aligned. The West exalts the individual, and the state exists to maximize his comfort. Accordingly, the function of the state is not to cultivate virtue or morality but to promote freedom and material prosperity. In the West, therefore, religion is a private matter. Contrast the fatalistic world of Islam. There personal and political freedom is unknown. There the state is all-powerful. Its primary function is to serve Allah by imbuing people with the moral and religious teachings of the Koran. There poverty is the rule. The World Trade Center represented the pinnacle wealth. Like the Tower of Babel, it symbolized the exaltation of man. The Twin Towers were monuments of scientific technology in stark contrast to pre-industrial, feudal Islam. The destruction of the Twin Towers by suicide bombers reveals the unbridgeable gap between the West's preoccupation with this world and Islam's concern with the afterworld. While America pursues a life of pleasure here and now, Islam is infatuated with death as the entry to eternal Paradise. Can mundane life defend itself against death? The World Trade Center's destruction was an act of revenge—revenge against centuries of Western domination of the East—intolerable to Muslims. The West is the home of Christianity, hated by Islam. Also, the U.S., by supporting Israel, is the Great Satan. Hence the Mufti of Jerusalem urges Muslims to kill Americans as well as Jews. Multicultural, relativistic America is incapable of waging war against this totalitarian enemy. It lacks the concepts, the understanding, required to wage such a war. President Bush called the destruction of the World Trade Center a "cowardly" act, when, in truth, it was an act of dauntless courage. He called this act "senseless," when in fact it was well calculated to humble America, to uplift Islamic pride, to glorify Allah. Moreover, responsibility for this monstrous act was attributed to "Islamic fundamentalism," or to a network of terrorists led by Osama bin Laden. True, Islamic states were held responsible for harboring these terrorists. But this tacitly indicates that the so-called war against international terrorism involves Islam as a whole: there is hardly an Islamic state that does not provide a haven, to say nothing of financial support, for Arab terrorists. Yet, to make a mockery of the World Trade Center disaster, the U.S. invited Islamic regimes and even arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat to join the war against international terrorism! Nor is this all. President Bush called this a war between good and evil. And so it is. But the United States and the West have long been silent about evil, indeed, have honored the personification of evil, again, Yasser Arafat. Hence the U.S. is far from being simply good. Besides, American cultural imperialism is vulgarizing much of the world, undermining moral and religious values. We see this in the Americanization of Israel. True, Israel is indebted to the United States and is itself to blame for the vices it has imported from America. Some may also blame Washington for Oslo, which has resulted in thousands of Jewish casualties—an enormous number for a small country like Israel. But Oslo is primarily the product of Westernized or secularized Jews. Indeed, the Israeli architects of Oslo were animated by one ultimate objective, and that is to destroy Israel as a Jewish state and to transform it into miniature, multicultural America! PART III If it is true, as I maintain, that "Islamic fundamentalism" is authentic Islam (now resurgent), and if international terrorism is merely a manifestation of Islam's war against Western civilization, then it should be obvious that multicultural America is incapable of winning such a war. Never mind the enormous economic interests of the United States in the Islamic Middle East. There are some 50 Muslim states and more than one billion Muslims on this planet; they are not going to be cowed by America. To win this war, America would have to bring about a Protestant Reformation in Islam. Muslims would have to renounce the ethos of jihad. Islam would then cease being a militant, expansionist, and proselytizing creed. It would have to recognize, as one may see in the Bible of Israel, that God creates nations as well as individuals, and that the independence of diverse nations, above all Israel, is to be respected so long as they observe the Seven Noahide Laws of Universal Morality. Moreover, Islamic autocracies, without becoming secular, would have to become commercial republics. On the one hand, they would cease to be corporate states in which the individual has no unalienable rights. On the other hand, the rights of individuals would not be exalted at the expense of religious-based morality. Accordingly, the state would introduce an ethical market economy. This would promise an end to the poverty endemic in the Islamic world. It would promote creativity and the development of a middle class, a precondition of a moderate and stable republic. From this it should be obvious that American democracy, to the extent that it has departed from the principles of the American founding fathers, is hardly a model for the Islamic world. To mention present tendencies: Its unrestrained freedom spawns licentiousness; its indiscriminate egalitarianism undermines deference and respect for parents and lawful authority; its form of capitalism promotes avarice and materialism; its pop culture fosters vulgarity; its university-bred doctrine of moral relativism breeds atheism and cynicism. If Islam has to undergo a "Protestant Reformation," America has to undergo a Judeo-Christian Restoration. Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. |
The article below was written by Reuters staff and
published January 19, 2015 on and is archived at
Teenage sisters Adeba and Chenar Shaker continue search for 16 other family members taken by Islamic State; Chenar escaped after man who bought her showed her mercy. Adeba Shaker, a 14-year-old from Iraq's minority Yazidi sect, recalled the day when she smiled again for the first time since her abduction by Islamic State militants. It was October 28, 2014, when she was reunited with her younger sister who had also been kidnapped and sold in a market. Unlike 350 Yazidi elderly who were freed by the Islamic State group on Sunday, Shaker was forced to escape as the Islamic State group still keeps a tight grip on many young Yazidi women. ![]() Shaker and 13-year-old Chenar found each other at a camp for internally displaced people just outside Dohuk, in northern Iraq, where Chenar came after being freed by a Sunni Muslim family who paid to save her from Islamist fighters. "I can't describe how I felt, I was so happy," Shaker told Reuters at the camp. "Now we need to find everybody else." Sixteen of Shaker's relatives are still being held by Islamic State fighters who control large swathes of Iraq and Syria. They were abducted from their village in the Yazidi heartland of Sinjar in northwestern Iraq, and separated. ![]() Islamic State has hounded ethnic and religious minorities in northern Iraq since seizing the city of Mosul in June, killing and displacing thousands of Christians, Shi'ite Shabaks and Turkmen who lived for centuries in one of the most diverse parts of the Middle East. Hundreds of Yazidi women and girls have been captured, raped and tortured, and forced to convert to Islam and marry Islamic State followers, according to rights groups. Shaker was trafficked to the Syrian border and was given as a "gift" to fighters on the frontline. She was converted to Islam and forcibly married to one of them. ![]() Young Chenar was sold at the local market. Just hours before the bidding started, a Sunni man noticed her. "He said I was too young," Chenar said. He paid $1,500 for her and brought her to his home. "As soon as I stepped in the house, he allowed me to call my family." Although she was told she would be released, the man told her to be patient. "The Daesh (an Arabic acronym used for the Islamist group) were watching all our moves, it was a very dangerous situation for everybody," she said. Chenar was held in the man's house for 55 days. "I wasn't asked to do anything in the house. I would just eat and sleep. They were kind to me, although I was not permitted to go out." The sisters told their story while sitting in their tent in the Shariya refugee camp that opened in mid-November. They live with two brothers, two cousins and an uncle. "We know other members of our family are still alive, some of them called us, but they have not been able to escape," said Sal, one of the brothers. The Yazidi are a religious sect whose beliefs combine elements of several ancient Middle Eastern religions. Tens of thousands have fled Islamic State fighters, who say the Yazidi must embrace their radical version of Islam or die. Harsh life in camps Shaker escaped from a house in Raabia, Iraq, in late August when her Islamic State captors received a phone call and stormed out. She took the chance to escape, running towards the Syrian border and to safety with Kurdish fighters. She is now focused on finding her mother and sisters and leaving Iraq for good. "Nowhere is safe here for us. I want to go away. I want to go to America." In the meantime, the family faces harsh, wintry conditions in the camp, where water seeps into tents when it rains. And fear remains. Some of the nearly 3,000 families sheltering at Shariya are Sunni, the branch of Islam followed by Islamic State, and Shaker, like many others, fear further violence. "They are scared to be harmed again and, as a result, there is constant tension," said Stefano Nanni, who works at the camp for Italian aid group Un Ponte Per. Nanni said the two groups were housed in separate sectors of the camp, but he thought they would have to be moved to different camps. There are 21 camps in the Dohuk area - five still under construction - where 700,000 people live, most of them Yazidis. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
The article below was written by Jonah Goldberg who is an American conservative syndicated columnist and author. Goldberg is known for writing about politics and culture to National Review, of which he is a Senior Editor. This article appeared January 16, 2015 on National Review and is archived at |
The White House seems to think its denial of radical Islam will stop people from believing the obvious. Could this argument be any dumber? The Obama administration has forced America and much of the world into a debate no one wanted or needed. Namely, does Islamic terrorism have anything to do with Islam? This debate is different than the much-coveted "national conversation on race" that politicians so often call for (usually as a way to duck having it), because that is a conversation at least some people want. The White House doesn't want a conversation about Islam and terrorism. White House spokesman Josh Earnest says, "We have chosen not to use that label [of radical Islam] because it doesn't seem to accurately describe what happened." What happened was the slaughter last week at the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo. The sound of the terrorists' gunfire was punctuated by shouts of "Allahu akbar!" and "We have avenged the prophet Mohammed!" Since no one questions the sincerity of these declarations, that alone should settle the issue of whether Islam had anything to do with the attack. And for normal people it would. The problem is that the White House's position is categorical denial. It is not that the role of Islam in such attacks is exaggerated. Nor is it that these attacks should not be used to disparage more than a billion peaceful Muslims around the world. These are mainstream and defensible positions. But, again, that's not what the White House is saying. It is saying that one should not associate these attacks with the word "Islamic," no matter what adjective you hang on it — radical, extreme, perverted, etc. — even when the murderers release videos attesting to their faith and their association with Islamist terror groups. By taking this radical and extremist rhetorical approach, the Obama administration invites people to talk about Islam more, not less. Think of it this way. A bird waddles into the room. It walks like a duck, it talks like a duck, it gives off every indication of duckness. If Josh Earnest says, "That's not a mallard," well, okay. You can have a reasonable conversation about which species the bird might be. But if Earnest says, "That is not a duck. It has no relation or similarity to anatine fowl in any way, shape or form, and any talk of ducks is illegitimate. ... " Well, now we have a problem. Such rhetorical extremism almost forces people into an argument about what a duck is. Likewise, by denying the role of radical Islam, they invite sane people everywhere to focus more, not less, on Islam. There are, of course, many problems with this analogy. The most important one is that ducks cannot talk. They cannot say, "Look, I am a duck." Terrorists can talk. And they do. They also form organizations with magazines and websites and Twitter accounts. They issue manifestos. They recruit in mosques. When we capture them alive, they demand Qurans and pray five times a day, bowing toward Mecca. You know who else can talk? Non-extremist Muslims. And millions of them routinely refer to the bad guys as radical Islamists and the like. I could go on, but you get the point — if you don't work at this White House. The Obama administration seems to believe that the wonder-working power of their words can get everyone to stop believing their lying eyes and ears. It's tempting to ask, "How stupid do they think we are?" But the more relevant question is, "How stupid do they think the world's 1.6 billion Muslims are?" Whatever appeal the Islamic State may or may not have in the larger Muslim world, Barack Obama insisting "it is not Islamic" surely makes no difference whatsoever. And as for the jihadists, it's not like his words speak louder than his drone strikes. It's true that the Obama administration has had remarkable success playing word games. They "created or saved" millions of jobs — as if that was a real economic metric. (For what it's worth, I do or save 500 pushups every morning). They decimated "core al-Qaeda," with the tautological definition of "core al-Qaeda" being 'the parts of al-Qaeda that we have decimated." But this is different. Those distortions were political buzzphrases intended for domestic consumption and a re-election campaign. This is a much bigger deal. The threat of Islamic extremism transcends Obama's theological hubris and lexicological shenanigans. All that Obama's insipid rhetorical gamesmanship does is send the signal to friend and foe alike that he can't or won't see the problem for what it is. Contact YogiRus at |
EUROPE TURNS TO ISRAELI KNOW-HOW TO FIGHT TERRORPosted by Yoram Fisher, January 19, 2015 |
The article below was written by Udi Etzion who is a writer at This article appeared January 19, 2015 on and is archived at,7340,L-4616769,00.html |
From tracking online activity to cameras that see through walls, Israel's homeland security industry offers European states a range of options as they tackle the terrorists in their midst. The images from last week's terror attacks in Paris were not foreign to Israeli eyes; and it's safe to assume that among the means and measures employed by the French security forces were products of the Israeli commercial security industry. ![]() "Europe is not an easy market, and it is extremely influenced by the relations between Israel and the Palestinians," says one Israeli security source. "But the Israeli industries have know-how in niches that don't exist in Europe. And when there's a need for specific technology for rescuing hostages, the Europeans will get their hands on it if it's Israeli." According to Itamar Graff, a senior official at SIBAT, the international defense cooperation agency of the Israeli Defense Ministry, "For the Europeans, this is a new challenge; but we've been dealing with lone terrorists with a Kalashnikov for years; and Israel has a lot of know-how when it comes to early detection and coping with a terrorist incident. "I can't elaborate here, but Israeli products have already been sold to counter-terrorism agencies abroad and to foreign police forces, in Europe too. The recent events, coupled with the concerns about Islamic State fighters returning to Europe from the Middle East, will prompt the Europeans into equipping themselves. The orders won't be coming in this week, but additional budgets will now be allocated to this end." Unlike Israel's missile and armaments industry, which includes large, well-connected companies like Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit Systems, the homeland security industry comprises companies that are a lot smaller and have fewer ties across the sea. "We hold conventions and we have constructed a special pavilion for the small security industries in Tsrifin, so that we can invite visitors from abroad and help these companies earn recognition and make sales," Graff says. The Defense Ministry doesn't release details regarding how much of Israel's security exports, which totaled $6.5 billion in 2013, comes from the field of homeland security; but it clearly does not constitute the lion's share at present. This is expected to change in the coming years. "There is a lot of potential in homeland security, including the defense of airports, trains and ports," Graff says. "Over the coming years, Europe is expected to spend some $50 billion on procurement in this field; and although most of the money will remain on the continent, there are enough niches for Israeli companies to link up with." Terrogence: Rooting out terror online Founded a decade ago, Terrogence provides open-source intelligence to the Israeli government and its allies, and specializes in intelligence-gathering from the Internet. Today, the company also provides intelligence in the field of terrorism and security to governments in Europe and Asia, with a focus on terrorist groups and Jihadist organizations. Among other things, the company mines social media for information on instruction for preparing improvised explosive devices used by terrorist elements, trends and developments in the Jihadist world, terrorist organizations' capabilities, and more. Already back in November 2014, company experts warned of the existence of instructions to carry out terror attacks in France and a pledge of allegiance to Islamic State. The terrorist at the kosher supermarket in Paris followed these instructions to the letter. San Hitec: Door-busters Breaching structures in which hostages are being held requires solutions that are quick, accurate and stealthy so as to preserve the element of surprise. Sun Hitec specializes in providing engineering solutions to problems of this kind that face counter-terrorism units, and most of its operations are classified. The company produces a line of portable hydraulic tools used by military forces, fire fighters, rescue teams, law enforcement forces, and SWAT and security forces. Camero-Tech: Seeing through walls Camero has been around for a decade and is a world leader in Sense-Through-The-Wall (STTW) solutions for observing multiple stationary and moving objects concealed behind walls or barriers. Camero's systems are portable and run on batteries. Four Troop: Boosting security One of the companies that is already operating in Europe is Four Troop, which was founded some five years ago and specializes in providing human resources services, consulting and training in military and security professions. The company also provides bodyguard services for individuals and delegations, as well as armed and unarmed security personnel for ships. M-Tacs: Medical solutions and tactics Established five years ago, M-Tacs specializes in supplying custom-made medical solutions to military, law enforcement and emergency service units. The company provides medical training to government and private security forces in Israel and abroad, along with state-of the-art tactical medical gear such as medical kits and suitcases for doctors, paramedics and medics. The company also acts as a consultant for dealing with multi-casualty incidents. Securetec: Know your enemy Securetec Internet Enterprises, which recently celebrated its 10th birthday, offers special training to government and security officials to familiarize them with Arab and Muslim society. The company's founders, all former defense establishment officials, draw on their years of experience among the Muslim-Arab population in Israel and elsewhere to provide tools and information about points of friction and contact with the civilian population, and how to retrieve intelligence from interrogations in the field. Karil: The seeing ball Karil International, a part of the Mistral Group, has a product that is already being used by the Israel Defense Forces – the EyeBall, a camera system with audio and continuous 360° rotation capability that reduces the danger associated with gathering information in small hazardous and confined spaces such as buildings, caves, tunnels and alleys. There's also the EyeDrive, a wireless camera mounted on a small unmanned ground vehicle that relays real-time video and audio. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
BIAS AT THE BBCPosted by Tabitha Korol, January 19, 2015 |
When interviewing a Jewish woman at the unity march in Paris, BBC Reporter Tim Willcox had the temerity to admonish her, "Many critics of Israel's policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well." This was a woman who herself might have been murdered in that very supermarket earlier that day. Clearly, this man lacks sensitivity and benevolence, and could never have visited Israel. He evidently attended the march not as a reporter of events, but as one whose ideology was to challenge its purpose where Jews were concerned. The march was called and attended by more than 40 world leaders because Muslim terrorists killed 17 people – 13 for what they did (publish a satirical newspaper) and four for what they were, Jewish; Willcox attempted to justify the murder of the latter. His later retraction of the comment and explanation did not evidence an understanding of the Middle East with respect to Islam’s 1400-year history of carnage in the name of their god, conducted with the intent to establish a worldwide Caliphate and Sharia law. The Jews have always stood against tyranny and inequality, from the Biblical days of Pharoah to the present. Where Israeli law specifies liberty and equality for all, Islamic law specifies subjugation and inequality. Willcox, who has drifted into bigotry before, doesn't get it, or doesn't care to. Even now, when Africa is afire with burning churches and villages and the streets are strewn with thousands of dead Christians, Willcox cannot focus on the offenders. European cities are being flooded with armed forces in search of jihadi cells that are priming to kill, but Willcox's only conclusion is that Jews are the cause. Apparently, if not for the Jews who live quietly from day to day, and work and contribute to their country's welfare, Europe would be safer. Similarly, if not for Israel, where Jews have become among the most innovative on the planet to create new products and discover cures for mankind's diseases, the Middle East would be calmer. Indeed, if not for the Jews who are morally and legally entitled to their one one-thousandth of the magnitude of land controlled by Islam, there would be Utopia on earth. And by the same perverse logic, if not for the Jews, Islam would be a religion of peace... Well, except that then, less distracted, the Muslims could turn their full demonic attention on the rest of the 'infidels" of the world. Is Willcox aware that Muslims have killed about 400 million people over 14 centuries, and the number increases daily? One arm of Islam alone, Boko Haram, only recently razed the village of Baga, Nigeria, slaughtering 2,000 people. They massacred more than 10,000 people just last year, in 2014, displaced about a million within Nigeria, while hundreds of thousands fled to neighboring countries, Chad and Camaroon. This is Islam, and this is the same Islam that wages war against Israel and preys upon the West. The problem lies not with the Jews but with a culture that seeks to dominate and impose Sharia law in every nation in the world. It lies with the countries, such as France, England, Germany, and Sweden, that made multiculturalism their nationality; whose political leaders welcomed immigrants who could never qualify for citizenship, and had no intention of assimilating, embracing their new land, learning the host language or customs, Rather, these immigrants brought their heritage and culture with them in conquest, and were permitted to alter our textbooks and classrooms, our laws and, hence, the lives of the native populations. The problem also lies with French President Francois Hollande who hosted an anti-terrorism march while inviting known terrorist par excellence, Mahmoud Abbas, whose credentials include bankrolling the infamous Munich Massacre, instigating Palestinian terrorism and martyrdom, and the custom of celebrating Jewish deaths by providing new homes for the martyr’s parents and distributing sweets to the townsfolk. In fact, only one day after Abbas participated in the anti-terror march, his Fatah party memorialized one of the worst Palestinian terror attacks in Israel's history, the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre, when terrorists attacked a bus, brutally murdering 37 Israeli citizens and wounding more than 70. To Willcox, these crimes are defensible because he mistakenly believes that an invented people (the Palestinians that never existed before 1967) decreed land for themselves, and it suits his predisposition to siding with known extremists rather than what he would term, under any circumstances, the Jewish Lobby. His position clearly is to damn all the Jews for the acts of the Israeli government under circumstances that he cannot or will not understand. It has been suggested that the BBC adopt a definition of anti-Semitism into its editorial guidelines, so that their journalists may grasp that their insensitive, unsympathetic statements and reporting may be very destructive and may incite more readers to join the jihadi mentality. The time has come for the BBC and its staff to be held accountable for their biased reporting that is strengthening the growing onslaught of Islam against the Jews. They also need to understand that once the Jews are silenced, full attention will then be turned upon the Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and, oh yes, upon the free Western Press. What then, Tim Willcox? What then? Tabitha Korol, who began her political writing with letters to the editor after her retirement, earned an award from CAMERA (Committee on Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) "in recognition of outstanding letter-writing in 2009 to promote fair and factual reporting about Israel." She can be reached by email at: This article was submitted January 19, 2015 |
JEWISH HERO FOUND DEAD IN BUENOS AIRESPosted by Americans for Peace & Tolerance, January 19, 2015 |
The article below was written by Charles Jacobs who is president of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, which he co-founded in late 2008. Jacobs also co-founded The David Project Center for Jewish Leadership in 2002, which he led until July 2008. |
Alberto Nisman was investigating the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 people. On Wednesday, he accused the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, of involvement in a plot to cover up Iran's alleged role in the bombing. Today, Mr Nisman, 51, was found dead by his mother in the bathroom of his home." ![]() In 2009, Charles Jacobs spent several hours with Alberto, interviewing him about the case. His subsequent report now serves as a tragic backgrounder. Cover-up in Argentina We Jews of Boston, like the Jews of Buenos Aires, number about 200,000. Some 15 years ago, an Islamic suicide bomber blew up their headquarters building, killing 86 people, wounding hundreds. I recently returned from Argentina, where I toured, did some research and pondered our Jewish fates. With the help in Boston of Argentine Jewish leader Alberto Limonic, I was invited to interview the heads of the Jewish community in their newly constructed offices and also to meet with Alberto Nisman, Argentina's chief prosecutor in charge of investigating the bombing. By a stroke of luck, I also met Gustavo Perednik, an Israeli scholar visiting his native Argentina, who has just published a book on the attack. I wish all of Boston Jewry could have heard what was said at these three meetings. The visit to the AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina) building was emotional. The new structure – built where the destroyed building stood (in order to make a point about Jewish permanence) – is set back from the street some 30 yards. It is protected from another possible bomb by a wall, the heaviest security doors I’ve ever encountered and constant policing. Here, Jews had been savagely murdered. No one has forgotten. My wife and I were escorted by Ana Weinstein, the Jewish community's federation director. On July 18, 1994, Weinstein escaped death by minutes, only because she rushed to a back office to retrieve notes for a meeting just before the blast. Her secretary, waiting for her, was killed. An amazingly strong, learned and graceful woman, Weinstein told us about the attack, its victims and survivors – many of whom were not Jews, but passers-by. We were joined by Dr. Julio Schlosser, AMIA's secretary general, who told of the heavy "security tax" imposed by terrorism – most policing of Jewish buildings is conducted and paid for by the Jews themselves – and of the community's need to feed and support the many Jews hurt by Argentina's long, long recession. The next day, I interviewed Alberto Nisman in his offices. We spoke in Spanish. He is a historic figure, but I didn't realize the full extent of what he had accomplished until I spoke to Perednik. As the Israeli author tells it, Nisman, a lawyer and prosecutor, was picked as special investigator in 1997 to rubber stamp the government's false account of the AMIA attack. The Argentine regime knew soon after the attack that Iran engineered the plot, but according to Perednik’s research, it could not accuse Teheran because Iran had replaced Russia as Argentina's chief market for grain and meat. The regime was also concerned that Iran would retaliate with yet another strike if charged with the crime. But Nisman surprised everyone. With dozens of investigators, an extraordinarily creative approach and an iron will, he uncovered the government hoax and convinced Interpol of his main finding: that the bombing of the Jewish headquarters was not – as Buenos Aires was telling the world – a plot by a few anti-Semitic policemen and low-level Iranian dissidents. According to Nisman, the attack was hatched, planned and financed by senior officials of the Iranian government, and executed by Teheran's terror arm, Hezbollah. Nisman even specified the meeting where the bomb plot was hatched: Aug. 14, 1993, in the Iranian city of Mashad. Argentina apologized to The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for its role in the cover-up. Nisman, who has since been living under death threats, lives with bodyguards. Though Nisman's 800-plus page report is public, much more public education needs to be done. The alleged culprits – some holding senior positions in Iran's government – are still free; and the growing Islamist penetration into South America (thank you, Hugo Chaves), which threatens all Jews in the Western Hemisphere, receives little public attention. Perednik – a scholar and award-winning author of 10 books – published his account of Nisman's feat through the largest editorial house in South America, El Planeta. He told me he wrote "Matar, Sin Que Se Note" ("To Kill Without a Trace") as a novel because he wanted a large, popular audience. Its protagonists include heads of state, Argentineans, Israelis and Iranians, as well as the mothers of the children who died in their arms as they casually passed by the AMIA on that fateful day. In the novel's most dramatic scene, based on a real-life event, Nisman travels to Detroit, interviews the family of the suicide bomber and is able to identify him as a Hezbollah operative. Meanwhile, the Iranians continue to deny any role in the bombing, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It is a Jewish imperative to get this story known. Few Jews around the world have a full understanding of how the Islamic revolutionary regime in Teheran reached across the world to murder and terrorize Jews in the West. Few have ever heard of Alberto Nisman, a modern day Jewish hero. Perednik's book is only available in Spanish. He is looking for an American publisher and a contract for a feature film. Until then, readers of Spanish here should read this book now. Meanwhile, as a result of Nisman's efforts, the judge originally in charge of the investigation will soon be tried for his alleged role in burying the truth. And next year former Argentine President Carlos Menem, along with a former chief of staff of the Argentinean Intelligence, will go on trial for covering up the attack on the largest Jewish community in South America. Stay tuned. Charles Jacobs is president of Americans for Peace and Tolerance. Contact Americans for Peace & Tolerance at |
ISRAEL AND THE FAR EASTPosted by YogiRUs, January 19, 2015 |
The article below was written by Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu who is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press. This article appeared January 19, 2015 on the Jewish Express and is archived at |
Israel is not boycotting Europe. It simply is taking its business elsewhere, says Netanyahu. ![]() Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu used the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Sunday to promote new markets in the Far East to reduce dependence on what he called the "wave of Islamization, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism" sweeping Europe. Decades of European condemnation of Israel, from allowing Jews to live in Judea and Samaria to Europe’s parallel financial prop for a failed Palestinian Authority, reached the boiling point with the announcement by the International Criminal Court that will begin to examine if there are grounds to investigate Israel for war crimes in the counter-terror war against Hamas last summer. Netanyahu said that the visit of Abe and a huge delegation of 200 officials and businessmen from Japan will boost Israel's economy while the Europe is being overrun by a wave of hate. Netanyahu added:
He noted "that the Japanese economy is the third largest in the world and there is a common desire, which found expression in my visit to Japan several months ago, to tighten relations, increase trade and increase investments between Israel and Japan. This fits in with my clear vision to vary our markets. This found expression in my trip to China one and a half years ago and in my meeting at the recent UN General Assembly with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as well as in the current visit. This is part of Israel's opening to eastern markets." Israel Is not boycotting Europe or ignoring its marketers but is "also advancing the development of Israel in other areas." In his welcome to Prime Minister Abe later in the day, Netanyahu said, "The future belongs to those who innovate. Japan is a country of innovation; Israel is a country of innovation. Together we can do a lot more and gain a lot more.... I believe that Israel, in turn, must diversify its markets to include Japan and the other great economies of Asia." Cyber security is one of the biggest strengths in the Israeli hi-tech industry and is sought by countries all over the world. Israel has opened a trade office in Osaka in addition to operations in Tokyo. Abe said, "Bilateral ties between Japan and Israel are now deepening in every field...It is said that hundreds of world leading global firms featuring cutting edge technologies now have their R&D bases in Israel... We are now positioning ourselves in the major trend of marking a turning point in our economic relations." Contact YogiRUs at |
![]() Catalonia, Spain. To screams of "Allahu Akbar!" and "You will all die!"—an unruly and violent young Moroccan man resisted arrest and tried to steal a police officer's weapon. On January 9, the Regional Police 'Mossos d'Esquadra' arrested Moroccan-born 18-year-old Omar S. in Manresa. According to Cadena Ser, who had access to the police report, the man was yelling jihadi slogans such as "Allahu Akbar!" and "You will all die!" The detainee further attempted to snatch the gun of the policeman trying to apprehend him and smashed to pieces the windows of the police car. The incident occurred on Friday afternoon when the young man violently broke into a grocery shop on Barrera Manresa Street, where he tried to acquire a knife. The owners threw him out and alerted the police. By the time Mossos patrol identified the man, he was walking up and down the street screaming in Spanish: "I am a Muslim and Allah is great!" According to the police report, the Muslim man tried to escape by pushing the two auxiliary agents, but they intercepted him a few meters down the road. When they tried to immobilize him, the man began shouting more Islamic slogans. Then he put his hand on the pistol grip of one of the Mossos and forcefully struggled to get it out of the safety sheath, according to the police report. The officer hit him on the wrist to get his hand off and managed to handcuff him. According to the same story accessed by SER Catalonia, during his transfer, the man smashed the side and rear windows of the patrol car. Police ended up tying him with tape and moving him to another patrol car to transfer him to the General Hospital of Manresa, where he was sedated. During the transfer, he kept shouting things like, "You killed my brothers in Paris. I'm going to kill everyone. Christians, you will die!" Later, he was administered comprehensive tests to ascertain if he was under the influence of drugs or suffered from a mental illness. Before this incident, he was in the Juvenile Facility Estribos de Sant Salvador de Guardiola, where he had tried to propagate ideas of holy war and jihad among other youths of North African origin, explained the Mossos. Raymond Ibrahim is a Middle East and Islam specialist and author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007). His writings have appeared in a variety of media, including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst, Middle East Quarterly, World Almanac of Islamism, and Chronicle of Higher Education. He was born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East, which has provided him with equal fluency in English and Arabic. His understanding of the two the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets positions him to explain the Middle Eastern culture to the West. This article appeared January 19, 2015 and is archived at |
"WITHOUT RECOURSE"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 19, 2015 |
It should be, even in our less than perfect world, that international courts were bastions of ethical judgment and impartiality. OK, maybe that's expecting too much. Shall we say, just institutions that model some degree of ethical judgment and impartiality. But even this is expecting too much in today's climate of severely distorted perceptions and values. The court I have in mind, of course, is the International Criminal Court, which is just one more corrupt – and politically correct – international body. As today's JPost editorial has it: the court is unable to "differentiate between good and bad." Ah, yes. On Friday, Court prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced her decision to initiate a "preliminary probe" into alleged war crimes committed by Israel this past summer during the war in Gaza (Operation Protective Edge). This is to determine whether prosecution is appropriate. ~~~~~~~~~~ In order to do this, she had to stretch credibility in several regards. First, she had to determine that, for purposes of the Court, the Palestinian Authority was a state. Never mind that the PA does not meet all the criteria of a state, the General Assembly – another upstanding institution – has accorded the PA status as an observer state. The ICC says that’s enough. And then, she had to maintain the fiction that Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas – a terrorist organization, is part of that "Palestinian state." This was necessary, because a state that accepts the ICC's jurisdiction can only bring charges in crimes committed within its own borders. Lastly, she had to overlook the fact that the IDF routinely does investigate charges regarding behavior in the field and pursues prosecution when this is deemed necessary. The IDF – the most moral army in the world - is, in fact, super-scrupulous in this regard. But the Court, you see, is only supposed to step in if such systems are not in place. ~~~~~~~~~~ International lawyer Alan Baker continues to say this will come to nothing, and that we only serve Abbas's purposes when we become agitated about this situation. So we will not be agitated. Prime Minister Netanyahu called the Court decision "absurd," which it is. The Prime Minister's Office released a statement that said, in part: "We see here something truly tragic. The lofty goals of the ICC are being turned upside-down. The court was founded to prevent a repeat of history's worst crimes, foremost among them the genocide of six million Jews. Now the Palestinians are cynically manipulating the ICC to deny the Jewish state the right to defend itself against the very war crimes and the very terror that the court was established to prevent." (Emphasis added) spokehage170115.aspx But the Court cannot be "manipulated" without its consent. Bensouda could have ruled that the PA was not a state. I see something very perverse in Palestinian Arab involvement with international organizations, which are prepared to voluntarily distort their essence or their mandates in an effort to be politically correct. The PA is such a very minor player in the scheme of world affairs. What gives it this power? The State Department, I must note, said, "We do not believe that Palestine is a state and therefore we do not believe that it is eligible to join the ICC." ~~~~~~~~~~ Actually, I shouldn't say, as I did above, that we are "without recourse." This is true with regard to the international institutions where we might have expected some modicum of support. But we certainly have recourse to our own sense of good and bad, and, most importantly, to the judgment of Heaven. There are, as well, nations that are with us. I note in particular Canada – Canadian Foreign Minister Stephen Baird has just been here, lending words of support. He told Netanyahu: "Canada doesn't stand behind Israel; we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with it...The great struggle of our generation is terrorism and far too often the State of Israel and the Jewish people around the world are on the front lines of that struggle." (Emphasis added) -to-shoulder-with-israel/2015/01/19/ Can we clone him? On his visit to Ramallah on Sunday, Arabs pelted his car with eggs because of his pro-Israel stance. ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ Missiles fired from two helicopters struck at targets in the Syrian Golan yesterday, taking out either five or six members of Hezbollah. Israel never officially acknowledges involvement in such attacks, but I would say that here we have an instance of our relying on our own resources with excellent judgment. Among those killed was Jihad Mughniyeh, son of Imad Mughniyeh, former Hezbollah operations chief whom we dispatched some time ago. According to western intelligence sources, Jihad was head of a large-scale terrorist cell, with direct links to Iran, that had attacked Israel in the past. But there is more: According to various reports, also killed were six members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, including General Mohammad Allahdadi, formerly head of a Revolutionary Guard brigade. The Iranians and the members of Hezbollah were part of one convoy. -strike-in-Syria-including-Revolutionary-Guards-general-388210 The coming together of so many high level Hezbollah and Iranian fighters at one time, near the Israeli border, strongly suggests that a major operation was imminent. It might have included rockets, infiltrations into Israel, border bombings, anti-tank fire and more. Just days ago, Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah threatened attacks on Israel. ~~~~~~~~~~ The attack that smoothly took out Hezbollah and Iranian high level personnel suggests superb Israeli intelligence and an operation that was pinpoint. As I see it, this not only eliminated an immediate danger (it was essential, given the intelligence!), it enhanced our deterrence power – always a good thing. They know we are watching, and that we act in our own best interest with great skill. There is no doubt about the fact that there was a message here for Iran, as well as for Hezbollah. But the question now is what sort of retaliation we are likely to see. It is considered unlikely that there will be a major attack that would escalate into war to our north. But there is certainly a heightened risk of terror attacks – whether we are looking at infiltration into the north of Israel with attempts at kidnapping IDF soldiers, or attacking Israelis elsewhere in the world, as has been done before. Whatever might be ahead, our forces are on high alert in the north now, with leaves cancelled and an Iron Dome installation moved northward. Maj.-Gen. (res.) Eyal Ben Reuven, in a press briefing arranged via The Israel Project, outlined the sensitive situation that Israel now faces: Should, for example, an Israeli soldier be killed by Hezbollah, or should rockets be launched against civilians in our north, this would invite retaliation that might generate a significant escalation in fighting. ~~~~~~~~~~ The situation of Hezbollah, operating in the Golan, directly across Israel's border to the north, is exceedingly complex. This area is no longer directly controlled by Assad. Hezbollah, said General Ben Reuven, prefers acting against Israel from this theater rather than from its home base in Lebanon. The Lebanese are not always happy with Hezbollah because of the violence unleashed on its population in response to Hezbollah actions. However, Hezbollah still has a primary goal of supporting Assad, and does not want to invite an Israeli attack inside Syria that might result in weakening him. Right now, with some 200,000 Syrians dead in the civil war, there seems to be a standoff, with neither side achieving victory. ~~~~~~~~~~ I end – for now - with a good news story that is both moving and astounding: Michael Mittwoch, 92, and his wife Marion, 90, fled the Nazis in Germany. They came to Israel, where they participated in the founding of Kibbutz Lavi in the north. Now they have just celebrated the birth of their 100th (this is not a typo) great-grandchild. ![](),7340,L-4615185,00.html This is not just a wonderfully uplifting story, it demonstrates something: We are a people who move past adversity to life, a testament to hope. ~~~~~~~~~~ Contact Arlene Kushner at and visit her website: |
I am not Charlie!
Like many other viewers, I am presently watching the "Say no to Terror" demonstration, this dog and pony show. Unfortunately, it will NOT solve the problem. Had the world REALLY wanted to avoid the present reality, they should have listened to Israeli leaders earlier. They should have organized such demonstrations when the early terror attacks by similar ideological principles took place. What is this attack different than any of the previous ones? They were ALL aimed at depriving freedoms, mainly Freedom to live! Is Charlie's Freedom more important than theirs? NO, I am NOT Charlie! I am the four Jews who died in the hostage situation in Paris on Friday; I am the four praying Rabbis who were slaughtered in their Synagogue in Nof Yofeh in Yerushalayim last November; I am the little baby who was killed at the stop of the Light rail, when a terrorist drove his car directly and purposely into the crowd waiting for the tram to arrive; I am the 3 Yeshiva students who were kidnapped and slaughtered in cold blood by Hamas Islamist Jihadists in JUDEA last Summer... and I am the millions of other Jews who died, just like them, through history, for no reason other than the crime of being Jewish... I am proudly standing with the Jewish people against these horror attacks. I am proudly holding hands with the Children of Israel with all my heart...With all my life. Am Yisrael Chai!!! Note: Since Islamic terror attack on offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, Western leadership, including the Pope and US President Obama, have spent more time worrying about backlash again Muslims than condemning Islamic terrorism! Our political and religious leaders have failed admit that deeply ingrained hate of Muslims toward all infidels is main reason and life-line for Islamic terror war against the West. This war moved its attention from Israel to the West, but met with a fake "War on Terror" only, which encourage more terror! Tey Deliberately Tried Offend Jews!
The largest university press in the world has warned its authors not to mention pigs or pork in their books to avoid offending Muslims and Jews. (For almost two thousand years the Church proclaims that it follows and respects the G-d given traditions that are written in Jewish Torah. In practice, Christianity deliberately negates most of the Torah rules, to distance itself from Jewish practice, including idol worship and especially dietary practice. Pork eating became an everyday norm of the Christian diet and Christian celebrations are marked with consumption of non-kosher sea food. All this time, by trying to offend Jews, Christians offend the G-d, they claim so dearly love!) The move was revealed during a discussion on free speech on BBC Radio following terror attacks in Paris. The move was condemned even by Muslim Labour MP Khalid Mahmood, who said "That's ludicrous. That's absolute, utter nonsense and when people go too far that actually brings the whole discussion into disrepute." At the same time, British Sky News refused to show Charlie Hebdo's latest cover that features Mohammed. Bigots are not Welcomed in Israel - At Last!
Food for Thought by Steven Shamrak
Western Governments Must Learn to Say Truth Plainly!
The Muslim mayor of Rotterdam, who was born in Morocco and immigrated to the Netherlands in 1976, made a statement after the terror attack at French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo "It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom. But If you do not like it here because some humourists you don't like are making a newspaper, may I then say you can f*** off." The 'Moderate' Islamic Terrorist Concern
The leader of the Shi'ite Muslim terrorist organization Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said that Islamist terrorists had done more harm to Islam than any cartoon or book, a reference to the attack by suspected Islamist militants on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. (His main worry is that Sunni terrorists from Al Qaida are gaining popularity among the Muslim population!) Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has been publishing an Internet editorial letter about the Arab-Israel conflict since August 2001 and has a website He can be reached by email at |
OBAMA=INCOHERENCEPosted by American Center for Democracy, January 19, 2015 |
The article below was written by Sol W. Sanders who
is is a journalist specializing in Asia with more than 25
years in the region. He is a former correspondent for Business
Week, U.S. News & World Report and United Press International.
This article appeared January 20, 2015 in the American Center
for Democracy and is archived at
![]() In any litany of the failures of policy of the Obama Administration, the question of Guantanamo ranks high on the list. The Bush Administration, in the white heat of post-9/11, absentmindedly improvised a solution to problem of the capture of prisoners of war–but in a war against a non-state entity. It chose an extra-legal method since Supreme Court decisions have set a precedent that non-citizens are entitled to the same legal rights as citizens under the constitution. And since the nationality of the party with which the U.S. was at war could not be identified, these were a new kind of POW, who (for lack of a better rubric) fell under the rubric of criminals. But if they were simply labeled "criminals" and brought into the American justice system, that meant that captured terrorists would be read their Miranda rights and might escape the kind of interrogation so necessary to get at the intricate connections they knew of in the international terrorist world. And, obviously, as in any other war, it was not predictable how long such prisoners would have to be held; but it was increasingly seen as a long and bitter struggle. Guantanamo became, then, not only a center for imprisonment but an important intelligence gathering point in a war which, perhaps more than any other, relied on subtle analysis of a complex social and religious, as well as political and military, puzzle. That was the amorphous situation the Obama Administration inherited. But as part of his extensive and intensive effort to woo both Muslim leadership and popular opinion in what he saw as an effort to defuse the threat of Islamic terrorism, candidate Obama had announced he would close Guantánamo. He unilaterally decided that that the war had ended even though its progress ensued, and even with the death of al-Qaida leadership there was certainly no sign of surrender on the other side. Furthermore, Obama and his supporters have argued that Guantanamo is a powerful factor in instilling hatred and rationale for the Islamic terrorists. This is often part of a general argument that American foreign policy has, in fact, created the jihadist threat. Of course, it is to be remembered that Guantanamo did not exist before 9/11, and most students of Islamic terrorism would argue that its existence, rarely alluded to in jidhaist propaganda, is hardly an important factor in the long list of complaints of America's enemies in the Islamic world. Obama's legal beagles suggested that such prisoners could be tried successfully in domestic courts as criminals rather than as part of an overall Islamic terrorist conspiracy. And the Administration has had some successful prosecutions to back up this contention. Yet both pubic opinion and the Congress have consistently opposed the closing of the facility and the transfer of its inmates to federal prisons in continental U.S. In no small part, this has been seen as the introduction of a new threat to peace and stability inside the U.S. On the issue of how they would face justice, the general public, as bemused with the complexity of the legal questions as most experts on the law, are probably less sure. But earlier proposals by the Bush Administration for military courts that might try and release captured prisoners who, in the highly contested warfare in Afghanistan might well have been innocent bystanders, were abandoned by the Pentagon, apparently at the insistence of the Obama Administration. Thus, the Guantanamo POWs were stranded at considerable government expense and in a legal miasma that aggravated American exponents of the rule of law as well as Obama and his supporters on the issue. In a stubborn resolve to back up his campaign promise–repeated again periodically in public statements since taking office–Obama is insisting he still wants to close the facility. And as a way of going around the Congress, he has been using his legal and virtually unlimited power of pardon as chief executive to transfer inmates to any country willing to accept them. These have included everyone from Saudi Arabia to Uruguay. The Saudis have admitted that some of these transfers, having undergone what ostensibly was reeducation, have again defected to groups opposed to the regime and/or are allied with the worldwide spreading networks of various jihadist groups. Uruguay, flatly and publicly, while accepting a group of former prisoners, has not even made a promise it would keep them under surveillance or prevent them from leaving the country. It is unclear what has been happening in the releases to other countries. Whether the recidivism–that is the return of former prisoners to active participation in jihadist conflict–is the 30 percent rate that critics contend, or merely the 6 percent the Administration is willing to admit, it is obvious that Obama's strategy is reinforcing the multiplying jihadist movements through the Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. The numbers are not necessarily indicative of what is happening. It has been the experience of everyone from the British during the Irish Republican terrorism and the Israelis with Palestinian terror prisoners that most develop new sophistication during imprisonment. Some, of course, see the errors of their ways and abjure their former pursuit of violence. But many are not only confirmed in their former beliefs, announce them from the rooftops or obfuscate them and through association with other like-minded–and given the generous facilities for communication offered at Guantanamo–become more sophisticated candidates to continue their campaign against the U.S. and other Western targets. All this, of course, is taking place at the same time that the Obama Administration is pursuing a campaign to assassinate jihadists, often with virtually anonymous drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Iraq. In at least one celebrated instance, this meant taking out an American citizen without a death sentence in an American court–another element in the increasing jungle of Washington's intents. These strikes have resulted in significant "collateral damage", i.e., civilian casualties sometimes including wives, other women, and children, and presumably innocents. That the campaign may be an effective tactic in destroying the leadership and defusing the jihadist movement can certainly be argued, e.g., the pursuit and assassination of Osama bin Laden was a highly successful psycho-political blow that probably helped cripple the jihadist leadership for a period. Meanwhile, all this is done under a rubric in which the Obama Administration refuses to name the terrorists as Islamic, apparently in its continuing effort to court mainline Muslim official and unofficial opinion. For despite the continued expressions by Western leaders of their faith in Islam as a religion of peace, there is a huge body of Quorani and hadith (anecdotal material around Mohammed and the history of the practice of Islam) that can be used for rationalizing jihadist activity. This Obama strategy is not simply an issue of nomenclature. It has two important effects: it makes it more difficult for those in the fight against the jihadists to examine the Islamic aspects of their doctrine and its appeal particularly to the young Muslims, especially those in the West who have been attracted to the fighting against the Assad regime in Syria. They have already, in at least a half-dozen instances, returned to take up jihad in their home countries. Perhaps even more important, by refusing the association of "Islam" with the terrorists, the Obama Administration is making it even more difficult for those few Muslim voices–not the least Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi–in their call to Muslim clerics to take on a reformation of their religious concepts that have been used by the jihadists. Thus we have the anomaly of the Obama Administration spending billions of dollars and in some instances exposing American military lives to a pursuit of the jihadist leadership at the same time it is reinforcing it with the release of prisoners from Guantánamo. Every war has its contradictions, usually brought on by the inevitable need to collaborate with unsavory allies; but this may be the first one in American history where the executive is waging war against itself for no reason other than to sustain dubious campaign promises made almost a decade earlier. The ACD/EWI team specializes in economic warfare, purposeful interference in civilian infrastructure, including the financial markets, transnational criminal and terrorist organizations and their links, and more. Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld is Founder and CEO of the New York-based American Center for Democracy and the Economic Warfare Institute. Dr. Ehrenfeld is an authority on economic warfare, including Weapons of Mass Effect (WME), lawfare, terror financing, disinformation, jihadist movements and corruption. |
The article below was written by Abigail Klein Leichman who is a writer and associate editor at ISRAEL21c. Prior to moving to Israel in 2007, she was a specialty writer and copy editor at a daily newspaper in New Jersey and has freelanced for a variety of newspapers and periodicals since 1984. This article appeared January 15, 2015 on Israel 21c uncovering Israel and is archived at |
Heavy industries generate a lot of heat and emit a lot of CO2 to the atmosphere. NewCO2Fuels turns these two streams of waste into profitable products. ![]() ![]() For millions of years, plant life has been turning water and carbon dioxide (CO2) into energy. Today, many entrepreneurs are copying natural photosynthesis to find a good use for the dangerously excessive CO2 in our air. But these solutions aren't widely adopted by industry without government incentives to offset their cost. The Israeli company NewCO2Fuels (NCF) stepped in with a technology that transforms industrial water and CO2 waste into a hydrogen-carbon monoxide synthetic gas. That syngas is then turned into profitable products such as liquid fuels, plastics and fertilizer. It's not only an attractive business model but also sustainable, as the conversion process is fueled by concentrated solar energy or byproduct heat from the industries themselves. "There are a lot of industries using high-temperature heat to produce things like steel, glass and cement, by burning fossil fuel," explains CEO David Banitt. "They waste a lot of heat and emit a lot of CO2 to the atmosphere. We take these two streams of waste and turn them into profitable products." This unique advantage explains why the three-year-old company is so hot right now. CLICK VIDEO HERE. NCF won the only international prize in the corporate energy category at the 2014 World Technology Network Awards in New York, in association with Fortune and TIME. And the Australian government recently chose NCF syngas as one of 18 fuels of choice for the coming five decades. The 15-person company has won a grant from the US Department of Energy for a collaboration with Alstom Power and Illinois Clean Coal Institute, as well as grants from the Israeli ministries of energy and economy, and a $1 million grant from BIRD (Binational Industrial Research and Development) Foundation — one of only five projects selected in 2014 to receive funding under the BIRD Energy program. Banitt tells ISRAEL21c that NCF recently signed a memorandum of understanding with one of the world's largest steel companies and two international engineering firms to build a pilot unit at a European steel plant. The project, to be completed in about 18 months, is meant to demonstrate how NCF's system integrates with the steel industry. Gasification plants like the idea Companies in Australia, Israel and China also are eager to have NCF set up demo projects, especially in gasification and gas plants, which emit large quantities of high-purity CO2. "Gasification is a good method to take low-quality fuel – such as brown coal, woodchips and biomass — and convert it to high-quality products with very little pollution going out," says Banitt. “The synergy of our technology with gasification plants is optimal." NCF technology captures the CO2 released from this process and transforms it into a syngas to be added to the existing end-product facility such as methanol, olephines, fertilizers and more. The ratio of hydrogen and carbon can be fine-tuned to make the syngas appropriate for whatever end product each customer decides to produce. Meanwhile, NCF units are soon to be tested in Israel at the company's facility in Rehovot's Science Park and at an Israel Electric Company power station. "In the last year it has been exciting to see that the market is very much interested in what we are doing because excess heat is such a wasted asset and CO2 is such a problem," says Banitt. "The market is quite large." NCF's technology was pioneered by Prof. Jacob Karni of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot. NCF was founded in 2011 on the basis of an exclusive license from Yeda, the Weizmann's commercialization arm, with funding from Australia's Greenearth Energy and Erdi Group (through its subsidiary, ErdiFuels). Small-scale prototypes proved the concept, and then the NCF technology was studied by five different market evaluators – resulting in the grants mentioned above and positive reviews from a pair of global engineering firms. "We successfully passed all these evaluations with good grades. Now we are intensively approaching potential customers to refine our design so it will work in industry," says Banitt. Though the technology can run on industrial waste heat, "Our long-term dream is using solar energy only," he adds. "Imagine a desert full of mirrors tracking the sun and producing fuel from the CO2 in the air." Contact |
The article below was written by Isi Leibler who is a Belgian-born Australian-Israeli international Jewish leader with a distinguished record of contributions to the Jewish world and the cause of human rights. This article appeared January 19, 2015 on Isi Leibler blog, is archived at and it was originally published in the Jerusalem Post and Israel Hayom |
![]() French Prime Minister Manuel Valls courageously stated that "if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure." He said that he did not employ the term Islamophobia because it "is often used as a weapon by Islam's apologists to silence their critics" and called on his nation to wage "a war against terrorism, against radical Islam, against everything that is aimed at breaking fraternity, freedom and solidarity." In a recent National Assembly speech reminiscent of Emile Zola's "J'accuse," he passionately cried, "How can we accept that in France … where Jews were martyred 70 years ago, that cries of 'death to the Jews' can be heard in the streets?...How can we accept that French people can be murdered for being Jews?...How can we accept that in certain schools and colleges the Holocaust cannot be taught?...How can we accept that when a child is asked 'who is your enemy?' the response is ‘the Jew'?" But alas, Valls' noble remarks were not echoed by a single senior French government spokesman. On the contrary, President Francois Hollande, while conceding that the kosher supermarket murders were anti-Semitic acts, refused to even hint that this was an act motivated by Islamic radicalism. He mumbled about "obscurantist" forces and even insisted that "those who committed these acts have nothing to do with the Muslim religion" and that the "main victims" were Muslims. More galling for French Jews was the absence of comparable national demonstrations of sympathy or solidarity concerning the anti-Semitic violence and murder suffered during the preceding two years and their unanswered appeals for increased security. The authorities were far more concerned with their attempts not to offend Muslims than with defending and protecting the besieged and victimized Jews. Further evidence of this was reflected by the despicable manner in which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was treated. Initially, Hollande had the gall to suggest that the Israeli leader, at the frontlines of the international struggle against Islamic terrorism, absent himself from the global leadership gathering because his presence would introduce the "divisive Israeli-Palestinian" issue. That he could make such a request to the head of the Jewish state in the wake of the brutal anti-Semitic carnage, was mind-boggling. To make matters worse, when Netanyahu made his intentions clear that he was attending, the head of the French National Security Council responded that Israel would face dire consequences and immediately invited Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to demonstrate "even-handedness." Hollande subsequently also displayed his feelings when he and his government delegation departed from the Grand Synagogue just prior to Netanyahu's address. Hollande welcomed the presence of the corrupt and duplicitous Abbas, who exemplifies the suppression of free speech which the demonstration was condemning. But more importantly, he personally endorses the very murderous anti-Semitic attacks that Hollande condemned. The French and the other European leaders are aware that Abbas formed a union (which failed) with the genocidal Hamas, which calls for the murder of all Jews. He incites vicious hatred against Israelis, pays salaries to murderers of innocent civilians, provides pensions for the families of suicide bombers, and glorifies the most barbaric terrorists. Hollande is aware that this abhorrent Holocaust-denier only recently sent a formal condolence note to the family of the terrorist who sought to murder Rabbi Yehuda Glick. Also in attendance was Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who engaged in anti-Israeli diatribes, accusing Netanyahu of committing crimes comparable to the Paris terrorist attacks. His anti-Semitic president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a supporter of Hamas, who accuses Israel of being a rogue terrorist state and Netanyahu a mass murderer, stood side by side with Abbas the following day. In this context, one must evaluate the future of French – and for that matter European – Jewry. Can French Jews feel assured that the stirring condemnation of anti-Semitism by Valls means that Jews will be more secure in the future? Hardly. Valls is a loner, unable to turn the tide. But hatred of Israel has become endemic and the media will continue applying double standards against the Jewish state, which invariably intensifies anti-Semitism. Hollande and his left-wing supporters distinguish between terrorists who kill Frenchmen and those who kill Jews residing in Israel. French Muslims today represent a crucial pillar of support for the socialists, and no matter how they behave, Hollande will continue groveling to them. The fact is that Jews are targeted and murdered because they are Jews and the community is increasingly surrounded by enemies, including homegrown killers with combat experience gained fighting for jihad in Syria and Iraq. Major synagogues were even closed on Shabbat to avoid pogroms, which have previously taken place. The president of CRIF, the French Jewish community, Roger Cukierman, voiced appreciation that 10,000 French troops were being deployed to protect Jewish schools and institutions. But he pointed out that when schoolchildren need to be protected by army personnel with machine guns and parents fear for their children's lives, such conditions inevitably spur aliyah. Jews are terrified and often feel obliged to conceal their identity, assimilate, or, worse still, endorse the obscene manner in which their people are being treated. It is hardly the environment for Jews to live in or bring up children. In this context, one must congratulate Netanyahu. His message to French Jews was enormously comforting, as could be seen by the enthusiastic response he received. His call to French Jews to make aliyah was mandatory for the head of a Zionist state and opinion polls show that over three-quarters of Israelis endorsed his involvement. The attacks on him for "embarrassing" the French were to be expected from the global and Israeli Bibi-hating media. Some Jewish critics were reminiscent of the pre-war Polish Jewish Bundists who opposed Zionism, calling on Jews to remain in Europe to fight for socialism. Today, they argue that Jews must stay in Europe to fight anti-Semitism and that aliyah would represent a victory for our enemies. Some Diaspora Jewish officials resembled their counterparts prior to the Holocaust who condemned Jabotinsky's calls to evacuate Europe as hysterical. A "leader," Rabbi Menachem Margolin, director of the European Jewish Association, even condemned Netanyahu for his "Pavlovian calls for aliyah after every terror attack," demanding that "Israel increase security" for European Jews, calling for Jews in Europe to be entitled to carry weapons to defend themselves. President Reuven Rivlin was bitterly disappointing when he indirectly joined the chorus criticizing his prime minister by stating that aliyah must stem "from love, not fear of anti-Semitism." Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky also seemed to have lost the plot, saying, "We must not be seen encouraging aliyah as though we were dancing on blood and allying ourselves with the anti-Semites" and that we should only encourage "positive aliyah based on wishing to lead a Jewish life rather than calling on Jews to come because they felt unsafe." What extraordinary words to come from a heroic former Prisoner of Zion. If the chairman of the Jewish Agency does not call directly on Jews to make aliyah when living under such terrible conditions, the organization should be closed down. Zionists do not seek to eliminate the Diaspora. Besides, we know that, short of mass exterminations, God forbid, the Jews of Europe are not all going to make aliyah overnight and Jewish communities will remain. Of course we prefer aliyah based on choice rather than last resort. But the writing has been on the wall for years. Those wishing for a full Jewish life and a desire to bring up proud Jewish children have no future in Europe. Those with financial means or with professions that can be utilized in Israel should indeed pack their bags and come now, as the situation will only deteriorate. Those unable to make aliyah should at least encourage their children. Instead of negating its historic role, the Jewish Agency should be at the head of the pack endorsing Netanyahu and promoting plans to enable all Jews, including those facing financial constraints, to consider aliyah as the means of resolving their current predicament. Some anti-Netanyahu politicians, including the ubiquitous Tzipi Livni, accuse him of embarrassing and offending French and European leaders by calling for aliyah. Tough! Let them be embarrassed. Besides, they have already largely abandoned us. Our obligation as Zionists is to call on those who can to join us now. To equivocate over calling for a mass aliyah of Jews under terrible duress is bizarre and a repudiation of the Zionist DNA. One need only observe the response of French Jews at a grass-roots level to see how appreciative they were of Netanyahu and his message. The very fact that the families decided to bury all four Jewish victims in Jerusalem is resounding proof. But we pray that we continue to welcome only living Jews from France to their historic homeland. Contact Robert Hand by email at |
The article below was written by Ashraf Ramelah who
is founder and president of Voice of the Copts, a human rights
organization drawing attention to the suffering of Coptic
Christians in Egypt and educating as to the chilling effect of
Sharia (Islamic law). This article appeared January 15, 2015
on Family Security Matters and is archived at
![]() At the end of last month, the Egyptian courts of Alexandria delivered a verdict to ban annual visits to the historic mausoleum of Moroccan Rabbi Yacoub Abu Hasira in the nearby village of Demto. After thirteen years in the court system, the Administrative Court of Alexandria issued a definitive verdict to abolish the annual celebrations of the Rabbi's birth on the merit of evidence that Jewish visitors "violate public order and morality and use the opportunity to desecrate the land of Egypt." In response to the verdict, Israelis requested to have the tomb of Abu Hasira transferred to East Jerusalem. Egyptian authorities denied their request. The Jewish tradition to journey to the Demto Abu Hasira tomb began in 1907. Jews from around the world -- in particular, France, Morocco and Tunisia -- made the week-long pilgrimage each year to the Demto tomb to celebrate the Rabbi's birth (December 26 through January 2). The new ruling now forbids this. Until now, Egypt has always allowed foreign Jews (except for Israeli Jews) to visit the Jewish historical landmark despite the fact that virtually all Jewish-Egyptian citizens have been expelled from Egypt since the Nasser regime - only twenty Jews reside in Egypt today. Israeli Jews were only allowed visits into Egypt after the signing of the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Special permission was sought from the Sadat government to allow organizing celebration tours (pilgrimages) to the Abu Hasira mausoleum and shrine. This current ruling has put an end to these tours. Who was Yacoub Abu Hasira, and why is his birthday celebrated? His original name was Jacob Ben Massoud, and he was born in 1805 in southern Morocco. Jewish narrative depicts him as an aged rabbi leaving Morocco by ship on a journey to the Holy Land. During his trip the ship sank, and he clung to a mat (hasira) until he safely reached the shores of Syria. Upon his return from the Holy Land he chose to travel by land. While transiting through Egypt he died, but the miracle of his journey to the Holy Land has been kept alive. Critically, last month's court ruling also includes an order for Egypt's Minister of Antiquities to remove the Rabbi Yacoub Abu Hasira mausoleum from the records of Egyptian Antiquities where it is officially designated a historic monument. The tombs physical conversion into a mausoleum and simultaneous entry into the records of Egyptian Antiquities can only be considered a second miracle in the Abu Hasira story. Egypt, with its climate of relentless racial bias and paranoia against Jews, is more likely to disavow Jewish-Egyptian history than to embrace it. But the reason for the tomb's designation has more to do with a political decision made by the ambitious former Egyptian Minister of Culture, Farouk Hosni, in preparing for his bid for the head of UNESCO and the favor he sought for that upcoming election. This occurred shortly before Egyptians and their courts began to stir up the issue of prohibiting visitors to the Abu Hasira tomb. Today, Hosni denies that the tomb conversion and upgrade in 2001 was his doing, citing a committee's responsibility for it. However, as Culture Minister, committee decisions came through him, and now his response to distance himself from his efforts to seal Egypt's Jewish heritage only serves to highlight his bigotry. At the time, advocating for the rabbi's tomb had been politically useful for Hosni in mitigating the impact of one of his previous ideas, publicly declared, to burn all Hebrew books found on the shelves of Egyptian libraries. He was widely known for this anti-Semitic initiative (never materialized) both inside and outside of Egypt which ultimately deprived him of the UNESCO position. Grievances from Egyptians concerning the Abu Hasira mausoleum and Jewish celebrants began as early as Sadat's 1977 visit to Israel as a form of indirect opposition to Sadat's show of friendliness toward the Jewish state. Years later, during Mubarak's presidency, a heated debate began in 2001. Poor villagers expressed gratitude for the increase in local business during the week-long visits. Although they claimed the Jews were harmless, and no harm would come to them by allowing the festivities, the opposition expressed the standard complaint that Jews in Egypt were a national security problem. Brainwashed by mosque indoctrination and the public school system, Egyptians tend to believe that Jews coming to Egypt from Israel are spies for the Israeli government. Town's people backed by Muslim Brotherhood members in the Egyptian Parliament began a case in the Alexandria courts and won an injunction against the Jewish celebrants. A ruling was issued prohibiting the pilgrimage. But this verdict was appealed and reversed within the same year. The warfare against Abu Hasira continued. In 2010, Jews around the world were warned by Israeli authorities and the Egyptian embassies that attending the pilgrimage might be dangerous in view of the Muslim Brotherhood rise to power and anti-Jewish graffiti smeared on the mausoleum walls. A national television talk show videotaped the Jewish Abu Hasira festivities and saw nothing wrong, but bystanders claimed they saw vicious acts. One witness recalled seeing "slaughtering of pigs in the streets." A reporter from the Egyptian press described "hysteria and half-naked dancers, unethical behavior." Chancellor Jaber Qasim, Deputy General of Sufis, ranted that, "the pilgrims are a plot and plan of Zionism to rape the nation by claiming that Jews have roots in Egypt ..." This frenzy -- fabrications and hysteria -- was the "evidence" used by the courts to decide last month's verdict -- ignorance and prejudice once again leading to the discrimination of minorities. This court ruling now sets a precedent whereby every non-Muslim religious monument, artifact and sacred place in the historic registry becomes vulnerable to the whims of Egypt's biased courts. In the first place, Egypt's courts do not have jurisdiction over the status of antiquities or the registry of monuments in the Ministry of Culture where its protection act has the absolute authority. It is not the job of the courts but rather for panels of experts to decide. Moreover, this case sets a precedent which directly contradicts Egypt's constitution - Part 1, Article 4 and Chapter 3, Article 47-50, 64 - which declares freedom of religion and respect for all religions. Israeli authorities have now launched a complaint with UNESCO where the Abu Hasira mausoleum is recorded as a historic Egyptian monument. Contact FSM Security Update at |
The article below was written by Jonathan Beck who
is an sports editor, writer and columnist. This article
appeared January 18, 2015 on the Times of Israel and
is archived at
![]() Recordings of Eshkol Council chief Haim Jelin's testimony last week to a UN commission in Geneva, in which he breaks down while describing heavy shelling of his region on the Gaza Border, were published by Army Radio on Sunday. Jelin, an outspoken southern politician who is looking to move into the Knesset with the Yesh Atid party, was one of several Israelis affected by the summer war with Gaza to testify to the UN panel. The William Schabas-headed commission was established by the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva to examine allegations of war crimes committed by both Israel and the Palestinians during the war, and has been widely derided by Israeli officials as unfair and a "kangaroo court." The Eshkol Region was one of the hardest hit during the war, absorbing hundreds of shells and rockets as well as underground infiltration attempts by Hamas-led fighters in the Strip. Jelin broke down crying while describing the death of Daniel Tragerman, a 4-year-old boy killed by a mortar shell on August 22. "Every day between 100 and 120 mortar shells explode in our communities, with almost no IDF response, and on Friday Daniel Tragerman, a child 4.5 years of age, who understands that when he hears the Color Red siren he needs to reach shelter...but he doesn't make it. This is his photograph: a child 4.5 years old. What is he to blame for? He's to blame for not making it in 15 seconds to the safe room." "I am sorry for being so emotional, but they say testimony is part of therapy, and I did not have a chance to cry since then," he continued. ![]() Gila Tragerman, mother of Daniel, testified earlier before the UN commission via Skype. "I told them that Hamas fired from inside [Gazan] population centers with the clear knowledge that the IDF would not bomb them. And they were not wrong. The IDF really did not bomb them. Why? Because we don't hurt innocent civilians," she said in an interview with the Yedioth Ahronoth daily Thursday. "I told them that we were also refugees during the war." The Prime Minister's Office and Foreign Ministry gave the green light for the unofficial delegation, which was created by the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, but made clear to them that they were speaking as Israeli citizens and not as representatives of the state. The appointment of Schabas to the commission in August infuriated Israel, which accused him of holding views highly critical of the Jewish state. Schabas has said in the past he would be happy to see Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prosecuted for war crimes. Jerusalem said it will not cooperate with the probe or send officials to testify, though the commission has sought Israeli statements. During his testimony to the commission, Jelin acknowledged the "risk" of coming to testify. "We are always being blamed of warmongering, that we are, in fact, a nation that hates other nations. If you only know to what degree we raise our young to love the I understand this is how the world sees us. And this is why I came here, it's a great risk for me coming here, I can be attacked. And I received a decision of coming here, to speak our truth, what we have been living through for the past 15 years," he said. Jelin recounted to the commission the horror of living with threat of the cross-border tunnels dug by Hamas. "The fear that terrorists might emerge from beneath the ground, you must understand, you go underground, you get into the metro and you travel. This is not the same thing. This is about terrorists traveling underground to kill children and innocents on the other side." The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to |
COLUMN ONE: THE ANSWER TO FRENCH ANTI-SEMITISMPosted by Saul Goldman, January 20, 2015 |
The connection between aliya and anti-Semitism is more than the idea that Israel is a remedy for Jew hatred and persecution. In a more historical perspective Israel is more than just a hide-out for persecuted Jews. Israel is central to a Biblical historiography which projects a role for Israel in global affairs. Thus, aliya becomes an historical necessity and anti-semitism reveals that purpose in a rather Hegelian manner. The perception of anti-Semitism as a category of racism or prejudice misses the meaning of anti-Semitism. It is not about how others hate Jews. It is about how Jews fulfill the needs of anti-Semites. For example, Muslims murder and rape but the civilized world is worried about Islamophobia. Jews lead in business, science and the arts as they always have done yet their homeland is characterized as the source of all the unrest in the world. This is more than mere prejudice; this is a deep seated cultural assumption that resonates in both Islam as well as Christendom. The Jew can do little to stop anti-Semitism because the Muslims and Christians need the myth of the Jew that remains his only rationalization against the "brutal" truth that everything about his faith and value system that is worthy has actually been derived from the culture and religion of the Jews. Simply put the Jews brought repression to their world; lust had to be supplanted by love and violence controlled by social rules. Just as the Id at times rebels against the moral integrity of the super-ego, repressed pagan man attacks the moral supremacy of the Yid. The article below was written by Caroline B. Glick who is an American-born Israeli journalist, newspaper editor, and writer. She writes for Makor Rishon and is the deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post. This article appeared January 15, 2015 on the Jerusalem Post and is archived at |
Valls words were uplifting; But it is hard to see how they change the basic reality that the Jews of France face. ![]() January 16 is the nine-year anniversary of the beginning of the Ilan Halimi disaster. On January 16, 2006, Sorour Arbabzadeh, the seductress from the Muslim anti-Jewish kidnapping gang led by Youssouf Fofana, entered the cellphone store where Halimi worked and set the honey trap. Four days later, Halimi met Arbabzadeh for a drink at a working class bar and agreed to walk her home. She walked him straight into an ambush. Her comrades beat him, bound him and threw him into the trunk of their car. They brought Halimi to a slum apartment and tortured him for 24 days and 24 nights before dumping him, handcuffed, naked, stabbed and suffering from third degree burns over two-thirds of his body, at a railway siding in Paris. He died a few hours later in the hospital. In an impassioned address to the French parliament on Tuesday, Prime Minister Manuel Valls gave a stirring denunciation of anti-Semitism, and demanded that his people stop treating it as someone else's problem. In his words, "Since Ilan Halimi in 2006... anti-Semitic acts in France have grown to an intolerable degree. The words, the insults, the gestures, the shameful attacks... did not produce the national outrage that our Jewish compatriots expected." Valls insisted that France needs to protect its Jewish community, lest France itself be destroyed. "Without its Jews France would not be France, this is the message we have to communicate loud and clear. We haven't done so. We haven't shown enough outrage. How can we accept that in certain schools and colleges the Holocaust can't be taught? How can we accept that when a child is asked, 'Who is your enemy?' the response is 'The Jew?' When the Jews of France are attacked France is attacked, the conscience of humanity is attacked. Let us never forget it." Valls words were uplifting. But it is hard to see how they change the basic reality that the Jews of France face. When all is said and done, it is their necks on the line while humanity's conscience is merely troubled. Ilan Halimi's case is more or less a textbook case of the impossible reality French Jewry faces. And, as Valls noted, the situation has only gotten worse in the intervening nine years. Much worse. But back when things were much better, Ilan Halimi was kidnapped, tortured for 24 days and murdered. As Tablet online magazine's Marc Weitzmann reported last September in an in-depth summary of ordeal, the gang that perpetrated the atrocity had been hunting for Jewish victims for several weeks before Arbabzadeh set her trap for Halimi. All their previous attempts had failed. Their previous marks included Jewish doctors, lawyers, television directors and human rights activists, as well as Jews of no particular distinction aside from the fact that they were Jews. The anti-Jewish nature of the gang was clear from its chosen victims. The anti-Semitic nature of their atrocious crime against Halimi was obvious from the first time they contacted his mother, Ruth Halimi, demanding ransom for his release. They made anti-Jewish slurs in all their communications with her. And as she heard her sons tortured cries in the background, Ruth was subjected to his torturers’ recitation of Koranic verses. And yet, throughout the period of his captivity, French authorities refused to consider the anti-Jewish nature of the crime, and as a result, refused to treat the case as life threatening or urgent. The same attitude continued well after Halimi was found. As Weitzmann noted, the investigative magistrate insisted "There isn't a single element to allow one to attach this murder to an anti-Semitic purpose or an anti-Semitic act." The denial went on through the 2009 trials of the 29 kidnappers and their accomplices. Anti-Semitism was listed as an aggravating circumstance of the crime – and as such, a cause for harsher sentencing – only for the gang leader Fofana. And in the end, even for him, the judges did not take it into account at sentencing. As for those 29 kidnappers and accomplices, as Weitzmann notes, each one of them had a circle of friends and family. As a consequence, by a one reporters' conservative estimate, at least 50 people were aware of the crime and where Halimi was being held, while he was being held. And not one of them called the police. Not one of them felt moved to make a call that could save the life of a Jew. After the fact, the media in France were happy to publish articles by the torturers' defense lawyers insisting, "Only people motivated by 'political reasons' would try to sell the opinion that anti-Semitism is eating away at French society." When the Halimi family lawyer boasted of close ties to the government and announced he would appeal the sentences of the perpetrators if he didn't think their punishments were sufficient, the French media eagerly shifted the conversation from the torture and murder of a Parisian who just happened to be a Jew by a band of sadists who just happened to be Muslims, to the more comfortable narrative of the Jewish lobby and Jewish power. So, too, when Halimi, and six years later when the three children and the rabbi massacred at Otzar Hatorah Jewish day school in Toulouse, were brought to Israel for burial, the media reported their decision in a negative way hinting that it was evidence of the basic disloyalty, or otherness of the Jews of France. In other words, what Halimi's murder exposed is that anti-Semitism in France is systemic. Muslims are the main perpetrators of violence. And they operate in social environments that are at a minimum indifferent to Jewish suffering and victimization. This violence and indifference is abetted by non-Islamic elites. French authorities minimize the unique threat Jews face. And the media are happy to ignore the issue, or when given the slightest opportunity, to claim that the Jews are responsible for their own victimization. Indeed, in live reports from the scene of the hostage taking at the kosher supermarket in Paris last week, Weitzmann noted that in the early hours of the attack, French media failed to mention that the hostages were Jews. Under these circumstances, where the entire French system is stacked against them, what can be done for French Jewry? What can they do for themselves? It is far from clear that France is capable of correcting its downward trajectory. Demography is moving France in a different direction. According to Israeli political scientist Guy Bechor, Marseilles will be the first Western European city with a Muslim majority. The ruling Socialists owe their victory to the Muslim vote. It is hard to see French President François Hollande and his comrades taking actions that could anger that constituency which votes as a bloc. Moreover, anti-Semitism in all its forms is manifested throughout French society. For instance, the prosecutor in the Halimi murder trial is the son of a French Nazi collaborator and according to Weitzmann, spent an inordinate amount of the trial trying to understand the perpetrators. Then there is the Israel issue. Valls has distinguished himself from his colleagues for his willingness to acknowledge that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. But his is a voice in the wilderness. The overwhelming sentiment of the French elites is hostility toward Israel. This sentiment was manifested in Hollande's treatment of Israel, and through it of the French Jewish community, in the aftermath of the supermarket massacre last Friday. Hollande told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to attend the anti-terror march in Paris on Sunday, claiming that Netanyahu's presence would detract from the message of unity against terrorism that he hoped the march would communicate. The underlying assumption of Hollande's message is deeply disturbing. That assumption is that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism and is not, as a result, evil. The subtext is that the murder of Jews by Islamic terrorists who seek Israel's destruction is similarly not a crime deserving of the same condemnation as the jihadist murder of French journalists. Netanyahu rightly ignored Hollande's request that he not attend. And for this move he was subjected to harsh criticism by the French media which accused him of crashing the party and pushing himself onto center stage against the wishes of his unwilling hosts. Their criticism was then parroted by the Israeli media that studiously ignored the endemic anti-Israel hostility of the French media and the anti-Israel policies of the Hollande government. The Hebrew media, together with Hatnua leader Tzipi Livni, also ferociously attacked Netanyahu as well as Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett for upsetting French sensibilities by calling on French Jewry to make aliya. But aliya is the key for contending with the increasing danger that the Jews of France face from the systemic nature of French anti-Semitism. This is true first of all because as France makes it clear that it is not a warm home for its Jews, Israel is a better option. Israel exists so that Jews always will have a better option than suffering at the hands of hostile non-Jews. Speaking of aliya is also essential because so far the only thing that has caused French authorities to speak directly against anti-Semitism and take action to defend French Jewry has been the prospect of a mass exodus of their Jews. The year 2014 saw a 50 percent increase in French aliya. And the Jewish Agency anticipates that that number will double to 15,000 in 2015, with 50,000 more not far behind. After Ilan Halimi was murdered, out of fear of upsetting the French, no Israeli leader, including then-foreign minister Livni, uttered a word of condemnation against the atrocity. No Israeli representative attended his memorial ceremony. No one urged French Jews to make aliya. And the number of anti-Semitic attacks increased massively each year. French governmental hostility toward Israel similarly escalated with each passing year. There is unfortunately every reason to believe that the massacre at the kosher supermarket in Paris last Friday will not be the last one. But it is also clear that the best way to avert more suffering is to speak often and forcefully about the option of moving to Israel. Israel must also take active steps to prepare the country for the arrival of our French brothers and sisters. Hollande will certainly express his annoyance as he continues to condemn Israel at every turn for imaginary misdeeds. But the French Jews will be strengthened. While the conscience of humanity may be uselessly miffed by the victimization of Jews, the Jews of France will know that there is one place on earth that exists to prevent that victimization, and that they are welcome here whenever they choose to come. Contact Saul Goldman at |
PALLYWOOD IN CHEVRON!Posted by Robert Hand, January 20, 2015 |
The article below was written by Yoni Kempinski and Elad Benari. Kempinski is video journalist at Arutz Sheva and Benari is a writer for Arutz-Sheva. This article was published at Arutz Sheva on January 20, 2015 and is archived at |
In the latest incident of "Pallywood", an elderly Arab woman who was evacuated by IDF troops from a business in Hevron for security reasons, put on a show for extreme leftists who filmed the eviction. The business was evacuated after a firebomb was thrown from it at the homes of Jews in Hevron. The local Arabs, who knew when the troops would arrive to evacuate the business, invited leftist activists and journalists to document the evacuation. In the video, the elderly woman is seen weeping as her daughter instructs her how to "cry" in front of the cameras. However, as the woman begins to cry, the daughter is seen moving aside and smiling towards the journalists and photographers. CLICK VIDEO HERE. The staging of scenes for the purpose of delegitimizing Israel is such a common tactic in the Palestinian Authority, that the industry has come to be known as "Pallywood." The most famous and successful Pallywood film ever made was that in which an Arab boy, Muhammad a-Durah, was placed in proximity to a Gaza firefight in 2000, and made to look as if he had been shot dead by IDF soldiers. Belated investigations showed that shots fired at a-Durah came from Arabs. Another famous Pallywood video emerged in late 2012, and it showed a 13-year-old Palestinian Arab girl "getting in the faces" of soldiers near Nabi Saleh and spending a considerable amount of time cursing them, shouting herself hoarse and hitting them on occasion as well. At the same time, adults all around her taped the occurrences, waiting for a soldier to lose his nerve. The girl was later honored in Turkey and was treated to breakfast with then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Contact Robert Hand by email at |
The article below was written by Sasvati Sarkar who
is Professor at University of Pennsylvania. She was also
speaker at the Wharton University Pennsylvania protest last
year. This article appeared December 30, 2014 on
Swarajya and is archived at
Indian media in particular, and civil society should introspect so as to mitigate the case of bias against Hinduism that may very well stand against them today. Indian media has done a commendable job in covering international events, be it Arab spring, Tahrir square, Gaza conflicts to beatification of saints at Vatican. The only blind spot has been the plight, or rather the disappearance, of Hindus worldwide, including in India’s own backyard. This is quite inexplicable given that other events in these regions, elections and terror attacks in Pakistan, have been generously covered. Comprehensive efforts towards the documentation of this apathy have been few and far between. It is perhaps for this reason that my first effort towards that end [145] has received more attention than I expected. It turns out that I had unintentionally omitted several human tragedies and instances of dichotomy in my first piece. This piece is an effort to complete the above work. Hindus disappearing in India's Backyard Pakistan: Given the apathy in Indian media on the coverage of the disappearances alluded to, let me first start with startling facts that should have by now been well known to an Indian audience in normal course. When Pakistan was created in 1947, Hindus constituted about 15% of the population of West Pakistan (current Pakistan); by 1998 it is about 1.6% [1] – the population has declined by about 90% in about 50 years. This decimation is the outcome of sustained legal and social discrimination ever since the creation of Pakistan. On the legal front[2], only Muslims are eligible for the position of President or Prime minister of Pakistan. ![]() The Sharia court in Pakistan has promoted religiosity and strengthened fanatics. It inflicts Islamic punishments, including stoning to death, amputation of hands and feet, flogging in public to non-Muslim citizens too. Blasphemy laws carry a death sentence and have been used to target non Muslims [3]. Family laws for non-Muslims do not exist. Thus, marriages can not be legally established for purpose of travel, and divorce and property right disputes can not be resolved [2].. On the social front, curriculum in government schools and Madrasas promote religious hatred against minorities. The number of Madrasas has increased from 244 in 1956 to 10,000 in 2013 p. 74, [1]. As a result, Hindu women, mostly minors, are being persistently abducted and forcibly converted, Hindu businessmen kidnapped for ransom, and Hindu temples destroyed. An elaborate infrastructure [8] has been designed to prey upon the likes of Rachna Kumari [9] and Rinkel Kumari [10]. The human rights commission in Pakistan reports that 20-25 young Hindu girls are abducted and forcibly converted every month. Dawn puts this number at 1000 every year for Hindu and Christian women. Pakistan has been home to numerous Hindu temples of which only 360 remain, with an even smaller number functioning; thousands of temples have been destroyed since 1947 p. 81, [1]. One of the holiest sites of the Hindus, the Hinglaj Mata Mandir has also been targeted by extremists. Bereft of any hope for dignified survival in Pakistan, Hindus are taking refuge abroad. Pakistan Hindu council estimates that about 5000 Hindus leave for India every year p. 73, [1]. Bangladesh: From almost a third of East Pakistan's (currently Bangladesh's) population as per Pakistan's 1951 census, by 1971, when Bangladesh was born out of East Pakistan, Hindus were less than a fifth of its population; Hindus constitute less than 10% of the populace there thirty years later; and as little as 8% today per reliable estimate. (p. 30, [7]). The situation is now so dire that even Amnesty has taken note that the Hindu community in Bangladesh is at extreme risk and is being targeted simply for their religion p. 24, [1]. In 1971 alone 10 million ethnic Bengalis, mostly Hindus fled to India and 200,000 women were raped p. 26, [1]. From 1975 onwards, religious minorities including Hindus have been subjected to discriminatory property laws, restrictions on religious freedom and violence perpetrated by both state and non-state agencies p. 30, [1]. For example, Hindus are attacked almost every year during the celebration of their most important festival, Durga Puja [18]. ![]() Before creation of Bangladesh Pakistani government had instituted an enemy property act (EPA) in 1965, which officially labeled Hindus as enemies and enabled annexation of their properties. The EPA has continued under different names since the creation of Pakistan: VPA (Vested Property Act), VRPB (Vested Property Return Bill) etc, and has robbed 200,000 Hindu families of 16 X 107 square meters of their land between 2001 to 2007 (estimated by Abul Barakat of Dhaka University) p. 43, [1]. Sri Lanka: The predominantly Hindu, Tamil population of Sri Lanka has been at the receiving end of economic and religious persecution for decades. The vast majority of about 200,000 Tamils living in Canada had migrated after the ethno-religious conflicts of 1980s [77]; 65,000 Tamils live in refugee camps and 35,000 outside in Tamil Nadu [78]; a bulk of 120000 Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in UK consists of refugees who fled persecution [79]; many others have found refuge in Switzerland and Norway [80]. Civil liberties and religious heritage of Hindu Tamils have long been a casualty of the civil war in Sri Lanka; the violations have not however abetted subsequent to the conclusion of the strife. First, since 1972, Sri Lankan constitution provides Buddhism “the foremost place” and proclaims that “it shall be the duty of the state to protect and foster Buddhist religion”(p. 170, [1, [81])). The inequity enshrined in the constitution has been followed up in practice by imposition of Buddhism on the predominantly Hindu Tamil populace (a small fraction of Tamils practice Christianity and Islam). Buddhist monuments are being constructed where very few Buddhists live and soldiers monitor meetings at Hindu temples [82]. At the World Hindu Congress, 2014, the chief minister of Northern Provincial Council of Sri Lanka, Mr.C.V.Wigneswaran has described the religious plight of Hindus in Sri Lanka as follows: ![]()
Not only chief minister, Wigneswaran, but even the Catholic Diocese of Jaffna has attested that:
Numerous Buddhist Viharas are being constructed in the north and east by razing existing Hindu temples as confirmed by a member of the Sri lankan Parliament [87]. Kanniya Shivan temple in Trincomalee and the Murugan temple in Illangaithurai Muhathuwaram constitute eminent examples [96]. Until 2010, the official history of the Kanniya hot springs connected it to Ravana of Ramayana. Regular poojas used to be held in the adjoining Kovil (temple) despite damage inflicted by the armed violence of the 90s. But, nothing remains of the old temple structure any more, and the statues of the temple have been placed in a dusty room along with objects like a spade and a bicycle. A Buddhist temple has now emerged in vicinity of the Kovil (Hindu temple), and the archaeological survey of Sri Lanka has now taken possession of the springs. It claims in a notice board that the wells were part of a Buddhist monastery, without informing the archaeological evidence that constituted the basis for this revision [101]. ![]() Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP for Batticaloa C.Yogeswaran has informed journalists that two Hindu temples in Trincomalee are earmarked for forcible removal by the Colombo government and another temple in Batticaloa is being subjected to Sinhala militarisation, [85]. Hindu temples have been destroyed in Trincomalee by UPFA [86] and their lands have been encroached upon [90]. Thirteen terracotta Saiva temple sculptures have been smashed in Trincomalee (pictures presented) [91]. Hindu Tamil villagers wept when a Siva temple located at an ancient Hindu site called Akaththiyar Thaapanam, at Kangku-veali in the Moothoor division of the Trincomalee district, where Hindus gather to perform the Aadi Amaavaasai ritual for ancestors, was completely destroyed on the Sri Lankan Heroes’ Day on 27 November, 2009 [93]. In Jaffna, a century old Hindu temple chariot has been vandalized [94]. Sri Lanka military has stopped the renovation of Hindu temples [89], and have demolished Saiva temples in Dambulla (along with Buddhist monks) [92]. A Bhadrakali temple at Dambulla has been partly dismantled and the deity had been smashed and disposed off in a well [95, 104]. Sri Lankan government minister Mervyn Silva and his police entourage have been accused of disrespecting the traditions of a Tamil Hindu temple in Jaffna, after they parked their vehicles inside the temple premises and proceeded to enter the temple without removing their footwear [84]. Buddhist monks have also desecrated Hindu temples in Colombo [88]. In an UNCHR hearing, it was estimated that at least 1800 Hindu temples have been destroyed in Sri lanka [100] – a partial, but voluminous list has been compiled [99,100]. Apart from damaging temples, Sri Lankan military has established a presence close to several temples of historical significance (eg, in Koneshwaram temple which has been mentioned in both Ramayana and Mahabharata and has 3287 years of history [101]). Fewer Tamil devotees. Have been visiting these temples ever since. Afghanistan, Bhutan, Fiji, Malyasia: Although Afghanistan has thousands of years of Hindu history and remains of several ancient temples and icons of Hindu deities, Hindu population has become nearly extinct there – it has declined from approximately 200,000 in 1970s to less than 3000 currently (pp. 13-15, [1]). There is no Hindu or Sikh representative in the upper house of the country, only one Sikh is a member of the lower house. Many Hindus and Sikhs live in temples as their homes and businesses have been taken away. They are forcibly prevented from cremating their dead, stones are pelted at them while they do, and their crematoria are forcibly occupied by Muslims. They have been excluded from government jobs, and their children, especially girls, are regularly harassed in schools (pp. 16-18, [1]). Similarly, starting late 1980s, Buddhist Bhutan has expelled nearly 100,000 traditional Hindus, constituting about 1/6th of the Bhutanese population [6]. Heart wrenching accounts of refugees afflicted with syndromes such as alcoholisms that are commonly associated with long sojourns in refugee camps have been reported [102]. Hindus constitute 27.9% of the population of the Fiji islands (p. 174, [1]). Hindu population has however been steadily declining owing to migrations to US, Australia and New Zealand due, in part, to preference in government jobs for ethnic Malenesians in the Christian majority country (p. 179, [1]). The government has implemented specific measures restricting the religious rights of Hindus, eg, they need permits to hold events with more than ten people. Hindu temples, except those registered with one particular Hindu religious body, the Shree Sanatan Dharam Pratinidhi Sabha, are being denied permits for religious gatherings (p. 180, [1]). Similarly, the Bumiputra policies explicitly discriminate against 6.3% Hindus in the Islamic republic of Malyasia p. iv, [1] Reaction of Government of India to this persecution of Hindus Edmund Burke said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing The civil society, media and the government of India have all remained mute spectators while this human tragedy of unimaginable magnitude has been unfolding right in their backyard. Indian government has not accorded the official status of refugees to Hindus from Pakistan, despite satisfying the criteria for refugee status under international law due to Pakistan's failure to protect them from religious persecution. They live in abject poverty, in cramped and squalid conditions in open tents in North and North West India, and have been suffering from repeated colds, coughs, psychosomatic conditions, blindness and oral tumors [11]. Similarly, over 15 lakh refugees from Pakistan occupied Kashmir have not been granted compensation promised to them, let alone citizenship [98]. This apathy has continued under governments of all political hues. It has however been reported that the current government lead by PM Modi is planning a package which includes private jobs and a fast track process for Indian citizenship for Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir [12,98]. The same government has however refused to grant a package of 9096 crore rupees hastily approved for the PoK refugees towards the end of the NC-Congress coalition government in Jammu and Kashmir [98]. ![]() The state government of Madhya Pradesh lead by CM Chouhan has rehabilitated 5464 minority refugees from Bangladesh [13]. No government of India has however discussed the religious persecution of Hindus in neighboring countries in any internal or external forum. Opposition parties lead by Congress had though forced, through repeated disruptions [123], a discussion in Indian Parliament on Israeli excesses in Gaza [122]. In contrast, Pakistan has raised Gujarat riots at the United Nations [14]. This apathy of governments regardless of their political hues has perhaps resulted from the distortion introduced in classical notions of secularism by the Indian polity. Secularism has traditionally been defined as the separation of governance from religion – in India it instead accords special legal and financial privileges to practitioners of all religions other than Hinduism, and celebrates historical figures like Aurangzeb who have followed a persistent policy of religious persecution (all governments till date have refused to rename a road named in his honor [33]). Although, unlike India, Hindus constitute a small fraction of US population, public representatives in US have started taking cognizance of the plight of minorities in India's neighborhood. Fifteen members of Congress had submitted a bipartisan letter to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton urging her to ensure that religious persecution of minorities end in Pakistan [15]. Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii) and republican Congressman Aaron Schock (Illinois) have spearheaded a bipartisan Congressional letter that urges U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to make human rights of the minorities in Bangladesh a priority in bilateral relations with US [16]. ![]() Arlene A. Juracek, the mayor of the village of Mount Prospect has recognized the tragedy of Hindus in Bangladesh who can not celebrate Durga Puja in Bangladesh owing to its anti-Hindu laws [17]. Similarly, although US and European organizations have mostly focused on the breach of religious freedom of Christians in Sri Lanka, it has occasionally mentioned about the persecution of Hindus too [105, 106]. Civil Society The vibrant and ever watchful civil society in India has turned a blind eye to this gargantuan human tragedy. This is astonishing given that many activists are vigilant about caste violence perpetrated against the traditionally disadvantaged classes, as they should be. Yet, the cause of Hindus in India's backyard, as also their plight as refugees in India, has not been championed despite the fact that they are predominantly Dalits. Protests against their persecution have been few and far between, and mostly relegated to much reviled supposedly casteist right wing Hindu groups [19], [20]. Protests have meanwhile been organized in Washington DC [21]. Civil rights advocacy for Hindus is being spearheaded by an organization based in US (Hindu American Foundations) but not by civil rights groups in the country that is home to the largest number of Hindus anywhere in the world [1], [8], [11], [15], [16]. It is worthwhile mentioning that the outrage in civil society on the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits from the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir has been substantially muted as compared to that on Gujarat riots. Yet, the latter does not compare in scale to the size of the affected population for genocides in Kashmir (neither in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan for that matter). From about 7% of the overall population in Kashmir in 1901 (pp. 30, 38 [34]), 4-5% in 1981, (p. 38, [35]p. 255, [36]), Pandits reduced to a meager 808 families comprising of 3445 members in 2010 per government report. [44]. As per figures given by UPA minister Shriprakash Jaiswal in a written reply in Parliament on 11 May 2005, 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed in the riots, 2548 people were injured and 223 people were missing [46]. Indian leftist feminist movements have remained oblivious of the kidnapping, rape and forced marriages of Hindu women in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir and Sri Lanka. On a related note, feminists have held vociferous protests on right to kiss in public [148] but not on legalised gender discrimination in Indian Muslim society (polygamy is legally permitted and divorce rights are not reciprocal). Indian media – the most unkindest cut of all Indian media, which has extensively covered events world wide, as in Arab spring, Tahrir square, Gaza conflicts, beatification of saints at Vatican, terror strikes in Pakistan, Australia was expected to remain vigilant on the status of minorities in India’s neighborhood, given how Hindus and Sikhs were butchered in Pakistan at its nascence (Bangladesh was then part of Pakistan). Jinnah had written in a letter to the governor general that Sikhs will need to leave Pakistan (p. 175 [32]). Well known Muslim league leader, Zafar Ali Khan, the proprietor of Daily Zamindar of Lahore, urged in his newspaper on 5 September, 1947 that no Sikh be allowed to remain in West Punjab (p. 137, [32]), and they left. Seven million Hindus and Sikhs were forced to leave Pakistan because of the organized mass slaughters. In Sheikhupura, the district that contains Nankana Sahib, the birth place of Guru Nanak, in 2 days, 10,000-20,000 were killed in cold blood in 1947 (p. 167, [32]). All Hindus in Rohtas and Sanghoi of Jhelum were put to death (p. 200, [32]). In 128 villages of Rawalpindi district, 7000 Hindus and Sikhs were killed, and 1000 women were abducted in matter of days in March 1947, as per news reports (the actual number is likely to be higher) (p. 80, [32]). Owing to these atrocities, perhaps, Nehru, not remotely communal by any standards, had said that the deeds in the Rawalpindi division would shame even beasts (p. 90, [32]). Around the time of its creation, Pakistan government had also commissioned a team of Maulavis to convert young abducted women as per a civil and military gazette report in 1947 (p. 298, [32]). Hindu Sikh refugees who could flee to India had given statements that while men were only forcibly converted, women were forcibly married in addition p. 302. [32]. Hindu and Sikh girls brought by Pathan raiders of Kashmir were sold in the bazaars of Jhelum district (p. 201, [32]). Hindu and Sikh women immolated themselves to escape tortures the mobs were subjecting them to – 1)chopping of breasts, noses, arms 2) insertion of sticks and pieces of iron in their private parts, 3) ripping open wombs of pregnant women and throwing off the fetus (p. 81, [32]). Even children were not spared – snatched from their parents, they were tossed on spears and swords and some times burnt alive (p. 81, [32]). Similarly, in Noakhali in then East Pakistan, in an elaborately planned carnage launched on October 10, 1946, on Kojagari Lokkhi Purnima, one of the holiest days of Bengali Hindus. The hinterland of Noakhali was cut off from the town by breaking the bamboo bridges across the canals. The boatmen, who were all Muslims, refused to ply, Hindus across, and Muslim league volunteers guarded all routes leading to railway stations (pp. 104-105, first edition, [26]). A mayhem of targeted murder, rape and forcible conversation ensued. Cabinet minister Arthur Henderson reported to the house of commons on Nov 4, 1946 that at least 9895 Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam (likely many more) and thousands of Hindu women were abducted and married to Muslims against their will, stone idols were smashed and Hindu temples desecrated and Hindu men were forced to slaughter their own cows and forced to eat beef (p. 109, first edition, [26]). Dr. Shyamaprasad Mookerjee, who would later become a cabinet minister in India, wrote that 50,000-75,000 Hindus have had to flee their homes to escape the brutalities and live as destitutes for a while (pp. 110-112, first edition [26]). ![]() It would therefore be reasonably feared that Pakistan and later Bangladesh would not ensure the safety of its minority citizens. It is therefore inexplicable that Indian media would remain largely oblivious of the genocide of Hindus that did follow. To my knowledge, India Today did a cover story on Hindus in Pakistan in the wake of the abduction of Rinkle Kumari on February 24, 2012 [22]. The tragedy of this young woman has received some coverage in other Indian news sites as well [4], [23] [24]. But, a systematic study of the genocide in Pakistan has been missing by and large; sporadic reports have focused on conditions of Pakistani Hindu refugees in India. A web search reveals that most of the limited coverage (outside Pakistan) that this human tragedy has received has been in news sites outside India. ![]() The story is no different for Hindus in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Fiji, Malyasia, Srilanka either. It is worthwhile to note that the discrimination in Sri Lanka has both ethnic and religious origin. While the ethnic aspect has been highlighted in the documentations of the Tamil refugees in national media (eg, Hindu), the religious dimension has been suppressed altogether. Although Hindus have borne the brunt of persecution by the majority Buddhist community in Sri Lanka, Christians and Muslims have not been spared either. National media has occasionally reported the plight of religious discrimination against Tamil Muslims [103], but not the more widespread ones against Tamil Hindus. It turns out that BBC has reported on the destruction of Hindu temples in Sri Lanka [104]. Yet, sites with much less resource than major media sites in India has started delving deeper into religious persecution of Hindus in South Asia. India Facts will be publishing monthly reports on human rights abuse of Hindus in Pakistan – the first has already appeared[25]. Swarajya Magazine has published substantive research enumerating the discriminatory laws in Pakistan[2] and the plight of minorities there [150]. Hindu American Foundations has published extensive documentations of religious persecution of Hindus all over the world [1]. The apathy of Indian media about Hindu victims of persecution has therefore not been induced by the lack of resources. To the best of my knowledge, there are only three books in English on the genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh [7], [26], [27] (only one of these is by an Indian); one on the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits (its written by a Kashmiri Pandit); none on that in Pakistan or elsewhere. This stands in stark contrast to the extensive research directed on the Jewish holocaust and Gujarat riots (to name a few, [37]-[43]). It is pertinent to note that journalist Swapan Dasgupta, who has reviewed the only book written on the genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh by an Indian author [26] has mentioned in a twitter conversation that there has been limited interest in even reviewing the book, notwithstanding its historical value. It is perhaps legitimate to ask of the Indian media and its civil rights activists why has the extent of their vigil not depended on the magnitude of a human tragedy rather than on the religion of the victims? Religious bias in media reporting? Rather than alleging Hindu phobia in Indian media, I would conclude by placing a few incontrovertible facts pertaining to the difference in the nature of the coverage based on the religion of the victims. 1.Indian media had extensively covered the murder of a Muslim techie by Hindu goons in Pune [47], but barely mentioned brutal killings of a RSS pracharak in Kerala [48] and a BJP secretary in Tamil Nadu [49] or the rape of a 9 year old Hindu girl by a Muslim [50]. Similarly, while Reuben Fernandez and Keenan Santosh were widely celebrated (as they should be) for sacrificing their lives to protect the dignity of their female friend, Shivsena leader Ramesh Jadav who was killed in an attempt to protect a woman from harassment barely received a mention [136]. 2.Indian media regularly champions the causes of under-trial Muslims at times accused of terror [71-74] and scrutinizes government and police actions to ensure that the interests of the accused are protected. Similar vigilance has however not been extended for a Hindu woman Sadhvi Pragya who was arrested for involvement in Malegaon blasts and incarcerated for five years without charges being filed[67-69]. ![]() No feminist or human rights group has come to her aid though she has alleged torture and harassment and has been denied bail despite her cancer diagnosis [69,70]. Similarly, army intelligence officer Lt. Col. Purohit has been incarcerated six years, again, without He has alleged brutal torture lasting for several days [76]. No investigative journalism has sought to verify the veracity of their claims. Worse, they have been branded terrorist and guilty even before a chargesheet was filed against them, and governments have been scrutinized to prevent any leniency for them. This is notwithstanding the fact that the previous home minister Mr. Shinde had asked all chief ministers to ensure that no Muslim be wrongfully held on charges of terror [75]. No media watchdog remembered that the emphasis on religion is inconsistent with the principle of secularism as has been classically defined. As practicing Hindus, neither Sadhvi Pragya nor Colonel Purohit can avail the Muslim specific leniency provisions that Mr. Shinde instructed the chief ministers to institute. 3. Media hardly uses the term Islamic terror or Muslim terror or green terror to describe islamic violence, but liberally utilized the saffron terror or Hindu terror coinages subsequent to the arrests of Sadhvi Pragya and Colonel Purohit. This is notwithstanding the fact that several Muslim extremist organizations have justified their terror acts by quoting verses verbatim from the Quran and the Hadith [107, 149]; whereas no Hindu has ever justified terrorism by quoting from Hindu texts. Verses in Quran do prescribe brutal punishments for infidels for no reason other than being infidels (eg, 8:12, 8:36, Chapter 5:33-34) 5-8 [111] citing [108-110] and enjoin Muslims to engage in jihad or religious wars (9:29) p, 9 in [114],[112-115] Ghastly crimes such as rapes are attributed to patriarchy in Hinduism and epics in particular, although Hindu epics have not glorified such crimes anywhere, and women had a pride of place in ancient Hindu society [116]. Islam is however not held guilty, and in fact actively absolved, when Muslim clerics instruct women who have been raped by their fathers in law to divorce their husbands and marry their rapists [117], or when the pro-vice chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University proposes institutional discrimination against women students (denies library access to undergraduate women so as not to distract male students) [118]. Multiple verses from Koran have in fact instructed women to be obedient to their husbands as the husbands hold gender-superiority and have prescribed physical violence for disciplining disobedient wives; wives are but "guilt" for the husbands (2:223, 4:34) (pp. 18-22, [111]). Large scale sexual abuses, including those of minors, in churches across the world including India are similarly never attributed to Christian teachings [119-121]. 4. Media highlights caste discrimination in contemporary Hindu society as it should; but observes silence, by and large, as to large scale caste and other discrimination based on birth among Indian Christians and Muslims. Dalit Christian activists (pp. 142-144, [124]) and Muslim scholars [125] have however testified to such malaise. Untouchability and segregation of graveyards are rampant among Christians; inter-marriage among different castes is rare too [126]. Muslims in South Asia have stratified themselves as Ashrafs and Ajlafs, where the former claims superior status based on foreign ancestry. In fact, discrimination based on birth appeared in Islam right after the death of its prophet – during the reign of Umayids (661-750 AD) non-Arab converts to Islam were referred to as Mawali. The term came to denote an unequal relationship during that period (pp. 24-25 ([114], [127]). They were excluded from the government, military, required Arab patrons and continued to pay discriminatory tax similar to Jaziah. In addition to this, both Quran and Bible mention and approve of slavery [128]. It is also worth noting that one of the most strident critics of the Hindu caste system, Dr. Ambedkar, has argued that the original caste (varna) system was not based on birth in Hinduism (p. 18, [129]), and untouchability emerged around 600 AD [130], that is, at least 2000 years after the Vedas were composed (p. 39, [124]). 5. Gujarat riots have been extensively reported on in the national media for a decade, while simultaneously implicitly justifying the carnage of Godhra Karsevaks that triggered the riots. The gruesome murder of Karsevaks was apparently justified as the outcome of a "provocation" – "that they were indulging in blatant and unlawful mobilization to build a temple and deliberately provoke Muslims in India" (Teesta Setalabad, Washington Post) [131]. ![]() In contrast to the reporting on Gujarat riots, religious violence Hindus have been subjected to in border districts of Bengal have been mostly ignored or barely received a mention in the national and Bengali media. Indian army had to be deployed to quell the arson and violence perpetrated by Muslim mobs against the local Hindu community in De Ganga [51]. Muslim mobs burnt down 200 Hindu homes in Canning police station area [52]. Islamic organizations conducted a rally in Kolkata in support of a vocal anti-India preacher, a rabid anti-Hindu who has organized pogroms against Hindus in Bangladesh [53]. Lakhs of extremist Muslims engaged in mass violence in the streets of Kolkata protesting the investigation of cross border terror [54]. Hindus have been denied cremation rights in currently Muslim majority Murshidabad [55]. ![]() A Hindu activist organization, Hindu Samhati, has been painstakingly documenting instances of religious persecution of young Hindu women in this region [56] – no main stream journalist has followed up or likely even verified their research (I had personally drawn the attention of several journalists towards their reports). During a recent membership drive for Hindu Samhati, its founder Tapan Ghosh was detained by West Bengal police without citing grounds for arrest. Social media protested against his civil rights violation by trending #FreeTapanDa which made it to the top trend for almost a day. Media organizations usually report on top trends – this incident remains one of the few eminent exceptions. Not only Bengal, as discussed later, national media has looked the other way on the persecution of Hindus in North East India too. 6.Demolition of Babri mosque occupied the center stage of political discourse in India and was widely reported in international media as well. Yet, damage inflicted on 208 out of existing 438 temples in Muslim majority Kashmir had hardly been reported [137]. In retaliation to Babri demolition, more than 75 historic temples were burnt down or damaged by Islamist mobs throughout Bangladesh (spanning over 30 districts) over two weeks, as per a report published by the Hindu, Buddhist, Christian unity council of Bangladesh (pp. 182-191, [138]). Similar violence was witnessed in Pakistan too [139], and Muslim immigrants from Bangladesh destroyed temples and killed Hindus in Assam [140]. None of these could perturb the public discourse in India. On a related note, media barely reported how Allahabad high court had discredited the testimonies of historians and archaeologists who appeared on behalf of Sunni Waqf board in the Babri court case [144]. ![]() 7. Usually victims of marital persecution are given a sympathetic hearing in Indian media; but national level shooter Tara Sahdeo was harshly grilled in several television channels when she alleged that her husband tortured her demanding that she converts to Islam [57]. In fact, most Hindu women who have alleged attempts to convert them in the guise of a relationship have been reviled in Indian media. Not surprising then that the call of Imam Bukhari of Jama Masjid urging Muslim youth to marry Hindu women for converting them has hardly been mentioned [58]. ![]() 8.Indian media was outraged when a Hindu activist, Dina Nath Batra, slapped a civil suit against Wendy Doniger's book on Hinduism and had the publisher withdraw all copies of the book. It is worth noting that Mr. Batra attained his end through constitutional means, and not by inciting public violence. Yet, the same media has remained largely silent when author Tasleema Nasreen who happened to offend Muslim fundamentalists through her criticisms of Islam was forced to move from Calcutta due to violent protests by Muslim mobs [60]. She has been subjected to physical violence for her views by MIM leaders, and the assault has been publicly defended by Akbaruddin Owaisi, the brother of the president of MIM [61]. TV serials and movies associated with author Tasleema Nasreen have routinely been banned in West Bengal even when they were unrelated to her views on Islam [62]. Indian media has failed to compellingly defend her freedom of expression in each of those instances. ![]() 9.Indian media has freely questioned whether Hindu avatars Rama and Krishna were historic figures [141], but never the authenticity of Jesus or Mohammad, though historians and professors of Muslim theology (who are also practicing Muslims) have questioned the existence of both [142, 143]. 10.There has been a furore in Indian media and in Parliament on one instance of conversion of Muslims and Christians to Hinduism. Neither has however agitated on predatory proselytizing and at times forcible conversions enabled by millions of dollars of foreign grants (missionary organizations pushed more than 250 million dollars to India in one year) [63]. English language media has condoned the state patronage extended to Christianity by CM YSR through its elegant silence [64]. Even worse, national media which highlights Hindu fringe on every conceivable opportunity has remained silent on a violent Christian fringe which has sought to forcibly convert Hindus to Christianity in the North East. Dayanath singh, Gujarat press club office secretary, has reported that in Bhuvan Pahar, one of the most holy places in Barak valley of Assam, a Christian militant organization, namely, Manmasi National Christian Army (MNCA), has been forcing at gun point the Hindu residents, including priests, to convert to Christianity [31]. Footages of blood stained crosses drawn on hindu Temples also exist. Tripura state government contends that the Baptist Church of Tripura supplies arms and gives financial support to the separatist group National Liberation Front of Tripura, NLFT[30], which has among its stated goals the conversion of all Hindu tribes in Tripura to Christianity [29]. NLFT has banned Hindu festivities like Durga Puja [28], killed over 20 Hindus from 1999 to 2001 for resisting forced conversion to Christianity[65], forcibly converted tribals using “rape as a means of intimidation’’[66], broken into a temple and gunned down a popular Hindu preacher known as Shanti Kali [29]. It is telling that my references for the terror allegedly fomented by the church in India’s North East have been BBC, and not Indian media reports. Similarly, unlike the murder of Graham Staines [134], the murder of Hindu missionary Swami Lakshmananda Saraswati (which instigated the Kandhamal riots) [132-133], likely committed by Christian militant groups, never made it to the front pages of news sites. It is perhaps not a coincidence then that the Archbishop of Delhi has described media as an indispensable component in the evangelizing mission of the church – the event was attended by dignitaries such as former election commissioner Naveen Chawla, journalists Anna Vetticad and Josy Joseph Rev Anil Couto [135]. Conclusion The religious bias in the coverage offered by India's fourth estate has severely dented its credibility. This is perhaps evident from the fact that the long form article that I wrote [145] has been widely read – the tweets plugging it have been retweeted several times [146, 147]. Many readers who I did not know before have shared their feedback in encouraging emails and have provided several pertinent incidents that I had missed; this feedback has motivated me to expand and complete the first article. The dent in the credibility of the fourth estate in any country bodes ill for the democracy therein as this organ of our polity is expected to serve as a watchdog of our society. It is therefore hoped that Indian media in particular, and Indian public discourse in general, would introspect so as to mitigate the case of bias against Hinduism that may well stand against them today. Principles apart, despite a decade long campaign against the current prime minister, media could not stop his ascent from the chief minister of a state to his current office. This certainly owes to his remarkable record of governance and his talent as a campaigner – but perhaps not only to those. Media could not stop PM Modi also because it had lost its credibility long back. This, if anything, ought to motivate Indian media to question its efficacy as an opinion builder. I rest my case for introspection in media. References available in the next page [1] [2] -republic-to-mullahs-dominion/ [3] [4] HRCP report March 11, 2012 -girls-on-rise-in-sindh-hrcp/article2984531.ece [5] Anwar Iqbal, April 08, 2014, [6] [7] R. Benkins "A Quiet Case of Ethnic Cleansing – The Murder of Bangladesh's Hindus", Akshaya Prakashan, New Delhi [8] -girls-too/ [9] -conversions-20120423 [10] -in-pakistan_b_1449374.html [11] -hindu-refugee-tells-haf-team [12] _1_indian-citizenship-long-term-visa-mha [13] -Bangla-non-Muslims/articleshow/39326264.cms [14] [15] -demands-end-religious-persecution-pakistan [16] -hill-haf-marks-11th-annual-dc-advocacy-days [17] [18] -fear-hate-attacks-during-durga-puja [19] -conversion-of-minor-girls [20] /195321/reftab/36/Default.aspx [21] -girls-rape-christian-killings-pakistan [22] [23] -women-choose-to-stay-with-husbands/article3328893.ece [24] /articleshow/15499590.cms [25] [26] Tathagata Roy A Suppressed Chapter in History: The Exodus of Hindus from East
