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What we are talking about in the March-April 2011 Issue
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Unlike Judaism, both Christianity and Islam theologically "denigrate life on earth as a mere transient form of existence on the way to an ethereal existence." Edward Cline observes that Christianity evolved over the centuries and life on earth became significant in its own right, allowing a concern for individual rights and earthly benefits to develop. In contrast, except in small heresies, Islam believes a complete and irrevocable system for living and a perfect model -- Mohammad -- for practicing the perfect system were concurrently revealed. Sharia law can not be reinterpreted. So it has no way to crack the shell or to evolve. This is too alien for the Westerner with his mental separation of Church and State for him fully to understand and therefore adequately rebut Islam's belief in its right to reign supreme.
READ MOREThis essay by Michael Mannheimer provides us with an excellent explanation why -- despite the systematic preaching of violence by scholarly imams who back up their harangues with deep and precise nowledge of the Koran -- many Westerners have been taught to believe Islam is a religion of peace. As a reader of the original article noted, "Islam is a form of Machiavellian schizophrenia that provides the maximum range of advantages for empowering its believers to dominate and rule the world in the name of their deity." Another reader summed it this way, "Islam is a rigged game that has no compunction about being immoral, unethical or entirely arbitrary just so long as it confers maximum advantage upon Muslims who perpetuate jihad."
READ MOREAs Amil Imani points out, "Islam incorporated slavery and much of the ethos of the culture of its birthplace," "the Arabian peninsula of the seventh century AD, known for its primitive beliefs and savage practices." Slavery was not unique to Islam when the Quran was written, but because each word of the Quran is considered immutable, Islam can not reform itself as other societies that once allowed slavery have done. Actual slavery exists. And lesser degrees of lack of freedom are institutionalized. As example, "[f]reedom of assembly, expression, and worship is either denied or severely restricted in every Islamic country." Jews and Christians are more or less tolerated as dhimmis, with sporadic pogroms and institutionalized humiliation; members of other religions are treated with a complete lack of respect for their human rights aand ordinary needs. Similarly, in keeping with the Quran, women can only be considered chattel. The dismal truth is there is no hope in expecting Islam to treat other religions and cultures with respect because Muslims who genuinely practice tolerance are violating the Quran.
READ MOREThe recent attacks by the Muslims in Ethiopia against the indigenous Christians has implications even --- or perhaps especially -- for secular countries where Islam is still a minority. Raymond Ibrahim writes that the rampage that destroyed Christian churches and homes started because the Koran was supposedly desecrated. Yet the continued desecration of the Bible that is sanctioned by Muslim clerics is ignored by the media and Western politicians. Ibrahim points out that Muslim violence increases when the Muslim population in the host country becomes significant, a point stressed by R.K. Ohri in his book, The Long March of Islam, which we have been serializing. The latest and last chapter is here. We might also note that Muslim rage doesn't just bring grief to the local Christians. It helps condition the leaders of the West to accept that the best way to get along with immigrant Muslims is to appease them and cater to their ever-growing list of whims, even at the cost of reducing the freedom of expression and speech guaranteed to Westerners in their own countries.
READ MOREIt gave Daniel Greenfield no pleasure to describe enough cases of dead Jews so that we would begin to have a glimmer of the extent of the Arab indulgence in brutality, the Arab joy in slaughtering Jewish families, the Arab love of their death cult and the Arab cowardice that makes them prefer stabbing Jewish woman and smashing in the heads of Jewish children to facing a soldier with a gun. Until recently, there have been few pictures showing the scene of a bomb explosion or the aftermath of snipers shooting at cars traveling on the highway. It wasn't respectful of the dead. It isn't. But we owe it to ourselves to begin to understand that Muslims steeped in the Koran and its teachings are not like us. They don't want what we want. They never will.
READ MORE So many people are angry at Terry Jones. The
prevailing attitude is: had he not burned a Koran, the people who
were killed by Muslims on a rampage would be alive today.
