From Wikipedia: "Gershon Baskin [was] born in NY in 1956. [He] is the founder and Co-Chairman of IPCRI - Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information, (in 2014 IPCRI was 'rebranded' by its new co-directors and now stands for 'Israel Palestine Creative Regional Initiatives') dedicated to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of "two-states for two peoples" solution. He is a social and political activist and a researcher of the Israeli Palestinian conflict and peace process. Baskin is a columnist for the Jerusalem Post. Baskin holds a Ph.D. in International relations from the University of Greenwich... In September 1978 he immigrated to Israel with the Interns for Peace program.
"In July 2006, after Gilad Schalit's abduction in Gaza he began unofficially, without governmental authorization or support, to open a back channel with Hamas. He became the unofficial intermediary between senior Hamas officials and Israeli envoy David Meidan. Baskin's main interlocutor in Hamas was Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Ghazi Hamad. Baskin was involved in efforts leading up to Shalit's release for more than five years .[3] Baskin's efforts are detailed in his book The Negotiator Freeing Gilad Schalit from Hamas', Toby Press, November 2013."
David Bedein writes: "Gershon Baskin, writer for the Jerusalem Post, writes an opinion column in which he weaves questionable facts that represent matters of fabrication. As an opinion writer, Baskin is entitled to his opinion. The question is whether the time has come for the Jerusalem Post and others who take Baskin at his word to challenge the questionable statements of fact that Baskin weaves into his writings."
From Gershon Baskin's Facebook page: "I stand behind everything I am quoted on."
"The Palestinian text books have confused messages and it is not difficult to come to the understanding that the main political theme imparted to the students is that Israel should not exist and that is essentially the Palestinian goal. Assuming that this is not the political message that the Palestinian Authority adheres to, there is a need to make real revisions and amendments in the Palestinian text books."[31]
"I know that educators in Palestinian and people in the education department writing the textbooks wanted to write Israel, wanted to write different text under the maps, but they were told by the highest level politicians in Palestinian that that was not acceptable."[32]
"There are no direct instances that reflect a denial of Jewish connection to the Holy Land and the holy places in it However, the terms and passages used to describe some historical events are sometimes offensive in nature and could be construed as reflecting hatred of and discrimination against Jews and Judaism."[33]
"Generally speaking, coverage and presentation of history and historical facts is characterized as being selective. In addition one notices some elements and dimensions of imbalance and bias in the presentation of some ancient, recent and modern historical events that transpired in the region."[34]
"The recently published textbooks reviewed contain no negative sentiments towards Judaism or any other religion for that matter. Except for a couple of accounts of historical events and anecdotes about Jews (Jews marry for money, Reading and Anthology, Grade 9, Part 2, p. 22) that could be viewed as an instance of ethnic stereotyping, and one historical account about Christians (Knights of St. Johns in the Island of Rhodes described as sea pirates, Arab History, Grade 9, p. 7), the textbooks are devoid of any blatant or negative representation of either Christians or Jews. Monotheistic religions are mostly mentioned in positive contexts and are viewed in positive light. One unsettling observation, however, is the lack of direct and clear references to Christianity and Judaism in spite of ample contexts to include them in the presentation of new material."[35]
"The textbooks contain frequent references that relate to resisting the Israeli occupation of the territories taken in 1967. These references are frequently associated with the concepts of resisting and liberating as national and religious duties. There is no clear evidence or express call for liberating the land of historical Palestine. However, the vagueness and lack of specificity to the 1967 borders may give the impression that is call is made with reference historical Palestine including the territory of the State of Israel."[36]
"A good number of maps presented across the curriculum show Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as one geographic entity (without demarcation lines or differentiated colorings). Historically Palestinian cities (e.g., Akka, Yafa, Haifa, Safad, al-Lid, Ar-Ramla, Beer As-sabe) are included in some maps that lump together the areas controlled by the PA with those inside the State of Israel. No map of the region bears the name of Israel in its pre-1967 borders. In addition, Israeli towns with a predominantly Jewish population are not represented on these maps."[37]
"The textbooks include multiple references that portray Israel and Zionism in a negative light. However, no evidence was found of direct calls for the destruction of Israel. Except for calls for resisting occupation and oppression, no signs were detected of outright promotion of hatred towards Israel, Judaism, or Zionism. If the lack of ample references to the State of Israel in the body of the texts and on the maps as denial of its existence, no evidence was found that points to an intentional attempt to do so. There is, moreover, no indication of hatred of the Western Judeo-Christian tradition or the values associated with it."[38]
"Several passages in the Arabic Language, Grade 9; Our Beautiful Language, Grade 4, Part 2; National Education, Grade 4, Part 1 textbooks include references that reflect a continuous Arab presence in the region (some references date that presence back to the ancient Canaanites and Jebusites) even though this claim has considerable contention amongst historians contesting this as historical fact. Other racial, ethnic and religious groups that inhabited and/or had control over the region are not dealt with explicitly in many of the textbooks; especially noted is the lack of reference to Jewish presence."[39]
"The practice of appropriating sites, areas, localities, geographic regions, etc. inside the territory of the State of Israel as Palestine/Palestinian observed in our previous review, remains a feature of the newly published textbooks (4th and 9th Grade) laying substantive grounds to the contention that the Palestinian Authority did not in fact recognize Israel as the State of the Jewish people."[40]
The Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace (CMIP) has found the IPCRI report to be lacking on three specific levels:
Technical Treatment of the Findings
Use of the Findings in the Report
[2] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[18] Pg. 5
[19] Pg. 9
[20] Pg. 10
[21] Pg. 12
[22] Pg. 13
[23] Pg. 16
[24] Pg. 27
[25] Pg. 41
[26] Pg. 239
[27] Pg. 264
[28] Pg. 265
[29] Pg. 266
[30] Pg. 267
[32] Ibid.
[33] Ibid.
[34] Ibid.
[35] 71-analysis-and-evaluation-of-the-new-palestinian-curriculum-report-ii-2004?showall=&start=1
[36] Ibid.
[37] Ibid.
[38] Ibid.
[39] Ibid.
[40] evaluation-of-the-new-palestinian-curriculum-report-ii-2004?showall=&start=1
[42] Ibid.
[43] Ibid.
Kane Rooks, a Jerusalem based journalist, researched Baskin's
writings, documenting a record of columns misrepresenting the
reality of Israel.
David Bedein is the director of the Israel Resource News Agency &
The Center for Near East Policy Research Ltd. His website is
This article appeared April 24, 2015 in Israel Behind the News and
is archived at