(Earlier Edition: My people uprooted: A saga of the Hindus of eastern Bengal [27] Garry Bass The Blood Telegram [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] Muslim league attack – Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947 –published by Shiromani Gurudwara Parbandhak Committee, Amritsar, 1950 [33] -to-be-renamed-dsgmc-plea-turned-down [34] Karan Arakotaram The Rise of Kashmiriyat-People Building Studies -%20Kashmiriyat.pdf , Columbia Undergraduate Journal of South Asian Studies [35] Students Academy: Kashmir – A paradise on the Earth [36] Rahul Pandita, "Our Moon has Blood clots: The Exodus of Kashmiri Pandits", Vintage Books [37] Parvis Ghassem Fassandi Pogrom in Gujarat: Hindu Nationalism and Anti-Muslim Violence in India [38] Siddharth Varadarajan: Gujarat: The Making of a Tragedy [39] Dionne Bunsha Scarred: Experiments with Violence in Gujarat [40]Manoj Mitta The Fiction of Fact-finding: Modi and Godhra [41]Arundhuti Mitra Reading Photographs: A Study of the 2002 Gujarat Riots through Newspaper Photographs [42]Anuradha Gurnani Sexual violence as a weapon in Gujarat genocide.(riots in Gujarat, India, include the rape and murder of hundreds [43]Michael Mann The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing [44] -by-militants-since-1989/article734089.ece [45] _.281985.E2.80.931995.29 [46] [47] -to-death-in-pune-7-men-of-hindu-outfit-held/ [48] -thiruvanantapuram-kerala-rss-condemns-observes-hartal/ [49] -secretary-hacked-to-death/article4932511.ece [50] -Sandeshkhali/articleshow/44935342.cms [51] [52] [53] -tmc-left-silent/20130403.htm [54] -madrassas-as-terror-activities-hubs-Jamiat-Ulema-e-Hind [55] [56] -in.html [57] [58] -engage-in-love-jihad-in-response-to-forced-conversion/ [59] -will-attract-boys-VC/articleshow/45101345.cms [60] [61] [62] -stopped-after-muslims-groups-object/1/331909.html?source=homebhtc [63] -yields-c_b_817793.html [64] -in-andhra-pradesh/#.VJIkw3uObct [65] [66]Adam, de Cordier, Titeca, and Vlassenroot (2007). "In the Name of the Father? Christian Militantism in Tripura, Northern Uganda, and Ambon". Studies in Conflict and Terrorism [67] -terrorists-embarasses-bjp/article1-347669.aspx [68] -in-rss-worker-sunil-joshi-murder-case_955706.html [69] -Thakurs-condition-worsens/articleshow/29877655.cms [70] -to-sadhvi-pragya-in-malegaon-blast-case/article5871947.ece [71] -in-india-are-undertrials/article6545617.ece [72] -will-come-to-aid-of-Muslim-prisoners/articleshow/41830997.cms [73] -21-of-undertrials-but-only-17-75-of-convicts-ncrb-2/ [74] -about-muslims/46945-3.html [75] -wrongfully-held-on-terror-charge-Shinde-to-CMs/articleshow/23318993.cms [76] [77] [78] -india-this-is-the-best-model-of-refugee-welfare/20140212.htm [79] _jayadevan.shtml [80] [81] [82] -army-rubs-salt-in-wounds-of-war-tamil-women-say/2012/07/06 /gJQADaSiRW_story.html [83] _Address_Hindu_Congress_N_Amended.pdf [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [93] [94] [95] -hindu-politico-says-mosques-and-kovils-must-not-be-shifted/ [96] _220413 [97] -for-justice-and-peace-of-the-catholic-diocese-of-jaffna/ [98] -package-refugees-rider/ [99] [100] -sri-lanka/ [101] -sri-lankas-post-war-journey-through-the-changing-realities-of-trincomalee/ [102] stories/refugees/ [103] -store-mosque-targeted-in-sri-lanka/article6136979.ece/ [104] _templeattack.shtml [105] [106] _impr&id_article=30919 [107] /545399370938466304/photo/1 [108] N. J Dawood: The Koran, Penguin books [109] M.ohammed M. Pickthall: The Meaning of the glorious Koran, World Islamic Publications, Delhi [110] Ali A. Yusuf: The Holy Quran, American Trust Publications [111] A. Ghosh: The Koran and the Kafir (Islam and the Infidel) [112] [113] Suhas Majumdar: Jihad – the Islamic Doctrine of Permanent War, Voice of India, New Delhi [114] Harsh Narain: Jizyah And The Spread of Islam, Voice of India, New Delhi [115] -quran-ayatullah-murtadha-mutahhari/lecture-one-questions [116] -Indian-society.aspx [117] -2744169/Muzaffarnagar-woman-seeks-abortion-raped-gunpoint-father -law-clerics-order-treat-husband-son.html [118] -not-allowing-girls-into-the-library-says-more-boys-will-flock/512081-3-242.html [119] -of-sexual-abuse-within-the-church/1/151572.html [120] -held-for-sexual-abuse-of-minor/articleshow/5649321.cms [121] -Francis-admits-two-cent-Roman-Catholic-priests-paedophiles-interview -Italian-newspaper.html [122] -gaza-violence-562020 [123] -2694974/Congress-stalls-Parliament-Government-refuses-discuss-Gaza-violence.html [124] [125] Imtiaz Ahmed: Castes and Social Stratifications Among Muslims in India, Manohar Book Services [126] [127] Anwar Shaikh “Islam – Arab Imperialism’’ The Principality Publisher [128] [129] B R Ambedkar, Writings and Speeches, Vol 1 [130] B R Ambedkar: The Untouchables-Who were they and Why they became untouchables [131] [132] [133] -conversion-king/353136/2 [134] [135] _content&view=article&id=1434:india-national-seminar-envisioning -media-2025&catid=44:news-2014&Itemid=49ction between media and church [136] -boy-among-5-held-for-murder-of-shiv-sena-leader_1488426.html [137] -damaged-in-kashmir-in-last-two-decades–kashmir-govt/article1-939793.aspx [138] Sitaram Goel: Hindu Temples – What Happened To them, A preliminary survey, Voice of India [139] -verdict-plays-out-in-pakistan.htm [140] -aftermath-across-india/1/162906.html [141] -Ram-remains-a-myth/articleshow/2367074.cms [142] /18/did-historical-jesus-exist-the-traditional-evidence-doesnt-hold-up/ [143] [144] -verdict-discredited-eminent-historians-547549.html [145] -asia-and-a-conspiracy-of-silence/story/1/1149.html [146] [147] [148] [149] -terror-1461513 [150] -dangerous-for-religious-minorities/ $Poster |
World View: Nigeria's Boko Haram Terrorists Spread Into Cameroon ![]() ![]() As I've been reporting for the last few weeks, there is a large and growing war in the Mideast and South Asia of Muslims at war with Muslims. Where a few dozen Westerners may be killed in terror attacks each year, the Muslim versus Muslim war is killing tens of thousands of Muslims every year, mostly civilians. This Muslim versus Muslim war is almost invisible in the West, which focuses on the occasional terrorist acts. So today's news is about three countries participating in this huge Muslim versus Muslim war, and how the war is escalating in each of the three countries. The fight against Boko Haram in Nigeria is becoming more international, as troops from neighboring Chad entered Cameroon to fight Boko Haram there. Boko Haram terrorists kidnapped 80 people in northern Cameroon over the weekend, many of them children and young girls. Boko Haram gained international notice when they kidnapped hundreds of schoolgirls, aged 12-25, on April 16 last year, in order to sell them into sexual slavery or force them to marry its fighters. Last week, Boko Haram burned down the town of Baga in northeast Nigeria, and 15-20 other nearby villages, killing up to 2000 resident civilians. Cameroon's government has been fighting Boko Haram in northern Cameroon apparently more successfully than Nigeria has in their territory. It is widely believed that some of Nigeria's politicians and parts of Nigeria's army support Boko Haram. With a presidential election scheduled for next month on February 14, the country is almost paralyzed in confronting Boko Haram. Boko Haram's goal is to mimic the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (IS or ISIS or ISIL) in setting up an "Islamic State" in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad. There are reports that Boko Haram has been linking up with elements of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), making it a much more international terror group. The fear is that Boko Haram is going to gain so much power that it forces Nigeria's government to collapse completely. All Africa and CNN and Guardian (London) Major escalation in fighting in Yemen Iran-backed Shia al-Houthi militias surrounded the presidential palace in Sanaa, the capital city of Yemen, on Monday, clashing with Yemen's army. President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi does not actually live in the presidential palace, but it is believed that he’s hiding out there during the escalated fighting. This major escalation in the fighting is threatening the stability of Yemen, which is already one of the poorest countries in the world. If the Shia militias take full control of Sanaa, then there would be several consequences: The warlords of Sunni tribes have promised to take control of oil fields, essentially starving Sanaa of income; al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) will become more active; and southern tribes would call for the secession of South Yemen, which had only joined with North Yemen in the early 1990s. Another fear is that the war in Yemen will spiral into a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran has been providing military and financial aid to the al-Houthis, while the Saudis have refrained, so far, from getting involved. However, the Saudis have also made it clear that if the Shia al-Houthis gain control of Yemen, or if Yemen's government collapses, then Saudi Arabia will intervene. For all of these reasons, some analysts believe that the current al-Houthi military initiative is little more than political posturing, to gain political leverage as a new Yemen constitution is being considered. According to this view, the al-Houthis could have taken control of Sanaa several months ago, but did not do so because they do not want to be in control of the government. Governing costs a lot of money that they do not have, and they cannot count on money from Iran, which is having its own financial problems. Instead, the al-Houthis want to have a major minority position in whatever government evolves. Al-Jazeera and Reuters Israel on alert after Iran confirms its general was killed by Israel Israel's armed force have gone on alert after Iran confirmed on Monday that Sunday's Israeli air strike that killed Hezbollah commanders also killed Gen. Mohammad Ali Allahdadi of Iran's elite Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), as well as five more Iranians. As we reported yesterday, the air strike on the convoy was a heavy blow to Hezbollah because it killed two of Hezbollah's top commanders. But now it turns out that was also a heavy blow to Iran's IRGC, which means that Israel's air strike was a strike at all three: Hezbollah, Iran and Syria. Iran does not like to admit that it has IRGC forces in other countries. According to some analysts, the IRGC has about 150,000 fighters in its al-Quds paramilitary force, and also has a navy and air force. Its primary mission is to foment terrorism in other countries, but its forces are currently fighting in Iraq and Syria. At this point, it is not a question of whether, but only a question of how and when Hezbollah, Iran and Syria will strike back. Hezbollah claims that it has 60-100,000 rockets that it could use to strike anywhere in Israel. Iran might also strike at Jewish targets in other countries, as it has in the past struck at Jewish targets in Bulgaria and Argentina. Or Hezbollah may abduct Israeli soldiers near the border with Lebanon — a move like this triggered the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah. Everyone "knows" that a war between Israel and Hezbollah is coming. Hezbollah is so tied down in Syria that it may not want to risk a full-scale war at this time, and so may decide to strike back only symbolically. However, even a symbolic strike could cause the situation to deteriorate quickly, and Israel and Hezbollah may find themselves in a war earlier than either of them expected. McClatchyand YNet ISLAMIC STATE INFILTRATING SINAI. EGYPT CATCHES ISLAMIC STATE INFILTRATING SINAI. Worries it could be next on jihadist group's hit list The article below was written by Aaron Klein who is a weekend radio talk show host, author, and Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter for Breitbart News Network and weekly columnist for the The Jewish Press. ![]() Egypt in recent weeks arrested dozens of foreign jihadists in the Sinai Peninsula, stoking fears Islamic State militants are seeking to open a new front in the land of Moses, an Egyptian security official told KleinOnline. The official said the Egyptian military brass were alarmed by the number of foreign jihadists who had infiltrated the Sinai, with those jihadists arrested in recent raids originating from such countries as Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond. The first raids took place earlier this month. More were reported arrested in Egyptian military raids of the Sinai last Wednesday and Thursday. A statement from the Egyptian military spokesperson's office reported 297 were arrested during last week's raids, including illegal immigrants, criminal and terrorist suspects and one jihadist described by the military as "extremely dangerous." That terrorist was named as Tawfik Awad Soliman from the State of Sinai terror group. The State of Sinai was formerly known as Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, an al-Qaida inspired group that changed its name earlier this year when it pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and announced its intention to expand Islamic State-governed Sharia law to the Sinai. Two more State of Sinai militants were reportedly killed on Friday in the Gesr Al-Seweis area of East Cairo, according to an Egyptian Ministry of Interior statement. This past February, KleinOnline first reported that thousands of foreign jihadists were attempting to infiltrate Egypt, stoking fears of a coming destabilization campaign akin to the insurgency in Syria, according to informed Middle Eastern security officials. The officials warned at the time of a troubling development taking place among the al-Qaida-linked organizations already inside Egypt. They said there is information the militant groups are forming a de facto chain of command, with alarming coordination between the various jihadist factions embedded around the country. The terrorist infrastructure is being set up beyond the Islamist stronghold of the Sinai Peninsula. The officials said al-Qaida-linked groups in Egypt have been forming divisions replete with leadership and assignments to specific territories, including in the Sinai, Suez regions, outside Cairo and along the Delta. Some Internet al-Qaida forums have even been discussing the possibility of declaring the Sinai an official Islamic emirate. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
[Extracted from Chapter 1 of my book Beyond the Secular Mind (Greenwood Press, 1989)] |
Mankind is tottering on an abyss. Violence punctuates daily existence in a world increasingly portrayed as meaningless. We are strangers, not only to each other but to ourselves. The "crisis of identity" has become a cliche. Familial and national ties have been eroded: we are homeless cosmopolitans. [Recall Barack Obama boasting in 2008 that he was a cosmopolitan!] Not knowing who or what we are, we lack the hauteur and confidence of cosmopolitans of the past. They believed in Universal Man, in man sub specie aeternitatis; we believe in nothing. Our humanism is hollow; we cannot even take our own humanity seriously. Nihilism and relativism have rendered the distinction between man and beast problematic in theory and hardly discernible in practice. What indeed is noble about man that anyone should boast of being a "humanist"? When man becomes problematic, it is a sign of civilizational decay, but also of the possibility of renewal. Such was the case some twenty-four hundred years ago when Greek sophists like Protagoras exulted in teaching youth that "man is the measure of all things." This unheard of and skeptical doctrine – the dogma of today's universities – signifies that all ideas concerning the True, the Good, and the Beautiful are human creations, hence relative to time and place. Socrates saw that this secularism cum relativism, which was then spreading throughout the Mediterranean world, would eventually destroy the Olympian gods and was even then undermining public morality in Athens, the "open society" of the Hellenic Age. Various sophists, the Greek counterparts of todays "value-free" social scientists, were broadcasting the death of Zeus, the pagan god of justice. Without Zeus, what would hold society together? Without the traditional understanding of right and wrong, men would devour each other like animals. Socrates' task, completed by Plato and Aristotle, was to substitute a restrained skepticism for the sophists' unrestrained skepticism, lest men revert to beasts. Their world-historical function was to construct a philosophy of man and the universe that would replace the no longer credible mythology of the Homeric world. Accordingly, and as dramatized in The Republic (when the god-fearing Cephalus leaves the dialogue), philosophy replaces religion – the philosopher – replaces Zeus. No longer are the gods to rule mankind, but reason, unaided human reason, would henceforth determine how man should live. Of course, neither Plato nor Aristotle was so naive as to expect the generality of mankind to defer to the rule of philosophers. Apart from other considerations, philosophers are not only as quarrelsome as the offspring of Zeus and Hera, but, unlike the Olympians, they are mortal: here today, gone tomorrow. Something impersonal as well as immutable and eternal was therefore needed to command the obedience of man. What else could this be but Nature – nature divested of Homeric Deities. Neither the gods nor man but all-encompassing Nature was to be the measure of all things. And this Nature, far from being arbitrary and mysterious, was fully accessible to the human mind. The magnitude of Aristotle's program has not been surpassed in the history of philosophy. He merely set out to comprehend the totality of existence, to reduce heaven and earth and all between to an organized system of theoretical, practical, and productive sciences. To borrow the terminology of Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik [Halakhic Man, 1983]: "Aristotle would tolerate no randomness or particularity, no mystery to obscure the fleeting events of existence. Everything had to be fixed, clear, necessary, ordered." Nothing was beyond the grasp of the human mind because Nature or the Cosmos was an intelligent and therefore intelligible whole. With Greek philosophy a new type of man appeared in the forefront of world history, Cognitive Man. Cognitive Man is a secularist who deifies the intellect. He is therefore to be distinguished from his secular rivals, Volitional Man and Sensual Man. Whereas Cognitive Man seeks to understand the world, Volitional Man wishes to change or conquer the world, while Sensual Man wants to enjoy it. It is only with the ascendancy of Volitional Man, portrayed by Machiavelli in The Prince, that secularism comes into its own as the regnant force of history. [This is where we are today, even in Israel, waiting for her spiritual redemption, while Secular Man is at the helm.] Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. |
THEIR REAL TARGETPosted by Stembridge, January 20, 2015 |
The story behind the terrorist attack on the kosher supermarket. The terrorist and his wife were on their way to make a most terrible terrorist attack at the local Chabad school which is one of the biggest in France. During their drive there, they had an accident and so it drew attention to the police in the area. They panicked and shot the policewoman that approached their car to investigate the seemingly minor traffic accident. This accident saved the life of tens or even hundreds of Jewish children at that school. The car was later found abandoned with weapons as the y could not carry so many weapons on foot. Police also found a note with the address of the Chabad school in the car, so the target was very clear. They then realized that their plans had gone wrong and decided to separate. The terrorist then decided to attack another Jewish target and went for the only other Jewish place he knew, the kosher supermarket The terrorist was then dropped off by his wife at the kosher supermarket and she then drove to the airport to slip out of France. She caught a flight to Turkey and then went onto Syria, where she is believed to be now, and has joined up with the ISIS terrorist organization that she and her husband are members of and had undergone extensive training with the group. We know the tragic circumstances that it ended in, for four Jewish hostages in the kosher market. But this could have gone down as one of the worst Muslim terrorist attacks on our innocent Jewish children. Look what could have been, without that little simply stupid car accident that saved the children's lives. To have a target of innocent children, must tell us great things as to what these Islamic terrorists hold by in terms of humanity. This whole story is so bizzare that it's beyond the imagination of any normal human being. The amount of arms and ammunition found astounded the police that found it. It was supposed to be a very high toll on our Jewish community. Which explains why President Hollande sent French troops to all Jewish schools in France. "U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said investigators don't have "any credible information" to determine which group was responsible for the attacks." Contact Stembridge at |
FRONTLINE DEFENSE: JANUARY 20TH EDITIONPosted by Jewish Policy Center, January 20, 2015 |
This article below was published by the Jewish Policy
Center on January 20, 2015 and is archived at
One hundred Fijian troops are preparing to redeploy from the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights to the UNIFIL peacekeeping mission in Lebanon. The UN will make a final determination where to station the soldiers next month. Gaza
![]() Hamas's security forces moved their own checkpoint leading to the the Israeli-held Erez crossing closer to the border, displacing PA security forces running the official crossing. Israel subsequently closed the checkpoint with Gaza on January 8th. Trade at crossing remains significantly curtailed as Hamas and the PA vie for influence over the post. A Hamas Minister also accused President Abbas of obstructing reconstruction saying it could lead to a "popular explosion," while another official threatened to withdraw from the agreement. Hamas shows no signs of relinquishing control over Gaza as it agreed too. During a candid interview with al-Monitor, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon stated that PA President Mahmoud Abbas has no control over Gaza and that he "barely controls" the West Bank city of Jenin. An Israeli court sentenced two sisters of Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader in Gaza, for illegally entering the coastal enclave. Sabah Haniyeh, 48, and Leila Abu Rkaik, 65, who both hold Israeli citizenship, will pay $5,000 in fines and spend up to eight months in prison for not obtaining a visiting permit in 2013. The U.S. State Department voiced concern over Turkey's harboring of terrorists after Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu's said Hamas's political leader, Khaled Mashaal, is "welcome in Turkey." West Bank
![]() An Israeli court convicted two Hamas members of plotting to attack a shopping center during the 2013 Jewish High Holidays. Ahmad Rishak, 23, and Ismail Abu Mfalfal, 27 both from the West Bank, had planned to fill a bomb with ball bearings to cause maximum destruction. Sinai
An army officer died while attempting to defuse a roadside bomb near al-Arish on January 15th, the second such death this year. Meanwhile another IED injured four soldiers outside Sheikh Zuweid on January 19th. The Egyptian Army started the second phase of its operation to expand a buffer zone between Gaza and Sinai. Authorities began evicting residents from 1,220 homes within 1km from the border. Security forces destroyed a tunnel approximately 1,200 meters long that was filled with mortar shells and other explosives. According to Palestinian press reports, the expansion of the buffer zone has severly restricted Hamas' s ability to rearm. Hamas's income has fallen precipitously as well, declining as much as $500 million – or half its stated budget – since Egypt began destroying the smuggling tunnels. Contact Jewish Policy Center at |
![]() The cover is shocking, gruesome, and bold. It features the face of a woman encased in plastic, being smothered to death. A video shows the plastic wrapping being ripped open, "signifying the release of women from violence." Cosmopolitan magazine in the UK has released a mock-up cover of their February issue online, designed by artist Leo Burnett as part of a campaign to raise awareness about honor killings. The cover is that of a 17-year-old British-Pakistani girl, Shafilea Ahmed, who was suffocated to death by her parents in 2003 for the crime of refusing an arranged marriage. Cosmo has joined Karma Nirvana and the Henry Jackson Society in organizing an "inaugural Day of Memory for Britain's Lost Women, which will take place July 14—the day of Shafilea Ahmed's birthday." Will mainstreaming a critique of honor killing reach those most likely to perpetrate so dishonorable a crime? Are this cover and the planned campaign proof that some Europeans are ready to relinquish the failed doctrine of multi-cultural relativism, appeasement, and the "soft" double standard of racism? Is the British legal system finally ready to do whatever it takes to abolish barbaric cultural practices? What happened to Shafilea? Shafilea Ahmed was a young British-Pakistani girl whose only crime was that of becoming too "Western." Her parents allegedly sedated her without her knowledge and packed her off to Pakistan to meet her much older cousin to whom she had been promised in marriage. Shafilea responded by drinking bleach in a failed suicide attempt. She refused the marriage. Her mother, Farzana, was furious that she had "made a scene." From her parents' point of view, Shafilea's body, her virginity and fertility, were resources that belonged to her family, not to Shafilea herself. Shafilea had shamed the family. Her younger siblings would not be able to find spouses. This may sound "crazy" to a Westerner, but is totally understandable and acceptable to tribal people. A daughter who is slightly disobedient, not to mention disobedient in a significant way (such as refusing an arranged marriage), has shamed her family. This amounts to a capital offense. This is true among Muslims globally, Hindus in India, Sikhs, and Yazidis. Hindus in India honor kill when young lovers marry someone of the "wrong" caste and/or someone of their own choosing. Muslims honor kill for a wide variety of reasons, which range from refusing to veil, desiring an advanced education, dressing in a Western fashion, having non-Muslim friends, a non-Muslim boyfriend, refusing an arranged marriage, wanting to divorce a violent husband, etc. Shafilea endured years of being beaten and threatened, sometimes almost daily; she was sometimes isolated and starved. Shafilea tried to get help. In her own words, found in an application for housing help, she wrote: "Regular incidents... One parent would hold me while the other hit me." At the time, in multi-culturally correct Britain, there was no "help" for her. According to an editorial at the Guardian, "Her school, the police, and the social services in Warrington were all aware that there were difficulties in the family. She was 11 when she ran away for the first time." When the beatings and abuse failed, Shafilea's family felt they had to kill her because, clearly, they had failed to control her. Thus, her father, Iftikhar, a 42-year-old a taxi-driver, and her mother, Farzana, a 40-year-old housewife, murdered her in cold blood by smothering her in plastic. They forced all their children to witness the murder—and threatened to kill them if they ever told anyone. The police found Shafilea's body in the River Kent, in Cumbria, but they had no witnesses. According to the Telegraph:
Please understand: The family silence is Mafia-like and usually unbreakable. According to the Daily Mail, authorities knew that there was a suitcase packed in the Ahmed hallway which contained "gold bars and the children's passports...just in case [they] had to leave the country at the drop of a hat." "In Shafilea's case, intermittent attempts were made to offer her support, but they were repeatedly compromised by basic mistakes. Her friends and tutors knew of her father's violent temper yet interviews were conducted while he remained in the same room. To avoid answering difficult questions the Ahmed parents claimed they were victims of racism." The break came when Alesha came forward and when Chief Crown Prosecutor Nazir Afzal took matters into his capable hands. Some people believe that honor killings are primarily carried out by male relatives. This is not true. Women are perpetrators and collaborators, accomplices and instigators. (I am working on a study about this.) Like men, women have also internalized the honor codes and a mother is even more responsible for a daughter’s perceived insubordination than a father is. Farzana was an active perpetrator both in the murder and the disposal of her daughter's body. Alesha told the Daily Mail that "their mother began the attack with the words 'Just finish it here,' before her father stuffed a plastic bag in Shafilea's mouth, holding it there until she stopped breathing." When I asked CCP Afzal what Farzana was like, he said this: "She was extremely strong, very charismatic, an established community leader, with a manipulative personality. As an uneducated woman in an arranged marriage, Farzana probably viewed her lifestyle as the only possible option for her daughters." This was true for millennia in Pakistan and is still true today in non-assimilated Muslim enclaves in the West. According to Afzal, "Alesha arranged to have her own home burgled to get back at mom and dad. We arrested her. Once in police custody, she said that the reason she did this is because '[her] mom and dad killed [her] older sister in front of me. [Her] mum said '[She will] be next.'" According to the Telegraph, Alesha's testimony "threw the killers' carefully-constructed defence into disarray." In 2012, Farzana and Iftikhar were both convicted and jailed for life. Britain may be the first European country to have created a special Honor Crimes division with the power to locate and return British-south Asian girls whose parents have tricked or forced them into a marriage in Pakistan. This is a tragic story about a girl who was betrayed by her family and cultural customs, who tried to save her own life, but was betrayed again by a British system that did not help her do so. However, Alesha became a hero when she decided to save her own life and bravely spoke out. CCP Afzal made sure this case was properly handled. Afzal has handled a number of honor killing prosecutions. Please note that both heroes are Muslims. How does the West change barbaric tribal customs? Is it even possible? Do we rescue those who wish to live assimilated Western lives—and deport everyone else? Who will become "family" to the heroic girls who resist being honor killed and who turn their own parents in? Who is talking to Alesha today? At a policy level, Western leaders must stop talking to the Muslim Islamist street and immediately turn to anti-Islamist and anti-tribal Muslims who understand the bloody nature of honor codes and who treasure Western law and Enlightenment ideals. Phyllis Chesler is an American writer,
psychotherapist, and professor emerita of psychology and
women's studies at the College of Staten Island. Contact
Phyllis Chesler at This article
appeared January 20, 2015 and is archived at
NO GUNPOWDER FOUND ON NISMAN'S HANDSPosted by Algemeiner, January 20, 2015 |
The article below was written by Ben Cohen is a American businessman, activist and philanthropist. He is a co-founder of the ice cream company Ben & Jerry's. This article appeared January 20, 2015 on the Algemeiner |
![]() The Argentine official in charge of the investigation into the death in suspicious circumstances of State Prosecutor Alberto Nisman has cast fresh doubt on the government's claim that suicide was the cause. At the same time, President Cristina "Fernandez de Kirchner insinuated that a conspiracy lay behind the tragedy, rooted in a visit which Nisman made to Europe earlier this month. Viviana Fein, the prosecutor running the inquiry into Nisman's death, was speaking after an electronic scan was performed on Nisman's hands to determine whether they carried traces of gunpowder. Nisman was found yesterday in the bathroom of his Buenos Aires apartment lying in a pool of blood, with a .22 caliber pistol by his side. The scan was "unfortunately negative," Fein said during an interview with a local radio station. Some observers immediately rounded on Fein's use of the word "unfortunately" as inadvertently revealing the government's determination to prove that Nisman – who was investigating the bombing of the AMIA Jewish center in 1994, in which 85 people were murdered, and who had just produced a 300 page report accusing President Fernandez de Kirchner, Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman, and other officials of covering up the involvement of Iran and its Hezbollah operatives in the attack – died by his own hand. Fein also claimed that while traces of gunpowder were absent from Nisman's body, there was no evidence of another person having been present at the scene. "We must await the results of the blood we found on the weapon and in the apartment, all that is compared directly with the DNA," she said. The findings disclosed by Fein today coincide with another revelation certain to damage the suicide theory. Jorge Kirzenbaum, the former head of the Argentinian Jewish communal organization DAIA, said he had spoken to a member of the Nisman family who had visited the scene of the tragedy. According to Kirzenbaum, the relative reported seeing a note that Nisman had left for his housekeeper asking her to buy food and other household items on Monday – the day that Nisman's body was discovered, and the day he was due to appear before a parliamentary committee to outline his latest allegations. This was further proof that Nisman "had no intention of committing suicide," Kirzenbaum said. Anabal Fernandez, the secretary-general of the presidency, continued to claim that Nisman's death was a suicide, adding that this hypothesis had been proven "scientifically." His boss, President Fernandez de Kirchner, issued a lengthy and rambling statement in which she implied that larger, hidden forces were at work. She said that Nisman had traveled to Paris for a family vacation around the same time as the terrorist attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and had unexpectedly returned to Buenos Aires the day after world leaders gathered for a unity rally in the French capital. (In Argentina, January and the early part of February are official judicial vacation periods.) The president then outlined what she described as a number of outstanding questions. "Why did [Nisman] return unexpectedly early from his vacation on January 12, leaving his daughter at Barajas airport [in Madrid?]" she asked. "Who could believe that anybody would go on vacation before submitting a 350 page report making grave allegations against the president and against a foreign minister [Timerman] who is Jewish and professes the Jewish faith?" "Could it be that someone else prepared the complaint for him and gave it to him when he came back, which in one of those rare coincidences was the day after the march in France against terrorism?" she asked. "Is it a coincidence that on January 12, the day the prosecutor unexpectedly returned to the country, the newspaper Claran carried a headline, 'More than 4 million march against terror in France?'" Eamonn MacDonagh, a writer and political analyst based in Buenos Aires, told The Algemeiner that President Fernandez de Kirchner's remarks reflected the belief of her political allies that Nisman's work was being directed from abroad. "This is a widely held view by followers of the government; that Nisman was working for the Mossad, or the CIA, or some combination of foreign intelligence services," MacDonagh said. "She's basically saying that Nisman returned from Paris on the orders of his superiors, whom she doesn’t explicitly name, but we can all guess whom she's referring to." Last night, thousands of protestors gathered in Buenos Aires and other cities to protest Nisman's death and challenge government claims of a suicide. Many of them carried signs declaring "Yo Soy Nisman" ("I am Nisman,") a deliberate reference to the "Je Suis Charlie" ("I am Charlie") slogan used to declare solidarity with Charlie Hebdo following the attack in Paris. Contact Algemeiner at |
ISIS CELL BUSTED IN ISRAELPosted by Unity Coalition for Israel, January 20, 2015 |
The article below was written by Uzi Baruch and Tova
Dvorin. Baruch is a writer and Editor-in-Chief at Arutz
Sheva. Dvorin is a news correspondent for Israel National News
Arutz Sheva. This article appeared January 18, 2015 on Arutz
Sheva and is archived at
![]() The Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) has arrested seven Israeli Arabs, residents of the Galilee, for setting up an official Islamic State (ISIS) affiliate branch in Israel, it was cleared for publication Sunday. The Shin Bet said that the seven admitted that over the last year they had formed a Salafi jihadi group, which they later aligned with ISIS. One of them also admitted to purchasing weapons to commit terror attacks on Israelis, specifically against the security establishment and the Druze community, in ISIS's name. Several more Galilee residents were arrested in this context. The seven have now been named as:
All seven met with a senior Sheikh running anti-Israel terror groups in the north, who was not named in the report; the Sheikh encouraged them to form the jihadist group and carry out terror attacks. Meeting the group held included preparations to join ISIS in Syria, tutorials on how to make Molotov cocktails, and animal slaughter as "training" to slaughter "infidels" in jihadist attacks. In addition, the group was in touch with ISIS terrorists via social media, including with other Israeli Arabs who have left for Syria to join the group. In October, sources revealed that no fewer than 30 Arab citizens of Israel have joined ISIS; there is a move in the Knesset to revoke their citizenship. Al-A-Din presented himself as an "ISIS representative in Palestine," according to the ISA, and operated as the ringleader of the group. Al-A-Din preached terror attacks against Jews specifically and ran much of the activities during meetings. Karim Abu Salah actually attempted to leave for Syria in July 2014 to join the jihad forces fighting there, but was turned away at the last minute by security forces after intelligence came in on his intentions, the ISA further revealed. Abu Salah then turned to Al-A-Din to make contact with ISIS in Syria and raise money for his departure. An indictment has been filed against all seven in the Haifa District Court, on suspicion of membership and activity in an unlawful association, supporting a terrorist organization and attempted contact with a foreign agent. An additional man, Omar Musa Khalil Abu Kush, born in 1986, was also arrested in connection to the case. Abu Kush recently completed his medical studies at the University of Jordan Science and Technology (JUST). Abu Kush was arrested in November for attempting to join the Galilee cell; he admitted under interrogation that he supported ISIS and met with members of the organization in Jordan to discuss going to fight there. The indictment follows news earlier this month that an ISIS-inspired terror cell was broken up by the IDF in Hevron. Contact Unity Coalition for Israel at |
JIHAD MUGHNIYEH: 'THE PRINCE OF HEZBOLLAH'Posted by Winston Israel News, January 20, 2015 |
The article below was written by Daniel Siryoti who
is a reporter for Israel Hayom. This article appeared January
19, 2015 on Israel Hayom website and is archived at
Jihad Mughniyeh, son of late Hezbollah operations chief Imad Mughniyeh, was reportedly assassinated in an Israeli strike on Sunday. Jihad was being groomed for Hezbollah leadership and was nicknamed "the Prince" of the terrorist group. ![]() The apple doesn't fall far from the tree: Jihad Mughniyeh was a teenager when his father, the late Hezbollah operations chief Imad Mughniyeh, was assassinated in Damascus in February of 2008. This past October, Jihad was appointed Hezbollah's military commander of the Syrian Golan. On Sunday, he was reportedly assassinated in an Israeli strike. Jihad's father was responsible for orchestrating Hezbollah's military strategy during the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Even before his father's death, Jihad was being groomed to become a leader in the terrorist organization. He was nicknamed "the Prince" and was Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah's protege. The group's intention of priming him for leadership became clear with his October appointment to military commander, despite his age and lack of experience. Chief of Hezbollah operations in Syria Mohammed Issa was chosen to be Jihad's mentor. Issa, also killed in Sunday's strike, was one of the founders of Hezbollah's military wing. He in effect took over the position as mentor from the elder Mughniyeh's brother-in-law Mustafa Badr al-Din, who went on to become Hezbollah's military leader when Mughniyeh was assassinated. When Bader al-Din was declared wanted by the Special Tribune for Lebanon for the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, he was forced to go into hiding, and was no longer able to take "the Prince" under his wing. According to Lebanese reports, the people killed in Sunday's strike included Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Abu Ali al-Tabtabani, who was serving as an advisor to Hezbollah in the Syrian Golan and was Jihad's right-hand man. The reports say al-Tabtabani and Issa had arrived in the Syrian Golan from a Syrian base used by Hezbollah and Revolutionary Guard officials to be briefed by Jihad about preliminary plans to attack Israel in the Golan Heights region. Contact Winston Israel News at |
JIHAD MUGHNIYEH: 'THE PRINCE OF HEZBOLLAH'Posted by Morey Schapira, January 21, 2015 |
The article below was written by Guy Milliere who is senior fellow of the Gatestone Institute, is also a Professor at the University of Paris. He has published 27 books on France, Europe, the United States and the Middle East. He is the authors of thousands of articles published in France, Israel and the United States. His last book, The Resistible Rise of Barack Obama, is an analysis of the policies and consequences of the Obama administration. This article appeared January 19, 2015 on Gatestone Institute International Policy Council and is archived at |
The French demonstration of "unity" on Sunday, January 11, may have attracted nearly four million marchers and shown a facade of unity, but behind this facade, rising tensions are approaching the breaking point.[1] Government members immediately called for fighting "terrorism" and for "national unity." Mainstream media called for defending "free speech." Signs saying "I am Charlie" ["Je Suis Charlie"] began to appear the next day and quickly multiplied. TV channels showed the sign on their screens. Newspapers and magazines put it on their front page. After the terrorist attack against the kosher supermarket, signs saying "I am a Jew" appeared, too, but were much less numerous. Although six Jews were among the seventeen victims, the anti-Semitic dimension of the attacks was barely spoken about. And although it was obvious that the attacks were committed by Islamist jihadists, the words "Islam" and "jihadists" were not mentioned. In a solemn statement on television, on January 9, President François Hollande insisted, against all evidence, "Those who committed these acts have nothing to do with Islam." The calls for "national unity" and the defense of "free speech" led to the organization of a huge demonstration, on Sunday, January 11. Hollande called on the leaders of all political parties to join; they agreed. He called on world leaders to come to Paris; leaders and representatives from forty countries came. He requested the support of all the media; he got it. He requested the support of the entire population, and millions of people responded to his call. ![]() Contact Morey Schapira at |
ISRAEL AND THE NATIONSPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 21, 2015 |
After all the conventional explanations have been set forth, it remains puzzling that the world should be preoccupied with the minuscule state of Israel when every sensible person is aware of the enormous dangers confronting mankind as a whole. When we consider the menace of nuclear terrorism, the accessibility of genetic weapons of mass destruction, the danger of famine magnified by the population explosion and the depletion of the biosphere, is it not bizarre that a handful of Jews should be so situated on planet earth as to distract and distress the capitals of East and West? How they arouse the hostility and hypocrisy of regimes, democracies as well as tyrannies, that traffic in the currency of death. Notice, however, the prophetic return of so many Jews from every quarter of the globe to the land of their fathers. They speak a hundred tongues and evince the customs of a hundred nations. What a vast accumulation of diverse knowledge, talent and experience! Imagine the benefit to humanity if this multifaceted wisdom were used by Israel to convey a verifiable theory of man and history, one that would bring into mutual enrichment mankind's cultural diversity. Israel would first have to shatter the idols of the modern age. There is precedence for such iconoclasm in Israel's past. There was a time when Israel was regarded as a "nation of philosophers." So thought Theophrastus, Aristotle's student and successor at the Lyceum. Indeed, Numenius of Syria, a gentile philosopher of the second century and a forerunner of the neo-Platonic school, regarded Moses as the first and greatest of the philosophers. What made the Jews philosophers par excellence is that they regarded every aspect of existence as part of an integrated whole. Where others saw chance, they saw God incognito. Where others saw blind fate they saw providence. For God is not only the God of nature but the God of history. Hence history has to be rational and purposeful. Moreover, and as may be seen in their Prophets and prayer books, the Jews blame themselves for their own sufferings and humiliation. This simple fact signifies that the Judaic conception of man and history is utterly foreign to the modes of thought that dominate contemporary education. In opposition to legions of academics, the Jew maintains that it is neither sociological nor economic determinism, neither unconscious forces nor accidents of history, so much as his own folly and misdeeds which are primarily responsible for whatever tragedies have befallen him or his people. This Judaic sense of personal responsibility stands in striking contrast to Greek and Islamic fatalism. Traditional Jews regard even the cruelest injustices perpetrated against them as chastisements intended by a just and benevolent God to stimulate self-criticism, indeed, to prompt them to strive for human perfection and thus to become a blessing for mankind. From this it should follow that the more Israel imitates and seeks the approval of the nations, the more it will be humiliated and condemned by the nations. For the malice of the nations prevents Jews from forgetting they are Jews, which prevents Israel from becoming a conventional state--contrary to the intentions of her leaders. "That which comes into your mind shall not be at all; in that you say, We shall be as the nations ..." (Ezek. 20:32). To be a blessing to mankind Israel would have to transcend democracy, the religion of our times. The unrestrained pluralism of this secular religion is reminiscent of the decayed polytheism of Greco-Roman antiquity. Rome, a nation that proclaimed human values, justice, and responsible government, was actually driven by a lust for wealth, power, and glory. Notice, however, that while Roman arms conquered Greece, Greek philosophy--skepticism--conquered the Roman mind and stripped away the veneer of Roman virtue, originally nurtured by a fantastic but heroic religion. What rescued that multicultural superpower from sheer barbarism was not Athens, the birthplace of democracy, but Jerusalem, the home of ethical monotheism from which alone one can derive the idea of the human community. "This idea,| writes Isaac Breuer, "is one of the most beautiful pearls in the treasure of Jewish doctrine; ... it is that Jewish idea which first set out on its triumphal procession from the Jewish camp into the whole world; is the first message of salvation which Israel brought to a society of states which knew only force and the misuse of power. "God created man in His own image, in the likeness of God He created him." Here we have the lapidary sentence from Holy Writ which proclaims through all ages the inalienable, godlike nobility of man per se." In that lapidary sentence was proclaimed the rational concept of man and the moral unity of the human race. It needs to be emphasized that the idea of the human community was unknown to the whole of antiquity. The noblest and most sensitive moral philosophers of Greece only dared hint at it and shied away in awe before its consequences which spelt the destruction of the whole structure of classical antiquity. It appears quietly and shyly in Roman law, too, and the great legal minds provided it with a sparse home in the so-called natural law ... It was reserved for Judaism to bring it to validity with full lucidity at the end of antiquity. It was the idea of the human community whose consoling beam and strengthening balsam ... drove all the miserable and burdened, the pursued and the enslaved among the heathens, as well as the great and distinguished for whom Greek skepticism embittered of all joy of being, into the arms of Judaism. It was the idea of the human community whose banner Christianity borrowed from Judaism and under whose standard the ingenious propaganda of a Paul made the [Roman] world subservient to itself." Is there no "Rome" today? America conquered Germany in the First World War, but German sociology-cum-relativism conquered the American mind, gradually eroding moral and religious constraints. Long before ethnic conflict erupted in the former Soviet Empire, the academic doctrine of cultural relativism was providing justification for ethnic and moral anarchy. Never was this explosive world in such dire need of a nation whose way of life prompts others to give more than lip service to the idea of the human community or to the moral unity of the human race. Western civilization was based on this idea. Its rejection--and not only in Germany--culminated in the Nazi Holocaust. Thus, even if men as diverse as Kierkegaard, Flaubert, Nietzsche, Spengler, and Sorokin had never written a word about the decline of the West, the Holocaust alone would have convinced the unprejudiced mind that Western civilization had reached its nadir. From the ashes of the Holocaust, however, Israel was reborn. To be sure, Israel is still in swaddling clothes. As elsewhere, the Jews who have returned to the land of their Patriarchs are confused and fragmented. Whatever knowledge they accumulated during their exile among the nations, their mentality--even of orthodox Jews--has been influenced by limited ideas or non-Jewish concepts regarding the universe and man. The Jews have yet to come into their own. They have yet to become a "nation of philosophers." If the appellation "philosophers" seems strange to describe Jews who, in the time of Theophrastus, were immersed in the study of that sacred scroll called the Torah, perhaps it is because we do not understand the mentality of the Jew, let alone the nature of the Torah. Perhaps our understanding of both has been narrowed by modern modes of thought. Perhaps a new perception of the Jew would facilitate, for the benefit of fragmented humanity, the use of that multifaceted knowledge which Jews from a hundred nations have brought to Israel. Needed is a new paradigm, the paradigm of Judaic Man. Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. |
PALESTINIAN LIBERATION THEOLOGY EXPOSEDPosted by Eretz Israel Shelanu, January 21, 2015 |
The article below was written by Susan Warner who
founded Olive Tree Ministries in 2004 and has been studying,
teaching and writing about Christian-Jewish relations and
Christian Anti-Semitism for over fifteen years. Visit her web
site This article appeared January
19, 2015 on Frontpage Magazine and is archived at
It is not a secret that Jesus was Jewish. Reliable scholarly sources validate this incontestable fact. His genealogies are posted in the books of Matthew and Luke. These alone are sufficient to corroborate the authenticity of Jesus's Jewish lineage. Archeology and historical geography confirm that the regions of Judea and Samaria are the ancient stomping grounds of Jewish heroes. The Romans plowed under the city of Jerusalem, which Hadrian renamed Aelia Capitolina in 135 CE. He subsequently renamed the entire region Syria Palestina. For the following 1,800 years until the end of the Turkish Ottoman Empire in 1918, the land was overrun by marauding armies, Islamic hoards or Christian crusaders of various flavors. There is nothing new here. However, something new does crop up when someone like the Reverend Dr. Naim Stifan Ateek attempts to revise history. Dr. Ateek is an Arab Palestinian Anglican priest and the founder of Sabeel International Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem. He has rewritten the whole story book in the same manner that Catholic, Anglican and Reformed theologies have claimed that the Christian Church is "The New Israel" also called "The Israel of God." Rewriting history and inventing theology is a popular vocation. Revisionist historians take liberties with facts until they cease to have meaning. Prime examples are the Holocaust denial polemics or current trends to rewrite American history texts. Ateek has an axe to grind; he needs to advance his Palestinian agenda by displacing Israel. In an effort to push his version of Christian dogma, he rewrites the Bible and fabricates a formidable sounding contemporary social justice ideology. His personal fish story is born fully formed from the caverns of his own vivid imagination. If it weren’t so dangerous, it would be ludicrous. This new religious credo, which Ateek terms "Palestinian Liberation Theology," claims Jesus to be a Palestinian. Ateek asserts nothing of Jesus's Jewish heritage but rather advances his claim to a Palestinian identity. Ateek's Jesus is born in "Palestine" as a purebred suffering Arab Palestinian. Today’s Arab Christians can henceforth profess their own national redeemer and savior. Ateek doesn't seem to get it that there were no "Palestinians" roaming around when Jesus was doing his work. Until 130 CE, when Emperor Hadrian renamed the region, the term "Palestine" did not even exist. Then into the 1930s and '40s, the term "Palestinians" referred not to Arabs but to Jews living under British rule in Mandate Palestine. The Palestinian Post and The Palestinian Symphony are Jewish organizations. Never mind. These insignificant historical indiscretions should not interfere with a compelling theology. Most distressing, this fiction is now a popular trend in mainline Anglican, Presbyterian, Episcopalian and even a substantial number of evangelical churches in the USA and throughout Europe. The biblical narratives described in the Gospel books are twisted and manipulated to suit Ateek's bogus claims. He promotes a "Palestinian" Jesus to whom he attributes all of the "universal" sufferings of the contemporary Palestinians. Of course, he conveniently omits acknowledging the "universal" sufferings of the Jews. This fabricated Jesus, whose story is nowhere to be found in any ancient secular or biblical records, is a figment of Ateek’s politicized imagination. His harangues about Israel's "illegal occupation of Palestinian" are all based on his twisted theology. Unrelenting in his polemics against Israel, he conveniently ignores the Jordanian illegal occupation of "Palestine" from 1948 to 1967, or the occupation of the British after World War I, or the Ottoman Turks for 500 years before that. Were the Ottomans legal or illegal occupiers of "Palestinian" land? Ateek and his minions have brought name calling, fakery and falsehood to a new level. When it comes to assaulting Israel, or when it comes to demonizing Jews, no excuse, reason, rationale or justification is required; there is a virtual encyclopedia of low hanging fruit out there ready for Israel's enemies to pluck. Three examples: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (the most popular book on the Jihadi shelves today). There is a Jewish "conspiracy" to take over the banking system and the world; Now, listen to the Danish Ambassador who recently asserted in a Jerusalem Post Conference panel that the reason for the EU's endless assault on Israel is "because the EU holds Israel to a higher standard"; finally, Soda Stream has been pressured by the international anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) to move their manufacturing plant, once located in Ma'ale Adumim. The company was found guilty as charged for their evil activities in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria), ironically for employing some 600 Palestinians who seem to have been working peacefully and profitably side by side with 600 Jews. These false narratives, fact inversions, geographic and historical fictions are gaining a lot of traction in the Christian West. Sabeel and its various anti-Zionist Christian colleagues are leading the way in activating the "Big Lie" based on their twisted adaptations of Christian theology, which are designed to defraud the Jews of any claim to a historic birthright in the land. The Palestinian Ecumenical Liberation Movement embraces the secular international press which regularly incriminates Israel for the disproportionate number of “suffering Palestinians” who have died in the Gaza conflicts. The Jews then, according to some insane logic, must stand guilty as charged to balance the equation. The increasing cliques of anti-Zionists, Muslim and Christian Palestinian avengers are committed to demonstrating that whatever the circumstances, whatever the crime, the Jews are destined to be perpetually indictable for crimes against humanity. To borrow from a recent inspired blog quoting Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland:
Anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism in the ancient libraries of Church history embody more substance but no less insanity than the Red Queen's pack of cards. Hair-curling stories that line the annals of Medieval and Renaissance Europe start with intent to convert all Jews to Christianity, spying on them to be sure their conversions were real; torturing them to be absolutely sure they weren't lying and finally burning them at the stake just because they could. Sadly, Christian demonization of Jews starts not in Medieval Europe but hundreds of years earlier over the breadth of the Holy Roman Empire. The Early Church Fathers, all authors and theologians, started vilifying the Jews less than 100 years after the death of Paul, the Jewish Apostle to the gentiles. Calls of "Christ killer" and "children of the devil" coined by the venerated John Chrysostom easily merged into a hybridized Christian thesis. Many Christians of today who are in agreement with Sabeel and associates seem happy to stoke those ancient fires of anti-Semitism, even if they are compelled to kidnap Jesus from the arms of his Jewish mother. Contact Eretz Israel Shelanu at |
TEL AVIV TERROR ATTACKPosted by Yoram Fisher, January 21, 2015 |
Bus driver, prison guards heroes of Tel Aviv terror attack Alertness and bravery of Israelis prevented Tel Aviv terror attack from ending in far worse scenario: Bus driver struggled with terrorist after sustaining two stab wounds to the chest, slowing him down; forces present at scene chased, neutralized terrorist after he fled. Some 17 people were wounded Wednesday when a terrorist boarded a bus in central Tel Aviv and stabbed the driver and passengers. The incident could have ended in more bloodshed were it not for the bravery of the bus driver and of Prison Service forces. ![]() One of those wounded in the attack was bus driver Herzl Biton, 55, a father of three and a bus driver for over 23 years. ![]() Biton fought with the terrorist and sustained two wounds to his chest during the attack. He is in moderate condition and currently undergoing surgery. The driver reportedly called a friend right after the attack and said: "A terrorist attacked me, I feel like I'm going to die. Please, look after my kids." Biton's niece was at the hospital and told Ynet: "It's a horrifying event. Everyone is freaking out in there." She said that her uncle had previously stopped the bus because someone boarded with suspicious luggage. "If he hadn't been wounded, he would have neutralized him," she added. "He's a strong person." ![]() Tel Aviv District Police Commander Bentzi Sau said the terrorist "began the attack immediately after boarding the bus," and added that "after he hurt the driver he continued to stab other passengers." He then fled the bus and was chased by a group of Israel Prison Service (IPS) guards who were in the area taking a prisoner to a local court house. ![]() Benny Butershvilli, the commander of the forces from the IPS Nachshon Unit, said that the forces noticed something was wrong after they saw the bus standing at a green light. Shortly afterwards, the terrorist exited the bus on foot and attempted to flee and the forces began to chase him. ![]() "At Beit Maariv Bridge we saw people crowding together and others calling for help, we immededly understood that something was wrong," Butershvilli said. "A team of three fighters from the Nachshon unit and I jumped out of our car, spotted the terrorist and began chasing him. "We fired at his feet and he collapsed. We then cuffed him and waited for the police to come." "The Nachshon unit fighters operated with professionalism and determination just as is expected of them and of any security officer in uniform," said Lt. Gen. Aharon Franco, the chief commissioner of the IPS. "I'm proud of the unit that neutralized the terrorist and of the team that provided aid to the wounded in total coordination with Israeli police and the other forces at the scene of the incident." ![]() Yaron BrenerInternal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich praised the driver and forces' "quick and effective response: This is exactly the way people should respond when a terrorist is running rampant and attempting to harm innocent passengers." Almost 20 people were wounded Wednesday morning in the terror attack in central Tel Aviv. At roughly 7:15 am a terrorist boarded Dan Line 40 bus on Begin Road in Tel Aviv near the Beit Maariv Bridge and stabbed the bus driver and a number of passengers before fleeing the scene. He was then shot and captured by forces who were present in the area. 17 people were wounded in the attack, four are in serious condition, 3 moderately, 6 lightly and the rest suffered from anxiety. Hamas praised the attack as a "heroic and courageous act." Itay Blumenthal and Gilad Morag contributed to this report Contact Yoram Fisher at |
12 WOUNDED IN TEL AVIV TERROR STABBING SPREEPosted by Arutz Sheva, January 21, 2015 |
The article below was written by Gil Ronnen and Ari
Yashar. Ronnen is an INN newswriter, who previously served on
IDF radio. He currently hosts the 'News, Views & Call-In
Show'. Ronnen who is a writer and reporter at Arutz
Sheva. This article appeared January 21, 2015 on Arutz
Sheva and is archived at
A terrorist stabbing attack took place Wednesday morning on a bus in central Tel Aviv, on Begin Road, near Beit Maariv. The terrorist in an Arab man, reportedly from Samaria. CLICK FOR VIDEO HERE. Up to 12 people were reported wounded in the stabbing, with 17 receiving treatment from Magen David Adom (MDA). According to hospital sources cited by AFP, at least 12 people were wounded in the attack, including three who were in serious condition, four in moderate condition and five who sustained light injuries. Another seven people were treated for shock The wounded were taken to Ichilov and Tel Hashomer hospitals. An eyewitness told IDF Radio that two of the wounded were very seriously hurt, having been stabbed "in the brain (and) in the neck." He said that some of the wounded got away from the bus and advanced about 100 or 150 meters before collapsing. The official police Facebook page posted video footage from the scene of the attack. The stabbing rampage took place inside the #40 line bus. The terrorist reportedly stabbed the driver first, and this prevented the driver from opening the bus's doors to let the passengers escape. The doors were reportedly opened by one of the passengers. He then got off the bus and was chased by police on Hamasger Street. According to police, a team from the Israel Prisons Service's elite Nachshon unit happened to be driving behind the bus when the attack took place. The officers got off the car and gave chase to the terrorist, shot him in the leg and arrested him. He is reportedly 23 years old and a resident of Tulkarem in Samaria, who was in Israel illegally. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Contact Arutz Sheva at |
A LEGACY OF VIOLENCEPosted by Yaacov Levi, January 21, 2015 |
The article below was written by Efraim Karsh who is professor of Middle East and Mediterranean studies at King's College London, editor of the Middle East Quarterly and author of Islamic Imperialism: A History. This article appeared February 28, 2011 on the Jerusalem Post and is archived at |
Gap between delusions of grandeur, localism, bridged time and again by force of arms became key element of Islamic political culture. ![]() Turbulent times often breed nostalgia for a supposedly idyllic past. Viewing the upheavals sweeping the Middle East as a mass expression of outrage against oppression, eminent historian Bernard Lewis fondly recalled past regional order. "The sort of authoritarian, even dictatorial regimes that rule most of the countries in the modern Islamic Middle East are a modern creation. They are a result of modernization," he told The Jerusalem Post. "The pre-modern regimes were much more open, much more tolerant. You can see this from a number of contemporary descriptions. And the memory of that is still living." I doubt past generations of Muslims would share this view. In the long history of the Islamic empire, the wide gap between delusions of grandeur and the forces of localism would be bridged time and again by force of arms, making violence a key element of Islamic political culture. No sooner had the prophet Muhammad died than his successor, Abu Bakr, had to suppress a widespread revolt among the Arabian tribes. Twenty-three years later, the head of the umma, Caliph Uthman ibn Affan, was murdered by disgruntled rebels; his successor, Ali ibn Abi Talib, was confronted for most of his reign with armed insurrections, most notably by the governor of Syria, Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufian, who went on to establish the Umayyad dynasty after Ali's assassination. Mu'awiya's successors managed to hang onto power mainly by relying on physical force to prevent or quell revolts in the diverse corners of their empire. The same was true for the Abbasids during the long centuries of their sovereignty. WESTERN SCHOLARS often hold up the Ottoman Empire as an exception to this earlier pattern. In fact, the caliphate did deal relatively gently with its vast non- Muslim subject populations – provided they acknowledged their legal and institutional inferiority in the Islamic order of things. When these groups dared to question their subordinate status – let alone attempt to break the Ottoman yoke – they were viciously put down. In the century or so between Napoleon's conquests in the Middle East and World War I, the Ottomans embarked on an orgy of bloodletting in response to the nationalist aspirations of their European subjects. The Greek war of independence of the 1820s, the Danubian uprisings of 1848, the Balkan explosion of the 1870s – all were painful reminders of the cost of resisting Islamic rule. The 1990s wars in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo are but natural extensions of this "much more open, much more tolerant" legacy. Nor was such violence confined to Ottoman Europe. Turkey's Afro-Asiatic provinces were also scenes of mayhem. The Ottoman army or its surrogates brought force to bear against Wahhabi uprisings in Mesopotamia and the Levant in the early 19th century, against civil strife in Lebanon in the 1840s and against a string of Kurdish rebellions. In response to the national awakening of the Armenians in the 1890s, Istanbul killed tens of thousands – a taste of the horrors that awaited the Armenians during World War I. Violence and oppression, then, have not been imported to the Middle East as a byproduct of European imperialism; they were a part of the political culture long before. If anything, it is the Middle East's tortuous relationship with modernity that has left physical force as the main instrument of political discourse. Unlike Christianity, Islam was inextricably linked with empire. It did not distinguish between temporal and religious powers (which were combined in the person of Muhammad, who derived his authority directly from Allah). This allowed the prophet and his erstwhile successors to cloak their political ambitions with a religious aura. Neither did the subject populations of the Ottoman Empire undergo the secularization and modernization that preceded the development of nationalism in Western Europe in the late 1700s. So when the old European empires collapsed 150 years later, individual nationstates were able to step into the breach. By contrast, when the Ottoman Empire fell, its components still thought only in the old terms – on the one hand, the intricate web of loyalties to clan, tribe, village, town, religious sect or local ethnic minority, and on the other, submission to the distant Ottoman sultan/caliph as the temporal and religious head of the world Muslim community – a post that now stood vacant. INTO THIS vacuum stepped ambitious political leaders speaking the rhetoric of "Arab nationalism." The problem with this state of affairs was that the diversity and fragmentation of the Arabic-speaking world had made its disparate societies better disposed to local patriotism than to a unified secular order. But then, rather than allow this disposition to develop into modern-day nationalism, Arab rulers systematically convinced their peoples to think that the independent existence of their respective states was a temporary aberration. The result was a legacy of oppressive violence that has haunted the Middle East into the 21st century, as rulers sought to bridge the reality of state nationalism and the mirage of a unified "Arab nation," and to shore up their regimes against grassroots Islamist movements (notably the Muslim Brotherhood) articulating the far more appealing message of a return to religious law (Shari'a) as a stepping stone to the establishment of a worldwide community of believers (umma). One need only mention, among many instances, Syria's massacre of 20,000 Muslim activists in the early 1980s, or the brutal treatment of Iraq’s Shi'ite and Kurdish communities until the 2003 war, or the genocidal campaign in Darfur by the government of Sudan. This violence has by no means been the sole property of the likes of Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Hafez Assad, and Ayatollah Khomeini. The affable and thoroughly Westernized King Hussein of Jordan didn't shrink from slaughtering thousands of Palestinians during September 1970 (known as Black September) when his throne came under threat from Palestinian guerrillas. Now that the barrier of fear has been breached, it remains to be seen which regimes will be swept from power. But it is doubtful whether Middle East societies will be able, or willing, to transcend their imperial legacy and embrace the Western-type liberal democracy that has taken European nations centuries to achieve. Contact Levi at |
WHAT OBAMA GOT RIGHT AND WRONG IN THE STATE OF THE UNIONPosted by The Daily Signal, January 21, 2015 |
The article below was written by Melissa Quinn who is a senior news reporter for The Daily Signal. Send an email to Melissa at This article appeared January 20, 2015 on the Daily Signal and is archived at |
![]() President Obama delivered his sixth State of the Union address tonight, outlining a number of domestic policy proposals and warning Republicans he would strike down any legislation that repeals Obamacare and rolls back his immigration policies. Obama entered the House chamber at 9:06 p.m. and slowly made his way up the aisle, shaking hands with members of Congress who angled for an aisle seat, Supreme Court justices and Cabinet secretaries. After arriving at the dais and greeting Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker John Boehner, who sat behind him, the president began his 6,493-word address at 9:11 p.m. and finished speaking at 10:12 p.m. "At this moment—with a growing economy, shrinking deficits, bustling industry, and booming energy production—we have risen from recession freer to write our own future than any other nation on Earth," the president said. "It's now up to us to choose who we want to be over the next 15 years, and for decades to come." In his opening remarks, Obama called 2014 as a "breakthrough year" for America and said the economy has grown at the "fastest pace since 1999." Facing a Republican-controlled Congress for the first time in eight years, the president did not mince words in threatening to veto any legislation that repeals Obamacare, rolls back the reforms implemented through Dodd-Frank and repeals his immigration policies. "And if a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things, it will earn my veto,"Obama said. The president did encourage members of Congress to work together. Full Text of President Obama's 2015 State of the Union Address CLICK HERE. "I've served in Congress with many of you. I know many of you well. There are a lot of good people here, on both sides of the aisle," Obama said. "And many of you have told me that this isn’t what you signed up for—arguing past each other on cable shows, the constant fundraising, always looking over your shoulder at how the base will react to every decision." "Imagine if we broke out of these tired old patterns," he continued. "Imagine if we did something different." Here's a rundown of the policies the president discussed during his sixth State of the Union address. What We Knew Obama Was Going to Say In the weeks leading up to the State of the Union, the president embarked on a nationwide tour to build momentum. The "spoilers" included executive actions the president plans to take during his seventh year in office and legislative proposals he hopes to see the 114th Congress address. As he revealed over the last two weeks, Obama tonight spoke about his plans to address higher education, the housing market, access to the Internet, cybersecurity, tax reform and sick leave for working Americans. The president’s proposals include:
With Republicans in control of Congress, it’s unlikely some of the president’s proposals will be implemented without resistance. However, GOP lawmakers hope to work with the president on issues including tax reform. What We Learned Tonight Raise the minimum wage
"And to everyone in this Congress who still refuses to raise his minimum wage, I say this: If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it," Obama said, "If not, vote to give millions of the hardest-working people in America a raise." Issue a resolution authorizing the use of force against ISIS
Commentary: What Obama Got Right and Wrong in the State of the Union CLICK HERE. Launch a precision medicine initiative
The Rebuttal
"Congress is back to work on your behalf, ready to make Washington focus on your concerns again," the Iowa Republican said. Ernst called on the president to work with Congress to "get Washington working again" and compromise on policies to create jobs and get rid of loopholes in the tax code. "There's a lot we can achieve if we work together," she said. CLICK VIDEO HERE. Full Text of Joni Ernst's Republican Response to 2015 State of the Union CLICK VIDEO HERE. Contact The Daily Signal at |
FACTORY WASTE MORPHS INTO CLEAN SYNGASPosted by Yoram Fisher, January 21, 2015 |
The article below was written by Abigail Klein Leichman who is a journalist who made aliya with her family in 2007, following 13 years as a features writer and copy editor at The Record, the daily newspaper of northern New Jersey. She has been freelancing since 1984 for a wide variety of secular and Jewish publications and is a staff writer for ISRAEL21c. |
![]() The NCF unit uses heat from the sun or industrial processes to transform carbon dioxide and water to syngas. For millions of years, plant life has been turning water and carbon dioxide (CO2) into energy. Today, many entrepreneurs are copying natural photosynthesis to find a good use for the dangerously excessive CO2 in our air. But these solutions aren’t widely adopted by industry without government incentives to offset their cost. The Israeli company NewCO2Fuels (NCF) stepped in with a technology that transforms industrial water and CO2 waste into a hydrogen-carbon monoxide synthetic gas. That syngas is then turned into profitable products such as liquid fuels, plastics and fertilizer. It's not only an attractive business model but also sustainable, as the conversion process is fueled by concentrated solar energy or byproduct heat from the industries themselves. "There are a lot of industries using high-temperature heat to produce things like steel, glass and cement, by burning fossil fuel," explains CEO David Banitt. "They waste a lot of heat and emit a lot of CO2 to the atmosphere. We take these two streams of waste and turn them into profitable products." This unique advantage explains why the three-year-old company is so hot right now. NCF won the only international prize in the corporate energy category at the 2014 World Technology Network Awards in New York, in association with Fortune and TIME. And the Australian government recently chose NCF syngas as one of 18 fuels of choice for the coming five decades. The 15-person company has won a grant from the US Department of Energy for a collaboration with Alstom Power and Illinois Clean Coal Institute, as well as grants from the Israeli ministries of energy and economy, and a $1 million grant from BIRD (Binational Industrial Research and Development) Foundation — one of only five projects selected in 2014 to receive funding under the BIRD Energy program. Banitt tells ISRAEL21c that NCF recently signed a memorandum of understanding with one of the world's largest steel companies and two international engineering firms to build a pilot unit at a European steel plant. The project, to be completed in about 18 months, is meant to demonstrate how NCF's system integrates with the steel industry. Gasification plants like the idea
"Gasification is a good method to take low-quality fuel – such as brown coal, woodchips and biomass — and convert it to high-quality products with very little pollution going out," says Banitt. "The synergy of our technology with gasification plants is optimal." NCF technology captures the CO2 released from this process and transforms it into a syngas to be added to the existing end-product facility such as methanol, olephines, fertilizers and more. The ratio of hydrogen and carbon can be fine-tuned to make the syngas appropriate for whatever end product each customer decides to produce. Meanwhile, NCF units are soon to be tested in Israel at the company's facility in Rehovot's Science Park and at an Israel Electric Company power station. "In the last year it has been exciting to see that the market is very much interested in what we are doing because excess heat is such a wasted asset and CO2 is such a problem," says Banitt. "The market is quite large." NCF's technology was pioneered by Prof. Jacob Karni of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot. NCF was founded in 2011 on the basis of an exclusive license from Yeda, the Weizmann's commercialization arm, with funding from Australia's Greenearth Energy and Erdi Group (through its subsidiary, ErdiFuels). Small-scale prototypes proved the concept, and then the NCF technology was studied by five different market evaluators – resulting in the grants mentioned above and positive reviews from a pair of global engineering firms. "We successfully passed all these evaluations with good grades. Now we are intensively approaching potential customers to refine our design so it will work in industry," says Banitt. Though the technology can run on industrial waste heat, "Our long-term dream is using solar energy only," he adds. "Imagine a desert full of mirrors tracking the sun and producing fuel from the CO2 in the air." Contact Yoram Fisher at |
DOOR to DOOR with SOTUPosted by Marion DS Dreyfus, January 21, 2015 |
After all, the two parties are leagues apart—180 degrees, Dem from Rep, right? So who would expect them to a couple of doors away from each other for the vaunted 2015 State of the Union speech gather-togethers? Both parties invited us, and both offered festive drinks and pub-fare for the yoicksome 3-plus hour pm assembly and listen-fest. But that's why our resolve to gad to both gatherings became not just a good plan we'd devised before we knew the street addresses of said fete of fierce orisons, but irresistible. One was at 8 East 36th Street, and the other, at 16 West. A single block apart. Seemed unlikely, but who knows? Did they plot this? one wondered. Just one of those what a friend would call co-inky-dinkies. We not long ago learned that nazi-collaborator and Richie-Rich destroyer of European currencies, master-planner of progressive-candidate-magic-wins and notable radic leftard George Soros backed the appalling Ferguson street-theatre-manque "protests" of purgatorial civil destruction with his foundations' $33 million. (Almost enough to pay for the neighborhood-wide ruins and charred hulks of small businesses engendered by the pitchfork clamor of lowlifes scrumming and bumming on the streets of our cities over the weeks' of these stage-managed backroom 'protests.') And: Not only was he funding the gatherings, the leadership and bankrolling of the busses and trains to riot and lie down in traffic and stop commuters on bridges, but he was even funding the subsequent positive-spin coverage in the nation's fourth estate—whose servitors in this instance should have their hands and eyes washed with lye soap for succumbing to sorosian blandishments and gilded-dirty bucks. Lest the coverage not be positive enough, thought Mr. Soros. Not likely, given the entirely blue-state drain of that media sinkhole. So we went to both venues. Our face a palimpsest of empty, so as not to give anything away. How were the different events? What were the moods? When would be the applause- or Boo- lines of the regime mouthpiece? Over the past 6 years (who was in the White House?), viewership of the SOTU on TV has done this: State of the Union Viewers: 2009 52M 2010 48M 2011 43M 2012 38M 2013 34M 2014 33M So this year's results, indicated in miniature by the poor showing in both bars, actually, should come as no huge surprise. Same guy. Same yawns. Same unrealized pie in the sky progressive wishlist. This year, the flypaper caught a few lucky breaks that are entirely not of Obama’s doing—energy surge and supply, anemic unemployment figures receding as people simply gave up looking and stretched their hands out for the endless skein of Obama-phones and soup-bones. What surprised us: The Dem bar, "36," was cavernous, woodsy, atmospheric, but near echoing with the paucity of attendees. All the TV monitors were tuned to the one-note falsifier no diversity MSNBC. There were no more than a morose, subdued 20-count stodgily on bar stools, with a few splatters of noise and laughter every few minutes. Most listened to the defiant president repeat his earlier top ten speeches, his obnoxious itch to veto anything substantive the Republican congress might try to get past him in immigration, Iran sanctions ofr healthcare abominations a burqa over a more realistic approach such as that of Bill Clinton after he’d been chastened. Applause broke out next to us and here and there over the redundant claim of closing Gitmo, ending "torture," and not letting voters be sidelined by IDs, presumably. As one Twitterer noted last we checked:" Denied? Show me one voter who has been denied the right to vote. One." The end of the president's remarks signaled our switch to the Republican hangout a block away. There, Bret Baier on the TV preceded Sen.Joni Ernst in rebuttal. The monitors were all tuned to Fox. Contrastingly, here, the noise level was deafening, and the people—many more pretty women and cooler, hipper guys—had been ingesting adult beverages now for well over an hour. Both bars had been filled at 7:30 or 8, at least an hour before El Jefe began his rerun reel from 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, etcetera. Much more prominent than terrorism and the failures of diplomacy unhinted at in the speechifying of the Hawaiian alum was his defiant dares on the importance, indeed the perilous edge of very world extinction, was that cheery canard of "climate change." His scientists are better than "those other scientists." His were smarter than ours. The urgency of Ebola, yadda yadda. But primal exigency resides in climate change: "We have experienced the warmest 14 years in history during the first 15 years of this century." Twaddle, of course. There is, according to the meteorologists talking about this, a 38% certainty about whether 2014 was indeed the warmest year recorded. And 38% isn't very convincing, even to BHO voters. But he did not traffic in numbers or specifics. Though Yemen was all-but overtaken during the very week and day, Mr.O never voiced the name Yemen. As he never said "Islamist terrorism," you will recall. To cover his greater agenda to protect and exonerate his peeps, the president mentioned, once, the upsurge of anti-Semitism that is staining Europe and the world. But went on at greater length about the unfair smearing of peaceful muslims just because [a few million] bad "extremists" were muddying the world waters. But "the state of the union is Good!" Obama averred. Whatcha gonna believe, me--or your lyin' eyes? There was one moment of vulpine pulled-back curtain Moment: When the president stated that he "wasn't running for anything again," in the Washington, DC audience of stony-faced military, Supremes and freshman electeds, there was a swelling of and laughter applause from the conservative half of the audience (80 people stronger than it had been last year, and replacing many dozens of no-longer-serving Democrats missing from the ranks). The President heard the applause and glee greeting this unsurprising admission. He pulled his lips back in an ugly wolf-grimace and manifested his ill-will, mere seconds after he had feigned interest in accommodating and reaching across, blah blah. "I know," he spat out, "because I won the last two elections!" Feral and nasty, ungenteel; the real Choom-gang radical laid bare for all to see. As coarse an optic as his threatening veto after veto was harsh on the soul. The Democrat bar watching the MSNBC screens erupted in delighted howls of joy—finally! We can let out our embarrassed suppressed feelings, they shadowed for the nonaligned. The clapping and laughter, brief but ardent, showed the exhausted vestiges of regard for their once-fair-haired boy—they showed those there Conservatives, all right! No one paid the slightest heed to the massive losses sustained by the Daar el Dems in the Midterms, of course. Senator Joni Ernst spoke well, clearly, easily and sincerely. She is a new face. And an attractive one. One has to pinch oneself to realize she has been in the military for 20 years, and is still serving in the Guard. A mother. An ex-farmer. The first female corpsman to serve in the Senate. Her humble beginnings played well (above the noise level), since her record, unlike the current White House occupant's well-bruited secretive, sealed records of every facet of his mature so-called education and work-life, Ernst's farming and lower middle class anecdotes were a comforting warranty that Ernst spoke from knowledge when she addressed issues of middle class struggle for most of America. She is stalwart, bespeaks earthy values, nice to hear after the rhetorician exhorter-in-chief. She's easy to listen to and easy to watch. The boisterous crowd, about 35-40, kept chugging and bonhomie'ing their way until about 11, into the post-talk round-ups on Fox: Bret Baier, Juan Williams' signature vanilla tepidity, Ted Cruz'es earnest disappointment, Frank Luntz'es always-chewy focus group surprises (not one person in the 50/50 group of voters he had assembled thought that the next two years would accomplish anything at all—and half these people were voters for Obama); the replay of the reaction tapes, green and red, that showed instant reactions by listeners. Megyn Kelly, Brit Hume, a blustery Democrat apologist, and her roster of assessors of both parties. The departing revelers after 11 made the TVs easier to hear. Finally. We forked a baked potato as we sat at the far end of the tavern, jotting notes and recognizing that there had not, after all, been that midstream switch we had been praying for. Rush Limbaugh had predicted the defiance. We expected it. But we expected a wee touch of humility, of which there was none. No Newt moment, no executive moderation or true 'reaching across' that had made the enormous barometric change in the Clinton administration and tenure. The AP reports that House Speaker John Boehner said, "Finding common ground is what the American people sent us here to do, but you wouldn't know it from the president's speech tonight. While veto threats and unserious proposals may make for good political theater, they will not distract this new American Congress from our focus on the people's priorities." Like Senator Cruz, we too were disappointed at the opportunity squandered. We departed the tavern at 11:23 pm. An icy wind had picked up. The night was colder and nastier than when we had arrived. Marion Dreyfus is a writer and travelor; she has taught English in China on the university level. Contact Dreyfus at |
Another obfuscator. Of course, anti-Semitic cartoons should be protested and Muslims are free to write about anti-Muslim cartoons. The fallacy is that the author argues "if the violence has already taken place, there is no dissonance between objecting to an act of terror targeting cartoonists and objecting to a cartoon you find offensive. That's not a double standard; it is the very embodiment of free speech." As usual the left makes a huge category mistake by trying to equate terror with protest. The Muslims arguing free speech are in reality arguing that murder is a form of self-expression and that Muslim sensibilities have been so outraged that only violence is an adequate response. When someone depicts Sharon as a monster devouring a baby that is, in my opinion not only vile; it is essentially anti-Semitic because in reality Sharon launched a war against the very characters that do murder babies. Anti-Semitism is not saying bad things about bad Jews; it is saying untrue things about Jews. Anti-Semitism is a statement about Jews that is derived from Christian theology (mythology). In the early Church the Jews were those of the "original covenant", then they were those who rejected the new covenant and then they were those who murdered Christ because a church leadership that was composed of Roman pagans could never accuse Rome of such an atrocity. But, it isn't far from the theological animus against Israel to allegations of poisoning wells, baking matzah with Christian blood, or polluting the race and of being anti-revolutionary. In effect, anti-Semitism is not expressing a verifiable, although unpleasant opinion, it is slander. Portraying Mohammed as a terrorist when terrorists use Mohammed's teachings as a justification for their actions is actually depicting a truth. Just ask the Banu Nahhir Jews. Sorry, I forgot,Mohammed murdered them all. The article below was written by Shoshana Kordova who is an editor at Haaretz English Edition. This article appeared January 21, 2015 on Haaretz and is archived at |
You won't be surprised, in these post-Charlie Hebdo days, to hear that there's a controversial cartoon going around the Internet. I'm not talking about a French cartoon, but a drawing from 2012 by Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff illustrating his belief that insults to Jews are derided by the West as anti-Semitism while insults to Muslims are hailed as free speech. ![]() It may feel uncomfortable to ask out loud whether we are upholding a double standard if we protest the publication of cartoons of hook-nosed Jews while supporting the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. That, after all, is a question that could get people labeled "anti-Semites" or "defenders of terrorism." But it is a legitimate question well worth addressing – even if we don’t all agree on the answer. Some would have us believe that protesting cartoons perceived as anti-Semitic is a form of censorship, a way of inhibiting freedom of speech. But genuine freedom of speech is most meaningful when proponents of both sides of any given issue can enjoy it: Those who seek to publish stereotypical images of world-dominating Jews, and those who protest them; those who seek to publish cartoons depicting Islamic fundamentalists as "idiots" who fail to comprehend the true Islam, and those who protest them. ![]() The cover of an issue of Charlie Hebdo magazine reads, 'Mohammed overwhelmed by the fundamentalists' and 'It's tough being loved by idiots.' It ought to go without saying that such protests lose all legitimacy when they involve deadly weapons, or any form of violence. But if the violence has already taken place, there is no dissonance between objecting to an act of terror targeting cartoonists and objecting to a cartoon you find offensive. That's not a double standard; it is the very embodiment of free speech. In the West, not only Muslims, but Jews and Israelis, too, are occasionally the targets of a cartoonist's pen. A 2003 cartoon by Dave Brown that ran in Britain's The Independent showed then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon devouring a Palestinian baby. The Israeli Embassy called the cartoon an anti-Semitic allusion to the blood libel that Jews eat Christian children. But the U.K. Press Complaints Commission approved the cartoon, accepting the argument that it was a satirical take on a Goya painting and targeted Sharon as a politician (not a Jew). It later won Britain's 2003 Political Cartoon of the Year award. ![]() More recently, Australia's Sydney Morning Herald published a cartoon in July by Glen Le Lievre that showed a kippa-wearing man sitting on a chair emblazoned with a Star of David, remote control in hand, as he looked out over an exploding Gaza Strip during the summer's 50-day war. At the time, the media were reporting that some residents of southern Israel were sitting outside to watch the air force drop bombs over Gaza. The Herald apologized after Jewish groups threatened a lawsuit, arguing that the cartoon was anti-Semitic. Were either, or both, of these cartoons actually anti-Semitic? Even if there were an objective barometer that could determine such a thing, the answer would be irrelevant. What is relevant is the process that took place: Two publications decided to publish cartoons that were likely to cause offense; people did get offended, and lodged protests; one of the newspapers defended its decision and the other apologized. And that brings us to the other side of the free press coin: the right of media outlets to choose what to publish. Just as protests against certain kinds of cartoons have come under fire lately as undermining free speech, so have the decisions by some leading media outlets not to publish the more controversial Charlie Hebdo covers, such as those picturing Mohammed. There is a strong argument to be made in favor of publishing the cartoons, primarily that their newsworthiness outweighs any offense they might cause. But freedom of the press means, in part, that the press should have the freedom to decide what it will – and will not – publish. For many publications around the world, that meant running the cartoons, in some cases on the front page; for New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet, it meant refusing to print something he characterizes as "gratuitous insult." Just as Charlie Hebdo exercised its right to publish what it deemed fit to print, so did the Times exercise its right to refrain from publishing what it deemed unfit. The problem is that France, which has some of the toughest hate speech laws in the European Union and has made it illegal to deny the Holocaust, doesn't actually offer its citizens full free speech rights. Outlawing hate speech may sound like a good idea, but when one kind of comment gets people lionized and another kind gets them jailed, all the arguments about the beauty of democracy and freedom of speech are shown to be nothing but worthless words. The excessive yet inconsistent restrictions France imposes on freedom of speech and religion make it clear that it is not the bastion of democracy it claims to be, and this patchwork liberty reinforces what in France are indeed well-founded suspicions of a double standard. All of us, French lawmakers included, would do well to recall the words of U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, in a 1949 majority ruling overturning the conviction of a man whose pro-Hitler hate speech sparked a protest. "The right to speak freely and to promote diversity of ideas and programs is therefore one of the chief distinctions that sets us apart from totalitarian regimes," Douglas wrote in Terminiello v. Chicago. "Accordingly, a function of free speech under our system of government is to invite dispute." Is everyone always going to agree on where to draw the lines, whether literal or figurative? That would be highly improbable, and the precise location of the border between satire and insult will likely serve as a rich vein of argument for decades to come. Let's not shut down those arguments, whether by limiting freedom of speech or by dismissing questions about what embodies it and what undermines it. Instead, let's follow Douglas' suggestion and invite dispute, as long as it's the sort that involves words and images rather than guns and bombs. James "Jimmy" Morgan McGill, known by his professional alias Saul Goodman, is a former criminal lawyer and the former principal attorney of Saul Goodman. Contact Gildman at |
HAMAS: TEL AVIV STABBING ATTACK 'HEROIC ACT'Posted by Aron Aronite, January 21, 2015 |
The article below was written by Khaled Abu Toameh
who is an Israeli Arab journalist, lecturer and documentary
filmmaker. Abu Toameh writes for The Jerusalem Post and
for the New York-based Gatestone Institute, where he is a
senior distinguished fellow.This article appeared January 21,
2015 on the Jerusalem Post and is archived at
Event deemed "natural response to Israeli terrorism" by Hamas. ![]() Hamas and several other Palestinian groups welcomed Wednesday's stabbing attack in Tel Aviv while Palestinian Authority officials rejected charges of incitement against Israel. Hussam Badran, a senior Hamas official, called on Palestinians to step up "organized and individual resistance" against Israel. Such attacks would confuse Israel and deter it from "pursuing its schemes against the Palestinians," he said The perpetrator of the attack has brought happiness to the mothers whose sons were killed by Israel, Badran said. "The Palestinian people need to endorse jihad," the Hamas official said. Another Hamas leader, Izzat al-Risheq, hailed the attack as heroic and brave, saying it was a "natural response to the crimes of the occupation and its terrorism against our people." Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan also praised the attack as heroic. It sends a message to the PA leadership in the West Bank that "security coordination with the occupation won't stop the resistance or tie the hands of the Palestinians," he said. The Popular Front – General Command, another terrorist group, issued a statement calling on Palestinians to endorse the armed struggle against Israel. The group called on Arabs and Muslims to supply weapons to the West Bank to support the fight. Meanwhile, PA officials in Ramallah dismissed Israeli charges that President Mahmoud Abbas was responsible for the attack because of ongoing incitement against Israel. The officials condemned the Israeli government for inciting against Abbas and called on the international community to intervene to stop the campaign against their leader. The PLO executive committee, which held a meeting in Ramallah on Wednesday, did not make any reference to the Tel Aviv attack. Abbas called the meeting to discuss Palestinian efforts to re-submit to the UN Security Council a resolution that would establish a timeline for an Israeli withdrawal to the pre- 1967 lines. The PLO leaders decided to form a committee to follow up on the cases that the Palestinians plan to bring against Israel before the International Criminal Court. The executive committee also called for a "serious discussion" about the continuation of security coordination with Israel. Aron Aronite is a medical practitioner by profession and a spiritualist by tradition. Contact Aron Aronite at |
ISRAEL IS GETTING IT TOGETHERPosted by Michael Ordman, January 21, 2015 |
In this week's blog, I will illustrate how the Hebrew word "beyachad" (together) typifies the Israeli approach to innovating a better world. Israel and the US continue to move closer together economically. The Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation recently approved $8.3 million in new funding for 11 projects where US and Israeli companies are working together. Next, the new Israeli branch of US technology innovator Bell Labs is promoting itself as a new avenue for Israeli PhD graduates to pursue research careers in Israel. Then, American Internet and media giant AOL announced that it is investing $5million in a joint US-Israeli video research project at the Technion-Cornell Institute. AOL already has an Israeli R&D center. And finally, US camera-maker Kodak is looking to acquire Israeli tech startups to help rebuild the company as a leader in digital printing. Many countries realize that they need to get together with Israel if they are to tackle water scarcity and wastewater problems. The University of Chicago has sought out Israel's Ben-Gurion University to help develop radical new approaches that may one day rejuvenate the world's water-starved regions. Scotland's BDS idiots must be "drowning their sorrows" following the successful UK pilot project of the recycling technology from Israel's Applied CleanTech for wastewater - at Scottish Water! Israeli biotechs are developing treatments that work together with the body's immune system in order to beat cancer. Israel's cCAM has just received US FDA approval to commence trials of its CM-24, which targets a protein that blocks the immune system's ability to destroy cancer cells. Israel's Compugen has several candidate drugs that target these proteins and has enlisted John Hopkins University in the US to help assess them. And Israel's Vaxil Biotherapeutics has reported that its cancer vaccine, ImMucin (that boosts the immune system to prevent cancer returning) triggers an immune response in about 90 percent of all types of cancer. Many Israeli innovations are successful due to the way they use a combination of technologies. Take for example Israeli startup BrightWay Vision, which has developed "BrightEye" – a unique night-vision system that gives drivers a clear, panoramic view of the road, five times beyond the range of headlights. The system sends out a pulse of light that is reflected back to a synchronized camera that only accepts images that the pulse generated. CLICK VIDEO HERE. The Israeli startup, SolView, works with solar panel installers to check instantly whether a particular roof could generate sufficient solar energy to justify installation. SolView takes data from Google Earth to power its automated rooftop scanning technology. Another Israeli startup HealthWatch Technologies connects your heart instantly to your cardiologist by means of a washable T-shirt with printed electrodes. It can read a patient’s vital signs, which are then transmitted to the specialist – speed being the key to preventing heart attacks. CLICK VIDEO HERE. Despite what you hear from Israel's enemies, Israeli society is increasingly "getting it together". In a recent survey, 65 percent of Arab citizens said they were either "quite" or "very" proud to be Israeli in 2014, up from 50 percent the previous year. The majority had faith in the Supreme Court, Israeli police and in the IDF. And we can all be proud of the IDF's performance in humanitarian medical rescue missions – just watch this inspirational presentation by Brigadier General Professor Yitshak Kreiss describing the leadership, medicine and the personal dilemmas faced when putting back together the lives of those injured in overseas disasters. CLICK VIDEO HERE. There is no denying the togetherness that Israeli Jews and Diaspora Jews share. Unfortunately, these are troubled times for the Jews of Europe. 226 Ukrainian immigrants landed in Israel including dozens of families of refugees from eastern Ukraine. And as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said to the youngsters at Taglit-Birthright Israel's 15th anniversary event, "In Israel, every Jew can say, 'I am a Jew, Je suis Juif,' out loud and proudly, without fear. Come to Israel...This is your land." Israelis Michael (92) and Marion (90) Mittwoch know all about troubled times and are now experiencing the good times. They have just celebrated the birth of a new great-grandchild – their 100th! After escaping Nazi Germany, the Mittwochs immigrated to Israel where they got together to become the first couple to be married at Kibbutz Lavi. All children and grandchildren live in Israel. I will conclude with two apparently inanimate examples of Israeli togetherness. In the first, you can watch Tel Aviv and Jerusalem getting closer together (at least in travel time) by selecting full screen view to see an amazing video tour of the new road construction along the highway to Jerusalem, together with the Biblical locations along the way. CLICK VIDEO HERE. And lastly, when filmmaker Micha Shagrir donated a 1667 Hebrew Bible to Haifa University, staff discovered that a Bible written by the same person was already on the library's shelves. An Egyptian Armenian gave Shagrir his Bible in gratitude for his film about the Armenian genocide and Shagrir's gift reunited the two holy books after 350 years. Yes, in Israel, everything's finally coming together. Contact Michael Ordman at |
The article below was written by Irfan al-Alawi and Stephen
Schwartz. Irfan Al-Alawi is executive director of the
London-based Islamic Heritage Research Foundation. Stephen
Schwartz, a fellow at the Middle East Forum, is executive
director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism in Washington,
DC. This article appeared January 20, 2015 on Middle East
Forum Promoting American Interests and is archived at
The hideous practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) is neither an exclusively Muslim nor a principally Middle Eastern phenomenon. It exists among non-Muslims through wide areas of Africa. But in Iraq and Iran, FGM is mainly associated with Kurds. The Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq, which is fighting against the terrorists of the so-called "Islamic State," has pursued a substantive effort to eradicate FGM. As reported here, the KRG parliament introduced legislation prohibiting FGM in 2007. The law was passed in 2011 and forbade, additionally, child marriage, so-called "honor murders," and other abuses suffered typically by women. In 2010, the KRG health ministry produced a plan to eliminate FGM and called on Islamic clergy to condemn the custom. ![]() Last year, Thomas von der Osten-Sacken, director in Iraq of a German-based charity, WADI—the Association for Crisis Assistance and Development Cooperation—said in an interview that FGM in Iraqi Kurdistan had declined dramatically, and that measurable success in stopping FGM there could be credited to the political change that began in 1991. "Saddam Hussein lost power here back in 1991. There is a relative degree of freedom," von der Osten-Sacken said. That freedom—and other achievements by the Iraqi Kurds—were made possible, as should be recognized, by the decision of President George H.W. Bush to impose a "no-fly zone" over Iraqi Kurdistan. By contrast, "the existence of FGM in Iran is a well-kept secret," according to the organization Stop FGM Middle East. On November 25, 2014, Radio Farda, the U.S.-backed Farsi-language broadcast directed to Iran, aired a 30-minute documentary on FGM under the rule of the Islamic Republic. Translated by Stop FGM Middle East, the transcript revealed yet another cruel feature of Iranian life, reinforced by the hypocrisy of the ruling clerics. Radio Farda noted that in 2014 Iran was added, for the first time, to the global list of countries in which FGM is present. The media agency interviewed Iranian researcher Rayeyeh Mozafarian, of the University of Shiraz, who accumulated interviews on FGM between 2007 and 2009. She stated, "FGM is carried out in private houses by midwives and not by surgeons in hospitals." FGM goes unmentioned in Iranian law, which does criminalize mutilation of the body. But Mozafarian determined, "Despite the practice being liable to prosecution, practically nobody is charged. ... No victim files charges against her own parents." Mozafarian specified that FGM in Iran is concentrated in the northwestern provinces of Iranian Azerbaijan, Iranian Kurdistan, Kermanshah, and Ilam, and the Persian Gulf province of Hormozgan. She denied that FGM is a cultural problem and identified it with Islam, since, she argued, "People say that women who do not let themselves be cut are not Muslims." But Mozafarian stipulated, "there are differences in opinion in Islam" about FGM. Women's rights activist and lawyer Bayan Azizi, in speaking to Radio Farda, referred to these as border regions along a female-cutting "line." Some Iranian clerics support FGM, but exiled Iranian cleric Hassan Yousefi Eshkevari, who opposes the theocratic state and lives in Germany, disagreed with them. He informed Radio Farda, "female circumcision is not mentioned ... in the Koran or in the Sunna or Hadiths [traditions derived from accounts of Muhammad's oral teachings]. ... For the past 1,400 years there was no reflection of this topic in books by Islamic scholars or clerics. It is certain that there is nothing in the Koran." He added, "Islam does not have an ascetic view of sexuality. ... But unfortunately, there are such views in our religious culture. Therefore, control of the female body is important and sex and the sexual drive are seen as bad." That is a motivation for infliction of FGM on young girls—to diminish their interest in sex, even after marriage. As described in the Radio Farda documentary, the impact of FGM on women and their marriages is often devastating. A woman identified only as Roja said, "In my opinion the biggest problem in Iran is sexuality. Many marriages break up because of it, because they don't speak openly about it. Because the partners often have sexual problems." Parvin Zabihi, a prominent Iranian Kurdish advocate for women's rights, told Radio Farda,
Responding to an interviewer's query as to whether the ameliorative rhetoric of president Hassan Rouhani will bring FGM to an end in Iran, Rayeyeh Mozafarian pointed out that legal measures against FGM in Iran are "often talked about, but not implemented." As in other contexts, the Iranian clergy are inclined to avoid, rather than confront, the shameful problems under their dominion. Official brutality and indifference continue to define the lives of ordinary Iranians. Meaningless promises are made to Iranians and to the world by the clerical dictatorship. Even fighting the so-called Islamic State, Iraqi Kurds have advantages denied their relatives east of the border. Contact Yaacov Levi at |
The article below was written by Ben Shapiro who is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the new book, The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). He is also Editor-in-Chief of This article appeared January 08, 2015 on Breitbart and is archived at |
![]() On Thursday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest announced that the Obama administration would prioritize fighting Islamophobia in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in France. Never mind that most Westerners aren't Islamophobic, but rather Getting Shot In The Face For Expressing My Opinion-Phobic. The real problem, according to the Obama administration, is lack of leadership in defending Islam:
This, of course, is not the first time the Obama administration has discovered a duty to illuminate the inherent beauty and wonder of Islam. Over and over again, the Obama administration, in high culturally imperialist dudgeon, has attempted to explain to the world the true meaning of Islam. Here are five other examples: President Obama, 2009: Immediately upon taking office, Obama did an interview with Al-Arabiya in which he explained that his job as president encompassed apologizing to the Muslim world for evil America, and explaining to Americans that Muslims are the cream of the religious crop:
If you forgot the provision of Article II of the Constitution that gives the president the authority to do outreach on behalf of Islam in the United States, that's because it doesn't exist. But don't worry: Obama's on the job. President Obama, 2009: In speaking about Islam at Cairo University on June 4, 2009 – a speech to which the Obama administration invited the then-banned Muslim Brotherhood – Obama stated:
If you forgot the provision of Article II of the Constitution that places responsibility for fighting negative stereotypes of Islam in the hands of the executive branch, that's because it doesn't exist. But don't worry: Obama’s on the job. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, 2010: Speaking with Al-Jazeera, the head of NASA explained that the mission of the space agency would now include outreach to Muslims:
If you forgot the provision of the National Aeronautics and Space Act that grants authority to NASA to make Muslims feel good about medieval contributions to astronomy, that's because it doesn’t exist. But don't worry: Obama's on the job. President Obama, 2012: In the aftermath of the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama took to the podium of the United Nations to condemn a YouTube filmmaker in the United States exercising freedom of speech:
If you forgot the provision of the First Amendment to the Constitution that gives the president of the United States the authority to officially criticize exercise of First Amendment rights under color of authority, that's because it doesn't exist. But don't worry: Obama's on the job. Secretary of State John Kerry, 2014: Last year, as ISIS released video after video of the beheadings of Westerners, Secretary of State Kerry explained that his mission was to promote true Islam – which makes perfect sense, given his status as imam of Martha's Vineyard:
If you forgot the provision of Article II that lends authority to the State Department to "begin to put real Islam out there," presumably in violation of the separation of church and state, that’s because it doesn't exist. But don't worry: Obama's on the job. Even as the Obama administration pretends to push "true Islam," the Obama administration completely ignored the words of Egyptian leader General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, who just days ago called for a "religious revolution" in the Muslim world. Al-Sisi explained:
Al-Sisi seems significantly more qualified to lead an educational effort about Islam than Barack Obama. But for the Obama administration to recognize the truth of al-Sisi's statement would suggest that their own ignorance about Islam has prevented them from effecting change for the past six years. And that is an admission that President Obama and his lackeys refuse to make, given their deeply held belief that Islam isn't the problem in any way. Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at |
THE PARIS ATTACK AND WESTERN ELITESPosted by Joan Swirsky, January 21, 2015 |
The article below was written by Don Feder who is a
media consultant and free-lance writer. He is also World
Congress of Families Communications Director. Feder operates
Don Feder Associates, a communications firm for non-profits
with a message. This article appeared January 09, 2015 on
American Thinker and is archived at
Pop quiz. Savages go on a shooting spree at the offices of a satirical magazine. While they're murdering journalists, the killers shout:
A captive is beheaded by:
In Europe, demonstrators carry signs calling for "Death to the Jews" and proclaiming "Hitler was right!" are:
Someone who plants a shrapnel-packed bomb near the finish line of a marathon is likely to belong to:
You'll probably get death threats if you:
The response to the latest Religion of Peace atrocity – the attack on a humor magazine in Paris that left 12 dead, 17 wounded -- was craven, inane and utterly predictable. French President Francois Hollande called the murders by jihadists shouting "God is great" and "The Prophet has been avenged," "barbaric" and (going way out on a limb) "without a doubt an act of terrorism." He did not specify the type of terrorism – eco-terrorism, narco- terrorism, Basque terrorism? This is unsurprising, as the socialist president was elected with the support of 93% of French Moslems. Germany's Interior Minister, Tomas de Maziere, took a baby step further, calling the Paris slaughter the work of "extremist Islamism, Islamic terrorism," which "is something quite different from Islam." If you don't believe him, just ask the leaders of the largest mosque in Madrid or the central mosque in the German City of Bremen. Oh, I forgot, you can’t. Both centers of devotion were closed by police in 2014 for spreading ISIL propaganda or recruiting fighters for Iraq and Syria. "They have no respect for anybody else's life," huffed former DNC Chairman Howard Dean. "That's not what the Koran says." While I'm reluctant to take issue with such an eminent Islamic scholar as Dean, what most definitely the Koran says is, "Slay them (unbelievers) wherever you come upon them." "When you meet unbelievers, smite their necks." Secretary of State John Kerry sneered at the concept of a "clash of civilizations." Rather, the mass murder in Paris was symptomatic of the "larger confrontation” between "civilization itself and those who are opposed to a civilized world." But what is civilization – democracy, tolerance, human rights? Islam favors these? White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told a CNN interviewer that "this is an act of violence that we certainly condemn" and "if it proves to be an act of terrorism" then that would be condemned too. However, according to this administration, terrorism can only be committed by a certified terrorist group, specifically ISIL or al-Qaeda. Anything else is violent (just ask the 12 bodies in the Paris morgue), but clearly not terrorism. The president of the United States, now into his sixth year of denying of reality, refused to use the terms "Islamic terrorism," "Islamic extremism" or Islamic-anything-that-isn’t-nice." "Our thoughts and prayers" are with the French people, Obama said. He "strongly condemns the horrific shooting." At least he didn't call it workplace violence (the designation for the Ft. Hood massacre) or attribute the murders to an obscure Internet video, as he did the Benghazi butchery. In his UN address this year, perhaps he'll declare, "The future must not belong to those who publish satirical cartoons about Islam's prophet." In 2012, maintaining the fiction that an anti-Islam video sparked the murders of our ambassador to Libya and three others, the president bravely proclaimed before the representatives of 49 Moslem countries, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam" – as if this was an imminent danger. It's more likely that Harvard will be taken over by creationists and global warming skeptics. The problem with the establishment's Hans-Christian-Andersen version of Islam is that most in the Moslem world who believe in Islam, have spent their lives studying Islam, and live Islam deny it emphatically – be they the imams of Mecca's Grand Mosque, the mullahs who run Iran, the Moslem Brotherhood (in the business of promoting Islam since 1928), or the scholars of Cairo's Al-Azhar University (the Vatican of Islam), not to mention the Koran itself. In a December 28 speech at Al-Azhar, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi took a stern tone with the assembled clerics: "I say and I repeat again that we are in need of a religious revolution before Allah. The entire waiting for your next move...because this ummah (worldwide Moslem community) is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost – and it is being lost by our own hands." But he's only the president of the largest Moslem country in the Middle East, so what does he know? Islam is preparing our resting place. Western elites are carrying the coffin. Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at |
The article below was written by Marnie O'Neill who is a Professor of Education at the University of Western Australia, and was previously an Editor of ERP. She was the inaugural Director of Teaching for pre-service teacher education in the Graduate School of Education. Professor O'Neill has published numerous journal articles in outlets such as English Quarterly, Curriculum Perspectives, English in Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, and The International Journal of Inclusivity. She has also written numerous invited book chapters. |
ISIS militants have gone on an execution frenzy in Iraq, murdering at least 20 people in a 48-hour period, including two men "found guilty" of being gay. Photographs of the killings, shocking even by the group’s barbaric standards, have been circulating on social media since last Thursday. They include images of two blindfolded men being hauled to the top of a seven or eight story tower before being thrown to their deaths, one at a time, as a large crowd watches from below. One picture is captioned: "The Muslims come to watch the application of the law." GRAPHIC PICTURES CONTENT WARNING!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Some Muslims — certainly those practising Sharia law — believe that the Prophet Mohammad said homosexuality should be punished with death and it still carries the death penalty in some Islamic countries. However, Iraq is not one of them. Same-sex intercourse is legal in 22 nations with a Muslim majority, including Albania, Bahrain, Jordan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chad and Turkey. ![]() The horrific event, believed to have taken place in the city of Mosul, has provoked global outrage but it was not the only one staged by the terror group last week. At least 17 young men were crucified before being shot in the head in a village square and an alleged adulteress was stoned to death. ![]() Syrian news agency SANA said 11 of the 17 men had been charged with apostasy and fighting ISIS during a fierce battle in the province of Deir Ezzor, Syria's seventh largest city. After they were shot dead, their bodies were mutilated — a practice popular with militants, who regularly post graphic photographs of people they have dismembered, on their Twitter and Facebook accounts. ![]() SANA identified seven of the executed men as Ibrahim Jarad al-Hajr, Murad Subhi al-Hindawi, Hamed Ali al-Mohammad, Hamed al-Tneika, As'ad Mohammad al-Assaf and Mohammad Yassin al-Hamad. Another man named as Ahmad Mostafa Ali al-Turki was beheaded, the agency reported. ![]() ![]() Images showing the executions were attributed to the "Information Office of the mandate of Nineveh", a city in Iraq, and posted using Just Paste It. The site bears the logo and flag of the Islamic State the photos are dated January 15. Contact Sanne DeWitt at |
ISIS EXECUTES 13 TEENS FOR WATCHING SOCCERPosted by Sanne DeWitt, January 21, 2015 |
The article below was written by Yaron Steinbuch and Jamie Schram. Steinbuch is an editor at The Journal News/ and reporter at new York Post. His interests include aviation, photography, motorcycling and taekwondo (black belt). Schram0 |
![]() ISIS jihadists publicly executed 13 teenage boys for watching a soccer match. The young fans were reportedly watching an Asian Cup match between Iraq and Jordan on TV last week when they were caught by the militants in the Iraqi city of Mosul, which ISIS, or the Islamic State, controls. The group of teens was executed in public by a firing squad that used machine guns, according to Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently, an activist group that exposes ISIS atrocities. Before the kids were killed, their “crime” was announced over a loudspeaker, reports said. "The bodies remained lying in the open and their parents were unable to withdraw them for fear of murder by the terrorist organization," RIBSS posted on its website. The boys were slaughtered because they were said to be violating Sharia law by watching the game. Iraq beat Jordan 1-0 in the Jan. 12 match, which took place in Brisbane, Australia. A few days earlier, the Islamic State released a gruesome video showing two men being flung off a tower in Mosul. Before the execution, a masked fighter using a hand-held radio announced to a crowd of onlookers that the condemned duo had been found guilty of engaging in homosexual activities. Meanwhile, the Islamic State is winning the war against heavy winter storms battering Iraq and Syria, huge swaths of which they control. US military officials told The Post the terrorists are completely unfazed by brutal weather conditions that have plagued Syrian and Iraqi refugees currently being helped by the United Nations. "[ISIS] is a well-funded group, able to purchase cold-weather equipment," said one US military official. "Also, while there are some foreign fighters, the vast majority of [ISIS] are from the area, so they know how to adjust for weather conditions," the official added. Contact Sanne DeWitt at |