Unfortunately, this ignores that desecrating a Bible leads to no
retribution even though Muslim clerics encourage their flocks to use
it as toilet paper. Why should we excuse Muslim violence because a
Koran is burned? Isn't the burning just another pretext to increase
the stranglehold of sharia law on non-Muslims? Almost certainly,
Western apologists will suggest we try harder to be good neighbors,
practice self-censorship, and curtail our own freedom of speech and
expression so as not to rile up the Muslims. The problem with always
worrying you might offend the Muslims is you become a virtual dhimmi
and the Muslims are controlling your life as effectively as if you
lived in a Muslim country under threat of losing a hand or your head
for wrong thinking and non-Sharia-conforming behavior. Jack Kerwick
explains the nuances ignored in the bald tale of an act by someone
that caused death and destruction thousands of miles away. Additional
material by Bill Warner and Richard Swier is also presented.
Kathy Jessup provides us with various examples of how sharia law operates. What is nervous-making is that these incidences happened here in the States, not in a Muslim country. Yet our mental set that we could never be enveloped by an alien culture continues to impede our ability to take Sharia infiltration as seriously as we should. We think it too impossible. Perhaps Jessup's explanation of what sharia is and does will help dispel the illusion that we are safe from it. Perhaps we will finally acknowledge that like hungry termites, it is nibbling away at our institutions and infrastructure.
READ MOREA half century ago, if you had no real facts, you could always stop your opponent cold by calling him a Communist. Later you could effect the same result by calling your opponent a racist. Over the years it's become apparent that racism isn't restricted to the white redneck; it can come angry and vicious from any group. That is starting to take the magic out of the 'you're a racist' mantra. Islamophobia seems to be in the running for the new magic weapon -- utter it and your opponent turns to stone and is left without a suitable retort. Phyllis Chesler explains that it works this way: the assertion by the newly-created people, the Palestinians, that they own the ancient land of Israel "has morphed into a belief that all Muslims who are, themselves, the largest practitioners of religious apartheid in the world, and who persecute all non-Muslims are, as Muslims, being persecuted in the West." Given the fact that Jews are subjected to hate crimes 8 times as often as Muslims -- and often it is the Muslim committing the hate crime against the Jew -- the Muslims are not the ones that should realistically be fearing violence against them. But they do play victim well. They act the role so well that any interpretation except theirs is automatically discredited as further evidence of a phobia directed against Muslims.
There are many facets to the Jewish view of God. He is Master, we are his Servants. We don't eat pig or shellfish not because they are risky disease-wise but because He said 'Don't'. In this essay Ted Roberts writes of another important relationship: we don't just have the ability to make requests of God. We find it just fine to talk to Him, even to argue with Him, and lecture Him on what He could have done better. So next time someone starts talking Theology, where all matters are reduced to the same multisyllabic sameness that concludes that all monotheistic religions are the same, tell them about this essay. What religion except Judaism makes it a virtue to argue with God? In fact, there's one Midrash where the Sages were arguing a point among themselves and God wanted to join in. The Rabbis told Him to butt out.
READ MOREThat most cowardly of acts -- putting a 10-month old infant in the crosshairs of a sniper's gun and deliberately pulling the trigger. An appalling yet routine act of Arab terrorism. Did the Jews of Hebron take up arms and avenge this ugly act? Maybe they should have. But they didn't. They made Shalhavet a living presence by writing a Torah scroll in memory of her life and opening a Torah study hall. She became part of their dedication to redeem Jewish Land. Shalhavet's parents picked themselves up and reconstructed a warm and loving family, one that is haunted by bittersweet memories. The family is clear-eyed about Arab hatred of Jews but not consumed by hate themselves. David Wilder interviews Shalhavet's father ten years later.
READ MORERachel Saperstein and her husband Moshe lived in Neve Dekalim, Gaza, until 2005, when they, together with thousands of other Jews were kicked out of their Paradise by Israeli politicos, who saw this destruction of an unique group of patriotic and productive citizens as a sure-fire way to realize peace with the Arabs. So it was that these talented Jews of Gaza, who created hothouses and grew organic vegetables that were eagerly bought in foreign markets and who invented ways to grow crops on land that had been dead for hundreds of years suddenly found themselves refugees in their own country. Many of them were traumatized, but many, like Rachel and Moshe, even though they lived in trashy trailers and suffered from the incompetence of the Government bureaucrats that were supposed to help them resettle, have taken charge of their lives and are rebuilding in the Terroritories. They may be bitter that the Government's folly has predictably brought sustained violence rather than peace, but they continue to condition their environment to make it again possible to live ordinary Jewish lives under continued wartime conditions.
READ MOREIn this Section, we focus on a new and upcoming piece of inventiveness by Israel's many enemies: The Palestinian Authority is crowing because, despite the fact that it has made no effort toward peaceful relations with Israel, it believes it will be given a State gratis. The U.N. is exploring tactics on how to do this. And looming over the horizon, the American administration has just dumped us into an irregular, unplanned and unnecessary war in Libya. To add to the bizarreness, we and Al-Qaeda will be fighting on the same side. Duh.
Meanwhile, the activities of the Arabs and their friends over the last years to delegitimize Israel are accelerating and in some areas are being coordinated. It's not just that Hizbollah, Hamas, Fatah, and dozens of splinter groups of terrorists have acquired huge amounts of weaponry. The years of demonizing Israel are also paying off. Here are some of the problems Israel faces.
1. Israel is condemned by the U.N. Israel is accused of being an apartheid state, despite the fact that Arab Israelis can buy housing anywhere and shop anywhere. They receive welfare and medical care well above their percent of the total Israeli population. They attend Israeli universities, often with less effort than required of Jewish children. One Arab Ph.D. candidate has the extracurricular hobby of coordinating boycotts against Israel for being apartheid. Israel is condemned for war crimes -- they unintentionally killed human shields that Hamas terrorists were using for cover, while Arab terrorists who specifically target Jewish children riding in a bus, walking to school, sleeping in their beds, are treated as heros and models for how to conduct oneself by the Arab community. Israel is condemned for invading Gaza and cautiously attempting to kill only the terrorist managers, while the U.S. bombs Libyan civilians wholesale. The U.N. appoints Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, and other such proponents of human rights and the rights of women to its councils. And it labels Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, racist.
2. The Obama Administration reserves its wrath for Jews putting up housing and ignores what a sorry place the Middle East will be when Iran explodes a nuclear device. One global consequence is that oil production and distribution will become disorganized and erratic, if the oil fields are even accessible.
3. Politicians, mainstream churches, universities and their resident faculty particularly those in the soft sciences, Muslim student groups, newspaper and TV media and book publishers have shown themselves to be worth every penny Radical Islam has spent on them. See as a small slice of the larger problem the video by Dr. Richard Cravatts of Boston University: here. It is entitled "The War Against Israel on Campus".
4. The Wafq has been allowed to demolish Jewish artefacts of historic value on the Temple Mount. Israel is willing to barter away some of its holy sites and historic sites and places we read about in the Bible, indicating an indifference to its roots and religion, while the recently-created Palestinian people lay claim -- erroneously but passionately -- to Mandated Palestine. Israel doesn't loudly proclaim its irrevocable right to Mandated Palestine, a right guaranteed by international law, so naturally most everyone assumes the Jews are the occupiers. Why shouldn't they when Israeli politicians sound more enthusiastic about having a Palestinian state that do the Palestinians, who mostly want welfare and the fun of slaughtering their Jewish neighbors.
5. When Israel reclaimed Samaria and Judea and Gaza in 1968, it started building the local Arabs their first ever higher-level educational institutions, and providing them with medical care, gas, electricity and water. They continued to do this even after the Hamas terrorists took over Gaza and the Fatah terrorists Samaria and Judea. They did this though the Arabs took pot shots at them while they were repairing the electric grids. In one notable PA hoax, done with the cooperation of the foreign media, they simply closed the curtains to keep out the afternoon sun and lit candles. Their claim to be without electricity was heard around the world. Israel continued to provide water even though the Arabs were destroying the water supply by stealing the cement, by digging wells and by garbaging up the entrances to the desalination plants. The Jews thought the Arabs would be grateful and this would lead to peace. Everyone naturally assumed it meant the Jews were ashamed for stealing the land in the first place.