THE RELIGIOUS CRUSADES OF THE CIAPosted by Narayana Sd, January 21, 2015 |
This is a classic piece that will blow away our minds. Author has given all the references for supporting information via hyperlinks. The article below was written by Arvind Kumar who is a writer and an activist who focuses on politics, economy and civilizational issues. This article appeared January 21, 2015 on Indiafacts Truth Be Told and is archived at |
![]() Among the murkier chapters in the history of the Central Intelligence Agency, the attempt to destabilize societies around the world using religion warrants attention. Allen Dulles, who headed the CIA in its early years, was responsible for using religious groups as cover for intelligence activities. He had used them for spying even when he was part of the Office of Strategic Services which was CIA's predecessor. After the creation of the CIA, Christian missionaries played a very important role in destabilizing various countries and in carrying out espionage activities on behalf of the CIA. The most recent high profile example of the US using religious missionaries as Trojan horses to cause disturbances in India was in the case of the agitation against the Kudankulam nuclear power plant. This agitation came after a cable to the CIA from the US Consulate in Mumbai (Wikileaks cable 06MUMBAI1803_a) informed the agency that "we feel that the USG must move forward to enable our companies to compete in the next stage of India's nuclear future. Otherwise we may have to watch bitterly as third countries become the first to benefit commercially from the environment that our diplomacy has created." The CIA-church connection had been one of the topics of an investigation conducted by the US Senate in 1975. Coincidentally, it came to be known as the Church Committee as it was headed by Senator Frank Church, and according to the report of this Committee, the CIA had informed them of at least "a total of 14 covert arrangements which involved direct operational use of 21 individuals" who were American clergy or missionaries. The report went on to state that a few of them "were current in August 1975, and according to the CIA, they were used only for intelligence collection, or, in one case, for a minor role in preserving the cover of another asset." ![]()
The figure of $11,414 in this excerpt gives us a clue that the country in question is most likely India as this amount translates to a nice round figure of one lakh rupees using the currency exchange rate of the day. In addition to being a round figure, it was also a substantial amount of money in the 1970s in India. The CIA used opposition to communism in the Third World as the excuse to fund churches in Kerala and this interference in Indian politics came to light in 1978 when the former ambassador to India, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, published the information his book A Dangerous Place. Apart from interfering in Kerala, American churches have provided extensive support to the terrorists in Nagaland whose stated aim is "Nagalim for Christ." These terrorists receive overt help from the American establishment in the form of so-called human rights reports and public statements of support from high profile politicians such as Jimmy Carter. ![]() In the 1950s and 1960s, the US establishment keenly pushed their religion and Western values as the standard for the entire world. Feminism and sex were used as weapons against countries where the bond of family was strong and stood as a line of defense against the actions of those who wanted to create instability in society. In a speech before the Fund for Peace Conference in 1974, CIA head William E. Colby admitted that the CIA had funded several groups around the world to propagate their point of view and named the famous feminist Gloria Steinem as a recipient of such funds. According to Colby, "The record is clear that the assistance given to these institutions by the CIA was to enable them to participate in foreign activities; there was no attempt to interfere in internal American domestic activities. CIA aid helped such groups as the National Students Association to articulate the views of American students abroad and meet the Communist-subsidized effort to develop a panoply of international front organizations. I might quote Ms. Gloria Steinem, one of those assisted, who commented that the CIA "wanted to do what we wanted to do – present a healthy, diverse view of the United States" – I never felt I was being dictated to at all." Another women's group named Redstockings had uncovered Gloria Steinem's CIA connections and included the information in their book Feminist Revolution but the publishing firm Random House removed the chapter before publication and called it an "abridged edition" as they faced immense pressure to suppress this information from several quarters including the president of Ford Foundation. The news about this suppression became public when it was published in Village Voice in May 1979. ![]() In 1957, Gloria Steinem had visited Kerala and worked with an American Protestant missionary and helped his group reach out to women. While in India, she gathered information about plantations in Kerala, and a few Wikileaks cables show that the American establishment was eager to present her in later years as a thought leader who had to be emulated and included meetings with her as part of programs organized for visiting foreign dignitaries. Gloria Steinem's visit to India had been funded by what was called the Chester Bowles scholarship which was named after the ambassador to India, but this scholarship, which had been created in the year of Gloria Steinem's visit to India, was curiously discontinued immediately after she and another student were funded for their trips to India. One religious organization that has received money from USAID and has been outed as a front for the CIA is the Summer Institute of Linguistics (now SIL International) which was set up to translate the bible into various languages and distribute them around the world. Together with its sister organization, the Wycliffe Bible Translators, and its subsidiary, the Jungle Aviation and Radio Services (JAARS) which operates several aircraft and radio stations, SIL became a very powerful and destructive force in the world. In the 1970s, several Latin American countries including Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Peru held SIL responsible for advancing the interests of the American intelligence agencies (see Wikileaks cables 1975BOGOTA06132_b, 1975MEXICO05045_b, 1975LIMA08739_b and 1976LIMA01274_b) and Brazil expelled SIL's missionaries from the country for acting as cover for geologists searching for mineral deposits in the Amazon basin. SIL's clout in the American establishment was such that they were able to bypass the diplomats and directly seek helicopters from the military to carry out their mission in Papua New Guinea (see Wikileaks cable 1973CANBER02655_b). SIL has been accused of drug trafficking, smuggling emeralds and uranium, and even waging germ warfare that destroyed many native tribes. In their book THY WILL BE DONE, The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, the authors Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett document the extensive connections of Wycliffe Bible Translators with Nelson and John D. Rockefeller and their takeover of the resources in the Amazon basin countries. SIL's partner in India is the Indian Institute of Cross Cultural Communication based in Nashik. An example of the kind of work executed by this institute can be found on the resume of Wayne Dye who is on the faculty of the Graduate Institute of Linguistics and who worked at the IICCC as a consultant for SIL. According to his own description, he conducted seminars “for Indians engaged in cross-cultural church planting” while at the IICCC. ![]() Things take a bizarre turn in the context of SIL and its connection to drugs. When LSD was first synthesized by the Swiss drug firm Sandoz, it was clear that there was no medicinal use for it, but the CIA was interested in it as part of its mind control program and its aim of controlling of societies in general. The CIA even set up a project named MKULTRA to research "behavioral modification." According to a Senate hearing in 1977, CIA used many unwitting persons for experimentation as part of this project. Over the years, they infiltrated many groups and distributed narcotic and psychedelic drugs with the twin aims of observing their effects and weakening the groups they were targeting. Among the Hindu groups that were suspected of being victims of infiltration by CIA agents were Rajneesh's ashram, ISKCON and the Ananda Marg. Unlike Christian churches, Hindu outfits were not conducive to being taken over by replacing the spiritual head while retaining the followers, and hence the only option available to their opponents was to destroy such groups. Rajneesh's followers had also gone one step further and built up a self-sustaining commune that did not depend on the government. This was sure to attract the hostility of the American establishment which has repeatedly demonstrated intolerance for independent communities and individuals regardless of their race or religion. In contrast, the centralized nature of Christianity was helpful to the American government. According to Colby and Dennet, the Summer Institute of Linguistics not only converted the local people in Latin America from their indigenous faiths to Christianity, but also 'used the Bible to teach indigenous people to "obey the government, for all authority comes from God."' The idea that all authority comes from God is part of the biblical verse Romans 13:1. It is in CIA's use of drugs to control others that R. Gordon Wasson and SIL come into the picture. Wasson was the author of an article titled Seeking the Magic Mushroom in Life magazine in 1957 and the article is considered a path breaking one in the 'psychedelic movement.' He was close to CIA's Director Allen Dulles and had gone on an expedition to Mexico in search of the "Magic Mushroom" with funds from the CIA. Wasson has acknowledged at the end of his article that he collaborated with missionaries belonging to the Summer School of Linguistics. John Marks, a former State Department official who worked at the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, discusses Wasson in his book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, but as in the case of most books authored by ex-spooks, one must expect critical information to be covered up and not hope to get the full extent of Wasson's participation, especially as Marks sought Wasson's feedback for the draft of the book. ![]() Sometime in 1962, Gordon Wasson recruited a young lady named Mrs. Arthur Gudwin to dig out information about the source of soma from Sanskrit texts. Mrs. Gudwin, also known as Wendy Gudwin, was the daughter of Lester Doniger, a wealthy scam artist who deceived ordinary people into parting with money by threatening them that their credit rating would be affected if they did not pay him money. Among the many false representations Lester Doniger made to his victims, he created and used the fictitious name of Mail Order Credit Reporting Association along with a letterhead for this fake organization on which he sent out his threats (see p. 785 of Federal Trade Commission rulings for April-June 1964). A fervent believer in converting people to Christianity, Lester Doniger actively helped evangelical churches achieve this goal. Together with his brother Simon Doniger, he published two journals – Pulpit Digest and Pastoral Psychology – in order to help the Christian churches become more powerful and efficient in their operations. The New York Times dated 26 February 1949 reported that Pulpit Digest honored an evangelist radio series and that Lester Doniger, before presenting the award, pointed out that "the program had 6 million listeners weekly and there were approximately 70 million without church affiliations toward whom the program was directed." There were other fronts on which Lester Doniger was involved with the activities of the American establishment. Closely tied to the feminist movement was the issue of sex education, and in 1964, the US got UNESCO to focus on disseminating information related to sex around the world. A new organization named Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) was soon set up and Lester Doniger became the president of SIECUS within a few years. Under his stewardship, SIECUS was funded by Steven Rockefeller and James Warburg of the influential banking family, two key people who have helped shape US foreign policy and bankrolled several overt and covert American government programs. The US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara also supported SIECUS and yet another source of funds for the organization was the Ford Foundation. ![]() Other members of Lester Doniger's family too have strange antecedents that seem like too many coincidences to dismiss them out of hand. His wife, Rita Doniger, once sold tickets for an event of the Marxist group National Council of American Soviet Friendship, putting her in a prime position to spy on who was attending the event. Gathering such information was one of the common activities carried out by the American intelligence agencies and this is the most plausible reason for a person from a family tied to the establishment volunteering to help organize the event. Yet another family member, Dennis M. O'Flaherty, another husband of Wendy Doniger, was a Russian language expert whose doctoral thesis was related to propaganda in Russia. He was sent to Moscow during the cold war with a grant from the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), a government aided organization that was set up as a public-private partnership in 1967 to take over the responsibilities of the Inter-University Committee on Travel Grants (IUCTG). The Soviet Union had accused professors and scholars sent by the IUCTG of working for the CIA and expelled a few of them over the years. IREX scholars too were accused of espionage activities (for example, by Yugoslavia) and IREX continued to be part of the American national security plans after the Soviet-Eastern European Research and Training Act of 1983 was passed. During the Congressional hearings before the act was passed, one of the supporters of the act who taught at Columbia University made the point that research in universities on the Soviet bloc countries should be treated as "utmost importance to the national security of the United States." More recently, Jim Leach, former Congressman and former Chairperson of the National Endowment of the Humanities, admitted in a speech that there were "connections between the humanities and national security." The "research" of Mrs. Wendy Gudwin nee Doniger who is now a professor at the University of Chicago must be viewed in the light of this background combined with her work with Gordon Wasson. None of her so-called research is original, and as a pliant assistant, she has merely propagated the views of those for whom she has worked. Perhaps this explains the inconsistency in her writings and the shallowness in her scholarship. For example, she has claimed that the authors of the Rigveda were "invading Indo-Aryans" but has also written elsewhere against the Aryan Invasion Theory. She treats the myth of a conversation between Jesus and Thomas as a historical fact and even assigns a date to the purported event. It is in the understanding of Indian religious traditions that she demonstrates a clear lack of depth when she claims that Hindu and Buddhist mendicants abandon their material lives because they are driven by Wanderlust. Even the idea of mixing up sex and religion did not originate with her. Her uncle Simon Doniger had published a book titled Sex and Religion Today. After helping Gordon Wasson buttress his claims on soma, Wendy Doniger continued where Simon Doniger had left off and her work was aligned with the message of Christian missionaries and SIECUS packaged in academic verbiage and style. Christian missionaries routinely attack Hindu beliefs by attacking Krishna and this behavior is accurately depicted in RK Narayan's novel Swami and Friends in which the teacher of the scripture class attempts to foist Christianity on the students by preaching, "Oh, wretched idiots!...Did our Jesus go gadding about with dancing girls like your Krishna? Did our Jesus go about stealing butter like that arch-scoundrel Krishna? Did our Jesus practise dark tricks on those around him?" ![]() In the works of Lester Doniger's daughter and other American professors, the same kind of attack on Hindus can be found in a more sophisticated form complete with footnotes and citations in order to appear pedantic. After working for Gordon Wasson, Lester Doniger's daughter was placed at Harvard University where her guide, Daniel Ingalls, was a known intelligence agent who had spied against Indian freedom fighters. She then spent time in Oxford, and strangely, her adviser RC Zaehner too was an intelligence agent. Zaehner, who was also a racist, had headed the failed British attempt in 1951 to overthrow the Mossadegh government in Iran and put the Iranian oilfields in the control of the British. Earlier, in 1963-64, Wendy Doniger had been sent to India for a year on a $6000 fellowship (this was thirty percent more than the median annual income in the US) to the American Institute of Indian Studies which would eventually come to be known as a CIA front. The US had set up many front organizations in the academia as part of the National Defense Education Act of 1958 and AIIS was one such institution. The links of AIIS to the intelligence community was very strong during the days of Wendy Doniger's association with the organization. Its Director in 1964 was Richard D. Lambert who had been stationed in India as part of the counterintelligence department during the second world war. He was succeeded by Thomas Simons who was also part of the intelligence community and who had headed the South Asian branch of the Office of Intelligence Research in the US Department of State. A key member of the founding group of AIIS was Richard Park who went on to become the India scholar at AIIS. Park was also part of the infamous Asia Foundation. Despite earlier denials, it was revealed in 1967 that the Asia Foundation had received funds from the CIA and it had in turn funneled money to Indian groups in the guise of funding cultural and educational programs. This revelation led to an outcry in the Indian parliament on the role of AIIS and other groups. Even the journal Seminar which was published by the brother of the Marxist professor Romila Thapar devoted an entire issue to the topic of "Academic Colonialism," but that was before Romila Thapar received money and titles from the American establishment and started supporting them. Indira Gandhi's government asked Asia Foundation to cease its operations and leave India. One of the projects that was terminated by the Indian government was based in the Himalayan foothills and its personnel collected information on land ownership and the political situation in both India and Nepal. This project had received funds from multiple sources including the AIIS and the Department of Defense. ![]() By 1972, the situation had become so severe that Indira Gandhi had to keep out foreign scholars from India. The New York Times dated 5 August 1972 carried an editorial headlined 'India Closes its Doors' in which it stated, "India no doubt has been victimized by some sloppy and even malicious scholarship. On that basis alone New Delhi has some justification for seeking a measure of control over the hordes of scholars and would-be scholars who descend on the subcontinent annually, attracted by India' rich cultural diversity and historic fascination." Even before the National Defense Education Act, the first program that focused on India had been set up at the University of Pennsylvania to serve the military during the second world war. In the following years, similar centers were set up at other universities with the faculty members carefully chosen so that they believed in the superiority of Western Christianity. The fact that most American programs related to studying India grew out of the intelligence and military departments which sought to shape public opinion in other countries through the media and academia explains the strange phenomenon of American faculty members hating their own area of research and expressing hostility towards the culture they claim to study. This behavior is at complete odds with that of of real researchers who pursue an academic field, not out of hate, but out of love for the chosen subject. The intertwining of the academia with CIA's operations manifested itself in the 1990s during the process that resulted in the passage of the International Religious Freedom Act leading to the setting up of the Office of International Religious Freedom and the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. Although the Office of International Religious Freedom now operates behind the thin veil of 'religious freedom,' which is really an euphemism for the propagation of Christianity using government resources, the veil was off before the passage of the International Religious Freedom Act. Contrary to commonly held views, this law was not the brainchild of any Congress member. In 1996, the then Secretary of State Warren Christopher created the Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad in order to "facilitate effective partnerships between the U.S. Government and a broad range of religious communities, academic institutions, and advocacy groups to advance religious freedom." That the Committee was packed with Christians and had Jewish and Muslim representation while having no Hindu on it was a clear message that its purpose was to facilitate effective partnerships to propagate Christianity around the world by primarily targeting India. The following year, the State Department also came out with a report titled “United States Policies in Support of Religious Freedom: Focus on Christians," a title that clearly underscores the religious bias of the State Department's agenda. Not long after the publication of the report portraying Christians as victims of violence around the world, the advisory committee made interim recommendations, and in their own words a few years later, "The Advisory Committee is pleased to acknowledge that several of these recommendations have been implemented. Among the most important recommendations to have been achieved was the creation of a new Office on International Religious Freedom within the Department of State." Before the advisory committee came up with its recommendations, it went through the motions and appeared to take public input, but that such hearings were merely part of a charade for public consumption can be gauged from the fact that members of the advisory committee as well as some of those who made presentations before the committee went on to become Commissioners of the USCIRF. Among those on the Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad was Barnett Richard Rubin of the highly influential Council on Foreign Relations which has had many CIA Directors and Secretaries of State as its members. Rubin's focus area in policy related issues was the Indian subcontinent and this should have set off alarm bells ringing in India. ![]() Another member of the committee was an anti-Hindu Harvard Professor and a Christian named Diana Eck who at one time worked for the World Council of Churches which openly calls for evangelism. This group is an umbrella organization for church groups and a key person in its creation was John Foster Dulles who went on to become the US Secretary of State and who was also the brother of Allen Dulles. In 1967, the organization's American affiliate, the National Council of Churches, admitted that they had received money from the CIA. Ramparts magazine had broken a story on NSA and CIA front groups leaving them with little choice but admit their relationship with the CIA. The World Council of Churches also works with the Summer Institute of Linguistics. The World Council of Churches was not Diana Eck's only connection to a front group of intelligence agencies. She had also obtained her Master's degree at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, an institution with a reputation of being infested with British intelligence agents. Hindus are constantly under attack by the US State Department today, but have been the main target of Americans ever since they started their evangelical activities. The first evangelical missionaries from USA went to India and it was to India that one of America's earliest missionaries Adoniram Judson led a group of evangelists in 1812. When Jimmy Carter wanted to open his charity group Habitat for Humanity in India, his intentions were clearly to proselytize Hindus. That is why Rajiv Gandhi forced him to sign an agreement not to indulge in religious conversions. That kind of vigilance is required at all levels of government and society. After all, in the words of the Church Committee, "Agency-funded foundations serve as conduits of funds for a variety of purposes, including clandestine activities and contributions to scholars conducting research which supports United States foreign policy positions." Another angle covered by the Church Committee was the use of journalists and media organizations by the CIA. According to their report, "approximately 50 U.S. journalists" and "more than a dozen United States news organizations and commercial publishing houses" worked for the CIA. In one case, according to the report, the New York Times carried a book review written by a CIA writer for a book brought out by the CIA. The relationship of the New York Times with the CIA runs very deep. In an in-depth cover story that appeared in the Rolling Stone in 1977, Carl Bernstein pointed out that Arthur Hays Sulzberger, the publisher of the New York Times, had even signed a formal agreement with the CIA. His nephew, C.L. Sulzberger, too maintained extensive contacts with the CIA and even published a briefing paper given to him by the CIA almost verbatim under his byline. Carl Bernstein's story quotes a CIA official as saying, "We gave it to Cy as a background piece and Cy gave it to the printers and put his name on it." It is also not uncommon for the CIA to instruct the editors of the newspaper on which stories they had to publish and which stories they had to suppress. In 1975, A.M. Rosenthal, the managing editor of the New York Times who had also served as their foreign correspondent based in India, acted on orders from the CIA and suppressed a story related to the raising of a sunken Soviet submarine. According to Wayne Biddle, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who worked as a reporter under A.M. Rosenthal and who is now a visiting faculty member at Johns Hopkins University, Rosenthal used to refer to the CIA as "the Company," a term used by CIA insiders. With the debate on religious conversions in India picking up steam, certain journalists and foreign media outlets are now outing themselves as messengers of the American establishment. In a display of truly bizarre behavior indicating that their ideas were not original but had been handed down to them, at least three Western media outlets had nothing to say on the topic of religious conversions for three weeks after several Muslims embraced Hinduism at Agra in early December, but they have now suddenly made the same point at the same time. They have all demanded that Narendra Modi not remain silent on the issue of religious conversions even though the topic is under the jurisdiction of the state governments. ![]() While Andrew Rosenthal, an India baiter and the son of the late A.M. Rosenthal, made the demand along with other editors in an editorial in the New York Times, an identical demand appeared in an article written by a writer for Bloomberg. A similar criticism of Modi also appeared in a piece by Amy Kazmin of the Financial Times whose former Washington bureau chief worked for a senior official in the Bill Clinton administration. The crudest of the three demands was by Amy Kazmin who has described conversions by Christians as "freedom of conscience" and conversions by Hindus as "ugly." Her position is consistent with the tradition of many American journalists who support fellow white Americans like Billy Graham in their proselytizing activities in India. Interestingly, some of the language used in the American press against India constitutes verbatim repetition of the language used by the US State Department. For example, the dishonest phrase "1,000 people, mostly Muslims" that is repeatedly used by the New York Times staff to suppress the deaths of Hindus during the riots in Gujarat in 2002 was coined and first used by the US State Department in their Human Rights report of 1998 to describe the victims of riots that occurred after the events at Ayodhya in 1992. It is extremely important that the American media, academia, think-tanks and grant making foundations be viewed in the context of the Church Committee report. Their twisted view of India as the American version of Dar-al-Harb must not be taken lightly. Instead of collaborating with them and giving them a free run to create American agitprop with Indian money and support, India should curb their activities. Whether Narendra Modi is capable of the strong action taken by Indira Gandhi remains to be seen, but what is clear is that any attempt by foreign forces to either shape public opinion in India or change the religious demographics of the country must be resisted. If India follows the example of South America where the Summer Institute of Linguistics was successful in its efforts, India too will become a Christian nation with the people taught to obey a government that is permanently subservient to foreign powers. Contact Narayana Sd at |
LOOK AT THE NEW CANADIAN STAMP!Posted by John Stembridge, January 21, 2015 |
This great. Canada is to be commended. I have worn an American/Israeli lapel pin for years given to me by our late Consul General Dr. Izzak Ben Gad. It would be wonderful to see our Post Office put out a stamp with the two flags on it as well. |
CANADIAN STAMP What a very special tribute! LOOK WHAT CANADA ISSUED! ![]() Contact STEMBRIDGE at |
The story behind the terrorist attack on the kosher supermarket. The terrorist and his wife were on their way to make a most terrible terrorist attack at the local Chabad school which is one of the biggest in France. During their drive there, they had an accident which drew police attention to them in the area. They panicked and shot the policewoman who approached their car to investigate the seemingly minor traffic accident. This accident saved the lives of tens or even hundreds of Jewish children at that school. The car was later found abandoned with most of their weapons still in it as they could not carry so many weapons on foot. Police also found a note with the address of the Chabad school in the car, so the target was very clear. Apparently, when they then realized that their plans had gone wrong they decided to separate. The terrorist then decided to attack another Jewish target and went for the only other Jewish place he knew, the kosher supermarket. The terrorist was dropped off by his wife at the kosher supermarket and she then drove to the airport to slip out of France. She caught a flight to Turkey and then went on to Syria, to joined up with the ISIS terrorist organization that she and her husband are members of, the group with which they had undergone extensive training. She is believed to be there now. We know the tragic circumstances that resulted for four Jewish hostages in the kosher market. But this could have gone down as one of the worst Muslim terrorist attacks on innocent Jewish children. Look what could have been, without that little simply stupid car accident that saved the children's lives. To have a target of innocent children, must tell us great things as to what these Islamic terrorists hold by in terms of humanity. This whole story is so bizzare that it's beyond the imagination of any normal human being. The amount of arms and ammunition found astounded the police that found it. It was supposed to be a very high toll on our Jewish community. This is why the French army and police came out in such force so fast, this is why President Hollande sent French troops to all Jewish schools in France. Meanwhile, "U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said investigators don't have "any credible information"to determine which group was responsible for the attacks." Contact Paul Rotenberg at |
IRAN: WE WILL CONTINUE ARMING TERRORISTS IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA Iran plans to continue its efforts to "destroy the Zionist entity" - and that includes arming terrorists in Judea and Samaria, it said. ![]() Iran plans to continue its efforts to “destroy the Zionist entity” - and that includes arming terrorists in Judea and Samaria. "The arming policy of the West Bank is one of the policies of Iran and we will use all our capabilities in this way," said Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan. Dehghan made the comments at a memorial service for General Abu Ali Tabtabai, who along with Jihad Mughniyeh and a of Hezbollah terrorists, were eliminated in an Israel Air Force strike Monday. The vehicles in which the two were riding had left Lebanon a few hours earlier, Lebanese sources said. The purpose of the tour, the sources said, was to allow Tabtabai to review the situation on the border with the purpose of developing new attacks on Israel. Commenting on the attack, Deghan said "The Zionist attack will not be passed over," and that Iran would take the "appropriate action" when it wished to. Tensions remained high in northern Israel in the aftermath of the elimination of Mughniyeh, said to be Hezbollah's "commander of the Golan Heights area," and Iranian General Tabtabai. Roads in the area of the Israel-Lebanon border have been closed, and tanks and armored personnel carriers were reportedly deployed along the northern border. Lebanese media outlets are reporting Israeli jets and helicopters over the Har Dov area along the Lebanese border. Late Wednesday, the US issued a travel warning to American citizens and government personnel in Israel, citing the recent tensions along Israel's northern borders and the terrorist stabbing attack in Tel Aviv. "Because of concerns about security on Israel's northern borders, U.S. government personnel are currently required to obtain advance approval if they wish to travel within 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) of the Lebanon border, or travel on or east of Route 98 in the Golan Heights," the advisory said. "Further, in light of the stabbing attack on a public bus in Tel Aviv on January 21, U.S. citizens are reminded that due to security concerns, U.S. government employees are prohibited from using public buses throughout Israel and the West Bank (Judea and Samaria -ed.)," the statement added. Despite the increased tension, residents have been urged to continue with their regular daily routines. Giora Zeltz, chairman of the Upper Galilee Regional Council, said Wednesday that despite the large deployment of IDF troops and the increased police and border guard presence in the area, "we have not received any instructions to change our normal activities. The message we are getting from security officials is that life should continue as usual." Zeltz said that IDF officials had given him three reasons for the increased vigilance: Besides concerns that Hezbollah will try to carry out revenge terror attacks against Israel - "for which we must be ready," he said - 'the IDF is also sending a message to our neighbors that we will not tolerate attacks, and to give residents a sense of safety." SECRET U.S. CABLE: FRENCH 'BLIND' TO MUSLIM PROBLEM Aaron Klein is WND's senior staff reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief. He also hosts "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on Salem Talk Radio. ![]() TEL AVIV – A secret U.S. State Department dispatch from Paris bluntly accused the French government of being "reticent" to explore its growing Muslim minority problem in depth and of adopting a policy of "official blindness" toward the issue. The secret cable, released by WikiLeaks and reviewed by WND, was written in 2007 by the U.S. Embassy in Paris and addressed to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The sensitive document sounded the alarm on growing discontent, increased isolation and "extremist recruiting" within France's Muslim minority communities, warning those problems could explode into a “global threat." The dispatch criticized what it called "the French," for "hav[ing] a well-known problem with discrimination against minorities." It further complained, "The French establishment, for the most part, has been reticent to face up to these problems or their root causes, reluctant to accept the U.S. as a model – or as a partner." "The French Government's approach to religion and minorities traditionally has been to promote assimilation under the banner of equality, however imperfectly that goal has been achieved, with a strong emphasis on "laicite" (secularism) in public spaces," the dispatch said. "This policy demands official blindness to all racial and ethnic differences. French law formally prohibits the collection of statistics on the basis of race, religion, or ethnic background; and only approximate figures are available to us regarding France's minorities, including Muslims." The cable, classified as for official use only, reported the U.S. Embassy in Paris started researching the issue in 2003 and found much of the discontent reported by French minority communities “relates to economic and social exclusion." 'Potentially global threat' The cable showed a particular concern for “extremist recruiting” among France’s isolated Muslim minority communities. The dispatch identified "the potentially global threat of disenfranchised and disadvantaged minorities in France." The U.S. Embassy was so concerned it wrote it was seeking ways the U.S. could help engage the Muslim minority community. The cable said "minority youth need to believe that they have a bright future in their adopted country and that they have nothing to gain and much to lose by association with extremist violence." The U.S. goal must be to "promote the advancement and full integration of France's minorities into mainstream society," the Bush-era cable said. U.S. staff members in France were asked to engage in a French news media blitz "to convey official policy messages" on the issue of France's Arab and Muslim minorities. Among those policies, according to the cable:
Continued the cable: "Effectiveness will be measured in terms of audience and participant totals, improved French media treatment of minority issues, a measurably improved perception of the U.S. among target audiences, and the initiation of new policies and programs by both the French government and French non-governmental organizations to improve the lot of French Arabs and Muslims. "We need to say and show, repeatedly, to Muslim and non-Muslim audiences alike, the [U.S. government] is engaged for good in the Arab-Muslim world, we respect Islam, and the [U.S. government] takes seriously the potentially global threat of disenfranchised and disadvantaged minorities in France." Earlier warnings It was not the first such cable. An earlier cable, from August 2005, lectured, "France not only has a problem with integration or immigration; it also needs to act to give Muslims a sense of French identity." Another cable in January 2009, released by WikiLeaks and reviewed by WND, stated, "French institutions appear insufficiently flexible for a population that is growing more diverse." France's more than 5 million Muslims largely are from the North African nations of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
#IAmKnife (#JeSuisCouteau) Hashtag Supports Tel Aviv Stabbing Attack The day after a brutal stabbing terrorist attack in Tel Aviv, social media users glorify the weapon used, with #JeSuisCouteau hashtag. Trending on social media, the hashtag translated as "#IAmKnife," in praise of weapon used to attack Israelis in Tel Aviv on Jan. 21, 2015. On Wednesday, Jan. 21, an Arab terrorist from Tulkarem, boarded a public bus during the morning rush hour and viciously stabbed a dozen Israelis. Several people remain in critical condition. The bus driver, Herzl Biton, was stabbed multiple times as he bravely fought back against the attacker. He was in a medically-induced coma, as was another victim, but Biton today regained consciousness. The terrorist was shot in the leg by prison guards when he rushed off the bus. The prison guards happened to be driving on the same road and saw the bus weaving suspiciously. The terrorist was taken to an Israeli hospital for treatment and will be charged. The hatred of Israelis, of Jews, has become such a public experience, that people on social media appropriated the recent homage to those murdered at the French satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine, “#JeSuisCharlie, and created their own version: #JeSuisCouteau, which means "I Am Knife." The people using this hashtag, frequently accompanied by grotesque cartoons of stabbed Jews or glorifying pictures of knives, are celebrating the vicious attack on Jews. What follows are many examples of the tweets and Tumblr posts glorifying the weapon used to attack Israelis. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The article above was written by Lori Lowenthal Marcus
who is the U.S. correspondent for The Jewish Press. A graduate
of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment
law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools.
Contact Ms. Marcus at This article
appeared January 22, 2015 on the Jewish News of the
Jews, Israel & the World and is archived at
MARXISM - DECONSTRUCTEDPosted by FSM Security, January 22, 2015 |
The article below was written by Ronald R. Cherry M.D. who
practices medicine as a pulmonologist and also writes for
American Thinker and Right Side News.This
article appeared January 22, 2015 on Family Security Matters
and is archived at
![]() In its essence Marxism, the core ideology of modern Socialism, is an irrational, utopian and coercive perversion of human equality. Marxism seeks equality where equality does not exist, demanding legal enforcement of equal social outcomes, including those related to economics, higher education, athletics, religion and human sexuality. This ideology even extends to international relationships whereby no nation is allowed to excessively prosper or achieve greatness, i.e.: all nations must be "equal." Never mind that when people are free their human nature leads to inequality of outcomes - some are hard-working and some are lazy - some are more intelligent and some are less intelligent - some are stronger and some are weaker - some are tall and some are short. Unequal results occur naturally without force when people possess rightful liberty. Based on their degree of truly Free Enterprise nations similarly divide themselves unequally into various degrees of prosperity or depravity. Under the guiding hand of intellectuals and mass media Marxist ideas are slowly and silently transforming the mental attitudes of Americas. For example, we fail to recognize Marxist equality at work when elementary schools do not keep score during athletic events - we must not hurt little Johnny's feelings when another team scores more goals or points - that is inequality. Never mind that athletic competition results in a form of natural and healthy inequality which leads to an appreciation for success and an acknowledgement of failure. Collegiate Title IX rules are a form of Cultural Marxism since equal numbers of men's and women's athletic programs are unnaturally enforced instead of a natural program of equal liberty for men and women students to create athletic teams. This form of Marxist thinking is called "gender equity," but Marxist thinking is dysfunctional in the real world, frustrating the natural liberty and the equal rights of students to freely pursue athletic recreation. Under a natural system of equal rights men and women would take turns forming teams until the athletic budget was exhausted. Let's say the women at a certain university ended up creating ten athletic programs, and taking turns the men also created ten. Let's say there was still sufficient money in the university's athletic budget for two more athletic programs, and since the men wanted two more programs but the women didn't, the men would end up with twelve athletic programs and the women ten. This inequality of result would occur naturally under an equality of rights, but under the cultural Marxism of Title IX, despite the unequal demand, there will be ten and ten - the natural desire for the guys to have two more athletic programs must be crushed - equal rights sacrificed on the altar of equal outcome. Of course it could turn out the other way around, where the women ended up with twelve programs and the men ten - who cares as long as equal rights is the rule? Marxists care - they aim to unnaturally force equal outcome in every aspect of life - because they are attracted to the use of force - because they crave an animal-like "will to power" over others - wrongful liberty "to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor." Affirmative Action is also a form of Cultural Marxism since these laws unnaturally force equal ethnic or racial outcomes in graduate school admission instead of a natural enforcement of equal academic standards for all. Under Cultural Marxism the values of American Judeo-Christian Culture must be seen as equal to that of Totalitarian Political Islam, and by unnaturally slicing open the Gordian Knot of human nature, the value of homosexuality must be made equal - by force - to that of heterosexual marriage. Like gods walking the earth, the Marxist "Priests of Power" - in their perverted minds - believe they can "create human nature." "The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake... The object of power is power... Always there will be the intoxication of power... We are the Priests of Power... We'll cut the links between child and parent... and between man and woman... You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do, and will turn against us; but we create human nature." George Orwell - 1984 Economic Marxism occurs when government seeks to force equal property outcome among the people, doing so through "despotic inroads on the rights of property" - i.e.: government expropriation of property from the laboring middle class - the so-called bourgeoisie - which is "re-distributed" - first to themselves - and then to the labor-challenged so-called proletariat class in return for votes. Marxists call such economic social engineering "Social Equity" - Orwellian Newspeak for unequal property rights and unequal tax law - or it is called "Social Justice" - Orwellian Newspeak for social injustice. Karl Marx understood that forced equal property outcome required the tyranny of unequal property rights and inequality before the law. Together, the labor-challenged tax-eating Marxist and so-called proletariat classes possess superior rights to property compared to the laboring tax-paying middle class. The inequity of forced equal outcome is the tyranny of unequal rights. "In one word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so; that is just what we intend [in order to equalize the proletariat and bourgeoisie]... The proletariat [lazy, tax-eating, non-disabled government-dependents] will use its political [democratic] supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital [property] from the bourgeoisie [laboring, tax-paying middle class and entrepreneurs], to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state [self-serving Marxist Government and intellectuals]... Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property." Karl Marx Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln must have anticipated the likes of Karl Marx - a man hell-bent on re-establishing despotic government domination of the individual - where unnatural government-derived unequal "rights" trump natural God-given equal rights. "To take from one [according to his ability] because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father's has acquired too much, in order to spare to others [according to his need], who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association--the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." Thomas Jefferson "Property is the fruit of is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless ["proletariat"] pull down the house of another [middle class "bourgeoisie"]; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built." Abraham Lincoln Under economic Marxism the bourgeoisie and the proletariat must be unnaturally forced into economic equality regardless of creativity, effort and labor. The laboring middle class will be gradually reduced and thereby made equal to the level of existing "proletarian" poverty - this occurs when enough of a population, under the burden of excessive taxation &/or inflation, goes over to the proletariat side - with outstretched hands - voting for the Party which will rob the remaining middle class on their behalf. The property outcome of the laboring middle class, in their natural creative pursuit of happiness, must be unnaturally and forcefully made equal, i.e.: reduced, to that of destructive proletarian laziness. Under economic Marxism the middle class is gradually worn down and finally extinguished. "You must, therefore, confess that by "individual" you mean no other person than the bourgeois, than the middle-class owner of property. This person must, indeed, be swept out of the way, and made impossible... And the abolition of this state of things is called by the bourgeois, abolition of individuality and freedom! And rightly so. The abolition of bourgeois [middle class] individuality, bourgeois independence, and bourgeois freedom is undoubtedly aimed at." Karl Marx "The way to crush the bourgeoisie [middle class] is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation." Vladimir Lenin Karl Marx conceived an irrational and unnatural form of human equality - equal social and economic outcomes achieved by pushing people down. Marx preached this perverted version of "social justice" which he likely picked up from Plato and French Revolutionaries such as Jean Jacques Rousseau and Gracchus Babeuf. "We claim to live and die equal, the way we were born: we want this real equality or death; that's what we need. And we'll have this real equality, at whatever price. Unhappy will be those who stand between it and us!...We need not only that equality of rights written into the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen; we want it in our midst, under the roofs of our houses... The French Revolution was nothing but a precursor of another revolution, one that will be bigger, more solemn, and which will be the last." Gracchus Babeuf Of course, enforcement of "real" equality can only occur under the tyranny of unequal rights - where people are unjustly treated differently by the law. "From the fact that people are very different it follows that, if we treat them equally, the result must be inequality in their actual position, and that the only way to place them in an equal position would be to treat them differently. Equality before the law and material equality are therefore not only different but are in conflict with each other..." F. A. Hayek Marxist economic class struggle aims to unnaturally and unjustly equalize, i.e.: reduce, the middle class down to the level of the so-called proletariat class, which in practice, under a system of Free Enterprise, turns out to be the non-disabled non-workers and the government employed or supported make-workers. Yes, the proletariat class is an oppressed class under Feudal, Fascist or Crony Capitalist systems where self-serving laws favor the enterprises of a few - forcefully and unnaturally elevating a wealthy class above the little people, who, despite creativity and hard labor, cannot attain the high economic or social level reserved for such a government-enabled elite class. Under these unjust economic and social systems the oppressed proletariat class is not free to "do as they please with themselves, and the product of their labor." However, under true Free Enterprise the poor (proletariat) class mainly turns out to be the criminals and lazy bums of society - those non-disabled individuals who refuse to honestly strive with Mother Nature to create their own property - the class of people, along with their Marxist superiors, who say "you work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it." The true proletarians, oppressed under Feudal or Fascist systems, possess a natural right to overthrow their oppressors, but the pretended proletarians under Free Enterprise are not oppressed, because they are free to "do as they please with themselves, and the product of their labor." This Marxist myth is further unraveled here: "The history of all existing society," he [Marx] and Engels declared, "is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf ... oppressor and oppressed, stood in sharp opposition to each other." They were quite right to note the political castes and resulting clashes of the pre-liberal era. The expositors of [classic] liberalism (Spencer, Maine) saw their ethic, by establishing the political equality of all (e.g., the abolition of slavery, serfdom, and inequality of rights)... Alas, Marx the Prophet could not accept that the classless millennium had arrived before he did. Thus, he revealed to a benighted humanity that [classic] liberalism was in fact merely another stage of History's class struggle - "capitalism" - with its own combatants: the "proletariat" and the "bourgeoisie." The former were manual laborers, the latter professionals and business owners. Marx's "classes" were not political castes but occupations. Today the terms have broadened to mean essentially income brackets. If Smith can make a nice living from his writing, he's a bourgeois; if Jones is reciting poetry for coins in a subway terminal, he's a proletarian." Barry Loberfeld When Karl Marx advocated government-managed economic class struggle, "From each according to his abilities [middle class], to each according to his needs [proletariat class]," he failed - I believe intentionally - to account for the facts of lower human nature - the greedy aspect of human nature. The ordinary man desires to labor creatively for his property in his natural pursuit of happiness. The laboring man who desires and is satisfied with the fruit of his own labor is not a greedy man; his happiness is a natural sign of self-ownership and earned self-esteem. The proletariat class, and the Marxist ruling class, do not desire to labor - they desire the fruit of labor of the laboring man - that is greed. Karl Marx ignored or concealed the fact that under a system of Free Enterprise the proletariat class becomes the lazy and greedy class - why work if you don't have to? Of course the Marxist ruling class is also greedy for the labored-for property of the hard-working middle class. When the non-disabled man fails in his sacred duty to labor creatively he becomes needy for property, and must either beg or steal property to satisfy his need - or he can vote for a Marxist-type government to do the dirty deed through unjust excessive taxation of the laboring man. The needs of the lazy "proletariat" man are manifold - so under Marxism the laboring "bourgeoisie" man must pay according to his ability - he must be forced to pay - he must pay without limits - because the lazy man has unlimited needs. Forced equality of economic outcome requires the tyranny of suppressed property rights for the worker, and corresponding enhancement of property rights for the lazy, through unequal tax law, in order to reduce the gap which naturally occurs - under equal property rights - between rich and poor. We have a moral obligation to help the disabled poor as taught in the Old and New Testaments, but that Judeo-Christian duty is a non-self-serving individual obligation, not a self-serving collectivist government obligation. Our Founding Fathers did not include charity as an enumerated power of Federal Government in our Constitution because they knew that government - a small group of people after all - is prone to greed and corruption on a far greater scale than that of individuals, most of whom are naturally compassionate and charitable toward their disabled neighbor. Under our 10th Amendment family, private individuals, private groups and - as a last resort - state governments are responsible for helping the elderly and disabled who are in need. Free people are naturally prosperous because they bring home the fruit of their own labor and thereby possess a natural incentive to labor. An unnatural state of serfdom and poverty occurs when Marxist government forcefully robs and then "collectivizes" the fruit of other people's labor - in violation of Natural Law. The temptation to pig out on collectivized property and to use it for bribing people and buying votes is an irresistible force in Marxist government. Serfdom and poverty are inevitable in a Marxist society because the people comprising collectivist government, and their proletarian allies, invariably become greedy for fruit of other men's labor. It follows that the work ethic of the laboring middle class is destroyed as they eventually become exhausted and demoralized by the burden of excessive taxation of their labor on behalf of the parasitic proletariat class in alliance with the parasitic Marxist ruling class. The work ethic of the non-disabled proletariat class is also destroyed because they are not required to labor for property - the Marxist ruling class supplies them with the fruit of middle class labor. In the end a nation where the natural work ethic of its people is universally destroyed - where there are no longer enough people in the laboring middle class - is a nation on the Road to Serfdom. At the end of Marxist economic class struggle, when the middle class finally succumbs, there will be a dramatic fall off in production of food and other goods and services. Envision a cruise ship where more and more passengers run over to the left side looking for "free stuff" from government - of course the "free stuff" is the fruit of other men's labor - the laboring men still slogging it out on the right side. Eventually there will not be enough laborers and entrepreneurs on the right side of the ship to prevent it from capsizing. Crisis and possible anarchy inevitably ensues under Marxism - and who "comes to the rescue" - with dictatorial martial law - but the Marxists themselves. Marxist "Social Justice" ends in poverty and a "dictatorship of the proletariat" - code for dictatorship of the Marxist ruling class, thus the terminal phase of Marxism is indistinguishable from Fascism. Marxist Socialism is not the cure for injustice and poverty in this world - it is one of the chief causes of injustice and poverty in the modern world - an organized crime against humanity. Marxists say that a private employer "appropriates" a worker's labor which "alienates them from, their fundamental nature." That may be true under a Fascist system of Crony Capitalism where government-connected employers take advantage of workers, but under true Free Enterprise workers are paid by non-government-connected employers in free exchange for their labor which anchors both to their fundamental nature. A multiplicity of these employers naturally find themselves competing for good workers via higher pay and benefits, and non-government-connected employers also naturally compete for customers by improving their products and services, thus the natural competition of real Free Enterprise is the self-limiting force - the invisible hand - which provides real justice to all three - the worker, the customer and the employer. Marxists also say that "Equality in ownership and control of the means of production is a necessary prerequisite for freedom," when in fact, as the twentieth Century has shown, Marxist enforcement of "equality in ownership and control" requires government collectivization of the people's property, and thereby a concentration of the people's property into their hands, and thereby an excessive concentration of power and control into their hands. "Making everyone equal" via "equality in ownership and control" is thus a necessary prerequisite for Marxist tyranny and the destruction of freedom, because as Lord Acton observed, "Power [via the people's property] tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." "By bringing the whole of life under the control of the State [via the people's property], Socialism necessarily gives power to an inner ring of bureaucrats, who in almost every case will be men who want power for its own sake and will stick at nothing in order to retain it... It cannot be said too often - at any rate, it is not being said nearly often enough - that collectivism is not inherently democratic, but, on the contrary, gives to a tyrannical minority such powers as the Spanish Inquisitors never dreamed of." George Orwell "A claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers." F.A. Hayek Marxism, as a pre-requisite to irrational government-enforced equal outcome, always demands rules and laws which restrict freedom. Envision a sprinter unnaturally weighed down by leaded shoes and required to dodge tripwires; since his competitor has no such burden one achieves the Marxist injustice of enforced equal outcome - or engineered defeat - by holding someone back. Ordinary hard-working, tax-paying, government-supporting middle-class Americans are the impeded runner under an increasingly Marxist economic system - the new "bourgeoisie," and their burden is excessive taxation earmarked for un-Declarational and un-Constitutional redistribution to government-supported intellectuals and the new government-dependent "proletariat." Equality of economic outcome under Marxism always entails the use of excessive government force, and is thus incompatible with human liberty. Force will be used to unnaturally bring down hard-working middle class individuals and high-achieving entrepreneurs to the level of the self-centered so-called proletariat class. Force must be used to unnaturally bring down a high-achieving nation to the level of the socialist hell-holes of the world. Yes, equal property rights leads to economic inequality which is natural and un-forced, but Marxism, in Orwellian fashion, leads to even greater economic inequality which is unnatural since it requires property-violating laws, gun-clinging government agents, courts and prisons. The only government power required to ensure truly Free Enterprise is just that amount of law and force needed to ensure equality of our natural rights - a minimum of law and force. "No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." Thomas Jefferson Bear in mind that an unnatural use of force requires a superior class of not-to-be-equalized Marxist equalizers - a class superior in rights - superior before law - and superior themselves in social and economic (property) outcome. When Marxists and Socialists speak of equality (of outcome) you should understand its meaning in an Orwellian way - it is a lie - because the Marxists who forcefully collectivize property - in the name of property equality - always end up with a lion's share of property. In reality the dystopian Marxist dream of equal outcome turns out to be a nightmare of equal serfdom for everyone below the Marxists - and a self-serving utopia for the Marxist elite and their cronies. So, in the end, in Orwellian fashion, Marxist equality results in inequality. The Orwellian paradox of forced equal outcome is unequal outcome. "It had long been realized that the only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism. Wealth and privilege are most easily defended when they are possessed jointly. The so-called "abolition of private property" [Communist Manifesto] meant in effect the concentration of property in far fewer hands than before... In the years following the Revolution it [The Socialist Party of Oceania] was able to step into this commanding position almost un-opposed because the whole process was represented as an act of collectivization... It had always been assumed that if the Capitalist Class were expropriated Socialism must follow; and unquestionably the Capitalists had been expropriated. Factories, mines, land, houses, transport, everything had been taken away from them; and since these things were no longer private property it followed that they must be public property. Ingsoc [Socialist Principles of Oceania], which grew out of the earlier Socialist movement and inherited its phraseology, has in fact carried out the main item in the Socialist program with the result; foreseen and intended beforehand, that economic inequality has been made permanent." George Orwell - 1984 Marxist "equality" was carefully analyzed by Igor Shafarevich, a Soviet dissident who directly witnessed the unjust Marxist system. Shafarevich knew the smell of a corpse - he understood that Marxist equality is a lie. Shafarevich figured out that Marxist "equality" only applied to those below the Marxists - those who would form a vast underclass of forced labor - identical peons - leaving the Marxists themselves looming over the mass of mankind in a Marxist Oligarchy - the ultimate totalitarian system of social and property inequality. "The revolutionaries who drew up the Conspiracy of Equals understood equality in such a way that they alone formed the government, while others were to obey implicitly--and those who did not were to be exiled to certain islands for forced labor. In the most popular work of Marxism, the Communist Manifesto, one of the first measures of the new socialist system to be proposed is the introduction of compulsory labor... From this point of view, a puzzling and at first sight contradictory property of socialist doctrines becomes apparent. They proclaim the greatest possible equality, the destruction of hierarchy in society and at the same time a strict regimentation of all of life, which would be impossible without absolute control and an all-powerful bureaucracy which would engender an incomparably greater inequality." Igor Shafarevich C.S. Lewis also understood the tyranny of perverted (forced) equality of human outcomes - because someone very powerful - like a King or a Dictator - or a Marxist Oligarchy - must exist to unnaturally enforce equal outcome. Marxists have always been willing and eager to "snick off" with their canes the more hard-working and successful - in order to force equality among the masses of inferior subjects. "Democracy is the word with which you must lead them by the nose... You are to use the word purely as an incantation; if you like, purely for its selling power. It is a name they venerate. And of course it is connected with the political ideal that men should be equally treated [equality before law which secures equal rights]. You then make a stealthy transition in their minds from this political ideal to a factual belief that all men are equal [in outcome - regardless of creativity and labor]... You remember how one of the Greek Dictators...sent an envoy to another Dictator to ask his advice about the principles of government. The second Dictator led the envoy into a field of grain, and there he snicked off with his cane the top of every stalk that rose an inch or so above the general level. The moral was plain. Allow no preeminence among your subjects. Let no man live who is wiser or better or more famous or even handsomer than the mass. Cut them all down to a level: all slaves, all ciphers, all nobodies. All equals." C.S. Lewis - Screwtape Proposes a Toast As George Orwell observed, Marxists are metaphorically the Pigs of Animal Farm - individuals who consider themselves "more equal than others." The Marxist Pigs are enthralled with the idea of government (themselves) owning the fruit of the laboring "little animals" where all their eggs, apples, corn, etc. is collected - their property collectivized by the Pigs. The fruit of the lesser animal's labor is placed into a communal pot under exclusive control of the Marxist Pigs. The Pigs are in charge of the commune - and the communal property - they are the commune-ists. The Marxist Pigs, after gorging themselves with a lion's share of communal food, require all the equalized little animals to approach their communal pot, tails wagging, in order to receive leftover rations. The "little animals" must lick the hand that feeds them. Pig (Marxist) government encourages the lazy proletariat animals to relax in the barn while the others work in the fields - yet they all receive an equal measure of leftover corn. The Pigs control all the property in the communal pot, so they are in a position to in effect steal property from the laboring animals ("from each according to his abilities") and give to the lazy ("to each according to his needs") in return for votes. The labor-challenged proletariat animals have unlimited needs, so the laboring middle class animals may be taxed without limit according to their ability. The Marxist Pigs are the managers of this struggle between the working and lazy classes, and through vote-purchasing (votes purchased with stolen property) set up a self-perpetuating perverted form of "democracy" which keeps them in power. Karl Marx understood that a democracy can be perverted into serfdom under totalitarian government - no doubt Marx also understood it would be much more difficult to subvert a Constitutional Republic - where there might be limits on government collectivization - limits on taxation. Karl Marx termed victory of the Marxist and proletariat classes over the middle class as winning "the battle of democracy." "We have seen above that the first step in the revolution by the [non] working class is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class to win the battle of democracy." Karl Marx As with the Pigs of Animal Farm, Marxism sets up an elite ruling class of self-serving, social-engineering "Philosopher Kings," an unjust, tyranny-tilted governing system of unequal rights, whose features, along with Monarchy, Oligarchy or Fascism, our Founding Fathers have warned: "The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite." Thomas Jefferson "When the [proletariat] people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." Benjamin Franklin Karl Marx agitated for totalitarian government power over the individual - where government - a small group of people after all - possesses a "right" to the fruit of the individual's labor in the government's pursuit of happiness - in violation of the Natural Law embedded in our Declaration of Independence. Marxist government empowered with this so-called "collectivist right" to individual property is reminiscent of the so-called "divine right" of Medieval Kings. Marxist Socialism is simply a modern form of Medieval Feudalism where Marxist collectivization of property (and thereby power) replaces the same collectivization by Medieval Kings, Princes and Bishops. Karl Marx did not believe in equality before life, liberty and property-securing law; that is the real social justice of equal unalienable human rights endowed to us by our Creator. Marxist "economic equality" requires a government immorally and unnaturally empowered to forcefully take possession of individual private property through excessive taxation - unnaturally and tyrannically infringing on the American individual's unalienable right to the fruit of his labor in a natural and creative pursuit of happiness - in violation of the law of nature and nature's God. "The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions: for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise maker; all the servants of one sovereign master, sent into the world by his order, and about his business; they are his property, whose workmanship they are, made to last during his, not one another's pleasure: and being furnished with like faculties, sharing all in one community of nature, there cannot be supposed any such subordination among us, that may authorize us to destroy one another, as if we were made for one another's uses, as the inferior ranks of creatures are for ours." John Locke "Though the earth, and all inferior creatures, be common to all men, yet every man has a property in his own person: this nobody has any right to but himself. The labour of his body, and the work of his hands, we may say, are properly his. Whatsoever then he removes out of the state that nature hath provided, and left it in, he hath mixed his labour with, and joined to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his property. It being by him removed from the common state nature hath placed it in, it hath by this labour something annexed to it, that excludes the common right of other men..." John Locke Thomas Jefferson and our other Founding Fathers understood, as John Locke before them, that each individual is naturally and morally entitled to keep the fruit of his/her own labor in creative pursuit of happiness. "Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can." Samuel Adams "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln understood that Natural Law is embedded in our American Declaration of Independence - he understood economic justice and acknowledged the self-evident moral truth that each individual equally possess a natural right to liberty and to the fruit of his own labor in creative pursuit of happiness. Abraham Lincoln believed in the natural freedom "for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor," not an unnatural, un-American, European Marxist system "for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor;" the same system that says "You work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it." "With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor [Free Enterprise]; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor [Economic Marxism]. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name - liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names - liberty and tyranny." Abraham Lincoln "That is the real issue. That is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent. It is the eternal struggle between these two principles - right and wrong - throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same principle in whatever shape it develops itself. It is the same spirit that says, ‘You work and toil [middle class] and earn bread, and I'll eat it [Marxist and proletariat classes].' No matter in what shape it comes, whether from the mouth of a king [or a Marxist] who seeks to bestride the people of his own nation and live by the fruit of their labor, or from one race [or class] of men as an apology for enslaving another race [or class], it is the same tyrannical principle." Abraham Lincoln Marxist forced equal outcome - for the little people - requires the tyranny of unequal rights and leads to the Orwellian paradox of unequal outcome, thus Marxism is a wolf in sheep's clothing - a self-serving immorality posing as morality - a forward retreat into despotism. Saul Alinsky, in reference to Marxist community organizing of the proletariat, advocated this immoral inversion of morality. Forced equal outcome is the Marxist passport of morality. "Moral rationalization is indispensable to all kinds of action... All great [despotic] leaders invoked ‘moral principles' to cover naked self-interest in the clothing of ‘freedom,' ‘equality of mankind,' ‘a law higher than man-made law,' and so on... All effective [despotic] actions require the passport of morality." Saul Alinsky Ultimately Marxism demands that truth must unnaturally equal untruth by means of Orwellian "Newspeak" and "Doublethink," or through the "Big Lie," and in the end Theophobic Marxism unnaturally demands the equalization of good and evil - because that is the ultimate natural inequality. "There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality." Karl Marx "Communism has never concealed the fact that it rejects all absolute concepts of morality. It scoffs at any consideration of "good" and "evil" as indisputable categories. Communism considers morality to be relative, to be a class matter. Depending upon circumstances and the political situation, any act, including murder, even the killing of thousands, could be good or could be bad." Alexander Solzhenitsyn Karl Marx was wrong about the system of Free Enterprise, but I don't think he really cared. It appears to me that Marx was primarily interested in the destruction of good, just, free and prosperous human societies such as the United States - replacing rightful human liberty with a "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" - code for Dictatorship of the Marxists. "And still, you personified mankind. I may take you by the power of my mighty hands and crush with fierce force. In the meantime, as the abyss gapes before me and you in the darkness, You will fall in it and I'll follow you, Laughing and whispering into your ear: "Come down with me, friend!" Karl Marx Marxism requires an unnatural and despotic enforcement of equal outcomes - and is thereby in violation of the American Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution which lay out and ensure the natural enforcement of equal rights; thus Marxism is an anti-individual, anti-American system in all respects, and Karl Marx was the anti-Abraham Lincoln, the anti-Thomas Jefferson and the anti-John Locke. Our founding fathers understood that human liberty naturally results in economic inequality, and also results in unequal numbers of sports teams at school, and unequal scores in games and on tests, because that is simply our human nature at work. What our founders desired and struggled for during the American Revolution, and what they devised with our Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights, was a system of government, not to despotically force economic or social equality, but to provide equality before the law - law which secures rather than destroys our unalienable equal rights to life, liberty and fruit of labor in pursuit of happiness. There are those among us, primarily leaders of the Democratic Party (with some Republicans in tow - the RINOs), who aim for our transition from American Equality (equal natural rights protected by equality before law) to Marxist Equality (forced equal outcome). This transition is already occurring, and if allowed to continue it will lead to economic ruin and further infringement and eventual destruction of our sacred human liberty and pursuit of happiness. Here in the United States this process may not transpire exactly as it occurred in the Soviet Union, but the end result could be similar. The time has come for all liberty-loving states to nullify Federal laws and regulations which violate our Constitution - Federal laws and regulations which are not in pursuance thereof. State nullification is the overthrowing of un-Constitutional Federal laws and regulations within a particular state - it is not the overthrowing of Constitution-compliant Federal laws and regulations. Federal laws and regulations which are un-Constitutional represent Federal nullification of the Constitution, so state nullification of Federal nullification represents state affirmation of the Constitution. The time has also come for "We the People" to amend our Constitution with anti-Marxist law in order to prevent the American Revolution from devolving further into an American Marxist counter-revolution, because without a liberty-securing amendment liberty-loving Americans may end up losing the Marxist "Battle of Democracy." We are actually a Declarational/Constitutional Republic, so if we amend our Constitution with something along these lines we will become empowered to win the Battle of the Republic. Amendment XXVIII Section 1. The Declaration of Independence is the supreme un-amendable natural law of the United States of America Section 2. Term limits for Congress (shorter) and the Supreme Court (longer) Section 3. Amendments XVI and XVII are hereby revoked Section 4. Supreme Court decisions shall be revoked by Congress with 2/3 or greater vote in both houses Section 5. Federal taxation shall not exceed 10% for any individual, nor shall Federal taxation exceed 10% of the nation's GDP. Federal taxation shall be a national sales tax Section 6. Federal income shall only consist of a maximum 10% domestic taxation as per Section 5 of this amendment, plus foreign tariffs, plus the donations of U.S. citizens, plus the sale of domestically purchased U.S. bonds by U.S. Citizens during wars declared by Congress. Federal income shall not occur through borrowing, except for the sale of domestically purchased U.S. bonds by U.S. citizens during wars declared by Congress; nor shall Federal income derive by fiat creation of money Section 7. Federal spending shall not exceed federal income. Section 8. This section of Article 1, Section 8 shall be changed to: "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States, and all provisions for general welfare shall be uniform throughout the United States and enumerated herein this Constitution; To borrow money on the credit of the United States as per Section 6 of this amendment; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and to regulate disputes of commerce among the several states..." Section 9. This section of Article II, Section 1 shall be changed to: "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States. Natural born citizen shall mean any person born within one of the states of the United States or upon the territorial waters of the United States, of parents who are both citizens of the United States." Section 10. This section of Article VI shall be changed to: "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made not in violation thereof, or which shall be made not in violation thereof, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme amendable secular law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." Section 11. Article III, Section 3 shall be changed to: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them or against this Constitution, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason except for cases of treason involving the President of the United States, members of the National Congress, or the Supreme Court, where in those cases the States shall have the power to try and declare the punishment of treason within their respective borders, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted. Section 12. Section 1 of Amendment XIV shall be changed to: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. Neither Congress, nor Presidential executive regulation, nor Supreme Court decisions, nor any state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall Congress, nor Presidential executive regulation, nor Supreme Court decision, nor any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Contact FSM Security Update at |
ZIONISM AND ETROGISMPosted by Sarah Honig, January 22, 2015 |
![]() The name switches of what until recently marketed itself as the Israel Labor Party offer fascinating insight into how Zionism has steadily lost its allure on the Israeli Left. What began life as Poalei Zion – the Workers of Zion – in time it morphed into MAPAI, Hebrew acronym for the Party of the Workers of Eretz Yisrael. The next stage was adopting the generic name of Labor – doubtless borrowed from the British context. So far the trend is clear and straightforward. But now comes the spin – under its latest leading light, Isaac (not Yitzhak) "Buji" Herzog, Labor (aligned with Tzipi Livni's disintegrating list) has chosen to call its ticket the Zionist Camp. At first hearing this certainly appears to be the sort of affirmation that would gladden Zionist hearts. Here at last is the cause of Zionism ostensibly espoused proudly and unapologetically. A true balm for the soul – or is it? Herzog himself, let's not forget, is uneasy with the Zionist ethos – much as he may indignantly deny it and invoke the names of his former president father and his former chief-rabbi grandfather (and even his late uncle, foreign minister Abba Eban). Unquestionably Buji is an Israeli blueblood – a Brahmin, born into our uppermost political and social elite, a member of our highest local aristocratic caste. But his much-flaunted heritage and sterling Labor credentials haven't prevented Herzog from voicing opposition to the very term of a Jewish state. "The Jewish state expression is entirely mistaken," he says recurrently (and we have a recording to prove it: ( "because it creates the impression of a nationality that enjoys excessive privileges." Get it? The world's one and only state for the hounded and endangered Jewish people is somehow an "excessive privilege." Herzog, despite his seemingly mild-mannered tone, teeters on the brink of post-Zionism. So do many of his running-mates. We won't even dwell on the often in-your-face anti-Zionist Zoher Bahalul (who declares: "our Palestinian identity is stronger than the Israeli”) or the ultra-leftist Prof. Yossi Yonah (who confessed: "Zionism doesn't express what I am"). Some of the women who made it to the Knesset slate's top-ten are surely strange bedfellows in any Zionist context. Stav Shaffir, for example, refused to share a podium with the Likud's Yoav Kish because he is a reserve fighter pilot. She also thinks that "Hatikva is a racist national anthem." It's not our say-so. Journalist Asher Schechter wrote a book on the 2011 demonstrations in which Shaffir was a key mover (Rothschild – the Chronicle of Protest, published by Kibbutz Hameuhad/Sifriat Hapoalim). On page 96 Schechter describes Shaffir's vehement opposition to singing Hatikva. She was so emotional about it that "she burst into tears and yelled out that Hatikva is racist." Shaffir is now in the vanguard of what purports to be the Zionist Camp. Then there is Stav's ideological twin, Merav. Merav Michaeli has on more than one occasion advised Israeli mothers not to allow their kids to do military service. For example she told Galei Zahal: "women should not at all send their kids to the army when there is a continuous occupation for over 40 years. The regime in Israel doesn't make the effort to solve this in other ways, so it's necessary to stop being prepared to send children to the army." This too is backed by recordings ( There is of course the possibility that the Zionist moniker has been twisted in the radical post-Zionist milieu to mean something entirely different from what the Zionist founding fathers conceivably intended. It could be that in some yuppie code Zionism has evolved into a cover-name for anarchist shenanigans. But most likely it's just a crass ploy. When certain names take on unfavorable connotations – like the Labor Party – they're sidestepped by semantic manipulation geared to hoodwink the public into accepting what otherwise wouldn’t fly. This is done by slapping an attractive label on an old worn product in the hope of increasing its appeal. Labor's cynical return to patriotic trademarks and historical logos (that have traditionally been used to convey other meanings) constitutes deliberate obfuscation and distortion. Buji, Stav and Merav surely conceal hidden agendas. Odds are that our tendentious Left-dominated media will never dwell on this. Most our talking heads and scribblers viscerally abhor Binyamin Netanyahu and fervently yearn for Herzog's victory. Their reports and choices reflect this. Thus when dealing with Netanyahu's participation in the Paris anti-terror march, all they could focus on was that he allegedly elbowed his way to the forefront. How rude! This is complemented by whitewashing Buji's past. If Bibi had even a miniature model of the skeleton hanging in Buji's closet, we’d have never heard the end of it. But unlike Bibi, Buji enjoys etrog status. This terminology was coined by very leftist pundit Amnon Abramowitz when explaining why Ariel Sharon performed the political about-face that gave us Disengagement. According to Abramowitz, Sharon, facing corruption charges, was powerfully incentivized to suck up to the media and the judiciary. The one surefire way to make himself likable was a policy-turnaround. At that point, noted Abramowitz, Sharon became the Left's etrog – the Succot citron that is protectively wrapped in silky flax padding and safeguarded in a covered ornamental box. Buji is the quintessential etrog – coddled and cuddled by the left-oriented media and judiciary. Anyone who recalls his pivotal role in Ehud Barak's 1999 campaign cannot avoid this conclusion. Sharon, accused of less, merely tried to get the same breaks as Buji. In 2003 then-Attorney-General Elyakim Rubinstein (now a Supreme Court justice) decided not to prosecute Barak, Herzog, ex-MK Weizman Shiri and Barak's brother-in-law Doron Cohen for what then-State Comptroller Eliezer Goldberg dubbed the "greatest election scam ever." In his January 2000 report Goldberg revealed mega-infractions for which the heaviest fine recorded for electioneering offenses was levied on Labor (NIS13.8mil). The report exposed a shocking unprecedented network of nonprofit organizations – some falsely masquerading as charities – deliberately set up to funnel funds unlawfully into Barak's campaign coffers. The state comptroller observed that Labor higher-ups unabashedly bragged about looking for legal loopholes, insisting that candidates who adhere to the letter of the law cannot win. Rubinstein's decision not to try most of them apparently indicates that the loopholes worked – in their case. Non-etrogs would definitely not have been treated with kid gloves (and hence Sharon's fear). After lengthy convoluted rationalizations, Rubinstein opted for the easy way out – he let Labor's headliners off the hook but decided to try the smaller fry, like campaign manager Tal Zilberstein and Beersheba branch official Gideon Sulimani, for some of the secondary offences that the upper echelons dodged. It was a token prosecution. None of this was unexpected because of the lethargic nature of the entire investigation from the time Goldberg dropped the hot potato in the lap of reluctant police and prosecution investigators. Rather than push hard, they hardly pushed. The alacrity usually evinced in high-profile probes was notably missing here, as if the wish was that everything would magically go away. All suspects pointedly refused to cooperate with the investigation and "took the Fifth." Rubinstein harshly took to task those who kept mum, particularly Herzog – a campaign mover and shaker credited with handling much of the illicit financing via the bogus NPOs. But Herzog is far from a chastened character. Ironically these days he himself takes to task Israel Beiteinu MK Faina Kirshenbaum for choosing to stay silent during police corruption investigations (on charges nowhere as weighty as those he faced). Kirshenbaum announced she is quitting public life, but Herzog didn't. He wiggled out arguing that originally funding restrictions applied to parties in Knesset contests, rendering prime-ministerial races exempt. The State Controller rejected this unequivocally but Rubinstein treated the etrog leniently and wondered whether nuances could just maybe have been misunderstood (never mind that Herzog is a lawyer quite capable of figuring out the fine print). An artificial distinction was thus drawn between the campaign of the party and that of the candidate it fielded. In a feat of amazing legalistic acrobatics, Rubinstein contends that "clear evidence exists that the funds Herzog funneled to at least some NPOs were used for electioneering," but he couldn't say for sure that "Herzog knew the money is used in 'mixed' fashion," i.e. for party campaigning rather than just for Barak's electoral benefit. This goes even beyond the hairsplitting laymen have come to expect from the legal establishment. It's no surprise that Buji's etrog treatment so forcefully affected Sharon. He couldn't fail to comprehend that not all suspects are equal in the eyes of our law. It's clear that Herzog and associates got away with shady dealings and keeping mum because their etrog status inspired bizarre differentiation between back-to-back interconnected campaigns. This is quite a stretch, for which ordinary folks shouldn't fall as it boldly flies in the face of common sense. Money is fungible and Rubinstein writes that "Labor indeed didn't differentiate between its twin campaigns nor kept separate books." Rubinstein even made allowances for Herzog's funding of anti-Netanyahu publicity, because that negative propaganda "could not be directly proven as benefiting Labor." Really? Herzog got off on a flimsy technicality arising from inordinately generous legal interpretations which we may be forgiven for perceiving as a whitewash. This is especially so in view of the enormity of the breaches involved and in contrast to relentless police pursuit of cases which pale in comparison. The only inescapable rationale for this mindboggling reality is that the Left, its ballot-box fortunes notwithstanding, remains this country's solid rock of the establishment. Its sway over our closed and self-perpetuating judicial, journalistic and academic cliques is indisputable. This all should stay uppermost in the voters' minds – assuming our electorate retains much memory at all. Israel's hyperactive no-holds-barred news outlets manufacture tantalizing sensations and synthetic crises daily and thereby intensify the nation's collective amnesia. Deluged by screaming banner headlines and rating-grabs, we lose sight of yesterday. Many among us have already forgotten the madness of running to shelters during this past summer's rocket barrages. It was a direct outcome of Disengagement which was directly spawned by Herzog's etrogization. Seemingly forgivable fiddling with the rule of law and the fundamental equality before the law can have massive consequences. Enabling the hardly squeaky-clean "Zionist Camp" to get away with its sham pose can result in calamitous consequences that cannot be portrayed as unforeseen. Sarah Honig is a veteran columnist and senior editorial writer who joined The Jerusalem Post while still in her teens. She served for many years as The Post's political correspondent (a position she also held on the now-defunct but once-influential Davar), headed the Tel Aviv bureau at the Post and wrote daily analyses of the political scene, along with in-depth features. Honig is a mother, an artist and an avid collector of antique and vintage dolls. View Sarah's website at This article appeared January 22, 2015 in on Sarah Honig's Blog and is archived at |
TURKEY, TERROR, AND TIRADESPosted by JNS News, January 22, 2015 |
The article below was written by Alina Dain Sharon who is a journalist fluent in several languages, she contributed reporting for several international and U.S.-based news outlets, including the Deutsche Welle broadcasting organization in Bonn, Germany and the news service in the US. My work has also been published by the Los Angeles Times, the Baltimore Sun, Germany's Juedische Allgemeine Wochenzeitung, the Jerusalem Post, the South African Jewish Report, the Toronto Jewish Tribune, the New York Jewish Press and more. |
![]() On Monday, the European Union (EU) announced it is partnering on counter-terrorism projects with Middle East countries—including Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, and the Gulf states—in the wake of the Islamist terror attacks in Paris at the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a kosher supermarket. But is Turkey a suitable partner for that initiative? Turkey's inclusion in the EU's counter-terrorism plan comes despite longstanding reports of jihadists using the Turkish border to cross into countries where they join Muslim terrorists. In particular, a Turkish official recently admitted that Hayat Boumeddiene—the girlfriend of Amedy Coulibaly, the terrorist who took nearly 20 hostages at the Paris kosher supermarket—had crossed into Syria through Turkey. Boumeddiene was being pursued by authorities as a suspected accomplice in the attack. Since Boumeddiene was not listed on any no-fly list, there is no way that Turkey could have known to watch her, according to Michael Koplow, program director of the Israel Institute think tank. But at the same time, Koplow said, "There's no question that Turkey has turned a blind eye in a lot of ways to the rise of ISIS (Islamic State) in Syria... and jihadists who [are] crossing into Syria over their border." "In the past few months it seems that Turkey has tried to crack down on [these] jihadi highways to Syria a bit, but it's difficult," Koplow told "Turkey has an extremely long border with Syria. It's nearly impossible to police all things, so people are going to get through." Turkey, added Koplow, "doesn't seem to recognize the extent of the [border] problem, or at least doesn't want to acknowledge it." Western nations, and Israel in particular, should be concerned that Turkey is "clearly supporting radical extremist groups in the Middle East, be it in Syria, in Libya, among the Palestinians, [or] of course, helping Hamas," said Efraim Inbar, a professor of political studies at Israel's Bar-Ilan University and director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA). Turkey is hosting the new Istanbul headquarters of Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group that governs Gaza. Additionally, the Paris terror attacks have elicited a series of inflammatory comments about the Jewish state by Turkish officials. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu last week accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of committing "crimes against humanity" equivalent to the Paris attacks, citing Israel's Operation Protective Edge against Hamas last summer and the 2010 Gaza flotilla incident (in which Israeli forces were attacked by Turkish militants aboard the Mavi Marmara vessel and subsequently killed nine of those militants). Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed Netanyahu for attending the Jan. 11 mass anti-terrorism rally in Paris, accusing the Israeli prime minister of carrying out "state terrorism." Additionally, a member of Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), Ibrahim Melih Gökçek, promoted an anti-Israel conspiracy theory when he told a gathering of youths that because Israel is angry with France for supporting a recent Palestinian statehood resolution at the United Nations, it is "certain" that Israel's Mossad spy agency is behind the Paris attacks. Israel is "bewildered that the U.S. and the Europeans allow a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) member [such as Turkey] to behave in such a way, but we see the inability of the Americans and Europeans to call a spade a spade," Inbar told The Israeli-Turkish relationship has been deteriorating since Israel's Operation Cast Lead in Gaza from 2008-09. Erdogan publicly chastised Israeli president Shimon Peres in 2009 during a panel at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, saying, “When it comes to killing, you (Israel) know well how to kill people." The Gaza flotilla incident further strained Israel-Turkey ties, but Koplow cautions against the notion that their relations were bright before 2008. "Israel and Turkey had a strong relationship in the 1990s,' but it was mainly a military relationship. When the AKP party first came to power in Turkey in 2002, it sought to address Western skepticism about its rise and presented "a very moderate front" during its first term, meaning it did not "ruffle any feathers" internationally nor antagonize Israel. But when AKP was re-elected in 2007, its foreign policy became more outward facing and Turkey became more involved in Middle East issues, in part by brokering talks between Israel and Syria or the Palestinians. Erdogan began to support the Palestinian cause, largely due to the desire to expand Turkey’s global footprint. 'There's this idea floating around that Israel and Turkey were steadfast allies up until the AKP. I’m not sure that's an accurate picture," Koplow told Nevertheless, Turkey and Israel "were never at each other's throats until the late 2000s and the AKP," he said. Koplow explained that opposing Israel has political benefits for the AKP. "Turkey is in the middle of what has essentially been a two-year election cycle," he said. "There were local elections last spring, there was a presidential election last summer, and there are parliamentary elections coming up this summer as well. In the context of that, it plays very well for the AKP base to bash the Israelis and to play up the AKP's 'nationalism' by going after Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu." But Dr. Harold Rhode, a distinguished senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute think tank and the former Turkish Desk Officer at the U.S. Department of Defense, views the current Turkish leadership's stances within the prism of religion rather than politics. "Erdogan is an Islamic fundamentalist who is anti-Western and anti-American," Rhode told, noting that both Erdogan and Prime Minister Davotoglu "grew up in what are called Imam-Hatip schools, which are religious schools in Turkey that preach a form of Islam" that is "doctrinaire." That doctrine, explained Rhode, teaches that "Islam is the only way." The modern Turkish republic was founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who tried create a secular geographic entity. Before Ataturk formed what is today known as Turkey, the Ottoman Empire promoted Sunni Islam there—and while Ataturk had some success in secularizing Turkey, Rhode described a mistaken tendency in the West to "think that once Atatürk snapped his hands, that all Turks began to think in a different way." Islamic fundamentalists first came to power in Turkey in the 1990s under prime minister Necmettin Erbakan, who Rhode called "the intellectual godfather of President Erdogan, former president Adbullah Gul, and the present Prime Minister Davotoglu." "Erbakan tried to re-Islamify the society quickly… but the military overthrew him by what the Turks call an 'e-coup' (electronic coup)," said Rhode. Erbakan's failure taught Erdogan not to confront secular authorities and risk immediate defeat; therefore, Erdogan's method was "slowly but surely to push, and push, and push" Islamization, Rhode said. In Rhode's estimation, Erdogan was always "a vicious anti-Semite" and very intolerant of religious diversity in general. "I speak Turkish and I have a personal experience standing with him [waiting to be introduced to Erdogan by a friend], when he thought I was just one more dumb American bureaucrat, and he had no idea I was understanding exactly what was going on in the conversation. ... One of his advisors and he are having a discussion... and all of a sudden he blurted out, 'Alevi (another branch of Islam) Kopek.' Kopek means a dog, which is a horrible thing to call someone in Turkey," Rhode recalled. America chose "to put its head in the sand” about Erdogan's true views—as did many past Israeli leaders—while Erdogan "pulled a fast one on the outside world" and on many Turks "who desperately wanted to see him as an Islamic reformer," said Rhode. Yet despite their diplomatic dysfunction, trade between Israel and Turkey is at an all-time high. Last July, a report in Haaretz cited Israeli Ministry of Economy figures showing that Israeli exports to Turkey in the first four months of 2014 had climbed nearly 25 percent (to $949.2 million) from the same period in 2013. Israel's imports from Turkey grew to $956 million over that span, a 21-percent from the first four months of 2013. Neither Israel nor Turkey has an interest "to stamp out trade between the two countries because it benefits both economies," especially because Turkey is not energy independent, the Israel Institute's Koplow told "Below the government level...there's been a lot of effort to try to figure out a way for Israel to export natural gas to Turkey," he said. On the political level, BESA's Inbar believes there is "a struggle over the soul of Turkey within Turkey." "This is an issue of identity, [of] where Turkey is going," he said. "I am not optimistic, but there is a possibility that maybe the more Western elements of Turkish society will gain the upper hand, and then of course we will see entirely different relations between Turkey and Israel, and Turkey and the West." Rhode is even less optimistic, offering an analogy on the increasingly contradictory behavior of the Turkish government. 'I'll give you what a Turkish satirist—Aksakalli—said in the 1940s," he said. "'Turkey is like a ship, a big ship, where the captain and crew are leading the ship to head westward while the boat is traveling full speed ahead eastward.' That summarizes Turkey very well." is an independent, non-profit wire service covering Jewish and Israel news for the English-speaking world. The organization covers Jewish news from communities throughout the U.S., Europe, Israel and more. Contact JNS News at |
“Seeking Sparks of Light”Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 22, 2015 |
I'm going to do something different today: Start with good news items. We need to hear that good news, with all the clouds hanging over us. The first is the matter of Israeli-Japanese relations, which have blossomed astonishingly in the past year. This is true in the areas of diplomatic relations, industrial and scientific technology and trade. On Sunday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrived here for a three-day visit (which ultimately had to be cut short because of an ISIS hostage situation he had to contend with at home). And it was on Sunday that Prime Minister Netanyahu, referring to the Islamization of Europe, spoke about the need to increase Asian markets. He spoke as well about the "historic opportunity" to join Israeli and Japanese capabilities for mutual benefit. Abe brought with him 100 Japanese diplomatic and business leaders; he and Netanyahu attended a forum on science and business. And so the essential lesson here is that we are not alone as a nation, and we should not imagine that the world begins and ends with Europe. ~~~~~~~~~~ And then we have the absolutely remarkable speech of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of just weeks ago. It is possible that you have not heard about this, and I am, quite frankly, remiss for not having shared it sooner. ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~ Egypt is an astonishment in any event. When Mubarak was ousted in June 2012, and the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Morsi became president, it seemed the handwriting was on the wall for Egypt, as the grip of the Brotherhood waxed ever tighter. But then, in July 2013, the military took over, and a Brotherhood-hating al-Sisi subsequently morphed from general to president, surprising many and turning the tide in a manner that has been significant for Israel. He has, for example, acted decisively in many spheres against Hamas – a Brotherhood spinoff - in Gaza. On December 28, 2014, an extraordinarily courageous al-Sisi spoke in Al-Azhar University, in Cairo, to key Islamic clerics and academics. He differentiated between core Islamic beliefs and an overlay of ideology or "thinking" that has been destructive. His tone was calm and reasoned, not frenzied. In part, he said (emphasis added): "It's inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire umma (multinational community of Muslim believers) to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible! "That thinking – I am not saying 'religion' but 'thinking' – that corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the years, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. It's antagonizing the entire world! "Is it possible that 1.6 billion [Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world's inhabitants – that is 7 billion – so that they themselves may live? Impossible!... "I say and repeat again that we are in need of a religious revolution. You, imams, are responsible before Allah. The entire world, I say it again, the entire world is waiting for your next move...because this umma is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost – and it is being lost by our own hands." ~~~~~~~~~~ Here you have a MEMRI clip of his talk: ~~~~~~~~~~ I also count as very good news the invitation that has now been extended to Prime Minister Netanyahu by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) to address the joint houses of Congress in February on the issues of Islamic extremism and Iran. This is an expression of very solid support for Israel within Congress, and marks a readiness by America's elected representatives to take seriously what our prime minister has to say about these issues. ![]() Netanyahu promptly accepted. ~~~~~~~~~~ Obama's nose was seriously out of joint because of this invitation. It was a breach of protocol, intoned White House press secretary Josh Earnst. Protocol, he said, would require Israel to inform the president of potential plans to visit the country before proceeding with an acceptance. But the key source of irritation, I would imagine, was the failure of Boehner to consult the president before proceeding with the invitation. Obama was, quite simply, out of the loop. It is, of course, very much to the point that this invitation followed on the heels of Obama's State of the Union Address, which left many in Congress severely disgruntled. And that Obama knows he will not be pleased with what Netanyahu will say. ~~~~~~~~~~ Binyamin Netanyahu has consistently promoted a position of strong sanctions against Iran, to use as leverage in negotiations. This is a position that he will undoubtedly reiterate in Washington. It runs directly counter to Obama's position – stated once again in his State of the Union address this week - that he would veto any sanctions bill advanced by Congress because of the splendid progress he is making in negotiations. I hope to return to this deplorable situation for a closer examination. But today, a report surfaced in Bloomberg News claiming that the Mossad disagrees with Netanyahu. It indicated that Mossad officials advised US senators who were visiting Israel recently to hold off on further Iran sanctions, because they would hamper efforts to persuade Iran to give up its nuclear program. The appearance of this report – presumably authoritative – shortly before Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress had the immediate effect of undercutting him. ~~~~~~~~~~ Now the head of the Mossad has taken the unusual action of issuing a public denial of this report (emphasis added): "Mossad Head Tamir Pardo met on January 19, 2015, with a delegation of US senators. The meeting was held at the request of the senators and with the prime minister's approval. At the meeting, the Head of the Mossad stressed the extraordinary effectiveness of the sanctions that have been placed on Iran for several years in bringing Iran to the negotiating table. "The Head of the Mossad noted that in negotiating with Iran, a policy of 'carrots and sticks' must be adopted, and there are not enough 'sticks' nowadsays." Additionally, according to the Mossad statement, Pardo "said specifically that the agreement that is being formed with Iran is bad and could lead to a regional arms race." ~~~~~~~~~~ And so what is going on here? The Obama administration – furious about the invitation to Netanyahu and concerned about his message – was playing dirty. Out-and-out lying, actually. Presumably not anticipating that the Mossad would come forward and directly counter what was "leaked." ~~~~~~~~~~ More apparent disinformation on another matter: After the attack on the convoy in the Golan, which took out high level Hezbollah and Iranian personnel, Reuters came out with a story that a security source in Israel said the military had no idea that an Iranian general was being targeted - that it was simply thought that some guerrillas were in the convoy. I, of course, do not know who the "source" was, but this seemed blatantly an attempt on someone's part to partially defuse a volatile situation, or to downplay Israel's accomplishment. Whatever the case, this "report" was carried broadly. Now here I cite from Al-Arabiya, as reported in IMRA (emphasis added): "[The attack] is also one of the biggest losses inflicted on Hezbollah by Israel in recent years... "Analysts, speaking to Al-Arabiya News, said the attack represented a major breach to Hezbollah’s security and a tactical misjudgment on the part of the Iranian-backed militant group. "'This was a colossal failure...because they [Hezbollah] put this number of senior figures in one spot and at the same observation point and at the same time,” Wehbe Katicha, a former Lebanese army general, told Al Arabiya News. "'You rarely see armies committing such a mistake,' he said. "This is represents a weak point of Hezbollah because of this behavior," he added. "While not describing it as a failure, Dr. Hilal Khashan, a political science professor at the American University of Beirut, said the incident was a 'major security breach' to Hezbollah's security apparatus. "'Hezbollah moves secretly and a number of ranking officials are even tighter. The fact is Israel had information from within,' he said." ~~~~~~~~~~ I started with the good news, and must end with bad: There was a terror attack in Tel Aviv yesterday morning, when an Arab from Tulkarem, in Samaria, boarded a bus and attacked passengers and the driver with a knife, seriously injuring four. We are grateful that no one was killed. Contact Arlene Kushner at and visit her website: |
WILLY LOMAN AND BARACK OBAMAPosted by Paul Eidelberg, January 22, 2015 |
Willy Loman is the central character of Arthur Miller's 1949 Pulitzer Prize winning drama "Death of a Salesman." Loman, as his name indicates, personifies the concept of the anti-heroic. This concept has dominated not only literature. The anti-heroic has conquered academia via the "academic" doctrine of moral equivalency. This doctrine permeates the mentality of Barack Obama. Indeed, moral equivalency paved his road to the White House. From there he has "reached" out to the "Lomans" Third World, on the one hand, while apologizing for American greatness on the other. If we ignore Miller's Jewish origin and marriage to Marilyn Monroe, his splenetic view of America suggests that his salesman Willy Loman is the alter ego of Barack Obama. If Americans had any doubt as to whether a Lomanic Barack Obama was fit to be the President of the United States, it was removed by Mr. Obama's salesman-like failure to mention the threat of Islamic terrorism in his latest State of the Union Message. But surely only an ignoramus would be deceived by this omission. This only confirms that Mr. Obama is an intellectual feather weight, as must be obvious to any American whose IQ tops 80, to put it kindly. And if he or she has not been utterly stupefied by the media's drivel about Islamophobia, it should also be obvious that this admirer of Islam is a very big question mark. It may even be reasonable to assume that America's Number One news outlet, FOX News, has conveyed John Bolton's reference to Obama as the nation's first "post-American" president. This appellation should imbue any "Red, White, and Blue" American with serious doubts as to whether "the land of the free and the home of the brave" can survive, while a multiculturalist, who deemed it right and fitting to bow to a Muslim despot is entrenched in the White House. Hence, for a breath of fresh air, permit me to say a few words about the character of the U.S. Navy Seals, who fought in Afghanistan, while their government stammered and stuttered about America’s greatest enemy, Islam, whose identity, to this day, continues to be obscured by various adjectives invented by "politically correct" academics who would never dream of describing the ideology of the Nazis, National Socialism, as "radical" or "extremist." These words of Marcus Luttrell define the qualities of the U.S. Navy Seals, whose patriotism Americans should expect in a Commander-in-Chief confronted by mankind’s greatest enemy, imperialist and totalitarian Islam: "In times of uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our Nation's call: a common man with uncommon desire to succeed. Forged by adversity, he stands alongside America's special operation forces to serve his country and the American people and to protect their way of life. I am that man...I am a United States Navy SEAL... I'm trained in weapons, demolition, and unarmed combat. I’m a sniper and I'm the platoon medic. But most of all, I'm an American. And when the bell sounds, I will come out fighting for my country and for my teammates. If necessary, to the death. And that's not just because the SEALs trained me to do so; it's because I am willing to do so. I'm a patriot, and I fight with the Lone Star of Texas on my right arm and another Texas flag over my heart. For me, defeat is unthinkable." The mind and heart of this SEAL is utterly foreign to the man the poorly-educated American people elected as their nation's Commander-in-Chief. But what more is to be expected of a nation whose colleges and universities purvey doctrines that produce legions of Willy Lomans? Paul Eidelberg is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party. Contact Eidelberg at |
45 CHURCHES IN NIGER BURNED BY PROTESTERS OF NEW HEBDO COVERPosted by Clarion Project, January 22, 2015 |
Ten people have died in the violent demonstrations and more than 170 have been injured. At least 45 churches were burned during the rampages. ![]() Protesters in Niger angry over the new Charlie Hebdo magazine cover burned at least 45 churches since Friday prayers. Ten people have died in the violent demonstrations and more than 170 have been injured. The bodies of those killed were mainly found inside burned churches and bars. The first edition of the French satirical magazine since Islamist gunmen slaughtered nine of its journalists as well as two police security guards and a janitor, featured a picture of Mohammed, the founder and prophet of Islam, holding a sign saying, "Je suis Charlie" (I am Charlie) with the words "All is forgiven" written over his head. The attack on Charlie Hebdo was in retaliation for the magazine's publication of cartoons of Mohammed. The slogan "Je suis Charlie" has become the calling card of world-wide of solidarity with the magazine and the right to free speech. Islamist protesters in Niger carried signs reading "I am not Charlie." In addition to burning churches and bars, rioters ransacked French-owned firms as well as Christian-owned businesses and offices. After police banned a gathering called by Islamic leaders and arrested four imams, the protesters turned on the police, attacking a police station and burning police cars. Speaking to the AFP, Kiema Soumaila, the manager of a bar in Niger's capital city Niamey, said, "A" soon as the protesters started towards the grand mosque we knew this was coming. They burned everything after smashing anything that was glass on the road." Bibles were also ripped apart in the protests. A Christian mechanic said, "Some of us stayed barricaded in our homes. I have never been so scared in my life." Protesters in Niamey also burned the French flag, prompting the French embassy to tell French citizens to not venture outside. Commenting on the violence, France's President François Hollande said, "I'm thinking of countries where sometimes they don't understand what freedom of expression is because they have been deprived of it. But also, we have supported these countries in their fight against terrorism." Niger is located between Mali and Chad on the west and east, with Nigeria to the south. The landlocked country was a French colony from 1922 until it won its independence in 1960. Protests over the magazine's cover raged across the Muslim world, from Pakistan -- where a photographer was shot -- to Algeria, where more than a thousand protesters chanted, "I am not Charlie, I am Mohammed." In Jordan, thousands of protesters clashed with police in Amman. Peaceful protests were held in Sudan, the North Caucasus region in Russia, Mali, Senegal and Mauritania. Contact Clairon Project at |
THIS COVERS SHARPTON FAIRLY WELL.Posted by Saul Goldman, January 22, 2015 |
The article below was written by Neil Macdonald who is a Canadian journalist with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, currently senior correspondent for CBC News The National. |
When a history of the American Presidency for the last fifty years is compiled, listed among the most curious aspects of those five decades of presidential administrations will be the inclusion of Alfred Charles Sharpton as a 'trusted presidential advisor' to the Obama Administration. Countless photographs from presidential and news media archives will show Alfred virtually glowing in his self-importance, seated at the side of the president. Alfred Charles Sharpton, born in New York City on October 3rd, in 1954 has shown that in America anything is possible. A person with no talent or abilities, of questionable character and certainly offering nothing of substance, can raise himself above the humble beginnings he was born into and achieve prestige and importance among the highest levels of American government. A true American con-artist success story. To appreciate Alfred's success one needs to understand that he has been able to repeatedly remake himself over the years. After attending Brooklyn College for two years Alfred dropped out and had no additional higher education or formal seminary training, though he carries the title of "Reverend." Working as nothing more than a 'snitch', a street level hustler who served as a paid informant for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Alfred was able to glom onto entertainer James Brown and become a 'hanger-on' with the successful 'Godfather of Soul'. But Alfred quickly recognized that his true talents were as a race-baiting con artist, stirring up racial hatred at every opportunity. He had found his true calling in life. Alfred has been able to insinuate himself into countless incidents where a racial aspect might or might not be involved. If one isn't there, he'll create it. Having no facts or evidence (it never stopped him before), Alfred is always ready and able to inject charges of racism and stir up civil unrest. All for his own ego gratification and to line his own pockets with money. Wherever Alfred travels to speak out on behalf of the racially downtrodden he stays at hotels like the Ritz Carlton and other first class accommodations, and travels in chauffeur-driven limousines. Living a lifestyle of luxury that those he claims to represent never share, and reportedly leaving behind thousands of dollars of unpaid bills on a regular basis that hotels have to struggle to eventually collect on. Most recently Alfred leapt into the fray surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Continuing the "hands up, don't shoot" charade, Alfred led the charge calling for a "special prosecutor" because all the scientific and forensic evidence didn't provide the results he wanted, which was the railroading of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. A justified police shooting of a young black man wasn't the narrative that could provide the limelight Alfred so craves, or put money in Alfred's pockets. After all, Alfred has experience with railroads. He engineered the attempt to railroad white police officers and officials in the Tawana Brawley case years earlier in 1987, not to mention the Duke University NON-rape case in 2006. Alfred currently peddles his brand of low-brow commentary on the MSNBC cable news network, which fortunately receives dismal ratings and appeals to avery small audience who look to blame others for their own failures and lack of success in life. So Alfred's influence is limited to other race hustlers and the weak-minded. In 2004 Alfred proclaimed himself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president. Certainly not a viable candidate but the Democratic Party allowed him to be a participant in the presidential nominating debates. The Fact that the Democratic Party would give voice to this 'carnival huckster should clearly tell everyone how far the Democratic Party has separated itself from mainstream America. Even more outrageous is the fact that the sitting president of the United States seeks the counsel of someone like Alfred. With Alfred's history it makes one wonder about the intellectual credentials and motivations of the person sitting in the Oval Office. Most recently Alfred met with SONY executive Amy Pascal to discuss the SONY senior executives' racially-tinged e-mail exchanges discussing Barack Obama. Did Alfred leave the meeting carrying a hefty check from SONY, a donation to his National Action Network? If Alfred's current delinquent tax problem is resolved in the near future we'll probably have an answer to that question. Alfred will continue to inject himself in any incident or situation where there's a TV camera present, and where he sees the potential of lining his pockets with some serious coin. Alfred's motivation is all about 'Alfred', and much less about those who may actually have been the victims of racism and discrimination. Alfred's excesses will continue as long as the money keeps rolling in and the American news media keep providing him coverage. And American race relations will continue to suffer a setback every time Alfred arrives on the scene. Contact Saul Goldman at |
THE MUSLIM MINISTRY OF FUNNY COMPLAINTSPosted by Edward Cline, January 22, 2015 |
The Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris on January 7th of twelve of the publication's staff members, and also of the murder of four Jews in a Paris kosher shop by one of the terrorists, is having some curious but not all that surprising reverberations. The New York Times published an article about a week afterward originally soliciting from Muslim settlers accounts of their horrendous experiences of living in countries whose cultures they detest anyway (and in which they refuse to assimilate), while the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), according to Arab News, wants to take the satirical magazine to court and massacre its staff with legal expenses and noisome litigation. After the New York Times received some heated queries from spokesmen of other "minorities," chiefly from Jewish organizations that wondered why the Times did not also solicit the "experiences" of Jews in European countries in light of repeated attacks on Jews by Muslims, the Times amended its solicitation to one of a general nature, so as not to seem bigoted or discriminatory in favor of Muslims. (I don't think the ruse fooled anyone familiar with the Times' anti-Israel bias.) The Tablet reported on this sleight-of-hand on January 15th.
I can only satirize the episodes of harassment and victimhood sampled by the Times related by put-upon Muslims in Germany:
As I remarked in a past column on Charlie Hebdo, no one has ever strapped a Muslim to a chair, pinned open his eyelids (as happened to Malcolm McDowell in Clockwork Orange), and forced him to look at a series of Mohammad cartoons with the object of having him vomit in "conditioned" revulsion all over his keffiyah or perhaps causing him to die as a "martyr" from a Koranic aneurism. The New York Times vetted the authenticity of these complaints with filed petitions of redress and correction with the German Ministry of Muslim Moaning and Malefactious Misrepresentations (Deutsch Ministerium fur muslimische Stohnen und Malefactious Verfalschungen). The Times has scheduled for publication next week a similar litany of complaints with its French sister agency, The Bureau of Muslim Whining and Malefactious Misrepresentations (Le Bureau des musulmans de pleurnicher et Malefactious Fausses declarations). Just kidding. The New York Times vets nothing. Its left-wing bias excuses it from fact-checking, from adhering to any kind of truth, and from reality. As an atheist, my columns regularly attract Christian religionists who either agree with what I have to say about Islam, and assure themselves that God is going punish the perpetrators who will burn in hell for eternity, or they immediately charge me with being a Stalinist in league with the liberals, the Left, and Obama. In fact, Communists are imbued with their own brand of mysticism, one shared with liberals and the Left; Obama is merely the new mystic of muscle poster boy. The Obfuscator-in-Chief's State of The Union Address, aside from sounding like a broken record of Obama’'s past State of the Union addresses, was a verbal trip through a Fantasy Land which Obama wishes you would believe existed, in spite of the evidence of your senses, a realm in which non-A is A and everything is just hunky-dory and getting hunkier under his imperial direction.
"Deplorable anti-Semitism"? Expressed by whom? Martians, or Muslims? "Stereotypes of Muslims"? Or caricatures of its icons, such as of Mohammad in Charlie Hebdo? By "stereotyping," does he also include profiling likely terrorists, or simply making cogent observations of an insidious ideology that brooks no tolerance of any disagreement or incisive examination and of its principal "holy" texts, which pointedly sanctions and encourages anti-Semitism? The answer is: Yes, he includes all of that. Obama referred to the anemic attacks on ISIS which nevertheless has expanded the territory it conquers in spite of the air campaign to stem its tide:
He will sanction the assistance to everyone except Christians, Yazidis, Kurds, and any other group he'd really rather not know anything about. Which means: No assistance to anyone. That would implicitly "defame" ISIS and Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Just don't "focus" too intently on that "violent extremism." You might think it has something to do with Islam's fundamental and irrevocable nature, which is violence to the core. Not to be left behind in the assault on freedom of speech – a.k.a., "stereotyping" – various Islamic organizations want the West to codify censorship in order to suppress the study and/or mockery of Islam. The Daily Mail (London) in its January 21st article, "Muslim scholars urge UN to outlaw 'contempt' of religions," reported:
Referring to the Charlie Hebdo cartoon of Mohammad that was published about a week after the massacre of the publication's staff by jihadists,
Yes, the West should be against Islam, qua ideology and as a threat to Western civilization. Islam is a kind of ideological polio that enfeebles the West and confines it to the wheelchair of accommodation and submission to Sharia law. The condition attacks specifically Western cultures that deny that the infection can disable or kill, and, taking no steps to combat it, relegates it to the symptoms of the common cold. You see, it's just a handful of "extremist" germs that are causing all the trouble. Islam is a contagious ideological disease only among cultures and nations that refuse to identify it as malign and virulent. Western nations that attempt any compromise with it are doomed to dissolution and submission to it. And in that submission lies the wholesale negation of a nation's identity. The major objector to the Charlie Hebdo cartoons as well as to freedom of speech is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). On January 18th, the OIC sanctimoniously proclaimed:
I'm betting that Obama regrets he hadn't coined the euphemism "errant French nationals" himself. As most Western politicians and the mainstream media have shouted until hoarse, the attack had nothing to do with Islam. The "errant French nationals" only thought the Koran told them to kill or enslave infidels, and also to murder Jews. The killers obviously hadn't taken any courses in Post-Deconstructionist studies and performed "close readings" of the Koran. Had they underwent such education, they might have become, instead of killers, James Joyce scholars or teachers of "creative writing."
Tea and sympathy. Crocodile tears. Sham piety. Muslims are very good at it. But even Arab scholars and Islamic mouthpieces, such as OIC secretary general Iyad Ameen Madani, apparently believe that Islam is a race, and not just a "religion" subscribed to by countless members of a variety of ethnic groups.
I wonder when was the last time Madani visited Indonesia, the country with the largest population of Muslims. I think he knows full well that Islam is not a "race." The racism charge I suspect is a boilerplate device that can handle anything the OIC has overlooked. There must be a secret Islamic text I've not yet discovered, called How to Talk From Both Sides of One's Mouth: Successful Examples of Taqiyya and Islamic Dissimilation From the Pros. Its popular title is probably Taqiyya For Dummies. And one can only gawk at the characterization of Islam as a "pristine religion." Not with knowledge of all the blood on its hands, blood it has shed over fourteen centuries. On January 20th, The Clarion Project reported on just how Islam is committed to freedom of speech about a January 17th "funny and well-funded conference" about how to combat Islamophobia.