6. Jewish settlements in the Territories are legally on Jewish land. Given the unrest in all of the Middle East and the need to be alert to changes in the neighboring countries, this doesn't seem a good time for the Israeli Government to create havoc in Israel by uprooting Jews in the Territories. Nevertheless, the Netanyahu Administration is wrongheadedly acting as if it fully intends to give away Samaria and Judea, as soon as it can find a taker.
7. Marxist Israelis defend Arab illegality and condemn Israel defending itself. I wonder if they have second homes in the West and open airplane tickets. Or do they believe the grateful Arabs will let them live if ever they can finish off Israel? It didn't work for Juliano Mer-Khamis, a Jew who lived in Jenin among the Arabs and was devoted to their cause. They killed him anyway. For the sin of being a Jew? Because women were treated with respect in his productions? Because he produced Animal Farm, in which an actor played a pig? Who knows.
8. Some helpful folk suggest Israel preempt a decision by the U.N. on Palestinian statehood by coming out first with a declaration that what is Biblical Israel is now to become [drum roll here] Palestina. Wow, that's like advising someone to commit suicide to prevent the possibility that his enemy will manage to kill him. Wouldn't it be better -- and more Jewish -- to have a gun handy and be ready to use it first?
IT IS JUST POSSIBLE THAT ISRAEL WILL WAKE and understand they can't allow West Bank Arabs to control their water supply. They might have a stroke of understanding and admit that from the West Bank you can walk into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem -- you don't need a long-distance bomber. Maybe their ability to organize for defense in a hurry will kick in on time. I sure hope they haven't let it go too long.
Return to Feature IndexThis is a succinct presentation of some consequences, should the Palestinian Arabs ask the U.N. to declare (some, much, all) of Samaria and Judea and possibly Gaza an Arab state, thus abrogating the Oslo Accords. Alan Baker notes that this action would void the Palestinian Authority's legal existence. (Does that matter if they shift to being the government of a state?) It would simultaneously release Israel of its contractual agreements. (But would Israel suddenly have the will and the resources to stand up to the global community in the person of the U.N.?) Baker is also concerned that this unilateral bid for statehood would do harm to the credibility of the U.N. (I wasn't aware it had any.) What makes this essay of particular interest is that Baker helped draft the contract agreements of the Oslo Accords, which was the start of the steep gradient on which Israel slid down into the mess it is in.
READ MOREIn keeping with its way of never getting together in a timely fashion information that will be needed to prove or contest some point likely to be raised by its enemies, Israel seems to have just discovered General Assembly (GA) Resolution 377. #377 might be the magic mantra the GA needs to bypass the Security Council (SC) and give the Palestinian Authority a State. Currently, the international community is obliged to support SC rulings and carry out SC sanctions; resolutions passed by the GA have no legal standing. Member states not on the Security Council would like to change that. They would like the status of GA resolutions to change so that they are not recommendations but enforceable commands. Eli Hertz provides us with an understanding of how U.N. members hope to make the SC subject to the GA by using the purported power and "interpretations" of the International Court of Justice, and why this is not within their authority. Of course, it hasn't been too hard in the past for the U.N. to ignore justice, fairness, decency and legal limits when it comes to dealing with Israel. They put rogue states on the Human Rights Council and spend much of their political capital demonizing Israel.
READ MOREThe repudiation by the Obama Administration and the European Union of the "Jews' right to self-determination in their ancient homeland" is disguised as concern for the rights of the indigenous people of Palestine. Matthew Hausman suggests that were they really concerned with protecting indigenous rights, they would support the Jews, whose "rights as an indigenous people were recognized historically and under international law long before the term "Palestinian" was ever used to refer to an Arab population that accreted largely through immigration during the sunset years of the Ottoman Empire." Read this article for facts. Read it for clear-headed reasoning. Read it to dissipate the fumes of irrationality through which we have been encouraged to sympathize with squatters who believe they have the right to expropriate Jewish property contrary to legitimate Jewish claims. Hausman suggests some alternative solutions.
READ MOREAre we in the U.S.A. totally daft? We ignore the Iranian monomaniac pushing the development of a nuclear bomb -- an accomplishment that will totally destabilize the region and do damage to the steady flow of oil that we need for a long time to come. Moreover, in Libya we will be comrades in arms of terrorist rebels, including Al-Qaeda. We have come a full Orwellian circle since 9/11; we will now be fighting together with Al-Qaeda, not against Al-Qaeda. As a reader, James F. Davis, notes: "There were more Eastern Libyans per capita that went to Iraq to kill US forces than any other country. We should not be helping these terrorists. Gaddafi has been neutralized and as such presents a lesser threat to US national security that these jihadists terrorists." Wise words. As additions, we include Ghaddafi's letter to Obama -- a PR masterpiece and an analysis of the letter by Stephen Brown.
READ MOREAre we at a time similar to the 1930s when a fanatic dictator had two ambitions: to make his country top dog and to kill the Jews. Are we at a time when the major powers won't come to grips with the problem but invent ineffective delaying actions? Are there major differences that nullify the similarity? Or maybe these differences make matters worse? In this initial essay, Alex Rose examines some of the parameters of the pre-World War 2 Gathering Storm that we will need for comparison to conditions today.
READ MOREBottom Line: What Israel needs to do is to stop lying - to herself and to the world. No, she really doesn't want to sacrifice herself to give a bunch of death-dealers some additional space to construct explosives and launch missiles.
How to avoid the disasters that loom? How to win? The first task, Israel, is to stop lying to yourself. As Daniel Greenfield says (see below), "It is time to stop the lies and tell the truth. The call to peace is the call to death." This will free you up to admit that you can't barter your land for peace anymore than you can sell your child. Admit your passion for Israel. Realize the Jews of Samaria and Judea aren't the enemy; by securing the hilltops in Yesha, they safeguard the Jews living in Tel-Aviv. Stop trying to kick them out of their homes. Stop promoting an Arab state and start shoring up Israel.
Ari Bussel in "An Old-Fashioned Remedy" (April 3, 2011) writes:
"Israeli politicos are proud of all they are doing to improves the lives of the local Arabs. At best this might create good P.R. Actually it doesn't. What with the current milieu where demonizing Israel is acceptable, it doesn't create good-will. People assume Israel is doing it out of guilt -- so it just reinforces the Arab lie that Israel is occupying Arab land.
"[d]iverting enormous resources to the Arab minority and enabling Palestinian unprecedented growth measured on a global scale will prove very harmful to Israel."
"Israel has a variety of problems she faces, and she needs to prioritize them."
First: Military Preparedness
"Israel's security services and intelligence communities must seriously focus on the Iranian threat. That is the greatest long-term existential danger to the Jewish State.
"Israel's military must prepare for an eventuality similar to the 1947-1948 scenario when the Arabs converged en masse against the newly recognized Jewish State, except present day magnitudes are vastly greater in strength. It must be ready for an attack on multiple fronts, especially if the Jordanian regime falls and Israel finds herself surrounded.
"As happened not so many decades ago and throughout the last two millennia in the same neighborhood, Israel will be completely surrounded by Egyptian, Jordanian, American-trained Palestinian and Syrian forces on her borders, an Arab contingency from within and Hamas-Hezbollah snakes hissing and threatening from the North and the South. The names of the players may have changed, but the intentions from Amalek to the Palestinians remain as potent: Destroy the Jews!
"Preparations must take place quietly, internally, with constant diligence, re-evaluation and adjustments. Quite frankly, while we should be able to speculate on their scope (and hope our analysis reflects, at least in part, reality), none of these actions should be common knowledge. It is not deterrence Israel needs; it is preparedness and readiness for what the future assuredly holds."
Second: Public Diplomacy
To attend to the ongoing delegitimization and demonization attacks against her very being and to fight the currently forming country of Palestine,
"Israel must mobilize now rather than ex post facto and seemingly might have started doing so during the past few weeks all of its public relations bureaucracy. This must include the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Public Diplomacy and the Diaspora and every body in between that has some overlapping interest, as tangential as it may seem.