Islam has no "honor" to defend and has earned not "respect" but fear and loathing. The young Muslims will purportedly be introduced to the art of fabricating and disseminating funny complaints. If the West is ever going to see a cessation of Islam's murderous onslaught, then the chief funders and instigators of that onslaught must be taken out: Saudi Arabia and Iran. Edward Cline is an American novelist and essayist. He is best known for his Sparrowhawk series of novels, set in England and Virginia before the American Revolutionary War. |
This article was from on January 22, 2015 and is archived at &adviceid=8871&page_data[id]=178&cookie_lang=en |
The current BDS drive has spurred a large body of writing ranging from books to blogs. Most of the discourse involves the various BDS resolutions and ways in which pro-Israeli advocates should respond to it. Much less attention has been paid to the so-called gray boycott (also known as silent boycott), namely personal initiatives of scholars who take it upon themselves to boycott their Israeli counterparts, either by rejecting submission to journals and presses, declining invitations to participate in conferences held in Israel, or refusing to invite said scholars to panels organized by professional associations in the West. Still, gray boycott has concerned Israeli academic authorities. In January 2014, in an interview for Maariv, Professor Rivka Carmi noted that "large part of these boycotts are not formal. They work behind the scenes and reflect, in part, on non-acceptance of post-doctoral positions in Israel, rejection of co-authored articles and awards.There is no formal boycott but a growing understanding among academic staff in Israel, that there is a kind of silent boycott". Professors Asher Cohen and Aharon Shai, the rectors of Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University respectively, wrote to the faculty stating "there is evidence of hidden boycott, which is more difficult to locate, but can be dangerous. Recently, with the increase in activities calling for boycott of Israel (BDS), it is feared that there is a growing phenomenon of academic boycott." Both asked faculty to report on instances of "discrimination that can result in rejection of articles on ground of improper considerations; cancellation of invitation to attend or speak at conferences; refusal to attend conferences held in Israel, or sponsored by Israeli institutions on ground that it is an Israeli event, and so on." Such worries are not misplaced. Boycotting Israeli academics, notably in the social sciences, is not new. In one incident, Gideon Kressel, a professor at Ben Gurion University, was asked to leave an anthropological conference in 1984 after a group French based Arab academics opposed his presence. As the letter below shows, Ernest Gellner, arguably, one of the leading social scientists of the twentieth century, wrote to protest the exclusion: "My own feeling is that arbitrary exclusion of a bona fide scholar simply on the ground of his citizenship set a precedent which one cannot and ought not condone." As well known, things got much worse since 1984, making Gellner's sentiment sound quaint. Over the years, IAM documented numerous cases of private boycott initiatives by a variety of scholars in a variety of fields, a vast majority to them in the social sciences. The new variety of boycott is not just widespread but more challenging. A perusal of the BDS discourse indicates that, along with the open resolutions and petitions, scholars are being "empowered" to launch their own covert initiatives. Given the wide discretion built into academic freedom, such covert actions may be hard to fight. "Academic Boycott of Israel Undercover" A letter obtained by Channel 2 Online presents the greatest fear of institutions of higher education, the expansion of international academic boycott of Israel. Rector of Tel Aviv University wrote to faculty members that there is evidence to hidden boycottit which is difficult to locate - and communicated the request of the Committee of University Heads to report immediately on any exceptional event Possibility of expanding international academic boycott of Israel raises concerns in the country's universities. Concern for academic boycott which is "invisible", brought a request from the Committee of University Heads to professors and researchers - to report any unusual incident immediately. In a letter obtained by Channel 2 Online and sent yesterday by Tel Aviv University Rector Prof. Aron Shai to faculty members, he details the growing phenomenon and passes the request of the Committee of University Heads. "It may be that the boycott faded to a certain extent," writes Prof. Shai but hesitates: "There is however evidence of the phenomenon of boycott hidden from the eye, more difficult to find, it may harm the country. It seems that an important step in preparations against the boycott is to be familiar with its dimensions and to map it". "The Committee of University Heads requests that faculty members who know a case of discrimination on improper grounds such as rejection of academic articles for reasons that are not academic, dis-invitation or cancellation of an invitation to attend a conference or lecture, refusal to participate in a conference held under the auspice of Israel or Israeli institution, etc., to report to Prof. Eshel Ben-Jacob he undertook to coordinate this issue,"wrote the Rector of Tel Aviv University. At the beginning of his letter he notes that an academic boycott of Israel is not off the agenda, and details of initiatives in the last decade that led to a boycott of Israeli institutions and researchers, as the University and College Union of England. Only recently it was reported that the Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) members approved academic boycott of Israel. This case joined other decisions, including an initiative of 5,000 professors and lecturers of the Association of Professors of American Studies that imposed a boycott on Israel at the end of 2013, and the Irish National Teachers Association responded to the request of the Palestinian Authority and approved to take such a step. Contact IAMe-mail at |
The Lawfare Project is deeply concerned with the recent decision by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to open a preliminary examination into the "situation in Palestine," which follows Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's signing of the ICC's Rome Statute earlier this month. During the inquiry, the Prosecutor will evaluate "issues of jurisdiction, admissibility and the interests of justice" in determining whether to launch an investigation into alleged crimes committed in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. Because Abbas recognized the ICC's jurisdiction retroactively, the Prosecutor could investigate last summer's conflict between Israel and designated foreign terrorist organization Hamas (see The Lawfare Project's analysis of war crimes and other violations of international law committed by Hamas). Regardless of the examination's outcome, this initial move directly undermines the ICC's legitimacy, revealing politicization rather than legal competence. Because statehood is a condition of jurisdiction under the Rome Statute, the Prosecutor's decision involved her finding that a "Palestinian state" actually exists. She did so based on the fact that the U.N. General Assembly voted in 2012 to upgrade the status of the Palestinian Authority from "non-member observer entity” to "non-member observer state." This maneuver, which followed unsuccessful attempts to achieve legally recognizable statehood via the U.N. Security Council, received widespread criticism because the Palestinians did not at the time meet the requirements for statehood under well-established international law, as was discussed in The Lawfare Project's article on the legal fiction of Palestinian statehood. Nor do they meet those requirements today. Not only does the General Assembly lack authority to create states (and its resolutions are not legally binding), but nothing in international law suggests that the General Assembly's vote to upgrade the Palestinians' status should have any bearing on the jurisdiction of the ICC, an entity independent of the United Nations. The Prosecutor's willingness to expand ICC jurisdiction beyond the confines of the Rome Statute is of great concern, and her substitution of politics for law is indeed the epitome of lawfare. Contact the Lawfare Project at |
![]() Earlier this week, the Qatar-based international Union of Muslim Scholars– headed by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual guide of Egypt's banned Muslim Brotherhood– called upon the United Nations to make "contempt of religions" illegal. In a statement released on Tuesday, the Union said that there should be "protection for 'prophets'" and urged the UN to issue a "law criminalizing contempt of religions and the prophets and all the holy sites." The Muslim scholars also urged the West to "protect Muslim communities following the attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo." This is very strange. Jews, Christians, Hindus, and atheists have not been attacking Muslims. On the contrary, Muslims have been rioting, shooting, stabbing, beheading, and blowing up other Muslims and infidels, especially Jews and Christians, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Nevertheless, these Muslim scholars seem to believe that Muslims are being violently persecuted. When Muslims honor kill a daughter or a wife, they say they did so in "self-defense." When a female relative allegedly commits any act of disobedience, she has shamed and attacked her family. This means they had to kill her in self-defense. These were the very words used by Palestinian Abu Nidal terrorist Zein Isa, when he and his wife killed their 16-year-old daughter, Palestina Isa, in St. Louis, Missouri. Some experts (Dr. David Ghanim) and memoirists (Nonie Darwish, M.H. Anwar and Aruna Papp) suggest that the normative physical, sexual, and psychological child abuse which, with exceptions, describes Arab and Muslim or tribal child-rearing styles, may also account for such behaviors. Westerners who take free speech and the right to criticize religion for granted have not been able to understand the fury that accurate criticism of Muslim practices (persecution of infidels, persecution of the "wrong" kind of Muslim, persecution of women, etc.) can arouse. Westerners have found it even more difficult to comprehend that the "Islamic street" will riot and murder in response to cartoons. Cartoons? In a recent, private conversation with my friend and colleague, Israeli Arabist, Dr. Mordechai Kedar, he said this:
If Dr. Kedar is right (and I think he is), such dishonoring is a "killing" offense and treated as such. It is no surprise that the Union of Islamic scholars, and before them, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), have, since 1999, been trying to impose Pakistani, Saudi, and Iranian style "blasphemy" laws on the infidel world and using the UN to do so. The UN is a world body, much like the Muslim Ummah ("nation" or "people") is supposed to be. Unfortunately, the UN is largely symbolic, has little supra-power over individual member states, has failed its mission as a peace negotiator, is corrupt and hypocritical, and has been effective in one thing only: It has legalized anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. For years, resolutions to condemn "blasphemy" passed in the United Nations. The OIC wanted to impose criminal penalties for "blasphemy." Finally, in 2011, the measure failed. According to Nina Shea, these resolutions were inspired by Ayatollah Khomeini's "infamous 1989 fatwa, directing 'all zealous Muslims to execute quickly the British author Salman Rushdie and others involved with his book The Satanic Verses.'" In 2005-2006, in the era of the Danish cartoons, Pakistan re-introduced the anti-blasphemy resolution in language calculated "to appeal to Western liberals." By 2007, support for such measures "declined." In Shea's view, "this sudden shift came about because, in 2006, the Bush administration took the lead in defending free speech, energetically pressing Council members to oppose the resolution. The EU also became engaged, emphasizing the need to "protect individuals.'" President Obama has, Clinton-style, "felt the pain" of each and every "offended" Muslim and has taken great pains to defend what he believes is a "peaceful" Islam. He views Muslim violence as either non-existent or as justifiably "provoked" by mocking infidels. His administration claimed that the carefully planned assassination of our Ambassador and Marines in Benghazi had been "provoked" by an anti-Islam video. Unbelievably, Obama's administration sent no one of standing to stand with France and with the right to free speech after the assassinations at Charlie Hebdo and in the kosher supermarket. In the past, President Obama has made some pro-free speech statements. According to Counter Jihad, in 2012, Obama was quoted as saying "The strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech." Did he mean it, does he still mean it? The White House has welcomed members of the Muslim Brotherhood for a long time. Now, their ostensible spiritual leader has spoken out. One wonders where Obama currently stands on Al-Qaradawi's call for a worldwide blasphemy law. Dr. Phyllis Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies at City University of New York. She is an author and lecturer and co-founder of the still ongoing Association for Women in Psychology (1969). Visit her website at This article appeared January 22, 2015 on Breitbart and is archived at |
Sandy Tolan is a graduate school professor at UC-Berkeley. It is more clear than ever that Berkeley awards tenure predicated on incompetence, stupidity and political correctness. Mr Tolan authored an opinion piece, 'Never again' gone mad in Israel, in which he assails Israeli policies are entirely out of proportion to the Palestinian provocations that included the 1,000 rockets fired into Israel since the announced Hamas 'ceasefire,' culminating with the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier, specifically kidnapped to induce the release of prisoners that have been incarcerated because they were caught committing or planning crimes that would result in the deaths of innocent civilians. Mr Tolan piously declares,
The only issue that merits criticism of the Israelis are why they have not responded more forcefully. As we have noted, the fact that the Hamas government was freely elected is irrelevant. Adolph Hitler was elected in a free and democratic election in 1933. Being freely elected is no guarantee that a government will behave in a civilized way. In the case of Hamas, that is assured. They have continued to ratchet up their racism and bigotry, and they proudly proclaim their antipathy toward Jews. They endorse and remain sympathetic to goals of Hitlers National Socialism. They at once deny the Holocaust and in the same breath, praise the Nazi efforts to exterminate Jews, promising to 'finish what Hitler started.' The Israelis are under no obligation to fund, facilitate and aid groups that openly admit their wish to destroy them. That Mr Tolan is upset that the Israelis arrested members of a government sworn to destroy them, only indicates Mr Tolan's detachment from reality. Had any European government taken Hitler at his word, and arrested and killed the top echelon of the Nazi Party, 20 to 30 million Russians would still be alive today. Their would be no sailors buried in a cold watery graves in the Atlantic, never to see the sunlight and the coast of France would not have cemeteries with neat rows of crosses and other monuments. Hitler's insanity came at a cost of 50 million lives. As Fausta noted,
That the western world did not take Hitler seriously was a mistake- and to a great extent, understandable. Europe had not seen the implementation of racist ideologies and decades of bigotry for a long time. Europeans believed they were past that. Not so with the Arab world. On the contrary, over the last century they have only reinforced their stated racism and bigotry and they have deliberately infused Islam with a heretofore unknown hatred. The Islam of today is not the Islam of a half century ago. Can you imagine this happening today? Adolph Hitler had no track record, when it came to the Jews- only rhetoric. The Arab world has both the track record and rhetoric of hate and destruction. If indeed, 'the world sees the life of an Arab as infinitely less valuable than an Israeli's,' while that may be a tragedy, and bad for Palestinian self esteem, it is also an accurate reflection of reality. The Palestinians elected Hamas, the Palestinian Nazi Party. That is no different than the Germans electing Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party. The self esteem of the German volk suffered because of the choices they made, and rightly so. After the war, Germans had to come to grips with the evil they had wrought. Tolan states, ...that no amount of suffering by innocent Palestinians is too much to justify the return of a single Jewish soldier. This understanding, and the rage and humiliation it fuels, has been driven home endlessly through decades of shellings, wars and uprisings past. What mindless and self serving drivel! The Palestinians are suffering because of the choices they made. Nio one forced them- those choices were made freely and independently. As for the Israelis, their collective memory is remarkably clear: There has never been a great movement to save Jews by 'concerned' progressives. Tolan mentions not a whit about Arab anti Semitism, preached from the pulpits, racism and bigotry, taught in schools and hate and violence encouraged in Arab media. Why? Because he doesn't give a damn. If he did, he would say so. In fact, Tolan's silence on those realities make him an equivalent of Bull Connor, finding justification for his bigotry. Tolan isn't done, of course. He talks about the Palestinian refugees: During the 1948 conflict, more than 700,000 Palestinians fled the violence or were driven from their homes. In the middle of July, when temperatures exceeded 100 degrees, more than 30,000 Arabs marched into exile, some for more than 20 miles. Many never made it; those who did were certain they would be coming back in a matter of days or weeks. Fifty-eight years later, they remain in exile. Tolan neglects to remind his readers of Jews in the Arab world, numbering some 800,000 that were expelled from those countries, starting before the establishment of the State of Israel. Nor does Tolan recall that the fate of those Jews was not limited to dry dusty marches. The Jews in those countries were victims of mass murder and pogroms, no doubt a mere pesky annoyance for the likes of Sandy Tolan. In addition, Tolan doesn't want you to know that many Palestinian refugees left at the behest pf Arab governments, that promised a 'bloodbath' and that they would 'drive the Jews into the sea.’ The real Naqbah for Tolan is that newspapers and recordings of those Arab radio broadcast exist. Tolan can't help himself- and gives himself away, when the only reference to terror he makes is to Baruch Goldstein (he had to go back to 1994 to find the example). That despicable character and event is enough for Tolan to focus on. There is no word of Arab terror or Arab media broadcasts by religious authorities gravely pronouncing that the rape of non Muslim women and children is incumbent upon Muslims in the event of war. Finally, as a last insult, Tolan reasons:
No mention of terror attacks, suicide bombers, attacks on religious sites, weddings, Passover holiday meal and hundreds of other such events. Nor does Tolan consider that although ...'every crude Qassam rocket falling harmlessly, far from its target' is only a matter of design, not intent. Does Tolan really believe that the Palestinians aredeliberately missing Israeli civilian targets, and that the attempt to destroy is only a show? Does he believe they want to miss civilian targets? Perhaps Tolan needs to be reminded of what some Palestinians will do if given the opportunity, up close and personal. Think Danny Pearl and others. We also noted, Those wretched and ragged Jews did not choose to behave like the Palestinians. Rather than glorify and amplify dysfunction, they built a democratic state, with world class institutions and infrastructure. Rather than glorify hatred and bigotry, they built a functioning state. That truth has not been lost on the Arabs in the region or in Israel herself. Time and time again, those Arabs make clear they would rather live under Israeli control than under the Palestinian Authority. When the Israelis pulled out of southern Lebanon, the Alawites (the privileged clan that claims the Assads of Syria), made clear they too, wanted to remain under Israeli jurisdiction. Can anyone imagine, any circumstances under which Israelis would indoctrinate their children to believe that killing was a religious obligation? Can anyone imagine Israelis instructing their children to act as human shields for gunmen? Can anyone imagine Israelis publishing textbooks instructing children to hate and slaughter? Can anyone imagine Israelis devoting media programming to extol the virtues of death and murder? Sandy Tolan believes that the self esteem of the Palestinians needs to be addressed before the stated Palestinian desire to 'finish what Hitler started.' Lastly, in what has to highlight his detachment from reality, Tolan says,
Mr Tolan does not make clear exactly who hates us in Iraq- and for good reason. It is a good thing to be hated by evil people, be it in Iraq or the Palestinian Authority. It is a good thing to be feared by people whose stated aim is to do harm and it is a good thing to reviled by those for whom freedom and democracy pose a threat. Dr Sanity addresses the likes of Sandy Tolan in her excellent post, The "Rennaisance" in Academic Institutions, What we are seeing in our colleges and universities is no more than the postmodern philosophical word made flesh and dwelling in what used to be our institutions of higher learning. We might as well begin to call them Institutes of Higher Feeling. It seems to that exceptionally histrionic, paranoid and delusional people– like many of today's academics– used to dwell in a different kind of institution that has largely fallen out of favor in the mental health field; but perhaps our well-known colleges and universities are at the forefront of a renaissance / revival in this area? Dr Sanity's post is superb- for both the content and implications. Read it- and the relevance of Sandy Tolan, et al, is put into proper perspective. Earlier in her post, she quotes Stephen Hicks:
Ah, the world we live in. SANDY TOLAN, SLOW LEARNE Sandy Tolan is at it again. The Berkeley monument to mediocrity is pretending to be relevant. Bush In Israel, Standing With One Side, published by the Huffington Post, is yet another example of how utterly out of touch Tolan is with the real world. That should surprise one, of course. Tolan has found the goose that lays the Golden Egg- pious criticism of Israel that has an almost sacred appeal to the leftist Jews. They, like Tolan, believe their cause bestows a kind of divine morality without having to be actually be truly moral or accountable to God. Like Tolan, these progressive Jews (and Christians) are more intent on proving themselves to be righteous and progressive than anything else. They intend on proving their moral superiority without actually being moral (when some Jews and Christians embrace the current Arab ideologies and ignore the institutionalized racism, bigotry and hate, it is painfully clear they care little about the fate of Israelis and Palestinians). As we have noted,
Tolan's fancies himself above politics- his critique of George Bush is predicated in his 'morality':
Tolan does not mention the truth that the United Nations Partition Plan offered the Palestinians a state of their own, not does he mention the century of racism, bigotry and violence that targeted Jews prior to the establishment of the State of Israel. Nor does he mention the 750,000 refugees from Arab states who were forced not to leave by reason of conflict, but rather by reason of religious intolerance and persecution. Sandy Tolan might argue that these were two separate events- and in a sense, he'd be right. Nevertheless, a lot can be learned about the Arab and Palestinian character. The persecution and demonization of Jews continues to this day, played out in Arab world media, in schools and often, preached from the pulpit. Tolan bemoans the 'cruelty' of the Israeli 'occupation' but never addresses the issues that Israel, the EU, the UN and the United States all agree would end the 'occupation' tomorrow
Which of those things are too onerous of a burden for the Palestinians? In fact, they would still be free to be as racist, bigoted and hateful as they are today. They would still be free to be establish a regime as corrupt and as failed as all the other Arab regimes around them. Tolan speaks about peace between the Arabs and Israelis as if the players were moral equals, an idea as real as if the flat earthers were the equivalent of the rest of us. There is a better analogy- Tolan would argue that the Nazis were moral equivalents to the rest of us. We noted in an earlier look at Sandy Tolan that
We also noted,
On a related note, reader VK sent us a note in which she states that
"t is a good thing to be hated by evil people, be it in Iraq or the Palestinian Authority. It is a good thing to be feared by people whose stated aim is to do harm and it is a good thing to reviled by those for whom freedom and democracy pose a threat." Leftists like Sandy Tolan believe that they can negotiate or buy their way our of any confrontation with evil ('If we just give the Palestinians what they want, everything will be OK'). They cannot accept the truth that evil is defeated by defending and insisting upon a set of values and behaviors from everyone and standing firm.
Take a good look in the mirror, Sandy. You've heard this before. Contact Alex Harris at |
Yemeni President Abd Raboh Mansur Hadi, who the White House has called a strong partner in fighting terrorism, and his government resigned Thursday in the face of attacks by the Iran-backed Houthis. The Houthis have reportedly been trained, financed, and armed by Iran since 2011, and their slogan is "God is great, death to America, death to Israel, damn the Jews, victory to Islam." A member of the Iranian parliament, Ali Reza Zakani, who is close to Khamenei, said that Sanaa has become the fourth Arab capital to join the Iranian Revolution (after Beirut, Damascus, and Baghdad). A senior Iranian official told Reuters that a "few hundred" military personnel of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC) Quds Force (designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. Treasury Department} are in Yemen to train Houthis and that approximately 100 Houthis have trained near the Iranian city of Qom. An intelligence source told the paper Asharq Al-Awsat last September that Hezbollah operatives were fighting in Yemen alongside the Houthis. Ali Akbar Velayati, a senior international affairs advisor to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, made statements intimating that he believes the Houthis will play a role in Yemen analogous to the one Hezbollah plays in Lebanon. Also Thursday, Houthi fighters launched an attack against a Yemeni government base in Marib province, east of Sanaa, an area that contains much of Yemen's oil infrastructure. The Houthis' leader, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, had threatened Hadi Tuesday night with further "measures" if the latter did not agree to capitulate to Houthi demands. Earlier Thursday, the Houthis had agreed to, and then backed out of, a deal. The Houthis, members of the Zaydi branch of Shia Islam, captured Sanaa last September. After agreeing to join the government in November, Houthi fighters launched an assault on Monday against government forces that culminated in the seizure and encirclement of the presidential palace on Tuesday. A federal judge in Argentina released a criminal complaint yesterday alleging that the Argentine government had attempted to negotiate a deal with Iran that would whitewash Iran's role in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish Community Center, in return for trade deals that would provide Argentina with cheap Iranian oil. The complaint included transcripts of intercepted conversations between officials from the Iranian and Argentinean governments that corroborate this accusation. The complaint was written by Alberto Nisman, who led Argentina's state investigation into the attack in 2006 and who died under mysterious circumstances that Argentinean President Cristina Kirchner said was not a suicide. His earlier investigation had concluded that the Iranian regime and Hezbollah were responsible for the AMIA bombing, which killed 85 people. The investigation led to the indictment of eight high-level Iranians, including former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and former Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi. Interpol put out arrest warrants for them. However, in 2013 the Argentinean government agreed to set up a joint commission with Iran, the very country accused of carrying out the attack, to investigate the bombing. Many found this to be a travesty of justice. An Argentine court later ruled that the joint commission was unconstitutional, and Interpol refused to lift the arrest warrants they had issue. Nisman was scheduled to present evidence at a congressional hearing in Buenos Aires this week in support of his allegations that President Kirchner and Foreign Minister Foreign Minister Hector Timerman were trying to absolve Iran of its involvement in the 1994 bombing. But the day before the hearing, Nisman was found dead in his apartment with a gunshot wound to his head. No suicide note was found and no gunpowder residue was detected on his hands. The service door to his apartment was not fully locked and a third entrance to his home was found which connected his apartment to another apartment that was occupied by a foreign national. Police are currently investigating a footprint and fingerprint found inside this passageway. Nisman had been receiving death threats for years from Iranians. Iran has expanded its influence in Latin America where it maintains intelligence networks that conduct terror attacks on targets in the Western Hemisphere. Contact The Israel Project at |
ONE MORE TIME FOR ALL YOU DEMOCRATS OUT THEREPosted by Moncharsh, January 23, 2015 |
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained new documents from the United States Air Force detailing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's repeated use of United States Air Force aircraft. According to the documents, obtained by Judicial Watch through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Pelosi used Air Force aircraft on 85 flights from March 2009 through June 2010. Members of Pelosi’s family were guests on at least two flights. Among the highlights from the documents, obtained pursuant to a FOIA request filed on January 25, 2009:
According to previous documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, the Speaker's military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over a two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol. For example, purchases for one Pelosi-led congressional delegation traveling from Washington, DC, through Tel Aviv, Israel to Baghdad, Iraq May 15-20, 2008 included: Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey's Irish Crème, Maker's Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewar's scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey, Corona beer and several bottles of wine. Judicial Watch also previously uncovered internal Department of Defense documents (DOD) email correspondence detailing attempts by DOD staff to accommodate Pelosi's numerous requests for military escorts and military aircraft as well as the speaker's last minute cancellations and changes. For example, in response to a series of requests for military aircraft, one Defense Department official wrote, "Any chance of politely querying [Pelosi's team] if they really intend to do all of these or are they just picking every weekend?...[T]here's no need to block every weekend 'just in case'... "The email also notes that Pelosi's office had, "a history of canceling many of their past requests." "Pelosi's abusive use of military aircraft demonstrates a shocking lack of regard for the American taxpayer and the men and women who serve in the U.S. Air Force. Speaker Pelosi may have a frequent flyer record for taxpayer-financed luxury jet travel," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. The article above was written and published by the Judicial
Watch staff on October 14, 2010 and is archived at
The article below was written by Sharyl Attkisson who is an Emmy award-winning investigative journalist, is a senior independent contributor to The Daily Signal. She hosts the Sunday morning news program "Full Measure" and wrote the New York Times bestseller "Stonewalled." This article appeared January 22, 2015 on the Daily Signal and is archived here. |
![]() Some federal agencies continue to stonewall when it comes to the ongoing investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attacks, according to insiders familiar with the process. They say the House Benghazi Select Committee isn't getting access to all relevant documents and witnesses. That will be the topic of the committee's first public hearing of 2015 called for Tuesday next week. Most of the committee's work since a (slightly) bipartisan vote created it May 8, 2014, has quietly focused on the massive task of gathering information. The committee has provided relevant federal agencies a list of several dozen witnesses it wishes to interview. ![]() But Republican staff members are encountering some of the same roadblocks that other committees met as they investigated pieces of the events surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, died in the assaults. One congressional official noted that some federal agencies, such as the Justice Department, appear to be working to comply with committee requests, engaging in productive negotiations over requested materials and access to witnesses. However, the official says that there are still outstanding issues with the Justice Department, and that other agencies, including the State Department and some in the intelligence community, have not been as cooperative. 26 Ways the Media Botched Their Reporting on the Latest Benghazi Report The House resolution creating the committee authorized it to investigate all aspects of what happened in Benghazi, as well as looking at how to improve executive branch cooperation with congressional oversight. Tuesday's hearing is part of the effort to obtain a complete record of the events before, during and after the attacks, on a timely basis. The committee's goal is to strike a balance between information and witnesses withheld for legitimate reasons of national or individual security—and the possibility that those reasons may be improperly invoked to prevent the release of information embarrassing or damaging to the Obama administration or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. ![]() Much of the Benghazi committee's work will be done in non-public interviews rather than public hearings. Committee Chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., a former prosecutor, has said that format allows members and staff to spend "hours" with a relevant witness rather than having to ask questions in short, restricted bursts under the rules of a public hearing. Democrats, including Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, praised Gowdy's measured approach last fall when he agreed to their request to have the first hearing be on their topic of choice: the Accountability Review Board's recommendations and progress on implementing them. Still Digging for the Truth About Benghazi "I sincerely hope the select committee will stay on the course of constructive reform and keep this goal as our north star," Cummings said. "It would be a disservice to everyone involved to be lured off this path by partisan politics." Cummings did not respond to a request for comment for this article. ![]() Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., has called the continuing investigation into Benghazi a Republican "witch hunt," and said there have been more than enough hearings and all questions have been answered. When asked to comment on the impetus behind next week's hearing, Gowdy said it would be a "reasonable inference that we would not be having a hearing to compliment [the federal agencies] on the speed with which they have complied with [our] requests." Hillary Clinton State Department Official Reveals Details of Alleged Document Review What happens if federal agencies simply refuse to provide documents to Congress, as they have done in the past? It's not clear there is much Congress can or will do about it. One official said they could try to get help from Senate Republicans to exert pressure, or could figure out a way to use the federal funding process, which is in the House’s hands, to exert pressure. ![]() Among the many outstanding issues and questions the committee is expected to take on:
Contact The Daily Signal at |
THE MYTH OF PALESTINIAN CENTRALITYPosted by Yoram Ettinger, January 23, 2015 |
The myth of Palestinian centrality has dominated Western policy in the Middle East, while contrasting the reality of the Middle East. In 2015, following in the footsteps of Presidents Mubarak and Sadat, Egyptian President Al-Sisi does not subordinate Egypt's national security ties with Israel to Egypt's ties with the Palestinians. President Al-Sisi - just like his two predecessors - considers the transnational Muslim Brotherhood and Palestinian terrorism mutual threats to Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other Arab Gulf States, which have never regarded the Palestinian issue as a top priority, and have denied the Palestinian Authority their financial generosity. Notwithstanding Palestinian opposition, strategic cooperation between Israel and Egypt, as well as between Israel and Jordan and other moderate Arab regimes, has surged to an unprecedented level. In 2014, Al-Sisi and most pro-US Arab regimes – which have never embraced the myth of Palestinian centrality - supported Israel's war on Palestinian terrorism in Gaza, which also haunts Egyptian and Jordanian homeland security. In 1977, Egyptian President Sadat embraced Israeli Prime Minister Begin's peace initiative, in spite of stormy Palestinian opposition, and in defiance of President Carter's initial objection to direct negotiation between Jerusalem and Cairo. Carter promoted the concept of an international conference, centering on the Palestinian issue, which he assumed was the chief axis of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He pressured Begin to highlight the Palestinian issue, but received no effective support from Sadat. Israel-Arab relations, in general, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, in particular, have never revolved around the Palestinian axis, irrespective of Western conventional wisdom and political correctness, which have been shaped by Arab talk rather than Arab walk, by oversimplification and wishful thinking rather than Middle Eastern reality. The 1948/49 War was launched by Arab countries, against the newly-born Jewish State, at the expense – and not on behalf – of a Palestinian cause, exposing the myth of Palestinian centrality. Thus, Iraq leveraged the war to advance its goal of intra-Arab hegemony and control the oil pipeline from Kirkuk to Haifa; Jordan joined the assault on Israel to expand all the way to the Mediterranean; Egypt was more interested in foiling Jordan's expansionist plans than the annihilation of the Jewish State; and Syria aspired to advance its vision of Greater Syria. The 1948 War was not a war of, for, or (mostly) by Palestinian Arabs. According to Prof. Efraim Karsh, a leading Middle East expert from London's Kings College, "the 1948 pan-Arab invasion of Israel was a classic scramble for territory and not a battle for Palestinian national rights. As the first Secretary General of the Arab league, Abdel Rahman Azzam, admitted, the goal of Jordan was to swallow up the central hill regions of Palestine... The Egyptians would get the Negev. The Galilee would go to Syria, except that the coastal part as far as Acre would be added to Lebanon." Upon the conclusion of the war, Iraq occupied Samaria (the northern West Bank), but transferred the area to Jordan, not to the Palestinian Arabs. Jordan occupied Judea (the southern West Bank) and annexed Judea and Samaria to the East Bank of the Jordan River. Egypt occupied Gaza and did not transfer it to the Palestinian Arabs. Just like Jordan, Egypt prohibited Palestinian national activities and expelled Palestinian activists. In 1959, Egypt and the Arab League dissolved the ineffective provisional Palestinian ("All Palestine”) government, which was established by them in 1949. The 1956 (Sinai) War was also not triggered by the Palestinian issue. It was a derivative of Egyptian-sponsored terrorism (activated by Palestinian Arabs in Gaza), aimed at undermining Israel's sovereignty in the Negev; Egypt's nationalization of the British and French-owned Suez Canal; and Egypt's support for anti-French elements in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The 1967 Six Day War erupted as a result of Egyptian President Nasser's aggression, aimed at advancing his pan-Arab megalomaniac aspiration, which were unrelated to the Palestinian issue: Egypt's blockade of Israel's southern (oil and commerce) waterway; Egypt's violation of the 1957 Sinai Peninsula demilitarization agreement; the Egypt-Syria-Jordan Military Pact. The 1969-70 Egypt-Israel war of attrition along the Suez Canal took place irrespective of the Palestinian issue. And, the 1973 War (the most recent Arab-Israel war) was initiated by Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq, independent of the Palestinian issue. Since 1973, there have been a number of wars between Israel and Palestinian Arabs, none evolved into an Arab-Israeli war. Arabs have been aware of the subversive/terrorist track record of Palestinian Arabs, and therefore have showered them with rhetoric, not resources, and certainly not on the battlefield. For example, the 1982 Israel war on PLO terrorism in Lebanon was launched on June 5, but the Arab League did not convene until September, following the PLO expulsion from Beirut. The 1987-1992 and the 2000-2003 waves of Palestinian terrorism were quelled by Israel's defense forces with no Arab intervention, as were Israel's wars on Palestinian terrorism in Gaza (2008, 2012 and 2014). Unlike Arab policy makers Western policy makers and public opinion molders are preoccupied with the Palestinian issue, misperceiving it as the root cause of Middle East turbulence, the crown jewel of Arab policy making and the crux of the Arab –Israeli conflict. This Western-formulated myth of Palestinian centrality has led to an oversimplification of Middle East complexities, corrupting Western policy, undermining vital Western interests, exacerbating problems rather than advancing solutions, intensifying terrorism, diverting attention away from major obstacles to peace, thus creating another major obstacle to peace. Ambassador Yoram Ettinger is an editor and consultant who lives in Jerusalem. |
IRAN, OBAMA, BOEHNER AND NETANYAHUPosted by Winston, January 23, 2015 |
This was written by Caroline B. Glick and it appeared on
the Jerusalem Post and archived at
The role of an Israeli leader is to adopt the policies that protect Israel, even when they are unpopular at the White House. ![]() Iran has apparently produced an intercontinental ballistic missile whose range far exceeds the distance between Iran and Israel, and between Iran and Europe. On Wednesday night, Channel 2 showed satellite imagery taken by Israel's Eros-B satellite that was launched last April. The imagery showed new missile-related sites that Iran recently constructed just outside Tehran. One facility is a missile launch site, capable of sending a rocket into space or of firing an ICBM. On the launch pad was a new 27-meter long missile, never seen before. The missile and the launch pad indicate that Iran's ballistic missile program, which is an integral part of its nuclear weapons program, is moving forward at full throttle. The expanded range of Iran's ballistic missile program as indicated by the satellite imagery makes clear that its nuclear weapons program is not merely a threat to Israel, or to Israel and Europe. It is a direct threat to the United States as well. Also on Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to address a joint session of Congress by House Speaker John Boehner. Boehner has asked Netanyahu to address US lawmakers on February 11 regarding Iran's nuclear program and the threat to international security posed by radical Islam. Opposition leaders were quick to accuse Boehner and the Republican Party of interfering in Israel's upcoming election by providing Netanyahu with such a prestigious stage just five weeks before Israelis go to the polls. Labor MK Nachman Shai told The Jerusalem Post that for the sake of fairness, Boehner should extend the same invitation to opposition leader Isaac Herzog. But in protesting as they have, opposition members have missed the point. Boehner didn't invite Netanyahu because he cares about Israel's election. He invited Netanyahu because he cares about US national security. He believes that by having Netanyahu speak on the issues of Iran's nuclear program and radical Islam, he will advance America's national security. Boehner's chief concern, and that of the majority of his colleagues from the Democratic and Republican parties alike, is that President Barack Obama's policy in regard to Iran's nuclear weapons program imperils the US. Just as the invitation to Netanyahu was a bipartisan invitation, so concerns about Obama's policy toward Iran's nuclear program are bipartisan concerns. Over the past week in particular, Obama has adopted a position on Iran that puts him far beyond the mainstream of US politics. This radical position has placed the president on a collision course with Congress best expressed on Wednesday by Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez. During a hearing at the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee where Menendez serves as ranking Democratic member, he said, "The more I hear from the administration and its quotes, the more it sounds like talking points that come straight out of Tehran." Menendez was referring to threats that Obama has made three times over the past week, most prominently at his State of the Union address on Tuesday, to veto any sanctions legislation against Iran brought to his desk for signature. He has cast proponents of sanctions – and Menendez is the co-sponsor of a pending sanctions bill – as enemies of a diplomatic strategy of dealing with Iran, and by implication, as warmongers. Indeed, in remarks to the Democratic members of the Senate last week, Obama impugned the motivations of lawmakers who support further sanctions legislation. He indirectly alleged that they were being forced to take their positions due to pressure from their donors and others. The problem for American lawmakers is that the diplomatic course that Obama has chosen makes it impossible for the US to use the tools of diplomacy to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. That course of diplomatic action is anchored in the Joint Plan of Action that the US and its partners Germany, France, Britain, China and Russia (the P5+1) signed with Tehran in November 2013. The JPOA placed no limitation on Iran's ballistic missile program. The main areas the JPOA covers are Iran's uranium enrichment and plutonium reactor activities. Under the agreement, or the aspects of it that Obama has made public, Iran is supposed to limit its enrichment of uranium to 3.5-percent purity. And it is not supposed to take action to expand its heavy water reactor at Arak, which could be used to develop weapons grade plutonium. THE JPOA is also supposed to force Iran to share all nuclear activities undertaken in the past by its military personnel. During his State of the Union address, Obama claimed that since the agreement was signed, Iran has "halted the progress of its nuclear program and reduced its stockpile of nuclear material." Yet as Omri Ceren of the Israel Project noted this week, since the JPOA was signed, Iran has expanded its uranium and plutonium work. And as the Eros-B satellite imagery demonstrated, Iran is poised to launch an ICBM. When it signed the JPOA, Obama administration officials dismissed concerns that by permitting Iran to enrich uranium to 3.5% – in breach of binding UN Security Council Resolution 1929 from 2010 – the US was enabling Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Enrichment to 3.5%, they said, is a far cry from the 90% enrichment level needed for uranium to be bomb grade. But it works out that the distance isn't all that great. Sixty percent of the work required to enrich uranium to bomb grade levels of purity is done by enriching it to 3.5%. Since it signed the JPOA, Iran has enriched sufficient quantities of uranium to produce two nuclear bombs. As for plutonium development work, as Ceren pointed out, the White House's fact sheet on the JPOA said that Iran committed itself "to halt progress on its plutonium track." Last October, Foreign Policy magazine reported that Iran was violating that commitment by seeking to procure parts for its heavy water plutonium reactor at Arak. And yet, astoundingly, rather than acknowledge the simple fact that Iran was violating its commitment, the State Department excused Iran's behavior and insisted that it was not in clear violation of its commitment. More distressingly, since the JPOA was signed, Iran has repeatedly refused to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to access Iran's nuclear installations or to inform the IAEA about the nuclear activities that its military have carried out in the past. As a consequence, the US and its partners still do not know what nuclear installations Iran has or what nuclear development work it has undertaken. This means that if a nuclear agreement is signed between Iran and the P5+1, that agreement’s verification protocols will in all likelihood not apply to all aspects of Iran's nuclear program. And if it does not apply to all aspects of Iran's nuclear activities, it cannot prevent Iran from continuing the activities it doesn't know about. As David Albright, a former IAEA inspector, explained in a Wall Street Journal op-ed last May, "To be credible, a final agreement must ensure that any effort by Tehran to construct a bomb would be sufficiently time-consuming and detectable that the international community could act decisively to prevent Iran from succeeding. It is critical to know whether the Islamic Republic had a nuclear weapons program in the past, how far the work on warheads advanced and whether it continues. Without clear answers to these questions, outsiders will be unable to determine how fast the Iranian regime could construct either a crude nuclear-test device or a deliverable weapon if it chose to renege on an agreement." Concern about the loopholes in the JPOA led congressional leaders from both parties to begin work to pass additional sanctions against Iran immediately after the JPOA was concluded. To withstand congressional pressure, the Obama administration alternately attacked the patriotism of its critics, who it claimed were trying to push the US into and unnecessary war against Iran, and assured them that all of their concerns would be addressed in a final agreement. Unfortunately, since signing the JPOA, the administration has adopted positions that ensure that none of Congress's concerns will be addressed. Whereas in early 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry declared that "the president has made it definitive" that Iran needs to answer all "questions surrounding Iran's nuclear program," last November it was reported that the US and its partners had walked back this requirement. Iran will not be required to give full accounting of its past nuclear work, and so the US and its partners intend to sign a deal that will be unable to verify that Iran does not build nuclear weapons. As the administration has ignored its previous pledges to Congress to ensure that a deal with Iran will make it possible to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons, it has also acted to ensure that Iran will pay no price for negotiating in bad faith. The sanctions bill that Obama threatens to veto would only go into effect if Iran fails to sign an agreement. As long as negotiations progress, no sanctions would be enforced. OBAMA'S MESSAGE then is clear. Not only will the diplomatic policy he has adopted not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons (and the ability to attack the US with nuclear warheads attached to an ICBM), but in the event that Iran fails to agree to even cosmetic limitations on its nuclear progress, it will suffer no consequences for its recalcitrance. And this brings us back to Boehner's invitation to Netanyahu. And this brings us back to Boehner’s invitation to Netanyahu. With Obama's diplomatic policy toward Iran enabling rather than preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power, members of the House and Senate are seeking a credible, unwavering voice that offers an alternative path. For the past 20 years, Netanyahu has been the global leader most outspoken about the need to take all necessary measures to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, not only for Israel's benefit, but to protect the entire free world. From the perspective of the congressional leadership, then, inviting Netanyahu to speak was a logical move. In the Israeli context, however, it was an astounding development. For the past generation, the Israeli Left has insisted Israel's role on the world stage is that of a follower. As a small, isolated nation, Israel has no choice, they say, other than to follow the lead of the West, and particularly of the White House, on all issues, even when the US president is wrong. All resistance to White House policies is dangerous and irresponsible, leaders like Herzog and Tzipi Livni continuously warn. Boehner's invitation to Netanyahu exposes the Left's dogma as dangerous nonsense. The role of an Israeli leader is to adopt the policies that protect Israel, even when they are unpopular at the White House. Far from being ostracized for those policies, such an Israeli leader will be supported, respected, and relied upon by those who share with him a concern for what truly matters. Contact Winston at |
BEWARE OF THE LADY IN WHITE.....Posted by Billy Mills, January 23, 2015 |
Flo and her Boss Stephanie Courtney, the actress who plays "Flo," gets $500,000 per year. ![]() In case you didn't know..... The "Harley Owners Group", the biggest motorcycle club in America, maybe even the world, hasn't found any members that have Progressive Insurance since the word got out about Progressive's communist affiliations. Their association with George Soros, alone, should bring chills up your back. Oh, you don't know who George Soros is? He finances the Obama progressive affiliations. Progressive Insurance....Who are they? You've seen and probably smiled at the clever Progressive Insurance TV commercials. Well, you're about to learn the rest of the story. PROGRESSIVE AUTO INSURANCE You know their TV commercials, the ones featuring the ditsy actress all dressed in white. What you might not know is that the Chairman of Progressive is Peter Lewis, one of the major funders of leftist causes in America. Between 2001 and 2003, Lewis funneled $15 million to the ACLU, the group most responsible for destroying what's left of America's Judeo-Christian heritage. Lewis also gave $12.5 million and America Coming Together, two key propaganda arms of the socialist left. His funding for these groups was conditional on matching contributions from George Soros, the America-hating socialist who is the chief financier of the Obama political machine. Lewis made a fortune as a result of capitalism, but now finances a progressive movement that threatens to destroy the American free enterprise system. His group is targeting television shows on Fox News. Peter Lewis is making a fortune off of conservative Americans (who buy his auto insurance), then he uses that money to dismantle the very system that made him wealthy. He's banking on no one finding out who he is, so STOP buying Progressive Insurance and pass this information on to all your friends. Chairman Lewis' gift helps the ACLU promote their anti-Christmas agenda such as:
Renaming a Christmas tree displayed on public property a Holiday tree. In addition to their war on Christmas, the ACLU uses gifts like that from Chairman Lewis to:
Verify at: or: All of a sudden I don't care for their "funny commercials". Checked Snopes and Truth or Fiction......both verify the donations. PS: IGNORANCE CAN BE TERMINAL SO, SAVE A FRIEND & SHARE THIS MAIL WITH OTHERS. Contact Billy Mills at |
DISGRACE AND APPEASEMENT!Posted by Yoram Fisher, January 23, 2015 |
![]() Contact Yoram Fisher at |
THE LAST LION REMEMBEREDPosted by Joan Swirsky, January 23, 2015 |
The article below was written by Victor Davis Hanson who is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the author, most recently, of The Savior Generals. Contact Victor Davis Hanson at This article appeared January 22, 2015 on National Review and
is archived at
Fifty years ago this Saturday, former British prime minister Winston Churchill died at age 90. Churchill is remembered for his multiple nonstop careers as a statesman, cabinet minister, politician, journalist, Nobel laureate historian, and combat veteran. He began his career serving the British military as a Victorian-era mounted lancer and ended it as custodian of Britain’s nuclear deterrent. But he is most renowned for an astounding five-year-tenure as Britain's wartime prime minister from May 10, 1940, to June 26, 1945, when he was voted out of office not long after the surrender of Nazi Germany. Churchill took over the day Hitler invaded Western Europe. Within six weeks, an isolated Great Britain was left alone facing the Third Reich. What is now the European Union was then either under Nazi occupation, allied with Germany, or ostensibly neutral while favoring Hitler. The United States was not just neutral. It had no intention of entering another European war — at least not until after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor a year and half later. From August 1939 to June 1941, the Soviet Union was an accomplice of the Third Reich. Russian leader Joseph Stalin was supplying Hitler with critical resources to help finish off Great Britain, the last obstacle in Germany’s path of European domination. Some of the British elite wished to cut a peace deal with Hitler to save their empire and keep Britain from being bombed or invaded. They understandably argued that Britain could hardly hold out when Poland, Denmark, Norway the Netherlands, Belgium, and France all had not. Yet Churchill voiced defiance and vowed to keep on fighting. After the fall of France, Churchill readied Britain's defenses against a Nazi bombing blitz, and then went on the offensive against Italy in the Mediterranean. As much of London went up in flames, Churchill never flinched, despite the deaths of more than 40,000 British civilians. By some estimates, the Soviet Red Army eventually killed three out of four German soldiers who died in World War. The American economic colossus built more military ships, aircraft, vehicles and tanks than did any other country during World War II. In comparison to such later huge human and material sacrifices, the original, critical British role in winning World War II is often forgotten. But Britain was the only major power on either side of the war to fight continuously the entire six years, from September 3, 1939, to September 2, 1945. Britain was the only nation of the alliance to have fought Nazi Germany alone without allies. Churchill's defiant wartime rhetoric anchored the entire moral case against the Third Reich. Unlike the Soviet Union or the United States, Britain entered the war without being attacked, on the principle of protecting independent Poland from Hitler. Unlike America, Britain fought Germany from the first day of the war to its surrender. Unlike Russia, it fought the Japanese from the moment Japan started the Pacific War to the Japanese general surrender. Churchill's Britain had a far smaller population and economy than either the Soviet Union or the United States. Its industry and army were smaller than Germany's. Defeat would have meant the end of British civilization. But victory would ensure the end of the British Empire and a future world dominated by the victorious and all-powerful United States and Soviet Union. It was Churchill's decision that Britain would fight on all fronts of both the European and Pacific theaters. He ordered strategic bombing over occupied Europe, a naval war against the German submarine and surface fleets, and a full-blown land campaign in Burma. He ensured that the Mediterranean stayed open from Gibraltar to Suez. Churchill partnered with America from North Africa to Normandy, and he helped to supply Russia — even as Britain was broke and its manpower exhausted. In the mid-1930s, Churchill first — and loudest — had damned appeasement and warned Europe and the United States about the dangers of an aggressive Nazi Germany. For that prescience, he was labeled a warmonger who wished to revisit the horrors of World War I. After the end of World War II, the lone voice of Churchill cautioned the West that its former wartime ally, the Soviet Union, was creating an "Iron Curtain" and was as ruthless as Hitler's Germany had been. Again, he was branded a paranoid who unfairly demonized Communists. The wisdom and spirit of Winston Churchill not only saved Britain from the Third Reich, but Western civilization from a Nazi Dark Ages when there was no other nation willing to take up that defense. Churchill was the greatest military, political, and spiritual leader of the 20th century. The United States has never owed more to a foreign citizen than to Winston Churchill, a monumental presence 50 years after his death. Contact Joan Swirsky at |
The article below was written by Aeyal Gross who is a member of the Faculty in Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Law where he teaches International Law and Constitution. This article appeared January 23, 2015 on Haaretz.con and is archived at |
International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda will examine whether to investigate Israelis for crimes against the Palestinians – and if so, which ones. The past week's legal and diplomatic storm has focused on the decision by one highly esteemed woman, whose decisions in the coming years are likely to shape the legal and political course of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, who assumed the position in June 2012, is the second person to hold the post, having served as the court's deputy prosecutor for eight years. Bensouda's rich experience in international criminal law began when she served in several senior positions in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The Rwanda tribunal, alongside the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, were the two ad-hoc international criminal courts set up in the 1990s that foretold the formation of the ICC, which began operating in 2002. Prior to her appointment to the Rwanda tribunal, Bensouda had a rich legal background in her home country, The Gambia, where she filled a series of senior roles, including state prosecutor and attorney general. After completing her legal studies in Nigeria, she earned a master’s degree in international maritime law in Malta. In 2012, Time Magazine named her among the world’s 100 most influential people, writing, "Thoughtful, soft-spoken, yet determined and forceful, Bensouda has been a leading voice pressing governments to support the quest for justice, particularly in Africa." Bensouda was born in 1961 to a polygamous Muslim family. Her father had two wives, and she was raised by her mother and her father's other wife in an expanded family. She has over a dozen brothers and sisters. "One thing that really made me [want to become a lawyer] was the fact that I realized that there were not many female lawyers," Bensouda told the American network PBS several years ago. "And I also saw that there were a lot of issues affecting gender and children, which I thought I should be able to play a huge part in presenting it before the court and standing up for them." Her prime conviction, she emphasized throughout the interview, was to act on behalf of victims. The ICC, she said, reflected the idea of a "common bond" among the international community. Until its formation, perpetrators of atrocities effectively had impunity, she noted. "I think perpetrators of these crimes do know that they can be held accountable. There is a court in existence now. A court is not going to be established after they have done whatever they have done. It is in existence. And I think that, in itself, sends a message that there is going to be accountability ... Impunity is going to end." She tends to reject criticism that the ICC is a European court investigating African countries and a repeat of the colonial relationship. "Africa has the largest number of countries in any one continent to be members of the court," she pointed out. "They wanted this court to be created, because Africa was also sending a signal that we also want to end impunity and through this court we think we can achieve that." She noted that all eight cases currently before the court related to African countries, four of which originated in the African countries themselves, who asked the court to intervene, and two (Sudan and Libya) after being referred by the United Nations Security Council. Only in two countries, Kenya and the Ivory Coast, had Bensouda herself initiated the legal process. It is difficult to downplay the expectations from Bensouda when she became only the second prosecutor to the young, faltering court. As one known for her ability to listen and hold dialogues, many observers hoped the court's eroded relationship with Africa would improve with a prosecutor from the continent itself. She entered the post having previously played a central role in the court's first conviction, when Thomas Lubanga Dyilo was convicted to 14 years' imprisonment in March 2012 for conscripting children and using them to participate actively in hostilities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The court's second conviction thus far, also relating to the DRC, was made during her term, in March 2014, when Germain Katanga (also known as Simba) was convicted for crimes against humanity and war crimes. "Real justice is not a pick and choose system," she said upon entering her job in May 2012. "To be effective, to be just and to have a lasting impact, justice has to be guided solely by the law and the evidence. Our focus is on individual criminal behavior against innocent victims. "Law," she continued, "is a shield for the powerless, not a club for the powerful, and no one will divert me from the course of justice. Lack of cooperation Maybe the expectations from Bensouda's term were too high. In her time, investigative and legal procedures by the office she heads have continued to move slowly. Only very few of the preliminary examinations, investigations and even indictments before the court have reached the trial and conviction stage. On top of that, Bensouda's tenure has been marked by a number of major crises. First was the collapse of the murder and rape case against Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta: Last December, the judges who thought that insufficient evidence had been brought to the court demanded that the prosecution bring evidence that would justify a trial. Bensouda accused the Kenyan government of thwarting her attempts to investigate the crimes and denying the victims' right to know the truth. She says the Kenyan government failed to transfer material to the prosecution that was likely to help prove Kenyatta's guilt. She also accused the Kenyan government of a campaign designed to instil fear in witnesses who were supposed to help prove the indictment. If all this was not enough, at the beginning of the month a witness who was due to give evidence in the ongoing trial against Kenya's vice president was murdered. A few days after the case against Kenyatta was closed, Bensouda announced that she was suspending the investigation into alleged war crimes in Darfur because of a lack of cooperation by the United Nations. An indictment for war crimes was filed against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in 2009, yet Bashir remains free after he refused to recognize the court's jurisdiction. "It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to appear before you and purport to be updating you when all I am doing is repeating the same things I have said over and over again, most of which are well known to this council," Bensouda lamented to the UN Security Council on December 12. The council needed to apply "a dramatic shift" to its approach to arresting the Darfur suspects, she said. Inactivity on the issue, she said, led to her intention to suspend the investigation and transfer the resources to investigating other urgent events. These two events point to the court's difficulty in operating without cooperation. There were those who accused Bensouda of not doing her work sufficiently well, but she still commands great respect. To a large extent, she came out of these crises strengthened as she generally managed to turn disadvantages into advantages: She accused the leaders of Kenya of causing the case against the country to collapse, and the UN Security Council members of thwarting the Sudanese case. Her decisions in these cases, as well as others, were considered professional, not political. Now, it appears that most of the criticism is directed against the limitations of this ambitious international body. Under Bensouda's leadership, the prosecutor's office is conducting preliminary examinations into allegations of torture by British forces in Iraq and U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, and alleged crimes by Russia in Georgia. Despite not being a member of the court, Russia cooperated with the examination and transferred many documents to the prosecutor. Only this week, Dominic Ongwen – a leader of the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda – was brought to The Hague after an indictment was issued against him and other leaders (including the infamous warlord Joseph Kony) for crimes against humanity and war crimes, a decade after an arrest warrant was issued against him. Investigations at various stages are ongoing, alongside preliminary examinations such as the one relating to Israel. The prosecutor closed the previous examination against Israel – after Israel Defense Forces soldiers boarded the Gaza flotilla's Mavi Marmara in May 2010 and 10 civilians were killed – when she said that even though the court had jurisdiction over the matter (following the agreement of the Comoro Islands, where the ship was registered), the crimes in question were not of sufficient gravity to fall under the court's jurisdiction. It can be learned from the prosecutor's policy, laid out in her office's 2012 strategic plan, that her office is moving from mainly "focused investigations" to "in-depth, open-ended investigations while maintaining focus," which will allow for a wider range of issues to be probed. Another change in approach is adjusting the policy of investigating and prosecuting those most responsible for crimes, in the sense that the Office of the Prosecutor consider also mid-level perpetrators, in some cases starting with lower-level cases in order to build to the top – a lesson from the evidentiary difficulty in previous cases against top leaders. Another change noted is a move away from relying on witnesses to a reliance on other evidence, such as written, scientific, and so on. All these considerations are expected to guide the prosecutor when dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian examination. Contact Saul Goldman at |
The article below was written by Ben Cohen who
writes regularly about sports for The Wall Street
Journal, and his work also has appeared on Deadspin,
Grantland, The Awl, The Classical, Tablet and Yahoo! Sports,
among others. The article appeared January 23, 2015 on the
Algemeiner and is archived at
![]() It's almost three years since the Islamist terrorist Mohammed Merah walked into the Ozar Hatorah school in the French city of Toulouse and opened fire, as one eyewitness recalled, "on everything that moved." In those terrible few moments, four innocents were brutally murdered: Jonathan Sandler, a rabbi who taught at the school, his two sons, Aryeh, 6, and Gabriel, 3, and a little girl, 8 year-old Miriam Monsonego, the daughter of the school's principal, Rabbi Yaacov Monsonego. This week, Rabbi Monsonego sat down with The Algemeiner to give his first media interview since the atrocity that took the life of his beloved Miriam. Visiting New York at the invitation of the World Jewish Congress for the the UN General Assembly's meeting on the subject of antisemitism, Monsonego brought with him the unique insights that come from having experienced this age-old phenomenon in the most direct and terrible way. Yet there is no bitterness about Monsonego, nor anger. Remarkably, some might say, he has continued to serve as the principal of the school, now renamed Or Hatorah, after it left the Ozar Hatorah network. Where, I asked him, did he find the strength to continue in that role? "It's no longer the same strength that drives me," Rabbi Monsonego said. "It's a different impulse." Part of his inspiration, he continued, lies in the undiminished strength of the school, which started life in 1991 with 40 children, a number that rose, at its peak, to 200. Currently, he said, there are 160 children at the school – testament to the fact that the deadly violence unleashed by Merah failed to destroy its spirit. "The school has a soul and a life," Rabbi Monsonego said. Had he left his position after the massacre, he explained, "everything we achieved over twenty years would have vanished." He is particularly proud of the school's alumni network, which embraces former students in France and Israel, as well as the US, Canada, Australia, Morocco, and even China. The alumni engage in fundraising, which allows the school to grant scholarships, as well as organizing religious celebrations, among them a shabbaton scheduled in Jerusalem in two weeks time, and a fundraising event in New York in June. The teachers working under his guidance are another important factor. All the teachers in charge of secular subjects are non-Jews, he said, which underlines the status of the school in the local community. After the massacre, many teachers could have searched for new positions at "safer schools," Monsonego said, but they didn't. "I am surrounded by people who always take it upon themselves to do more," he reflected. And they do so in an environment which – as Monsonego would be the first to acknowledge – is far from normal. I asked the rabbi whether he agreed with the observation made at the UN's antisemitism meeting by US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, who said that French Jewish children who have to walk through "phalanxes of armed soldiers" just to enter their schools were "victims of antisemitism." "The sight of soldiers at the entrance to a school makes the children understand that they are threatened, and that is unbearable," Monsonego said. After the massacre, he recalled, security wasn’t substantially increased, but in the wake of the Paris terror attacks earlier this month, there are now eight soldiers permanently stationed at the school. In some ways though, he added, those soldiers have become integrated into the life of the school, eating lunch in the dining hall alongside the kids themselves, and thereby becoming familiar, trusted faces. On the questions which every French Jew is asked these days – Is there a future for you in France? Will you stay or will you leave? – Monsonego is careful not to take a definitive stand. He praised both French Prime Minister Manuel Valls for his passionate belief that France without Jews will no longer be France, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for affirming, during his recent visit to Paris, that the path of aliyah remains open. ![]() Aliyah, the rabbi said, is the essence of the State of Israel. He cited the example of the Jewish state’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, who insisted on keeping the gates of aliyah open even as other ministers were warning that the country would not be able to deal with the massive influx of immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East. At the same time, he said, France's political class has woken up to the fact that, as a result of the Paris atrocities, "a real catastrophe occurred and that they have to do everything they can." "The people of France have also understood that Jews are only the first victims," Rabbi Monsonego concluded. "If the state cannot ensure the safety of its citizens, what will come next?" Three years after her death, Rabbi Monsonego still finds it too painful to talk to strangers about his daughter, Miriam. I found myself groping for the right words to frame a question about her, and muttered some inanity about a "healing process." But, the rabbi told me, "there is no healing." Then, as we ended our conversation, he suddenly volunteered to email me a photograph of Miriam that had not been published before. "Perhaps," he said, "that's the first sign of healing." The Algemeiner Journal is a New York-based newspaper, covering American and international Jewish and Israel-related news. Contact Algemeiner at |
THE PURPOSELY FORGOTTEN LIST!Posted by Midenise, January 23, 2015 |
Sad - but true...
Think of it:
MUSLIMS LIVING WITH MUSLIMS = BIG PROBLEM! **********They're not happy ***************** They're not happy in Gaza
******** So, where are they happy? **********
They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame? Not Islam... Not their leadership... Not themselves... THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN!! And they want to change the countries they're happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy and finally they will get hammered!!! Islamic Jihad: AN ISLAMIC TERROR MOVEMENT ISIS: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Qaeda: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Taliban: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Hamas: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Hezbollah: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Boko Haram: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Nusra: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Abu Sayyaf: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Al-Badr: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Muslim Brotherhood: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Lashkar-e-Taiba: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Palestine Liberation Front: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Ansaru: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Jemaah Islamiyah: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION Abdullah Azzam Brigades: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION AND A LOT MORE! And to make it worse, there is no profiling at U.S. Airports! Does that make sense? Contact Midenise at |
THE MUSLIM POPULATION OF AMERICA IS EXPANDING AT WARP SPEEDPosted by Unity Coalition for Israel, January 23, 2015 |
The article below was written by Carol Brown who
maintains an anti-Muslim blog and writes for an online
publication, American Thinker The article appeared
January 21, 2015 on American Thinker and is archived at
Even when Muslims are a minority population they can and do transform whole cultures and societies. And not for the better. Why? Because their holy book is a totalitarian ideology founded on submission and world domination. And toward that end, Islam is on the march. Meanwhile, the West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate. Not to be outdone by Europe’s madness, the United States is traveling down the same bloody path, importing large numbers of Muslims from Islamic countries thanks to the Islamophile sitting in the Oval Office and a nation full of dhimmis. Estimates on the number of Muslims living in the US vary, ranging from 3 million to 7 million. Whatever the precise number, it's already outdated as it rises with each passing nanosecond. Since 9/11, there has been a dramatic uptick in immigration from Islamic countries with a 66% increase in the past decade. And things are just warming up. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in America. Strange, is it not? War has been waged against America in the name of Islam and we’ve opened our doors ever-wider to those who adhere to the very ideology that mandates our destruction. Pew Research projects that by 2030, the Muslim population in the United States will more than double. In large part this will be attributable to immigration; to a lesser degree due to the size of Muslim families. In his book Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam, Peter Hammond wrote a detailed analysis on the proportion of Muslims to the overall population and increased violence and adherence to Sharia law. Hammond’s research reads like a roadmap to ruin; a horrifying picture of the future of civilization. To summarize an oft-quoted section: When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10% mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are “widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.” Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ has been attained – the Islamic House of Peace. (Peace, of course, is never attained. Schisms among sects, starting with the rift between Shia and Sunni, erupt. The ideal of absolute power with divine authority always leads to internal conflict.) That the United States is ramping up Muslim immigration is sheer insanity. A crucial step to putting the brakes on this frenzied march to our demise is to close the door to Muslims – whether those from Islamic countries or anywhere else. Unfortunately, we’re doing the exact opposite. In the last three years alone, 300,000 Muslims immigrated to the United States. And that’s just the beginning. The Refugee Resettlement Program is paving the way for a mass of Muslims to flock to our shores. With the United Nations in charge of determining who qualifies for refugee status and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly the Organization of the Islamic Conference) as the power broker at the UN, you can count on a flood of Muslim refugees to be arriving at a town near you – if not your own town – soon. And as one might expect, Obama is on board with any and all avenues to bring Muslims to the United States. I guess it's part of his dream; our nightmare. Who can forget the lie he told back in 2009 when he said the United States was one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. Taqiyya? Stupidity? Slip of the tongue? Wishful thinking? Whatever the reason, it appears he is doing everything in his power to make that lie a reality. Part of the process of flooding this country with Muslims from Islamic countries involves transplanting entire communities from places like Somalia. And just as we see in Europe, the new arrivals don’t assimilate and they live off the public dole. For example, Family Security Matters reports that Somali immigrants have overwhelmed many small towns in America, creating their own enclaves. In some cases they’ve become the majority population – a population distinguished by being the least educated and most unemployed in the country, with evidence to show some have little motivation to become gainfully employed. In addition to Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, a new wave has started arriving from Syria. The State Department expects "admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond." It is expected that 9,000 or more Syrian refugees will arrive this year with a plan to bring at least 75,000 over the next five years. And as refugees flow in, our tax dollars flow out as the American tax payer funds the Muslim invasion, because when refugees arrive they are linked with a broad array of publically-funded services (food stamps, subsidized housing, subsidized medical care, tutors, interpreters, and so on). In addition, charities (many of which are Christian or Jewish) that assist refugees receive federal grant money to provide additional support. And where do these new immigrants from Islamic countries settle once they arrive? Well, just about everywhere and anywhere. The five states with the largest number of refugees are Texas, California, New York, Michigan, and Florida. But the situation is very dynamic and as numbers are updated, demographic shifts occur. There are also regions of the country that participate in what is called the Preferred Communities Program. The program considers small towns and rural areas to be most suited to refugees and immigrants because small communities are best able to offer the kinds of services this new class of imports need. Or so they claim. And so we've got Somali refugees flocking to Cheyenne, Wyoming, in order to get easy-to-come-by Section 8 housing vouchers they take to other states. Those states either pick up the tab, or bill Cheyenne. And Cheyenne is running out of money. Duh. So much for the taqiyya on the Preferred Communities Program website waxing poetic about the contributions these immigrants make to our society: "Refugees help communities learn and appreciate the many ways newcomers' talents contribute to a richer, stronger society." Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Maybe that was the case in another time in America. But not now in the age of multi-culturalism. Not with Muslim refugees with no skills, enormous needs, and a sense of entitlement. Oh, and for some, the desire to kill us. So why are all of these Muslim refugees coming here anyway? Why aren't they being taken in by Muslim majority countries? It would certainly make sense. After all, they’re much closer geographically, language barriers would be reduced, and local values and traditions are closer. That Muslim majority countries have not opened their doors to these refugees is, I am confident, quite by design. This is about conquest. Otherwise known as Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of immigration. Hijra works in concert with violent jihad to overwhelm a society until Islam becomes the single dominant force. And while Muslim refugees swarm into the United States as part of this conquest, Obama has twisted the knife even further by (1) easing requirements for potential immigrants who have links to “soft” terror, and (2) closing the door to persecuted Christians in the Middle East who have precious few options of where to flee. (Obama is also making it exceedingly difficult for French Jews to immigrate to the United States.) Per Investor’s Business Daily:
Leave it to Obama to make a good situation bad. And then make a bad situation worse. He isn't satisfied until he's upped the ante so far imminent danger is at hand. So we're importing Muslims from Muslim majority countries who are traumatized, who don't speak English, who have few skills, who follow the teachings of the Koran, many of whom want to spread Sharia law, some of whom actively support terror, and/or others of whom are or will become terrorists, while we’ve abandoned Christians trapped in the Middle East as they are slaughtered en masse. To be blunt: We are importing Islamic terror. Not because every Muslim is a terrorist. But because enough of them are. And plenty more who don't commit acts of terror support it – quietly at home or loudly in the street. Below is a snapshot of where American Muslims stand on a variety of issues based on polls conducted over the past few years
In addition, to name a few additional points of concern among many
So all-in-all, there are a lot of Muslims in America who are on board with Islamic law/jihad. It doesn't matter if all of them are. Enough of them are. What are we doing?! We're carefully planning our suicide, that's what. As Michael Walsh wrote at PJ Media: "There is no assimilating invaders who wish to replace your society with theirs, whether they call themselves 'immigrants,' 'refugees' or 'asylum-seekers'...When it comes to the soul of a country, there really can be only one." The Unity Coalition for Israel has convened an alliance of Christian and Jewish organizations actively working together to generate support for the State of Israel. Contact Unity Coalition for Israel at |
From The Levy Report "Do the Jewish state and the Territories belong to the Jews? The question was recently brought into prominence by a report issued by a committee of Israeli legal experts, chaired by Supreme Court Justice Edmund Levy. The jurists focused narrowly upon the legality of Jewish settlements in Samaria and Judea — affirming that towns and villages in Samaria and Judea are indeed legal, thus undermining the demonization of "settlements" by those who fear that Jews living in the "West Bank" (as they ahistorically call it) will make it harder to give away Jewish land to the Arabs (See the article by Richard Cravatts below). In place of the capricious and often malicious treatment of Jewish citizens living in the towns and villages of Samaria and Judea, it recommends easing regulations, halting scheduled demolitions and planning building as the population grows. "Just as when Newt Gingrich bluntly said that there was no Palestinian people and there had never been a Palestinian state, many are opposed to speaking openly about Israel's entitlement to her land, fearing it will jeopardize the defunct "peace process." Some opponents of the Levy Report, such as David Kretzmer in the Jerusalem Report of July 24, 2012, have claimed Israel was ignoring "international consensus and the considered view of almost all experts in international law." Berman would appear to be advocating that the law be decided by majority vote rather than from legal principles (See Wallace Brand's article on Berman's mistaken view). He may be right that, thanks to the vast amount of propaganda asserting the land belongs to the Arabs, many lawyers, if not the law, are on the side of the Arabs. Nevertheless, over the years, major knowledgeable experts in international law have asserted what the Levy Report states: Jewish settlements are legal (see Ted Belman's article below). "To me, Kretzmer's most ludicrous notion is that Modern Israel is somehow a different entity than the one established on the basis of San Remo and the Balfour Declaration. This ignores the irrevocable trust whereby the League of Nations (LON) gave the land to the Jews for establishing a Jewish State — the trust was transferred to the United Nations when it came into being (See Shifftan's and Brand's articles below). I find the notion that the action of the LON is no longer applicable strange. If it were true, what happens to the legality of the large number of Arab countries — including Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Syria — carved out of the defunct Ottoman Empire, which came into being by the same LON's authority? Scraping the barrel's mouldy bottom, Kretzmer further insists that the intent was for the Jews to establish a homeland [Heimstätter was the term used by Max Nordau as a less of a in-your-face substitute for state] in Palestine, rather than the establishment of Palestine as the home of the Jewish people." Would he argue that the rights the Balfour Declaration granted to existing non-Jewish communities (civil and religious but not political) were to be applied IN some parts of Palestine, but not others? "Some like Jonathan Tobin of Commentary Magazine have taken the centrist position, not disapproving the judicial decision but not abandoning the current way of pursuing peace: "How can Israel hope to bargain for such an outcome [a peace deal] if it is unwilling to state that Jews have every right to live in these towns and villages as well as in Jerusalem?" "It is too soon to know whether the media belief that nothing will suit but that tiny Israel must chop off more of its small space will continue to dominate international thinking and control the actions of the Israeli Government. Here, the general population has been ahead of the officials. It has long since decided the peace process is dead and they might as well hold onto their land. "As more Israelis understand the government has been negligent in not asserting their legitimate rights, perhaps the government will begin to deal with the more important issue: whether peace is more likely to be gained: by giving up Biblical Israel, relocating its Jewish inhabitants — Abbas and other Palestinian Arab leaders insist that any state they control will not have a single Jew living in it — and encouraging the growth of the Arab population in Israel and the Territories OR by formally annexing the Territories and relocating the local Arabs to the neighboring Arab countries. Attention should be directed at the obvious: Israelis are not occupying Israel and the Territories, except in the sense that they live there. They live there legally and morally, by an irrevocable trust guaranteed by international law; by historic association; by Biblical promise; by unbroken devotion to the homeland for thousands of years; by redemption and revival of a land that lay fallow for hundreds of years; by the creation of a thriving State, whose citizens are in ferment, creating innovations in agriculture, industry, science and medicine that benefit everyone in the world and by modern-day conquest, having defeated Arab invaders several times over. The Israeli government suppressing the truth and sacrificing its own people to benefit the Palestinian Arabs will never win accolades from the media; it will just encourage the Jew-haters. "The first articles below are mainly about the legal principles, justifications and ramifications. The later ones discuss other aspects: the sustained anti-Israel propaganda that this report finally negates, and the importance of Israel finally speaking out about what it has known since it acquired permanent title to the land almost a hundred years ago. "Over the years, Think-Israel has examined various aspects of Israel's legitimate ownership of Israel and the Territories. Use the Google box at the top of the home page for articles by Howard Grief, Yoram Shifftan, Wallace Brand, Ted Belman, Martin Sherman, Eli Hertz and terms such as legal, mandate, Palestine and San Remo." The article below was written by Richard L. Cravatts, PhD, who is the author of "Genocidal Liberalism: The University's Jihad Against Israel & Jews" (a David Horowitz Freedom Center publication) and President of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East. |
THE COGNITIVE WAR AGAINST ISRAEL IN THE SETTLEMENT DEBATE No sooner had retired Israeli Supreme Court Justice Edmund Levy issued an 89-page legal opinion that seemed to confirm the legality of West Bank settlements, than the Obama administration chimed in with a well-worn criticism of the report's findings, the long-held view that the presence of Jewish residents in Judea and Samaria violates international law. Levy's committee had found that "Israel does not meet the criteria of 'military occupation' as defined under international law" in the West Bank, and that claims that they exist in violation of international law are baseless. But Secretary of State Hilary Clinton's office wanted no part of the report's findings. "We do not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity and we oppose any effort to legalize settlement outposts," said her spokesman, Patrick Ventrell. And, he added, the State Department was "concerned about it, obviously." The problem with this defective diplomacy, as is often the case when Israel is concerned, is that operates in what Melanie Phillips has called "a world turned upside down," where the perennial victim status of the long-suffering Palestinians trumps any sovereign rights of Israel regarding its borders, security, and even its survival in a sea of jihadist foes who yearn for its destruction. The settlement debate has also been hijacked by the Arab world and its Western apologists who, willingly blind to history, international law, and fact, continue to assign the blame for the absence of peace on the perceived offenses of occupation and Israeli truculence. Thus, Secretary Clinton and her predecessor, Condoleezza Rice, have both referred to the nuisance Israel causes by letting Jews live in the West Bank, against the wishes of the Palestinians who view that territory as once and forever theirs, as "unhelpful" in seeking a viable solution to Palestinian statehood. What is truly "unhelpful," however, are the repeated references to the West Bank and Gaza, as well as East Jerusalem, as "Arab" land, the putative Palestinian state in waiting, encumbered only by Israeli oppression, the dreaded occupation, and those pesky settlers. This widely held notion that European Jews, with no connection to historic Palestine, colonized Arab land and displaced the indigenous Palestinian population, of course, is a key part of what Professor Richard Landes of Boston University defines as the "cognitive war" against Israel; it serves the perverse purpose of validating Arab territorial rights to the West Bank and Gaza, and, more importantly, casts Israelis as squatters who have unlawfully expropriated land that is not — and never was — theirs. That is a convenient fable, as is the fictive people that the Palestinians have been conjured up to be: an indigenous nation that had sovereignty, a coherent society, leadership, and some form of continuous government — none of which, obviously, have ever existed. More to the point, it is "unhelpful" to overlook the fact that not only all of the land that is current-day Israel, but also Gaza and the West Bank, is part of the land granted to the Jews as part of the League of Nations Palestine Mandate, which recognized the right of the Jewish people to "close settlement" in a portion of those territories gained after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after World War I. According to Eugene V. Rostow, the late legal scholar and one of the authors of UN Security Council Resolution 242 written after the 1967 war to outline peace negotiations, "the Jewish right of settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan River, that is, in Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was made unassailable. That right has never been terminated and cannot be terminated except by a recognized peace between Israel and its neighbors," something which Israel's intransigent Arab neighbors have never seemed prepared to do. Moreover, Rostow contended, "The Jewish right of settlement in the West Bank is conferred by the same provisions of the Mandate under which Jews settled in Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem before the State of Israel was created," and "the Jewish right of settlement in the area is equivalent in every way to the right of the existing Palestinian population to live there." The Six Day War of 1967, in which Israel recaptured Gaza and the West Bank, including Jerusalem, resulted in Israel being cast in another perfidious role—in addition to colonial usurper of Arab land, the Jewish state became a brutal "occupier" of Arab Palestine, lands to which the Jews presumably had no right and now occupied, in the opinion of many in the international community, illegally. But that "unhelpful" view again presumes that parts of the territory that may someday comprise a Palestinian state is already Palestinian land, that the borders of the putative Palestinian state are precise and agreed to, and that Jews living anywhere on those lands are now violating international law. When did the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem become Palestinian land? The answer is: never. In fact, when Israel acquired the West Bank and Gaza and other territory in the defensive war 1967 after being attacked by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, the Jewish state gained legally-recognized title to those areas. In Israel's 1948 war of independence, Egypt, it will be recalled, illegally annexed Gaza at the same time Jordan illegally annexed the West Bank—actions that were not recognized by most of the international community as legitimate in establishing their respective sovereignties. Israel's recapture of those territories in 1967, noted Professor Stephen Schwebel, State Department legal advisor and later the President of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, made the Jewish state what is referred to as the High Contracting Party of those territories, both because they were acquired in a defensive, not aggressive, war, and because they were part of the original Mandate and not previously under the sovereignty of any other High Contracting Party. "Where the prior holder of territory had seized that territory unlawfully," Schwebel wrote, referring to Jordan and Egypt, "the state which subsequently takes that territory in the lawful exercise of self-defense has, against that prior holder, better title." It is also "unhelpful," not to mention morally repellent, for those arguing on the Palestinian side, that the West Bank, like Gaza, eventually be made Judenrein, totally absent of Jews, that, as Mahmoud Abbas has loudly announced on more than one occasion, the future Palestinian state would not have one Jew living within its borders. Putting aside the fact that it is Israel that is continually derided for being racist and exclusionary (despite having 1 million Arab citizens), only in a world turned upside down would diplomats uphold a principle that Jews—and only Jews—not be allowed to live in certain territories, and particularly those areas to which they have irrevocable and inalterable biblical, historic, and legal claims. In fact, Professor Emeritus Jerold Auerbach of Wellesley College has written that, protests from the State Department and many in the West aside, "Israeli settlement throughout the West Bank is explicitly protected by international agreements dating from the World War I era, subsequently reaffirmed after World War II, and never revoked since ... The [Mandate for Palestine] recognized 'the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine' and 'the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country' ... This was not framed as a gift to the Jewish people; rather, based on recognition of historical rights reaching back into antiquity, it was their entitlement." While those seeking Palestinian statehood conveniently overlook the legal rights Jews still enjoy to occupy all areas of historic Palestine, they have also used another oft-cited, but defective, argument in accusing Israel of violating international law by maintaining settlements in the West Bank: that since the Six Day War, Israel has conducted a "belligerent occupation." But as Professor Julius Stone discussed in his book, Israel and Palestine, the fact that the West Bank and Gaza were acquired by Israel in a "sovereignty vacuum," that is, that there was an absence of High Contracting Party with legal claim to the areas, means that, in this instance, the definition of a belligerent occupant in invalid. "There are solid grounds in international law for denying any sovereign title to Jordan in the West Bank," Stone wrote, "and therefore any rights as reversioner state under the law of belligerent occupation." So, significantly, the absence of any sovereignty on territories acquired in a defensive war—as was the case in the Six Day War of 1967—means the absence of what can legally be called an occupation by Israel of the West Bank, belligerent or otherwise. "Insofar as the West Bank at present held by Israel does not belong to any other State," Stone concluded, "the Convention would not seem to apply to it at all. This is a technical, though rather decisive, legal point." THE MATTER OF ISRAEL VIOLATING ARTICLE 49 OF THE FOURTH GENEVA CONVENTION is one that has also been used promiscuously, and disingenuously, as part of the cognitive war by those wishing to criminalize the settlement of Jews in the West Bank and demonize Israel for behavior in violation of international law; it asserts that in allowing its citizens to move into occupied territories Israel is violating Article 49, which stipulates that "The occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into territory it occupies." The use of the this particular Geneva convention seems particularly grotesque in the case of Israel, since it was crafted after World War II specifically to prevent a repetition of the actions of the Nazis in cleansing Germany of its own Jewish citizens and deporting them to Nazi-occupied countries for slave labor or extermination. Clearly, the intent of the Convention was to prevent belligerents from forcibly moving their citizens to other territories, for malignant purposes—something completely different than the Israel government allowing its citizens to willingly relocate and settle in territories without any current sovereignty, to which Jews have long-standing legal claim, and, whether or not the area may become a future Palestinian state, should certainly be a place where a person could live, even if he or she is a Jew. In fact, Professor Stone observed that those enemies of Israel who point to the Fourth Geneva Convention as evidence of Israel's abuse of international law and wish to use it to end the settlements are not only legally incorrect, but morally incoherent and racist. Stone suggested that in order to recognize the validity of using the Fourth Convention against Israel, one "would have to say that the effect of Article ... is to impose an obligation on the state of Israel to ensure (by force if necessary) that these areas, despite their millennial association with Jewish life, shall be forever judenrein. Irony would thus be pushed to the absurdity of claiming that [the Fourth Convention], designed to prevent repetition of Nazi-type genocidal policies of rendering Nazi metropolitan territories judenrein, has now come to mean that Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) must be made judenrein and must be so maintained, if necessary by the use of force by the government of Israel against its own inhabitants." And does anyone doubt that once the Palestinians, aided and abetted by mendacious Western elites, diplomats, and an anti-Israel international community of supporters, have purged Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem of all Jews, that new calls will then arise accusing Jews of "occupying" more "Arab" lands in Tel Aviv, Netanya, Tiberias, or Haifa? Professor Rostow himself saw through the disingenuous talk about legal rights when it came to the issue of the settlements. The discussion was not, in his mind, "about legal rights but about the political will to override legal rights." In fact, the settlement debate is part of the decades-old narrative created by the Palestinians and their Western enablers to write a false historical account that legitimizes Palestinian claims while air brushing away Jewish history. "Throughout Israel's occupation," Rostow observed, "the Arab countries, helped by the United States, have pushed to keep Jews out of the territories, so that at a convenient moment, or in a peace negotiation, the claim that the West Bank is 'Arab' territory could be made more plausible." In the cognitive war against Israel, that "convenient moment" may well have arrived. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
ANOTHER ISLAMIC TERROR STATE?Posted by Joan Swirsky, January 24, 2015 |
The article below was written by Rabbi Aryeh Spero who is a theologian and a political and social commentator. He is author of Push Back: Reclaiming Our American Judeo-Christian Spirit. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, National Review, New York Sun, Human Events Weekly,, N.Y. Daily News, American Thinker, TownHall, Policy Review, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Judaism, Tradition, Midstream, Jewish World Review, and the Jewish Press. For over ten years, Rabbi Spero was a columnist for Human Events, and he currently writes Commentary for CNS News and a column for American Thinker.This article was originally published in The American Thinker, January 2015 |
Just about every European country voted a few weeks ago to establish a Palestinian state, much of it on land designated for Israel by the League of Nations after WWI. The Europeans, together with communist and Islamic countries and dictatorships around the world, wish to go even further by actually dividing Jerusalem, Israel's capital, in two, as Berlin was after World War II. You see, in Europe it's fashionable to believe that Islam would live up to its billing as a "religion of peace" if Muslims could have just one more state, a 58th Moslem state, right next to Israel. The state will be called a “Palestinian" state, but it will actually be a Hamas state. In fact, many want Israel to be flooded by millions of Muslims into Haifa and Tel Aviv so as to demographically change Israel from a Jewish state into a more Islamic one, all in the name of multiculturalism. Many believe that if this is done, the world will no longer be the constant target of Islamic terrorism. However, the recent slaughter in Paris of 17 people, plus injuries to others, by Islamic terrorists as 'revenge' against the magazine Charlie Hebdo for insulting their prophet should affirm that Islamic terrorism is organic to itself, and kills repeatedly for dozens of different reasons: insulting their founder, insulting Islam, going into their no-go zones, not allowing shariah to replace a country's own laws, or anger at movies, books, dress, and speech it disfavors, to name but a few. Indeed what ISIS is doing throughout the Mideast to Christian communities has nothing to do with the Israel situation, just as centuries of Islamic persecution of Christians in Islamic countries predates the modern state of Israel by 1300 years. Sweden is one of the primary countries pushing for an Arab Palestinian state. Swedish elites seem to care more about Muslim claims concerning land and honor than the terrible phenomenon of rapes happening to Swedish women on Swedish soil ever since the immigration into its midst over a decade ago of young men from Islamic countries. It's evident that the much touted peaceful Muslims are incapable or unwilling to stop the never ending carnage worldwide done in the name of Islam and spurred by Islamic preaching from mosques and schools. Similarly, many are now beginning to realize that even the problem between Israel and the Muslim population in Gaza and Ramallah has more to do with today's Islamic jihad than a local question over land. The religious underpinnings of jihad are so virulent and comprehensive that Fatah on its Facebook page now glorifies murdering Jews and promotes terrorism not only against Israelis but all Jews. Fatah is the PLO, the Arab group run by Mahmud Abbas, the man behind the Munich massacre and a Holocaust denier, the man Europeans and President Obama want the Israelis to trust and to sacrifice her security and land. The Fatah Party Central Page recently featured a picture: a pile of skulls and skeletons as seen in concentration camp photos, topped with a rifle. The skulls and skeletons are Jewish and covered with blood, with a Star of David. The message: kill the Jews. This is Nazi stuff. Much of the world, and fearful and politically-correct Jewish liberals, do not want to admit to this truth: Muslims in leadership today, its main players, want to wipe out Israel and Jewry. They are much worse than even David Duke. In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood shared many meetings with Hitler on devising ways to exterminate the Jews in Europe and in British-controlled Palestine/Judea and Samaria. Under these circumstances there cannot be peace between Israel and the Muslims in Gaza and Ramallah. In fact, twice — once with PM Rabin and the other time with PM Barak — the Israelis foolishly and desperately offered to relinquish 90% of Samaria to the PLO for a Palestinian state. To the bewilderment of diplomats, the PLO and Fatah refused the deal. Why? Because they don't want to live side by side with Israel. They don't want Israel to exist at all. They want all of Israel to become theirs, a Muslim state. They did this to the entire Mideast, erasing societies and countries that were historically Christian or Persian or Acadian or Armenian. They butchered the native populations, who invited them in, to a point where today people think these societies were always Muslim. If the Israelis don’t defend themselves, they will be wiped out as were the Christian communities and as is happening to Christians today in Islamic countries such as Pakistan. The ethnic cleansing over the centuries by Islam predates ISIS. When Ariel Sharon was pressured into relinquishing control of Gaza and give it to the Gazan Muslins, Israel became a target of Islamic rockets, not peace. Sharon was suckered into believing he'd get peace. Instead, he and Israel got death and mayhem, a condition bestowed on all who relinquished land to Arabia in hopes of a promised peace. In fact, Gaza did not become a democratic Muslim state with human rights, but an outpost for Hamas and terrorism, shariah, a proxy of Iran, and a launching pad to destroy Israel and Jewish children. Thirty years of negotiations have not worked because the Moslem Arabs do not want to recognize Israel itself, Israel as a Jewish state or a sovereign state. When crunch time comes, time to seal the deal, they are unwilling to recognize any Jewish, or Christian, state in the Mideast. As followers of shariah, the PLO/Fatah believes, as does Hamas, there should be no Jewish or Christian state, no state for infidels or non-Muslims. They differ only in strategy. Hamas declares Kill the Jews now, whereas Fatah whispers to kill them piece by piece through the weapons of feigned and never ending "negotiation" and intifada. In other words, shrink Israel's space, terrorize her citizens, demand that terrorists be released from Israeli jails so they can terrorize again, and further narrow her boundaries in order make Israeli targets even closer. Instead of negotiations, Abbas and company have now decided on a more advantageous process: the UN route. It sets up an Arab Palestinian state without requiring the Arabs to recognize Israel's right to exist or Israel as a Jewish state. In bypassing direct negotiations, the Muslims will never have to agree to stop terrorizing or to live in peace with Israel, something a treaty would require. Instead of a treaty born of direct negotiation, they now want a unilateral UN declaration that frees them from having to recognize Israel. It means that after a statehood, they can continue fighting Israel until, with the acquiescence of an exhausted Europe, Israel is a shell of her former self. The Europeans would love to be rid of Israel so as to live in wedded bliss with Arabia. They are naive. The bid for a 58th Muslim state failed last week for a variety of reasons. With Canada, Australia, and Britain under conservative administrations and with the House and Senate a countervailing force to Obama, PLO/Hamas statehood via the UN is not guaranteed for a while. That being the case, Fatah is trying to delegitimize Israel as a state and use the International Criminal Court to, basically, forbid Israel from using any successful military defense. While Europeans would like to tie Israel's hands militarily, they need to realize the Muslim world will do the same thing to them on a domestic level. They will use "civil rights and human rights" laws, what liberals love calling "profiling", to disallow domestic police forces from defending their countries from homespun Islamic terrorism on the streets of Paris, London, Hamburg, Stockholm, Brussels, and Rotterdam. Abbas will get the international Criminal Court in The Hague to go after Israel for war crimes, the crime of defending herself from Muslim terrorism, and hopes The Hague will recognize “Palestine” as a state in legal standing. This would ease their way in getting de facto UN recognition. Of course, leftists, socialists, and appeasers around the world think that afflicting and demonizing Israel is their key to salvation. They will find, however, their appeasement will not bring them safety but contempt, and their societies will appease themselves into submission, Islamization, and the chaos found in Islamic counties. Let them remember, they are not immune. Countries that are today considered Islamic once were not. They, too, may soon hear Muslims in the no-go zones inside their country demanding a separate Muslim state. The Muslims will, I'm sure, assert an identity for their new nations. Perhaps they'll call themselves Moors; or will uncover some other "fact" of history that places them in a European country before the arrival of the Franks or Gauls or Celts or Magyars. Maybe the capital will be divided along the Seine or Danube or Rhine or Thames, and the European natives no longer be allowed to build in that part of the capital belonging to Islam. Yes, that's it: Land for Peace. Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author who can be reached at |
CRYING FOR ARGENTINAPosted by Edward Cline, January 24, 2015 |
Argentina is a lovely country if you forget all the dictators, juntas, strongmen, and assorted socialists, fascists, and communists who have run the country ragged, or that Fidel Castro’s favorite killer, Che Guevara, was an Argentine. It's a far nicer country than is Saudi Arabia. I have been to Argentina, stayed in Buenos Aires and visited the Alpine-like resort town of San Carlos de Barilochi on Nahuel Huapi Lake in the west near the Chilean border. Argentina is a country settled and populated by people from a variety of European countries: Italy, Germany, England, Ireland, Spain, Russia, Scandinavia, and by Jews from the same nations. It is as nearly a "melting pot" as is the U.S. From the late 19th century until the early 20th Argentina was an industrial nation that rivaled the U.S. and Great Britain in GNP and productivity and wealth. Then, around 1930, it caught the European collectivist/nationalist disease that was half Fascism and half Marxism, spiced with Latin American passion, and it has been in decline ever since. But then the U.S. caught the same bug just a little earlier than that. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, is an arid, hot country. Or is it an inflated tribal fiefdom in thrall to a Wahhabist theocracy? Was the Vito Corleone crime family ever recognized as a nation? Go figure. I would never set foot in Saudi Arabia even had I been forgiven all the critical things I've written about Islam. Saudi Arabia is a country that thrives on loot extorted from industrialized nations. It has been doing so since the end of WWI. Saudi Arabia is not a "melting pot" populated by people from other nations. It is overwhelmingly Arab in population. Immigration to the place is severely limited, if not outright prohibited. Non-Muslim foreign nationals residing there, such as diplomats, engineers, and the like, are there on sufferance, and are restricted in where they can go and what they can do, confined to kaffir ghettoes. Freedom of speech does not exist there. The slightest squawk about Islam or the slightest infraction of Sharia law earns one horrific punishments. The 1,000 lashes "earned" by Raif Badawi, a Saudi blogger who offended the theocrats on the Internet, is a measure of the utter irrationality and barbarity of Islamic "justice." It hangs gays, amputates the hands of thieves, and strives to keep women under wraps, literally, not to be seen, nor even heard. Saudi Arabia is not a "republic," nor a "democracy," nor even a "people's state." It is Saudi property, lock, stock and barrel. It is a nominally "socialized" country in which all Saudis are guaranteed an income. It builds white-elephant skyscrapers and funds terrorism against the West and also mosques and schools around the world that preach the Sunni Wahhabist brand of Islam. There are dozens of such mosques and Muslim "cultural centers" in the U.S. and the U.K., and in Europe. Last week two men died: King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, on January 23rd, at age 90, with a net worth of $17 billion. I could introduce some levity here about this paragon of morbid obesity, but the man was such a disgusting, useless, pig of a creature I can't be bothered composing it. The other man was Alberto Nisman, age 51, an Argentine prosecutor who had collected and was about to deliver damning evidence of the corruption of the Cristina Kirchner regime in that otherwise wonderful country. Abdullah was born in Riyadh in 1924, one of the dozens of sons of Saudi Arabia's founder, King Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. I mention the elder Saud in my detective novel, The Black Stone, set in 1930 San Francisco, and my suspense novel, We Three Kings. It may come as a surprise to most people that the elder Saud, during WWI, did not fight the Ottoman Turks on the Arabian Peninsula, and was not an ally of T.E. "Lawrence of Arabia." He sat out the war sipping tea with the British. When other Muslim high-muck-a-mucks beat the Turks (with British military aid), he consolidated his power, nudged his rival aside, and claimed all of the Peninsula as his own kingdom. See my column from January 2014, on the true historical background of the epic film, "Lawrence of Arabia." However, what is even more disgusting today are the verbal wreaths of praise from Western heads of state on the occasion of the Saudi obscenity's overdue passing. Fox News lists several American statements of condolences, to wit:
Read the other tawdry, off-the-shelf statements at your own risk. In the past George W. Bush held hands with Abdullah in Texas, and he was praised by Bush's Secretaries of State and Defense. There are more of these testaments to Abdullah's alleged wisdom and deceitful friendship on the Fox News link. Ronald Reagan, GW's father HW, Jimmy Carter, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and many other politicos in the past lavished Abdullah with adulation. See the link here for all the Americans who have held Abdullah in high esteem. The mainstream media also shed tears for the passing of the caricature of this allegedly benevolent despot. For example, S. Rob Sobhani of The Washington Times, in his article, “Why Saudi King Abdullah Mattered, aspirated this wildly craven encomium and vomitus about the late king:
Concerning the settlements in Europe (and also in America) by Muslims in large numbers and at the invitation of Europe's governments (and of our own), one argument I've heard is too bizarre to even credit: That these governments will eventually persecute Muslims and put them in concentration camps. I counter that at the rate that European governments are surrendering to Islam and requiring their non-Muslim populations to surrender and defer to Islam, too, and at the rate by which Muslims are accruing political power, i.e., getting elected or appointed to office, winning concessions from government, building mosques, and by factoring in the rate of immigration into Europe, and the expanding demographics and birth rates of Muslims throughout the continent, it's more likely that it will be Muslims who'll adopt some form of fascism, and they won't be building concentration camps for Muslims. Europe may resemble in the near future, in many particulars, Weimar Germany when the Nazis and other fascists and communists waged ongoing urban warfare under the nose of an anemic, helpless government, except that the warfare will be between Muslim gangs and non-Muslim gangs. This is why I have a jaundiced view of organizations such as Germany's PEGIDA. Do its movers and shakers have a wider perspective on the crisis? Do they in France? The Swedish government has given Muslims carte blanche to do whatever they want. Denmark and Norway aren't far behind. Britain is practically lost, as well, with the least criticism of Islam and Muslims automatically branded as "hate speech" and inviting one to an "interview' with the authorities. Finland one doesn't hear much about, but Muslims have settled there, too. So, I don't see European Muslims imprisoning other Muslims, not even Muslims from rival sects (e.g., Sunnis vs. Shi'ites). On that note, and in apparent acknowledgement that the true monarch of Great Britain is not Elizabeth II, but any Saudi royal who happens to succeed a deceased one, the British government ordered British flags lowered to half-mast to mark King Abdullah's passing. The second man, Alberto Nisman, was an Argentine prosecutor who claimed he found evidence of a Buenos Aires-Tehran deal to cover up responsibility for the Hezbollah bombing of a Jewish community center in 1994. He died on January 17th (or perhaps after midnight on the 18th), allegedly by a self-inflicted gunshot wound, but now apparently was murdered by someone's bunglers. Cristina Elisabet Fernandez de Kirchner, president of Argentina and widow and successor of the late president, Nestor Kirchner, at first claimed that Nisman had committed suicide, but then, when the evidence indicated murder, back-pedaled and claimed that his murder was an attempt by "right-wingers" to "defame" and discredit her and her administration. Daniel Greenfield has written extensively on FrontPage about the growing transparency of a plot to silence Nisman, one incompetently executed by either Iran, by Kirchner, or by a partnership of both. In three probing FrontPage articles he excoriates Kirchner and her Obama-style administration. On January 17th article, "Prosecutor in Iran Bombing Found Dead Before Testifying Against Argentine President," he wrote:
And then the plot thickens. On January 22nd, in his article "Argentina Gov Plotted to Blame Islamic Terror Attack on Jews on 'Right Wing'," Greenfield wrote:
The attempt to exonerate Hezbollah and Iran of any responsibility for the bombing, in which 85 people died, was hush-hush but apparently not hush enough. Nisman charged that:
Greenfield concludes this article with: "The rock has been lifted and the bugs are scurrying." In his article of January 23rd, "Murdered Prosecutor: 'In Case Someone Murders Me, All the Data is Saved'," Greenfield begins with:
Greenfield quotes The Jewish Press:
And President Kirchner? She first put her foot in her mouth claiming that Nisman committed suicide, then, when the evidence indicated a botched fake suicide and murder, she made like Porky Pig:
That's all, folks! said Kirchner. Nisman participated in his own murder just to make her look bad. Who’s aspirating vomitus now? Shed no tears for the passing of a useless parasite, King Abdullah. But spare a few for a man who sought justice and who was murdered by los parasitos inutiles of Argentina and Iran. Edward Cline is an American novelist and essayist. He is best known for his Sparrowhawk series of novels, set in England and Virginia before the American Revolutionary War. This article appeared January 24, 2015 on his own blog The Rule of Reason and is archived at |
Now you will see all the sordid Islamic connections between Saudi Arabia, Jarrett, Iran and Obama This has been crystal clear since he traveled to Honolulu a week before his first election, oversaw the 'sad passing' of his 'grandmother,' then flew back, told an adoring crowd that this was a 'joyful day' and then said that 'we're only 4 days away from the fundamental transformation of the United States of America.' Jarrett has been de facto POTUS ever since, and HER strings are being pulled by the global Shia mobsters based in Tehran. Barry dances to the Saudis' tunes...............just watch what happens now that Abdullah is dead. Valerie takes orders from Iran. Barry from the Sunni top bag men. No wonder that there have been reports of 'heated verbal battles' in the East Wing between Val and Barry. What happens when Barry's new Saudi masters order him to make moves that will be adamantly opposed by Jarrett's masters? It is all starting to make sense!!! BIG COVER-UP going on > Explains why Obama's college records are sealed And to whom he owes his allegiance The articles below come from Red Flags News. They are archived as Bombshell Obama Vetting: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett's Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Pr |
![]() The Vernon Jarrett syndicated column of Nov. 6, 1979, that appeared in the St. Petersburg Evening Independent. It originally appeared in the Chicago Tribune on Nov. 2. This image was pieced together from screen shots of the St. Petersburg Independent page available for viewing in the Google Newspaper Archive. Jarrett was the father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett, President Obama's closest adviser. ![]() Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question: 1. a Palestinian state and 2. the advancement of Islam in America. The idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal government, preferably, of course, the Presidency. And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular for this job? Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution (which literally means "change") in America. Allow me to quote Trotsky, in 1939: "The American Negroes, for centuries the most oppressed section of American society and the most discriminated against, are potentially the most revolutionary element of the population. They are designated by their historical past to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proletarian revolution." Substitute the word "Islam" for the words "the proletarian revolution," and you most clearly get the picture, as Islam is a revolutionary movement just like communism is. (Trivia: it is from this very quote that communist Van Jones takes his name. Van is short for vanguard. He was born "Anthony"). In addition, long before 1979, blacks had become the vanguard of the spread of Islam in America, especially in prisons. Interestingly, in context with the fact that this article was written by her father-in-law, Valerie Jarrett has an unusual amount of influence over Obama (along with personal security that may be even better than his, another unusual and intriguing bit of business here). And equally interesting is that Obama, who may have been a beneficiary of this Muslim money, and may now be in this Muslim debt, has aggressively pursued both of the Muslim agendas I cited above. And, also equally interesting, is that Obama has paid a king's ransom for court ordered seals of any such records of this potential financing of his college education, and perhaps, of other of his expenses. Lastly, it's very important to note that the main source for the article is Khalid Mansour, "the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988." (Valerie Jarrett, by the way, was born in Iran. The one country protected by Obama from the sweep of the Arab Spring.) Now all of this may seem sensational, but let's face facts. What makes it most disturbing is that not only is it all logical, but it suddenly makes a lot of previously confusing things make perfect sense. – Pat Dollard H/T Pat Dollard Excerpted from Daily Interlake: Searching old newspapers is one of my favorite pastimes, and I have tried to use them many times to shed light on current events — or to inform readers about how the past is prologue to our very interesting present-day quandaries. Recently, I came across a syndicated column from November 1979 that seemed to point 30 years into the future toward an obscure campaign issue that arose briefly in the 2008 presidential campaign. Though by no means definitive, it provides an interesting insight, at least, into how Chicago politics intersected with the black power movement and Middle Eastern money at a certain point in time. Whether it has any greater relevance to the 2012 presidential campaign, I will allow the reader to decide. In order to accomplish that, I will also take the unusual step of providing footnotes and the end of this column so that each of you can do the investigative work for yourself. The column itself had appeared in the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Evening Independent of Nov. 6, but it was the work of a veteran newspaperman who at the time was working for the prestigious Chicago Tribune and whose work was syndicated nationally. (1) So far as I know, this 1979 column has not previously been brought to light, but it certainly should be because it broke some very interesting news about the "rumored billions of dollars the oil-rich Arab nations are supposed to unload on American black leaders and minority institutions." The columnist quoted a black San Francisco lawyer who said, "It's not just a rumor. Aid will come from some of the Arab states." Well, if anyone would know, it would have been this lawyer — Donald Warden, who had helped defend OPEC in an antitrust suit that year and had developed significant ties with the Saudi royal family since becoming a Muslim and taking the name Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour. Al-Mansour told Jarrett that he had presented the "proposed special aid program to OPEC Secretary-General Rene Ortiz" in September 1979, and that "the first indications of Arab help to American blacks may be announced in December." Maybe so, but I looked high and wide in newspapers in 1979 and 1980 for any other stories about this aid package funded by OPEC and never found it verified. (Continued after the jump) You would think that a program to spend "$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year, including blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and native Americans" would be referred to somewhere other than one obscure 1979 column, but I haven't found any other word of it. Maybe the funding materialized, maybe it didn't, but what's particularly noteworthy is that this black Islamic lawyer who "for several years [had] urged the rich Arab kingdoms to cultivate stronger ties to America's blacks by supporting black businesses and black colleges and giving financial help to disadvantaged students" was also the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988. That tale had surfaced in 2008 when Barack Obama was a candidate for president and one of the leading black politicians in the country — Percy Sutton of New York — told an interviewer on a Manhattan TV news show that he had been introduced to Obama "by a friend who was raising money for him. The friend's name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas. He is the principal adviser to one of the world's richest men. He told me about Obama." (2) This peculiar revelation engendered a small hubbub in 2008, but was quickly dismissed by the Obama campaign as the ditherings of a senile old man. I don’t believe President Obama himself ever denied the story personally, and no one has explained how Sutton came up with this elaborate story about Khalid al-Mansour if it had no basis in fact, and in any case al-Mansour no longer denies it. (3) Back in 2008, while actually supporting Hillary Clinton in the New York primary, Percy Sutton was interviewed on TV and said that he thought Barack Obama was nonetheless quite impressive. He also revealed that he had first heard about Obama 20 years previously in a letter where al-Mansour wrote, "there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?" Sutton concluded in the interview, "I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly." Until now, there really has been no context within which to understand the Sutton story or to buttress it as a reliable account other than the reputation of Sutton himself as one of the top leaders of the black community in Manhattan — himself a noted attorney, businessman and politician. But the new discovery of the 1979 column that established Khalid al-Mansour's interest in creating a fund to give "financial help to disadvantaged students" does provide a clue that he might indeed — along with his patron, Arab Prince Alwaleed bin Talal — have taken an interest in the "genius" Barack Obama. It also might be considered more than coincidence that the author of that 1979 newspaper column was from Chicago, where Barack Obama settled in 1986 a few years after his stint at Columbia University. It is certainly surprising that the author of that column was none other than Vernon Jarrett, the future (and later former) father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett, who ultimately became the consigliatore of the Obama White House. It is also noteworthy that Vernon Jarrett was one of the best friends and a colleague of Frank Marshall Davis, the former Chicago journalist and lifelong communist who moved to Hawaii in the late 1940s and years later befriended Stanley and Madelyn Dunham and their daughter Stanley Ann, the mother of Barack Obama. (4) And to anyone who has the modicum of a spark of curiosity, it is surely intriguing that Frank Davis took an active role in the rearing of young Barack from the age of 10 until he turned 18 and left Hawaii for his first year of college at Occidental College in Los Angeles. (5) It is also at least suggestive that Obama began that college education as a member of the highly international student body of Occidental College in 1979, the same year when Vernon Jarrett was touting the college aid program being funded by OPEC and possibly Prince Alwaleed. The fact that President Obama has studiously avoided releasing records of his college years is suggestive also, but has no evidentiary value in the present discussion. (6) The nature of Vernon Jarrett's relationship to Khalid al-Mansour is likewise uncertain, but it is very likely they had known each other as leaders of the black civil-rights movement for many years. Under his previous name of Donald Warden, al-Mansour had founded the African American Association in the Bay Area in the early 1960s. He had also helped inspire the Black Panther Party through his association with black-power leaders such as Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. Seale, of course, had a famous association with Chicago later, when he was part of the Chicago Eight charged with conspiracy and inciting to riot at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. (7) In any case, it doesn't matter if Vernon Jarrett and Khalid al-Mansour had a personal relationship or not. For some reason, al-Mansour had used Jarrett as the messenger to get out the word about his efforts to funnel Arab oil money to black students and minority colleges at about the same time that Barack Obama began his college career. That doesn’t mean either Jarrett or al-Mansour knew Obama at that time, but eight years later when Obama was a rising star in Chicago, a friend of Bill Ayers and Valerie Jarrett, it is much more likely that he did indeed have the assistance of very important people in his meteoric rise. The words of Percy Sutton about what al-Mansour told him regarding Obama certainly have the ring of truth: "His introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends back there...Would you please write a letter in support of him? (That's before Obama decided to run.)...and he interjected the advice that Obama had passed the requirements, had taken and passed the requirements necessary to get into Harvard and become president of the Law Review. That's before he ever ran for anything. And I wrote a letter in support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them that I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly..." (2) What possible significance could all this have? We may never know, but Vernon Jarrett, back in 1979, thought that OPEC's intention to fund black and minority education would have huge political ramifications. As Jarrett wrote:
He was, of course, right. As Jarrett suggests, any black institutions and presumably individuals who became beholden to Arab money might be expected to continue the trend of American "new black advocacy for a homeland for the Palestinians" and presumably for other Islamic and Arabic interests in the Middle East. For that reason, if for no other, the question of how President Obama's college education was funded is of considerably more than academic interest. Contact Arnybarnie at |
Peter Ljunggren, a journalist documenting attitudes toward Jews in Malmo, goes undercover with yarmulka and Star of David pendant. The article below was written by Cynthia Blank who is writer and a columnist at Arutz Sheva. This article appeared January 25, 2015 on Arutz Sheva and is archived at |
Petter Ljunggren, a Swedish journalist looking to test attitudes toward Jews, was cursed and assaulted when walking through the city of Malmo wearing a yarmulke and a necklace with the Star of David. Footage of this, recorded secretly by Ljunggren, can be seen in the 58-minute documentary "Jew-Hatred in Malmo" which was broadcast Wednesday on Sveriges Television in Sweden. Ljunggren embarks on the undercover quest after one of the documentary's interview subjects explains what it is like to wear a yarmulke in Malmo. Shmuel Goldberg, a Jew originally from New York who runs a restaurant in Malmo, describes being spat at as well as shouts of "Jew!" and "Palestine" being regularly hurled his way. He also recounts almost being physically attacked by a man - an attack thwarted at the last moment by a woman who told him: "You're going to get killed if you wear a kippah here." Ljunggren encounters similar treatment when he walks the streets in his own yarmulka and Star of David necklace. While most people at first have no problem with him he does attract attention - some of it extremely hostile. As Ljunggren sits at a cafe in central Malmo reading a newspaper, several passersby begin to hurl anti-Semitic insults his way. Later he sees a man beating his fist into his palm as a warning. Later Ljunggren travels to two different areas known to be anti-Jewish. In the first - Lindangen Center - a man, shocked to see a Jew in the area, warns Ljunggren to leave. As he does, he is called an "(expletive) Jew swine." In the heavily Muslim neighborhood of Rosengard, dozens of men hurled anti-Semitic slurs at Ljunggren while eggs were thrown at him from windows. Ljunggren notes in the documentary that most of the perpetrators of these anti-Semitic incidents and attacks in Sweden are Muslims of Middle Eastern descent using the Arab-Israeli context as a pretext for their anti-Semitism. The acceptance of hatred against Jews in Sweden is made clear, Ljunggren states. As one young Muslim interviewee puts it: "It's only basic to hate Jews." Contact Yoram Fisher at |
The Other Side of Autocracy: State Collapse in Yemen By Jonathan Spyer.
PJ Media
This week in Yemen, an Iran-backed Shia militia captured the presidential palace. The president has since resigned. It was the latest stage in the slow advance of the Houthis, who entered the capital Sana'a in September of last year. The latest Houthi victories do not bring the Shia rebels undisputed control of the country. They do, however, ensure the undisputed presence of the Iranian clients in the central government. The situation in Yemen exemplifies in acute form most of the phenomena which are currently tearing much of the Middle East apart: the fragmentation and weakness of central governments; growing sectarian divisions; the presence and power of a strong, Iranian backed political-military force; the importance of local and tribal power structures; Saudi support for the Sunnis; and the existence of a powerful Sunni Jihadi organization, committed both to local struggle and to terrorism against the West. The uprising of the Houthis was launched in 2004. The movement derived its popular support from the 30% or so of Yemenis who belong to the Zaidi Shia community, concentrated in the north of the country. While protesting undoubted discrimination against the Shia, the evidence of Iranian backing for the Houthi militia — officially known as "Ansarullah" (fighters of God) — was apparent from the outset. The stance of the Houthis is reflected in the group's unambiguous slogan: "God is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, a Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam." The physical proof of Iranian aid is also apparent. On January 23, 2013, the Yemeni coast guard apprehended an Iranian ship — the Jihan 1 — which was carrying weapons, explosives, and other military equipment from the Revolutionary Guards Corps intended for delivery to the Houthis. As of this week, the Houthis have an accepted role in the government of Yemen. After fighters of the militia surrounded the presidential palace, President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi confirmed the terms of an agreement signed after the Houthis entered the capital last September. The disputed terms relate to a new constitution, to which the Houthis are demanding amendments. This is less important, however, than the now demonstrated fact that the Shia, Iran-backed militia is the real force in the capital, able to bend the president to its will after killing a number of his guards and threatening his palace. The Houthis are not, of course, the only militia force active in Yemen. Further south, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) remains the most formidable local franchise of the global al-Qaeda network. It claimed responsibility for the recent terror attack on the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. Strong in southern and central Yemen, al-Qaeda has launched a campaign of violence against the Houthis. It also strikes at government and military officials. Operating under the name of Ansar al-Sharia, AQAP now effectively controls a number of provinces in the south and east of the country. The presence of the Houthis in the capital and the Sunni jihadis in the lawless territories to its south is compounded by the weakness and corruption of the central government, which barely exists outside of Sana'a, and now only exists within it by the grace of a pro-Iranian Shia militia. There are no easy solutions in Yemen. As of now, the U.S. is continuing with pinpointed strikes against AQAP, while largely preferring to ignore the no-less-potent threat of the Houthis. This relates, presumably, to the Obama administration's larger policy of outreach to Iran. But in practice, there is probably little the U.S. or any other outside force can do. The issues at stake in Yemen are the product of the profound failure of the Arab state which underlies all that is taking place in the Middle East today. The U.S. experience in the 2003-11 period in Iraq shows that nation-building from the outside is not going to succeed. Fascinatingly, it is the Arab state, not the Middle Eastern state, which is in a process of eclipse. Israel, Turkey, and Iran, in their different ways, are functioning sovereign entities. Kurdish Northern Iraq is also increasingly coming to resemble a successful semi-sovereign concern. The Kurdish enclaves in the northeast are the most peaceful and best administered parts of the former Syria. But from the Mediterranean coast, via Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and now down to Yemen, there is a single line of non-functioning (or in the Lebanese case, barely functioning) territories, in which the state has given way to wars between rival successor entities, usually organized on a sectarian basis. The Houthis and AQAP are the local Yemeni variant of this. The Arab states which have not collapsed are ones which are homogenous in sectarian terms and/or possessed of a powerful, dictatorial central government. There are two states — Egypt and Jordan — where a real chance existed of jihadis gaining a foothold in the way that they have in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, but where this has not yet taken place. In both cases, an authoritarian central government at the head of a strong state apparatus has prevented the jihadis from establishing their mini-emirates (though in Sinai, the battle is surely still on). Can these authoritarian regimes be a model for the future of the region, or are they simply a guarantee of its further stagnation? Perhaps the latter. But for the moment and for the foreseeable future, the choice is between leaders like Sisi, or situations like that of Yemen. Authoritarian clients, or the Houthis and al-Qaeda. No third way has yet made itself apparent. COALITION OF ANTI-ISRAEL AT STANFORD, CA - STANFORD OUT OF OCCUPIED PALESTINE By Isaac Winer
Please sign the petition - A coalition of anti-Israel groups at Stanford, "Stanford Out of Occupied Palestine" (SOOP), is planning to propose an anti-Israel divestment resolution -- part of the international BDS movement against Israel -- to the Stanford Student Senate (ASSU). SOOP's campaign includes regular events, op-eds in the Stanford Daily, messages on campus list-serves and flyers in the dorms. In addition, SOOP presented a divestment petition to the Stanford Board of Trustees, which is currently under review by a sub-committee that advises the Board of Trustees. More information about SOOP's activity is here. Many Jewish students at Stanford have expressed how offended and threatened they feel by the tone, misleading messages, and intensity of SOOP's campaign. In the past few days, Jewish students at Stanford have launched a website, Facebook page, and a petition to gather student, faculty, and alumni signatures to oppose divestment. Please sign the petition and participate in this effort to support Israel and a true peace process -- one that is based on bilateral negotiations and a mutual desire for true peace. GAME NOT OVER: ISRAEL'S QUNEITRA ATTACK IN CONTEXT By Jonathan Spyer
The Jerusalem Post
In analyzing the significance of, and likely fallout from, the Israeli killing of a number of senior Hizballah and IRGC personnel close to the Golan border this week, a number of things should be borne in mind: Firstly, the killings were a response to a clear attempt by the Iranians/Hizballah to violate the very fragile status quo that pertains between these elements and Israel in Lebanon and Syria. in his interview to the al-Mayadeen network three days before the attack, Hizballah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah explicitly claimed that his organization was not engaged in 'resistance work' on the Golan. The Israeli strike showed that this statement was a lie. ![]() Some analysis of the strike has suggested that the men killed in the attack were engaged in preparation for the placing of sophisticated Iranian missile systems on the Syrian part of the Golan. Other accounts suggested that their mission was part of preparing this area for the launch of ground attacks across the border against Israeli targets, perhaps using proxies. In either case, the mission was a clear attempt to change the arrangement of forces in the north, in such a way that could be expected to ensure an Israeli response. Secondly, in the past, Hizballah has reacted differently to Israeli strikes on it or its Syrian allies within Syria, compared to strikes on Lebanese soil. The difference again relates to the unstated but clear 'rules of the game' between the organization and the Jewish state. Israeli strikes on materiel making its way to the organization from Syrian soil have elicited no response from the movement. By contrast, an Israeli attack on a weapons convoy just across the border on Lebanese soil near the village of Janta on February 24, 2014 provoked a Hizballah response. On March 18th, an IED was exploded just south of the border fence in the Majdal Shams area on the Golan Heights, wounding four IDF soldiers. The rules of the game in question do not indicate a lessening of warlike intentions or a growing affection on the part of Hizballah toward Israel. Rather, they reflect the acute need that this organization and its Iranian masters currently have to not be drawn into conflict with Israel unless this becomes unavoidable. Hizballah is overstretched at the moment. It has between 5000-10,000 men engaged in Syria. It is engaged in a determined and fraying attempt to prevent Sunni jihadi incursions across the border into Lebanon from Syria, and bomb attacks by the Sunni groups further into Lebanon. Hizballah is also an integral part of the Iranian outreach effort in Iraq, where members of the organization are engaged in training Shia fighters. Even as far afield as Yemen, where the Iran-backed Houthi militia is engaged in a push for power, the movement's fingerprints have been found. All this reflects Hizballah's nature as Iran's primary agent in the Arab world. Given all this activity, the last thing that the IRGC and Hizballah need is to be drawn into a premature conflagration with Israel. This need to avoid a collision with the Jewish state is compounded by a shortage of Iranian cash, deriving from the collapse of oil prices. The Iran/Hizballah/Assad side has long threatened to develop the Golan as a front for possible 'jihad duties' against Israel. Both Syrian President Bashar Assad and Nasrallah made unambiguous public statements in 2014 threatening the opening of military activity against Israel in this area. Israel, in turn, has made clear that such a move would constitute a violation of the status quo. The strike on Sunday constituted a very kinetic further Israeli message intended to drive home this point. Thus, despite the death of a senior IRGC commander in the Israeli strike, the action by Israel should not be seen as a general casting aside of the rules of engagement by Jerusalem on the northern border, but rather as an insistence on maintaining these rules, and a warning of the consequences to the other side of continued violation of them. The thing which might be held to differentiate this action from previous events is of course the death of IRGC General Mohammed Allahdadi. Allahdadi may not be the first senior IRGC figure to lose his life in Syria at Israeli hands in the last three years of war in that country. That distinction arguably belongs to Brigadier-General Hassan Shateri, assassinated on February 13, 2013, either by the Syrian rebels or by persons working for Israel, depending on which version you choose to believe. But certainly the high visibility of Allahdadi's demise, taking place unambiguously at Israeli hands, represents something new. From this point of view, the quoting by Reuters of an Israeli 'security source' to the effect that Israel did not know who was in the car at the time that it was destroyed may be seen as an attempt to re-locate the action within the realms of the recognized rules of engagement. Responses by Lebanese political leaders and media to the event have been characterized by a sort of nervous, veiled request to Hizballah not to bring down Israel's wrath on Lebanon. The Daily Star captured this tone in an editorial entitled 'Don't take the Bait.' After a series of unflattering remarks about Israel, the paper's editors noted that 'While some naturally feel a desire for retaliation against Israel, Hezbollah must be vigilant against designs for it to be drawn into a larger confrontation. Lebanon has enough concerns of its own without falling prey to a plot against it."' Of course, Iran and Hizballah are strong enough to ignore such voices. but given the tense internal situation in Lebanon at present, it is likely that the lack of enthusiasm of non-Shia Lebanese for Hizballah's war in Syria, and in particular their lack of willingness to pay any price accruing from it, will factor into the Shia Islamist movement's and its master's decisionmaking. Hizballah needs a quiet and quiescent Lebanese political scene, so that it may conduct its war against Sunni jihadis coming in from Syria under the guise of unified Lebanese action, rather than sectarian account-settling. Lastly, as has been noted in previous analyses, Iran has armed and trained Hizballah so that it may be used to deter an Israeli response against Iranian nuclear facilities, or be activated as part of a response to such a strike. It is unlikely to wish to place this investment prematurely at risk. So the strike on Sunday was a re-stating by Israel of previously clarified ground rules relating to what will be permitted in Syria, and what will not. A response of some kind in the weeks, months or years ahead is likely. But the Israeli action was not a disregarding by Israel of previously existing 'rules of engagement' in the north. It is unlikely therefore to result in a similar upturning of the tables at the present moment by Iran and Hizballah. Contact Yaacov Levi by email at |
This article below was written by Jerry Gordon who is Sr. Vice President of World Encounter Institute and Sr. Editor for the New English Review. He is a former Army Intelligence officer who served during the Vietnam era. Mr. Gordon has published widely in such outlets as: FrontPageMagazine, The American Thinker, WorldNetDaily, ChronWatch, New English Review and its blog The Iconoclast, Israpundit and others. |
On January 27, 1945 forward units of the 100th Rifle Division of the 1st Ukrainian Front entered the Auschwitz Birkenau death camp precinct liberating several thousand remaining survivors. More than 1.1 million were murdered there by the Nazi SS, 1 million of them Jews. Among the first groups they encountered in the remaining barracks were children, twins, victims of the 'angel of death, Dr. Josef Mengele's sadistic medical experiments. The Russian troopers in their white camouflage coats hugged and gave them chocolate. These Jewish children hadn't felt any humane treatment during their enforced incarceration in Auschwitz. ![]() Earlier in January 1945 the SS blew up the remaining crematoria. An earlier one was destroyed in the lone heroic resistance effort by Jews inside the camp in October 1944 with dynamite secured by Jewish women inmates. The SS guards assembled more than 60,000 camp inmates in January 1945 who sent on a forced death march from which only 12,000 survived. One of the survivors of that death march was the Nobel Laureate Eli Wiesel who as a youth of 16 was eventually liberated by the US Army at Buchenwald in April 1945. Another Nobel Prize winner and Holocaust survivor was Italian Jewish resistance fighter, chemist and author Primo Levi who received his Nobel award for Literature, posthumously in 2002. Levi fell to his death in his family home in Turin in 1987, some say depressed by the atrocities he had witnessed. Wiesel's biographic works about his experience at Auschwitz the forced march and liberation were memorialized in his trilogy Night, Dawn and Day. Levi's Survival in Auschwitz: if this is a Man was testimony to the Nazi dehumanization and perseverance to survive and return home. Another 5 million Jews didn't survive. They were murdered in unspeakable ways in the einstazgruppen slaughter in Russia, death camps in Germany and occupied Europe. Their fate in the Final Solution was ratified by the SS at the Wansee Conference in Berlin on January 20, 1942. The objective of the SS Conference was to make Europe judenrein. Among the Six Million European Jews murdered were 1.5 million children. The Jewish children those Russian troops encountered at Auschwitz on January 27, 1945 were among the lucky survivors. Palestinian leads 2015 UN International Holocaust Memorial at Auschwitz Birkenau Tuesday, January 27, 2015 is the 10th annual UN International Holocaust Memorial Day. drew attention that this year's annual commemoration with be headed by a Palestinian UN official. Maher Nasser will host the event, Palestinian to host UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day to be held at the site of the death camps at Auschwitz- Birkenau in Poland. Nasser was born in Albrieh, a village near Ramallah. The 25 year UN bureaucrat held posts in Gaza and Jerusalem. eHeh HH He now holds a management position in the UN Department of Public Information. Ironic in that the Haj Amin al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, fled to Berlin from Baghdad following the Farhud, the Nazi-Arab massacre of Jews in 1941. The was welcomed as Hitler's house guest during WWII. He promoted the genocide of Six Million European Jewish men, women and Children and sponsoring the recruitment of Muslim Waffen SS units in the Balkans. UN Secretary General Ban-ki Moon will attend. Israel's President Reuven Rivlin will lead an Israeli delegation. Rivlin will speak about the rise of Global Anti-Semitism and the threat of Islamic Jihadism. More than 100 Holocaust and Russian veterans will also attend the ceremonies at Auschwitz. In the Israeli delegation will be former Israeli Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom in 2005 proposed the UN commemoration of the Holocaust to "honor of the six million Jews, 1 million Gypsies, 250,000 disabled people, and 9,000 homosexual men murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators." The Auschwitz-Birkenau UN commemoration of the Holocaust may not be televised. However, on the eve of International Holocaust Memorial Day, January 26th, at 9:00 PM EST, HBO will show a documentary on Nazi atrocities, Night Will Fall. It is based on archival footage taken by British military photographers and cinematographers following the liberation of Nazi concentration camp, Bergen –Belsen in April 1945. Famed Hollywood film director Alfred Hitchcock was briefly involved with the original British documentary in 1945. CLICK VIDEO HERE. Marlow Stern in his Daily Beast review of Night Will Fall, "Inside Alfred Hitchcock's Lost Holocaust Documentary," noted how the original project and Hitchock's involvement came about:
Alissa Simon in her August 2014 Variety review of Night Will fall, reported that, "rather than wait, the impatient American government commissioned [Hollywood director] Billy Wilder to use their footage [from German Concentration Camps Factual Survey]. Singer includes an excerpt of Wilder's short film, Death Mills, intended for German and Austrian audiences, and clips from an interview with Wilder." Dorothy Rabinowitz in her Wall Street Journal review of Night Will Fall: Nazi Crimes on Film explains why the original footage of the British film languished in the vaults of the Imperial War Museum (IWM) after excerpts were shown in the Nuremberg Trial of Nazi leaders:
These graphic revelations of the Nazi final solution atrocities against millions of Jews and others should be a warning of the primary objective of the Global Jihad movement: the annihilation of Jews, Christians and minority religions sought by Muslim extremists, following the way of Allah. Dr. Rich Swier is the Publisher of e-magazine. He was the former State Editor for Watchdog Wire - Florida and Contact Dr. Swier at |
OBAMA'S FOREIGN POLICY IS DANGEROUSPosted by Nathaniel Jones, January 25, 2015 |
![]() President Obama's foreign policy and his view of the chaotic world is making our country more dangerous. If you didn't know better, Obama's words make you believe there is no danger in the world and he has solved all the problems from Russia to the Middle East and Africa. The reality as we know is much different and frightening. The President is purposely leading the country down a path of less power and influence with our enemies emboldened. You have helped us produce hard hitting advertising before, please help us make a direct impact, we must hold Obama accountable. ![]() Dear Friends, We showed the American people how Obama's words don't match reality when ISIS terrorists took over Syria and rampaged across Iraq last year. Obama: "I got out of Iraq, Al Qaeda is defeated." Reality: Obama sent troops back to Iraq and Al Qaeda is strong, taking credit for the Paris attacks just weeks ago. It is our duty to hold the President accountable to his words AGAIN and show the American people reality, not the fantasy world in which Obama tells of. We are currently working on another hard hitting advertisement that will do just that. So we are asking for your support. We must gather and license the video and sound we will use for the video and our editor is starting to put it all together, but first we must have the resources to match. Here's part of what you will see: ![]() Obama on Russia: "We are opposing Russian aggression, supporting Ukraine's democracy, and reassuring our NATO allies." Reality: From the New York Times - "Unexpectedly, at the height of the Ukrainian winter, war has exploded anew on a half-dozen battered fronts across eastern Ukraine, accompanied by increasing evidence that Russian troops and Russian equipment have been pouring into the region again. A shaky cease-fire has all but vanished, with rebel leaders vowing fresh attacks. Civilians are being hit by deadly mortars at bus stops. Tanks are rumbling down snowy roads in rebel-held areas with soldiers in unmarked green uniforms sitting on their turrets, waving at bystanders — a disquieting echo of the "little green men" whose appearance in Crimea opened this stubborn conflict in the spring." Wow, doesn't seem like anyone is opposing Russian aggression, let alone Obama's words. This is just one part of the video. It will show Obama's wish to free terrorists from Gitmo even though at least 30% of those released thuse far are back on the battlefield. Also his ongoing capitulation to the Mullahs of Iran and their desire to build nuclear bombs. Obama is reportedly "fuming" at Israel over their existential insistence on stopping Iran, while at the same time Obama buddies up to the "moderate" Iranian regime as he calls it. Contact Nathaniel Jones at |
BLACK SEAPosted by Marion Dreyfus, January 25, 2015 |
AMERICAN SNIPER and THE HURT LOCKER aside, it's relatively rare for a film today to exude l'air de macho accomplished. John Wayne bought the farm a while back. Van Damme and company are on hiatus. Liam is being re-TAKEN and re-re-TAKEN. But BLACK SEA comes close to being a tough-minded, suspense-driven masculine welcome basket to movie goers hungry for actors, not CG effects. For tough-minded scripting, withut PC rubbish leavening the text for the delicate micro-aggression-oriented. "Black Sea" is that movie. Directed by Kevin Macdonald, the story starts in the dismissal of Robinson, a vet submarine captain, played by a terrific, corpus-hardened Jude Law, who walks with the bowlegs and slight caveman predisposition of a long-time swabbie. Sailors on land look always slightly untrusting of the ground beneath them, and manifest a wide stance in case the terra become not-so-firma under them. He's being excessed by a maritime salvage company that is dry-eyed about its seamen, and not given to watches and lifted-pinky farewell parties. Some 70 years ago, a German U-boat laden with $40 million or so in gold was lost somewhere in the Black Sea. Recovering it is a scheme Law and his close mates come up with to generate money after they've been cashiered without much of a envelope. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Outfitting the old sub they are given by a go-between, Daniels (Scoot McNairy) to accomplish the recovery of the gold bars means hiring a roughneck crew: half Russians, half Brits. Much of the dialogue is in untranslated Russian, but when there are subtitles from the swarthy, often taciturn Russkies, they are mouthing wisecracking or typically no-bull grit the audience laughs with, though the British naveys have no idea about. The movie might well gain if they were to subtitle the British dialogues, since they are fast, guttural and often below the obvious comprehensible threshold. The opening credits feature a montage of Stalin, WWII at sea with Germans and Russians in grainy perspective, and on land, with a wash of blood drenching the screens top to bottom. These B/W and aged-brown photos and footage set the scene for the coming hours of risky scrimmage against Russian fleets, inter-ethnic and internecine pile-ons, ever-present perils of being leagues deep in a Sargasso of oceanic dangers and unpredictable fails. And a stunning betrayal even the savviest could not swallow. Robinson/Law runs the Russian diesel sub, grizzled and believable. There is a young guy, 18, Tobin (Bobby Schofield) who's a last-minute hire, aboard for lack of one of the experienced submariners, and he both grows with the part, learning the baffling wheels and pressure gauges mostly from the Russian orders, grunts and directional hand-language—as well as from the fatherly interest taken by Law in him. It is a humanizing affection that–each time it is exhibited in the midst of crises of increasing severity—makes you aware of the subtlety of Law's work—often, such men have scant room for affectionate care of anyone, let alone newbies they are stuck with in battle conditions. The Russians, superstitious and tough, call the young man dragooned into being their 12th, derisively, The Virgin. Men of the sea don't think it propitious to travel with a virgin. (In our experience amain, sailors and such high-risk adventurers do not take kindly to women traveling with them in any capacity, either—even disguised as so-so effeminate men, with breasts squooshed.) We see Robinson's gauzy flashbacks to his once-happy family, gone consequent to his career choice. In such circumstances, there is usually a split unequal in the divisions of the eventual haul, should they manage to find the sunken sub and extract the gold. But Law’s skipper knows the men are all working equally hard, all under equal risk, and he rules the gold is to be divided equally among all the men, leading to no small squalls of rage, envy, grumbling and dissatisfaction. The cinematography is fine, managing to convey the claustrophobic and ancientness of the craft, but capturing the man to man to man interactions in life and death encounters. Viewers are gripped with each hair-trigger decision and crisis. The story, taut as it is, is something of a relief, coming at a time of Angelina Jolie's harrowing but true UNBROKEN, Hawking's crippled presence in THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING, and Turing cerebral, aristocratic IMITATION GAME. It's about the recovery of millions of dollars' worth of undiscovered gold, not existential catastrophe and civilizational doom. It's a man's movie, a relieving movie, like a rou Normand—it clears the too-brutal menu of realia from the average filmgoer's palate. It is a tense, manly engagement, revealing how men on their uppers handle cooperation, fear, competition for top dog, and ... prime in such cases, greed. Marion Dreyfus is a writer and travelor; she has taught English in China on the university level. She can be contacted at |
PASSOVER STORYPosted by GWY123, January 25, 2015 |
Dear Friends--Our Torah reading this week is a continuation of the Passover story. We read about the last plagues that God sent to Pharaoh, the beginnings of our Exodus from Egyptian slavery, and a foreshadowing of the Passover holiday of the future. Each part of the parasha gives us lessons for how to live in the word. Here are two of them to start us off for Shabbat: 1. In our parasha, we learn the phrase "Pharaoh and his courtiers hearts were hardened." They were hardened to the suffering of the enslaved Israelites. Even after they were told about the suffering of the Israelites, even after plagues affected Egyptians, Pharaoh would still not let our people go. He could not, would not, open his eyes to the suffering of those around him. He could not change his mind, he could not reverse course yet. It was not until the plague of the firstborn that his heart was able to soften a bit and feel the suffering of others. Once he suffered, he could begin to hear our suffering. We should not act like Pharaoh or his courtiers. We can live in this world with soft and open hearts that are ready to feel the suffering of others and to respond to enslavement with empathy and with action. "Because we were slaves in Egypt" is so often quoted in Jewish text as a way to teach us to always remember what it was like to be powerless and suffering. Because we were slaves in Egypt, we are commanded to eradicate slavery and suffering in this world. The first step is to have an open heart. (To learn about a world-wide Jewish response to slavery and suffering, see The American Jewish World Service. 2. In the midst of the plagues, there is a conversation between Moses and Pharaoh. Pharaoh is trying to find a way to end the plagues and offers Moses to take the Jewish men to go worship "their" God. Moses responds to Pharaoh in a now famous verse, "We will go, young and old; we will go with our sons and our daughters." On a practical and literal level, Moses is rebelling against the idea that all of the Israelite men would go and worship and then return to slavery; they would leave the women and children as collateral. The answer of Moses puts Pharaoh on notice that this is not only about religious freedom to worship, it is about freedom from an oppressive regime. It is about self-determination and communal determination and about freedom from every aspect of slavery. On another level this verse teaches the Jewish People that we are each a precious part of our people. Old and young, girls and boys, women and men - each one of us is needed, special and important in the eyes of God and in building the Jewish future. We are whole, shalem, when young an old, men and women live, worship and celebrate together. The prayers of our children are as important as the prayers of adults. I hope that you will join us this Saturday morning as we fulfill the verse, "with our young and our old." Our religious services are usually led by adults - though we are always eager to have children participate. This week our Shabbat morning service will be led by teens from our congregation. Our third graders will lead musaf and present some words about their relationship to Judaism and Beth Sholom. Our kids will also receive the gift of a prayer- book, which we hope they will use for decades to come. Please come this Shabbat morning and help us to celebrate our youth - and the integration of our youth into our religious life. Your attendance will help us build the future of Judaism, and will teach our kids that shul is important to all ages. My blessing this week is that we go into Shabbat with open hearts that are ready to hear and to respond to the suffering of others. My blessing is that we do this ready to love our young and our old, and all who make up this sacred community. Contact GWY123 at |
The Death of Alberto Nisman – Initial Findings[1] 1. On January 18, 2015, Alberto Nisman, the Argentine federal prosecutor who investigated the terrorist attacks on the Jewish Community Center (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina, AMIA) in Buenos Aires in 1994, was found dead in his home in a Buenos Aires suburb with a gunshot wound to the head. A .22 caliber handgun was found next to the body; it was not registered to him. 2. According to initial reports he committed suicide, but the reports have not been confirmed. It is more likely that he was murdered by his enemies because of his determined objection to the attempts of the Argentine government to cover up Iran's responsibility for the two terrorist attacks on Argentine soil (the attack on the Israeli embassy in 1992 and the AMIA attack in 1994). Prosecutor Viviana Fein, who leads the investigation of Nisman’s death, said she could not rule out the possibility that he was "convinced" to commit suicide. However, on January 22, 2015, Argentine President Cristina Kirchner claimed that a prosecutor who died just as he was due to accuse her of covering up a Jewish bombing was murdered to implicate her. She argued that Nisman did not commit suicide, but was instead killed in an "operation" against her government (, January 22, 2015).[2] 3. The day after his death (January 19, 2015), Alberto Nisman was supposed to testify at a hearing held behind closed doors at the Argentine Congress. The hearing would have dealt with Nisman's accusations that Argentine President Christina Kirchner and Foreign Minister Hector Timerman tried to make an arrangement with Iran that would take its involvement in the terrorist attacks off the Argentine agenda in return for political and economic benefits (See below). 4. On January 14, 2015, four days before Nisman's death, he issued an approximately 300-page report (including evidence from wire taps and other sources) in which he detailed his accusations against the president and foreign minister. He stated that associates of the president had secretly negotiated with Iran for a deal that would normalize relations between the two countries. Part of the deal included an offer to cancel the international Interpol arrest warrants issued for senior Iranians in return for economic benefits, such as the import of Iranian oil and the export of Argentine wheat. 5. Based on the findings in the report, Alberto Nisman asked the Argentine court to initiate an investigation of the president and foreign minister for whitewashing Iran's involvement in the attacks and obstructing the investigation into them. He said that the cover-up and obstruction were reflected by the agreement Argentina and Iran signed in January 2013. The Argentina-Iranian Agreement of January 27, 2015 6. On January 27, 2013, Argentine President Christina Kirchner announced that Argentina had reached an agreement with Iran, a so-called "truth commission," whereby both countries would "investigate" the circumstances of the attack on the AMIA building in Buenos Aires to "reach the truth." To that end a joint community would be appointed "to find the truth." Two days previously, Argentine Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman and Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, both in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the 20th meeting of the Organization of African Unity, had signed a memorandum to that effect. ![]() 7. According to the agreement, the joint investigative committee was supposed to be composed of international jurists who would be chosen by the two countries, but none of whom would be a citizen of either one. They would be able to meet with anyone mentioned in the material compiled by Argentina and Iran investigators and allegedly interview them freely. It was also agreed that the signed memorandum would by presented to the secretary-general of Interpol, who was involved in the investigation and the search for the suspects after the international arrest warrant had been issued and periodically renewed (Website of the Argentine president's office). However, Alberto Nisman persisted in his objection to the cover-up of Iran's involvement in the terrorist attack. His position was endorsed by the Argentine court, which later prevented the appointment of the joint Argentine-Iranian "investigative committee." 8. Argentina's diplomatic and commercial ties with Iran deteriorated after the Argentine authorities issued international arrest warrants in 2006 for seven senior Iranian figures and senior Hezbollah terrorist Imad Mughnieh. The warrants were issued on the grounds that they were suspected of involvement in the terrorist attack on the AMIA building in Buenos Aires. Approximately five years later the Argentine regime began looking for ways to improve relations with Iran at the expense of the investigation into the AMIA attack. 9. In March 2011 Perfil, a daily Buenos Aires paper, reported that the Argentine foreign minister was secretly negotiating a deal with Iran in which the Argentines would "forget" the bombings of the Israeli embassy and AMIA building in return for improved relations with Iran. According to the paper, the Argentine government was prepared to freeze the investigation of the bombings in return for the renewal and improvement in commercial relations with Iran (, March 27, 2011). Iran, for its part, denied any involvement in the attacks, but in July 2012 proposed holding talks with Argentina to "shed light" on the affair. 10. In September 2011 the Argentine president told the UN General Assembly that Argentina was willing to hold a dialogue with Iran and called on Iran to show good faith and help the investigation into the bombings. She said that it was a proposal for a dialogue that Argentina could not and should not reject." As a gesture to Iran the Argentine representative to the UN remained in his seat during the speech given by Iranian President Ahmadinejad, who attacked Israel, and did not leave the room, as did the representatives of many other nations, to protest his rhetoric (, December 5, 2011). 11. The Argentine effort was rewarded in a 2013 agreement signed with Iran which, in ITIC assessment, reflected the interests of both sides: Iran would be able to continue denying the involvement of senior Iranians in the terrorist attacks in Argentina, and Iran would be able to overcome its image as a terrorism-sponsoring country and improve its relations with the rest of Latin America.[3] The agreement would allow Argentina to improve its relations with Iran and receive economic benefits in return for dropping from its political agenda the issue of the 1990s Iranian-orchestrated terrorist attacks. Appendices 12. Two appendices follow: 1) The Iranian-orchestrated Hezbollah suicide bombing attacks of the AMIA building and the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. 2) Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center bulletins dealing with the bombings in Buenos Aires, available on the ITIC website. Contact Terrorism Information Center |
OBAMA VS. NETANYAHU ON IRAN On 1/23/15, the NY Times described Congress’ invitation to PM Netanyahu as: (a) Breach of protocol by not advising the White House; (b) New low between the two countries' leaders; and (c) Threat to reaching a nuclear pact with Iran. PM Netanyahu postponed his visit by a month, "apparently sensing that he had committed a major diplomatic blunder." [Isn't the Times amazing, reporting in news columns the unexpressed motives in other people's minds! Imagine if they turned that super-natural ability to the stock market!] [Pres. Obama's relationship with PM Netanyahu can't get much lower, because Pres. Obama takes the Arab side against Israel. He blames Israel for Arab jihad, and the Arab side for nothing. He often takes sides against U.S. allies and appeases enemies of the U.S.. He is creating a power vacuum that rogue states are becoming increasingly aggressive to fill. Obviously he is letting Iran develop nuclear weapons. [To complain about the supposed breach of protocol by Speaker Boehner and PM Netanyahu is hypocritical, after Pres. Obama brought in the Prime Minister of the U.K. to lobby Congress.] [The Obama administration and the NY Times created the breach with PM Netanyahu. The newspaper omits mention of the various snubs initiated by Pres. Obama. For example, in the middle of a meeting, Obama went out to dinner, and left Netanyahu sitting there. Every routine announcement of another of the several steps in approving housing was declared an insult and, without justification, an impediment to peace. Apparently P.A. promotion of jihad is not an impediment to peace, judging by U.S. subsidy of the P.A. rather than censure over its incitement to murder.] [The Times also overlooks the impropriety of the U.S. interfering in Israel's internal affairs, as over housing construction in Jerusalem. There might be some excuse if U.S. foreign policy were wise. But U.S. policy toward Israel has failed for decades.] The report states that Congress plans new legislation "that could undermine our negotiations and divide the international community." The proposal would impose sanctions on Iran, upon expiration of the current deadline for negotiations. The State Dept. suggests it might want to extend negotiations beyond that deadline. [Legislation that backs the President with punitive powers dependent upon successful negotiations reinforces our negotiations. The fact that the State Dept. contemplates postponing the deadline for negotiations a third time, while Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and boasts that it is making no concessions to the U.S. – as Iran violates UN resolutions and the nuclear proliferation treaty – proves that the negotiations are just Iran's means of keeping the U.S. from having to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities.] The White House complains that PM Netanyahu has tried to undercut negotiations by contending that sanctions would not lead to negotiations, and then by contending that Pres. Obama risked undercutting sanctions just as they were proving effective. [The sanctions are lip service, not effective. Obama waived half the sanctions, opposed others, opposed authorization for sanctions to take effect when negotiations are declared to have failed, refuses to admit their failure when he repeatedly extends the deadlines, and negotiated an interim deal that ignores the trigger and missile parts of nuclear bomb development and relieved enough of the remaining sanctions to enable Iran's economy to survive.] The State Dept. states that a nuclear agreement would not be a treaty, so the Senate would not have to ratify it. [A nuclear agreement on which our national survival depends should be a treaty. This is another of the many examples of Pres. Obama unilateral "changing America" in ways that the American people do not approve, and evading Constitutional duties by ruling by decree. No wonder he does not chide the governments of Turkey and Venezuela for ruling by decree!] Not realizing that the microphone was live, French Pres. Sarkozy complained about Pres. Obama, and PM Netanyahu replied, "I have to deal with him even more often than you (do).' [Pres. Obama's hallmark of constant lying (as in the State of the Union speech) and betrayal of allies, makes complaints against him natural. Obama should reform his outlook and behavior in line with U.S. national security, not complain when people object to him.] The two leaders often clashed over "Israel's determination to build new settlements, which Mr. Obama viewed as a way to sabotage peace talks." They also clashed over Pres. Obama's stating that negotiations should start with the assumption that the official border should be the 1967 lines (David E. Sanger, Michael D. Shear, Jodi Rudoren, A3). [How free are negotiations for other countries, when Pres. Obama sets border pre-conditions that can cause them to be conquered by our common enemies? Why is Pres. Obama eliciting sovereignty for jihadists? Pres. Obama never showed any justification for that.] [Pres. Obama is inconsistent in opposing housing for Jews but not for Arabs. Remember, the Arabs do not have the sovereign right to set up new communities. Actually, Israel has built almost no new communities outside its sovereign area for years. It has authorized additional houses within existing municipal boundaries. The Times reports are misleading.] CAN RADICAL MUSLIMS BE DE-RADICALIZED? Are programs to de-radicalize Muslims successful? Can they be? No, testified Tarik Fatah, founder of the Canadian Muslim Congress. He shocked them. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police run a de-radicalization program. The problem with it, Mr. Fatah explained, was that the Muslims whom the Mounties call on for help with the program are Radical Muslims, themselves. They call themselves “former Radicals,” but those Muslims radicalize others. No good can come of a program run like that. The problem starts deep. Friday Mosque services in Canada begin with a prayer for an Islamic victory over the kufaar, Arabic for Christians, Jews, and Hindus. That's already radical. One of the Mounties' de-radicalization counselors is a cleric, a convert to Islam. Recently he held meetings in Qatar with the Taliban leadership. Can't get much more radical than that. But on Facebook, he wrote that the meeting was to devise a document that would state that "the Taliban don't condone vigilante violence, criminal acts, or terrorism in non-Muslim countries." Governments tend to work with mosque imams, but Mr. Fatah testified that most Muslim Canadians are not linked to any mosques and do not consider mosque imams to be their community leaders. He said that most Canadian Muslims consider elected members of Parliament their leaders. What does Mr. Fatah propose? He suggests preventing radicalization. How? By "confronting the rhetoric of political Islam" and opposing the notion that Muslims’ first loyalty is to Islam, not their fellow countrymen. Here are his suggestions: 1. Ally with the PKK (Kurdish Workers Party) and the MKeK (Iranian Resistance), rather than treat them as enemies. 2. Monitor mosques for hate speech, especially in their use of the word, "kuffar," which targets Christians, Hindus, and Jews. Charge Muslim clerics with inciting to hatred if they malign people of other views on religion; 3. Revoke tax exemptions for mosques engaging in politics; 4. Require that donations to religious institutions above $20 be made by checks or credit cards, to prevent money laundering; and 5. Suspend immigration from Pakistan, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, "suspended until Canada can be assured that security documents, identity papers and university degrees cannot be bought on the black market or from state agencies." (Tarek Fatah, The Toronto Sun columnist, 11/25/14 IMMIGRATION & TOLERANCE Last year, 200,000 refugees from Iraq and Syria reached Germany, alone. Movements of protest are rising in Europe against the wave of Muslim immigration. German's Chancellor Merkel opposes that movement categorically. She calls it intolerant. She recognizes no immigration problem from it. Indeed, she considers immigration an unmixed blessing, providing needed workers. Chancellor Merkel claims that protest organizers incite hatred against non-whites or non-Christians. She says there is no room in Germany for prejudice and lies. She (or perhaps the reporter) does not cite any prejudice or lies by "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West." The article's only quotation from the protest movement is "We are the people," a throwback to an anti-Communist slogan. She implies that Muslims are the sole victims in Europe (Alison Smale, NY Times, 12/31, A7). Many Muslim immigrants are fairly secular, unaggressive, and constructive professionals and workers. Unfortunately, the increasingly dominating force among the Muslim population is religiously intolerant. They are the ones my comments are about. Religious aggression is inherent in the scripture and history of Islam. The great upheavals occurring now within Islam are reactions to modern ways whose values, often carried to excess, of secularism and sexuality, offend Islamic values. Muslims are confused and upset by the modern world's bypassing them. They thought that they are superior and destined to rule the world. They resent their rulers' failure to govern reasonably well. Coinciding with the jihadist mentality is another era of pacifism in Europe and lack of an alternative philosophy of life beyond a caricature of multi-culturalism. That means appeasement of totalitarians, which Islam represents. Such are the broad currents in society. The Times must have forgotten that Chancellor Merkel earlier had declared immigration to Germany a failure. She referred then to the earlier wave of Turkish immigrants. They neither left after having contributed their labor to the country's economic revival nor integrated. Now she is referring to violent reactions to the current wave, without explaining fairly the basis for these reactions. Relatives from Sweden told me that: (1) Sweden lets in proportionality more refugees, these days, than does any other country; (2) The Swedish political party addressing the problem and focusing on little else, and which therefore has become a major party, is a Nazi party that changed its name. It is gaining votes in protest by an electorate whose fears and opinions about the Muslim immigrants are repressed by many Swedes as "racist,": even if bringing the issue up as one of economics and security. Fact is, many native English are fleeing Britain and many Jews are fleeing Europe. It is misleading to insinuate, as the Times did that only Muslims are victims? Europeans cite a tradition of offering political asylum (though that tradition often excluded Jews). Many Muslim immigrants are not political refugees, and strain the welfare system. Many others were the losing faction in civil strife they should not have stirred. Not all Muslim immigrants make trouble in the West, but that is not the point. Native adverse reactions may not all use the most decent methods and best analysis, but that is not the point, either. The point is that the massive Muslim immigration and high Muslim fertility started a trend of rising Muslim power. Demographers forecast an Islamic take-over of Europe; Muslims boast of it. Fear of a Muslim takeover is not xenophobic but realistic. This means that in the long run, Muslims would eradicate the European democracy and the very tolerance that let Muslims in. On the whole, those Muslims and their offspring wish to impose Islamic law on their new countries. Islamic law is totalitarian and cruel. Don't native peoples have a right to retain their own culture? The basic problem is that Muslim immigrants bring in with them the barbarism from which they fled. Newcomers, however, tend to concentrate on earning a living. The next generations may seem assimilated, but easily get recalled to the banner of Islam, and radicalize. European security forces worry about the hundreds of European Muslim youths getting training in jihad, then returning to Europe and continuing jihad there. People use inapplicable analogies as if arguments. They note that when Jews needed asylum from Holocaust, few countries gave it to them. That is not similar to the Muslim refugee problem. Jew caused no problem in their native countries, adapted to the new countries' cultures, and contributed to the new countries. Their numbers were not formidable. By contrast, Muslim refugees come in huge waves. Most of them wish to set up abroad the culture of the society from which they fled. They consider it a religious duty to dominate non-Muslims. On the whole, they are not a benign presence. In the short run, Muslims are creating a crime wave of rape and other assaults, including antisemitic ones that the native elites in some European countries more or less condone but rarely participate in. European countries and NGOs, however, do finance organizations in Israel and in the disputed Territories that seek to de-legitimize Israel, though their mission statements may refer to idealistic goals. How are New Yorkers supposed to evaluate the problem when their newspapers do not report the crime wave but only natives' reaction to it as if always wanton and as if the basic problem? When society closes off honest discussion, irrational outbursts express the resulting frustration. The elites ignore how intemperate is the antisemitic expression against Israel. In Britain, Muslims organized gangs that sell native girls into sex slavery. Islam has a low opinion of women, and considers non-Muslim women to be spoils. British authorities were afraid to crack down on the hundreds of crimes, lest they be called "Islamophobic." Such is the power of political correctness, meaning censorship by "liberals," to repress law enforcement against heinous crimes. Muslims also demand acquiescence to their culture. Muslim youths attack teachers who bring out the facts about the Crusades or the Holocaust. They get liberals to help ban factual discussion about the dangers of Islam as "hate speech," while themselves spewing religiously based hatred of non-believers. Liberals end up repressing freedom of speech. Although France thought it was helping Muslim immigrants by settling them in suburbs, the process segregated Muslims. Muslims, however, tend to self-segregate. So do other immigrant groups. However, Muslim leaders then seek to forcibly impose Islamic law and keep native culture (tolerance, democracy, and law) out. People can be beaten up for entering Muslim neighborhoods. A piecemeal takeover of Europe already has begun. In general, the Muslim motto could be, "Accept our violent intolerance or we will kill you." Another motto might be, "Stay out of our neighborhoods or else." Chancellor Merkel means to be tolerant. But her immigration policy brings in a mass of mostly intolerant people. Result: increased intolerance. The Talmud warms about being too kind to cruel people, until they are able to be cruel to you. One would think Europe has had enough subjugation by totalitarians. The growing movement against Muslim immigration may reflect a combination of demagoguery and a reaction against being displaced, themselves. In Europe (and in the U.S.), the Left makes alliances with Muslims. Will Socialist parties will wake up in time. Conservatives seem afraid to oppose Muslim immigration, lest the Socialist media criticize them as bigots. The need to solve the problem is addressed by radical parties, but perhaps not appropriately. If radical non-Muslims take over, whose fault is that? The Socialists and Conservatives had the opportunity to devise a reasonable solution. What do Europe's present rulers expect to happen? Their policies are eroding their civilization (economically and demographically, too). Do they want to be the last chancellor or premier before the Islamic deluge? Let us hope that the protests focus on the real problem, and do not represent intolerance. The protest movement may have to go through a shakeout period, to eliminate excesses. A responsible anti-Muslim-immigration leader would challenge opponents to debate. In a debate, the leader would have to show that the opponent made emotional denunciations without a basis -- not a responsible way to make policy. Problem is, liberals often refuse to debate. Where is the leader who will brave leftist denunciations? Such a leader would have to state the facts, draw the conclusions, and show that his critics ignore the facts and fail to draw sensible conclusions. A leader would have to show that civilization is at stake, and that the original policy of asylum wasn't meant to harbor a seditious culture. If Europe needs immigrant workers, let it find them in countries whose populations have no built-in hostility toward European civilization. How many European countries, experiencing high rates of unemployment, need any more foreign workers? Why must foreign workers be permitted to come with families and to stay? A responsible leader also should demand that the native population not express hatred or take the law into their own hands and assault immigrants or local-born Muslims. That means mob rule, itself egregious. The issue here is serious in many Western and non-Western countries. FBI PROFILES TRANSLATORS HAVING FOREIGN TIES This NY Times article is a lengthy complaint and lament about the FBI profiling of Muslim translators having foreign ties. The FBI profiling started after 9/11, and has expanded. Originally the program was for newly hired personnel having access to classified information. Now it reaches back to employees hired earlier. A long-term employee calls that unfair, but does not explain why the FBI should be more careful with newer employees. The concern was that foreign governments could blackmail FBI employees into collaborating, to keep their relatives abroad from being harmed. Therefore, security checks become more frequent for those who are profiled. They feel discriminated against and at a dead end in their careers. Their feelings are described. They claim to be barred from certain assignments, but no evidence is given. These people are notified of their inclusion in the program, but profess not to know why they are in it. [Isn't it obvious?] They complain that there is no indication of their having done anything wrong, but still they are tested (Eric Schmitt, NY Times, 1/4/15, A1). There may be some injustices here, but the article mostly is gossip. National security must come first. If the government waited until criminals are caught red-handed, where's the security? The article omits crucial points that I wrote about, years ago: 1. When the federal government was desperate for translators of Arabic, some Israelis in the U.S. offered to translate. The FBI turned them down because they had ties to Israel and were Jewish. Their inherent loyalty was suspected, not that Israel would blackmail them over the safety of their relatives. They wanted to help their new country against a common enemy. By omitting this fact, the Times, as usual, incorrectly makes it seem as if Muslims are the only aggrieved party. There was real discrimination against Jews. 2. The article also omits reference to the extensive and dangerous Soviet infiltration of U.S. security agencies. It would help readers to understand the issue if it knew that government concerns were realistic. Some Muslim translators of Arabic were taken on, instead of the Israelis. A couple of the Muslims were caught tipping off terrorist organizations what the government knew about arrested terrorists. How ironic! Why did the Times omit that justification for the program? I hope that the government exercises its discretion now better than it did about the Israeli-American translators. I wish that the Muslim translators were more realistic and fair. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forum s. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
CABINET COMMUNIQUEPosted by Robert Hand, January 25, 2015 |
PM Netanyahu: I am obligated to make every effort in order to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons that would be aimed at the State of Israel. I will go anywhere I am invited in order to enunciate the State of Israel's position and to defend its future and its existence. (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser) |
![]() 1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks: "In the coming weeks, the major powers are liable to reach a framework agreement with Iran, an agreement that is liable to leave Iran as a nuclear threshold state, which would endanger – first and foremost – the existence of the State of Israel. This is the same Iran that has taken over Lebanon and Syria and is now taking over Yemen and Iraq. This is the same Iran that is preparing an active front against us both on the Golan Heights and in southern Lebanon. This same Iran cannot advance toward nuclear weapons. As Prime Minister of Israel, I am obligated to make every effort in order to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons that would be aimed at the State of Israel. This effort is worldwide and I will go anywhere I am invited in order to enunciate the State of Israel's position and in order to defend its future and its existence. I would like to express my condolences to the Japanese Prime Minister and people following reports of the brutal murder of a Japanese citizen by Islamic State. Last week, during Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to Israel, I told him that the struggle against extremist Islamic terrorism is a joint struggle and only if we are united will we be able to emerge victorious. Israel stands alongside Japan and the Japanese people in this difficult hour. This week we will mark around the world International Holocaust Remembrance Day and Struggle against Anti-Semitism Day. Last year we witnessed an increase in anti-Semitic incidents and a wave of anti-Semitism that is flooding parts of the world, especially Europe. Against these phenomena the governments of the world need to act with greater vigor. History has already shown us that violence that begins against the Jews does not stop with the Jews. It is like a brushfire that spreads very rapidly to all societies and all citizens. At the same time, we must ease the obstacles that impede the immigration of Jews to the Land of Israel. Israel is the national home of every Jew and we will act to bring immigrants to the State of Israel." 2. The Cabinet decided to extend the term in office of Naomi Ben-Ami, the head of the Liaison Bureau (Nativ) in the Prime Minister's Office, until 1 August 2015. 3. The Cabinet marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day and Struggle Against Anti-Semitism Day and was briefed by Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett, Foreign Ministry representative Yuval Rotem, Jewish Agency for Israel Chairman Natan Sharansky, World Zionist Organization Chairman Avraham Duvdevani, Yad Vashem Directorate Chairman Avner Shalev and Tel Aviv University Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry Director Prof. Dina Porat. The speakers discussed – inter alia – the increase in Islamic anti-Semitism, the increase in violent incidents against Jews and the increase in perceived threats among world Jewish communities, as well as the actions being taken by their respective institutions to instill awareness of the Holocaust (including the heroism) in Israel and around the world in the fields of information, education and awareness among government officials in countries marked by anti-Semitism. The speakers also discussed the need to strengthen links with, and support among, Jewish communities, and to boost personal security. They also referred to preparations to accommodate increased immigration to Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu summarized the discussion: "In light of the waves of anti-Semitism flooding the countries in which Jews live around the world, we must prepare to absorb large-scale immigration to Israel. To this end we are working to remove the impediments to [recognizing] diplomas and professional degrees in Israel. At the same time we will prepare an emergency plan to cancel bureaucracy so as to enable massive construction to absorb the immigrants, just as we did previously to absorb the major immigration from the [former] Soviet Union. This will greatly help in resolving the housing problem in Israel." CLICK HERE for the Coordination Forum for Countering Anti-Semitism 2014 report.) 4. The Cabinet discussed the creation of a human capital base for the public service sector. Contact Robert Hand at handsfiasco@webtv.neet |
"PRIORITIES"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 25, 2015 |
There is a colossal danger to the world coming down the road: A nuclear Iran. It's scary as hell because of the radical jihadist intentions of the Iranian mullahs. Right now the president of the United States and the Congress of the United States are at odds regarding how to respond to Iran. Currently there is a "Joint Plan of Action"(JPOA) in place – an agreement between Iran and P5 + 1 (US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany – those nations in negotiations with Iran). This is a temporary agreement, scheduled to end on June 30, 2015 (having been extended from its prior expiration date of November 24, 2014). JPOA outlines restrictions placed on Iran, and sanctions relief provided to Iran, for the course of negotiations regarding final understandings on Iran's nuclear status. It is theoretically the case that all negotiations are to be completed by that June deadline. ~~~~~~~~~~ Obama, in his State of the Union address, pledged to veto any legislation that imposes sanctions on Iran – a statement which is a direct challenge to the Congress. The president claims that such sanctions would be destructive to negotiations. What he has done is to misrepresent the position of Congress – for the legislation that is being advanced calls for additional sanctions ONLY IF and ONLY AFTER negotiations had failed. The bill - sponsored by Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) - has bi-partisan support. In fact, it was Menendez, ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who has voiced the most vociferous criticism of the administration position. Addressing administration officials in the course of a hearing on Iran, he said: "I have to be honest with you, the more I hear from the administration...The more it sounds like talking points coming out of Tehran. And it heeds to the Iranian narrative of victimhood, when they are the ones with original sin: an illicit nuclear weapons program over the course of twenty years that they are unwilling to come clean on. I don't know why we feel compelled to make their case...They get to cheat in a series of ways, and we get to worry about their 'perceptions.'" You can see him making this statement in a video here: _statements_on_iran_sound_like_talking_points_straight_out_of_tehran.html ~~~~~~~~~~ Against the background of this Congressional frustration with Obama, Speaker of the House Boehner invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. Why Netanyahu? It's obvious. He is the world leader, bar none, when it comes to speaking out on the dangers of a nuclear Iran and the importance of sanctions. What an honor, that the Congress wants to hear what he has to say on the matter. Israel is not a minor league player here. How significant, that he should speak out. But do commentators notice any of this? Nahh... In the US, the charge is that Boehner is "using" Netanyahu to "get back at" Obama. Here, the criticism is that Bibi is "using" Boehner to help him get re-elected (as he will get a boost in the elections from this talk before Congress). What a furor has ensued. In the course of all of these charges and counter-charges, forgotten is the possibility that Netanyahu might help keep Congress strong – perhaps even strong enough to over-ride a veto. Overlooked is the fact that stopping Iran is the ikar – the heart of the matter. ~~~~~~~~~~ The left here in Israel is accusing Bibi of "destroying" our relationship with Washington. However, "Washington" also includes the Congress. What is more, I have noticed that already the Obama administration is backtracking on this matter: The US has an "unshakable" alliance with Israel, the White House has declared. And on Meet the Press today, Chief of Staff Denis McDonough said that: "Our relationship with Israel is many-faceted, deep and abiding. It's focused on a shared series of threats, but also on a shared series of values that one particular instance is not going to overwhelm." -netanyahu-speech-on-ties/ Well now... Can we please go back to talking about Iran and sanctions? ~~~~~~~~~~ From Omri Ceren of The Israel Project, I offer the following information: IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano spoke on Friday at the University of Indonesia. His talk included this statement (emphasis in the original): "As far as Iran is concerned, the Agency is able to verify the non-diversion of nuclear material declared to us by Iran under its Safeguards Agreement. But we are not in a position to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities." The Obama administration has made two basic arguments about the success of the JPOA interim agreement. The first is that Iran's program has been "halted" and its nuclear stockpile "reduced." But this simply is not the case. The JPOA allows Iran to enrich to 3.5% purity, which is about 60% of the effort needed to get to weapons-grade levels, provided the new material is stored as oxide. They've used the last year to create at least one bomb's worth of enriched uranium and will use the rest of the extension to enrich enough for another one. The second claim is that the JPOA provides "unprecedented" access/insight/monitoring/inspections into Iran's nuclear facilities. But the statement above from the IAEA Director General makes it clear that this is not the case. ~~~~~~~~~~ On January 15, 2015, Iranian president Rouhani announced that Iran was building two new reactors. The State Department clarified that this is not prohibited by any Security Council resolutions, and is not in violation of the JPOA agreement. -to-build-new-nuclear-reactors/ Clarified Omri Ceren: The JPOA was supposed to freeze the Iranian program to prevent them from improving their position as talks proceeded. It failed. Instead the Iranians spent the last year building up their nuclear program - and their leverage - across all areas. ~~~~~~~~~~ Fervently do I wish that those who claim to be serious thinkers on the issues would get as excised over the dangers of Iran and the damage that Obama is doing to his own nation, Israel, and the world, as they do over imagined political intrigues. Much more to come. I close here with Caroline Glick's latest piece on this issue, "Iran, Obama, Boehner, and Netanyahu." "The role of an Israeli leader is to adopt the policies that protect Israel, even when they are unpopular at the White House. Far from being ostracized for those policies, such an Israeli leader will be supported, respected, and relied upon by those who share with him a concern for what truly matters." Contact Arlene Kushner at and visit her website: |
A MISSION ASTRAY"Posted by Tabitha Korol, January 25, 2015 |
The indictments one could level against the BBC are too numerous to mention and their range too extensive to fathom. As new stories air on the BBC, the narratives become more twisted to acquit the Palestinians and Islamists of every wrongdoing and, instead, reproach Israelis and Jews. A brew of false narratives repeated, proven facts selectively omitted, acts by Palestinians blamed on Israelis, and the viewing public receives a tale that is forever embedded in their memory, that Israel is guilty – of aggression, apartheid, land acquisition, killing innocents, confining refugees, murder, massacres, building walls, withholding food and water, intensive checkpoints, and the ever popular "Palestinians have been victimized since time began." Palestinian Arab nationalism became a political movement after they lost the 1967 Six-Day War, and needed an identification that would resonate with the international community.. Regarding the selective omission or rearrangement of facts, just hours after Palestinians attacked Eilat, Israel, August, 2011, leaving eight dead and many wounded, the BBC announced, "Israel pounds Gaza after deadly attacks near Eilat." The Palestinians' 100-plus rockets fired into Israel were left unmentioned as were the mayhem, deaths and injuries that Israeli citizens suffered, but the retaliation – because Israel had to stop the assault to protect her citizens – was what the BBC labeled "aggressive action." Misinformation abounds in programs hosted by unethical journalists Christiane Amanpour and Jane Corbin. The latter called Israel "the most racist state in the world," this nation that is home to innumerable races and religions. Israel saved and welcomed 14,324 Ethiopian Jews with their descendants, and Israeli Arab households flourished by 146% between 1967 and 1995. By contrast, during Islam's brief rule over Jerusalem, Caliph Omar limited the number of Jews to 70 families, and Islam continues to wage jihad attacks against five religions in 38 countries. Corbin also called the Palestinians' illegally erected homes "the battlefield," never clarifying that the conflict was over their violated building codes and public services, and the archaeological, architectural, and historical heritage laws that must apply to all citizens. When the program is over, the charges made, it becomes too late to reeducate the infected mindset. The BBC's production, "The Story of the Jews," narrated by historian Simon Schama, contained a duplicitous explanation of Jews and their homeland. Schama's statement, "Palestinian towns and villages became part of Israel," was deceptive. 1) Britain and the League of Nations created the Palestine Mandate as a Jewish National Home because of Jewish achievements before WW I. 2) Zionists continued purchasing and restoring wasteland, developing industry, power plants, urban life and social institutions. 3) About 100,000 Arab immigrants and 363,000 Jews immigrated to Israel between 1922 and 1946 alone. Israel accepted the Mandated land and was granted statehood in 1948; the Arabs refused their (larger) partition and began an aggressive war against the new State. Arab generals encouraged Arabs to stay clear of their advancing armies, promising return after victory, thus causing their own "displacement." Arabs (~160,000) who chose to stay in Israel and accept Israeli nationality are now fully participating citizens, today numbering about 20 percent of Israel's population. More than 10,000 Jews who became refugees from the Palestine Mandate where Arab armies prevailed and 850,000 Jews fleeing persecution from Arab lands all became Israeli citizens. The Palestinian Arabs (numbering 472,000, according to UN accounts) were not "driven out" but commanded to leave by Arab generals with a promise of return after victory. When the Arabs lost the war, the refugees were refused entry to Arab countries, and abandoned in refugee camps as pawns in a psychological battle against Israel. Schama's narrative provides an imbalanced view of facts, ultimately painting Israel with the Arab palette.
Other reprehensible anti-Semitic broadcasts abound when BBC interviewers host fanatical anti-Semites, Stephen M. Walt and John J. Mearsheimer, and dedicated anti-Zionist, Norman Finkelstein. They slant the news coverage with the canards of "Israel Lobby" and “Jewish Lobby," but never the Arab Lobby that has historically consisted of the oil industry, Christian groups and missionaries hostile to Israel, European and current or former US diplomats, Arabists who have long influenced our State Department, paid media spokesmen, academics who hold chairs endowed by Arab money, "human rights" organizations, assorted UN agencies, and US's 80-year "friend," Saudi Arabia. Most recently, Islamic apologists, Tim Willcox and Jeremy Vine, on separate occasions, attempted to minimize the jihadist attack on Jewish citizens in a Paris supermarket. Vine interviewed the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, the "UK's leading Muslim civil liberties group, which admits to empowering Muslims to focus on non-violent Jihad and political activism." The group rejects responsibility for attacks against the Jews, but blames the government's foreign policy for Islamic terrorism. The members self-identify as stealth jihadists – meaning Muslim jihadists who wage a non-violent war against the West. English historian David Cesarani, is Jewish and specializes in Jewish history. Rather than denounce the Islamic scourge that threatens the lives of Jews and all English citizens, he accuses British Jews of disloyalty for leaving England in fear – an unlikely comment from a student of the Holocaust who knows the fate of Jewish victims who did not leave Europe soon enough. Although the Jews fought on the side of England during WW II, and the Arabs on the side of Germany, the BBC continues to assail its friends, Israel and Jews, at every turn, and self-censors its reports about its foes, Islamic jihadists. The future is clear: if the media continue to betray themselves and the country by painting the Jews as evil and the Islamists as victims, the West will fall to terrorism, and be overwhelmed by all the brutal rapes, riots, car burnings, broken windows, stabbings and beheadings, such as are occurring throughout the world. Unless honesty prevails in the media, we will descend into the abyss of violence such as Africans are suffering now under the sword of Islam. Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez authored "European Life Died in Auschwitz." A section is appropriate here: We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world. The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world ... And under the pretence of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride. They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts. Danny Cohen, described as "the boy wonder of British television," now has what might be his only chance to effect a change at the BBC. Once Head of Documentaries, Head of Factual Entertainment, Controller, and other formidable titles, he became Director of BBC Television in May 2013. In a recent interview, he admitted to feeling the sting of anti-Semitism more this past year than ever before. Has he been so busy that he's been dozing through the programs? In its mission statement, the BBC pledges to promote its public purposes, provide programs and services that inform and educate, and be impartial and honest, in keeping with The Royal Charter and Agreement. The BBC is endangering the lives of the people. Perhaps Cohen and others might yet attempt to reverse its current policy of destruction, not just to Jews, but to all the citizens, and regain its original purpose. There is something seriously wrong when England, her people befogged by media information, lionizes her enemy and boycotts her ally. Israel will survive, but not a country that has forsaken honesty. Tabitha Korol, who began her political writing with letters to the editor after her retirement, earned an award from CAMERA (Committee on Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America) "in recognition of outstanding letter-writing in 2009 to promote fair and factual reporting about Israel." She was cited as one of America's modern-day, articulate, patriotic women in Frederick William Dame's Three American Fur Hat Fighters for Freedom. Her essays appear on Arutz Sheva, Canada Free Press, Centinel2012, Jewish Press, Maggie's Notebook, NewMediaJournal, News Nation Brewing, Dr. Richard Swier, Tea Party Express, and others. She revised a book of Holocaust survivors' accounts for publication, and proofreads/edits for a monthly city newsletter. |
The article below was written by Dr. Tawfik Hamid who is an Islamic thinker and reformer, and one time Islamic extremist from Egypt. He was a member of a radical Islamic organization Jamaa Islameia JI (of Egypt) with Dr. Ayman Al-Zawaherri who later became the second in command of Al-Qaeda. After being radicalized in the JI (approximately thirty-five years ago), he had an awakening of his human conscience, recognized the threat of Radical Islam, and started to teach modern peaceful interpretations of classical Islamic core texts. Currently Dr. Hamid MD, MLit (Edu) is a Senior Fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies (PIPS). |
He deserves a medal, but who reads him in the Islamic world? And how long will he survive? From The Heart of an Honest Muslim! ![]() "I am a Muslim by faith, a Christian by spirit, a Jew by heart, and above all I am a human being." Dr. Hamid is an Egyptian scholar and author of the following article. The world needs more people like him - ones who have the courage to face-up to reality, and not fear those who oppose honesty. I was born a Muslim and lived all my life as a follower of Islam. After the barbaric terrorist attacks done by the hands of my fellow Muslims everywhere on this globe, and after the too many violent acts by Islamists in many parts of the world, I feel responsible as a Muslim and as a human being to speak out and tell the truth to protect the world and Muslims as well from a coming catastrophe and war of civilizations. I have to admit that our current Islamic teaching creates violence and hatred toward non-Muslims. We Muslims are the ones who need to change. Until now we have accepted polygamy, the beating of women by men, and killing those who convert from Islam to other religions. We have never had a clear and strong stand against the concept of slavery or wars, to spread our religion and to subjugate others to Islam and force them to pay a humiliating tax called jizia. We ask others to respect our religion while all the time we curse non-Muslims loudly (in Arabic) in our Friday prayers in the mosques. What message do we convey to our children when we call the Jews "descendants of the pigs and monkeys"? [Yet, both Arabs and Jews are descendants of Ibrahim (Abraham)!] Is this a message of love and peace, or a message of hate? I have been into [Christian] churches and [Jewish] synagogues where they were praying for Muslims. While all the time, we curse them, and teach our generations to call them "infidels", and to hate them. We immediately jump in a 'knee jerk reflex' to defend Prophet Mohammad when someone accuses him of being a pedophile while, at the same time, ...we are proud with the story in our Islamic books that he married a young girl seven years old [Aisha] when he was above 50 years old. I am sad to say that many, if not most of us, rejoiced in happiness after September 11th and after many other terror attacks. Muslims denounce these attacks to look good in front of the media, but we condone the Islamic terrorists and sympathise with their cause. Until now our 'reputable' top religious authorities have never issued a fatwa or religious statement to proclaim Bin Laden as an apostate, while an author, like Rushdie, was declared an apostate who should be killed according to Islamic Shari'a law just for writing a book criticizing Islam. Muslims demonstrated to get more religious rights as we did in France to stop the ban on the hijab (head scarf), while we did not demonstrate with such passion and in such numbers against the terrorist murders. It is our absolute silence against the terrorists that gives the energy to these terrorists to continue doing their evil acts. We Muslims need to stop blaming our problems on others or on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. As a matter of honesty, Israel is the only light of democracy, civilization, and human rights in the whole Middle East. We kicked out the Jews with no compensation or mercy from most of the Arab countries to make them "Jews-free countries" while Israel accepted more than a million Arabs to live there, have their own nationality, and enjoy their rights as human beings. In Israel, women cannot be beaten legally by men, and any person can change his/her belief system with no fear of being killed by the Islamic law of 'apostasy,' while in our Islamic world people do not enjoy any of these rights. I agree that the 'Palestinians' suffer, but they suffer because of their corrupt leaders and not because of Israel. It is not common to see Arabs who live in Israel leaving to live in the Arab world. On the other hand, we used to see thousands of Palestinians going to work with happiness in Israel, its 'enemy.' If Israel treats Arabs badly as some people claim, surely we would have seen the opposite happening. We Muslims need to admit our problems and face them. Only then we can treat them and start a new era to live in harmony with human mankind. Our religious leaders have to show a clear, and very strong stand against polygamy, paedophilia, slavery, killing those who convert from Islam to other religion, beating of women by men, and declaring wars on non-Muslims to spread Islam. Then, and only then, do we have the right to ask others to respect our religion.. The time has come to stop our hypocrisy and say it openly: 'We Muslims have to change! Contact Roberta Dzubow at |
HAMAS CONDUCTS LARGE-SCALE ROCKET TESTPosted by Arutz Sheva, January 26, 2015 |
The article below was written by Ari Yashar who writes at Arutz Sheva - Israel National News - Arutz Sheva - Israel National News he lives in Jerusalem. He studied Japanese for many years including two years at universities in Japan, recently he passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test of the Japanese government at level 1, the highest level. This article appeared January 26, 2015 on Arutz Sheva and is archived at |
![]() Israel and the Gaza-based terrorist organization Hamas may have reached a truce ending Operation Protective Edge late last August, but that didn't stop Hamas on Monday from firing rockets into the sea as part of tests to improve its ballistic capabilities and prepare for its next war against Israel. Channel 2 reports that a full ten rockets were fired from the ruins of the Jewish community of Gush Katif into the Mediterranean Sea during the test, and that it was meant to expand the range of Hamas's rockets which have already reached Hadera outside of Haifa in the north. Hamas has been busily developing its own domestically produced rockets, including the M-75 long range missile, given that Israel has been earnestly working to prevent outside arms from Hamas backers including Qatar, Turkey and Iran from reaching the terrorist group. This is far from the first missile test Hamas has conducted since its last rocket war on the Jewish state, with the most recent being held late last month when two rockets were fired into the sea. Hamas has not only been conducting tests; since the truce terrorists in Gaza have breached the ceasefire at least three times in rocket barrages on Israel, which Hamas has denied responsibility for despite being in control of the coastal enclave. The most recent attack occurred last month, just days before the last rocket test, and one day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over. In response to the rocket attack, the IAF struck Gaza concrete factories used to rebuild the terror tunnels leading into Israel to attack Israeli civilians. During the operation, the IDF destroyed over 30 such tunnels, but since it ended Hamas has been busily rebuilding them. Arutz Sheva, also known in English as Israel National News, is an Israeli media network identifying with Religious Zionism. Contact Arutz Sheva at |
OBAMA AND THE REFUSAL TO CALL A CAT A CATPosted by Daily Alert, January 26, 2015 |
The article below was written by Laure Mandeville
who is the U.S. bureau chief for the French newspaper Le
Figaro. This article appeared January 25, 2015 on the
Wall Street Journal and is archived at
In French, we have an expression: "Call a cat a cat." Appeler un chat un chat. That is exactly what French Prime Minister Manuel Valls did after the horrific terrorist attacks that hit my country on Jan. 7, when he identified "radical Islam" as our enemy. In France, most rallied to this clear acknowledgment of the threat we are dealing with, because it is simply impossible to deny. That is why it has sounded almost surreal when the Obama administration and many observers in the U.S., despite their heartening support for the French, go to great lengths to insist that the terrorist attack had nothing to do with Islam. The intention is good: President Obama doesn't want to mix Islamist terrorists and the wider community of Muslims around the world. He is trying to appeal to Muslims, to prevent them from feeling ostracized. More than ever, the world needs Muslims who wish to live in harmony with non-Muslims. But ask Flemming Rose how the Obama approach sounds to someone who knows too well the Islamist threat. Mr. Rose, now the foreign editor of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, was its cultural editor in 2005 when he had an idea for a series of cartoons lampooning the Prophet Muhammad. Their publication sparked deadly protests in several countries and has made him a marked man. "There is something nearly Orwellian in this refusal to call things by their names," Mr. Rose tells me. "If we say that the terrorists are not radical Islamists, we might as well say that truth is lie, that right is wrong, that black is white." To put a fig leaf over the threat doesn't make the problem go away, and doesn't help us understand that the radical Islamist attacks are precisely about the House of Islam and who can speak for it. Joshua Mitchell, a professor of political philosophy at Georgetown University, says: "This is a battle about who is going to define Islam: the radical Islamists, who try to convince the world that someone can be assassinated if he dares draw a mocking cartoon representing the Prophet, or who ridicules fanatics of all sorts; or the democratically inclined Muslims who accept that religion cannot be an encompassing whole that dictates all the rules of everyday life in the earthly realm." By denying that this is about Islam, "President Obama does us a disservice, because doing so deprives the Muslim community of its responsibility to fight this radical monster," says Muslim democrat Naser Khader, a former member of the Danish Parliament, now at the Hudson Institute in Washington. "By doing that, the West fails to understand that the Muslims will be the most crucial soldiers to fight this Islamic terrorism." Mr. Khader calls for a revolution in Islam that would reinterpret the sacred texts in a way that is "compatible with modernity." The same self-deceiving approach seems to be affecting the debate about the limits of free speech. Anxious not to offend Muslims, many in America and in France distanced themselves from Charlie Hebdo after its post-attack publication of an issue showing Muhammad in tears, wearing an "I am Charlie" T-shirt and saying, "All is forgiven." The drawing seems hardly disparaging, but it alarmed those who think silence is preferable to the risk of offending. A fellow French journalist confided to me: "We should establish some kind of self-censorship, because we don't want that a cartoon published in France leads to the burning of churches in Niger." That kind of thinking could jeopardize freedom of speech itself. Will this hard-won freedom, so precious to the West, be sacrificed because a village imam in the Middle East or Africa incites people to violence during Friday prayer? Many in the West seem tempted to capitulate, in the name of "peace." They are allowing themselves to believe that it is our fault if the churches burn. That is what the radicals are betting on. Where will we draw limits? Will we also give in when radical Islamists say they are offended to see European women wearing bikinis or going to swimming pools while men are present? The latter question is already being raised in some French cities. The answer will define our future. Americans have some difficulty understanding the depth of the European challenge. Given the marginal size of the Muslim community in the U.S., Americans are not confronted by the same questions or urgency. In France, as in much of Europe, these daunting challenges are rapidly becoming existential, despite the fact that we have been promoting different models of integration, some as in Great Britain or the Netherlands much closer to those in the U.S. Only if we are sure of the values worth defending will we be able to convince our Muslim compatriots to fight for France, its liberal order and magnificent heritage. That heritage includes Voltaire, our most cherished satirist and polemist, Montaigne, Montesquieu, Tocqueville and innumerable others to whom, in times of crisis, we turn for comfort and wisdom. They enumerated many of the freedoms that the modern world enjoys; and in this dark moment their lessons are worth remembering. In France, or anywhere Islamism is taking root, we must renew our commitment to teach and inspire young people, particularly in the disenfranchised French suburbs, by explaining the complexity and beauty of freedom and tolerance. We must teach them to distinguish between the realm of God and the realm of Caesar, a distinction that has been one of France's great achievements. We must also instill pride in the French flag and anthem, much as Americans do. Otherwise, our children will be left to face the unbearable lightness of a postmodern and consumerist void, which could open the way to the most dangerous ideological attempts to "re-enchant the world," as the saying goes. In the 20th century, the re-enchantment movements that nearly brought down the West were called fascism, National Socialism and Communism. In the 21st century, the re-enchantment movement that threatens us—from within and without—is called radical Islam. The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to |
"A COROLLARY"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 26, 2015 |
Yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu said, with regard to his speaking to Congress: "In coming weeks, the powers are liable to reach a framework agreement with Iran, an agreement liable to leave Iran as a nuclear threshold state. "As prime minister of Israel, I am obligated to make every effort to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weaponry that will be aimed at the State of Israel. This effort is global and I will go anywhere I am invited to make the State of Israel's case and defend its future and existence." (Emphasis added) -to-speak-against-iran/ ~~~~~~~~~~ Israel's ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer, spoke yesterday as well, and he said (emphasis added): The prime minister's visit is "intended for one purpose: To speak up while there is still time to speak up. To speak up when there is still time to make a difference." Thus, it is Netanyahu's "most sacred duty to do whatever he can to prevent Iran from ever developing nuclear weapons that can be aimed at Israel. "For Israel, a nuclear armed Iran would be a clear and present danger. Iran's regime is both committed to Israel's destruction and working toward Israel's destruction."
Couldn't be much clearer and unambiguous than this. ~~~~~~~~~~ And then we have Boehner's response to the flap that has ensued following his invitation to the prime minister: There's nobody in the world who can [better] talk about the threat of radical terrorism — nobody can [better] talk about the threat the Iranians pose, not just to the Middle East and to Israel...but to the entire world — than Bibi (Benjamin) Netanyahu." Boehner went on to say he did not believe Obama was giving that threat the attention it deserved. "The president didn't spend but a few seconds (in his State of the Union address last week) talking about the threat, the terrorist threat that we as Americans face. “This problem is growing all over the world…the president is trying to act as though it's not there, but it is there and it's going to be a threat to our homeland if we don’t address it in a bigger way." (Emphasis added) Boehner has further said, by the way, that he did not "blindside" the White House, as he has been accused of doing. He gave Obama "heads up" before news about the invitation to Netanyahu hit the press. ~~~~~~~~~~ But so insane is the election fever here, that everything is subject to attack. The following column by Uri Avnery written just two days ago is so shockingly perverse that I simply had to call attention to it: "...Two Israeli drones have bombed (or missiled) a small Hezbollah convoy, a few miles beyond the border with Syria on the Golan heights. 12 people were killed. One was an Iranian general. One was a very young Hezbollah officer, the son of Imad Mughniyeh... "The killing of the Iranian general was perhaps unintended.... "The intended victim of the attack was the 25-year old Jihad Mughniyeh, a junior Hezbollah officer whose only claim to fame was his family name. "IMMEDIATELY AFTER the killing, the question arose: Why? Why now? Why at all? "The Israeli-Syrian border (or, rather, cease-fire line) has been for decades the quietest border of Israel. No shooting. No incidents. Nothing. "SO WHY did Israeli drones hit a small convoy of Assad's allies – Hezbollah and Iran? It is very unlikely that they had any aggressive intentions against Israel. Probably they were scouting the terrain in search of Syrian rebels. "The Israeli government and the army did not explain. How could they, when they did not officially admit to the action? Even unofficially, there was no hint. "But there is an elephant in the room: the Israeli elections. "We are now in the middle of the election campaign. Was there, could there be, any connection between the election campaign and the attack? "You bet!" ~~~~~~~~~~ WHAT?!! We have here a prime example of the morally corrupt and totally perverse position of the far left. How shameful this is. In terms of information, it is full of holes. Jihad Mughniyeh's claim to fame was NOT just his family name: he headed a terrorist cell directly funded by Iran that had already launched attacks. And to say that it was "very unlikely that they[the convoy] had any aggressive intentions against Israel. Probably they were scouting the terrain in search of Syrian rebels"? Does he truly imagine that even though a general from Iran's Revolutionary Guards was present, there was no ill intent towards Israel? That Iran sends out a general to scout for rebels? Nor is it true that the border with Syria has been consistently quiet. That was once the case, but no longer is. Gush Shalom – which ran Avnery's article – promotes "peace" based on all of the Palestinian Arab demands, including "right of return," which means this is a group that supports the destruction of Israel. It is beyond the pale. Uri Avnery is a founding member. And this is what our prime minister must contend with, on his far left flank, as he works to defend the State and keep her safe. ~~~~~~~~~~ Now I turn to an article – "Israeli strike in Syria: A move in an unfinished game" - regarding that convoy in the Golan, written by the highly informed Jonathan Spyer (emphasis added): "Firstly, the killings were a response to a clear attempt by the Iranians/Hezbollah to violate the very fragile status quo that pertains between these elements and Israel in Lebanon and Syria... "Some analysis of the strike has suggested that the mission of the men killed in the attack involved preparation for placing sophisticated Iranian missile systems on the Syrian part of the Golan. Other accounts suggested that the mission was part of readying this area for the launch of ground attacks across the border against Israeli targets, perhaps using proxies. "In either case, the mission was a clear attempt to change the arrangement of forces in the north, in such a way that could be expected to ensure an Israeli response... "The Iran/Hezbollah/Assad side has long threatened to develop the Golan as a front for possible 'jihad duties' against Israel. Both Syrian President Bashar Assad and Nasrallah, in the course of 2014, made unambiguous public statements threatening the opening of military activity against Israel in this area. Israel in turn has been very keen to make clear that such a move would constitute a violation of the status quo. "The strike on Sunday constituted a very kinetic further Israeli message intended to drive home this point. "What this means is that despite the death of a senior IRGC commander in the Israeli strike, the action by Israel should not be seen as a general casting aside of the rules of engagement by Jerusalem on the northern border – but rather an insistence on maintaining these rules, and a warning of the consequences to the other side of continued violation of them..." ~~~~~~~~~~ In the above article, Spyer refers to the great unease the Lebanese have about what Hezbollah is doing: "Responses by Lebanese political leaders and media to the event have been characterized by a sort of nervous, veiled request to Hezbollah not to bring down Israel's wrath on Lebanon..." The Israeli government, mindful of this situation, has speculated that the "retribution"from Hezbollah may come not via a frontal attack across the border from Lebanon into Israel, but rather via terrorism unleashed on Israelis abroad. Thus, according to Al-Hayat, Israel has relayed a message to Hezbollah, delivered via indirect channels, that warns against such action: "Israel would hold Hezbollah responsible for any attack against its institutions and nationals [abroad], including areas known to be frequented by Israelis in far-off places around the globe." -dare-attack-our-targets-abroad-388948 ~~~~~~~~~~ Coming full circle here... We see that the Lebanese, who have not forgotten the damage they endured during Israel’s last war against Hezbollah, are not willing to support an attack on Israel by Hezbollah initiated from Lebanese soil. And so the significance to Hezbollah (and to Iran, its sponsor) of establishing a base on the Golan for launching attacks on Israel from there becomes readily apparent. Thus the necessity for Israel to forcefully "discourage" any such plans. In other words, we did good. Do not allow yourself to be disabused of this understanding. ~~~~~~~~~~ We will end with a good news piece: "A breakthrough discovery by researchers at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem will allow early detection and possible prevention of colon and uterine cancers. According to the study, a genetic mutation related to Lynch syndrome has been shown to increase the risk of these types of cancers. The discovery of the mutation among members of certain population groups allows for a quick identification of at-risk patients." This discovery is being referred to as "of immense importance in the prevention and early treatment of cancer." Contact Arlene Kushner at and visit her website: |
Four plead guilty to vicious attack in northern England to 'protest about the Palestinians'; attacker gloated he was 'going Jew bashing.' |
![]() Members of a Muslim gang who carried out a terrifying anti-Semitic attack in England last summer have pleaded guilty to racially aggravated common assault, according to the UK's Daily Mirror. Newcastle Crown Court heard how the four anti-Semitic attackers - Balawal Sultan (18), Kesa Malik (19), Hassnain Aliamin (18), and a 16-year-old minor who cannot be named for legal reasons - had traveled to the town of Gateshead on the night of July 18 with the specific intent of attacking a member of the local Jewish community there. Hours prior to the attack, Sultan sent a chilling text to a friend reading: "I'm going to go Jew bashing. Haha". He then traveled along with his accomplices to Gateshead, to the largest Orthodox Jewish community in northeast England and the largest yeshiva (Torah academy) in Europe, in search of a victim. Sometime after midnight they found their target - a 41-year-old Jewish man returning home from a local yeshiva. Prosecutor Bridie Smurthwaite related how the victim initially became nervous after noticing a man staring at him strangely but walked on, only for the gang to suddenly come charging at him from behind a parked van. "The defendants had deliberately traveled to the area in Gateshead where there were members of the Jewish community with the particular intention of targeting someone from that community," he told the court, adding that "the victim was targeted because he was wearing traditional Jewish attire, a black suit and white shirt and a black hat." He related how the "petrified" victim ran screaming "help me, help me!" as he tried to escape the sudden attack. At that point, one of the attackers hurled a piece of wood at him, which landed at his feet and caused him to fall to the ground. The gang quickly surrounded him, with one of them pulling his leg back as if to kick him in the head as their terrified victim shouted "I have done nothing to you!" Luckily, his cries for help caught the attention of a Jewish "family friend" living nearby who quickly intervened, causing the attackers to flee. The court heard how the victim was found "disheveled, unsteady on his feet, confused and in shock," and left bleeding from his palms, forearm and elbow due to the fall. Pleading guilty to the charges against him, Sultan admitted to throwing the plank of wood, and claimed he and his accomplices planned their attack in "protest about the Palestinians and about the Jewish community." Addressing the court after the guilty pleas, their victim described the psychological scars he was left with after the unprovoked assault, saying he was now afraid to leave his home. "I feel shaken and unsafe to walk the streets in my own community," he said. "I have never experienced fear and terror like it and I have no doubt I was attacked for being Jewish." "I was targeted because of my religion and I'm now scared to walk past members of the Asian community with whom otherwise I have no problem. "When I come across a person from the Middle East I feel scared and petrified." He claimed his experience had also left the entire Jewish community shaken, and blamed the attack on the media's coverage of the summer conflict between Israel and terrorists in Gaza. "I'm part of a very close community and this has had a far-reaching impact, word having spread and fear having also spread. I think this was because of the coverage of the ongoing conflict in the media, even though that had nothing to do with my community." Indeed the 50-day period of last summer's Operation Protective Edge saw an unprecedented spike in global anti-Semitism, particularly in Europe, where the number anti-Semitic incidents skyrocketed. In the UK alone, authorities recorded an alarming 400% increase in the number of anti-Semitic crimes reported. Many European Jews blamed what they say was one-sided media coverage of the conflict as helping the fan the flames of incitement. At some anti-Israel demonstrators, marchers were even seen waving placards saying "Hitler was right." "I'm a peaceful person from a quiet and peaceful community and I've never been in that position before," the victim added. "I have been greatly affected by it and but for the intervention of my friend the consequences could have been far worse... Now, coming home at night fills me with fear. "The incident has left me annoyed and angry because I used to be able to walk around the area I live without any fear. "These men have changed my life and I only hope I'm able to get over this very difficult period of my life." Contact Yoram Fisher at |
THE SUDAYRIS RETURNPosted by BESA, January 26, 2015 |
The article below was written by Prof. Joshua
Teitelbaum is a senior research associate at the
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, is a professor of
Middle Eastern Studies at Bar-Ilan University. He is an expert
on the Gulf states, particularly Saudi Arabia. This article
appeared January 26, 2015 on BESA and is archived at
![]() EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The passing of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and the smooth accession of King Salman creates an interesting development in the Saudi monarchy. It marks the return of the Sudayri family to leadership and the eventual rise of the grandchildren of founder King Abd al-Aziz. King Salman and his country face some serious challenges in the future, including nuclear Iran and the presence of the Islamic State on its doorstep. Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia enjoys a solid relationship with the US and a successful oil-based economy, which is likely to ensure continued stability. Saudi Arabia is the country to which 1.7 billion Muslims turn five times daily in prayer and is the world's largest exporter of oil. So it is no wonder that stock markets shuddered, the depressed price of oil took an uptick, US President Barack Obama cut short a trip to India to fly to Riyadh, and flags were lowered to half mast in Britain, when it was announced on January 23 that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia had died. For, many years now Saudi successions have gone smoothly, and there is no reason to suspect that this time it will be any different. Saudi royals know that a succession struggle will only hurt them, and Saudi princes do not want to destroy the cash cow which is Saudi Arabia, one of only two countries in the world named after a family (the other is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). Those concerned about stability can rest assured that the succession will be smooth and that the Saudi ship of state will continue to successfully navigate the seas of Middle Eastern politics, just has it has for over a hundred years. True, the challenges faced by King Abdullah will continue under the new King, Salman, but the royal family has proved itself quite adept at handling what politics throws its way. Sudayris Rising Two interesting developments have come out of the latest succession: The return of the "Sudayri Seven" and the move, finally, to the grandchildren of founder King Abd al-Aziz, with the appointment of Prince Muhammad bin Nayif bin Abd al-Aziz to the position of deputy crown prince. One cannot understand royal family politics without a short course in Saudi royal factions. The founding monarch Abd al-Aziz has dozens of sons. These formed into tribe-like factions based on a shared mother. The most important faction to emerge was that of the seven sons of Hasa bint Ahmad al-Sudayri. This faction produced two kings, King Fahd (d. 2005) and the new King Salman, as well as the long-serving minister of the interior, Prince Nayif (d. 2012) and the even longer serving defense minister Prince Sultan (d. 2011). This faction of full brothers operates as a group against contenders, but can be at odds internally when they vie for positions. The recently deceased King Abdullah had no full brothers. But his half brother King Faysal (d. 1975) was wise enough to establish the principle of balancing between royal factions. This principle has been applied more or less since King Faysal's death. Yet although there is a general respect in the family for the principle of balance, this does not prevent the maneuvering and advancing factional interests. During his tenure, Abdullah was keen to advance his sons to positions of power from which they would gain the experience and prestige needed to be viable candidates for the throne. Thus, his son Prince Mit'ib was advanced to head the Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG), which King Abdullah had previously led and which constituted, essentially, the private militia of Abdullah's family faction set by King Faysal to balance the Sudayri-controlled ministry of defense. With respect to the SANG itself, Abdullah has made sure over the past few years to increase its ability to carry out more complex missions by increased training and arms purchases. Mit'ib now heads a formidable force. Abdullah placed his son Prince Turki as governor of Riyadh Province in May 2014, a powerful position held for decades by the current King Salman. Another son, Prince Mish'al, was made governor of the holy city of Mecca in December 2013. While alive, Sudayri minster of interior Prince Nayif and his son Prince Muhammad, fought and defeated al-Qa'ida in Saudi Arabia, and presided over the development of a considerable oil installation protection force to augment the already formidable internal security and intelligence forces at his disposal. Now, although Abdullah was advancing his sons, he had to respect the principle of balance. Thus, his crown princes were all from the rival Sudayri faction. The first two Sultan and Nayif died in quick succession. His last crown prince, Salman, is now King. But to secure that position, Salman and his Sudayri kin had to agree the appointment of the capable Prince Muqrin as deputy crown prince. Muqrin (a former head of intelligence), is one of the few remaining sons of founder Abd al-Aziz and is without any full brothers. This was also a compromise for Abdullah, who would have preferred to have one of his own sons in the on-deck crown prince spot. Muqrin is now crown prince. Salman's succession was never doubted and signified the return of the Sudayris. Yet he is infirm and advanced in years. While Muqrin will succeed Salman, Muqrin has no sons who have the exposure, prestige and experience to make a run for a top post. Therefore, when Salman assumed the throne he did not disappoint his fellow Sudayris. He removed Abdullah's allies and sons from important positions and put the Sudayris back up top. Most importantly, he moved Sudayri Prince Muhammad bin Nayif bin Abd al-Aziz to the position of deputy crown prince, thus making an end run-around Muqrin and assuring Sudayri primacy for many years, as the grandsons of founder King Abd al-Aziz take power. Indeed, the Sudayris may be hoping that they can dominate Muqrin just as they dominated the weak King Khalid, who succeeded King Faysal. King Salman's immediate appointment makes crystal clear how King Abdallah's kin and supporters were sidelined and the Sudayris were given a leg up. The appointment of 55 year old Prince Muhammad bin Nayif as deputy crown prince, deputy prime minister and his reappointment as minister of interior (which he has been since 2012) proves this. Prince Muhammad is western educated, speaks English, and is widely credited with the crushing of al-Qa'ida in the kingdom. He reportedly survived four al-Qa'ida assassination attempts. He is the man of the hour and will likely work with his Sudayri kinsmen to limit crown prince Muqrin when he becomes king. Minister of defense King Salman chose his son Prince Muhammad (30) to take the post he himself had previously held, thus solidifying the control of Salman and his family over the fellow Sudayri rivals for that coveted post (previously held by the Sudayri Prince Sultan). He also made him Chief of the Royal Court and Private Advisor to the King, and removed Khalid bin Abd al-Aziz al-Tuwayji from those positions. The Tuwayjris are an important Najdi family long associated with the deceased King Abdullah and his son Mit'ib. Thus, his removal is further aimed at taking Prince Mit'ib down a notch. Mit'ib and his brothers still hold powerful positions and cannot be entirely dismissed. But they have been dealt a harsh blow. Looking Forward: Saudi Arabia and Home and Abroad Salman himself is an accomplished royal family player, but he is 70 years old and infirm. The Sudayris probably look upon the senior Prince Muqrin as capable, but only as a placeholder until Muhammad bin Nayif ascends the throne. Prince Muhammad bin Nayif is well prepared to deal with the challenge of counter-terrorism. In general, the grandsons of Abd al-Aziz can be expected to be more forward looking and open to change than their fathers. Saudi Arabia, led by King Salman, faces some serious challenges in the years ahead. But there is no indication that the royal family will be any less capable of handling these issues. Internally, the Kingdom was an island of stability as it faced down the Arab uprisings of 2011-2012 through a combination of persuasion and increased spending. But mostly it could rely on the Saudi population that is not highly politicized and knows how good their situation is compared to their neighbors who are going up in flames. Still, the younger generation is less compliant, more globalized, and takes for granted the huge strides of the past half-century that turned Saudi Arabia from a poor desert backwater that begged for US loans into an economic juggernaut. Some are attracted to ISIS and al-Qa'ida, while others question the lack of democracy in their country. Nevertheless, any opposition that may result is too diffuse and disorganized to present any real challenge in the near future. In the region, the Kingdom is still navigating stormy seas caused by the Iranian challenge, which it shares with Israel. In the south Iranian-backed Houthi rebels have recently ousted the regime of President Abd Rabbuh Hadi who was backed by Washington and Riyadh for his cooperation in fighting al-Qa'ida. To the east, Shiite-majority, Sunni-ruled Bahrain is under threat from the Iranian-supported opposition. In the north, an Iranian-backed Shiite-led Iraq further surrounds the Kingdom with enemies. The Shiite domination of Iraq has given a boost to the Islamic State, which attracts young Saudi recruits. The Islamic State is also active in Syria, struggling against the pro-Iranian regime of Bashar al-Asad. And of course, most importantly, as Iran moves steadily towards obtaining nuclear weapons, Riyadh can only hope, along with Israel, that the United States will come to its senses and put a stop to Iran's progress. Saudi Arabia's relationship with the United States is still on a solid foundation, despite Saudi disappointment with the Obama Administration. The two countries are linked by defense arrangements and sales in the many billions of dollars for years to come. And they need each other. Shocked by the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Saudis now play a moderating role against Islamists, whether they are the Muslim Brotherhood or the radical jihadis of ISIS. Saudi Arabia shares intelligence with the US, which can carry out military operations of which the Saudis can only dream of. And they do dream. Riyadh has hopes of becoming an independent regional power over the coming decades, somewhat like Israel. That means, an ally of the US, but capable of projecting military force when deemed necessary and without US tactical aid or consent. It is reasonable to expect that the reported covert Saudi cooperation with Israel regarding Iran is likely to continue as well. The Begin–Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), is an Israeli think tank [1] that seeks to advance a "realist, conservative, Zionist agenda in the search for security and peace for Israel."[2] The center's mission is to contribute to promoting peace and security in the Middle East, through policy-oriented researches on national security in the Middle East. Contact BESA Center at |
MK Shuli Mualem (Jewish Home) said that the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv was a wake-up call to people who still think peace with the Palestinian Authority (PA) is possible. (At least 20 people were wounded, among them three seriously.) She criticized PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and the unilateral steps he has taken against Israel, saying, "Just as the Palestinians are running to The Hague, the Israeli government should approve as soon as possible the Levy Report" which conclusively proved that Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria is legal under international law. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said the attack was "a direct result of the toxic incitement spread by the Palestinian Authority against Jews and their state." Sure enough, barely two hours after Matruk's bloody rampage, PA Arab media outlets were already churning out cartoons glorifying the act. (How many 'wake-up' calls do Jews need to realize that only by standing for our own rights Israel will be able to reunite all Jewish land and achieve peace?) OBAMA IS NOT HAPPY ABOUT INVITATION
A senior Israeli says "friends don't act like this" after Mossad Head denies US claim that he opposed Iran sanctions in talk with senators. "The fraudulent claims against the Mossad Head were raised by the Americans yesterday, despite a message that had been transmitted to them by Intelligence Minister (Yuval) Steintz." "Leaking the Mossad Head's statements, even if they had not been falsified, is a serious breach of all the rules," the senior source added. "Friends do not behave like this. Information from a secret meeting must not leak out." IS IT JUST BUSINESS OR IS PUTIN IS ANOTHER ENEMY OF ISRAEL?
Cash-strapped Russia is now ready to sell advanced surface to air missiles - not just to Iran, but also to Egypt, Syria and the Lebanese Shiite Hizballah. Moscow began sending S-300 components to Iran and Syria two years ago, in advance of the full systems which were also promised to Hizballah. FOOD FOR THOUGHT BY STEVEN SHAMRAK
Saudi Arabia is building a 600-mile-long "Great Wall" - a combined fence and ditch - to separate the country from Iraq to the north. The proposal had been discussed since 2006. The border zone now includes five layers of fencing with watch towers, night-vision cameras, and radar cameras. Riyadh also sent an extra 30,000 troops to the area. (When Israel was building the anti-terror wall, to protect Jews from PA murderous attacks, the well-orchestrated anti-Israel international condemnation campaign was unleashed!) GUTLESS PROCRASTINATION!
Israel discovers another major gas field. A new huge natural gas field has been discovered about 150 km off Israel's coast. Seismic analysis suggests that the Royee field contains an estimated 3.2 trillion cubic feet of gas, making it Israel 's third largest after Leviathan and Tamar. (The positive outcome of oil/gas discoveries by Israel are already felt though the world, as Arab states keep the cost of oil and gas low, in spite of fallen demand.) TOLERANCE "MY FOOT"!
Pope Francis has called on Catholics and Western people in general to refrain from insulting other religions - namely Islam: "It's normal, it's normal (violence). One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people's faith, one cannot make fun of faith." A day later, Muslim Muslims broke a Virgin Mary statue to pieces and then urinated on it in the small chapel of St. Barnabas in Perugia (Italy). One wonders if the Pope would call it "normal" if members of his own flock were to murder those Muslims who urinated on the statue? IN DESPERATE TIME - "IF NOT ME THEN WHO?"
The European Jewish Association (EJA), which represents Jewish communities across Europe, is petitioning the European Union to pass new legislation that would permit Jewish community members to carry guns "for the essential protection of their communities." The gun license laws must be altered following a string of deadly attacks on Jews in France and other European countries, where anti-Semitism has been growing at an alarming rate. DID THE POPE JUSTIFY THE CHARLIE HEBDO MASSACRE?
The Vatican has snapped into overdrive trying to play down controversial comments made by the Pope. "There are so many people who speak badly about religions or other religions, who make fun of them, who make a game out of the religions of others," he said. "They are provocateurs. And what happens to them is what would happen to Dr. Gasbarri if he says a curse word against my mother. There is a limit" (Thousands of Christians are killed by Muslims around the world, but the Vatican is silent!) HAMAS IS PLANNING ANOTHER CONFLICT
Egyptian forces uncovered a 1,200-meter long tunnel running from the Gaza Strip into the Sinai Peninsula with a large amount of explosives and mortar shells inside. Egypt says it has destroyed more than 1,600 tunnels since Morsi's ouster. AUSTRIA WAS WORKING AGAINST THE JEWISH STATE
An Austrian historian has documented the controversial role of the European country in arming the military regime of former Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, during the period between 1958 and 1969... (Austria has never apologized for its Nazi past and is still highly anti-Semitic!) WHY HAS AN ACT OF DECENCY TAKEN 70 YEARS?
A Polish university is to reinstate academic qualifications on German Jews nearly 80 years after Nazis stripped them of their titles. Wroclaw University in south-west Poland will return the titles later this month in a ceremony it hopes will bring belated justice to those who lost their qualifications owing to Nazi Germany's anti-Semitism. (Up to 1945, when Europe's borders were redrawn, Wroclaw was the German city of Breslau. Land annexation and "population transfer", in order to establish peace, was a norm then! It has only become illegal after Israel won the war of Independence. "Population transfer", under different pretence, has still been routinely implemented - in Yugoslavia, Sudan, Iraq and Afghanistan - and the world never complains unless Israel attempts to remove terrorists from Jewish land.) QUOTE OF THE WEEK:
The colossal challenge confronting officials trying to prevent and track an attack like the one in Paris boils down to this: There are too many people to watch. An estimated 5,000 French citizens are now under some form of direct observation or surveillance by French security services because of their involvement in various jihadist movements. But those 5,000 are just the cases that French authorities know about... And the issue grows exponentially across the European continent when you take into account the estimated 3,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria that officials say come from various European countries Some 200 French nationals have come back home after fighting in Syria, some of them subsequently incarcerated for one reason or another, but many others remain free because they have not yet crossed a legal line... Law enforcement officials in the United Kingdom warned during this past holiday season that they felt they were short of the necessary manpower needed to address the overall terror threat posed by people they were watching in that country... (Too many terrorists to watch - so the Western powers do almost nothing - No serious imprisonments, No deportations of Islamic terrorists or Muslim criminal, No barring return of terrorists from Syria or Iraq!) Dear Friends, this independent editorial has been published since 2001. It is not sponsored by or affiliated with any government or political party. The aim is to present Jewish point of view on Arab-Israel conflict, propagates and motivates Jewish people and our true friends to uphold ideals and inspirations of true Zionism - Jewish National independence movement. Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. For several years, he has been publishing an Internet editorial letter about the Arab-Israel conflict. |
![]() Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted House Speaker John Boehner's invitation to address a joint meeting of Congress on February 11th. Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak on the issue of Iran; congressional leaders in both chambers... Israel's Prime Minister on Sunday said openly and loudly that he will go anywhere in the world that he is invited to speak about the clear and present danger posed by Iran's pursuit ofnuclear weapons and the threat to Israel, the United States and European nations posed by radical Islam, according to the Middle Eastern news agencies. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a former officer with the Israeli special forces, while not mentioning names left the impression he was referring to his controversial upcoming visit. Although at first the Obama administration seemed to disregard the Netanyahu invitation to address the U.S. Congress which came from House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner and the majority Republicans, President Barack Obama's politically-driven administration officials claimedSpeaker Boehner committed a faux pas of diplomatic protocol. Speaker Boehner, the Republican majority in Congress and many Democratic lawmakers wish to increase economic sanctions against the Iranian regime as it continues to defy the international community by developing a nuclear weapon and a delivery system that would increase the radical Islamic nation's aggression against Israel and the United States. However, despite evidence of Iranian deceit and propaganda, President Obama and his minions in the State Department, led by Secretary John Kerry, believe they will succeed in reaching "a deal" with the world's most prolific supporter of terrorism. Kerry is famous throughout the world for saying he was for funding the war in Iraq before he was against it, during his abysmal presidential campaign. During his appearance on local news media in Israel on Sunday, Netanyahu also directly maintained that it is his duty as the leader of the Jewish State to do anything and everything possible to make certain the Iranians never get their hands on a "nuclear weapon." But most of the Sunday morning news shows airing on ABC, CBS, NBC and cable news outlets including MSNBC, appeared to portray Boehner and Netanyahu as being disrespectful towards President Obama. "The media is comprised largely of ideologically left-leaning news people and it's no secret the left-wing of the Democratic Party favors the Palestinians, with Obama own former campaign worker Jodie Evans taking part in the Free Gaza Flotilla that intended to make Israel look like the bad guys," said former U.S. Marine and police detective Michael Snopes. "The news media's short memories fail to recall the times the Democrats undermined President George W. Bush at every turn" added Snopes. Meanwhile, during the weekend, Russian Ambassador to Iran Levan Jagarian said his country is enthusiastic over closer relations with Iran in all enedeavors, especially economically and militarily. "We have never given up cooperation with Iran in our foreign and economic policies, which include energy, industrial, transportation, technological and agricultural sectors, and the same policy will be continued by Moscow officials in future," Jagarian said in an interview with the Russian Ria Novosti news agency on Saturday. "Perhaps Obama and his White House should be more concerned with the Russians and Iranians helping one another than with Netanyahu giving a speech in Congress," said political strategist Evan McNaughten. "Last week the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to increase their mutual interests, one of which is quite possibly hurting the United States," he added. Jim Kouri, CPP, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, an editor for, a columnist for, and a contributor to WPTF, Raleigh, North Carolina. He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at St. Peter's University and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. In addition, he's a commentator for newsradio WPTF, Raleigh, NC, and editor of Conservative Base Magazine ( Kouri also serves as political advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael Moriarty. To subscribe to Kouri's newsletter write to and write "Subscription" on the subject line. |
WHY ISRAEL IS THE WORLD'S BEST NATIONPosted by Fred Reifenberg, January 26, 2015 |
The article below was written by Giulio Meotti who is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book A New Shoah, that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter and of "J'Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel" published by Mantua Books.. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary. |
With all the accusations hurled at us, it is good to see a "righteous Gentile" who appreciates the uniqueness of Israel in the family of nations. I don't know another nation on earth which since its founding, more than seventy years ago, had to sacrifice 23,000 soldiers. I don't know another nation on earth without recognized borders. I don't know another nation on earth whose population lives under a perpetual emotional strain. I don't know another nation on earth threatened to be wiped off the map. I don't know another nation on earth so threatened by boycotts all over the world. I don't know another nation on earth where winners tend to lose wars. I don't know another nation on earth which provides its own enemy with water, electricity, food, weapons, and medical treatment. I don't know another nation on earth where guests on official visits utter disrespectful and offensive words. But I also don't know another nation on earth which has recorded so many miracles. Imagine a helpless, naked Jew at the gas ovens facing a Nazi official, who thinks he will get rid of the "Jewish cancer," get rid of this unique phenomenon of 2,000 years. Could that helpless, naked Jew imagine that in 50 years other Jews will be flying F-16s in the skies over Israel? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel's population today would be nine times that of 1948, the year of the state's creation? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is much happier than all the European countries? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel has the highest production of scientific publications per capita in the world? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel has the highest worldwide publication of new books? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the only nation which began the XXI century with a net gain in the number of trees? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel has with largest number of chess grandmasters per capita of any city in the world? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the nation whose academics produce more scientific papers per capita than anywhere else in the world? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the nation with the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the country which, in proportion to its population, with the largest number of startup companies in the world? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the country with the highest percentage in the world of home computers per capita? Could that helpless Jew imagine that Israel is the nation with the largest immigrant-absorbing model on earth? Unfortunately, you will not find Israel's goodness and superiority in the media (also Israeli), because it doesn't fit in with the stereotype of the colonialist Zionist occupier. In the world's consciousness, the word "Israel" must be equated with fear. Israel just came out of another war against terrorists whose value is less than that of animals. Do you know of any animal species sheltering behind its own children? But the Jewish State, despite its media, its cynical politicians, establishment, once again showed the world it is the best humanity has to offer. This hope is expressed in the faces of Israel's fallen soldiers, its wounded and injured soldiers. In those faces there is joy de vivre, not sadness or hatred. Terrorists and their Western appeasers want to destroy Israel because it is a light unto the nations, the only one in the world in which we live. Contact Fred Reifenberg by email at |
The article below was written by Mark Tapson who is
a Hollywood-based writer and screenwriter, is a Shillman
Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the
editor of This article appeared January 26,
2015 on Israpundit and is archived at
![]() Last week, in response to the Paris massacre at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, Carol M. Swain, an openly conservative professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, wrote an op-ed for The Tennessean titled, "Charlie Hebdo attacks prove critics were right about Islam." Naturally, any critique of Islam from our leftist-dominated campuses is going to be met with frothing outrage, and Professor Swain's article was no exception. "What would it take to make us admit we were wrong about Islam?" the professor began. "What horrendous attack would finally convince us that Islam is not like other religions in the United States, that it poses an absolute danger to us and our children unless it is monitored better than it has been under the Obama administration?" Good questions, and ones that those of us whose eyes have long been opened to the threat of Islamic fundamentalism have been asking ever since September 11, 2001, if not before. But the fact that such questions were being put forth by a major university professor, even a conservative one (with a very impressive resume, no less), was notable. Swain pulled no punches: More and more members of the PC crowd now acknowledge that Islam has absolutely nothing in common with Christianity, nor is it a worthy part of the brotherhood of man I long felt was characteristic of the Abrahamic religions. A younger, more naive version of myself once believed in a world where the people of the Book could and would get along because they all claimed Abraham as their father. No more! Those were strong, clear sentiments about Islam that one doesn't often – or ever – hear from American academics. She concluded with a statement that dared to challenge the West's false idol of multiculturalism: "It becomes clearer every day that Islam is not just another religion to be accorded the respect given to Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Baha'i and other world religions." The attack on Charlie Hebdo, she wrote, "once again illustrates that Islam is a dangerous set of beliefs totally incompatible with Western beliefs concerning freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association.” Swain's solutions included "remov[ing] the foxes from the henhouses," "institut[ing] serious monitoring of Islamic organizations," and expecting Muslim immigrants to assimilate culturally. "If we are to be safe," she wrote, "then we must have ground rules that protect the people from those who disdain the freedoms that most of the world covets." Among those who took umbrage at this blunt op-ed and complained to theVanderbilt Hustler, the school paper, were: an international student from Pakistan who felt mortified by the piece; an agnostic junior who condemned Swain as xenophobic, hateful, and intolerant; a sophomore who accused Swain of "logical leaps" and "casual bigotry"; a graduate who warned against "fear of the Other”; another who purported to "debunk" Swain's claims about Islam; and a Muslim undergrad who declared the op-ed to be hate speech and wondered, "How could such an educated, informed woman, a professor at Vanderbilt in charge of educating our youth, publish such ignorance?" That same student, Farishtay Yamin, happens to be the publicity chair for Vanderbilt's branch of the Muslim Students Association. She organized a student protest of Swain, saying, with no apparent trace of irony, "What I'm really trying to show [Swain] is that she can't continue to say these kinds of things on a campus that's so liberal and diverse and tolerant." So much for the campus being liberal and diverse and tolerant. The Muslim Students Association, the Muslim Brotherhood's oldest offshoot in America, issued a statement, offering Professor Swain "kindness and respect" and forgiveness, pointing out that "she has allowed the acts of people who have distorted Islam to shape her views on an entire community of 1.6 billion people who practice peacefully." Vanderbilt's MSA invited her and others to attend their Islamic Awareness Month event called "Terrorism: Who Is to Blame" on Feb. 8. "Please join us for the event so that misconceptions can be cleared," they urged helpfully. The Vanderbilt Hustler editorial team responded by defending Swain's right to free speech but denouncing her "brand of conservatism" as "disgusting and disappointing." She has "undoubtedly abused her position" by "perpetuating a myth that seeks to shut down debate and discourage the legitimacy of the place that Muslim individuals hold in American society...In fact, many feel that Swain's actions have created an environment that feels unsafe to some of her students." It's ironic that Islam has created unsafe environments all over the world for Jews, Christians, women, gays, cartoonists, and even Muslims themselves, but the Vanderbilt Hustler editors blame Professor Swain for creating an unsafe campus environment for pointing that out (the Dean of Students even felt it necessary to reassure Muslim students that they are still safe on campus). Ironic, too, that – in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo assault – the editors claim that it is Swain who is seeking to shut down debate about Islam. Last Sunday Professor Swain released a statement acknowledging that her op-ed "could have been written with a milder tone." But given a chance to clarify her position in an interview, Swain did not back down. She told the Vanderbilt Hustlerthat, "What we don't want in the United States is a repeat of what has happened in Europe...It would be beneficial," she said, "if more Muslims would stand up and condemn jihadic violence against Christians, Jews, homosexuals and others." Asked how she reconciles the First Amendment with her "obligation as a professor to maintain a safe and civil environment" for "students who might feel threatened by your speech," Swain replied,
Bravo. Thanks to the mental straitjacket of political correctness, no one who took exception to Professor Swain's op-ed seems capable of grasping – or willing to grasp – the distinction between the ideology of Islam and its adherents. Criticism of the former is not the same as bigotry toward the latter. We must not allow the conversation about the world's undeniable Islam problem always to be derailed by kneejerk accusations of mythical Islamophobia and intolerance. Unfortunately, freeing university students from that mental straitjacket will require an army of Professor Swains. Ted Belman is a retired lawyer and the Editor of Israpundit. He made aliya from Canada last year and now lives in Jerusalem, Israel. Contact him at |
IT TAKES ISLAM TO DEFEAT ISLAMPosted by Joan Swirsky, January 26, 2015 |
The article below was written by Alexander G.