" Unquestionably, Israel has the people and the abilities to devise plans for her survival one cannot easily envision. The main question is does she have the mindset to engage in so doing, right now and without delay?"
Bussel's TODO list is sensible. Israel politicos need to take it to heart. And soon.
THE SILVER LININGS OF THE CLOUDS OF GLOOM hanging over Israel are two:
First, despite the ingrained negativity of the media, it is becoming more difficult to blame Israel for unwillingly killing a human shield when Arab terrorists steal into Jewish homes and slaughter Jewish families. We can also expect that the increasing turbulence in the Middle East might unhinge the monomaniacal attention the media and the U.N. pay Israel and force them to attend to the Arab implosion.
Second, the single document that most helped demonize Israel around the world, the Goldstone report, has been declared erroneous -- by Goldstone himself. As Jeffrey Goldberg writes (The Atlantic, April 2, 2011):
"... the South African Jewish judge Richard Goldstone, who excoriated Israel for allegedly committing premeditated crimes against civilians in Gaza -- contributing, more than any other individual, to the delegitimization and demonization of the Jewish state -- now says, well, Israel didn't actually set out to target Palestinian civilians, unlike Hamas, whose plainly-apparent goal was to murder Israeli civilians... Unfortunately, it is somewhat difficult to retract a blood libel, once it has been broadcast across the world."
He's right, blood libels are hard to kill. But at least Israel has been handed some good ammunition. Let's hope she understands that she is still the one to load the gun and use it. Goldstone's admission by itself won't change attitudes.
This Section is sister to the previous segment outlining some major problems Israel must confront. The essays below address some necessary actions and attitudes.
Return to Feature IndexCaroline Glick draws some important lessons from Goldstone's blood libel of Israel and Israel's refusal to be intimidated or cowed by his lies. Her summation is important: "If the government remains faithful to the truth and to our rights, it will empower our supporters throughout the world to rally to our side. If we are good to our friends and bad to our enemies, we will know how to reward our friends and punish our enemies. And if we boldly assert our rights even in the face of international condemnation, we will see that in the fullness of time, the rightness of our position will carry the day."
READ MOREDaniel Greenfield lays out the Arab strategy so plainly that maybe this time the high-IQ, low-comprehension community will understand: the Arabs don't want peace; they want Jews dead. Greenfield writes: "The call to peace is the call to death. To promote the creation of a Palestinian state is a violent act. The peacemakers are collaborators in genocide. Their charges are the murderers. Palestine is genocide. It is the cultivated work of an ideology that has successfully turned millions of people into born serial killers or their accomplices." This is obviously obvious but apparently not obvious to the media, politicos and presidents of major Jewish organizations. Like Goldstone doing damage control, will they bleat after the fact, "We didn't know."
READ MOREMoshe Feiglin writes, "The Temple Mount is the quintessence of the Land of Israel.... Without it, our presence in Israel loses its meaning." And with it, Israel's legitimacy. When Israel captured it in 1967, the Arabs hoped, but didn't expect, to be allowed to pray in the mosques they had built on the site of the Second Temple. Instead, in a stupendously stupid move, Moshe Dayan gave them control, which they used to destroy artifacts of the Temple period and to stop Jews from praying in their own land at this most holy of sites. It's time for Jews to redeem the Temple Mount and take a firm grip on the Land.
READ MOREMoshe Dann review some of the facts that make Israel and the Territories -- Samaria and Judea (aka the West Bank), Golan and Gaza legally Jewish by international law. How can Jewish settlements that are on land that is legally Jewish be illegal? We also include several Readers' comments that discuss the critical point: Israel holds Mandated Palestine in irrevocable trust for the Jewish people by international law. The same authority that set aside a tiny piece of land for an eventual Jewish state from land previously ruled by the Ottomans (NOT by the Arabs and certainly not by the non-existent Palestinians) also carved out many of the present-day Arab countries from the remaining 99.99% of the area. Nullifying the existence of Israel will by the same stroke nullify each and every Arab state created after World War 2, will it not?