Markovsky who is a Russian emigre. He holds degrees in
economics and political science from the University of
Marxism-Leninism and an MS in structural engineering from
Moscow University. He resides in Houston, Texas, with his wife
and daughter, where he owns a consulting company specializing
in the management of large international projects. Mr.
Markovsky is a contributor to, and
his essays have appeared on, WorldNetDaily,
Family Security Matters, Ruthfullyyours and other websites. He
can be contacted at This article
appeared January 25, 2015 on Family Security Matters and is
archived at
![]() While hundreds of millions of Muslims, from Sweden to Algeria and Detroit to Gaza, celebrated the Paris terrorist attack, shouting "Islam will take over the world!" millions of Parisians took to the streets "heroically" waving their flags denouncing terrorism. The world leaders assembled in Paris were seeking uplift in a moment of exaltation and posing for a show of unity. But it was only a show, an imitation of unity. Real unity derives from a commonality of true interests and objectives of all parties. Given who was invited and who wasn't, who attended and who didn't, we can safely conclude that the emphasis was on symbolism rather than on the development of a concerted international response. The gathering sent an ambiguous message to the world by seemingly equating perpetrators and victims. Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu marched in the same column. Abbas is chairman of the PLO, the terrorist organization that finances terrorist acts against Israel and was behind multiple airplane hijackings in the 1970s, including the infamous Air France Flight 139. In an ironic twist of fate, it was the older brother of Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, who led Israeli commandos in a daring raid on Entebbe on July 4, 1976 that freed 100 hostages of the Air France flight, held by Mahmoud Abbas' bloodthirsty precursors. Moreover, while Abbas was officially invited by the French government, Netanyahu, although present, was not welcome. According to reports, France specifically asked the Israeli prime minister not to attend. To his credit, Netanyahu, impelled by the moral obligation to Israeli citizens who have been victims of terrorism during the 68 years of his country's existence and to the Jews murdered in the current attack, ignored the French government's cowardly appeal. To make the scene in Paris even more contradictory, Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who has been openly challenging the morality of radical Islam, was not even invited. Unfortunately, Barack Obama was missing in action; he missed the chance to march hand in hand with Abbas, sharing the unity of conviction denying the very existence of Islamic terrorism.
Just as centuries ago, Islam has launched itself across Europe in an unrelenting wave of religious acclamation and territorial expansion. Entire areas of major European cities, including Paris, have been de facto annexed to the possession of Islam, and the sovereignty of the host states is no longer recognized in those sizable enclaves. The practical consequence has been that those areas of Europe have become the base of and fertile ground for Islamic radicalism. While the Islamic chickens are coming home to roost, the West remains in the ostrich position, having a difficult time coming to terms with the strategic and geopolitical reality of this new world war and the true nature of radical Islam. Whether it is Hamas in Gaza, or Hezbollah in Lebanon, or the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, or international entities such as al Qaeda or ISIS-although very often in violent conflict with each other, accompanied by atrocities the world has not seen since World War II-all are united in their holy quest to replace Western civilization and the existing moral order with their radical version of Islam. The West fails to recognize as immutable fact that radical Islam is not just a religion; it is also a political totalitarian movement, just like communism or fascism. The movement embraces a fanatical agenda that includes theological supremacy and a Marxist-type utopian/egalitarian standard of virtue. As this concept has been projected into the United States and Europe, the most important constituent of Islam has been overlooked or misunderstood, which is all the more important because:
Unlike communism and fascism, which were adopted by countries that could be defeated, radical Islam is not a country, it is a cause sustained by ideology; hence, diplomatic solutions cannot be found, nor is it possible to defeat in strictly military terms.
Indeed, it is not a "mission impossible." Across the Atlantic in Egypt, a new and different version of Islam is emerging. Egyptian president el-Sisi, who has been denouncing Islamic terrorism and recently challenged religious clerics and scholars to "revolutionize the religion," is a leader with courage and moral clarity, who has the charisma, stature, authority and is in a position to isolate radicals ideologically and defeat them militarily. El-Sisi is the first and the only Arab leader who has forcefully confronted terrorism by removing the "democratically" elected Muslim Brotherhood, supported by the United States and Europe, from power. Seizing power in a military coup and continuing to prosecute Islamic radicals made him anathema to those who, in their idealized version of the world, believe in reciprocity of appeasement. The leaders of the Free World need to do much more than march in solidarity. Having the overriding impetus of remaining free, they must recognize the fallibility of the democratic process and the imperative of eradicating radical Islam. The Free World should embrace el-Sisi and offer him moral support and unconditional financial and military assistance. Political posturing will not instill the fear of God in the Islamists, but el-Sisi, with Western help, will-if he lives long enough. Courageous leaders before him did not, so time is of the essence. Allahu Akbar!! Joan Swirsky has been a longtime health-and-science and feature writer for The New York Times Long Island section and the recipient of seven Long Island Press Awards. She was a science writer for The Women's Record, writing over 175 articles on the issue of breast cancer on Long Island, publicly acknowledged as driving two redesigns of the New York State Study on breast cancer and as the first journalist in America to put the breast cancer-environment relationship "on the map" of public consciousness. |
MK Shuli Mualem (Jewish Home) said that the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv was a wake-up call to people who still think peace with the Palestinian Authority (PA) is possible. (At least 20 people were wounded, among them three seriously.) She criticized PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and the unilateral steps he has taken against Israel, saying, "Just as the Palestinians are running to The Hague, the Israeli government should approve as soon as possible the Levy Report" which conclusively proved that Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria is legal under international law. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said the attack was "a direct result of the toxic incitement spread by the Palestinian Authority against Jews and their state." Sure enough, barely two hours after Matruk's bloody rampage, PA Arab media outlets were already churning out cartoons glorifying the act. (How many 'wake-up' calls do Jews need to realize that only by standing for our own rights Israel will be able to reunite all Jewish land and achieve peace?) OBAMA IS NOT HAPPY ABOUT INVITATION
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted an invitation from House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner to address a joint session of Congress next month and discuss the threats from Iran and radical Islam. The White House, president Obama, was not informed. The invitation came a day after Obama said he would veto legislation to impose new sanctions on Iran. The White House said that Obama will not meet Netanyahu, nor will Kerry. (The invitation came from the representatives of American people!) OBAMA ANTI-ISRAEL FRAUDSTER!
A senior Israeli says "friends don't act like this" after Mossad Head denies US claim that he opposed Iran sanctions in talk with senators. "The fraudulent claims against the Mossad Head were raised by the Americans yesterday, despite a message that had been transmitted to them by Intelligence Minister (Yuval) Steintz." "Leaking the Mossad Head's statements, even if they had not been falsified, is a serious breach of all the rules," the senior source added. "Friends do not behave like this. Information from a secret meeting must not leak out." Is it just Business or is Putin is Another Enemy of Israel?
Cash-strapped Russia is now ready to sell advanced surface to air missiles - not just to Iran, but also to Egypt, Syria and the Lebanese Shiite Hizballah. Moscow began sending S-300 components to Iran and Syria two years ago, in advance of the full systems which were also promised to Hizballah. Food for Thought
Muslims all over the world and their political leaders came out and vigorously protested - in Turkey, Iran, Gaza and Ramallah, Pakistan... Strangely, they were not outraged by terror attacks committed by their Muslim brethrens in Paris, but by Charlie Hebdo's response to the hideous Islamic attacks. The Muslim 'silent majority' is quite vocal and capable to express its opinion when it wants. The problem is that they do, and often not so 'silently', support radical Islam! THE RIDICULOUS 'SOLUTION' WHICH DOES NOT WORK! Europe must do more to better integrate its Muslim communities, and not “simply respond with a hammer,” US President Barack Obama said in the wake of last week’s terror attacks in France. “Our biggest advantage, major, is that our Muslim populations - they feel themselves to be Americans,” Obama told a joint press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron. (What a bull! Integration drives have been tried before and have failed! Did you see the ‘outrage’ of the Muslim communities in the US, Europe or anywhere about Islamic attacks in Paris? They do not want integration or have even basic respect for the customs of host countries!) SAUDIS BUILDING A 600-MILE WALL - NO INTERNATIONAL CONDEMNATION!
Saudi Arabia is building a 600-mile-long “Great Wall” - a combined fence and ditch - to separate the country from Iraq to the north. The proposal had been discussed since 2006. The border zone now includes five layers of fencing with watch towers, night-vision cameras, and radar cameras. Riyadh also sent an extra 30,000 troops to the area. (When Israel was building the anti-terror wall, to protect Jews from PA murderous attacks, the well-orchestrated anti-Israel international condemnation campaign was unleashed!) GUTLESS PROCRASTINATION! Underscoring the lengths to which the Obama administration seems willing to go to deny concerns about Iran's nuclear program, even in the face of stunning moves by Tehran to expand its nuclear capabilities, a State Department official told reporters that Iran’s decision to begin construction of two nuclear reactors is not a violation of the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA), the agreement signed in November 2013 to prevent Iran from advancing its nuclear program. BEWARE SAUDIS - ISRAELI GAS IS COMING
Israel discovers another major gas field. A new huge natural gas field has been discovered about 150 km off Israel's coast. Seismic analysis suggests that the Royee field contains an estimated 3.2 trillion cubic feet of gas, making it Israel’s third largest after Leviathan and Tamar. (The positive outcome of oil/gas discoveries by Israel are already felt though the world, as Arab states keep the cost of oil and gas low, in spite of fallen demand.) TOLERANCE "MY FOOT"!
Pope Francis has called on Catholics and Western people in general to refrain from insulting other religions - namely Islam: "It's normal, it's normal (violence). One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith." A day later, Muslim Muslims broke a Virgin Mary statue to pieces and then urinated on it in the small chapel of St. Barnabas in Perugia (Italy). One wonders if the Pope would call it "normal" if members of his own flock were to murder those Muslims who urinated on the statue? IN DESPERATE TIME - "IF NOT ME THEN WHO?"
The European Jewish Association (EJA), which represents Jewish communities across Europe, is petitioning the European Union to pass new legislation that would permit Jewish community members to carry guns “for the essential protection of their communities.” The gun license laws must be altered following a string of deadly attacks on Jews in France and other European countries, where anti-Semitism has been growing at an alarming rate. DID THE POPE JUSTIFY THE CHARLIE HEBDO MASSACRE?
The Vatican has snapped into overdrive trying to play down controversial comments made by the Pope. "There are so many people who speak badly about religions or other religions, who make fun of them, who make a game out of the religions of others," he said. "They are provocateurs. And what happens to them is what would happen to Dr. Gasbarri if he says a curse word against my mother. There is a limit" (Thousands of Christians are killed by Muslims around the world, but the Vatican is silent!) HAMAS IS PLANNING ANOTHER CONFLICT
Egyptian forces uncovered a 1,200-meter long tunnel running from the Gaza Strip into the Sinai Peninsula with a large amount of explosives and mortar shells inside. Egypt says it has destroyed more than 1,600 tunnels since Morsi's ouster. AUSTRIA WAS WORKING AGAINST THE JEWISH STATE
An Austrian historian has documented the controversial role of the European country in arming the military regime of former Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser, during the period between 1958 and 1969... (Austria has never apologized for its Nazi past and is still highly anti-Semitic!) WHY HAS AN ACT OF DECENCY TAKEN 70 YEARS?
A Polish university is to reinstate academic qualifications on German Jews nearly 80 years after Nazis stripped them of their titles. Wroclaw University in south-west Poland will return the titles later this month in a ceremony it hopes will bring belated justice to those who lost their qualifications owing to Nazi Germany's anti-Semitism. (Up to 1945, when Europe's borders were redrawn, Wroclaw was the German city of Breslau. Land annexation and "population transfer", in order to establish peace, was a norm then! It has only become illegal after Israel won the war of Independence. "Population transfer", under different pretence, has still been routinely implemented - in Yugoslavia, Sudan, Iraq and Afghanistan - and the world never complains unless Israel attempts to remove terrorists from Jewish land.) Quote of the Week: "Protests against the recent terrorist attacks in France should have been held in Muslim capitals, rather than Paris, because, in this case, it is Muslims who are involved in this crisis and stand accused... The story of extremism begins in Muslim societies, and it is with their support and silence that extremism has grown into terrorism that is harming people... What is required here is for Muslim communities to disown the Paris crime and Islamic extremism in general.” - Abdul Rahman al-Rashed, one of the most respected Arab journalists. TOO MANY TERRORISTS TO WATCH By Jamie Crawford, CNN The colossal challenge confronting officials trying to prevent and track an attack like the one in Paris boils down to this: There are too many people to watch. An estimated 5,000 French citizens are now under some form of direct observation or surveillance by French security services because of their involvement in various jihadist movements. But those 5,000 are just the cases that French authorities know about... And the issue grows exponentially across the European continent when you take into account the estimated 3,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria that officials say come from various European countries... Some 200 French nationals have come back home after fighting in Syria, some of them subsequently incarcerated for one reason or another, but many others remain free because they have not yet crossed a legal line... Law enforcement officials in the United Kingdom warned during this past holiday season that they felt they were short of the necessary manpower needed to address the overall terror threat posed by people they were watching in that country... (Too many terrorists to watch - so the Western powers do almost nothing - No serious imprisonments, No deportations of Islamic terrorists or Muslim criminal, No barring return of terrorists from Syria or Iraq!) Steven Shamrak was involved in the Moscow Zionist movement. He worked as a construction engineer at the Moscow Olympic Games project and as a computer consultant in Australia. He has a website at He can be reached by email at |
"BELGIUM CONFRONTS THE JIHADIST DANGER WITHIN"Posted by Richard H. Shulman, January 26, 2015 |
That's what the New York Times makes of the news. I make of it that jihad is confronting Belgium, which is flailing around. Belgium has a manhunt for the jihadists it knows about, but knows of only a fraction. Belgium remains a pipeline assuring a steady supply of recruits for ISIS, and worse on their return trip. So the government warns. [Good that the government stopped pretending there's no problem, as governments have done for years, but warning is not much of a confrontation.] The government has not found a link between Belgian jihadists and the ones that attacked Paris. The methods, however, are much the same.: "a clustering of radicals in a small area, the blurred boundary between petty criminality and jihadist violence, and the role of prison as an incubator for extremism." [What do they mean by linking petty criminality and jihadist violence? In many countries, jihadists use criminal means to finance themselves. I guess that the reporter means that the jihadists are criminally minded to begin with. Certainly the ones recruited or converted in prison are like that.] [Western governments should be studying why prison makes Muslims more extreme. In the U.S., we found that Radical Muslims were allowed to become chaplains. Perhaps prisons allow prisoners too much time in each others' company, time enough to teach radical ideology and criminal methodology. What will prison authorities do about that? No indication that they are confronting jihad.] Police raids uncovered jihadist networks. [Police valiantly try to monitor for jihadist networks, and have been protecting us more than is realized. They deserve our thanks. But they can't arrest jihadists as fast as they jihadists formed. Therefore, more sweeping methods are needed, as I'll suggest.] Authorities don't know why certain areas spawn more jihadists than others. They hint that in one neighborhood, an organization that in 2010 was promoting Islamic law now recruits fighters for Syria. [The paper seems to miss the significance of that statement. Promoting Islamic law means superseding national law and imposing Islamic law, in all its intolerance and violence, upon non-Muslims and Muslims alike. That promotion is a form of jihad. Jihad is not only violent, it is conducted by propaganda and demands for privileges for Muslims and demands for silence from non-Muslims who might object. I suggest that each Western country make war on all forms of jihad, on the softening up process as well as on the breaking down process.] Belgium put on trial more than 40 accused fighters, mostly in absentia. [Belgium and the U.S. treat Islamic holy war not as a war but as a matter of criminal gangs. That is misguided. That approach can never catch up to the problem. It wastes resources. I think that arrested jihadists should be treated as prisoners of war without Geneva Convention rights of POWs. But we need a judicial method for avoiding mistaken identity. Some U.S. prisoners in Guantanamo were sucked in by mistaken identity.] [Perhaps the reporter meant to explain the link between ordinary crimes and jihad, when later he states that some of the jihadists were imprisoned for ordinary crimes, then were released. I think that jihadists should not be released. Even POWs usually are held until the war is over. But if jihad were defeated, and these fanatics were released, many of them would resume the war. They never can be released. Perhaps they should be hanged, as pirates were.] [Resuming the war is what some of those released from Guantanamo prison do. So do Palestinian Arabs whom the U.S. government urges Israel to release without the U.S. accepting responsibility for the resulting murders of additional innocent people. The drive to close Guantanamo prison is emotional. It seems to blame the building for what went wrong there, minor abuses easily corrected. The Mayor of Brussels thinks that many of the youth get radicalized in the streets, not in the mosques. [That could be an important fact, if not just a local phenomenon. In the U.S., mosques have been used as safe places for promoting jihad. Western authorities don't seem to realize the link between ordinary Islam and jihad. Ordinary Islam promulgates the intolerance and approval of violence that radicals channel into actual violence. Frankly, Islam is a war society, not just a religion. True, we need non-radicals to dissuade radicals, not to feel they have to defend themselves from authorities. That is our quandary.] The Belgian jihadists were not "disadvantaged." Some lived in good neighborhoods, parents owned a store, kids attend good schools, even went to college (Andrew Higgins, NY Times, 1/26/15, A6). So much for the theory that poverty and ignorance are what produce terrorism! It hasn't occurred to Europe's rulers that their immigration policy and their lack of internal border controls brings in a host of fifth columnists and lets them move around within Europe as jihad needs them to. Meanwhile police hope to apprehend jihadists before they murder people. But there are too many for the police to be everywhere. And in the U.S., there is a movement to reduce surveillance. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
The deputy head of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Lt. Gen. Hossein Salami, threatened a new West Bank front against Israel, stating that "this is part of a new reality that will gradually emerge." The threat is the latest in a series of statements by senior Iranian officers in the aftermath of a reported Israeli strike on members of Hezbollah and the IRGC along the Israel-Syria border, including senior personnel. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, the head of the IRGC, stated last Tuesday that "the Zionists should prepare themselves for our shattering thunderbolt. They have experienced our rage in the past." Maj. Gen. Mostafa Izadi, the Iranian Armed Forces' deputy chief of staff for logistics, declared last Wednesday that "they [Israel] will receive a crushing response" and that "Muslim fighters will take a firm and powerful revenge for the blood of these martyrs." The strike occurred on January 18 and killed six Hezbollah members and several Iranians, including Mohammad Ali Allahdadi, an IRGC commander who was reportedly a close confidant of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and an expert in ballistic missiles. This is not the first time Iran has threatened Israel via the West Bank. Supreme Leader Khamenei tweeted last November: "#WestBank should be armed just like #Gaza. Friends of Palestine should do their best to arm People in West Bank. #HandsOffAlAqsa." The chief of the paramilitary Basij, Mohammad Reza Naqdi, said last August, "Arming the West Bank has started and weapons will be supplied to the people of this region." Another senior official, Gen. Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the IRGC's air force, was quoted as saying, also last August, that Iran "will accelerate the arming of the West Bank and we reserve the right to give any response." In a speech to university students last July, Khamenei said, "[O]ur belief is that the West Bank should be armed like Gaza." Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, delivered a speech on Sunday calling Prime Minister Netanyahu's upcoming address to Congress a "moral obligation" to speak out against the existential threat that Iran poses to Israel. "It is his most sacred duty — to do whatever he can to prevent Iran from ever developing nuclear weapons that can be aimed at Israel." The Ambassador also asserted that, "The Prime Minister's visit here is not intended to show any disrespect for President Obama. Israel deeply appreciates the strong support we have received from President Obama in many areas – the enhanced security cooperation, heightened intelligence sharing, generous military assistance and iron dome funding, and opposition to anti-Israel initiatives at the United Nations." White House officials have echoed similar sentiments. Over the weekend, White House Chief of Staff Dennis McDonough reiterated the strong U.S.-Israel relationship, which is “based on our shared values, the shared threats we confront and the shared opportunities we created." He dismissed the notion that the Administration was angered at House Speaker John Boehner's invitation to Netanyahu to address Congress in March. On Friday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest stressed that "the United States and this President recognizes that we have a clear national security interest within our alliance with Israel. And that kind of commitment that we have to their national security is unshakeable. It certainly transcends partisan politics." Everybody agrees that producing energy from wind, sun and other renewable resources makes good sense, but it won't be widely adopted unless it makes good "cents," too. One of the cost hurdles to be overcome is storing the energy in a way that maintains the balance between the peaks and lows of electricity demand and generation. That's where Israeli startup EnStorage is making news. Its uniquely low-cost flow battery system is now being deployed at sites in France and the United States. Because the storage systems available today are too expensive for large-scale alternative-energy producers, the company expects that these two installations will spur interest from many additional parts of the world. EnStorage CEO Arnon Blum, who was one of the Tel Aviv University team of scientists to invent the first prototype, explains that the concept of a flow battery – which separates the power and energy components – is hardly new. Neither is the idea of using the common chemical hydrogen bromide for energy storage. EnStorage's innovation is putting the two concepts together in a low-cost, commercial-sized unit that can store from 150 kilowatts up to many megawatts for six hours or more. "We had to develop a lot of knowhow and IP [intellectual property] to mature our prototype into a system," Blum tells ISRAEL21c. "Our core IP is based on the work our team accomplished on a cell level. Once we got licensing through Ramot [the university's technology transfer company], we started working on larger-scale systems and generated more IP ranging from the core chemistry all the way to system level." (via Israel21c) Contact Robert Hand by email at |
'SMOKING GUN' BENGHAZI DOCUMENTSPosted by Yoram Fisher, January 27, 2015 |
The article below was written by Jerome R. Corsi who is an American author, political commentator and conspiracy theorist best known for his two New York Times bestselling books: The Obama Nation and Unfit for Command. |
![]() NEW YORK – Documents obtained Monday through a federal court order show State Department officials disseminated the false story that the 2012 Benghazi attack that killed a U.S. ambassador was nothing more than the violent escalation of a demonstration by Muslims against an insulting video, even though they knew it was a coordinated military-style assault. Among the documents obtained by the Washington-based government watchdog Judicial Watch was a memo sent the day after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack to the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia, by the State Department's Diplomatic Security Command Center titled “Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens: Demonstrations." The Diplomatic Security Command Center, or DSCC, was well aware that the attack was carried out by highly organized and armed Islamic militia, because the DSCC was the unit that monitored the attack in real time via video transmissions from a drone. The message is identical to the emergency message issued by the U.S. Embassy in Tunis and archived on the embassy's website. Your guide to the Benghazi hearings is here, in "The REAL Benghazi Story: What the White House and Hillary Don't Want You to Know," by WND's Aaron Klein! The emergency message reads in the first paragraph: "On September 11, 2012, violent demonstrations took place at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt and at the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in damage in both locations and casualties in Benghazi. Media reports indicate that demonstrations may take place at the U.S. Embassy in Tunis on Wednesday, September 12, 2012." 'They knew' Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the DSCC "clearly knew in real time that a full-fledged terrorist attack was taking place on September 11 at the U.S. compound in Benghazi, and the American people deserve to be told the truth." "We are now into the fourth year of a massive Obama administration cover-up," Fitton said. He said the DSCC communiques "may further help unravel the Obama administration's growing web of deceit." "I've always believed that the Benghazi cover-up was about two presidential campaigns – the Obama re-election effort and Hillary Clinton's nascent presidential campaign. I have little doubt that the State Department is protecting Hillary Clinton with this latest cover-up," he asserted. Even after the Benghazi attack, the Obama re-election campaign maintained its narrative that al-Qaida was on the run. The boast would have been impossible to sustain had the State Department told the truth about the terrorist attack in documents such as the emergency warning for U.S. citizens. Judicial Watch insists the testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb under oath to the House Oversight Committee on Oct. 10, 2012, proves the State Department's Diplomatic Security Command Center knew the Benghazi compound was under hostile fire from the moment the attack began. "That brings me to the events of September 11 itself," Lamb testified. "The account I am about to present is based on first-hand reports from several security personnel present that night. Additionally, I was in our Diplomatic Security Command Center monitoring multiple open lines with our agents for much of the attack." "The attack began at approximately 9:40 pm local time," Lamb continued. "Diplomatic Security agents inside the compound heard loud voices outside the walls, followed by gunfire and an explosion. Dozens of attackers then launched a full-scale assault that was unprecedented in its size and intensity. They forced their way through the pedestrian gate, and used diesel fuel to set fire to the Libyan 17th February Brigade members' barracks, and then proceeded toward the main building." A Judicial Watch statement claimed Lamb's testimony was in direct conflict with initial false claims by the Obama administration that the attack arose from a spontaneous demonstration in response to an Internet video. "False information and the lies put out by this office, the State Department's Diplomatic Security Command Center, that knew even as the Benghazi attack was going on that it was a terrorist attack, recklessly endangered U.S. lives by drafting for the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia claims the Benghazi attack involved only a protest demonstration over a movie," Fitton said. "When the State Department only warned U.S. citizens in Tunisia about demonstrations, the U. S. government was lying to them," he maintained. "You are making people think they only needed to worry about demonstrations, when the truth was Americans in North Africa needed to know the night before Benghazi was hit by an intense terrorist attack, that came on violently, with heavily armed al-Qaida-backed militia carrying AK-47s and RPGs. 'Be Warned' should have been the message, 'There was a terrorist attack, and you should be very careful right now." Fitton stressed that by not telling Americans in Tunisia the truth, the State Department was engaging in "reckless disregard" of their safety. "To the extent this information was withheld from personnel in the State Department, in Tunisia or elsewhere in the area where U.S. State Department personnel were deployed, these lies placed these people in jeopardy," Fitton said. "U.S. citizens in Tunisia should have been told honestly to be worried about and to watch out for terrorists, not demonstrators." "The State Department Diplomatic Security Command Center knew that Benghazi was a terrorist attack that ended up killing the ambassador, and it was unconscionable for the Obama State Department to lie in the 'Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens' we now know the DSCC drafted for the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia to publish." Fitton explained why he considered the statement to be a breach of trust between the State Department and State Department personnel deployed internationally, which compounded the offense. "It's no wonder the morale of State Department officials overseas was decimated after Benghazi," he said. "Not only did the State Department and the Obama administration leave Ambassador Stevens and the other brave Americans who died without timely rescue and defense, the State Department with Benghazi tore up that implicit compact that certainly soldiers in the U.S. military have, not only that they won't be left behind, but also that they won't be lied to about the dangers they are facing." Contact Yoram Fisher at |
COUNTERING THE BIG LIEPosted by Yoram Fisher, January 27, 2015 |
The article below was written by Naomi Ragen who is
an American-Israeli Orthodox Jewish author, playwright and
women's rights activist. Ragen lives in Jerusalem and writes
in English. A recurring theme in her fictional works is
injustice against women in the Haredi Jewish community. This
article appeared October 30, 2014 on the Jerusalem Post and is
archived at
Palestinian big lies seem to be gaining more, not less, steam. ![]() There was a time during one of the so-called intifadas (forgive me for not remembering if it was the first, second or in-between; all that savagery and murder runs together seamlessly in my head these days) that the Palestinians claimed the Jews had no connection at all to Jerusalem, or the Land of Israel. A statement like that, similar to denying the Holocaust, is so insane it leaves one sputtering in wordless confusion. It's like being asked to prove you aren't dead. Were we not living in a world unspeakably degraded by dumbed-down college programs, propaganda pamphlets parading as newspapers and the general degradation of moral and intellectual levels in every stratum of society all over the world, such lies could be ignored. Given the reality, we ignore it at our peril. Palestinian big lies seem to be gaining more, not less, steam. According to David Meir-Levi in his book History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression, Yasser Arafat, a puppet of the KGB, was taught these skills by the Communists: "Using Soviet methods, Arafat reframed attacks on the Jews that had been ongoing since the 1920s, motivated by religious obligations of jihad, as secular nationalism motivated by a quest for political self-determination. Since then, the Arabs have never attacked the Jews – they have always 'resisted' them. [Ho Chi Minh's chief strategist] Gen. [Vo Nguyen] Giap told Arafat that the PLO needed to work in a way that concealed its real goals, permitted strategic deception and gave the appearance of moderation: 'Stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your terror war into a struggle for human rights. Then you will have the American people eating out of your hand.'" Similarly, Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former chief of Romanian intelligence who defected to the West, wrote: "In March 1978, I secretly brought Arafat to Bucharest for final instructions on how to behave in Washington. 'You simply have to keep on pretending that you'll break with terrorism and that you'll recognize Israel – over, and over, and over,' [Communist politician Nicolae] Ceausescu told him for the umpteenth time..." Another propaganda tool Palestinian leadership learned from the Soviets was "turnspeak," i.e. disseminating information that is the exact opposite of truth. It was a tool used to great effect by Adolf Hitler to justify his invasion of Czechoslovakia: Whose fault was it that Hitler had to invade? Why, the Czechs of course, who were trying to provoke a regional war by attempting to claim their land as their own. You will hear the same claims now being made against Israel by its American "friends" for daring to build in its capital, Jerusalem. "Israelis don't want peace," the State Department under Muslim sympathizer Barack Hussein Obama is now claiming, shaking its finger. Winston, the hero of George Orwell's prescient novel 1984, is employed in changing history, changing old newspaper records to match the new truth as decided by the Party, whose slogan is "He who controls the past controls the future." It's a method Palestinian leadership has perfected. The Israeli government, and many of its politicians, have never understood this, and in their ignorance have allowed these big lies to gain momentum without any credible challenge. Thankfully, private individuals whose insistence on truth and love for Israel burns brightly have tried to take up the slack. One of them is Gloria Z. Greenfield, a documentarian and filmmaker who has dedicated her life to combating these lies with her passionate, skillful films. Greenfield's latest documentary, Body and Soul, premiered at the Begin Heritage Center on October 20. Like her previous films, The Case for Israel – Democracy's Outpost and Unmasked Judeophobia, this third offering presents the Jewish case to the world through the arguments of eminent men and women scholars, photographs and illustrations, trying to explain what even a generation ago would have needed no explanation – that the Jewish people and the Land of Israel are inextricably intertwined, and have been for more than 3,000 years. While the film may not convince those brainwashed to ignore historical fact, it will certainly help most normal people understand the connection between the Jewish people, the Torah and the Land of Israel, all three being fundamental pillars of our faith and our identity as Jews. While some might deride this as preaching to the converted, what I always tell people who use this expression is that even the most pro-Israel person needs to be shored up and strengthened against the gale winds of hatred and disinformation blowing our way these days. The panel discussion after the film was in itself a truly memorable event. Exquisitely moderated by the inimitable Melanie Phillips, British author, journalist and incomparable defender of the Jewish state and her people, whose sharp wit and brilliant grasp of the facts have punctured the hotair balloons of many a jihadi sympathizer, the panel consisted of Prof. Eugene Kontorovich, expert in international law; Yoram Hazony, Shalem Center founder and president of the Herzl Institute; and Prof. Robert Wistrich, holder of the Neuberger Chair of Modern European and Jewish History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem since 1989, described by the Journal for the Study of Anti-Semitism as "the leading scholar in the field of anti-Semitism study." According to Dr. Kontorovich, after World War I the old Ottoman Empire, which comprised the Middle East, was divided up into mandates, which were to be helped to independence. The Jews were to be given the Mandate of Palestine. Well so far so good, you'll say, you know this. Yes, but what you don't know is that the international law hasn't changed. If the mandate that created Israel is no longer legal (and that mandate included all of the West Bank and Jordan, and all of Gaza) then the mandates that created Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen are also invalid. Unlike our long-held assumption that it was the UN vote on partition that created Israel, it was the League of Nations mandate. The UN partition plan merely gave 77 percent of the Mandate land meant for the Jewish state to Palestinians, creating Jordan. So why was there dancing in the streets of Israel? Kontorovich calls it "Jewish joy" at being left anything at all. As for the West Bank, Jordan's occupation prior to 1967 was illegal under international law, which operates under the premise of "stability of borders." Thus, Kontorovich explained, even though Crimea is filled with ethnic Russians and was handed over to Ukraine in a completely arbitrary and dysfunctional way, international law still decrees that Crimea belongs to Ukraine now. Through this looking glass, the claims of Palestinians that the Land of Israel should belong to them because of their ethnicity has no validity under international law. All borders in the present Middle East were created the same way. To claim Israel has no rights to her land would mean that neither does any other country in the Middle East. Hazony made it clear what narrative we Jews must promote to overcome the lies. "Our story must not be defensive... The book connects the land to the people," he states, reminding us how even the secular Zionist founders of Israel studied the Bible. "The American Israel Public Affairs Committee needs to say this out loud. Taglit- Birthright needs to say it out loud… Our Bible has been vilified. German academics said it was full of religious nonsense... Our Book gave so much light to the world...We need to respect our Book and ourselves, and stop apologizing for who and what we are." Phillips summed it up: "Palestinians were given a fictional national identity, a national identity invented solely for the purpose of destroying a true one...Many people subscribe to this mad narrative who are not irrational or haters of Jews, but believe in justice. They believe lies, that illegality is law. Many millions have been fed a big lie." This lie is twofold: that the Jews have no connection to the Land of Israel prior to 1948, and that Judaism is unconnected to Israel-Zionism. It will not be easy, but every one of us must do what we can, in every way we can, to counter those lies. Promoting Greenfield's film Body and Soul is a good start. Contact Yoram Fisher at |
OBAMA'S BLACK SKIN PRIVILEGEPosted by Midenise, January 27, 2015 |
The article below was written by Bill Whittle who is an American conservative blogger, political commentator, director, screenwriter, editor, pilot, and author. This article appeared December 07, 2014 on Frontpage and isarchived at |
Everyone knows it is true, and no one has the courage to say it. The American people are letting Barack Obama destroy this country through illegal executive orders for one reason and one reason only. In his latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle has the courage to speak out and make the case that no one else will make. See the video and transcript below. Well, Barack Obama has proclaimed amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Conservative pundits have called this act illegal, saying the President does not have the power to unilaterally circumvent Congress on any issue, let alone one of this magnitude. Senators and Representatives have called his act illegal. Saturday Night Live called it illegal, Jon Stewart on The Daily Show called it Illegal, and President Obama himself, on two dozen occasions, said he did not have the Constitutional authority to do this and was therefore illegal. He didn't care. He did it anyway. Many of us knew before his election what he really thought of the American people, but for those who didn't we have Jonathan Gruber, one of the Chief Architects of Obamacare, saying repeatedly on camera that they had intentionally mislabeled what was obviously a bill-killing tax on the American people. He then told his elitist, left-wing audience that the entire sham depended on the stupidity of the American voter. Furthermore, Gruber has stated, on camera, that the President was not only well aware, from the beginning, that they were lying to the American people – Obama actually led the discussion of how this could be done. We will set aside, for a moment, the fact that Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote – so when Gruber and Obama say they are depending on the stupidity of the American voter, they are really saying they are depending on the stupidity of the half of the country that votes Democrat. The bottom line is that there can no longer be any question of the contempt in which this President holds the American people. Do we suddenly think that now, after dictating amnesty into law, this man is suddenly going to constrain himself out of respect for the American people and the Constitution? Please. A few days before his election he said we were on the verge of fundamentally transforming the United States of America. He has fundamentally transformed it. When a man can dictate law...that's a dictatorship. It's pretty simple really. Any questions? Both Gruber and Obama are wrong about the American people. We're not stupid. We're scared. In fact, we're not just scared – we're scared senseless. We see the American nightmare of not just single-party rule but actual illegal dictatorship unfolding before our eyes, and we are as paralyzed as cavemen frozen in fear, eyes closed, as the leopard growls quietly, inside the fire and the sentry. Many Americans think Obama is the problem. Obama is not the problem. Our Constitution was written for one purpose and one purpose only: to prevent the rise of a dictatorship. So what failed? How did we build this tyranny? When the Progressive Left began their takeover of academia in the 1960's, they began inculcating their radical worldview all across the spectrum – and we let them get away with it. Three generations later, journalism students are no longer encouraged to seek out the truth, whatever the cost – they are taught which stories to promote, and which to suppress, in order to advance the Larger Truth of left-wing utopian philosophy. When a President that they despise – such as Richard Nixon – acted illegally they hounded him out of office. With a President they adore – like Barack Obama – they see to it that stories such as Gruber and his multiple on-camera admissions of deception never see the light of day. Why? We know why. Everybody knows why. We are allowing Barack Obama to get away with this because he is black. That's it, and that’s all. To say if he were white he would have been impeached already is a non-sequitor; if he were white a man of his inexperience and radical background would never have been elected in the first place. America voted for him to prove they were not racist, and now we will let him destroy this government for the same reason. It's guilt that paralyzes us – this Progressive Obama dictatorship is built on guilt over the original sin of slavery. It's guilt – and also fear. That's why Obama and Eric Holder have been encouraging the Ferguson protestors to stay the course. "We don't give a fuck about your laws," said one of them, and the President and the disgraceful Attorney General obviously don’t either. They need Ferguson to remind the American people of what will happen should they decide to hold the first black President accountable to the same rules as the previous forty-four. Everyone knows it is true, and no one has the courage to say it. As for me...I know what people have said, and will say about me, and I'd love to tell you that I don't care but I do care. Charges of racism only work against people who are not racist. Real racists revel in the name. ((MARTIN LUTHER KING))) So I am going to stand with this man. I believe that Barack Obama and his multiple, flagrant and impeachable illegal actions should be judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. Contact Midenise at |
ISRAEL'S GOOD NEWS NEWSLETTERPosted by Michael Ordman, January 27, 2015 | The Jewish State in its true light. -- In the 25th Jan 2015 edition of Israel's good news, the highlights include:
Page Down for more details on these and other good news stories from Israel. ISRAEL'S MEDICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Jerusalem displays Jewish-developed cholera vaccine. Dr Waldemar Haffkine, a Russian-Jewish microbiologist, developed the cholera vaccine in 1892. Jerusalem's Tower of David Museum is now exhibiting one of the original ampoules of vaccine. Dr Haffkine also developed a vaccine for plague and was knighted by Queen Victoria in 1897. Sir Waldemar donated his extensive personal archive to the National Library of Israel. ALS treatment trial shows success. Israel's Brainstorm has announced positive final results from its phase 2a clinical trial of NurOwn cells in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients used on 14 subjects at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem. Nearly all subjects experienced clinical benefit. Good results for Fabry Disease treatment. Israel's Protalix Biotherepeutics reported good results in its trials of its PRX-102 treatment for the genetic disease Fabry's. Even a low dosage had an average 78.8% decrease in the effect of pain on the patients' functioning. Teva launches a generic painkiller. (Thanks to Atid-EDI) Israel's Teva has launched the first FDA-approved generic equivalent to Celebrex (Celecoxib) Capsules in the US. Celebrex is used to treat arthritis, pain, menstrual cramps, and colonic polyps. The fruitful way to conceive. Israel's Fruitful Way Ltd. has pioneered a new, natural fertility and conception toolkit for couples who are trying to get pregnant. It includes a unique, science-backed dietary supplement, scientifically mated with a sophisticated fertility app. Israeli science saves 5-year-old girl. A 35-year-old study by Israel’s Professor Raphael Mechoulam convinced Denver-based physician Dr. Alan Shackelford to use synthesized cannabidiol or CBD to save 5-year-old Charlotte Figi who suffered 300 epileptic fits a week. Dr Shackelford immigrated to Israel in 2012. ISRAEL IS INCLUSIVE AND GLOBAL Beer Sheva – a "City of Tomorrow". Beer-Sheva is one of seven locations worldwide included in the Global Technology Emerging Markets study by Brandeis International and T3 Advisors of emerging, up-and-coming hubs that technology and life sciences companies should consider as they evaluate their global location strategy. Israeli Christians who fight for Israel. A UK reporter finally realizes that there are Christians in Israel who identify with the Jewish State. (However, he falsely defines what a Jewish State is.) Israeli-Turkish relations requires a woman's touch. Israel has appointed Amira Oron as head of its embassy in Ankara. Oron has been serving as the head of the Egypt Department at the Foreign Ministry. Israel recently appointed seven new top women foreign diplomats including Einat Shlain, Israel’s ambassador to Jordan.,7340,L-4616503,00.html Israeli support to Palestinian Arab farmers. The Israeli government has donated 300,000 shekels to five Palestinian Arab farmers to upgrade their strawberry facilities. In addition 30 Palestinian Arab farmers came to Israel to study strawberry cultivation. Annually, Israel funds 1200 Palestinian Arab farmers to study in Israel. Water for India – out of thin air. (Thanks to Michelle) Israel’s Water-Gen is to bring its pioneering air-to-water technology to India, where more than 50% of the urban poor (over 150 million) are not connected to a water supply. Israel adopts Grand Challenges Canada. (Thanks to Nevet – Israel’s new “Grand Challenges Israel” program is modeled on Grand Challenges Canada. Israel’s Avigdor Lieberman and Canada’s John Baird unveiled ten Israeli innovation projects, addressing cancer, malaria, aquaculture, wheelchairs etc. Japan to partner Israel technology. Flying out of Tel Aviv last week I passed by the Japan Airlines 747 that brought in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his large delegation of Japanese businessmen. Abe and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presided over a "Japan-Israel Business Forum" to promote mutual connections. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A technology innovation leader. Frost & Sullivan have awarded their prestigious Global Technology Innovation Leader Award to Israel’s Windward. The award reflects Windward's unique technology, which is bringing cutting edge innovation to one of the last 'wild west' frontiers: ships navigating the world's oceans. Horizon 2020. Ben Gurion University's Dr. Natalie Elia and Dr. Eyal Arbely were awarded a European Horizon 2020 ERC Starting Grant for their project, “Quantitative Nanoscale Visualization of Macromolecular Complexes in Live Cells using Genetic Code Expansion and High-Resolution Imaging”. (Don’t ask!) Another Israeli R&D center. (Thanks to Michelle) Teradata – the US giant data analytics company, has bought Appoxee - an Israeli startup aimed at publishers and developers that want to send out messages to increase user engagement in their apps. Appoxee will become Teradata’s research and development center. Biotech incubator opens. Johnson and Johnson, together with Takeda and OrbiMed have launched FutuRx in Rehovot’s Weizmann Science Park. Its first start-up is Hepy Biosciences, which is developing a tumor enzyme inhibitor. The second, XoNovo, is developing a treatment that targets a protein implicated in Alzheimer’s. Israel's water graduates are on a crest of a wave. Delegates at Kinneret College’s first water conference learnt about the work of its BSc graduates in Water Industry Engineering. One breakthrough project is the extension of a wastewater system under Israel’s main Tel Aviv highway, undertaken without disrupting traffic. Cambridge University funds Israeli scientists. The Blavatnik Family Foundation has set up a new multi-million pound investment fund for Israeli scientists to pursue post-doctorate research at Cambridge University. Three Israeli scientists are now furthering their research in engineering, genetics and physics at Cambridge. ECONOMY & BUSINESS Huge investment in Israeli innovation. (Thanks to Michelle) The Israel Venture Capital (IVC) Research Center reported that Israeli venture capital funds attracted $914 million in 2014, up 68 percent on 2013. Israeli companies raised $2.1 billion with US Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in 2014 - up from $360 million in 2013. Israel exhibition pavilion opens in India. (Thanks to Stuart Palmer) The Israel pavilion entitled “Israel Innovation in India” opened at Vibrant Gujarat 2015, exhibiting the ongoing Indo-Israeli cooperation and showcasing advanced Israeli technologies in the fields of agriculture and homeland security. Games are a big business. Israel's TabTable is one of the world's top 10 mobile games publishers with operations in Israel, the U.S., China, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Ukraine. TabTable has just bought Serbia’s Level Bit, developers of Genesis Rising - the biggest PC game hit by a Serbian company. -it-targets-older-audiences Moovit is really moving. (Thanks to Michelle) Israel's Moovit has raised $50 million for its mobile app that lets riders plan trips and avoid obstacles on public transit systems in more than 500 cities around the world. Bone-repair company plans NASDAQ IPO. Israel's PolyPid is preparing to launch on NASDAQ. PolyPid, develops an antibiotic coating for safer bone repair. It also has two candidate bone grafting materials and a unique PLEX (Polymer-Lipid Encapsulation MatriX) mechanism for delivering medicine into the body. Microsoft buys another Israeli startup. Software giant Microsoft is acquiring Israel's Equivo for at least $150 million. Equivio's text analysis software summarizes and condenses lengthy documents. Microsoft plans to integrate the product into its Office 365 package to boost user productivity. CULTURE, ENTERTAINMENT & SPORT Boutique revolution puts Israeli wines on world map. (Thanks to Israel21c) This AFP news story about Israeli boutique wines has been reprinted in Malaysia, China, South Africa, Bangladesh, the UK, Sweden and France. Globes also reports that Israeli wine sales increased by 10% in 2014. Now you can fish in Jerusalem. (Thanks to Janglo) Nachal Refaim Park is a new Jerusalem park between the neighborhoods of Malcha, Givat Masua and Kiryat Menachem. Jerusalem’s Mayor, Nir Barkat, found a good place in the park to do some river fishing. Israel wins European speed-skating gold medal. (Hot off the press) Israel's Vladislav Bykanov won gold in the 3000m race of the European Short Track Speed Skating championship. It is the first time an Israeli has won the competition. The 26-year-old from Kiryat Shmona beat world champion Viktor Ahn by 500 meters.,7340,L-4619147,00.html “Mortally wounded” Israeli recovers to launch triathlon. Ohad Ben-Yishai received critical shrapnel wounds to the head during Operation Protective Edge. Still in a wheelchair, Ohad was given a break from his rehabilitation to officiate at the start of Eilat’s “Ironman” triathlon, in which his father is competing. THE JEWISH STATE Safed – one of Israel's holiest cities. Surrounded by the mountains and forests of the green Upper Galilee, Safed (Tzfat) is world-famous for its winding alleyways and old majestic synagogues, its Artists Quarter, its musicians, its history of kabbalah and spirituality. The Modern Day Miracle of Israel. Armstrong Williams writes an inspiring account of his journey across Israel and the PA territories. His key sentence is, “When you pause to consider what Israel has managed to give to the world, despite being under constant fire from its enemies, it is staggering.” Historic plane rescued from scrap yard. A Curtiss C-46 Commando transport aircraft, used to rescue 100 Iraqi Jews in 1947, will soon return to Israel after being saved from a metal scrap yard in Argentina. Operation Michaelberg was launched when the British denied persecuted Iraqi Jews permission to enter Israel legally. US ex-Army amputee volunteers for Israel. US Christian Brian Mast, who lost both legs from a bomb-blast in Afghanistan, has joined the IDF’s Sar El volunteer program. He puts his pro-Israel attitude down to his upbringing, military contacts with IDF personnel and warm relations with his Florida Jewish neighbors. Don't judge Israel before you've seen it. Irish Catholic Belinda Hickey visited Israel for the first time in 2006, when love for Israel was kindled in her heart. Now she is a role model in courage as she promotes Israel in the face of anti-Semitism in Ireland. Contact Michael Ordman at |
NY Times Discovers Something Wrong in VenezuelaPosted by Richard H. Shulman, January 27, 2015 |
A New York Times editorial starts with two trivial paragraphs about political posters in Venezuela. Then it describes Chavez as "a populist who governed poorly." His successor, Maduro, is less skillful, and no longer can count on high oil revenues to maintain "generous welfare programs" and subsidies to Cuba. On the other hand, last year, inflation rose 64%. To retain power, Maduro becomes increasingly despotic, states the editorial. Madero still promises increases in wages and in welfare, but does not explain what economic reforms would enable them. He blames the country's economic problems on conspiracies by political opponents and foreign countries. But the press is "compromised;" political opponents are arrested. Security forces maintain order at stores, where customers struggle over insufficient wares (1/26/15). Chavez was a dictator in process of consolidating power. That is a process that the Times failed to see there, in Honduras, in Ecuador, in Cuba, in Turkey, in Egypt, in the USSR, in Maoist China, and so on. The Times missed the Soviet starvation of Ukranians, thought the Chinese Communists and Castro were "agrarian reformers," and thought Turkey was combining Islamism with democracy instead of replacing democracy with Islamism. It opposed as undemocratic the people's overthrow of the would-be leftist and Islamist tyrants of Honduras and Egypt. (Those overthrows were their country's last chance, though Egypt is not democratic.) Likewise, the Times does not draw attention to how false, bigoted, dictatorial, and jihadist is the Palestinian Authority. That paper reserves its venom for Israel and its self-defense, as does Pres. Obama. The Times misleads readers on foreign and domestic policy. Chavez had already usurped power. Cuban secret police helped him. Maduro is just tightening the screws. Chavez was a populist, but he didn't govern merely "poorly," he ruined the economy. Inflation and devaluation and shortages of goods began with him. He restricted and confiscated private businesses that had been prospering. After a while, there aren't new centers of wealth to confiscate, as Obama will find out. Chavez bribed the electorate by extravagant welfare programs, not "generous" ones. Of course Maduro doesn't explain (at least not convincingly or sincerely) how he would improve the economy to pay for new expenses. Does Obama? Like Greece and Argentina, they think money can always be found. Fascists and socialists keep spending until they can't. The Times doesn't realize that mass-bribery of the electorate is demagoguery and waste, America’s biggest source of corruption. After all, populist bribery of the electorate is the politics of the U.S. Democratic Party. So are subsidies and soft regulations for favored big businesses and punishment and harsh regulations for disfavored industries and companies. Will Republicans abandon corporate welfare, as the Wall St. Journal advises? I think the editorial is an example of the typical NY Times muddle over dictatorships. The Times is slow to recognize them for what they are. How can it understand aspiring dictators, when the newspaper is beset with leftist and anti-Zionist prejudices? U.S. national security and justice for foreign peoples come in second, at that advocacy journal. Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
The article below was written by Jerome R. Corsi who is an American author, political commentator and conspiracy theorist best known for his two New York Times bestselling books: The Obama Nation and Unfit for Command. This article appeared January 29, 2015 on Lunatic Outpost and is archived at |
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testifies to a congressional committee probing the Benghazi attack. NEW YORK – Documents obtained Monday through a federal court order show State Department officials disseminated the false story that the 2012 Benghazi attack that killed a U.S. ambassador was nothing more than the violent escalation of a demonstration by Muslims against an insulting video, even though they knew it was a coordinated military-style assault. Among the documents obtained by the Washington-based government watchdog Judicial Watch was a memo sent the day after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack to the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia, by the State Department's Diplomatic Security Command Center titled "Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens: Demonstrations." The Diplomatic Security Command Center, or DSCC, was well aware that the attack was carried out by highly organized and armed Islamic militia, because the DSCC was the unit that monitored the attack in real time via video transmissions from a drone. The message is identical to the emergency message issued by the U.S. Embassy in Tunis and archived on the embassy's website. Your guide to the Benghazi hearings is here, in "The REAL Benghazi Story: What the White House and Hillary Don't Want You to Know," by WND's Aaron Klein! The emergency message reads in the first paragraph: "On September 11, 2012, violent demonstrations took place at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt and at the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in damage in both locations and casualties in Benghazi. Media reports indicate that demonstrations may take place at the U.S. Embassy in Tunis on Wednesday, September 12, 2012." 'They knew' Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the DSCC "clearly knew in real time that a full-fledged terrorist attack was taking place on September 11 at the U.S. compound in Benghazi, and the American people deserve to be told the truth." "We are now into the fourth year of a massive Obama administration cover-up," Fitton said. He said the DSCC communiqués "may further help unravel the Obama administration's growing web of deceit." "I've always believed that the Benghazi cover-up was about two presidential campaigns – the Obama re-election effort and Hillary Clinton's nascent presidential campaign. I have little doubt that the State Department is protecting Hillary Clinton with this latest cover-up," he asserted. Even after the Benghazi attack, the Obama re-election campaign maintained its narrative that al-Qaida was on the run. The boast would have been impossible to sustain had the State Department told the truth about the terrorist attack in documents such as the emergency warning for U.S. citizens. Judicial Watch insists the testimony of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb under oath to the House Oversight Committee on Oct. 10, 2012, proves the State Department's Diplomatic Security Command Center knew the Benghazi compound was under hostile fire from the moment the attack began. "That brings me to the events of September 11 itself," Lamb testified. "The account I am about to present is based on first-hand reports from several security personnel present that night. Additionally, I was in our Diplomatic Security Command Center monitoring multiple open lines with our agents for much of the attack.""The attack began at approximately 9:40 pm local time," Lamb continued. "Diplomatic Security agents inside the compound heard loud voices outside the walls, followed by gunfire and an explosion. Dozens of attackers then launched a full-scale assault that was unprecedented in its size and intensity. They forced their way through the pedestrian gate, and used diesel fuel to set fire to the Libyan 17th February Brigade members' barracks, and then proceeded toward the main building." A Judicial Watch statement claimed Lamb's testimony was in direct conflict with initial false claims by the Obama administration that the attack arose from a spontaneous demonstration in response to an Internet video. "False information and the lies put out by this office, the State Department's Diplomatic Security Command Center, that knew even as the Benghazi attack was going on that it was a terrorist attack, recklessly endangered U.S. lives by drafting for the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia claims the Benghazi attack involved only a protest demonstration over a movie," Fitton said. "When the State Department only warned U.S. citizens in Tunisia about demonstrations, the U. S. government was lying to them," he maintained. "You are making people think they only needed to worry about demonstrations, when the truth was Americans in North Africa needed to know the night before Benghazi was hit by an intense terrorist attack, that came on violently, with heavily armed al-Qaida-backed militia carrying AK-47s and RPGs. 'Be Warned' should have been the message, 'There was a terrorist attack, and you should be very careful right now." Fitton stressed that by not telling Americans in Tunisia the truth, the State Department was engaging in "reckless disregard" of their safety. "To the extent this information was withheld from personnel in the State Department, in Tunisia or elsewhere in the area where U.S. State Department personnel were deployed, these lies placed these people in jeopardy," Fitton said. "U.S. citizens in Tunisia should have been told honestly to be worried about and to watch out for terrorists, not demonstrators." "The State Department Diplomatic Security Command Center knew that Benghazi was a terrorist attack that ended up killing the ambassador, and it was unconscionable for the Obama State Department to lie in the 'Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens' we now know the DSCC drafted for the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia to publish." Contact Midenise at |
MUSLIM DENUNCIATION OF TERRORISMPosted by Richard H. Shulman, January 27, 2015 |
words of wisdom |
Muslim leaders often denounce terrorism. Until recently, most did so for obviously false reasons. Thus, to Western audiences, Abbas denounces particular terrorist acts, then goes home and names a street after the perpetrators or subsidizes their families. He is practicing Islamic deception. Pretending to oppose terrorists is a way of deflecting outrage against themselves. Arab leaders usually define terrorism, however, according to who commits it. Terrorism is attacking civilians for political purposes, regardless of the identities of the attackers and the civilians. Those Arab leaders often mean that they don’t oppose Islamist terrorism unless it is directed at themselves. Saudi Arabia teaches its own youth an ideology that incites them to commit terrorism. Saudi Arabia erects mosques abroad, and staffs them with Islamist imams, who promote jihad. Saudi Arabian rulers object only when the terrorists whom they inspire turn against Saudi Arabia and its allies. Muslim leaders who claim to oppose terrorism oppose Israeli counter-terrorism, because they believe that jihad and its methods are so justified, that self-defense against jihad is an offense against Islam. Daniel Pipes and his websites have discussed some Muslim denunciations of terrorism that are more substantial. Arab Leader Denounces Terrorism Some Western leaders suggest confronting the Islamist ideology. Most, however, don't. They resort "to euphemism, obfuscation, and cowardice." Tony Blair and some other leaders "deliver powerful speeches without follow-through." "In a remarkable but thus-far unnoticed address on Dec. 5, Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, the crown prince of candidly analyzed the Islamist enemy and suggested important ways to fight it." Prince Salman describes terrorism as just a tactic, part of a bigger problem, an ideology, just as is communism. He says we have to fight not only terrorists, but also "theocrats” -- tyrants and misogynists. If we declare war on the theocrats, we could "start to put together the military, social, and political – and maybe even economic – policies in a holistic manner to counter this, as we did with communism." Their ideology must be named, shamed, contained, and drained. Then the prince evades the point he seemed to have been coming to. He asserts, "this war that we are engaged in cannot be against Islam,...Christianity,...Judaism,...Buddhism." Actually, however, the barbaric ideology involved is Islamic, and the “theocrats" are Muslims. Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism have nothing to do with these wars of terrorism. There is, however, "a growing trend among Muslim politicians directly to confront the Islamist danger. Two recent examples:
Daniel Pipes believes that "radical Islam is the problem and moderate Islam is the solution. Now, we may add another influential leader, indeed a crown prince, to the ranks of those Muslims who wish to find a solution (Daniel Pipes, The Washington Times, 12/10/14, An Attempt To Galvanize Moderate Muslims At many mosque sermons on Fridays in Canada and elsewhere, imams make this non-obligatory, ritual supplication: asking Allah to grant "Muslims victory over the 'Qawm al-Kafiroon,'" the Arabic phrase that lumps all non-Muslims — Jews, Hindus, Christians, Atheists, Buddhists and Sikhs — into one derogatory category, the "Kuffar", or non-Muslims." Author Tarek Fatah argues with fellow Muslims that "at least when living among non-Muslims, we should avoid praying for their defeat at the hands of Muslims.” After the Paris terrorist attacks, he stood in his local mosque with "I am Charlie Hebdo" placards. He "wanted to encourage Muslims entering the mosque to join those Muslims who renounce jihad, denounce Islamist terror and stand by the right of free expression, even of people who insult our Prophet." "Only a handful responded to my call. Most of my comrades from our life-long struggle against Islamism were terrified and bailed out at the last minute. Only the president of the Muslim Canadian Congress, writer Munir Pervaiz, and two Kurdish exiles, Keyvan Soltany and Hadi Elis, braved the snow to stand beside me." "Far from condemning the acts of terror, the cleric, speaking in English, thundered that Islam "will become established in the land, over all other religions, although the 'Disbelievers' (Jews, Christians, Hindus and Atheists) hate that." "I could not believe my ears. There was no indignation expressed at the taking of Jews as hostages by a French jihadi that morning." "At the end of his "khutba" (sermon), the cleric repeated the ritual praying to Allah to grant Muslims victory over non-Muslims. That prayer is: "O Allah, pour patience upon Muslims, strengthen their feet and give them victory over 'Qawm -el Kafiroon'. "O Allah, give victory to our brothers the Muslims, the
oppressed, the tyrannized and the 'Mujahedeen' (those who fight
jihad against non-Muslims)". Tarek Fatah, a founder of Muslim
Canadian Congress, and reporter at The Toronto Sun, 1/13/15,
Richard Shulman is a veteran defender of Israel on several web-based forums. His comments and analyses appear often on Think-Israel. He provides cool information and right-on-target overviews. He distributes his essays by email. To subscribe, write him at |
PRESIDENT SISI REVISITS 'EGYPT'S IDENTITY CRISIS'Posted by Raymond Ibrahim, January 27, 2015 |
![]() Of all the recent calls for reform made by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, perhaps most adamant has been his insistence that all Egyptians—Muslims and Christians—see themselves first and foremost as Egyptians. This came out very clearly when he visited the St. Mark Coptic Cathedral during Christmas Eve mass. Then, he passionately declared:
Ironically, back on February 14, 2011, when the first Egyptian revolution broke out (then called "Arab Spring"), I wrote an article making the exact same point, arguing that "Egypt's future begins when Egyptians see themselves as Egyptians." Titled "Egypt's Identity Crisis," the article explored how the Egyptian identity was lost in stages. (It also predicted the seduction/threat posed by the Muslim Brotherhood—well over a year before the group came to power under Morsi's presidency. For more on this latter theme, on February 2, 2011, when Hosni Mubarak was still in power, I predicted in this article that "the Muslim Brotherhood will take over Egypt by default. And if that happens, the Middle East will rock like never before in the modern era"—which proved true after the largest revolution in human history ousted the Brotherhood in June 2013.) Due to its exploration of the importance for Egyptians to see themselves as Egyptians—which Sisi is now adamantly calling for—"Egypt's Identity Crisis" (first published February 14, 2011) is reproduced below. ***** With Egypt's "July Revolution" of 1952, for the first time in millennia, Egyptians were able to boast that a native-born Egyptian, Gamal Abdel Nasser, would govern their nation: Ever since the overthrow of its last native pharaoh nearly 2,500 years ago, Egypt had been ruled by a host of foreign invaders—Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks, and Brits, to name a few. After 1952, however, Egypt, it was believed, would finally be Egyptian. Yet, though Nasser was Egyptian, the spirit of the times that brought him to power was Arab—Arab nationalism, or "pan-Arabism"—the theory that all Arabic-speaking peoples, from Morocco to Iraq, should unify. (Along with Nasser, the tide of pan-Arabism also brought to power Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi, Syria's Hafez Assad, and Iraq's Saddam Hussein.) The revolution significantly Arabized Egypt. That Egypt’s official name became the Arab Republic of Egypt—as opposed to simply the Republic of Egypt—speaks for itself. Whereas before 1952, one could have spoken of a distinctly "Egyptian" character and identity, after it, this identity gave way to an Arab identity. From there, it was a short push to an Islamic identity. Or, as Egyptologist Wassim al-Sissy recently put it, the revolution "erased the Egyptian character, which had been known for its tolerance, love, freedom, and so on. The revolution created a nation of slaves." My Egyptian-born parents, who personally lived through the 1952 revolution before immigrating to America, often reminisced on this change. Growing up I used to hear how pre-revolution Egypt was absolutely nothing like it is now. According to them, because it was under British rule, it was freer and more secular; hardly any women wore the hijab; Alexandria was something of a "mini-Europe." Indeed, if you look at pictures taken in 1940s Egypt and compare them to pictures from today, you might think the former were taken in Europe, the latter in Arabia. In short, Egyptians saw themselves first and foremost as Egyptians. Certainly no Egyptians would have referred to themselves as "Arabs"—a word back then that connoted "lowly bedouins" to Egyptian ears. (After all, for Egyptians to think of themselves as "Arabs," because their first language is Arabic, is as logical as American blacks thinking of themselves as "English," because their first language is English.) In the decades preceding the revolution, there was even a strong Pharaonist Movement, led by influential thinkers like Taha Hussein, which sought to define and promote a distinctly Egyptian character. Today [writing in February, 2011], as Egypt rocks with revolution, it is poised to assume an even more alien identity. Enter the Muslim Brotherhood: if the 1952 revolution Arabized Egypt, a Brotherhood takeover will thoroughly Islamicize it, thereby taking it even further away from its roots. Whereas the Arab nationalists of Egypt maintained remnants of the Egyptian character—their Islam was notoriously lax—the Salafist brand of Islam promoted by Egypt's Brotherhood since its founding in 1928 is thoroughly alien to Egypt. For example, as opposed to the Egyptian Arab nationalist, who takes great pride in his nation's ancient heritage, today's Egyptian Islamist exults in rejecting and condemning it, calling the pharaohs "infidels" and "tyrants" (according to the terminology of the distinctly Arab Koran), and even trying to destroy Egypt's proudest treasures—as we have seen with the recent attacks on Egypt's museums—hardly the behavior of someone who thinks of himself as an "Egyptian." Born in America, I often returned to Egypt, beginning in 1974, when I was a year-old. My experience of Egypt's evolving identity differs from my parents': whereas they watched the Arabization of Egypt, I have been observing its Islamization. Yet, from personal experience, I also know that hardly all Egyptians share the Brotherhood's ideology: for starters, there is a significant Christian minority, the Copts, who clearly have the most to lose should the Brotherhood come to power; then there are the many secularists. Put differently, a great many revolting in the streets of Cairo are doing so for mundane reasons—food and jobs—rather than to implement sharia law (which, incidentally, is already a "principal source of legislation" in Egypt's Constitution). The problem, however, is that, along with having a strong base of direct support, the Muslim Brotherhood is especially poised to assume leadership simply because many Muslims, while indifferent to the Brotherhood's ideological vision, have come to trust them. After all, Hamas' famous strategy of endearing the people to it by providing for their basic needs was learned directly from its parent organization: Egypt's Brotherhood. Thus, as turmoil engulfs Egypt, it is well to remember that, fundamentally, who the Egyptians see themselves as will determine who they will be. Egypt's future begins when Egyptians see themselves as Egyptians—not Arabs, and certainly not Islamists. This is not to say that Egyptians should resurrect the pharaonic language, dress like Imhotep, and worship cats. Rather, as Taha Hussein and others till this day maintain, the Egyptian identity needs to be resurrected, thereby allowing all of the nation's sons and daughters to work together for a better future—without the dead weight of foreign encumberments, namely Arabism or, worse, Islamism. This article appeared on his own blog and is archived at
The article below was written by Thomas Rose who is
author at Breitbart. This article appeared January 26, 2015
on Breitbart and is archived at
![]() Just days after the Obama White House accused House Speaker John Boehner of "breaking protocol" by inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress, a team of up to five Obama campaign operatives has reportedly arrived in Israel to lead a campaign to defeat the Israeli Prime Minister in upcoming national elections scheduled for March 17. The anti-Netanyahu, left wing Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports a group called "One Voice," reportedly funded by American donors, is paying for the Obama campaign team. That group is reportedly being led by Obama's 2012 field director Jeremy Bird. As Jerusalem Post columnist and putative Knesset candidate Caroline Glick reported on her Facebook page, "Obama won't meet Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington when he addresses the Joint Houses of Congress in March because of Netanyahu's visit's proximity to the Israeli elections. And Obama, of course believes in protocol and propriety which is why he won't get involved." And yet, Glick adds, "He's just sending his 2012 field campaign manager to Israel to run a campaign to defeat Netanyahu." For all the harsh accusations of foreign interference currently being leveled against GOP Speaker John Boehner, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer, reports of Obama operatives actively working to unseat a democratically elected leader of a strong U.S. ally is hardly the news it might appear to be. The Obama White House has aggressively worked to defeat allied leaders it has not liked and to elect or re-elect foreign leaders it does like. As the Times of Israel recently reported, the list of Obama Administration meddling in foreign elections is a long one. German Chancellor Angela Merkel Merkel, an Obama Administration ally, was hosted at the White House prior to recent German elections. Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the left wing Labor Party visited 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, not once, but twice prior to British elections. Those were won by Conservative party leader David Cameron, who himself visited Washington last week at Obama's invitation to lobby the U.S. Congress against adopting a new sanctions measure to help confront Iran's burgeoning nuclear program. Oddly, that's the very issue Obama and the mainstream media now roundly condemn John Boehner for involving himself in. Contact Unity Coalition for Israel at |
THE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE OF BARACK OBAMAPosted by Freedman Report, January 27, 2015 |
The article below was written by Ilana Freedman who
is a veteran intelligence analyst and adviser to industry on
security and preparedness training. She specializes in
counter-terrorism security and preparedness in the post-9/11
world. This article appeared January 27, 2015 on The Freedman
Report and is archived at
A perfect storm is gathering in the Middle East, fueled by revolution, increasingly organized Islamic terrorism at its most brutal, and the repositioning of world leaders as they struggle to wrap their arms around the growing threat. The gathering storm is being fed in the most unlikely way by a man who is at once afraid of his own power and, at the heart of it, delusional about his vision and his ability to achieve it. He leaves critical decisions to others no more competent than himself, and delays implementing them, often until the need to act has passed. He panders to our enemies and offends our allies. He has undermined the strength of his nation and fed power to those who would destroy it. From the very beginning of his presidency, Barack Obama has been playing a dubious game of mixed messaging, meddling in the internal affairs of foreign nations while claiming not to, lying to the American people about just about everything, and leaving chaos in his wake, both at home and abroad. He has been accused of leading the nation from behind (when in fact he barely leads at all). He rarely makes the difficult decisions – even when other lives depend on them. He ignores critical events that place America in harm’s way, while waiting to see how things turn out before taking credit for successes and assigning the blame for failures to others. Obama's reality and the future that he envisions for both America and the world is rooted in delusions of grandeur that enable him to see the world as he would like it to be, to see himself as a great leader whose legacy will be a monument in history, while he ignores the stark realities that challenge his vision of himself and his true legacy. He takes credit for what he has not done, and blames his many failures on others. He lives in an alternate universe of his own design, defined by his own rhetoric, without regard for reality. And most dangerously, he seems to be driven by a compelling need to destroy the very foundation of the country he was elected to govern. In President Barack Obama's alternate universe, nothing is as it seems to be, and lies are the currency he uses to support the narrative he creates. He swept away Eric Holder's involvement in the 'Fast and Furious' gun running scandal with the inappropriate use of Executive Privilege, he clouded the huge scandal of the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks with a lie about a video that was repeated throughout the senior levels of the administration, he tried to cover-up the IRS scandal by claiming 'not a smidgen of corruption' when it was rife throughout the agency, he flagrantly lied to the American people about the impact of ObamaCare, and he contravened the US Constitution when he issued directives that illegally granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. In President Barack Obama's alternate universe, our enemies – such as Iran – are really potential friends in disguise, to be courted at all costs, and at the expense of our true allies. The truth about his overtures to them are shrouded in disinformation in order to achieve his desired ends without interference. At the same time, the threats posed to our allies by these same players are minimized or marginalized, even as they fester and grow increasingly dangerous. When referencing his 'negotiations' with Iran in his State of the Union speech, the President blatantly lied when he claimed, "we've halted the progress of its nuclear program and reduced its stockpile of nuclear material." The reality of Iran's nuclear arms development program has been that Iran has been using the time provided by long, drawn out 'negotiations' to continue its progress without interference. Obama admitted that the talks have only a "50-50 chance" of succeeding, and he made it terrifyingly clear that he has no strategic plan to deal with that outcome. His lack of any strategic plan fails to acknowledge that the consequence of failed talks will most certainly be a nuclear Iran, which will represent an immediate threat to Israel and Europe, and a slightly delayed but no less ominous threat to the United States. He doesn't seem to care. In President Barack Obama's alternate universe, the only rules for him are the ones he makes and breaks himself. The latest furor over Congress' invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu invitation to address them on the danger posed by Iran has illustrated this tactic even more clearly. On hearing of the invitation, Obama immediately announced that he will not meet with Netanyahu when he is in Washington. According to National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan, "As a matter of long-standing practice and principle, we do not see heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections, so as to avoid the appearance of influencing a democratic election in a foreign country." Really? Interesting. But according to our sources close to the political centers of Washington, the Obama team has already funneled $10 million to Netanyahu's opponents in the upcoming national elections in order to help defeat Netanyahu's Likud party in March. So much for that "long-standing practice"! In short, the alternate universe of Barack Obama is a land of fantasy, an overblown self-image, created from hubris and an ego that is out of touch with the real world. He takes credit for what he has not accomplished, such as the lower gas prices (caused by growing fracking activities throughout the US, which he has consistently fought) and for ending the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, although Iraq and Libya have dissolved into chaos as Afghanistan promises to do. Obama wants to shape his legacy in rhetoric without putting in the hard work that that is needed to define it. Despite his best (or worst) efforts, his legacy will be one of words without substance, actions without conscience, and a country that is poorer, more vulnerable, and far less respected around the world for his having spent eight long years in the White House. In April 2013, this author wrote, "The seeds of a perfect storm are coming together: global economic failure, a strengthening Islamist power center in the Middle East, Iranian ambitions and the barely hidden collaboration between Iran and North Korea, and the US/European inability to act against them. As the dots are connected, the resulting picture gives credence to the concern that Iran is actively planning to embroil the region in a large, chaotic, nuclear war. While the events swirling around the Middle East and the Pacific Rim are being given little more than lip service by the US government, the world is on a collision course with catastrophe, racing toward Armageddon – a global confrontation between opposing ideologies. The West's unwillingness to recognize the enormity of the threat puts the world in inestimable danger. American inaction is the most dangerous path we can follow." There is no single issue that is more important to the future of America than national security. In this area, President Obama has been asleep at the switch and has put the entire world at risk. When Obama's term is finally over and the objectivity of history makes its judgment, his administration will undoubtedly go down as one of the most corrupt, inept, and mismanaged administrations in American history, one that has done more damage to America at home and abroad that any other US President since the founding of the nation. That this President may also be responsible for embroiling the world in a war more terrible than any ever seen before is almost too awful to contemplate. And should it come to that, Obama's alternate universe will not protect him from his true legacy, or the world's population from its consequences. Contact Freedman Report at |
![]() Less than five days after Pro-Palestine protesters heckled the New York City Council's commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Councilman David G. Greenfield's impassioned response to their "naked, blind anti-Semitism" has gone viral and was viewed well over one million times across the globe. Last Thursday afternoon, dozens of Pro-Palestine protesters seated in the New York City Council gallery waited through nearly an entire session of the Council's meeting to attack Council Members exactly during the Council' memorial for the 1.1 million victims of Auschwitz. While the Holocaust memorial resolution was being discussed, the protesters jumped out of their seats, unfurled a Palestinian flag and started shouting insults and abuses at the Council Members. The protesters also heckled Council Members by name, yelling about the Council's upcoming trip to Israel sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council and the UJA-Federation. Greenfield, the grand-son of Holocaust survivors, wasted no time in responding to the hecklers in what has since been termed an "epic take-down"of the anti-Semitic protesters. After the protesters unfurled a Palestinian flag followed by a volley of shouts and insults during the Council's Holocaust commemoration, Councilman Greenfield raged, "do you want to know know why they are angry? Do you want to know why they are unfurling that flag today? Because Hitler did not finish the job. He only wiped out half of my family. And only by the grace of G-d is the other half, me, the grand-child, still alive today." Greenfield's three minute response to the Pro-Palestine hecklers has been viewed over one million times. On the original YouTube video, Greenfield's speech has been viewed over 100,000 times. However, that speech has been copied and shared on a multitude different websites and platforms including on WhatsApp and chain emails. For example, on the Facebook page for "Stand With Us," Greenfield's speech has been viewed 950,000 additional times. Millions more heard Greenfield's passionate remarks when it was broadcast on the radio this past Friday evening by Mark Levin on his nationally syndicated program, "The Mark Levin Show." Many of Greenfield's colleagues stood in solidarity with his remarks and several including Council Members Mark Weprin and Eric Ulrich also denounced the hateful protesters. Council Member Corey Johnson said that the protests were "disrespectful and offensive" and "simply awful." Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito explained that "at a time when the Council was voting on a resolution commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, this outburst was offensive, outrageous and counter to the values of the City Council." The link to Greenfield's viral speech is below as is a written transcript of his impromptu remarks. Today is International Holocaust Memorial Day and is exactly 70 years to the day of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. CLICK VIDEO HERE. Councilman David Greenfield's remarks on the floor of the New York City Council on Thursday, January 22, 2015: "Thank you Madam Public Advocate. You know, I waited my turn here. I've followed protocol in the New York City Council and haven't spoken out because I respect this chamber. I have to tell you, I'm still shaken to my core. I am upset. I am angry. But I'll tell you honestly, I am actually somewhat pleased at what we saw here today. If you're wondering why I'm saying that, it's because for the last few weeks we've heard from people who said, "Oh we don't dislike Jews, we only dislike the state of Israel. We have no problem with you, we simply don't want you to go to Israel." But we know that's not really at the core of what they were saying and today they proved it. While we were discussing a resolution regarding the murder of 1.1 million human beings – I will point out that 90% of whom were Jewish, but the other 10 percent were political dissidents, they were Jehovah's Witnesses, they were gays. Those were the people who were being killed together in Auschwitz-Birkenau. While we were discussing that, they had the nerve, the chutzpah, the temerity to unfurl a Palestinian flag and to yell at us while we're discussing that. And so the reason why I am pleased is because we can stop pretending that this is about Israel, when the reality is that every Middle Eastern country that is in existence today is not Democratic and persecutes people of other faiths, and persecutes gays, and persecutes people who disagree with them, and persecutes people on Twitter and persecutes women who drive, except for one country – which is the State of Israel. And so what you saw here today was naked, blind Anti-Semitism. That's what you saw. That's what you watched. That's what you witnessed. People who are upset for one reason. Do you want to know know why they are angry? Do you want to know why they are unfurling that flag today? Because Hitler did not finish the job. He only wiped out half of my family. And only by the grace of God is the other half, me, the grand-child, still alive today. That's why those people are upset. Shame on them! Shame on them for hating Jews! Shame on them for hating people! Shame on them for disrespecting the most diverse, democratically elected body in the United States of America. And that's why we go to Israel. We go to Israel to make a message that is clear: that we will not be cowered by this fear and by this hatred that we have, where these are people who will celebrate the death of Jews rather than mourn the death of innocents. I am embarrassed at what happened here today but I am pleased that we finally see what this is all about: good old fashion Anti-Semitism. Thank you." Contact Evelyn Hayes at AmericanZionists |
The article below was written by Nan Jacques
Zilberdik who is an analyst at Palestinian Media Watch
and has been with the Nan co-authors PMW news bulletins
and reports with Itamar Marcus. This article appeared on
January 28, 2015 on PMW and is archived at
Earlier this month, Hezbollah commander Jihad Mughniyeh was killed in an Israeli airstrike. Jihad Mughniyeh was commander of the terror organization in the Syrian Golan Heights and son of Imad Mughniyeh, a senior Hezbollah member assassinated in 2008. According to Western intelligence sources, Jihad Mughniyeh was planning and preparing terror attacks against Israel, including firing of rockets and explosive devices meant to target Israelis. "We are resisting the same enemy," said Rifat Shanaah, the director of Fatah's Lebanon branch who headed the "high-ranking delegation," which Abbas' Fatah party immediately sent off to convey condolences upon the death of Mughniyeh. The delegation "laid three wreaths on the grave of Martyr Jihad Mughniyeh... on behalf of the embassy of the State of Palestine, the PLO and Fatah." Speaking "in the name of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement - Fatah; in the name of the PLO and the resisting Palestinian people," Shanaah said:
He further emphasized Fatah's, PLO's and the Palestinian people's "adherence to the principle of struggle and Jihad between us and our brothers in Hezbollah": "Cowardly acts such as these (i.e., the Israeli airstrike)... merely strengthen our adherence and determination to resist this enemy... We will adhere even more to our goals and Palestinian national principles... and that of struggle and Jihad between us and our brothers in Hezbollah and all the forces acting to liberate Palestine and Jerusalem." [Ma'an (independent Palestinian news agency) Jan. 21, 2015] Abbas' Fatah party was also quick to greet Mughniyeh as a "hero" and a "Martyr," posting the following text on its Facebook page: "Rest in peace, a hero's rest, and give greetings to your father from the free men. Martyr (Shahid) Jihad Mughniyeh." [Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page", Jan. 18, 2015] Abbas' advisor and Fatah Central Committee member Sultan Abu Al-Einein also sent terror organization Hezbollah "our best wishes for its Martyrs": "We convey to Hezbollah our best wishes for its Martyrs, and are certain that its reaction is inevitable, and that it will not pass over this crime in silence." [Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Sultan Abu Al-Einein, Jan. 20, 2015] Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that Al-Einein glorified the murder of five people in a Jerusalem synagogue in November, blessing their "quality weapons." He has also previously glorified terrorist killers like Dalal Mughrabi and blessed "the breast that nursed" a terrorist who stabbed a man to death. Several Western countries, among them the US, Canada, France, and the Netherlands, have, like Israel, designated Hezbollah a terrorist organization. Others, among them the EU, Australia, New Zealand and the UK have only listed the organization's military wing as such. The following are longer excerpts of some of the items quoted above: Headline: "Palestine offers its condolences to Hezbollah" "Following the assassination of a group of Hezbollah activists in Quneitra by Israeli occupation forces, the ambassador of the State of Palestine in Lebanon, Ashraf Dabbour, expressed his condolences on Tuesday at the Al-Imam Al-Mujtaba compound. He was accompanied by the commander of the [PA] National Security [Forces] in Lebanon, Major-General Subhi Abu Arab and his deputy Major-General Munir Al-Maqdah. In addition, a high-ranking delegation sent by the Fatah leadership headed by the director of [Fatah's Lebanon] branch, Rifat Shanaah, [which included] the branch members and Fatah Secretary-General in Beirut Samir Abu Afash... expressed their condolences at the Al-Imam Al-Mujtaba compound. The Fatah delegation laid three wreaths on the grave of Martyr (Shahid) Jihad Mughniyeh (son of Martyr Imad Mughniyeh) [parenthesis in source] on behalf of the embassy of the State of Palestine, the PLO and Fatah... As they were laying the wreaths, Rifat Shanaah said: 'In the name of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement - Fatah; in the name of the PLO and the resisting Palestinian people, we hereby express our heartfelt condolences to [our] brothers in the Hezbollah leadership and to the families of the Martyrs. We are in the same trench, and are resisting the same enemy.' He said: 'We emphasize that cowardly acts such as these and those [committed] against our young men and our people in Palestine, Lebanon or anywhere else merely strengthen our adherence and determination to resist this enemy, who robs our people. We will adhere even more to our goals and Palestinian national principles and to the unity of our position and that of struggle and Jihad between us and our brothers in Hezbollah and all the forces acting to liberate Palestine and Jerusalem. We say to the families of the Martyrs (Shahids) that their sons, their Martyrs, are the Martyrs of the Palestinian people.' Hezbollah's deputy commissioner on the Palestinian issue, Sheikh Atallah Hammud, said: 'In the Martyrs' garden, by the tomb of Martyr Imad Mughniyeh, his son Martyr Jihad Mughniyeh and all the [other] Martyrs, we give thanks to our brothers in the PLO and Fatah for their participation. We emphasize that the Martyrs who fell at Quneitra fell on the path to Palestine, and for Palestine. We emphasize... that we will continue to stride down the path and that our goal is Palestine and will remain Palestine. Blessings to all the Martyrs who protected the honor of this nation.'" [Ma'an (independent Palestinian news agency) Jan. 21, 2015] Imad Mughniyeh - senior member of Hezbollah who was linked to major international terror attacks, including but not limited to: the 1983 bombing of the US embassy in Beirut (63 killed), the 1983 bombing of the US army barracks in Beirut (241 killed), the 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847 (1 killed), the 1992 bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires (29 killed), and the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudia Arabia (19 Americans killed). He was also linked to the Karine-A affair, a failed attempt to smuggle 50 tons of illegal weapons to the Palestinian Authority in 2002, and to numerous attacks along the Israel-Lebanon border. He was killed in a car bombing in 2008. Jihad Mughniyeh - Commander of Hezbollah in the Syrian Golan Heights and son of Imad Mughniyeh. Information about Mughniyeh is scarce, but according to Western intelligence sources quoted in the international media, he was planning and preparing terror attacks against Israel in the Golan Heights, including rocket fire and explosive devices meant to target Israeli soldiers and civilians. He was killed in an Israeli airstrike on January 18, 2015. Text posted by Abbas' advisor and Fatah Central Committee member Sultan Abu Al-Einein on his official Facebook page:
Contact PMW Bulletin at |
The article below was written by David Usborne who writes for the UK independent, a newspaper that, mainly due to its excellent Middle East reporter Robert Fisk, has developed a completely undeserved reputation for offering a real alternative to the hard right media. That's one reason that Usborne's "report" from Caracas is of interest. |
![]() Moscow Centre is the home of the Russian intelligence service, the SVR. The last time most Americans heard the acronym was in July 2010 when the US convicted 10 of its agents, including redhead real estate agent Anna Chapman, who had been working undercover in the US. They were returned to Russia later that year in a prisoner swap. The episode seemed like the last gasp of the Cold War. Not so. Today, another tale of Russian spooks emerged, described by the former CIA analyst Mark Stout as a "classic case of espionage". This time New York was its setting. The pair were, it is claimed in a criminal complaint written by the FBI, running a third undercover agent for Moscow Centre. The claims originate with the FBI, so you'd expect it to make the Americans look good and the Russians not so much. Even so, the extent of the alleged Russian bumbling is something to behold. Igor Sporyshev and Viktor Podobnyy were, until recently, a Russian trade representative and an attaché to Russia's mission to the UN in New York respectively. Both were charged on Monday with conspiracy under America's espionage laws. So too was the man they are accused as running on behalf of their real bosses at the SVR, Evgeny "Zhenya" Buryakov. His real job was at a Russian bank in Manhattan, named as state-run Vnesheconombank. It is not just that the criminal complaint accompanying the charges makes the two handlers look like clots. They also appear to have approached their job with remarkable incompetence. Both recently returned to Russia and are thus beyond the reach of the US Justice Department. They are not beyond the SVR, however, and Siberia might be in their futures. First, they underestimated the counterespionage skills of the FBI, who, as the complaint says, rarely had them out of its sight (and earshot) from early 2012 until the latter part of last year when they left for home. Their conversations inside an SVR office in Manhattan were recorded, their phone conversations were bugged and physical meetings with Mr Buryakov were video-recorded. Moscow Centre is the home of the Russian intelligence service, the SVR. The last time most Americans heard the acronym was in July 2010 when the US convicted 10 of its agents, including redhead real estate agent Anna Chapman, who had been working undercover in the US. They were returned to Russia later that year in a prisoner swap. The episode seemed like the last gasp of the Cold War. Not so. Today, another tale of Russian spooks emerged, described by the former CIA analyst Mark Stout as a "classic case of espionage". This time New York was its setting. The pair were, it is claimed in a criminal complaint written by the FBI, running a third undercover agent for Moscow Centre. The claims originate with the FBI, so you'd expect it to make the Americans look good and the Russians not so much. Even so, the extent of the alleged Russian bumbling is something to behold. Igor Sporyshev and Viktor Podobnyy were, until recently, a Russian trade representative and an attache to Russia's mission to the UN in New York respectively. Both were charged on Monday with conspiracy under America's espionage laws. So too was the man they are accused as running on behalf of their real bosses at the SVR, Evgeny "Zhenya" Buryakov. His real job was at a Russian bank in Manhattan, named as state-run Vnesheconombank. It is not just that the criminal complaint accompanying the charges makes the two handlers look like clots. They also appear to have approached their job with remarkable incompetence. Both recently returned to Russia and are thus beyond the reach of the US Justice Department. They are not beyond the SVR, however, and Siberia might be in their futures. First, they underestimated the counterespionage skills of the FBI, who, as the complaint says, rarely had them out of its sight (and earshot) from early 2012 until the latter part of last year when they left for home. Their conversations inside an SVR office in Manhattan were recorded, their phone conversations were bugged and physical meetings with Mr Buryakov were video-recorded. Contact TAM-solutions at |
The article below was written by Associated Press
Staff. It appeared January 25, 2015 on New York
Post and is archived at
![]() MANILA, Philippines — More than 30 police commandos were killed in a clash with Muslim insurgents Sunday in the southern Philippines in the biggest single-day combat loss for Philippine forces in many years, officials said. The commandos had entered the far-flung village of Tukanalipao at dawn looking for a top terror suspect, but had a "misencounter" with members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and other insurgents, Mayor Tahirudin Benzar Ampatuan of Mamasapano town told The Associated Press by telephone. Other insurgents in the area later joined in fighting the outnumbered police forces, the mayor said. The Moro group signed a peace deal with the government last year. Ampatuan, the Moro group and military officials said the police commandos did not coordinate their plan to enter the Muslim rebel village before sunrise, apparently resulting in the fierce fighting. The fighting in the marshy village of corn and coconut plantations subsided after several hours when members of a cease-fire committee and foreign truce monitors intervened, Ampatuan said, adding he deployed a team of village leaders and guards, who saw more than 30 of the slain commandos scattered in the battle scene. "What they described to me was gruesome," Ampatuan said. At least two Philippine security officials told The AP that the target of the police commandos was Zulkifli bin Hir, a Malaysian terror suspect known also as Marwan, who has been blamed by U.S. and Philippine authorities for several deadly bombings. Marwan is believed to have been hiding in the country's south since 2003. The two officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to reporters about operations to capture Marwan, who they said may have been wounded or killed in Sunday's fighting. The villagers managed to extricate only five of policemen's bodies by nightfall because they were afraid of their safety amid sporadic gunfire and the darkness in the village, which was 2 to 3 kilometers (1.2 to 1.9 miles) from the nearest main road, Ampatuan said. It remains unclear how many police commandos entered the village, he said, adding the death toll may increase. Contact TAM-C Solutions at |
This was written by the NGO Monitor staff and it appeared on January 27, 2015. It is archived at _of_false_gaza_war_allegations/ |
Jerusalem – In its report on IDF strikes during the 2014 Gaza conflict, B'Tselem presents a simplistic and distorted political narrative of Israeli guilt and Palestinian victimhood, according to Jerusalem-based research institute NGO Monitor. B'Tselem's publication follows those of Amnesty International, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, and other investigation NGOs, contributing to the campaign surrounding the UN Human Rights Council by William Schabas, as well as Palestinian Authority efforts focused on the International Criminal Court. "Once again, and regardless of the circumstances and available evidence, B'Tselem has contorted the facts in order to pronounce Israel guilty," said Anne Herzberg, NGO Monitor's Legal Advisor. "Contrary to such claims, Hamas is morally and legally responsible for civilian deaths in Gaza: Hamas systematically conducts military operations from within civilian areas and stores its rockets in schools, mosques, and private homes." B'Tselem's claims regarding international law are marked by major omissions and distortions. It notably fails to state that under the laws of war, the presence of civilians does not render military objectives immune from attack. B'Tselem also does not explain why targeting Hamas fighters or Hamas command centers did not "effectively assist military efforts" or "provide a military advantage" to Israel. NGO Monitor notes that, as in the past, this publication fails to present definitive evidence that would justify the allegations. Indeed, it is clear that B'Tselem, like other politicized NGOs, lacks the necessary information, including military intelligence and command decisions. B'Tselem also lacked direct access to Gaza, instead presenting unverifiable "testimonies" from purported victims and eyewitnesses in Hamas-controlled territory, mixed with other data that originated with the Hamas Ministry of Health in Gaza. As a result, B'Tselem has a history of presenting faulty information on civilian casualties in alleged attacks against "families bombed at home." Independent studies have identified at least 14 combatants present in such incidents, whom B'Tselem misleadingly portrayed as innocent civilians (see below for details). B'Tselem also did not mention that a meeting of terror operatives was occurring at the targeted home, but instead published an emotive account of a family member of an Islamic Jihad commander. "B'Tselem's absurd argument that Israel cannot target Hamas fighters at home will only encourage terrorists to store more weapons, launch more rockets, and conduct more military operations from within homes and mosques, knowing they can do so with complete impunity," continued Ms. Herzberg. "The international community should wholly reject this dangerous publication." Notes:
The Daily Alert is sponsored by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and prepared by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). To subscribe to their free daily alerts, send an email to |
WHAT REALLY DIVIDES OBAMA AND NETANYAHUPosted by Saul Goldman, January 28, 2015 |
Interesting piece and quite perceptive. But, the authors while referring to ideology seem to have overlooked those elements in ideology that are the cause of hostility. While Clinton may not have liked Netanyahu's style (who the f... does he think he is) Obama doesn't like what Netanyahu represents: a sovereign Jewish nation that emerged from the most persecuted people in the world. But, even then this people civilized their ghettos bringing some law and order to them rather than crime and gratuitous violence. Obama's roots emerge from a people that lost their sense of nationhood centuries ago and have remained mired in resentment. While the blacks once identified with the Jews, as the old black spiritual songs reflect, today they identify with the Muslims who express their resentment and failure in violence. Hence, Obama sees only the violation of Palestinian civil rights rather than Jewish civil rights to freedom of movement and to live in safety. When people have no hope in their own ability to evolve, they demand change. Instead of evolution they opt for revolution. That is what American blacks see in Islamic jihad. That is why many blacks in prison convert to Islam. They clearly do not see it as a religion of peace. They see its violence as an instrument of change. When Obama surrounds himself with Muslim counselors and advisers he clearly states his position. While the American people (so far) may still see themselves as bound to Israel morally, spiritually and culturally, Obama's hissy fits about protocol or etiquette are calculated to change that alliance. His animus is not only toward Netanyahu personally but toward anyone courageous enough to speak on behalf of Zion. Obama doesn't want an ally, he wants a sycophant. Perhaps, if Netanyahu is defeated Israel may grant Obama's wishes. The article below was written by Yonit Levi and Udi Segal. Yonit Levi is the anchor of the Evening News on Israel's Channel 2. Udi Segal is the network's Senior Diplomatic Correspondent. This article appeared January 28, 2015 on Haaretz and is archived at |
![]() Here we go again. After more than six years of disagreements, humiliations and arm-twisting, U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are in another politically and emotionally charged confrontation. Every clash between the two leaders is inevitably described as the low point in U.S.-Israel relations. However, this time, American sources say, Netanyahu has really gone too far. There is palpable anger toward Netanyahu, who went behind Obama's back to coordinate a visit to Washington with House Speaker John Boehner and plan a speech to Congress just two weeks before the Israeli elections. Israeli officials insist that ties with the U.S. – mainly Congress – are excellent and that the tension is between the two leaders, not the two allies. Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry have said they will not meet Netanyahu, while American sources say that Washington's working relationship with the Israeli prime minister is effectively over. The Americans once again feel like Bill Clinton did after meeting Netanyahu in 1996, when he exclaimed to aides, "Who the f--- does he think he is? Who's the f---ing superpower here?" Despite the constant head-butting, Obama and Netanyahu – who have divergent worldviews and less than flattering views of one another – aren't really that different. In fact, they have a great deal in common. Obama and Netanyahu are both calculating politicians. Neither has quite mastered the art of personal chemistry. Obama's standoffishness is unfavorable compared to Bill Clinton's charisma and Netanyahu is often reminded he doesn't have Ariel Sharon or Ehud Olmert's ability to connect to people. Both men have been accused of creating an impenetrable inner circle and harboring suspicions of anyone outside it, and sometimes even inside it. Curiously, their life trajectories position both men as insiders and outsiders vis-à-vis the American experience: Obama grew up in Indonesia and returned to the U.S., while Netanyahu spent many years in the U.S, and to this day speaks American English with his close advisers. They both rose to power quickly, while still outstandingly young: Obama was 47 when he defeated John McCain in a historic victory for the presidency; Netanyahu was exactly the same age when he squeaked past Shimon Peres in the first Israeli elections after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, only to be ousted three years later, and return to power at the age of 60. Both men are big believers in the power of the spoken word. Indeed, their opponents would say they believe more in words than in action. Both possess unique oratory skills, and relish the experience of performing in front of an audience. Just give them a soapbox. Netanyahu looks forward to his yearly UN speeches, and speaks, props in hand, as if he's addressing a large crowd even when there are only two people in the room. Obama makes efforts to personalize his speeches; taking pride in writing a few of them himself. All of the above can be treated merely as biographical miscellany, but the salient point is this: Obama and Netanyahu have more in common than any other American president and Israeli prime minister in the past – more than Clinton and Rabin, more than Bush and Sharon, and certainly more than Carter and Begin. Under different circumstances, they would have much to talk about, and – as far-fetched as it sounds – might even have enjoyed each other's company. Discordant ideologies Yet what divides them is ideology. Their worldviews are contradictory at every turn, two parallel lines that never meet. Their contrasting outlooks stem directly from the era, surroundings and households they grew up in. For Obama, it was a cosmopolitan upbringing in Hawaii and Indonesia in the 1960s, as an only child to an absent black father, white mother and white grandparents. For Netanyahu, it was a childhood in the embattled Jerusalem of the 1950s, who matured fighting in the Six-Day War and serving in an elite combat unit, living with a heroic older brother, and a dominant father who taught him about the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition. The first arc created a true liberal thinker; the second, a conservative through and through. Consequently, both men believe they are fulfilling an important role in their nation's history. Obama is the first African-American president, whose operative word was "change," even if in practice it turned out to be harder to make it. Netanyahu, the mirror image, considers his mission to conserve Israel – to keep her safe by not making any hasty decisions or undertaking bold initiatives in a dangerous world where Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS lurk in every corner. That's the difference between the left-wing liberal in the White House and the conservative in Jerusalem: The former thinks about what can change for the better, while the latter fears how much worse things can get. Any hope these two men could find a way to get along, despite vast differences in opinion, died during their very first meeting. Or rather it was killed by three words Obama told Netanyahu at the White House: "Not one brick." This attempt to reach an understanding about construction in Israeli settlements wasn't George W. Bush's "Blue Line" or Clinton's accommodation of the natural birth rate. This was an "absolutely not" motivated by a clear ideology espoused by this administration – that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal, violate human rights and are the most detrimental manifestation of Israeli colonialism, which deprives Palestinians of their natural rights as inhabitants of the land. Obama, to put it plainly, believes the settlements are nothing more than an Israeli land grab. Netanyahu sees settlement building as a natural right of the Jewish people, persecuted for millennia and haunted by the Holocaust. They should be able to live wherever they want to – Alaska, Beverly Hills, Auckland or Shiloh. Judea and Samaria, or the West Bank, is occupied territory for Obama, but the cradle of the Jewish people for Netanyahu. In his view, for the first time in history, the man who is supposed to be Israel's best friend is leading the anti-settlement campaign. Netanyahu might never say it out loud, but he believes that, for Obama, the plight of the Palestinians is not unlike the struggle for African-American civil rights, and the recent ban on Palestinian laborers from riding Israeli-run buses in the West Bank (for security reasons) isn't that different from memories of segregation. There is a gap in the way each leader perceives the historic role of the other. Obama sees Netanyahu as the man America handled with care – he grew up there, he ivy-leagued his way to the top – giving him unwavering economic support and backing at the United Nations. Netanyahu's role is to finally reciprocate (a verb the Israeli leader uses often) by being bold and trying to reach an agreement with the Palestinians. While the U.S. is waging various battles in the Middle East, Israel, its ally, could at least make an effort – or, at the very least, appear to be making an effort. Netanyahu believes Obama's historic role in the Middle East is completely different: He was supposed to be the one who removed the lone strategic threat looming over Israel and all of humanity – Iran. The Islamic Republic is a Muslim fundamentalist regime that subjugates women and minorities, violates human rights and is a state sponsor of the terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah. Any attempt to reach an agreement with them is a grave mistake, thinks Netanyahu. Danger ahead So what will happen next? The White House – caught completely off guard by Netanyahu's invitation to address Congress – is livid, but its on-the-record reaction remains mild and diplomatic. The administration knows that anything it says now can and will be used against it in the so-called court of Israeli politics. They are monitoring the Israeli elections closely, and it's safe to say that even if they hope Netanyahu loses, they aren't counting on it. If Obama's surprise move to normalize relations with Cuba is any indication, there might be a curveball waiting for Netanyahu. Obama – who himself said, "I have no more campaigns to run," during last week's State of the Union address – could tap into his ideology and present a plan for the establishment of a Palestinian state, and say, "Take it or leave it." He could withhold an American veto at the United Nations and allow international pressure to build on Israeli settlement construction. And Netanyahu? He is fighting for his political life. That, however, doesn't mean he and Obama won't be stuck with each other for two more years. If Netanyahu, as largely predicted, wins a historic fourth term in office (surpassing David Ben-Gurion as Israel's longest serving premier) and if he forms a right-wing coalition, then the tension between the two has barely come to a head. It's just beginning. There can always be a lower point. For the fate of these two leaders, it seems, is to be Best Foes Forever. James Morgan "Jimmy" McGill, Esq., also known by the trade name Saul Goodman, is a fictional character in Breaking Bad and the titular character of its spin-off series Better Call Saul. |
BENGHAZI PART OF OBAMA PLOT TO FREE BLIND SHEIK?Posted by Yoram Fisher, January 28, 2015 |
The article below was written by Jerome R. Corsi Ph.D.,who is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers The Obama Nation and Unfit for Command. Corsi's latest book is Who Really Killed Kennedy? |
![]() NEW YORK – Did the Obama administration plan to allow a U.S. ambassador to be kidnapped to set up a prisoner-exchange scenario that would provide a pretext for releasing the “Blind Sheik” imprisoned for plotting the 1993 World Trade Center bombing? That's one of the provocative explanations for the administration's puzzling actions before, during and after the Benghazi attack that has prompted an investigation by the Washington, D.C.-watchdog Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told WND Tuesday his group is preparing to take legal steps to force government disclosure of documents pertaining to plans the Obama administration had to release "Blind Sheik" Omar Abdel-Rahman, who is serving a life sentence at the Butner Federal Correction Institution in North Carolina. "Given what we know now, it is not out of the realm of possibility that the terrorist attack on Benghazi could have been a kidnapping attempt aimed at releasing the Blind Sheik," Fitton said. He noted, however, there is "no evidence" that the Obama administration may have been complicit in any kidnapping plot related to the Benghazi attack. "To this day, we still have no reliable evidence about exactly how Ambassador Stevens died," Fitton said. "The fact that there was intelligence that he was alive suggests that the State Department was right to be worried about a kidnapping attempt. We all should be curious to know if there was other information that had the State Department on the alert for possible kidnappings by al-Qaida." Since shortly after the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi in which U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed, James "Ace" Lyons — a former four-star admiral who served as the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and a founding member of the Citizens' Commission on Benghazi — has proposed that the attack was an Obama administration-orchestrated kidnapping attempt that went "terribly wrong." He continues to speculate that the Obama administration wanted to give the al-Qaida-affiliated rebels operating in conjunction with the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood an opportunity to kidnap Stevens and exchange him for the Blind Sheik. The purpose of the plan, Lyons says, may have been to furnish the Obama administration with a pretext to justify to the American public the release of the Blind Sheik to then-Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, complying with a request Morsi made in his 2012 acceptance speech on becoming president of Egypt. "Why else would all legitimate requests for increased security be denied? Why would you withdraw legitimate security assets in country?" Lyons asked in an interview with WND. "Why would you order Stevens' personal security guards to store their weapons in a separate room in the complex on the day of the attack? This is pure dereliction of duty." Your guide to the Benghazi hearings is here, in "The REAL Benghazi Story: What the White House and Hillary Don't Want You to Know," by WND's Aaron Klein! Judicial Watch's Fitton explained that in 2012, his organization sent Freedom of Information Act requests to the State Department and the Justice Department to obtain documents about the possibility the Blind Sheik might be released. Fitton "got nowhere, but last year, he said, Judicial Watch received "extraordinary information”" in response to a FOIA on the Benghazi attack. The information indicated the State Department "had a concern as the attack was occurring" that "it was a kidnapping attempt and that the State Department thought Ambassador Stevens was alive in a local hospital." Fitton said the case of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was exchanged for five top Taliban commanders imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, "opened a Pandora's Box suggesting the nightmare types of prisoner swaps the Obama administration may be willing to make with terrorists." "Now we are stepping up our investigation to obtain the documents we requested in 2012 on the Blind Sheik," he said. "It is also well past time for Congress and other investigators and to explore further what was behind the State Department's initial concern that the Benghazi attack was a possible kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens." Judicial Watch announced Tuesday it has filed a FOIA lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense seeking "any determinations" made by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel that the five Guantanamo terrorists traded for Bergdahl were "no longer a threat to U.S. national security." In discussing the Benghazi kidnapping theory with WND, Fitton referenced aDaily Beast article published Sunday that revealed the Obama administration had floated in July 2014 to the then-U.S. ambassador in Qatar the release of Ali Saleh Al-Marri in exchange for two Americans held abroad. Marri is a confessed al-Qaida sleeper agent held in a U.S. maximum-security prison. The Daily Beast reported an exchange of Marri was proposed by the Obama administration shortly after the release of Bergdahl, who left his unit in Afghanistan without permission and was held captive by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network in Afghanistan from June 2009 until May 2014. On Monday, retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Schaffer, now with the London Center for Policy Research, said on the Fox News "O'Reilly Factor" show Monday that a "charge sheet" had been prepared on Bergdahl. On Tuesday, NBC News reportedBergdahl will be charged with desertion, according to senior defense officials. However, the Army Times has reported Paul Boyce, a spokesman for U.S. Army Forces Command, said Tuesday the Bergdahl case is still under review, and Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby stressed in a Tuesday press briefing that Bergdahl has not been charged with any crime and there is no timeline to make a decision. In an interview with WND, Fitton referenced Judicial Watch's release April 29, 2014, of 41 Benghazi-related State Department documents. They included the declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Advisor Ben Rhodes and other administration public relations officials were “attempting to orchestrate a campaign to 'reinforce' President Obama and to portray the Benghazi terrorist attack as being ‘rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy." The document was widely credited as prompting House Speaker John Boehner to appoint a House Select Committee on Benghazi that is currently headed by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. "Official State Department emails in the 41-document release show State Department officials initially described the incident as an 'attack' and a possible kidnap attempt," Fitton said. Fitton pointed WND to U.S. State Document No. C05415756, a Sept. 11, 2012, email written by State Department official Eric J. Pelofsky, sent at 9:06 p.m. Eastern Time, as the Benghazi attack was under way, to the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice. Pelofsky wrote: "Yes – I'm very, very worried. In particular, that [Ambassador Christopher Stevens] is either dead or this was a concerted effort to kidnap him." It followed an email released in the same State Department record group that Pelofsky sent Rice at 8:51 p.m. Eastern on Sept. 11, 2012, in which he wrote: "Post received a call from a person using a RSO (Regional Security Officer) phone that Chris was given saying that the caller was with a person matching Chris's description at a hospital and that he was alive and well. Of course, if he were alive and well, one could ask why he didn't make the call himself Kidnap theory Lyons presented his theory at the media roundtable of the Citizens' Commission on Benghazi held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on April 22, 2014. His theory was not included among the conclusions of the commission's interim report, nor is it shared by all of other commission members. Lyons first offered his theory in response to a question by Lou Dobbs Nov. 14, 2012, on the Fox Business Network. "What happened was a terrible mistake by the Ansar al-Sharia terrorist group," Lyons said. "I speculate that Ambassador Stevens was supposed to be kidnapped, held hostage, in exchange for the release of the Blind Sheik that we are currently holding in prison. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Otherwise, he never would have stayed there that night." Lyons further suggested to Dobbs "the only way to get to the bottom of this" was to have a special prosecutor and for General David Petraeus, director of the CIA at the time of the Benghazi attack, to be allowed to testify freely, with immunity from prosecution. Lyons explained to WND that the safe room at the villa in the State Department special mission compound at Benghazi had a window with bars that could be opened from the inside. "The State Department security staff had rehearsed several times Ambassador Stevens escaping an attack by having an armored car backing up to that window so Stevens could open the bars and get out to be hustled over to the CIA annex nearby," Lyons said. "But on the day of the attack, the armored car was not there," he noted. "Why not? Whose responsibility was it to have the car there? "I believe this was an operation that went terribly wrong," Lyons said. "I believe this was to be a kidnapping of Stevens, so he could be held hostage and ransomed for the release of the Blind Sheik. Nothing else makes any sense to me. Why didn't the White House order the Pentagon to get the military resources in the region to Benghazi in an attack that lasted some 13 hours? I'm told the day of the attack, the Blind Sheik was being prepared to be moved." Blind Sheik prosecutor won't rule out theory Andrew McCarthy is the former chief assistant United States attorney in New York who led the successful criminal prosecution against Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and 11 other jihadis for their involvement in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and a plot to bomb New York City landmarks. He told WND that Lyon's theory is possible, but he is not aware of any evidence to support it. "I do't think there is any evidence I know to date, certainly nothing that I'd be willing to hang my hat on, that there was contemplation of a swap for Ambassador Stevens for the Blind Sheik," he said. "I don' think we have any proof. I know there has been all kinds of speculation, but I have been very careful not to get out in front of what we know or think we know," McCarthy said. "But I'm not saying that's impossible. I just don't think there's evidence of that on the public record now, or in any information I know about at this time." He noted there was "information and I wrote about it at the time, that the United States government was in discussion with Egypt about the release of the Blind Sheik for some U.S. prisoners in Egypt." In an article titled “Releasing the Blind Sheikh?” published in National Review on March 1, 2012, McCarthy cited reports in the Arabic-language newspaper al-Arabiya that the Obama administration had offered to release Rahman to Egypt in an effort “to end the impasse over 16 American ‘civil-society activists’ (including the son of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood) being detained by Egypt’s interim government.” McCarthy told WND that the conversations between the Obama administration and the Egyptian interim government at that time "did not go far." 'It doesn't make sense' Admiral Lyons' theory remains a topic of debate within the Citizens' Commission on Benghazi, a 17-member panel of retired military commanders, Congress members and intelligence experts that was formed in 2013 in response to the political barriers faced by congressional efforts to ferret out the truth. Commission member Clare Lopez, a former career operations officer with the CIA and currently vice president for research at the Washington-based Center for Security Policy, told WND she believes Lyon's best evidence is circumstantial. "I remain skeptical of the kidnap idea," Lopez said. "Relations between the Obama and Morsi administrations were close in 2012, and Egypt had at least some reason to believe the White House might eventually come around and release the Blind Sheik to Egypt." "Why would Egypt support a violent assault on our diplomatic mission in Benghazi to get by violent assault what possibly was going to be handed over to them by a very friendly Obama administration?" she asked. "Especially if public opinion is factored in, releasing the Blind Sheik likely would be opposed by many in the United States," she said. "It would makes no sense to think the release of the Blind Sheik would somehow be more acceptable to the American public under the conditions of a violent assault on the American mission, followed by the kidnapping and hostage-taking of an American ambassador," Lopez argued. She said that if kidnapping Stevens were the objective of the attack, it makes no sense to assume storming into the U.S. diplomatic compound at Benghazi with terrorists armed with AK-47s blazing and RPGs (Rocket-Propelled Grenades) that she described as "tactics you use when you want to kill people, not if you want to have any hope whatsoever of obtaining, a living, breathing, uninjured hostage." 'Explanation that makes the most sense' Retied Air Force Lt. Col. Dennis Haney, is one of the CCB members who supports Lyons' theory. In the Air Force, Haney served three years on the 52nd Tactical Fighter Wing Staff in Spangdahlem, Germany. On the citizens' commission, he played a key role coordinating with the Global Response Staff, or GRS, contractors that were present defending the CIA annex during the Benghazi attack. "I believe the real question that needs to be asked is why the terrorists attacked the Benghazi diplomatic complex in the first place," Haney argues. "The United States and specifically Chris Stevens supplied arms to the al-Qaida-affiliated militia in Libya before Gadhafi's fall and afterwards were working to transfer arms from Libya to al-Qaida-affiliated terrorists in Syria," he pointed out. "Why would Ansar a-Sharia attack the United States and risk cutting off their weapons supply?" Haney's questions closely parallel questions Lyons has asked since his appearance on Lou Dobbs' show in the immediate aftermath of the 2012 attack. "The terrorists knew Stevens was in Benghazi for a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and from a tactical perspective, the only reason to attack Benghazi was to get U.S. hostages for exchange," Haney argued. "The diplomatic compound was relatively unprotected, Stevens was the top target, and the terrorists figured that kidnapping some Americans, including maybe some of the CIA guys at the CIA compound, might be fairly easy to accomplish." Haney contends the only theory that accounts for the known facts is that the terrorist attack was aimed at kidnapping hostages to exchange and that the Obama administration might have been in on the plot, secretly conspiring with Morsi in Egypt. "How else do you explain the State Department not providing Stevens the extra security he requested?" Haney asked. "Why did the Obama administration do nothing to bring military forces to save the U.S. personnel in Benghazi in what turned out to be a 13-hour attack?" He said it appears that in "the top levels of the U.S. government, the decision was made that Stevens was expendable." "I hate to think he was being set up by our government to be kidnapped, but given the destructive prisoner exchanges and releases as of late, it would fit right into an administration policy geared on something other than reason," Haney said. Haney thought it was important that Ambassador Thomas Pickering, the author of the State Department's 39-page ARB report and the State Department's lead Benghazi investigator, under oath to Congress refused to dismiss the possibility the Benghazi attack was an attempt to kidnap Stevens. On Sept. 24, 2013, WND reported Pickering, testifying under oath at a House Oversight and Government Reform committee hearing, refused to answer (at 4:30:05 in the C-Span broadcast of the hearing) a direct question asked by Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wy. Lummis asked: "Is it true that they were trying to kidnap the ambassador and it went wrong?" Pickering replied: "I can't comment on that." In the exchange with Lummis, Pickering acknowledged the State Department had reason to believe operatives from Egypt were involved in the Benghazi attack. "If Pickering knew there was no basis whatsoever to the kidnapping, he would have answered the State Department could categorically eliminate that possibility," Haney surmised. "He didn’t do that." Morsi pressed Obama to release sheik Lyons further speculates Obama and top presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett were acquiescing to deliver on a promise he believes Obama secretly made to Morsi shortly after Morsi became president. Lyons points to an opinion piece former Attorney General Michael Mukasey published in the Wall Street Journal on Sept. 24, 2012, less that two weeks after the Benghazi attack. Mukasey asked in reference to Rahman, "Are senior Obama administration officials considering transferring to Egypt a poisonously influential Islamic cleric serving a life term in federal prison for trying to unleash a war of urban terrorism in the United States?" There is abundant evidence that Morsi was pressing the Obama administration to release the Blind Sheik, starting virtually the moment he took the oath of office to become Egypt's president.
'Obama pressed for war in Libya' Lyons told WND he believes Obama's decision to arm the al-Qaida-backed militia in Libya was knowingly advancing the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The Brotherhood sought to depose Moammar Gadhafi to destabilize Libya in favor of the "rebel" groups the U.S. supported, exactly as the Obama administration had backed the Brotherhood months earlier when Morsi came to power in Egypt. "You have to back up and recognize that in Libya, we switched sides on the global war on terrorism," Lyons said. “We wound up defending and supporting the al-Qaida-related militia that were under the political control of the Muslim Brotherhood. That fact has been glossed over by the mainstream media." WND reported last week retired Rear Adm. Chuck Kubic's account of his effort to take advantage of an offer by Gadhafi to abdicate and negotiate a peaceful transition of power, obviating the need for the U.S. to arm the Libyan al-Qaida-affiliated militia in their violent rebellion to overthrow the dictator. "There never had to be a 'war of liberation' against Gadhafi in Libya," Lyons insisted. "The White House has promoted the rebellion by the al-Qaida-affiliated militia in Libya as a ‘freedom and democracy' movement, which is pure nonsense." "Gadhafi wanted to abdicate, and Admiral Kubic was making progress in the negotiations between Gadhafi's top people and U.S. AFRICOM, and Gadhafi had agreed," Lyons continued. "Gadhafi had pulled back his forces from Benghazi to show his good faith in proceeding with these negotiations until the Obama administration shut the door on Gadhafi abdicating, because the Obama administration had a different agenda in Libya." 'Hillary left Benghazi vulnerable' In laying the background for his theory, Lyons noted that prior to the Benghazi attack, Ambassador Stevens made repeated pleas to the State Department in Washington, warning that security was inadequate. "The ambassador is the State Department's chief representative in a foreign country," Lyons noted. "When an ambassador makes a request to the State Department, the ambassador typically gets what's requested. Why was Stevens being constantly turned down by Hillary Clinton and the State Department every time he requested increased security at Benghazi?" Documents made public by the House Oversight Committee one month after the Benghazi attack show Stevens and his staff providing an evidentiary record of their security concerns in Libya and the apparent lack of interest shown by the State Department in Washington, as reported by then-ABC news reporter Jake Tapper on Oct. 19, 2012. Lyons said: "The truth is that the U.S. State Department completely ignored repeated requests for increased security; and with the al-Qaida-related militias the United States knew were operating freely in the Benghazi region in 2012, we had strategic and tactical warnings that an attack in Libya was going to happen." Even the State Department Accountability Review Report, he noted, "documents the State Department in Washington had concluded in an internal review that either security should be increased at the U.S. special mission compound in Benghazi or the facility should be closed." Among the conclusions of the ARB was "Finding #2," which reads: "Systematic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place." Contact Yoram Fisher lives on Kibbutz Kfar Blum Doar Na Galil Elyon. Contact him by email at |
THE BEST GIFTPosted by Yaacov Levi, January 28, 2015 |
The article below was written by To The Point News Staff on September 12, 2014 and is archived at -by-to-the-point-news |
During the recent cease-fire, the leader of the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, Khaled Mashal, sent a gift to the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, in an elaborate box with a note. After having the box checked for safety reasons, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened the box and saw that the content was human feces. He opened the note, handwritten in Arabic by Mr. Mashal, which said, "For you and the proud people of the Zionist Entity." Mr. Netanyahu, literate in Arabic, pondered the note and decided how best to reciprocate. He quickly did so by sending the Hamas leader a very pretty package with a personal note. Mr. Mashal and the other leaders of Hamas were very surprised to receive the parcel and opened it very carefully suspecting that it might contain a bomb. But to their surprise they saw that it contained a tiny computer chip The chip was rechargeable with solar energy, had a 1.8 terabyte memory and could output a 3D hologram display capable of functioning in any type of cellular phone, tablet or laptop. It was one of the world's most advanced technologies, with a tiny label, "Invented and produced in Israel." Mr. Netanyahu's note, personally handwritten in Arabic, Hebrew, French, and English, stated very courteously... "Every leader gives the best his people can produce." Contact Yaacov Levi at |
The article below was written by Tarek Fatah who is a
founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, a columnist at the
Toronto Sun, host of a Sunday afternoon talk show on
Toronto's NewsTalk1010 AM Radio, and a Robert J. and Abby B.
Levine Fellow at the Middle East Forum. He is the author of
two award-winning books: Chasing a Mirage: The
Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State and The Jew is Not My
Enemy: Unveiling the Myths that Fuel Muslim
Anti-Semitism. This article appeared January 27, 2015 on the
Toronto Sun and is archived at
There is a disgraceful spectacle unfolding in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in which some of the leading lights of the West are playing the role of medieval court jesters, singing platitudes to tyrants in a demonstration of subservience that shames the rest of us. Ostensibly, the American, British, French and other European leaders travelled to the medieval monstrosity we call Saudi Arabia to offer condolences to the family of the late King Abdullah. But the reality is different. They are there because the Saudis have money and oil. On one hand the West claims it is fighting to destroy Islamic State (ISIS), yet it strengthens its ties with the very people who have spent an estimated $100 billion to spread Wahhabism, the foundational Islamist creed of ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, Boko Haram and the Taliban. How such statesmen and personalities of the free world as President Barack Obama, Prince Charles, French President Francois Hollande, UK Prime Minister David Cameron and the Archbishop of Canterbury could be taken in by the Saudis is mind-boggling. But the hypocrisy and chicanery of Western leaders has not gone unnoticed. Alastair Crooke the former MI-6 agent and author of the book, Resistance: The Essence of Islamic Revolution, has been trying to educate Western Liberals. Writing in the Huffington Post, Crooke says, "You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia." Saying there is little difference between the Saudis the West supposedly admires and the Islamic State (ISIS) it is fighting, the former MI6 agent explains his argument by citing a historic slaughter the Saudis and their ISIS-like allies of the time committed:
While Crooke relied on history and his knowledge of the area to nudge Western leaders out of their intoxicated slumber, English author and former Conservative MP Louise Mensch launched a tirade on Twitter to express the feelings of millions of us in the West who felt betrayed by their leaders. Mensch was furious when Cameron said he was "deeply saddened" by the Saudi king's death while Obama's boasted of his "friendship" with him. She tweeted: "F--- you Saudi Arabia and shame on the supine male leaders of the West @David_Cameron @BarackObama #Freethe4 #JeSuisFemme". The hashtag #Freethe4 was in reference to the four daughters of King Abdullah whom the Saudi tyrant had imprisoned under house arrest for many years. As Western leaders lined up to pay homage to a new dictator in Riyadh, they pretended they didn't know that just two weeks before his death, Abdullah's government had lashed liberal Saudi blogger Raif Badawi 50 times for the "crime" of defending atheists. Up to 950 more lashes could await the brave Badawi. While Prime Minister Stephen Harper also praised Abdullah upon his death, at least he knows cola in a can is the same thing as cola in a bottle. Contact Yaacov Levi at |
![]() President Obama, who chose not to join France's march for freedom, cut his state visit to democratic, nuclear India short in order to stop in Saudi Arabia Tuesday to pay his respects to the new king, Salman al-Saud, upon the death of King Abdullah. And, while our president has frequently spoken out on behalf of African-American and Muslim men, he has been all but silent about African-American and Muslim women. Now it is urgent that he break this silence. There are Muslim and ex-Muslim dissidents and feminists who are desperate to hear supportive words from the leader of the free world. Four such women are now in harsh captivity in Saudi Arabia. In 1972, when he was 48, King Abdullah took a 15-year-old Jordanian-born wife, Alanoud Al-Fayez. The marriage was arranged; she was one of 30 wives. In four years, she produced four daughters — infuriating the king, who wanted more sons. (He only has seven sons — and 15 known daughters.) For this crime, Abdullah divorced Alanoud. But he beat her, too, and prevented her from taking care of her daughters when they were ill. In 2001, she fled the kingdom, hoping that as a father, Abdullah would treat his own daughters with more kindness. She was wrong. In addition to having a mother who "got away," these daughters, Sahar, Maha, Hala and Jawaher Al Saud, now in their late 30s and early 40s, dared speak out for women's rights. Their punishment has been extreme and long-lasting. ![]() For 13 years, the unmarried princesses have been confined in pairs, isolated from outside contact — beaten, drugged, deprived of food and water for periods of time, slowly starved, subjected to heat without air-conditioning in the desert clime. According to their mother's account, and to a video that Sahar and Jawaher smuggled out, the princesses claim that their "half-brothers beat them with sticks" and "yell at us and tell us we will die here." Sahar also told The Post, "My father said that after his death, our brothers would continue to detain us and abuse us." (The London-based Alanoud maintains a Twitter account: @Freethe4.) It's not just princesses who are at risk in the kingdom. Allegedly disobedient women at every social level are beaten daily, shunned, honor-killed or sometimes sentenced to solitary confinement in padded cells for the rest of their lives. No relative dares visit. Please recall: In 1977, Princess Misha'al bint Fahd al-Saud tried to flee the kingdom in order to marry a man of her choosing. Such liberty is considered criminal adultery; as a merciful gesture, both the princess and her prospective husband were shot to death in public, rather than beheaded. In 1990, 47 brave Saudi women drove their cars in Riyadh, to demand the right to drive. They were quickly detained, roundly condemned, their passports confiscated — and, they were fired from their jobs. When I was held captive in Kabul by my own family long ago, US embassy personnel would not help me. Once my American passport was taken, I instantly became the citizen of no country and the literal property of a wealthy, polygamous, Afghan family. This experience, which I write about in "An American Bride in Kabul," turned me into a lifelong advocate for women's lives. The battle for women's rights is central to the battle for Western values. It is a necessary part of true democracy, along with freedom of religion and freedom of dissent. The greatest battle of the 21st century is one against barbaric misogyny and totalitarianism. Mr. President: As Pete Seeger sings, "Which side are you on?" There is a new king on the throne. Couldn't you have asked him to release these women, and given them a ride to freedom on Air Force One? It's not too late to make the request — and so show that America actually stands for something. Phyllis Chesler is a CUNY emerita professor of psychology and a fellow at the Middle East Forum. Her books include "Women and Madness," and "The New Anti-Semitism." Contact Chesler at |
ISLAMIC STATE SLEEPER CELLS A THREAT TO TURKEYPosted by Jonathan Schanzer, January 28, 2015 |
The article below was written by Jonathan Schanzer
and Merve Tahiroglu. Schanzer is an American author
and scholar in Middle Eastern studies, and vice president of
research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
Tahiroglu a research associate focusing on Turkey. Merve supports the work of FDD scholars with Turkish language research and analysis on Turkey-related matters. Her research focuses on Turkey's foreign policy, domestic politics, and Ankara's ties to Tehran. Merve's personal areas of interest include Turkey's Syria policy and Islamic extremism in Turkey.
Born and raised in Istanbul, Merve earned her B.A in Political
Science with a concentration in International Relations from Duke
University in 2013. Merve is also a contributor to FDD's Long
War Journal. This article appeared January 27, 2015 on
Pundicity Informed Opinion & Review. and is archived at
A leaked Turkish National Police intelligence report reveals alarm in Ankara about potential attacks by Islamic State sleeper cells across the country. The police report, which was disclosed by Jane's Intelligence Weekly, warns of 3,000 operatives living in Turkey who are directly linked to the jihadist organization. The report also lists a number of vulnerable cities, including the country's political and cultural capitals of Ankara and Istanbul. This threat was all too predictable. In an effort to bring down the regime of Bashar al Assad in Syria, Turkey opened its southeastern border to a wide range of Syrian rebels beginning in 2011. As the war has dragged on, the fighters came to include jihadist groups like the Islamic State, which has since conquered large swaths of Syria and Iraq, as well as the Al Nusrah Front, which is al Qaeda official branch in Syria. Today, Turkey's 565-mile border with Syria is the transit point of choice for the illegal sale of Islamic State oil, the transfer of weapons to various fighting factions, and the flow of foreign fighters to jihadist groups of all stripes. This problem is now more than four years old. Extremists have by now had ample time to establish infrastructure in Turkey to facilitate this illicit activity. In the process, they have also established cells and other logistical bases throughout the country. The Turkish National Police now seem to acknowledge this threat. Turkish and America media have been reporting for months about Islamic State recruitment activity in Turkey. For example, a report by the Turkish daily Hurriyet from September 2014 identified Islamic State activities in cities such as Istanbul and Kocaeli in the western portion of the country, and Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, and Diyarbakir to the east. A New York Times report also detailed how the Islamic State was recruiting militants in Ankara, located in central Turkey. The anti-AKP and Kemalist newspaper, Aydinlik, noted that Islamic State militants were operating in other towns, such as Konya, which is known for its conservative Islamic culture. As Newsweek explained, other conservative pockets in Turkey, such as Dilovasi neighborhood in Ankara, are particularly susceptible for recruitment. One jarring metric is the raw number of Turks who have joined the Islamic State. Just last week, Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated that there are about 700 Turkish citizens fighting for the radical group. Without question, the Islamic State's ideology and recent expansion are luring many conservative Turks to fight. But financial inducements may also play a role; according to one New York Times report, the Islamic State offers $150 a day to Turkish recruits who agree to fight. In addition, Turkey is home to many IS sympathizers. Ali Ediboglu, a Turkish opposition deputy, claims that "at least 1,000 Turkish nationals are helping ... foreign fighters sneak into Syria and Iraq to join ISIS." YouTube videos depict Islamic State gatherings in Istanbul and demonstrations of support by Turkish citizens for the jihadist fighters in Syria, including those with the Islamic State. Last fall, it was reported that some 20 people with black masks on their faces and bats in their hands attacked an Istanbul University demonstration against IS. The group, identified in the article as "Musluman Gencler" (Muslim Youth), reportedly returned to campus for more attacks. There is also reason to fear the radicalization of Syrians living in Turkey. As a result of the civil war, Turkey is now home to more than 1.5 million Syrian refugees, and that number may be a low-ball estimate. Reports suggest that the Islamic State may be targeting young men and boys in refugee camps for recruitment. Turkey recently had a glimpse of what the future could hold if the Islamic State launches concerted assaults on its territory. On January 6, a suicide bomber who attacked a police station in Istanbul's historic district of Sultanahmet is believed to have had ties to the Islamic State. As commentators noted, a spate of such attacks could do irreparable damage to Turkey's vital tourism sector, and sow fear into the hearts of Turks country-wide. As the Janes report notes, the Islamic State also has much to lose by attacking Turkey. Indeed, the terror group benefits greatly from illicit oil sales to Turkey, the flow of foreign fighters, cash and weapons over the border into Syria, and a rather permissive environment in southeastern Turkey, where authorities don't seem terribly alarmed over the presence of extremists. The leaders of the Islamic State are also fully aware of the fact that Ankara has refused to play an active role in the US-led coalition that is now bombing Islamic State fighters. In fact, Turkey has refused to even allow its bases to be used for that purpose. The Islamic State would like to keep it that way. This modus vivendi notwithstanding, the existence of Islamic State sympathizers and operatives inside the country puts Turkey at risk. The longer the conflict plays out in Syria, the higher the likelihood that Turkey gets dragged into it. If the Islamic State strikes back by activating its local assets, Ankara will only have its own policies to blame. Contact Jonathan Schanzer at |
A SCARY OBITUARY - BRILLIANT; SENIOR TAX RETURNPosted by Saul Golman, January 28, 2015 |
In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship." "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith;
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory Romney won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country. Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..." Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.. If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals - and they vote - then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years. If you are not, then pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom. SENIOR TAX RETURN ![]()
James Morgan "Jimmy" McGill, Esq., also known by the trade name Saul Goodman, is a fictional character in Breaking Bad and the title character of its spin-off series Better Call Saul. Contact Goldman at |
The article below was written by Donald Lambro who is a nationally syndicated columnist and former chief political correspondent for the Washington Times. This article appeared January 28, 2015 on Human Events and is archived at |
If you're one of the millions of people who can't find a good-paying job in the Obama economy, the Democrats sent you a message this week: Get lost. Senate Republicans, who won control of Congress last year on a promise to start creating more jobs, were true to their word, making the job-producing Keystone XL pipeline one of their first orders of business this year. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell brought the bill up for a vote to force completion of the pipeline over the objections of President Obama, who says he'll veto it if the legislation reaches his desk. On a largely party-line vote Monday, 53 senators, most of them Republicans, voted to go forward with the bill. But 39 senators, all Democrats, voted against it, blocking the measure which, under Senate rules, needs 60 votes to get it to a final vote. Eight senators were absent that day, and McConnell is going to bring up the bill again later this week for another try. But the vote, which the network news shows ignored, was a cold-blooded example of how Obama and his party put politics before jobs. In this case, blocking a bill that's opposed by the environmental mob which richly bankrolls their campaigns. For the past six years of his presidency, Obama has been fighting the pipeline, which would carry crude oil from Canada's Alberta province to the Gulf, creating thousands of jobs in the process. He did it by insisting that the government had to first conduct an exhaustive study that was deliberately delayed to keep from moving ahead with a project the American people overwhelmingly approved but Obama hated. Now, incredibly, the debate is over the number of jobs the pipeline will actually create — with Democrats arguing that it would create "only" a few thousand jobs and almost all of them would be only "temporary." This is the argument that assistant Senate Democratic leader Richard J. Durbin of Illinois made during debate on the bill, dismissively ridiculing the kind of jobs at stake by saying "most McDonald's" offer more jobs than that. In fact, while the State Department report maintained the pipeline will create just a small number of permanent jobs, it would create thousands of new part-time jobs — up to as many as 42,000 new jobs, when all of the contract work, pipeline production and other spending are factored into the equation. All construction projects will by definition end after the work is completed, except for those that must oversee and maintain the pipeline. But it is the height of hypocrisy for Durbin — who has a job that pays him nearly $194,000 — to be demeaning any short-term contract work. Durbin and the Democrats who voted to kill this jobs bill should know a lot about part-time work because those are the kind of infrastructure jobs they created in Obama's failed $800 billion economic stimulus program. When the road and bridge work was done, the jobs ended and the jobless rate remained at recession levels. In fact, part-time or temporary work has been a largely hidden part of the administration's monthly job numbers. The lower unemployment rate gets the headlines, not the fact that many of these "jobs" are actually part-time. You could search high and low for any complaints about this from Durbin and other Democratic leaders, and not find a discouraging word uttered by any of them. Yet there was Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of New York on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday minimizing the number of jobs Keystone would produce, saying that they "would create...only 35 permanent jobs." While The Washington Post's fact checker, Glenn Kessler, says the 42,000 job number is questionable, he thinks "it's safe to say nearly 4,000 construction jobs will be created, at least temporarily. One could even say that 16,000 jobs would be or have been supported from direct spending on the project, such as those pipe makers in Arkansas." My own view is that when the Keystone project is fully completed, including the income-rippling effect it will have on the rest of the economy, it will have a far larger impact than its critics suggest. Yet when the nation is showing new signs of economic decline and polls report that a majority of Americans have a gloomy view of the economy, it's outrageous that Obama and the Democrats are trying to kill any jobs bill. Well, not exactly every Democrat. The oil industry has been running nonstop television ads pointing out that the pipeline is backed by Bill Clinton, investment guru Warren Buffett (one of Obama’s earliest supporters) and a lengthy line of Democratic labor union leaders. Veteran economics columnist Robert J. Samuelson has called Obama's opposition "an act of national insanity" at a time when America is in need of every job it can create. Despite the glowing economic figures Obama recited in his State the Union address last week, he left out a lot of bad numbers that are getting worse. Durable goods orders for long-lasting manufactured products fell sharply in December by 3.4 percent, following a 2.1 percent decline the month before. Investment plans by businesses dropped last month, after a similar decline in November. "The nation's median income remains lower than it was when the Great Recession ended," writes economics analyst Jim Tankersley. "Scan the typical family's balance sheet," Tankersley continues, "and the picture looks even worse. From 2010 to 2013, middle-class families sold off assets and spent down what little savings they had, in order to pay off debt and compensate for stagnating wages, according to calculations by New York University economist Edward N. Wolff." Obama's answer to all of this: more federal spending on infrastructure programs, but a firm no to the Keystone pipeline and across-the-board tax cuts to boost incomes and spur new business investment and jobs. If the president and the Democrats are successful in killing the GOP's Keystone bill, they're going to face a lot of angry voters in the 2016 elections, which will make last year's midterm landslide look like a walk in the park. Human Events is a conservative American political news and analysis website. Contact Human Events at |
OBAMA WH HIDING BOWE BERGDAHL CHARGES - TREASON TOO?Posted by Midenise, January 28, 2015 |
Releasing official charges against Bergdahl for desertion would also indict Obama for illegal activities that benefit terrorism. Shaffer spoke of "a titanic struggle behind the scenes," with the Army trying to do the right thing while the White House worried about the images of a president welcoming the parents of someone now charged with desertion and a terrorists-for-deserter narrative coming out. But it will come out, and it will be damning. |
Transparency: The administration is said to be hiding for reasons of damage control a report on the soldier we traded five Taliban leaders for. Bowe Bergdahl's lawyers have already been given a charge sheet for desertion. Both Fox News and now NBC News have reported that Sgt. Bergdahl will be charged with desertion. "I have been told and confirmed by two other sources that his attorney has been given what we call a charge sheet," retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, a respected military analyst, told Fox's Bill O'Reilly on Monday. NBC's Jim Miklaszewski quoted senior defense officials on Tuesday as saying charges could be referred within a week. "A charge sheet is the results of investigation listing out the articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice that have been violated," Shaffer explained. "The key violation is desertion." According to Shaffer, an analyst with the London Center for Policy Research, White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, who played a key role in the cover-up of administration malfeasance in the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed four Americans, has been laboring to keep this information under wraps as long as possible, perhaps to be included later in one of those Friday data dumps the administration is famous for. We'd be stunned if any other decision were reached, for the uncontestable fact is that Bergdahl walked away from his combat post in 2009 in a time of war, leaving behind his weapon, his gear and his fellow soldiers. At least six soldiers were reported to have been killed in operations looking for him. He was not out for a walk to relieve stress or clear his head. Bergdahl was believed to have been held by the Haqqani terror network in the tribal area of Pakistan's northwest frontier on the Afghan border. He was picked up in eastern Afghanistan, near the Pakistani border, by a Navy SEAL team as part of a trade involving the return of five top Taliban commanders who'd been held at Guantanamo Bay. After the trade, the Taliban released a statement attributed to their leader, Mullah Omar, declaring the release of the commanders from Gitmo a "great victory." It was this trade that told the world that America was now ready to deal with terrorists, putting a price on all our heads. President Obama not only broke America's pledge that we will never negotiate with terrorists. He also broke a law that requires congressional notification of such a trade. Not coincidentally, ransom is now a prime source of income for the Islamic State. There's another law the president himself may have broken - that of giving material aid and comfort to a terrorist enemy. As pointed out by Allen West, former congressman and Iraq War veteran, Obama recently signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act, which makes it a crime to offer or provide any material support to terrorist groups. It makes no exception as to who and under what circumstances. "We have a federal statute which makes it a felony to provide material assistance to any terrorist organization," said Fox News judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano in support of West's opinion. "It could be money, maps, professional services, any asset whatsoever, including human assets." Releasing official charges against Bergdahl for desertion would also indict Obama for illegal activities that benefit terrorism. Shaffer spoke of "a titanic struggle behind the scenes," with the Army trying to do the right thing while the White House worried about the images of a president welcoming the parents of someone now charged with desertion and a terrorists-for-deserter narrative coming out. But it will come out, and it will be damning. Contact Midenise at |
THOMAS JEFFERSONPosted by ARNYBARNIE, January 28, 2015 |
His Portrait is on the $2.00 Dollar Bill. This is amazing. There are two parts. Be sure to read the 2nd part (in RED). Thomas Jefferson was a very remarkable man who started learning very early in life and never stopped. At 5, began studying under his cousin's tutor. At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French. At 14, studied classical literature and Additional languages. At 16, entered the College of William and Mary. Also could write in Greek with one hand while writing the same in Latin with the other. At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe. At 23, started his own law practice. At 25, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses. At 31, wrote the widely circulated "Summary" View of the Rights of British America? And retired from his law practice. At 32, was a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress. At 33, wrote the Declaration of Independence . At 33, took three years to revise Virginia 's legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom. At 36, was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick Henry. At 40, served in Congress for two years. At 41, was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations Along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.. At 46, served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington. At 53, served as Vice President and was elected president of the American Philosophical Society. At 55, drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and Became the active head of Republican Party. At 57, was elected the third president of the United States . At 60, obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size. At 61, was elected to a second term as President. At 65, retired to Monticello .. At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine. At 81, almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its first president. At 83, died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence Along with John Adams. Thomas Jefferson knew because he himself Studied the previous failed attempts at government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, His laws and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what Most understand today. Jefferson really knew his stuff. A voice from the past to lead us in the future: John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly Of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." "When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe ." -- Thomas Jefferson "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." -- Thomas Jefferson "It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world." -- Thomas Jefferson "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." -- Thomas Jefferson "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." -- Thomas Jefferson "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -- Thomas Jefferson "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson "To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - Until their children wake-up homeless on The continent their fathers conquered." I wish we could get this out to every American! I'm doing my part. So Please do yours. ___________________And remember our 44th President with a low IQ that is under lock and seal from the public said:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots." ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Contact ARNYBARNIE at |
"VIOLENCE FROM THE NORTH"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 28, 2015 |
Yesterday, four rockets were launched from a Syrian-held position roughly seven kilometers inside of Syria; two of the rockets landed in the Israeli Golan Heights. They landed in open areas and there were no casualties. Military sources identified this as a joint effort of Hezbollah and Syrian forces; the IDF said that Syria would be held responsible for whatever happened inside of its territory. Within hours, Israel responded with an artillery attack that yielded a direct hit on the source of the rockets. ~~~~~~~~~~ That was yesterday. Today was much worse. This time the attack was from Lebanon, not Syria, and it claimed casualties. Some five or six Kornet anti-tank missiles were launched in an ambush attack against military vehicles traveling on a road about two kilometers inside of Israel, in the village of Ghajar. The launching site is estimated to have been four or five kilometers from the IDF vehicles. Two IDF soldiers were killed: Staff Sergeant Dor Nini, 20, and Major Yochai Kalangel, 25 (on the left below). ![]() Reports are not consistent, but some additional seven soldiers were injured. At the same time, there were mortar shells aimed at IDF bases in the area. Israel responded with return fire into Lebanon, and declared the Lebanese responsible for what happens on their soil. As was to be expected, the Lebanese are furious with Hezbollah for operating against Israel from their territory. Hezbollah declared the attack to be retribution for the death of the “martyrs” in the convoy that Israel had hit. ~~~~~~~~~~ At this point in time, additional information is scarce. I post now simply to get the word out (not sure how widely this will be covered); more will follow in a day or two. ~~~~~~~~~~ I cannot sign off, however, without noting that yesterday marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the death camp of Auschwitz. Survivors – fewer in number every year -assembled there for a major ceremony. ![]() The message is that we dare not forget. And that message carries enormous urgency today, as anti-Semitism in all its virulence is on the rise. The difference for Jews now as versus 70 years ago is the existence of the State of Israel. Our leaders here have a solemn obligation to defend Israel with great strength and determination. Whether the world likes this or not is irrelevant. Contact Arlene Kushner at And visit her website at |
YEMEN JOINS LIST OF COLLAPSED MIDEAST STATESPosted by Gloria Center, January 28, 2015 |
The article below was written by Jonathan Spyer who is is Director of the Rubin Center (formerly the GLORIA Center), IDC Herzliya, and a fellow at the Middle East Forum. He is the author of The Transforming Fire: The Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict (Continuum, 2010) and a columnist at the Jerusalem Post newspaper. His reporting on the war in Syria and Iraq has been published in a number of major news outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Times, Weekly Standard and many others. His blog can be followed at: |
This week in Yemen, an Iran-backed Shia militia captured the presidential palace. The president has since resigned. It was the latest stage in the slow advance of the Houthis, who entered the capital Sana'a in September of last year. The latest Houthi victories do not bring the Shia rebels undisputed control of the country. They do, however, ensure the undisputed presence of the Iranian clients in the central government. The situation in Yemen exemplifies in acute form most of the phenomena which are currently tearing much of the Middle East apart: the fragmentation and weakness of central governments; growing sectarian divisions; the presence and power of a strong, Iranian backed political-military force; the importance of local and tribal power structures; Saudi support for the Sunnis; and the existence of a powerful Sunni Jihadi organization, committed both to local struggle and to terrorism against the West. The uprising of the Houthis was launched in 2004. The movement derived its popular support from the 30% or so of Yemenis who belong to the Zaidi Shia community, concentrated in the north of the country. While protesting undoubted discrimination against the Shia, the evidence of Iranian backing for the Houthi militia — officially known as "Ansarullah" (fighters of God) — was apparent from the outset. The stance of the Houthis is reflected in the group's unambiguous slogan: "God is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, a Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam." The physical proof of Iranian aid is also apparent. On January 23, 2013, the Yemeni coast guard apprehended an Iranian ship — the Jihan 1 — which was carrying weapons, explosives, and other military equipment from the Revolutionary Guards Corps intended for delivery to the Houthis. As of this week, the Houthis have an accepted role in the government of Yemen. After fighters of the militia surrounded the presidential palace, President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi confirmed the terms of an agreement signed after the Houthis entered the capital last September. The disputed terms relate to a new constitution, to which the Houthis are demanding amendments. This is less important, however, than the now demonstrated fact that the Shia, Iran-backed militia is the real force in the capital, able to bend the president to their will after killing a number of his guards and threatening his palace. The Houthis are not, of course, the only militia force active in Yemen. Further south, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula remains the most formidable local franchise of the global al-Qaeda network. It claimed responsibility for the recent terror attack on the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. Strong in southern and central Yemen, al-Qaeda has launched a campaign of violence against the Houthis. It also strikes at government and military officials. Operating under the name of Ansar al-Sharia, AQAP now effectively controls a number of provinces in the south and east of the country. The presence of the Houthis in the capital and the Sunni jihadis in the lawless territories to its south is compounded by the weakness and corruption of the central government, which barely exists outside of Sana'a, and now only exists within it by the grace of a pro-Iranian Shia militia. There are no easy solutions in Yemen. As of now, the U.S. is continuing with pinpointed strikes against AQAP, while largely preferring to ignore the no-less-potent threat of the Houthis. This relates, presumably, to the Obama administration's larger policy of outreach to Iran. But in practice, there is probably little the U.S. or any other outside force can do. The issues at stake in Yemen are the product of the profound failure of the Arab state which underlies all that is taking place in the Middle East today. The U.S. experience in the 2003-11 period in Iraq shows that nation-building from the outside is not going to succeed. Fascinatingly, it is the Arab state, not the Middle Eastern state, which is in a process of eclipse. Israel, Turkey, and Iran, in their different ways, are functioning sovereign entities. Kurdish Northern Iraq is also increasingly coming to resemble a successful semi-sovereign concern. The Kurdish enclaves in the northeast are the most peaceful and best administered parts of the former Syria. But from the Mediterranean coast, via Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and now down to Yemen, there is a single line of non-functioning (or in the Lebanese case, barely functioning) territories, in which the state has given way to wars between rival successor entities, usually organized on a sectarian basis. The Houthis and AQAP are the local Yemeni variant of this. The Arab states which have not collapsed are ones which are homogenous in sectarian terms and/or possessed of a powerful, dictatorial central government. There are two states — Egypt and Jordan — where a real chance existed of jihadis gaining a foothold in the way that they have in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, but where this has not yet taken place. In both cases, an authoritarian central government at the head of a strong state apparatus has prevented the jihadis from establishing their mini-emirates (though in Sinai, the battle is surely still on). Can these authoritarian regimes be a model for the future of the region, or are they simply a guarantee of its further stagnation? Perhaps the latter. But for the moment and for the foreseeable future, the choice is between leaders like Sisi, or situations like that of Yemen. Authoritarian clients, or the Houthis and al-Qaeda. No third way has yet made itself apparent. The Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya is offering a scholarship for an outstanding researcher in modern Middle East politics. The Rubin scholarship is named in memory of Professor Barry Rubin, founder and former director of the GLORIA Center. |
The article below was written by Omri Ceren who is
a political blogger and The Israel Project senior advisor.
Ceren came to international attention when he uncovered that
Human Rights Watch military analyst Marc Garlasco was an "avid
collector" of Nazi memorabilia and published the information
on his blog Mere Rhetoric. Ceren's blog focuses on the
cultural, geopolitical, and economic aspects of the struggle
between Western civilization and political Islam. This article
appeared January 28, 2015 on Israpundit and is archived at
It's been a few hours, so we're now entering that news cycle gray zone between "what happened" and "what does it mean," without having definite answers on either. "What happened": Israel's top security figures – PM Netanyahu, DM Ya'alon, and IDF Chief of Staff Gantz – have reportedly wrapped up their meetings in Israel's military headquarters, the Kirya, for now. Israel has confirmed that 2 soldiers were killed, and at least 7 more were injured (some severely). Hezbollah's initial attack appears to have involved firing a fourth generation Kornet anti-tank missile against the Israeli jeep, with additional chaos and cover provided by an IED and mortar fire. Hezbollah media outlets are triumphantly running screencaps of the Israeli vehicle on fire, which they scraped from Israeli TV. There are reports that Hezbollah chief Nasrallah will make a speech before the week is out, though similar reports over the last few weeks have proven false. "What does it mean": this is being treated by all of the parties as a regional battle, and not as a cross-border spat. There are a few regional angles worth noting and potentially reporting out (most of these are from Lebanese news portal Naharnet, not exactly a hotbed of pro-Israel or anti-Hezbollah sentiment):
I'm going to hit you with at least one more email in the next few hours. It'll include a news update plus an invite to a wonkish afternoon conference call we're doing, which will revolve around how today's attack is part of an Iranian play for the Golan Heights. If you need anything in the meantime let me know. Ted Belman is a retired lawyer and the Editor of Israpundit. He made aliya from Canada last year and now lives in Jerusalem, Israel. Contact him at |
THE HISTORY OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD IN 3 MINUTES.Posted by Unity Coalition for Israel, January 28, 2015 |
![]() The Muslim Brotherhood, regarded as the oldest and one of the most important Islamist movements in the world, was founded by Hasan al-Banna in 1928 and dedicated to the credo, “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” According to John Loftus, a former prosecutor with the US Justice Department, "Al-Banna formed this nationalist group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al-Banna was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and wrote to him frequently." Loftus adds that Al-Banna was so persistent in his "admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930s Al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi Intelligence. With the goal of the Third Reich to develop the Muslim Brotherhood as an army inside Egypt." By the end of World War II the Muslim Brotherhood had around half a million members. CLICK VIDEO HERE. |
The article below was written by Dave Bender who is
a writer at Algemeiner. This article appeared January 28, 2015
and is archived at
![]() Units of Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based Islamist terrorist organization, have been filmed transporting a US M1 Abrams battle tank, M113 armored personnel carriers and other US Army equipment, in a long convoy headed for a battle with Islamic State terrorists in Iraq, according to a post in the Long War Journal on Wednesday. In the video, set to martial Arabic music, a long convoy of flag-waving pickup trucks and troop and tank transporters, is seen headed down a desert road towards what the video’s authors said was a battle with IS forces in Iraq. Hezbollah on Thursday morning fired a rocket-propelled grenade at an IDF patrol along the Lebanon border, killing at least two soldiers and wounding seven others, in an attack that Israel said would incur harsh retribution. The IDF has confirmed the names of the two dead soldiers, Cap. Yochai Kalangel, 25, and Sgt. Dor Haim Nini, 20. In 2009, the US ruled that Kata’ib Hezbollah, as the unit is known in Arabic, was a terror group and a component part of a larger group, the Qods Force, which was "responsible for the deaths of hundreds of US and allied soldiers between 2004 and 2011." The US State Department described the Brigades as "a radical Shia Islamist group with an anti-Western establishment and jihadist ideology that has conducted attacks against Iraqi, US, and Coalition targets in Iraq." CLICK VIDEO HERE. Algemeiner is a pioneering newspaper, setting trends while offering stimulating content, breaking news, and insightful analysis into events of our times. This bold approach includes investigative reporting, thought-provoking features and long-felt opinions, presenting unconventional and unique voices on politics and the social and cultural life of the American and international Jewish community. Contact Algemeiner at |
WHO IS THE RIGHTFUL OWNER OF THIS LAND?Posted by Jason Gold, January 29, 2015 |
The article below comes from the
Manhigut Yehudit website. It appeared January 26, 2015 in the Jewish Leadership website January 26, 2015 and is archived at
Former Chief of IDF Intelligence and current head of Israel's National Security Research Institute, Amos Yadlin, proposes compensation for Jews who will leave their homes in Judea and Samaria. "Like Yadlin, a Labor party Knesset candidate, I also propose compensation for those who would leave their homes in Judea and Samaria – the Arabs!" said MK Moshe Feiglin. "My proposal is not new; it is exactly what Zionism did in its days of glory." According to Feiglin, he and Yadlin see the solution in the same light. "The distinction between us is in a completely different place: Who is the rightful owner of this Land and who is the guest?" Feiglin explained. "This distinction does not stop at the 1967 border. An Israeli who feels that he is a guest in Judea and Samaria will ultimately feel the same about Tel Aviv. Since the Oslo Accords, we have raised a generation in Israel that feels like a guest in its own Land. Sadly, the people at the forefront of this mentality today are, like Yadlin, the heads of Israel's security apparatus," Feiglin concluded. Contact Manhigut Yehudit at |
THE WRONG END OF A MUNICIPAL DRAIN-PIPEPosted by Sarah Honig, January 29, 2015 |
![]() The Charlie Hebdo massacre (as distinct from the subsequent slaughter at the Jewish supermarket) turned the spotlight on Muslim proclivities for righteous rage. Instantly the West's elected headliners fell over themselves to declare that Islam is a peace-loving religion whose meek adherents only aspire to win a modicum of respect. As part of our urgent re-education and re-immersion in the cult of multiculturalism, the mantra that the bloodshed "has nothing to do with Islam" was drilled into us nonstop. This, it was repeatedly chanted, is the correct way for us to think. Deviations from the prescribed diktat would be sternly denounced in the name of freedom. Perhaps that's why the dismal fate of Saudi citizen Raif Badawi didn't much move the agenda-setters who so warily safeguard our inalienable right not to veer from their infallible guidelines. Badawi, 31, fell victim to precisely the same Muslim muzzling as did the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, but he is geographically distant and, therefore perhaps, his pain is less in the enlightened faces of opinion-molders. But the fact still remains that he suffers appallingly only because he dared take an independent stand. That's his one and only crime. Moreover, his torment isn't at the hands of wild-eyed Islamic irregulars but at the hands of an orderly Islamic regime to which the international community's movers and shakers – foremost Barack Obama, the Commander in Chief of the self-acclaimed Free World – all avidly suck up. Badawi's original sin dates back to 2006 when he inaugurated his blog, Free Saudi Liberals, in which he promoted freedom of expression and freedom of faith – two purportedly cardinal cornerstones of Western democracy and its much-vaunted pluralist ethos. But liberality proved an unwelcome trespasser in the land that spawned Islam and to which its holiest shrines draw multitudes of believers annually. Thus, eventually Badawi's cyber-activity was deemed apostasy. This constitutes a capital offense in the Muslim setting – the very one that we are indoctrinated to respect and high-mindedly dissociate from atrocities committed in the name of Islam. A campaign of judicial hounding was unleashed against Badawi. He was finally tossed into Jeddah prison on June 17, 2012 and his "illegal website" was shut down by the same Saudi authorities that no Western government would conceivably castigate. On July 29, 2013 Badawi was sentenced to six years and 600 lashes in public. He appealed and the case was referred to retrial. However, the new verdict of May 7, 2014 increased his sentence to ten years, 1000 lashings, a fine of a million Saudi Rials ($266,000) and a ten-year travel ban effective from the end of his sentence. The very fact that anyone in a powerful and prominent state can at all be tried and punished for "insulting Islam and religious authorities" somehow didn't convince the West's high priests of postmodernism that there might be any flaw in Islam – even as it manifests itself in present-day civil society. Political style-gurus continue to portray Muslims as a proverbial bunch of pacifist Quakers whose harmless legacy is tarnished, for no fault of their own, by a few unconnected extremists rampaging impulsively worldwide (the sort that supposedly could – but doesn't – crop up among adherents of other creeds). Badawi appealed once again but, despite all the opportunities the Saudis had to back down, the Jeddah Court of Appeals chose to uphold the sentence on September 1, 2014. The Ministry of the Interior of the monarchy which Obama repeatedly flatters did nonetheless evince lenience – it decreed solicitously that Badawi's 1,000 floggings were to be parceled into 20 weekly sessions of no more than 50 lashes each (in public outside Jeddah's al-Jafali Mosque). The first 50 were administered on January 9, on the very day that Jewish shoppers were shot dead in a Paris kosher grocery and hot on the heels of the assassination of the Charlie Hebdo infidels. No talking heads made the connection between the French and Saudi incidents. Nothing was allowed to interfere with the accepted wisdom that violent intolerance "has nothing to do with Islam." Even if the case could be made – and it's quite a stretch – that the Paris butchers and their co-religionists at every major terrorist outrage around the globe have nothing to do with Islam, can the same be said of the official fanaticism of the most pivotal Islamic regime? Perhaps in an idyllic existence overseen by sugarplum fairies, all assorted unpleasant associations with Islam might simply evaporate – if only we wish hard enough. In our admittedly imperfect existence, though, key players try their darndest to sugarcoat all that superfluous unpleasantness. First among them is America's First Citizen. At the G20 summit in London on April 7, 2009, Obama met with Saudi King Abdullah (whose death last week occasioned a sycophantic pilgrimage to Riyadh of the international Who's Who). For the first time ever the US president didn't make do with a polite handshake. America's top self-professed progressive obsequiously bowed before the reactionary Islamic potentate. It became an iconic moment. Later, in Strasbourg, Obama provided his caption for the indelible image: "We have to change our behavior in showing the Muslim world greater respect." His gesture of obeisance became a symbolic protocol violation. Not only is he not a Saudi subject, but he didn't likewise bow to any other royals. When Obama bent over to express his deference to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, he diminished the tradition of American exceptionalism and his servile genuflection also diminished universal democratic traditions. Having done that, the American president effectively freed himself from the bothersome burden of defending Western liberality. Hence the cruel and unusual punishment meted to a blogger for "insulting Islam" didn't spark the same indignation in Obama as does, for instance, the closure of a balcony in a Jerusalem apartment house in a Jewish neighborhood where Obama dictates that no Jews should be allowed to live. Perchance Jewish presence in the cradle of Judaism "insults Islam" and that's what Obama above all aims to forbid. From this stems his policy of not doing too conspicuously much to combat radical Islamic terror. It's no wonder that in his recent State of the Union address Obama praised his less-than-halfhearted response to the dangers inflicted in every nook and cranny of this planet by a vehement variety of imams and ayatollahs. He congratulated himself for "a smarter kind of American leadership." Straight-faced he claimed that "in Iraq and Syria American stopping ISIL's advance."His "broad strategy," Obama informed us all commandingly, is leading to "a safer more prosperous world." Admitting the truth about the menace whose identity he dare not specify could embarrass Islam's apologist. This may partially account for why Obama didn't join other world leaders for their Paris anti-terror march, why he dithers on Syria and Iraq, why he dismissed ISIL (a.k.a IS or ISIS) as "junior varsity," why he is so intent on lifting sanctions from near-nuclear Iran, why he is so maddeningly soft on Mahmoud Abbas's incitement to mass-murder and why he so viscerally abhors Binyamin Netanyahu (way before the current congressional speech kerfuffle). These are all facets of the same "smarter kind of American leadership." It inordinately misrepresents barbarities "that have nothing to do with Islam" – despite their incontrovertible Islamic context. Obama is uber-cautious about pressing repressive Riyadh regarding such Islamic idiosyncrasies as the spine-chilling spike in executions by beheading during 2014 alone (except for the holy month of Ramadan), arrests of women for violating the ban on female drivers and steep prison sentences for many bloggers, Tweeters and Facebook-posters who expressed nonconformist views. The Saudi escalated crackdown on free speech, women activists and religious reformers goes largely ignored by the Western media as well. Few are aware that Badawi's lawyer, Waleed Abul-Khair, has now himself been imprisoned – ironically under new counterterrorism legislation, ostensibly enacted to curtail the Islamic excesses of outfits like IS. Abul-Khair was convicted of "undermining regime officials, insulting the judiciary and inciting public opinion." He was initially sentenced to 15 years with the possibility of parole after ten. Now, however, an appeals court has withdrawn the parole option because the lawyer disputed the court's legitimacy to try peaceful dissidents. The only good news coming out of Saudi Arabia is that Badawi's flogging was postponed for two weeks running – after the first flogging was administered before throngs that whistled jeeringly, applauded approvingly and hoarsely hollered "alahu akhbar" (Allah is great) every time the bound prisoner's flesh was struck. Eight doctors examining Badawi at the King Fahd Hospital in Jeddah assessed that wounds he sustained in the first flog-fest had not yet sufficiently healed to allow for 50 more whacks to gash his skin again. How mercifully Muslim of them! The very notion of physicians collaborating in so flagrant a travesty of justice – and waiting for medical improvement in order to inflict further injuries – should have sent up howls of protests the world over. Yet the world's leaders comfort themselves with the reduced odds for more unfavorable video-ops from their chief Islamic ally – at least for a smidge longer. The omniscient ones never fail to remind us that, like terror, corporeal punishment and state-sanctioned savagery have nothing to do with Islam. Presumably, such medievalism is quite compatible with the respect which we all reverently owe the Prophet's disciples, according to Obama – and no less according to Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, David Cameron and the rest of the EU's arbiters of Islam-exonerating bon ton. But who can blame them? All they want is to avoid trouble in their own back yards for now – the future and the big picture be damned. To them all we can apply a remark variously attributed to two former British prime ministers – David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill. Both are widely quoted as having said of appeaser Neville Chamberlain that he "viewed everything through the wrong end of a municipal drain-pipe." Sarah Honig is a veteran columnist and senior editorial writer who joined The Jerusalem Post while still in her teens. She served for many years as The Post's political correspondent (a position she also held on the now-defunct but once-influential Davar), headed the Tel Aviv bureau at the Post and wrote daily analyses of the political scene, along with in-depth features. Honig is a mother, an artist and an avid collector of antique and vintage dolls. View Sarah's website at This article appeared January 29, 2015 on her own blog Sarah Honig's Blog and is archived at |
"AWAKEN BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!"Posted by GWY123 January 29, 2015 |
The Middle East is changing face almost every day. Islamic violence with its cruel and murderous power is gripping the region where new recruits who arrive from western countries are becoming well-trained lethal fighters for the Islamic Jihad cause. These “human monsters” are messengers of the devil. Thousands have been killed by them in cruel and inhuman ways that never were before. Non-Sunni Moslem communities are murdered by savage satanic methods that were never used in the history of warfare. Almost nothing is being done to stop this terrible genocide before it is too late and before it spreads throughout the world. This process has already begun. The main goal of Islamic Jihad is to destroy Israel. It is not only the goal of ISIS and other Islamic groups like "Hamas" in Gaza but also the former president of Iran declared in the recent past that "Israel should be removed from the map of the world". As they proclaim again and again, their final goal is to establish an Islamic caliphate and to rule from Jerusalem over the entire world. For them, the G-D and People of Israel are the main obstacles to bring to pass this evil plan. In Israel's southwestern corner is the small Gaza Strip where the Islamic Hamas Organization, an extremely cruel, violent and murderous terror organization gained control. Hamas came to power in 2006 after all of the Israeli communities in Gaza were removed and destroyed under the leadership of Ariel Sharon, the former Prime Minister of Israel, when massive pressure from the UN and the western world had been applied on Israel. On their way to controlling the Gaza Strip, the Hamas even killed and still continues to kill in cruel ways hundreds of other Arabs who oppose them. During the past years they succeeded to build dozens of underground tunnels that stretched from Gaza all the way into the Jewish communities and kibbutzim of Israel that are near to the Gaza Strip. The Hamas had planned very soon (on Rosh Hashanah) to attack Jewish villages and kibbutzim with thousands of Hamas terrorists exiting from dozens of tunnels simultaneously to shoot and kill massive numbers of the Israeli civilian population including men, women, children and infants who reside in southern Israel. Seven months ago three innocent Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and immediately murdered by Hamas terrorists in the area of Hebron. The boy's bodies were hidden in the nearby fields. After two weeks of massive search-efforts by the Israeli Army bolstered by the unending prayers of the entire nation of Israel, the teenager's bodies were found. All in Israel fell into an abyss of heavy mourning and heartache. The great Israeli poet, Bialik, wrote in 1905 after a terrible pogrom against the Jewish community in Kishinev (Eastern Europe) that involved Jewish infants and children who were murdered when their heads were smashed against the walls and then their bodies were thrown into the streets from balconies and windows: "revenge against a small child, even the Satan did not create". These words from Bialik echoed again through the solemn streets of Israel as the three Jewish youngsters were laid-to-rest by their bereaved families. Indeed, this is what Hamas did during their recent terror activities against Israel and also what they master-minded to accomplish through their underground tunnel network upon the innocent Israeli population residing just outside the borders of the Gaza Strip. However in past years, even the Fatah, which is the other Arab Islamic terror organization located inside the borders of the Land of Israel, and was previously controlled by the arch-terrorist, Yasser Arafat, but is now headed by the Palestinian Authority leader, Mahmoud Abbas (we know their goal is likewise to destroy Israel), did the same when they attacked innocent Israelis throughout the Land of Israel by bombing buses, schools, homes, restaurants and even marriage celebrations filled with Jewish men, women and children. Thousands of Israelis including many infants and children and even entire families were murdered in these cruel and barbaric ways. What we, here in Israel, can not understand and accept is that since all of the horrible bombings that killed and maimed Israelis in years past and now as Hamas has shot thousands of rockets, missiles and mortars into nearly every part of Israel, that the UN, EU and almost the entire world do not condemn these violent evil crimes against innocent Israeli citizens and that they have not identified them as "crimes against humanity". When the Israeli Army recently entered Gaza in order to destroy the tunnels through which the evil Hamas organization planned to murder thousands of Jewish men, women and children, the UN and EU condemned Israel and called the Israeli military 'Operation Protective Edge', developed to save thousands of Israeli citizens, a 'crime against humanity'. Now I want to say in the ears of all these worldly organizations, during a time when Arab missiles and rockets are still pointed at Israel from both the north and the south all of which target Israeli citizens: “Such hypocrisy, hatred and anti-Semitism against Israel, the people of G-D, even the devil did not create...!!" Israel is now surrounded and often attacked by cruel and evil Islamic terror organizations and enemies like Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Iran and others. Another vicious terror organization called "ISIS" has appeared in the Middle East. Recently they have succeeded to occupy NE Syria and NW Iraq and within this large conquered area they have established an Islamic caliphate. Every day they succeed to conquer more areas and to murder many thousands of innocents such as Christians, Yazidis and other minorities and even 'non-Sunni' Moslems. In shocking numbers many young Europeans have traveled to Syria and joined ranks with ISIS. In recent months we have seen on all the screens of the media how a British volunteer terrorist of ISIS has murdered two American journalists and others using the most cruel and barbaric method of beheading. ISIS's goal is to occupy the entire Middle East in order to destroy their main obstacle, Israel, and then to extend their caliphate over the entire world. The ISIS organization along with all the other terror groups are not only a danger for Israel but they constitute a major threat for the entire world, especially the nations of the western world. These nations are in a very deep sleep and do not recognize the insidious evil danger that not only knocks on their doors but it even has branches all over the world and especially in Europe. I am afraid that when they finally awaken, it will be too late for them. On the ears of the Islamic enemies of Israel and their supporters all over the world, when thousands of rockets and missiles from Gaza have exploded all over Israel, we would like to say and warn them: “For sixty-six years you made wars and attacks again and again against Israel with one goal, to destroy Israel and to eliminate her from the map of the world. Israel has paid a terrible price of 'life' in order to protect her nation and the Land of the G-D and People of Israel. Over 23,000 Israeli soldiers and many many Israeli civilians have laid down their lives for this battle. They sacrificed their lives to protect the People and the Land of Israel. A great and major godly end-time event is now taking place in the Holy Land of Israel. From Jerusalem, G-D is rebuilding His Holy Kingdom of Israel. This holy and prophetical process will bring to the entire world a deep ethical renewal based on godly moral standards of righteousness that never before existed in the history of mankind and is based on the vision of the Hebrew prophets: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. And many people shall go and say, 'Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the G-D of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths; for from Zion shall go forth Torah, and the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And He shall judge among the nations, and shall decide for many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any more...But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of Hosts has spoken it.” Isaiah 2:2-4, Micah 4:1-4 This is the goal of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement in Jerusalem. We act day and night to bring it to pass in the lifetime of our generation. We have not enough time. These satanic powers are spreading quickly all over the world and we must immediately stop them by this major godly vision of the prophet Isaiah. This is the only plan of G-D that will save mankind from the terrible situation of dark Islamic terror, hatred and wars that the devil is now using and it should be fulfilled before this darkness covers over the sky of all mankind. The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement is the end-time vessel of G-D to bring to pass His end-time vision according to His Word to Israel and to all mankind through His great prophet Isaiah. The Faithful Movement like all the people of Israel trusts the G-D of Israel. He appeared in all the battles against Israel and now again we feel and see His Presence in this current terror battle against Israel. Thousands of missiles and rockets shot against Israel from Gaza were stopped by the G-D of Israel and His brave Israeli army. They could have made terrible damage and killed many thousands of Israelis but the damage has been minor and the number of Israelis who have been killed and injured is low. While we are writing these words, the body of a sweet little 4-year old Israeli boy of Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha is being buried after being hit with shrapnel from one of these rockets. In the field of battle in Gaza, we could see and feel the presence of the G-D of Israel who again gave to the Israeli soldiers, like in biblical times, a great victory. Sixty-five Israeli soldiers gave their lives for the G-d and People of Israel and for the future of the entire world in order to stop a cruel evil that never was before and to open a new godly page in the life of mankind. The Islamic terrorists and other enemies of Israel have no chance to achieve their goals against Israel. Their goal to occupy Israel and to establish an Islamic caliphate from Jerusalem to all points throughout the world will soon fail and be judged terribly by the G-D of Israel and the entire universe. To all of them, I advise to read the Word of G-D sooner than later: "And the Word of the LORD of hosts came to me, saying, Thus says the LORD of hosts; I was zealous for Zion with great zeal, and I was zealous for her with a great fury. Thus says the LORD; I have returned to Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called the city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts, The holy mountain....Thus says the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will save my people from the east country, and from the west country; and I will bring them in, and they will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and they will be my people, and I will be their G-D, in truth and in righteousness. Thus says the LORD of hosts; Let your hands be strong, you that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, who spoke on the day that the foundation of the house of the LORD of hosts was laid, saying that the temple might be built....The burden of the Word of the LORD concerning Israel. The saying of the LORD, who stretches out the heavens, and lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him; Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the peoples round about, and it shall also be for Judah during the siege against Jerusalem. And on that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all the peoples: all that burden themselves with it shall be grievously hurt: and all the peoples of the earth shall be gathered together against it. And it shall come to pass on that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem....Behold, the day of the LORD comes, when thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle...Then shall the LORD go out, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle...And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: on that day the LORD shall be one, and His name One...And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall dwell secure." Zechariah 8:1-3,7-9; 12:1-3,9; 14:1,3,9,11 The Faithful Movement wants to thank so very much the dearest friends of Israel in the United States and all over the world that stood so devoted and dedicated with the people of Israel and the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement during this difficult time. You are righteous people of G-D. The G-D and People of Israel will never forget what you did and what you continue to do every day for the Faithful Movement and for Israel. You are a wonderful part of the end-time family of G-D. One day, and it is soon to come, we shall stand together hand-in-hand in the rebuilt Holy Temple of G-D and we shall thank Him together that He created righteous people like you, fulfilled end-time prophesy through you (Isaiah 49 and 66) and fulfilled an important part in the end-time redemption of the People of Israel and in the rebuilding of the Holy Temple of the G-D of Israel. As we read in the Word of G-D, the real peace for the entire world will come only when the Holy Third Temple of G-D will be built on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem. IN THE ALMIGHTY G-D OF ISRAEL WE TRUST!! This campaign of the Faithful Movement continues to incur many expenses even more than any time in the past and everyone is called to share in the responsibility and to help us financially to fulfill our major historical and godly mission. What a great privilege it is to be a part of the greatest end-time godly cause ever! The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement wants to deeply thank her members, friends and loyal supporters all over the world that stand with, help and support the Movement. We can not even imagine how we could do this holy work without this help and encouragement. May the G-D of Israel continue to bless these precious people. The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement will continue with our godly campaign and holy work. We shall proceed intensively to serve the G-D of Israel with all of our hearts and devotion to build His Holy Temple on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem and to bring to pass all of His end-time prophetic plans for Israel and the entire world. And G-D will be with us! Let us together complete this holy campaign and work of the Faithful Movement in Jerusalem and bring to pass this major godly end-time vision in the lifetime of our generation together with our wonderful and devoted friends in Israel and all over the world. Everyone in the entire world is called to help the Faithful Movement in her holy campaign and to have a part in this greatest of endeavors. What a great godly privilege it is! Together with G-D we can do it! Let us join hand-in-hand and unite to accomplish this privileged holy work and assuredly the G-D of Israel is with us. Contact GWY123 at |
10,000 PALESTINIAN TEENS GRADUATE HAMAS TERROR CAMPPosted by Israel Behind the News, January 29, 2015 |
The article below was written by Elior Levy who is
net's Palestinian Affairs Correspondent. This article
appeared January 29, 2015 on Behind the news in Israel and is
archived at
While their senior counterparts have been testing new homemade rockets and rebuilding the terror tunnel infrastructure, more than 10,000 teenagers arrived at an Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades training compound. Under the guise of a program named "Pioneers of the Resistance," the Palestinian youths – aged 15 to 21 – underwent intensive military training, including exercises simulating operations of Hamas naval commandos. ![]() ![]() The participants of the militant camp were also trained in firing sniper rifles, using the portraits of Israeli leaders for targets. The Palestinian youth simulated attacks on Israeli destinations through model terror tunnels, meant to recreate the experience of infiltrating Israeli territory. ![]() ![]() All training exercises were conducted using firearms and under strict military conditions. Hamas treats the camps with tactical consideration, as its participants are seen by the Gazan terror group to be the next generation of fighters against Israel. ![]() Hamas claimed the demand for a place in the camp had exceeded the planned quota and they were forced to make changes to accept all the applicants. On Tuesday, Ismail Haniyeh attended the graduation ceremony for the thousands of future Hamas militants. Contact Behind the News at |
"A BRIEF RESPITE"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 29, 2015 |
All is quiet in the north now. There are those who think it's just a matter of time until we are attacked again, and that we are certainly closer to major hostilities than we were before this most recent attack. That something major is coming down the road, at some point, is clear. But I would not rush to assume that we are now closer to it. Hezbollah sent a message via Gen. Luciano Portolano, commander of UN forces in Lebanon (UNIFL), overnight, indicating that they are not seeking an escalation of tensions. -want-escalation/ As was expected, Hezbollah declared that it considered this an "eye for an eye" regarding our hit on their people in the convoy in the Golan. Their honor, dignity, whatever, has ostensibly been salvaged with the death of two of our soldiers, and for now they are content. ~~~~~~~~~~ Among political analysts there are two schools of thought regarding Hezbollah's current situation. One says that this radical terror group, in fighting for Assad in Syria, has been depleted (hundreds of their fighters killed) and drained – and thus is in no mood to take on Israel now. The other says that whatever the stresses of fighting have been for Hezbollah, the experience has honed their battle skills so that they are better equipped to confront Israel than they were before. I am not certain that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive. They might decide to wait before advancing a major confrontation, but might ultimately be more dangerous opponents than they would have been if not for the Syrian battles. Maj. Gen. (ret.) Yaakov Amidror, former national security advisor, says that the last thing Hezbollah needs now is to open a second front: "The chances (of an escalation) are very slim, almost none," ~~~~~~~~~~ Other matters, as well, must be factored into predictions regarding Hezbollah actions in the coming days and months: There is, as I have mentioned, great dissatisfaction inside of Lebanon with what Hezbollah is doing. See more about the mounting criticism here:,7340,L-4620415,00.html And there are also apparently financial difficulties for Hezbollah. It "may be on the cusp of a financial crisis": -financial-crisis/ ~~~~~~~~~~~ And, most significantly, there is Iran. If Hezbollah were to take on Israel in a major confrontation, it would be at the bidding of Iran; Many analysts believe that Iran would be reluctant to "waste" Hezbollah on this now, when it is not yet time. Hezbollah is being "saved" for the moment when Israel might decide to attack Iran. (More about Iran below.) ~~~~~~~~~~ Then, of course, on the other side, there is the reluctance of Israel's leaders to engage in a major confrontation with Hezbollah now (the proclamations of Foreign Minister Lieberman regarding the need to do more notwithstanding). We are in an election campaign, and a war now would not serve Netanyahu's electoral aspirations. The death and damage that would ensue would cause many to turn against him – whether fairly or not. ~~~~~~~~~~ But let me add, lest the above be read improperly: while our leaders may not wish to go the route of war now, our military is prepared and on the alert, and would respond if necessary. The IDF is actually on high alert in the north, and has begun searching for tunnels Hezbollah may have been excavated a la Hamas. -fears-of-Hezbollah-attack-tunnels-389236 ~~~~~~~~~~ What I must say is that I wish never, ever again to see pictures such as these below here in Israel, or to have to share them. These were taken at the funeral of Maj. Yochai Kalangel, 25, who was killed by Hezbollah. He was buried in the military cemetery at Har Herzl earlier today. Perhaps some can look at these photos without a wrenching of the heart or a tear in the eye, but I cannot. Nor can many others here. The pain is palpable. The woman is Kalangel's widow, who has a one year old child. I am assuming the man is his father, who said at the funeral that "Where you should have buried me, I bury you." ![]() St.-Sgt. Dor Haim Nini, 20, from Shtulim, was buried in his home village later in the day today. Yesterday, his girlfriend, Sahar, posted a picture of the two of them on Facebook, and wrote "good morning my love." Nini saw it, "liked" the photo and wrote, "you are my life. I love you." Hours later, he had been killed. Good people, good soldiers cut down in their young lives. I never want to have to share such photos or stories again. But as surely as I am sitting at my keyboard now, I know I will have to. ~~~~~~~~~~ It is worth mentioning that the US stance on this was supportive. Jan Psaki, State Department spokeswoman, said: "We support Israel's legitimate right to self-defense." She added that Washington condemned the attack. -against-hezbollah/ This statement lacked the absolute "evenhandedness" that so often mars comments from State; apparently it's politically correct to criticize Hezbollah. ~~~~~~~~~~ Netanyahu, in the last couple of days, has pointed a finger at Iran, as being ultimately responsible for the Hezbollah attack. "Iran is the one which is responsible for arming, organizing, funding and deploying terrorists on Israel's northern and southern borders." (Emphasis added)
~~~~~~~~~~ In another statement yesterday, the prime minister said, "For some time, Iran – via Hezbollah – has been trying to establish an additional terrorist front against us from the Golan Heights." (Emphasis added) northern-border-attack-389343 And I think with this we come full circle. We attacked the convoy in the Golan because intelligence suggested a good possibility that high level military personnel were present in order to advance plans for establishing a base there that might even include rocket launching equipment. Now there is talk in some quarters about the need for stronger Israeli action against the killing of our soldiers in the attack launched from Lebanon – the claim is that this is necessary for deterrence. But as I see it, our deterrence was advanced most powerfully via the attack on the convoy in the Golan. Hezbollah seeks that base in order to be able to attack Israel without involving Lebanon. But Hezbollah and Iran have been warned that we are on to their intentions and will not permit this. ~~~~~~~~~~ On the subject of Iran, I share here two articles. The first, by Shoshana Bryen, Senior Director, Jewish Policy Center: "Iran Doesn't Need Nuclear Weapons" (emphasis added): "In his State of the Union address, President Obama forcefully announced he would not accept 'a nuclear-armed Iran.' This reflects his view that the only objectionable element of Iran's behavior would be acquisition and possible use of such weapons. This is conveniently narrow. "While the ability to produce nuclear weapons quickly and in secret – if it hasn't already done so – is important, Iran pursues a wide variety of long-term Shiite religious and Persian imperial goals in the Middle East and Africa, and in the Western Hemisphere... "...With his focus solely on nuclear weapons, President Obama has missed perhaps the last, best opportunity to stymie the mullahs. _nuclear_weapons_.html ~~~~~~~~~~ And then, Khaled Abu Toameh, "How Iran is Circling the Gulf and Israel" (emphasis added): "...Relations between Iran and Hamas had become strained after Hamas's refusal to support the regime of Iran's client, Syria's Bashar Assad, in his fight against the Syrian opposition forces. "Iran and Hamas need each other badly. Iran wants Hamas because it does not have many Sunni allies left in the region. An alliance with Hamas would enable Iran to rid itself of charges that it is leading a Shiite camp fighting against the Sunnis. "Hamas, for its part, is desperate for any outside support, especially in wake of its increased isolation in the Palestinian and international arenas... "Hamas leaders say they have taken a 'strategic' decision to restore their ties with Iran. Ismail Haniyeh, the former prime minister of the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, announced recently that his movement is working toward establishing "open relations" with Iran... "The Hamas-Iran rapprochement is yet another sign of Tehran's effort to use its allies in the Middle East to destroy Israel. Hamas leaders are now hoping that Iran will resume not only its financial aid to their movement, but the supply of weapons as well. "Iran is not interested in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip or providing shelter to thousands of Palestinian families who lost their homes during the last war. The only thing Iran is interested in there is turning Hamas into another Iranian-backed army that would be used to attack Israel. This is all happening at a time when the Obama Administration is busy preparing for another round of talks with Iran over its nuclear program. It is obvious by now that Tehran is using these negotiations to divert attention from its efforts to deepen its involvement in the Middle East, with the hope of taking over the oil fields and eliminating Israel." ~~~~~~~~~~ This is stuff to make the blood run cold. And it is with this that I stop my political reporting tonight. Who knows what's coming down? Who cares? I think part of what enrages me so much is the on-going hullabaloo about Netanyahu's plans to speak to Congress when Obama doesn't want him to. Here in Israel, the left is carrying on because this may give him an electoral advantage. The bottom line is that where Iran is concerned, people should eagerly embrace an opportunity to hear what Netanyahu has to say. And we Israelis should hold our heads high, for we have a leader who gets it right – and has something to say to the Congress. Dear friends, I urge you to share Khaled Abu Toameh's article broadly – and most specifically with your senators and congresspersons. This is a matter that must be brought to the attention of those who can make a difference. For your Congresspersons: For your Senators: ~~~~~~~~~~ Let's close with something upbeat. Because we must hold on to what can sustain us: Yesterday, I saw for the first time that the almond trees (the very first to blossom) are in bloom. This means that – while winter weather, hopefully, will return to bring us more rain – spring is around the corner. Something to lift the spirits. (Yes, I know, parts of N. America are buried in snow – but allow your spirits to be lifted, at least in this regard, vicariously.) Contact Arlene Kushner at and visit her website: |
'ALL EUROPEAN LIFE DIED IN AUSCHWITZ'Posted by Unity Coalition for Israel, January 29, 2015 |
The article below was written by Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez
who is Spanish writer. This article appeared July 25, 2013 on
facebook and is archived at
I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth - Europe died in Auschwitz ... We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.. The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. These are the people we burned. And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride. They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts. And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs. What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe! The Global Islamic population is approximately 1,200,000,000; that is ONE BILLION TWO HUNDRED MILLION or 20% of the world's population. They have received the following Nobel Prizes: Literature:1988 - Najib Mahfooz Peace:1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat1990 - Elias James Corey1994 - Yaser Arafat:1999 - Ahmed Zewai Economics:(zero) Physics:(zero) Medicine:1960 - Peter Brian Medawar1998 - Ferid Mourad TOTAL: 7 SEVEN The Global Jewish population is approximately 14,000,000; that is FOURTEEN MILLION or about 0.02% of the world's population. They have received the following Nobel Prizes: Literature:1910 - Paul Heyse1927 - Henri Bergson1958 - Boris Pasternak1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon1966 - Nelly Sachs1976 - Saul Bellow1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer1981 - Elias Canetti1987 - Joseph Brodsky1991 - Nadine Gordimer World Peace:1911 - Alfred Fried1911 - Tobias Michael Carel Asser1968 - Rene Cassin1973 - Henry Kissinger1978 - Menachem Begin1986 - Elie Wiesel1994 - Shimon Peres1994 - Yitzhak Rabin Physics:1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer1906 - Henri Moissan1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson1908 - Gabriel Lippmann1910 - Otto Wallach1915 - Richard Willstaetter1918 - Fritz Haber1921 - Albert Einstein1922 - Niels Bohr1925 - James Franck1925 - Gustav Hertz1943 - Gustav Stern1943 - George Charles de Hevesy1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi1952 - Felix Bloch1954 - Max Born1958 - Igor Tamm1959 - Emilio Segre1960 - Donald A. Glaser1961 - Robert Hofstadter1961 - Melvin Calvin1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman1965 - Julian Schwinger1969 - Murray Gell-Mann1971 - Dennis Gabor1972 - William Howard Stein1973 - Brian David Josephson1975 - Benjamin Mottleson1976 - Burton Richter1977 - Ilya Prigogine1978 - Arno Allan Penzias1978 - Peter L Kapitza1979 - Stephen Weinberg1979 - Sheldon Glashow1979 - Herbert Charles Brown1980 - Paul Berg1980 - Walter Gilbert1981 - Roald Hoffmann1982 - Aaron Klug1985 - Albert A. Hauptman1985 - Jerome Karle1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach1988 - Robert Huber1988 - Leon Lederman1988 - Melvin Schwartz1988 - Jack Steinberger1989 - Sidney Altman1990 - Jerome Friedman1992 - Rudolph Marcus1995 - Martin Perl2000 - Alan J. Heeger Economics:1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson1971 - Simon Kuznets1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow1975 - Leonid Kantorovich1976 - Milton Friedman1978 - Herbert A. Simon1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein1985 - Franco Modigliani1987 - Robert M. Solow1990 - Harry Markowitz1990 - Merton Miller1992 - Gary Becker1993 - Robert Fogel Medicine:1908 - Elie Metchnikoff1908 - Paul Erlich1914 - Robert Barany1922 - Otto Meyerhof1930 - Karl Landsteiner1931 - Otto Warburg1936 - Otto Loewi1944 - Joseph Erlanger1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser1945 - Ernst Boris Chain1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller1950 - Tadeus Reichstein1952 - Selman Abraham Waksman1953 - Hans Krebs1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann1958 - Joshua Lederberg1959 - Arthur Kornberg1964 - Konrad Bloch1965 - Francois Jacob1965 - Andre Lwoff1967 - George Wald1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg1969 - Salvador Luria1970 - Julius Axelrod1970 - Sir Bernard Katz1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman1975 - Howard Martin Temin1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg1977 - Roselyn Sussman Yalow1978 - Daniel Nathans1980 - Baruj Benacerraf1984 - Cesar Milstein1985 - Michael Stuart Brown1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]1988 - Gertrude Elion1989 - Harold Varmus1991 - Erwin Neher1991 - Bert Sakmann1993 - Richard J. Roberts1993 - Phillip Sharp1994 - Alfred Gilman1995 - Edward B. Lewis1996- Lu RoseIacovino: TOTAL 129!!! The Jews are NOT promoting brain washing children in military training camps, teaching them how to blow themselves up and cause maximum deaths of Jews and other non Muslims. The Jews don't hijack planes, nor kill athletes at the Olympics, or blow themselves up in German restaurants. There is NOT one single Jew who has destroyed a church. There is NOT a single Jew who protests by killing people. The Jews don't traffic slaves, nor have leaders calling for Jihad and death to all the Infidels. Perhaps the world's Muslims should consider investing more in standard education and less in blaming the Jews for all their problems. Muslims must ask 'what can they do for humankind' before they demand that humankind respects them. Regardless of your feelings about the crisis between Israel and the Palestinians and Arab neighbors, even if you believe there is more culpability on Israel's part, the following two sentences really say it all: 'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel ..." Benjamin Netanyahu General Eisenhower Warned Us It is a matter of history that when the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight Eisenhower, found the victims of the death camps he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead. He did this because he said in words to this effect: 'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened' Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population which claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet.. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving into it. It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended. This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in bmemory of the, 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1,900 Catholic priests who were 'murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten, experimented on and humiliated' while many people looked the other way. Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth,' it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets. How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade Center 'NEVER HAPPENED' because it offends some Muslim in the United States? Ps: The views are not my own but have given me so much to think about that I find many of my ideas and views wrong now. Please do not bash me, i am only providing food for thought. Contact Unity Coalition for Israel at |
Oslo, Norway: "The world's largest gang of thugs, murderers, and rapists is masquerading as a religion of peace," says Adrian Stavig, a resident of Oslo. Beginning this past January, the new Norwegian Prime Minister, Erna Solberg began a program which targets and deports Muslims who have ties to radical groups. While many in America would say this is racist, it's worked in dramatic fashion. Violent crimes are down more than 31% in Norway. What a shocker. Perhaps the rest of Europe and the United States could learn a lesson or two about radical Islam here. Deport the radicals, keep the moderates, and everybody wins. From Oslo local news: A record number of people were deported by Norwegian authorities in October, said government sources. The National Police Immigration Service Norway (Politiets Utlendingsenhet - PU) deported 824 people in October, which is a new record. The previous record was set in September, the month prior, when 763 people were deported, reported Dagsavisen. PU believe some of the reasons for the rise in figures are more resources, more staff and a change of "portfolio priorities". It has also become easier for Norwegian authorities to deport people back to Afghanistan and Nigeria. Kristin Kvigne, head of PU, said to Dagsavisen: "This month helps us reach our goal for this year." Norway's government has ruled that 7,100 people will be deported in 2014. At the end of October, PU had deported 5,876 people so far this year. A percentage of those deported in 2014 were asylum seekers who had their application for continued asylum rejected. They were then deported along with their families. The majority of deportees, however, had committed crimes, or had returned illegally to Norway after being deported. Kvigne said it was important to view the high number of deportations made by PU in the context of falling crime rates across the country. Not everybody in Norway is happy with the increased deportations. One academic slammed the new policies: "Norwegian women must take responsibility for the fact that Muslim men find their manner of dress provocative. And since these men believe women are responsible for rape, the women must adapt to the multicultural society around them." - Dr. Unni Wikan, Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo So, Dr. Wikan, using your logic, it is the victim's fault they have been raped? Not in this universe! You sir may have book smarts, but you sure don't have any common sense. And there you have it! Kicking out radical Muslims makes a nation safer and peaceable. Women can walk around without fear of being raped, people just get along a lot better. Contact Kit Goto at |
Like a few million other Israelis, the first thing I checked on Thursday morning was whether we were at war. We're not—for now. Israeli forces did not act against Hizballah or Syrian targets overnight—even though, on Wednesday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had said: "Those behind today's attack will pay the full price." Wednesday's attack involved Hizballah's firing from Syria of antitank missiles at two Israeli military vehicles in the Galilee, and of mortars at the Mt. Hermon ski site on the Israeli Golan Heights. Two soldiers in the vehicles were killed and seven were lightly wounded. All civilian visitors had to be evacuated from the Mt. Hermon site, where there were no casualties. Hizballah's attack came in retaliation for an Israel missile strike on January 18 against two vehicles of the Iran-Syria-Hizballah axis on the Syrian part of the Golan Heights. Along with others, that attack killed two major Hizballah commanders along with an Iranian general who was advising the Syrian army. Another case of typical, tit-for-tat, cross-border violence between Israel and its foes? The U.S. State Department related to it that way, with spokeswoman Jen Psaki saying: "We support Israel's legitimate right to self-defense" and adding: "We urge all parties to refrain from any action that could escalate the situation." Actually, though, there is much more here than might meet the eye in a superficial glance. Although it is not clear to what extent Israel knew the identities of those in the vehicles it hit on January 18—and particularly if it knew that the Iranian general was one of them—that attack threw into sharp relief the fact that Iran's axis is trying to open a front against Israel from Syrian territory. This is particularly striking if, like me, you read a lot of analyses that say the "last thing" Hizballah now needs is a military entanglement with Israel. Hizballah has long been heavily involved in the Syrian civil war on the Assad regime's side, losing hundreds of fighters. It is also embattled within its home base of Lebanon where, as an offshoot of the Syrian chaos, radical Sunni militias are gaining ground. And yet, embroiled as it already is, Hizballah is in fact—with Iran, of course, pulling the strings—doing exactly what it supposedly doesn't need, that is, trying to open another front with Israel. Even more indicative of this is the fact that Wednesday's attack could have been a lot worse than it was. If, instead of the two soldiers who were killed, the casualty toll among the soldiers in the vehicles—or, for that matter, among the civilians in the Mt. Hermon area—had been higher, Israel would not now be in a gray area regarding its next move. It would have had to react, fast, and another Middle Eastern war might now be on the TV screens. And the only thing that explains this greater boldness by the Iranian axis is Iran's ongoing strategic successes as it keeps building its strategic weaponry and expanding its power in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and, most recently and dramatically, Yemen, where Iran's proxy, the Houthi militia, appears poised to take over the country. And these developments, in turn, cannot be divorced from the general climate of appeasement and even "detente" with Iran now being pursued by the Obama administration and its Western allies. When the achievement of a highly problematic nuclear agreement with Iran is made the supreme goal, when all other Iranian behavior is ignored, when Iran correctly perceives that its Western interlocutors are deluded and unserious about its belligerence, the result is—what we now see unfolding in the region. And this situation, in turn, sheds light on Netanyahu's breach of protocol, and preparedness to offend the Obama administration, in agreeing to address a Republican-dominated Congress on March 3 without first smoothing out the matter with the administration. An increasingly confident and belligerent Iran and an imminent deal that will leave Iran a threshold nuclear power are matters of existential weight for Israel. Iran's latest public call to "wipe out the Zionist regime" came just this week. Of course it's preferable, as much as possible, for Israel and the Obama administration to get along—but that, too, cannot come at any price. Whether or not the present cross-border tensions between Israel and the Iranian axis stand to escalate, the situation in the region has already gravely escalated. Israel's first order of business is to stop Hizballah from opening an anti-Israeli Syrian front in addition to its already-existing Lebanese front. Its larger task is to survive, and to ally itself with those who are both sympathetic and attuned to reality. P. David Hornik is a freelance writer and translator living in Be'er Sheva, Israel, and is a columnist for who also contributes to Pajamas Media and American Spectator. This article appeared January 29, 2015 on PJ Media and is archived at |
A U.S. citizen born and raised in Somalia had two major law enforcement organizations issue alerts on him as a wanted jihadist on Thursday. His greatest danger to the United States is his familiarity with Washington, D.C. which he acquired as a taxicab driver. The latest addition to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Most Wanted list and the subject of an International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) Red Notice, 29-year-old Liban Haji Mohamed is charged with providing material support and resources to al-Qaida and its Somali-based ally Al Shabaab, both listed by the State Department, the Treasury Department and the United Nations as terrorist organizations, according to the FBI and U.S. Justice Department.. ![]() Federal Bureau of Investigation U.S. Attorney's Office in the Eastern District of Virginia unsealed a federal arrest warrant dated Jan. 29, 2015 for the American jihadist and the FBI announced a $50,000.00 reward for information leading to the capture of Mohamed. "Al Shabaab has claimed responsibility for many bombings in Somalia and Uganda and the 2013 attack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya," Carl Ghattas, special agent in charge of the Counterterrorism Division at the FBI’s Washington Field Office, said in a statement. "Liban Mohamed is believed to have left the U.S. with the intent to join Al Shabaab in East Africa. We believe he is currently there operating on behalf of that terrorist organization," he added. Al Shabaab, although mostly a deadly scourge in Somalia, has also attacked targets in Kenya and other African nations. In 2010, it officially announced its affiliation with the so-called "core" al-Qaida terrorist network, which was founded by the late Osama bin Laden. It is also affiliated, through al-Qaida, with Nigeria’s equally ruthless terrorist organization known as Boko Haram. The Somali-American terror suspect reportedly left the U.S. sometime in July 5, 2012 and is using a U.S. passport and other U.S. identification such as a driver's licence. Before leaving the U.S., Mohamed's home is listed as the "Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. While living in the D.C. area, he was employed as a taxi driver. He also secretly worked as a U.S. recruiter for Al Shabaab, a group that has had some success with getting Westerners to travel to Somalia and engage in jihad. The FBI's SAC Ghattas noted, "Not only did Mohamed choose to go to Somalia and fight with Al Shabaab, he took a prominent role in trying to recruit people and have them train with weapons." The FBI also noted that it is publicizing the case on social media channels in Somalia and elsewhere to encourage people to come forward with information about the fugitive. The FBI believes Mohamed is dangerous to the United States due to his extensive knowledge of the nation's capital and the surrounding area as a result of his work as a cab drive. His cab driving experience gives him familiarity with the airports, rail system, public transportation, federal buildings, embassies and shopping malls. It's believed he'd be an excellent intelligence asset for terrorists seeking to attack the homeland. Originally, Interpol officials issued a Blue Notice for Mohamed in order to collect additional information about his identity, location, and activities for their files, but on Aug. 15, 2014, Interpol issued a Red Notice to seek him as a wanted fugitive. The Red Notice is considered the closest thing to an international arrest warrant and includes being brought before an international tribunal with a view to his extradition. According to SAC Ghattas, Mohamed speaks fluent English, Somali, and Arabic. He is described as a black male, 6′ tall, 194 lbs., with black hair and brown eyes. Aliases that he uses include "Abu Ayrow," Shirwa," "Shirwac," "Qatiluhum," and "Qatil." Mohamed had been a close associate of homegrown terrorist Zachary Chesser, who is now serving a 25-year sentence in a U.S. federal prison for his own attempts to provide material support to Al Shabaab. Jim Kouri, CPP, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, an editor for, a columnist for, and a contributor to WPTF, Raleigh, North Carolina. He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at St. Peter's University and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. |
Will Obama's bad deal with Iran lead us to a third World War, in same way as Chamberlain's bad deal with Hitler led to the second World War?. The article was written by Jan Willem van der Hoeven who is the director of International Christian Zionist Center.This article appeared January 29, 2015 on International Christian Zionist Center and is archived at |
There is a parallel to be drawn with what has happened in the past and what has unfolded during these last decennia relating both to the political landscape in the United States and to the political situation we find ourselves in here in Israel. In earlier United States' history both parties - Democrats and Republicans - were basically pro-American and patriotic. Both had their country's wellbeing as their overall concern, the Democrats more from a left-liberal standpoint, the Republicans from a more conservative one. This has now changed as the Democratic Party has moved so far to the left that it is barely - at least as a party - still patriotic or pro its own nation. In many ways this is now also true of the political situation in Israel between the leading parties: Labor and Likud. Labor - under the leadership today of Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni - must have realized this when it attempted tamper with its departure from the former (at least patriotic) Labor leadership by deceitfully calling its politically conceived union "the Zionist Camp." For they have to know, even among their own members, that pro-Israel patriotism or old fashioned Labor Zionism of the type of Golda Meir or even Yitzhak Rabin has largely disappeared. It is no secret that Rabin himself never believed in or pursued a path towards an independent Palestinian state, notwithstanding the dishonest claims and misquotes attributed to him after his death in support of their post-Zionist positions in his party by members and ideologues who were further left than he. The misrepresented prime minister called even the Oslo Accord (which was not for a Palestinian state but only for Palestinian Arab self-rule) "the bastard child I was forced to accept." As in America, so in Israel; these socialist labor oriented parties - the Democrats and the Labor Socialists - have moved so far to the left as to endanger the overall security and wellbeing of the nations they helped establish! While this has for some time and increasingly been the nationally destructive trend with America's democrats, it appears that only now a few more conservative leaning members of that party are waking up to it. Under the leadership of President Barack Obama, his chief and ever-present advisor Valerie Jarrett, and other certainly leftist leaning associates, the Democratic Party has veered into becoming a universalist socialist 'do good party' to everybody, first and foremost to the downtrodden poor and underprivileged inside America. Then, as a logical conclusion of this global leftist outlook - it has manifested a willingness to treat favourably even those nations that pose a threat to the US (eg. Iran, Cuba and others); an effort to be good, non-discriminatory towards Islamic states, as Obama clearly spelled out at the beginning of his first term in office during his speech in the University of Cairo in Egypt. This has all recently been played out in front of the world in relation to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's firm commitment to providing safety for his people from the Islamic threat posed by Iran's pursuit of power - not only by way of the nuclear bomb it is developing, but also through Tehran's increasing influence via radicalized Islam over Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and others. The uncompromising stand against Islamic-oriented enemies (not only of Israel but also of the wellbeing and safety of the US as these foes call Israel "only" the small Satan and the US the big Satan) stands diametrically opposed to the socialist global mentality or philosophy of today's White House. It is therefore good, not just for Israel's security but also for America's, that Netanyahu has been invited to address both houses of Congress on the specific issue that threatens both nations! What was to be expected is that the first and fiercest criticism of this invitation to address America's leadership came from the not so patriotic socialists in both Israel and the US. And herein lies the parallel: Just as British ideologists cut from this type of cloth stood behind Chamberlain's efforts to reach an agreement with Hitler in the face of the German threats in Munich, so does today's White House leadership desire to reach an equally futile agreement with the mullahs of Iran. Reacting to the way many of the more readily deceived Brits embraced and applauded Chamberlain's agreement with Hitler - which the prime minister declared had secured "peace for our time" - but which was made with a man whose openly-stated goal (like that of Iran's Ayatollahs) was the final destruction of the Jewish people, the as yet un-empowered Winston Churchill told Parliament: "We had a choice between shame and war - we chose shame but we shall get war." We know now, as the British people themselves were soon to learn, that the mistaken belief in a weak and false agreement on paper itself brought about the Second World War, with more than 50 million dead, six million of which were Jews. Had a European Jewish leader then been invited by Churchill to address Parliament to warn about the serious consequences of this mistaken trust in Hitler should he - as Israel's left together with the new post American leftists demand Netanyahu do - have declined to use such opportunity to save his own and Europe's people from a sure catastrophe? What can possibly be wrong with the Speaker of the Congress, John Boehner, inviting a Jewish leader like Benjamin Netanyahu to help ensure that the necessary bipartisan majority will block a false and dangerous agreement with Iran which again may well cost the lives of millions of Americans? Thanks be to God that at least there is a Churchill-like majority in both houses of Congress who are ready to listen to Netanyahu before - like Chamberlain - Obama further endangers his nation and Israel by appeasing the evil dictates of today's Hitler-like despots! OBAMA'S ANTISEMITIC HISSY FIT: "NETANYAHU 'SPAT IN OUR FACE'" ![]() The vicious Jew-hating rhetoric coming from the White House is unusual even for an anti-semite like Obama. Clearly, Obama is working furiously to upend the Israeli elections and hurt Netanyahu's election chances. More than this, he is enraged at the spectacle of Netanyahu standing before a cheering Congress, reflecting the overwhelming support of the American people. This latest attack on Israel is evil. Plain and simple.