READ MOREAs one reader said of this article: "A jewel of an article... lucid, transcendental... Something to save and reflect on." Avi Shavit writes of Juliano Mer-Khamis, a well-known actor, who was recently murdered. Mer-Khamis, a Jew, was profoundly involved in the Arab cause; he even lived in Jenin. Shavit contrasts how the Left would have made him into a saint if he'd been killed by Jews; they would have insisted religious Jews are ultimately to blame. They would have demanded revenge on the Orthodox community. But Mer-Khanis was killed by an Arab. And the Left has no way to cope with such a happening -- it doesn't fit the concepts through which they understand the world. In fact, the Left saw nothing to write about. Shavit concludes that "Western enlightenment and the Israeli left cannot continue to ignore the dark side of Middle Eastern reality."
READ MOREThe newest Peace Process -- brought to life by Obama as the most urgent of priorities -- seems to be dying yet again, thanks to the turbulence in the Arab countries. In this essay, Spengler argues that the large number of civilian casualties occasioned by the multiple revolts has reduced the precious status of the individual Arab, so that it becomes more difficult to excoriate Israel for killing a few Arabs to stop missile attacks, when Arab governments and Arab rebels continue to kill thousands of their own people. Spengler suggests "Israel's best course of action is to dig in its heels through the November 2012 US presidential elections while its prospective adversaries descend into chaos, and await the right opportunity to settle accounts with Hamas and Hezbollah." Let us hope Netanyahu doesn't snatch defeat out of the jaws of a genuine diplomatic victory in the interim.
READ MOREIn the political and military roilings in the Middle East, Syrian is almost unique in apparently being able to keep the waters calm at least on the surface. Still, many Syrians took to the streets to protest. Instead of this invoking elation in U.S. State Department breasts, it brought distress. The State Department is fixated on the notion that Bashar Assad is necessary for a Middle East peace. Syria is a very clever dissimulator but as Jonathan Tobin observes: "[t]he belief that a Syria run by one of the Assads would ever make peace with Israel was always a myth." The Assads need Israel as something to hate, not as a friend. Nevertheless, the notion that Syria can and should be involved in the peace process -- as full of holes as it is -- continues to be a much-loved comfort blanket for the Obama administration. And Assad remains attached –– to Iran.
READ MOREThis is the last chapter of R.K. Ohri's book The Long March of Islam. Chapter 1 was in the September-October 2009 issue; subsequent chapters were posted one per issue. Ohri has pointed out that while initially a small immigrant community of Muslims was amiable and cooperative, it inevitably changed to a relentlessly demanding, unsatisfiable group as it grew in numbers. Although focusing on the conflict between Hindu and Muslim in India and Pakistan, he has emphasized that appeasement by host countries has not stopped the jihadists' announced ambition to be dominant everywhere in the world. As he puts it, "They have a highly bloated ego and a vain belief in the invincibility of radical Islam." In this final chapter, he concludes that civilized countries have no alternative but to fight back, especially now that there is a real possibility of Islamic terrorists obtaining nuclear weapons. With regard to India and Israel, who "have been on the 'hit list' of jihadi terror groups now for several decades," "[t]here is no other option available to India and Israel, except coming together for defending their people."
READ MOREAri Bussel examines three recent op-ed pieces, each by a Jewish writer, two found libelous after-the-fact, the third -- by David Horowitz -- discovering data that Israeli should already have dealt with in depth. The first by Neve Gordon, a marxist academic at Ben Gurion University (BGU) was actually old-hat. He has been encouraging colleagues in the West to cold-shoulder Israelis for years. While the text was the same-old, publishing it in the La.Times got the attention of some donors to BGU, who were appalled -- by definition, donors tend to like the institutions they fund -- but BGU is yet to examine the roots of its unwarranted disdain of Israel. The other op-ed is the latest episode in the bizarre and unending flaying of Israel by the U.N. and its various agencies and NGOs. Judge Goldstone and his committee issued a well-advertised report condemning Israel's conduct in Gaza when it attempted to stop Hamas from lobbing missiles at Israeli civilians. The report has bolstered any and every misrepresentation and misinterpretation of Israel since then -- the U.N. seal of approval and Goldstone's self-identification as a Jew are sufficient to guarantee acceptance of anything derogatory. This op-ed by the Judge is as close to an admission as we're going to get that his committee was rigged, the report tendentious and the conclusions a malicious lie. Again, Bussel asks: why did Israel react only after the damage was done.