Haaretz reported that Obama had personally demanded that Netanyahu tone down his pro-sanctions rhetoric in a phone call between the two last week. The president has said a sanctions bill would cripple negotiations with Iranian leaders at a critical stage, and has threatened to veto such a bill should it come through. The Washington Post reported that Netanyahu's apparent disrespect for the US leadership was particularly offensive to Secretary of State John Kerry, who over the past month had made frenzied efforts on Israel's behalf on the world stage — making dozens of calls to world leaders to convince them to oppose a UN Security Council resolution which would have set a timeframe for the establishment of a Palestinian state. "The secretary's patience is not infinite," a source close to Kerry told the Post. "The bilateral relationship is unshakable. But playing politics with that relationship could blunt Secretary Kerry's enthusiasm for being Israel's primary defender." The White House said Thursday that Obama would not meet with Netanyahu when he travels to Washington, with a spokeswoman citing a "long-standing practice and principle" by which the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections. Kerry will also not meet with Netanyahu. Netanyahu will be in Washington in part for a March 3 address to a joint session of Congress. House Speaker John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak to Congress without consulting the Obama administration. The White House initially reacted icily to Netanyahu's plans to address Congress, an appearance apparently meant to bolster opposition to a nuclear deal with Iran as it is currently shaping up, as well as opposition to new sanctions against Tehran. White House spokesman Josh Earnest suggested Wednesday that Netanyahu and Boehner had broken with protocol in not informing Obama of the prime minister's travel plans. "We haven't heard from the Israelis directly about the trip at all," he said, adding the White House would "reserve judgment" about any possible face-to-face meeting until explanations are made. "The typical protocol would suggest that the leader of a country would contact the leader of another country when he is traveling there. That is certainly how President Obama's trips are planned," explained Earnest. "So this particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol." Speaking several hours after Earnest, top US diplomat Kerry said Netanyahu was welcome to give a speech at "any time" in the United States. But Kerry agreed it had been a "little unusual" to hear about the Israeli leader's speech to US Congress next month from the office of Boehner and not via the usual diplomatic channels. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, leader of the House Democrats, said that Boehner blundered when he invited Netanyahu to address Congress amid sensitive negotiations about Iran's nuclear program and in the shadow of Israel's elections. "If that's the purpose of Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit two weeks before his own election, right in the midst of our negotiations, I just don't think it's appropriate and helpful," Pelosi told reporters Thursday at her weekly news conference. The speech, Pelosi suggested, could give Netanyahu a political boost in elections a few weeks later and inflame international talks aimed at stopping Iran's nuclear program. Israel is scheduled to hold elections on March 17. Netanyahu confirmed Thursday that he would address Congress in early March. He was initially slated to speak on February 11, but changed the date so he could attend the AIPAC conference. "The Prime Minister is expected to arrive in the US at the beginning of March and will also participate in the AIPAC conference," read a statement from the PMO. "The speech in front of both houses of Congress will give the prime minister the opportunity to thank President Barack Obama, Congress, and the American people for their support of Israel. "I look forward to the opportunity to express before the joint session Israel's vision for a joint effort to deal with [Islamist terrorism and Iran's nuclear program], and to emphasize Israel's commitment to the special bond between our two democracies," Netanyahu said, according to the statement. Israel and the United States are close allies, but personal relations between Obama and Netanyahu have reportedly deteriorated over the years. The pair have publicly clashed over Israeli settlement building in the West Bank and about how to tackle Iran's disputed nuclear program. Obama's allies fear Netanyahu's March trip could be used by Israel and by Republicans to rally opposition to a nuclear deal, undercutting years of sensitive negotiations just as they appear poised to bear fruit. In November the already faltering ties between the leaders were served a new blow when an anonymous US official was quoted calling Netanyahu a "chickens***" in anarticle published by journalist Jeffrey Goldberg in the American ma.... The article portrayed the rift between the United States and Israel as a "full-blown crisis." by Cry and Howl writes: I have nothing but admiration for Benjamin Netanyahu. This guy is actually serious about protecting the nation of Israel despite all the snot blowing from Obama and the bunch of perverts on his staff. I can't believe how the media is making Netanyahu out to be a bad guy, well, actually I can. They've been covering Obama's ass for six years so nothing surprises me about them. If Barack Obama was even half the man Netanyahu is he would at least try to fake protecting the United States. But he can't even do that ... no wait; it's not that he can't, it's that he won't and he doesn't give a damn. That dear friends is a stark difference between Obama and Netanyahu. Netanyahu doesn't care who he pisses off protecting his country. Obama doesn't care who he pisses off destroying the security of the United States. So Barack is "negotiating a deal" with Iran regarding their nuclear program. What torques my gourd is that some folks actually believe Obama is working to protect Israel and the Middle East because he says he is??? Holy moly! Netanyahu knows Obama is a liar and that's why Obama and company are so pissed. Obama is pissed because Netanyahu doesn't buy into the lies and bullshit Obama puts forth and every day. Contact Joan Swirsky at |
At least 26 people killed in terrorist attacks on army and police positions as well as a hotel in El-Arish. ![]() At least 26 people were killed on Thursday in a series of terrorist attacks targeting army and police positions in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, the website of the Al-Ahram newspaper reported. The attacks included car bombs and mortar rounds, and civilians were among those killed, according to the report. Thirty-six people were injured in the attacks in the town of El-Arish, in North Sinai, where the army is battling an Islamist insurgency that has spiked since the 2013 ouster of Islamist president Mohammed Morsi. The terrorists fired mortar rounds and used car bombs in the attacks that targeted the headquarters of the North Sinai security directorate in El-Arish, a nearby army base, a hotel and several security checkpoints. Walls of surrounding buildings were cracked and windows were smashed, as troops combed the area in search of suspects, according to Al-Ahram. The El-Arish office of the newspaper, located near the targeted police building, was slightly damaged in the attack. The military said in a statement that the violence came in response to the "successful" security campaign against terrorists in the restive province. The Egyptian army has been waging war against jihadists in the restive Sinai, and has killed hundreds of terrorists. The Sinai-based Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis has have declared responsibility for most of the attacks in the area. Among the attacks claimed by the group since Morsi's ouster was the assassination of a top Egyptian police general, who was gunned down as he left his in a west Cairo neighborhood, and a bus bombing on a tour bus filled with South Korean tourists in the Sinai. The army imposed a curfew on the region on October 25, following two deadly attacks in El-Arish, which killed dozens of soldiers and were claimed by Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis. Following the attack, the government decided to create a buffer zone along the border with Gaza, explaining the move was necessary because Hamas terrorists had provided the weapons for the lethal attacks in El-Arish through one of its smuggling tunnels under the border to Sinai. HOW HAMAS DUG ITS GAZA 'TERROR TUNNEL,' AND HOW THE IDF FOUND IT The tunnel stretching from the outskirts of Khan Yunis to the fields of Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha was meant to facilitate a complex terror attack involving an assault on soldiers or civilians, with the intention of seizing a captive Israeli and holding him or her as a bargaining chip. Senior Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk confirmed as much on Tuesday, two days after Israeli authorities revealed their discovery. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign up! "The tunnel which was revealed was extremely costly in terms of money, effort and blood," Abu Marzouk wrote on his Facebook page. "All of this is meaningless when it comes to freeing our heroic prisoners." He went on to detail the lucrative nature of the Gilad Shalit deal, in which 1,027 prisoners were released after the Israeli soldier was kidnapped in just such an attack. Slightly less clear was the manner in which such an "extremely advanced and well prepared" tunnel, as the Gaza Division commander called it, was dug and, later, detected. "They'd begin with a shaft, drilling straight down," said a former Southern Command officer who served in the IDF's geology unit. "Then they'd start to move horizontally." The earth in which the tunnelers began drilling, in the eastern Gaza Strip, he said, is characterized by calcium carbonate – a sort of sand that is fossilized with sea shells. Other parts of Gaza have simple sand layers – beneath dunes – and shallower water tables, and are thus, on both accounts, less conducive to tunneling. In the Rafah region, for instance, he said the water table was perhaps 20 meters beneath the surface. In the Khan Yunis-Ein Hashlosha region, northeast of Rafah, the water table, which sits at around sea level, was roughly 60 meters beneath the surface. The Ein Hashlosha tunnel, which was discovered on October 7 and revealed to the public on Sunday, was 20 meters at its deepest. Counterintuitively, the deeper one digs the more stable the tunnel. "Tunneling is a question of stability of the rocks or soils surrounding the underground cavity," said the IDF reserves officer. "In principle, the deeper the tunnel, the greater the stability.” ![]() An air hole in the Ein Hashlosha tunnel, roughly 20 meters above the tunnel floor (Photo credit: David Buimovitch/Flash90) To illustrate the difficulties of tunneling just beneath the surface in sand, he suggested recalling days at the beach as a child and the constant caving in of all holes "at the face of the excavation near the surface." Tunneling through uncemented sands, he said, "can be a nightmare in terms of stability." The fossilized dunes are more difficult to dig through but are likely to be more stable. He said that the tunnelers in the Gaza Strip have "a very good knowledge" of the ground conditions and would likely have chosen the more stable soil as their surface of choice. Nonetheless, the diggers, whom he deemed professionals, took the unusual precaution of supporting the tunnel with cement arches all through its length. "More often one sees wood used as a support structure," he added. Two likely contributors to Hamas's decision to opt for the more costly and more labor-intensive model of cement supports are the nature of the planned attack – a powerful explosive blast could compromise the tunnel — and the fact that it was built for a future attack, at a time of the terror organization's choosing, and therefore needed to remain intact until the strike was approved. The actual digging was done by one person, likely rotating with an additional laborer. The reserves officer said that the diggers probably used electric or pneumatic jackhammers and could be expected to progress 4-5 meters a day, if all went well in excavating a two-meter-high and one-meter-wide tunnel. After every meter or yard of progress, he said, a concrete support might be inserted. The Ein Hashlosha tunnel ran for 1,700 meters. All told, some 3,400 cubic meters of soil were excavated from the earth in carving the tunnel, the geologist estimated. A mountain of earth that size, even if carted away daily on trucks, leaves a traceable signature and is one way in which the IDF is able to spot the hallmarks of a tunnel. Other ways, according to an academic tunnel-detection expert, include devices that measure sub-surface sound, the strength and direction of a magnetic field, and the propagation or spread of radio and light waves. The seismic method is the most intuitive and monitors the tremors created by people moving and digging underground. The downside of this method, the expert said, is that many actions create tremors, and in an agricultural area, where there is ample foot and vehicle traffic, the seismic method can often sound a false alarm. A magnetometer can, among other things, detect electrical wires or other metal objects, if they are present in a tunnel. Radio waves can also be used, for instance via two boreholes, in which a transmitter and a receiver are plunged into the earth. The way the radio waves propagate between these antennae could be used to detect cavities within the earth. Finally, Israeli researchers Asaf Klar and Raphael Linker, both of the Technion Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, developed a system based on fiber-optic cables that can detect a tunnel at a depth of more than 20 meters. The system forms an underground fence that could "analyze the tunneling-induced changes in the optical fiber," according to the Technion's literature, and, on the basis of computer software models, pinpoint the location of the tunnel. The tunnel detection expert, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the Technion-developed system analyzes the shift in the wavelength of a laserbeam that travels through a fiberoptic cable and in that way detects tunneling activity. And yet, he said, each technique has its drawbacks and "what usually works is a combination of all of these approaches." Gaza Division commander Brig. Gen. Michael Edelstein told reporters on Sunday that the effort spent in finding the 5,500-foot-long tunnel required "the sort of dedication I wish I could detail," but he did not elaborate. Elhanan Miller contributed to this report Yoram Fisher lives on Kibbutz Kfar Blum Doar Na Galil Elyon. Contact him by email at |
"THE GOOD NEWS THAT IS"Posted by Arlene Kushner, January 30, 2015 |
Along with the bad news, we can see those who do get it and respond appropriately. I will describe what I have learned briefly – briefly being my practice, of necessity, before Shabbat. The first issue is the matter of Obama's State of the Union threat to veto any legislation regarding sanctions against Iran. The issue was misrepresented, as, in fact, the sanctions under the proposed Kirk-Menendez legislation would not kick in until and unless negotiations failed. The current negotiating deadline is June 30. There have been two extensions already and it becomes ridiculous – the Iranians are being provided with the opportunity to advance their agenda. Obama's argument that this legislation would inhibit negotiations is nonsense – on the contrary, it would "motivate" Iran to negotiate. On Tuesday, a letter was sent to the president, signed by 10 Senate Democrats, telling him that by March 24, but not before, they would vote for legislation to impose sanctions on Iran if the Iranians refuse to commit to a "political framework that addresses all parameters of a comprehensive agreement." Menendez was among those who signed the letter. There was a widespread reaction when this news broke interpreting this as a setback for those who want to see the Kirk-Menendez legislation pass. I didn't understand that, because Obama was simply being given a bit of leeway before action on the bill would kick in. And what was significant was that 10 Democrats were now prepared to support this legislation – (with the considerable exception of Menendez, and then Charles Schumer) it had been labeled a partisan "Republican" effort. Now this was clearly no longer the case. The ten who signed the letter were: Menendez, Schumer, Blumenthal, Peters, Casey, Cardin, Coons, Manchin, Donnelly, and Stabenow. If you are a constituent of one of these, you might want to write and thank him/her for readiness to support the bill. ~~~~~~~~~~ Fast forward to the Banking Committee, which had to pass on the Kirk-Menendez legislation. The 10 Democrats had pledged not to vote on this legislation until March 24 – but that was on the floor of the Senate. There was no commitment regarding a holding pattern in the Banking Committee. The very good news here is that yesterday it passed through the Committee 18-4, with three additional Democrats who had not signed the letter - Tester, Heitkamp, Warner - voting for it. There are then three Democratic Senators - Booker, Bennett, Gillibrand - who had voted for an earlier version of the Kirk-Menendez bill, and are expected to support this version, although they didn't sign the letter. And so, the bottom line – according to Omri Ceren of The Israel Project – is that the way seems clear for it to be brought to the floor, and it looks as if the vote, come March 24, should be veto-proof. And this is before Netanyahu speaks to the Congress. His words might bring along additional votes. Obama, who does not take defeat lightly, is clearly not a very happy man right now (see second story below). ~~~~~~~~~~ The story broke three days ago in the Free Beacon (emphasis added): "A U.S. State Department funded group is financing an Israeli campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and has hired formed Obama aides to help with its grassroots organizing efforts. "U.S.-based activist group OneVoice International has partnered with V15, an ‘independent grassroots movement' in Israel that is actively opposing Netanyahu’s party in the upcoming elections, Ha'aretz reported on Monday. Former national field director for President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign Jeremy Bird is also reportedly involved in the effort. "OneVoice development and grants officer Christina Taler said the group would be working with V15 on voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts but would not engage in overtly partisan activities. She said OneVoice and V15 are still formalizing the partnership. While V15 has not endorsed any particular candidates, it is working to oppose Netanyahu in the March elections. "'We've formed a partnership with [V15], but it's important to know we're absolutely nonpartisan,' Taler told the Washington Free Beacon. 'Our biggest emphasis and focus right now is just getting people out to vote.' "OneVoice said in a press release on Tuesday that it is teaming up with V15 because Israel 'need[s] a prime minister and a government who will be responsive to the people."' -bankrolling-anti-bibi-campaign/ ~~~~~~~~~~ Clearly, this is not the "good news." This is an outrage above and beyond. I have difficulty here giving voice to how I responded to this, because I try to write very professional pieces, and what I have to say would not be quite "professional." The direct meddling in our election, not for positive reasons, but in an effort to oust Netanyahu because Obama despises him, cannot be tolerated. And this is the same Obama who has refused to meet with Netanyahu when he comes to speak to Congress, "because it's wrong to influence the election." My own hope would be that Israelis, on learning of this, would be so enraged by the meddling that they would make a point of – dafka! – voting for Netanyahu, because the State Department cannot tell us which candidate we should support. (Dafka? Just so. In spite of. To the contrary. Spoken a bit ironically.) It is said that we Israelis are a "dafka" people, and that is how we survive. ~~~~~~~~~~ This news has been picked up and put out by a variety of sources. Head of NGO Monitor, Gerald Steinberg, has blasted the State Department over this action. "Steinberg pointed out that American taxpayer funds have been used for similarly politically-charged projects in the recent past. In 2012, USAID, the US's largest provider of foreign assistance, donated millions of dollars to Israeli NGOs through the 'Peace and Reconciliation Program,' which included support for the so-called "Geneva Initiative" – another grassroots project pressuring the Israeli government to make concessions to the Palestinians. "'After public exposure, the funding was discontinued,' Steinberg said." (Emphasis added) -taxpayer-funds-to-finance-anti-netanyahu-campaign/ ~~~~~~~~~~ So that's the first order of business, folks. Scream long and loud about this. Protest to your elected representatives. Put this information out wherever you can – in letters to the editor, Internet talkbacks, on your FB pages, etc. etc. In the US make the point that taxpayer money is being used improperly. This CAN make a difference, and it falls to each of you to do your part. Don't sit still for this. Be enraged in a pro-active manner. ~~~~~~~~~~ And the good news? "U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Congressman Lee Zeldin, R-NY-1, today sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry asking for information regarding media reports that U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used to fund efforts to influence upcoming elections in Israel." Said Senator Cruz: "This administration's relentless harassment of Israel is utterly incomprehensible. The Islamic Republic of Iran is pursuing the deadliest weapons on the planet, and there can be no doubt that their first target will be Israel, followed by the United States. This administration should be focusing its animosity on the very real enemies we face, not on our staunch allies." (Emphasis added) The letter requests answer to eight questions. You can see the full letter here: _Secretary_Kerry.pdf We've got good people working for what is right. Contact Arlene Kushner at And visit her website at |
The first case of a female on the Islamic State (ISIS) front lines has been documented. A Canadian woman has been tracked through every ISIS stronghold in Syria and Iraq over the past month via her cell phone location services and corresponding tweets. Western women traveling to the Islamic State is nothing new, but up until this development, females have only taken a supportive role to the cadre. It appears on the surface that the role of women in the Islamic State battlefield may be evolving. There is evidence from the locations of this woman that coincide with local Islamic State gains, which suggests that she may be involved in reconnaissance on behalf of the Caliphate. While surveilling ISIS strongholds in Syria and Iraq, TRAC analyst Jeff R. Weyers observed another social media account of a Western ISIS supporter that led directly to a female operative in Toronto. Dubbed "L.A.," based on her Twitter handle, she was actively moving about in Toronto and broadcasting her location until the 23rd of November 2014. At that point, she disappeared and was not seen again until her Android phone began broadcasting on the 8th of December from Ar Raqqah, Syria. Unlike the typical "domestic" role that is described by many females who have traveled to that ash Sham to become a Mujihida, "L.A." appears to take a very active role within ISIS. Examining her Twitter geo-location track, "L.A." has traveled on numerous occasions to virtually every major city that ISIS controls. To put this into perspective, L.A. has traveled across more ISIS controlled territory than any other ISIS operative we have monitored; which brings up the following intriguing questions:
A New Trend in Canadian Female Recruitment to ISIS, exclusive, free content has been unlocked for a limited time as a courtesy to our TRAC Briefings subscribers. To obtain more information on the Islamic State and the increasing number of females who are aligning themselves with this organization, please contact Hylda Fenton today. Veryan Khan is senior analysts for the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium (TRAC), one of the world's largest, subscription-based, electronic compendiums for data and analysis of terrorist groups, their activities, relevance, and influence. |
The article below was written by Rachel Levy who is
a freelance journalist who has written for Jewish publications
in New York, New Jersey and Israel. This article appeared
January 30, 2015 on the Jewish News of the Jews,
Israel & the World and is archived at
![]() A growing number of Arab Israelis are disappearing from their homes and jobs to run off to Syria to "fight in the jihad,": joining up with Al Qaeda and ISIS-linked terror groups. Then they are sent back to start cells of their own under the direction of Al Qaeda's local Syrian branch, Jabhat al Nusra, or pledge their allegiance to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria — ISIS — itself. Most get caught — like those who were indicted this month in district courts in the north and south of Israel. One Israeli Arab who decided to go to Syria and join the Al Qaeda-linked Jabhat al Nusra terror organization didn’t really manage to get very far. According to court papers filed in an indictment Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 Amin Ahmed Salah Snobar, age 24, was arrested this month as soon as he arrived at Ben Gurion International Airport (Jan. 2) on a flight from Turkey. Most wannabe terror recruits have been entering Syria via the border with Turkey. Israeli Arabs are no exception. It is impossible to penetrate Israel's border with Lebanon or Syria without permission from either side and since both are still technically at war with the Jewish State, that isn't happening unless there is an outstanding diplomatic purpose. Joining a global jihad organization doesn't fall under that category. Snobar, a resident of the northern village of Kfar Yassif, told interrogators from the Israel Security Agency (ISA/Shin Bet) that he left Israel on July 7, 2014 to join up with the radical Islamist rebels fighting Syrian government forces. Upon his arrival in Syria, he first spent time at a base run by the Ansar al-Sham rebel group, then he moved over to the Al Qaeda-linked Jabhat al Nusra, according to court documents. Snobar allegedly went through military training with both groups, learning about weapons and how to make bombs. He was put through a rigorous physical fitness program and then sent out on special missions. "During his time in Syria...he was in touch with a number of elements who suggested to him, on a number of occasions, that it would be preferable for him to return to Israel and carry out attacks in Israel, or fight against it from within," Thursday's court papers stated. According to the charge sheet submitted by northern district prosecutors at the Haifa District Court, Snobar received training in combat and underground warfare. He also was instructed on how to work in cells, how to arrive at destinations and how to operate firearms. He allegedly carried out armed patrols of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist bases and underwent a training course in the use of heavy machine guns. He also allegedly learned how to load, aim and fire an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) and handled a sniper rifle on multiple occasions. The Shin Bet said that six months after arriving in Syria Snobar "decided to return to his family, retracing his path to Turkey and from there boarding a flight to Israel. Upon his return to Israel he was arrested at Ben Gurion International Airport and taken for Shin Bet questioning." Jabhat al Nusra was outlawed by the State of Israel, the ISA reminded in its communique to media. From June 2013 the group became the official Al Qaeda branch in Syria. Part of its charter calls for attacks on Israel. "The phenomenon of Arab Israelis traveling to Syria is extremely grave and dangerous, as the Syrian arena is rife with active elements hostile to the State of Israel, with a focus on the global jihad operatives," said the statement by the Shin Bet. "Arab Israelis who travel to this arena undergo military training and are exposed to extreme jihadist ideology. There is a concern that they will be exploited by terrorist elements to carry out military activity against Israel and gather information on targets in Israel."The phenomenon is certainly "grave and dangerous" but it is also becoming more and more common, creating a rising risk for those who employ Israeli Arabs as well as those who employ Palestinian Authority Arabs with legitimate working permits. Less than two weeks ago, seven Israeli Arabs were indicted in the Haifa District Court – including an attorney from Nazareth who worked as a public defender – for allegedly attempting to set up a cell for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Israel. An eighth suspect with the group was indicted separately due to geographic considerations. The seven suspects were identified as: Attorney Adnan Aladin, 40; Hasam Marisat, 30, a former security prisoner from Deir Hana; Karim Abu Tzala, 22; Ala'a Abu Tzala, 27; Halad Abu Tzahalh, 30; Sarif Khaled Abu Tzala, 29; and Muhammad Abu Tzala, 27, the latter training to become a pharmacist at the time of his arrest, according to the Shin Bet. The eighth suspect, Omer Koush, was indicted separately on December 18 and arraigned December 29, 2014 in the Be'er Sheva District Court by the Southern District Attorney's Office. Koush, a resident of a Bedouin village in the south, had recently finished medical studies in Jordan and was recruiting fighters for ISIS, the Shin Bet said. The other seven were picked up in a joint Shin Bet-Israel Police operation in November and December of last year, although information on the case was held under a gag order until the indictment was filed this month. All seven confessed to having worked together since June 2014 to form a "Salafi Jihadist" group and had pledged allegiance to ISIS. They were part of a terror attack plot that targeted the Druze community in Israel as well as security personnel and others, the Shin Bet said. A well-known radical Islamist Salafi cleric in northern Israel with whom they met on multiple occasions had called on the group to recruit more men to the cause, according to the Shin Bet. They learned how to make firebombs and also purchased sheep in order to practice slaughtering and to build up their tolerance for "slaughtering infidels in Syria," according to the indictment. Aladin referred to himself as the "commander of ISIS in Palestine," the Shin Bet said, inciting the other members of the group to participate in terror attacks against Jews and to prepare them for their jihad. He was fired from his job with the Public Defender's Office in July 2014 after uploading a Facebook post praising an alleged Islamic hadith on killing Jews. The other six suspects, who are residents of Sakhnin, face charges of attempted contact with a foreign agent, membership and activity in a banned organization (ISIS was outlawed in September 2014 by Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon) and aiding a terrorist organization. All had planned eventually to fight in Syria. Contact GWY123 at |
[WORLDWIDE SIMULTANEOUS SHEMA ~ ONE VOICE] WHY DO YOU ALLOW THIS?Posted by Robin Rosenblatt, January 30, 2015 |
In This Increasing Anti Semite World And The Economic Isolation Of Israel The Securing Of Israel's Beef Industry Has Become A Vital Strategic Need One of our purposes of the Israel Longhorn Project is to decrease the amount of European cattle on Israeli Ranches and replace them with fewer but more effective desert crossbred or purebred Texas Longhorn cattle. This will allow us to use less land, feed and water necessary for raising cattle. Lowering meat costs for the consumer and improving meat quality while raises profits by decreasing losses and expenses. Plus, making organic meat easier to produce. Texas Longhorns will decrease losses due to predators such as jackals and wolves simply by threatening them with their sharp horns. Texas Longhorn babysits each other's calves. Texas Longhorns are desert cattle; they eat many of the shrubs that create a fire problem for our forests. I can get the embryos to Israel within a week to ten days with your help. We need a nominal donation of $250 from 1200 generous supporters to reach our goal of $290,000. So please help and spread the word. I cannot do this alone. I would like to help secure Israel's food production in this conflict of Civilizations between good and evil. Robin Rosenblatt M.Sc. Hebrew University, School of Agriculture The Israel Longhorn Project 22 Yarnall Place Redwood City, CA 94063 Tel: 650.631.9270 Nonprofit 501(c) 3 #74-317735 |
The article below was written by Bob Price who is a senior
political news contributor for Breitbart Texas and a member of
the original Breitbart Texas team. This article appeared
January 27, 2015 on Breitbart and is archived at
![]() An Islamic Tribunal using Sharia law in Texas has been confirmed by Breitbart Texas. The tribunal is operating as a non-profit organization in Dallas. One of the attorneys for the tribunal said participation and acceptance of the tribunal's decisions are "voluntary." Breitbart Texas spoke with one of the "judges," Dr. Taher El-badawi. He said the tribunal operates under Sharia law as a form of "non-binding dispute resolution." El-badawi said their organization is "a tribunal, not arbitration." A tribunal is defined by Meriam-Webster's Dictionary as "a court or forum of justice." The four Islamic attorneys call themselves "judges" not "arbitrators." El-badawi said the tribunal follows Sharia law to resolve civil disputes in family and business matters. He said they also resolve workplace disputes. In matters of divorce, El-badawi said that "while participation in the tribunal is voluntary, a married couple cannot be considered divorced by the Islamic community unless it is granted by the tribunal." He compared their divorce, known as "Talaq," as something similar to the Catholic practice of annulment in that the church does not recognize civil divorce proceedings as ending a marriage. He also said there is a difference between how a man and a woman can request a divorce under their system. "The husband can request the divorce directly from the tribunal," El-badawi stated. "The wife must go to an Imam who will request the divorce for her." He called it "two paths to the same result." The practice of Khula is the process where a wife can initiate a divorce proceeding and where the husband can agree to the divorce in exchange for a financial compensation. It appears the wife must agree to give up any claim to the "dower" that was not already paid or to return it if it has already been paid. Once the financial issues are resolved the husband can then proclaim the Talaq (divorce). El-badawi said they follow Texas family law when it comes to child support, visitation, and custody. He said that in most cases, custody of children is awarded to the mother. Breitbart Texas asked what happens when there is a conflict between Sharia law and Texas law. El-badawi said most of the time, the laws are in agreement. When pushed further he admitted that, "we follow Sharia law." However, he explained, "If the parties are not satisfied with the tribunal's decision, they do not have to accept it and they can take the matter to Texas civil courts." He did not say what the social ramifications of rejecting the "judge's" decision would be. The website for the Islamic Tribunal states, "The courts of the United States of America are costly and consist of ineffective lawyers. Discontent with the legal system leads many Muslims in America to postpone justice in this world and opt for an audience on the Day of Judgment." It goes on to state, "It is with this issue that Muslims here in America are obligated to find a way to solve conflicts and disputes according to the principles of Islamic Law and its legal heritage of fairness and justice in a manner that is reasonable and cost effective." In explaining Sharia law, the website states, "Stoning adulterers, cutting of the hands, polyandry and the like (all can be traced in the relevant literature and can be explained in their Islamic legal mentality and rational context in fairness and justice), are mainly a part of Islamic Criminal Law. In fact criminal law within Islam only makes up a fraction of the Shari'ah. It is unscholarly and unfair to generalize that type of understanding, that is Criminal Law, to compromise the whole of Islamic law if we stick to speaking in technical terms." The website lists four "judges:" Imam Yusuf Z.Kavakci, Imam Moujahed Bakhach, Imam Zia ul Haque Sheikh and Dr. El-badawi. It states the Islamic Tribunal resolves business disputes, divorce (Talaq) cases, community problems, serious family problems, and Khula. El-badawi restated several times that participation in the tribunal is voluntary. However, he would not discuss what happens to someone who did not follow their rulings. Contact ACT for America Education at |
THE FINAL SOLUTION: A NUCLEAR IRANPosted by Joan Swirsky, January 30, 2015 |
The article below was written by Charles Krauthammer who is
an American Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist,
author, political commentator, and physician. His weekly
column is syndicated to more than 400 newspapers worldwide.
This article appeared January 29, 2015 on National Review and
is archived at
Anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe, and in the Middle East a new Holocaust looms. Amid the ritual expressions of regret and the pledges of "never again" on Tuesday's 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, a bitter irony was noted: Anti-Semitism has returned to Europe. With a vengeance. It has become routine. If the kosher-grocery massacre in Paris hadn't happened in conjunction with Charlie Hebdo, how much worldwide notice would it have received? As little as did the murder of a rabbi and three children at a Jewish school in Toulouse. As little as did the terror attack that killed four at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. The rise of European anti-Semitism is in reality just a return to the norm. For a millennium, virulent Jew-hatred — persecution, expulsions, massacres — was the norm in Europe until the shame of the Holocaust created a temporary anomaly wherein anti-Semitism became socially unacceptable. The hiatus is over. Jew-hatred is back, recapitulating the past with impressive zeal. Italians protesting Gaza handed out leaflets calling for a boycott of Jewish merchants. As in the 1930s. A widely popular French comedian has introduced a variant of the Nazi salute. In Berlin, Gaza brought out a mob chanting, "Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come out and fight alone!" Berlin, mind you. European anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem, however. It's a European problem, a stain, a disease of which Europe is congenitally unable to rid itself. From the Jewish point of view, European anti-Semitism is a sideshow. The story of European Jewry is over. It died at Auschwitz. Europe's place as the center and fulcrum of the Jewish world has been inherited by Israel, now the largest Jewish community on earth. The threat to the Jewish future lies not in Europe but in the Muslim Middle East, today the heart of global anti-Semitism, a veritable factory of anti-Jewish literature, films, blood libels, and calls for violence — indeed for another genocide. The founding charter of Hamas calls not just for the eradication of Israel but for the killing of Jews everywhere. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah welcomes Jewish emigration to Israel — because it makes the killing easier: "If Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." And, of course, Iran openly declares as its sacred mission the annihilation of Israel. For America, Europe, and the moderate Arabs there are powerful reasons having nothing to do with Israel for trying to prevent an apocalyptic, fanatically anti-Western clerical regime in Tehran from getting the bomb: Iranian hegemony, nuclear proliferation (including to terror groups), and elemental national security. For Israel, however, the threat is of a different order. Direct, immediate, and mortal. The sophisticates cozily assure us not to worry. Deterrence will work. Didn't it work against the Soviets? Well, just 17 years into the atomic age, we came harrowingly close to deterrence failure and all-out nuclear war. Moreover, godless Communists anticipate no reward in heaven. Atheists calculate differently from jihadists with their cult of death. Name one Soviet suicide bomber. Former Iranian president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani once characterized tiny Israel as a one-bomb country. He acknowledged Israel's deterrent capacity but noted the asymmetry: "Application of an atomic bomb would not leave anything in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world." Result? Israel eradicated, Islam vindicated. So much for deterrence. And even if deterrence worked with Tehran, that's not where the story ends. Iran's very acquisition of nukes would set off a nuclear arms race with half a dozen Muslim countries from Turkey to Egypt to the Gulf states — in the most unstable part of the world. A place where, say, a moderate pro-American Yemen can fall to pro-Iranian rebels overnight. The idea that some kind of six-sided deterrence would work in this roiling cauldron of instability the way it did in the frozen bipolarity of the Cold War is simply ridiculous. The Iranian bomb is a national-security issue, an alliance issue, and a regional Middle East issue. But it is also a uniquely Jewish issue because of Israel's situation as the only state on earth overtly threatened with extinction, facing a potential nuclear power overtly threatening that extinction. On the 70th anniversary of Auschwitz, mourning dead Jews is easy. And, forgive me, cheap. Want to truly honor the dead? Show solidarity with the living — Israel and its 6 million Jews. Make "never again" more than an empty phrase. It took Nazi Germany seven years to kill 6 million Jews. It would take a nuclear Iran one day. Joan Swirskyis a clinical nurse specialist (R.N., M.S., CS, CE) and certified psychotherapist. She was awarded a Nurse of Distinction Award by the New York State Legislature in 1991, and she was co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of REVOLUTION - The Journal of Nurse Empowerment. The magazine, a national quarterly, received First Prize for Editorial Excellence from the prestigious national media Folio Awards in 1994. In addition, for 15 years, she was the editor of The Caucus Current, a monthly magazine on Jewish political issues. She currently writes political commentary for several Internet news journals. Contact her at Joan Swirsky at |
HAMAS; THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD; THE TALIBANPosted by Ira Silverman, January 30, 2015 |
There is no peace. Hamas in Gaza training the young and the same for Iran and Hezbollah prepare for the ultimate war. No lying prattle about peace and Shalom is worth anything from a Jewish organization or a rabbinical association when they stand ready to do what the liberal Democrat socialist establishment with Obama’s Moslem icing on the cake tells them to do and say. It takes a Christian Zionist like Gary Bauer to have the integrity that the Jewish establishment does not have in any particular. Same as the Republican party is run by the oligarchy to make sure it never is true to its principles so too with the Jews. So there is nothing to stop The Moslem world whether ultimately Shia or Sunni is the winner the West and Israel will be destroyed because there is no Jewish media to arouse the people to stop being appeasement lackeys both of Democrats and the radical left which hates Israel like Hitler hated Jews and the Moslem Brotherhood that sits so high and mighty in the White House the same. |
HAMAS PREPARES FOR WAR A couple of stories from the Middle East today caught my attention. Radical Islam is on the march and, as usual, Western leaders seem oblivious. Today's Washington Post front page story on Hamas should be required reading in Congress. A Post reporter recently got access to terrorist training camps run by Hamas in Gaza. More than 17,000 teenagers and young men were trained to fire Kalashnikov rifles, throw grenades and build improvised explosive devices. One 16-year-old, who was trained with rocket-propelled grenades and mortars, told the Post, "I want to fight Israel. I want to kick them out of our land. I am ready now." A 15-year-old said, "I joined the camp because I want to know how to confront the Jews. . ." Another said, "Every day we have someone from Hamas giving us a lesson on jihad and the importance of it." One Hamas trainer said they had to turn away hundreds of 12 and 13-year-old boys. "They were standing on their tiptoes trying to get in." Referring to last year's war in which more 2,000 Palestinians died, he added, "We have plenty who want to join. They want to retaliate. They want revenge." Of course, what he failed to mention is that Hamas started that war. During the graduation ceremony, a senior Hamas commander told the young jihadis that Hamas was "busy getting ready for the next battle," and that they were preparing the "next generation . . . for Jerusalem, the West Bank and Palestine." My friends, no one wants peace more than the Israelis do. But where are the peace partners with whom the Israelis are supposed to negotiate? Let me remind you that Israel gave up Gaza ten years ago, hoping for peace. Look what has happened! The Post writes that Hamas has waged three wars against Israel in the past six years and it is clearly preparing for another one. Thousands of Palestinian families are sending their children to terrorist training camps to become jihadis, to learn how to kill Jews. MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD VISITS THE STATE DEPARTMENT The State Department hosted a delegation of Muslim Brotherhood leaders this week. The Brotherhood are radical Islamists who ascended to power in Egypt in 2011 with the support of the Obama Administration. The Egyptian people rose up against the Brotherhood after it failed to curtail corruption and when its leader, Mohamed Morsi, unsurprisingly attempted to seize dictatorial powers. The Egyptian military arrested Morsi and ousted the Brotherhood in 2013. A State Department official justified the meeting saying, "We meet with representatives from across the political spectrum in Egypt." That's an odd way to put it. Egypt banned the Brotherhood in December 2013 as a terrorist organization. Four other countries also consider it to be a terrorist group. And with good reason. It's slogan is: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu Akbar!" So it really shouldn't surprise anyone that, just two days after its members were walking the halls of our State Department, the Muslim Brotherhood is now issuing a call for jihad against the Egyptian government. A statement posted on the Brotherhood's website reads:
Amazing, isn't it? The administration is trying to stop Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of America's friend and ally, from coming to the United States to warn Congress and the American people about the threat of a nuclear Iran. But it puts out the welcome mat for our enemies. TALIBAN NOT TERRORISTS? Earlier this week, a White House spokesman argued that the Taliban wasn't a terrorist group. Today, the Taliban is claiming responsibility for an attack that killed three Americans in Kabul. And CNN is reporting that one of the Taliban leaders freed from Gitmo last year in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl has been communicating with the Taliban about "trying to engage again in militant activity." NO ROMNEY RE-RUN Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney took himself out of the 2016 presidential contest today. In a call with donors and supporters, Romney said, "I've decided it is best to give other leaders in the party the opportunity to become our next nominee." In what is widely viewed as a jab at Jeb Bush, Romney added, "I believe that one of our next generation of Republican leaders, one who may not be as well-known as I am today . . . may well emerge as being better able to defeat the Democrat nominee. In fact, I expect and hope that to be the case." Coincidentally or not, Romney is reportedly having dinner this evening with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. While Romney bows out, Hillary may be hitting the brakes. Politico reported yesterday that Mrs. Clinton may delay her announcement until well into the summer. One top operative said, "She doesn't feel under any pressure, and they see no primary challenge on the horizon." It's no secret that some progressives despise the idea of a "Clinton coronation," but no one of any stature appears willing to take her on. That has some Democrats worried. There's little doubt Hillary would be a formidable nominee, but what if she doesn't run? (There are plenty of reasons for her not to run.) Perhaps Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) would jump in, but some pundits are noting that absent Hillary, "the Democratic bench is shockingly weak." Contact Silverman at
PRESIDENT OBAMA AND 'NAKED, BLIND ANTI-SEMITISM'Posted by Joan Swirsky, January 30, 2015 |
The article below was written by Lauri B. Regan who
is a lawyer, a regular contributor to the American
Thinker and serves on the boards of the National Women's
Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition and the Endowment
for Middle East Truth. This article appeared January 30, 2015
on American Thinker and is archived at
Last week, pro-Palestinian protestors disrupted a New York City Council meeting yelling slogans and brandishing a Palestinian flag. The demonstration was particularly offensive given that it occurred as council members were voting on a resolution commemorating the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. In an impassioned response, Councilman David Greenfield observed that every Middle East country -- except Israel -- is not democratic and persecutes people of other faiths, gays, women, and those with opinions inconsistent with those of their governments. He concluded, "What you saw here today was naked, blind anti-Semitism." Greenfield's point is critical. Those who attack and demonize Israel for its imperfections in the face of the atrocities committed by its Arab neighbors are not just hypocrites. There is only one explanation for their irrational condemnations: hatred of Jews. And there is no difference between protests by pro-Palestinians and protests that regularly emanate from the White House. Incomprehensibly, while Israel is unquestionably our most strategic ally in the region, the administration is taking great strides to fundamentally transform the Middle East. By aligning itself with Iran in its undeclared war against Sunni jihadists, Obama has distanced America from traditional allies such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. Obama is empowering Iran under the auspices of shared interests and green lighting its development of military infrastructure on Israel's borders -- through which threats and attacks have already begun. If Obama were only injecting a bit of daylight into our relationship with Israel, perhaps the worrisome situation would not be so dire. Unfortunately, he has sought to remove the U.S. from the Mideast, resulting in a formerly stable region devolving into chaos and violence with the vacuum filled by Iran and jihadists. He has ostracized, admonished, bullied, and isolated Israel in unprecedented fashion, dangerously galvanizing her enemies. And it is difficult not to look at the administration's policies and conclude that "good old-fashioned anti-Semitism" motivates its actions. How else to explain why Obama consistently lambasts Netanyahu for disagreeing with him, issuing building permits for construction on Israeli land, and acting to ensure the survival of the country the prime minister was elected to protect? How else to explain the name-calling and abuse bestowed upon an ally for whom Obama only exhibits disdain? How else can one explain Obama's passivity and disregard for the actions of the leaders of Mideast countries with abysmal records of human rights abuses, government sanctioned torture and murder, and who are leading sponsors of international terrorism? When Biden was in Israel and housing permits were announced, the uproar from the White House was disproportionately obnoxious. Yet when Obama was in Saudi Arabia this week and three people were beheaded, he said nothing. In fact, his laissez faire attitude about Saudi human rights abuses is on full display in his recent interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria How does one explain the White House's outrage at Netanyahu every time he attempts to work with the U.S. to stop Iran from going nuclear? And yet, just as Obama agrees to another extension of the negotiations with Iran and the mullahs announce the construction of two new nuclear reactors and a law permitting an increase in uranium enrichment, a true "spat in the face" to Obama, all we hear is radio silence from the administration? (Actually, the administration admitted it was aware of Iran's nuclear endeavors but is opting to ignore those in its quixotic pursuit of any agreement that it can label an historic achievement.) How does one explain Obama's description of Abbas, Rouhani, and the Muslim Brotherhood as moderates while his administration's choice of words for Netanyahu include chickenshit, coward, recalcitrant, myopic, reactionary, obtuse, blustering, pompous, and aspergery? The administration is now apoplectic over Netanyahu accepting Speaker Boehner's invitation to speak before Congress. It is lobbing a myriad of threats including that Kerry's interest in defending Israel will diminish and that there will be "a price to pay" because this is something "you simply don't do." What you actually don't do is send a delegation to a foreign country and finance an opposition group to help oust a sitting Prime Minister. And yet this is exactly what the Obama administration is doing in Israel. Why would Obama become so integrally involved in Israel's elections? It is not because Obama despises Netanyahu (which he does). It is because Obama is hoping that a weak leader will replace Netanyahu and remain quiet while Obama allows Iran to go nuclear. But any Israeli Prime Minister who does not capitulate to Obama's demands will be the subject of his vitriol and abuse. What motivates Obama is not our national security but his own self-interest in avoiding war at all costs. He pulled our troops out of Iraq prematurely and Iran filled the vacuum. He surrendered on his red lines with Syria and now a quarter of a million are dead and ISIS is flourishing. He refused to militarily intervene in Libya (aside from briefly leading from behind) and we have four dead Americas and a county in chaos. He promised that Yemen was a success and we just evacuated our embassy as the Houthi terrorists took over. Obama accedes to every Iranian demand in a desperate attempt to thwart a confrontation despite it leading to a nuclear-armed, nihilistic terrorist regime. And the people he attacks the most are not the dictators and terrorists but the Israelis who are on the front lines facing our enemies daily and American Jews, accused of dual loyalties and self-regard. What motivates Netanyahu is protecting the Holy Land and ensuring that Jewish people survive the 21st century. Instead of understanding why Israel might be a bit concerned as it watches its borders break down, jihadists run rampant, and Iran play Obama like a cheap violin, the lame duck administration throws out threats historically saved for a nation's enemies. Every time Netanyahu disagrees with Obama, someone from the administration attempts to intimidate and silence him. From Kerry's warnings that the BDSers will find success or that Israel will become further isolated to the latest grotesque threat that there will be a price to pay for Netanyahu's speech before Congress, there is only one explanation for this ugliness. The administration's blatant anti-Zionist policies are a direct result of its anti-Semitic ideology. As Dr Phyllis Chesler, author of The New Anti-Semitism, recognized years ago, "anti-Zionism [is], indeed, a core part of the 'new' anti-Semitism." The hypocrisy and hollowness of Obama's words on Holocaust Remembrance Day promising "never again" are offensive. But we have come to expect empty rhetoric from the Liar-in-Chief -- Iran is no exception. While Netanyahu struggles to ensure that the mullahcracy that has consistently promised to annihilate the Jewish homeland does not obtain nuclear capability, Obama bashes and threatens him in typical Chicago-style. As Netanyahu understands the veracity of Iran's latest promise to hit Israel with "devastating thunderbolts" to cause "the collapse of the Zionist regime," Obama adds fuel to the fire with his own threats of Israel's price to pay. And Iran's threats to "the Zionist regime" were communicated to Israel through U.S officials! No word yet on Obama promising Iran there would be a price to pay for threatening an ally. The State Department met this week with Muslim Brotherhood leaders to discuss efforts to oust the current Egyptian government, which has been friendly to Israel and the West. This is abominable. As Iran sets up shop on Israel's Syrian and Lebanese borders, Obama throws the Shiite terrorists another bone to help them retake control of Egypt on Israel's southern border. The optics of this, coupled with Obama ceding Syria, Iraq and Yemen to Iran, do not look good. After Israel struck a convoy of senior Iranian and Hezb'allah commanders in the Golan Heights last week, Foundation for Defense of Democracies' Tony Badran explained:
This is complicated military gamesmanship and Obama knows exactly what he is doing. Destroying Israel in the process is a price he is willing to pay in order to achieve his goals. The U.S. is now working with Iran -- either passively or actively, directly or through its proxies, but certainly behind Israel's (and the American peoples') back. And Iran's influence is expanding. The U.S./Israel alliance, once based on mutual respect, values, and interests, is devolving into a bitter divide. Iran and Obama, on the other hand, are now aligned through mutual threats to Israel, mutual efforts to build an Iranian hegemon in the region, and imminent mutual nuclear capabilities. America has historically been Israel's one reliable partner that she could turn to for international support and protection. No longer. We now have a president taking affirmative and aggressive steps that are harming her ability to survive in an ever-threatening neighborhood. In embracing the world's largest sponsor of international terrorism, Obama has disavowed any responsibility to prevent another Holocaust. In 1980, Iran prevented an American military incursion by releasing the hostages the day that Carter left office. Ironically, they may successfully do so again the day that Obama leaves the White House. It will not be out of fear of his successor this time but rather because Iran will announce that it has obtained nuclear arms. And the Anti-Semite in chief, who embraced Wright, Khalidi, Ayers, Sharpton, Erdogan, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Mullahs, will be fully responsible for hammering the nails into Israel's coffin. Contact Joan Swirsky at
The article below was written by Elder of Ziyon
who has
been blogging about Israel and the Arab world for a really
long time now. He also controls the world, but deep down, you
already knew that. This article appeared January 30, 2015 on
the Algemeiner and is archived at
![]() It turns out that the UN is capable of strong language against Hamas – but only when it is the victim:
It is very rare for the UN to express "outrage" explicitly at Hamas. They did express outrage over rockets being stored in UNRWA schools, but didn't blame Hamas explicitly – and in 2006 they said they were outraged at Hamas police stealing supplies from a UN warehouse. So, in Israel and the territories, the UN only seems outraged when it is the victims of attacks. Even though the UN routinely expresses outrage over terror attacks worldwide, I haven't yet found any such expressions for Hamas' explicit policies of using Gazans as human shields, or their terror attacks or rocket fire against Israel. Hamas reacted to this statement with derision:
The Algemeiner Journal is a New York-based newspaper,
covering American and international Jewish and Israel-related
news. Contact Algemeiner at
News regarding one of the Taliban detainees released in exchange for suspected deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has revealed the lengths to which President Barack Obama's top advisor is allowed to go in dictating how the U.S. will fight -- or not fight -- Islamic terrorism. While Obama and his subordinates practically swore an oath that the five Guantanamo terrorists turned over to Qatar didn't pose a threat to the homeland or U.S. interests overseas, news of one of those released terrorists having contact with suspected jihadists had the White House playing verbal gymnastics on Thursday and Friday. "None of these individuals has returned to the battlefield. None of them is allowed to travel outside Qatar. And none has engaged in physical violence," White House press secretary Josh Earnest said. Courtesy of NewswithviewsVictoria Jackson However, according to an inside source in the nation's capital, the trade for an Army deserter, the hesitancy to take stronger action against the Iranians, and the refusal to use the term Islamic terrorists are but three of the issues upon which Obama's political mentor Valerie Jarrett has the final word, despite her never being elected by the American people and never being confirmed by the U.S. Senate. According to the Examiner's inside, anonymous source, a top law enforcement official, Jarrett doesn't even have a job title nor does she possess a written job description. Yet, the entire federal defense and law enforcement agencies are working hard to shut down the U.S. terrorist detention center known as Gitmo because she's offended by its existence. For example, at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Secretary of State John Kerry made certain to avoid offending or disrespecting Muslim terrorists such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He told the attendees at the forum that the U.S. government will never rush to judgment regarding the nature of the Islamic State: "We have to keep our heads...the biggest error that we could make would be to blame Muslims collectively for crimes not committed by Muslims alone. Crimes that the overwhelming majority of Muslims oppose..Religions don't require adherence to be raze villages and blow up people, its individuals with a distorted and an even ignorant interpretation of religion who do that." According to the Examiner's anonymous source, those were not the words of Kerry, but were the dictates of Valerie Jarrett, who had been born and raised in Iran, and has always shown sympathy for the fundamentalists in the Islamic religion. While a student at Stanford University, Jarrett admitted her loyalty to Islam and continues to object to any negative statements aimed at any part of her "religion of peace." "Farsi-speaking Valerie Jarrett, the senior advisor to Obama, his right-hand woman was born in Iran. She also has ties with terrorist William Ayers, and her father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett is a card-carrying communist party member and associate of Frank Marshall Davis, the controversial Communist Party activist who was Obama's childhood mentor. Davis is mentioned many times in Obama's autobiography. Obama's senior advisor/campaign manager David Axelrod also has family roots in the Communist party. His parents were Communists," according to former Saturday Night Live comedian and actress Victoria Jackson, who now hosts a conservative talk show and researched what she calls "the real Obama White House." This week, ISIS allegedly released a video proclaiming its intent to kill the President of the United States. The video's Islamist said: "Know, oh Obama, that we will reach America. Know also that we will cut off your head in the White House and transform America into a Muslim province," then the terrorist is shown decapitating a captured Kurdish soldier. However, the White House spokespeople continue to refuse to even mention Muslims, Islam, jihad or any term that isn't endorsed by Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. In 2013, the well-respected Investor's Business Daily ran a story that alleged that most of the cover-up in the Benghazi terrorist attack is aimed at protecting the President and Valerie Jarrett. It is suspected that the infamous "stand-down" order came from her lips, since her boss went to bed early to rest-up for his busy campaign schedule in Las Vegas. Jim Kouri, CPP, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, an editor for, a columnist for, and a contributor to WPTF, Raleigh, North Carolina. He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at St. Peter's University and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. In addition, he's a commentator for newsradio WPTF, Raleigh, NC, and editor of Conservative Base Magazine ( Kouri also serves as political advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael Moriarty. |
In a heated exchange on Fox News' Hannity show, Lt. Col Ralph Peters (whose been getting a lot of airtime on Fox News in recent days) explained how the Obama White House was pressuring the Army to whitewash the Bowe Bergdahl fiasco. His comments came after Sean Hannity had played some video of Bergdahl's former platoon mates demanding that he be brought up on charges for desertion. It also followed several tense moments between Hannity and Peters when Hannity suggested that Bergdahl had PTSD and that is what had pushed him to desert. Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: What we have here is very, very clear, it's damnably clear that the White House which doesn't understand why this is a big deal. I mean, he just deserted, right? Wouldn't anybody do that? And they just want to protect the president. And they are pressuring the Army, pressuring the Army to whitewash this. And they don't understand that for the military, those who went before, retirees like me, those on active duty, this is a powerful matter, as you heard from the young soldier, of precedent and principle. Given the totality of the evidence and all of the information that has come to light in recent months, it's hard to disagree with the Lt. Col. The Obama administration miscalculated the public's reaction to the trade for Bergdahl, then they miscalculated how angry Americans would be when they learned that Bergdahl had likely deserted. Finally, the Obama administration miscalculated how important it is to military morale that the rules be followed by EVERYONE. Even the President of the United States. The administration seemed to think that the Army would happily sweep the Bergdahl situation under the rug, not realizing that the military would be so passionately against such a move. With all of those miscalculations, this literally became a perfect storm of ineptitude. So now the only thing the White House can do is try to whitewash the entire mess -- and that is proving difficult to do without the full cooperation of the US Army. Here's hoping that our military leaders continue to show backbone and demand that Bergdahl be treated just like everyone else. Contact Midenise at
The article below was written by Joel Himelfarb who
co-author of the best-selling Myths and Facts: A concise
record of the Arab-Israeli conflict. A former member of the Washington Times editorial board, his work has been published by media outlets including The Wall Street Journal; the Jerusalem Post; the Daily Caller;;the American Spectator; Policy Review; and Middle East Quarterly.
This article appeared January 30, 2015 on Newsmax and is archived at
Just days after the Obama State Department played host to a delegation of leaders aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist group has called for "a long, uncompromising jihad" in Egypt, the Washington Free Beacon reported Friday. Earlier this week, State hosted a Brotherhood-linked delegation looking to mobilize support for the overthrow of Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi. One delegation member was Waleed Sharaby, a Brotherhood-linked judge. He posted on his Facebook page a statement translated by the Free Beacon as saying: "Now in the U.S. State Department. Your steadfastness impresses everyone." The Free Beacon reported that Sharaby flashed the Islamic group's four-finger Rabia symbol. The delegation also included two other members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Participants at the State Department meeting included several department officials including a deputy assistant secretary for democracy, human rights and labor. Just days after that meeting, the Brotherhood declared: "It is incumbent upon everyone to be aware that we are in the process of a new phase, where we summon what is latent in our strength, where we recall the meanings of jihad and prepare ourselves, our wives, our sons, our daughters, and whoever marched on our path to a long, uncompromising jihad, and during this stage we ask for martyrdom." The statement also emphasized the importance of preparing to engage in jihad and invoked the name of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna. The Free Beacon reported that the statement said al-Banna "prepared the jihad brigades that he sent to Palestine to kill the Zionist usurpers." Experts said the timing is certain to be an embarrassment to the State Department and the Obama administration. The fact that the Muslim Brotherhood "issued its call to jihad two days after its meeting at the State Department will be grist for endless anti-American conspiracy theories about a supposed partnership between Washington and the Brotherhood," said Eric Trager, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "The State Department should have foreseen what an embarrassment this would be," he added. The Muslim Brotherhood's operatives "have been committing violent acts for a very long time," Trager told the Free Beacon. Under President Mohammad Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood operative overthrown by al-Sisi in July 2013, "Muslim Brothers tortured prisoners outside the presidential palace," Trager said. "After Morsi's ouster, they have frequently attacked security forces and state property." Contact at
IS THE NEWS SYSTEM SOMEWHAT RIGGED ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser. CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications. ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama's Deputy Press Secretary ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama's Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton's Deputy Secretary Tom Nides. And now you know why it is no surprise the media usually goes very easy on Obama's many errors. Are any of these (ABC, CBS, CNN) sources for the 'national or world news' you hear each day? Ya think there might be a little bias in these news sources? CAROLINE GLICK SAYS THERE WERE NO PALESTINIAN REFUGEES ![]() It is the prime of Caroline Glick. The contributing editor of the Jerusalem Post who grew up in Chicago and moved to Israel after graduating from Columbia University in 1991 had a showdown with European diplomats ten days ago in which she told them that their concern with Israeli settlements was a manifestation of anti-Semitism that goes back to Jesus. A couple weeks before that, she got to spout three paragraphs of her intolerant ideas in a long piece in The New Yorker on the one-state reality:
That piece mentioned her book, The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East. It came out earlier this year from a big US publisher, Crown, with blurbs from the governor of Indiana and former UN Ambassador John Bolton. I got the book. Glick denies the Nakba, the expulsion of Palestinians in 1948; denies the existence of Palestinian refugees; denies that Palestinians are the "indigenous population" of the land; and denies the existence of the West Bank, which she mentions only in quotation marks– its real name for her is its biblical Jewish designation, Judea and Samaria. The book affirms the Jewish people's status as the indigenous people of the Land of Israel." Glick may have grown up in Chicago, but she has a religious view of Middle East history:
Glick's one straight reference to the "Nakba," is the claim that it is the Palestinian name for May 15, 1948. In fact the Nakba refers to a months-long period of expulsion. Glick generally puts the word "Palestine" inside quotations too. It has never existed as a political entity, she asserts, just a geographical one. And so there could be no Palestinian refugees from the land of Israel, because they were interlopers. The refugees in her view are "the so-called Palestinian refugees." She says the refugee problem began after Israel's establishment on May 15, 1948– thereby denying the Zionist campaign of ethnic cleansing that began weeks before that, including the massacre at Deir Yassin in April 1948 and the campaign against the coastal city of Jaffa: Jaffa's Palestinian population went from 75,000 to 4,500 over several months ending on May 13, 1948. But Glick says the so-called refugees left later than that:
As for the right of return, Glick never mentions UN Resolution 194, guaranteeing the right of refugees to return. She does say:
Every Palestinian I've ever asked about the right of return has said that it is a central issue. In part this is because the right affirms Palestinian history and grievances: their expulsion in 1948 and the refusal to allow them to return to their property. As endless peace processors have discovered, any resolution of the conflict must honor and reckon with the right of return. Whether or not a sizable portion of refugees and descendants would choose to return is not the question; the issue is one of acknowledgement of a grave injustice. Imagine how Jews would respond if a prominent writer denied the Holocaust; that kind of lie has generated lawsuits and laws. What's more, the Nazi extermination of Jews resulted years ago in German reparations to Jews and other goodwill gestures between Germany and Israel, to the point that Netanyahu has a German car. Yet there have been no reparations to Palestinians for the theft of their property and their expulsion from their lands 66 years ago. THE MYTH The myth of "Palestinian" Nationalism andthe reality of Arabic-Islamic Nationalism The "refugees" were not leaving their homeland, rather the were just migrating to another part of the larger Arab state. A glaring, and tragic, illustration of the Arabs' loose territorial affinities was provided by a largely disregarded aspect of the "refugee" problem. After all has been said of the pressures that were exerted and the panic that was induced by their leaders in 1948, something uncanny remains in the picture of a community, rural as well as urban, not under any physical pressure -- even, as in Haifa, asked to remain -- nevertheless removing itself, men, women, and children leaving home and farm and business, leaving village and town, to go into a self-imposed exile. The ease of it, its smoothness, is remarkable. There was no steadfast refusal to leave, as would be encountered in most of the world, certainly from farmers, from people attached to their soil. They went into exile in cold blood, even before there was any fighting. And expecting fighting, they left their fate in the hands of foreign soldiers. It was not a question of evacuating non-combatants; here everybody left, including some 95 percent of the men of military age. A pregnant description of this phenomenon is contained in the London Times of June 7, 1948, in a dispatch from its correspondent in Amman. "Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan and even Iraq were filled with fugitives from Palestine, many of them young men of military age still carrying arms-- The cafes and hotel lobbies continued to be filled with young effendis whose idea was that though something must be done it should be done by somebody else. Some of them had spent a week or so at the front and on the strength of this they felt entitled to return to less dangerous climes." Were they all cowards? Were they all stupid? They were neither. They did not, indeed, think long; they decided quickly. It was not difficult to decide-because they did not see the invaders from the Arab states as foreign soldiers, nor their own destination as an exile. They considered the move as being to another part of the Arab world, to another place where Arabic was spoken, to a place where they would find their own people, often their own relatives. To move from Acre to Beirut, from Akir to Nablus, was like an American moving from Cincinnati to Detroit or from Trenton to Boston. In all fairness, it must be added that not all the Arabs went into exile. Some 100,000 declined to move. Their presumed hatred of Jews and their sense of belonging to a large Arab people and territory apparently did not outweigh their love for their homes. These are the Arabs who, despite inevitable early difficulties, prospered and multiplied in Israel, numbering by 1967 (together with returnees permitted by the Israeli government) some 350,000 souls, with the highest birthrate in the world. The phenomenon of exodus was given a new dimension in 1967. When the Six Day War was over, without any pressures or promises from any side, when there was not even the hint or rumour of a threat to the safety of life or property, some 200,000 Arabs in Judea and Samaria packed their belongings and crossed the Jordan. Day after day, the caravans of trucks and buses and private cars drove down to the approaches to the river. Because the Allenby Bridge was still a collapsed mass of iron and masonry, the crossing had to be improvised. The long queues waited patiently for their turn to cross. Scores of local and foreign newspaper correspondents, photographers, and a sprinkling of unofficial visitors mingled and talked with them while they waited. Three weeks after the war, I was able to visit the area. I watched the progress of the evacuees to the bridge. I asked a well-dressed young man where he came from and why he was leaving. He explained that, as an employee of the Jordanian government stationed at Bethlehem, he had been instructed to report to Amman. Once across the river, the Arabs were interviewed by foreign newspapermen. There everyone who told his story claimed to have been driven out by the Jews. Between 1949 and 1967, when Jordan ruled the West Bank, 400,000 Arabs left for other parts of the "Arab world." - yet these too are called "refugees". No less significantly, between 1949 and 1967, when the Jordanian Arab king ruled peacefully in Judea and Samaria, some 400,000 Arabs packed their belongings and left for other parts of the "Arab world." Today, large numbers of Palestinian Arabs are living and working as ordinary citizens in Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, and especially prosperous Kuwait. All these countries are home to them. There are, of course, cultural differences; even the spoken language has its local idiosyncrasies as does the English of London, Yorkshire, or Scotland, or the American in New York, Connecticut, or Texas. The "Palestinian" movement and the "Palestinian" nation were still, in 1972, no more than a myth. The Arabs of Palestine, like all the other Arabs, have been taught to see as their territory the vast expanse between the Persian Gulf on the east and the African Atlantic coast on the west. To the north it borders on Turkey; to the south its Asian boundary is where the Arab peninsula meets the Indian Ocean, and its African frontiers are marked by a line running through the heart of the continent, beginning with the northern border of Uganda to the east and ending with the northern border of Senegal to the west. The existence of a non-Arab state in the centre of "his" territory is offensive to the Arab, who has been taught to see it as incomprehensible except in terms of a rampant imperialism. That is the emotional foundation of the Arabs' attitude. Israel's existence is therefore out of the question; the new state must disappear. The status and future of the Arabs living in Palestine is essentially a secondary matter, to be settled later, or fought over, among the Arabs themselves. For the time being, the resources of the Arab world must be concentrated on camouflaging the reason for Israel's liquidation as a solution to a human problem--the problem of "homeless" Palestinians. The Egyptian journal Al-Musswar in December 1968 admitted frankly: "'The expulsion of our brothers from their homes should not cause us any anxiety, especially as they were driven into Arab countries...The masses of the Palestinian people are only the advanceguard of the Arab nation ...a plan for rousing world opinion in stages, as it would not be able to understand or accept a war by a hundred million Arabs against a small state." What quarrel with Israel has Kuwait on the Persian Gulf, or Sudan in the heart of Africa, or Morocco on the Atlantic Coast? What quarrel, indeed, have Egypt, Syria, and Iraq? Such is the core of the confrontation between Israel and the Arab people. It stares out, moreover, beyond the sleight of hand of Arab propaganda. The campaign against Israel is conducted, after all, by the whole Arab world. Every one of the Arab states is involved and makes its greater or lesser contribution. At the least, each state co-operates in the economic boycott, in the diplomatic offensive, in the propaganda campaign. What quarrel with Israel has Kuwait on the Persian Gulf, or Sudan in the heart of Africa, or Morocco on the Atlantic Coast? What quarrel, indeed, have Egypt, Syria, and Iraq? The Arab states are, furthermore, divided among themselves on a number of important problems. The interests of the oil-bearing states conflict with those that have no oil, the rich with the poor, the puritanical Moslem states with the more permissive. Needless to say, the Arab governments, like other governments, are not altruistic. A glance at their ruling classes suggests that, in the matter of concern for others, the Arabs are below rather than above average. They are model members in a world where the rule, perhaps inevitable, is for every nation to look out for itself and to pursue its own selfish interest. It is not to help the Palestine Arabs that the Arab states pursue their militant purpose toward Israel. "If the Arabs could agree on nothing else," wrote one of their great friends, a British officer who served in the Jordanian Arab Legion, "they could at least agree that Israel as a State must be extinguished. Israel delenda est. "1 Such has been the theme ever since the Arab leaders began to see the Arab Empire as a tangible aim. In May 1946, when the Jewish state was still only a "threat," a meeting at Inshass in Egypt of leaders of the Arab states declared: "The problem of Palestine is not the problem only of the Arabs of Palestine, but of all the Arabs." Since the Jewish state was established, Arab political and ideological literature has been filled with a mass of semantic variations on the theme. "When Palestine is injured," said Abdel Nasser in 1953, "each one of us is injured in his feelings and in his homeland." Eight years later, the outlook had not changed. "The Palestine problem," said Nasser in 1961, "has never been the problem of the Palestinians alone. The whole Arab nation is involved." At its conference in October 1966, the Syrian ruling Ba'ath Party went to the heart of the Arab purpose: "The existence of Israel in the heart of the Arab homeland constitutes the main base dividing the eastern part from the western part of the Arab nation."2 "The meaning of Arab unity is the liquidation of Israel." - Egyptian Prime Minister, 1965 Nasser stated it more pointedly on February 2, 1965, at the Festival of Unity: "The meaning of Arab unity is the liquidation of Israel." The conflict, then, shorn of legend and fiction, is between the "Arab nation," which possesses eighteen states embracing an area of thirteen million square kilometres, and the Jewish people, claiming the right to its single historic homeland, whose territory even today after the Six Day War, constitutes less than 1 percent of the territories ruled and dominated by the Arabs. That is the moral issue in the clash between Arabs and Jews. On the one hand is the hunger of the Jewish people for national independence and physical security in its homeland, a land it has brought back to life. On the other hand is the huge, unsentimental appetite of the Arab people for the unbroken continuity of a vast empire and for the unique status of a nation which, itself dominating minority populations of millions, arrogantly and violently refuses to accept that status for one small segment of its people. The ambitions of British imperialists, aiming at their own domination of the Fertile Crescent through Arab puppet states, first aroused the idea of a reborn empire in Arab minds as a serious and practical political proposition. Their aid and patient support established the nucleus of the modem Arab Empire. After they had conceived and established the Arab League in 1945, the British tended and nurtured it for years thereafter. They first envisaged Palestine as a full partner in that empire, its Jewish population being given minority status as envisaged in the British government's White Paper of 1939. No less important, the British persuaded the Arabs that this plan was feasible. They looked forward to a tangible reward for their friendship. Later, however, the strategic attractions and commercial opportunities of the Arab states drew the attention of other nations, and Britain had to content herself with only a part of the Arabs' favors. This change flowed from a development which even the most powerful Arab imagination had not conceived. It was precisely in this period that new, unprecedentedly large discoveries of oil were made in the soil of a number of the Arab states. Their economic importance and potential increased overnight. Tremendous impact was now added to their relations in the international area, and especially with the great powers, who are the chief exploiters of the oil. The Arabs became a power in the world. For many hundreds of years, the Arab states had played no part in world affairs. For many hundreds of years, the Arab states had played no part in world affairs. (Few of them had played any part even in the conduct of their own affairs.) Outside the sheikhdoms of Arabia itself, which pursued the slow tempo of life in the wide spaces and played out their desert rivalries, there simply were no Arab affairs. Nor was there any hunger or striving for their revival. The Arabs warmed themselves and were contented with memories of past glory. Characteristically, they tended to magnify that glory; their imagination expanded the 120 years of the purely Arab Empire in the seventh and eighth centuries and fused them with the following three centuries of an empire ruled by Moslems, who spoke and wrote Arabic but, like Saladin, were not Arabs and became Arabs only in the nostalgic retrospection of later centuries. Nevertheless, the Arabs have genuine memories of glory, of military achievements that were the wonder of their age, of the wide sowing of their language and their faith over vast areas of the earth, of the glittering imperial splendour of Damascus and Baghdad, of a cultural contribution that enriched and dazzled medieval European scholarship. For a thousand years they lived on that glory. In a prolonged and continuous stagnation, they ceased not only to rule, but also to achieve, to create, to build, to strive. Far from reviving past glories, they sank into a lethargy that brought them into the twentieth century as one of the most backward, most immobile of peoples. Students of Arabic history and culture, especially those well-disposed to the Arabs, cite the characteristics responsible for that lethargy. "the Arab is preoccupied with his past," writes the Arab sociologist Sania Hamady. "The pleasant memories of its glory serve as a refuge from the painful reality of the present" (p. 217). The roots of this condition are deep. As the scholars point out, lethargy and stagnation are conditioned by Islamic principles of predestination and fatalism. Nor are there reasonable prospects of a change. "It is not an exaggeration to say that after so many centuries of immobility the process of agriculture, industry, exchange and learning had become little more than automatic, and had resulted in a species of atrophy that rendered those engaged in them all but incapable of changing their methods or outlook in the slightest degree... It is incapacity rather than unwillingness to learn that characterises Arab society."3 The Arab leaders who themselves enjoyed a modem education have been conscious of the stagnation of their society. The Arab leaders who themselves enjoyed a modem education may have been conscious of the stagnation and backwardness of their society. They were nevertheless not equipped, they were indeed helpless, to effect any of the apparently revolutionary changes that alone might raise their people to the cultural and technical levels of our age. Yet now, suddenly, they found themselves with little effort possessed of independence, controlling states with enormous resources and vast territories important in global strategy, ruling over millions of non-Arab minorities. Now, too, they were courted by the great powers of the world. By a little effort of their imagination they saw themselves bridging the black gap of the centuries, winning the recognition of the previously supercilious Western world. Suddenly they could see themselves accepted, with no further cultural effort, as instant full partners in the complex culture of the twentieth-century world, just as they had shared in the building of its foundations during the Middle Ages.4 The power of the Arabs' imagination is such that they soon forgot that there had been a gap at all. They soon saw unfolding behind them one continuous stretch of centuries of glory and of Arab life dominant throughout the whole area conquered by the ancient Arabic Empire in Asia and Africa. The facts of history between the eighth and the twentieth centuries ceased to exist; and the prospect they induced themselves to see was a direct continuation of what had existed 1000. years ago and more. Arab population of Palestine sat by while Jewish resistance led to the end of British rule Now, at last, the time had come for the assertion of a "Palestinian" Arab entity. The Arabs could theoretically have joined the Jews in a classic war of liberation from a foreign ruler and established a claim to partnership in the ensuing independence. Or, more credibly, the British having already promised them in fact independence which the Jewish resistance was endangering, they might have rushed in to help the British in crushing the Zionists. In fact, faced with the two alternatives, they chose a third: They did nothing. The Arab population of Palestine sat by while the Jewish resistance movement brought about the end of British rule. 96% of local Arabs of military age sat by and did not fight while the neighboring Arab countries invaded Israel. When the United Nations General Assembly decided on November 29, 1947, to recommend the partition of Palestine and the establishment of two states, the Arabs did launch a countrywide attack on the Jews. But this, too, was carried out only with considerable aid from the British who maintained their presence in the country for another six months. Clearly, also, the attacking Arabs were a minority of the people, while the majority remained passive or evacuated in order to leave the field to the invading Arab states, who promised to drive the Jews into the sea. The Palestine Arabs were truly a people of non-combatants; they contributed very little manpower to the ensuing full-scale war that was supposed to be a life-and-death struggle for them. The British statistics gave the Arabs a population of 1,200,000 in western Palestine. Even if, as is likely, this figure is an exaggeration, there must still, at a highly conservative estimate, have been 100,000 men of military age. The report of the Iraqi Government Commission, which subsequently inquired into the cause of the defeat,5established that the total number of Palestinian Arabs who took part in the war was 4,000. The Jews, altogether some 650,000, lost one-and-a-half times that number. This confrontation of figures (%4 of Palestinian Arabs of millitary age fought, while almost 10% of the entire Jewish population died). is symbolic of the affinity to Eretz Israel of the Jewish people and of the real Arab relationship to the country. The Arabs of Palestine were under no physical compulsion when their vast majority deliberately left their homes unguarded and exposed and moved off across the Jordan or into Syria or Lebanon or to those parts of Western Palestine that fell under the control of the Arab invaders. The Jews--most of them the first and second generation of the organised return to their ancestral country-stood and fought and died for every inch of the land. This stark confrontation of affinities has its deep roots in the history of the land and the people. There was a further reason for the Arabs' confidence: They were convinced of their superiority over the Jews as a fighting nation. Had not the Arabs conquered half the world? True, that had happened 1,300 years earlier since which time they had distinguished themselves at best in minor in-fighting among rival Bedouin tribes and in the Laurentian tactic of arriving after the battle to claim the victory. They had no difficulty, however, in projecting their seventh-century martial excellence as an abiding fact in the twentieth. Whoever reads the predictions of the Arabs in 1956, after they had suffered one defeat, and their even more bloodcurdling predictions of victory and destruction in May 1967, after they had suffered two defeats, will recognise the uninhibited, unlimited, early certainty of the Arab states in May 1948 that they were about to win a stunning, historic victory, and that within a few weeks, or even days, Jewish hopes would be in ruins and Palestine would be inexorably enfolded in the embrace of the reborn Arab Empire. 1948 has entered Arab history as the year of the catastrophe. The Arab states were saved from complete rout by political considerations: the submission by the novitiate Israeli government to British and United States pressures. Thus, Transjordan remained in possession of most of the area allotted in the United Nations resolution to the Arab states (Samaria, Judea, and eastern Jerusalem), while Egypt occupied the Gaza district. Israel, however, was not only not obliterated, she improved substantially upon the collapsible borders of the UN resolution of 1947 and emerged from the conflict with the high prestige of courage and resource in the face of overwhelming odds. Moreover, some 400,000 Arab residents of the area lost their homes. Soon the shock and the shame of loosing to Israel gave way to the search for scapegoats and for excuses. Soon the shock and the shame gave way to the search for scapegoats and for excuses. "The Arab," notes an Arab writer, "is reluctant to assume responsibility for his personal or national misfortunes, and he is inclined to put the entire blame upon the shoulders of others. The Arab is fascinated with criticism--of the foreigner, of fellow-countrymen, of leaders, of followers, always of 'the other,' seldom of oneself."6 There is a cultural reason for this habit. Hamadi explains: "As a result of his determinist orientation, the Arab finds a good excuse to relegate his responsibility to external forces. He attributes the ills of his society, his mistakes and failures, either to fate, to the devil or to imperialism" (p. 187). Thus, as time went by, the material aid and the diplomatic support and military co-operation which their British allies had given the Arabs in the war of 1948 and the loaded American neutrality-which together nearly insured the Arabs' objective of annihilation -- were translated through Arabic literature into a Zionist invasion aided by British and American imperialism. Some such far-reaching explanation of their failure was necessary to the Arabs for another important historical reason. It was unacceptable that the brave, the resourceful, the chivalrous, the lionhearted Arabs (of the seventh century) should be defeated by, of all peoples, the Jews-the lowly, the contemptible, whom they, the Arabs, had long since condemned to death. The Arabs knew the Jews in Palestine historically as a minority oppressed, or at least discriminated against, since the seventh century. The Jews under Moslem rule were second-class citizens. Social regulations and prohibitions singled them out. They were subject to special taxes. They were, of course, not alone-all non- Moslems were so treated. But in the eyes of the Moslems, the Jews in Palestine lived always in the image of a defeated people, in the daily shadow of their defeat in 70 and 135 C.E. The Christians, inferior though they were, had in their background a world of states, of power. The Jews had nothing; they were outcasts over large areas of the Christian world as well. Even when the Arab was himself ill-treated or humiliated in Moslem non-Arab society, he saw the Jew as one grade below him. The confrontation with the Jews in British- controlled Palestine had no doubt amended this attitude, yet now to be defeated in the open battlefield, at such an historic moment and in such favourable circumstances, by the Jews-that was an overwhelming blow to Arab pride The State of Israel, as the instrument of the Arabs' defeat and dishonour, became the focus of their frustrations. The State of Israel, as the instrument of the Arabs' defeat and what they described as their dishonour, thus became the focus of all their frustrations, of all their hatreds, and of a hunger for vengeance which, by force of a combination of circumstances, grew fiercer and deeper with time. Honour and pride could be restored only by the disappearance of Israel. Again, then, Israel delenda est. The continuing enhancement of the Arabs' international stature only increased the frustration. This, after all, was the era of colonial disengagement. The Dutch, the Belgian, the French, and the British Empires were disintegrating. Asia and Africa became a checkerboard of independent states, most of them established with little or no struggle. One Arabic-speaking country after another became independent. From seven states at the United Nations in 1948, the Arabs grew to a bloc of eighteen by 1972. The Arab states, though their average illiteracy rate is among the highest in the world, have perhaps more influence at the United Nations any other group of nations. The years have, moreover, seen a steep increase in oil wealth. While normally a people labours for years to achieve minor improvements in the national income and the standard of living, some of the Arab states have overnight joined the richest countries in the world in terms of per capita wealth. The ease with which their wealth and influence-and in most cases their political independence-were accomplished led them all the more to think of 1949 as an unhappy accident for which the "imperialists" were responsible. When the time came, they decided, the Israelis could be beaten and with ease "driven into the sea." A great new force helped to bolster Arab hopes of victory and annihilation. The Soviet Union, by its steady stream of arms to Egypt, Syria, and Iraq, and by unstinting political support, replaced Britain as the big brother of Arabism. 1. Peter Young, The Israeli Campaign, 1967 (London, 1967), p. 32 2. Yehoshafat Harkabi, Arab Attitudes toward Israel (Tel Aviv, 1972), p. 93; Fatah in Arab Strategy (Tel Aviv, 1969), p. 30, quoting Anabtawi, Palestinian Documents, II, p. 481. 3. H. A. R. Gibb and H. Bowen, Islamic Society and the West (London, 1950), pp. 215-216. 4. An amusing illustration of the full circle of Arab fantasy and sense of values is the picturesque claim of the Arab writer Mahmoud Rousa: "The Arabs invented the wheel, on which modern civilisation is built and now they supply the oil which turns the wheel." Palestine and the Internationalisation of Jerusalem (Baghdad, 1965), p. 2. 5. Published in Hebrew translation in Behind the Curtain (Tel Aviv, 1954). 6. F. A. Sayegh, Understanding of the Arab Mind (Washington, 1953), P. 28. This page was produced by Joseph E. Katz Middle Eastern Political and Religious History Analyst Brooklyn, New York THE HISTORY OF THE PLO AND THE INTERNATIONAL LEGITIMIZATION OF TERRORISM The Arabs' most spectacular success after 1973, however, has been to turn the international community into accomplices-albeit, passive-in legitimising the instrument designed to destroy what would remain of Israel after that withdrawal. For the achievement of such complicity by Western nations, accepted values of culture and civilisation had to be thrown overboard. The international institutions within the United Nations that were established to promote, to disseminate, and to perpetuate those values had to be subverted and prostituted, and even the formal regulations and norms protecting them in the Charter of the United Nations had to be abused and undermined. The Arab states, however, encountered little resistance. Thus, in November 1974, a year after the Yom Kippur War, the world was treated to the spectacle of Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Arab terrorists, a revolver showing at his hip, addressing amid noisy acclaim the Assembly of the United Nations. Fourteen months later, a representative of his organisation was seated as a participant-lacking only the right to vote -- in a meeting of the Security Council. On the Arab side, these developments were neither sudden nor the fruit of spasmodic opportunism. They were well and long thought out. They were the result of a clear change in tactics by the Arab states after the oil and petrodollar weapon had proved its potency., Before the war, the pattern of their propaganda, their pressures, and their strategy had been governed by the logic of geography: first the "erasure of the consequences of the 1967 War"-that is, Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 Armistice lines-and then the concentrated physical attack on the attenuated Israel by a sea of Arabs, all wearing "Palestinian" uniforms and fighting for the "restoration of their legitimate rights": that is, the elimination of Israel. When the American pressure began to bear fruits, when Israel had physically given up part of the gains of 1967, and the further consummation of the Arabs' objective seemed to them no longer in doubt, they changed the order of priorities. It became possible at once -- without waiting for the gradual process of Israeli withdrawal-to establish the diplomatic basis for the most radical part of their dream: the creation, in the public consciousness, of the "Palestine State" on the rains of Israel. To this end, considerable diplomatic activity was required-for co-ordination among the Arab states themselves, for co-ordination with the Soviet bloc and with the submissive African states--to test the reactions of the Western states, the degree of passivity with which they would swallow the project. The terrorist organisations had certainly come----or been brought-a long way since their crushing defeat in Jordan. The Arab states had then acted, swiftly to ensure the speedy rehabilitation of their proteges. Some latitude, to be sure, had to be given them in executing at least some symbolic revenge on Jordan. But the promise and the arrangements for their continued existence, for quartering them (mainly in Lebanon), for financing their arms, their training and their propaganda, were necessarily accompanied by the condition that they concentrate their main effort against the Israeli enemy. Symbolic revenge found expression in the appearance of a new organisation that called itself Black September, in memory of the events in Jordan in 1970. The first operation claimed by the organisation was appropriately a blow against Jordan. On November 28, 1971, King Hussein's Prime Minister, Wasfi el Tal, was shot down in a Cairo street. The four assailants did not resist arrest. They were not put on trial but were subsequently simply released by Egyptian authorities. In fact, Black September was not a new organisation at all. The nature of its operations, the new dimension of brutality which -became its hallmark, made it convenient for Fatah and its leader to avoid identification with it. Most of its activities in the next two years were carried out at a distance from Israel. They consisted mainly of efforts to attack civilian airplanes-on the ground at Rome or Athens airports-or by means of stratagems. For example, a gift chivalrously given to an unsuspecting girlfriend flying on an El Al plane to Israel, contained a time-bomb. Most dramatic of their exploits were the attacks on unsuspecting groups of people, related or unrelated to Israel, in airplanes or elsewhere, and holding them as hostages against the satisfaction of various demands. Usually these included the release of prisoners, jailed in Israel or other counties as well as money and safe conduct to one of the Arab states. Arab terrorism now became also part of an international phenomenon. Liason and mutual co-operation was widely reported with terrorist groups in Italy, Germany, Ireland, and elsewhere. Thus, the one major act of terror carried out on Israel itself was the 1972 attack by three Japanese terrorists at Lod Airport. Landing from a plane on March 25, they took up positions in the airport's arrival hall and machine-gunned their fellow passengers. They killed twenty-seven people, including twenty pilgrims from Puerto Rico who had come to celebrate Easter in the Holy Land. Eighty others were wounded.1 Black September's own tour de force that year was performed in Munich, Germany. There, in September, they murdered eleven Israeli athletes who had come to participate in the 1972 Olympic Games. They had first trapped them, unguarded and unarmed as they were, in their sleeping quarters. As though to flaunt its special tactics of warfare, Black September carried out an act of equal Wantonness six months later. This time, for reasons unexplained, the chosen field of battle was inside Arab territory: the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Khartoum, capital of Sudan, where the ambassador was giving a party. The attackers had no difficulty getting in, nor in subduing five unarmed diplomats and taking them captive into another part of the building. They soon released the two Arabs among them: the host, and a Jordanian. Many hours of negotiations then followed with Sudanese authorities. To this end, the terrorists reported and received orders by radio communication with Beirut. Then the three remaining captives-a Belgian and two Americans-were shot dead in the chairs to which they had been tied. The killers were arrested. There were perhaps some valid inter-Arab reasons for the operation, but the Sudanese authorities, in their anger, now publicly dispelled whatever doubt may have existed about the authenticity of Black September. They announced and published documents proving that Black September was indeed none other than Fatah, and that the organiser of the killing in Khartoum was in fact the local official representative of Fatah. Sudan's Vice President later announced that the order to kill had come by code on the radio from Fatah headquarters in Beirut. Later, unofficial reports added that the order had been given personally by Yasser Arafat. Arafat now admitted that "there are some Fatah members in Black September." A member of Fatah, captured in Jordan, revealed that the operative leader of Black September was Arafat's deputy, Salah Halef, known as Abu Ayad. The massacre at Munich had evoked expressions horror throughout the Western world. The terrorists knew no bounds after the gruesome event in Khartoum The American government demanded that Sudan deal with the murderers with due severity, and newspapers throughout the world called for countermeasures against this new barbarity. The New York Times expressed the view that it was "inconceivable" that Black September should be allowed to exist. Then sentiments failed, or pretended to fail, to understand the realities. But by the time the Yom Kippur War broke out nobody could continue to feign ignorance of the fact that Black September was Fatah, just as Fatah and its sister organisations were a completely integrated arm of the Arab states. There, each new operation was greeted with public approval and enthusiasm. The only Arab government that officially announced its active role in the world-wide operation of Black September was.2 In fact, all the requirements of the terrorists were placed at their disposal by one or another of the Arab states as required, and the embassies of the Arab states, in carefree disregard of all international agreements and procedures, became bases for terrorist activities.3 Arab perpetrators of terrorist acts found sanctuary, when they needed it, in the Arab states (except Jordan). In some cases, they were given public receptions as heroes; in others, they were quickly removed from the public eye and returned to their base. Sudan had reacted to the murder of the diplomats and had responded to the horror-stricken reactions in the United States by emphatic, unequivocal, and repeated undertakings to punish the murderers. But in fact, after a while, the Sudanese government packed the murderers off to Egypt where Sadat freed them without fuss. The Yom Kippur War presented Yasser Arafat and his organisation with a great opportunity. Suddenly the Israeli Army was engaged heavily on two fronts and was plunged into dire difficulties. Large numbers of Israeli Reserve soldiers were being moved to the fronts, and civilian life in Israel was suddenly in a state of upheaval. Here was a favourable, even ideal, set of circumstances for major action-to set up a third front: to divert Israeli forces to the "Fatah front" on the Lebanese border, to attack Israeli Army installations and forces behind the lines in Judea and Samaria and indeed on the roads and in the cities of Israel. This is what might have been expected by those throughout the world who, on radio and television and in the newspapers, absorbed the daily ration of information on the size and prowess of the Palestinians. Nothing of the sort happened, however. Neither Fatah nor any of its sister organisations played any noticeable part in Yom Kippur War. It was only after the war, in the gloom and atmosphere of defeat that had been induced in Israel by the revelation of the unwarranted shortcomings and blunders at its opening, by its heavy toll of casualties, and by the crushing cruelty of American pressure at its conclusion, that the Arab terrorist organisations mounted a new series of operations. Now they no longer used the camouflage of Black September, but explicitly that of their collective identity -- "Palestine Liberation Organisation"---or of one of its constituent bodies. Now, indeed, they operated, mostly from their bases in Lebanon, against and inside Israel itself. The onslaught began in the spring of 1974. During that year, in addition to a number of smaller operations -- such as the flinging (by two non-Arab allies from abroad) of hand grenades from the balcony of a Tel Aviv theatre into the crowd below-they launched a dozen major attacks. Some were nipped in the bud; a number succeeded. Several places in northern Israel were thus added to the annals of Arab achievement, gaining a sombre fame throughout the world: Nahariyah, Beit She'an, Shamir. The pattern of these attacks was exemplified by the events at Kiryat Shmoneh and Ma'alot. Kiryat Sh'moneh is a village in the mountains of Galilee close to the Lebanese border. It was there that the PLO opened its offensive. Shortly before dawn on April 11, 1974, three of its members, two Syrians a one Iraqi, went into an empty schoolhouse on the outskirts and, as dawn broke, fired into the street. Upon the arrival of Israeli soldiers who returned their fire, they found a way out of the building, crossed a street, and went into an apartment building. They entered an apartment and, using Kalashnikov automatic rifles, shot Mrs. Esther Cohen, age forty, her seventeen-year-old son David, and her daughter, Shula, age fourteen. They then went quickly to other apartments in the building. Some they entered, firing at the occupants, most of whom were eating breakfast; into others they simply threw hand grenades. In the noise and confusion of the next ten minutes, they made their way into the adjacent building to continue their attack. By the time the Israeli soldier's caught up with them and shot them, they had killed six more Israelis between the ages of two-and-a-half and eleven as well as eight civilian adults. Sixteen men, women, and children were wounded but survived, and Israeli soldiers were killed. Even more spectacular was the operation a month Later at Ma'alot, a village somewhat farther from the Lebanese border. Here the attackers arrived earlier in the day, at 3:00 A.M., when everybody was asleep. They knocked at the door of one apartment and one of called out in Hebrew: "Police! There are terrorists around!" When the door was opened, the terrorists entered and shot Yosef Cohen, his wife Fortuna, and their four-year-old son Eli. They also shot the daughter, five-year-old Beah, but she survived. From the Cohen apartment, the terrorists went across the road again to a school. But this school was not empty. Housed in it were more than one hundred high-school pupils on a hiking tour from Safed, resting for the night. The attackers woke the sleeping children and, wielding their Kalashnikovs, herded them, together with their teachers, into the hallway. Some of the children and one of the teachers succeeded in slipping and escaped by jumping out of a window. The rest were held for fourteen hours. When Israeli soldiers rushed the building, the Arabs fired into the crowd of children, hitting eighty-four of them. Twenty were either killed instantly or later died of their injuries. These operations were hailed with enthusiasm by the communications media in all the Arab states. They were described later that year by Farouk El Kadoumi, leader of the Fatah delegation to the Conference of Foreign Ministers of the Arab States at Rabat, as "great operations of military heroism." The cries of horror that resounded throughout the West did not inhibit the great diplomatic offensive maintained by the Arab states throughout that year. Its first stage was brought to a successful conclusion by the end of 1974. Arafat himself was active in the offensive, moving from one Arab capital to another, and twice visiting Moscow in April and July 4. He had also had an earlier meeting in March with the Soviet Foreign Minister in Cairo, after which Mr. Gromyko sounded the keynote of the diplomatic offensive: He announced that the Soviet Union regarded the PLO as the sole representative of the Palestinians. It was on October 14, 1974, that the concentrated effect of Arab power was dramatically demonstrated. On that day, 105 member states of the United Nations voted to invite Yasser Arafat to address the Assembly on the Palestine problem. The moral significance of the vote was minor. Over the years, the automatic majority of the totalitarian, the anti-democratic, and the captive blocs had long turned the United Nations into a forum, pathetic yet potentially dangerous, whose deliberations bore little or no relation any longer to its high purpose. Now it was not only condoning murder and barbarity and legitimising the threat of politicide and genocide, it was destroying its own formal legitimacy as an organisation of recognised states with recognised minimal criteria. Among the 105 states, France and Italy also raised supporting hands, and of the other Western states, only three (apart from Israel)-Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, and the United States-were bold enough to vote in opposition. The rest abstained.5 Now, too, the French government hastened to seek a further advantage over its fellow Western Europeans in subservience to the power-wielding Arabs. Foreign Minister Jean Sauvagnargues, paying an official visit to the Middle East, made his way first to Beirut and there (October 21) became the first Western Foreign Minister to shake the hand of Yasser Arafat. He greeted him effusively as "Mr. President" and, at a press conference, publicly pronounced his considered judgement of Arafat as "a moderate leader" possessed of "the stature of a statesman" who was "following a constructive path." He did not elaborate. These events took place eighteen months after the slaughter of Western diplomats in Khartoum and five months after the massacre of children at Ma'alot The stage was now set for the Arab states to legitimise formally their intention to replace Israel with a "democratic, secular State." On October 29, 1974, the heads of the Arab states met in conference in Rabat, Morocco, and passed resolutions (a) Reaffirming "the right of the Palestinian people to return to its Homeland"; (b) Reaffirming "the right of the Palestinian people to set up an independent national authority, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, in every part of Palestine liberated. The Arab States are obligated to support this authority, from the moment of its establishment, in all spheres and at all levels"; (c) Expressing "support for the Palestine Liberation Organisation in exercising its national and international responsibility within the framework of Arab undertakings." The decisions at Rabat were unanimous. Hussein of Jordan who was deprived by the Rabat resolutions of any backing for his own claim to western Palestine, had long resigned himself to the reality that the terrorist movement was the more effective instrument for eliminating Israel. He could only hope that his acquiescence Might evoke from the PLO a similar forbearance about leaving Transjordan in his hands, which, after all, they (correctly) regarded as eastern Palestine, and where in fact most of the Palestinian Arabs lived. He had long since been readmitted into the Arab fold. Egypt and Syria had re-established relations with him on the eve of the October war, and he had then released the remaining tefforists-756 in number-from his jails. The resolutions were passed unanimously. President Sadat of Egypt, widely advertised by Western apologists as a "moderate," did not pretend to try to introduce even a semantic modification of their plain language Moreover, whoever wished to could find many pronouncements by him or by other Egyptian authorities on their identity of purpose with the "Palestinians." What Sadat intended for the Jews of Israel he had in plain in his widely publicised oath a year before Yom Kippur War. He had sworn in the Cairo mosque to restore the Jews to the condition described in Koran: "to be persecuted, oppressed and wretched." It was Egypt's leading weekly journal, Al-Musswar, that had spelt out in political terms precisely what was intended when the "legitimate rights" had been restored. "The English word peace," wrote the editor of journal on December 7, 1973, "can be translated Arabic as both sulh and salaam, whereas in Arabic there is a difference between the two." Israel, he explained, could indeed expect salaam in exchange for a surrender to present Arab territorial demands (that is, to withdraw to the Armistice lines of 1949).
This article was a faithful paraphrase of the text the constitution of the PLO-the so-called Palestine Covenant. A fortnight after the Rabat Conference, clothed now with the unambiguous authority of the whole Arab world, Yasser Arafat delivered his address to the United Nations Assembly. His appearance was timed to coincide with the presidency for that month of an Arab, President Boumedienne of Algeria, who duly accorded to Arafat at the podium the treatment previously accorded only to heads of state. Nobody objected, nobody commented. Arafat did not disappoint his sponsors. Mounting a Soviet-style attack on imperialism and colonialism of which Zionism was the handmaiden, and repeating a fine selection of the calumnies, gathered together by Arab calumniators of Zionism and the Jewish people, he called for world support for the elimination of the State of Israel and its replacement by a democratic, secular State of Palestine. He did, however, make a concession to Western susceptibilities. Not all the Jews who had arrived after 1948 would be deported. The Jews living in Israel could stay there, provided they agreed to accept whatever fate awaited them in the "democratic, secular State." The favouring wind that blew up for Arab ambitions after the October war had by now reached gale force. The campaign continued to accustom the world to the Nazistic idea that it would not be bad for the world if the Jewish state disappeared. Meantime, however, circumstances had made it possible for the Arabs to eliminate two other obstacles disturbing the homogeneity of Arab Moslem domination throughout the area between the Persian Gulf and the Atlantic Ocean. One of these was the Kurds in Iraq, a Moslem but non-Arabic nation; the other the Christians of Lebanon. The Kurds, who had no state of their own, had been fighting for a generation in their contiguous territory in northern Iraq, not indeed for independence, but for autonomy within the Iraqi Arab state. Except for the occasions when they made promises (which were never kept) to grant such autonomy, successive Iraqi governments had tried without success to crush the Kurds by force. Fierce and bloody resistance to Iraqi power was supported by Iranian arms, with United States backing. Iran's support was a function of her ongoing dispute with Iraq about the sovereignty over the waterway dividing them. With the growingly profitable common oil interest and, presumably, prodded by the Arab League, the Iraqis, meeting the Iranians at an OPEC meeting in Morocco in March 1975, made concessions in return for an Iranian abandonment of the Kurds. The Kurds were accorded one gesture. Those who wished to escape the mercies of the Arabs would, within a brief time limit, be allowed to cross the border into Iran and would be given sanctuary as refugees. Inside the Kurdish region, the Iraqi government speedily applied plans for a final solution of the "problem." It would be done by degrees. Nearly 80 percent of the agricultural produce of the region was "bought" by the Iraqi government at a very low price, thus reducing the means of livelihood for the population. Moreover, nearly all doctors and medical personnel were transferred from the Kurdish region. A plan to settle large numbers of Egyptians in the Kurdish region, and the building of three new towns for the purpose, was publicly described in an advertisement in AI-Ahram of Cairo. Should nothing happen to disturb the process, the Kurdish entity was well launched for extinction. The assault in Lebanon began a month later. It was not a walkover. Here was the only Arab state in which the Moslems had to share power and even to accept a minor share in it. Indeed, the original raison d'etre and the whole modem history of Lebanon was primarily of a Christian enclave, of a haven for Christians in an unfriendly Moslem environment. In recent years in particular, with the increasing discomforts and unease suffered by Christians in some of the Arab states, Christian immigrants from those countries were being absorbed by Lebanon.6 By the agreed Lebanese Constitution of 1943, the President and the Commander-in-Chief of the Army were always Christians, while a Moslem was Prime Minister. A Moslem was also Speaker in the Parliament, but the Christians held a majority of its seats. The intolerance of Moslems to a status of less than domination had twice in the recent past led to violent efforts to put an end to this Christian predominance. On the last occasion, in 1958, order had been restored only after the United States had intervened by sending in Marines. The Christians, well organised, forewarned by the new spirit of exhilaration and militancy that gripped the Arab Moslem world after the Yom Kippur War and by the ominous direction and thrust of American diplomacy, prepared for trouble. But they were faced by a coalition of forces. Their own Moslem neighbours, armed with weapons from Syria, were reinforced by the Arab terrorist organisations now filling without inhibition the role of executors of the pan-Arab will. Incredibly, the fighting went on for months, mainly in Beirut, the capital. Large sections of the once flourishing westernised city, banking and business metropolis of all the Arab states, were reduced to rubble, and day after day tens, and later hundreds, of people, mostly civilians, were killed. After a year of civil war, at least twenty thousand people had perished. By then the political objective of the Moslem onslaught had been accomplished. Whatever the precise future organisation of the country turned out to be, Christian predominance had been brought to an end. The army had been broken up into its religious components, and had in fact disintegrated as a viable force. The Christian President, whose resignation was demanded by the Moslem insurgents, was finally replaced by a cowed majority vote in a besieged Parliament; his successor was a Christian nominated by the Syrians. The continued shelling and shooting reflected the sense of desperation of the Christians, who could not reconcile themselves to defeat. But more incisive was the fact that the Moslems, having achieved the essential political victory, quarrelled over the spoils. The Syrian government now found the moment ripe to achieve her own special objective: to take the affairs of Lebanon under her control as a first step toward the creation of the long-dreamed-of Greater Syria. Yet the Lebanese Moslems had believed that the struggle and indeed the sacrifice had been for their benefit. The terrorist organisations, who had-played their full part in reducing the Christians, regarded it as their natural right to play a dominant role in deciding the fate of Lebanon. The grotesquerie of the events was now made complete. The Christian nations, who with more or less embarrassment had throughout the months kept silent and turned their faces from the slaughter that Syria had generated and sustained, now welcomed her, and the troops she sent into Lebanon, as a "peacemaker." The precise roles and relationship of the Syrians, the Lebanese Moslems, and the Palestinian terrorist organisations would soon crystallise. The reduction of the penultimate vestige of non-Moslem sovereignty in the Arab world would now also bring about, along the southern Lebanese border, a fourth front manned by a variety of Arabs, all in "Palestinian" uniforms, for the final reduction of Israel-the last obstacle to the "unity of the Arab world." Pending the realisation of their ideal of Israel's physical elimination, the Arab states pursued with undiminished vigour the preparatory gnawing and nibbling at Israel's status as a member of the community of nations. Their tactics were strikingly similar to those of the Nazis: to disseminate an image of Israel-and of the Jewish people-as black, as negative, and as hateful as could be conjured up by their own fertile imaginations and by the anti-Semitic outpourings of the ages, so that when the time and the opportunity came to destroy Israel physically, the normal reactions, even of civilised people, would be blunted and minimal. At the same time, they accustomed the world to spectacles symbolising the supplanting of Israel by the "Palestinians." They had as yet no hope of achieving Israel's expulsion from the United Nations or even of the application of sanctions against her-both decisions subject to veto by the Security Council-but in the meantime they secured majority decisions denouncing Israel and indeed the concept of Jewish nationalism in a number of international bodies unconcerned with politics. They succeeded even in having Israel expelled from the regional section of UNESCO to which she belonged (and to whose work she contributed far beyond her logical share). The protests and resignations of intellectuals, artists, and scientists throughout the world were to no avail. Thus, also, Israel was excluded from Asian sporting bodies. And, thus, the United Nations Assembly passed a resolution equating Zionism with racism. This last obscenity was indeed too much for the Western nations to stomach. Not only did they not hide their disgust, but thirty-four of them voted against the solution. Yet this isolated act of protest revealed all the more sharply the supine resignation of the Western nations toward nearly all the other Arab-Soviet orchestrated efforts to turn Israel into a pariah state, and which had already made a grotesque caricature of the United Nations organisation. Mr. Abba Eban, the former Foreign Minister of Israel, once remarked-before the Yom Kippur War-that if the Arabs were to introduce a resolution at the UN declaring the earth to be flat, they would get forty supporting votes. In the now enlarged United Nations, and in today's circumstances, they would probably muster 110. And the Western nations would abstain. This is the essence of their record on the Arabs' hate campaign against Israel. Afraid to offend the Arabs, yet unable to support them in conscience, or where no plausible excuse was available, they would seek discreet refuge in abstention, however absurd, irrelevant, or outrageous the Arab resolution might be.7 On the other hand, the Western nations equally supinely showed no resistance to the seating of the PLO on various international bodies engaged in practical day-to-day activities, treating that organisation as though it were a national authority relating to the territory of Palestine.8 It is weird and depressing to see the rapists of Czechoslovakia and those who savaged Yemen, the destroyers of the Kurds and those who murdered South Sudanese, the vicious racists from Uganda and the begetters of the bloodbath in Lebanon, conferring in the corridors of the United Nations in amity and parliamentary decorum with the spokesmen for Western civilisation, wrestling over a formula for their diverse, selfish (or imagined) interest that would somehow break the resistance and the spirit of Israel, while all aver that their only objects are peace and justice. As long as this collaboration continues, there can neither peace nor justice in Palestine, but at best cease-fire with recurring Arab efforts at attrition.
This page was produced by Joseph E. Katz Middle Eastern Political and Religious History Analyst Brooklyn, New York Contact Yoram Fisher at |
THERE IS NO DIPLOMATIC SOLUTIONPosted by Israel Behind the News, January 31, 2015 |
The article below was written by Yoel Meltzer who is a freelance writer with an M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from New York University. A former New Yorker, he moved to Israel in 1996 and currently lives with his wife and four children in Jerusalem. Contact Meltzer at This article appeared January 31, 2015 on Behind the News in
Israel and is archived at
With Israeli elections quickly approaching, it's a near certainty based upon historical precedents that we'll soon be hearing assorted domestic and international voices emphasizing the need to restart negotiations with the Arabs as soon as the next government is formed. Still further and based upon a 20-year old broken record that never seems to stop, we'll once again be told that in the face of the growing uncertainty in the region a breakthrough in the talks with the Arabs is vital for the continued existence of the Jewish state. Therefore, in order to prevent needless resources being devoted to yet another attempt at advancing the two-state track, it's long overdue that the obvious is publicly stated: The king, otherwise known as the two-state solution, has no clothes. In other words, there is no diplomatic solution. This is not an extremist or right-wing position; it's just what it is. Similarly it's not good and it's not bad; once again it's just what it is. Moreover, the reason that there is no diplomatic solution between Jews and Arabs west of the Jordan River is that at its core the more than 100-year conflict is not a land dispute. Although many people cling to the simplified narrative that states the opposite and as a result repeatedly suggest that the land be divided in order to accommodate the two conflicting parties, the truth is that if it were so simple then this thorny issue would have been resolved years ago. Still further, the problem stems from an inability or unwillingness on the part of many to honestly confront the truth, perhaps out of a fear of looking into the abyss. Nevertheless, for anyone who seriously analyzes the region it should be crystal clear that the larger Arab/Islamic world will never accept a sovereign Jewish state in its midst. To think otherwise is akin to placing one's head in the sand. Moreover, if one considers the fact that for several centuries the entire region was under some sort of Islamic control, then it is quite understandable that any non-Islamic sovereign entity will never be accepted in this part of the world. In the words of Mordechai Nisan, a retired lecturer in Middle East Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "Islam rejects Jewish sovereignty, Arabism rejects Zionism." ![]() This is the truth, no matter how difficult it might sound, that needs to be internalized if Israel wishes to continue to survive. Thus, allowing oneself to be intellectually undressed by the false assumption which posits that the conflict is essentially a land dispute, and this in order to keep on embracing at all costs the strategically flawed paradigm of land for peace, is a dangerous and irrational exercise that will eventually lead to the demise of Israel. Having stated all of the above, this does not mean to imply that there are not good-intentioned Arabs or Muslims in the local region or in the larger world. Of course there are. Nevertheless and despite whatever their actual numerical size might be, as individuals and as a group they have no influence on the frightening trends that are sweeping the Middle East and other parts of the world. Although it is also true that no one knows for sure how many Arabs or Muslims in the immediate region or in the larger world actually perpetrate acts of terror or how many quietly support these acts, at the end of the day it is this group, regardless of its actual size, and not the level-headed group mentioned above, which is influencing events throughout Asia and Africa and which is scaring the hell out of Europe and other western countries. For this reason, the endless discussion of whether or not this jihadist form of Islam is an authentic form of Islam or a distortion of the true Islam is pointless. It is what it is and it's having a tremendous impact on the world. Thus anyone who intentionally tries to whitewash this harsh reality while simultaneously justifying supposed Arab grievances against Israel in order to force the creation of an Arab state in Judea and Samaria, one which will undoubtedly be used as a launching pad for the attempted destruction of Israel and consequently will pose an existential threat to the very existence of the State of Israel, is either stupid, anti-Semitic, or both. Likewise, for Israel to continue down the submissive Oslo path of concessions to the Arabs in the blind hope that somehow this will eventually lead to peace is irresponsibly ignoring history and reality. In the face of jihad, and that's really what Israel is up against, capitulations are an act of suicide. Hence Israel needs to wake up and quickly change direction, rather than remaining like the proverbial frog in the simmering pot of water. Translated into action, Israel needs to finally declare that the Oslo process is null and void and that the concept of land for peace is no longer an option. Moreover, Israel must clarify that its intention is to either remain with the status quo since some issues simply cannot be resolved or it needs to alter direction and start working towards the preferred option of unilaterally expanding Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. The time has come for Israel to throw off the constraints of adhering to politically correct policies that are clearly detrimental to its continued existence and start fighting for its survival. However, this change of direction will only come about after Israel finally realizes that west of the Jordan River there is no diplomatic solution with the Arabs. Contact Israel Behind the News at |
ANTISEMITISM AND HURT PRIDE @ FOX NEWSPosted by Robert Hand, January 31, 2015 |
The article below was written by Stan and is
archived at
"The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness." (Proverbs 15:2) Fox News Channel (FNC) grandstands about its 'fair and balanced' coverage. It has long prided itself on this, especially in its reporting on Israel in a world alongside the likes of the rabidly pro-Arab CNN and BBC. With one or two noticeable exceptions – Geraldo Rivera, Bethlehem-based FNC 'war correspondent' during the Oslo War (AKA Second Intifada) comes most readily to mind – Fox has seemingly sought to field even-handed reporters to cover the Israeli-Arab divide. As it turns out, in today's climate, political correctness takes no prisoners and even the most fair-minded journalists, by and large, have crossed the divide to root for the immoral Two State Solution. As dangerous as Israel's more blatant foes, they relentlessly push Two States while smiling and reassuring the Jews of their undying friendship. Those of us in the know are familiar with the subtext in the seemingly guileless, "some of my best friends are Jews." It is the classic lie giver to those who claim to eschew history's most persistent of prejudices. In a recent case in point – and one that must have taken some loyal viewers by surprise – veteran Fox anchors Shepherd Smith and Chris Wallace come right out of The purported targets were Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and House Speaker John Boehner – the latter for "circumventing" President Barack Obama and inviting Netanyahu to address both Houses of Congress on the Iranian nuclear threat, the former for accepting the invitation. In point of fact, however, it turned out the Jewish people in the Jewish state were the object of Smith and Wallace's indignation and scorn. And the two men played a twin act of bluster behind the desk and guileless disbelief in the field, that was discomforting to watch for the way it revealed the bias of two of the station's most prominent personalities. Here is a sample of their unfortunate remarks: 'Shep' Smith, in an aggrieved tone, outlandishly charging that Israelis were out of touch with reality: "It seems like they think we don't pay attention and that we're just a bunch of complete morons," he fumed, "as if we wouldn't pick up on what's happening here." Smith, quoting notorious Australian-raised-and-rejected anti-Israel diplomat Martin Indyk: "Netanyahu is using the Republican Congress address for a photo op for his election campaign, and the Republicans are using Bibi for their campaign against Obama. Unfortunately, the US relationship [with Israel] will take the hit." Wallace, nodding with vigorous agreement at the quote and adding an insight or two of his own: "He's a hundred percent right;" the behaviour of the American and Israeli lawmakers had been nothing short, "forgive me," of "wicked." Wallace, warming to his topic, in disclosure mode: that according to a conveniently unnamed "flabbergasted top White House official," Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer had deliberately deceived Secretary of State John Kerry by not mentioning the possibility of a Netanyahu address when meeting with the American. Wallace again, assessing the above outrage: "I have to say, I'm shocked." In this vein it continued, the mutual indignation, the batting back and forth, as the two men built 'a case' against Netanyahu, perpetuating Indyk's slur about the Israeli premier being in election mode, with his heart motive – which Smith and Wallace clearly had privy to – being to flip the birdie at the American president (who has stooped to try and influence Israeli voters against their prime minister) and by extension at millions of American people, and at the same time try to garner popular American support for his return to the premiership. For as every 'good' Israel-based/focused journo knows – the Israeli politician most likely to win the most votes is he/she who prioritises making nice to the United States. "Yep," as the twosome conclusively chose to read it, Netanyahu was not coming to urgently address the American people via Congress on the looming threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon whose acquisition – critically close and made imminently possible by the Obama administration's soft-gloved handling of the demons in Tehran – will immediately threaten Israel, shortly thereafter threaten America, and exacerbate the Middle East nuclear arms race it has already provoked, irreversibly changing the world for the worse for us all. Oh no, the entire business was a transparent manipulation of upstanding US citizens, and it would never succeed. There is an ugly Middle Ages subtext in evidence here, and there it sat, under the veneer of newshounding, just below the surface of Wallace and Smith's ruffled American pride, their patriotic disbelief that Israel would even attempt to play the American public (who are the morons here, the pair's tone seemed to suggest): the implied belief that 'those Jews' are out to influence the world. Like a pair of bloodhounds sniffing out a scent, following the trail from Bibi to Boehner (who, Smith judged, had demonstrated by "his political stunt" that he was clearly in cahoots with the Israeli) Wallace and Smith appeared to arrive at some kind of imagined and nefarious conspiracy against the US president being cooked up by the extreme right wing in both the US and Israel. What world – one has to wonder – do these men and a myriad other American box buffs like them live in, when such medieval thinking persists into the modern age? Said Wallace, appearing somewhat baffled at Israel's perceived poor diplomacy: "Even when they're fighting with each other, the Israelis want to know that the US has their back." Who knows how a faith meter would read when held up against these two men. Apparently not believers themselves, they cannot be expected to speak real truth. But what Christians need to keep telling Israel, loud and clear and over and over, is that it is God Who has her back, and not the US. Her Hebrew Bible is full of His promises to restore her and keep her. He is God Who does not lie and He has her back. Not the US, but Him. I guess for 6-figure-earners like Wallace and Smith, it's easy to interpret Boehner and Bibi's behavior as being all about politics. It is probably asking too much to expect them to appreciate the reality that remains raw and fresh in the minds of the Jews – that, just the other day, the world stood silently by while a third of their nation was wiped out. Perhaps, if they had even just a small sense of the enormity of the threat Israel's six million feel is facing them today, those two would take care to keep their comments a little less presumptuous and condescending. I guess for them it's easy. As far as they see this, they are not in the frontline facing an existential threat to their nation. Not yet, of course... In any case, in the run-up to Israel's elections next month, the ones playing at politics are those who, helped by the likes of Smith and Wallace, are clambering onto the Bibi bashing bandwagon in a frenzied effort to prevent the return to office of the man understood – even by many of his knee-jerk opponents in Israel – as the only one suited to be prime minister at this time. Contact Robert Hand at |