READ MORENational Public Radio suggests it is the outlet for programs of taste and subtlety and refinement -- and that's why it isn't supported by the redneckery who prefer low-life radio. What is closer to the truth is this comment by a reader, SteveinTampa: "I cringe when I listen to NPR,and only do so to hear what they are "reporting" as news. The smarmy, condescending, yet semi hypnotic delivery is more theatre than information distribution. It is truly a biased delivery with herding the mentally lazy to the left as its intent." It is indeed time the public understood that presenting a mealy-mouth version of the truth and clearly-stated bald lies isn't "balanced" programming. Try this image: Abbas lauding PA as a democracy to counter a guest telling the truth about PA brutality. Lest the listener is not be certain who to believe, the interviewer will coo at Abbas.
READ MOREAh, the versatility of Al-Qaeda. Not only did it show itself capable of destroying the World Trade Center, but now it's gone into publishing. And in both -- while it didn't mind spending the millions needed to set up big operations -- it has the common touch. The lowly box ripper on the planes. Now it's into publishing at minimal expense. Steven Stalinsky summarizes the fifth issue of Inspire, designed to inspire the young terrorist dedicated to the goal of making Islam supreme, and to teach him some useful tricks of the trade. Potentially, the magazine has a large audience, even if the percent of Muslim literates is small -- just so long as they stick to pictures and limited text. Will they soon have advertising? Nekkid women in burqas to spice up boring material? Tee shirts reading 'I'm just mad about Al-Qaeda' you can buy in toddler size on up? We should soon hear from the Arab-lovers that now the organization has to wrestle with the hard problems in publishing, they will soon reform and stop being the bad guys -- that's the political theory that insists terrorists should be given States to govern to cure them of their murderous tendencies.
READ MOREThis essay by Bernice Lipkin examines several items of propaganda centered around the attention given a Pro-Palestinian propaganda film called Miral, A Palestinian Girl. Part 1 examines the construction of a fairly typical hackneyed article sympathetic to the film and its makers. The one striking piece of propaganda is a poster that asks: Is this the face of a Terrorist? Part 2 is a complete essay from Elder of Ziyon that contains excellent pictorial rebuttal material. It says effectively: yes an innocent-looking Palestinian girl can be -- and has been -- a terrorist. Part 3 compares the counter-Miral posters to those used to counter the accusation that Israel is an apartheid state.
READ MOREHadassa Ben Itto writes about the history of the fraudulent Protocols of Zion, from its start as a fictional plan suggested by Machiavelli to Montesquieu on how to take over France to its current revised version purporting to be a plan by Jewish leaders to take over the world. The supposed conspiracy of the Jews may be a lie, but it is being used effectively by Islam to delegitimize the Jewish people –– an early component of its mission to take over the world.
READ MOREThe current ahistoric decree by the American administration that Israel must return to its 1967 borders makes information on the 1967 period and the cease fire lines (NOT borders) a necessity. Harry Kanigel points out, "The probability of a negotiated peace is vanishingly small given the philosophical moorings of Israel's neighbors; they will only temporize as they maneuver to eliminate the stain, the 'error which must be rectified.'" as "they advance Islam geopolitically." Given Kanigel's obvious knowledge of Islam's master plan and its encouragement of lying to gain a point, his is an excellent analysis of a minimalist plan for Israel's survival -- one that has become more impractical as time goes on. Perhaps, we should instead be promulgating the essential fact: that the area know as Mandated Palestine was given to the Jews in an irrevocable trust by the League of Nations (an obligation incurred by its successor organization, the U.N.) -- the same authority that gave the other 99.99% of the Ottoman Middle East to the Arabs, thus creating many of the Arab states now in existence.
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